
libbenkernnel 12:05
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sedekihello Wictory12:14
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sedekiwhat's up?12:17
Wictoryim just chilling12:17
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libbenshould i uncomment all four lines in sources.list?12:22
libbenfor universe?12:22
libbenso whats the security ones from universe that are the last two?12:23
libbencause in the uncommented text, it only says i should uncomment two12:23
naliothlibben: yes, uncomment all of them in your default sources list12:24
libbenk thxs. then type apt-get update ?12:25
naliothlibben: and whereever it says "universe" space over and add "multiverse"12:25
apokryphoslibben: yes12:25
naliothas in "universe multiverse"12:25
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flughI will be the one12:26
libbenthats one is good? 12:26
libbenwhat was the deal with multiverse?12:27
apokryphoslibben: that's it. Add Multiverse for more packages12:27
apokryphosyou can learn about the different repositories here...12:27
ubotuit has been said that components is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components/document_view12:27
apokryphosto add it, where there is a line with "universe" also add "multiverse", as nalioth said.12:27
libbenok, so i copy all the four lines i just uncommented... and paste them again and add multivers to it12:28
apokryphoser, what?12:29
apokryphosjust add multiverse. Paste?12:29
apokryphosas in, why do you need to paste anything?12:29
libbenso no universe?12:29
apokryphoserm, what?12:29
apokryphosUse this... 12:30
ubotusources are at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96912:30
apokryphosand uncomment any repos you want to use.12:30
apokryphos(the pastebin there, that is)12:30
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libbenso i just copy the pastebin one ? shoud i uncomment the source debs?12:32
apokryphosif you plan on using the source debs12:32
libbenim pretty new to this. am i planning on using source debs? =)12:32
apokryphosprobably not12:33
libbenhmm only getting 900 fps in glxgears12:35
libbenshould have around 2-400012:35
utter_I need some help with KDevelop12:36
utter_if anyone knows about it...?12:36
naliothlibben: you can back up your existing sources.list and use the one you get from http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96912:36
djibyeah, it's a great one !12:37
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libbenjust installed mc.12:37
libbennow then =)12:37
djibbut public.planetmirror.com doesn't work does it ?12:37
libbendont wanna use i386 on my box that is a p4 1.7,,, its a i686 ?12:38
libbenhow do i update that easily?12:38
naliothlibben: krusader is a kde variant of mc12:39
naliothlibben: search for kernel 686 in synaptic12:39
libbenjust installing synaptic12:39
libbenkrusader any good?12:39
naliothlibben: all software is free, try it. if you dont like it, don't use it12:40
apokryphoslibben: not better than Konqueror12:41
utter_is there a channel for Kubuntu PPC users12:41
naliothutter_: you're in it12:41
naliothutter_: or #ubuntu12:41
naliothapokryphos: i mentioned krusader to libben b/c he mentioned mc12:41
utter_I'm just guessing that some of the packages for PPC are WAAAAY behind those on x86?12:42
naliothutter_: yes and for amd64 as well12:42
djibI have no hoary-extra working12:42
naliothutter_: some of the delay can be compensated for, tho12:42
djibdo you have the same problem ?12:42
utter_so that's why KDevelop is version 2.1?12:42
naliothutter_: i run ppc and i've had to compensate12:43
apokryphosdjib: what's the problem?12:43
djibneither http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/ubuntu-backports/ nor http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ nor ftp://ftp2.caliu.info/backports/ work at my place when I do apt-get update12:43
djibit says ign and the adress12:43
apokryphosit says what?12:43
utter_so, nalioth - how easy is it to 'compensate' what have you done?12:44
djibIgn ftp://ftp2.caliu.info hoary-extras/restricted Packages12:44
djibfor example12:44
apokryphosdjib: the mirrormax ones are the best to use generally12:44
djibbut they don't work12:44
apokryphoswell, what's the full error output; you only get that line?12:45
djiband by the way what are hoary-extras-staging/ 12:45
djibapokryphos: I get a Ign http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net hoary-extras Release.gpg12:46
naliothutter_: if there are source pkgs available for what you want, apt can build the pkg for you12:46
libbenim in synaptic12:46
libbenso what do i choose ?12:46
apokryphosdjib: and *nothing* else?12:46
utter_nalioth - done that on a redhat machine but not in deb12:47
djibwell there's about 5 lines just like this12:47
libbenlinux 686?12:47
djibwith main, universe, multiuniverse and restricted12:47
libbenor 686 headers?12:47
libbencan i use the linux-686-smp think my cpu can handle it.12:48
naliothutter_: enable your deb-srv lines in your /etc/apt/sources.list 12:48
naliothdeb-src, even12:48
apokryphosdjib: and no "error"12:48
djibnot when I do an apt-get update apokryphos 12:48
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naliothlibben: do you have dual processors?12:49
djibbut when I input  http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net in konqueror I get something12:49
djibit's so strange12:49
utter_nalioth - just did that - now what?12:49
djibapokryphos: any idea what's happenig ?12:51
naliothutter_: make yourself a 'build' directory12:51
djibis it because I didn't add a key or something12:51
djibI read that somewhere and I can't find where12:52
apokryphosdjib: I think that means it already has the current file12:52
libbenno but i have hyperthreading, the same but with one cpu12:52
libbenor am i wrong?12:52
djibapokryphos: I don't know because for all others it does an update12:52
naliothlibben: ok then, try the smp kernel12:52
utter_nalioth - done that...12:52
apokryphosdjib: and you definitely can't get packs from hoary-extras?12:53
naliothutter_: then in a terminal in your 'build' dir, type "sudo apt-get build-dep <pkgname>"12:53
djibI don't know apokryphos 12:53
utter_aaaah! cheers nalioth - lets's hope it's in there ;)12:53
djibyeah it seems to be some security issue12:53
apokryphosso what's the actual problem? :D12:54
djibdid you add a key to get those or not ?12:54
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djibapokryphos: I just don't like to see Ign ^^12:54
libbenhmm, i seem not to have ht on my cpu... anyway... must sleep... gf getting tired. later.12:54
naliothdjib: we all see Ign12:54
apokryphosbecause it means that it's not re-downloading the file12:55
naliothlibben: in a terminal, type "cat /proc/cpu"12:55
apokryphossince it already has the exact one12:55
djiboh, I see12:55
djiband by the way, what do you do to get packages such as win32 codex12:55
apokryphossudo aptitude install w32codecs12:56
apokryphosif you have hoary-extras enabled12:56
ubotuwell, codecs is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats12:56
djibok I was searching for a package named win32codecs12:56
djibthat's why12:56
djiband one more question (sorry but I'm a real newb with ubuntu)12:57
djibwhat are backports for ?12:57
naliothdjib: backports are programs from the future12:57
apokryphosprograms that weren't able to make it for the freeze of the current version12:57
apokryphosso they're "backported"12:57
djibso maybe I don't need it ^^12:58
naliothdjib: ubuntu releases every 6 months. some of the programs in the world outside advance, but do not get added until the next release12:58
naliothso 'backports' are programs from the next release, available now12:58
djiband what does hoary-extras-staging mean12:58
djibI mean the word 'staging' 12:58
djibwhat does it mean ?12:58
naliothdjib: anything -staging means the programs are not quite ready for general use12:58
djibwell thank you all very much12:59
djibI really enjoy kubuntu12:59
djibit's the only disto I tried that got my wifi working12:59
djibjust after the installation12:59
djiband you can hibernate01:00
djiband so many cool things01:00
naliothdjib: congrats!01:00
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blackflaghello all01:00
djibnalioth: it took me about a full month before having it work on my gentoo01:00
naliothdjib: well, that's gentoo01:01
djibhello blackflag 01:01
djibI won't be using gentoo anymore01:01
djibI was away for one month so I didn't do any update01:01
djibwhen I came back I had 120 packages to compile... it took me 3 days !!!!01:02
blackflagI have a problem/ question to gpg01:02
naliothblackflag: ok ask01:02
=== nalioth braces in his seat
blackflagwhen i use gpg on my linux and send it to win mail client the message is attached01:02
blackflagon the win is pgp01:03
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blackflagwhen I try to decrypt with pgp Im not succesfull01:03
naliothblackflag: how are you using gpg on your linux?01:03
djibblackflag: pgp is not open source I think01:03
dabugasi got a little problem: my applet clock informs me that the time is "00:06 London"01:03
dabugaswhat gives?01:03
blackflagpgp is open source01:04
djibis it ?01:04
djibi thought that gpg was ans pgp wasn't01:04
naliothdabugas: right click on it, and select the option to change the format01:04
naliothblackflag: can you not use gnupg on windows?01:04
dabugasthe format is: SHORTWEEKDAY DD/MM/YY01:04
djibone more question to try and understand ubuntu : what are 'extras'01:04
blackflagno they make commercials with that is open source01:04
djibI mean what kind of package is it ?01:05
blackflagyes I can01:05
naliothdjib: gnupg is open source, pgp is public domain, i believe01:05
blackflagbut others have pgp01:05
djibok nalioth 01:05
naliothblackflag: how are you using gpg on your linux?01:05
dabugasoh, wait, i got it.01:05
naliothdjib: extras are softwares that are 'legally questionable' re licences, etc01:05
blackflagHmm I use kgpg01:06
naliothblackflag: are you signing email, encrypting data, what?01:06
blackflagencrypting mails01:06
blackflagwhen I send it it is attached01:07
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blackflagon the win box I have to save it first01:07
naliothblackflag: kgpg isnt the best talked about gpg frontend01:07
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blackflagthen I can decrypt01:08
naliothblackflag: does your email client support gpg natively?01:08
naliothblackflag: or have a plugin?01:08
blackflagno, on the win box only with a plugin01:08
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naliothblackflag: i run thunderbird with enigmail plugin on my linux box, and every1 i send to gets their mail w/o a problem01:08
naliothblackflag: they ask me what is the crazy stuff (gpg sig block) but they read their mail just fine from me01:09
naliothwithout = w/o01:09
blackflagthe sig is not the prob01:10
blackflagthe encrypted msg01:10
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djibhow come flashplugin-nonfree is available without 'extras' enable01:10
naliothi havent seen the need to encrypt anyones mail, i just clearsign all my mails01:11
apokryphosit's in Multiverse01:11
blackflagpgp cant read it when it arrives01:11
apokryphosnot illegal, but proprietary01:11
djiboh ok01:11
blackflagcause its a attached mail01:11
tungstennel | Non-kde-related01:11
tungstennel | Non-kde-related01:11
tungstennel | Non-kde-related01:11
tungstennel | Non-kde-related01:11
tungstennel | Non-kde-related01:11
djibthat means then that if I have everything enabled but extras, all my distro will be legal01:11
blackflagso how can I send encrypted mails to win users01:12
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blackflagit has to be easily01:12
blackflagcause the most are not proffessionels01:12
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blackflagImlooking alot around the web but cant see a solution01:14
blackflagand the other thing is01:14
tungstenhow do I get a history as sudo? sudo history does not work?01:14
blackflagwhen I have a .txt file i can encrypt it but have not some special caracters there01:14
apokryphostungsten: please don't flood the channel again01:15
naliothtungsten: sudo history is kept in /root/.bash_history01:15
apokryphostungsten: you get a history of sudo under your normal user01:15
blackflagthe character set is set correctly01:15
apokryphostungsten: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/193601:15
blackflagsomeonse has an idea??01:16
naliothblackflag: not for encrypting data, no01:16
tungstenthanks but I do not know what you are talking about flood?01:16
blackflagshould I contact pgp?01:17
naliothutter_: what happened to you?01:17
djibhas any one of you installed a chinese input program ?01:17
Wictorybye everyone01:17
apokryphostungsten: posting many times in a row without apparent cause.01:17
naliothblackflag: i'd offer your windows folks the gnupg website01:17
tungstenkeybd maybe stuck?01:17
tungstensorry please accept my appology01:18
blackflagyes thats the a good way but the best is going Linux!!!01:18
blackflagbut some are ?angry01:18
blackflaggoing Linux01:19
djibdo you know any good firewall with a good gui01:19
blackflagHow you are telling others to go to linux?01:19
blackflagIts not so easy01:19
ubotu[firewall]  Ubuntu has, like every other linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is firestarter.01:20
blackflagups angry was the wrong word01:20
tungstenI upgraded from warty to kubuntu prob 2 weeks ago there is no record in /root/,bash_history is there a file that stores synaptic and aptitude commands?01:22
blackflagis the correct one I want to say01:22
tungstenI need to repeat the procedure on another machine01:22
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ubotuOne-line upgrade: sudo sed -e 's/warty/hoary/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:24
