
=== majikstreet [n=majikstr@] has joined #ubuntu
mcrandellotry downloading the extensions then dragging them in from where you saved them12:00
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ezenumcphail, why?12:01
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disasmsorush20: yup, have the same problem here, the autoupdate kinda doesn't work, never tried it before till now ;-)12:01
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mcphailezenu: I have been playing with John the Ripper. Simple passwords hashed by DES seem to be cracked faster.12:01
DanielHolthHas anyone noticed how if you say "PasswordAuthentication no" in sshd_config in ubuntu, that it continues to allow password authentication anyway?12:02
DanielHolthI'm about to file a bug.12:02
DanielHolthit bugs me.12:02
ezenuhmm.. sounds interesting12:02
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lsuactiafnerDanielHolth : killall -HUP sshd12:02
mcphailAlthough, I'm sure MD5 is supposedto be less secure...12:03
DanielHolthlsuactiafner it's been not-working over many rebootts.12:03
DanielHolthmany, many reboots of my crappy linux box.12:03
DanielHolthalthough killing ssh would definitely disable password logins.12:03
DanielHolthI agree.12:04
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DanielHolthbut I want to allow the other kind.12:04
=== BROKEN_LADDER [n=bal@adsl-69-227-57-228.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDER"enter root password for maintenance"12:05
BROKEN_LADDERthis happened before but i forgot what i did to fix it.12:05
sorush20disasm: you managed to fix it12:05
=== NitroBoy [n=nitrox@65-101-104-101.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
bytefoodid you enter the password :|12:05
=== hondje uses blowfish for passwds
lsuactiafnerheh no idea12:06
hondjetook a bit of work, that12:06
mcphailBlowfish sounds good, but how do I get passwd to use it?12:06
disasmsorush20: not yet12:07
bytefooi wouldn't :-/12:07
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BROKEN_LADDERbytefoo  yeah of course12:07
BROKEN_LADDERthen nothing happens.12:07
bytefoothe 65 bit block size is too short :-/12:07
BROKEN_LADDERi think it's trying to boot linux single or something..12:07
ChurcH_of_FoamYPenguins are not found in the North Pole12:07
ChurcH_of_FoamYA dentist invented the Electric Chair12:07
bytefooand if you don't do the full 16 rounds, you can figure out the plaintext :X12:08
ChurcH_of_FoamYAbout 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens each year.12:08
ChurcH_of_FoamYCockroaches break wind every 15 minutes12:08
hondjeI haven't seen an implimentation that didn't12:09
mcphailSo is MD5 best?12:09
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ChurcH_of_FoamYOn average, every chocolate bar contains at least three insect legs12:09
hondjeit's slow, but it's certainly more secure than md5. Collisions are pretty trivial now12:09
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bytefooblowfish is pretty fast imho12:09
hondjemcphail: cost/benefit12:10
hondjethere's no real 'best'12:10
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DVSoftwareChurcH_of_FoamY: where do you read that?12:10
bytefoobut then again, what are you trying to hide =D12:11
ChurcH_of_FoamYthere is some really twisted crap there12:11
mcphailTo use blowfish for users' passwords, do I have to directly edit /etc/shadow ?12:11
mcphailbytefoo: several passwords cracked in < 1 second! aargh12:11
Maikeruhow do I uninstall somethin I installed via cvs?12:12
Agrajagmake uninstall12:12
=== DJWillis [n=djwillis@82-32-72-107.cable.ubr02.bath.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
MaikeruI tried to install madwifi12:12
Maikerudidn't work out so well12:12
Maikeruso I'm good with ndiswrapper and not having fakeap workin12:12
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DJWillisMaikeru: Only just joined but you do know that MADWiFi is broke in Horty12:13
MaikeruIt is?12:13
MaikeruThat explains it...12:13
alexwillmerhopefully an easy one: I know about dos2unix for convert text files, this doesn't appear to be in 5.04. Is there an equivalent tool provided?12:14
DJWillisMaikeru: you can build from source or hope that the restricted-modules in breezy is not so far out of date, MADWiFi in Horty is ancient.12:14
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ChurcH_of_FoamYhttp://www.snapbubbles.com/ <-----= virtual bubble wrap ^_^12:15
Maikerucan I use fakeap (allows me to make a lot of fake access points) without? 0-o12:15
Maikeruor is there a different program that does the same12:15
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tristanmikeback up with Gaim, if anyone cares =012:15
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DJWillisMaikeru: not easily with ndiswrapper, I am trying to sort out MADWiFi, if I get it going i'll make a bodged DEB that you could (if your mad) try.12:16
MaikeruAh okay12:16
MaikeruSee, I want to get fakeap workin and take advantage of the features of this new card12:16
MaikeruI made a special trip to CompUSA for it12:16
DJWillisWhat card do you have?12:16
Maikerucause the other wasn't workin under linux12:16
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MaikeruZyXel ZyAIR G-102 v2 (802.11b/g)12:17
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lsuactiafnerwhats a good wireless pci card to buy that works very well in linux? LWG5400U any good? its LG12:17
alexwillmeralternatively, I may have missed dos2unix in synaptic. Does anyone know which package it's in?12:17
benplautanyone here use pearlpanel?12:18
Parisilsuactiafner I would say something that has the prims chipset.12:18
ParisiWhatever you do stay away from the acx11112:18
ParisiWhich is what i have.12:18
lsuactiafnerknow where i can get a list of devices iwth the prism chipset?12:19
Maikerugreat, for madwifi12:19
ParisiGood question12:19
Maikerumake: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'. Stop.12:19
ParisiLet me google it.12:19
alexwillmerahah, nm, I've found it in sysutils.12:19
=== Bateau_ [n=Bateau@ti211110a080-7106.bb.online.no] has joined #Ubuntu
Bateau_this is the onlything i need to do to play mp3 and such right? -- > http://ubuntuguide.org/#codecs12:20
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MaikeruBateau_, worked for me12:20
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Bateau_i`v done that... but it still wont play :(12:20
bytefoolsuactiafner, check seattlewireless12:20
bytefoolsuactiafner, http://www.seattlewireless.net/index.cgi/HardwareComparison12:21
MaikeruWell it didn't play for my friend until he rebooted12:21
Maikeruand played for me right away12:21
Bateau_hmm, ok. so ill try a reboot :)12:21
disasmsorush20: well, i tried the new deerpark release (tar.gz format) and it's update extensions worked fine, but then it crashed when opening the browser, so i'd advise against that one, I'm currently compiling it from source to see if I can get it to work12:22
sorush20disasm: I'm talking on the firefox channel to see if I can get things going...12:22
theeilwhat command manages startup stuff for ubuntu (thing like rc-update)12:23
fbladehey guys no of a good free fps MMoRPG to play pleas?12:23
j0nas`anyone had success setting up mythtv?12:23
j0nas`have some bizarre apt-get output here12:23
j0nas`could soemone have a look?12:23
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ilba7ranyone using fluxbox12:24
disasmfblade: well for fps theres doom, and i think quake2 also runs, but who needs quake when you have doom?12:24
disasmilba7r: is there anything else?12:24
j0nas`isnt UT OSS now?12:24
j0nas`i thought i read that they released the license12:24
j0nas`i dont know12:24
jgorskitheeil: update-rc.d12:25
disasmj0nas`: well if you have the cd theres a shell script you can use to install it in linux12:25
mcrandellonexuiz is a pretty decent shooter12:25
ilba7rdisam i remember that the compiled ver on ubuntu take long time and am compiling it from source12:25
j0nas`i do have the cd...12:25
j0nas`tell me more12:25
=== EasterSunshine [n=Silverte@pool-70-18-25-76.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ilba7rdisam i do not kow though which switch need to be turned off so it loads faster. I just forgot the switch12:25
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EasterSunshinequick question: will i be able to browse ANY folder on a mounted NTFS including those that were marked as private by a password-protected user on winxp?12:26
disasmilba7r: not sure, now that you mention it, it does take a while to load...12:27
ilba7rdisam i know there is a switch xdm or something was hoping to find some one who compiled it from source her but thanx for your help12:27
Will^Dravenilba7r, have you tried asking in #fluxbox ?12:28
ilba7rthanx will^Draven i think i am hooked on ubuntu forgot to ask there :)12:29
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Will^Dravenno problem :)12:29
=== BROKEN_LADDER [n=bal@adsl-69-227-57-228.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERRealtek ALC650F <-- how can i get this to work in ubuntu?12:30
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fbladehey i've just installed quake2 using apt-get, but how do i run i12:30
lsuactiafneranyone know what chopset this is http://www.asus.com.tw/products/communication/wireless/wl-167g/overview.htm12:30
ce33naEasterSunshine: I came in late...what are you accessing ntfs with12:30
lsuactiafner /usr/games/12:30
lsuactiafnerlook in there12:30
alexwillmerhow should I modify this line so the entire pipeline is run by sudo? sudo find -type f | egrep  '\.[ch] $' | xargs dos2unix12:30
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BROKEN_LADDERthat's how12:30
BROKEN_LADDERjust type "quake2"12:31
tearhow do you list processes?12:31
thrice`ps aux12:31
lsuactiafnerps auxww12:31
thrice`or top12:31
lsuactiafneror top12:31
alexwillmertear: 'ps', or 'ps aux' for everytinh12:32
lsuactiafnernote two ww not just one12:32
j0nas`ps -ef12:32
thrice`(though aux will list them just fine)12:32
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Dr_Williswhen apt-geting quake2 - you still need to install the comercial data files from your quake2 cd's12:34
Carpe_Libertatem*cries* - Why isn't there an update for GAIM on repos yet?12:34
BROKEN_LADDERstuff like this makes me regret using linux12:34
BROKEN_LADDERi just want sound12:34
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BROKEN_LADDERjust compile it dude12:34
Carpe_LibertatemI'm lazy.12:35
thrice`BROKEN_LADDER: then make sound work12:35
BROKEN_LADDERtell me how12:35
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benplautCarpe_Libertatem, it's called package freeze12:35
BROKEN_LADDERit worked before i did sudo apt-get upgrade12:35
BROKEN_LADDERnever knew that would break your sound12:35
Carpe_Libertatempackage... freeze?12:35
benplautif you want an update, get breezy, get backports, or get autopackage12:35
benplautyeah, no updates until next version12:35
BROKEN_LADDERi have a  Realtek ALC650F12:35
AgrajagThis isn't Gentoo12:35
BROKEN_LADDERi want sound12:35
Carpe_LibertatemI see.12:36
=== QMario [n=qmario@ppp-70-243-37-164.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
benplautwith a few special exceptions12:36
thrice`BROKEN_LADDER: did you watch what you were updating ?12:36
BROKEN_LADDERyeah, if yo uwant a good distro, go get gentoo.12:36
BROKEN_LADDERnever thought i'd need to.12:36
thrice`then it's your own fault12:36
BROKEN_LADDERnever had this problem before in a million updates12:36
QMarioIs anyone here from #PERL or #SUSE?12:36
BROKEN_LADDERit's my fault?12:36
=== Dr_Willis moos in confusion.
thrice`if you're going to use linux mindlessly, you will break things12:36
Parisigentoo? wth12:36
BROKEN_LADDERit should have only updated, not changed.12:36
=== Dr_Willis is hanging in #SUSE
Carpe_LibertatemShould I DL the source-code package?12:36
j0nas`gentoo is nice if you like to wait a day and a half to compile your web browser12:36
thrice`if nothing changes, it's NOT an update12:36
BROKEN_LADDERso updating is something that i should expect will not only update, but also alter?12:37
benplautthat's a bit of an exageration...12:37
QMarioHave any of you guys heard about me?12:37
ParisiI would recommend Gentoo if you have too much free time in your hands ;012:37
benplaut@ j0nas`12:37
thrice`BROKEN_LADDER: what do you think an update is?12:37
=== fblade [n=fblade@82-38-178-242.cable.ubr02.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERokay, there's a difference between the latest version of a driver, and the wrong driver entirely.12:37
thrice`installing the same software over itself with a biggre number ?12:37
tearhmm, likly I'm doinf this wrong, my PID 8661 needs to be killed12:37
BROKEN_LADDERthrice` there is a difference between an upgrade of a driver, and a different driver entirely.12:37
QMarioIs Seveas or thoreauputic here?12:37
thrice`BROKEN_LADDER: what have you done to look into the proble ?12:37
BROKEN_LADDERdo you grok?12:37
BROKEN_LADDERsearched google for one thing12:37
BROKEN_LADDERwhat do you think?12:37
fbladehey guys when i try and run quake2 by typing the name  it dosebugger all12:37
thrice`BROKEN_LADDER: I doubt your kernel config changed12:37
QMarioIs either Seveas or thoreauputic here?12:37
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QMarioNope, I guess not.12:38
Dr_Willisfblade,  did you intall the needed files from your quake2 cd's ?12:38
BROKEN_LADDERthrice` then why would the modules loaded for snd be different just because of an upgrade?12:38
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thrice`BROKEN_LADDER: did you update hoary, or to breezy ?12:38
BROKEN_LADDERsound worked for the past 8 months, now it dosen't. hmmm12:38
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BROKEN_LADDERno no.12:38
BROKEN_LADDERi just did apt-get upgrade12:38
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BROKEN_LADDERnot dist-upgrade12:38
thrice`BROKEN_LADDER: they are not different.  Unless you fooled with modprobe.conf, udev, or your kernel12:39
BROKEN_LADDERi didn't.12:39
BROKEN_LADDERi just did apt-get upgrade12:39
thrice`apt-get upgrade?12:39
theeilis there a group for reading mounted hard disks?12:39
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Dr_Willistheeil,  not that i have ever seen/heard of12:40
BROKEN_LADDERyes thrice, apt-get upgrade12:40
thrice`BROKEN_LADDER: ok; do you know the difference between upgrade and dist-upgrade ?12:40
theeilcan you mount a partition for a user?12:40
!lilo:*! We're going to be clearing some klines. Please keep an eye out for spambots.12:40
thrice`basically?  there is 1 settle difference12:40
Dr_Willistheeil,  yes you can.  depends on the file system also to some degree12:40
!lilo:*! You probably won't see the private messages, but you may well see join-and-parts, depending on how many of these are still current.12:41
=== zeus1_ [n=zeus1_@cpe-24-161-33-119.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERdist-upgrade would be like going from hoary to breezy right?12:41
zeus1_hey can anyone help me fix sound12:41
BROKEN_LADDERin any case dist-upgrade is dangerous.12:41
thrice`BROKEN_LADDER: no12:41
BROKEN_LADDERzeus1_ that's what i'm here for too. :)12:41
thrice`BROKEN_LADDER: wrong12:41
zeus1_broken_ladder wat probs r u having with ur sound12:41
zeus1_is it a USB12:41
Sir_Brizzdoes anyone have a good handle on VirtualHosts with Apache?12:41
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thrice`BROKEN_LADDER: dist-upgrade does what upgrade does, except it does smart dependency checking12:42
thrice`dist-upgrade will only update the dist if you configure your sources.list to go from hoary to breezy12:42
BROKEN_LADDERi think that's wrong.12:42
=== Bateau_ [n=Bateau@ti211110a080-7106.bb.online.no] has joined #Ubuntu
thrice`ok, then I understand how you could've broke your sound12:42
Bateau_damnit :( i still cant play mp3 :(12:42
sorush20guys when I Log into Ubuntu using the K desktop I can see the gnome desktop flash and disappear before I log out but I can no longer log into the gnome desktop.. it just crashes and the loading goies into a loop of flashing the menu bar12:43
thrice`man apt-get12:43
nickruddist-upgrade is smarter, it will remove a package, a regular upgrade won't12:43
thrice`you'll see12:43
zeus1_GUYS i have a usb headset its detected by the device manager but the sounds still playing thru the speakers and not my headset12:43
thrice`dist-upgrade, in addition to performing the function of upgrade, also intelligently handles changing dependencies with new versions of packages12:43
nickrudnot dangerous at all.12:43
zeus1_how do i fix12:43
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thrush_2Bateau_, you got gstreamer0.8-mad?12:44
BROKEN_LADDERthrice` i think i'm using a beos sound driver.  that should work, right?12:44
Dr_Williszeus1_,  good luck. Not sure if usb sound is supported that way at all.  :P12:44
thrice`BROKEN_LADDER: how?  you're on a linux kernel aren't you ?12:44
=== Carpe_Libertatem [n=esenthie@ip68-229-254-250.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
zeus1_dr_willis i got it working before but when I rebooted it was gone so yes it does work...just have to figure out how12:44
Bateau_thrush_2:  if it is a part of the things i install on ubuntuguide.org, then yes... if not... then no :P12:44
BROKEN_LADDERthrice` uh huh12:44
thrice`hey nickrud, do you consider preview to be stable ?12:45
Dr_Williszeus1_,  lol.. next time take notes. :P lol12:45
thrice`BROKEN_LADDER: ok; what sound card do you have12:45
thrice`or, what module do you need ?12:45
thrush_2Bateau_, install that using apt-get12:45
mcphailwhat does apt-get dselect upgrade do?12:45
BROKEN_LADDERich5 intel, Realtek ALC650F chipset12:45
nickrudyes, for my purposes.12:45
disasmzeus1_: you got it working?12:45
BROKEN_LADDERi have a much better sound card, but i use it for jack12:45
thrice`nickrud: just worried, as I don't see any ati drivers in there yet12:46
Bateau_thrush_2: it was allready installed12:46
zeus1_disasm - my headset is detected but not playing through the correct device12:46
zeus1_disasm - its playing thru the speakers NOT the headset like it should12:46
thrice`BROKEN_LADDER: ok; does lsmod show you having ac97 codec loaded ?12:46
BROKEN_LADDERthrice` what if i had some sources wrong in sources.list..could that muck up the sound?12:46
BROKEN_LADDERit says something about ac9712:46
thrush_2Bateau_, what program are you playing mp3s in?12:46
BROKEN_LADDERone sec12:46
disasmzeus1_: but you had it working at one time?12:46
BROKEN_LADDERdon't use mp3, use vorbis or flac12:46
Bateau_thrush_2:  xmms12:46
thrice`BROKEN_LADDER: that doesn't matter12:46
thrice`BROKEN_LADDER: run cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp12:47
thrice`do you hear static ?12:47
BROKEN_LADDER15 snd_ice1712,snd_ak4xxx_adda,snd_cs8427,snd_i2c,snd_mpu401_uart,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq_device,snd_intel8x0,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_timer12:47
BROKEN_LADDERthrice` that won't work.  esd is running.12:47
BROKEN_LADDERone sec12:47
Bateau_thrush_2: iv allso tried mplayer12:47
zeus1_disasm - yes...but when i rebooted and went into XP and then rebooted back into linux it didnt work anymore (wasnt detected)12:47
thrush_2Bateau_, you might try to apt-get libmad012:47
BROKEN_LADDERi can't hear static12:47
thrice`BROKEN_LADDER: esd is running...you have sound ?12:47
BROKEN_LADDERi have no sound12:47
BROKEN_LADDERi killed esd12:48
thrice`then killall esd and try again12:48
BROKEN_LADDERi did of course12:48
BROKEN_LADDERno static12:48
Bateau_thrush_2: that is installed as well12:48
disasmzeus1_: what irc client are you using?12:48
zeus1_disasm - X-chat irc12:48
thrice`are you sure your speakers are plugged in ? the correct modules are loaded12:48
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thrush_2ach server prob one sec12:48
BROKEN_LADDERthrice` i had thought maybe my alsa config got mucked up, but i've toyed around with it and no difference12:48
disasmzeus1_: do you have logs enabled in x-chat, if you do, can always check the logs and find out what people told you12:49
theeilcan unran handle multi part rar files?12:49
dabaRtheeil: have you read the manual?12:49
CzarAlexWhich package installs the GTK+ library? I searched the package manager and many results came up and I'm unsure which to select.12:49
zeus1_disasm...the link to logs for ubuntu IRC is in the topic12:49
theeildabaR: nope12:49
BROKEN_LADDERthrice` if i tell xmms to use my primary sound card, the one in question, it works.12:49
nickrudCzarAlex, libgtk2.0-0, I think12:49
QMarioWhy do people use such profane language?12:49
dabaRit should be able to yes. There are two rar packages, and, in synaptic searching for rar will find them. info rar, andman rar are the manuals.12:49
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dabaRQMario: which?12:50
thrice`BROKEN_LADDER: you can hear sound ?12:50
disasmzeus1_: well there ya go, search those for what you did last time ;-)12:50
QMarioDabaR, "F", "S", "A", "D".12:50
zeus1_i looked i couldnt find it12:50
QMarioDo I need to go on?12:50
BROKEN_LADDERthrice` nope12:50
secutoreshello room. just a quick question? does anyone know of an HCL for ubuntu?12:50
QMarioOh, I forgot "B".12:51
=== js_ [i=js@ua-83-227-232-164.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRQMario: I did not get it, but no need to swear if that is what you are asking.12:51
QMarioHydrochloric acid. ;)12:51
Bateau_hmm, strange... i can play mp3 in "Music Player" but not in mplayer and xmms. infact i cant play ANYthing in xmms. and realplayer wont start :S12:51
BROKEN_LADDERthrice` but if i tell xmms to use dsp0 it just shows the eq bars going up and down as if there is no problem.12:51
dabaRBateau_: does xmms lock up?12:51
BROKEN_LADDERBateau_ that's an obvious problem.12:51
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BROKEN_LADDERBateau_ gstreamer is working then.12:51
dabaRBateau_: when you run a file...12:51
Bateau_dabaR: hmm, can call i that yes12:52
QMarioSecutores, that was a small "pun" for you. ;)12:52
js_i just went from hoary to breezy, and X tells me it cant initialize the keyboard.. is there anything that has changed within Xorg that i need to edit in my xorg.conf to make it work? or is it somehow related to the framebuffer driver that gets loaded and the nvidia driver i use?12:52
BROKEN_LADDERBateau_ you probably just need to configure xmms to use esd, and configure gstreamer to use it as well.12:52
Bateau_it hust scrolls the tittle12:52
CzarAlexnickrud, hmm. its already installed. I was trying to install Mail-Notification 2.0 and ./configure quit saying: configure: error: unable to find the GTK+ library. also it says that could mean gtk+ is incorrectally installed...but that came installed when I installed the OS12:52
BROKEN_LADDERBateau_ go to preferences and choose esd12:52
dabaRBateau_: have you set the output plugin to esound in options preferences?12:52
disasmzeus1_: well if it helps i told you to try rmmod the sound card module, and then try playing it12:52
nickrudCzarAlex, then, you want libgtk2.0-dev12:52
CzarAlexnickrud, Thank you!12:52
secutoresnice pun12:52
Bateau_1 sec, and i will check :)12:52
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secutoresit was fun12:52
js_i get "no input driver matching keyboard"12:52
nickrudCzarAlex, it's nearly always the -dev you need for compiling12:52
zeus1_wut was it again lol12:52
secutoresi'm thinking more of a hardware compatibility list url\12:53
=== Daemon404 [n=daemon40@S01060040ca74daff.tb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
zeus1_rmmod something disasm12:53
QMarioThank you. :)12:53
tritiumzeus1_, no, it's not called wut12:53
Bateau_hmm, xmms wont start at all12:53
zeus1_its an internet irc channel not my english class ;p12:53
CzarAlexnickrud, Good to know. being a linux beginner, I think I'm getting the basic hang of things, but installing programs that aren't in the package manager are killing me. :(12:53
Carpe_LibertatemWhat Kernel does Hoary use?12:53
dabaRBateau_: starting by opening a file, or opening from the Apps menu?12:53
Bateau_apps menu12:54
tritiumCarpe_Libertatem, use uname -r to find out12:54
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BROKEN_LADDERthrice` my expensive sound card works fine12:54
QMarioHello ompaul!!! :)12:54
disasmalso, if you open .bash_history in a text editor you can see all the commands you've typed in recently12:54
thrice`BROKEN_LADDER: you must need to set something up for dual support then; i've never dealt with that12:54
dabaRwont open at all, you say? ok, well, two things in a terminal, Bateau_: sudo killall xmms && rm -r ~/.xmms12:54
QMarioHow do I change all my Hoary applications to use ALSA instead of ESD?12:54
BROKEN_LADDERthrice` it always worked before.12:54
Carpe_LibertatemIs there a way I can install an i586 or i686 version of the kernel?12:54
BROKEN_LADDERthrice` i have each sound card going to a completely different input on my receiver.12:55
cafuegoCarpe_Libertatem: Yes. linux-image-i68612:55
dabaRQMario: in the System>Prefs menu, there should be a sound part, where y ou can set it.12:55
theeilis there a way to extract files from multi part rar files?12:55
cafuegoQMario: After you disable esd, you need to edit the sound config for EACH app seperately and set it to alsa.12:55
Bateau_oki dabaR. its done.. now just start xmms?12:55
BROKEN_LADDERthrice` the only thing i was pointing out with sound working on the other card was that my receiver is working and this is obviously still some kind of computer issue.12:55
tritiumCarpe_Libertatem, in fact, just sudo apt-get install linux-68612:55
cafuegotheeil: unrar -e part1.rar - that should process the lot.12:55
disasmzeus1_: rmmod snd-intel8x012:55
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Carpe_LibertatemAthlon XP = i686 right?12:56
cafuegoCarpe_Libertatem: No, k712:56
zeus1_same problem12:56
thedevilsjesterIs there a DVD torrent for ubuntu that works?12:56
dabaRBateau_: ya, but not with a file, through the menu.12:56
tritiumCarpe_Libertatem, in that case, linux-k712:56
dabaRand dont start playing.12:56
zeus1_Module snd_intel8x0 is in use disasm12:56
ompaulQMario, evening12:56
Carpe_LibertatemOk, ty.12:56
zeus1_killall esd didnt work either disasm12:56
QMarioDabaR and Cafuego, Is MSS efficient? :-/12:56
dabaRright click, then, options,prefs...Output plugin to AEsound, then ok, tghen play...12:56
Bateau_dabaR:  and then go to preferense, and change soundthingy to... what?12:57
dabaRI gotta run out for a few.12:57
dabaRtell me whether it worked, tho.12:57
disasmzeus1_: heres a filtered log of everything with your name in it on this channel: http://irc.gentux.org:8000/zeus1.txt12:58
cafuegoQMario: MSS? WHat does that have to do with sound?12:58
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Bateau_uhm... what do i change the output plugin to?12:58
thrush_2Bateau_, esd12:58
thedevilsjesterAnyone?  The torrent on ubuntu for the DVD Live/Install doesnt connect to the tracker, is there another one (even unofficial?)12:59
nickrudBateau_, esound, I think12:59
zeus1_thank u disasm12:59
Carpe_LibertatemSorry for being a bugger - how do I display processor info in the terminal?12:59
ompaulthedevilsjester, the tracker has been off the air the last couple of days :(12:59
Bateau_still no sound12:59
cafuegoCarpe_Libertatem: cat /proc/cpuinfo12:59
js_are there any special changes i need to take notice of when using the driver kdb instead of keyboard in xorg.conf?12:59
thedevilsjesterompaul, ah ok, it would be nice to distribute a live+install to friends01:00
QMarioCafuego, do you know what I am talking about? It had a selector for either ALSA, OSS, or ESD.01:00
cafuegoQMario: Yes, not MSS.01:00
QMarioI don't know if it will do all or not. :-/01:00
Bateau_ah, there we go :D01:00
QMarioCafuego, okay.01:00
js_how can i find out if im using utf-8?01:00
js_aterm dosent read my swedish characters, but other X apps do01:00
disasmzeus1_: try ctrl alt f1, login, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop01:00
cafuegoQMario: if you choose ALSA in that chooser, any apps that use *that* prefs would use ALSA. Most apps would not, they would have their OWN prefs set to ESD still.01:01
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disasmthen rmmod01:01
ompaulthedevilsjester, why not download the DVD and be ready when the torrent comes back?01:01
nickrudjs_, in a gnome terminal, type locale01:01
zeus1_k brb disasm01:01
js_nickrud: can this be related to the problem im describing?01:01
thedevilsjesterompaul, you mean download the torrent file? I have it01:01
nickrudjs_, aterm, eh :)01:01
js_nickrud: yeah, well, its what ive always used :O01:01
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thedevilsjesterompaul, I am reinstalling Ubuntu in a few minutes though so it will be lost01:02
ompaulthedevilsjester, no I mean download the iso and when the torrent is fixed let it tip :)01:02
js_nickrud: it worked until my upgrade and switch from keyboard to kbd.. so i guess its related to something there, unless another global setting has changed that i dont know of01:02
js_nickrud: actually xterm can print the letters01:02
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=== iJeffChat [n=Jeff@modemcable250.77-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Davey|WorkI have 1 Laptop, 1 copy of WinXP, 1 PCMCIA Firewire card and a Firewire CD-RW drive... how can I possibly get Ubuntu on this thing? :/01:02
thedevilsjesterompaul, I just did download the regular iso, they dont have a dvd iso, its only torrent01:02
nickrudjs_, do the locale thing inside the aterm; you may be able trace it starting with that.01:02
chrismyhow do i make ffmpeg to work with xvid?01:03
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js_nickrud: it shows sv_SE for each setting01:03
iJeffChatShipit is completely free?01:03
nickrudjs_, and xterm shows?01:03
iJeffChatNo shipping charges right?01:03
ompaulthedevilsjester, so boot, install, configure and maybe it gets fixed by the time you get reinstalled01:03
js_nickrud: same01:03
Carpe_Libertatemwill switching form an i386 to a k7 kernel make a significant difference in machine performance?01:03
=== Paradoxx [n=matthewm@port0127-aci-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #Ubuntu
disasmompaul: tsk, tsk, tsk, putting everything in partition, setup a separate home partition, that way when you reinstall/switch distros you keep any data01:04
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thedevilsjesterompaul, yeah thats the plan, I dont need a live cd, but having one thats both for people new to linux that want to try it out and install if they like it, is a good idea.01:04
tritiumCarpe_Libertatem, perhaps.  You may not notice a dramatic difference, on the other hand.  Give it a try.01:04
disasms/in partition/in one partition01:04
iJeffChat**Do I have to pay Shipping in Canada for ShipIt discs?**01:04
BROKEN_LADDERwhen is breezy supposed to be out?01:04
CarLBankshello, I have paritioned the extra part of my harddrive, I have put the iso image onto my CD-R discs, now how do I install?01:04
thedevilsjesterI only get 584 K downloads on the Ubuntu server though, so it will be a few mins01:04
disasmBROKEN_LADDER: october iirc01:04
thrice`though preview comes out soon01:05
thrice`followed by RC's01:05
ubotu[flash]  at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:05
thrice`(stable enough to upgrade imo)01:05
ompauldisasm, I have over 10 partitions so I guess you are not talking to me01:05
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QMarioAnyway, what did the people say about me in #Perl?01:05
nickrudjs_, I know the basics about locales; I'd start with sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales, and make sure that the utf-8 version is enabled.01:05
CarLBanksDo I need to do anything special to install Ubuntu?01:05
transgressanyone care to help me with getting my wireless connected via terminal?01:05
iJeffChatDO i have to pay for shipping Ubuntu discs?01:05
js_nickrud: ok01:05
thedevilsjesterCarLBanks, A PC01:05
robertbbCarLBanks, Free your mind :-)01:06
thrice`CarLBanks: being able to read helps01:06
CarLBanksI can read01:06
benplautiJeffChat, no, but donations are appreciated :)01:06
CarLBanksI don't know how to get to the install screen01:06
Carpe_LibertatemA friend of mine has a P3 Coppermine, would that be i586 or i686?01:06
ChurcH_of_FoamYiJeffChat: no it's all free 100%01:06
thedevilsjesterCarLBanks, Ubunutu was supprisingly painless, it was ugly, but painless :P01:06
iJeffChatBenplaut: wow that's amazing01:06
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disasmompaul: oh, meant thedevilsjester01:06
benplautbut they take forever in shipping01:06
ompauliJeffChat, welcome to a different world, where things are so much better :)01:06
benplauti highly recommend just burning th CD yourself01:06
mcphailtransgress: what's the problem?01:06
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GyozaOh, yeah, I have a PIII laptop.  How do I tell the installer to use something other than 386 packages?01:07
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jrattner1Any one decent at shellscript here who could lend me a hand01:07
ChurcH_of_FoamYyea but the orderd cd's are so much cooler ^_^01:07
ompauliJeffChat, cdimage.ubuntu.com01:07
benplautGyoza: that's all it can do01:07
benplauti386 is OK01:07
transgressi can't seem to get wifi to connect via terminal... and i'm pretty sure there is a way via iwconfig... but iuno.  couldn't figure it out.  and google is failing me.01:07
Carpe_LibertatemAhem, are P3 Coppermines i686?01:07
ubotubenplaut: Are you on ritalin?01:07
thrush_2CarLBanks, part of the are you stuck at?01:07
ChurcH_of_FoamYp3 coppermines are 68601:07
ubotuCarpe_Libertatem: What?01:08
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disasmjrattner1: i'm semi-decent01:08
=== benplaut yells in BROKEN_LADDER's ear
zblachBROKEN_LADDER, alsamixer01:08
ompaulBROKEN_LADDER, what kind of sound card is it?01:08
ChurcH_of_FoamYat least the slot 1's are01:08
Carpe_LibertatemMy friend has a P3 Coppermin Processor - should he use an i686 kernel?01:08
CarLBanksI can't figure out how to get it to boot from the disc to install01:08
mcphailtransgress: what does sudo ifup wlan0 do?01:08
CarLBanksI restarted and where it said boot from CD I pressed enter and nothing happened01:08
BROKEN_LADDERi've done everything possible in alsamixer01:08
zblachBROKEN_LADDER, everything?01:08
ChurcH_of_FoamYCarpe_Libertatem: yes if it's a slot 1 cpu i know for a fact that they are i686 compatable01:08
BROKEN_LADDERompaul intel ich5 onboard audio with Realtek ALC650F chipset.01:08
transgressmcphail: let me check.  gotta boot it up.01:08
zblachBROKEN_LADDER, have you checked if its muted or not?01:08
thedevilsjesterBROKEN_LADDER, check the configs manually01:08
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BROKEN_LADDERi've never had a problem like this before.  i did apt-get upgrade and now this.01:09
ChurcH_of_FoamYalthough i don't know what you would gain with the i686 kernal01:09
ompaulBROKEN_LADDER, type the letter M beside each of the inputs and I guess you will get some result01:09
BROKEN_LADDERit's not muted.01:09
thedevilsjesterBROKEN_LADDER, chances are alsaconfig didnt do its job01:09
tritiumBROKEN_LADDER, what was upgraded?  Are you running breezy?01:09
BROKEN_LADDERompaul yeah i know this.  i'ma musician and that's the whole point of my computer.01:09
ChurcH_of_FoamYi diden't see any diffrence between the i386 and the i686 kernal01:09
dalamaranyone know why at 1600x1200 75 mhz all my vids have flicker on the right hand side but 1280x1024 85 mhz they work fine? could it be the refresh? everything else works fine video-wise with either res/refresh seems to only be with some codecs or something too, some videos play okay?01:09
BROKEN_LADDERtritium i'm running hoary01:09
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tritiumBROKEN_LADDER, which packages were upgraded?01:09
BROKEN_LADDERthere are only like 4 things you can change in alsamixer01:09
thrush_2CarLBanks, are you using the livecd? or is this the first time you have tried to boot from cd01:10
chrismyhow do i make ffmpeg to work with xvid on linux?01:10
ChurcH_of_FoamYdalamar: try running the refresh rate at 70 Mhz01:10
CarLBanksI am not using a live CD01:10
thedevilsjesteranyway off to reinstall Ubuntu01:10
CarLBanksshould I be using the livecd?01:10
tritiumthedevilsjester, why are you reinstalling?01:10
BROKEN_LADDERvolume master, volume pcm, optical on/off01:10
ChurcH_of_FoamYthat fixed the ficker on my box01:10
CarLBanksI want to install ubuntu on a spare parition01:10
tritiumBROKEN_LADDER, which packages were upgraded?01:10
BROKEN_LADDERCarLBanks good for you.01:10
BROKEN_LADDERTritium how can i check that?01:10
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tritiumdid you use aptitude?01:10
CarLBanksI don't know how to get it to recogonize the CD01:11
KrisWoodHello, does anyone know what the apt-get package name for MySQL Administrator is?01:11
BROKEN_LADDERi used apt-get01:11
tritiumit doesn't keep logs.  You have to pay attention01:11
CarLBankssince on the CD it says ubuntu-5.04-install-amd64 for the file01:11
thedevilsjestertritium, I installed 64bit (coming from gentoo64bit) hoping a precompild 64bit wouldnt be as bad, but its worse in compatiblity for apps, so I am installing a 32bit ubuntu01:11
dalamarChurcH_of_FoamY, no luck01:11
thedevilsjestertritium, and saving 64bit for a 'bit' later01:11
tritiumthedevilsjester, I see01:11
ChurcH_of_FoamYwhat kind of video card?01:11
Carpe_LibertatemIs smeg in the default repositories?01:12
ChurcH_of_FoamYand the resolution again01:12
iJeffChatBenplaut: How many discs is max for you guys to actually call? I ordered 2 PPC for my mac, and 10 Intel for friends and family (Dont worry they will be used well)01:12
nickrudKrisWood, try mysql-admin01:12
tritiumthedevilsjester, you can run a 32-bit chroot if you want to01:12
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KrisWoodnickrud, I'll try that thanks01:12
ubotusomebody said smeg was a Simple Menu Editor for GNOME. Get it at http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg/ or from backports.01:12
thedevilsjestertritium, not worth the effort :)  Especially trying to cross compile my apps so 32bit users can use em, too much work, ill hold off a bit longer01:12
QMarioWhat does "afaik" mean?01:13
CarLBanksis 64 bit ubuntu good?01:13
iJeffChatBenplaut: How many discs is max for you guys to actually call? I ordered 2 PPC for my mac, and 10 Intel for friends and family (Dont worry they will be used well)01:13
Will^Dravenas far as i know01:13
nickrudCarpe_Libertatem, no, it doesn't look like it :)01:13
benplautiJeffChat, that's a good amount... they ask you to email them if you get what they consider a large number of 64bit or PPC, but that's OK01:13
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dalamarChurcH_of_FoamY, nividia geforce2 mx 32 bit, 1600x1200 75 mhz .. only happens with some videos, and they run fine on 1280x1024 85 mhz01:13
benplautQMario, As Far As I Know01:13
ChurcH_of_FoamYdalamar: try to work it at 85 Mhz at your prefred resolution but  be carefull you might blow your monitor01:13
thrush_2CarLBanks, im assuming you have an amd processor? =) You should just come to a prompt and have to hit enter to begin install..01:13
CarLBanksI just restart with the CD in the drive and it won't boot from the CD01:14
ChurcH_of_FoamYand if that dosen't work then use the 1280x102401:14
CarLBanksand I am on an amd processor01:14
BROKEN_LADDERthere have been times in the past where i could only get sound to work if i muted it.01:14
ChurcH_of_FoamYit seems almost as if the refresh rate is to fast01:14
BROKEN_LADDERstrangely enough01:14
BROKEN_LADDERsomething to do with using iec95801:14
dalamarChurcH_of_FoamY, i dont even have the option to use 85 mhz on 1600x1200, guess ill stick with 1280x1024 ;/01:15
ChurcH_of_FoamYif the higher refresh rate is to harsh on your monitor (and i suspect it will be) drop it down to 70 Mhz or slower01:15
ChurcH_of_FoamYwow thats odd i have the same card as you01:15
ChurcH_of_FoamYand i run it just fine at 1600x120001:15
KrisWoodnickrud, that seems to have worked thanks :)01:15
ChurcH_of_FoamYwith 75Mhz01:15
Carpe_LibertatemDoes anyone know which repo smeg is in? =P01:15
nickrudKrisWood, np01:16
cafuegoChurcH_of_FoamY: It's a function of monitor specs, not card specs.01:16
KrisWoodok I've installed mysql-admin but how do I get a shortcut to it in my gnome panel?01:16
ChurcH_of_FoamYoh ok i see01:16
nickrud!tell Carpe_Libertatem about smeg01:16
ChurcH_of_FoamYthe monitor can't hack it eh?01:16
cafuegoChurcH_of_FoamY: indeed.01:16
juanejhow do u run bittornado?01:16
QMarioWhat is that?01:16
ChurcH_of_FoamYbut just in case dalamar pastebin me your xorg.conf01:16
dalamarim -sure- the monitor can do it, its a 19" samsung thats not even 2 years old01:16
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Will^Dravenbittornado is a bittorrent client01:16
cafuegoChurcH_of_FoamY: This is why SOME large screens are cheap and others are not.01:16
ChurcH_of_FoamYoh ok i see01:17
thrush_2CarLBanks, try hitting esc key or del during bootup. you might need to access motherboards bios change your boot order01:17
juanejhow do i run it?01:17
ChurcH_of_FoamYhmm but samsung seems really good to me01:17
juanejbittornado doesnt work01:17
juanejcommand not found01:17
ChurcH_of_FoamYi haven't herd of any isshues with there monitors as of yet01:17
cafuegotheir LCDs are, wouldn't know about their CRTs. I have a 15" samsung CRT that's blurry ant anything over 60Hz01:17
BROKEN_LADDERwhen i first ran ubuntu, getting my monitor's resolution to be normal was virtually impossible.  i played with it for hours.01:18
dalamarand some videos it plays fine and theres no flicker or anything on the desktop itself, just some videos in any vid program i use01:18
ChurcH_of_FoamYshit i have a dell monitor and with the resoulution i put out i had to cut holes in the sides and top of the monitor to install fans01:18
ChurcH_of_FoamYbut it works ^_^01:18
=== abarbaccia [n=abarbacc@69-162-20-65.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudKrisWood, I'd suggest installing the package menu; it will give you menu access to all the odd programs you have01:18
cafuegoChurcH_of_FoamY: A dell is just a rebadged $cheap_brand01:18
abarbacciahey, is breezy functional?01:18
ChurcH_of_FoamYyea i know01:18
QMarioDo you think that murderers should get away with their deeds?01:18
ChurcH_of_FoamYbut i got it from the side of the road so i can't complane ^_^01:18
BROKEN_LADDERi need to get sound working so i can go to the millions of other things i have to do today.01:19
cafuegoespecially as 'to complane' isn't an existing verb ;-)01:19
ChurcH_of_FoamYyour sound onboard?01:19
cafuegoQMario: Depends on who the victim is.01:19
nickrudabarbaccia, yes, for me. Your experience may be different.01:19
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ChurcH_of_FoamYwell sorry i don't care to spell things correctly01:19
dduckoAnyone here have MSN.. and its not working today?01:19
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cafuegoQMario: Someone who murdered george bush might need a party and a free car01:19
=== xTina [n=xTina@p54A24F77.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ChurcH_of_FoamYif people care as to what i have to say they can read the phonetics of my typeing01:20
Davey|Workis it possible to boot from a CD in a firewire drive plugged into a PCMCIA firewire card?01:20
BROKEN_LADDERcafuego no doubt01:20
tritiumcafuego, BROKEN_LADDER careful please01:20
nickrudthe day I get on the fly spell checkking in xchat is the day I will praise all things :)01:20
=== cafuego goes meh
BROKEN_LADDERcareful.  don't disrespect our murdering dictator01:20
tritiumQMario, that's sufficiently offtopic01:21
ChurcH_of_FoamYotherwize block me from your irc (not ban me from the room)01:21
benplautbasically, no politics in here01:21
=== jknife [n=jknife@68-191-112-191.dhcp.snfr.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegonickrud: Or even a spell checker in irssi that auto-blocks the worst typo3s.01:21
tritiumexactly, benplaut01:21
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cafuegotritium: I'm having a hard time recruiting assassins in #politics ;-)01:21
Paradoxxwhats the macromedia flash package name?01:21
zeus1_disasm how do uget back into the  graphical version of ubuntu01:21
tristanmikeexcept emacs is better then vim01:21
Paradoxxthe one on the wiki dosen't work for me01:22
utnubuQ: Install from Ubuntu 5.04 Live CD ?01:22
benplauthere comes the text editor holy war01:22
iJeffChatQuestion/ Does ubuntu on Powerbook utilize the airport card?01:22
dalamarChurcH_of_FoamY, heres the xorg.conf - http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/190401:22
ubotunickrud: I give up, what is it?01:22
tristanmikethat's the only politics01:22
goofrideranyone can help me with deleting acct/package on LaunchPad?01:22
zeus1_u told me to do crtl alt thing and it went into a terminal only thing i didnt no wat i was doing and got scared and rebooted disasm01:22
nickrudshould have left the entry.01:22
jknifewhats the latest kernel version on the rap?01:22
cafuegoParadoxx: There should be a flashplayer-mozilla in the repository (for i386)01:22
jrattner1does xchat from ubuntu not ship with sounds?01:23
Will^Dravenzeus1_, alt+ctrl+F7 takes you back to your x session01:23
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ChurcH_of_FoamYdalamar:  ok so you have an nvidia gforce 100 or 200 mx?01:23
utnubuQuestion: How to install from Ubuntu Live CD ?01:23
zeus1_thank u will01:23
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dalamarChurcH_of_FoamY, yeah 20001:23
benplaututnubu, you can't01:24
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Will^Dravenno problem01:24
nickrudutnubu, I think by using it to download the install cd ;D01:24
ChurcH_of_FoamYthen i don't think that your card is gonna be able to hack the resolution in ubuntu >.<01:24
Paradoxxcafuego it says it dosen't find one01:24
cafuego!find flashplayer01:24
ubotuflashplayer-mozilla: (Macromedia Flash Player), section multiverse/web, is optional. Version: 7.0.25-0.0 (hoary), Packaged size: 956 kB, Installed size: 2136 kB01:24
cafuegoParadoxx: Enable 'multiverse'.01:24
ChurcH_of_FoamYi'm runing an nvidia gforce 4000mx with no problems and there cheap on ebay01:24
Paradoxxi'm sure it is enabled01:24
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dalamarChurcH_of_FoamY, that stinks, seeing as it works for everything except a few videos - oh well ill run it anyway01:24
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cafuegoChurcH_of_FoamY: They apparently have issues with the latest nvidia driver (which is in breezy)01:25
utnubuQuestion: Running on the Live CD, there is not enough storage to download the Install CD iso ?01:25
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goofriderAny LaunchPad admin here?01:25
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ChurcH_of_FoamYand what is the  nv11ddr? is that the driver?01:25
jknifeWill^Draven, if your in a TTY you dont need to press alt just ctl+F#01:25
jknifewhats the latest kernel version on the rap?01:25
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ChurcH_of_FoamYi just do sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx01:25
BROKEN_LADDERthis is interesting and might explain some of my audio problems.01:25
=== CarLBanks [n=CarLBank@cpe-204-210-255-63.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERW: Couldn't stat source package list ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org hoary/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.alsa-project.org_dists_hoary_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)01:25
BROKEN_LADDERW: Couldn't stat source package list ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org hoary/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.alsa-project.org_dists_hoary_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)01:25
dalamarChurcH_of_FoamY, thats how mine is installed as well01:25
Xappeutnubu: mount a decent partition and download the iso to that01:26
ChurcH_of_FoamYi would suggest that you get a little bit of a newer card then01:26
CarLBanksok when I start up and I go through all the login screens it doesn't see the disc and doesn't boot it up from the CD01:26
jknifedoes nvidia-glx-dev includeglu.h???01:26
nickrudutnubu, I'll erase all I was about to say and point at Xappe01:26
ChurcH_of_FoamYthey sell the one i have on ebay for like 20 dollars01:26
dalamarChurcH_of_FoamY, yeah its on the list of things to get ;)01:26
cafuegojknife: What are you trying to compile?01:26
Paradoxxmy firefox, keeps closing01:26
Paradoxxi don't kno y01:26
zeus1_disasm - i tried thsoe commands they didnt work01:26
jknifequake2/quake3 and Evas01:26
thrush_2CarLBanks, you need to change your boot order in bios01:26
zeus1_I stopped /ect/init.d/gmd stop01:27
utnubuXappe nickrud Question: How to format and write new master boot record?01:27
CarLBanksthat sounds scary01:27
ChurcH_of_FoamYgood job on the screen resolutions though01:27
zeus1_and did rmmod and it didnt work disasm01:27
thrush_2CarLBanks, maybe01:27
Paradoxxany1 espereinced a similar problem?01:27
zeus1_said sound still in use - disasm01:27
CarLBanksis there an FAQ on how to do it?01:27
ChurcH_of_FoamYmy xorg.conf file is somewhat messier01:27
cafuegojknife: You can check on packages.ubuntu.com01:27
disasmzeus1_: hmmm, sound still in use even on the cli...01:27
zeus1_ya it said disabling gnome display manager and said ok01:27
Xappeutnubu: the installer will take care of the mbr for you01:28
thrush_2do you know your motherboards model?01:28
nickrudutnubu, grub-install is the command, but what's your context?01:28
zeus1_then i tryed it said sound module in use01:28
disasmzeus1_: lemme try something real quick01:28
CarLBanksit is a guru motherboard01:28
CarLBanksan ABit Guru01:28
CarLBanksI think I know what to do01:28
nickrudutnubu, I mean, it's not something you need to do, normally01:28
=== ChurcH_of_FoamY uses only asus or msi
johndarkhorsenickrud: are you in here causing trouble, again?01:28
utnubuXappe nickrud: Question: Running on the Live CD, how to format the existing harddrive in order to restore the master boot record?01:29
nickrudjohndarkhorse, moi?01:29
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zeus1_disasm - k01:29
zeus1_Hey is there a package for GIMP that makes it look like photoshop01:29
Xappeutnubu: restore to what?01:29
zeus1_i heard there was....01:29
ChurcH_of_FoamYi have my current asus motherboard that has the bios pic that you can change set to display a pic of the ubuntu logo ^_^01:29
nickrudutnubu, I've never had to do that, so I'll bow out (now, lilo, if you want some help)01:30
johndarkhorsenickrud: yes, you know who i'm talkgin to01:30
mcphailzeus1_: google for gimpshop01:30
utnubuXappe: restore to a non corrupt mbr.  Grub loads and is incorrect.  Partitions may be corrupt.  Entire disk wipe ?01:30
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johndarkhorsexappe, nickrud  i think utnubu wants to add a new partition to his existing setup01:30
tritiumutnubu, it's fdisk /mbr, if you can use a windows rescue boot disk01:30
disasmzeus1_: well it killed sound here, i did ctrl alt f1 /etc/init.d/gdm stop, rmmod snd-intel8x0 /etc/init.d/gdm start and i no longer have sound...01:30
nickrudjohndarkhorse, then, if you know ...01:31
shinuis there such a command like finger@ ?01:31
[^IkarI^] Hello, is there any good power management applet for gnome that can run on the Hoary version? The battery monitor just lets me see how my battery drains out really fast....01:31
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zeus1_disasm - k01:31
=== tom17h [n=tom@c-24-218-179-18.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
zeus1_there has to be another way to do it01:31
=== Webby` [n=Webby`@ool-18b8c5ee.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Webby`help! I startx won't start01:31
utnubuQuestion: How to erase the harddrive and rewrite the mbr from the Live CD?01:31
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Xappeutnubu: if you have an ubuntu install you can chroot to that and do grub-install /dev/hdx i guess01:31
thrush_2Webby`, gdm work?=)01:31
Webby`What do I type in command prompt to get it to work right?01:32
=== Fackamato [n=fackamat@81-229-119-116-no24.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
Webby`thrush2: nope01:32
=== CarLBanks [n=CarLBank@cpe-204-210-255-63.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotusmeg is, like, a Simple Menu Editor for GNOME. Get it at http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg/ or from backports.01:32
mcphailutnubu: do you want to get rid of your MBR altogether?01:32
CarLBanksok so for boot priority it didn't change a thing01:32
FackamatoI'm on breezy here, anyone know what nsl= option I should use to access my scandinavian '' letters on NTFS volumes in fstab? (says invalid char encoding now)01:32
Fackamatotried 850 and 1250 and utf8 without success01:32
CarLBanksdid I need to extract the iso image before copying it to the disk?01:32
nickrudutnubu, I think you'll need to be a little more specific about your situation, to get better help :)01:32
CarlFKhoary - does a user have to unmount the floppy, or is everything written right away?01:33
CarLBanksor is a regular iso image fine01:33
CarLBankssince on the CD I just extracted the ISO image to it01:33
XappeFackamato: UTF-801:33
Webby`I'm running Breezy, could not being able to startx be a bug?01:33
shinubenplaut: yes?01:33
ubotuKeep your fingers to yourself, benplaut.01:33
utnubuOn boot, GRLDR fails, and the Floppy and CD and DVD drives are ignored, altho they are in the BIOS Boot Device setup...01:33
benplautshinu, vuala :P01:33
iJeffChatBenplaut: Just curious, how can anyone afford to send out free CDs?01:33
disasmzeus1_: sudo echo snd_intel8x0 >> /etc/hotplug/blacklist then reboot, that will definitely kill the module, and to get sound back you'll have to modprobe snd-intel8x0 or remove that line from /etc/hotplug/blacklist and reboot01:33
benplaut!mark shuttleworth01:33
utnubuI am running now in the Ubuntu Live CD and I want to take over the harddrive please01:33
ubotubenplaut: Are you on ritalin?01:33
ubotuKeep your fingers to yourself, webby`.01:34
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FackamatoXappe: that did not work01:34
nickrudCarlFK, no, normally you _must_ unmount, unless you've specically set up drive syncing01:34
iJeffChatBenplaut: Just curious, how can anyone afford to send out free CDs?01:34
Webby`I'm running Breezy, could not being able to startx be a bug?01:34
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benplautiJeffChat, Mark Shuttleworth... philanthropic multi-millionere01:34
=== nickrud lost something important that way once
CarlFKiJeffChat - AOL does it ;)01:34
shinubenplaut: ?01:34
benplautiJeffChat, and stop repeating yourself01:34
benplautshinu: what ubotu said ;)01:34
thrush_2CarLBanks, when you look in the cd it shows 'alot' of files right not just something.iso?01:34
iJeffChatBenplaut: sorry.. who's a mutli-billionaire? wha?01:34
CarlFKnickrud - i thought maybe ubuntu set that up by default01:35
benplautMark Shuttleworth01:35
CarLBanksit just shows something iso01:35
benplauthe funds ubuntu01:35
CarLBankshow do I erase the CD01:35
Webby`I'm running Breezy, could not being able to startx be a bug?01:35
tom17hHmm... something very strange seems to have just happened -- key combos that involve alt and shift aren't working right -- speicifcally, they're ignoring the shift. Keycombos with shift and without alt are still fine. Any idea what could be causing this? It seems to be GNOME wide, but not system wide (the keycombos work right in my virtual terminals)01:35
Webby`Can someone answer me please?01:35
Fackamatowhat sound program should xchat use in breezy?01:35
Fackamato'auto' doesn't work, does pc speaker beep.01:35
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:tritium] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | FAQs & User Documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | Do NOT paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | Channel logs: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ | To prevent spam: /umode +CE | For auto-joining to work: use your nickserv password as server password | Politics and violence are strictly offtopic.
Fackamatoi'm on gnome01:36
nickrudCarlFK, I don't think so.01:36
thrush_2what cd burning software you using?01:36
=== hermit [n=justin@d207-216-21-12.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
hermitWhat's the ubuntu equivalent to /etc/rc.local ?01:36
CarLBanksthat means I just wasted a CD-R01:36
muszekI'm installing Ubuntu on my friends computer (used to play music @ his cafe), but I don't know how to switch sound output from motherboard's sound card to the "regular" one. Can anyone please help me?01:36
CarLBanksyour happy about that?01:37
=== her_Aubreyness [n=her_Aubr@c-24-7-234-109.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
[^IkarI^] Hello, is there any good power management applet for gnome that can run on the Hoary version? The battery monitor just lets me see how my battery drains out really fast....01:37
Webby`I'm running Breezy, could not being able to startx be a bug?01:37
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thrush_2ive been sitting at a helpdesk for nine hours with not one call any distraction is welcome =)01:37
nickrudWebby`, X in breezy is not done yet; wait a bit.01:37
Webby`Ok, Thanks nickrud01:38
Webby`I keep getting startx errors01:38
Webby`Guess it's back to Hoary01:38
tritiumWebby`, why are you not running gdm instead?01:38
Xorlev/etc/init.d/gdm start?01:38
CarLBanksThrush your sure I can't delete a CD-R?01:38
thrush_2CarLBanks, yep01:38
CarLBanksdang it!01:38
XorlevCD-R is permanent write media.01:38
Webby`tritium: what is gdm?01:38
XorlevCD-RW is rewritable.01:38
tritiumWebby`, gnome display manager01:39
utnubuQuestion: root$ fdisk /mbr    "Unable to open /mbr"01:39
Webby`tritium: I was but it won't start now01:39
XorlevWebby`: X is just the graphics engine, GDM uses it to make the desktop.01:39
tritiumWebby`, look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log for errors01:39
nickrudutnubu, you cannot use the live cd to install ubuntu. That command was to use windows to fix your mbr.01:39
CarLBanksok Thrash that's it01:39
hermitwhere can i put comments to be run at startup in ubuntu?01:39
hermitin other systems ive used rc.local01:39
CarLBanksUbuntu doesn't offer anything over Windows01:40
hermitbut it doesn't exist here..01:40
Carpe_LibertatemCarLBanks: One is free, the other is $200+ ? =P01:40
thrush_2CarLBanks, except for the fact that its all free01:40
CarLBanksI'm not going to waste another CD and install Ubuntu and then find out I don't like it01:40
XorlevCarLBanks: Indeed it does.01:40
tritiumCarLBanks, actually, it does.  But you're free to do as you wish01:40
CarLBanksI've already wasted one CD01:40
Carpe_LibertatemThat's your fault.01:40
nickrudhermit, you can create it in /etc/init.d/, then link it as S99rc.local in /etc/rc2.d01:40
FackamatoHow do I install multimeda codecs? Like support for decoding DivX, XviD, Windows WMV, _MP3_ etc.01:40
XorlevGee. You wasted $0.10. What a loss.01:40
hermitnickrud: thanks01:40
FackamatoI'm on breezy btw.01:40
mcphailCarLBanks: stop moaning about wasted CD-Rs. They're cheaper than fresh air.01:40
MadpilotCarLBanks: not much of a waste, you learned how *not* do to it... (you can always send away for the pressed Ubuntu CDs...)01:41
utnubuQuestion: How format the harddrive and rewrite the partition table?01:41
nickrudhermit, although there is probably a better way, depending on what you're after.01:41
johndarkhorse!tell Fackamato about restricted01:41
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XorlevThe pressed CDs take a long time to arrive.01:41
ChurcH_of_FoamYyea so there free01:41
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XorlevI still haven't gotten mine o.o01:41
Carpe_LibertatemWhen did you submit?01:41
=== Kyral pats his 50 spindle of CD-Rs
Kyral :D01:42
XorlevEhm...like...2-4 months ago01:42
mcphailutnubu: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1 will _completely_ blank the partition table01:42
CarLBanksnow first question01:42
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nickrudXorlev, it took so long to get my hoary disks, I had no idea why someone would send me a package from switzerland :)01:42
benplautXorlev, mine took 4 months...01:42
CarLBanksI got a new CD-R01:42
KyralNo, it isn't Windows :P01:42
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Kyralsorry, I'm hyper and in a sarcastic mood :D01:42
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johndarkhorsenickrud: yours didnt come from the netherlands?01:42
CarLBanksyou guys were right about the CD-R being cheap01:42
XorlevBe warned CarLBanks, Ubuntu is NOT Windows.01:42
CarLBanksI know Xorlev01:42
CarLBanksI want to try something different01:43
nickrudjohndarkhorse, no, and you too, you dog01:43
XorlevIts much better, though you might not be used to it.01:43
Kyralubotu tell CarLBanks about apt01:43
KyralThats gonna stop a lot of questions :P01:43
agoraHey u folks I need some help01:43
XorlevWhatcha need agora?01:43
utnubumcphail: and then to save the Install CD to there?01:43
hermitnickrud: that will do fine01:43
hermitnickrud: i just need it to bind some filesystems to a chrooted installation i run on here01:44
agoraXorlev  ubuntu 5.0.4 cant burn cds01:44
XorlevYes it can.01:44
tritiumyes, it can01:44
CarLBankswhich should I pick? Intel or AMD64, and how do I extract the ISO?01:44
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Carpe_LibertatemI've burned CDs in Ubuntu 5.0.4 ...01:44
phantombrainmit can01:44
utnubuBurning CDs: cdrecorder nautilus-cd-burner01:44
Madpilotagora: sure it can. Nautilus (the file manager) burns CDs just fine...01:44
tritiumand graveman, gnomebaker, k3b01:44
KyralCarLBanks, what kind of processor do you have?01:44
phantombrainmk3b works as well01:44
mcphailutnubu: no, no, no. You need to install from the install CD. You shouldn't need to rewrite the partition table to do that.01:44
agoraXorlev drive is recognised and read cd ok01:44
XorlevWell, to be technical, Ubuntu doesn't and can't burn CDs. The software does.01:45
=== Carpe_Libertatem rolls eyes
CarLBanksI've got the AMD64, but I heard someone say it's not supported by some software01:45
MadpilotXorlev: nice nitpick...01:45
CarLBanksAMD 64 300001:45
utnubumcphail Question: How to download the Install CD to the harddrive?01:45
XorlevEven then the software doesn't.01:45
BROKEN_LADDERcan anyone help me get sound working on my on-board audio, Realtek ALC650F chipset..??01:45
MadpilotXorlev: right, the burner does the actual work... (you're still nitpicking...)01:46
agoraMadpilot  Nautilus creats the image then starts to burn.  It hangs the cd light never comes on and the mouse even hangs01:46
XorlevThe software uses the kernel which runs the device driver which uses the IDE or SCSI controller which controls the burner which burns the CD.01:46
Xappeutnubu: mount the hdd --> download to it01:46
mcphailutnubu: same way you'd choose to download anything else...01:46
=== SavvyPlayer [n=SavvyPla@user-10bj17l.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
KyralCarLBanks, if you want uber easy, then do the x86 ISO01:46
nickrudutnubu, is the live cd the only os you can boot on the machine?01:46
Madpilotagora: try one or two of the other CD burning apps, see if they work...01:46
Kyralbut you won't be using your full 64 bit power01:46
mcphailutnubu: do whatever you did to download and burn the live cd01:47
Madpilotbe back later, got real-world things on the go...01:47
CarLBanksok so if I pick 64 then it will be compatible?01:47
KyralI dunno, I run a 32 bit :P01:47
XorlevYou might try the x86 version, then if you like it, use the amd64.01:47
KyralCheck out the AMD64 version01:47
agoratried k3p - hangs the same no help01:47
KyralI can't type...01:47
QMarioCan I use 32-bit software with a Sempron64?01:47
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SavvyPlayerhello, how does one configure two ubuntu peers to recognize each other by hostname?01:48
FackamatoQMario:  of course.01:48
agorahardware was good under windows just before I wiped and loaded ubuntu01:48
BROKEN_LADDERk3b works fine for me.01:48
XorlevSavvyPlayer: Ethernet, router, hub?01:48
=== BROKEN_LADDER ponders gonig back to windoze.
BROKEN_LADDERgoing even01:48
XorlevBROKEN_LADDER: See the light man!01:48
utnubuQuestion: How to mount a harddrive from the Live CD?01:48
XorlevStay on linux!01:48
SavvyPlayerlinksys cable/dsl router dynamic ip addressing01:49
js_how do i change the font of the titlebar etc in firefox?01:49
tritiumthat's better than what you were pondering earlier01:49
QMarioWindows=Viruses, Spyware, and the three-finger-salute, ;)01:49
ubotugrub is, like, totally, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows01:49
agoraMadpilot I want to try gnomebaker but apt-get says it cant be found and such01:49
ubotuQMario: What?01:49
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tom17hSavvyPlayer: Assuming the hostnames are local, you can add an entry to /etc/hosts.01:50
CarLBanksThank you all for your help with me in my uber and stupid newbie-ness01:50
agoraMadpilot is there a repository that has gnomebaker01:50
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mcphailutnubu: first of all, create some partitons with sudo cfdisk /dev/hda01:50
tritiumagora, universe01:50
QMarioWhat does the term "trolling" mean?01:50
robertbbI have a working FAT32 partition that is able to be seen/read by Windows and GNU/Linux.  However, under GNU/Linux, it is only able to be written to by user root (despite the ownership of the directory to which it is mounted being robertbb:robertbb).01:50
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robertbbPermissions are also 777.01:50
robertbbAnyone experienced a problem like this?01:50
SavvyPlayerdynamic ip addressing means /etc/hosts is not a reliable option01:50
BROKEN_LADDERXorlev then how do i get something as basic as sound to work again so i can get things done that are more important than my f&$#ing computer?01:50
utnuburoot$ sudo cfdisk /dev/hda   "FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition 1: logical partitions overlap"01:51
BROKEN_LADDERi have too mayn things to  do today to worry aboutthis.01:51
agoratritium I went there and found the files01:51
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Xapperobertbb: mount with umask=00001:51
[Phaedrus] QMario: it means being pointless and leaving useless comments01:51
XorlevBROKEN_LADDER: Tried going into alsamixer and muting Digital output?01:51
tritiumBROKEN_LADDER, don't we all?01:51
aruI'm tired of mozilla crashing... I think its time for a new browser01:51
QuinthiusQMario: or basically stirring up trouble01:51
agoratritium I would like to add the repository but did  not know how01:51
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BROKEN_LADDERXorlev yeah.  strangely that has worked in the past.  muting digital output makes the digital output work.01:51
nickrudaru, try epiphany, small and fast01:51
BROKEN_LADDERbut that's not working.01:51
thrush_2robertbb,  see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions01:51
utnubuQuestion: [From the Live CD]  How to rewrite the partition table? How to format /dev/hda?01:52
mcphailutnubu: you have a borked partition table as you mentioned above. If you are happy to blank your hard drive, follow the dd instruction i gave above.01:52
QMarioQuinthius. how do I stir up trouble?01:52
BROKEN_LADDERXorlev thing only thing that changed was a did an apt-get upgrade01:52
QMarioDo any of you think I do that here?01:52
tritiumBROKEN_LADDER, you're using unofficial repos01:52
agoratritium I mean in synaptic01:52
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, repositories is probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96901:52
tritiumagora, ^^01:52
BROKEN_LADDERthe gnome volume monitor shows sound bar going when i use xmms01:52
agoratritium yes01:52
tom17hSavvyPlayer: If both hosts are getting their IP dynamically, how can they know where to find each other without further intervention?01:52
BROKEN_LADDERas if everything is fine01:52
QuinthiusQMario: i was answering your question as an addition to phaedrus' response...01:52
mcphailutnubu: if you have data on your hard drive you need to keep, then that will be more problematic01:52
tritiumstick with official ubuntu repos01:52
QMarioHee, I was just joking.01:52
SavvyPlayerthat's my question :)01:52
=== arbir [n=arbir4@S01060011953d8506.fm.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERtritium not for anything sound related i'm not.  just for minisip01:53
QMario 01:53
SavvyPlayerdoesn't windows use bootp or something?01:53
agoratritium i dont know what ^^ means01:53
tritiumagora, it meant to look at the line above01:53
robertbbXappe, thrush_2, thanks for your help :-)01:53
arbirhi tritium01:54
tritiumhi arbir01:54
QMarioHello arbir! :)01:54
utnubuQuestion: [From the Live CD]  Which partition type is most sutable for ubuntu?01:54
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arbiri am losing connection with my wirelesss router01:54
arbirhi QMario01:54
SavvyPlayerext3 or reiserfs01:54
tritiumreiserfs can be troublesome01:54
arbirand when i reboot it works fine for 5 mins adn then again i lose it01:54
SavvyPlayerreiserfs performs better on benchmarks01:54
=== QMario cheers for ext3.
