
Seveascodenut, ?12:00
Bobulorseveas, is there any way to make sure I'm logged in properly though?12:00
Quinthiuscodenut: fiddled with?12:00
Akramei have the 8000 port open on my server , one of mah ex friends might has installed a http proxy , how can i know the software that uses the 8 000 port and remove it ? thanks12:00
SeveasBobulor, use your nickserv password as server password12:00
QMarioIt doesn't play.12:00
funkyHatdaveb_, or which is tried first for booting up12:00
ompaulfblade, well did you run 'sudo /sbin/lilo'12:00
SeveasAkrame, sudo netstat -tlnp12:00
daveb_sure, it should be that the C:, the one with XP is prmary and the other with the linux install is secondary12:00
cafuegoAkrame: sudo netsat -nap | grep :800012:00
codenutAre there changes?12:00
dedinjecan anyone help me setup gtkpod so I can use ipod shuffle in Ubuntu?12:00
pauldaoustdoes anyone, perhaps, know where I can find out what compiler flags and options the Ubuntu pacakges are compiled with?12:00
codenutDo they break it then fix it?12:01
Quinthiuscodenut: to what? xchat?12:01
cafuegoAkrame: That will give you  aprocess id and a process name.12:01
dtamascafuego: Sassy Spud was a joke? I didn't find anywhere...12:01
Seveaspauldaoust, grab their sources and inspect the makefiles :)12:01
cafuegodtamas: indeed12:01
codenutthe #ubuntu need to /msg nickserv identify12:01
pauldaoustSeveas: there's a good idea12:01
Akramei don't have netsat12:01
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Seveascodenut, not anymore12:01
pauldaoust(anyone had experience setting up an ISAPNP sound card?)12:01
cafuegoAkrame: netstat12:01
ompaulfblade,  why message - this is channel conversation12:01
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | FAQs & User Documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | Do NOT paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | Channel logs: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/
QuinthiusSeveas: oh that's not necessary now? i thought it was intentional12:01
SeveasQuinthius, it was during the spambot attack12:02
codenutunder ubuntu, how do you check what processes are running?12:02
Seveasthat attack is now over12:02
Seveascodenut, ps aux12:02
Quinthiusi wasn't here for that i guess12:02
pauldaoustcodenut: ps aux12:02
funkyHatQMario, try alsaplayer %s12:02
Seveasor: ps f -e (if you like a tree view)12:02
dalamaror system monitor12:02
codenuttnx guys.12:02
daveb_I'm not totally in the know about these things, but it looks like the other hard drive, the linux install one, is not listed on the bootable options, just primary, CD and diskette12:02
ompaulfblade, well conversation terminated12:02
pauldaoustcodenut: or top, which gives you a realtime chart12:02
cafuegocodenut: or 'top' if you're interested in sorting only the top cpu/memory/swap users.12:03
pauldaoustcodenut: or gnome-system-monitor, which looks like the Windows task manager12:03
Seveaschoices, choices  :)12:03
cafuegocodenut: or ls /proc/12:03
Bobulorseveas, many moons ago I came to you with sound issues. The varying music players that I have would freeze if I did anything but open them. Also, sound only works selectively, for computer beeps and World of Warcraft only. How might I remedey my problem?12:03
=== avernus [i=avernus@sverige.freeshell.ORG] has joined #ubuntu
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Leonikhow do i run a .bin?12:04
=== jason_ [n=jason@cpe-065-184-243-139.ec.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
codenutSo sshd is not loaded by default.12:04
lsuactiafnersh file.bin12:04
funkyHatcodenut, no12:04
cafuegowell well, now we see the early morning 12GB rsync job puts the sysload on 412:04
fbladehey guys also i got a rater wierd question, but any one know a of a garden design programe for linux12:04
Leonikcannot execute12:04
codenutthanks funky.12:04
=== synd_ [n=Elive_us@h255.43.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
codenutbrb more Ice Cream required.12:05
cafuegoLeonik: what does 'file FILE.bin' say?12:05
QMarioNothing happens.12:05
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SeveasBobulor, I don't really have an idea. Sound is not my specialism12:05
=== theeil [n=neil@HSE-Montreal-ppp3466921.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Leonikelf 32 bit lsb exec dynamic linked stipped intel 80386 version 112:05
Bobulorseveas, do you know anyone with a specialization in sound?12:05
dalamarcrimsun ;)12:06
Akramei can"t find netsat12:06
jason_I was just reliveing the old days of Fallout and Fallout 2... by far the best rpg's I have ever played12:06
=== hume [n=magnus@h47n4c1o1100.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasor #alsa12:06
Bobuloris Crimsun here?12:06
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Leonikduhhh its ./hlds.bin12:06
Bobulorseveas, crimsun's name is grayed out, what does that mean?12:06
Quinthiusjason^: ahh fallout was cool12:07
funkyHatit means he's set to /away12:07
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humehi...i try to configure sambe through swat, but my browser finds nothing on prt 901 (connection refused). Its just a ubuntu installation of samba and swat, havent done any adjustments - how do I make swat work?12:07
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SeveasBobulor, that he's idle12:07
Bobulorim back12:07
jason_hell yeah it was, I just replayed both of them and beat them in a couple of days.12:07
Seveashume, sudo update-inetd --enable swat12:07
Bobulorhow does one undo idle?12:07
Seveashume, you also need to set a root password12:07
fbladehey guys also i got a rater wierd question, but any one know a of a garden design programe for linux12:07
jason_Neadless to say that my wife was a little pissed.12:08
QuinthiusBobulor: idle happens when you don't type :P12:08
=== robertbb [n=robertbb@d154-20-189-90.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bobuloror when i type /away12:08
Bobulorbut I found /back brings me back12:08
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=== saka|nix [n=sakamoto@dD5E09937.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Bobuloris there a place with a list of all the general commands for irc?12:09
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pauldaoustsweet! I don't need to fiddle around with ISAPNP after all... all I had to do was 'modprobe snd-cs4236' and now I have sound on this archaic beast!12:09
daveb_anyone have any options for me to try? I'm doomed if this install killed my XP files12:09
pauldaoust(schools always have such ghetto hardware)12:09
SeveasBobulor, google for irc intro12:09
=== Vaske_Car [n=durad@d36-72-47.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasdaveb_, sudo fdisk -l12:09
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Seveasput the output on a pastebin12:09
humeSeveas, thx, now it seems to work12:09
pauldaoustso, has anyone tried setting up a LAN fulla Ubuntu machines?12:09
Vaske_CarHow do I caaess firewall?12:10
Seveaspauldaoust, yeah12:10
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pauldaoustany stories out there about switching over an office or school to Linux?12:10
=== Seveas recently made his own ubuntu cluster :)
pauldaoustSeveas: nifty!12:10
Seveasand mjr followed12:10
pauldaoustSeveas: any specific purpose for the cluster, or was it just for fun?12:10
daveb_won't work, I can't finish the linux install, nor can I boot up my old xp install because it seems stuck trying to finish installin linux12:10
Seveasmy attempts -> wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOnCluster12:10
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Seveaspauldaoust, grid computing / parallel programming12:10
Seveasmjr's setup might be more suitable (same goal as you)12:11
pauldaoustSeveas: sweeeet. so, folding proteins and predicting weather patterns and the like?12:11
fbladewell i got my college to covert all their servers after bringing a live cd version on my data stick12:11
SeveasHe said he'd document what he does, so I'm looking forward to that :)12:11
Vaske_CarHow to start FIREWALL in Unbuntu?12:11
Seveaspauldaoust, no nothing like that, more like simulations12:11
Quinthiusmy gnome-panel crashed a little bit ago with azureus running. i forgot about the crash and minimized azureus to system tray... so now it's running "in the background" with no tray icon... any way to gain access to it again other than killing it?12:11
Seveasbut ETOPIC :)12:11
pauldaoustSeveas: no kidding. I should talk to mjr12:11
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codenutSee you guys later, thanks/12:12
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pauldaoustI'm the computer tech guy for a small private school, and I managed to convince the principal to let me replace Windows 2000 on all the machines with Ubuntu... I did it mostly because it's going to make my life three thousand times easier.12:12
Seveaspauldaoust, he hangs around in #ubuntu-offtopic too, we've had some discussions about this in that channel :)12:12
=== apokryphos_ [n=dw@host-84-9-108-162.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
funkyHatQuinthius, try just running azureus again. if it doesn't allow multiple instances, then the old one will just pop up12:12
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pauldaoustSeveas: oh, there's an #ubuntu-offtopic channel? oops... didn't notice this was a help-only channel ^_^12:13
Seveasit's ok :)12:13
pauldaoustSeveas: is that what you were hinting at when you said ETOPIC?12:13
QuinthiusfunkyHat: hmm that seems to have worked, thanks :D12:13
jason_I am out, later...12:13
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | FAQs & User Documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | Do NOT paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | Channel logs: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ | General chatter: #ubuntu-offtopic
daveb_should I try to reinstall again?12:13
Seveaspauldaoust, yup12:13
Vaske_Cardalamar: how do I start and manage firewall?12:13
QuinthiusfunkyHat: didn't bring the icon back but at least now i can close it properly hehe12:13
SeveasVaske_Car, install firestarter12:13
funkyHatnp Quinthius. lol12:13
dalamarVaske_Car, good program called 'firestarter'12:13
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pauldaoustSeveas: so, just out of curiosity, what does 'ETOPIC' mean? I'm not familiar with that particular bit of lingo.12:14
ubotufirewall is probably Ubuntu has, like every other linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is firestarter.12:14
Vaske_CarUnbuntu does not have firewall by default?12:14
=== the4bagger [i=the4bagg@ACA1FD9F.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
funkyHatQuinthius, maybe the problem is that the notifier applet crashed, and you need to add it to your panel again?12:14
fbladehey guys also i got a rater wierd question, but any one know a of a garden design programe for linux12:14
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the4baggergrr....nothing is solving my xserver problem12:14
dalamarVaske_Car, firestarter is a frontend for the usual firewall, yes it comes with one (iptables)12:14
Seveaspauldaoust, unix/linux error codes usually have short, somewhat descriptive names that start with an E to indicate error, so ETOPIC would be a topic error12:14
Vaske_Carhow do I start IPTABLES?12:14
the4baggerim so tempted to put knoppix back on12:14
Vaske_Carhtats what I need12:14
QuinthiusfunkyHat: nah the applet is still there, it just doesn't redisplay already existing tray icons if panel crashes/restarts :/12:14
SeveasVaske_Car, with firestarter...12:15
dalamarVaske_Car, runs automagically12:15
funkyHatVaske_Car, it's already installed and started12:15
Vaske_Carfirestarte have bug for Samba12:15
pauldaoustSeveas: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... gotcha. like the constants in a header file?12:15
saka|nixi need a linux driver for my onboard vga12:15
Vaske_CarI know but how do I start iptables?12:15
dalamarVaske_Car, firestarter is a great frontend for managing iptables12:15
funkyHatSeveas, which bit is nonsense?12:15
QMarioJust Testing.12:15
saka|nixanyone who can point me in the right direction12:15
pauldaoustsaka|nix: what sort of VGA chip do you have? do you know?12:15
QMarioSound works well.12:15
SeveasfunkyHat, bug for samba...12:15
saka|nixmobo is msi k8m800 with via chipset (s3)12:15
QMarioWhat is a "Botsnack"?12:15
=== the4bagger cant get his Nvidia Geforce FX 5200 to work with Xserver
Vaske_Carin Fedora it was in System/Administration12:15
funkyHatQMario, is that with alsaplayer %s?12:16
SeveasVaske_Car, do you even listen to what we say?12:16
QMarioThank God!!!!12:16
QMarioIt works now.12:16
fbladewhen i try and play a music file in xmms it freezes, can anyone help12:16
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funkyHatQMario, and, why are you using gaim for IRC :P12:16
QMarioI can hear sound.12:16
saka|nixpauldaoust: do you know enough with that12:16
saka|nixmobo is msi k8m800 with via chipset (s3)12:16
Vaske_Carmaybe I did not ask properly12:16
pauldaoustsaka|nix: hmmmmmm... not sure what the k8m-800 has. could you type lspci in a terminal window and paste the output into the #flood channel or http://pastebin.org?12:16
P0S3Rhelo all12:16
QMarioWhy can't I?12:16
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funkyHatno reason :P i'm just being picky12:16
Quinthiusfblade: go to xmms preferences and change the output plugin to esd12:16
pauldaoustsaka|nix: this will tell me what sort of video card you have12:16
QMarioI know.12:17
funkyHatX-Chat is better :)12:17
QMarioI was "playing" around.12:17
saka|nixill be back12:17
=== kvidell <3 BitchX
QMarioSeveas, are you sure I can't play with Ubotu?12:17
=== apokryphos_ [n=dw@host-84-9-33-188.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
the4baggercan somebody please help me with my xserver problem? it wont detect my nvidia geforce fx 520012:17
QMarioKvidell, language please....12:17
funkyHatkvidell, i don't get BitchX, how do you switch windows? :S12:17
kvidellhar har12:17
Vaske_CarThat integrated IPTABLES is there a GUI to manage it?12:17
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Cashelhello P0S3R12:17
Vaske_CarIf so how to access it?12:17
kvidellfunkyHat: /window swap WindowNumber12:17
funkyHatVaske_Car, yes, firestarter12:17
=== QMario sings.
kvidellI have an alias set so I can just do /s WindowNumber12:17
apokryphosSeveas: I wonder if the logs is really necessary (in topic), and shouldn't just be an ubotu factoid12:18
dalamarVaske_Car, firestarter is the gui to mnage it12:18
funkyHatwow, that's a bit longhanded12:18
LinuxJonesVaske_Car, you can easily install firestarter using synaptic or the command line12:18
dalamarmanage even12:18
kvidellor Alt+Window-Number12:18
nalioth_zZzVaske_Car: http://software.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/05/09/1846213&tid=78&tid=13012:18
QMario Hee hee. 12:18
cafuegofunkyHat: apt-get install irssi bitchx-; irssi; ctrl-n / ctrl-p12:18
funkyHatkvidell, i tried alt+windownumber, that didn't work12:18
saka|nixpauldaoust: i will c/p in that flood channel12:18
kvidellalias s /window swap12:18
humeSeveas, when trying to smbmount a share it complains about smbmnt must be installed suid root...... how to do that? sorry for stupid question12:18
kvidellthat's in my .bitchxrc12:18
=== nalioth_zZz is now known as nalioth
the4bagger/me cant get his Nvidia Geforce FX 5200 to work with Xserver12:18
Vaske_CarThe reason I ask it is that Fedora had a separate GUI called Security Level that can manage iptables without firestarte12:18
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funkyHatit works in irssi, so i just use that when i need to use command line irc12:18
naliothyou guys... there are more guis than firestarter to operate your iptables12:18
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Seveasapokryphos, it's been specifically requested by the CC12:19
cafuegoVaske_Car: You can manage the firewall without firestarter too. it's called 'ipatbles' and works with iptables-save and iptables-restore. Again, for a home desktop box that's not required. There are NO accessible srvices on a normal install.12:19
Seveashume, you don't, use sudo for doing that as root12:19
the4baggercan somebody please help me with my xserver problem? it wont detect my nvidia geforce fx 520012:19
cafuegofunkyHat: Indeed.12:20
cafuegofunkyHat: Also has a coolfactor, as opposed to a scriptkiddiefactor12:20
apokryphosSeveas: alrighty then.12:20
=== markiemarkie [n=mark@dsl34-83.fastxdsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxJonesnalioth, firestarter is so easy to install and configure though12:20
naliothhowdy y'all12:20
funkyHatyes, that came into my decision as well :)12:20
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naliothLinuxJones: did you see the link i sent above?12:20
funkyHatalso bitchX is ugly compared to irssi12:20
daveb_Can anyone possibly help me? I'm completely screwed here, I can't even boot my old system back up12:21
nightswimbitchx is ugly compared to *12:21
LinuxJonesnalioth, no12:21
kvidellI have my BX all scripted out so it's not "ugly"12:21
kvidellI personally _hate_ epic and irssi12:21
the4baggerLinuxJones, could you please continue to help me with my Xserver problem?12:21
dalamarbitchx is like so 1990s ;)12:21
funkyHatno nightswim12:21
markiemarkiehow do i get evolution to work properly?12:21
funkyHatbitchx is not ugly compared to MS-DOS12:21
Seveaskvidell, nightswim, dalamar, funkyHat -> ETOPIC12:21
Quinthiusdaveb_: what OS is the old system? XP?12:21
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cafuegobitchx is ugly by name to begin with12:21
daveb_Yes, XP12:21
=== Tufek [i=Gentoo@Montreal-ppp3532009.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasETOPC means: no off-topic stuff like pointless irc client wars in here please12:22
nightswimhe means that we are not allowed to discuss the uglyness of bitchx12:22
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %nightswim!*@*] by Seveas
Quinthiusdaveb_: have an XP install cd? should be able to boot from it and go into recovery console, then use fixmbr12:22
apokryphos#ubuntu-offtopic is ready-n-waiting12:22
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the4baggercan somebody please help me with my xserver problem? it wont detect my nvidia geforce fx 520012:22
cafuegoI think several meant -ETOPIC12:22
dalamari wish more ppl where in #ubuntu-offtopic then ;/12:22
kvidellif you think that was anything more than a discussion you're insane :-P12:22
=== Dalk [n=David@81-86-159-34.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
naliothLinuxJones: http://software.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/05/09/1846213&tid=78&tid=13012:22
cafuegoseveas too12:22
naliothapokryphos: whats the topic in -offtopic?12:23
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, it's probably alot less frustrating to just go back to knoppix for a while until you get a feel for Linux. Since you only have 1 computer fixing you problem will take much longer. Once your a bit more comfortable try re-installing Ubuntu then.12:23
daveb_I should have one somewhere12:23
lsuactiafnerthe4bagger : change nv in /etc/X11/xorg.conf to nvidia12:23
lsuactiafnerubotu tell the4bagger about nvidia12:23
apokryphosnalioth: don't know, last time it was about buying ubu t-shirts. Check. :P12:23
the4baggeri have tried that lsuactiafner12:23
=== Dalk is now known as Dalkus
funkyHatnalioth, /topic #ubuntu-offtopic ;)12:24
Quinthiusdaveb_: well boot from it and in the first screen there should be an option for recovery console. do that, and then run "fixmbr", then exit/reboot from hard drive. should get you booting into windows12:24
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mebaran151I am running lighttpd and vsftpd and sshd out of my box12:24
mebaran151should I use inetd?12:25
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the4baggerLinuxJones, I have been troubleshooting this problem for over 3 days, I really dont want to give up now12:25
mebaran151what would be the advantages of inetd12:25
Seveasmebaran151, the advantages are that less memory is occupied during inactive periods12:25
mebaran151how would I set it up12:25
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Seveasthe disadvantage is that a new process is spawned for every connection12:25
Quinthiusmebaran151: i think the advantage of inetd is so you don't have to keep servers constantly running... they spawn dynamically when needed12:25
the4baggerLinuxJones, I have 2 computers, but my hard drives are in my dual boot pc atm12:25
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, I am jsut worried that you will give up on Linux because of it :)12:25
cafuegomebaran151: On a low-end box it means only inetd runs most of the time; if you don't use the services much that CAN be useful.12:25
the4baggerLinuxJones, I will NEVER give up on linux12:26
mebaran151cafuego, but does inetd work with sshd?12:26
cafuegomebaran151: I find xinetd a bit more tweakable12:26
mebaran151isnt ssh sort of weird12:26
mebaran151I am right now fine with listening for each12:26
cafuegomebaran151: it should work fine. How often do you use ssh?12:26
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ
mebaran151quite a bit actually12:26
Seveasssh is the best thing since sliced bread12:26
cafuegomebaran151: Then just leave it running as daemon, much easier.12:26
mebaran151Seveas, I can do without the bread, the ssh maybe not12:27
the4baggeri have no problem with knoppix, but ubuntu is pissing me off12:27
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mebaran151it is lighttpd and vsftpd that I use less often12:27
mebaran151but I have a like a gig of RAM12:27
cafuegomebaran151: Then i wouldn't worry about it.12:27
mebaran151so I wonder if I am going to notice the less than 100k that vsftpd uses12:27
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mebaran151the main reason I switched to linux was for the ease of ssh and http server setup12:27
mebaran151Windows makes that nearly hell12:27
LinuxJonesthe4bagger, If you can get your 2nd computer online you can have someone help walk you through in real time instead of having to reboot each time you want to make a change12:27
the4baggerby "online" you mean booted up right?...cuz im on dialup lol12:28
humeSeveas, it complains about "fail to find real path to mount point" when trying smbmount to /mnt .... is that to do with the sudo sttuff?12:28
mebaran151should a completely underpriveledged user have a shell of /bin/true or /bin/false12:28
mebaran151and what should their UID be12:29
Seveashume, no that's because you do something wrong :)12:29
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LinuxJonesthe4bagger, there are console based irc programs that you could use to get online but I have never had to use one. If your internet connection is working in Ubuntu that is.12:29
cafuegomebaran151: that only matters for ftp. If their shell is in /etc/shells (normally /bin/fasle) then CAN ftp in.12:29
Seveashume, for easy samba mounting: http://ubuntulinux.nl/files/addsamba12:29
mebaran151cafuego, what is the point of the underpriveledge user?12:29
the4baggerLinuxJones, the thing is that I dont have the same video card on my other system, so I think that would effect the setup process12:29
cafuegomebaran151: uid/gid is not relevant, unless you want to for instance group them12:29
mebaran151can't I just use nobody12:29
humeSeveas, :) thx12:30
funkyHatthe4bagger, read up about irssi, and screen, they will come in very handy if you find yourself with no X-server and needing help12:30
cafuegomebaran151: That depends what you use it for.12:30
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kvidellfunkyHat: lol, nor NetCat/Telnet and IRC PRotocols ;P12:30
mebaran151cafeugo, just trying to securely set up ftp service12:30
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b randy*!*@*] by Seveas
cafuegomebaran151: I have an underprivileged user for virtual web hosting; created my own so that the 'nobody' user cannot access ITS files either.12:30
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the4baggerfunkyHat, perhaps you can give me a link?12:30
mebaran151what is the main group that an underpriveledged user belongs to?12:31
funkyHati have a link to a very good screen tutorial, and i can give you the homepage for irssi12:31
Seveashis usergroup12:31
funkyHatjust a sec12:31
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %*!*@tor/session*] by Seveas
nalioththe4bagger: you can read about screen here http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2004/07/06/unix_gems.html12:31
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the4baggerfunkyHat, if you could PM it to me that would be better12:31
flughbah, paste it to channel. i'd like to check it out12:32
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mebaran151what about home dir12:32
mebaran151I dont think they should even have one12:32
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dtamasWhy is it still Bitstream Vera is a default font in Ubuntu? The debian was changed to dejaVu a long time ago...12:33
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mebaran151dtamas, I dont like dejaVu that much12:33
chrisbudden14How can i make my laptop battery monitor actually show time left etc?  I use a Acer 450012:33
fluvvelldoes anyone know what "SIOCRDDRT: Network is unreachable"  could mean after executing ifup eth0, especially since the network is all go12:33
apokryphosdtamas: ubuntu is not debian ;-)12:33
mebaran151for a completely underpriveledged user12:34
mebaran151what should the home directory be12:34
mebaran151nobody gets /12:34
kvidelltheir homedirectory.12:34
kvidell:-P /home/username12:34
funkyHat/home/username :P12:34
funkyHatmebaran151, unless you are going to chroot them, in which case it could be '/'12:34
dalamar#ubuntu-offtopic is the coolest! come chat if everything is working! ;)12:34
dtamasmebaran151: It would be is better for non-uk user... :(12:35
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Seveasnetwork hickup?12:35
funkyHatbut that would in reality be /home/username or something :P12:35
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mebaran151funkyHat, wait12:35
dtamascd ~ the same12:35
funkyHatand that would be a silly way to set up a chrooted environment anyway12:35
mebaran151but I am going to probably chroot them12:35
mebaran151this is for my vsftpd server12:35
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mebaran151I may also be bind mounting too12:36
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mebaran151bind mounts always confuse me12:36
adriyelbot protection was taken off12:36
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chrisbudden14Anyone help with laptop battery monitoy?12:37
mebaran151is chrooting worth the pain in the neck it might be?12:38
funkyHatmebaran151, setting their home directory as fake / would be silly anyway. i would go for /chroot-root/home/*username* if you get what i mean12:38
funkyHatsetting up chroot with sshd isn't too challenging12:39
funkyHati will be setting it up soon on my server12:39
mebaran151funkyHat, but why woudl I want to12:39
mebaran151chroot's seem to be a pain12:39
mebaran151esp wehn it comes to libraries and all that jazz12:39
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funkyHatso your underpriveliged users can't see your configuration files or anything like that12:39
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mebaran151can't I jsut make a group that can see them12:40
mebaran151and change all the permissions to 77012:40
mebaran151or something12:40
mebaran151or 75012:40
funkyHati believe they can be symlinked from their real positions12:40
mebaran151symlinks fail from the chroot12:40
mebaran151I tried :)12:40
mebaran151you can bind mount12:40
AAwould anyone help me with an error while installing ubuntu?12:40
mebaran151but that's a performance mess12:40
mebaran151think aobut if symlinks worked12:41
mebaran151I could just symlink out of the chroot to anywhere12:41
naliothAA: ask your question12:41
mebaran151ln -s /etc etc12:41
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mebaran151whoa look at me I'm in etc!12:41
AAnalioth: it was on installing base system. Got this message: "the debootstrap program exited with an error (return valie 1). check var/log/messages for details"12:42
AAI've got var/log/messages ready12:42
apokryphosmebaran151: please don't flood the channel. You don't need to use <Enter> as punctuation ;-)12:42
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naliothAA: pastebin it. see the /topic for pastebin info12:42
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mebaran151at least vsftpd is smart enough to chroot anon users12:43
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damskodoes somebody knows a screenshot program?12:43
apokryphosdamsko: gnome has one -- check in the menus.12:43
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apokryphosImagemagick can do it too12:43
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logical_markhey guys. I have a 250 GB hard drive hooked up right now and I need to know where I can find it to view its contents, or how to mount it12:44
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Seveasdamsko, the screenshot button works in ubuntu...12:44
wasserdragoonhi @ll12:44
damskois there a way to configure that program so it doesnt ask me for save it?12:44
fbladehey guys how can i get rid of lilo and install grub with access to all partishions12:44
wasserdragooni've got a problem with firefox and ed2k handling12:44
Seveasdamsko, with imagemagick it is12:44
damskoseveas, thanks12:44
wasserdragoonNow another right click, select New and String; insert network.protocol-handler.app.ed2k as Preference Name and /path/to/ed2k (path to where the file is installed on your system) as Value. is that means the path to my amule?12:44
CarlFKlogical_mark  what is "hooked up12:44
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logical_markCarlFK I have a 250 hard drive hooked up and I dont know where to go to see it and its contents, or if I need to how to mount it12:45
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dreamhow big does the hard drive has to be to install ubuntu?12:45
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mebaran151logical_mark, yeah you need to mount it12:45
mebaran151dream, 5 gigs is plenty12:46
kaileyCan someone please help me?12:46
logical_markmebaran151 how do I do that?12:46
fbladeplease i need to access my windows quickly12:46
apokryphosdream: normal install is about 1.8 gigs12:46
apokryphosdream: but you will of course need more than that.12:46
mebaran151what kind of hdd is it12:46
] BreliC[is anyone here using an SMC 2632W wireless lan card (pcmcia) w/128-bit WEP?12:46
parkahi! my iriver used to mount as /dev/sdb1. unfortunately, that doesnt work anymore since i plugged it to ... (well, do you call it AC when it's not battery ;-) - how can i find out how to mount it now?12:46
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logical_markIDE Western Digital12:46
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logical_markmebaran151 it is an IDE wester digital12:46
kaileyHow do I change my screen resolution?12:47
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daba1logical_mark: whatws on it?12:47
apokryphoskailey: use the screen-resolutoin program in settings12:47
kaileyWhere is that??12:47
daba1like, what FS, ntfs?12:47
wasserdragooncan anyone please help me?12:47
] BreliC[i can successfully enable WEP encryption with WinXP on my laptop, but in Ubuntu, it does not seem to work12:47
daba1fblade: have a live CD?12:47
] BreliC[just wondering if anyone has had similar experiences with that card?  or another card?12:47
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apokryphoskailey: System -> Preferences12:47
zcat[1] ] BreliC[: same card here, but I never got WEP working..12:47
QMarioDoes ubotu need to be fed everyday?12:47
logical_markdaba1 there shouldnt be anything on it, it is newly formated12:47
wasserdragoonNow another right click, select New and String; insert network.protocol-handler.app.ed2k as Preference Name and /path/to/ed2k (path to where the file is installed on your system) as Value. is that means the path to my aMule?12:48
] BreliC[zcat[1] , hmm, not what I wanted to hear :(12:48
logical_markdaba1 , MAYBE fat3212:48
apokryphosQMario: no; you've fed him enough times. :)12:48
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daba1logical_mark: where did you format it?12:48
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zcat[1] only 'cos I never bothered :)12:48
kaileyOh.. I'm asking the wrong question.12:48
QMarioHee hee.12:48
kaileyMy screen is too big. I want it smaller.12:48
] BreliC[zcat[1] , ahh :)12:48
kaileyHow do I make it look smaller?12:48
logical_markdaba1 it is a hard drive from a moded xbox that was lower level formated to break the lock and now even though the BIOS detects it windows does not so I wanted to see if linux could12:48
Seveaskailey, grab a magic marker and black out th edges of the screen..12:48
kaileylol .. mean12:49
Seveasif you want to change your resolution listen to ubotu12:49
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ubotuit has been said that resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:49
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daba1wasserdragoon: wtf do you use that amule program?12:49
daba1why the fizzle.12:49
kvidellbecause he wants to?12:49
apokryphoskailey: you can set the resolution smaller there12:49
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apokryphoskailey: if it doesn't go smaller from there, check the link by ubotu above.12:49
daba1why does he want to?12:50
wasserdragoonthat doesn't intrest anyone i use it12:50
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daba1ok, cool, I use gtk-gnutella, and have no issues.12:50
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fbladeguys is there a wayto get rid of my windows partion and add the free space to linux with out loggin out of linux12:50
logical_markdaba1 can you help me?12:50
kaileyI think I'm going to cry.12:50
javihi, people, I'm having trouble with xrgb and xutils packages on breezy, /usr/bin/showrgb conflict12:50
javion aptitude says me to remove xbase-clients , but gdm depends on xbase-clients, so I can't remove it12:50
wasserdragoonis that means the path to my aMule or other?12:50
daba1Seveas: does your script detect fat drives too?12:51
daba1kailey: why?12:51
Seveasdaba1, yes12:51
daba1kailey: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto .12:51
kaileyBecause I can't make my screen smaller. It's huge. And I'm an idiot. And Linux hates me.12:51
the4baggerdid you try qtpart?12:51
adriyelkailey, you gotta sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:51
damskono she doesnt need to12:52
daba1linux does not hate you at all, just give it some time always when you have an isue.12:52
adriyelnevermind, vi doesn't like you either, sorry.12:52
the4baggerscrew ubuntu, im going back to knoppix12:52
daba1logical_mark: use seveas script for windowsdrives12:52
kaileyI hate Windows12:52
adriyel*shrugs* I don't use either :P screw debian period :P12:52
kaileyI hate Linux12:52
kaileyI hate computers12:52
uboturumour has it, windowsdrives is Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows partions mount automatically12:52
wasserdragoonwhat does it mean now?12:52
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logical_markdaba1 I dont knwo what that is12:52
damskokailey  open de sistem menu /preferences/ screen resolution12:52
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KyralAnother one in emo-self-destruct mode?12:53
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holycowdoes anyone know if gedit can save an ascii file in a windows format so they don't get the weird character for carrieage returns?12:53
daba1off course, that is why I made ubotu post the link.12:53
Kyralhere, come join me12:53
KyralI'm in the same mood12:53
kaileyI did. :( All it will do is make it BIGGER.12:53
daba1emo - emotional?12:53
kvidellkailey: you realise you have to scroll down in that list to see the smaller res's right?12:53
apokryphoskailey: I told you what to do. What's the problem?12:53
kaileyI did scroll.12:53
Kyral!lart daba112:53
=== ubotu whacks daba1 with the cluebat
kaileyAll it does is make it bigger.12:53
kaileyI want the screen size smaller.12:54
kaileyI want everything smaller.12:54
Seveaskailey, then make it smaller12:54
dreamie3.3 GB is that enough for ubuntu?12:54
kaileyBut all it does is make it bigger.12:54
kvidellso reconfigure xorg and add smaller res's.12:54
kaileyI don't know how!12:54
Seveasset the resolution to 800x60012:54
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kaileyHow do I do that?12:54
daba1kailey: see, there is a link, we posted. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:54
Seveasyou've been given the link to the howto three times now12:54
kaileyI went there.12:54
kaileyI did read.12:54
=== Cashel wonders whats wrong w/ good old ctrl alt + and -
javihi again, I'm having trouble with X breeze depends, do you know about it ?12:54
daba1read that, and ask us after you read it and notice that you need further explanation,.12:54
fbladeguys is there a wayto get rid of my windows partion and add the free space to linux with out loggin out of linux12:54
kaileyDon't yell at me. :(12:54
apokryphoskailey: System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution12:54
logical_markwhats the command to show all the drive available to mount?12:54
kaileyI did that one already.12:54
kaileyIt makes it bigger.12:54
Seveasfblade, sure, use cfdisk or parted12:54
daba1logical_mark: sudo fdisk -l12:55
kvidellCashel: that only cycles through resolutions you have in your xorg conf12:55
Seveaskailey, then do it again and change it to smaller...12:55
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kaileyThere is no smaller.12:55
kaileyNothing there is smaller.12:55
kvidelladd them12:55
kaileyIt only gets bigger.12:55
dreamieis 3.3 GB enough for ubuntu?12:55
kvidellthat tells you how12:55
kvidelland please, please please12:55
Seveasdreamie, yes12:55
kvidellstop repeating yourself12:55
apokryphoskailey: go to the link ubotu gave you then.12:55
kaileyI have.12:55
naliothdreamie: barely12:55
kaileyI'm there now.12:55
kvidellthat link tells you how to add more12:55
mcphailfblade: free space for what? Simple storage?12:55
apokryphoskailey: if you have problems with the instructions, then let us know.12:55
Cashelkvidell, the icons get bigger or the screen size?12:55
Quinthiusdreamie: default install takes around 1.5 gigs12:55
kvidellSmall flood12:55
kvidellapologies peopel12:55
kvidell  SubSection "Display"12:55
kvidell                Depth           2412:55
kvidell                Modes           "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"12:55
kvidell        EndSubSection12:55
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %kvidell!*@*] by Seveas
Seveasno pasting in here12:56
Seveasyou know that12:56
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damskodont past12:56
dreamieso do i not even attempt to try to install?12:56
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Quinthiusdreamie: why not?12:56
naliothdreamie: yes, go ahead12:56
damsko!ubotu paste12:56
ubotuI guess paste is please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text12:56
mcphailfblade: just reformat the partition to something linux friendly and mount it.12:56
Quinthiusdreamie: 3.3 is plenty of space if you don't plan on installing big games or something12:56
dreamieQuinthius, because at my first attempt it said that installation failed12:56
dreamienot enough hard drive to copy files12:56
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] BreliC[btw, is it normal for the WAN light on my router to indicate activity even when, clearly, nothing is being transferred?12:57
nalioth] BreliC[: yes12:57
] BreliC[ok... what is it doing?12:57
Quinthiusdreamie: odd. i've installed on a 4g drive just fine12:57
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daba1kailey: there is a file. It is called /etc/X11/xorg.config. you need to edit it, and it is shown on that page how. Also, you need to find horizontal and vertical refresh rates for your monitor, it is all explained in that page.12:57
=== kronoss [n=kronoss@FW-7-250.go.retevision.es] has joined #ubuntu
mcphailfblade: sudo cfdisk /dev/hda, and change the partition type to linux first12:58
Belgainhi there, quick question: i've currently got a Slackware install on my machine (with a single hard drive), and plenty of unpartitioned space.... if i install ubuntu into the unpartitioned space, will it preserve my Slackware installation and let me boot either using grub (thereby overwriting the lilo bootloader installed by slackware?12:58
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dreamieQuinthius, so what can i do about it?12:58
SeveasBelgain, yes.12:58
Quinthiusdreamie: i have no clue :)12:58
Belgainthanks Seveas12:58
dreamiedoes anyone know what i can do about it?12:58
mcphailfblade: then sudo mke2fs -j /dev/hdax where x = partiton to format12:58
apokryphosdreamie: about what/12:59
naliothdreamie: choose "server install"12:59
Seveasdreamie, install with server option12:59
Seveasand install a smaller desktop environment12:59
dreamiewhere do you choose that?12:59
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mcphailfblade: then sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hdax /where/you/want/to/mount/it12:59
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naliothdreamie: at the install cd boot prompt12:59
=== PILOT33 [n=^bahar^@modemcable241.20-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
daba1when intalling, it will tell you to press enter, or type in server. type in server, hit enter.01:00
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dreamieapokryphos, apparently 3.3 GB is too small for ubuntu and installation did not complete01:00
Goran_how to tell the installer to look for 4 (instead of 2) ide chanells?01:00
=== TrekCycling [n=prestonc@c-24-22-124-39.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
TrekCyclingis there somewhere else to get Breezy?01:00
apokryphosdreamie: do a server install as was suggested, and enable the Universe repository and go for something like xfce01:00
thoreauputicdreamie: something wrong there - 3 gig is plaenty for ubuntu01:00
TrekCyclingcdimage.ubuntu.com seems down01:00
apokryphosTrekCycling: nope, seems fine.01:01
thoreauputicdreamie: is this a dual boot?01:01
dreamiewhat is a dual boot?01:01
daba1wow...the whole clique is here:)01:01
=== gorilla [n=george@ppp101-211.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosdreamie: do you have Windows too there or something?01:01
dreamieno windows01:01
apokryphosdreamie: ..since an average install is around 1.8 gigs. 8)01:01
=== daba1 is an incredibly nostalgic person...
=== ironuckles [n=ironuckl@tjaglinski.st.bradley.edu] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosdreamie: did you select to format the entire partition? The 3 gig one?01:01
thoreauputicdreamie: well, 3.3 gig is more than enough01:01
dreamieit never asks me for server install01:02
thoreauputicdaba1: clique?01:02
Seveasdreamie, when the cd boots, you can choose01:02
=== mebaran151 [n=mebaran@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dreamieyes apokryphos i selected to format the entire partition01:02
mebaran151I accidently deleted my ftp user and its group01:02
daba1first thing that shows up when booting the install cd is a prompt, at which if you input server and press enter, to install a server installtion.01:02
=== juanej [n=juanej@cable200-116-218-7.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu
mebaran151could someone tell me the relevant things I need to know01:02
dreamiethe cd is booting and i dont see that option01:02
ironucklesI have a question on installing the JDK (java)01:02
=== robertbb_ [n=robertbb@d154-20-150-5.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
daba1thoreauputic: nm...:)01:03
mebaran151I just need the relevant information01:03
apokryphosironuckles: fire away01:03
mebaran151like the gid and uid of ftp01:03
dtama1Are there any good subtitle manipulator program for ubuntu?01:03
daba1thoreauputic: the 4 horsemen...haha01:03
=== kailey [n=kailey@cpe-024-211-224-054.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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juanejMaster is off on alsamixer, how do i turn it ON?01:03
ironucklesI have everything installed, but the path isn't set so that I can do "javac ___"01:03
apokryphoskailey: you can't expect people in here to help if you plan on putting no effort in yourself :)01:03
=== thoreauputic inflicts fire and pestilence on daba1 ;)
ironucklesI have to cd to the directory that it installed to /opt/jdk...01:03
=== daba1 is now known as dabaR
kaileyThanks, apokryphos. I'll think about that.01:04
=== Orby [n=orbman@85-210-170-12.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
kaileyI did everything on the page. Everything on my screen got even bigger.01:04
apokryphoskailey: so try those instructions and let us know where you have a problem. We are here to help :)01:04
kaileyNow I can't get it back to the size it was before.01:04
dabaRthoreauputic: thats a f'ed up nick, tho:)01:04
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apokryphoskailey: do you mean all the things are big, around?01:05
thoreauputicdabaR: sorry? mine?01:05
apokryphosI take it you want a larger resolution01:05
dabaRya, ya...nm...01:05
ironucklesapokrphos: how do I set the path to use /opt/jdk1.5.0_04/ ?01:05
juaneji just screw up my sound01:05
kailey... This chat box is huge. The text it huge. The box is huge. The names are huge. The webpage is huge.01:05
Seveasironuckles, bad01:05
dabaRits just a lower resolution...01:05
juanejIm not getting sound :(, alsamixer says master is off01:05
apokryphoskailey: so set a *higher* resolution.01:05
=== kryka [n=chris@201-42-99-63.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
juanejhow do i fix that?01:05
Seveasuse a .deb file to install java01:05
apokryphosubotu: tell ironuckles about java01:06
Seveasjuanej, hit 'm' while you're at the control01:06
kaileyHow do I go about doing that? I clicked all the resolutions it has, and everything gets bigger.01:06
ironucklesI need the JDK for school01:06
dabaRkailey: if we have to give ou commands, we will, just tell me the monitor make and model...01:06
apokryphosubotu: tell ironuckles about tab01:06
apokryphoskailey: what's the highest you have there?01:06
ironucklesapokryphos, I'm a moron :-P01:06
apokryphosI'm sure you're not. ;-)01:06
=== codenut [n=upirc@ip142176058045.islandtelecom.com] has joined #ubuntu
ironucklesIn terms of IRC01:06
juanejSeveas, thx01:06
Seveasironuckles, get rid of /opt/jdk or whatever01:07
kailey1024x768, 800x600, 640x48001:07
kaileyThose are the only ones avaliable.01:07
Seveasand grab a .deb file from seveas.ubuntulinux.nl01:07
apokryphoskailey: and putting it on 1024 has everything still too big? What size monitor do you have?01:07
Seveaskailey, if 640x480 is too big for you, then get glasses.01:07
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC.01:07
apokryphoskailey: ..and, what graphics card do you have?01:07
kaileyEverything is huge.01:07
apokryphosSeveas: too big, as in, all the apps are huge. Seems reasonable.01:07
kaileyGet glasses?? If I got glasses everything would get BIGGER.01:07
kaileyI want everything to be small.01:07
dabaRif you got glasses, it would be blurry, make and model.01:08
apokryphoskailey: size monitor and graphics card?01:08
Seveasright, misdefinition of bigger and smaller....01:08
kaileyI have no idea.01:08
ironucklesSeveas, i'll try those instructions, thanks01:08
kaileyThe monitor is huge.01:08
=== TrekCycling_ [n=prestonc@c-24-22-124-39.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
robertbb_Does anyone here know where Evolution stores its emails?01:08
apokryphoskailey: 15" generally only hit around 1024x7...01:08
=== GioSico [n=GioSico@CPE-60-226-117-181.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Seveaskailey, add "1280x1024" to these lines in xorg.conf01:08
Seveasand restart the X server01:09
Belgainoh... another random question then i'll leave you guys alone (sorry... stilll a little new to the whole linux scene): is there any trouble upgrading hoary to the 2.6.13 kernel?01:09
dabaRwhy would you do that?01:09
Seveasit's not been tried a lot yet01:09
Belgainis there a ready-prepared ubuntu version in the ubuntu repositories?01:09
thoreauputicrobertbb: ~/.evolution/mail I assume01:09
=== GioSico [n=GioSico@CPE-60-226-117-181.qld.bigpond.net.au] has left #ubuntu []
bimberirobertbb: in subdirectories of ~/.evolution/mail01:09
SeveasBelgain, no01:09
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codenutcan you re compile the kernel?01:10
=== TrekCycling_ [n=prestonc@c-24-22-124-39.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
Belgaini want to upgrade, because quite a few md fixes have done into it, and that's what i'll be using the machine for (as a fileserver with RAID5 array)01:10
=== Diffindo [i=bloodrun@duppp-67-96-251-133.nas0.lmyn.pa.net] has joined #ubuntu
Belgaini don't know how critical the fixes are though01:10
Seveassoftware raid on hoary is a bit flaky due to udev race conditions01:11
damskowhy i cant take screenshots when menus are open?01:11
Belgainoh... that's good to know01:11
DiffindoI just uninstalled ubuntu from my hard drive, now, I need instructions for removing LILO from the MBR01:11
Seveasprobably that's fixed in breezy01:11
SeveasDiffindo, what do you want instead?01:11
mcphailSeveas: udev is a major pain. It's not fixed in Breezy yet01:11
Belgainhow stable is breezy?  is it just the tip, or is it fairly stable and tested?01:12
SeveasDiffindo, boot from a windows bootdisk and run fdisk /mbr01:12
SeveasBelgain, it's getting into shape01:12
DiffindoThank you01:12
naliothBelgain: wait until it says "Preview Release x"01:12
adriyelwhy do people have problems mounting windows drives? mine asked about it from the installation and made an entry into the fstab for me... :|01:12
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apokryphosBelgain: still fluctuates with some things, but gradually getting there.01:12
funkyHatadriyel, it depends on how you set up the system, it doesn't always ask01:13
mcphailSeveas: I have been having problems installing breezy onto an external hd. udev messes up the boot process for the same reason as above.01:13
Belgainwell... i kind of need a stable install now... i guess i could stick with slackware, but i'm not overrly impressed with it... and i'm still on a 2.4 kernel01:13
naliothmcphail: external devices dont work well with grub/yaboot/lilo01:13
nlogaxSeveas - is that true?! about software RAID race conditions01:14
apokryphosBelgain: if you definitely need stable then breezy, still, is probably not a good idea.01:14
Seveasnlogax, yes, I got bitten by them01:14
Seveashad to add a 'sleep 10' in a bootscript01:14
mcphailnalioth: Sarge is fine - doesn't use udev iirc01:14
Belgainis this a ubuntu issue, or a 2.6 kernel issue?01:14
=== tga [n=tga@S0106000f66aeaf64.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasBelgain, a udev issue01:14
naliothmcphail: i have 0 clue what a udev is01:14
nlogaxSeveas ouch - I have a small RAID 1, although it's only for docs and is only used occasionally01:14
damskowhy i cant take screenshots when menus are open?01:14
tgathe menus are classififed01:15
tgaclassified rather01:15
nlogaxSeveas haven't had any probs so will probably just put that it of mind ;-)01:15
damskotga thanks01:15
Seveasnlogax, it's highly hardware dependant01:15
Belgaini'll be setting up a 1TB nested RAID array so don't really want to be seeing any data corruption...01:16
funkyHattga, ?01:16
=== kailey [n=kailey@cpe-024-211-224-054.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nlogaxthis chan is such a great place to hang out to learn stuff01:16
tgafunkyHat, read the EULA, you're not allowed to take pictures of the menus01:16
funkyHatoh right. ok :S01:16
damskois there a way to do it ?01:17
Belgainso what distros are affected by udev?01:17
funkyHatyes kailey ?01:17
mcphailIs it possible to install breezy with devfs instead of udev?01:17
kaileyNever mind.01:18
mcphailBelgain: SuSE 9.3 has caused me problems. Some report that FC isn't as bad, but I haven't tried01:18
apokryphoskailey: how did it go?01:18
DiffindoI had a dual-boot machine with Ubuntu and WIn98, then windows went funky on me, tryed to reinstall and i kept getting error messages like "Installation interrupted"01:18
kaileyIt didn't..01:18
kaileyBut I'm not crying anymore. =)01:18
kaileyThat's good.01:18
apokryphoskailey: why didn't it go? What was the problem?01:18
DiffindoI have some questions about RAID...01:19
Belgainso what problems does this cause?  data corruption?  arrays not assembling?  disks dropping out?01:19
kaileyI have no idea. I just switched over to Ubuntu Linux from Windows 98. Everything in my screen is huge, and I don't know how to make it smaller.01:19
Diffindokailey, your resolution is high...01:19
kaileyI think I'm going to just have to suck it up and deal until I find a nerd walking around outside.01:19
apokryphoskailey: did you do what was mentioned earlier?01:19
kaileyYes. I've done everything you people told me to do.01:19
kaileyAnd everything that was on that website.01:20
apokryphoskailey: edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and put in "1280x1024" to where the other resolutions are01:20
mcphailBelgain: attempts to access disks during boot before udev has a chance to set them up -> kernel oops01:20
=== zblach [n=zblach@Toronto-HSE-ppp3855982.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphoskailey: ..did you do *that*?01:20
kaileyI'm sorry, but I have no idea how to do that. I'm not smart. I think that should be pretty obvious.01:20
DiffindoI heard that you need two or more identical HDs to set up a RAID config, is that true?01:20
mcphailDiffindo: not quite, but close. The wikipedia has a reasonable article.01:21
apokryphoskailey: it doesn't mean you can't try :). In a terminal, type: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:21
Diffindokailey, go to Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal and type the following01:21
DiffindoWhat he said...01:21
QuinthiusDiffindo: i don't know about hardware raid, but i've read some about software raid, and the partitions can be different size, but you will be limited by the smaller size01:21
Belgainhmm... on my slackware install i just add a line to manually mount the array using mdadm right at the end of the boot process.... the earlier automount fails because the driver for my SATA controller hasn't yet been loaded... that's always seemed to work for me...01:21
=== ToniSinalco [n=ksgnu@dsl-084-058-012-173.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
DiffindoWell, my new MB has onboard RAID, so I thought I would try it...01:21
QuinthiusDiffindo: for example RAID-1 with a 100m and 150m partition will be limited to 100m, i think01:21
kaileyThen what?01:22
funkyHatapokryphos, Diffindo i'd have thought running dpkg -reconfigure Xorg would be easier?01:22
QuinthiusDiffindo: and RAID-0 with 100 and 150 will combine to 200 instead of 25001:22
Belgainonboard raid tends to often have a lot of driver issues on linux... be warned01:22
apokryphosfunkyHat: thing is, that has quite a few other things that could be a pain to talk through.01:22
funkyHatthat's true. :)01:22
QuinthiusDiffindo: i might be wrong but that's how i understood things anyway01:22
apokryphosfunkyHat: for many users that is good recommendation, though.01:22
DiffindoBelgain: My test RAID will be set up in Windows, I want to make an Ubuntu Server Cluster eventually...01:23
ubotusound is, like, totally, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DebuggingSoundProblems/01:23
zblachanyone here know how to configure network printers?01:23
kaileyAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.01:24
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, raid is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaidConfigurationHowto01:24
DiffindoOh neat!01:24
dabaRits not about being smart, just need to learn something...01:24
dabaRkailey, is your resolution fixed yet?01:24
kaileyThank you for putting up with me. I appreciate it. I'm just going to do the whole "sucking up and dealing" thing.01:24
funkyHatapokryphos and Diffindo are helping her at the moment i believe dabaR01:24
ubotuwell, printers is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters01:25
kaileyBecause I think I'm going to die before I can fix this.01:25
=== funkyHat hopes her is correct ;)
zblach!network printers01:25
ubotuzblach: Are you smoking crack?01:25
kaileyHave a lovely night.01:25
Belgainam i right in thinking the udev problems won't be an issue if i'm not booting from the raid stripe, and just add a line to assemble and mount the array at the end of the boot sequence?01:25
apokryphoskailey: you forget that we're here to help. 8)01:25
kaileyOh I know you are. =) That's why I thanked you.01:25
=== marfis [n=marfis__@i3ED6E21F.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
zblachi find that for every problem i nail down, two more show up01:25
=== funky [n=repulse@unaffiliated/funky] has joined #ubuntu
kaileyBut I'd rather not waste any more of your time.01:25
apokryphoskailey: well, we haven't fixed the problem yet.01:25
apokryphoskailey: you're not wasting our time if we're here to help ;-).01:26
naliothkailey: come over to #kubuntu and talk to us there, it's a bit quieter01:26
funkywhat is the meaning to exist virtual (non meta-packages) packages in apt ?01:26
funkyHatkailey, the reason people are in this room is either to get help, or to give it01:26
kaileyGive help to people who can actually use it.01:26
kaileyI'm an idiot.01:26
kailey<~-- Idiot01:26
=== Diffindo is away -( Crossed Fingers )- at 7:26pm -( P:On / L:On )-
=== Diffindo is now known as {Diffindo}
naliothkailey: we all suffer id10t errors01:26
nalioth{Diffindo}: turn that off, please01:27
mcphailBelgain: i think that will be ok as long as /bin and /sbin are not mounted on the stripe01:27
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Belgainmcphail: thanks... they won't be, so i should be ok01:27
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funkyHatkailey, you managed to install ubuntu, and open up an IRC client, that's better than most windows uers i know XD01:28
zblachanyone here networked a printer successfully?01:28
kaileyfunkyHat: Heh...01:28
mcphailBelgain: but in all honesty, I'm guessing!01:28
paul_how do you turn on and off items in alsamixer?01:28
Belgainprobably best as i need to make sure the arrays get assembled in the right order (as they're nested)01:28
zblachpaul_, 'M'01:28
funkyHatkailey, did you manage to get the 'gedit' window to appear with the xorg.conf file in it?01:28
Belgaindoes nomal mdadm autodection take care of this for you? eg RAID10 or RAID50?01:28
kaileyNo sir.01:29
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*bloodrun@*.pa.net] by Seveas
kaileyI just don't know what that is.01:29
Seveas{Diffindo}, turn of that bloody annoying script01:29
funkyHatit will look something like notepad01:29
kaileyYes I got that.01:29
kaileyBut I didn't know what to do with it.01:29
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flodineanyone running gmusicbrowser?01:30
flodinei need help01:30
=== syn-ack is not currently running Linux on any of his desktop boxen
naliothsyn-ack: we feel for you01:30
zblachsyn-ack, good choice01:30
funkyHatkailey, click on the Find button in the toolbar, and put in Section "Screen"01:30
flodinegmusicbrowser help01:30
zblachubotu, tell flodine gmusicbrowser01:31
mcphailBelgain: I've never tried RAID10. Never had more than 2 disks to play with!01:31
zblachubotu, tell flodine about gmusicbrowser01:31
=== david_ [n=david@CPE-60-225-177-114.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Belgaini'll have 6 + 1 for booting01:31
syn-acknalioth: heh, I dont mind using $other_OS on the desktop boxen. The only thing that matters is that $webserver is running Linux01:31
funkyHatkailey, then click Find, and then Close01:31
flodineubotu sleep01:31
ubotuflodine: Are you on ritalin?01:31
funkyHat(in the little window that appears when you click Find in the first place)01:31
=== SnakeBite [n=SnakeBit@] has joined #ubuntu
nlogaxgoodnight all - and no sleeping on the job you little Ubuntu gnomes01:32
flodineritalin whats that01:32
=== funkyHat pokes nlogax with a large pick-up truck
zblachubotu, tell flodine about ritalin01:32
Quinthiusubotu, tell quinthius about ritalin01:32
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Quinthiusbah he doesn't even know what it is01:33
funkyHatkailey, are you still following me?01:33
naliothsyn-ack: and web proxy on the linux box?01:33
zblachubotu, ritalin is Methylphenidate is a medication prescribed for individuals (usually children) who have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which consists of a persistent pattern of abnormally high levels of activity, impulsivity, and/or inattention that is more frequently displayed and more severe than is typically observed in individuals with comparable levels of development.01:33
ubotuokay, zblach01:33
flodineritalin what is it01:33
syn-acknalioth: I dont have a proxy server. Dont need one01:34
SoledAnyone here know anything about saslauthd and kerberos?01:34
=== Belgain [n=chatzill@thebelgain.plus.com] has left #ubuntu []
kaileyfunkyHat.. there is no find button on my toolbar.01:35
naliothsyn-ack: if i were running a windows network (even a home one) id run squid > clamav >01:35
=== Maikeru chuckles
MaikeruI was running aircrack and it wasn't working01:35
syn-acknalioth: I have other precautions for that01:35
Maikeruturns out it was trying to crack a 128-bit key instead of 6401:35
funkyHatkailey, sorry, i forgot you have a low resolution, it will appear in a menu if you click the little downwards-facing arrow at the right hand end of the gedit toolbar01:35
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=== imterro [n=imterro@wbs-196-2-101-185.wbs.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRMaikeru: :-/?01:36
syn-acknalioth: Im not one of your n00bs. I know what Im doing. :p01:36
=== Kratos [i=bloodrun@duppp-141-158-166-86.nas0.lmyn.pa.net] has joined #ubuntu
naliothsyn-ack: then share, bubba. i'm a n00b at things, too01:36
MaikerudabaR, ?01:36
=== imterro apparently doesnt know what he is doing
imterroi am having trouble loging into root...01:36
=== Maikeru waits for aircrack to do its thing
funkyHatimterro, that's because root is disabled01:37
funkyHatuse sudo01:37
Maikeruroot is disabled where?01:37
MaikeruOn ubuntu?01:37
Maikeruno it's not01:37
syn-acknalioth: Lets just say I have a hell of firewall+IDS running and installed to the point to where I dont need a proxy server01:37
=== kailey [n=kailey@cpe-024-211-224-054.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Maikerunot perm at least01:37
uboturumour has it, sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo01:37
funkyHatMaikeru, it is. it's easy to enable again if you need it01:37
Maikeruimterro, sudo passwd01:37
funkyHatbut it is disabled :P01:37
kaileyIt didn't do anything.. =/ I must have done it wrong.01:37
naliothsyn-ack: cool01:38
syn-ackimterro: never said you were a n00b. :p01:38
funkyHatMaikeru, that isn't advisable, using sudo is a better option01:38
Maikeruthen you can set your desired root pass and su into root from there on out01:38
imterrobleh i am a noob :P01:38
apokryphoskailey: no. Now go to the menu section and select to change your resolution01:38
MaikeruNot if you know what you're doing01:38
funkyHatMaikeru, leave the noob alone, he doesn't need a root password01:38
MaikeruSudo isn't nec. better01:38
apokryphoskailey: does 1280x1024 come up there?01:38
kaileyMenu Section...01:38
MaikeruHow will they learn?01:38
apokryphoskailey: System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution01:38
MaikeruIf they rm -rf / once or twice, they'll eventually learn01:38
Maikerubut if you baby them then they'll always be newbies01:39
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david_hey folks, got a simpleish questions...  How do I change prompt in a terminal ?01:39
david_atm it's way too long...01:39
naliothMaikeru: that's uncalled for in here01:39
kaileyNo. It doesn't come up, apokryphos.01:39
syn-ackMaikeru: OMFG, someone who agrees with me!01:39
BubbleflyWhat do I need to install to open .ace files?01:39
funkyHatapokryphos, i'm talking her through editing xorg.conf01:39
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=== Kratos [i=bloodrun@duppp-141-158-166-86.nas0.lmyn.pa.net] has joined #ubuntu
david_change *the prompt01:39
naliothBubblefly: unace-nonfree01:39
Maikerunalioth, what is uncalled for in here?01:39
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-25-55.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
BubbleflyThanks, nalioth. :)01:39
apokryphosfunkyHat: I already got the 1280 etc resolution in the xorg.conf, but apparently it's not showing up01:39
damskohow can i change the gaim icon that is in gnome panel?01:39
funkyHatapokryphos, did she restart X?01:40
=== apokryphos guesses that he/she needs the respective driver
dabaRMaikeru: man rm01:40
=== dabaR high fives himself
MaikeruI didn't tell ANYONE to do it01:40
funkyHatapokryphos, did you find out what graphics card she has?01:40
MaikeruI said -IF- they do they'll learn01:40
MaikeruGod damn people01:40
Quinthiusdavid_: edit ~/.bashrc and change PS1 ... i comment out the prompt code there and add something like: PS1='\W \$ '01:40
david_thanks QMario01:40
=== DonL [n=don@d206-116-131-181.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
Quinthiusdavid_: and then run: source ~/.bashrc01:41
naliothMaikeru: that is not a good education01:41
funkyHatperhaps using vnc could get her fixed up. although that would set a bad precident01:41
funkyHatapokryphos, ^01:41
=== KingArthur [n=arthur@] has joined #Ubuntu
kaileyIs there anyone I can call?01:41
naliothkailey: i can get you working01:41
MaikeruI was saying -IF- they rm -rf / once or twice they will learn01:41
imterroso i dont need to be root to edit system files one ubuntu?01:41
Maikerumy point is not to baby them01:41
syn-ackkailey: Ghostbusters01:41
MaikeruThey're not little children who need to have their hand held to cross the street.01:41
=== apokryphos chuckles
kaileyI wish.01:41
=== billytwowilly [n=billy@S0106000c413a2c0c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
naliothkailey: join #kubuntu i think i can get you going01:41
kaileyBut they didn't include their number in the song.01:41
dabaRMaikeru: I always edit pam.d for su in wheel...not set a root password...01:42
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dabaRanyhow, so...01:42
funkyHatMaikeru, that's not a brilliant policy with a distro like ubuntu, a lot of the new users it attracts would just be put off forever by doing something like that01:42
damskohow can i change the gaim icon that is in gnome panel?01:42
KingArthurI know this is a hardware question, but you guys normally are quite helpful.  I've got a laptop here with a dead harddrive.  It had an ATA-100 HD in it.  Are the ATA-6 harddrives interchangable with ATA-100's?01:42
MaikeruBut the point is if they do it they'll learn01:43
MaikeruI didn't sit here and scream:01:43
=== Shikamaroo [n=Shika@c-24-34-49-170.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
funkyHatMaikeru, they aren't newbie hackers, they are computer users01:43
syn-ackkailey: Im sorry, I had to do that.01:43
Maikeru"EVERYONE! TYPE rm -rf / AS ROOT!"01:43
MaikeruI said -IF- they do then they'll learn01:43
Shikamaroohey all i need some help01:43
syn-ackMaikeru: Silence.01:43
kaileysyn-ack.. do what?01:43
apokryphosmikelds: please don't say that; some really don't know better.01:43
kaileysyn-ack Say Ghostbusters?01:43
QuinthiusMaikeru: or, people can just warn them not to, and explain to them what it does, and they won't have to do it to learn...01:43
syn-ackkailey: yeah01:43
funkyHatMaikeru, good point :P01:44
MaikeruI didn't tell ANYONE to do it01:44
dreamiesomeone help me01:44
damskohow can i change the gaim icon that is in gnome panel?01:44
MaikeruI was saying -if- for some stupid reason they do01:44
Maikeruthen they will learn and know not to01:44
dreamiei jsut installed ubuntu and it didnt go to window manager01:44
MaikeruI would -never- tell someone to01:44
Maikeruthat's just moronic and that would make me a jackass01:44
syn-ackMaikeru: And yet you did.01:44
=== blunted [n=rusto@cpc2-swin2-3-0-cust23.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
QuinthiusMaikeru: i'm not saying you did, but you're making it out to be like learning the "hard" way is the only way to learn01:44
Maikerusyn-ack, when did I tell them to?01:44
dabaRkailey: do you have that monitor model and make?01:44
MaikeruI -QUOTED-01:44
MaikeruI said01:44
Maikeruthat I DIDN'T say that01:44
apokryphosMaikeru: it's of little relevance, if people only read one post.01:44
bluntedi got 2 hard drives01:44
dabaRis he still here?01:45
apokryphoscontext isn't always considered, unfortunately01:45
=== pauldaoust [n=paul@S01060080c8b49157.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
bluntedand the primary has ubuntu on it01:45
MaikeruQuinthius, I didn't say to learn the hard way01:45
KingArthuranyone know if an ATA-6 harddrive is interchangable with an ATA-100?01:45
dabaRI mean, the "m" dude...01:45
bluntedand the secondary has windows 98 on it01:45
bluntedhow do i get to my windows 98 hd?01:45
MaikeruI'm saying if some idiot tells someone to rm -rf / and no one tells them not to and they do then I guess they'll learn01:45
Shikamarooi finished installing the new breezy badger onto my g3 power pc and it isnt booting, the setup completed and told me to take out the cd and let it reboot but now it is flashing the mac os icon and a ? icon, and every few seconds it stays on the mac os icon for a few seconds then starts flashing agen01:45
damskohow can i change the gaim icon that is in gnome panel? none?  :(01:45
syn-ackMaikeru: I stand corrected, but -please- dont ever say that again. a n00b would do it, Ive seen it01:45
Maikerubut you shouldn't baby them and tell them not to use root01:45
=== AYLA^ [n=^bahar^@modemcable241.20-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
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pauldaousthullo chaps... anyone have experience with ATI Rage cards in x.org? I'm only getting 90 fps in glxgears; is that pretty typical?01:45
=== mv-ZLOI [n=zzz@] has joined #ubuntu
!lilo:*! Hi all. Hints again: 01:46
mv-ZLOIhi all01:46
imterroguys im not noob enough to do that...01:46
apokryphosMaikeru: err, it's good to not use root.01:46
syn-ackMaikeru: root isnt needed in Ubuntu execpt for a VERY few things (ie SWAT) thats why they installed and configured sudo.01:46
dabaRdamsko: in your menu?01:46
QuinthiusMaikeru: i agree, but we should at least explain to them that it's not very necessary and can be less secure if they aren't careful01:46
apokryphosMaikeru: not just because you can cause irrecoverable damage.01:46
mv-ZLOImozet tut ktonit mne pamo401:46
dabaRYou can edit the whole menu pretty nice too.01:46
syn-ackapokryphos: its not bad to use root as long as you use it wisely01:46
=== izmseviye [n=^bahar^@modemcable241.20-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
MaikeruFuck it01:47
Shikamaroocan anyone help me?01:47
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apokryphossyn-ack: using it wisely involves not always using it.01:47
=== Bartimaeus [n=ed@h196.144.40.69.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
MaikeruJust fuck it01:47
Shikamarooy not01:47
apokryphosMaikeru: language...01:47
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %Maikeru!*@*] by Seveas
mv-ZLOItut russkie est01:47
dabaRthank you...01:47
=== Maikeru [n=Maikeru@adsl-69-154-135-238.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu []
apokryphosSeveas: you're never gonna let me flex my muscles, eh :P01:47
damskodabar the one who is in gnome panel01:47
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %Maikeru!*@*] by Seveas
syn-ackapokryphos: hehe. yeah, n00bs dont always understand stuff like that.01:47
damskonot in gnome menu01:47
bimberiapokryphos: you have to be quicker :)01:47
Seveasapokryphos, I'm going to be in -5 minutes01:47
pauldaoustfine, I'm gonna talk to the bot.01:47
dabaRdamsko: um... can you right click on it, and properties?01:47
KingArthurI guess no one has any answers here.  Just talking aobut freaking messing with newbies.  peace out01:47
apokryphosbimberi: 8)01:47
flughi think using root is fine, as long as you aren't doing it because you're too lazy to use sudo or su on the occastions you need root privs01:47
=== izmir^ADNAN^ [n=^bahar^@modemcable241.20-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
mv-ZLOIrussrie help01:48
pauldaoustubotu: tell me about Ati01:48
dabaRnight, then...01:48
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apokryphosSeveas: prime time!01:48
Bartimaeusanyone know the command to tune memmory?01:48
syn-ackflugh: I have personal reasons for not using sudo, so I dont.01:48
syn-acktune memory?01:48
Seveasif only I can figurw out some glad crapola :)01:48
reikiok here's a situation I encountered more than once. I download a file... like a gnome theme. I can use file roller to uncompress it, but I can't then copy it to the proper directory because I don't have permission. Should I be starting file roller using gksudo and THEN doing that whole operation?01:48
Shikamaroois there a way to boot by using the firmware?01:48
mv-ZLOIrusskie help plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!01:48
=== shefa [n=shefa@MTL-HSE-ppp205868.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
funkyHatsudo cheated on syn-ack once. now he's got cold feet01:48
=== tekmerc [n=bharath@cpe-24-58-41-200.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveas!tell mv-ZLOI about ask01:48
syn-ackfunkyHat: haha01:48
shefaHi everybody01:49
=== bur[n] er [n=norml@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
Shikamaroocan sum1 pm me and help plz01:49
flughreiki: put it in your ~/.themes you have perms there right?01:49
=== fblade [n=fblade@82-38-178-242.cable.ubr02.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Seveas!tell Shikamaroo about ask01:49
pauldaoustShikamaroo: outta my league01:49
funkyHatShikamaroo, what was your question?01:49
syn-ackfunkyHat: its more along the lines that I dont like its security scheme and I know when to use su -.01:49
shefaHey does anybody know how can I enable my tv-out on my ATI card01:49
=== nerdy2 [n=jeff@adsl-68-21-1-164.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
reikiflugh, yeah, but file roller doesn't seem to be able to "see" the hidden directories01:49
funkyHatsyn-ack, fair point01:49
flughshefa: have you tried asking it nicely in a calm, reassuring tone?01:49
Shikamarooi finished installing the new breezy badger onto my g3 power pc and it isnt booting, the setup completed and told me to take out the cd and let it reboot but now it is flashing the mac os icon and a ? icon, and every few seconds it stays on the mac os icon for a few seconds then starts flashing agen01:49
funkyHati find sudo adequete01:50
fbladehow can i merge two linux partion as one, "root"partion and a secondry partion01:50
funkyHata clear-sudo-timer type command would be nice on occasions though01:50
funkyHatis there one?01:50
pauldaoustfblade: don't think it can be done01:50
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shefaflugh: I did-read above01:50
funkyHatShikamaroo, breezy badger hasn't been released yet01:50
Bartimaeusanyone know how to optimize your memory in terminal01:50
david_Quinthius, that worked, thanks.  Do you know the command to only show say the last 2 folders in my current path ?01:50
Shikamaroowhat r u talking about? i have it01:50
david_currently it shows the entire path which is what's stuffing me around01:50
!lilo:*! (Whoops, went into swap there. :) Anyway, just a reminder. To receive private messages from unregistered users, just register your nick and: /msg nickserv set unfiltered on01:51
Shikamarooits expirimental cd01:51
=== Orbi- [n=r00t@baana11-237.verkkotieto.fi] has joined #ubuntu
funkyHatShikamaroo, it's still testing software. hoary hedgehog (5.04) is the current version01:51
DonLI have  a root terminal in my application list if I have to do more work as root01:51
Quinthiusdavid_: i don't think there is one built in, but i'm sure you could do it with sed or something... (which i'm not too familiar with)01:51
blunteddabaR, word. thx01:51
Shikamaroohoary hedgehog wont setup, it has errors during setup01:51
shefaflugh: And even if this is not nice enough for you, please be my guest and show me how do I do that, because apperantly my parents didn't teach me manners01:51
david_hm, k, thanks again Quinthius  :)01:51
bluntedmaybe your cd has scratches?01:52
flughi'm too 1337 to sudo. i just run p3wnme.sh when i need root ;)01:52
bluntedmine had scratches and it wouldn't make it all the way thru the install01:52
bluntedso i used another disk :P01:52
apokryphosShikamaroo: you're going to have to give the people in here more info than that. :)01:52
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Quinthiusdavid_: full path is \w, last part of path is \W... man bash and scroll down a lot (to arund line 2000-ish) to see more options01:52
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flughshefa: i've never monkeyed with tv-out on my nvidia. sorry.01:53
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=== Answer [n=ubuntu@pool-70-17-169-155.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
AnswerHello World!01:53
funkyHathi Answer01:53
h17m4nhow do I play live streams? like a mms:// link?01:53
funkyHatthis isn't world though01:53
shefaflugh: Thanks man.01:53
funkyHatit's #ubuntu01:53
dabaRdamsko: what, then, its either on the panel, or in the menu.01:53
imterrohey so if i wanted to set a root pw01:53
dabaRIf its on the panel, you can right click and properties, if its in te menu, there is a way too.01:53
Quinthiusdavid_: around lines 2300 to be exact, just looked :)01:53
apokryphosimterro: sudo passwd01:53
imterroi would just say sudo <pw>01:53
kevogodemerge world01:54
apokryphosimterro: though, there should be no need to.01:54
imterrosweet thanks01:54
funkyHatimterro, no01:54
AnswerQuestion: [From Live CD]  Changes do not appear to persist on /dev/hda2 formatted as Linux and mounted as /mnt ?01:54
apokryphosimterro: no. sudo passwd  ...it'll then ask for it.01:54
syn-ackapokryphos: How long does it usually take one of the CDs you order to get to your doorstep?01:54
Shikamaroookay, so while i was installing hoary hedgehog, when yaboot was installing it gave me an error then showed me the list of steps the setup goes through, i selected verify cd  and it finished with file errors saying files were corrupt, i redownloaded it and got the same exact error01:54
shefaflugh: I have an ATI, and remeber that when I was using Mandrake, there was an option in the "Configure pannel" that you can set that option on, but here in Ubuntu I don't see anything like that01:54
imterrook cool01:54
apokryphossyn-ack: entirely depends on where you are; a couple of weeks, generally.01:54
imterrowhy would i not need root01:54
david_Quinthius = legend01:54
kevogodsyn-ack: I am guessing you will be receiving Breezy if you ordered now.01:54
apokryphosimterro: because there is sudo. :)01:54
apokryphosubotu: tell imterro about sudo01:54
!lilo:*! More odds and ends: you can let your users know who's available to accept private messages in your support channel topic. And if you don't frequent large channels, "/msg nickserv set unfiltered on" probably won't catch you much spam.01:55
Quinthiusshefa: i believe there is an app that can... fglrx-control or ati-control or something01:55
AnswerQuestion: How to write to the harddrive from Live CD 5.0.4 ?01:55
kevogodsyn-ack: So probably in a long while.01:55
shefaI would appreciate any kind of help in regards to the tv-out option my ATI-I have no idea how can turn it on01:55
DonLapokryphos, maybe that's why I never got my Hoary ones.01:55
syn-ackapokryphos: are they coming from the UK or is there a DC in the states for who order here?01:55
damskodabar its in the panel01:55
dabaRdamsko, have a screenshot up on paste.ubuntulinux.nl yet?01:55
=== Daemon404 [i=daemon40@S01060040ca74daff.tb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
syn-ackkevogod: Im not in any hurry, I dont have a box in which I can install it anyway01:55
AnswerXappe nickrud mcphail [ping] 01:55
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apokryphosapparently the official estimate is 4-6 weeks01:56
h17m4nshefe: if you're using fglrx drivers, you're able to install the control panel01:56
h17m4nati control panel that is01:56
shefaQuinthius, I'll give it a shot now. I believe I have the Ati-control installed already. The fglrx-control doesn't support mu card01:56
DonLMy old disks came from Holland01:56
=== apokryphos is annoyed with shipit for no kubuntu CDs
Shikamaroodoes ne1 know why my ipod isnt recognised in the hoary hedgehog live version? do i have to set it up and mount it b4 i can use it in the music player?01:56
AnswerQuestion: Is there a BitTorrent server for the Hoary Hedgehog Install CD?01:56
cafuegoooh, shalty.01:56
Quinthiusshefa: wait, i just came across the package "atitvout" in synaptic. that might be what you want :)01:57
apokryphosShikamaroo: probably, yes. Mount it under /mnt/ipod -- standard location.01:57
shefah17m4n, Those drivers dosn't supprot my Rage128 card01:57
cafuegoShikamaroo: it should get detected OK _IF_ it is initialised; mine show up under /media/ipod01:57
naliothAnswer: there is a torrent server01:57
=== lopingo [n=lopingo@espeed26-204.brunet.bn] has joined #ubuntu
shefaQuinthius, I tried that already. I dosn't work for some reason with my card01:57
h17m4nbut I'm sure they have the control panel... I dont know if it would work with the set ur using01:57
=== tom- [n=tom@adsl-220-142-51.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shikamaroomine is an ipod mini, maybe thats y?01:57
Quinthiusshefa: doh :(01:58
apokryphosAnswer: you can get torrents etc from releases.ubuntu.com01:58
=== thechitowncubs [n=thechito@c-67-175-52-127.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Answernalioth apokryphos Question: From GNome BitTorrent on the Live CD, what is the "meta file" ?01:58
tom-is there any directory like slackware's /etc/rc.d/ ?01:58
HrdwrBoBtom-: slackware uses BSD style init01:59
apokryphosAnswer: eh?01:59
Seveas/etc/init.d and /etc/rc*.d/01:59
naliothAnswer: go to that URL apokryphos sent you01:59
HrdwrBoBtom-: all the init scripts are in /etc/init.d01:59
tom-ok thanks HrdwrBoB01:59
HrdwrBoBand are called like this /etc/init.d/foo start01:59
shefaQuinthius, ITah I know. It sucks. ATI used to support the control pannel for my card, but apperently not anymore01:59
HrdwrBoBor stop, or restart or reload01:59
tom-and can I set ubuntu to update automatically and not ask for a password ?01:59
naliothtom-: if you are daring, yes01:59
!lilo:*! And finally, remember that unregistered users are *important*. They're where new users come from. If you +r your support channel, so that only registered users can use it, be sure to +f the other users to an open channel for support. Thanks!01:59
