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tseng_ | hi ogra | 01:16 |
ogra | hey | 01:16 |
tseng_ | how are you | 01:16 |
ogra | better now... i had DSL probs all the day... | 01:16 |
tseng_ | :( | 01:16 |
ogra | quite odd, one dey before preview freeze... was no fun to move the xscreensaver source from and to the net | 01:17 |
tseng_ | it looks nice | 01:17 |
ogra | thanks :) | 01:17 |
tseng_ | who is everyone? | 01:17 |
ogra | its a UDU photo :) | 01:17 |
tseng_ | there are some heads with no faces | 01:17 |
tseng_ | i see jeff, rob, charles | 01:18 |
ogra | jdub, bob2, mvo chmj and i think lying is jordi, but i'm not sure | 01:18 |
tseng_ | maybe mvo | 01:18 |
tseng_ | ooh im good | 01:18 |
ajmitch | hi ogra | 01:18 |
ogra | yeah | 01:19 |
=== ajmitch hasn't seen screensaver, got the original photo there? | ||
ogra | i have to dig... lets see how f-spot behaves today ;) | 01:19 |
tseng_ | speaking of f-spot.. | 01:19 |
ajmitch | ogra: well if elmo had synced it.. | 01:19 |
ajmitch | yes, I know he's busy :) | 01:19 |
ajmitch | tseng_: if you want to ask him again, feel free | 01:21 |
ajmitch | he might not appreciate my pestering :) | 01:21 |
ogra | http://www.grawert.net/020505%20059.jpg | 01:23 |
ogra | even lamont is on it ... | 01:23 |
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tseng_ | ah mako and lamont | 01:24 |
marcin_ant | hi all | 01:24 |
tseng_ | and janes feet | 01:24 |
marcin_ant | I got a question | 01:24 |
tseng_ | someone is on mvo | 01:24 |
marcin_ant | I would like to prepare some packages | 01:24 |
lamont | ogra: I'm on that? | 01:24 |
tseng_ | dafyd? | 01:24 |
marcin_ant | but with a little different names than original names | 01:24 |
tseng_ | lamont: you';re behind rob | 01:24 |
ogra | lamont, behind bob2 | 01:24 |
lamont | yeah - guess so - don't remember doing it... | 01:25 |
lamont | that's mark we're squishing? | 01:25 |
ajmitch | jdub looks rather demonic | 01:25 |
ogra | might be, i cant remember... | 01:25 |
tseng_ | someone else is on jeffs lap | 01:25 |
tseng_ | thom? | 01:25 |
marcin_ant | and I would like to ask how to do this? | 01:25 |
tseng_ | and jeff has a hand on his crotch | 01:25 |
lamont | that's kamion, and jdub is definitely demonic | 01:26 |
ogra | i really cant remember, but obviously doko has pic from another perspective | 01:26 |
mbreit | marcin_ant: i don't understand your exact problem... | 01:26 |
marcin_ant | for example I got original sources in emacs-21.3.tar.gz and would like to create emacs21-21.3 package | 01:26 |
tseng_ | demonic and gay | 01:26 |
ajmitch | marcin_ant: ok, is there a good reason for this? | 01:27 |
ogra | hehe | 01:27 |
marcin_ant | ajmitch, well yes | 01:27 |
marcin_ant | ajmitch, while there is no support for 'slots' like in gentoo | 01:27 |
tseng_ | slots in gentoo are the same as version-named packages in effect | 01:28 |
mbreit | marcin_ant: have you read the debian new maintainer's guide? | 01:28 |
marcin_ant | ajmitch, then if I want to use more than one version of package at the time than I need to do something like this | 01:28 |
marcin_ant | mbreit, yes | 01:28 |
=== ajmitch doesn't quite see the rationale in having several minor emacs versions in the archive | ||
mbreit | marcin_ant: you can set the name of the binary packages in debian/control... but all that is explaned in the debian new maintainer's guide... | 01:29 |
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marcin_ant | mbreit, well I know that I can set the name in debian/control | 01:30 |
marcin_ant | mbreit, but it's not my point | 01:30 |
mbreit | marcin_ant: so what is your point? | 01:31 |
marcin_ant | mbreit, if I gor package with sources let's say emacs-21.3.tar.gz then these sources unpacks to /emacs-21.3 | 01:32 |
mbreit | marcin_ant: so you want to change the source package's name? | 01:32 |
marcin_ant | mbreit, yes | 01:33 |
marcin_ant | I just want to create emacs21 package but my sources goes to emacs-21.x directory | 01:34 |
ajmitch | where the tarball unpacks to isn't really relevant, as it works with just abotu any directory name | 01:34 |
marcin_ant | ajmitch, hmmm | 01:35 |
ajmitch | some packaging scripts might have something hardcoded, but I've seen some odd naming | 01:36 |
marcin_ant | well I though that if I want to have for example emacs21 package than I should unpack my sources file and rename directory with sources to emacs21 | 01:37 |
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bddebian | So where does Transitions stand? | 02:50 |
bddebian | s/does/do/ | 02:50 |
jbailey | In the corner, facing the wall. | 03:02 |
jbailey | It's been *bad* | 03:02 |
bddebian | Bah, heya jbailey :-) | 03:04 |
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bddebian | ZZZZzzz | 03:27 |
bddebian | Where the heck is everybody | 03:32 |
ajmitch | away | 03:33 |
bddebian | Heya ajmitch, wanna do some uploads? :-) | 03:34 |
ajmitch | hm | 03:34 |
ajmitch | maybe :) | 03:35 |
bddebian | ajmitch: Also, wtf do I do about packages that are missing deps or build-deps from the archive now that we are frozen? | 03:35 |