Xorlevreiser is nice, but I prefer the security ext3 is based on01:54
=== thrush_2 prefers reiserfs
mcphailubotu: primary or logical are fine01:55
ubotuokay, mcphail01:55
agoratritium I dont know the proper syntax for add repository - dep <site name> main universe ....??????01:55
QMario Go ext3!!! 01:55
tritiumagora, did you read the URL I gave you?01:55
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agoratritium that was sb deb01:55
arbirQMario, can you please help me ?01:55
mcphailutnubu: what i said to ubotu...01:55
tritiumubotu, tell agora about repositories01:55
agoratritium universe01:56
utnubuQuestion: sudo cfdisk /dev/hda  [Type]  there is not ext3 as an option...01:56
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, repositories is probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96901:56
arbirtritium, can you please help me ?01:56
mcphailutnubu: type 83 for linux01:56
tritiumarbir, with what?01:56
thrush_2ubotu, just select "linux"01:56
ubotuthrush_2: Syntax error in line 101:56
mcphail(or is it 82???)01:56
arbirmy wirelss connection keeps dropping and once it has dropped i am not able to connect unless i reboot01:57
thrush_2ubotu, i want talking to you01:57
ubotuthrush_2: No idea01:57
Sir_Brizzdoes anyone know where a tutorial on enabling FTP in Ubuntu would be located?01:57
cafuego82 is swap01:57
utnubuThank You! "Wrote partition table to disk"01:57
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mcphailutnubu: make a swap partition as well01:57
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tritiumarbir, can you provide more details?01:57
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disasmarbir: what if is your wireless card?01:57
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cafuegomore to the point, are you using ndiswrapper?01:58
arbirtritium, i have an inspiron 9300 which has the intel 2200 BG card01:58
benplautthrush_2: ubotu is a bot01:58
arbirtritium , i have the Dlink wireless router01:58
disasmarbir: also, next time it happens, try /etc/init.d/networking restart rather than rebooting01:58
mcphailutnubu: by the way, do you have 2 cd drives?01:58
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arbirmy laptop is dual boot. with XP and Ubuntu01:58
tritiumarbir, there are some known issues with ipw2200 such as that01:58
SavvyPlayerso is it possible for two ubuntu peers on a given subnet to learn each other's hostname?01:58
utnubu[Hardware] : two cd drives, Asus CDRW, HP CD DVD01:58
atilahi all; sorry but I guess I have messed up the drivers for my webcam. can anyone help me (I am a n00b)01:58
cafuegomcphail: He ought to be able to do a debootstrap install from the livecd onto a disk.01:58
utnubuQuestion: How large for the swap partition, what sudo [Type] 01:59
arbirtritium, i tried both GUI and CLI ways of refreshing my NIC.. but it wont respond01:59
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ubotuThaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my brain on http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:59
QMarioUbotu, tell thrush2_ about ubotu.01:59
cafuegoutnubu: Depends on your ram; I normally use between 256 and 512Mb as swap.01:59
arbirTritium is there any place where I can get some updated drivers ?01:59
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mcphailutnubu: type 8201:59
tritiumarbir, breezy has newer drivers, for one thing, if you're willing to run it01:59
arbirdisasm, networking restart does not work01:59
agoraubotu  hey maybe you know the best way to install gnomebaker  ???01:59
ubotuagora: Are you smoking crack?01:59
disasmSir_Brizz: i'd assume apt-get install wu-ftpd would do what you want02:00
arbirtritium, it cant get worse than this02:00
cafuegoDon't use wu-ftpd!02:00
utnubuQuestion: Should the swap partition be at the beginning of the drive?02:00
thrush_2utnubu, yes02:00
agoraobotu  no why would you say that02:00
cafuegois is THE most root hole ridden software EVER02:00
tritiumarbir, perhaps try upgrading to breezy if you feel up to it02:00
cafuego!tell agora -about ubotu02:00
disasmarbir: what about /etc/init.d/networking stop; rmmod <wireless_module>; insmod <wireless module>; /etc/init.d/networking start02:00
Carpe_Libertatem!tell Carpe_Libertatem about themes02:01
arbirno no tritium.. i just want the driver02:01
utnubuQuestion: Which partition should be bootable?02:01
mcphailutnubu: a modern machine will rarely use swap. Put it anywhere02:01
arbirdisasm, hold on i dont knwo my wireless_module02:01
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cafuegomcphail: A modern machine will use swap as soon as an app has been idle for about half an hour.02:01
disasmarbir: lsmod02:01
agoraWho know the quick and easy on installinf gnomebaker02:01
funkyHatubotu, agora doesn't smoke crack02:01
ubotufunkyHat: What?02:01
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mcphailutnubu: i don't think you have to make any one bootable, but if in doubt use /dev/hda102:01
arbirhold   on disasm let me try that02:02
funkyHatubotu, agora is someone who doesn't smoke crack02:02
ubotuokay, funkyHat02:02
astro87Hello, I want to change my DNS IP from the default (my router) to the ISP's IPs. I edited this in the network settings and in /etc/resolv.conf, and it still defaults back to router IP at reboot - please can anyone tell me how to make the IP change permanent?02:02
cafuegosudo apt-get install gnomebaker02:02
tritiumarbir, yes, search the forums.   A few people have updated their driver for ipw2200 on hoary02:02
agorai tried apt-get install and it just gives me error messages02:02
utnubuThank You! Bootable partition must be specified. "No primary partitions are bootable. DOS MBR cannot boot this."02:02
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tritiumagora, did you apt-get update first?02:02
arbirtritium i see this ipw220002:02
arbirletme try that02:02
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thrush_2ahh quitting time. bye all02:02
theeilhow do i extract from a mutly-part rar (.r00, r01, r02, etc..)?02:03
atilaanyone can help me about how to uninstall a driver I installed using modprobe ? please ?02:03
cafuegoagora: Paste the exact errors on paste.ubunutlinux.nl if you want to give us USEFUL info.02:03
astro87just open .r0002:03
utnubuQuestion: [From Live CD]  How to mount newly created partition /dev/hda202:03
tritiumatila, modprobe -r02:03
mcphailutnubu: now type sudo mke2fs -j /dev/hda2 to format it02:03
cafuegoutnubu: sudo mkdir /target; sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda2 /target02:03
atilatritium : ty; but it still is there . . . any change to find what I have to modprobe -r ......... (the name I have to write here) ?02:04
tritiumatila, you need to specify the module name, of course02:04
atilatritium : :-) and how to find the module names installed ?02:04
professor_chaosI need help with a script /etc/init.d/script linked from "/etc/rc2.d/S90script -> ../init.d/script" not executing at boot. It executes fine by /etc/rc2.d/script02:05
tritiumatila, if you modprobed it, you'd have specified the module name02:05
Paradoxxok, this is gettin annoying now.. firefox keeps randomely closing >.<02:05
arbirdisasm i dont see the module02:05
tritiumatila, lsmod lists the loaded module02:05
cafuegoParadoxx: after you installed flash?02:05
johndarkhorsetheeil: you need "unrar.nonfree" isntalled, and then file-roller or ark will open the *.rar or the *.part1.rar02:05
Paradoxxwell, i think so02:05
cafuegoParadoxx: Yeah, flash does that. it _is_ rather shit software.02:05
arbirdisasm, it says insmod cant read ipw2200: No such file or dir02:06
atilatritium : it was ov511 and I did modprobe -r ov511 but is still there when I dmesg. I am trying lsmod :-)02:06
lakcajprofessor_chaos, if you create your own startup script, for example /etc/init.d/script, after you chmod 755 it, add it to the boot process using "update-rc.d script defaults"02:06
Paradoxxits been doing that a while, but it could b after flash....02:06
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Paradoxxso uninstall the flash?02:06
arbirwhere is that module located02:06
lakcajprofessor_chaos, you shouldn't be making the symlinks or anything outside of /etc/init.d.  That is what update-rc.d is for.02:06
Paradoxxand that should fix the problem?02:06
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agoracafuego i have the error copied where do i access paste.ubuntulinux.nl02:07
arbiris now going to seach forums02:07
professor_chaoslakcaj, I did that, and update-rc.d made links to all runlevels. It still doesn't execute.02:07
atilatritium : lsmod does not show it; but dmesg still shows I have more installed ... ?02:07
agoracafuego is it a url on the web02:07
Madpilotagora: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/02:07
tritiumatila, if lsmod doesn't show it, it's not loaded02:07
agoraMadpilot thanks one moment02:08
professor_chaoslakcaj, my script makes a call for hostname. hostn=`hostname`. Is that a problem?02:08
tritiumatila, make sure you're seeing the whole list.  You may need to pipe into less, i.e. lsmod | less02:08
Paradoxxcafuego: so what do you do about flash sites?02:08
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o tritium] by tritium
cafuegoParadoxx: avoid like the plague02:09
cafuegoParadoxx: Just in case, i use the firefox extension that blocks flash.02:09
professor_chaoslakcaj, lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 13 2005-09-03 22:16 /etc/rc2.d/S90msi -> ../init.d/msi02:10
atilatritium : ty it is not there :-) but to be more specific I have : "drivers/usb/media/ov511.c: USB OV518 video device found" when I try dmesg :-(02:10
professor_chaoslakcaj, -rwxrwxrwx  1 danc bti 149 2005-09-03 22:17 /etc/init.d/msi02:10
professor_chaoslakcaj, Do you see any problems?02:10
tritiumatila, that doesn't mean it's loaded02:10
Paradoxxwhats its name?02:10
Paradoxxif you remember02:10
lakcajprofessor_chaos, not there.  How do you start it with /etc/init.d?  Something like /etc/init.d/msi start?02:11
bimberiastro87: set up resolv.conf the way you want, then "sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf" (makes it immutable)02:11
atilatritium : ty :-)02:11
atilatritium : can I then delete the directories ?02:11
lakcajprofessor_chaos, or is it just a script, ie. no start/stop/restart, etc.02:11
bimberiastro87: btw, "-i" removes the attribute02:11
nickrudprofessor_chaos, I'd chown to root02:11
professor_chaoslakcaj, Yes, it's just a script02:11
professor_chaoslakcaj, ok I'll try that02:11
mcphailprofessor_chaos: what does your script do?02:12
lakcajprofessor_chaos, you don't necessarily have to have start/stop/etc02:12
professor_chaoslakcaj, It just starts a program with an option of "hostname"02:12
lakcajprofessor_chaos, can you execute it via /etc/rc2.d/S90msi02:12
professor_chaoslakcaj, Yes, I can, and thats what is so confusing02:13
astro87bimberi: if the file is immutable, it won't be updated?02:13
agoraMadpilot I got intercepted and sent to Blackbird authentication page  - what do I do to get around that02:13
mcphailprofessor_chaos: Would it be simpler to run it as a cron job @reboot? Does it have to run at a certain runlevel?02:13
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lakcajprofessor_chaos, also, I think if you use update-rc.d msi defaults, it will add it as S99 instead of S90, so something might be < S99 that needs to start first02:13
professor_chaoslakcaj, It just has to start at boot.02:13
bimberiastro87: that's the theory, i've not done it myself, but worth a try :)02:13
astro87bimberi: thanks, I'll give it a go :)02:14
Sir_Brizzhow do I configure ftp so that when a user logs in they are restricted to a certain directory?02:14
bimberiastro87: i tested it myself by trying to "sudo vi" the file and it wouldn't save, so looks promising :)02:14
professor_chaoslakcaj, Yea, I thought about that. I think I will change ownership and change it to S99.02:14
mcphailprofessor_chaos: set a cron job, then.02:14
cafuegowell well02:14
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lakcajprofessor_chaos, how do you know it is not starting?  Try adding an echo statement like "LOOK HERE!!! I'M STARTING!!!" so you can see what it is doing.02:14
professor_chaoslakcaj, I check the current processes and its not listed??02:15
professor_chaoslakcaj, I'll try and echo statement just to see what happens02:15
Sir_Brizzno i don't have one02:16
professor_chaoslakcaj, thanks for your help. I unfortunately have to reboot to test if it works?02:16
codenutwhere do you add the echo statement?02:16
professor_chaoslakcaj, or can I just switch runlevels and then switch back to test?02:16
Madpilotagora: you got sent where? http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/  - add your paste into the big textarea in the center...02:17
lakcajprofessor_chaos, maybe you could try init 1 and then init 2 or something, but I've never tried that.02:17
lakcajprofessor_chaos, I've done what you are trying to do many times though, and you're doing it correctly02:17
nickrudprofessor_chaos, lakcaj that will work if there's a stop stanza, otherwise not02:17
Carpe_LibertatemIs there a good channel for theming discussuin?02:18
codenuti heard init 1 is dangerous02:18
professor_chaoslakcaj, Thanks I'll keep trying02:18
lakcajprofessor_chaos, I always make /etc/init.d/local and add it with update-rc.d02:18
agoraMadpilot http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl  got redirected to Blackbird authentication page  it looks bogus02:18
professor_chaoslakcaj, but then it add links to all runlevels? Can I just add to a certain runlevel?02:18
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Bateau_hey! any know how i reload a script in X-chat?02:19
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lakcajprofessor_chaos, debian/ubuntu really don't use multiple run levels.02:19
nickrudcodenut, not dangerous at all, it just shuts down most things, and runs only as a single user. Being in that runlevel lets you fix a lot of things.02:19
=== mcphail wonders if ubuntu uses runlevels properly...
agoraMadpilot  Here is part of the error  Building dependency tree... Done   -Package gnomebaker is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another sourc02:19
mcphailas in "the traditional sense"02:19
=== nickrud crosses his fingers at mcphail
codenutok it spooked me when some one told me to stay away fron init 102:20
Madpilotagora: I have no idea what that blackbird thing means, the paste site works for me (ask google about pastebins, there are dozens around, if the Ubuntu one doesn't work for you...)02:20
agoraMadpilot   next line  E: Package gnomebaker has no installation candidate02:20
professor_chaosAre runlevels 2-5 for three additional users?02:20
nickrudif you mean, runlevel 3 is something, and 5 is another, no.02:20
crimsunI'd like to think Debian (and thus Ubuntu) do the "sane thing" by not mucking with runlevels02:20
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professor_chaosOr three custom levels?02:21
nickrudI'll muck with my runlevels, myself, thank you.02:21
mcphailcrimsun: i quite agree. Hence why I think that a cron job would be satisfactory for his task02:21
Madpilot!tell agora about repos02:21
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lakcaj 0 is halt, 1 is single user, 2, 3, 4, 5 are multiuser, 6 is reboot02:21
utnubuThank You! root@ubuntu:/ # sudo mke2fs -j /dev/hda202:21
lakcaj2,3,4,5 are basically all the same02:21
professor_chaosmcphail, Can you cron job something just at boot?02:21
nickrudlakcaj, identical, actually :)02:22
agoraMadpilot  I have had some bad luck today.  Even my registration would not let go here.  I had to login as a new user I created then re-register just to get here02:22
mcphailuse @reboot for time02:22
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utnubuQuestion: [From the Live CD]  How to mount the newly formatted partition and download the Install CD to there?02:22
codenutah..... it was runlevel 0 i was warned against in rc.local once.02:22
professor_chaosmcphail, cool, I didn't know I could do that?02:22
lakcajcodenut, or even 6, that would be bad02:22
mcphailprofessor_chaos: it is "non-standard"02:22
agoraMadpilot did you see my error -  couple of lines up02:22
disasmoops, ya know you have way too many terminals open when you accidentally shut down your server and your trying to shutdown a desktop you finished working on ;-)02:23
crimsunprofessor_chaos: yeah, an initscript would be a bit overkill for that task.02:23
Madpilotagora: the E: package <whatever> thing usually means you don't have the Universe/Multiverse repos enabled. see the URL that ubotu sent you a minute ago02:23
professor_chaoscrimsun, so a cron job is the right kill for the job.02:24
professor_chaoscrimsun, I thought the initscripts were for just what I was doing?02:24
Carpe_LibertatemDoes Ubuntu run a VNC server by default?02:25
mcphailprofessor_chaos: init scripts are really for things which should start/stop at certain runlevels02:25
utnubuQuestion: How to mount a newly formatted partition on /dev/hda2 ?02:25
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professor_chaoslakcaj, mcphail crabstic Thanks for all your help/suggestions.02:25
professor_chaoslakcaj, mcphail crimsun  Thanks for all your help/suggestions.02:25
lakcajnp, hope you get it working ok02:26
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QMarioDoes any here think I am a religious fanatic?02:26
utnubumcphail: How do I mount the new harddrive partition made by sudo?02:26
bimberiCarpe_Libertatem: yes it's called vino-server, which allows you to share your desktop (Sys -> Pref -> Remote Desktop)02:27
MadpilotQMario: why, are you? ;)02:27
QMarioNo, but ask in #Perl.02:27
mcphailutnubu: mount -t ext3 /dev/hda /where/you/want/it/mounted02:27
QMarioMadpilot, I think that is what they call me there.02:27
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utnubumcphail: [From the Live CD]  where do I want it /dev/hda mounted? root?02:28
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mcphailutnubu: if /mnt exists, put it there02:28
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utnuburoot@ubuntu:/ # mount -t ext3 /dev/hda /mnt02:29
utnubumount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda,02:29
utnubu       missing codepage or other error02:29
utnubu       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try02:29
utnubu       dmesg | tail  or so02:29
bimberiCarpe_Libertatem: the package is called "vino" btw (vino-server is the executable) :)02:29
MadpilotQMario: I get in enough trouble here without hanging out in programming channels ;)02:29
nickrudQMario, I haven't hung out there, but, if they're like the other perlista's I've met, you must use python :002:29
mcphailutnubu: sorry, /dev/hda202:29
utnubumcphail: Thank You!  root$ mount -t ext3 /dev/hda2 /mnt02:30
mcphailif it has worked, you should find "lost+found" in /mnt02:30
BROKEN_LADDERis there a way to reset alsa mixer settings?02:30
QMarioNickrud and Madpilot. Why are those people in the programming channels mean?02:30
utnubuQuestion: Is setting the Firefox dl dir ezer than that? heh02:30
bimberiCarpe_Libertatem: oh, and it isn't running by default, you have to enable it02:30
fluvvellI have a Celeron 2.8G box running 5.04 that wont reboot (without press of reset button) but will shutdown.  Can anyone point me in the direction of what to adjust?02:31
BROKEN_LADDERcrimsun , you're a pretty smart guy.  maybe you can help me where others could not.  i did an apt-get upgrade today, and now my sound isn't working on my ich5 Realtek ALC650F chipset.02:31
MadpilotQMario: no idea, I do HTML/CSS/PHP, but haven't inflicted actual coding on myself yet...02:31
nickrudQMario, they're not mean, they're just tired of answering the same questions. Catch those kinda guys on a different day, get a different answer.02:31
BROKEN_LADDERcrimsun if i record from output, the recording works fine.  the bars go up an down in xmms.  i just don't hear any sound suddenly.02:31
BROKEN_LADDERQMario do you believe in god?02:32
crimsunBROKEN_LADDER: paste your amixer output onto paste.ubuntulinux.nl02:32
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BROKEN_LADDERone sec02:32
QMarioBROKEN_LADDER, yes I believe in God.02:32
BROKEN_LADDERthen you are a religious fanatic02:32
utnubuQuestion: Can the following procedure be built into a web applet? 1. download livecd, reboot from there 2. destroy and rewrite the mbr 3. create, format, mount new partitions 4. download and burn install cd 5. reboot and install ubuntu02:32
BROKEN_LADDERi'm a little biased cause i'm a militant atheist however.02:33
QMarioNickrud, you were there?02:33
mcphailutnubu: most people don't have to destroy the MBR.02:33
nickrudQMario, I was very militant, just irc didn't exist then :)02:33
dabaRnickrud: so it worked for that bateau guy, it seems from the text...02:33
QMarioWhy am I a religious fanatic for just believing in God?02:33
dabaRjust forget it...02:33
fluvvellBROKEN_LADDER: is atheism not just another religion anyway ;-)02:34
BROKEN_LADDERhttp://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1905 <-- crimsun02:34
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QMarioFluvvell, it is.02:34
QMarioAthiest believe that God doesn't exist.02:34
QMarioA religion is a belief.02:34
utnubumcphail: the application is hostile takeover with minimal resources of any operating system to ubuntu.02:34
BROKEN_LADDERatheism is a scientific position based upon the extreme improbability that an all-powerful being, were it to exist, have algorithms consistent with what we call "intelligence", out of all possible algorithmic systems.02:34
=== bimberi makes mental note to ask an op to add "religion" to last bit of the topic
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=== fluvvell thinks belief in god / belief in no god --> both are beleif systems.
nickruddabaR, seems so02:35
crimsunBROKEN_LADDER: it helps if you unmute Master and PCM.02:35
_lui_hello hello02:35
dabaRQMario: this is totally off topic, and you are talking like...stereotypes, so please stop.02:35
utnubumcphail: I am about to takeover with only the live cd02:35
BROKEN_LADDERcrimsun i did.  it makes no difference.  and usually it works with them muted.02:35
QMarioDabaR, okay. You are right.02:35
BROKEN_LADDERin fact i think that's the only way it works02:35
_lui_the breezy is about to come stable in this month?02:35
crimsunBROKEN_LADDER: you may also have an ac97 codec that requires you to unmute External Amplifier.02:35
BROKEN_LADDERreligion isn't just beliefe.02:35
BROKEN_LADDERit's not a religion to think light comes from the sun.02:35
utnubu /mute *religion*02:35
QMarioWhen I just mentioned Jesus, the whole channel is #Perl was shaking.02:35
nickrudutnubu, rflol\02:35
crimsunbtw, #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks02:35
mcphailutnubu: good luck!02:35
BROKEN_LADDERcrimsun right, i've done all of that.  tried every combo.02:35
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ParisiReligion can be good if used wisely.02:36
BROKEN_LADDERcrimsun bear in mind, the settings i had worked fine.  this stopped working when i did an apt-get upgrade02:36
fluvvellBack to Ubuntu, can anyone help me with a reboot issue?02:36
dabaRcrimsun: so, cause they are off, they are muted? on that pastebin?02:36
BROKEN_LADDERi don't agree02:36
ParisiBut its off topic like somebody just mentioned.02:36
crimsundabaR: yes02:36
BROKEN_LADDERto believe that which is not true tends to lead to harm to society.02:36
_lui_question: the breezy is about to come stable in this month?02:36
utnubumcphail nickrud : I want a link on my website that forcefully installs ubuntu when clicked without use intervention.02:36
crimsun_lui_: october02:36
anomalygo to ubuntu-offtopic with this if you like02:37
disasmBROKEN_LADDER: and how can you prove its not true?02:37
Madpilotutnubu: that's insane...02:37
dabaRnice, I thought it was the zero...if its unmuted.02:37
ParisiYou dont know what its truth either, so you are not really entitled to say that are you?02:37
_lui_crimsun, ok, thanks02:37
crimsunBROKEN_LADDER: I presume you're using analog and not spdif?02:37
ParisiI cant prove that Jesus didnt exist either, or can you? :p02:37
=== Madpilot reminds people that #ubuntu-offtopic is nice and quiet...
agoraubotu  give me that again on Universe/Multiverse repos02:37
ubotuI haven't a clue, agora02:37
Madpilot!tell agora about repos02:37
nickrudutnubu, I saw your spec, it would be usable. I'd file a general bug in malone, maybe a guru can put it together. If not, it will be bug to be proud of.02:37
crimsunBROKEN_LADDER: oh in that case you can disregard my earlier comments02:37
Madpilot!tell agora about ubotu02:37
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BROKEN_LADDERdisasm the probability that an all-powerful being would be intelligent, out of all potential arrangements it could have, is exceedingly low.02:38
agoraHow did he answer so fast02:38
BROKEN_LADDERcrimsun ??02:38
Madpilotagora: ubotu is a bot - see the 2nd thing it just sent you...02:38
agoraI didn't even finish typing before he answered02:38
dabaRhe can read minds...02:38
crimsunBROKEN_LADDER: those comments only apply to analog, not spdif02:38
disasmthis is getting pretty off-topic though, if someone wants to continue this convo we can switch channels02:39
BROKEN_LADDERi remember times in the past when i had to fiddle with my settings, and it would only work when i muted something..i don't remember what.02:39
utnubunickrud: specific situation is <crappypc> broken boot.ini, trouble booting cdrom, luckily in Ubuntu Live CD, not enough memory to download Install CD, corrupt mbr, corrupt partition table, need to reformat hd = takeover from web applet02:39
dabaRow about that beaver in south park/hippo?02:39
crimsunBROKEN_LADDER: you may need to unmute 'Analog to IEC958 Output' and 'IEC958 Input Monitor'02:39
QMarioAgora, it is a small world.02:39
BROKEN_LADDERyou have to mute analag to iec95802:39
BROKEN_LADDERotherwise it won't work02:40
BROKEN_LADDERinput monitor should be muted as well02:40
crimsunugh, I thought we fixed that02:40
Xappeutnubu: download cd --> burn --> boot cd --> install/partition/write new mbr02:40
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agoraMadpilot  I am having difficilties keeping up -  looked way back but don't see it02:40
BROKEN_LADDERwait crimsun !02:40
QMarioUbotu, tell agora about ubotu.02:40
nickrudutnubu, I was watching. And I admire your persistence, probably induced by your desperation :)02:40
johndarkhorseutnubu: install "smartmontools" using synaptic02:41
BROKEN_LADDERcrimsun when i mute (deselect) "..to analag" i hear a soft "pop" in my speakers.  that means _something_ is happening02:41
fluvvellubotu: reboot02:41
ubotufluvvell: Wish i knew02:41
utnubuThank You!02:41
fluvvellubotu: ubuntu shuts down but wont reboot02:41
ubotufluvvell: Are you smoking crack?02:41
Madpilotagora: ubotu should have sent you private messages about repos & itself, that's what I told it to do...02:41
BROKEN_LADDERcrimsun could this be some sort of driver related thing.  something lower level?02:41
fluvvellubotu: about the shutdown function02:41
ubotufluvvell: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?02:41
utnubuNext Question: How to make a bootable partition and copy the install iso and reboot from it? (run install cd without burning)02:42
agoraMadpilot  I cleared my cookies cache and history and got rid of Blackbird  now I am on the paste site.  It was a butt head redirect by some smart ass programer02:42
dabaR!msg the bot02:42
crimsunBROKEN_LADDER: it could, but it should be fine in breezy, which has the latest stable02:42
uboturumour has it, msg the bot is please message the bot in private, he accepts private messages from registered nicknames(/msg nickserv help register). In order for everyone to get better help, do not clutter the channel with many !commands, please.02:42
Webby`Can someone help me get sound in my HP a1020n computer with Hoary? I have a Realtek alc 880 sound card and I get no sound in Hoary02:42
BROKEN_LADDERcrimsun ack..how long til breezy?02:42
Madpilotagora: are you still using Windows? (and, Dog help you, IE?)02:42
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QMarioUbotu, tell Fluvvell about ubotu.02:42
MadpilotBROKEN_LADDER: about a month...02:42
disasmutnubu: can you change your nick, the mis-completions to ubotu are funny but slightly annoying to follow ;-)02:42
BROKEN_LADDERcrimsun how could this have happened just by my doing an apt-get upgrade?02:42
BROKEN_LADDERif i upgrade to breezy now, how bad would it muck up my shizl?02:42
agoraMadpilot  I have a windows machine next to me02:42
johndarkhorseBROKEN_LADDER: breezy will release next month02:42
utnubudisasm: this is my first time it is ubuntu.reverse() so yes02:43
BROKEN_LADDERmusic is my life02:43
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BROKEN_LADDERi have to go without it for a month? :(02:43
Webby`Can someone help me get sound in my HP a1020n computer with Hoary? I have a Realtek alc 880 sound card and I get no sound in Hoary02:43
bipolaris there an ubuntu network install?02:43
BROKEN_LADDERi want to listen to coldplay on repeat  with the volume on 1002:43
agoraMadpilot  it is networked with this  ubuntou 5.0.4 mackine02:43
fluvvellthanks QMario I'd forgotten, but ubotu is playing dumb on me anyway02:43
bipolarvia floppy?02:43
BROKEN_LADDERbipolar i believe it primarily does install over the network.02:43
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BROKEN_LADDERbipolar the install cd gets tons of stuff off the network right?02:43
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bipolargot a really old laptop with a broken CD drive.02:44
disasmAnswer: thankyou ;-)02:44
agoraMadpilot that was ubuntu 5.0.4 machine02:44
bipolarpent 13302:44
crimsunBROKEN_LADDER: which virtual device are you using?02:44
Madpilotagora: huh. never run into that sort of redirect/hijacking crap outside of IE...02:44
crimsunBROKEN_LADDER: (breezy releases in october)02:44
!lilo:*! Miscellaneous "about" channels: ##australia is on the net for freenode users around Australia.... ##xen is available for users of Xen ( http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/ ).... it's a new channel and can use folks to spend time on the channel and talk about their Xen uses and problems02:44
QMarioBipolar, floppy?02:44
bipolarQMario, yep02:44
Madpilotwhat's a floppy? ;)02:45
BROKEN_LADDERvirtual device?02:45
!lilo:*! (Well, ##xen is not a *new* channel now that I think of it, but is definitely still in development)02:45
crimsunWebby`: open a Terminal, type amixer, and paste its output onto paste.ubuntulinux.nl02:45
bipolarI guess I could do a debain sarge floppy install and upgrade to ubuntu.02:45
AnswerQuestion:  How to make a bootable partition and copy the Install CD ISO there?02:45
crimsunBROKEN_LADDER: hw:0,0, "default", "plug:iec958", etc.02:45
agoraMadpilot I got rid of it wow  I been going crazy getting my linux bosx going02:45
QMario5.25" floppy , yes!!! ;)02:45
Webby`crimsun: This is the output of amixer: amixer: Mixer attach default error: No such device02:46
crimsunbipolar: can your machine netboot PXE?02:46
disasmbipolar: what about usb thumb drive? that would be less painful than floppy02:46
BROKEN_LADDERfloppy is obsolete completely02:46
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BROKEN_LADDERdo they even put floppy drives in new computers?02:46
bipolarcrimsun, disasm, no on both counts02:46
AnswerXappe mcphail nickrud Question: How to boot from the Install CD .iso ?02:46
u_int32_they how can i rebuild my ubuntu kernel02:46
Madpilotbipolar: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/WithFloppies02:46
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disasmBROKEN_LADDER: sometimes02:46
bipolarMadpilot, thank you02:46
AnswerXappe mcphail nickrud Question: How to boot from the Install CD .iso without burning?02:46
BROKEN_LADDERu_int32_t you don't build your own kernel dude. just install one02:46
agoraMadpilot the burner worked great under windows just before I wiped an put ubuntu a couple days ago02:46
crimsunWebby`: u_int32_t same way you would on another distro.02:46
crimsunWebby`: sorry02:47
AnswerQuestion: How to make a partition, copy the Install cd iso, and boot from there?02:47
XappeAnswer: you have to burn it to a cd02:47
dabaRcrimsun: is it legal to post monitor refresh rates on the ubuntu wiki, like the fixresolution page?02:47
=== QMario gives BROKEN_LADDER a 5.25" floppy drive with 10 floppy disks. ;) Enjoy!!!
u_int32_tBROKEN_LADDER but i need one with himem support02:47
AnswerXappe: Why is it not possible to make a partition the correct size, copy the raw iso data there, and make it bootable?02:47
BROKEN_LADDERi haven't seen a 5.25 inch floppy drive in a decade at least.02:47
juanejwhat app do u ppl use to view pictures? i dont like image viewer02:48
bipolarok, guys. Thanks. I'm off to the LAN party.02:48
Madpilotagora: right, forgot that you're trying to fix your burner - meh... mine "just worked", sorry...02:48
u_int32_tcrimsun can i get the current kernels .config file somehow02:48
QMarioWhat does "meh" mean?02:48
ubotunickrud: Syntax error in line 102:48
crimsunu_int32_t: /boot/config-$(uname -r)02:48
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ubotuQMario: Syntax error in line 102:48
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agoraMadpilot now it read great icon comes up on the desktop with the insertion of a blank.  I put files on it then hit go and it creats an image then hangs up as soon as it starts to burn02:48
XappeAnswer: maybe it's possible, but it's not worth the trouble? you have a cd-rw drive right? use it...02:48
MadpilotBROKEN_LADDER: 5.25" floppies - the forgotten reason why Windows machines have no B drive...02:48
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vader1102I see them all of the time, I volunteer @ a not for proffit02:48
BROKEN_LADDERu_int32_t you can install modules if you can find that one.  you install it with package management generally.  i think compiling it would be risky.02:48
crimsundabaR: certainly02:48
crimsunWebby`: what sort of laptop is it?02:48
dabaRthat could be good, or links.02:48
crimsunWebby`: (if it's a laptop)02:49
QMarioDoes Ubuntu support 5.25" floppy drives?02:49
agoraMadpilot missing line.  burner worked under windows02:49
Webby`crimsun: It's a desktop HP a1020n02:49
BROKEN_LADDERcrimsun would you bet that my sound problem is config related, or driver/kernel related?02:49
agoraMadpilot loaded ubuntu couple days ago02:49
Madpilotagora: sorry - have you checked the Ubuntu Forums?02:49
BROKEN_LADDERcrimsun especially considering that xmms's eq bar dances away?02:49
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crimsunBROKEN_LADDER: config02:50
crimsunWebby`: new or old?02:50
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Webby`crimsun: It's new02:50
crimsunWebby`: lspci -v |grep -i audio02:50
AnswerQuestion: Without a cd burner, how to make a bootable partition containing the Install CD .iso?02:50
Webby`crimsun: I get this: 0000:00:1b.0 0403: Intel Corp. 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 03)02:50
Madpilotagora: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/02:50
crimsunWebby`: use the snd-azx driver in the following instructions.02:51
iJeffChattrying ubuntu on Qemu02:51
crimsun!tell Webby` about alsa-source02:51
agoraMadpilot been there but I am bogged down and have not exausted that reasource.  I probably need to.  typing is wearing me out02:51
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BROKEN_LADDERcrimsun is there any way to set alsa back to "factory defaults"?02:52
Madpilotagora: take a break. have a beer. the computer is unlikely to run away, and somebody's probably got your problem sorted, somewhere!02:52
BROKEN_LADDERcrimsun my laser "red light" activity indicator is now on again. ...hmm02:52
agoraMadpilot I will check you later I going to the forums and sites etc... cgaryc@sprintpcs.com02:52
crimsunBROKEN_LADDER: /var/lib/alsa/asound.state is the state file stored to on shutdown and read from on bootup02:53
BROKEN_LADDERany of you guys have a SIP phone?02:53
BROKEN_LADDERcrimsun right, but i probably need to reset it somehow02:53
Webby`crimsun: How do I use the snd-azx driver? I don't understand02:53
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dabaRWebby`: did you get a message from the bot?02:53
crimsunWebby`: you'll be compiling the azx driver.02:53
nickrudAnswer, I don't know for sure, but you may be able to adapt https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/FromKnoppix for your situation02:53
QMarioReally, I am serious. Does Ubuntu support 5.25"FDs?02:53
Carpe_LibertatemUbuntu is really fickle about mounting my iPod.02:53
Webby`dabar: yes02:53
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Carpe_Libertatem!tell me about ipod02:54
crimsunWebby`: in the step where it asks you to select a driver, select the azx one.02:54
nickrudQMario, yes, it does02:54
QMarioNickrud, do you own one?02:54
dabaRso, read it, and tell us if you need an explanation, and make sure you try something.02:54
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ubotuwell, ipod is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/IPodHowto02:54
nickrudQMario, not any more, but I did02:54
transparentdreamHow do I change my resolutino? ATI driver wont let me02:54
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, fixres is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:54
Webby`crimsun: I get an error a big error02:54
Mr-FalkorMy fonts feels like blur !02:54
nickrudunder debian, and I don't think things have strayed that far ;)02:55
Mr-FalkorHow can I remove my blury fonts ? (running xfce)02:55
Madpilotback later, real world getting in the way...02:55
transparentdreamNot right02:55
transparentdreamMy resolution is too high02:55
=== thellama [n=thellama@ca-vannys-bluewave1d-a-79.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
transparentdreamnot too low02:55
crimsunBROKEN_LADDER: sudo invoke-rc.d alsa force-unload && sudo rm /var/lib/alsa/asound.state && sudo modprobe snd-intel8x002:55
thellamawould any of you recommend installing xmms?02:55
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Mr-Falkorthellama, yes02:56
thellamaMr-Falkor: why?02:56
nickrudthellama, sure, it's nice02:56
Mr-Falkorthellama, its nice, fast and nice02:56
Mr-Falkorand easy to use02:56
DeusMortisCan anyone help me out with some Gnome Meeting issues?02:56
nickrudand pretty well tested02:56
dabaRsomeone could likely help you with some issue.02:57
thellamawould it be better to just use rthymbox?02:57
Mr-Falkorthellama, nope02:57
=== Carpe_Libertatem cries
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thellamato much bloat?02:57
nickrudthellama, now, that's a matter of taste, and rhythmbox suits my tast :)02:57
Carpe_LibertatemIs there any reason why sometimes my iPod will be picked-up, other times not?02:57
Madpilotthellama: if you're playing whole albums, try Muine02:57
thellamasince im pretty used to itunes02:57
Mr-Falkorthellama, stop trolling !;)02:57
thellamahuh! ;)02:57
transparentdreamAfter installing the fglrx ATI driver, I can ot change my screen resolution. Please Help!02:58
Madpilotthellama: for everything else, Totem + codecs/etc...02:58
Madpilot!start a media player war02:58
ubotuMadpilot: Wish i knew02:58
DeusMortisAllright, as dabaR seems to wish me to be 100% pointed and blunt:02:58
DeusMortisIs there anyone here, in this #Ubuntu chanel who would be willing to help me with some Gnome Meeting issues?02:58
Webby`crimsun: where do I paste my error?02:58
popeyDeusMortis: what issues?02:58
crimsunWebby`: you should not get any errors. Follow the directions.02:59
transparentdreamAfter installing the fglrx ATI driver, I can ot change my screen resolution. Please Help!02:59
dabaRI would be willing, Im not sure I know what you need to fix, tho.02:59
Webby`crimsun: I get this error  http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/190803:00
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thellamaso basically (in breezy): cd player is for playing cds, rythmbox is for managing and keeping a "library", serpentine is for burning cds, sound juicer is for ripping cds, and xmms is for playing individual songs03:00
skreetAnyone having a problem apt-get installing libdvdcss2?03:00
DeusMortispopey: Every time I start GM, within a few seconds it will crash - I submitted a bug report once already, but it seems there was no debugging information built into the Ubuntu GnomeMeeting package - therefore, I have to add "pwlib-debug, openh323-debug and gnomemeeting-debug" so that the devel I talked to can help.03:00
transparentdreamAfter installing the fglrx ATI driver, I can not change my screen resolution, it's stuck at 1152x768 and I need it to be at 1024x768. How can I change it. Please Help!03:01
DeusMortisdabaR: Thanks - any help will be appreciated03:01
thellamaitunes does all that ;)03:01
crimsunWebby`: it compiles fine with hoary's linux-headers-$(uname -r)03:01
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iJeffChatlove the ubuntu UI!03:01
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thellamame to!03:01
iJeffChatUsing Qemu until my discs arrive :)03:01
nickrudthellama, yup, pretty much so. except, you may want to exchange beep-media-player for xmms03:01
crimsunWebby`: gcc -v03:01
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skreettransparentdream, The Modes section of xorg.conf will have that option, set it to only allow up to 1024x768.03:01
thellamanickrud: beep media player?03:02
agoraubotu where is gnomebaker03:02
ubotuagora: what are you talking about?03:02
dabaRDeusMortis: have you at least nuked the config folder?03:02
nickrudthellama, the successor to xmms03:02
=== dabaR [n=dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-177-59.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
agoraubotu what repo has the package gnomebaker03:02
ubotuagora: Did you get hit by a windmill?03:02
thedevilsjesterOk, the file xf86vmode.h is supposed to be in the package xlibs-static-dev (According to packages.ubuntu.com), however synaptic doesnt list this as a file installed by that package, and it doesnt exist on my system, anyone know which package really installs this file?03:02
skreet"This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source | E: Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate" -- Can anyone help me here?03:02
nickrudI keep xmms around to test for bad mp3's these days, mostly. If it won't play the file, somethings wrong.03:02
vader1102Question, I want to play MP303:02
popeythedevilsjester: ooo, i have that file03:03
Webby`crimsun: I get this when I type gcc -v http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/190903:03
vader1102but totem won't03:03
popeythedevilsjester: i had to install *some* package..03:03
agoraubotu tell agora about gnomebaker03:03
thellamaah i see, but beep media player is nicer?03:03
dabaRvader1102: use ? heh!03:03
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thedevilsjesterpopey, I need a bit more specific info then that :)03:03
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nickrudnewer, you judge nicer03:03
mnsskhi there03:03
thellamaokay :)03:03
vader1102finger hit enter before I meant to lol03:03
QMarioWhat does the term "too dense" mean?03:03
mnsskanyone up for some DELL INSPIRON 6000 X SETUP ?03:03
popeythedevilsjester: apt-cache search xf86   is how i found it03:03
mnssktrying since 4 days...20 hours a day03:04
mnsskcould not fix it03:04
=== Quinthius [n=james@ip68-103-73-17.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
thellamawhat would I use mplayer/vlc for that I can't already?03:04
mnsski desperately seek help03:04
mnsskhello !03:04
mnsskthellama: that was for me?03:04
crimsunWebby`: paste all the output from the compile03:04
Quinthiusis there any way to see a log of synaptic's activity (install/uninstalls) ?03:04
dabaRmnssk: hah...what are you doing?03:04
mnsskdabaR: hi...me still setting up the X in Dell inspiron03:05
thellamamnssk: sorta ;)03:05
mnsskthellama: can u help me with this ubuntu xorg.conf ?03:05
dabaRI am, mnssk, where are you from?03:05
mnsskdabaR: me from india..03:05
Webby`crimsun: Which compile? The ubotu complie?03:05
mnsskdabaR: right now studying in michigan03:05
thellamauh, sorry mnssk, im sorta a noob ;)03:05
mnsskdabaR: i got a new laptop recently, dell03:05
mnsskthellama: oh okay..thats fine03:05
mnsskdabaR: inspiron..dont see anyone installing x successfully on it03:06
thedevilsjesterpopey, Thank you.03:06
dabaRI got an iBook. so? ok, well, what graphics card, then?03:06
popeyno probs03:06
mnsskdabaR: i got an intel 915GM graphics accelerator03:06
mnsskdabaR: bios version A O703:06
crimsunWebby`: the output from the command that ubotu sent to you03:06
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h08817how do i install java?03:06
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ubotuI guess java is to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java03:06
popeymnssk: http://www.antoniocheca.com/wp/content-text/ubuntu-inspiron6000.html looks like a good start03:06
mnsskdabaR: okay..i had been trying since days..and the last advise i got was to try breezee03:07
h08817i have a problem with my java for when i am on a site it only displays certain things03:07
mnsskpopey: okay let me see that.03:07
Webby`crimsun: Here it is http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/191103:08
thellamawhat would I get from mplayer/vlc that I can't already get with any of the bundled ubuntu apps?03:08
mnsskpopey: the site does not work..atleast w3m says so03:08
popeyworks for me03:08
mnsskpopey: let me see..i have typed it by hand in other tty03:08
mnsskpopey: so might have been a mistake03:09
popeyi copy/pasted, so there wont be :)03:09
popey(from my end)03:09
nickrudthellama, the ability to play some video's that totem cannot, from what I hear. I also prefer the way mplayer and firefox interact when I have mozilla-mplayer installed.03:09
mnsskpopey: yeah :)) let me type it again03:09
crimsunWebby`: it doesn't look like linux-headers-$(uname -r) are installed correctly03:09
mnsskpopey: got it03:10
hamourabihi i try to mark  the xmms in synaptic's to instal and he say logjam-xmms:03:10
hamourabi Depends: libglib1.2 (>=1.2.0) but it is not installable03:10
hamourabi Depends: libgtk1.2 (>=1.2.10-4) but it is not installable03:10
hamourabi Depends: xmms  but it is not installable03:10
thellamanickrud: thanks, I think I keep from installing it, I was just wondering since I used vlc on osx03:10
crimsunWebby`: also, you didn't select the correct driver using dpkg-reconfigure alsa-source03:10
popeyI'd use beep-media-player instead of xmms, it's much nicer03:10
Webby`crimsun: How do i install it correctly?03:10
dabaRmnssk: what have you tried, and how did it work? how does it not work?03:10
crimsunWebby`: don't select "all" - select only "azx" or "intel high definition audio"03:10
crimsunWebby`: apt-get --reinstall install linux-headers-$(uname -r)03:10
mnsskpopey: i did not see this before..let me try..03:10
popeymnssk: that website is great for laptops03:11
mnsskpopey: but the problem is that i have tried every god damn thing possible..03:11
popeymnssk: you clearly haven't :)03:11
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popeymnssk: the *one* thing that works eludes you :)03:11
mnsskpopey: yeah :) you are right03:11
mnsskpopey: let me read this thing..i will get back to you03:11
nickrudthellama, I don't watch a lot of video on my pc (I prefer my tv) but mozilla-mplayer is worth looking at for streaming video.03:11
disasmcrimsun: dont you need (`uname -r`)03:12
crimsundisasm: $() and `` are interchangeable here03:13
Webby`crimsun: I still get the same error03:13
crimsunWebby`: did you reconfigure alsa-source ?03:13
Webby`crimsun: yes03:13
thellamanickrud: would you recommend mplayer or vlc then?03:13
crimsunWebby`: and which driver did you select?03:13
nickrudthellama, I'd recommend both. They just take a bit of space on your disk, and don't conflict.03:14
disasmcrimsun: ah ok03:14
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lakcajthellama, google for mediaplayerconnectivity03:14
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LaserLineHello all, I have a Skype/QT Question, with Gnome....03:15
crimsunWebby`: grep ^ALSA_CARDS /etc/alsa/alsa-source.conf03:15
thellamanickrud: really? but then I'd to pick one for each video! ;)03:15
lakcajthellama, http://membres.lycos.fr/sethnakht/03:16
LaserLineHow can I make Skype look better in Gnome ? I don't have KDE... and the fonts look HUGE.....03:16
=== Fackamato [n=fackamat@81-229-119-116-no24.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
lakcajLaserLine, kcontrol03:16
bimberiLaserLine: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SkypeHowto/ covers this (use kcontrol)03:16
Webby`crimsun: ALSA_CARDS="azx"03:16
=== Dr_Willis [i=willis@12-222-84-112.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
XappeLaserLine: qt3-qtconfig03:16
nickrudlakcaj, you've used that?03:16
nickrudduh :)03:16
lakcajnickrud, the mediaplayerconnectivity extension?  Yes, it is awsome.03:17
crimsunWebby`: rm -rf /usr/src/modules03:18
Webby`crimsun: ok, I did it03:18
hamourabihi i try to mark  the xmms in synaptic's to instal and he say logjam-xmms:03:18
hamourabi Depends: xmms  but it is not installable03:18
hamourabi Depends: libgtk1.2 (>=1.2.10-4) but it is not installable03:18
=== factotum [n=mike@71-10-76-202.dhcp.dlth.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Webby`crimsun: I mean that03:18
hamourabi Depends: libglib1.2 (>=1.2.0) but it is not installable03:18
factotumanyone have issues with audio being out of sync with video when playing dvds?03:18
thellamalakcaj: so what exactly is it?03:19
factotumis it just totem or should I try another player?03:19
thellamavlc in nice...03:19
crimsunWebby`: cd /usr/src && sudo tar xfj alsa-driver.tar.bz203:19
Madpilotfactotum: do you have DMA enabled on your DVD drive?03:19
Webby`crimsun: ok03:19
lakcajthellama, any media streams just show up as a black window with a play button in the middle, and you can use whatever app you want to play them.  I can effortlessly switch between xine/mplayer/vlc to play all the embedded video.03:19
benplautBZflag's lag is posatively horrible03:19
LaserLineHow can I extract the ICON from Qt3-Qtconfig ??03:20
benplauti'm on roadrunner, with about 3 seconds lag!?03:20
nickrudhamourabi, that's not reasonable; could you post your sources.list to paste.ubuntulinux.nl?03:20
fanopnaicis vlc broken (random hangs) on several kinds of files for anybody else?03:20
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thellamalakcaj: cool! is it just a firefox extension (i use opera)03:20
factotumMadpilot, yeah, I checked03:20
lakcajthellama, sorry, I think it is FF only03:20
CarlFKbreezy install on a compaq armada 1700 only gives my 640x480, but knoppix does 1024.  any clue what to tweek?03:20
thellamadarn it03:21
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thellamawould have been nice...03:21
LaserLineXappe How can I extract the QT3Config Icon ?03:21
thellamabut thanks lakcaj :)03:21
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popeyCarlFK: have you tried using gtf to generate the modelines?03:21
popeyCarlFK: gtf 1024 768 6003:21
XappeLaserLine: extract the icon? what for?03:21
[hxcl] Hey there, how can i make or get the kernel config modules?03:21
popeyCarlFK: for example03:21
LaserLineXappe, I'd like an Icon in the System menu :D03:22
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CarlFKpopey - I'll give it a shot.  does the 60 part matter for a laptop LCD?03:22
crimsunWebby`: cd /usr/src/modules/alsa-driver && sudo debian/rules binary_modules KSRC=/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build KVERS=$(uname -r)03:22
popeyCarlFK:  it's the refresh rate03:22
nickrud[hxcl] , the kernel config is in /boot/config-*03:22
XappeLaserLine: I have no clue :)03:22
nickrud[hxcl] , config-`uname -r`, for the running kernel03:23
CarlFKpopey - what do I do with the output?03:23
popeyCarlFK: you need to backup then edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, then restart x with CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE03:24
Webby`crimsun: ok03:24
popeyCarlFK: the entries produced go in a special place in that file03:24
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popeyCarlFK: you might get the idea by looking at the xorg.conf from my wifes pc.. http://popey.com/xorg.conf03:25
dduckoIs there a master volume control in Ubuntu, other then the one Under Applications-Sound&Video?03:25
popeyCarlFK: section down the bottom called "Modes", and a bit in the "Monitor" section saying to use that modes section03:25
Webby`crimsun: I did it. Now what?03:25
popeyCarlFK: not sure if I am making sense, it's 2:30 am, I should sleep now03:25
Webby`crimsun: I didn't get any errors this time03:26
crimsundducko: that is the master. All masters control the equivalent of the abstracted Master.03:26
crimsunWebby`: ls ../*.deb03:26
Webby`crimsun: I get this: ../alsa-modules-2.6.10-5-386_1.0.8-4ubuntu4_i386.deb03:26
nickruddducko, alsamixer from a command line in a terminal is the baseline; selecting the proper thing to control from gnome is the issue.03:26
crimsunWebby`: sudo dpkg -i ../*.deb03:26
CarlFKpopey - I am guessing the problem is "Generic Monitor"03:26
dduckoThanks. ... Do you know why my audio seems only half volume when it us fullblast03:27
popeyCarlFK: not a problem as such03:27
dduckoahh Ill try that03:27
CarlFKwell, the on;ly option is "DPMS"03:27
crimsundducko: check your PCM slider03:27
Webby`crimsun: Ok03:27
thellamawhats pcm?03:27
Webby`crimsun: I did that with no errors03:27
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crimsunWebby`: good. Now sudo modprobe snd-azx03:28
nickrudit's http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/P/PCM.html, thellama03:28
dduckocrimsum Just did that in alsamixer.. that was the problem.. thanks for the help guys03:28
Webby`crimsun: ok, done.03:28
popeyCarlFK: I had an issue with my wifes pc, it didn't have the right settings for the screen, I went through what I explained with gtf, and it was all fixed03:28
thellamanickrud: thanks03:28
crimsunWebby`: now log out and back into gnome (you may have to unmute and turn up the Master and PCM volumes)03:28
nickrudthellama, ignore the last, I was lazy03:29
Webby`crimsun: ok03:29
thellamanickrud: oh no it's totally fine! :)03:29
nickrudyeah, I hate when I read right, wrong, then right again, sort of :)03:30
holycowhttp://live.gnome.org/PowerUserTools  <-- guys, for the tweakers out there, check out this page03:30
LaserLineXappe - Now, for some reason, it has grey background........03:31
XappeLaserLine: then I guess you have to change the background color03:31
thellamais there a nice app that will rip/burn cds, keep a library etc like itunes? something integrated instead of having like five seperate apps?03:31
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Webby`crimsun: I got my sound working! Thank you so much!03:32
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Madpilotholycow: thanks, bookmarked!03:33
holycowno kidding, indeed03:33
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nickrudthellama, there's not a single app for that; grip or sound-juicer for ripping, rhythmbox/muine for cataloging seem to be the current answers.03:35
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Madpilotnickrud & thellama: I have heard rumours that SoundJuicer will be getting audio-burning ability at some point03:36
thellamaoo cant wait!03:36
thellamathanks for all your help guys03:36
nickrudMadpilot, I though serpentine was for sound (I haven't used it yet)03:36
thellamai really wish apple would release itunes for linux03:36
thellamathat is one of few things i miss from osx03:37
=== nickrud looks at proprietary stuff, and won't hold his breath
Madpilotnickrud: in breezy, I think so. SJ doesn't do burning yet, but maybe for after-breezy releases...03:37
nickrudI really do wish I had the time to keep up with current developments. I learn more here nowadays than I do anywhere else.03:38
kspathAfter I had issues with playing songs bought on MacOSX on windows iTunes and vice-versa I did NOT like it anymore03:38
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h17m4nE: Couldn't find package azureus03:39
kspathI will always buy the real CDs from the store or online and rip to mp3 and/or oggvobis from now on03:39
h17m4napt-get install azureus isnt working for me03:39
uboturepos is, like, totally, at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96903:39
h17m4nhow do I install the tar bz2?03:39
Madpiloth17m4n: got repos? see above ^^^03:39
h17m4nI did that03:39
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nickrud!find azureus03:40
zcat[1] kspath: rip to flac!03:40
ubotuUbuntu Search of 'azureus' (1 shown): (/usr/share/ubuntu-docs/C/common/menus/azureus.xml) in text/ubuntu-docs.03:40
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, thellama03:40
Madpiloth17m4n: if you install it thru Synaptic, you won't have to deal with tar.bz2 or whatever...03:40
kspathare you giving me flac over using oggvobis?03:40
Madpilot!info azureus03:40
h17m4nwhen I search for it under synaptic03:40
ubotuthellama: Syntax error in line 103:40
h17m4nI see the azureus name on the left03:41
zcat[1] flac >> ogg03:41
Madpilot!info azureus03:41
nickrudMadpilot, I take it that azureus is in backports or extras?03:41
h17m4nbut on the right, where you actually check the package to install, is empty03:41
juanejhow do i uninstall eye of gnome?03:41
nickrudjuanej, why would you want to?03:42
zcat[1] apt-get remove eog ?03:42
Madpilotnickrud: hoary-extras, looks like. sorry, I thought it was in uni or multi...03:42
juanejnickrud, i want to use gthumb03:42
nickrudMadpilot, then, info should have found it03:42
juaneji dont like eog03:42
thellamais there any way to uninstall the last batch of software i installed via synaptic, like undo or something? currently I have to look in history and uninstall each one manually03:43
nickrudjuanej, then, right click an image, and, under properties, select open with and choose gthumb. That's what I did.03:43
nickrudjuanej, you will have to do that with each image type, but only once for each.03:43
zcat[1] just apt-get remove eog .. nothing else depends on it.03:44
Madpilotgthumb > eog03:44
juanejtheres no way to uninstall it?03:44
thellamathey should add that feature (I just installed muine and dependencies, but don't like it so now i have to find all of them and uninstall them myself)03:44
Paradoxxhow do you reinstall things useing apt-get?03:44
nickrudzcat[1] , ubuntu desktop depends on it.03:44
zcat[1] if you're not using it why waste 2.8M of disk on it.03:44
Paradoxxapt-get reinstall?03:44
zcat[1] I just removed it here, The following packages will be REMOVED:03:44
zcat[1]   eog03:44
nickrudnot a good idea, removing ubuntu-desktop03:44
nickrudzcat[1] , then, you've already removed ubuntu-desktop :)03:45
juanejthx zcat[1] 03:45
juanejim using xfce03:45
Madpilotthellama: you can un-install in Synaptic, just select an installed package and choose remove...03:45
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zcat[1] odd.. I don't recall doing that :)03:45
=== finn [i=jani@ppp80-14.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudah, then, my right click sh* was useless :)03:45
zcat[1] I installed kde, perhaps that's the difference, but I still have gnome installed03:46
zcat[1] Yeah, ubuntu-desktop's not installed. How odd!03:46
=== QuestionY [n=ubuntu@pool-70-17-169-155.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudzcat[1] , out of curiosity, did you use a meta-package to install gnome? And, not odd, considering the way you got to gnome :)03:47
ChadzaTwo questions, I'm trying to install ut2k4.  How do I run a script and then how do I make sure I have drivers working for my video card?03:47
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QuestionYQuestion: /mnt$ touch untouchable03:47
QuestionYtouch: cannot touch `untouchable': Permission denied03:47
Octaneanyone here get real player to work on amd6403:47
Dr_Willissh whateverscript03:47
zcat[1] I installed standard ubuntu then apt-got kde and a bunch of kde apps.03:47
ChadzaThanks Dr_Willis.03:48
zcat[1] I don't recall ever removing ubuntu-desktop, but I guess it might have got replaced with plain gnome at some point..03:48
QuestionYHello World03:48
Dr_Willisi was thinking ubuntu-desktop was some meta-package that just listed a lot of other dependencies.03:48
JRlinuxOctane I would install Ubuntu64 , but the live version does not find my sound.03:48
=== Carpe_Libertatem [n=esenthie@ip68-229-254-250.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== QuestionY is now known as Answer
AnswerHELLO WORLD03:49
nickrudDr_Willis, exactly. And, if you try to remove any package depended upon by ubuntu-desktop, you'd have to remove ubuntu desktop to remove the package.03:49
zcat[1] If I ask for ubuntu-desktop it wants to install eog and gaim too..03:49
=== ficusplanet [n=brad@12-226-13-108.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
AnswerQuestion: [From Live CD]  How to mount /dev/hda2 in read/write mode?03:49
thellamaif i had to pick one, which one should i pick: vlc or mplayer?03:50
Paradoxxhow do you reinstall useing apt-get any1?03:50
nickrudzcat[1] , apt-cache depends ubuntu-desktop will tell you what comes with ubuntu03:50
zcat[1] apt-get install --reinstall03:50
Paradoxxty much03:50
=== zcat[1] uses mplayer. I might have a play with vlc though..
Paradoxxkk, thx zcat, cause it wasn't workin at first03:51
thellamaso zcat votes for mplayer, anyone vote for vlc?03:51
ficusplanetHey everyone.  I set up breezy at home a few days ago and I'm getting a really strange behavior in the shell.  Typing is delayed by a letter (for example, typing "ls -R /" will result in "ls -R " on the screen.  And output of commands also comes out in erratic, incomplete chunks instead of as expected.  The same thing happens if I log in over ssh.  What couple possibly be happening here?03:52
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thellamaficusplanet: breezy is in development, beta\03:52
=== WindowsXP [n=qmario@ppp-70-243-37-164.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #UBUNTU
zcat[1] breezy is still beta ?03:52
zcat[1] yeah..03:52
=== the4bagger [i=the4bagg@AC84011E.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
thellamait is for testing03:53
WindowsXPHello everyone!!! ;)03:53
Answernickrud Xappe mcphail Question: [From Live CD[ How can i get write access for newly create partition /dev/hda2 (mounted as /mnt)03:53
jsgotangcohi WindowsXP03:53
ficusplanetthellama, I'm well aware of that.  I don't think that means I should ignore bugs.  I'd really like to try and figure out what is going on so I can make sure it's fixed in the final.03:53
ficusplanetHas anyone experienced a similar problem?03:53
thellamaficusplanet: well said :) but I am a total newb at linux so unfortunatley I can't help you03:54
crimsunficusplanet: any clues in dmesg?03:54
Dr_Willisficusplanet,  what sort of system ya running that on?03:54
the4baggerhey, i am having trouble starting Xserver...can somebody please IM me who can help?03:54
AnswerNow I don't get any responses :/03:54
nickrudAnswer, try sudo umount /mnt ; sudo mount -t ext3 -o umask=000 /dev/hda2 /mnt03:54
ficusplanetDr_Willis, It's an nforce2 mobo with a sempron and 256mb of RAM, nothing out of the ordinary.03:54
Dr_Willisficusplanet,  that the 64bit semperron?  Ive got a Turion (64 bit) cpu in my laptop and its giveing linux all sorts of fits. :(03:55
thellamawhat is the difference with the ubuntu backports repository?03:55
ficusplanetDr_Willis, No, 32bit.03:55
Answernickrud: root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu # sudo mount -t ext3 -o umask=000 /dev/hda2 /mnt03:55
Answermount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda2,03:55
Answer       missing codepage or other error03:55
Answer       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try03:55
Answer       dmesg | tail  or so03:55
=== robertbb [n=robertbb@d154-20-130-124.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
XappeAnswer: -o user,rw03:56
WindowsXPIs there a stealth mode in either GAIM or Kopete?03:56
ficusplanetcrimsun, Not really much of interest in dmesg.03:56
nickrudheh, sorry Answer I'll look closer03:57
the4baggerplease PM me if you can help with the following error: (EE)Screen(s) found, but none have usable configuration.03:57
=== BROKEN_LADDER [n=bal@adsl-69-227-57-228.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ficusplanetcrimsun, It's strange because GNOME itself works flawlessly, no input problems at all.  Just the shell.  I guess I could try to reinstall bash.03:57
BROKEN_LADDERi need sound!!!!!03:57
nickrudAnswer, you're trying to download an ubuntu install iso on that partition, right?03:57
Dr_Willisthe4bagger,  your X config is not set up right.. check the ubuntu wikis on configuring X.03:57
crimsunBROKEN_LADDER: does a Hoary live cd work correctly?03:57
thellamahow do I enable shadows under menus and windows in breezy?03:58
BROKEN_LADDERhmm..lemme see whether i have one03:58
=== WindowsXP gives BROKEN_LADDER a speaker attached to a virtual radio. ;)
Answernickrud: I cannot download the installer to there because it is not mounted correctly03:58
Dr_Willisthellama,  hmm - isent that  nvidia driver option?03:58
BROKEN_LADDERWindowsXP I did an upgrade and now i have no sound.03:58
BROKEN_LADDERcrimsun did i mention that the upgrade upgraded my kernel.03:58
WindowsXPTo Breezy?03:58
thellamaDr_Willis: really? thats too bad...03:59
thellamai have like a rage or something in this old g3 ibook...03:59
ficusplanetBROKEN_LADDER, What kind of sound card do you have?03:59
Dr_Willisthellama,  i know nvidia drivers HAVE that feature. :P   could set the shadow darkness. and offsets..  not sure if normal X has that feature or not.03:59
thellamaokay, thanks Dr_Willis04:00
=== flugh [n=jim@pool-70-22-51-173.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERficusplanet bear in mind, it worked for the past 8 months until i did a recent apt-get upgrade04:00
Xappethellama: search the forums for composite and xcompmgr04:00
BROKEN_LADDERintel onboard audio with the realtek something er-other chipset04:00
thellamaXappe: I'll try that now04:00
AnswerAnswer: root$ chown ubuntu /mnt04:00
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ficusplanetcrimsun, I notice that there is both a supported and an unsupported bash package in breezy.  Any idea why?04:00
=== BROKEN_LADDER looks at his WinXP install disc.
AnswerAnswer2: Launch firefox as root04:00
AhmuckBROKEN_LADDER: ?04:01
ficusplanetBROKEN_LADDER, And you have not available devices in the Volume Mixer under your Sound & Video menu, correct?04:01
Dr_Willisgo for it BROKEN_LADDER  :P04:01
BROKEN_LADDERaudio works fine on my maudio delta, but that's the card i use for jack.04:01
BROKEN_LADDERavailable devices?04:01
nickrudAnswer, ok, a hack: sudo umount -t ext3 /dev/hda /mnt ; sudo chmod +w /mnt  Then, try downloading into mount.04:01
ficusplanetBROKEN_LADDER, Under the file menu of the mixer, there is a device submenu?  Is your card available in it?04:01
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=== n1xt3r [n=kevin@cpe-24-93-127-35.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Answernickrud: Thank You! Firefox setting needed to be changed.  chown ubuntu /mnt allows04:02
BROKEN_LADDERficusplanet sure it is.04:02
Xappethellama: but I guess you have to choose between fancy unstable windows or 3d-acceleration04:02
ficusplanetBROKEN_LADDER, And the mixer settings are set up properly for the card?  If it is in the mixer menu, it isn't a driver issue - most likely.04:02
nickrudAnswer, I am always operating on my edge here, I hope it works for you.04:02
=== zenwhen [n=zenwhen@localghost.us] has joined #ubuntu
Answernickrud: Thank You! [Now downloading Install CD .iso to /dev/hda2 as /mnt/dl/ubuntu-5.04-install-i386.iso] 04:02
AnswerQuestion: How can I partition /dev/hda to boot from the Install CD .iso?04:03
Ahmuckis the current ubuntu download up 2 date with the current firefox release ?04:03
Ahmucklive cd ?04:03
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ficusplanetBROKEN_LADDER, Any mixer you're comfortable using.04:03
jmgwhat wiki engine does w.u.o run on?04:04
nickrudAnswer, as I said I do admire persistence :)04:04
Madpilotjmg: MoinMoin04:04
thellamaXappe: where could I find such an option?04:04
jmgmadpilot: does moinmoin run on plone/04:04
BROKEN_LADDERficusplanet well, that's part of the question.  in the past, it took a million different combinations of settings before the card just started working.  then it has worked for months and months, and only occasionally had problems, which were fixed by just toggling some mixer settinsg again.04:04
BROKEN_LADDERficusplanet i have no idea exactly what the mixer settings should be.  it seems that it works with the pcm and master volume muted generally.04:05
Madpilotjmg: no idea. track down the Moin homepage?04:05
Xappethellama, I think dri and composite together is a no go...04:05
BROKEN_LADDERcause i'm using spdif04:05
thellamaXappe: okay, I'll just forget about it :)04:05
BROKEN_LADDERi don't hear that bleeping from esd when i start it up.04:05
ficusplanetcrimsun, Reinstalling bash/rebooting seems to have fixed the problem.04:05
Xappethellama: but i'm not sure if you have to disable dri before using the composite extension, or if that will be done automagically04:05
crimsunBROKEN_LADDER: checked the digital out page(s) on alsa.opensrc.org ?04:06
nickrudXappe, you sure about that? I mean, what's the point of composite if it doesn't work with gl?04:06
nickruda philosophical question, not a technical one.04:07
bimberijmg:  no, moinmoin is python but not plone (or zope)04:07
BROKEN_LADDERcrimsun that page says : #  IEC958 Output: Press M to unmute.04:08
BROKEN_LADDER# IEC958: Set to "PCM Out".04:08
BROKEN_LADDER# IEC958 1: Set to "PCM Out".04:08
johndarkhorsemoinmoin is nasty04:08
BROKEN_LADDERcrimsun  that makes no sense, because those aren't options.04:08
Xappenickrud: check the forums, there are lots and lots of ppl complaining about bad performance on composite with their radeons04:08
BROKEN_LADDERcrimsun i can do the first one, unmute.  but the re is no place where you can set iec958 to "pcm out" or anything like that.04:08
uboturumour has it, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia04:08
crimsunBROKEN_LADDER: chipset-specific, ignore what isn't applicable to your chipset04:08
Xappenickrud: but i've never bothered trying that myself04:08
=== zdennis [n=chatzill@66-227-241-58.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunback later.04:08
nickrudI tried wobbly windows under a voodoo3; it's enough to make me buy an nvidia (not radeon :)04:09
ficusplanetXappe, Any radeon's after the 9200 aren't supported by dri in the open source drivers and the proprietary ATI drivers don't accelerate the RENDER extension of X so composite performance is currently rather bad with them.04:09
zdennishey all... i am trying to dualboot my windows and ubuntu installs using the windows NT Loader. When I select to load from my Ubuntu install (which points to c:\linboot.bin) it says IO.sys not found and it just hangs04:10
bur[n] erzdennis: afaik, you can't load linux from the XP bootloader04:10
bur[n] eruser grub04:10
zdennisI created my linboot.bin by copying over the first 512 bytes of my linux /boot partition into linboot.bin, and then copying it to a floppy first04:10
zcat[1] suggestion; booting NT with GRUB is much easier than booting Linux from the NT loader.04:10
bur[n] eruse grub rather04:10
zdennisI dont run XP, i run Win2K04:11
BROKEN_LADDERwoah!  i just heard something.04:11
bur[n] erwhatever, same thing... just use grub04:11
BROKEN_LADDERi killed esd and heard a split second of audio04:11
thellamaam I missing any repositories?04:11
thellama Depends: dbus-1 (>=0.23.4) but it is not installable04:11
thellama Depends: libflac6  but it is not installable04:11
thellama Depends: libhal0 (>=0.4.0) but it is not installable04:11
thellama Depends: libmodplug0 (>=1:0.7-1) but it is not installable04:11
thellama Depends: wxvlc but it is not going to be installed04:11
BROKEN_LADDERshit now it's working!04:11
BROKEN_LADDERi don't know why!04:11
zcat[1] You can boot linux from the windows loader, but it's megafsckinghard04:11
zdennisMy ubuntu install is way down the food chain. It's on a PCI expansion RAID card04:11
Dr_WillisBROKEN_LADDER,  it hates you. :P04:11
zdennisor at least, the hard drive is down the food chain04:11
=== nickrud contemplates chaos
Dr_Willis"i killed esd and heard a split second of audio" --- that was doing somthing.04:11
ficusplanetBROKEN_LADDER, What apps are trying to play sound with?04:12
BROKEN_LADDERno no no04:12
thellamai cant install vlc, what's wrong?04:12
BROKEN_LADDERi had turned esd on and off a million times today04:12
Xappeficusplanet: hmm, so maybe the radeon 9000 in the old ibooks will do composite just fine then?04:12
BROKEN_LADDERthis time i had esd on, then set xmms to write out to hw:0,4 and then killed esd and then got audio04:12
ficusplanetXappe, It should, yes.04:12
BROKEN_LADDERthis is some kind of glitch04:12
=== bur[n] er shrugs at thellama... using hoary or breezy?
zcat[1] you think that's difficult, I'm loading kde from gdm.. artsd and esd don't play nicely together :(04:12
BROKEN_LADDERis there any way to disable volume control, so that the sound is sent bit-per-bit identical to the source through the spdif?04:13
Xappethellama: did you see that? I probably was wrong about the radeon vs. composite thing04:13
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zcat[1] afk.04:13
thellamaso could i turn it on?04:13
thellamawould I get shadows?04:13
thellamawould I be able to revert?04:14
Xappethellama: do you have a radeon 9000 in your ibook g3? (I have)04:14
=== thellama checks
ubotuI heard sound is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DebuggingSoundProblems/04:14
thellamahmm, radeon mobility M7 is what it says...04:14
thellamait's the white ibook, not the colorful one04:15
ficusplanetthellama, Turning on the composite extension won't do much different for you.  You also have to use a compositing manager - most commonly xcompmgr.  You can run glxgears to get an idea of whether you have direct rendering capabilities or not.04:15
Xappethellama: you could at least try, and disable it if it's slowing your comp down too much04:15
thellamawhat exactly would it give me?04:15
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thellamabesides possible slowness04:15
nickrudhuh, that does belong in categorycleanup04:16
ficusplanetthellama, with xcompmgr you can have drop shadows and make windows fade in and menu semi-translucent.  Without it, you'll just have slightly smoother window movements.04:16
thellamaooo sounds nice, especially since I'm so used to tiger and all ;)04:17
thellamaso where do i find xcompmgr?04:17
ficusplanetYou can install it from synaptic.04:17
=== thellama opens synaptic
dalamardoes anyone know of any voice recognition software or voice command stuff for linux?04:17
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Dr_Willisdalamar,  ive never seen any that work for windows. :P04:18
dalamarDr_Willis, I've actually had alot of success with them in windows heh04:18
Dr_Willisya can make it talk with.. err.. what was that program.. .... lol... Festival04:18
Dr_Willisdalamar,  tell that to my wife.. she keeps trying the things.. then gets mad at them.04:18
dalamari dont want it to talk I just wanted to use it to open things and navigate primarily04:19
Dr_Willis"come read this  to the computer so it learns how to listen honey..."  - "ugh dear.. YOU need to read it.."04:19
thellamai installed xcompmgr, now what?04:19
Xappethellama: glxinfo should tell you if you have direct rendering or not btw04:19
Dr_WillisDang it dalamar,  this is Linux! Not Star Trek!04:19
ficusplanetYou need to enable the composite extension in /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:19
nickrudDr_Willis, your wife is very unreasonable :)04:19
Dr_Willisnickrud,  she also has a bad accent.04:20
Dr_Willisand a red-headed-short-temper04:20
nickrudI tried that ibm stuff a couple of years ago, and, I hope to see it before I die04:20
ficusplanetthellama, Then, when you're back into gnome after hitting Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to restart X, you need to run xcompmgr with the settings you desire.  xcompmgr --help will give you a guide of what you can do.04:20
Dr_Willisshe wants it work for her in the XXX chat rooms.04:20
dalamarim not a star trek fan but if I still had a little button on my shirt i could push and tell my computer to do things would kick serious ass ;)04:20
nickrudgoggle 0-o04:21
Dr_Willisdalamar,  get the ESP-Usb-mrs-cleo adaptor.04:21
thellamaficusplanet: what do i edit in /etc/X11/xorg.conf?04:21
dalamarmrs cleo lol04:21
dalamar'call me now mon!' ;)04:21
ficusplanetthellama, Add the following four lines:04:22
ficusplanetSection "Extensions"04:22
ficusplanet        Option "Composite"      "Enable"04:22
ficusplanet        Option "RENDER"         "Enable"04:22
thellamabtw I have a redeon 900004:22
thellamaokay thanks04:22
ficusplanetthellama, Oh, and make sure that libxcomposite1 is installed in synaptic (I can't remember whether it is by default)04:23
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thellamaokay im going to restart x04:26
=== chombee [n=sean@CPE00c049e51d9b-CM0011ae92b74a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
johndarkhorsedalamar: those buttons exist04:26
johndarkhorsedalamar: they just havta be hacked to make your puter listen04:26
chombeeHello - can anyone send me a sample sources.list file for Breezy? I tried replacing Hoary with Breezy in sources.list but no good, synaptic can't find a single repository now04:27
dalamarim not suprised given the average star trek fan ;)04:27
=== thellama [n=thellama@ca-vannys-bluewave1d-a-79.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
ficusplanetchombee, msg your email address to me.04:27
chombeeAhh... is Breezy case-sensitive?04:27
johndarkhorsedalamar: didnt you see /. a couple months ago about the 2.4ghz office commo system? tap the badge, say your coworkers name, be connected?04:27
thellamaokay, I restarted x04:27
johndarkhorsechombee: all of *nix is case senstive04:28
ficusplanetthellama, OK, try running "xcompmgr -c"04:28
thellama(for some reason, log out in the system menu doesn't work)04:28
dalamarjohndarkhorse, didnt see, i ont frequent /. thats cool though04:28
thellamaooooooooo prrrreeeeetttttyyyyy04:28
thellamathank you ficusplanet!04:29
robertbbWhat is the preferred cd burning software in Ubuntu?04:29
chombeejohndarkhorse - that's an exageration, I could write a linux program and make it case-insensitive if I wanted04:29
nickrudhttp://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 I'm using that for breezy04:29
ficusplanetthellama, no problem.  There are a lot more tricks you can do with it and it certainly isn't perfect yet, but "xcompmgr --help" can show you how to do other things.04:29
chombeeficusplanet - thanks, it looks like it worked now that I used a small b04:29
nickrudchombee, ^^04:29
ficusplanetchombee, cool04:30
nickrudah, never mind04:30
=== Jaivaz [n=Jaivaz@adsl-69-152-233-164.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudcase, uncase, love that stuff04:30
nickrudrobertbb, it depends, for just dragging and dropping data files for backup, the file manager works just fine.04:31
BROKEN_LADDERwhy do things fix themselves?04:31
BROKEN_LADDERthen you never know what was wrong04:31
nickrudcuz god loves messing with your mind?04:32
BROKEN_LADDERthere is no god.04:32
nickrudok, the galactic overmind, then04:32
JaivazWhat about Torvalds?04:32
dalamarits the ubuntu fairy.04:32
JaivazAnd Ubuntu-tan?04:32
DaveyIs it possible to install Ubuntu from a Firewire CD drive plugged into a PCMCIA firewire card (laptop)04:32
BROKEN_LADDERseriously, i spent four hours today fixing my audio..er..trying to.  then suddenly it steals Windows's idea and starts to Just Work04:32
=== thellama [n=thellama@ca-vannys-bluewave1d-a-79.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
johndarkhorsedavey if the drive is bootable, yes04:33
=== BROKEN_LADDER bumps Coldplay
thellamax froze04:34
thellamai had to hard restart04:34
thellamabut thanks anyway04:34
thellamait was pretty for a second! :p04:34
thellamacan anyone hear me?04:34
nickrudthellama, that stuff is not ready for prime time yet, but it is pretty if it works04:34
thellamaoh well, it seems to have reverted...04:35
thellamadoes it revert for every session?04:35
=== nickrud thanks the guy who does the jhbuild stuff; it's nice for us pseudo-comps
thellamaokay, bye04:35
thellamaand thanks again! :)04:36
ficusplanetthellama, You can always re-run "xcompmgr -c -F" to try it out again.04:36
BROKEN_LADDERread that!04:37
Daveyjohndarkhorse, I don't know that it even see's the PCMCIA card before windows :/04:37
=== thellama [n=thellama@ca-vannys-bluewave1d-a-79.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
thellamaooh it works! I didn't crash yet!04:38
cafuegoDid lists.ububntu.com crash or something?04:38
=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
thellamashadows are so pretty, i hope this gets finalized!04:39
johndarkhorsedavey you may have to make a custom boot floppy or something04:39
thellamabye again04:39
Madpilotcafuego: works for me04:39
cafuegoMadpilot: been too quiet...04:39
cafuegoshadows make 3D not work04:39
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=== zdennis [n=zdennis@66-227-241-58.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
zdennishello all04:41
Hobbsee_hello :)04:41
zdennisok... i am still working on dualbooting winderz and ubuntu04:41
zdennisI have given up on using the NT Loader04:41
zdennisso I am going to go with Grub04:41
zdennisHow do I install grub after the fact onto the MBR?04:41
zdennisof the first disk?04:42
cafuegozdennis: You cannot dual boot nt/linux without either lilo OR grub.04:42
cafuegozdennis: /sbin/grub-install /dev/hda04:42
=== Fred|Fr3d [n=Fred@81-86-149-249.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
zdenniscafuego: i find that hard to believe... since i have found many web sites and books with references of using the NT Loader04:42
zdennisbut nonetheless04:42
zdenniscafuego, here is my next question...04:42
zdenniswhen i installed Ubuntu i had unplugged the power from my other internal hard drives04:43
cafuegozdennis: Yes, they use the NT Loader to bootstrap LILO or GRUB.04:43
zdennismy menu.lst file thinks that my ubuntu install is on hd(0,0)04:43
zdennisthat will probably change since I have my other hard drives plugged in now, correct?04:43
cafuegozdennis: You set them up by installing lilo or grub to the *partition*, then extractinng the 512b boot record and adding THAT to boot.ini04:43
cafuegothe HOWTOs are all fairly clear on that.04:44
zdenniscafuego: that is what i did04:44
cafuegozdennis: Then you DO indeed have lilo or grub.04:44
=== markybob [n=markybob@c-67-163-28-235.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
zdennisi did a dd of the first 512 bytes of my /boot and saved in on a floppy as lnboot.bin04:44
zdennisi copied that to my windows c:\ and update the boot.ini04:44
cafuegozdennis: Did you install lilo or grub to the partition that /boot is on ?04:44
Ahmuckfonts are small and kerneled in ubuntu after installing firefox 1.0.6 on web pages04:44
zdennishowever when i tried to boot into Ubuntu after rebooting it said, "Booting from utility parition. IO.sys not found"04:44
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cafuegozdennis: That's a misconfigured grub OR missing boot record04:45
zdennisi think it is because my menu.lst file points to hd(0,0)04:45
cafuego(possibly both)04:45
zdennisand that is wrong04:45
cafuegozdennis: What partition is Linux on?04:46
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zdennisit is on my /dev/hde drive04:46
zdennisboot is hde104:46
zdennisroot is hde204:46
zdennisBut when i installed Ubuntu, i unplugged the power to my other hard drives...04:46
cafuegozdennis: Okay, /sbin/grub-install --no-floppy /dev/hde104:46
zdennisso I think it got the idea it was the only game in town04:46
cafuegozdennis: That will make it rescan for ALL hdds and number them appropriately.04:47
zdennisok...am running that command04:47
cafuegozdennis: it will also plonk a new boot record in /dev/hde1. You should use 'dd' again to copy it out and replace the one on C:04:47
cafuegozdennis: When done, you /dev/hde will be mapped to a number, check /boot/grub/devices.txt04:48
cafuegozdennis: .. and adjust menu.lst appropriately.04:48
=== ppd [n=max@dsl-084-056-009-216.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Daveyjohndarkhorse, no floppy drive :/04:49
johndarkhorsedavey no integral cd either?04:49
Daveynot one that works ;)04:49
Daveythats the problem ;)04:49
Daveyand my roomie took his USB floppy disk with him when he moved out :/04:49
zdenniscafuego:  i am in recovery mode at the moment...it only see's itself..so it think sit's hd004:49
ppdhi. is it possible to compile a kernel with the ck patchset and softwaresuspend2 included at the same time?04:49
zdenniser...rescue mode04:49
QMarioHow do I set environmental variables for Java?04:50
zdennisok bak04:51
Daveyjohndarkhorse, guess I'm going to have to install into a VMware to start and reboot to it proper :/04:51
zdennisQMario....    export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java/home04:51
johndarkhorsedavey there are many ways to skin a cat04:51
Daveyjohndarkhorse, yeah, but that one is particularly gruesome :/04:52
zdenniscafuego: can i install grub to a floppy04:52
zdennisand boot off from that?04:52
cafuegozdennis: sure04:52
QMarioWhere should my JAVA_HOME be?04:52
zdennisprobably somewhere like, /usr/lib/java   or /usr/local/lib/java04:52
cafuegozdennis: Just don't ask me exactly how, i haven't used floppies this millennium04:53
zdennisdo a ... find /usr -name "java" to find the directories04:53
cafuegoQMario: if you installed java properly, uou don't need to set JAVA_HOME.04:53
Fred|Fr3dhey; why does samba never let me login from my windows pc? i set it to user security and no logins work :S04:55
Fred|Fr3di've reinstalled it twice now; once from synapse and once compiled from source04:55
cafuegoFred|Fr3d: Did you add a samba user via smbpasswd?04:55
bur[n] erFred|Fr3d: smbpasswd -a04:55
QMarioWhat about "/usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun"?04:55
cafuegoFred|Fr3d: Did you check the logs for errors?04:55
zdennisFred, did you try to add yourself as a 'valid user = fred"   on the shar eyou want to access?04:55
QMarioShould that work, zdennis?04:56
CarlFKwhoops.  what happens if I do a reboot while an apt-get install is running?04:56
zdennisQMario: that looks promiishing04:56
cafuegoCarlFK: Then the machine reboots.04:56
Madpilotisn't "killall gnome-panel" supposed to force restart of gnome-panel? it seems to have killed gnome-panel completely instead...04:56
QMarioWhat about the bin directory?04:56
zdennisif it works, you'll ant to set that "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun"    in your .bashrc or .bash_profile04:56
CarlFKcafuego - so the apt db will be ok?04:56
nickrudCarlFK, apt-get will recover nicely04:56
zdennisin your home directory04:56
iJeffChatUbuntu is #1 Distro on Distrowatch.com!04:56
cafuegoCarlFK: You'll have a SERIOPUS problem if it was *just* overwriting libc6, otherwise, just run 'apt-get -f install' when it comes back up.04:56
CarlFKyea for apt! ;)04:56
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Fred|Fr3dzdennis: what?04:57
DonLiJeffChat, and by a very wide margin04:57
QMarioIt doesn't work. Why is it so complicated? (Please don't get angry with me. :( )04:57
LazloFruvousis libpth2 the right package for the -lpthreads gcc linker flag?04:57
nickrudcafuego, a worst case analysis :)04:57
Mr-FalkorWill I get the newest Ubuntu Beta version if I run: apt-get dist-upgrade ?04:57
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nickrudMr-Falkor, not unless you have changed your /etc/apt/sources.list to point to the next version04:58
iJeffChatMandrake linux was renamed Mandriva?04:59
chombeeSo.... Breezy is looking pretty fancy then?04:59
Mr-Falkorah, ok ..is it a good idea to upgrade my distro to the beta ?;)04:59
DonLiJeffChat, so I understand04:59
firefly2442anyone know how to change the libGL.so symbolic link to ATI?04:59
Mr-Falkorthe Breezy beta04:59
nickrudnot really, just the next iteration of gnome, with a bit extra.04:59
jdubMr-Falkor: we're only a few days from preview release - it's running nicely04:59
DaveyIs like, 5GB enough for an Ubuntu install?05:00
Mr-Falkorjdub, good :-)05:00
jdubchombee: breezy is awesome05:00
chombeeDavey - yeah05:00
jdubDavey: yes05:00
Mr-FalkorDavey, yes05:00
DonLjdub, I'm looking forward to it05:00
zdennisyeah QMario ?05:00
chombeejdub - expand! I'm hungry for information, what I could find on the web doesn't satisfy05:00
Carpe_LibertatemI haven't seen anything that has shown Breezy >>>>>>>>>>> Hoary05:00
Daveywoah, I have a 14.62GB partition I didn't enough know about05:00
zdennissoryr, i had stepped away for a sec05:00
Daveyand a 5GB partition too05:00
DaveyI guess I had planned to dual boot this, LOL05:01
zdennismy conversation history stinks, can you restate05:01
Mr-Falkorjdub, what futures do the breezy have, that 5.04 dont have ?05:01
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jdubMr-Falkor: too much to summarise really05:01
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Xanthus7Does anyone use Pan05:01
ubotu[breezy]  the next version of Ubuntu (5.10); released October 2005. It hasn't reached stable-status, so it can still be broken. A pictorial view of differences between Hoary & Breezy: http://members.home.nl/jeroen-91/ubuntu/breezy-new/05:01
jdubone of the coolest things is fully integrated LTSP functionality05:01
chombeeDid someone say the Breezy preview was only days away? Is the release sooner than I thought? I thought we still had over a month to go05:01
nickrudI will note the new version of the package installer, though05:01
butcherbirdchombee, if you like being dropped into a console after install breezy is great =)05:01
QMarioIt doesn't work. Why is it so complicated? (Please don't get angry with me. :( )05:02
jdubchombee: the *preview* release is days away, the final release is a month away05:02
bimberijdub: yes, looking forward to seeing the LTSP stuff :)05:02
chombeejdub - ahh, I seem to remember the preview was only a week or two prior to the release, must be wrong05:02
jdubhrm, that page is not a good summary of breezy05:02
zdennisQMario:  What are you trying to do to test this? compile a java file? run a java program?05:02
DonLI'm hoping for an easy upgrade. Don't want to dump all my Hoary files05:03
Xanthus7Can anyone help me with Pan05:03
jdubDonL: online upgrades are easy05:03
chombeejdub - what is the single coolest new thing that breezy has?05:03
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DonLjdub, great.05:03
jdubchombee: i think the LTSP stuff is the coolest05:03
ficusplanetjdub, what do you mean by fully integrated ltsp?  Where can I get more information about that?05:03
nickrudok, I'll bite: what's LTSP?05:03
Xanthus7will it have qt405:03
bimberiLinux Terminal Server Project05:04
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Xanthus7will breezy have QT405:04
jdubXanthus7: no05:04
QMarioZdennis, run a Java program. Sorry.05:04
nickrudoh, cheap terminals05:04
Xanthus7I need that to run a program I want05:04
=== bur[n] er thinks gnome 2.12's places bar is the single coolest thing
bur[n] ereven though drag+drop to it doesn't work05:04
QMarioZdennis, compiling is perfect, but execution is the problem.05:04
jdubficusplanet, nickrud, chombee: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThinClientIntegration05:04
ficusplanetjdub, thanks.  Did the hal patches to cups make it into breezy?05:05
nickrudgot it, and thanks, jdub05:05
zdennisQMario, give me a few minutes....05:05
jdubficusplanet: don't think so05:05
zdennisi need to get my ubuntu system up (i'm on a mac atm)05:05
DaveyXanthus7, oerhaps the next version of kubuntu will?05:07
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Fred|Fr3dwhy doesn't samba let me login from my pc? i've added myself a user and to the valid-users bit, and still get errors logging in :S05:07
ficusplanetjdub, OK.  I've been running breezy for a couple days here and I'm really impressed.  Nice to see improvments to gnome-app-install.  One thing I've been curious about: I participated/won in the web redesign contest and I'm wondering if you guys are planning on doing any more clean up on the website before breezy?  I'm planning on launching a spreadfirefox-esque site soonish.05:08
=== oofnik_ [n=oofnik@c-66-56-40-216.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
chombeeHey is it easy to install Beagle and stuff like that in Breezy? I also wonder if F-Spot is any more complete, that'd be nice05:08
oofnik_hey guys i am in DESPERATE need of help please!!05:08
ficusplanetchombee, yes.  beagle is in universe and f-spot is at version 0.11.1 currently in apt05:08
ficusplanetoofnik_, What's up?05:08
Xanthus7is there any debian version of linux that has qt405:09
oofnik_i was messing with themes, and i must have done something i shouldn't have and now everything I do crashes wnck-applet05:09
oofnik_i can't open nautilus without it crashing05:09
jdubficusplanet: ah, you may want to wait until you see the fridge05:09
jdubficusplanet: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TheFridge05:09
Sir_BrizzI just installed proftpd but I can't figure out how to configure it so that if you login as site1:password it will lock you to /var/www/site1 so that you can upload files to your own site. Can anyone help?05:09
chombeeficusplanet - it looked the improvements for gnome-app-install were pretty ambitous. I think that'd make a big difference. Does it completely replace Synaptic in Breezy?05:09
jdubficusplanet: it's going to be a combination of news and spreadfirefox style advocacy stuff05:10
jdubchombee: no, it won't replace synaptic05:10
chombeejdub - won't ever?05:10
oofnik_is there a way to reset and reinstall all of gnome?05:10
oofnik_without wiping the system that is05:10
jdubchombee: no05:10
zdennisoofnik, you could try dpkg-reconfigure gnome from command line (without being in X)05:10
nickrudjdub, you do have some aggressive goals :)05:10
jduboofnik_: if you are having a problem with your own session, you can delete the gnome settings files in your homedir05:10
ficusplanetchombee, And goals 2 and 3 in the spec weren't completed.  It can't replace synaptic because it doesn't let you control libraries, etc.05:11
jduboofnik_: reinstalling the gnome packages will not help05:11
oofnik_just remove the .gnome2 directory?05:11
jduboofnik_: .gnome2/.gconf05:11
chombeejdub - doesn't that mean we have two different ways of searching for and installing applications? Isn't that confusing?05:11
oofnik_and next time I run gnome it will recreate that right?05:11
jdubchombee: there *are* two different ways of searching for and installing *packages*05:11
jduboofnik_: yes05:11
iJeffChatDoes Wine run under Ubuntu?05:11
ficusplanetchombee, gnome-app-install should take care of installing any typical end-user applications05:12
zenwhenyes, easily05:12
oofnik_ok, thanks.. i will try.. wish me luck guys05:12
jdubchombee: g-a-i will focus on applications and end user goals, synaptic is an admin tool05:12
jdubiJeffChat: yes, just install it05:12
DiscipulusiJeffChat, yes05:12
zdennishow do you do a global find and repalce in VI, what keystroke to i need to enter that mode?05:12
chombeejdub - I see, well I guess it makes sense. We do need something more end-user oriented than Synaptic. I had a friend who went trying to install an audio burner, he installed a load of perl scripts and command line tools, he thought Linux was a total mess05:13
jdubficusplanet: TheFridge is launching very soon - when it's up, let me know if you want to join the editor team05:13
johndarkhorsejdub: you mean g-a-i is gonna be more "add-remove programs" like?05:13
jdubjohndarkhorse: yes05:13
jdubjohndarkhorse: you can try the original version in hoary05:13
Mr-Falkorjdub, you are a ubuntu dev ?05:13
jdubMr-Falkor: yes05:13
bur[n] erheh05:13
=== bimberi smiles
DonLand here I was after rpm thinking Synaptic was a godsend05:14
Xanthus7ijeffchat what you trying to do in wine05:14
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Mr-Falkorjdub, cool,.. thank you guys for a nice distro05:14
chombeealso, I always thought it was weird having the menu entry for the add/remove programs application labelled 'Synaptic Package Manager'. No newbie would ever suspect it!05:14
QMarioIt doesn't run. Why is it so complicated? (Please don't get angry with me. :( )05:14
ficusplanetjdub, Cool.  Thanks.  Is there a structure through which I can get more involved with improvement of ubuntu.com generally.  I have 3 years of plone experience.05:14
QMarioMust you export JAVA_HOME?05:14
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QMarioWhy can it compile but not run?05:14
Mr-Falkoragh,.. my XMMS is freezing every hour05:15
jdubficusplanet: hrm, not enormously at the moment. but if you mail henrik, he might know stuff you can help with.05:15
Mr-Falkorso I need to restart my XMMS every time05:15
jdubficusplanet: henrik.omma@canonical.com05:15
ficusplanetjdub, OK.  Thanks.  Good luck with the GNOME2.12 release/the preview!05:15
iJeffChat*Can you dualboot OSX and Ubuntu?05:16
Mr-FalkorI hope Gnome 2.12 will use lesser CPU !:)05:16
chombeeiJeffChat - I don't see why not05:16
bur[n] erMr-Falkor: feels faster so far ;)05:17
Mr-Falkorbur[n] er, good :)05:17
DonLI know someone dual booting Mandriva and OSX05:17
chombeejdub - are you actually getting paid to work on Ubuntu right now, as we speak?05:18
QMarioWhy can it compile but not run?05:18
nickrudbad question chombee.05:18
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QMarioHello Madpilot!!! Can you help me set up Java?05:18
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Fred|Fr3dcan anyone help me w/ samba?05:19
robertbbWhat do people generally use for a GUI cd burning application under gnome?05:19
Madpilot!tell QMario about java05:19
QMarioFred|Fr3d, what is your problem?05:19
Fred|Fr3di cant login from my other pc.05:20
Fred|Fr3di either get the password box again05:20
chombeerobertbb - Serpentine is going to be the default in Breezy... not sure if there's a Hoary package or not05:20
Madpilotrobertbb: nautilus (the file manager) does most CDs - I use gnomebaker for everything else05:20
Fred|Fr3dor a *big* error box05:20
QMarioMadpilot, it is already installed, but it doesn't run any of my programs.05:20
nickrudof course, if I could arrange for jdub to make it to san antonio on ubuntu's dime, I might as some more questions :)05:20
bur[n] erFred|Fr3d: what's the windows version?05:20
QMarioFred|Fr3d, did you use SWAT?05:20
Fred|Fr3dxp pro sp205:20
MadpilotQMario: "man java" at a prompt05:20
Fred|Fr3dQMario, no05:20
robertbbchombee/Madpilot: Thanks :-) I'll look them both up.05:20
QMarioDo you want security=user or share?05:21
bur[n] erFred|Fr3d: and you have a linux user that has permissions to shared folders & you set that smbpasswd??05:21
Fred|Fr3dQMario, i dont mind05:21
Madpilotrobertbb & chombee: there doesn't seem to be a Serpentine package for Hoary...05:21
chombeeMadpilot - do you find gnomebaker is reliable for audio? haven't tried it much. The first time I tried a burn it messed up, I think because the menu entry doesn't run it as root05:21
Fred|Fr3dbur[n] er, yes05:21
johndarkhorsenickrud you had the oppertunity to have nalioth in SA on his dime05:21
=== bur[n] er always uses "user"
bur[n] erFred|Fr3d: restart samba after adding password?05:21
QMarioTrue. He is right.05:21
chombeeMadpilot - are you burning data or audio cds?05:21
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Fred|Fr3dseveral times05:21
Madpilotchombee: haven't actually burned any audio yet, all data or ISOs05:21
nickrudjohndarkhorse, but, but, measures a friend on one hand, and a rock star on the other :)05:22
bur[n] erFred|Fr3d: i'm at a loss... try using \\ipaddress instead of \\hostname?05:22
iJeffChat**How easy is the Ubuntu install? any Graphical installers? manual?05:22
QMarioI think you should use SWAT to help you, unless you are fine with configuring the smb.conf all by yourself.05:22
Davey|WorkOK, so I'm installing Ubuntu in a VM onto a real partition05:22
chombeeMadpilot - well if data is what you want use the nautilus cd burner, if iso just right click and choose burn image05:22
Fred|Fr3dQMario, i would use swat, but where is it?05:22
chombeeMadpilot - if you want to burn audio Cds you need something like gnomebaker or serpentine05:23
ubotuI guess swat is Samba Web Administration Tool | sudo apt-get install swat | http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/swat.8.html05:23
Madpilotchombee: I know, I've done it already (one of these days I'll get around to trying the Kubuntu LiveCD I burnt last week...)05:23
bur[n] erserpentine works well for audio :)05:23
CarlFKchombee - what about kb3 for audio?05:23
QMarioRight there.05:23
iJeffChat**How easy is the Ubuntu install? any Graphical installers? manual?05:23
QMario iJeffChat, easy.05:23
MadpilotiJeffChat: it's not graphical, but not hard05:24
bur[n] eriJeffChat: easy... no gui install, but easy05:24
nickrudserpentine is only in extras/backports, though05:24
QMario iJeffChat, straightforward.05:24
CarlFKiJeffChat - can you hit Enter a few times?05:24
chombeeCarlFK - K3b works well, it just doesn't fit too well with the GNOME environment, and I don't like their approach to UI design, all cluttered and confusing05:24
QMarioUnlike Gentoo.05:24
zdennisiJeffChat: very easy05:24
Fred|Fr3dQMario, thanks; i'll try SWAT05:24
iJeffChatAh great..05:24
DonLiJeffChat, you have to get used to the arrow keys, but no prob05:24
QMarioZdennis, so did you figure out what was wrong with my Java programs not running?05:25
QMarioAnyway, how did you get yours to run?05:25
MadpilotQMario: if it's a .jar file, I think "java -jar <foo.jar>" works?05:26
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Fred|Fr3dQMario, "E: Couldn't find package swat"05:26
chombeeUpgrading to Breezy seems to be a bit problematic, it keeps installing some of the packages then failing, then I can hit Apply again and it'll get a little further...05:26
zdennisMadpilot: QMario's problem i think is that it can't find the default java home directory05:26
bur[n] erFred|Fr3d: add extra repos05:26
uboturepositories is, like, probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96905:26
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firefly2442QMario, maybe try BlueJ?05:26
Fred|Fr3dthanks :-)05:26
QMarioFred|Fr3d, look up.05:26
Madpilotzdennis: interesting... mine install just worked...05:27
Madpilot*my install, even...05:27
zdennisMadpilot, yeah , mine to05:27
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QMarioHello Xatu!!! :)05:27
zdennisQMario: still working on getting my dualboot up and going05:27
nickrudchombee, try, from a command line, sudo aptitude dist-upgrade05:27
DonLMadpilot, mine too, but only after I followed the instructions at Ubuntu05:27
chombeeHey will Breezy have a simpler way of upgrading to the next distro? Having to mess with the sources.list isn't ideal for everyone05:27
chombeenickrud - you think it's the synaptic gui that is the problem?05:28
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chombeenickrud - isn't it apt-get dist-upgrade ?05:28
zcat[1] record05:28
nickrudchombee, I've been using aptitude for a few years; it's a bit smarter that apt-get05:28
zcat[1] 940054700103305:28
zcat[1] record05:28
QMarioWhat is BlueJ?05:28
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nickrudbut, the net result is the same. I can be a snob ;)05:29
chombeeokay lets see how it fares05:29
DonLnickrud, I'll have to look into aptitude. Never used it, but I've heard of it05:29
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nickrudDonL, check the wiki, it has a survival guide05:29
Flying-Penguinwell... I just bought a 5.1surround sound system05:29
Flying-Penguinbut I don't have a 5.1 sound card05:29
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DonLnickrud, thanks, I will05:30
Flying-Penguinat anyrate... in windows I can convert my 3 port integrated to 5.1 sound card, can I do this in linux???05:30
Davey|WorkFlying-Penguin: well, that was silly!05:30
QuinthiusBreezy is due out around october right?05:30
chombeeI think maybe having backports in my sources.list is causing problems05:30
firefly2442QMario, it's a Java IDE05:30
Flying-PenguinDavey|Work, my old mother bord has 5.1 it should be back from the shop in like 2-3 weeks05:30
durtwhats a java ide?05:31
MadpilotQuinthius: mid-October or so - not sure if the exact date has been confirmed05:31
firefly2442integrated development environment05:31
Fred|Fr3dQMario, i've installed swat now. how do i access it?05:31
QuinthiusMadpilot: that's fine, was just curious about general time frame05:31
nickrudchombee, almost certainly. If you want something specific from backports, enable it in sources.list, update, get the package, then disable backports sources.list05:31
johndarkhorsedurf an IDE is a I-something Developemnt environment, i think05:31
bimberiQuinthius: we've just been reliably informed that a preview release is a few days away05:31
QMarioFirefly2442, remember I can't run any Java class programs, do the installer won't work.05:32
durti mean, what ide are you talking about?05:32
ubotuit has been said that swat is Samba Web Administration Tool | sudo apt-get install swat | http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/swat.8.html05:32
Quinthiusbimberi: cool :)05:32
firefly2442QMario, did you install the JRE or JDK?05:32
=== thellama [n=thellama@ca-vannys-bluewave1d-a-79.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
thellamahey all05:32
QMarioHello Thellama!!! :)05:32
firefly2442QMario, from the .bin files?05:32
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QMarioHello djfm!!! :)05:33
thellamai can't install vlc05:33
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chombeenickrud - good advice, thanks05:33
ubotuQMario: I don't know05:33
firefly2442QMario, so if you navigate to the JDK directory and then bin and run java with your program it doesn't work?05:33
DonLmust go for now. Thanks as usual for the chat!05:34
nickrudchombee, that's based on my marillat experience, and, I've no reason to think otherwise of backports.05:34
djfmwhere exactly in xorg.conf should I paste the settings line given by xvidtune? it looks like "1280x1024"   135.00   1280 1340 1484 1672   1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync05:34
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Sir_BrizzI just installed proftpd but I can't figure out how to configure it so that if you login as site1:password it will lock you to /var/www/site1 so that you can upload files to your own site. Can anyone help?05:34
Xanthus7So can can anyone tell me if QT4 can be installed in the current veriso of Ubuntu05:34
firefly2442QMario, personally, I don't like messing around with the path and so on, so I use BlueJ05:34
firefly2442QMario, are you doing development stuff?05:34
firefly2442QMario, or just want to run java programs?05:35
firefly2442QMario, what is the file?05:35
QMarioHold on.05:35
mik3anyone want to help me tackle my apt-get problem? http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/191405:35
=== QMario is going away for 30 minutes.
