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ztonzyapokryphos: I missed something there at the end 12:03
apokryphosztonzy: nothing from me12:04
ztonzyapokryphos: must been dreaming 8)12:05
=== chuck [n=anon@] has joined #kubuntu
chuckDo someone can help me?12:11
ubotuIf you don't actually ask a question, we can not actually help you.12:13
chuckI can't configure my computer to connect by wifi12:13
ubotusomebody said wifi was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto12:14
apokryphos(though I haven't tried it myself(12:14
chuckoks..but it doesn't matter if it's a ubuntu forum?12:15
chuckim using kubuntu12:15
apokryphoskubuntu = ubunut+kde12:16
chuckyes, i know but the interface is different, does it matter with my configuration method?12:17
chuckmy wifi connection need a net key to connect, so i don't know where to put it in kubuntu12:17
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chuckauto wlan012:18
chuckiface wlan0 inet dhcp12:18
chuckname Wireless LAN card12:18
chuckwireless_essid   MYNETWOTK12:18
chuckwireless_key     FEFEFEFEFE12:18
chuckwireless_channel 1112:18
chuckwireless_mode    managed12:18
chuckcan it work?12:18
apokryphoschuck: please don't flood the channel12:22
chuckmmm, sorry i just neet some help12:23
chuckbut nobody want to help me12:23
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apokryphoschuck: for non-kde-related questions, #ubuntu is often better12:23
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chuckbut im using kubuntu, does is not kde?12:24
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:apokryphos] : congrats to pef on membership | Kubuntu Official Help Channel | Non-kde-related questions: #ubuntu as well | KDE 3.4.2 Packages are out: http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-342.php | Adept alpha out - http://web.ekhis.org/adept.html | Nederlands #kubuntu-nl | Espaol #kubuntu-es | Deutsch #kubuntu-de | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de/ | To prevent spam: /umode +CE
apokryphoschuck: what/12:24
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=== apokryphos remembers kwifimanager
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Chris_Notewhere is the applet for setting system preferred resolution?12:39
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apokryphosChris_Note: if it's in xorg.conf, then you can use krandrtray12:44
fromozeapokryphos: are you using hoary or breezy?12:44
apokryphosUnfortunately still, yes. If things had gone well, I'd be on my shiny new amd64 =)12:45
=== Peaker [n=Peaker@cablep-179-82-211.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu
fromoze I was wondering about it if became a little usable breezy12:45
fromozecan you try something for me?12:46
PeakerHey, "unrar" fails to unrar a split-archive (.rar,.r00,.r01,...), any idea if it supports such?12:46
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Chris_Notethanks apokryphos12:46
fromozecan you chan the layour to spanish and try to write accented lettre?12:46
apokryphosfromoze: it's usable, if you get past the gremlins12:46
apokryphosI have no idea how to do any of that, really :)12:47
fromozethe problem i get last try i do was that i can't write in spanish... that's not usable for me :)12:47
apokryphosthat would be annoying, sure.12:47
Chris_Noteapokryphos: how do i tell the system to use this setup not just at logon, but at xorg start?12:47
apokryphosDistros tend to handle language issues/translations nearer the end though, no?12:48
apokryphosChris_Note: in the kdm manager you mean?12:48
ztonzyapokryphos: crash again...wonder if has to do with playing kaffeine inside konqueror12:48
fromozefinally there're a update notifier on breezy?12:48
apokryphosChris_Note: it should ideally use the default value set in xorg.conf, but if it doesn't, then you can always "force" the resolution by only having that one in xorg.conf12:48
apokryphosztonzy: doubtful. Does it only crash on that/12:48
Chris_Noteapokryphos no i mean how do i set what kdm uses12:48
apokryphosfromoze: for kde, I haven't noticed one yet, no.12:48
Chris_Notei do not want to restrict available resolutions12:49
apokryphosChris_Note: aka in the kdm manager12:49
Chris_Notei want to change the default that kdm uses12:49
apokryphosall said above still applies12:49
ztonzyapokryphos: not only...first I closed that window...and got to another window and reloaded another site...crash12:49
Chris_Noteno i mean the gui applet for it12:49
apokryphoskrandrtray is a kde gui app; it has no power over kdm, really.12:50
Chris_Noteno i mean the gui for kdm config12:50
Chris_Notewhere is it12:50
apokryphosit doesn't have one12:50
Chris_Noteyou have to be kiddingf12:51
apokryphosonly the splash screens/login manager you can alter12:51
apokryphoser, no, of course it doesn't. It takes the values from your X12:51
apokryphos"login manager" -- as in, the login manager theme12:52
apokryphos(i.e. any ones on kdelook.org)12:52
Chris_Notei know about all of that12:52
Chris_Noteim talking about the default resolution EVERYTHIng uses,12:53
apokryphosChris_Note: I'm not going to repeat myself; I already told you *exactly* what you're asking12:54
apokryphosTm_T: sounds like time for tubby-bybye :P12:54
Tm_Tkill it!12:55
Tm_Tf*ing fly is driving me crazy12:55
fatejudgerdoes anybody here use proftpd?12:56
Tm_Tftp ?!12:56
fatejudgerI can't seem to figure out how to define specific folders for users12:56
fatejudgeryes, ftp12:56
fatejudgerftp kicks ass12:57
Tm_Twhy ftp!?12:57
Tm_Twhy not ssh?12:57
fatejudgerfor file transfers12:57
=== apokryphos prefers ssh or fish
fatejudgerbecause ssh is for secure transfers12:57
fatejudgernot fast transfers12:57
fatejudgerftp is faster12:57
fatejudgerand more reliable12:57
Tm_Tnot quite12:57
apokryphosfatejudger: I've had the exact opposite12:57
apokryphosftp transfers seem to stall from time-to-time12:57
Chris_Notewhere the hell did the thread go12:57
Chris_Notewrong window12:58
fatejudgerwell how in the hell do you send stuff over SSH?12:58
apokryphosfatejudger: scp12:58
Tm_Tfatejudger: sftp / scp12:58
apokryphosfatejudger: though, for GUI I find fish slightly better, too.12:58
fatejudgerapokryphos: fish?12:59
apokryphosscp /some/file username@somedomain:/home/suthink/public_html/.12:59
apokryphosfatejudger: a Konqueror Kioslave12:59
apokryphosfatejudger: fish://username@domain.com12:59
fatejudgerI don't see a package for that12:59
Tm_Terr, ssh in KDE: easy12:59
apokryphosit comes with Konq12:59
fatejudgerhow do I run it then?01:00
apokryphosit's a KIOslave, so... in Konqueror location bar, put the above01:00
fatejudgerapokryphos: why port does SSH run on?01:03
Tm_Tas default01:04
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fatejudgerTm_T: thanks01:05
Tm_Tnp :)01:06
fatejudgeris there a GUI SSH client for Windows?01:06
kogghmm... I've got a compaq evo 500 usff, and sucsessfully installed kubuntu from the dvd on it... now, the control center won't allow me to change the resolution to anything higher than 640x480 :/ any suggestions?01:07
koggfatejudger: yeah, putty's free01:07
fatejudgerthat's not really GUI though01:07
koggf-prot's got one... 01:07
koggsec and I'll find a url01:07
Tm_Tfatejudger: how about filezilla for example01:08
fatejudgerTm_T: filezilla has SSH GUI?01:08
Tm_Tfor filetransfer01:08
Tm_Tbut putty for any other meanings01:09
Tm_TI don't see why you need GUI but only for filetransfer, so...01:09
fatejudgerthat's what I need it for01:10
Tm_Tthen you know what to do ;)01:10
fatejudgerTm_T: yeah, thanks01:10
Tm_Tjust if I can kill that bastard01:11
=== Aapzak [n=quido@ip44-163-173-82.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #kubuntu
kogganyone got a suggestion to what I can do to cvhange the screen resolution in kubuntu?01:15
koggthe dropdown list only shows 640x480 :/01:16
Aapzaklol, everyone inhere has (Real Name) behind his/her nick. Take a look in #gentoo, I'm the only one :)01:16
Aapzakcheck your monitor settings in xorg.conf?01:16
Tm_TAapzak: what you mean about real name & nick ?01:17
koggnop, fresh install - will do that now, as I know where to look ;)01:18
=== kogg is now known as Gilrim
Aapzakthe list is probably based on what is configured in /etc/X11/xorg.conf or /etc/X11/XF86Config01:19
Aapzakdo you run xorg or xfree ?01:19
AapzakTm_T: yes01:19
AapzakTm_T: probably a Konversation option01:19
Gilrimwhatever's default01:19
Gilrimthe "section screen" lists tons of other resolutions at least..01:20
Gilrimhash-sign is used for commenting out lines, right?01:20
Tm_TAapzak: aah, I set my realname, because I don't afraid to show my real identity01:20
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Aapzakyes, it's funny how many here do that and how little Gentoo people01:22
AapzakGilrim: most of the times, yes01:22
john_in amarok, it has like 100 copies of each of my songs.  This is really causing lag and freezing, and i dont know how to fix it.  In the folder where my music is it only has one copy of each song though... how do i stop it from doing this or clear out all the copies?01:22
Gilrimhmm, hwo do I check wherther I'm running xorg og xfree?01:24
Aapzakjohn_: dunno about that, I do know amarok does not like lots of files to handle, xmms does that a lot better01:24
AapzakGilrim: let me check ...01:24
Tm_TAapzak: it tells something about gentooers ;--P01:25
AapzakTm_T: I'm a Gentooer01:25
Tm_Tyeah, so you know what I'm talking about then ] ;=01:25
GilrimAapzak: hmm... if your a gentooer, maybe you can explain how I can go about getting apache to do mod_rewrite?01:27
Gilrimmy gallery2 installation won't accept it :/01:27
Gilrim[that's another computer, the web-server that's running gentoo] 01:28
Aapzakindeed :)01:29
Aapzakdunno how to check whether X is xorg or xfree01:29
Aapzakfind /etc/X11 |grep conf01:29
AapzakGilrim: you better ask an apacheer that question, I know very little of Apache01:29
AapzakI run Apache, I run gallery2, whats the problem?01:29
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Tm_TI hate flies01:31
Gilrimwell, the gallery2 installation is fine, all  in all, but I'm unable of getting mod rewrite working... php_info tell01:31
apokryphosTm_T: rm -rf /01:31
Gilrim's that it's installed and running01:31
Gilrimbut g2 complains01:31
Tm_Tapokryphos: yeah, that'll kill all flies from my room ] ;=01:32
=== dabugas [n=dab@ipd249.217.tellas.gr] has joined #kubuntu
dabugasi switched to kubuntu from ubuntu. is there any relatively painless way of removing the gnome desktop?01:33
chavodabugas, you can keep both if you have the diskspace01:34
dabugasi know01:34
chavoyou never know whwn you might want to use a certain gnome app or whatever01:34
apokryphosdabugas: you can remove all gnome stuff if you remove some core-ish gtk stuff01:34
dabugasbut i want to be able to apt-get dist-upgrade and i have a 33.6 dial-up connection :(01:34
apokryphosdabugas: or to get *only* kubuntu, use debfoster.01:34
chavoI don't have gnome installed either01:35
AapzakGilrim: dunno what you should do, I dunno about mod_rewrite, you should check the forum01:35
chavosearch synaptic for gnome01:35
chavolibgnomeui will take almost the whole thing with it01:35
chavoI've installed the uninstalled it on this box.01:36
dabugasi'll try this...01:36
dabugasdebfoster also looks useful i didn't know about it01:36
chavoI kept a few things though01:36
dabugasin any case, i just want to get rid of gnome not gtk (because of gimp and a cpl of other things)01:36
chavoand synaptic01:36
chavowhich I prefer to kynaptic01:37
dabugasi dunno. i just use apt-get and apt-cache01:37
chavoI also kept gnome-games, I prefer some of them01:37
Aapzakdabugas: keeping that system up to date on a 33.6 modem will be almost impossible01:37
AapzakIf you get a firefox update you'll be downloading for hours01:37
AapzakI dunno if we can see somewhere what fixes have been released after the last big release?01:37
apokryphosTm_T: it complains about you missing lists?01:37
chavoMan I was on dialup forever. My lines got to the point where my top speed was ~1.6kbps01:38
AapzakI have big lagg here01:38
Tm_Tapokryphos: yes01:38
dabugasnot really. firefox is only 8-9 MBs which is like 40 minutes01:38
chavoStill no cable or DSL where I'm at.01:38
apokryphosTm_T: what exactly is the error message?01:38
chavoI have evdo from Verizon01:38
apokryphosnever heard of that01:38
Tm_Tapokryphos: I know what problem is, apt-get update will fix it, but I can't do it right now01:39
=== dabugas is screwing up his system...
