
Kamionmdz: yo12:04
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mdzKamion: hi12:05
Kamionmdz: do you have a preliminary list of preview blockers? I'm way, way behind on the bug list12:09
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mdzKamion: get usplash enabled by default, fix the virtual console switching problems on the live cd, and fix the language-support-* problem12:13
mdzKamion: I'm behind on installer bugs, too, but the basics were working fine as of Colony 312:16
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mdzKamion: any clear blockers on your end?12:22
KamionI've just uploaded archive-copier 0.3.0, which should fix the language-support-* in conjunction with germinate and cdimage changes I made earlier today; but the .0 reflects a lack of testing in the context of the installer12:23
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Kamionmdz: there are various bugs about magic-resize causing parted_server to crash or otherwise falling over, which concern me quite a bit12:24
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mdzKamion: I think a Colony this week would be a good idea as preparation for preview12:26
KamionI'll see what I can do tomorrow12:26
mdzcurrent i386 live CD is working on my laptop, modulo the console switching bugs12:26
mdzwhich is encouraging in the face of allthe apparent X autodetection regressions12:27
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mdzmjg59: around?12:40
mjg59mdz: Hi12:40
mdzmjg59: so I dug a bit into this VT switching problem12:40
mdzand it's clearly impossible that this is happening12:40
Kamionwell, the right way to install usplash by default on first boot, if you don't want it as part of minimal, is probably to create a usplash-udeb that installs it in a base-installer hook12:40
Kamionand make that priority standard12:41
mdzX only does VT_WAITACTIVE _immediately_ (next statement) after VT_ACTIVATE12:41
KamionI don't know if that's packaging overkill though12:41
mdzthe race should be incredibly small12:41
mjg59mdz: Nngh12:41
mjg59mdz: But it doesn't seem to happen off hard drive12:41
mdzmjg59: right12:41
mdzand it doesn't happen if we QUIT usplash12:41
mdzof course, on the hard drive, X starts first12:42
mdzwhile on the live CD, usplash seems to timeout first12:42
=== mvo goes to bed now
mjg59Can you hack usplash, extend the timeout and see how it behaves?12:42
mdzI wonder if I could get it to happen on the hadr rdive12:42
mdzhard drive12:42
mdzmaybe decrease the usplash timeout to <= X startup time12:42
mdzor that12:42
mdzeasier to mess around on the hard drive than on the live cd12:43
mjg59Do you want me to add support for changing the timeout?12:43
mjg59It'd probably make it easier to test12:43
mdza command line parameter would be quite handy12:43
mjg59I can give you either a command line parameter or a usplash_write command12:43
mdzyou haven't seen this happen yet, have you?12:43
mdzif you could download a live CD and try it, I'd be interested to know a) that it's not just me, and b) if seeing it gives you any ideas12:44
mjg59Hm. No blank CDs, I'm afraid.12:44
mjg59(Need to rectify that at some point)12:44
Nafallomjg59: that's what CD-RWs are for indeed :-)12:44
CarlFKhows the pxe boot live CD coming?12:45
CarlFKi vaugly remember a few months ago someone having some interest in it, and sayind "shouldn't be to hard"12:46
mdzCarlFK: it's still perfectly workable in concept but nobody has written the code12:46
mdzand it's certainly not a priority for me12:46
CarlFKheh - like many thiungs. 12:46
=== Kamion [n=cjwatson@83-216-156-196.colinw664.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzwould be handy to have xserver-xorg-dbg on the live CD so I could trace this out12:47
CarlFKdoesn't apt-get work?12:47
mdzit's too late by that point12:48
mdzI need it when usplash is still running12:48
mdzthough maybe I could simulate it by starting usplash again later12:48
mdzin fact I should try that in the non-livecd environment right now12:48
Kamionyou could write a post.d script to apt-get install it, I'd've thought12:48
mdzKamion: that's true too12:49
mdz        Identifier      "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon Mobility 9000 (M7 LW)"12:51
mdz        Driver          "cirrus_laguna"12:51
=== mdz howls at the moon
tsenga clever pairing, at least12:51
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mdzI can't get this to happen outside of the live CD at all12:55
mdzmjg59: QUIT should have the same effect as the timeout, right?12:56
mjg59mdz: I think so. Let me check.12:56
tsengmjg59: hibernate is still broken across the board, correct?12:56
mdzlooks like it12:56
mjg59tseng: Depends. Hang on.12:57
mjg59tseng: The fix I sent to Ben isn't in the changelog, so I guess so12:58
tsengill test it again for good luck12:58
mjg59I'll chase up Ben12:58
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mdzyay gdb12:59
mdz /build/buildd/gdb-6.3/gdb/linux-nat.c:495: internal-error: wait returned unexpected status 0x4057f12:59
mdzgdb can't debug Xorg-debug01:01
mdzcan someone try the current daily live CD for me?01:02
mdzI need to know if this is just some incredibly lucky race on my hardware01:02
mdzi386 or amd64 is fine01:02
elmowell, I can in 50 minutes...01:03
Kamionelmo: re your powerpc lvm bug, installation on lvm isn't supported yet on powerpc so I'll probably just disable that option01:04
Kamionelmo: have you tried it on i386/amd64 recently?01:04
elmoKamion: not yet01:04
elmowe're planning on starting breezy server testing tomorrow and/or whenever next colony is01:05
slomohm, is someone with an ibook g4 here who runs an (fairly) up to date breezy with initramfs and the like?01:06
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crimsuntritium has an ibook or an imac, I don't remember which01:08
tritiumhmm?  I have a new 20" iMac...01:08
tritiumWhat's up?01:08
mdzKamion: it was suggested that perhaps the lvm option should be less obvious; I'm inclined to agree if that's easy to do01:09
crimsuntritium: slomo was asking for someone with an ibook g401:09
tritiumOh, okay.  hoary and breezy kernel panic on the new iMac, so I can't put ubuntu on it yet anyway01:10
Kamionmdz: I do think it gets in the way too much as it is given that we decided not to make it the default, but I'm unsure as to where else to put it01:10
slomotritium: for breezy what panic do you get? something about unable to mount root fs?01:10
tritiumslomo, sounds right.  It has been a while since I tried it.  I'll try again if you like.01:11
slomotritium: would be perfect :) i talked to the kernel guys already but they couldn't reproduce my problem and had no idea what was wrong01:12
tritiumOkay, I'll download a daily image and give it a try.  It'll be a few hours before I'm back, and can give you an update, slomo 01:13
slomotritium: ok, fine :) i also tried the daily a few hours ago and it didn't work for me... colony 3 don't work too... only colony 2 ;)01:13
tritiumslomo, okay, will do.01:14
slomotritium: thanks :)01:14
tritiumslomo, No problem :)  Both install and live?01:15
slomotritium: i only tried install... but as rescue mode and installer are working i see no reason why the live cd shouldn't work ;)01:16
tritiumokay, grabbing install CD now01:17
slomoand i install again from colony 2 ;) i need the ibook tomorrow :/01:18
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tritiumslomo, you might also ask nalioth what he's tried with all his powerpc machines.  He's a good resource01:20
mdzKamion: I think I'd prefer that usplash just deal with being installed after the kernel01:20
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mdzKamion: my only reservation is that regenerating the initramfs can be risky01:21
Kamionmdz: I didn't realise that there was a problem there; I was simply referring to the task of getting it installed on first boot01:22
slomotritium: thanks :) i'll do tomorrow01:25
=== StrikeForce [n=marc@dsl-202-72-163-232.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzKamion: it's certainly the simplest solution: have usplash re-mkinitramfs in its postinst01:25
StrikeForcehey all01:25
mdzmjg59: what do you think?01:25
StrikeForceI uploaded a package that was in main to revu can someone revu it please?01:26
mjg59mdz: Hrm. Which kernel would it change?01:26
mdzmjg59: the one the default symlink points to01:27
mjg59Ah, ok01:27
mdzwe do default symlinks on powerpc too, right?01:27
mjg59Yeah, I'm good with that01:27
slomomdz: yes01:27
Kamionmdz: yes; just note that on some arches they're in / and on others they're in /boot01:27
Kamionfor historical reasons01:28
mjg59mdz: There's a bzr repository at people.debian.org/~mjg59/usplash01:28
mjg59I'm too tired to write code that might break someone's boot right now :)01:28
mdzmjg59: ok, this is interesting01:31
mdzmjg59: it's only ~4 seconds after gdm startup that I see the console switch01:31
mdznot 1501:31
mdzand it's going back to vt2, which is where it was when usplash was started01:32
mjg59mdz: Hrm. Then I suspect something nasty in the usplash vt switch signal logic01:32
mdzmjg59: I have an strace from the X server if that interests you01:33
mdzI'm not even entirely surely that usplash is exiting; it's difficult to check at that stage01:33
mdzI don't know why else I would go to vt2 though01:33
mdzwhat does usplash od if it gets an invalid progress value?01:34
mdzwell, bother, it just ignores it as it should01:34
mjg59Uhm. Unsure.01:34
mjg59mdz: The thing I'd recommend looking at is the bogl code that handles VT switches01:35
mdzmjg59: but I don't know what would be triggering a vt switch01:35
mdzdoes usplash catch any signals?01:35
mjg59It registers USR2 for VT switches01:36
mdzhmm, I don't know what would be sending it USR201:36
mjg59The kernel01:36
mjg59Check the code in bogl.c01:36
mjg59There's an ioctl to request a signal on VT switches01:36
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mdzoh, VT_SETMODE01:37
sladenmjg59: you don't need to use the ioctl;  you can echo an escape string to the console01:37
sladenmjg59: == saves being root01:37
mdzthat explains it01:37
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mdzmjg59: I thought you were just hanging around and timing out, and at that time checking if there had been a vt switch01:37
mjg59Ah, nope01:38
mdzso it's entirely reasonable that this could be racy01:38
mdzsince X's VT_ACTIVATE should trigger the signal01:38
mjg59mdz: Yeah - sorry, I thought you realised that that was what it was doing01:39
mjg59The idea is that someone can press ctrl+alt+f1 and get back to the normal console01:39
mdzmjg59: shouldn't that Just Work?01:40
mdzoh, I suppose not, if it'd continue drawing01:40
mdzwhat does VT_RELDISP do?01:40
mdzah, tells the kernel it's OK to switch01:41
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=== Kamion -> bed
mdzmjg59: so the SIGUSR2 triggers bogl's handler, which cleans itself up and tells the kernel it's OK to switch, and also interrupts the select loop and causes usplash to exit?01:44
sladenmdz: it's an ack/disallow from userspace to the kernel before a switch is actually made01:44
mjg59mdz: I think it just exits itself, doesn't it?01:44
mjg59I'll admit to not having checked over that code path very well01:44
mdzmjg59: vt_switch() seems to just enable/disable bogl stuff01:45
mdzmjg59: presumably select(2) returns -EINTR or so, and you break out of the loop on any error from select01:45
mjg59I'd guess01:45
mdzmjg59: this is so a usplash bug :-P01:46
mdzit shouldn't try to switch consoles if the reason that we're exiting is because the user switched consoles01:46
mjg59I've never claimed that my software is bugfree01:46
mjg59Nngh. Right.01:46
mdzmjg59: a quick test confirms that if I start usplash and hit ctrl+alt+f3, I still end up back at vt201:47
mdzI'll see what I can do with it01:48
sladenmjg59: if you don't request the VT_POSSESION (in bogl) then switching will just happen on its own01:48
mjg59sladen: bogl needs to know to stop drawing to the framebuffer01:49
Lathiat_hrm, my firefox freezes up whenever i click on a download link of some kind01:49
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Lathiat_hrm itneresting, and you cant run official builds now because libXp.so.6 doesnt exist01:53
sladenmjg59: yeah, urm.  I just had the parent loop and poll the current VT01:53
mjg59sladen: Sounds racey01:53
sladenmjg59: indeed01:54
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elmowow, live cd is painfully slow on this laptop02:21
elmois breezy's slower or is it the cdrom and/or lack of memory (256) in this machine?02:21
TerminXI could see GNOME on 256 megs being pretty slow..02:22
mdzelmo: it's lack of DMA on the CD02:22
elmothis is nowhere near gnome02:22
elmomdz: ok, well, it booted, but X failed to start02:22
elmomdz: "sh: getconfig: command not found"02:23
TerminXI made the assumption that you were talking about slow to use, not that it was sitting there trying to boot and failing to start X and stuff :)02:23
mdzno clue what that is02:23
elmoshall I file a bug?02:23
mdzsure, why not02:23
mdzwhere did you see that error?02:23
mdzmjg59: usplash 0.7-1 uploaded, diff en route to your mailbox02:24
elmomdz: I got a "X failed to start, do you want to see the log" dialog, and I'm in that02:24
elmoso I assume /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:24
mdzelmo: oh02:24
mdzthat's X's way of telling you that xorg.conf doesn't exist, I think02:25
mdzso check /var/log/casper/post.log02:25
mdzwhich contains the debug output from trying to configure X02:25
elmook, so it probably all falls apart from therE?02:26
mdzwell, for me, it still generated a valid (but incorrect) xorg.conf02:27
mdzdo you have /etc/X11/xorg.conf or no?02:27
elmo(hey, networking works ;)02:27
mdz++ expr ' @ 60Hz' / 2002:28
mdzexpr: non-numeric argument02:28
mdzsounds like you have another bug on top of that one02:28
elmowhat's that the sh -x output of?02:29
mdznow that I've had to learn about Linux VT switching anyway, maybe I can find out why gdm's shutdown vt switching is broken on the live CD02:31
elmohmm, i can't reproduce it on the command line, how annoying02:34
mjg59elmo: If you're on the laptop you borrowed, can you try gnome-power-manager?02:36
elmomjg59: yeah, once I've finished retrying the live CD02:37
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elmomjg59: the hot key to suspend worked tonight tho when I left the office02:37
elmobut lid close still didn't02:37
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mjg59elmo: Yeah, it won't do02:39
mjg59g-p-m ought to let you configure that02:39
mdzelmo: new jackass is LOVE02:40
elmoyeah, it rocks.  I love DL385's02:41
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elmohmm, this sucks02:42
mdzexcept for that /dev/cciss madness02:42
elmoI retried live CD, and now I can't get off of the "Failed to start the X server" dialog VT02:42
mdzyeah, that happens02:42
elmoyeah, that's annoying, I can't get snmpd to like it02:42
mjg59elmo: Yes, I've had that happen02:42
mdzthere's a bug in bugzilla somewhere02:42
mdzelmo: alt+sysrq+r02:43