naliothdjib: http://software.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/05/09/1846213&tid=78&tid=13001:24
nalioththere is more than firestarter01:24
naliothtungsten: aptitude and synaptic have no history01:24
djibok nalioth 01:26
djibi'll read that01:26
tungstenubuto: nice use of sed thanks01:26
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kaileyBreathe in...01:27
naliothkailey: it's all good01:28
apokryphoskailey: can you http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl your /etc/X11/xorg.conf 01:28
kaileyPaste my /etc, etc?01:28
ubotuwell, paste is please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text01:29
apokryphoskailey: that link there is a pastebin service. Paste things into there, and then press "send"01:29
apokryphoskailey: in this case, it's your /etc/X11/xorg.conf we want to see, so paste it in there.01:29
kaileyHow do I get that?01:29
naliothkailey: and then copy the URL in the address area and paste the URL in here01:30
apokryphoskailey: in terminal: gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:30
apokryphosfrom there you can copy it and then paste it onto that page01:30
kaileyI copied that stuff..01:30
kaileyI put it where?01:31
tungstenthanks agian good night01:31
apokryphos'night ;)01:31
apokryphoskailey: be sure to click "Send" once it's in there.01:33
djibgood night apokryphos 01:33
kaileyI did01:33
apokryphosdjib: 'night01:33
apokryphoskailey: type this in a terminal: sudo sed -e 's/"1024x768"/"1280x1024" "1024x768"/' -i /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:35
naliothapokryphos: wow you're quick01:35
=== nalioth is waitin for his turn to 'splain some stuff
kaileyNow what?01:35
apokryphosMwuahaha. =)01:36
apokryphoskailey: log out and hit Ctrl + Alt + Backspace01:36
kaileyLog out of..01:36
kaileylike click the log out button?01:36
apokryphoslog out of gnome01:36
apokryphosonce you have, ctrl alt backspace01:36
XorlevAn air conditioner is like a computer...they don't work with Windows open.01:40
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djibdoes any one has kvlc ?01:41
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naliothkailey: here we go01:42
apokryphosdjib: doesn't seem to be around01:42
apokryphosnot even on kde-apps01:42
djibit seems to be a vlc frontend01:43
djibi found it doing an apt-cache search01:43
naliothkailey: open a terminal pleae01:43
kaileySo huge... *sigh*01:44
naliothkailey: we are gonna install the VESA driver for you01:44
apokryphos!info kvlc01:44
ubotukvlc: (KDE frontend for VLC (dummy legacy package)), section universe/kde, is optional. Version: 0.8.1-1ubuntu7 (hoary), Packaged size: 0 kB, Installed size: 52 kB01:44
apokryphosdjib: oh, indeed.01:44
djibis it any good apokryphos ?01:44
naliothkailey i'm gonna tell you how to start a wizard, and will be here to answer your questions as you go along 01:44
djibbecause I know vlc is excellet01:44
kaileyOkay. Thank you nalioth.01:44
naliothkailey: type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"01:45
djib(it was first developped by students from my school ^^)01:45
apokryphosdjib: in my experience vlc is good for playing all sorts of vid files01:45
apokryphosthough xine does it for me, most of the time.01:45
kaileyA blue box came up.01:45
djibbut vlc reads almost anythink01:45
naliothkailey: answer it's question if you know the answer, if not ,ask me in here01:46
kaileyI don't know the answer... the question is attemt to01:46
kaileyautodetect or ditect01:46
naliothkailey: then click yes01:46
kaileyvideo hardware01:46
kaileydesired thing01:47
kaileyx server driver01:47
naliothkailey: choose VESA for the driver01:47
kaileyenter an identifier for your video card01:47
naliothhang on01:48
naliothtype your cards name, or your dogs name or something like 'my nvidia'01:49
naliothor just accept the dafault01:49
kaileybus identifier01:49
naliothclick ok01:49
naliothkailey: click ok on the bus ID page01:50
apokryphosnalioth: what driver does ubu set by default?01:50
naliothapokryphos: whatever it autodetects, usually01:51
naliothapokryphos: sometimes it doestn work too well01:51
kaileyWhat mouse port should I do?01:51
kaileythat isn't up there01:52
naliothkailey: you can accept the default for mouse01:52
apokryphos(presuming you have an average ps/2 mouse...not usb one)01:52
kaileyall of them are /dev01:52
kaileyselect the video modes you would like the x server to use01:53
kaileyhow do I select them?01:53
naliothkailey: use your space bar to enable/disable01:54
naliothkailey: here is where you choose your resolution01:54
naliothkailey: you may choose only one, if you only use one01:54
naliothkailey: is this the space with resolutions or things like opengl, dri, etc?01:55
kaileyMonitors best video mode select01:55
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naliothkailey: what kind of monitor (size) do you have and is it lcd or tube?01:55
kaileyIf I pick a higher number, does that mean it will look smaller?01:55
naliothkailey: yes, the larger resolutions make everything look smaller01:56
kaileyThank you so much.01:56
kaileyI love you.01:56
naliothwe arent done yet01:57
kaileyOh I know.01:57
kaileyI'm not crying anymore.01:57
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apokryphosit's not worth crying over computers :)01:58
kaileyIt makes my eyes hurt.01:58
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kaileyShould I restart..? o.o;;02:00
naliothkailey: once you are done, yes02:00
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_mariusHi i just installed kubuntu and i'm trying out translucency, but it is really crappy. However i think my graphicscard (ati radeon9100 / 128Mb) should be able to do this stuff. So what should i do ?02:01
djibI think that nvidia are better with translucency that ati02:01
djibI don't know if you can get real translucency with ati02:02
nalioth_marius: sorry, i dont run kubuntu often (and even then, i'm not much on eye-candy)02:02
apokryphosdjib: ati have virtually no support for Linux02:03
djibyeah I know that apokryphos 02:03
_mariushmm so it will probably work on my box?02:04
apokryphoscomposite stuff with ATI is pretty lame, unfortunately.02:04
_mariusthat is a shame02:05
aseigocomposite in general is pretty lame atm =)02:05
aseigoit'll be getting a lot better in time for (and with much better support for it in) kde402:05
aseigobut for now it's pretty shaky02:06
apokryphosdoesn't actually work at all with current ubuntu nvidia drivers02:06
apokryphosapparent bug in renderaccel02:06
aseigo(e.g. even on nvidia, if you run an OpenGL app and do something w/composite it'll more than likely fall over)02:06
_mariushmm i've seen a acer laptop doing some pretty fancy stuff today though02:07
apokryphos_marius: you can still try it out, if you want.02:07
ubotuI heard composite is at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20769 -- make sure you read the whole thread.02:07
_mariusit's working on my box02:08
_mariusits just slow as hell02:08
apokryphosyup; pretty much inevitable with ATI02:08
apokryphosmy brother switched to some cheapo built-in graphics driver and it ran xcommgr better than his expensive ati02:09
_mariusbecause they have no linux support right... i get it. shame though02:09
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_mariusi think the card should be able to pull it off without any trouble.. seeing how it performes with windows and games and stuff.02:11
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ToniEisner_marius: give kanotix a try. its a live/linux distri and the developers have patched the drivers for ati.02:12
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_mariusToniEisner: will they be releasing these patches ?02:21
nalioth_marius: patches usually wind their way around the community02:21
erirlarwhere can i find a package list for kubuntu?02:22
naliotherirlar: packages.ubuntu.com i believe02:22
apokryphoserirlar: the list of package sthat the ISO has, or the packages that are available?02:22
ToniEisner_marius: Don't know ask in #kanotix (no need to mention that you're using kubunut :-) )02:22
erirlarpackages that are available02:22
apokryphoswhat nalioth said then.02:22
ToniEisner_marius: the guy who's using ati and do most of the driverse things is the founder of kanotix, his nick is kano02:23
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apokryphoserirlar: there's also the kubuntu repository (see topic), which also just contain 3.4.2 for i38602:23
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naliothapokryphos: unfortunately only for x8602:23
_mariusToniEisner: thnx02:24
apokryphosnalioth: all will have it for breezy, I'm sure. 02:24
apokryphospretty sure that the 3.5 repo will be packaged for all, too.02:24
apokryphosaha, 3.4.2 for all are already in breezy02:26
zimonlinehi all02:27
apokryphoshi there02:27
zimonlinehow do you fix the kcontrol so it works without having to sudo it02:28
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apokryphoszimonline: your kcontrol doesn't startup with sudo-ing it?02:28
apokryphosor is this just in "administrator mode"?02:28
zimonlineif i click the launcher it wont allow me me change anything as there is no root password i get round this by $sudo kcontrol from the terminal02:30
naliothzimonline: dont use sudo on kde apps02:30
naliothzimonline: use kdesu <appname>02:30
ubotuUse kdesu to run applications with root priveleges, when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions and the config files.02:30
zimonlineok ty02:31
apokryphoswhat is it you're trying to change?02:31
apokryphosall things such as icons etc. you should need admin privelges for02:31
zimonlineoh anything it was just buging me that when i wanted to get admin mode it failed02:32
zimonlineit only works if you passwd root pass02:32
apokryphosgood idea to update to 3.4.2 (if you can) where that issue is pretty much eliminated02:32
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zimonlineanother unrelated Q but is anyone using ipcop02:34
naliothzimonline: what is that?02:35
blackflagopen source firewall02:35
zimonlinefirewall distro02:35
zimonlinev coll02:36
naliothzimonline: iptables are an integral part of every linux (without iptables, linux doesnt work)02:36
zimonlinejust have a few Qs about it functions but there irc is a grave yard02:36
naliothzimonline: http://software.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/05/09/1846213&tid=78&tid=13002:37
zimonlinei know that read on02:37
blackflagwhat is your q?02:37
sorush20how do I make sure that firefox runs thunderbird as my mail client rather than evolution.. 02:37
naliothsorush20: i answered you in #ubuntu02:37
zimonlinehow does the intrusion detection tell you there is an intrusion02:38
sorush20nalioth: I'm not using gnome.. and I can't find what you said.. 02:38
naliothsorush20: in thunderbirds prefs, should be a checkbox to make it default02:38
blackflagWhen I remeber it correct than there is a logfile02:39
zimonlineok so you cant make it squeek or email or somthing more proactive02:40
flughzimonline: when the kiddie sends you a 'wall' containing your credit-card numbers ;)02:40
apokryphossorush20: also: kcontrol -> kde components -> Component chooser -> Email client02:40
zimonlineflugh what???02:41
zimonlineyou lost me02:41
flughzimonline: (thats when the intrusion dection tells you there was an intrusion)02:41
naliothapokryphos: i will try to remember that one02:41
blackflagzimonline: I think there is a need of deeper knowing of snort02:42
zimonlinestill lost must need more coffee02:43
zimonlinethere is02:43
flughzimonline: nah, it was a stretch. long-reach at dry humor/sarcasm. you're fine, i'm just not funny02:43
blackflagand some expert saiys that it is not a good idea to have a firewall and an IDS an the same box!02:43
zimonlineIDS ?02:44
flughin intrusion detection system02:44
zimonlinedoh sorry02:44
blackflagcause the ids sets the nic in promicious mode, thats the reason02:45
zimonlineof to read up on snort any last words of wisdom ie read this02:45
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sorush20apokryphos: nalioth I have done the kcontrol -> kde components -> Component chooser -> Email client, but it doesn't work and also I can't find the check box so that it is the default in the thunderbird prefs02:46
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apokryphosfirefox has one... not sure about TB. Edit -> Prefs -> General, IIRC.02:46
apokryphosthat in kcontrol will make it default for kde apps (not firefox, though)02:47
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blackflagokay, time to make a boo boo, good night :-)03:01
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_arihey, someone here help me get the drivers to work on my GeForce chip?03:21
_arianybody here?03:23
naliothnot that knows about geforce chips03:23
_ariokay :)03:23
_ariI'll just wait then03:23
uboturumour has it, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia03:35
frank23_ari: ^^03:35
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_ariwhat do I do?03:35
frank23follow the link I just pasted03:36
_arithanks :D03:36
_ariummmmmmm....it doesn't work03:37
_ariit just crashes on me :(03:37
frank23what crashes?03:37
_arinevermind :)03:39
_ariokay, I got the packages, but I can't enable the config like it said03:39
_ariwhat should I do?03:39
frank23what do you mean? error message?03:40
_ari"nvidia-glx-config: command not found"03:41
apokryphosyou apparently didn't install nvidia-glx03:42
_ariI'll check03:42
frank23assuming you did install, I've seen it happen that the new application is not immediately found in the path. try opening a new shell03:43
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_ariI'm using Kynaptic, and I click to install the package, but it just won't do it03:45