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ajmitch | we're not frozen | 03:36 |
bddebian | We arent? | 03:36 |
ajmitch | if things were frozen, then we'd have nothing to do | 03:36 |
bddebian | Well UVF I mean | 03:37 |
ajmitch | just what sort of deps & build-deps are you talking about? | 03:37 |
bddebian | yaprimaxgui deps pxscan which isn't in multiverse (which is funny because yaprimaxgui is in universe) | 03:37 |
bddebian | libtagcoll1 | 03:37 |
bddebian | libdebtags1 | 03:37 |
ajmitch | debtags might be an exception | 03:38 |
ajmitch | yaprimaxgui & pxscan are things that probably noone cares about | 03:39 |
ajmitch | since they were pulled form apt-get.org | 03:39 |
bddebian | Oh so I am doing worthless work as always? | 03:41 |
=== ajmitch sighs | ||
ajmitch | no | 03:41 |
=== bddebian sighs more | ||
tseng_ | moo.. | 03:43 |
bddebian | baa | 03:47 |
bddebian | Ahh, tseng_ can upload for me | 03:47 |
ajmitch | and I can't now? | 03:47 |
bddebian | ajmitch: You said maybe :-) | 03:47 |
bddebian | jbailey: See what I have to put up with :-) | 03:49 |
ajmitch | mm, a black screen on booting the hoary live cd, very promising | 03:50 |
bddebian | Ugh | 03:50 |
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bddebian | Fuck, now xgsmlib FTBFSs | 04:01 |
tseng_ | i had the same ajmitch | 04:01 |
tseng_ | breezy was rad | 04:01 |
jbailey | bddebian: abuse from all sides. | 04:04 |
jbailey | bddebian: But you love us for it. =) | 04:04 |
bddebian | Heh | 04:04 |
bddebian | jbailey: Do you have a sec for a /query or you busy as usual? | 04:04 |
jbailey | Is it more obscure c++ stuff? | 04:05 |
jbailey | I'm putting together a documentation package right now, so I'm busy but I have some brain space. | 04:05 |
bddebian | Well I have that too but I won't bug ya with that | 04:05 |
ajmitch | tseng_: I don't have the breezy live cd with me at the moment | 04:05 |
ajmitch | and it's currently rsyncing | 04:05 |
bddebian | Anyone have ppc and/or amd64 handy? | 04:07 |
ajmitch | ppc, but not for a few hours | 04:07 |
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bddebian | Well the build logs say it build so I guess I'll remove xxdiff from my list | 04:10 |
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bddebian | Where should /usr/include/X11/extensions/Print.h come from? | 04:23 |
bddebian | Either that or lesstiff2-dev has issues | 04:25 |
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desrt | universe isn't frozen until the last minute, right? | 04:35 |
ajmitch | desrt: it's under a sort of freeze | 04:37 |
ajmitch | no new upstream versions except for serious cases | 04:37 |
desrt | well, UVF against auto-merges, right? | 04:37 |
ajmitch | most likely no NEW packages | 04:37 |
desrt | hmm. | 04:37 |
ajmitch | and by-hand merges | 04:37 |
desrt | i just need to know what to tell the ghc guys | 04:37 |
desrt | like "please release by ____" | 04:38 |
ajmitch | desrt: ghc is broken, so we make exceptions for it | 04:38 |
desrt | up to the last minute? | 04:38 |
ajmitch | but remember that we need to fix up all the packages that depend on ghc | 04:38 |
desrt | oh. true true | 04:38 |
ajmitch | preferably last month :P | 04:38 |
desrt | heh. | 04:38 |
bddebian | What about something like xastir? We have 1.4.1 and Debian has 1.6.0? | 04:39 |
desrt | my friend and i are ghc platform maintatiners... but i'm fairly inactive :P | 04:39 |
ajmitch | bddebian: got any good reason to update to 1.6.0? | 04:41 |
bddebian | FTBFS? | 04:41 |
ajmitch | FTBFS that can't be simply patched with 1.4.1? | 04:42 |
ajmitch | a patch such as http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=288697 ? | 04:42 |
bddebian | Dunno, that's the one I was asking about /usr/include/X11/extensions/Print.h earlier | 04:42 |
ajmitch | that's another matter, then | 04:42 |
ajmitch | since 1.6.0 would probably FTBFS for the same reason | 04:43 |
bddebian | Well it must not on Debian :-) | 04:43 |
ajmitch | that's because debian's x.org structure is different | 04:43 |
ajmitch | ie, not split up | 04:43 |
bddebian | Ahh | 04:44 |
bddebian | Well it's another one that I don't know how to fix :-( | 04:45 |
ajmitch | bddebian: looks simple enough, just building here & I'll upload | 04:50 |
desrt | when is breezy final? | 04:50 |
ajmitch | desrt: wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyReleaseSchedule | 04:51 |
desrt | perfect | 04:51 |
bddebian | ajmitch: Would you mind telling me what it is/was? | 04:51 |
desrt | wow | 04:51 |
desrt | i've been searching for this page for months | 04:51 |
desrt | thanks :D | 04:51 |
ajmitch | bddebian: libxp-dev buil-dep | 04:52 |
bddebian | ajmitch: How did you figure that out? | 04:53 |
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ajmitch | yay, now I get a different FTBFS with it | 04:55 |
ajmitch | bddebian: I'm psychic | 04:55 |
=== ajmitch fetches the gcc 4.0 patch from debian | ||
bddebian | ajmitch: Come on man, I'm trying to learn here | 04:57 |
ajmitch | bddebian: I knew about libxp | 04:58 |