bimberiAnswer: usually it will be  <something>.torrent (which you get from a website)01:59
HrdwrBoBtom-: yes, you can change /etc/sudoers01:59
damskodabar http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/193802:00
funkyHatHrdwrBoB, he doesn't need to do that, he could set up a cron job02:00
shefah17m4n,  Ok, I'll try it one more time. do you have a web site where I can download them, because I forgot where i got them initialy from02:00
tom-HrdwrBoB, if I put an executable in this directory, it willl execute automaticallly ?02:00
HrdwrBoBtom-: no02:00
dabaRdamsko: thats the tray icon...02:00
Answernalioth, apokryphos, bimberi, Thank You!02:00
h17m4nsudo apt-get install fglrx <--02:00
dabaRdamsko: if anywhere, check the forums...02:00
funkyHatto run apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade at a certain time every night02:00
h17m4nbut hold on02:01
h17m4nlet me give you a good how to02:01
AnswerQuestion: How can I download to the /dev/hda2 (/mnt) harddrive from the Live CD?02:01
damskowhat forums?02:01
apokryphosAnswer: can you access it?02:01
dabaRdamsko: and that firefox logo can be fixed, on the forums too.02:01
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tom-I don't want the people here to be able to mess up the computer but I would still like them to have the updates02:01
thechitowncubsHey everyone, i just upgraded to breezy but skype craps out... but i know what the problem is, i had the same problem when upgrading to hoary, its missing this package (at least this was the package it was missing in hoary):  libqt3c102-mt02:01
funkyHatHrdwrBoB, wouldn't that be more secure than changing sudoers?02:01
HrdwrBoBfunkyHat: yes02:02
apokryphosthechitowncubs: so install it.02:02
fbladeok ive got gparted but the linux partion is lock so i cant make changes even as root any ideas?02:02
HrdwrBoBbut you can't just put an executable in /etc/init.d02:02
thechitowncubsThe package isn't included in the breezy repos...02:02
HrdwrBoByou need to put a script in there that understands start/stop02:02
Answerapokryphos: I can read and write files to /dev/hda2 (/mnt) but they do not persist on reboot [Live CD] 02:02
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HrdwrBoBthen use update-rc.d to add it02:02
nalioththechitowncubs: howz that yahoo project goin?02:02
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apokryphosAnswer: ah, you want to download directly there with the torrent? Hm.02:02
apokryphosI'm not even sure if the gnome bittorrent allows you to specify a location02:03
funkyHatapokryphos, it does02:03
naliothapokryphos: it does not02:03
naliothfunkyHat: really?02:03
AnswerRunning on the Live CD, there is not enough memory to download the Install CD without writing to the HardDrive02:03
fbladeok ive got gparted but the linux partion is lock so i cant make changes even as root any ideas?02:03
funkyHatyou can also set upload caps and max uploaders02:03
=== Dalkus is now known as Dalk-ZZzz
AnswerHow can I download the Install CD from the Live CD ?02:03
dabaRtom-, I always set up an administrative account for myself, and set up a dynamic dns, and then ssh to work on something...02:03
apokryphosfunkyHat: where/how?02:03
=== RedGhost [n=power@S0106000c6e212de6.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
naliothfunkyHat: yes, tell us02:04
thechitowncubsnalioth, that was just a quick script i wanted to try out, not much of a project :P, but it could be if I knew what I was doing :)02:04
apokryphosAnswer: unfortunately there's not an easy way to do that yet. BUt if you get the torrent then it should be ok...02:04
nalioththechitowncubs: it works well enough02:04
Answerapokryphos: Can I make a new partition, downlaod the torrent, and boot from there (run the Install Cd without a burner) ?02:04
tom-dabaR, I guess I should do that02:04
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funkyHatwhen you open a torrent with gnome bittorrent, it asks you where you want to save it, then when the torrent has started, you get 3 tabs in the window. the first one is download stats, the second is upload stats and options, and the 3rd is events02:05
thechitowncubsnalioth, yep :)02:05
apokryphosAnswer: check what funkyHat says.02:05
apokryphosAnswer: you will be able to download the ISO directly to the /mnt, since you can acces it.02:05
h17m4nhow do I play live streams? like a mms:// link?02:06
dabaRtom-, well, ez-ipupdate, and a dyndns account is what I use. openssh-server also, and if its a hoary install, sudo adduser userName, set it up, and sudo adduser userName admin02:06
thechitowncubsIs there any way I can download a deb from an hoary repo from like an online location02:06
=== armanmx [n=arrodrig@codec.dgsca.unam.mx] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosthechitowncubs: packages.ubuntu.com02:07
dabaRtom-: you can also do it gui.02:07
shefah17m4n, Thatnks man. I'm reading it as we speak02:07
tom-dabaR, that sounds good, thanks02:07
=== Alinux [n=Ubuntu@p54A38043.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Answerapokryphos, funkyHat, Thank You!02:07
h17m4nshefa, I went thru many howtos, but I only got it right when I followed that one02:07
=== Topslakr [n=Topslakr@24-53-13-169.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
AnswerQuestion: Can I make a bootable partition, download the Install CD there, and reboot from it?02:08
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funkyHati was under the impression there was a way to install from the livecd02:08
apokryphosfunkyHat: unfortunately not, no.02:09
erirlarwhere can i get a package list of the apps ubuntu use?02:09
naliothfunkyHat: not the ubuntu liveCD (knoppix based ones, yes)02:09
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funkyHatoh right02:09
apokryphosThere were a few that had a secret "install" option, but I don't remember which ones.02:09
naliotherirlar: packages.ubuntu.com02:09
thechitowncubsAlright well the hoary package didn't work02:09
funkyHatmust have just misunderstood something i read then02:09
funkyHati just use the pressed CDs anyway, so i never tried it02:09
thechitowncubsIf anyone has used skype on breezy let me know please :)02:09
apokryphosthere was some talk of having only a install+live cd like MEPIS, but talk of that seems to have died down. Few issues I don't care to remember :P02:10
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Madpilotany owners of Canon digital cameras here? What do you have to do to get a Canon Powershot A510 to work in Hoary?02:10
AnswerQuestion: Is there now way to have Grub load from a partition containing the Install CD ??02:10
apokryphosthechitowncubs: are you using the debian repo? That seems to work fine.02:10
dabaRtom-: ya, its pretty awesome, you need to know basic things like nuking the config files, usually at ~/.programName when an app wont start. sudo killall appname kills all instances of an application...some things are respawed in gnome, like the panel...02:11
thechitowncubsapokryphos, debian repo provided by skype?02:11
thechitowncubsI am using that... it installed fine, it doesn't run though.02:11
shefah17m4n, Do you know how can I check my kernel ver02:11
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=== apokryphos tries to run skype
apokryphosslow as ever, but it does come up.02:12
funkyHatyou need the qt libs etc for skype...02:12
DonLshefa, uname -r02:12
AlinuxOShello guys , I've installed breezy and hoary on 2 differente partitions, how can I configure grub to boot both OS? thank yuo.02:13
thechitowncubsmight have found the solution....02:13
AnswerQuestion: Why is there no way to install without burning cds?02:14
thechitowncubsand yes i did02:14
h17m4nQuestion: How do I listen to live stream audios like one from a mms:// link?02:14
fbladeis gparted on the livecd of ubuntu?02:14
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dabaRfblade: the download page can tell you that.02:14
Answerh17m4n: rythmbox, xmms02:14
naliothfblade: no, but you can install it02:14
thechitowncubsI had to install libstdc++502:15
naliothh17m4n: try rhythmbox02:15
mike1980hi guys ubuntu will not detect my cdrom on install can anyone help please?02:15
naliothh17m4n: microsoft codecs are not linux friendly usually02:15
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syn-acknalioth: I use them just fine. :p02:15
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syn-acknalioth: And thats when I do run Linux. :p02:16
=== FireRabbit [n=FireRabb@c-67-183-18-60.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mike1980i have this same problem http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-22542.html02:17
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naliothsyn-ack: you can access mms streams? you are running an x86 box?02:17
naliothsyn-ack: microsoft multimedia stream02:17
FireRabbithey after updating to breezy it seems that fonts in ~/.fonts are no longer being picked up, has anyone else noticed this?02:17
naliothsyn-ack: like what you connect to for shoutcast, but soiled by microsoft02:18
syn-acknalioth: Dont know, the only thing I stream is mp3 and AAC02:18
dabaRFireRabbit: I am sure many have...02:18
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naliothsyn-ack: h17m4n asked about mms: streams02:18
benjanethow can i install JAVA on breezy (for firefox use)02:18
XorlevWhich command sends system wide broadcast messages to SSH, console, etc.02:18
FireRabbitdabaR, what do you mean by that?02:19
dabaRthe answer to your question02:19
dabaRWhat did you read, what did you ry?02:20
nalioth!tell benjanet about java02:20
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FireRabbitI guess i'll just file a bug report02:21
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apokryphosbenjanet: the hoary-extras pack seems to work fine.02:21
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thechitowncubsthats pretty amazing, my keyboard acer laptop shortcuts work!02:22
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thechitowncubsthat is worth the price of admission02:22
flughw00t. miami@fsu is on :)02:22
thechitowncubsflugh, is it on espn or what?02:22
Shikamaroohow do i mount my ipod mini in the live?02:22
damskosomeone knows how to change the gaim tray icon? http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/193802:23
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sorush20when will firefox two be released02:24
funkyHatafter firefox 1.502:25
funkyHatand before firefox 2.102:25
robitaillesorush20,   2006    http://www.mozilla.org/projects/firefox/roadmap.html02:26
Ex-Cybersorush20: the current general plan (subject to change) can be found at http://www.mozilla.org/projects/firefox/roadmap.html02:26
Shikamaroodoes ne1 know how to use an ipod mini in the live verwsion?02:26
fbladeit's made no diffrence to the resize option its still grayed out02:26
armanmxHi, I'm pretty new on this, I've already intatall ubunto to leave windows, just wwant to know where is installe firefox to upgrade02:27
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h17m4nQuestion: What about m3u files, is mplayer compatible with it out of the box or is a plugin needed?02:27
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tom-usb is not installed by befault in the kernel ??02:28
sorush20how can I change my default email client from evolution to thunderbird in firefox02:29
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bimberiarmanmx: an upgrade to firefox 1.0.6 will occur if/when you update your system02:30
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naliothsorush20: system > prefs > preferred applications02:30
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dreamieoh i see02:30
dreamiethere is a particular file that can not be installed02:30
dreamiewhich makes it "fail installation"02:31
dreamieany ideas how to fix this?02:31
armanmxbimberi: thats mean that I need to upgrade to 5.0402:31
=== TokenBad [n=tokenbad@c-24-20-250-136.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bimberitom-: usb is "enabled", whether a particular device will work is another question02:31
bimberiarmanmx: ah, you're using warty?02:31
TokenBadWTF is up with ubuntu?02:32
armanmxbimberi:Nop, I have 4.1002:32
eugeneHelp, !! A desperate windows user trying to convert. I want to install (lets say) Acrobat reader but am unaware how to (used to Install or Setup) cand anyone help?02:32
armanmxbimberi:I could not install 5.04 because got an error02:32
naliotheugene: learn about synaptic02:32
HrdwrBoBeugene: xpdf doesn't work?02:33
TokenBadcheck the unofficial help page02:33
ubotu[synaptic]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto02:33
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naliotheugene: synaptic is your doorway to all applications for ubuntu02:33
h17m4nsynaptic is whats good02:33
apokryphosTokenBad: ?02:33
sorush20I'm not using gnome I'm using KDE02:33
h17m4nI actually think its easier to install apps thru synaptics than windows02:33
eugeneThanks all02:33
communicohi everyone02:33
kevogodSynaptic is... if you unlock all of the doors.02:33
communicoi'm new to ubuntu and need some help02:33
apokryphosTokenBad: what is the problem02:34
ubotu[ubuntuguide]  a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. The official FAQ Guide will be released with Breezy, stay tuned.02:34
naliothTokenBad: please dont do that02:34
TokenBadoh mine02:34
TokenBadI just reinstalled ubuntu02:34
TokenBadand installed azerous..and stuff02:34
TokenBadstart it..02:34
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TokenBadand then all of a sudden everything slows down so much02:34
TokenBadI have to reboot computer02:34
reikieugene: I am a recent windows escapee as well. you don't need to install a pdf reader. There is one by default. Think of something else you use your computer for. :)02:34
h17m4nit's a problem with Azureus02:34
h17m4nnot ubuntu02:34
TokenBadit was working before02:35
TokenBadwithout a problem02:35
TokenBadI have used it before with no problem02:35
apokryphosAzureus can be CPU-intensive, it is known; well, especially if you have many torrents02:35
kevogodAdobe Reader renders PDFs better, at least the ones I have used.02:35
apokryphosTokenBad: did you do a "top" to clarify that it was azureus stealing the cpu/memory?02:35
h17m4nthere's a how to on azureus homepage that tells you how to fix it02:35
TokenBadit only starts when start azureus02:35
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TokenBadand can't02:35
TokenBadit slows down so much02:35
theeilanyone get aaut working?02:35
TokenBadcan't do anything02:35
kevogodYou have Java installed? :-)02:36
TokenBadother then hit the reset button on computer02:36
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TokenBadnot sure which I installed02:36
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TokenBadjust checked02:36
bimberiarmanmx: if you have warty installed you can upgrade by modifying /etc/apt/sources.list and changing all "warty" to "hoary"02:36
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reikiUbuntu is making a rebel out of me. I think when I build my next house it will not be rectangular.... but ROUND! :)02:37
TokenBadbut see...i ran ubuntu before02:37
TokenBadand ran azerous02:37
TokenBadno problems02:37
TokenBadthen...I reinstalled ubuntu...02:37
TokenBadreinstalled azerous and java and all that02:37
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TokenBadnow having problems02:38
apokryphosubotu: tell armanmx about upgrade02:38
bimbericommunico: if you're still there, ask your question, hopefully someone can help :)02:38
TokenBadguess will download kubuntu and try to install it02:38
lolhi i just completely messed something up and it's not letting me run synaptic and other stuff - gtk warning cannot open display02:38
TokenBadsee if it works any better02:38
loli was messing with glib and gtk to get xmms working02:38
h17m4nno need to dl kubuntu02:38
communicowell we're trying to get nfsv4 installed02:38
lolif anyone can help ;<02:38
communicofor file sharing between a mac and ubuntu02:38
h17m4nyou can do a sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:38
juanejTokenBad, apt-get install libswt-gtk3-java02:39
cafuegocommunico: compile the kernel with nfsv4 support; start server with correct param.02:39
h17m4nthat will install the necessary files to turn ubuntu into kubuntu02:39
communicobut it's saying there's no gcc or cc when trying to install it from the command line02:39
cafuegoI didn;'t think nfsv3 was stable yet, let alone v4.02:39
naliothcommunico: install "build-essential"02:39
cafuegocommunico: Why are you compiling at all?02:39
TokenBadjuanej, what is that?02:39
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lolanyone? not sure how to correct the gtk/glib errors02:39
cafuegocommunico: nfs is in the *kernel*02:39
windexcafuego, nfs in linux is just not what it should be. in fact, all the network fs' are lacking, imho. </offtopic>02:40
juaneja library02:40
cafuegowindex: that's also not going to be addressed by compiling something02:40
juanejmy azureus worked better with  that02:40
communicowell i'm just following the readme file that came with it ...02:40
windexcafuego, nops.02:40
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windexnope, even.02:40
TokenBadk...trying now02:40
lolhow can i reinstall gtk and glib with apt-get?02:41
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cafuegocommunico: nfs client and server support are in the kernel. You need the correct modules loaded. Done.02:41
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TokenBadjuanej, any idea why azerous will not open torrents?02:41
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apokryphosTokenBad: no error message?02:41
bimberilol: apt-get install --reinstall <package>02:41
cafuegocommunico: ie: install nfs-kernel-server and set up /etc/exports02:41
TokenBadno..it will not even let me pick it to open it with02:42
TokenBadjust the gnome one02:42
TokenBadbut i can start azerous from menu02:42
cafuegocommunico: it may or may not require param tweaking via sysctl.02:42
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Ex-Cyberwindex: just out of curiosity, what flaws are you aware of in Styx/9P2000 (aside from "no implementation in mainline Linux :^) )02:42
lol(synaptic:18356): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:02:42
communicookay maybe I should start from the beginning02:42
lolit's still not working02:42
lolany ideas?02:42
communicowhen we try and share files, we get an error02:42
loli really messed something up =/02:42
juanejTokenBad, what version do you have? downloaded with apt-get?02:42
apokryphosTokenBad: yes, but from there -- File -> Open or whatever. Doesn't that work?02:42
naliothlol: are you using ubuntu or kubuntu?02:42
communico"you need to install samba or nfs in order to share your folders"02:43
TokenBadjuanej, I just did sudo apt-get02:43
communicoso do I need to download something?02:43
cafuegolol: close the terminal. open a terminal; run 'sudo synaptic' and type your user password.02:43
loloh hay02:43
lolit worked :o02:43
cafuegocommunico: What clients will be accessing the file server?02:43
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communicowell it's a small office network02:44
TokenBadjuanej, seems the slowdown was fixed with that file you told me to get02:44
cafuegocommunico: what OS.02:44
theeilwas sdl compiled with support for aalib?02:44
TokenBadbut still have to figure out how to get it to open torrents02:44
communicoa couple of macs osx and a windows xp02:44
lolxmms: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:44
lolany idea about that?02:44
juanejuninstall gnome bittorrent :)02:44
cafuegocommunico: Ok. XP does not speak NFS, so go with samba.02:44
juanejit didnt work for me02:44
apokryphosTokenBad: you might like to try ktorrent, btw; it's my torrent-client of choice; more lightweight.02:44
dreamiesomeone needs to get off their ass, start typing, and help me how to solve this installation problem02:44
thrice`lol, you need gtk102:44
MobusI want to put Ubuntu on an existing drive that is taken up by the NTFS.  Does anyone know how to re-partition this drive without deleting everything?02:44
communicothanks cafeugo02:44
loldo i have to dl it somewhere02:44
thrice`dreamie, sure, since you're so mean02:44
lolor can i apt-get it02:44
dreamienot being mean02:45
dreamiei have stated this problem before and i get ignored02:45
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thrice`someone needs to get off their ass, start typing,02:45
apokryphosdreamie: because people can't help doesn't mean you're being ignored, really.02:45
thrice`dreamie, then leave if you don't like it02:45
lollooks like i have gtk2 stuff in here02:45
lolbut not gtk202:45
dreamiei have tried to install the remaining packages to hard disk and twice i got a failed installation message02:45
naliothdreamie: did you try the server install?02:45
thrice`xmms needs gtk102:45
dreamieand it usually happens when its almost done02:45
lolhow do i install it02:45
loli can't find it02:45
dreamienalioth, i did but then i couldnt get on window manager02:45
loldo you know the name?02:46
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Blissexdreamie: consider reading http://tinyurl.com/bz8v4 on how to ask questions...02:46
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bimberilol: do a contents search for libgtk-1.2.so.0 on packages.ubuntu.com to find out which package has it, and install (or reinstall) as appropriate02:46
windexEx-Cyber, ...02:46
lolapt-cache search gtk1 returned nothing02:46
thrice`lol, no, search02:46
apokryphosdreamie: once you've got server install did you try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:46
naliothdreamie: that is correct., you'll need to apt-get a small window manager02:46
=== thoreauputic [n=prospero@wolax9-131.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Mobus I want to put Ubuntu on an existing drive that is taken up by the NTFS.  Does anyone know how to re-partition this drive without deleting everything?02:46
apokryphosdreamie: or xfce or something02:46
thrice`lol, search synaptic02:46
windexEx-Cyber, the only networked FS for linux i even begin to like is GFS. and it's not even production quality.02:46
lolsynaptic just returned gtk202:46
BlissexMobus: please state your 30 second guaranteed response time platinum support account number and password...02:47
cafuegocommunico: 'sudo apt-get install samba' and then edit /etc/samba/smb.conf to tweak shares. You _will_ need to use 'smbpasswd' to set up user accounts that samba can use.02:47
=== boooney [n=dan@pool-71-116-139-186.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoBlissex: root; god02:47
lolPackage libgtk1.202:47
lol    * hoary (libs): The GIMP Toolkit set of widgets for X02:47
lol      1.2.10-17: amd64 i386 ia64 powerpc02:47
lolis that it?02:47
apokryphoslol: don't paste in here.02:47
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tgaMobus, you can use parted or qtparted (from a livecd) to resize the NTFS partition. Be warned that you might lose all data on your drive02:47
thrice`lol, you need to do some of this on your own02:48
thrice`lol, install that02:48
windexMobus, in fact if you use parted or qtparted w/o preparation first you will indeed lose all the data on your drive02:48
thrice`lol, you should've used apt-get to install xmms02:48
tgawindex, what do you mean by preparation?02:48
bimberiMobus: the installer can shrink an ntfs partition for you - make sure you have backups though02:48
windextga, e.g. partiton magic voodoo.02:48
armanmxbimberi:if I have 5.10 cd it's posible to upgrade 4.10 without starting from the `begining02:48
apokryphosarmanmx: yes.02:49
thrice`armanmx, of course02:49
apokryphosarmanmx: and you can do it all with one line. Check what ubotu told you. =)02:49
windextga, unless it's somehow able to resize ntfs on its own now, which i've never even heard of. :P~02:49
=== thoreauputic wonders if anyone else thinks th enick "lol" is confusing... :)
Fred|Fr3din network settings, under domain name, should i write the hostname.domainname.com or do i just put domainname.com ?02:49
bimberithoreauputic: :)02:49
cafuegowindex: parted can supposedly shring ntfs02:49
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windexcafuego, oh. well ok then.02:50
tgawindex, afaik parted can resize ntfs.. I did it with no problem02:50
boooneyHi Guys...I have a newbie question:  Where is the best place to find out how to log onto a windows domain?  I've tried the winbind howto in the ubuntu forums, but it isn't really clear.02:50
cafuegoDISCLAIMER: i've never tried it, only been told about it02:50
windexignore my warnings! i err on the side of 'it does not work'. :P02:50
h17m4nQuestion: How do I install 32-bit Firefox on Ubuntu AMD64?02:50
tgaotoh I trashed a reiserfs partition with parted so I don't use it much nowadays02:50
ubotuhmm... sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo02:51
ubotuchroot is, like, at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2457502:51
bimberiarmanmx: before you do the ubotu thing, try adding the hoary CD via Edit -> Add CD-Rom in synaptic02:51
communicookay, it's doing something now ...02:51
cafuegoh17m4n: go and rerad the chroot url ubotu just posted.02:51
apokryphosin my experience resizing with qtparted has been ok, but I've heard a few stories out there. PartitionMagic was more consistently evil for me.02:51
windexh17m4n, you have to install a chrooted i386 environment which is basically a seperate ubuntu installation in a subdirectory for executing x86 binaries.02:51
tgah17m4n, http://www.google.ca/search?q=firefox+32+bit+ubuntu02:52
h17m4nK thanks.02:52
ubotuhmm... chroot is at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2457502:52
TokenBadbah what is up with this crap02:52
sorush20is it not possible to unify all the distros into one.. take all the good things from all and mix them into one..02:52
lollast question and i'll leave you guys alone02:52
apokryphossorush20: people don't always agree on what is better :)02:52
tgasorush20, it's possible. good luck, let us know when you're done02:52
lolin gnome how do i add something to the menu at the top?02:53
loli forgot :o02:53
nalioth!tell lol about smeg02:53
=== _lui_ agrees with thoreauputic, nick lol is confusing
apokryphossorush20: but hey... isn't that what ubuntu is? ;-)02:53
=== bimberi found it a little confusing when someone with nick "Answer" started a post with "Question:" :)
=== apokryphos nods
thoreauputicOMG LOL02:53
sorush20apokryphos: kind of but I was just wondering if there were repositories for dev and unstable packages in synaptic..02:53
kevogodAnswers always begin with questions.02:54
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apokryphossorush20: breezy is the development/unstable version of Ubuntu02:54
benjanethow can i install JAVA on BREEZY (for firefox use)02:54
TokenBadhow do you make azerous auto start torrent files02:54
apokryphosbenjanet: you were already answered previously02:54
c0rrupt_finally done02:54
naliothbenjanet: ubotu sent you the information02:54
cafuegobenjanet: By using make-jpkg.02:54
boooneydoes anyone have experience logging onto a windows domain with winbind?02:54
apokryphosbenjanet: the debs from hoary-extras seem to work.02:54
cafuegobenjanet: Go to wiki.ubuntu.com/Java, then follow the link for the CustomJava...02:54
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cafuegobenjanet: That ONLY works for i38602:55
=== apokryphos wonders if a custom java is necessary
sorush20is there a website about unified linux02:55
cafuegoapokryphos: The prepackaged java isn't entirely legal afaik02:55
apokryphosI don't think it is, but I'm not sure that benjanet is considering that. ;-)02:55
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apokryphoshoary-extras itself is illegal02:55
cafuegoapokryphos: Well, he should be.02:56
zeus1_umm anyone know how to install gimpshop02:56
lolrunning install02:56
lolerror: invalid Python installation: unable to open /usr/lib/python2.4/config/Makefile (No such file or directory)02:56
loliis my python install messed up?02:56
sorush20hoary extraz are illigal.. why.. apokryphos02:56
benjanetcafuego, i have 386 still :D02:56
zeus1_i Dled the GIMPshop .deb package file and installed but it wrecked my gimp installation and i had to reinstall it...can anyone help me correctly install it02:56
cafuegosorush20: The packages may violate the terms of the original software.02:56
sorush20cafuego: could you give an example..02:57
cafuegosorush20: java02:57
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cafuegosorush20: I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to redistribute a repackaged java.02:57
cafuegoIs pico/pine in extras too? qmail?02:57
thrice`evolution can safely be removed, right ?02:58
cafuegothrice`: yep02:58
zeus1_Hello..anyone know how to install GIMPshop Im getting errors02:58
sorush20cafuego: but isn't java open source02:59
_lui_all those f*cking licenses things are stupid02:59
cafuegosorush20: No, it's not.02:59
zeus1_php is open source02:59
bimberilol: install the python-dev package, then try again02:59
sorush20cafuego: isn't there an alternative to java02:59
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cafuegosorush20: Not one that actually works, no.03:00
_lui_everything should be open source03:00
zeus1_even windows...lol03:00
Vaske_CarWhat is the website of Unubnu How To?03:00
zeus1_if internet explorer was open source it might actually be worth developing and fixing03:00
apokryphoszeus1_: nah, probably not. 8)03:00
bimberiVaske_Car: typo of the day :)03:00
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lolbimberi: i'm trying that and it says its already installed & the newest03:01
sorush20Has there been much discussion on how to get a grip on unifiying the opensource desktop into best bread03:01
kevogodVaske_Car: You catch that?03:01
Vaske_Caryes and added in favorites03:01
cafuegozeus1_: Linus would never allow internet explorer kernel modules.03:01
bimberilol: try python2.4-dev then03:01
apokryphossorush20: as I said, isn't that what Ubuntu is? ;-)03:01
_lui_I'm going to develop a OS with the name Doors, and anyone who doesn't like it should go out to the Windows :D03:01
lolbut it does say this03:01
Burgundaviasorush20, the freedesktop people are doing a lot of lower level work03:01
lol  python-dev: Depends: python2.4-dev (>= 2.4.1) but it is not installable03:01
lolit's not installable?03:02
kevogodInternet Explorer would be under Microsoft Shared Source licensing or something.03:02
=== Xorlev_ [n=xorlev@unaffiliated/xorlev] has joined #ubuntu
Vaske_CarWas not better idea to add Opera instead of Firefox?03:02
cafuego!info python2.4-dev03:02
ubotupython2.4-dev: (Header files and a static library for Python (v2.4)), section python, is optional. Version: 2.4.1-0 (hoary), Packaged size: 1525 kB, Installed size: 4800 kB03:02
apokryphosVaske_Car: depends on wha tyou like.03:02
BurgundaviaVaske_Car, not free03:02
lolill get from packages.ubuntu03:02
kevogodVaske_Car: Opera is not open source.03:02
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apokryphoshi there03:02
zeus1_ok i DLed the GIMPshop .deb package file and installed the package BUT it ruined my gimp installand i had to reinstall it...can anyone help me with this before i have to go03:02
cafuegobut as opposed to IE, opera _is_ good software ;-)03:02
apokryphosubotu: tell Vaske_Car about opera03:02
Vaske_CarOpera is best03:02
_lui_que hay tonino03:03
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cafuegosmall and fast, not attached to a 4GB base install OS.03:03
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kevogodOpera feels better on Windows.03:03
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toninoaca ando lui03:04
toninode donde eres03:04
_lui_de santo domingo03:04
Vaske_CarI use Opera email client as well as chat..03:04
_lui_y tu?03:04
naliothguys, in #ubuntu-es, por favor03:04
toninoy supongo que te llamas luis03:04
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.03:04
toninode santiago chile03:04
toninoque edad tienes03:05
kevogodVaske_Car: I am not arguing whether or not it is a better browser than Firefox, it simply does not feel native to Linux.03:05
=== convergence [n=converge@c-24-19-92-87.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosIt's been on Linux longer than Firefox. ;-)03:05
_lui_vmonos para #ubuntu-es jejeje, por respeto03:05
kevogodapokryphos, And that means what?03:05
Vaske_CarI understand03:05
toninono se que es eso03:06
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ
toninosoy nuevo en esto03:06
apokryphosThis is an English only channel03:06
naliothtonino: _lui_ por favor in #ubuntu-es03:06
convergenceI just installed ubuntu, and I realized that I never made a root password.  How do I get root priveledges?03:06
_lui_escribe /join #ubuntu-es03:06
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nalioth!tell convergence about root03:06
ubotumethinks sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo03:06
apokryphosspeedy ;-)03:06
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_lui_yes nalioth I'm trying to get him there03:07
convergencethere is no su?03:07
kevogodconvergence: Read!03:07
naliothconvergence: there is, but sudo is recommended03:07
=== bimberi types a lot of backspaces because nalioth won :)
apokryphosbimberi: hehe, same.03:07
convergencevery strange03:07
naliothconvergence: it takes some gettin used to, if you're a *nix veteran03:08
naliothconvergence: but i like it now03:08
convergencei never used sudo03:08
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dsrichAnybody know why we do it thataway?03:08
dsrichAs you say - *nix vet...03:08
apokryphosSimple in theory. Just prefix all your commands with "sudo" which you want to be run with root priveleges03:08
convergencei've been using gentoo for years03:08
naliothdsrich: keep ya from shootin off your foot by mistake03:08
convergencenow I'm all confused03:08
=== mebaran151 [n=mebaran@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mebaran151I am trying to setup vsftpd03:09
apokryphosIt works on bridging the user/root gap, slightly, but more so -- the sudo model is superior. :)03:09
naliothconvergence: then you should be able to configure it the way you like03:09
lolsmeg installed but when i try to run it i get ImportError: No module named Config03:09
convergenceso, anybody can have root priveledges?03:09
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apokryphosconvergence: did you not read the link?03:09
mebaran151I want to use ssl, but not whenever I attempt to start vsftpd, I get the error No RSA certification03:09
apokryphosconvergence: sudo is "you" with root perms.03:09
dsrichI suppose this is a bit more idiot resistant.03:09
mebaran151how do I get an RSA certification03:09
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bimbericonvergence: the user created during install does .. subsequent users won't unless to make it so03:09
convergenceoh i c03:10
benjanetcafuego, i did "fakeroot make-jpkg jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin03:10
benjanet", but i still have no hava in firefox (after re opening it)03:10
mebaran151anyone know anything about RSA certifcation03:10
convergencewell, guess I'd better to some reading and some experimenting03:10
bimbericonvergence: ... by adding them to the "admin" group btw03:10
armanmxWhere can I learn more about Unix and Linux????03:10
naliothmebaran151: do you have openssh-server installed?03:10
convergenceahh, like the wheel group03:10
mebaran151I am running an ssh server right now03:10
mebaran151I can ssh to it03:10
naliothmebaran151: hmmm03:11
bimbericonvergence: yes03:11
Killer_TacoHow do I install an ISO file?03:11
mebaran151I compiled it with openssl as well03:11
mebaran151very sure as I explcitly stated it03:11
kevogodKiller_Taco: Burn the ISO file onto a CD.03:11
naliothKiller_Taco: you use a cd burning program to burn to cd using the .ISO as a template03:11
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Vaske_CarWhat is the procedure in case Unbuntu crash?? Does it have repair option or ...  ??03:12
mebaran151nalioth, it doesnt complain that the openssl libraries are not present03:12
mebaran151it complains about RSA03:12
naliothmebaran151: i have no idea bout ftpd's. i use sftp and scp03:12
mebaran151500 OOPS: SSL: cannot load RSA certificate03:12
mebaran151it works in regular mode03:12
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mebaran151but I dont want to regular mode, I wants SSL!03:13
dreamiexfce is a small windows manager?03:13
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mebaran151dreamie, xfce is a nice windows manager03:13
mebaran151one of my favorites03:13
apokryphosdreamie: a more lightweight one, yes.03:13
naliothdreamie: as is fluxbox, blackbox, xfce4, enlightenment03:13
mebaran151it does everything you should want03:13
mebaran151enlightenment is crazy ......03:13
dreamiexfce is the best out of all of those?03:13
apokryphosmatter of opinion03:13
mebaran151I was beta testing 17 on ArchLinux03:13
dreamiei apologize for my comments i made earlier03:13
mebaran151whoa it is beautiful03:13
dreamieia m sorry for saying that03:14
apokryphosxfce4 is in Ubuntu's Universe repository03:14
damskocan you add your own emoticons in gaim (msn)?03:14
mebaran151damsko, yeah I think03:14
lsuactiafnerVaske_Car : just switch it back on as if nothing happened @ all03:15
lsuactiafnerbut linux doesnt crash easily03:15
convergenceso weird03:15
damskoand how do i add them?03:15
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dreamiedamsko, gaim is easy03:16
c0rrupt_whats the dpkg command to convert tar.gz to .deb03:16
dreamiedamnsko, if you explore it you will get what you want03:16
damskothank you03:16
convergencethe ubuntoo install was so easy03:17
naliothc0rrupt_: there is more to it than that03:17
c0rrupt_can i just use alien?03:17
mebaran151how do I integrate an ssl rsa certificate into vsftpd03:17
mebaran151I compiled it with support for rsa03:17
convergenceI answered some questions in the beginning, and it intelligently wrote some config files later03:17
mebaran151and openssl03:17
bipolarI just got done updating to breezy. The things I use every day seems to work fine. The only problem I have is that most of the icons in nautilus are missing. All the files are showing as blank icons. Any ideas what might fix it?03:17
apokryphosc0rrupt_: that's for the conversion of rpms to .debs, primarily.03:17
c0rrupt_alright so03:17
c0rrupt_whats the "more" when you say more to it03:17
apokryphosc0rrupt_: making deb packages is no easy task03:18
AnswerQuestion: Is there a way to run the Install CD from the Hard Drive?03:18
Carpe_Libertatembipolar: What new is noticeable in Breezy?03:18
c0rrupt_i usually config make make install but someone said i could break my system doing it that way03:18
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apokryphosbut there is some info on the MOTU on the wiki if you want to get into it.03:18
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bipolarCarpe_Libertatem, Gnome 2.12 looks cool. I havn't really dug into it yet.03:18
armanmxwhat does mean -e expression #1, char 15:unknow option to s'03:18
loldo i need to do something to see changes after i edit stuff in smeg?03:18
ubotumotu are the Masters of the Universe (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU)03:18
lolbecause it doesnt seem to be changing it...03:18
naliothlol: they are immediate03:18
apokryphosc0rrupt_: if the package is in the repositories, you should generally get that. If you know what you're doing when you compile then you'll be ok.03:18
lolnothing is changing eh03:18
loli took off amarok and put xmms in and amarok is still there and xmms isn't03:19
c0rrupt_yea i can compile fine..03:19
naliothc0rrupt_: you can do that, sequence, but i recommand you use "checkinstall" instead of "make install"03:19
apokryphoslol: ubuntu knows best ;-)03:19
=== lol laughs
Quinthiusbipolar: i'm not using breezy, but try going to system -> preferences -> theme, click "theme details", go to icon tab, and choose gnome, see if that resets them03:20
c0rrupt_whats the diff03:20
lolbut really03:20
lolwhy isn't it letting me add it03:20
Answer*** Question: Is there a way to run the Install CD from the Hard Drive?03:20
naliothc0rrupt_: checkinstall is available in the repos, and makes simple debs for system maintenance (not to debian standard, but enough for system maintenance)03:20
cafuegoAnswer: As in: install to disk? or run the iso off disk?03:20
apokryphosubotu: tell Answer about install03:20
Answercafeugo: Run the iso off /dev/hda2 (/mnt)03:21
h17m4ndamn, in order to chroot ff I have to dl ALL these packages? whoa03:21
lolsmeg isn't working03:21
loli know why03:21
ubotumethinks install is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation03:21
cafuegoAnswer: yes, there is .. don't ask me how, though :-)03:21
lolnevermind i dont :/03:21
sorush20is ubuntu development user orientated03:21
loli was running it as root03:21
kevogodAnswer: Mount the ISO like you would a CD.03:22
MobusI want to put Ubuntu on an existing drive that is taken up by the NTFS.  Does anyone know how to re-partition this drive without deleting everything?03:22
convergencedoes ubuntoo use udev or devfs by default03:22
MobusI heard Ubuntu does it during installation, but how safe is it?03:22
Answerkevogod: From the Live CD, how to 'mount the iso' which is /mtn/ubuntu-5.04-install-i386.iso?03:22
apokryphosMobus: qtparted/gparted are options03:22
=== Beastboy26 [n=bryan@host-12-179-64-79.nctv.com] has joined #ubuntu
Mobushow do I get those?03:22
apokryphosMobus: reasonably safe, but you should have backups of the vitals.03:22
apokryphosMobus: they're in the repositories.03:23
Mobusthats the probleam03:23
=== lopingo [n=lopingo@espeed26-204.brunet.bn] has joined #ubuntu
MobusI'm cursed with backing things up...03:23
cafuegoAnswer: You'll need SYSLINUX, a kernel, an initrd and the ISO.03:23
kevogodmount -o loop -t iso9660 /mnt/ubuntu-5.04-install-i386.iso /mnt/iso03:23
Beastboy26I just did an install, anyone know why I can get a better screen res. than 64003:23
lolanyone know why smeg isn't editing my menu?03:23
cafuegokevogod: that's  hardly useful for BOOTING it.03:23
lolmaybe i locked a file?03:23
Answercafuego: What type of thing is SYSLINUX, and where to obtain it?03:24
lopingohey guys, what's the name of the package/software that enables us to see/write to windows file systems?03:24
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Mobuswhere are the repositories?03:24
cafuegoAnswer: syslinux is in the apt repositories; it's a boot loader.03:24
benjanet i did "fakeroot make-jpkg jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin", but i still have no Java in firefox (after re opening it)03:24
cafuegoAnswer: it's the boot loader used on the CDs in fact03:24
apokryphosMobus: oh, you don't have ubu installed?03:24
Beastboy26I just did an install, anyone know why I can get a better screen res. than 64003:24
MobusI do have it installed03:24
a4techmelo people03:24
Mobuson a hard drive that I need to get rid of03:25
apokryphosubotu: tell Beastboy26 about resolution03:25
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MobusUI have 2 hard drives03:25
cafuegoAnswer: use this as a starting point: http://d-i.pascal.at/03:25
MobusI have a 60 g NTFS hard drive03:25
apokryphosbenjanet: if you don't care about licensing issues then you should go for the hoary-extras deb03:25
floamare the xorg 6.9 RC's available in Ubuntu yet?03:25
Answercafuego: Thank you! root$ apt-get install syslinux03:25
floamI can't switch until it is03:25
Mobusasnd a 13 G Ubuntu hard drive03:25
lopingonvm, got it03:25
MobusI need to give the Ubuntu drive to my brother03:25
thoreauputic!tell Mobus about repos03:25
a4techmanyone can help me how toadjust my resulotion into 1024X768 pixes?03:25
Mobusabd I want to get ubuntu on to my 60G hard drive03:25
benjanetapokryphos, ok, ill try that later..im scared of breaking breezy adding hoary repositories03:25
Answercafuego: Can I use generic vmlinuz kernel and initrd.gz ?03:26
Mobuswithout destroying what I already hasve on the 6003:26
damskoi cant find how to add emoticons in gaim msn :(03:26
Quinthiusis there any way to make the alt-tab list include ALL programs, not just current desktop?03:26
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cafuegoAnswer: maybe, not sure..03:26
apokryphosbenjanet: check what it installs... if it tries to do more than the sun-j2re pack, then stop it.03:26
kevogod!tell kevogod about repos03:26
bimberiMobus: do you need anything on the 13G drive?03:26
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cafuegoAnswer: I expect you'll need the ones off the livecd03:26
benjanetapokryphos, thanks... :) ill try it later :d03:26
apokryphosbenjanet: or you could manually download the deb and dpkg -i03:26
Mobusbinberi: I have to give the 13 away,03:27
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bipolarQuinthius, it looks like it did something. I'm not sure if it fixed everything. I'm going ot log out/in and see.03:27
Answercafeugo: ok I have kernel, initrd, syslinux, and iso on /dev/hda2 (/mnt), how to boot from there?03:27
Mobusbimberi: I have to give the 13 away,03:27
bimberiMobus: just thinking that you could format it for windows, back things up to it, then do the install with shrink, check that it worked, then give it away when you're happy it's worked03:27
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=== haja [n=haja@cpe-66-65-193-85.ne.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Quinthiusbipolar: could try some of the other icon themes there too03:28
DaveyI just added a new Samba share using the Gnome GUI, I see it in the /etc/samba/smb.conf but I can't see it from my other machines, any suggestions? Do I need to /etc/init.d/samba restart ?03:28
bimberiMobus: hopefully that was reasonably clear :)03:28
bipolarQuinthius, yeah... it worked.03:28
bipolarQuinthius, thanks!03:28
Quinthiusbipolar: yay :)03:28
=== Orunitia [n=ubuntu@69-172-23-123.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
ari_can anyone here please help me install the GeForce drivers on my Kubuntu system?03:28
thoreauputicIf one orders shipit CDs now, will Breezy CDs be shipped?03:28
nalioththoreauputic: maybe03:28
MobusI don't know what the vital stuff is03:28
hajaHow do I install .run packages?03:28
cafuegoAnswer: That's the bit I can't help ya with...03:29
Mobusand by the time I re-instazll on the 6003:29
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bimberithoreauputic: hah, probably the release after breezy :)03:29
MobusI'll realikze I've forgotrten soemthing03:29
thoreauputicnalioth: heh - well Hoary ones are not much use to me...03:29
thoreauputicbimberi: cynic :)03:29
jay-bedCould anybody with a centrino processor cat me their /proc/cpuinfo in a /msg please?03:29
=== jay-bed is now known as jay
OrunitiaI seem to have killed my ubuntu install. Running off a breezy live cd right now. Before trying to fix my problem, is there a way I can access my home folders from a live cd to back stuff up?03:29
nalioththoreauputic: so wait and join the torrent03:29
jayAnd I just changed my nick sorry :P03:29
AnswerQuestion: How to make a bootable partition?  What files are needed?03:29
bimberithoreauputic: cynicism is an optimisists view of realism :)03:29
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thoreauputicnalioth: on dialup ? Methinks not03:30
apokryphosnalioth: he's on modem03:30
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nalioththoreauputic: you are located on what continent?03:30
=== thoreauputic will probably visit the local internet cafe instead
apokryphosgood idea03:30
thoreauputicnalioth: .au - but I have restricted funds here :)03:31
bimberiwhat was that "Men at Work" song :)03:31
hajaYou Can Dance...03:31
huahauhaare you guys sure i can add my emoticons to gaim (msn)03:31
gigaclonSafty Dance03:31
thoreauputicLand Down Under?03:31
cafuegohmm, toast&vegemite03:31
nalioththoreauputic: i'm sure i or someone can send you a disk03:31
OrunitiaIs there a way I can access my home folder from a live cd?03:31
=== cafuego goes to teh kitchen
cafuegoOrunitia: yep, mount the partition.03:31
thoreauputicnalioth: thanks :) We'll see when the time comes I guess :)03:32
ari_can someone please help me with those video drivers?03:32
apokryphosthoreauputic: yeah, let one of us know; I'll be happy to send you the cd/dvd03:32
thoreauputicapokryphos: thanks to you too :)03:32
bimberithoreauputic: i'd be more than happy to as well (domestic postage too)03:32
IRCMonkeyhi i am new to ubuntu ... any one there can help me .. root password in ubuntu??03:33
hajaHow do I install .run packages?03:33
thoreauputicwow, three volunteers already...03:33
apokryphosmaybe we could just start a thoreauputic-get-broadband-trust fund ;-)03:33
kevogod!tell IRCMonkey about root03:33
bimberithoreauputic: set up the paypal a/c now :)03:33
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Quinthiusis there any way to make the alt-tab list include ALL programs, not just current desktop?03:33
apokryphosregistered charity, coming soon 8)03:33
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thoreauputicapokryphos: soon,,, soon... I don't want to get it at the moment since I might need to move house (double connection fees...)03:34
mebaran151any tips on how to get vsftpd to work with openssl03:34
cafuegothoreauputic: which isp?03:34
apokryphosthoreauputic: yup, better not. Especially when you have kind people to send you them. :P03:34
cafuegothoreauputic: Ha. switch to Internode! They mirror ubuntu (free)03:34
mebaran151500 OOPS: SSL: cannot load RSA certificate03:34
thoreauputiccafuego: I would probably go for Internode, indeed03:34
=== bimberi recalls thoreauputic saying "for now" when he told me where he lived
thoreauputiccafuego: that's the ISP I have been considering03:35
=== cafuego is getting (hopefully) adsl2'd this quarter
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apokryphoscafuego: what speeds do you get on that?03:35
huahauhacan i add custom emoticons in gaim?03:35
HrdwrBoBcafuego: I'm moving out of an adsl2 area :(03:35
cafuegoapokryphos: Up to 24M/sec down03:35
thoreauputichuahauha: Im sure it's possible, but no one here seems to know how03:36
cafuegoapokryphos: I'll probably be getting 16 or so03:36
cafuegoapokryphos: it drops off with distance to exchange03:36
Shikamaroohow do i boot without yaboot?03:36
=== apokryphos counts himself lucky with 8 megabit
cafuegoand your dsl modem needs a fast enough processor to handle it, too.03:36
HrdwrBoBapokryphos: the main difference here in australia is that telstra adsl doesn't go above 1.5mbit03:36
HrdwrBoBand costs $texas03:36
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naliothHrdwrBoB: $texas   ?03:37
apokryphosBroadband in UK was super-expensive until late03:37
HrdwrBoBso if you upgrade to an adsl2 exchange you can get from 8mbit to 24, and it costs *LESS*03:37
=== cafuego has 1.5M and it's just getting a tad long in the tooth ;-)
=== bimberi gets off the floor - "8 megabit"!
HrdwrBoBnalioth: a lot03:37
naliothShikamaroo: you need yaboot or you're out of luck03:37
apokryphosfast bb, that is; standard has been dropping slowly.03:37
naliothShikamaroo: you can boot from teh liveCd and chroot, tho03:37
cafuegoiinet do have a dsl2 dslam in my exchange03:37
cafuegobut they kinda suck03:37
HrdwrBoBnalioth: I'm paying $70/month for 1.5mbit, if I change providers the same price gets mne a 24mbit connection03:37
thoreauputiccafuego: so I've heard03:37
apokryphosbimberi: good ol' Bulldog03:37
naliothHrdwrBoB: and you're still on 1.5?03:38
Shikamaroonalioth: how do i do that to boot my installed version?03:38
cafuegothoreauputic: Some friends of mine have iinet; half the time I cannot ssh from their place to home for some reason.03:38
mebaran151HrdwrBoB, could you help me setup of vsftpd with ssl03:38
mebaran151I keep getting an RSA cert error03:38
HrdwrBoBnalioth: yes because I'm about to move03:38
HrdwrBoBmebaran151: I've never done it03:38
naliothShikamaroo: you wont be able to boot your installed version w/o reinstalling yaboot (i'm assuming you're on a mac)03:38
mebaran151500 OOPS: SSL: cannot load RSA certificate03:38
HrdwrBoBmebaran151: try running it with more verbosity03:38
daveb_Hi I really am in a bind. I tried doing a dual install with Ubuntu and Xp, having XP on one HD and Ubuntu on another. This failed completely and totally screwed my XP install. I asked for help here earlier and was told to do a windows repair, which i did, but resulted in me just gettting the blue screen of death over and over. Is there any way i can at least get into my XP files to back them up? I'm completely screwed and would appreciate a03:38
daveb_ny help03:38
naliothShikamaroo: however you can chroot into your installed linux via the liveCD03:39
cafuegonalioth: Not all exchanges have been upgraded by ISPs that don't suck. Having 24M is nice, but if it drops out ALL the time, 1.5M is nicer.03:39
thoreauputiccafuego: apparently the CEO of Internode belongs to the local LUG :)03:39
mebaran151I'm not sure it has more verbosity...03:39
Vaske_CarIf I select SERVER during the installation process will it install GUI as well or just command line with server tools?03:39
bimberiVaske_Car: the latter03:39
Shikamaroonalioth: yes i am and every time i install it, it says it cant install yaboot03:39
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kevogoddaveb_: When you installed Ubuntu, did you repartition?03:39
cafuegonalioth: others do allow you adsl2 ion their equipment, but ONLY if you then use THEM for long distance phone calls as well.03:40
naliothShikamaroo: ah, more info03:40
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daveb_I had two drives, one with XP installed and the other empty, I partioned the empty drive.03:40
naliothcafuego: any ideas for Shikamaroo ?03:40
Shikamaroonalioth: it is a g3 blue power pc03:40
cafuegoShikamaroo: Can you boot the rescue cd and log in?03:40
kevogoddaveb_: Is GRUB your bootloader?03:40
naliothShikamaroo: we are out of my league now, sorry03:40
Shikamaroocafuego: what rescue cd?03:41
=== ] BreliC[ [n=vince@CPE001109d69210-CM0011aea58e24.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
] BreliC[Hey03:41
cafuegoShikamaroo: the install cd.   hold on, rewind, at what point in the install are you?03:41
] BreliC[does anyone here use NoCatAuth?03:41
floamare the xorg 6.9 RC's available in Ubuntu yet?03:41
thoreauputiccafuego: optus wanted to offer me adsl for a "special price" - download limit something like 1 gig - I just laughed at them ( I do more than that on dialup)03:41
daveb_it was till the windows repair, but it was erroring out every time. What I'm desperate to do now is get at my XP files and at least copy them somewhere safe03:41
hajaAnyone got a guide for installing UT2004 on Linux?03:41
kevogoddaveb_: Use the Windows XP CD and go to the Recovery Console. Enter 'fixmbr' and 'fixboot'. Is this what you did before?03:42
Shikamaroocafuego: i get through the whole thing but when im installing yaboot it says it cannot install yaboot to the hard drive03:42
cafuegothoreauputic: <heh> tragic. Tesltra have recently DROPPED their limits as well. I'm just *amazed* people actually CHOOSE to use them.03:42
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floamhaja: you shouldn't need a guide03:42
cafuegoShikamaroo: Did you let the installer create partitions for you?03:42
daveb_no, I ran the normal repair graphical method03:42
kevogod!tell kevogod about NTFS03:42
floamhaja: there's an installer on the disc03:42
Shikamaroocafuego: yes03:43
kevogod!tell daveb_ about NTFS03:43
floamhaja: assuming you have 3D working, it's easy as pie to get working.03:43
thoreauputiccafuego: a lot of people are going to get a nasty shock when they listen to/ watch streaming media03:43
cafuegoShikamaroo: Okay. Can you hit alt-F2 and run 'parted' ? The type 'print' and tell me whether you have a 1Mb partition in there...03:43
armanmxUbotu: the Upgrade Line 'sudo sed -e 's/warty/hoary/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" could be type from my user terminal or must be done in a root terminal???03:43
ubotuI'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about, armanmx03:43
Shikamaroocafuego: but i made sure there was a boot partition since ive been having this problem for days03:43
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hajaits working, I assume I can't install it in GUI correct floam ?03:43
cafuegoShikamaroo: *nod* Does that boot partition have a name/label?03:43
daveb_Am I completely screwed?03:43
Vaske_CarAnybody familiar with partimage here?03:43
floamhaja: which GUI?03:44
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kevogodVaske_Car: I am.03:44
Shikamaroocafuego: do i have to go back into setup?03:44
floamhaja: the installer that's on the disc is graphical03:44
Vaske_Carjust one question03:44
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DewDudewill the linux disk partitoning utilities resize NTFS partitions or not?03:44
floamhaja: make sure you install the latest patch once you have it installed03:44
huahauhacan i add custom emoticons in gaim?03:44
kevogoddaveb_: No, run the script I pointed you to with ubotu.03:44
floamhaja: http://icculus.org/news/news.php?id=233703:44
apokryphosDewDude: yes, but you should have backups ideally03:44
hajado I just run ./linux_installer.sh?03:44
fbladehow do you save in nano03:44
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floamhaja: yes, as root03:44
Logisticsanyone good with RAID systems?03:44
] BreliC[Has anyone here installed the NoCatAuth captive portal?03:44
kevogoddaveb_: Download http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab03:44
hajaThanks... I'll give 'er a shot03:44
hajaJust got my 3d working last night and I am so happy :P03:45
DewDudecuz i wnt to install ubuntu on my x86 machine too03:45
floamhaja: :)03:45
cafuegoShikamaroo: is the setup hanging on a red screen or a menu now?03:45
Vaske_Carkevogod: it let me to store partition on network or restore an image from network. QUESTION: Does that network mean FTP or Samba protocol?03:45
DewDudeand all my drives are NTFS03:45
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floamhaja: you'll need to have a decent video card to play the game03:45
armanmxUbotu: to upgrade 4.10 to 5.04  I must ty this: sudo sed -e 's/warty/hoary/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:45
ubotuI'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about, armanmx03:45
naliothDewDude: parted will shrink ntfs partitions03:45
bimberiarmanmx: normal terminal will be fine (it's using sudo)03:45
floamhaja: something at or over Geforce 4 level03:45
kevogodVaske_Car: I do not believe it supports Samba.03:45
hajayeah, I got a 9800 Pro03:45
Vaske_Carso FTP?03:46
floamhaja: ah, you're set03:46
kevogodVaske_Car, Although I think it can be accomplished.03:46
armanmxbimberi: OK03:46
floamhaja: a lot of Linux users seem upset when it doesn't work well on their Voodoo 2's :)03:46
haja128mb, 1gb Pc3200 2600+ Mobile overclocked to 2.7ghz 215fsb03:46
Marchi this is my first time to use irc so if im asking in the wrong place sorry, please point me in the right direction, i need help authenticating ubuntu with windows NT/2000 server03:46
floam"but quake3 runs!"03:46
Shikamaroocafuego: it doesnt hang, it just gives me an error, then when i pressed continue after the error sed it couldnt install yaboot to hard drive it gave me a list of options and i chose continue w/o installing yaboot03:46
hajalol floam03:46
Vaske_Carkevogod: would you help me do that in case i decide to do it?03:46
kevogod"6. The network support allows to save an image file from a client, without having to configure both client and server NFS. (Network File System). When the multicast will be implemented, it will allow to restore X clients from 1 server, and DD can't do a such multicast copy."03:47
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bimberiMarc: Hi and welcome!  Not sure what you mean by "authenticating"?03:47
hajaWhat does this mean? root@MAIN:/media/cdrom # ./linux-installer.sh03:47
hajabash: ./linux-installer.sh: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied03:48
hajaroot@MAIN:/media/cdrom #03:48
kevogodVaske_Car, Samba is planned for support, but not yet.03:48
Vaske_CarAny idea of when it could be?03:48
Vaske_CarI dont have expirience with NFS03:48
apokryphoshaja: don't paste in here, please.03:48
hajaI kno... sorry. I thought it was going to go on one line03:48
Shikamaroocafuego: is there a way of installing yaboot manually?03:49
Marci posted this in the forums http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44700, but havn't had an answer, but basicly i'm trying to do a domain logon03:49
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LogisticsI have a software raid1 setup for 2 of my 4 hd's,  there is multi partitions on the raid1 drive, / , /boot , /share exist on them, upon boot /share is failing, is there anyway for me to get the data from that partition without a format, or removing anything from that spec. partition?03:49
hajaDo I have to copy the installer file to my home dir?03:49
kevogodVaske_Car, I am kind of working on an XSLT transformation right now so I do not have enough time to explain everything.03:49
daveb_Okay, how do I run it, from the terminal? then after that, what?03:49
apokryphoshaja: sh linux-installer.sh03:50
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kevogoddaveb_: type sudo sh path/to/file03:50
kevogoddaveb_: type sudo bash path/to/file03:50
Shikamaroocan anyone help me? i need to know if i can install yaboot manually03:51
hajaI see03:51
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kevogodso I would cd to the directory and type: sudo bash winmac_fstab03:51
Marcdoes it sound do able? am i asking in the right place?03:51
hajaI feel like such an idoit with Linux lol03:51
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hajaI can't type very well :P03:52
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armanmxThanks for the help, upgrade did not work03:52
Shikamaroocan anyone help >.< i really need help getting ubuntu to work03:52
apokryphosarmanmx: well, what was the problem?03:52
hajaThank you apokryphos and floam03:53
armanmxsome resourse temporarily unavailable03:53
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b kvidell!*@*] by thoreauputic
daveb_cool that worked, I'm able to access my files and will start backing up. I suppose i can't remove the live cd file while I'm running the live version correct?03:53
bimberiMarc: Unfortunately that's out of my league.  There might be others here who know so it could be the right place.  Otherwise you might go better in a samba channel or mailing list.03:53
naliothShikamaroo: yes you can03:53
bimberiMarc: I like how you included backup scripts in your post :)03:53
apokryphosarmanmx: can you pastebin the error output?03:53
kevogoddaveb_, Well... You might be able to unmount it and then eject it... but your experience might degrade.03:54
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Shikamaroonalioth: how?03:54
naliothShikamaroo: you need to follow this wiki up to the point of starting to install grub03:54
naliothShikamaroo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows03:54
daveb_I'll try it03:54
=== TokenBad [n=tokenbad@c-24-20-250-136.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shikamaroonalioth: this will mork on mac?03:54
hajaI get this error when I try to eject the cd http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/194103:55
TokenBadthis is still weird03:55
kevogodBoot loaders on a Mac?03:55
naliothShikamaroo: you need to chroot as in the wiki article, but we will be installing yaboot instead of grub03:55
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naliothkevogod: yes, yaboot03:55
daveb_no you can't. I' have a USB flash drive..it'll have to do03:55
Marcthanks bimberi, i have used the backup scripts a lot & i guess that anyone who trys to make this work will you them to, will try the samba channel thanks03:55
mik3anyone want to try to tackle my broken apt system?03:55
Shikamaroonalioth: ok ill try this03:55
apokryphosmik3: no-one can without knowing the actual problem. :)03:56
mik3alright let me fire up the ubuntu past bin03:56
kevogoddaveb_: Try: sudo umount -f /dev/cdrom from the terminal03:56
TokenBadhas a new version of ubuntu been released?03:56
kevogodTokenBad, Colony 4 although it is not a RELEASE03:57
armanmxE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)                                                             E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?03:57
thoreauputicTokenBad: October full release03:57
apokryphosarmanmx: close any instances of synaptic03:57
Pickle_Weaselarmanmx, do you have synaptic open? -_-03:57
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thoreauputicarmanmx: close whatever other instance of apt you are using03:57
Pickle_Weaselyou need to close it03:57
kevogodClose it! :-)03:57
TokenBadok so the colony 4 is out..but not an official release..next month will be a official full release?03:58
thoreauputicarmanmx: synaptic uses dpkg/apt03:58
kevogodTokenBad, Yes.03:58
apokryphosTokenBad: October 13th, yes.03:58
armanmxoh my god, it's working :D03:58
Pickle_Weaselpraise the linux gods \o/03:58
tgamm, new release03:59
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mik3http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1942 <----any ideas?04:00
armanmxmmm, I do not waht to be a guru, just learn little more, WHERE??? I'm tire from windows04:00
Shikamaroonalioth: should i be doing the automatic or manual? and do i just replace grub with yaboot everywhere?04:00
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ProwerHello everyone :> Maybe someone here might know...is there an apt-* command that you can use to remove stale dependencies (i.e. packages that were installed to satisfy dependencies of something that isn't installed any more?)04:00
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apokryphosarmanmx: wiki.ubuntu.com is a great place to start. The rute guide is also good04:01
thoreauputicPrower: install deborphan and debfoster04:01
ubotusomebody said rute was a great guide for learning about Linux and is available at http://www.icon.co.za/~psheer/book/04:01
daveb_No, it said "device not mounted" but won't let me eject. I've got a 512 meg usb drive that'll work for now04:01
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naliothShikamaroo: read this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/forum/installation/Yaboot04:01
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Prowerthoreauputic: Hmm...okay, thanks04:01
armanmxTHANKS, the system is upgrating04:02
thoreauputicPrower: alternatively use aptitude instead of apt for installing/uninstalling04:02
naliothShikamaroo: read this also: http://penguinppc.org/bootloaders/yaboot/doc/yaboot-howto.shtml/04:02
thoreauputicPrower: it's smarter about dependencies04:02
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Prowerthoreauputic: Hmm...can you switch from one to the other without problems, or do you need to be using it from the start more or less?04:03
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kevogoddaveb_, I do not know where the CD mounts to since I have only briefly used the Live CD, sorry.04:03
daveb_it's cool, as long as I can get at the files and move them somehow, I'm a lot hoappier than I was before04:03
thoreauputicPrower: from what I see, you need to consistently use aptitude if you want all the advantages04:04
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thoreauputic(apt doesn't know about what aptitude does)04:04
apokryphosthoreauputic: not always an advantage ;-), particularly when an app recommends language packs. You'll get every language possible. 8)04:05
Prowerthoreauputic: Ahh, I see...thanks, I'll probably use the two previous programs then04:05
thoreauputicapokryphos: good pont04:05
thoreauputicPrower: persoanlly I use apt-get (more out of habit than anything)04:06
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apokryphosapt-get also doesn't flood terminal by telling me *everytime* how many packs it's holding back for me :P04:06
communicocafuego: thanks for your excellent help, we've got the network all working now. Now we're just trying to figure out how to access the computers other harddiscs. there are six installed in total, four in a RAID configuration. when I click on places, my computer, should they all show up as separate icons?04:06
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DarkFuturecan u go inside ya hardrive with a live cd?04:07
cafuegocommunico: it's odd, but probably, yes. To access them, chosoe 'Filesystem' and then navigate to where you mounted the raid array.04:07
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cafuegoShikamaroo: You can boot the cd with the rescue command, then access your install partition. There *is* one thing you will need to do before installing yaboot.04:08
DarkFutureis it possible to view the hard drive with a live cd04:08
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marccdis mysql broken obn breezy?04:09
cafuegoShikamaroo: Once the rescue boot is up, you need to switch to terminal 2 and run the follwing command: mount -o bind /proc /target/proc04:09
kevogodDarkFuture, Yes.04:09
Shikamaroocafuego: what is that i need?04:09
kevogodDarkFuture, At least the partitions on the hard drive.04:09
Shikamaroocafuego: ok04:09
cafuegoShikamaroo: that will make /proc available in the rescue shell; it's required for finding the open firmware path to your boot partition, which yaboot needs.04:09
armanmxsee you Guys, again THANKS FOR THE HELP (B)04:10
DarkFuturekevogod my windows hd got a virus and it wont start up but i need the info thats inside so how will i get into it with a the live cd04:10
cafuegoShikamaroo: It really SHOULD do that automatically, but the one here didn't last night...04:10
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spanglesontoast is there anything in doze and linux that you can connect to the sysklogd and read the stuff that gets added to certain logs?04:11
kevogod!tell DarkFuture about NTFS04:11
mik3http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1942 <----any ideas?04:11
uboturepositories is probably probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96904:12
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marccdis mysql broken in breezy?04:12
=== NoHope [n=silas@201-13-46-196.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
NoHopehello all04:12
NoHopehey, I updagraded my mozilla-thunderbird and it doesn't start no more!!! Have you heard something about it?04:13
kevogodDarkFuture: Download the winmac_fstab file from http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab and then from the terminal, cd to the directory that contains the script and run: sudo bash winmac_fstab04:13
communicocafuego: the drives were set up in the bios, but I don't think they've been mounted. i'm a little fuzzy on how I use the mount command04:13
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huahauhacan i add custom emoticons in gaim?04:13
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peanutmy wireless card doesent work04:14
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JaivazIs there a way to skin Synaptic?04:14
h17m4nwhen running as chroot on terminal, does it show as root@ubuntu?04:14
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bur[n] eranyone else finding that rhythmbox segfaults if you do a search for anything in breezy04:14
mik3http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1942 <----any ideas?04:14
JaivazIt looks odd when you compare it's brightness to the overall darkness of my screen04:14
=== bur[n] er heads to bugzilla
kevogodDarkFuture: You get that?04:15
huahauhacan i add custom emoticons in gaim? :(???04:15
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peanuthow do i get my wirelesscard working?04:15
regeyaweekends are hell.04:16
durtpeanut,  what kind of card?04:16
peanutacer ipn 200004:16
huahauhamik3, just do apt-get update again04:16
DarkFuturekevogod yea but i cant find the installer(im kinda a linux newb)04:16
Prowerhuahauha: Yes, you can :> I'm not sure how offhand though, but there are emoticon packs out for it04:16
NoHopeany thunderbird user? I'm having problems... thunderbird 1.0.6 doesn't start...04:16
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o thoreauputic] by ChanServ
Freddy9517hi, is there a way to get a binary clock that can be put as object to the panel?04:16
huahauhaprower , but my contacts will see them?04:16
cafuegothoreauputic: ooer04:17
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bur[n] eri'm a t-bird user... any error messages NoHope?04:17
bur[n] erNoHope: sure it's not already running?04:17
Shikamaroocafuego: ok im in the shell now and i typed in what u told me to, now what?04:17
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %kvidell!*@*] by thoreauputic
NoHopebur[n] er, yap. http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/194304:17
bur[n] erNoHope: breezy?04:17
Prowerhuahauha: That I'm not sure about...I guess it would depend on whether or not their client can auto-download emoticons, I think the normal MSN client can04:17
NoHopeno. Hoary.04:17
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o thoreauputic] by thoreauputic
thoreauputiccafuego: I made a mistake removing a ban ;)04:18
durtpeaut, have you tried ndiswrapper?04:18
NoHopebur[n] er, I don't know if Ubuntu has taken Breezy files when I upgraded.04:18
bur[n] eruhh... those image issues relate to an incomplete gtk theme?  try chaning themes?04:18
mik3http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1942 <----any ideas? (repeating apt-get update, doing apt-get clean, does not fix it.)04:18
cafuegoShikamaroo: Now switch back to alt-F1 and install yaboot.04:18
peanutihave a 64 bit04:18
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NoHopebur[n] er, I will.04:18
omp342i'm downloading hoary right now.. what's a good program to burn the iso? :)04:18
huahauhaprower , cause i know there are emoticons themes but what i want is something like i can add my own icons like in msn 6 i think04:19
peanutit wont install04:19
=== kolotelo [n=kolotelo@virtua-cwb246-99.ctb.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
bur[n] erNoHope: where'd you get the 1.06 version from?  is it officially in hoary now?04:19
cafuegoomp342: On what OS?04:19
bur[n] eromp342: graveman04:19
omp342cafuego: gentoo04:19
h17m4nwhen running as chroot on terminal, does it show as root@ubuntu?04:19
Prowerhuahauha: Yeah, I'm not sure whether or not you can do that...might be a good idea to ask in the gaim channel itself, they'd have a better idea :>04:19
bur[n] eromp342: gnomebaker, k3b, nautilus, command-line04:19
cafuegoomp342: cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc -v -eject -data hoary-i386.iso04:19
NoHopebur[n] er, I just opened synaptic and applyed the upgrades.04:19
Shikamaroocafuego: how do i install it? >.<04:19
omp342cafuego: okay thanks04:19
cafuegoShikamaroo: 'apt-get install yaboot'04:19
NoHopebur[n] er, is hoary repos mixed with breezy repos?04:19
huahauhaprower: im going to ask, ty04:19
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DarkFuturekevogod: yea but i cant find the installer(im kinda a linux newb)04:20
bur[n] erNoHope: no, shouldn't be04:20
durtpeanut, have you tried to install it?04:20
NoHopebur[n] er, I changed the theme, anything happens.04:20
Shikamaroocafuego: apt-get: not found04:20
peanutyes it only is for i38604:20
cafuegoShikamaroo: woo!04:20
cafuegoShikamaroo: can it find 'dpkg' ?04:20
durtare you using a deb package peanut?04:21
Shikamaroocafuego: nope04:21
NoHopebur[n] er, is it possible to return to an older version? 1.0.2 have worked well.04:21
cafuegoShikamaroo: Ugh. Which terminal are you in? 1 or 2?04:21
durtthen just compile from source peanut04:21
Shikamaroocafuego: 104:21
fbladei've lost my MBR can anyone help me fix it cus i cant loggin into linux or anything04:21
peanutim sort of a newbe how? durt04:21
cafuegoShikamaroo: Does '/usr/bin/dpkg' work?04:21
Shikamaroocafuego: is it okay if i mounted in terminal 1?04:22
bur[n] erNoHope: find the .deb, it's not a painless task04:22
cafuegoShikamaroo: does /proc show up if you type 'df' in terminal 1?04:22
NoHopebur[n] er, right. thx.04:22
bur[n] erNoHope: packages.ubuntu.com04:22
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fbladehow can i fix my master boot recored04:22
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=== bur[n] er is using 1.0.6 successfully, but on breezy :\
Shikamaroocafuego: no >.<04:22
bur[n] erfblade: re-run grub?04:23
cafuegoShikamaroo: No, that should have been typed into 2, not 1. 1 is *in* the chroot, 2 is outside it.04:23
NoHopebur[n] er, how to download breezy?04:23
bur[n] erNoHope: don't yet ;)04:23
Shikamaroocafuego: so i haveto reboot?04:23
peanutfblade use your ubuntu cd04:23
cafuegoNoHope: Not, if you don't know.04:23
wickedpuppyhey guys where can i find init file ? its not in / or sbin/init04:23
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peanutand reinstall grub04:23
cafuegoShikamaroo: No, justt ype it into terminal 2.04:23
NoHopebur[n] er, cafuego, I know it's beta yet.04:23
Shikamaroocafuego: type what?04:24
NoHopebur[n] er, cafuego, don't you think it's a good idea to test and report bugs?04:24
bur[n] eryeah, just wait a short while longer04:24
h17m4nI ran sudo mount -a and I got: mount: mount point /chroot/usr/share/fonts does not exist04:24
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h17m4nAny ideas?04:24
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bur[n] erNoHope: it is, but you may want to learn some more troubleshooting techniques first ;)04:24
mik3http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1942 <----any ideas? (repeating apt-get update, doing apt-get clean, does not fix it.) this seems to be a large problem in the ubuntu community based on my google discoveries, does anyone have any insight for me?04:24
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durtsee this page peanut: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Ubuntu04:24
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NoHopebur[n] er, yap, you are right.04:25
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peanutfblade this is how http://ubuntuguide.org/#restoregrubmenuafterwindowsinstallation04:25
peanutthanks durt04:25
bur[n] erNoHope: you can always try running thunderbird as another user to see if it's a problem with your profile?04:26
bur[n] erNoHope: also try chaning your gtk theme04:26
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NoHopebur[n] er, uhm good idea. I will try with root. I tried changing my gtk theme, but anything happened.04:26
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Shikamaroocafuego: there is udpkg use this?04:27
NoHopebur[n] er, root can't run thunderbird, either.04:27
angel12hey, im currently running hoary on amd64, and whenever i try to write files to a usb drive, it doesnt stick, like it wont stay on unless i do it (copy the file) many times. This happens with my ipod, my usb sd card reader, and my external hd04:27
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NoHopewhat's the differences between hoary and hoary-backports?04:27
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h17m4nis ok for me to copy the /usr/share/fonts to /chroot/usr/share/fonts?04:27
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cafuegoShikamaroo: udpkg should only be available in the installer, not on the system...*ponder*04:27
h17m4nis it*04:27
Demon_strokehey guyz04:27
Demon_strokeI cant get my ubuntu on the internet04:28
Demon_strokecan someone walk me through it04:28
angel12Demon_stroke, what are you trying to use04:28
omp342Demon_stroke: what's so hard about downloading it?04:28
h17m4nQuestion: Is it ok for me to copy the /usr/share/fonts to /chroot/usr/share/fonts?04:28
angel12omp342, i think he means he cannot connect04:28
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Demon_strokei meant, i got my DSL modem, and wen i plug it into the other comp, how do i get it to work04:29
bur[n] erNoHope: awww, if you're using backports, you can remove it from sources.list, remove thunderbird and reinstall using official hoary repos04:29
omp342never mind :)04:29
omp342i didn't read it good04:29
FR500weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, my hoary cds just arrive04:29
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bur[n] erFR500: just in time for breezy ;)04:29
Shikamaroocafuego: the setup thing made me use some fallback shell, maybe this is y?04:29
durtangel12: try unmounting before disconnecting04:29
angel12Demon_stroke, what do you mean?04:29
ugois breezy out!!!?04:29
omp342Demon_stroke: are you using a router?04:29
FR500ugo: soon04:29
dreamiewhat is the package for xfce?04:29
dreamiehow can i install it04:29
angel12durt, that would be a great idea, lol, i actually never thought of that, lol thanks, will give it a try04:29
naliothdreamie: in a terminal, type "sudo apt-get install xfce4"04:30
Demon_strokeOk, im used to windows, were i plug in my DSL modem into the computer, (directly plug dsl modem in), and it doesnt work,04:30
ugohow do i install the developer man pages04:30
NoHopebur[n] er, I see no "backports" in sources.list. Just multiverse, universe...04:30
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Demon_strokewere as windows does it for me04:30
angel12Demon_stroke, it should work with ubuntu if you have it set up right, via dhcp04:30
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NoHopebur[n] er, deb http://www.backports.org/debian stable ucf ?04:30
omp342Demon_stroke: i just plug mine into the router and it works04:30
dreamiecan not find package04:30
=== syn-ack [i=Matt@ip68-228-38-121.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
darksoulis there a sudo command to get a flash maker on kubuntu04:30
Demon_strokeok lemmi get a pen and a peice of paper, can u guyz walk me thorugh setting it up04:31
AnswerTo setup networking use commands  ifconfig iwconfig dhclient04:31
peanutdemon Stroke, try rebooting04:31
ugohow do i install the developer man pages04:31
dreamienalioth, couldnt find package xfce404:31
angel12is it possible to run 32bit binaries on amd64 port?04:31
ugoaptitude ?04:31
professor_chaosDemon_stroke, go to System->Administration->Networking  and make sure your connection is set to DHCP04:31
omp342i tried xfce4 a few days ago, it was horrible :)04:31
[Chameleon] angel12: yes.04:31
zcat[1] dsl modem is network or USB?04:31
naliothdreamie: enable your repos and update your apt04:31
angel12Demon_stroke, try ifup eth004:31
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nalioth!tell dreamie about sources04:31
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darksoulis there a sudo apt-get install command for flash makers04:32
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skalpelcan someone give me an idea why amarok would sudenly stop playing my music files?04:32
Demon_strokethrough the terminal04:32
AnswerNetwork Config: ifconfig iwconfig dhclient04:32
dreamienalioth, i am in console04:32
=== skpl [i=skalpel@adsl-69-153-202-207.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
dreamienalioth, how do i do it in console04:32
Demon_strokeinterface etho is alredy configured04:32
peanutdemon stroke, yes04:32
=== _^AHU^_ [n=^bahar^@modemcable241.20-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
=== zcat[1] suggests plug in DSL modem and reboot. It should just work!