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frank23did you click "commit" or "apply"? I forget the exact button03:46
_ariI've installed a lot of packages, but it has never done this03:46
apokryphos_ari: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx   ...from terminal03:46
_ariE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)03:46
_ariE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?03:46
_arithat's the error I get :(03:47
darksoulwere do i download linux games?03:47
nalioth_ari: you need to run kynaptic using "kdesu"03:47
frank23close kynaptic03:47
frank23then run apt-get03:47
nalioth_ari: or close other instances of kynaptic, synaptic or apt03:47
_ariErrors were encountered while processing:03:48
_ari /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-glx_1.0.7174-0ubuntu1_i386.deb03:48
_ariE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (103:48
darksoulwere do i download linux games03:48
_arithere was another error too03:48
frank23darksoul: check the gaming section of the forums03:49
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darksoulwere do i get linux games03:49
_ari"<frank23> darksoul: check the gaming section of the forums"03:49
apokryphosdarksoul: quit flooding the channel03:49
darksoulis there any kind of program for linux to make flash?03:49
naliothdarksoul: gplflash03:50
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_arido you guys know what my problem is?03:50
frank23_ari: well you didn't really paste the error message03:50
_aridpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-glx_1.0.7174-0ubuntu1_i386.deb (--unpack):03:51
_ari subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 203:51
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frank23_ari: is that all? I don't know what that means?03:52
apokryphos_ari: we're only getting sketches there. Can you pastebin the whole output?03:52
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_arithat's the error, I can do the whole script if you want03:53
_arithat's the whole script :)03:54
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apokryphosI've told them their nvidia xorg packs ar eshaky before :D03:55
apokryphosstill, that shouldn't produce an error.. one sec.03:55
frank23I don't know what the problem is...03:55
apokryphosah, you have fglrx installed apparently03:56
apokryphosapt should still select to remove that though..03:56
apokryphosif you have it installed, remove fglrx-driver03:57
_arithanks guys03:59
_arithat worked :)03:59
_arihow you know this stuff, I'll never know......03:59
_ariI have to restart X though, see yah!03:59
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darksoulis there a sudo apt-get install command for a flash maker?04:35
naliothdarksoul: there is a very alpha flash tool04:37
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darksoulyea but i cant install it right04:38
darksoulwont work04:38
naliothit doestn work for lots of folks, thats why its called alpha04:40
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HentaiCan I install kubuntu though the live CD?04:49
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Hentai^NTCan I install kubuntu though the live CD?04:50
naliothHentai^NT: no only the install cd04:51
Hentai^NToh well04:53
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aj_calrissianin Kynaptic does it keep the latest (stable) version of programs. ie OO.o???05:05
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rahotephi room, howsit going?05:06
aj_calrissianhi rahotep05:08
aj_calrissiana little dry atm05:08
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rahotephi aj, yeah :)05:11
rahotepaj, how long have you been using linux?05:11
pussfelleranyone now why gwenview doesnt handle rars and cbrs, its supposed to05:11
aj_calrissiannot very long05:11
pussfellerseeing as thats like the main use for it05:12
rahotepyeah, me neither, but I'm liking Kubuntu05:12
aj_calrissianyeah, i'm loving it!!!05:12
aj_calrissianI've tried several others including Ubuntu, but so far Kubuntu is the best05:12
aj_calrissianand so stinking easy!05:13
rahotepsorry, pussfeller, I don't know much about gwenview -- it's worked fine for jpegs for me, but I haven't used it for anything else05:13
rahotepYeah, I tried many others too, and Kubuntu seems the friendliest05:13
aj_calrissianespecially the Kynaptic installer05:13
aj_calrissianor PM I guess is more correct05:14
pussfellerits the best binary distro i ever used05:14
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rahotepyeah, I really like it -- but I switch to Synaptic instead of Kynaptic -- not as pretty but seems easier to use05:16
aj_calrissiando I have to get that from kynaptic?05:17
jsubl2sudo apt-get install synaptic05:17
rahotepyeah, more documentation of what's being installed, etc. -- you don't have to give up kynaptic, but u can use Synaptic as well05:17
aj_calrissiannm got it from kynaptic05:17
rahotepguys, I have a noobie boot question...05:17
rahotepwhenever I boot -- a bunch of windows are already open (It's like an old session trying to restore or something) -- I'd like to stop that from happening.  Any ideas?05:18
aj_calrissiannot a clue man05:19
aj_calrissianI'm newer than you I think05:19
rahotepyeah -- it seems like one of those "convenience" features that is no longer very convenient05:20
aj_calrissiananyone know if when I choose update from kynaptic whether or not it grabs the latest stable version of a program?05:22
rahotepas far as packages go, I've also heard Kpackage is very good, especially if you are using stuff that isn't in the apt repositories (like .deb packages you download yourself)05:22
naliothrahotep: when you log out, look for a checkbox to do with "save session" or something like that05:22
aj_calrissianexample: OO.o05:22
naliothaj_calrissian: if there is an upgrade, yes05:22
pussfellerclose the apps you dont want to start up again before you shutdown is one way05:22
aj_calrissianwell OO.o seems to be at version 1.1.3.  when I know it's at 1.1.4 on the net05:23
rahotepnalioth -- thanks, I"ll try that :)05:23
rahoteppussfeller, thanks, but they were only open once, many boots ago -- now they come up every time05:23
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rahotepi'm guessing some open apps saved "open" -- but I've long since closed them, and they keep showing up at every boot05:25
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rahotepOO.o is great -- but I'm not sure why the version seems lower -- maybe the linux and windows OO.o version numbers are different??  dunno05:26
tawhow can i install scim for kde ?05:27
tawhttp://ubuntuguide.org/#scim works only for gnome05:27
nalioth!tell taw about ubuntuguide05:27
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pussfelleryou can get a version of OO 2.o05:28
pussfellerdont know how it handles the java thing05:29
naliothtaw: do you use synaptic?05:30
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tawnalioth: aptitude usually05:30
naliothtaw: ok do you have all your repos enabled?05:30
tawdeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted05:31
tawdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary multiverse05:31
tawseeems so05:31
tawbut only scim for gnome is there05:31
nalioththen installing scim shouldnt be a problem05:31
naliothtaw: use your aptitude to install it05:31
tawi only see scim for gnome, and kde programs don't see it05:32
aj_calrissianspeaking of java what is the best way to get that installed?05:32
taw<taw> http://ubuntuguide.org/#scim works only for gnome05:32
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naliothtaw: forget ubuntuguide05:33
naliothtaw: ubuntuguide will get you into trouble05:33
aj_calrissianI tried from the sun site but I couldn't seem to get it to work05:33
arbiris there a way to change my DPI in kubutu ?05:33
naliothtaw, you cant "sudo aptitude install scim"  ?05:33
pussfelleraj_calrissian: i would just use suns client unless you have some ideological concern05:33
tawoh, i totally love the ubuntuguide05:33
tawnalioth: i DID apt-get install scim05:33
naliothtaw: some of the info is just plain wrong on the guide05:33
pussfellerthe ubuntuguide has a way to install it05:34
tawnalioth: and it DOES work with gtk apps05:34
naliothtaw: so do the "K" > run command > scim05:34
tawnalioth: however it does not work with kde apps05:34
pussfelleri didnt have any problems with ubuntuguide, but thats just me05:34
aj_calrissianI'm not concerned one way or the other, I just want to be able to get around on the net without the "install java plugin" continually coming up05:34
=== nalioth has no idea about kde/gnome stuff
tawno, scim is not an aplication, it's a input method switch05:34
naliothi run stuff on either desktop w/o any trouble05:35
aj_calrissianwithout having to turn back to MS!!!05:35
rahoteplast time I used ubuntuguide was a week ago, and many of the repositories were giving me errors05:35
pussfellermaybe someone needs to make an unnoffical script taht will automatically install all the common stuff people want that are in the other repos05:35
rahotepyeah, pussfeller, that's a good idea05:35
naliothtaw: oh. i dont know about input methods, lemme look at something05:35
pussfellerwhich would be a nice compliment to the guide05:35
naliothtaw i'm at the scim homepage and i see no reason it wont work in kde05:36
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aj_calrissiananyone know of some good games to get?05:37
aj_calrissianand an easy way to install them?05:37
rahotepthe script (and the guide) need to be kept updated -- I think a number of those items get old really fast05:37
rahotepfrozen-bubble is a fun little game -- I think it's in the apt universe05:38
tawNakkel: docs say sothing about immodule-qt05:38
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naliothaj_calrissian: open synaptic and look at the games section05:38
tawdamn tab05:38
tawnalioth: docs say sothing about immodule-qt05:38
aj_calrissianI already got all those05:38
naliothtaw: have you tried to run it or start it?05:38
rahotepI eventually got the darwinia demo working -- it was really cool, but I had to pull all the packages directly from their site (they had good instructions, it just took me a while to figure out)05:38
tawnalioth: yes, gtk apps like xchat let me switch input methods, kde apps don't05:39
aj_calrissianI'm looking for something more involved05:39
pussfellerwhat you mean, input methods05:39
rahotepunreal tournament 2004 is supposed to run on linux -- it's pretty fun, costs about $2005:39
naliothtaw: i'm not really the man to ask about deep level stuff like input methods05:39
pussfellerit runs05:39
naliothtaw: i can only offer "d/l the source code and compile it for yourself locally" and see what happens05:40
pussfellerso does serious sam, quake3 and all the mods05:40
tawpussfeller: that i select "Japanese" from the menu and i can write   in all gtk apps05:40
rahotepyeah, sam and quake are good too05:40
pussfellerah thats cool05:40
tawpussfeller: then, i switch back and have normal keyboard layout05:40
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tawlike on windows xp or sth05:41
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koalahhow do i fiind my partions like, hda3 etc?05:41
rahotepdoes anybody here know anything about "system restore" stuff?05:41
koalaha listing i mean05:41
naliothkoalah: open a terminal and type "sudo fdisk -l"05:41
pussfellerkoalah: mount05:41
pussfelleris one way05:42
tawhttp://www.scim-im.org/projects/skim this seems to be relevant05:42
pussfelleror cfdisk /dev/hda05:42
tawbut just ugly tarballs and rpms05:43
rahotepI think all of the partitions will at least list in the /dev/ directory05:43
rahotepalso, I think the readable ones are usually put by kubuntu into the System menu (next to the K) under "Storage Media" 05:44
koalahahhh, look at that :)05:45
rahotepyeah, took me  a while to find it -- nice little menu :)05:45
tawand it still requires qt-immodule that ubuntu doesn't have05:47
naliothtaw: you may have to find the qt-immodule homepage and compile it yourself05:47
rahotepok guys, I gotta go -- might be back, but have a good night if I don't see ya05:48
rahotepwish me luck figuring out this session restore thing :/05:48
tawnalioth: i've already learned that compiling libraries simply does not work05:50
naliothtaw: really? success is in the repetition05:51
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tawnalioth: they use different layout in each distro, it simply can't work05:51
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naliothtaw: i'd imagine if you compile it and point it at the kde includes.. ..05:52
tawnalioth: it would probably make me recompile kdelibs and all kde apps05:53
naliothtaw: i dont know much more , i'm just a long time user, not a progrmmer 05:53
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pussfellerwhich one of these keyboard options in the control center for a logitech elite, non wireless05:59
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Hentai^NTHentai^NT> resierfs 3.6, ext3fs, or jfs?06:12
Hentai^NT<Hentai^NT> which should I choose06:12
Kuoliogo with the ext3fs, i think it's the most stable one of that lot06:13
Hentai^NTNTFS! lol I'll go with jfs06:14
=== arlington [n=arlingto@pool-70-110-43-104.sea.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
arlingtonhey guys. can i get the macromedia plugin for FF through synaptic/kynaptic?06:15
Hentai^NTnalioth I decided to install knoppix instead06:16
Hentai^NTfirefox = FF06:17
kalenedrael(it's late, i forget dumb things)06:17
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Hentai^NTI'm tired too06:17
kalenedraelarlington, i suggest getting it from macromedia directly06:17
kalenedraelthe flash plugin works fine in 32-bit06:17