bddebian | I don't like you. :-) | 05:00 |
ajmitch | I know | 05:00 |
bddebian | Damnit, torcs still can't find libm | 05:01 |
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bddebian | tritium!!! | 05:06 |
tritium | hey bddebian :) | 05:06 |
bddebian | How's life? | 05:07 |
tritium | crazy busy. You? | 05:08 |
bddebian | Same ol' | 05:08 |
ajmitch | hi tritium | 05:11 |
tritium | hi ajmitch :) | 05:12 |
bddebian | ajmitch: OK Mr. SmartyPants, why can't torcs find sin in libm when objdump -T /usr/lib/libm.so yields sin ? | 05:13 |
bddebian | :-) | 05:13 |
ajmitch | because you broke it, of course | 05:14 |
=== bddebian sighs "Why do I even try" | ||
ajmitch | because you love it | 05:15 |
ajmitch | I'm just waiting for torcs to build now | 05:15 |
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ajmitch | bddebian: what changes have you made to torcs? | 05:17 |
bddebian | ajmitch: None except for the debian dropped stuff | 05:18 |
bddebian | I even tried the Debian package | 05:18 |
ajmitch | ok, so you're trying to merge, rather than building the source in the archive? | 05:18 |
bddebian | Yep, sorry | 05:18 |
ajmitch | right, because the source in archive works fine | 05:18 |
bddebian | Doesn't it have an unmet build dep on plib1.3? | 05:19 |
ajmitch | built ok in pbuilder for me | 05:19 |
ajmitch | 1.2.2-5ubuntu4 | 05:19 |
bddebian | Aye, I just saw that | 05:20 |
bddebian | This is 1.2.3-2 | 05:20 |
ajmitch | so it's a configure test that fails? | 05:20 |
bddebian | Yes | 05:21 |
bddebian | What's your version of libc6? | 05:21 |
ajmitch | 2.3.5-1ubuntu10 | 05:21 |
ajmitch | everything of mine should be up to date | 05:21 |
ajmitch | let me test the debian package | 05:22 |
bddebian | Hmm, I only get 2.3.5-1ubuntu1 | 05:22 |
ajmitch | antique | 05:22 |
bddebian | But it doesn't upgrade?? | 05:22 |
ajmitch | -1ubuntu1 is from may | 05:22 |
ajmitch | building 1.2.3 now.. | 05:23 |
bddebian | Oh, hehe, nm. dpkg -l is dropping the 0 from ubuntu10 :-) | 05:24 |
ajmitch | pbuilder is great... | 05:25 |
=== ajmitch used dpkg -l as well | ||
ajmitch | checking for sin in -lm... no | 05:25 |
ajmitch | configure: error: Can't find libm. Please check config.log and if you can't solve the problem send the file to torcs-users@lists.sourceforge.net with the subject "torcs compilation problem" | 05:25 |
ajmitch | great, so there was some change from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 | 05:25 |
bddebian | It builds fine on my etch machine though | 05:25 |
ajmitch | 1337 | 05:26 |
bddebian | ? | 05:27 |
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bddebian | WTF is ac_check_lib_save_LIBS ? | 05:31 |
ajmitch | dunno, look it up | 05:33 |
ajmitch | fun | 05:33 |
ajmitch | checking for plib/ssg.h... yes | 05:33 |
ajmitch | checking for sin in -lm... yes | 05:33 |
bddebian | ?? | 05:34 |
bddebian | You fixed that already too? | 05:36 |
ajmitch | nope | 05:36 |
bddebian | So what is that output from? | 05:36 |
ajmitch | torcs | 05:36 |
=== bddebian is confused | ||
ajmitch | you should be | 05:37 |
ajmitch | I know I am | 05:37 |
ajmitch | ah, it passed configure this time round | 05:37 |
=== ajmitch waits for a build to finish | ||
ajmitch | bddebian: I think something might be a bit crackful here, I might take a look at it in a ouple of hours when I have time | 05:43 |
bddebian | No problem I'm probably gonna head for bed anyhow | 05:44 |
bddebian | And maybe just quit (again) :-) | 05:44 |
ajmitch | ok | 05:44 |
ajmitch | for the 3rd time this week ;) | 05:44 |
bddebian | Aye. I'm not bringing much to the table | 05:45 |
crimsun | ah, the infamous -lm issue | 05:51 |
crimsun | I've witnessed it five times myself on my amd64 pbuilder | 05:51 |
bddebian | It is known? | 05:51 |
ajmitch | crimsun: yep, and it showed up for a couple of builds, but not for subsequent builds | 05:51 |
crimsun | ./configure will bail four out of five times | 05:51 |
crimsun | mysteriously it will succeed on the fifth | 05:51 |
ajmitch | that's great to know | 05:52 |
ajmitch | jbailey: you seen this bug at all? | 05:52 |
bddebian | Well gnight gentlemen | 06:04 |
tritium | good night bddebian | 06:04 |
ajmitch | night | 06:05 |
jbailey | ajmitch: Which one is that? | 06:09 |
jbailey | Can you reproduce it locally, or only on the buildds? | 06:09 |
ajmitch | jbailey: locally, sometimes | 06:09 |
jbailey | One of the hacks I've been thinking of for breezy+1 is dumping the config.log to stdout on failure. | 06:10 |
jbailey | The config.log should have something useful in it. | 06:10 |
ajmitch | configure not finding libm | 06:10 |
ajmitch | it should :) | 06:10 |
crimsun | yeah, that's the only useful thing I ever found in it | 06:10 |
=== ajmitch re-runs debuild to try & find a failure | ||
jbailey | Not finding *libm*? | 06:11 |
ajmitch | sigh, it worked this time | 06:11 |
ajmitch | yes | 06:11 |
jbailey | Oy. | 06:11 |
ajmitch | as crimsun said, it fails sometimes, but not all | 06:11 |
jbailey | Are youusing execshield or anything like that which randomises address space? | 06:11 |