=== Aapzak feels sorry for dabugas
chavowell good luck dabugas01:41
dabugasthe alternative was studying so i took the lesser of two evils :->01:41
Aapzakgtg sleep, cu around ...01:41
Tm_Tapokryphos: I can't get package lists because that pc doesn't have internet connection :/01:43
Tm_Tso it's whining about them =)01:43
apokryphosYah, figured.01:44
Tm_TI know there's tons of cool updates, but I can't get em01:44
dabugasalong with gnomeui i also remove gdm (which is fine), how do i set up kdm as the default?01:45
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Tm_Tif there's no gdm, kdm is default(?)01:45
chavodabugas, it should do it automatically01:45
apokryphosdabugas: ...if it doesn't: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm01:45
nikkiagah, my eyes are going funny01:45
dabugasi did dpkg-reconfigure kdm  but i get a "fail," prolly because gdm is still running as a procces?01:46
apokryphosnikkia: turn the flashy image soff ;-)01:46
Tm_Tnikkia: it's just me, don't be afraid01:46
apokryphosdabugas: is kdm installed?01:46
apokryphosyou should be able to switch to make it default anyhow01:47
apokryphosnevermind; it will use it as default01:47
dabugas* Reloading K Display Manager configuration...                          [fail] 01:47
dabugasinvoke-rc.d: initscript kdm, action "reload" failed.01:47
dabugas(sorry for minor flood)01:47
apokryphostry re-doing when you're out of X, i gues01:47
apokryphosthough if gdm doesn't exist, I'm quite sure it'll use kdm01:47
dabugasnot that worried :) just wonderin'01:47
nikkiaapokryphos: its trying to read all this technical junk :P01:49
=== dabugas will try out kdm & be back
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dabugasok, so gnome is more or less out02:01
dabugashow can i remove x programs that duplicate kde ones, for example xcalc?02:01
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Tm_Tjust apt-get remove foo02:05
Tm_Tas usual02:05
dabugasi was thinking of a more massive approach02:06
dabugasalthough i'm being a little stingy here :)02:07
Tm_Tdabugas: then you can always use | to get more stuff in line ;p02:08
Tm_Tlike apt-cache search stuff | grep stuff | apt-get remove %s (or what it was)02:10
dabugasi'm asking for it, i know. i'm using debfoster now. i think this will break up my system just a little bit slower :)02:11
=== dabugas just freed 80 MB of stuff he prolly needs
dabugasis there any way to dist-upgrade only the important priority packages?02:16
gdhdefine 'important' 02:17
gdhif you can define the packages you actually want, just do update then apt-get install package1 package2 ....02:17
gdh(I agree it would be more logical to enter apt-get upgrade package1 package2....)02:18
dabugasdefinition: well, packages have priority (if you apt-cache show adduser, for example you see that he has priority: important, not optional)02:18
gdhthat sounds like it'd be a job for dpkg, grep , awk, sed and bash :)02:19
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gdhI guess you're on dialup or something equally slow and evil/02:19
dabugasnot evil, exactly. but definately satanic.02:19
dabugas33.6 modem02:20
dabugasnot good enough for evil.02:20
dabugasthank god i got somebody to d/l the latest kubuntu02:20
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dabugasfunny: debfoster asked me if i wanted to keep debfoster...02:35
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frogtone25i need help with something02:39
calilasseiaHello ...02:39
frogtone25when i play my movies on here i cant see a picture02:40
frogtone25but i can hear the sound02:40
frogtone25i have all my codecs 02:40
frogtone25but i dont know whats wrong02:40
calilasseiaQuick introduction ... I've just installed Kubuntu... and I'mcompletely new to this ....02:40
calilasseiaAnyone who can help .... couple of things need sorting ...02:41
frogtone25so can anyone help me out02:41
gdhfrogtone25: Do you have w32codecs from marillat installed?02:41
gdhfrogtone25: Ah well, that's the only useful advice I have on the matter :/02:41
frogtone25its in a win32 folder in my /usr/lib part02:41
frogtone25well how do you delete them02:41
frogtone25so i can reinstall them02:42
gdhapt-get --purge remove w32codecs ?02:42
calilasseiaFirst of all I've just downloaded the Firefox installer tar.gz ...02:42
calilasseiaThing is, I need to know how to install it in such a way that multiple users on the system can run it ...02:43
calilasseiaI take it this means intalling it as root ...02:43
gdhcalilasseia: whoo let me stop you there - no need.. firefox is already packaged (along with thousands of other software packages)02:43
=== libben [i=libben@c80-216-85-170.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #kubuntu
gdhno need to use tarballs02:43
calilasseiaRight ... so where do I get the package?02:43
gdhcalilasseia: go to the K menu -> System -> Kynaptic02:43
gdhmozilla-firefox should be listed there02:43
calilasseiaRight ...02:44
=== _P_ [n=princosc@host-84-220-136-54.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has left #kubuntu ["Hello,]
gdhif not, browse to /etc/apt and right click on sources.list.. then Actions -> Edit as root02:44
gdhtype /your/ password in, and remove the # from the start ofthe "universe" line02:44
gdhthen run kynaptic again, and press the Update button - that will show you /lots/ more packages02:44
libbenone Q, when u install kubuntu ? are you able to choose what to get ? i used ubuntu eaerlier and got alot of things that i dident want.02:45
calilasseiaRight ... Kynaptic is up and running ...02:45
gdhlibben: the default install will install packages that are useful for most people, in order to minimise the number of questions required to install (to make the install easier)02:45
gdhlibben: If you are concerned about disk space, simply remove unwanted packages afterwards02:45
calilasseiaI've got something called mozilla-firefox-en-gb or similar ... since I'm UK based I take it that's the one I want ...02:46
gdhcalilasseia: Yeh, that'll drag in any dependencies needed including FF itself02:46
libbenno thats not a problem...  im just a phreak on having it clean and light02:46
calilasseiaSo I just double click on it ???02:46
libbenthey should make it with a sub menu to choose what to get.02:46
libbenthen it would be even more great =)02:46
calilasseiaOh to save typing just abbreviate me to "Cali" ... everyone else on bulletin boards does :)02:47
libbenanyway, i just wanted to hear if kubuntu implemented such a thing for it? cause i understand that kubuntu is exactly the same, just that it uses kde instead of gnome.02:47
calilasseiaThere's a long history behind the name choice I won't bore you with here :)02:47
gdhlibben: You heard right :)02:47
gdhcalilasseia: Any decent IRC client (including Konversation) supports tab completion.. I just type "cal" and press TAB.. andit completes your nickname and adds a colon + a space02:48
libbenI liked ubuntu, but i want it wit kde. but i dont want the fuzz.... but i want the autoupdating thing and all that.02:48
calilasseiaWow ... something else to make me ditch Windows ...02:49
libbenim thinking of doing simple debian install and add kde and the things i want.02:49
gdhlibben: There is no 'auto update manager' system tray icon for KDE like there is for GNOME (the windows update-style thing)02:49
libbenk, so what u have then? =)02:49
gdhlibben: At present there's Kynaptic, a very simplistic version of 'Synaptic'02:49
calilasseiaSo I just double click on the package name and it installs automatically?02:49
gdhAdept may be the new manager in breezy... see the topic for more info02:50
libbenSynaptic is only gnome based ?02:50
dabugaslibben: gtk-based. you can use it without gnome.02:50
gdhlibben: well, it's just a GTK app, but generally yeh02:50
gdhsame as you can run KDE (Qt) apps on GNOME...02:50
gdhthey just break the 'look-and-feel'02:50
libbenso why isnt synaptic in kubuntu then?02:50
gdhlibben: Why isn't Konversation in GNOME? :)02:51
gdhetc. etc.02:51
libbenbut isnt synaptic better app?02:51
libbenin ur own oppinion?02:51
gdhneither are better than Konsole, IMO :)02:51
libbentrue. im console lover to...  but sometimes its more easy for the eyes to find what ure looking for in a gui02:52
gdhKynaptic does a simple job reasonably well.02:52
gdhRealistically it only needs a 'add universe + multiverse' option.02:52
gdhand likely 'add marillat' ...02:52
libbenso whats the deal with kubuntu then? why not just run debian and install kde and the things u want?02:53
calilasseiaI just selected "Reinstall" then "Commit Marked Changes" ...02:53
gdhUbuntu releases every six months.02:53
gdhhardware support is more timely02:53
calilasseiaDon't see anything happening ...02:53
gdhdesktop integration is much tighter02:54
libbenis this the same for kubuntu?02:54
gdhlibben: Kubuntu *IS* Ubuntu, just a different set of default packages02:54
calilasseiaI gathered that from the website ... same kernel and base level apps, just a different desktop ...02:54
libbenyeah... i know that. but u miss autoupdate, u miss ff, and so on... its not that its kde instead of gnome... its more diffrent than u first think02:55
gdhautoupdate is a small omission. FF is mostly unnecessary with Konqueror02:55
calilasseiaWell thus far it's installed beautifully ... and found my net connection in an instant when Windows dismally failed to do so 02:55
libbenwell, manys favorite chocis is ff. and konqueror is big also02:56
gdhKDE is big - a desktop environment is big by nature :)02:56
calilasseiaThing is though I'm a Firefox fan too, and I don't know how to integrate Macromedia Flash with Konqueror ...02:56
gdhGNOME is bigger in my experience.. <shrug>02:56
calilasseiaWhichis another reason why I'm trying to install Firefox ...02:56
gdhcalilasseia: you need the 'multiverse' repository02:56
libbenapt-get install firefox02:57
gdhfor the flashplayer-mozilla package02:57
calilasseiaWonderful, another nice steep learning curve ...02:57
gdhcalilasseia: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/02:57
gdhmost of this carries through to Kubuntu02:58
calilasseiaTaking a look now ...02:58
libbeni know that ubuntu is updated every 6 months. but that is also autoupdating... how is it for kubuntu? u gotta check for urself all the time?02:58
gdhlibben: Correct. hoary was the first Kubuntu release. there is still much work to do.02:59
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libbenso ubuntu is more updated the kubuntu today?02:59
gdh<sigh> no. the official release for both is 5.04 - they release at the same time03:00
gdh5.10 in October will also happen simultaneously for Kub and Ub03:00
libbenbut the update will work how for kubuntu?03:00
gdhvia kynaptic I expect03:00
libbenmanually by console or the simplier gui03:01
gdhsince it's only a frontend to 'apt-get dist-upgrade'03:01
gdhin the same way that synaptic + the GNOME 'update manager' are03:01
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libbenhmm.. 03:01
libbenI want the mac feel. the menu at bottom wich gets magnified a bit when scrolled over... but im told that kde is more nice then gnome... ive used ubuntu over a month with gnome... and it was ok.. but i missed something.03:02
libbenthe feeling wasnt really right03:02
calilasseiaHmm ... so I've got to dive in and edit lots of text files then issue commands in a console window ???03:02
calilasseiaGoing to take longer than I thought ...03:03
libbencalilasseia just in the beggning03:03
gdhcalilasseia: Like we said, Kynaptic is a basic app. Synaptic does all that in menus...03:03
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gdhfeel free to install it .. from Kynaptic :)03:03
libbenafter a while... ur getting understanding linux.03:03
calilasseiaAh right ...03:03
calilasseiaHad a feeling something would crop up to make my life difficult :)03:03
libbenapt-get install Synaptic03:03
gdhlibben: Buy a Mac, in that case. :) don't dress up mutton as lamb..03:03
gdhlower case 's' - all case-sensitive03:04
calilasseiaHang on let's give this a try ...03:04
libbenbetter check what really to type, apt-cache search synaptic | grep synaptic03:04
=== dabugas wonders: can i delete all orphaned libraries found through debfoster without breaking the system?