QMarioI'll be back soon.05:35
firefly2442Sir_Brizz, Webmin has a nice module for configuring proftpd, that might help you out maybe....05:36
Sir_Brizzwhat is webmin?05:36
durtwhy are you using those repositories mik3?05:37
thellama Depends: dbus-1 (>=0.23.4) but it is not installable05:37
thellama Depends: libflac6  but it is not installable05:37
thellama Depends: libhal0 (>=0.4.0) but it is not installable05:37
thellama Depends: libmodplug0 (>=1:0.7-1) but it is not installable05:37
thellama Depends: wxvlc but it is not going to be installed05:37
firefly2442Sir_Brizz, http://www.webmin.com/05:37
mik3i don't know?05:37
mik3what should i be using05:37
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johndarkhorsemik3: run your apt-get again, your gzip just pooped out on ya05:37
thellamahelp me to install vlc05:37
Xanthus7What is the difference between the Ubuntu DVD and CD iso05:38
thellamadvd has install and live05:38
XorlevYou know you need to enable DMA on your HDDs when a copy between the two drives sticks between 20 and 80kb/s05:38
Xanthus7ah great thank you05:38
=== jtan325 [n=jtan325@c-24-19-241-44.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
thellamayour welcome :)05:38
=== jtan325_ [n=jtan325@c-24-19-241-44.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mik3any suggestions?05:39
zdennismik3, what are you trying to do?05:39
butcherbirdthellama, you cant apt-get?05:39
mik3zdennis http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/191405:40
=== butcherbird is now known as thrush_2
thellamavlc: Depends: dbus-1 (>= 0.23.4) but it is not installable05:40
thellama       Depends: libflac6 but it is not installable05:40
thellama       Depends: libhal0 (>= 0.4.0) but it is not installable05:40
thellama       Depends: libmodplug0 (>= 1:0.7-1) but it is not installable05:40
thellama       Depends: wxvlc but it is not going to be installed05:40
thellamashould I add another repository?05:41
jdubchombee: yes05:41
durtwhy dont you get psi from the ubuntu repositories and remove that weird one, mik3?05:41
Fred|Fr3dQMario, neither smbd -D or nmbd -D will work now05:41
zcat[1] 941476300101205:41
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mik3what would the correct entry be for repository05:41
Fred|Fr3dand i get connection refused to swat; it doesnt seem to run either05:41
=== kalias [n=kalias@S010600095b290aaa.vn.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mr-FalkorOh lord,.. I really need to sleep05:41
bimberijdub: surely you're at lunch :P05:42
disasmFred|Fr3d: samba problems?05:42
kaliasnickrud: Hi!  I haven't been on in a while, how are you?05:42
Mr-Falkorjdub, have a dream job05:42
zdennisi dont know mik305:42
chombeenickrud - aptitude is working a lot better than Synaptic, lesson learned. I assumed any problem with Synaptic was basically and apt-get problem, like Synaptic was just a UI to apt-get05:42
nickrudkalias, you caught me at the right time, I've been gone for a week or so05:43
jdubbimberi: i was between my last couple of comments here :)05:43
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: yes its a samba problem05:43
jdubbimberi: where are you based?05:43
nickrudchombee, aptitude is the reference now05:43
mrichmanis there a gui tool for configuring and sharing a printer like in RH05:43
disasmFred|Fr3d: can you paste your smb.conf somewhere?05:43
ubotu[repositories]  probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96905:43
kaliasnickrud: nice to talk to you again :)  My ubuntu machine has been working very well.  I have given up on gentoo.05:43
chombeejdub - that's funny. You must be a happy happy man05:43
bimberijdub: Canberra05:43
disasmFred|Fr3d: not in channel ;-)05:43
durtdo you have the hoary extras and backports enabled, mik3?05:43
jdubbimberi: oh, funny, i'm in yass atm. going to canberra tomorrow.05:43
jdubchombee: hard but fun. :)05:44
mik3why do you think those repositories are weird? they are the defaults05:44
Mr-FalkorThere is only two things i dont like about gnome,.. it look so plastic and its using alot of CPU :P05:44
chombeejdub - I'll take your job next once you're done with it, okay?05:44
nickrudkalias, that's the nice thing about ubuntu, it does work, doesn't it :)05:44
Fred|Fr3ddisasm, i've tried remaking it five times. only basic stuff like server string, workgroup, and one share05:45
durtthe "alioth" one is the weird one05:45
disasmFred|Fr3d: oh, and are you doing user auth (need user/pass to access) or share auth (all shares open)?05:45
kaliasnickrud:  Do you know much about gcc?  I am getting setup for a night school course and would like to use it.  Any recommendations on how I should set it up?05:45
Sir_Brizzfirefly2442: how do I get that up and running then? I apt-get installed it, where do I go from there?05:45
=== adoyretsamon [n=nmyoda@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fred|Fr3ddisasm, user at the moment, but i'll switch if it means it will work.05:45
disasmkalias: sudo apt-get install gcc05:45
jdubkalias: install build-essential05:46
disasmFred|Fr3d: did you use smbpasswd to create your samba user?05:46
Mr-Falkorjdub, did you need to go on a "programmer school" before you got that job you have now ? or did you just how your skill ?05:46
firefly2442Sir_Brizz, https://localhost:10000/05:46
nickrudkalias, you are asking the absolutely wrong person, except for what jdub just said :)05:46
firefly2442Sir_Brizz, make sure you install the proftpd module for webmin too05:46
thellamacan someone please help me?05:46
nickrudI use the packages provided, with of garnome and other stuff for fun.05:46
kaliasnickrud: okay, thanks :) Nice that you are honest about it :))05:46
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: samba wont even run at all atm. i do smbd -D or nmbd -D and it does nothing; ps ax | grep smbd shows nothing05:46
chombeeYeah - I'd be interested to know if Canonical value having shown skill - like having projects you've worked on, or if they value qualifications05:46
jdubMr-Falkor: i used to code, but i don't these days - my skills are better used helping the coders with non-code things :-)05:46
adoyretsamonhey all... glad to be back05:47
firefly2442Sir_Brizz, search for webmin in synaptic and they should show up05:47
thellamaplease help05:47
Davey|Workuh... I don't see my HDD in Windows Disk Management :(05:47
bur[n] erooh... i have a gcc question... if an app is made for gcc3, can i even compile it at all for breezy?  or do I have to wait for it to be gcc4 compatible?05:47
Davey|Workthis is bad05:47
Mr-Falkorjdub, :-)05:47
Sir_BrizzI have to do this from the shell05:47
disasmFred|Fr3d: paste your smb.conf to paste.ubuntulinux.nl05:47
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: one second.05:47
jdubchombee: very much so, our hackers are extremely good05:47
zdennismy dual booting experience is not going so well05:47
adoyretsamonDavey, can you see it via booting the Live disc>05:47
kaliasjdub: what is build essential?05:47
thellamaI can't install VLC, someone help!05:47
chombeejdub - so are you a UI person?05:48
Davey|Workadoyretsamon: can't boot the live disk05:48
jdubkalias: it's a meta-package that depends on common tools for building software05:48
johndarkhorsekalias:  its a meta=pkg with all the things necessary for compiling code05:48
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/d191605:48
bimberijdub: well enjoy the drive :) - nice to see a bit of green and some water in the dams!05:48
=== johndarkhorse hates his laptop keyboard
adoyretsamonDavey|Work, bios issue?05:48
jdubchombee: yes, have done quite a bit of that, but atm i'm doing business & community development05:48
kaliasjdub: any thing else I need?  I am taking some C courses.05:48
durtmik3 and thellama: make sure you have these lines in /etc/apt/sources.list: deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted; deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted05:48
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jdubbimberi: wow, yeah - it was brown only 6 months ago05:48
Sir_Brizzfirefly2442: I need to do this from the shell. Also, when I go to that ip I get "Access Denied for <my ip>"?05:49
zdennisFred, is that a space as the first character in your share name?05:49
jdubkalias: that'll get you started05:49
kalias. thanks :))05:49
chombeejdub - oh man, you get to do cool stuff. Well business development sounds rubbish, but community development sounds good, Anyway I'll stop bugging you05:49
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redtechI just added a secondary drive, whats the proper way to mount it? Should I just copy a line from fstab and change the mount point? /dev/hdb1      /data               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       105:49
jdubchombee: bizdev means we get to make money to keep ubuntu going :-) oh, and have cool companies shipping their software for ubuntu, and shipping ubuntu on their hardware :)05:50
nickrudjdub, just out of curiosity, has any texas loco's hit on your travel plans yet?05:50
kaliasjdub: is there a good operations guide for gcc and build essential?05:50
bur[n] erredtech: change the device and the mount point05:50
jdubnickrud: nup, no one from texas so far05:50
jdubkalias: there are some great books about developing for linux (and using the gnu tools) about - check amazon05:50
chombeeYou know, it'd be good if Ubuntu would automatically cycle the default theme and background and all the art on a seasonal basis, that'd be neat05:50
bur[n] erjdub: colorado anywhere?05:50
redtechbur[n] er, thank you05:50
jdubbur[n] er: nup05:50
nickrudoh, well, I'm too new to texas to have any influence.05:50
firefly2442Sir_Brizz, ahh, it's probably only allowing local access05:50
bur[n] eraww, just curious05:50
kaliasjdub: like orielly?05:50
jdubkalias: yeah, they have lots of great books05:51
Sir_Brizzfirflany way to enable it for the LAN?05:51
Sir_Brizzfirefly2442: any way to enable it for the LAN?05:51
jdubnot sure if they have a general book in C development with FOSS tools though05:51
firefly2442Sir_Brizz, hmm, lemme see05:51
bur[n] erchombee: lets make it different between night and day even ;)05:51
jdubbur[n] er: you involved in a colorado lug?05:51
kaliasjdub: thanks I will look into it :))05:51
chombeebur[n] er - Yeah! I want it to cycle even while in use05:51
chombeeAnd I don't want it to be a sudden change but a gradual one, like if one background and theme can be made to blend into the next over time05:52
bur[n] erjdub: i am not... i know there's one here in Boulder, but I only went to their irc channel once, seems they're fedora people :\05:52
firefly2442Sir_Brizz, http://www.sagonet.com/forums/showthread.php?t=263505:52
kaliasjdub: while I have you on the line, do you know anything about visual studio .net 2003. I know, it's windows but I may have to use it also.  I tried to install in the other day and it appears to be crap!05:52
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Fred|Fr3ddisasm: i think i have something that may provide more info05:53
chombeeIsn't that a cool idea? Produce a Spring theme and a Summer theme and then lots of themes in between, so that it changes bit by bit each day and you hardly notice but by Summer you have a totally new background and everything05:53
jdubkalias: you looking for a similar IDE for ubuntu, or want to run VS.NET on ubuntu?05:53
chombeekalias - it is a total pile of crap, an absolutely horrible program to have to work with05:53
chombeeI worked with it for 8 months and I'm sure it doulbed my stress rates05:54
kaliasjdub: nope, I will run windows on windows.  I can't seem to get that damn thing going so I will use gcc as a backup.05:54
bur[n] erchombee: seems like a lot of work... and a lot of bandwidth05:54
jdubbur[n] er: post the annouce to their mailing list - they might be interested, or want to hear about gnome stuff :)05:54
bur[n] ermaybe 1 x quarterly would be cool, but it's more flashy than necessary at this point ;)05:54
kaliasyikes!  I hoped I wasn't going to hear that :((05:54
nickrudchombee, an interesting idea05:54
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: you there?05:54
bur[n] erjdub: very true... i might actually have to go to one if they're interested05:54
disasmFred|Fr3d: add logfile = /var/log/log.%m05:54
jdubchombee: we've done calendar images, but not during the hoary cycle (for silly reasons)05:54
=== bur[n] er runs off to find ML
Sir_Brizzfirefly2442: do you know where I can find out the name of the proftpd module?05:55
kaliaschombee: have you dealt with vs .net 2003?  The darn thing didn't even install properly.05:55
disasmFred|Fr3d: yeah, im here05:55
chombeejdub - and weren't the calendar images the ones with the models? I'd prefer nature images05:55
disasmthen we can see what happens in the log file when it starts05:55
jdubchombee: the first one for hoary didn't05:55
=== Concord_Dawn [n=DJChaos@xtreme-150-79.dyn.aci.on.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: add that under the [global]  ?05:56
chombeekalias - yeah I was a pro developer in vs .net 2003, and indeed it failed to install most times for most people while I worked with it, good luck, keep trying05:56
Fred|Fr3dhey Concord_Dawn05:56
Concord_Dawnhey hey05:56
kaliaschombee:  The more I work with windows tools, the better I like linux :)05:56
Sir_Brizzfirefly2442: nm found it05:57
Concord_DawnFred|Fr3d, what you need help with?05:57
zcat[1] fun little script I just hacked up, scan a barcode and it'll play an associated .wav file ...05:57
=== bur[n] er likes NSIS in windows
chombeelol - just finished Breezy upgrade, the default image for the 'About Me' is indeed a guy with a beard, and there are no other defaults to choose from05:57
Fred|Fr3dConcord_Dawn: samba.05:57
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disasmFred|Fr3d: yeah05:58
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: its been making default logs anyway. its also now running.05:58
johndarkhorsekalias: all linux IDEs are free, hows that for love?05:59
iJeffChat** I downloaded PPC Ebuntu, now what? do i need to burn the files?05:59
chombeeAwesome! F-Spot has folder navigation05:59
disasmah, it's running, thats good05:59
zcat[1] 'files' ?05:59
johndarkhorseiJeffChat: yes, use Disk Utility to burn your iso ti a cd-r05:59
bur[n] erjdub:  since you're in UI stuff and gnome... know anything about gaim's away window and getting it to minimize... it won't because metacity doesn't allow child windows to minimize and gaim wont' make it a non-child window05:59
zcat[1] I hope you downloaded an iso or two..05:59
bur[n] erit's just a bug that is a pet peave, not a big deal though05:59
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kaliasjohndarkhorse: Yes, it is very good.  Unfortunately the course I am taking says we have to use the windows stuff.  I am going to get gcc going so that I have a backup.  Can you recommend a good linux IDE?06:00
adoyretsamonbur[n] er, get the xchat tray tool06:00
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: i've noticed that in windows when i try to login, i get the pass box again if the user is invalid. but if the user is valid i get a "permission denied, contact admin" message from windows.06:00
adoyretsamoner, alltray tool06:00
=== thellama [n=thellama@ca-vannys-bluewave1d-a-79.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
bur[n] eradoyretsamon: what's that have to do with gaim?06:00
disasmFred|Fr3d: if you add security=share to [global]  it'll make it insecure (anyone on the network can access any share) but you can troubleshoot from there, and then switch it to security=user if you need it06:00
iJeffChat** I downloaded PPC Ebuntu, now what? do i need to burn the files?06:00
adoyretsamonbur[n] er, alltray tool06:00
thellamawhat are the ubuntu backports repositories06:00
adoyretsamonthen you can minimize anything you need to tray...06:00
disasmFred|Fr3d: thats actually pretty easy to fix06:00
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adoyretsamoni think06:00
bur[n] eradoyretsamon: that seems like an even more ram using workaround06:00
bur[n] er;)06:00
adoyretsamonused to06:00
mrichmani followed these instructions to share a printer from ubuntu and now it doesn't even start the cups service06:00
zcat[1] iJeffChat: normally yes, you burn the install ISO to a CD and then boot the PPC from it..06:00
mrichmananyone got any ideas06:01
bur[n] eradoyretsamon: i don't want to minimize to the tray... i just want ot minimize to the taskbar06:01
adoyretsamonmrichman, I know occy06:01
disasmFred|Fr3d: smbpasswd -a <user_name>06:01
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adoyretsamonbur[n] er, k06:01
johndarkhorsekalias: this URL may answser some questions http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html06:01
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: i've done that, and restarted smbd/nmbd06:01
thellamawhat are the ubuntu backports repositories06:01
kaliasjohndarkhorse: Thanks :)) I will take a look :)06:02
iJeffChatISO 9660 disc?06:02
bur[n] er!backports06:02
ubotuAdd "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted" to /etc/apt/sources.list.  More info @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports06:02
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: btw how should i normally launch swat? typing "swat" in the shell doesnt seem to do it :/06:02
disasmencrypt passwords = true06:02
disasmadd that to [global] 06:03
iJeffChatISO 9660 disc?06:03
johndarkhorseiJeffChat: pay attention, i answered your question when you asked it the first time06:03
mik3anyone want to help me tackle my apt-get problem? http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/191406:03
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iJeffChatoh sorry missed it06:03
disasmFred|Fr3d: i'm not a fan of swat, but open web browser http://localhost:901 i believe06:03
firefly2442anyone know why Downloader for X quits right when I start it?06:04
Octaneanyone know the differenc between the package flashplayer-mozilla and libflash-mozplugin?06:04
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: yeah, but i get connection refused. but still i'd rather use the built-in right click -> share command and the config file06:04
=== zcat[1] has PPC kubuntu installed on a beige PPC server..
bur[n] ermik3: remove alioth?06:04
nickrudthellama, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 is a very good list to use06:04
johndarkhorsemik3 have you tried running your apt again? it looks like your gzip is failing06:05
thellamathanks nickrud06:05
nickrudthellama, assuming I'm not sucking hind tit on this answer, I've been in and out06:05
thellamayou have been a great help nickrud! :)06:05
disasmmik3: comment out the http://pkg-gnome.alioth.debian.org and try apt-get update again06:06
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: i still get the same errors trying to login :S06:06
nickrudthellama, thanks, there have been days when that was not the case :)06:06
mik3i did that06:06
mik3nothing works06:06
mik3i've ran update, put fresh repository sites , etc06:07
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disasmFred|Fr3d: try this: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1917  -  put that in [global] 06:08
Octaneanyon eknow how the hell do i get firefox to play media06:09
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Octanerealplayer and all the other crap06:09
jtan325yea i just quit #ubuntu on bottom, the /j'd it on the top06:09
Octanei have the win32 codecs installed and realplayer itself too06:09
durtget mozplugger06:09
jtan325now it's googly06:09
disasmFred|Fr3d: then if that works, we'll try switching share to user, but one step at a time, that's a known good working config i use on a server for a client06:09
nickrudmozplugger :)06:09
=== Seveas [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
disasmmik3: what about apt-get clean?06:10
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: that works, altho i cant write to my share06:11
bur[n] ermik3: apt-get -f install ?06:11
disasmFred|Fr3d: chmod the share06:11
cafuegoSeveas: smogges06:11
=== Tortel [n=Tortel@pcp0011331660pcs.elictc01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasmogh cafuego06:12
Octanedurt: that shit does not work06:12
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: that works now too :)06:12
disasmmik3: i'm scared to ask but what did you do to get it in this state? try upgrading to breezy? or the dreadful backports?06:12
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: i created a folder and a file, however both are now owned by "nobody" >_<06:12
disasmFred|Fr3d: you can try switching security to user and see if it still works06:12
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: one sec :-)06:13
thellamaI added the hoary backports (source and binary) and hoary extras. Is this ok on breezy?06:13
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durtmozplugger definitely does work06:13
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nickrudthellama, probably pointless, since most stuff in backports is backported from breezy, if I understand correctly.06:13
thellamaoh, ok!06:13
disasmFred|Fr3d: add force user=<your user here> to the share line06:14
thellamawhat about the extras?06:14
DaveyHrm, Ubuntu doesn't start into Gnome anymore, what can I do to fix it?06:14
mrichmani followed these instructions to share a printer from ubuntu and now it doesn't even start the cups service when i try and start it i get cupsd: Child exited with status 98!06:14
mrichmanare there utils like RH has available on ubuntu06:14
bur[n] ermrichman: like?06:15
=== XplOzIon [n=LINUX@poz-07-754.poz.ras.cantv.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: access denied to entire PC06:15
disasmFred|Fr3d: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1918 - sample share line06:15
nickrudmrichman, I'm gonna jump on that, ubuntu has much better utils than redhat06:15
bur[n] erDavey: pick gnome from your login manager?06:15
bur[n] ermrichman: ubuntu uses gnome tools... gnome has a printer config app06:15
disasmFred|Fr3d: thats with security=user i presume? add the user/pass you use on the desktop to the ubuntu samba server06:16
bur[n] ersystem -> administration -> printing06:16
mrichmannickrud: what are they the default one couldn't share it06:16
iJeffChat**What's the Mac key to boot to disc?06:16
mrichmangot that06:16
jdubiJeffChat: hold C06:16
SeveasiJeffChat, C06:16
Daveybur[n] er, no, I don't get the graphical login anymore06:16
disasmiJeffChat: c06:16
jdubiJeffChat: please don't start all your questions with **06:16
nickrudmrichman, I'm not sure I got that, what do you mean06:16
johndarkhorseiJeffChat: hold the C after the chime06:16
bur[n] erDavey, dpkg-reconfigure dgm06:16
iJeffChatbbl installing now06:16
bur[n] erer..06:16
Octanedurt: do i have to do anything special to get mozplugger working?06:17
bur[n] erDavey: from a term, sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm06:17
mrichmanthen i had to manually edit the config perinstructions on the web and cups is now broken06:17
durtoctane: whats not working?06:17
disasmi hate gnomes printer tool, i ended up compiling cups from source so i could use the web interface...06:17
Octanedurt: nothing, realplayer, flash none of my god damn plugins work and they are all sitting in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins with appropriate symlinks from /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox06:17
Octaneand i installed everything from packages06:18
disasmOctane: about:plugins in firefox shows nothing?06:18
Octanedisasm: it shows them06:18
nickruddisasm, sudo adduser cupsys shadow, sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart, use localhost:631, edit to your taste.06:18
durtif i want to run some commands at boot, how can i do this? should i create a new script in /etc/init.d?06:18
nickrudno recompile necessary06:18
Octanedurt: no just add it to /etc/rc.local06:18
Octanererr thats fedora06:19
disasmnickrud: where were you when i was asking how to do this 3 months ago ;-)06:19
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: no difference, i still cant login :S06:19
johndarkhorseOctane: what hardware are you running?06:19
nickrudhere, just not at the time :)06:19
Octanedurt i mean ln -s the command you want to run in /etc/rc.d/init.d/06:19
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Octanejohndarkhorse: amd64 BUT i am using a 32bit chroot06:19
disasmFred|Fr3d: you did adduser and smbpasswd -a for the windows user/pass right?06:19
johndarkhorseOctane: ah. well i dont know anythning about chroot, sorry06:19
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: yup. same username as the one i'm on now... or should it not match a unix user?06:20
disasmOctane: ah, now it makes a bit more sense, i've been considering doing that, just been too lazy as of late06:20
=== dennis__ [n=Bleh@68-186-49-71.dhcp.mghl.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
bur[n] erFred|Fr3d: if it matches, you won't get a prompt :)06:20
mrichmanmy cupsys won't restart is my issue now06:20
wizoi still cant play wmv files after having the updated w32 codecs, any ideas?06:20
bur[n] erif it doesn't, you do06:20
bur[n] erwizo: totem-xine ?06:20
disasmok, so the user is the same for windows and linux and password is same too, right?06:20
wizototem xine?06:20
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Fred|Fr3ddisasm: well its the same username and password so i really dont get whats wrong06:20
wizohmm, i used totem, and xine, but nto totem-xine yet06:20
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bur[n] erwizo: apt-get install totem-xine06:21
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: well the windows username is different06:21
wizook i`ll tyr that06:21
DaveyOK, that didn't help, the problem is X isn't starting :/06:21
bur[n] erFred|Fr3d: you should get a prompt then06:21
Daveybur[n] er, ^^ :)06:21
disasmFred|Fr3d: thats what you need to do, add the windows user name with the windows password via adduser and smbpasswd -a06:21
bur[n] erDavey: you're welcome ;)06:21
dennis__Is there a command for ubuntu that is similar to BSD's 'uprecords'?06:21
dennis__Anyone know of one?06:21
XplOzIonanyone here uses Ubuntu 64bits?06:21
Fred|Fr3dbur[n] er: i do. i enter the same username and pass i did smbpasswd -a with, and it says denied06:21
nickrudmrichman, sudo aptitude reinstall cupsys should get you the base cups install back06:21
disasmXplOzIon: yup06:21
Daveybur[n] er, no, I was saying it didn't help ;)06:21
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: thats *very* hard; the windows username is root06:21
bur[n] erFred|Fr3d: did you really make a linux user for that smbpasswd -a?06:22
bur[n] eror did you just make an smb passwd06:22
=== haja [n=haja@cpe-66-65-193-85.ne.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Daveybur[n] er, the problem is that Xorg isn't starting, GDM seems to be starting06:22
bur[n] erthere has to be a real linux user06:22
dennis__!ubuntu uptime06:22
ubotudennis__: Are you on ritalin?06:22
bur[n] erGDM can't start without X ;)06:22
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disasmFred|Fr3d: yeah, that makes things slightly insecure...06:22
XplOzIondisasm: is it a pain to manage?06:22
mrichmannickrud thanks working on that now06:22
bur[n] erDavey: do you get any gui whatsoever?  do you see username entry?06:22
hajaI am having trouble getting open gl games to run smooth on Ubuntu... anyone?06:22
disasmFred|Fr3d: can you create a new user on the windows machine with your user/pass on ubuntu?06:22
Daveybur[n] er, I'm on command line06:23
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: yup, one sec06:23
Daveybur[n] er, when it boot06:23
dennis__Is there a command for ubuntu that is similar to BSD's 'uprecords'?06:23
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Daveythen I startx and it starts gnome06:23
dennis__Or that will tell me my uptime?06:23
bur[n] erDavey: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg maybe?06:23
Daveydennis__, uptime06:23
bur[n] erDavey: and that works?06:23
Madpilotdennis__: "uptime"?06:23
Daveybur[n] er, yes06:23
=== bigcx2 [n=ccole@oh-69-69-163-44.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
bur[n] erDavey: so gdm isn't starting, but X works06:23
`paulhow do i clean apt-get manually??? i mean broken packages...06:23
Madpilot!tell dennis__ about cli06:23
bur[n] erDavey: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart06:23
disasmXplOzIon: nope, i don't do anything crazy though, ssh sessions, fluxbox, firefox, audio apps, occasionally openoffice (which won't print currently), and thunderbird06:23
bigcx2sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart06:23
Daveybur[n] er, how will that help? :)06:23
dennis__!tell dennis__  about cli06:24
bur[n] erit will make gdm start ;)06:24
Daveybur[n] er, I don't want to reconfigure xorg, you have no idea what hell I had to go through to get it working06:24
Daveybur[n] er, when I "startx" it puts me straight into my gnome desktop06:24
bur[n] erDavey: ok... so X works, gnome works... you just want a gui login?06:24
Daveybur[n] er, correct :)06:24
bur[n] erin that case... reconfigure gdm06:24
Daveywell I want Xorg to start on bootup :)06:24
bur[n] erand then start it06:24
XplOzIondisasm the thing is im looking for some info before i install it, because b2s LONG ago told me that he had to create another partition for 32bit aplications, do you know anything about this?06:24
Daveythat didn't work06:24
Madpilotdennis__: the BasicCommands page has a dozen or so useful Linux commands explained (sounds like you know BSD already?)06:24
bur[n] erhow "didn't" it work?06:24
bur[n] eryou get configure errors?06:25
wizobur[n] er: then do i do killall gnome-panel ?06:25
Daveybur[n] er, no change in my startup, still at CLI login06:25
hajaI am having trouble getting open gl games to run smooth on Ubuntu... anyone?06:25
nickrudDavey, then, sudo aptitude install gdm, that will get you a gui startup06:25
aruwhat program would I run to see in my mic is workijng?06:25
JaivazThis person is asking me about a "My Computer" icon that goes on your desktop and shows you your hardware and such.06:25
XplOzIonhaja what game?06:25
bigcx2what problems are you having haja06:25
bur[n] erDavey: try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start06:25
JaivazWhat the hell is he talking about?06:25
JaivazHe's talking about Ubuntu, too.06:25
bur[n] erwizo: why?06:25
disasmXplOzIon: i dont run any 32 bit apps, you don't need a separate partition, but you do need a chroot, what 32 bit apps do you need?06:25
hajaanything I try to play. I tried FooBilliards or Neverball and nothing06:25
hajaJust like 3 fps06:25
bigcx2but they actually do run06:26
wizobur[n] er: no idea, to see if it is in my icons?06:26
nickrudaru, applications->sound & video ->sound recorder06:26
bur[n] erwizo: just run totem ;)06:26
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Torteli need help installing wine06:26
bur[n] erwizo: installing totem-xine makes totem use a xine backend instead of a gstreamer06:26
XplOzIondisasm, nothings specially, i was just looking for some info06:26
Daveybur[n] er, does nothing, not even [OK] , but like I said, when I run "startx" I'm already *in* Gnome (previous session)06:26
wizoso i can uninstall the xine that i downloaded?06:26
bigcx2haja: sounds like somebody needs some non-generic drivers...06:26
disasmTortel: apt-get install wine i think it's in universe, but could be wrong06:26
bur[n] erDavey: install kdm instead ;)06:26
XplOzIonhaja: what video card you use? did you install the drivers?06:26
Torteli edited the package manager, but it gets 404 errors while downloading packages06:27
Daveybur[n] er, rofl06:27
bur[n] erDavey: sudo apt-get install kdm :)06:27
bur[n] erthat'll work i bet06:27
aruI'm getting noithing trhere06:27
Daveybur[n] er, no, I want gdm06:27
hajaI installed the xorg fglrx off synap06:27
bigcx2yes definately install the drivers if you are going to be playing games06:27
disasmXplOzIon: ati 64 bit drivers for xorg worked fine for me06:27
haja9800 Pro 128mb06:27
nickrudbur[n] er, this ubuntu, not kubuntu :)06:27
bur[n] erDavey:  you definately have gdm right?06:27
Quinthiushaja: after installing the driver you need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the driver from "ait" to "fglrx", and then restart X (easy way: reboot)06:27
Daveybur[n] er, yup06:27
bigcx2haja: what do you get when you run glxgears06:27
XplOzIondisasm: i was answerinf haja =P06:27
bur[n] ernickrud: i just want a gui login for him ;)  gdm should work, but kdm might be a nice thing to help troubleshoot06:28
XplOzIonhaja: did you installed its drivers?06:28
Daveybur[n] er, using synaptics to reinstall xserver-xorg and gdm06:28
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bur[n] erDavey: close out of gnome, then run the gdm start thing  /etc/init.d/gdm start06:28
hajaI believe so using synap06:28
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nickrudtrue. maybe try dpkg -l gdm?06:28
hajaLet me configure that. One second06:28
Daveythe "gdm start thing" ?06:28
XplOzIonhaja: ok06:28
Quinthiushaja: if you don't feel comfortable editing xorg.conf, run "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and accept defaults for most settings except the driver selection, choose fglrx06:28
bur[n] erDavey: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start06:28
disasmDavey: quit gnome, then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start, if that doesn't work sudo apt-get --reinstall install gdm i think will reinstall it06:29
Daveybur[n] er, oh, read "gdm start thing' and /etc/init.d/gem start :)06:29
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hajaIn the section "Device"06:29
Daveybur[n] er, like I said, the gdm init script seems to do nothing :/06:29
hajaChange driver from "ati" to fglrx?06:29
Quinthiushaja: yes... there should only be one entry that says "ati" anywhere, iirc06:29
Daveylets see what happens with the reinstall06:29
Quinthiushaja: yup06:29
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: i have to change the computer name, sorry to take so long06:29
CyberDooAnyone have a solution for a disappearing /dev/dsp?06:29
disasmno prob06:30
hajaGoing to restart. I'll be back, Thanks guys06:30
Quinthiushaja: then you have to restart the X server. not sure if logging out will do that, might want to just reboot to make sure06:30
bigcx2everyone telling Davey to restart gdm by using /etc/init.d should definately check out invoke-rc.d06:30
XplOzIonhaja: no problem06:30
bur[n] erbigcx2: why?06:30
crimsunCyberDoo: that seems a little odd. What application(s) is(are) looking for /dev/dsp?06:30
bigcx2man invoke-rc.d06:30
nickrudbigcx2, that is a non starter06:30
CyberDooMusic Player.06:30
nickrudit's all the same06:30
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bigcx2it's there for a reason06:31
bur[n] erbigcx2: seems like the same thing to me ;)06:31
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durtthanks octane, i just put all the commands in a script and save it as /etc/init.d/somethingrandom.sh - is that ok?06:31
disasmooh, new openoffice to dist-upgrade *wonders if print will work now...*06:31
nickrudbigcx2, yes, for maintainer scripts, for a user, it's irrelevant06:31
benplautsnyone here with a slow system on breezy?06:31
Octanedurt: thats perfect... but you put it in the wrong place. put it in /etc/rc.d/init.d06:31
bigcx2yea i guess i'm just picky06:31
CyberDoocrimsun: Music Player for one.06:31
Octaneunless init.d is a symlink06:31
=== bur[n] er is on a p4 1.7 512 ram on breezy
wizoerm , i get het error saying: Unknown(Anabolic)06:31
benplautslow, slow :P06:32
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nickrudbigcx2, so am I most of the time06:32
Octanedurt: no i am correct06:32
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benplautpage me, i'm half away06:32
disasmOctane: actually he's right, then update-rc.d somethingrandom.sh defaults06:32
crimsunCyberDoo: Music Player uses GNOME's settings, so that's a sign of something lower level. What's the result of clicking Test in System> Preferences> Multimedia Systems Selector> Default Audio Sink?06:32
durtoctane, i have no rc.d folder, but i have some rc(number here).d folders06:32
bigcx2update-rc.d {scriptname} defaults {startorder}06:33
Octanebigcx2: nice didnt know of that cmd06:33
disasmdurt: the proper place is /etc/init.d/script.sh then update-rc.d script.sh defaults06:33
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: OMG!! it WORKS!! :O06:33
=== haja [n=haja@cpe-66-65-193-85.ne.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bur[n] ergood work fred06:34
wizobur[n] er: totem says Unknown - Anabolic06:34
durtthanks guys :)06:34
hajaalright, I edited that and still getting no improve ment06:34
bur[n] erwizo: won't play it?06:34
Fred|Fr3dnah, good work disasm :D06:34
Fred|Fr3dthanks loads :D06:34
disasmFred|Fr3d: awesome, now assuming you have windows 2000 or xp pro, you can start all over again and setup samba as a pdc ;-) j/k unless you really want to06:34
bigcx2haja: what is it telling you when you run glxgears of glxinfo06:34
bur[n] erwizo: that's all i have, and i can play .wmv files... w32codecs & totem-xine06:34
hajaLet me instal it06:35
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wizoi installed w32codecs like on ubuntuguide.org06:35
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: pdc? domain controller?06:35
bur[n] erpdc?06:35
wizoits updated06:35
bigcx2you shouldn't have to06:35
oofnikguys i need some gnome help06:35
=== bur[n] er has never set up a samba domain... is it hard?
CyberDoocrimsun: When pressing test, it comes back with nothing but a popup window saying press ok to finish and nothing else occurs.06:35
oofniki royally screwed up my panels06:35
disasmFred|Fr3d: yeah06:35
CyberDoocrimsun: Current output is OSS.06:35
hajaaparently it installs with X and I'm dumb... how do I run it?06:35
bigcx2command line06:36
=== nickrud contemplates what is must be to be the sound guru
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: well no i wont be doing that yet. perhaps i'll test it if i can get my other server up though ;-)06:36
CyberDoocrimsun:Course ALSA comes back with a feedback sound.06:36
crimsunCyberDoo: but do you hear anything?06:36
disasmFred|Fr3d: thats when samba gets fun, having it give access rights to the users on the systems, and getting creating a user on windows to automatically add the user to the linux machine as well06:36
CyberDoocrimsun:Not under OSS, ALSA does and ESD doesn't.06:36
hajaWhere would you like me to paste bigcx206:36
bigcx2does it say something like missing glx display06:37
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hajaWhen I try to run it?06:37
crimsunCyberDoo: so if you leave it set to alsasink, does Music Player work?06:37
Fred|Fr3ddisasm: well there will only be about 3 or 4 pcs accessing this server, and only one user on each of them, so i dont think its worth it... but sounds fun to play with :-)06:37
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Fred|Fr3dalso one of the pcs is only xp home, not pro06:37
hajaNo... its running fast06:38
hajawhats the paste channel again?06:38
!lilo:*! Hi all. beu wants me to wallop to let you know he's not a freenode staffer. We like him, though.06:38
CyberDoocrimsun: Ah, yes.....06:38
Quinthiushaja: try fglrxinfo instead06:38
disasmFred|Fr3d: yeah xp home wont play with samba as a pdc sadly...06:38
bigcx2well you have some sort of 3d support if you're actually getting gears spinning06:38
hajaI was averaging about 400 fps in that06:38
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ZotnixAnyone familiar with the command-line applet macro syntax? In hoary it had, by default http:// support. Can't seem to get that working again :p06:39
bigcx2yea with that kind of speed you don't have the driver properly installed or loaded with the kind of card you have06:39
Madpilot!tell haja about paste06:39
CyberDoocrimsun:Should anything happen under default source?06:39
VoXany idea when vlc is going to be in breezy? totem is utter crap..06:39
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pundaihey guys, are the ubuntu kernels patched06:40
hajahehe.. forgot it was in topic :D06:40
crimsunCyberDoo: don't mess with default source06:40
crimsunpundai: heavily06:40
pundaicrimsun, friggin hell06:40
pundaiwhere do i get the source from06:40
CyberDoocrimsun: Okay. Thank you again for the assistence.06:40
pundaithe source used for the kernel i have that s06:40
Madpilothaja: the "Mesa" stuff means you don't have drivers installed - that's the defaults - what card?06:40
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haja9800 pro06:40
bimberipundai: the repositories - look for linux-source-*06:40
Quinthiushaja: oh, wait, you prolly aren't loading the fglrx module. look here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI06:40
=== haja is tarted
crimsunpundai: linux-tree-2.6.1006:40
Madpilot!tell haja about ati06:41
Fred|Fr3dwell thanks again disasm :D06:41
pundaii searched for linux in synaptic didnt get any interesting bites06:41
zcat[1] try 'kernel'06:41
crimsunpundai: linux-tree-2.6.10 is the metapackage that contains the patched source and the patch tree that Ubuntu uses06:41
pundaicrimsun, found it06:42
disasmFred|Fr3d: no problem, i think im heading to bed soon, almost one and i'm going rock climbing at 9 tomorrow morning06:42
hajaOk well using synap I installed the xorg-driver-fglrx06:42
pundainow lets see if i can get this biatch to use my 2GB of ram06:42
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hajaThen I just went and changed the ati to the fglrx...06:42
Fred|Fr3dits 5:44am here... bedtime for me too ^_^06:42
HergiswiAnyone willing to help someone stuck with Warty?06:42
cafuegopundai: The precompiled kernels support up to 4GB ram by default.06:42
=== bimberi adds linux-tree to his knowledgebase (tks crimsun :) )
bigcx2haja: did you restart X06:42
nickrudFred|Fr3d, you must be a student06:42
durtgood idea fred06:42
zcat[1] haja: did the sane for nvidia.. to easy06:42
disasmHergiswi: whats the problem?06:42
hajaI rebooted06:42
Quinthiushaja: that's fine, but you need to do step 2 under the Hoary section on that page06:42
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AlexMBasfglrx driver is the OpenGL accelerated X modification ?06:43
oofnikhey guys can someone please help me with my stupid panels that i screwed up?06:43
cafuegopundai: the i386 installer flavour might be an exception.06:43
HergiswiI don't know how to mount harddrives06:43
bigcx2yea follow the nice guides ubuntu has :)06:43
hajaOk, let me try that06:43
pundaicafuego, is centrino 686?06:43
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Quinthiushaja: and then reboot again... shouldn't have to redo the other steps06:43
cafuegopundai: yep06:43
hajaI thought I went thru this before but let me try again06:43
Fred|Fr3dnickrud: yup pretty much.06:43
zcat[1] reboot?06:43
durthow are they screwed up oofnik?06:43
pundaicafuego, i might give that a go then06:43
nickrudI mean, 5am? :)06:43
zcat[1] you should only have to restart gdm06:43
=== cafuego waits for a dozen remote crontabs to start spamming the central DB with system stats...
hajabrb guys06:44
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disasmHergiswi: external or internal drives?06:44
durti will brb too06:44
=== bigcx2 will brb
pundaiso cafuego what should i search for in synaptic06:44
cafuegopundai: linux-image-2.6.10-5-68606:45
cafuego(I think)06:45
Hergiswi<disasm> Hergiswi: external or internal drives?06:45
Hergiswithey're windows drives06:45
Hergiswithat's all I know06:45
pundaiok cafuego i'll try that06:45
nickrudpundai, linux-686 is what you want06:45
VoXany idea when vlc is going to be in breezy? totem is utter crap..06:45
nickrudit will keep up with the latest kernel releases06:45
disasmHergiswi: ah, try this: sudo mkdir /mnt/windows; sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows06:46
nerdy2VoX, any reason you dislike totem?06:46
oofnikdurt: well everything I add to my panels crashes wnck-applet06:46
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nickrudpundai, apt-cache show linux-686 will tell you about it06:46
VoXnerdy2: it wont play .avi?06:46
pundainickrud, thank you i found it!06:47
oofnikdurt i need some way to reset the gnome panel configuration to default06:47
nerdy2VoX, if you use totem-xine [or fool around with pitfdll]  it will06:47
SeveasHergiswi: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partions mount automatically06:47
nerdy2VoX, totem-xine, and vlc are available in the universe06:47
Quinthiusanyone had any problem with Azureus continually wanting to upgrade to after every restart?06:47
bur[n] erQuinthius: yup06:48
mrichmanok cups is back up and running but now i can't configure anythin in the webinterface cause it wants a pass but not roots06:48
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bur[n] er!tell vox about repositories06:48
Quinthiusbur[n] er: know any fix for it?06:48
disasmQuinthius: no but thats probly cause ive never used it, what is it a bittorent client?06:48
nickrudmrichman, sudo adduser cupsys shadow, sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart ; then go to the web interface06:49
Hergiswichris@ubuntu:~ $ sudo mkdir /mnt/windows; sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows06:49
Hergiswimount: error while guessing filesystem type06:49
Hergiswimount: you must specify the filesystem type06:49
cafuegodisasm: No, shitty 3rd party closed-source software.06:49
Quinthiusdisasm: yeah, java bt client. it's a hog but i like all the features06:49
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VoXnerdy2: yes, but vlc has a pile of unmet dependencies06:49
nickrudafter you're done, sudo deluser cupsys shadow ; sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart06:49
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cafuegoBloody Roots?06:50
durtyay - it worked: life is much easier now :)06:50
disasmcafuego: yeah, thats why i use bittornado when i need a bittorrent06:50
bur[n] erQuinthius: tools, options, interface, start, uncheck the box that says check for updates06:50
disasmwhich is very seldom06:50
cafuegodisasm: I use btdownloadcurses06:50
Quinthiusbur[n] er: well, aside from that :P ... it doesn't seem to actually be applying the update...06:50
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oofnikhey does anyone know how to reset the gnome panels completely, as in to back how they were when the system was installed06:51
Hergiswidisasm, how would I add my filesystem type to that second command?06:51
bur[n] erQuinthius: it can't i know06:51
nerdy2VoX, then try totem-xine with w32codecs06:51
VoXbur[n] er: are those repositries going to work for breezy?06:51
cafuegoHergiswi: insert a '-t vfat' or '-t ntfs'06:51
bur[n] erVoX: s/hoary/breezy06:51
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VoXbur[n] er: rux06:51
disasmcafuego: yeah, thats what i use too, i thought that was bittornado06:51
bur[n] erVoX: you're using breezy but don't know about .avi movies?06:52
durtoofnik: killall gnome-panel06:52
=== bur[n] er recommends hoary
durtoofnik: nevermind06:52
oofnikno durt that just reloads it, i want to completely reset all settings.. hah06:52
phrizerHm, when broswing the network, i click on a share and 'mount' it using the file manager. This creates a link on the desktop to to those shares. But how can i now access those mounts in non-gnome applications? Is there no real mount point?06:52
Hergiswichris@ubuntu:~ $ sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows -t ntfs06:52
Hergiswimount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1,06:52
Hergiswi       or too many mounted file systems06:52
Hergiswi       (aren't you trying to mount an extended partition,06:52
Hergiswi       instead of some logical partition inside?)06:52
=== bigcx2 is back
oofnikahh my panels are royally screwed...06:52
VoXbur[n] er: i'm using breezy due to a recommendation from a friend, owing to the fact i'm using an amd6406:52
cafuegooff to the panel beater's then06:52
bur[n] erphrizer: it's just gnome-vfs, not a real mount point06:52
OrbordeWhy is it that, when I view the man pages for anything in the GUI'd terminal, and press Page Up to go up a page, it goes ueber-slow and maxes out my processor?06:53
bur[n] erVoX: aww06:53
nickrudHergiswi, try sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows06:53
cafuegoHergiswi: Can you plase stop pasting multi-line errors?06:53
bur[n] er!tell vox about restrictedformats06:53
cafuegoand perhaps use the brain06:53
disasmHergiswi: try fdisk -l you should see something that says ntfs06:53
durtyou could reinstall gnome-panel maybe, oofnik06:53
nickrudHergiswi, sometimes, order does matter06:53
cafuegoIf ntfs didn't work, try vfat06:53
oofniknope durt tried that06:53
bigcx2Vox: is breezy that much nicer for amd6406:53
jtan325how do i get ndiswrapper module to be loaded on bootup?06:53
bigcx2that's what i'm running to06:53
phrizerbur[n] er,  yeah i figured that, is there no way to have an option under file manager to create a real mount point?06:53
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oofnikdurt it's a local issue, if i log into gnome as a different user it's okay06:53
bigcx2jtan325: add it to /etc/modules06:53
phrizeror do i have to use sudo mount manually?06:53
disasmHergiswi: in general /dev/hda1 is where windows is, but not always06:53
bur[n] erphrizer: none i know of06:53
jtan325thanks bigcx206:53
VoXbigcx2: well it installed and run perfectly06:54
mrichmannickrud after i do that it still asks me for a CUPS password when try to change anything06:54
cafuegojtan325: run 'ndiswrapper -m' and set up the network interface in /etc/network/interfaces; that'll autoload the lot.06:54
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!lilo:*! Added faq: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#fromunreg ("How can I receive private messages from unregistered users?")06:54
nickrudmrichman, then, root and it's password should work06:54
VoXbigcx2: and i spent about a week with debian sid trying to get it to play ball, without success06:54
bigcx2yea but is there anything there that hoary doesn't have06:54
disasmphrizer: if i remember right gkrellm has a utility for mounting/unmounting partitions06:54
vuAnybody care to give me a nutshell shpeal as to why this and not Fedora Core4. NO wars please.06:54
nickrudmrichman, you may need to create a root password06:54
VoXbigcx2: dont know, never used hoary06:54
VoXthis is my first time using ubuntu06:55
HergiswiUh, I mounted the drives, but now it says I don't have permission to view the /mnt/windows folder06:55
cafuegovu: it's not shit.06:55
phrizerdisasm,  does that work for samba mounts?06:55
vucafuego,  Tha's a pretty elaborate reason heheheh great06:55
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cafuegovu: well, it's a summary.06:55
bigcx2disasm: there's plenty of reasons06:55
durtoofnik: im not sure what config file the panel info is stored it, but try and find it as a user in which the gnome-panel works, then replace the bad one with that or something06:55
bigcx2first of all apt is definately the best package management tool06:56
vucafuego,  Ma tu sei franchese?06:56
nickrudvu, I trust the 1000+ vetted devs that do debian, and by extention, ubuntu. Does fedora have that?06:56
disasmbigcx2: plenty of reasons for what?06:56
cafuegovu: Non, je ne suis pa francais.06:56
oofnikdurt i tried that too.. couldn't find the one that works06:56
=== Cashel [n=doc@0-1pool47-66.nas18.portland1.or.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
bigcx2going with ubuntu and not fc406:57
cafuegovu: http://people.debian.org/~srivasta/talks/why_debian/ ... and add to that better integration and ease of use for desktop users.06:57
oofniki tried to replace the whole panel folder in ~/gconf/apps/something and it didn't change a thing06:57
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Hergiswihow can I make it so I'm actually allowed to view my /mnt/ folders?06:58
cafuegovu: also see http://www.debian.org/intro/why_debian06:58
=== iJeffChat [n=Jeff@modemcable250.77-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
CashelCan anyone tell me how to determine the numbers usbmodules requires to create a device? Trying to get a usr 5605 modem working...06:58
vucafuego, Still don't get it Fedora is like over 50% of all Linux installations06:58
iJeffChathey installed ubuntu.. how can i get airport on powerbook working?06:58
nickrudcafuego, I hadn't manoj's talk there, thanks06:58
disasmHergiswi: i cant think off the top of my head the params to force rw permissions with mount06:58
bigcx2vu: go check out distrowatch.org06:58
maeman TUX magazine sure has a slant towards KDE06:58
cafuegovu; Yeah. By that reasoning you should be on Windows.06:58
bur[n] ervu: where's that fedora stat from?06:59
iJeffChatDoes airport express on powerbook work with ubuntu?06:59
cafuegoiJeffChat: No.06:59
iJeffChatouch really?06:59
cafuegoiJeffChat: really.06:59
iJeffChathmm too far from router06:59
vucafuego, Hmm....all the servers/applications are the same for all distros. It's just the location of some system files that is different. Correct?06:59
johndarkhorseiJeffChat: what kind of mac do you have?06:59
cafuegoiJeffChat: If your have a free pcmcia slot, a cheap orinoco 802.11b card will work fine, though.06:59
vubur[n] er,   I made it up  ;-)06:59
iJeffChatI have an airport express card..07:00
johndarkhorseiJeffChat: new powerbook? airport extreme doesnt work with linux07:00
bigcx2vu: packaging with debian packages is far superior if you haven't noticed07:00
iJeffChatexternal card?07:00
=== bur[n] er assumed ;)
cafuegoiJeffChat: *nod*07:00
durtoofnik, have you tried replaceing everything that has a "g" in its name?07:00
iJeffChatI have the airport express external card, need a driver?07:00
cafuegoiJeffChat: Braodcom won't release specs for the built-in one, so nobody can write a driver.07:00
vuYes the YUM thing sux07:00
maeDo you guys think that ubuntu's popularity will revive Gnome from the grave? :)07:00
bigcx2especially from a sysadmin standpoint07:00
vuAnd brakes all other good stuff.07:00
iJeffChatPowerbook 17"07:00
durtoofnik: nevermind - replace ~/.gconf/apps/panel07:00
iJeffChatThat's new right?07:01
bigcx2it's incredibly easy to roll your own packages too07:01
bigcx2makes sysadmin shit a snap07:01
oofnikyeah durt that's what i did07:01
matthew_wHow do I run a .sh script?07:01
nickrudmae, we love trolls here :)07:01
oofnikdidn't change a thing07:01
cafuegovu: The main reason is that security updates and full systems upgrades are pretty much automatic and hassle-free.07:01
vuI actually ned to dual boot macOSX and some Linux variant.07:01
iJeffChatDo i need seperate driver for the external card?07:01
durtoofnik: wait - what is the problem exactly?07:01
cafuegovu: The less time wasted admining, the better.07:01
vucafuego,  Like OSX right?07:01
Madpilotmae: looks awfully alive for something grave-bound... you'll have to try another troll...07:01
bigcx2matthew_w: /path/to/script.sh or ./script if you're in the same directory07:02
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cafuegovu: yes, except you don't need to reboot after updates ;-)07:02
johndarkhorsecafuego: any ideas on USB wifi stick?07:02
cafuegojohndarkhorse: avoid!07:02
oofnikdurt it's not really a very specific problem, but whenever I add certain applets to my panels, wnck-applet crashes07:02
cafuegojohndarkhorse: anything listed on prism54.org07:02
matthew_wbigcx2; that's what I thought but I get permission denied, even if I do it as root..07:02
mrichmanok now how do i find the path to the queue07:02
vucafuego, A minor inconvenience but the rewords are huge  ;-)07:02
oofnikand also whenever i launch nautilus from a launcher, it crashes, and re-opens itself twice07:02
bigcx2chmod +x filename07:02
cafuegoiJeffChat: If the card is supported by the kernel, no.07:02
cafuegovu: No, OSX makes you reboot when say Samba is updated; that's not necessary.07:03
VoXbur[n] er: even with the repositries added, it still wont install vlc due to unmet dependencies07:03
matthew_wThanks :D07:03
cafuegoiJeffChat: http://www.petitiononline.com/BCM4301/petition.html07:03
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aruhope my mic isnt broken :)07:03
nickrudmrichman, the cups spool? /var/spool/cups07:04
VoXbur[n] er: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/192007:04
mrichmannickrud no noe the RH config asks for the server and path07:04
vuOk I have just been converted. Whats the initiation procedure for the fraternity.07:04
bigcx2do an install07:05
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nickrudmrichman, the last time I saw a redhat config question was in 2001; I can't help there.07:05
dazvidDoes anyone use a creative audigy 2 soundcard here?07:05
nickrudor, maybe 2000?07:05
cafuegoeither way it belongs on #fedora07:05
Madpilotvu: try out the LiveCD?07:05
hajaOk, I am getting this error in my Xorg.0.log  http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/192107:05
mrichmanhow would you setup an ubuntu queue for it07:05
cafuegovu: What sort of mac you got?07:05
vuAgh yes anyone know if any financial institutions are using Ubuntu?07:06
disasmHergiswi: sudo echo /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows auto rw,auto,user 0 0 << /etc/fstab   -  make sure hda1 is your windows partition, then just sudo umount /mnt/windows; sudo chmod 777 /mnt/windows; mount /mnt/windows      -     and you should be able to view your files07:06
crimsundazvid: volume issues?07:06
=== Harold is now known as Harold_
cafuegovu: If they are, they'd never admit it publically.07:06
=== Harold_ is now known as HaroldJohnson_
bigcx2very true07:06
vucafuego, I have a couple of iBooks 12"07:06
cafuegovu: They'll run Ubuntu PPC okay, but airport express won't work.07:07
mrichmannickrud: how would you setup an ubuntu queue for it07:07
mrichmanlike on another machine07:07
hajaOk, I am getting this error in my Xorg.0.log  http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/192107:07
vucafuego, There you go.07:07
maeMadpilot, nickrud, I am not trolling, as a matter of fact, I am trying to stimulate what the general consensus is among you folks :) I use gnome, and I see alot of neat new features that ubuntu has had a part in encouraging.  I also think the fact that GTK/gnome is neatly abstracted at the C binding level makes it far superior to libs like Qt as far as flexibility goes.. :)  But reading the latest issue of TUX magazine where they have a total kde slan07:07
maet just made me think, "Man, is this really true? or is this just the non-scientific blithering of a magazine writer"07:07
vucafuego, Did you try Yellowdog?07:08
nickrudah, you mean an IPP connection to a printer on another machine?07:08
dazvidcrimsun, no its not showing my device in sound options menu07:08
dazvidits only showing my onboard sound07:08
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cafuegovu: No, only ever ran Debian and Ubuntu on the Wallstreet G3.07:08
cafuegovu: I *severely* doubt yellowdog supports aiport express anyway07:09
Hergiswidisasm: it just shows a ">" on the next line when I type that first command, and nothing happens. Am I supposed to be waiting for something?07:09
mrichmanis ist going to be machine:631/printers/printername07:09
vucafuego, Great off I go to dig some more ;-)07:09
disasmshouldn't be07:09
disasmoh, maybe the /'s...07:10
cafuegovu: it's just that broadcom isn't releasing specs to anyone except paying manufacturers (like apple, microsoft) so nothing else has drivers.07:10
Madpilotmae: I discovered TUXmag at the library a while ago, it does seem "all KDE, all the time" - and I've had this confirmed by other people since, that TUXmag is quite anti-Gnome...07:10
crimsundazvid: lspci -v |grep -i audio07:10
disasmsudo echo "/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows auto rw,auto,user 0 0" << /etc/fstab   -    try that07:10
nickrudmrichman, you're gonna hate me, but I've only run cups on one machine; I cannot help with setting up printing on a remote machine at the moment. Ask me in a week, when I'll have done it :)07:10
vucafuego,  Yes the old story ;-)07:10
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matthew_wWhat would "Unable to initialize SDL - no available video device" mean?07:11
mrichmanoh man! well thanks for all your help07:11
dazvidcrimsun, 0000:00:0a.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs: Unknown device 000807:11
=== HaroldJohnson [n=harold@pool-71-106-85-116.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudmae, I've pretty much run gnome since 2000. As far as I can tell, it's still live and kicking :)07:11
HaroldJohnsonSweetness.  I'm in.  Hello, everyone!07:12
johndarkhorseHaroldJohnson: hows the powerbook working out?07:12
maedid anyone answer my question? :)07:12
crimsundazvid: lsmod|grep ^snd_emu10k107:12
HaroldJohnsonjohndarkhorse, Wonderfully.,07:12
disasmmae: you'll never realize how ugly and painful kde is until you try fluxbox, and then you'll never turn back ;-) gnome isn't too bad though07:12
HaroldJohnsonjohndarkhorse, Are you running Ubuntu on a Mac?07:12
Hergiswiit's just coming up with ">"07:12
nickrudmrichman, seriously, google around for the IPP protocol; that should get you started07:12
=== johndarkhorse <<<,nalioth in disguise
maenickrud, yes I totally agree :) but one must look at the fact that kde has _way_ more applications, sure we got the major ones like firefox and other gtk-based apps...   I'm hoping that mono/gtk# will attract more developers so we get a larger breadth07:13
HaroldJohnsondisasm, I just began using fluxbox after a term with XCFE407:13
dazvidcrimsun, that doesnt bring up anything07:13
dazvidor is it not supposed to?07:13
disasmHergiswi: try this: sudo gedit /etc/fstab07:13
disasmthen paste this at bottom: /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows auto rw,auto,user 0 007:13
nickrudmae, as best I can tell, the apps of record are gtk; which (other than k3b) is universally recommended?07:13
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maedisasm, I agree I think kde is totally painful and ugly..  I have to spend more time fixing the stuff that kde is "trying to do for me" then actually getting work done.  I also don't like how alot of the apps in kde use Qt-based kparts.. its like a giant integrated mess the way i see it :)07:14
crimsundazvid: sudo modprobe snd-emu10k107:14
Hergiswiok, it opened fstab07:14
=== HaroldJohnson [n=harold@pool-71-106-85-116.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
dazvidcrimsun,  are they one's or L's ?07:14
HaroldJohnsonOops, I left for a moment.  Did I miss any messages?07:14
disasmmae: about the only kde app i like is k3b, and thats only opened every once in a blue moon, usually mkisofs/cdrecord suit me just fine07:15
maedisasm, really? CVS gnomebaker can do _almost_ everything k3b can now07:15
maeexcept fo the video editing stuff07:15
dazvidcrimsun, nm. I reran the lsmod command, and it now displays:07:15
dazvid"snd_emu10k1            81668  0"07:15
nickrudmae, and we rest our case :)07:15
disasmgnomebaker, i may have to check it out07:16
Hergiswiwhat do I do with fstab?07:16
crimsundazvid: good. Now cat /proc/asound/cards07:16
disasmabout the only time i use k3b is burning audio cd's and thats just because i cant remember the switches off hand for mkisofs to burn an audio cd07:16
crimsundazvid: paste onto paste.ubuntulinux.nl07:16
=== ijeffchat [n=jeff@modemcable250.77-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ijeffchathey im wired in ubuntu.. im using linksys card...07:17
ijeffchathow do i use the card?07:17
dazvidcrimsun, paste the cat info? or everything we have run through?07:17
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=== Knowerrors [n=flow@0-1pool84-74.nas52.oakland1.ca.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickruddisasm, serpentine (it's in backports) is supposed to do audio well; I haven't tried it yet.07:17
vuAnybody using 2.6.13/07:17
bob2vu: best to just ask your question...07:18
maenickrud, I am not one to really disagree that gnome is a very active project..  I just said something inflammatory to get some opinions :)07:18
cafuegovu: I am, but not on PPC (It didn't boot on the Mac mini)07:18
KnowerrorsHeyall, anybody here using orchestra/mezzo desktop on ubuntu?07:18
ijeffchatHow do i use my linksys wireless card?07:18
arushould I try another program or is there settings I can change to see if my mic is working07:18
Carpe_LibertatemCan someone help me get chbg to... work?07:18
zenwhenoh bob2. how have you been?07:18
vubob2, ???07:18
cafuegoijeffchat: It'll be unsupported unless using ndiswrapper, which is x86 only.07:18
maenickrud, but i must say when one looks at the web-page gnome does seem fairly dead.07:18
johndarkhorseCarpe_Libertatem: use google and search for "ranwp.sh  ubuntu"07:18
cafuegoijeffchat: in other words: You can't use that with Linux on a Mac.07:18
maenickrud, the only evidence one can see of activity is on the gnome and ubuntu mailing lists07:18
ijeffchatcafuego: It's a regular linksys card..07:18
cafuegoijeffchat: wired?07:19
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vucafuego, You using what of macmini?07:19
ijeffchatcafuego: wireless linksys card.. doesn't work on mac at all?07:19
maenickrud, i think ubuntu/gnome needs some kind of "newsletter" or "traffic newsletter" to keep the marketing rolling07:19
cafuegovu: Ubuntu with 2.6.12-rc607:19
johndarkhorseiJeffChat: you'll need to get a wifi dongle that works under linux (usb or pcmcia)07:19
maeattract new blood etc07:19
cafuegoijeffchat: Nah, 99.9% chance it won't work.07:19
matthew_wWhat does - WARNING - Invalid Stream Header (no STRH at beginning) segmentation fault.  Mean when running totem?07:19
cafuegoijeffchat: It's the same thing again, no specs released for the chipset.07:19
ijeffchatcafuego: this worked under linux once i believe07:19
vucafuego, Cool...as a dual boot or?07:19
cafuegoijeffchat: x86 linux maybe.07:20
Madpilotmae: planet.ubuntu.com, for starters07:20
cafuegovu: yeah, dual boots with Tiger.07:20
vucafuego, How did you make space for ext3?07:20
disasmi think ubuntu should include the pastebin script to paste to paste.ubuntulinux.nl, then we could tell people to /exec -o cat /some/file|pastebin07:20
nickrudI hear that mako is supposed to be the marketing guru; check in with him ;)07:20
crimsundazvid: ok, you'll probably need a newer version of alsa-driver.07:20
cafuegovu: I took into account during the initial OSX install that i also wanted Linux. (I wiped the factory install, I always do)07:20
crimsundazvid: I'm sending you instructions.07:20
maeMadpilot, yes but this is usually random bloggings and various excerpts of different projects.. If one of you has ever read the gentoo newsletter or perhaps the linux kernel traffic thats what i have in mind07:21
crimsun!tell dazvid about alsa-source07:21
dazvidcrimsun, thankyou very much!07:21
maea summary of new developments07:21
aruI think my mic is screwed up07:21
=== flodine [n=flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
vucafuego, I see so you first installed Linux and then OSX?07:21
KnowerrorsAnybody used SymphonyOS here?07:21
Madpilotmae: there's talk of a newsletter for Ubuntu, called "The Fridge" or something similar and quirky. if it happens, it'll happen post-Breezy07:21
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johndarkhorsevu: OSX will eat your bootloader if you install osx after linux07:22
cafuegovu: No, OSX first (repartitoned using Disk Utility on the DVD), then Linux07:22
maeMadpilot, this would be nice :)07:22
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Madpilotmae: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TheFridge07:22
maeMadpilot, i think gnome could use a little hype like firefox :)07:22
cafuegojohndarkhorse: Not really, it WILL reset the boot pointer in  PRAM07:22
vujohndarkhorse, Thanx07:22
Cashelanyone know anything about the acm module? modprobe acm doesnt find it and this howto says I need it..07:22
vucafuego,  I see07:22
cafuegojohndarkhorse: That's easily fixable with a rescue boot off cd.07:22
johndarkhorsecafuego: sorry, i'm a hick and dont know the fancy explanations07:22
Madpilotmako: meh. Firefox has too much hype. People act like they'07:22
johndarkhorsecafuego: easier with open firmware07:22
vucafuego, So what's ther OSX equivalent of grub?07:23
johndarkhorsecafuego: we mac users only have to boot with the "alt-option" key to get to yaboot07:23
Madpilotmae:  Firefox has too much hype. People act like they invented all their features, rather than just copying Opera...07:23
nickrudmae, I don't think that gnome needs much marketing; gnome is supposed to be unknown, just used.07:23
cafuegojohndarkhorse: That depends on whether you know the device string07:23
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johndarkhorsecafuego: i've dont it beforer07:23
maeMadpilot, yes, quite a bit of hype, but remember "theres no such thing as bad publicity".. the people we want to attract will dismiss hype and be interested nonetheless to find the "truth" .. it just gives us more exposure07:23
cafuegovu: There isn't one. There's yaboot, which is more like LILO. (Fairly inflexible, but it works)07:23
johndarkhorsecafuego: the boot partition shows up in the list when you hold the alt-option key07:24
afaikfirst... thinks for taking the "can't change your nick" rule off #ubuntu-unregged07:24
HaroldJohnsonjohndarkhorse, Sends me to another channel and then abandons me07:24
johndarkhorsecafuego: then you just run ybin to reinitialize your whatzit07:24
HaroldJohnsonjohndarkhorse, LOL07:24
afaiknow... how can I watch wmv on ubuntu (I dont care about non-free, just wanna view wmv)07:24
Fred|Fr3dIs there a "marquee" screensaver available somewhere? I've seen one in KDE and in windows, but not in gnome...07:24
ubotuI guess restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats07:24
cafuegojohndarkhorse: yeah, the only critical step there is the Holy Penguin Pee one. (That adjusts the PRAM)07:25
Madpilotafaik: see ubotu above ^^^07:25
HaroldJohnsonjohndarkhorse, I'll be around; I'm going to read some articles to prepare for my dual boot.07:25
afaikMadpilot, eh!?07:25
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johndarkhorsecafuego: i cant explain it technically, i just know after an OSX install, i do the alt-option thing and ybin my way back to yabootiness07:25
Madpilotafaik:  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats for wmv stuff07:25
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Fred|Fr3dis there a marquee screensaver somewhere? gnome doesnt have one :O07:26
phrizermmkday, so viewing the properties of a file on my desktop while its still copying over, isnt a good idea :) my desktop appears to have locked up, as has the file manager. heh heh07:26
dooglusyou run gnome on your marquee?07:26
MadpilotFred|Fr3d: isn't there one in xscreensaver? it's got dozens of screensaver styles, it must have a marquee07:27
Fred|Fr3di want a marquee screensaver; where the text just runs across the screen with no effects.07:27
nickrudphrizer, if you're lucky, alt-f2 killall nautilus might unfreeze stuff07:27
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Cashel!tell cashel about acm07:27
Fred|Fr3dnope. it has ants, toasters, molecules, engines... no marquee07:28
Cashel!tell cashel about modules07:28
aruyeah, I'm pretty sure I need a new mic07:28
bimberiFred|Fr3d: There is "GLText" but it's not really a banner, close tho :)07:29
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phrizernickrud, it brought up a forced quit dialog, and it restored it.07:29
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nickrudphrizer, meaning, that worked?07:29
Fred|Fr3dbimberi: yeah i've seen that one... its laggy on my geforce 2 though :(07:29
nerdy2FontGlide also07:30
bimberiFred|Fr3d: well, closer than ants, toasters etc. :P07:30
snakehsuIs there anyone using emacs and certain Input Method?07:30
Fred|Fr3dtrue lol07:30
bimberinerdy2: that's the one!07:30
maeis the plan to eventually use launchpad for tracking bugs instead of bugzilla?07:30
Fred|Fr3dthanks nerdy2, fontglide :D07:30
bob2mae: yes07:30
Fred|Fr3dwell fontglide scroll, same differnce. thanks :D07:30
dazvidcrimsun, where it states (uname) is that a program, or supposed to input my  own user name07:31
oofnikahh can anyone help me figure out why my panels are completely screwed up? it's a problem with wnck-applet07:31
crimsundazvid: copy and paste literally07:32
crimsun(back later)07:32
dazvidcrimsun wants you to know: alsa-source is, like, totally, (1) Enable the universe repository; (2) Type the following in a terminal: sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) alsa-source && cd /usr/src && sudo tar xfj alsa-driver.tar.bz2 && sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-source && cd modules/alsa-driver && sudo debian/rules binary_modules KSRC=/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build KVERS=$(uname -r) && sudo dpkg -i ../a07:32
crimsundazvid: into a terminal07:32
jtan325does anyone here use ndiswrapper?07:32
dazvidlol, sorry for my ignorance07:32
bob2jtan325: best to just ask your question...07:32
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dazvidcrimsun, thanks again.07:33
jtan325yo bob207:33
jtan325remember me from yesterday07:33
dooglusFred|Fr3d: did you try xlockmore's "marquee"?07:33
jtan3253 reinstallations later, i'm finally back to my old desktop and everything07:33
afaikany reason at all for ubuntu.org to use ssl with no valid cert?07:33
jtan325it's just that07:33
afaikseems a waste07:33
jtan325i can't remember how i got wireless to work on bootup07:33
jtan325with ndiswrapper07:33
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bob2*3* reinstallations?07:34
bob2how did it take more than 1?07:34
ijeffchatConnected by wire now07:34
jtan325i was messing up x somehow07:34
ijeffchatso far working great07:34
bob2afaik: because no one bought a cert yet07:34
jtan325by installing fonts07:34
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Carpe_LibertatemIs there a way to make everything in Ubuntu thinner, without finding some obscure theme?07:34
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durtadd ndiswrapper to /etc/modules07:34
jtan325yea i did that durt07:35
jtan325and it loads on bootup07:35
dooglusFred|Fr3d: forget that.  xlockmore's 'marquee' doesn't scroll...07:35
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jtan325but, wlan0 doesn't exist until after i do "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper"07:35
bob2then it's not being loaded by /etc/modules07:35
jtan325(after I've logged in and everything)07:35
bob2perhaps you typoed or such07:35
afaikbob2, why even use ssl though? It is just serving up information07:36
jtan325well on bootup07:36
jtan325it says "ndisdriver loaded" or something07:36
afaiknot something that requires an encrypted line07:36
afaikwtf is the point?07:36
jtan325there's no failure message on that07:36
bob2afaik: logins07:36
durtyou want ndiswrapper, not whatever that is07:36
bob2and wide use of encryption for mundane data is a good thing07:36
afaikbob2, then why not do like a competent site and ONLY do ssl on the login portions?07:36
afaiknot the whole fucking site07:36
oofnikis anyone here running enlightenment E1707:37
afaikthat's just laziness07:37
afaikat best07:37
bob2as above: loading the internet up with encrypted data is a *good* thing07:37
jtan325well i put "ndiswrapper" in /etc/modules07:37
bob2anyway, stop ranting, no one here cares or can fx it07:37
jtan325as the last line, after "nvidia"07:37
jtan325(no typo)07:37
afaikbob2, not for plain information07:37
bob2afaik: sure it is07:37
durtdid you run "ndiwrapper -m"?07:37
afaikonly for sensitive information (this comes from someone with 8 years web dev experience)07:37
jtan325should i run that every time?07:37
jtan325or just once07:37
bob2afaik: if you only use encryption for things you want private, it means They know anything encrypted is worth looking at07:37
durtjust once07:38
MadpilotCarpe_Libertatem: thinner? how do you mean?07:38
afaikit's not like reading ubuntu FAQs requires secrecy07:38
jtan325argh forgot to do that07:38
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maeis there plans to include beagle in the default ubuntu desktop or is that going to still be an optional deal07:38
afaikwhat, some 12 year old is going to sniff the line and hack me over reading ubuntu faqs?07:38
bob2afaik: yes, you're missing the point, still07:38
oofnikwhat does beagle do?07:38
afaikbob2, the only point is laziness :)07:38
bob2afaik: anyway, you clearly don't want to understand, so if you'd like it fixed, email the webmaster07:38
dooglusafaik: if you only encrypt your secrets and leave everything else in plain text then I know where to find your secrets.  if you encrypt everything then I don't know which parts are your secrets and which is just you ranting in an irc channel07:39
bur[n] erdooglus: very clear and concise answer :)07:40
FatDarreli need an asguard space ship07:40
oofnikno one here uses enlightenment? all gnome?07:41
bob2perhaps we're waiting for you to ask your real question07:41
vuI am interested to know what do the majority of yo guys do with your Linux distros. Serious answers please. I understand mail/httpd/squid/firewall servers but what else?07:41
afaikbah, the asgards are pussies07:41
bob2vu: replace "linux distros" with "computers" and you have your answer07:41
dooglusvu: browse porn of course, like any other PC user.07:41
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afaikoofnik, renligtment is way behind now :(07:41
dduckoI play Neverwitner Nights... Cruise the internet... everything you do on Windows.. just less crap07:42
afaikenligtment hasn't had a stable release in ages07:42
tritiumafaik, please watch your language07:42
vubob2, You philosopher or somehitng?07:42
afaikKDE has already surpassed enligtenment :)07:42
oofnikafaik i saw some E17 screenshots, it looks beautiful07:42
afaikTritis, had to take the @ before informing me, hmmm? :)07:42
bur[n] ervu: email, web, word docs, music, movies?07:42
afaikoofnik, indeed it does... 6 years in the making07:42
bob2vu: no, I'm pointing out that people use linux for the same things they use any other OS07:42
oofnikafaik do you think it'll turn out to be a good solid release?07:43
bob2vu: I use ubuntu to do my job as a coder, to play games and to watch dvds, email, browse the web, etc07:43
bob2vu: also to run my mail and web server07:43
dducko*drops a pin*07:44
oofnikhaha i heard it..07:44
=== dducko smiles
oofnikwell anyway.. so who wants to help me with my panel problem now07:45
regeyausing linux to play games...watch dvds...run a web and mail server...on the same machine?07:45
oofnikor try to at least07:45
cafuegovu: I use them to make money, to pay the rent, earn a crust. That involves running a mail/web/sql/domain/file server and also desktops with openoffice, mail and browsers.07:45
bob2regeya: no, my mail server is not in my house07:45
vuInteresting...I think non productivity is overwhelming among 98% of Linux users.07:45
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=== regeya breathes a sigh of relief
oofnikhaha vu i think you're right07:45
bob2ah, the subtle troll07:46
cafuegovu: Well, non-productivity is always going to be high if the sample consists of IRC users07:46
regeyaI was afraid we'd be seeing the ten millionth "linux sucks" post on ZDNet someday. *wink*07:46
oofniki spend 70% of my time tweaking my system and the rest actually doing what i need to be07:46
tritiumvu, scientific computing and publication07:46
ijeffchatNice Bluetooth mouse already activated07:46
jtan325bob2, ok. i would like to install cairo 1.0, and would like to do this the "proper way"07:46
dazvidcrimsun, I installed and rebooted. However the sound still isn't working07:46
jtan325i assume i should compile from source this time around?07:46
bob2jtan325: does that have a different SONAME to the one in hoary?07:46
jtan325SONAME = ?07:46
durtcould adding "options nvidia NVreg_Mobile=0" to /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc safe?07:47
durtis it safe, that is07:47
cafuegoSONAME is like a compiling certificate; you're not allowed without one ;-)07:47
bob2jtan325: are you yourself a programmer?07:47
jtan325ummm java and python07:47
jtan325not c07:47
cafuegodurt: add it, see what happens.07:47
jtan325but i can guess what soname is07:47
jtan325it's the .so files07:47
bob2it's the library version07:48
bob2it's to do with them, tho07:48
dazvidhi bob2 :)07:48
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jtan325sorry for my n00bness07:48
holycowoofnik, e17 isn't released, its still beta07:48
jtan325so how do i go about checking the SONAME?07:48
holycowwhy would anyone be running it?07:48
cafuegoholycow: same reason they run MS Vista. it's leet.07:49
bob2anyway, it's 2 in breezy and 1 in hoary07:49
holycowthe live cd of e17 is nice but running it daily is a whole other thing07:49
holycowcafuego, ehe07:49
oofnikholycow actually it's alpha but yeah07:49
bob2so go get the libcairo source package from breezy and build it on hoary07:49
oofnikpeople have e17 up and running successfully though07:49
ijeffchatDont expect it but is there a way to use my isight?07:49
jtan325ermmmmm.... so edit my sources.list and change 'hoary' to breezy?07:49
bob2jtan325: no07:50
oofnikijeffchat isn't that that apple firewire webcam thing?07:50
bob2jtan325: go to http://archive.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/pool/main/libc/libcairo/ and get all the libcairo_ files07:50
matthew_wWhat is the marillat repository?07:50
vuHe! he! ok guys I only wanted some self-reflection here to brake this machine fixing gobble...;-) keep up the good work and keep on being hyper productive ;-)07:50
ijeffchatyeah, doesn't work right?07:50
ijeffchatthought so07:50
bob2jtan325: er, libcairo_1.0.0-1 ones07:51
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bob2jtan325: then run 'dpkg-source -x libcairo_1.0.0-1ubuntu1.dsc', then cd to the dir it makes, then run 'dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot'07:51
oofnikijeffchat i'm sure it's possible somehow07:51
bob2jtan325: after installing build-essential and fakeroot, I guess07:51
oofnikthere's got to be a firewire video4linux driver or something out there, do some googling07:51
bob2jtan325: oh, and 'sudo aptitude install debhelper cdbs autotools-dev pkg-config libfontconfig1-dev libfreetype6-dev libxrender-dev libx11-dev libpng12-dev'07:52
ijeffchatkk ill google it, thx oofnikl07:52
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oofnikijeffchat check this out: http://episteme.arstechnica.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/96509133/m/4011068107:53
matthew_wIn a file explaining how to get w32 codecs for your Mplayer - it calls these codecs legally dubious... how might a w32 codec be considered dubious? lol07:53
bob2matthew_w: er, because you have no permission to download them?07:54
bob2matthew_w: they're binary files created by microsoft, real, apple, etc, did they give you permission to download them and use them with mplayer?07:54
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johndarkhorsematthew_w: because you are supposed to own a copy of windows to legally use them07:55
bob2even that is not the case07:55
matthew_wGot it.07:56
matthew_wAdditionally, it says the w32codecs are not verified.07:56
matthew_wIs there a possibility of a vulnerability here?07:56
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bob2sure, you're downloading binaries from an untrusted source07:56
Madpilotmatthew_w: in theory...07:57
reformistwhawt package can give me cc1plus? I need this to compile a vmware kernel module07:57
reformistI've installed g++07:57
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bob2reformist: install build-essential07:57
Quinthiusanyone know what would cause totem to error out when i try to start it? it says resource busy or not available (i'm guessing sound?)07:57
jtan325bob2, this way makes alot more sense that what i was trying to do07:57
djurhow do I bring up a running PID in a terminal?07:57
bob2jtan325: yes07:57
oofnikahh can someone please give me some help with my gnome panel applets, they keep crashing and i don't know what to do07:57
reformistbob2: I have it07:57
bob2djur: that makes no sense07:57
djurI have something running in the background...07:57
jtan325bob2, even more embarrassing, it was just last week that i made my first package, and it's going into the debian repos next week...07:57
djurand I want to pull it up07:57
bob2reformist: then someone has rooted your machine and deleted random files from your disk07:57
matthew_wLet's say this bluntly then... what is the likelihood of someone being able to break into my video stream, or my computer even based on installing these codecs?07:57
djurin a terminal07:57
bob2djur: "jobs"07:57
bob2matthew_w: low07:58
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bob2jtan325: hah, congrats; what is it?07:58
bob2jtan325: (and you'll have to know about sonames for your NM stuff, too ;p)07:58
djurbob2:  not sure how to use that.07:58
bob2djur: it's a command you run07:58
jtan325bob2, http://conky.sf.ent07:58
bob2djur: that will list jobs in the current shell.  your backgrounded process should be there.07:58
jtan325bob2, http://conky.sf.net07:58
reformistbob2: ...right..07:59
bob2reformist: what does "dpkg -l build-essential | grep ^ii" print out?07:59
matthew_wExtraordinarily low?  Because I'm extraordinarily paranoid ;)  lol07:59
djurnothing there..07:59
djurI put in the file to sessions / startup..07:59
djurand it's there when  I do ps -l07:59
djurbut I can't bring it up07:59
bob2matthew_w: if you're paranoid, you won't be running random binary dlls at all then08:00
reformistbob2: I'm using breezy. ii  build-essential 11.1           informational list of build-essential packages08:00
bob2djur: then that's different to being in the background08:00
jtan325bob2, and now it's safe to do "dpkg -i libcairo....deb"? and it should complain about old versions of libpixman or something, and i'll do something simliar for that?08:00
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djurhow can I force it to open the program in a terminal?08:00
bob2reformist: if you're not using the stable version of ubuntu, you should mention that in your initial question08:00
bob2djur: you can't08:00
bob2djur: what are yo utrying to do?08:00
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kcidxok i just rebuilt xorg myself.....from cvs and its still booting the old one08:00
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kcidxany help with that?08:01
bob2jtan325: yes; they will install alongside, only replacing the -doc and -dev ackages08:01
matthew_wbob2; just more worried about the video stream - I work for an acting agency and can't let some of the videos that we run be... well, spread to the world. XD08:01
djurit's a background process..  distributed.net app..  I want it to run.. but I don't want to spend much time on it.. just have it there in the background doing its thing08:01
djurbut I want to see that it's there08:01
bob2djur: ps aux | grep name08:01
jtan325wow that was so painless08:01
Popjompahello all, got a question, and I'm complely new to this08:01
jtan325it makes me cry08:01
jtan325knowing that i spent the past day reinstalling08:02
jtan325three times08:02
kcidxif i do a export PATH=/opt/xorg-x11/bin:$PATH     then it will give me the right X   what do i do to change this over?08:02
=== wafers [n=mrwafer@c-67-170-80-47.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2matthew_w: I would rate the risk as "low", but you're running random dlls that no trusted person has audited.08:02
bob2matthew_w: copying them yourself from a windows machien you trust might make you happier08:02
matthew_wThis is a dual boot.08:02
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bob2kcidx: why did you do that to begin with?08:03
matthew_wI tend to trust this one.. lol.08:03
bob2Popjompa: best to just ask...08:03
Quinthiusmatthew_w: i don't think what you're talking about has anything to do with the codecs. or at least, there will be no difference compared to using the same codecs in windows...08:03
wafersi am up and running on ubuntu.. need some help though..08:03
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kcidxbob2, cause in breezy they broke dri08:04
djurbob2:  sorry I'm slow.. what does the output of that mean?08:04
jtan325bob2, thanks a bunch for your help. if you do decide to check out conky (the software i packaged) and need help using it, msg me or join #conky08:04
Myrttiwafers: we're not telepathics08:04
bob2kcidx: what bug # is the bug you filed?08:04
matthew_wQuinthius; Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm just overly paranoid that someone will get a hold of these files that they're not supposed to based on me using untrusted codecs.08:04
wafershi myrtti do you know anything about getting nvidia video cards working08:04
bob2djur: it means that it's running08:04
PopjompaProblem: installed Ubuntu on a USB drive, the setup went fine and i've installed grub and it works fine, when i choose ubuntu it starts up, but not for long. It says: "pivot_root: nu such file or dir. /bin/init:428 cannot open dev/console: nu such file. Kernel panic."08:05
Myrttiwafers: nope08:05
bob2wafers: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto08:05
bob2jtan325: np08:05
Quinthiusmatthew_w: i say highly unlikely, and if someone had the intent and know-how to do that, i don't think it would involve codecs at all anyway08:05
wafersthanks bob2 ill take a look my screen is so small right now though.  hope that helps.08:05
matthew_wQuinthius; You're right.08:05
bob2I doubt it08:05
kcidxbob2, its with the r200 driver built with dri 5 but driver was built for 4.x08:06
bob2kcidx: and you filed a bug?08:06
kcidxits been filed...08:06
=== robitaille [n=robitail@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2 /etc/X11/X is the only thing you care about08:06
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AzMooIs there a way I can install firefox with the DOM inspector?08:08
AzMoough, never mind08:09
bob2mozilla-firefox-dom-inspector - tool for inspecting the DOM of pages in Mozilla Firefox08:09
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AzMooI should check synaptic BEFORE I ask ;)08:09
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HrdwrBoBAzMoo: :)08:09
Popjompaanyone got a clue about the problem i posted?08:10
AzMoohrmm, but it's not working. It says it requires version 1.0.2, but I have 1.0.6 :\08:10
bob2is booting off usb devices supposed to work at all?08:10
Popjompadont know, it went fine in the setup, :)08:11
Quinthiusanyone know what would cause totem to error out when i try to start it? it says resource busy or not available (i'm guessing sound?)08:11
bob2you set it up using the CD08:11
bob2just don't bother with totem08:11
Popjompamm, and it found the hd08:11
bob2AzMoo: yes, it's not been updated for the firefox security issues08:12
Quinthiusbob2: why not?08:12
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bob2Popjompa: yes, and if you booted from the internal hard drive, it could see the usb disk, too08:12
bob2being able to boot off != being able to use once booted08:12
bob2Popjompa: try asking on the ubuntu-user list08:12
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maeat this point is gstreamer 0.9 going to make it into breezy08:12
AzMoobob2, so I can't install it?!08:12
Popjompaok, guess my problem is solved, it won't work. :)08:12
Madpilotmae: packages.ubuntu.com and have a search - you can search all three versions of Ubuntu08:13
bob2AzMoo: not easily08:13
bob2Popjompa: I didn't say that08:13
=== AzMoo dies.
