
interaliait sucks to be at work at 8 in the morning12:16
lifelessits great when that means @home on the couch.12:19
lifelesskiko: ping12:19
=== asgeirf [n=asgeirf@203-173-59-20.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #launchpad
kikolifeless, yeah?12:49
kikolifeless, my baz situation is terrible :-(12:49
kiko-zzzlifeless, I issue:01:09
kiko-zzzbaz branch rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0 christian.reis@canonical.com--lozenge/launchpad--trivialities--001:09
kiko-zzzlifeless, it eats up 900MB and then blows up01:09
kiko-zzzwith COTM and 1.4.201:09
lifelesskiko-zzz: ouch01:16
lifelesskiko-zzz: do a baz library-add rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--001:16
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/arch-pqm--main--0: merge in community contributions r=bjornt (patch-27: robert.collins@canonical.com)01:26
lifelesskiko-zzz: try again now, I've fiddled stuff on chinstrap to help01:43
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lifelesswhats the ubuntu keyserver called ?03:53
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lifelesselmo: yah, figured that out :004:07
Lathiat_Is it known that the various links the launchpad-integration stuff pull up dont work? (cant see a bug but more wondering if its just not implemented yet), ex: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy/+sources/gnome-panel/+translate04:08
spivLooks like a dumb bug, actually :/04:11
Lathiat_and the firefox link ends up with "page not found"04:11
spivAssertionError: No page title in canonical.launchpad.pagetitles for sourcepackage_translate04:11
Lathiat_ex: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy/+sources/firefox/+gethelp04:12
stubBah - I''ve just been working on improving script logging and realized it is a use case for the old Librarian API where the Librarian creates the LibraryFileAlias and LibraryFileContent records and commits rather than the client :-P04:20
stubspiv: Am I correct in that the Librarian will still generate the db records if you don't send the File-Content-Id or File-Alias-Id headers (as the docstring I'm reading suggest)?04:29
stubspiv: And if so, any thoughts on how to expose this in ILibrarianClient ? addFile returns the LibraryFileAlias, so it isn't approprate and we would need another method to stuff a file into the Librarian and return the URL (which has different transaction semantics of course, since the file will exist in the database but the client can't see it yet)04:32
jblackwhich one bet bzr would be dogfooding? 04:32
lifelessjblack: translation ?04:33
jblacklifeless vs kiko bet. One of you two gets pie in the face, depending upon bzr dogfooding or not. 04:33
lifelessupon canonical dogfooding bzr for rocketfuel development04:34
lifelessbzr already dogfoods itself ;004:34
jblackYes. Who's bet which way? 04:34
lifelessI'm one the 'it will be done' side of the bet04:34
jblackPoor kiko04:34
spivstub: So, yes, the librarian still supports both ways.04:36
=== lifeless hopes so
spiv(although up till now the plan was to slowly phase out the server-side ID generation...)04:37
stubI'm thinking of adding 'stuffFile' as a method to ILibrarianUploadClient which stuffs a file into the Librarian so it won't get rolled back. I can't think of a better name ;-/04:38
spivstub: Yeah, a method that just returns the IDs and/or URL would make sense.04:38
spivstub: And to retrieve the file, a 'getStuffed' method ;)04:38
stubspiv: The use case I have is I want to stuff the tracebacks into the Librarian instead of spitting them out, which will greatly improve our cronjob spam. 04:38
stub(so one extra line - the url - insteead of a dozen)04:39
lifelessor a hundred04:40
spivstub: Hey, cute trick :)04:40
stubAny better names, or will I go with stuffFile (with an XXX saying it should be renamed to something that describes the difference in transaction handling between it and its couterpart addFile, and why they must return different things)04:41
spivstub: Hmm.04:42
lifelessso maybe 'serverAddFile' ?04:42
lifelessor remoteAddFile04:43
lifelessor justTakeTheFuckingFile04:43
spivOr add a serverOnlyDB=True flag to addFile.04:43
spivAlthough that feels a bit wrong.04:43
lifelessI vote the blow04:43
spivEven though it doesn't change the return types at all, just most of the implementation ;)04:43
stubspiv: We need a new method since the return types will be different (can't return a LibraryFileAlias as it isn't yet visible to the client)04:44
spivstub: Hm, it looks to me like it's returning ints, not objects.04:45
spivOr I'm looking at the wrong layer :)04:46
stubeh? Oh. If I returned an int, it would be a useless one. A URL is useful straight away, unlike the id.04:46
spivYeah, if you use getUtility(ILibrarianClient).addFile(...) you'll get an int.  Hmm, annoyingly it ditches the content id, only returns the alias id, so you can't reconstruct the URL... looks like a new method is the way to go, then.04:47
spivBut a method on ILibrarianClient makes sense, rather than ILibraryFileAliasSet (because you don't want it to return an ILibraryFileAlias)04:49
spivstub: Can you make a note somewhere on the LibrarianTransactions spec about this?  The "Future directions" there is assuming this is a YAGNI.05:02
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stubspiv: line 140 of lib/canonical/librarian/web.py seems to indicate that the librarian assumes a 1:1 relationship between libraryfilealias and libraryfilecontent08:23
stubspiv: Actually, make that lib/canonical/librarian/db.py line 2208:36
stubThat method cannot be implemented with the current signature08:36
=== spiv lokos
spivlooks, rather08:37
spivstub: All that assumes is that (contentID, filename) is unique in LibraryFileAlias.  That's not assuming 1:1 between alias and content.08:42
stubThat is an incorrect assumtion08:43
spivYeah, it is.08:43
spiv(it used to be ok)08:43
stubIt has never been ok08:44
stubI'm just poking it a bit on my branch  to see if that is the only case and if it is a simple fix 08:45
spivWell, it used to be intentional.  The design thinking behind that decision might not have been ok, though ;)08:45
spivAt a glance, it shouldn't be too hard to fix.08:46
spivAnd will almost certainly involve removing much more code than needs to be added.08:47
spivThe main addition looks to be that LibrarianStorage will need a 'getAlias(aliasID) -> LibraryFileAlias' or similar method for c.l.web.LibraryFileAliasResource to use instead of getFileAlias.08:48
sabdflSteveA: morning09:08
SteveAhi mark09:08
sabdflSteveA: is it possible to have a required: for a particular dbschema value?09:08
sabdfllike context/status/enum:CLOSED09:09
SteveAdo you want to show something on a page only when a dbschema has a particular value?09:11
SteveAi'm trying to understand what you are asking.  it doesn't make sense to me yet.09:11
sabdfl<li tal:condition="context/status/enum:CLOSED"><a href="+reopen">Reopen this Ticket</a></li>09:13
sabdflis what i'd like09:13
SteveAi see09:13
sabdflthough enum: is ugly09:13
SteveAenum-value-is:CLOSED ?09:14
SteveAthe way you'd do that now is either write a method on the view class to say isClosedTicket(), and use view/isClosedTicket in your tal:condition09:14
SteveAor use a python: expression in the page template09:14
SteveAit would be quite easy and quick to add enum:CLOSED or enum-value-is:CLOSED09:15
SteveAthat returns a boolean, etc.09:15
SteveAsay, 50 loc max with another 50 lines of doctest documentation09:16
SteveAsabdfl: decide on a name, and i'll do it this morning while i'm still waking up properly ;-)09:19
=== Keybuk [n=scott@syndicate.netsplit.com] has joined #launchpad
SteveAso, tal:condition="context/status/enum-value:CLOSED"09:26
sabdflmoin moin, Keybuk09:39
sabdflSteveA: yes please09:39
SteveAsabdfl: underway09:41
sabdflguys, i need good names for the support ticket tracker, and the spec tracker09:41
sabdflare we tracking bugs on rosetta, malone, rest-of-launchpad, or are they all launchpad?09:42
SteveAi tend to say to people "hey, have you considered using launchpad as your bugtracker for FooProject"09:43
SteveAbut, i say "have you considered using Rosetta to translate BarProject"09:43
SteveAso, i think launchpad spec tracker, lauchpad ticket tracker, are good names09:43
SteveA(or other names in that slightly dull ilk)09:44
SteveAKeybuk: any idea why this might be?09:45
SteveAsteve@zeus8 /scratch/dists/launchpad $ baz archive-mirror09:45
SteveAcorrupt archive found (mname and mirror_of mismatch). sftp://chinstrap/home/warthogs/archives/steve.alexander@canonical.com name steve.alexander@canonical.com mirror_of sure09:45
SteveAUnable to connect to any mirror for archive steve.alexander@canonical.com09:45
=== SteveA looks into it more.