libbengdh never =)03:05
gdhright,it's time for bed :)03:05
libbenmac is shite. but ive allways fancy the menu03:05
calilasseiaAh, dear old "man" ... something familiar :)03:05
calilasseiaWell that was fun ...03:08
calilasseiaapt-get returned a message saying it couldn't lock one of the directories it needed ... and asked if another process was using it ...03:08
calilasseiaCured that ... now it says it's already installed ...03:10
calilasseiaWhee ...03:10
calilasseiaNow the next question is how do I tell KDE that it's there and add it to the menus?03:10
calilasseiaLooks like this is going to be a ***long*** night ....03:11
libbentry to start teh program first03:11
libbencalilasseia whats ur time now ?03:11
libbendont be up all nite about it..03:11
calilasseiaHre in the UK it's 02:11 BST ...03:12
libbenallways better to get some sleep and start over earlier03:12
libbenget some sleep then03:12
libbenand fight again tomorow03:12
dabugasin greece it's 4:1403:12
calilasseiaI've just spent two hours converting my machine to dual boot ... I can get Windows running but ti won't reinstall my broadband ... Kubuntu found my net connection in in instant but installing packages is another steep learning curve ...03:13
calilasseiaSometimes I ***really*** hate computers LOL03:13
libbenno no ...03:13
libbenget some sleep03:14
calilasseiaOK ... my sytem says Firefox is installed ... but KDE doesn't seem to know anything about it ...03:14
dabugascalilasseia: why are you having problems installed packages?03:15
calilasseiaBecause I'm completely new to this game ...03:15
dabugasby which you mean it's not in the menu -> internet -> firefox ?03:15
calilasseiaNope ... all I've got in my menus are all the standard KDE apps ...03:16
calilasseiaOS has only been live about 40 minutes ...03:16
libbensleep sleep sleep03:16
libbeni know its hard =)03:17
dabugascalilasseia: can you run it from the terminal by typing "mozilla-firefox" ?03:17
libbencalilasseia type apt-get install tux-racer03:17
calilasseiaOh ... you mean run Konsole and type it in there ???03:17
libbenthe type tux-racer in console and play some =)03:17
libbenget some sleep =)03:18
calilasseiaGive that a try, hang on ...03:18
libbenwhats the game called that is like giana sisters or "mario"03:18
calilasseiaCommand not found ....03:18
libbenmaybe that was tux-racer =)03:18
calilasseiaSod games, I want to get Firefox up and running ...03:19
libbentype apt-cache search game | grep racer03:19
libbeninstalled the synaptic yet?03:19
calilasseiaOh God this is getting too much ... I'll go to bed ...03:19
libbenjust one last Q03:20
dabugascalilasseia: try typing in the console sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox. what does it say then?03:20
libbeninstalled that?03:20
libbenits gonna prompt for password..03:20
libbenwich will be your user password03:20
libbenbtw... i need some sleep too03:21
calilasseiaIt seems to be doing something ... masses of text flashed past at light speed ...03:21
calilasseiaIt seems to be installing ...03:22
dabugassend me the last few lines of text in a priv03:23
calilasseiaHow do I do that?03:23
calilasseiaI've copied the text ...03:24
dabugaswell, unfortunately i jsut realized that unregistered users can't send private messages03:24
dabugasin any case. if you've got a line like this: Get:1 http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security/main mozilla-firefox 1.0.6-0ubuntu0.1 [8801kB] 03:25
calilasseiaRight ... so how do I become a registered user?03:25
dabugaseverything is fine03:25
dabugasi dunno.03:25
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calilasseiaOh I got lines like those ... and percentage counters ... and web addresses from which data seems to be being downloaded ...03:25
dabugasok, then it's working. you're fine. when it's finished you'll have mozilla-firefox installed03:26
calilasseiaAnd what's more it seems to be downloading pretty fast ...03:26
calilasseiaI'm on to "Get 16"or thereabouts ...03:26
dabugasgreat. now i'm firefox-less, too so i'll begin that. unfortunately i'm on dial-up and i'll be lagging heavily03:27
calilasseiaPity they don't supply it on the CD ...03:28
calilasseiaOnce that's done, next step is plug in Flash ... sigh ...03:29
calilasseiaMeanwhile, I think my catfish are spawning ...03:29
dabugasactually the next step is sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-gtk-qt, which allows firefox and other Gtk apps (which are not programmed in Qt--the toolkit that KDE uses) to look like your other KDE programs03:31
calilasseiaThe last bit of text in the console said ...03:31
dabugaswhile you are waiting for the download you can fiddle with your desktop using the Control Center.03:32
calilasseia> Updating the IM modules list for GTK+-2.4.0...done.03:32
calilasseia> Updating the gdk-pixbuf loaders list for GTK+-2.4.0...done.03:32
calilasseiaDoes that mean that KDE will now see it or not???03:33
calilasseiaOh and in case you're wondering, there's a tropical aquarium beside me as I'm doing all this ... and my Corydoras panda are spawning :)03:34
dabugaswell, go to the menu and find out03:34
calilasseiaYES!!!!It's there!!!!03:34
calilasseiaNow I can try and install Flash too ...03:35
dabugasthe package is: libflash-mozplugin03:35
calilasseiaCan't find it in Kynaptic ...03:37
dabugasit's in the universe repository. have you added that?03:38
calilasseiaOh well, I'll get a bite toi eat, then head for bed ...03:38
calilasseiaOh ...03:38
calilasseiahang on ...03:38
calilasseiaHmm.... don't seem to have that ...03:39
dabugaswell that's it, then03:39
ToyManwondering if someone could help me with my compiler confusion....03:40
calilasseiaHang on, looking up the man entry for apt-get ...03:40
dabugasi don't know kynaptic, so i can't tell you how to add repositories03:40
ToyManI have gcc-3.3-base / gcc-3.4 / gcc-3.4 base and gcc-4.0 base installed03:41
dabugasyou can edit /etc/apt/sources.list 03:41
dabugasthat's where the reps are03:41
dabugasand then you just apt-get update03:41
ToyManbut when I try to compile anything I get "configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH"03:41
calilasseiaOK, trying that ...03:41
ToyManso I went in to bash_profiles and edited my path to include /usr/lib/gcc, where the compiler seems to be residing...03:42
ToyManand I keep getting the same error msg...03:43
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ToyMandoesn't kubuntu have a compiler installed by default?03:43
dabugasToyMan: i don't know anything about this personally, but try asking in #ubuntu as this channel caters more to the kde side of things03:44
calilasseiaOK, edited the apt sources file ...03:45
calilasseiaTrying again ...03:45
dabugasi think it does, but from what i've noticed here the discussions here tend to be kde-ish as the base system is identical to ubuntu.03:45
ToyManwell, compiling isn't specific to either, but I'll try there too...03:45
calilasseiaInstallation looks as if it's worked ... now to test it!!!03:49
calilasseiaBugger ... Firefox shut down ...03:50
dabugasit was working before right?03:52
dabugasi mean firefox03:52
calilasseiaFirefox works ... but if I access a page with Flash content it seems to die ...03:52
dabugashmmm, try uninstalling the flash package (apt-get remove whatever-its-called) and going into a page with flash and downloading it from the missing plugins bar at the top03:53
chavoI had a problem with flash in konqueror also.03:54
chavoI installed the one from macromedia site and it works fine03:54
calilasseiaI need to eat ... and sleep ...03:55
calilasseiaI'll return to this some other time :)03:55
calilasseiaThanks for your help everyone ...03:55
dabugascheers, g'night03:55
dabugasi'm off, too03:55
calilasseiaHave fun everyone ...03:55
calilasseia*** Exits stage left ***03:56
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mushtaqhi how to set X as default logon in kubuntu04:08
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Spudchatdoes anyone ever leave their laptop running overnight and come back to it and are unable to awaken it?04:12
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mrdeathhello all04:26
mrdeathis there a usable kaghira package for breezy?04:26
mrdeathkwin-baghira containts only window decoration04:26
mrdeathno style and kicker applet04:27
mrdeathbaghira, sorry04:28
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radissorry, I don't use breezy04:28
Mooperei got breezy running here - wassup?04:29
mrdeathMoopere: it seems that kwin-baghira is broken there04:30
mrdeathalso this package is really old a little :(04:31
Moopereoh right - I've never used it.  When you say broken do you mean bugs - or the package won't install at all?04:31
mrdeathMoopere: package don't contains some files04:32
Mooperelet me check, wait 104:32
mrdeatha style library and an applet04:32
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froggy25does anybody know what to put into terminal to get the dma cut on so i can watch dvd movies on here04:34
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froggy25its hdparm something04:34
_root_symextem algum brasileiro ai04:34
sml12when is an updated iso of kubuntu going to be released? are there daily iso builds?04:35
mrdeathfroggy25: you want to disable DMA or what?04:35
froggy25enable it04:35
froggy25its disabled right now04:35
mrdeathhdparm -d1 /dev/your_device04:35
froggy25as root or user04:35
mrdeathas root sure04:35
Mooperemrdeath: I got baghira here.  Theres no style, but there seems to be window decorations04:35
Mooperemrdeath: Actually, perhaps I'm wrong - seems to show a 'baghira' entry in the widgets list, but nothing changes if I select it04:37
mrdeathMoopere: i found an error. 04:37
froggy25you have to configure baghira 04:37
froggy25its not automatic04:37
froggy25i just did it04:38
sml12is there a location for updated kubuntu iso builds?04:38
mrdeathfroggy25: using which command?04:38
froggy25no command04:38
chavosml12, cdimage.ubuntu.com04:38
froggy25just go into kde control center04:38
MoopereI should really start submitting bug reports for breezy kubuntu - theres a lot still broken, and only a month to go04:38
froggy25and hit style04:38
froggy25select baghira04:39
chavobut breezy is probably broken right now04:39
froggy25and click on configure04:39
sml12cool .. i'll check it out04:39
MoopereI dont get a listing of baghira under style04:39
mrdeathfroggy25: are you using breezy? 04:39
Mooperebaghira under breezy appears to be broken04:39
froggy25you have breezy04:39
mrdeaththe problem appear only in breezy04:40
Mooperewhich is cool - but we should be puttingin big reports04:40
mrdeathMoopere: i will write a bugreport now04:40
froggy25did you install baghire using synaptic04:40
sml12chavo .... great :)  .. now I have to toss up between the age old question .. ubuntu v kubuntu !  hehe04:40
froggy25or did it come with breezy04:40
mrdeathfroggy25: i use apt-get alwlays04:40
froggy25try window decorations04:40
froggy25under control panel04:41
chavoWell, I prefer KDE so there's no question for me.04:41
froggy25click on appearance04:41
mrdeathfroggy25: they works fine. but there is no styles available04:41
froggy25thats odd04:41
froggy25hold on04:41
froggy25so baghira isnt in the widget style list 04:42
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mrdeathfroggy25: the problem is that baghira .so built with gcc 3.4, but qt was built with gcc 4.x04:43
mrdeathi'm writting a bug report now04:44
amgathi all. when I enter kuser, and try to modify permissions, i get the error message : kuser crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEV). This also happen sometimes with Konqueror. However - I have just set up another PC, and are experiencing the same problems there. Anyone else have this problem?04:45
amgati am running the kubuntu distro04:46
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Rafae_Brasilgood night04:59
Rafae_Brasildoes somebody installed the moodin package for kde?05:00
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Mooperemoodin - no, its not available from multi/universe is it?  Where would I find the package?05:02
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mrdeathMoopere: are you a ubuntu mantainer?05:15
Moopereno, not me05:15
mrdeathif i want to put a package to ubuntu repository, can i write an email to someone?05:16
MoopereI should get involved in serious testing though - Kubuntu needs to have a lot of its rough edges fixed05:16
Moopereyes, I think you would write to someone like riddell05:17
Moopereor one of the so called MOTU (masters of the universe)05:17
mrdeathi want to make a package of ktranslator for ubuntu05:18
Moopereyep, good.  I think the more quality software thats ported the better05:18
MoopereA lot of the stuff we Kubuntuers have now is partially or totally broken though - its a testing/maintaining thing I suppose05:19
mrdeathyep. i saw :(05:20
Moopereanyone here know what version of KDE is going to ship with breezy?  Looks like it might be 3.4.2?05:20
MoopereI guess if we're in feature freeze now, then we're going to get a slightly fixed vesion of whats now available05:20
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Moopererighto - must go a do something useful - ciao to all05:22
mrdeathi plan to take part in bugfixing soon.05:22
mrdeathi will have some free time soon 05:22
RabbitEarswhat a good free dvd authoring software for linux 05:23
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: congrats to pef on membership | Kubuntu Official Help Channel | Non-kde-related questions: #ubuntu as well | KDE 3.4.2 Packages are out: http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-342.php | Adept alpha out - http://web.ekhis.org/adept.html | Nederlands #kubuntu-nl | Espaol #kubuntu-es | Deutsch #kubuntu-de | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de/ | To prevent spam: /umode +CE
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arcanistheroguehey, how do i access my linux drives from windows?07:35
frank23there is a ext3 driver for windows but I don't know the name07:36
arcanistheroguesee, i use linux for everything but gaming, and now im playing Battle Field Vietnam and want to use my music07:36
frank23either that or have a fat32 partition07:36
arcanistheroguethis is much more complex than linux, its so much easier the way the drives are organized...07:36
arcanistheroguei have an ntfs one O-o07:36
frank23well google for a ext3 driver for windows07:37
arcanistheroguethanks, i just found one07:38
arcanistheroguewell, ima play BF:V now07:39
arcanistheroguegood night07:39
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icheynehi all09:04
icheynebasic linux questions09:04