kalenedraelthere is no 64-bit06:17
kalenedraelwhich i hate >:(06:17
koalahwhats typical under options for fstab?06:19
kalenedraelthere's no such thing as 'typical'...06:20
kalenedraelare you trying to configure a HD partition?06:20
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kalenedraeluser,rw,noauto would be my suggestion...06:20
koalahi need a listing for my winXP partitions06:20
kalenedraelro = readonly so you don't fuck up the system with the flaky ntfs write06:21
kalenedraeluser = users can mount it06:21
koalahis noauto for automatic mounting06:21
kalenedraelnoauto = not mounted at boot (i think)06:21
kalenedraelanyway, check the fstab man page06:21
kalenedraelthere are probably multiple fstab manpages06:22
kalenedraelok, from the mount manpage06:23
kalenedrael"noauto Can only be mounted explicitly (i.e., the -a option will not cause the file system to be mounted)."06:23
kalenedraeli.e. if you mount -a or umount -a, it won't affect that partition...06:24
kalenedraelthat's all06:24
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setitewhere is xsane?07:45
XorlevIt was lost when it went xinsane.07:48
Xorlevxsane: /usr/bin/xsane /usr/share/man/man1/xsane.1.gz07:49
XorlevRun whereis xsane07:49
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lascari'm trying to install java08:02
lascarand i've forgotten the url to add in my repository for it08:02
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noirequusXorlev: please dont do that08:04
ubotuwell, java is to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java08:04
aftertafhi all, good morning :)08:05
naliothaftertaf: howdy08:06
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aftertafi slept a lot better last night... should be more on form :)08:07
naliothaftertaf: watching your backswing?08:08
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aftertafoh yeah... holes in 1 all day, you just watch ;)08:08
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lascarcould i get that url again please?08:18
=== lascar [n=lascar@pcp0011284583pcs.union01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubotusomebody said java was to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java08:20
lascarnalioth: good evening and thank you08:22
naliothi'm either in here or #ubuntu08:22
naliothor ##apple if you happen to have any apple questions08:22
naliothHentai^NT: you really must finish your thoughts08:23
Hentai^NTerr it wasn't a thuough08:23
Hentai^NTwould of gone and said the whole thing but didn't know if you cared08:24
Hentai^NTjust got back from mcdonalds08:25
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naliothHentai^NT: and how is ronald?08:26
lascarnalioth: which line(s) should the extra repoitory be added to?08:26
naliothlascar: a line of it's own08:27
Hentai^NTnalioth...lol I was hungry abit...ate 4 Mchickens 1 double cheese burger and a muflury08:27
Hentai^NTthe day is getting slower08:27
naliothlascar: so that when you are finished fetching whatever it is you desire, you may comment it out08:27
naliothHentai^NT: really? you were hungry and only ate 5 sandwiches and a  mcflurry?08:28
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Hentai^NTI only weigh 120 pounds anyways08:28
lascarnalioth: now i'm confused08:28
lascarwhat should the contents of the line entail?08:29
naliothlascar: hang aon08:29
Hentai^NTuh oh08:29
naliothlascar: PM coming08:30
naliothmake sure the last line is all on one line08:31
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lascardoes anyone hear know anything about cedega?08:44
naliothlascar: not much except you can get the developemental (no support) for free08:45
lascarold versions of it08:46
naliotheither or08:47
Hentai^NTwine never worked for me08:50
aftertafHentai^NT:  Drink Beer :D08:50
Hentai^NTI hate beer08:51
=== delmonico [n=delmonic@p54AECA9B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
lascari'm trying to get wine to work too08:54
lascarand what's the command to delete files?08:54
delmonicohi :) does anybody know whats the kde equivalent to gnome-volume-manger?08:54
delmonicolascar: rm08:54
lascarnalioth: and cut?08:55
lascaror more like move?08:55
lascarwait, mv?08:56
delmonicoif you don't know what a command does, try "whatis your_command", it will tell you ;) and use "man your_command" for documentation08:57
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froggy25hey i need help with something09:03
delmonicohi froggy25 feel free to ask09:03
froggy25i just downloaded qnext of the internet and im trying to set up an icon in my kmenu09:04
froggy25but it wont let me09:04
froggy25i need to know what i should do to fix this09:04
froggy25i can access qnext with terminal09:04
froggy25but putting cd /home/froggy25/qnext09:04
froggy25and then ./qnext09:04
froggy25after i put that in qnext starts09:05
froggy25what should i do 09:05
delmonicowhats the problem with kmenu?09:05
froggy25i want to setup an icon to start up qnext09:05
froggy25but i dont know what to put into the command part09:05
froggy25on menu editor09:05
delmonicoah yes. try this: create a file qnext.sh with this content:09:06
froggy25hold on09:06
delmonicocd /home/froggy25/qnext09:06
froggy25i use kate for that right09:06
froggy25the first thing i put is #!/bin/sh right09:07
froggy25ok what next09:07
delmonicothen the commands you would use in a shell to start it09:07
froggy25is that cd /home/froggy25/qnext09:08
froggy25then ./qnext09:08
delmonicoline by line09:08
froggy25ok i have 3 lines done09:08
froggy25is that it09:08
delmonicothen do "chmod +x qnext.sh" (to make your script executable) and in the command part in kmenu you put the path to your script (should be /home/froggy25/qnext.sh)09:09
delmonicoyes 3 lines is fine09:09
froggy25what do i put chmod +x qnext.sh into09:09
froggy25with root or user09:09
delmonicouser should be ok09:09
froggy25do i save that new script before i turn it into an executable09:10
froggy25what should i name this file09:12
froggy25it wont let me save as qnext.sh09:12
froggy25do i save it on my desktop first09:12
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froggy25then drag it into my qnext folder09:12
aftertafguys,  what is the diff between the /etc/rc1-6.d & the rcS.d dir ?? rcS.d is where the stop scripts are called from?09:13
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froggy25hey delmonico im still having problems with this09:16
djibI need help with the network09:16
aftertaf!tell froggy about cli09:16
djibI've just installed my kubuntu and did only a few changes (software installation basically)09:16
djibnow the network won't start09:17
djibwhen I do a /etc/init.d/network start it says fail09:17
djiband I get a message like this /etc/init.d/networking: line 20: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter: Permission non accorde09:18
aftertafwhat is supposed to start ? (eth0 / WiFi) ?09:18
aftertafoh la saloperie :D09:18
djibfour times, witl 'all' 'eth0' 'lo' et 'default'09:18
djibje sui bien d'accord avec toi aftertaf !09:19
djibaftertaf: it's supposed to start eth1, witch is ethernet09:19
aftertafwhat is eth0? 09:19
aftertafok, i remember you did something yesterday to change default route right?09:20
djibno... not as far as I remember09:20
djibI installed a firewall but I'm pretty sure it's not the problem09:21
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djibyo spiral 09:21
aftertafhmm. networking is my weakest point in nux.09:22
djibI've gotta go anyway09:23
djibI'll be back in half an hour maybe more09:23
lascareth0 != wireless09:23
lascarwlan0 = wireless09:23
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naliothHentai^NT: you're from Texas, speak Texan09:36
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customeri would like to ask what is the default password of ROOT  in KDE09:37
nalioth!tell customer about root09:37
customeranybody can help me plz09:37
naliothubotu has helped you09:38
ubotunalioth: I don't know09:38
ubotuthanks nalioth :)09:38
_briananyone experienced in getting wifi working?09:38
nalioth_brian: sorry, no. ask in #ubuntu09:39
_brianthanks, i'll try it09:39
aftertafyes there is!!!09:41
aftertafbut no idea bout wifi09:41
nalioth_brian: hae you visited wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation   ?09:41
_briani've visited lots of places, but let me make sure, so i can check that off my list09:42
_brian_nalioth this could be usefull...09:43
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djibI'm back09:44
customerme too09:45
customerim back09:45
delmonicoanyone knows what packages I need to have automounting of mass-storage usb stuff in kde? I installed dbus, hal, pmount but something seems to be missing09:45
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lascarg'night all09:54
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derFlohi. how can I start kde apps (ksayit) in systray? this app has an systray icon and i can minimize it, but it always starts with a window. I don't want that.10:07
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derFlothere's no option in this app. kopete and other apps have options for that10:08
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delmonicoderFlo: have a look at kstart, it might help you10:17
derFloah, thx10:17
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m0ns00nAnyone know a channel where I can discuss quanta for kde?10:20
m0ns00nIsn't that a bit futile? :-D10:21
m0ns00nTo discuss one app10:21
m0ns00nThat's like joining #windows to talk about InDesign10:21
naliothm0ns00n: tried #quanta?10:22
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m0ns00nnalioth: Have you?10:32
naliothhave i what?10:32
m0ns00nnalioth: Not to be rude, but isn't that an elementary question?10:33
=== nalioth is lost
m0ns00n:-) It's like asking, "have you tired on irc?"10:33
m0ns00nIf you dpn'10:34
m0ns00nif you don't know how to help, then I'll wait till somebody knows. That's all. No offence.10:34
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naliothm0ns00n: there are channels here for almost every major project, this IS the developer network10:35
naliothand some people have no idea they can join #kde and get kde answers10:36
naliothfor example10:36
naliothso "tried #whatever " is help10:36
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m0ns00nThere was only me in #quanta10:38
naliothwelcome to #quanta10:38
m0ns00nsure, but nobody there10:38
naliothtry #kde, there are lots of folks in there (surely)10:39
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aftertaf180 of em ...10:52
aftertaf+1 :)10:52
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: congrats to pef on membership | Kubuntu Official Help Channel | Non-kde-related questions: #ubuntu as well | KDE 3.4.2 Packages are out: http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-342.php | Adept alpha out - http://web.ekhis.org/adept.html | Nederlands #kubuntu-nl | Espaol #kubuntu-es | Deutsch #kubuntu-de | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de/ | To prevent spam: /umode +CE
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by apokryphos at Sun Sep 4 00:24:28 2005
(nikkia/#kubuntu) its self-hosted, i just use it as a dumping/testing ground, really11:26
(nikkia/#kubuntu) my real website is elsewhere, but there's not much to see there either :)11:27
=== nalioth wishes he could selfhost
(nikkia/#kubuntu) the only real thing on my self-hosted site, is http://nikki.sexadelic.com/~nikki/blog11:27
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nikkianalioth: did you listen to the mp3 btw ?11:28
naliothfrom the mind of nikkia 11:28
naliothnikkia: am working on it11:28
customerwhy i can't edit the time settings of my KDE 3.4.0?11:28
naliothnikkia: you've got it! sounds just like church11:29
nikkianalioth: that'd be because a lot of churches use drawbar organs :)11:30
nikkianalioth: although i don't think any play whiter shade of pale :P11:30
=== nalioth likes music
naliothjust can't play any11:30
nikkiamy next two soft-synth projects are a bit more complex...11:31
nikkia1) a PPG-like wavetable synth, 2) a Oberheim-like synth11:31
naliothnikkia: ich nicht verstehen11:32
=== nikkia no speaka da german
naliothnikkia: exactly. i have no clue what those 2 items are11:32
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nikkianalioth: the Oberheim is a classic synth series, you're bound to have heard it, the keyboards on the van halen song 'Jump' were classic OB-8 sounds, so much so that they were the default preset 1 on later Oberheims11:33
aftertafglam rock :D11:33
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nikkiathe PPG was a classic german synth that was very popular in the 80s, it has a disctinctive sound, but i can't really point to it in any particular song, its most noticable feature was that it could morph sounds somewhat11:34
aftertafkraut rock :D11:34
naliothnikkia: ah. thank you11:34
nikkiaPPGs are hideously expensive, they only built a few thousand, and these days you can expect to pay $50-100k for a mint condition PPG11:35
nikkia(although i'm not sure why people bother, Waldorf do still make a modern version of the PPG)11:36
nikkiahttp://www.hollowsun.com/vintage/ppg/  <- a good bit about the PPG, and who played them :)11:39
jimmy_neutronppg like PowerPuffGirls?11:42
nikkiajimmy_neutron: no, as in Palm Products Germany11:42
jimmy_neutronohh, k, :>11:43
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chxnikkia: do you have any idea why KDE does not pop up the (S)FTP password window any more :( ?11:44
nikkiachx, i dunno, i've noticed it stops asking, i have to use the username/pass in the url bar (at least it hides the password once you hit enter) - i assume you ARE referring to konqueror here11:45
nikkiachx, best suggestion is probably to ask on #kde, they might know if its a 'feature' (ie, they removed it for a reason) or a bug11:46