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darksoulhow do i get a flash maker thru sudo apt-get install commands04:33
Demon_strokeok lemmi do that, so ill lose my connection in this irc for a momment04:33
zcat[1] assuming it's not a USB modem..04:33
Demon_strokeplugs into my ethernet card04:34
zcat[1] good04:34
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Demon_strokeso just plug in and reboot and itll work automatically?04:34
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gusto5hello #ubuntu04:34
AnswerDemon_stroke: ifconfig iwconfig dhclient04:34
Shikamaroocafuego: can u tell me how to setup yaboot using the live cd?04:34
zcat[1] Answer: iWconfig? for a network card?04:34
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gusto5can anyone guide me through a samba setup?04:34
Answerzcat: ifconfig for ethernet, iwconfig for wireless04:34
gusto5other than directing me to ubuntuguide.org...04:35
omp342if i am installing the i386 version on an athlon 64 comp, would i need to change anything for it to work fine? :)04:35
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, samba is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently04:35
h17m4ncp: omitting directory `/usr/share/fonts'04:35
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AnswerIf ifconfig shows IP Address for ethN you are connected to the DHCP server (cable modem or routeR).04:35
gusto5thank you, HrdwrBoB04:35
HrdwrBoBno worries04:35
NoHopeubotu tell me about deb04:35
h17m4nthats what I got when running this: root@ubuntu:~# cp /usr/share/fonts /chroot/usr/share/fonts04:36
ubotuNo idea, h17m4n04:36
zcat[1] If it's plugged in and serving dhcp, the box should get a lease exactly the same way Windows does.04:36
=== mello6 [n=mellowyl@c-67-162-226-133.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
NoHopeops... some tip about how to install a local deb package?04:36
[Chameleon] NoHope: dpkg04:36
=== blrich [n=blrich@c220-239-16-9.belrs4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuwell, dpkg is the Debian Package Manager.  To install a local deb file, cd into the directory where it is located, then: 'sudo dpkg --install <package_filename.deb>'.  For more info on other dpkg options: 'man dpkg'04:37
skplcan someone tell me wy amarok would suddenyl stop playing music files?04:37
NoHope[Chameleon] , thx.04:37
professor_chaosNoHope, sudo dpkg -i package.deb04:37
h17m4ncan anyone help me copy /usr/share/fonts to /chroot/usr/share/fonts?04:37
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h17m4nhow do I force it to cp?04:37
blrichanyone here use xfce on ubuntu? can you tell me where the Terminal app is?04:37
naliothNoHope: the program you want isnt in the repos?04:37
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skplwhat is xfce?04:38
zcat[1] My first advice for getting any hardware working under ubuntu is "plug it in, and see if it's working already" - so often things are autodetected and just come up by themselves, even stuff that would need drivers installed for Windows04:38
[Chameleon] h17m4n: sudo cp -a /usr/share/fonts/. /chroot/usr/share/fonts/04:38
[Chameleon] skpl: an alternative graphical desktop environment.04:38
NoHopenalioth, yes it is. thunderbird 1.0.6, but it's not working for me. I'm trying to reinstall.04:38
skalpel[Chameleon] : how do i install it?04:38
durtit should be in one of the menus in xfce04:38
h17m4nwow thx [Chameleon] , that worked04:39
XorlevEasier method of compiling kernels: put the kernels in the microwave for ~2 1/2 minutes, put in blender with water, then dump on PC. Its that simple.04:39
[Chameleon] h17m4n: groovy04:39
zcat[1] ubuntu surprised the hell out of me; my camera and mp3 player that took ages to figure out in debian just pop up in the desktop with ubuntu!04:39
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NoHopebur[n] er, I download the deb package and now it's working very well. thx.04:39
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naliothNoHope: i dont think its the program, have you moved the ~/.thunderbird or ~/.mozilla-thunderbird to soemwhere else and tried again?04:39
naliothNoHope: it may be an extension causing failure04:40
NoHopenalioth, no.04:40
NoHopenalioth, I reinstallled it, and now it's working welll...04:40
=== Mr-Falkor [n=falkor@ti541210a080-1219.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
Mr-Falkormy XMMS is freezing alot04:40
ugoplease could someone tell me the package for the developer manpage in ubtu04:40
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Mr-Falkorwhen IM change to a song04:41
bur[n] erNoHope: good work :)04:41
naliothNoHope: ah04:41
Mr-FalkorCan someone help me with my xmms ?:)04:41
mik3try beep-media-player04:41
NoHopeMr-Falkor, beep-media-player is a lot better than xmms.04:41
durtno its not04:41
=== blunted [n=rusto@cpc2-swin2-3-0-cust23.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
imterrodo you get banned if you say w1nd0ws?04:42
NoHopedurt, it's relative. for me it is...04:42
=== trans_err [n=trans_er@blacksburg-bsr1-24-53-134-247.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
mik3i think it is.04:42
bluntedok how do i change my Grub menu so that i can boot my win 98 hard drive04:42
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mik3Mr-Falkor : sudo apt-get install bmp04:42
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Mr-Falkormik3, bmp ?04:42
Mr-Falkormik3, ah04:42
NoHopeMr-Falkor, beep-media-player04:42
Mr-Falkorgonna try it04:42
mik3i think that's the activator for beep-media-player, i may be wrong tho04:42
=== Davey__ [n=Davey@90-0.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bur[n] ermik3: i think you're wrong ;)04:43
NoHopeI'm not sure, but I think bmp works directly with alsa, while xmms works with oss.04:43
Mr-FalkorApt could not find bmp04:43
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mik3bur[n] er teehee04:43
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Mr-Falkorfound it04:43
ezenuwish i could get bmp to work ;(04:43
bluntedwho can help me04:44
mik3i love bmp04:44
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bluntedso that i can boot my 2nd hard drive04:44
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KyralIt should have done that on setup04:44
bluntedi didnt have the disk on setup04:44
ezenumy OSS sound doesn't work. in BMP, the only available output is OSS. XMMS works for me cause I can use ALSA04:45
Kyralbut beyond that I can't edit a grubconf to save my life04:45
ezenuso.. how do I change BMP to use alsa04:45
Mr-Falkoroh,.. bmp look just like xmms :D04:45
ezenuyea, but i can minimize bmp to system tray.. can't do that with xmms04:45
ezenui sortof can, but it stays in window list thing at bottom04:46
zcat[1] I'm sure there's a plugin for docking xmms04:46
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ezenuthere is.. and mine is activated, but its window is still on bottom part04:46
ezenueven when it is 'docked' to sys tray04:47
zcat[1] hmm..04:47
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ezenusomeone on forums posted a solution... but it was for KDE & I don't know how to access those options with gnome04:47
zcat[1] I only ever shrink it down and leave it up the top of the desktop..04:47
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bluntedcan anyone help me change my grub config?04:49
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ubotuit has been said that grub is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows04:49
[Chameleon] blunted: I can04:49
ubotumik3: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?04:49
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durtjust get gxmms04:49
bluntedi have just added a new hd to this machine04:49
bluntedit has windows on it04:50
bluntedhow do i make it so i can select it to boot04:50
Mr-FalkorWhere can I find bmp skins ?:)04:50
Mr-FalkorCan I use xmms skins on bmp ?04:50
bluntedits not on the grub menu04:50
durtblunted try system>admin>boot04:50
regeyaMr-Falkor, xmms and classic winamp skins will work in bmp04:50
[Chameleon] durt: would that work if he didn't have Windows present when Linux was being installed?04:51
Mr-Falkorregeya, thnx04:51
bluntedthe disk is mounted04:51
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bluntedso if i go to Places04:51
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[Chameleon] blunted: that first link provided by ubotu will help you get it fixed.04:51
bluntedthen computer04:51
Mr-Falkorso,.. what bmp do that xmms cant do ?04:51
ezenuminimize to tray completely04:51
Mr-Falkornon-freezing ?:P04:51
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Mr-Falkoroh,, two things04:51
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regeyabtw, the xmms-mad plugin has been ported to bmp; it just has the slight problem of having a goofy nonstandard i18n lib attached to it.  someone should take a look at it, and that someone should be someone who uses bmp on a regular basis. *wink*04:52
durtyou can create a new boot image with boot manager cant you?04:52
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durthas the mplayer plugin for xmms been known to work with bmp?04:53
transparentdreamneed help04:53
transparentdreamHow do i tell if cupsd is working?04:53
transparentdreambecause i cant prin for some reason now04:53
claintany reason why my ubuntu thinks the hoary packages cannot be authenticated? did I lose my key or something?04:54
ezenuhmm. i just installed like 30 libs and other junk from synaptic & now bmp works04:54
naliothclaint: you may not be using correct repos04:54
bluntedthat link didnt help04:54
bluntedit tells me how to increase the grub timeout for pressing ESC04:54
ezenuthink it might've been the OSS ALSA wrapper.. where alsa actually does the work but appears to be oss04:54
claintnalioth: what are the correct repos then?04:54
transparentdreamMy printer isn;t working!! How do I check if CUPS is on?04:55
ubotuKyral: Do they come in packets of five?04:55
=== Kyral falls down
claintKyral: ;-p04:55
transparentdreamcups not found04:55
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clainttransparentdream : check port 6700?04:55
[Chameleon] blunted: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows  search for "#If you're reading this guide, you probably want this"04:55
transparentdreamwell it worked before, why would it stop now?04:56
transparentdreamsomething with cupsd04:56
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transparentdreamis it like reboot cupsd04:56
transparentdreamor what04:56
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Kyralsudo cupsd start?04:56
[Chameleon] blunted: and durt is right... System > Administration > Boot    will be very helpful.04:56
[Chameleon] durt: thx04:57
blahblahblahok new plan04:57
clainttransparentdream : check your /etc/init.d, and see if cups is there.04:57
transparentdreamhow do i do that?04:57
blahblahblahnet wont work on it, nothing else is working, im getting mad04:57
bluntedi dont have that in my System menu :\04:57
blahblahblahso how do i take it off04:57
[Chameleon] blunted: are you running Hoary or Breezy?04:57
clainttransparentdream : ls /etc/init.d04:57
Madpilotwell, that's cool - discovered that digicams work seamlessly in gThumb... good to know, esp. as the camera in question won't talk to Win98 at all...04:57
arublunted: what are you trying to do?04:57
[Chameleon] blunted: oh, yeah, it's not in Hoary by default.04:58
blahblahblahhey ppl, how do i take ubuntu off my comp and install windows04:58
transparentdreamcupsys is there04:58
=== Teez [n=Teez@cpe-70-93-195-119.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
transparentdreamnot cups04:58
[Chameleon] aru: add a Windows partition boot section in Grub.04:58
bluntedim trying to make it where i can boot my windows hard drive04:58
marcin_antblahblahblah, it's unavailable04:58
[Chameleon] blunted: it's on that page man.04:58
blahblahblahits wut04:58
Madpilotblahblahblah: why would you want to do something like that?04:58
aruyeah boot isnt in that menu :)04:58
bimberitransparentdream: see if cups is running with "ps auxw | grep cupsd" (look for any result other than "grep cupsd")04:58
blahblahblahbecause ubuntu doesnt work like its supposed to, i dont know why, ive tried everything04:59
[Chameleon] aru: not in Hoary, but it is in Breezy04:59
blahblahblahmaybe itsmy comp,04:59
blahblahblahi dunno04:59
marcin_antblahblahblah, it's 'by design' new ubuntu feature - sorry :)04:59
arublahblahblah: lets start with what the problem is04:59
[Chameleon] aru: I actually installed that Boot manager in Hoary, but I think it's a bit much for blunted right now.04:59
[Chameleon] blunted: I'll walk you through editing your Grub config file in a private chat window.04:59
blahblahblahfirst off, how do i trash ubuntu and get windows on04:59
clainttransparentdream : you are better off asking your questions here and not personal messaging me. especially not flooding me with your messages.04:59
bur[n] erblahblahblah: try the #windows support channel ;)04:59
marcin_antblahblahblah, first please tell us what doesn;t work ?05:00
Mr-FalkorThere is one thing I do NOT understand,.. Why is there so many distro ? I mean, its all the same packages and just a new logo !05:00
blahblahblahinternet wont work on it05:00
transparentdreamoh sorry05:00
TeezHey everyone, Just curious -- how do I get my SoundBlaster Audigy 2 working under Ubuntu, what do I need?05:00
ianMr-Falkor: free will?05:00
bur[n] erMr-Falkor: more to it than that05:00
marcin_antblahblahblah, what kind of internet connectivity you got?05:00
transparentdreamWhen I installed it, it printed a test page fine.05:00
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transparentdreamNow it doesnt want to work05:00
bimberitransparentdream: see if cups is running with "ps auxw | grep cupsd" (look for any result other than "grep cupsd")05:00
aruTeez: should work out of the box, mine does... do you get any sound at all?05:01
TeezNope, no sound at all, tried messing with it via alsamixergui too.05:01
bur[n] erTeez: usb perchance?05:01
transparentdreamcupsys is running05:01
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aruTeez: speakers plugged in :)05:01
EricBHi, I heard that there is no root account in Ubuntu. I'm interested in running a server but I don't want users to be able to use the sudo command.05:01
Mr-FalkorOK :] 05:01
TeezAnd yes, I just reformatted from windows, everything was working 100%05:01
tritiumEricB, then don't give them sudo priveleges05:01
aj_calrissiandamn I love linux!!!!05:01
MadpilotEricB: you can set users up w/o sudoer privs05:01
bur[n] erEricB: only users in the /etc/sudoers file can use sudo05:01
aruTeez: I have to ask, some times thats really the problem05:01
EricBOk, thank you.05:02
tritiumand don't add them to the admin group05:02
aj_calrissianI'm finally starting to get the hang of it!!!05:02
bur[n] erlol05:02
bimberitransparentdream: try checking the status of your printer via System -> Admin -> Printing05:02
Mr-Falkorhum,.. Iam boored,.. can somebody recommend me something to do ? (nothing with computers)05:02
marcin_antblahblahblah, ok its propably usb dsl modem?05:02
transparentdreamit says ready05:02
Teezlspci shows 0000:02:0b.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy (rev 04)05:02
blahblahblahno ethernet05:02
tritiumMr-Falkor, how can life possible afford anybody time to be bored?05:02
transparentdreamit also says open device failed05:02
aj_calrissianMr-falkor, if you're bored of your computer you can give it to me!05:02
CashelAnyone know about glade2perl or how I can get glade to write perl directly? Coulda sworn it did...05:02
bluntedthey can't help you with sound here dude05:02
claintMr-Falkor : beer?05:02
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bluntedi've tried05:02
marcin_antblahblahblah, hmmm then it should work without any problem05:02
ianMr-Falkor: go for a walk05:03
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marcin_antblahblahblah, you get IP with dhcp or you got static?05:03
Mr-Falkortritium, dunno !:P05:03
h17m4nI got chroot working woot05:03
anomalyMr-Falkor set up a paper cup 10ft away from you. then using only a rubberband and a quarter, find out how many times you can shoot the quarter into the cup with cup being vertical.05:03
blahblahblahi dont know05:03
Mr-Falkoraj_calrissian, nope ;)05:03
bimberiMr-Falkor: beer while walking :)05:03
blahblahblahwill it show here on my xp05:03
aj_calrissianahh man!05:03
Mr-Falkorclaint, dont drinking05:03
Mr-Falkorian, to lazy :P05:03
Mr-Falkorbimberi, hehe !:)05:03
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h17m4nrunning AMD64 ubuntu and about to chroot 32 bit firefox with FLASH05:03
bur[n] erblahblahblah: you have a router? cable modem?05:04
claintMr-Falkor : "dont drinking"? I think you have been already ;-p05:04
transparentdreamWhy isn;t my printer working? It says it's ready but oculd not open device05:04
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Mr-Falkorclaint, damn,.. you got me there !05:04
blahblahblahCable modem05:04
marcin_antblahblahblah, first take a look on your windows config05:04
bur[n] eryou have dhcp05:04
TeezSo -- what should I try to get sound working? I've tried everything (under my limited linux driver knowlege) I can think of to get it working...05:04
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bur[n] er9 times out of 10, it's dhcp with cable modems05:04
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blahblahblahstatic ip and ip subnet mask is shown05:04
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bur[n] erwell blow me down05:05
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TeezI dont even hear ubuntu startup music etc05:05
bur[n] er;)05:05
bimberitransparentdream: what type of printer (eg. usb)?05:05
ianMr-Falkor: study english05:05
red_Has anyone setup xcopilot under ubuntu05:05
transparentdreamUSB Officejet K8005:05
marcin_antblahblahblah, write down its settings and then run ubuntu - and gnome network configuration tools05:05
aruTeez: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-18802.html05:05
marcin_antblahblahblah, and try to input these settings05:05
Mr-Falkorian, nah,.. Im just happy that I can understand english !:)05:05
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Madpilottransparentdream: HP officejet?05:05
bimberitransparentdream: does show with "lsusb"05:06
ianMr-Falkor: study greek05:06
bimberis/s s/s it s/05:06
transparentdreamwhat is that?05:06
aj_calrissianhey guys, I'm running Kubuntu but the conversation is a little dry over there. when I go into Kubuntu and click to upgrade for example OO.o does it get the latest (stable) version?05:06
aruTeez: I knew it was there somewhere, just couldnt remember05:06
Mr-Falkorian, nah,.. Im just happu that I do not understand greek !:)05:06
bimberitransparentdream: a terminal command05:06
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blahblahblahsays assigned by DHCP05:06
marcin_antblahblahblah, have you got ubuntu desktop installed? (of course your network doesn;t work but desktop should)05:06
transparentdreamlemme try iy05:06
ianMr-Falkor: find a woman05:06
blahblahblahwut do u mean05:07
transparentdreamIt just shows up as Hewlett-Packard05:07
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Madpilottransparentdream: http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=HP-OfficeJet_K8005:07
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red_has anyone used uclinux under ubuntu?05:07
Mr-Falkorian, already have a woman friend friend !;)05:07
bimberitransparentdream: hm, that sounds ok then...05:07
blahblahblahwut do u mean by desktop should work05:07
ianMr-Falkor: play with her05:07
tritiumblahblahblah, the word is "what"05:07
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Teezaru, where do I check "Analog / Digital Output Jack" at?05:07
h17m4nI ubuntu-kubuntu AMD64 Chroot 32!05:07
transparentdreamwell why won;t it print? It's a  local printer, but it always goes to network05:08
blahblahblahok what do u mean05:08
transparentdreamcan i take it if of cups?05:08
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marcin_antblahblahblah, I would like to know if you installed ubuntu and you got desktop or if you are trying to install and you cannot configure network during installation05:08
transparentdreamoff of cups**?05:08
ianhello felipe05:08
Mr-Falkorian, already done,.. But -- I wanna do something with my computer now :) humm,, lemme see, what can I do with my computer right now ?05:08
blahblahblahyes its all installed05:08
h17m4nfala felipe05:08
bimberitransparentdream: i doubt it, but i don't know for sure05:08
ianMr-Falkor: wikipedia!05:08
Madpilottransparentdream: that linuxprinting.org page recommends the hp drivers - they're included in Ubuntu repos - my HP 5740 works fine05:09
marcin_antblahblahblah, so you got single computer with dsl modem connected via ethernet05:09
transparentdreamyes the driver works fine05:09
ianMr-Falkor: if you're able to compile code, I have something you could help with05:09
Mr-Falkorian, Wikipedia`s keeps me more boored05:09
transparentdreamthats not the problem05:09
marcin_antblahblahblah, and this is dual boot machine05:09
blahblahblah2 computers,05:09
=== Cashel just installs qt3-designer and dumps glade
Milk_ohh.. no more extra step!! YEA!!05:09
rahotepI've got a noob boot-up question...05:09
Mr-Falkorian, oh,.. lemme see !:P05:09
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blahblahblahone with ubuntu and one with windows05:10
transparentdreamWhen i installed the printer, it worked fine, printed and everything05:10
Milk_dies anyone know how to install true type fonts in ubuntu?05:10
marcin_antblahblahblah, and on your network config on windows says that you get IP via dhcp - right?05:10
transparentdream3 days later, it wont print05:10
ianMr-Falkor: get this compiled on ubuntu and note the steps  http://linuxadvocate.org/projects/roadster/05:10
MadpilotMilk_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FontInstallHowto05:10
rahotepevery time I boot, a number of windows are already open -- it's like a saved session or something is trying to restore -- anybody know how to stop that from happening?05:10
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ubotuI heard fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FontInstallHowto05:10
Milk_Madpilot, thanks!! I think I only ever searched for true type.. haah05:11
animepunkwhey everyone05:11
marcin_antblahblahblah, do you need to do something like 'dial' to get connection on windows?05:11
ianMr-Falkor: if you want to give it a try, feel free to private message me05:11
blahblahblahno its dsl, i just plug in the ethernet cable to the card and it works05:11
MadpilotMilk_: no prob; TTF fonts work fine in Linux, BTW...05:11
transparentdreamHow do I tell is cups is installed right05:11
Teezaru, where do I check "Analog / Digital Output Jack" at?05:11
Mr-Falkorian, Im gonna download it now :!)05:11
h17m4nbut its a PPPoE connection isnt it?05:11
h17m4ndon't you have to log in?05:12
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marcin_antblahblahblah, what country/provider?05:12
blahblahblahus/charter communications05:12
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transparentdreamCUPS has it as this: hp:/usb/OfficeJet_K80?serial=MY23BD614MOH05:12
transparentdreamis that right?05:12
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odatheya everyone05:12
odatdoes anyone know how i put the trashcan back on the desktop?05:13
marcin_antblahblahblah, do you have something like ID and password to establish connection?05:13
Madpilottransparentdream: looks right - the linuxprinting pages have heaps of CUPS info on them05:13
Cashelodat, right click on the panel.. click add to panel, select Trash Can, and presto, there it is05:13
marcin_antblahblahblah, _are you sure_ ?05:14
transparentdreamWell why isn;t it working? In the CUPs webpage I can;t login for some reason05:14
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odatcashel: no i want to put the trashcan on the desktop not on the panel05:14
blahblahblahim positive05:14
transparentdreamIt says Administratice tasks disbled05:14
Cashelodat, put it on the panel, then move it to the desktop05:14
marcin_antblahblahblah, you could provide this id and password only once and now it just works05:14
Madpilottransparentdream: System menu - Admin - Printing gets you the Gnome front-end to CUPS05:14
animepunkwblahblahblah , whats going on with your dsl ?05:14
NoHopeis there a way to unrar a file without use [rar]  or [unrar] ?05:15
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rahotepI'm sorry if I missed the post, but does anybody know how to keep previous programs from automatically starting on boot?05:15
blahblahblahthis is getting me so irritated05:15
blahblahblahi use firefox and it just says couldnt find url05:15
Madpilotblahblahblah: try google.com or one of the giant sites that're always up?05:16
durtodat: your trash is in ~/.Trash, so make a launcher05:16
blahblahblahdid that05:16
Milk_whats the problem blahblahblah?05:16
animepunkware you connected to it right now ?05:16
marcin_antblahblahblah, hmm just a moment05:16
blahblahblah.....oviously no rofl05:16
TeezHey, could anyone help me real quick, someone pointed me to change from digital to analog for my soundcard, but when I go to the gnome mixer and try to change to analog, it crashes the volume controller05:16
Mr-Falkorian, agh -- Could not autogen,..  got a error :P05:16
Cashelodat, ahh, just tried that myself.. apparently it can only exist on a panel... tho why that should be I have no idea...05:17
marcin_antblahblahblah, I'm googling but at the meantime I got another question05:17
TeezIs there a console application to change from digital to analog?05:17
marcin_antblahblahblah, you got only one computer - right? so you are on windows currently?05:17
aruTeez: did the same to mine...05:17
marcin_antblahblahblah, and you don't have internet when you are on ubuntu?05:17
Teezaru, Any idea how to fix that? :-\05:18
blahblahblahi got 2 comps, wen i plug my dsl modem into the one with ubuntu on it i dont get a connection05:18
aruthats why I didn't respond, I was playing with that... figured out how to get my mic working from the front though :)05:18
ianMr-Falkor: are you getting my private messages?05:18
animepunkwdo you get a connection with the other ?05:18
Mr-Falkorian, nope05:18
h17m4nQuestion: How do I make a desktop icon of a chroot Firefox 32-bit?05:18
blahblahblahi thnk im gonna go windows05:18
marcin_antblahblahblah, haaaa05:19
marcin_antblahblahblah, so you got machine with windows - and another machine with linux?05:19
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Teezblahblahblah, I just came from windows, after you get the initial setup, linux is *ALOT* smoother05:19
Cashelblahblahblah, are you trying to plug both in at once, or reusing the same cable? Is your network card installed under ubuntu? have you tried rerunning the dhcp bit of base-configure?05:19
transparentdreamOK someone please help me with my printer problem!! It won;t print and I don;t know why, it printed 3 days ago but not anymore!05:19
aruTeez: should we try this? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?s=&postid=1814905#post181490505:19
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blahblahblahsame cable05:19
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blahblahblah1 comp at a time05:19
h17m4ntry this05:19
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blahblahblahhow do i install my net card05:20
Kyraltransparentdream, try posting on the forums05:20
h17m4nplug the modem cable into the ubuntu machine05:20
=== kcidx [n=kcidx@c-24-18-68-159.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
KyralThe channel seems too hectic right now05:20
Teezaru: I'll give it a try, I tried that before I tried a total reinstall tho, nothing was muted.05:20
Mr-Falkorahg,.. its HOT here !05:20
marcin_antblahblahblah, there is a really big chance that your provider uses your mac to identify your network card05:20
Mr-Falkor*opens a window*05:20
h17m4nand turn of your modem for 5 secs, then turn it on again05:20
Madpilottransparentdream: it's USB, right? unplug it and replug it, see if that fixes the thing...05:20
ianMr-Falkor: /j #roadster05:20
animepunkwif one computer works and the other dosn't could be that the mac of the one is recorded in the isp's router, and you'd need to release it before moving it to another05:20
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transparentdreamok let me try05:20
odathmmm someone showed me a command show trash desktop before but i can't remember05:20
blahblahblahso i turn it off?05:20
blahblahblahor wut05:21
h17m4nit's because when the modem first turns on, it gets an IP for the mac adress on ur first card05:21
animepunkwif it's windows ipconfig /release05:21
rahotepWhen I boot -- a bunch of old windows are automatically open -- how do I stop that?05:21
h17m4nso you can't just unplug the cable and put it into another machine because it won't work05:21
transparentdreamMadpilot: Ready: open device failed; will retry in 30 seconds...05:21
Teezaru, I fixed it.05:21
blahblahblahhow do i get it to work then05:21
marcin_antblahblahblah, well if your provider identifies you with mac then you can try to restart modem - but in fact05:21
h17m4nbut it will work when you plug it back to the machine it was plugged into when the modem came on05:21
Teezaru, Run alsamixer and go over to "Audigy Analog / Digital output jack"05:21
TeezThen it works when you unmute it05:21
marcin_antblahblahblah, it is really possible that you will have to contact your provider and tell them that you got another machine you want to use with your dsl05:22
h17m4nblablahblah, Try this: Plug the ethernet cable into the ubuntu machine, restart the modem and see what happens05:22
blahblahblahthats shit05:22
=== trans_err [n=trans_er@blacksburg-bsr1-24-53-134-247.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
durtodat: its somewhere in applications>systools>configuration editor05:22
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blahblahblahlemmi unplug, turn it off05:22
blahblahblahturn it back on05:22
marcin_antblahblahblah, ok05:22
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animepunkwI work for a dsl tech support :P we get stuff like that, just running a ipconfig /release normaly release's the mac on the isp side so you can plug in another computer05:23
h17m4nI had these same problems with 2 windows machines05:23
h17m4nits common05:23
=== Xanthus7 [n=chris@az-yuma-cuda1q-32.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
aruwhere does this Sound Recorder program record from?05:23
Xanthus7anyone in here use hellanzb05:23
=== No1Viking [i=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu
CashelAru: where ever you've set it up to..... system > preferences > multimedia selector05:24
=== blah_sameguylol [i=spiritwo@71-9-133-61.dhcp.mdfd.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
blah_sameguylolstill didnt work05:25
blah_sameguylolso windows will go back on it05:25
transparentdreamYea that didnt work05:25
=== Parisi [n=jblparis@cpe-24-92-48-191.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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transparentdreamOK someone PLEASE help me with my printer problem!05:25
animepunkwhey can anyone heal out a linux newb with a problem with xmms when ever i try playing a mp3 it comes up "couldn't open audio" please check that : your soundcard is configured properly, You have the correct output plugin selected, No other program is blocking the soundcard. any idea's .. sound dose work with other programs too05:25
blah_sameguylolok so, i can install windows the same way i installed linux right?05:25
naliothanimepunkw: you've installed mp3 support, right?05:26
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Madpilotblah_sameguylol: installing windows requires a blood sacrifice, and can only be done under a new moon. honest.05:26
animepunkwerr i think i did05:26
durtodat: in the configuration editor, go to apps>nautilus>desktop and select trast_icon_visible05:26
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, ok sure you can install windows05:26
blah_sameguylolkewl how05:27
nalioth!tell animepunkw about restricted05:27
blah_sameguylolput in disk on reboot?05:27
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, the thing is that you propably won't have internet on this second machine on windows too ;)05:27
naliothanimepunkw: check and see, and if so, i have little idea about sound hardware stuff05:27
=== kyncani [n=kyncani@lns-vlq-25-ren-82-254-156-149.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
transparentdreamOK someone PLEASE help me with my printer problem! It's connected via USB, printed a few days ago, won;t print anymore PLEASE HELP05:27
blah_sameguylolyeh but i cant watch porno on my linux without net because of codec issues, so windows i can watch porn05:27
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=== hermit [n=justin@d207-216-21-12.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, and then _plaease_ tell us about that :)05:28
animepunkwok thanks brb05:28
rahotepI had some apps open during shutdown a long time ago, but now they open every time I boot -- is there any way to stop that from happening??05:28
blah_sameguylolok how do i get windows on05:28
durti have the same problem blah_sameguylol :(05:28
Cashelcodec issues? fix them!05:28
hermitwhat would cause my urxvt to not read settings from ~/.Xdefaults ?05:28
blah_sameguyloli tried for 4 hours with xperts,05:28
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marcin_antblah_sameguylol, I don't know what are you talking about guys ;)05:28
durtnewer WMVs wont play in linux05:28
hermitI use this same ~/.Xdefaults file on another machine and it works fine, but on ubuntu it's not working that way.05:28
blah_sameguylolOK, how do i reinstall windows05:28
h17m4nQuestion: How do I make a desktop icon of a chroot Firefox 32-bit?05:29
Cashel... and then there was silence... lol05:29
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, I can watch in fact all porn I download ;)05:29
transparentdreamOK someone PLEASE help me with my printer problem! It's connected via USB, printed a few days ago, won;t print anymore PLEASE HELP05:29
hermittransparentdream: put ink in it05:29
=== Lordphyn [n=biffejoe@pcp0010060920pcs.tharpe01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, anyway I don't unsterstand why you keep asking about windows05:29
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durtmarcin_ant: are you downloading WMVs?05:29
blah_sameguyloli want to reinstall windows 95 on my comp05:29
Lordphynhi, am having mystery samba "timeout" problems, any help05:30
tritiumtransparentdream, please quit repeating.05:30
pussfellergstreamer0.8-faad: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-21) but 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu14 is to be installed05:30
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, 1. we are not MS windows support, 2. just boot from windows CD and see what will happen05:30
marcin_antdurt, sure05:30
pussfellerwhat exactly does that mean05:30
transparentdreamWell then will someone help me?05:30
blah_sameguyloli did and it loaded ubuntu05:30
durtmarcin_ant: and do you have anything special other than w32codecs installed?05:30
Cashelpussfeller, you using non standard repositories? That happened to me that way...05:30
Kyraltransparentdream, did you try to post on the forums?05:31
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, ehh believe me that we are not hardware support too....05:31
Madpilotblah_sameguylol: you probably need to set your bios boot order - CD first, then HD...05:31
transparentdreamwhat forums05:31
naliothhowdy tritium05:31
=== Kyral falls down
durtubuntu forums05:31
tritiumhi nalioth :)05:31
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, but I'll tell you - go to bios and set cd rom as boot device05:31
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Madpilottransparentdream: http://ubuntuforums.org/05:31
marcin_antdurt, I got codecs pack from mplayerhq.hu05:31
tritiumtransparentdream, what changed since the time when printing was working?05:32
pussfellerwindows 95? heh05:32
[Chameleon] transparentdream: what printer?05:32
marcin_antdurt, what kind of player you use?05:32
[Chameleon] transparentdream: manufacturer/model ?05:32
=== arbir [n=chatzill@S01060011953d8506.fm.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, anyway please don't leave us once you install windows05:32
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durtmplayer, totem-xine, vlc, ive tried alot of stuff05:32
=== [Chameleon] likes gxine
dreamieusername is not in the sudoers file. how do i fix this?05:32
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, I really would like to know if you will have internet on your second machine :)05:33
tritiumdreamie, add that user to the admin groujp05:33
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH!, gusto505:33
=== concept10 [n=chatzill@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gusto5or add the users to the sudoers list05:33
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, (and I really would like to hear that you don't ;) )05:33
dreamietritium, i thought that it already was in admin group05:33
dreamiehow do i add it?05:33
=== Cashel likes xine as well... if you mean xine-ui .... havent tried gxine...
durtthanks marcin_ant, ill try these codecs05:33
tritiumadduser <username> admin05:33
blah_sameguylolno internet on second machine05:33
marcin_antdurt, I use mplayer and totem-xine05:34
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, well - first install windows ;)05:34
=== omp342 wonders when Gnome 2.12 is coming out
Madpilotomp342: with Breezy in about a month, for Ubuntu05:35
thrice`omp342, tomorrow or the day after05:35
=== ivan_ivan [n=ivan@200-168-128-86.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
thrice`most is uploaded to breezy05:35
ivan_ivanhello there05:35
thrice`and no, it's not being released for ubuntu05:35
dreamiethe group admin does not exist05:35
marcin_antdurt, you are right - totem-xine refuses to work with wmv files05:35
marcin_antdurt, but mplayer works ok05:35
Cashelis there supposed to be something spectacularly better in gnome 2.12??05:35
tritiumdreamie, that sounds screwy05:35
ivan_ivanhaving some problems... where I can talk with someone about a problematic ubuntu installation?05:35
thrice`yes, cairo and gtk 2.8 of course05:36
Cashelhere ivan_ivan , whats the problem?05:36
dreamieright Tritium05:36
=== fort [n=lol@ppp237-89.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
dreamiewhat do i do about it05:36
ivan_ivanHello there, Cashel. Here it goes:05:36
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blah_sameguylolit wont let me install windows05:36
Casheldont paste05:36
ivan_ivanI am installling a ubuntu hoary on a compac prosignia, very old indeed.05:37
blah_sameguyloli used a win95 on reboot05:37
blah_sameguyloldidnt work05:37
fortcan anyone help me05:37
ivan_ivanTo do the installation, I had to put the debian-installer/framebuffer=off05:37
fortim trying to install ubuntu hoary from windows05:37
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forti dont know how to do it with an ISO on my hard drive05:37
ubotufonts is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FontInstallHowto05:37
fortinstead of a cd05:37
ivan_ivanbut, when the system reboots, the screen just freezes05:37
fortor from downloading from the internet?05:37
fortanyone help me?05:37
blah_sameguylol>.< im so confused!05:37
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, ehh05:37
durtmarcin_ant: should i create a codecs directory in /usr/lib and put the codecs there?05:38
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, put your ubuntu CD to drive and reboot05:38
ivan_ivanI think that the problem is the framebuffer after the reboot, with base-config05:38
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Cashelivan_ivan, does it go thru the kernel stuff and freeze once it does, or does it freeze before that?05:38
blah_sameguylollive or hd install] 05:38
ivan_ivanno, it freezes after the first reboot, after the kernel being loaded05:38
fortsorry to be rude, but can anyone help me?05:38
dreamieok it wont recognize my username or password..why? how can i fix this?05:38
marcin_antdurt, nope05:39
=== odat [n=odat@ip106.186.235.64.susc.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotfort: what OS are you running right now?05:39
ivan_ivani think just when base-conig tries to take over05:39
dreamiei can get into the computer but not into the softwares05:39
fortWindows XP05:39
marcin_antdurt, you need to put them when mplayer expects to have them05:39
marcin_antdurt, so /usr/lib/win3205:39
fortive used the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/FromWindows guide05:39
forti dont wanna re download the files05:39
odatdoes anyone have that really nice blue theme installed with blue trashcan  i can't seem to find it on gnome site. what is the name of it?05:39
Cashelivan_ivan, ok, it sounds to me like your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is screwed... tried booting into safe mode?? Hopefuly they dont load gdm in safe mode.... or single user mode....05:40
blah_sameguylolUT OH05:40
Madpilotfort: to burn the actual ISO: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto - has XP instructions05:40
blah_sameguylolNO NO NO05:40
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, so it booted from CD - right?05:40
blah_sameguylolno it wouldnt boot05:40
blah_sameguylolnothig boots from cd05:40
fortnah the problem is i dont have a cd burner :<05:40
ivan_ivansingle use is ok, and i have played with some xorg configurations. but even vesa or vga does not work!05:40
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, BIOS05:40
blah_sameguylolok ill restart and enter bios05:40
odatdoes anyone have that really nice blue theme installed with blue trashcan  i can't seem to find it on gnome site. what is the name of it?05:40
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ivan_ivanand if base-config does not continues, the installation is not complete and I have to install all the packages byt hand...05:41
tritiumodat, no need to repeat05:41
Madpilotfort: you can order free CDs from Ubuntu...05:41
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blah_sameguylolk bios open05:41
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, but anyway I'm curious how you installed ubuntu when your system doesn;t boot from cd :) ?05:41
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blah_sameguylolit booted from cd wen i was on window05:41
hermitfuck what a useless channel05:41
Cashelivan_ivan, thats what I'd try anyways... boot into sing user or whatever, then cd /etc/init.d  then  rm gdm ... then reboot ... you should have a regular console after that.. then you'll need to tinker with xorg.conf until you can startx succesfuly....05:41
blah_sameguylolok how do i config it to start05:41
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, go to advanced chipset settings05:41
tritiumhermit, please be polite05:41
kevogodhermit, And what was your useless question?05:41
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marcin_antblah_sameguylol, and you will have there something like 'first boot device' etc.05:42
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hermitoh that's what it takes to get attention05:42
Cashelso you havent finished installing yet or are you talking about when you run base-config by hand?05:42
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, I don't know your bios so I need to guess05:42
durti seems i already have those codecs installed :(05:42
ivan_ivanwell, i can change that also at /etc/X11/default-display-manager... ok, thanks. let me see what happens...05:42
ivan_ivanthank you!05:42
hermit~/.Xdefaults and ~/.Xresources will not read05:42
fortMadpilot: is there anyway to install from an iso on your hard drive?05:42
hermitdoes ubuntu use some other name05:42
blah_sameguylolboot sequence?05:42
hermiti have urxvt settings in those files and they aren't loading when x starts05:42
=== Cashel must be lagging
animepunkwnalioth , i tryied installing the gstreamer0.8-mad, akode-mpeg, gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg, gstreamer0.8-plugins, libmad0 packages and also set xmms to use the output plugin to libesdout.so.. still same thing05:42
tritiumhermit, you need to be polite in this channel please05:43
hermiti am05:43
=== DrTiger [n=andi@a81-14-158-148.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumhermit, calling us useless is hardly polite05:43
naliothanimepunkw: then you need to get with some of these sound gurus in here05:43
blah_sameguylolis that it05:43
odatanyone know how to put the traskcan back on the desktop?05:43
DrTigerHi! is there a program for ubuntu that can download a website for offline browsing?05:43
blah_sameguylolthe boot sequence05:43
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, could be05:43
Madpilotfort: I have no idea05:43
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hermitthis channel is like 99% questions05:44
durti get this error when i play a wmv in mplayer: "Too many video packets in the buffer: (1452 in 8396048 bytes)."05:44
nerdy2DrTiger, see wget or curl05:44
hermiteverything from legitimate queries to moron questions05:44
DrTigerI mean recursively05:44
hermitand nary an answer to be found05:44
blah_sameguylolk set it to, CDROM,C,A, blah blah05:44
hermitit's just frustrating05:44
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, ok that's it05:44
anomalyany word on when Ubuntu may be releasing a hard copy book on its distro?05:44
nerdy2DrTiger, yea, wget -r will do it recursively05:44
DrTigerdownloading the linked documents and java anything05:44
naliothhermit: the more info you can give with your question, the easier it will be05:44
rahotepguys, does anybody know about "system restore"05:44
nerdy2DrTiger, man wget05:44
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hermitand even after repeating myself again, after getting all eyes on me with an inflammatory remark, i still get no response05:44
DrTigerhmm but no external link?05:44
blah_sameguylolyeay ubuntu install thingy05:45
nerdy2Dr_Net, use the appropriate options05:45
blah_sameguylolnow wut05:45
kevogodhermit, No, they do not exist.05:45
rahotepI've got what looks like an old "restore" that now pops up every time a boot05:45
naliothhermit: if nobody knows about your problem, nobody will answer05:45
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, ok then replace CD's and install05:45
h17m4nhow do I make a shortcut to a chroot program that needs 2 commands? from terminal I have to run "dchroot -d" and then "firefox32" . What would be the command for the shortcut?05:45
zcat[1] hermit: what was the question?05:45
kevogodhermit, That the answer you looking for?05:45
hermitkevogod: yeah thanks a lot man05:45
hermiti appreciate it05:45
animepunkwhmm any sound guru's in here that wanna lead a hand to a newb , when i try playing mp3's in xmms i get an error ""couldn't open audio" please check that : your soundcard is configured properly, You have the correct output plugin selected, No other program is blocking the soundcard"05:45
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, BTW don't you think that you could save some time just calling to your provider?05:45
hermiti hate these large channels where there's so much crap spewing by you can't hold a conversation05:45
naliothanimepunkw: have you been to wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary  ?05:45
blah_sameguylolim a kid05:46
hermiti can tell05:46
transparentdreamWould someone like to help me with ym printer woes? Please PM me05:46
animepunkwnalioth yeah05:46
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zcat[1] go joing #slackware. There's nobody in there usually :)05:46
naliothhermit: if you preface your sends with someones nick, you'll get better response05:46
blah_sameguyloland i had to reboot the install woulnt wor05:46
Quinthiusanimepunkw: go into options, set output plugin to esd.. see if that helps05:46
tritiumI told you to be polite already, hermit05:46
animepunkwQuinthius ok i'll try05:46
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, then you could know if you will have internet on second machine faster05:46
blah_sameguylolits already 500kb/sec05:47
transparentdreamWould someone like to help me with my printer woes? Please PM me, and I will repeat as much as I need to in order to get help05:47
kevogodhermit, Sarcasm is not a right, it is a privilege.05:47
fortOk here's my problem now.05:47
DrTigerthanks, wget works well it seems05:47
fortI have a 120gb HDD formatted for linux, how do i format it for windows?05:47
=== LoneFreak [n=hx10@cpc1-cove3-6-0-cust34.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
blah_sameguylolthe windows 95 disk wont install it05:47
tritiumhermit, please read this for next time: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct/document_view05:48
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naliothfort: the windows installer will take care of it05:48
animepunkwQuinthius, i don't have an option for esd05:48
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, of course it wont05:48
blah_sameguylolif i use the linux install to format05:48
blah_sameguylolok wut05:48
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, because win95 CD aren't bootable05:48
transparentdreamWould someone like to help me with my printer woes? Please PM me, and I will repeat as much as I need to in order to get help05:48
Quinthiusanimepunkw: humm... what are the options? oss and alsa i assume... anything else?05:48
fortnalioth: i already have windows installed on my other HDD05:48
blah_sameguylol*slams head onto desk*05:48
fortbut i want my other hdd formatted for it05:48
h17m4nPlease, how do I make a line with 2 commands where the second one depends on the first one?05:48
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, try win98SE or 2000 or XP05:48
LoneFreakCan someone help, I messed ubuntu up :S05:48
odatanyone know how to put the trashcan back on the desktop?05:48
zcat[1] h17m4n: &&05:48
tritiumtransparentdream, you never answered me.  What has changed since it was last working?05:48
blah_sameguylolwere can i steal those05:48
animepunkwQuinthius, disk sound and esound05:48
Madpilottransparentdream: flooding the channel will just get you kicked, not helped...05:49
brettcarh17m4n: commandone && commandtwo05:49
kevogodLoneFreak, What seems to be the problem?05:49
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, to run win95 installation you need floppy05:49
Quinthiusanimepunkw: esound is esd05:49
Cashelfort, mkfs.vfat /dev/####05:49
Madpilotlater, all. need food.05:49
tritiumblah_sameguylol, no warez discussions here please05:49
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animepunkwQuinthius, ah yeah . lol sorry . no that's not working05:49
transparentdreamOh im sorry,05:49
transparentdreamnothing has changed05:49
transparentdreami turne doff and on the computer05:49
naliothfort: i know how to do it if i see it, but i havent run windows in years and cant remember the names of the things05:49
h17m4nLet me check that.05:49
Cashelodat, you sure it ever was on the desktop? I dont think it can exist off the panel....05:49
LoneFreakWell, I was moving my menus about. And I put on in autohide at the bottom, with another one with no autohide and one of the menus gets stuck behind the other05:49
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, well can we do a kind of experiment?05:50
LoneFreakand neither work05:50
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AlinuxOS:) hello what about GNOME 2.12, when?05:50
Quinthiusanimepunkw: go to system -> preferences -> multimedia selector... hit test on the output one... does it beep?05:50
Cashelat least, I havent been able to get it to..05:50
zcat[1] h17m4n: depends what you mean by 'depends on' -- && means 'if the first one worked'   | means take the output of the first one and use it as input for the next one05:50
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, you got ubuntu live - right?05:50
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odatcashel: yes it can i had it on there before but i forget the command i did it with05:50
LoneFreakMaybe I should take a screenshot lol05:50
kevogod!tell kevogod about trash05:50
blah_sameguyloli already tried it with ubuntu live on net too still wouldnt work05:50
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tritiumtransparentdream, make sure that when you power up the computer the printer is on (/etc/init.d/cupsys is run at boot, and needs to "see" the printer)05:50
h17m4nThe thing is that, I need to run dchroot -d and then Firefox32 in order to be able to use flash05:50
transparentdreamlet me reboot and try it them05:50
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tritiumtransparentdream, wait05:51
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, have you tried live on this machine you are currently on?05:51
intelikeyLoneFreak right click on the one menu and unlock it then move it elsewhere.05:51
blah_sameguylolshould i05:51
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, you could05:51
kevogododat, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/faqsection_view?section=Using%20Ubuntu05:51
blah_sameguylolill do it soon as i get this other problem taken care of05:51
animepunkwQuinthius, nope , failed to construct test piplinefor 'ESD enlightnment Sound Daeman'05:51
h17m4ndchroot -d, I believe, makes the terminal thing that /chroot/ is actually /, and runs stuff from there05:51
kevogododat, Read the second part of that. It talks about the Trashcan on the desktop.05:51
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, then you will know if your problems with internet on second machine are because ubuntu is not configured properly05:52
Quinthiusanimepunkw: ok... check one more thing... system -> pref -> sound ... is "start sound server" checked?05:52
brettcarh17m4n: If dchroot is anything like the regular chroot you can just append the full chrooted path to firefox after it.05:52
kevogododat, "If you want to turn some of the special desktop icons back on, run Applications > System Tools > Configuration Editor, navigate to /apps/nautilus/general, and choose the icons you want to appear."05:52
dreamiewhy am i getting <username> is not the sudoers file? when i just logged into it05:52
odatkevogod: ok05:52
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, or because your provider blocks network card on second machine05:52
blah_sameguylolthats more than likly it because they had to register our ip i think05:52
animepunkwQuinthius, yes it is05:52
Cashel!tell cashel about trash05:52
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, each network card has it's unique identificator called MAC05:52
blah_sameguylolthey did sumtin05:53
kevogodCashel: Sorry, that does not work.05:53
blah_sameguylolbecause our old modem didnt work on this new comp05:53
blah_sameguyloland it was same isp05:53
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, and a s I said earlier05:53
Cashelso I see :)05:53
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Quinthiusanimepunkw: ahh... i dunno what else to do but it sounds like a problem with drivers for your card or something...05:53
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, propably this is the reason why you don't have internet on your second machine05:53
blah_sameguylolok a completely legal version of windows 98 has been but in and im rebooting05:53
blah_sameguylolwill it boot on start?05:54
h17m4nCool. Last time I tried that it actually run the 64 bit version of Firefox05:54
h17m4nThx man05:54
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marcin_antblah_sameguylol, of course I'm not sure - but I'll give 90%05:54
marcin_antblah_sameguylol, it should05:54
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dreamieanyone caught my question?05:54
h17m4nI don't think windows 98 will be able to format the linux partition05:54
blah_sameguylolit didnt, maybe cuz it wasnt 100% legal, not sure05:54
hermitdreamie: nope, too busy05:54
hermittoo much banter05:54
naliothdreamie: wait a few minutes tween asking. dont nag05:54
blah_sameguylolok with my windows95. can a floppy work05:55
blah_sameguylolo shit05:55
intelikeydreamie if you add user accounts and want them to also have sudoer rights you will have to add them to /etc/sudoers   read up on it.05:55
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animepunkwQuinthius, yikes , maybe i'll try restarting since i just installed those packages , thanks for the help tho05:55
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h17m4nmom caught him awake05:55
marcin_anthave you got floppy drives on both machines?05:55
odatkevogod: thanx man apprieciate it05:55
intelikeydreamie the account that you installed ub with should have sudoers rights already.05:56
kevogododat, No problem.05:56
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tritiumdreamie, you should also have an admin group05:56
kevogodWhy does helping people feel so fulfilling?05:56
h17m4nbrettcar, what about fonts? do I have to install them into the chroot path too?05:56
naliothdreamie: intelikey is trying to help you05:56
intelikeykevo it does ?05:56
kevogodI'm evil at heart, yet it feels good.05:56
hx10_Ok i took a screenshot, but i couldn't reaccess this window05:57
odatkevogod: cuz everyone knows its the right thing to do05:57
hx10_the menus are broke, and i dunno howto fix them05:57
odatanyway i can't for the life of me track down that one theme i got from art.gnome no more than three days ago  i don't know where it went05:57
kevogodhx10_, That is interesting, what were you doing before this happened?05:58
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hx10_Well, I was just moving them around05:58
intelikeyhx10 did you try right click on the menu and unlock it so you can move it ?05:58
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hx10_I can't right click on them05:58
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hx10_I can't move the, do anything05:58
kevogodhx10_, Have you restarted X or rebooted?05:59
h17m4nmaybe restartx or gnome will fix that?05:59
ianis it possible to get the MySQL Embedded Server in an ubuntu package?05:59
Cashelodat, locate is your friend05:59
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hx10_I've rebooted, it didn't work05:59
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tritiumhey thoreauputic05:59
kevogododat, Don't listen to him. Beagle is your friend... but not in Hoary.05:59
odatcashel: i am on another computer that i installed gnome on so it was never on this system to begin with05:59
kevogodCashel, :-)05:59
thoreauputichi tritium :)06:00
Carpe_LibertatemI installed beagle but I don't know where it is06:00
odatwhat is beagle?06:00
hx10_Anyway to access the menu edtior from terminal?06:00
marcin_antCarpe_Libertatem, run beagled from console06:00
intelikeyhx10_ you can logout [ctrl] +[alt] +[f1]  login to that console and do a rm .gnome* to reset your desktop.  then logout and [alt] +[f7]  back to the gui06:00
marcin_antCarpe_Libertatem, and best with 'run program'06:01
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intelikeyhx10_ you can logout [ctrl] +[alt] +[f1]  login to that console and do a "rm -rf .gnome*" to reset your desktop.  then logout and [alt] +[f7]  back to the gui06:01
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zcat[1] zcat@fluffy:~$ apt-cache search beagle06:01
zcat[1] zcat@fluffy:~$06:01
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zcat[1] What is beagle?06:01
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hx10_ok but that would mean i have no gui?06:01
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noirequuszcat[1] : its like "Spotlight" on tiger osx06:01
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anomalysupposedly a search engine for linux06:02
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animepunkwboo xmms is still not working :(06:02
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intelikeyall it will do is reset the desktop settings hx10_06:02
candlelightanyone in ubuntu security team?06:02
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=== zcat[1] has never seen spotlight either
hajaI am having problems installing mods for ut2004. Can anyone give me a hand?06:02
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evaderOK to move to breezy yet????06:02
evaderwhen is the official release?06:02
hx10_Well i will try06:02
setitemaybe ndiswrapper will work in breezy?06:02
hx10_don't suppose it can get anyworse06:02
anomalyevader I am hearing oct still06:02
setitei cant work it06:02
setiteit errors06:02
evaderanomaly: ok thanks06:03
dreamiebut how do i get into the sudoers file06:03
evaderbut generally is it ok to move to Breezy now??06:03
hx10_oh great, the F1 key don't work06:03
dreamie/etc/sudoers what?06:03
hermitndiswrapper works in hoary06:03
evaderdreamie: vi /etc/sudoers06:03
tritiumdreamie, sudo visudo06:03
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Cashelok NOW I'm mad.... I installed both qt3-designer and glade.... I know *ONE* of them had the option for outputting in perl.... neither seem to tho.... what gives? help! beg! plead! whine!06:03
hermitor whorey as i like to call it06:03
Rhaymarcomo configuro un apple ubuntu touchpad06:03
tritiumRhaymar, #ubuntu-es por favor06:04
hajaI did /ucc-bin umodunpack -x file.ut2mod -nohomedir and then /ucc-bin umodunpack -l file.ut2mod -nohomedir there is a .sh file in the package but I don't know how to get to it...06:04
dreamiehow do i get out of VI06:04
kevogodI can't for the life of me get my VPN connection working.06:04
ianRhaymar: /j #ubuntu-es06:04
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Rhaymartritium : no usuarios06:04
odatevader i'm on breezy now06:04
tritiumdreamie, you really don't have an admin group?06:04
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Rhaymarno contestan nadies06:05
Cashel:q!  ... if he doesnt know how to get out, he probably didnt know how to edit the file either, best not to write :P06:05
Quinthiusdreamie: type :wq to save & quit, :q! to quit and not save, :q to just quit if no changes have been made06:05
tritiumRhaymar, lo siento.06:05
hx10_trust me to get myself stuck lol06:05
setiteanyone know why ndiswrapper is giving me an operation not permitted06:05
intelikeyCashel ....06:05
hx10_I can't do anything but run from terminal and loose my windows06:05
animepunkwwell xine seems to be the only player that will play mp3's06:05
Cashelintelikey ....06:05
setiteit gives me operation not permitted in or out of sudo and with su06:06
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Quinthiusanimepunkw: can you look in xine options and see what audio output it is using?06:06
setiteanimepunkw: i used BMP06:06
dreamieok i dont know if i had an admin group06:06
evaderis Rhythmbox fixed in Breezy now???06:06
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dreamieall i know is that the sudo commands are not working for me because it saids user is not in sudoers file06:06
durtdoes windows media player run well in wine?06:06
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evaderdurt: that is so evil to say06:06
Carpe_Libertatemdurt: I highly doubt it.06:06
intelikeyhx10_ what ?06:06
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kevogodI prefer nano.06:06
dreamiedo i just do vi /etc/sudoers and add my username?06:06
tritiumdreamie, cat /etc/group | grep admin06:06
jmhodgesanyone know how to get the menu bar to appear in gvim by default? i've somehow lost mine06:07
durti need to watch my wmvs though!06:07
setiteomg the chaos in here06:07
thoreauputicdreamie: no, use the visudo command06:07
intelikeydreamie no man sudoers  first.06:07
evaderapt-get install w32codecs06:07
hermitsetite: yeah06:07
caonexI have just installed my broadcom wireless nic; however, it does not seem to get a inet 4 address, what can I do?06:07
tritiumdreamie, first try adding your user to the admin group.06:07
MrSt0nei tried to upgrade to breezy, but it screwed up my sound and everything, I need help. Is there a way to rollback to hoary06:07
setitecaonex: is your card working? how.. i cant get my broadcom working06:07
HrdwrBoBMrSt0ne: no06:07
hajaCan someone give me a hand with installing Ut2004 mods...?06:07
caonexsetite yes it seems to be working06:07
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durti have all the codecs, but the wmvs at videosz.com dont play like the other wmvs i have06:07
tritiumdreamie, that's it?  Not a second line?06:08
thoreauputicMrSt0ne: not without much pain and frustration06:08
caonexsetite i can scan the SSIDs06:08
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setitecaonex: what did oyu do... please help me.. i cant get it to work at all06:08
dreamietritium, no second line06:08
CashelE: Package w32codecs has no installation candidate  for me.. not that I need it..06:08
tritiumdreamie, is this warty?06:08
dreamiewhat is warty?06:08
caonexi compiled ndiswrapper06:08
setitecaonex: i cant get the drver working... i installed the bcmwl5.inf06:08
tritiumdreamie, the first ubuntu release06:08
setiteyou compiled it06:08
setiteok that must be it... the ubuntu one is shit?06:08
kevogodsetite, Language, please.06:09
dreamiethoreauputic, the visudo command doesnt work because it saids username is not in sudoers file06:09
setiteok chit06:09
dreamietritium no06:09
caonexsetite what do you mean?06:09
thoreauputicdreamie: right, catch 2206:09
tritiumdreamie, by default, only the first user that you setup has sudo priveleges06:09
thoreauputicdreamie: you might have to boot in recovery mode to get a root prompt06:09
setitecaonex: i have the ubuntu repo ndiswrapper installed.. and the module wont load on start.. errors out06:09
dreamiethoreauputic, i have root access06:10
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durtndiswrapper -m and put ndiswrapper in /etc/modules06:10
thoreauputicdreamie: then become root and run visudo06:10
intelikeydreamie you will have to use the user account that you installed ub with  it is the admin account...06:10
setiteive already done that i believe06:10
caonexsetite you may need to compile it06:10
setitei can try again though06:10
dreamieoh thats my problem06:10
dreamiebecause i have root06:10
MrSt0nethoreauputic: so what would you suggest?06:10
setitei get operation not permitted on sudo modprobe ndiswrapper06:10
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intelikey<dreamie> thoreauputic, i have root access <--- or do it as root...06:11
dreamiewhere in sudoers do i add my username?06:11
caonexsetite hmm...is the user you are using in the /etc/sudoers file?06:11
setitesetite@ubuntu:~$ ndiswrapper -m06:11
setitemodprobe config already contains alias directive06:11
thoreauputicMrSt0ne: well, Breezy is still in development - if it breaks "you get to keep the pieces"06:11
setiteit should be.. everythign else works fine in sudo06:11
intelikeydreamie did you "man sudoers" ?06:11
setitei only have one user06:11
MrSt0nethoreauputic: should i just reinstall everything?06:11
thoreauputicMrSt0ne: what are the problems?06:11
durthave the lights on your card ever come on?06:11
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setiteand "ndiswrapper" is at the end of my modules06:12
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animepunkwQuinthius, can't find where it says it , only thing i could find said the audio driver was default06:12
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MrSt0nethoreauputic: I have no sound, i configured it yesterday and it worked like a charm. I just installed Ubuntu saturday, and im a semi linux noob06:13
TokenBadman problems with azureus all over the place it seems06:13
animepunkwsetite , you use bmp ?06:13
caonexi have no idea, what could be setite06:13
setiteanimepunkw: yes beep media player06:13
setitecaonex: im adding the ndis repo.. ill try that06:14
thoreauputicMrStone: you might want to write a question to the ubuntu-users mailing list -but if sound was working before, it should be possible to restore that condition06:14
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durtsetite: ubuntu might have tried to load a module that interfers with ndiswrapper06:14
thoreauputicMrSt0ne: have you tried running alsamixer to see if any channels need unmuting?06:14
durtanybody know how to list the loaded modules?06:14
caonexsetite, sorry06:14
animepunkwSetite, can i apt-get that ?06:14
setitewell i sorta have two drivers installed06:14
MrSt0neThoreauputic: no i havent. How would i do that? terminal: alsamixer?06:14
intelikeydurt like lsmod  maybe ?06:15
TokenBadanyone know why azureus would start downloading a file to the dir you say...get so much of it downloaded...and then come up saying that the file or dir don't exist?06:15
TokenBadeven though it does06:15
thoreauputicMrSt0ne: in aterminal, type alsamixer06:15
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thoreauputicMrSt0ne: use "M" to mute/unmute06:15
TokenBadand it keeps trying to save to a dir I didn't tell it to save to06:16
thoreauputicMrSt0ne: arrow keys to change levels06:16
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arlingtonhey guys. can i get the macromedia plugin for FF through synaptic/kynaptic?06:16
MrSt0nethoreauputic: your a genious06:16
odatgeez does anyone know where the entire gnome themes went on their site??06:16
caonexsetite did you restart?06:16
thoreauputicMrSt0ne: ha - no I just know what sometimes works :)06:16
arlington(btw I'm running Kubuntu. but the roomd a little dry atm. )06:17
MrSt0nethoreauputic: would you mind helping me with one more thing?06:17
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tritiumarlington, yes, make sure you have universe and multiverse repos enabled06:17
MrSt0nethoreauputic: and by one more i mean a few more06:17
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thoreauputicMrSt0ne: if I can - remeber there are 330 people here ;)06:17
arlingtonwill it also work if I just install it through FF when I get to a site that requires it?06:17
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tritiumarlington, better to install an ubuntu package06:18
setiteok im removing ndiswrapper now06:18
thoreauputicMrSt0ne: just ask and if someone can help they will06:18
arlingtonok np06:18
durtsetite: run "lsmod" and if you see anything related to broadcom or anything, "rmmod" it06:18
MrSt0nethoreauputic: ok thank you very much06:18
TokenBadanyone know about that?06:18
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setiteok because i installed two drivers i think06:19
thoreauputicMrSt0ne: so fire away :)06:19
setitethat might be the issue06:19
setitei just uninstalled ndiswrapper06:19
arlingtonok no luck so far finding the option to change to Universal/Multiverse Repos06:20
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TokenBadanyone tell me whats up with azureus not working?06:20
MrSt0newhen i type in my sudo apt-get update, at the end theres a string that says "Couldn't stat source package list cdrom://Ubuntu 5.04 _Hoary Hedgehog_ - Release i386 (20050407) hoary/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/Ubuntu%205.04%20%5fHoary%20Hedgehog%5f%20-%20Release%20i386%20(20050407)_dists_hoary_restricted_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)06:20
tritiumarlington, you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list if you're comfortable doing that06:20
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caonexdurt is it suppose to be a little slower, the connection because we are emulating windows to run those drivers?06:20
arusomeone who knows audacity, msg me please :)06:21
arlingtonwell I'm brand new but I don't mind giving it a try06:21
MrSt0neand it tells me to run sudo apt-get update06:21
tritiumarlington, what are you using now?  synaptic?06:21
MrSt0neand when i do that it says the same thing (at the end of update)06:21
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arlingtonI can use either or though06:22
tritiumup to you06:22
arlingtonsynaptic's fine for now06:22
MrSt0newhat im asking: should i be worried that it says that?06:22
thoreauputicMrSt0ne:  sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and put a # in front of the cdrom line, then update again06:23
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durtwhat is it caonex?06:23
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setitehaha whats a yenta_socket06:23
TokenBadI have a couple problems in azureus..anyone help?06:23
thoreauputicMrSt0ne: or just remove that line06:23
aruon audacity I cant change my audio in, the box is blank06:23
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setitehey i added the ndiswrapper repo06:24
thoreauputicarlington: /whois says tritium is away06:24
setitewhy is it not coming up06:24
bob2TokenBad: way better to just ask your quetion06:24
setiteis it purely source?06:24
TokenBadI did06:24
bob2setite: there's no "ndiswrapper repo"06:24
MrSt0nethoreauputic: your 2 for 206:24
TokenBadit still didn't get answered06:24
MrSt0nethoreauputic: thank you very much06:24
thoreauputicMrSt0ne: :)06:24
setitebob there was a repo line at the site06:24
thoreauputicMrSt0ne: yw06:24
bob2setite: "the site"?06:24
bob2can you be more vague?06:25
arlingtonI was being helped by him/her to get the macromedia plugin through synaptic06:25
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TokenBadanyone know why azureus would start downloading a file to the dir you say...get so much of it downloaded...and then come up saying that the file or dir don't exist?06:25
bob2setite: so, ignore that completely06:25
setitethe site for the ndiswrapper.. i thought that was kinda a given06:25
TokenBadeven though it does06:25
bob2setite: since you're using ubuntu, which includes ndiswrapper06:25
TokenBadand it keeps trying to save to a dir I didn't tell it to save to06:25
bob2setite: no, it's not a given, it's a mistake06:25
MrSt0neone more thing and then i'll leave you guys alone for the night06:25
setitethat one wont work06:25
bob2setite: "wont work" is not a description of a problem06:25
arlingtonforgive my ignorance but what is the method to do a private message?06:25
setitebob2: i cant get the ndiswrapper to load06:26
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kevogodarlington, type /msg <nick> <message>06:26
thoreauputicarlington: /query or /msg - but ask first06:26
bob2setite: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetUpNdiswrapper06:26
arlingtonor at least to pop up on a persons screen06:26
setiteand a sudo modprobe ndiswrapper fails due to operation bot permitted06:26
arlingtonok thanks06:26
bob2setite: perhaps it'd be eaiser if you mentioned that to begin with06:26
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bob2instead of us having to talk for 5 minutes before you tell me what the problem is06:26
TokenBadbob2, thats the problem I am having06:27
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setiteim not a super noob.. i used that tutorial and the sudo modprobe failed06:27
bob2TokenBad: what did the azureus people say?06:27
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o thoreauputic] by thoreauputic
durtsetite use "sudo su"06:27
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bob2setite: so, when asking for help and a step failed, you need to mention it06:27
TokenBadwell had it working before..so now not sure whats going on06:27
bob2durt: how will that help?06:27
setitebob2:  i said it earlier... thought you caught it06:27
MrSt0neI used to have my samba set up so that i can network with my windows system, but now its not there06:27
TokenBadall I did was reinstall ubuntu06:27
aj_calrissianok one more stupid question. I registered my nick but forgot my password. how do I get that back?06:27
durtthat sometimes works...06:27
TokenBadand did the stuff same as before06:27
bob2why on earth would you reinstall?06:28
MrSt0neand also before, i had problems with my windows system getting into my linux06:28
bob2setite: go ask on the ndiswrapper list, I suspect that error means your hardware is not supported by ndiswrapper06:28
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ubotufrom memory, fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FontInstallHowto06:28
MrSt0neit would ask my windows for a user name and a password06:28
MrSt0neand i have no idea what to put into it06:28
bob2MrSt0ne: so tell it to share things anonymously06:28
kevogodaj_calrissian, I believe you will have to wait 60 days when it drops.06:28
thoreauputic!tell MrSt0ne about samba06:28
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bob2aj_calrissian: there's nothing on the freenode.net faq?06:29
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MrSt0nethoreauputic: thanks agian06:29
TokenBadbob2 just felt like it06:29
setitebob2: i get this everytime.. with su, sudo, sudo su and none06:29
MrSt0nethoreauputic: your a lifesaver06:29
setiteFATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-k7/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted06:29
bob2setite: yes, I know06:29
bob2setite: do what I suggsted above06:29
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thoreauputicMrSt0ne: I just use the bot to answer for me ;-)06:30
setitewell if thats the case i suppose i will be getting linuxant or saying bugger all....06:30
MrSt0nethoreauputic: haha that'll do it06:30
thoreauputicMrSt0ne: I actually don't use samba here (nfs instead)06:30
MrSt0nethoreauputic: one more thing, how do you make your messages red like that?06:30
thoreauputicMrSt0ne: your client does that06:30
bob2setite: or you could just stop talking and actually go ask the ndiswrapper people06:31
bob2setite: perhaps all you need is a newer version06:31
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thoreauputicMrSt0ne: presumably xchat - it highlights on your nick06:31
aj_calrissianI never thought to look on the freenode.net FAQ06:31
f_newtonMrSt0ne, if they are addressed to you by name they show up red in your xchat window06:31
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MrSt0nef_newton: ok thank you06:31
MrSt0nethoreauputic: good thing it has it, i probaly wouldnt have been helped06:32
syx howdy, can anyone tell me what the system stats thing on the right of this is - http://distrowatch.com/images/screenshots/arabian-0.6-beta4.png - I would love to use it on my ubuntu laptop.06:32
thoreauputicMrSt0ne: you can configure colours/ beeps etc in settings06:32
f_newtonyeah it says forbidden no permission to enter server06:32
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syxits there somwhere06:33
syxhalfway down06:33
setitebob2: thats what im trying to do now.. how do i do that.. and what is the repo line at the ndiswrapper.sf.net for06:33
bob2apparently superkaramba06:34
HoxzerNp: ac/Dc 06 -Rock Your Heart Out.mp3 [4:07] 06:34
bob2as the screenshot says06:34
bob2Hoxzer: please turn that off06:34
bob2setite: no, ask the ndiswrapper people, first06:34
Hoxzerwrong channel to sing songs06:34
bob2wrong channel to have silly scripts running in06:35
HoxzerI dont have script06:35
HoxzerI only use copy now playing and write np before it06:35
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=== Cashel chuckles
ubotuplease don't /msg people or start a personal message/ dcc chat without asking first in channel. People might be busy, and you have a better chance of an answer in the channel. Don't assume a particular user will be able to help you.06:36
aruin audacity I cannt change from mic to line in for recording device... if anyone has any ideas feel free to pinch my inner thigh06:37
TokenBadgot the error its giving06:37
TokenBadresume data save error fails06:37
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intelikeyaru aumix ?06:37
syndis ext3 the best for linux?06:37
f_newtonI think so06:38
holycowits kinda the wrong question06:38
f_newtonbut there are many choices06:38
aruintelikey: ?06:38
graemesynd, it's a matter of taste, xfs is 'better' though.06:38
holycowit really should read: is ext3 the best choice for my needs06:38
holycowor in case, your needs06:38
holycowfor me, i use reiser exclusively06:38
TokenBadbob2 does azureus have a irc channel for help?06:38
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syndim talking about stability.06:38
syndstability is key.06:39
f_newtonI think better should be defined in this case06:39
holycowsynd thats a terrible question too06:39
syndi dont give a shit06:39
graemesynd are you upgrading or supporting an older system?06:39
holycowif a file system isn't stable, its not production ready, and it's not released06:39
syndwhats the best for stability?06:39
holycowa file system CANNOT be unstable06:39
syndive read that reiser is instable.06:39
f_newtonholycow yes it can be and many have been06:39
holycowi.e. all filesystems are stable that are production ready06:39
syndand various others.06:39
f_newtonreiser is not my first choice06:39
Dr_Willisive herd of many people with problems with reiserfs.. I just use ext306:39
f_newton I prefer ext3 (ext2 with journaling) but Ive been told that xfs is also fairly good06:40
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holycowi've read that too, but its just wrong06:40
syndok thanks.06:40
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syndpeace kids06:40
f_newtonbasically it has to do with your partition and file size needs06:40
Dr_Willisand if you access a lot of little files, or a few BIG files.. ect.06:40
f_newtonfor almost every user they will find ext3 the best choice06:41
Dr_Willisso for general ussage - buy most 'common' people - i'd say stick with ext306:41
f_newtonbut there are examples where xfs is necessary06:41
thoreauputicOK people - we don't really need a file system war - whatever works for you06:41
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graemef_newton, when is xfs neccessary, what does it do better?06:41
Dr_Willisi have an add onfor  Windows XP that lets me use ext3 with it. :P06:41
f_newtonthoreauputic, the man asked a reasonable question and should get reasonable answers06:41
efunki'm new to linux, very new, and this is going to sound very dumb to most of you06:42
efunkbut i have no idea how to install an rpm06:42
f_newtonit handles really large volumes better06:42
bob2efunk: you don't, in general06:42
bob2efunk: what is it?06:42
efunkin general06:42
holycowefunk, its only a dumb question if you don't listen to the answers :)06:42
Dr_Willisefunk,  - ubuntu is not an rpm based disrto.06:42
durtrpms are fine06:42
durtjust use alien06:42
thoreauputicf_newton: agreed - just that I've seen fs discussions turn into off-topic arguments :)06:42
holycowefunk, you can generally convert rpms to deb files with alien06:42
bob2in the sense that amputation if you have gangrene is "fine"06:42
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BadaBinghello everyone06:43
efunkalright, so i need to get alien06:43
f_newtonyeah well this room does happen to get populated by debian dweebs06:43
bob2efunk: in general, you don't, because ubuntu has basically everything you could want06:43
graemeefunk, it's often easier to find the same package as a deb though.06:43
Dr_Willisand safer06:43
bob2efunk: if it's a proprietary stuff that only comes as an rpm, tho, you can use alien06:43
bob2efunk: what specific case are you asking about?06:43
setitebob2: do you know how to remove drivers installed with ndiswrapper06:43
efunkwell limewire for instance, or, well yeah, limewire is mainly what i want unless you guys can give me a better p2p for ubuntu06:43
setitebob2: or can i leave the two on that i have so far06:43
f_newtonalien -d wont work with all rpms06:43
bob2setite: don't know06:43
Dr_Willisthere is a summary of the various p2p clients and networks - on the ubuntu wikis06:44
f_newtonwhile it will produce a .deb file it may not function06:44
Dr_WillisLimewire is just one of many gnutella clients.06:44
efunkwhat would you guys recommend as a limewire subsitute06:44
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Dr_WillisLimewire also requires the offical sun java installed last i looked.06:44
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f_newtonit is best to stick with adding from the official repos06:44
Dr_Willisefunk,  depoends on yoru needs - check the wiki and see what suits you.06:44
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efunkdo i just type in p2p in the search?06:45
holycowno read the wiki first06:45
holycowthen search06:45
Dr_Williswhen in doubt read the wiki. :P06:45
TokenBadanyone know where I can get help with azureus?06:45
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holycowwhat help do you need TokenBad ?06:45
ugothe most decent p2p client i know is edonkey06:45
Dr_Willisazureus --> yet another p2p client  ?06:45
thoreauputic----> pizza06:46
TokenBadits giving errors after downloading only a little of a file06:46
TokenBadknow its not space06:46
TokenBadhave 18 gigs free06:46
intelikey ------<    ooops06:46
holycowthats an issue for the auzerous channels and their support board TokenBad06:46
durtefunk: you dont need the rpm, you can use the "other" download of limwire06:46
Dr_Willisone good thing about all the different p2p clients.. if one fails.. try another.06:46
TokenBadthats why I asked about somewhere to get help06:46
holycowits a java app, its not even packaged for ubuntu06:46
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efunkother download of limewire?06:47
holycowTokenBad, go to their website, look for forums, mail support, or references to irc channels06:47
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holycowits quite a popular torrent client, there has to be other users with your error message06:47
TokenBaddon't see any..thats why asked here06:47
durton the download page click the "other" buttion06:47
holycowalternatively don't forget to google your error message06:47
setitebob2: thanks for your help... im gonna give up.. too much bs to work through06:47
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bob2setite: ok06:48
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durtsetite: what do you want to do?06:48
CrashBoxhey all, do u all know if flash is upported on the amd64 bit version of ubuntu or kubuntu?06:48
bob2ask Adobe to make an amd64 plugin06:48
bob2aka no06:48
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Dr_WillisCrashBox,  no flash on 64bit disrto at this time that i know of.06:49
setitewell from what i gather i need to compile ndiswrapper because my errors are due to ndiswrapper being built for a different kernel06:49
f_newtonmacromedia makes flash06:49
bob2doesn't adobe own macromedia?06:49
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CrashBoxlol,f_newton, thats what i was thinking06:49
holycowTokenBad, i didn't even google and it turns out there is a #azureus channel06:49
kevogodbob2, Not quote yet.06:49
killapopf_newton: adobe aquired macromedia06:49
holycowwhy not try there?06:49
Acktifujiti've heard its possible to compile a 32bit version of firefox, then install the flash plugin into that...06:49
bob2setite: that's not the case, unless you installed random ndiswrapper modules from outside ubuntu06:49
f_newtonsetite you must use the right build of ndiswrapper for your kernel06:49
bob2Acktifujit: yes, but not trivial06:49
durtsetite: download the source, extract it, "make", "make install"06:49
f_newtonyou can rebuild it to suit your kernel06:50
setitei used the one on the ubuntu repo... got the error06:50
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Kuolio*krhm* there is the opengl-flash available for 64bit :)06:50
bob2setite: that error is not caused by a version mismatch06:50
setiteseveas told me to install linux-k7... still erroring06:50
f_newtonlol yeah06:50
holycowKuolio, opengl-flash?06:50
setitendiswrapper wiki says it is a mismatch06:50
holycowi gotta check that out :)06:50
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TokenBadholycow, where did you see that?06:50
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bob2setite: url?06:50
f_newtonwell you either have the wrong module of ndiswrapper or you will have to use an i386 vanilla kernel06:50
holycowTokenBad, dude, just do /join #azereus or whatever its spelled06:50
intelikeywhen in doubt /join #<what-ever-you-are-working-on>  and if you are the only one there.  then leave, or start a help channel on that app.06:51
holycowlol pretty much it indeed06:51
setiteintelikey: my problem with that is the room is always dead06:51
bob2setite: that's not the error you got06:52
durtsetite: do you have the kernel headers install?06:52
bob2setite: you had "permission denied"06:52
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f_newtonwell have fun guyz... and remember debian is not a deity... just certain misguided braindeads think it is06:53
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setiteyea i know bob... i just figured that coulod be it since i got a kernel error] 06:54
TokenBadholycow, thanks..will do that06:54
bob2"got a kernel error"?06:54
holycowTokenBad, no worries06:54
setitewell it was somethign abotu the kernel06:54
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bob2you need to remember that no one else can see your ocmputer06:54
durtsetite: have you compiled ndiswrapper from source yet?06:54
setiteim grabbing for straws here06:54
Razor-Xhmmm, how would I create a list with Alphabetical outline items, like `A' and `B' in LaTeX?06:54
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durtcompile from source then06:55
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setitedont know how... and im just a little ticked that the ubuntu repo one didnt work06:55
bob2Razor-X: an enumerated list with letters?06:55
Razor-Xbob2: yeah06:55
Razor-Xenumerate environment by default specifies numbers06:55
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dreamieok here it goes06:56
durtsetite:  http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Ubuntu06:56
durtubuntu repos occasionally dont work btw06:56
dreamiewhen my computer boots i get all these errors usually of amixer commands that can't go through..anways it makes my computer beep. is there something i can do about this06:56
OrbordeAwhile back I chmod'ed everything in /usr/bin to something weird. It has since caused all manner of problems, some of which I've fixed and some of which I haven06:56
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Orbordet. Is there any way I can fix them en masse?06:57
aruwhat is Jack and how do I get it running? :)06:57
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TokenBadhow can I find a file on ubuntu?06:57
thoreauputicdreamie: possibly you need to paste the errors on the pastebin so people can read them06:57
bob2Orborde: reinstall every package that put binaries in /usr/bin/06:57
TokenBador search the system for a file?06:58
thoreauputic!tell dreamie about paste06:58
setitefor the record here are the two drivers ive installed so far06:58
bob2TokenBad: locate blah06:58
setitebcmwl5  driver present, hardware present06:58
setitenetbc564        driver present, hardware present06:58
bob2TokenBad: which is updated daily06:58
TokenBadthat didn't work06:58
wickedpuppyTokenBad, try find / -name "file-name" -print06:58
Orbordebob2: I don't suppose there's some cleverly efficient way of doing that?06:58
setitethe bcm is what i should be using.. the netbc is the one that is buggering my i think.. its the error i see on load06:58
bob2Orborde: of course, it's one line of shell06:58
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aruPlaces > Search for Files06:58
Orbordebob2: That being sudo rm -rf / ?06:59
setitedurt: you are a god06:59
bob2Orborde: no06:59
thoreauputicaru: jack is a sound daemon and you can install it - search for jackd06:59
bob2that being be quiet while I write it for you06:59
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nickrudand, when all else fails, packages.ubuntu.com ;P06:59
durtsetite: what are you smoking?06:59
Orbordebob2: Genius. Thanks.06:59
setitewell the modprobe took06:59
aruthoreauputic: it already is, now what?06:59
setiteit was the extra driver that i needed to remove06:59
durtand the lights are on?07:00
thoreauputicaru: what are you using it for? ( what app etc ?)07:00
setitewell im runnign through the next steps07:00
bob2Orborde: sudo apt-get --reinstall install $(dpkg -S /usr/bin/* | awk ' { print $1 } ' | sort -u | sed -e 's/:$//')07:00
Orbordebob2: Ouch. Thanks.07:01
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thoreauputicaru: ah - I haven't used ardour: jack has a man page, or you can find info probably on the ardour website07:01
Orbordebob2: That is long and complicated07:02
thoreauputicaru: I've only played with jack ( for midi support in Rosegarden4)07:02
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Orbordebob2: And I only partially understand it.07:02
bob2Orborde: it should work07:02
setitedurt: brb imma restart real quick..07:02
thoreauputicOrborde: copy paste it ;)07:02
intelikey-bash: sudo: command not found  <---- hehhe that is not an error so don't try to help me :)07:02
bob2Orborde: the only issue appears to be with symlinks07:03
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bob2because they don't belong to a package07:03
XhyldazhKhi all07:03
bob2but their permissions don't matter, so you should be fine07:03
nickrudbob2, now that is a template I will save carefully, thanks07:03
XhyldazhKmy keyboard was in latin american layout, but now, in latest breezy, seems that 'la' means Laos instead of Latin America07:04
intelikeyXhyldazhK try es ?07:05
Orbordebob2: Done this sort of recovery before, have you?07:05
XhyldazhKI am right now in 'es' layout, but the login screen still is in laos language07:05
bob2Orborde: no07:05
bob2just came up with it then07:05
intelikeyinstall local-es ?07:06
Razor-Xbob2: wow, you're versed in awk also?07:06
=== Hawkwind [n=SoS@linuxfordummies/channel-support-Mandriva/Hawkwind] has joined #Ubuntu
Myrttigood Morning everyone!07:06
Myrtti(emphasis on the morning, hence capital letter)07:07
noirequusRazor-X: bob2 knows everything07:07
=== intelikey breaks for food.
XhyldazhKintelikey, i did that from the language selector07:07
Razor-Xnoirequus: meh ;)07:07
Orbordebob2: You > me07:07
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thoreauputichey Myrtti , haven't seen you much lately :)07:07
Myrttithoreauputic: work and school :-(07:08
thoreauputicMyrtti: ah07:08
aruthis jack thing is kind of dsumb :)07:08
Myrttioatmeal porridge awaits me07:08
Orbordebob2: Okay, I finished backing up files and tried it. It had some issues.07:08
thoreauputicaru: kind of hard to configure, I found07:08
Razor-XOrborde: you can't understand the script though?07:08
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LichteHi all07:09
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bob2Orborde: e.g.?07:09
deFryskXhyldazhK, sude dpkg-reconfigure locales ?07:09
aruthoreauputic: all I want to do is record from line 2 on my front panel instead of the mic input in the back :)07:09
OrbordeRazor-X: Only some of it. As far as I can tell, it lists the contents of /usr/bin and feeds them into apt-get reinstall07:09
XhyldazhKlet me try that07:09
holycowi just wore out my ubuntu installation cd :)07:09
holycowtime to dl a new iso07:09
Myrttiholycow: hehe07:09
Lichtehas anyone tried to upgrade to breezy with success ?07:10
thoreauputicaru: have you tried #ardour? THere must be such a channel...07:10
bob2Orborde: dpkg -S returns "packagename: /usr/bin/blah", awk prints only the first bit ($1), sed strips the trailing :, apt-get installs that list07:10
aruthoreauputic: nah, the program looked like too much for my needs anyway07:10
durtyes lichte07:10
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Lichtedurt, are the instructions on the wiki accurate ?07:11
bob2Orborde: as I said, it won't work on symlinks; it doesn't matter, tho, since the permissions on symlinks don't matter07:11
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aapeliiHow do I set the windowmanager to not raise window that I click, so that windows are only raised by cliking the titlebar?07:11
Orbordebob2: Sorry about the mass paste; I'll pastebin it.07:11
Orbordebob2: Terminal output: http://pastebin.com/35583607:11
Orbordebob2: It terminated without apparently doing anything.07:11
bob2aapelii: install devilspie07:12
=== TokenBad [n=tokenbad@c-24-20-250-136.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
setiteactivating wlan0.. its taking a while07:12
setiteshould i set the ESSID?07:12
bob2Orborde: check you typed it correctly, it works here07:12
bob2Orborde: or did apt print an error?07:12
durtlichte: i just "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"07:13
setiteok wlan0 is activated07:13
setitewoot.. thanks durt... its only a matter of time now07:13
durtgood job setite :)07:13
Orbordebob2: E: Couldn't find package autoconf2.13,07:13
Orbordebob2: (stop)07:13
Lichtedurt, that didn't work for me; I had to re-install hoary07:13
bob2Orborde: there you go then07:13
setitedurt: one question though.. i have no lights07:13
Lichteoh well.........07:13
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bob2Orborde: that's in hoary/main, your sources.list is lacking07:14
aruthoreauputic: if audacity would let me switch like its supposed to I would be done :)07:14
setitemy emachine lappy has a light that turns on... there is a switch for it... its not turning on.. but the card is activated... does that matter?07:14
durtsetite: whats the question?07:14
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dreamiethoreauputic, the problem is that the errors go away.. and i cant stop the screen to get all the commands07:14
dreamieits in the begging of booting07:14
Orbordebob2: Where is sources.list?07:14
setiteim getting no scan results07:14
thoreauputicaru: are you using esd? I had probelems with audacity while using esd - maybe try " killall esd"07:14
setitebut im in a spotty area07:14
bob2Orborde: /etc/apt07:15
setiteis there a gui for scanning that is included or should i get that one i saw on the forum that someone made07:15
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aruthoreauputic: I don't think that did anything07:15
thoreauputicdreamie: if this is on bott up , try running dmesg | less to read the output07:15
bob2errors from aumix won't be in dmesg07:15
McScruffhas anyone ever used win4lin?07:15
bob2they won't be anywhere but in bootlog07:15
thoreauputicaru: ah, well it was worth a try07:15
wickedpuppysetite, try xsane07:16
bob2McScruff: surely the win4lin company provides support for the software they sell?07:16
durtsetite: go to sys>pref>network and activate wlan007:16
thoreauputicaru: ah, see what bob2 said07:16
setitedurt its activated :)07:16
McScruffbob2, dont need support07:16
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thoreauputicbah sorry aru07:16
aruhang on07:16
McScruffi dont have it (yet)07:16
setiteoh shit there is a crazy man in the parking lot07:16
thoreauputicdreamie: my post to aru was for you07:16
Orbordebob2: Hoary main appears to be there, though I'm not totally sure how to verify it.07:16
setitetime to dial 911 and pull out the baton07:17
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setitebrb people07:17
intelikey<dreamie> thoreauputic, the problem is that the errors go away <-- you could run your command > ~/show.errors 2>&1       or possably just   command 2> ~/show.errors07:17
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McScruffdoes it have to run all of windows os to run an app (like vmware) or does it run apps like wine07:17
bob2Orborde: apt-cache policy autoconf2.13, in #flood07:17
arugot me all confused now :)07:17
Orbordebob2: Synpaptic finds autoconf2.1307:17
durtsetite: it works?07:17
Orbordebob2: Well, maybe not.07:17
Orbordebob2: Okay...07:17
poningruI had a question07:17
dduckoIs there a way to disable the Print Screen Key from makeing its little popup.. like i have to push another key with it to make it work07:17
poningruwho handles the repository mirrors?07:18
poningruare there any?07:18
gm78hey all. i want to run dvd shrink on ubuntu hoary. the version of wine that ships with hoary doesn't seem to work at all (ignores changes to config file). The one from Wine's apt repo is too new. I need 20050504. But Wine has only kept every release after that version. Anyone know where I can get the source?07:18
poningruhow do I try to become one?07:18
intelikeydreamie that would file the error messages in show.errors file in your home dir.07:18
evaderwoohoo for dist-upgrading to breezy07:18
evaderhope it works07:18
aapeliibob2: either I don't know how to use devilspie or then it is broken (Im using breezy). Should it work by just running it from command line?07:18
poningrudreamie: hey07:18
bob2aapelii: no idea; it has no documentation at all?07:19
Orbordebob2: Pasted07:19
aapeliibob2: Ill google around, maybe I can find something07:20
aruI'm getting a new mic, thats all there is to it07:20
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dreamieinterlikey, how do i do that?07:24
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dreamieponingru: hey07:24
intelikeyi think i already know the answer to this, but does ub have xfree86-3.6 ?07:24
intelikeysorry dreamie, what ?07:25
dreamiethe errors07:25
dreamiewhat exactly do i do to record them07:25
intelikeywhat command are you running ?07:25
dreamieintelikey, i get the errors while the computer is booting07:25
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intelikeyheehhe  try dmesg dreamie :)07:26
nicholaspauli'm trying to install a CDRW... shows in BIOS but I only have one CDROM showing under /media. can i just edit fstab?07:27
poningrunicholaspaul: yeah07:27
poningruno one answered my question07:28
intelikeyor look in  /var/log/dmesg  the boot time errors might be in there. dreamie07:28
aruwell... I wonder if the sound card is even working correctly07:28
nicholaspaulponingru. so i just add another /dev/hdb ? what should i use?07:28
poningruits a cdrw?07:28
nicholaspaulyea, cdrw07:28
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nicholaspauli have one, poningru, and installed a 2nd one07:28
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poningruyeah I think that should do07:29
thoreauputicaru: have you checked the line in and so on in alsamixer?07:29
poningruhold on07:29
aruthoreauputic: I maxed the heck out of everything07:29
thoreauputicaru: OK07:29
intelikeynicholaspaul yes you can edit fstab if you know the physical address.   /dev/hdc  or something.07:29
arusee the problem isn't that the mic has no sound07:29
=== Bushrat [n=icechat5@dsl-210-15-201-42.QLD.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
aruit's that audacity and Sound Recorder don't let me select aux 2 to record from07:30
nicholaspaulthats it, intelikey, i dont know the physical address. But i do know its the secondary master, if that helps07:30
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intelikeysecondary master on ide is /dev/hdc07:30
thoreauputicaru: the resident sound guru seems to be crimsun - maybe you can catch hime when he's around07:31
nicholaspauloh sweet, intelikey, i was trying to find some kind of equivelancy under the forum :)07:31
intelikeythey start with a and count up from there07:31
nicholaspaulaaahhh....!!intelikey, the 'key' to the mystery :) thansk!07:31
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nicholaspaulthx intelikey. I best be getting to bed now! :) gnite07:32
poningruoh hehe07:32
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Myrttihttp://www.flexbeta.net/main/articles.php?action=show&id=108 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <307:34
dreamieok i got the dmesg.. i can i post it to show it to you all07:34
dreamiei dont know what causes the beeps07:35
dreamiebut it might be that part where it repeats itself many times07:35
dreamiehow can i post it?07:35
ubotuhmm... pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl07:35
setitewhere is xsane07:36
thoreauputicMyrtti: actually an inaccuracy on the first page - it's quite possible to do a minimal install of Ubuntu using the "server" option07:36
Myrttithoreauputic: yup, and that what bugs the writer07:37
MyrttiI'm actually going to do a minimal install very time soon07:37
MyrttiIs there a ubuntu deb of IceWM?07:37
intelikeyit is all i can do on this box.07:37
thoreauputicMyrtti: yep07:38
MyrttiI think I'll put that one in07:38
thoreauputicMyrtti: and I should have read a bit more - you're right, he mentions the possibility07:38
intelikeyyes Myrtti   if you have setup your sources  do apt-cache search <what ever you want>07:38
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Myrttiintelikey: nooooo, really ;-)07:38
thoreauputicMyrtti: you'll need x-window-system or x-window-system-core as well07:39
Myrttibut icewm is dependant on those, so if I do a minimal install and apt-get icewm ... it should come in too, n'est pas?07:39
thoreauputicMyrtti: not sure on that07:40
Myrttihave to check that07:40
zcat[1] i would expect so07:40
intelikeyyes it will07:40
thoreauputicMyrtti: check the deps for icewm07:40
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intelikeybut an xserver will still be needed07:40
=== zcat[1] can't imagine a window manager that doesn't depend on having X installed
intelikeynone of them do07:41
aruthoreauputic: you actually use audacity?07:41
zcat[1] really?07:41
thoreauputiczcat[1] : true, I just installed the x stuff anyway so I didn't really notice :)07:41
thoreauputicaru: occasionally07:41
intelikeyi do have.   the button on the face of it selects mic or line# aru07:42
ironucklesdoes anyone know of a tutorial or documentation for writing better sleep and resume scripts for my laptop?07:42
aruthoreauputic: where it gives you the ability to switch between mic and line, does it actually say anything?07:42
=== zcat[1] is using audacity right now.. converting language casette tapes to mp3..