icheynehow do I delete a folder in the root?09:04
icheynerm -d does not work09:04
kalenedraelrm -r09:04
kalenedraelr for recursive09:04
icheyneneither work09:05
kalenedraelrm -rf09:05
kalenedraeldefine 'not work'09:05
icheynerm: cannot remove `/bridgetoofar/': Is a directory09:05
icheyneI'll try -rf09:05
kalenedraelif that doesn't work, be root09:05
icheynerm: cannot remove directory `/bridgetoofar/': Permission denied09:05
kalenedraelbe root09:06
icheynethat was with -rf09:06
kalenedraelbe root09:06
icheyneit's the same as root09:06
kalenedraells -l09:06
icheynecan I paste here?09:06
kalenedraelsee what the permissions are09:06
kalenedraelyeah, if it's like one line09:06
icheynehang on09:06
kalenedrael(which it should be)09:06
icheynedrwxr-xr-x    2 root root  2192 2005-08-27 01:22 bin09:07
icheynedrwxr-xr-x    3 root root   264 2005-08-27 01:22 boot09:07
icheynedrwxrwxrwx    2 root root    48 2005-09-04 07:50 bridgetoofar09:07
icheynelrwxrwxrwx    1 root root    11 2005-08-27 01:14 cdrom -> media/cdrom09:07
icheynedrwxr-xr-x   11 root root 15000 2005-09-04 07:52 dev09:07
icheynedrwxr-xr-x  105 root root  5768 2005-09-03 22:00 etc09:07
icheynedrwxr-xr-x    4 root root    96 2005-08-27 10:15 home09:07
icheynedrwxr-xr-x    2 root root    48 2005-08-27 01:15 initrd09:07
icheynelrwxrwxrwx    1 root root    28 2005-08-27 01:17 initrd.img -> boot/initrd.img-2.6.10-5-38609:07
icheynedrwxr-xr-x   15 root root  4312 2005-08-29 18:40 lib09:08
icheynedrwxr-xr-x    8 root root   304 2005-09-03 19:21 media09:08
icheynedrwxr-xr-x    2 root root    48 2005-03-11 11:08 mnt09:08
kalenedraelwhoa, that's too long09:08
icheynedrwxr-xr-x    2 root root    48 2005-08-27 01:15 opt09:08
icheynedr-xr-xr-x  116 root root     0 2005-09-03 20:15 proc09:08
icheynedrwxr-xr-x   14 root root   680 2005-09-04 07:45 root09:08
kalenedraelthat's way more than one line...09:08
icheynedrwxr-xr-x    2 root root  5512 2005-08-27 08:59 sbin09:08
icheynedrwxr-xr-x    2 root root    48 2005-08-27 01:15 srv09:08
icheynedrwxr-xr-x   10 root root     0 2005-09-03 20:15 sys09:08
icheynedrwxrwxrwt   18 root root   704 2005-09-04 07:59 tmp09:08
icheynedrwxr-xr-x   12 root root   336 2005-08-27 08:34 usr09:08
icheynedrwxr-xr-x   14 root root   336 2005-08-27 00:31 var09:08
icheynelrwxrwxrwx    1 root root    25 2005-08-27 01:17 vmlinuz -> boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-5-38609:08
icheyneoh dear09:08
icheyneshould have just taken that line09:09
kalenedraelthat's ok... don't do it again though :)09:09
icheynedrwxrwxrwx    2 root root    48 2005-09-04 07:50 bridgetoofar09:09
icheyneit's the last one09:09
icheyneI enabled everything09:09
icheyneI won't!09:09
kalenedraelyou're root09:09
kalenedraelsee if there's anything in bridgetoofar that has incorrect permissions09:09
kalenedraeli.e. won't let you write09:09
icheynegood thinking09:10
icheynehang on09:10
icheyneit's empty09:10
kalenedraeluse 'ls -a'09:10
icheyneeven when showing hidden files09:10
kalenedraelthat is very strange09:11
icheyneno joke09:11
icheynewell it's not the end of the world09:11
icheyneI might try again later09:11
icheynewhen everyone is awake09:11
icheynevery frustrating09:11
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icheynethanks kalenedrael 09:12
kalenedraelno problem09:12
icheynesee you later09:12
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ztonzymorning (for europeans)09:33
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r1kzunsorry, i need help, my "numblock" make nothing09:49
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r1kzuni cant activate it09:49
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chakiewhat could cause fonts the look like this: http://www.smultron.net/tmp/fonts.png10:13
chakieor is it an effect?10:13
chakieseen on this page: http://web.ekhis.org/adept.html10:13
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chakiethe css specifies some weirdish fonts: "body { font-family: "Gentium", "URW Palladio L", "URW Nimbus Roman No9 L", serif;"10:18
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GNAMwhat about kubuntu-breezy betas?10:59
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KWizzardhi there01:28
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OculusAquilaehi KWizzard01:31
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Juz_visitingcan some one give me a ftp site for seeing the packages in hoary, I don't want the iso, I want to browse the actual packages, trying to help a friend find the kernel headers01:44
NaliothJuz_visiting: packages.ubuntu.com01:44
Juz_visitingwhich is the new one hoary or warty?01:46
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Juz_visitinghe said he had "updated" to the latest release01:46
Naliothhoary is newest. breezy badger will be release next month01:47
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ilba7rany one use fluxbox01:51
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snoogerthi, when i try to compile grub under amd64, i've got this error: "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables"....02:05
Kamping_Kaiserwhy are you compiling grub?02:08
snoogerti've modify it...02:08
jpatrickthat's odd...02:10
snoogertbut i've got that error... :(02:10
jpatrickcan't you reinstall via apt?02:11
snoogertyes, i can but i need to recompile it, because i've modified it02:12
Juz_visitingtnx folks .. maybe that will help him out with his packages ..02:15
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mushtaqhi is there are software to grab a moving cursor i mean to convert mouse movement to flash or something else02:35
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ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, ilba7r02:36
ilba7r!info vlc02:36
ubotuvlc: (multimedia player for all audio and video formats), section universe/graphics, is optional. Version: 0.8.1-1ubuntu7 (hoary), Packaged size: 4867 kB, Installed size: 11816 kB02:36
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edulixhi !02:38
mushtaqubotu, will it capture the video ? 02:38
ubotuWish i knew, mushtaq02:38
edulixanyone with kaffeine 0.7 ?02:38
edulixI still have only 0.6 in my sources..02:38
mushtaqsorry ubotu i thought you were telling me :d02:38
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libbeni wanna install kubuntu, and do network install... doable03:13
Kamping_Kaisershould be03:14
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libbenalso, whats the pros and cons with installing debian and getting kde installed manually or use kubuntu? 03:15
Kamping_KaiserDebian and Kubuntu will feel very different i expect03:15
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Kamping_Kaiseror do you mean Ubuntu and install Kubuntu on that?03:16
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libbeni mean just clean install of debian. and getting kde for my own03:17
libbenwhat to i gain by taking kubuntu instead.03:17
Kamping_Kaiserwhaever you do don't try to turn Debian into Kubuntu03:17
Kamping_Kaiserlibben: not sure agbout that03:17
libbenkubuntu is debian with just some more updated packages from ubuntu project.03:18
libbenand my feeling is like, why kubuntu and all the extra fuzz, when u just can do a debian install and get kde on it.03:18
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libbenor is it more updated things and more secured and stabled by going with kubuntu03:19
Kamping_Kaiserlet me save you pain:03:19
Kamping_Kaiserdo not 'upgrade' Debian to Ubuntu or Kubuntu03:19
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jpatrickKubuntu has a newer kernel03:20
libbenwell, u can get that at the installation also ?03:20
libbenwith debian easly03:21
jpatrickwhat KDE version does Debian have?03:23
Kamping_Kaisernot sure. 03:23
Kamping_Kaiserdepends what your using i suppose03:23
amgatanyone else having problems fetching the update from ftp://bolugftp.uni-bonn.de03:24
jpatricklibben: see: http://www.tuxmagazine.com/node/100015103:26
libbenwhy aint ff in as default browser? and konq instead03:27
Kamping_Kaiserbecause konq comes with KDE03:28
jpatricklibben: Control Centre -> KDE components -> Component Chooser03:29
libbenbbl, gonna run to the store and buy a new seagate 200 gb hd, and make a new dual boot box.03:30
libbenwell, im gonna turn this box to a fileserver and webserver and egdrop bots and so on.. so ill need it anyway.. this machine have 5 year on its neck.. with just a 40 gb seagate bararcuda and a 10 gb from a stripped xbox.03:31
libbenso im gonna throw away the 10 gb, and dual boot with the 200 and 4003:32
libbenmy machine is a p4 1.7 so its decent for linux and quake3 anyway =)03:32
Kamping_Kaiser'just a 10 gig'03:33
libbenKamping_Kaiser this is not a fast desicsion as it seems. ive been up since 10 this morning and been to 4 stores... 2 of them closed. and none had my seagate disc.03:33
Kamping_Kaiserlibben:  :/ bugger03:33
libbenfound one store 2 miles away from here aprox, so gonna buy it there03:33
=== Kamping_Kaiser preferes western digital
libben2 miles not english miles.03:33
libbenwd is good.03:34
libbenbut i like seagate03:34
Kamping_Kaisereach to thier own :)03:34
Kamping_Kaiserand i don't know miles anyway03:34
libbenallways did since my first barracuda iv arrives.03:34
Kamping_Kaisertry kms ;)03:34
libbenmetric system owns =)03:34
libben20 kms =)03:34
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libbenwell, i can manke that trip pretty fast anywa =)03:35
Kamping_Kaiseryeh, go for it03:35
libbenpoint me to a network iso... or is it normal iso to download and choose netinstall from it?03:36
Kamping_Kaiserit's a network instlal iso, not exactly sure where it is03:36
libbenhow is ntfs in linux now? anygood? can it read and write, remember there were some probs with it earlier... i wanna have a part that can be seen in booth xp and linux.03:37
libbenhow do i install with 686 for my box, i see that its only 386 iso files03:38
Kamping_Kaiserntfs writeing is not recomended03:38
Kamping_Kaiserinstall 386 then dist-upgrade03:38
libbenso what then? fat32 ?03:39
Kamping_Kaiserfraid so03:39
Kamping_Kaiseror ext2 and the xp module03:39
libbenbut i can have ntfs reading without problem?03:39
libbenso if i have 4.7 dvd-r isos from xp ... i can read them easily within linux? 03:40
libbenas long i dont try to write to the nfts part from linux and its bigger then 1 gb ? sorta?03:40
Kamping_Kaiserlibben: you may have to change a line in /etc/fstab, but otherwise no worries03:40
Kamping_Kaiserwell just don't write03:40
Kamping_Kaiserit's safer not to03:41
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libbenor not really. i wanna make the transition totally to linux.. but as long all my games wont run on it =) i need dualboot.03:41
Kamping_Kaiserlibben: you can write, but no one will feel sorry for you when it corrupts03:41
libbenhaha =)03:42
Kamping_Kaiser:/ yeh, same issue03:42
Kamping_Kaiseri stoped playing games ;D03:42
libbenwell.. theres tux-racer and some writing games that are good =)03:42
Kamping_Kaiserhavent played an fps for 4 months :S03:42
Kamping_Kaiserand i own all valvs stuff03:42
libbeninstall quake3 atleast03:42
Kamping_Kaiseri have it somewhere, but havnt played that iether03:42
libbenrocketarena3 and urbanterror is damn fun 03:43
libbeni want 686 from start no iso for that or netinstall ?03:44
Kamping_Kaiserum. IIRC the net iso will let you install it as part of the instlal03:45
Kamping_Kaiserwell, it does with Debian03:45
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libbenhttp://www.compfused.com/directlink/896/ lol03:45
libbensorry for spamming03:45
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mushtaqis there a way to record krfb ?03:46
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Kamping_Kaiserno idea mushtaq sorry03:46
mushtaqKamping_Kaiser, do you have any idea about how to capture a video of your desktop03:47
mushtaqi am getting a package called vnc2swf but that is not working03:47
Kamping_Kaisercapture video of the desktop. um not that i can think of03:47
mushtaqwhere are u from Kamping_Kaiser ?03:47
libbennetherlands maybe03:48
mushtaqKamping_Kaiser, yep 03:48
libbenor maybe.... hmm03:48
Riddellmrdeath: new packages should go to REVU for review.  what have you packaged?03:48
libbeni was looking u up earlier.03:48
libbenthauth it was a nl isp03:48
libbenu had03:48
libbenmy mistake03:49
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Kamping_Kaisermy ISP03:49
Kamping_Kaisermind you with a nic like ithis i forgive you :D03:49
mushtaqanyone else with the knowledge of capturing the screen ? 03:51
mushtaqok thanks all 03:54
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libbenanyone seen the pclinuxos thingy`?03:57
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`NomadHi.. I need help running "tomboy" on KDE.  It installs from apt-get all fine but I can't seem to get it to pop up 03:59
`NomadIt looks like such a kewl note-taking and management applicaton04:00
`Nomadoh, I just got it.. If I run it as "tomboy --tray-icon" it does appear. :) Seeeet!04:01
`NomadThanks me!04:01
`NomadNo problem, you're welcomed04:01
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buzany place to get amarok 1.3 debs?04:33
OculusAquilaebut you need taglib 1.404:37
OculusAquilaeunder http://www.marcel.gamika.de/taglib-1.4.deb you should find the taglib04:38
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apokryphosOculusAquilae: is that server down?04:45
apokryphosbecause it doesn't seem to load04:45
OculusAquilaesorry first has wrong link04:46
OculusAquilaeit must be http://www.marcel.gamika.de/kubuntu-deutsch/alles/amarok-1.3.deb04:46
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OculusAquilaebut i can't reach the files hm04:47
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apokryphosthey don't seem to exist :P04:47
apokryphos(not there, that is)04:47
OculusAquilaei ask the guy, who loaded up these files04:48
apokryphosThere's some available here, anyhow..04:50
apokryphos!amarok 1.304:50
ubotuapokryphos: I don't know, could you explain it?04:50
ubotuamarok1.3 is, like, totally, at http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=304006&postcount=5404:50
OculusAquilaeapokryphos: he had to delete these files but he uploaded to http://www.marcel.gamka.de/kubuntu-deutsch/alles/amarok-1.3.deb and http://www.marcel.gamka.de/kubuntu-deutsch/alles/amarok-1.3.deb04:51
apokryphosnope, don't seem to exist04:51
OculusAquilaesorry i mean http://rapidshare.de/files/4249079/amarok-1.3_1.3-1_i386.deb.html and http://rapidshare.de/files/4249079/amarok-1.3_1.3-1_i386.deb.html04:51
buzResolving www.marcel.gamka.de... failed: Host not found.04:51
OculusAquilaei'll upload it on my server04:52
