=== ufo- [n=PunK@] has joined #launchpad | ||
ufo- | what happend to the export button in rosetta? | 01:11 |
ufo- | can't seem to find it anywhere | 01:11 |
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salgado | morning stub | 03:31 |
stub | Morning | 03:35 |
salgado | stub, I created a new celebrity (shipit-admins) in my shipit branch. should I create the team myself or can you do that when doing the rollout? | 03:40 |
stub | If you are a Launchpad admin, you can create it on production now. | 03:41 |
salgado | no, I'm not an admin | 03:42 |
stub | Can normal users create teams? | 03:42 |
=== stub isn't sure since he is an admin | ||
salgado | yes, they can | 03:42 |
stub | Ok - then you can create it too ;) | 03:42 |
salgado | done. :) | 03:47 |
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stub | spiv: Do you remember if list(foo) called len(foo) to preallocate the list size? | 06:30 |
spiv | stub: Yeah, it does. | 06:33 |
spiv | (And then swallows all exceptions from len(foo)!) | 06:33 |
stub | The swallowing is fixed in CVS. | 06:35 |
spiv | I remember reading that... that's good news :) | 06:36 |
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carlos | morning | 08:34 |
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SteveA | morning | 08:55 |
SteveA | spiv: i have some great zcml evil to perform this morning. | 08:56 |
spiv | SteveA: What sort of evil? | 08:59 |
=== stub [n=stub@203-217-37-199.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #launchpad | ||
SteveA | i need to add a 'facet' attribute to page, subdirective-page, addform, editform directives | 08:59 |
SteveA | i have worked out how to do so without duplicating code | 08:59 |
SteveA | but the hack is necesarily evil | 09:00 |
SteveA | i can wave my hands and imagine using events for zcml parsing in a way that would make this kind of customization easier | 09:05 |
SteveA | but i don't want to change the zcml parsing upstream just for this. | 09:05 |
carlos | SteveA, how is possible that the export page is failing now because a missing title? did you change anything mandatory with latest production update? | 09:06 |
SteveA | i didn't do anything, and seeing as i can't merge into pqm at the moment, i don't think i can have. | 09:07 |
carlos | SteveA, I mean with last week update | 09:07 |
SteveA | sd-tux mentioned the problem here. i looked at the error log page on the server, and saw an AssertionError about that pagetitle being missing. | 09:07 |
carlos | anyway, it's an easy fix | 09:07 |
SteveA | carlos: i haven't merged anything into pqm at all recently. | 09:08 |
SteveA | i have no idea what changed to remove that pagetitle, or change the name of the template in that way. | 09:08 |
carlos | me neither | 09:08 |
SteveA | maybe someone else's refactoring? and with no test to catch it, it didn't get properly refactored. | 09:08 |
carlos | but one thing is true... a pagetest is missing :-( | 09:09 |
carlos | yeah | 09:09 |
=== robitaille [n=robitail@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #launchpad | ||
lifeless | allo allo | 09:32 |
SteveA | hello | 09:35 |
lifeless | I spent the plane flight hacking up another proof-of-concept unittest plugin. | 09:37 |
lifeless | as a -not-work-projet- | 09:37 |
lifeless | http://www.robertcollins.net/unittest/testresources/ | 09:37 |
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carlos | SteveA, I'm having problems with a tal macro, could you help me or are you too busy? | 09:50 |
SteveA | carlos: i can help | 09:50 |
carlos | SteveA, thank you | 09:50 |
SteveA | lifeless: can you sort out my pqm access? | 09:50 |
carlos | SteveA, I'm following the instructions we have at https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/PageTemplateHacking | 09:51 |
carlos | but every time I try to refer to the macro, I get a KeyError with the name of the macro | 09:51 |
SteveA | can i see your template code? in Kinnison's paste bin? | 09:52 |
lifeless | SteveA: on it | 09:53 |
SteveA | thanks | 09:53 |
carlos | SteveA, https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/file5PQ1uO.html <- This is the error | 09:53 |
SteveA | and the template source? | 09:53 |
carlos | SteveA, https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filefQmE2H.html | 09:53 |
Kinnison | Anyone object to me updating dogfood right now? | 10:02 |
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carlos | Kinnison, none at all | 10:02 |
carlos | I mean no objections at all | 10:03 |
Kinnison | cool | 10:03 |
=== Kinnison wonders what will be broken in dogfood today | ||
carlos | Kinnison, did you discover why your checkout was getting wrong code? | 10:03 |
Kinnison | carlos: No, it's very very confusing | 10:03 |
=== stub [n=stub@203-217-37-199.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #launchpad | ||
carlos | stub, hi, I was not able to test staging and this weekend my export failed because mawson ran out of disk space, so I'm doing the export now (again) | 10:05 |
SteveA | carlos: i cannot see anything that would cause a problem. we need to go into the debugger | 10:05 |
Kinnison | carlos: how much more space does mawson need? | 10:06 |
carlos | stub, I will tell you as soon as possible if it's ok to run that script on production | 10:06 |
=== Kinnison can probably free up another two gigs or so | ||
stub | carlos: I'll need to run it again - the database was reset yesterday | 10:06 |
carlos | Kinnison, it has 55GB now, I suppose someone removed something | 10:06 |
carlos | SteveA, ok | 10:06 |
SteveA | carlos: can we pair-program the debugging? | 10:06 |
carlos | stub, oohh... | 10:07 |
SteveA | using screen or vnc? | 10:07 |
carlos | stub, please, do it, I will stop the export then | 10:07 |
carlos | SteveA, sure | 10:07 |
carlos | I just need to setup it | 10:07 |
carlos | SteveA, what do you prefer? | 10:07 |
carlos | screen or vnc? | 10:07 |
SteveA | let's try vnc | 10:07 |
carlos | ok | 10:08 |
BjornT | carlos, SteveA: just in case you didn't know, that error often happens when the template containing the macro contains some error, like a mal-formed or missing tag or something. | 10:08 |
=== carlos opens the port | ||
SteveA | BjornT: good point | 10:09 |
carlos | hmm | 10:09 |
=== carlos takes a look again.. | ||
SteveA | carlos: you can try removing surrounding parts of the page template | 10:09 |
SteveA | one part at a time | 10:09 |
lifeless | SteveA: fixed | 10:09 |
SteveA | until the error goes away | 10:09 |
BjornT | using the post-mortem debugger and print obj probably tells you something useful as well | 10:10 |
lifeless | stub: ping | 10:11 |
lifeless | stub: I'd like to copy my reply to you to Jim. | 10:11 |
stub | lifeless: Can you paste it somewhere? My mail provider is down | 10:12 |
=== carlos [n=carlos@243.Red-83-47-24.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad | ||
SteveA | lifeless: anything i should know about? | 10:12 |
carlos | grrr, I killed my X session | 10:13 |
=== SteveA resubmits to pqm | ||
SteveA | carlos: you might also try removing all metal: stuff (change the namespace to xmetal) to ensure the page renders okay without it | 10:14 |
SteveA | fix any problems in the page, then re-enable the metal | 10:14 |
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carlos | SteveA, the page has no problems at all | 10:15 |
lifeless | SteveA: nope, PBCAK at this end | 10:16 |
lifeless | stub: I've pasted it to you, are you happy for me to send that to jim and you ? | 10:16 |
carlos | and the error is still there if I leave the macro empty | 10:16 |
stub | beep beep beep.... I meant the web paste service ;) | 10:16 |
lifeless | stub: ? | 10:17 |
lifeless | I'm not really in the habit of pasting draft-public-mails to a web paste service. | 10:17 |
stub | https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/ (but I have it now - stopped beeping ;) | 10:17 |
lifeless | draft-private I mean. | 10:17 |
carlos | SteveA, fixed | 10:18 |
SteveA | okay | 10:18 |
stub | lifeless: Sure - Send a copy to Jim too | 10:18 |
SteveA | what was it? | 10:18 |
carlos | SteveA, just moving it inside the <div metal:fill-slot="main"> tag was enough | 10:19 |
lifeless | SteveA: I've copied you | 10:19 |
carlos | I suppose it's a scope problem | 10:19 |
SteveA | if you can produce a minimal example, then i can probably explain what is going on, and see if it is a bug in page templates. | 10:19 |
=== zyga [n=zyga@2-mi2-1.acn.waw.pl] has joined #launchpad | ||
carlos | SteveA, https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileAhWTyu.html vs. https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileZNg3lJ.html | 10:29 |
carlos | That's the only change I did | 10:29 |
SteveA | ah | 10:30 |
SteveA | okay, so in the example that didn't work, you weren't actually defining the macro at all | 10:30 |
SteveA | because you were using the define-macro in a part of the template that was being thrown away | 10:30 |
carlos | yeah, I guess | 10:31 |
zyga | carlos: hello | 10:32 |
carlos | zyga, hi | 10:32 |
carlos | SteveA, I need to send an argument to that macro, something like a fill-slot but as a <tal:block define=....> | 10:34 |
carlos | SteveA, I don't see anything about that in our FAQ | 10:34 |
carlos | zyga, I suppose you want to talk about GNOME imports, right? | 10:34 |
Kinnison | dogfood back running, thanks for your patience | 10:38 |
SteveA | carlos: you cannot put arguments into a macro. there are other ways to do what you need to do. | 10:40 |