thoreauputicaru: hang on07:42
MyrttiI think it's not dependant on x straight, but thru other packages07:42
intelikeythe button on the face of it selects mic or line# aru07:42
aruintelikey: mine is blank07:43
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arudoes that mean my soundcard is setup wrong?07:43
zcat[1] check that it's configged for the correct device..07:43
MyrttiI should mail the girls and ask when I could come and fulfill my dreams of installin Ubuntu on the computer07:43
MyrttiI've been pulling my hair of because of W98SE on it so many time07:43
aruI can listen to music and sing along with the mic no problem :)07:43
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intelikeyi don't know.  i've never tried to run audacity on a system with bork sound.07:43
aruI just can find anything to record from aux2 with07:44
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intelikeyaru try cli07:44
zcat[1] mine shows line / line1 / pcm / pcm2 / mic / cd07:44
Myrttieither I install Ubuntu on it or throw it down from the third floor balcony07:44
aruzcat[1] : did you install from repos or build it yourself?07:44
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setitewhere is xsane i cant find it07:44
zcat[1] apt-got it07:45
aruthats what I did07:45
aruwhat soundcard?07:45
Myrttioh yes, the porridge07:45
ironucklesThis is sort of a specific question concerning sound... Is there a better way to get zsnes to work with sound other than running killall esd?07:45
thoreauputicaru: none of my mic options are greyed out/ blank07:45
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intelikeyaumix   and select the device you want to record from, then record and see if you hardware is working correctly.07:45
vbgunzhello everyone07:45
arumines blank07:46
aruI can't change it at all07:46
omp342at exactly 11:00pm (14 minutes) i'll finish downloading hoary :)07:46
ironucklesomp342, congrats07:46
vbgunzwhats todays tip?07:46
aruI dont know what aumix is07:46
omp342i already have a copy on a cd but i don't want the amd64 version07:47
omp342they don't like ati drivers07:47
thoreauputicvbgunz: today's tip is "Don't ask what today's tip is " ;-)07:47
MyrttiAin't it great that Ubuntu actually DOES know how to calculate when the downloads finish up :-)07:47
vbgunzI found a good one... I always thought you should never have to reboot Linux... *BUT* I found myself rebooting it sometimes just to get some things done... Any how, the following is sweet... "sudo init 1" then when the screen is done rolling "sudo init 2"...07:47
thoreauputicvbgunz: ah yes, but that's still cheating ;)07:48
vbgunzis there a better way?07:48
=== thoreauputic admits to using that one sometimes
bob2why would you need to run that?07:48
aruok I got aumix... now what07:48
vbgunzI've been dying to find that one out07:48
zcat[1] /etc/init.d/foo restart07:48
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bob2just restart the daemons you care about07:48
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thoreauputicvbgunz: as always, it depends07:48
vbgunzit reboots linux without actually rebooting linux "I think"...07:49
omp342can't you just restart x?07:49
thoreauputicvbgunz: not exactly07:49
XorlevYou can reboot X07:49
vbgunzyeah... Ctrl+Alt+Backspace I learned *BUT* it would never come back... it would just stay black... That was one of the reasons I would reboot ;)07:50
zcat[1] /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:50
XorlevCtrl + Alt + Backspace07:50
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bob2or sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart07:50
thoreauputicvbgunz: it reruns scripts that atart in runlevel 2 IIRC07:50
zcat[1] that too.07:50
dreamiedid everyone see my page. that is the error thing page http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/194807:50
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vbgunzsudo reboot x? I noticed Linux is very case sensitive... so x is x or X?07:51
XorlevWhich error is it dreamie?07:51
XorlevX is XOrg07:51
aruso I suppose this means my soundcard is setup wrong?07:51
omp342i just do 'main menu>log out' and write startx (i don't have a graphical logon)07:51
bob2vbgunz: ignore that, read what zcat[1]  and I said07:51
ironucklesjust run killall x07:51
XorlevKill X, /etc/init.d/gdm stop07:51
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XorlevThen run /etc/init.d/gdm start07:52
vbgunzyeah I use to do sudo-dpkg reconfigure-xorg "I think" and then I would have to end up rebooting... Ctrl+Alt+Backspace never worked for me... But init 1 and init 2 seemed to work ok ...07:52
bob2sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart07:52
bob2that's all you need to do07:52
XorlevEither works.07:52
vbgunzok if I try that now I would definitely knock out IRC huh?07:52
thoreauputicvbgunz: yep07:53
bob2depends how you're running your irc client07:53
aruthoreauputic: what sound card do you have?07:53
vbgunzhehe :)07:53
XorlevUnless you opened up another console and used a text based client like irssi07:53
bob2mine's in screen, so would survive that07:53
thoreauputicaru: a crappy sis7012 onboard07:53
vbgunzcool, I am logging this... I found learning linux is a never ending log07:53
clarkstellaspeaking of which07:53
vbgunzthanks fellas07:54
TokenBadwhats command to install inetd?07:54
clarkstellai'm trying to follow the instructions on the page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LowEndSystemSupport07:54
TokenBadapt-get install what?07:54
clarkstellabut the docs are wrong07:54
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TokenBadidentd even07:54
aruI'm gunna order a new one07:54
vbgunzI gotta try... brb >:)07:54
dreamieXorlev, i dont know which error it is07:54
XorlevWhat is your problem in the first place dreamie?07:54
dreamieXorlev, somewhere around the middle it causes my computer to do a series of beeps07:54
dreamiexorlev, those beeps! i want it to stop07:55
XorlevTurn off the buzzer in BIOS?07:55
clarkstelladreamie that's usually labled "system beep" in the bios setup screens07:55
thoreauputicdreamie: or maybe in a tty " setterm -blength 0 "07:56
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thoreauputic... or make it a different pitch with " setterm -bfreq 440 "  <---- how to use the beep to tune to "A"07:57
bob2TokenBad: oidentd is a nice one07:57
XorlevMake it play Mary had a Little Lamb during Kernel boot o.o07:57
bob2TokenBad: bear in mind it will not be accessible to anyone on the internet if you're behind a NAT machine07:57
CCFIELhas somebody installed splashy in there ubunto?07:57
thoreauputichah @ Xorlev07:57
CCFIELhello xorlev..07:57
dreamiewhat do i do thoreauputic ?07:58
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omp342just by mounting with CIFS i can write to an ntfs partition on another comp in the network :)07:58
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_setitefor the record im getting horrible/no signal on networks i know are available07:58
_setiteim tryign to figure out why] 07:58
thoreauputicdreamie: people have given you several answers - try them07:58
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_setitei can get closer but i dont like this07:58
BadaBinghello guyz07:58
vbgunzheh... sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart didn't exact work at all...07:58
ironucklesCCFIEL, I had splashy but could not figure out how to get it to not fuck up my boot screen07:58
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Xorlevvbgunz: /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:59
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_setiteimma grab gtkwifi.. maybe ill have better luck07:59
thoreauputicXorlev: sam thing really07:59
dreamiei dont want to hear mary had a little lamb in linux kernal07:59
vbgunzi type that into the console from Ctrl+Alt+1 correct?07:59
XorlevI know...are you using Kubuntu then?07:59
dreamiesorry didnt think that was a real answer07:59
_setiteis there a way to determine where an application will install to?07:59
thoreauputicdreamie: disable the beep in the BIOS, as people have suggested08:00
intelikeyman apt-cache08:00
CCFIELironuckles: ic.. but you have installed it in your system?08:00
Xorlevdreamie: thoreauputic told you to enter setterm -blength 0 in a tty, mine was just an offtopic comment.08:00
ironuckles_setite, try locate <whatever> after install08:00
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dreamiesetterm -bfreq 440? how?08:00
ironucklesCCFIEL, no, i'm not using it now08:00
omp342yay im done downloading ubuntu08:01
BadaBingi am currently using Ubuntu on Centrino laptop 1.8ghz and runing kernel 2.6.10-5-386 will updating it to 686 give me any performance gains?08:01
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thoreauputicdreamie: that just makes the beep tune to a frequency of 440 hz08:01
CCFIELironuckles: oh..ic..do you know any alternative of splashy?08:01
vbgunzthat was the quickest reboot yet08:01
XorlevCCFIEL: bootsplash08:01
thoreauputicdreamie: and that's a literal command08:01
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omp342to burn the iso, do i just do:  cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc -v -eject -data ubuntu-5.04-install-i386.iso  ?08:02
vbgunzso cool... so basically is this the reason why Linux never shuts down or why it rarely needs to shut down?08:02
ironucklesCCFIEL, I have seen several tutorials for editing config files to create the same type of splash screen like in fedora core, but havent tried any08:02
ironucklestry googling it08:02
XorlevI'm out, night08:02
thoreauputicdreamie: the problem with using setterm is it won't persist acrossreboots, hence the BIOS is a better way08:02
vbgunzGood night Xorlev!08:02
clarkstellathe instructions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LowEndSystemSupport are out of date.  can someone tell me how to install the current version of xfce with the current version of Synaptic?08:02
thoreauputicclarkstella: search for xfce408:03
clarkstellait comes up with nothing08:03
thoreauputicclarkstella: you need the "4"08:03
ironucklesCCFIEL, if you get something to work let me know :-)08:03
thoreauputicclarkstella: it's in universe08:03
clarkstellai gave it the "4"08:03
thoreauputic!info xfce408:03
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ubotuxfce4: (The Xfce4 Desktop Environment), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: (hoary), Packaged size: 2 kB, Installed size: 32 kB08:03
BadaBinganyone guyz?08:03
clarkstella"universe" isn't where the docs say it is.  i can't find it08:03
CCFIELXorlev: is there any backport for bootsplash?08:03
CCFIELironuckles: ok :)08:04
thoreauputicclarkstella: enable the universe repo in /etc/apt/sources.list08:04
de-almasyhello ubuntu08:04
de-almasywhy are you on #1 in distrowatch08:04
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CCFIELXorlev: is there any backport  or repo for bootsplash?08:04
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vbgunzUbuntu number 1?08:04
thoreauputicclarkstella: you just uncomment the lines - it's easy enough08:04
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clarkstellayeah, but that involves edititng with root permissions, and i don't know how to do that08:05
thoreauputicclarkstella: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list08:05
de-almasysudo nano makes good rhythm08:05
thoreauputicclarkstella: ctrl-x to save and exit (confirm changes with "y")08:06
Madpilot"sudo gedit <whatever>" if you want a GUI editor...08:06
thoreauputicMadpilot: I think he's doing a minimal install ?08:06
thoreauputicso he may not have X08:06
vbgunzanyone here play doom 3 on linux? is it any good in comparison to Windows?08:06
Madpilotah, sorry. the dangers of doing a drive-by posting while I'm actually doing other stuff...08:07
aftertaflol Madpilot :)08:08
poningruoops sorry08:08
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CCFIELis there any backport  or repo for bootsplash?08:08
clarkstellaoh hey.  i've never used nano before.  and it doesn't suck.08:08
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ironucklesnano is a n00b editor ;-)08:09
vbgunztext editor like gedit?08:09
ubotued is the standard editor! ed, man! man ed!08:09
intelikeyjed is a windows convert editor...08:09
clarkstellabut command line08:09
ironucklesvim all the way bitches08:09
vbgunzI love SciTE but haven't checked with the site to see any support for Linux though I think there is (I hope)08:09
de-almasyed is editor for immortal08:09
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thoreauputic!start an editor war08:10
ubotujoe is better than emacs08:10
vbgunznotepad rules!08:10
omp342time to install ubuntu :)08:10
omp342brb guys08:10
ubotuaftertaf: Are you smoking crack?08:10
de-almasyjoe is average, cant be better hehe08:10
No1VikingI would like to move the data I have in /home to another partition. Is it possible and how should I do it?08:10
vbgunz8 bit edition rocks08:10
omp342i like nano08:10
aftertafubotu, vim is like THE edior, the only one08:10
ubotuaftertaf: okay08:10
=== brownie17 [n=fraser@static-203-87-6-82.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
clarkstellaspeaking of sudo, can someone tell me how root is set up with the default  install?  it doesn't ask you what you want your root passwd to be, only to create a user account.  does it set the root and first user passwd to the same thing?08:10
aftertafubotu, vim is like THE editor, the only one08:10
ubotu...but vim is already something else...08:10
aftertaf!forget vim08:11
ubotuaftertaf: i forgot vim08:11
aftertafubotu, vim is like THE editor, the only one08:11
thoreauputic!tell clarkstella about root08:11
ironucklesubotu, what is vim?08:11
ubotuironuckles: what are you talking about?08:11
Madpilotaftertaf: spamming the bot is a no-no... ;)08:11
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omp342clarkstella: yes, in sudo you use your normal password08:11
vbgunznano better than gedit?08:11
Madpilot!forget vim08:11
aftertafnot spamming, correcting my spelling mistakes08:11
clarkstellawhat if i want to log in as root?08:11
ubotuNo idea, brownie1708:11
hyphenatedhow about turning the bot into a zealot.. is that ok?08:11
ironucklesubotu, is it ok to abuse irc bots?08:11
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, ironuckles08:11
omp342vbgunz: i usually use gedit08:11
de-almasy<omp342> clarkstella: yes, in sudo you use your normal password  <== kind of out of sense at first08:11
ubotuYou can play with me on #debian-bots without being banned.08:11
ubotuYou can play with me on #debian-bots without being banned.08:11
intelikeyi desided that i was not gonig to like vi*  so to keep it from happening i always uninstall vi* when i first install a system.   :)08:11
Madpilotintelikey: :P08:12
vbgunzim using it because it's what came with Ubuntu otherwise SciTE is associated with any text file on Windows for me ;)08:12
CCFIELhello...how can i do with this error?   splashy: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-21) but 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu14 is to be installed08:12
CCFIEL           Depends: libdirectfb-0.9-22 but it is not installable08:12
clarkstellawhat if i want to log in as root?08:12
uboturoot is probably disabled in Ubuntu, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo08:12
ironucklesCCFIEL, did you install a non-ubuntu deb file recently...?08:12
thoreauputicCCFIEL: your /etc/apt/sources.list is borked, I'd say08:12
bimbericlarkstella: you shouldn't need to08:13
intelikeyclarkstella sudo su   and run passwd   then you can login as root if you want to.08:13
animepunkwanyone have an idea why i can't play mp3's in xmms i get an error "couldn't open audio, Please check that: Your soundcard is configured properly, You have the correct output plugin selected, No other program is blocking the soundcard" . i can actauly get xine to play mp3's or video's with sound . any idea's ?08:13
brownie17can anyone help me, when i start up, my comp keeps hangning on "*starting eneterpirse volume management group"08:13
vbgunzyou can enable it though if you search on the forums... someone posted how to do it and got flamed on for it...08:13
thoreauputicclarkstella: for a root shell you can do sudo -i08:13
CCFIELthoreauputic: what do you mean by borked?08:13
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thoreauputicCCFIEL: wrong, broken08:13
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aftertafbrownie17:  can you start in recovery mode?08:14
thoreauputicCCFIEL: are you using 3rd party repositories?08:14
ironucklesCCFIEL, I had the same problem. Try editing your /etc/apt/source.list file and adding all the extra repos first.08:14
brownie17aftertaf: it starts allright, but it takes AGES!, sometimes it works fine though08:14
CCFIELironuckles: i think so...i just followed in the ubuntu forums how to install splashy... this is what i addeded.. deb http://splashy.alioth.debian.org/debian unstable main08:14
aftertafok. boot up fine, then disable the service... you dont need it08:14
intelikeybrownie17 try adding "noevm" or what ever it is. to the command line at boot time.      press E  at the bootsplash.08:14
thoreauputicCCFIEL: oh dear08:14
ironucklesCCFIEL, I had the same problem when i tried to remove splashy. it was a pain in the ass :-(08:15
thoreauputicCCFIEL: don't use debian repos08:15
aftertafbrownie17:  when booted, install webmin and use it to disable service on boot08:15
brownie17intelikey: sounds dodgy, what does the enterprise volume managament gorup do any way?08:15
CCFIELthoreauputic: oh ic.. :( why i just followed what it says in the forum..08:15
ironucklesCCFIEL, avoid debian repositories like the plague.08:15
vbgunzanybody here officially installed Ubuntu onto a USB drive? I am trying to install Ubuntu onto my SONY NW-HD1 Walkman which has a small 20G hard drive... problems though... Anyone kind enough to have got it working and know of some docs I can overlook, it'll be much appreciated08:15
CCFIELironuckles: ic..so...what shall i do?08:15
ironucklesCCFIEL, I know. :-( I had to have someone on the forums, some admin help me out.08:15
thoreauputicCCFIEL: comment that out  and do an apt-get update, then run apt-get -f install without arguments, and pray a lot08:15
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ironucklesCCFIEL, I wish i had kept a record of all that i did to fix it...08:16
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vbgunzbrb... a chiken pot pie just exploded in the oven... if I aint back in 5 call the fire department08:17
brownie17aftertaf: there are like thrity different plgunis for different things in webmin, like cd burning, and apache control. but do i just need the standard?08:17
thoreauputicCCFIEL: following advice on the forums is all very well, but remember that you need to understand what the instructions are doing to your system08:17
brownie17aftertaf: what does EVM do anyway??08:17
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Madpilotbrownie17: EVM mounts your system's partitions on boot, AFAIK08:18
intelikeybrownie17 you are industrious enough to use google to findout what it is and what is does.  but it it is throwing the kernel into a load loop then disable it.08:18
CCFIELthoreauputic: i have just finished.. doing apt-get update and -f08:18
CCFIELwhats next?08:18
CCFIELhow would i know my system is ok?08:18
vbgunzwhat is the command to completely eradicate linux?08:18
thoreauputicCCFIEL: did it finish without errors?08:18
brownie17intelikey: without mounting system artitinos, won't that also stop me from booting!?!?!?08:19
vbgunzI need to see again so to know to avoid it...08:19
CCFIELthoreauputic: no errors..:)08:19
CCFIELdoes it mean im ok?08:19
thoreauputicCCFIEL: probably :)08:19
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thoreauputicCCFIEL: see if you can do normal installs now...08:20
intelikeybrownie17 if it is load looping it is not loading anyway.  it is trying to load and trying to load and trying to load and trying to load and trying to load and trying to load and....08:20
CCFIELthis is what is says kelly@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ sudo apt-get -f install08:20
CCFIELReading package lists... Done08:20
CCFIELBuilding dependency tree... Done08:20
CCFIEL0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.08:20
CCFIELis that good?08:20
vbgunzWhats CC doing thoreauputic?08:20
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thoreauputicCCFIEL: silence is golden08:20
thoreauputicvbgunz: trying to fix an error caused by a 3rd party repo08:21
CCFIELthoreauputic: what do you mean? its that good? :)08:21
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thoreauputicCCFIEL: I strongly suggest you ignore the howto you were following, BTW08:21
vbgunzoh thats all :|08:21
CCFIELthoreauputic: ok thanks..:D08:22
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intelikeybrownie17 i have to disable usb on this box because it load loops just like that.   after it has eaten up all the ram then it fails and errors out frees the ram it used up and continues with the boot process.08:22
brownie17intelikey: haha, so then if its not loaded right now, and my system is working fine, then why do i need it08:22
CCFIELis there any ubuntu repo for splashy?:)08:22
thoreauputicCCFIEL: if it didn't complain you are probably OK - just don't use non-ubuntu repos any more08:22
intelikeyexactly brownie1708:22
brownie17intelikey: ok.08:22
spafbnerfhello :) i've grabbed a bunch of usenet postings using 'suck'.... i'd like to know wot app i can use to extract all the binaries out of these :)08:22
CCFIELthoreauputic: is there any ubuntu repo for splashy?08:23
brownie17intelikey: what is the command for webmin?08:23
thoreauputicCCFIEL: maybe backports - but if you insist on using backports comment them out after you install your app08:23
naliothCCFIEL: there will be08:23
thoreauputicCCFIEL: you are just running risks because the versions are newer and can pull in dependencies that cause problems08:24
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intelikeyweb<tab>  ?    btw brownie17 the reason mine load loops on usb is because it doesnt have any actual usb hardware.08:24
aftertafbrownie17:  open a browser and type https://localhost:1000008:24
CCFIELthoreauputic: do you know one that has a splashy? (backports?)08:24
ubotuTo use webmin with ubuntu you have to add a webmin-root account with : /usr/share/webmin/changepass.pl /etc/webmin root "password", or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WebminWithoutARootAccount08:24
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thoreauputicCCFIEL: nope08:24
thoreauputicCCFIEL: but you can serch the backports repos08:25
CCFIELnalioth: there will be? so its not yet availble? :(08:25
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CCFIELthoreauputic: where can i search? :)08:25
=== thoreauputic wonders why splashhy is so important
brownie17aftertaf; it is asking for a username and password, just my normal account ones?08:25
Madpilotthoreauputic: it's all about the eyecandy...08:26
naliothCCFIEL: as thoreauputic says, you are at risk running the latest and greatest...08:26
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naliothCCFIEL: breezy is supposed to have it08:26
Madpilotthoreauputic: and that scrolling text on bootup or shutdown is *scary* stuff... :P08:26
tgahey, I'm having some trouble installing mplayer with all the libs08:26
thoreauputicMadpilot: terrifying ;-)08:26
intelikeylol Madpilot08:26
HermanDEAnybody have a bet about the eta for an  RC of Breezy?08:26
MadpilotHermanDE: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyReleaseSchedule08:27
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naliothCCFIEL: you see, in *nix, stable is thought nicer than "bling" (latest and greatest)08:27
animepunkwwhen i test the output/input sound from system > preferences > multimedia systems selector i get an error "Failed to construct test pipline for 'ESD-Enlightenment sound Deamonm" and i don't seem to be getting sound from anything but xine . can anyone help out a linux newb ?08:27
HermanDEMadpilot: Yep...  Seen it...  It feels like Breezy is going slow....08:27
CCFIELthoreaputic: its important because im trying to convert my sister laptop with ubunto from xp...when she sees.....text pooping up in her screen...she will panic..08:27
vbgunzi believe you08:28
spafbnerfhello :) i've grabbed a bunch of usenet postings using 'suck'.... i'd like to know wot app i can use to extract all the binaries out of these :) help me, ubuntu usenet pirates ....08:28
CCFIELso ...i decided to install slpashy..08:28
thoreauputicCCFIEL: http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=ubuntu+backports+&btnG=Search&meta=  <--first hit08:28
brownie17aftertaf; it is asking for a username and password, just my normal account ones?08:28
tgais there a mplayer guide? the marillat packages don't seem to like ubuntu08:28
MadpilotHermanDE: it's right on schedule, AFAIK...08:28
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thoreauputicCCFIEL: really, use google....08:28
brownie17aftertaf; it is asking for a username and password, just my normal account ones?08:28
Madpilottga: mplayer is in ubuntu's repos, no need for outside repos...08:28
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brownie17aftertaf: w000t?08:29
naliothspafbnerf: first thing, use "pan" newsreader and then you wont be in here asking these questions08:29
aftertafbrownie17:  root08:29
tgaMadpilot, what about the codecs?08:29
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brownie17aftertaf: i don't actually know my root password, i don't think08:29
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tgaMadpilot, like libavcodec08:29
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aftertafbrownie17:  root disabled? ok...08:30
jinx``please help with proftpd mod_tls08:30
thoreauputicCCFIEL: http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/dists/  <<----- packages08:30
bob2jinx``: pick one channel08:30
brownie17aftertaf: i don't know if i disabled root, but ?!?!? how can i work out the password08:30
vbgunzbrownie root is disabled... you log in with sudo and it uses the same password as you current account08:30
Cashelbrownie17, your root passwords going to be the same as the first user you created by default.. there being no root account until you do sudo passwd root08:30
bob2brownie17: wiki.ubuntu/RootSudo08:31
aftertafvbgunz:  but for webmin??08:31
vbgunzyou dont log in the interface... in the terminal08:31
Madpilottga: no idea, totem runs everything I need to watch, so far!08:31
bob2brownie17: the installer explained this...08:31
Madpilottga: do you have the universe/mulitiverse repos enabled?08:31
vbgunznot sure, sorry just picked up a piece08:31
brownie17bob2: i wasn't listening :)08:31
tgaMadpilot, I do, but I just ran into a VCD I can't play08:31
aftertafanyone know if you can use webmin without having to define a root password?08:31
brownie17aftertaf: so the username should be root, and password my password?08:31
CCFIELthoreauputic: splashy is in that backport?08:31
tgaMadpilot, mplayer claims it's encrypted, even though I have libdvdcss installed08:31
thoreauputicCCFIEL: I'm not omniscient - go and look!08:32
aftertafbrownie17:  nope... user root / password the pass you give root.08:32
brownie17aftertaf: now it says i can't do it becasue i failed the password too many times08:32
CCFIELthoreauputic: heheheh ok..:)08:32
Madpilot!tell brownie17 about root08:32
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thoreauputicCCFIEL: look under hoary and see if you can find it there08:32
=== aftertaf has the impression that to use webmin, you have to dfine a w00t password
TokenBadin ubuntu to telnet..its just at terminal : telnet ip?08:33
intelikeythe installer does not "disable root" it just doesn't set a root passwd by default.  a server install does set the root passwd and therefore you are able to login as root if you use the minimal install.....08:33
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bob2TokenBad: why do you want to use telnet?08:33
CashelTokenBad, yea08:33
naliothTokenBad: telnet?08:33
dreamieok guys08:33
=== Cashel wonders what everyone has against telnet
TokenBada friend wants me to try to telnet into him..so figured would try08:33
TokenBadwhy..is it bad to do?08:33
dreamiewhen i disabled sound in bios then it wouldnt boot08:33
naliothCashel: it is inherently insecure08:33
bob2telnet sends everything in clear text08:33
dreamiei think the problem may be the sound card08:34
bob2so anyone in between can pick up your password08:34
naliothTokenBad: it is easily snooped upon08:34
bob2this is why everyone has used ssh for 5 years08:34
dreamiemaybe its looking for the sound card and its not finding it08:34
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=== Cashel nods
naliothTokenBad: Cashel use ssh08:34
CashelI'm not using either...08:34
intelikeyTokenBad if your data is not privet telnet is fine.08:34
bob2dreamie: dmesg would tell you one way or the other08:34
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Casheljust wondered, hehe...08:34
brownie17aftertaf; i added a root account08:34
dreamiewell i posted it08:34
TokenBadwhat is port 13508:34
bob2TokenBad: look in /etc/services08:35
TokenBadcause thats what he wanted me to telnet to08:35
brownie17aftertaf: its syaing i put in the wrong password too many times allready and acces is denied, will i have to re-install?08:35
intelikeyTokenBad "man telnet"08:35
Joe_Powerbookhello... is there a concise guide for setting up a PowerPC machine (specificall an Apple Powerbook) to dual boot OSX and Ubuntu?08:35
TokenBadhe said it was dcon08:35
naliothTokenBad: visit grc.com and you'll learn a lot about network stuff08:35
bob2Joe_Powerbook: the installer doesn't do it by default?08:35
bob2grc.com seems to be a terrible site for learning about networks08:35
naliothbob2: he wants to know about partitioning and such08:35
aftertafbrownie17:  nope... but you are temporarily locked out.08:35
bob2assuming that's where people keep hearing the phrase "stealthed ports" from08:36
intelikeybrownie17 no it should be a timed "dos"  probably 5 minutes08:36
naliothbob2: grc.com will show you how open your windows box is08:36
brownie17aftertaf: darn it, how long is temporarily!?!?!?08:36
bob2that gibson idiot needs a kick in the head08:36
Joe_Powerbookbob2: don't you need free space to start with?08:36
brownie17intelikey: ok08:36
thoreauputicCCFIEL: please. if you use backports, remember my advice to comment the line out after getting what you need08:36
bob2Joe_Powerbook: right08:36
cafuegobrownie17: You could ctrl-alt-del if you don't want to wait.08:36
naliothJoe_Powerbook: have you been to the wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation  ?08:36
Joe_Powerbookso which do you install first?08:36
thoreauputicCCFIEL: and rerun apt-get update08:36
cafuegoJoe_Powerbook: the chicken. then the egg.08:36
bob2Joe_Powerbook: mac os X08:36
brownie17cafuego: what dos pressing control alt delete do in ubuntu?08:36
brownie17cafuego, you meant ctrl alt backspace?08:37
cafuegobrownie17: reboots (if you're at the console)08:37
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intelikeyyou could [alt] +[print screen] +B   but i don't advise it.....08:37
tgadid anyone manage to install libavcodec for mplayer recently?08:37
cafuegobrownie17: ctrl-alt-backspace just respawns GDM, that's useless.08:37
spafbnerfnalioth, i lookd @ pan, & it doesn't allow reading of folders, it expects to d/l evrything from the newsgroup itself.....08:37
brownie17i think ill just wait 5 then if it still doesnt work, ill reboot08:37
vbgunza question just popped into my head... Is Ubuntu like training wheels to Debian?08:37
spafbnerfalso it's not what i'm looking for since i want something to extract all the binaries out of the posts 4 me....08:38
=== cafuego just seached beagle and got his gaim <--> ubotu logs :-)
Cashelvbgunz, maybe just a little :)08:38
naliothspafbnerf: if you use pan to d/l them in the first place, .. .. ..08:38
naliothspafbnerf: look on the web for yenc decoder08:39
animepunkwhow do i check to see if my soundcard is confifured ?08:39
=== Cashel likes ubuntu vs suse, mdk, or slackware
animepunkwconfirgured .lol08:39
animepunkwi am way to tired for this lol08:39
intelikeyanimepunkw alsamixer08:39
cafuego'lol' is not punctuation.08:40
animepunkwintelikey alsamixer ?08:40
intelikey<animepunkw> how do i check to see if my soundcard is confifured ?   <intelikey> animepunkw alsamixer08:40
thoreauputic-------> more coffee08:41
intelikeyanimepunkw use   M   to unmute it.08:41
brownie17aftertaf: it won't let me in with username:root and password:what i set in terminal. what dp i do?08:41
spafbnerfbut wot abt the one'z encoded base64? ;D08:41
cafuegothoreauputic: excrement idea08:41
Cashelanyone have bad things to say about BUM?08:42
spafbnerffortunately it seems therz only onev those, so i shall try and run yenc thru the lot.....08:42
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thoreauputiccafuego: heh maybe I should have put thoreauputic << coffee ;)08:43
tgahow can I get totem to play a mpg?08:44
animepunkwintelikey ok thanks i'll try alsamixer08:44
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brownie17aftertaf: it won't let me in with username:root and password:what i set in terminal. what dp i do?08:44
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spafbnerfyay yenc works good :)08:44
tgaand even better, what tool can I use to see what kind of movie this is and what I need to play it08:44
Cashel!tell tga about restrictedformats08:44
tgathanks Cashel08:45
Casheltga, i'd install the xine and xine-ui package08:45
Cashelmplayer is loopy w/ sound...08:45
de-almasy!tell de-almasy about ubuntu08:45
cafuegothoreauputic: where's mine? short black please08:45
ubotuI guess awards is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubunturocks08:46
aftertafbrownie17:  have you tested your root access in terminal?08:46
brownie17aftertaf: no08:46
omp342ubuntu is installed :)08:46
brownie17aftertaf: ??08:46
=== thoreauputic prepares and grinds some Arabia for cafuego
aftertafomp342:  yeah!!!08:46
nalioththoreauputic better be bringing back a big drink order08:46
bimberithoreauputic: yes please :)08:46
=== cafuego has actually just been to Mocopan to get fresh coffee, so should make one himself.
aftertafanyone got a quick fix on stopping a service from starting on boot? rm /etc/init.d/[service]  ??08:47
thoreauputicnalioth: what's yours today, Sir? ;)08:47
brownie17aftertaf: it works in terminal08:47
intelikeyyou guys are just having so much fun.    you have almost temped me to install ubuntu.....08:47
aftertafok brownie1708:47
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Myrttithe fabric store should be open by now, so I'll go to finish my new woollen purse08:47
aftertafintelikey:  do it :D08:47
nalioththoreauputic: lotta latte08:47
Myrttineeds silk lining...08:47
tgaCashel, thing is I ran into a VCD I can't play, so now I'm looking for what I could be missing08:47
thoreauputicnalioth: I fear the milk supplier has failed in his duty, Sir08:47
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Myrttiintelikey: do it. Even chicks dig it.08:47
intelikeybut aftertaf everything on this system works.....08:47
aftertafbrownie17:  so, close and restart browser and try again once...08:47
Myrttiincluding me08:48
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Myrttithough one might think that I'm not chick per se08:48
aftertafintelikey:  define "this"... :D08:48
nalioththoreauputic: no neighbors cows or goats around?08:48
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omp342what's the command to make the computer stop making noises when it can't do an action (like when i press backspace in terminal and there is nothign to erase)? :)08:48
Myrttinerdiness comes sometimes before feminity08:48
aftertafbrownie17:  pm?08:48
intelikeylol  no no.   i don't troll aftertaf08:48
thoreauputicnalioth: sure, the neighbours are all goats ;-)08:48
delmonicohi :) what package is responsible for automatic mounting of mass storage devides?08:48
=== jamey3 [n=jamey3@82-37-128-102.cable.ubr01.telf.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
brownie17aftertaf: pm?08:49
cafuegoMyrtti: much like sometimes comes the verb before the subject? ;-)08:49
bob2delmonico: lots of them08:49
aftertafomp342:  sudo sh smash_to_bits_with_hammer.sh ?08:49
nalioththoreauputic: i dont want any milk from the goats with one teat, please08:49
thoreauputicMyrtti: quote of the day :)08:49
bob2delmonico: the kernel tells hotplug who tells udev who tells hal who tells gnome-volume-manager who mounts it08:49
omp342aftertaf: :/08:49
cafuego!qots is <reply> <Myrtti> nerdiness comes sometimes before feminity08:49
ubotucafuego: okay08:49
delmonico  bob2: thanks. whats the kde equivalent to gnome-volume-manager?08:49
cafuego!qotd is <reply> <Myrtti> nerdiness comes sometimes before feminity08:49
ubotuokay, cafuego08:49
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thoreauputicnalioth: your order is being filled - please take a ticket and wait in the antechamber ;-)08:49
brownie17aftertaf, no luck    ( "root" "<predefined - double checked>")08:49
odathello everyone08:50
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tgawhat tool can I use to identify the codecs used in a mpeg file?08:50
bob2delmonico: #kubuntu08:50
odatanyone have any luck with totem and gstreamer?08:50
bob2tga: codecs? mpeg is a (set of) codec(S)08:50
Cashelodat, totem-xine and gstreamer, yes08:50
jamey3does anyone know how I can setup uPNP on Ubuntu?08:51
bob2to do what?08:51
vbgunzI like Ubuntu too Vs SUSE and Knoppix... I think it is Gnome that I like and the idea that it is very to the point... (not over flooded with junk and more of the same)...08:51
Casheldvd / divx here...08:51
jamey3so that I can setup port forwarding automatically08:51
delmonicobob2: okay thank you08:51
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bob2jamey3: you need to be more specific08:52
vbgunzyou know the unofficial backports is just one of the things I am not comfortable with yet08:52
bob2do you mean "I have an ubuntu machine running as a firewall, and I'd like it to handle incoming upnp requests"?08:52
vbgunzbrb... setting a dual XP pro box.. brb08:52
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tgabob2, I ran into some VCDs that look all garbled when I try to play them.. how can I find out what I'm missing?08:52
jamey3well, when an application requires a port to be opened it automatically communicates with the router and opens the required port. That's what uPNP does.08:52
bob2yes, indeed08:53
bob2and various applicatios in ubuntu can do that08:53
bob2so what do you mean by "setup"?08:53
jamey3well, make it happen08:53
jamey3none of them seem to be doing it, for a start08:53
intelikeywould someone do a "apt-cache search XFree86-3.6" for me and see if there is any chance of me running a gui in ub  ?08:53
bob2bittornado is the only one I know of08:53
bob2what applications do you think should be doing it?08:53
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Casheltga" you might wanna take a loog at this page... http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-11998.html08:53
thoreauputicomp342: xset b off08:53
bob2intelikey: that's not in ubuntu08:53
jamey3well I want it for everything, basically08:54
Myrtticafuego: 1) native language English is not for me 2) wise man he is, Yoda08:54
bob2jamey3: for example?08:54
jamey3and also an interface or CLI tool to do it08:54
bob2jamey3: e.g., firefox has no need for it08:54
thoreauputicomp342: or in tty, setterm -blength 008:54
bob2jamey3: apache has no need for it08:54
Myrtticafuego: ;-)08:54
jamey3yes of course08:54
bob2if you want port 80 forwarded in, configure it on your router08:54
bob2that's not apache's problem08:54
intelikeybob2 no xfree in ub ?   or no xfree 3.6 ?08:54
jamey3well what happens if you're on an internal network and need to forward traffic from the external IP?08:54
jamey3yeah exactly08:54
bob2intelikey: no xfree86 308:54
animepunkwwhats apt-get -f install , do ?08:54
cafuegoMyrtti: Yoda sometimes wise he is, but also english he is not ;-)08:54
bob2animepunkw: not much; it tries to fix broken dependencies08:54
jamey3bob2, that's my point08:54
jamey3I don't want to go into the router08:55
animepunkwah thanks bob208:55
bob2jamey3: no, apache does not do that, and I hope it never does08:55
Myrtticafuego: me neither. Though I've studied English since the age of nine.08:55
naliothanimepunkw: fixes problematic pkgs08:55
jamey3obviously, that'd be a slight security hole08:55
thoreauputicanimepunkw: tries to sort out the mess you made of the apt system ;)08:55
bob2you're welcome to file an "enhancement" sevrity bug08:55
=== cafuego ditto (is dutch)
jamey3I'm talking about a package ffs08:55
bob2haha "slight"08:55
jamey3that mimicks uPNP08:55
jamey3and has a GUI or CLI app that can open ports via uPNP08:55
jamey3is that too much to ask?!08:55
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=== Cashel sighs.. how nice.. not only is bum frozen.. but so is ps aux | grep bum ...
cafuegoCashel: ouch08:56
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animepunkwhaha well i'm sure i'm making a mess of things going08:56
cafuegoooh, oven goes bing, cake is done.08:56
bob2jamey3: there doesn't appear to be one in ubuntu08:56
odatanyone able to help with totem and gstreamer?08:56
bob2jamey3: you're welcome to package one if it exists and upload it08:56
jamey3okay great if I find something can you help me08:56
jamey3I'm not exactly an expert...08:57
animepunkwok that last sence didn't make any sense . i'm goign to sleep . night all08:57
intelikeyCashel "ps ax" and "kill -9 <pid>" for what is frozen.08:57
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bob2upnp is just asking for trouble, tho08:57
intelikeyor reboot.08:57
jamey3bob2, not really in my experience08:57
jamey3only if you're on a network with uneducated people08:57
bob2jamey3: letting compromised windows machines forward ports to themselves sounds bad08:57
jamey3yeah, that's probably how some people see it08:58
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jamey3I want IPv608:58
=== jamey3 moans
bob2in the rare cases I want ports forwarded, I just modify my shorewall rules08:58
setiteomfg ndiswrapper doesnt support scanning!!!08:58
setitewell yea.. all that for near nothing08:59
bob2I would have thought throwing windows drivers into the linux kernel would work flawlessly08:59
cafuegojamey3: install freenet6, enjoy ipv6.08:59
=== thoreauputic hands setite a tranquiliser
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setiteyea i would have thought they would have worked that out by now08:59
=== benplaut hands setite !lart
jamey3cafuego, neither my ISP, router or some of the NICs support IPv608:59
cafuegosetite: the NDIS in ndiswrapper pertains to NETWORK drivers.08:59
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cafuegojamey3: That is not relevant.08:59
bob2how can a NIC not support ipv6?09:00
cafuegojamey3: You can start an ipv6 tunnel on your Linux box.09:00
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bob2cafuego: who do you get ipv6 connectivity through, nowadays?09:00
cafuegobob2: I don't have it enabled anymore, makes firefox too slow ;-)09:00
jamey3bob2, don't ask this NIC is the biggest POS in the world09:00
jamey3okay, what about this: http://sourceforge.net/projects/linux-igd09:00
cafuegobob2: The last tunnel i had was via westnet or soemthing... mob in WA anyways.09:00
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jamey3cafuego, fun but does that actually offer anything apart from the fact I can say that I now have an IPv6 tunnel?09:01
cafuegojamey3: You can access any ipv6 sites via that tunnel.09:01
jamey3that's *loads* :-)09:02
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setitewell bob2 and durt...thanks for your help.. but sadly i must go back to windoze09:02
cafuegojamey3: and you'll have a /64 or /48 subnet to play with.09:02
bob2it's too late to exchange the card?09:03
p00fi dont understand why, it is just the way I feel when you rape me with that big red fire extigisher....09:03
setiteits a built-in09:03
=== thoreauputic gets the violin out to play a sad farewell to setite
=== syn-ack [n=Matt@CPE-69-76-188-71.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
p00fOppps, soory wrong window :(09:03
bob2or the laptop?09:03
cafuegothoreauputic: put that poor cat down!09:03
setitetoo late to exchange laptop.. not that i want to09:03
thoreauputiccafuego: hahah09:03
thoreauputiccafuego: s/violin/flute09:03
cafuegothoreauputic: how was band camp?09:03
jamey3cafuego, I understand what that means (sort of) but not quite sure what I could do with them...09:04
cafuegojamey3: "play"09:04
thoreauputiccafuego: it was... camp09:04
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jamey3cafuego, brill :-P09:05
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ar_mediais there anyone here?09:06
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intelikey /user09:07
ar_mediakool, would you happen to know if there is a way to check disk usage from the command line?09:07
drraknis there anything helpful that I can do if I get a kernel panic during install?09:07
intelikey du09:07
intelikeyman du09:07
Madpilotar_media: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands09:07
odatanyone able to help with totem?09:07
omp342how can i find out my kernel version? :P09:07
ar_mediaDanke intelikey  and Madpilot09:07
thoreauputicar_media: df -h is another09:07
intelikeyuname -a09:08
intelikeyuname -v09:08
ar_medialol, all of those?09:08
deFryskuname -r09:08
drrakn(during phase 2 of breezy colony 4 install)09:08
deFryskar_media, the last09:08
omp342i use df -h09:08
thoreauputicar_media: they do different things09:08
=== Madpilot watches people post random commands... ;)
intelikeyyeah s/-v/-r/   sorry09:08
Hoxzercan somebody help me to use qtparted09:08
=== bimberi is bemused too
thoreauputicomp342: did you see my answer for silencing beeps?09:08
Madpilotintelikey: AFAIK "uname -a" is "uname with all of the above"09:08
intelikeydf does not really help much with disk usage   du09:09
setiteis there a chance xandros or linspire work properly?09:09
omp342thoreauputic: i already figured it out09:09
omp342thoreauputic: thanks anyways09:09
thoreauputicomp342: OK09:09
omp342thoreauputic: i just disabled the system bell from sound preferences09:09
ar_mediaok du basically listed my entire drive...09:09
thoreauputicomp342: yeah, that works too09:10
intelikeyMadpilot yes -a = --all  for uname09:10
drraknar_media: if you just care about how much free space you have, "df" should do the trick09:10
aftertafquick qu.... what is the diff between the /etc/rc1-6.d & the rcS.d dir ??09:10
Madpilotar_media: Ctrl+C interupts all that scrolling madness09:10
thoreauputicar_media: df -h gives you "disk free" info in "human readable" form09:10
ar_medialol, i know how to break. :-D09:10
=== JaneW [n=JaneW@wbs-146-144-158.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeymost humans can read "df" output  :)09:11
ar_mediathanks tho09:11
ar_mediaok, let's not have a symantics debate09:11
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omp342does the default hoary kernel = 2.6.10?09:11
thoreauputicintelikey: define "humans" (or do you mean geeks == humans) *grin*09:11
=== intelikey gasp !
intelikeywell i never.09:12
Madpilothmm... "5036284"  vs "4.9G" - I know which I'd rather read... ;)09:12
aftertafguys,  what is the diff between the /etc/rc1-6.d & the rcS.d dir ?? rcS.d is where the stop scripts are called from?09:12
bimberiomp342: yes09:12
ar_mediai'm liking Ubuntu is pretty kool i like it.  but i really like Fedora too...  I miss yum, i don't think apt-get is as good.09:12
omp342bimberi: thanks :)09:12
tgameh, evolution is unusable09:12
bimberiomp342: yw :)09:12
tgaevo-data-server jumps to 100% cpu and hangs09:12
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thoreauputicar_media: if you think yum is better than apt, you have much to learn, Grasshopper09:13
bob2ar_media: in what way?09:13
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thoreauputicar_media: :)09:13
ar_mediaok, well yum is pretty intuitive09:13
deFryskyum vs apt , cannot be the speed of yum ?09:13
ar_mediaif you wanna seach you search09:13
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bob2ar_media: apt-cache search blah09:13
bob2ar_media: how is that unintuitive?09:13
drraknthoreauputic: the diff-downloading of new package lists is pretty sweet in yum09:14
intelikeythoreauputic opinions are not wrong just because they conflict with yours09:14
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ar_mediaok, well how about this09:14
bob2ar_media: bear in mind apt-get and apt-cache are not meant for end users09:14
deFryskyum is the slowest tool ever made09:14
ar_mediaall the damn commands are yum command09:14
thoreauputicintelikey: umm... did you have a humour transplant recently?09:14
bob2ar_media: aptitude/synaptic are the higher level tools you should use09:14
ar_medianot apt-get and apt-cache and blah and whatever09:14
ar_mediai'm not into gui, i'd rather learn the command line09:14
bob2ar_media: use aptitude then.  aptitute search blah, aptitude install blah.09:14
ar_mediai'm not into crutches09:14
thoreauputicintelikey: chill09:14
bob2ar_media: er, aptitude is a command line tool09:15
intelikeyno just a labotamy  does that count.09:15
thoreauputicintelikey: :)09:15
ar_mediaI was talking about synaptic, i didn't see aptitude09:15
=== ar_media needs glasses
deFryskar_media, need to do some catching up09:15
bob2ar_media: yes, synaptic is a gui tool09:15
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bob2ar_media: aptitude is what you should be using on the command line09:16
odatanyone have a working totem player?09:16
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bob2odat: lots of people do09:16
ar_mediacut me some slack, i've been on linux for line 9 days09:16
bob2odat: if yours doesn't, it's probably easier to give up and use mplayer or xine09:16
bob2ar_media: I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just clarifying09:16
intelikeyimo aptitude was some crack heads attempt to code....   and that is no dispersion on apt...09:16
odatgeez bob209:16
bob2intelikey: how so?09:17
=== Cashel suggests xine... lots of people have problems w/ mplayer and sound.. I know I did...
bob2odat: eh?  it's what I did...09:17
CaiN_SAbreazy is da bomb09:17
bob2it's a lot less screwing around, and lets you play whatever you want right now, not after some indeterminate amount of fiddling09:17
ar_mediai've tried xmms... that doesn't seem to work all the time for me...  I like VLC09:17
bob2xmms isn't the same sort of program as totem09:18
CaiN_SAvlc for what ?09:18
ar_mediabut my buddy says VLC keeps crashing.09:18
CaiN_SAmp3 ?09:18
ar_mediafor everything.09:18
odathmmm do i need to totally disable all of the gstreamer stuff then09:18
bob2odat: no09:18
odator just use totem for xine?09:18
CaiN_SAxmms will work09:18
CaiN_SAjust set it to use esound output pluging09:18
bob2xmms is a music player, totem is a video player09:19
Cashelodat, I like xine-ui myself .. its small enough that since you'll be downloading the xine libs anyways may as well check it out..09:19
odatapparently there is some totem plugin that firefox is trying to use instead of just letting me pick totem as the player it is trying to open it in the page09:19
odatanyone know what plugin that is?09:19
setiteok bye guys... you may see me int he future if i can find a cheap usb wifi adaptor that doesnt cost a piece of my sould to install09:19
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bob2setite: netgear ma-11109:19
setiteill look into it... thanks09:20
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ar_mediai'd like to use rhythmbox cause it's got the whole itunes thing going with the music database... but it says it can't run MP309:20
ar_mediaor anything for that matter.09:20
Myrttigo bob209:21
bob2this is also linekd from the FAQ (which is in the /topic)09:21
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ar_mediaeh, i have to read a bunch of garbage.. i hate that. LOL09:21
ar_mediait's so slow09:21
dazvidwhats IRC then?09:21
Hoxzerso nobody can help me with qparted?09:21
dazvidif its not reading09:21
ar_mediait's a little different09:21
Hoxzerhave to do everything alone :E09:21
bob2Hoxzer: I don't see where you asked a specific question about qparted.09:21
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bob2asking for someone to walk you through using it seems a bit silly09:22
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bob2since presumably you can sort most of it out yourself09:22
_mindspincan anybody tell me how to map a samba share at bootup? neither etc/fstab nor /samba/smbfstab, nor adding a script to init.somewhere helped09:22
ar_mediawhen i ask a question no one answers with "While Ubuntu is very user friendly, we should go over the command line tools that linux has to offer....  blah blah blah"09:22
odatis it possible to have too many gstreamer plugins installed?09:22
CaiN_SAi dont think so09:22
aftertafanyone give me a quick explanation of rcS.d???09:22
dreamiehow can you check the resources the puter is using09:22
CaiN_SAexept if maby you have to many duplicates09:22
aftertafis it the shutdown script symmlinks?09:23
drraknaftertaf: IIRC, it runs for *all* run levels09:23
CaiN_SAaftertaf, nope09:23
CaiN_SAwait ill explain09:23
aftertafoki drrakn09:23
aftertafthx CaiN_SA09:23
Hoxzerbob2: I'm just goinging to use ubuntu live CD to part my HDA1 so I can keep both linux and windows in it09:23
CaiN_SArcS.d is the scipts that is always ran at startup09:23
bob2Hoxzer: why? the installer lets you do that09:23
CaiN_SAeven if you use runlevel 3 or 5 or 2 or whatever09:23
CaiN_SAthinks like filesystem scan09:24
Myrtti_mindspin: sudo nano /etc/fstab: //computer/share /media/samba smbfs user,ro,exec,userid=user,passwd=passwd 0 009:24
CaiN_SAetc etc09:24
bob2you know that run levels 2, 3 and 5 are identical, right?09:24
CaiN_SAare done in there09:24
Hoxzerbob2: does it let me save my current install of   windows?09:24
Myrtti_mindspin: ?09:24
HoxzerI dont want to destroy it09:24
bob2Hoxzer: yes...09:24
CaiN_SAunderstand aftertaf  ?09:24
thoreauputicar_media: well, IRC is like that sometimes,, ask a question and get a command without an explanatory discourse ;)09:24
Hoxzerbob2: are you sure?09:24
_mindspinMyrtti: thats exactly the entry09:24
Cashelaftertaf, the S is the runlevel .. chosen in /etc/inittab .. the files inside are just links to /etc/init.d ... its the linux version of autoexec.bat :P09:24
odatcain_sa: like if i have too many plugins that handle the same type of file?09:24
aftertafthx CaiN_SA :)09:24
bob2ar_media: I'm not sure I understand your rant09:24
CaiN_SAodat, ya maby that can make problems09:24
_mindspinI had, beside of my settings inserted09:24
ar_mediathoreauputic,  that's better, i can figure it out from there.09:24
CaiN_SAaftertaf, mp :)09:24
dazvidHe is ranting about having to read online guides bob209:24
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Myrtti_mindspin: does the samba share have username and password set or does it allow guest login?09:25
Hoxzerbob2: how do I change between ubuntu and windows XP then?09:25
erkanisikherkese selam09:25
_mindspinusername and pass09:25
bob2Hoxzer: you reboot and select one or the other at the grub screen09:25
erkanisiktrke bilen varm09:25
_mindspinit works "by hand" after bootup09:25
Myrtti_mindspin: you do have smbfs installed, don't you09:25
ar_mediabob2, it's not important09:25
_mindspinI have09:25
bob2erkanisik: clearly no one else is speaking Turkish09:25
bob2erkanisik: /j #ubuntu-tr09:25
Hoxzerso I just put my ubuntu install CD in and install it and it will ask do I want to save my windows XP install?09:25
erkanisik:) ok09:26
bob2Hoxzer: nope09:26
bob2Hoxzer: it will let you resize it09:26
ar_mediaok, i have one more question that then i'll leave and you can laugh at my noob-ness, how the hell do i get gDesklets to load when i log in?09:26
_mindspinIt would be good enough if the script is executed at login09:26
Hoxzerif I install 64bit ubuntu can I still run 32 bit programs in it?09:26
Myrttiar_media: System - preferences - sessions09:26
_mindspinbut that would be just a workaround09:26
Myrttiar_media: startup programs09:26
ar_mediaahhhh, thank you Myrtti09:26
CashelHoxzer, it automaticaly saves it so long as you dont choose to format it..09:26
bob2Hoxzer: not in general09:26
nalioththe option to resize is missing in the ppc install disks.. ..09:26
bob2Hoxzer: do you care about any binary-only programs?09:27
ar_mediaok, i'm out of here.  later all.09:27
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Hoxzerbob2: no realy09:27
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cafuegoAre any of you aware of a library or command line tool that can edit/modify MS Office files?09:27
brownie17cafuego: i dont think that's possible is it?09:28
HoxzerBob2: so 32 bit programs will not work in 64 bit ubuntu?;/09:28
cafuegobrownie17: Well, OOo can open and edit them...09:28
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bob2Hoxzer: depends what you mean09:28
Cashelhmmm anyone know a way for me to reserve X amount of bandwith for a particular app?? I lag like all hell when synaptics downloading...09:28
cafuegobrownie17: I want to replace a template string with dynamic data (ideally in PHP)09:28
bob2Hoxzer: you can certainly run them, jut not simply09:28
brownie17cafuego: ok, sorry it wasa just a guess09:29
bob2Cashel: trickle09:29
bob2Hoxzer: often it doesn't matter, tho09:29
dreamieis there a way to check the systems resources09:29
Cashelthanks bob09:29
bob2dreamie: which resources?09:29
ubotubrownie17: I don't know, could you explain it?09:29
odatk this is the error i'm getting09:29
thoreauputicdreamie: which resources? What about typing "top" in terminal ?09:29
HoxzerBob2: ok, I try 64 bit then09:29
Casheldreamie, top09:29
odatthere were not codecs found to support this media type you may need to install the appropriate plugins09:30
odati have the plugins installed09:30
thoreauputicbrownie17: in debian based distros, runlevels 1 and 2 are pretty much it (except 0 and 6)09:30
thoreauputicbrownie17: unless you want to play games with custom runlevels of course09:31
dreamiemy system is very slow09:31
dreamiei wondered if the resources are low09:31
fluvvellbob2: what do you know about the hardware abstraction layer (HAL)09:32
bob2what do you want to know?09:32
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thoreauputicdreamie: try " top "09:32
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fluvvellbob2: well, I backed up a system, reformatted then restored from a tar file, and I get HAL failed to initialise09:32
drrakndreamie: I'm fond of the gnome system monitor applet09:32
fluvvellbob2: most stuff seems to work,09:33
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naliothdreamie: applications > system tools > system monitor09:33
omp342i rebooted my computer and now xchat doesn't work :[09:34
topylilooks like we pretty much have gnome 2.12 on breezy now :)09:34
fluvvellbob2: I get a message something about .udev---  (something) already exists09:34
fluvvellwhile booting09:34
bob2fluvvell: backing up /dev is a bad idea09:34
bob2as is /proc and /sys09:34
thoreauputic!doesn't work09:34
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, doesn't work is something you should never say.  Be more specific.09:34
fluvvellbob2:why did I know you were going to say that09:34
omp342the xchat window pops up and when i try to connect it just closes09:35
bob2restore /dev to an empty dir09:35
omp342i tried opening from terminal and it doesn't show any errors09:35
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omp342hmm the problem is only with freenode09:35
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thoreauputicomp342: possibly try renaming ~/.xchat2 and restarting09:35
fluvvellbob2: then reboot or something?09:35
omp342i think i know the answer09:35
omp342hold up09:35
Hoxzerdoooooooonnttt you cryyyy tonight I still love youuuu baby09:36
Madpilotanyone here ever used CVS?09:36
=== thoreauputic drops a 50kg Unix manual on Hoxzer
bob2fluvvell: yes09:36
fluvvellbob2: just to be clear, you mean rm -rf /dev/*09:36
bob2Madpilot: any moderate user has09:36
pacerWhat about CVS ?09:36
bob2fluvvell: or move it away09:36
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fluvvellcool, I'll try that09:37
Madpilotbob2: was trying to get Screem's built-in CVS stuff set up, for website projects... got a good CVS tutorial you can recommend?09:37
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aftertafCaiN_SA:  little last question if you may....09:38
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bob2Madpilot: cvshome.org, I guess09:38
bob2cvs is kinda obsolete, tho09:38
aftertafCaiN_SA:  to stop a service from starting, you rm it from rcS.d right?09:38
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syn-ackTheres something better than cvs out there now?09:39
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Madpilotbob2: no SVN support in Screem yet though...09:39
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omp342ok i'm in xchat now :)09:39
drraknaftertaf: use update-rc.d09:39
intelikeyhmmm nope can't make this thing work with a XFree86-4.#  only 3.#    so no chance of getting a gui up in ubuntu for me.....09:39
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dazvidAnyone here using an Audigy 2 card?09:39
thoreauputicomp342: so what was the problem?09:39
_briancan anyone help me set up my wifi in kubuntu?09:39
thoreauputicomp342: (curious)09:39
bob2_brian: #kubuntu09:39
aftertafdrrakn:  i type update-rc.d and the service name?09:40
thoreauputicbob2: he was just redirected here :)09:40
Myrttiintelikey: why are you using XFree?09:40
aftertaf+ remove?09:40
naliothbob2: there's nobody in #kubuntu09:40
drraknaftertaf: update-rc.d -f namegoesherewithoutS99 remove09:40
_brianthanks nalioth09:40
intelikeyMyrtti cause my distro didn't have xorg :)09:40
aftertaf-f :)09:41
aftertafok thx09:41
_brianthere's absolutely no one in #kubuntu09:41
bob2bah kubuntu09:41
ompaulbob2, its just not gnome is it :)09:41
bob2people should take "ability to get support" into acount when picking a distribution09:41
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intelikeyyeah or use a generic #linuxhelp09:41
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Madpilotneed sleep... good night, all09:43
omp342thoreauputic: i don't know, i just deleted ~/.xchat2 like you said and it worked09:43
aftertaf_brian:  wifi isn't a purely kde problem tho09:43
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thoreauputicomp342: ah, OK :)09:44
topyli_brian: looks like #kubuntu has 82 people in09:44
omp342thoreauputic: i think it has something to do with the file full of commands to execute when i connect to freenode09:44
intelikeyhmm wifi purely isn't a kde problem.09:44
thoreauputicomp342: very likely09:44
Myrttiirssi! ;-)09:45
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_briani haven't tried very hard either, this is my very first ever exposure to linux, i'm excited09:45
ubotuI guess wifi is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto09:45
thoreauputic!start an IRC client war09:45
ubotuxchat is better than b-x !09:45
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omp342thoreauputic: the thing is, that it worked before i restarted my computer09:45
ompaul_brian, have a look at that URL ummv (your mileage may vary)09:45
djibI have a problem with the network09:45
aftertaflool thoreauputic09:45
MyrttiI should really get dressed up, put makeup on and head for the fabric shop09:46
PeaceMakrhi everyone, good morning09:46
djibI installed my pc yesterday and did only a few software installation09:46
intelikeybx good      xchat filling      bx good ....09:46
djibgm PeaceMakr09:46
aftertafhi PeaceMakr :)09:46
djibNow the network won't start09:46
thoreauputicomp342: you can try putting things back one at a time and see which thing caused the trouble (assuming you backed up .xchat2)09:46
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_brian_ompaul i'll give it a look09:47
djibetc/init.d/networking restart fails09:47
djiband I get a message with /etc/init.d/networking: line 20: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter: Permission non accorde09:47
=== ompaul ponders putting the irc client part of intelikey's brain in front of my pen that i got from the MIB :-)
PeaceMakri have an odd query for you all, has any of you managed to get iBurst running with uuntu 5.04?09:47
djibany one can help me ?09:47
omp342thoreauputic: i backed it up, then i deleted it (i still have the file since it wasn't in that folder)09:47
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ompauldjib, how did you do the software installation?09:48
omp342how can i change my hsync and vsync settings?09:48
ompauldjib, where did you get the repos from?09:48
djibi got them from the ubuntu wiki09:48
ompauldjib, did you include backports?09:48
djibyes, but not extras09:49
Cashelomp342, best way is to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf by hand .. otherwise you can go through xorgconfig09:49
ompauldjib, can you guess why I asked that question :)09:49
omp342i'll just do it manually :)09:49
ekimushi, anyone can point me to a dvd authoring programm. i sometimes get clips from a friend and want to create dvds with a menu and all the fancy stuff playable in a dvd player09:49
intelikeyomp342 edit /etc/X11/x-org.config      or something like that.09:49
naliothbob2 what is "confirm bug" on the bugzilla page?09:49
omp342thanks Cashel09:49
naliothekimus: dvdauthor09:49
djibompaul: do you think it may be linked ?09:49
intelikey /etc/X11/xorg.conf <--09:49
ekimusthat was too easy09:49
ompauldjib, almost sure of it09:49
djibwhat can I do then ?09:49
Casheldidnt I say that?09:50
thoreauputicCashel: the "canonical" method is sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:50
aapeliiIm having a problem changing the keymap in gnome. The system says the layout is finnish, but it really is the us map. Im using breezy.09:50
nalioth!info dvdauthor09:50
ubotudvdauthor: (create DVD-Video file system), section universe/otherosfs, is optional. Version: 0.6.10-4 (hoary), Packaged size: 157 kB, Installed size: 444 kB09:50
intelikeyyeah maybe you type faster than i do Cashel09:50
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Cashelwish I'd have known that when I was going through hell w/ fglrx, hehe...09:50
Cashelintelikey, my bad09:50
djibompaul: what can I do ?09:50
ubotunvidia is, like, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia09:51
ompauldjib, try this first in a terminal  'sudo iptables -L' lets see if the list says DROP in its output09:51
djibok, i'll be back09:51
nalioththoreauputic: where did bob2 go?09:51
djib(I need to reboot under Ubuntu09:51
thoreauputicnalioth: no idea09:51
bob2it's a tag on a bug09:51
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bob2I'm unbreakign lyx09:51
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drraknekimus: that is a pretty nifty program. I'd also recommend DVDStyler with it09:52
naliothbob2: you keep on then09:52
topylibob2: cool! unbroken lyx is needed :)09:52
drraknwhich allows drag-and-drop menu creation and such09:52
drraknhas some rough edges, but I hacked up a few DVDs with it that looked ok09:52
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brownie17aftertaf: pm me!09:53
PeaceMakri have an odd query for you all, has any of you managed to get iBurst running with uuntu 5.04?09:53
Cashelis there a way to change the default icon size in gnome? couldnt find it in the configuration editor.... ?09:54
drraknPeaceMakr: what is iburst? :)09:54
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PeaceMakrdrrakn iburst is wireless internet09:54
bob2it's a wireless network in (at least) .au09:55
PeaceMakrit is in use in australia and now here in south africa09:55
bob2it works fine if you get the ethernet modem09:55
odatwell i found if i just disable the totem mozilla plugin it works fine09:55
PeaceMakrbob2 have you got it running now?09:55
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naliothPeaceMakr: let bob2 work09:55
GioSicoCould anyone give me some advice on setting two mirrored (non system) drives on ubuntu ... I am going to put my photogallery cms and mysql database on them and I want them to always be either synced or mirrored ... much thanks.09:56
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brownie17nalioth: i need help, real bad09:57
PeaceMakrnalioth sorry didnt mean to stop anyone from working, im just so anxious to get ubuntu online09:57
brownie17nalioth: pm? it might take a while to explain09:57
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hawk^ive just installed ubuntu on my ibook but the mosue pad dosent work :S whats the problem ?09:57
bob2it's really way less annoying to just ask questions in the channel09:57
bob2way way less annoying09:58
thoreauputicGioSico: apt-cache search unison ? Or perhaps rsync from the commandline?09:58
djibI did the iptables -L thing09:58
naliothhawk^: that is strange09:58
naliothhawk^: what kind of ibook?09:58
bob2PeaceMakr: you really found nothing on google about this?09:58
hawk^nalioth : ibook g4 the new one09:58
djibWhat am I supposed to see in it ?09:58
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naliothhawk^: that's very strange09:58
hawk^i know09:58
drraknthoreauputic, GioSico: wouldn't software raid mirroring be a less risky solution? (always in sync)09:59
PeaceMakrbob2 i found that there are ppl working on a 'driver' but so far i have not been able to make the driver work, i am TOTALLYT new on Linux09:59
thoreauputicdrrakn: indeed, you're right - I just reread the question09:59
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bob2PeaceMakr: go get the ethernet version of the modem09:59
ompauldjib, the word ACCEPT or DROP is what I am interested in09:59
hawk^is it a bug or ?09:59
PeaceMakrbob2 my modem has ethernet and usb09:59
djibthere are many many DROP words10:00
drraknI'm afraid I don't know a friendly way to configure it though -- I just did it the hard way with my RAID510:00
djibwait I'll do a pastebin thing10:00
Cashelis there a way to select only security updates in syndicate??10:00
ompauldjib, na just reinstall, then start without backports :)10:00
lopingodamn.. conflict10:00
djibompaul: why that ?10:00
bob2PeaceMakr: then use the ethernet port10:01
lopingoanyone installed alsa here?10:01
bob2PeaceMakr: does't it have a manual?10:01
lopingoor using alsa?10:01
intelikeyhawk^ i kinda dought it.    my guess is your mouse is not configured properly.10:01
aftertafhow do i add sth with update-rc.d??? i tried sudo update-rc.d cmd 0 49 . and got an error10:01
drraknGioSico: if you decide to go that route -- start with "man mdadm". It'll be a bit time consuming, but not too painful.10:01
ompauldjib, it would be shorter than trying to fix each of the packages10:01
bob2Cashel: "syndicate"?10:01
bob2aftertaf: read the manpage10:01
Cashelsynaptic, lol oops10:01
PeaceMakrbob2 no go, thats why im here, getting frustrated10:01
CashelI miss that game tho, lol10:01
topylilopingo: alsa is there to begin with isn't it10:01
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aftertafbob2:  i have done..... i can't make sense of it!10:02
ompauldjib, one does not know exactly what damage you have done and it is the first out of the gate, but now you can do something very userful :)10:02
bob2aftertaf: and you didn't show us the error10:02
intelikeyhawk^ "ls /dev/psaux " and see if it shows a device.10:02
bob2PeaceMakr: it has no manual?10:02
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lopingoyes but it isnt working wif my sound dev10:02
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aftertafunexpected runlevel, did you forget . ??10:02
lopingoso i used the sound daemon10:02
ompauldjib, when you are installing make three partitions one of / one for swap and one for /home10:02
aftertaf$ sudo update-rc.d cmd 0 49 .10:02
djibompaul: I didn't understand your last sentence10:02
hydromethello all -- am a newbie here. I'd love to put Ubuntu PPC on a Firewire or USB 2.0 disk and run it off my Mac 15" PB.10:02
brownie17aftertaf: was that meant for me?10:02
PeaceMakrbob2 no, and tech support at iburst is non existant and worse when Linux is involved10:02
djibI pasted my iptables -L there10:03
ompauldjib, okay - how much disk are you using?10:03
intelikeyhawk^ ?10:03
ompauldjib, okay - for ubuntu10:03
hydrometcan anyone say with certainty if PyQT runs on Ubuntu PPC ?10:03
bob2PeaceMakr: how on earth did you get it working on windows?10:03
bob2hydromet: of course it does10:03
aftertafmy question is to help you brownie17  and to learn too....10:03
djibI dunno, maybe 30%10:03
thoreauputicdjib: what do you expect?  he's Irish  (/me ducks and runs from ompaul )10:03
lopingotopyli: i did try using it but failed10:03
lopingosound device failed10:03
bob2aftertaf: showing the command and the output together is way less irritating than you posting btis of each10:03
hydrometbob2: sweet! I just wanted to check to make sure ahead of time.10:03
djib^^ thoreauputic10:03
lopingoo gtg10:03
topylilopingo: the sound server has to use oss or alsa itself. it doesn't make any sound10:03
=== ompaul pours thoreauputic a hann ice and puts him in the corner
hawk^does someone know why my mouse pad dosent work on ubuntu ???10:03
=== aftertaf eats humble pie :)
lopingooh ok10:04
lopingothanks man10:04
ompauldjib, 30% of what?10:04
Razor-Xhmmm, how would you go about using an enumerate space in LaTeX while making the items use letters instead of numbers?10:04
derFlohow can I start kde apps in systray?10:04
=== thoreauputic thanks ompaul for the Hahn and sits quietly
intelikeyhawk^ are you ignoring me ?10:04
bob2derFlo: #kubuntu; if no one there cares, ask on their mailing list10:04
intelikeyhawk^ "ls /dev/psaux " and see if it shows a device.10:04
pittiRazor-X: \item[yourbullet] 10:04
ompauldjib, and emmm how big is that (getting back to the question)10:04
hydrometbob2: I had tried to install PyQT from source dependency chain (including Trolltech QT) on Tiger and it was a headache. I got it to work but then the apps with GUI on PyQT on Tiger are often greyed out and some text fields don't accept text input. Weird.10:04
Razor-Xpitti: there's no automated way to specify letters only?10:05
pittiRazor-X: oh, that's not quite what you want, sorry10:05
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aftertafbob2:  http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1950 contains all10:05
intelikeyhawk^ or you can "lsmod "  and see if a module is loaded for the mouse.10:06
djibompaul: I'm using 2.1Go10:06
bob2aftertaf: get rid of the final .10:06
pittiRazor-X: try \renewcommand{\theenumi}{\Alph{enumi}}10:06
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pittiRazor-X: similar for enumii, enumiii, for the second, third level, and so on10:07
intelikeyhawk^ you don't have a clue what i'm talking about do you ?10:07
ompauldjib, okay forget what I was about to suggest - does not make sense with that amount of disk10:07
dreamiewhat makes a computer run so slow on ubuntu?10:07
thoreauputicdreamie: it doesn't run slow here...10:07
djibI've got an external disk10:08
thoreauputicdreamie: did you look at the monitors we suggested10:08
bob2dreamie: you'd need to define "slow" a lot more strictly10:08
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djibompaul: but I've never managed to bood a linux from it10:08
ompauldjib, leave it alone - the amount of i/o activity would wear it out quickly - if you could get it to work to boot10:09
djib(installation goes fine, but it just won't boot)10:09
thoreauputic!tell dreamie about ask10:09
djibso what shall I do ompaul ?10:09
dreamieok for instance it takes a few more seconds to multi task10:09
ompauldjib, okay reinstall and this time do not use backports except for hoary-extras  ... if you want and can use them10:10
dreamieand when i choose to minimize a maximize a window it takes longer too10:10
PeaceMakrdreamie what are your pcs specs?10:10
dreamiethe browser takes a while too10:10
thoreauputicdreamie: longer than what?10:10
=== ompaul declares backports evil for most users
dreamielike a some seconds longer10:10
GioSicodrrakn ... thanks for your replies ... is software mirroring available in Ubuntu ... I assume unison is a utility? available via apt-cache (is that what you mean?) and rsync I'll look into that too ... and look into man mdadm10:10
dreamieits not quick10:10
aftertafbob2:  same error !!10:10
dreamiei am on laptop10:10
GioSicois mdadm the software raid utility?10:10
drraknGioSico: unison/rsync are userland mirroring sync utilities and they can work over a network (or locally)10:11
PeaceMakrdreamie a 286 a amd64???10:11
drraknmdadm is the software raid utility10:11
djibbut ompaul I spent about a full day setting up all my config files yesterday ! I don't really feel like doing it again ^^10:11
thoreauputicdreamie: be specific, please10:11
drraknand will be more reliable, if you have a failure between syncs10:11
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GioSicogreat ... much thanks :)10:11
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drraknif you want to sync a bunch of networked servers, you might consider rsync10:11
drraknalthough I'd just use the builtin replication support in mysql at that point10:11
GioSicoic ... good 2 no10:11
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GioSicomore good tips10:12
pittiRazor-X: does that work?10:12
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dreamiei have an ibm thinkpad 39010:12
brownie17madpilot: i have a problem with my startup, i deleted one of the startup options, and now i can't boot. how can i add it again (  ;( i didn't backup)10:12
topyliGioSico: unison works very well when you have to keep something like ~/Desktop in sync between two desktop machines, over ssh10:13
topylibut it's no backup solution10:13
=== aapelii [n=akaariai@cs181085062.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu
ompauldjib, I can't unravel your backports mess, to do so would mean that I have exactly the same system as you only not broken10:13
PeaceMakrthinkpad 390:  CPU: Mobile Pentium-II 233 MHz10:14
GioSicothanks everyone for the good tips10:14
kemikbrownie17:  always backup or just comment out stuff.. especially when you dont know what youre doing10:14
ompauldjib, you will do it a lot quicker today :)10:14
aftertafkemik:  its a update-rc.d problem10:14
=== thoreauputic adds +1 to ompaul's observation about backports being evil for most users
kemikgotta go10:15
aftertafwe're trying to stop the evms service form crashing on boot...10:15
PeaceMakrthinkpad 390:  Video: Neomagic nmg5 with 2.5 mb vram10:15
brownie17bob2: i have an update-rc.d problem10:15
ompauldjib, imagine you had a BMW 7  series and you fitted parts from a lexus to it -10:15
bob2brownie17: that's great10:15
PeaceMakrdreamie i think you are asking alot from your thinkpad 39010:15
brownie17bob2: :), can you help me? i want to add the evm back into my boot10:16
intelikeyok mouse on lappy is psaux isn't it ?10:16
ompauldjib, now imagine bringing the car to a custom shop10:16
drraknno kidding -- gnome is already dog slow on my 600mhz lifebook :p10:16
aftertafhence the update-rc.d trouble10:16
drraknI can't imagine a 23310:16
rungehi, does ubuntu handle "Intel 815 OnBoard" video cars? (I seam to remmeber some kind of bug)10:16
drrakndid the ubuntu-light desktop ever come to fruitition?10:17
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thoreauputicdrrakn: it's being worked on - there's a mailing list/google group for it10:17
GioSicoo and I guess I should ask just to be safe ... if I want to add more ram and harddrives ... to ubuntu .. can I just put them in as normal .. and start the computer .. or do I need to do any PRE config?10:17
drraknthoreauputic: I assume it'll be breezy+1?10:17
brownie17drrakn: i have a 433 with ubuntu and it works prtty much fine10:18
djibompaul: it seems that I didn't install backports10:18
dazvidsilly question.. where do the skins for XMMS get stored by default?10:18
thoreauputicdrrakn: I don't know - so far I believe there's a test CD, but I haven't tried it10:18
naliothGioSico: ram is seen by the hardware and ubuntu will use it10:18
drraknthoreauputic: I suppose I can figure that out on my own :)10:18
naliothGioSico: your hard drives can be added when you boot the machine after adding them10:18
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aftertafi thought this was supposed to be a support channel, not a "i'm a linux guru, you sad n00b" channel......must've been mistaken.10:19
=== aftertaf apologises for bothering
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djibI just created a apt/preferences file and set a priority > 1000 for hory, horay-updates and hoary-security10:19
zcat[1] aftertaf: you're mistaken. noob!10:19
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djiband one < 0 for the rest10:19
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bob2apokryphos: what are yo ucomplaining about?10:19
thoreauputicdrrakn: I just did a "server" install with fluxbox on my P200 mmx / 64MB RAM10:19
graemedazvid,  do a dpkg -L and you can see all the files in a package10:19
dazvidThanks graeme10:19
PeaceMakrif someone has ever got iburst running on any distro please let me know, i want this issue put behind me asap10:19
naliothaftertaf: quit stirring10:19
drraknthoreauputic: that's not a bad idea10:19
bob2aftertaf: what are you coplaining about?10:19
djibthen I did an dist-upgrade10:19
djiband it didn't downgrade any package except fro libruby10:20
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ompauldjib, put the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list in pastebin the contents of 'iptables -L' into same also see you in a few10:20
GioSiconalioth ... thank you for your replies ... just thought I should ask as I have not done much linux work in the past ...10:20
naliothbrownie17: you are gonna get shown the door for that10:20
aftertafnalioth:  i'm not... but when you ask for help and just get blindwalled... i'm trying to help someone who knows even less than me... thats all10:20
thoreauputicdrrakn: I runs OK - the main drag is using Firefox: too heavy - dillo and links2 graphical run fine10:20
aftertafbrownie17:  dont shout.....10:20
PeaceMakrdarn caps lol10:20
derFlo"kstart" solved my problem. just in case someone cares.10:21
tommi^Hi. I wrote an email with an evolution and in the response to my email I noticed that the scandinavian characters were wrong. This I think is due to that the respondent uses outlook or webmail and the default character set from composing new email is utf-8, right? Should I just change to iso-8859-15 to get rid off email problems because windows simply don't understand utf-8?10:21
brownie17i deserve to get kicked for that, but it's just frsutrating10:21
ompauldjib, and your prefs file10:21
naliothaftertaf: ask some1 else. there are many users in here10:21
djibompaul: the restult of my iptables -L is http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/194910:21
naliothGioSico: you'll have no problem(s)10:21
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brownie17can anyone help me with an urgent update-rc.d problem?10:21
thoreauputicbrownie17: update-rc.d <app> defaults IIRC10:22
PeaceMakrbrownie17 there are ways to disable the capslock key10:22
brownie17peacemakr: :)10:22
zcat[1] brownie17: the man page covers it pretty well.. I just make simlinks by hand usually10:22
=== PeaceMakr hates capslock
brownie17thoreauputic: thanx10:22
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tommi^brownie17, don't ask if someone could help with your problem. Just tell us what your problem is.10:22
ompauldjib, what firewall did you install?10:22
ompauldjib, and why?10:22
brownie17thoreauputic: update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/evm: file does not exist10:23
thoreauputicbrownie17: well you have to make it exist, obviously10:23
brownie17thoreauputic: yes, how do i do that?10:23
zcat[1] apparently the file /etc/init.d/evm doesn't exist!10:23
thoreauputicbrownie17: ah - is this about enterprise volume management ?10:24
zcat[1] what's evm supposed to do?10:24
usuarioWhat is this channel talking about?10:24
brownie17thoreauputic: i cannot stay, if you know how to fix it, email it to brownie17@gmail.com and yes it is eneterprise volume managemtn system10:24
bob2usuario: ubuntu...10:24
thoreauputicbrownie17: lokk at "BUM" boot up manager10:24
ubotu[bum]  a graphical BootUp Manager; see http://www.marzocca.net/linux/bum.html10:24
brownie17brb int 30 mins10:24
bob2brownie17: why do you want EVMS to be running, anyway?10:24
djibompaul: I installed guarddog10:25
djibbut I haven't configured it10:25
djibI just updated my pastebin10:25
djibwith the other files you asked for10:25
Cashelbum crashed for me... and took my kernel along for a ride...10:25
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thoreauputicCashel: ouch10:25
djibompaul: I installed guarddog because I was told it is good ^^10:26
=== Cashel shrugs
Cashelits not so hard to do by hand, I'll live w/ out, hehe10:26
thoreauputicCashel: indeed10:26
naliothdjib: with a default install, no firewall is necessary10:26
djibnolan: why that ?10:26
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ompauldjib, well remove it10:26
drrakndjib: nothing is listening on the network10:26
blrichcan someone tell me - does the ubuntu kernel support reiser4?10:26
thoreauputicdjib: because no services run by default facing the internet10:27
djiboh ok10:27
bob2blrich: no10:27
intelikeyok use the control key and the letter c   " [ctrl]  c  "  both at the same time to kill the od command.10:27
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blrichbob2, will it ever? it has mkreiser410:27
intelikeysorry guys.10:27
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drrakntotally randomness -- does reiserfs still have spindown issues with laptop-mode?10:27
bob2blrich: is reiser4 in the mainline kernel?10:28
PeaceMakrgoodbye everyone, thanks for your help10:28
aapeliiwhere do I do bug reports about breezy_10:28
djibok, I purged guarddog and guidedog10:28
naliothaapelii: bugzilla.ubuntu.com10:29
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bob2or launchpad.net for packages in universe10:29
aapeliinalioth: oh, I thought it was only for releases. Thanks10:29
intelikeyguys the newbe need help configing a mouse psaux is working but he needs a gui way to config it  ---> hawk^10:30
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djibompaul: do you think it should work now ?10:30
usuariowhen is ubuntu going to be a stock?10:30
djibshall i reboot ?10:30
aftertafbob2:  he has evms hanging his system for like 15 mins on boot, so i helped him deactivate it on startup, now he says he doesnt even have gnome running anymore, so he wants it back....10:31
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aftertafmy fault for trying to help when out of my depth too.... sorry10:31
ivoksis aaron doucet here?10:31
thoreauputicdjib: try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart10:31
ompauldjib, it should if you remove the firewall10:31
hawk^how do i configure the mouse from the gui? im new to linux  and ive checked the device, its working. PM plz10:31
ivokslast call, aaron doucet?10:31
bob2aftertaf: that has nothing to do with gnome being broken10:31
ivoksthank you10:32
aapeliianyone know where in the config files is the default keymap for gnome? I can't get it configured with the gui.10:32
aftertafmy thoughts exactly bob2 ;)10:32
djibok, I'll try that thanks10:32
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djibI'll be right back10:32
usuariowho designed ubuntu?10:32
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omp342i'm off off to sleep10:33
bob2usuario: www.ubuntu.com10:33
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omp342bye guys10:33
thoreauputicusuario: erm.. odd question - it is Debian based10:33
crashboxhey all.... just got ubuntu loaded..... but my res is stuck at 640x480.  how can i change this to a higher res?10:33
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thoreauputicusuario: what do you mean by "designed" ?10:33
naliothcrashbox: system > prefs > screen resolution10:34
intelikeycrashbox you can edit /etc/X11/xorg.config10:34
bob2neither of those are very helpful10:34
crashboxnalioth, only shows 640x48010:34
bob2unless you're going to explain how to setup modelines manually10:34
nalioth!tell crashbox about resolution10:34
crashboxnalioth, will review10:35
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zcat[1] !help10:37
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usuariodesigned = made the structure of the operating system10:37
usuarioAre the device/machine to make chips made in Holland, the company I think it is called ASML?10:37
intelikeydpkg --reconfigure xorg<something>10:37
linnerany new linux users in here?10:37
zcat[1] several..10:37
naliothlinner: none, we are all 10 year veterans10:37
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thoreauputicusuario: Ubuntu is GNU/Linux10:38
linnerhello brown10:38
djibit did'nt change much ompaul10:38
intelikeylinner i am.10:38
brown_girlhi linner10:38
odatanyone know of a good audio player that scans / watches a folder for new files?10:38
linnertoday is my first day using ubuntu... I used linspire very briefly... so far ubuntu rocks!10:38
crashboxit's asking to input the vio cards bus identifier, it displays PCI:1:0:0, but my card is agp.... should this mater?10:38
thoreauputicusuario: a distribution of a system that has grown over a couple of decades10:38
thoreauputicif you include pre-kernel days10:39
linnerintel:  how long have you been using linux?10:39
intelikeyi have only been using linux for a few months10:39
intelikeymaybe 30 something months10:39
linnerintel:  so next to me you're an expert! :)10:39
djibompaul: did you have a look at my pastebin ?10:39
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CrashFirecan somebody help me?10:40
djiblinspire isn't free is it linner ?10:40
linnerhey Crash10:40
linnerdjib:  it was through today10:40
djibCrashFire: yo10:40
ompauldjib, do this - iptables -F10:40
intelikeyi don't know if i'd go that far, linner10:40
linnerthey had a special I found out about through digg.com10:40
linnerintel:  *smile*10:40
CrashFireI downloading ubuntu 5.04 now , can I set up eggdrops shell in it?10:40
djibok ompaul, i'll be right back ^^10:40
ompauldjib, then you will have to do this10:40
naliothcrashbox: yes10:40
djibyes ?10:40
brownie17bob2: becasue it wont run without it10:41
ompauldjib, let me get the syntax 100% correct10:41
CrashFirecan I set up eggdrops shell in ubuntu 5.04???10:41
djibok ^^10:41
zcat[1] CrashFire: yes10:41
linnerlinspire was pretty nice... did emulate windows desktop pretty well and was a nice intro to linux... but as far as trying to install software... well, unless you used their CNR, forget it!10:41
linnerso that's how I found out about ubuntu10:41
linnerand I'm thrilled with it so far10:42
CrashFireis it norwegian helplist for makeing a shell ?10:42
naliothCrashFire: everyone answered crashbox a resounding "yes"10:42
linnerintel:  are you fully switched over?10:42
linnermeaning, are you using a linux box onlly?10:42
CrashFirenalioth : ok10:42
thoreauputicCrashFire: wow that was patient! You waited a whole 40 seconds before repeating!10:42
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CrashFirecrashbox : yes10:42
CrashFirethoreauputic ??10:43
bob2brownie17: sure it will10:43
thoreauputicCrashFire: never mind.. :/10:43
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kairu0any qemu users?10:43
bob2best to just ask your question10:43
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linneris anyone trying to sync a Tungsten T3 with Evolution's palm client?10:43
djibkairu0: what's the problem with qemu ?10:44
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linneror a Palm anything for that matter10:44
kairu0djib: i dont know if its a bug or what but i installed winxp in qemu and i cant drag things with the mouse10:44
thoreauputiclinner: someone in a galaxy far away no doubt is... ;)10:44
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djibwinxp is not compatible with xp is it ?10:45
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linnerthoreau:  nice, thanks :)10:45
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djib-xp +qemu10:45
slashgerman ?10:45
zcat[1] xp isn;t compatable with anything10:45
aftertaflol zcat[1]  :P10:45
brownie17bob2: well it's not, it runs up until the gnoe-panel where it gives me a "HAL" error, and doesnt load the panel10:45
Sav^Im following a howto and go to the line "I changed my repo sources to breezy for a moment, downloaded linux-source-2.6.12 (2.6.12 kernel with ubuntu patches)", can anyone help me explain what breezy-source is?10:45
ompauldjib,  sudo iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT ; sudo iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT ; sudo iptables -P FILTER ACCEPT10:45
slashProblems with Windows - Reboot , Problems with Linux - Be root10:46
linnerthoreauputic:  is there a better channel where I should ask my question?  seriously now10:46
bob2brownie17: then perhaps this person broke HAL10:46
djibkairu0: http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/ossupport.html10:46
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ompauldjib,  but sudo iptables -F first10:46
brownie17bob2: what person broke HAL? what10:46
thoreauputiclinner: I was just joking :)10:46
linner<-- can take a joke... :)10:46
kairu0djib, thanks10:46
bob2brownie17: ?10:46
djibyes ompaul10:46
aftertafme? :(10:46
djibno worries kairu10:46
bob2brownie17: whoever is experiencing this problem10:46
bob2gnome is not going to fail to start because EVMS is disabled10:46
HiddenFlywhen i remove packages thru synaptic, what is the difference between mark for removal and mark for complete removal? which one do you recommend?10:46
djibI got win2000 running pretty well in qemu10:47
bob2it will have problems if someone broke HAL, tho10:47
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djibI think it's the best compromise10:47
thoreauputicOK time to go and eat - happy Ubunting ...10:47
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djibwhat do you cant to do exactly kairu0 ?10:47
linnerbye Thoreau10:47
jack-anyone good with kickstart files, and the "configurator" app?10:47
drrakndjib: I'm hoping AMDs Pacifica + Xen will solve my emulation problems :)10:47
aftertafbob2:  all i told brownie17 to do was update-rc.d remove evms10:47
bob2aftertaf: okiedokie10:48
angelus__1969has anyone been able to burn the new test Breezy for PPC??10:48
bob2that is not going to break gnome, tho10:48
djibwhat the hell is that drrakn ?10:48
fluvvellbob2: urk! I made a new /dev while in livecd and get a kernel panic now when rebooting10:48
Casheldjib, you ever use vmware? hows qemu compare?10:48
jack-wonder why nothing appears in package selection, except for ubuntu desktop..10:48
=== zcat[1] suspects brownie17 had been screwing around a bit before he asked..