apokryphosToo many users downloading right now. Please try again later04:52
apokryphoswhat an annoying hosting service :D04:52
buztorrents any day04:52
OculusAquilaethats because i upload it on my server apokryphos :-)04:53
apokryphosOculusAquilae: who made those packages?04:53
=== apokryphos recommends filefront.com
OculusAquilaethink author was it04:53
buzhttp://pep.homelinux.net/~tonio/amarok-1.3_1.3-1_i386.deb doesnt work either04:53
apokryphoseven if I haven't had to use it yet :D04:54
apokryphosbuz: is that the one from the forum?04:54
apokryphosHm, I don't seem to have a copy of it anymore :/04:55
buzhttp://members.iinet.net.au/~gracey88/amarok-1.3-1_i386.deb works04:55
buzalso from that thread04:55
buzbut i'd rather have one from a repository really04:55
apokryphosI doubt it'll go into backports at this stage04:56
buzi should start having dedicated uids for dedicated stuff ;)04:56
=== apokryphos has fun looking at lintian errors :P
buz  libtag1: Depends: libgcc1 (>= 1:4.0.0-7) but 1:4.0-0pre6ubuntu7 is to be installed04:58
apokryphosdang packager ;-)04:58
OculusAquilaeif anyone needs the files http://www.oculusaquilae.de/kubuntu-amarok-1.3/taglib-1.4_1.4-1_i386.deb and http://www.oculusaquilae.de/kubuntu-amarok-1.3/amarok-1.3_1.3-1_i386.deb04:58
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=== jpatrick makes use of wget
jpatrickhmm... errors05:03
buzi'll stick with amarok until breezy comes05:03
buzthat's soon enough ;)05:03
apokryphosnewest hasn't been put in breezy yet05:03
apokryphosI suspect they're waiting till nearer the very end; speedy amarok developers :D05:04
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apokryphosspeedy release schedule05:04
OculusAquilaeapokryphos: taglib 1.4 isn't in breezy05:04
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jpatrickErrors were encountered while processing: amarok-1.3_1.3-1_i386.deb05:06
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apokryphosjpatrick: well, what were they?05:06
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jpatricktrying to overwrite `/usr/bin/amarok', which is also in package amarok05:08
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OculusAquilaeyes, the package has the wrong name05:10
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OculusAquilaeits named amarok-1.3 and it should be amarok05:10
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jpatrickrenaming didn't help05:16
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OculusAquilaejpatrick: i'm uploading new files05:19
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OculusAquilaeamaroK packages are up on my server http://www.oculusaquilae.de/kubuntu-amarok-1.3 , now packaged by myself and working (i think :-))05:26
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r1kzunmi teclado numrico, en KDe, solo funciona como root, que puede ser?05:30
Tm_Tyou talar englese?05:30
OculusAquilaer1kzun: which language is this, spanish?05:30
OculusAquilaewe have an spanish channel too #kubuntu-es05:31
edulixyeah, ,that's spanish05:31
r1kzunmy num block only work, in kde, like root05:31
r1kzunno like user05:31
r1kzunwhat could be?05:31
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jpatrickOculusAquilae: they didn't work :s05:34
jpatricktrying to overwrite `/usr/lib/kde3/libamarok_artsengine_plugin.la', which is also in package amarok-arts05:34
OculusAquilaejpatrick: deinstall old amarok first05:35
jpatrickIt removes quite a lot of things05:35
jpatrickjust kubuntu-desktop :P05:36
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OculusAquilaejpatrick: kubuntu-desktop is not a real package, it only has as depencies everything, what is in the standard install05:37
OculusAquilaeyou can remove it05:37
jpatrickI know05:37
jpatrickIt did remove amarok-arts05:37
jpatrickNow it can't process libtag1_1.4-1_i386.deb :/05:38
OculusAquilaewhy that?05:38
jpatrickMaybe I should remove the old one05:38
OculusAquilaethe old 1.4 one05:38
jpatrickThat fixed it :D05:41
OculusAquilaenice :-)05:42
jpatrick:D wahey new splash05:42
jpatrickCool things they've added :)05:43
OculusAquilaejpatrick: yes, this wikepedia thing is nice05:44
jpatrickwhat wikipedia thing?05:45
Tm_Twiki tab?05:46
OculusAquilaeplay a song and click in this context thing on wiki05:46
KWizzardwikipedia is dead :D05:46
jpatrickKWizzard: yes it is05:46
Tm_TamaroK <305:46
KWizzardit seems to be a hurricane in Florida... :D05:47
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jpatrickThe server there is down05:47
OculusAquilaeand I need it at the moment :-(05:47
calilasseiaHello there ...05:47
jpatrickand it's up again!05:48
OculusAquilaecalilasseia: hi05:48
Tm_Tlet's party!05:48
calilasseiaI've had Kubuntu up and running for about 12 hours ...05:48
KWizzardmaybe they are upgrading the servers :D05:48
OculusAquilaeKWizzard: but not everytime, when I need it :-)05:48
calilasseiaI managed to install Firefox ... don't shout at me because of my preferences :)05:49
OculusAquilaeKWizzard: but not everytime, when I need it :-05:49
calilasseiaTrouble is, I need to install the Flash plugin ...05:49
OculusAquilaecalilasseia: k05:49
KWizzardwhat? :D05:49
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OculusAquilaeKWizzard: wikipedia05:49
JessicaX^Hello, everyone!05:49
KWizzardOculusAquilae, are you registered there?05:49
JessicaX^I'm having a problem getting KsmoothDock workin05:49
calilasseiaNow I've updated the repositories in the file apt-get uses (can't remember the name off the top of my head) ...05:50
jpatrickJessicaX^: how?05:50
OculusAquilaeKWizzard: what?05:50
OculusAquilaeKWizzard: or better where?05:50
KWizzardon Wikipedia05:51
calilasseiaOnly thing is when someone last night gave me instructions, apt-get said it couldn't find the package ...05:51
OculusAquilaeKWizzard: think so05:51
jpatrickJessicaX^: installation was easy here05:51
calilasseiaSo, any hints on installing Flash in Firefox now that Firefox is up and running???05:51
jpatrickcalilasseia: do you have universe etc enabled?05:52
JessicaX^Well, i have a problem with "x11 headers" when it does the sanity check05:52
OculusAquilaecalilasseia: you want to install libflash-mozplugin, right?05:52
JessicaX^also, KDE crashes when enabling the root login.05:52
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calilasseiaHang on I'll check ... what's the file again? I know it's in /etc ...05:52
jpatrickJessicaX^: I think that there's a .deb package05:52
OculusAquilaecalilasseia: you want to install libflash-mozplugin, right05:52
jpatrickcalilasseia: /etc/apt05:52
usrxcalilasseia, why not download flash from macromedia.com?05:52
JessicaX^how do i run .deb packages on kubuntu?05:52
OculusAquilaeKWizzard: sorry /etc/apt/sources.list05:52
OculusAquilaesorry wrong highlighting :-)05:53
jpatrickJessicaX^: You install a .deb with the command dpkg -i05:53
kinfoi don't understand.05:53
JessicaX^thne the filename?05:53
calilasseiaMacromedia threw a tarball at me and I've never used those things ...05:53
JessicaX^dpkg -i flename.deb ?05:53
OculusAquilaeto much people in here :-)05:53
JessicaX^sorry, i'm not used to apt etc05:53
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JessicaX^not used debian before05:53
jpatrickOculusAquilae: there only are 8905:53
OculusAquilaecalilasseia: it should be ok to install libflash-mozplugin05:54
jpatrickJessicaX^: :)05:54
OculusAquilaejpatrick: but many of them write something :-)05:54
JessicaX^well, i like sudo05:54
jpatrickI think Wikipedia's died.... again05:54
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calilasseiaGot hoary universe as one of my sources ...05:54
JessicaX^Also; how can i enable root login?05:54
JessicaX^Seems to purposely crash05:55
jpatrickJessicaX^: I wouldn't05:55
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JessicaX^I need to05:55
JessicaX^It doesnt matter why05:55
JessicaX^It's njot my computer, if i'm getting paid to enable root05:55
JessicaX^Then they can have root with no password for all i care05:55
usrxthat's just mean05:56
jpatrickyou can everyone with sudo05:56
JessicaX^hmm, i'll cec it ut05:56
calilasseiaSo shall I try running Firefox and installing direct?05:56
KWizzardOculus, so you are not registered at any wikipedia project?05:57
OculusAquilaecalilassei: have you tried to install libflash-mozplugin05:57
usrxcalilasseia, the firefox plugin wizard won't install it 05:57
OculusAquilaeKWizzard: I am 05:57
usrxyou have to get the package or the tarball05:57
calilasseiaAh right ...05:57
KWizzardwhich language version?05:57
calilasseiaSo I have to do it the hard way in a termina window using apt-get again ...05:57
OculusAquilaeKWizzard: german05:57
calilasseiaLovely ...05:58
jpatrickJessicaX^: if you must https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo05:58
jpatrickBut I don't think you should it05:58
KWizzardOculus: you are from Germany?05:58
OculusAquilaecalilassei: you can do it via kynaptic too05:58
usrxcalilasseia, or kynaptic?  i just used the tarball from macromedia05:58
OculusAquilaeKWizzard: yes05:58
usrxpackage manager05:58
jpatrickK -> System -> Kynaptic05:59
calilasseiaDidn't seem to have its act together when I last tried it ... that's why I used apt-get ...05:59
usrxits just a gui05:59
usrxdoes the same thing05:59
jpatrickyou can use that tarball05:59
calilasseiaSo it's libflash-mozplugin then ???05:59
calilasseiaHere goes ...05:59
calilasseiaWeird ... it says I already have it ... ????06:00
OculusAquilaeKWizzard: why do you ask?06:00
KWizzardI just wanna know06:00
OculusAquilaeKWizzard: if I'm registered?06:00
KWizzardI am on Slovak wiki06:00
OculusAquilaeKWizzard: k06:00
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r1kzunfunciono :DDDDDDDDDDD06:00
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usrxcalilasseia, it says its installed?06:01
OculusAquilaeaaaaaa: hello06:01
jpatrickhello aaaaaa 06:01
KWizzardbtw, is it true that KDE is mostly made by German developers?06:01
calilasseiaRight, just to make sure, I've removed the old one usgin apt-get remove, and reinstalled again...06:01
aaaaaaWhat's exactly the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu?06:01
calilasseiaAnd the reinstall seems to be fine ...06:01
OculusAquilaeKWizzard: The first developers were from germany06:01
buzkubuntu is kde, ubuntu gnome06:01
jpatrickaaaaaa: Kubuntu is  KDE 06:01
calilasseiaaaaaaa: the major difference is the desktop ... Kubuntu is spelt with a K because it has KDE ...06:02
buzelse its mostly the same stuff06:02
KWizzardI thought so06:02
calilasseiaUbuntu uses Gnome as its desktop ...06:02
calilasseiaYay me for reading the web page :)06:02
aaaaaaI downloaded the ubuntu livecd some time back, but was unable to browse documents created under xp and saved to the harddrive. Is this possible under kubuntu?06:02
calilasseiaRight, now I've got to check and see if Firefox accepts the plugin and runs a page with Flash on it ...06:02
OculusAquilaeKWizzard: I think it was Matthias Ettrich who founded kde06:03
aaaaaaWhat exactly is KDE?06:03
usrxaaaaaa, should be possible on both kubuntu and ubuntu06:03
calilasseiaaaaaaa:  Don't know about XP ... are you using the NTFS filesystem in XP???06:03
jpatrickaaaaaa: did you mount the HD?06:03
calilasseiaOnly NTFS can be a bit of a pig even in XP itself, let alone outside ...06:03
KWizzardOculus: do you know him? :D06:03
calilasseiaYet another reason I use XP CDs as dog frisbees :)06:03
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aaaaaaYes, NTFS. I just saved it to the mydocuments folder. But clicking the disk icon on the ubuntu livecd it gives me a whole different index of folders, none i knew from xp.06:04
jpatrickaaaaa: KDE is @ www.kde.org06:04
OculusAquilaeKWizzard: no06:04
calilasseiaWhich is why when I wanted a modern operating system I went for Lunix :)06:04
aaaaaajpatrick, i do not know how to mounth the harddrive.06:04
calilasseiaArgh ... dyslexic keyboard ... "Linux" ...06:04
usrxaaaaaa, that was probably the wrong drive06:04
jpatrickaaaaaa: that explains why couldn't see the files06:04
jpatrickwhy you*06:05
nikkiacalilasseia: i like linux as much as anyone, but i'd find it hard to seriously call a clone of a 35yo operating system 'modern' :P06:05
jpatrickYou have to mount it first06:05
calilasseiaaaaaaa: if the OS was mounted as a dual boot and the partitioner set things up correctly then Kubuntu should be able to see your non-Linix filesystems ...06:05
calilasseiaOK, the UNIX base part may be 35 years old but it still pees all over Windows doesn't it??? LOL06:05
jpatrickaaaaaa: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#mountunmountntfs06:05
nikkia(and yes, i know linux is more or less a clone of the more modern unix versions, a mix of some BSDisms and SysVisms, but still)06:05
nikkiacalilasseia: not on everything, sadly06:06
jpatrickaaaaaa: what you saw as filesystem was the CD06:06
nikkiacalilasseia: as little as its used, NT's protection system is more flexible06:06
nikkiacalilasseia: ie, proper ACLs06:06
calilasseiaWell let's put it this way nikkia ... I've spent 5 hours wrestling with Windows to get it to acknowledge my net connection ...lots of screaming and swearing ...06:07
nikkiai still don't understand why the acl patch hasn't been made mainstream06:07
aaaaaajpatrick, thanks I will give it a try. Does this also work on the liveCD? Or only on the install?06:07
jpatrickaaaaaa: both06:07
calilasseiaYes Kubuntu saw it in an instant and said to me "Here's your net connection, happy browsing" ...06:07
jpatrickhappy faster browsing06:07
nikkiacalilasseia: i'd say that modern (2k, XP) windows is a nice kernel, sat under an absolutely terrible userland06:07
jpatrickaaaaaa: you're welcome06:08
aaaaaajpatrick: one more thing, where should i type this code?06:08
jpatrickthe console06:08
calilasseiaBut then nikkia , I was one of those people who went for Amigas instead of PCs in the late 80s/early 90s ...06:08
nikkiacalilasseia: the NT kernel itself is pretty nice, what i'd expect from Dave Cutler - his history is with well designed and highly securable kernels - yes, you heard me say the NT kernel is very securable, it is!)06:08
jpatrickcommand line06:08
aaaaaaIs that in the startmenu?06:09
buznikkia: it was06:09
buzbefore they put graphics in ring006:09
aaaaaaok, bye.06:09
nikkiabuz, thats a userland issue :/06:09
buzand cutler left ms06:09
calilasseiaCouldn't stand the horrible Intel CPU architecture as an assembler programmer (oh those were the days) ... 680x0 blew its socks off :)06:09
buzit should be06:09
nikkiabuz, as i said, nice kernel, shame about the userland06:09
calilasseiaWell, so far this is proving to be a nice kernel, albeit one with a fairly steep learning curve ...06:10
