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jsgotangcohi JaneW 08:20
JaneWhi jsgotangco 08:31
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jsgotangcoogra, ping?11:37
ograjsgotangco, pong11:45
ograjsgotangco, you broke my CD yesterday11:45
jsgotangcoogra, will you be packaging the docs?11:45
jsgotangcoi was about to ask that11:46
ograobviously the doc-team decided that we dont have a package called ubuntu-quickguide anymore... so edubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop are uninstallable...11:46
ograwhich breaks the install directly after reboot11:46
ograand, indeed, i'll be packaging the docs ;)11:47
ograthere is already a bug open about it... its just odd to introduce such a harmful change during preview freeze :)11:48
ograanyway, i worked around it for now... dunno what ubuntu will do here11:48
jsgotangcowell jbailey was experimenting around with what is currently in svn11:49
jsgotangcowhat he did was remove all existing docs and dumped them into ubuntu-doc11:49
ograyup, but the binary was called ubuntu-quickguide before... thats what the seeds say... germinate expects it to be there11:49
ograso either you depend on ubuntu-docs (which is about being moved to universe because of this change) or you change the seeds...11:50
jsgotangcohmmm there's still ubuntu-quickguide11:50
ograi did the latter for edubuntu, but i think that might be not desired by ubuntu11:50
jsgotangcowonder if jbailey is aware of it11:51
ogranope... there is an old package of ubuntu-quickguide.... there is a ubuntu-doc with a newer version, so this old one wont be installable11:51
ograas i said, there is already a bug open about it...11:51
ograand Kamion (who filed it) seems not to be after changig the seeds11:52
jsgotangcowhat bug is this?11:55
ograand 03 ... the need to be merged...11:57
ograthey even11:57
jsgotangcoyes i'm CC myself11:57
jsgotangcowe can probably split some docs11:57
jsgotangcoquickguide to faqguide but same package11:57
ograyou should just make sure the seeds show what you actually offer...11:59
ograthe CD breaks only if this is out of sync.... so either remover ubuntu-quickguide from the seeds or re-introduce the package11:59
jsgotangcowill we be able to remove seeds at this time?12:00
ograi think so... but better ask colin/mdz12:10
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=== ..[topic/#edubuntu:ogra] : Welcome to the discussion channel for Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com edubuntu-devel | Wiki: http://www.edubuntu.org | Unstable CD image: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily/current - first official release due in October 2005. NEXT MEETING: Sept 2 12:00 UTC on #ubuntu-meeting. | CALL FOR TESTERS: to test our latest CD see: http://www.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuTesting many improvements have bee
=== ..[topic/#edubuntu:ogra] : Welcome to the discussion channel for Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com edubuntu-devel | Wiki: http://www.edubuntu.org | Unstable CD image: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily/current - first official release due in October 2005. NEXT MEETING: Sept 2 12:00 UTC on #ubuntu-meeting. | TEST OUR LATEST CD ! see: http://www.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuTesting many improvements have been made
ograbetter :)12:53
JaneWogra: CD is sounding promising :)01:13
ograJaneW, two manual steps left, all packages on CD... one step will be gone tonight, the second is a bit trickier, i first have to learn quickly how to make installer packages :)01:14
ograbut even if we are a day or two later then ubuntu with our preview through that, edubuntu will rock the ltsp world ... :-D01:15
ogratodays CD is really convincing...01:15
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JaneWwell done :))01:23
ograyup, i'm quite proud ;)01:24
JaneWyou should be :)01:27
JaneW(how's you cat now btw?)01:27
JaneWdid you see this... JaneW Another South African born dot-commer (Zip 2and PayPal), involved in space travel http://www.carteblanche.co.za/Display/Display.asp?Id=287901:28
ograthe cat is slowly recreating from the surgery...01:28
ograJaneW, that guy should hire mark as pilot ;)01:57
JaneWogra: indeed02:06
JaneWI loved his comment that he would pay $20M to NOT have to live in Russia for 6 months..02:06
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JaneWogra: so what license are we using for edubuntu now03:46
JaneWspecifically images?03:46
ogracreative commons sharealike03:47
ograsay cc-sa-2.503:47
ograi think elmo wants it for all artwork in the future, even for ubuntu03:48
ograas far as i understood him on the weeken03:48
JaneWI think that's what I was tryuing to use first, and then I changed it cos your guys were talking about GPL03:49