Popjompaguess it must load some drivers for the usb before i can detect the hd08:13
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bob2AzMoo: it's in universe, it's not covered by the ubuntu securit yteam.  #ubuntu-motu might be able to help.08:14
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Carpe_LibertatemDoes anyone know a good download manager for speeding up download speeds?08:15
AzMoobob2, cheers.08:15
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h08817does anyone know how to setup a web server with a linksys router08:15
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cafuegothe same was as any other router?08:16
adoyretsamonh08817, you mean webserver local on pc behind router>08:16
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@83-131-129-19.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
adoyretsamonyou need to port-forward to the port you use08:16
adoyretsamondirections can be found via google08:16
h08817and how do i know what port i use?08:16
cafuegoh08817: 8008:16
h08817i have been on this for 5 hours and i haven't got anything08:16
jtan325bob2, you wouldn't happen to know how to install libsvg-cairo would you ? i couldn't find the sources on that site08:16
adoyretsamonsome ISPs block port 8008:16
adoyretsamontry another port if that doesnot work08:17
mrichmanwhy is the gaim in the repos so far behind current08:17
mrichmanis their a current version?08:17
h08817i have apache and i just bss the dns and stuff b/c i dont' have one yet08:17
cafuegomrichman: Because it woul sbe a major upgrade; which isn't done on stable releases.08:17
cafuegomrichman: you can backport it.08:17
adoyretsamoni setup a dyndns.org account to my personal apache server08:17
adoyretsamonmuch nicer08:17
mrichmancafuego: how is that done?08:18
cafuegomrichman: where to start...08:18
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, backport is see !backports08:18
ubotuAdd "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted" to /etc/apt/sources.list.  More info @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports08:18
h08817well i just want to know how i can host my own site08:18
Myrttigaim < bitlbee08:18
cafuegoSTart with those.08:18
Carpe_LibertatemDoes anyone know a good download manager for speeding up download speeds?08:19
HrdwrBoBone that calls your ISP and upgrades your account08:19
cafuegoCarpe_Libertatem: how would a download manager speed up your connection?08:19
cafuegoHrdwrBoB: when is vicnet enabled adsl2 on the north melbourne exchange?08:20
=== jknife [n=jknife@68-119-176-133.dhcp.snfr.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
jknifewhat do i put instead of horay for bleeding edge08:20
Carpe_LibertatemCafuego - they split-up the file into parts and max the connection for each part? In Windows, FlashGet DLs faster than Firefox.08:20
Carpe_Libertatemfor example08:20
h08817well once my router is configured correctly will i be able to go to my internal ip08:20
cafuegojknife: If you need to ask, DON'T08:20
=== Auckland_Pig [n=chatzill@ororke.resnet.auckland.ac.nz] has joined #ubuntu
aftertaf:) cafuego08:21
cafuegoCarpe_Libertatem: That's a windows problem, not a Linux (or firefox) one.08:21
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Carpe_LibertatemIs it?08:21
cafuegoCarpe_Libertatem: Yes.08:21
jknifecafuego, :-| your jokeing right??? ive used more update distros then this.... im brand new to ubuntu08:22
=== Auckland_Pig is a windows user who has never used linux. How easy is it to start installing and using ubuntu?
cafuegoCarpe_Libertatem: Download speed is a function of bandwith on either host.08:22
cafuegojknife: There will be a new version next month, just be patient.08:22
MyrttiAuckland_Pig: easier than windows :->08:22
aftertafjknife:  breezy...08:22
=== chickboiec [n=chickboi@] has joined #ubuntu
=== pef [n=loic@lns-vlq-39f-81-56-130-224.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Myrttino registering, no buyin, no money08:22
jknifeaftertaf, thanks08:22
chickboieci need help08:22
jknifewasnt that hard08:22
chickboiecany1 can ?08:22
cafuegojknife: Coz if you upgrade now and come back complaining breezy is broken ...08:22
aftertafchickboiec:  ask your question... :)08:22
cafuegojknife: I swear I will make people not help you.08:22
JaivazIs gnome-look.org down for you guys as well?08:23
chickboieci have a shop here in the phil.08:23
aftertafjknife:  cafuego is right tho///08:23
=== Davey|Laptop [n=Davey@unaffiliated/davey] has joined #ubuntu
chickboiecwe have problem using ubuntu?08:23
seifeim new to linux08:23
seifei tried it08:23
Auckland_PigMyrtti: anything i need to know before i start using it?08:23
chickboiecme 2 im new 2 linox08:23
cafuegojknife: it *is* broken you 8will* have problems. Do you understand?08:23
mrichmancafuego: thanks!08:23
jknifecafuego, ive used gentoo ffs... and E17.. i can work out broken software08:23
seifecuz ive always been windows user08:23
seifeubuntu gave me sound prob08:23
seifenetwork prob08:23
JaivazI take it it's down for you guys as well.08:23
seifejust those two08:23
Auckland_Pigseife: were they resolved?08:24
cafuegojknife: Off you go then08:24
Auckland_Pigdo you still have those problems?08:24
seifeNope, they werent , but they can be solved.08:24
seifeYes i do, my sound at headphones is poor08:24
MyrttiAuckland_Pig: All linuxes have issues writing to NTFS partitions. If you intend to make your system dualboot and want to write stuff to a windows partition while in Linux, NTFS is not your choise08:24
seifeand i dont have sound with speakers08:24
chickboiecei anyone could help ?08:24
Myrttichoice, even08:24
aftertafJaivaz:  seems to resolve anyway..08:24
seifebut u cant be helped by some sound guru08:24
aftertafbut no page arriving08:24
seifethen u'll get sound08:24
chickboieci need help badly08:25
=== deFrysk [n=deFrysk@i111223.upc-i.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
chickboiecany1 have the time to spare with ?08:25
aftertafchickboiec:  ask your question.08:25
aftertafsomeone will reply ;)08:25
chickboiecim planning to change my os to linux08:25
chickboieci dont have the licence >08:25
JaivazI can't seem to connect to the forum either..08:25
aftertaflicense for what?08:26
Auckland_PigMyrtti: what if i keep a small FAT32 partition?  can i use it to swap data between windows and linux?08:26
Madpilotanyone here use Screem & CVS together?08:26
chickboiecfor microsoft08:26
MyrttiAuckland_Pig: yes.08:26
aftertafwe cant help you there....08:26
jknifecafuego, one question what kernel does breezy use? 2.6.13?08:26
johndarkhorseAuckland_Pig: fat32 is ok for holding data both OS' can read08:26
chickboieci have a computer cafe08:26
aftertafapart from saying its a one way trip08:26
chickboiecno im planning to change my os08:26
johndarkhorseAuckland_Pig: fat32 has a file size limit, tho and i think it's somewere areound 4gb08:26
=== BROKEN_LADDER [n=bal@adsl-69-227-57-228.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERhow can i find out what my cdrom device is?08:26
cafuegojknife: Smart former gentoo users can look that up :-P08:26
Myrttichickboiec: why would you need a licence for microsoft if you're planning on to switching to linux?08:26
chickboiecno my point is08:26
MyrttiI'm confused08:26
Auckland_Pigjohndarkhorse: oh 4gb is good...08:27
Myrttiyeah, get to it08:27
=== foulplay2 [n=Chris@d14-69-188-11.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotchickboiec: you're seriously running a computer cafe on illegal copies of Windows? that's... possibly not bright?08:27
Auckland_Pigthank you all....08:27
cafuegochickboiec: Yes, you can run ubuntu on as many computers as you like.08:27
chickboiecso im switing08:27
johndarkhorseAuckland_Pig: not for backing up your dvds, it isnt08:27
Sir_BrizzI just installed proftpd but I can't figure out how to configure it so that if you login as site1:password it will lock you to /var/www/site1 so that you can upload files to your own site. Can anyone help?08:27
=== hume [n=hume@MagnusL-barbar.psychology.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu
seifeim runing on an ilegal copy of windows08:27
seifei dont have money to buy it08:27
chickboieccan all application can be run with ubunto ?08:27
cafuegochickboiec: it will be fine for web browsing and email08:27
chickboiecubuntu rather08:27
Madpilotseife: that's why I'm running Ubuntu rather than XP...08:27
jknife2.6.11-9 is it??08:27
Auckland_Pigjohndarkhorse: will rip them and convert them to 700mb :p08:27
BROKEN_LADDERchickboiec all applications on which operating system?08:27
cafuegojknife: no.08:27
aftertafchickboiec:  depends what, but most have equivalents08:27
seifei think on vista version u have to buy it, cuz if u dont put an original serial, it wont install08:27
johndarkhorseAuckland_Pig: enjoy!08:28
chickboiecah ic08:28
chickboiecu know warcraft?08:28
Myrttichickboiec: not windows ones, unless you use cedega or wine08:28
chickboiecim using wine08:28
jknifethats what packages.ubuntu.com says08:28
humehi....how do I use webmin in ubuntu, when there is no root account activated? or mount samba shares? only root can mount, but root is no samba user...08:28
cafuegochickboiec: there's mozilla/firefox for web (and webmail) and openoffice for Office stuff. Gimp for photoshop.08:28
uboturoot is probably disabled in Ubuntu, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo08:28
chickboieci have that08:28
cafuego!info linux-image-386 breezy08:28
BROKEN_LADDERhow can i tell which device is my dvd?08:28
ubotulinux-image-386: (Linux kernel image on 386.), section base, is optional. Version: (breezy), Packaged size: 21 kB, Installed size: 48 kB08:28
jknifemy bad 1208:28
chickboiechow about other application like warcraft ragnarok and other online games?08:28
MyrttiI need to was this henna off my head08:28
bluefoxicywhy does synaptic think 2.0.1-2 is lower than 1.2.4-108:29
=== Vaske_Car [n=opera@d36-72-47.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
aftertafchickboiec:  there is a package calleddega for runnung zin games in nux... its costs ca$h tho ce08:29
bluefoxicy(trying to install anjuta 2.0 from debian experimental)08:29
foulplay2Hey guys, Just wondering, what would be a decent linux bit to put on a 1gb pen drive08:29
JaivazIs Gnome-look.org and Ubuntu-Forums down for everyone else?08:29
aftertafJaivaz:  gnomelook yep08:29
seifefoulplay2: fedora, ubuntu, debian08:29
cafuegofoulplay2: The Ubutnu liveCD should be fine; HrdwrBoB may or may not be able to confirm that.08:30
humeMyrtti, yeah, i can sudo, but how do I access webmin, that is configured by default to have a user root?08:30
foulplay2Ubuntu can install onto a 1gb pen drive?08:30
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Cashelanyone know why xmms wouldnt be able to read from an ntfs drive even as root?08:30
JaivazWell, I finally got the forums to load08:30
cafuegoCashel: ntfs sucks?08:30
MadpilotJaivaz: gnome-look is, Ub forums not to be08:30
Cashelcafuego: amen08:30
aftertafhehe Cashel08:31
jknifeJaivaz, Gnome-look.org isnt working for me08:31
Casheldoesnt help me much tho, heh08:31
aftertafCashel:  is it mounted?08:31
Vaske_Carcan Unbuntu work with Samba, vsftpd and TeamSpeak server?08:31
=== brownie17 [n=fraser@static-203-87-6-82.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
brownie17hey everyone, what is the command for the archive manager?08:31
foulplay2Cashel: run this script as root (sudo):
chickboieci dont get it ?? what are the requirement for me to use some of the application that i have right now > anyone ? help me pls try 2 pm me im quite confuse on the main channel08:31
Cashelaftertaf, yes, with permissions set to a user...08:31
chickboieci have a shop with 20 pc > and im afraid being raid by microsoft08:32
deFryskbrownie17, file-roller08:32
Cashelfoulplay2, I'm already mounted properly08:32
foulplay2Oh, sorry08:32
Cashelno worries08:32
cafuegochickboiec: Well, 1) Switch to Ubuntu or 2) Mis-invest your profits into Windows XP licenses.08:32
chickboiecim planning to switch to linux08:33
foulplay2I get copies of windows xp pro from my school for $3.5008:33
BROKEN_LADDERgrip says it can't initialize /dev/scd0..anyone know what the problem could be?08:33
cafuegosurely the business plan has some guidelines?08:33
Madpilotchickboiec: Linux has it's own applications for most things. Windows is a totally seperate system...08:33
BROKEN_LADDERchickboiec have fun.08:33
brownie17foulplay: is that legal :)08:33
foulplay2They're legal copies08:33
brownie17foulplay2: nice08:33
foulplay2My school bought several thousand licenses08:33
Madpilotfoulplay2: legal for students of your school, sure08:34
brownie17pretty big school08:34
cafuegofoulplay2: if they school has a site license, sure. He must stop using it when he leaves that school, though.08:34
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cafuegobrownie17: Or if it's like australua, the government pays MS to license windoze for all computers in all state schools08:34
brownie17hey, i need a hand08:34
cafuegocouple of million per year08:34
foulplay2It works for what I need it to, though I'm thinking of putting OS X x86 on my computer tomorrow :-X08:35
Madpilotcafuego: Edubuntu...08:35
cafuegoMadpilot: Hahaha!08:35
BROKEN_LADDERif beos had more apps, or if mac osx would be released on x86, i'd switch from linux.08:35
cafuegoMadpilot: Do you know how married MS and DE&T are?08:35
BROKEN_LADDERit's absurd that in an era like this, os choices are limited to such crap.08:35
=== s00d [n=s00d@host81-153-41-83.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotcafuego: DE&T is education ministry?08:36
brownie17why can't i remove a directory?08:36
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s00dHi. I'm having trouble locating my grub.conf. SHouldn't it be in /boot/grub?08:36
=== carlos [n=carlos@243.Red-83-47-24.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotbrownie17: possibly because root owns it?08:36
eggocan anyone tell me what the hell to do with a .bin?08:36
cafuegoMadpilot: I'm sure bribes are involved at some stage; the department of eductiuon and training has some people who acively sabotage any linux inreads08:36
brownie17madpilot: but shouldn't the sudo command take care of that?08:36
humeeggo, execute it08:36
zcat[1] chmod +x foo.bin ; ./foo.bin08:36
cafuegoeggo: put rubbish in it08:36
aftertafBROKEN_LADDER:  frustration leads to disillusionment... why is linux so cr*p?08:36
cafuegoeggo: What is the .bin?08:36
Madpilotbrownie17: in that case, check the permissions rather than the ownership08:36
mrichmanis there a limit to haw many chars the root password can be inorder to use the gui sudo08:37
=== bigcx2 [n=ccole@oh-69-69-162-116.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoeggo: ouch08:37
brownie17madpilot: but i created it with the sudo command, shouldn't i then be able ot delete iwth that?08:37
eggocafuego: ?08:37
=== penticlex [n=jeremi@ip68-226-116-188.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] eggo: rm foo.bin ; apt-get install mplayer-386 w32c0decs08:37
bimbericafuego: I think CIOs having lunch with Bill was all it took :P08:37
s00dI want to boot with "apm=on" -- How do I do this?08:37
zcat[1] *codecs08:37
Madpilotbrownie17: I would have guessed so, but check permissions & ownership anyway08:38
=== CaiN_SA [n=cain@rrba-146-75-106.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERaftertaf the entire structure of any *nix is steeped in decades of legacy.08:38
brownie17madpilot: say owner has RE WR and EX, others and group have just RE08:38
aftertafBROKEN_LADDER:  DNS root hierarchy structure... seems to work fine imho.08:38
MadpilotBROKEN_LADDER: and MS's stuff *isn't*? ;)08:39
penticlexlooking for a 64bit mozilla -flash package08:39
HrdwrBoBpenticlex: no such thing08:39
eggozcat[1] : i have vlc so I don't need just another player, i need to get the plugins working for firefox08:39
BROKEN_LADDERaftertaf in beos, for instance, i had an dynamic-attribute-based 64-bit journalled file architecture.  never had to run any ckfs.  never had a search take longer than 1 second.08:39
zcat[1] find the vlc plugin package for firefox?08:39
Madpilotbrownie17: in that case you should be able to do whatever you like to it... but I'm not an expert...08:39
BROKEN_LADDERMadpilot MS is even worse.08:39
BROKEN_LADDERMadpilot i was praising beos.08:39
=== EnZyme [n=EnZyme@203-217-69-72.dyn.iinet.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
brownie17madpilot: so how do i delete it, says cannot delete, is a directory08:39
chickboiecanybody << have tried installing other online games like ragnarok and MU08:39
BROKEN_LADDERlinux takes eons to boot08:39
brownie17madpilot: doesn't make sense08:40
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BROKEN_LADDERpartially because it runs services before getting to gui.08:40
Madpilotbrownie17: "sudo rm <whatever>" doesn't work? (and no, it doesn't make sense to me either)08:40
BROKEN_LADDERbeos boots on my system in 5 seconds or so.  linux takes about a minute.08:40
Vaske_Caranybody using teamspeak server on ubuntu?08:40
aftertafBROKEN_LADDER:  i don't know anything about beos.08:40
BROKEN_LADDERaftertaf it's amazing.08:40
brownie17madpilotL: then how do i change permissons so everyone can do whatever to it?08:40
penticlex64 is fast but I just might go back to my 32 bit just for the lack of hassel08:40
Madpilotwhat is beos, anyway?08:40
BROKEN_LADDERit's blazing fast.08:40
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BROKEN_LADDERMadpilot the Be Operating System.  It sort of "died" but now a company called Yellowtab is re-invigorating it.08:40
=== bigcx2 [n=ccole@oh-69-69-162-116.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
Vaske_Carlinux based as well?08:41
=== jalrnc [n=joao@ip68-0-220-224.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
HrdwrBoBno, it's an OS all of it's own08:41
eggodoes vlc have firefox plugins?08:41
eggocause vlc is so great08:41
BROKEN_LADDERMadpilot it was an OS written from the ground up to be fast, with pervasive multithreading and such.08:41
zcat[1] I thought Beos was the guy who runs Amazon08:41
eggoi mean... if it's media, vlc plays it ^^08:41
BROKEN_LADDERit's not linux based, but it was mostly posix compliant.08:41
Carpe_LibertatemIf you do apt-cache search vlc you'll see plugins08:41
Madpilotbrownie17: www.linuxcommand.org - it's got a permissions tutorial08:41
=== jalrnc [n=joao@ip68-0-220-224.ri.ri.cox.net] has left #ubuntu []
BROKEN_LADDERBeOS info available at http://www.yellowtab.com/08:42
=== locomorto [n=locomort@c211-28-251-204.eburwd5.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERYears ago, Apple almost bought BeOS, but Jean-Louis Gassee, the owner and former top dog at Apple, tried to squeeze Apple by the balls until they told him to take a hike.08:42
Madpilotbrownie17: http://www.linuxcommand.org/lts0070.php for Permissions - but going thru the entire tutorial from the beginning won't take that long and it's well written08:43
Agrajagand they bought NeXT instead08:43
BROKEN_LADDERwell, i thought that was after they had purchased next.08:43
aftertafthis should maybe go #ubuntu-offtopic guys.....08:43
BROKEN_LADDERinstead of beos they ultimately wound up with OS X.08:43
aftertafwe have n00bs needing help too ;)08:43
BROKEN_LADDERokay, i have an ubuntu issue.08:43
aftertafhehe ;)08:44
BROKEN_LADDERwhy can't i get my dvd drive to work now that i'm using kde?08:44
locomorton00bs is harsh08:44
=== aftertaf is a n00b
BROKEN_LADDERn00bs rhymes with b00bs.08:44
brownie17madpilot: when i use sudo and it asks for a password, is it asking for my user account password or my root password?08:44
locomortonewbies is more appropiate (hey there using linux!)08:44
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aftertafbrownie17:  user pass08:44
Agrajagthere is no root password08:44
locomortoUnless you make a root pass that is08:44
aftertafbrownie17:  otherwise that means users know root password08:44
brownie17aftertaf: damn, so if i have forgotten my root pass, then i am screwed?08:44
Madpilot!tell brownie17 about root08:44
BROKEN_LADDERlocomorto you spelled it wrong twice. :)08:44
=== locomorto hits head
diemanis there any effort to somehow quantify how many people are 'choosing' ubuntu?08:45
BROKEN_LADDERbrownie17 if you have physical access to a machine, you're never screwed.08:45
=== locomorto too much volenteer MS computer word
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ksl403-uva-132.wireless.uva.nl] has joined #ubuntu
locomortonot agian08:45
zcat[1] physical access and a live CD..08:45
diemanaside from just pointing people at the linux counter, i guess?08:45
Madpilotdieman: distrowatch's counter thingie?08:45
brownie17broken_ladder: are you suggsting that i use a password cracking software type to get it back?08:45
aftertafbrownie17:  did you define one?08:45
diemanMadpilot: yeah, but thats not the same as like the whole 'Fedora has great growth on netcraft' stuff08:46
locomortobrownie you only screwed if you also forgot your bios pass08:46
diemanMadpilot: distrowatch is just how many hits they got. :|08:46
brownie17aftertaf: honestly can't remember, had to install it three times, a few stuff up's at first08:46
Madpilotbrownie17: did you set root up on Ubuntu? or have you just forgotten your user password?08:46
locomortoand as such cant boot from a cd08:46
brownie17madpilot: i know my user password08:46
locomortothen you have to shell out and stick the drive in another comp08:46
Madpilotbrownie17: your user pw is your sudo pw08:46
diemani can jump around and tell people here about ubuntu a lot, but aside from me being excited -- they can't look at media sources to see the growth of ubuntu.08:46
diemanand that people actually use it08:46
brownie17madpilot: but i want to log into root for a second to install something08:47
zcat[1] by default ubuntu does not set a root password.. edit /etc/shadow and s/root:*:/root::/ then you can log in as root and set one.08:47
Agrajagbrownie17: run it with sudo08:47
Madpilotbrownie17: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo08:47
BROKEN_LADDERbrownie17 i'm suggesting just physically altering your data.08:47
johndarkhorsebrownie17: use sudo08:47
Agrajagor use sudo -s to start a root shell08:47
Vaske_Carwhat is the website of these guys who continued to work on BEOS?08:47
BROKEN_LADDERbrownie17 you could just make a new password and md5 it, and put that in your file.08:47
johndarkhorseVaske_Car: yellowtab08:47
BROKEN_LADDERVaske_Car http://haiku.org or something like that08:47
vuDoes the distrowatch's counter work just like iTunes counter for the most popular podcast?08:47
=== s0od [n=s00d@host81-153-41-103.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Quinthiusbrownie17: if you really need an interactive root shell you can do something like: sudo -H -s08:47
SeveasBROKEN_LADDER, that will not work, there are not actual md5 hashes in there08:47
Seveasbut salted ones08:47
brownie17broken_ladder: i dont think i'll really ever use another password, so its probably not worth it08:48
BROKEN_LADDERVaske_Car look up haiku beos  or you can get the professional project at http://www.yellowtab.com/08:48
s0odHi. I lost my onnection. I was wondering if anybody could tell me where I could find my grub.conf file?08:48
johndarkhorsehi seveas!08:48
penticlexuse sudo users-admin08:48
BROKEN_LADDERbrownie17 huh?08:48
Quinthiusbrownie17: but try to stick to normal sudo for single commands and such08:48
BROKEN_LADDERSeveas in where?08:48
bimberis0od: /boot/grub/menu.lst08:48
Seveass0od, /boot/grub/menu.lst08:48
penticlexthen you can change the pwd08:48
SeveasBROKEN_LADDER, shadow08:48
tritiumhey there Seveas08:48
BROKEN_LADDERSeveas thene where are the actually hashes?08:48
BROKEN_LADDERthey have to be somewhere08:48
BROKEN_LADDERjust alter them08:48
s0odAnd if I wanted to boot my kernel with apm=on, do I just put that on the end of the kernel option?08:48
brownie17seveas: broken_ladder: why can't i delete an entire directory?08:49
SeveasBROKEN_LADDER, they are in there, but linux does not use normal md5 hashes...08:49
Vaske_Carits called now ZETA not BeOs08:49
Seveasbrownie17, what do you want to delete?08:49
Seveashi tritium, johndarkhorse08:49
locomortoAlso, if ou use the Linux 1 option dont you boot to a root terminal?08:49
brownie17seveas: a directory i accidnetly made when trying to install a program through "sudo file-roller"08:49
BROKEN_LADDERbrownie17 you can rm -rf directory08:49
Seveasbrownie17, ack08:49
Seveasbrownie17, sudo rm -r /path/to/folder08:49
brownie17seveas: "ack"? is that english?08:50
BROKEN_LADDERit was never BeOs, it was BeOS08:50
Seveasbrownie17, just a sign of understanding :)08:50
s0odbimberi: is this right? /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-5-386 root=/dev/hda2 ro quiet splash apm=on08:50
BROKEN_LADDERbuzzword enhanced operating system08:50
bimberis0od: yes that's the line to put it on (I don't know if that syntax is correct)08:50
brownie17seveas: oh ok, why is the command different to delete a directory?08:50
Seveasbrownie17, because you create it with sudo you will have to remove it with sudo08:50
s0odBimberi, seveas: thanks.08:50
brownie17seveas: yes, but why the -rf?08:50
Seveasthe -r means recursive, so it will delete the contents of the directory too08:51
brownie17seveas: oh ok, i get it... whats the f?08:51
=== number2178 [n=arkady@85-64-22-102.barak-online.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasf is force, should not be used unless neccessary08:51
locomortoinfact if you try to delete a directory without the -r command then it will cough and die08:51
Madpilotbrownie17: "man rm"08:51
brownie17seveas: ok08:51
locomortobrownie: man rm08:51
brownie17man rm?08:52
locomortoif you use konqueror: browse to man:/rm08:52
locomortoin terminal08:52
locomortoman (manual) <command/topic>08:52
Madpilotbrownie17: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands - "man <command>" brings up that command's manual page08:52
number2178hi, i am trying to apt-get libwxgtk2.6-dev and it does not work. do i miss something in the configuration of the package manager ? and another library i fail to install is x11proto-video-dev08:52
Seveasbut man is horrible for new users08:52
locomortotheres also xman for a gui enviro08:52
number2178thank you08:52
Seveaseven yelp is better08:52
Seveas(yes, yelp does man pages too)08:53
locomortobut the KDE io slave pwns08:53
vuDoes anybody know if the Firefox 1.0.4 have built in support bitorrent?08:53
MadpilotSeveas: some of them are OK. "man intro" is well written08:53
Seveaskioslaves are a horrible concept...08:53
jknifevu, dont think so08:53
johndarkhorsevu: it does not08:53
Seveas(but let's not get religious...)08:53
number2178Firefox does not have support for BT, Opera does08:53
locomortovu: no08:53
locomortovu: use azureos08:53
Madpilotnumber2178: not yet it doesn't, sorry08:53
brownie17so i have another question, i downloaded an archive of limewire, becasue it wasn't in synaptic... and now i don't know how to install it because the files are in like folders named where they should go, in like hte ight path tree, but how do i make the files go to the allready made directories instead of creating a new fodler inside the folder i want them in?08:53
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Seveasvu, moreover FF is at 1.0.6 now. 1.0.4 has security bugs08:54
johndarkhorsebrownie17: simple solution: use gtk-gnutella08:54
vuoh I see OK08:54
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brownie17johndarkhorse: i can't i need to be able to open ports for that, and my modem is faulty, it all works completely fine except for port forwarding, comes up with a stupid error and no help08:54
johndarkhorsebrownie17: if gtk-gnutella doesnt work for you, then limewire wont either08:55
johndarkhorsebrownie17: the two proggys do the same thing08:55
brownie17johndarkhorse: you sure? limewire worked with my old computer and this same modem08:55
mrichmanvu: iirc there are extensions for BT support in firefox08:55
number2178any ideas regarding libs libwxgtk2.6-dev and x11proto-video-dev ? is there repository i should add ? i am trying to compile VLC on my desktop with WMV support according to http://nanocrew.net/?p=12908:56
vumrichman, I am not sure I understand you?08:56
johndarkhorsebrownie17: gtk-gnutella nd limewire do the same thing, one is gtk the other is java08:56
Seveas!info libwxgtk2.6-dev08:56
mrichmanyou can add extensions into firefox are you familiar with that08:56
vumrichman, Oh to support bitTorrent is that correct?08:57
mrichmango to tools -> Extensions08:57
brownie17johndarkhorse: well then i need to call d-link and get htem to tell me what to do to my modem then?08:57
BROKEN_LADDERdoes it make sense that i would go from gnome to kde and no longer be able to use my dvd drive?08:57
vugreat thanx08:57
vumrichman, BTW Opera supports it now.08:58
johndarkhorsebrownie17: i'm not familiar with your situation08:58
SeveasBROKEN_LADDER, no08:58
brownie17broken_ladder: there are thingos you have to add for DVD drive support, and maybe the one you had isnt compatible with KDE08:58
johndarkhorsebrownie17: you can get back with me when im not at work08:58
johndarkhorsebrownie17: my usual nick is 'nalioth'08:58
Seveasjohndarkhorse, ah lol :)08:58
Seveaswhy are you incognito?08:58
brownie17johndarkhorse: oh ok, hahah didn't know, i talked to you both08:58
number2178No menu item `libwxgtk2.6-dev' in node `(dir)Top08:58
Seveasnumber2178, ?08:58
johndarkhorseSeveas: i'm at my paying job, and didnt want too many distractions08:59
brownie17fair enough08:59
number2178i think i added all repositories - uncommented all lines in that apt-get configuration file and still i can not find x11proto-video-dev and libwxgtk2.6-dev08:59
brownie17i think ill call d-link, unless you are familiar with the d-link dsl 302g adsl modem/router, seveas?09:00
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number2178in case of wxgtk i solved the problem by downloading the code and compiling though i am not sure that i got the correct version. in case of that x11proto i really do not know what to do09:00
BROKEN_LADDERthis is so crazy09:01
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johndarkhorsebrownie17: it should work under all OS'09:01
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brownie17johndarkhorse: it's not an os problem i dont think, i've never port forwarded before, tried yesterday and it gave me error "501 (i think) method not implemented"09:02
fatejudgerdoes anyone here use jackd?09:02
fatejudgerI can't seem to get it to work09:02
Vaske_Carit ubuntu buggy as Suse? (crash handle is most active application in there)09:02
aftertaf!info jackd09:02
ubotujackd: (JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients)), section sound, is optional. Version: 0.99.0-2ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 82 kB, Installed size: 316 kB09:02
johndarkhorsebrownie17: have you been to portforward.com  ?09:02
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fatejudgeraftertaf: do you use jackd?09:03
aftertafnope.... was loking to see what it is.09:04
fatejudgerit's like aRts09:04
fatejudgerbut with no latency09:04
fatejudgerI can't get it to work09:04
aftertafno idea.. sory09:05
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=== srbaker [n=srbaker@S0106000c6ee95a02.pk.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
srbakerfucking nautilus keeps eating my DVD-Rs09:06
vuAny clue if anyone is working on the Linux version of dashboard with all great add ons like the OSX community has?09:07
johndarkhorsevu, you mean something like adesklets, gdesklets or superkaramba?09:07
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vujohndarkhorse, Hmm..never heard of those ;-(09:07
srbakeri've only ever heard of gdesklets09:08
aftertafsuperkarambe :)09:08
aftertaf_e +a09:08
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johndarkhorsevu, they are all available via apt-get09:09
srbakersuperkaramba is better than gdesklets?09:09
locomortosuperkarmba pwns09:09
aftertafwhat is pwns?09:09
vujohndarkhorse, Under ubuntu right?09:09
johndarkhorsesrbaker: superkaramba is kde based09:10
=== BROKEN_LADDER [n=bal@adsl-69-227-57-228.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
johndarkhorsevu: you can search them out using synaptic09:10
BROKEN_LADDERwhat can i do to find out why my cdrom has no /dev/ entry?  it used to be /dev/scd0 and now it's not there.09:10
Vaske_Cartreba i?i spavati09:10
johndarkhorsesrbaker: gdesklets ore for gnome oriented, and adesklets are DM agnostic09:11
Madpilotaftertaf: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pwns  ;)09:11
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BROKEN_LADDERcould hal help me figure out what's up with my dvdrw?09:13
pittiBROKEN_LADDER: so your problem is that there is no device?09:14
aftertaflocomorto, Madpilot ... :) oki.09:15
BROKEN_LADDERthere was before..for months.09:15
Madpilotaftertaf: amazing what you learn here, isn't it?09:16
BROKEN_LADDERtoday everything is going haywire on my computer.  that is only like 5 months old i might add.09:16
Madpilotanyway, I'm off. need sleep. later, all09:16
BROKEN_LADDERmy computer keeps freezing09:16
pittiBROKEN_LADDER: hoary or breezy?09:16
aftertafMadpilot:  insane :)09:16
BROKEN_LADDERand i have to reboot09:16
BROKEN_LADDERhow could i be using breezy?09:16
pittiBROKEN_LADDER: hm, and everything worked well before? could really be a hardware problem then09:16
BROKEN_LADDERout of nowhere?09:16
tritiumhe's got unofficial repos for one thing09:17
BROKEN_LADDERno i don't.09:17
tritiumyes, I saw them earlier today09:17
johndarkhorseBROKEN_LADDER: ladder check your thermal conditions (dust on the heatsink, fan operations ,etc)09:17
tritiumyour alsa repos09:17
BROKEN_LADDERi have a couple that are just for minisip and another app, but not for any ubuntu stuff.09:17
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BROKEN_LADDERdude, this computer is clean as a whistel09:17
BROKEN_LADDERit's just a few months old, and the heat sink is like a hot rod engine with metal tubes and a powerful fan.09:18
=== MacVegie [n=MacVegie@c220-237-154-176.brodm1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERshouldn't i be able to see the temperature?09:18
fredforfaenyeah with lm-sensors09:19
BROKEN_LADDERbogomips        : 6324.22 that's nice09:19
srbakerBROKEN_LADDER, if you're using unofficial repos for alsa, i would say that's a likely candidate for breakage.09:19
BROKEN_LADDERi'm not09:19
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srbakerBROKEN_LADDER, bad ram is the most likely cause of random freezes though.  followed by driver issues.09:19
BROKEN_LADDERwhat are you talking about?09:19
BROKEN_LADDERthe ram i got was very highly rated at newegg09:19
srbakerBROKEN_LADDER, so?  it could still be bad.09:20
BROKEN_LADDERthis all follows an upgrade i just did09:20
srbakerBROKEN_LADDER, what got upgraded?09:20
BROKEN_LADDERhell if i know.  there's no way to cehck09:20
tritiumBROKEN_LADDER, you don't recall what got upgraded, and therefore can't guarantee that something didn't get pulled in from the alsa repos09:20
srbakerBROKEN_LADDER, well it asks you before it upgrades and tells you what it's upgrading. you should've noticed.09:20
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fredforfaenhey i had the same issue with gtk2 apps recently , every app hanged the comp....maybe its something like that?09:21
BROKEN_LADDERsrbaker never had any reason to look09:21
tritiumyou should always pay attention09:21
srbakerBROKEN_LADDER, you always have reason to look.  the reason is, there may be random lock ups afterward.09:21
BROKEN_LADDERnever had a reason to before09:21
srbakerBROKEN_LADDER, same reason.  you just got lucky before.09:21
BROKEN_LADDERwhy would the upgrades be unstable?09:22
BROKEN_LADDERi thought the whole point is, they should be stable09:22
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srbakerbecause they can't be tested in every possible configuration09:22
fredforfaentrue srbaker09:22
fredforfaenthat imposiible , or close to09:22
srbakerBROKEN_LADDER, you should always pay attention to what's happening.  if you don't, then when something breaks, you'll have no idea why.09:23
Dark|Blueis it possible to start up gparted / parted with just the ubuntu cd?09:23
BROKEN_LADDERi didn't even notice until hours later that my cdrom wasn't working.09:23
=== kushboy [n=kushboy@pcp0010550547pcs.mkethn01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
srbakerBROKEN_LADDER, so next time you do an upgrade, you'll pay attention, right?09:23
fredforfaenthat sounds like a broken system allright :P09:24
kushboyPLEASE HELP :)  I have SB Audigy and no sound. Any way to correct this?09:24
srbakerBROKEN_LADDER, run memtest, too.  just in case.09:24
fredforfaenalsaconf , run it09:24
srbakerBROKEN_LADDER, memtest will let you know if there's any bad hardware.09:24
jknifekushboy, alsa modules loaded?09:24
kushboyI think some09:24
Dark|Bluekushboy: run alsamixer, make sure the center channel isnt muted09:24
kushboyhm...I think it was09:25
kushboylet me test it09:25
Dark|Bluethink its muted by default09:25
zcat[1] 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.09:25
kushboygotta find an audio cd or something09:25
kushboymight be a minute09:25
zcat[1] yep.. that's stable :)09:26
fredforfaenwell have to go gyes , bye all!09:26
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kushboyALRIGHT, CD is playing, Volume meter bouncing, but no sound09:27
srbakerkushboy, something must be muted.  PCM?09:27
jknifeare the speakers pluged in?09:27
kushboyyeah, they work on windows09:27
kushboymaster surround is off09:28
kushboysurround is off09:28
srbakerkushboy, unmute everything09:28
Vaske_Carvu odgovori privatno09:28
kushboyeverything is on, and raised to 10009:29
kushboyno sound09:29
Cashelkushboy: also under System > Preferences > Multimedia Selector  .. make sure everything is e Sound  or ESD .. also make sure whatever your using is too...09:29
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kushboyI made em ESD. Is there a way to check that setting on CD Player?09:30
Cashelkushboy, what cd player app you using?09:31
kushboythe one ubuntu came with09:31
Cashel"CD Player" ?09:31
Cashelgot ya nevermind, heh09:31
kushboyanything else i can try? Audigy is supposed to work?09:32
Dark|BlueYou sure its using the right device in the Sound control?09:32
Cashelhmm doesnt look like CD Player has a choice for it... tried installing mplayer?09:33
kushboyI can install that (but the volume meter is bouncing)09:33
kushboyHow do I check for the right device?09:33
Cashelyou can try under that same app making them Alsa or OSS as a last resort...09:33
kushboyoh wait09:33
kushboyalsaMixer says Card: Intel...09:33
kushboyI'm guessing that's my onboard09:33
Dark|Blueright click the volume icon on your top right, Open Volume Control - File / Change Device09:34
jknifeyeah ubuntu likes onboard better then actual cards09:34
Cashelis .wav a restricted format maybe??09:35
kushboyalright, changed to Audigy device. But still no sound09:35
aftertafdisablage in bios.09:35
kushboyAlsaMixer still mentions Intel09:35
zcat[1] 941451500162809:36
zcat[1] gah!!09:36
kushboydo I need to restart or anything?09:36
=== dazvid [n=dazvid@c210-49-106-105.frank1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Dark|Blueso, when you run alsamixer it says Intel under "Chip"?09:37
kushboyyeah Intel ICH509:37
kushboywait, no09:37
kushboyThat's CARD09:37
kushboyCHIP is Analo Devices AD198509:37
zcat[1] alsamixer -d /dev/mixer1 perhaps?09:37
kushboywhat's that do?09:37
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kushboyI have a mixer mixer1 and mixer2...09:38
jknifetry em all09:38
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kushboyerror for all "ALSA lib control.c:739:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL mixer1"09:40
kushboyfunction snd_ctl_open failed for mixer1...no such file or dir09:40
holycowhttp://informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=170700325 <-- whoa09:40
BROKEN_LADDERthere is no program called alsaconf09:40
BROKEN_LADDERat least on my machine09:41
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Razor-Xholycow: holy cow! :)09:41
Razor-Xholycow: have you heard the story about AOL being too hard to cancel?09:41
holycowRazor-X, yes, and i actually had that problem with one of our offices here09:42
holycownot with aol but another local provider09:42
holycowits is dirty dirty dirty nasty business09:42
kushboyso I'm stuck for now?09:42
Razor-Xkushboy: what's the problem?09:42
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Razor-Xkushboy: sound?09:42
BROKEN_LADDERwhat is "memtest"?09:42
BROKEN_LADDERi have no such app09:42
kushboyhow do I type to one person only?09:43
zcat[1] memtest86+ - A thorough real-mode memory tester09:43
ompaulBROKEN_LADDER, apt-get install memtester09:43
jknifeBROKEN_LADDER, when you boot up press 'ESC' and chose memtest+09:43
Razor-Xwhat's that? something like LaTeX?09:43
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zcat[1] It's not a regular app; you run it directly from GRUB instead of loading a linux kernel..09:43
jknifeit comes default with the desktop install09:43
Razor-XBROKEN_LADDER: right before Ubuntu boots, hit Esc, and then run Memtest86+09:44
Razor-Xit's boot from GRUB like an OS, and then test s your RAM09:44
Razor-Xs/t s/ts/09:44
`paulif you have root access how do you change a group of a user using CLI?09:44
Razor-X`paul: change a group in what sense?09:45
johndarkhorseRazor-X: you and LaTeX09:45
Razor-Xjohndarkhorse: what can I say? LaTeX is infectious09:45
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Razor-XLaTeX and ConTeX are done perfectly well09:45
johndarkhorseRazor-X: and is emacs controlling your family automobile yet?09:46
lopingoneed help09:46
Razor-Xjohndarkhorse: almost there09:46
Razor-Xjohndarkhorse: it can already do a WM09:46
Razor-Xlopingo: shoot09:46
lopingoits about firefox connection setting09:46
tritiumRazor-X, actually LaTeX 3 should be a huge improvement over 2e09:46
Razor-Xjohndarkhorse: like I said, i'm theorizing in the future, GRUB boots a mini-kernel that boots emacs that boots the macro kernel that boots the real OS :)09:46
lopingoi confiured the proxy settings but it wont work09:46
Razor-Xtritium: so i've heard09:47
Razor-Xtritium: is it going to change the syntax too dramatically, especially for math?09:47
johndarkhorseRazor-X has emacs for a brain09:47
lopingoi can chat like here but cant suft the net09:47
tritiumRazor-X, no09:47
Razor-Xjohndarkhorse: if only I could C-s my room :(09:47
lopingoso, any solutions?09:47
zcat[1] never mind the OS, just boot straight into emacs09:47
Razor-Xjohndarkhorse: what style proxy is it09:47
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Razor-Xzcat[1] : yeah, but, not everyone can take that much emacs (I can though)09:48
syndhow well does E17 play with Ubuntu?09:48
Razor-Xsynd: pretty well, actually09:48
johndarkhorseRazor-X: a regular glutton for punishment09:48
Razor-Xsynd: I tried it, didn't like it much though09:48
johndarkhorsesynd: it will play well when breezy comes out09:48
Razor-Xjohndarkhorse: well, at least I don't need 20 screens open for editing multiple documents in vi09:48
Razor-Xjohndarkhorse: and I don't have to memorize different control sets for different applications09:48
Razor-Xtritium: awesome09:49
Razor-Xmy school teachers have likened pretty well to LaTeX, actually, they haven't said anything09:49
Razor-Xand I do the majority of it in letterpaper,11pt09:49
syndjohndarkhorse: i just got the new elive 0.3livecd09:49
syndjohndarkhorse: im *really* liking e1709:49
jknifetry dillo09:50
Razor-Xlopingo: I said above ``What style of proxy is it?''09:50
jknifeohh nevermind09:50
johndarkhorseRazor-X: you asked me the proxy question09:50
lopingodillo, ok. Razor-X, style of proxy, meaning?09:50
Razor-Xjohndarkhorse: oh, did I?09:50
Razor-Xlopingo: SOCKS, HTTP, etc.09:50
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syndjohndarkhorse: but there was no american keyboard layout..? i have to use the british one, therefore shift-3 doesnt give me an american pound.09:51
johndarkhorseRazor-X: and i just figgered it was the emacs gettin in the way of your fingers09:51
syndgives me this: 09:51
Razor-Xjohndarkhorse: or my faulty use of tab complete :)09:51
Razor-Xlopingo: what port does it use?09:51
lopingoRazor-X: all same, 808009:52
johndarkhorseRazor-X: j and l are in two differernt spots09:52
Razor-Xlopingo: it's a local proxy hmmm?09:52
Razor-Xjohndarkhorse: yeah, I was thinking something wrong, hence I used tab complete the wrong way09:52
fluffybunny_i can't su from a terminal - how can i fix this?09:52
lopingoerms, what's local proxy? im sorry cuz i am totally new09:52
fluffybunny_i can sudo, but not su09:52
Razor-Xlopingo: how did you configure your Firefox?09:52
Razor-Xfluffybunny_: sudo -i09:53
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Razor-Xfluffybunny_: same thing as ``su''09:53
Razor-Xlopingo: local as in, it points to something on your LAN09:53
CaiN_SAin what file does ubuntu save its network settings ?09:53
zcat[1] or sudo -s09:53
tritiumCaiN_SA, /etc/network/interfaces09:53
fluffybunny_Razor-X:  ok... but why doesn't su work? i put in the right password, and it tells me "Authentication error"09:53
Razor-Xfluffybunny_: no root password, that's why09:53
=== darksatanic [n=hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu
lopingoi jsut configure the ethernet settings09:54
zcat[1] su doesn't work because it's a bad idea. :)09:54
lopingoand also at the network proxy preferences09:54
CaiN_SAbut my stuff isnt in there09:54
tritiumCaiN_SA, that's where network interfaces are defined.  man interfaces for more info09:54
dazvidfluffybunny_,  sudo (your command here) runs it as a root command09:54
fluffybunny_Razor-X:  hmmm. I thought the pwd for the Synaptic package manager was the same as the root password?09:54
Razor-Xlopingo: as in, you went inside Gnome and configured the Ethernet settings _and_ the browser?09:54
Razor-Xfluffybunny_: it is tantamount to the root password, but not exactly the root password, because no root password really exists09:55
fluffybunny_Razor-X: cool, thanks09:55
=== none_- [n=none@d60-65-107-136.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
lopingoRazor-X: i think no the browser, just ethernet settings09:55
Razor-Xlopingo: so X Chat works, but Firefox doesen't?09:55
Razor-Xtry configuring Firefox with the proxy, I guess09:56
lopingoRazor-X: yeap09:56
lopingoi did09:56
lopingobut still wont work09:56
CaiN_SAtritium thx i just didnt read file correctly09:56
lopingoi used windowsxp in vmware and configure the proxy for firefox and it works09:56
lopingobut i wonder why not in linux?09:56
johndarkhorseRazor-X: what irc client are you using?09:57
Razor-Xlopingo: you have tried Firefox without any proxy settings, correct?09:57
Razor-Xjohndarkhorse: erc, of course09:57
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Razor-Xlopingo: Firefox works without the proxy, I presume?09:57
lopingono, it doesnt09:57
Razor-Xugghhh, at this point, i'ld reccomend a network dump, but that's stuff I shouldn't see :(09:57
Razor-Xlopingo: as in, without a proxy on the system at all09:58
Razor-Xlopingo: or is your connection totally proxy-dependant?09:58
lopingoyes it is09:58
=== georgeblunt [n=georgebl@p549F7750.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
georgeblunthey there09:58
zcat[1] should work exactly the same way under linux ..09:58
=== zcat[1] is using a proxy via an ssh tunnel for web access..
lopingoif i change the ethernet settings to dhcp, then i'll get disconnected09:59
Razor-Xlopingo: like I said, I would reccomend a network dump, but for someone that can read that right, it can be on the verge of privacy peering, and it's a bit hard for the average user to sift through09:59
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lopingonetwork dump, how?09:59
=== GranMaestro [n=chatzill@adsl-ull-149-41.46-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xzcat[1] : yeah, a netdump works wonders here to see if traffic is actually being sent, if packets of X protocol are being blocket, etc.09:59
none_-heh.. try changing the browser ID string10:00
=== TongMaster [n=TongMast@157.besecure.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xlopingo: get ethereal and make a dump10:00
zcat[1] hehe, a network dump of my proxy traffic wouldn't help you :)10:00
Razor-Xnone_-: I don't thing this has to d owith that10:00
Razor-Xzcat[1] : well, that's because it's SSH tunneled :)10:00
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lopingoRazor-X: ok10:00
Razor-Xzcat[1] : I have an SSH tunnel I use for sensitive stuff also10:00
=== lopingo turns on vmware
none_-he can get on IRC but not HTTP10:00
Razor-Xlopingo: wait, you're using Ubuntu in vmware?10:01
johndarkhorseRazor-X: have you gotten any of my /notice's or /msg's ?10:01
lopingowindows in vmware10:01
Razor-Xlopingo: install Ethereal in Linux10:01
zcat[1] that's weird.. firefox in linux should definately work he same was as under XP..10:01
Razor-Xjohndarkhorse: I probably have got your /notice's, but not the /msg's10:01
Dark|Bluedoes anyone know if there is a program like Ventrilo for Linux? or maybe a way to get Ventrilo to work in ubuntu?10:01
lopingozcat[1] : hehe, i wonder why.10:01
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Razor-Xlemme check my other buffer10:02
none_-so.. your linux irc client works fine.. but not your linux firefox10:02
Razor-Xlopingo: have you tried something other than Firefox?10:03
zcat[1] tried clearing the cache, shift-refresh, etc? check for typos?10:03
`paulas root and using CLI  how do i view the entire users list with their corsponding groups?10:03
lopingoRazor-X: im gonna try opera or dillo10:04
lopingobut not now though10:04
Razor-Xbut I need to know if it's a problem with HTTP in general, or just Firefox10:04
Myrttilopingo: do try opera, they're giving out free registration codes10:04
lopingoi dun think it's HTTP cuz i can surf the net wif windows10:04
Razor-Xyeah, same here10:04
lopingoMyrtti: sure10:04
wizoi think it was broken last time10:05
Razor-XMyrtti: they are10:05
Myrttiand installing is easy because they offer ubuntu debs for download10:05
MyrttiRazor-X: yup10:05
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Myrttisudo dpkg -i ubuntupackage.deb10:05
zcat[1] what does opera do that moz can't?10:05
none_-sounds like a proxy authentication problem to me..10:05
Razor-Xoh, it's a 250 thing :(10:05
none_-opera is way better10:05
Razor-Xzcat[1] : a lot, I don't want to start a holy war here though10:05
zcat[1] hehe. ok.10:06
wizohmm i followed the instructions on the ubuntuguide.org and i still cant use java on sites10:06
Myrttizcat[1] : for me it does load up more fast10:06
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lopingook, brb, gonna install opera10:06
Myrttizcat[1] : but still I use firefox10:06
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johndarkhorsewizo: ubuntuguide is not a good thing to follow10:06
zcat[1] I might give opera a spin..10:06
wizojohndarkhorse: oh10:06
Razor-Xi'm a tab freak10:06
none_-opera is versatile and lightweight10:06
Razor-Xand it works much better when you have more than 13 tabs10:06
wizotabs are good ^^10:06
none_-among other things10:06
zcat[1] eFFay: Package opera has no installation candidate10:06
none_-firefox is seriously bloated in comparison10:07
zcat[1] bah!! "E: "10:07
Razor-Xzcat[1] : it's not free10:07
dduckoit was the other day...10:07
wizoso errr, any ideas why it doesnt have java plugins?10:07
wizoi installed java again that day10:07
Myrttiit is free, but it's not downloadable via apt10:07
none_-make sure the plugin file is executable10:07
zcat[1] free but not Free?10:07
Razor-XMyrtti: not free as in libre10:07
Myrttino, not as in libre10:08
Razor-Xbut free as in coors for the adds-version10:08
dduckoThey had a 10  year aniversery and for one day... you could get a serial for free10:08
Razor-X(I stopped saying beer because an OSS beer came out)10:08
=== Carpe_Libertatem [n=esenthie@ip68-229-254-250.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
dduckoSucks for people that bought it the week before10:08
JuhazOSS beer has always been out, but I suppose someones publicity stunt getting to slashdot makes all the difference10:08
wizoor the day before10:08
Razor-Xdducko: meh10:08
Razor-XJuhaz: it was on slashdot?10:09
Razor-XI never read slashdot so... meh10:09
Juhazit was10:09
zcat[1] http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4718719.stm10:09
dduckonever heard of /. till i found digg10:09
none_-slashdot is lame.10:09
Razor-Xdducko: meh :)10:09
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Razor-Xslashdot far predates digg, but I refuse to call it a blog, hell ``blog'' shouldn't exist (IMO)10:09
dduckocourse i havent been on since I got Ubuntu installed10:10
dduckotoo much to do too much to see10:10
=== adriyel_prodigy [n=adriyel@cpe-65-24-53-36.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== Razor-X needs a PS1 memory card mighty quick
adriyel_prodigyhello all10:11
adriyel_prodigy... mv ~/BillGates.EXE ~/.desktop/trashbin <--- :)10:11
=== dducko looks around has one somewhere
Razor-Xadriyel_prodigy: meh10:12
adriyel_prodigyRazor-X: disagree?10:12
none_-what part of columbus, adriyel_prodigy10:12
Razor-Xadriyel_prodigy: not a bit10:12
zcat[1] Umm wouldn't that be BILLGA~1.EXE ?10:12
adriyel_prodigynone_ thanks for the WHOIS lookup on my ISP10:12
adriyel_prodigyLOL @ dos reference10:12
wizommm no java plugin and i need it for my java applet homework10:12
No1VikingWhat's the number of linux type EXT3 when using cfdisk?10:12
adriyel_prodigylast time I login to IRC without tor @ none_- lolz...10:12
holycowfirefox uses 95 megs of ram at startup with a blank page!!!!!!!10:13
adriyel_prodigyI don't live in Columbus, I live near it10:13
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johndarkhorseadriyel_prodigy: why would you send to /trashbin, when /dev/null is so much nicer?10:13
wizoholycow: thats really holycow10:13
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Razor-Xzcat[1] : ~ doesen't exist in DOS10:13
adriyel_prodigyjohndarkhorse: /dev/null wasn't used for the nubs sake10:13
Razor-Xholycow: yeah, 's why I use Opera10:13
johndarkhorseadriyel_prodigy: new users need to learn, also10:13
holycowthats bloody horrible!10:13
holycowepiphany uses 65 megs!10:13
johndarkhorseRazor-X: you use opera? emacs doesnt supply your every intenet need?10:14
adriyel_prodigyjohndarkhorse: granted, but Ubuntu philosophy doesn't embrace that idea wholly, not that I am using Ubuntu atm10:14
holycowhow can a browser use that much ram to start?10:14
wizobut i need java plugin, someone help me with the plugin for java?10:14
adriyel_prodigyI am using Zenwalk, slack based, VERY nice.10:14
holycowRazor-X, what does opera consume at startup?10:14
No1VikingWhat's the number of linux type EXT3 when using cfdisk?10:14
wizouse lynx10:14
adriyel_prodigyholycow, lots and lots of caching...lolz10:14
none_-25mb or so10:14
zcat[1] elinks10:14
Razor-Xjohndarkhorse: he probably uses CRON to periodically mv trashbin/* /dev/nul10:14
adriyel_prodigylinks2 is good10:14
adriyel_prodigyRazor-X: there you go :)10:14
adriyel_prodigyeven though I don't bother with cron.d10:14
Razor-Xjohndarkhorse: unfortunately, I don't _always_ use text (internet is the thing there)10:14
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dduckoNo1Viking ext3 is 8310:14
No1VikingThanks dducko!10:15
adriyel_prodigyI don't have any tasks that need automated, unless I can teach my PC to code in C independently10:15
zcat[1] find /trashbin -ctime +7days -exec rm {} \;10:15
CaiN_SAi wanted to find out10:15
CaiN_SAdo you guys prefer10:15
zcat[1] (nice way to delete old stuff)10:15
CaiN_SAthe sudo thing10:15
adriyel_prodigyalthough I might set up a periodical FTP backup of my code, that should be fun to script...10:15
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CaiN_SAor normal old root has a password ?10:15
Razor-Xo_O, does Open Document support Spreadsheet formats10:15
none_-normal old root10:15
zcat[1] normal old root's password crypt is *10:15
dduckodo both CaiN_SA10:15
adriyel_prodigyCaiN_SA: I'll take sudo, for most purposes...except when updating packages10:16
CaiN_SAim working on new impilinux10:16
Razor-XCaiN_SA: I used to prefer su, but i've gotten too used to sudo10:16
CaiN_SAbased on ubuntu10:16
ompaul!tell Cidolfas about sudo10:16
dduckoI use sudo for most things.. but Root for others10:16
none_-the sudo thing is redundant10:16
adriyel_prodigyCaiN_SA: you're a dev? Razor-X: yeah, after getting used to it, sudo is nice.10:16
CaiN_SAso i was wondering how i was gonna make it10:16
zcat[1] I try to always use sudo .. sometimes I cheat and sudo -s10:16
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CaiN_SAerm adriyel_prodigy well i wouldnt say im a dev10:16
dduckoompaul thanks for the help last night.. everything is running smooth now10:16
adriyel_prodigymeh, you're forking Ubuntu? why bother...Ubuntu is a distant enough bastard of Debian as is, we don't need another distro snubbing the DCCA10:16
CaiN_SAi know people personally who are10:16
=== _BIJ_ [n=bij@dsl-084-058-021-205.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompauldducko, glad to hear hit10:17
_BIJ_good morning!10:17
CaiN_SAim head developer10:17
adriyel_prodigy(and debian politics are another reason I use slack distro's...lolz)10:17
ompauldducko, s/hit/it10:17
CaiN_SAof a different distro10:17
zcat[1] fork slackware!!10:17
none_-it's been forked10:17
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zcat[1] nobody ever forks slack do they?10:17
adriyel_prodigynone_-: *shrugs*10:17
none_-there's a fork for the amd64 arch10:17
adriyel_prodigyzcat[1] : its not so much an issue of forking, as it is staying along the general concept and method10:17
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adriyel_prodigyslamd64 is good, I've tried it, needs polish though, and they're ignoring the stability focus of slackware a titch too much, although the development speed is cool10:18
=== ompaul hacks all disto sites so that su is gone and only sudo remains :)
_BIJ_i've got a problem with the resolution for my new ati-display-drivers... would anyone be so nice and try to help me?10:18
adriyel_prodigy<--- AMD 350010:18
zcat[1] that reminds me; I was gonna download a recent slack and see how it is these days. Been a few years since I last used it.10:18
adriyel_prodigyI wish all distro's forced non-root + sudo...10:18
none_-amd64 support on linux is not very good no matter what distro you use10:18
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adriyel_prodigyzcat[1] : I would recommend Zenwalk or Slamd6410:18
ompauladriyel_prodigy, well I suppose we could write a script :)10:19
wizosynaptic says i have j2re1.5 installed10:19
bur[n] eranyone familiar with using qemu and creating a tun device?10:19
adriyel_prodigynone_-: the best environment for amd64 has been Ubuntu, in terms of ease. although for maintenance, Gentoo takes that area10:19
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_BIJ_the resolution in my xorg file is 1280x800 but my display shows 1280x786... what can i do?10:19
ompauladriyel_prodigy, and for users in wheel we give em all10:19
holycowis there an app to keep open office loaded and in ram perpetually in the background?10:19
Razor-X!tell _BIJ_ about resolution10:19
none_-true, especially for multimedia10:19
Razor-Xholycow: holy cow!10:20
adriyel_prodigyompaul: yeah, script involves.... PWN http://distrosite.com && ROOTKIT http://distrosite.com && sudohack ftp://distrosite/src10:20
Razor-Xholycow: who would want that?!10:20
adriyel_prodigysound like a plan?10:20
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holycowRazor-X, fast startup times10:20
_BIJ_whoa thx!10:20
fbladehey guys i know i ask this last night but i forgot to wright it down what the chmod command  for changeing the bin fileso you can run it?10:20
ompauladriyel_prodigy, its getting there10:20
adriyel_prodigyI give my user account all in sudoers...10:20
none_-chmod +x10:20
Razor-Xholycow: you actually use Oo ?10:20
adriyel_prodigyBAH, Linspire needs to go to Hell10:20
adriyel_prodigyits MS Linux incarnate10:20
zcat[1] and really slow everything else?10:20
adriyel_prodigyfsckers are leaving the unix way.10:20
holycowof course, its amazing10:20
Razor-Xadriyel_prodigy: yeah, unfortunately10:20
adriyel_prodigyor Linux way as well10:20
Razor-Xadriyel_prodigy: it defeats the point of the UNIX security model10:20
fbladechmod +x syas permission denied when i try and run it10:21
adriyel_prodigysadly, most new users are using either Linspire or something else, INDEED IT DOES10:21
ompauladriyel_prodigy, that would be the rootkit me baby o/s10:21
none_-you need to be the owner of the file10:21
adriyel_prodigyI love the permissions/wheel setup, I remember what the NT environment was like, Unix/Linux is heaven compared to that nonsense10:21
zcat[1] just keep sending the OOo binary sigusr's or something to keep it awake?10:21
adriyel_prodigychown username:group /file10:21
Razor-Xadriyel_prodigy: I heard Vista will actually implement something similar to UNIX security model10:22
holycowzcat[1] , there has to be a better way10:22
Juhazmost new users? I've yet to see anyone using linspire10:22
adriyel_prodigybtw, is it me, or do the prototypes of commands (examples) in the MAN pages seem really convoluted most of the time?10:22
fbladei know butlast night i got told that you can use anouther command  like chmod l-x10:22
Razor-Xafter they realized just how much better an MSH would be10:22
adriyel_prodigyRazor-X: already tested beta, its a copy of it10:22
adriyel_prodigyRazor-X: the GUI is Mac incarnate, *laughs*10:22
Razor-Xadriyel_prodigy: meh10:22
adriyel_prodigyits just Mac/BSD concepts being stolen10:22
ubotuA new Ubuntu version is released every six months (in april and october). Each release is supported for at least 18 months with security updates.10:22
Razor-Xadriyel_prodigy: well, the BSD concept was stolen, now it's being stolen again10:22
adriyel_prodigynothing Linux specific that I could see, but they're definitely stealing some code/concepts from BSD/Mac again10:22
none_-fblade, man chmod .. it is better to use the numeric method.10:23
adriyel_prodigyRazor-X: they've always legally stolen code from BSD...and then put it through Hell10:23
zcat[1] Do I have to order Breezy cd's or will my old order still be valid?10:23
_BIJ_Razor-X, i've read the wiki, but my problem is, that the xorg.conf has the right resolution value 1280x800 and before upgrading to the ati-drivers the resolution was ok...10:23
No1VikingOK, now I've used cfdisk and there are partitions in there. What is my next step?10:23
holycowi feel sorry for the bsd guys10:23
Razor-Xadriyel_prodigy: that's what really gets me about the BSD license10:23
adriyel_prodigy*sighs, shakes head* when will they learn that there's a reason the BSD License isn't sufficient10:23
holycowthey claim to be doing the right thing, but they are just being hosed over and over again10:23
Razor-Xthat's what makes me hate Apple in the depths of my being10:23
Razor-Xlegality shmegality, they stole!10:24
adriyel_prodigyRazor-X: exactly, I'd recognized from my earlier days that it couldn't protect anyone10:24
holycowas a result of their dumb licencing ideals10:24
Razor-Xthey fscking stole, plain and simple10:24
SeveasETOPIC ....10:24
none_-it's not stealing ;)10:24
adriyel_prodigyApple and M$ both have stolen copious amts of BSD code10:24
Razor-X*bump to offtopic*10:24
holycowRazor-X, indeed, not only stole but they are giving nothing back10:24
Razor-Xsorry, I just had to do that :)10:24
SeveasRazor-X, thank you :)10:24
holycowif it wasn't for bsd apple would be dead10:24
adriyel_prodigy"our" license requires that the bastards give back10:24
zcat[1] how can you steal BSD code?10:24
Juhazthey want to be hosed, no point feeling sorry10:24
none_-they've given back plenty - seen darwin?10:24
holycowtheir work on the new os was going to hell until someone with a clue picked up bsd and customized it10:24
No1VikingOK, now I've used cfdisk and there are partitions in there. What is my next step?10:24
Seveasholycow, adriyel_prodigy zcat[1]  -> #ubuntu-offtopic10:24
Razor-Xwhy is offtopic dead, and all the offtopic chat happens here?10:25
=== mjr notes that "stealing" is a bad term for even unauthorized copying, let alone authorized. But that's all I'm gonna say about that here.