elmook, I'm going to throw this bug at daniel, he may be able to recognise it from post.log; i can always retry later if he can't02:43
mdzthe keyboard gets left in raw mode sometimes02:43
elmoWTF is sysrq on a laptop?02:43
mdzmine is labeled "sysrq" :-P02:43
mdzbut then, I buy IBM02:43
elmooh, yes, so it is02:43
elmoit's a dark room :P02:43
mdza clever choice, given that it's easy to find in the dark02:44
elmohmm, it's Fn+Delete here, but it's not doing anything02:44
mdzFn+PgUp on thinkpads turns on the light02:45
mdzthe hunt-and-peck light02:45
mjg59elmo: You tend to need to do vn+alt+sysreq+(release fn)+key02:45
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mjg59Otherwise fn modifies the other key as well02:45
elmonope, no love02:46
elmoI got it to eject the CD while  bashing stuff tho02:46
jdubelmo: you running vmware at the DC?02:50
Lathiat_is anyoen else experiencing serious gamin problems?02:50
Lathiat_most of the time its not working, and when ti gets really bad, attempts to connect to the socket hang which breaks half thea pplication on the desktop at startup02:50
Lathiat_and this has only been the last week or so its been this bad02:50
jdubmdz: http://www.m17n.org/mcpp/index_eng.html02:51
elmojdub: not yet; we are at the office02:52
jdubelmo: oh, for desktops?02:52
jdubjournalists are posting their articles to sounder now02:52
jdubthat's the NSA's phone number!02:59
jdubquick, tackle mdz!02:59
mdzthat's me trying to learn a kinesis keyboard03:00
elmomjg59: hum03:01
jdubwhat's a kinesis keyboard?03:01
=== jdub thought it was a nuclear launch code
elmomjg59: "Battery Charge Monitor" has quit unexpectedly, when I installed g-p-m03:01
jdubelmo: did dbus/hal restart?03:01
Lathiat_elmo: might be due to dbus restarting03:01
elmoeww, do we really need bubble pop up spam for the language pack stuff?03:02
elmojdub: yes03:02
jdublanguage pack spam? what does that one say?03:02
elmo"we split into gnome, kde, everything else, kthxbye"03:02
jduboh no03:02
mdzjdub: www.kinesis.com03:03
jdubis it pictured on the front page?03:04
=== jdub has an mspro bendy keyboard
jdubthis keyboard gives me license to say things like "dude" and "tubular"03:04
lifelesstubular dudes ?03:04
jdublike totally03:04
mdzjdub: this one is an old one03:05
mdzbut similar03:05
mdzit makes me slow03:05
elmomjg59: eek, is g-p-m the "power preferences" thing?03:06
jduband the 'new' battery applet03:06
Lathiat_heh cute, someone attempting to brute force an ssh password to my box tried the username "dbus"03:06
jdubnot that i think anyone wants to use it03:06
jduband the power prefs is crazy03:07
=== jdub thinks it's an ok testing ui ;)
desrtLathiat; they hope you are beyond stupid03:07
=== Lathiat_ thought g-p-m looked pretty nifty
jdubLathiat_: that's like, critical mass or something03:07
Lathiat_desrt: obviously03:07
desrtgpm is interesting03:07
elmothat keyboard looks beyond weird03:08
desrtthe one thing i don't understand about gpm is why it is a session daemon03:08
mdzelmo: pitti uses one now03:11
jdubitanium solutions alliance!03:11
mdzobsolescence alliance!03:12
jdubyesterday's news consortium!03:12
elmogot ipw chipsets are so freakin lame03:13
elmothey're still broken in breezy :(03:14
Lathiat_as in intel?03:14
jdubdude, centrino is teh mighty!03:15
jdubmine is working ok03:15
elmojdub: every ipw in the office breaks, like daily03:16
Lathiat_my ipw2200 ahs always worked03:16
Lathiat_it had some problems back in the early ipw2200 driver days03:16
Lathiat_where it randomly stopped working03:16
Lathiat_but seems fine these days03:16
=== jdub needs to tell NM to switch interfaces from the command line
jdubd'oh ;)03:17
=== Lathiat_ reboots to a lovely "you must reboot" notification
Lathiat_that didnt show up before i rebooted presumably because gamin is the suck03:20
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elmoah, hmm, I take it back, that was in fact my netgear WAP breaking.  yay.03:31
zulmy ipw2200 works03:32
Lathiat_elmo: ah, heh03:36
mdzelmo: it does still spew firmware errors03:46
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jdubmjg59: around?04:03
jbaileyjdub: yoyosup!04:07
jdubmorning jbailey 04:08
jbaileySo I'm curious about your SCSI woes. 04:08
jbaileyThey ought not to happen anymore...04:09
jbaileySo I'm surprised that they do.04:09
jdubhow soon is anymore?04:09
jbaileyA few weeks ago.04:10
jbaileySo I'm clearly wrong. =)04:10
jdubjust upgrading that machine now, with -8 abi kernsl04:11
jbaileyCool.  I'm curious about your SCSI card.04:12
jdubit's a sata_sil04:12
jdub0000:00:0d.0 RAID bus controller: Silicon Image, Inc. (formerly CMD Technology Inc) SiI 3112 [SATALink/SATARaid]  Serial ATA Controller (rev 02)04:12
Lathiat_mmm fakeraid04:13
jdubyeah, i don't use that poo04:13
Lathiat_you can get cardbus cards witht hat chipset04:13
Lathiat_for $44!04:13
Lathiat_with two ports04:13
jbaileyjdub: Raid.  But the question is why isn't the pci scan  picking up the scsi card?04:13
Lathiat_and yuo can get external sata caddies for $5004:13
Lathiat_im gonna get a coulpe + a controller, beats firewire or usb :)04:13
jbaileyjdub: Can you look in /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:0d.0 for me?04:14
jbaileyjdub: In there, there should be a 'modalias' file.04:15
jbaileyI'd like to know what's in it.04:15
jbailey(This is from the running system)04:16
mjg59jdub: Yeah04:17
mjg59elmo: Gah. It probably restarts dbus04:17
jdub$ cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:0d.0/modalias04:17
jbaileyAnd this is i386, right?04:17
jdubit's like *so* run of the mill machine04:18
jdubp2 bx chipset04:18
jbaileyThe top entry in modules.alias ought to match that.04:18
jbaileySo iz not a kernel bug.04:18
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jbaileyjdub: Do you have multiple machines?04:19
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jdubjbailey: not similar04:20
jdubactually i do have another mobo and cpu around04:21
jdubbut probably no box and psu04:21
jduboh, and i don't have another machine with sata atm04:21
jbaileyNo, I more mean, are you able to be interactive with me during the boot process?04:21
jdubit just provides dns ;)04:21
jdubit is not the fw04:22
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mjg59jdub: Pong?04:22
jdubmjg59: sorry, doing four conversations at once04:23
jdubmjg59: i have new image to send you in a little while if you want to play04:23
jbaileyjdub: sata_sil is included in the initramfs, so it should be safe to take out of the modules.  We'll be able to load it by hand.04:23
jbaileyjdub: As always, make a backup04:23
jbaileymkinitramfs -o /boot/FOO isn't a bad idea for playing. =)04:23
mjg59jdub: Ok, rock04:24
jdubjbailey: ok, verified it's in my current initrd04:25
jbaileyEven without it in /etc/mkinitramfs/modules ?04:25
jdubcp initrd.img-2.6.12-8-686 SAFEWORD04:26
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=== windub prepares
squinnand i'm now legal on the interweb!04:27
squinnor at least in utc time i am04:27
lifelesserm, I so don't want to know what that means.04:27
squinni'm 13.04:27
squinnas of 9/104:27
jdubroot@katia:/tmp/cock # find | grep sata_sil04:28
jdubroot@katia:/tmp/cock # find | grep sd_mod04:28
jdubjbailey: looks ok04:28
jdubnow you're going to make me reboot04:28
jbaileySo if you could reboot and add 'break' to the kernel command line...04:28
jbaileyWell, you needed to anyway for the -8 upgrade.04:28
jbaileySo no sympathy. ;)04:29
=== jdub makes a pissy little growling sound, gets on with doctor's orders ;)
=== Lathiat_ smirks
jbaileySee.  I seem to remember him saying that he had a *different* box to test on...04:29
windubnaw, i had a mobo and chip04:30
jbaileyYup, that's pretty much what my backscroll said.04:30
jbaileySo why did he log off again? =)04:30
jbaileySheesh, some people's coworkers.04:30
windubbecause i run irssi on my server04:30
jbaileyUnhuh, sure.04:31
=== lifeless waves generally
=== daniels [n=daniels@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jbaileyYou're just making me feel guilty for you running windows.04:31
jbaileyBUT IT WONT WORK.04:31
=== jbailey looks at the clock.
windubno, i've been running windows here and there on my desktop every now and then04:31
jbaileyThe correct hemisphere awakes, I see.04:31
jbaileyYeah, I've got MS Exchange disks on the way so that I can actually troubleshoot evo-exchange. 04:32
lifelessdon't do it. you'll feel dirty04:32
ajmitchjbailey: some of us have been awake for hours :)04:32
jbaileyajmitch: You never sleep, so you're removed from the set to avoid skewing the sample.04:32
mjg59daniels: Do we have a fake X server that supports DAMAGE in the archive?04:32
=== lifeless has been working for a half day already
=== windub wants a machine powerful enough to run windows server 2003 / exchange 2003 on top of linux
jbaileywindub: I have one.  It just runs a ppc processor. =)04:32
jbaileySo sad. =)04:32
=== ajmitch wishes that he wasn't fetching packages at ~2K/sec :(
lifelesswindub: you need to prove the existence of a real machine powerful enough to do that first.04:32
windubok, different errors this time04:32
=== dereks [n=derek@pcp0011385359pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jbaileywindub: Ooo oo ooo..  04:33
jbaileyWiat, you got errors/04:33
jbaileydid you remember to add 'break' to the kernel command line?04:33
windubbuttloads of could not load /lib/modules/.../modules.dep04:33
jbaileySo did the depmod -a not fire for you?04:33
jbaileyare you at a shll prompt?04:33
windubi can't scroll back very far :|04:34
jbaileyCan you try depmod -a and tell me what happens?04:34
jbaileyNot worried about that, but I might hack in some more debugging bits in initramfs for you.04:34
windubmy fault04:34
=== dereks [n=derek@pcp0011385359pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jbaileyIt is?04:34
windubi mkinitramfs without specifying version while i was running the old kernel04:34
windubhold on04:34
jbaileyAhah.  Yeah that would suck. =)04:34
jbaileySorry, I should've thought about that. =)04:35
windub<- i'm with stupid04:35
jbaileywindub: I wouldn't like to be near your belle when you said that.04:35
jbaileyI suspect that he violence travels in ever expanding waves...04:36
danielsmjg59: no04:36
danielsmjg59: hassle ross to get xfake into the archive STAT04:36
danielsmjg59: also xephyr04:36
windubpia's in the loungeroom atm, actually04:37
mjg59We seem to have everything we need in order to build xfake04:38
mjg59elmo: Yeah, it's the power-preferences thing04:38
mjg59When that's running, you can tell it to suspend on lid close04:38
=== windub growls at feenode
windubjbailey: ok, booting again with break04:46
windubno errors at all, dumped to shell :-)04:46
jbaileywindub: Lovely, cat /proc/modules please, let's see if your sata bit is in there?04:47
windubsd_mod and sata_sil04:47
=== windub wonders if he should just try a naked boot with -8
jbaileySounds like. =)04:47
windubperhaps you fixed it by looking at it04:47
jbaileyIt's the great part about sharing a name.  Perhaps we are more powerful because we can channel one another's fixit-fu.04:48
windubha ha ha ha04:48
windubi get two mdadm started messages04:48
windubmd0 2 drives -> wrong!04:48
windubmd1 1 drive out of 204:48
windubmounting /root/dev on /dev/.static/dev failed: no such file or directory04:49
windubmounting /dev on /root/dev failed: no such file04:49
windubkernel panic04:49
windubmy md0 doesn't have two drives04:49
windubmd0 = 1 disk sata04:49
windubmd1 = 2 disk pata (mobo)04:49
windubso it's detecting them the wrong way around :|04:50
jbaileyOh, they're changing order on you?04:50
jbaileyI had tried really hard to avoid that problem.04:51
jbaileyIf I hadn't, I could've greatly simplified the script.04:51
=== windub is glad to have a silly setup to test this :-)
windubi'm not even using the pata md1 atm :-)04:51
jbaileyWell, there's probably bugger all I can do about it. =(04:51
jbaileyI don't knwo of anyway of detecting which raid device should be associated with which thing if mdrun isn't doing it.04:52
windubwhy did it work with the initrd?04:52
windubprobably for the same reason it works when i load the modules explicitly04:52
jbaileyRight.  It'll be a module load order.04:54
=== windub tries to rmember the script
jbaileyOh, I bet...04:55
windubdidn't it run mdrun on particular devices in order?04:55
jbaileyI detect the IDE drives before I detect the SCSI ones.04:55
jbaileyYou mean the old initrd?04:55
jbaileyIt let the kernel assemble it for us.04:55
windubthe md script in your initramfs04:55
jbaileyWith initramfs, that's now all in userspace.04:55
winduboh yeah04:55
jbailey/sbin/mdrun /dev04:56
jbaileyThat's all I do.04:56
windubi thought you were looping around /dev/hd* /dev/sda* stuff as well in there04:56
jbaileyAll the walking over the devices is to determine the raid levels so that we modprobe raid1, etc.04:56
lifelessuserspace good. mmmm04:56
windubok, the detect raid level loop does that04:57
=== dereks [n=derek@pcp0011385359pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jbaileyAnd then after that I just run mdrun.04:57
jbaileyBut I called the script in particular so that the raid devices would get detected the same as before. =(04:58
=== dereks [n=derek@pcp0011385359pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-devel []
windubreckon mdadm --examine starts raid devices?04:58
jbaileyIt ought not to - it should just tell me what's in the raid superblock.04:58
windubhrm, mdrun -> was it ever used before initramfs?04:59
jbaileyOnly to start up raid for devices who's modules weren't built into the system.04:59
jbaileySo hmm.04:59
jbaileyMaybe it wasn't doing this magic for us.05:00
windubneed magic!05:00
jbaileyPart of what appears to suck is that the preferred minor is wrong on my local setup anyway.05:00
windubso this is almost certainly mdrun05:00
jbaileyCan you do an mdadm -E /dev/sd${fOO} and look at the preferred minor for me?05:00
jbaileyIs it right?05:00
windubsec, i'll have to reboot with break05:01
jbaileyNo, you can do it from a running syste.05:01
windubhard from a kernel panic shell ;-)05:01
jbaileyOh, it wouldn't have dropped to a shell because the root exists.05:01
jbaileyI should have a panic in there for that, too.05:01
jbaileyI guess that gets as far as mounting the drive, and then realises that there's no /sbin/init05:02
windubpreferred minor = 005:02
jbaileySo it would be right for you?05:03
danielsmjg59: yes, all the pre-reqs are in the archive.  ross was coming up with xserver packages a while back, so yeah, harass him about getting 'em into universe.  (NOT MAIN)05:03
windubjbailey: yes, that's right05:04
windubjbailey: but the preferred minor on my other disks is 0 too05:04
jbaileyOh really?05:04
jbaileyWhy would module load order make a difference?05:05
windub... kernel detection?05:05
jbaileyYour SATA stuff shows up as /dev/sd* and your PATA stuff as /dev/hd* right?05:05
jbaileyThe assembly is done in userspace by a shellscript.05:05
winduband the kernel *doesn't* do autodetection anymore?05:05
jbaileyRight.  That whole step is skipped as soon as you use an initramfs.05:06
=== daniels dives back into evil shell scripts, and searches for lunch.