SteveA | for example, you can put the define="..." around the use-macro | 10:40 |
zyga | carlos: exactly | 10:44 |
zyga | carlos: pitti told me yesterday that they are invoked manually | 10:44 |
zyga | carlos: but since 2.12 is already frozen we could trigger that import to get an up-to-date view of the situation | 10:45 |
zyga | (especially since polish translators were busy enough to get near 100%) :-) | 10:45 |
carlos | SteveA, something like?: | 10:51 |
carlos | <metal:use | 10:51 |
carlos | metal:use-macro="template/macros/translation-suggestions" | 10:51 |
carlos | tal:define="submissions python:messageSet.getSuggestedSubmissions(index)"> | 10:51 |
SteveA | carlos: maybe. i don't know if that will work. i'd say, to be clear, <tal:block tal:define="submissions ..."><metal:block metal:use-macro="..."> .... </tal:block> | 10:52 |
carlos | zyga, we are not imoporting any GNOME module outside the Ubuntu's packages we have that is done automatically | 10:52 |
carlos | SteveA, I have that already | 10:53 |
carlos | SteveA, but when I try to use submissions inside the macro, I get a KeyError | 10:53 |
carlos | I tried to move the tal:define inside the meta:use-macro with the same error | 10:54 |
ddaa | stub: help! | 10:54 |
stub | eh? | 10:54 |
ddaa | I need to get "make check" in launchpad to apply BranchDataStorage.sql before running tests | 10:55 |
ddaa | since I'm in a launchpad/branches sprint now | 10:55 |
ddaa | I renamed pending/BranchDataStorage.sql to patch-25-22-0.sql | 10:55 |
SteveA | carlos: show me the code | 10:56 |
ddaa | and tried cd database/schema ; make | 10:56 |
ddaa | but then I get | 10:56 |
ddaa | 08:52:14 CRITICAL patch-25-22-0.sql failed to update LaunchpadDatabaseRevision correctly | 10:56 |
cprov | jamesh: ping ? | 10:56 |
stub | Add to the end of the patch 'INSERT INTO LaunchpadDatabaseRevison VALUES (25, 22, 0)' | 10:57 |
carlos | SteveA, https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filexc96R7.html | 10:57 |
ddaa | stub: how should I diagnose/fix handwave-away the problem? | 10:57 |
stub | ddaa: Actually - pick a higher number like 78 or something - makes it easier for me if it accidently lands in rocketfuel | 10:57 |
carlos | SteveA, the <tal:block condition="submissions"> raises the KeyError | 10:57 |
carlos | inside the macro definition | 10:57 |
stub | ddaa: (ie. call itpatch-25-90-0.sql, with 'INSERT INTO LaunchpadDatabaseRevision VALUES (25, 90, 0)' added to the end) | 10:58 |
ddaa | ack | 10:58 |
ddaa | hu... ha, okay, I see, the Makefile checks whether the LaunchpadDatabaseRevision table looks consistent with the names of applied patches | 11:00 |
SteveA | carlos: although you can say <tal:block condition="...">, I think it reads more clearly to always use tal:condition | 11:01 |
SteveA | so, use <tal:block tal:condition="..."> | 11:01 |
SteveA | that way, people can visually scan the source for tal:condition | 11:01 |
carlos | ok | 11:02 |
SteveA | so, you have: | 11:02 |
SteveA | <div metal:fill-slot="main"> | 11:02 |
SteveA | <metal:define metal:define-macro="translation-suggestions"> | 11:02 |
SteveA | <tal:block condition="submissions"> | 11:02 |
SteveA | you're defining a macro | 11:02 |
SteveA | however, the macro will still be output at this point in the template | 11:02 |
SteveA | there is no variable 'submissions' defined at this point | 11:03 |
carlos | right | 11:03 |
SteveA | you have a choice. you can choose that you want to display the macro here, where is is defined, so you need to make 'submissions' mean something. or say tal:condition="submissions|nothing". OR, you can decide you don't want to show the contents of the macro here, and surround it in tal:condition="nothing" | 11:04 |
carlos | how could I do to fix that? | 11:04 |
carlos | hmmm | 11:04 |
carlos | last option looks better | 11:04 |
ddaa | stub: now, it blows up in the "* Security setup" | 11:04 |
ddaa | File "security.py", line 237, in main | 11:04 |
ddaa | assert obj_name in schema.keys(), 'Bad object name %r'%(obj_name,) | 11:04 |
ddaa | AssertionError: Bad object name 'public.changeset' | 11:04 |
stub | Did we drop the changeset table? | 11:05 |
dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: debbugssync, hct enabling, and ui fixes. r=jamesh (patch-2018: mark.shuttleworth@canonical.com, scott@canonical.com) | 11:05 |
dilys | Merge to thelove@canonical.com/bazaar--devo--1.5: Fixed relative dest path for "baz export" (used to panic), mini API for management of user errors (patch-63: Matthieu.Moy@imag.fr) | 11:05 |
=== ddaa checks | ||
stub | Or renamed it? Same effect | 11:05 |
carlos | SteveA, thanks | 11:06 |
SteveA | it should become 'revision' | 11:06 |
ddaa | Yes, "ALTER TABLE Changeset RENAME TO Revision;" | 11:06 |
ddaa | where are the security chicken bones, so that I rethrow them? | 11:06 |
stub | ddaa: Edit security.cfg and change references to public.changeset to public.revision | 11:07 |
ddaa | ack | 11:07 |
stub | (in database/schema) | 11:07 |
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lifeless | jamesh: ping | 11:09 |
ddaa | stub: now, I have a sampledata conflict. I reverted my tree and db, but I'm looking for the magic word to apply the db patch to the live sampledata so I can "make newsampledata". How do apply a sql patch on the sampledata? | 11:19 |
lifeless | jamesh: ping | 11:21 |
stub | First build a fresh database without your patch (rename it to something not patch-25-??-?.sql to do this) | 11:21 |
stub | ddaa: Then run your patch manually (psql -d launchpad_dev -f my-renamed-patch.sql) | 11:22 |
stub | ddaa: Then modify your sampledata, and run 'make newsampledata' as per the documentation | 11:22 |
=== BjornT heads out for lunch and some appointments | ||
stub | ddaa: You can then put your dbpatch back in place | 11:23 |
stub | (yes - this is a pita but I'm not sure if it can be improved easily without making other compromises) | 11:23 |
=== carlos -> breakfast | ||
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niran | i'm trying to get a bazaar mirror of a project that's currently developed using cvs, so if i register the project with launchpad and tell it the cvs server, will the mirror automatically be created? | 11:45 |
Kinnison | spiv: ping? | 11:45 |
ddaa | stub: I have another problem... | 11:46 |
ddaa | When trying to update the sampledata, I get this error: | 11:46 |
ddaa | psql:pending/BranchDataStorage.sql:88: ERROR: new row for relation "branch" violates check constraint "valid_name" | 11:46 |
ddaa | oh... | 11:47 |
ddaa | I think I see... the update script produces a number of empty names... | 11:47 |
lifeless | niran: it will get tested for importabailty yes | 11:47 |
ddaa | also, we are going to need to add "@_" as valid chars for branch names | 11:47 |
lifeless | niran: and you can chat with jblack or ddaa here to get the mirror checked more carefully | 11:47 |
ddaa | stub: is that okay to add those chars to the valid_name regex? | 11:48 |
niran | lifeless, ok, thanks | 11:48 |
stub | ddaa: There is already valid_branch_name - use that. We can't add those characters to valid_name | 11:48 |
stub | I must have added it after creating that basic patch. | 11:48 |
ddaa | Oh, right, I missed it in my confusion :) | 11:48 |
=== ddaa now tries to find out where the empty names come from | ||
=== zyga [n=zyga@2-mi2-1.acn.waw.pl] has joined #launchpad | ||
spiv | Kinnison: pong | 11:59 |
Kinnison | spiv: any chance you can go over the remaining stuff in cprov's buildd branches? | 12:00 |
Kinnison | spiv: We need them mergable asap | 12:00 |
Kinnison | jamesh has done a bunch of review already and I believe cprov has dealt with most, if not all, of his comments | 12:01 |
spiv | Kinnison: Ok. celso.providelo@canonical.com/launchpad--buildd--0 and celso.providelo@canonical.com/launchpad--buildd-queuebuilder-archaware--0? | 12:03 |
Kinnison | cprov: ? | 12:04 |
cprov | Kinnison: spiv: yes, they two | 12:04 |
zyga | carlos: is there any way to star translating a template without any translated messages? | 12:04 |
spiv | cprov: Ok. | 12:05 |
carlos | zyga, sure | 12:08 |
cprov | spiv: great, special attention to the buildd which contains killing process issues, would be nice if you can suggest something based on your librarian experience | 12:08 |
WaterSevenUb | zyga, 'morning zyga... how went your installation tests of breezy?:) | 12:08 |
carlos | zyga, why do you think you cannot do that? | 12:08 |
WaterSevenUb | zyga, in the translation side of course. | 12:08 |
spiv | cprov: I'll take a look, but the librarian never spawns subprocesses, so I don't think there's any particular insight to be gained there. | 12:09 |
lifeless | pqm does | 12:09 |
lifeless | so whatever you do, it can feed inot PqmRobustness :0 | 12:09 |
cprov | spiv: right, get inside, you'll probably have something better than that in mind | 12:10 |
zyga | WaterSevenUb: morning :-) | 12:11 |
zyga | WaterSevenUb: pretty good but I've found one annoying issue | 12:11 |
zyga | WaterSevenUb: installation path: warty->upgrade is terrible due to clashes in xfree86-common and xorg.common (rgb.txt somewhere) | 12:12 |
zyga | WaterSevenUb: as for colony CD it's not perfect yet but I'm already pulling the fresh one :) | 12:12 |
WaterSevenUb | zyga,and what about those issues of "Time Zone Configuratoin" and "ubuntu configuration" (post-install)... did you find them? | 12:12 |
zyga | WaterSevenUb: well I'd love to but those templates just don't appear on the list | 12:13 |
zyga | WaterSevenUb: no, they were not in any of the .po files breezy has - probably unmarked | 12:13 |