Razor-XI never understand that10:25
adriyel_prodigyholycow: you can thank NeXT for giving them a purgatory until they found BSD though, *shudders* I really couldn't tolerate Mac's until they adopted BSD, even though I'd rather use Windows than OS X10:25
SeveasRazor-X, because people don't know #u-o :)10:25
adriyel_prodigymjr: sorry, we talk like the RIAA/M$/MPAA here. :)10:25
holycowRazor-X, becauser you can't have a planned offtopic, offtopics are a creative outlet, albeit i understand the request10:25
Razor-XSeveas: but it in the topic10:25
none_-No1Viking: make the file system?10:25
Razor-Xholycow: yeah, but then we say ``Offtopic time'' and leave :)10:26
SeveasNo1Viking, mkfs makes filesystems10:26
Seveasand then you can mount then with mount :)10:26
No1VikingOK, thanks guys10:26
holycowadriyel_prodigy, people shit on rms, but imho the man is a genious10:26
adriyel_prodigyHERE HERE!10:26
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adriyel_prodigythey mock him for being a zealot, but his zealotry has preserved our code!10:26
Seveasholycow, adriyel_prodigy -> #ubuntu-offtopic please10:26
holycowgpl is the greatest thing to happen to the software world in a long time... well long time ago whatever10:26
adriyel_prodigy*nods* yessir10:26
pittiRiddell: ping10:26
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adriyel_prodigylets take this #u-o10:26
zcat[1] Hmm.. finally I actually found the recipie for Vores Oel -- gonna see if WLUG will sponsor making a batch so we can have truly Free Beer at our end of year bbq..10:26
Seveaszcat[1] , *g*10:27
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taliosanyone know how to get hoary/breezy to recognise a FastTrak 100 Promise IDE controller?10:27
zcat[1] plus it has Gurana in it..10:27
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johndarkhorsetalios: talk about a dinosaur10:27
taliosjohndarkhorse, machines only about 5 years old, I just screwed my Fedora install so HAD to reinstall something, had a breezy/hoary iso so trying that.  no joy thou10:28
johndarkhorsetalios: but tha controller ... ... ... graybeard city10:29
taliosyeh well, thems the breaks :(10:30
taliosI guess i'll have to hunt for my FC cds.   was really wanting to ubuntu this machine thou :(10:30
=== BurgerMann [n=burgerma@0x3e42a174.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
=== Mayday [i=henrik@Anka.ORG] has joined #ubuntu
fbladeim now logged in root and tried accessing the bin file and i get permission denied are there any othe chmod commands10:31
=== gjoemmie [n=gjoemmie@dD57720A3.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
gjoemmiello there fellas!10:31
CaiN_SAchmod u+r filename10:31
johndarkhorsefblade: if the bin file isnt an executable, being root will not change it10:31
Maydayis there a way to see what one has installed from uni- and multiverse?10:31
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=== Hoxzer [n=Hoxzer@a80-186-132-239.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
CaiN_SAand if you want to run it10:32
gjoemmieI have Ubuntu on my computer now, but I need Windows too, can I put them both on at the same time?10:32
CaiN_SAchmod u+x filename10:32
taliosjohndarkhorse, at least the breazy livecd works :p  ( although, doesn't setup PPPoE on startup - would have been a nice addition )10:32
CaiN_SAyes gjoemmie10:32
mjrgjoemmie, both can be installed, though (normally) only one run at a time10:32
johndarkhorsetalios: there are shortcomings for everyone10:32
gjoemmiebcuz I tried putting my Windows operating cd in the cd-drive10:33
gjoemmieIt asked on which partition I wanted to put it10:33
holycowhttp://dot.kde.org/1125757722/  <-- heh, reading that makes me think kde will eventually become gnome10:33
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gjoemmieI said: make a new one10:33
=== holycow puts away the stirring paddle
gjoemmiebut it didnt respond10:33
gjoemmieanyone has an idea?10:33
ciplogicHow do I setup the GNOME to be translated into spanish?10:33
=== No1Viking [i=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu
gjoemmieand do you understand my situation?10:34
taliosjohndarkhorse, yep :(  time for a new box I guess... (long overdue anyway)10:34
ubotubenplaut: I haven't a clue10:34
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taliosmmm, desperate housewives on telly - w00t.10:34
Juhazjohndarkhorse, I'm sure few months old hardware is ancient to some folks, but 2000 wasn't really all that long ago10:34
johndarkhorseJuhaz: an eternity plus an eon, lol10:34
ubotuciplogic: Do they come in packets of five?10:35
johndarkhorse!tell No1Viking about ntfs10:35
zcat[1] gjoemmie: I suggest you install XP first .. (if you only just installed ubuntu, prepare to reinstall it) - make a moderate sized partition for XP, and leave the rest 'unallocated' for ubuntu ..10:35
ubotuYes, yes! Yes indeed. Who would have thought it, eh, ciplogic?10:35
zcat[1] Then once XP is installed, install ubuntu on the free space.. it'll set up dual-boot for you by itself10:36
ciplogicciplogic: Do they come in packets of five? what means10:36
=== phrizer [n=lance@60-234-134-230.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Ubuntu
zcat[1] talios: kiwi too huh?10:37
taliosyep - you're nicks familiar too....10:38
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH!, No1Viking10:38
ubotuSyntax error in line 1, No1Viking10:38
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ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem. For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives10:38
CaiN_SAubotu, lear to spell :P10:38
ubotuCaiN_SA: Did you get hit by a windmill?10:38
CaiN_SAits a bot10:38
johndarkhorseNo1Viking: dont abuse the bot, what do you want?10:39
zcat[1] Iltonham?10:39
talioszcat[1] , what part of middleearth you hail from>10:39
benplauti don't think he knew it was a bot, nalioth10:39
No1VikingI would like to know the syntax for adding disks in fstab10:39
zcat[1] Iltonham on Waikato10:39
holycowNor was any of that necessary: a simple troubleshooting exercise showed that the memory wasn't the problem. When we connected the machine to a newer NEC flat-panel monitor, the video problem went away. Linspire apparently lacked the correct drivers to support the older CRT monitor.  <-- my god how i hate retards writing tech columns10:39
Hmmmmhi guys, im using hoary-x86 on an amd64 system. i cant get skype to work. can someone help me pls?10:40
johndarkhorseNo1Viking: we have a nice script that will add your fat32, ntfs and hfs+ partitions automagically10:40
johndarkhorse!tell No1Viking about windowsdrives10:40
No1VikingWell, my disks are i ext3 format10:40
johndarkhorseah, theres always a catch10:40
No1VikingLOL, yes10:40
talioszcat[1] , auckland - mmm, you'd be a wlug'er then?10:41
zcat[1] Yeah10:41
johndarkhorseNo1Viking: i'd advise monkey-see monkey-do, with your new disks variables, but thats probably bad advice10:41
No1Vikingjohndarkhorse,  Might be since I have no other monkey here beside me!10:42
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BROKEN_LADDERi just stuck in a windows install cd, and it started up fine.  yet my cdrom no longer shows up in linux.  wtf10:43
zcat[1] wtf indeed..10:43
=== bur[n] er [n=norml@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
johndarkhorseNo1Viking: since nobody is offering anything to you, i suggest google and "fstab linux ext3"10:44
=== Decadent [n=variemai@ppp50-adsl-214.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
johndarkhorseBROKEN_LADDER: there is no 'wtf' about it, microsoft ruins all that it touches10:44
BROKEN_LADDERjohndarkhorse maybe you're missing what i'm saying.10:44
=== DJ_Mirage [n=djmirage@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasNo1Viking, put this in fstab: /dev/yourdisk /mount/point ext3 defaults 0 010:44
zcat[1] anything standard enough to boot a windows CD off should show up by default in linux!10:44
BROKEN_LADDERjohndarkhorse my dvdrw stopped showing up in linux today.10:44
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Seveasreplace /dev/yourdisk and /mount/point with the actual devicename and mountpoint10:45
BROKEN_LADDERjohndarkhorse just to test that it still works, i stuck a cd in and it booted from i.t10:45
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No1VikingThanks Seveas!10:45
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johndarkhorseBROKEN_LADDER: i've never had an optical disk show up on my desktop10:45
johndarkhorsethanks seveas10:45
BROKEN_LADDER/dev/scd0 no longer exists!10:45
BROKEN_LADDERi have no icons on my "desktop"10:45
zcat[1] BROKEN_LADDER: it's still listed in dmesg ?10:45
BROKEN_LADDERzcat[1]  good question10:46
BROKEN_LADDERone thing it says is "file system is not clean"10:46
zcat[1] is it scsi or ide?10:46
BROKEN_LADDERi don't know how to fix that though.10:46
aftertaf/dev/sda1 ?10:46
BROKEN_LADDERi accidentally used ext3 for my home, i don't know how/why10:46
wizosomeone help me with my java plug in? i tried the stuff found on google and it still sdoesnt work10:46
BROKEN_LADDERthere is no /dev/sd*10:46
No1VikingAre you guys mounting disks to mnt or media?10:46
AzMooDoes anybody know of a program that I could sit on my desktop somewhere that will give me clocks for different time zones?10:46
zcat[1] No1Viking: default in ubuntu is /media10:46
Ngwizo: look at the java wiki page10:46
No1Vikingzcat[1] , Ok10:47
Ngwizo: it's always worth checking the ubuntu wiki before trusting google to find rubbish ;)10:47
aftertafAzMoo:  search superkaramba plugins maybe?10:47
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BROKEN_LADDERata1: dev 0 cfg 49:0f00 82:0000 83:0000 84:0000 85:0000 86:0000 87:0000 88:040710:47
BROKEN_LADDERata1: dev 0 ATAPI, max UDMA/3310:47
BROKEN_LADDERata1: dev 0 configured for UDMA/3310:47
BROKEN_LADDERata2: SATA port has no device.10:47
=== synd [n=Elive_us@h255.43.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
cyphasedoes anyone know of a program that can record an audio stream?10:47
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wizook i`ll try again10:48
zcat[1] so it's an IDE drive..10:48
BROKEN_LADDERcyphase any program can if you just set the input as the output.10:48
aftertafcyphase:  most with output to disk can, i think10:48
BROKEN_LADDERi think it's sata10:48
cyphasei mean a network stream10:48
Ngcyphase: what kind of stream?10:48
BROKEN_LADDERcyphase i know10:48
aftertafa shoutcast?10:48
zcat[1] /33 ?10:48
AzMooaftertaf, that could work, but I really didnt' want anything that complex. Maybe I should just write it.10:48
BROKEN_LADDERcyphase just play it with some app, and record it with another10:48
zcat[1] suggests plain IDE to me10:49
cyphaseBROKEN_LADDER, i'm not the one playing it10:49
BROKEN_LADDERwhoever is playing it10:49
aftertafhehe AzMoo if you can ;) do it.10:49
BROKEN_LADDERcyphase you want to record it?10:49
cyphaseit's not someone i know10:49
BROKEN_LADDERcyphase then play it with one app and record it with another10:49
BROKEN_LADDERcyphase play it with gxine or whatever you want to use10:49
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Ngthere are dedicated stream rippers10:49
cyphasei see what your saying10:49
=== aisipos [n=aisipos@dsl081-081-225.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERNg then tell him one.10:49
cyphasei was just doing that last night10:50
BROKEN_LADDERi'm just saying a quick and dirty way10:50
AzMooaftertaf, I can, but I'm lazy. I think I'll search freshmeat first ;)10:50
NgBROKEN_LADDER: I will as soon as he answers my question10:50
NgBROKEN_LADDER: until then I can't10:50
zcat[1] mplayer -ao pcm will rip almost anything to wav10:50
cyphaseplaying music with Rhythmbox and recording it plus voice with Sound Recorder10:50
BROKEN_LADDERwhat's a way to tell what kind of device my dvd player is?10:50
BROKEN_LADDERsata or ide..10:51
cyphasebut then that would include any other sounds that come up10:51
BROKEN_LADDERi'm almost positive it's sata10:51
zcat[1] look in the box..10:51
BROKEN_LADDERzcat[1]  i was about to try that.10:51
BROKEN_LADDERi'd have to unscrew stuff10:51
BROKEN_LADDERzcat[1]  there should be a way to look in devices somehowe10:51
zcat[1] big wide ribbon or little orange wire?10:51
BROKEN_LADDERzcat[1]  it would be a pain to do tat.10:51
BROKEN_LADDERi have a sff10:51
Ngcyphase: right, that's not stream recording, you need to mix audio, no idea, sorry.10:51
cyphaselol, no i don't10:52
cyphasei'm just saying i see what you mean10:52
BROKEN_LADDERzcat[1]  if it tells you anything, the device name for it was always /dev/sdc010:52
Ngcyphase: how about you just answer my question?10:52
NgI can't help you if you don't!10:52
cyphaseok, i'm sorry10:52
cyphaseask it again10:52
Ngcyphase: what kind of stream are you trying to record? mp3? asf?10:52
BROKEN_LADDERi only use ogg streams10:52
BROKEN_LADDERout of principle10:52
Ngthen use xmms disk writer plugin or mplayer -ao pcm as suggested above10:53
BROKEN_LADDERogg theora rules10:53
NgBROKEN_LADDER: how wonderful for you10:53
BROKEN_LADDERNg indeed my ng10:53
cyphaseBROKEN_LADDER, i agree :010:53
zcat[1] hmm.. don't know much about SATA.. but /dev/scd0 suggests an IDE drive under SCSI emulation, which was the 'old way' of making burners work. Later kernels support working with IDE drives directly10:53
Nglots of SATA drives are presented as SCSI10:53
dduckoUmm I just had to kill firefox because of an online radiostation's player not working right10:54
BROKEN_LADDERzcat[1]  it's sata10:54
dduckonow the music it was playing is still going...10:54
wizothe wiki has stuff on installing java for firefox?10:54
BROKEN_LADDERzcat[1]  it's about 1/3 inch wide and very thin10:54
Seveaswizo, yes10:54
zcat[1] OK, well SATA is way to new for me.. I only just upgraded to ATA/66 :)10:54
Seveasthe java install instructions at wiki.u.c/Java install the FF plugin too10:54
BROKEN_LADDERi built this computer in april.10:54
cyphaseVLC has a stream ripper i think..10:55
=== cyphase checks
onkarshindeHow good is the vorbis format as compared to MPEG? How many CD players support it?10:55
BROKEN_LADDERonkarshinde dramatically better10:55
Ngonkarshinde: it's better, but has almost no useful hardware support outside cheap far east OEM players10:55
BROKEN_LADDERonkarshinde if you went for equal quality, the file size would be about 40% smaller.10:55
Seveasonkarshinde, mp3 support is much more common10:55
johndarkhorsecyphase: streamripper? use streamripper10:55
BROKEN_LADDERwho cares.10:55
benplautgoodnight :)10:56
BROKEN_LADDERwhy would you care about supporting a standard like mp3 that no one should use anayway?10:56
NgBROKEN_LADDER: this isn't an ideological debate, just a statement of fact ;)10:56
BROKEN_LADDERif you want a player, there are several great players that play vorbis and flac10:56
v1ru5BROKEN_LADDER: what people shold use then?10:56
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zcat[1] BROKEN_LADDER: wanna tell me where I can get a portable OGG player? :)10:56
BROKEN_LADDERv1ru5 whatever they want i guess10:56
v1ru5vorbis is nice tho10:56
BROKEN_LADDERzcat[1]  cnet10:56
v1ru5i don't have anything against mp3 tho10:56
BROKEN_LADDERzcat[1]  the iriver h320 and 34010:56
BROKEN_LADDERthe cowon iaudio m510:56
v1ru5BROKEN_LADDER: what you got against mp3??10:56
BROKEN_LADDERv1ru5 it fucking sucks10:56
zcat[1] I rip to flac.. then I convert to what my player supports (currently mp3) when I want to go portable10:57
SeveasBROKEN_LADDER, language..10:57
BROKEN_LADDERmp3 is a dinosaur10:57
onkarshindeBROKEN_LADDER: Are there any demo/sample movies on the net which are originally encoded in vorbis format?10:57
wizoSeveas: i have installed sun-j2re1.5 and stuff as it says on the wiki10:57
BROKEN_LADDERonkarshinde vorbis is audio only10:57
BROKEN_LADDERonkarshinde you want theora for video.10:57
wizohowever it still doesnt have got java plugin for my firefox10:57
BROKEN_LADDERtheora is better than mpeg-2, but not quite as good as mpeg-4..YET10:57
v1ru5BROKEN_LADDER: lol, it seems you don't know why you are against mp3. you just flame it without knowledge..10:57
onkarshindeBROKEN_LADDER: Okay, I didn't know the name10:57
Seveaswizo, from where did you install it?10:57
BROKEN_LADDERv1ru5 are you kidding me?10:57
Ngv1ru5: BROKEN_LADDER: how about you argue about mp3 in private msg? ;)10:57
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wizoSeveas: synaptic, and i also downloaded the file from sun site10:58
zcat[1] there's bugger-all difference between well encoded VBR mp3 and vorbis anyhow..10:58
johndarkhorseonkarshinde: look for .ogm files10:58
BROKEN_LADDERv1ru5 vorbis has dramatically better quality.  vorbis is non-patented.  vorbis has advanced features like dynamic (non-hacked) attributes, bitrate peeling..10:58
wizoi tried both method10:58
Seveaswizo, hmm, i hope you did not execute the sun file directly...10:58
BROKEN_LADDERzcat[1]  that's nonsense10:58
onkarshindejohndarkhorse: Can you point me to at least one?10:58
wizoSeveas: errr, y?10:58
BROKEN_LADDERzcat[1]  if you believe that, do some comparisons.10:58
Seveaswizo, because that's a very bad way of trying to install java...10:59
johndarkhorseonkarshinde: i'm sorry i dont know of any atm, try google10:59
BROKEN_LADDERonkarshinde i will make some comparisons for you right now and put them on my site using lame and the newest vorbis encoder10:59
zcat[1] "most people can't tell" difference.. especially in a portable player situation. If you're not going portable you might as well stick with flac.10:59
onkarshindejohndarkhorse: Ok10:59
BROKEN_LADDERanyone can tell the difference10:59
BROKEN_LADDERat some bit rate10:59
wizoSeveas: i did that after synaptic didnt really work out10:59
onkarshindeBROKEN_LADDER: I want comparison between theora and mpeg and not between mp3 & ogg.10:59
BROKEN_LADDERwhatever that bit rate is, it will be much lower in vorbis than mp310:59
johndarkhorsefolks! this audio talk is getting #ubuntu-offtopic10:59
SeveasBROKEN_LADDER, can you please take off-topic discussions elsewhere10:59
wizoand firefox said to download from the site, so i did10:59
BROKEN_LADDERand vorbis is non-proprietary10:59
=== jhaa [n=juha@dsl-aur-mm44.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Seveaswizo, firefox does not know ubuntu/debian good enough :)11:00
Seveaswizo, what's the output of: java -version11:00
v1ru5BROKEN_LADDER: any webpages comparing mp3 and vorbis??11:00
BROKEN_LADDERv1ru5 i'll make some comparisons right now11:00
wizoSeveas: errr11:00
BROKEN_LADDERto make sure it's with the latest encoders11:00
wizowad the11:00
holycowBROKEN_LADDER, can you plz change your nick to lower case11:00
BROKEN_LADDERcheck this out!11:00
SeveasBROKEN_LADDER, #ubuntu-offtopic11:01
johndarkhorseBROKEN_LADDER: onkarshinde  take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, please11:01
holycowyour nick completely dominates the screen even with minimal posts11:01
BROKEN_LADDERholycow i'd rather not.  if it's not too much to ask could you just put me on ignore.11:01
wizoSeveas: bash: java: command not found <== what did i do >.<11:01
Seveaswizo, argh...11:01
wizoSeveas: it was giving me an output before oops11:01
=== No1Viking [i=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu
Seveaswizo, download a java .deb file from seveas.demon.nl11:01
=== _BIJ_ [n=bij@dsl-084-058-021-205.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveaspm me a username and password for access11:02
`paulwhats the file system for a windows partition in /etc/fstab ?11:03
=== catfox [n=phendric@host81-138-210-156.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu
Digispaul vfat or ntfs11:03
Digissudo fdisk -l, u can check :)11:03
No1VikingWhat does this mean, "ext3: No Journal on hda311:03
No1VikingWhat does this mean, "ext3: No Journal on hda3"11:03
Seveasthat you need to create a journal11:03
Seveassudo tune2fs -j /dev/hda311:03
`paulkk ty11:03
`pauli think vfat11:04
`paulive been trying fat16 fat32 lol11:04
Seveas`paul, sudo fdisk -l will tell for sure11:04
Seveas`paul: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partions mount automatically11:04
johndarkhorsepaul we have a handy script here to mount your partitions11:04
=== wizo is now known as wizo`awy
johndarkhorselike that one11:04
`pauloh thanks11:05
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zcat[1] nice script.11:06
aftertafSeveas:  would it be a good idea to replace the spaces in the mount names done by the script, put __ instead?11:06
aftertafmight be less confusing for ppl who find themselves in shell without prior knowledge of escape charactes11:07
johndarkhorseaftertaf: for what?11:07
Seveasaftertaf, it creates symlinks to space-less paths too :)11:07
zcat[1] strange\ concept\!11:07
aftertaffor newbies yeah..11:07
Seveasaftertaf, newbies only use the GUI, and the longer names are nice for that11:08
setiteim guarding a Subway right now11:08
SeveasI originally wanted to use filesystem labels, but there's no way to get them11:08
aftertafSeveas:  not 'always', tho most of the time yeah.11:08
setiteanyone else doing something as equally riveting?11:08
odysseysetite, guarding a subway?11:08
johndarkhorsesetite: i'm at work11:08
=== _mindspin [n=mindspin@p54B2F885.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
setiteya im a security guard... and 6 subways have been robbed in the last 3 days11:08
johndarkhorseodyssey: a subway is a sandwich, named after its chain here in the US11:08
setite2 a night...11:09
aftertafi had a newb who needed to do something in console, and he couldn't access his other partition...11:09
=== MacVegie [n=MacVegie@c220-237-154-176.brodm1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Seveassetite, sounds like you don't do your job good enough :p11:09
odysseyjohndarkhorse, jared is evil11:09
setitethe other guard spotted someone casing out the subway on my property so here i am... sitting in front of it watching it11:09
_mindspinhi, got a samba problem here,11:09
=== aftertaf --- was_just_a_thought
_mindspinmount -t smbfs and so on works fine11:09
setitenope im parked in front of it.... if anything moves... i will see it11:09
zcat[1] Lucky you don't live in London I guess..11:09
_mindspinbut when I try to connect to a different share I get a "tree connect failed"11:10
_mindspinany idea?11:10
setitenot much else i can do except sit inside there next to the register... but they wont pay me to use my gun... so thats not happening11:10
`paulis there a way to hide processes in ubuntu11:10
Seveas`paul, 'hide processes'??11:10
`paulwith root access?11:10
setiteanyway... im still trying to figure out how to work my wireless car in ubuntu11:10
`paulim mean it wont appear in ps aux11:10
Carpe_Libertatemwireless car? nice11:10
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Seveas`paul, no way of doing that11:11
darksatanic`paul: Install a root kit? :)11:11
Ng`paul: not without modifying the kernel11:11
setiteseveas do you know why i get a operation not permitted in the driver program11:11
BROKEN_LADDERmy system keeps freezing11:11
`paulok thnx11:11
Seveassetite, because you didn't run it as root?11:11
setitedo i have to? sudo is not sufficient?11:11
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setiteso whats the best way11:11
Seveasit is11:11
setitesudo password root11:11
johndarkhorsesetite: sudo will work11:12
zcat[1] not all wifi drivers support all operations..11:12
HrdwrBoBsudo passwd root11:12
Seveassudo is good enough11:12
setitesudo does not work johndarkhorse11:12
=== fatejudger [n=fatejudg@c-67-169-87-144.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Seveaszcat[1] , has the better expanation :)11:12
HrdwrBoBwill give you a root password11:12
HrdwrBoBbut it's not necesarry11:12
fatejudgerI'm trying to mount a network drive using the fstab11:12
fatejudgerfor some reason11:12
setiteno ndiswrapper is the operation not permitted11:12
fatejudgerI can manually mount it11:12
setite] ok will will boot to ubuntu and try true root11:12
fatejudgerbut when I try and mount it using the fstab it asks me for a password on reboot11:12
fatejudgerand then the says access denied11:12
wizoSeveas: i will have ot download it later, my housemate is chucking a sad at mem because he is playign online games now11:12
setitethanks... when i had the problem no one was answering11:12
zcat[1] hmm.. ndiswrapper.. I gave up on that after a few hours.11:13
Seveaswizo, the server is online 'till 22:00 UTC11:13
setitewell i cant give up yet because im not shelling out money to get it working on a free os11:13
No1VikingI dont get this. I now have the new disks mounted and all looks great. Now I can not FTP to them. How can I get permission to do that?11:13
johndarkhorsesetite: why not? you saved $399 US by using ubuntu?11:13
wizoSeveas: how many mroe hours till it goes offline? that would make it clearer11:13
zcat[1] anyone want a cheap wifi card with the rtl8180 chip? totally unsupported in linux :(11:13
fatejudgerdoes anyone know how to mount these network drives using fstab?11:14
Seveaswizo, 1211:14
wizoSeveas: ahh thats cool, thanks11:14
zcat[1] went out and got some rt2400-based cards instead11:14
holycowhttp://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/electronic/79be/  <-- :)11:14
onkarshindefatejudger: Can you give me the line of fstab that tries the mounting?11:14
johndarkhorseany suggestions for wifi dongle supported under ubuntu ? USB?11:14
bummbafatejudger: network drives?11:14
Seveasfatejudger, samba things?11:15
bummbafatejudger: NFS?11:15
No1VikingI dont get this. I now have the new disks mounted and all looks great. Now I can not FTP to them. How can I get permission to do that? this Is what I get when trying to download: /media/2/Annie_Lennox-Bare-2003-Wyse/05-Annie_Lennox-Wonderful-Wyse.mp3 (No such file or directory)"11:16
Seveasfatejudger, the 'easy' way is running a simple script I created -> ubuntulinux.nl/files/addsamba11:16
fatejudgeronkarshinde: //dadscomp/stuff   /media/stuff   smbfs11:16
odysseyok lets say i stick a dvd into my dvd drive with the intent of watching it and now it just sits there spitting out I/O errors... how can i eject it?11:17
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Seveasthat adds the share to fstab and creates a file with a password for it11:17
bummbaNo1Viking: why are you FTPing on locally mounted drives?11:17
fatejudgerI'd prefer to run it using the fstab11:17
Seveasfatejudger, it adds it to fstab11:17
No1Vikingbummba, it's from a FTP site to my disk11:17
Seveasthe script needs to be run only once, then you can toss it out11:17
zcat[1] can you 'touch foo' on the drive locally?11:18
fatejudgerwhy can't I just manually create the line though?11:18
bummbafatejudger: you can...11:18
SeveasI never do that since the syntax is awful :)11:18
Seveasbut you can11:18
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zcat[1] probably you want to mount it with permissions other than 60011:18
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fatejudgerI just want to be able to read the mount11:19
fatejudgerthat's it11:19
Seveas/ /media/samba/ smbfs user,noauto,uid=1000,gid=1000,fmask=0644,dmask=0755,credentials=/etc/samba/passwords/192. 168.1.4-d11:19
Seveasthat's a line for a samba drive11:19
=== brownie17 [n=fraser@static-203-87-6-82.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
fatejudgerholy crap11:19
Seveasdo you see why I use the script :)11:19
brownie17hey everyone11:19
fatejudgerit can't be that complicated11:19
fatejudgerI don't even have any authentication though11:19
fatejudgerit's a shitty windows computer11:19
Seveasfatejudger, it is if you want to get it right11:19
bummbafatejudger: it is not complicated...just annoying to use11:19
fatejudgerI've never used a script before11:20
fatejudgerso I wouldn't even know how to do that11:20
imekHi, I was thinking of getting a wireless card for my notebook. Does anyone know which manufacturers have the best Linux support?11:20
brownie17nalioths_dog, aka johndarkhorse?11:20
=== BROKEN_LADDER [n=bal@adsl-69-227-57-228.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
johndarkhorsefatejudger: scripts are wonderful11:20
BROKEN_LADDERif my computer doesn't keep crashing..i swear11:20
Seveasfatejudger, download it and run: sudo bash addsamba11:20
johndarkhorsebrownie17: are you sniffing nalioths_dog ?11:20
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BROKEN_LADDERit's having the most inexplicable problems today11:20
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brownie17johndarkhorse: oh, hi, i thought you might be back as nalioth, and nalioths dog was pretty close, thought it was you sorry11:20
johndarkhorseBROKEN_LADDER: how does it run with the livecd?11:20
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fbladehow can i mount my windows partion onto linux?11:21
Seveasfblade: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partions mount automatically11:21
Carpe_LibertatemIs that a macro of yours Seveas?11:21
SeveasCarpe_Libertatem, yes11:21
fatejudgeryour script is broken11:21
Seveasfatejudger, tell me more11:21
zcat[1] imek: dunno, but I got an SMC .. cheapest card around and works, although I had to build the module myself first.11:21
fatejudgerfatejudger@l337b0x:~/stuff$ sudo bash addsamba11:21
fatejudgeraddsamba: line 47: syntax error near unexpected token `fi'11:21
fatejudgeraddsamba: line 47: `fi'11:21
Seveasfatejudger, hmm11:22
Seveasone sec11:22
johndarkhorsebrownie17: i get off at 6am CST US11:22
zcat[1] SMC2635W card..11:22
imekokay, I'll have a look around. thanks11:22
johndarkhorsebrownie17: so when you see me after 6am CST US, it'll be as nalioth11:22
fatejudgerSeveas: you're missing quotes I think11:22
brownie17johndarkhorse: i don't know when that is here, but i rang the D-link company, and they gave me a refernece number to ring the warranty department with tommorrow morning11:22
fatejudgerSeveas: on the line above11:22
zcat[1] there are better, but nothing cheaper :)11:22
johndarkhorsebrownie17: good show11:22
Seveasfatejudger, the line above has only the word exit11:22
johndarkhorsebrownie17: i believe i'm UTC -611:23
fatejudgeroh, I was looking somewhere else11:23
brownie17joihndarkhorse: i was fairly dissapointed though, I always find it's better to be happy than wrong, and i wished that i had just made a mistake, but something is wrong with the modem11:23
fatejudgerbash scripts are weird11:24
fatejudgernothing like C++11:24
johndarkhorsebrownie17: they'll fix or exchange it for you11:24
Seveasfatejudger, anyway, install smbfs11:24
zcat[1] bash is kinda like dos batchfiles11:24
Seveasthat will skip past that section11:24
brownie17johndarkhorse: yeah, any idea how long it might take?11:24
BROKEN_LADDERjohndarkhorse i don't have a live cd hanging around11:24
johndarkhorsebrownie17: i have no experience with dlink, i use linksys11:24
fatejudgerI thought I had smbfs installed11:24
johndarkhorseBROKEN_LADDER: that would be one way to test if its software or hardware problems11:25
onkarshindezcat[1] : I suppose bash scripts are better than dos batch files11:25
fatejudgerSeveas: I do have it installed11:25
HrdwrBoBonkarshinde: they are not comparable11:25
zcat[1] in some ways..11:25
HrdwrBoBwell.. they are comparable, but dos fails it11:25
zcat[1] Dos is very limited, but it's a similar concept otherwise11:26
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Seveasodd, on my server (which is gentoo) it gives no error, on ubuntu it does...11:26
brownie17johndarkhorse: i hear linksys are pretty good, when i signed up with my ISP they offered me a free D-link or a free Netgear, i chose the D-link (obviously) what are netgear like?, i want to get one becasue that means the support services my isp have will still be fine to use11:26
setiteok i cant remember how do to do this11:26
setiteapparently the driver is already installed11:26
brownie17johndarkhorse: that is if they don't fix it, or the replacement breaks again11:26
Seveasargh, found the error11:26
Seveasfatejudger, please re-download11:26
johndarkhorsebrownie17: all stuff is pretty much the same, you jut got a bad modem. it happens to everyone11:26
fatejudgerSeveas: what was it?11:26
HrdwrBoBbrownie17: te network connection is standard11:26
HrdwrBoBnetgear are fine11:27
Seveasfatejudger, brainfart of mine11:27
Auckland_Pigi'm using ubuntu live cd.11:27
brownie17ok, it's just i hear alot of bad things about D-link, and other people having errors11:27
Auckland_Pigit says that i cant start totem movie player11:27
brownie17seveas: :) hahah11:27
fatejudgerSeveas: yeah, but what was the error?11:27
johndarkhorsebrownie17: then by all means, try the netgear11:27
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fatejudgerSeveas: was it that "then"11:27
Seveasmissing 'then' keyword a few lines before11:27
Auckland_Pighow do i play movies in ubuntu?11:27
SeveasI use too many languages :)11:28
brownie17johndarkhorse: hmmm. definatly something to ponder on, at least i know if i ask my ISP they will tell me which one has more errors, rather than say they are all good like D-link would11:28
brownie17auckland_pig: does it give any other error information?11:29
zcat[1] worst thing about my dlink is that I can only configure it in MSIE (or telnet, although that's practically impossible too) - Firefox it takes ages to get to the admin page, and gives me "Method not supported" when I sty to add forwarding rules and stuff11:29
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BROKEN_LADDERAuckland_Pig you could use gxine or mplayer.11:29
Auckland_Pigresource not available or busy11:29
=== Cashel [n=doc@0-2pool35-234.nas18.portland1.or.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERgmplayer is good11:29
fatejudgerSeveas: ERROR: Unable to open credentials file!11:29
brownie17zcat: i get all those problems exxactly, except the configuring one11:29
Seveasrun it as root11:29
BROKEN_LADDERcan anyone help me get my dvdrw to show up in /dev?11:29
johndarkhorseSeveas: i speak many, but use only one11:29
BROKEN_LADDERand tell me why my computer keeps freezing?11:29
zcat[1] You tried adding port forwarding rules to it?11:30
fatejudgerSeveas: I did run it as root11:30
Auckland_PigBROKEN_LADDER, but i'm using live cd... there's no gmplayer11:30
onkarshindeAuckland_Pig: You can install totem-xine package and it will play most files. Or you can try vlc.11:30
Seveasfatejudger, then you found a bug11:30
brownie17zcat[1] : yes, gives me method not implemented, do you use the 302g rev c or a?11:30
Seveaspaste the current sources.list on a pastebin please11:30
Cashelheh... gmplayer isnt working ... I've installed everything DVD related I could find, including libdvdccs2 ... totem-xime, gmplayer, nor ogle will play my LOTR CD... any suggestions?11:30
johndarkhorseAuckland_Pig: you are rather limited on what you can do with the liveCD w/o installling a lot of things11:30
Seveascurrent fstab11:30
zcat[1] username and password was OK, but all the subwindow stuff _has_ to be done in MSIE.11:30
Auckland_Pigonkarshinde, how do i instal them while on live cd?11:30
setiteanyoen have a broadcom 54g card?11:30
Auckland_Pigcan i instal anything while on live cd?11:31
zcat[1] 302G11:31
johndarkhorsesetite: you are out of luck with that card most likely11:31
onkarshindeAuckland_Pig: Oops i didn't know you were on live cd. I don't know how to work it out.11:31
johndarkhorseAuckland_Pig: yes you can11:31
Seveassetite, asus wl500g?11:31
brownie17zcat[1] : i don't get that, firefox works fine for that bit, but admin takes like 3-4 mins, and getting worse too11:31
Seveaswl110g even11:31
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Auckland_Pigoh ok... will try installing11:31
setiteSeveas: no... but is that a similar or same card?11:32
setiteoh do you mean do i have that laptop?11:32
brownie17zcat[1] : is yours standing on its side with clips? or flat? does it have green stripes or blue?11:32
Seveassetite, asus wl100g is a pcmcia 54g card11:32
zcat[1] At the moment I have a CISCO SOHO on loan, but if I have to go back to the dlink I think I'll write a web-based front end in php that telnets to the modem and makes the changes..11:32
Seveaswhich works11:32
setiteno i have the emachines m6805.. 64bit series11:32
setiteoh no.. i dont have that11:32
zcat[1] It's screwed to the side of my computer desk11:33
setitei plan to get two usb wifi cards eventually... but in the meantime i would love to be able to get this working and only need one usb adaptor11:33
brownie17zcat[1] : but is it blue or green? that tells me which version11:33
BROKEN_LADDERCashel what specific error do you get trying to run gmplayer?11:33
BROKEN_LADDERwimax is going to be so badarse11:33
zcat[1] I can't tell in this light - colourblind :)11:33
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zcat[1] looks kinda blue-green to me ..11:34
brownie17zcat[1] : :) for real? that sucks... um doesthe writing on the darker bit next to the lights face upside up when the modem is flat on the table, or when it is screwed to your desk11:34
fatejudgerSeveas: do I have to restart for it to take effect?11:34
Seveasfatejudger, no, please paste your fstab on paste.ubuntulinux.nl - you have found a bug11:34
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CashelBROKEN_LADDER, MPlayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: decode_audio11:35
zcat[1] the writing's all upright when it's flat on the desk11:35
brownie17hey seveas: sorry about not pastebinning before, it was an accident. about 6 hours ago you banned me11:35
CashelBROKEN_LADDER, - MPlayer crashed by bad usage of CPU/FPU/RAM.11:35
scanwinderis there a file with all the things that open on startup? because my old 166 laptop takes a long time to boot11:35
zcat[1] s/upright/correctly\ oriented/11:35
zcat[1] AFK / BRB11:35
Auckland_Pigwhere can i find precompiled binary of VLC for ubuntu? on VLC download site i dont see ubuntu...11:36
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
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SeveasAuckland_Pig, apt-get install vlc11:36
setitewhoa.. presidential midnight pardons eh11:36
fatejudgerSeveas: http://pastebin.com/35507611:37
Auckland_PigSeveas, i'm on ubuntu live cd11:37
CashelBROKEN_LADDER, sorry bro, I think I figured it out ... AMD :P11:37
setitewhich linux is debian based... xandros or linspire11:37
SeveasAuckland_Pig, installing anything on a live cd will only last until reboot11:37
Cashelguess I have to use the 386 package (gag)11:37
taliosjohndarkhorse, hazzah - I now have a visible HDD.  moved the hdd from the secondary crap ata to the main.11:37
Seveasyou can as well use apt-get for that11:37
brownie17zcat[1]  you hav ethe revision c version then, or as www.portforward.com call it the 302gv2. same as me. i am getting mine fixed tomorrow, ring the support hotline on 1300766868. they gave me a reference number for the waranty department :) free refund or fix/new11:37
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taliosAuckland_Pig, ororke student hostel?11:37
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Auckland_Pigtalios, railway campus :)11:38
brownie17setite: im guessing linspire11:38
johndarkhorsetalios: great!11:38
setitethanks brownie1711:38
zcat[1] back11:38
fatejudgerSeveas: it looks right11:38
fatejudgerthat's weird11:38
brownie17setite: GUESSS11:38
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BROKEN_LADDERcan someone help me figure out why my dvdrw is not being listed in /dev?11:38
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fatejudgerSeveas: I don't see why your script gave me an error11:38
taliosjohndarkhorse, now to actually do the install.  finally i'll be fedora free.   mmm, now - breazy or the hoary I use at work...11:38
Seveasfatejudger, have you pasted it already?11:38
SeveasI think I know11:38
Seveasand want to check it11:38
fatejudgerSeveas: yeah, I already gave you the link11:38
taliosAuckland_Pig, you go to any of the Auckland LUG meetings?11:39
Auckland_PigSeveas, sorry to disturb, i'm new to all this... where do i type apt-get install vlc ?11:39
fatejudgerSeveas: http://pastebin.com/35507611:39
Juhazsetite, both11:39
Seveasfatejudger, ah ok, missed that11:39
brownie17talios: get hoary for now, breezy is still beta11:39
johndarkhorsetalios: stick with hoary11:39
Auckland_Pigtalios, no i'm just starting to learn linux11:39
fatejudgerAuckland_Pig: the Konsole11:39
fatejudgerAuckland_Pig: if you're that new, use Synaptic11:39
fatejudgerAuckland_Pig: or Kynaptic11:39
Seveasfatejudger, you said that you do not need authentication?11:39
fatejudgerSeveas: I don't11:39
Auckland_Pigstill on windows xp... testing out live cd's before installing the real thing :)11:39
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Seveasfatejudger, the script thinks you do11:39
brownie17zcat[1]  you hav ethe revision c version then, or as www.portforward.com call it the 302gv2. same as me. i am getting mine fixed tomorrow, ring the support hotline on 1300766868. they gave me a reference number for the waranty department :) free refund or fix/new11:40
taliosbrownie17, yeh - I thought whilst installing I might give it a bash.  but hoarys good in anycase.11:40
fatejudgerSeveas: well then that's the bug11:40
Seveasindeed :)11:40
brownie17talios: not much front end difference, i think. from screenshots not much visible difference, but it will be much better apparently, with much less bugs and stuff11:40
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Seveasfatejudger, http://pastebin.com/35507911:41
Seveasspot the difference :)11:41
johndarkhorsetalios: i think you'll be happy with hoary. breezy is still buggy11:41
SeveasI'm fixing the script now...11:41
fatejudgerSeveas: no credentials, guest login11:42
taliosjohndarkhorse, yeh - I switched my work box to hoary about 4-5 months back, loving it.11:42
CashelBROKEN_LADDER, http://pastebin.com/35508 ... can I safely force mplayer-386 to apt-get install ??11:42
setitejohndarkhorse: what problems are you having with wifi11:42
brownie17are there any other p2p programs like kazaa that DO NOT need ports opened on a router?11:42
fatejudgerSeveas: wow, this "bash" code is extremely hard to read11:42
johndarkhorsesetite: i have an ibook with airport extreme11:42
setitedo you know the command to get the card running... it looks like ndiswrapper installed the driver11:43
fbladewhat terminal command is it that uzip taz.gz, into the root folder11:43
Seveasfatejudger, yeah, bash is crap to read11:43
setiteis that not supported?!11:43
fatejudgerSeveas: why not program something like this in C++?11:43
fatejudgerSeveas: it can do everything and more11:43
Cashelbrownie17, Applications > Internet > GNOME Torrent ??11:43
NgC++ is way way way overkill for a little fstab mangler ;)11:43
brownie17gnome torrent requires ports11:43
Ngsomething like perl would be more suitable11:43
Seveasfatejudger, because this is easier to do in bash11:44
fatejudgerSeveas: I think I see the bug11:44
Seveasand works on all architectures :)11:44
Seveasfatejudger, i fixed it already11:44
fatejudgerSeveas: ah11:44
fatejudgerSeveas: was it the 4th to the last line?11:44
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fatejudgerSeveas: it always sets the credential dir11:44
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fatejudgerSeveas: I need to learn this "bash"11:45
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Seveasfatejudger, www.tldp.org has nice guides11:45
taliosmmm, screen resolution doesn't give me my nice widescreen res.  time to remember my X.org foo11:45
fatejudgerSeveas: ok, thanks11:45
Pyfim using a "sony cav-u5" usb to optical converter for my audio, it works in most programs and ubuntu recognises it but vlc doesnt, how would i go about setting up vlc so it does recognise it ;(11:45
fatejudgerSeveas: is "bash" pretty flexible?11:46
fatejudgerSeveas: for example, can I end each line with a semicolon?11:46
fatejudgerSeveas: or can I wrap echo statements in quotes11:46
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Seveasfatejudger, I suggest you read the intro docs, this is a bit off-topic in here11:46
brownie17are there any other p2p programs like kazaa that DO NOT need ports opened on a router?11:47
Seveasand the answer to these 3 questions is yes11:47
johndarkhorsebrownie17: not to my knowledge11:47
fatejudgerSeveas: yeah, sorry11:47
pluffsyI have trouble to understand dump. Can I make a dump from a couple individual directories or can it just make  a dump from a complete file system?11:48
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brownie17johndarkhorse: ok, thanx11:48
vuxmms  sux  100%11:48
fatejudgerSeveas: the tutorial doesn't show what types of commenting are acceptable11:49
fatejudgerSeveas: obviously # is11:49
=== BROKEN_LADDER [n=bal@adsl-69-227-57-228.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERwhat could i do to check my file system?11:49
fatejudgerI dunno, it does it automatically once in awhile11:50
brownie17ever thirty mounts11:50
fatejudgerthat's right11:50
Seveas# is the only11:50
brownie17ever time it gets mounted thirty times it checks it11:50
BROKEN_LADDERwell something's wrong cause my system keeps freezing11:50
BROKEN_LADDERnever happened before today11:50
=== Pyf [n=meep@cpc3-basf3-6-1-cust55.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
brownie17seveas, can i edit the boot to make it do it more often?11:50
BROKEN_LADDERi did this apt-get upgrade today and everything has been crazy.11:51
BROKEN_LADDERfirst sound wouldn't work..11:51
fatejudgerBROKEN_LADDER: maybe it's the apt-get then11:51
Seveasbrownie17, you can set the disk properties11:51
fatejudgerBROKEN_LADDER: not your hard drive11:51
pluffsybrownie17: so if one uses ubuntu as a server which maybe reboots two times a year. should one make some change to make that check more often?11:51
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johndarkhorseBROKEN_LADDER: find a livecd of some type and boot and run it for a few hours11:52
BROKEN_LADDERi don't have one11:52
Seveasbrownie17, read the manpage for tune2fs11:53
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BROKEN_LADDERmy cdrom also no longer works11:53
setiteseveas - anyoen have a broadcom 54g card?11:53
setitewhoops wrong paste11:53
BROKEN_LADDERyet it will start install cd's fine11:53
setiteFATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted11:53
johndarkhorseBROKEN_LADDER: that is an easy first step in diagnosing whether it's software or hardware11:53
fbladeanybody know how i can install the latest scummvm easy11:53
setitewhats that mean11:53
Seveassetite, switch to a 686 or k7 kernel11:53
BROKEN_LADDERfirst of all i need my dvd working11:53
Seveasthe -386 kernel notoriously misbehaves11:53
setiteshould ubuntu installer have done that auto11:54
BROKEN_LADDERmine is the 586 kernel11:54
setiteok well is there an easy way to do that?11:54
Carpe_Libertatemsudo apt-get install linux-image-i68611:54
Seveasapt-get install linux-686 (intel cpu) or apt-get install linux-k7 (amd)11:54
Carpe_LibertatemI think11:54
Seveasand then reboot11:54
BROKEN_LADDERshouldn't it be easy to diagnose why my dvd drive isn't starting up?11:54
BROKEN_LADDERer..isn't getting listed in /dev11:54
Casheltrying to install mplayer-386 after removing the 586/686 versions (AMD, oops)... getting broken package error as you see here: http://pastebin.com/355081 ... what should I do?11:54
setitectrl-alt-bksp or full reboot :)11:54
SeveasCashel, DO NOT USE third party repositories11:55
nightswimwhat is a nice calendar application? (evolution?)11:55
Seveasmplayer is in the ubuntu repositories11:55
Seveassetite, full11:55
setitethanks seveas11:55
johndarkhorsenightswim: http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html11:55
fbladehow can i install the c++ compiler11:56
johndarkhorsefblade: install "build-essential"11:56
CashelSeveas, if I dont, how am I supposed to get DVDs to play?11:57
brownie17!tell Brownie17 about tune2fs11:57
SeveasCashel, libdvdcss2 is in hoary-extras11:57
BROKEN_LADDERfblade it's gcc or something11:57
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brownie17seveas: what is tune2fs?11:58
=== BROKEN_LADDER is a hair shy of installing windows
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BROKEN_LADDERno no..i can't do it..11:58
johndarkhorseCashel: dvd playing is possible using ubuntu repos11:58
CashelSeveas, ahhh, thats fixed it, thanks man...11:58
brownie17is it on that http://wiki.ubuntu.com?11:58
fatejudgerBROKEN_LADDER: what is wrong with Kubuntu?11:58
Seveasbrownie17, man tune2fs11:58
BROKEN_LADDERCashel you'll have to add restricted modules11:58
fatejudgerBROKEN_LADDER: why go back to Windows?11:58
BROKEN_LADDERFatDarrel i'm using ubuntu, but i'm in kde just to be clear.11:58
BROKEN_LADDERfatejudger because of the massive problems i'm having in linux11:58
BROKEN_LADDERmy sound wasn't working for hours today, for no apparent reason, and now works.11:59
fatejudgerBROKEN_LADDER: why don't you have Kubuntu if you wanted KDE?11:59
BROKEN_LADDERfor no reason.11:59
DVSoftwareBROKEN_LADDER: windows is evil11:59
BROKEN_LADDERwhat's the point fatejudger ?11:59
fatejudgerno, Windows is crappy11:59
BROKEN_LADDERi know this DVSoftware11:59
BROKEN_LADDERi know.11:59
fatejudgernot evil11:59
BROKEN_LADDERbut at least it works11:59
DVSoftwarewindows is crappy and evil11:59
BROKEN_LADDERi can't see my dvd rom right now in /dev/11:59
BROKEN_LADDERthere is no /dev/sdc0 anymore11:59
Cashelwierd that the 3rd party repos would supercede ubuntu repos when ubuntus are newer... it was complaining about old versions but not now that I got rid of it....11:59
BROKEN_LADDERfor no apparent reason other than that i did an apt-get upgrade11:59
No1VikingI need a good FTP client with SSL support, any ideas?11:59
brownie17maybe it's not even connected broken_ladder11:59
SeveasBROKEN_LADDER, sdc0 ?11:59
fatejudgerDVSoftware: Windows isn't evil, it's a great OS11:59
fatejudgerDVSoftware: just not as good as Linux12:00
Seveasdvd/cd drives should not have a number12:00
johndarkhorseNo1Viking: gftp12:00
BROKEN_LADDERwell it did.12:00
DVSoftwarefatejudger: you're joking?12:00
BROKEN_LADDERwhy is that odd?12:00
No1Vikingjohndarkhorse, does that one support SSL?12:00
setitela la laa.. got time to kill since im downloading the kernel on a evdo... anyoen have a noobie question12:00
setitehey seveas there is a thread abotu my card... its a warty thread12:00
fatejudgerDVSoftware: the NT Kernel is fine12:00
johndarkhorseNo1Viking: yes it does12:00
DVSoftwarefatejudger: maybe12:00
fatejudgerDVSoftware: it's just the software that's developed for Windows12:00
BROKEN_LADDERSeveas my drive still clearly works because it will startup an install disc.12:00
DVSoftwarebut everything else is crap12:00
fatejudgerDVSoftware: Windows software is of pisspoor quality12:01
fatejudgerDVSoftware: Windows itself is fine12:01
fatejudgerDVSoftware: just not great12:01
BROKEN_LADDERWindows itself is terrible!12:01
=== ompaul grabs colony four
fatejudgerBROKEN_LADDER: what's wrong with it?12:01
BROKEN_LADDERit is a hacked together operating system.12:01
SeveasBROKEN_LADDER, it surprises me that the dvd drive worked over sata12:01
BROKEN_LADDERdude!  it doesn't have 64-bit journalled file architecture12:01
Seveasthe last I heard was that it's not supported :)12:01
No1Vikingjohndarkhorse, I can see SSH, but not SSL12:01
BROKEN_LADDERSeveas it worked beautifully.12:01
fatejudgerNTFS is fine12:01
Seveasfatejudger, rofl12:02
BROKEN_LADDERno it's not12:02
BROKEN_LADDERit's crap12:02
fatejudgernot really12:02
fatejudgerit works great in Windows12:02
fatejudgerit just isn't readable by anything else12:02
BROKEN_LADDERfatejudger you say that because you don't know of how much better an fs can be.12:02
BROKEN_LADDERno it doesn't work great!12:02
johndarkhorseNo1Viking: try it12:02
fatejudgerI use an ext3 filesystem12:02
fatejudgerI know12:02
DVSoftwarereiserfs rulez12:02
fatejudgerisn't that old school?12:02
BROKEN_LADDERfatejudger even ext3 sucks by comparison to something like befs12:02
SeveasFatDarrel, no matter if it's fine or not, this is not the place to discuss...12:02
BROKEN_LADDERfatejudger imagine an os where it doesn't take any longer to boot if you hard crash.12:02
BROKEN_LADDERfatejudger windows paging is terrible.12:03
fatejudgerBROKEN_LADDER: it's not the best, but that's because it doesn't have a seperate partition like linux swap12:03
fbladeaslo how can i instal sdl12:03
Seveasfatejudger, no matter if it's fine or not, this is not the place to discuss...12:03
BROKEN_LADDERno that's not why.12:03
Seveasfblade, apt-get install libsdl12:04
BROKEN_LADDERi'm not eve going to try to explain this.12:04
johndarkhorsefblade: search in synaptic for libsdl12:04
DVSoftwarefatejudger: linux can use file as swap aswell12:04
fatejudgerSeveas: that fstab line doesn't work12:04
fatejudgerSeveas: I restarted and it said it couldn't connect12:04
BROKEN_LADDERDVSoftware what are you talking about man?12:04
fatejudgerSeveas: access denied or something12:04
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setitehey seveas there is a thread abotu my card... its a warty thread.. but i dont understand the solution12:04
DVSoftwareBROKEN_LADDER: i've forgot to make swap partition once12:04
BROKEN_LADDERin windows, if i try to delete a file but it's "in use" i can't.12:04
Seveasfatejudger, without a complete error I can't help12:04
setiteNice. Just followed the ubuntu howto with a new kernel, edited /etc/modules to include ndiswrapper, and everything works smoothly.12:04
BROKEN_LADDERwtf is that?!12:04
setiteThanks for the help!12:04
DVSoftwareand it was slow computer12:05
fatejudgerSeveas: well I can't save the damn error12:05
fatejudgerSeveas: it goes by the screen too fast12:05
DVSoftwarei didn't want to install it again12:05
setiteany idea what he means...12:05
DVSoftwarejust to make swap12:05
Seveasfatejudger, in a terminal: sudo mount -a12:05
Seveasthat should go it again12:05
BROKEN_LADDERsetite you mean new kernel as in how new?12:05
fatejudgerSeveas: no errors12:05
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BROKEN_LADDERsetite i just upgraded my kernel from 2.6.10 to 2.6.11.  should i have to do those steps?12:05
Seveasfatejudger, right.....12:05
fatejudgerSeveas: well wtf12:05
Seveasis it mounted now?12:05
DVSoftwareand made swap image file12:05
fatejudgerSeveas: there was an error!12:05
DVSoftwareon hard drive12:05
Seveasfatejudger, I believe you :)12:06
SeveasAnd i think I know what the error was12:06
fatejudgerSeveas: yes, it works now12:06
setiteno idea im a bad person to ask.. ive never done anythiugn with a kernel12:06
setiteim scared of kernels12:06
Seveasfatejudger, guess so...12:06
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fatejudgerSeveas: what's the error then?12:06
setiteeven popcorn kernels.. stuck in my teeth12:06
Xanthus7what is hal please12:06
Seveasit tries to mount before the network is up12:06
johndarkhorseXanthus7: hardware abstraction layer, i believe12:06
DVSoftwaresetite: you can safely install new kernel with synaptic12:06
Seveasfatejudger, not letting it automount will work12:07
fatejudgerSeveas: how do I make sure that it doesn't mount before the network is up?12:07
Xanthus7reason I asked was I boot and it said hal not intilized12:07
Seveasfatejudger, not :)12:07
Xanthus7reboot all was ok12:07
fatejudgerSeveas: are you serious?12:07
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fatejudgerSeveas: I have to mount everything manually?12:07
Seveasfatejudger, hang on12:07
setitewell i dont knwo about 2.6.11.. i see 2.6.10-712:07
fatejudgerDVSoftware: just to make a point about WIndows, this whole mounting thing would have taken me about 15 seconds in Windows12:08
fatejudgerDVSoftware: this has taken me 4 hours so far in Linux12:08
zcat[1] let it automount; the boot process appears to try mount -a several different times during the boot process..12:08
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setitewindows is evil12:08
BROKEN_LADDERfatejudger that's the bonus to windows.  it Just Works12:08
fatejudgerwhat is up with this crap?12:08
DVSoftwarebill gates is evil12:08
fatejudgeryeah, it works12:08
fatejudgerthat's the point12:08
osfameronsetite: windows works.  What's the point of being an arse?12:08
Xanthus7depends on what you are doing with windows12:08
fatejudgerit crashes while it works sometimes12:08
zcat[1] it works - until it doesn't.12:08
BROKEN_LADDERfatejudger the problem is just that when you get linux working, it works so much better.12:09
Seveasstop the win-vs-lin discussion now....12:09
Xanthus7like to much of the time12:09
Seveasand i mean NOW12:09
fatejudgerBROKEN_LADDER: you're absolutely right12:09
BROKEN_LADDERfatejudger i'm about to switch to windows myself if i can't get these issues resolved.12:09
BROKEN_LADDERi wish beos had better app selection.  i'd just go back to beos.12:09
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fatejudgerBROKEN_LADDER: I've switched back to Windows tons of times12:09
BROKEN_LADDERor i wish i could get osx on x8612:09
fatejudgerBROKEN_LADDER: it took me a while before I stayed12:09
DVSoftwareBROKEN_LADDER: you can12:09
BROKEN_LADDERfatejudger are you in windows now?12:09
fatejudgerBROKEN_LADDER: I had to get a distro like Kubuntu that was fast12:09
fatejudgerBROKEN_LADDER: heck no, but I do have a dual boot12:09
DVSoftwareif you  have at least sse2 cpu12:09
BROKEN_LADDERDVSoftware getting os x on x86 is tough.12:09
fatejudgerBROKEN_LADDER: Linux is my primary boot though12:09
BROKEN_LADDERi have ss212:09
fatejudgerBROKEN_LADDER: Windows is only for games now12:09
DVSoftwareBROKEN_LADDER: what's the problem then12:10
BROKEN_LADDERdual boot sucks12:10
BROKEN_LADDERDVSoftware from what i read, it is _not easy_12:10
fatejudgerBROKEN_LADDER: dual boots are great!12:10
Seveasfatejudger, sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/mountall.sh /etc/rcS.d/S50mountall.sh12:10
DVSoftwareBROKEN_LADDER: it's easy12:10
Seveasthat will re-run the mounting script after networking is up12:10
fatejudgerSeveas: what exactly does that command do?12:10
fatejudgerSeveas: ok12:10
Seveasso you still get the error12:10
Seveasbut it tries a second time12:10
DVSoftwareyou have to write hard drive image on hard drive with dd12:10
DVSoftwareand that's a;;12:11
SeveasI'm filing a bug about this asap, this behaviour should change12:11
fatejudgerSeveas: oh great, so more boot time12:11
fatejudgerSeveas: wouldn't it be easier just to run a script at boottime with KDE?12:11
Xanthus7Only problem with duel booting is if you want to go into your secondary os you cannot walk way from computer12:11
Seveasfatejudger, whatever you want12:11
fatejudgeror put some script at a higher runlevel?12:11
Seveasthe mountall has to be in the lower level too12:11
zcat[1] Xanthus7: lilo -R windows ; reboot12:12
Seveasbecause that's where local disks (/) are mounted12:12
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fatejudgerSeveas: well how do I undo that command you gave me?12:12
zcat[1] not sure how to do that with grub..12:12
Xanthus7Not playing with lilo heard it is not for the faint of heart12:12
zcat[1] lilo's not that bad.12:12
BROKEN_LADDERDVSoftware tell me how to switch to osx then.12:13
Seveasfatejudger, rm /etc/rcS.d/50mountall.sh12:13
zcat[1] these days it's just a package choice anyhow.. the distro does all the work for you12:13
fatejudgerSeveas: oh I see what you did12:13
fatejudgerSeveas: you stuck some file in the startup folder12:13
fatejudgerSeveas: ok, I get it12:13
DVSoftwareBROKEN_LADDER: find osx vmware image somewhere, and i'll give you manual in pdf format12:13
fatejudgerSeveas: why would running it twice make any difference though?12:14
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DVSoftwareimage is 1.3gb big12:14
Xanthus7So what is better kubuntu or ubuntu12:14
Seveasfatejudger, the second time it runs networking is up12:14
Xanthus7of if you just add kde you got kbuntu12:14
johndarkhorseXanthus7: what is better buick or chevrolet?12:14
DVSoftwareBROKEN_LADDER: note that you need separate hard drive to do this12:14
zcat[1] depends if you like gnome or kde12:14
Xanthus7buick cost more12:14
johndarkhorseXanthus7: one is gnome skinned and the other is kde skinned12:14
osfameronI have a problem whereby the system crashes on opening an .mpeg movie in Totem12:14
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osfameronthe screen goes black, then shows timer, then blacks out and so on, until I have to power cycle12:15
osfameronis that a known bug?12:15
_setitelost my connection12:15
!lilo:*! About channel notes: Oddly, freenode has its own cooking channel. Stop by ##cooking if you're interested, and bon apetit! :)12:15
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binahi, is there a way to pass a job to another terminal?12:15
_setiteits the hardware vendors fault... that is why some hardware works.. some does not12:15
BROKEN_LADDERi have one12:16
BROKEN_LADDERbut i need this image?12:16
BROKEN_LADDERi don't know where to get that.12:16
DVSoftwareBROKEN_LADDER: emule is a good example12:16
DVSoftwarei got mine there12:16
johndarkhorsebina: gnu screen12:16
fatejudgerso how exactly can I run a script or command at startup?12:16
BROKEN_LADDERyou got osx to work on your x86?12:17
binajohndarkhorse: does that have to already be running? cos atm, im just running a prog in some virtual terminal in KDE n would like it to go to tty212:17
BROKEN_LADDERbut then when you buy software for your osx system, it won't work, right?12:17
DVSoftwareBROKEN_LADDER: as i don't have separate hard drive, i just played with it in vmware12:17
DVSoftwareBROKEN_LADDER: i heard that most software works12:18
!lilo:*! Gee, you'd think I could manage 'bon appetit' :)12:18
johndarkhorsebina: yes, screen has to be running already12:18
BROKEN_LADDERfatejudger dude you need to put it in a startup script12:18
DVSoftwareat least photoshop works12:18
DVSoftwarewhat is most important to me12:18
BROKEN_LADDERhow can it work?12:18
johndarkhorsebina: and it's kind of a shoddy way to do it, but it's all i know12:18
BROKEN_LADDERif you buy photoshop for mac, it's going to be for ppc12:18
BROKEN_LADDERapple needs to just sell osx for x8612:18
DVSoftwareBROKEN_LADDER: no it's compiled as universal binary12:18
binajohndarkhorse: ok, thanks ill remember to use that in the future12:18
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DVSoftwareor, you need to use roseta for emulation12:19
DVSoftwareBROKEN_LADDER: it even works faster than windows12:20
DVSoftwareeven in vmware12:20
johndarkhorsebina, you can read about screen here http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2004/07/06/unix_gems.html12:20
BROKEN_LADDERcan you turn this vmware image into an installer?12:20
Xanthus7That will never happen Mac selling software for windows to much bad blood between Billy Bob Gates and Steve Jobs12:20
BROKEN_LADDERnot for windows12:20
DVSoftwareBROKEN_LADDER: nope12:20
BROKEN_LADDERfor x8612:20
binajohndarkhorse: nice one. thanks12:20
DVSoftwareyou have to write it over hard drive12:20
DVSoftwarewith 'dd'12:20
BROKEN_LADDERyou just basically said that apple won't sell os x for windows.     bwah hah hahh12:21
BROKEN_LADDERthat makes no sense12:21
BROKEN_LADDERDVSoftware so you _can_ install it.12:21
BROKEN_LADDERbut what's the vmware got to do with anything?12:21
BROKEN_LADDERi don't use vmware12:21
DVSoftwareit's vmware image file12:21
BROKEN_LADDERso you can't just run it.12:21
BROKEN_LADDERit has to be through vmware?12:21
DVSoftwarebasically Disk image12:21
DVSoftwareyou just need to write it tho hard drive12:22
BROKEN_LADDERthen will it boot?12:22
BROKEN_LADDERor do you have to use vmware?12:22
DVSoftwareon hard drive - not partition12:22
DVSoftwareit contains everything12:22
BROKEN_LADDERso what does vmware have to do with anything.12:22
DVSoftwarefrom bootsector12:22
DVSoftwareto osx system12:22
DVSoftwareBROKEN_LADDER: god damn it, it's vmware image file, so you can just use vmware to see it12:23
BROKEN_LADDERwhat about the image file makes it have anything to do with vmware?12:23
DVSoftwareBROKEN_LADDER: are u joking?12:23
BROKEN_LADDERhow is a vmware image file any different?12:23
DVSoftwaresee... it's not different12:23
DVSoftwarevmware just needs few other files12:23
DVSoftwareto work12:24
DVSoftwarebut you can use that vmware image to install osx on hdd12:24
BROKEN_LADDERusing what?  just dd?12:24
BROKEN_LADDERdd can read a vmware image file?12:24
BROKEN_LADDERand write to a drive of arbitrary length?12:25
johndarkhorsedd read block by block, i thought12:25
bob2dd can copy data, that is all12:25
BROKEN_LADDERso it won't work12:25
DVSoftwareBROKEN_LADDER: it will work12:25
=== scumbo [n=roberts@dsl-220-253-68-40.NSW.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERbob2  can you make sense of anything he's saying?12:25
DVSoftwarebut it will cut your hard drive to 6 gbs12:25
BROKEN_LADDERhe's saying it's a "vmware" image.12:25
BROKEN_LADDERwhatever that means.12:25
DVSoftwareyou can make another partiton12:25
DVSoftwareBROKEN_LADDER: vmware is virtual machine12:26
DVSoftwaregod damnit12:26
BROKEN_LADDERyet if you write it out with dd, it's just a regular partition.12:26
BROKEN_LADDERi know that.12:26
johndarkhorseBROKEN_LADDER: vmware is a commercial "Virtual Machine " application12:26
BROKEN_LADDERi know what vmware is.12:26
DVSoftwareBROKEN_LADDER: not partiton12:26
DVSoftwarebut hard drive12:26
BROKEN_LADDERyes i know that!!!12:26
BROKEN_LADDEReveryone knows what vmware is.12:26
DVSoftwarenot /dev/hdbx12:26
BROKEN_LADDERvmware can let you run an operating system inside another12:26
BROKEN_LADDERi've seen it used.12:26
BROKEN_LADDERbut what does that have to do with the image file.12:26
DVSoftwareso what's the problem12:26
BROKEN_LADDERwhat does vmware have to do with an image file?12:27
bob2does this have anything at all to do with Ubuntu?12:27
DVSoftwarevmware image file is just hard drive  image12:27
BROKEN_LADDERif it's just an image file, that dd can obviously write out, then what does it have to do with vmware?12:27
BROKEN_LADDERthen it's an image file, not a vmware image file.12:27
BROKEN_LADDERvmware has nothing to do with it.12:27
DVSoftwaregod damn it12:27
BROKEN_LADDERit's just an image12:27
ubotuwell, ! is what you add before a sentence to talk to me12:27
bob2erm, that was a polite warning there.12:27
johndarkhorsebob2: good morning! and welcome to the US Labor Day12:28
BROKEN_LADDERbob2 if you don't mind my asking, can you think of anything that could be stopping my system from giving my sata dvd drive an entry in /dev all of a sudden as of today?12:28
BROKEN_LADDERbob2 it was /dev/sdc012:28
BROKEN_LADDERnow it's not there12:28
johndarkhorseBROKEN_LADDER: DVSoftware #ubuntu-offtopic please12:28
BROKEN_LADDERjohndarkhorse  that doesn't answer my question.12:28
DVSoftwarei've finished conversation about vmware12:28
BROKEN_LADDERand it never even made any sense.  i'll be in #ubuntu-offtopic12:29
bob2BROKEN_LADDER: what did you change since it last worked?12:31
johndarkhorsesee y'all in a few12:31
BROKEN_LADDERthe only thing i can think of that i've done recently, is a did an apt-get upgrade12:31
BROKEN_LADDERand i don't even remember what got upgraded, because i've never had any problems in several months of using ubuntu and doing it.12:31
=== jimmy_neutron [n=bubbles@dsl-linz7-16-49.utaonline.at] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERand all of a sudden, my audio was giving me problems today, but i finally "fixed" that..i don't know how.12:31
BROKEN_LADDERnow my computer is freezing up often.12:31
DVSoftwareBROKEN_LADDER: sounds like kernel issue12:32
BROKEN_LADDERand there is no entry for the dvdrom, although the dvd drive works fine when i boot a disc image with it.12:32
BROKEN_LADDERlemme try to use the older kernel12:32
BROKEN_LADDERi went from 2.6.10-5 to 2.6.11-112:32
BROKEN_LADDERor something like that12:32
jimmy_neutronI just installed kubuntu 5.04 on my "averatec 6200" Laptop (widescreen 1280x800) and after the instalation the screen is black,...12:32
DVSoftwareBROKEN_LADDER: i had problems with that kernel12:32
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bob2BROKEN_LADDER: no, 2.6.11 would not have been installed by an apt-get upgrade12:33
bob2that kernel is known-broken, and is never installed without your consent12:33
BROKEN_LADDERsure it was12:33
BROKEN_LADDERi saw it12:33
bob2no, it's not12:33
BROKEN_LADDERi probably consented12:33
BROKEN_LADDERi saw it in the list.12:34
BROKEN_LADDERi did the upgrade, then i had it.12:34
BROKEN_LADDERi can show you the entry it placed in menu.lst12:34
bob2in fact, you can only get it by doing "sudo apt-get install linux-kernel-2.6.11"12:34
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BROKEN_LADDERi did not do that.12:34
BROKEN_LADDERi swear on my mom's grave.12:34
DVSoftwareLinux localhost 2.6.12-8-amd64-generic #1 Tue Aug 30 23:28:02 BST 2005 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:34
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bob22.6.12 != 2.6.1112:34
setitehey seveas can i pm you?12:34
BROKEN_LADDERmaybe it's because i messed up my source.list once.12:34
bob2jimmy_neutron: try #kubuntu12:34
DVSoftwarebob2: i know12:34
BROKEN_LADDERwell in any case bob2 , i'll try the older kernel and see if that fixes things.  sounds like it will.12:35
DVSoftwarei just have one problem with that kernel12:35
BROKEN_LADDERbut seriously, i didn't try to upgrade my kernel by any means.12:35
vucdrecord  roks  1000%12:35
DVSoftware(maybe it's kernel issue, i'm not sure)12:35
m0ns00nBoth mozilla and firefox is wierd here, things more around (positioning) but not at home. Both running Ubuntu Hoary12:35
bob2well, someone rooted your box and did it then, I dunno12:35
aftertafBROKEN_LADDER:  what kernel are you rebooting on?12:35
No1VikingWhy dont my S-ATA disk mount when I start Ubuntu?12:35
vuAnybody running ubuntu under vmware?12:35
Ngputting 2.6.11 in universe was pretty retarded :/12:35
setiteanyone help me with something i dont understand.. check this thread http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?s=&threadid=300962&perpage=15&pagenumber=312:35
DVSoftwarebob2: my usb hard drive is no longer in my kde "Storage Media"12:36
bob2Ng: it was never the default12:36
DVSoftwarei have to mount it manually12:36
DVSoftwaremaybe it's kde issue12:36
Ngbob2: I know, but people poking around in synaptic see it and assume it must be better12:36
DVSoftwaremaybe kernel12:36
DVSoftwarei really dunno12:36
bob2and people who install random other kernels without checking are screwing themselves12:36
bob2DVSoftware: #kubuntu, perhaps; I don't use KDE12:37
DVSoftwarebob2: it's not random ;)12:37
DVSoftwareits breezy kernel12:37
bob2DVSoftware: I was talking to Ng12:37
DVSoftwareah ok12:37
visorNo1Viking: because there are modules needed to be loaded at boot time, and they might be not standard... a work around is a script to automount it i have an S-ATA disk too and it doesnt mount either12:37
Cashelsetite, whats the problem?12:37
Ngbob2: you know that, I know that, but they don't, they see it in synaptic, or apt-cache and that means it's ok, right? :/12:37
No1VikingOK, thanks visor12:38
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bob2No1Viking: depends on what your question really is; is the drive not being detected, or have you not added them to /etc/fstab?12:38
VoXare there any ubuntu howto's for dual-head nvidia cards?12:38
No1Vikingbob2, not being detected.12:38
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DVSoftwarebob2: i'm not using kubuntu, it's ubuntu with kde installed12:38
visorNo1Viking: also you could write down the users option in the fstab line so that an icon with the hard disk appears in computer in nautilus and you just double click it and it mounts automatically12:38
bob2DVSoftware: which is what kubuntu is...12:39
DVSoftwareLaughing out loud12:39
qt2can someone roccmend some good dvd authoring and/or burning software that (preferrably) would convert avi's to the correct dvd-player playable format...?12:40
DVSoftwareqt2: avidemux2 + dvdauthor12:41
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NgVoX: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XineramaMultipleMonitors might help12:42
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osfameronAnyone had strange crashes when Totem opens an .mpeg movie ?12:43
pluffsywhat command line tool would you use to create an incremental backup file?12:43
jhaai have12:43
VoXNg: thanks, thats what i was looking for12:43
jhaanautilus crashes sometimes12:43
=== BROKEN_LADDER [n=bal@adsl-69-227-57-228.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERbob2 old kernel.  stuff works now.12:44
BROKEN_LADDERgood to know i spent hours frantically searching for the problem and it was so simple.12:44
osfameronjhaa: does the screen go black with timer appearing occasionally ?12:44
BROKEN_LADDERand now it's almost 4am12:44
bob2pluffsy: I'd be using duplicity12:44
jhaasometimes when i open a video from nautilus with totem, nautilus just stops responding and goes zombie after few minutes12:45
osfameronah, with me the screen just blanks out, intermittent timer, and the only thing that seems to fix it is to powercycle it...12:46
jhaabut i think it's a problem with my kernel, after i compiled my own this started happening, and also the whole system crashes whenever i unmount my usb stick12:46
jhaadoesn't happen on my laptop with the default ubuntu 386 kernel12:46
osfameronmine's just a standard hoary + various packages12:46
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osfameronah well, I have about a dozen bugs which I've been meaning to file when I get a spare hour :-)12:47
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jhaawould love to use the default kernel, but it doesn't have the drivers for my tv card12:47
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bob2you sure it doesn't?12:49
bob2it has drivers for many of the common ones12:49
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jhaamine is hauppage nova-t pci12:49
=== _setite [n=setite@104.sub-70-209-56.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu
_setiteyea synaptic didnt update my kernel12:50
_setitei saw some trashing operation when i booted that failed12:50
jhaahad to apply a patch to .11 and after that i got it working12:50
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Bateau_how can i fix so that i can connect to WPA protected wireless nettworks?12:51
Ngjhaa: I've applied the bytesex.org dvb-t patches to the default hoary kernel and it doesn't crash12:51
Ngjhaa: I would recommend dropping back to the hoary 2.6.10 kernel, not the .11 one in universe12:52
bob2Bateau_: you can use the xsupplicant program12:52
Bateau_just search for that in synaptic?12:53
Bateau_oki :)12:53
Bateau_i`ll try that12:53
_setiteanyone know what i need to do to update my kernel12:53
Bateau_do i have to do anything after it is installed bob2?12:54
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LaserLineHello, I have some FireFox and Javascript problems - could someone help ?12:57
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Bateau_bob2: oki, its installed... now what? how do i put in the WPA key and so on?12:58
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bob2Bateau_: not sure, I've not used it12:58
onkarshindeCan anyone point me to some good Colony 4 screenshots?12:58
Ng_setite: make sure ubuntu-base and ubuntu-desltop are installed12:59
LaserLineI'm trying to access a website that has Scrolling text (I guess it's Javascript) and my CPU goes 100% - this doesn't happen with Opera, and doesn't happen with Konqueror. Firefox on Windows machine works good.12:59
LaserLineI tried to use Ephiphany, and the same effect. I'm using Firefox 1.06 from backports.12:59
LaserLineThe website is www.ynet.co.il (it's Hebrew)  --- I'll be glad for some assistence. Thanks.12:59
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bob2Bateau_: google provides lots of interestingly-looking hits for "ubuntu xsupplicant"12:59
onkarshindeCan anyone point me to some good Colony 4 screenshots?12:59
bob2LaserLine: talk to the backports people01:00
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bob2onkarshinde: no need to ask more than once01:00
bob2onkarshinde: google provides lots of results for "ubuntu breezy screenshots"01:00
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onkarshindebob2: None of the results is for Colony 401:02
Ngprobably nothing has changed01:02
Bateau_bob2: i actually got nothing on that :x01:02
DVSoftwarebob2: it's not backports problem01:02
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bob2DVSoftware: you've replicated it with the real hoary firefox package?01:03
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bob2"Results 1 - 50 of about 571 for ubuntu xsupplicant."01:03
DVSoftwarebob2: i always had that problem01:03
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BROKEN_LADDERheh heh01:05
BROKEN_LADDERsounds not working again01:05
BROKEN_LADDERnow that i went back to the old kernel01:05
BROKEN_LADDERthat thing i spent four hours on today trying to fix.01:05
=== liraz [n=liraz@ppp70-179.lns1.mel2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERis broken again01:05
lirazanyone here use aMSN?01:05
DVSoftwareliraz: used to use01:06
bob2best to just ask your question...01:06
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bob2DVSoftware: you had it with hoary's 1.0.2 and 1.0.6 packages?01:06
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lirazit keeps saying people 'join the conversation' but there not chatting with me01:06
lirazwhat does 'join hte conversation mean'01:07
DVSoftwarebob2: yes01:07
lirazit opens like 40 windows of different people01:07
DVSoftwarehad it on slackware too01:07
Ngliraz: use gaim ;)01:07
bob2DVSoftware: is there a bug like that in the mozilla or ubuntu bugzillas?01:07
lirazNg, gaim also sucks. I cant change my nickl01:08
lirazbut do you know what it means when "someone joins the conversation"?01:08
lirazif it means they open the chat window, I have many stalkers.01:08
Ngliraz: IM sucks, so all the software for it does too imo01:08
NgI only use gaim for talking to two people on MSN, so I have no idea01:08
hyphenatedliraz: tools->Account Actions->your msn account->Set Friendly Name01:08
Bateau_hmm, i have a laptop with Intell(somtehing) wirelesscard... wil ipw2200 driver thingy work for me?01:09
hyphenatedBateau_: depends if it's an intel pro wireless card or not01:09
bob2bitlbee isn't too bad01:09
bob2Bateau_: you already have drivers for it installed and loaded01:09
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hyphenatedBateau_: if it's a newer laptop, that's probably the only type of card they supply :-)01:09
Bateau_bob2: thats corect. my WLan card works. so i dont need that other driver then?01:10
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manofsteelhi all01:10
Bateau_i found this... i dont know what to to in it, and what not to do.. :x http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-26623.html01:11
Bateau_i have a functional Wlan card, cause i use it back home (no encryption there)01:11