ajmitch | stock breezy 2.6.12-6 | 06:11 |
ajmitch | I don't think ASLR patches are in, though some *may* have been | 06:12 |
crimsun | and my amd64 pbuilder is using hoary's 2.6.10 (security errata) | 06:12 |
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pef | morning | 08:46 |
siretart | moin pef | 08:58 |
pef | siretart: hi. Some packages remaining for GLtransition are big (>=20Mb) I hope Motus have high speed links | 09:00 |
siretart | pef: I hope you created .debdiffs ;) | 09:04 |
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pef | siretart: how to mention in changelog a changed dependency because a package changed its name ? (like libxml2-python2.4 is now python2.4-libxml2 ) | 09:06 |
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siretart | changed dependency because package libxml2-python2.4 is now python2.4-libxml2 | 09:07 |
siretart | I think that makes clear what and why you did a change. thats the purpose of th changeliog | 09:07 |
pef | yes, short and efficient :) | 09:11 |
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pef | siretart: for theses kinds of changes (changed dependency, gl transtion) should I increment the version number (ubuntux+1) or just add ubuntuxbuild1 ? | 09:17 |
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siretart | pef: that depends on the package | 09:18 |
pef | siretart: poker3d | 09:19 |
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siretart | pef: if you change any file other than debian/changelog, then you modified the package, and you would not want that debian syncs over your changes | 09:19 |
siretart | pef: so you would want to add the 'ubuntu' suffix to prohibit automatic syncs from debian | 09:20 |
siretart | pef: if you just need a rebuild, then a 'buildX' suffix is sufficient | 09:20 |
pef | siretart: it already has ubuntu suffix, and I only change dependencies | 09:20 |
siretart | then you need to maintain it, and just increment the last number | 09:21 |
pef | siretart: thank you very much ! | 09:25 |
siretart | pef: you're welcome | 09:26 |
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pef | siretart: the changes I made will be send to Debian ? | 09:57 |
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siretart | pef: no. If you fixed something, please file a bug in the debian bts yourself, if you thing it should be incorporated in the debian package, too | 10:07 |
pef | ok :) | 10:10 |
siretart | think, even.. | 10:13 |
pef | not present into debian repository, so it's not a problem | 10:19 |
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thesaltydog | due to this bug: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=312075 I am no more able to use anjuta in breezy. There is a source patch available. Is it going to be included in Breezy soon? | 10:22 |
pef | thesaltydog: if it's a critical bug I think yes | 10:25 |
thesaltydog | pef, I cannot use anjuta anymore. I should switch back to hoary. | 10:27 |
thesaltydog | pef who is in charge of anjuta for breezy? | 10:27 |
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siretart | thesaltydog: is there a malone bug for anjuta? if not, please file one and assign to MOTU | 10:47 |
thesaltydog | siretart, I have just filed. Whom I have to assign it? | 10:48 |
siretart | thesaltydog: bugnr? | 10:49 |
ajmitch | setting it critical with priority high isn't exactly right - it doesn't cause the system to crash & burn | 10:50 |
thesaltydog | siretart, 2035 | 10:50 |
ajmitch | siretart: same thing, just needs a sync, I think we may have asked elmo for one in the past but it slipped off the screen | 10:50 |
siretart | ajmitch: may I quote you in the bugreport? | 10:55 |
siretart | ok. now using all features malone gives us :) | 11:00 |
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thesaltydog | siretart, thank you reinhard. This Malone system looks very efficient.. | 11:02 |
siretart | no matter | 11:03 |
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StrikeForce | Can someone archive bittorrent and bittornado since they have been done | 11:17 |
pef | StrikeForce: add a comment ? | 11:20 |
StrikeForce | ok no worries | 11:20 |
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pef | what's the best way to generate a .debdiff ? using debdiff ou diff -Nru ? | 12:18 |
ajmitch | debdiff pkg1.dsc pkg2.dsc | 12:18 |
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pef | ajmitch: thanks ! | 12:21 |
pef | ajmitch: I've tested every option but this :] | 12:22 |
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Kamion | can somebody poke j^ to create a bugzilla account next time he's around, please? | 12:22 |
ajmitch | sure | 12:22 |
Kamion | I want to make him the default network-manager assignee | 12:22 |
ajmitch | yep, reading #u-devel | 12:23 |
tseng_ | will try to remember | 12:24 |
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herzi | ogra: ping | 12:39 |
herzi | someone please take a look at https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/2039 | 12:40 |