calilasseiaOh dear, looks like the Flash plugin is dying ...06:11
calilasseiaJust threw up another window and a dialogue box saying "fscommand is not a recognised protocol" ...06:11
nikkiagah! i can't remember how to customize a style in xemacs :(06:12
calilasseiaBugger ....06:12
calilasseiaGuess that install didn't work ...06:12
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calilasseiaSo, remove it ... try a different method ...06:13
JessicaX1Sorry, the command kpg didnt work :(06:13
jpatrickdpkg << that06:13
JessicaX1How is it i install deb files again?06:13
jpatricksudo dpkd -i06:13
calilasseiaOh two Jessicas ...confusion reigns ...06:13
jpatricknikkia: do you know where I can get QtRuby?06:14
JessicaX1"requested operation requires super user priviledges"06:14
jpatricksudo dpkg -i06:15
nikkiajpatrick: yes06:15
nikkiajpatrick: the same place as korundum06:15
jpatrickbecause when I run the code it says there is no such thing as Qt06:15
calilasseiaOh great ... here I am in the middle of trying to debug my browser plugin woes and my fish start spawning ...06:15
JessicaX1Ahh, good good06:16
JessicaX1It's installing it noiwi06:16
nikkiajpatrick: ie, http://developer.kde.org/language-bindings/ruby/06:16
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jpatricknikkia: that's the code I'm trying to run06:16
JessicaX1Ruby is cute06:17
JessicaX1mod_ruby is nice also :)06:17
nikkiajpatrick: did you install qtruby AND korundum from there?06:17
jpatrickI downloaded via apt06:17
calilasseiaOK, let's see if this works ...06:17
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jpatricknikkia: message = a.rb:2:in `require': No such file to load -- Qt (LoadError06:18
nikkiajpatrick, hmmm, no idea then06:18
calilasseiaIt doesn't like this ...06:18
nikkiaits probably mispackaged :/06:19
seaLnejpatrick: the package in ubuntu is currently broken06:19
nikkiathere you go :)06:19
nikkiaseaLne: btw, you might know....06:19
jpatrickOh so I'll download it06:19
chakiethe python-qt package also has some broken parts06:19
nikkiaseaLne: where tf does 'gem' live in the ubuntu ruby packages? or doesn't it?06:19
seaLnejpatrick: create a file called /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/Qt.rb06:19
seaLnecontaining just "require 'qtruby'"06:20
seaLneobviously without the quotes06:20
jpatrickjust the '' ones06:20
lonewolffhmmm, is there any way to stop gamin from using so much cpu time?06:21
seaLnenikkia: hmm i suppose shipping gem would kind of a go against a distro :)06:21
calilasseiaRight, just been to Macromedia ... their plugin installer is a tarball ...06:21
jpatrickJessicaX1: now what?06:21
nikkiaseaLne: i suppose06:21
jpatrickcalilasseia: untar it06:22
JessicaX1no...where the hell do i configure ksmoothdock06:22
nikkiaseaLne: but CPAN and PEAR both seem to get included by most distros06:22
jpatrickJessicaX1: right-click it06:22
seaLneruby support is pretty crap in most distros atm06:22
nikkiaseaLne: i'd noticed06:22
JessicaX1right click what?06:22
calilasseiaHowever, the question is this ... if I want the plugin to be accessible to Firefox for all users, don't I need to install it as root?06:22
seaLnelike my other ubuntu bug of the ruby kconfigxt prog not being installed06:23
jpatrickJessicaX1: right click the dock06:23
JessicaX1It installed, now i cant find06:23
jpatrickseaLne: Thank you06:23
jpatricka little box is saying 'hello world'06:23
seaLnejpatrick: it had me confused for a while06:23
jpatrickI've been trying since yesterday to get it to work06:24
seaLnenow have fun trying to work out how to do anything with the non existant docs :-/06:24
jpatrick:-/ okay...06:24
JessicaX1jpatrick: the dock hasnt launched06:24
JessicaX1the kicker is there06:24
calilasseiaOK, I have a tarball on my desktop ... shouldn't I move it somewhere else before unpacking it???06:25
jpatrickmove Kicker to the top of the screen06:25
jpatrickcalilasseia: no06:25
seaLnejpatrick: the ruby version of the kde tutorial is about all there is apart from the bindings page, if you find anything more i'd love to hear :)06:25
jpatrickKSmoothDock sits at the buttom06:25
jpatrickseaLne: Okay06:25
seaLnethe ruby-talk mailinglist is where i've read some other pointers06:26
calilasseiaI take it that when it's unpackaged, the installer should be run via sudo then ...06:26
seaLneand ofcourse if you dare to ask question on #kde-devel you get laughed at06:26
jpatrickseaLne: is korundum broken?06:27
seaLne"ruby is too slow" etc06:27
seaLnenot had any probs with korundum what you getting06:27
calilasseiaOK let's give this a try ...06:27
jpatrickcalilasseia: untar and inside should be a shell script06:28
jpatrickrun it in the konsole06:28
JessicaX1Meh, i'll screw with it later06:28
calilasseiaEr, I seem to have lost my tarball ...06:28
JessicaX1it launched, with all the settings06:28
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JessicaX1still, did nothing06:29
jpatrickIf you right click a menu should pop up06:30
calilasseiaGot it ... it's on my desktop ...06:30
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aaaaaahello, another question.06:30
jpatrickaaaaaa: hello again06:30
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aaaaaaDoes Kubuntu include a firewall/virusscanner?06:30
jpatrickYou can install one06:31
aaaaaaon the live cd??06:31
calilasseiaRight ... it's unpacked ... and as the Macromedia blurb said it would, it created a new directory when unpacked ... now I've got to cd to this new directory in a console window and execute the script apparently ...06:31
aaaaaammmh, so the liveCD is unprotected?06:31
jpatrickaaaaaa: No06:32
jpatrickcalilasseia: open the konsole06:32
jpatrickand cd to the folder06:32
aaaaaaSorry, I don't understand. 06:32
calilasseiaDone that ... and done 'ls' to check the contents ...06:32
jpatrickdo ./flash-installer06:32
aaaaaaCan someone get everything I'm doing whe nconnected to the internet?06:32
calilasseiaBut the diectopry isn't there .,..06:32
jpatrickor whatever the shell script is called06:33
jpatrickaaaaaa: it's possible06:33
seaLneaaaaaa: they can't connect to anything to get your files as you aren't running any servers they could access06:33
jpatrickcalilasseia: after cd-ing do ./<name of shell script>06:33
calilasseiaBleh ... "extract here" ... slaps own forehead :)06:34
calilasseiaRight, I'm in the new directory ...06:34
aaaaaaWhat about when I interface with a secure connection (SSL it's called if i'm correct). WOuld that still be secure and unable for others to interface with any part?06:34
jpatrick./flash-installer <- in the konsole06:34
calilasseiaIt appears to be running ...06:35
jpatrickAnswer the questions on-screen06:35
calilasseiaIt wants me to install it in a directory off my home directory ... shouldn't I install it somewhere else ???06:35
seaLneaaaaaa: connecting to someone dosen't mean they can connect to you06:35
jpatrickcalilasseia: it's better if you run it as root06:35
jpatrickdo: sudo su before running the script06:36
calilasseiaThat's what I asked a bit back JPatrick ... shouldn't this be done as root ....06:36
calilasseiaRight, so cancel the curent run, and re-run as sudo su ... 06:36
calilasseiaOK, quut that run ...06:37
calilasseia"Quit" ...06:37
calilasseiaIt's OK, it had an option to quit as I was running, no need to kill it ...06:38
calilasseiaSo the command is "sudo su /.flashplayer-installer" ...06:38
jpatricksudo su then ./flash-installer06:39
aaaaaaSo others can't takeover the connection and for example change things at the other side of the secure connection where i logged in just because the kubuntu liveCD doesn't have a firewall?06:39
calilasseiaAh, right ... I get it ... sudo su sets up a root shell ... I'm learning ...06:39
jpatrickaaaaaa: noone's gonna attack you06:39
jpatrickcalilasseia: yes :)06:39
Naliothjpatrick: why sudo su?06:39
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aaaaaaok, bye.06:40
calilasseiaGot the # prompt ... guess I'm root now :)06:40
jpatrickNalioth: *shrug*06:40
Naliothjpatrick: jpatrick sudo -s is safer06:40
jpatrickoh ok06:40
jpatrickcalilasseia: install to /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox for Firefox06:41
calilasseiaRight, it said "Installing as root, therefore installing system wide" or words to that effect ...06:41
calilasseiaHang on ... checking that path ...06:41
Naliothcalilasseia: in the future, use "sudo -s" for a root terminal, please. it gives you a 5-minute root terminal06:41
jpatrickwhen it asks you about where to install install it there06:41
calilasseiaOK ...06:42
calilasseiaAnd when I want to stop being root ...06:42
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Naliothcalilasseia: either "su <yourusername>" or if using sudo -s, in 5 minutes, it'll return to normal06:43
calilasseiaGot it ... path verified ...06:43
jpatrickmake sure you close any Firefoxes06:44
calilasseiaThey were already closed before I started ...06:45
calilasseiaAppears to be done ...06:45
calilasseiaNow it's time to test it ...06:45
calilasseiaFirefoz says I have plugins for SWF and SPL filetypes ...06:46
calilasseiaNJow let's see if the plugin works ...06:46
calilasseiaOK, it didn't crash ...06:48
calilasseiaBut all the text on the flash I viewed was invisible ...06:49
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_StarScreamhi guys, i was just installing PHP4 and noticed that it dragged apache2 with it06:50
_StarScreamwhy does php need apache?06:50
calilasseiaStarScream: PHP needs a web server ... apache is your web server software ...06:51
seaLnemaybe you installed the apache2 php module?06:51
Nalioth_StarScream: php isnt much good w/o a delivery mechanism06:51
seaLnephp4-cli dosen't06:51
calilasseiaOh well, one good thing has happened today ... I'm going to be raising lots of baby fish ... :)06:52
Naliothcalilasseia: congrats!06:52
calilasseiaThe proud daddy to about 25 new baby Panda Catfish ... :)06:52
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calilasseiaNailoth, go here and see my fish pets ... http://calilasseia.0catch.com/biopets.html :)06:54
_StarScreamNalioth: yeh but its usuable as a scripting language on the CLI06:54
calilasseiaMeanwhile, anyone know wny my Flash plugin renders invisible text?06:55
calilasseiaPage I tested was a Flash chat applet ... text is normally black .,.. but this time none appeared ...06:55
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calilasseiaOr at least it was invisible ...06:55
Nalioth_StarScream: ok, but evidentally, the devs didnt want it to be alone06:55
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_StarScreamseaLne: ah php-cli is what i'm looking for . thanks07:00
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Naliothlooks like peter is outnumbered07:01
c0rrupt_how can i chown a file to have no owner07:01
c0rrupt_or be public07:02
calilasseiaDon't know about "no owner" ... but if you want to make it public try "chmod 0777 filename" ...07:02
Naliothc0rrupt_: chmod 777 filename    (everyone will own it execute and read and write07:02
seaLnec0rrupt_: a file can't not have an owner chmod a+r filename to make it readable by everyone07:02
c0rrupt_b/c i want it accesable to my tftpd server..07:02
c0rrupt_thanks guys07:03
calilasseiaAh of course ... +r ... forgot about the nice args ...07:03
libbentime to play with my new hd07:04
Naliothback to the nap07:04
seaLnecalilasseia: they also don't trample over the rest of the existing perms07:04
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calilasseiaTrue ...07:04
calilasseiaI'm going to have to wrap this up ... re-assemble my PC in its original config until I can sort out several nasty messes with the new setup ...07:05
calilasseiaAnd before that, I want some food :)07:05
calilasseiaThanks for everyone's help, and have fun while I'm away ...:)07:05
mornfallheh, chmod 777 on an ftp server is a nice way to get hacked07:11
mornfall(if you allow stores on that, well...)07:12
mornfall(it should be more along the lines of 644 for files and 755 for dirs)07:12
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c0rrupt_its tftpd07:16
c0rrupt_only 1 file..07:16
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jpatrickanyone knows what the Ruby 'gets' is in Python?07:30
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libbenim about to smash in my new 200 gb hd... thinking of making one part ntfs for storing some xp things on it and be able to get it from linux.... what was the other solution with ext2 and xp app to get access to it?07:40
libbenthinking of making one gb swap... to much?07:41
libbenand temp folder like 500 mb07:41
jpatricklibben: http://www.fs-driver.org/index.html07:43
jpatricklibben: 1GB might be enough07:43
libbenmight? =)07:43
libben2 gb then =)07:43
jpatrickI have 1.3 GB swap07:43
jpatrickAnd 128MB RAM :p07:44
libben768 ram07:44
jpatrickwhich sucks07:44
libbenno ddr though07:44
libbenmy pc is 5 years old.07:44
jpatrick2 should do07:44
libbenofcourse it should do07:45
libbenbut for what =)07:45
jpatrickmy computer's 4 years old :(07:45
libbenmine is a p4 1.707:45
jpatrickmine's a Pentium II :(07:45
libbenwow =)07:45
jpatrickI hate it.07:46
libbengo figure07:46
jpatrickCan't use Firefox mostly07:46
libbenanyone else has any pointers on the partitions?07:46
libbenIm thinking of / (196 gb) /swap (2 gb) /temp (1 gb) and what more..... hmmm...07:47
libbencould make my own /home07:47
libbenbut thats a bit much i think07:48
jpatrickdo that!!07:48
jpatrickIf you need to reinstall or want to install a distro you won't lose your files07:48
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libbenmaybe /home (192 gb)    / (5 gb)    /swap (2 gb)    /temp (1 gb)07:50
libbenif i make a /home it wont interfer with /07:50
jpatrickerr.. /  5GG?07:50
libben- / is the whole system and my /home unless ive made my own homo07:52
libbenhomo =)07:52
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jpatrickhave: / 100GB /home 95 swap 3GB /tmp 2 GB07:52
libbenisnt it supposed to be like one /home and one /07:52
libbenwhy should i have 100 gb for /07:53
seaLnei'd have thought 20Gb for / should be plenty?07:53
jpatrickwhat about the rest?07:53
libbenseaLne yes it is. if u also have a partition for /home07:53
seaLneif you are going to be burning DVDs you might want to make /tmp bigger07:53
libbenill be burning dvds alot =)07:53
libbenbut why should tmp be bigger for that reason?07:53
seaLneto create the temporary image in07:54
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libbenwell all images are allready made 07:54
seaLnebefore it is burnt to disk07:54
libbenlets say i got myself a movie from a torrent site that contains my holiday, and i unpack it and burn it... should it be more tmp space?07:55