windubmd0 == /dev/sda1, failed05:06
windubmd1 == /dev/hda, /dev/hdc05:06
ajmitchjbailey: it's part of your secret plan to make things more hurd-like?05:06
jbaileyajmitch: Secret?  Who's keeping it a secret?05:07
jbaileyajmitch: Linux sucks in so many ways, and is great in one amazing way:  It works.05:07
jbaileyUnfortunately, it's the way that counts.05:07
windubreligion is off-topic on #u-d ;-)05:07
ajmitchit's the things that can't be said about the hurd, sadly05:07
jbaileywindub: It's not religion, I'm authoritative. =)05:08
windubok, anything else i can do now?05:09
windubor should i reboot and commit to my uptime? ;)05:09
jbaileyNo, probably nothign at the moment.05:10
Burgundaviawindub, are the p.g.o rss feeds broken?05:10
jbaileyAny tests I do, I'll do here on my md setup first.05:10
windubBurgundavia: yes05:10
windubjbailey: ok, ta05:10
Burgundaviawindub, ah, ok. np05:10
windubbut there is a problem :)05:11
windubjbailey: uh oh05:11
windubjbailey: i just modprobed sd_mod and sata_sil05:12
windubjbailey: and then ran mdrun, and it came up with the same :)05:12
=== windub tries again for good measure
=== windub boots with SAFEWORD
windubok, it did the right thing05:13
windubif modules has sata_sil and sd_mod, it does the right thing05:13
=== windub must've done something weird in his initramfs shell session
=== jdub [n=jdub@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jbaileyWell, by the earlier point when you can drop to a shell, it's already done modules detection.05:18
jbaileySo somehow the orderng is dependant on the order the modules are loaded.05:18
jbaileySuck, but at least we know that it's not a sata problem.05:18
jdubmjg59: mailed05:21
jbaileymjg59: I had an evil thought the other day for initramfs / usplash replacement / regeneration.05:23
jbaileyI don't know how ugly this is, I suspect very.05:23
jbaileyBut if the usplash initramfs were concatinated as a second cpio tarball, it could be added on after, and possibly swapped out.05:24
jdubthat'd be rad05:24
mjg59jbailey: Ok. Does that /work/ ?05:24
jdubmuch easier to work with for the livecd too05:24
jdubhow do you specify multiple cpios?05:24
jbaileymjg59: concatinating cpio.gz files?  Yeah, I tested it.05:25
jbaileyjdub: Literally just cat them together.05:25
jduboh, can't you not concatenate?05:25
mjg59jbailey: Well, if you can write up what needs doing, I can take a look at it05:25
jdubi thought you could use a list of cpios too05:25
jbaileyinitramfs-tools is theoretically already setup for working with overlays like that.  *that* is totally untested, though. =)05:26
Lathiat_same as gzip05:26
jbaileyCool my "jdub mounts the wrong filesystem" hack drops me to a shell now.05:26
Lathiat_you can just concat thema nd they unzip as one05:26
jbaileyjdub: You'd need the bootloader to assemble them for you.05:26
jbaileyjdub: I'd love to do that, but it still needs a fallback case then for incapable bootloaders.05:26
jbaileyjdub: Until we have grub2 running everywhere... =)05:27
jbaileyLathiat_: Ah?  I didn't know that.05:27
Lathiat_jbailey: yeh05:27
Lathiat_so if what you say works05:27
Lathiat_apparently cpio archives can be concatted too05:27
Lathiat_since thats basically what you end up with05:28
Lathiat_i think it works with tar too 05:28
jbaileyOh, but it gunzips them as one file.05:28
Lathiat_crap sticks05:28
Lathiat_i ran out of disk space05:28
=== desrt tosses you a few gig
jbaileyI need to rip them apart and replace one of them, possibly in the middle for this idea.05:28
=== Lathiat_ decides /home doesn't need 2.2G reserved for root
jbaileyHmm.  Apparetnly fsck is longer than usplash's patience on my box.05:29
desrtLathiat_; be careful05:29
Lathiat_desrt: of what?05:29
Lathiat_root doesnt have any files on /home :)05:29
desrtLathiat_; -m 8 reduces filesystem fragmentation05:29
Lathiat_but i want more disk space damnit ;p05:29
desrtif you have no reserved blocks then you get more fragmentation :P05:29
Lathiat_guess i should clean up a bit ;p05:30
desrtsee also: drives are cheap :)05:30
Lathiat_see also: im broke05:30
Lathiat_and its a laptop, new disk for a laptop isnt so cheap05:30
Lathiat_i want to get a sata cardbus card ($44!) and a sata external caddy ($50!) and then a sta drive05:31
desrtsata cardbus... wow05:31
jduboh man, ETA for my new LCD is 14th :-|05:31
Lathiat_yeh and its cheap as05:31
Lathiat_i want so bad05:31
Lathiat_two ports05:31
desrtjdub; apple or dell?05:31
Lathiat_sata sil05:31
desrt20 or 24?05:31
jdubwith another 20% off too05:31
desrtsweet :)05:31
Lathiat_jdub: nice05:31
jdubbuy before sept 2 for a $1440 24" *very* HQ LCD :)05:32
desrtis that AU$?05:32
jbaileydesrt: .au$ same as ours.05:32
desrtjbailey; a bit less05:32
jbaileyFor UDU it was a literal 1.0 exchange.05:32
desrtit's like 93 or something05:32
jdubonly our colours are better05:33
desrtyour money is plastic05:33
jdubjbailey: you guys are plastic now too, right?05:33
desrtjdub; heck no05:33
jbaileyStill cotton and hemp, iirc.05:33
jbaileyjdub: We're *hippies*05:33
jbaileyget it right.05:33
jbaileyand pass me the bong.05:33
fabbionejbailey: initramfs'ed sparc rebooting now...05:33
desrt"paper plastic or rubber" falls apart when you don't have paper anymore05:33
Lathiat_whoever wrote ethereal is a god05:35
Burgundaviajdub, this art.gnome.org stuff reminds me of the docteam stuff we went through earlier05:37
Burgundaviajdub, make that art.ubuntu05:37
Lathiat_curious... if i dont have a route out an interface for an ip range and i get a multicast packet it isnt given to me05:42
Lathiat_err, for that ip range the packet came from.05:42
=== fabbione fetches a console cable and looks at jeff
fabbionejbailey: would you accept an initramfs bug on sparc?05:44
jbaileyfabbione: Yes.  Depending on what it is, it might get fixed in the upload planned shortly.05:45
jbaileyshortly, like I'm testing some more evms bits, and then I'm uploading. =)05:46
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fabbionejbailey: see /msg05:46
fabbionethe output on console is not 100% clear05:46
jbaileyIt's clear to me. =)05:46
fabbionejbailey: note that the harddisks are recognized..05:47
fabbioneand one fs is mounted..05:47
fabbionethey are scsi disks..05:47
fabbioneso probably it doesn't load sd_mod ?05:47
jbaileyIt might be that your SCSI disks are spinning up too slowly.05:47
fabbionethat's very possible05:48
=== mjg59 fixes irda to work over suspend/resume
fabbionejbailey: let me boot with the old kernel and add a sleep..05:48
jbaileyfabbione: Yup.05:48
jbaileyAdd it to /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/functions05:48
jbaileyJust add it to the top of "scsi_boot_events"05:48
jbaileyIf there's any way taht I can detect that the bus scan isn't finished, I'm all ears.05:49
=== jk- [n=jk@bh02i525f01.au.ibm.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionejbailey: yups..05:49
jbaileyI have an arbitrary sleep 2 in there right now, which is probably totally not good enough.05:49
fabbionego silo!05:50
fabbioneit doesn't let me switch to the old kernel05:50
jbaileyAdd break to the kernel command line.05:50
jbaileyAll the modules are there, you should be able to do this all by hand.05:50
jbaileyFWIW, grub2 on sparc will load the kernel, it just won't run it. =)05:51
jbaileyNo elf64 support yet, coming soon. =)05:51
jbaileyIn fact, doing it through the initramfs would be a nice proof.05:53
jbaileyAlthough, hmm.  If it mounted the filesystem, I wonder what the problem really is.05:53
jbaileyAre you raid or anything crazy like that?>05:53
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fabbioneplain disks05:53
jbaileyfabbione: Cool, can you hop in, in "break" mode, and figure out why /root doesn't contain that new filesystem, even though it says you mounted one?05:54
=== fabbione powercycles
fabbionejbailey: as it is now, silo/OBP is not allowing me to select anything at boot05:55
fabbioneand i am trying to figure out why05:55
jdubmjg59: did you see that 100mbs irda stuff?05:55
mjg59jdub: Yeah05:55
mjg59No idea what needs doing to support it05:55
jdubprobably driver foo05:57
fabbionejbailey: i have a bed feeling about all of this... and not only initramfs fault..05:59
phlaegelok, so how do I enable usplash? dpkg-reconfigure on the kernel image doesn't work.05:59
whiprushn/win 1105:59
jbaileyfabbione: Sure, but if you can get to a shell in the initramfs, life becomes happier... =)06:00
fabbionejbailey: dude... i have problems even to use the OBP06:00
fabbionethe issue is a few layers before that06:00
fabbioneit looks like something did fry badly06:01
jduboh man06:02
jdubdaniels: duuuude06:02
jdubdaniels: "Not all X developers are entirely supportive of Jon's position. The administrator of freedesktop.org, where Jon's document is hosted, posted a dismissive response and promptly shut down Jon's account, making the document unavailable. It has since been restored, but that action (ostensibly taken for other reasons) added an unpleasant note to the debate."06:02
mjg59It's all a conspiracy06:06
=== fabbione manages to boot from net
phlaegeldoes usplash work with lilo?06:08
phlaegelwhat do I have to do to enable it?06:11
mjg59Pass the splash argument on the kernel command line06:12
phlaegelI should be able to do that at the lilo prompt, right? I tried that and got nothing06:13
mjg59There's nothing in the code that cares in the slightest what bootloader you use06:14
mjg59As long as there's the splash argument, and as long as it's in the initrd, it ought to work06:14
mjg59Oh, and as long as you're not using vga=foo06:15
phlaegelI didn't thing bootloader would matter. but I've rebuilt the initrd, I'm not using vga=x, and passed splash, and nothing has worked...06:16
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mjg59phlaegel: No idea whatsoever, then06:19
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phlaegelok, adding it to append= works, but it's a bit messy :-)06:24
mjg59phlaegel: lilo is, in general06:25
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danielsjdub: yes, jon has a flair for flat-out lying06:46
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danielsjdub: (smirl, not corbet -- i have no issues with jon corbet, who was just presenting it as it was told him.)07:00
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maeBreezy is starting to look _very_ nice07:14
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jdubmjg59: that splash i sent looks mighty fine08:18
jdubmjg59: what do you think about shifting the progress bar down the the bottom of the screen, say, 5px high08:18
jsgotangcothe black one?08:18
jdubsent a new revision to mjg for integration08:18
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sabdflmdz: morning08:44
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jdubmorning sabdfl 08:46
fabbionehey sabdfl 08:46
jsgotangcohey sabdfl 08:47
sabdflmoin moin guys08:47
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tritiumslomo, ping08:54
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tritiumjdub, per the community council meeting on the 30th, can you give thoreauputic, nalioth, and apokryphos access level 10 on #ubuntu when you get a chance?09:11
bob2he/she doesn't seem *that* active09:11
tritiumsabdfl gave him +109:11
=== jtan325 [n=jtan325@D-128-208-151-97.dhcp4.washington.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel
tritiumNot sure.  I wasn't there.  I was just talking to nalioth, and he mentioned it.09:12
bob2I should go to meetings09:12
tritiumI'm viewing the irc logs now09:12
tritiumbob2, right about 11:50 on the 30th is what I'm referring to09:13
jdubtritium: url/09:13
tritiumjdub, http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ubuntu-meeting-2005-08-30.html09:14
tritiumthank you too09:14
tritiumbob2, do you have reservations?09:15
bob2just don't see them around giving accurate advice that much09:17
bob2but meh09:17
bob2both seem quite nice, tho09:17
sabdflbob2: you're welcome to have ops too if you want09:19
bob2sabdfl: I do09:19
bob2and many days are the most active person there09:20
sabdflboth of you?09:20
sabdflbob1 and bob2?09:20
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jdubhrm, seveas is not around09:21
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Treenaksjdub: he will be in a few minutes :)09:24
bob2bob1 still does svn stuff with perl09:24
tritiumthanks, jdub09:24
jdubi gave seveas level 29 access09:24
jdubbut can't give him 3009:24
jdubwhich he needs to add opers09:24
jdubgar :|09:25
Treenaksjdub: I had that problem on -nl as well09:25
jdubfreenode really is annoying these days09:25
siretartbob2: around? any news about lyx?09:27
tritiumbob2, sorry that I've been less active ever since my thesis defense.  I'm strictly forbidden from using IRC at work.09:27
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KeybukDiziet: interesting09:31
Treenaksseveas will be back around 13:00 UTC09:32
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sivangMorning everybody!09:38
Treenakshey sivang09:38
sivanghey Treenaks 09:38
=== sivang is puzzled by language selector. Shouldn't it also make the neccessary changes in GNOME kbd selector so I will have the both languages switchable already ?
Treenakssivang: new language doesn't mean "new keyboard"09:39
sivangTreenaks: right :)09:39
Treenakssivang: usually not09:39
jdubsivang: that'd be useful09:41
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sivangjdub: maybe we could improve that for breezy+1 ;-) I'd all those people annoyed by not having the hebrew input support by default..09:46
Treenakssivang: there's a keyboard chooser in the installer which should detect that09:47
jdubsivang: definitely worth a bug report :)09:47
sivangjdub: sure, I was trying to get confirmation for that, and I just did =)09:48
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tritiumslomo, no more kernel panics on iMac G5 with 20050831.1 install-powerpc64.  Any luck with the ibook?09:54
sivangjdub: did you test the CHRP imagens yest?09:55
jdubsivang: no, won't have access to hardware for a little while09:55
jdubvisiting ibm on monday though, so may take a cd along09:56
tritiumgood night09:59
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seb128Keybuk: so this wm crasher?10:11
Keybukseb128: I see your point10:12
Keybukit's been running under gdb for 24 hours now, and hasn't crashed yet10:12
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seb128Keybuk: weird bug, isn't it :)10:12
Lathiat_Keybuk: oh, tip:10:13
Lathiat_Keybuk: dont run that gdb session in your xsession ;p10:13
KeybukLathiat_: I know that :p  it's on vt110:13
Lathiat_hell that even backfired on me once10:13
Keybukseb128: other strange bug for you10:13
Lathiat_for some reason i couldnt switch vts10:13
KeybukI don't seem to have an ssh-agent10:13
Keybukit's _running_ but nothing has the environment for it10:14
Keybukno, wait10:14
KeybukI know10:14
Keybukbecause I ran metacity in a vt, when it starts a terminal (by shortcut key), there's no ssh info in its environment10:15
thesaltydogNew baobab version 1.1.0 is up on debian pool main since today. Will the new version be automatically synced in Breezy, or does it need some "human" interaction?10:15
seb128Keybuk: right10:15
Lathiat_thesaltydog: We are in upstream version freeze, unless theres a good reason it wont go in.10:15
jdubthesaltydog: automagic syncs stopped at UpstreamVersionFreeze10:15
jdubthesaltydog: you'll have to request a sync (after testing)10:15
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jdubthesaltydog: since it's in universe, it'll probably go in10:16
thesaltydogjdub, with whom I have to speak?10:16
jdubthesaltydog: elmo10:16
Treenaksand mdz?10:16
jdubnot for universe10:16
Treenaksoh right10:16
thesaltydogjdub, ok, I'll look for elmo. Thanks.10:16
siretartthesaltydog: is this universe?10:16
thesaltydogsiretart, yes.10:17
siretartthesaltydog: why do you need the new version? which important bugs does the new release fix?10:17
thesaltydogsiretart, no bugs. Just a big program enhancement. New features.10:17
thesaltydogsiretart, I have added a full file-search capability, auto-monitoring of volumes and directory changes, etc..10:18
siretartthesaltydog: sorry. UVF is about stabilizing, and not letting new crack with potential bugs in. we need the time to fix existing bugs10:18
Mithrandirmvo: hmm, daily install didn't work; hung on untrusted packages question (about language-pack-no).  Just killing aptitude and letting it be restarted fixed the problem.10:18
siretartthesaltydog: I would therefore not approve the new version10:18
thesaltydogsiretart, ok. Users will download the package from debian.10:19
siretartthesaltydog: hey, we are relasing in a few weeks, we can backport the package from breezy+1 to breezy after that10:19
=== infinity looks at the calendar.
infinity"few weeks"?10:19
thesaltydogsiretart, ok.10:19
Lathiat_6 or so now isnt it?10:19
siretartinfinity: < 8 weeks is a "few" for me ;)10:20
Mithrandirmvo: and the update-notifier should probably have a busy mouse cursor while it's launching, as it is confusing the way it is now.10:20
infinitysiretart : So, did you get assigned as the gateway for UVF exceptions in universe, then?10:21
BurgundaviaMithrandir, is that not a gksu issue?10:21
thesaltydogsiretart, but after release, the version update will be automatic or should I ask for?10:21
siretartinfinity: actually, ogra is, but he has delegates, and yes, he appointed me as one of the delegates10:21
MithrandirBurgundavia: possibly.10:22
infinitysiretart : Neat.  How do you feel about me updating php4 to the (now well-tested, given its age) 4.4.0 version in Debian?10:22
BurgundaviaMithrandir, because in breezy gksudo is very slow10:22
Lathiat_its ok, only mum said no, you can  still go ask dad before mum tells dad she said no10:22
infinitysiretart : It will require me rebuilding any out-of-tree extensions, but you know I have no issues with rebuilding stuff. :)10:22
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siretartthesaltydog: not fully automatic, because we have diffs to the debian version. we have to merge new debian upstreams manually, but we will10:23
MithrandirBurgundavia: well, it should still show a progress thingy, since it takes a few seconds on a freshly installed XP2400+ system here.10:23
thesaltydogsiretart, ok, thanks. Have a good day.10:23
mvoMithrandir: the untrusted prompt in aptitude usually means that something went wrong before, e.g. a failed aptitude update10:23
BurgundaviaMithrandir, yes it does10:24
BurgundaviaMithrandir, there is a bug open for a the stupidly long wait time, just a sec10:24
siretartinfinity: well, you are maintainer of php4, and know really more about the consequences of this upgrade. I should ask therefore you ;)10:24
MithrandirBurgundavia: not when launched from the update-notifier tray applet, it doesn't.10:24
Mithrandirmvo: hmm, I can do a new test install and see.10:24
zygawhere is the language-selector template in rosetta?10:24
infinitysiretart : Yes, but I don't want to just shove it in without approval from someone else.  If it was for main, I'd be asking mdz. :)10:25
BurgundaviaMithrandir, https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1218310:25
mvoBurgundavia: the stupid long wait comes from gksudo 10:25
Burgundaviamvo, yes10:25
mvoMithrandir: that would be nice, also my daily-image should be heere soon too10:26
fabbionehey mvo10:26
mvohey fabbione 10:26
siretartinfinity: I don't know and don't use php4 that much, and would need to do some research about changes from 4.3 to 4.4. if you think we should have it in breezy because it fixes bugs and does not harm existing application, I'd trust you that you do the right thing.10:26
fabbionemvo: as i wrote to you.. gdb hangs..10:26
fabbionethere is no backtrace10:26
mvofabbione: yes, I got that message. what arch is that hang happening on?10:27
fabbionemvo: still sparc...10:27
infinitysiretart : Alright.  I'll exercise my own judgement then.  First, I need to figure out why we still have a few bits from php4 hanging around in main instead of universe, though. :/10:27
siretartinfinity: but rather talk to ogra about this, since as far as I know, he uses php4 for edubuntu10:27
=== infinity goes to speak with germinate.
infinitysiretart : No, php5 is used for edubuntu.10:27
infinitysiretart : And php5 is in main.10:27
siretartah. I see.10:27
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infinityOh, feh.10:30
=== infinity goes to clean up some straggling reverse {build-,}deps.
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zygamvo: where is the language selector package?10:35
mvozyga: it's in my baz archive: michael.vogt@ubuntu.com--2005/language-selector--main--010:37
zygamvo: thanks, I was looking for it in rosetta but this will do fine :)10:38
zygamvo: is your baz repo tla compatible?10:38
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mvozyga: I'm not sure, I just used the defaults10:40
infinitydoko : Dude.  Is the gij-4.0 postinst supposed to segv, or am I just lucky?10:42
Mithrandirinfinity: it's a feature. :-P10:42
=== infinity updates the chroot to see if it was a transient library breakage of some sort.