WaterSevenUb | zyga, well... the point is .... should we annoy Carlos again to point us someone we could talk to before we report the problem somewhere?;) | 12:14 |
WaterSevenUb | carlos, :) | 12:15 |
zyga | WaterSevenUb: I'd rather grep the source package | 12:15 |
zyga | WaterSevenUb: write a patch and then annoy the hell out of people :) | 12:16 |
zyga | WaterSevenUb: similar case: 'hibernate this computer' | 12:16 |
zyga | WaterSevenUb: do you know where that is? | 12:16 |
WaterSevenUb | zyga, that one is on my "todoWhereTo" list too :) | 12:17 |
zyga | WaterSevenUb: translators should be able to pull a list of .pot files with *every* string extracted | 12:18 |
zyga | and a list with only marked strings extracted | 12:18 |
zyga | that would solve 99% of the problems | 12:18 |
zyga | if we had a clone of pitti he could spare some time to do this | 12:18 |
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hannosch | jordi: ayt? | 12:22 |
WaterSevenUb | zyga, yeah, I agree. | 12:23 |
zyga | WaterSevenUb: I'll be hacking synaptic in the meantime, minor issues though | 12:23 |
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=== ddaa just notice some minor synaptic UI crack | ||
zyga | ddaa: ? | 12:27 |
ddaa | zyga: when running it for the first time, after updating packages, it displays a dialog "everything went fine" with a checkbox to automatically close the dialog at the end of future updates. | 12:27 |
ddaa | Clicking on the checkbox closes the dialog. | 12:27 |
ddaa | That is helpful, in the sense that when you click the checkbox, you want the dialog to go away pretty soon, but that is suprising because, well... checking a checkbox should not close the window! | 12:28 |
ddaa | just a minor WTF, not really a blocker | 12:28 |
carlos | WaterSevenUb, zyga I cannot help you too much with that kind of issues as I hadn't time too look into those things. Usually, is better if you ask the maintainer of those packages or the Ubuntu team if you don't know the exact package. | 12:33 |
zyga | carlos: that's okay - we know you are really busy :) | 12:35 |
carlos | zyga, thank you | 12:38 |
carlos | stub, what's the ETA finish for the whitespace script on staging? | 12:38 |
lifeless | 2006 | 12:38 |
bob2 | haha | 12:38 |
stub | carlos: 10.2459 done (400000 of 3904014). eta 21:24:20.121362 | 12:39 |
carlos | lifeless, kiko would hate you :-) | 12:39 |
carlos | stub, thanks | 12:41 |
SteveA | lifeless: i haven't received a reply from pqm yet | 12:41 |
bob2 | did you check the pqm status page? | 12:42 |
=== carlos -> shower | ||
zyga | carlos: why is synaptic not in rosetta? | 12:42 |
lifeless | http://pqm.ubuntu.com/ | 12:42 |
lifeless | suggests you should not have | 12:42 |
Kinnison | cprov, spiv: It seems jamesh was reviewing one of the branches, Can you coordinate and check that everything looks sane on that? | 12:42 |
SteveA | lifeless: thanks | 12:42 |
zyga | carlos: (as far as /pl is concerned) | 12:43 |
zyga | carlos: synaptic + rosetta = b0rked https://launchpad.net/products/synaptic/+translations | 12:45 |
=== asgeirf [n=asgeirf@203-173-59-20.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #launchpad | ||
sivang | is launchpad still donw? I still can't open launchpad integration pages.. | 12:58 |
carlos | zyga, automatic imports are off for a couple of days while pitti does some changes to the buildd <-> rosetta path, it should be restored soon and synaptic will appear | 12:59 |
ddaa | stub: I'm almost there, but I still need your help for a little thingy | 01:00 |
ddaa | 10:58:16 WARNING No permissions specified for ['"public"."branchmessage"', '"public"."branchsubscription"', '"public"."revisionparent"'] | 01:00 |
ddaa | what should I do to make it happy? | 01:00 |
stub | ddaa: You need to add some security declarations to security.cfg for those tables. Currently only superuser accounts have access to them, which is a problem. | 01:02 |
ddaa | Well, I do not think that any code is actually using those, yet... | 01:02 |
ddaa | so it's not a terribly big problem, but lifeless thinks I should fix the problem right now. | 01:03 |
stub | ddaa: Then ignore the warnings. If you want to silence them, stick a section 'public.branchsubscription=' in the [public] section should do the trick | 01:03 |
ddaa | nothing after the = sign? | 01:03 |
stub | ddaa: Nope. That explicity says 'give no permissions' | 01:03 |
ddaa | thx | 01:04 |
stub | So anything attempting to access them will raise an exception, and the relevant entries added to security.cfg then. | 01:04 |
ddaa | Yup, way to go. | 01:04 |
ddaa | I'm not going to give speculative permissions that I will forget about and which will come back to hit me later. | 01:05 |
=== Keybuk [n=scott@syndicate.netsplit.com] has joined #launchpad | ||
zyga | WaterSevenUb: do you know where can we translate lanuchpad integration details? | 01:17 |
WaterSevenUb | zyga, no. Let me know if you find it. I will let you know if I find it. (I'm currently busy ) | 01:19 |
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zyga | WaterSevenUb: well... that was easier than I though ... apt-get source launchpad-integration | 01:27 |
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=== Nafallo [n=nafallo@unaffiliated/nafallo] has joined #launchpad | ||
=== niemeyer [n=niemeyer@mandriva/developer/niemeyer] has joined #launchpad | ||
niemeyer | Morning! | 01:46 |
cprov | spiv: ok, nice idea to kill process, I'm implementing it . | 01:49 |
spiv | cprov: No worries. | 01:50 |
spiv | cprov: I'm about to go to bed, so if you want anything else from me, send me an email and I'll do it tomorrow morning. | 01:50 |
spiv | (I see that jamesh has followed up to the reviews) | 01:51 |
Kinnison | thanks spiv | 02:02 |
=== Kinnison ruffles | ||
=== BjornT [i=10183@82-135-221-189.ip.takas.lt] has joined #launchpad | ||
Keybuk | right | 02:34 |
Keybuk | so next thing to try | 02:34 |
Keybuk | cd /tmp | 02:34 |
Keybuk | hct source dbus | 02:34 |
niemeyer | File "/home/niemeyer/src/mango-sorbet/pybaz/backends/forkexec.py", line 384, i raise ExecProblem(self) | 02:35 |
niemeyer | ExecProblem: baz exited with code 2 (expected exit code 0) | 02:35 |
niemeyer | argv: 'get', 'TO-BE-DELETED@REALLY-DO-NOT-USE.ubuntu.com/dbus--orig--0.36.2--pat* error report | 02:35 |
niemeyer | get: could not connect to the archive for (TO-BE-DELETED@REALLY-DO-NOT-USE.ubunt2005-09-05 09:34:40,373 INFO hct.source.SourceTree.Library Removing library | 02:35 |
Keybuk | ah, d'oh | 02:35 |
Keybuk | baz register-archive sftp://casey.ubuntu.com/srv/launchpad.ubuntu.com/archive | 02:35 |
Keybuk | and try again :p | 02:35 |
Keybuk | (you may have to delete a "dbus" directory) | 02:36 |
niemeyer | Hummm.. | 02:37 |
niemeyer | It looks like I don't have an account on that machine | 02:37 |
Keybuk | elmo: ? ^ | 02:38 |
niemeyer | Humm.. | 02:38 |
niemeyer | I do | 02:38 |
Keybuk | you should have an sftponly account | 02:38 |
niemeyer | I thought the mail to db.warthogs.hdb.com would install the key everywhere, but it looks like it wasn't the case. | 02:39 |
niemeyer | Ok, I've registered the frightening TO-BE-DELETED@REALLY-DO-NOT-USE.ubuntu.com archive. :) | 02:40 |
=== dand [n=dand@gw.datagroup.ro] has joined #launchpad | ||
Keybuk | it's supposed to, bug elmo about that <g> | 02:41 |
Keybuk | yeah, Mark picked that name | 02:41 |
Keybuk | it's trying to hint that you shouldn't branch off it | 02:41 |
Keybuk | ah ... elmo's actually usefully given you an account | 02:42 |
Keybuk | (a real one, that is) | 02:42 |
=== niemeyer hct source dbus | ||
niemeyer | Great! | 02:43 |
niemeyer | I've installed my key manually, so everything is fine now. :) | 02:43 |
niemeyer | You've mentioned that I'd need Launchpad working. What parts of hct interact with launchpad right now? | 02:43 |
Keybuk | right | 02:44 |
Keybuk | so mango-sorbet is my development config, which I use for testing distro-side stuff | 02:44 |
Keybuk | it's got two main bits in it ... | 02:44 |
Keybuk | hct -- which is the generic module bit, the utility library (hct.util) and the command-line interface (hct.cli) | 02:45 |
Keybuk | sourcerer -- which is the source package importer -- it uses hct, but isn't "part" of it | 02:45 |
Keybuk | it doesn't have any of the launchpad stuff | 02:45 |
Keybuk | now, if you look at your launchpad config, it also has a lib/hct and lib/sourcerer which match these two | 02:45 |
Keybuk | launchpad also has the server-side stuff | 02:46 |
Keybuk | lib/canonical/launchpad/hctapi.py <-- the direct-to-database backend code | 02:46 |
Keybuk | lib/canonical/launchpad/daemons/trebuchet.py <-- the xml-rpc server | 02:46 |
niemeyer | Hummm... I see | 02:47 |
Keybuk | so, how the backends work: | 02:47 |
Keybuk | hct doesn't have any real concept of a source package, or how to find them. or anything like that. It just wants a Manifest object | 02:47 |
Keybuk | so it uses a backend to convert an arbitrary string into a Manifest object | 02:47 |
Keybuk | so when you typed "hct source dbus", the following happened: | 02:48 |
Keybuk | - it parsed it as a URL, saw there was no scheme, so added the default ("hct") scheme to it | 02:48 |
Keybuk | - it looked up the handler for the "hct" scheme (hct.backends.xmlrpc) | 02:48 |
Keybuk | - it called the hct.backends.xmlrpc.get_manifest() function passing "hct:///dbus" to it | 02:49 |
Keybuk | - the backend made an XML-RPC call to the trebuchet server on casey | 02:49 |
Keybuk | (but with the "hct:///" bit stripped off) | 02:49 |