linneri guess i'm curious why in the world would anyone want to dual boot linux and windows?  the whole point is to move away from windoze I thought.10:48
fluvvellsays- no dev/console10:48
bob2fluvvell: and the panic is...10:48
drrakndjib: their new (not released) chipset with better virtualization support10:48
djibCashel: vmware is not free, a firend of mine has an xp running very well under vmware10:48
ompauldjib,  did you get that10:48
bob2linner: how is that the "whole point"?  people can use whatever they want for whatever purpose they want10:48
fluvvellbob2: not syncing attempting to kill10:49
djibompaul: yes10:49
drrakndjib: which should allow xen to work with XP (unmodified)10:49
djibompaul: thank you10:49
jamey3linner, because quite a few people use windows for gaming, linux for everything else10:49
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linnerbob2:  yes, I agree... and I'm just wondering why they'd want to dual boot10:49
djibi'll try in a few seconds10:49
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linnerjamey3:  ahhh... got it...10:49
ompauldjib, it will remove the firewall10:49
brownie17zcat[1] : no i didn't. i'm too scared, and obviously for good reason10:49
Casheldjib, I know I've got vmware ... just wondering how qemu compares in functionality?10:49
bob2linner: some people like playing games, or using some obscure app that doens't run in wine10:49
=== linner is not a gamer
djibdrrakn: wat is xen ?10:49
linnerbob2:  got it...10:49
Sav^Im following a howto and go to the line "I changed my repo sources to breezy for a moment, downloaded linux-source-2.6.12 (2.6.12 kernel with ubuntu patches)", can anyone help me explain what breezy-source is?10:49
drrakndjib: virtualization software, vaguely like vmware10:49
linnerbob2:  wasn't trying to offend; trying to understand....10:49
jamey3linner, I really wish they could somehow write platform-independent games or something10:50
djibqemu is much slower if you don't use qemu accelerator10:50
djibbut it is pretty good10:50
=== Cashel dual boots - likes vmware to as a toy :)
drrakndjib: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/10:50
linnerjamey3:  I'll betcha they can...10:50
brownie17bob2: are you sure bum will help me? becasue i am having a littel bit of trouble installing it10:50
zcat[1] hmm.. well I agree just removing or dissabling evms shouldn't have killed gnome or anything.10:50
djibok drrakn thanks10:50
bob2Sav^: ignore that howto, it's wrong10:50
drrakndjib: np10:50
bob2Sav^: go to packages.ubuntu.com, search for that package, and download and install it10:50
jamey3Can someone help me with an apache rewrite rule?10:50
brownie17bob2: is it possible that the HAL error was a one-time thing?10:51
bob2Sav^: I'm not sure 2.6.12 will actually work on hoary at all, tho10:51
djibCashel: I don't use qemu anymore, and never used vmware myself so I can't really compare ^^10:51
bob2brownie17: perhaps10:51
djibok, i'll be right back10:51
bob2Sav^: why do you want 2.6.12?10:51
brownie17bob2: well i will restart, and then you can maybe help me with installing bum10:51
linnerok ya'll... it's my night night time... so I'll chat with ya'll later... nice to see such a knowledgable crowd!  ya'll take care10:51
fluvvellbob2: actual error is /sbin/init:  428: cannot open /dev/console: no such file10:51
Sav^bob2: to get my Acer TM 8101 working http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46536&highlight=810310:52
fluvvellbob2: then the kernel panic10:52
angelus__1969anyone using Ubuntu on ppc??10:52
zcat[1] yes!! beige g3 ppc :)10:52
bob2angelus__1969: lots of people do, just ask your question10:53
angelus__1969I'm trying to burn the new Breezy iso10:53
angelus__1969anyone any luck with it10:53
jack-fn~zcat[1] : how did you get it to boot?10:53
bob2angelus__1969: this sounds more like a mac os problem10:53
bob2angelus__1969: try a different burning program10:53
jack-tried that here too, i thought it must be a new world mac or something10:53
naliothangelus__1969: use Disk Utility10:53
angelus__1969bob2: I tried with toast and with dragon burn (which can overburn)10:53
Cashelok I'm off for awhile, have fun folks10:53
zcat[1] Umm.. BootX I think it's called10:53
angelus__1969bob2: I also tried on a Centos box10:53
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jack-its not included, right?10:54
crashboxhey, got it fixed, thanks............10:54
jack-i think the default is yaboot or something10:54
zcat[1] nah, getting any linux onto an oldworld mac is a bit of an art.10:54
henk__I've got windows installed on hda and linux on sda (serial ata). Grub installed itself on the bootrecord of hda, the files for grb are on sda1. The first time i booted into linux, no problem.. but if i boot into windows once, the next time i boot grub says it cannot find stage2 anymore (it can find stage1.5). I re-instaled grub and it happened again, it seems the booting into windows XP somehow get grub confused. Any ideas on what may be happenin10:54
naliothangelus__1969: use Disk Utility10:54
jack-indeed zcat10:54
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jack-same for os x..i never managed, yet10:55
cafuegozcat[1] : hardly, just a matter of using BootX.10:55
brownie17would you guys beleive it? that HAL error was a once off thing10:55
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brownie17bob2: worked fine this time10:55
angelus__1969nalioth: it's burning..... I hope :)10:55
cafuegojack-: 10.2 and older are generally fine on oldWorld Macs. 10.3 and newer won't install.10:55
zcat[1] make a minimal (150-200M) partition for macos, install macos, download and install BootX, copy kernel and initrd image off install cd..10:55
jack-ill try with jaguar then10:56
jack-but actually, id love to get ubuntu running hehe10:56
cafuegojust hold down 'c'10:56
zcat[1] then boot, install, change console, mount HFS partition and copy runtime kernel and initrd for bootx to use..10:56
angelus__1969does anyone know if breezy works on a rev. 2 Imac G5??10:56
angelus__1969because 5.04 doesn't :)10:56
jack-problem with kubuntu-hoary and ubuntu-hoary is, holding c doesnt make it boot10:57
zcat[1] I should write up a howto.. I've done it twice onc with ubuntu and again with kubuntu10:57
naliothangelus__1969: idk what that is, but it hangs during install on my G5 imac (a known bug)10:57
cafuegoangelus__1969: How is hoary faling? (It works fine here)10:57
naliothzcat[1] :  >>> wiki.ubuntu.com10:57
cafuegoangelus__1969: Sorry, missed the G5 bit :-)10:57
angelus__1969cafuego: it boots and then I get a kernel panic10:57
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angelus__1969nalioth: I don't even get to the install stage10:57
jack-zcat: how can i force my stupid old mac to boot that?10:58
cafuegoangelus__1969: You could give colony4 a try, but it still can't slow down thge cpu fan afaik.10:58
cafuegojack-: BootX10:58
zcat[1] nalioth: there's a howto there already, but some of the steps could have been easier (using pivotroot when the base is already mounted on /target - pointless and confusing!)10:58
jack-install bootx on my hd first?10:58
angelus__1969cafuego: that is the iso I'm trying to burn :)10:58
angelus__1969cafuego: what else is not supported?10:58
naliothzcat[1] : so log in and update the steps10:59
naliothzcat[1] : that's what a wiki is10:59
zcat[1] bah, ok..10:59
cafuegojack-: partition it in the MacOS installer, leave a few GB for linux. Then install Mac OS. Then install BootX on macOS and use it to boot the installer (with the correct initrd image); then10:59
cafuegoangelus__1969: no support for airport express10:59
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naliothcafuego: the express plugs into the wall, airport extreme is what is inside the case11:00
cafuegonalioth: yesye11:00
angelus__1969cafuego: hmmmm airport express is build in ......11:00
angelus__1969cafuego: how about bluetooth?11:00
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djibhey ompaul11:00
djibI tried what you said11:00
ompauland put nothing in pastebin11:01
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djibI got iptables: Bad built-in chain name11:01
jamey3Can someone help me with a simple apache mod_rewrite rule?11:01
ompaulahh do them one at a time11:01
djibI tried that11:01
djibit's the last one who does it11:01
djibthe one with FILTER11:01
djibit may have to do something with the error I get when I tried and restart network11:02
ompaulthat last one is forward11:02
ompaulwhen done restart11:02
djib(computer or network ?)11:02
ompauldjib, computer11:03
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djibI'll be right back ^^11:03
ompauldjib, it should come up okay or you have some other issues11:03
=== ompaul thinks maybe I should do windows :-/
dazvidwhen booting up, my "Configuring network" stage takes like 1 minute.. is there a way to cut this down?11:04
=== ompaul goes for coffee
angelus__1969cafuego: is there a site about ubuntu on ppc and what is and isn't supported (in breezy, colony 4)??11:04
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Burgundaviaangelus__1969, for all laptops, your wireless is not going to work11:05
naliothangelus__1969: irc.freenode.net/#ubuntu   ?11:05
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Help channel | FAQs & User Documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | Do NOT paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | Channel logs: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ | General chatter: #ubuntu-offtopic
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by Seveas at Tue Sep 6 00:13:36 2005
(dazvid/#ubuntu) Somada141, what text editors are you familiar with?11:27
(dazvid/#ubuntu) in the console ^11:27
(Somada141/#ubuntu) in winXP?11:27
(natecull/#ubuntu) I have a slightly dumb X question11:27
(Ng/#ubuntu) VoX: are you sure it hasn't just changed a little and nvidia's current release isn't compatible?11:27
(Somada141/#ubuntu) oh11:27
(djib/#ubuntu) yes ompaul, I wanted to try and fix that...11:28
(natecull/#ubuntu) I am getting sick of needing to restart X whenever a rogue app (such as Dosbox) does nasty things to my screen mode11:28
(Somada141/#ubuntu) well i'm not familiar with consoles that much11:28
(dazvid/#ubuntu) ok11:28
(Somada141/#ubuntu) it's my first decent try on Linux11:28
(djib/#ubuntu) but If I spend a full day on it, I may as well just spend half a day reconfiguring ^^11:28
(natecull/#ubuntu) one would think that X could be set up using client/server magic somehow so that when I ctrl-alt-backspace, all my applications keep running and just reconnect when the X server comes back up11:28
(Somada141/#ubuntu) till now i was a Windows guy11:28
(djib/#ubuntu) see you as soon as I've reinstalled11:28
(ompaul/#ubuntu) djib, it should not be half a day11:28
(aftertaf/#ubuntu) !tell Somada141 about cli11:28
(VoX/#ubuntu) Ng: nah, there were other issues with it aswell. Friend of mine is a kernel developer, told me that something happened to 2.6.13 when it was ported from 2.6.12.x, and to steer clear of it(2.6.13) for a while11:28
(djib/#ubuntu) we'll se11:28
natecullis it at all possible to configure, say, Ubuntu to act like this?11:28
natecullis it even possible with GNOME at all?11:28
NgVoX: you should be staying with your vendor kernel anyway, but fair enough11:29
dazvidSomada141, well i use vim, but thats only really for programmers.. there are some more user friendly ones such as gedit. But I dont know which is better to use.. you will have to find one you like :)11:29
aftertafnatecull:  X apps are run as child processes of X, so if you kill X, ...11:29
aftertafdazvid:  dempends on what mode you're in too.11:29
natecullaftertaf: yes, that's precisely what I'm asking if there's a better way to do it. *Why* exactly must apps be run as child processes of X, and not of my user account?11:29
Ngnatecull: you can do that, but you need to use something like Xvnc, which isn't that much fun11:30
aftertafif youre stuck without X, good to know how to modify and save11:30
dazvidaftertaf, what do you mean? is this for the network configuration thing?11:30
aftertafdazvid:  no for vim11:30
natecullNg: I wouldn't want to run vnc locally, no. But surely X does the whole separation of client vs server thing built in, for free?11:30
dazvidah ok11:30
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VoXnatecull: because the apps are run within the x environment, not within the local userspace11:30
dazvidSomada141, type in your console window: cat /etc/fstab11:31
Ngnatecull: they are separated, but they're not persistant in the way you want. There's something called FreeNX too that might do it, but I've never used it/11:31
dazvidSomada141, and it should print out your device listing11:31
vegiVampdidn't have network after reboot11:31
natecullVoX: But I could run those apps on a completely different machine, across the network, couldn't I? And then if I rebooted my local X server, they'd keep running? Or not?11:31
vegiVampfixed that, now can't open terminal for some reason...11:31
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vegiVampwonderful advice in the wiki :-)11:32
Somada141and the NTFS will be in there?11:32
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vegiVampI suppose I'll have to update it myself11:32
dazvidSomada141, no, but thats where you will put it in a second11:32
Somada141what's the command for that?11:32
VoXnatecull: ahhh i see what your getting at. hmm im not sure11:32
dazvidSomada141, first, we need to create a directory to mount it.. so type: sudo mkdir /media/windows11:33
natecullAFAIK both Xvnc and FreeNX are thin-client solutions. I'm thinking about just leveraging the much-vaunted network-transparency of X that's built right in, but on a single machine.11:33
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crashboxSomada141, i was looking for that info to.....just read the comments.....it tells you how to do it11:33
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dazvidSomada141, now we want to edit the fstab file.. so type: sudo vim /etc/fstab11:35
crashboxSomada141, if u have a question, lemme know, i just did it and it worked fine11:35
natecullI presume there's a good reason why this is a bad idea, but I'm not sure who to ask to find out why exactly it's a bad idea.11:35
VoXnatecull: try in #xorg, they might have an answer11:35
cosmos_I apted hydrogen without problem but when I ran it said can not connect to sound driver, but ALSA sound system is working fine, anybody any idea?11:36
vegiVampnatecull: you want to run apps that survive a reboot, is that it ?11:36
dazvidSo you have a text file open now Somada141. You want to insert a line at the bottom. so use j to navigate to the bottom of the file, and then hit o to open a new line11:36
dazvidfrom there insert this line: /dev/hda1 /media/windows ntfs user,umask=0222 0 011:37
NgGo ;)11:37
natecullvegiVamp: I want to run apps that survive an X server restart, yes11:37
natecullsince that's what tends to get corrupted when I try to play games11:37
vegiVampnatecull: graphical apps won't11:37
natecullvegiVamp: any particular reason why not?11:37
vegiVampnot even when they're run remotely11:37
vegiVampbecause they depend on the interfaces that your X provides11:38
natecullthat seems rather... shortsighted of the X protocol designers11:38
fernandoHi, I just finished installing ubuntu server, I reboot the computer and it came to a shell, I typed exit to go in the a gui mode, is this the right way to login in ubuntu?, also the system doesn't take my root password. Did I do something wrong?11:38
Ngit's not really the X designers's fault11:38
vegiVampWhat you can do, however, is run an Xvnc server on a second display, and connect to that using a vnc client11:38
Ngthe application doesn't have to die11:38
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Ngthey just tend to because there's no easy alternative11:38
Somada141do you know where can i find packages for other languages? I installed ubuntu in home where i dont have a connection and i need to get the greek language package11:38
dazvidSomada141, once you have put that line into the fstab file, you must save it. Hit esc, and then type :wq   (w saves, q exits)11:39
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vegiVampthe apps will then run entirely in the second server and survive your main server's reboot11:39
natecullNg: hmm.11:39
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VoXNg: dont happen to know what version of automake hoary is running, do you?11:39
nalioth!tell fernando about root11:39
natecullvegiVamp: yeah, but it's more the corruption of my X environment, I guess, that's happening11:39
vegiVampnatecull: define11:40
natecullIE: Dosbox (or some other game) exits, and suddenly my screen is in 640x480 mode, mouse doesn't respond but keyboard does11:40
Ngnatecull: I think the gtk people are working on ways of migrating an app from one X server to another, which ought to also allow them to survive a restart, but that stuff is nowhere near ready yet. I happen to agree with you that this is a major oversight in X, but so far the only people I know of to do this kind of thing on any scale are Windows's Terminal Services and Sun's hotdesking sunray thing I forget the name of ;)11:40
NgVoX: I can see pacakges for 1.4, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8 and 1.911:40
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vegiVampNg: terminal services and sunray don't survive reboots either11:40
natecullat this point, though Linux is still functioning perfectly, I need to at least restart X, which involves killing my open OpenOffice document, my Firefox session, my X-Chat window, etc11:40
vegiVampthey're just viewscreens on a remote desktop11:40
VoXNg: hmmm how would i go about installing automake 1.5 or greater on breezy?11:41
VoX(its running 1.4)11:41
NgvegiVamp: it's the closest thing to them, although I thought the sunray stuff was more native11:41
vegiVampno, sunray is just xdmcp with some custom sun extensions11:41
NgvegiVamp: I did say "this kind of thing" to imply inequality ;p11:41
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@ppp-39-69.grapevine.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
natecullOh, the reason I'm getting GUI corruption in the first place is that I'm playing games that either use fullscreen mode or OpenGL11:41
NgVoX: have you searched with synaptic/apt-cache? it probably has the version you want11:41
vegiVampthen play those on a separate xserver :-)11:42
akrobatneed help11:42
dazvidwith what?11:42
natecullI wouldn't even mind so much if there were a way to set my display back to the right resolution without restarting X11:42
natecullbut when you lose your mouse, that gets annoying11:42
VoXNg: yeah, it's telling me that automake 1.4 is the most up-to-date version in breezy11:42
akrobatcommand to rar some files11:42
Ngnatecull: vegiVamp makes a good point, Applications->System Tools->New Login will give you a new X server on another console, run the game from that and when it goes wrong, kill it and the main X server will still be running on vt7 as normal :)11:43
=== terrex [n=terrex@84-122-83-29.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
NgVoX: odd, I'm not running breezy though, so I dunno11:43
natecullNg: oooh11:43
=== vegiVamp remembers the time when I had 4 different desktops running on my laptop :-)
natecullHmm. By 'another console', what does that mean?11:43
nateculla virtual console as in alt-F8?11:43
VoXNg: ah nevermind, im just a bit thick today11:43
Ngnatecull: yes11:43
vegiVampnatecull: yes11:44
NgvegiVamp: cool, I've only used the Xnest version before to run silly things like E17 ;)11:44
natecullokay, that's very cool11:44
akrobatall: pls tell me command to pack some files with rar in linux11:44
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vegiVampapt-get install rar; rar :-)11:45
natecullHmm. It tells me I'm 'already logged in'11:45
vegiVamplogin limit ?11:45
natecullwill that do nasty things if I'm logged in twice as the same user on two different consoles?11:45
natecullor is it just being helpful?11:45
Ngyou probably don't want two gnome sessions running11:45
vegiVampwhy not ?11:45
naliothnatecull: not at all, go right ahead11:45
Ngisn't that going to seriously confuse things like gconf? ;)11:45
natecullhmm. A bunch of stuff failed to load11:45
natecullI guess GNOME isn't designed to be run on two consoles11:45
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naliothnatecull: you can log in as yourself on all 8 consoles if you like11:46
natecullwonder if I can log in as a non-gnome session on the other console11:46
vegiVampstrangely enough, kde is smart enough to use randomized tempfiles for everything11:47
natecullspecifically, my icons were the 'blank notepad page' icon, and none of my Panel applets ran11:47
natecullbut my panel menus were ok11:47
vegiVampnatecull: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop :-p11:47
Ngnatecull: yes, you can, click on "Sessions" on the login screen11:47
Ngnatecull: pick failsafe or somethign11:47
vegiVampstill haven't got my terminals running11:47
vegiVampI can start a root terminal, and from there start other terminals, but I can't start a terminal as user11:48
natecullyeah, I'm trying it now with failsafe in vt811:48
vegiVampkonsole just hangs, some other terminal says there's a problem creating the child procesll...11:48
=== AzureMoose [n=matt@ppp242-101.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
vegiVamprather annoying if you're depending on ssh to administer servers11:49
natecullexcellent. Now I have Privateer in vt8, and Gnome in vt711:49
Somada141where do i find the packages for ubuntu?11:49
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Ngnatecull: :)11:50
=== emiliospanish [n=emilio@19.Red-81-33-91.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
natecullhee hee. And the music plays in the background while I'm in Gnome.11:50
ompaulSomada141, name a package11:50
Somada141i want the greek language pack for example11:51
dazvidquestion for people who use gcc: whats the option for including the math.h ?11:51
Somada141the cd doesn't have full support for it but i don't have a connection back home11:51
naliothy'all be good11:51
ompaulSomada141, apt-cache search gr | less11:51
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deFryskSomada141, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto11:52
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ompaulSomada141, that will get every file with something to do with gr in front of you - very messy so if you have something a little more specific it might be useful apt-cache search openoff | grep gr11:52
=== ompaul goes to install a server or two
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deFryskSomada141, just use synaptic its an easy to use frontend for packages ;)11:54
Somada141can i download synaptic in windows and get the packages for home?11:54
Somada141i don't have internet at home11:54
NgSomada141: no, but the packages can be downloaded by hand from http://packages.ubuntu.com/11:54
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aftertafvegiVamp:  kde pwns, that's why :)11:57
vegiVampseems the pty devices in /dev have lost their o=rw permissions11:57
dazvidaftertaf, you have an nvidia card yeh?11:57
aftertafmy word.... how DID you know that?? ;)11:58
dazvidAfter installing the nvidia drivers, i still cant update the res to higher than 1024*76811:58
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dazviddid you have this problem?11:58
aftertafno, cos my screen wont handle more anyway11:58
dazvidnm then11:59
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gin_to set my root passwd in ubuntu how can i do it ?12:00
hyphenatedgin_: are you sure you want to?12:00
gin_hyphenated, yes.12:00
gin_i want install a thing in apt-get and i can't coz i must be root12:01
dazvidyou just type sudo before whatever command12:01
Sav^sudo apt-get the_thing12:01
bimberigin_: sudo apt-get .... (then enter your password)12:01
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gin_oki but how can i set my root pass ?12:02
dazvidyou dont have to12:02
dazvidjust use your user password12:02
hyphenatedgin_: if you use 'sudo' instead, you just use your own password12:02
gin_yes, ty. i know now that, so i want set my root pass12:03
bimberigin_: sudo passwd (if you must :) )12:03
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bimberigin_: as you can probably tell, there is some resistance to the idea :)12:03
gin_ty bimberi12:03
bimberigin_: yvw :)12:04
gin_bimberi, :)12:04
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gin_looks like very cute ubuntu12:04
gin_i should say more cute than debian12:04
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zcat[1] AAAARGHH!!!!!! The authentication database is temporarily unavailable. Anonymous access only.12:05
zcat[1] You are not allowed to edit this page.12:05
zcat[1] I just typed up a MASSIVE howto.!! Not I've lost it!!12:05
Naruto666ubuntu is a good lonux12:05
zcat[1] stupid wiki12:05
=== danielsan [n=danielsa@d032113.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu
Naruto666i download many linux but ubuntu is a bad one12:05
nalioth_zZzzcat[1] : backspace12:06
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zcat[1] I did. Same error.12:06
stoneheadif you press backspace, you might lose your input altogether12:06
zcat[1] My last hour's typing is gone12:07
stoneheadtry forward and ^R then12:07
zcat[1] tried12:07
stoneheadzcat: why didn't you type in a real editor?12:07
zcat[1] It's gone12:07
=== TongMaster [n=TongMast@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] 'cos the WLUG wiki NEVER does this kind of crap to me!12:08
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djibompaul: I'm back ^^12:08
aftertafzcat[1] :  argh indeed!!!!!!12:09
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=== Lordkel [n=ubuntu@220-253-23-86.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] stuff it, I'll retype it in a real editor. Then I'll post it to a real wiki :-P12:09
djibhey Lordkel12:10
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LordkelI'm new here so please be nice!12:11
djibwe wil ^^12:11
vegiVampdoesn't mount devpts12:11
Lordkelvirgin linux user12:11
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djiboh ;)12:11
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=== hansder [n=hansder@p54B599E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
vegiVampI suppose I'll have to manually modify the initscripts to fix that12:11
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hyphenatedLordkel: most linux users are ;-)12:11
Lordkelgot one of the ubuntu cd's and just running the live cd to see what it is like12:11
Pnilzdoes the ubuntu live cd has support for ntfs drives?12:12
bimberilol @ hyphenated12:12
Lordkelappears to12:12
zcat[1] read support, yes12:12
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djibyou won't be disappointed Lordkel12:12
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djibor maybe only by the fact that from a live cd it's pretty slow12:12
Lordkelthe only thing I have not got working is the wireless network card12:12
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zcat[1] do NOT mount any NTFS drives R/W unless you set up captive drivers12:12
Pnilzyeah sorry but i tried to mount one but it would'nt mount =/12:12
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Pnilzno it will only be used for R12:13
=== mindmedic [n=mind@chello213047070017.1.14.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
topyliLordkel: you probably never will, on the live cd12:13
LordkelI've heard lot's of good stuff about it so thought I'd try it on a spare pc12:13
zcat[1] should have no trouble reading NTFS partitions12:13
Pnilzhmm =/12:13
ndlovuanyone know why I can get ssh working in a terminal but not using nautilus?12:14
Pnilzwell seems like i have to try once more, bbl12:14
Lordkeldjib: I'm impressed so far12:14
sanketmedhii installed Ubuntu 5.04 from the CDs i received from Ship It! I used the auto updater which updated the kernel to 2.6.10. But I guess the latest kernel is 2.6.12-1447. How do i update my kernel using apt-get to the latest version?12:14
ndlovu(I'm trying to connect to a remote server using ssh)12:14
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vegiVampndlovu: afaik, nauplius (or konqueror, for that) doesn't support passphrases12:14
topylihrmm. evolution on breezy still won't work with imap12:14
zcat[1] bah, I'm gonna retype my OldWorldPPC howto tomorrow. I am so fscked off now!12:14
vegiVampndlovu: use ssh-agent and try again12:14
djibLordkel: good then12:14
=== azimuth10 [n=azimuth1@217-117-38-50.teledisnet.be] has joined #ubuntu
djibLordkel: I have to say that wireless is not very good on linux yet12:15
hansderi put the breezy badger cd into my cdrom..since then ubuntu wants to update to breezy badger and wants me to insert that cd...how can i stop this update message?12:15
zcat[1] sanketmedhi: is there anything you sp[ecifically NEED the 2.6.12 kernel for?12:15
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djibI mean once it works, it works forever12:15
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djibbut before...12:15
deFrysksanketmedhi, hoary uses 2.6.10 not 2.6.1212:15
Lordkeljust trying to get it to work is the problem....12:15
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aftertafhansder:  check your etc.sources.list12:15
Lordkelbut hopefully will sort it out when I install this properly12:16
mindmedicaftertaf, error 40412:16
sanketmedhizcat[1] : nothing specific, but i got a system message tht i should upgrade it to the latest version (i dont remember when)12:16
topylisanketmedhi: you'll get 2.6.12 when you upgrade to breezy12:16
zcat[1] 2.6.10 is the latest version :)12:16
djibLordkel: so you were a Win user ?12:16
sanketmedhideFrysk: So isnt the 2.6.12 kernel supported in Hoary?12:16
Lordkelstill am on the main pc... play quite a few games12:17
sanketmedhitopyli: what's breezy? A newer version of Ubuntu?12:17
djiboh yes12:17
djibwhat games ?12:17
topylisanketmedhi: the next version, due in a few weeks12:17
zcat[1] breezy is alpha.. wait a month!!12:17
deFrysksanketmedhi, if needed for security reasons the kernel wil be patched and updated12:17
=== Terk [n=Christia@ip207-168-173-82.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu
LordkelBF2, Half Life, FarCry12:17
fbladehow can i get the beta of it?12:17
Lordkeland a few others12:17
TerkHi all12:17
fbladeof breezey i meaan!12:17
aftertafmindmedic:  typo :( illwill, not iwill !!!!!!!  grrr12:18
TerkMaybe somebody can help me?12:18
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bimberiLordkel: You can check on support for your wireless card at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards12:18
topylifblade: you can freely break your hoary box by upgrading12:18
Lordkelcool, thanks for that12:18
sanketmedhideFrysk: ok, so shall i stick to the current version and let the auto updater / apt-get let decide when the kernel is to be upgraded?12:18
TerkI have a problem with drawing windows in ubuntu (gnome)12:18
Terkit's very slow12:18
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deFrysksanketmedhi, wise decision :)12:18
bimberiLordkel: yvw :)12:19
sanketmedhideFrysk: Thanks!12:19
Terkwhen a move or resize a window it shows some ghosting...12:19
lirazis it possible for me to select the sound device in gnome sound recorder(because I want to record from my bluetooth headset)12:19
Terka = I12:19
topylifblade: modify sources.list and dist-upgrade. but breezy is not quite there yet12:19
bimberiLordkel: you're very welcome :)12:19
sanketmedhione more thing...is there any link which explains the various releases of Ubuntu such as Hoary, Hedgehog, Breezy, etc. ?12:19
stoneheadit is wise to actually *try* to use latex on ubuntu?12:19
stoneheadit isn't even in the wiki12:19
Lordkelnew to the shortened english as well, sorry12:20
pittistonehead: why not?12:20
djibI have to go, sorry12:20
pittistonehead: I do that, it's the same as in Debian12:20
stoneheadpitti: I miss fonts that i have on debian12:20
pittistonehead: please file a bug then12:20
bimberiLordkel: so was i about 2 months ago12:20
Lordkelmust say that even on an older p3 1gig this is running o.k from the live cd12:20
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bimberiLordkel: how much memory?12:21
hansderaftertaf, thx it worked12:21
Lordkel256 meg (32 megshared for video card on board12:21
sanketmedhideFrysk: one more thing...is there any link which explains the various releases of Ubuntu such as Hoary, Hedgehog, Breezy, etc. ?12:21
topylistonehead: latex works just fine, and you can apt-get all the same fonts12:21
Somada141when you get a package do you need to get all the packages it depends on?12:21
bimberiLordkel: that will run a regular install of ubuntu fine12:21
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aftertafSomada141:  yep, that is the nature of dependances....12:22
Terkcan somebody please help?12:22
aftertafSomada141:  but some may be installed already12:22
Lordkelthought so...... Windows runs a bit slow on this one at the moment...(xp that is)12:22
zcat[1] Somada141: apt or synaptic or kynaptic takes care of that for you12:22
stoneheadtopyli: hm, then I don't understand why palatino.sty is not generated12:22
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bimberiLordkel: i have it running quite nicely on a Celeron 466 (with 384Mb tho)12:22
Somada141yeah but i haven't a connection at home so i'l have to get the packages manually12:22
deFrysksanketmedhi, https://wiki.ubuntu.com//?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=releases&titlesearch=Titles12:23
aftertafSolol:  even without a connection you can use them to see what you have installed and what you dont12:23
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topylistonehead: it's not? must be a bug12:23
aftertafSolol:  sorry..12:23
Terkwhy is redrawing of my windows so slow? (Shows some ghosting when moving or resizing)12:23
aftertafSomada141 i meant12:23
Somada141true? aren't they already installed with ubuntu by default?12:23
LordkelI have thought of trying to obtain a couple of older boxes to run as firewall and even a server just for the fun of it to see how it all works12:23
aftertafdepends wat12:23
sanketmedhideFrysk: thanks again! :D12:23
aftertafLordkel:  fun & headaches.... but v. gratifying12:24
deFrysksanketmedhi, yw ;)12:24
zcat[1] without a connection, apt will still tell you what depends on what..12:24
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topylistonehead: i have palatino.sty here. this is a breezy box though12:24
bimberiLordkel: have a look at IPCop for the firewall12:24
=== zcat[1] 's main machine is a celeron 766 :(
Lordkelnew stuff is always a headache to start with but once you get the hang of it I'm told it's a piece of cake12:24
zcat[1] "older machine" indeed!!12:24
stoneheadtopyli: hm. I run hoary12:25
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aftertafpIII 450 laptop and happy12:25
sanketmedhideFrysk: on wiki.ubuntu.com, they say that Hoary is the most stable Ubuntu distro...so do i need to upgrade to Breezy when it is released...what difference will it make?12:25
aftertaf256 mg shared for gfx12:25
Lordkelbimberi: will do, also I've been informed of smoothwall as an option too12:26
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topylistonehead: have you tried regenerating the fonts with texconfig? you might have found a bug12:26
zcat[1] Was running on a P500 lappy for a while, it was quite fast enough there. The celeron seems slower :(12:26
aftertafoops forgot to go eat, its late :) later________12:26
deFrysksanketmedhi, breezy is filled with the latest stable packages like kernel 2.6.12 , gnome 2.12 ect12:26
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bimberiLordkel: yes it is - looks like you're doing some good research :)12:27
topylisanketmedhi: breezy will be the stable distribution once it's released12:27
zcat[1] What comes after breezy?12:27
topylisanketmedhi: you misunderstand "stable" i'd say12:28
Lordkelyeah, been looking at all the stuff on whirlpool.net.au and there is heaps of good info from lots of people12:28
deFryskzcat[1] , strormy12:28
frans-thanyone know smurfix?12:28
zcat[1] strormy?!!12:28
deFryskfrans-th, I know obleix12:28
stoneheadtopyli: I'll try12:28
zcat[1] who names these things?!!12:28
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topylisanketmedhi: stable means "un-changing", unstable means "development" (not "constantly crashing")12:28
sanketmedhiso does it mean that I have to install a completely new system or just perform a small update12:29
frans-thdefrysk: i need to chat with matthias about loco team... can help?12:29
frans-thmathias = smurfix right12:29
zcat[1] LARGE update..12:29
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LordkelWell thankyou all for the info and kind words, I'm off to explore the new land of linux....12:29
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sanketmedhitopyli: so does it mean that I have to install a completely new system or just perform a small update12:30
deFryskfrans-th, loco team ?12:30
zcat[1] sanketmedhi: change sources and perform a LARGE update I think..12:30
sanketmedhizcat[1] : and what bout the packages already installed...they remain intact right?12:30
topylisanketmedhi: to upgrade, you don't have to reinstall, but the upgrade is huge, almost all packages will be updated12:30
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deFrysksanketmedhi, after stable release of breezy its fairly safe upgrading it using an updated sources.list12:31
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sanketmedhiso why doesnt Hoary have support for Kernel 2.6.12? For security purposes?12:31
zcat[1] You can update using the breezy CD when it comes out I think.. save some downloading12:31
zcat[1] 'cos there's no point in changing everything just to have the most recent thing..12:32
deFrysksanketmedhi, a stable release has a "frozen" status meaning no packages wil come in12:32
deFrysknew packages that is12:32
Terkwhy is redrawing of my windows so slow? (Shows some ghosting when moving or resizing)12:32
zcat[1] that's why it's 'stable' -- things like the kernel version don't change..12:33
deFrysksanketmedhi, although the packages wil be updated with the latest security patches if needed12:33
sanketmedhideFrysk: its nice if its for security purposes12:33
sanketmedhiI am starting  to like Ubuntu! :D12:33
zcat[1] it's for stability. Going to a later kernel is likely to break some things.12:34
=== fluvvell is looking for a guru who has restored ubuntu from a tarball before
zcat[1] EG (from the windows world) SP2 broke most cd burning software..12:34
fluvvellcan anyone rescue me from HAL ?12:34
=== wishs [n=wishs@123-214.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
topylisanketmedhi: we get a brand new stable release every six months, so our software is never very old :)12:35
fluvvelluboto: what is HAL?12:35
zcat[1] Hardware Obfuscation Layer12:35
sanketmedhitopyli: hehe12:35
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fluvvell I guess you mean Abstraction12:36
zcat[1] Yeah, whatever :)12:36
sanketmedhizcat[1] : please share if you have more info on HAL :D12:36
fluvvellbut what does pivot_root have to do with it?>12:36
topylisanketmedhi: if i really really want the latest version of something, i simply backport it from unstable debian sources or ubuntu development version sources12:36
sanketmedhilol @ Obfuscation!12:36
sanketmedhitopyli: umm, backport?12:36
zcat[1] argh at using debian sources with ubuntu!12:37
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topylisanketmedhi: grab debian unstable sources, build a binary package on your system. it's just a couple of commands12:37
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topylisanketmedhi: the need arises perhaps once or twice in a year or a lifetime12:37
fluvvellzcat[1] : any clues about pivot_root?  On bootup, this system says it doesn't exist12:37
sanketmedhitopyli: is using 'alien' recommended?12:38
topylisanketmedhi: not unless you truly have no other option12:38
zcat[1] fluvvell: in relation to what?12:38
Somada141how do i install those packages later?12:39
VoXanyone know what packages this is refering to? /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ltheora_pic12:39
fluvvellzcat[1] : i get a dialog box once logged in wiht Error, failed to initialise HAL!12:39
sanketmedhitopyli: but which RPMs do we download?12:39
zcat[1] I don't know enough about HAL or pivot-root. I didn't even think they were particularly related..12:40
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fluvvellperhaps they aren't, I'd be interested if anyone knows what pivot_root does, but I guess I need to figure why the other dialog box comes up too12:41
sanketmedhitopyli: do we get RPMs for Ubuntu somewhere? And if we dont use RPMs, why is there an RPM command at all?12:41
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ppdhello. what should I do when I get hda: dma_intr: status=0xd0 { Busy } while booting and then have no dma enabled when logging in?12:42
bimberiSomada141: once you have it/them on your ubuntu box you can install using "sudo dpkg -i <package>.deb"12:42
ndlovuanyone know how to specify filenames with spaces using scp from the commandline?12:42
=== Gorgonzola [n=Gorgonzo@220-253-63-27.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ppdndlovu: with that ''12:42
bimberindlovu: try escaping them with a \ - like\ this\ for\ example12:42
fluvvellndlovu: dont think you can, even with quotes.  have tried on several occasions.  Escaping doesnt work12:43
zcat[1] My suggestion is use proper ubuntu packages only.. if you must depart from the official supported packages, don't be half-arsed about it. Go all the way to building from source.12:43
ndlovuI've tried "filenames with spaces" and 'filenames with spaces' and filenames\ with\ spaces. none of them work12:43
fluvvellndlovu: try tar zcvf filename.tgz files  the files you want to scp first12:43
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ppdndlovu: and with a "tab" after that?12:43
ndlovuppd: what do you mean with a "tab"?12:44
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ppdpress tab12:44
fluvvellthey send a whole lot easier inside a tarball12:44
ndlovufulvvell: long way round but would work at a push12:44
topylisanketmedhi: we don't use rpms. we have debian .deb packages12:44
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topylisanketmedhi: rpm is there for compatibility, but it's rarely needed12:45
fluvvellndlovu: just transferred 5Gb of data that way, works much faster too12:45
sanketmedhitopyli: ok12:45
ndlovufluvvell: so you would login using ssh, tar the files and then transfer using scp?12:45
fluvvellndlovu: yep12:46
zcat[1] expecially for large numbers of small files, scp has a lot of overhead per file. putting them in an archive (or using rsync through an ssh tunnel) is much faster12:46
sanketmedhitopyli: is there any major difference between the Redhat 'yum' and 'apt-get' ?12:46
topylisanketmedhi: also, we almost never download any software, just install with "apt-get someprogram" and apt will fetch and install everything12:46
ppdso. does nobody know something to try with that dma problem?12:46
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topylisanketmedhi: apt-get is basically the equivalent of yum. dpkg is like rpm12:46
fluvvellhow does that tunnel work, zcat?12:46
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sanketmedhitopyli: does apt-get update its list only when i use 'apt-get update' ?12:47
fluvvellI've used rsync, but only with ftp or http servers...12:47
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zcat[1] rsync can use a number of network transports. Just apt-get install rsync at both ends and use it the same as ssh12:47
topylisanketmedhi: yes12:47
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bimberianother way to use sync via a ssh tunnel is using "unison" (and doesn't require a server process)12:48
zcat[1] err same as scp I mean12:48
ndlovuif anyone's interested, I've just figured out how to scp with spaces...12:48
ndlovuyou have to use quotes AND escapes12:48
fluvvellndlovu: with wildcards?12:48
ndlovuso 'files\ with\ spaces' works12:48
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-7-58.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
HiddenFlyhow can i make ubuntu to automatically mount my usb stick whenever it is plugged in?12:49
talioshey zcat[1] 12:49
zcat[1] "rsync localfiles target.host:" works for me12:49
zcat[1] and that's ubuntu to debian..12:49
GorgonzolaHiddenFly, mine worked automatically12:49
zcat[1] Mine (mp3 player and camera) both just worked..12:49
HiddenFlywell, i didnt see anything to happen when i just plugged in mine12:49
zcat[1] surprised the hell out of me, it took some setting up with redhat and debian last time I did an install12:50
hyphenatedHiddenFly: you should get a pretty icon on your desktop, and clicking it should mount it12:50
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HiddenFlyno icons on the desktop :/12:50
sanketmedhitopyli: which music player do u use on Ubuntu. I use Amarok on FC4/Gnome, but I dont want to install the KDE library packages just for that. Is there a better player than Rhythmbox and Mplayer??12:51
HiddenFlyit has a light, it goes on and off 2 times and nothing happens12:51
HiddenFlyi tried it on several ports, same on every one12:52
HiddenFlymy usb mouse works tho, so its not the ports12:52
topylisanketmedhi: i usually use rhythmbox. muine is very cool as well12:52
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NgHiddenFly: how long are you leaving it? it can take a few seconds even on a fast machine12:52
VoXanyone know what packages this is refering to? /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ltheora_pic12:52
volvoguyanybody know why my mouse might have stopped working on my Hoary machine? no changes were made, the proper modules are loaded and my xorg.conf file is good. the silly thing just won't move since i rebooted.12:53
NgHiddenFly: you can do "tail -f /var/log/syslog" in a terminal to see the system messages produced by plugging it in12:53
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HiddenFlyi think i waited about 15s atlesat12:53
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Ngthat ought to be long enough. try the log tailing then, you should see it print out some information about the device and then where/what it's mounting12:54
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HiddenFlylast line there is "ubuntu kernel: FAT: utf8 is not a recommended IO charset for FAT"12:54
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Ngthat's ok, did it say it created a device node just before that?12:55
fluvvellhey, I just checked my usbkey,it gets noticed but no pretty icon!!12:55
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=== fluvvell wants the pretty icon too!
penticlexCan any one help with an SSH problem and xserver? triing to start x from a remote location. its just not working w/ anything I try. I have ubuntu on my system and my server is redhat12:55
HiddenFlyyea it did, "creating device node '/dev/sda1'"12:55
penticlexI am SSHing from ubuntu to redhat12:56
Ngpenticlex: what are you trying?12:56
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fluvvellpenticlex use   ssh -X hostname.net12:56
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HiddenFlyi went to /dev/ and tried to open sda1 but it couldnt open it12:56
penticlexdidnt work12:56
=== zcat[1] pedantically observes that the display-end is the 'server'
NgHiddenFly: ok, that's being set up ok then, check your gnome preferences for the Removable Drives options and check you have it set to mount removable media12:56
fluvvellpenticlex: its all about x forwarding...12:56
penticlexxserver just wont start12:56
Ngpenticlex: what are you trying to run?12:57
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Ngno :)12:57
hyphenatedHiddenFly: once /dev/sda1 exists, you mount it with something like 'mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 $HOME/usbkey'12:57
Ngyou don't want to do that12:57
Ngpenticlex: run "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"12:57
sluggerdompenticlex : start x YEA :-)12:57
Ngthat'll start X on the ubuntu machine12:57
sluggerdomspeaking of which what is happening with Xorg in ubuntu breezy ?12:57
Ngsluggerdom: in what sense?12:57
HrdwrBoBsluggerdom: it's getting better12:57
sluggerdomNg : seems to be pretty broken, mines not starting atm12:58
=== Decadent aloha mates
sluggerdomsays it can't find the fon't path12:58
sluggerdombut thats nothing new with xorg12:58
HrdwrBoByeah known issue12:58
HiddenFlyit automounted it to /media/usbdisk but it didnt tell me or put anything to desktop lol12:58
sluggerdomjust trying to work out what cuused the issue12:58
Ngsluggerdom: well, use hoary then :)12:58
HiddenFlythx for help12:58
sluggerdomNg : but that would not be fun now would it :)12:58
=== Ng shrugs, seems pretty fun to me
Ngand way less hassle :)12:59
fluvvellhyphenated: shouldnt it mount automatically?12:59
sluggerdomNg : pfffffft whats using linux if something does not break on every update:-)12:59
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dreameenhi folks01:00
Ngsluggerdom: I've been using it for long enough that I don't want it to break anymore, I want it to work perfectly every time and not be my problem ;)01:00
apokryphoshi there01:00
dreameentell me01:00
dreameeni installed ubuntu without swap partition01:01
sluggerdomNg  : yea I know what you mean. esp in ubuntu things move through pretty quick to testing01:01
HiddenFlyhow can i make it to automatically mount /dev/hda0 on every boot?01:01
sluggerdommuch better than debian01:01
dreameenis it allright?01:01
zcat[1] hda0 ?01:01
HiddenFlyyea the first partition on the first hdd01:01
zcat[1] add a line in /etc/fstab01:01
Ngsluggerdom: yep :)01:01
apokryphosHiddenFly: put it in fstab01:01
HrdwrBoBnot hda001:01
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Sav^Anyone with a Acer TravelMate 8101WKMi and a helping hand? =)01:01
sluggerdomanyone have pointers for a good place to look for this xorg issue ? or is it toally stuffed ?01:01
HiddenFlywell thought it starts from the 0 :)01:02
apokryphosHiddenFly: what type of partition is it?01:02
volvoguydreameen, you really need to have a swap partition.01:02
apokryphosubotu: tell HiddenFly about windowsdrives01:02
apokryphosHiddenFly: that'll do it automatically for you01:02
dreameenvolvoguy, yea il make one, but is the installation ok if i dont have one atm?01:03
volvoguydreameen, maybe very temporarily. just don't run out of RAM. :)01:03
DewDudedreameen: no, you really NEED a swap partition01:03
zcat[1] dreameen: you can make a swapfile later if you didn't leave space for a partition.. and you don't strictly 'need' one, you just might run out of ram and have programs crash badly..01:03
dreameenzcat[1] , how do i make a swapfile>?01:04
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zcat[1] dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=$[ 1024 * 1024 ]  count=$megs && mkswap /swapfile01:05
aftertafon my home pc, hoary with 512mb ram, 1Gb swap... i note swap file usage at only 3mb..... i always have around 50% ram free... Should i reduce swap file size?01:05
dreameencheers thanks01:05
zcat[1] then add a line for it in /etc/fstab01:05
zcat[1] and 'swapon' to bring it to life01:05
apokryphosubotu: tell zcat[1]  about swap01:05
dreameendd: invalid number `'01:06
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zcat[1] change $megs to a number (500, 1000 etc) of megs you want..01:06
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DewDudethis sucks01:07
DewDudei cant play with my kubuntu box anymore01:07
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aftertafDewDude:  :/01:07
DewDudethe keyboard for my imac is dead01:07
DewDudeand don't say "go get another"01:07
DewDudecuz i'm flat broke01:07
dazvidGo steal another then!01:07
DewDudei don't steal01:08
DewDudei mean01:08
apokryphosDewDude: just state your problem01:08
zcat[1] well that's your problem then.. never to late to start stealing!01:08
dazvidlmao zcat[1] 01:08
DewDudei just want the usb keyboard to start workin again01:08
apokryphosDewDude: why isn't it working? When did it stop?01:08
penticlextesting w/ gaim01:09
apokryphosDewDude: and, does it only not work with ubuntu?01:09
DewDudeit died yesterday01:09
volvoguyDewDude, you can get a 3rd party Mac keyboard for a LOT less than Apple's keyboard.01:09
DewDudei know01:09
DewDudei like the mac keyboard tho01:09
DewDudeit's quiet01:09
zcat[1] he probably spilled his Dew in it..01:09
DewDudei spilt nothing in it01:09
penticlexwholly crap it finaly worked01:09
aftertafwholly crap? not just partly?01:09
DewDudewhen i got home....the keys were sending double values01:09
DewDudelike, if i hit l it'd send lk01:09
DewDudebecuase i couldn't log into ubuntu at all01:10
knelixI am burning a copy of kubunto PPC to try on my eMac.01:10
DewDudeand if you held the key down, it'd send a different value together01:10
dazvidcould make a fat joke right there, but I will refrain01:10
DewDudelike, holding l would make f01:10
zcat[1] divorak?01:11
knelixHey anyone here use the ShipIt system recently?01:11
DewDudebecause if you hit the l or k key once01:11
DewDudeit'd put lk01:11
zcat[1] thers nofin wrong wif my speling!01:11
DewDudeif you held it, it'd go lklkfffffffff01:11
knelixI've always wondered... how do you pronounce that.. dvorak?01:11
knelixhmm. Always how I've pronounced... though there was another way.01:12
topyliknelix: i pronounce it "oh no one of those weird keyboards again"01:12
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knelixhehe... come on now.. it is a better layout... we all now the dominant thing is not always the best....01:12
DewDudedvorak is nice01:13
DewDudei just never learned it01:13
penticlexok it worked bu can I have a whole xsession  running through SSH???01:13
knelixIt is.01:13
topyliknelix: it's probably a perfectly good layout. it's just i'm used to qwerty01:13
=== DewDude boots his kubuntu box to see if the keyboard worked
knelixOh, me too, topyli01:13
knelixSo, anyone used the ShipIt system recently?01:14
knelixI've tried to order... and it's no use.01:14
volvoguypenticlex, i usually use freenx for viewing the whole desktop remotely. it's in the hoary-extras repository .01:15
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knelixI think the database is either offline or hasn't been updated with the main site database.01:15
zcat[1] penticlex: yes, just run plain X locally and launch your usual window manager on the remote host..01:15
DewDudei don't believe it01:15
DewDudeit works!01:15
knelixThere you go, DewDude... Congrats!01:15
DewDudedidn't work in the PC...worked in the imac tho01:15
volvoguyknelix, i'm still waiting for my Hoary cd's from ShipIt.01:15
DewDudenow i'm wondering if it'll pick up the USB mouse01:15
knelixYes, but I can't even order.01:16
fluvvellHrdwrBob: do you have any major ideas about HAL, I have a hal.hotplug[pid]  DEVPATH is not set    coming up in my logs...01:16
knelixIt says my e-Mail is not in the database, yet I can log in to the main site just fine.01:16
HrdwrBoBhrmthat sounds odd01:16
topylibreezy menus show things like "rhythmbox music player" again, instead of just "music player"01:16
HrdwrBoBcould be that hal config is broken01:16
fluvvellHrdwrBoB: well, I've had to restore from tarball...01:17
HiddenFlytell me a good graphical linux ftp client01:17
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HrdwrBoBHiddenFly: nautilus || gftp01:17
apokryphosHiddenFly: for GTK, gftp.01:17
fluvvellHrdwrBoB: where can I check the config, Im getting a gnome error about HAL upon logging in01:18
HrdwrBoBnot sure, check /etc01:18
dazvidfluvvell, I was getting that, it was to do with one of my USB devices01:18
Sav^Anyone with a Acer TravelMate 8101WLMi and a helping hand? =)01:18
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dreameenriiight, so ie created the swapfile...how do >add a line for  it in fstab?:}01:19
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fluvvelldazvid: do tell?01:20
dazvidfluvvell, I just unplugged the webcam and it worked fine01:21
dazvidprobably should just update the drivers01:21
dazvidbut havent been bothered to do it yet01:21
fluvvelldazvid: no webcam01:21
DewDudeit's screwed01:21
dazvidjust a USB device01:21
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dazviddoesnt have to be a webcam :P01:21
knelixAnyone here use a small form factor/XPC computer with Ubunto?01:21
=== DewDude smashes the keyboard
dazvidWhat devices do you have plugged in using USB ?01:21
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MuhammadI am a new ubuntu user01:21
dazvidhi Muhammad01:22
fluvvellHrdwrBob: should /etc/hal/device.d/40-hal-hotplug-map.hal be a binary file??01:22
Muhammadgot cd yesterday01:22
Muhammadcan I know how to install windows program on ubuntu01:22
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DewDudemy keyboard is fscked01:22
DewDudei got shift and alt keys permemently locked on now01:22
Muhammadanybody know how can i install windows programs on linux ?01:23
DewDudeit WAS working01:23
topyliMuhammad: not very easily. what programs do you mean exactly?01:23
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reikiMuhammad, why would you install windows programs in linux?  You *could* use wine for this ... sudo apt-get install wine01:23
pussfellerMuhammad: windows programs dont normally work on linux with a few exceptions01:23
pussfellerbut if you are a noob, its probablly beyond your scope at this point01:23
knelixI'm loading a live Kubunto CD on my iBook now..01:23
penticlexonly 64 bit ver for freenix is for SUSE01:23
penticlexalien to the rescue01:23
reikiMuhammad, it would be better to find a linux program that does what the windows program does01:23
pussfellerMuhammad: what program or task are tou trying to run01:24
MuhammadMacromedia Programs01:24
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MuhammadAdobe Programs01:24
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pussfellerMuhammad: some of the photoshop and fireworks stuff actually will run, with some tweaking01:25
topyliMuhammad: adobe stuff can mostly be replaced with native linux programs01:25
penticlexcrosover office for adobe01:25
dreameencan someone show me his/her fstab entry for swap?01:25
MuhammadI hope wine will help me with it ?01:25
pussfelleryeah you might try gimp or scribus for image manipulation or desktop publishing01:25
penticlexand others01:25
dazviddreameen, /dev/hdb5       none            swap    sw              0       001:26
=== BurgerMann [n=burgerma@0x3e42a174.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Pnilzwhen i try to mount my ntfs drive i get this error "mount: /dev/hdb already mounted or /mnt/hdb busy" and i know i have not mounted it01:26
DewDudemy ctrl key is now permemently locked n01:26
MuhammadGimp isint the quality i need !!01:26
DewDudemuhammad? why isn't it01:26
DewDudei've found gimp to be the same quality is photoshop01:26
pussfellerthen google for wine and photoshop.....01:26
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delmonicowhere would be the correct startup script to load a module and chmod it? there is no rc.local in ubuntu01:26
MuhammadCause I have to create professional banners01:26
Muhammadand Templates01:26
DewDudephotoshop under wine is a hassle01:26
DewDudeuse Gimp01:26
DewDudeyou'd be surprised01:26
reikiGimp is pretty powerful. You might want to give it a better look01:26
pussfelleryeah, for something like that, gimp will work fine01:27
pussfellerif you are doing super professional stuff maybe no, but then, you wouldnt be asking in the first place01:27
knelixYou know, I was surprised that there is a PPC version of Ubunto.01:27
MuhammadHow can i change the look of gimp so it may look like adobe... because i am preety much with adobe01:27
pussfelleryou cant, without hacking the source code :)01:28
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DewDudeknelix: it runs quite well01:28
reikiMuhammad, I also come from Windows and Photoshop. I've started learning the Gimp. It does everything I need and more. You just have to learn a new way. For banners, this should be easy in Gimp. A little different than photoshop...different buttons to push... tools in a different place... but still easy01:28
BurgerMannMuhammad, Shifting from adobe to Gimp is a challenge, it's takes patience. I can only advise to you give it a shot, then it won't let you down01:28
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knelixYes, it does. Slower to boot than Mac OS X, but runs well.01:29
DewDudethe new gimp i believe has a more photoshop look-n-feel01:29
DewDudei just..i can't use mine anymore01:29
Muhammadwhat about macromedia products01:29
pussfellerthe main problem with the gimp is the lack of real documentation, maybe they have fixed that, added real tutorials, etc01:29
DewDudecuz the apple keyboard has a stuck ctrl key now01:29
DewDudeMuhammad: no macromedia01:29
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DewDudemaybe with WINE, but, i doubt it01:29
pussfelleri think fireworks will work with some windows dlls01:30
MuhammadMay i know does wine supports all the products ?01:30
BurgerMannpussfeller, heh yeh.. and layer sets. I really miss those01:30
reikiMuhammad, which Macromedia product? There are several. :)01:30
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MuhammadCapitative - Dreamweaver !01:30
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knelixDamn, Kubunto is taking its sweet time to load on my iBook....01:31
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Muhammadit's capitative and dreamweaver !01:32
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thoreauputicpussfeller: $ apt-cache search gimp | grep grokking01:32
thoreauputicgrokking-the-gimp - GIMP tutorial book by Carey Bunks (HTML)01:32
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reikigrokking the Gimp is a good book AND it's online as well01:32
thoreauputicpussfeller: lots of documentation in that :)01:32
larsrohdinhey, is the chat working again now?01:32
Seveaslarsrohdin, yeah01:32
thoreauputicreiki: and apt gettable01:32
pussfellerthis is what i used ->> http://frankscorner.org/index.php?p=graphics01:32
Seveasthe spambots are gone :)01:33
BurgerMannMuhammad, hm. I don't think there is an alternative to dreamweaver. However linux wasn't made to follow the footsteps of windows apps. As a rule of thumb you can always find some kind of alternative for a windows prog01:33
pussfellerthoreauputic: have you ever read, grokking the gimp :)01:33
=== apokryphos does a dance
Juhazthey are?01:33
larsrohdinwhat was the problem, was someone spamming it or what was it?01:33
thoreauputicpussfeller: not the whole thing - but parts were useful to me01:33
pussfellerits not what i had in mind as good documentation01:33
reikiack... gotta put a lunch together and get out of here to go to work. You guys have fun! :)01:33
BurgerMannMuhammad, Many linux apps are made by developers mostly for developers, you just might find something more suitable for your needs than dreamweaver01:34
Muhammadburgermann : maybe I would see wine .. IF the wine works01:34
thoreauputicpussfeller: what did you have in mind?01:34
knelixHey, Stickies for KDE... I mean KNotes...01:34
pussfellersomething more tutorial centered i guess01:34
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pussfellerlike, how to stick brittany spears face on georges bushes body using the gimp01:34
topyliMuhammad: go to codeweavers.com and see what apps they support with their commercial wine version01:34
thoreauputicpussfeller: hahah01:35
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topyliMuhammad: but if you absolutely need windows tools, i recommend windows01:35
pussfellerMuhammad: that link i posted will show you how to do it, at least in part01:35
thoreauputicpussfeller: or vice versa :)01:35
larsrohdini have a problem, when i use emacs in X i can use swedish characters without problem, but if i ctrl+alt+F1 and try there it won't work... how come?01:35
Muhammadtopyli :d .. I dont want to buy :d01:35
DewDudewell, since iTux is DIW right now01:35
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DewDudei'm goin back to sleep, cuz i caught some kind of bug01:35
pussfellerhow to get rid of red in in your digital photos using the gimp01:35
DewDudehrmm..that is a good question01:36
DewDudepaint over the red with black01:36
apokryphosThere was a recent good digikam article on that01:36
=== apokryphos gets the link
DewDudebut you change the brush method01:36
topyliMuhammad: you have photoshop and dreamweaver, that must be about $2000 worth of software01:36
pussfelleri just think the gimp could get more use if they documented it more noobie friendly01:36
thoreauputicpussfeller: a better solution is to use a flash that's away from the lens axis01:36
apokryphosActually, it was just in the latest TUX article.01:36
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knelixI must say, the default KDE theme looks nicer than the default Ubunto Gnome theme.01:37
MuhammadYes , approximately !01:37
thoreauputicpussfeller: redeye is a direct reflection from the retina01:37
pussfellerso using the flash on the cam is the problem01:37
HiddenFlyi should install a program from .run file, any tips?01:37
apokryphospussfeller: yes01:37
thoreauputicpussfeller: yup01:37
topyliMuhammad: i'm suggesting you spend $30 to be able to run that software01:37
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MuhammadAlright ..01:38
thoreauputicpussfeller: direct flash is horrible anyway01:38
MuhammadI can easily sell my adobe and all licenses to my friend :d01:38
Muhammadbut i think first i will try gimp01:38
pussfellerpeople in the future will wonder why the people of the 21 century had red eyes sometimes and speculate as to why01:38
Muhammadand if it dosent work01:38
beezlywhen i try to suspend under breezy on amd64, it doesn't work - logs show an error message... "acpi_pm_prepare does not support 301:38
beezlyanyone got a clue?01:39
sml12Could anyone please help ..... http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6261001:39
sml12this has now happened twice with my breezy install!  :(01:39
MuhammadI will sell up my license01:39
=== gin_ [n=gin@] has joined #ubuntu
gin_someone know a good repositore for ubuntu apt01:39
ubotusources are at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96901:39
ubotufrom memory, repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96901:39
pussfelleri had photoshop 6 i think working fine01:40
apokryphoslala la01:40
pussfellerand dreamweaver01:40
Muhammadpussfeller i hope .. cs2 works01:40
vuWill an ubuntu install over FC4 screw up the boot loader? I need to dual boot the current FC4 and install ubuntu on /dev/hdb?01:40
thoreauputicapokryphos: chalk up another one for apokryphos :)01:40
dabaRsml12: do you have synaptic open to get the first error"01:40
HiddenFlyhow can i install a program from .run file?01:40
pussfellerevidently disney uses photoshop to run win in their animation farms01:41
apokryphosHiddenFly: cd /directory/ && ./{somename}.run01:41
pussfellerHiddenFly: sh program.run?01:41
sml12dabaR: well I was using synaptic - but i also closed synaptic and just used apt-get01:41
HiddenFlyill try those01:41
Muhammadanybody know why my mouse wasnt detected by ubuntu ?01:41
sml12dabaR: the app using the file was frontend? whatever that is?01:41
MuhammadIt took 1 whole day to get da solution by myself :s01:41
thoreauputicMuhammad: Ubuntu prefers hamsters?01:41
Muhammadbut it was a nice experienced :D01:41
aftertafsml12:  you are on breezy?01:42
Muhammadwhat are hamsters ?01:42
sml12aftertaf: hi again! :)   still a problem !!01:42
thoreauputicMuhammad: small rodents without tails ;-)01:42
sml12aftertaf: yes01:42
Muhammadhaha nice :d01:42
aftertafubuntu gnome or kde?01:43
pussfellerMuhammad: linux doesnt have teh advantages of direct hardware support and they have to hack the drivers, and sometimes the scripts to detect all that stuff and autoconfigure it dont always work compeletly01:43
HiddenFlythx now its started uncompressing it :)01:43
=== bimberi thinks apokryphos should practice his kicking skills on thoreauputic for that one :)
thoreauputicMuhammad: it was a lame joke....01:43
sml12aftertaf: it was a build from a week or two ago - now trying to update to the latest files01:43
=== thoreauputic drops a 50kg Unix manual on bimberi
Muhammadyep :d01:43
sml12aftertaf: just burnt my copy of kubuntu daily iso ... about to bail on ubuntu :)  one last try for help01:43
=== apokryphos uses the rute manual instead
=== LinuxDolt [n=alp@cblmdm205-162-222-101.buckeye-express.com] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosand I know *that* hurt. ;-)01:43
bimberithoreauputic: VMS s'il vous plait :)01:43
thoreauputic!lart bimberi01:44
=== ubotu judo chops bimberi
bimberiouch :)01:44
=== ompaul asks thoreauputic and how friendly was that :)
pussfellersml12: kubuntu is built on ubuntu... you can apt-get install it without burning an iso01:44
Muhammadany one professional with ubuntu who will help me with my journey in linux .. please add me to msn : president@webdtalk.com and AIM : webdtalk01:44
thoreauputicbimberi: what have you got against hamsters anyway ? *grin*01:44
apokryphosMuhammad: check out the wiki, it's good for starting out.01:44
MuhammadI know i will have a big journey with ubuntu01:44
=== DrTiger [n=andi@a81-14-180-161.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu
topylipussfeller: sometimes the device support is not that bad. what i do know is hardware tends to come with 5 cd's or windows drivers, on linux the stuff just works01:45
Muhammadyep , already read but it wasnt intrested :S01:45
pussfelleri always knew i would make this journey, i did not know when until today01:45
bimberithoreauputic: nothing at all.  It's about lame jokes.  Don't you try and turn it around you.01:45
apokryphosMuhammad: not interested in learning? Then, sure, it's not for you. :)01:45
thoreauputicbimberi: awww :'(01:45
sml12pussfeller: unfortunately my apt-get has now broken twice with breezy :(  not sure why01:45
Muhammadnah ... i said the wiki wasnt intresting** .. i got bored :s01:46
sml12pussfuller: any chance you could take a quick look at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6261001:46
apokryphossml12: breezy is unstable01:46
MuhammadI like chat support01:46
larsrohdinwhen i use emacs in X i can use swedish characters without problem, but if i ctrl+alt+F1 and try there it won't work... how come?01:46
pussfellertopyli: thats not so true, its getting better tho, its gotten alot better01:46
=== thoreauputic decides to be serious
apokryphosMuhammad: what do you think this is? :)01:46
=== apokryphos slaps thoreauputic
apokryphossnap out of it!01:46
aftertafsml12:  you should maybe go with hoary01:46
pussfellersml12: then maybe you should start over with a fresh, up to date iso :)01:46
sml12apokryphos: yes .. but has everyone else had apt-get problems? should I submit a big report?01:46
apokryphosprobably n ot01:46
apokryphoss/n ot/not01:46
topylipussfeller: in my experience, almost nothing works on windows without installing drivers separately. nobody complains about that01:47
=== bimberi will too
=== thoreauputic sits in the corner and has a sulk
aftertafa little one should be ok...01:47
sml12pussfeller: downloaded the latest kubuntu build so I will give that run i think01:47
Muhammadwill my hp printer supported ?01:47
Muhammadby ubuntu01:47
=== BuzW [n=BuzW@w034.z064003218.dfw-tx.dsl.cnc.net] has joined #ubuntu
bimberiMuhammad: possibly, what model?01:47
=== topyli looks at Muhammad's printer
topyliMuhammad: i can't see it clearly01:47
pussfellertopyli: yeah, but the drivers come with the hardware, and in linux, if its not autodetected by the distros scripts, you can have alot of fun on your hands compiling and etc01:47
Muhammadhp deskjet 355001:48
aftertafoh dear...... a 3550?01:48
=== aftertaf joking ;)
Muhammadi know :d01:48
topyliMuhammad: search for it on linuxprinting.org01:48
Muhammadthanks again topyli :D01:48
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pussfellerlike my logitech elite wasnt detected and I had to mess with the keyboard layout, and it still dont completly work, and i have to map many of the keys myself01:48
thoreauputicMuhammad: as a dangerous generalisation, HP printers are generally well supported01:48
sml12ok here guys kubuntu :) back later :) ciao01:49
pussfellerand had to manually edit my xorg.conf to get tv-out working with my nvidia01:49
apokryphosAu revoir01:49
dreameenwow, i have strange(blurred) fonts after installing ati fglrx driver..01:49
Muhammadpussfeller : same happened with me with mouse ..01:49
pussfellerhp released drivers01:49
=== thoreauputic is happy because he's back on line
=== thoreauputic curses the phone company cheerfully
bimberiMuhammad: just checked, there are drivers for the Deskjet 3550 with a hoary install01:49
pussfellerbut i had to do far less editing than with gentoo and slack :)01:49
=== twibbler [n=trevor@dsl-80-41-121-205.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Muhammadyahoo for bimberi !! :d01:50
=== carey_oshea [n=carey_os@ppp9-110.lns1.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
knelixDo both Gnome and KDE have the same level of sophistication graphics wise... I mean in the look of themes and animations...?01:50
dreameenany ati owners here?01:50
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pussfellerthats kinda a personal preference there knelix01:50
apokryphosknelix: you'd have to expand on what you mean01:50
thoreauputicknelix: thi is the stuff of traditional disagreements01:51
pussfellergnome people ussually think kde looks horrible, and VV01:51
topyliknelix: yes, but they look completely different01:51
MuhammadI like default ubuntu theme :D01:51
knelixWell, KDE looks more sophisticated to me graphics wise (no insult intended!) But this may just mean the particular theme I'm using.01:52
carey_oshealockd statd and mountd all fail to run for me... here is the error "Cannot register service: RPC: Unable to send; errno = Invalid argument"01:52
pussfellergnome changed some things a few years ago and it hasnt really gone over very well and so KDE got a bit of a burst01:52
apokryphosknelix: "more sophisticated" is far too vague a statement.01:52
carey_osheaportmap is running01:52
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carey_osheabut i don't think it's working... or maybe something else is causing that error?01:52
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=== thoreauputic gets the popcorn and sits back to watch gnome Vs KDE
knelixOk, like Mac OS X is "more sophisticated" graphics wise than Mac OS 9, or even Windoze.01:53
knelixIt looks nicer...01:53
apokryphosthoreauputic: note how you capitalised kde there? Closet-kde user I tell you!01:53
White_Shadowdoes the x64 distro of ubuntu 5.04 comes with gcc?01:53
topyliknelix: it looks terrible :)01:53
apokryphosWhite_Shadow: it's on the cd, yes.01:53
thoreauputicknelix: you are in a hole and still digging *grin*01:53
twibblerputs his little comment in ... wa about enlightenment over gnome and KDE ...01:54
Muhammadtell me one thing : if ubuntu new version is released .. will i be able to get the update cd ?01:54
thoreauputicapokryphos: FLUXBOX01:54
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White_Shadowhow can I install it?01:54
apokryphostwibbler: enlightenment is more lightweight, and just a window manager.01:54
knelixOk, then... please tell me the main pros and cons of Gnome and KDE.01:54
topylitwibbler: e17 looks cool but is an usability disaster. i used to like e16 though01:54
=== apokryphos has a link, one sec.