Mithrandirdoko: hmm, about ooo-mozilla-amd64 / 14434 ; could you please respond on that one?10:43
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infinityMaybe if I'm lucky, it's the same GTK breakage I was seeing on my base system, and an upgrade will make it magically go away...10:43
zygamvo: here? http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/arch/ubuntu/ 10:43
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dokoinfinity: which architecture?10:46
dokoMithrandir: yes, thinko. should be closed.10:47
dokoinfinity: does it? never seen ...10:47
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dokoinfinity: it crashes on m68k, but you should be used to it ...10:47
mvozyga: yes10:48
pittiGood morning10:49
seb128hey hey pitti10:50
pittiseb128: today I start later than you :) well, I got lost on my morning biking tour10:50
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seb128pitti: bah, I've started around 8am but I'm away for ~1h now, go to swimm, that's good with this weather :)10:52
mvodoko: avm-isdn work fine with fritz-pci and pcmcia, well done10:52
pittiseb128: enjoy10:52
zygamvo: expect pl.po as usual later during the day, thanks :)10:53
infinitydoko : Hrm, a dist-upgrade didn't fix it.  Yay.10:53
seb128pitti: thanks :)10:53
mvozyga: thank you10:53
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infinitydoko : Nevermind.  libgcj6 got corrupted somehow.  Feh.10:55
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=== infinity blames goblins.
dokomvo: thanks for checking the pcmcia stuff!10:56
Mithrandirmvo: now it's hanging on language-support-en. :-/10:56
Mithrandirmvo: why on earth is really apt-cdrom used when it's all precopied?10:56
jsgotangcomine hangs as well10:57
mvoMithrandir: the problem is that it's not precopied10:57
jsgotangco(today's build even)10:58
Mithrandirmvo: my file system seems to disagree with you.10:58
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zygamvo: viet nam it two words?10:58
mvoMithrandir: I had that yesterday and /var/cache/apt/archives missed e.g. mozilla-locale-en10:58
Mithrandirat least, I have a /var/cache/apt/archives/language-support-en_20050818_all.deb10:58
mvozyga: probably not10:58
mvoMithrandir: yes, but you probably miss some dependencies of it10:59
Mithrandirmvo: hmm, 'k.10:59
mvoMithrandir: could you please check that?10:59
zygamvo: I'll fix it10:59
mvoMithrandir: it's pretty anoying, I added support for kamion to detect media-change on the apt status-fd, but that's only a workaround, not a real fix11:00
mvozyga: thanks11:00
mvoMithrandir: do you think we could make archive-copier a bit smarter?11:00
Mithrandirmvo: that would be good, yes.  I think Kamion did some work on it last night, but it's either not on the CD or not smart enough.11:01
zygamvo: hmm it actually might be two words... 11:01
sivangjdub: are you going to get the test suits, or going to sign the certification?11:02
mvozyga: have you looked it up in dict?11:02
dokoelmo, Kamion, mdz: please demote neon0.23 to universe, OOo1, which was the only user, is in universe now.11:02
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zygamvo: google11:03
Mithrandirmvo: all its dependencies are missing11:03
zygaand gnome-dict applet11:03
mvoMithrandir: 'k11:03
mvozyga: thanks11:03
zygait's corect 11:03
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MithrandirKamion: is archive-copier still dumb or not yet on the daily cd?11:05
mvoMithrandir: the changelog indicates that it's clever now11:07
Mithrandirapparently not very. :-P11:08
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dokopitti, seb128: are rosetta translations for gnome already imported into the language packs?11:11
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pittidoko: nope, that still doesn't work11:12
sivangTreenaks: what's the package name for the lanuguage configurator?11:13
pittisivang: language-selector11:13
sivangpitti: thanks, is it ubuntu specific?11:13
pittisivang: yes, by now11:13
pittisivang: since we are the only distro which has langpacks11:13
sivangpitti: :)11:14
dokoinfinity: please build maxdb-buildtools on amd64 and ia6411:14
sivangpitti: I saw it triggers installation of gnome lanugage packs as well, are those also ubuntu made?11:14
pittiyes, even11:15
infinitydoko : It's only registered in wanna-build on i386.  I assume it's in Packages-arch-specific?11:16
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infinitylucifer:~/build/dak/srcdep/> grep maxdb Packages-arch-specific11:16
infinity%libdbd-maxdb-perl: i386                                              # [ANAIS] 11:16
infinity%maxdb-7.5.00: i386 amd64 ia64                                        # [ANAIS] 11:16
infinity%maxdb-buildtools: i386                                               # [ANAIS] 11:16
infinitydoko : Should libdbd-maxdb-perl and maxdb-buildtools both be updated to i386 amd64 ia64, then?11:17
dokoPackage: maxdb-buildtools11:17
dokoArchitecture: i386 amd64 ia6411:17
dokoprobably, ia64 and amd64 support was added some months before11:17
dokoyes, and maxdb-7.5.0011:17
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infinitydoko : maxdb-7.5.00 is already okay, according to the above grep.11:18
=== infinity updates the other two.
melodiehello :)11:18
infinitydoko : They'll build automagically after elmo sync P-a-s with Debian.11:18
dokoinfinity: they are built in Debian ...11:19
melodieI wanted to bring a news about Xorg, plus one question about next release version11:19
infinitydoko : Must have been built by hand, then.11:19
melodiethe new about xorg concerns the next release that will be about the same time as official Breezy11:19
melodieXX Oct 2005: X11R6.9/X11R7 Release11:20
infinityelmo : Please sync the maxdb-related changes I just made to Debian's Packages-arch-specific11:21
melodieI thought it is intersting as I saw on the archieve ml the version discussed about is a 6.811:21
infinityelmo : Also, yellow appears to be down. :/11:21
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sivangpitti: so you had to make a distinction between console apps .po's and gnome apps ?11:24
pittisivang: we split out gnome and KDE to properly support Kubuntu11:24
melodiesomeone could inform me about the very next after Colony 3 ? read about one that could come out on Sept 8 th (?)11:25
melodieI'd need the info for a doc I'm helping to, and do not find the info on the net again...11:25
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pittimelodie: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyReleaseSchedule11:26
melodieoh thks!11:27
pittimelodie: Sept 8 is the preview release, but there will certainly be a colony 4 before11:27
pittiHi sabdfl 11:27
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melodiethank you pitti :)11:27
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zygaI've just noticed that the keyboard driver in hoary is broken11:34
Mithrandirmjg59: did you see the post about "swap space manager" on debian-devel three weeks ago?  Would it be possible to get resume from swapfiles working?11:34
zygaI'm not sure which part but I cannot enter polish capital letters correctly11:34
zygashift + alt + l = 11:35
zygabut in only works when I do11:35
zygacaps lock11:35
zygaalt + l 11:35
zygashift + alt + l = L (no / across)11:35
Mithrandir works for me.11:35
zygaI'd like to file a bug but I'm not sure to which pachage11:35
Mithrandiras in shift-alt or alt-shift11:35
Mithrandirthis is in a norwegian layout, though.11:36
zygamaybe it's locale dependent?11:36
zygahmm no wait !11:36
zygait's even stranger11:36
zygait works in x-chat but fails to work in gnome-terminal11:36
zygamy locale is pl_PL.UTF-811:36
jdubjsgotangco: i think your style guide announcement would be more appropriate on ubuntu-news11:37
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jsgotangcojdub, sorry about that, will push it there next time11:37
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sivanghey jsgotangco 11:42
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siretartinfinity: in -motu we just talked about php 4.4: < ogra_> siretart, see php updates as generally granted ;)11:43
siretartinfinity: I think this is what you wanted to hear ;)11:43
HiddenWolfseb128, could you read 14323, I think gtk is not playing nice.11:43
jsgotangcosivang, hi!!!11:44
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melodiea nice day to all, till next time :)11:46
mvoseb128: has your SoC student compelted the work on the "can-this-user-do-sudo" program/script?11:49
sivangjsgotangco: whassup? :)11:51
HiddenWolffabbione, I'm getting [failed]  messages for 'configuring network' en 'syncronising to ntp' during init, but my network works just fine, regular dhcp.11:53
fabbioneHiddenWolf: and why do you ask me?11:55
ograKamion, did you get my mail about the edubuntu seeds ? 11:56
infinitysiretart, ogra : Thanks.  I'll wait until I get all of php4 completely shoved out of main (a few packages still accidentally depended on it) before I go syncing with Debian.11:56
Lathiat_Does anyone know the story with libxp?11:57
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fabbioneanyway i must go offline11:59
fabbionei don't feel good at all11:59
mvoget well fabbione 11:59
=== sivang --> lunch
HiddenWolffabbione, you just oploaded dhcp did you? :)12:08
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Dizietdpkg's build system is on crack.12:09
Diziet../../src/archives.c:320: error: 'nifd' undeclared (first use in this function)12:09
Diziettouch build-tree/build-stamp12:09
Diziet-anarres:dpkg-1.13.11> echo $?12:09
danielsDiziet: *SHOCK*12:09
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pittiHi jdthood 12:11
jdthoodhi ho12:11
sabdflhey pitti12:14
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KeybukDiziet: so your idea is to never remove conffiles from status & list even after the package has removed them -- and just record them as obsolete.12:19
DizietThey'd disappear from status and list if some other package took them over.  Otherwise they'd stay on the disk and in dpkg's records.12:23
Keybukthis means that if the conffile turns up again, either in the package or another one, we have the md5sum it used to be12:23
DizietThe only downside is that if (for example) the obsolete file is part of an package which ends up in state config-files, the user might purge it.12:26
DizietIf the file really is obsolete then it gets deleted, which is right.12:26
DizietBut the file might not be obsolete; it might be script-handled by the new package.12:26
DizietBut who goes around purging old obsolete packages, anyway ?12:27
Keybukthat kind of thing happens a lot, usually when someone takes a perfectly sane "postgresql" package and turns it into "postgresql-7.4"12:28
Keybuk(or bind -> bind8 + bind9 )12:29
DizietIndeed so.12:29
Keybukpeople purge the old one, and they'd lose the config files for the new one12:29
KeybukI guess it'd be safer to just not remove obsolete files on purge12:29
Mithrandirwhich makes them angry.12:29
danielsthe semantics I would expect would be that dpkg keeps a conffile record around while the package still exists12:29
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danielsso, if /etc/X11/rgb.txt is owned and xorg-common gets removed (non-purge), the record stays12:29
Keybukwhich is the current behaviour, it's still sucky, but it least it breaks in known ways12:29
danielsif xrgb gets installed and starts providing /etc/X11/rgb.txt, I would expect that the conffile record get removed from xorg-common and move to xrgb12:30
danielsif xrgb gets purged, I would expect that the conffile record disappears12:30
Keybukdaniels: right.12:30
MithrandirKeybuk: how hard would it be to add dynamic registration and unregistration of files?12:30
Dizietkeybuk: The file only gets wrongly removed on purge if the file went from conffile to script-maintained in the same upgrade as it changed packages.12:30
Keybukwhy the same upgrade?12:30
pittiKeybuk: the postgresql 7.5 upgrade package will clean up, btw12:30
DizietErr, no, I'm wrong: also if it went to script-maintained before it changed packages.12:30
Keybukwouldn't it happen at any point before?12:30
pittiKeybuk: s/upgrade/transition/12:30
Keybukxorg-common ships /etc/X11/rgb.txt as a conffile12:31
Keybukthen in an update, turns it into script-managed12:31
Keybukand then xrgb ships it as a script-managed file12:31
Keybukxorg-common gets purged (maybe we're using something else) ... it'd take /etc/X11/rgb.txt with it12:31
Keybukpitti: you know I just love to pick on you <g>12:31
Dizietkeybuk: Exactly the problem case, yes.12:31
danielshow about you don't purge it if the md5sum is different12:31
danielsor, at least, prompt on purge if the md5sum is different12:32
pittiKeybuk: sure :-) I'm glad to be useful as bad example :-)12:32
DizietThat doesn't help.  The maintainer scripts might have carefully avoided touching the file.12:32
Keybukdaniels: still doesn't help ... it might just be not different12:32
danielsKeybuk: *shrug*, 'you get what you deserve'12:32
DizietOne option would be just not to delete the file on purge - just forget about it.12:32
Keybukthat option certainly doesn't change anything12:32
danielsDiziet: so then what does purge have over remove?12:32
Keybukwe don't delete obsolete conffiles now12:33
pittidaniels: prompting would be so evil - when I say "purge", I usually mean it...12:33
Keybukdaniels: this is only about obsolete conffiles -- things that were conffiles once, but aren't anymore12:33
DizietIn the future there should be a way for a package to say `this used to be a conffile and now it's known to be obsolete'.12:33
danielspitti: beats prompts on upgrades12:33
danielsKeybuk: so how do you know they've changed hands?12:33
Keybukwe don't12:33
pittidaniels: right, but it's still evil...12:33
danielsKeybuk: i.e. if, as you say, xrgb ships rgb.txt from postinst, rather than as a conffile12:33
danielsKeybuk: so you have no way to separate the cases of orphaned, and 'obsolete'12:33
infinityscript-generated files aren't currently owned by anyone, so nothng really changes there if you just mark it obsolete.12:33
Mithrandirdaniels: it'd work fine if you could register and unregister conffiles in a postinst.12:34
infinityUnless we grow some way to take ownership of generated files.12:34
Mithrandirwe kinda want that anyway, don't we?12:34
Keybukadditional file registration is planned, but it's a while off12:35
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infinityIt shouldn't be terribly difficult, why "a while off"?12:36
Keybukbecause I have a day job? :p12:36
infinitySo make a case for this dpkg functionality being a killer required feature for breez+1. :)12:37
MithrandirKeybuk: so it's more "patches accepted"?12:37
Dizietinf: `shouldn't be terribly difficult'> dpkg has to cope with an awful lot of shit.  It's about 60% error handling and half of the remainder is edge cases.12:37
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Keybukinfinity: I'm vaguely trying to avoid getting dpkg development driven by Ubuntu because Mark wants different things than Debian12:39
infinityGood point.12:39
Keybukwhich isn't a bad thing, but I like to keep the boxes separate12:39
lifelessbig box little box, big box little box12:40
danielsis it bigger than a bread box?12:42
Keybukit's bigger than a baby's arm12:44
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Mithrandirwe should have a "bug closed due to submitter vanishing off the face of the earth" resolution type in bugzilla12:48
infinityclose -> HITBYBUS12:48
infinity(That string really should allow free-form entry)12:48
jdthoodIn the meantime, should one use "INVALID"?12:49
infinitymdz : Permission to unseed pike7.6-doc from supported?... It's the only thing holding pike7.6 in main, from my reading of germinate output.12:49
infinityWell, being hit by a bus could make the submitter and invalid, so that would work.12:50
infinitys/and in/an in/12:50
jdthoodinfinity: good 'un12:50
danielsget ready for lots of X hilarity this evening.  would be nice to get as much testing as possible before preview release, so get your breezy boxes all up to date and ready to be brok^W^Wtest.12:51
KamionMithrandir: it's *supposed* to be cleverer now, but the .0 on the version number indicates general untestedness12:51
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Lathiat_daniels: whatcha doing?12:51
danielsLathiat_: modular server.12:52
KamionMithrandir: I'll poke at it once the ISOs sync down, or if you want to have a look, edit archive-copier.postinst to remove the rm -rf of the working directory12:52
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Lathiat_daniels: btw, any idea fi that synaptics update had the fix for "double tapping" on alps touchpads? (e.g. being able to dobule tap and drag to do a selection)12:52
danielsLathiat_: from looking at the changelog, it appears to have, yes12:52
=== daniels vanishes for half an hour.