Keybuk | - trebuchet made the same call to hctapi.get_manifest() | 02:49 |
Keybuk | - which parsed the string, looked up the record in the database, and made a Manifest object | 02:50 |
Keybuk | - trebuchet pickled the Manifest object by turning it into XML | 02:50 |
Keybuk | - the xmlrpc backend unpickled it and returned it | 02:50 |
Keybuk | -- | 02:50 |
Keybuk | there's two backends in hct -- xmlrpc which handles the "hct" scheme and is the default | 02:51 |
Keybuk | and xmlfiles which handles any other scheme | 02:51 |
Keybuk | so, infact, you can do something like: | 02:51 |
Keybuk | hct source file:///tmp/dbus/{hct}/++manifest | 02:51 |
niemeyer | (I'm following.. keep going :) | 02:51 |
Keybuk | that'll parse it as a URL, see the "file" scheme, use the hct.backends.xmlfiles.get_manifest() function which treats the rest of the string as a filename, and loads it directly | 02:52 |
Keybuk | the logic for all of this is in hct.url | 02:52 |
Keybuk | backend modules "plug" themselves into that | 02:53 |
Keybuk | the top of hct.cli.command imports the xmlfiles and xmlrpc backends to make sure they're both available | 02:53 |
Keybuk | the top of sourcerer.bubblewrap imports the hctapi backend from launchpad (which shares the API) | 02:53 |
Keybuk | the hctapi backend is the "best" so the "lp:///" scheme it implements becomes the default | 02:54 |
Keybuk | so using the hct code within sourcerer reads and writes directly to/from the database rather than going over xml-rpc | 02:54 |
niemeyer | Who's the guy parsing the manifest | 02:55 |
niemeyer | (and doing something useful with it) | 02:56 |
niemeyer | ? | 02:56 |
Keybuk | depends what you mean by parsing | 02:56 |
Keybuk | if you're reading a database object, it's hctapi | 02:56 |
niemeyer | Sorry.. rephrasing | 02:56 |
Keybuk | if you're reading an xml file, it's xmlfiles | 02:56 |
Keybuk | if you're reading an xml-rpc response, it's xmlrpc (which actually uses xmlfiles) | 02:56 |
niemeyer | Who runs baz by looking at the manifest? | 02:56 |
Keybuk | hct.manifest | 02:56 |
Keybuk | and, partly, hct.sourcetree | 02:56 |
niemeyer | Right | 02:58 |
=== mpt [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad | ||
Keybuk | that stuff needs cleaning up a bit, I want to move a lot from sourcetree into manifest itself | 03:00 |
=== mp1 [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad | ||
=== mpt [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad | ||
niemeyer | You mentioned that sourcerer reads/writes directly to/from the database. It looks like it asks the backend to do that, and the backend is xmlrpc. What piece am I missing? | 03:01 |
Keybuk | at the top of bubblewrap it imports "canonical.launchpad.hctapi" | 03:01 |
Keybuk | which is in launchpad/lib/canonical/launchpad/hctapi.py | 03:01 |
Keybuk | that registers itself as a backend with a higher priority than the xmlrpc one | 03:02 |
Keybuk | (and with the "lp:///" scheme) | 03:02 |
niemeyer | Ah, ok | 03:02 |
niemeyer | So it doesn't use xmlrpc when being run from launchpad | 03:02 |
Keybuk | right | 03:02 |
Keybuk | make a copy of your launchpad tree (or another get) | 03:02 |
Keybuk | then: | 03:03 |
Keybuk | baz switch -d launchpad scott@canonical.com--2005/launchpad--sourcerer-production--0 | 03:03 |
Keybuk | baz switch -d launchpad/lib/hct scott@canonical.com--2005/hct--devel | 03:03 |
Keybuk | baz switch -d launchpad/lib/sourcerer scott@canonical.com--2005/sourcerer--devel | 03:03 |
Keybuk | -- | 03:03 |
Keybuk | you'll then get a scripts/sourcerer-import.py | 03:04 |
Keybuk | as this deals with the database directly, it cheats and uses the hct.where_am_i() function to construct a url with an "lp:///" scheme -- forcing the database backend to be used for the import | 03:04 |
=== niemeyer cp -r launchpad launchpad-scott | ||
niemeyer | Keybuk: I'd like to build a "package" from scratch (rather than asking sourcerer to import it). Is it possible? | 03:07 |
=== niemeyer baz build-config coffee | ||
Keybuk | nope | 03:09 |
Keybuk | it will be, one day, but right now existing sources is much more important | 03:10 |
niemeyer | Sure.. I'd just like to go through the process to understand it. | 03:13 |
niemeyer | I'll try to follow it internally | 03:13 |
=== niemeyer switching launchpad | ||
niemeyer | Keybuk: Is there any dummy database backend which doesn't require launchpad/a xmlrpc server to be running? | 03:18 |
Keybuk | no, unless you could the xmlfiles one | 03:19 |
Keybuk | which only implements the get_manifest function | 03:19 |
niemeyer | Keybuk: Is hct currently storing anything in the database, besides manifests? I mean, those entries mentioned in the manifest, they're all under a baz archive, right? | 03:22 |
Keybuk | right | 03:24 |
Keybuk | so there's a bunch of tables | 03:24 |
Keybuk | Manifest -- which is the top-level table | 03:24 |
Keybuk | ManifestEntry -- which is the record for each entry in the manifest, and linked to the top-level table | 03:24 |
Keybuk | ManifestAncestry -- which records the descent of each manifest, which one it was based on and which were "merged in" | 03:24 |
Keybuk | each ManifestEntry references Branch and Changeset, which in turn reference ArchNamespace and ArchArchive, etc. | 03:25 |
Keybuk | those are the ones we write to | 03:25 |
Keybuk | we read from quite a few, the Product, ProductSeries, ProductRelease descent | 03:25 |
Keybuk | and the Distribution, DistroRelease, SourcePackagePublishingHistory, SourcePackageRelease descent | 03:25 |
Keybuk | but we never create those, we rely on dyson and gina (respectively) to do that | 03:26 |
niemeyer | Ok | 03:27 |
Kinnison | What's PQM's situation currently? | 03:29 |
Keybuk | there's a spec (DevelopmentManifests) for adding another table to link Person to Manifest (so you can have "my dbus") but that's still a spec | 03:29 |
Keybuk | it's almost 10 minutes work, but depends on a bunch of stuff to be useful, so it's waiting in the wings | 03:29 |
cprov | Kinnison: possibly it got lost with spiv's job at 8 AM | 03:30 |
niemeyer | Understood | 03:30 |
cprov | lifeless: or elmo: could you kick PQM ? | 03:30 |
lifeless | done | 03:33 |
=== Keybuk goes for lunch | ||
=== Nafallo [n=nafallo@unaffiliated/nafallo] has joined #launchpad | ||
cprov | lifeless: thank you | 03:43 |
=== sabdfl [n=mark@] has joined #launchpad | ||
sabdfl | mpt: are kiko and salgado around? | 04:05 |
sabdfl | carlos: we have a problem | 04:07 |
dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=spiv] something/enumvalue:VALUE for page templates (patch-2344: steve.alexander@canonical.com) | 04:07 |
sabdfl | we should not have the review-foobar-1 templates building up like this | 04:08 |
mpt | sabdfl: No, I'm not sure where they are | 04:10 |
mpt | kiko came back from Rio last night, apparently | 04:11 |
sabdfl | mpt: k thanks | 04:11 |
mpt | and salgado left the apartment before I did, I think, but he's not here, so I'm not sure where he is | 04:11 |
sabdfl | could you ask kiko to ping me when he gets in? | 04:11 |
mpt | sure | 04:11 |
sabdfl | thanks | 04:11 |
sabdfl | how's it going over there? | 04:11 |
mpt | the usual | 04:11 |
mpt | Warm, windy, and not enough RAM for baz :-) | 04:12 |
sabdfl | does anybody else have the ./makepagetest thing fail? SteveA? | 04:12 |
sabdfl | assert (request and response) or not (request or response) | 04:12 |
sabdfl | AssertionError | 04:12 |
sabdfl | is the end of the traceback | 04:12 |
=== Seveas [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #launchpad | ||
SteveA | sabdfl: interesting. there are a couple of open bugs on it. can you put the whole traceback in https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste ? | 04:13 |
sabdfl | https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/file7ljmEl.html | 04:14 |
mpt | sabdfl: kiko just called me -- he's working on the monthly report for Jane, and he'll be in the office in about 1.5 hours | 04:14 |
sabdfl | mpt: thanks | 04:15 |
SteveA | sabdfl: do you still have /tmp/page-test.2gvIFd around? | 04:15 |
sabdfl | slinky% ls -al /tmp/page-test.2gvIFd ~/projects/ubuntu/launchpad | 04:17 |
sabdfl | total 72 | 04:17 |
sabdfl | drwx------ 2 mark mark 4096 2005-09-05 15:12 . | 04:17 |
sabdfl | drwxrwxrwt 22 root root 12288 2005-09-05 15:16 .. | 04:17 |
sabdfl | -rw-r--r-- 1 mark mark 1729 2005-09-05 15:11 watch0001.request | 04:17 |
sabdfl | -rw-r--r-- 1 mark mark 24473 2005-09-05 15:11 watch0001.response | 04:17 |
SteveA | basically, there is some request data that did not meet with a response. the zope test creation stuff is bitching about that. | 04:17 |
sabdfl | -rw-r--r-- 1 mark mark 1731 2005-09-05 15:12 watch0002.request | 04:18 |
sabdfl | -rw-r--r-- 1 mark mark 24483 2005-09-05 15:12 watch0002.response | 04:18 |
sabdfl | yes | 04:18 |
sabdfl | interesting | 04:18 |
SteveA | okay, can you tar that directory up, and mail it to me | 04:18 |
SteveA | i'll be able to use that to see what's up | 04:18 |
sabdfl | i've noticed it does some weird stuff, like reordering the pages sometimes | 04:18 |
sabdfl | there are quite a few dirs like that | 04:18 |
sabdfl | do you want the lot? | 04:18 |
SteveA | just the one called /tmp/page-test.2gvIFd | 04:18 |
SteveA | that's the one that caused it to fail | 04:19 |
sabdfl | it was small | 04:19 |
sabdfl | you got the lot | 04:19 |
sabdfl | it's been failing quite a bit for me | 04:19 |
sabdfl | right now it just will not handle the sequence of pages i am trying to record | 04:20 |
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=== mpt [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad | ||