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twibblertotally agree .... but worth getting a second opinion ...01:54
White_Shadowapokryphos: how can I install it? (gcc)01:55
knelixApps have to be recompiled to use one or the other?01:55
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thoreauputicWhite_Shadow: install build-essential01:55
bimberiWhite_Shadow: install the "build-essential" package01:55
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pussfellerno, you can have gtk and kde apps running side by side01:55
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apokryphosWhite_Shadow: edit your /etc/apt/soruces.list and make sure the CD repository is uncommented01:55
aftertafthoreauputic:  move up, and save me some popcorn... I'll bring the maltesers01:55
thoreauputicaftertaf: :D01:56
=== aftertaf sits down to watch too
pussfelleryou can have both desktop environments and boot up into which ever one you want01:56
=== bimberi rolls a jaffa down the aisle
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aftertafloool bimberi :)01:56
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=== thoreauputic shines a beam on bimberi and points at the exit
=== topyli tries to figure out a suitable ticket price
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sanketmedhiGuys, isnt there a KUbuntu Ship It or something? :P01:57
knelixpussfeller: Yes, but I cannot say, run the same version of Frefox in both environments, right?01:57
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topylii don't want to outprice my tickets :)01:57
thoreauputicbimberi: matinee veteran here ;)01:57
tommi^Hi. Is it possible to assign names to flows/arrows in grahpviz/neato? Thanks :)01:57
topyliknelix: sure you can01:57
pussfellerknelix: you can, its not like they are mutually exclusive in any way01:57
pussfellerfirefox under kde is still firefox01:58
topyliknelix: you can use kde's konqueror browser on gnome just as well01:58
pussfelleraltho, kde will have konqueror as its default browser01:58
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Muhammadwhere can i get new themes for ubuntu ?01:58
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, themes is at http://art.gnome.org - http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/57/ - http://www.guistyles.com01:58
White_Shadowapokryphos: thanks01:58
=== BlueEagle [n=blueeagl@ti541210a080-8421.bb.online.no] has joined #Ubuntu
pussfellerand for some reason konqy will open everything in temp files making you very angry01:58
knelixSo they are completely cross-compatible?01:58
apokryphosknelix: geh, I can't find the link, but, typical criticisms...01:58
Muhammadthanks ubotu01:58
thoreauputic!tell Muhammad about ubotu01:59
topyliknelix: totally, fire up emacs, a few tk apps and maybe some motif stuff as well and you'll have one cool desktop01:59
knelixI know variety is the spice of life... and important... but why not merge the projects, and let the user choose between looks via a themes control panel?01:59
apokryphosknelix: "KDE has too many options/features, is cluttered, is blue"; "gnome is too simplistic, lack of applications"01:59
apokryphosknelix: because they're fundamentally different.01:59
=== ca1avera [n=nuh-uh@dsl-082-082-146-134.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Muhammadlol thoreauputic .. i know he's a bot but i can thanks him :02:00
apokryphosthe difference isn't superficial02:00
topylic vs c++02:00
topyliusability vs functionality02:00
thoreauputicMuhammad: I thought you might like to examine his brain at that URL ;)02:00
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knelixI see.02:00
apokryphostopyli: which one has the functionality? ;-)02:00
Muhammadwill i be good with linux when I read the whole wiki ?02:01
sanketmedhitopyli: have u tried KUbuntu?02:01
apokryphosI think anyone would be hard-pressed to suggest that kde is "non-usability" with the Appeal project.02:01
gin_morning here, :) 6am02:01
topylikde has the most buttons and widgets, creating a mightly illusion of it :)02:01
dazviddoes anyone know if the glibc dev pack is already installed by default?02:01
thoreauputicMuhammad: no, just tired02:01
knelixI'm not totally unfamiliar with different windowing systems... but it just seems kind of odd, as a Mac user.02:01
gin_take care guys02:01
topylisanketmedhi: no, i haven't really used kde since perhaps 1.2 :)02:01
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apokryphostopyli: when it's just a command away 8)02:01
=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@p548D0D68.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
knelixSo, Gnome has "lack of apps"... this seems to imply that KDE apps cannot be run natively in Gnome.02:02
sanketmedhitopyli: hehe, even i love gnome, i was just curious to know how KDE looks over Ubuntu02:02
apokryphosof course it can.02:02
thoreauputicknelix: of course they can02:02
apokryphosubotu: tell sanketmedhi about screenshots02:02
sanketmedhiyes please02:03
=== setite [i=none@126.sub-70-209-169.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu
Sav^My wireless card is detected as eth0, is that any good ? =)02:03
pussfellerjust install kde and and mess with it and you can judge for yourselve02:03
setitehello all... what do you think of freebsd02:03
knelixI guess I haven't totally "gotten" the differences quite yet.02:03
Muhammad!tell sanketmedi about screenshots02:03
=== bactisme [n=bactisme@dyn-83-154-81-126.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicknelix: you can run any app you like in any window manager or Desktop Environment02:03
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apokryphosMuhammad: he has already been told. :P02:03
knelixA graphical app?02:03
apokryphosof course02:03
=== setite is now known as KDE_FanBoy
thoreauputicknelix: yes02:03
thoreauputicknelix: the best way is to try them and see02:04
knelixThis is what i would like to do02:04
KDE_FanBoykde is great02:04
bimberi!tell Muhammad about tab02:04
thoreauputicaaaaargh! Another KDE fanboy!02:04
pussfellergnome uses evolution for pim, kde uses kontact, gaim vs kopete, xchat vs konversation, totem vs kaffeine, rythmbox vs amarok, you can pick which one you want to use no matter what desktop you are running02:04
sanketmedhithere are no screenshots on kubuntu.org02:04
KDE_FanBoyIt Is I KDE_FanBoy..02:05
apokryphossanketmedhi: go to that link I gave02:05
knelixUnfortunately, I don't have a test PC, and I don't have the funds for one now... I want a little system, a BioStar IDEQ probably.02:05
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pussfellerlike i run kde but use totem to watch movies ussually, cause kaffeine crashes alot02:05
dazviddoes anyone know if the glibc dev pack is already installed by default?02:05
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ubotuwell, kaffeineprob is at http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kf1.html#probkaffeine02:05
knelixI only have my eMac and iBook, both of which are essential to me, and I cannot afford to "experiment" on them.02:05
thoreauputicknelix: try the live CDs02:05
KDE_FanBoypussfeller lies you speak.. LIES02:05
apokryphospussfeller: there's a fix there.02:06
knelixWhat I cam doing...02:06
sanketmedhiapokryphos: which link?02:06
knelix*What I am doing.02:06
KDE_FanBoywhat is your kaffiene problem... my experiences are the exact opposite02:06
=== beekay [n=beekay@cpe-24-29-81-113.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
pussfellerbut totem cant figure out how to adjust sub title sizes, so for subbed stuff with seperate srt files, i use kaffeine, see?02:06
KDE_FanBoyi cant work totem but kaffiene is god...02:06
apokryphossanketmedhi: the one ubotu gave you. One has Ubuntu and one has Kubuntu screenies02:06
beekayhow can i play mp4 files in music player or xmms02:06
apokryphosKDE_FanBoy: alright alright; don't troll now ;-)02:06
Muhammad!tell Muhammad about skins02:06
KDE_FanBoyim not trolling.... im asking honestly what his problems are02:06
nophhrm, the partition manager in the installation can't see the partitions on one of my harddrives. but if i fdisk the harddrive i can see my ntfs. but there is like 15 gigs free for linux.02:07
apokryphosMuhammad: you can speak to ubotu in /msg, by the way.02:07
=== fun [n=fun@bb220-255-178-141.singnet.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
knelixCan I easily install both KDE and Gnome for Ubunto on the same drive?02:07
sanketmedhiapokryphos: ubotu didnt give ME any link, can u please send it back02:07
beekayhow can i play mp4 files in music player or xmms02:07
pussfellerKDE_FanBoy: when you click on an email link in kontact, does knqy open up a temp file, or the webpage itself?02:07
dazvidnoph, linux + ntfs = not possible02:07
dazvidntfs is a windows file system02:07
thoreauputicknelix: yes02:07
apokryphossanketmedhi: http://ubuntuforums.org/gallery/browseimages.php?c=2 and http://ubuntuforums.org/gallery/browseimages.php?c=302:07
knelixI remember Mandrake had a ton of GUIs to choose from.. well, a few anyway.02:07
nophdazvid: yeah, that i know. but i have som free unallocated space on the disk.02:08
knelixBut, I never tried running a KDE app on Gnome or visa-versa.02:08
nophand ubuntu should be able to use that space.02:08
sanketmedhiapokryphos: thanx :D02:08
thoreauputicknelix: in fact you can have 3 or 4 window managers, or you can install xfce4 etc02:08
nophbut i can't do it, it just wants to erase the disk.02:08
apokryphosknelix: why not? They run just ifne.02:08
dazvidnoph, you will probably have to use the windows CD then02:08
apokryphosknelix: it's another Desktop Environment02:08
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thoreauputicknelix: another DE (desktop environment)02:09
knelixI guess I'll look it up later.02:09
nophdazvid: hrm? why?02:09
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thoreauputicknelix: http://xwinman.org02:09
dazvidWell what are you trying to do with the unused space?02:09
knelixShould I dare ask what the best shell is?02:09
dazvidPartition it?02:09
apokryphosLinux  shell!02:09
bimberiknelix: nooooo!02:09
thoreauputicknelix: you mean x-terminals?02:09
nophdazvid: yeah.02:09
thoreauputicah I see...02:10
knelixYeah, terminal shells.02:10
sanketmedhiapokryphos: i had seen these earlier, i wanted to see how the original KUbuntu looks like just after a fresh install, and a few menu screenshots too.02:10
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dazvidnoph, ah.. well Im not sure then ;/02:10
apokryphosknelix: they all have little good things about them.02:10
thoreauputicknelix: there are wars about this as well of course :)02:10
apokryphossanketmedhi: ah, ok, one sec.02:10
k0pI have a problem with DNS. I use a router with dhcp, and when I try connect irc, it resolve dns to :S02:10
nophit seems like the partition manager is buggy.02:10
thoreauputicapokryphos: stop being so reasonable!02:10
nophit can only see the partitions on my SATA-disc.02:11
knelixOkay.. What's the difference between a window manager and a desktop?02:11
apokryphosthoreauputic: seriously though; a/eterm are good for being able to be completely transparent (can't beleive konsole/gnome-terminal don't ahve this yet). And xterm is just speeedy. =)02:11
thoreauputicknelix: a desktop has an underlying wm02:11
apokryphossanketmedhi: http://www.osdir.com/Article4930.phtml02:11
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thoreauputicknelix: a window manager can usually stand on its own - but lacks bells and whistles by comparison with a DE02:12
=== incubii [n=incubii@cor9-ppp254.hay.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosgnome, kde, xfce are the "big" full-blown DEs, but there are actually more02:13
thoreauputicknelix: a window manager just *gasp* manages windows02:13
=== apokryphos chuckles
knelixI see... so a Window Manager is a "Lite" DE, on which DEs are based....02:13
knelixLike QuickDraw on classic Mac OS?02:13
thoreauputicknelix: sort of - it's the thing that draws the windows02:13
Kamping_Kaiserdoes anyone know how to write a mode line for xorg?02:13
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thoreauputicknelix: a DE has extra config utilities etc02:14
apokryphosGTK has metacity; KDE has Kwin; XFCE has... (/me scratches head)02:14
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thoreauputicapokryphos: xfwm I think02:14
twibblerIm just curious and please say if this is not the place to ask. but during the chat about desktops . i wondered With linux being all about choice and there being a lot of choice can it evere replace windoze .....02:14
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thoreauputictwibbler: personally I think it's a non issue02:15
bimberiKamping_Kaiser: is that what "gtf" does? (guessing)02:15
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thoreauputictwibbler: and what do you mean by "replace" in this context?02:15
Kamping_Kaiserbimberi: I'll have a look02:15
knelixI'm thinking choice is great... But all this is way too confusing for the masses, who need ONE standard DE/GUI.02:15
robzontwibbler: "replace"... I don't think so... but I'm sure it has the potential to take A LOT of desktop market share... it will just co-exist with windows... but I bet it's share will grow02:16
pussfellerhmm i guess dvdshrink works perect under wine02:16
thoreauputicknelix: well, they can get linspire, or xandros, or even something like Ubuntu02:16
thoreauputicknelix: there's no compulsion to use other DEs02:16
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pussfelleri think somewhere, there needs to be more focus and consolidation02:17
twibblerthoreauputic: I mean with all the applications for windoze, and all the different distros of linux, can it evere come to a common ground ...02:17
thoreauputictwibbler: common ground ? With windows? I devoutly hope not02:17
twibblerrobzon: that is my thought but we are just swiching all desktops over to ubuntu ....02:17
twibblerthoreauputic: nope common ground with Linux .... (distros).... to enable easily creating packages ...02:18
pussfellertwibbler: in a business? what kind02:18
sanketmedhiapokryphos: thanx again!02:18
thoreauputictwibbler: it's happening already to an extent02:18
nlogaxtwibbler: freedesktop.org02:18
thoreauputictwibbler: see for instance the autopackage project02:18
nlogaxlinux will always be somewhat anarchic, like nature02:19
apokryphossanketmedhi: no worries =)02:19
twibblerthoreauputic: not heard of that .... but will investigate ..02:19
nlogaxmmmm autopackage \o/02:19
nlogaxtwibbler: take a look at freedesktop.org02:19
knelixYes, but there need to be distros out there for the public... simple, straightforward. And, as mentioned, there are.02:19
thoreauputictwibbler: besides - Debian based distros are heading for world domination! *grin*02:19
apokryphosthoreauputic: any idea why there's been about 5 people recently asking "how to build deb file from tar.gz"02:19
robzontwibbler: what do you mean by "our"? at some company?02:19
twibblernlogax:   looing now thank you ...02:19
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nlogaxtwibbler: make sure you flush after you02:20
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apokryphosthoreauputic: I guess people think it's a simple process, line just an alien, for tar.gz ;-)02:20
robzonsynaptic is a great tool... my friends are amazed at how easy it is to install/upgrade software on linux02:20
twibblers/looing/looking/ hehehe02:20
apokryphosrobzon: because of open-source and freeness, package management on Linux is quite superior02:20
twibblerrobzon.. I mean at the company here ... where I work ...02:20
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thoreauputicapokryphos: there is confusion about the difference between source and binary, I agree - but then having the source code is a strength02:21
sanketmedhiapokryphos: will kubuntu - breezy release with ubutu - breezy ?02:21
twibblerI will say after investigating various distros ubuntu has come out on top with gnome...02:21
nlogaxpackage management is easy with linux, but if something isn't in the repositories it can be a bit trikier than windows02:21
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apokryphossanketmedhi: though it will have kde 3.4.2 unfortunately.02:21
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nlogaxbut things like autopackage are changing that02:22
Tobahow can I enable the identd server in ubuntu?02:22
sanketmedhiapokryphos: and when does KDE 3.5 release?02:22
nlogaxtwibbler: that's my conclusion too - I tried SuSE, Fedora, Vector Linux and even Yoper02:22
Seveasnlogax, autopackage is crud, even checkinstall is better02:23
nlogaxnone of them felt as 'together' as Ubuntu02:23
dazvid_Has anyone tried Gentoo ?02:23
Seveasdazvid_, yeah, I didn't like it :)02:23
apokryphossanketmedhi: no date set in stone yet; around late Octoboer, most probably. Of course, Kubuntu will be the first to package it and there will be a repo with it straight away. :)02:23
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apokryphossanketmedhi: probably in backports, actually.02:23
nlogaxSeveas: I've met the developer of autopackage - what's your complaint with it incidentally?  it looked good to me02:23
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Seveasnlogax, the entire design of it is wrong02:23
Kamping_Kaiseri couldnt find any toools to write mode lines in Ubuntu :/02:23
thoreauputicSeveas: I think the idea has merit though02:24
Kamping_Kaiserthanks all02:24
sanketmedhiapokyphos: the release for breezy is 13th september or october?02:24
Seveasthoreauputic, the idea has, the design not02:24
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robzonI just wish that the unofficial packages were upated more often.. but I know how much work it is02:24
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Seveasrobzon, are you refering to specific repositories?02:24
thoreauputicSeveas: fair enough - I'm not qualified to judge that02:24
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nlogaxSeveas: can you elaborate on the design issue(s)?02:24
NoHopehy all02:25
twibblernlogas: we have fedora servers .... but just to bulky for desktop ... and I am really interested in the freedesktop.org seems ike they are going well in the right directions ...02:25
apokryphoshi there02:25
nlogaxI believe it creates its own package DB the 1st time it is run02:25
Seveasnlogax, not right now (gotta go in a few minutes), but mako (iirc) has written a piece of text about it that pretty much covers my objections against it too02:25
thoreauputicNoHope: surely there is *some* hope ? ;-)02:25
nlogaxSeveas ok I'll google 4 it...  ta02:25
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NoHopethoreauputic, just a nick, while there is Ubuntu, there is hope ;-)02:26
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thoreauputicNoHope: indeed :)02:26
codenuti too am impressed with Ubuntu, it just seems easier to use.02:26
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codenutand less trouble.02:26
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codenutI find I am getting into less trouble as easily with it.02:27
robzonSeveas: I'm only using the official ubuntu repository (x86_64), and there are some old packages.. well, maybe not that old, just one release behind, but still...02:27
Seveasnlogax, it was scott actually02:27
thoreauputicrobzon: heh - I was running Debian Woody on one box here recently - now *that* was "old"02:28
Seveasrobzon, official repositories only get security updates after release...02:28
Seveasdon't hope for gnome2.12 in hoary oslt02:29
robzonSeveas: oh... that explains a lot :)02:29
Seveasit's called stability...:)02:29
huamihi! I updated today to the latest ubuntu breezy and now DRI is not working (but it used to)02:29
huamiin glxgear I get error ERROR: line 114, Function intelInitDriver, File intel_screen.c02:30
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huamithen libGL error: InitDriver failed02:30
huamiand then libGL error: reverting to (slow) indirect rendering02:30
vineI am in,wawa02:30
robzonSeveas: hmm ok... is there some kind of ubuntu-current repository? :)02:30
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sanketmedhiwhat is going on in here?02:31
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sanketmedhiwhat is going on in here?02:31
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thoreauputicsanketmedhi: netsplit02:31
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sanketmedhithoreauputic, what is that?02:31
vineanyone chinese?02:31
Seveasthat's when 2 servers disconnect02:31
Seveasvine, #ubuntu-zh02:31
dabaRIll have a sweet and sour pork, sure, vine.02:32
KDE_FanBoyhaha splits are fun02:32
thoreauputicsanketmedhi: the irc network consists of a number of servers - sometimes they disconnect and reconnect02:32
=== Flying-Penguin [n=Flying-P@pool-71-103-164-11.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
sanketmedhithoreauputic, ohk thanks02:32
Flying-PenguinHEY GUYS02:32
Flying-Penguinis there a way to reinstall grub boot loader?02:32
sanketmedhiyes! :P02:32
Flying-Penguinlets say I diside to reinstall windows... that would overrite grub right? so how would I reinstall grub?02:33
Tobathat is one fuck of netsplit02:33
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sanketmedhiboot from a win bootable disc, enter dos mode, and use 'fdisk /mbr'02:33
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sanketmedhiu can also do it from the recovery console of the win boot cd02:33
Flying-Penguinsanketmedhi, that would reinstall my windows boot loader02:34
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sanketmedhithen what do u want?02:34
MeneMMateo@sanketmedhi, would that not DELETE the gurb installation?02:34
moomindaddyhey er, does anyone have the script i need to run that will auto mount my windows partions please?02:34
sanketmedhioh REinstall!02:34
pussfelleryeah he wants to install grub after an windows install, not delete teh mbr02:34
Flying-Penguinsanketmedhi, on my windows harddrive I am going to reinstall windows... that would override my grub right?02:34
sanketmedhiyeah right!02:34
sanketmedhiwhat i would do is boot from the install cd and reinstall grub02:35
ubotu[mountwindows]  Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partions mount automatically02:35
Flying-Penguinmoomindaddy, I have it somewhere... I think, it is also somewhere on the ubuntu website, just not sure if there is a link02:35
Flying-PenguinW00T thats where it is02:35
thoreauputicFlying-Penguin: moomindaddy see ubotu above02:35
moomindaddyaye sorted02:35
moomindaddyand btw, how long had the ubuntu guide been down for?02:35
moomindaddyi cant seem to ever get onto it02:35
Flying-Penguinok... so sanketmedhi the ubuntu cd can install grub only?02:36
thoreauputicmoomindaddy: use the wiki02:36
thoreauputic!tell moomindaddy about docs02:36
sanketmedhiFlying-Penguin, yes if u wish to02:36
Flying-Penguinsanketmedhi, is that hard?02:36
Flying-Penguinor is it* hard?02:36
sanketmedhiFlying-Penguin, jump directly to install boot loader ioption02:37
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robzonso is there something like ubuntu-current repository..?02:37
ubotuAdd "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted" to /etc/apt/sources.list.  More info @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports02:37
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sanketmedhiFlying-Penguin, hard?  i dont think so02:37
thoreauputicrobzon: but be careful with backports02:37
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thoreauputicrobzon: I usually comment them out after getting what I want02:38
sanketmedhimoomindaddy, ubuntuguide is not down02:38
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Flying-PenguinOK I am going to shut down and do it... I am going to install windows02:38
sanketmedhiok besto of luck! :D02:38
robzonthoreauputic: ok thanks.. I only want a few pacakges so I'll probably do the same :)02:38
Flying-Penguinw00t new 200 gb hard drive alowing me to use my 80gb for windows here I come!02:38
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sanketmedhiubotu, the link u gave, why is it so complex? Mounting windoze partitions is not a big deal...is it because of the mac partitions?02:39
ubotuI think you lost me on that one, sanketmedhi02:39
dazvid_lol @ penguins leaving message02:40
sanketmedhiubotu, lost you?02:40
ubotuSyntax error in line 1, sanketmedhi02:40
KDE_FanBoywhy you talking to a bot man02:40
aftertafsanketmedhi:  tis a bot, methinks ;)02:40
KDE_FanBoysanketmedhi - its a bot02:40
thoreauputicsanketmedhi: seveas wrote the script02:40
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nlogaxseveas: nice one mate02:40
nlogaxdidn't realise you'd wrote it02:40
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sanketmedhiubotu is a bot? :O02:41
ubotusanketmedhi: Wish i knew02:41
thoreauputicnlogax: he's gone :)02:41
apokryphossanketmedhi: u*bot*u -- yes.02:41
thoreauputic!tell sanketmedhi about ubotu02:41
ubotuI'm a bot, I'm a bot. Set fire to me, I'll get hot. Reply to aftertaf? I think not. Bot, shot, chicken... rhyming sucks.02:41
KDE_FanBoyyes sanketmedhi02:41
vineSomeone tell me the chinese unbuntu server02:41
nlogaxthoreauputic: nice nick by the way (assuming you're named for Henry David)02:41
apokryphoshehe, great new factoid.02:41
sanketmedhilol! seveas, nice one dude!02:41
dazvid_Who wrote ubotu ?? its really funny..02:41
apokryphosHe's a blootbot02:41
apokryphosanyone can contribute to him02:41
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KDE_FanBoyubotu your sexy02:42
ubotuKDE_FanBoy: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?02:42
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sanketmedhican i have the script? :P02:42
thoreauputicnlogax: I am indeed - althoughthere are some lays on words involved (not just the obvious one)02:42
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apokryphossanketmedhi: for...?02:42
sanketmedhiusing it to play pranks on friends! :P02:42
apokryphossanketmedhi: blootbot is in repository02:42
sanketmedhiwhich one?02:42
apokryphos!info blootbot02:42
aftertaf!info blootbot02:42
thoreauputic!info blootbot02:42
ubotublootbot: (a severely modified infobot for IRC), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 1.1.0-5.1 (hoary), Packaged size: 235 kB, Installed size: 936 kB02:42
apokryphosthoreauputic: looks like I'm winning today :P02:43
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nlogaxthoreauputic: the other plays are lost  on me I'm afraid...  I'm reading Walden right now as it happens02:43
thoreauputicapokryphos: yes indeed02:43
apokryphosthoreauputic: though, [13:43]  <ubotu> Someone already said that 0 seconds ago02:43
thoreauputicnlogax: ah - in my case think of Civil Disobedience02:43
sanketmedhi!info blootbot02:43
ubotublootbot: (a severely modified infobot for IRC), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 1.1.0-5.1 (hoary), Packaged size: 235 kB, Installed size: 936 kB02:43
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apokryphossanketmedhi: he's in Universe, as you can see.02:43
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thoreauputicapokryphos: ubotu Someone already said that 1 seconds ago  <-- you win02:44
nlogaxthoreauputic /me is still clueless - give me a clue mate02:44
thoreauputicnlogax: nah02:44
marsuDoes anyone know how to daemonize Eterm?02:45
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apokryphoslooks pretty evil as it is02:45
KDE_FanBoy!tell nlogax about a clue02:45
moomindaddyanyone use xmms? if so where is the skins dir?02:45
sanketmedhihey how do i save this conversation?02:46
KDE_FanBoyyea i agree with apokryphos02:46
nlogaxthoreauputic you can't have a revolution if proles like me can't understand your jokes02:46
apokryphossanketmedhi: you can log it. Check the settings or something, if you're using xchat02:46
thoreauputicnlogax: I considered changing my nick, but it's how I'm known now around here (everyone knows to leave when they see me)02:46
apokryphossanketmedhi: I think it's probably done by default.02:46
KDE_FanBoyok linux burnout... night all02:46
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sanketmedhiapokryphos, ok lemme check02:46
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sanketmedhiapokryphos, it wasnt on for default, i did it now. will it save This conv now?02:47
marsumoomidaddy $/.xmms/Skins/02:47
nlogaxthoreauputic = therapeutic was the obvious play, right?02:47
apokryphossanketmedhi: probably, yes.02:47
thoreauputica KDE fanboy with Linux burnout - that must be a first02:47
sanketmedhiapokryphos, ok02:47
thoreauputicnlogax: of course02:48
nlogaxinfuriating... I'm  a cryptic crossword fan tho not good at t them02:48
thoreauputicnlogax: make of the rest what you will02:48
moomindaddysays er02:48
moomindaddyno such file or dir o_O02:48
apokryphossanketmedhi: find out where the logs are stored then you can check for sure02:48
moomindaddyah got it02:49
marsuit's hidden02:49
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sanketmedhiI wish there was a bot like this one for Gaim! :P02:49
sanketmedhioh btw, is there one?02:49
thoreauputic!start an IRC client war02:50
ubotuxchat is better than b-x !02:50
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thoreauputicoh rats, that's not the best one02:50
sanketmedhixchat rocks!02:50
=== apokryphos bows to Konversation
marsuNo one using Eterm?02:51
nlogaxthoreauputic trumps us all I'm afraid02:51
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larsrohdindoes anyone know a good webpage where I can download mplayer skins? I search all over and i cant find anything...02:51
dazvid_The mplayer site has _some_ good ones02:51
thoreauputiclarsrohdin: there's one on the mplayer site02:51
sanketmedhiis there an 'yum mplayer-skins'02:52
thoreauputiclarsrohdin: no mplayerhq something02:52
dazvid_not .com02:52
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sanketmedhii mean an 'apt-get mplayer-skins' like in yum?02:52
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larsrohdinok thanks02:52
apokryphossanketmedhi: nope02:52
moomindaddyits not possible to have transparent windows in ubuntu yet is it? (well as standard?)02:52
sanketmedhiummm ok02:52
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sanketmedhimoomindaddy, its possible via nvidia drivers02:53
apokryphosthere probably should be. Several other distros have it.02:53
moomindaddyah ok, well thats out for me :) (inbuilt graphics sadly)02:53
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sanketmedhimoomindaddy, which gfx card do u have?02:53
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moomindaddyintel 8xx something02:54
da_bon_bonhey MAJOR prbolem!02:54
da_bon_bonjuz installed hoary02:54
moomindaddyinbuilt dell basic shite hehe02:54
da_bon_bonnet works while pinging and on irc. . but in firefox or gaim, operation timed out.02:54
thoreauputicapokryphos: is it just me or has the level of behaviour improved around her?02:54
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thoreauputicheh s/her/here02:55
apokryphosthoreauputic: it has! I haven't even been able to flex my muscles yet. ;-)02:55
thoreauputicapokryphos: same here02:55
dabaRda_bon_bon: firewall? router?02:55
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da_bon_bondabaR: i have an adsl router connected to eth002:55
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apokryphosthoreauputic: maybe they don't need us 8). I am going away tomorrow though, for a week; holiday. :)02:56
sanketmedhida_bon_bon, give a try to 'lynx' or other text-based browser02:56
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o thoreauputic] by ChanServ
=== thoreauputic flexes his puny muscles
=== dabaR turns away
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o thoreauputic] by thoreauputic
dazvid_thoreauputic, you are my god now, make me some cookies please?02:57
robzonwill ubuntu 5.10 have Qt4?02:57
dazvid_aww :(02:57
da_bon_bonsanketmedhi: cant .. dotn have it installed ..02:57
thoreauputicdazvid_: bad luck02:57
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ
thoreauputic<evil grin>02:57
dazvid_have to be quicker next time I guess :(02:57
sanketmedhida_bon_bon, where are u from? india?02:57
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da_bon_bonsanketmedhi: yes :) and you too.02:57
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o thoreauputic] by apokryphos
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sanketmedhida_bon_bon, yes sir02:57
apokryphosthoreauputic: weird; why does it do that?02:58
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o thoreauputic] by ChanServ
apokryphosthoreauputic: ahh, that might be one of the things about level 1002:58
da_bon_bonhey .. i am desperate .. net works fine in other distros / windows02:58
dabaRda_bon_bon: so, then, do you have a firewall?02:58
sanketmedhida_bon_bon, what connection do u have02:58
da_bon_bondabaR: i dont know .. how can i check ? i just installed ubuntu02:58
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o apokryphos] by thoreauputic
dabaRyou did not install one, right?02:58
da_bon_bonsanketmedhi: mtnl adsl02:58
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da_bon_bondabaR: i dunno.. sorry .. new to ubuntu02:59
sanketmedhida_bon_bon, do they give u a DNS address?02:59
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apokryphosthoreauputic: you'll get rejected though if you try to give 'em02:59
da_bon_bonyes, sanketmedhi02:59
thoreauputicOK that'll do now I guess02:59
da_bon_bonsanketmedhi: but seeing that its a dhcp ..02:59
apokryphosthoreauputic: sure02:59
sanketmedhida_bon_bon, and have u entered it in ur eth0?02:59
thoreauputicapokryphos: yeah, chanserv to get ops02:59
da_bon_bonsanketmedhi: no, its dhcp02:59
apokryphosthoreauputic: eh?02:59
dabaRda_bon_bon: thats fine. Can you ping www.google.com or just IP addresses?02:59
da_bon_bondabaR: yes..03:00
sanketmedhida_bon_bon, so u dont have a static address?03:00
da_bon_bonno, sanketmedhi03:00
sanketmedhida_bon_bon, i thot mtnl gives one03:00
tommi^Hi. If I want to just an external hd (usb) in windows too, are there any other choices than to partition it as ntfs?03:00
dabaRda_bon_bon: open a browser.03:00
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sanketmedhida_bon_bon, anyways, try after entering the DNS03:00
White_Shadowhow can I acess the windows partition on ubuntu?03:00
da_bon_bonsanketmedhi: ok.03:01
dabaRgo to www.ubuntu.com and tell us whether that loads.03:01
GobblaWhite_Shadow, google..03:01
da_bon_bondabaR: firfox is open03:01
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da_bon_bonok trying03:01
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White_ShadowGobbla: is it that hard?03:01
sanketmedhiWhite_Shadow, 'mount /dev/hda5 /mnt/dirname' will mount D:03:02
White_ShadowGobbla: on mandrake it was fairly easy03:02
da_bon_bonno, da03:02
da_bon_bonno, dabaR03:02
Gobblawhite, no it isnt03:02
albackerWhite_Shadow, sudo mkdir /mnt/win; mount /dev/hdaX /mnt/win                         << replace X with your windows hda !! (might be hda1. .. 2..)03:02
da_bon_boni put in the dns too03:02
da_bon_boncant connect gaim03:02
da_bon_bonstrange that xchat is fine03:02
twibblerNow here is a nice ? how do you create an ubuntu boot cd for a sun workstation .....03:02
sanketmedhidid u reconnect?03:02
da_bon_bonas is ping from terminal03:02
sanketmedhioh lol03:02
White_Shadowsanketmedhi and albacker, thanks!03:02
da_bon_bonsanketmedhi: lol for ?03:02
=== xota saluda!
sanketmedhiWhite_Shadow, ur welcome03:02
albackerWhite_Shadow,  no problem !03:02
sanketmedhida_bon_bon, ur using xchat! :P03:02
sanketmedhida_bon_bon, and Firefox doesnt work! So lol @ ur problem03:03
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sanketmedhida_bon_bon, anyways...di u reconnect?03:03
=== albacker leaves everyone,,, CYA GUYS [cover your asses]
sanketmedhida_bon_bon, it wont work if u dont reconnect03:04
dabaRda_bon_bon: go clear out your cache in your browser, and reset all settings.03:04
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White_Shadowhow can I set GRUB to select the WIndows boot by default?03:05
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sanketmedhiWhite_Shadow, go to http://ubuntuguide.org/03:06
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ubotuI guess ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. The official FAQ Guide will be released with Breezy, stay tuned.03:06
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sanketmedhiubotu, u rock!03:06
ubotuNot a clue, sanketmedhi03:06
deFryskWhite_Shadow, default = ) needs to be changed03:06
apokryphosthoreauputic: you know, I can't believe the ubuguide guy refused to put a "how to install kde" part (which I suggested months ago). :/03:06
da_bon_bondabaR: for first install... ? i can ping www.ubuntu.com03:06
sanketmedhideFrysk, i think default is for every entry03:07
thoreauputicapokryphos: Apparently he doesn't want to co-operate any more - maybe the flames got to him03:07
deFryskWhite_Shadow, defoult =0 is first entry on top , default=1 for sec entry  on top , ect03:07
seliniumHi all, i have come to the limit on my hd I have attached a new 120gb to it, I can mount it and all that, how do I use it so that It uses the new drive ot store stuff. If that makes sense?03:07
White_Shadowso, I must remove all the "defaults" and leave only the windows one?03:08
seliniumhi thoreauputic03:08
apokryphosthoreauputic: people on the forum quite love/recommend it, though, apparently.03:08
deFryskWhite_Shadow, no03:08
thoreauputichi selinium :)03:08
seliniumhi apokryphos!03:08
apokryphoshi there =)03:08
AuriacanI was wondering if anyone could help me with some ACPI problems03:08
thoreauputicapokryphos: yes, i know03:08
White_Shadowoh, ok03:08
thoreauputicapokryphos: It has its points for sure03:08
White_Shadowthanks deFrysk!03:08
deFryskWhite_Shadow, I believe windowsentry is third so set default=2 instead of default=003:08
apokryphosthoreauputic: sure03:09
da_bon_bondabaR: even gaim doesnt work...03:09
=== deFrysk gave up on windows yrs ago thnk god
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unvsany release date for breezy rc1?03:09
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ubotubreezyschedule is probably at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyReleaseSchedule03:09
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apokryphosPreview out in two days03:10
sanketmedhida_bon_bon, did u disconnect and reconnect?03:10
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dazvid_im having trouble with my Audigy 2, I have searched the forums, and the help there didnt help me... basically im getting no sound03:11
da_bon_bonoh. ok03:11
dazvid_suggestions other than throwing my computer of a tall building?03:11
sanketmedhiumm, how do i set a secondary ip for eth0 in ubuntu?03:11
dazvid_of = off03:11
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mhogbergI have drag the gnome panel to the left border of the screen and now I can't move it. Any suggestions on how to get back the defaults?03:11
cajetanus2What preview is out in two days?03:11
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seliniumIs it possible to move the home directory to another drive?03:12
dooglusselinium: yes.03:12
rohansanketmedhi: didnt work] 03:12
apokryphosselinium: yes. Just change the mount point in fstab03:12
sanketmedhiwelcome back, rohan03:12
sanketmedhirohan, ummm...03:12
sanketmedhirohan, how do u dial in windoze?03:13
onkarshindeAre Ubuntu developers expecting a OO.o 2.0 release before Breezy release? I see OO.o 2.0 beta in Breezy Colony 4.03:13
apokryphosselinium: what i recommend doing is... temporarily put all contents of /home into / ; mount the new /home partition, then place everything in there.03:13
cajetanusWhat is Breezy??03:13
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apokryphosubotu: tell cajetanus about breezy03:13
Kamping_Kaiseronkarshinde: i think so03:13
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sanketmedhirohan, is there a special dialer or just the windoze dialer?03:13
Kamping_Kaisercajetanus: Breezy is Ubuntu unstable03:13
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sanketmedhiubotu is sleeping! :P03:14
ubotusanketmedhi: No idea03:14
seliniumcheers apokryphos dooglus :)03:14
sanketmedhioh sorry to wake u up, ubotu!03:14
rohanok workd03:14
cajetanusAh. thanks03:14
cajetanusWhat is new_03:14
uboturumour has it, breezy is the next version of Ubuntu (5.10); released October 2005. It hasn't reached stable-status, so it can still be broken. A pictorial view of differences between Hoary & Breezy: http://members.home.nl/jeroen-91/ubuntu/breezy-new/03:14
sanketmedhirohan, what worked?03:14
rohansanketmedhi: no dialer at all03:14
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osfameronMy Firefox/Thunderbird integration is broken, it's been suggested that's a ubuntu config thing, anyone heard of that?03:14
onkarshinderohan: From India?03:14
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sanketmedhionkarshinde, me too! :P03:15
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fagrhow can i check what is using the sound03:15
fagrfor my sound device is not working03:15
rohansanketmedhi: changed my firefox and disabled ipv603:15
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sanketmedhirohan, worked?03:15
catfoxdoes anyone here know much about python+gtk? (specifically treeview) i'm stuck for decent docs on using it03:15
sanketmedhida_bon_bon, so is firefox working now?03:16
da_bon_bontrying gaim03:16
onkarshindesanketmedhi: rohan: Any experience with BSNL broadband with Ubuntu?03:16
Juhazcatfox, the reference docs are very good, and tutorial has a section on using treeview03:16
da_bon_bononkarshinde: i am on mtnl .. it works03:16
catfoxJuhaz, on the pygtk site?03:16
sanketmedhionkarshinde, no, why, any probs?03:16
Juhazcatfox, yes03:16
catfoxJuhaz, i'll take a look. thanks03:17
sanketmedhida_bon_bon, where did u find ipv6 option in Firefox? :S03:17
onkarshindeda_bon_bon: But since I am in Maharashtra (not in Metros) I can't use MTNL03:17
da_bon_bonsanketmedhi: about:config03:17
da_bon_bononkarshinde: ok.. bsnl will work .. hassle free if connected to ethernet or lan card03:17
=== vegiVamp [n=demeersm@unimatrix.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
ubotumethinks breezy is the next version of Ubuntu (5.10); released October 2005. It hasn't reached stable-status, so it can still be broken. A pictorial view of differences between Hoary & Breezy: http://members.home.nl/jeroen-91/ubuntu/breezy-new/03:17
onkarshindesanketmedhi: I am planning to subscribe for BSNL broadband so thought if someone can provide experience/guidelines03:18
sanketmedhida_bon_bon, oh...what does tht have to do with ur connection? ummm, whateva, good its working :D03:18
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da_bon_bonsanketmedhi: gaim is not03:18
sanketmedhionkarshinde, there is no connection that doesnt work on linux! :P03:18
=== thoreauputic waves
Sonderbladehow do install a new kernel?03:18
sanketmedhionkarshinde, i am on sify, works great03:18
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sanketmedhida_bon_bon, search for ipv6 option in Gaim then! :P03:18
aftertaf;) thoreauputic have a malteser...03:18
da_bon_bonsanketmedhi: cant find03:19
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sanketmedhida_bon_bon, lol i was just kidding03:19
moomindaddygrr if only i could play ultima online via linux, its the only thing i use windows for really03:19
vegiVampfinally fixed03:19
sanketmedhida_bon_bon, go to Gaim >> Tools >> Preferences03:20
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da_bon_bonsanketmedhi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=1098974210f6d7e60cadf7d1d9e7590f&p=335887#post33588703:20
AuriacanI have an asus M6Ne laptop and i can't get my battery meter working, any suggestions?03:20
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vegiVampsomething mounted udev before S04udev was run -> S04udev says 'sorry, already mounted' and buggers off without creating /dev/pts03:20
joh_what happend to libqt3c102-mt in breezy?03:20
vegiVamphad to add an udev restart script ag rcS/3403:21
apokryphosjoh_: obsolete, I believe.03:21
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ofer0my friend forgot his user password, and now he cant login to the system. what to do?03:21
sanketmedhida_bon_bon, the first thing after installing Ubuntu is going to UbuntuGuide.org and following the instructions!03:21
ofer0sanketmedhi, ubuntuguide sux.. please do not tell people to use it..03:21
sanketmedhiwhy not?03:21
sanketmedhii liked it03:21
nxv_how do i disable pwd login over ssh, i setup pubkey auth, an have PasswordAuthentication no in my sshd_config but still get asked for an pwd if i don't have my privatekey provided03:22
joh_apokryphos: Do you know any information on the matter? Is there a new package which is used instead?03:22
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apokryphosubotu: tell sanketmedhi about ubuntuguide03:22
ubotusomebody said ubuntuguide was a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. The official FAQ Guide will be released with Breezy, stay tuned.03:22
joh_apokryphos: It breaks the shared version of Opera03:22
ofer0sanketmedhi, READ IT!03:22
wickedpuppyhi guys ... whats the name of the dvd drive ? /dev/hdd ? its  a slave03:22
sanketmedhiofer0, ok!03:22
apokryphosjoh_: one sec03:22
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apokryphosjoh_: yes, should be covered by libqt3-mt03:23
da_bon_bonsanketmedhi: do they have stuff for gaim ? can you paste the relevant section ?03:23
Gui_Carvalhohello everybody03:23
dabaRwickedpuppy: well, yes, if its a slave on the secondary IDE, then it will be /dev/hdd likely.03:23
sanketmedhinothing for Gaim03:23
Gui_CarvalhoI need some help with the live version of Ubuntu03:23
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dabaRthats good to know.03:23
sanketmedhida_bon_bon, do 1 thing...change the options in Preferences >> Network03:23
da_bon_bonsanketmedhi: change them to ?03:23
da_bon_bonwait a sec03:23
da_bon_boni think i need to reboot ..03:24
White_Shadowwhen I use the command 'su, it doest accept any password03:24
da_bon_bonhang on03:24
dabaRIts System>Admin>Network...03:24
wickedpuppydabaR, do you know the type for the dvd drive ? i am recovering my fstab03:24
dabaRreboot the router too03:24
wickedpuppyi thrashed it03:24
sanketmedhida_bon_bon, to whateva suits u well03:24
da_bon_bonWhite_Shadow: use you own user password03:24
dabaRwickedpuppy: no idea. aer you in gnome?03:24
wickedpuppyi am in gnome03:24
White_ShadowI did use my password03:24
apokryphosofer0: restart the comp, and at the grub prompt hit e IIRC03:24
Fanskapetanyone using vsftpd and virtual users here?03:24
dabaRand it does not just mount itself?03:24
Gui_Carvalhoppl, I'm running the Ubuntu LIve CD on my computer: how do I access the files on my HD?03:24
White_Shadowbut it doest accept anything03:24
QuinthiusWhite_Shadow: "su" uses root's password, not yours. try "sudo su" instead... or just "sudo -H -s"03:25
wickedpuppydabaR, i managed to empty my fstab as root .. i am trying to put everything back in03:25
dabaRwickedpuppy: /dev/hdd        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0       0       ---- is mine.03:25
apokryphosofer0: that'll edit the boot, and the line that has "kernel slkdjf kjdkdk etc" (long one), put in init=/bin/bash03:25
White_Shadowwhats sudo?03:25
apokryphosubotu: tell White_Shadow about sudo03:25
ubotufrom memory, sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo03:25
ofer0READ IT03:25
dabaRwickedpuppy: sure.03:25
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Sav^Anyone with a Acer TravelMate 8101WLMi and a helping hand? =)03:25
ofer0apokryphos, ok now what? sudo passwd <user> ?03:25
ofer0oops, passwd <user> ?03:25
apokryphosofer0: yes03:25
ofer0apokryphos, thanx03:26
dabaRSav^: you have much worse chances of getting that answered than had you asked what you wanted to know.03:26
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onkarshindeGui_Carvalho: You can temporarily mount the harddisks03:26
wickedpuppydabaR, you mind pasting your whole fstab ?03:26
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Gui_Carvalhoonkarshinde: how do I do that?03:26
Pyfhey im looking for a program that is similar to itunes, where i can have all my music organised into sections, anyone got any suggestions03:27
aftertaf!tell wickedpuppy about pastebin03:27
dabaRwickedpuppy: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/195403:27
aftertafPyf:  amarok?03:27
wickedpuppythanks dude03:27
deFryskGui_Carvalho, first become root using sudo -s <enter>03:27
onkarshindeGui_Carvalho: can you first tell me the output of command 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda'? It will ask about your password03:27
joh_apokryphos:  apt-cache show libqt3-mt says that it replaces libqt3c102-mt, but Opera doesn't install with libqt3-mt. Is that a Opera or Ubuntu bug?03:27
Gui_Carvalhook, let me try this03:27
apokryphosjoh_: what error does Opera give?03:27
sanketmedhiPyf, try Rhythmbox03:28
onkarshindeGui_Carvalho: Give me the output in private message instead of flooding the channel03:28
BlissexI would suggest using only the statically linked version of the the Opera binary...03:28
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onkarshindePyf: You will find interface of Rhythmbox same as iTunes03:28
joh_dpkg says: "opera krever libqt3c102-mt. Men:03:29
joh_  Pakken libqt3c102-mt er ikke installert." Thats "Opera requires libqt3c102-mt, but it is not installed" in english03:29
Pyfsanketmedhi / onkarshinde ahh that'll suit me then :)03:29
Blissexjoh_: 'libqt3-mt' is from Breezy (new version 2 C++ API) and 'libqt3c102-mt' is from Hoary.03:29
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sanketmedhiPyf, dont install Amarok03:29
jack-Pyf: xmms still owns, though :p03:29
apokryphosit's because the Ubuntu deb on their site is only built for Hoary03:29
Blissexjoh_: if you don't know the implications of that, just install the statically linked version of Opera, it is provided for a reason.03:30
mypapitAmarok? sux03:30
apokryphossanketmedhi: why ever not?03:30
ilba7ris there a way to list wht is using my sond device?03:30
apokryphosamarok rocks my socks03:30
deFryskbeep-media-player is a nice xmms replacement03:30
sanketmedhiPyf, for that u will have to install all kde library packages too!03:30
Pyfoh, rythmbox looks exactly the same as music player, which came installed on my ubuntu install..... and it crashes when i import folders....03:30
joh_Blissex: The static is provided for one reason: Butt ugly fonts and a horrible theme :)03:30
Blissexilba7r: 'lsof | egrep '/dev/dsp|/dev/snd'03:30
deFryskamarok is a resource hog03:30
sanketmedhiPyf, and its over 50 MB03:30
ilba7rthanx blissex03:30
apokryphosnot really03:30
Blissexjoh_: if you know better go ahead and make your day :-).03:30
sanketmedhiPyf, it is the same player03:30
sanketmedhiAmarok rocks but not on Gnome!03:31
deFryskopera advises the static version for ubuntu03:31
apokryphossanketmedhi: *many* gnomers use it still03:31
Pyfsanketmedhi, is there a way to stop it crashing when i import a load of folders, it just dies and disappears when i do....03:31
deFryskamarock sucks anywhere ;p03:31
nlogaxnxv_ sounds dangerous!03:31
sanketmedhiapokryphos, well, then it depends on personal choice03:31
sanketmedhideFrysk, i wont agree on that03:32
nxv_nlogax: setting UsePAM no in sshd_config worked03:32
apokryphossanketmedhi: sure. I like features, functionality, integration.03:32
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joh_Blissex: What you are saying is that Opera has to create a new version of Opera that links against 'libqt3-mt' instead of 'libqt3c102-mt'. Or else the users has to use static?03:32
deFrysksanketmedhi, I do not ask anyone to agree with me ;)03:32
sanketmedhiPyf, it plays well on my machine, dunno what is hte problem on urs03:32
nxv_nlogax: also every howto just says passwordauth no would sufice03:32
sanketmedhideFrysk, LOL!03:32
apokryphosjoh_: the Ubuntu deb they have is made for *hoary*03:32
nxv_nlogax: it is a lot more daengerous how many false howtos are outher03:32
sanketmedhiapokryphos, i use it on Fedora Gnome :D03:33
sterhello, I'm a real noob and I have trouble setting up my internet connection, can any one help me please?03:33
nxv_out there03:33
apokryphossanketmedhi: almost as bad as ubuntu gnome 8)03:33
Blissexjoh_: that's one way of putting it.03:33
onkarshindeDoes anyone know why vlc-0.8.2 is not included in updates or backports package lists?03:33
sanketmedhiapokryphos, deFrysk, but still I think we need a good sound engine on linux03:33
Blissexjoh_: that's one way of putting it. But things are more subtle than that.03:33
sanketmedhiapokryphos, bad? :O03:34
=== dao [n=dao@cp691225-a.roose1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI heard breezy is the next version of Ubuntu (5.10); released October 2005. It hasn't reached stable-status, so it can still be broken. A pictorial view of differences between Hoary & Breezy: http://members.home.nl/jeroen-91/ubuntu/breezy-new/03:34
deFrysksanketmedhi, als rocks on my box03:34
apokryphosonkarshinde: because it hasn't been packaged?03:34
sanketmedhiapokryphos, Ubuntu has the best Gnome ever! :P03:34
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apokryphossanketmedhi: I'm not disagreeing, but then again I haven't tried out all gnomes.03:34
sanketmedhideFrysk, not bad on mine too, just that not as good as on Win03:34
sterI'm a girl and I really can't figure out what I have to do to set up my connection, please?03:34
sanketmedhiapokryphos, Fedora is cool but not as stable as Ubuntu03:34
seliniumWhen I try to mount my old windows drive it says mount: /dev/hdb already mounted or /media/windows busy     any ideas?03:34
deFrysksanketmedhi, ever wondered how that could be ?03:34
sanketmedhiapokryphos, both are almost same on loks03:35
apokryphossanketmedhi: debian package management system is quite superior. :)03:35
onkarshindeapokryphos: then what does this link http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/v/vlc/vlc_0.8.2-1ubuntu3_i386.deb correspond to?03:35
Gui_CarvalhodeFrysk, ok, I typed sudo -s (then enter) in the terminal03:35
sanketmedhideFrysk, no, but I would appreciate an advice03:35
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apokryphosonkarshinde: breezy03:35
joh_apokryphos: Acctualy not, they are made for sarge03:35
sanketmedhiapokryphos, ofcourse it is03:35
nlogaxnxv_ you want to be able to SSH and not be prompted for a password at all?03:35
osfameronmarvellous: neither audacity nor totem want to open .mp3s... good old rhythmbox!03:35
deFryskGui_Carvalho, do you have windows on /dev/hda1 ?03:35
apokryphosjoh_: actually no, the ubuntu debs is made, supririse surprise, for *ubuntu*03:35
onkarshindeapokryphos: Ok Thanks.03:36
apokryphosjoh_: just the hoary versoin, though -- makes sense, considering it's the current stable.03:36
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Pyfbeing that i cant get rythmbox to work, and amarok seems to be not liked, anyone got any other ideas....?03:36
sanketmedhiapokryphos, actually i am planning for RHCE, that's why i have to stick to Fedora, else I am in love with Ubuntu! :D03:36
Gui_CarvalhoI have Windows on this machine, but not sure where it would be. It's the only installed OS, btw03:36
apokryphosPyf: amarok is liked :). It's the best out there :P03:36
apokryphossanketmedhi: :)03:36
onkarshindeAnybody having any problem with smartlink modem driver? Mine (on an HP laptop) drops connection.03:36
deFryskGui_Carvalho, mkdir /mnt/windows03:36
Pyfapokryphos, ill try it  :)03:37
da_bon_bonhow to COMPLETELY disable ipv603:37
nlogaxster what's the problem exactly?03:37
sterI try with a little extra information: I don't get an ip03:37
da_bon_bongaim is still not working03:37
sanketmedhiPyf, if u have a good enough connection, u might want to go for Amarok then03:37
=== DelPede [i=Exnay@port91.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
sanketmedhida_bon_bon, lol!03:37
Gui_CarvalhodeFrysk, it's done03:37
da_bon_bonsanketmedhi: :(03:37
Renskiis there a date for breezy yet?03:37
sanketmedhida_bon_bon, i have no clue, works fine on sify!03:37
apokryphossanketmedhi: why does using it have anything to do with connection?03:37
deFryskGui_Carvalho,  mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows03:38
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sterwell nlogax, I can't get an ip on my portable and I don't know why03:38
Gui_CarvalhodeFrysk, what will that do?03:38
apokryphosRenski: oct 1303:38
=== spiral [n=spiral@laf31-2-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pyfsanketmedhi, 50meg wont take long to download, im not fussed about that, would like something that doesnt crash when i try to add music though :)03:38
nxv_nlogax: i want only to be able to login with pubkey. no way to enter with user id and pwd03:38
deFryskthat wil mount hopefully your windows03:38
sanketmedhiapokryphos, because downloading the kde dependencies is around 50 MB which is considerably huge for Ubuntu03:38
Renskithanks apokryphos03:38
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aftertafmpg321 pwns03:38
sterwe have to ip's normally03:38
sanketmedhiPyf, then go for it03:38
apokryphosif you don't have the kdelibs, then sure.03:38
seliniumdeFrysk: I am having problems with mounting my m$ drive. It says my mount point /media/windows is busy? Any ideas?03:39
sterbut they same to be blocked by to other computers03:39
onkarshindeAnybody having any problem with smartlink modem driver? Mine (on an HP laptop) drops connection03:39
Gui_CarvalhodeFrysk, sorry for being paranoid: this is file-preserving, right?03:39
nlogaxnxv_ yeah I run the same setup03:39
sterI tried to release them and disconnect one of them, but I still can't get an ip03:39
deFryskGui_Carvalho, is only mountig your windowspartition , nothing more03:39
onkarshindeselinium: Most probably you are already in /mnt/windows. Please do a cd ..03:39
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nlogaxnxv_ pw authentication no and pam yes works here03:40
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Gui_CarvalhodeFrysk, it asks to specify the file system type - which I think is ntfs for my windows03:40
sterI don't now what els I have to tell you03:41
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deFryskGui_Carvalho, not sure how to do that03:41
seliniumonkarshinde: I am in my user root03:41
sanketmedhiGui_Carvalho, u have to install kernel module ntfs then03:41
steroh, someone told me it could be that the route haven't been set up or something like that03:41
deFrysksanketmedhi, is that possible in a live cd ?03:41
sterbut I don't know what that means03:41
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nlogaxster are you using wireless or normal netowkr connection?03:41
sanketmedhideFrysk, oh no, lol sorry!03:42
nxv_nlogax: i had to set UsePAM to no to deactivate pwd logins over ssh03:42
Hoxzer`when ubuntu install will ask do I want to resize my HDD?03:42
Gui_Carvalhosanketmedhi, how do I do that?03:42
onkarshindeselinium: Then also please check that there is no nautilus or any other application accessing /media/windows03:42
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sanketmedhiGui_Carvalho, ask deFrysk :P03:42
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onkarshindeHoxzer`: Do you have a single partition?03:42
sanketmedhiGui_Carvalho, why do u need it anyway?03:42
Gui_CarvalhodeFrysk, any clues? :)03:42
deFryskGui_Carvalho, you use ntfs03:43
deFryskno clues :(03:43
sanketmedhiGui_Carvalho, and i dont think its even possible on a live CD03:43
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Hoxzer`onka: yeap I want to keep my windows install03:43
deFryskGui_Carvalho, download knoppix , I believe it supports ntfs03:43
Gui_Carvalhosanketmedhi, I'm trying to replace a missing or corrupt file on my computer so I can start up Windows03:43
deFryskGui_Carvalho, windows IS a corrupted file03:44
dazvid_lol ^03:44
Gui_CarvalhodeFrysk, is knoppix another Linux Package?03:44
sanketmedhiGui_Carvalho, like someone said try Knoppix thenm if it does support ntfs03:44
deFryskGui_Carvalho, another livecd03:44
Gui_Carvalho+( tell me about it03:44
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deFryskit uses ugly kde but also takes ntfs afaIk03:44
seliniumonkarshinde: I can't find anything accessing /medis/windows/03:44
coarsesaltalsa failed "no state is present for card default" any ideas?03:44
sanketmedhilol @ deFrysk - corrupted file! :P03:44
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fbladehey guys03:44
dazvid_Gui_Carvalho, http://www.knoppix.org/03:45
mastertet If I only use gtk apps, will the application share the loaded gtk libs or will gtk be loaded each time I launch a new app?03:45
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apokryphosmastertet: shared03:45
Gui_Carvalhothx ppl, I'll look into it03:45
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fbladeis there a gui version of a gba emulator forlinux03:45
sterplease? I don't know what extra information to give03:45
mastertetthanks apokryphos03:45
AlexMBasdoes anyone here uses Xen and ubuntu as the dom0 guest OS?03:45
sterI don't know what you need to know to help me03:45
da_bon_boncya all03:45
da_bon_boncya sanketmedhi03:45
onkarshindeHoxzer`: You need to choose manual partition while installation and then you can resize your existing partition.03:45
mastertetWhat is the leanest way, only gtk apps or only kde apps?03:45
Gui_Carvalhook, out for a while, thx again03:45
Hoxzer`onkar: ok...03:46
deFryskmastertet, gtk2 and use xfce403:46
Hoxzer`so I can't run standart install?03:46
onkarshindeselinium: I don't see any reason for the problem then. Can you specify the command you gave?03:46
deFryskmastertet, for lightweight03:46
onkarshindeHoxzer`: Yes. In case of partitioning you have to choose manual.03:47
nlogaxnxv_ I don't understand that because mine doesn't accept interactive logins and I have usePAM yes03:47
Hoxzer`ok, right now its asking how do I want to name my comp03:47
seliniumonkarshinde: sudo mount /dev/hdb    with fstab /dev/hdb        /media/windows  ntfs    nls=utf8,umask=0222 0       003:47
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mastertetbreezy is coming out soon?03:48
Hoxzer`will it automaticaly remove existing install if I dont change to manual?03:48
Hoxzer`whitout asking03:48
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Pyfhmmm amarok doesnt recognise the way i do my sound, guess ill have to stick with rythmbox03:48
sterplease, would anybody be so kind to help me03:48
sanketmedhiatripathi, welcome!03:48
apokryphosPyf: what do you mean?03:48
Hoxzer`oh, it asked03:48
apokryphosPyf: you can alter the sound engine from settings -> configure amarok03:49
atripathiKDE doesnt work over ubuntu ?03:49
Quinthiusster: with?03:49
seliniumonkarshinde: should be hdb1, sorry!03:49
Pyfi use a usb > audio converter for audio...03:49
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atripathity :)03:49
onkarshindeHoxzer`: Of cource03:49
nlogaxster have you tried assigning a static IP to the laptop?03:49
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Pyfusb > optical03:49
sterI can't setup my internet connection. I can't get any ip?03:49
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sanketmedhiPyf, is Rhythmbox playing fine?03:49
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Hoxzer`onkar: right now im in "make an partion" option or something like taht03:49
sterand how do I do that?03:49
Pyfyeah rythmbox plays fine03:49
sanketmedhiPyf, if yes i dont guess u have any probs with mp3 drivers03:49
larsrohdinvideolan or vlc, has really crappy sound when it is too much base... is there anything you can do to make it better03:49
sanketmedhilarsrohdin, VLC is for movies03:50
Quinthiusster: as nlogax just suggested, try setting it staticly... system -> administration -> networking03:50
Hoxzer`do I choose "make partions"03:50
larsrohdinsanketmedhi, yeah and movies have sounds03:50
dazvid_selinium, do you know what the nls=utf8 does when mounting the ntfs drive?03:50
Hoxzer`:E dont really want to lose my install03:50
atripathiWhat if i want to use KDE on ubuntu ?03:50
Quinthiusster: click on ethernet connection and then properties03:50
larsrohdinand alot of movies have alot of base in the music03:50
sanketmedhilarsrohdin, yeah but movies need good bass03:50
dabaRatripathi: works fine. Pyf, have you tried changing the output plugin in amarok?03:50
larsrohdinsanketmedhi, yeah and i want that03:51
Quinthiusster: then click on the box for Configuration, choose static IP, then enter in your details03:51
PyfdabaR, how would i do that?03:51
seliniumdazvid_ To be honest, no. But I am wiping formatting the drive to be rid of m$! SO it will soon be changed03:51
dabaRPyf: through the menus, go look.03:51
dazvid_Yeh, I was just curious what it did03:51
sanketmedhilarsrohdin, one more thing....VLC sucks!03:51
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dazvid_I personally have a different setting in my fstab03:51
onkarshindeHoxzer`: I have done this already but I don't remember exact steps. You should have someone by your side to guide exactly. But I think you are on right track. It will prompt before writing the partition table. Read every screen03:51
dabaRster: tell us more about the devices, and the ISP.03:52
larsrohdinsanketmedhi, ok but that didn't answer my question..03:52
sanketmedhilarsrohdin, bad luck!03:52
fbladeis there a gui version of a gba emulator forlinux03:52
larsrohdinsanketmedhi, wtf is your problem anyway03:52
sterI'm not sure I understand03:52
sanketmedhilarsrohdin, you are the one with the prob03:52
Quinthiusster: what is your internet connection?03:52
sanketmedhilarsrohdin, anyways chill03:52
seliniumdazvid_: np, I am stil quite new to all this, even though I have been using Ubuntu for 8 months I still fell like a noob!03:52
sterwhen I go to system I don't see administration03:52
sanketmedhilarsrohdin, why dont u use mplayer?03:52
PyfdabaR, i goto the configure engine section, and it has no engines for me to pick from....03:53
onkarshindester: what do you want to configure?03:53
dazvid_selinium, I have been on it for about 2 days.. so im trying to learn as fast as possible :)03:53
larsrohdinsanketmedhi, because it crashes when i try to play dvd:s03:53
steronkarshinde_ my internet connection03:53
Quinthiusster: from the top menu, if you click on System, there should be a sub-menu called Administration03:53
onkarshindester: which type of it? dialup or DSL?03:53
seliniumdazvid_: Cool, I wish I mhad discovered linux 10 years ago. But at least it is a lot more user friendly now!03:54
Quinthiusster: NOT applications -> system tools.03:54
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nlogaxster: is the laptop plugged in to a local network?03:54
onkarshindeHoxzer`: How are you doing with it?03:54
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znh*if someone needs help I am here..*03:54
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Hoxzer`Onkar: I dont really know what to do :D03:55
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sanketmedhihey apokryphos, how do u add a secondary to eth0 on Ubuntu?03:55
stereuh, Telenet is dial up I think03:55
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Hoxzer`well I had backup all important files so Its not that big thing if I fail03:55
sternot plugged into a local network03:55
onkarshindeHoxzer`: Just proceed with what you are doing and tell me every step. Do it fast as I don't have enough time.03:55
Hoxzer`it would be just really annoying to install windows again03:55
Hoxzer`l n03:55
znhHoxzer`: yeah.. windows installation is not easy xD03:55
atripathiHow do you pronounce "UBUNTU"   .... is it ABANTU or OOBOONTU  ??03:56
Quinthiusster: do you connect with a modem through the phone line?03:56
Hoxzer`onkar right now im making a partion03:56
Hoxzer`do I resize it?03:56
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Hoxzer`without losing my windows Install?03:56
apokryphossanketmedhi: in kde you'd use the control center, not sure how gnome does it... I guess you could always use iptables03:56
onkarshindeHoxzer`: what is the exact content of your screen?03:56
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Quinthiusatripathi: i say the first two U's as in "put", and the last more elongated as in "boot"03:56
sterdo I have to go to control center03:56
Hoxzer`onkar: its in finnish so I have to translate03:56
sterI see System administration?03:57
steror Internet and Network?03:57
sanketmedhiapokryphos, u use KUbuntu?03:57
onkarshindester: If it is dialup then you can simply configure it using pppconfig. Do command 'sudo pppconfig'03:57
atripathik got it but it sounds funny anyway :)03:57
sanketmedhiapokryphos, or ur on some other distro?03:57
apokryphossanketmedhi: correct.03:57
Quinthiusster: wait... are you in ubuntu... or windows?03:57
Hoxzer`"Make an partion. Modify device IDE1 master (hda) partion number 2. partions filesystem is ntfs.03:57
nlogaxster OK, so how does it connect to the Internet?  is it a dial-up modem?  or is it plugged in to a broadband router?03:58
sanketmedhiQuinthius, lol!03:58
dazvid_atripathi, It depends on what mood im in :D sometimes its "you-bun-too" or more like how Quinthius described it03:58
libooc0is it allowed to enter here while using windows? hehe03:58
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sternow I just did pppconfig03:58
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Pyfhmmm when i try to use amarok it says, [GStreamer Error]  OSS Devie /dev.... is in use by another program, what could be using it?03:58
atripathiWhy is KUBUNTU a different project? Simply to use KDE on ubuntu ?03:58
Hoxzer`"settings of partion" "use: dont use" "boot ability dedector: on" "size: 40.0GB"03:58
onkarshindeHoxzer`: So you have to select modify partition number 203:58
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dabaR https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome?highlight=%28pronounce%2903:59
onkarshindeHoxzer`: When you enter on size yo can resize it03:59
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onkarshindester: Could you configure it?03:59
dabaRatripathi: you can find all this info on the web page, and the wiki.03:59
sterI can try03:59
atripathisure i got Firefox ;)03:59
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Quinthiusatripathi: because the main ubuntu team doesn't have the time & resources to manage both gnome AND kde i guess04:00
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sterit's set to static04:00
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dazvid_dabaR, thanks for link. Now I can sleep at night with the word ubuntu running through my head04:00
sanketmedhiapokryphos, onkarshinde, cya04:00
dazvid_with the correct pronunciation!04:00
Hoxzer`now it says : " Before changing the size of partion. Modifies must be saved to "harddirver?" . You can04:00
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Hoxzer`...you can't undo this option04:00
atripathibut i dont think its a wise approach incase it is being developed for the reason of using KDE.....though i am looking now on wiki04:01
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seliniumapokryphos: Sorry, how would you move the home directory to the new drive again? :)04:01
Hoxzer`See, that resize can take long time04:01
sterwhat do I have to fill in for "enter the IP nuber for your primary nameserver"?04:01
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=== apokryphos wishes his irc client had an equivalent to console Ctrl+R :P
Hoxzer`do you want to save modifies to harddriver and resize the partion?"04:01
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Hoxzer`do I choose "Yes"04:01
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apokryphosselinium: move your current /home stuff to / ; mount /home in fstab, then put the stuff back in04:02
onkarshindeHoxzer`: You are on right track04:02
Hoxzer`so yes I guess....04:02
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Hoxzer`there are three options "go back, yes, no"04:02
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seliniumapokryphos: What/ where would you put the new drive in fstab? I have made it an ext3 is that correct?04:02
Hoxzer`lets choose yes04:02
onkarshindester: AFAIK in dialup the name server is detected automatically. So you have to choose any option for dynamic ip04:03
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apokryphosselinium: you currently have a partition that is ext3, correct?04:03
paulproteu1apokryphos: I wish I had the same, too.04:03
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seliniumapokryphos: Yes, so I made the new one ext3 aswell04:03
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apokryphosselinium: /dev/hdxX       /home           ext3    defaults        0       204:03
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sirfredHello. I've got a problem with ubuntu and my DVD reader I'm not able to fix.04:03
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Hoxzer`Onkar: ok, now its asking the size04:04
seliniumapokryphos: Cheers!04:04
sirfredMost of the times, I got these errors from the kernel:04:04
sirfredhdd: request sense failure: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }04:04
sirfredhdd: request sense failure: error=0x04Aborted Command04:04
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apokryphossirfred: don't paste in here.04:04
sirfredAfter this, any process trying to access that hdd device freezes.04:04
sirfredapokryphos: It was just two lines.04:04
onkarshindeHoxzer`: I suppose it is also saying that you can't have less than 15 GB ( or some number). Enter the size04:04
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Hoxzer`onkar: yes04:04
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apokryphossirfred: Evidently, but regardless. Check /topic :)04:05
Hoxzer`its says youu can't have less than 26.4GB04:05
sirfredapokryphos: Excuse me for disturbing, but I supposed that a two lines error was not too much for the channel.04:05
sirfredapokryphos: All right.04:05
Hoxzer`so do I write 26.4GB in it?04:05
onkarshindeHoxzer`: Enter the new size. 15 or 20 GB. Remaining will be free space04:05
sirfredEven hald is in 'D' state (uninterrumpible sleep)04:05
onkarshindeHoxzer`: Just enter on that field and write the size04:05
Hoxzer`onkar: what size? :D04:05
sirfredAnybody knows what could be the reason of this?04:05
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onkarshindeHoxzer`: Anything you wish to be size of the resized partition.04:06
Hoxzer`Onkar: can I do it in %04:06
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Hoxzer`34 %04:06
Hoxzer`ok, enter :D im afraid it will now remove my install04:07
sterI'm really making a mess04:07
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Hoxzer`"too small" :E04:07
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onkarshindeHoxzer`: I suppose you can, but I don't know exact format. It won't remove your installed.04:07
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sterI don't know any answer I have to fill in04:07
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seliniumapokryphos: Will that turn the whole of the new drive into the home drivE?04:08
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onkarshindeHoxzer`: What is the whole size of your hard disk?04:08
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apokryphosselinium: everything in that drive will be in /home04:08
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Hoxzer`onkar: 40GB04:08
apokryphosselinium: but make sure you back up your current /home first!04:08
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onkarshindeHoxzer`: Why don't ypou just put the size in GBs instead of %. I think 15GB or 20 GB should be fine04:09
Hoxzer`Onkar: its too small04:09
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Hoxzer`smallest size I can choose is 26.4 GB04:09
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Hoxzer`actually I already chose 26.5 :E04:10
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onkarshindeHoxzer`: Then you shouldn't have any problem in putting 30 GB. You can have a FAT32 partition as interface between two operating systems04:10
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Hoxzer`now its showing install background without any txtg04:10
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libooc0how can i force apt-get to install if packages are not present?04:11
coarsesaltlil' help please... alsa failed on load "no state is present for card default". can't get any of my microphones to work04:11
onkarshindeHoxzer`: Wait for some time. It is resizing the partition04:11
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Hoxzer`yeah, I thought so04:11
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onkarshindelibooc0: What do you mean by it?04:12
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libooc0i want to install freebirth but the packages i need are there but...04:12
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libooc0...are not accepted by apt-get04:12
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libooc0apt-get -f install  does not work04:13
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onkarshindelibooc0: Can you give me some example of such package?04:13
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libooc0ok, wait04:13
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libooc0Die folgenden Pakete haben nichterfllte Abhngigkeiten:04:14
libooc0  gephex: Hngt ab: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-21) aber 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu14 soll installiert werden04:14
libooc0          Hngt ab: libfontconfig1 (>= 2.3.0) aber 2.2.3-4ubuntu7 soll installiert werden04:14
libooc0          Hngt ab: libqt3c102-mt (>= 3:3.3.4) aber 3:3.3.3-7ubuntu3 soll installiert werden04:14
libooc0E: Nichterfllte Abhngigkeiten. Versuchen Sie apt-get -f install ohne jeglich Pakete (oder geben Sie eine Lsung an).04:14
black_13i am have problems with subversion http://pastebin.com/35609504:14
Uthinihi guys! i'm having apt-problems04:14
Uthinifor the past month i've been unable to uptdate mozilla & my kernel04:14
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onkarshindelibooc0: I am not understanding the language. But i suppose that the package you are trying to install depends on some other package. And apt-get doesn't know from where to retrive the dependencies04:15
onkarshindelibooc0: Install the dependencies first04:15
seliniumapokryphos: The system will not let me move the home directories to root. It wil only let my copy them. I do not have enough space to copy them. Any ideas?04:15
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libooc0i try again04:16
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onkarshindeUthini: What do you mean by enabling to update? What is the error?04:16
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Hoxzer` onkar: do you have any idea how loong resize could take?04:17
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apokryphosselinium: I guess you should, then, mount the soon-to-be-home under something else, say, /mnt/home then move it to /home04:17
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Uthinionkarshinde: error downloading file headers04:17
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Uthinionkarshinde: it's like the files don't exist on the server04:17
Kalidarnwhats the ubuntu archive mirror host name for breezy badger?04:17
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onkarshindeHoxzer`: No, I don't have any idea.04:17
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Hoxzer`:E ...04:17
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sdogI`m trying to get OSS build and working on my Ubuntubox .. anyone successfully did that already ?04:18
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onkarshindeUthini: Which ubuntu version? Can you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list in http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl04:18
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seliniumapokryphos: I just tried that and got an error.   wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb1,  I used gparted to create format the disk...04:18
Uthinionkarshinde: not right now04:19
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apokryphosselinium: :/04:19
Uthininot on the linux box04:19
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apokryphosselinium: what did you do exactly?04:19
Uthinionkarshinde: hoary 5.0404:19
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apokryphosGah, we're getting spambots again.04:19
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Uthinionkarshinde: it doesn't make sense, because i updated the kernel, then i formatted, now it looks @ me like i fell out a tree04:19
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Hoxzer`onkar: now its ready04:20
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onkarshindeUthini: I don't see any reason for the problem unless and untill the mirror you are using is down or sour sources.list is changed dramatically04:20
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Hoxzer`now I'm in same screen where I started04:20
jhaawhere can i get Breezy Col 4?04:20
Hoxzer`"make a partion"04:20
seliniumapokryphos: Deleted the partition, then created a new primary partition, or does it need to be an extended partition?04:21
onkarshindeHoxzer`: Okay. Now you can create another partition for Ubuntu and leave another free space for partitioning later from Windows04:21
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tritiumjhaa: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/breezy/colony-4/04:21
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Hoxzer`onkar... problem is04:22
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jhaathank you04:22
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Hoxzer`I can't see partion what I made in the screen :E04:22
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sandro_i am looking for a comparison paper of embedded operating systems Windows CE and Linux. I want to show  in my project, that linux is a better choice than winCE. But i'll need papers!04:22
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onkarshindeHoxzer`: What do you mean? You didn't create any partition. You just resized one.04:22
tritiumspambots again, apokryphos ?04:22
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apokryphostritium: yeah, gonna make it registered-only04:23
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onkarshindeHoxzer`: I have to go home. I hope you will get help from others.04:23
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Sav^im trying to update to kernel 2.6.12 but only gets " Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0)" any ideas?04:24
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ubotujhaa: I give up, what is it?04:25
onkarshindeBye everybody. Wish you all happy Ubtunu using.04:25
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dazvid_who here plays lxdoom ?04:28
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apokryphosSeveas: for changing to +R isn't it /mode #chan +R? :/04:31
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Dr_Netdoes ubuntu recognize and mount usb flash drives automatically?04:31
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Seveasapokryphos, +r = unregistered users can't join, +R = unregistered users can't speak04:32
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Seveasspambots are back?04:32
ztonzyI get pornspam...and Konversation doesn't like some command04:32
apokryphosSeveas: I apparently can't change the modes04:32
apokryphosSeveas: yes04:32
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Seveasalways set a forward when restricting access04:32
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Dr_Netso how about usb flash drives mounting on ubuntu?04:33
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CCFIELhello ppl..04:33
apokryphosSeveas: right. What's the syntax?04:33
Seveas /mode #ubuntu +f #ubuntu-unregged04:33
CCFIELim using xfce for my window... how do i configure my sound... because it does not work..but in gnome my sound card works..04:34
ztonzyapokryphos: how to now then ?04:34
carey_osheaI can't get NFS kernel server to run with Ubuntu. Here are my errors: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/195504:35
carey_osheaPortmap is running.04:35
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Sav^im trying to update to kernel 2.6.12 but only gets " Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0)" any ideas?04:36
Sonderbladehow do i make it so gcc calls gcc-3.4 instead of gcc-3.3? I have both 3.3 and 3.4 installed04:36
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carey_osheasav: try compiling ext3 into your kernel04:36
carey_osheaor whatever you use for your root partition04:37
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seliniumHi Seveas04:37
Sav^carey_oshea: well i have04:37
carey_osheasav: hmm... usually that means it's a module or not in the kernel, and then it's unable to mount it04:37
Seveashi selinium04:37
Muhammadanybody can link me to hp deskjet 3550 printer driver for linux please ?04:37
Muhammadubuntu linux04:38
Seveascarey_oshea, how did you install nfs?04:38
dazvid_Muhammad, should already be in there.. just have to set it up04:38
carey_osheaseveas: apt-get install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common04:38
Carpe_LibertatemMuhammad: Go to System, Admin, Printers04:38
dazvid_Muhammad, go into "System > Administration > Printers"04:38
MuhammadThanks .. Dazvid_ that means that I have to just connect it to the port04:38
carey_osheaseveas: and also portmap04:38
dazvid_and then select your printer from the list!04:38
seliniumWhat is the command line to format a HD?04:39
dazvid_connect it to the port, and then go into the menu Carpe_Libertatem and I just typed :P04:39
Seveascarey_oshea, odd, that ought to work04:39
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carey_osheaseveas: yeah, I'm lost too as to what could be causing it... portmap is running so it should be able to contact it04:39
mik3is there any way to reinstall the apt system04:40
carey_osheaI'll continue playing04:40
Seveascarey_oshea, what's the output of netstat -tl?04:40
carey_osheaseveas: added it to my pastebin: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/195704:40
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Seveasok, so portmap is running and listening...04:41
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dazvid_is there any way to see if my drivers for video card  have installed properly?04:41
Muhammadi am a 13 years old linux n00b :(04:41
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Seveastry aptitude purge portmap nfs-common nfs-kernel-server04:41
Seveasand reinstall the packages04:42
carey_osheaok will do.04:42
Muhammadhow rude was that :s04:43
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Seveasselinium, mkfs04:44
seliniumSeveas: cheers04:44
carey_osheaseveas: extra info, both hosts.allow and hosts.deny are empty, so everything should be allowed. (in process of reinstalling atm)04:44
Seveasdazvid_, look through xorg.conf and see whether it uses the correct driver04:44
Seveascarey_oshea, iptables -L is empty too?04:45
carey_osheasevas: I uninstalled iptables... thinking it might have been blocking it. Bad move?04:45
MuhammadWhat applications wink support04:45
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dazvid_aaaah its found my drivers for video card.. but its still only allowing me to select 1024*768 as the max res.. and 60hz refresh04:46
dazvid_do I have to update monitor drivers too?04:46
carey_osheaseveas: Trying to start nfs-kernel-server now after purging & reinstalling... no luck. It's doing it's usual 5min pause (slowly giving the portmap errors in syslog)04:46
ubotuwell, resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:46
seliniumSeveas: I used Gparted to format the drive. but it doesn't seem to want to play ball! My new drive is hdb not hdb1 as I expected?04:46
dazvid_thanks frank2304:46
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carey_osheaselinium: hdb is your drive, hdb1 is your first partition on that drive04:47
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Seveasselinium, if it has 1 partition on it it's simply hdb04:47
VoXanyone know how to get a ralink 2500 to run as an accesspoint?04:48
Seveascarey_oshea, any portmap logs/errors?04:48
VoXor a wireless card in general?04:48
frank23VoX: I don't really know but not every card supports being used this way, I think04:49
seliniumSeveas: It is an expansion drive, i will be moving /home onto it when I can get it working! It is fine as a single partition, yes?04:49
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VoXfrank23: yeah i know, but i know the ralink 2500 does(under windarez, anyway).04:49
carey_osheaseveas: only the ones that are in my pastebin (localhost not responding)04:50
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Seveascarey_oshea, reinstall iptables and run iptables -L04:52
seliniumSeveas: I have set up fstab to point /dev/hdb /media/windows so I can make a copy of the /home before changing anything. But when I try to mount hdb it says mount: /dev/hdb already mounted or /media/windows busy. But neither is applicable... :/04:52
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Seveasselinium, output of mount && lsof | grep /media/windows on the pastebin please :)04:53
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carey_osheaseveas: ok, doing that now04:53
apokryphosselinium: sorry about that. How's it going?04:54
seliniumStill having difficulties, I am about to paste mount && lsof | grep /media/windows to the bin for Sev to look at.04:54
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carey_osheaseveas: just a clarification... netstat -tl did not show portmap listening, however netstat -lnptuw did... this is normal yes? (see pastebin: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1958)04:55
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apokryphosselinium: ah, bad superblock error?04:55
seliniumapokryphos: yep04:55
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seliniumSeveas apokryphos: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/196004:56
Seveascarey_oshea, netstat -lt shoud show it04:56
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carey_osheaseveas: oh... hmm. that's no good, wonder why it only shows in one and not the other04:57
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dazvidYipee, it worked04:57
Seveasi'm browsing thorough the manpage04:57
dazvidhowever still cant resize my monitor properly04:57
dazvidresolution.. so option 204:57
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Seveaswhat's the -u for?04:58
Seveasah udp..04:58
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Seveasso probably it only listens on udp and not tcp04:58
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Seveaswhile nfs uses both04:58
MuhammadI have installed wine .. but what to do next ?04:58
carey_osheaseveas: I've run iptables -L... all three are set as "ACCEPT" (forward,output,input)04:59
Seveashmm, so no weird things there04:59
carey_osheayeah... hmm04:59
Seveastry /etc/init.d/portmap restart05:00
carey_osheaI've had this *exact* error before (portmap localhost not responding, etc) with nfs,,,, but that was just because portmap wasn't installed05:00
Seveasdoes that give errors?05:00
Muhammadheloo ?/05:00
Muhammadanybody want to help me ?05:00
Muhammadi have installed wine what to do next ?05:00
osfameronMuhammad: er?  what do you want to do next?05:00
MuhammadWhat to do ?05:01
carey_osheaI'm running /etc/init.d/portmap restart now... It's taking ages, no ouput and no error in syslog yet05:01
BlissexMuhammad: you run '.exe's, as in 'wine /..../whatever.exe'05:01
MuhammadI want to install adobe with it ?05:01
spiderwormMuhammad: now type "wine bsod.exe" for that classic windows feel05:01
Muhammadhow ?05:01
BlissexMuhammad: run the installer...05:01
apokryphosselinium: not sure to tell you the truth. Partitioning it went all ok?05:01
seliniumspiderworm: lol05:01
osfameronMuhammad: you could try using winetools to set up various system things that will make stuff work better05:01
carey_osheaseveas: portmap also still running, so I think that means it's having trouble shutting portmap down05:01
osfameronMuhammad: though I've not had any luck getting that to work myself05:01
Muhammadwine: creating configuration directory '/root/.wine'...05:02
seliniumapokryphos: yep seemed to, gparted shows the partition. Should i format the disk through command line?05:02
Muhammadwine: '/root/.wine' created successfully.05:02
Muhammadwine: cannot find 'bsod.exe'05:02
Muhammadroot@ubuntu:~ #05:02
spiderwormMuhammad: it was a joke05:02
spiderwormMuhammad: sorry for not clarifying05:02
apokryphosMuhammad: please don't paste in here.05:03
Muhammadthen .. what to do :s05:03
seliniumMuhammad: bsod is the blue screen of death you get when windows crashes.05:03
apokryphosselinium: sure, if you know how to.05:03
SeveasMuhammad, running wine as root is a very bad thing by the way05:03
Muhammadokay !!05:03
apokryphosselinium: could you pastebin sudo fdisk -l ?05:03
Muhammadanybody can help .. :s05:03
Muhammadthe n00b :s05:03
Renski....its not bsod...its called explorer.exe05:03
seliniumapokryphos: k05:03
SeveasMuhammad, what are you trying to do?05:04
seliniumMuhammad: As Blissex said you run '.exe's, as in 'wine /..../whatever.exe'05:04
Muhammadhmm seveas .. but I use root :s.. from the start05:04
SeveasMuhammad, that's a very bad thing to do05:04
MuhammadIf i want to install some software05:04
Seveasyou should almost never use root05:04
Muhammadwhat to do ?05:04
Seveasjust use wine as an ordinary user05:05
=== endy_x [n=endy@cpc3-nfds8-3-0-cust181.leic.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Muhammadhmm seveas .. okay !!05:05
apokryphosMuhammad: wine installs a "fake win directory" in *your* home05:05
osfameronMuhammad: copy the adobe installer files to that05:05
=== dazvid [n=dazvid@c211-28-53-239.frank1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
osfameronMuhammad: then pretend that the root of the fake win drive is "C:" just like on windows05:05
Sav^im trying to upgrade my kernel, getting kernel-panic, now im gonna try to fix it by rekomplying the kernel, do i nedd to remove the "bad"-komplied kernel? or rather, should it and can i?05:05
seliniumapokryphos: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1963  :)05:05
Muhammadin which user05:05
Muhammadharis or haris105:05
osfameronMuhammad: and do wine "C:\path\to\adobe-installer.exe"05:05
osfameron(apparently it works better if you do the paths Windows style"05:06
Muhammadit will be05:06
Muhammadc:\home\haris1 ?05:06
apokryphosselinium: erm, the other partition you're trying to mount on doesn't seem to exist05:06
seliniumapokryphos: I was expecting hdb1 but Seveas siad if it was one big partition it wouldn't show like that?05:07
dazvidhmm, I fixed the refresh rate, and there are more resolutions on offer.. however nothing higher than 1024*768... would it be ok if i changed xorg.conf manually?05:08
apokryphosselinium: is it on another disk completely?05:08
RenskiMuhammad: obtain a brain, then come back.05:08
seliniumapokryphos: yes05:08
SeveasRenski: Please keep the code of conduct in mind when chatting here. You can find it at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct05:09
dazvidRenski, i believe he is only young..05:09
apokryphosselinium: and, it wouldn't show up like what? Under fdisk -l?05:09
seliniumMuhammad: We have no idea on how your system is set up05:09
carey_osheaseveas: OK, portmap has restarted, no errors that I can see, it just took a long time05:09
Seveascarey_oshea, it shouldn't...05:09
Seveasthere's something weird with your machine05:09
carey_osheayeah... hmm05:09
SeveasMuhammad, wh are you using wine to install acrobat reader?05:09
carey_osheaI'll try another distro, and a few live distros to rule out a hardware problem (i do doubt this though)05:10
=== uthini [n=uthini@myw-stp-66-18-85-62.sentechsa.net] has joined #ubuntu
Muhammadnothing seveas .. I will get a brain first: S05:10
carey_osheaif it works with that, then i'll reinstall as the machine is just fresh, nothing to lose05:10
Muhammaddont want to ask support anymore !! :s05:10
Seveascarey_oshea, really no portmap errors in /var/log/* ?05:10
RenskiDamn, the fuzzy feel good factor of ubuntu extends to IRC? Sorry Muhammad.05:10
SeveasMuhammad, don't let rude people scare you away05:10
carey_osheayep... just the ones in my pastebin... "portmap: server localhost not responding, timed out"05:10
carey_osheaand it only pops up when I try to start nfs-kernel-server05:11
apokryphosRenski: yes :)05:11
seliniumapokryphos: Sorry didn't understand that last one!  Seveas said it would be HDB not HDB1 if it was all one partition.05:11
dazvidSeveas, do you think that modifying my xorg.conf manually to include higher resolutions that it would actually enable them?05:11
apokryphosselinium: probably, sure. It should still show up in fdisk05:11
Seveasdazvid, only if you restart the X server afterward05:11
dazvidYup of course05:11
dazvidok well, trying again05:11
Muhammadsupport , please be my friend :(05:11
Seveascarey_oshea, what does pmap_dump say?05:11
Muhammadi am n00b05:12
SeveasMuhammad, then answer my simple question :)05:12
SeveasMuhammad, why are you using wine to install acrobat reader?05:12
carey_osheaseveas: I'm running it now, it's taking a long time.05:12
Seveascarey_oshea, portmap is definitely busted then05:12
endy_xMuhammad, are you logged in as root and talking on irc?05:12
Seveasbecause that should instantly finish05:12
endy_xk :)05:12
=== apokryphos thinks he is ;-)
MuhammadAdobe Illustrator05:12
MuhammadYes  , I am logged in root and talking to irc..05:13
carey_osheaseveas: I see. Very strange.05:13
carey_osheaseveas: might explain why I only get like 100 google results from my errors.... something very weird going on05:13
=== dazvid [n=dazvid@c211-28-53-239.frank1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasMuhammad, then quit irc, login as normal user and come back05:13
Seveasdon't use root for other things than administration05:13
dazvidaha~!~! It worked!!05:13
endy_xMuhammad, its very important not to use root for 'normal' tasks :)05:13
spiderwormMuhammad: do you have a normal user account on the system?05:13
Muhammadokay .. but can i just know why ?05:14
apokryphosMuhammad: you can cause irrecoverable damage05:14
Seveasbeing root all the time is a security risk05:14
spiderwormMuhammad: because if you do something goofy as root you can ruin your whole system05:14
v1ru5any way of changing your system language btw??05:14
v1ru5friend asks05:14
apokryphosMuhammad: you're more vulnerable05:14
spiderwormMuhammad: however, if you do something goofy as a normal user, it wont ruin the system05:14
MuhammadI have normal account !!!05:14
MuhammadI will just log in using normal account ..05:14
=== LoneNightCrawler [n=LoneNigh@97-123.244.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosMuhammad: yes, you should. :)05:14
Muhammad.... !! :D05:14
Seveascarey_oshea, kill portmap and start it with: portmap -dv05:15
Muhammadokay. .05:15
Muhammadjust fcoming !!05:15
mik3is there any way to reinstall the apt system05:15
Muhammadjust coming back..05:15
Seveasmik3, be a bit more specific please05:15
carey_osheaseveas: I've actually already tried that, I got it from the manpage05:15
carey_osheaseveas: It didn't print anything, just sat there05:15
dazvidok now for my audio card..05:15
carey_osheaseveas: I was hoping it would give me some debug, apparently not,.05:15
dazviddoes anyone here run an audigy 2 with no problems?05:16
Seveasdid you install other rpc-related packages?05:16
dazvidnote: I have read through the forums about the different audigy problems05:16
carey_osheaseveas: pmap_dump has just completed, it printed nothing and no errors in /var/log/*05:16
Seveascarey_oshea, very very odd05:17
SeveasI wish i could be of more help, but i'm stunned :|05:17
carey_osheayeah it's ok05:17
carey_osheame too ;P05:17
mik3is there any way to reinstall the system that uses apt-get, symantec, etc05:17
carey_osheaI'm juts thinking though the error says "unable to contact localhost" maybe my hosts setup or something is wrong?05:17
apokryphosmik3: why would you want to?05:17
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-7-58.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Seveascarey_oshea, can you paste the current output of netstat -tlnp on the pastebin05:18
mik3because it's broke05:18
=== dazvid [n=dazvid@c211-28-53-239.frank1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Seveas(sudo netstat -tlnp)05:18
carey_osheaDone: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/196405:19
=== Muhammad [n=haris@] has joined #ubuntu
Muhammadyep i am back !05:20
Muhammadwith normal user !!!05:20
Muhammadnow ?05:20
=== regeya [n=shane@adsl-sp3-cdale176.micgi.com] has joined #ubuntu
dazvidGood boy :)05:20
apokryphosMuhammad: yup, that's good. :)05:20
seliniumSeveas: Sorry for being a pain... But mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdb doesn't cure it either. I think I need more flags.05:20
Seveasselinium, try: sudo fdisk -l05:21
Seveasand paste the output on the bin05:21
apokryphosSeveas: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/196305:21
apokryphoshdb doesn't show up, which is odd.05:21
apokryphoserr, or it does. Don't mind me.05:21
seliniumSeveas apokryphos: I now have Disk /dev/hdb doesn't contain a valid partition table05:22
carey_osheaI've posted about my problem on another forum: http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=39450905:22
Seveasselinium, right, fire up *parted or cfdisk again and repartition05:22
carey_osheahopefully someone will know what's up05:22
Seveascarey_oshea, if you find a solution, please let me know05:23
carey_osheai love the design of the whirlpool forums ;)05:23
carey_osheaseveas: I will be sure to05:23
=== greenhat [n=bill@dsl-082-083-248-140.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
seliniumSeveas apokryphos: Does it need to be a primary or extended? I 've been using primary05:23
carey_osheaseveas: I've appreciated your help and info so far, thanks05:23
greenhatIs this the right place to ask some questions bout installing ubuntu?05:24
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apokryphosgreenhat: sure05:24
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=== spiral [n=spiral@laf31-2-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bartimaeusdoes anyone know the apt-get for java?05:25
apokryphosubotu: tell Bartimaeus about java05:25
znhsomeone nedes a docter?05:25
greenhatwell i have a problem, I rally want to install Ubuntu, but my CD burner is broken. Is there anyway I can istall from WInXP?05:25
apokryphosgreenhat: yes05:26
ubotusomebody said java was to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java05:26
apokryphosubotu: tell greenhat about install05:26
carey_osheaWell I'm off... been playing with this portmap/nfs problem for like 5 hours now, kinda tired ;)05:26
=== grogoreo [n=grogoreo@85-210-162-141.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
carey_osheaseveas: thanks, I'll let you know if I find a solution05:26
znhbye carey_oshea05:26
apokryphoshi grogoreo05:26
znhgrogoreo: greetingz05:26
grogoreoDoes anyone know of a Interactive 3D Globe/World Map? With countries defined? Maybe in OpenGL?05:26
znhgrogoreo: start creating one with blender :)05:27
greenhat@ apokryphos i'll check that out thanks05:27
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grogoreoznh, I could create the sphere but not the actual map05:28
=== priest [n=priest@h65n9c1o838.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosgrogoreo: #blender is your friend =)05:28
grogoreoapokryphos, I'm not going to create one as, I'm hoping to get Softimage|XSI (commercial app) and I don't want to get confused as they differ05:29
grogoreobut thanks05:29
priestis the 2.6.12-kernel in breezy patched with inotify?05:29
grogoreoI'm looking on SourceForge.net now!05:29
=== wickedpuppy [n=wicked@cm151.epsilon165.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
wickedpuppyhi guys ... where to get the source cd for ubuntu ?05:30
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seliniumSeveas apokryphos: Even using gparted, i still have the same error now. Disk /dev/hdb doesn't contain a valid partition table05:32
wickedpuppyi mean the source cd for breezy05:33
apokryphoswickedpuppy: you want the ISO?05:34
apokryphoswickedpuppy: cdimage.ubuntu.com05:34
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VoXhow do i setup gnome so that the gnomeshell i properly transparent? ie: so i can see whatever is behind it?05:35
=== grimse [n=grimse@p5481EB54.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
dazvidVoX go into the profiles05:36
dazvidand set the background as transparent05:36
VoXi've done that05:36
VoXit shows me the background image05:36
rp78hi all05:36
dazvidso whats the problem?05:36
dazvidaaaaaah yes05:36
VoXnot what's behind the shell05:36
dazvidI get you05:37
wickedpuppyapokryphos, i am looking for source cd not install or live ... know where ?05:37
dazvidDont think you can?05:37
apokryphosVoX: you'll need ot use Composite for that05:37
apokryphoswickedpuppy: the *source* cd? What?05:37
QuinthiusVoX: it's not TRUE transparency... you can't have that without using some X extensions which right now i think are very experimental and only work on certain cards05:37
VoXapokryphos: explain?05:37
VoXQuinthius: i'm willing to try :)05:37
wickedpuppyah got it05:37
apokryphosVoX: which is experimental and only really usable with NVidia05:37
ubotucomposite is, like, at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20769 -- make sure you read the whole thread.05:37
VoX<-- has nvidia05:37
rp78anyone who is from the philippines05:37
QuinthiusVoX: even with nvidia i think it's pretty buggy05:38
apokryphosIt's worth trying it out, though IIRC Xorg has a bug with RenderAccel, so it won't work on some nvidia cards.05:38
apokryphosQuinthius: correct05:38
Quinthiusand with ati... don't even bother, it's a mess :)05:38
=== lucaas [n=LMX@h210n5c1o1124.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
dazvidapokryphos, is there a list of nvidia cards that dont work with the transparency?05:40
priestis the 2.6.12-kernel in breezy patched with inotify?05:40
=== thrice` [n=andrew@unaffiliated/Thr1cE] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosdazvid: not really; it's an Ubuntu packaging bug, I believe.05:41
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dazvidah ok05:41
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AnswerQuestion: Has anyone installed a Linksys USB Wireless-G Network Adapter?05:42
seliniumSeveas apokryphos: Just going to reboot to see if it frees anything up. You never know!05:43
=== bretzel [n=bretzel@modemcable128.237-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
=== Shikamaroo [n=Shika@c-24-34-49-170.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
AnswerQuestion: Has anyone installed a Linksys USB Wireless-G Network Adapter?05:46
thrice`Answer, you just posted that question05:46
Answerthrice` thank u for noticing05:46
=== neural [n=neural@] has joined #ubuntu
Shikamaroocan anyone help me boot yaboot from the mac OpenFirmware prompt?05:46
thrice`good.  Answer if someone knows, they will answer; dont' keep badgering people05:46
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yanchenghi, how can i remove all the *~ file inside directory and sub directory??05:47
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Answerrm -Rf ~*05:48
thrice`don't run that command05:48
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Seveasyancheng, find . -name ~* -exec rm '{}' ';'05:48
=== juanej [n=juanej@cable200-116-218-7.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu
thrice`unless you want to delete stuff from your home dir05:49
Seveasyancheng, find . -name '~*' -exec rm '{}' ';'05:49
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Seveasquoting matters05:49
=== juanej is away: Ausente
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Shikamaroocan anyone help me boot yaboot from the mac OpenFirmware prompt?05:50
=== Muhammad [n=haris@] has joined #ubuntu
Muhammadi am back .. I have just sold my adobe and macromedia license..05:51
Muhammadto my friend ..05:51
=== InitMass [n=InitMass@c83-248-181-202.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
Muhammadand will have to find some good alternatives !05:51
thrice`mm...gnome 2.1205:52
Muhammadgnome 2.12 for what ?05:52
AnswerQuestion: Has anyone installed a USB network adapter?05:52
thrice`breezy of course =] 05:52
Shikamaroodoes the hard drive have to be master on the ide cable in a mac to boot yaboot?05:53
yanchengSeveas: i just get >05:53
=== znh [n=hans@dsl-212-84-153-132.solcon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Muhammad!tell Muhammad skins05:53
Seveasyancheng, make sure you quote it correctly05:53
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yanchengSeveas: wonderful!05:54
Shikamaroodoes ne1 see me?05:54
seliniumSeveas: * #ubuntu #ubuntu-unregged :Forwarding to another channel * Cannot join #ubuntu-unregged (Channel is invite only).05:54
thrice`Shikamaroo, of course, just people likely don't know the answer05:54
VoXwell i followed the guide.. didnt change anything05:54
SeveasShikamaroo, yes, buy i think no one knows an answer05:54
=== paulproteus [n=paulprot@pool-151-196-238-99.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasselinium, just fixed that05:55
Muhammadanyone good with ipb ?05:55
seliniumSeveas: cool05:55
=== Benjamin_L [n=benni@pD9502686.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shikamaroodoes ne1 know how much the mac os 9.1 cd costs?05:55
Answergoogle: mac os 9.1 :p05:56
Shikamaroo>.< lol05:56
=== cecile [n=cecile@AMontpellier-252-1-33-187.w83-197.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
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cecilegood evening all05:57
caonexI installed the Amd64 version of Ubuntu and When I boot it freezes after trying to set up hotpluggable devices, any idea? I do not have anything connected in USB, FireWire, etc.05:57
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Muhammadanybody want to buy webdtalk.com ?05:57
Xappehmm, when running xcompmgr on my ibook g3 (with radeon 9000 mobile) some apps work fine with dropshadows, but others get yellow shadows sometimes...anyone else seing this?05:57
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seliniumSeveas Apokryphos: I rebooted, the pc now sees the drive. But it still says it has an invalid partition table? I can use it though :/05:59
=== bluesceada [n=itsjustm@unaffiliated/bluesceada] has joined #ubuntu
=== dazvid now loves ubuntu. Got my soundcard and vid card working. So I can live in peace.