naliothnikkia: i'm ignorant. wh/a/t is th/i/s  ?11:46
customernikkia: how to mount a network folder?11:47
nikkianalioth: (s)ed style regex replacement :)11:47
=== nalioth must look up sed
customerwhy is it i can't mount folder in network11:48
chxnikkia: well, I also fixed it by adding pwd to URL, but it's not just konqueror, KATE and I guess everything else does the same, kio related probably11:48
jimmy_neutronis there a gui for samba?11:48
nikkiachx, yeah, i imagine they changed the kio, but as i said, no idea if its a bug or feature11:48
customerwhen i right click the folder there is no "mount" selection11:48
chxjimmy_neutron: yep11:49
aftertafi have a pb with kdesu too, on changing the system time11:49
aftertaffor some reasn i'm stuck 2hrs in front :o11:49
chxkomba2 and smb4k are samba/KDE related11:49
jimmy_neutronk, thx11:50
naliothwell folks, keep up the good work, it's time for a nap11:51
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jimmy_neutronis there anything like a task manager in kubuntu? (excep ps -ef)12:14
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aftertafjimmy_neutron:  hit ctrl & esc 12:16
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jimmy_neutronk, thx12:16
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:mornfall] : congrats to pef on membership | Kubuntu Official Help Channel | Non-kde-related questions: #ubuntu as well | KDE 3.4.2 Packages are out: http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-342.php | Adept beta out - http://web.ekhis.org/adept.html | Nederlands #kubuntu-nl | Espaol #kubuntu-es | Deutsch #kubuntu-de | UnofficiKubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de/ | To prevent spam: /umode +CE
=== henk [n=henk@cp11902-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu
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henkHi, if i do apt-get install mozilla-firefox will it get installed nicely into kde etc ? or does it require extra setup ? Or should i just get firefox from their site ?12:34
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jimmy_neutronanyone here who has used/is using the Logitech V500 mouse?12:39
Kuoliohenk: just do sudo apt-get install firefox or use synaptic/kynaptic, it will install and set-up ff12:40
Kuolioor, rather than use apt-get, type in aptitude to use aptitude \o/12:40
Kuolio(aptitude install firefox)12:41
jimmy_neutronhmm die mx610 sieht auch gut aus12:44
henkcan i install rpms on kubuntu? 12:47
henkhmm i'm having trouble installing kdelibs-data- ... it says that it has an error overwriting the /usr/share/icons/defalt.kde that is already part of some other package12:52
henkknetworkconf to be exact12:52
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=== apokryphos downloads adept beta
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apokryphosHate to be a pain, but don't like the new design :D01:07
aftertaf$whatis adept beta ?? :D01:09
ubotuAdept (successor of Kapture) is a package manager for Kubuntu. See http://web.ekhis.org/adept.html01:09
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aftertaf"E: Couldn't find package adept"01:10
aftertafthatll be source code then...01:10
apokryphosaftertaf: nope... check that link. There's a repo with it.01:11
aftertaf3rd party == not good??? 01:11
aftertafam i learning, or being pedantic?01:11
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apokryphosaftertaf: it's still in Beta stage, but it's going to eventually be the official package manager for kubuntu breezy.01:12
mornfallapokryphos: what don't you like about new design? :p01:12
aftertafoki.. replacing synaptic?01:12
aftertafOR | XOR01:13
aftertafi like synaptic...01:13
apokryphosaftertaf: kynaptic. Synaptic is GTK.01:13
apokryphosmornfall: I get a bad recollection of HTML frames, but, say if I want to only show the search, it looks real untidy01:13
aftertafapokryphos:  screenshots look good, but it does look a bit heavy and hard to read, messy01:14
aftertafdont do kynaptic, i dont like it... no options01:14
apokryphosaftertaf: those screenshots are old, actually. Beta is different now.01:14
aftertafis it a bad thing that synaptic is gtk?01:14
apokryphosyes, Kynaptic is bad.01:14
mornfallapokryphos: there's an almost-beta screeny01:14
apokryphosaftertaf: it means that it won't be in Kubuntu -- KDE is Qt.01:14
apokryphosmornfall: ah, my bad, yes, I see it there.01:15
mornfallapokryphos: hmm, re html frames, i don't seem to get it01:15
aftertafi have installed both... 01:15
mornfallapokryphos: it may be better to make the top part unscrollable and unresizable, always fitting everything... but i don't like01:16
aftertafand you can install it without too much trouble with an apt-get anyway01:16
apokryphosmornfall: I think the old system was better, actually, with those things on the left. Closer to synaptic slightly, too.01:16
apokryphosmornfall: I think that would waste too much space... first thing I tried to do was get the "State Filter" out the way and minimize top to comply01:16
aftertafi'm happy with synaptic. even if it isnt pure kde...01:17
apokryphosmornfall: mind you, I still get the old icons in there -- should that be happening?01:17
aftertafi came to kde bcos of k3b in the first place...01:17
mornfallaftertaf: it's not "isn't pure kde" it's "not kde at all"01:17
mornfallapokryphos: well, yeah, i forgot to include the icons and well, that can be considered a bug fix ;)01:18
apokryphosYou can of course use it, but it'll just never be default in Kubuntu -- it can't.01:18
mornfalli will make a second beta sometime next week i guess01:18
apokryphosmornfall: I think it would be good to stay close to synaptic in some ways, though not too much of course ;-)01:19
aftertafmornfall:  from a purist PoV i understand, but it doesn't matter does it?01:20
aftertafbut the idea is to have a dedicated kde package manager, and that, i understand as being a good idea too...01:20
aftertafpackages, dependencies & such.01:20
apokryphosaftertaf: what doesn't matter?01:20
aftertafmornfall:  if you want help doing localisation in french.....01:20
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henkhmm firefox is realy ugly, fonts and style look very 1999 what could be the problem here ?01:21
aftertafapokryphos:  me getting confused.... It dont matter to me to install gtk on a kde based distro, but i see the principle of it now ;)01:21
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mornfallaftertaf: i don't think french l10n will be a problem, but l10n in general will01:21
aftertafd'accord ;)01:21
apokryphosaftertaf: of course you can install all gnome/gtk stuff once you *have* Kubuntu, but on the Kubuntu CD, the ISO, we can't bring all GTK stuff in just for the package manager :P01:22
apokryphosnot sure if there would even be space, actually (though it would look real bad)01:22
mornfallapokryphos: doesn't kubuntu ship gimp?01:22
aftertafapokryphos:  thats what i came to understand....;01:22
Chousukehmm :/01:23
ChousukeGimp is not on the install CD, but you can easily install it from the net.01:23
aftertafand mornfall ... good work dude ;)01:23
mornfallbooh, i'm lame01:23
aftertafif it wont break anything, i'lll install right now in fact.01:24
=== apokryphos still wishes kdesu would take user styles/fonts, but he'll stop whining :P
aftertafi take it i should use the breezy link right?01:24
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apokryphosno, you're on hoary, no?01:25
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aftertafi am, yeah01:25
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mornfallaftertaf: reload the page ;)01:25
aftertafhehe gotcha.01:26
aftertafa justify problem though in konqueror....01:26
apokryphosmornfall: on installing, it shouldn't really go to a terminal (unless you want it to), should it? 01:26
apokryphosaftertaf: the link was just added, I take it. ;-)01:27
apokryphosStatus bar working -- excellent.01:28
mornfallapokryphos: well, i guess until i have a reliable way to tell dpkg is hanging on user input, then it should use terminal by default01:28
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aftertafguys... about to paste a few lines.......01:28
apokryphosaftertaf: use a pastebin service01:28
aftertafpastebin :)01:28
ubotuit has been said that pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl01:28
apokryphosmornfall: sure; would be good to list as a bug :P01:29
aftertafdependency worries01:29
mornfallapokryphos: more of a wish? ;)01:30
mornfallapokryphos: it's not strictly a bug, more like a feature...01:30
apokryphosdepends on what it *should* do, I think.01:30
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aftertafwhat do you make of the apt-get??01:30
apokryphosI think the user shouldn't have to know about apt at all when using a gui pack manager01:31
mornfallapokryphos: well, it shouldn't hang like kynaptic ;)01:31
aftertafapokryphos:  i meant the result of my apt-get in pastebin01:31
mornfalli consider hung UI with no way to find out what's up a major issue01:31
mornfallthe dpkg output is a minor one, in comparison01:32
apokryphosaftertaf: hm, ah yeah, better not go for it if you want synaptic01:32
apokryphosaftertaf: adept requires a later version of aptitude, at the moment.01:32
mornfallapokryphos: libapt, not aptitude01:32
apokryphosmornfall: of course; I'm not saying we should surrender to a hung UI 8)01:33
mornfallaptitude is just a backport :)01:33
apokryphosright, thanks01:33
mornfallyou should be able to get synaptic back easily01:33
mornfallbut i can't guarantee that01:33
aftertafapokryphos:  yeah but it says to remove kubuntu-desktop too01:33
ubotuA meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.01:33
aftertafkubuntu_dsk is just a metapackage?01:34
mornfallit wants kynaptic, that's why it goes away01:34
apokryphosCorrect. But be sure to have it before you do an upgrade to i.e. breezy01:34
mornfallyeah, good idea :)01:34
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aftertafso i can install no sweat, just lose synaptic (which is not a real hassle)01:35
aftertafand kynaptic.....01:36
aftertafi know where you are if it all goes horribly wrong ;)01:36
aftertaffor help, i mean :)01:36
=== mornfall silently disappears, just in case ;)
aftertafhehe :)01:37
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mornfallRiddell: ping :)01:39
Riddellmornfall: hi01:39
mornfallRiddell: hello01:39
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mornfallRiddell: you may want to check out the beta :)01:40
Riddellmornfall: I certainly do want to, just got a bunch of other things to fix first but don't let me forget01:41
Riddellmornfall: do you recon it's ready to be uploaded to the archives for wider testing?01:41
apokryphosRiddell: thing is, the hoary version would still remove synaptic/kynaptic etc; might be an issue.01:42
mornfallRiddell: possibly, if you don't mind debug-enabled builds... or maybe i can make a stripped set01:42
aftertafmornfall, you know anything about this type of apt problem... the guy is on breezy.01:42
mornfallapokryphos: i can backport them, in theory... but that's not hoary updates material01:42
aftertaflol... Riddell ill let you guys know if it is a pb ...01:44
mornfallaftertaf: re problems, just kill that offending process01:47
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henkhow do i get nicer fonts ? (in firefox)01:50
apokryphoshenk: sudo aptitude install gtk2-engines-gtk-qt01:51
apokryphosRiddell: is gtk-qt pack going to be installed by default for breezy?01:51
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henkapokryphos that did not do the trick. still ugly01:56
apokryphoshenk: you may need to relogin to KDE (though you shouldn't have to). You can alter the settings for gtk themes/fonts from kcontrol01:56
aftertafwow, i'm reading tag data right now :)01:56
aftertafrunning.. ww, i feel nervous :)01:57
aftertafhow about prompting for root..... kdesu, right?01:58
henkapokryphos the "use kde fonts for gtk apps" is turned on it seems in the control panel. still the fonts are big and ugly... maybe i need some fontpack ?01:58
apokryphosyou may need to restart your kde, like I said. If you want MS fonts you'll need to install msttcorefonts01:59
henki restarted kde already after installing the gtk-gt eninge01:59
henkhow do i get the ms fonts? i probably need some non-official mirror for it i guess ? 02:01
apokryphos!info msttcorefonts02:02
ubotumsttcorefonts: (Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts), section multiverse/x11, is optional. Version: 1.2ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 21 kB, Installed size: 160 kB02:02
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apokryphoshenk: enable the Multiverse repository, then install it.02:02
apokryphosubotu: tell henk about repos02:02
Riddellapokryphos: only if the menu issue gets fixed, it doesn't seem to crash any more but the colours are weird02:04
apokryphosRiddell: It's not perfect, but I've found it better than no-engine. A menu issue? oO02:04
=== apokryphos keeps fingers crossed
Riddellmakes it quite unusable02:05
mornfalli love the black text on black selected menu item too02:07
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Almindorhello, does this breezy work? (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/current/)02:08
aftertafmornfall:  state filter : blah    <--- when minimised.. lol02:08
aftertafand nice updates progress window :)02:09
mornfallaftertaf: hehe, i forgot about that02:09
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virgishow to build deb file from tar.gz?02:15
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aftertafnice split :)02:39