SteveA | there's nothing obviously suspicious about the captured data. i'll run it through the "create a page test from this" thing, and see why it is failing. | 04:23 |
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=== zyga [n=zyga@2-mi2-1.acn.waw.pl] has joined #launchpad | ||
SteveA | okay, reproduced the error | 04:33 |
sabdfl | phew | 04:36 |
sabdfl | my hair loss is accelerating | 04:36 |
ddaa | SteveA: heya | 04:36 |
sabdfl | not one of my attempts has worked :-) | 04:36 |
SteveA | i haven't fixed the error -- just reproduced the exact problem with the data you have sent to me | 04:36 |
SteveA | but, gimme a few minutes... | 04:36 |
SteveA | hi ddaa | 04:37 |
ddaa | SteveA: got a problem with the new Branch goo. | 04:37 |
SteveA | ddaa: can we talk in 15 mins? | 04:37 |
lifeless | SteveA: who else knows NotFoundError on attributes with new interfaces? | 04:37 |
lifeless | SteveA: we'll ask them | 04:37 |
SteveA | Bjorn may be able to help | 04:38 |
lifeless | BjornT: ping | 04:38 |
BjornT | hi lifeless | 04:38 |
lifeless | BjornT: we may have solved it, una momento | 04:38 |
lifeless | BjornT: we have, never mind | 04:39 |
BjornT | cool | 04:39 |
ddaa | did not save interfaces/pyarch.py after remove the IBranch from __all__ there... | 04:39 |
dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: Added initial support to show suggestions for multiline entries r=kiko (patch-2345: carlos.perello@canonical.com) | 04:42 |
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SteveA | sabdfl: want an instant totally hackish fix? | 04:51 |
SteveA | python -O makepagetest.py (usual args here) | 04:52 |
Keybuk | hmm, I appear to have misunderstood the way Python's logging works | 04:58 |
Keybuk | if I have Logger("foo") and Logger("foo.child") | 04:59 |
Keybuk | and foo's level is 30, but foo.child's is 10 | 04:59 |
Keybuk | I thought foo.child.debug(...) shouldn't appear, because it's parent level is higher | 04:59 |
=== dand [n=dand@gw.datagroup.ro] has joined #launchpad | ||
dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=spiv] Additions and some minor bug fixes to the email interface. (patch-2346: bjorn.tillenius@canonical.com) | 05:13 |
=== Lovechild [n=dnielsen@0x50c71cc7.adsl-fixed.tele.dk] has joined #launchpad | ||
mpt | SteveA: How's menus going? | 05:18 |
SteveA | mpt: very nicely! a little later today, you'll have some page<->menu assignment to do | 05:19 |
SteveA | but now, i must go out and collect a bicycle. | 05:19 |
mpt | heh, cool | 05:20 |
SteveA | it's taking way too long to walk to the office | 05:21 |
SteveA | so, bjorn inspired me to get a bike | 05:21 |
mpt | I have a bike, and I was going to spend this lunchtime getting a helmet | 05:23 |
mpt | but I'm too hungry | 05:23 |
SteveA | added how to work around failing makepagetest.py in https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/LaunchpadHackingFAQ | 05:25 |
=== Kinnison glares at apt-ftparchive | ||
Kinnison | it's so slow | 05:30 |
mpt | hmm | 05:33 |
mpt | Does a team have packages? | 05:33 |
mpt | Or is it people only who do? | 05:33 |
mpt | (er, "only people") | 05:33 |
lifeless | both | 05:35 |
mpt | thanks lifeless | 05:36 |
cprov | interesting -> http://www.bestpractical.com/rt/ , why not use Malone for it ? smells hypocrisy from our part :( | 05:43 |
dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=kiko] More karma for the Malone users. (patch-2347: bjorn.tillenius@canonical.com) | 05:43 |
elmo | cprov: eh? | 05:44 |
Kinnison | malone isn't a trouble-ticket tracker | 05:46 |
cprov | elmo: just wondering what does it have better than we can do in malone ? not criticising at all, just wondering ... | 05:47 |
elmo | cprov: RT is a dedicated issue/ticket tracker, malone is a bug tracker? | 05:47 |
cprov | Kinnison: but I can't see why it can't be, what differs from one to other | 05:47 |
=== robitaille [n=robitail@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #launchpad | ||
cprov | elmo: right, TRAC is also a issue tracker and can be used for both purposes | 05:48 |
elmo | cprov: IME bugs and ticket tracking are entirely different things | 05:48 |
elmo | TRAC is a software issue tracker | 05:48 |
elmo | which is just really an extension of bugs | 05:48 |
elmo | (AFAIK, I have to admit I've never used TRAC) | 05:49 |
=== vinsci [n=vinsci@dsl-sjkgw2jb1.dial.inet.fi] has joined #launchpad | ||
vinsci | hi carlos | 05:50 |
vinsci | carlos, how is your email request going? | 05:50 |
cprov | elmo: perhaps I'm just missing the small features differences, but IMHO they are quite same thing .. but ok, you have a deeper look on RT docs and see, probably my fault on this | 05:50 |
cprov | s/you/I'll | 05:51 |
=== cprov tries to punish his fingers for such a horrible mistake, considering the context .. sorry | ||
=== Kinnison imagines cprov doing a house-elf style slamming of fingers in a door as punishment | ||
cprov | Kinnison: actually, I'm using your chair, more discret but still painful | 05:56 |
Kinnison | hehe | 05:57 |
=== Kinnison thought you found that chair comfortable | ||
Kinnison | you can sit on some screws and nails if the chair is painful | 05:57 |
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=== kiko [n=kiko@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad | ||
kiko | G | 06:01 |
kiko | M | 06:01 |
kiko | V! | 06:01 |
Kinnison | pardon? | 06:01 |
elmo | ood | 06:02 |
elmo | orning | 06:02 |
elmo | ietnam | 06:02 |
Kinnison | oh | 06:02 |
ddaa | mpt: ping | 06:02 |
cprov | Kinnison: the chair is extremely confortable, stay with the fingers under the chair is what I meant. | 06:03 |
Kinnison | cprov: heh | 06:03 |
kiko | how is everyone? | 06:03 |
=== salgado [n=salgado@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad | ||
cprov | kiko: morning sounds a bit late for br time and early for vietnan though, how is it going ? | 06:05 |
kiko | well, morning is whenever I arrive at the office until lunch | 06:06 |
kiko | not too bad | 06:06 |
kiko | have a report to send off in a second | 06:06 |
mpt | ddaa: pong | 06:09 |
cprov | kiko: fair enough, should I say: "this life will kill you" ehe | 06:12 |
kiko | sent | 06:13 |
dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=jamesh,spiv] Fix buildd job abort action, unicode handling on slave and buildd-monitor improves. (patch-2348: celso.providelo@canonical.com) | 06:16 |
cprov | ouw ... finally | 06:18 |
=== SteveA returns | ||
salgado | hey SteveA. have one minute to talk about ShipitStandalone? | 06:29 |
SteveA | salgado: okay, let's doit | 06:31 |
salgado | so, should I just copy what we have for launchpad and change the text and the main template used? | 06:33 |
SteveA | i need to catch up on where you're at with it | 06:34 |
SteveA | i think i have an email explaining the work so far... | 06:34 |
=== niran [n=niran@cpe-67-10-213-51.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #launchpad | ||
SteveA | yep, got it | 06:34 |
SteveA | salgado: let me spend a few minutes reading this | 06:34 |
salgado | sure | 06:35 |
elmo | who's responsible for the CoC stuff? | 06:38 |
SteveA | cprov and salgado | 06:38 |
elmo | cprov/salgado: https://launchpad.net/people/mail-slomosnail/+codesofconduct | 06:39 |
cprov | elmo: yup, did anything go wrong ? | 06:39 |
elmo | cprov/salgado: why is it listed in both active and inactive? | 06:39 |
elmo | and is there any way for me to get the actual signed CoC? | 06:39 |
=== Arnia [n=jgeldart@128-14-101-159.adsl.legend.co.uk] has joined #launchpad | ||
cprov | elmo: no perm for me, only the own user can see it or admin | 06:39 |
cprov | elmo: btw, why i'm not admin, can someone promote me ? | 06:40 |
elmo | cprov: I've no idea | 06:40 |
SteveA | salgado: okay, i've read it | 06:40 |
Arnia | salgado: Hi. Could you tell me what the reasons were for not using DOAP in launchpad's RDF please. lifeless pointed me to you. | 06:40 |
elmo | you're the launchpad team ;-P | 06:40 |
cprov | elmo: how do you mean ? "get" is download the the original CoC or see if the CoC signature of this guy ? | 06:41 |
elmo | cprov: http://people.ubuntu.com/~james/x/screenshot.jpg | 06:41 |
elmo | cprov: download the CoC as he signed it | 06:42 |
elmo | so I can verify it for myself etc. | 06:42 |
cprov | elmo: yes, unfortunatelly a poor member .. | 06:42 |
cprov | elmo: lp.net/codesofconduct/console/ | 06:43 |
elmo | 404? | 06:43 |
elmo | aha, codeofconduct | 06:43 |
salgado | Arnia, the right person to answer this would be morgs, but he's on vacation now. | 06:44 |
salgado | a | 06:44 |
cprov | elmo: oh, pardon me | 06:44 |
salgado | Arnia, I guess we're not using DOAP because we had to extend it a little to suit our needs | 06:44 |
elmo | cprov: what do I put in the From: box? | 06:44 |
cprov | elmo: displayname .. | 06:45 |
Arnia | salgado: Hum... ok, not sure why you'd need to create a whole new vocab for that. Any idea when morgs will be back? | 06:45 |
lifeless | salgado: oops,thought it was you. my bad. | 06:45 |
elmo | cprov: aha, ok, thanks | 06:45 |
cprov | elmo: dsilvers has tried and found | 06:45 |
elmo | cprov: how does the code work, does it check the md5sum? | 06:45 |
=== SteveA chats to Arnia | ||
cprov | elmo: yes, checks the GPG signature then the content md5 | 06:46 |
salgado | Arnia, no, I don't know when he'll be back. sorry | 06:47 |
salgado | SteveA, so, do we have a plan? | 06:48 |
cprov | elmo: did I solve your problem ? in this console you can also acknowledge paper signatures and deactive signatures. | 06:49 |