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DVSoftwarebob2: probably it's in mozilla's bugzilla, but didn't checked01:12
manofsteeldoes anyone know if a package for ubuntu supplies libmp3lame.so?01:12
DVSoftwaremanofsteel: gstreamer-lame maybe01:13
Orbyummm could someone point me to the latest snapshot of breezy01:13
DVSoftwareor gstreamer-mad01:13
DVSoftware!find libmp3lame.so01:13
ubotuUbuntu Search of 'libmp3lame.so' (2 shown): (/usr/lib/libmp3lame.so) in multiverse/libdevel/liblame-dev ;; (/usr/lib/{libmp3lame.so.0|libmp3lame.so.0.0.0}) in multiverse/libs/liblame0.01:13
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PlanarPlatypusmanofsteel, liblame0 provides that iirc01:14
ubotu[breezy]  the next version of Ubuntu (5.10); released October 2005. It hasn't reached stable-status, so it can still be broken. A pictorial view of differences between Hoary & Breezy: http://members.home.nl/jeroen-91/ubuntu/breezy-new/01:14
Cashel!tell cashel about esd01:14
LaserLinebob2 - I have the same problem with the LiveCD.....01:14
LaserLinebob2 so it's not a backports problem01:14
Orbyactually dont worry i found it :)01:15
manofsteelahh.must not have put multiverse in repository list01:15
LaserLinebob2 Where can I find the backports people ?01:17
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=== Cashel notes its official, ubuntu's mplayer package sucks
=== infinito [n=infinito@75.Red-80-59-227.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
infinitodoes anyone know how to set a network interface as default?01:20
CaiN_SAok right01:20
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infinitoi have both eth0 and eth1 and want eth1 as default01:20
CaiN_SAi upgraded to breezy01:20
CaiN_SAnow x wont start01:20
CaiN_SAmoaning about : cannot find default font fixed01:21
CaiN_SAhow do i fix01:21
aftertafbackup your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and see if you can edit it01:22
aftertafwhat IS the default font that it has lost?01:22
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bob2Bateau_: correct01:23
scumboinfinito, what do you mean default?  Default route?01:23
bob2LaserLine: I gather they don't have a mailing list or an irc channel01:23
infinitoscumbo: yes, set eth1 as the default route to internet01:23
bob2aftertaf: it's the font called "fixed"01:24
CaiN_SAaftertaf, FIXED font is gone01:24
nlogax!tell me about backports01:24
CaiN_SAand it must be there01:24
scumboinfinito, "route add default gw <ipaddr-of-interface>"01:24
Bateau_bob2: correct? que!?01:24
LaserLinebob2, Now I loaded the Hoary LiveCD (the one I got in the mail) again, and I still have the same problem, So I guess it's not a Backpots problem.... Any Clue ?01:24
bob2I don't know what taht means01:24
aftertafCaiN_SA:  MUST as in Has to?01:25
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LaserLineAnyone else mught know of a solution for this problem ?01:25
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LaserLinebob2 thanks !01:25
infinitoscumbo: i mean, ia have both eth0 and eth101:25
infinitoscanwinder: right now, when i start te computer, eth0 is the exit to internet01:26
manofsteelDVSoftware: how did u find that? my search in synaptic doesn't find anything01:26
infinitoscanwinder: i want eth1 to be the way to internet01:26
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infinitoscanwinder: sorry, i was talking to scumbo01:26
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DVSoftwaremanofsteel: multiverse/libdevel/liblame-dev and multiverse/libs/liblame001:26
hussamI think gnome 2.12 is out01:27
Carpe_LibertatemDo you?01:27
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spaynehussam: 7th01:27
=== sirfred [n=mteira@133.Red-81-37-150.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Naliothnlogax: you can /msg the bot for info01:27
Carpe_LibertatemWhat's going to be new in 2.12?01:27
scumboinfinito, sorry.  That's harder.  I've done it though, so let me check what I did.01:27
hussamspayne: on distrowatch.com, it says nautilus 2.12.0 is out and evolution 2.4 is out01:28
Juhazhussam, please read the top few lines here: http://www.gnome.org/start/2.12/01:28
LeaChimFirefox crashes every time the pjirc java applet is loaded. i have seen no other reports of this, and even if it's the applet's fault, web pages should not be able to crash the browser. any ideas?01:28
sirfredHello. I would like to hotplug an external USB mouse and have it recognized by Xorg, but without using /dev/input/mice as device.01:28
manofsteelDVSoftware: sorry don't follow. newbie01:28
Carpe_LibertatemI can't get pjirc to work01:28
=== Carpe_Libertatem cries
DVSoftwaremanofsteel: you need to enable multiverse first01:28
spaynehussam: but it isn't out yet - just because some components are doesn't mean the whole lot is01:28
spaynehussam: http://live.gnome.org/ReleasePlanning/TwoPointEleven01:29
Carpe_LibertatemWhich linux distro does the Gnome live CD use? o_o01:29
=== thisfred [n=thisfred@a80-127-80-154.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
sirfredThat's because I also have a wacom tablet and its mouse will also report to /dev/input/mice. I've tried to use a /dev/input/mouse1 device for the USB external mouse, but if the mouse is not connected when X starts, it just ignores that configuration.01:29
sirfredSo, is there any way to make Xorg to start listening on a new input device while running?01:30
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manofsteelDVSoftware: it is listed as a section under my backports repository01:30
DVSoftwaremultiverse not backports01:30
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kaelisraerm... hiya.01:31
kaelisraI've got some issues with my install, basically, my sound doesn't work, at all.01:31
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scumboinfinito, back again.  Didn't help much though.  I set up a Debian box with two cards, but the only dual-hosted box I have here is Fedora.01:31
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infinitoscumbo: so no idea on how to do it?01:32
LeaChimFirefox crashes every time the pjirc java applet is loaded. i have seen no other reports of this, and even if it's the applet's fault, web pages should not be able to crash the browser. any ideas?01:32
aftertafkaelisra:  is your card recognised in linux?01:32
aftertafLeaChim:  remove the plugin and try firefox again (if possible)01:32
infinitoscumbo: ok thanks, i've got to go, but thanks for taking a look01:33
scumboinfinito, it was a while ago.  The main part of getting the eth0/eth1 thing in the right order was getting the kernel to recognise them.01:33
kaelisrai'm not sure. i'm rather new to linux, as a whole. its a intel. but the sound daemon won't run, and its telling me that there are no sound controlers01:33
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aftertafahhh... :/01:33
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infinitoscumbo: ok thank you man01:33
scumboinfinito, I think it depended on whether it was a modular kernel, or if the drivers were built in.01:33
kaelisrayet, in windows, which i have dual-booted, it works fine.01:33
=== kaelisra shrugs
ooloninfinito, did you get the answer to to interface question?01:34
aftertafkaelisra:  what type of sfx card is it?01:34
kaelisrahm. an intel, high definition01:34
infinitooolon: scumbo was telling me is something related to kernel loading modules in order01:34
kaelisraother than that, I'm not sure ^^;;01:34
infinitooolon: but maybe you have another solution...01:34
ooloninfinito, you using ethernet?01:35
kaelisrai could try and run.. erm.. lspci?01:35
=== twoSharp [n=twoSharp@ti400720a081-10438.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
infinitooolon: eth0 ethernet, eth1 wireless01:35
manofsteelDVSoftware:cool. that got it. thanks very much01:36
aftertafkaelisra:  yep01:36
kaelisrathis what it says it is: 0000:00:1b.0 0403: Intel Corp. 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definiti on Audio Controller (rev 03)01:36
aftertafonboard soundcard?01:36
kaelisrai guess so?01:36
CaiN_SAaftertaf, ya must as in have to else x.org does not work01:36
oolonand you want eth1 first?01:37
kaelisrai honestly haven't a clue ^^;;01:37
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aftertafand lsmod... do you have any sound modules installed?01:37
ubotupastebin is probably a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl01:37
aftertaffor results.01:38
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infinitooolon: yes, eth1 first01:39
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=== ompaul wonders if ubotu should message everyone once and keep a record of who it messages - where it says hi there I have this problem and then good stuff happens
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=== ompaul wonders if ubotu should message everyone once and keep a record of who it messages - where it says hi there if you have aproblem use the bot this way and pastebin that way etc
LeaChimaftertaf, my point is how do i make it work, not, remove java so the java program doesn't work anyway :/01:40
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=== ompaul noted that his brain imploded trying to parse his own previous problem
aftertafkaelisra:  you don't have any snd modules running....01:40
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kaelisrai don't?01:41
kaelisrahow do i run them? >.<01:41
kaelisraas i said, i've only had linux for a few days..01:41
ooloninfinito, did you look in /etc/network/interfaces and maybe you can set eth1 as primary01:41
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infinitooolon: don't think so... i've tried with no luck01:41
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Naliothompaul: you mean like an /onjoin  ?01:41
aftertaftry sudo modprobe soundcore01:42
witblitz*giggle* is this where all the newbs are01:42
ompaulNalioth, yeap01:42
kaelisrawhat was that supposed to do?01:42
djphi everyone. could somebody tell me where i add paths in my ./bashrc file in order for my shell to recognize it? i have looked in my ~/.bashrc file but cannot see anywhere that relates to PATH="..."01:42
Naliothompaul: with the traffic in here, ubotu'd be busier than a one legged man just welcoming folks01:42
Naliothdjp: you have to start a line01:43
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djpNalioth: ah, ok. so just add a PATH= line at the end of the file right?01:43
ompaulNalioth, hmm :)01:43
CaiN_SAlo wickedpuppy01:43
ooloninfinito, sorry but I gotta leave was just checking mail and stuff b4 I left the house good luck on your prob though01:43
CaiN_SA* witblitz01:43
aftertaf!tell DJp about cli01:43
CaiN_SAso does any1 know01:43
infinitooolon: ok thanks01:44
Naliothdjp: yup, just like the examples you find using google01:44
CaiN_SAhow i fix my X.org01:44
aftertafdjp:  check the linuxcommand site, v good info on that!01:44
djpthanks Nalioth and aftertaf01:44
witblitzewwo cain01:44
Naliothompaul: and i dont think cafuego is gonna want to plumb ubotu into another DB where ubotu keeps track of who he's msg'd01:44
aftertafCaiN_SA:  in console, any way of checking if fonts are installed ok?01:44
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kaelisraafteraf: it seems to have done nothing =/01:45
ppdhi. does someone here know how to patch a 2.6.12 vanilla kernel with the cko patchset and software suspend 2?01:45
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ompaulNalioth, well that is reasonable :)01:46
aftertafkaelisra:  nothing been insertedhttp://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/192701:49
kaelisraso what do i need to do? ^^;;01:50
aftertafto show that once it works, you get a few lines extra ;)01:50
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aftertafkaelisra:  determine if your soundcard is supported first...01:50
kaelisrahow? ^^;;;;01:51
aftertaf:info alsa01:51
kaelisra</absolutely new>01:51
kaelisraah, ok.01:51
aftertaf!info alsa01:51
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aftertafhaving a bad brain day. sorry!!01:51
ubotusomebody said alsa was http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3206301:51
kaelisrano worries ^^;;01:51
Naliothaftertaf: guess we both need our naps, eh?01:52
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wizohmm, so i have installed java 1.5..01:53
sml12has anyone been able to use a radeon x300 with a ibm t43 laptop?01:53
sml12with the ati driver?01:53
wizobut it doesnt seem to work on mozilla01:53
aftertafkaelisra:  http://alsa.opensrc.org/TroubleShooting01:53
aftertaf& http://howtos.linux.com/howtos/Alsa-sound-7.shtml01:53
aftertafi dont know enough to give you a decent hand, but maybe you'll find sth in those links.01:54
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kaelisrathanks =)01:54
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aftertafNalioth:  OMG totally {8=D01:54
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Fackamatohow do I install w32codecs in breezy?01:57
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nalioth_zZzFackamato: same way you do in hoary01:58
Fackamatonalioth_zZz: they're not in the repository01:58
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nalioth_zZzFackamato: d/l them from www.mplayerhq.hu  on the download page (essential pack) and place the contents of the archive in /usr/local/lib/codecs01:59
nalioth_zZzFackamato: you may have to create the 'codecs' folder01:59
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tommi^Hi. How could I create html calendar from an ical file? Thanks02:01
dodderhi there, i just tried to setup vsftpd with the chroot paramters, but when a user tries to login, he just gets this error: could not open chroot() list file:/etc/vsftpd.chroot_list02:01
dodderany idea' how i might fix this problem ?02:02
spolawhen i do "lame file.ogg mp3.ogg" (my mpplayer doesnt play ogg) the result is static ... what could cause this?02:02
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spolauhm i mean file.ogg file.mp3 :p02:02
kaelisraalllrighty. got some new errors, but, the old one is gone.02:02
kaelisrabut.. still. no sound.02:02
kaelisrai get this error when trying to load esd.02:02
kaelisrakaelisra@knux1:~$ esd02:02
kaelisraALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:868:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave02:02
Fackamatonalioth_zZz:  hm, I still can't play WMV files, it says it's missing codecs (they're in the right place)02:03
slimer03what player02:04
Fackamatototem with xine-lib02:04
dodderanyone ?02:05
wickedpuppylo CaiN_SA  ....  do I know you ?02:05
wickedpuppydodder, still having problems ?02:05
dodderwickedpuppy, yeps...02:05
dodderhehe :D02:05
dodderdamn vsftpd is bugging me02:05
dodderread above..02:05
wickedpuppyyah chroot02:05
dodderi wouldn't want the users to browse around my filesys02:06
dodderit should be an inbulit function, but.. yea well..02:06
wickedpuppywhy not use ssh ?02:06
CaiN_SAwickedpuppy, :P02:07
dodderfor making ftp transfers? ;)02:07
CaiN_SAwho you ?02:07
ompaulFackamato, apt-get install xine and did you have a look at hoary-extras?02:07
ompaulFackamato, apt-get install totem-xine sorry02:07
spolahmm i tried using the gstreamer to covert mp3s to ogg and that also gives me static, i can play both mp3's and ogg's just fine! whats up with this?02:07
wickedpuppywho me ? you said hi to me02:07
dodderargh this is really annoying, when i scroll up on my mouse, it pastes what's in my clipbord :P02:08
dodderhi there, i just tried to setup vsftpd with the chroot paramters, but when a user tries to login, he just gets this error: could not open chroot() list file:/etc/vsftpd.chroot_list02:08
Fackamatoompaul:  uh, it's installed, and I'm on breeyz02:08
FackamatoI can play xvid and divx, but not w32 stuff (wmv)02:08
spoladodder, you should look in your xorgconfig to your mouse section, and make it so that the middlebutton is the one thats scroll up now (etc....)02:08
ompaulFackamato, emm I know nothing of breezy other than the october due date :)02:09
dodderspola, thanks. :) well its just my mouse that's fuckd... so when i try to scroll up, it presses...02:09
spolaoh, lol02:09
dodderanyone know why my vsftpd won't be friendly today ? :)02:09
slimer03Fackamato, install ffmpeg package02:10
CaiN_SAerm wickedpuppy02:11
CaiN_SAno i did no02:11
Fackamatodone that, still no wmv02:11
CaiN_SAi wanted to say witblitz02:11
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Carpe_LibertatemWMVs with DMR won't play in Linux afaik.02:11
CaiN_SAand i only pressed tab once02:11
ubotuadsl is, like, Setting up an ADSL PPPoE Connection? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ADSLPPPoE02:11
spolamy mouse if fubar also, once when i was high i decided to "mod" it and take the resistance from the scroll wheel ("its soo muh easier now!")... *sigh* so now its hyper sensitive02:11
Fackamatono DRM here02:11
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Carpe_LibertatemFackamato: Have you tried using VLC?02:12
FackamatoI want to use xine, it should work02:12
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Fackamato+ I'm trying to play an embedded file in a html document02:12
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chrissturmanyone here using zsh?02:12
Tortelwhats the terminal command to run a .sh file?02:12
nightswimchrissturm: I am02:12
pirast!usb modem02:12
ubotupirast: What?02:12
nightswimTortel: ./bla.sh02:12
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chrissturmnightswim, is there a script that zsh executes on user login? something like .bash_profile02:13
chrissturmwow cool02:13
chrissturmthanks a lot02:14
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chrissturmcan i just copy my .bash_profile to zshrc?02:14
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nightswimwel you can02:14
nightswimit just wont work :>02:14
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sml12I have a file that is in use and locked. what is the command to check the app using the file?02:20
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aftertafsml12:  what is the file?02:20
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sml12aftertaf: my usual apt problem again ... /var/cache/debconf/config.dat :(02:21
Tortelwhere does wine install things??02:21
aftertafsynaptic not open?02:21
sml12no .. not that i can see with ps aux02:22
djphi. what package is needed in order to use the "my" command? perl appears to be installed by default, however i gather it is another perl package that uses the my command or am i totally off the ball?02:22
aftertafps -A shows no dodgy apt processes?02:22
sml12hmm lets see02:22
aftertafdebconf... thats the postinstall config of packages one02:22
slimer03Fackamato,xine use codecs in /usr/lib/win32 maybe...02:23
Tortelwell, where does wine keep its "c" drive?02:23
aftertafTortel:  hunt!!02:23
Fackamatoslimer03:  I'll try02:23
aftertaf(cos i can't remember)02:23
aftertafsml12:  maybe02:23
sml12aftertaf: i had this problem and couldn't work it out :(  i will try killing that one02:24
bimberisml12: try "fuser -v /var/cache/debconf/config.dat"02:24
sml12no good :(  last time i resorted to a reinstall .. surely i can work it out this time! :)02:24
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sml12bimberi:  thanks but ahhhhhhhhhhhh02:25
sml12bimberi: same problems as last time ..... FRONTEND !! whatever that is :(02:25
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djpanyone know what package i am missing to receive the message my: command not found?02:26
aftertafsml12:  try dpkg-reconfigure debconf, after a reboot...02:26
aftertafand change the option.02:26
aftertafit seems to be waiting for you to choose sth after an update02:27
sml12aftertaf: ok thanks. will try it and be back.02:27
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sml12aftertaf: tried that dpkg-reconfigure debconf and the 'file is locked' :(02:31
sml12frontend again02:31
Tortelhow do i add wine to that install aplications list??02:33
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mrdeathdoes anyone know the way how to syncronize nokia 6320 organizer with any linux organizer?02:35
mrdeathor it's impossible?02:35
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TonyBurnhello, is there a graphical partition manager on the ubuntu live cd ?02:36
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mxpxpodin the clock applet on breezy, does anyone else's week start with saturday?02:38
bimberiHi TonyBurn, not sure - does running "gparted" in a terminal do anything02:38
TonyBurnafraid not :/02:38
TonyBurni can use fdisk i supppose if theres nothing else02:38
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bimberiTonyBurn: it would most likely be gparted so you might have to :|02:39
=== Decadent aloha mates
dodderI just tried to setup vsftpd with the chroot paramters, but when a user tries to login, he just gets this error: could not open chroot() list file:/etc/vsftpd.chroot_list02:42
dodderanyone know what todo ... ?02:42
Tortelhow do i add wine to that installed aplications list??02:42
osfameronWhat would "Redo" key be mapped to ?02:42
sml12has anyone had problems with frontend and the config.dat file?02:42
osfameronOOo maps redo to "Redo" instead of Ctrl-Y02:42
Fred|Fr3ddodder: check the file exists, check the chmod values on the file02:42
apokryphosTortel: in where? How did you install wine?02:42
osfameronand I don't have a Redo key!02:42
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dodderFred|Fr3d, it doesn't excist...i tried to reinstall vsftpd...didn't help02:43
Fred|Fr3dit cant open a file that doesnt exist... create it or disable chrooting02:43
dodderFred|Fr3d, but doesn't the file need some data?02:44
aftertafsml12:  hmmm. what is the exact error message?02:44
Fred|Fr3ddodder: yes, one sec i'll find what should be in it ;-)02:45
dodderFred|Fr3d, thanks... :)02:45
doddereh what's the command to create a file?02:45
dodderhm i'll just vim02:46
CarlFKmkinitramfs is part of building a kernel, right?02:46
witblitzlol @ CarlFK02:46
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CarlFKit's too early for lol... ;)02:47
witblitzCarlFK, it's part of making initrd ;)02:47
sml12aftertaf: debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process02:47
dodderFred|Fr3d, it seems it just works, when the file is empty? well..02:47
doddermight run into problems later.. what do i know :)02:48
CarlFKI was told "generate a fixed DSDT and put it in the right place for mkinitramfs to pick it up"02:48
Fred|Fr3ddodder: well yes it can now find the file. but the file should have a list of which users are chrooted, i beleive, although i've not used chrooting02:48
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dodderFred|Fr3d, yea well, i just logged in with my default user account, and it was chrooted02:49
dodderso everything seems to be in order02:49
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Fred|Fr3ddodder: ok cool. try another account or two if you have any just to be sure, but it looks like you fixed it ;-)02:49
Tortelapokryphos Tortel: in where? How did you install wine? <-I installed through the package manager02:49
apokryphosTortel: and where is it not marked as installed?02:50
zblachwhat does this mean: "Child Terminated with 1 Status"?02:50
dodderFred|Fr3d, well obviously i didn't i'm only able to login with my dodder account.02:50
Torteli would like to ave it on the open with program thing list02:50
dodderall the others just say, the password is wrong02:50
apokryphosTortel: you're going to have to be more specific. Open with thing?02:51
apokryphosTortel: I guess you mean upon right-click an application. i.e. you want to alter the file associations (that's what you should ask)02:51
dodderFred|Fr3d, why may that be?02:52
aftertafsml12:  does lsof give you anything?02:52
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BagsHello all.02:52
Tortelapokryphos: Yea, thats what i want to d02:52
CarlFKwitblitz - so does "mkinitramfs to pick it up" mean I have to complile a kernel, or is there a quicker way?02:53
BagsI'm trying to share a USB printer on my Ubuntu machine to some Windows PCs on the LAN.02:53
apokryphosTortel: unfortunately I don't know since I don't use gnome. If you ask, someone else here will know for sure.02:53
BagsI can't seem to find where you do this...02:53
CarlFKBags - I think you need to install the samba server package02:53
zblachsudo has suddenly stopped working for me. any ideas how to fix it?02:54
dodderFred|Fr3d, you there?02:54
sml12aftertaf: yes ... frontend 6944 root    4rW  REG    8,1 65404 4423896 /var/cache/debconf/config.dat02:54
BagsCarlFK, That sounds like a smashing idea, mate.02:54
TortelAnyone know how to change file associations????02:54
sml12afertaf .. my good friend 'frontend' again!02:54
CarlFKI think i need some breakfast02:55
Fred|Fr3ddodder: yes02:55
sml12aftertaf: the frontend app cannot seem to be killed02:55
dodderFred|Fr3d, know what i should do ?02:55
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dalamarTortel, right click, properties, should be a tab that says 'open with'02:55
Fred|Fr3ddodder: you need to add the list of users to the /etc/vsftpd.chroot_list file02:56
aftertafsml12:  if you reinit to level 1, can you rename the .dat file??02:56
dodderFred|Fr3d, but that proberbly needs to be in some syntax, right?02:56
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BagsCarlFK, Um, it's already installled...02:56
Fred|Fr3ddodder: yes; try google :P02:56
dodderFred|Fr3d, heh yea... :)02:56
Torteldalamar: I want to open with wine, but wine isnt on that list02:57
ubotuI heard ipod is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/IPodHowto02:57
CarlFKBags - hmm.  If I didn't have to be somewhere in an hour i could say more than .. good luck ;)02:57
Whistleris it possible to skip Verifying archive integrity IN RUN files?02:57
dodderFred|Fr3d, thanks for the assistance02:57
Whistlerwhistler@Ramunas:~/Desktop$ ./armyops230-linux.run02:57
WhistlerVerifying archive integrity...Error in MD5 checksums: e3f7ddaa4d105e2b798b865d532e136b is different from bcae59c8dcd4a48d11e6d06bfa070a0902:57
dalamarTortel, and its a .exe? when I installed wine it automatically associted to .exe files02:57
Tortelfound it02:57
Fred|Fr3ddodder: you're welcome :)02:57
Whistleris it possible to skip this thing?02:57
Tortelits fixed now02:58
BagsCarlFK, That's cool. Thanks for trying anyhoo. Much appreciated...02:58
spolaWhistler, try opening the sh file and editing it02:58
dalamarWhistler, that means the file is bad most likely02:58
spolaoh wait, nvmd02:58
CarlFKBags - yer welcome.  bye all02:58
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zblachi've messed up majorly. i can no longer sudo from the only account on my computer. what can i do?02:59
sml12aftertaf: hhmm not sure exactly what you mean. hmm might work on this tomorrow! chat later02:59
sml12thanks for the starting help aftertaf02:59
vegiVampzblach: I might be wrong about this, but I think I remember the root account to be passwordless - go to a text console (ctrl-alt-f1), and try logging in there with root03:01
zblachvegiVamp, nope. not pwless03:01
vegiVampcarp :-)03:01
zblachi can't even access the user settings menu to revert the changes :'(03:02
vegiVampwhat did you do ?03:02
zblachi was trying to create another account for someone else, with limited accss03:02
BagsCan anyone suggest a way to share local printers on a windows network ie: USB photosmart 7150 connected via USB to a Ubuntu machine trying to share it with windows pcs?03:02
vegiVampBags: samba03:02
zblachand, i cancelled it half way. now i can't sudo03:03
BagsI can't seem to find how to configure Samba in the GUI.03:03
vegiVampzblach: hmm...03:03
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zblachBags, there's a samba gui?03:03
dalamari dont think so03:03
BagsThere's a control panel in Kubuntu, but it doesn't seem to work...03:03
BagsNothing in Ubuntu that I can find...03:03
BagsI'm sorry guys, but I'm not much use with a command line...03:04
vuBags: webmin will help you.03:04
vegiVampzblach: what's the error message ?03:04
BagsNoob stamped on the forehead...03:04
zblachvegiVamp, every time i try to 'sudo' something, i get this: "Child terminated with 1 status"03:04
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Bagsvu, webmin?03:05
gorillaBags, what about swat(??) which is a web based frount end to samba?03:05
Bagsvu, What's that?03:05
vubags: Yes google the URL and DL it.03:05
zblachBags, its in the synaptic package manager: SWAT03:05
BagsThanks guys, I'll try that now.03:06
aftertafi meant, by quitting X, going to console and running init 1,03:06
vegiVampzblach: tried kdesu ?03:06
aftertafsort of maintenance mode03:06
zblachvegiVamp, kdesu?03:06
aftertafthen killing process or renaming problem file.03:06
vegiVampit's the graphical sudo03:06
vegiVampah, sorry, you're not on k03:06
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vegiVampdunno what the gnome equivalent is03:06
zblachi was going to say...03:06
dodderFred|Fr3d, now i'm getting confused.. the other users still won't login.. and the chroot_list file is wierd too.. when i add a user to it, it's not chrootet, and when i remove one, it is... wierd..03:06
aftertaf!nfo gksu03:07
ubotuaftertaf: I don't know, could you explain it?03:07
aftertafnope ubotu03:07
vegiVampzblach: there's 'open root console' somewhere in the menus, does that one work ?03:07
zblach""Child terminated with 1 status""03:08
gorillaubotu, gksu is a graphical frontend to su03:08
ubotugorilla: okay03:08
aftertaf!nfo gksu03:08
ubotuaftertaf: I haven't a clue03:08
ubotugksu is, like, a graphical frontend to su03:08
gorillazblach, better than nothing :-)03:08
aftertafoh dear, i really am not connected today03:09
=== gorilla notices aftertaf looking for a dropped token on the floor.
zblachdamnit! can't run gdmsetup to add a root user either!03:11
dalamaryour not running anything reqiuring root right now, period. not without a password/sudo, that'd be a security hole heh03:12
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zblachzblach@DiscoInferno:/etc$ export EDITOR=gedit && sudo visudo03:13
zblachSorry, user zblach is not allowed to execute '/usr/sbin/visudo' as root on localhost.localdomain.03:13
zblach-___________- I've locked myself out, haven't I03:13
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vegiVampzblach: cat /var/log/auth.log03:13
jdahmWhen I start up gnome, I get this error "Failed to inititate HAL" or something about starting up HAL03:13
jdahmanyone know how to fix this?03:13
aftertafgorilla:  i'm off for a cigarette : rien ne va plus !!03:14
vegiVampmost things I find related to your error seem to say it's just an error in the password03:14
pittijdahm: what is your dbus version?03:14
gorillaokay... take care aftertaf03:14
zblachcat: /var/log/auth.log: Permission denied03:15
nlogaxzblach, you can fix that quite easily03:15
zblachnlogax, how?03:15
=== aftertaf ... candle both ends syndrome
jdahmpitti, how do I check?03:15
gorillazblach, try sudo cat /var/log/auth.log03:15
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zblachgorilla, cat: /var/log/auth.log: Permission denied03:15
pittijdahm: in synaptic, or, if you like the command line, "dpkg -s dbus"03:15
gorillazblach, with sudo??03:15
vegiVampgorilla: that's the whole point :-)03:16
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jdahmpitti, not installed :P03:16
jdahmIll install it03:16
zblachzblach@DiscoInferno:/etc$ sudo cat /var/log/auth.log03:16
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zblachSorry, user zblach is not allowed to execute '/bin/cat /var/log/auth.log' as root on localhost.localdomain.03:16
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pittijdahm: wait, hoary?03:16
nlogaxzblach, if you screwed up your sudoers file & don't know root passwd u need to mount the fs under a different root fs03:16
jdahmpitti, yeah03:16
pittijdahm: ah, ok03:16
zblachnlogax, i'm a noob. can you explain that a bit?03:16
nlogaxzblach - you can do this from Knoppix or another live CD03:16
nlogaxhave u got one?03:16
pittijdahm: does that always happen? or just sometimes? did you enable DMA on your CD-ROMs?03:16
zblachi've a whole bunch of ubuntu installs,03:17
jdahmpitti, wait, synaptic tlells me its installed03:17
dodderi'm using ftpd but it won't let me login with any other user, than the one i'm using as default... why would that be ?03:17
zblachi think i have a knoppix. lemme look03:17
jdahmpitti, just sometimes03:17
BagsJust installed swat03:17
Bagscan't get it to turn on03:17
jdahmpitti, it only gives the error on some bootups03:17
pittijdahm: if you want, file a bug in Bugzilla and do the full hal debug described at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingRemovableDevices03:17
Bagschkconfig swat on returns an error that chkconfig is unknown03:17
BagsBugger all this.03:18
pittijdahm: however, we can't fix hoary anyway, so maybe, if you can, you can check with the current Breezy live CD?03:18
BagsI'm going back to windows...03:18
zblachnlogax, i have debian discs. the 7cd collection03:18
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dodderhehe.. it's the errors that makes it fun :)03:18
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zblachnlogax, wait. i just found a knoppix disc03:18
nlogaxyou need to know which partition has your root filesystem (hda1?) then boot off a liveCD03:18
jdahmpitti, ok I dont have one, is Breezy out now as stable?03:18
dodderi'm using ftpd but it won't let me login with any other user, than the one i'm using as default... why would that be ?03:18
zblachhdb3, i think03:18
gorillajdahm, not yet.. october it should stablise.03:19
nlogaxok, so you would boot off the liveCD, then mount that FS and then edit /etc/passwd03:19
pittijdahm: not yet the release, but the preview is at Wednesday; the current Colony-4 should work already, and you can upgrad eto the releaese easily03:19
pittijdahm: but with the live CD you have no risk anyway03:19
WermutHow can I have use duplex printing in Ubuntu?03:19
nlogaxyou either need to rectify your sudoers file or delete the passwd hash for the root user03:19
zblachnlogax, ok. i'mma give it a try03:19
=== jdahm doesnt use ubuntu much except its on the family PC
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kewlmanhi all03:20
jdahmpitti, thanks for the help, breakfast time03:21
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LinuxJonesMorning everybody03:27
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LaserLineIs it possible to change the skin/theme of aMule ??03:30
djpdoes anyone know if error messages/messages that appear in the bash/terminal, get saved anywhere?03:31
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LinuxJonesdjp, what were you doing that caused an error (information can get stored in any number of places)03:32
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zblachhi, i'm back03:32
djpLinuxJones, i was running a perl script03:32
zblachi got to the passwd file, but then i didn't know what to do03:32
the4baggerHow do I gain write access to my ubuntu system files? please pm me for more info03:33
zblachwhich _really_ sucks, because i fixed the visudo file03:33
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, you mean the core system files ?03:33
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zblachnlogax, what was I to do at the /etc/passwd?03:34
LaserLineDoes anyone know how to change the theme in aMule ??03:34
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{cYanide}hi er could someone tell me the default first line (for the cd rom) in sources.list03:34
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LinuxJonesthe4bagger, you usually use sudo "command" (enter your user password)03:35
the4baggerI need to edit the xorg.conf file and the menu.lst file03:35
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LinuxJonesthe4bagger, you can do sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.lst for example03:35
ubotuI haven't a clue, pirast03:35
dalamaryou have to sudo to edit those ie, sudo gedit xorg.conf03:35
aftertafthe4bagger:  sudo vim03:35
pirastHow to make a encrypted container in Ubuntu?03:35
zblachubotu, a container is something that holds stuff03:35
ubotuzblach: okay03:35
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Ngthat's a really stupid thing to define ;)03:36
ubotuI heard container is something that holds stuff03:36
Ngstupid bots :(03:36
pirastok can anybody help me?03:36
pirastI want to encrypt my data in a container :-)03:36
nlogaxzblach you need to edit it03:36
pirastPlease help :-)03:36
zblachnlogax, how so?03:36
Fred|Fr3dhey, how do i configure proftpd? there are no files or folders for it in /etc/ :S03:36
LinuxJonespirast, have you searched the wiki I recall there being a hoto on there03:37
pirasti found something now03:37
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, so your trying to install the nvidia or ati  binary drivers ?03:38
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pirastubotu cointainer is also something that holds encrypted stuff. Look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedFilesystemHowto03:38
ubotupirast: okay03:38
uboturumour has it, container is something that holds stuff03:38
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pirastubotu forget cointainer03:38
ubotui forgot cointainer, pirast03:38
pirastubotu container is also something that holds encrypted stuff. Look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedFilesystemHowto03:39
ubotupirast: okay03:39
ubotuhmm... container is something that holds stuff, or something that holds encrypted stuff. Look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedFilesystemHowto03:39
pirastIs it OK?03:39
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LinuxJonespirast, encryptedfs or encryptedfilesystem might be a better reference name03:40
pirastJupp :-)03:41
pirastubotu forget container03:41
ubotui forgot container, pirast03:41
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pirastubotu encrypted filesystem is something to protect your data. Look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedFilesystemHowto03:42
ubotuokay, pirast03:42
pirast!encrypted filesystem03:42
ubotumethinks encrypted filesystem is something to protect your data. Look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedFilesystemHowto03:42
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, :P03:42
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, so your trying to install the nvidia or ati  binary drivers ?03:42
the4baggerLinuxJones, did you get my PM?03:42
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stoeptegel<-newbie alert!03:43
stoeptegeli can't get my files deleted on my ext3 partition. File are owned by my username are 77503:43
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, yes but it didn't provide enough info03:43
vegiVampstoeptegel: errmessage ?03:43
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, your xorg config isn't working ?03:43
vegiVampLinuxJones: ati drivers fsck my resolution :-)03:43
=== kaelisra [n=kaelisra@CPE-139-168-225-134.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
kaelisrafound some info03:44
kaelisrai basically need a new kernal03:44
ubotu[resolution]  at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:44
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, ok you have to set your monitors refresh rates correctly03:44
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, see ^^03:44
kaelisralater than.. 2.6.1103:44
kaelisraanyone know how i can do that?03:44
ubotuCaiN_SA: I give up, what is it?03:45
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ubotu[usplash]  at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashDiscuss03:45
Troui got a weird problem : i have some automounted dirs on NFS, and when I try to open a document by double clicking on it, if the full path of this doc contains an accent, openoffice cannot find the file. gedit doesn't exhibit this behaviour03:45
ubotu{cYanide}: I don't know, could you explain it?03:45
stoeptegel$ rm Thumbs.db    rm: cannot remove `Thumbs.db': Onbekend bestand of map03:45
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{cYanide}ubotu, parsnips kill people03:45
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, {cYanide}03:45
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vegiVampLinuxJones: thing is, worked with regular drivers, upgraded to ati drivers, fscked resolution to 640, purge of ati drivers + restore of old xconfig didn't fix03:46
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, Trou03:46
vegiVampI'll look for it later, though03:46
ubotuTrou: Not a clue03:46
Trou!open office03:46
ubotuTrou: Bugger all, i dunno03:46
vegiVampstoeptegel: capitals ?03:46
ubotuI haven't a clue, Trou03:46
aftertafkaelisra:  why do you need a kernel later than 2.6-11 ?03:46
kaelisraafteraf: the driver i need, is only supported with later than 2.6-1103:47
aftertaf!info open-office03:47
ubotuI haven't a clue, pirast03:47
ubotuSyntax error in line 1, pirast03:47
the4baggerLinuxJones, I have tried to configure my monitor using xorgconfig, but I continue to get the same error03:47
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, you can't change them under System >> Preferences >> Screen Resolution ?03:47
gorillakaelisra, if you are talking about the nvidia driver then 2.6.11 isn't a problem.03:47
vegiVampstoeptegel: ls -l Thumbs.db ?03:47
kaelisragorilla, nope03:47
stoeptegelVegiVamp: no i'am sorry in konsole i was in the wrong directory :o  (but in kde it DIDN't work :-s )03:47
vegiVampah :-)03:48
aftertafwhat was it again?03:48
kaelisrabd_ "# High Definition Audio versions of the ICH6 chipset (and some compatible Realtek chipsets) are supported by the snd-hda-intel driver, which is only available from ALSA 1.0.9, or with kernels later than 2.6.11; an earlier version of this driver, from ALSA 1.0.8, was called snd-azx."03:48
the4baggerLinuxJones, I can not boot into the GUI03:48
aftertafahhh ok. sound !03:48
=== jdahm [n=giselada@pcp05289206pcs.wanarb01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
aftertafkaelisra:  you can install alsa 1.0.9, no?03:48
kaelisraappearantly, snd-azx is buggy as hell03:48
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, the problem is your monitor is not correctly detected. Search google as per the link above and get your vertical refresh rates for your make/model of your monitor write them down and edit the xorg.conf file by hand03:48
kaelisrai'm not sure.03:48
jdahmhey where can I get the breezy badger colony 4?03:49
jdahmlive cd03:49
aftertafme neither...03:49
kaelisrathe people i've been talking to, suggest that i get the new kernel.. or something.... >.<03:49
the4baggergrr...LinuxJones, can we please talk in PM?03:49
aftertafkernel 2.6.11 aint recommended yet, need 2.6.1203:49
aftertafwhich aint available yet i think03:49
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kaelisrahang on.03:49
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, here is my monitor config from the xorg config file this is the info you need >> http://pastebin.ca/2214203:51
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, nope here is fine :)03:51
kaelisrafuzzie i don't know what to suggest, presumably there's /some/ way to get a recent linux version into ubuntu.03:51
kaelisrayay for fuzzeh. she's got a friend who's trying to find out.03:52
Ngyou can make your own kernel package if you want to03:52
the4baggeri dont know how to edit files in terminal mode, im new to linux and need a GUI unless you can give me the command03:52
Ngit's just better to avoid it where possible03:52
Fred|Fr3dhey, how do you send a message as root, like you get when you reboot the system?03:52
kaelisraah, ok.03:52
bob2installing with it will be harder03:52
Ngthe4bagger: you can use "nano" in a console03:53
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bob2Fred|Fr3d: send a message? an email message?03:53
kaelisraits appearantly the only way i can get sound03:53
kaelisrawhich is annoying.03:53
NgFred|Fr3d: usually by writing to the terminal devices03:53
aftertafkaelisra:  ^^^^03:53
the4baggerLinuxJones, one of the errors i get is: (EE) Screens(s) found, but none have usable configuration.03:53
Ngkaelisra: well breezy is out next month, so you could wait for that, if not take a look at make-kpkg (the wiki probably has kernel building instructions)03:54
kevormy webcam is not recognized, g-v-m says libhal.c 911 : Error sending msg: No property info.capabilities on device with id /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_46d_8f0_100_-1_noserial03:54
QuinthiusAnyone know why totem would give the error "Resource busy or doest not exist" when I try to use it?03:54
the4baggeranother error i get is: (EE)I810(0):Cannot read V_BIOS03:54
kevoranyway to fix this?03:54
aftertafkaelisra:  but they say that the drivers arent included in this kernel either...03:54
Fred|Fr3dNg: how?03:54
bob2kevor: file a bug...03:54
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, ok once you get your monitor info login to the bash terminal and type sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf  (enter your users password)          then arrow down to the monitor section and add your hor/vertical refresh settings then hit ALT + o and save changes. Then hit startx to re-start the xserver03:54
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aftertafcant you download alsa-drivers and use it that way?03:54
aftertafthis said, unsure....03:54
bob2aftertaf: where does it say it's not in the kernel?03:55
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aftertafwhat processor achitecture do you have?03:55
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, ok then also select vesa as your video driver03:55
aftertafbob2:  my above link...03:55
aftertafthough i stress this could well have changed since03:55
NgFred|Fr3d: if you run "w" in a terminal, it'll show you the TTY device, then you can do something like: echo "hello" >/dev/pts/0, but that'll just write it to the one03:56
NgFred|Fr3d: I'm not sure if you can broadcast a message to all of them like init does though03:56
aftertafIt looks from other threads as though you will need the snd-hda-intel module, recently renamed from snd-azx.03:56
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kaelisrahm. ok.03:57
Fred|Fr3dok thanks Ng03:57
h17m4nHow do I make my mouse's thumb button work?03:57
nlogaxNg what about the 'wall' command?03:57
kaelisraafteraf: appearantly, its supposed to be related03:57
nlogaxNg i.e. 'write all'03:57
Ngnlogax: good call03:57
Ngnlogax: but tell Fred|Fr3d, he wants to know :)03:57
nlogaxFred|Fr3d look up the wall command - it writes to all TTYs03:57
Fred|Fr3di found this: http://www.die.net/doc/linux/man/man1/wall.1.html03:58
Fred|Fr3dbut when i try it:03:58
Fred|Fr3droot@fredserv:/root # wall test03:59
Fred|Fr3dwall: can't read test.03:59
phrizerhmm has anyone else noticed in file manager, if you set listview zoom to 25% then close file manager and reload, its still set to 25% But its larger than it orignally was, its now somewhere inbetween 25% and 50%, even though its set to 25%. heh.03:59
phrizermaybe its just me.03:59
nlogaxFr3d|Fr3d just use 'man wall' to read about it03:59
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bob2running wall as root seems suboptimal03:59
bob2phrizer: file a bug!03:59
phrizerfilefile browser*03:59
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nlogaxFred|Fr3d - if you type wall then ENTER you're away03:59
nlogaxyou don't need any parameters04:00
Fred|Fr3dnlogax: ok i did that, and then typed some stuff in but it didnt come up in another tab04:00
the4baggeromg, can somebody please PM me so we can talk about my problem? here too hard to describe my situation04:00
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nlogaxbob2 I don't think wall needs root04:02
nlogaxbob2 - only for those who have used 'mesg n' to stop messages do you require root04:02
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gorillabob2, wall does not require root04:02
bob2yes, I know04:03
bob2I was wondering why Fred|Fr3d was running it as root04:03
=== fluffybunny_ [i=8h0tprkf@nat-gw.nbn.ac.za] has joined #Ubuntu
Fred|Fr3di was looking for the proftpd config at the time04:03
Fred|Fr3di'm su'ed04:03
nlogaxFred|Fr3d - you don't need to use root when running wall04:03
nlogaxan ordinary unpriveleged user will do04:03
bob2that's a bad idea to begin with04:03
fluffybunny_i've heard that linux doesn't need antivirus protection... is this true? even for emails?04:03
bob2su = mistakes04:03
bob2fluffybunny_: sure04:03
bob2fluffybunny_: unless you're in the habit of running programs sent to you by strangers04:04
=== PuGz [n=bwoods@203-59-81-49.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Fred|Fr3dcant edit /etc/proftpd.conf without root :/04:04
PuGzhey guys04:04
fluffybunny_bob2: no, a friend got a virus and thought it was from me... so i wanted to check04:04
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bob2fluffybunny_: and if they look at the mail headers, they'll find it was forged04:05
bob2fluffybunny_: unless you have a windows machine using the same address04:05
gorillafluffybunny_, probbaly not... your email address might have been forged though..04:05
nlogaxubotu tell Fred|Fr3d about sudo04:05
bob2Fred|Fr3d: of course you can: sudo vim /etc/whatever04:05
PuGzi am using ubuntu hoary on my non system critical laptop... do you think breezy is ready for use yet?04:05
the4baggerLinuxJones, does that same edit method work with the grub file, menu.lst?04:05
PuGzshould i dist-upgrade?04:05
nlogaxubotu tell me about sudo04:05
bob2PuGz: do you know how to fix X?04:05
PuGzi tried it a month a go, and quite a few things were still broken04:05
PuGzbob2, is it broken?04:05
PuGzwhats broken about it?04:06
Fred|Fr3dnlogax: well i'm also editing all the apache2 config files... i really do know not to use root for normal stuff :P04:06
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bob2sudo again04:07
pawdrohi, I want to make upgrade of kernel, can I do it using apt or dpkg?04:07
pawdroby net04:07
pawdrousing net04:07
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LinuxJonesthe4bagger, yes04:07
=== CarLBanks [n=CarLBank@cpe-204-210-255-63.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
PuGzbob2, so Xorg is broken in breezy atm?04:07
PuGzthat sucks!04:08
bob2no idea04:08
CarLBanksI've run into a small problem with Ubuntu04:08
bob2people here are whinging04:08
PuGzthey just released a new colony thingy didnt they?04:08
CarLBanksI can't get my windows only applications to run04:08
bob2pawdro: why?04:08
PuGzCarLBanks, huh?04:08
pawdrobob2, why not?04:08
CarLBanksTeamspeak and World of Warcraft to name a few04:08
PuGzCarLBanks, you mean using wine?04:08
pawdroto make my skiils better:p04:08
the4baggerLinuxJones, so editing the files this way will give me write access?04:08
CarLBanksI've heard Wine is very buggy04:08
PuGzCarLBanks, what do you use?04:08
bob2CarLBanks: www.codeweavers.com, www.transgaming.com. have your credit card ready.04:09
CarLBanksI don't use anything right now04:09
bob2pawdro: upgrading for no reason is silly04:09
PuGzCarLBanks, you know linux cant run windows applications dont you?04:09
CarLBanksI must pay for open source stuff?04:09
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, yes using sudo basically gives you administrative priviliges (root priviliges)04:09
bob2CarLBanks: they are not open source04:09
CarLBanksI do PuGz04:09
pawdromaby for better ram use?04:09
PuGzCarLBanks, you need to install an emulator04:09
CarLBanksand that's why I won't use Linux04:09
CarLBanksbecause I have a few things which Linux can't run04:09
PuGzCarLBanks, crossover office and transgaming provide non open source software alternatives to wine... they work a LOT better04:09
PuGzCarLBanks, yes... if you have some programs which you MUST run... it is a good idea to keep windows on your computer as a dual boot04:10
the4baggerLinuxJones, so can you give me the full commands to edit the xorg.conf and menu.1st (grub) file?04:10
CarLBanksbut the time it takes to boot to these I run them ALL the Time04:10
PuGzCarLBanks, but you say it like its linux's fault: microsoft wont tell the world how windows works... so we cant make it work in linux... we try!04:10
PuGzCarLBanks, what programs?04:11
bob2CarLBanks: then perhaps ubuntu is not ready for you, or you are not ready for it.04:11
bob2CarLBanks: winex and transgaming may suit your needs, if you're willing to pay for them04:11
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PuGzCarLBanks, let me know which programs.... would be glad to suggest some alternatives... if they exist04:11
CarLBanksI guess I'm just not ready for it then04:11
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf    sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.lst04:11
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PuGzCarLBanks, dont give up so easy my man04:11
PuGzCarLBanks, dont stress04:11
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CarLBanksWorld of Warcraft - No alternative exists04:11
PuGzCarLBanks, hehe04:11
PuGzi guarantee you winex could run that04:12
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PuGzyou do have to pay for winex unfortunately04:12
kspathif it is games do not bother04:12
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, sudo -s will give you a root shell (admin rights to your whole system but be carefull using this command)04:12
reikiok... I've kinda had enough of ChatZilla for firefox... every time firefox crashes, it takes my irc client with it. So I'm setting up X-Caht instead04:12
kspathWinXP is for gamers04:12
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kspathlinux is for work04:12
kspathlinux is for business04:12
pirastlinux is for gamers too04:12
PuGzwinex is now called cedega and is made by transgaming.com04:12
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pirastI play battlefield vietnam and warcraft III under linux with cedega04:13
PuGzwinex can run HEAPS of games04:13
CarLBanksI don't see the need to pay for stuff I own already04:13
georgeblunthas anyone managed to run WoW using cvscedega?04:13
PuGzpirast, go pirast04:13
h17m4non the games topic, how do I install the ut2004 demo.... tar.gz file04:13
h17m4nwhen I gunzip, it gives me some weird error04:13
PuGzCarLBanks, yeah.... sniff around... you may be able to *cough* download it from *gnutella* or *cough* limewire or *cough* kazaa04:14
h17m4nI dl'd twice.... wget and d4x04:14
PuGzCarLBanks, i said nothin04:14
CarLBanksI also won't do it illegally04:14
bob2CarLBanks: you're not paying for stuff yo ualready own04:14
PuGzCarLBanks, serious? you run windows and EVERY program you have is legal?04:14
h17m4nyou gan get winex legally04:14
bob2CarLBanks: you're paying for software which gives you some piece of conveniense04:14
h17m4nit just won't be so easy getting it to work04:14
the4baggerLinuxJones, and alt o saves the file?04:14
bob2h17m4n: why don't you run file on it then?04:14
kspathCarLBanks: that is why I wiped Windows and MacOSX   money   they want 100-200$ to update    but if you have piles of money  just run whatever you want to spend those piles of money on04:15
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, CRTL + o sorry04:15
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h17m4nark won't open the file either04:16
bob2h17m4n: then ignore that04:16
bob2h17m4n: and run file on it04:16
kspathI will not illegally copy any muzik or software either   that is why I love linux  I can get almost anything for a productive life for free04:16
bob2h17m4n: and find that it's an uncompressed tarfile04:16
bob2h17m4n: because firefox is crap04:16
the4baggerok, ill try it out, thanks LinuxJones04:16
PuGzbob2, why you say that?04:16
PuGzbob2, what do you use?04:16
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, good luck :)04:17
bob2h17m4n: how do you normally run commands?04:17
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h17m4nwell I'm a noob.... I just open the terminal window and run them04:17
nlogaxkspath Word.04:17
h17m4nit's a run.gz file btw04:17
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CarLBanksso you mean running Cedaga won't be unsupported?04:18
CarLBanksand will Cedaga allow me to run another application which only works on XP?04:20
bob2h17m4n: wtf04:20
bob200:13:41         h17m4n |  on the games topic, how do I install the ut2004 demo.... tar.gz file04:20
bob200:17:44         h17m4n |  it's a run.gz file btw04:20
bob2which of those two is correct?04:20
h17m4nthe last one04:20
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bob2CarLBanks: try #cedega or transgaming.com for marketing spiel04:21
bob2do be more careful when askign questions then04:21
h17m4nI thought it was a tarball... just checked it and it's a run.gz04:21
bob2read the instructions on the website04:21
CarLBanksSorry Bob204:21
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Blissexbob2: both actually -- it is a .tar that is inside a shell script :-)04:26
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Seveasmode #ubuntu04:27
zeus1_hey disasm....04:27
Seveashmm a / is useful there...04:27
nlogaxbut less entertaining04:27
kevogodyea don't try "ns identify <password>"04:27
kevogodit might result in something awful04:28
zeus1_disasm umm...remember when i got that usb headset detected yesterday...well i booted into windows xp last night , turned it off went to sleep and woke up booted into ubuntu and it was no longer detected04:28
zeus1_it seems booting into windows xp will lose my headset's usb detection04:28
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zeus1_now i cant get my headset detected again im scrweed04:32
ijeffchatQuick question: can I browse my OSX partition in ubuntu?04:32
ubotunvidia is, like, totally, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia04:33
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Kamping_Kaiserijeffchat: yes, you should be able to04:34
h17m4nis it ok to leave the azureus folder inside my home folder and run it from there?04:34
apokryphosh17m4n: that's fine. Though, you can apt for azureus; it's in hoary-extras.04:35
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h17m4nI get an error though04:35
apokryphosh17m4n: what is it?04:35
h17m4nI don't know if it's me or the backports repos04:35
h17m4nE: Couldn't find package azureus04:36
zeus1_no 1 can help me wit my headset i am sad now...:'(04:36
f|bberhey all, just ran the ubuntu live cd, very impressed - currently using FC4, anyone been same situation and how did you find migration from yum to apt!04:36
h17m4nI got a list of repositories from the ubuntu site04:37
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h17m4nan improved one over one that seveas posted04:37
kevogodYum is slow.04:37
SrekelUbuntu has for some reason started to disable IRQ #11 - my Network card!04:37
zeus1_ok i gues i just gota wait til breezy comes out and hope to god that they fixed teh usb stuff04:37
zeus1_cuz i submited a bug report04:38
Srekelwhat are the reasons that might happen?04:38
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Srekeland are there any known solutions?04:38
kevogodf|bber: apt is very friendly and easy to learn.04:38
h17m4nSynaptic is easier04:39
kevogodf|bber: Synaptic is a front-end for apt.04:39
kevogodSo it essentially is still apt.04:39
kevogodRedHat Network Updater program thing sucks to be frank.04:40
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nlogaxf|bber I went from FC3 to Ubuntu and haven't looked back...  FC seems to me to be all over the place.  Ubuntu feels much more together </fuzzy>04:44
Ngkevogod: so use apt04:44
Seveash17m4n, improved?04:44
SeveasI'd like to see that, so I cna change mine04:45
ubotukemik: Wish i knew04:45
ubotukemik: No idea04:45
LinuxJoneskemik, resolution04:46
ubotuit has been said that resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:46
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afaikhow can I enable DMA for my cd-writer?04:47
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LinuxJonesafaik, usually hdparm -d 1 /dev/hdc04:48
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ubotunlogax: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?04:49
apokryphosubotu: tell afaik about dma04:49
Gnonthgol! dma04:49
Gnonthgolubotu: dma04:50
[Gnonthgol(n=knut@ti400720a081-6542.bb.online.no)] help04:51
[Gnonthgol(n=knut@ti400720a081-6542.bb.online.no)] info04:51
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ubotuCarpe_Libertatem: I give up, what is it?04:52
slimer03whereis vmwareesd04:52
afaikLinuxJones, ugh... anyway to undo that... IT BROKE IT!04:53
afaiknm, it works now04:53
Gnonthgol!info vmwareesd04:54
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afaik!info warez04:55
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slimer03Gnonthgol, whereis04:55
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GnonthgolAnyone got a Sound Blaster Live! work with horry?04:58
nightswimis hoary 5.04?04:58
nightswimif so04:59
mypapitnightswim: yes04:59
QMarioWhat does this mean 'Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:'?04:59
Gnonthgolnightswim: any problems?04:59
Carpe_LibertatemGnonthgol: Does Hoary detect your card, and you just can't hear it?04:59
nightswimnot really05:00
LinuxJonesGnonthgol, did you unmute and set volume settings correctly ?05:00
GnonthgolCarpe_Libertatem: my sound card is compleatly dissapeard from the kernel, not detected in install05:00
CarlFKis the kernel that hoary installs stock, or are there patches applied?05:02
LinuxJonesCarlFK, it's patched05:02
CarlFKwhere can I find a list of patches?05:02
CarlFKer, the list05:02
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Gnonthgolnightswim: did you upgrade or install?05:04
LinuxJonesCarlFK, from ubuntuforums >>  Look in the source package apt-get source linux-2.6.x.x or read the changelog /usr/share/doc/linux-image-`uname -r`/changelog.Debian.gz05:05
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Gnonthgolnightswim: Live! EMU10k1?05:06
CarlFKLinuxJones - thankis05:06
NgGnonthgol: I have a Live! (so emu10k1) and it was detected fine05:06
NgGnonthgol: do you know exactly which model of Live you have?05:06
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ubotuit has been said that java is to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java05:07
NgGnonthgol: and does it show up in the output of "lspci"?05:07
Blissexsome SB Live! are not supported by the emu10k1 driver, but the ca106 one05:07
h17m4nwould using the amd64-k8 kernel give me an advantage over amd64-generic05:07
h17m4non a athlon 64 that is05:07
NgBlissex: which ones?05:08
Gnonthgol0000:00:0d.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev 07)05:08
BlissexNg: the Live! 24 range for example.05:08
NgGnonthgol: hmm, I would expect that to work really05:08
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GnonthgolNg: It worked in 4.1005:09
CarlFKwhat is the command to view a .gz file? (not gunzip;less... there is one command that will read the gz, decompress to memory and display05:09
nerdy2gzip -d05:09
nerdy2you want it paged though?  zless05:09
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CarlFKzless is what I was looking for05:10
CarlFKwont gzip -d create a decompressed file?05:10
nerdy2yea i meant gzip -dc05:10
lJlolelcheck it, somebody told me gnome 2.12 had a Mac-style launcher where the buttons get bigger when  you scroll over, i have gnome 2.12, how do i set that up?05:11
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@83-131-129-19.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #Ubuntu
NgI think they're wrong05:11
QMarioHello ChaKy!!! :)05:11
NgI sincerely hope they are at least05:11
GnonthgollJlolel: then somebody did not use the ubuntu theame05:12
lJlolelGnonthgol, oh05:12
Ngenlightenment 0.17 has that kind of mac nonsense, but gnome has resisted too much of the flashy stuff so far05:12
Benjamin_Lthe mac launcher isn't really that useful with the icons getting bigger05:13
QMarioI have problems with Java. Is there an IDE I can use to run my .class programs?05:13
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zblachnlogax, i've tried everything i can, and nothing has worked05:13
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QMarioBlueJ uses Java to install its program.05:14
josh_quick question (I don't have a Ubuntu system, helping someone who does): what's the path to the SSH server init script?05:14
QMarioWhy would I use that?05:14
lJlolelso what do they actually add in new gnomes?05:14
ubotuI heard java is to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java05:14
Ngjosh_: init scripts almost always live in /etc/init.d/05:14
QMarioIs JCreator free?05:14
josh_Ng: thanks05:14
Ngjosh_: so in this case, /etc/init.d/ssh05:14
QMarioGnonthgol, I have already install Java using that help page.05:14
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QMarioJava can compile, but refuses to run.05:15
QMarioThis is ridiculous.05:15
QMario Gnonthgol? 05:15
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kemikQMario:  what's the error ?05:17
nlogaxjosh_ /etc/init.d/ssh05:17
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QMarioKemik, java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError05:18
QMarioI have to paste the rest.05:18
QMarioHold on... :-/05:18
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QMarioKemik, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/192805:19
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QMarioHello yonkeltron!!! :)05:20
=== Benjamin_L [n=benni@pD950241E.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"]
theeili just installed ubuntu onto a hard drive that i want to move onto another computer, will this be OK? (i'm concerned about things like the sound card because i heard ubuntu removerd parts of alsa)05:21
=== projectmayhem [n=eric@pcp03632443pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
projectmayhemhey guys!05:21
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osfameronwith smeg, is there a way to put Applications->System Tools into System->Administration (as this makes sense to me :-)05:21
the4baggerhey LinuxJones, im back05:21
LinuxJonestheeil, you might need to re-install05:21
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, how did you make out ?05:21
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LinuxJonesprojectmayhem, welcome05:22
the4baggerLinuxJones, i fixed the grub loader to my liking, but I could not find any refresh rates in the xorg.conf file so I didnt mess with it05:22
projectmayhemcan anyone help me get some sound out of my soundblaster audigy 2 card? i have emu10k1 installed, and i'm pretty sure its just having the wrong alsamixer settings but i'm not positive...05:22
Dogtixanyone here using libata with a cheap pci raid card for software raid5 ?05:22
theeilLinuxJones: the thing is that the computer i want it on has problems that make it hang during the install05:22
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QMario Kemik?  :-/05:23
projectmayhemhehe and yes, my speakers are on :-D05:23
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zblachnlogax, you here?05:24
seifefuck ubuntu05:24
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zblachactually, anyone can answer this question.05:24
dazjorzwtf... I'm not banned anymore! Thanks, for the one who unbanned me!05:25
zblachcan you do me a favor?05:25
LinuxJonestheeil, try resetting your systems bios to default. Maybe some settings in there are mis-set05:25
kevogod la la la 05:25
dazjorzSomeone who can tell me how to install the Java SDK ?05:25
seifezblach: ?05:25
ubotumethinks java is to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java05:25
ubotuhmm... java is to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java05:25
dazjorzNot the Java interpreter, the SDK !05:25
zblachseife, open a comman prompt, and type 'sudo -l'05:25
dazjorzit's something else05:25
dazjorzlike, the java compiler (javac) and other programs05:25
ubotuthrice`: Are you smoking crack?05:25
osfameronwith smeg, is there a way to put Applications->System Tools into System->Administration ?05:25
f|bbernlogax, Yeah Im seriously thinking of switching, I assume ubuntu uses rpms/equivalent (deb?) etc, how have you found support for hardware with ubuntu e.g Wireless adapters ?05:25
zblachi just want to know what its supposed to say05:25
the4baggerLinuxJones, Perhaps I can add a few lines to my xorg.conf file for my monitor?05:25
thrice`worth a try =] 05:26
dazjorzthrice`: doesn't exist...05:26
dazjorzhehe yeh05:26
dazjorzI can try to build the Java package, see what it does05:26
seifezblach im not on ubunu, couldnt even join into the ubuntu drive05:26
seifeit said HDD error05:26
candlelightdazjorz, the wiki does contains instruction to install sdk, read it first.05:26
seifefucking shit05:26
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, you can use the config tool to create a new one but first you have to make a few changes05:26
QMarioSeife, language....05:27
LinuxJonesseife, language please05:27
the4baggerLinuxJones, my horizontal rate is 24-82KHZ, my vertical is 50-85HZ05:27
zblachanyone here running a clean ubuntu install?05:27
dazjorzcandlelight: oh really ? OK, I'll search it. I'm currently trying a page that tells me how to get .debs from .bins05:27
f|bbernlogax, ^^^05:27
the4baggerLinuxJones, what changes would I have to make?05:27
zblachcan someone post the output of 'sudo -l'?05:27
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, read the top of the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file about 10 lines down05:28
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, follow those instructions then let me know when your done05:28
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f|bberAnyone here a convert from FC3/4?05:28
zblachf|bber, its safe to say that most of us are using ubuntu05:29
QMarioIs nobody here?05:29
zblachQMario, what's up?05:29
the4baggerLinuxJones, I compared the ubuntu xorg.conf file with the live knoppix one and they are very different05:29
f|bberzblach, from FC to Ubuntu05:29
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zblachf|bber, oh. eheh...05:29
TrekCyclingHas anyone here gotten WPA wireless running with ubuntu05:30
kevogodI am a convert from <insert Linux name>.05:30
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, yes, just follow the commands and we will try to get you up and running quickly05:30
QMarioZBlach, Java can compile, but refuses to run.05:30
QMarioThis is ridiculous.05:30
zblachtruly, it is05:30
GnonthgolI try to run blackbox on a computer using the standard server install of horry but it can not connect to the X server05:30
the4baggerLinuxJones, is there any software for windows that can read linux partitions so i dont have to keep rebooting?05:30
zblachQMario, lets try something.05:30
zblachopen up a terminal, and type sudo -l05:31
QMarioUser qmario may run the following commands on this host:05:31
QMario    (ALL) ALL05:31
Ngby default it should say "(ALL) ALL" for your user05:31
ubotu[winext2]  http://www.fs-driver.org/05:31
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, >> http://uranus.it.swin.edu.au/~jn/linux/explore2fs.htm05:31
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, it only does ext2/3 not reiser or any other05:32
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f|bberwhats the support for wireless adapters like in Ubuntu, I had to use NDISWrapper on another distro05:32
TrekCyclingI'm trying to get WPA going so I'd like to know also05:33
dazjorzcandlelight: I can't find anything about installing the SDK...05:33
zdennisf|bber, it picked up the Intel PRO 2200BG stuff for me right away on my laptop05:33
=== dazjorz got a warning about libc6.2.2 when trying to install the Java SDK
zdennisf|bber, but i didn't test it with WEP05:33
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the4baggerLinuxJones, eeerr, it might be reiser...are there any that can read that?05:33
QMarioHello Zdennis!!! :)05:34
zdennishey QMario!05:34
GnonthgolI try to run blackbox on a computer using the standard server install of horry but it can not connect to the X server. Any help?05:34
zdennisyou ever get java going?05:34
QMarioI still have that Java problem. :'(05:34
zdennisQMario, how did you install java?05:34
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LinuxJonesthe4bagger, I don't think so, regardless once you make those changes run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg set your monitors refresh rates with resolution settings and select vesa as the video card driver and you should be ok05:34
zdennisapt-get install what?05:34
QMarioHere are the errors: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/192805:35
dazjorzhow to install libc6.2.2 ?05:35
QMarioSableVM version 1.1.805:35
QMarioZdennis, !Java.05:35
ubotujava is, like, totally, to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java05:35
candlelightdazjorz, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java?action=show&redirect=Java1505:35
QMarioUsing that URL.05:35
slimer03vmware5 support direct 3d05:36
f|bberAnyone had a ny joy with a Linksys WMP54GS wireless adapter?05:36
QMarioThe one Ubotu said.05:36
Gnonthgolubotu: what is java?05:36
ubotuI think you lost me on that one, Gnonthgol05:36
=== Bubblefly [n=Nanami@brndmb02dc1-202-102.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
adriyel_prodigyleave the poor bot alone05:37
candlelightdazjorz, select jdk instead of jre in synaptic05:37
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ubotutheeil: Are you on ritalin?05:37
ubotu[apt]  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/ or http://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals#apt-howto05:37
dazjorzcandlelight: k05:38
dazjorz!find jkd05:38
dazjorz!find jdk05:38
projectmayhemcan anyone help me get some sound out of my soundblaster audigy 2 card? i have emu10k1 installed, and i'm pretty sure its just having the wrong alsamixer settings but i'm not positive.05:38
=== keikoz [n=keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
zdennisdo a  "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun"05:39
zdennisthen do a export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin05:39
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@213-202-152-38.bas503.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
QMarioSudo or normal me?05:39
QMarioHello Ompaul!!! :)05:39
ompaulQMario, hi05:39
zdennisnormal you05:39
zdennisshould be fine05:39
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QMarioShould I then restart anything?05:40
slimer03vmware support direct 3d?05:40
Gobblathe best ftp client for linux?05:40
zdennisthat will set those variables temporarily for you, in the Terminal session you did that in05:40
zdennisin that same Terminal session05:40
adriyel_prodigyslimer, no, not really05:40
zdennistry to run your java program05:40
adriyel_prodigynot for what you prolly want it for05:40
ompaulGobbla, commant line, or gftp05:41
theeilGobbla: ftp ;)05:41
QMarioZdennis: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: /home/qmario/Java Programs/HelloWorld05:41
zdennisQMario, that is a better error05:41
zdennisQMario, you are at least loading Java05:41
QMarioZdennis, I am in the JAVA_HOME running the program, not anywhere else.05:42
zdennisgo to the directory that your java program is in05:42
zdennisthe HelloWorld05:42
QMarioSame error.05:42
the4baggerLinuxJones, it seems that that program has a invalid download source, is there a different mirror?05:42
zdennisQmario, pwd = /home/qmario/Java Programs/      ?05:43
=== NoKiO [n=michele@host129-131.pool8257.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
QMarioWhat is "pwd"?05:43
zdennispresent working directory05:43
QMarioIt is.05:43
zdennisdo a 'ls'05:43
zdennisyou see HelloWorld.java and HelloWorld.class ?05:43
NoKiOc' qualcuno italiano?05:43
Quinthiusactually "print working directory" ;)05:43
theeili want to setup "those restricted formats" but the link to the script is down05:44
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zdennisI stand corrected =)05:44
QMarioHelloWorld.class  HelloWorld.java  HelloWorld.java~05:44
ompaulinfo coreutils pwd <-- both are correct :)05:45
=== Doonz [n=schwyl@s142-59-15-213.ab.hsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
projectmayhem<3 <3 <3 java!! only language i can program anything in :-/05:45
QMarioWhat is the difference between "dir" and "ls"?05:45
=== ompaul so wrong
projectmayhemdir is for dos, ls is for unix as far as i know05:45
zdennisQMario...this is strange...i just same setup and it worked...05:45
=== ompaul goes into corner and whimpers
osfameronQMario: I always thought dir was just an alias for dos-refugees05:45
osfameronthough it doesn't seem to do colour highlighting05:45
=== QMario gives Ompaul so tissue paper and carrots.
ompaulactually its print current/working directory :) on the man page05:45
zdennisQMario, dir is usually an alias set up in your .bashrc file05:45
nlogaxf|bber - it uses .debs.  I think its wireless support is good too (but I've not used wireless before so couldn't compare with FC)05:46
QMarioZdennis, what is your version of Java?05:46
zdennisQMario...what is the command you are runninig to run HelloWorld?   "java HelloWorld" ?05:46
nlogaxf|bber perhaps try the Ubuntu LiveCD and see if wireless works off the bat05:46
zdennisQMario, 1.505:47
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?05:47
QMarioZdennis, yes.05:47
QMarioZdennis, mine is: SableVM version 1.1.805:47
=== gypsum [n=dbatey@cpe-70-112-170-251.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
TrekCyclingwireless works off the bat with the Ubuntu Live CD, but WPA doesn't05:47
the4baggerdoes anybody have a working mirror for Explore2fs05:47
zdennisQMario, sable ? wtf is that?05:47
zdennisQMario...do a "apt-cache search j2sdk1.5"05:47
TrekCyclingmakes me wonder if WPA is worth the trouble at a certain point05:47
=== dazjorz needs help with installing the Java 2 SDK 1.3...
the4baggerLinuxJones, I didnt reboot to view those first 10 lines in the file yet05:47
zdennisand tell me if you get "sun-j2sdk1.5 - Java(TM) 2 SDK...."  as an option05:48
=== dazjorz reads: apt-cache search j2sdk1.5.. gonna try that
ubotumethinks java is to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java05:48
QMarioI do.05:48
=== robitaille [n=robitail@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
dazjorzkemik: I said java 2 sdk 1.3, not java interpreter.05:48
zdennisuninstall your version of java05:48
candlelightQMario, that's a Java specific error.  It can't find you main(), either your HelloWorld is in a package, which you must obey with the corresponding directory structure, or you don't have a main().05:48
kemikdazjorz:  it'll install the sdk too05:48
zdennisand run "sudo apt-get install sun-j2sdk1.5"05:48
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, ok05:48
dazjorzkemik: not the java compiler etc05:48
zdennistry candlelight's suggestion first05:48
=== dazjorz is installing j2sdk1.5...