pef | siretart: does it seems ok for you ? http://dev.erodia.net/ubuntu/pong2_0.1.1-1ubuntu1.debdiff | 12:41 |
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siretart | pef: I get a 'connection' refused from your webserver | 12:47 |
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pef | have you access to http://dev.erodia.net/ubuntu/pong2_0.1.1-1ubuntu1.debdiff ? | 01:01 |
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rbelem | morning people | 01:05 |
pef | rbelem: hello | 01:07 |
rbelem | hello pef how's going? | 01:08 |
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pef | rbelem: fine, as usual :) and you ? | 01:09 |
rbelem | pef: fine but little bit sick and too headache | 01:10 |
rbelem | pef: i'm without glass :-/ | 01:11 |
pef | rbelem: ouch, maybe a little sleep will solve that | 01:13 |
rbelem | pef: eheheehe thats true | 01:14 |
rbelem | pef: i'll sleep a bit more | 01:15 |
pef | :p | 01:16 |
rbelem-zzz | pef: thx pef ;-) | 01:17 |
pef | rbelem-zzz: every problem has a solution :D | 01:18 |
pef | ccache as a depends, should be a recommends, no ? | 01:28 |
Nafallo | pef: context? | 01:29 |
pef | Nafallo: package poker3d, ccache is set as a depends | 01:30 |
Nafallo | pef: isn't here | 01:32 |
Nafallo | pef: or rather... why didn't you say build-dep? | 01:32 |
Nafallo | ccache probably shouldn't be there at all indeed | 01:33 |
pef | Nafallo: should I delete it ? I find this strange | 01:33 |
Nafallo | pef: yes. that's clearly out of order :-). | 01:34 |
pef | Nafallo: *-Depends must be as tiny as possible, right ? | 01:35 |
Nafallo | well, yes. it should build the package, and that's all :-) | 01:35 |
pef | Nafallo: ok, thanks ! | 01:36 |
Nafallo | np | 01:36 |
ajmitch | the developer probably wanted to pull it in for his pbuilder ;) | 01:36 |
pef | ajmitch: it's a home made package | 01:37 |
ajmitch | pef: home made? | 01:37 |
pef | ajmitch: made by the upstream author | 01:38 |
ajmitch | right | 01:38 |
pef | Nafallo: ccache is used by somes targets in debian/rules, should I clean up this too ? | 01:38 |
ajmitch | so he probably built it 20 times or so to get the packaging right | 01:38 |
Nafallo | pef: yes | 01:38 |
=== Nafallo should write a pbuilder+ccache section for the PbuilderHowto ;-) | ||
pef | Nafallo: do you think distcc can work with pbuilder ? | 01:40 |
Nafallo | pef: can't see why it shouldn't :-) | 01:41 |
ajmitch | I'm sure that some people have it going | 01:41 |
ajmitch | you can always use pbuilder hooks to setup distcc appropriately | 01:41 |
pef | ajmitch: like Jridell with his qt/kde stuff I presume | 01:41 |
ajmitch | possibly | 01:42 |
pef | can you please check the lasth changelog entry for language correction ? http://dev.erodia.net/ubuntu/changelog.txt | 01:47 |
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bddebian | Heya | 03:20 |
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pef | bddebian: hi :) | 03:29 |
pef | is it possible to delete a package from universe if the author upstream request it ? | 03:29 |
ogra | err, why does he request that ? | 03:32 |
ogra | i mean, didnt he/she offer it under GPL ? | 03:32 |
pef | ogra: he is preparing a brand new version, and the current version is too old for him | 03:33 |
pef | ogra: he already remove the package from debian | 03:33 |
ogra | what is it ? | 03:33 |
pef | poker3d | 03:34 |
ogra | uh, thats an odd package... | 03:35 |
ogra | i had aready to fix it once... | 03:35 |
pef | ogra: i'm currently doing the gltransition on it | 03:36 |
pef | if remove from archive, it's not very usefull :) | 03:36 |
ogra | but it has tons of dependencys ... does the current version work ? | 03:36 |
bddebian | Heya pef | 03:37 |
pef | ogra: I'm fixing openscengraph, a dependency, it's a big c++ source, and take a long time to compile | 03:37 |
bddebian | Hmm, I have that on my unmetdeps list too | 03:37 |
ogra | does the current version of poker3d in the archive work or not ? | 03:37 |
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bddebian | ogra: No | 03:38 |
pef | ogra: broken dependenies, not installable | 03:38 |
ogra | ah, ok.. then go ahead and sync the new version... as long as the package name stays the same it will be overruled... | 03:39 |
ogra | so there should be no need to wipe it | 03:39 |
ogra | if the name doesnt stay, a Replaces: should suffice | 03:39 |
pef | ogra: upstream author working on new version, not currently available | 03:40 |
pef | and don't know if available before breezy release :/ | 03:40 |
ogra | if thats there, sync it... is there an ETA ? | 03:40 |
ogra | hmm, k | 03:40 |
pef | ogra: no, will ask to the author | 03:40 |
bddebian | might as well remove yaprimaxgui too unless someone brings in pxscan to multiverse | 03:41 |
ogra | why remove them... leave them around as source until we get something better... | 03:41 |
bddebian | ogra: Well I dunno but yaprimaxgui is in universe but depends on pxscan from multiverse. Isn't that wrong. | 03:42 |
pef | ogra: I just ask if it is technically possible, if the author requests like for Debian ;) | 03:43 |