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Almindorwhat FS do you people consider best for desktop?(ie: fast enough but still secure enough(in terms of deleting data on crash))02:41
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jimmy_neutronis there a kubuntu package for the KDE theme Manager or should i download the debian package from kde-apps.org02:42
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jimmy_neutronhow do i install *.deb stuff?02:56
Blissexjimmy_neutron: 'man dpkg'02:56
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Almindorman apt-get02:56
BlissexAlmindor: 'ext3' is almost surely the best for desktops.02:57
AlmindorBlissex, isn't it too slow?02:57
AlmindorBlissex, compared to let's say reiser or xfs02:57
jimmy_neutronk, thx02:57
BlissexAlmindor: in what way?02:57
AlmindorBlissex, read, write, delete02:57
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BlissexAlmindor: no, it is probably the fastest -- for a desktop. For highly parallel multipath RAID JFS and XFS parallelize a lot better.02:58
AlmindorI see02:58
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Almindorexperience tells me reiser is faster than ext3 altho it might been a seeting02:59
BaboukBon je suis perdu mais c pas grave ;-)03:01
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BaboukSpeak french?03:02
BaboukSorry, goodbye!03:03
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torznikkia: you there?03:04
torzhas anyone managed to play an h264 video file03:04
jimmy_neutronis there any other place where i can download the "kde theme manager" source except kde-apps.com?03:06
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aftertafjimmy_neutron:  the source or the deb package?03:23
=== mornfall wonders if adept could be mentioned in the news on kubuntu.org
mornfalli need testing coverage ;)03:24
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ilba7ris there a way to list what is using my sound device03:30
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aftertafmornfall:  just rightclicked to show details and it did a SIGSEGV03:32
mornfallkablaam... there is a crasher bug somewhere :'(03:32
KWizzardpls, it is possible to switch an HTML engine in Konqueror to Gecko?03:32
mornfallaftertaf: backtrace?03:32
aftertafyou want the backtrace?03:32
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mornfallrafb.net/paste preferred03:33
mornfalldamn the alpha was more stable than this...03:34
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aftertafok copy... http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/ncIl6421.html03:35
aftertafmornfall:  debugification is a one way process ;)03:35
mornfalli need to FIX THE EXTENDERS03:36
mornfall2 of 2 reported crashes are in extender code03:36
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=== apokryphos had a crash, but didn't mention it as i couldn't reproduce
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sml12I think i have kynaptic running in another session (the view when you press ctrl-f2 or ctrl-f3 etc. How can I find this process and kill it?03:39
aftertafps -A03:40
aftertafshows all process03:40
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apokryphossml12: ps aux|grep kynaptic03:40
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calilasseiaHello everyone 03:41
jimmy_neutronis there a way for komby2 to see hidden folders too?03:41
sml12apokryphos: result .... sml       7558  0.0  0.0   2932   380 pts/2    R+   23:11   0:00 grep kynaptic03:41
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apokryphossml12: nothing else? Then apparently it's not running.03:41
aftertafmornfall:  i was doubleclicking on amarok packages that i don't have installed, then i rightlcicked on the ones selected, and it died03:42
aftertafapokryphos:  thats the pb.... apt file locked all the same.03:42
calilasseiaBeginner's question here ... I've had Kubuntu for about 2 days now ... runs nicely ... however, I apparently need some info on attaching mount points to Kubuntu can see my FAT32 drives on startup ...03:42
sml12i have tried the fuser command and ps command but does this show processes running in other sessions in the background?03:42
ubotu[mount]  the command to add partitions to your filesystem. For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives03:42
apokryphossml12: did you close the terminal while apt was running or something?03:42
mornfallaftertaf: noted, thanks03:42
sml12aftertaf: still a kubuntu problem!03:42
aftertaf!tell calilasseia about windowsdrives03:42
=== aftertaf betatests :)
sml12apokryphos .. no. it still seems to be getting some packages from the install.03:43
calilasseiaI thought this had something to do with /etc/fstab ...03:43
apokryphossml12: so you *do* have apt running...03:43
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aftertafcalilasseia:  it does... has everyting to do with fstab ;)03:43
calilasseiaRight ... only thing is I tried mounting the drives in a Konqueror window and it reported an error ...03:43
mornfallno, everything has to do with cake icing03:44
aftertafhmmm.... are they there in fstab already?03:44
apokryphoscalilasseia: do what ubotu just told you.03:44
sml12apokryphos: weill i think i do .. but can it run in another session in the background ... like when you are in the command prompt and press ctrl-f3 etc, you can get new logins/sessions03:44
apokryphossml12: no; only one instance of apt can be running at a time. It *needs* to create a lock03:44
calilasseiaGot a message from Konqueror saying "Can't find mount point in fstab or mtab"03:44
aftertafsml12:  linux pwns for multitasking ;)03:44
calilasseiaSo I have to open a console and use mount manually ...03:45
aftertafcalilasseia:  run the script ubotu showed you and you will see the partitions no sweat03:45
sml12apokryphos: but it can run in another concurrent session and not be visible from a #ps aux in my current session03:45
calilasseiaThe !windowsdrives script? Where is it?03:45
uboturumour has it, mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem. For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives03:46
ubotuI guess windowsdrives is Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows partions mount automatically03:46
henkhi i want to mount my ntfs partitions, but i cant get it to work03:46
apokryphossml12: no... you should never do that (even if it's possible). Apt has to keep track of what's going on; this can only happen with a lock.03:46
jimmy_neutroncan ark handle pw-protected rar archieves?03:46
apokryphoscalilasseia: just do this in a terminal: wget http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab && suso sh winmac_fstab03:46
aftertafthink you'll need rar/unrar installing03:47
aftertafsudo sh winmac_fstab !!03:47
calilasseiaJust downloaded it ... script popped up in Kate do I just save it to my home directory and run it ???03:47
sml12apokryphos: i agree I should never do it ... but I think kubuntu automatically is running apt-get in another session03:47
apokryphoscalilasseia: pretty much, yes.03:47
apokryphossml12: no, it doesn't.03:47
calilasseiaOh it's another "sudo" command ... getting used to seeing LOTS of those lately :)03:47
henkaftertaf ? was that supposed to do something ?03:47
ubotuit has been said that windowsdrives is Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows partions mount automatically03:48
apokryphoscalilasseia: any command that requires root (administrator) priveleges will be done with sudo, yes. :)03:48
apokryphosaftertaf: why do you keep doing that?03:48
calilasseiaRight, it's saved ... running it now ...03:48
aftertaffor henk...03:48
aftertafsorry ..... clutter.03:48
sml12apokryphos: any ideas then what could be causing the lock and why i cannot find the kynaptic/apt app?03:49
apokryphossml12: the lock is caused when an apt process is running... you just said there *was* one (i.e. you were installing packages).03:49
calilasseiaOK, ran the command, just returned the command prompt ...03:49
calilasseiaDo I need to reboot or is everything in place now?03:49
apokryphoscalilasseia: did you go through all the steps?03:50
calilasseiaSteps? All that happened was that the command prompt returned ... 03:50
henkaftertaf is "writeable" for ntfs ok now ? or is it still a risk? The script is telling me that it will make the driver wtitable for me and for root but i have my doubts if i want that03:50
apokryphoscalilasseia: what exactly did you do?03:50
sml12apokryphos: something like the install screen flashes up right before X starts. i thought this might be it .. but my #ps command cannot find it :(03:50
apokryphoshenk: big risk03:50
apokryphossml12: if you do sudo apt-get update now, what happens?03:51
calilasseiaTyped in "sudo sh winmac_fstab" as directed in a console ... nothing happened ... prompt simply returned ...03:51
apokryphoscalilasseia: *no* error message, at all?03:51
apokryphosI find that hard to believe.03:51
calilasseiaAbsolutely nothing ... no messages at all 03:51
apokryphoscalilasseia: delete any copies of it that you have, and then do this...03:52
apokryphoswget http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab && suso sh ./winmac_fstab03:52
sml12apokryphos: let me polish my /apt/sources.list first .. what is a good kubuntu breezy mirror?03:53
calilasseiaOK wget got the file ...03:53
apokryphoscalilasseia: you should've put that command in exactly as it was...03:54
calilasseiaAh, it's coming up with all sorts of messages now!!!!03:54
apokryphossml12: check /topic for the kde 3.4.2 debs03:54
apokryphoscalilasseia: ok, great. :)03:54
calilasseiaIt's just said that all partitions are now mounted and will auto-mount on next reboot ...03:55
calilasseiaIt worked!!!!03:55
calilasseiaThanks everyone!!!!03:55
jimmy_neutroncan anyone tell me how to extract password-protected rar files?03:56
henkhow do i get my logitech keyboards special keys to work nicely (volume etc)03:56
calilasseiaOk, I can leave now ... once again, thanks everyone ...03:57
calilasseiaBye ...03:57
apokryphossml12: an example sources: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96903:57
apokryphossml12: uncomment the repositories you want from there, and add the kde 3.4.2 repository03:57
sml12W: GPG error: http://au.archive.ubuntu.com breezy Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B503:58
sml12apokryphos .. i think the default au mirrors are dodgy!03:59
apokryphosyou're on breezy?03:59
sml12do you think i should use hoary?03:59
apokryphosok, don't use the kubuntu.org sources then03:59
apokryphossml12: you should be on it, ideally. Breezy is unstable and can damage your system.03:59
ubotufrom memory, breezy is the next version of Ubuntu (5.10); released October 2005. It hasn't reached stable-status, so it can still be broken. A pictorial view of differences between Hoary & Breezy: http://members.home.nl/jeroen-91/ubuntu/breezy-new/04:00
sml12apokryphos .. i was using ubuntu breezy for a few weeks - the only problem again was the apt-get that broke again and again.04:00
sml12now similar problems again :(04:01
aftertafapokryphos:  you put suso sh . . . . . you sure bout that?04:01
apokryphossml12: it does fluctuate like that04:02
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apokryphosaftertaf: for what? The previous script?04:02
apokryphosYes, it needs to be run as root -- it involves mounting drives permanently and altering fstab.04:02
sml12apokryphos ... so you think it is a common problems. i might just go back to hoary.04:03
aftertafapokryphos:  yeah, but suso?04:03
aftertafnot sudo?04:03
=== aftertaf is lost
apokryphosaftertaf: heh, did I say that?04:04
=== aftertaf is off home anyway, so sleep will help a lot
aftertaflol apokryphos yep04:04
aftertafapokryphos wget http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab && suso sh ./winmac_fstab04:04
=== apokryphos chuckles
=== aftertaf too
aftertafallez, bye all..... 04:04
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henkhmm when playing an mp3 my box gets a load of 3, the artsd is using ~30% cpu, kate 20 and amarok 20, whats going on ?04:06
chxhenk: disk i/o problems?04:06
chxhenk: probably your system is not using DMA for some reason?04:06
sml12ok ... now from ubuntu breezy to kubuntu breezy to kubuntu hoary04:06
sml12apokryphos ..... btw .. what is the logical volume manager ... should i use it?04:07
henkchx its comming from a sata disk, that is not supposed to even have dma etc04:07
onesandzerosthere are some nightly/weekly/something isos out on the kubuntu site somewhere.  Have any of you guys installed from those lately?04:09
apokryphossml12: it's always used, isn't it? 04:09
apokryphosPerhaps I'm forgetting what it is04:09
chxhenk: hmmmm I don't think so... SATA is just serial ATA.04:10
apokryphosonesandzeros: there are daily builds04:10
apokryphosonesandzeros: anyone using breezy is generally using the equivalent of those, if they update every so often.04:11
ztonzyhow to block irc spam in Konversation ???04:11
apokryphosztonzy: hi =)04:11
onesandzerosapokryphos: so they work alright then?  that official release is scheduled pretty soon isn't it?04:11
apokryphosztonzy: are you sure the /umode +CE doesn't work?04:11
ztonzyapokryphos: hi04:11
apokryphosonesandzeros: not necessarily; breezy is unstable and can damage your system04:12
ztonzyapokryphos: [421]  umode Unknown command04:12
apokryphosztonzy: /mode #kubuntu +CE ztonzy ?04:12
ztonzygot porn spam as soon as I logged on...  04:12
ztonzyapokryphos: why just #kubuntu ?04:12
apokryphosztonzy: block from the others too, then, sure :)04:13
ztonzyapokryphos: uh?04:13
ztonzy[472]  C is unknown mode char to me04:13
apokryphosok, one sec04:13
onesandzerosapokryphos: ok, thanks04:15
ztonzyit worked before with xchat...but with Konversation it seems it doesn't or they changed the settings somehow04:15
apokryphoskonversation must use something else instead of umode; hold on, I'll ask04:15