f|bberTrekCycling, may I ask what wireless card you use?05:49
kemikhmm. it's been changed05:49
the4baggerLinuxJones, the Explore2fs site you gave me appears to have a invalid download source05:49
QMarioHow do I uninstall my version of Java?05:49
zdennisQMario...paste the contents of your HellolWorld file first05:49
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zdennisthen we'll tellyou =)05:49
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dahdjordge<-- this is how you speak it05:49
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=== Malin [n=malin@083142121204.unregistered.media-com.com.pl] has joined #ubuntu
kemikno, actually htat java link tells you how to install the JDK too05:50
QMarioCan I do it here?05:50
QMarioIt is only four lines.05:50
kemikQMario:  use pastebin05:50
QMarioOkay, I won't.05:50
zdennispublic class HelloWorld{05:50
zdennispublic static void main( String[]  args ){05:50
zdennis        System.out.println( "Hello World" );05:50
kemikzdennis:  pastebin05:51
zdennisoops...i thought that the url05:51
the4baggerLinuxJones, can you DCC send me the latest Explore2fs?05:51
dazjorzzdennis: Java ?05:51
dazjorzzdennis: great, i'm learning it atm.05:51
kemikyes that's java05:51
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zdennisQMario...is that what yours looks like?05:51
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, >> http://freshmeat.net/redir/explore2fs/2480/url_zip/explore2fs-1.07.zip05:51
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, I don't have any windows machines05:52
QMarioTake a look and see.05:52
the4baggerLinuxJones, oh :)05:52
kemikfreaky placing of the } ;) not that it matters05:52
fsmwi got some issues with xorg on breezy, and googling don't solve it, i guess an error with may keyboard layout, No symbols named "la" in the inculde file "la"05:52
kemikQMario:  have you named your file "HelloWorld.java" ?05:52
dazjorzhow do I explore the contents of a deb package that that's in apt-get ? I don't have it yet.05:52
fsmwand i can't configure my latin american keyboard05:53
dazjorzcan I do like apt-contents (package name) ? or apt-get contents (package name) ?05:53
QMarioKemik, yes.05:53
=== bactisme [n=bactisme@dyn-83-154-136-152.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
thrice`dazjorz, man apt-get and find out =] 05:53
kemikQMario:  what error do  you get when compiling it then ?05:53
QMarioKemik, none.05:53
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the4baggerLinuxJones, thanks for the link, its working now...once its done I will read those lines05:54
kemikso, what's the problem ? is there a problem ?05:54
QMarioKemik, the problem is running the program.05:54
pawdrowhat's the latest version of breezy?05:54
pawdrohello;] 05:54
kemik"alias dir=logout" ;)05:54
kemikQMario:  so what's the error when trying to run it?05:55
Gnonthgolpawdro: 5.1005:55
QMarioHold on...05:55
zdenniskemik, NoClassFoundError05:55
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zdennisit can't find HelloWorld05:55
QMarioKemik, that's it.05:55
pawdrobut colony ...?05:55
pawdrohow much05:55
dazjorzthrice`: whow, thanks a lot -_-"05:55
pawdrohow many*05:55
kemik"java HelloWorld" ?05:55
pawdrocolony 4? is it?05:56
zdennisdazjorz, what do you want to know about your package?05:56
LinuxJonesQMario, why not just use python it's 10 times easier to learn :)05:56
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=== Decadent brb
zdennisQMario, are you in the same terminal session that you set your JAVA_HOME and PATH variables in?05:57
kemikLinuxJones:  doesnt really matter, once you've learnt one language, picking up another one isnt hard05:57
zdennisif you are in a different one, then you'll get that error from earlier again05:57
jaramillohi there guys, how do i disable that ugly PC speaker sound ?05:57
dazjorzzdennis: the contents. I want to know if j2sdk1.5 also has a javac binary inside it05:57
zdennisthat is why i say uninstall the version of java you have, and install the new one05:57
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zdennisdazjorz, it does05:57
LinuxJoneskemik, well python is installed by default and works well.05:57
dazjorzzdennis: thanks05:58
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, you can't do that from windows05:58
zdennisQMario, when you installed the sable version of java, did you do a "apt-get install ...." or did you download a file, and do a "dpkg -i ..." ?05:58
the4baggerLinuxJones, I know, but what should I do, just do those commands?05:58
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lynx_nhbHello all05:59
QMarioZdennis, apt-get.05:59
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, yes but you have to do them from within ubuntu05:59
the4baggeryes, i know05:59
the4baggeralright, ill try it out then05:59
zdennisQMario, what command did you run... what was the full command....?05:59
zdennisapt-get install <what?>06:00
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QMarioZdennis, synaptic. Free-sdk-"something".06:00
QMarioSorry, I used the package manager.06:00
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, write them down or print them off. Boot to Ubuntu make the changes, then sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg accept most of the defaults except monitor refresh, sync and resolution settings finally select vesa as the videocard driver.06:00
zdennisQMario, do a apt-cache search Free-sdk06:00
zdennisand see what shows up06:00
zdenniswe need that package name06:00
lynx_nhbI have a Smartlink SL1900 PCI modem and cannot get the drivers to 'make' right for 'make install' command.06:00
zdennisso we can uninstall it06:00
QMariofind free-java-sdk06:01
zdennisQMario, do a "sudo apt-get remote free-java-sdk"06:01
kemiklynx_nhb:  post the error on pastebin or similar06:01
QMario!find free-java-sdk06:01
zdennisQMario, do a "sudo apt-get remove free-java-sdk"06:01
ubotufree-java-sdk: (Complete Java SDK environment consisting of free Java tools), section universe/misc, is optional. Version: 0.4-2 (hoary), Packaged size: 5 kB, Installed size: 112 kB06:01
zdenniswhen that is done run...06:02
QMarioI already removed it using synapic package manager.06:02
dazjorzhow to restart the sound server ?06:02
QMarioRun where? ;)06:02
lynx_nhbI cannot 'post' I'm in WinXP and Ubuntu is in another partition.06:02
zdennis"sudo apt-get install sun-j2sdk1.5"06:02
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zdennisQMario, in a terminal window06:02
zdennisi dont know how-to use the Synaptic GUI06:02
Dingyis there a way to disable trash in gnome?06:03
lynx_nhbBasically it cannot connect to the kernel souce.06:03
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Maikerutime to crack the WEP key on my network06:03
Maikeruthis should be fun06:03
jack-does anyone know if there's a binary that can tell me the current mousepointer location?06:03
QMarioZdennis, really?06:03
zdennisabout running the command, or about using the Synaptic GUI?06:04
jack-would love to have xscreensaver enabled/disabled by certain corners..06:04
zdennisQMario, i have never opened it once06:04
kemiklynx_nhb:  well something along "apt-get install kernel-headers-$(uname -r)"06:04
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ubotuSyntax error in line 1, kemik06:05
ubotukemik: I give up, what is it?06:05
QMarioZdennis, the sun-j2sdk1.5 is already installed for me.06:05
lynx_nhbI look at the device list in Ubunto and it shows th modem.  I need to connect it to /dev/modem.  Any Ideas?06:05
ubotuubuntu is probably an easy-to-use GNU/Linux desktop distro based on Debian.  http://ubuntu.com http://ubuntuforums.org http://wiki.ubuntu.com. It means 'Humanity to others'. see !awards06:05
zdennisQMario, ok06:05
ubotuI haven't a clue, zblach06:05
ubotujava is, like, totally, to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java06:05
zdennisQMario, try to recompile and rerun your script06:06
lynx_nhbkemik: I cannot connect to the internet in Ubunto, that's why I'm rinning WinXP right now.06:06
funkyHatis there an escape code so i can send F10 to the terminal, rather than it opening the menu in the terminal window?06:07
=== {cYanide} [n={cYanide@dsl-88-111-117-198.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
{cYanide}hey er, i cant seem to get 2 apps playing sound to work correctly, im using xmms, and when i try another program that uses sound (plays an ogg) it wont play, and vice versa, depending on what i start first, i cant seem to get it working06:07
QMarioZdennis, I still have this "SableVM version 1.1.8" as my version.06:08
lynx_nhbkemik: Ubuntu sees modem in device manager but It cannot setup the net and drivers donnot work.06:08
kemiklynx_nhb:  mm keep forgetting apt-get requires internet ;) ... well you need to get them somehow.. not sure they're on the cd06:08
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LinuxJones{cYanide}, you need to get alsa working06:08
funkyHat{cYanide}, what output plugin are you using in xmms? (have a look in preferences > output plugin)06:08
{cYanide}im using alsa in xmms06:08
=== Will^Draven [i=1000@cpe-071-065-211-035.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
funkyHatyeah... you need to do what he said ^06:08
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kbreitHow do I get Ubuntu to start XFCE instead of GNOME?06:09
funkyHatok in that case you need to set up software mixing for alsa {cYanide}06:09
{cYanide}btw, in my mm selector06:09
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{cYanide}i have alsa as default sink, and esd as default source, is that wrong?06:09
funkyHatkbreit, click sessions on the login screen, and choose the window manager you want06:09
zdennisQMario...do a "apt-get remote sun-j2sdk1.5"06:09
Orbycould someone point me to where i can find libc6-dev, i havnt any internet on the box i'm trying to finish but i need libc6-dev and i cant find it :|06:10
zdennisQMario, we need to get all instances of java away from your machine06:10
kbreitfunkyHat, Oh cool, thanks.06:10
funkyHat{cYanide}, that setup is fine06:10
zdennisso we reinstall with a clean slate06:10
theeilkbreit: you are using gdm?06:10
funkyHat{cYanide}, are you happy with compiling?06:10
bob2Orby: archive.u.c/ubuntu/pool/main/g/glibc/06:10
{cYanide}ok , software mixing you say? cuz cd player works while xmms is running, its just some apps that wrong06:11
{cYanide}er wont06:11
funkyHat{cYanide}, to fix the problem you can either set up the DMIX plugin for alsa, or upgrade to alsa 1.0.9b, which has it built in by default06:11
bob2Orby: if you have to ask tho, you want to be very careful, lest you break your system06:11
Orbybob2: thank you very much! i been looking for ages :P06:11
lynx_nhbkemik: how do I get the kernel through XP?  I can then maybe force the reinstall.06:11
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bob2"cd player" plays through a wire connecting your sound card to the cd drive06:11
bob2and "cuz" is not a word06:11
funkyHat{cYanide}, oh right, in that case, are those apps using alsa? or esd?06:11
zdennisQMario...also run... "dpkg -l | grep sable"06:11
zdennisyou will probably get a few "libsable..." packages06:11
zdennisdo an apt-get remove on those to06:11
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{cYanide}er no idea06:12
linuxboyhow do I do pppoe with ubuntu? and urls?06:12
Carpe_LibertatemHey look, it's linux boy.06:12
bob2linuxboy: "urls"?06:12
bob2linuxboy: sudo pppoeconf06:12
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funkyHat{cYanide}, look at what bob2 said about 'cd player'06:12
kushboyHello! The top bar of items (Applications, places, system) of Gnome was moved to the top right of the screen. I want top left, any way to change it back?06:13
linuxboybob2: you know, like links, howtos etc. I can read you know :)06:13
bob2kushboy: same way you moved it in the first place06:13
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bob2kushboy: middle click on a blank portion and drag it06:14
zblachquestion about gnome. is it possible to have a background stretched over all virtual desktops?06:14
funkyHat{cYanide}, get alsa-driver 1.0.9b and alsa-lib 1.0.9b from the official alsa site, and compile and install them both06:14
bob2linuxboy: I don't know what "and urls?" means06:15
{cYanide}er just tested, i can run xmms twice and they can both play at the same time06:15
bob2linuxboy: do you mean "where can I find documentation for ubuntu on-line?"?06:15
linuxboybob2, no I meant. Help me, or point me somewhere06:15
bob2kushboy: so, no need to /msg me, ever06:16
QMarioZdennis, should I then reinstall?06:16
kushboysorry, don't know how to use irc06:16
zdennisyeah, apt-get install sun-j2sdk1.506:16
zdennismake sure you can't do a "java -version"06:16
bob2kushboy: the bit of my anser you're ignoring is "blank portion".  if you don't have a blank portion, remove an applet and use that area.06:16
bob2linuxboy: sudo pppoeconf06:16
kushboyalright, thank you06:16
thrice`bob2, do you consider preview to be stable ?06:16
=== Lordphyn [n=biffejoe@pcp0010060920pcs.tharpe01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
funkyHat{cYanide}, which apps don't work at the same time as xmms?06:16
bob2thrice`: does the preview exist?06:17
{cYanide}like in sounds06:17
thrice`bob2, isn't breezy preview coming soon ?06:17
{cYanide}if i try and play a sound it wont06:17
LordphynCan anyone point me to a good Samba troubleshooting guide?--I'm getting a timeout error06:17
bob2thrice`: I'd try it when it came out, yes06:17
{cYanide}while xmms is running06:17
bob2Lordphyn: that doesn't sound like a samba problem at all06:17
thrice`bob2, ok; just curious, as I haven't seen fglrx added to breezy yet =|06:17
lynx_nhbWhere do I get kernel 2.6.10-5-386?06:18
bob2lynx_nhb: from your local ubuntu mirror...06:18
QMarioIt works well!!!! Thank GOD!!! Thank GOD!!! Thank GOD!!! Thank GOD!!! Thank GOD!!!06:18
QMarioThank you zdennis!!! :)06:18
QMario/me is happy!!!06:18
bob2thrice`: meh06:18
Lordphynbob2: hmm, I can ssh to the machine fine - though I was messing with some tunnelling stuff before, dont quite remember what I did?06:18
zdennisglad it worked!06:18
bob2it's in l-r-m06:18
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bob2Lordphyn: well, there you go06:18
zdennisnow, i need help06:18
zblachhow 'bout networking. anyone good at that?06:19
zdennisHow can i get my mouse scroll wheel to work?06:19
bob2it's utterly annoying when people do that06:19
bob2instead of just asking their question06:19
zdennisI have the sweet wireless Logitech keyboard/mouse combo06:19
bob2because it wastes everyone's time reading their question06:19
bob2then reliaisng it's a useless question06:19
zblachzdennis, mine's better06:19
zdennisbut i can't use my scrollwheel!06:19
QMarioZdennis, but you need to learn how to use Synaptic. ;) It is fun and easy to use.06:19
bob2then wasting time explaining that it's useless06:19
zdennisQMario, i have added it to my list of things to learn06:20
zblachhow to view other computers on a network?06:20
kushboyMy SB audigy produces no sound only in Ubuntu.  I have SB Audigy in my volume control, alsamixer still says "Intel ICH5". Any help?06:20
bob2zblach: you mean "How can I get a GUI list of windows shares on my network?"?06:20
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zblachbob2, that'd be a start.06:20
bob2kushboy: disable your crappy on-board sound in the bios06:20
{cYanide}so i think my app that wont work while xmms is running uses esd06:20
bob2zblach: places -> network servers06:21
zblachthats the problem. i see nothing in there06:21
zblachi'm seen by the other computers, but i can't see them06:21
lynx_nhbAll I see is the CD images.  I need the kernel pkg.06:21
bob2lynx_nhb: so, why don't you tell us why you're not using apt?06:22
=== trygvebw [n=trygvebw@216-96-57.5002.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
trygvebwHi! Anyone else have a problem with displaying icons in Nautilus in Breezy? Only the failsafe/default icons are displayed.06:23
=== mumbles [i=mumbles@cpc2-bror1-6-0-cust74.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob2there's nothing in the BTS?06:23
trygvebwbug tracking system?06:24
bur[n] ertrygvebw: change your icon them?06:24
bur[n] ertheme06:24
bur[n] ermine works06:24
trygvebwbur[n] er: i've tried lots of times. doesn't fix anything :/06:24
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funkyHatis there an escape code so i can send F10 to the terminal, rather than it opening the menu in the terminal window?06:24
bob2you need to mention what terminal you're using...06:24
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bob2trygvebw: yes06:24
the4baggerLinuxJones, im back06:25
trygvebwbob2: i'll take a look there06:25
funkyHati'm trying to use aptitude over ssh06:25
trygvebwthanks :)06:25
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the4baggerLinuxJones, i did the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg command, but now i am getting a mouse error06:25
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pirast!encrypt filesystem06:25
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH!, pirast06:25
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ubotuNot a clue, pirast06:26
lynx_nhbbob2: It don't work in XP.  I cannot get my modem to work without the kernel source.06:26
pirast!decrypt filesystem06:26
ubotupirast: What?06:26
funkyHatpirast, /msg06:26
pirastk ;-)06:26
bob2lynx_nhb: that's fairly unlikely06:26
bob2lynx_nhb: more likely you need the kerenal headers06:27
lynx_nhbbob2: something, the modem drivers need something from the kernel source, i don't have.06:27
=== featheredfrog [n=feathere@ool-182f719e.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2lynx_nhb: then install linux-headers-$(uname -r)06:28
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, ok you have a usb mouse ?06:28
bob2problems are much easier to solve if you explain them here, instead of asking small fragments of questions06:28
=== pirast [n=pirast@p508B366F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu []
lynx_nhbbob2? where do i get them?06:28
Orbyummm is there a special way of compiling a kernel under ubuntu or can i just do what i would normally do with kernel source ?06:28
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the4baggerI have a Logitech wireless combo...mouse connects via PS/2, keyboard via USB06:28
bob2Orby: why are you compiling a kernel?06:29
theeilhmn, my usb flash drive did not mount :S it does on my other computer running ubuntu06:29
bob2lynx_nhb: same place you get any other package...06:29
Orbybob2: because i need to add support for my network card06:29
bob2they're probably on the cd06:29
soamvhi, i'm using ubuntu on a laptop; while resuming after a hibernate, the pc speaker beeps 4 times; i'm trying to get rid of the beeps...06:29
bob2Orby: that's very unlikely to require recompiling the kernel06:29
bob2Orby: what card is it?06:29
the4baggerI compared the new xorg.conf file with the backup one and there are differences in the mouse setup06:29
bob2soamv: after hibernate or acpi sleep?06:29
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, ok run the command again and select the ps2 mouse from the list06:29
Orbybob2: ummm marvell yukon 88E8036 PCI-E06:30
=== TrekCycling [n=prestonc@c-24-22-124-39.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
funkyHatmeh, i'll just have to disable it for gnome-terminal06:30
soamvhibernate from the logout menu06:30
TrekCyclinganyone here use an ipw2200 wireless card with WPA?06:30
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, accept the rest of the default settings for eveyrthing else06:30
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the4baggerLinuxJones, it made me go through a big setup when I did that command06:30
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bob2Orby: and why do you think you need to recompile your kernel?06:31
soamvin /var/log/acpid, there is a message: Lock file present, not processing event06:31
the4baggerLinuxJones, so just press enter for everything else but the video?06:31
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, yes06:31
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LinuxJonesthe4bagger, no everything else except the mouse06:31
Orbybob2: well i was looking for drivers and i found one, but it said i could add it to my source using a patch or compile a module, i tried to compile a module but it said the kernel source wasnt the same as the kernel i was running ( even though it is ) so i thought i would try the other way06:32
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LinuxJonesthe4bagger, you'll need to select ps2 mouse or the model if it's available06:32
lynx_nhbbob2: is this the command?   install linux-headers-$ (uname -r)06:32
the4baggerok, i guess ill go back and reconfigure...06:32
bob2Orby: no, you can't compile modules against random kernel sources you download from kernel.org06:32
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bob2Orby: or even against the kernel sources from within ubuntu06:32
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, it's not normally this hard for most users :D06:32
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Orbybob2: i'm running the same kernel as the source i have, they are both ubuntu ones06:33
bob2Orby: you, like lynx_nhb, need to compile it (if it is indeed not in the ubuntu kernel already) against the correct kernel headers06:33
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bob2Orby: yes, you don't compile drivers against random kernel source trees06:33
QMarioDoes anyone think it is annoying when companies use letter in their phone numbers? :)06:33
bob2you need to compile it against the correct set of headers generated by the build of your exact kernel06:33
Orbybob2: i also have the kernel headers for the kernel i'm running06:33
the4baggerLinuxJones, will this be worth my time? lol06:34
apokryphosQMario: 0800-ireallylovecarpeting06:34
bob2Orby: then something went wrong with the compile06:34
bob2lynx_nhb: no, install is a verb06:34
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, yes :)06:34
Orbybob2: thats why i thought i would roll my own kernel instead06:34
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lynx_nhbbob2: How do I install it?06:34
the4baggerLinuxJones, ok, ill go try to reconfigure then hop back on06:34
bob2Orby: how would that help?06:34
bob2lynx_nhb: however you installed any other packages06:35
bob2just finding another way to connect to an ubuntu mirror is far easier06:35
Orbybob2: it would then have the driver inside the kernel so i wouldnt have to make a module for the kernel i;m running06:35
bob2otherwise, packages.ubuntu.com, enjoy06:35
lynx_nhbOk, I've searched the cd, where are the packages?06:35
=== Ex-Cyber [n=excyber@24-55-114-40.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob202:35:27           bob2 | otherwise, packages.ubuntu.com, enjoy06:36
bob2or try asking on the mailing list or reading the wiki06:36
TrekCyclingwhat kernel is the next ubuntu release supposed to use?06:36
bob2the answer is on there, in the ndiswrapper article06:36
bob2TrekCycling: 2.6.12, of course06:36
TrekCyclingbob2, Okay06:36
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soamvbob2, any ideas about the hibernate beeps?06:36
TrekCyclingbob2, Wasn't sure how closely it tracked Debian current vs. tracking what's current in general.06:37
bob22.6.13 came out last week06:37
bob2breezy froze long before then06:37
bob2soamv: ... the obvious questions06:37
TrekCyclingbob2, Are you running breezy?06:37
bob2e.g. does it beep on reboots?06:37
bob2is it a bios option?06:37
bob2does it affect windows?06:37
bob2does muting fix it?06:37
bob2TrekCycling: no06:37
TrekCyclingbob2, I can't get WPA to work under any distro, but I'm guessing it will work better under the latest ubuntu06:38
=== ompaul gets real brave, firing up gimp from live CD :)
TrekCyclingdoes anyone really use Breezy? or not until oct.06:38
funkyHatsome people do06:38
funkyHatlike the testers ;)06:38
funkyHatand a few crazy people06:38
CarlFKTrekCycling - you can use it as long as you don't expect it to work06:38
apokryphosompaul: even bigger programs tend to run ok on a livecd once they've started up -- they're well made.06:38
QMarioWell, if it very annoying to you, I wrote a program to help solve the problem.06:38
bob2some people do06:38
bob2most people who upgrade to it really shouldn't, tho06:39
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ompaulapokryphos, it started I have closed it and moved on to testing more  :)06:39
bob2it's fine for advanced users, tho, if they don't mind manual fiddling06:39
soamvbob2: no it doesnt beep on reboots, it does not affect windows, muting doesn't fix it; there is a /var/log/acpid message that might be relevant:  Lock file present, not processing event06:39
QMarioHello kitn!!! :)06:39
=== ben_d [n=ben@cpe-66-66-209-96.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
TrekCyclingDoes it look like WPA is much easier under Breezy?06:39
soamvbob2, the message is repeated 3 times06:39
QMarioHello Ben_D!!! :)06:39
bob2no, it's not likely to be an easier06:39
ubotuthanks qmario :)06:40
kitnHello hello!06:40
=== Fred|Fr3d [n=Fred|Fr3@81-86-149-249.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
TrekCyclingjust trying to figure out what to do. I got a new wireless AP (mostly for my wife) and WPA is a real pain.06:40
AzMooIs there a way to list processes, sorted by ram used?06:40
bur[n] erwpa is for weenies, open your wireless ;)06:40
QMarioTry WEP.06:40
soamvAzMoo, top and then hit uppercase M06:40
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LinuxJonesAzMoo, top06:40
QMarioWe Enjoy Perl!!!06:40
=== zdennis [n=zdennis@66-227-241-58.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
QMarioJust a small joke. Hee.06:40
kitnI want to install Ubuntu on my laptop, but the CD drive is not bootable.  Is there a boot floppy for the install, or a boot manager I can use?06:40
TrekCyclingI'm debating wether to go with a distro I know (like CentOS) and just go back to WEP or whether to try a distro like Ubuntu in the hopes of getting WPA working.06:40
zdennisWhen ubuntu starts, why does it steel all of my terminals?06:40
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zdennisi can't Alt-F1, Alt-F2, F3...etc...06:41
bob2I'd just give up on WPA06:41
bob2use WEP if you want to stop casual attacks and ipsec if you really care abut security06:41
TrekCyclingbob2, Really? That bad right now?06:41
bur[n] erTrekCycling: use ubuntu with wep ;)06:41
bob2kitn: can you network install?06:41
bob2TrekCycling: I just don't see the point of wpa06:41
funkyHatzdennis, it's ctrl+alt+F...06:41
TrekCyclingbur[n] er, :-)06:41
bob2zdennis: ctrl-alt-f106:41
kitnNo, I don't have network hardware for it yet.06:41
TrekCyclingbob2, Dude, I don't know. I thought it was more secure or something. :-)06:41
zdennisthose don't work for me06:41
TrekCyclingbob2, Maybe ipsec is the way to go.06:42
=== kushboy [n=kushboy@pcp0010550547pcs.mkethn01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
TrekCyclingMy main concern is if I'm installing this new laptop it would be nice to know I could do a hotspot now and then. I don't know what they use at those places, though. If they still use WEP or what06:42
bob2it's more secure than WEP06:42
kushboyCan anyone help me run through the Mythtv installation. I seem to be doing something wrong06:42
LinuxJoneskushboy, are you following a howto ?06:43
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kitnMy laptop is an old ThinkPad 365xd, I bought it specifically for writing, and for learning Ubuntu.  I didn't expect to need network connectivity yet.06:44
bob2perhaps a usb stick06:44
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bob2your problem is not ubuntu-specific, tho, you just don't have any options you can install from06:45
LinuxJoneskushboy, >> http://www.abarbaccia.com/content/view/17/32/06:45
kitnExactly.  That's why I asked if there was a boot floppy image somewhere.06:45
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lynx_nhbI need the right linux header for an AMD Sempron 1800+?06:46
lynx_nhbbob2: What one is best suited for this chip?06:47
bob2that's not the point06:47
bob2the headers you want depend on what kernel you're currently using06:47
bob2hence, uname -r06:47
lynx_nhbI'm not in linux, I'm in XP.06:48
bob2time to reboot and check then06:48
lynx_nhbI have kernel 2.6.10-5-38606:48
bob2then you want linux-headers-2.6.10-5-38606:48
lynx_nhbOk, thanx, had to make sure.06:49
!christel:*! : Hi! Do you enjoy trivia? If so the guys and gals in ##trivia are requesting your company! Have a great day!06:49
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=== kaha [n=kaha@cable3-210.prineville.crestviewcable.com] has joined #ubuntu
simbadHello. I have a probelm with pppd. I am trying to build up a ppp-connection. The networkdevice works fine (I can see it with tcpdump). But pon 'peer' always says "Couldnt get channel number: Input/output error". I have no further ideas, google is not informative in this point.06:52
=== the4bagger [i=the4bagg@ACD1E0F4.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
the4baggerhey LinuxJones, im still having trouble with my mouse06:53
simbadBTW, it doesnt matter if I call ppp with or without sudo.06:53
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the4baggerLinuxJones, out of curiousity I removed the PS/2 cable from my computer and my mouse and keyboard still work via the one USB cable06:54
kahaIs there any way to install a decent theme for my (very few) QT apps, without installing a load of KDE stuff?06:55
Maikeruhas anyone in here sucessfully setup hostap(d) with madwifi?06:55
the4baggerDid anybody here have a problem with X server when they installed ubuntu?06:56
=== zblach [n=zblach@Toronto-HSE-ppp3855982.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
zblachi just got 3d acceleration working06:56
zblachwhat linux games should i play?06:56
simbad /log/messages says (Connect> ppp0 <---> /dev/pts/1) diretly followed by a Modem hangup. Also I got always a message from hal.hotplug: timeout waiting for /class/net/ppp0. What does that mean?06:56
=== Maikeru kicks hostap
the4baggerzblach, i cant even get x server to start06:56
kahazblach: Tuxracer.  :)06:56
MaikeruI was told to edit .config and stuff, but I can't find the file06:56
the4baggerwell, not without an error anyway06:56
thrice`zblach, enemy territory of course06:57
bob2simbad: where on the mailing list did you ask?06:57
MaikeruI just realized somethin06:57
zblachall, whereat?06:57
Maikeruthey were saying to edit .config, but they meant hostapd.config06:57
=== Maikeru grabs pico again
zblachi don't feel like paying for games.06:57
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kahazblach: tuxracer and enemy territory are both free06:58
simbadbob2 My mainproblem is this silent pppd, also in debug-mode. I havent visited the mailing list. I dont have the right keywords to find my problems - google also scans the mailinglists06:58
zblachkaha, where at?06:58
ubotuzblach: I don't know06:58
bob2simbad: but you didn't post your qyestion?06:58
zblach!enemy territory06:58
ubotuzblach: I give up, what is it?06:58
kahatuxracer an ubuntu package, dunno about ET06:58
simbadbob2: thats correct.06:58
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zblachubotu, enemy territory is land that isn't yours06:59
ubotuokay, zblach06:59
ompaulfound a bug in breezy live cd - it must be the most trivial bug ever :)06:59
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ompaulcan't change desktop wallpaper :)07:00
=== topyli [n=juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
kahaSo, are my QT apps doomed to stay ugly forever?07:00
=== avanspronsen [n=andrewv@London-HSE-ppp3543971.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
thrice`kaha, run them in kde once07:01
kahathrice: Didn't want to install KDE, tho07:01
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thrice`kaha, then don't use qt apps =] 07:01
thrice`qt apps in a gtk environment07:02
the4baggerLinuxJones, are you there?07:02
=== kaha wishes they'd make a gtk version of Skype...
zblachkaha, doesn't gaim work just as well?07:02
nlogaxzblach: Also RACER and TORCS if you like cars...  Scorched3d & Armagetron are in Ubuntu repositories07:02
kahazblach: not with a microphone07:03
nlogaxcheck it out - it's an Internet-playable 3D version of Tron lightcycles07:03
nlogaxfast n' furious07:04
kahazblach: I use it to talk to my boss and a couple friends who hate typing07:04
=== simplydazed [n=sdazed@simplydazed.za.org] has joined #ubuntu
the4baggerCan somebody please help me with Xserver? Im getting a mouse error causing the GUI to fail to start07:04
bob2the4bagger: are you using hoary?07:04
kahaArmagetron rocks07:04
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, yeah07:04
the4baggerum, i think so...I got my ubuntu cd's from the shipit free program07:04
the4baggerLinuxJones, out of curiousity I removed the PS/2 cable from my computer and my mouse and keyboard still work via the one USB cable07:05
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, so your mouse is workign now ?07:06
the4baggerim running window right now because ubuntu still wont boot the GUI07:06
=== auk [n=scott@h-69-3-128-186.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
the4baggermy mouse is still operational in windows even though i removed the ps/2 connection07:07
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, so everything worked ok when you did the initial install ?07:07
ompaulthe4bagger, which version of ubuntu did you install?07:07
the4baggerno, when I did the initial install I still couldnt boot into the GUI07:07
ompaulwhat kind of video card?07:08
the4baggergeforce fx 5200 ultra07:08
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ompaul!tell the4bagger about nvidia07:08
thrice`!tell thrice` about ati07:09
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the4baggeri can do this even though i dont get a gui?07:10
=== kushboy [n=kushboy@pcp0010550547pcs.mkethn01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulthe4bagger, that url should get you past that - you can install a text irc client like sirc to connect to /server irc.freenode.net do the whole identify thing and join us here from ubuntu with the command 'sudo apt-get install sirc'07:10
kushboyalright, I'm at the database config for MythTv. Is anyone familiar with what I type for "Database:"?07:10
ompaulthe4bagger, well you could but it would be easier if you went there now and printed out the details :)07:11
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, ok if your mouse is on usb now you can run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and select /dev/input/mice as the mouse type that should fix that problem, select vesa as the video driver to get you up and running. I have a GF5200 and the nv driver doesn't work with it.07:11
=== elmindreda [n=camilla@c-2bf672d5.017-61-73746f40.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has left #ubuntu []
the4baggerLinuxJones, i have tried that already and get the same error07:11
the4bagger"cannot open device"07:12
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, what kind of mouse is it again ?07:12
morchubooim running breezy and cant run gnome due to an error: libORBitCosNaming-2.so.0 (invalid argument) - I tried to dist-upgrade incase it was a bugged previous update but i get an error when updating libc6: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.3.5-1ubuntu11_i386.deb - unable to stat `./usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Omsk` - Is it a development thing or have I broken something?07:12
kushboyno Mythtvers?07:12
the4baggerlogitech mx70007:13
bob2that sounds like disk corruption07:13
morchubooreally? hmmm ill try running some tests with hdparm and seeing if i get lots of errors. It could well be as the drives are very old and i suspected were on their way out. guess its time to upgrade :)07:14
=== zdennis [n=zdennis@66-227-241-58.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
zdennisAnyone have ideas why my Ctrl-Alt-F* keys aren't working to switch terminals?07:15
bob2perhaps yo uconfigured X to not allow it07:16
reikiwhen I open a jpg image, it opens in a viewer that has no print function. How would I open it so that I can print it? Do I have to use The Gimp or is there a simpler app in the default install?07:16
bob2or your keymap is screwed up07:16
zdennisbob2, do you know where i would look for that setting?07:16
the4baggerLinuxJones, any more ideas?07:16
bob2in your x config07:16
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zdennisbob2, do you know what the line would look like that would unallow that?07:17
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, boot Ubuntu, then cat /dev/input/mice move the mouse around and see if spits out anything to the console07:17
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fakedsb using amarok? if yes, was it possible for you to build a collection? It doesn't work to me, need help07:18
MrGardenHoseManwhat's a somewhat easy to use firewall for linux?07:18
zdennisbob2, i see the line that does it.. "Option "DontVTSwitch"07:18
zdennisbut it is commented out07:18
bob2faked: so file a bug, after askign in #kubuntu07:18
zblachMrGardenHoseMan, synaptic -> firestarter07:18
bob2MrGardenHoseMan: why do you think you need a firewall?07:18
MrGardenHoseManwhy not?07:19
fakedbob2: ah, wrong channel, thank you07:19
zdennisbob2, so you think keymap is screwed up?07:19
nico8481any idea how to mix latin and cyrillic characters with LyX (or LaTeX)? I tried installing/using unicode stuff but it doesn't seem to work... :-/07:19
MrGardenHoseManmore security is never a bad idea07:19
bob2zdennis: no idea, I can't see your machine, and I don't have time to guess, sorry07:19
MrGardenHoseManplus i don't have a router so i'm pretty much all naked out there in the wild07:19
bob2MrGardenHoseMan: and what would your firewall actually do?07:19
adriyel_prodigyexcept when the environment loses functionality as an effect of higher security07:19
bob2MrGardenHoseMan: given that ubuntu doesn't actually have anything attackable in the default install07:20
the4baggerLinuxJones, im on dialup right now so as soon as i can i will put IRC on linux so i can talk without rebooting...i will go do that mouse thing now07:20
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, looks like this might help, print it off and follow the instructions >>  http://docs.tenshu.net/Logitech-MX-Duo-mini-HOWTO/07:20
MrGardenHoseMani want to run sshd plus a couple other remote access to desktop daemons07:21
bob2that's a bad idea07:21
bob2presumably you won't be firewalling port 2207:21
bob2and the other should be tunneld over ssh07:21
MrGardenHoseManthat's why i need a firewall07:21
bob2so what would your firewall do?07:21
MrGardenHoseManjust limit traffic on ports i don't want07:21
bob2stop and think07:22
MrGardenHoseMancut them off completely07:22
bob2what on earth would that do?07:22
bob2you don't have anything listening on those ports07:22
bob2if someone tries to access them, the kernel says "no one's here, go away"07:22
=== ompaul [n=ubuntu@213-202-152-38.bas503.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrGardenHoseManso what is the purpose of the firewall then?07:23
MrGardenHoseManfalse sense of security?07:23
bob2they have lots of uses07:23
bob2not in thise case, tho07:23
nlogaxMrGardenHoseMan it aint such a bad idea really - you may wish to limit which IPs/ISPs can connect to your SSHD07:23
bob2sometimes you want to restrict who can access what07:23
jack-if you run services that shouldnt be accessible from outside, or only from certain nets, a fw makes sense07:23
jack-but its enough to get a decent frontend for iptables07:24
jack-its very mighty07:24
bob2but that is rarely the case07:24
nlogaxjack: exactly07:24
kspathlayered defenses07:24
bob2and people need to shake the "OMG I NEED A FIREWALL" disease they caught while using windows07:24
kspathuse tcpd  tcp wrappers07:24
MrGardenHoseManwell i am a fresh off the boat windows user...07:24
nlogaxan FW can also help if someone gets user-level access to your box somehow and tries to bring up a daemon07:25
kspathhosts.allow hosts.deny is your friend07:25
ompaulMrGardenHoseMan, a firewall is used to protect services that you want protected, from outside you machine certain services appear like a deep pool of water someone probes it and not even a ripple occurs that they know about07:25
adriyel_prodigygarden, welcome to the land of Linux, here's some morphine to make the transition less painful07:25
ompaulwhat happened there07:25
theeilhow do i fix stuff so i can use mail to send emails to other servers?07:25
mumblesadriyel_prodigy can i have osme as well07:25
bob2nlogax: how do you do that without blcking users abilities to use the network entirely?07:25
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MrGardenHoseManadriyel_prodigy: yeah it's been an...interesting ride so far07:26
ompauladriyel_prodigy, pm?07:26
mumblesstill trying to get my server working07:26
bob2theeil: "fix stuff"? you mean reconfigure your MTA? sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix.07:26
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MrGardenHoseManso what you're basicaly saying is that a firewall wouldn't do much of anything in my case?07:26
theeilbob2: does postfix do outgoing stuff too?07:26
Maikeruhas anyone in here sucessfully setup hostap(d) with madwifi?07:26
bob2theeil: of course07:27
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bob2MrGardenHoseMan: yes07:27
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bob2MrGardenHoseMan: if you want to restrict which ips can connect to ssh, for instance, then it would do some good07:27
adriyel_prodigyugh, this fight in advance wars is taking forever, I'm on day 23....bleh07:27
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MrGardenHoseMannot sure if i want to do that yet07:27
nlogaxbob2: allowing only incoming connections from your local subnet to services you don't want 'Net accessible07:27
MrGardenHoseManbut thanks07:27
MaikeruOr, rather, has anyone setup madwifi correctly?07:28
Whistlerhow do i configure iptables?07:28
MrGardenHoseManless time wasted configuring something i don't need07:28
bob2nlogax: bind them to only your internal interface07:28
bob2Whistler: perhaps you want /usr/share/doc/iptables/README.Debian?07:28
bob2Whistler: or did you mean "Can someone recommend a nice GUI/CLI frontend to iptables?"?07:28
nlogaxbob2: your internal interface might be the same i/f used as external - i.e. when NATted07:28
theeilbob2: do i need to set a realyhost?07:28
Whistlerbob2 second one07:29
bob2theeil: yes07:29
Whistlerif its possible07:29
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bob2Whistler: shorewall is great07:29
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zblachhow to add networked printers?07:29
theeilbob2: is smtp.localdomain good?07:29
bob2Whistler: perhaps firestarter is more suited to you07:29
benplautcolony 4?! those guys are on a roll!07:29
bob2theeil: is that really your smarthost?07:29
nlogaxI run an f/w on any Internet-facing hosts but don't think it's necessary for boxes that don't have incoming NAT/PAT from the net07:29
theeilbob2: i don't know?07:29
bob2theeil: er07:30
nlogaxooooh Colony4 \o/  ---  where??07:30
adriyel_prodigyno, not on a roll, they just code full-time, not a convienence many distro maintainers have07:30
bob2theeil: you don't know who you should be relaying mail through?07:30
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bob2adriyel_prodigy: hahahaha07:30
=== DaSkreech [n=Me@port0006-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu
DaSkreechCan Ubuntu boot from a Firewire Drive?07:30
nlogaxtheeil: are you sure you need to relay mail??  why not use DNS to deliver it?07:30
bob2DaSkreech: that's not really the issue: can your bios?07:31
=== Leonik [n=chatzill@d18-184.rb.lax.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
mumbleswhats a good firewall for a server box ?07:31
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DaSkreechbob2: Thanks07:31
bob2mumbles: shorewall07:31
Leonikhow would i set up a lan party so that i can have my linux server run a packet filter07:31
theeilbob2: i don't have a clue, i just want to be able to send mail with mutt and also be able to get local mail07:32
zblachhow would i add networked printers?07:32
bob2theeil: to where?07:32
bob2Leonik: don't bother07:32
theeilbob2: anywhere07:32
=== BlueEagle [n=blueeagl@ti541210a080-8421.bb.online.no] has joined #Ubuntu
nlogaxtheeil: if your DNS is set up right and you don't filter 25/TCP traffic to/from the Internet it should work fine07:32
Leonikwhy not? i dont want morons playing wow while everyone else is playing cs07:32
bob2theeil: then tell postfix to realy mail through your isp07:32
bob2Leonik: and you can't stop them, so don't watse your time trying07:33
theeilbob2: but i would have to have a mail account with them than07:33
Leonikwhat about for secruity though... could i run anything on the box for that reason?07:33
BlueEagletheeil: But don't allow everyone to connect and send mail trough your postfix. We've got enout spammers already :)07:33
=== spiral [n=spiral@laf31-2-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2Leonik: you need to be way way more specific about your setup and what your aim is07:33
bob2theeil: if you have a static ip, tell it not to use a relay then07:33
Leonikwell basically i have my linux box... a 64 port switch... and i want everyone to have to go through the box to be able to do anything07:34
Leonikid like the box to run a dhcp server07:34
bob2be warned that lots of people will drop mail from you07:34
bob2Leonik: why do you want to do that?07:34
Leonikto take the load off the switch and stuff07:34
=== l4mp_ibook [n=tho@dsl-084-056-156-054.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
adriyel_prodigyquestion: whats the diff between a hub and a switch (is tempted to grab networking book from shelf, but would rather not bother)07:34
Leonikand so i can see what everyone's doing07:34
bob2Leonik: that's not how networks work07:34
BlueEagleleonik: modem -> Your box with dhcp server and nifty ip-tables -> Switch -> All other machines.07:34
Maikeruhub sends to everything07:34
bob2Leonik: that's also not how networks work07:34
Maikeruswitch sends to only specific one07:34
Leonikerr ya a hub whatever07:35
Maikeruhub is dumber than a switch07:35
Maikeruthat's basically it07:35
bob2Leonik: basically, you want to spy on people?07:35
Leonikno i just want to make sure no ones doing weird shit07:35
Leonikand i only have a dsl line07:35
mumblesis there a setupage for shorewall ?07:35
BlueEaglea hub is also slower than a switch with many peers connected (hub causes more crashes iirc)07:35
Leonikand its going to be pretty big so id like to keep the packet coutn down07:35
mumblesi mean a help page ?07:35
bob2Leonik: this is not how networks work, sorry07:35
bob2mumbles: install shorewall-doc07:35
Leonikwell i was jw with linux if there's naything out there07:35
BlueEaglemumbles: You've got a nice interface with webmin07:35
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=== Maikeru kicks hostapd
bob2Leonik: there's nothing for anything out there07:35
Leonikso true07:35
bob2Leonik: your switch handles all traffic between machines07:36
bob2it has nothing to do wit hyour server07:36
=== terrex [n=terrex@84-122-83-29.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== SanderD [n=sander@ip503c2a37.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
mumbleshow do i get to the webmin interface BlueEagle ?07:37
SanderDHi. How large should my swap partition be, having 1 GiB of memory?07:37
bob2you don't want a webmin interface for shorewall07:37
bob2SanderD: the default is fine07:37
Maikeruat least fake ap works07:37
BlueEaglemumbles: I would assume that you install webmin and then connect to
BlueEaglemumbles: Oh, and you might need to start webmin with sudo /etc/init.d/webmin start07:37
adriyel_prodigyI love webmin :)07:37
SanderDbob2: I'd like to make the partitions manually.. Would 512 KB be good?07:38
samu2can somebody tell me how to install truetype font collections on ubuntu?07:38
BlueEaglebob2: Why do you not want that?07:38
bob2SanderD: MB? that's fine.07:38
ubotufrom memory, fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FontInstallHowto07:38
samu2i didnt manage to just "drag them" into fonts:///07:38
SanderDbob2: Yes, sorry, MB :-) Thanks07:38
Carpe_Libertatem!tell samu2 about fonts07:38
bob2BlueEagle: webmin encourages peopel to change things they don't really understand07:38
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adriyel_prodigyand Linux as a whole doesn't bob2?07:39
mumbleswell i sortof understand what im doing07:39
mumblesbut dont know commands07:39
bob2the difficulty of making a change usually lines up with the potential for damage07:39
BlueEaglebob2: So you think hiding dangerous things away in obscure config files is better when it comes to security?07:39
adriyel_prodigyheh, you've never seen a non-technical gamer bumble about xorg.conf in the attempt to get gaming to work eh?07:39
bob2e.g. bind is hard enough to get going that most people don't break DNS07:39
tritiumSanderD: do you intened to suspend to disk (hibernate)?07:39
bob2adriyel_prodigy: then they break X and lose, no harm to anyone else done07:40
mumbles(adriyel_prodigy) heh, you've never seen a non-technical gamer bumble about xorg.conf in the attempt to get gaming to work eh? --- done that myself07:40
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bob2BlueEagle: yes, that' exactly what I said07:40
adriyel_prodigyBlueEagle: my sentiments exactly07:40
SanderDtritium: I don't know, why?07:40
tritiumSanderD: because in that case, you'd want your swap >= mem07:40
adriyel_prodigymumbles: its a good thing when I first tried games on Linux, I knew something of what I was doing, my poor friend, lol, he got stuck with a text mode console until I fixed it, I had to ssh into his machine07:40
mumbleshehe i had to geo into recue mode to fix mine.07:41
samu2Carpe_Libertatem, do you really have to edit the info for the font manually to add them?07:41
adriyel_prodigylolz, good thing Linux has a safe mode07:41
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mumblesgood job i had help pages on07:41
adriyel_prodigyexcept, I call my safe mode, "knoppix"07:41
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samu2And do .ttc fonts work in ubuntu?07:41
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oris_wolfbanecan anyone point me in some the direction of some good tutorials for running a ubuntu vnc server07:41
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, vnc is http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-36715.html http://www.tightvnc.com/docs.html07:42
SanderDtritium: Okay, thanks.07:42
oris_wolfbaneubotu, thanxs07:42
ubotuno worries, oris_wolfbane07:42
lynx_nhbbob2: Thanx so much.  Getting file and dependancies. Laters.07:42
bob2I really wish people would write up documentation properly07:42
BlueEaglebob2: Well, I would think a better warning message when trying to do things that might break other machines would be better. Setting up a firewall (and potentially locking ones own network out) doesn't really fall into that category. For Bind I might be inclined to agree with you, but not for shorewall.07:42
mumblesBlueEagle i get Error - Access denied for
=== panickedthumb [n=travis@rad-va-20-pc-163.cablenet-va.com] has joined #ubuntu
MaikeruSo does -ANYONE- in here use MadWifi?07:43
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BlueEaglemumbles: You're not trying to access webmin from the box that is running it?07:43
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=== Maikeru cries
lynx_nhbbob2: I agree the modem drivers doc were very inclomplete.07:43
mumblesno the box thats running it is a server07:43
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=== thrice` [i=f3@unaffiliated/Thr1cE] has joined #ubuntu
SanderDCan I have /var at the same partition as /home (for backups)?07:44
BlueEaglemumbles: Well, then I suggest you allow access from 192.168.0.* in /etc/webmin/somefile. Have a look-see and see what you find.07:44
bob2Maikeru: and now you ask on the mailing list or on a hostapd list07:44
Whistlersomething is blocking my ports07:44
=== adnans [n=adnans@linuxgoeroe.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
bob2Whistler: then talk to your ISP07:44
Whistleri dont have any firewall installed07:44
MrGardenHoseMandoes ubuntu come with a vncviewer?07:44
Maikerubob2: I07:44
BlueEaglemumbles: Also you would probably want two NICs in the server. One for the modem and one for the switch.07:44
MaikeruI don't understand your question07:45
MrGardenHoseMandumb question, never mind07:45
adnansMrGardenHoseMan: apt-get install vcn4viewer07:45
lynx_nhbbob2: Does ubunto (Debian) have any good composing software and advance Guitar trainers?07:45
MaikeruOr are you saying I should?07:45
Whistlerits something with my ubuntu not the isp07:45
bob2Whistler: it wasn't a question07:45
MaikeruI've been looking on google forever07:45
bob2ironmc: I hear lilypond is nice07:45
mumblesdamm no can do BlueEagle its a old compac thing07:45
Maikeruif I could just configure hostapd to compile for madwifi everything would work07:45
bob2Maikeru: no, ubuntu has no ip filterint enabled by default07:45
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bob2Maikeru: I was suggesting 2 better places to ask07:45
BlueEaglemumbles: You've got no avail ISA or PCI slots? o.O07:45
Ahmuckwhat is lilypond ?07:45
Whistlersomebody told me that iptables may be causing this what shoul i do?07:45
bob2Whistler: h no, ubuntu has no ip filterint enabled by default07:45
bob2Whistler: no, it's not07:45
mumblesits a compac evo machne07:46
mumblesabout the size of 2 big heafty manules07:46
bob2iptables does not do *anything* by default on ubuntu07:46
BlueEaglemumbles: Well, that's what you get for buying a compaq then. :p07:46
mumblesi dident... it got given to me07:46
BlueEaglemumbles: Well, that's what you get for accepting crappy presants then. :p07:46
=== thrice` doesn't get why fglrx isn't in breezy yet
mumbles:p my mate suddenley said here u can have this07:47
bob2thrice`: it's not in linux-restricted-modules?07:47
adnansthrice`, but it is07:47
thrice`adnans, fglrx for 2.6.12 ?07:47
thrice`bob2, the external agp07:47
BlueEaglemumbles: Well, you can always setup a different subnet using the same NIC, but I really don't know how to do that. Ask bob2. He seems like a guru. :)07:48
adnansls -l /lib/modules/2.6.12-8-686/volatile/fglrx.ko07:48
adnans-rw-r--r--  1 root root 303639 2005-09-05 21:32 /lib/modules/2.6.12-8-686/volatile/fglrx.ko07:48
funkyHati like those evo boxes, nice and smart and small07:48
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tritiumbizarre mating ritual07:48
thrice`the drivers in hoary will not compile on 2.6.1207:48
=== lynx_nhb asks if Ubunto (Debian) have any good composing software and advance Guitar trainers?
funkyHat(ok, mostly small)07:48
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bob2thrice`: I don't know what that means07:48
mumblesi think im going to disconnnect my server from the net anyway07:48
mumblesuser it as a local backup box07:48
nlogaxlynx_nhb have you checked out Rosegarden?07:48
thrice`adnans, what pack is that from ?07:48
sanketmedhican anyone help this new ubuntu user configure his screen resolution?07:48
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bob2thrice`: if breezy is missing a driver that hoary had, someone should file a bug07:48
BlueEaglesanketmedhi: Fell free to /msg me.07:48
adnansthrice`, linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-8-68607:49
tritiumsanketmedhi: that's usually doene with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:49
thrice`adnans, they are putting fglrx in there now ?  this wasn't the same as hoary was it ?07:49
dryadGoodevening #ubuntu, I was wondering how to mount an external harddrive (USB) with write-permissions for non-root users?07:49
adnansthrice`, nope07:49
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=== Decadent [n=variemai@ppp50-adsl-214.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
dryadI'm running Ubuntu Hoary, just in case that'd be important07:49
lynx_nhbnlogax, Tried to get it to work on Fedora and RH Enterprise and couldn't so I went back to Debian.07:49
benkong2I upgraded from 2.6.10-k8 kernel to 2.6.11 and now my nvidia stuff is broken...booted into init 3 and tried apt-get install nvidia stuff but all I get is already the newest version. What can I do now?07:49
Decadentaloha mates07:50
thrice`adnans, well, I was thinking of updating to breezy, but I know that X won't like the fglrx drivers I've got on there now07:50
thrice`seeing as how they will not work in 2.6.1207:50
adnansthrice`, sorry, using nvidia stuff here07:50
thrice`adnans, then why do you have fglrx!07:50
bob2benkong2: so, don't do that07:50
adnansthrice`, cuz it comes standard07:50
bob2benkong2: since 2.6.11 is known broken and not in the supported section of ubuntu07:50
SanderDCan I have /var at the same partition as /home (for making backups)?07:50
sanketmedhitritium: actually i was getting only upto 1024x768 earlier....so i edited xorg.conf and added a 1280x1024 resolution...now i get all 1280 series resolutions but nothing between 1280 and 102407:51
thrice`adnans, do you have something in /lib/modules/fglrx07:51
benkong2bob2; ok thanks07:51
bob2SanderD: of course, you can put any thing, any where07:51
lynx_nhbnlogax: Tried to get it to work on Fedora and RH Enterprise and couldn't so I went back to Debian.07:51
KyralWow, is today a major GNOME update day in Breezy?07:51
thrice`2.12 final might be released to packagers... ?07:51
lynx_nhbnlogax: How good is beast or brahms?07:51
adnansthrice`, only way to find out if it works is to try it :)07:51
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tritiumsanketmedhi: that sounds normal, if you didn't add modes between 1024 and 128007:52
Kyralam getting loads of GNOME updates07:52
thrice`adnans, no, do you have that dir on your system ?  /lib/modules/fglrx ?07:52
SanderDbob2: How do I configure that? In /etc/fstab I think I can only choose one mount point per partition.07:52
BlueEaglebenkong2: Which error are you getting when attempting to startx?07:52
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=== Kyral looks at the version strings
sanketmedhitritium: i tried adding 1152x768 but it didnt work07:52
KyralIt IS 2.12!07:52
=== ubuntulnx [n=d@118.Red-81-37-168.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2SanderD: of course07:52
bob2SanderD: you make /var a symlink to somewhere in /home07:52
bob2which may or may not work, depending on whether things write there before fstab is done07:52
=== lynx_nhb asks if Ubunto (Debian) have any good advance Guitar trainers?
benkong2BlueEagle;  gdm x is improperly configured could not load nvidia driver07:53
bob2lynx_nhb: "ubunto" is not the name of anything07:53
BlueEaglebenkong2: lsmod|grep nvidia07:53
mumblesarse i can see a way of getting it work07:53
tritiumsanketmedhi: take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:53
bob2lynx_nhb: and why don't you just look for yourself?07:53
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mumblesor any file that says allow 192.168.x.x07:53
BlueEaglebenkong2: You might need to add nvidia to /etc/modules07:53
bob2benkong2: no, go back to 2.6.1007:54
benkong2nothing returned07:54
sanketmedhitritium: ok thanx07:54
=== Fanskapet [n=din@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
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aapeliiHi, is this the correct channel to talk about breezy?07:54
benkong2ok I'll go back to 2.6.10 since its supported07:54
bob2benkong2: one of the many unpleasant things about 2.6.11 is that it has no binary drivers built for it07:54
BlueEaglebenkong2: sudo modprobe nvidia && lsmod|grep nvidia07:54
SanderDbob2: Okay, thanks, I'll try it. Then I've only got one question left (I hope): Does the Ubuntu installer recognize /home/* folders, so that I can keep my files when re-installing?07:54
benkong2thanks BlueEagle07:54
bob2SanderD: if you tell the partitioner to mount it on /home, yes07:54
tritiumsanketmedhi: if that doesn't work, look for clues in /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:54
nlogaxlynx_nhb: haven't used any I'm afraid (incl. Rosegarden :-/07:55
lynx_nhbAnyone remember someone that helped me over 10 yrs ago in debian linux called sirdibose?07:55
bob2sirdibios is now a nazi07:55
sanketmedhitritium: ok, i am currently dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:55
SanderDbob2: So when I make a new user in the installer with the same name as in the old installation, I can use the same files?07:55
lynx_nhbnlogax: Thanx.07:55
bob2SanderD: yes07:55
firefly2442how do I get ride of the mesa drivers and use ATI instead?07:55
lynx_nhbbob2: YOur kidding?07:56
bob2firefly2442: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto07:56
bob2lynx_nhb: no07:56
SanderDbob2: Okay, great. :-)07:56
=== housetier [n=housetie@dsl-084-056-190-240.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
nlogaxI take it it's Breezy repos that are getting 2.12 updates??07:56
=== pvh [n=pvh@S010600121729b5b8.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2lynx_nhb: assuming you mean jonathon walther07:56
lynx_nhbbob2: thanx, I didn't know that.07:57
pvhWhat's with the registration requirement?07:57
lynx_nhbbob2: Yes.07:57
=== the4bagger [i=the4bagg@AC96DC46.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob2pvh: spam attacks07:57
pvhbob2: Ah. Thanks.07:57
thrice`is it beta2 or 2.12 final ?07:57
the4baggerLinuxJones, i think i may have a solution, but i dont know the code to do it07:57
BlueEaglepvh: It's to prohibit spambots from annying the crap out of everyone.07:57
BlueEaglepvh: Blame the script kiddies.07:57
firefly2442what is a linux restricted module?07:58
lynx_nhbbob2: neo?07:58
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bob2lynx_nhb: googling for his nick will show you more07:58
pvhBlueEagle: I always blame the script kiddies. It's too bad there isn't a less counter-noobie way though.07:58
the4baggerLinuxJones, when I try booting into ubuntu it appears as though it is trying to boot from my user directory, the4bagger07:58
bob2firefly2442: linux-restricted-modules contains non-free kernel modules07:58
pvhBlueEagle: Actually, I imagine the channel has gotten a lot more civil ever since.07:58
benkong2bob2; BlueEagle; can I change from the 2.6.10-5 amd-generic064 to the without breaking everything? My assumption is with the amd64 processor k7 is better????07:58
bob2benkong2: no...07:59
BlueEaglepvh: Registereing and identifying isn't a hassle if you're using a propper irc client. :)07:59
=== Madpilot [n=yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
DJWillisfirefly2442: a Linux kernel module that is NOT (l)GPL. I.e. a closed source kernel module.07:59
lynx_nhbbob2: Do I search for sirdibos or his name?07:59
=== Simpleton [n=chris@c-65-96-216-247.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2benkong2: if you don't know what you're doing, just leave it07:59
pvhBlueEagle: Everything is a hassel.07:59
bob2lynx_nhb: irc nick07:59
=== bretzel [n=bretzel@modemcable128.237-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
SimpletonHey Fellas, What do I do when I get this message07:59
Simpleton error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:59
pvhBlueEagle: Hassle, even.07:59
=== Kyral [n=Linux@hamlin-138-648.hamlin.clarkson.edu] has joined #ubuntu
adnansthrice`, nope07:59
bob2DJWillis: there are BSD modules, too; it's more "non-GPl compatible modules"07:59
pvhI just followed the HOWTO guide on updating my nVidia GLX module, but now I get segfaults when anything tries to touch GL.07:59
lynx_nhbbob2: ok got you.07:59
benkong2ok generic it is08:00
bob2pvh: was it on the forums?08:00
pvhThis is the ubuntuforum howto. I didn't see anything in the thread.08:00
firefly2442thanks, off to restart08:00
pvhbob2: Yeah.08:00
=== K-Bay [i=ident@jabberwocky.piotrkow.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu
bob2Simpleton: packages.ubuntu.com, search for that file and install the package it suggests08:00
bob2Forums In Bad Advice Shocker!08:00
bob2pvh: follow up to the thread08:00
DJWillisbob2: Thanks for clearing that up, I realised it was non-GPL modules but never realised that inc. some BSD licences.08:00
pvhbob2: Controversy sweeping the nation!08:00
KyralVery cool08:00
KyralGNOME 2.1208:00
Simpletonbob2, is that different then apt-cache search? I've found and installed the closest thing to It I think. "libstdc++6"08:01
BlueEaglethe4bagger: Did you expect anyone to give constrictive advice based on that comment?08:01
bob2Simpleton: yes, it is different08:01
thrice`Kyral, is it all of it, or some ?08:01
pvhbob2: I'm not a forum member.08:01
KyralI think just some08:01
bob2Simpleton: apt-file is the command-line analogue08:01
the4baggerBlueEagle, yes lol08:01
KyralThe "About GNOME" reports 2.1208:01
BlueEaglethe4bagger: You need to set it up correctly.08:01
Kyraland almost all my updates were GNOME packages08:01
the4baggerBlueEagle, ive been troubleshooting this for like 3 days08:01
thrice`Kyral, which version of gtk do you have ?08:01
bob2Simpleton: libstdc++2.10-glibc2.208:01
thrice`2.8.x ?08:01
KyralI dunno :P08:02
BlueEaglethe4bagger: Feel free to /msg me and we'll have a look-see on your xorg.conf08:02
KyralHow do I check08:02
bob2the dpkg factoid name is "redhat crap", because it's an old old version of libstdc++ lots of proprietary software was compiled against08:02
mumblesmumbles@JS1:/etc$ sudo cd shorewall/08:02
mumblessudo: cd: command not found08:02
bob2mumbles: sudo does not work like that08:02
thrice`Kyral, search synaptic ?08:02
mumbleshermm i tried to cd normally into shorewall and it wouldent work08:02
nightswimyou need a root-shell to do so08:02
mumblescd shorewall/08:03
mumbles-bash: cd: shorewall/: Permission denied08:03
MrGardenHoseManis there a vnc server on ubuntu by default?08:03
bob2mumbles: 'sudo -s'08:03
Simpletonbob2, thanks.08:03
Carpe_LibertatemMrGardenHoseMan: yes08:03
=== popey [n=popey@dsl-80-46-101-238.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== thrice` is excited for cairo and gtk 2.8.x =]
MrGardenHoseManCarpe_Libertatem: what's the name of it?08:04
MaikeruDJWillis, if you get a minute can you take a look at the PM I sent? ;/08:04
Kyrallibgtk its at 2.8.3-0ubuntu108:04
Carpe_LibertatemMrGardenHoseMan: system > prefs > remote desktop - 'tis all I know =P08:04
thrice`Kyral, badass =] 08:04
thrice`Kyral, things should be looking pretty good now08:04
KyralTotem and VLC are still kinda busted though..08:04
Quinthiushmm... is beagle not in any of the main repo's?08:04
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KyralTotem won't allow me to change subtitle and audio tracks on my DVD Rips of anime08:05
KyralVLC lets me, but misplaces the subtitles when fullscreened08:05
mumblescant be bothered with server anymore08:06
=== mumbles gets fed up and goes to play some games for a while
=== chrisbudden14 [n=chrisbud@host-87-74-39-33.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== Whistler wants to kill him self
=== Kyral wonders why these video glitches are going off..
=== mumbles just relised how load the server actally was
benplautKyral, you're using breezy!08:09
benplautexcpect glitches ;)08:09
ubuntulnxanyone knows howto make totem-xine read a network ahead whilst playing what it has downloaded? can't find any options...08:09
KyralI'm gonna do a clean install when it goes stable :P08:10
=== mosley [n=mosley@user-11217cj.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== Kyral looks around GNOME 2.12
Kyralwhat is supposed to be new?08:11
KyralI mean, things seem a little sharper, but thats it...08:11
benplauttry making the panel transparent08:11
benplautit finally works :)08:11
=== bur[n] er [n=norml@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bur[n] eriferea08:12
bur[n] erdoh, sorry08:12
Kyralbenplaut, it has worked since Hoary...08:12
benplautnever did for me08:12
lynx_nhbbob2: He helped me over 10 years ago with Debian Linux and I never knew.08:12
benplautgnome hasn't really chaned much, i hafta admit08:12
benplautnautilus got a new location bar, but i don't like it08:13
benplautdisabled it in gconf08:13
Carpe_LibertatemGnome has become more attractive08:13
Carpe_LibertatemJust in the past two or three years.08:13
apokryphosLocation bar? Reminiscient of Konqueror ;-)08:13
Kyrallol I must have had it disabled08:13
Kyral'cause I don't see one :D08:13
dryadGoodevening #ubuntu, I was wondering how to mount an external harddrive (USB) with write-permissions for non-root users?08:13
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=== Pickle_Weasel [i=w00f@ACA36CCE.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
benplautKyral: the button bar08:14
adriyel_prodigydryad, chmod/chown08:14
apokryphosdryad: is it vfat?08:14
mylorehey everyone08:14
dryadit's reiserfs08:14
adriyel_prodigyI would assume its /dev/sda108:14
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lynx_nhbbob2: Is he still chatting?  I would like to ThAnK him my own way.08:14
Kyralbenplaut, I don't have one :P08:15
mylorejust a quick question....is there anyone here developing in opengl?08:15
KyralHow do I get that infopanel though?08:15
=== geneo93 [n=geneo93@1Cust2986.an4.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
benplautwait a sec, are you in spatial?08:15
dryadadriyel_prodigy, shit - it was just a simple chmod.. I can't believe I didn't think of that :)08:15
dryadthank you!08:15
Kyralbenplaut, wazzat?08:15
Kyralyou mean Icon View?08:16
benplautoh, man...08:16
JuhazKyral, http://www.gnome.org/~davyd/gnome-2-12/08:16
benplautthanks, i was looking for that08:16
KyralDude, I just make Nautilus look the way I like it08:16
KyralI don't give a damn about names :P08:16
benplauti'd bet you use spatial :P08:16
KyralThen how do I change it?08:16
lynx_nhbbob2: Are you there?  It sucks to find this out much later.08:17
benplautOK, follow me on this...08:17
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@213-202-152-38.bas503.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
KyralI found the key08:17
benplautApplications>System Tools>File Browser08:17
myloreopengl anyone?08:17
Kyralunchecked "no-ubuntu-spacial"08:17
benplautdoes your nautilus look pretty much like that08:18
Kyralin that pic on that site, yah08:18
apokryphosis there no location bar in Nautilus by default?08:18
apokryphosthat seems shaky08:18
Kyralthats called List View :P08:19
benplautno, like it does in Applications>System Tools>File Browser08:19
Kyralwhat they call Spatial08:19
benplautahh, so you are a spatial user08:19
apokryphosoh yes, I forgot it had different modes08:19
=== benplaut declares war on spatial
KyralYah, how I get that info pane?08:19
Kyralwhen I click on my Homedir?08:19
benplautyou have to be in browser mode08:19
KyralHow do I set THAT?08:19
dalamarwhoa, can the gnome in hoary flip the names of stuff sideways if you have the bar on the left/right hand side like in that web preview?08:20
=== uthini [n=uthini@myw-stp-66-18-85-62.sentechsa.net] has joined #ubuntu
benplautEdit>Prefences>Behavior>Always open in browser windows08:20
benplautand then close and open another nautilus window08:20
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=== Kyral starts laughing
Kyrallike 90% of that stuff in GNOME 2.12 I don08:22
Kyral't use08:22
thrice`Kyral, will you do me a favor ?08:22
KyralI don't use Evolution, I don't use Ephiphany, I don't use Sound Juicer08:22
benplautKyral: i feel the same way08:22
Pickle_Weaseldoes anyone know of a mirror for ubuntusetup.sh?08:22
thrice`Kyral, run sudo apt-cache search fglrx    for breezy ?08:22
Pickle_Weaselthe one on the restricted formats site does not work =\08:23
Kyralwhat exactly did you want?08:23
thrice`Kyral, and see which version of fglrx-xorg-driver it has08:23
Kyralits xorg-flgrx-driver now08:23
thrice`Kyral, er...can you see which version it says in synapticf ?08:24
KyralYou mean do an apt-cache show?08:24
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thrice`Kyral, will that display the version number ?08:24
KyralVersion: 6.8.0-8.14.13-0ubuntu908:24
thrice`Kyral, ok, thank you very much08:24
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Quinthiuswas reading you guys' conversation... which is "spatial" mode... list view or the large icons view?08:25
Quinthiusor is it something different?08:25
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MadpilotQuinthius: something different: http://www.gnome.org/~davyd/gnome-2-12/images/nautilus-list.png08:26
Quinthiusoh... tree view?08:26
MadpilotQuinthius: that pic from here: http://www.gnome.org/~davyd/gnome-2-12/  - Gnome 2.12 will be in Breezy next month08:26
thrice`Madpilot, or uploaded mostly today =] 08:27
BlueEaglemadpilot: I would like to know what was in the folder "Hacking Doors" :)08:27
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chrisbudden14How can i get nautilus to start maximised?08:29
ubotubenplaut: Are you smoking crack?08:30
Madpilotthrice`: there's a new Breezy colony CD out today, isn't there?08:30
ubotubenplaut: No idea08:30
benplautMadpilot, most certanly is :)08:30
thrice`Madpilot, yes, but gnome 2.12 is just starting to get uploaded08:30
thrice`Madpilot, remember that preview is out later too08:31
benplautchrisbudden14, it's an app called Devil's Pie08:31
benplautgoogle it08:31
KyralSo big update day08:31
aapeliihow do I reconfigure keymap?08:31
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Madpilotthrice`: cool. I'm conservative, I'm still running Hoary. If I had a spare computer I'd try breezy, but with only one it had better work!08:31
KyralI can't wait until XGL or whatever is the next big X eyecandy update08:31
=== gypsum [n=dbatey@cpe-70-112-170-251.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dalamarcan you flip the applications/places/system menu on its side in the gnome in hoary or is that new for 2.12?08:31
thrice`Madpilot, yes...I am waiting for preview to update08:32
Madpilotaapelii: System menu - Prefs - Keyboard Shortcuts08:32
KyralI think its new for GNOME 2.1208:32
dalamarah ok08:32
bipolarMadpilot, I just cought the end of that. are you contemplating testing breezy?08:32
bipolarMadpilot, I've been thinking about the same08:33
KyralI'm wondering when the sharp corners on my rounded window border theme are gonna go away08:33
gsuvegwhat is the brezzy planed release date ?08:33
KyralOct 1308:33
aapeliiI meant how do I change from english beyboard to finnish. I know how to do it in gnome, but Id like to do it systemwide08:33
KyralThis is annoying08:33
Madpilotbipolar: no, I'm waiting until the full release... see above re: conservative about the only computer I own!08:33
Kyralall the rounded off Window Border themes (like Glossy P, d3a) have these "sharp" corners on them08:34
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bipolarMadpilot, ahh... is it known to have major problems still?08:35
=== tritium [n=michael@pcp0011975002pcs.sandia01.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
QMarioTritium, is there a reason why Windows computers can't see Linux computers on the network?08:35
=== Fiddler [n=bla@a11028.upc-a.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotbipolar: the major, major problems seem to be mostly fixed, from what I've heard08:35
Hoxzerhmmm, so it is possible to run Ubuntu with multiple Gnome desktops?08:35
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chrisbudden14benplaut thanks08:36
HoxzerI like to run it with 3 Gnome Desktops08:36
tritiumQMario, they can if these linux computers run a samba server08:36
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
bipolarMadpilot, ok. I might give it a shot. I've got spare machines, but  my main laptop would probbly be the guinipig08:36
Seveasoh my god, look :)08:36
=== mode/#ubuntu [-r] by Seveas
QMarioTritium, they do.08:36
Seveasweeeee :)08:36
QMarioSeveas, what are you doing?08:36
tritiumSeveas, :)08:36
bipolarSeveas, what does -r do?08:36
Seveasremoves the registered users restriction08:37
tritiumQMario, sounds like settings need to be adjusted08:37
benplautspambot gone! :)08:37
Seveasthe spambots seem to be eliminated greatly08:37
QMarioTritium, my Windows computers can't even access the server itself, and they are even in the same workgroup. :(08:37
=== jcape [n=jcape@c-67-175-206-165.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
QMarioWhen I go to Windows Network with Samba, I don't see any computers.08:37
Quinthius"NOME 2.12 will be released to the world on September 7th, 2005" <-- hehe, that's my birthday!08:38
KyralIt looks like tis already coming out, at least by what has been upgraded in Breezy08:38
tritiumQMario, have you setup any shares in samba?08:38
QMarioQuinthius, happy birthday(2 days early).08:38
=== waseem [n=waseem@cpe-67-49-34-31.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
QMarioTritium, yes.08:38
SeveasKyral, the breezy preview release (due in a week) will have the full gnome 2.1208:39
=== QMario gives Quinthius a surprise Windows XP disc full of spyware. ;)
waseemhi, i installed quake3arena and its working fine, however, i cannot play with anyone on the internet. any suggestions?08:39
QMarioJust joking.08:39
QMarioHee hee.08:39
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D1looks like gnome 2.12 has already been updated in breezy.08:40
D1or chunks of it.08:40
D1breezy is looking up.08:40
D1been stable for the past week.08:41
gsuvegbreezy come wiht native eclipse ?08:41
D1no idea about that, sorry.08:41
=== bipolar contemplates upgrading to breezy
=== zblach [n=zblach@Toronto-HSE-ppp3855982.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
bipolarI used to run Debian Unstable on my desktops08:41
D1I upgraded from colony 308:41
KyralSeveas: I assume the current Breezy users will already have it :P08:41
D1and have dist-upgraded a few times since08:41
gsuvegwhere is a feature matrix of breezy ?08:41
D1and all has worked well so far08:42
=== bur[n] er [n=norml@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gsuvegthe native eclipse would be heaven08:42
=== bur[n] er [n=norml@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
tritiumQMario, yes?08:43
QMarioI have set up shares in Samba.08:43
QMarioWhat is my problem?08:43
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=== arash [n=arash@c-cf00e353.036-25-67626711.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumQMario, I don't know08:45
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=== thrice` [n=andrew@unaffiliated/Thr1cE] has joined #ubuntu
QMarioTritium, is there a reason why Windows computers can't see themselves in their workgroup?08:46
=== arash [n=arash@c-cf00e353.036-25-67626711.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumQMario, honestly, I haven't used Windows in years and years08:46
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BlueEagleqmario: I would assume that it's a feature.08:46
=== grimse [n=grimse@p5481C30A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
QMarioBlueEagle, how?08:47
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gusto5QMario, they should be able to08:47
BlueEagleqmario: I don't know. Why would you browse files via SMB when you can access them in your local filesystem (ie. much faster)08:47
=== Bateau_ [n=Bateau@ti211110a080-7106.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
Bateau_hey! how do i install a .deb ?08:48
QMarioGusto5, do you know why they can't?08:48
=== lionel_ [n=lionel@ip-128.net-82-216-65.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu
BlueEaglebateau_: dpgk -i packagename.deb iirc08:48
=== bur[n] er [n=norml@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gusto5QMario, im assuming something isnt setup right. my 2nd doze box can see itself and my 3rd doze box08:48
=== d0nk` [n=donk@d149-67-226-66.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
BlueEaglebateau_: if i remember correctly08:48
gusto5Bateau_, go to a terminal08:48
=== NeverDream [n=NeverDre@pcp03628118pcs.nftmyr01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
QMarioGusto5, I think my Linux computer affected something.08:49
gusto5QMario, thats not very likely.08:49
Bateau_if i install the .deb in /download... does the progg get installed in that folder then?08:49
bur[n] erno08:49
Bateau_oki :)08:49
QMarioI have a dual-boot system, but when I try to view my workgroup, it says I don't have any access, yet I can pick the computers in my workgroup.08:50
BlueEaglebateau_: They should not. Depends on the package really. I've yet seen one do that though.08:50
QMarioThis all happened after I tampered with Samba.08:50
MadpilotBateau_: "sudo dpkg -i <foo.deb>"08:50
BlueEagleqmario: Have you tried disabling samba on your linix box, rebooting the windows machine and trying again?08:50
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QMarioBlueEagle, no.08:50
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QMarioLet me try it.08:51
QMario:-/ :(08:51
BlueEagleqmario: Well, that would be a way to rule out the linux box interfering...08:51
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Rahmanhai,aku boleh kenalan enggak?08:52
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Rahmannamaku david08:52
BROKEN_LADDERwhere is a good place to put some startup script that starts esd?08:52
Rahmankalau namamu?08:52
zblachhow to add networked printers?08:53
BROKEN_LADDERand how to make my computer shout "you my nigga!!" when boots up?08:53
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morchubooBateau_, use dpkg --contents <deb file> at the console to list the files and where they will go - use dpkg --info for other information08:53
gusto5BROKEN_LADDER, shout as in...textshout or audo shout?08:53
Rahmanrumahmu dimana?08:53
BROKEN_LADDERzblach "how do i add a networked printer?"08:53
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BROKEN_LADDERaudio.  voice.08:53
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Bateau_ah, oki thanks morchuboo :D08:53
BROKEN_LADDERhave computer talk to me.08:53
Rahmanaku boleh kenalan kan?08:53
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BROKEN_LADDERoh hell.  japanese?08:53
tritiumBROKEN_LADDER, please watch your choice of words, man08:53
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BROKEN_LADDERtritium ??08:54
Rahmanrumahmu dimana?08:54
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BlueEaglepoor thing08:54
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abarbacciaRahman, stop08:54
thellamasomeone kick him08:55
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ubotuI heard ops is Help! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmich, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, and Nalioth08:55
NeverDreamyou son of a bitch08:55
BlueEaglethellama: Just ignore him.08:55
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tritium] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@] by tritium
bipolarwtf is his problem08:55
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dmkhi this may be a strange request but does anyone have the source package for 2.6.12-6-386 for Breezy?08:55
thellamahow did you do that tritium08:55
maddlerbipolar: nothing... beside he lost his brain :D08:55
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dmki mean the source code of 2.6.12-6-386 for hoary08:56
tritiumthellama, with the +q mode08:56
maddlerthellama: he's a magician! :D08:56
BROKEN_LADDERi know some japanese.08:56
dmkits at 2.6.12-8-386 now but I need 2.6.12-6-38608:56
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BROKEN_LADDERme rike shushi08:56
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BROKEN_LADDERme brack bert in kavatee08:56
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thellamatritium: why don't you just stay as an op?08:56
bipolarI hope 2.6.13 makes it into breezy. It's been really nice on my laptop08:56
BlueEagle...and another one hits the ignore list.08:56
NeverDreamif I add more users besides myself and root, the sound stops working. Anyone know why and how I can fix it?08:57
MadpilotBROKEN_LADDER: enough crap, OK?08:57
thellamayou on breezy?08:57
tritiumthellama, I try to only use it when necessary08:57
BlueEagleneverdream: Does it stop working for everyone or just the new user?08:57
bipolarthellama, it's sneaky that way08:57
BROKEN_LADDERokay, but first admit i'm funny.08:57
NeverDreamBlueEagle: just the new users08:57
BlueEagleneverdream: you might want to add them to the audio group08:57
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BlueEagleneverdream: ;D08:57
NeverDreamthat would do it :) thanks08:57
tritiumBROKEN_LADDER, not when you use the "n" word, or talk about assasinations08:57
MadpilotBROKEN_LADDER: no, you weren't...08:58
BlueEagleneverdream: np08:58
thellamaam I the only one here who sets xcompmgr -c when I log in?08:58
LaserLineHello all, I have a question, anyone could help ?08:58
BROKEN_LADDERtraveller no, the n word was cause that's the message i want my computer to say.08:58
tritiumit's still inappropriate08:58
BlueEaglelaserline: Not unless you actually ask the question.08:58
BROKEN_LADDERMadpilot what exactly do you find funny then?  Bob Saget?08:58
zenwhenplease do not say the n word i am on office network thank you BROKEN_LADDER08:58
thellamaI like cheese.08:58
BROKEN_LADDERwhat's a good place to put a script to make esd startup?08:58
bipolarok. can anyone give me a reason not to dist-upgrade to breezy on my dell 600m?08:59
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SeveasBROKEN_LADDER, in your session, you can easily do that in the sound preferences08:59
maddlerbipolar: it's not stable yet? :)08:59
thellamabipolar: I just did, and I love breezy!08:59
BROKEN_LADDERbipolar probably because you'd experience some problems, cause it's not stable yet.08:59
BROKEN_LADDERi'm in kde08:59
BlueEaglezenwhen: Thank you for for using the syntax "nickname: your message" so I don't have to read what you're writing to the kids. :)08:59
thellamaso far im fine with breezy on an old g3 ibook08:59
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %Rahman!*@*] by Seveas
thellama(so far)08:59
bipolarmaddler, thellama, BROKEN_LADDER: I'm not afraid of a little rockyness. I'm an experianced admin.09:00
Seveashmm, missed tritiums +q09:00
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %Rahman!*@*] by Seveas
nlogaxQMario, your problem sounds like a Windows Browser problem09:00
thellamago for it!09:00
apokryphosSeveas: he's fast. ;-)09:00
BROKEN_LADDERand heck, you're manac depressive.09:00
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thellamai still cant get my airport working....09:00
dmkbreezy is going great here09:00
QMarioBlueEagle, it is interfering. I can now see my network name in the Windows Network place.09:00
LaserLineBlueEagle :) I have Ubuntu 5.04 - I use Gnome.  I have problem with sound and Pingus. I noticed that if I run it from terminal, it sound sometimes work, If I load from application menu, sound won't work. If I disable sound events in gnome - all is good. Is there a way to work around this ? To fix Frozen-Bubble I installed libsdl1.2debian-all, but in Pingus, i'm clueless...09:01
maddlerbipolar: well... then... if you can afford some instability... do that... :DDDD09:01
QMarioNlogax, how?09:01
thellamabipolar: go for it, I love breezy09:01
maddlerbipolar: I did btw! :D09:01
QMarioNlogax, remember, it is still Window. ;)09:01
thellamajust change you repositories to breezy and voila!09:01
QMario Nlogax, remember, it is still Windows. ;)09:01
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QMarioHee hee.09:01
BlueEagleqmario: Then you've set up samba wrong. :)09:02
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=== reiki is waiting until it's released.. call me chicken but so far I'm have a GOOD experience with Hoary as primary desktop. Not changing to Breezy just yet
thellamaI hate windows...09:02
BROKEN_LADDERmost people here do.09:02
thellamabut I love tiger!09:02
maddlertime to eat smtg... l8r pals!09:02
QMarioSeveas, what did you do to him?09:02
=== bipolar dist-upgradezs
QMarioBlueEagle, I changed nothing.09:02
=== thellama crosses fingers
BlueEaglelaserline: Which sound chip are you using?09:02
QMarioIt worked before, but something happened.09:03
BlueEagleqmario: You just installed samba and started it?09:03
thellamawhat kind of a name is samba lol09:03
nlogaxQmario - if machines on your LAN aren't showing up in your Network Neighbourhood it's usually the Windows Browser service (or Samba equivalent) that is borked09:03
LaserLineBlueEagle It's a laptop with Intel440MX sound - something from Yamaha.09:03
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QMarioI've fought with Samba several times.09:03
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BlueEagleqmario: Well, then I do not know. I had so much problems with samba that I changed to NFS. :/09:03
QMarioWhat did Seveas do to that guy?09:03
thellamarostet him09:03
funkyHatis there any program for linux that can extract rar archives?09:03
QMarioWhat is NFS?09:04
thellamawinrar ;)09:04
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funkyHatthat is free09:04
QMarioWhat did that guy do?09:04
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funkyHatnetwork file system09:04
benplautQMario, Net File System09:04
WermutHow can I use the duplex-function of my printer in any application?09:04
BlueEaglelaserline: Well, then I do not know. Appears to be esd and oss that are fighting. Not sure how to fix that.09:04
thellamahow about .sit, .zip etc etc09:04
reikiWermut: you need drivers that support the duplex function09:04
nlogaxQmario it's a Unix netowrk file system - allows you to ount remote filesystems locally09:04
BROKEN_LADDERBlueEagle you are using oss?09:04
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funkyHatBlueEagle, fix it by not using esd ;)09:05
Wermutreiki: I mean, in OpenOffice I can enable it in the Print-Setup, but in Firefox/Acrobat/Xpdf I can't09:05
funkyHatuse alsa and aoss09:05
BlueEagleThat's a good question there really. Why is hoary using oss and not alsa by default?09:05
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bobbydI just nuked my MBR, I have the ubuntu CD botted up, how do I restore my grub config?09:05
BlueEagle...and how do I change it in an easy way?09:05
LaserLineBlueEagle I followed the HowTo make Alsa work in Gnome from Ubuntu Guide, and chose it from the Multimedia Selector, is there a way to make Gnome Sound work with Alsa instead of ESD ? or is there a way to stop using ESD at all ?09:05
reikiWermut: what kind of printer09:05
thellamai just installed sarge on another computer, man I was happy to return to my nice breezy ibook! :)09:05
funkyHatdo you mean esd?09:05
WermutDo I have to specify something in the command line? I wasn't able to find out.09:05
WermutHP 990C09:06
reikiWermut: one sec...09:06
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thellamaWhat I don't understand is how I manage to waste so much time on all this...09:06
funkyHatBlueEagle, you will need to change it for each application individually, for system sounds it's system > preferences > multimedia systems selector09:06
bobbydcan I drop to a commend prompt with the cd?09:06
QMarioBlueEagle, I thought Ubuntu Hoary used ESD?09:06
BlueEaglelaserline: Well, ESD also uses alsa (or oss). They are two different lairs in the whole software-hardware-sandwitch09:06
QMarioIs Seveas still here?09:07
BlueEagleqmario: esd is a deamon. alsa and oss are drivers.09:07
ubotuthanks qmario :)09:07
funkyHatBlueEagle, but oss can be layered on top of alsa (well, alsa's oss emulation anyway ;))09:07
bipolarugh... I've never need esd work right. It's always choppy and garbles things at its whim09:07
thellamaupdate on breezy bipolar?09:07
=== ompaul screams at yet another list managed by mailman - why ohhh why does it have to offer 'Which language do you prefer to display your messages? and then only offer English (USA)' .. Bugzilla Come Here NOW!