SteveAthese seem to involve some of the things i had to change with jblack yesterday, to get my archives resigned09:45
KeybukSteveA: the archive is registered in ~/.arch-params/archives/<SOMETHING> but if you go contact the archive, it's =meta-info/name is something else09:46
SteveAstevea@chinstrap:/home/warthogs/archives/steve.alexander@canonical.com/=meta-info$ cat name09:46
Keybuk$ cp name mirror -- should fix it09:47
SteveAKeybuk: nice.  it works.  thank you.09:47
SteveAsabdfl: enum values are sometimes None, iirc.  So, you'll want to be able to say enum-value:None I think.09:56
sabdflSteveA: as a special case, yes09:57
sabdflstub: please could you look at mark.shuttleworth@canonical.com/launchpad--helpme--0 ?09:59
sabdflpatch 25-97-0?09:59
sabdfladds a few tables, and some minor tweaks (index, and some extra fields on product)10:00
sabdflhas comments.sql too10:00
SteveAdarn, None is a bit awkward in that it is lossy.  With any other kind of dbschema item, i can inspect it, and ask it for what are valid values for it.  For None, I don't even know that it came from a dbschema value, so it has to just two possibilities: enum-value/None or enum-value/(anything else).10:01
SteveAon reflection, i'd prefer not to have None in dbschema, but allow the value of a dbschema item to be None, so it is NULL in the database, yet have it refered to in code as a standard dbschema item.10:02
SteveA(a future refactoring perhaps)10:02
SteveAstill, easy to work around now.  but, we lose some error checking in the case of None.10:03
sabdflwe don't really need NULL dbschema items10:15
sabdflstub: pls ack on the db patch?10:15
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SteveAhi carlos10:27
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SteveAsabdfl: tracked down the bug in page templates that doesn't allow '-' in page templates.  proposed a fix on the zope3 / page templates list, and with fred drake (maintainer).  enum-values branch up for review.  some minor improvements since you merged.11:29
SteveAback to menus ;-)11:29
=== WaterSevenUb [n=WaterSev@azevedo.astro.up.pt] has joined #launchpad
lifelessdamn I'm good. pqm using config-manager now passes tests.11:35
lifelesskiko-zzz: prepare for a PIE.11:35
lifelessnow for getting configs from bzr branches.11:39
cprovjamesh: ping11:41
jameshcprov: pong11:45
cprovjamesh: do have any ETA for review my branches in you queue ?11:49
SteveAaw crap11:54
SteveApeople have added in YET MORE WARNINGS11:54
SteveAi'm going to fix the existing ones, or get other people to fix them, and make warnings into errors when running tests11:54
lifelesswarnings from your db nazi ?11:57
SteveAjust warnings11:58
SteveAwarnings about ambiguous sql query results11:58
SteveAi fixed all of them before brazil11:59
SteveAwell, salgado fixed some11:59
SteveAnow they're back11:59
SteveABjornT, bradb-away : these all seem to be in malone code11:59
=== BjornT takes a look
SteveAThe method BugTaskReleaseTargetingView.createTargetedTasks12:01
SteveArequest url: http://localhost:9000/distros/debian/+bugs/1/+target12:01
SteveAThe method PersonView.setUpAssignedBugTasksToShow12:01
SteveArequest url: http://localhost:9000/people/sabdfl/+assignedbugs12:01
SteveAThe method PersonView.__call__12:01
SteveArequest url: http://localhost:9000/people/sabdfl/+assignedbugs12:01
SteveA<string>:1: UserWarning: Getting a slice of an unordered set is unpredictable.12:01
SteveAthe last one is almost certainly from a system doc test or a page test12:01
SteveAthe others are in code and need sorting out12:01
cprovSteveA: Soyuz has some critical queries as well.12:02
BjornTSteveA: ok. i didn't add those, but i can take a quick look to see if it's easy to fix12:03
=== lifeless feels dirty
SteveAokay.  do you know if brad added those?12:03
stubsabdfl: ack.12:03
SteveAonce these are all fixed, we can make the warnings errors so that they won't occur again.12:03
stubsabdfl: Please stick review requests on the wiki so I can't lose them ;)12:03
BjornTSteveA: i'm not sure, but he did the release targeting, so i'd assume he added them.12:04
cprovSteveA: they generate lot of random warnings and are slow, they need polishing 12:07
SteveAcprov: i don't see the warnings when i run tests12:07
SteveAcprov: are they not in RF yet?12:07
cprovSteveA: they are, soyuz is not entirely  tested atm.12:08
SteveAwell, that's shite.12:08
SteveAif there's no tests, then the code is kinda broken by default.12:09
cprovSteveA: indeed, we can't trust12:09
SteveAwe need to know the extent of the problem12:09
SteveAlike, what modules / classes / functions are not tested12:10
SteveAlist these, so we know how big the problem is12:10
SteveAright now, i have no idea how much of a problem this is, or how much work it is to rectify12:10
cprovSteveA: I totally agree and feel the same about soyuz code, it's generally bronken and we don't know it, it's always a surprise.12:12
SteveAokay.  we must organise an audit.12:13
SteveAif we don't know exactly what the problem is, we can't fix it12:13
KinnisonIndeed. Rolling this into the meeting item I suggested in /msg seems like a good plan12:13
=== cprov is happy with this decision
SteveAseparate item12:15
SteveAis on the agenda12:15
sabdflstub: is there a place to stick dba-only reviews?12:15
SteveAend of PendingReviews page12:16
SteveAthere is a DBA section12:16
sabdflah. cool. thanks12:16
BjornTSteveA: in PersonView.setUpAssignedBugTasksToShow there's an XXX about the warning, no author, though...12:16
SteveAhow does this stuff get past review?!12:16
BjornTwell, it's not impossible that it was one of kiko's trivials12:17
sabdflstub: added to wiki12:18
sabdfljamesh: ping12:19
=== stub wonders wtf has happened to his sound again???
jameshsabdfl: yeah?12:23
=== stub [n=stub@203-217-37-199.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #launchpad
sabdfljamesh: howdy. please could you take a look at the Specification infrastructure that i landed last week, and ping me so we can have a quick chat about a bof-o-matic scheduler?12:25
sabdflshows up on product and distribution as a "Specs" tab, and also an "Add Feature Specification" action item12:26
stubsabdfl: Do you want constraints on the ticketing table, eg. only assigned to a distribution/sourcepackagename or a product? Or can a ticket be opened on 1 product and 1 sourcepackage/distro simultaneously12:27
BjornTSteveA: i can fix the first warning. the other i'm not sure exactly how to fix, they were added by salgado, though.12:32
SteveAokay.  please do fix the first one12:32
SteveAwe can talk together about the others, and with salgado, later today or tomorrow when you're at pov12:33
sabdflstub: see the comments :-)12:33
sabdflbut yes, i was planning to relax that constraint12:34
sabdfla sort of "push upstream" feature12:34
jordistub: saw my request to remove some English po files from plone?12:34
sabdflprobably from distro -> upstream more than from upstream -> distro(s)12:34
jordistub: please ignore it12:34
stubjordi: ok.12:37
stubjordi: I wasn't sure if it was possible anyway without much work ;)12:37
stubsabdfl: The commends said the constraint, so I just added them in. Shall we leave them there and drop them if we add that feature?12:38
jordistub: hmm. that's not cool. At some point i'll need it for real :)12:40
lifelessjamesh: is your review-branch script source around somewhere ?12:42
lifelessjamesh: I want to bzrify it12:42
stubjordi: Probably best if we add a feature to hide or deactivate them (which means we get too keep all the information linked to them).12:44
jameshlifeless: james.henstridge@canonical.com--2004/pending-reviews--devel--012:44
sabdflstub: +1 on hiding pofiles rather than removing them12:45
sabdflthey will Just Come Back (tm)12:45
jordiyup. As long as people can't click on them to translate the Evil Useless PO.. :)12:53
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Final bits for launchpad-buildd package 2 (patch-2336: daniel.silverstone@canonical.com)01:03
jblackstevea: Here? 01:06
vinscimorning, carlos01:07
carlosvinsci, morning01:07
sabdflddaa: before we meet next week, please could you clear out IBranch so that it looks more like ITicket, and we can start using it immediately?01:10
sabdfli think you'll need to move it to IPyBazBranch or something, to free up the namespace01:10
sabdflerr... no ddaa01:11
=== salgado [n=salgado@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
sabdflmorning salgado01:14
salgadoyo sabdfl!01:15
salgadostub, around?01:15
=== niemeyer [n=usuario@brutus.conectiva.com.br] has joined #launchpad
sabdflmorning niemeyer01:22
sabdflniemeyer: can we take some time to catch up today? in the next two hours or so, before i head to south africa?01:23
stubsalgado: yes01:23
SteveAlaunchpad meeting in 25 mins01:23
niemeyerGood morning!01:23
niemeyersabdfl: Sure!01:24
niemeyersabdfl: I'll be a little bit off today because I'm installing Ubuntu on the notebook, but we can certainly do that01:24
niemeyerSteveA: Where's the meeting? Here?01:25
salgadostub, can you hold the production tag until (your) tomorrow morning, and review the shipit DB patch for me? (I really need to get this in the next rollout)01:25
SteveAniemeyer: yes, here01:25
SteveAniemeyer: lasts exactly 45 minutes01:25
niemeyerOk.. my /home/niemeyer backup should be finished by then.. :-)01:25
stubsalgado: ok01:26
Kinnisonstub: what is your tomorrow morning?01:26
=== Kinnison has a patch he wants to get into RF which explicitly shouldn't go into production this cycle
salgadostub, here's the last version of the patch. it's not going to be changed before I merge everything. https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileyzrigW.html01:27