SteveA | salgado: 2 mins | 06:49 |
elmo | cprov: yes, thanks, that's great | 06:53 |
cprov | elmo: nice, thank you for testing it | 06:54 |
SteveA | salgado: okay, let's go | 06:54 |
cprov | SteveA: could you include my lp user in the LaunchpadAdmins team ? | 06:55 |
SteveA | cprov: no | 06:55 |
SteveA | cprov: i am not an administrator of that team | 06:55 |
SteveA | https://launchpad.net/people/admins | 06:55 |
salgado | SteveA, for that you only need to be a member of that team | 06:56 |
salgado | because that makes you a launchpad admin, which can do almost everything | 06:56 |
SteveA | okay | 06:57 |
SteveA | done | 06:57 |
cprov | SteveA: thank you | 06:57 |
cprov | SteveA: btw, why do we have Daniel Silverstone listed twice in the team member list / | 06:58 |
SteveA | maybe he didn't merge his accounts | 06:58 |
cprov | ok two lp users | 06:58 |
SteveA | Kinnison: any idea? | 06:58 |
SteveA | salgado: what do we need to talk about? | 06:59 |
Kinnison | SteveA: I *did* merge my accounts | 06:59 |
Kinnison | SteveA: It's a holdover from a broken peoplemerge | 06:59 |
Kinnison | the dsilvers account is the one I use | 06:59 |
Kinnison | the kinnison one is defunct | 07:00 |
salgado | SteveA, what I need to do to have a standalone /shipit, where people can login, place new orders and change existing ones | 07:00 |
SteveA | do you have an apache you can configure, and a locally running launchpad running your shipit code? | 07:00 |
SteveA | that would be the best, to test this out | 07:00 |
salgado | I can arrange that | 07:01 |
SteveA | ok | 07:01 |
elmo | you guys know fix-whitespaces-in-translations.py is using > 1Gb and rising of memory on staging, right? | 07:02 |
lifeless | yup | 07:02 |
salgado | SteveA, so, what I need is to create something like a ShipItApplication, rooted at /shipit and then start registering the pages under it? | 07:05 |
SteveA | okay, so you haven't made that yet? | 07:06 |
salgado | no, I haven't | 07:06 |
SteveA | yeah, that's the way to do it | 07:06 |
SteveA | that wiki page described the right approach | 07:06 |
SteveA | i'm not exactly sure about the details of logging in and out though | 07:06 |
SteveA | but, let's get the basic thing up there | 07:07 |
SteveA | in the suburl directive, you can say what the new layer is beneath that suburl | 07:07 |
SteveA | so, you'll also need to define a Shipit layer | 07:07 |
SteveA | and register a new main template on the shipit layer | 07:07 |
salgado | right, I think I already have that | 07:07 |
SteveA | you can get that far, and test it out, without using apache | 07:08 |
SteveA | but it will be good to make sure it works properly with all the proxypass stuff for virtual hosting | 07:08 |
salgado | right. how do I register the main template for the new layer? I couldn't find that out | 07:08 |
SteveA | you know how the main template is registered generally? | 07:08 |
salgado | no, I don't | 07:09 |
SteveA | actually, it is registered twice! but the registration in registry.zcml should go away | 07:10 |
SteveA | so, the main template is registered like this: | 07:10 |
SteveA | <browser:page | 07:10 |
SteveA | for="*" | 07:10 |
SteveA | permission="zope.Public" | 07:11 |
SteveA | name="main_template" | 07:11 |
SteveA | template="...../main-template.pt" | 07:11 |
SteveA | /> | 07:11 |
SteveA | and you need to register one on the shipit layer, so in the shipit.zcml, repeat the above, but add in layer="canonical.launchpad.layers.ShipitLayer" | 07:12 |
SteveA | and that says, when you have the shipit layer, use this other template | 07:12 |
SteveA | and of course, it shoudl be called shipit-main-template.pt | 07:12 |
salgado | ok. this is in lp/configure.zcml? | 07:12 |
SteveA | the original is | 07:12 |
SteveA | but you should put it all in shipit.zcml | 07:12 |
SteveA | i need to remove the rest of the stuff from canonical.lp sometime | 07:13 |
Kinnison | SteveA: I have a branch which is effectively an agglomoration of a bunch of otherwise trivial changes, which by the time I want to merge will probably total around a 500 line diff. Now a 500 line diff isn't trivial in-and-of itself, yet each change is trivial. Once I have it ready, would you be okay to cast your eye over it and give me an rs= ? | 07:13 |
SteveA | Kinnison: when will it be? | 07:14 |
Kinnison | SteveA: depending on when apt-ftparchive finishes, this evening some time | 07:14 |
sabdfl | SteveA: any progress on the makepagetest front? | 07:14 |
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SteveA | sabdfl: yes, i replied on channel ages ago, and it is in the LaunchpadHackingFAQ | 07:15 |
Kinnison | SteveA: I can drop the patch as it currently stands somewhere for you to look at before it's ready if that'll help | 07:15 |
SteveA | Kinnison: okay, depending when i finish tonight, either tonight, or tomorrow morning | 07:15 |
Kinnison | thanks. This is a blocker for a couple of cprov's branches but we can work around the delay | 07:16 |
=== Kinnison wishes this test would run faster | ||
SteveA | salgado: let's talk through the ShipitStandalone open issues | 07:16 |
elmo | person.id is stable right? | 07:17 |
elmo | in the sense that y'all aren't going to run around changing it under me | 07:17 |
Kinnison | I certainly hope we won't | 07:17 |
SteveA | elmo: it is stable. but it is nice if external systems don't use it. | 07:18 |
SteveA | salgado: ping | 07:18 |
salgado | SteveA, so, #1. can we do self.context = getUtility(ILaunchBag).user ? | 07:18 |
SteveA | so, you want a person as the context | 07:20 |
SteveA | i guess you can do that. there are a couple of ways to arrange this | 07:20 |
SteveA | you can do it on traversal from your ShipitApplication, so that traversal from there is by looking up views on a Person | 07:20 |
sabdfl | SteveA: worked a treat | 07:21 |
SteveA | but for this, it is probably better to have views be registered to IShipitApplication | 07:21 |
SteveA | and have the __init__ of the view store a person that can be used. | 07:21 |
salgado | yes, that's what I thought | 07:21 |
SteveA | sabdfl: cool. so, there is some weird problem with a GET request for some image, and the response to that being lost or mangled. | 07:21 |
SteveA | sabdfl: using -O should still give you the important stuff. i'll check sometime to see if the code has been improved upstream. | 07:22 |
SteveA | salgado: using IShipitApplication as the context also means you won't get so many inappropriate pages being available | 07:23 |
SteveA | on "How hard is it to do +register and +forgottenpassword? Should we do it?" | 07:23 |
SteveA | the hard part is not the URLs, but the need for emails going to a different domain than usual | 07:24 |
sd-tux | hallo carlos , I'm waiting for a fix of the bug https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/1978 .. is there any workaround solution to download translation..? | 07:24 |
Kinnison | SteveA: If spiv gets up before I'm done, I'll ask him to review it | 07:24 |
SteveA | also, as regards shipit in general, note that canonical_urls may possibly not work as you want. | 07:24 |
salgado | SteveA, you mean, they'll point to launchpad.net/shipit/* instead of shipit.ubuntu.com/* ? | 07:25 |
SteveA | salgado: i'm actually not sure, without checking the code. they might well work properly. | 07:26 |
SteveA | salgado: but, we need to test it using apache / virtual hosting stuff | 07:26 |
SteveA | so, when you've done the new layer, new main template, and a couple of pages, let's try it out with apache in the mix | 07:26 |
salgado | sure | 07:26 |
SteveA | salgado: okay. i'm going to get back into some infrastructure hacking. | 07:27 |
mpt | ddaa: pongity-pong | 07:35 |
ddaa | mpt: nevermind | 07:36 |
kiko | BjornT, a question for you. for a zope3-widget (used on a regular view), how would I go about adding an extra attribute to the HTML? I wanted to add an onchange to it | 07:41 |
SteveA | isn't there an "extras" for that, or some such keyword argument | 07:42 |
kiko | yeah, but that's only for add/editforms | 07:42 |
SteveA | i think there is an equivalent thing for individual widgets | 07:42 |
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kiko | I couldn't figure it out from reading the z3 code,but I only spend 45s looking at it | 07:43 |
SteveA | 'extra' as a kw arg, dude | 07:44 |
vinsci | SteveA, the LaunchpadHackingFAQ doesn't seem to mention how to get the released code. | 07:45 |
SteveA | zope/src/zope/app/form/browser/widget.py, line 462 | 07:45 |
BjornT | kiko: yeah, SteveA is right. you can specify extra in the browser:widget directive as well. | 07:46 |
kiko | browser:widget, hmm | 07:46 |
kiko | vinsci, the code isn't publically available yet -- that's why :) | 07:46 |
SteveA | vinsci: that's not what the LaunchpadHackingFAQ is for. that FAQ is to help people who are coding on launchpad, and may be helpful for people coding on zope3 in general. | 07:47 |
vinsci | kiko, well, SteveA said some of it was, and promised to get me the link days ago ;) | 07:47 |
kiko | ah, right | 07:47 |
SteveA | carlos has the release of the poparsing stuff on his todo list. i thought it had already been done and put out there. | 07:47 |
SteveA | we need to find time to release the librarian too... | 07:47 |
vinsci | SteveA, ok, I've not heard back from him yet | 07:48 |
sabdfl | SteveA: i'm running breezy now, and it seems as though a bunch of IntegrityError's got turned into ProgrammingError's | 07:48 |
SteveA | sabdfl: these are database-level things? | 07:49 |