ograyup... at least you had a CC variant...03:49
JaneWIf I have to stop a bittorrent d/l half way through will I need to start it again from sctratch later, or can it carry on where it left off?03:50
ograthis one is a bit odd, since you cant just download it as txt file... it took me 20min to reformat it manuall from the html page03:50
ograit should just pick up again03:50
JaneWok thanks...03:51
JaneWI started d/ling something lareg which won;t finish before hometime, I wasn;t usre if it would be wasted if I stop it before it ends...03:52
ograit should just continue where it stopped... but i'm not a massive           torrentuser03:52
Orbyhello :)03:54
Orbysaw the thing about the torrent, your torrent should resume from where you left it, depending on the client i should check to see how much of the file you allready have and then just get the rest for you03:55
Orbyi havnt seen a client that doesnt support resuming yet...03:55
Orbyoh and sorry if i kinda butted into your convo half way through :P03:56
ograOrby, dont worry, thats what the channel is for :)03:57
JaneWorby np, and thanks04:00
Orbyits ok :), i've been idle in here for a bit, thought it was time i said something :)04:01
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ograOrby, nice to meet you then :)04:01
Orbynice to meet you also :D04:01
Orbyi'm in #ubuntu as well, but its giving me a headache trying to read what people are putting, its just scrolling toooo fast :)04:04
JaneWyes it's pretty hard to keep up there...04:04
ograhehe... yes, i started there too04:04
JaneWLOTS of users04:04
ograonly 320... thats not much04:04
ograat high times there were always around 50004:05
Orbywow now that is alot04:05
ograyup... it has gone down due to the spambot attacs the last days...04:06
Orbyoh ?04:06
ograthe attacs are less now... but its still not over i think04:08
=== Seveas [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #edubuntu
highvoltagealmost time to go home. aaaaaah.04:19
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magnonogra: how is the CD now? :)04:23
ograsee http://www.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuTesting04:23
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ograthe dhcp reload should be fixed today... the ltsp-build-client is a bit more tricky04:24
ograbut with those two manual steps its fine...04:24
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danjulesi tried to switch windows in irssi but i messed up :)06:47
ograwell counted guys :)06:48
magnonill install the daily cd right now06:50
magnonhope it works06:50
ografor me it did...06:51
ogra3 times ...06:51
magnonI have a server and client ready :P06:51
magnonanything specific you'd like to have tested?06:51
ograjust run it ... click around a bit try to use some apps... if you find errors, report them...06:52
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cyphasehey everyone09:09
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yvesChi all11:45
yvesCsomeone has tested gcompris from universe ?11:46
yvesCi think the deb is broken11:46
ograyvesC, in breezy ? 11:47
yvesCin hoary.11:49
yvesCit's fixed in breezy ?11:49
yvesCgcompris does not find pthon-gtk and run with 50 boards only11:49
ograits fixedin breezy....11:50
yvesCwhat version is in breezy?11:50
ograi havent worked on the hoary package, so i cant judge it, sorry... 11:50
yvesCyou have made the breezy package ?11:51
ograi had to add a lot of he 7.0 stuff to make it work with our current compiler... so its a 6.5.3 with some 7.0 love added11:51
yvesCdid you test the 7.0 in ubuntu ?11:53
ogranope, i just added the appropriate fixes to 6.5.3 to make it work right...11:54
ograbut 7.0 should compile fine based on my experience with backporting fixes i just didnt compile the whole cvs version...11:55
ograi'm confident we'll see it in breezy+111:55
yvesC7.0 needs pysqlite2. It's in breezy?11:55
ograi.e. in 6 weeks11:55
yvesCgood. So we could make a breezy deb for 7.011:56
yvesCthanks. I will test breezy tomorrow.11:56
ogragreat :)11:57
yvesCin edubuntu there will be all breezy ?11:57
ograand gcompris is preinstalled :)11:57
ograif you want to install edubuntu wihout ltsp server, just type "workstation" at the CD bootprompt and you get a normal ubuntu desktop with the edubuntu apps and (not yet) the edubuntu artwork11:59
yvesCin lstp case, for classroom, system means a login account for each kid ?12:00
ograduring install you set up the admin account, afterwards you can add accounts as you like... 12:02
ograi.e. one for every kid if you want to :)12:02
yvesCok. It's possible to update from hoary to edubuntu workstation directly?12:03
ograshould be possible... just do a hoary->breezy upgrade and install edubuntu-desktop on top12:05

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