ogra | it is... and should get sorted | 03:43 |
ogra | pef, it is... but why should we... if someone wants to play with the source its nice to have it available... even if its ftbfs | 03:43 |
pef | ogra: ok, so I do the gltransition to makes the package installable, and tell the author to contact me when new version available ? | 03:44 |
ogra | yup | 03:44 |
ogra | if its in time for breezy and the package is better quality, i'm all for having a last minute sync | 03:45 |
pef | ok, nice ! | 03:45 |
bddebian | ogra: Good, how about bringing in ezmlm too then :-) | 03:46 |
ogra | lets get rid of the odd packages ;) | 03:46 |
bddebian | Oh and debtags | 03:46 |
ogra | bddebian, how about a list with such candidates that we review in the end... | 03:46 |
bddebian | and libtagcoll1 | 03:46 |
herzi | ogra: can you take a quick look at https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/2039 | 03:47 |
bddebian | ajmitch: You awake? | 03:47 |
jsgotangco | doubt that | 03:47 |
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bddebian | \sh!!! | 03:52 |
\sh | that was fast | 03:52 |
\sh | morning gentlemen :) | 03:52 |
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\sh | I just came home :) | 03:53 |
bddebian | Heya \sh, how ya been? | 03:54 |
bddebian | ogra: Review at the end of what? | 03:56 |
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\sh | bddebian: fine fine :) training course with certificate..now I can break Junipers ,-) and now I'm preparing to visit dholbach and meet treenaks in berlin | 03:59 |
bddebian | Cool | 03:59 |
bddebian | Slap dholbach for me ;-) | 03:59 |
\sh | the plan is: going out for some beer with some working buddies in cologne....staying there until 4 o'clock (thats 2:00 UTC) and then taking the ICE train at 4:24 (2:24 UTC) from cologne to berlin..and reaching berlin at 9:03 (7:03 UTC) | 04:00 |
\sh | so..during the journey to berlin i have a couple of hours of sleep :) | 04:01 |
bddebian | :) | 04:02 |
\sh | around 14:00 or 15:00 (12:00/13:00 UTC) treenaks will reach berlin as well..and after that we will meet somewhere...doing the natural key signing thing and have some beer in berlin | 04:02 |
\sh | and sunday in the evening or monday morning I will go back home ;) | 04:03 |
\sh | that is the plan...I mean it is _the_plan_ ,-) | 04:05 |
lamont-away | is preview-freeze affecting universe? | 04:05 |
ogra | bddebian, at the end of the release cycle... | 04:05 |
ogra | bddebian, a week or two before release | 04:06 |
=== bddebian isn't sure what to do again :-( | ||
\sh | ok...leaving now...cu later in berlin :) | 04:13 |
bddebian | Later \sh | 04:15 |
bddebian | We can drop the c2 from libqt3 now right? | 04:16 |
bddebian | err c102 | 04:17 |
chillywilly | does anyone here know if I build a kernel using sources from kernel.org with make-kpkg --initrd will I need the cramfs initrd patch? | 04:18 |
bddebian | chillywilly: Only after you do some MOTU work. ;-P | 04:19 |
chillywilly | anyway... | 04:19 |
bddebian | Don't know man, sorry | 04:23 |
chillywilly | either that or I can pick a different file system for the image in mkinitrd.conf from what I can tell | 04:25 |
herzi | doko: ping | 04:25 |
doko | herzi: pong | 04:26 |
\sh | re | 04:27 |
bddebian | \sh_away: Make up your mind :-) | 04:29 |
herzi | doko: another debuggin bug: can you take a look at https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/2039 | 04:32 |
doko | herzi: apt-cache search alleyoop doesn't show anything | 04:37 |
doko | herzi: prepare a package, if you want to have it in universe | 04:39 |
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StrikeForce | Can someone look at a package in revu please? | 04:46 |
StrikeForce | the package's name is Rufus its been there for awhile and I just uploaded a new upstream version that fixes some libwxgtk issues | 04:47 |
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herzi | doko: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?searchon=names&version=all&exact=1&keywords=alleyoop | 04:49 |
bddebian | alleyoop: | 04:51 |
bddebian | Installed: (none) | 04:51 |
bddebian | Candidate: 0.8.2-3 | 04:51 |
bddebian | Version table: | 04:51 |
bddebian | 0.8.2-3 0 | 04:51 |
bddebian | 500 http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages | 04:51 |
bddebian | oops, sorry | 04:51 |
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herzi | siretart: ping | 05:02 |
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bddebian | Any bored MOTUs? :-) | 05:18 |
siretart | herzi: pong | 05:19 |
herzi | 1. can you please approve my revu request? | 05:20 |
herzi | 2. is it possible to apt-get source the revu repo | 05:20 |
herzi | ? | 05:20 |
siretart | 1. done | 05:20 |
siretart | 2. nope. will come with revu2 | 05:20 |
siretart | :) | 05:21 |
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bddebian | siretart: Good, wanna upload some stuff then? :-) | 05:21 |
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siretart | bddebian: I'm going home soon | 05:22 |
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bddebian | Gah, you all suck. :-) | 05:22 |