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stubKinnison: Probably about 16 hours time01:31
niemeyersabdfl: Please, ping me when you're ready01:32
Kinnisonsalgado: any idea when you'll be okay to merge?01:32
salgadoKinnison, it has to be in less than 10 hours, so that's what will be01:33
stubsalgado: You got comments for me to look at too?01:35
carlosstub, did you see my email about the whitespace migration script?01:37
salgadostub, oh, shit. I forgot that. will write now01:37
stubcarlos: yes, but havn't got there yet sorry.01:37
SteveAsalgado: can you talk with bjorn please about the warnings that some person/bug pages and code is generating?01:38
salgadoSteveA, sure. I do remember we talked about this problem though. and we didn't find what caused them01:38
SteveAi thought we did, and you had a plan for fixing them01:39
carlosstub, ok, if you can do that before leaving today that would be really good so I could get some data tomorrow01:39
SteveAokay, i'll look into it later01:39
SteveAmaybe with bjorn tomorrow01:39
salgadoSteveA, yes, the problem is n PersonView.setUpBugTasksToShow(). there's an XXX there. but as the comment says, everything there has an oderBy01:40
stubsalgado: It all seems fairly clear except for ShockAndAwe, so they can be done later if you have a deadline01:41
salgadostub, okay. I'll do for the shock and awe and try to do for some others. anyway I'll leave an XXX in the DB patch to remind me to do that. do you think it's a problem?01:42
stubA bug report is better, and you can just describe shockandawe to me now if you would rather. 01:43
salgadostub, okay. the shock and awe is the name of a program. we'll be sending some computer shops (and maybe other shops?) a letter with some information about shipit and a token. then they'll be able to login with that token (their account is already created by one of the ShipIt admins) and place a request01:46
SteveAlaunchpad meeting soon.  /msg me items for the meeting01:46
stubsalgado: But what goes in the table?01:47
salgadostub, ah, each row contains only the information about a specific shock and awe program, and that can be linked to the ShippingRequest table01:49
=== SteveA goes to workrave before the launchpad meeting
=== Kinnison too
sabdflbradb: what is your current spec pipeline?01:53
=== camilotelles [n=Camilo@20132139198.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #launchpad
bradbBugInContext (not yet approved, just wrote it yesterday, blocks BugAndTaskPageURLs) and then implement MaloneSearchResults on the other bug listings (the first merge only implements it on the sp bug listing page.) After that, it depends entirely on what else is part of MaloneOneDotZero (I did extensive gardening lately to make it easy for others to tell me what I understand 1.0 to be, what spec statuses are, etc. but haven't heard 01:55
bradber, that is, i did extensive gardening to record what I understand MaloneOneDotZero to be, to give others a prelim. list and be able to say "yeah, that looks good" or "add this, remove this, etc."01:57
kikoso it is02:00
kikoand I'm here02:00
SteveAall present, please yawn^w say Aye!02:00
Kinnisonerm, s/u/i/02:00
SteveAmorgs sends apologies02:01
SteveAdaf is off sick02:01
SteveAniemeyer: around?02:01
kikompt is off sick02:01
SteveAddaa is on vacation, isn't he?02:01
=== mpool [n=mbp@cor6-ppp610.for.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #launchpad
SteveAstub: ?02:02
SteveAdebonzi is at university02:02
SteveAanyone not accounted for?02:02
SteveAas usual, /msg me extra agenda items as we go along02:02
kikoSteveA, I'm giving niemeyer a ring02:02
SteveAokay.  he had a phone call with mark02:03
SteveAso, maybe that is still going on02:03
SteveAhe was around a little earlier02:03
SteveAhi james02:03
=== mpt [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
SteveAhi mpt.  how are you feeling?02:04
SteveAlet's move onwards02:04
SteveA== Agenda ==02:04
SteveA - roll call02:04
SteveA - agenda02:04
SteveA - next meeting02:04
SteveA - production / staging02:04
SteveA - who can work on soyuz ui?02:04
SteveA - soyuz not tested02:04
kikoniemeyer apparently wasn't notified of the meeting, so I apologize for him -- he's currently out getting a hard drive to swap into ubuntu02:04
SteveA - defining malone 1.002:04
SteveA - three sentences02:04
mptSteveA: a bit light-headed, but better02:04
SteveAwe called the roll, displayed the agenda02:04
SteveAnext meeting: same time next week?02:04
carlosSteveA, yes02:05
kikoIOW, not 22h ago02:05
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:SteveA] : Discussion with Launchpad users and developers. || https://launchpad.net/ || Includes Rosetta and Malone. || Developers' meeting, Thursday 8 Sep, 12:00 UTC
SteveA - production / staging02:05
SteveAstub: ?02:05
=== SteveA notes he forgot to mention activity reports in the agenda. that can come after the current item
stubThe usual. Staging running fine daily updates, production will be tagged when salgados shipit feature branch lands02:06
=== lifeless notes its a shame we dont roll out code that has been on staging for a while
SteveA - activity reports02:06
kikostub, the database on staging hasn't been refreshed in a while, right?02:06
stubso tomorrow or saturday I expect02:06
=== SteveA waits
kikolifeless, in this particular instance, we should have -- I miscommunicated with stub02:07
stubstaging db should be refreshed daily02:07
kikostub, it would help if you /didn't/ cut exceptions, even for you-know-who -- policy is policy 02:07
=== kiko puts stub in dire straits
kikostub, interesting -- carlos said it wasn't being refreshed because of the rosetta update02:08
carloskiko, I asked stub to refresh it today before next script run02:08
stubI switched it back on around tuesday02:08
kikoah, okay02:08
niemeyerHere! Here :-)02:08
SteveAhi niemeyer 02:09
SteveAready to move on?02:09
SteveA(to stub)02:09
SteveA - activity reports02:09
carlosstub, please disable it again this weekend (at least until Friday night in Europe) so I can get new language packs to test latest changes02:09
stubcarlos: i will02:09
carlosstub, thank you02:09
=== stub is up to date
SteveAugly ducklings vs sailing on swan lake02:09
jblackuptodate (last 2 went in 5 minutes ago)02:09
=== BjornT is up to date
=== carlos is up to date
bradbthe usual02:10
kikougly as ugly can be, but will this time start over02:10
cprovstub: any news about gina run in production ?02:10
mptup to date02:10
=== salgado is up to date too
=== cprov is up
spivI'm a few behind.02:10
=== Kinnison stretches his elegant white neck out, realises it's covered in swan feathers and has five simultaneous asthma attacks
=== SteveA has activity reports, but not sent yet. will send them today.
jameshsending in one for yesterday (restarting)02:10
=== moonunit [n=moonunit@bi-02pt1.bluebird.ibm.com] has joined #launchpad
SteveAanyone else?02:11
SteveAi represented02:11
kikosorry, the /mes get me sometimes02:11
SteveAokay, moving on02:11
=== jblack thumps his chest twice with his fist. RepreSENT
=== niemeyer is up to date ;-)
SteveAas there's no bot to help out, if i missed anyone, speak up02:12
SteveA - who can work on soyuz ui?02:12
SteveAso, daf was scheduled to take some time out of rosetta development to improve the soyuz pages02:12
kikonobody's really free at the moment02:12
SteveAbut, daf is on sick leave02:12
kikoI'm interviewing for replacements02:12
SteveAmark has plans to do some model refactoring in soyuz that makes the pages easier to write02:12
kikowe have quite a few good prople02:12
SteveAdebonzi is at uni02:12
SteveAinterviews went well?02:13
kikoprople? where did that come from?02:13
kikoyes, lots of good people, too.02:13
lifelessup to date02:13
kikowe'll have winners declared next week, I'll have them have a phone call with you before approving02:13
SteveAokay, cool.02:13
SteveAso, the answer is, no soyuz ui work for a little while02:13
SteveAbut some end in sight02:13
SteveAcprov, Kinnison: any other points on this issue?02:14
mptcprov, I started the build farm work on Tuesday, continuing that this morning02:14
KinnisonFor now it's not too bad02:15
KinnisonMark's model refactoring will probably have to happen before someone works on the UI02:16
SteveAokay, that's at least a week off happening02:16
SteveAeven at mark's speed02:16
SteveAmoving on...02:16
SteveA - soyuz not tested02:16
cprovmpt: great, do what you think is necessary to get it ready for review as soon as possible, I'm having merge conflicts on it  02:16
KinnisonThis is a big task02:16
SteveAlarge chunks of soyuz are NOT TESTED02:16
SteveAthis is simply awful02:16
KinnisonAs cprov and I sprint, we are improving the tests on the backend02:16
mptcprov: I should get it done by the end of today02:17
KinnisonHowever the UI is pretty much utterly untested02:17
SteveAi propose that cprov spend some time on a mini-audit02:17
KinnisonWhich, as stevea says, is utterly awful02:17
cprovmpt: fantastic ! you rock02:17
SteveAlisting pages, content classes, functions, view classes02:17
SteveAand whether they are tested or not02:17
SteveAso we have an idea of what coverage we have02:17
SteveAand where we need to improve02:17
KinnisonSteveA: This audit will be a useful thing, and I suggest it should be the first thing cprov does upon his return to brazil02:17
SteveAwhat do you think cprov ?02:17
=== SteveA also seeks comments from others
cprovSteveA: uhm , it's ok 02:18
=== bradb is +1 on testing view classes. I'm doing that from this point forward (starting a couple weeks ago) in Malone.