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MithrandirKamion: wamerican seems to be missing still12:54
Mithrandir(for instance)12:54
Mithrandirfrom the to-copy file12:54
KamionMithrandir: check whether it's got Task: .*language-support-en?12:55
=== mvo goes to get some lunch
infinityKamion : Oh hey, now that you're back, are you playing RM again?12:56
MithrandirKamion: looks like it.12:56
Kamioninfinity: er, depends how hard the question is12:56
infinityKamion : If so, see my question to mdz above about pike7.6-doc. :)12:56
Kamionogra: yeah, got it, just haven't had time to sit down and parse it yet12:56
ograKamion, edubuntu.seed seems not to be the default....12:57
Kamioninfinity: yes, go ahead and unseed it12:57
ograi dont see any options set in there (i.e. the hostname)12:57
Kamionogra: I'll deal with your mail later today, I promise12:57
ograKamion, thanks....12:58
infinityKamion : Also, with recent archive changes, it looks like the remainder of php4 crap can finally leave main for universe.  Do you feel like doing the ftp-masterish things required to make that happen?01:00
infinityKamion : (that includes the php4 source, yay)01:00
Kamioncjwatson@jackass:~$ sudo -u katie katie/anastacia | grep php401:02
infinityIs that cron driven?01:03
Kamionunless the changes postdate the most recent cron.sync (nine hours ago or so)?01:03
infinityYeah, I just re-germinated locally a few minutes ago. :)01:03
infinityThe changes are maybe an hour old.01:03
Kamionah, ok, I'll rerun cron.sync after this cron.daily01:03
infinityThis sync should allow you to demote both php4 and pike7.601:04
siretartLathiat_: what is it with libxp?01:04
Lathiat_siretart: just that various things (say, firefox (external builds)) are linked to it so nto having a copy is a bit of a pain01:04
siretartLathiat_: external builds are not supported, are they? ;)01:05
Lathiat_no, just wonderign why it went really01:05
siretartLathiat_: nevertheless, the blackdown java jre's are also linked to it, which is imo more pain01:05
infinityBecause xprint is evil, and we're ridding the world of it.01:06
Lathiat_and im sure many other things are too01:06
siretartLathiat_: I therefore packaged and uploaded it. so you find it in universe01:06
Lathiat_siretart: ah, ok01:06
pittielmo: drupal sync, please01:06
siretartpitti: have you any other questions about firefox security irw tabextensions?01:07
infinityKamion : Erm, pike seed change just went in now, I had GPG prompting for a passphrase in the background... La la...01:07
pittisiretart: no, your explanation was good, I just didn't check it yet again01:07
siretartpitti: do you happen to know what is it with the printing issue?01:08
siretartis it just some weird lib causing the segfaults or is the bug in firefox?01:08
pittino idea01:08
=== pitti is not the firefox maintainer :-)
pittiin breezy?01:09
siretartin hoary/security01:09
siretartthere is a bugzilla report about this01:09
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Lathiat_mjg59: setting up general console font seems to fail with usplash active01:14
pittielmo: osh sync, pleas01:14
pittiyes, thanks :-)01:14
Kamioninfinity: php4-cgi php4-cli php4-common php4-dev pike7.6 pike7.6-core pike7.6-dev pike7.6-gdbm pike7.6-image binaries plus php4 source demoted01:16
pittichmj: can you please check that http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/bluez/utils/hcid/security.c?r1=1.36&r2=1.34&diff_format=u is applied in bluez-utils as  well?01:17
Mithrandirupdate-notifier in upper left corner01:17
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Lathiat_daniels: oh yeh01:18
ograMithrandir, the notification or the whole icon ? 01:18
Lathiat_daniels: new synaptics totally screwed my alps01:18
Mithrandirogra: the notification.01:18
Lathiat_daniels: its now *very* unsensitive moving wise, and if i double tap and move, the cursor moves in the wrong direction01:18
ograMithrandir, i have the notification left as well sometimes01:18
Mithrandirogra: sounds like a bug01:18
ograMithrandir, i guess it needs a little delay until the notification icon is there01:19
infinityKamion : pike7.6 source as well, or did something keep it in?01:19
ograMithrandir, yup01:19
Mithrandirogra: care to file the bug, or should I?01:19
chmjpitti: ok, still waiting for mdz to approve UVFE01:19
pittichmj: why? why not just apply the patch?01:19
ograi can... i'm looking at boring compiler runs anyway01:19
Mithrandirogra: great, thanks01:19
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chmjpitti: the new version has more fixes including d-bus and memory allocation bug 01:21
ogra#14479 for mvo :)01:23
Kamioninfinity: apparently something's keeping it in01:23
infinityKamion : Hrm.  germinate seems to say it can go.01:23
infinityKamion : I guess I'll need elmo for this, then?01:24
infinityKamion : (No big deal, since elmo was the one adamant about removing pike in the first place)01:24
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Kamioninfinity: oh, I might have run cron.sync before your seed change01:25
=== Kamion reruns
danielsLathiat_: sigh01:28
Lathiat_daniels: sorry to spoil your day01:28
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danielsLathiat_: ha ha ha ha ha01:28
Kamioninfinity: you'll need to merge that change to kubuntu and edubuntu as well01:28
Lathiat_daniels: ;p01:29
Kamioninfinity: want me to do that? I have all the trees handy01:29
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MithrandirKamion: the problem with your language-support code in archive-copier seems to be that since one of the langpacks isn't available, it won't try any of the other ones.01:29
sabdflKamion: quick question on cd building, related to the xubuntu community request01:29
sabdfl - can we build cd's that depend on universe packages01:29
Riddellwe really should have a desktop-common seed so these things don't need to be syned so much01:29
infinityKamion : Yeah, please.  Not sure why they aren't all subdirectories of the one seeds archive. :/01:30
sabdfl - would it take a lot of your time to build those as well?01:30
Kamionsabdfl: I've just been talking to jdub about that01:30
sabdflthey would be unofficial, published but not supported01:30
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Kamionsabdfl: a number of changes are required; firstly fairly trivial though slightly time-consuming stuff with hardcoded component names in various places; secondly I really don't want regular CD builds to have access to universe because not having universe packages on disk is a really useful guarantee that they can't be used for Ubuntu CD builds01:31
Kamionsabdfl: however the latter can probably be worked around by having a second archive mirror, assuming the disk space issues there aren't prohibitive01:32
Kamionsabdfl: apart from that it's probably about a day of work to set up01:32
Lathiat_pitti: iirc you had a list of security notices applying to universe stuff that werent looked at?01:33
Kamionsabdfl: I'm slightly concerned about resource usage on little, because it's beginning to get to the point where all the regular cron jobs are impeding our ability to do manual builds when we're in a hurry01:33
Kamionsabdfl: if it's a one-off before CD building moves to launchpad, I'm fine with it01:33
mvoogra: do you have a screenshot? 01:34
pittiLathiat_: yes: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/ubuntu-cve/unfixed.html has all unfixed issues sorted by release and suite01:34
Lathiat_pitti: is anyone working on universe security?01:34
Kamionsabdfl: definitely *post*-preview would be nice though ;)01:34
pittiLathiat_: in the past, yes, but not right now01:34
pittiLathiat_: therefore a huge pile has accumulated01:34
ogramvo, nope, and thats hard..... because the desktop is starting up at this moment...01:35
ogramvo, it doesnt occur every time01:35
ograand it doesnt occur in xnest...01:35
ogramvo, basicall the popup is shwn directly below the main menu (on the left) while the panel isnt populated with anything01:36
mvoogra: hm, ok. there is already a small delay, I can increase it a bit. what HW is that? your amd64 notebook?01:36
ograand my ltsp testserver (i686 900Mhz, 256MB)01:37
ogramvo, how small is the delay ?01:37
mvoogra: ~0,5s-1s01:37
ograheh, make it 5 or 10 sec...01:38
Kamionogra: I don't understand the point of edubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com/seeds--breezy--0--patch-25; it seems actively counterproductive01:38
Kamionusing metapackages in seeds in order to pull in other seeds makes the relationship between seeds and metapackages unpleasantly circular01:40
Kamionand unstable01:40
slomomdz: hm... the ffmpeg source package is still in main... for binary packages: ffmpeg in universe, libpostproc-dev in multiverse, libavcodec-dev in universe...01:40
Kamionslomo: it's on the schedule for demotion01:40
ograKamion, ah, that is adding edubuntu-server to ship ? 01:40
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slomoKamion: ok, but nothing is holding it back?01:41
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ograKamion, how do i get edubuntu-server on the CD ? mdz said he doesnt know and that seemed the only method that worked01:41
jdubKamion, sabdfl: i think i can keep post-preview implementation of install/livecd builds sounding exciting, shouldn't be a problem01:42
Kamionogra: the metapackages are generated from seeds, so using the metapackages *in* seeds gets pretty nasty. I'll have a look01:44
Kamionslomo: nope01:44
sabdflKamion: +1 on a second archive mirror for building non-official cd images01:46
Kamionslomo: I've demoted it now01:46
ograKamion, i think i should have a little germinate/seeds and CD buildscripts class given by you if the schedule permits it... there was nobody who could help me the last month... we need to spread the knowledge a bit :)01:46
ograKamion, i.e. after release....01:46
Kamionyeah, I think I'll do something at UBZ01:46
MithrandirKamion: uhm, archive-copier doesn't seem to actually copy the .debs?01:46
sabdflKamion: +1 on post-preview01:46
KamionMithrandir: just looking now ... I could easily have broken it01:47
Kamionogra: I think it should just be a matter of educating cdimage about edubuntu seeds01:47
ograKamion, yes, and i dont know how to do that :)01:48
sabdfljdub: they should keep banging on the packages as fast as possible01:48
sabdflnot wait for the cd builds01:48
slomoKamion: thanks :)01:48
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MithrandirKamion: sorry, I'm blind.01:48
Kamionogra: right; fortunately I do :)01:49
Kamioncdimage/bin/list-seeds is a bit unpleasant01:49
ograwhere would i find that dir ? 01:49
=== ogra curses xscreensaver for respecting LTSP_CLIENT only on the first lock attempt
KamionI've just modified it to add server to edubuntu install CDs01:50
ograah, ok01:50
ograok, i'll change the ship seed back then01:50
Kamionok, and the STRUCTURE file01:50
ograno, thanks to you.... :)01:51
ograKamion, i felt quite lost the last weeks, feels good to have you around again01:51
jdubsabdfl: the packages are all good :)01:53
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KamionMithrandir: it's copying wamerican to /var/cache/archive-copier/ship/ here01:57
Mithrandir*sigh*; the cd I have is with an old archive-copier. :-(01:58
MithrandirI suck01:59
Kamionyou must've rsynced before the CD build happened02:00
Mithrandirisn't that supposed to happen at like 0600 UTC or so?02:00
Kamion<cjwatson@cairhien ~/src/ubuntu/cdimage>$ grep ' ubuntu cron.daily$' etc/crontab02:00
Kamion21 8 * * *      for-project ubuntu cron.daily02:00
Kamionusually finishes at 0920 or so02:01
Mithrandirwhat TZ is that?  UTC?02:01
Kamiondatacentre time, IOW02:01
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Mithrandirhm, I thought I synced a little later than that, but I can't have.02:01
Mithrandiroh well.02:01
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sivangmpt: morning02:06
mpthi sivang02:06
sivangmpt: how are you? are you in for a UI usability question? ;)02:06
mptsure, usability questions 'r us02:06
sivangmpt: lol02:07
sivangmpt: right click the panle context menu, do you the lpi items there?02:07
mptsivang: No, I'd expect them to go in the same menu the "Help" item is in currently02:08
mpti.e. in Breezy, "System"02:08
mptto be consistent with other apps02:09
slomoKamion: can you also demote the following packages to multiverse (they are the ones holding ffmpeg/libavcodec-dev in universe) and have no other packages depending on them: gem, gnusound, lynkeos.app, motion, opencv, smilutils02:09
Kamionslomo: this stuff all shows up automatically; see http://people.ubuntu.com/~mdz/anastacia.txt02:09
Kamionthere is generally no need to explicitly tell me/others about them02:10
Kamionoh, sorry, you said multiverse. are the licences non-free?02:10
KamionI prefer not to touch the universe/multiverse distinction; talk to elmo about that02:11
slomoKamion: no but ffmpeg has support for some "funny" formats with ugly patents02:11
slomoKamion: ok, i'll do02:11
Mithrandirhm, is usplash supposed to have a white border?02:12
slomoelmo: do you have some minutes for me? ;) i want to move some stuff from universe to multiverse02:12
mptsivang: is that ok?02:13
jbaileyMithrandir: mjg59 said that was being fixed.02:14
jbaileyMithrandir: Colour #1 in the pallette is currently white, so things just need reorganising.02:14
Mithrandirjbailey: ok02:15
tepsipakkidoes /etc/init.d/pppd-dns and dns-clean do the same thing?02:15
Mithrandirjbailey: uhm, aren't you supposed to write american english, not british english?02:15
infinityMithrandir : Well, no, he's not American.02:16
Mithrandirinfinity: canadian, close enough.02:16
jbaileyMithrandir: Shouldn't you be off celebrating Oktoberfest or something?02:16
sladenMithrandir: he comes from Canadia, they seem to speak a strange combination of 19th century French and Victorian English02:16
Mithrandirjbailey: is that already?  We usually don't have that here until it actually _is_ october.. :-P02:17
jbailey(I figure the distance between Canada and the US is about the same as .no and .de... *g*)02:17
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danielssladen comes from Cambridge, they seem to speak a strange combination of 19th century French and German02:17
jbaileyMithrandir: In seriousness, Webster's destruction of the English language wasn't even intended for non-American audiences.02:17
jbaileys/even/ever/ afaik.02:17
sladenfeh, I come from Nottingham and Robin Hood wouldn't be seen dead speaking the Queen's English02:17
jbaileyIt's turned into a standard language, but at the time, it happened largely because he was writing the dictionary, AFAIK.02:18
MithrandirIt has been observed that most people don't speak English while dead.02:18
jbaileyMithrandir: Get a better seer. =)02:18
Mithrandirjbailey: ook02:18
jdubsladen: see r-t or d-d-l lists02:18
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sladenjdub: can you remember which month?02:19
jdublook for baton02:20
slomojbailey: hi ;) i'm back to 2.6.12-3-powerpc on my ibook :P do you think we get this fixed somehow for breezy?02:21
jbaileyslomo: One can hope.  But given that your initramfs appears to be correct, I can only ask the kernel folks what's going on.02:22
jbaileyI need an error message.02:22
slomojbailey: do we have someone i can talk to who knows everything about the ppc kernel? ;)02:22
slomojbailey: sure... wait a moment02:22
sladenjdub: "baton" was the word, ta!02:22
jbaileyIs the bug in bugzilla?  If yes, what number, I should add myself to the cc: list.02:22
KamionMithrandir: there does still seem to be something wrong, though02:23
slomojbailey: no, i haven't done a bugreport yet... most of my problems are solved faster in irc ;)02:23
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jbaileyRight.  But with this one in bugzilla, it'll get better attention.02:24
slomojbailey: ok, i'll create one :) i have nothing todo anyway until elmo responds ;)02:24
MithrandirKamion: so you'd like me to do a test install and poke at it?  I can do that, but if not, I'll see if x86emu wants to play ball with me today.02:25
KamionMithrandir: we can race, if you like - I'm poking at it at the moment02:25
Lathiat_whos the person who looks after hoary-backports?02:25
ograLathiat_, MEZ02:26
Lathiat_got an email?02:26
Lathiat_want to look at getting some security stuff looked at02:26
slomojbailey: what package? linux-meta?02:26
pittiLathiat_: parse error02:27
Lathiat_pitti: heh, security, backports? ;p02:27
ograLathiat_, <martin@sourceguru.net> or <ubuntu-backports@lists.ubuntu.com>02:28
pittiLathiat_: ah, this was for Mez, I see02:28
Lathiat_ogra: thanks02:28
jbaileyslomo: Even against initramfs-tools for now.02:28
jbaileyslomo: I can take care of getting it assigned and such correctly.02:28
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Mitariomako, ping02:30
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hubis it me or my breezy upgrade is sort of broken02:31
hubI don't have any icon displayed02:31
pittihub: occurred to me, too; I changed to the default theme to fix it02:31
ograhub, we sell them sparately now... as add ons ;)02:31
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hubthat does the job02:32
hubpitti: thanks for the tipe02:32
ograhub, which icon theme did you use before ? 02:32
Lathiat_f**k i just got a metacity crash and i didnt have gdb running on it02:33
huband now clearlooks02:33
ograhub, icon theme ? 02:33
hubogra: I just selected the gnome theme clearlooks02:34
huband all that was with it02:34
pittiLathiat_: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/packages/crashrep/  :-)02:34
hubogra: so it messed the icons I'd say, but now it works02:34
seb128hub, pitti: they dropped the clearlooks icon theme when they moved it to gnome-themes02:34
Lathiat_pitti: wassat do?02:34
pittiseb128: will that be an issue for hoary upgrades or just break intra-breezy ones?02:34
hubseb128: ah, make sense02:35
slomojbailey: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1448502:35
pittiLathiat_: that's my alpha-demo-snapshot crash reporting agent02:35
pittiLathiat_: install the two debs, and on every segfault you will get a report in /tmp/crashrep.application.*02:35
pittiLathiat_: it also tries to get a stacktrace02:35
ograpitti, we'll just have to set a default icon theme for clearlooks then... seb128 shouldnt that automatically fall back to gnome if its missing ?02:35
seb128pitti: likely to be an issue for people using clearlooks02:35
Lathiat_pitti: ooh02:35
hubah well02:36
pittiLathiat_: prototype for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomatedProblemReports02:36
hubso it is sort of a bug02:36
ograseb128, i thought the theme selector cares for such occurences02:36
pittiLathiat_: I just did not get very far (GUI stuff and so on)02:36
Lathiat_ahah it just crashed again02:36
seb128/usr/share/themes/Clearlooks/index.theme is to change probably02:36
pittiseb128: many people will do that 02:36
Lathiat_but, it seems it didnt build with debug symbols02:36
seb128pitti: I know, you are welcome to fix it, I've too many bugs to tackle everything alone02:37
ograseb128, i'll do... i have to do some accumulated artwork stuff anyway over the weekend02:37
=== pitti hugs ogra
seb128pitti: clearlooks is the not the default theme though, human doesn't have this issue02:37
seb128hum, the index.theme has it02:38
hubI don't like "human" colors02:38
hubbut that is just me02:38
ograbtw, shouldnt we set our Human defaults in /usr/share/gconf/cdd.defaults ?02:39
ograi think its not done currently02:39
seb128we don't use cdd atm afaik02:39
ograseb128, edubuntu does :)02:39
seb128right, but that probably makes sense to use the libgnome patch as Ubuntu02:39
seb128rather than unpatching libgnome to change the cdd then02:40
Lathiat_is building DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nostrip the right thign to do to get a package with debuggign symbols?02:43
Lathiat_and woudl work with cdbs stuff?02:43
seb128usually it work yeah02:43
Lathiat_hrm, didnt seem to work on metacity02:43
seb128works fine for GNOME packages02:43
seb128you can use noopt too02:43
seb128it does02:44
seb128I've used it yesterday02:44
=== Lathiat_ tries again
Lathiat_does it not work with debuild vs dpkg-byuildpackage or something?02:44
Mithrandirdebuild might be stripping DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS02:45
seb128I use debuild and it works fine02:45
Lathiat_hrm, well i'll rebuild adn see what happens02:45
jdubmjg59: oh. dude.02:46
jdubhttp://wingolog.org/pub/gdbinit <- rad!02:46
Treenaksjdub: is that like rml's IBM motion sensor crack?02:46
Kamiondebuild isn't supposed to strip DEB_*02:46
=== ogra dances around xscreensaver
Treenaksogra: !?02:47
pittiogra: deuglified again?02:47
Lathiat_http://www.atoker.com/tmp/protection.png 02:47
ograpitti, long ago02:47
TreenaksLathiat_: ! :)02:47
Robot101Lathiat_: lol02:47
Lathiat_hehe, alp posted that into #gnome-hackers the other day, had much class :)02:48
ograbut a requirement for the upload was that i get it to respect LTSP_CLIENT which only worked until the first unlock attempt02:48
ograi just found the function that respawns the hack...02:48
ograand it works :)02:48
MithrandirKamion: what's the failure you're seeing?  It looks good to me?02:49
jdubjbailey: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1447702:50
jdubjbailey: is that very kernel or very initramfs?02:50
zuli think very initramfs02:50
KamionMithrandir: w{american,british}.deb at least seem to be getting removed from /var/cache/apt/archives/ after base-config moves them in there02:51
KamionI don't understand why02:51
Kamionoh, plus I get a dictionaries-common question02:51
jdubLathiat_: that's offensively non-HIG-compliant02:51
jdubLathiat_: i'm going to yell at alp02:51
Kamionhey, now it installs cleanly apart from the question; I don't understand this02:51
Lathiat_jdub: haha02:52
slomojbailey: i have some news for you ;) i finally tested latest initramfs with 2.6.12-3-powerpc and i get exactly the same error... so it should be initramfs' fault02:52
Lathiat_/usr/bin/metacity: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.2.0, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped02:52
KamionMithrandir: /var/cache/apt/archives/ only goes up to pppdcapiplugin02:52
MithrandirKamion: full disk?02:53
jbaileyslomo: No, it could still be the kernel's fault.  that was when we switched to initramfs.02:53
KamionMithrandir: no02:53
Kamion6GB free02:53
jbaileyIf the kernel was broken after that point for loading an initramfs, it's certainly going to be broken before.02:53
slomojbailey: ok02:53
jbaileyjdub: Hard to say.  Looks like he needs the driver blacklisted for him on certain hardware.02:55
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Kamionand in fact language-support-en failed to install correctly, although base-config *cough* ignores that02:57
jbaileyjdub: It still might be kernelish, but I've grabbed the bug for now.02:58
=== Mithrandir kicks apt in the head.