chillywilly | how's it going anyway? Release is going to be in October right? That doesn't leave much time :) | 05:28 |
siretart | right :/ | 05:30 |
bddebian | No kidding and I can't seem to get shit accomplished :-( | 05:30 |
chillywilly | around what time in October is the release most likely going to happen? | 05:31 |
chillywilly | middle of the month? end of the month? | 05:31 |
Nafallo | chillywilly: 13th | 05:31 |
chillywilly | sweet | 05:31 |
chillywilly | hoary is getting a little old ;) | 05:31 |
Nafallo | nope :-) | 05:32 |
bddebian | chillywilly: So get to work helping "us" get towards breezy :-) | 05:35 |
=== bddebian ducks | ||
pef | can I replace xlibmesa-gl with libgl1-mesa ? (recommends field of a debian/control) | 05:36 |
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bddebian | pef: I believe so | 05:37 |
chillywilly | bddebian: I don't have any time that's the problem | 05:38 |
bddebian | chillywilly: I'm kidding you man. :-) | 05:38 |
bddebian | chillywilly: I have time but no sk1llz ;-P | 05:38 |
chillywilly | bah, come on now | 05:39 |
pef | bddebian: it sounds correct with others glutransition packages names, but I want to be sure :) | 05:39 |
pef | siretart: can I have your opinion ? | 05:40 |
siretart | pef: imo you should. yes | 05:41 |
pef | ok thanks | 05:42 |
pef | siretart: and adding libgl, no ? (like libgl-dev ) | 05:44 |
siretart | pef: you mean the alternative, yes, do that please | 05:51 |
pef | siretart: so it's another package to change with a new virtual one, should I update the wikipage about that ? | 05:52 |
siretart | yes | 05:53 |
siretart | sorry, I'm tryin to get my work here finished to get home | 05:53 |
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pef | siretart: oh, sorry to bother you | 05:54 |
siretart | nm | 05:55 |
siretart | ok. | 05:55 |
siretart | leaving | 05:55 |
siretart | cu later | 05:55 |
pef | bye | 05:56 |
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bddebian | Later siretart | 06:03 |
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bddebian | Hello rbelem | 06:12 |
rbelem | hello bddebian ;-) | 06:12 |
rbelem | i'm tired yet :-/ | 06:13 |
bddebian | :-( | 06:13 |
rbelem | today morning was very noisy | 06:15 |
rbelem | next week will be the brazil independece week, then people are praticing with those musical instruments that i dont know how to say | 06:18 |
rbelem | :-/ | 06:18 |
rbelem | hey bddebian the postgresql meta package should install postgresql-8.0 ? | 06:19 |
rbelem | shouldnt install postgresql-8.0? | 06:19 |
rbelem | currently it's installing postgresql-7.4 | 06:21 |
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bddebian | rbelem: I would think so but what do I know? :-) | 06:25 |
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rbelem | bddebian: is it right? but it is in main :-/ i'll ask mpitt | 06:35 |
bddebian | rbelem: I would think it should install 8 | 06:35 |
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Seveas | pitti is the pgsql guru, so he should know :) | 06:38 |
rbelem | heheheh thats true ;-) | 06:39 |
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bddebian | Do be do be dooo | 07:00 |
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pef | bye ! | 07:04 |
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bddebian | Later pef | 07:04 |
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ivoks | motus! | 07:14 |
ivoks | why do we still have mozilla-firefox in universe? | 07:14 |
bddebian | Heya ivoks | 07:14 |
ivoks | hi | 07:15 |
ivoks | so... any uploader here? | 07:15 |
ivoks | ogra: is there any need for mozilla-firefox in universe? it's 1.0.2 and it's broken... | 07:16 |
ogra | i guess not | 07:17 |
ivoks | can we remove it? | 07:17 |
ogra | can you ask elmo to remove it ? | 07:17 |
ivoks | ogra: i would, but i get the feeling that he ignores me :) | 07:17 |
ogra | then mail him | 07:17 |
ivoks | and... IIRC, after instaling colony3 CD, installer installs mozilla-firefox | 07:18 |
ogra | tell him i approved it | 07:18 |
ivoks | but this i have to verify on monday | 07:18 |
ivoks | ok, mailing him | 07:18 |
ivoks | elmo at ubuntu.com? | 07:18 |
ivoks | or jamer? | 07:18 |
ivoks | james | 07:18 |
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ogra | james@ubuntu.com | 07:22 |
slomo | ogra: isn't it james.troup@ubuntu.com ? or are both correct | 07:23 |
ogra | i think they work both... as well as @canonical.com | 07:23 |
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bddebian | slomo: You an uploader yet? | 07:25 |
slomo | bddebian: no... | 07:26 |
bddebian | Well WTF? | 07:26 |
ivoks | bddebian: we are all 'on hold' :) | 07:27 |
slomo | ivoks: did you already ping mako today? ;) | 07:27 |
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bddebian | ivoks: Why? | 07:31 |
bddebian | What is this: get_byte(Uint8&) in C++? | 07:41 |
jblack | That is a function that is given a pice of memory to store a 8 bit unsigned int in. | 07:42 |