SteveAbradb developed a naming pattern for the tests of view classes02:19
SteveAplease describe that brad02:19
spivThere's a "--trace" option in test.py that can apparently generate code coverage stats.  It may assist in the auditing process?02:19
SteveAyeah, i've used coverage stats before02:19
bradbI've been calling doctests that test views doc/*-pages.txt02:19
Kinnisoncoverage stats would be nice to have02:19
cprovSteveA: would be nice to do it with the guy who will replace debonzi ... transfering knowledge personally. but I'm not in a position to decide it exactly now (kind of overloaded with buildd stuff)02:19
SteveAbut, i think unless cprov or someone else wants to look into that, we should put that off a little02:19
lifelessIME writing tests for existing code is _very very_ hard.02:20
SteveAwriting minimal tests is very very easy02:20
bradbAn example of a view test would be bug-release-targeting-pages.txt, if anyone's interested02:20
lifelessits hard because you don't know what the code is meant to do, or what boundary conditions to expect.02:20
SteveAwriting thorough tests is very very hard02:20
jordiSteveA: pong02:20
SteveAwe don't even have minimal tests02:20
SteveAhi jordi.  how are you activity reports?02:20
cprovSteveA: depends of which kind of code .. soyuz does not support easy tests other than simple pagetest, which doesn't help a lot, IMO02:21
SteveAso, as bradb indicates, the convention is to have a -pages.txt file in canonical/launchpad/doc/ rather than a ...txt file02:21
Kinnisonpagetests will definitely be good02:21
SteveAwe should have a test of the basic functionality of all database classes02:21
SteveAand all view classes02:21
jameshso that's doc/foo-pages.txt corresponding to browser/foo.py, right?02:21
SteveAjamesh: yes02:22
lifelessit would be really really nice if everyone did TDD02:22
niemeyerIs there any documentation about what soyuz currently does and what we want it to do?02:22
bradbjamesh: sometimes it makes sense to break it down further than that though, of course02:22
lifelessits really not slower than code + test.02:22
spivlifeless: Something to schedule for UBZ?02:22
jameshbradb: okay.  I guess foo-*-pages.txt then?02:22
lifelessniemeyer: wiki.launchpad.canonical.net02:22
cprovKinnison: workarround, because when something brake you get the real taste of the bad code, spend a lot of time to fix ...02:22
bradbjamesh: yes, more or less, i think02:22
SteveAlifeless: we can agree that TDD is a very fine thing, and we should encourage / train people to do more of it.02:23
SteveAlifeless: i don't want to muddy the current agenda item, though02:23
niemeyerlifeless: So it does exist? Nice, will have a look at that later.02:23
SteveAcprov: do you think it is possible to do the following for soyuz:02:24
SteveA - every page has a page test that shows at least that it gives the correct HTTP response (200 usually)02:24
kikoniemeyer, well, /all/ that exists is there (well, there's also the /documentation/, but you knew that)02:24
SteveA - every database class (Foo or FooSet) has a test that shows it can be imported, got from the database, and trivially used in some way02:25
kikoSteveA, shouldn't we use a bot to cover that, though?02:25
kikoSteveA, is there a way of generating a list of all pages we serve on launchpad?02:25
SteveA - every view class has a test that shows it can be imported02:25
SteveAkiko: for the page tests, we could automate that, but i'm asking cprov if something is feasible, not how to do it.02:26
stubkiko: That involves writing a bot, whereas typing up a list of 20/30 ceck(url) lines is quick02:26
SteveAkiko: cprov seemed to say that testing soyuz was not feasible.02:26
niemeyerkiko: It was just a silly question.. looking for a silly yes/no answer before going out hunting docs. :-)02:26
SteveAcprov: do you think those three things are basically feasible ?02:26
cprovSteveA: looks useful, but I'm about to suggest group the things by functionality in launchpad/doc/ as we are doing ...02:27
SteveAi'm not talking about where to put things, or how to group things02:27
SteveAthese tests largely do not exist for soyuz02:27
SteveAso, i'm setting a baseline of test coverage for soyuz02:27
cprovSteveA:  a minimal of indexing sense, just to make the this easier for future02:27
SteveAthat does not involve any particular reverse-engineering of what the test should be02:27
cprovSteveA: the simple answer is: yes, something like this is feasible02:28
SteveAand does not require the bureaucracy of an audit with a wiki page table02:28
SteveAokay, please file a bug on getting that base-line done.02:28
kikostub, well, a bot to access a list of pages and check the error response code is something I could do in a minute02:28
=== kiko has code to do that already anyway
kikobut my question is -- is there infrastructure to generate a list of URLs for the current instance?02:29
cprovSteveA: I can file a bug, but I'm not in touch of it until finish the buildd sprint, is it ok ? 02:29
SteveAit isn't really a bot, but something that can import the http() method used in page tests02:29
SteveAand use it based on some calculation of urls02:29
SteveAi think that would be useful in addition to the usual page tests02:29
kikois the calculation of urls non-trivial?02:29
niemeyerkiko: There's also mechanoid, if something fancier is needed.02:29
SteveAbut, our page tests have like paragraphs and stuff02:29
kikoI'm talking about a trivial HTTP status reporter02:30
SteveAwe're getting some nice pagetest stuff from upstream zope real soon now02:30
kikostub, well, that's a manually kept list02:31
SteveAcprov: yes, filing the bug and doingn later is fine, provided the bug says exactly what the plan is.02:31
kikocan /anyone/ answer my question?02:31
SteveAkiko: i have a few suggestions on how to do it02:31
SteveAkiko: can we takl about it later?02:31
SteveAkiko: can you write said "all page status testing" code, and we'll talk about how?02:31
stubkiko: We want the manual list too to ensure stuff doesn't disappear accidently unless we can generate a list of what shoud be there rather than crawl what is there.02:32
SteveAi think it will be a valuable thing to catch basic errors where there aren't enough tests02:32
SteveAi agree we want a "manual" pagetest in addition02:32
kikostub, I understand your point, but we need both, really02:32
kikoa manual list of URLs is usefu02:32
SteveAcan i move on?02:32
SteveA - defining malone 1.002:32
stubkiko: The crawler could generate a list, and we just rerun the crawler to regenerate it occasionally02:32
SteveAbrad asks about defining "malone 1.0" in more detail02:33
SteveAand pinning things down02:33
kikothat's really on my plate02:33
SteveAcan i get kiko and brad to talk about that, maybe next week?02:33
kikoI haven't concerned myself completely with that yet because I know that brad has enough for the following weeks02:34
kikoI am concerned however whether BjornT has been helping brad get these tasks done02:34
bradbI'm free to talk about it whenever. The wiki is yours for the taking.02:34
kikoI need to move the wiki to the spectracker02:34
cprovSteveA: bug # 201702:34
kikoit's a lot of specs02:34
SteveAthanks cprov02:35
BjornTkiko: i've been helping, and i also have a few things assigned to me that i will do this coming week02:35
bradbkiko: Haven't looked at the spec machine much, but that sounds like it will be a better way to workflow and see this stuff presenting in an easy-to-manage way.02:35
cprovSteveA: yup02:35
kikoBjornT, bradb's been in need of someone to pair on him for a design discussion on how to go forward with the structure for the bug and status pages/portlets02:35
kikoyou know the architecture well and are a smart thinker, you really should be a part of it02:35
kikoBjornT, IOW if bradb's hampered for a lack of design discussion, it's /your/ responsibility <wink>02:36
BjornTkiko: isn't it better if brad comes to me and ask for help instead? ;)02:37
bradbI'll have a code snippet added to BugInContext, which will make it easier for others to understand what is one of the most challenging problems to solve in the new URL structure, that I've seen.02:37
kikoit's better if you stay in touch with him daily -- you are a team, not a helpdesk02:37
bradb(i.e. I'll have that ready not long after the meeting.)02:37
kikoI haven't forgotten your specs, bradb -- it's on my desk02:38
kikowe can move on02:38
bradbBjornT: One thing that would be really useful is to press for those branches to get reviewed. I think.02:38
bradbBut that's a side discussion, please feel free to continue.02:38
SteveAokay, last thing on today's agenda:  three sentences.02:38
SteveAlet's go02:38
bradbDONE: Landed portlet mania, round I. Got round II (edit pages) into a review queue. Landed MaloneSearchResults. Landed a fix for +hctstatus raising an exception (with test.) Some work on URLs. Wrote BugInContext spec after finally having come up with what I think is a sane context for the new bugish/tasky page.02:39
mptDONE: bugfixes, LaunchpadMenus specs, actions portlet cleanup, buildfarm work02:39
mptTODO: finish buildfarm work, spec tracker cleanup, LaunchpadMenus02:39
mptHINDRANCES: none (modulo LaunchpadMenus reimplementation)02:39
bradbTODO: Get BugInContext approved and land reconstruct Malone from the URL demolition. Possibly/hopefully implement a request/launchbag:foo TALES adapter. Nag BjornT to review portlet mania, round II.02:39
SteveA<jblack> Past: advocacy (4/5), coding (1/10), support (1/5)02:39
SteveA<jblack> Future: advocacy (4/5), coding (1/10), support (1/5)02:39
SteveA<jblack> Blockers: No time for supermirror.02:39
bradbBLOCKED: BugInContext approval (blocked on whoever is required to review the braindump for approval.) request/launchbag:foo (to help with BugAndTaskPageURLs portlet code on pages hanging off *Set contexts) will require discussion with SteveA.02:39
KinnisonDONE: Prep, and sprinting02:39
spivDONE: Reviews, add --stop-on-first-failure to test.py, figure out how TacTestSetup can fail and fix it, various ad hoc things on irc.02:39
spivTODO: Priority: help get through the review backlog.  Work on TeamLogin & SupermirrorFilesystemHierarchy.02:39