sabdfl | SteveA: yes | 07:49 |
SteveA | i guess they're being emited by postgresql 8 on breezy | 07:49 |
SteveA | is it causing a problem? | 07:49 |
sabdfl | i'm using 7.4 | 07:52 |
sabdfl | i think it is in the python module that talks to psql | 07:52 |
SteveA | apt-cache policy python2.4-psycopg | 07:53 |
SteveA | what does that tell you? | 07:53 |
SteveA | i'm on 1.1.18-1ubuntu5 | 07:54 |
SteveA | which is from hoary/main | 07:54 |
SteveA | there is a 1.1.19 release | 07:55 |
SteveA | nice! | 07:55 |
SteveA | * ZPsycopgDA/db.py (DB.query): applied patch from Jonathan | 07:55 |
SteveA | Stoneman to automatically try to reconnect *once* on | 07:55 |
SteveA | OperationalError. This fix the problem with Zope loosing the | 07:55 |
SteveA | connection to the database when PostgreSQL is restarted. | 07:55 |
SteveA | * Applied patch from James Henstridge to avoid segfaults in | 07:56 |
SteveA | _curs_doall() (see psycopg mailing list "PATCH: psycopg1 | 07:56 |
SteveA | thread-safety bug in commit() and rollback()" for details. | 07:56 |
SteveA | * James Henstridge did it again: another patch to fix segfaults | 07:56 |
SteveA | related to calling certain methods on a closed connection object. | 07:56 |
kiko | fun | 07:56 |
SteveA | and the thing mark's seeing is probably | 07:57 |
SteveA | * cursor.c (_psyco_curs_execute): applied patch submitted to | 07:57 |
SteveA | tracker (ticket #10) to fix the problem with wrong exception types | 07:57 |
SteveA | on PostgreSQL 8.x. | 07:57 |
Keybuk | kiko: I still can't change anything on launchpad wrt hrt | 07:57 |
SteveA | http://initd.org/pub/software/psycopg/ChangeLog | 07:57 |
kiko | Keybuk, really? walk me through this. what URL are you on? | 07:58 |
kiko | SteveA, but sabdfl said it was 7.4? | 07:59 |
Keybuk | https://launchpad.net/products/hct/+bugs/1039/+index | 07:59 |
Keybuk | as me | 07:59 |
Keybuk | it says "You cannot change this status page: you are not the assignee or a maintainer of upstream hct." | 07:59 |
kiko | Keybuk, try again. | 08:01 |
=== kiko swear he had done that before | ||
kiko | swears even | 08:01 |
Keybuk | that's better | 08:01 |
kiko | let me know if you have any other issues. | 08:01 |
Keybuk | okies | 08:02 |
sabdfl | 1.1.18-1ubuntu6 | 08:03 |
SteveA | kiko: that's the postgresql version | 08:03 |
sabdfl | SteveA: yes, i've got postgres 7.4, which is the same as hoary | 08:04 |
SteveA | sabdfl: that's interesting for two reasons. 1. why has the exception changed? 2. why isn't the most recent release in breezy? | 08:04 |
SteveA | it was released on 2005-07-16 | 08:05 |
SteveA | i'll ask doko | 08:05 |
sabdfl | hmm | 08:07 |
sabdfl | i'm on pg 7.4.8 | 08:07 |
sabdfl | what's in hoary? | 08:07 |
kiko | Installed: 7.4.7-2ubuntu2.1 | 08:07 |
SteveA | 7.4.7-2ubuntu2.1 from security | 08:07 |
vinsci | rosetta is rather slow | 08:16 |
vinsci | seems I can translate 10 strings faster than it saves them... :-/ | 08:17 |
vinsci | oh well, back to kbabel for the real stuff.... :) | 08:18 |
dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial] Fix bug 1968, fix bug 1663, and make portlet links underlined for Kinnison (patch-2349: mpt@canonical.com) | 08:27 |
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zyga | launchpad-dev-people: how often is launchpad upgraded on the production system | 08:27 |
vinsci | weekly, according to the faq | 08:28 |
Nafallo | zyga: every tuesday IIRC | 08:28 |
SteveA | weekly, unless there is something that requires an urgent upgrade | 08:28 |
SteveA | like a serious bug that there's a quick fix for | 08:28 |
zyga | ah, good to know | 08:28 |
SteveA | special things are usually decided during the weekly developers' meeting | 08:29 |
SteveA | the date and time of it is always in the channel's title | 08:29 |
SteveA | the next one is on thursday, 12:00 UTC | 08:29 |
zyga | SteveA: could the karma page inform the user how often the stats are updated? | 08:31 |
SteveA | salgado's the karma master | 08:31 |
SteveA | let's see what salgado says | 08:32 |
sabdfl | kiko: did you send me a spec-system review in the end? | 08:33 |
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kiko | sabdfl, no, I'm still intending on doing it this week -- last week had too many last-minute requirements, I'm afraid | 08:35 |
kiko | sabdfl, I'm going to start using it this week, so I'll send you feedback together perhaps | 08:35 |
sabdfl | ok. i'm asking spiv for a review of the ticket tracker today | 08:35 |
kiko | okay cool | 08:36 |
salgado | zyga, it's updated daily, but we don't store the time when it was last updated | 08:37 |
sabdfl | mpt: help | 08:45 |
sabdfl | with tickets, i'd like to put the "ticket description" in a nice box. what class should I use on the div? | 08:45 |
zyga | salgado: I was rather talking about 'This page is updated daily" | 08:46 |
mpt | sabdfl: boardComment, perhaps? | 08:49 |
mpt | or boardCommentDetails | 08:49 |
salgado | zyga, sorry, I misunderstood what you said. the +karma page (where you see your activity log) is dinamically generated, so when you file a bug the correspondent action will show up there instantaneously. it's your karma counter that's updated only once a day | 08:51 |
zyga | salgado: yes, yes I was talking about that | 08:51 |
zyga | salgado: I've noticed it's updated daily but a message saing so would remove some confusion probably :) | 08:52 |
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dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=kiko] ignore emails with an empty Return-Path header. (patch-2350: bjorn.tillenius@canonical.com) | 08:57 |
kiko | any clue where carlos is? | 08:59 |
niemeyer | Keybuk: What's your idea regarding the pristine assembled tree vs. the real seembled tree? | 09:16 |
salgado | SteveA, ping? | 09:17 |
Keybuk | means that the assembled tree can be changed, and we can work out how | 09:17 |
niemeyer | Keybuk: Is this being used currently? | 09:18 |
Keybuk | no | 09:18 |
SteveA | salgado: | 09:19 |
niemeyer | Keybuk: Understood.. was just curious if I'd be missing something. | 09:20 |
Keybuk | there's lots of things like that | 09:20 |
salgado | SteveA, is it possible to override the "+login" page that's registered for all interfaces? I need to use a custom one for shipit | 09:20 |
SteveA | salgado: not easily | 09:21 |
niemeyer | Keybuk: You have a very nice code style. | 09:21 |
SteveA | salgado: i suggest that you just write a +login view for IShipitApplication | 09:22 |
SteveA | called something different | 09:23 |
salgado | yes, I did that | 09:23 |
salgado | the problem is when you try to access a page that's protected while you're not logged in | 09:23 |
salgado | SteveA, is there anything I could do in this case? | 09:24 |
SteveA | salgado: yes | 09:25 |
SteveA | salgado: you need to write an UnauthorizedView for the ShipitLayer that does what you want | 09:26 |
SteveA | salgado: see lib/canonical/launchpad/webapp/login.py for the standard UnauthorizedView | 09:26 |
sabdfl | kiko: any news on the langpack front? | 09:27 |
salgado | SteveA, cool. thank you | 09:27 |
kiko | sabdfl, I'm trying to talk to carlos, but apparently, the script is still running. I'll give carlos a call if he doesn't show up in another 30mins | 09:28 |
SteveA | it's getting late in spain | 09:28 |
sabdfl | and in lithuania :-) | 09:29 |
kiko | I know, but I didn't get any updates today and carlos knows I want to know how this is going | 09:29 |
SteveA | sabdfl: i'm on a roll. can't stop the momentum | 09:32 |
niemeyer | Keybuk: I was wondering how do you plan to do the move from baz to bzr. Do you plan to reimplement WorkingTree and Branch, or perhaps create a "pybzr" layer which behaves like pybaz? | 09:39 |
niemeyer | Keybuk: (I hope you don't mind if I bother you with those questions) | 09:41 |
Keybuk | WorkingTree and Branch changes | 09:44 |
Keybuk | they're actually designed a bit more like bzr-style than baz-style anyway | 09:44 |
niemeyer | Cool | 09:45 |
Keybuk | you could theoretically implement hct on any revision control system that supported merge history | 09:46 |
niemeyer | Keybuk: Interesting indeed. I'm slowly being enlightened about what hct does. Initially I belived that hct was also a kind of "meta source", which was able to build different package formats from the same information. | 09:48 |
niemeyer | Keybuk: But it looks like it's more like a "meta storage" specialized in package-styled version control. | 09:49 |
Keybuk | yeah, it's definitely the latter | 09:50 |
niemeyer | In other words, it's able to fetch information from different sources to rebuild a "state", and make it very comfortable to hack on that information, and rebuild the planned structure. | 09:50 |
Keybuk | martin calls it "meta-version-control" :p | 09:51 |
niemeyer | But the different pieces must be in their correct format already (e.g. a control file must be a control file wherever it is). | 09:52 |
Keybuk | right, then there's some fun bits ... because we have each state in a useful structure and have the history of that structure, we can compare two different states of the same thing | 09:52 |
Keybuk | in other words, we can compare the Debian and Ubuntu source packages | 09:52 |
Keybuk | or the Ubuntu and RedHat ones ... because they share the same underlying branches (even if it's just the CVS import) | 09:52 |
niemeyer | Right! | 09:52 |
Keybuk | as you point out, it doesn't understand debian/changelog, debian/control, RPM spec files, etc. | 09:53 |
niemeyer | Uhhhh.. that's *very* interesting. 8) | 09:53 |