Mithrandirapt should have better timeout detection02:58
Mithrandirallow me to correct myself: apt should _have_ timeout detection.02:59
Lathiat_oh it gets there02:59
Lathiat_give it 5 minutes or so03:00
mjg59jdub: ?03:01
MithrandirKamion: wbritish and friends are in /var/cache/apt/archives here, as files, not symlinks (which is what archive-copier seems to have put there)03:02
KamionMithrandir: what stage of the install are you at?03:04
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MithrandirI'm done with the install now.03:04
KamionMithrandir: oh no, actually, that's correct03:04
Mithrandirarchive-copier makes symlinks from /var/cache/archive-copier/ship (and so on) to /var/cache/apt/archives03:04
Kamionno, archive-copier does not03:05
Kamionbase-config/lib/menu/archive-copier does03:05
Kamion# Make cached packages that aren't installed by default visible to03:05
Kamion# apt, but only symlink them so that 'apt-get clean' doesn't remove03:05
Kamion# them.03:05
KamionI guess that could be the problem03:05
Kamionbut it seems a bit of a stretch03:05
Mithrandirwell, it seems to work here (using Norwegian as the installation language)03:07
Kamionah, try English03:07
Kamionthe Norwegian language-support-* isn't on the CD so it's not as good a test03:08
Mithrandirwell, it installs the language-support-en as well as language-support-no03:08
Kamionarchive-copier doesn't copy them though - I think that's a bug03:09
Kamionso it's probably downloading language-support-en from the network03:09
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Mithrandirno, it's not03:10
Mithrandirnot for me, at least.03:10
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jdubelmo: ping03:11
MithrandirKamion: are you sure your CD is up-to-date?03:11
KamionMithrandir: yes03:11
Kamionoh, localechooser/supported-locales might list en03:11
MithrandirKamion: I can try an English install and see if I can get it to break.03:12
Kamionyeah, it does, that would explain it03:12
KamionMithrandir: please03:12
Kamionthis breakage is weird - I'm going to try running pkgsel under strace03:12
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tepsipakkihow the heck do I disable gdmflexiserver?03:22
tepsipakkiwithout uninstalling Xnest03:22
seb128you probably don't03:23
infinityKamion : Oh, can you NEW the php5-syck binaries?03:23
thesaltydog just installed breezy and getting a lot of "Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by Xlib at /usr/lib/perl5/Gtk2.pm line 59" messages...03:23
Treenakswhat's your locale? :)03:23
sivangmpt: It's ok, it is just that I'd need to drop all of my patches and my work was redundent. I wish I had asked you that before..03:24
thesaltydogTreenaks, obviously in Hoary was working fine.03:24
tepsipakkiseb128: actually, setting FlexibleXServers=0 in gdm.conf helped. oh well03:24
lamont-awayseb128: got a minute:03:24
sivangseb128: how can we make someone click way through to gnome-panel's lp page from teh System menu?03:25
thesaltydogTreenaks, I have seen this: Bug #13724 and it looks like mine..03:25
lamont-awayseb128: nm03:25
Treenaksthesaltydog: isn't that a feature?03:26
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thesaltydogTreenaks, pardon?03:26
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Treenaksthesaltydog: well, I mean, hoary is supposed to be UTF-8, and breezy even more03:28
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thesaltydogTreenaks, yes infact my default is it_IT.UTF-803:29
Kamioninfinity: done, I think. the straight-to-universe NEW procedure hurts my brane03:29
Treenaksthesaltydog: is that defined in locale.gen?03:30
bddebianbrain :-)03:30
Kamionbddebian: deliberate misslepping03:30
bddebianAhh :-)03:30
thesaltydogTreenaks, of course03:30
KamionI think it's a reference but I can't remember to where03:30
lamont-awayfabbione: #14130 - what was the debconf question, do you remember?03:31
sivangmpt: the thing is, going the way so it seems to me excludes the appelts and the panel from even considered from being opened in launchapd, presentationally there's nothing that pops it to the user other then the context menu...03:32
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seb128lamont-away: pong03:33
seb128sivang: you don't?03:33
sivangseb128: sorry, I lost context, can say again?03:34
seb128tepsipakki: k03:34
lamont-awayseb128: was there a {gnome,$mumble} library that was missing a Depends: libglitz recently?  or am I just special?03:34
=== lamont-away figures the rebuild of gnome that is currently finally happening on hppa (new binutils, woot) will fix that issue
lamont-awayhence the nm right after the ping... :)03:35
tepsipakkiseb128: actually Xnest is not even installed03:36
jdublamont-away: i got more memory for my D37003:37
jdublamont-away: i think some of it is bung, but i'll figure out which03:38
seb128lamont-away: no, cairo used to build with it, and a bunch of .la got a mention to glitz.la03:38
seb128lamont-away: so when cairo stopped depending on it ...03:38
DizietDammit, I wish apt would let you dpkg -i while it was downloading stuff.03:38
seb128lamont-away: is there any issue remaining due to that?03:38
pittiDiziet: BAL - big apt lock :-)03:39
seb128sivang: sivang seb128: how can we make someone click way through to gnome-panel's lp page from teh System menu?03:39
DizietI wouldn't mind if it just took out its _own_ lock.  But it stole dpkg's too.03:39
MithrandirKamion: apart from the dictionaries-common question, I can't reproduce any problems.03:39
MithrandirKamion: and wbritish is not downloaded; it's the copied version which is installed.03:40
sivangseb128: I see, so we should leave gnome-panel and applets out of lpi ?03:40
KamionMithrandir: ok, this is truly weird then03:41
infinityseb128, lamont-away : That's all cleared up on the primary arches, but I assume hppa and sparc may still see some fallout for a bit, if they're backlogged.03:41
lamont-awayseb128: that answers my question - I can deal with it from here.03:42
lamont-awayinfinity: yeah - this is on hpap03:42
jdubseb128: is the gksu full screen dimming scary stuff going to stay?03:42
MithrandirKamion: it's a bit hard to diagnose a problem you're the only one seeing. :-P03:42
seb128jdub: ask mvo, he puts it and kind of maintain gksu :)03:43
sivangjdub: scares me as well ;)03:43
mvojdub: it's in from upstream, I don't really care wheter to have it in or not03:43
seb128sivang: what do you want to let away from lpi and why?03:44
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KamionMithrandir: I'll keep hammering at it03:44
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KamionMithrandir: thanks for the data points, though03:46
sivangseb128: 15:39 < seb128> sivang: sivang seb128: how can we make someone click way through to gnome-panel's lp page from teh System menu?03:47
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mptsivang: sorry about that ... it has been illustrated in the spec for a couple of months now (albeit that the menu has the wrong title)03:47
=== Kamion -> late lunch
robertjthe nightly live cds are supposed to have usplash now right?03:47
sivangseb128: 15:33 < seb128> sivang: you don't?03:48
mptjdub: So it's not just me who thinks that's really weird? phew, I thought I was alone in the world :-)03:48
mptsivang: oh, the page for gnome-panel itself?03:48
sivangmpt: it's cool, basically drop 2 patches that's all - but I return to my question, how would then people be pushed into opening gnome-panle's and the applet's page in launchpad?03:49
mptsivang: yeah, I suppose that belongs in the context menu03:49
sivangmpt: yeah ;)03:49
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sivangmpt: THANK you!03:49
infinityI like the full screen dimming, but I'm not too keen on the fact that it seems to take a few seconds before it does anything at all.03:49
mptsivang: Sorry, I thought you meant the page for Ubuntu-in-general03:49
seb128sivang: copying the sam sentence will not change my question, I don't parse them correctly03:50
jdubmvo: perhaps we should change it to set an urgent hint, and not do the dimming03:50
mvojdub: do you want it fixed before preview?03:51
jdubmvo: if you have time, that would be great :)03:51
seb128jdub: it has the first plan and the lock anyway, effect or not, no need to set any hint imho03:51
jdubseb128: it might help if the window pops up somewhere weirdly03:52
jdubseb128: given that it has a keyboard grab03:52
mptIt's always in the middle of the screen, though, right?03:52
seb128it pop first plan centered03:52
jdubmpt: well, at the moment it is03:52
mvoand it should set keep_above() already too03:52
mptso what would "weirdly" be?03:52
seb128the question is effect or not03:52
seb128no need of any hint03:52
jdubmpt: when we turn off the dimming and fully controlled borderless window positioning03:53
seb128it'll still be centered and on first plan03:53
jdubit may appear in places the user doesn't look at immediately03:53
jdubseb128: ok03:53
seb128it was this way for hoary, no?03:53
=== jdub will look again after the doom-gloom-dimmer is gone ;)
bddebianSorry for asking in here vs. motu but how do I go about resolving some of my issues with unmet deps or debian merges where deps or build-deps are missing from the archive??03:54
seb128bddebian: example?03:55
bddebianyaprimaxgui needs pxscan (multiverse)03:55
bddebianlibdebtags1 is another03:58
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sivangmpt: ;)04:02
sivangseb128: k, np, mpt has answered what I asked, sorry for bugging you04:02
Lathiat_man, having your touchpad movement at a 1:1 ratio in physical size sucks04:07
TreenaksLathiat_: touch screen 8)04:07
Lathiat_well th synaptics driver broke bad04:08
Lathiat_in the latest upload04:08
Lathiat_the mouse even decides to move in the opposite direction sometimes04:08
TreenaksLathiat_: well, the old one broke clicking on my HP04:08
Lathiat_thats not so bad trust me ;p04:09
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TreenaksLathiat_: tel mjg59 ;)04:09
Lathiat_well i whinged to daniels im sure he'll look at it :)04:10
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dokoseb128: gnome-panel has the three "top" menu items translated (at least I can find them in the de.po file), but doesn't show these items, they are shown in plain en.04:20
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mvoKamion: has preview-freeze already started? or will it start at 00:00UTC (or some other time) today?04:22
tepsipakkidaniels: why does xorg-driver-synaptics depend on xserver-xorg?04:26
tepsipakkii need that driver, but can't uninstall all the unneeded servers etc04:27
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danielstepsipakki: should be -core, but if you're concerned about like 2.5MB ...04:28
tepsipakkiwell, -core seems to depend on xserver-xorg as well ;)04:29
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tim1does anybody know why xorg-driver-fgrlx depends on ALL other xorg drivers?04:31
DizietJoy.  My new dpkg creates a status file that makes old dpkg coredump.04:31
tim1I would have to install 50+ drivers for hardware i don't have to use fglrx04:31
danielslook, seriously, I'm only going to say this once04:32
danielsthe point of creating xserver-xorg-core and splitting it wasn't so you could uninstall stuff04:32
danielsif you're worried about like 15MB, you can find it much easier in other places04:32
sabdflthe point is to accelerate the development04:32
chmjshackan: ping 04:32
tepsipakkiwell, why does xserver-xorg say that it is a dummy package, that you can remove if not needed ?-)04:32
sabdflbecause each of these packages can have a separate team, or additoinal contributors04:33
rtcmdaniels: btw, any idea why the sis driver has almost 3 MB while I have one from the original authos with about 600 kb?04:33
sabdflsmaller uploads, smaller teams, modular will be a big win from a community development point of view04:33
sabdflit will be easier to find contributors for a driver, or a library, than the whole hog04:33
tepsipakkiI know the benefits, just wondered those silly dependencies04:34
tim1ok, got it, I didn't ask this because i was worried about some dis space, I actually thought it would be a bug04:34
bddebianseb128: No thoughts on what I should do?04:34
danielsthe point is two-fold: a) accelerate development, b) make updates easier to do as only one package changes ratehr than all of them (think: security)04:34
danielsrtcm: i suspect we're stripping it sub-optimally04:35
sladentepsipakki: is04:35
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sladentepsipakki: it's a virtual package that does nothing more than depend on all the separate parts---means you can type 'apt-get install xserver-xorg' rather than having to type 'apt-get install {50 different packages}'04:36
tepsipakkii know... the description just should be changed, if it in fact cannot be removed04:37
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bddebianMan and here I thought it was just daniels that hated me :-(04:38
slomodaniels: at least on ppc the /etc/X11/X link points to something non-existant (/usr/bin/X11/Xorg iirc)... has to be /usr/bin/Xorg imho04:42
danielsslomo: /usr/bin/X11 should be a symlink to /us/rbin04:43
slomodaniels: it isn't for me... it's an empty directory. (this installation was an update from colony 2 to current breezy)04:44
danielsslomo: #13379, hoping to fix it this weekend04:46
danielswe're hitting weird semantics of dpkg04:46
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slomodaniels: ok... thanks :)04:47
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pablofhi, how can i suggest one package for multiverse repository ?04:50
lamont-awayin debian/config, is it trivial to distinguish upgrade from fresh install?04:51
ograpablof, put it on the UniverseCandidates wikipage...04:53
pablofogra: ok, thanks04:54
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carlosmvo, hi04:54
=== lamont-away hates grandma's computer.