jblack | You call get_byte with a piece of memory, and it puts a character in that memory before it returns. | 07:42 |
jblack | By the way, that looks like a prototype to me. Is there a missing ; on the end of that line? | 07:43 |
bddebian | So it's a pointer address like in C ? | 07:43 |
bddebian | ogra: Is there a definitive policy on bringing a new release over from Debian if it fixes FTBFS problems? | 07:55 |
ivoks | slomo: no :) | 07:55 |
slomo | ivoks: i've already done... no answer ;) | 07:56 |
ivoks | :) | 07:56 |
ivoks | slomo: i'll have to wait till LP get's fixed | 07:56 |
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slomo | ivoks: send him the stuff as mail | 07:56 |
ogra | bddebian, nope... it really depends on the package | 07:57 |
bddebian | This shit is all just to damn vague | 07:57 |
ivoks | lol | 07:58 |
ivoks | i got mail from elmo | 07:58 |
ivoks | "Done" | 07:58 |
ivoks | :)) | 07:58 |
slomo | ivoks: what done? | 07:58 |
ivoks | flood (small one) | 07:58 |
ivoks | > In breezy's universe repository, we have mozilla-firefox package wich is | 07:58 |
ivoks | > obsolete. Could you, please, remove it? Ogra said that's ok. | 07:58 |
ogra | currently i'd say the less likely you can break anything, the more likely we can have an exception | 07:58 |
ivoks | Done | 07:58 |
slomo | ivoks: ah ok :) | 07:59 |
ivoks | now i know he isn't ignoring me | 07:59 |
ogra | ivoks, so he doesnt ignore you as you fear ;) | 07:59 |
ivoks | but, then again... anyone could send him such mail :) | 07:59 |
bddebian | ogra: Well there is a patch on Debian BTS to fix the current version but it seems stupid if we are trying to keep in sync with Debian (btw shaketracker in this case) | 07:59 |
ivoks | how did he know it's mine? | 07:59 |
ivoks | :) | 07:59 |
slomo | ivoks: i think he checks what you propose in the mail ;) | 08:00 |
ivoks | ogra: yeah, that's good news :) | 08:00 |
ogra | bddebian, what does it fix ? | 08:00 |
bddebian | gcc4 build issues | 08:00 |
ogra | so its ftbfs currently ? | 08:00 |
bddebian | Yes | 08:01 |
bddebian | http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=266355 | 08:01 |
ogra | that doesnt need approval... fixing ftbfs and not introducing new ones is always ok | 08:01 |
bddebian | Well who can do it? | 08:02 |
ogra | just make sure it doesnt brak othe packages | 08:02 |
bddebian | ogra: How do I do that? | 08:03 |
ogra | testbuild, make sure other depending stuff stays in shape... | 08:03 |
slomo | bddebian: is it a library? | 08:03 |
bddebian | slomo: No | 08:04 |
slomo | bddebian: then it won't break something ;) so just test if it builds | 08:05 |
bddebian | OK, it builds fine from Debian | 08:15 |
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bddebian | Later folks ( If anyone is awake ;-) ) | 09:00 |
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hmrocha | could you do a netbeans deb package? | 10:16 |
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bur[n] er | anyone have any luck with qemu & kqemu in breezy? | 10:53 |
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bddebian | What's the replacement for xlibmesa-dev? | 11:10 |
bddebian | Oh, nm | 11:11 |
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ogra_ltsp | grmpf | 11:20 |
bddebian | ? | 11:20 |
ogra | see u-d | 11:22 |
bddebian | The network problem? | 11:23 |
ogra | nope i couldnt answer PM | 11:23 |
bddebian | Ohh, #u-d :-) | 11:23 |
ogra | i just grmpfed in the wrong channel | 11:24 |
ajmitch | morning | 11:25 |
bddebian | Hi honey | 11:25 |
ajmitch | bddebian: btw, please don't ask for ezmlm to be imported, since it was removed from debian | 11:26 |
ogra | ajmitch, and ? | 11:26 |
bddebian | ajmitch: Then we should remove xezmlm then | 11:26 |
ajmitch | at best it would go into multiverse | 11:26 |
ogra | remember, it can always enter again through apt-get.org :P | 11:26 |
ajmitch | ogra: it's non-free | 11:26 |
bddebian | Wasn't it in multiverse (xezmlm anyway?) | 11:27 |
ogra | then it could enter multiverse if someone requests it... as long as its redistributable | 11:27 |
bddebian | Damnit, rezound can't find libFOX even though it's there :-( | 11:28 |
bddebian | ajmitch: Speaking of which, did you ever get any more time on the libm thing? | 11:28 |
ajmitch | bddebian: no | 11:28 |
=== ajmitch also had rezound issues | ||
ajmitch | ogra: last upstream release of ezmlm is back in pre-history :) | 11:29 |
ajmitch | at least the last one that made it into debian | 11:29 |
ogra | hmm, dinosaurware | 11:29 |
ajmitch | replaced by ezmlm-idz | 11:30 |
ajmitch | s/idz/idx/ | 11:30 |
bddebian | ajmitch: AYe, idx and -data or some shit right? | 11:31 |
bddebian | ajmitch: Is there anything I can do that you haven't already tried then? ;-P | 11:31 |
ajmitch | I'm sure there is | 11:31 |
bddebian | ajmitch: Did you try beta-3 rezound from Debian? | 11:33 |
ajmitch | nope | 11:33 |
bddebian | Well it build-deps libfox1.4-dev which we don't have :-) | 11:38 |
ajmitch | yep, I saw that ;) | 11:39 |
bddebian | I pretty much just suck :'-( | 11:44 |
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