spivBLOCKED: No.02:39
kikoTODO: check rosetta diff output, help carlos through the maze of language packs, start using the spec tracker, try and get a baz branch going02:39
KinnisonTODO: More sprinting02:39
BjornTDONE: finished making notifications thread properly. reviews. some bug fixes.02:39
BjornTTODO: Put up documentation for email ui. PreDefinedBugReports. BugCVEREports. reviews.02:39
BjornTBLOCKED: no02:39
KinnisonBLOCKED: Reviewers being overloaded02:39
kikoBLOCKED: lifeless to assist me with baz blowing up past 1gig 02:39
salgadoDONE: ShipItNG, some small fixes.02:39
lifelessDONE: pqm bzr support, bzr merge helping02:39
stubDONE: Bugfixes, DBA stoof, script logging and librarian fixes02:40
lifelessTODO: jamesh merge script bzrification, mgmt foo, fly to london02:40
stubTODO: script logging niceness and crawler in test suite02:40
stubBLOCKED: Nada02:40
lifelessBLOCKed: nada02:40
salgadoTODO: ShipItNG, merge basicvoting as soon as I get it reviewed02:40
carlosDONE: language packs improvements, user support, db data fixes02:40
SteveADONE: changed gpg key, resigned archives, enumvalue TALES, menus work, management, code review02:40
SteveATODO: menus work, write art.ubuntu.com authentication spec02:40
SteveABLOCKED: no02:40
salgadoBLOCKED: Nothing02:40
kikoDONE: QA, rosetta assistance, migrating server to hoary, some shipit assistance, lots of little b-n-p02:40
jameshDONE: land calendar-ui branch, add person merging code to keyring trust analyser and more tests, look at gettext message validation problem, look into some other bugs02:40
jameshTODO: reviews, look at Mark's Specs infrastructure, put gpg stuff up for review, update pending-reviews for new page format02:40
jameshBLOCKED: none02:40
carlosTODO: language packs, bug fixes, fix permission problem  for jordi02:40
carlosBLOCKED: none02:40
lifelesskiko: have you tried again, I recached rev 2322 which should fix your problem02:40
kikolifeless, I tried again yesterday, let me see today.02:41
kikolifeless, what was the issue?02:41
lifelessthere is a leak in baz 02:41
SteveAbradb: we can talk more about BugInContext later today02:41
lifelessits kinda noticable if you do lots of rev patching02:41
bradbSteveA: certainly02:41
SteveAand the other stuff02:41
mpoolDONE: refactorings of tests, UI reporting, other things; improved auto-merge; planning of weave-like tree merge02:41
mpoolBLOCKED: no02:41
SteveAbradb: are you really blocked on that, as in, have no work to do if that doesn't happen?02:42
lifelessI've fixed in in my 1.5 branch, I'm planning on doing a merge with the new features disabled just to fix that.02:42
SteveAmpool: the three sentences are DONE, TODO and BLOCKED, btw02:42
kikolifeless, maybe I could pull your branch to test?02:42
bradbSteveA: not in that sense. i have no problems finding other things that can be worked on. but the critical path is blocked on that.02:42
SteveAbradb: okay, understood02:42
cprovTODO: continues buildd sprint02:42
cprovDONE: buildd sprint02:42
cprovBLOCK: jamesh review queue02:42
lifelesskiko: uhm, if you want to - you'll need to build it yourself02:42
mpoolTODO: fix merge bugs, 0.0.7 release, new tree format, merge tests02:42
SteveAKinnison: do you have other urgent reviews to have done?02:42
kikolifeless, is such an undertaking non-trivial?02:43
mpooloh in that order? ok02:43
KinnisonSteveA: Myself and celso as a pair have urgent reviews02:43
KinnisonSteveA: and we'll be generating more and more as the sprint progresses02:43
SteveAcan we get you assigned a reviewer to specifically help with this for the sprint?02:43
SteveAkiko: what do you think?02:43
lifelesskiko: non-trivial yes, very hard - no.02:43
KinnisonSteveA: that would be useful02:44
spivSteveA: I'd be happy to do reviews for Kinnison and cprov.02:44
kikoSteveA, well, yes, it would be useful, but I am blocked with reviewing shipit and the other unreviewed generals 02:44
lifelesskiko: minimally you'd need to deal with my very verbose printf bombs. There is a HOWTO on the bazaar.c.c site, you should follow that but switch the src/baz directory to mine02:44
lifelesskiko: my bazaar--project-tree-format--1.5 branch, IIRC.02:44
SteveAkiko: i wasn't asking you to do it ;-)02:45
kikolifeless, hmmm, maybe I won't have time for this soonish then02:45
SteveAjust what you thought of the idea02:45
lifelesskiko: which is why I did not suggest it.02:45
lifelesskiko: just try again, it should work.02:45
SteveAokay, spiv, you're assigned as special soyuz sprint reviewer02:45
kikoSteveA, I know, but there's not a lot of people that can take up that responsibility02:45
Kinnisonspiv: We're on a very tight schedule -- In particular we're generating large numbers of interrelated changes which need to happen. Are you okay to be quick about this?02:45
SteveAtiem to wrap up02:45
kiko* spiv grimaces02:45
SteveAum time02:45
kiko5 4 3 2 1 02:45
SteveAcountdown of doom, as usual02:45
spivKinnison: I can be quick, modulo the timezone difference.02:46
jameshcprov: I'll get your first one finished tonight and the second tomorrow morning or tonight02:46
Kinnisonspiv: star02:46
jordisorry, I'm at (other) work, wasn't looking02:46
spivKinnison: And I'll warn you as far in advance as I can if that plan goes awry.02:46
Kinnisonspiv: thanks02:46
kikostub, have a few minutes to chat?02:46
jordiDONE: tons of pending requests, more bug filing, lots of email answering02:46
cprovjamesh: great, there will be new changes, but they are minimal, thank you02:46
=== SteveA goes out to get food to eat
jordiTODO: answer the few last pending emails from rosetta@ubuntu.com/private email; port FAQs to wiki02:47
=== carlos -> lunch
bradbBjornT: so, i was thinking, i noticed that there are a few branches of yours in the general queue, that have been there for over two weeks. have you been hassling anyone about those? (and, speaking of hassling, will you get a chance to review portlet mania, round II today? :P)02:47
jordiBLOCKED: deciding what to do with gnome-glossary (do we want to import it?), some of my tasks need to be proxied via kiko still.02:48
KinnisonSteveA: where do I get shortlist from?02:49
bradbs/over two/about two/02:49
SteveAKinnison: ctags is your friend!02:49
Kinnisonctags ate my IO bandwidth!02:49
=== SteveA really goes to lunch
salgadoKinnison, it's in helpers, IIRC02:50
bradbBjornT: also, I notice that it appears that DistroReleaseCVEReport is conflicting02:52
BjornTbradb: well, i've been reviewing branches to get them on top ;) it was decided that most of the general queue would be gone by tomorrow, but i'm not sure that will happen any more. kiko?02:52
lifelessnight all02:52
BjornTbradb: yeah, but it's a minor conflict, i think02:52
bradbBjornT: Hm, I've seen the oldest ones there at the top under daf's branch for several days, IIRC02:52
sabdflbradb: i'll take over distroreleasecvereport and take it to south africa over the weekend for some love02:52
kikoBjornT, it must happen02:53
sabdflbradb: what's your pipeline look like at the moment02:53
BjornTbradb: i won't have time to review your branch today, but tomorrow02:53
bradbsabdfl: BugInContext (not yet approved, just wrote it yesterday, blocks BugAndTaskPageURLs) and then implement MaloneSearchResults on the other bug listings (the first merge only implements it on the sp bug listing page.) After that, it depends entirely on what else is part of MaloneOneDotZero (I did extensive gardening lately to make it easy for others to tell me what I understand 1.0 to be, what spec statuses are, etc. but haven'02:53
bradbBjornT: ok02:53
bradbs/implements it/implemented it/02:54
sabdflkiko: will it be easier to manage spec status on launchpad overall, or on rosetta/malone/registry etc individually?02:55
BjornTkiko: well, it's not much time left, but still a lot of branches to review, and so far i haven't seen much action.  i'll be reviewing one more today, and probably two tomorrow.02:55
kikoBjornT, I'll do quite a few today02:56
kikosabdfl, are you asking where we will attach the specs to -- the launchpad product or the malone/rosetta products?02:56
BjornTand jamesh, spiv? how are the reviews going?02:57
spivBjornT: I'm going to be doing a review blitz pretty much all day tomorrow.02:57
spivRight now it's bedtime, I'm afraid.02:57
kikogood question BjornT 02:58
bradbSteveA: At what time do you want to discuss BiC further today, and request/launchbag:foo?02:59
bradbI guess he's gone for lunch. /me goes to finish waking up, back in 30-45 mins.02:59
=== bradb &
=== rbelem [n=rodrigo@] has joined #launchpad
=== mdz [n=mdz@ca-studio-bsr1o-251.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #launchpad
mptcprov: Will AutoBuilding ever be used by upstreams, or is it only for distributors?03:18
cprovmpt: both I suspect03:19
zygacarlos: ping03:33
zygacarlos: I'm trying to get language-selector into rosetta, it's there but it needs admin love: https://launchpad.net/products/language-selector/+translations03:36
zygathe pot file is in mvo's arch repo if you need one03:36
jordikiko: yup03:38
kikojordi, so you're basically suggesting rosetta experts be allowed to admin language groups?03:39
kikojordi, because the process sould be: ask end-user to create group when necessary, privileged person set up the actual language group link03:40
jordikiko: I believe. We're going to populate GNOME and Plone teams very soon. I can proxy, but I think it's something an expert should be able to do.03:40
zygaare you guys talking about my issue?03:42
jordinot sure :)03:43
=== Kinnison lunches
zygaI welcome anyone who'd like to help me :)03:43
jordizyga: oh03:44
jordiI can help you with that. Can you get a tar.gz created with all the files that need import?03:44
jordizyga: add your request here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RosettaPendingImports03:45
jordiI can do it after lunch03:45
jordiI'ts getting late, gotta leave office03:45
zygajordi: tar.gz with what? .pot?03:45
=== bradb returns
=== BjornT_ [i=10183@82-135-221-189.ip.takas.lt] has joined #launchpad
=== kiko has log imprinted in his brain
zygakhaaaaaaaan... *cough, cough* 04:02