bddebianlamont-away: So buy her a new one :-)04:54
lamont-awayI meant the generic grandma04:54
mvohey carlos, is there a problem with import language-selector into rosetta?04:54
bddebianlamont-away: Ohh, hehe04:55
carlosmvo, seems like there is a problem, yes04:55
carlosI think I got the source code last month and I didn't see any .pot file04:55
carlosmvo, am I wrong?04:55
mvocarlos: apt-get source language-selector gives me po/language-selector.pot 04:55
carlosmvo, since when?04:56
carlosI mean is it new?04:56
mvocarlos: ~14 Jun (according to the changelog)04:56
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carlosok, then I checked another package....04:56
mvocarlos: could you please have a look if it can be imported now? 04:56
zygaah here you are :-)04:56
zygaI didn't notice04:57
mvocarlos: the initial version did not contain a pot file, that might have been the problem04:57
carlosmvo, sure. Anyway, for the future, you don't need to create a product on launchpad to get an Ubuntu package translated04:57
carloszyga, ;-)04:57
mvocarlos: yeah, I know that now, thanks04:57
carlosok, the problem is that we don't have any language-selector inside launchpad's database04:59
mvocarlos: please ping me if there still is a problem04:59
zygamvo, carlos: thank you both for your help :)04:59
carlosmvo, sure04:59
mvozyga: thanks for telling us about the problem04:59
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Kamionmvo: later today AFAIK05:15
Dizietkeybuk: ping05:15
KeybukDiziet: yup05:16
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DizietHi.  So I have a patch (or will do shortly).05:16
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DizietShould I upload a new 1.13.10ubuntu into breezy ?  Should I do anything with the Debian version ?05:17
DizietAre you planning to put 1.13.11 into breezy ?  Maybe we should.05:17
KeybukI suspect we'll need to test the batch a bit more before putting it into breezy05:17
Keybukcheck with mdz what he feels05:17
Keybuk1.13.11 isn't going into breezy05:17
Diziet1.13.11> shame, but there you go :-).05:17
Keybuksubmit the patch to the Debian BTS, I'll check it out and upload it with the next version of dpkg into Debian -- probably in a week or so05:17
DizietOK.  Willdo.  I'll install it on a few of my installs here too.05:18
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Keybuk*nods* I've promised bubulle a week of freeze to get the translations up to date ya see <g>05:18
DizietI would like to get this patch into the preview release because it fixes a spurious conffile prompt in hoary->breezy.05:19
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Kamionpreview freeze is today, so it'll require manual review / exception etc.05:19
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Keybukbut if I mentioned that having such a massive number of people upgrading to test it was a good thing, mdz would do his nut and have a heart-attack05:20
Keybukso I won't mention that :)05:20
danielspreview freeze05:21
DizietI don't know if this patch will apply cleanly to .10ubuntu.05:22
Keybukshould do ... there wasn't that much of a change05:23
DizietThe changelog .10 to .11 looks big.05:23
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Dizietk: it does.  The BTS will have the patch soon.05:34
zygacarlos: < > are displayed as &lt; &gt; is that intentional?05:36
KamionMithrandir: ok, I've got conclusive evidence of weirdness here05:39
KamionMithrandir: 'grep wamerican_ pkgsel.trace' goes:05:39
Kamion26584 execve("/usr/bin/apt-extracttemplates", ["apt-extracttemplates", "/var/cache/apt/archives/wamerican_5-4_all.deb"] , [/* 32 vars */] ) = 005:40
Kamion26584 open("/var/cache/apt/archives/wamerican_5-4_all.deb", O_RDONLY) = 305:40
Kamion26728 execve("/usr/bin/dpkg", ["/usr/bin/dpkg", "--status-fd", "19", "--unpack", "/var/cache/apt/archives/aspell-en_6.0-0-5_all.deb", "/var/cache/apt/archives/mozilla-firefox-locale-en-gb_1.0.4lang20050515-1ubuntu3_all.deb", "/var/cache/apt/archives/myspell-en-gb_20050823-1ubuntu1_all.deb", "/var/cache/apt/archives/myspell-en-us_20050823-1ubuntu1_all.deb", "/var/cache/apt/archives/openoffice.org2-l10n-en-gb_1.9.125+2.0b05:40
Kamion26728 stat64("/var/cache/apt/archives/wamerican_5-4_all.deb", 0xbfb77488) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)05:40
Kamionand nothing else should be running at that point05:40
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carloszyga, It depends on the package that you translate. Sometimes it is and others it's not. I think we have a bug report about that already05:43
zygacarlos: msgid is displayed as  &lt;foo&gt; but the mgstr textarea contains <foo>05:45
carloszyga, URL?05:46
zygacarlos: one moment please, I'm translating several things in paralell05:46
zygamessage number: 110505:46
zygacarlos: check the source of that fragment - i think that's clear now :)05:47
carloszyga, in general, please avoid to translate the review-* potemplates05:48
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zygacarlos: & is not escaped in msgstr05:48
zygamsgid has: &amp; but msgstr has plain &05:48
carloszyga, which message number?05:48
zygacarlos: I'll file a bug if you say so05:50
carlosI think there is already one05:50
carloslook for it first, please05:50
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=== carlos downloads the original .pot file to know where is the problem...
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Dizietk: This is a weird `file goes missing between apt and dpkg' bug you've got ?05:53
zygacarlos: no such bug reported05:54
DizietIt did that to me too but I couldn't reproduce it.05:54
zygacarlos: I was only checking open bugs05:54
carlosok file a new one05:54
carlosI will set it as duplicated05:54
carloswith next bug triadge05:54
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zygacarlos: did you managed do look the original msgstr up? I'd like to be sure06:00
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carloszyga, yes, it's a bug 06:01
KamionDiziet: it's during installation, so I'm more inclined to blame something weird in base-config to start with06:01
carloszyga, the msgid is correct, the msgstr is not06:01
zygak, filing now06:02
Dizietkamion: It happend to me in my hoary->breezy test upgrade.06:02
Kamionit's very reproducible but unfortunately the test cycle is ~30mins06:02
DizietBut only once.06:02
Kamionit's the same set of files every time here06:02
jdublots of ubuntu ;)06:02
Kamionalmost as if something else is running apt in parallel06:03
DizietI ran apt-get dist-upgrade in an ssh session and it did that, first off, for linux-kernel-headers.06:03
tseng_Kamion: can we sync monodoc 1.0.6-3 (new revison) from debian to fix file conflicts?06:05
tseng_slomo: er, explain this to me again06:05
tseng_slomo: its making new packages, and they conflict with the others with the same files?06:05
slomotseng_: our monodoc contains the gtk#, gecko, nunit docs in monodoc-manual...06:05
slomotseng_: the one in debian puts them into different packages which conflict on the 2.0 packages for these docs06:06
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slomotseng_: otherwise you "can" install the 1.0 and 2.0 doc package and get an error because some files already exist06:06
tseng_does 2.0 docs cover both?06:06
slomotseng_: no06:07
Kamiontseng_: if the package split in -3 is OK and if you don't mind throwing away the Ubuntu changes, sure06:07
seb__daniels: around?06:07
slomotseng_: but that can't be done better... bug in monodoc design06:07
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danielsseb128: mmm?06:08
slomotseng_: sorry for beeing this short... i'm currently learning maths ;)06:09
tseng_slomo: did you check the ubuntu diff?06:09
slomotseng_: no... will you or shall i?06:09
tseng_can you please06:09
tseng_im quite busy06:10
slomotseng_: me too ;) but i'll try06:10
tseng_if it looks like we can drop it we can tell elmo that Kamion and I agree06:10
tseng_slomo: i think my changes were just pulling stuff out of SVN and shipping it vs syncing an already-in-debian package06:12
seb128daniels: I've reassigned this bug to you06:12
seb128daniels: there is no dvorak mention from GNOME, and that's not the bug06:12
seb128daniels: an another guy hijacked the bug with his borked xorg.conf part, but the applet is an user stuff and doesn't change xorg.conf06:12
DizietAaargh!  Bloody awful patch buildsystems!  dpatch has buggered this source tree.06:13
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slomotseng_: i don't know... you shipped a missing-files.tar ;)06:13
tseng_it looks ok to drop to me06:14
tseng_ill mail elmo06:14
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tseng_and then leave06:14
slomook, fine :)06:14
jdubelmo: what are the chances of a valgrind sync?06:14
elmojdub: mdz's call?  it has one reverse build-depend, kdesomthing or other06:15
elmoI suspect if someone confirmed kdesomethingorother still build with new valgrind, mdz would be more willing to consider it06:15
MithrandirKamion: and it's not being caught by the "clean up archive-copier" stuff?06:16
=== Diziet throws it away and makes a new one.
jdubRiddell: ping06:16
DizietAnd why oh why does the default /etc/profile have umask 022 ?06:16
jdubelmo: ta06:16
elmojdub: somethingorother == network, FWIW06:16
KamionMithrandir: the trace comes after that06:16
Riddelljdub: pong06:17
MithrandirDiziet: why shouldn't it?06:17
Kamionlast thing mentioning pptp-linux_ is the mv cleaning up /var/cache/archive-copier/ship/, yet that's gone missing too06:17
jdubRiddell: reckon kdesomethingorother will work with new valgrind?06:17
danielsseb128: dude, it's the gnome keyboard thingy that's setting his layout to dvorak06:17
danielsseb128: now, tbh, I don't know whether this is a list in gnome-applets or whether xk-c needs a kick up the arse, but it's certainly not xorg proper06:17
jdubjbailey: do you want to own grub bugs?06:18
Riddelljdub: I'll take a look now while I wait for qt to compile06:18
Riddelldon't see any reason why not06:18
jdubRiddell: thanks06:19
Mithrandirif we got newer valgrind, much happiness will ensue in the amd64 camp.06:19
jdubMithrandir: will you all be like \o/ ?06:19
KamionMithrandir: oh my god, I think I just guessed what it is and it's horrible06:19
KamionMithrandir: have a look at /etc/cron.daily/apt06:19
Mithrandirjdub: it's "valgrind exists" vs "valgrind doesn't exist", so yes. :-)06:20
MithrandirKamion: you're kidding me.06:20
KamionMithrandir: cron.daily ran during my base-config run (from anacron)06:20
KamionI spy a smoking gun06:20
jdubmdz: ross burton has asked for a sync of valgrind to more sanely debug gnome things that are affecting us, Riddell is checking if the reverse-depends works with it, and Mithrandir suggests the amd64 camp will have a debugging orgy if it goes in - your thoughts?06:20
Keybuk...and wiped your apt cache? :p06:20
Kamionwell, partially06:20
MithrandirKamion: that's utterly, utterly, utterly crack.  I guess I wasn't bitten because my machine was faster, or something.06:21
KamionI imagine it's something to do with age/size of the .debs06:21
Keybukisn't it a bit of a d'oh to be running cron during an install anyway? :)06:21
=== jdub wonders where he pulled reverse-depends...
Mithrandirjdub: apt-cache rdepends?06:21
KamionKeybuk: cron is configured by that stage - I don't see why it's actively bad06:21
Dizietmith: umask> Shared filespaces and personal groups.  Surely you've been exposed to this argument before ?06:21
Kamionyeah, I think it's deleting all .debs over 30 days old06:22
MithrandirDiziet: well, that's a point, but iirc sshd (among other things) will be really, really unhappy if you don't chmod g-w ~/.ssh and such.  It's easy enough to change for people who want that.06:23
Kamionand since I use cp -a, the timestamp from the archive is preserved06:23
KamionMithrandir: that's an sshd bug, I keep meaning to fix that06:23
jdubMithrandir: probably06:23
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jdubMithrandir: more likely it was a brainfart06:23
MithrandirKamion: how, really?06:23
Kamionin fact I did fix some of that recently06:23
MithrandirKamion: did you have your release blockers chat with mdz yesterday or is that for today?06:23
Dizietmith: sshd should be fixed too.06:23
Kamion  * Allow ~/.ssh/config to be group-writable, provided that the group in06:23
Kamion    question contains only the file's owner (closes: #314347).06:23
KamionMithrandir: yesterday06:24
Keybukmorning Mr. Z06:24
Mithrandirspeak of the devil.  Hi mdz.06:24
KamionI couldn't convince upstream of the need for that sshd fix though06:24
danielschrist, the east coast is waking up06:24
danielser, west cosat, even06:24
Diziet-chiark:~> grep -i mode /etc/ssh/sshd_config06:24
DizietStrictModes no06:24
Mithrandirdaniels: quick, go to bed.06:24
danielsoh whatever06:24
danielsMithrandir: yeah06:24
DizietIt would be nice if you could say  StrictModeUmask 00206:24
Keybukso zsh gets upset if you run compinit twice06:25
Keybukwhich is somewhat odd, but hey06:25
jbaileyjdub: What do you mean? =)06:25
danielsseb128: it's too late for me to think more about 14365 now06:26
jdubjbailey: currently grub bugs go to debzilla06:26
jbaileyjdub: Is that Ubuntueze for /dev/null?06:26
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Kamionjbailey: close enough06:26
danielsseb128: i'd say 'i think you're right', but I might regret it in the morning06:26
jbaileyjbailey: Given that I've known all of grub's upstream over its history, I'm probaby the most qualified for them.06:27
jbailey'want', might be too strong of a word. =)06:27
jbaileyBut sure. =)06:27
jdubnow that you've convinced yourself06:27
jdubconvince me ;)06:27
Kamionmdz: what's the best way to disable /etc/cron.daily/apt temporarily? I can think of at least four variously hacky ways06:27
=== jbailey puts on a short skirt, nylons, and bats his eyelashes at jdub.
jbaileyjdub: I also already have a pile of grub bugs, more won't hurt. =)06:28
jbailey... much06:28
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Keybukok, figured it.  by running compinit in my zshrc after adding ~/.zsh to fpath so my _bzr function could be found ... it decides to bitch about the writableness of .zsh/_bzr and stamp all over .zcompdump when I run sudo06:30
Keybukwhich is odd, but hey06:30
Keybukreplacing it with just compdef worked06:30
Keybukzsh is weird sometimes06:30
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jdubmjg59: so how'd you fix the colour?06:34
mjg59jdub: Got a gimp palette from the picture, swapped the colours by hand, changed the picture to RGB and then reindexed it to the new palette06:34
wasabiCan we animate that?06:36
wasabiYa know how OS X starts with the light screen, with only the little twirlly thing in the middle rotating colors?06:36
wasabiI want to do that with the Ubuntu logo.06:36
wasabiHave the brown shades rotate around.06:36
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jbaileyy'mean make Mark, Matt and James dance in circles?06:38
wasabiWithout shirts, no less.06:38
Keybuksorry, I'm veto'ing any attempt to get James topless06:38
jbaileywasabi: Sounds like you have to appeal to the sabdfl or give it up. =)06:40
jdubmjg59: what do you think about making the progress bar a ~5px line at the very bottom06:41
mjg59jdub: Could do06:41
mjg59For now I've just moved it below the logo06:41
Keybukthat might look sexy, or it might not be obvious what's happening06:42
jdubKeybuk: mmm06:42
jdubplus it won't be at the edge on wacky screens anyway06:42
jdubhard to use the edge for much06:42
Keybukit floats in the middle on my old laptop as it is06:43
jdubKeybuk: what do you think of the current artwork?06:43
KeybukI'd like a box around the bar, so you can tell how far it's going to go06:43
jdub(latest usplash upload is the same, just a bit cleaner)06:43
Keybukother than that, I thought it was simple and elegant06:43
Keybukwith slightly retro fonts that I found rather appealing06:43
jdubor maybe a non-black background for the prog bar06:44
KeybukI didn't agree with puppy at all06:44
jdublight beige on dark beige06:44
Keybukit has to be a black background06:44
jdubi think a single line box will look a bit poxy06:44
Keybukpossibly, if it were very dark brown06:45
=== jdub forgets what that bit of prog bars are calle
Keybukthe queue can be almost subliminal, just as long as it gives the brain something to measure against06:45
jdubthe slot bit06:46
Keybukif it was light on dark, it'd look a bit odd06:46
Keybukmore like a moving shutter than a progress bar06:46
jdubperhaps if we had a rounded box06:46
jdubala winxp ;)06:46
Mithrandirwhich isn't a progress bar, just a moving thingie06:47
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jdubyeah, but look at the trough :)06:47
mirakanyone is responsible of ppc kernel builds ?06:48
Keybukthe trough is black06:48
mirakotherwise b&w G3 won't boot because they will not initialise the ide harddrive06:48
mirakhum sorry06:48
mirakwrong paste06:48
jdubKeybuk: "the rounded border around the trough"06:48
mirakthe cmd646 module must be built into the kernel, otherwise you can't boot on blue & white G306:48
mirakif the initrd is on the /dev/hdc, you can't boot06:49
danielsseb__: also, hillarious metacity bug if you can reproduce06:49
mjg59mirak: Hmm? Why?06:49
danielsseb__: have your current command in the window title, and then run a REALLY long command06:49
Dizietdaniels: I just fixed up your broken gsfonts-x11 upload, FYI :-).06:50
danielsseb__: you'll end up with all the text overlapping each other -- it looks like it wraps, but on to the same06:50
danielsDiziet: um, I uploaded gsfonts-x11?06:50
Dizietgsfonts-x11 (0.17ubuntu1) breezy; urgency=low06:50
Diziet -- Daniel Stone <daniel.stone@ubuntu.com>  Thu, 30 Jun 2005 06:05:31 +100006:50
DizietThat's you, isn't it ?06:50
=== daniels blinks. yeah.