libbenand why if thats the case07:55
seaLneno it would be if you were creating a new dvd with something like k3b07:56
seaLneto backup your holiday videos that you had downloaded07:56
libbenwith creating u mean like using software for editing and clipping the film?07:57
libbenwrong chan sorry07:57
libbenhave like 13 chans and writing in 7 of em.07:58
seaLnelibben: but i think everyone here will given you slightly different answers to partitioning. i like having /boot swap / /usr/ /var /tmp /home07:58
libbenseaLne are u a sysadmin at work?07:58
seaLneor if not a stand alone desktop /local instead of /home07:58
seaLnelibben: err yeah :)07:58
libbenwhy the /usr /var 07:58
libbenoooh =) thats why =)07:58
libbenwell, for home desktop, thats not gonna be flooded.07:59
seaLnenah so less partitions are better so you don't end up having to much space somewhere and not enough elsewhere07:59
libbenits enough with / /tmp /home /boot /swap07:59
libbenlast time i made a /boot i gave it 16 mb08:00
libbenand its still ok... but feels so weird =)08:00
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jpatrickI think 32MBs is better08:00
seaLnedepens if you clean out old kernels08:00
seaLnebut with a 200Gb disk i wouldn't worry about wasting a few Mb08:01
libbenbut whats the dela with / and /home08:02
seaLnei think you would want / atleast 10Gb08:02
libbenif i set a /home part also... it will never be on the / part.. and i can easly install new distro and wipe everything else.. and i still have everything in /home.08:02
seaLnebetter a bit bigger08:02
seaLnelibben: yep08:02
seaLnegood for playing about08:02
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libbenso in / partition it will be the whole system, like gimp games and everything else that i install... and /home will be where well, some programs will be installed there... but that is something u clean out when ur done... but u will have all the personal storage there08:05
libbenthen i still dont understand ur reason for a 100 GB / =)08:06
libbencause i dont think im about to install 100 gb open source =)08:06
libbenbut a / of 10 - 30 gb is nice08:06
jpatrickIf I had a 200GB HD I'll use everything08:07
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libbenfor / ? 08:08
libbeneven when u gonna set a /home 08:08
jpatrickNo I'll halve it08:08
libbenwhere would u put 100 gb of files on / when u have a own part for /home08:09
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jpatricknever mind08:09
libbenbut i wanna know how u think =)08:10
jpatrickI'm suffering on 15GB08:11
libbenwell... u have it all bloated =) or do u actaully have it filled with programs that u use on daily basis?08:11
jpatrickSome how bloated08:12
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libbenclean clean clean =)08:12
libbenwell im of to get dirty with my new hd... anyone point me to windows boot loading 08:14
libbeni dont wanna use grub..08:14
libbenwell... its pretty easy with grub anyway, and if i flush it all.. and just wanna run windows, theres a program to restore the boot process?08:14
libbenso i dont sit there with grub all day long.08:14
jpatrickYou'll probably need something like BootMagic08:15
libbenthat will fix my mbr record so its back do booting xp only?08:15
jpatrickwhat are you trying to do?08:15
libbenim thinking of boot process.08:16
libbenof dual booting08:16
jpatrickkeep GRUB then08:16
libbenthinking of skipping grub08:16
libbencause sometimes i get rid of linux,.. dont know why =) 08:16
libbenand then i dont wanna sit there with just grub every startup08:16
libbenwanna get back to xp mbr process.08:16
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denkerhi all08:36
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DaDaveKDE runs very slow on my pc. i have a athlon with 700Mhz and 300mb ram. (and a quite fast IDE Harddisk). is there something i can do to speed up KDE a bit?08:38
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Tm_TDaDave: try to run kpersonalizer08:44
Tm_Tit'll give an easy way to control that ;)08:44
DaDavewhat does kpersonalizer do?08:44
DaDaveTm_T:  ok turned everything of in kpersonalizer...08:45
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DaDaveTm_T: hnm. a bit. but not much.08:48
DaDaveopening a browser window or a fodler is still very slow.08:48
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DaDaveyeah konqi.08:48
Tm_Twell, keep one konqi open and use tabs, fasten up it alot08:48
DaDaveyeah, thats how it works currently. altough very slow...08:49
Tm_TI used konqi in p2 200MHz 63M ram and it was usable08:49
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DaDavestarting a konqi window need about 10-15 secounds.08:49
DaDaveis this normal?08:49
DaDavestarting an xterm needs about 3 secounds?08:49
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DaDavehmm xterm should be there immediatly i think, shouldn't it?08:50
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_danieli need some help09:01
_danielhow do i download drivers for my s3 supersavage graphiccard i cant find it09:02
_StarScreamDaDave: erm...10-15 is quite odd mine is <2sec on g3 800 without pre-loading09:02
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DaDave_StarScream: what is a g3? is it a mac?09:07
_StarScreamDaDave: yeh09:10
_StarScreamibook g3 80009:10
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krystoff hi there, please i'm trying to get kcolorchooser working, i've installed kdegraphics but i have no applet for color chooser ? any idea where i'm wrong please ?09:11
DaDavehmm okay. i don't know if this is comparable to my lame slow pc...09:11
_StarScreamDaDave: what spec is your lame slow pc?09:12
_StarScreamkrystoff: kde-utils?09:12
krystoff_StarScream: really i wqs sure it's part of kdegraphics09:13
krystoffgonna try it09:13
DaDave_StarScream: athlon 700Mhz, 398Mb Ram, up-to-date 80gb harddisk.09:13
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_StarScreamDaDave: your lame slow pc is quite alot faster than my g3 :)09:14
DaDave_StarScream: then why the hell does ir respond so slow :-)09:14
_StarScreamerm... do hdparm -tT /dev/hda (if hda is your primary drive)09:15
krystoffokthe package is kcoloredit09:15
krystoffthat's why :)09:15
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_StarScreamDaDave: also give the output of  free -m09:17
DaDave Timing cached reads:   564 MB in  2.01 seconds = 280.64 MB/sec09:17
DaDave Timing buffered disk reads:   42 MB in  3.10 seconds =  13.55 MB/sec09:17
DaDave             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached09:18
DaDaveMem:           377        330         47          0          4        12309:18
DaDave-/+ buffers/cache:        202        17409:18
DaDaveSwap:          486         17        46909:18
DaDavesorry for the long paste...09:18
_StarScreamDaDave: hmm..sorry09:18
_StarScreamno idea09:18
_StarScreamthose are fine09:18
_StarScreamfaster than mine in fact09:19
krystoffmm ir's not the same as i saw before :s09:19
_StarScreamDaDave: open a konsole and launch konqueror that way09:20
_StarScreamsee if the output gives any clues as to whats going on...09:20
_StarScreamalso have a look in /var/log/messages09:21
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_StarScreamsee if there is anything its trying to do that it doesn't have permission to do09:21
_StarScreamthats the only thing i can think of that would cause it to be slow09:21
DaDave_StarScream: no output from konquerror at all...09:22
DaDavethe whole fucking user interface is very slow.09:22
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_StarScreamDaDave: hmm sorry ....don't know what else to suggest..09:44
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fatejudgerIPSec0.0.0.0UDP 500/500alwayseditdelete09:48
fatejudgerPPTP0.0.0.0TCP 1723/1723alwayseditdelete09:48
fatejudgerNetMeeting0.0.0.0TCP 1720/1720alwayseditdelete09:48
fatejudgerDCS-10000.0.0.0TCP 80/80alwayseditdelete09:48
fatejudgerDCS-20000.0.0.0TCP 80/80alwayseditdelete09:48
fatejudgerDVC-10000.0.0.0TCP 1720/1720alwayseditdelete09:48
fatejudgerRemote Admin (Dad) (0) 4898/4898alwayseditdelete09:48
fatejudgerRemote Administrator192.168.0.100IP (0) 4899/4899alwayseditdelete09:48
fatejudgerVirtual Server SSH192.168.0.100IP (0) 22/22always09:48
fatejudgerwell that was the wrong paste09:48
fatejudgerstupid KDE09:48
fatejudgeris there a way to organize the items in the KMenu in alphabetical order?09:48
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DaDavedamn amarok freezes every time i try to listen to an audio stream...09:50
fatejudgerthen don't use amarok09:50
fatejudgerit sucks09:50
fatejudgerKaffeine or Mplayer is much better09:50
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douglasis the package openoffice.org2-kde broken?09:51
djibfatejudger: amarok is excellent09:51
djibit has its own problems09:51
djibbut It's getting better everyday09:52
fatejudgerthe open office package doesn't work very well09:52
fatejudgerit's old though09:52
fatejudgerjust get the debian packages from openoffice.org09:53
fatejudgerdjib: it has almost no support in KDE, unlike Kaffeine09:53
djibie ?09:53
fatejudgerdjib: well, for starters, it doesn't integrate into firefox09:53
DaDavefatejudger: yeah, but can i listen to mp3 streasm with kaffein?09:53
djibfatejudger: I've never seen a program as good as amarok to deal with big mp3 databases09:54
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fatejudgerdjib: that's true, it's like Windows Media Player09:55
fatejudgerdjib: it handles a ton of music09:55
djibI tried madman, rhythmbox, ...09:55
fatejudgerdjib: however, I have all of my music on a network folder, and I organize it perfectly09:55
fatejudgeryou can always use both players09:55
djibWell let's say it's excellent for a Newbie lire me09:55
fatejudgerthe interface is very nice09:56
fatejudgerand windows-like09:56
fatejudgerwhich is a good thing09:56
fatejudgerbut kaffeine just has more support in KDE09:56
fatejudgerit would be nice to have more options though09:56
douglasis the package openoffice.org2-kde broken?09:57
douglasI didn't read, I'm dumb09:57
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djibby the way fatejudger, how the hell can you choose which subtitle you want to open with kaffeine ?09:57
fatejudgerlike subtitles in movies?09:59
djibno, I mean when they are in a text file09:59
djiblike with divX09:59
fatejudgerI don't know if Kaffeine does that09:59
djibyes it does10:00
fatejudgerwell I don't really konw10:00
fatejudgerall my movies are in English10:00
fatejudgerI don't need subtitles10:00
djibbecause when the subtitle file has exactly the same name as the movie file, it asks if I want to read it as well10:00
djibMy english is not good enough yet ;)10:01
fatejudgerdjib: it seems fine to me10:01
fatejudgerdjib: what exactly do you speak?10:01
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djibhey Hamsterchen 10:01
fatejudgerdo you still live in France?10:01
djibyes I do10:02
djibwhy's that ?10:02
HamsterchenKann mir jemand mit der Installation und der Konfiguration einer pcmcia-Wlan-Karte helfen?10:02
fatejudgerholy shit10:02
fatejudgerwhat language is that?10:02
fatejudgerZeig Heil!10:02
Hamsterchenshell I speak englsih in this channel?10:02
fatejudgeryeah, that would be good10:02
HamsterchenI'm looking for someone who can help me to install and config a pcmcia wlan-card10:03
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djibcan you go to http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/url.php ?10:04
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djibit doesn't work here10:04
djibit says impossible to connect10:04
fatejudgeryeah, it's down or something10:04
djibdamned it seems that half the world is down today !10:04
fatejudgerHamsterchen: I'm not very good with the wireless10:05
fatejudgerHamsterchen: at least in Linux10:05
fatejudgerHamsterchen: I've never gotten my wireless card to work in Arbiter10:05
fatejudgerHamsterchen: well, it worked, but I didn't know how to tell it to connect to an AP10:05
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HamsterchenI think it works but it can't connect to my router10:06
fatejudgerI don't know any commands for it10:06
fatejudgerhowever, KDE seems very easy to use10:06
Hamsterchenme too10:06
fatejudgerI think it's in the control center10:06
fatejudgerI believe it works via GUI10:06
fatejudgerHamsterchen: do you live in Germany?10:06
Hamsterchenit is there but I don't know what is wrong10:06
fatejudgerHamsterchen: east or west?10:07
fatejudgerHamsterchen: ah, the nicer area right?10:07
Hamsterchendamn laptop keyboard10:08
fatejudgerHamsterchen: by the way, you speak excellent English10:08
fatejudgerHamsterchen: don't they teach you both languages simultaneously?10:08
Hamsterchendo you mean this ironic?10:08
fatejudgerHamsterchen: no, I didn't mean it was ironic10:08
Hamsterchenbecouse I think my english is ver10:08
Hamsterchenreally worse10:09
fatejudgerHamsterchen: really worse10:09
fatejudgerHamsterchen: lol10:09
fatejudgerHamsterchen: the only other language I know is spanish, I took that for about 9 years10:09
Hamsterchenwhere do you come from?10:09
fatejudgerHamsterchen: the US10:09
Hamsterchenand where exactly?10:10
fatejudgerHamsterchen: California10:10
fatejudgerHamsterchen: I'm sure you know where San Francisco is right?10:10
DaDaveis there a playlist like the media library available for linux? (something where i can see some streaming sources like in winamp)?10:10
Hamsterchenthe nice sunny california.10:10
fatejudgerHamsterchen: I live about 1 and 1/2 hours north of San Francisco10:11
fatejudgerHamsterchen: yeah, it's quite a pleasant day10:11
fatejudgerHamsterchen: about 80 degrees10:11
fatejudgerHamsterchen: Fahrenheit that is10:11
fatejudgerC = (80-35)/1.8 right?10:12
fatejudgeror is it 2010:12
fatejudgeror 25...10:12
Hamsterchendon't know but water boils at 100C10:12
fatejudgerI got that part10:12
fatejudgerand it freezes at 010:12
fatejudgerwhat is the hotkey for the degree sign10:13
Hamsterchenwhen does water boils in Fahrenheit?10:13
c0rrupt_im nessus'ing the planet10:13
fatejudgerI dunno, it's like 17010:13
fatejudgersome weird ass number, I tend to use the celcius scale more often for that kind of stuff10:13
Hamsterchenso Celisus X 1.7 = Fahrenheit ?!10:13
fatejudgerit's like F = (C - 25) * 1.810:14
Hamsterchenil look it  up on google10:14
fatejudgerjust google "80 degrees fahrenheit in Celsius"10:14
fatejudgerand it'll give you the answer10:14
fatejudgerusing google calculator10:14
Hamsterchenit's 176 F10:15
fatejudgerno it isn't10:16