Keybuk | you have to (as the user) maintain those yourself | 09:53 |
Keybuk | we always figured we'd change the source format instead | 09:53 |
niemeyer | Ok.. so I'm on the right track. | 09:53 |
Keybuk | yup | 09:54 |
sabdfl | mpt: the thing is, there's comments on the page | 09:58 |
sabdfl | and i don't want it to look exactly like a comment | 09:58 |
sabdfl | it should be thpecial | 09:58 |
carlos | Hi, people, sorry, I had to go out this afternoon | 10:00 |
vinsci | hi carlos | 10:01 |
carlos | hi | 10:01 |
carlos | kiko, new languagepack ready | 10:01 |
=== carlos tests it | ||
mpt | sabdfl: Well, the description of a bug has no special background or border, and it looks fine | 10:03 |
mpt | Perhaps the same would work for tickets | 10:03 |
sabdfl | mpt: | 10:05 |
sabdfl | sorry | 10:05 |
sabdfl | the bug has lots of other stuff on the page though | 10:05 |
sabdfl | a ticket doesn't | 10:05 |
kiko | carlos, that's great | 10:05 |
sabdfl | it's just a ticket | 10:05 |
kiko | carlos, give me good news! | 10:05 |
dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=BjornT] added a facet attribute to zcml directives for page. refactored and added tests for the previously overridden defaultView directive. (patch-2351: steve.alexander@canonical.com) | 10:06 |
carlos | kiko, as I told you by phone, the whitespace problem is still there as the db was not fixed when I generate that tarball | 10:06 |
salgado | SteveA, ping? | 10:08 |
kiko | carlos, the phone line was really bad, so I didn't pick up all the details. it's still running now, right? any clue on the ETA for it finishing? | 10:08 |
SteveA | salgado: yes | 10:09 |
salgado | SteveA, I'm having problems testing the virtual hosting stuff. can you help me? | 10:09 |
carlos | kiko, it was 21 hours this morning | 10:10 |
carlos | kiko, I think it should be done atm | 10:10 |
kiko | hmm | 10:10 |
kiko | carlos, but it's still running? | 10:10 |
carlos | kiko, I don't have access to asuka to know that | 10:10 |
SteveA | salgado: how can i refuse? | 10:11 |
kiko | oh, right, I always forget we're handcuffed. | 10:11 |
kiko | sabdfl, so the script may have finished running on staging, but we need to wait till stuart wakes up to know for sure. | 10:11 |
sabdfl | how do we tell? | 10:12 |
salgado | SteveA, heh. :) | 10:12 |
kiko | carlos, can you email stub and ask him to run the language-pack generation script once/if the script finishes running when he's up? | 10:12 |
kiko | sabdfl, via email. | 10:12 |
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salgado | SteveA, this is what I'm using for the vh: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filejacmfF.html | 10:12 |
sabdfl | elmo says it is finished | 10:12 |
kiko | great. | 10:13 |
kiko | I am unsure if we can do anything else without stuart right now, though. carlos? | 10:13 |
SteveA | salgado: you don't need the ProxyPassReverse | 10:13 |
salgado | SteveA, it seems to work, but when I login it doesn't work as it does when I don't use the vh | 10:14 |
carlos | kiko, I don't need stuart at all for this | 10:14 |
carlos | kiko, I will run the script again now | 10:14 |
kiko | carlos, really? how do you run the script if you don't have access to asuka? | 10:14 |
salgado | SteveA, what I tried to say is that the redirect works, but the code works only when I don't use the redirect | 10:15 |
carlos | kiko, I have db access | 10:16 |
SteveA | salgado: what exactly goes wrong? | 10:16 |
carlos | kiko, as readonly | 10:16 |
carlos | kiko, I have a modified tree that works with a readonly db | 10:16 |
kiko | carlos, then you can of course ps auxw | grep to see if the script is still running, no? | 10:16 |
carlos | kiko, no, I have db access using psql, nothing more | 10:17 |
carlos | kiko, no ssh access | 10:17 |
kiko | oh | 10:17 |
kiko | I see | 10:17 |
kiko | you could query a known broken string :) | 10:17 |
salgado | SteveA, right after successfully logging in, I call getUtility(ILaunchBag).user. but that's always None when I use the vh. | 10:17 |
carlos | well, I have tcp access to the db | 10:17 |
salgado | SteveA, there's also this error: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileKnNKS8.html | 10:18 |
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SteveA | salgado: so, when you | 10:18 |
SteveA | salgado: so, when you are virtual hosting via apache, then you get that ForbiddenAttribute error, and users don't get logged in? | 10:19 |
salgado | SteveA, the users are getting logged in, but ILaunchBag.user is None right after you login. | 10:20 |
salgado | and the ForbiddenAttribute I get only when virtual hosting, yes | 10:21 |
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SteveA | salgado: i need to debug this using the same setup you're using. | 10:31 |
SteveA | can you commit what you have to a branch, so i can see it | 10:31 |
SteveA | and prepare for me explaining what i need to do to see this in action | 10:32 |
salgado | SteveA, can I send you a diff instead of commiting? | 10:34 |
SteveA | salgado: i can't look at this tonight | 10:34 |
SteveA | i'm about to get some more menus infrastructure landed for mpt to look at, and then i'm going home | 10:34 |
SteveA | if you commit, it means i can branch from it, and work on it | 10:36 |
salgado | SteveA, okay. I'll mail you the branch name and the setup details. I guess it's not a problem if I do it later tonight, right? | 10:37 |
SteveA | no problem | 10:37 |
SteveA | i'll look at it tomorrow morning | 10:37 |
salgado | great. :) | 10:37 |
salgado | SteveA, one last question. how do I specify that I want to use a specific UnauthorizedView for the ShipItApplication? | 10:45 |
SteveA | register the UnauthorizedView for the ShipitLayer | 10:47 |
salgado | ah, ok | 10:48 |
kiko | cprov, shouldn't https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/2070 be private? | 10:50 |
cprov | kiko: not really, since it doesn't expose the code IMO. do you think it should ? I've just changed it after a chat with dsilvers | 10:51 |
kiko | I don't see any advantage to it being open, jus that | 10:52 |
kiko | it wouldn't make sense beyond confuse any end-user | 10:52 |
kiko | but it's a nit | 10:52 |
=== Kinnison gets a sneaking suspicion he might actually have almost finished work for the day soon | ||
cprov | kiko: you're right, sorry for the noise, I'll change it back to private. What about the other ? since the component buildd is a bit restrict, should I keep also them private ? | 10:56 |
cprov | question about the tester app | 10:58 |
cprov | python test.py -f --test='builder.txt' | 10:58 |
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cprov | Ran 2 tests in 2.806s | 10:58 |
cprov | $find -name 'builder.txt' | 10:59 |
cprov | ./lib/canonical/launchpad/doc/builder.txt | 10:59 |
ondrej | hi people, I still receive bugs from malone to gnome-desktop-environment (since I am DD for this package). I tend to ignore these bug reports (since they are ubuntu specific), could we do something to reassign gnome-desktop to MOTU? | 10:59 |
cprov | kiko: any clue ? why 2 if I've specified only one, and there is, of course, only one file builder.txt | 10:59 |
salgado | cprov, ./launchpad/doc/buildd-queuebuilder.txt | 11:01 |
salgado | this is the second one | 11:01 |
salgado | the test stuff uses re.search('testname') to find the tests it needs to run | 11:01 |
salgado | python test.py -f --test='^builder.txt' should run only the builder.txt, I guess | 11:02 |
cprov | salgado: erm, ok how the regexp to enforce I want just one | 11:02 |
cprov | salgado: yup, thank you | 11:02 |
cprov | salgado: works ;) | 11:03 |
salgado | :) | 11:03 |
kiko | heh | 11:05 |
cprov | kiko: what was the decision about buildd bugs ? | 11:06 |
kiko | no official recommendation, just that one consideration | 11:06 |
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SteveA | kiko: is there a reviewers' meeting tomorrow? | 11:09 |
kiko | it's on wednesdays, SteveA | 11:11 |
SteveA | goddamnit, my clock says "tuesday"! | 11:13 |
kiko | go to bed | 11:13 |
salgado | SteveA, I added this (https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filerWfvNv.html) on browser-exceptions.zcml, but it's not using that view for ShipItLayer. am I missing something? | 11:13 |
SteveA | when dylis says so... | 11:13 |
SteveA | salgado: that looks correct | 11:14 |
SteveA | so, there is something else wrong | 11:14 |
SteveA | i'll look at your branch tomorrow | 11:14 |
salgado | ok. I'll leave it as it is now | 11:16 |
SteveA | it is strange. we did this before, for the old ubuntu forgotten passwords pages | 11:16 |
dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=BjornT, trivial] added facet attribute for browser:addform and browser:editform, and for the outer browser:pages directives. with tests. (patch-2352: steve.alexander@canonical.com) | 11:32 |
SteveA | yay | 11:32 |
kiko | does anyone know if it is possible to create a new account on staging? | 11:32 |
kiko | SteveA, perhaps? | 11:32 |
=== SteveA --> home | ||
SteveA | i know next to nothing about staging | 11:32 |
SteveA | stub will be around in a while | 11:32 |
kiko | :-( | 11:32 |
kiko | ok | 11:32 |
carlos | kiko, you can create anything you want there | 11:32 |
carlos | kiko, but it will be lost after the sync with production happens | 11:33 |
kiko | carlos, new users need email to be able to validate accounts. are you sure you can create new users there? | 11:34 |
carlos | kiko, hmm | 11:34 |
carlos | good point | 11:35 |
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