mptcprov: Sorry, I forgot ... are the build machines ever doing cross-compiling?04:09
cprovmpt: never, I builder is registered for a specific architecture04:10
mptok, so "architecture" doesn't need to be a column in the table of builds for a builder :-)04:10
cprovmpt: it does, how to identify a builder-slave architecture04:11
mptIt's already identified in the builder summary info04:11
mptit doesn't need to be repeated for every build on the builder's individual page04:11
cprovmpt: I need to query it ..04:11
cprovmpt: summary isn't normalized, what are you suggesting ?04:12
mptcprov: On the page for an individual builder04:14
mptit displays what architecture that builder has04:14
cprovmpt: Builder.processor field indetify for which architeture this build works for, no way to remove ;)04:14
mpte.g. i38604:14
mptSo in the table of builds04:14
cprovmpt: yes, continues04:14
mptyou don't need to say that every build is an i386 build04:14
mptbecause we already know that04:14
mptdoes that make sense?04:14
cprovmpt: yes, UI changes always make sense in this context ;)04:15
mptWe still need the architecture column in the builds page for a distro etc, because there the architecture is going to be different depending on the build04:15
cprovmpt: indeed04:15
mptbut not in the builds page for a builder itself.04:15
cprovmpt: exactly, you can remove that column, easy 04:16
sabdflbradb, bjornt: were you planning to bring the bug subscription system into line with Brazil soon?04:17
sabdflor should i do that?04:17
sabdfli've landed very simple and efficient subscriptions for specs, bounties, and soon tickets04:17
bradbsabdfl: Wasn't planning on doing it before 1.0.04:18
sabdfland in fact i think i can simplify it all into a single interface and browser code04:18
sabdfli will do it04:18
bradbok, great04:18
sabdfli'm also going to rework cve reports to meet pitti's initial needs04:18
mptsabdfl: that will help the MOTUs, they're having trouble with bug mailing lists vs. privacy right now04:18
sabdflmpt:  i don't follow?04:18
mptsabdfl: They were assigning bug reports to a MOTU team, but the team had a public mailing list address as its preferred e-mail address, so "Private" bugs were being made public04:19
sabdflbut my changes will not prevent that04:20
sabdflmpt: did you clean up the calendar pages to remove the tabs?04:20
mptsabdfl: if implemented per spec, MaloneBugSubscriptions would solve that by letting the mailing list subscribe to the MOTU packages, and thereby be notified of public bugs but not private ones04:20
sabdflthat's PackageSubscriptions04:20
sabdflall i'm going to do is get rid of the CC/WATCH/IGNORE options, and polish up the web pages04:21
kikompt, to /all/ motu packages?04:21
=== bradb yearns for one-bit subscriptions
mptsabdfl: MaloneBugSubscriptions has "PackageSubscriptions and ProductSubscriptions are implemented" in its Assumptions, and describes how they work for private bugs04:22
sabdflmpt: i'm not implementing the whole spec. part of the malone bug subscriptions discussion was to drop the cc/watch/ignore stuff in favour of a simple subscribe/unsubscribe mechanism. that's all i'm planning to do04:23
mptsabdfl: as I understand it, jamesh's calendar-ui branch turns the calendar tabs into application menu, which makes them a portlet in the new layout.04:23
sabdflok, so that was jamesh. looks good. much better04:24
sabdflmpt: what's your pipeline look like?04:24
mptI'm finishing up the buildfarm stuff at the moment, then giving the spec tracker a once-over, and by then SteveA should have finished the missing bits of LaunchpadMenus04:25
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sabdflare you working with real pages on the buildfarm, or specs? mpt?04:32
mptreal pages04:32
mptbuilder-index.pt right now04:32
carloszyga, isn't language-selector an Ubuntu package?04:35
zygacarlos: it is, but pot files are not in rosetta - check out my messages above04:49
zygacarlos: I've added it here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RosettaPendingImports04:49
carloszyga, ok, that's not the way to do that04:49
carloszyga, Ubuntu packages are imported automatically04:49
zygathen what should I do?04:49
carloslanguage-selector hadn't any .pot file some time ago and that was the problem 04:50
carlosif mvo fixed it now04:50
sabdflBjornT: ok, the conflict in cve stuff was minor, and i have a branch with it fixed04:50
carlosit should appear soon automatically 04:50
carlosas the other Ubuntu translations04:50
carlosunder launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy04:50
zygacarlos: it does now but it's in his arch repo, I'm not sure if that's the 'proper' place04:50
sabdflBjornT: could you remove your branch from the review queue, please, i will make my changes in a separate branch and put it up for review next week04:50
BjornTsabdfl: cool, i'll do that04:51
carloszyga, as soon as he uploads that version into Ubuntu's archive, it will appear to be translated from Rosetta, don't worry04:51
zygacarlos: k, thanks04:52
carlosyou are welcome04:52
zygacarlos: wait, mvo sais it's there for ages04:53
zygasays even04:53
zygait's been there for ages04:53
carloszyga, with a .pot file?04:54
SteveAsabdfl: how long are you around for today?04:54
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zyga<carlos> zyga, with a .pot file?04:55
zygamvo: does ubuntu archive contain .pot file for language-selector?04:56
sabdflniemeyer: ping04:56
SteveAbradb: ping04:56
bradbyeah, hi04:56
bradbi've just finished a small example BiC implementation04:56
kikojordi, are there bugs filed on allowing experts to manage language groups?04:56
=== mvo waves to zyga
niemeyersabdfl: Pong04:57
zygamvo: okay, I'm tracking your progress on #u-devel04:57
carlosstub, before you leave04:59
carlosstub, I need that you add a new row to SourcePackageName on production04:59
carlosINSERT INTO SourcePackageName(name) VALUES('language-selector');05:00
carlosstub, thank you05:00
stubcarlos: done05:00
carloszyga, language-selector should appear soon on Rosetta05:01
carlosif it's not there tomorrow, ping me back05:01
kikocarlos, stub: https://launchpad.net/sourcepackagenames05:01
sabdflcheers all05:01
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zygacarlos: thanks - will .po uploads work again soon?05:02
carloszyga, they should work. Seems like some people have issues with .tar.gz uploads (need to look into it) but the only problem is that with a change in our templates, the links were removed05:03
carloszyga, just add /+upload to the URL and you will be able to do the upload05:03
zygacarlos: no link - confused users (like me)05:03
zygacarlos: thanks I'll remember now05:03
carloszyga, like es/+upload or pt_BR/+upload05:03
carloszyga, I know, It was an error not a feature :-P05:04
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Added missing links to upload and admin URLs (Fixes #1996) (patch-2337: carlos.perello@canonical.com)05:10
carloszyga, there you have05:11
zygacarlos: great, thanks :)05:11
KinnisonSteveA: thanks dude05:14
WaterSevenUbzyga, I missed some of the conversation here.... an URL for language-selector translation available?;)05:15
zygaWaterSevenUb: it should appear in a moment :)05:16
zygaWaterSevenUb: it's a nasty translation though :-) be careful05:16
carlosWaterSevenUb, not in a moment but between today and tomorrow05:17
zygacarlos: is there any way to know what is the source of a suggestion?05:17
WaterSevenUbzyga, eheh:) 05:17
carloszyga, not yet05:17
zygacarlos: I just ran across some ill-encoded suggestion05:17
WaterSevenUbcarlos, k:)05:17
zygacarlos: could someone make a select or something? :)05:17
carloszyga, open a bug report and I will try to look at it when I have some time05:18
zygacarlos: okay, thanks05:18
zygacarlos: bug on launchpad product?05:21
carloszyga, rosetta05:22
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SteveAstub: how long are you around for?05:26
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SteveAwhy do i get 15 errors when running the tests on rocketfuel?05:53
Keybukso why can't I log in to launchpad05:54
KeybukI click "log in", and I'm still not05:54
Keybukweird, it didn't like me doing it in another window05:55
Keybukand apparently I can't fix hct bugs because I'm not the maintainer ?!05:55
kikoKeybuk, waitasec05:56
Keybukthat's silly ... people other than the maintainer should be able to mark bugs as fixed05:56
kikoKeybuk, I'll set you as maintainer (would you rather have a group?)05:56
KeybukI don't mind either way05:57
kikolaunchpad is slow for me atm05:57
kikovery slow05:57
SteveAjamesh: ping05:59
SteveAbradb, BjornT: I'm getting a test failure in bugtask.txt.  can i get some help debugging it?06:01
bradbsure, i can help06:01
bradbSteveA: i just finished some more braindumping on https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/BugInContext btw06:01
SteveApython test.py -f  --test=bugtask.txt06:02
SteveAwhat do you get?06:02
bradbSteveA: it passes, but that's expected06:05
BjornTSteveA: what failure do you get?06:05
SteveA    Traceback (most recent call last):06:05
SteveA      File "/scratch/dists/launchpad/lib/zope/testing/doctest.py", line 1315, in __run06:05
SteveA        compileflags, 1) in test.globs06:05
SteveA      File "<doctest bugtask.txt[121] >", line 1, in ?06:05
SteveA        upstream_task.status = STATUS_ACCEPTED06:05
SteveA    Unauthorized: ('status', 'launchpad.Edit')06:05
SteveAthis is with a rocketfuel tree06:06
bradbSteveA: maybe under:06:07
bradb    >>> sample_person.join(foo_team)06:07
bradb    True06:07
bradbthrow an sample_person.inTeam(foo_team)06:08
bradbit should return True06:08
SteveA    sample_person.inTeam(foo_team)06:09
SteveADifferences (ndiff with -expected +actual):06:09
SteveA    - True06:09
SteveA    + False06:09
bradbthat's why06:09
bradbthe question is, why isn't it joining the team? hm.06:09
SteveAany idea why that might happen?06:09
SteveAi have a place to debug now, anyway06:09
jordizyga: tar with pot & po makes our life a lot easier06:10
bradbSteveA: silly question, but is your database reset as well?06:11
bradb(for the fresh checkout)06:11
SteveAi rebuilt it06:12