ztonzyapokryphos: could be wise to put it into this topic :)04:16
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ztonzystill spamm O.o04:20
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henkhmm how do i get dma support on my system? it has a via chipset. Do you guys include modules for it or do i need to build my own kernel04:34
apokryphosztonzy: no response yet apparently.04:37
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chxhenk: hdparm04:40
henkchx hdparm tells me "operation not permitted"04:41
chxhenk: sorry for asking but are you root?04:41
henki think the problem may be that the correct ide-driver may not be loaded04:42
ztonzyKopete doesnt seem to download "own smilies" from MSN users04:43
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_diasWhy does Kubuntu copy network files so SLOWly?05:20
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lorenIt's copying a local computer's files at 30kpbs, and it's 100mbps network speed05:21
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ReTyPeis the 64bit kubuntu smp ?05:40
ReTyPeis it possible to install kubuntu from the livecd ?05:47
Almindorthere's a combined live/install cd ISO05:48
morrowdvd iso. :)05:48
Almindoroh :)05:48
ReTyPehow big is it ?05:48
Almindorbig as world :P05:49
ReTyPecan i have a size in xBytes plz05:50
apokryphosaround 2.5 gigs05:50
Almindorhow do I count md5 of a CD?05:51
Almindor(not image, full fledged burned cd)05:51
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francois<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">06:02
francois<body>channel/ #jre</body>06:02
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apokryphosfrancois: ??06:05
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libbenif i wanna upgrade to 686 kernel, do i only take linux-686? in synaptic and install it. and then later remove the 386 one from synaptic to get rid of it?06:20
Kamping_Kaisersounds ok06:21
apokryphosYeah, but you don't *have* to remove it.06:21
apokryphosI normally keep it there as a backup06:21
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apokryphosztonzy: hey. Did you try the other methods on that freenode spambot page?06:26
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, spambots is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#spambots06:27
ztonzyapokryphos: no...I was in XP for a while06:29
ztonzyapokryphos: I dont know them all 06:29
apokryphosi.e. /mode ztonzy +E06:29
ztonzydoesnt work06:30
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ztonzy /raw mode nick +E     gives this: "[Usage]  Usage: RAW [OPEN | CLOSE] "06:31
apokryphos /quote mode ztonzy +E  ?06:32
ztonzy[501]  Unknown MODE flag06:32
ztonzyapokryphos: what ircclient do you use ?06:32
apokryphosthough I haven't had to use that mode -- haven't been under attack06:33
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jimmy_neutronmake install tells me that modprobe.conf doesn't exist (wlan drivers) - is that bad, can i fix it?06:50
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libbenhow can i check if i have HT on my cpu?06:57
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nikkialibben, what CPU is it ?06:58
apokryphosnikkia: hi! :)07:00
nikkiahi apokryphos07:00
nikkialibben: what speed?07:00
apokryphosHow are you today? 07:00
libben1.7 ghz07:00
nikkialibben, then no, no HT07:00
nikkiaapokryphos: very tired07:00
libbenhow do u know =) 07:00
apokryphosnikkia: hard away at work?07:01
nikkialibben: because only the 800MHz FSB P4s at 2.8GHz or above have HT07:01
nikkiaapokryphos: went into the office, was stood up most of the day07:01
nikkialibben: and since 1.7GHz is neither > 2.8GHz, nor a 800MHz FSB, it doesn't have HT, its that simple07:02
libbenshould i install new nvidia drivers also?07:03
libbencause i could only get 900 fps on glxgears07:03
libbenwhen i used ubuntu i got around 3000-400007:03
nikkialibben, you probably don't have X configured right07:04
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libbennikkia, well ive done a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and fixed my monitor specs... but im not sure if i have the glcore settings and all those checkboxes that are for the gfxcard right... i dident touch those check boxes.07:07
libbenjust let it be at default checked07:07
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[Surge] Can someone please tell me all the groups the main user belongs to on kubuntu?  I messed up my user account  :-\07:11
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nikkia[Surge] : groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),107(lpadmin),108(scanner),109(admin),1000(nikki)07:13
[Surge] Thanks!  :)07:14
[Surge] How did you get that list btw?07:14
nikkiathe 'id' command07:14
nikkiathe 'groups' command also works, but its not as pretty07:15
[Surge] Ah cool - something new :)07:15
[Surge] Yeah07:15
[Surge] Hmmm ... KUser doesn't show any changes.07:18
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libbenneed help to get my gfx card working prorperly, only getting 190 fps/sec with glxgears07:20
[Surge] Working  usermod -G group1,group2,group3 username07:21
[Surge] libben: What card?07:21
[Surge] ATI or nVidia?07:21
libbenis nvidia07:22
[Surge] You installed the drivers for it?07:22
[Surge] apt-get install nvidia-glx07:22
libbeni choosed NV from the menu when i installed kubuntu07:22
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[Surge] You need to get the proprietry drivers for it07:23
libbeni also done 3 dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choosed NV everytime07:23
libbenso nv is just generic driver for nvidia?07:23
[Surge] Yes07:23
[Surge] Just software rendering07:23
[Surge] Open Source07:23
[Surge] You need the closed source one07:23
libbenso whats best, nvidia-glx? or get the file from nvidia.com and install it by had.07:24
[Surge] Easiest is nvidia-glx from the repository07:24
[Surge] But if you have a custom kernel then the ones from nvidia.com07:24
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libbenwhats the command to see what i have installed? so i can grep the line i wanna look for?07:24
apokryphosdpkg -l07:25
libbenforgot all my linux knowledge on only a year.... its a shame.07:25
[Surge] dpkg -l | grep nvidia-glx07:25
libbenyeah... but i was more on the line on greping the word nvidia only to see what i had on the system07:25
libbenwhats the command in konversation for doing something like the /exec -o command07:26
[Surge] Dunno - I use XChat07:27
libbenxchat proberly work with it.07:27
[Surge] I couldn't figure out how to have multiple IRC server connections in one window - Konversation doesn't seem to do it.07:27
fakedI want create a .deb-package from amarok-sources, I started successfully dh_make, after that a typed in dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot. With that I got a .dsc-file and a .diff.gz, but no .deb07:28
fakedwhat's wrong or whats missing?07:28
libbenwhats anyoing by having 2 servers in there own windows? u almost never look in those windows anyway07:28
[Surge] What I mean is : I use two IRC networks but I don't want two separate windows.07:29
[Surge] 4 channels on 2 networks in one tabbed window - much easier07:30
[Surge] libben: http://ubuntuguide.org/#installnvidiadriver07:30
libbeni have that07:30
[Surge] Ok07:31
libben2 servers and 4 channels07:31
libbennot the url =)07:31
[Surge] I have to log out and back in to pick up my changes - you should come right - it's very easy if you use the nvidia packages for kubuntu07:31
[Surge] laer07:31
[Surge] later07:31
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libbenif i install firefox it wants some dependencis that has gnome in its name07:46
libbencan i remove those?07:46
nikkiathat'd be because firefox is a gtk app that relies on some bits of gnome, so NO07:47
libbenbut its nothing that will interfere with kde ill take it.07:47
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libbenhow do i remove the menu bar at the bottom and then replace it with a applet? i think its called. that makes it mac style. i want the magnified icons when the mouse is rolled over them. 07:51
[Surge] I think there is a Mac look menu bar07:53
[Surge] I remember seeing it somewhere07:53
libbennice... that is appliable to kde?07:53
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[Surge] Right click on desktop - Configure desktop07:55
[Surge] Behaviour07:55
[Surge] General07:55
[Surge] Oh wait ..07:55
[Surge] Current applications menu bar (Mac OS-X style)07:56
[Surge] Not sure if that is what you are looking for libben 07:56
[Surge] It puts a funny looking menu bar at the top07:57
[Surge] But I've never used a Mac so I don't know if that it what it looks like ;)07:57
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francoischannel /#jre08:01
libben[Surge] : well that ive allready tried, and well. yes that is mac style also... but im talking shortcuts on desktop that gets magnified when u roll over them.08:02
[Surge] Oh ...08:02
[Surge] I dunno then. I don't customize my desktop08:02
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ReTyPemy kubuntu install freezes @ 50% of the network repository08:09
ReTyPei have a Dual AMD 64 opteron 248 system with 2 GB ram, installing on a IDE drive, using the plugged in realtek NIC in stead of onboard gigabit, connected to a adsl router08:11
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ReTyPehello ? anybody can help me with my problem i described above ?08:22
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libbenanyone alive ? =)08:46
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shadowingyup me08:47
Almindorhello, I got breezy up and running, most things are ok except I get a failure on "console font" on boot..08:47
AlmindorI think I had this problem with hoary too08:47
Almindorwhere is console font set"08:47
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libbeni just gotta spread this... its F**kin nice... wish i was there to witness it formyself08:49
Almindoroh and does anyone know where to get more "fixed size" fonts? those I can choose don't support my local language08:49
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Almindor(for kde)08:49
libbensorry... forgot the url =)08:50
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seaLnelibben: cool photos08:53
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libbenyeah... just imagine if u would be standing there and witness it for yourself... it would be so breathtaking08:54
libbenanyone wanna point me to the right direction...08:56
libbeni want a mac style08:56
libbenwant the magnifying style of the icons.08:56
libbenand no menu bar as it is know08:56
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seaLnelibben: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=153 maybe?08:59
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libbenseaLne:  yeah... thxs.09:00
murtaughdoes hoary support inotify? or is there a safe way to add the module?09:00
libbenseaLne:  wanna xplain the installation face of themes like this?09:02
seaLneerr no :) gimmie a minute till i find instructions09:03
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seaLnelibben: control center->appearance and themes09:07
seaLne->theme manager09:07
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libbenseaLne:  dont adds the mac icon style i think... its only style on borders and so on =(09:16
seaLnedosen't look like that from the screenshot :-/09:16
seaLnehave a look for something else on kde-look.org then09:17
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libbenis there any nice way to delete the things a installa.sh file does? ive looked in it and can delete everything by hand... but isnt there a program that reads the .sh file and just remove the things that was installed09:23
othernoobdoes a normal atx mainboard fit into a minitower?09:24
[Surge] libben: What install is that?09:24
[Surge] Normally "make uninstall" work09:24
[Surge] s09:24
libbeni installed a theme09:24
[Surge] Oh09:24
[Surge] Using?09:24
libbenit was shite 0)09:25
[Surge] apt-get ?09:25
libbendownloaded a tar file09:25
libbenand unpacked it09:25
libbenand did ./install.sh09:25
[Surge] Oh well then you're on your own.  :)09:25
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libbenthought so =)09:28
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libbenanyone else has a ~/.kde/share/apps/kstyle?09:32
libben[Surge] :  do u have that folder?09:33
[Surge] Nope09:33
libbena kwin?09:34
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seaLnelibben: i have /home/kd/.kde/share/apps/kstyle09:36
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libbenbut u prolly have themes installed =)09:37
seaLnejust wallpaper09:37
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_manuelHi, is it possible to disabel the paste function of the mouse middle button?09:41
douglasconfigure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2) (library qt-mt) not found. Please check your installation! ??09:44
seaLne_manuel: never thought of any reason to but afaik its X rather than kde that deals with it so start looking there09:45
_manuel:) thanks09:45
douglasanyone know which package to install?09:45
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murtaughhey I'm trying to setup cron to send me a popup. does anyone have any idea how to do that?09:47
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murtaughlike write except using X09:48
libbenseaLne: where to go when i wanna tell kde thats firefox is my default web browser.09:48
seaLnelibben: just run it instead of konq?09:48
seaLnedouglas: 09:48
seaLnelibqt3-headers - Qt3 header files09:48
seaLnelibqt3-mt - Qt GUI Library (Threaded runtime version), Version 309:48
seaLnelibqt3-mt-dev - Qt development files (Threaded)09:48