bipolarthellama, I'm dist-upgrading now09:08
funkyHatesd works fine for me, except for a >1 second delay >:(09:08
funkyHatso i use alsa and aoss09:08
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QMarioOmpaul are you in Britain?09:08
BlueEaglefunkyhat: That's a different issue. When alsa emulates the oss api then it's still alsa that is the driver. But you can have esd think it's talking to an oss driver when in fact it's talking to alsa via oss-emulation.09:08
linuxboyI get a GPG error when I apt-get update... how can I fix this?09:08
ompaulQMario, no09:08
funkyHatBlueEagle, yes :)09:08
thellamaI wish so badly I could install ubuntu on my main computer fo everyday use...09:08
reikiWermut: take a look at this. There's a free version and a pay version. Free version should be fine for testing. I'm using a Turboprint driver for my Epson R200 to print directly on CD printable media. There's a Turboprint driver for the HP99xC as well. http://www.turboprint.de/english.html09:08
BlueEaglefunkyhat: Still doesn's solve laserlines sound issues. :)09:09
LaserLineBlueEagle By actually installing libsdl1.2debian-all Sound started to work with Frozen Bubble even with Gnome-Sound turned on. In Pingus, it doesn't seem to do the trick... even while choosing Alsa from the Multimedia Selector in Gnome Settings... By following the guide from Ubuntuguide.org I guess I make ESD use the Alsa Drivers... I didn't find any documentation on the pingus website or at the forums. Getting lost here....09:09
thellamathis ibook is my mom's... good ol' mom..09:09
QMarioOmpaul, then what is wrong with English(USA)?09:09
apokryphoslinuxboy: can you pastebin the errors?09:09
ompaulcos I'm Irish :)09:09
QMarioHee hee.09:09
cyphasehey everyone09:09
=== zdennis [n=zdennis@66-227-241-58.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
QMarioHello cypase!!! :)09:09
funkyHatBlueEagle, but not using esd at all does. and possibly they also need to set up dmix09:09
QMarioHello Zdennis!!! :)09:09
apokryphoslinuxboy: then produce the link here.09:09
funkyHati'll go read their question ;)09:09
zdennisI am trying to install a Cisco VPN Client, but I need the kernel source that was used to build my kernel, I am running kernel-2.6.10-k709:09
Wermutreiki: I tried adding -Z duplex or -o duplex to the lp command... Is there really no way? As I said, it works in OO09:09
MadpilotWermut: http://www.linuxprinting.org/09:09
zdennishey QMario09:09
linuxboyapokryphos: where is pastebin?09:09
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BlueEaglelaserline: Well, I'm not a gnome head (prefer icewm), so I have very little experience debugging eds.09:09
ubotufrom memory, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl09:09
zdennisso i installed kernel-source-2.6.1009:10
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LaserLineBlurEagle well thanks anyway :)09:10
BlueEaglefunkyhat: That's an alternative, but would that disable the sounds in gnome?09:10
zdennisbut when i go to install the cisco vpn module, it can't find ".config" or "incude/linux/autoconf.h"09:10
LaserLineAnybody a Gnome Head :D09:10
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zdennisany ideas of where I shoudl?09:10
thellamaah! somethings wrong, when I maximize a window, it covers both of my panels...09:10
funkyHatBlueEagle, then he needs to set the gnome sound system to use alsa09:10
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reikiWermut: if it works in OOo then your current driver is supporting it. you might try finding out how OOo is printing. Is it using a CUPS driver? I'm afraid that's about all the help I can offer on this09:11
funkyHat(in the way i said: system > preferences > multimedia systems selector)09:11
LaserLinefunkyHat, That's what I did...09:11
MadpilotWermut: http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=HP-DeskJet_990C09:11
LaserLinefunkyHat, I followed the Howto in Ubuntuguide.org09:11
Madpilotreiki: see my post to Wermut above ^^^09:11
LaserLinefunkyHat and installed libsdl1.2debian-all for sound in Frozen-Bubble.09:11
reikiMadpilot, just saw it. :)09:12
linuxboyapokryphos: done... getting URL for you now...09:12
ubotuit has been said that grub is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows09:12
WermutThanks reiki and Madpilot for the links09:12
D1any of you guys compile your own kernel using the ubuntu sources?09:12
D1I dont know if the source is already patched or not09:13
D1but I have a dir linux-patches09:13
apokryphoslinuxboy: got it. Hm. Interesting.09:13
SubaruAny chance there is a command to change CPU Frequency Scaling?09:13
bipolarfunkyHat, I always had much better luck with artsd when I used kde.09:13
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apokryphoslinuxboy: looks like the signature was changed or something for the za mirror09:13
bipolarI wish gnome would switch to artsd or something else. esd just sucks09:13
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Seveasbipolar, arts sucks harder :)09:13
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D1there was talk before of polyaudio09:13
D1but that never went through09:14
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Seveasthat's still the long-term goal D109:14
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Seveasbut polypaudio still sucks hardest :)09:14
D1why no implementation though?09:14
linuxboyapokryphos: whats the default?09:14
apokryphoslinuxboy: default what? Mirror?09:14
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linuxboyapokryphos: za and us points to the same IP address...09:15
apokryphoslinuxboy: if you're in za you should be using that mirror, essentially.09:15
SubaruAny chance there is a command to change CPU Frequency Scaling?09:15
funkyHatLaserLine, ask in #alsa if the driver for your soundcard supports hardware mixing09:15
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apokryphoslinuxboy: no they don't09:15
zdennisQMario, how's everything working out for you?09:15
funkyHatif not, the issue may be that you need to update to alsa 1.0.9b09:16
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funkyHatalso it may be that you need to killall esd09:16
linuxboyapokryphos: sorry, archive.ubuntu.com and za.archive.ubuntu.com point to the same IPs09:16
apokryphosas does the GB one :/09:16
Quinthiusif i install totem-xine, do i also need to install xine-ui if i only plan on using totem and not xine independently?09:17
apokryphoslinuxboy: I'd email them and post that error09:17
LaserLinefunkyHat - On this server ?09:17
funkyHat(well, upgrade to 1.0.9b, or set up DMIX manually, i know which i'd rather do09:17
funkyHatyeah, this server09:17
linuxboyapokryphos: the US one also points to those IPs09:17
linuxboyapokryphos: who?09:17
apokryphoslinuxboy: though, mind you, that's only for security-updates... it shouldn't stop you getting any packages you want, really09:17
linuxboyapokryphos: do you get the error?09:17
apokryphoslinuxboy: ftpmaster@ubuntu.com09:17
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apokryphoslinuxboy: I don't, no, but I'm not using that repository.09:18
linuxboyapokryphos: i apt-proxy my security updates...09:18
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linuxboyapokryphos: (as you can see by the past)09:18
linuxboyapokryphos: (as you can see by the paste)09:18
apokryphosOh, didn't notice. That could be it.09:19
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sven-texhi, need some help installing kdissert, it needs uic and i dont know which paket contains the uic bin. on other systems i found it in the qt3 paket09:21
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linuxboyapokryphos: I deleted the Release.gpg from the cache, didn't fix it09:21
johnnyrobo#conn calindria.org09:21
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LaserLinefunkyHat - What should I select at Defaule Source in the Gnome Multimedia Selector ? I chose default sink ALSA09:22
apokryphoslinuxboy: that's not going to help, is it? That's where the key would be stored.09:22
linuxboyapokryphos: on the server...09:22
apokryphosthough here i have a trustdb.gpg instead09:22
=== Quinthius [n=james@ip68-103-73-17.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Orby!tell Orby ati09:23
ompaulone trivial bug reported09:23
funkyHatLaserLine, it doesn't matter at all if you're not using a microphone with that card09:24
apokryphoslinuxboy: you can try using the stuff here...09:24
apokryphosubotu: tell linuxboy about gpg09:24
linuxboyapokryphos: I'll check it out. thanx09:24
LaserLinefunkyHat so the Default Sink should be ALSA and the Default Source doesn't matter ? (now it's OSS)09:24
=== jeffsch [n=jeff@fatwire-203-101.uniserve.ca] has joined #ubuntu
funkyHatdoesn't matter unless you're going to be using audio inputs09:25
funkyHatand if you are, i don't know what it should be ;)09:25
LaserLinefunkyHat LoL :D09:25
=== nlogax is torrenting Ubuntu Breezy Colony 4 and hoping it boots on my SMP box (c3 wouldn't!)
funkyHatwhat did the guys over in #alsa say about your card?09:26
LaserLinefunkyHat there are 29 ppl on #alsa but none speaks........09:26
=== benkong2 [n=benjamin@cpe-065-190-203-070.nc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["ttyl]
QMarioWhat does "-b" mean here?09:27
QMarioWhat does "+b" mean here?09:27
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QMarioHello Hawking!!! :)09:27
apokryphos-b -- unban; +b -- ban09:27
ompaulbanning - +b if the person leaves they do not get back in and if -b allowed back in - if used with kick then they go and don't come back until an op lets them09:28
bipolarI'm curous.... when it comes to sound source mixing, how does windows do it? Is it all on the kernel level?09:28
=== mirak [n=mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-55-64.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
hawkinghi Qmario :)09:28
QMarioApokryphos, can they do it forever?09:28
Pickle_Weaselis there a program similar to WinRAR for linux that will let me split a file into 700 MB sections?09:28
BROKEN_LADDERhow can i overtake someone who's using my nick?09:28
apokryphosQMario: theoretically ;-)09:28
QMarioThat is what the people in #Perl did to me in the past.09:28
BROKEN_LADDERlike..use my password to boot him and take it back?09:28
=== juanej [n=juanej@cable200-116-218-88.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosBROKEN_LADDER: don't take the guy's in kde09:29
BROKEN_LADDERi won't.09:29
mirakPickle_Weasel: winrar works very well with Wine09:29
MadpilotBROKEN_LADDER: "ghost" - /msg nickserv help ghost"09:29
BROKEN_LADDERthis is on another network.09:29
zcat[1] won't tar do multipart archives?09:29
QMarioApokryphos, do they just ban your nickname or your IP address?09:29
apokryphosBROKEN_LADDER: it may not be the same on another network.09:29
ompaulbipolar, sure thats all closed source with an api - why not visit #windows and ask - yes there is such a channel :-/09:29
=== dazjorz is gonna go hiking tomorrow
MadpilotQMario: ip09:29
=== dazjorz looks at ompaul
=== dazjorz stares at ompaul
apokryphosQMario: we can do either :). Host, domain, ip etc09:29
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=== dazjorz shouts "wtf, who would want to make such a channel?!!"
ompauldazjorz, not i09:30
QMarioMadpilot, so if they had a static IP, they can just keep on changing it and coming back here?09:30
ompauldazjorz, it is tolerated not encouraged I believe09:30
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=== dazjorz shakes his head
MadpilotQMario: maybe, not sure. I think Freenode already blocks known proxies, so that route's out already09:31
QMario Or dynamic using a modem?09:31
Robwdoes anyone know the username and password for the livedvd?09:31
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ompauldazjorz, and well you may ask why the PRO of a Lug would know that, I went there to see if there was one day and was shocked09:31
Robwi have tried everything09:31
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XorlevYou know what I'm confused about? gkrellmd is using more CPU time than Xorg. That sorta worries me.09:31
QMarioCan you be banned just because the people in the channel don't like you?09:32
apokryphosQMario: watch out now -- don't spoil him. =)09:32
dazjorzompaul: haha09:32
QMarioApokryphos, spoil who?09:32
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apokryphosQMario: why, the dear bot.09:32
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QMarioOf course not! ;)09:33
QMarioUbotu is nice.09:33
ubotuQMario: Wish i knew09:33
=== Chris_Tucker [i=ChrisTuc@stjhnf01-23-142163031213.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERQMario Ubuntu is better.09:33
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QMarioIs Ubuntu a robot too? ;)09:33
MadpilotQMario: not here, you couldn't09:33
QMarioMadpilot, huh?09:34
QMarioI am not trying to do anything wrong here.09:34
QMarioYou guys are tolerant.09:34
MadpilotQMario: "Can you be banned just because the people in the channel don't like you?" - not here09:34
ompaulQMario, no it is people usually using live CDs09:34
Madpilot!tell QMario about conduct09:34
Chris_Tuckeri am having a problem with my display when not in gdm/kdm .. when in pureterm (on boot or when selecting it/ even in install) the image on my screen is shifted down and part of what should be on the bottom appears on the top..09:34
QMarioOh, cool. I never knew that apokryphos. :)09:35
ompaulChris_Tucker, the only time I had that before it was a physical setting on a FreeBSD box several years ago with some mad video card09:35
Wermutreiki, Madpilot: If you are still there: Seems that some information on the web is outdated; however, the CUPS manual (http://www.cups.org/doc-1.1/sum.html#4_1_3) states the option is -o sides=two-sided-long-edge. Thanks for giving me those links.09:35
Chris_Tuckerompaul did you find a solution without changeing the card?09:36
Chris_Tuckerthis is on a laptop with a nice widescreen09:36
Chris_TuckerSiS video though.. only big downfall of the notebook09:36
=== ounas [n=keys@roi-19c.cable.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
MadpilotWermut: interesting... printer setup is one of those areas that needs work in Linux - but with an HP you should be OK, because HP actually support Linux print drivers...09:36
ounasit seems that kde-look is down,is it?09:37
QMarioWhy are the people at the programming channels intolerant of people? :'(09:38
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Chris_Tuckernope, kde-look works for me09:39
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apokryphosQMario: the developer channels are not help channels, really.09:39
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WermutMadpilot: Yep, it took definetly too much time to get it working. One problem is, that every application uses another screen for printer setup; therefore you have to manually edit the command for every application09:39
ounasstrange have not been able to for days09:39
WermutThat's too much for somebody who just wants to print a file.09:39
apokryphosChris_Tucker: looks like it just went up. Excellent stuff.09:39
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Robwdoes anyone know the username and password for the livedvd?09:39
ompaulChris_Tucker, yeah I used the physical screen settings to limit the width of the screen and height until I got it right however that impacted X so I centred X and then adjusted the console a bit messy less screen than I would have liked for both but it worked09:40
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MadpilotWermut: I know the GIMP does it's own printer stuff, but for me, everything else (OO, PDF printing, etc) has used the basic printer setup09:40
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vader1102erm what is the command for un-tarring something?09:40
ompaulRobw, there should not be one09:40
QMarioApokryphos, true. ;)09:40
Robwit prompts me for a username09:41
Robwand password09:41
=== thellama [n=thellama@ca-vannys-bluewave1d-a-79.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Chris_Tuckerompaul do you mean you centered the X system or you used the physical settings on the monitor?09:41
thellamahow can I change the setting for default browser?09:41
WermutMadpilot: It uses the basic printer setup, but there is no easy way for a linux novice to switch options on and off in applications like firefox, acrobat etc.09:41
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thellamaI want opera to be my default browser, right now it's firefox09:42
thellamahow do I change that?09:42
hawkingopera >> firefox09:42
Chris_Tuckeri'll be back in a bit09:42
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Robwit's 5.0409:43
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Robwif it makes a difference09:43
Xorlevkirqd - for some reason is using 87% of one of my CPUs:846 root      25   0     0    0    0 R 87.0  0.0 877:46.39 kirqd09:43
XorlevAny ideas?09:43
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MadpilotWermut: yeah, if you're doing duplex & stuff, that probably needs work. And it helps to remember that the GIMP pre-dates a lot of the current printer-config stuff - GIMP *invented* a lot of that suff in Linux!09:44
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ompaulphysical but then he ain't here for that09:46
Madpilotlater, all09:46
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ompaulRobw, try ctrl+alt+backspace09:47
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Dr_Awaywhere can i get libdivx4linux and lame?09:48
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lsuactiafnerapt-get install lame09:48
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lsuactiafneranyone know how to configure your keyboard so that you can change it completely eg ctrl m = \ in a text  editor09:49
=== Xeta [n=Xeta@c2-441-1.vic.dial.mweb.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
thellamahow do i change my default browser?09:49
jeffschthellama: System->Preferences->Preferred Applications09:49
Dr_Netcouldn't fine package lame09:50
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ompaul!tell DR_Net about restricted09:50
ompaulDR_NET that may help you some09:50
Xetahi there i was wondering how i would fully customise my keyboard to add shortcuts of my choice not these predefined ones given to me ?09:50
lsuactiafnerompaul : know anything about changing keyboard maps? hear its something to do with gnome? i dont have gnome running so cant check for my friend09:50
lsuactiafner<Xeta> i was wondering how i would fully customise my keyboard to add shortcuts of my choice not these predefined ones given09:51
Dr_Net<ompaul> there's definitely a lot to read ^^09:51
lsuactiafner          to me ?09:51
lsuactiafnerargh its here..09:51
lsuactiafner<-- me : Xeta09:51
ompaulDr_Net, na - it comes down to about 10 lines of instruction but read it carefully09:51
lsuactiafnerlibcss or something09:51
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Robwompaul no that doesn't work09:52
=== Chris_Tucker [i=ChrisTuc@stjhnf01-23-142163031211.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
emilekeyboard shortcuts are in system, preferences, keyboard shortcuts09:52
Chris_Tuckerompaul? how did you center your X?09:52
ompaulphysical but then he ain't here for that09:52
ompaulChris_Tucker, you were gone :)09:53
ompaulso monitor buttons09:53
Chris_Tuckeryes i was09:53
ompaulyou went for a min :)09:53
Chris_Tuckerthere are no monitor buttons on a notebook >.<09:53
ompaulChris_Tucker, yuk09:53
Chris_Tuckeri need to change the default first like that X uses09:53
Chris_Tuckerlike -20 or so >.<09:54
Dr_Williswhat kind of laptop?09:54
lsuactiafnerwhere is the keyboard shortcuts .conf file located?09:54
Seveaslsuactiafner, in gconf09:55
=== GranMaestro [n=chatzill@adsl-ull-149-41.46-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulrobw it does with breezy just tested it which is why I hoped it would work for you ... i suggest a little time with search on wiki.ubuntu.com09:55
ompaulrobw sorry I have no other solution for you09:55
Robwi got breezy09:55
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ompaulrobw as a liveCD ?09:56
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ompaulDiscipulus, true and sad :)09:57
thoreauputicompaul: bonjour :)09:57
ompaulthoreauputic, howya09:57
marcin_antohh #ubuntu finally09:57
marcin_anthi all09:57
thoreauputicompaul: cut of for 4 days - cabling problem at the exchange09:57
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lsuactiafnerthanks Seveas09:57
marcin_antI got a question - is this possible to install ati fglrx driver on ubuntu breezy?09:57
ompaulthoreauputic, I was beginning to wonder09:57
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thoreauputicompaul: withdrawal was in full evidence ;)09:58
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kandoora_has anyone tried installing scribus09:58
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thoreauputicompaul: made me realise how much I rely on the net09:58
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ompaulthoreauputic, lets take this to the side09:59
__filip_i have 119 track in rhytmbox, i cant add more tracks. Should it be like this?09:59
kandoora_thoreauputic: i gotta problem can you help me out09:59
thoreauputickandoora_: not righ this minute, sorry :)09:59
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juanejhow do i update locate db?10:00
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lsuactiafnerrun updatedb10:00
lsuactiafnerbut it should automatically run everday10:00
ompaulkandoora_, (A) which version of ubuntu (B) have you done apt-get update and then apt-get install scribus?10:01
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marcin_antso anyone?10:01
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juanejdid warty use xorg or xfree86?10:02
marcin_antno one here uses ati drivers and breezy10:02
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__filip_what music player you use?10:03
juanejquod libet10:03
adriyel_prodigyjuanej, latin?10:03
adriyel_prodigyquod = because10:03
juanejthats the name of the player hehe10:03
juanejits like rhythmbox10:03
juanejbut better10:03
bl4ckb1thi, anybody speak in spanish ?10:04
kandoora_i tried installing ubuntu10:04
kandoora_it couldn't find some dependencies10:04
juanejbl4ckb1t, yo10:04
adriyel_prodigyno hablo espanol.10:04
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kandoora_i tried to install the dependencies10:04
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kandoora_it uninstalled a whole lot of other softwares10:04
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Chris_Tuckeri need drivers for a broadcom wifi adaptor10:05
=== falco [n=falco@a81-84-136-183.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #Ubuntu
juanejhow do i upgrade to xorg if im using xfree?10:06
bl4ckb1thola juanej, che te hago una pregunta10:06
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bl4ckb1ttenes idea de donde puedo sacar un tuto sobre el firewall Firestarter10:06
Dethreadenglish please10:06
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adriyel_prodigynot likely Dethread, theres a reason they are speaking spanish10:07
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ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.10:07
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ubotujuanej: Are you on ritalin?10:08
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Xanthus7is there a way to have have myself identify to server automatically without having to type it everytime10:08
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QuinthiusXandriX: in xchat?10:08
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reikiXanthus7, normally you can do thaqt in your irc client10:08
Xanthus7I know how to in mirc but cannot find that in x-chat10:08
QuinthiusXandriX: X-Chat menu -> server list, highlight ubuntu servers (or freenode or whatever), click edit10:08
Quinthiuserr xanthus10:09
Fanskapethmm anyone has any knowledge of getting a "upload" directory up and running with vsftpd ?10:09
=== snoopy [n=chatzill@static-63-238-184-235.t1.cavtel.net] has joined #ubuntu
kandoora_where can i get qt libraries10:09
ubotuQt is the Q-toolkit. Qt is to KDE what GTK is to GNOME. For the Qt includes, install the libqt3-mt-dev package10:09
ubotulsuactiafner: Wish i knew10:09
QuinthiusXanthus7: add password to "nickserv password" line, or add your nickserv id command to "connect command"10:09
lsuactiafneri bet he does..10:09
benplautor t is a she?10:10
reikiubotu is a sexless automaton :)10:10
ubotuWish i knew, reiki10:10
reikihmmm... didn10:10
reikit know that'd get a response10:10
benplautbah... don't play with the bot10:10
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kandoora_ubotu: can i apt-get it10:11
ubotukandoora_: Are you smoking crack?10:11
adriyel_prodigyplease don't feed the bot, thank you - Administration10:11
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reikibenplaut, I do apologize for my part. I didn't realize just starting a line with bot's name would get a response. I thought you had to use a special character first10:11
kandoora_ubotu: no why do u ask that10:11
ubotukandoora_: Are you on ritalin?10:11
Seveaskandoora_, omg read10:11
Seveasthe thing is a bot10:11
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Chris_Tuckeri need drivers for a broadcom wifi adaptor10:12
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SeveasChris_Tucker, you need ndiswrapper10:12
reikiSeveas: can you make it NOT respond unless the special leading character is typed before its name?10:12
FanskapetChris_Tucker inbuilt? if that's the case ndiswrapper10:12
typoI'm using just a few Qt apps in my Ubuntu desktop and I can't type accented characters in them (it turns ou gibberish). Anyone know how I can fix this?10:12
Xanthus7Cool that worked thank you all10:12
Seveasreiki, I can't -- ask cafuego10:12
reikiahhh... okies... it's an eggy?10:12
kandoora_Seveas: can u help me out10:13
reikicafuego: you alive?10:13
kevogoduboto: Hey dog.10:13
lsuactiafnerSeveas : if i get the colony-3 iso, would it enable me to upgrade to it, and distupgrade from there to the stable breezy?10:13
Chris_Tuckerubotu: ndiswrapper10:14
ubotuI heard ndiswrapper is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetUpNdiswrapper10:14
Seveaslsuactiafner, yes10:14
lsuactiafnersince i have nothing to download now so i might as well start to download the updates10:14
Seveasbut don't get C-310:14
SeveasC-4 is just released10:14
Gobbla_hey, i cant install my hp deskjet 5552 printer, what should i do?10:14
Gobbla_i cant find the driver10:14
gusto5Gobbla, go to linuxprinting.org10:14
ubuntulnxanyone knows howto make totem-xine read a network ahead whilst playing what it has downloaded? can't find any options...10:14
gusto5look for the driver there..10:14
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Fanskapethmm so anyone here is using vsftpd? :/10:15
Gobbla_gusto5: thx10:15
SeveasFanskapet, yes, I am10:15
lsuactiafnerthanks Seveas10:15
gusto5no problem, Gobbla10:15
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FanskapetSeveas, i have some real problems trying to get a upload dir working.10:16
Fanskapetit just refuses10:16
ubuntulnx[rephrase]  anyone knows howto make totem-xine read a file over a network whilst playing what it has downloaded? can't find any options...10:16
Gobbla_DeskJet 555010:16
Gobbla_DeskJet 555110:16
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kandoora_ompaul, can u help me on scribus10:16
Gobbla_is also there10:16
Gobbla_but not 555210:16
kandoora_ompaul, have u tried it10:16
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reikiGobbla: sec....10:16
gusto5Gobbla, Hp Deskjet 5552 is your model right?10:16
Gobbla_atleast is says so :)10:16
Gobbla_on the front, i dont think its a typo :)10:17
Gobbla_reiki: sure thing..10:17
=== chrisbudden14 [n=chrisbud@host-84-9-52-76.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasFanskapet, anon upload?10:17
FanskapetSeveas not anonymous10:17
Fanskapetusing virtual users10:17
typoanyone know why Qt programs in ubuntu can't show accented characters when I input like "" or ""?10:18
reikiGobbla_: if you have no luck at linuxprining.org... try www.turboprint.de/english.html   the HP 555x series is supported10:18
chrisbudden14I have samba set up, can access windows shares on linux, can see the linux machine from windows but damn win 98 is trying to connect to linux using IPC$10:18
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gusto5Gobbla, if reiki's suggestion doesnt work, then go with the 5551. im told its a rule of thumb to go down the numbers10:18
SeveasFanskapet, ah ok, dunno about that...10:18
reikiGobbla, there's a free version and a pay version of Turboprint drivers10:18
FanskapetSeveas, http://pastebin.com/35552110:18
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typoit seams they are inputing just fine but failing when displaying and showing giberish instead. They're probably configured for latin1 display10:18
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Fanskapetjust gives me permission denied.10:18
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kandoora_has anyone had trouble installing scribus10:19
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Lars_GHi all.10:19
Gobbla_hmm what's best10:19
Gobbla_to go with turbodriver or 5551?10:19
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SeveasFanskapet, I have absolute 0 experience with virtual users on vsftpd, sorry10:19
gusto5reiki, do you know another site that supports okidata printer drivers other than linuxprinting?10:19
Lars_GLittle question, is there any way to tell apt-get to clean (forget) the list of packages pending install? there are packages I don't want to install so I want to purge the pending list.10:19
Gobbla_reiki: what's the difference with pay and free version?10:19
reikiGobbla, try the 5551 drivers first. If they don't work tehn try turboprint drivers10:20
ompaulkandoora_, sorry did you try to install it from CD or internet?10:20
Gobbla_ok, thank you for your help10:20
reikigusto5: no... unfortunately I do not. I onlt know about the Turboprint drivers because I needed to use them for my Epson R200 in order to get printing on printable CD media working10:20
lsuactiafnerSeveas : heh i got colony-3, is there a diff system effect to change the iso into 4? since they should be similar?10:20
gusto5oh ok, thanks reiki10:20
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kandoora_ompaul, internet10:21
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ompaulkandoora_, so apt-get did not work10:21
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garyhello all10:21
kandoora_ompaul, had lot of dependencies issues10:21
reikiGobbla_: I honestly didn't see a difference. I paid after using for a week because... well... because I was using them and so far it's the only thing about my Ubuntu system I've had to pay for... unlike my old Windows system where I had to pay every time I farted10:21
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ompaulkandoora_, how did you try to install it?10:22
kandoora_synaptic manager10:22
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rp78hi all10:23
ompaulkandoora_, please paste your /etc/apt/sources.list into pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl10:23
ompaulkandoora_, I have to go for a few minutes I will look at that in a few minutes10:23
Chris_Tuckerhow do i get my system to display at 1280x800? i tried setting that to be the *only* option in my /etc/X11/xorg.conf under depth 24, which is set to the default, but it is not useing this resolution10:24
twibblercould anybody tell me where to get additional fonts from please . especially trebuchet ...10:24
crimsuntwibbler: msttcorefonts in multiverse10:24
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twibblerthank you crimsum10:24
ubotureiki: Are you smoking crack?10:25
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garyWho has sucessfully used WINE?10:25
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Chris_Tuckeri hsbr10:25
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Dr_Williswine can be very handy at times10:26
Dr_Willisueless at others10:26
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Foooki have a hd dual booting fedora and xp, i have just inserted a new 80Gb hd, If I install Ubuntu on that will it nuke my boot loader?10:26
garyIs it hard to install?10:26
Lars_G"apt-get remove" worked10:26
reikipersonally... I didn't go through this Ubuntu install so that I could run windows programs. :)10:26
lsuactiafneri got colony-3, is there a diff system effect to change the iso into 4? since they should be similar?10:27
garyI know but I am a loan officer and need to run Caylx Point on my Notebook.10:27
=== d0nk` [n=donk@d149-67-226-66.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Williswine is trivial to insall as is most stuff in ubuntu  :P10:27
Dr_Willissudo apt-get install wine10:28
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Lars_Ggary: Wine is very simple to install.10:28
garywhat about the graphical interface?10:28
Dr_Williswine dosent have one, :P really.10:28
Lars_Ggary: Altough, if your install fails to run your program, there is a commercial alternative that might help you: http://www.codeweavers.com10:28
Lars_GWine doesn't has a gui.10:28
Lars_GIt really has no need for one.10:28
=== bur[n] er [n=norml@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
garyHow much is codeweavers.10:29
Dr_Willisther are some front ends to wine. Like Point2Play (well thats Cedega)10:29
Dr_Willisbut the normal wine. its a simple 'wine whatever.exe'10:29
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garyO.K, that sounds like that might work for me.10:30
Chris_Tuckerhow do i get my system to display at 1280x800? i tried setting that to be the *only* option in my /etc/X11/xorg.conf under depth 24, which is set to the default, but it is not useing this resolution once the user logs in10:30
=== theeil [n=neil@HSE-Montreal-ppp3466921.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
garyI have been running 100% Ubuntu Linux for 2 weeks and I love it.10:30
theeilhow do i get the debian menu?10:30
Chris_Tuckerand the option isnt appearing in the dialog for resolution10:30
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Orbyummm can i have some help with my laptop, it has a ATI Mobility X300 PCI-E graphics card, i've tried installing the binary drivers but after i have changed xorg.conf i just get a black screen, at login, i know it is working cos  hear the sound GDM makes, also if i plug in an external monitor i can kinda see it, as its running 1280x800 the monitor doesnt like it but i can just make out a gdm login screen, i read that i might need to put in monitor10:31
Quinthiusis there a way to fix the 1-second delay when playing sounds using esd? or should i just disable esd and use alsa directly?10:31
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Foooki have a hd dual booting fedora and xp, i have just inserted a new 80Gb hd, If I install Ubuntu on that will it nuke my boot loader?10:32
Gobbla_worked just fine on text... but i dont seem to able to choose if I wanna print with my color or black ink..10:32
twibblerQuinthius: had major problems with esd and certain packages so disabled and used alsa now all works bar mixing sounds..10:32
=== Will^Draven [i=1000@cpe-071-065-211-035.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pickle_Weaselhow woudl i be able to fix this error?10:33
Pickle_WeaselFailed to fetch http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/dists/hoary-backports/universe/binary-i386/libwine_0.0.20050419-1~5.04ubp1_i386.deb MD5Sum mismatch10:33
Quinthiustwibbler: yeah... not too worried about sound mixing though... infact sometimes i find it annoying :)10:33
Pickle_Weaseli've gotten it several times while trying to install several files now10:33
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twibblerQuinthius: so drop esd and use alsa ... only way fro skype to work anyway.... like me dont use mixing ...10:33
Quinthiustwibbler: what was your method for disabling? just uncheck sound server in preferences->sound ?10:33
lsuactiafnerPickle_Weasel : means the ppl maintaining the package uploaded the wrong md5sum or your package got currupted in the transfer10:34
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lsuactiafnerPickle_Weasel : delete the libwine_0.0.20050419-1~5.04ubp1_i386.deb from your system and try to download it again10:34
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lsuactiafnerif error persists file a bug report10:34
Chris_Tuckerand the option isnt appearing in the dialog for resolution10:34
Chris_Tuckerhow do i get my system to display at 1280x800? i tried setting that to be the *only* option in my /etc/X11/xorg.conf under depth 24, which is set to the default, but it is not useing this resolution once the user logs in10:34
Pickle_Weaselwill do10:34
twibblerQuinthius: gstreamer-properties and change from esd to alsa then need to kill esd then disable permanently but cant remember that command ...10:35
Quinthiustwibbler: ahh sounds like a roundabout way of same thing... i think unchecking "enable sound server" in preferences->sound disables esd... seems to anyway10:36
theeilhow do i get the Applications->Debian menu?10:36
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twibblerQuinthius Nice ... it does definetly sound like a long way round, but sometimes like the command line,   had to much of these window look alikes ..... :)10:37
QMarioping #QMario10:37
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gusto5anyone here own an okidata printer?10:37
InitMasswill totem still be the default mediaplayer in breezy?10:38
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QMarioHow do I draw a line of best-fit in OpenOffice2 Calc or OpenOffice Spreadsheet?10:38
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gusto5ive installed the printer driver and setup my okidata OL 600e, but it still refuses to print10:39
thrice`QMario, probably not the best channel for that10:39
QuinthiusInitMass: if they are sticking with gnome-based defaults then i assume so... except totem in the new gnome will have a lot of improvements10:39
twibblerQMario ... maybe need open office wiki for that one ... wife says use a wobbly ruler ...10:39
QMarioSorry thrice`.10:39
linuksotheeil: sudo aptitude install menu10:39
thrice`=] 10:39
QMarioI think a person name "xs" is spamming me.10:39
zcat[1] whois xs10:40
QMarioWho or what is "xs"?10:40
zcat[1] == ..( ircname  : nothing can stop me now.10:40
HappyFoolQMario: try     /mode QMario +CE      --might help10:40
QMarioping #QMario10:40
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QMarioWhois xs10:40
f_newtonso how is the upcoming release of breezy coming along?10:40
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rp78where can i download the dvd iso of ubuntu10:41
HappyFoolrp78: tried www.ubuntulinux.org ?10:41
rp78and what is its size10:41
theeillinukso: already the newest version10:41
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apokryphosrp78: releases.ubuntu.com10:41
ubotuQMario: I haven't a clue10:41
ompaulif anyone sees kandoora_ coming in tell him/her that their sources.list is very wrong, they should reinstall and then take instruction10:42
apokryphosrp78: around 2.5 gigs10:42
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ompaulif they have installed more than scribus10:42
=== ompaul pulls what little hair he has left out
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rp78is it the bitTorrent10:42
Dr_Netsilly question: do you need to be online to get mp3 codecs and stuff? or it's on the cd10:43
mjrDr_Net, not on the cd10:43
Dr_WillisDr_Net,  not on the cd.10:43
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crimsunDr_Net: you need to download the deb somehow.10:43
crimsunrp78: yes10:43
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bmecoli-hmm... I have a timidity server running and everything, but still no music in lxdoom10:43
=== bmecoli- cries
lllmanulllIs it not on the CD for copyright issues ?10:43
mjrlllmanulll, patent issues10:43
lllmanulllmjr, I see, thanks10:44
=== QMario gives Ompaul Chia hair growth formula.
rp782.5 gig is so big10:44
apokryphoshence it's on a DVD10:44
QMarioCh Ch Ch Chhia 10:44
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apokryphosrp78: I gave you the link.10:45
ompaulQMario, thanks10:45
Dr_Neti did enable repositoreies, but still have nothing when i search for "lame, or gstreamer0.8-mad"10:46
juanejWhere can i find info about a parport scanner?10:46
ompaulwhats with these characters outside some of the text?10:46
kemikDr_Net:  updated?10:46
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ompaulQMario, what client are you using?10:46
Dr_Net<kemik>, pressed reload10:46
kemikthen you've most likely done something wrong10:47
gusto5is anyone familar with samba here?10:47
=== A-L-P-H-A [i=abc@unaffiliated/a-l-p-h-a] has joined #ubuntu
kemikadded the wrong repos. or misspelled something etc10:47
ubotuhmm... anyone is 90% of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and YOU decide? <hint>10:47
Dr_Neti see10:47
papyrus2I have a laptop with intel 915 chipset10:47
papyrus2I compile last alsa driver10:47
A-L-P-H-Awhat's the latest version(s) of ubuntu?  I have 5.04, and I forget if that's warty or hoary.10:48
A-L-P-H-Aand what's jigit now?10:48
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Maikeruanyone in here use madwifi and void11?10:48
papyrus2like the wiki says : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HdaIntelSoundHowto?highlight=%28hda%29%7C%28intel%2910:48
MaikeruIf so, can you please help10:48
Dr_Netwhen i pres reload, it shows me that it tries to connect to websites10:48
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papyrus2module are launched10:48
papyrus2I have enable sound with the mixer10:49
QuinthiusA-L-P-H-A: hoary is 5.0410:49
papyrus2but I have no sound :(10:49
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bimberiA-L-P-H-A: 5.04 is hoary - and is the current, breezy is nearly in pre-release10:49
crimsunpapyrus2: cat /proc/asound/cards10:49
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the4baggerBlueEagle, are you there?10:50
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papyrus2crimsun : cat /proc/asound/cards10:50
papyrus20 [Intel          ] : HDA-Intel - HDA Intel10:50
papyrus2                     HDA Intel at 0xfebf8000 irq 1610:50
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crimsunpapyrus2: good. Now paste the output from amixer onto paste.ubuntulinux.nl10:50
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kemikDr_Net:  but nothing happens or what ?10:50
kemikDr_Net:  exit synaptic and bring up a terminal10:51
A-L-P-H-AQuinthius, bimberi, thanks.10:51
QMarioOmpaul, huh?10:51
rp78anyone knows whats the right version of libmad to download to use gstreamer0.8-mad_0.8.10-1ubuntu7_i386.deb10:51
crimsunrp78: that's breezy's10:51
papyrus2crimsun : http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/193510:51
ubotuBugger all, i dunno, QMario10:51
crimsunrp78: you want hoary's10:51
ubotuQMario: NO SPEAKE ENLISH!10:51
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FibreOpticHow do I make a directory that anyone who logs in can read/write to?10:51
crimsunrp78: Candidate: 0.8.8-1ubuntu410:52
the4baggerwhat is the full command for copying a file from one directory to another?10:52
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difetahey all, does anybody know if the ubuntu live cd has gparted on it?10:52
ompaulQMario, why the hu - the last comment was so long ago I don't know which one you are asking about10:52
crimsunrp78: you know it's as simple as apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad10:52
the4baggerdifeta, you mean qparted?10:52
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ompaulQMario, which irc client10:52
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difetathe4bagger, no, gparted, but if qparted is included thats fine too10:52
=== ompaul is great I worked that out myself
crimsunpapyrus2: some output seems to be missing10:53
=== QMario claps.
bimberidifeta: i'm fairly sure it doesn't (or qtparted either) :(10:53
papyrus2rp78 : if you want to do some multimedia with gstreamer install gstreame-ffmpeg then gst-register ;-)10:53
=== the4bagger needs to know how to copy files via the terminal
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papyrus2crimsun : huh ?10:53
papyrus2crimsun : gonna check10:53
crimsunpapyrus2: Master, External Amplifier, etc.10:53
papyrus2crimsun : I haven't10:54
ompaulSeveas, pm?10:54
papyrus2crimsun : running asus  laptop right now10:54
QMarioTell this guy "xs" what safe language is.10:54
=== Gobbla_ [n=jocke@h148n1fls32o887.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasompaul, bmg10:54
difetabimberi, thats ok, I'll use knoppix then10:54
crimsunpapyrus2: you can't just upgrade alsa-driver if you use upstream 1.0.10rc1. You must also upgrade alsa-lib and alsa-utils.10:54
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QMarioYou will have to instant message him.10:54
=== holycow [n=a@S0106000fb51e6051.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
papyrus2crimsun : arf10:54
ubotuesd is, like, Enlightened Sound Daemon. By using a sound server to access your sound device, multiple applications can connect to the server at once and all make noise simultaneously.10:54
bimberidifeta: good idea :)10:54
papyrus2crimsun : I have recompiled my own :(10:54
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the4baggercan somebody please give me the code to copy a file from one directory to another?10:55
icewthmm.. where is the esd tweaking howto?10:55
coryCan someone help me, I need to install Java Runtime Environment, where can I find a copy for Ubuntu?10:55
Seveasthe4bagger, cp /path/to/file /path/to/new/dir/10:55
the4baggerthank you10:55
papyrus2crimsun : 3 outputs : headphone,microphone, aand input audio10:55
zcat[1] which is native to kde, esd or artsd?10:55
Seveascory, seveas.ubuntulinux.nl10:55
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Seveaszcat[1] , neither10:56
=== herzi [n=herzi@c172218.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu
papyrus2crimsun : same probleme here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22696&highlight=Intel+915g10:56
coryThank you seveas10:56
Seveasehm narf10:56
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crimsunpapyrus2: did you compile all three packages?10:56
Seveasmisread that10:56
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Seveasartsd is native to kde10:56
QMarioUbotu, tell xs about ubotu.10:56
gusto5hello everyone, how do i make ubuntu see the right Microsoft network? i have samba installed, an windows shared folder setup10:56
TrekCyclingdoes anyone here use WIFI?10:56
mpm2how do I kill a cdrom drive if it's not mounted and won't eject?10:56
TrekCyclingI've tried both ubuntu and CentOS and no dice10:56
TrekCyclingeven with just WEP10:56
zcat[1] I always seem to have artsd running but most of my software is trying to use esd or oss :(10:56
papyrus2crimsun : yep alsa-driver,alsa-lib and alsa-oss and alsa-utils10:56
papyrus2TrekCycling : I have heard that Wep ascii not work well with current iwconfig try to use Wep in hexa10:57
corySeveas, I went to download it and was prompted for a username and password10:57
gusto5how do i make ubuntu see the right Microsoft network? i have samba installed, an windows shared folder setup10:57
crimsunpapyrus2: it should work fine then.10:57
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crimsunpapyrus2: does aplay work?10:57
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Seveascory, send me a username and password in a private message10:57
shinuhow do i check if something is using my soundcard?10:57
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papyrus2crimsun : all multimedia app works10:58
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papyrus2crimsun : but no sound :(10:58
gusto5anyone? samba help?10:58
mpm2my cdrom just keeps spinning and spinning and I can't eject it because it's not mounted... i'm not sure what's going on, but i manually ejected it once (via paperclip) and the system got all messed up10:58
crimsunpapyrus2: then you need to mute capture elements10:58
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papyrus2crimsun : perhaps10:58
papyrus2crimsun : gonna check10:58
crimsunpapyrus2: the problem with clobbering Ubuntu's ALSA infrastructure by installing your own compiled ALSA packages from upstream is that it often does that.10:59
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papyrus2crimsun : ah10:59
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LordphynI was trying to tunnel ssh over samba and can't quite recall what I did to change things, but now samba (without ssh) is timing out when I try to connect--any help?11:00
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bimberiSeveas: It's nice to be able to see blackbird again.  Evidently it was too popular recently :)11:00
Seveasbimberi, ?11:01
Seveasit's never been taken down11:01
Seveasonly when I sleep (the thing is near my bed)11:01
bimberiSeveas: I tried to connect a few days ago (to get the java debs) - but it timed out11:01
SeveasI must have slept then :)11:01
bimberiSeveas: i suspect traffic11:02
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Seveasneh, traffic is never too high11:02
Seveasdue to strict access control to the java debs :)11:02
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bimberiSeveas: is the access control a recent introduction?11:02
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ringeI've got Postfix/ldap working fine, but mailman doesn't handle the situation. The logs are saying11:03
ringepost to mailman from mailman-bounces@DOMAIN.no, size=987, message-id=<mailman.0.1125954050.25192.mailman@DOMAIN.no>, 1 failures11:03
=== bimberi ended up doing the java.sun.com / java-package dance
QMario!It does not work11:03
ubotuQMario: NO SPEAKE ENLISH!11:03
QMario!It doesn't work11:03
ubotuQMario: Are you smoking crack?11:03
ubotuThaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my brain on http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:04
ubotuAll work and no play. Please don't play with me in the channel; experiment with me in /msg11:04
Seveasbimberi, no it's been there since a few days after I put the java debs11:04
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %QMario!*@*] by Seveas
Seveassince traffic was getting so high I could not surf :)11:04
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bimberiSeveas: ah, k, must have been something else11:04
bimberiSeveas: gawd, how did you function? :)11:04
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SeveasI introduced access control :)11:05
davmor2is anyone else having problems with the media capabilities of totem for online media.  I keep getting totem could not play fd://0 There were no decoders found to handle the stream, you might need to install the corresponding plugins.  It's an mpeg file if I download it it will play.11:05
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Seveasanyhow, i'm working on an ubuntu presentation for software freedom day, so i'm afk11:05
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Seveasdon't play with it..11:06
kevogodSoftware Freedom Day?11:06
dave41salut a tous11:06
crimsundave41: are you using totem-gstreamer or totem-xine?11:06
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Seveasdave41, bonsoir! Le canal #ubuntu est anglais11:06
ubotu[fr]  Va a #ubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais11:06
crimsundave41: sorry11:06
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crimsundavmor2: ^^11:06
papyrus2crimsun : thanks for thehelp11:06
papyrus2crimsun : I will come back for the news about breezy ;-)11:07
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davmor2crimsun totem-gstreamer it is weird though because if I download any of the files they play11:07
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QMarioSeriously. Do you guys not know how to do a line of best fit in OpenOffice2 Calc?11:08
papyrus2davmor2 : if u are using totem-gstreame, install gstreamer-ffmpeg11:08
thechitowncubsI haven't been in this channel for a long long time, but i assume that it's "safe" to upgrade to breezy??11:08
papyrus2davmor2 : then run gst-register11:08
crimsunthechitowncubs: sure. There's also a Colony 4 milestone CD if you wish to test the live cd or install from it.11:08
kevogodthechitowncubs, Safe for who?11:09
thechitowncubsfor me :)11:09
crimsunyes, Breezy is safe for daily use.11:09
kemikit's not stable yet isit ?11:09
davmor2Okay ta11:09
ompaulQMario, please define your question a little, are you talking about a best fit in terms of data matching a curve or info in a cell that is too wide?11:09
ubotude is, like, #ubuntu-de bitte.11:10
tritiumI think he means a least-squares fit11:10
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QMarioOmpaul, a line of best fit that "tries" to connect all points on the graph.11:10
davmor2papyrus2 No good same thing11:11
TrekCycling__does *anyone* run an ipw2200 card under Linux with WEP?11:11
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juanejIm just trying to dpkg something and this is what i get: http://pastebin.com/35556511:11
tritiumTrekCycling, yes, it works really well in breezy11:11
tritiumin hoary, people have gone through some trouble to update the driver11:11
tritiumthere's info on the wiki on that if you don't feel like upgrading to breezy just yet11:12
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shinuhow can i check whats using my soundcard?11:12
crimsunjust try the colony 4 live cd11:12
crimsunshinu: lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*11:12
TrekCycling__I couldn't get it to work under hoary11:12
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TrekCycling__I'd consider upgrading to Breezy if it was usable11:12
TrekCycling__I haven't tried it.11:12
tritiumTrekCycling, give the Colony 4 CD a try first then11:12
thechitowncubsTrekCycling__, I'm upgrading to breezy right now and i have an ipw220011:12
crimsunbreezy is usable.11:12
thechitowncubsi'll tell you how it works11:12
shinucrimsun: ok thanks, i already kinda tried snd :)11:13
TrekCycling__colony 4?11:13
tritiumthechitowncubs, it works fine :)11:13
tritiumTrekCycling, from cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11:13
Vaske_Carhey guys what is my ROOT password for Unbuntu?11:13
thechitowncubstritium, thats good to hear :)11:13
tritiumVaske_Car, root acount is disabled.11:13
crimsunTrekCycling__: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2005-September/047917.html11:13
Vaske_Carbut how can I do administrative settings than?11:13
kevogodWith sudo11:14
tritiumVaske_Car, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo11:14
dalamarif the breezy live cd runs no probs can it be said that an upgrade would work fairly well at least? (obviously some small prob still)11:14
Vaske_Carfor example i need to install Samba, vsftpd11:14
shinuVaske_Car: type: sudo su and then change your password (i think i did it that way)11:14
tritiumbetter to leave the root account disabled if you can learn to use sudo11:15
Vaske_Carso my username for root is sudo, right?11:15
Vaske_Cari just installed unbuntu..11:15
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davmor2Vaske_Car if you just want root for a bit try sudo /bin/bash11:15
shinuVaske_Car: no sudo is do something as another user11:15
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juanejIm just trying to dpkg something and this is what i get: http://pastebin.com/35556511:16
tritiumVaske_Car, if you want a root shell, try sudo -i11:16
zcat[1] sudo -s or sudo -i will get you a shell11:16
zcat[1] sudo su - will get you a real root login :)11:16
Vaske_Carsudo su is right command to access root shell11:16
Vaske_Carhow do I install Samba?11:16
kcidxWhen i run fireglcontrol panel it says unknown in my opengl vendor part and all that, any clue why?11:16
tritiumsudo -i is fine too, Vaske_Car.  man sudo for details11:17
Vaske_Carman this software is best linux11:17
gusto5look at ubuntuguide.org11:17
gusto5there is an entire guide11:17
ubotumethinks ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. The official FAQ Guide will be released with Breezy, stay tuned.11:17
ubotugusto5: NO SPEAKE ENLISH!11:17
TrekCycling__thanks, I might try breezy11:17
TrekCycling__is it good? Better than hoary?11:17
dalamarubuntuguide still has a alot of good info regardless of this chan's 'anti-ubuntuguide' thoughts ;)11:18
Vaske_Carcan somebody explane basic of insalling a software?11:18
Vaske_Cari used Fedore bafore11:18
Vaske_Carthere is YUM11:18
gusto5what the...11:18
gusto5sudo apt-get install samba11:18
gusto5sudo apt-get install smbfs11:18
davmor2TrekCycling is europe bigger than England11:18
spiralhmmm, does anyone here wether breezy will ship with 2.6.13 & alsa 1.0.10 ? it's needed by my laptop in order to handle my hardware11:19
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ubotuhmm... samba is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently11:19
crimsundalamar: certainly. One just has to be careful with the "no explanations" bit. Of course, if that's your aim, then it'll probably suit you better than reading caveats, no?11:19
ompauldavmor2, engerland is part of the UK and that is part of europe11:19
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TrekCycling__Davey, I mean, is it (right now) solid enough to use instead of Hoary11:19
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thechitowncubsctrl click is how you open a link in x-chat right?11:20
dalamarcrimsun, noted, but some ppl just want things working and ubuntuguide is a good source for 'paste this command and get things working' imo11:20
crimsundalamar: right, that's what I just said :p11:20
davmor2But the island sizes then smart alec11:20
dalamarwell then we agree ;)11:20
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Vaske_Carthanks gusto5!11:21
gusto5no problems, Vaske_Car11:21
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jamey3I'm looking for the strongest, platform-independent file encryption so that I can place encrypted data on my iPod. Any ideas?11:21
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Vaske_Carcan I install rpm packages on Unbuntu as well?11:21
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gusto5Vaske_Car, i have no idea how to set it up, so youre on your own now :)11:21
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Vaske_Cari know how to setup samba just did not know how to install :)11:21
dalamarVaske_Car, yes, with the 'alien' program it will convert it to .deb11:21
davmor2TrekCycling been using it for weeks and weeks11:21
dalamarsome times11:22
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Vaske_Cardalamar: can I get a bit more informations of how to get alien etc.. ??11:22
Vaske_CarI need it to convert just one package11:22
dalamarmight be in a default install actually Vaske_Car, I did not install it specifically and I have it11:23
davmor2You might hit a gliche with open office but to fix it just edit .sversionrc and change openoffice 1.1.3= to 1.1.4=11:23
jamey3I'm looking for the strongest, platform-independent file encryption so that I can place encrypted data on my iPod. Any ideas?11:23
Fanskapethmm what's the chmod option for giving a folder just read/write support..11:23
Fanskapetnot allowing it to remove folders/files?11:23
Vaske_Cardalamar: how do you start it?11:23
dalamarVaske_Car, it is a command line program, so in terminal try 'alien', should give you a list of options11:24
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martin__#join ubuntu11:24
dalamarmartin__, you here!11:24
Madpilotjamey3: GPG is default in Ubuntu; I think it's included in OSX as well and available for Win...11:24
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martin__dalamar : ???11:24
jamey3Madpilot, and that has strong file encryption?11:24
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jamey3sorry for being dense11:25
Vaske_Carand just 1 more question:  How do I manage services in Unbuntu??11:25
dalamarmartin__, your alreay in #ubuntu lol ;)11:25
davmor2Wesnoth won't work in breezy either11:25
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davmor2well not on 64bit anyway11:25
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dalamarVaske_Car, I suggest BUM, it is in the repos, try a search for BUM in synaptic?11:25
martin__dalamar : sorry first irc tryout with my new ubuntu install...11:25
dalamarno worries!11:25
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Madpilotjamey3: ask google for GPG's homepage - but GPG is basically the Free version of PGP, which is full-on encryption11:26
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jamey3cool thanks :-)11:26
rosahow do i get password11:26
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Madpilotrosa: PW for what?11:26
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rosaor ID11:27
dalamarits great to see so many people trying ubuntu when they might not have never jumped into linux before11:27
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rosafor this X-chat11:27
Vaske_Cardalamar: I dont understand you... ???11:27
Vaske_Carhow to start BUM11:27
the4baggerI am having Xserver trouble, if you can help me please give me a PM11:27
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dalamarVaske_Car, bum is not included, have you enabled the extra repositories?11:28
dalamartry this-11:28
ubotuit has been said that repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96911:28
ompaulthe4bagger, ask the question in the channel because some may be able to answer and some may not and without your question people do not know what it is you want11:28
Vaske_Carbash: !repos: event not found11:28
rosa /msg !NickServ IDENTIFY sigsigsputnik11:29
dalamarVaske_Car, visit the link that ubotu posted - the '!repos' is a irc command to use the bot11:29
Vaske_Carthanks guys11:29
Vaske_CarI will set and read a bit about Unbuntu11:29
the4baggeralright, I have a Nvidia Geforce FX 5200 video card, and I have my xorg.conf file set up, but I get a "(WW) NV: No matching device section for instance (BusID PCI:2:11:0) found."11:30
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Kyralsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:30
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the4baggerive done that before11:31
dalamarits funny, i've seen alot of these people on the fedora chan and they all have seemed to switch to ubuntu ;)11:31
ompaulthe4bagger, that sudo line was for you :)11:31
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the4baggershould i try that again? i did it before...11:31
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davmor2the4bagger apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-setting11:32
toni_I'm spanish11:32
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ompaulthe4bagger, try it after you make changes and after you do other stuff - it was suggested to you to choose vesa as a short term card type :)11:32
abbot45im about to switch out my old voodoo card for a newer nvidia.  whats the command to reconfigure that after i put it in?11:32
the4baggerI have tried "sudo apt-get nvidia-glx" but i get an error11:32
davmor2the4bagger then sudo nvidia-glx-config enable     and reboot11:32
Livermananyone that can help me using cpufreqd - getting some errors enabling it (powernowd is not working)11:33
toni_and I have problems with ati drivers11:33
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BlackCat9Wow. Lots of people here.11:33
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ompaul!tell toni_ ati11:33
toni_I have an Ati Radeon x70011:33
ompaul!tell toni_ about ati11:33
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Jerichgreetings, I've installed Ubuntu on my laptop (466 celeron, 128m) everything is running not that bad, but could anybody gimme some tips on how to make it more responsive, faster11:33
BlackCat9Hope someone can help me. I'm a Linux newbie and just installed Ubuntu on an old laptop and am having a couple problems with some hardware.11:33
ompaultoni_, ubotu has sent you a message have a look at that11:33
ompaul!tell BlackCat9 about ask11:34
toni_Thank you11:34
davmor2the4bagger try sudo aptitude then select the nvidia glx stuff11:35
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Livermandpkg-reconfigure cpufreqd : Unable to find a CpuFreq interface in your kernel. - Cpufreqd won't be started, please enable a CpuFreq driver in your kernel11:35
the4baggeralright, everybody told me something different, which should i try first?11:35
Livermanhow to do this ?11:35
BlackCat9First, I've got a wi-fi card that's not seeing any networks in the area. Ubuntu found it and installed the apropriate drivers, but when it can't see my network or any others in the area. Putting in the ESSID and WEP key and giving it a static IP allows me to set it as the default connection, but it has 0 signal strength.11:36
DrTigeryeah... ubuntu doesnt even support my battery -.-11:36
abbot45can someone please tell me how to reconfigure ubuntu for what graphics card i switch too?11:36
ompaulthe4bagger, have you done anything with the machine yet? you have been at it a good few hours now11:36
the4baggerompaul, that is true, but i havent been able to get a GUI up yet11:37
ompaulthe4bagger, so the answer is nothing other than faffing about with a few apt-get lines11:37
=== dalamar feels lucky all his hardware was setup during install! ;)
DrTigerwarty used to not get my power supply at all, breezy just always thinks I m connected to the power net.... However I d probably have to reconfigure the kernel, yet that isn't that easy in ubuntu as in gentoo -.-11:37
=== neoxan [n=neoxan@emailemailemailemailemailemailemailemailemailemail.de] has joined #Ubuntu
davmor2the4bagger I have had no problems with my nvidia card on standard nv for 2d but the nvidia-glx is a must for proper use and 3d11:37
=== Vaske_Car [n=durad@d36-72-47.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Netare you sure hoary comes with lame and Co, coz we include external http urls to locate repositories?11:38
Vaske_Car /msg NickServ IDENTIFY saibaba11:38
the4baggeralright, ill go try those commands11:38
BlackCat9Also, the graphics chipset that I have isn't allowing me to display above 640x480 in Ubuntu. It's a Chips and Technology 69000, which should do at least 800x600 in Windows, but the default Linux driver that Ubuntu is using won't show me higher resolutions.11:38
abbot45bahahaha.  oops11:38
Fred|Fr3dVaske_Car: i'd change your pass now if i was you ;-)11:38
dalamarVaske_Car, doh! i would change the password now11:38
funkyHathow do i stop alsa from reverting to the same settings every time i restart?11:38
funkyHati want it to restore itself they way i left it11:39
thrice`funkyHat, alsamixer, and alsactl store11:39
ompaulthe4bagger, it was suggested to you eariler to choose vesa first to get some kind of working system, did you do that, Bob2 is rather clueful11:39
Dr_Nethave to repaet my question - are you sure hoary comes with lame and Co, coz we include external http urls to locate repositories?11:39
ompaulthe4bagger, and has the same card as you11:39
HrdwrBoB Dr_Net horay has lame in the universe repository11:39
=== emiliospanish [n=emilio@69.Red-83-43-50.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fred|Fr3dVaske_Car:  /ns help set password11:39
funkyHatompaul, i want it to save it's settings every time i shut down11:39
the4baggerompaul, yes, but i was still having trouble so i changed it again...11:39
Fred|Fr3dVaske_Car: /ns set password <new pass here>11:40
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ompaulfunkyHat, system preferences settings11:40
the4baggerompaul, did you get my PM?11:41
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kevogodwhen you do /ns do it on the status window to avoid slipups11:41
Vaske_CarCan I install unbuntu on the same disk with Windows?11:41
h17m4nIs gplflash stable enough for AMD64 systems?11:41
funkyHatVaske_Car, yes11:41
ubotudualboot is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo11:42
h17m4nnot same partition though11:42
MadpilotVaske_Car: see ubotu ^^^11:42
kevogodVaske_Car: It needs to be partitioned off correctly first though.11:42
Fred|Fr3dVaske_Car: you're welcome11:42
Vaske_Carwill it automatically offer to install Unbuntu witout removing Windows?11:42
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ompaulthe4bagger, I think you know I did :)11:42
kevogodVaske_Car: It will install to the Free Space.11:42
h17m4nyou have to prepare things11:42
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Fred|Fr3dVaske_Car: you need free space on your disk. try Partition Magic to resize partitions using windows, then it uses the free space.11:43
funkyHatVaske_Car, read the howto that ubotu linked to ^11:43
Vaske_Carso I can resize partition and it Unbuntu see it as empty space it would install in there automatically?11:43
h17m4nis it recommendable to instal gplflash?11:43
Vaske_Carok ok ok11:43
kevogodVaske_Car: For a free program, try QtParted on the System Rescue CD available at http://www.sysresccd.org/11:43
=== Kara_Murat [n=^bahar^@modemcable241.20-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
funkyHatdon't know h17m4n11:43
Vaske_Cari have it11:43
the4baggerompaul, grrrr reinstall -^_^-11:43
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Vaske_Carhow much of space does Unbuntu uses?11:44
h17m4nmacromedia seems to mad at AMD64 archs11:44
funkyHati use the flash player from backports (then i DISABLE backports again)11:44
apokryphosVaske_Car: defautl install is around 1.8 gigs11:44
the4baggerompaul, i have a problem with xserver if i try the live version too11:44
apokryphosfunkyHat: flashplayer is in multiverse, no?11:44
funkyHatoh maybe :P11:44
juanejanyone using a parport scanner?11:45
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h17m4nthey probably bought a whole new set of workstations based on x86 and AMD came out with AMD64 a month after11:45
=== Gobbla_ [n=jocke@h148n1fls32o887.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
h17m4nbut do the backports offer a 64 bit player?11:45
=== mystic [n=mystic@pool-71-240-195-130.alt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosh17m4n: player, for....?11:46
funkyHatsorry h17m4n apparently it's not in backports at all ;)11:46
cafuegothere is a 64bit flash player that doesn't work (at all) yes11:46
h17m4nnot player11:46
h17m4njust plugin11:46
apokryphos64-bit flash does not exist11:46
h17m4nfor ff11:46
h17m4nyeah I know that11:46
kevogodMacromedia 64-bit Flash does not exist to be precise.11:46
cafuegoYour problem is that you want flash. Flash is shite. get rid of it.11:46
kevogodh17m4n: You have to use a 32-bit version of Firefox.11:46
ompaulthe4bagger, you ask for an opinion, I gave you mine, that is all I have11:47
QMarioHow do I force GAIM to uase ALSA?11:47
apokryphoscafuego: not entirely. You can make some excellent websites with it11:47
Vaske_CarWhy I can not see my Windows WORKGROUP from Unbuntu?11:47
ubotugaim is, like, totally, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GaimHowto/11:47
ubotuQMario: NO SPEAKE ENLISH!11:47
ubotu[alsa]  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3206311:47
kevogodcafuego: Tell that to Webmasters. OK thanks.11:47
cafuegoapokryphos: Websites that cna't be accessed by disabled people or indexed by search engines are NOT excellent websites, they are garbage.11:47
h17m4nbut wouldn't the installer detect the arch on installation?11:47
Madpilotjuanej: I've got one, not plugged in currently, but other ppl have gotten it working in Ubuntu. what model do you have?11:48
kevogodcafuego: Not every flash website is inaccessible. That is a stereotype.11:48
=== Deserir [n=Deserir_@226gis182.gulftel.com] has joined #ubuntu
h17m4nflash plugin installer that is11:48
apokryphoscafuego: it depends on what you're aiming to do. Having flash as an option (while a HTML equivalent) is fine and dandy *and* can be excellent.11:48
cafuegokevogod: The ones with a 'skip intro' are find, but if it's worth skipping, why waste user's time with it to begin with?11:48
funkyHatQMario, set the sound method as command, and the command as aplay %s11:49
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kevogodcafuego: Because it is an introduction to the site that is not necessary for the user's experience but enhances it overall?11:49
apokryphosIt would be awful nice of people would use proper code, including accesskeys etc etc, but unfortunatley they don't.11:49
=== suke [n=pesuke@109.Red-80-33-131.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Me'n]
HrdwrBoBkevogod: it's not a user experience11:49
cafuegokevogod: No, I think you lost me there. Form should never come before substance, sorry.11:49
HrdwrBoBit's a damn website11:49
cafuegoit's an annoying waste of time.11:49
juanejMadpilot, scanjet 3200c11:49
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HrdwrBoBa website has *content*11:49
juanejI already installed sane11:49
juanejbut dont know how to use it now11:50
dalamarive never watched an intro i could skip, period11:50
QMarioFunkyHat, should I restart after that?11:50
funkyHatit just starts working11:50
funkyHati just did it :)11:50
funkyHatyou prompted me to try11:50
Madpilotjuanej: ask google, there are pretty good SANE pages out there11:50
jabbithello, does anyone knows a good program to recover lost pictures from a digital camera memory card? I have used one in the past but I forgot its name :(11:50
LordphynI was trying to tunnel samba over ssh and can't quite recall what I did to change things, but now samba (without ssh) is timing out when I try to connect--any help?11:50
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BlackCat9I've got a wi-fi card that's not seeing any networks in the area. Ubuntu found it and installed the apropriate drivers, but when it can't see my network or any others in the area. Putting in the ESSID and WEP key and giving it a static IP allows me to set it as the default connection, but it has 0 signal strength.11:50
=== daveb_ [n=daveb@ool-4570a876.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
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juanejMadpilot, ive been searching like 1 hour11:51
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QMarioFunkyHat, it doesn't work: "aplay %s".11:51
juaneji already installed the library11:51
dalamar2nd hour's the charm11:51
=== vader1102 [n=vader110@dsl-72-1-218.189.tel-ott.com] has joined #ubuntu
juanejbut now xsane doesnt work11:51
funkyHatQMario, do you have alsaplayer installed?11:51
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funkyHatand alsaplayer-alsa11:51
QMarioWhat is alsaplayer?11:51
=== legitpgn [n=legitpgn@ool-457ad001.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
funkyHata command line program for playing music files11:51
funkyHatit has several plugins11:52
apokryphos!info alsaplayer11:52
ubotualsaplayer: (PCM player designed for ALSA), section universe/sound, is optional. Version: 0.99.76-0.2ubuntu2 (hoary), Packaged size: 0 kB, Installed size: 20 kB11:52
=== Vaske_Car [n=durad@d36-72-47.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
funkyHatthe only one you will need is alsaplayer-alsa11:52
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funkyHatwhich it probably depends on11:52
=== dtamas [n=dtamas@IP-115.c-211.TvNetWork.Hu] has joined #ubuntu
Vaske_CarWhat I have to do to be able to edir .conf files?11:52
BlackCat9Also, the graphics chipset that I have isn't allowing me to display above 640x480 in Ubuntu. It's a Chips and Technology 69000, which should do at least 800x600 in Windows, but the default Linux driver that Ubuntu is using won't show me higher resolutions in the screen resolutions pref window. What do I need to do?11:52
Madpilotjuanej: google on your device name plus "linux" or maybe "ubuntu"11:52
neoxanis debian better than ubuntu?11:53
dtamasWhat will the codename of the following release after Breezy?11:53
neoxanor is ubuntu better than debian?11:53
cafuegoneoxan: green.11:53
Seveasneoxan, uncomparable11:53
neoxanthat means?11:53
dalamarapples to oranges even11:53
Seveasdebian and ubuntu have different goals11:53
cafuegodtamas: Sassy Spud11:53
juanejMadpilot, i already find it, installed the library but now i dont now how to install xsane or something to prove if the scanner is working11:53
dtamasneoxan: ubuntu has fresher packages11:53
Seveasone is not better than another11:53
funkyHatQMario, sudo apt-get install alsaplayer-alsa should get you on track, but i'm sure you're there already11:54
Vaske_Cardalamar: I wont let me edit .conf files ... ???11:54
Quinthiusnot apples to oranges... more like... oranges to orange juice...11:54
SeveasQMario, that's me!11:54
CarlFKneoxan - Only on odd days11:54
Madpilotjuanej: xsane is in Ubuntu repos - search Synaptic11:54
snoopyubuntu is based off debian11:54
neoxanso why does ubuntu exists if its not better? :P11:54
ompaulneoxan, ehh you come to a fork in the road and you see two signs one says debian the other says ubuntu11:54
Seveasneoxan, it's better at certain things11:54
cafuegoneoxan: Ubuntu is geared at an up-to-date well integrated desktop suer expereince. Debian is geared towards security and above all stability.11:54
snoopya preference, if you will11:54
dalamarVaske_Car, are you using sudo to edit it? ie 'sudo gedit yourfile.conf'?11:54
funkyHatneoxan, as Seveas said ^ different goals11:54
Quinthiusneoxan: for different needs and purposes11:54
CarlFKneoxan is the spaceshuttle better than a car?11:54
Burgundavianeoxan, debian and ubuntu have differring goals11:54
juaneji know, but when i try to install it i cant11:54
neoxanlol damn11:54
juanejbecause of the library i just installed11:54
neoxanmass highlight11:54
cafuegoneoxan: Why does WIndows exist if it's worse than everything else under the sun?11:54
funkyHatyou asked for it :P11:55
ompaulneoxan you want your name in lights?11:55
Madpilotcafuego: point for you, I think... ;)11:55
Seveascafuego, SM is njoyed by many people too :)11:55
juanejhow do i upgrade something with dpkg?11:55
Seveasjuanej, not11:55
juanejdpkg -upgrade?11:55
Seveasyou need apt11:55
daveb_Hello, can anyone help me? I tried installing Ubuntu on a partition. The first stage seemed fine, but when I was prompted to take out the CD, reboot to continue the install, I receive an "Error 21" and cannot get Linux to finish installing, nor can I get the other OS (windows) to load instead. HELP!11:55
=== cafuego beats Seveas with a cat-o-nine tails. Is it?
=== fblade [n=fblade@82-38-178-242.cable.ubr02.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotusomebody said apting was apt-cache search package-keyword  use this to get package name :: apt-cache show ActualPackageName tells you stuff about the package :: apt-cache policy tells more stuff like the repo its in11:55
Seveashmm, jammie :)11:55
juanejhow do i upgrade something with a .deb?11:55
Madpilotlater, all. the real world needs attention for some reason...11:55
Seveasjuanej, dpkg -i filename.deb11:55
juanejSeveas, already do that11:55
neoxani love ubuntu11:56
neoxani hate kde11:56
funkyHatdaveb_, when you were installing, did you set the 'bootable partiton' to be your linux one?11:56
neoxani love fluxbox11:56
juanejtrying to overwrite `/usr/share/man/man1/saned.1.bz2.gz', which is also in package sane-backends11:56
apokryphosjuanej: it wil also downgrade with that if it's an older version.11:56
neoxando you also hate kde?11:56
Seveasjuanej, then don't use non-ubuntu packages :)11:56
apokryphosneoxan: congratulations11:56
Seveasneoxan, ETOPIC11:56
apokryphosneoxan: no, I love it. :)11:56
fbladehelp please11:56
ompaulneoxan that is nearly a flood - it is very busy keep it calm please11:56
juanejSeveas, its the only one i found11:56
Seveasjuanej, why do you insist on an upgrade?11:56
neoxanill leave now11:56
neoxanyou dont like me11:56
daveb_not sure, I'd want it to be prompted with a choice, but for now, I'm just freakig that I mighta nuked my XP files. Can I save the situation?11:56
=== Bobulor [n=robert@] has joined #ubuntu
dalamartheres a kde and gnome version for a reason, so we dont start wars ;)11:57
fbladei think i did something bad... i installed lilo instead of grub and now i cant get the boot loader up to access xp11:57
juanejBecause without that upgrade i dont have parport support for my scanner11:57
Bobulorhello everyone11:57
funkyHatdaveb_, this isn't about which OS is going to be booted, this is a simple partition table setting11:57
BlackCat9Okay, so nobody can help me.11:57
Quinthiusjuanej: but why isn't there an fvwm version? HUH???11:57
Seveasjuanej, sounds reasonable...11:57
neoxan*leaving* :P11:57
Vaske_Cardalamar: THANKS!!!!11:57
Seveasjuanej, whicj package is it?11:57
!christel:*! : Bored? Why not try a game of ##trivia ? Also, passionate about playing the guitar? Check out ##guitar Have a great day!11:58
funkyHatdaveb_, the boot loader (the thing that's not working properly at the moment) will give you the choice of windows or linux11:58
fbladei installed lilo instead of grub and now i cant get the boot loader up to access xp, how can i get it so i can acces xp again11:58
dalamarVaske_Car, works? good11:58
Bobulorseveas, it wouldn't accept my command "/msg NickServ IDENTIFY <mypassword>". Why?11:58
Quinthiusjuanej: it's a window manager :P11:58
Vaske_CarHow do I restart smb service?11:58
daveb_okay, maybe this will explain it to you. I have 2 harddrives, one with XP, Another I wiped and when installing ubuntu, created a partition on it for the install11:58
SeveasBobulor, what's the error?11:58
Bobulorseveas, I also made sure I had the right nick11:58
Vaske_Carwhat is the way to restart services?11:58
QMarioFunkyHat, it still does not play any sound.11:58
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Vaske_Carin Fedora it was service smb restart11:58
SeveasVaske_Car, invoke-rc.d servicename restart11:58
QMarioI installed both alsaplayer and alsaplayer-alsa.11:59
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Bobulorseveas, unknown command [IDENTIFY] 11:59
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ompaulBlackCat9, if you have the right info you can edit the config file /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:59
=== Akrame [i=WTF@adsl-62-26-192-81.adsl.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu
funkyHatQMario, try aplay %s *someaudiofile* in a terminal11:59
Akramei've a freakin problem :)11:59
ompaulBlackCat9, hardware frequencies11:59
Akramehi all11:59
Seveastry identify instead of IDENTIFY11:59
=== robitaille [n=robitail@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaul!tell Akrame about ask11:59
pauldaousthey, folks, does anyone know whether the standard alsa-base has ISAPNP support compiled in? trying to set up an ancient onboard sound chip on an ancient Dell Optiplex11:59
Bobulorseveas, it worked12:00
fbladecan any one help please12:00
codenuthey, it looks like I am permanently set up in #ubuntu.12:00
=== dedinje [n=dedinje@pool-71-106-175-153.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
codenutIs it always being fiddled with?12:00
funkyHatdaveb_, do you know which hard drive is primary and which is secondary?12:00

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