SteveAjoining a team should either cause an error06:12
bradband, if it's a fresh checkout, unaltered, how did you discover the test failure? what made you want to run the test suite?06:12
SteveAor result in the person being in that team06:12
SteveAi always run the test suite before i cut a branch06:12
SteveAjust to make sure nothing freaky has happened in my own setup06:13
SteveAor random stuff happening06:13
SteveAotherwise, how can i tell that my changed tests are causing a failure06:13
SteveATDD dude!06:13
bradbi live by TDD06:13
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SteveAokay, i'll get a cup of beverage, and then get my debugger out06:14
bradbok :)06:15
bradbSteveA: what happens next with BiC, btw?06:15
SteveAthanks for the help tracking down the location of the problem06:15
bradbno prob06:15
SteveAnext, i want to get stuart to review it, and perhaps lifeless too06:15
SteveAso, send out a message to them asking for their review06:16
bradbok. warning: it's still in brain dump mode. i can spend more time really crysallizing it if you want it to be draft spec quality06:16
SteveAand we'll also look at it a bit more later today06:16
SteveAit is getting good enough to be a useful description of what and why06:16
BjornTSteveA: i remember having a failure like that before, not fun to debug. sometimes when you change something, it starts to pass...06:16
SteveAbradb: don't spend much more time on it; get on with other stuff.06:17
SteveAi'll look to give you some more comments06:17
SteveAbut i want stu and lifeless to look next06:17
bradbI'll mail both of them then06:17
SteveAcc me please06:17
SteveABjornT: i kind of suspect some exception being swallowed somewhere.06:18
BjornTSteveA: could be. iirc the sqlobject cache got cleared somehow when i had that failure, but i'm not sure.06:20
zygajordi: done, it's on the page06:20
zygajordi: but the issue is solved anyway - there was a bug in rosetta 06:20
zygajordi: it did not scan the package to notice the .pot file 06:21
salgadoSteveA, BjornT, could a flush_database_updates() solve that?06:21
bradbsalgado: I think the real problem is to figure out how SteveA's environment differs from pqm's.06:23
BjornTsalgado: well, it might make the test pass. but it'd be good to debug it, there might be a deeper problem with sqlobject, which would be good to fix06:23
jordizyga: you still need the import?06:23
zygajordi: I'm not sure, carlos did some magic on the production system06:24
salgadobradb, well, IIRC the problems caused by not having a flush_database_updates() in some places are not always reproducible, like the problems we used to have with the old teamparticipation.txt test06:25
zygajordi: the package should appear on its own but I dont know how soon that's going to happen06:25
carlosjordi, you should reject any request to import .pot files attached to products if that application is Ubuntu specific or the request is to translate a product for Ubuntu06:25
carlosjordi, all those translations are handled from /distros/ubuntu ...06:26
jordicarlos: I didn't even know what language-selector was.06:26
jordiyet. ie, I hadn't looked at it.06:27
bradbsalgado: could be that too06:27
=== bradb goes for lunch
zygaWaterSevenUb: ping06:28
carlosjordi, It's just extra information for you so you do some extra questions/test before a new import06:28
carlosnot a big problem06:28
zygaWaterSevenUb: the best way to translate language-selector is to have wikipedia around, all those countries are there to see :)06:28
WaterSevenUbzyga, there is one package there with all the coutnries translated already.06:28
WaterSevenUbzyga, give me one minute.06:29
zygaWaterSevenUb: ah?!?06:29
zygaWaterSevenUb: I sure would like to merge if it has .pl stuff06:29
zygaWaterSevenUb: how about weather applet?06:29
WaterSevenUbzyga, country-chooser? 06:30
WaterSevenUbzyga, I don0t have time now... check if it's that one...06:30
zygaWaterSevenUb: I have to go now - I'll check it tomorrow06:31
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carloszyga, do you have to translate country names?06:39
carlosthat's a bug on language selector....06:39
WaterSevenUbcarlos, what do you mean by bug?06:40
carlosWaterSevenUb, it should use iso-codes package06:40
carlosthat has translations for all countries and languages06:40
WaterSevenUbcarlos, where is iso-codes in Rosetta? Also, countrychooser has translations of country names.06:42
carlosWaterSevenUb, not sure if it's imported, if it's not, we should fix that06:43
WaterSevenUbcarlos, well... I'm lost. File a bug on language-selector to use iso-codes? How to tell to import iso-codes to Breezy? (There is one in Hoary that could be possibly reused).06:45
carlosWaterSevenUb, file two bugs: 1.- language-selector should use iso-codes (against language-selector) 2.- iso-codes is not available for breezy (against Rosetta)06:46
WaterSevenUb1. bugzilla 2. malone ?06:47
carlosWaterSevenUb, yes06:48
zygacarlos: yes, both country names and languages06:54
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zygacarlos: but I did the translation manualy, outside rosetta 06:55
WaterSevenUbcarlos, https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/2022, http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1450306:55
carlosWaterSevenUb, thank you06:55
WaterSevenUbzyga, so... you have countrychooser in breezy, and iso-codes in Hoary... check for country translations in there;)06:55
carlosWaterSevenUb, countrychooser should also use iso-codes06:56
WaterSevenUbcarlos, one more bug? eheh.06:56
zygaWaterSevenUb: I'll merge and that should make my work obsolete, thanks :)06:56
carlosthe point behind that package is to translate those languages/countries in a common place and only once06:56
WaterSevenUbI see.... so +1 bug?:) 06:57
WaterSevenUbwhy can't I find countrychooser in packages.ubuntu.com?06:59
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carlosWaterSevenUb, I don't know, ask at #ubuntu-devel07:02
zygaWaterSevenUb: there is a package localechooser-data07:04
zygaWaterSevenUb: I cannot check it now07:04
Kinnisonciao dudes07:17
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WaterSevenUbcarlos, no time now... see you.07:30
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=== niemeyer is back, now under Ubuntu :-)
kiko-fudis that breezy or hoary?07:55
niemeyerSome details are still not working, like an empty "Applications" menu, but that's minor07:55
niemeyer(not working for me, I mean)07:55
niemeyerCertainly due to past config files I had07:56
carlosniemeyer, last time I tried to develop launchpad with breezy was a bit difficult and tests didn't work07:56
carlosthat was a month ago07:56
niemeyercarlos: Ah, looks like I'll have a lot of fun then.. :))07:57
carlosniemeyer, yeah, the postgres setup changes a bit07:57
carlosbecause the paths changed07:57
kikocarlos, apparently the sab fixed the issues, but I'm not sure he landed them07:57
kikoniemeyer, is there a way, in xchat, do make a user command issue two IRC commands?07:58
carlostwistd 2.0 gave me lots of problems with hte tests but Andrew did some fixes for that so it should not be an issue anymore...07:58
carloskiko, ok07:58
niemeyerkiko: If using the Python plugin interface, certainly07:58
kikoniemeyer, not using the python plugin interface07:58
niemeyerkiko: Not that I'm aware about it07:59
kikosucks to be me07:59
bradbSteveA: got a moment to discuss request/launchbag:foo?08:00
niemeyerkiko: 08:01
niemeyerdef cmd1(word, word_eol, userdata):08:01
niemeyer    xchat.command("cmd2")08:01
niemeyer    xchat.command("cmd3")08:01
niemeyerxchat.hook_command("cmd1", cmd1)08:01
niemeyerThat should work, ir you're interested08:01
kikoyou are such a hacker08:02
=== niemeyer gives kiko a hug
niemeyer.. and shouts in his ear: _why the damn tinyproxy doesn't work?_08:07
niemeyer[niemeyer@burma ~] % sudo tinyproxy -d08:08
niemeyertinyproxy: Unable to find group "nobody".08:08
niemeyerOk.. got it08:09
kikoniemeyer, group nobody missing, obviously08:09
kikoif it's broken in breezy.. report a bug08:09
niemeyerkiko: You're such a hacker!08:11
=== niemeyer runs
niemeyerI'll have to nobody -> nogroup on all old conffiles08:11
kikoah, old config files from mandriva08:12
niemeyerkiko: Is there something like the redhatish rc.local on Debian systems?08:12
niemeyer(something that is exec'd on startup)08:12
niemeyerAnd is supposed to be messed by users08:13
kikonot that I know of08:13
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Keybukhow goes the ubuntu install?08:14
kikoKeybuk, here's a question from niemeyere08:15
kiko<niemeyer> kiko: Is there something like the redhatish rc.local on Debian systems?08:15
kikoI didn't know of anything -- do you, Keybuk?08:16
Keybukwhat does rc.local do on RedHat ?08:16
kiko<niemeyer> (something that is exec'd on startup)08:17
kiko<niemeyer> And is supposed to be messed by users08:17
Keybukniemeyer: what do you want to do on startup?08:17
Keybukbecause that would probably mean there's a bug in Ubuntu we need to fix <g>08:17
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Keybukniemeyer: what do you want to do on startup?08:19
Keybukbecause that would probably mean there's a bug in Ubuntu we need to fix <g>08:19
niemeyer_Keybuk: Sorry.. power problems here08:20
niemeyer_Keybuk: It's going nicely08:20
Keybuk(re: rc.local)08:20
niemeyer_Keybuk: Still polishing a few details, but the core migration is done08:20
niemeyer_Keybuk: Not really.. just minor personal tasks I'd like to run at startup08:21
Keybukjust drop a file in /etc/rc2.d named S99whateveryouwant08:21
niemeyer_Keybuk: Understood08:22
niemeyer_Btw, do you happen to know what to do with an empty "Applications" menu?08:22
Keybukit's empty?!  oops08:22
niemeyer_Keybuk: Not a fault of ubuntu08:23
Keybuktry right-clicking on it and choosing Edit Menus and see if you need to turn stuff on08:23
Keybukoh, what did you do?08:23
niemeyer_Keybuk: Migrated my home from Conectiva, to Mandriva, to Ubuntu.. :)08:23
=== bradb reads the MagicSourcePackage spec to get an idea of what it'll take to make ISourcePackage work for distros, so that /distros/ubuntu/+sources/... can work.
