
=== kafeine [n=kori@] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
=== miketech [n=miketech@dsl-084-056-240-243.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
miketechhave just seen the ubuntu artwork variation of art.gnome.org12:35
miketechwhen will art.ubuntu.com be online?12:35
kafeineit's a good question01:05
=== lllmanulll [n=manu@dan75-4-82-239-58-38.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
=== AndyFitz [n=andy@nat-pool-brisbane.redhat.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-artwork:AndyFitz] : why is the ubuntu font not packaged ?
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=== klepas [n=klepas@203-213-31-142-act.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
lllmanulllHey there, anyone can give me a status on *applications* icons ? I'd love to help, since i saw lots of applications icons look ugly when enlarged, on my system12:05
lllmanulllAnd there seems to be no applications icons in the Humility icon project12:06
klepasI'd love to tell you, but I'm somewhat after the answer m'self too... :-(12:08
lllmanulllAll right, let's wait for somebody more informed :)12:08
klepaswe might be waiting for a long time12:09
klepassomeone told me the art team got reformed12:09
klepasor something along those lines12:09
lllmanullloh, well12:09
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-artwork:ogra] : why is the ubuntu font not packaged ? it is ! install ttf-ubuntu-title on breezy ;)
lllmanulllThen I guess I'll start working on these icons anyway :)12:10
klepasgood luck :-)12:10
klepasshow us what you've got afterwards :-)12:10
lllmanulllI'll put this on a webpage12:10
klepasgot one now?12:11
lllmanulllYep, but no icons on it yet12:18
lllmanulllI've been working on the gnome-panel12:18
lllmanulllHere :12:18
lukaculllmanulll: please update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HumilityIcons when you start working ... to "reserve" the icon/icons :)12:19
lllmanullllukacu, I'd love to, but I'll be working on applications icons, and these are not listed on this page...12:19
lukacuyou can add them ...12:20
lllmanulllOh, all right :)12:20
lllmanulllBut is this page still relevant ?12:20
lllmanulllIt seems that the team is not very active...12:21
lllmanulllIs it ?12:21
klepasthat panel stuff is really darn good12:24
klepasuserfriendly, usable and logic ideas12:24
klepasought to be implemented :-)12:24
klepashope they appear in breezy12:24
ogralllmanulll, doe the sudo stuff work ? 12:25
ogradoes even12:25
lllmanulllThanks ! :)12:26
lllmanulllYes, it works on Ubuntu12:26
lllmanulllIt is simply based on the admin group12:26
ogragreat :) its  an essential bit for edubuntu....12:26
lllmanulllBut I'm still speaking with people from freedesktop to let it inside their specs12:26
klepaskeep us updated12:26
lllmanulllSure :)12:27
lukaculllmanulll: dont know ... ive started it because there was a need for sychronisation of work ... perhaps if somebody starts using it it will become active12:27
lllmanulllAll this stuff will indeed appear in breezy, except maybe the separator and the notification12:27
klepasany of you follow the kde-artists?12:28
lllmanullllukacu, All right, I'll use it :)12:28
klepasbecause, sadly kde-artists mailing list just underwent a flamewar12:28
=== rob^ [n=rob@pdpc/supporter/student/rob-ubuntu] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
rob^hey theres a title now :)12:32
klepascan't say it's exactly art related, but what the hey - it's a title nonetheless :-P12:33
rob^well its more meaningful then the one I set12:33
rob^is there even an art team yet?12:34
rob^I mean, I have to blame someone for the abundance of brown..12:35
klepas"rob^: is there even an art team yet?" - yea, I've been looking for something like that - have yet to find one12:36
klepaslol :-)12:36
rob^I might do some poking around, see what turns up12:37
klepaskeep me tuned12:37
klepasif it's no trouble12:37
=== rob^ turns ugly highlighting off
klepashighlighting still on12:40
rob^just remove everything after ?12:40
rob^oh, including the ?12:40
klepasyea, I did :-P12:41
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=== miketech [n=miketech@dsl-084-056-239-013.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
=== Dantis [n=danten@h179n8c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #Ubuntu-artwork
=== ogra [n=ogra@pD9FAB412.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
=== miketech [n=miketech@dsl-084-056-210-118.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
lllmanulllHey there07:02
lllmanulllHave a few propositions for a Firefox icon07:02
=== Seveas [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-artwork

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