libbenyeah... but clicking link in say konversation opens up konq..09:48
libbenthats why09:48
seaLnelibben: kcontrol->kde componets->componet chooser->web browser09:50
libbenwhat do i type in that box?09:50
libbenjust firefox?09:50
libbenor something nifty commands with firefox09:51
seaLnenot like konq?09:51
libbeni tryed the command in a terminal09:52
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libbenand i can use all three commands09:53
libbenfirefox, mozilla-firefox or /usr/bin/mozilla-firefox09:53
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libbenanyone wanna tip me on good font changing for firefox?09:56
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douglasWhat is the package for the kde headers?10:03
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libbenwhat is karamba?10:05
libbenseaLne: the thing i want is karamba thingy....10:06
libbenwhat is karamba.. anyone?10:06
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libbenthis one looks promosing.10:07
libbenbut im gonna read up on all on the karamba section...10:08
libbenany1 tell me what karamba is please.10:08
seaLneits for kde410:10
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libbenso i cant use it?10:10
teprrrdo you know anything about google? ever heard of it?10:11
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teprrrit's cool, check it out http://www.google.com10:12
libbengoogle is confusing and not up to date.... and when it is... its so hard to keep track of what is the deal right now...10:12
teprrrthen enter "superkaramba" into the line edit10:12
teprrrthen the first entry10:12
libbenteprrr: u have a problem with Questions?10:12
teprrrand there's something like this: "what is superkaramaba?"10:12
teprrrif you click it, you'll get here http://netdragon.sourceforge.net/ssuperkaramba.html10:13
teprrroh, actually you're already there.. mmh10:13
teprrrwell, at least it should explain a bit about it10:13
teprrrlibben, I don't know.. why so?10:13
teprrrbut anyway, it's an app which can be used to display different kind of "widgets"/"applets"/"themes" what do you prefer calling them10:14
teprrrand it's available for kde3 too10:14
teprrrbut in kde4, it'll be tightly integrated with kde desktop, as in terms of plasma10:14
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pussfelleri hope they get the bugs out before they integrate it into kde, and make it run lighter10:17
libbenso its buggy karamba.10:17
pussfellerits more heavy than buggy actually10:18
pussfellerscripts vary in quality tho10:18
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libbenbut im in the mood of mac osx style bar.... wich one is the one that runs better then the others?10:19
pussfellerprobably the highest rated one on kdelook.org10:20
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teprrrpussfeller, well, kde4 won't be released in the near future10:34
pussfellerwhats the eta?10:34
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libbenhmm... was pretty buggy to use that 10:34
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teprrrI think there's no such thing yet10:35
teprrrKDE 4 is expected to be released sometime in 2006. -- that's what wikipedia says, but don't know if it's true..10:37
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teprrroh, hmm, sometime.. yes..10:37
teprrryes it'll be out in 2006, I hope :)10:37
Riddellteprrr: there is no release schedule for KDE 410:38
libbenhmm... anyone else using superkaramba and tuxbar the new one ?10:38
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teprrrRiddell, yup, that's what I thought too10:39
teprrrRiddell, but there's been some kind of rumor that people are targeting to 200610:40
Riddellas good a year as any10:41
libbentuxbar works good... just cant get over how choppy it feels when u get ur mouse on the sides every time... 10:42
pussfelleraint tuxbar in python?10:43
pussfellerso its prob gonna be kinda slow10:43
pussfellerand choppy10:43
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pussfelleri would just wait till they right one in c++10:43
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amgatdoes anyone have experience with SMC's collection of wlan cards and linux? I can get the card to work with ndiswrapper, but it is very unstable and loses connection almost instantly on fast filedownloads (SMC 2802w v2)10:47
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Riddellmornfall: adept is looking very nice10:53
amgatdoes anyone have experience with SMC's collection of wlan cards and linux? I have managed to get the card working using ndiswrapper and the winxp driver, but its very unstable and breaks the connection on fast file transfers. (SMC 2802w v2)10:54
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Riddellmornfall: had a couple of random crashes and there's bits to clean up, what's the best way to give feedback?10:56
pussfelleri got an smc doodad taht plugs into my net card and it works great :)10:56
Riddellmornfall: I think I'd like to upload it to the ubuntu archives10:57
Riddellthen it can be announced more widely for testing10:58
Riddellanyone using hoary with 3.4.2 packages?10:59
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amgatkde 3.4.211:03
_jonasgood evening, can i ask one question?11:03
_jonasehm, two..11:03
_jonashow to set default resolution?11:03
amgatright click the desktop11:03
_jonasand globally11:04
amgatconfigure desktop11:04
_jonaslike in x11:04
_jonasi did used for drakconf and these short of things11:05
_jonasi allready set right frequency but i dont know how to set resolution11:06
_jonas..in x, its actually woking in kde at 60hz only, but i am sure it can handle 80hz11:07
_jonasokey, i get that, cu all tommorow11:08
edulixhi !11:16
edulixhow can I add a new path to $PATH ? I hve installed Qt4 and it's needed11:17
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WiseElbenhi, I just got bittorrent with kynaptic, but I don't see it on my menu. How do I run it?11:19
gdhWiseElben: You open a .torrent file in your web browser :)11:20
=== nikkia only just discovered the ALT 'trick' in KDE :P
WiseElbengdh: meaning right click -> open with -> firefox?11:23
WiseElbenwouldn't that just.. try to make firefox redownload the .torrent11:23
nikkiaWiseElben: the plain 'bittorrent' is a console app, iirc, you run 'bittorrent the_torrent_file' in a console and it does its thing11:24
gdhWiseElben: listen to nikkia  :)11:25
nikkiaor perhaps its 'btdownload' i forget, either way, the console app is terrible :)11:25
WiseElbenah, I need the GUI11:25
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naliothnikkia: wow. most windows(tm) keytrricks work in KDE11:26
WiseElbenbut I get a command not found when I try to run it in console11:26
gdhcurses = console11:26
nikkianalioth: *shrug* i didn't know using alt to resize/move in windows worked like that either :P11:26
nikkiathat was supposed to be a :O not a :P11:26
naliothWiseElben: try btdownloadcurses.py11:27
naliothWiseElben: or /usr/bin/btdownloadcurses.py11:27
nikkiaWiseElben: the original bittorrent is pretty bad, you're really better off with one of the 3rd party apps11:27
naliothWiseElben: or /usr/local/bin/btdownloadcurses.py   (depending on how you installed it)11:27
gdhazureus is the usual answer, but then we have to go to the Java World of Pain(tm)11:28
naliothWiseElben: i recommend bittornado. i use the command line version of that all the time11:28
nikkiagdh, i was desperately trying to avoid suggesting az :)11:28
WiseElbenyes, I hate java11:28
WiseElbeni hate programming in java too =P11:28
gdhnikkia: :) you saw the 'so how do I install..' coming? :)11:28
nikkiait is, however, the BT client i use11:28
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nikkiagdh, yes11:28
naliothWiseElben: i also strongly advise you to make a alias for your bittorrent11:28
naliothnikkia: we won't hold it against you11:28
WiseElbencan bittorent and bittornado coexist?11:29
gdhwill breezy have a apt-get install java metapackage which downloads the sun jre, asks you to agree to their lame binary agreement, and does a make-jpkg on it?11:29
WiseElbenor would I need to remove bitotrent?11:29
nikkiaWiseElben: i don't see why not11:29
WiseElbenwell, in Gentoo it couldn't..11:29
WiseElbeni dunno11:29
nikkiaWiseElben: *shrug* gentoo can be 'strange' sometimes11:29
WiseElbenheh yeah11:29
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=== nikkia mutters 'and its users are strange all the time' :P
WiseElbeni don't really mind compile time, its just that it breaks easy...11:30
WiseElbeni never did got python to work..11:30
naliothWiseElben: if you directly link with your alias, yes11:31
nikkiaWiseElben: the problem is, it brings 'DIY' to the system, but doesn't really enforce the kind of knowledge required to maintain a DIY system11:31
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nikkiaie, 'it breaks easy' because 'breaking easily' is a feature of trying to hold together several thousand seperate packages when you compile everything by hand, if you know enough about programming and unix background to fix those things, DIY is ok, but gentoo doesn't require those requisites11:33
_mindspinI wanna have a script executed after log in, from where do I call that script?11:33
nikkia_mindspin: easiest place is ~/.kde/Autostart11:34
_mindspinok I'll have a try, thanks11:34
nikkia_mindspin: i *think* it has to be a .desktop file describing a program/script to run, but i'm not 100% certain about that11:34
nikkia(ie, use the 'create new->link to application' option in the right click menu, then point the dialog at your script11:35
_mindspinits just for a workaround cause I can#t get a samba share mounted on booutup11:35
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nikkiayeah, i have a few little annoying scripts like that11:35
_mindspinit works if I run the script "by hand"11:35
nikkia_mindspin: if you want it system wide, rather than user-specific, there is a system autostart folder for kde too11:36
_mindspinthat would be better11:36
nikkiaits /usr/share/autostart   iric11:36
nikkia(not on a [k] ubuntu system atm, so can't verify the locations)11:37
_mindspini see, its a shell script do I have to rename it ?11:37
_mindspinthe files there are alle named blah.desktop11:38
_mindspinand they don#t look like shell script ;-)11:39
nikkia_mindspin: no, a .desktop file is like a .pif in windows11:39
nikkiait just describes how to run a program11:40
nikkiayou can create one by using the 'create new->link to application' menu in kde11:40
_mindspini see11:40
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naliothdang he left already11:43
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ReTyPei cant install kubuntu, my install freezes @ 50% of configuring apt... Testing network repository, i can still access other shells with ctrl, alt F211:46
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torzhas anyone managed to install vlc0.8.2 on kubuntu? I've got the package for breezy but it seems to be no good.11:49
crimsun"no good"?11:50
crimsunafaik 0.8.2 has only built on i38611:50
crimsunI'm hacking on a svn snapshot to push into breezy11:50
torza lot of the dependencies that cant be satisfied11:50
torzwell a lot of libs apt wont pickup11:50
crimsunI'll try reinstalling it tonight11:51
torzyeah breezy looks cool11:51
torzbreezy is gnome though yeah?11:51
crimsunwait, are you trying to install 0.8.2 from breezy on hoary?11:51
ReTyPei cant install kubuntu, my install freezes @ 50% of configuring apt... Testing network repository, i can still access other shells with ctrl, alt F211:52
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torzcrimsun: yep11:53
WiseElbenjava-common = jvm?11:53
crimsuntorz: then of course the dependencies won't be satisfied. You'd have to recompile the 0.8.2 deb-src on hoary11:53
torzReTyPe: it will install, you need patience11:53
crimsuntorz: you'll have to manually downgrade the build-deps in debian/control11:53
torzcrimsun: that sounds way too hard11:54
crimsunthen try breezy, >= colony 4 :)11:54
ReTyPetorz: i left it for half an hour, there is no activity and no network traffic11:54
naliothtorz: wait a few weeks, and it'll be included in your shiny new OS11:54
torzReTyPe: half an hour eh? mmm that process usually takes forever anyway, try leaving it overnight :p11:55
torznalioth: no, I have a video file that pretty much needs vlc 0.8.2 :p11:55
torzh264 kills vlc 0.8.1 and mplayer instantly11:55
naliothtorz: then do as crimsun suggested, or try the binary for debian from vlc.org11:57
ReTyPeare you serious that i should wait ? i have a really fast computer and a fast internet connection, half an hour should be more than enough when there is not activity11:57
torzReTyPe: When I installed x86_64 Kubuntu (a fast computer is a prerequisate), it took forever to get through that process.11:58
WiseElbenI have a 3500+, and I left it overnight11:58
naliothWiseElben: i have some more info for you11:58
WiseElbenabout bt?11:59
ReTyPewhat's the point of leaving in on when there is no activity, some timeouts should be reduced i think11:59
naliothWiseElben: read this (particularly about "gnu screen") http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2004/07/06/unix_gems.html11:59
ReTyPei have a dual opteron 248 with 2 gb ram11:59
ReTyPecould there be a conflict with another NIC ?12:00
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torzReTyPe: what computer are you using atm? 12:01
ReTyPethe one i described, i terminated the installationn12:02
ReTyPenot everyone has 2 computers12:02
ReTyPei had no money left 12:02
torzcan you live without an hour of computers? heh, try the installation again and go grab a coffee at the local cafe or something :p12:02

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