apokryphosselinium: you didn't set it as bootable, did you?06:00
seliniumdazvid: 8)06:00
apokryphosor "active" (not sure wha tgparted uses)06:00
apokryphos*what gparted06:00
seliniumapokryphos: dont think so... One mo, may as well do it again!06:00
greenhati asked before about installing Ubunntu from windows without a cd and followes the instructions in the Wiki, put i have another problem now. I used this approach https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/FromWindows using netboot. Is there any way I can use an image I have on an NTFS partiton instead of connecting to a server. The wiki thing tells me you can "se a different kernel and pass some special argument in menu.lst to tell it to boot fr06:01
apokryphosselinium: this is a new HD, right?06:01
greenhatsorry bout the long post ;-)06:01
seliniumapokryphos: it is an old, but functioning hd. it had my windows on it.06:02
=== athlon [n=athlon@174pc.wohnheimg.uni-frankfurt.de] has joined #ubuntu
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seliniumapokryphos: this is getting strange! I have just used nautilus to navigate to /media/wiindows/ (the mount point) and created a small text file. But when I go to gparted it says that hdb is not mounted?06:03
v1ru5greenhat: don't you have a CD drive? :D06:04
=== icewt [n=icewt@MCMXL.tun.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosselinium: err, it's properly mounted under /media/windows ?06:04
AnswerQuestion: How to install the Firefox Java plugin?06:04
Seveasselinium, if /media/windows is not mounted, the file is simply created on the root partition...06:04
icewtis there some terminal emulator that makes URLs clickable so that they'll open in web browser?06:04
SeveasAnswer, get a java .deb file06:04
=== Ex-Cyber [n=excyber@24-55-114-40.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
AnswerSeveas: I have the jre15.rpm file installed, but Firefox does not see the plugin?06:05
SeveasAnswer, the ones from seveas.ubuntulinux.nl are up-to-date and guaranteed to wirk06:05
SeveasAnswer, eeeeeewwwwwww06:05
apokryphosAnswer: you shouldn't install that.06:05
SeveasVERY bad idea06:05
Seveasget rid of it06:05
Answerthat is what firefox does automatically06:05
Seveasget rid of it again :)06:05
apokryphosReally? That's a bit evil.06:05
Seveasfirefox ignores the package management system06:05
greenhatv1ru5 yeah i do but no CD...06:06
Answeropen a page requiring java plugin and it goes to sun's site and selects jre15....rpm06:06
=== emanuelez [n=emanuele@wnn0217.wireless.dtu.dk] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosAnswer: there are other options there, for other Linux systems06:06
v1ru5greenhat: get it sent?06:06
dazvidquick question on ssh.. in the console, I have connected to my universities server, and want to copy a file from there to my ~06:06
dazvidwhats the syntax to do this?06:06
SeveasAnswer, please remove it and install a jave .deb file from seveas.ubuntulinux.nl06:06
apokryphosAnswer: nevertheless, there are repositories with it. No need to do that.06:06
apokryphosdazvid: you can use scp06:07
=== Hoxzer [n=Hoxzer@a80-186-132-239.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
darkheartdazvid 'cp <fileyouwantcopied> <destination>'06:07
emanuelezhow do i install the java bytecode compiler?06:07
apokryphosdazvid: scp username@universityip:/home/somewhere ~/.06:07
Seveasemanuelez, grab a jdk deb from seveas.ubuntulinux.nl :)06:07
greenhatv1ru5 yeah think i might just do that..; that other whole thing just sounds complicated, although i think it should be possible somehow...06:07
apokryphosdarkheart: not cp ;-)06:07
emanuelezthx Seveas06:07
AnswerSeveas: what is your Blackbird username and password?06:07
=== nickrud [n=aias@adsl-69-152-249-78.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
dazvidthanks apokryphos. darkheart I tried that, and it doesnt work properly.. because it thinks I want to copy it onto the uni server, not my home box06:08
seliniumapokryphos: it didn't give me a choice about the bootable thing06:08
Sav^I really could need som help, iv just got my "Acer TM 8101WLMi" and trying to install ubuntu, well the install was ok but got black screen. Did read about it on the forum and got it fixed. S gfx works but noting else. Did read on the forum about upgrading kernel to 2.6.12 and i only get "Kernel-Panic Not syncing VFS etc" i have added ext3 support in the kernel. Can anyone help me out, im soon back to windows, been struggeling this sience yesterday. Btw, the howt06:08
=== kitsch [n=mirshafi@84-217-16-165.tn.glocalnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosdazvid: if you use it as I said there, it won't think that.06:08
Muhammadhow to become linux expert ?06:08
SeveasAnswer, msg me one06:08
darkheartdazvid I misinterpreted the question. I thought you were moving files around remotely.06:08
SeveasMuhammad, start by reading the rute book06:08
ubotufrom memory, rute is a great guide for learning about Linux and is available at http://www.icon.co.za/~psheer/book/06:08
dazvidAh thats fine darkheart :)06:08
emanuelezSeveas: it asks me a password :(06:09
Seveasemanuelez, then /msg me a user/pass combination :)06:09
Muhammadwhere can i find good linux themes ?06:09
ubotuit has been said that themes is at http://art.gnome.org - http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/57/ - http://www.guistyles.com06:09
=== fluffybunny_ [i=u90rxggj@nat-gw.nbn.ac.za] has joined #Ubuntu
apokryphosselinium: it's a shame there don't seem to be docs on gparted06:10
Seveasubotu, no themes is at http://art.ubuntu.com -  http://art.gnome.org - http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/57/ - http://www.guistyles.com06:10
ubotuokay, Seveas06:10
dazvidapokryphos, that did the trick. thanks :)06:10
apokryphosit's writtein in C++ though -- that's pretty interesting.06:10
fluffybunny_how can i optimise whatever file/script/doodad/thingemebob that runs when I boot and/or log in, so that unnecessary things are not running, and my boot time is increased06:10
caonexI installed the Amd64 version of Ubuntu and When I boot it freezes after trying to set up hotpluggable devices, any idea? I do not have anything connected in USB, FireWire, etc.06:10
apokryphosselinium: perhaps try qtparted, and if there's an option for botting make sure you don't select it.06:10
ubotuMuhammad: I haven't a clue06:10
ubotufrom memory, themes is at http://art.ubuntu.com -  http://art.gnome.org - http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/57/ - http://www.guistyles.com06:10
bipolardoes the kernel in breezy have the inotify patch?06:10
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Seveasyes bipolar06:11
seliniumapokryphos: lol, it is doing something different this time. botting? not sure I want that :D06:11
bipolarSeveas, thanks. :)06:11
apokryphosselinium: eh?06:11
CCFIELis there a gui synaptic for xfce?06:11
frans-thanyone can help me, to get ubuntu src, and compile it and make an .iso, is there a step for this?06:11
SeveasCCFIEL, synaptic works in xfce too06:11
seliniumapokryphos: I think you meant booting!06:11
Seveasfrans-th, what do you mean? YOu can simply download the iso...06:11
CCFIELsevias: ic what is the command for gui synaptic?06:11
apokryphosselinium: heh, yes, sorry. Typo.06:12
CCFIELok thanks06:12
AnswerQuestion: Where can I get sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update04_i386.deb06:12
Seveasor better: gksudo synaptic06:12
apokryphosubotu: tell Answer about java06:12
SeveasAnswer, I told you: /msg me a username/password to get access06:12
=== Fanskapet [n=din@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
fluffybunny_i installed xscreensaver 4.22 from source and now my rss screensavers say "uninstalled", but i reinstalled them (in synaptic) and they still say "uninstalled"06:12
frans-thSeveas: i dont want the .iso, but i want to know how about develop .iso from src06:12
Muhammadwhat is ubuntu , kubuntu06:12
=== rob_p [n=rob@cust-ipadvanced-dynnat-232130.d-star-eutelsat.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveaskubuntu is ubuntu06:12
apokryphoshi frans-th :)06:13
Seveasjust with a different set of packages installed by default06:13
Muhammadedubuntu ?06:13
Sav^I really could need som help, iv just got my "Acer TM 8101WLMi" and trying to install ubuntu, well the install was ok but got black screen. Did read about it on the forum and got it fixed. S gfx works but noting else. Did read on the forum about upgrading kernel to 2.6.12 and i only get "Kernel-Panic Not syncing VFS etc" i have added ext3 support in the kernel. Can anyone help me out, im soon back to windows, been struggeling this sience yesterday. Btw, the howt06:13
Seveassame story06:13
dazvidMuhammad, edubuntu is like ubuntu, but its aimed at schools and teachers :)06:13
apokryphosit's a mixture of gnome and kde edu packages06:13
Seveasread edubuntu.org / kubuntu.org for detail explanations06:14
dazvidkubuntu just uses KDE ?06:14
apokryphosdazvid: as a DE, yes. You can of course install gnome/xfce etc after06:14
dazvidof course06:14
apokryphosdazvid: but the iso only really contains ubuntu-base + kubuntu-desktop06:14
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dazvidI think i prefer gnome06:14
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dazvidlooks sexier ;)06:15
seliniumdazvid: less like windows! :)06:15
Seveas!start a desktop war06:15
ubotucde is much better than kde!06:15
=== apokryphos zips his mouth
fluffybunny_i installed xscreensaver 4.22 from source and now my rss screensavers say "uninstalled", but i reinstalled them (in synaptic) and they still say "uninstalled"06:15
dazvidselinium, I dunno, its still pretty similar. However I think its better :)06:16
LasseLcde is so ugly that it is kinda cool06:16
dazvidI think gnome is                     ^^06:16
=== paulw [n=paulw@24-176-93-062.static.hckr.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveascde is the most awful DE I ever had to use06:16
dazvidjust to clarify...06:16
Seveasmade me switch to twm very fast :)06:16
AnswerQuestion: I followed the instructions for adding Repositories, but there is no sun-j2re package in Synaptic (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java)06:16
apokryphosAnswer: make sure you add the hoary-extras repository or the ubuntulinux.nl one06:17
SeveasAnswer, do you ever read what people tell you?06:17
paulwanyone here that can help with sound problem?06:17
ubotuI heard sound is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DebuggingSoundProblems/06:17
AnswerSeveas: you are not helpful.06:18
Seveasif problem remains, come back :)06:18
SeveasAnswer, right...06:18
apokryphosAnswer: i.e. add    deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted     ...to /etc/apt/sources.list06:18
apokryphosAnswer: I assure you, he is quite helpful. :)06:18
Seveasread what I said instead of insulting06:18
SeveasI gave you the instructions 2 time06:18
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seliniumapokryphos: I have a partition on hdb1   Hooray!06:18
=== apokryphos cheers
dazvidpaulw, what problems specifically?06:18
Seveasselinium, weeeeeeeee :)06:18
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apokryphosselinium: so, let me guess, was that down to qtparted's excellentness? ;-)06:19
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=== GStole is noob...bear with...
dazvidah, 2:30. Better sleep some. Goodnight all06:20
bipolarI'm trying to build the vmware kernel modules on breezy. I cant seem to find a linux-kernel-headers that matches the brezzy kernel. any ideas?06:20
darkheartdazvid Good night06:20
MuhammadI have to install java :s06:20
frans-thanyone can help me to get the how to make an .iso from source...06:20
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kbreitHow can I figure out what the deepest dir is on my system (ie. furthest dir from root)06:20
apokryphosubotu: tell Muhammad about java06:20
seliniumapokryphos: nope a bit of gparted un-exellence. You issue the commands and thay sit in a buffer. You have to execute them twice.... Once to put them in the buffer then execute them, duh!06:20
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apokryphosoh oO06:21
AnswerSeveas: I am interested in the standard way of installing java, which does not involve messaging you a username and pw...06:22
Answerapokryphos: Thanks!   deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted06:23
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AnswerQuestion: Which is the best web browser?06:24
apokryphosAnswer: the seveas.ubuntulinux.nl is just another repository for the java debs06:24
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apokryphosAnswer: Seveas there runs it, so he'd be able to help you access them. But if you've got it working now, then nevermind...06:24
=== YuWei [n=alex@202-169-211-19.worldnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosAnswer: re: best browser. That depends on who you ask. :) For gnome users Firefox tends to be the most popular; some still use Opera.06:25
Answerapokryphos: password restricted repositories are not ideal for corporate wide deployment..06:25
apokryphosI'd recommend trying out both.06:25
Muhammad!tell Muhammad about java06:25
apokryphosAnswer: it shouldn't be; there was likely a problem.06:25
ubotusomebody said java was to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java06:25
osfameronOpera is non-free, but yummy in some ways06:25
=== mjr still likes Galeon over Firefox
Muhammad!tell java06:26
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apokryphosMuhammad: the link is there above06:26
meuserj|workosfameron, agreed.. Opera 8 is an outstanding browser... too bad it is closed source.06:26
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CCFIELhello pll..06:26
apokryphosmeuserj|work: indeed06:26
Answerapokryphos: tell me that this link is not password protected http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/deb/restricted/sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update04_i386.deb06:27
CCFIELhow do i symlink /dev/ttySHSFO to /dev/modem so that it could be access the device even not a root06:27
MuhammadLinux (self-extracting file)06:27
Muhammad(filesize: 16.6 MB)06:27
Muhammadthat one ?06:27
meuserj|worksudo ln -s /dev/ttySHSFO /dev/modem06:27
apokryphosAnswer: that's what I'm saying; there's either a problem or that's temporary.06:27
Muhammadhttp://www.java.com/en/download/linux_manual.jsp <-- should i install from here ?06:27
apokryphosMuhammad: please don't paste in here. :)06:27
apokryphosMuhammad: No. Follow the instructions from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java06:28
Muhammadwiki is not loading for me :s06:28
apokryphosAnswer: oh, and Seveas there was asking for a user/pass from you -- that is, one for you to make/decide.06:29
apokryphosMuhammad: it's up and running. Should be fine.06:29
Answerapokryphos: corporate wide deployment must be streamlined and use mainstream servers...06:30
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AnswerQuestion: Is there a way to boot from the Install CD .iso saved to /dev/hda2 (/mnt) ?06:30
apokryphosAnswer: corporate wide deployment probably shouldn't use illegal repositories, then :). hoary-extras is technically illegal06:31
apokryphosI think remaking java debs is actually illegal, itself.06:31
=== imnes [n=nicholas@12-217-159-91.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
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Answerjava is open source, ubuntu is open source, who is going to prosecute?06:32
imnesHow do you configure ACPI events in Ubuntu Breezy?  I'd like to suspend to ram when the laptop lid closes.06:32
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apokryphosAnswer: java is not open source.06:32
apokryphosonly some parts are06:32
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seliniumapokryphos: When this is all over I will be able to continue flac'ing my CDs!06:33
osfameronI thought java was freely distributable though ?06:33
Answerjre and the firefox plugin are open source.06:33
osfameronoh, no, it has to come from sun so you can sign the Ts and Cs...06:33
dade`gnome-phone-manager is broken on breezy06:33
dade`from MONTHS06:33
Answerwho is going to prosecute for said illegality06:33
imnesI think you can download the whole JDK's source from sun, but maybe you can't redistribute your own builds?  I'm not sure.06:33
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apokryphosAnswer: I don't think it is, but I'll look into it later.06:33
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apokryphosAnswer: hoary-extras isn't illegal for just that -- it contains other illegal packages,.06:34
Muhammadhttp://www.webdtalk.com --- > is that looks a good site ?06:34
Muhammadand wiki is not working :s06:34
imneshttps://mustang.dev.java.net/ I know you can get java 6 jdk source and binaries from there.06:34
mik3what's the syntax to zip a directory up on ubuntu06:34
Answerman tar06:34
Answerman gzip06:35
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mik3what's the syntax to zip a directory up on ubuntu using zip, not tar or gzip06:35
apokryphosAnswer: found out: sun's jre is not open source.06:35
endy_xmik3, 'man zip' :)06:35
nlogaxmik3 zip only zips single files I think06:35
nlogaxso you tar them all into one and then zip it06:35
Answermik3: zip -r06:36
=== haich [n=haich@109.Red-83-42-12.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
mik3i've looked at the man page i can't interperate the flags06:36
apokryphosBut there are apparently source implementations of java's jre06:36
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mik3ok thanks06:36
daysleperhi, where is something like /etc/conf.d/local.start in Ubuntu?06:36
Answerapokryphos: I do not think Sun or Ubuntu will prosecute for installing the Firefox plugin and jre.06:36
AnswerTypically -r flag is for Recursive06:36
apokryphosAnswer: so what? Doesn't make it legal.06:37
AnswerIf I can do it for free it is not my responsibility to care about the legality06:37
AnswerI am disturbed that this has even been brought up06:37
apokryphosRubbish. Of course it is.06:37
nlogaxsorry I was thinking of gzip before - didn't realise zip did multiple files >-<06:38
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darkheartYou an kill someone for free, doesn't make it legal.06:38
AnswerInstalling the jre and the firefox plugin is NOT illegal.06:38
crimsunit is legal to use java-package to unpack the jdk/jre as distributed by sun or ibm onto your system.06:38
=== __filip_ [n=filip@s180h105hbby2.dyn.tyfon.se] has joined #ubuntu
__filip_is it someway i can unmount my swap partition?06:39
Answermik3: gzip -r works the same way06:39
crimsunswapoff -a06:39
=== Decadent [n=variemai@ppp50-adsl-214.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
imnesIs ubuntuforums.org down?06:39
Muhammadphp and mysql is already installed on ubuntu06:39
apokryphosimnes: yes, apparently.06:39
mik3i gzip'd and tar's this thing i am compressing and it won't unzip on a windows box via winzip so06:40
Muhammadimnes , same problem with me06:40
apokryphoscrimsun: is it legal to create java packs, however?06:40
Answermik3: winzip can unzip .gz06:40
=== CarlFK [n=CarlK@c-67-163-43-70.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mik3i know it can, thanks, but it won't do it for this package06:41
Answermik3: using tar with -z option will filter through gzip06:41
mik3i've already tried.06:41
mik3i've already tried.06:41
crimsunapokryphos: neither sun nor ibm allow redistributing repackaged jdks/jres afaik, hence why java-package is in multiverse06:41
Muhammadis there a problem with ubuntu servers ?06:41
apokryphoscrimsun: they've been moved out, actually. Only in hoary-extras now.06:42
AzMooHas anybody used skype on ubuntu?06:42
CarlFKAzMoo - I tried.  it kinda worked06:42
Answermik3: use zip -r and it should uncompress in windows06:42
CarlFKAzMoo - then  I found out that there are over 10 opensource phones06:43
__filip_how can i unmount my swap partition?06:43
nlogaxAzMoo just have to make sure your mic is turned up in the mixer06:43
CarlFKkphone is in the repos (not sure which)06:43
kyokoHi, does anyone know if ubuntu supports having 2 monitors /is this easy / can you have like 1 workspace per monitor ?06:43
apokryphos__filip_: probably just remove it from fstab and then sudo mount -a06:43
AzMooCarlFK, they connect to skype?06:43
Answermik3: zip is equivalent to tar with -Z option to filter with 'compress'  (man compress)06:43
__filip_apokryphos: okej, i will try06:43
CarlFKAzMoo - none that I know of.  skupe doesn't use SIP (the standard VoIP protocol)06:44
apokryphos__filip_: best to backup your fstab first. =)06:44
AzMooOK, gotta go for the real one then.06:44
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CarlFKAzMoo - or you gota get smarter friends ;)06:44
Answerhaqzor friendz06:44
nlogaxAzMoo - also GnomeMeeting can call NetMeeting and vice-versa06:44
__filip_apokryphos: to late06:44
Muhammadno one helps me :(06:44
nlogaxAzmoo ... and supports webcams06:44
rp78how do i install icons from gnome art website06:44
AzMooheh, I06:45
AnswerMuhammad: please state your question in one line06:45
AzMooI'm not even going to attempt to get these people to change06:45
AzMooIt wont happen.06:45
kyokoHi, does anyone know if ubuntu supports having 2 monitors /is this easy / can you have like 1 workspace per monitor ?06:45
CarlFKAzMoo - thus the "get new friends" ;)06:45
fdrhello... I have written some latex sources... is there a console tool for doing the spellcheck? Thank you for the help!06:45
MuhammadAnswer : Ubuntu Wiki dosent load :(06:45
Seveasfdr, aspell06:45
mypapitrp78, Preference->Theme->Install Theme and select the Icon tarball06:45
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WhiteRabbitkyoko, nvidia will06:46
nlogaxkyoko yes / not easy but manageable / I think so06:46
AnswerMuhammad: What is the site of the wiki ?06:46
=== Jojeta [n=Itay@IGLD-84-228-72-228.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
mypapitrp78,then close the Theme Manager,  and go back there again, the Icons will be there06:46
nlogaxubotu tell me about multiple monitors06:46
kyokothanks a lot. i got a ATI card will that be a problem ?06:46
AzMooCarlFK, I like these friends. They're female.06:46
=== poningru [n=poningru@n128-227-50-60.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu
mik3zip -r returned zip error: Nothing to do! (oreilly/.zip)06:46
Jojetahi! I downloaded openoffice2 from sources, I every doc I'm trying to open make oo crash06:46
fdrSeveas : thanks06:46
rp78wont i encounter errors, im using hoary06:46
AzMooBut anyway, thanks :)06:47
apokryphosMuhammad: well, if it doesn't load, what error do you get?06:47
AnswerMuhammad: The Ubuntu Wiki loads fine for me (https://wiki.ubuntu.com//) (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation)06:47
mypapitrp78, you cant install it? what about other icons from arts.gnome?06:47
poningruawesome it worked06:47
poningruthanks Seveas06:47
mypapitrp78, mine works fine06:47
Muhammadworks now :d06:47
Muhammadstrange :S06:48
rp78i havent tried it yet, not logged in linux06:48
mypapitrp78, i see.. you should try it when you logged in.. ;)06:48
AnswerMuhammed: now answer my question:  How to boot from the Install CD .iso?06:49
rp78what icons are you using, i downloaded dropline06:49
=== Hoxzer [n=niko@a80-186-132-239.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
deFryskrp78, nice icons06:50
kemikAnswer:  burn it to a CD06:50
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Answerkemik: Without a cd burner, how to boot from the Install CD .iso saved on /dev/hda2 (/mnt) ?06:50
MuhammadGo to system settings , do the botting settings .... insert the cd06:50
Muhammadand press enter06:50
CarlFKAzMoo - I hear this one works good (I havn't tired it yet)06:50
Hoxzerwhat could be the problem if I just installed linux and when I login the bar wont appear and I only see my mouse and backgroud06:50
Muhammadgo through the installation steps06:51
Muhammadvoila !06:51
darkheartAnswer Mount it on loopback device and access it that way.06:51
deFryskrp78, I use dropline etiquette06:51
HoxzerI cant also acces to virtual consoles ;/06:51
deFrysktogether with the standard vlearlooks06:51
kemikAnswer:  not sure you can actually boot with only  a iso-image...06:51
Answerdarkheart: Thank You, that sounds promising.  How to mount the .iso as a loopback device?06:51
=== the4bagger [i=the4bagg@AC83430F.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
kemikmount -o loop isoimage.iso /mountpoint06:51
AnswerThanks.  How to boot from /mountpoint06:52
darkheartAnswer I missed the part about 'boot'06:52
kemikAnswer:  you probably cant do what you're trying to06:52
kemiktoo bad06:52
seliniumapokryphos: Sorry, i will stop bugging you soon, I promise! But now i make fstab  /dev/hdb1     /media/windowsext3   defaults    0       2  and it will make my new drive the home folder? or do i need to create a home folder on hdb1?06:52
the4baggerHey, does anybody here run PengAOL?06:52
apokryphosAnswer: please don't shout.06:52
the4baggeror perhaps somebody else can fix my problem06:53
=== PovRayMan [n=povrayma@c-24-63-87-16.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MuhammadI dont know why ubuntu sites are working too slow :S06:53
CarlFKAnswer https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/LocalNet06:53
seliniumapokryphos: Changing /media/windows/ for /home06:53
apokryphosselinium: make sure you mkdir /media/windowsext3 first06:53
the4baggerPengAol (a linux aol dialer) is trying to use ttys1 as my modem, but is having unsuccessful attempts. My modem is on the 2nd PCI slot in my computer, so what would the device address be?06:54
nlogaxAnswer: how about using some kind of VMWare-like system06:54
apokryphosselinium: so just do this (i) mount hdb1 on /media/something; (ii) mv your current /home to hdb1; (iii) mount hdb1 as /home06:54
PovRayManmy installer always locks06:54
=== yonkel-lappy is now known as yonkeltron
AnswerCarlFK: Thanks https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/LocalNet06:54
mik3what's the syntax to zip a directory up on ubuntu using zip, not tar or gzip06:55
Answermik3: zip -R06:55
CarlFKAnswer - I can answer q's about it for the next 10 min, then I am out for about an hour06:55
=== gnumdk [n=gnumdk@ANantes-252-1-76-240.w86-195.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
AnswerCarlFK: Assuming the Install CD .iso is mounted as /bootcd, how to boot from that directory?06:55
Hoxzerwhat could be the problem If I just simply login and then the Gnome Desktop bar wont load and I only see my mouse and background. I can't also acces to the virtual consoles with "ctrl+alt+f's"06:56
AnswerHoxzer: reinstall.06:56
CarlFKAnswer - mounting the iso won't help.06:56
CarlFKdo you have a CD drive?06:56
CarlFKAnswer - if you have the cd in a cd drive, but it won't boot from it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SmartBootManagerHowto06:57
mik3Answer: neither -r or -R work.06:57
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AnswerCarlFK: On many computers there are no cd drives.  But there are network connections to download the ISO.  How to install without burning the CD ?06:57
mik3what's the syntax to zip a directory up on ubuntu using zip, not tar or gzip06:57
nlogaxHoxzer do you know another user account? can you log into Gnome with it?06:57
seliniumapokryphos: Rebooting, see you on the otherside!06:57
=== _BIJ_ [n=no@dsl-084-058-016-148.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
CarlFKAnswer exactly what you want: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/LocalNet06:57
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CarlFKAnswer - but you have to read it ;)06:57
Hoxzernlogax: actually I just installed it to that PC so no06:57
apokryphosselinium: wait :)06:58
ompaulany suggestions for a low CPU screensaver that is not a blank screen - I need it to show that there is something running on that box06:58
apokryphosselinium: no need to reboot -- just sudo mount -a06:58
_BIJ_first of all i got a question concerning breezy... after updating hoary to breezy the xserver is no longer willing to start... what can i do?!?06:58
nlogaxand CTRL+ALT+F1, CTRL+ALT+F2 etc don't work?06:58
Jojetawhy oo2 crashes everytime I open a document, I thought it's pretty stable, what's wrong?06:58
_BIJ_i want my xserver back :-(06:58
Hoxzernlogax: as I said virtual consoles wont work :<06:59
nlogax_BIJ_ looked at the logs ?06:59
Hoxzerbefore login06:59
apokryphos_BIJ_: breezy is the unstable version; it can break your system. etc etc06:59
nlogaxHoxzer, just checking you knew how to access them06:59
AnswerCarlFK: Thanks! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/LocalNet06:59
=== Deansweb2004 [n=deansweb@host86-132-145-117.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Hoxzer"before" I meant after06:59
nlogaxI would suggest booting off a liveCD or otherwise mounting your / filesystem06:59
_BIJ_yes i've looked into the logs...06:59
Hoxzervirtual consoles work before I login...06:59
Hoxzerbut not after06:59
nlogaxHoxzer ok, so before you login06:59
=== Quinthius [n=james@ip68-103-73-17.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
_BIJ_but i do not know what is wrong07:00
Hoxzernlogax: do what?07:00
CarlFKAnswer - I never realy finished that page - feel free to pm me wiht Q's even if I am out.  I'll try to get back to you in about  an hour07:00
nlogaxHoxzer: create a new user on the system from the CLI and then try logging in with it07:00
Hoxzerok, will try07:00
nlogaxHoxzer: but it sounds as if X is locking your system solid07:00
apokryphos_BIJ_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:00
Hoxzeradduser was it?07:00
AnswerCarlFK: I will be out for many hours, but I am working on this as an ongoing project for deployment.07:00
=== Prower [n=prower@wiley-440-47144.roadrunner.nf.net] has joined #ubuntu
nlogaxman adduser07:00
Answerman useradd07:01
_BIJ_apokryphos, i've tried this, but no chance...07:01
_BIJ_breezy wrecked my system07:01
apokryphosIt can do that. Why did you upgrade?07:01
CarlFKAnswer - folow the links to my email - please keep me posted good or bad07:01
f_newtonupgrading is never my recommendation ... to a release version or experimental07:01
nlogaxHoxzer: also look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log for evidence of problems07:02
f_newtontoo many conflicting libs left laying around07:02
=== Decadent [n=variemai@ppp50-adsl-214.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
Hoxzerwait wait....07:02
f_newtonmy advice is to make a /home partition and do a clean install leaving home intact07:02
Hoxzerwhat was to command to add user?07:02
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Hoxzerit wont just work07:02
f_newtonHoxzer, sudo?07:03
Hoxzer:D oh07:03
nlogaxHoxzer useradd and adduser both seem to be there - you'll need to use sudo of course07:03
f_newtonsudo adduser07:03
f_newtonit took me a while to get used to the disabled root shell as well07:03
nlogaxanyone know the diff betwixt useradd & adduser ?  man pages are different to one another07:03
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f_newtonbut as far as running stability this ubuntu seems very good07:03
mik3sudo -r is your friend07:03
seliniumapokrophos: Back but a little broken! I'm in irssi. Could not find home directory07:03
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nlogaxmik3 you mean sudo -s ?07:04
f_newtonI gotta get my reading glasses!07:04
!lilo:*! Hi all. The NOLA Intel (Interdictor) folks need help. They're looking for volunteers to transcribe the FEMA streams from New Orleans. If you'd like to assist, please come to #nola-intel-help .... thanks!07:04
apokryphosselinium: What happened?07:04
apokryphosselinium: gnome couldn't find it?07:04
Hoxzerwell before sudo it stills gives some tips about use of it but doesn't really start anything07:04
seliniumapokryphos: nope07:04
apokryphosselinium: is it there though? i.e. in /home ?07:05
seliniumcould not find /home/james07:05
Hoxzerooh.. now07:05
HoxzerI thought it was useradd07:05
nlogaxAh, ok 'adduser' is a friendlier front-end to the useradd program07:05
apokryphosselinium: you didn't place your old /home into /media/whatever ?07:05
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seliniumapokryphos: yes, i did but in the folder home.07:06
the4baggerPengAol (a linux aol dialer) is trying to use ttys1 as my modem, but is having unsuccessful attempts. My modem is on the 2nd PCI slot in my computer, so what would the device address be?07:06
apokryphosselinium: what do you mean?07:07
Hoxzerok, seems like it wont give me bars even with new user :E07:07
seliniumapokryphos: I copied the /home folder across, so now i have /home/home/james07:07
seliniumapokryphos: oops07:07
apokryphosselinium: oh :). Easy then. Just mv james to /home07:07
nlogaxHoxzer: yes it sounds like X is dying really badly - did you look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?07:07
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seliniumapokryphos: k07:08
nlogaxHoxzer: also, what changed since your system was working last?07:08
Hoxzernlogax: nope07:08
apokryphosselinium: be careful here. You do *not* want to lose your /home :)07:08
Hoxzernlogax: my system hasn't been working07:08
HoxzerI just installed it07:08
nlogaxNever?  OK07:08
=== Jhair [n=jhair@p54A3F612.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
nlogaxHoxzer Was it a fresh install to a freshly-formatted partition?07:09
Hoxzernlogax: I splitted my HDD in two partions one was my for my XP install 30GB and one for ubuntu 10GB07:09
the4baggerMy modem is on the 2nd PCI slot in my computer, so what would the device address be?07:10
=== selinium pulls up a cardboard box under a bridge :)
MuhammadAmaranth sup !07:10
HoxzerI created that partion in install07:10
=== whyameye [n=whyameye@] has joined #ubuntu
Hoxzermaybe I try to reinstall07:10
whyameyeis there a way to restart ALSA? I am getting ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:898:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to connect client07:11
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=== Amaranth is supposed to be doing HTML homework right now
Amaranthbut since i know more HTML/CSS than the teacher, i figure i have some time to kill07:11
nlogaxHoxzer - what sort of vid car you got?07:11
apokryphosAmaranth: you dark horse you07:11
seliniumapokryphos: going for another reboot! I saw you try to stop me just as the window shut down last time! So i will wait a little longer this time! :)07:11
apokryphosAmaranth: haven't yet seen a good ICT teacher, unfortunately.07:11
GoClickSo the boss oked it, our product will officialy be deployed on Ubuntu machines instead of RedHat, Ubuntu 1, RedHat 007:11
Hoxzernlogax: 6800 le @ 680007:11
Hoxzerits working fine in XP07:12
apokryphosselinium: you can just sudo mount -a07:12
apokryphosselinium: no need to reboot07:12
=== Dalkus [n=David@81-86-159-34.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
f_newtonwhat product is that?07:12
GoClickIt's an Intranet web application07:13
nlogaxHoxzer do you know how to switch to our private channel? (query) ?07:13
GoClickBasicaly it's glue07:13
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seliniumapokryphos: xsession errors. :(07:13
Dalkushi, I connected a laser mouse to my box runing ubuntu hoary and it worked without a re-login, however the mousewheel dosn't function - what can I do to configure it?07:13
f_newtonit would make more sense, imho, to make linux apps available on all linux platforms both deb based and rpm based07:13
Hoxzeroh yeas :D07:13
nlogaxHoxzer, what IRC prog u using ?07:13
apokryphosselinium: what is it?07:13
GoClickf_newton well we deploy the servers too so it doesn't matter07:13
=== wastrel [n=dberner@nylug/member/wastrel] has joined #ubuntu
fizzlehey i need some help. i installed ubuntu on my desktop comp and when i go into linux it loads everything up then the screen goes black. it may be Xorg but im not sure. anyone/07:14
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f_newtonI am not convinced I would want to use ubuntu as a server system07:14
f_newtonits a great desktop07:14
GoClickf_newton it runs Apache just fine07:14
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elverWhat Ubuntu package has gnomeconf.sh? A package I'm trying to build can't find it.07:14
GoClickf_newton It does what we need it to do, and these machines never touch the Internet anyways07:14
RichardCis it recommended to use the x86 release or the x86_64 release of ubuntu with my athlon 64?07:14
Sav^I really could need som help, iv just got my "Acer TM 8101WLMi" and trying to install ubuntu, well the install was ok but got black screen. Did read about it on the forum and got it fixed. S gfx works but noting else. Did read on the forum about upgrading kernel to 2.6.12 and i only get "Kernel-Panic Not syncing VFS etc" i have added ext3 support in the kernel. Can anyone help me out07:14
Sav^Im soon back to windows, been struggeling this sience yesterday. Btw, the howto i followed is at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46536&highlight=810307:14
=== Bergcube uses Ubuntu 5.04 as a file/print server on his home LAN behind a firewall. FTP, Samba and NFS shares. No problems or hangups whatsoever.
whyameyehow do I restart ALSA?07:15
seliniumapokryphos: window open for less than 10 secs07:15
wastreli forgot my password - what do i do to reset it :] 07:15
fizzleumm ive installed ubuntu and it loads the kernel and all the services but the screen just goes blank with a blinking underscore07:15
apokryphosselinium: and what error do you get?07:15
f_newtonGoClick, so far nothing that you've said makes much of an argument eithe way... there are security issues by being in the wild but an intranet can be just as challenging as internet07:16
gnumdkcan i have the result of apt-cache policy libxt6 on hoary?07:16
seliniumcan i pm it?07:16
f_newtonhowever congratulations on your implementation07:16
the4baggerMy modem is on the 2nd PCI slot in my computer, so what would the device address be?07:16
apokryphosselinium: to me? Sure.07:16
GoClickf_newton I'd hardly say it's the same07:16
wastrelgnumdk, #flood07:17
f_newtonlol ok07:17
seliniumok not sure how it works in irssi but here goes!07:17
GoClickf_newton in an offices with only 10 people whom none of which are technical in any way, I'd say there is little risk of something going wrong. They log into the Intranet and enter data make phone calls enter more data make charts and graphs and go home07:18
f_newtonif I had a room full of windows monkeys using computers I would install ubuntu on the desktops but I would still either use rhel or centOS as a server os07:19
PovRayManok i installed ubuntu07:19
PovRayManonly problem is i'm at a command prompt07:19
PovRayManhow do i make X or whatever startup07:19
wastrelhow do i reset my password, i forgot it.  normally i'd drop to root and reset, but i haven't set a root pw yet.07:19
PovRayManthe livecd made this work just fine07:19
f_newtonthat is a decision based on experience and familiarity not a knock on ubuntu07:19
apokryphoswastrel: there's no root in ubuntu.07:19
apokryphosubotu: tell wastrel about root07:19
apokryphoswell, there is, but the pass is scrambled, rather.07:20
DJWillisPovRayMan: something is not right, Ubuntu boots into x.org after an install07:20
apokryphosPovRayMan: startx07:20
PovRayManhmmm crap07:20
PovRayManstartx command not found07:20
DJWillistry startx ;-)07:20
apokryphosPovRayMan: err, did you do a server install?07:20
PovRayMani had to use custom-expert install07:20
wastrelapok: i'm aware of that but i'm asking how to reset my user password, which i have forgotten07:20
f_newtonwastrel, the root shell is disabled by default in ubuntu.  It can be activated but security reasons are good enough for it to remain disabled07:20
=== nlogax uses Ubuntu 5.04 as file/print/DNS behind firewall with SSH only for file transfers. No problems either!
PovRayManfrom this warty 4.10 cd07:20
wastrelf_newton i'm ask8ing about my user password,07:21
apokryphosPovRayMan: upgrade to hoary07:21
PovRayManfor some reason any normal simple way to install ubutntu it freezes07:21
PovRayMani can't07:21
PovRayManno more cds07:21
PovRayManso i'm using this07:21
f_newtonwastrel let me check07:21
apokryphosPovRayMan: you have net on there, no/07:21
PovRayMannot yet07:21
DJWillisPovRayMan: Horty REALLY is worth the effort.07:21
PovRayMandoes horty do anything to the insatller that would make it work while this locks up under normal pretenses?07:21
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f_newtonwastrel , system/administration/users and groups07:21
DJWillislaptops, yep, loads better IMHO07:22
PovRayManthis is an old computer07:22
apokryphosPovRayMan: if you just want to get ubuntu running on warty... sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:22
PovRayManpentium2, 192mb ram07:22
apokryphosPovRayMan: though, you should upgrade to Hoary.07:22
=== auk is now known as hern
PovRayManman all i want is aim/irc07:22
nlogaxwastrel: boot a live CD, mount your Ubuntu / filesystem and edit /etc/passwd07:22
PovRayManand happy gnome07:22
apokryphosPovRayMan: some here are not even on hoary, but on Breezy :)  (the version after Hoary)07:22
f_newtonPovRayMan, that will work but it will be slow07:22
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DJWillishmmm, not really then I guess, tried other distros on it?07:22
the4baggerwhat is the linux address for the 2nd pci slot on your computer?07:22
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PovRayManthe live cd was plenty speedy07:23
f_newtonthe4bagger, try lspci07:23
apokryphosPovRayMan: do that command I told you; it'll get you up-and-running07:23
PovRayManapokryphos not on the network07:23
apokryphosPovRayMan: ok, insert the CD then07:23
apokryphosPovRayMan: do you still have the Warty CD?07:23
PovRayManoh crap hold on07:23
PovRayMani think you fixed me07:23
wastrelkthx bye07:23
PovRayMani thought apt-get was that internet command to download stuff07:23
VoXare the ubuntuforums down?07:23
PovRayMani'm a linux newbie at best07:24
=== auk [n=scott@h-69-3-128-186.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosPovRayMan: APT is the package management system07:24
PovRayManduring the install i told the cd to move all the packages to the harddisc07:24
apokryphosPovRayMan: you can use it to grab packages, either from a CD or from the Internet.07:24
=== HappyFool [n=user@tedo-ip-nas-1-p109.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosPovRayMan: erm, ok...07:24
DJWillisPovRayMan: packages can be on any medium, HDD, CD, NET etc.07:24
the4baggerf_newton, i just need to know the path to it ex: /dev/ttys107:24
=== thrice` [n=andrew@unaffiliated/Thr1cE] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFoolgreetings all07:24
PovRayManok its asking for the cd07:24
PovRayMannow its working!07:24
apokryphosgo for it07:24
f_newtondoesnt lspci give you the path?07:24
thrice`breezy running strong07:24
PovRayManthanks for explaining apt-get07:24
apokryphosno problem07:25
=== LoneNightCrawler [n=LoneNigh@97-123.244.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
PovRayManhmm 0% working, come on 1%07:25
=== selinium [n=selinium@82-34-235-215.cable.ubr02.sout.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
the4baggerf_newton, i will have to restart the pc to do that command, and lspci give a wrather long list that i dont know how to scroll up on07:25
apokryphosselinium: what happened?07:25
PovRayManhmm its awfully quiet..07:25
f_newtonthe4bagger, restart the machine?  what are you talking about?07:25
PovRayManfuck, kernel panic :(07:25
thrice`though breezy is pretty damn slow =] 07:25
the4baggerf_newton, im running a dual boot system and im on windows right now07:26
seliniumapokryphos: I had some chmod/chown issues. Sorted them now back!07:26
apokryphosthrice`: first thing I noticed about breezy was the increase in speed07:26
PovRayMani just got a kernel panic, not its dead07:26
=== __filip_ [n=filip@s180h105hbby2.dyn.tyfon.se] has joined #ubuntu
rob_pVoX:  They seem to be down... again!07:26
Muhammadraising over $30,000 in under nine hours .. by somethingawful.com .. then paypal freezed the account !!07:26
apokryphosPovRayMan: did you not do the sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?07:26
PovRayMan<-- from somethingawful07:26
PovRayMani did that apokryphos07:26
nlogaxDoes Ubotu know about changing to the VESA driver?07:26
PovRayManand it started to go, then paniced07:26
apokryphosPovRayMan: you could just re-insert the warty CD and install it again07:26
PovRayMani just did that07:26
__filip_i have 2 unallocated partitions, how can i make them to one partition?07:26
apokryphosselinium: and is gnome etc up-and-running?07:26
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=== lsuactiafner [n=noirrac@tpc-ip-nas-1-p34.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
PovRayMani got this before07:27
f_newtonI see ... well that is a problem then... but generally your hardware is assigned id numbers based on its position in the line up not position on the pci slot, but I could be wrong... in any case first is 0 second is 1 and so on07:27
apokryphos__filip_: mount them in fstab07:27
PovRayMananytime it wanted to automatically figure itself out and do the install it would panic and lock dead07:27
rob_pVoX:  They really do seem to be down an awful lot :-(07:27
pefhave to go, bye !07:27
__filip_apokryphos: how can i do that?07:27
the4baggerf_newton, so my 2nd pci device would be labeled ttys1?07:27
apokryphos__filip_: what is the fs type?07:27
PovRayManonly when i did custom-expert and then disabled ALL the ide drivers EXCEPT the generic and the linux one did ubuntu actually work07:27
LoneNightCrawlerhey guys, I just installed Ubuntu.. and I'm wondering how I can install DVD support?07:27
f_newtonis it a ttys?07:27
seliniumapokryphos: Yep!07:28
apokryphosexcellent =)07:28
f_newtonwhat did your ppp app id it as?07:28
DJWillisPovRayMan: Hmmm, an old P2 you say, is ACPI enabled in the BIOS? That may need to be OFF to get a good install on old kit like that as a lot of older PC's have fubar ACPI implementations07:28
PovRayManDJWillis: ok i'm on it07:28
the4baggerf_newton, when I set up PengAOL it used ttys1, but i dont think that is the correct path07:28
seliniumapokryphos: I may have been a bit heavy handed in my chmod'ing though. I chmod -R 0755 my folder.07:28
PovRayManis it ok to reboot in the middle of linux loadign?07:28
__filip_apokryphos: hda7 and hda4 is the partition i whant to make to one.07:28
nlogaxLoneNightCrawler - I found out how to do it on Ubuntuguide.org - although I'm not supposed to suggest you go there07:28
apokryphosselinium: that's ok, if you don't want group to write. You can chown recursive, too.07:29
apokryphos__filip_: yes, what is the filesystem type? vfat, ntfs?07:29
f_newtonthe4bagger, what kind of a modem is it?  its a winmodem isnt it?  unless youve got something like a linuxant driver loaded its not going to work07:29
seliniumapokryphos: I did, all me:me lol07:29
=== kung [n=Kundalf@p213.54.189.126.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
__filip_now is it nothing. but i whant to make them as ext3.07:29
the4baggermmmk, how do i get linuxant?07:29
the4baggerim pretty sure its a conexant winmodem07:29
apokryphos__filip_: you will first need to format them, then. Use gparted or qtparted for that07:30
seliniumapokryphos: THankyou for all your help, you have been fantastic! You too Seveas! :)07:30
nlogaxLoneNightCrawler - look here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:30
__filip_apokryphos Okej.07:30
f_newtonconexant?  good luck07:30
apokryphosselinium: sure :)07:30
mik3if i control + c an apt-get upgrade can i continue it later?07:30
f_newtonmy advice go buy a real modem (external serial port modem with a controller)07:30
PovRayManDJWillis: If I don't see ACPI in bios, how can i fix this otherwise07:31
=== PeaceMakr [n=PeaceMak@wbs-196-2-102-23.wbs.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosmik3: yes07:31
__filip_apokryphos: Now have I format them, what is next?07:31
apokryphosmik3: though it may have unfinished things.07:31
=== drbombay43 [n=drbombay@ppp-69-239-86-185.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphos__filip_: erm, that was pretty quick. Are you sure you properly formated and commited changes?07:31
__filip_apokryphos: Yes I am sure I have done that.07:32
apokryphos__filip_: ok then; just put in an entry in fstab for the respective partitions then.07:32
PeaceMakranyone ever managed to get iburst working?07:32
nlogaxubotu tell me about restrictedformats07:33
apokryphos__filip_: structure it like this:   /dev/hdxX       /some/directory           ext3    defaults        0       207:33
PovRayManDJWillis: as far as I can see, there is no option for ACPI in bios :(07:33
f_newtonthe4bagger, the problem with controllerless modems is they use a windows script to enable the processor to provide the actual modem function.  Linux is NOT windoes07:33
__filip_apokryphos: But I whant to make them to one partition.07:33
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apokryphos__filip_: you want them to be one partition?07:33
__filip_apokryphos: yupp07:33
apokryphos__filip_: then you should have deleted the partitions, then formated them as one partition.07:33
__filip_apokryphos: How can i make that in GParted?07:33
__filip_apokryphos: format them as one07:34
apokryphos__filip_: if you first delete the partitions, then they should be grouped together as unallocated space or something07:34
seliniumapokryphos: Just one little problem. Value for `/apps/gnome-settings/gnome-panel/history-gnome-run' set in a read-only  I cant find it to change it!07:34
apokryphos__filip_: always be careful when using a partition manager, though. :)07:34
__filip_apokryphos: Nupp, they are not togheter.07:34
=== tommi^ [n=tommi@line-11497.dsl.kpo.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphos__filip_: there are multiple unallocated spaces? :/07:35
__filip_apokryphos: yes07:35
apokryphosselinium: it tells you the path, doesn't it?07:35
tommi^Hi. Does my hoary know how to write NTFS properly and use the linux user / groups id's etc. on it?07:35
apokryphos__filip_: are the two partitions between others on the HD or something?07:35
seliniumapokryphos: But where is the apps folder?07:36
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=== Whistler Says Bye
apokryphosselinium: not sure how gnome stuff is structured, but, try doing a locate for history-gnome-run07:36
__filip_apokryphos: I have one harddrive, and the partitions i whant to make togeheter is hda7 and hda407:36
apokryphosselinium: you'll have to sudo updatedb if you havent' done so recently07:36
apokryphos__filip_: ah, so they are in between others. I don't think it's easily possible, then.07:37
seliniumapokryphos: Nope, what does that do?07:37
apokryphosselinium: sudo updatedb will update the cache DB for locate to use. Try sudo updatedb && locate history-gnome-run07:37
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=== Xen` [n=xen@host86-136-92-51.range86-136.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
PovRayManok so ubuntu here is kernel panicing on me.  I can't disable acpi in bios.  How do I kill acpi in linux so it stops freaking out?07:38
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seliniumapokryphos: Does updatedb take long? It is on my machine!07:38
Xen`can anyone suggest a pci wireless lan card that is supported by ubuntu out of the box (so not prism2 based, i cant get my prism2 based card working for the life of me)07:39
apokryphosselinium: Quite some time07:39
__filip_apokryphos Now i think i know the problems. One is primary and one is Logical.07:39
seliniumapokryphos: Gnome has just gone :(   ROFL07:39
apokryphosselinium: eh?07:39
emilePovRayMan: i guess you can stop it with /etc/init.d/acpid stop07:39
sridis it safe to upgrade to breezy now?07:39
apokryphossrid: not really07:40
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PovRayManemile: where do i do this07:40
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rp78how do i configure serial mouse07:40
seliniumapokryphos: It's back now! I swear I am not winding you up!07:40
sridapokryphos: but it is close to release :/07:40
emilePovRayMan: i a terminal window, mind putting sudo in front of  it07:40
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apokryphosselinium: 8)07:40
__filip_apokryphos: You think that is the problem?07:40
PovRayManwill it stay stopped07:40
PovRayManor will i have to do it everytime07:40
apokryphossrid: still a month away. You can try, but it can still break your system.07:40
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sridapokryphos: should I join any mailing list for tracking problems?07:41
emilePovRayMan: this is not the permanent solution, i dont know about that (yet)07:41
apokryphos__filip_: probably not. When you delete the partition it loses such properties, I would have thought.07:41
PovRayManok thanks i'm going to see if this will work out now07:41
apokryphossrid: you could join the ubuntu-devel mailing list.07:41
thellamafirefox widgets are way to ugly and windows 2000, how do I correct them? For OSX theres an app called firefoxy...07:41
__filip_apokryphos: Okej07:41
__filip_Is it someone more in here that know how i can make 2 partitions to 1?07:42
apokryphos__filip_: for them to be one the other partitions would have to be "shuvd" over07:42
apokryphoswhich isn't really going to happen07:42
__filip_apokryphos: In windows is that no problems.07:43
=== LaschW [n=laschw@dyndsl-085-016-001-214.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu
the4baggerf_newton, My modem is a lucent win modem07:43
PovRayManemile: hmm it told me command not found07:43
apokryphosPovRayMan: you got loads of problems; really, since you haven't actually done anything with the current one, it's worth reinstalling and doing a default installation.07:44
f_newtonthe4bagger, lucent modems have a chance with linmodem or linuxant07:44
PovRayManthat's the problem07:44
f_newtontry linmodem.org07:44
PovRayMandefault installation locks up with a kernel panic07:44
tommi^If I encrypt a partition, should I partition it as ext2, ext3 or as reiserfs? The ubuntu wiki example uses reiserfs, is there a significant purpose in it?07:44
PovRayMani've gotten so much further by doing custom-expert07:44
f_newtonthe lucent chipset includes the radio07:44
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f_newtonthat may work07:44
=== cpdiety [n=cpdiety@jpi-min-160-122.dmisinetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
__filip_I have one more question, what should i write if i whant to add an swap space to fstab?07:45
thellamahow could I open a .sit?07:45
f_newtonradio wrong term07:45
wastrelstuffit expander07:45
wastreli believe there's a linux version07:45
the4baggerf_newton, how can i determine the chipset under windows?07:45
=== fizzle [n=fizzle@pool-71-241-43-66.nrflva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
PovRayManok i'm downloading 5.0407:46
f_newtonyou just told me it was a lucent chipset07:46
Quinthius__filip_: if swap is on, say, /dev/hdb5, you would do something like this: /dev/hdb5 none swap sw 0 007:46
thellamawastrel: thanks07:46
seliniumapokyphos: I just went to  'Run Application' and all applications are greyed out... :(07:46
f_newtonin windows you can use the device manager to see what modem it is07:46
f_newtonit will tell you07:46
BlueEaglethe4bagger: Hi, how is your setup going?07:46
thellamawhy is there evolution mail and evolution when they're the exact same thing?07:46
PovRayManis 5.04 what i want?07:46
PovRayMani'm getting a nice solid 800k/sec07:47
f_newtonthats the latest release ver07:47
PovRayMani love comcast!07:47
apokryphosselinium: if you type the application in konsole what does it say?07:47
the4baggerBlueEagle, i went back to knoppix07:47
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apokryphosselinium: erm, terminal I mean07:47
BlueEaglethe4bagger: Why?07:47
the4baggerBlueEagle, because i was tired of troubleshooting ubuntu for 4 days straight07:47
fizzlemy xorg is borked :(07:48
f_newtonthe4bagger, ubuntu needs very little trouble shooting07:48
PovRayManubuntu live cd works so great07:48
PovRayManbut the installer is just a headache :(07:48
f_newton it seems to work well right out of the box07:48
seliniumapokryphos, thanks for the tab tip! It comes up with the same error. gnome-settings07:48
f_newtonwhat were your problems07:48
thellamawhats the difference between evolution mail and evolution?07:48
PovRayManstupid machine needs to learn how to run it locally07:48
nlogaxThey shouldn't teach Evolution in schools07:48
BlueEaglethe4bagger: :) Well you might want to try mandriva. It has got easier setup tools. Well, atleast Mandrake had when I tried it. I'm going to burn it down after I've done some work to my fstable scheme.07:48
thellamaso why are there two panel buttons?07:48
f_newtonits just two entries in the menu07:48
thellamanlogax: why?07:48
f_newtondoes it bother you thellama ?07:48
f_newtondelete one07:48
nlogaxsorry, joke :-)07:48
PeaceMakrhas anyone managed to make iburst run in ubuntu OR any other distro?07:49
thellamabut why do they have different icons in breezy?07:49
f_newtonthey do in hoary too07:49
thellamaso why?07:49
f_newtonits because its clasified as officed and as internet07:49
PovRayMan1 blank cd left, 5.04 better install all happylike or else :(07:49
seliniumapokryphos, locate didn't find it.. I started it at /  does it need locate *history-gnome-run* /  ?07:49
thellamaI think they should remove one icon, it's too confusing :D07:50
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f_newtonthellama, actually I worry about that statement...07:50
the4baggerf_newton, can we talk about it in PM? its wrather lengthly07:50
apokryphosselinium: sorry about that, I was disconnected. I would've missed any messages you posted...07:50
f_newtonno thanks the407:50
=== nlogax thinks PovRayMan should buy CD-RWs
f_newtonthe4bagger, I dont do pm07:50
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PovRayMannlogax: i'm broke07:50
seliniumapokryphos, no probs  locate didn't find it.. I started it at /  does it need locate *history-gnome-run* /  ?07:50
the4baggerok, i guess i can try to shorten it up in here then07:51
f_newtonthe4bagger, join me in #pre-school07:51
REBELinBLUEhas anyone here got WINE running with any application which uses the system tray?07:51
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apokryphosselinium: nope; just locate {fielname}07:51
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apokryphosselinium: what happens when you type an application in Terminal?07:51
seliniumapokryphos, it didn't find it!07:51
thellamathey say breezy has a boot thingy... or no boot text?07:51
Quinthiusthellama: i haven't bothered running them, but i assume "Evolution Mail" is just the mail client, while "Evolution" is the full suite...07:51
apokryphosselinium: what does it say exactly?07:51
m0biu5My Uni wants me to use MS Visual C++, but I don't hae windows - anyone have a good C++ compiler replacement?07:51
Zotnixthellama: It shows a picture and some text07:51
ZotnixBut not as spammy07:51
Zotnixand a progress bar of the bootup process07:52
Quinthiusm0biu5: g++ :P07:52
apokryphosselinium: it doesn't really make sense, since if programs didn't run, then gnome etc wouldn't work; it's a collection of programs.07:52
seliniumapokryphos, it fine, no errors!07:52
Belutznew gnome is out today right???07:52
=== aeho [n=aeho@qn-vlk-234.cable.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
nlogaxGnome 2.12 is released 7 September so if you're in NZ then yes it's today07:53
seliniumapokryphos, Got me baffled! I haven't deleted the old /home folder yet. But that shouldn't cause problems should it?07:53
nlogaxover this side of the world, it's tomorrow07:53
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Belutznlogax: i'm in indonesia07:53
chrisbudden14is www.ubuntuforums.org down?07:53
Belutznew gnome is the greatest bday present for me :D07:54
apokryphosselinium: erm, where exactly is the old /home folder then?07:54
QuinthiusBelutz: when is your birthday?07:54
=== ilba7r [n=ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
nlogaxBelutz :-) and happy birthday07:54
BelutzQuinthius: 7 sept :)07:54
ilba7r!x window library07:54
ubotuilba7r: Are you smoking crack?07:54
Belutznlogax: thx :)07:54
QuinthiusBelutz: hehe, mine too. what year?07:54
seliniumapokryphos, If i use gnome to open an app, it complains but still opens the app. no complaint in term.  /home on hda107:54
ilba7rok any one know what is the package for xwindow library and headers07:54
BelutzQuinthius: 1978, u?07:54
ilba7r!info x window library07:54
QuinthiusBelutz: ahh, few years diff... 198107:54
BelutzQuinthius: happy bday to you :)07:55
thellamawhy dont I see the boot picture? im in breezy?07:55
apokryphosselinium: how exactly are you accessing that /home though?07:55
QuinthiusBelutz: happy birthday to you too! :P07:55
nlogaxthellama I think that was only added in Colony 4 which released yesterday07:55
seliniumapokryphos, mounting it from hdb107:55
BelutzQuinthius: thx :)07:55
ilba7r! compiling from source07:55
ubotuilba7r: Do they come in packets of five?07:55
chrisbudden14is the ubuntu forum down?07:55
rob_pchrisbudden14:  It was when I tried about 20 minutes ago...07:55
nlogaxchrisbudden14 yes07:55
thellamanlogax: will i see it in synaptic>?07:55
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chrisbudden14ok good07:56
chrisbudden14not just me then07:56
seliniumapokryphos, mounting it from hdb1 in fstab07:56
apokryphosselinium: I dont' see how that works, but it definitely shouldn't exist, especially if you're specifying /home in fstab to go to hdb107:56
chrisbudden14thanks rob_p and nlogax07:56
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apokryphosselinium: but you said the *old* /home you're accessing. How?07:56
nlogaxthellama - not sure sorry07:56
=== rob_p wonders why the forums seem to be down so much...