fatejudgeryou'd be boiling10:16
HamsterchenI tipped 80 C into the Calculator and then it said 176F10:17
fatejudgeryeah well it isn't 80 degrees celsius here10:18
fatejudgerit's 80 degrees fahrenheit10:18
Hamsterchenthat's why I said "Celsius^^"10:18
fatejudger80 degrees Fahrenheit = 26.6666667 degrees Celsius10:18
nikkia30C here right now, which is way too hot for 9:20pm IMO10:19
Tm_TI was in sauna just a moment ago, over 80 ... hhhot10:19
nikkiatm_t, you can get out of a sauna10:20
nikkiaas much as i've tried stepping outside the universe, it doesn't work10:20
Hamsterchenhere it's also about 30C  but that's my foult. Just got 3 PC's running in my room10:20
Tm_Tnikkia: yeah, and I like to be in hot sauna (for a short moment)10:20
Tm_Tfinnish summer is short but atleast not much snow ;)10:21
Hamsterchenwe've got snow at winter10:21
Hamsterchenor spring10:21
Hamsterchenthen it's about -5C10:22
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Hamsterchensometimes a littlebit colder. but never more then -10C10:22
Tm_Tthat's hot to be a winter10:23
douglasWhere can I find, OOffice.org2 beta2 debian packages?10:23
Tm_Tit's normal to have -25'C and so on =)10:24
Hamsterchennot in Germany10:24
nikkiatm_t, worst i ever experienced, was a january i spent in wisconsin10:24
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Tm_Tyour loss10:24
nikkiatm_t, -40C, -55C with windchill10:24
Tm_Tnikkia: yeah, I know the feeling10:24
Hamsterchenoh OO10:24
Tm_Tnikkia: happens here too sometimes10:24
fatejudgerdouglas: on the openoffice.org website10:25
nikkiaand the other extreme, was when i was living in california, and it was 112F10:25
fatejudgernikkia: what, in Death Valley?10:26
fatejudgernikkia: it never gets that hot here10:26
nikkiafatejudger: no, it was a particularly hot day in the bay area in '9510:26
fatejudgernikkia: well that's where I live10:26
fatejudgernikkia: where were you located at?10:26
nikkiafatejudger: i live in the UK *now*10:26
nikkiafatejudger: at the time, i was living in mountain view10:26
fatejudgernikkia: hmm, you were on the east side of the bay area?10:27
fatejudgerI'm not exactly sure were moutain view is10:27
nikkiafatejudger: mountain view is about 10 miles north of san jose10:27
fatejudgeroh that's right10:28
fatejudgerI live in Windsor10:28
nikkiajust between palo alto and sunnyvale10:28
fatejudgera little ways north of there10:28
Hamsterchenthe british Windsor?10:28
fatejudgerthe California one...10:28
Hamsterchenthere is also one?!10:28
fatejudgerthere are a bunch of Windsors10:28
nikkiaHamsterchen: rule #1 of british town names: there will be at least 5 towns in the US called the same thing :P10:29
nikkia(altho we do quite well for ourselves with 'boston' :)10:30
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Hamsterchennikkia do you know how to config a pcmcia wlan card under kubuntu?10:31
nikkiaHamsterchen: config in what sense?10:31
Hamsterchenthat it works^^10:32
Hamsterchengot the problem that it has got all the information id needs (eg. ssid key etc.) but it can't connect to my router10:33
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Hamsterchenmaybe it loads the wrong driver, becouse the crad has 2 leds and they are not blinking or even "on".10:35
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douglasfatejudger: I can't seem to find a deb package of beta2, or anything for that matter10:36
Hamsterchenan idea nikkia?10:36
Hamsterchensomeone an idee in which channel I could aks such questions?10:37
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=== libben [n=libben@c80-216-85-8.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #kubuntu
libbenneed some help with this now =)10:44
libbenwhats the file to change the monitor settings.10:44
libbeni can only get 60 hz in high res10:45
libbenand my monitor supports higher10:45
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libbenk, weird.10:55
libbenwhy cant i use su?10:55
_StarScreamlibben: sudo10:55
libbeni type su in console and it gives me error mess10:55
_StarScreamlibben: there is no superuser10:55
_StarScreamubuntu uses sudo10:56
_StarScreamto escalate privs10:56
libbenbut in ubuntu u just typed su?10:56
libbenor was it sudo10:56
_StarScreamit was sudo10:56
_StarScreamif you do sudo passwd root10:56
_StarScreamthen you can use su10:56
libbenso what do i do know ?10:56
_StarScreamup to you which you choose10:56
libbenwhen i wanna do something10:56
_StarScreamwell sudo command10:56
_StarScreamthen put in your password10:56
libbenlibben@burken:/etc/X11$ sudo kate10:57
libbenError: "/var/tmp/kdecache-libben" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.10:57
libbenLink points to "/var/tmp/kdecache-root"10:57
libbenkate: ERROR: Communication problem with kate, it probably crashed.10:57
libbenlibben@burken:/etc/X11$  10:57
libbendoesnt work any good for me.10:57
jpatrickyou want to use kate?10:57
_StarScreamerm...thats not how you use kate10:57
jpatrickkdesu kwrite /path/to/file/10:58
_StarScreamkdesu kate10:58
libbenalot diffrent from ubuntu ill take it10:58
_StarScreamlibben: not really..thats a KDE thing 10:58
jpatrickwell just the command and app10:58
djibhow do you sudo a complex operation ?10:58
jpatricksuch as?10:59
djiblike cat blahblah >> blahblah210:59
_StarScreamdjib: like what?10:59
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libbenbtw, i wanna change my resolution and all that10:59
odatanyone know how i completely remove gnome?10:59
libbenin ubuntu i remember i typed something like reconfigure dpkg something10:59
djibapt-get remove --purge ubuntu-desktop ?10:59
djib_StarScream: like cat blahblah >> blahblah211:00
_StarScreamdjib: just jam sudo infront of it11:00
seaLnesudo cat blahblah >> blahblah211:00
djibwell it doesn't work when blahblah2 belongs to the root11:01
libbenwhat do i type to reconfigure my monitor?11:01
libbenand all that?11:01
djiblibben: dpkg-reconfigure xsession-xfree8411:02
jpatrickdjib: try sudo -s11:02
odatanyone know how i completely remove gnome?\11:02
djibisn't it xfree84 ?11:02
jpatrickit's Xorg11:02
djibi know it's xfree somethink11:02
djibok sorry11:02
libbendpkg-reconfigure xsession-xorg11:03
djibI'm pretty new with kubuntu, I'm an ex debian11:03
djibthen follow the instructions on the screen11:03
djibconfiguring the screen comes at the end11:03
seaLnedidn't think debian was that out of date to use xfree84 :)11:03
libbenxsession-xorg is not installed =)11:03
libbenwich is it now =)11:03
djibwell you can try xfree8411:04
djibyes, that's it !11:04
libbenwich does kubuntu use?11:04
djibthere is also krandrtray11:04
libbenso what to type then?11:04
seaLnewhat you trying to change?11:05
djiblibben: try krandrtray11:05
djibit's a program11:05
djibto resize the screen11:05
libbenthat nothing for me.11:05
libbenresolution right.11:05
libbenits the Vertical values and Horizontal values that are wrong.11:06
libbeni just wanna be able to have 85 hz again.11:06
libbeninstead of this 60 hz11:06
djiblibben; then dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:06
libbenxserver =)11:06
libbeni typed xsession11:06
seaLnemight be simplest to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:06
djiboh yeah sorry, that's what I wrote11:06
libbenseaLne:  well u need to run the reconfigure to make it take place?11:07
libbenits simple to edit the file..11:07
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libbenbut mustn i do something more after the file editing.11:07
seaLnejust restart X11:07
djibseaLne: if you edit xorg.conf manually, you can't use dpkg-reconfigure afterwards11:07
libbenthat was my view on it also =)11:07
libbenu fuck it up.. better use the reconfigure thing11:07
djiblibben: you must restart kde and kdm11:07
seaLnedjib: shouldn't stop it11:08
djibseaLne: it does11:08
seaLnewell i've always written my own config i suppose11:08
djib# If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated11:08
djib# again, run the following commands:11:08
djib#   cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.custom11:08
djib#   sudo sh -c 'md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf >/var/lib/xfree86/xorg.conf.md5sum'11:08
djib#   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:08
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djibthat's in the header of xorg.conf11:08
_StarScreamdjib: please use a pastebin11:09
djib_StarScream: what is it ?11:09
=== seaLne actually hates pastebins
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libbenim having major problems with kdesu and sudo11:09
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djibsorry, I'm pretty knew with IRC also ^^11:09
libbennothing works.11:10
seaLneunless its reeeaaaly big11:10
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djiblibben: did you restart kde and kdm ?11:10
libbenhavent gone so far to get into the depkg-reconfigure thing11:10
libbencause it wont let me sudo it11:10
seaLneno e in dpkg-reconfigure11:11
_StarScreamdjib: pastebin.com or pastebin.ca11:11
djib_StarScream: I don't get it11:12
djibwhat am I supposed to do with that N11:12
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_StarScreamdjib: put it in your browser11:13
seaLnereading/ignoring 6 lines is far easier than loading a url in a browser and having to refer back between it and irc *shrug*11:13
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_StarScreamseaLne: yes but if 3 or more people did that it would be chaos11:13
libbengonna restart the box11:14
libbensee if it helps11:14
libbendoubt it thou11:14
djibyeah I know that _StarScream, but once on the site, what do I do ?11:14
_StarScreamdjib: oh come on!!! instead of pasting 3+lines of whatever you paste it in there, then paste the link11:15
_StarScreamthat way people who aren't interested in your problem don't have to read x lines of config11:16
djib_StarScream: yeah I see, but I think that for 6 lines it's much more convenient to paste it directly in IRC11:17
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djibI will use pastebin if I paste a longer file next time11:17
djiblibben: works now ?11:17
djibDoes anyone has a Wacom graphire here ?11:18
libbeni think my system is fucked uo11:18
libbenor i dont know what to really do11:19
djibwhat did you do ?11:19
libbenrestarted the box11:19
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djibI mean to f... up the system11:19
libbeninstall kubuntu from a cd? 11:19
djibso you never got the screen working with kubuntu11:19
libbenwell, i installed it from cd. and then i couldent get it to access internet... but when it all was installed ... the internet worked11:20
libbenand i dont understand this sudo thing and kdesudo11:20
djibdid you try this sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg thing ?11:20
libbenit all worked great in ubuntu.11:20
djiblibben: open a terminal and paste in it :11:20
djibsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:20
odatanyone have a good way to completly remove gnome?11:21
libbenlibben@burken:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:21
libbendebconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process11:21
libbenwhy is it all fucked upp11:21
djiblibben: I think that the installation must have stoled11:21
djibMaybe you could try and install once more11:22
libbenwell, why should it work second time =)11:22
libbenmy problem is that i dident get internet acces from installation process.11:22
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djibI found that many websites are dead today... it may be linked...11:23
djibI don't know...11:23
libbendownloaded that iso and burned it..11:23
djibWell it should work then11:23
djibI really gotta go to bed sorry11:24
libbenwhy does it say ubuntu all over the system when its kubuntu =) 11:24
djibsee you all guys11:24
djiblibben: ubuntu and kubuntu is the same11:24
libbeni know11:24
seaLnekubuntu is ubuntu with kde11:24
djibfrom a ubuntu just install kubuntu-desktop11:24
djiband you get a kubuntu11:24
seaLneand vice versa11:25
odathow do i completely remove gnome once i switch to kde11:25
seaLneapt-get remove ubuntu-desktop?11:25
djibapt-get remove --purge ubuntu-desktop ? ;)11:25
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seaLnehmm ok its not called that11:26
seaLneyou could just remove gnome but if you aren't short of diskspace you might aswell keep it11:27
seaLneyou will probably find some GTK apps you like11:27
nikkiayeah, i wouldn't bother, you never know when you want to change the mime-type mapping that firefox uses, or something :)11:27
ttyS0hi.one day i tried to use callback feature. (of course my ISP supports it).i've entered all initialization string as said in manual, but after user verification connection doesn't finish. it works like it was before(without using callback). my isp uses pap-authentication. so what should i do?:)11:32
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djibnikkia: with about:config you can do many things even if you don't have gnome11:32
nikkiadjib, setting handlers in about:config isn't QUITE the same as the mime-types stuff firefox uses11:32
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nikkiathe effect is similar, though, but not the same11:33
djibif you say so...11:33
stoeptegelazureus keeps complaining or write access, how do i automaticly give azureus 775 permissions?11:33
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djibwhat are userspace and ondemand profiles ?11:40
djibfor Klaptop...11:40
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DanielHolthDoes kubuntu automount USB devices?11:50
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DanielHolthIt isn't in breezy for me.11:51
seaLneis for me11:51
seaLneshould pop up a konq window11:51
fatejudgeris it possible to use jackd in kubuntu?11:51
DanielHolthperhaps something is missing.11:51
seaLnei installed from colony3 at home and it does it11:52
seaLnemy work machine was hoary->breezy and it does it aswell11:52
DanielHolthI've got hal and hotplug and so forth going. I wonder what's up.11:53
DanielHolthby going I mean "installed"-11:53
DanielHolthfrightening cascades of updates daily!11:53
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AgentOrangedo i have to install gedit?12:00
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AgentOrange<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">12:00
AgentOrange<body><H2><A id="repositories" name="repositories">Repositories</A></H2></body>12:00
nikkiaheh, good old kate's lousy cut and paste :)12:01
AgentOrangemit@orange:~$ sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list12:02
AgentOrangesudo: gedit: command not found12:02

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