mirakmjg59: because, the G3 avec two ide controlers, one for the harddrives, and one for the cdrom or other hard drive, zip whtaver06:51
danielsDiziet: thanks, in any case06:51
DizietYou changed the depth of the symlinks, but they were all relative so you should have changed the number of ../'s in them too.06:51
mirakmjg59: if cmd646 is not built into the kernel, you won't get the root device, since it's on what the system is on06:51
DizietNP.  I just thought I should let you know.06:51
danielsDiziet: cool06:51
mirakmjg59: you won't get the initrd either06:52
mjg59mirak: What does that have to do with whether it's in the initrd or not?06:52
mjg59The kernel doesn't read the initrd off disk06:52
mjg59The bootloader does06:52
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mirakmjg59: ok, so cmd646 is probably not into initrd as well06:54
mirakI don't know but it doesn't work06:54
mjg59mirak: Right. That sounds quite possible06:54
KamionMithrandir: to be more exact, you have to be unlucky enough for cron.daily to run between update-notifier being configured and the end of pkgsel, I think06:54
Kamionanyway, fixing now06:54
mjg59mirak: The person to talk to is jbailey06:54
Kamionthat should deal with a lot of semi-unreproducible base-config bugs06:54
MithrandirKamion: how are you fixing it?06:55
mirakI forgot to say the problem is on breezy new kernels06:55
Keybukjdub: http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/ubuntu-bar.png  is kinda what I was thinking06:55
KamionMithrandir: sticking a bunch of stuff in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99base-config to effectively disable /etc/cron.daily/apt, and removing that file when I'm done06:55
slomoKeybuk: looks nice :)06:55
mirakjbailey: hey, are you there ?06:55
Kamionfortunately update-notifier is only installed as part of desktop, which simplifies the problem somewhat06:56
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Keybukyou could probably use an even darker colour for the trough border too, it only needs to be subliminal06:56
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MithrandirKamion: evil06:56
MithrandirKamion: but I guess it works.06:56
Kamionall the other solutions I could think of were worse06:56
Kamionthis at least doesn't involve mucking around with other packages' files06:56
jdubKeybuk: gotcha06:57
Dizietkamion: Can't we fix the cron.daily/apt to look at the ctime too ?06:57
KamionDiziet: I have to disable it anyway; I don't want it to do an apt-get update run in the middle of the installation06:58
Kamionwith hindsight, that explains other bugs06:58
Dizietapt-get update>   Urgh!06:58
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DizietBut it should definitely be fixed not to look at the ctime.06:58
Diziet(as well)06:58
DizietI mean, _to_ look at the ctime.06:58
Kamionmm, yes, I agree06:59
=== Kamion goes to file a bug
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Mithrandirhm, I should look at the Xen d-i integration stuff tomorrow or so.07:01
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Lathiat_mjg59: sweet, my laptop lcd actually turns off now, however07:12
Lathiat_mjg59: i have to move the mouse to bring it back on07:12
Lathiat_mjg59: known?>07:12
Lathiat_mjg59: (when i open the lid, it should pop up straight away me thinks)07:12
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Amaranthshould it?07:14
Amaranthi don't think windows does that07:14
Lathiat_i think it should07:14
Lathiat_if i open my lid07:14
Lathiat_i more than likely want to use my laptop07:15
Lathiat_so the screen should turn back on07:15
Lathiat_it used to07:15
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KamionLathiat_: it gets bad on laptops with faulty lids ...07:17
Lathiat_Kamion: ah07:17
Kamiondunno if that's the reason though07:17
Lathiat_be nice if it was at least an option then07:17
Lathiat_but i can see the reasoning there07:17
Lathiat_tho those laptops suck07:18
Kamionin my case it's not so much due to the laptop sucking as it is due to a small child knocking the laptop off the desk and it incurring a four-foot drop onto the floor07:18
Kamionquite impressed it survived otherwise unscathed actually07:18
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mjg59Lathiat_: Uh. In what situation?07:20
Lathiat_mjg59: opening my laptop lid07:20
Lathiat_the screen stays (presumably dpms) off07:21
Lathiat_turns on as soon as i move the mouse or whatever07:21
TreenaksKamion: http://www.atoker.com/tmp/protection.png07:21
Lathiat_Treenaks: :)07:21
mjg59Lathiat_: Sounds like we're not getting a lid event when you open the lid07:22
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Lathiat_mjg59: oh?07:22
Lathiat_mjg59: thats quite possible actually i used to have problems with it not vtswitching back07:22
CarlFKKamion - what is the preseed line I need to select a dictionary?07:22
Lathiat_how do i debug that?07:22
Lathiat_(sometimes it worked, sometimes it didnt07:22
KamionCarlFK: that question isn't supposed to be asked; it will be suppressed07:23
KamionTreenaks: heh07:23
CarlFKKamion - ok, Ill keep hitting enter07:23
mjg59Lathiat_: Easiest way is to check /var/log/acpid07:23
mjg59It'll log each event it handles07:23
KamionCarlFK: but look at the wamerican/wbritish .config scripts and you should be able to work it out07:24
ograTreenaks, i didnt know you had a SoC project :)07:24
Treenaksogra: I don't... just repasting links :)07:24
CarlFKhitting enter a few times sounds easier ;)07:24
ograTreenaks, i know :)07:24
Lathiat_mjg59: hrm, it seems to07:24
Lathiat_nto quite sure whats what really07:24
TreenaksKamion: have you seen #14007 (WEP/restricted mode b0rkage in installer)07:24
Lathiat_but it seems to execute lid.sh twice07:24
Lathiat_due to the lid button07:24
KamionTreenaks: yes07:25
TreenaksKamion: ok :)07:25
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Chipzzhi... sorry for asking this, I tried a while ago on #ubuntu, nut no-one could answer my question there... I have been running breezy since hoary was released, but somehow I'm missing the splash-screen image file... can anyone tell me what package generates it? I have checked packages.ubuntu.com, but no success07:43
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CarlFKChipzz - figure out what isn't doing what it should be and file a bug report07:44
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ChipzzCarlFK: that is /exactly/ the problem - I do not know against which package to file a bug07:44
Chipzzthe boot splash image is .xpm.gz file somewhere in /boot, so I suppose it is actually generated07:45
CarlFKif onone answers, take a guess.  it will get corrected.07:45
jdubChipzz: it's compiled into usplash07:45
jdubwe're not using evil bootsplash at all07:46
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Chipzzjdub: dunnow what exactly is used07:46
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ryanthiessenChipzz, instructions here: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2005-August/010208.html07:47
=== Riddell hopes the usplash image can be changed for different ubuntu variants
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Chipzzryanthiessen: thx a lot!!! :)07:47
jdubRiddell: it is slightly challenging, requiring a usplash rebuild at this stage07:47
jdubRiddell: have you redone the kubuntu logo with the new ubuntu font (particularly the k)?07:47
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Riddelljdub: didn't even know there was a new font07:48
Riddelljdub: where to find it?07:49
jdubRiddell: apt-get install ttf-ubuntu-title07:49
Chipzzryanthiessen: hmmm, I have apt-get installed usplash, lsb-base and initramfs-tools are up to date, but it still cant find an image :/07:50
Chipzzroot@Vertex:~ # dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-2.6.12-7-68607:50
ChipzzSearching for splash image... none found, skipping...07:50
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jdubChipzz: run mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd...<yourkernelversion>07:52
jdubChipzz: there is no separate image file07:52
=== Chipzz reads usplash readme
jdubChipzz: i believe that reference is from grub07:52
Riddelljdub: new valgrind looks fine, kcachegrind uses callgrind which doesn't like valgrind 3 but debian doesn't pacakge callgrind so it's no loss.  and the kdesdk-scripts rdepend is fine07:52
jdubRiddell: tops07:52
Chipzz/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/usplash > that would explain07:52
jdubmdz: approval for valgrind sync?07:52
Chipzzjdub: it is07:53
Chipzzhmmm... no luck... still no splash image found07:56
mjg59Lathiat_: You get two lid events, one on close and one on open?07:56
Chipzzow wait07:56
Riddelljdub: is there actually any difference in that font?07:57
ryanthiessenChipzz: that splash image refers to grub, not usplash07:57
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Chipzzryanthiessen: yes, but that was exactly my question... I don't have /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz ... so what package takes care of installing that file?07:59
Keybukhmm, random07:59
Keybukshould we change the grub image to be like the usplash one?08:00
lamontseb__: aroudn?08:00
Chipzzhmm lemme reboot to check08:00
jdubRiddell: yes, quite substantial08:00
jdubKeybuk: i'm actually playing with that now :)(08:00
jdubChipzz: nothing installs that file08:01
Chipzzso how does it get there?08:01
jdubit doesn't08:01
=== Keybuk checks out the new usplash
=== lamont has a question for mdz when he gets bored..
jdubwe don't ship a grub splash08:01
lamontinfinity: you awake?08:01
Chipzzso that message actually doesn't relate to the boot splash?08:01
ryanthiessenChipzz: if you want one, download one or make one and put it there :-)08:01
jdubChipzz: not at all, that's what i said :)08:02
Chipzzfirefox just crashed on me :P08:02
Chipzzah well08:02
jbaileyI didn't think we did a grub image on Breezy install...08:03
jbaileySeems like it just risks complicateing serial setups.08:03
jbaileyOr console over ethernet08:04
jdubwe don't08:04
Mitariomako, ping08:04
lamontjdub: how much do you know about cairo vs glitz and what should/shouldn't need libglitz to build?08:05
Chipzzthe boot splash worked :)08:05
Chipzzvery nice :)08:05
jdublamont: nothing should use libglitz to build at this stage08:05
Chipzzthx people! :)08:06
jdubit's way sassy08:07
jdubit has the sass08:08
=== pitti [n=pitti@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittibah, daniels completely broke my X :-(08:08
=== Keybuk [n=scott@syndicate.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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Keybukwell, that totally barried the world08:14
Keybuknetwork wouldn't work, then gdm wouldn't start08:14
jbaileybddebian: It's okay.  Hey means "Barri", not "Barry".  We're still not out to get you. ;)08:14
bddebianYou mean buried?08:15
=== jbailey hides.
Keybukno, barried08:15
Keybukgone the way of the Barry08:15
pittijbailey: may I humbly ask again for the plan of the libc update? we getting damn close to freezes now...08:15
Keybukit's a British thing08:15
jbaileypitti: Today, if possible.08:15
bddebianBarry is bad?08:15
pittijbailey: ah, good08:15
jbaileypitti: I got involved in some docteam stuff which is also due in about the same timeframe. =)08:16
=== lionel_ [n=lionel@ip-128.net-82-216-65.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
bddebianWow: barry: Someone who reeks of awesomeness.08:17
jbaileybddebian: I's also a joint of marijuana. =)08:18
bddebianAye :-)08:18
bddebianDamn now I really feel unworthy.  I can't even live up to my own name :-)08:18
jbaileyWe'll wrap you in cigarette paper for Hallowe'en...  That way I won't be the only one dressed up at UBZ. =)08:19
Keybukwhat you dressing up as?08:19
=== Keybuk is always up for dressing up
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jbaileyKeybuk: Dunno yet.  It's about the range where I shold probably start thinking about it, though.08:25
jbaileyIt's really annoying to try and pick the morning of the 31st.08:25
Keybukdepends on the form for dressing up08:26
Keybuksome of the stuff I own wouldn't make it through customs08:26
jbaileyComing into Canada, or returning home?08:26
jbaileyCanadian customs folks aren't that picky unless you've got things made from endangered species.08:27
sivangjbailey: lol08:27
jbailey*US* customs, you have a much greater risk of 'crimes of moral turpitude' or some such like that.08:27
KeybukThat's used for WHAT?! :p08:28
=== sivang is going to watch the original 1981 hitchhiker's guide series adapted from BBC audioscripts. ROCK! :)
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sivangjbailey: that terminal problem still hasn't been resovled, right?08:33
sivangI am still getting this on my irssi terminal08:34
jbaileysivang: Terminal problem?08:37
jbailey"I'm not dead yet!"08:37
sivangjbailey: you recall that irssi terminal screen erasing it self with blue background?08:37
jbaileyAh, yes.  that still occurs.08:37
sivangjbailey: anyway, I have to run again :-(08:37
sivangsee you all tommorrow08:37
bddebianLater sivang08:38
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bddebianjbailey: And you wonder why I have a complex ;-P08:54
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jdubhrm, i don't have maila ccess atm09:07
jdubcan someone mail ubuntu-uk and sounder with this?09:07
jdub^ would be good to have an ubuntu stand in the .org09:07
jdubKeybuk: ping?09:07
Keybukjdub: pog09:09
jdubn/m, i can post09:09
Keybukwe're so far ahead of you, we're practically IN THE FUTURE09:09
Keybukthere's no room in the .org stand09:09
KeybukJane confused matters by trying to talk to the organisers, who want us to have a ker-$$$ stand instead09:09
Keybukwe might be able to stick a bloke in an Ubuntu t-shirt on the end of the Debian stand09:10
jdubKeybuk: gnome stand is always a fair shot too09:10
jdubhelps if you're me09:10
Keybukactually, Brian hasn't got back to me yet, I should beat him up :p09:10
=== thesaltydog [n=fabio@host48-222.pool8255.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukyou've not met Brian Teeman have you?  he's a cool guy; does the .org pavilion every year09:11
Mithrandirhmm, october 5th to 6th.09:12
jdubfunny, if i arranged my travel slightly differently, i could've come :)09:12
Keybukdoes remind me that we need to ring the nice lady at the Amsterdam House again09:13
Keybukshe usually does us a very good deal09:14
=== jdub is itching to run xen on his lappy
elmoit's shiny09:18
Keybukfor those who spend all day at home polishing it?09:20
Mithrandirdoes there exist any other reason to do stuff than shinyness?09:20
elmoMithrandir: the other kind of shiny.  $$$09:21
zulMithrandir: because its 3l33t09:21
Keybukyou can't talk, multi-arch-boy ;)09:21
slomoelmo: did you already read my query?09:22
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edwarddesif your looking to run xen on your laptop, see the announcement on ubuntu-devel maining list about my summer of code work09:22
jdubedwarddes: i did, and it's making me itch!09:22
elmoslomo: eh, pls mail me, I'm busy now and this doesn't look simple or obvious09:22
jdubunfortunately, i have a policy of only running ubuntu-shipped kernels09:23
slomoelmo: ok, will do09:23
edwarddesyou may run into issues using the basic kernel configs i provided with laptop hardware09:23
jdubwell, more an oath than a policy09:23
edwarddesoh, well, if it makes you happier, im working on a more ubuntuish kernel config to ship with it09:23
jdubit's not really possible to build xen modules separately, is it?09:25
mdzlamont: ?09:25
elmojdub: no09:25
elmoor more to the point, you need to patch the kernel regardless09:25
Mithrandirjdub: it's not a module.09:25
edwarddesno, it modifies a bunch of the i386 arch stuff09:25
Mithrandiredwarddes: which kernel version have you based it on?09:25
jdubwill there be a day when all kernels are xenabled?09:26
jdubor are there good reasons to pick and choose09:26
edwarddespeople are working on merging the xen patches into the mainline kernel tree09:26
Mithrandirjdub: which is why I think the work done by benno is really nice.  It requires a minimal patch to the kernel and gives you the same performance as Xen.09:26
edwarddesbut you cant have a kernel that will run on native hardware and one that will run on the xen hypervisor09:26
jdubMithrandir: hmm. i should check up on what he's doing09:27
jdubMithrandir: will be intersting for breezy+109:27
edwarddesbut once the xen support is in all the kernel releases, it would be simple to modify the ubuntu kernel config and just rebuild with xen09:27
Mithrandirjdub: http://l4ka.org/projects/virtualization/afterburn/09:28
wasabiSo has anybody actually used Xen to boot windows or are teh mods to extensive to do?09:29
wasabiwithout source etc 09:29
edwarddeswith the new VT-x or pacifica extensions that will be availible soon from intel and amd it will work09:29
Mithrandirwasabi: the mods aren't redistributable.09:29
wasabiSo I can find them, somewhere. ;)09:30
edwarddesthey facilitate full virtualization at a hardware level09:30
wasabiCan't wait.09:31
=== thesaltydog [n=fabio@host48-222.pool8255.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiTo continue, enter "Ja"; to abort, enter "Nein": Ja09:35
pittibah, that looks *so* ugly09:35
pittiyay partial l10n09:35
ograpitti, not for your granny ;)09:35
ograat least you get that its asking for Ja or Nein even if you dont understand english :)09:36
pittiyes, and granny won't have a clue what is the correct answer...09:36
=== dobwan [n=dobwan@pcp01101547pcs.pntiac01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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slomoelmo: sent the mail... when you have further questions just ask here :)09:53
=== HiddenWolf [n=HiddenWo@136.111.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Mithrandirogra: luma upstream is asking if we can sync from Debian.  It should be safe, according to him.10:16
Mithrandirogra: (it's a merge, 'cause of the python version.), but would you mind?10:16
ograanything that depends on it ?10:16
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Mithrandirpython-smbpasswd, it seems10:16
ograi.e. anything that could break or cause extra work ?10:17
Mithrandirit's just a recommends, not a depends10:17
Mithrandirso I doubt it10:17
ogrago for it :)10:17
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kayfelixhey people. I have a sound problem. Everything is there, running, looking peachy... but no sound. System beep works over the speakers though, so im pretty sure HW is all setup and working. Its an AC'97 Realtek onboard soundcard on an ASROCK K7S41GX mainboard, im running kubuntu and to be honest, am completely at a loss as to what to do next.10:27
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@lns01-0331.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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=== ivoks likes new screensaver lock :)
=== bur[n] er likes the new usplash :)
ivoksthat too :)10:27
ivoksif only nvidia would open source it's drivers :)10:29
ivoksyou know there is a bounty 30.000$10:31
ivoksfor person that will make nvidia driver S3 suspend and bring it back to life10:31
=== Seveas [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
bddebianHeya Seveas10:33
Seveashi barry10:34
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ivoksmpt: bad day? :)10:48
mptivoks: No, I just noticed that word in the splash screen :-)10:50
=== JaneW [n=JaneW@wbs-146-157-181.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel
chmjmpt: that ubuntu when you read it upside down10:51
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
bddebianApparently you people don't have enough to do. ;-P10:56
lamonthrm... so all these i386 packages that have libglitz.la in their .la files, but no Depends: libglitz1-dev, I can do -build uploads of without anyone screaming, yes?10:56
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