bradb"In the case where it is given a distribution it will usually behave as though it was workingwith that distributions primarydistrorelease." -- "usually" is an interesting choice of word there.08:38
bradbWould it make sense to change SourcePackage so that it can only take one of either distribution or distrorelease, and to make the assumption that only .distribution OR .distrorelease will be set?08:47
bradbKinnison, cprov: What do you think?08:49
bradbI'm wondering what kind of explosion this might trigger08:50
bradbeven breaking it up into two pieces, IDistroSourcePackage and IDistroReleaseSourcePackage might make sense, unless you guys can think of another way to be able to render a +index on both kinds of objects without that.08:52
=== bradb goes bughunting meanwhile
kikobradb, well, if you look at sourcepackage's methods, the question you want to answer is: do they make sense in a distro context?08:54
kikowhich of them depend on distrorelease?08:54
bradbyeah, i looked at them08:54
kikoand if you used the latest release, what impact would it have on the pages you are working on?08:55
bradbi think they can all make sense, with reasonable assumptions about what not having a .distrorelease means08:55
kikowhat does it mean?08:56
bradbkiko: I don't think using the latest release makes sense for all of them. e.g. not for bugsCounter, at least.08:56
bradbkiko: it means different things for different methods, AFAIK08:56
kikoI agree08:56
bradbthe most important point being that the behaviour is documented, IMHO08:56
kikonot so sure08:57
kikoare most of the methods going to end up being big binary if switches?08:57
bradbif it remains as one implementation class, then yes, that may happen08:58
kikowell, s/may/?/ and I'll suggest a course of action08:59
bradbI can't answer questions about a sourcepackage as though I understand it extremely thoroughly though. I'm sure Kinnison or cprov could illuminate more deeply what impact this other semantic would have on the bowels of Soyuz/LP.09:00
bradbMy initial impression is that it would make more sense to split it into two objects though09:00
kikobradb, SourcePackage isn't used in many places09:01
kikoI'm not so sure K/C will actually know that well09:01
bradbit isn't?09:02
bradbbradb@oxygen:~/launchpad/lib/canonical/launchpad $ greppy SourcePackage | wc -l09:02
bradblead me to think otherwise, but looks can be deceiving09:02
kikogreppy SourcePackageRelease | wc -l09:03
bradbindeed, these results are not a count of just the "SourcePackage" class, as it were, but anywhere the word "SourcePackage" is mention suggests to me the potential to break something with this change, be directly or indirectly09:04
kikowell, no09:05
kikoSourcePackageRelease will not be affected at all09:05
bradbbradb@oxygen:~/launchpad/lib/canonical/launchpad $ greppy "\bSourcePackageRelease\b" | wc -l09:06
bradb(dunno if writing Perl regex's for grep Just Works, but ... :)09:06
bradb67 for \bSourcePackage\b09:07
bradbit doesn't look to bad though, skimming through less09:08
kikobradb, hctapi uses it09:08
kikoyou can be sure that none of the callsites use it without a distro release09:08
bradbcorrect, by the looks of it09:09
bradbthat's Very Good News, to my eyes09:09
kikobradb, make a separate class, I think09:10
bradbso, it would appear that adding this new semantic isn't so bad in terms of breaking existing code, but that it does leave the question of if and how to distinguish D SP and DR SP behaviour09:10
bradbyeah, i'd tend to agree09:10
kikothere is not a lot of commonality that you can use09:10
kikoyou can however try implementing a subset of the interface09:10
kikoand making sourcepackage's interface inherit from yours09:11
bradbone thing that I'm wrestling with here is that, where I think IBugTask, IDistroBugTask, IUpstreamBugTask, etc. communicate very clearly what kind of task one is working with in the code, I don't think sabdfl likes that. so, even though i might take the same approach here (afterall, how do you register a distinct +index page for each, otherwise?), i can imagine what kind of reaction that would cause09:13
bradbe.g. I was thinking ISourcePackage, IDistroSourcePackage and IDistroReleaseSourcePackage. one base iface and two specializations of that iface for things that are and behave differently.09:13
bradbkiko: thoughts on that?09:16
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kikobradb, sounds correct.09:17
kikoIDRSP I'm not so sure about -- sounds like plain SP09:18
bradbI'm curious: how would an IDRSP be a "plain SP" anymore than a specific sp release should be a "plain sp"?09:19
bradbthe problem i'm seeing here is that with two iface's, that seems to imply one is going to extend the other, but that breaks in both directions, because each will have different methods that won't make sense for the other, i think09:20
bradbbut, the ideas are still simmering, i'm not fully sure one way or the other on that bit09:21
kikoyou want to survive the full rename of SourcePackage -> IDRSP?09:23
bradbif it can work like bug task works, we don't need to actually create a new content class. we could have the core content class be basically just the data, and from there adapt it to the iface it should behave like.09:25
kikomark seems to be allergic to adapters :-(09:26
bradbyeah, i know. hmph. trying to think of how this can be kept clear and simple.09:27
=== bradb wonders if SteveA has ever pondered the DSP vs. DRSP problem
bradbkiko: what should i do then? maybe keep this idea on low heat and bring it up with SteveA when he's around later?09:29
kikoI'd do the following09:30
kikocreate a new class09:30
kikocreate the interface split09:31
kikodon't do any adaptation09:31
kikothen later talk to stevea about refactoring09:31
kikoyou'll need to do some minor duplication because of this09:31
kikobut it should be mainly little if clauses in the browser code09:31
bradbok, to be clear, which if ISP, IDSP and IDRSP do you think should exist?09:32
kikoI'd do the simplest thing, which is a bit in violation of OOness09:33
bradband, which of SP, DSP and DRSP content classes, and how do you picture the inheritance hierarchy working?09:33
kikoIDSP -> ISP09:33
kikono inheritance between the content classes09:33
bradbi'll start by modifying doc/sourcepackage.txt09:35
=== carlos -> dinner
=== FireRabbit [n=FireRabb@c-67-183-18-60.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #launchpad
FireRabbitcan i somehow add a little dropdown box where the user can select which operating system they are using in the "Add Bug" page for my project?09:51
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bradbFireRabbit: hm, interesting question09:53
bradbthe direct answer is no, you can't add a little dropdown box to your filebug page for your product. but it's an interesting point.09:54
FireRabbitwhat about adding different components to my project like bugzilla has?09:54
bradbnope, Malone doesn't have components (yet)09:55
bradbFireRabbit: what project are you referring to? what kind of things did you have in mind for components?09:55
FireRabbitwell, my application has a windows gui, a linux gui, and a common shared backend library. it would be nice to have seporate components for each one09:56
bradbFireRabbit: who do you envision to choose the "component"?09:57
FireRabbitwell, it would be fine if the user just saw "Which operating system are you using?:" .. one of the developers could then switch it to the backend if it was determined that the bug was not platform-specific09:58
bradbFireRabbit: i.e. i'm curious if what you mean by component can be handled with keywords instead.09:58
bradbor if there's a need for both09:58
FireRabbithm, i dont know if i saw keywords09:59
bradbthey're not yet implemented09:59
FireRabbitoh, i see :)09:59
FireRabbitwell, if "keywords" are going to be configurable per-project, and if you will be able to select a keyword when submitting a bug, it would probably do what i am thinking just fine09:59
bradbok. we'll do some thinking about your questions/issues. sorry, i can't give any more specific an answer than that right now, but it's always helpful to hear what users are finding confusing/missing/useful/whatever10:02
FireRabbitthanks a lot10:02
bradbno prob10:03
FireRabbiti thought of one more thing, say someone submits a bug for my project and we determine that the bug is actually being caused by one of the shared libraries that the project uses, is there a way to re-assign an existing bug to another project?10:03
bradbFireRabbit: no, but i agree that it's an issue10:04
FireRabbitokay, just throwing it out there as an idea :)10:04
bradbit's a very good idea10:05
FireRabbiti think it would compliment the whole upstream/distribution seporation malone tries to make quite well10:06
FireRabbitbrb, i need to grab some lunch.. is there a mailing list i should post these suggestions on?10:07
bradbFireRabbit: I just filed https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/2030, re: reassignment10:09
bradbFireRabbit: I haven't announced malone-users officially yet. Planning to do so around the 1.0 release, in the not-too-distant future.10:10
FireRabbitokay, cool. hopefully ill hear about it10:16
kikodoes anyone know of a tool to clean up pristine trees automatically?10:23
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bradbkiko: Does this look like what you had in mind for SP? https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileTEg1KE.html10:45
kikobradb, looks good.10:47
bradbgreat, thanks. I love science fiction.10:48
=== bradb turns it into science non-fiction
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niemeyerArgh.. I hope to keep the same distribution for another 5 years at least. :-)11:09
bradbkiko: doc/sourcepackage.txt passes now, with that snippet included. w00t.11:11
bradbtime for me to head out11:12
=== mvo waves to niemeyer
bradblater all11:15
niemeyermvo: Today it's the first time I use Smart on Ubuntu by myself. :)11:18
mvoniemeyer: nice! are you happy with the packaging :)?11:18
niemeyermvo: I'm using it from the development tree so far11:19
niemeyermvo: But the fact that the package actually exists already makes me happy ;)11:20
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lifelessmorning all11:33
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