thellamait fine, thanks :)07:57
Xappethellama: you have an ibook right? as far as I know there is no usplash (boot image) for ppc yet...but I might be wrong, though I have not found one07:57
thellamaXappe: aww man...07:57
seliniumapokryphos, I am not accessong it, but it is still on hda107:57
apokryphosok, nevermind then.07:57
thellamaoh well, boot text doesn't  bother me, it just scares the others07:57
thellamaespecially when they see "network time: FAIL"07:58
apokryphosthellama: what's the problem?07:58
thellamaI have an ibook07:58
thellamabo usplash07:58
Xappethellama: it was you who got composite running yesterday, right?07:58
apokryphosthellama: breezy?07:58
thellamaXappe: yeah!07:58
thellamayes, breezy07:58
apokryphosThere's an option you have to enable for that07:58
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thellamaeven on ppc?07:58
apokryphosI presume it's the same, yes.07:58
thellamaokie dokey07:59
Xappethellama: well, I tried compolsiting some deopshadows, but they, most of the time, turn yellow on me...07:59
apokryphosSuffice it to say, composite effects are not quite perfected. =)08:00
argazoonwhat is the best manual for a noob like me to read.  I've installed ubuntu and set up apache 2.0, but I can't figure out how to administrate apache as far as usr rights etc.08:00
apokryphosargazoon: the wiki is pretty good, as is the rute manual08:00
Xappeapokryphos: so true but yet so sad :)08:00
apokryphosubotu: tell argazoon about rute08:00
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argazoonthanks apokryhos08:01
nlogaxubotu: tell me about rute08:01
thellamaubotu: give me some cheese08:01
ubotuthellama: Did you get hit by a windmill?08:01
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thellamaubotu: Did you get hit by a windmill?08:02
ubotuthellama: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?08:02
=== apokryphos decides to call it a day
Xappesudo apt-cache search usplash returns nothing on my ibook :/08:02
ubotunlogax: What?08:02
apokryphosOn Holiday for a week so I guess I'll see you all then. Adieu. :)08:02
ubotuthanks nlogax :)08:02
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nlogaxsomeone should tell Ubotu that RUTE has moved to http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz08:02
=== Hoxzer [n=Hoxzer_@a80-186-132-239.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
argazoonthanks again... I'll be back after I read all of rute :)08:03
Hoxzeris there any pinds for change of desktops?08:03
chrisbudden14How would i mount a SD/MMC card reader built into my laptop?08:03
=== jackjack [n=dan@pool-71-111-70-173.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
seliniumapokryphos: I jave to go out now. Thanks for all your help!08:04
PovRayManok here we go08:04
PovRayMangoing to install 5.0408:05
=== Amaranth giggles at the text on http://andy.fitzsimon.com.au/usplash-example.png
Hoxzerhow do I moun HDD?08:05
QuinthiusAmaranth: hah, is that how it's going to be?08:06
PovRayManhaha nice Amaranth08:06
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jackjackI have a problem logging into Ubuntu.  Gives me message  "could not set mod 0700 on private per user gnome configuration directory   operation not permitted08:06
AmaranthQuinthius: I dunno, some people have valid reasons for having a black background.08:06
sridi wonder whether my hard disk shock absorber in Thinkpad is usable in Ubuntu :-/08:07
Amaranthi thought that was all in hardware, no software08:07
QuinthiusAmaranth: oh, ninjas is a reference to that i guess?08:07
darksatanicsrid: Unlikely. The kernel people are still discussing the best way of doing it.08:07
=== damsko [n=olaff@dsl-201-129-148-22.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu
AmaranthQuinthius: No, I think that's just andy's sense of humor. :)08:08
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AmaranthQuinthius: But there is a reason the Windows XP boot screen is black08:08
QuinthiusAmaranth: ah hehe. well, i was asking if that text is gonna be there when breezy is released or whatever08:08
AmaranthQuinthius: It isn't there now?08:09
QuinthiusAmaranth: hell if i know, not using breezy :)08:09
tommi^How do I find out what programs are accessing partition x?08:09
AmaranthQuinthius: I only used the first version of usplash, they've gotten a lot more done sense then.08:09
nlogaxtommi^ I would use lsof output against df to see which files were where08:09
nlogaxlsof = list open files08:10
tommi^nlogax, I'll try, thanks08:10
=== bina [n=bina@81-179-68-187.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
jackjackI have a problem logging into Ubuntu.  Gives me message  "could not set mod 0700 on private per user gnome configuration directory   operation not permitted08:10
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ubotuicewt: I give up, what is it?08:11
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icewtis it possible to change the language after ubuntu has been installed?08:12
codomaniacbreezy is safe now ?08:12
sanketmedhiyes if it is installed08:12
VoXcodomaniac: im using it now, not having any issues08:13
ubotuKeep your fingers to yourself, ui.08:13
sanketmedhihi ubotu08:13
codomaniacVoX, i meant is it stable now ?08:13
uiubotu is a bot08:13
ubotuI haven't a clue, ui08:13
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sanketmedhii know08:13
sanketmedhiubotu rocks! :P08:14
ubotusanketmedhi: Not a clue08:14
VoXcodomaniac: dunno08:14
codomaniacokay id wait then.08:14
Amaranthicewt: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales08:14
codomaniacwhats the improvements in breezy than hoary ? VoX ?08:14
=== kung [n=Kundalf@p213.54.189.126.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
Amaranthcodomaniac: too many to list08:14
icewtAmaranth, ok, thanks08:14
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codomaniacAmaranth, mention some please ?08:15
sanketmedhifloyd_n_milan, welcome08:15
jackjackI have a problem logging into Ubuntu.  Gives me message  "could not set mod 0700 on private per user gnome configuration directory   operation not permitted    can anyone help me with this08:15
Amaranthcodomaniac: all of the improvements in every piece of software ubuntu includes would have to be listed and just the ones in GNOME 2.12 are probably too numerous to mention08:15
floyd_n_milansanketmedhi, stupid nick :P08:15
sanketmedhiubotu, say hi to floyd_n_milan08:15
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ubotusanketmedhi: Wish i knew08:15
floyd_n_milanubotu, hello08:15
ubotuniihau, floyd_n_milan08:15
=== DJWillis [n=djwillis@82-32-72-107.cable.ubr02.bath.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
sanketmedhiwhat lang is tht ubotu?08:16
icewtAmaranth, so that affects to gnome etc. , changes the language pack?08:16
codomaniacAmaranth, i know. Okay what version of KDE is there ?08:16
Amaranthcodomaniac: much better laptop support, better probing for resolutions, more various laptop and video related things, GNOME 2.12 (see their release notes), usplash, and a bunch of geekier things :)08:16
sgarrityanyone else run into a "I could not start your session and so I have started the failsafe xterm session..." after login in Breezy?08:16
sanketmedhiubotu, floyd_n_milan wants to talk08:16
ubotusanketmedhi: Are you smoking crack?08:16
Amaranthcodomaniac: what's the latest version?08:16
sanketmedhino :P08:16
sanketmedhiubotu, no08:17
Seveassanketmedhi, ubotu is a bot08:17
ubotusanketmedhi: I don't know, could you explain it?08:17
codomaniacAmaranth, so it is kde 3.4 ?08:17
sanketmedhioye Seveas, y did u08:17
Amaranthicewt: If it doesn't I think there is a GNOME capplet (in System->Preferences) for it08:17
floyd_n_milansanketmedhi, i had figured it out already ;)08:17
Amaranthicewt: but i'm on XP right now so i couldn't tell you08:17
darksatanicIs there any way of making the Live CD boot (a) quickly, and (b) into a text-mode console?08:17
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Amaranthcodomaniac: afaik, yes08:17
sanketmedhiSeveas, i was trying to foll floyd_n_milan  :P08:17
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codomaniacokay Amaranth08:17
Seveassanketmedhi, don't08:17
sanketmedhifloyd_n_milan, isnt it cool?08:17
sanketmedhiSeveas, i know him personally08:18
PeaceMakranyone here familiar with iburst?08:18
floyd_n_milansanketmedhi, i've seen talking bots before dear08:18
Seveassanketmedhi, playing with the bot is bad08:18
icewtAmaranth, hm..08:18
Bergcubedarksatanic~ Probably not a useful answer but....  You could copy the entire CD to a USB 2.0 memory stick?08:18
sanketmedhiSeveas, how n why?08:18
jackjackI have a problem logging into Ubuntu.  Gives me message  "could not set mod 0700 on private per user gnome configuration directory   operation not permitted08:18
jackjackI have a problem logging into Ubuntu.  Gives me message  "could not set mod 0700 on private per user gnome configuration directory   operation not permitted08:18
floyd_n_milananyways, hello to all08:18
sanketmedhifloyd_n_milan, ohh! :P08:18
darksatanicBergcube: You're right, it's not useful. :)08:18
floyd_n_milanand i 'll leave now :)08:18
floyd_n_milanbye bye08:18
Bergcubedarksatanic~ Then you're welcome!08:18
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seliniumSeveas: When i try and open an app through gnome i get an error now. /apps/gnome-settings/gnome-panel/history-gnome-run' set in a read-only.   any ideas?08:19
jeanjean I tryed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HdaIntelSoundHowto on Breezy and Hoary nd unmuted everything but still no sound (have intel HD sounc card)08:19
Seveasjackjack, never run gui stuff as root - this is the result of that.08:19
seliniumSeveas: sorry apokryphos had to go....08:19
jeanjeancan someone help08:19
Amaranthjackjack: please don't repeat yourself08:19
codomaniacAmaranth, again tell me which version of gnome is on breezy ?08:19
Amaranthcodomaniac: 2.1208:19
Seveaslogin in text mode and sudo chown $USER:$USER $HOME08:19
jackjackim not running it as root08:19
Seveasselinium, -ENOCLUE08:20
clarknovacan someone tell me how to fix a kernel panic on boot? "<0>Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!"08:20
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Bergcubedarksatanic~ You see, I've ordered a Kingston 1 Gbyte memory stic, and I'm eager to experiment with it...  Would be great to make Ubuntu boot from it!08:20
clarknovai had to force a shutdown and this was the result.08:20
sanketmedhiSeveas, is there a bot plugin/script for Gaim?08:20
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Seveassanketmedhi, no08:20
codomaniacAmaranth, okay after 2.12 gnome is rolled breezy stable will be rolled it hink.08:20
Seveasand except ubotu, bots are not allowed in here08:20
icewti guess the language can be changed with language-pack-* and language-support-* packages , but how exactly should it be done?08:21
codomaniac10th october Amaranth08:21
=== BockBilbo [n=Bock@eu85-84-43-70.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu
BockBilbowhy do i get redirected to ubuntu-unregged sometimes?08:21
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deltronregister your nick08:21
VoXBockBilbo: because you havent identified your nick08:21
BockBilbo(if im obiously registered)08:21
SeveasBockBilbo, set your nickserv password as server password08:21
BockBilbommm i guess its a problem with xchat08:21
seliniumSeveas: Any idea where i can find that folder, i have been looking for 10 mins! :)08:21
VoXBockBilbo: no08:21
BockBilboSeveas, ive everything properly configured, and xchat registers by myself08:22
VoXBockBilbo: it's because you havent identified with nickserv08:22
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Amaranthcodomaniac: 2.12 is set to release tomorrow, ubuntu will probably have it before the release email goes out08:22
Seveasselinium, it's not a folder08:22
Seveasit's a gconf key08:22
=== keikoz s'lu all
Seveasopen gconf-editor08:22
SeveasAmaranth, it's been uploaded already08:22
seliniumSeveas: :) learnign new stuff again!08:22
BockBilboVoX yes i have08:22
BockBilboi was registered like a year ago08:23
BockBilbobut well, anyways08:23
mik3hi i want to make a directory on my desktop and make it so when you double click on it to open it it brings me to /home/mike08:23
mik3how do i do that08:23
VoXBockBilbo: re-read what i said. there's difference between being registered and being identified.08:23
AmaranthSeveas: but i thought the tarballs weren't due until midnight08:23
SeveasAmaranth, timezones ;)08:23
BockBilboi know VoX ... but i guess its that xchat identified me after logging in to ubuntu08:23
Amaranthd'oh, GMT08:24
SeveasBockBilbo, yeah XCHAT is slow08:24
darkheartmik3 Open a console and type 'ln -s /home/mike /home/mike/Desktop'08:24
SeveasGMT is 18:24 now08:24
Amaranthwait, that's still 6 hours away08:24
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BockBilboby the way, is breeze already stable enough (inside unstability) to dist-upgrade and dont die in the attempt?? (ive tried it like 4 times in the past months and i had to reinstall everything)08:24
Seveasbut in australia it's sep 7th for a while :)08:24
SeveasBockBilbo, ymmv08:25
mik3wait what? i want to link /home/mike with /home/mike/Desktop/home08:25
BockBilboSeveas, ymmv?08:25
AmaranthBockBilbo: If you want to be safe, wait for the release candidate.08:25
Seveasyour mileage may vary08:25
clarknovaCan someone tell me how to fix a kernel panic on boot? "<0>Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!" I had to force a shutdown and this was the result.08:25
BockBilbowell... ive always used unstable releases, i used to use sid, and hoary when it was unstable...08:25
Xen`can anyone suggest a pci wireless lan card that is supported by ubuntu out of the box (so not prism2 based, i cant get my prism2 based card working for the life of me)08:25
seliniumSeveas: how can I make the conf file readable? Where is it kept?/08:25
SeveasBockBilbo, ubuntu unstable is not like debian unstable08:26
BockBilbommm i see... what happens is that ive managed to get a pretty stable and good installation of hoary08:26
Seveasit's a much rougher ride08:26
BockBilboi know Seveas08:26
mik3hi i want to make a directory on my desktop and make it so when you double click on it to open it it brings me to /home/mike - how do i do that08:26
Seveasmik3, you just were told...08:26
Seveasand you can also enable the 'show homedir' thing in gconf08:26
BockBilbommm Seveas so what should i do?08:26
Seveasstick to hoary08:26
=== RedTailhawk [n=chatzill@c-67-174-34-142.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
znhhmm.. I did the Ati's auto graphical installer, but after the installation X servers gives 'FATAL: fglrx not found'08:27
AmaranthBockBilbo: the sid you were using wasn't living up to it's name, sid is really unstable after a release and slowly gets better and better as the dust settles08:27
Stalwartznh, try to reboot08:27
znhStalwart: oh ok..08:27
znhbrb then08:27
clarknovaCan someone tell me how to fix a kernel panic on boot? "<0>Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!" I had to force a shutdown and this was the result. Do i have to reinstall?08:28
HappyFoolclarknova: what have you changed?08:28
Blissexclarknova: no, but that means you have found a bug in the kernel.08:28
clarknovanothing. i rebooted serveral times with no change before this happened.08:29
HappyFoolclarknova: you said you had to force a shutdown?08:29
clarknovawell it was forced for me by the untimely removal of a power cord.08:29
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HappyFoolclarknova: ah, right08:29
BockBilbothanks Seveas and Amaranth , ill upgrade with the RC08:30
djfmIs it possible to add to nautilus a "open terminal" button like the one in kde's konqueror ?08:30
RedTailhawkfirst off ill state the obvious im a noob to linux. when i was installing ubuntu the grub failed and i continued with install and foolishly put the lilo on master boot record. now only ubuntu installs. is there anyway i could fix it so i can get back to windows and start from scratch again trying to dual boot?08:30
BockBilboi guess itll be ready almost in a month, right?08:30
HappyFoolclarknova: have you tried 'recovery mode' boot? how far into the boot do you get?08:30
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clarknovaHappyFool: yes. i get the same panic.08:30
znhI rebooted, but still fglrxinfo says Mesa..08:31
znhI installed the fglrx drivers for my ATi card, however after the installation the drivers don't seem to even exist!08:32
clarknovaBlissex: can you reccomend a course of action?08:32
clarknova(i'd also like to report this bug, somehow)08:32
clarknova((in a meaningful way))08:32
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Blissexclarknova: bugs.kernel.org and there is a nice HOWTO on how to report kernel bugs.08:32
=== tommi^ wishes gparted had a encrypted filesystem feature
timmytheturtlehey all, I justed installed ubuntu, when the installation finished and it loaded gnome and my monitor gave me a freq error08:33
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clarknovathank you. Do you have an idea of what i can do instead of reinstalling?08:33
HappyFoolclarknova: try booting of the live cd and see if you can mount your drive08:33
HappyFoolclarknova: maybe you can run fsck on the drive08:33
clarknovanot the install, but live Ubuntu?08:33
endy_xis anyone else having problems reaching ubuntuforums.org?08:33
icewtif i want to change the language, is it okay to just uninstall the language packs and install new ones?08:34
RedTailhawki couldnt08:34
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HappyFoolclarknova: yeah, the live CD. you might be able to do it with the install cd and 'expert' mode08:34
clarknovaand you're gong to tell me to fsck if i can get that to work, yes?08:34
HappyFoolclarknova: is there lots of data at risk?08:34
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fizzle\outhello i need help isntalling the kernel sources if u can help pls pm me :(08:35
znhWhy does my ATi drivers don't work after the installation?08:35
HappyFool!tell fizzle\out about kernelhowto08:35
Kuoliois ubuntuforums.org down? i cant seem to connect :(08:35
clarknovaHappyFool: no. it's a relatively new install. i just don't want to have to repeat ten hours of work, and then have to repeat more the next time this happens08:35
HappyFoolclarknova: it's not very common, in my experience08:35
endy_xKuolio, been like that for me for a few hours now :S08:35
znhhmm.. I don't seem to have connection to IRC anymore08:35
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Kuoliobah, dang :(08:36
clarknovawell if it happened once to me, it'll probably happen again because i'm still using the same platform.08:36
PeaceMakrclarknova you cant access your HD?08:36
HappyFoolclarknova: i've had at least 1 'production' system have an unexpected power-out and survive08:36
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XeruanYears ago, when I was around 14 I installed Linux and tried to use it.. though I had no idea about what was going on.08:36
znhlol gladd no one can hear me08:37
XeruanNow that I have free time, I was wanting to play around with it some more.. but my question is.. should I use Ubuntu and what size partitions should I use?08:37
clarknovayes. but were you running it on a compac pressario 1277? (the point being that if my platform is the same and the software is the same the problem will probably be the same)08:37
=== srid upgrades to breezy
HappyFoolclarknova: if your platform includes regular power-cord pulling outs, then you may encounter the same problem ;)08:37
znhI can say whatever I want because you are all ignoring me la la la la..08:37
fizzle\outHappyFool that doesnt explain how to install the sources though08:37
clarknovayeah :) well. it's a laptop and i can't afford to replace the battery. so i'd like to know a better way of fixing the problem than reinstalling.08:37
CarlFKXeruan - Ubuntu yes.  let it figure out the partition sizes.  and have a better goal than " play around with it"08:37
clarknovaanyway, i'll try to fsck it08:38
PeaceMakrznh try reinstalling it08:38
znhPeaceMakr: I did that already, didn't do any08:38
HappyFoolclarknova: i think the theory is that ext3 is robust to this sort of thing, but i'm not that sure about that sort of thing08:38
CarlFKXeruan - something like: surf the web.  or send eamil.  or print a picture from your camera08:38
HappyFoolfizzle\out: stand by08:38
HappyFoolfizzle\out: what do you want to actually achieve?08:38
PeaceMakri was so looking forward to using linux and i see so many hardware issues : (08:39
fizzle\outHappyFool; im trying to compile ndiswrapper so i can get my wireless nic to work so i can get on the net. but in order to do this i need to install the kernel sources08:39
Xeruanthe second answer.. what does that pertain to?08:39
clarknovaoh. hmm. now after sitting in this state for two hours it's giving me more clues. basically it thinks someone's pressing too many keys.08:39
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HappyFoolfizzle\out: have you read the ndiswrapper page on the wiki?08:39
fizzle\outno im doing that now08:39
PeaceMakrznh i have a new nvidia 6200, im sure ill have driver issues08:39
CarlFKXeruan - simple goals that you might have some interest in.08:39
fizzle\outhmm ok brb08:39
znhPeaceMakr: you will diffenetly have, and no one will help you in this channel :P08:39
HappyFoolfizzle\out: there is a section on the kernelhowto page entitled 'Obtaining the Source'08:40
timmytheturtlehey all, I justed installed ubuntu, when the installation finished and it loaded gnome and my monitor gave me a freq error08:40
timmytheturtleanyone now whats going on with that?08:40
PeaceMakrznh im putting out free pizza and beer in order to find a local linux geek to help me out lol08:40
CarlFKPeaceMakr - where?08:41
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XeruanIf I install Ubuntu will it auto partition my drive as well as install onto one of them?08:41
PeaceMakrCarlFK Johannesburg08:41
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znhPeaceMakr: everyone ignores each other here, we're the only one that commuincate08:41
CarlFKXeruan - yes.08:41
HappyFoolznh: you've read the ati howto on the wiki?08:41
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znhHappyFool: no, nobody even told me about it08:41
HappyFoolPeaceMakr: i'm in pta ;) where's the pizza ?08:41
ubotusomebody said ati was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx08:41
CarlFKPeaceMakr - rats ;)08:41
HappyFool!tell znh about ati08:41
Xeruanso i wont have to worry about it installing over my current Windows OS?08:41
znhargh spam08:41
HappyFoolznh: oops, sorry08:41
znhHappyFool: np, I love that someone finnaly hears me08:42
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PeaceMakrHappyFool get my iburst running like it should and ill feed you till you cant move lol08:42
HappyFoolPeaceMakr: have you tried the livecd ?08:42
CarlFKXeruan - do you want it to?08:42
HappyFoolPeaceMakr: erk08:42
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CarlFKXeruan - XP?08:42
HappyFoolPeaceMakr: looked maybe on www.myadsl.co.za ?08:42
Xeruani dont want to share partitions08:43
Xeruani want to entirely different ones08:43
RedTailhawkfirst off ill state the obvious im a noob to linux. when i was installing ubuntu the grub failed and i continued with install and foolishly put the lilo on master boot record. now only ubuntu boots. is there anyway i could fix it so i can get back to windows and start from scratch again trying to dual boot? i guess im asking how to uninstall unbuntu, i think08:43
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PeaceMakrHappyFool actually i tried livecd first to get a feel of ubuntu, figured the full install would be best, no go08:43
CarlFKXeruan - the ubuntu installer will let you shrink the ntfs (xp) partition to make free space for a new partition.  you just have to figure out how much space you want to use08:43
HappyFoolPeaceMakr: "no-go" is iburst or video card?08:44
Xeruani have 400GB of free space08:44
Xeruanno need to shrink08:44
PeaceMakrso far ive tried ubuntu, knoppix, linspire, suse08:44
HappyFoolRedTailhawk: do you have a windows install cd ?08:44
PovRayMani'm glad i spent my last cd on 5.04 because this is seeming to work better than 4.1008:44
CarlFKXeruan - 400g that isn't part of a partition?08:44
PeaceMakrHappyFool iburst is a wireless system08:44
HappyFoolRedTailhawk: boot with that and run 'fixmbr' -- should give you windows back08:44
PovRayMani'm almost at 100%08:44
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HappyFoolPeaceMakr: i know what it is. myadsl have an iburst forum08:45
HappyFoolPeaceMakr: if wbs can't help you, maybe they can08:45
icewtif i want to change the language, is it okay to just uninstall the language packs and install new ones?08:45
RedTailhawkHappyFool ty ill try that08:45
PeaceMakrHappyFool been there many many times08:45
Xeruancarl:  yes08:45
HappyFoolPeaceMakr: ah, ok. anyway, if they can't help you with linux, i suspect no-one can08:45
CarlFKXeruan - one of your choices will be: use free space.  use that one.08:45
PeaceMakrHappyFool wbs cant help anyone, specially not on linux08:46
TrackilizerHey people, i know i said this often enough but i love Ubuntu.08:46
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HappyFoolPeaceMakr: doh08:46
TrackilizerIt's the only linux distro to this day that has simply worked for me.08:46
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disasmTrackilizer: glad to hear08:47
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PeaceMakrHappyFool i read that pclinuxos has a iburst support, but i have not read that it actually works, guess ill have to order the cd08:47
HappyFoolPeaceMakr: hmm. googled for 'linux iburst' ?08:48
PeaceMakrHappyFool lol oh you bet, been searching for answers for 3 weeks now08:48
TrackilizerI tryed Fedora core 4 but it simply sucked.08:48
HappyFoolPeaceMakr: hmm. this obviously didn't work? http://www.mybroadband.co.za/vb/showthread.php?s=b0872a5a2a435e59829434b34e33431a&p=290452#post29045208:49
TrackilizerNothing seemed to work aswell as it did in Ubuntu.08:49
TrackilizerAnd apt is way better than yum.08:49
Shikamaroocan anyone tell me how to start yaboot using the mac openfirmware?08:49
PeaceMakrHappyFool youll see my posts all over lol08:49
TrackilizerAnd nothing seemded to want to work aswell as it did in ubuntu.08:49
HappyFoolPeaceMakr: ok08:49
HappyFoolPeaceMakr: oh, right08:49
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caonexAnybody here with a zv6000 laptop?08:50
PeaceMakrHappyFool i bet you a slice of pizza that if i had a dialup setup it would work first time around08:51
HappyFoolPeaceMakr: well, if you have a winmodem (like me) you need to get special drivers08:51
PeaceMakrive not read many posts about normal dialup issues08:52
HappyFoolPeaceMakr: *and* i needed a patch for the 2.6.10 kernel, so it wasn't plain sailing08:52
Shikamaroodoes ubuntu have a forums?08:52
=== fizzle [n=fizzle@pool-71-241-43-66.nrflva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
fizzlehow do i install xmms08:52
PeaceMakrShikamaroo google: ubuntu forums08:52
HappyFoolubuntuforums.org, i think08:52
paulwanyone here had experience with configuring sound drivers (alsa)?08:52
HappyFoolfizzle: have you setup the network repositories?08:52
fizzleHappyFool, my network is up and running08:53
fizzleso ya ...08:53
HappyFoolfizzle: have you added the network repositories to synaptic or in /etc/apt/sources.list ?08:53
fizzlewhat u meen by repositories i dont know :(08:53
fizzleumm no08:53
HappyFoolfizzle: ok, it's easy08:53
HappyFool!tell fizzle about repos08:53
PeaceMakri think one could buy a linux box off the shelf with printer/modem etc and be much better off08:54
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Pyfim trying to set up last.fm radio (audioscrobbler) ive downloaded a tar.bz2 file, what do i do with it?08:54
HappyFoolfizzle: after you do that, xmms will appear in the list of packages synaptic offers you, and you can easily install it08:54
fizzleubuntu is nice08:54
TrackilizerYup! unlike Fedora08:54
HappyFoolPeaceMakr: yeah, apparently canonical is doing something with HP to have ubuntu preinstalled on laptops08:54
TrackilizerWhat is it people like about Fedora?08:54
HappyFoolPeaceMakr: pretty much guarantees working hardware08:54
PeaceMakrHappyFool ive seen desktops also08:55
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PeaceMakri think a person that doesnt have any computer hardware should consider the linux box08:56
timmytheturtlecan someone help me with this problem I'm having. I installed ubuntu, when the installation finished and it loaded gnome and my monitor gave me a freq error. Any comments on that???08:56
JaredTI'm having trouble with mplayerplug-in. Whenever I try to watch a movie or listen to a audio stream I get stuck at "cache fill 18.75%" Any ideas?08:56
PeaceMakrtimmytheturtle how old is the monitor?08:57
HappyFooltimmytheturtle: can you tell us more precisely what the error message was?08:57
Shikamaroodoes anyone know where to find how to boot yaboot from openfirmware on mac g3 blue?08:58
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timmytheturtlePeaceMakr:The monitor is about 2 years old. HappyFool:Not unless I reboot into ubuntu08:58
PeaceMakrtimmytheturtle it gave an error?08:58
HappyFooltimmytheturtle: you did a standard (i.e., not expert) install?08:59
TrackilizerMay i ask why you call yourself "HappyFool"?08:59
Shikamaroodoes anyone know why yaboot wouldnt boot automatically on a g3 power pc?08:59
HappyFoolTrackilizer: random nick chosen many years ago ;)08:59
timmytheturtlePeackMakr: it was really an error messgage, the monitor just went to a screen, much like the no signal found screen08:59
TrackilizerI see.08:59
caonexAnybody here running ubuntu in amd64?09:00
timmytheturtleHappyFool: its was the standard install09:00
Shikamaroodoes anyone here have yaboot working on a power pc?09:00
=== MyNameIsSam [n=ubuntu@ppp-69-218-237-87.dsl.wotnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFooltimmytheturtle: you can try booting into rescue mode, and running 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' -- maybe you can specify your monitor parameters (assuming you know or can find them)09:01
PeaceMakrtimmytheturtle i dont know if ubuntu has special software to setup the vsync etc of your monitor, i know suse does but...09:01
Xeruancao... im d/ling it now09:01
Xeruanthats what i am going ot use09:01
Shikamaroodoes anyone know how to boot linux from openfirmware?09:02
JaredTI'm having trouble with mplayerplug-in. Whenever I try to watch a movie or listen to a audio stream I get stuck at "cache fill 18.75%" I've googled with no real luck. :D09:02
timmytheturtleHappyFool: I can try that and looking around for paramters PeaceMakr: i've tried kanotix/knoppix before, and the worked, I just don't like kde as much as gnome09:02
PeaceMakrstrange how some distros can pickup the most obscure hardware and yet fail to configure a mouse, or the opposite09:03
MyNameIsSamI'm a linux newb. I have the pre-release beta of Mac OSX86 installed on this PC and I am trying to access files that are on my hard drive from Ubuntu Live. I'm on ubuntu live right now and need assistance finding files from my hard drive. Any help would be greatly appreciated.09:03
Hoxzersomebody here has any idea how I can change the ownership of the folder?09:03
HappyFoolHoxzer:    chown username foldername09:03
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DewDudethis strange09:03
HappyFoolHoxzer: you will probably need sudo for that (ie., sudo chown username foldername)09:04
Shikamaroodoes anyone here know how to make a yaboot cd to boot my linux?09:04
fizzleum im looking in the package list and i dont see the base xmms system09:04
DewDudethis thing is still broken09:04
fizzlewhat do i do?09:04
DewDudenow i can 't shift09:04
HappyFoolfizzle: what do you see?09:04
fizzleHappyFool, i see a bunch of XMMS packages but not the base package for xmms09:04
DewDude*38531 Hiram Hollow Rd, Wise, VA 24293 eserghuuuuyuyyyuuyyuyyuyyoiyuoiyu=-09:04
DewDude 309:05
DewDude 309:05
Shikamaroois it possible to make yaboot boot my installed linux like it would a live version?09:05
HappyFoolfizzle: then you haven't added the 'main' repository09:05
Pyfim trying to set up last.fm radio (audioscrobbler) ive downloaded a tar.bz2 file, what do i do with it?09:05
Shikamarooon a cd09:05
HappyFoolfizzle: you need 'main' and 'restricted' as well as 'universe' and 'multiverse'09:05
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HappyFoolMyNameIsSam: do you know much about mounting partitions etc?09:06
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MyNameIsSamNot much, I also need to resize the partition of my hard drive.09:06
ShikamarooSeveas: hey can u help me? i need to know if i can make a cd that will load yaboot much like a live cd but that will use my installed version on my hard drive instead of a live cd version09:07
fizzleHappyFool, ive enabled all my repositories and dont see it09:07
HappyFoolMyNameIsSam: ok, start a root terminal (Applications -> System tools -> root terminal)  (ps., i am not that familiar with the live cd, let me know if something is missing or different)09:07
MyNameIsSamok, got the terminal up09:08
HappyFoolfizzle: ok, please open the text editor (applications -> accessories -> text editor), open the file /etc/apt/sources.list and put it on the pastebin (http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl)09:08
HappyFoolMyNameIsSam: ok, can you paste the output of 'fdisk -l' to the pastebin? http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl09:08
HappyFoolMyNameIsSam: put the output of 'mount' there too (same paste is ok)09:08
MyNameIsSamDisk /dev/hda: 203.9 GB, 203928109056 bytes09:09
MyNameIsSam47 heads, 63 sectors/track, 134514 cylinders09:09
MyNameIsSamUnits = cylinders of 2961 * 512 = 1516032 bytes09:09
MyNameIsSam   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System09:09
MyNameIsSam/dev/hda1   *           1        4250     6290896+  af  Unknown09:09
HappyFoolMyNameIsSam: not here09:09
MyNameIsSamOh crap09:09
Hoxzerno ......:D09:09
fizzleHappyFool, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/196809:09
JaredTI'm having trouble with mplayerplug-in. Whenever I try to watch a movie or listen to a audio stream I get stuck at "cache fill 18.75%" I've googled with no real luck. :D09:10
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Hoxzerit says that I cant change folder's permissions because of it can't be read09:10
Hoxzerwhat thats supose to mean09:10
HappyFoolfizzle: hmm. looks ok. did you edit the file yourself?09:11
fizzleHappyFool, nope but im about ot09:11
HappyFoolfizzle: try pressing 'reload' in synaptic; does that make a difference?09:11
caonexanybody here with amd64 and ati radeon 200m xpress?09:11
CookedGryphonhow do i set up my laptop to go through my main pc's dial up internet? I have them set up for filesharing with static IPs of and and i'm not sure what to do next09:11
DewDudeaty128fb: Invalid ROM signature 8181 should be 0xaa5509:11
HappyFoolMyNameIsSam: ok, i'm not familiar with mac filesystems; let me just check some docs...09:12
PeaceMakrHoxzer thats nothing, i booted as root, tried to copy/apste a file and was told that i dont have permission, i feel like im 5 years old lol09:12
MyNameIsSamAlright, thanks for your help HappyFool, you're a lifesaver.09:12
fizzleone sec09:12
Hoxzerthis is like wtf09:12
timmytheturtleHappyfool, what parameters do I need to know to use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?09:13
HoxzerI can read it fine....09:13
Hoxzerbut it says I can't09:13
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HappyFooltimmytheturtle: off hand i can't remember. vertical and horizontal frequencies of your monitor at least; video card model as well09:13
HappyFoolMyNameIsSam: hmm, not sure what partition type that is09:13
HappyFoolMyNameIsSam: anyway, let's try mounting it read-only09:14
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HappyFoolMyNameIsSam: type 'mkdir -p /mnt/hda1' (this creates a directory, the mount point)09:14
sublimewlshowdy everyone09:14
caonexI have installed Ubuntu for Amd64, and it seems to have a problem with my Ati 200 Xpress card. I read some where that it may be necessary to not use framebuffer, can i just send the command through grub or should i reinstall instead?09:14
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PeaceMakrtimmytheturtle try a default setting, like 800x600 60hz and work your way back09:15
HappyFoolMyNameIsSam: that should give not output; if it does, there's an error -- let me know09:15
sublimewlsis there any other progs that i can use besides kwifimanager? i am a newbie and i somehow got my wireless card to work (Belkin f5d7000 rev 02) but i cant connect to anything09:15
[t0rc] which ones do I need if I'm running off of a fresh install of 5.04? https://support.ati.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=894&task=knowledge&folderID=2709:15
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CookedGryphonhow do i set up my laptop to go through my main pc's dial up internet? I have them set up for filesharing with static IPs of and and i'm not sure what to do next.. anyone?09:15
MyNameIsSamNo reply from terminal09:15
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JaredTI'm having trouble with mplayerplug-in. Whenever I try to watch a movie or listen to a audio stream I get stuck at "cache fill 18.75%" Has anyone experienced this problem or have an idea as to how to resolve it?09:15
sublimewlsi have entered different WEP keys... and i dont even get a signal09:15
HappyFoolMyNameIsSam: good09:15
HappyFoolMyNameIsSam: now 'mount -o ro /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1'09:16
Fred|Fr3dhey, how do i make SSH not wait for about 10-12 seconds before it asks me for my password?09:16
PeaceMakrwireless either works or doesnt apparently, have you seached the web sublimewls?09:16
Fred|Fr3dit ends up saying "using keyboard for login" or something like that09:16
HappyFoolMyNameIsSam: hopefully it will auto-detect the partition type, if it's supported09:16
sublimewlsyes i have peacemakr09:16
MyNameIsSamNow I've got a blank line, seems to be working09:16
sublimewlsi have tried installing different progs... but i dont know how to do that if i have the .deb or .rpm locally09:16
HappyFoolMyNameIsSam: ok, what is the output of 'mount|grep /dev/hda1'09:16
HappyFoolMyNameIsSam: you can paste single lines here in channel ;)09:17
kafeinesublimewls, dpkg -i foo.deb09:17
maedoes anyone else get garbled print output from certain pdf files with evince?09:17
kafeinefor .rmps, you will need alien09:17
sublimewlsdpkg: error processing foo.deb (--install):09:17
sublimewls cannot access archive: No such file or directory09:17
sublimewlsErrors were encountered while processing:09:17
sublimewls foo.deb09:17
Fred|Fr3dhow do i make SSH not wait for about 10-12 seconds before it asks me for my password?09:17
PeaceMakrsublimewls http://www.google.co.za/search?hl=en&q=Belkin+f5d7000+rev+02+linux&btnG=Search&meta=09:17
Fred|Fr3dit ends up saying "using keyboard for login" or something like that09:17
MyNameIsSamHmm, no output yet, seems to still be working. Still have a blank line. It doesn't even say the normal root@ubuntu:09:18
sublimewlsthats what i got when i tried kafeine's thing09:18
kafeinesublimewls, you need to replace the FOO with your actual programme name:)09:18
HappyFoolMyNameIsSam: oh, that's not good09:18
sublimewlslol my bad09:18
sublimewlswell i got the card working09:18
HappyFoolMyNameIsSam: you did type /dev/hda1, not /dev/hda right?09:18
MyNameIsSamI copied and pasted exactly what you said, so yes.09:18
monnahanAnyone familiar with printing?  Specifically through hplip?09:18
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timmytheturtleHappyfool, I found the v/h frequence range..is that what i need? the model of my video is card is Intel 82845g09:19
monnahanEverything seems to be ok, but I get this in the logs09:19
HappyFoolMyNameIsSam: hmm. i think you might be out of luck, the filesystem might not be supported09:19
monnahanSep  6 10:42:44 localhost OfficeJet_G55?serial=SGE07E0YY7VL: unable to open /var/run/hpssd.port: No such file or directory09:19
monnahanSep  6 10:42:44 localhost OfficeJet_G55?serial=SGE07E0YY7VL: unable to connect to socket 50002: Connection refused09:19
HappyFooltimmytheturtle: as i said, i can't remember all the info you need, sorry09:19
fizzlehow do i disable sound schemes in gnome/09:19
MyNameIsSamMeh, oh well09:19
MyNameIsSamThanks anyways09:19
HappyFooltimmytheturtle: but i think that should be enough09:19
Fred|Fr3dWhy does SSH wait 10 seconds when I login before asking me for my password?09:19
Fred|Fr3dAnd how do I stop it?!09:19
MyNameIsSamI'll just find a way to transfer this rar archive to my windows machine to extract.09:19
timmytheturtlehappyfool ok, i'll try google for a bit more info before trying anything, thanx for all ur help09:20
sublimewlswhen i try the thing u said kafeine i get a "cannot access archive:no such file or directory"09:20
MyNameIsSamThanks for your help09:20
HappyFoolMyNameIsSam: sorry i can't be more help09:20
Pyfwhere does amarok get installed if u just apt-get it?09:20
MyNameIsSamYou did what you could, and that was more than what I could ask for.09:20
=== andril [n=andril@adsl-3-128-124.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
andrilhello all09:20
PeaceMakrhi andril09:21
[t0rc] should i download all three of these do i need all three of these if im running a fresh install? https://support.ati.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=894&task=knowledge&folderID=2709:21
kafeinesublimewls, did you cd to it's local directory?09:21
andrilPeaceMakr, what up - just looking for some help09:21
Fred|Fr3dHey, Why does SSH wait 10 seconds when I login before asking me for my password, and how do I make it not wait?09:21
PeaceMakrandril that makes 2+ of us lol09:22
sublimewlsits on desktop09:22
kafeineok, sublimewls, so first09:22
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HappyFoolFred|Fr3d: can you get to the ssh logs?09:22
sublimewlsboth are...09:22
kafeinedo a $ cd Desktop09:22
Fred|Fr3dHappyFool yep09:22
kafeinethen execute dpkg09:22
HappyFoolFred|Fr3d: they give you any clues? maybe ssh is trying other authentication methods09:22
sublimewlsk i think i am on it already kafeine09:22
HappyFoolFred|Fr3d: also could be a hostname lookup (?)09:22
andrilPeaceMakr, seveas & amaranth are awesome resources here - they helped me alot09:23
Fred|Fr3dwhere are the logs kept? /var/log?09:23
HappyFoolFred|Fr3d: yeah09:23
Fred|Fr3dim connecting over a LAN so it shud be instant?09:23
Amaranthandril: me not so much right now09:23
bluefoxicyare we going to see 2.6.13 with preempt in breezy?09:23
HappyFoolFred|Fr3d: depends if the host can reverse map your ip address09:23
andrilPeaceMakr, and so are the other users :) of course09:23
bluefoxicyfabbione:  ping0rz09:23
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Fred|Fr3dHappyFool: there is no ssh.log :S09:23
andrilAmaranth, sorry -09:24
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PeaceMakrandril what problem do you have, maybe we can compare problems lol09:24
othernoobdoes a normal atx mainboard fit into a minitower?09:24
HappyFoolFred|Fr3d: look in auth.log maybe ?09:24
PeaceMakrothernoob how mini?09:25
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Butcherbird_JrI have samba server running and I was wondering how to stop it. I read that I might be able to rename the file in rc3.d from S20samba to X20samba and it will it stop running.09:25
caonexwhat is the kernel parameter to disable the framebuffer?09:25
HappyFoolButcherbird_Jr: sudo /etc/init.d/samba stop09:25
teprrrhmm, so, is libgl stuff broken in breezy still?09:25
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Butcherbird_Jrwill that stop it from comming up upon startup09:25
othernoobPeaceMakr: I'm not sure, a friend asked me to upgrade his computer. all i know is that it's a minitower09:25
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HappyFoolButcherbird_Jr: you can use 'update-rc.d' to change what services run on startup09:26
HappyFoolButcherbird_Jr: or install 'BUM'09:26
PeaceMakrothernoob is it an atx box?09:26
Fred|Fr3dHappyFool: yep.09:26
ubotuI heard bum is a graphical BootUp Manager; see http://www.marzocca.net/linux/bum.html09:26
Butcherbird_JrHappyFool, thank you09:26
HappyFoolFred|Fr3d: any clues there ?09:26
dreameeni like ubuntu09:26
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teprrrglxinfo says direct rendering is on, glxgears are slow, but LIBGL_DEBUG env doesn't help there.. and quake2 outputs this: libGL error: dlopen /usr/lib/dri/r200_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/r200_dri.so: undefined symbol: _glapi_Dispatch)09:26
Fred|Fr3dHappyFool: it says "Sep  6 19:59:53 localhost sshd[12496] : Accepted keyboard-interactive/pam for root from ::ffff: port 4666 ssh209:26
othernoobPeaceMakr: yes, there's a microATX mainboard in it09:26
andrilPeaceMakr, not much now - but I am still a noob to Linux09:26
Fred|Fr3dand then09:26
=== zero0w [n=zero0w@cm61-18-176-102.hkcable.com.hk] has joined #ubuntu
mik3where are network settins kept on ubuntu so i don't have to use this network configuration tool on xorg09:26
CookdGryphonMy dial up connection stops working when i activate my ethernet connection, does anyone have any ideas?09:26
Fred|Fr3dSep  6 19:59:53 localhost sshd[12509] : (pam_unix) session opened for user root09:27
PeaceMakrandril so am i, really noob09:27
mik3CookdGryphon : i get the same problem09:27
VoXCookdGryphon: get adsl? :)09:27
HappyFoolFred|Fr3d: ah. it can't find a hostname for your client's IP address09:27
dreameeni have a few questions concerning apt-get...anyone interested in answering them?:>09:27
CookdGryphonVoX, would if i could, but i can't09:27
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andrilPeaceMakr, I am waiting on some lessons so I can dump Win and serve through Linux (FTP,EMAIL,HTTP) and such09:27
Fred|Fr3dHappyFool: ahh. how do i stop it doing lookups on local IPs? or on any IPs?09:27
CookdGryphondreameen, ask away i'm sure someone will09:27
PeaceMakrothernoob why dont you see (fit it in) ?09:27
HappyFoolFred|Fr3d: um. read 'man sshd_config' ? I'm not sure09:28
othernoobPeaceMakr: what do you mean?09:28
Fred|Fr3dHappyFool ok thanks :)09:28
dreameenhow do you search for packages with apt-get09:28
HappyFoolFred|Fr3d: you could add an entry to /etc/hosts -- might work09:28
andrilPeaceMakr, I am reading the Linux 2005 bible and using this forum to advance09:28
PeaceMakrothernoob do you want to replace his mboard with a new one?09:28
HappyFooldreameen: 'apt-cache search <search-pattern>'09:28
mik3where are network settins kept on ubuntu so i don't have to use this network configuration tool on xorg09:28
Fred|Fr3dHappyFool: ok i'll try that first then. i dont need to reboot after that do i?09:28
CookdGryphondreameen, you may find it easier to use synaptic, i prefer it09:28
HappyFoolFred|Fr3d: no. what do you think this is, windows? ;)09:29
CookdGryphonits a graphical interface for apt-get09:29
dreameenand how do you list contents of a package?09:29
othernoobPeaceMakr: well, yes, pretty much would like to keep the cd drive + the hdd only.. and if possible, the tower.09:29
Fred|Fr3dHappyFool: lol no _09:29
Fred|Fr3dHappyFool: just what I'm used to ^_^09:29
PeaceMakrandril im saving my pennies to buy some books to, but ill do thaty only once ive settled on a working distro09:29
HappyFooldreameen:   dpkg -L <packagename>09:29
dreameeni know but sometimes i prefer the CLI09:29
CookdGryphonfair enough09:29
HappyFoolmik3: i think it's /etc/network09:29
mik3does anyone know where network settings are kept (i.e. ip address, dhcp information, etc)09:29
PeaceMakrothernoob i think it should fit but best to try a fitting09:30
CookdGryphonmik3,  try system > administration > networking09:30
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dreameenHappyFool, cheers mate, i see you know apt-get very well;>09:30
HappyFooldreameen: nah, just the necessary ;)09:31
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mik3CookedGryphon : that's just an interface for /etc/networking09:31
mik3HappyFool : thanks bud.09:31
othernoobPeaceMakr: well, i can't just buy something and then test if it fits09:31
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othernoobPeaceMakr: and i certainly won't use mine to test :p my stuff was too expensive09:31
PeaceMakrothernoob you will need to remove his old mboard, measure it and see09:32
JaredTI'm having trouble with mplayerplug-in. Whenever I try to watch a movie or listen to a audio stream I get stuck at "cache fill 18.75%" Has anyone experienced this problem or have an idea as to how to resolve it?09:32
Overclocked_486hey, can anyone help me install a D-Link DWL-G520 wireless card? It won't show up in the network-admin.09:32
dreameenlol ie run out of questions:)09:32
GranMaestroOverclocked_486: did you try ndiswrapper?09:33
Overclocked_486no. trying now.09:33
andrilPeaceMakr, mee too - i downloaded the eBook version and have settled with Ubuntu09:34
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GranMaestroOverclocked_486: well that's definitely the way to go.09:34
Overclocked_486GranMaestro: How exactly do I do that?09:34
GranMaestroOverclocked_486: follow the WiKi. With a bit of luck you should be up and running in 10 minutes.. Good Luck :D09:34
Overclocked_486GranMaestro: oh, nm. i haven't installed it yet.09:34
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Overclocked_486GranMaestro: Thanks a lot!09:35
jonnywedgehi, i'm new to linux and i had a question about security for my system09:35
unimatrix9be secure - dont connect to internet ;)09:35
Fred|Fr3dThanks HappyFool :D :D09:36
jonnywedgei installed shorewall...for my firewall, but i don'tknow where to access it.09:36
Fred|Fr3d/etc/hosts worked!09:36
GranMaestroOverclocked_486: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Ubuntu09:36
HappyFoolFred|Fr3d: cool09:36
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jonnywedgei haven't used unix since 98, and i forgot most of my shit09:36
ubotumethinks firewall is Ubuntu has, like every other linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is firestarter.09:36
HappyFooljonnywedge: maybe start with firestarter and work from there?09:36
unimatrix9going for some nice sleep, bye09:37
bluefoxicyor #iptables09:37
HappyFooljonnywedge: also, ubuntu has no non-local open ports by default (unless you install something like, apache, obviously)09:37
Shikamaroohello, does anyone know anything about mac openfirmware?09:37
bluefoxicyyeh a firewall on ubuntu is rather useless.09:37
=== [t0rc] [i=[t0rc] @ACA0BD0A.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
bluefoxicyHappyFool:  I installed a few things like nessusd and squid, and had non-local open ports.09:37
[t0rc] how would one run multiple monitors(not cloned) on ubuntu?09:37
JaredTI'm having trouble with mplayerplug-in. Whenever I try to watch a movie or listen to a audio stream I get stuck at "cache fill 18.75%" Has anyone experienced this problem or have an idea as to how to resolve it?09:37
GranMaestrojonnywedge: I forgot in 6 months.. :D09:37
bluefoxicyHappyFool:  a little config file hacking and I had them bound to :)09:38
HappyFoolbluefoxicy: yeah, samba listens on non-localhost too09:38
bluefoxicyHappyFool:  samba has to, squid and nessus don't :)09:38
jonnywedgeso how do i access the firewall...i'm coming fr a windows system, so i'm kind of lost09:38
jonnywedgealso, does ubuntu have anything for viruses and spyware.09:38
Shikamaroodoes anyone know why mac openfirmware wouldnt recognise any commands at all?09:38
bluefoxicyjonnywedge:  first thing you should do is install nmap and test out your network interface to see what's actually open.09:38
jonnywedgeis ubuntu as vulernable as windows?09:38
GranMaestrojonnywedge: is this a joke? 8)09:39
Fred|Fr3djonnywedge: no?! :O09:39
bluefoxicyjonnywedge:  Ubuntu is -almost- but not quite as vulnerable as windows to such things; however, such things don't exactly -exist- for linux yet.09:39
HappyFooljonnywedge: there are few, if any, linux viruses. you can install clamav to scan mail/data for windows viruses09:39
teprrrany ideas?09:39
bluefoxicyjonnywedge:  hence there's no need for AV or anti-spyware.09:39
Fred|Fr3dbluefoxicy: well not really, windows doesnt have good users and permissions like linux does09:39
bluefoxicyWait for linux to see 20% of desktop market and you'll need 'em.09:39
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Fred|Fr3dbluefoxicy: perhaps, but there is no IE for Linux ^_^09:40
jonnywedgeyeah, this is my play machine...so i thought i'd see what linux can do.09:40
bluefoxicyFred|Fr3d:  The user can still install viral packages with SUID crap if he finds any made for ubuntu; or you could find things that use remote exploits in gaim or firefox and then use a local kernel vuln like the use_lib() attack of several months ago.09:40
jonnywedgeso how do i access the firestarter firewall?09:40
HappyFool[t0rc] : i think there's some multihead stuff on the wiki09:40
jonnywedgei do not see it in the applicatin menuo09:40
HappyFool[t0rc] : search through wiki.ubuntu.com/TitleIndex09:41
HappyFooljonnywedge: install it using synaptic09:41
HappyFooljonnywedge: you may need to enable internet software repositories09:41
HappyFool!tell jonnywedge about repos09:41
jonnywedgeok.  will the install add a shortcut to the application menu?09:41
bluefoxicyFred|Fr3d:  It's entirely possible to break into a Linux machine with a little research.  The problem you encounter is that the lifespan of the attacks are shortlived, or they rely heavily on user stupidity.09:41
GranMaestrobluefoxicy: the whole way Unix was built was with networking and security in mind09:41
bluefoxicyGranMaestro:  See above message.09:41
HappyFoolyeah, that explains the original easy-to-hack passwd file ;)09:42
GranMaestrobluefoxicy: OK I agree on users stupidity09:42
[t0rc] k thnx. HappyFool: is this http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xorg/  (the  xserver-xorg-driver-ati_6.8.2-56_amd64.deb) drivers for ATI video card? because I cannot find the fglrx thing09:42
bluefoxicyGranMaestro, Fred|Fr3d:  For example, you could use a networking stack attack remotely, or an application flaw and then a local kernel exploit; but in about a week, that hole will be sealed, and your worm will die.09:42
HappyFool[t0rc] : i would guess those are the 'non-accelerated' drivers09:42
jonnywedgeif yr careful, you don't really need antivirus for windows...that's been my experience09:43
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fizzlehey whenever i try playing a song in xmms my computer locks up.; any ideas?09:43
[t0rc] HappyFool: hmm....any guess where i'd find the accelerated drivers?09:43
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GranMaestrobesides that look at the speed the Open Source community reacts to Secuity holes as compared to M$ attitude..09:43
HappyFool[t0rc] : i'm don't know much about amd64 -- i.e., if drivers even exist09:43
bluefoxicyGranMaestro, Fred|Fr3d:  Of course there's proactive measures to help this, like ProPolice (which in a cleaned-up version thrown in by a red hat employee got an OK to commit for mainline GCC 4.0), PaX (and the lesser Exec Shield from Red Hat and W^X on OpenBSD) with memory protection and ASLR policies, GrSecurity and OpenWall things, and a few other things.09:43
HappyFool[t0rc] : let me look on packages.ubuntu.com ...09:43
CookdGryphondoes anybody know how to resolve this conflict between my dial up and my ethernet, when i activate ethernet, the dial up jsut cuts out09:43
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jonnywedgethanx guys.09:44
bluefoxicyGranMaestro, Fred|Fr3d:  Deploying certain things like that breaks a handfull of apps, and can be tweaked to not apply to those; on the other hand, the guarantees of a large number of attacks (especially runtime code execution attacks) are destroyed.09:44
HappyFool[t0rc] : i would guess it's xorg-driver-fglrx09:44
HappyFool[t0rc] : have you read the ati page on the wiki?09:44
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pirastHi, will there be a new design in Breezy? Are there screenshots available?09:44
HappyFool!tell [t0rc]  about ati09:44
GranMaestroCookdGryphon: if that happens your setup is weird to say the least09:44
ubotufrom memory, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx09:44
fizzle!tell fizzle about xmms09:45
HappyFoolfizzle: still no luck?09:45
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fizzleHappyFool, i got xmms installed but when i try to play songs my computer freezes09:45
fizzleive disabled sounds in gnome09:45
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fizzledunno wtf is wrong :(09:45
HappyFoolfizzle: ah. you need to set xmms to use the 'esound' output plugin09:45
[t0rc] HappyFool: well, the issue is I cannot find that one on the repos, is it on packages.ubuntu.com ?09:45
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CookdGryphonGranMaestro, well it does happen, and i dont' see what i could have installed to make it weird09:45
HappyFool[t0rc] : then you likely have an error in your repos setup09:46
HappyFool[t0rc] : look here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=fglrx&searchon=names&subword=1&version=hoary&release=all09:46
HappyFool[t0rc] : there is an amd64 version for hoary09:46
bluefoxicyGranMaestro:  Such proactive security, btw, would be a huge improvement to the inherant security of the system; it would shield the system from a large number of attacks possible due to flaws in the applications.09:46
fizzleHappyFool, that should fix it?09:46
[t0rc] HappyFool: sweet thnx a billion.09:46
fizzlebetter ty :)09:46
GranMaestroCookdGryphon: uhm.. standard setup?09:46
CookdGryphoner, pretty much09:46
[t0rc] HappyFool: should I download all of those and install them? or just a few..?09:47
HappyFool[t0rc] : no, not all of them ;)09:47
GranMaestroCookdGryphon: try pasting somewhere in  http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl your ifconfig output09:47
fizzledam ubuntu rocks :)09:47
bluefoxicyGranMaestro:  For example, the old SSH overflow that allowed runtime code injection (due to an off-by-one error IIRC) would have . . . well, crashed sshd pretty much.  No root access, no non-root access, no intrusion.09:47
bluefoxicyThis could be done with kernel-only modifications :)09:47
HappyFool[t0rc] : if your repos are setup right, you shouldn't need to; anyway, the ony you want is *probably* xorg-driver-fglrx (second from bottom)09:47
[t0rc] HappyFool: k thnx. =D09:47
HappyFool[t0rc] : i recommend you try to fix your apt setup09:48
=== bluefoxicy aims to create a high-security user-friendly system one day.
[t0rc] HappyFool: heh, no worries. im on a windows right now, linux pc isn't online. ;)09:48
GranMaestrobluefoxicy: stop stop, I am sold :D09:48
HappyFool[t0rc] : ah, right09:48
CookdGryphonGranMaestro, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/197009:48
HappyFool[t0rc] : that is an educated guess; hope i'm right09:48
bluefoxicyGranMaestro:  :)09:48
CookdGryphontho eth0 isn't in it, is that cos it needs to be activated?09:48
CookdGryphonif so i can't without leaving here cos my dial up cuts out09:49
GranMaestroCookdGryphon: I suppose that's the problem09:49
GranMaestrobluefoxicy: ;-)09:49
fizzleHappyFool, is it possible to run xmms while having a sound scheme enabled?09:50
CookdGryphonGranMaestro, ???09:50
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GranMaestroCookdGryphon: yup09:50
Hoxzerhow I can make ubuntu's music players to play mp3?09:50
bluefoxicyGranMaestro:  interestingly, btw, holes in MSN, Firefox, Gaim, FTP clients, Xchat, and friends are impossible to cover via firewall (else the applications plain stop working)09:51
none_-Hoxzer: you need to add universe to your repositories09:51
GranMaestroCookdGryphon: Well, I suppose you must experiment a bit, not much I can think of from here.. sorry09:51
CookdGryphonHoxzer, install the necessary gstreamer packages09:51
fizzleHoxzer, install codecs? i dunno09:51
CookdGryphonGranMaestro, any ideas what to experiment WITH?09:51
CookdGryphoni have no idea where to start09:51
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none_-then apt-cache search gstreamer*09:51
bluefoxicyGranMaestro:  an IPS like snort2.3 with inlining and a drop.rules can cover known attacks, but not new ones.  There's a good reason why I like -proactive- measures, even if the developers have to adjust a -little- bit.09:52
CookdGryphoni'm new to this networking malarchey09:52
rob_pCookdGryphon:  What are you trying to do?09:52
GranMaestroCookdGryphon: well with the GUI should be easy09:52
HappyFoolCookdGryphon: at a guess you have some screwy routing issues, but i've forgotten what little i knew about that09:52
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GranMaestroCookdGryphon: otherwise it's all in /etc/networking09:53
dabaRCookdGryphon: do you use dialup?09:53
GranMaestroCookdGryphon: sorry but networking is hard stuff... you must learn by yourn own mistakes..09:53
none_-read the tcp/ip RFC09:54
CookdGryphonOK, my situation, i ahve a laptop and my pc, linked by ethernet cards/cable both ethernet cards installed appear to be functioning normally. I want to share some files from my main pc to my laptop, just one off will do, and perhaps my dial up connection because my laptop has a linmodem and i can't get the necessary packages to make that work09:54
GranMaestroCookdGryphon: not that I don't want to help but I never came across such a problem, perhaps somebody else can help09:54
Sav^im following a "howto" and got to this line "I recommend adding a custom dsdt to the kernel before compile time", how do i do that?09:54
none_-CookdGryphon, why not use scp?09:54
dabaRCookdGryphon: you want to chare files between two computers? What OSs do they use?09:54
CookdGryphonmik3 said he had the same problem09:54
CookdGryphonthey are both ubuntu09:54
CookdGryphonone's a clean install09:54
dabaRGranMaestro: we understand.09:55
CookdGryphonnone_-, what's scp?09:55
none_-file copy over ssh09:55
GranMaestrodabaR: thank you.. :D09:55
none_-all you need is sshd09:55
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GranMaestroCookdGryphon: SecureCopy09:55
dabaRsecurecopy, CookdGryphon, you want to connect two ubuntu computers using a direct connection with ethernet cables?09:55
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CookdGryphondabaR, yea09:55
dabaRCookdGryphon: and, is your cable a crossover cable?09:56
CookdGryphonyes, i'm pretty sure it is, i've used the cable to link two windows pcss directly before09:56
GranMaestrodabaR: with due respect.. he has a conflict as eth0 makes the line drop09:57
rob_pCookdGryphon:  Do you have a gateway address listed for your eth0 in your /etc/network/interfaces file?09:57
HoxzerEH.... :E09:57
Hoxzerhow I can install VLC mediplayer to ubuntu?09:57
none_-make sure you have the universe repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list09:57
CookdGryphoni set the gateway to
none_-apt-get install vlc09:57
dabaRCookdGryphon: you cant just use the same ethernet cable like the one that is between the modem and computer. Tell me whether you see the word patch anywhere on the  cable.09:57
rob_pCookdGryphon:  If so, try commenting it out.09:57
CookdGryphonyeah patch is on the cable09:58
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none_-CookdGryphon, there should be no problem then09:59
dabaRCookdGryphon: ok, so, is this wire connecting the computers atm?09:59
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PovRayManHello from ubuntu linux09:59
CookdGryphonyes it is09:59
darkheartlol..sounded like he was supposed to comment out 'patch'09:59
f||bberanyone converts from Fedora in here?09:59
PovRayManI got it working 100%!!09:59
dabaRCookdGryphon: so, one of these computers is online, I suppose?09:59
CookdGryphonok, i'm gna try activating the connection, it may kill my dialup, yeah i'm on one of the computers atm, and the otehr is switched on by my side10:00
dabaRCookdGryphon: using dial up on this computer?10:00
dabaRCookdGryphon: and you want this to work whenever you come home, and connect the wires, I suppose?10:00
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CookdGryphonnot necessarily, i'm just trying to set up my laptop to do what i want, but it has a linmodem and needs extra packages to compile the drivers, and i also want to copy my music onto it10:01
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dabaRso just transfer some files now? CookdGryphon?10:02
CookdGryphonpretty much, that would do, thought if i got the internet to work from the laptop through this i would b able to apt-get what i needed10:02
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dabaRCookdGryphon: ok, well, go try what you were going to, and come back if you need more help.10:02
PrinksterHey, can someone help me install a program?10:02
CookdGryphonokay, brb10:02
PrinksterI downloaded Stepmania for Linux, I'm not sure what to do with it.  There's a file called stepmania-3.9.-rcs.tar.gz sitting on my desktop and I'm not sure what to do with it.10:03
none_-Prinkster, open a terminal10:04
none_-tar -zxvf filename10:04
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none_-cd Destop/10:04
none_-then tar -zxvf10:04
none_-Desktop/ even10:05
PrinksterWhat's that do?10:05
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none_-cd Desktop/ Changes Directory to Desktop10:05
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none_-tar -zxvf decompresses and extracts the file10:06
djpwill/does breezy incorporate openoffice.org 2.0?10:06
PrinksterOkay, that un-tarred it, but how do I install it?10:06
none_-cd to the new directory10:06
tux-roxdjp, yes10:06
dabaRthey have a bin file on the website.10:06
none_-type ls10:06
none_-look for a ./configure file10:06
PrinksterHmmm, I don't see one...10:07
none_-gotta read the docs then10:07
PrinksterI don't recognize this thing... GtkModule.so10:07
none_-look for a README10:07
PrinksterCould that have anything to do with it?10:07
none_-that's a library file10:07
dabaRPrinkster: http://prdownloads.sf.net/stepmania/StepMania-3.9-rc1-linux.tar.gz10:07
apollo2011I am learning Spanish and I added the Spanish keyboard layout in the Keyboard Preferences, the only problem I am having now is understanding how I access the different characters assigned to the keys.  The layout map shows 4 keys to most of the alphabet keys, but I can only access lower case and upper case (what about the other 2 characters?).  The other thing is I can't find out how to do accented characters...can someone tell me how I do these thing10:07
PrinksterdabaR, that's the file I have,.10:07
dabaRPrinkster: just a sec.10:08
PrinksterNevermind, it's not, lemme get that.10:08
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none_-it would be best to get the binary; ubuntu doesn't install tools to compile by default10:08
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f||bberanyone converts from Fedora in here?10:09
djjasondoes anyone know why I cant launch a java app from a gnome launcher, it cant find my JAVA_HOME variable but it is set in .bashrc, everything works fine in command promt?10:09
djptux-rox: is there a workaround with regards the incorporation of sun's java in the latest openoffice.org release?10:09
aimazdjjason, you could try setting it in the .gnomerc file10:09
none_-djjason, the GNOME launcher doesn't use bash10:09
aimaz.bashrc is only for bash shell10:09
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theeilhow do you mount bin/cue files?10:10
black_13does cdebootstrap work for hoary ?10:10
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none_-theeil: convert them to iso10:10
theeilnone_-: what app?10:10
none_-IIRC bin/cue is a proprietary format10:10
djjasonI did try to use .gnomerc but it made no difference10:11
LasseLtheeil, if it is a movie you have I think mplayer will play it directly10:11
djpbasically tux-rox, does the openoffice 2 version included in breezy use gcj?10:11
PrinksterHey dabaR, I downloaded that file and there's still no ./configure file.10:11
theeilnone_-: it's a CD10:11
none_-djjason, then create a small shell script and launch it from bash10:11
dmkdjjason, just write a small script and place it /usr/bi10:11
none_-er, GNOME10:11
dabaRPrinkster: unpacked it?10:11
f||bberI have two disks, one with XP, Master and the second Slave, Im about to Install Ubuntu - Will the bootloader write to the master disk?10:12
dabaRPrinkster: go into its folder, and type in killall esd first. that will kill all the sound on your system.10:12
PrinksterEr, why do I wanna do that?10:12
none_-theeil, yeah.. but the ripper converts it to a specific format10:12
dabaRPrinkster: but you need to do it, cause otherwise it wont load for you. Also, do you have direct rendering enabled on your machine?10:12
PrinksterUm, what's direct rendering?10:12
Prinkster(Sorry, I'm a Linux newbie.)10:12
djpdoes anyone know here, if openoffice 2 that will/is included with breezy badger use the gcj version or the non-free java version?10:13
dabaRno idea, something to do with graphics cards, not a linux thing, btw...10:13
bluefoxicybluefox@icebox:/tmp$ wish10:13
bluefoxicyApplication initialization failed: this isn't a Tk applicationunknown color name "Black"10:13
PrinksterUm, I don't *think* so.10:13
bluefoxicyTk 8.4 has been broken for eternity in breezy.10:13
PrinksterBut I might, is there a way to check?  Because SM worked just fine on my Windows boot on this computer.10:13
none_-direct rendering is for direct access to graphics cards10:13
dabaRyes, it would work...anyhow, Prinkster, let us start with that folder, type in ./stepmania and press enter.10:14
HappyFoolPrinkster: i can't remember the precise definition, but the question can be phrased: have you installed ubuntu drivers for your graphics card?10:14
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f||bberI have two disks, one with XP, Master and the second Slave, Im about to Install Ubuntu - Will the bootloader write to the master disk?10:14
Kuresuthere we go10:14
none_-Prinkster: type glxinfo|grep Direct in a terminal10:14
PrinksterYour system is reporting that direct rendering is not available.  Please obtain an updated driver from your video card manufacturer.10:14
none_-that will tell you10:14
PrinksterAfter doing ./stepmania10:14
Kuresui need help10:14
Kuresuits about root10:14
dabaRPrinkster: you have killall esd, tho, right?10:14
HappyFoolit's 'direct', not 'Direct'10:15
Kuresui don't know how to access it in ubuntu10:15
uboturoot is probably disabled in Ubuntu, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo10:15
none_-what HappyFool said ;)10:15
Kuresuwhenever i try to install it10:15
HappyFoolKuresu: read that wiki link (RootSudo)10:15
dabaRPrinkster: well, now you know you want to enable that thing. Do you have an on-board graphics card, or a pci one?10:16
PrinksterI think it's onboard, because it's a laptop so probably not PCI.10:16
Kuresuim on it10:16
none_-Prinkster: linux has limited support for most graphics cards10:16
Kuresui tried the su root passwd10:16
djjasonthanks guys....that shell script did the trick10:16
Kuresubut when i try to access root after that10:17
PrinksterSo does that mean I probably can't run it?10:17
none_-Kuresu, type sudo bash10:17
none_-Prinkster: probably not.. what kind of card do you have?10:17
PrinksterEr, how can I check?10:17
Kuresuwhat is sudo bash10:17
dabaRPrinkster: not really. but it means you know you need to learn how to enable that thing, and whether you can.10:17
none_-lspci -v10:17
HappyFoolKuresu: do 'sudo -s' instead10:17
HappyFoolKuresu: that will give you a root shell10:17
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Kuresuwill it allow me to use the command10:18
Kuresuatp-get install xmms f. example10:18
none_-although, sudo apt-get install xmms10:18
none_-works as well10:18
HappyFoolor just use synaptic10:18
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Kuresui could've sworn i used that10:18
Kuresuand it asked for a pass10:18
Kuresulet me just log in to ubuntu10:18
Kuresuim currently in XP10:18
PrinksterOh, hey, I found my Video card: ATI Mobility Radeon(TM) 9000 IGP10:18
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Kuresuand thanks for the assistance guys10:19
ubotuati is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx10:19
dabaRgo read, and come back if you need clarification on specific parts, dont come bnack and say: " It dont work"10:19
PrinksterHaha, okay.10:19
none_-ATI supports linux fairly well10:19
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none_-you might be in luck10:19
dabaRand, Im off for now, gotta read a book on technical writing for school.10:20
none_-have fun10:20
fizzlehey i just installed fluxbox but whenever i use it, it is slow as DIRT. its slower than gnome and it freezes up when i try to do something. anyone?10:20
none_-try another window manager?10:20
none_-xfce4 is great10:21
none_-enlightenment is great10:21
bluefoxicyBug List10:21
bluefoxicyTue Sep 6 21:20:18 BST 200510:21
bluefoxicyobscene arse drilling10:21
bluefoxicyFrom the Ubuntu bugzilla10:21
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none_-doesn't sound like a bug to me ;)10:22
bluefoxicynone_-:  Nope, it's a quote about anal sex.10:22
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none_-more like a feature..10:22
dabaRmore like a feature...10:22
bluefoxicyanal sex -- a feature of being gay10:22
meuserj|workwhoa.. I switched back to this channel at the wrong time...10:23
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bluefoxicyyeah, we're talking about features in gheyd10:23
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djpcan anyobdy give me some advice with regards openoffice and breezy badger?10:24
z0undshey can someone give me some advise on how to make my microphone to work?10:24
none_-plug it in, run alsamixer10:24
_mindspinI 'd like to mount a samba share on boot (kubuntu), it works from script "by hand", but neither from fstab, nor smbfstab, any idea?10:24
fizzlealso aumix if u have it installed and make sure it is set to capture10:24
meuserj|work_mindspin, why doesn't it work from fstab?10:25
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_mindspinI have no clue10:25
meuserj|work_mindspin, I mean, what does it do when you try to mount it.10:25
_mindspinmounting network file system (or alike) failed10:26
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fizzlecan i use apt-get to install xfce and all its dependcies using one command/10:26
meuserj|work_mindspin, paste your fstab in the pastebin10:26
fizzleapt-get install xfce4?10:26
dabaRsudo aptitude install xfce410:27
_mindspinin #flood?10:27
ubotupaste is, like, totally, please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text10:27
ubotufrom memory, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl10:27
djpwohay!!! "Openoffice2 from Breezy is compiled with the GCJ 4.0 native Java system", quoted from http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30866&page=17&pp=10&highlight=openoffice+gcj. i love ubuntu!10:27
fizzlehow do i remove the fluxbox package/10:27
none_-apt-get --purge remove fluxbox10:27
pussfellerwhy didnt they use like, python or ruby instead of java10:28
none_-apt-get --purge remove $(deborphan)10:28
pussfelleri mean, i KNOW why they use java, since its sun10:28
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none_-java is faster10:28
CookedGryphonI'm still having problems getting my network to work, ie it isn't working, can anyone walk me through it? i have no idea what i'm doing10:28
meuserj|worknone_-, watch it.. I think you are about to start a flamewar...10:28
djppussfeller: :) at least people are trying to keep openoffice free... http://www.fsf.org/news/open-office-java.html ;)10:28
bluefoxicydeborphan will remove additional gstreamer plugins10:28
arture\join #ubuntu-de10:29
bluefoxicydeborphan -a will remove ubuntu-desktop :P10:29
pussfelleryes, at least that10:29
pussfelleri heard 2.0 is alot better10:29
none_-doesn't matter, ubuntu-desktop is not needed once it's installed10:29
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dabaRCookedGryphon: ok, so, now, you have your two machines connected with the patch cable...10:29
bluefoxicynone_-:  when you upgrade it's needed.10:29
dabaRCookedGryphon: and, you want to use FTP to transfer files between then?10:29
djppussfeller: my concern was that if breezy used the sun java version it would compromise a lot of users, especially if it was installed by default10:29
CookedGryphondabaR, that would be a start yes10:30
z0undsin alsamixer it says: Mic [Off]  how do i turn it on?10:30
_mindspinmeuserj|work: pasted it10:30
fizzlehit the M keyt10:30
_mindspinin #flood10:30
z0undsyeah works now thx Filbert10:30
fizzlez0unds, hit "M"10:30
dabaRCookedGryphon: how about the laptop, that is the computer that is not online atm, right? the other computer...10:30
z0undssry :)10:30
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djppussfeller: i should have had more faith i guess... ;)10:30
bluefoxicypussfeller:  I doubt  Java 2.0 will actually work under a PaX, proper SELinux, or GrSecurity system, or whatnot.  JIT compilers and VMs tend to really send security systems for a loop; although they CAN be designed better :(10:30
z0undsfizzle, if i push escape is it saved?10:30
CookedGryphondabaR, ideally i would then set it up so that i could upgrade my laptop using my other computer's connection10:30
CookedGryphondaba, yes10:30
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CookedGryphondabaR, *10:30
meuserj|work_mindspin, well, I wasn't in flood... either paste it in flood again, or use the pastebin10:31
pussfellerweell thats partly my point, why jump thru the hoops to use a hack of a proprietary language instaed of OS ones that are easier to work with anyways10:31
bluefoxicynone_-:  well, ubuntu-desktop has depended on added applications and python packages before that nothing else depended on.10:31
dabaRCookedGryphon: um...go to the laptop, and type in ifconfig, tell me what that does.10:31
Quinthiusnone_-: ubuntu-desktop is a "meta" package, used to pull in other packages. if new packages are added to it, or rename, etc. then you won't get them if you don't have ubuntu-desktop..10:31
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dabaRother than a lo.10:31
_mindspinI'll take pastebin10:31
concept10Has anyone sucessfully used the shares-admin dialog box for mounting samba or nfs?10:31
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none_-hmm, i see10:31
CookedGryphondabaR, it comes up with stats for eth0 and lo10:31
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z0undsfizzle, i put Mic on but it still dosnt work10:31
concept10(System > Admin > Shared folders)10:31
dabaRwhats the IP under eth0?10:31
pussfellerif you need tath kinda security, you wont be using OO or a desktop10:31
black_13has cdebootstrap been ported to ubuntu ?10:32
none_-never used the default install before10:32
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Quinthiusnone_-: since upgrading goes by the packages you have... it may upgrade what you have, but there's no guarantee you're getting a "full" or proper upgrade10:32
kandoora_does anyone have scribus10:32
CookedGryphondabaR, there isn't anything listed as IP10:32
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CookedGryphonthere's an inet6 addr10:32
none_-never thought about that10:32
dabaRCookedGryphon: ok, on the laptop, go into System>Administration>Network10:33
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none_-ifconfig eth0 up10:33
f||bberI have two disks, one with XP, Master and the second Slave, Im about to Install Ubuntu - Will the bootloader write to the master disk?10:33
CookedGryphondabaR, yeah10:33
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none_-f||bber: it will probably tell you10:33
meuserj|work_mindspin, try using cifs instead of smbfs.. I've always had more luck with cifs.10:33
dabaRCookedGryphon: and, there is a eth0 there, right, click on properties, and set up a static IP, like,, or something.10:33
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Quinthiusnone_-: but in general i think it's safe to not have ubuntu-desktop if you aren't upgrading... i would just re-add it before upgrading10:33
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_mindspinmeuserj|work: do I have to install it first?10:34
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meuserj|work_mindspin, I don't think so... let me check10:34
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CookedGryphondabaR, right, with u so far10:34
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none_-all i know is ubuntu-desktop includes about a million packages i have no use for10:34
CookedGryphoni had already done this b4, but then i changed it all when it dint work10:34
RavenI'm a new user and don't know how to set up my modem in Ubuntu10:34
Ravenmodem is a CNet 56k10:34
lsuactiafnernone_- : yeh10:34
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lsuactiafnerRaven : internal or external modem?10:34
dabaRCookedGryphon: set up a mask, but no gateway.10:35
meuserj|work_mindspin, it's included with the smbfs package10:35
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ubotulsuactiafner: Did you get hit by a windmill?10:35
fsmw_hi huys!10:35
ubotulsuactiafner: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?10:35
CookedGryphondabaR, should i leave the mask as the default one that comes up?10:35
_mindspinok I'll reboot10:35
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ubotunone_-: NO SPEAKE ENLISH!10:35
fsmw_i got problems with my keyboard and xorg10:35
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none_-usb keyboard?10:35
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fsmw_i can't get my latam keyboard since i've upgraded from hoary10:35
meuserj|work_mindspin, you also might want to look into using a credentials file instead of having your password in plaintext on a world readable file.10:35
QMarioSeveas, what did you do?10:36
fsmw_none_-, it is my laptop keyboard10:36
OneSeventeenI'd like to make a java applet for a website, I have the source helloworld.java file written, now what do I do to compile it?  (should I install sun-j2sdk1.5, available in Development(non free)?  if so, how do I use it?)10:36
none_-fsmw_: dmesg|grep keyboard10:36
SeveasQMario, opening #ubuntu again and trying to ban the remaining spambots10:36
pussfellerwhats the proper xkb layout for logitech elite?10:36
dabaRCookedGryphon: then ok, and then select that eth0 and activate.10:36
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CookedGryphondabaR,  done10:36
fsmw_none_-, [4294671.748000]  input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard on isa0060/serio010:36
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dabaRCookedGryphon: then again ifconfig, and tell me whether you get an IP there now, the static one you set up.10:36
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dabaRok. Now we need to set up this one with a same mask, and a slightly different IP address.10:37
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dabaRSeveas: what are you doing?10:37
none_-are you sure you are using hoary?10:37
CookedGryphonwell i think so anyway, its labelled as inet addr10:37
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dabaRCookedGryphon: and the one you jsut set up, right?10:37
SeveasdabaR, , opening #ubuntu again and trying to ban the remaining spambots10:37
dabaRok, Seveas.10:38
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Quinthiuswhat's the deal with the spam bots anyway? is it a problem plaguing freenode in general or just #ubuntu?10:38
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none_-IRC in general10:38
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CookedGryphondabaR, right, have set this up with, that right? and the same mask, no gateway10:38
pussfellerfreenode lately i guess in particular10:38
darkheartInternet in general =)10:38
pussfelleri havent had that much prob with em here10:39
none_-make the mask
Quinthiusis it like a specific group, or just random spammers getting more popular?10:39
pawdrohas anyone installed modem adsl SAGEM FAST 800?10:39
dabaRwell, you need one set up as, and the other as, for example, yes, CookedGryphon.10:39
Mystery47_Newbiehi! How can i unzip (.zip) file? Manually?10:39
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CookedGryphonoh wait, this one's coming up with the default mask as could that be what was wrong b410:39
Fanskapethmm anyone configured php in *nixx using a smtp-relay server?10:39
none_-spambots have been on irc for years10:39
fsmw_none_-, even if i change config in gnome i got the same result10:39
Seveaspussfeller, that's because #ubuntu was on +r for a week10:39
pawdroon colony 4?10:39
dmkunzip <filename>10:39
CookedGryphonas the other is
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dabaRCookedGryphon: I get it, try setting them both to be same.10:39
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fsmw_also i've tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but i can't get my kbd working10:39
IcemanV9pawdro: use pppoeconfig to configure your adsl modem10:40
Mystery47_Newbieok...and it unzip it where? or must i put place where to unzip?10:40
CookedGryphondabaR, now comes the point where previously when i activated it it cut off my internet10:40
dabaRset them both up as said, and then check with ifconfig on this machine whether you have that IP under eth0.10:40
pussfellercd to the dir you want it to be in or use the -d option10:40
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CookedGryphonso taht's what's happened if i disappear10:40
none_-does X fail to start?10:40
dmkunzip <filename> -d <path>10:40
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black_13where is the fact on building debian debian source package10:40
dabaRCookedGryphon: right. try pinging the other machine if you get offline.10:40
CookedGryphonam i still here?10:40
dmkjust check out unzip --help10:40
CookedGryphonyah! lol10:41
Mystery47_NewbieAnd -d makes directory what is in the zip file...am i right?10:41
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CookedGryphonits activated and i'm still onlkine10:41
dmkor man unzip10:41
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robotgeekfsmw_: try xkeycaps and reconfigure your keyboard, i guess10:41
dabaRCookedGryphon: and, what about ifconfig, showing the IP?10:41
fsmw_none_-, i got my x working but my keyboard are in english10:41
CookedGryphonits all good10:41
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none_-fsmw_: you don't want english?10:41
chrissturmhow do i make a screenshot of the current window?10:41
vbgunzfsmw_ whats the problem? Video?10:41
none_-you need to specify a keymap, if so10:41
dabaRCookedGryphon: try from this machine, ping other.IP.address.blah10:41
dabaRin a terminal.10:41
robotgeekchrissturm: system -> take screenshot10:42
fizzlehey i just installed xfce4 and im trying to play music in xmms but it wont let me :(10:42
Mystery47_Newbieill try...thanks all10:42
fsmw_none_-, i want a latinamerican kbd, "latam" i've specified that10:42
dabaRfizzle: more info.10:42
fsmw_vbgunz, i can't use my latinamerican kbd10:42
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fizzleit says my sound card is in use10:42
!lilo:*! Hi all. Just to remind you: we're currently blocking private messages from unregistered users. Please register your nick ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup ). If your nick is registered, you can unblock those private messages with: '/msg nickserv set unfiltered on' .... thanks!10:42
chrissturmrobotgeek, "the current window"10:42
none_-i have no idea then, fsmw_10:42
vbgunzoh... I thought the problem was with video10:42
fsmw_robotgeek, what it is xkeycaps?10:42
_mindspinmeuserj|work: "error connecting IP4 socket" and blah.... errorcode 10410:42
robotgeekchrissturm: oops10:42
CookedGryphondabaR, From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable10:42
fsmw_thanks none_-10:42
none_-good luck..10:42
Quinthiusfizzle: have you set xmms to use esound output plugin?10:42
dabaRso, you have that IP in ifconfig on the other computer, tho?10:43
robotgeekchrissturm: i believe gimp has a few features10:43
fsmw_xkeycaps - manipulate X11 keymaps (for xmodmap) graphically10:43
chrissturmrobotgeek, <alt><print>10:43
fsmw_robotgeek, how can i reconfigure my keyboard?10:43
chrissturmrobotgeek, just found it in "keyboard shortcuts"10:43
dabaRmaybe xfce uses another sound daemon, or maybe you need to start esd in a terminal.10:43
_mindspinmeuserj|work: did you see my post?10:43
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robotgeekfsmw_: i dunno much abt layouts10:44
none_-xfce doesn't include a sound daemon10:44
robotgeekchrissturm: i dont have a print button!10:44
dabaRfizzle: type in esd and press enter in a terminal.10:44
none_-you might want to look through lsof to see if your sound device is being used10:44
dabaRCookedGryphon: so, you have that IP in ifconfig on the other computer, tho?10:44
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NeoFaxI am having problems getting KDM to work in Breezy.  It will not start any WM's10:44
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NeoFaxDoes anyone know how to set it up so that I can log in to my system?10:45
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ompaulSeveas, ... +r ?10:45
none_-NeoFax, meaning what? non-graphical?10:45
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dabaRwhy are you using breezy when you have such bad questions?10:45
Seveasompaul, no10:46
NeoFaxNo, I want to login to KDE10:46
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Seveasonly when the volume of joins/parts gets annoying10:46
none_-switch to hoary10:46
none_-breezy is not stable10:46
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NeoFaxThanks for the help dabaR!10:46
dabaRit is quite so at this time, Seveas:)10:46
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SeveasdabaR, I disagree. 2 of them in a few minutes time is hardly annoying10:47
CookedGryphondabaR, hmm, neither computer can ping the other, they can pping themselves tho if that's any help10:47
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_mindspinmeuserj|work: "error connecting IP4 socket" and blah.... errorcode 10410:47
Kuresuis anyone using cedega10:47
NeoFaxnone_-: I have been using linux for a while, and Breezy is fairly stable.10:48
dabaRCookedGryphon: post your ifconfig from both computers, and /etc/network/interfaces files, and label them nicely so I know which is which computer.10:48
NeoFaxI just can't get KDM to work properly. It does not give any error when it states that it should in its configs using Xmessage.10:48
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none_-it doesn't work at all for me10:48
chavoKuresu, I use cedega10:48
CookedGryphonokay then.. jsut a min, i'll have to get my usbstick , i'm not typing out all that from my laptop10:49
_mindspinanyone having an idea why mounting a samba share on bootup fails with this "error connecting ipv4 socket" message10:49
_mindspinit means that the network is not reacable10:49
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bipolarNeoFax, even GDM has some problems in breezy. I don't know why. It's just annoying.10:49
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none_-i've never used KDM. sounds like a config problem though10:49
_mindspinI would guess its a timing problem10:49
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dabaRI would guess he told you nothing about the error, so go ahead and guess.10:49
bipolarNeoFax, we need more info. can you start KDE with startx?10:50
NeoFaxbipolar: I have been using GDM up until now, with no problems.  It is just KDM10:50
No1VikingHello. I have no colors in the filenames in the terminal window. Any idea how to fix this?10:50
none_-he said there is no error10:50
_mindspintiming problem is allthe time my guess, cause mounting the share works fine by script after I#m logged in10:50
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bipolarNeoFax, is it just dumping back to KDM instead of loading kde?10:51
none_-No1Viking: man ls10:51
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NeoFaxbipolar: I can log in to KDE via the console or from GDM, just not KDM.  Nor does it give any errors in auth.log or kdm.log or syslog10:51
dabaR Bergcube, are you a bot?10:51
none_-there's a --colors switch or something like that10:51
TokenBadin ubuntu to get k3b its just apt-get install k3b right?10:51
NeoFaxbipolar: That is correct it just sends me back to KDM10:51
BergcubedabaR~ Hehe.  No, not at all.  I have gone a little wild, setting up Xchat to do some stuff automagically.10:51
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none_-yes, TokenBad10:51
Kuresuisn't sudo needed10:52
bipolarNeoFax, check the kdm config files and see what it's trying to run for the kde session. then open X in failsafe and run it from the terminal.10:52
darkheartKuresu Yes it is, but it's somewhat implied.10:52
TokenBadwell figured sudo was needed..but just wanted to know if could get it that way10:52
BergcubedabaR~ So now when I start Xchat it logs me onto two different nets, enters a few channels and registers at Nickserv for me on it's own.  :-)  mIRC can eat it's heart out.10:52
Kuresuhehe, its only me who had a hard time figuring that out10:52
none_-worked fine for me10:52
Kuresuwhat can i say10:53
Kuresuim a linux newb10:53
none_-there's a lot of them in this channel :)10:53
darkheartKuresu =)10:53
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Kuresustupid text10:53
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Kuresuhow do i change colors10:54
Kuresumy text is grey10:54
NeoFaxbipolar: Thanks! I will check the KDE start session.10:54
Seveasin this channel colors are prohibited10:54
none_-what client are you using?10:54
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test34I use dpkg to install a single .deb file ?10:54
none_-dpkg -i10:54
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BergcubeKuresu~ Find comfort in the fact that there's an infinitely huge chasm between a linux newbie and a clueless newbie.  Most cluebies will never aspire to the level of Linux newbie.  So there!10:54
test34ok thanks none10:54
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Kuresuwhats the name of that messenger that supports just about every windows messenger10:55
Kuresuits not gaim10:55
Kuresuits that other one10:55
Kuresuthanks a bunch none10:55
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Kuresuis trillian also for linux?10:55
No1Vikingnone_-: ls --color=always gives colors that time. When doing ls next time there are no colors again10:55
AnswerJabber is just a protocol.  The client is for example Exodus.10:55
bipolarKuresu, jabber is not a client. It's a protocal and server.10:55
Seveasjabber is a protocol that offers transports to other networks10:55
BergcubeI used Trillian in the bad old days inder window$....  *Shudder*  Trillian was not good for me.10:55
Seveasit's not a messenger10:55
none_-No1Viking: you need to put it in .bashrc10:56
Seveasgajim is a nice jabber client10:56
none_-telephone call..10:56
black_13sorry to ask again i want to build cdebootstrap from the debian source package10:56
AnswerExodus = Jabber Client,  Jive = Jabber Server10:56
Kuresuso i should get exodus then?10:56
Seveasbut gaim and kopete are true multiprotocol clients10:56
bipolarKuresu, Gaim has a windows version.10:56
AnswerExodus is a Windows Jabber Client.10:56
Kuresunever heard of it10:56
BergcubeKuresu~ Out of curiosity....  What is it Gaim DOESN'T do for you?10:56
Kuresunot sure10:57
Kuresuhaven't tried it :p10:57
Kuresudoes it support gmail10:57
Seveasevery jabber client supports google talk10:57
Kuresumy gmail has my .net passport10:57
bipolarblack_13, you want to build the debbootstrap package from a source deb?10:57
Kuresuso i should get jabber?10:57
AnswerYou should get a clue10:57
black_13bipolar cdebootstrap actually but yes10:57
SeveasKuresu, depends on what you want...10:58
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Seveasif you only want to use msn - then no10:58
NeoFaxbipolar: OK, it says no profile for $USER found.  How do I setup this profile?10:58
BergcubeKuresu~ I access ICQ, two different Yahoo Messenger accounts and MSN Messenger at the same time from Gaim.  Works as a charm.10:58
Kuresusomething that can allow me to use my gmail as an account and that can allow me to chat wil all my msn friends10:58
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SeveasKuresu, gaim does that10:59
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bipolarNeoFax, I'm not sure what that error means. You should ask in #kde or google for it.10:59
CookedGryphondabaR, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1971 sorry i took so long, got caught up10:59
No1Vikingnone_-: There are no bashrc in my /home10:59
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SeveasNo1Viking, .bashrc10:59
Seveasit starts with a .10:59
brinebolddoes anyone here work with gnome launchers often?11:00
No1VikingYeah, not there11:00
Seveasand nautilus usually does not show these files11:00
Seveasenable 'Show hidden files'11:00
No1VikingWell, I did a ls -la11:00
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Seveasthat should do it11:00
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AnswerPlease state your question in one line, including relevent environment information.11:00
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SeveasAnswer, ?11:01
No1VikingShould I create a .bashrc?11:01
=== Bergcube thinks Kuresu should give Gaim a proper chance. :-D
bipolarblack_13, I guess it's just like building any other debian package. I'm not sure how to do that though :p11:01
SeveasNo1Viking, only if you need one :)11:01
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No1VikingOK, thanks Seveas11:01
none_-ls /etc/skel11:01
none_-cp /etc/skel bashrc ~/11:01
none_-cp /etc/skel/bashrc ~/11:01
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brineboldI need someone to help me create a launcher for WoW but it has to also run the command      WINEPRELOADER_SETVALEGACY="no"      as well as      cedega /home/brandon/TransGaming_Drive/World\ of\ Warcraft/WoW.exe11:01
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No1Vikingnone_-: again thanks!  :)11:02
dabaRCookedGryphon: looks fine, except there is no eth0 entry in the interfaces file on the PC...but, the ifconfig shows it as up, so that is fine, I would think.11:02
Answerbrinebold: make a script with those commands, make the launcher run that script11:02
Seveasbrinebold, let it run it as one command: WINEPRELOADER_SETVALEGACY="no" cedega /home/brandon/TransGaming_Drive/World\ of\ Warcraft/WoW.exe11:02
brineboldit gives me the error Cannot launch icon11:02
brineboldDetails: Failed to execute child process "WINEPRELOADER_SETVALEGACY=no" (No such file or directory)11:02
bipolarblack_13, http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/2011:02
none_-cp /etc/skel/bashrc ~/.bashrc11:02
SeveasAnswer, not needed...11:02
dabaRCookedGryphon: try turning off your ppp0, I guess. and do you have firewalls installed?11:02
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Kuresugaim works11:03
brineboldi'd already tried that11:03
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Seveasthat :)11:03
BergcubeKuresu~ Congrats!11:03
CookedGryphondabaR, i haven't done anything firewally taht didn't come with the install11:03
fizzlei just installed idesk but it wont work. i get this message: Can't find config file or missing 'Config' table in the config file.11:03
fizzle. so ya anyone ever used idesk?11:03
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BockBilbowhats the name for the esound server?11:04
chavofizzle, you have to create a config file11:04
dabaRCookedGryphon: ok, then, try disabling the ppp0 on the desktop, if you want.11:04
dabaRthen try pinging.11:04
Webby`why can't i install breezy? i get an error when it's trying to install the base system. should i burn another copy?11:04
dabaRWebby`: I had the same error.11:05
BockBilbothanks dabaR11:05
fizzlechavo, ; yes but where11:05
Kuresui installed11:05
Kuresubut i can't find it11:05
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Webby`dabar: how did you fix it?11:05
chavofizzle, can't remember it's been a while since I played with it11:05
SeveasKuresu, applications -> sound & video -> xmms11:05
dabaRKuresu: Apps>SOund&Video.11:05
dabaRWebby`: I throw the cd out the window:)11:05
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=== dabaR uses cd-rw...
Webby`dabaR: :)11:05
Kuresuonly rythmbox is there11:05
fizzleKuresu, if u installed xmms run the xmms command and change your output plugin to esound and if it doesnt let u play songs type esd in terminal then close terminal and try again11:06
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dabaRfizzle: hehe, no, not in all cases...just when esd is not running.11:06
Kuresushould i tye more than : sudo apt-get install xmms11:06
dabaRfizzle: his error is gonna be that xmms will freeze up when he tries to play a file.11:06
Kuresuuh type11:06
Kuresunot tye11:06
Seveasfizzle, man idesk11:06
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dabaRKuresu: ya, thats fine, or sudo aptitude install xmms11:06
Seveasit explains the config business :)11:07
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Kuresuwhat is an xmms command11:07
puffHm, I can't seem to get flashs/hockwave working on firefox.11:07
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chavofizzle, here's a graphical idesk config tool http://www.jmurray.id.au/ideskconf.html11:07
puffKuresu: man xmms11:08
dabaRpuff the magic dragon11:08
chavoit'll write the config file for you11:08
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Kuresuno user interface?11:08
puffI hate websites that use applets or flash for functionally essential pieces of the site, like menus, for trivial reasons.  Like cellular-link.ca11:08
puffdabaR: puff the fractal dragon.11:08
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fizzlealso one more question. for some reason my computer keeps locking up ubexpectingly. maybe its from xmms or something? i dsunno11:09
puffKuresu: Sure user interface.  Command-line user interface.11:09
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njalany one here good with networking?11:09
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dabaRfizzle: how does it lock up?11:10
CookedGryphndabaR, hmm, killing the ppp0 doesn't work, i went back into the net config on here and it had gone back to dhcp11:10
ompaul!tell njal about ask11:10
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Kuresui don't get it11:10
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dabaRCookedGryphn: so...did you change it to static again?11:10
fizzledabaR, everything freezes and i cant switch tty screens or anything11:11
njalOk I need to set up ubuntu as a router for my iBook11:11
fizzleso i have to powerdown my comp and restart11:11
puffKuresu: Me neither, I haven't actually tried xmms under ubuntu.   this page (http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-886.html) seems to suggest that if you apt-get install xmms, log out and log back in, it'll show up in your menu.11:11
njalHowever i have gotten to the point where they ping each other11:11
njaland i don't know how to procede11:11
Kuresuoh ok11:11
Kuresubrb then11:11
dabaRnjal, what, ibook gets an IP from the ubuntu?11:11
puffKuresu: No guarantees, however, like I said, I haven't tried this myself.11:11
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puffI'm going to quit and reconnect, to flush my irc client's memory usae.11:12
njalNo iBook has a static assigned ip i need ubuntu to share it's net connection11:12
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_jonashello there11:12
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disasmnjal: whats your external/internal ip?11:12
njalon the iBook?11:12
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dabaRnjal: well, install dnsmasq, and ipmasq, set up ibopok to use dhcp, and tell me whether that does it.11:13
disasmnjal: -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $INET_IFACE -j SNAT --to-source $INET_IP11:13
=== Kuresu [n=Kuresu@0x50a141bf.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
StarkI was wondering if someone could help me11:13
disasmnjal: errr iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $INET_IFACE -j SNAT --to-source $INET_IP11:13
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njali'll set that up then11:13
disasmthat one command should get internet sharing11:14
zeus1_how do u compile .tbz sources in ubuntu11:14
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Seveaszeus1_, tbz?11:14
njalnjal@ubuntu:~ $ iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $INET_IFACE -j SNAT --to-source $INET_IP11:14
njalBad argument `SNAT'11:14
njalTry `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.11:14
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zeus1_seveas ya11:14
StarkI tried to start Ubuntu Live, but it said gtk-WARNING11:14
njaloh never mind11:14
Kuresuit worked11:14
Seveasnjal, please don't paste in here11:14
Kuresuxmms shows up11:14
Seveasand run iptables as root :)11:14
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Seveaszeus1_, what does 'file filename.tbz' say?11:15
_jonashow to set X's resolution? ..like in gdm11:15
HergiswiHey guys, I have a quick question...I just did sudo apt-get upgrade, but how can I make sure that it actually upgraded to Hoary Hedgehog?11:15
zeus1_seveas XML-Parser-2.34.tar.gz11:15
StarkCould anyone help me out?11:15
_jonashello _lui_11:15
ompaulnjal, stick the command sudo in front of the command, and if you want to paste use paste.ubuntulinux.nl11:16
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Seveaszeus1_, there are tons of xml parsers in the repositories...11:16
disasmnjal: sub $INET_IFACE with your external if (eth0) and $INET_IP with your external ip11:16
CookedGryphon_dabaR, its all goign wrong :(11:16
Seveas!tell _jonas about resolution11:16
StarkWhat does "gtk-WARNING" mean?11:16
HergiswiHey guys, I have a quick question...I just did sudo apt-get upgrade, but how can I make sure that it actually upgraded to Hoary Hedgehog?11:16
zeus1_ya but im following this tutorial http://linux.suramya.com/tutorials/Install_GIMPShop/ and I want to install the one needed in GIMPshop11:17
Seveaszeus1_, and .tar.gz is not .tbz....11:17
njalok slow down there man, after installing these programs and running as route i got the same error11:17
Seveaszeus1_, should make no difference...11:17
Sonny_Wertzikcan anybody point me toward a command list that has all the commands and descriptioins of what they do?11:17
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_jonasSeveas: i did read that, but it doesn't work for me11:17
Seveaszeus1_, sudo apt-get build-dep gimp11:17
_lui_I need to know how to make a directory unreadable for anybody even for me as the owner only if I insert a password11:17
Seveasthat installs all gimp buid dependencies11:17
disasmnjal: if you want the whole script i use http://irc.gentux.org:8000/proxy11:17
StarkDoes anyone know what "gtk-WARNING" means?11:18
Seveaswhich will get you a long way11:18
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njalLet's take this one step at a time, how do find out my ip ddress?11:18
disasmStark: context?11:18
_lui_I need to know how to make a directory unreadable for anybody even for me as the owner only if I insert a password11:18
disasmnjal: ifconfig eth0 most likely11:18
StarkI'm trying to start up Ubuntu Live11:18
_jonasStark: "gtk-WARNING" nothing more?11:18
Seveas_lui_, is it a file to store passwords?11:18
Hergiswiok, there are definitely like too many people in here11:18
Kuresuhey puff11:18
njalOk eth0 isn't my modem, i'll try ppp0 im sure that's what it is11:18
StarkWell, it also says "cannot open display"11:19
Kuresuor anyone else for that matter11:19
Kuresuwon't play?11:19
StarkI typed in "x-session-manager"11:19
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disasmnjal: yeah, ppp011:19
_lui_could be11:19
SeveasStark, why?11:19
Kuresuwho typed in the proper config for that earlier11:19
disasmnjal: sorry not used to dial-up11:19
SeveasKuresu: To make xmms or beep-media-player actually play things, change the audio output plugin to eSound11:19
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njalthe inet address presumably?11:19
HergiswiSo is anyone gonna answer me?11:19
StarkThat's the error I got when I started up Live11:19
BergcubeHergiswi~ You realise there are several "national" Ubuntu channels as well?11:19
SeveasKuresu, open xmms, hit <ctrl> P to edit the preferences, go to plugins -> audio plugin11:19
Seveasset that to eSound11:19
HergiswiI know, but I usually get my questions answered here11:19
dabaRCookedGryphon_: what is?11:20
_lui_Seveas, could be, but I want to do it with a complete directory where I can put anything just for me11:20
SeveasHergiswi, cat /etc/issue11:20
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Sonny_Wertzikcan anybody point me toward a command list link that has all the commands and descriptioins of what they do? anyone?11:20
Kuresuprograms can lock up in linux?11:20
Seveaswhat does that say?11:20
disasmnjal: yeah11:20
SeveasKuresu, yes11:20
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peter1968Hello all11:20
CookedGryphon_dabaR, i can't ping the other computer, and i don't see why11:20
SeveasSonny_Wertzik, linuxcommand.org11:20
dabaRSonny_Wertzik: just a general thing?11:20
njalgot my address then so what do i do with it now?11:20
Hergiswidammit, it still says Warty Warthog11:20
LoneNightCrawlerHey, how do I access windows network shares?11:20
ubotuI guess shell is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands or http://www.linuxcommand.org/11:20
f||bberare there any good guides on partitioning ubuntu?11:20
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HergiswiSo, I used apt-get upgrade for nothing?11:20
CookedGryphon_dabaR, and when i change settings and play with it it cuts out my internet11:20
Kuresuhow do you close it then?11:20
SeveasLoneNightCrawler, places -> connect to server11:20
disasmnjal: you can actually tie that in with your ppp script to auto bring it up when you connect11:20
beekayhow can i play m4a files in xmms?11:20
StarkDoes anyone know why Ubuntu wouldn't be loading?11:21
Sonny_Wertzikthanx Seveas11:21
peter1968I have a question regarding the lack of "view as image collection" that EOG used to allow us to enjoy in Nautilus.....11:21
njaland would the ip address not change every so often?11:21
Sonny_Wertzikya general11:21
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SeveasHergiswi, paste your current sources.list on the pastebin11:21
dabaRbeekay: install the xmms package for mp4. aptitude search xmms11:21
_lui_Seveas, could be, but I want to do it with a complete directory where I can put anything just for me11:21
LoneNightCrawlerright, thanks.. I found it when I was running the live CD, but I installed Ubuntu to my harddrive now, and I couldn't find it, lol11:21
peter1968Anyone know how to get this to work in Hoary??11:21
Hergiswiwhat's sources.list?11:21
dabaRCookedGryphon_: ya, strange.11:21
Seveas_lui_, you can create a cryptoloop filesystem11:21
disasmHergiswi: if your switching from warty to hoary you need to apt-get dist-upgrade11:21
StarkCould anybody help me?11:21
SeveasHergiswi, the file /etc/apt/sources.list11:21
Sonny_Wertzikknowing some commands would probably make thing easier heh....11:21
CookedGryphon_peter1968, are you thinking along the lines of Applications > images > gthumb image viewer11:22
Sonny_Wertzikinstead of fumbling around all day11:22
beekaydo i just do sudo apt-get install xmms-mp4?11:22
_lui_Seveas, where I can find info for doing that?11:22
=== Bergcube creeps over to www.oswd.org to plan a website.
disasmnjal: if it's tied into the script then when the ip changes, it will rerun the script11:22
Seveas_lui_, there is some info on the wiki11:22
zeus1_wtf im getting an error11:22
peter1968Not sure what you mean Cookedgriffon11:22
njalreassigning the ip to me?11:22
StarkCould anyone help me?11:22
njalOr adjusting the script?11:23
Ether7I just installed hoary on a 'Medion' brand laptop with an NVIDIA GeForce4 64meg, everything is flawless except the video which is messed up (lines, garbled screen). Windoze is running it fine. Whats up guys? ty11:23
Seveasbasically you need to fill a file with dd, turn it into a crypto-partition, mkfs and mount it11:23
f||bberWhat does "Bootable flag" mean when partitioning, and what partitions should be bootable? I intend on having 3: / , /home, swap ??11:23
disasmnjal: so is the sharing working with the iptables command?11:23
zeus1_when i did a 'make install' command for glib i got error WTF11:23
beekaydo i just do sudo apt-get install xmms-mp4? i did and it didnt let me play anything new11:23
_lui_Seveas, ok thanks11:23
zeus1_how do u not get erors when u make instal11:23
disasmzeus1_: why are you make installing glib?11:23
Seveasf||bber, only the first partition on your drive should be bootable11:23
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zeus1_because the tutorial for installing GIMPshop said to11:23
Seveaszeus1_, DO NOT DO THAT11:23
njali don't know yet i have this script and my ISP assigned ip address but what do i do with them?11:23
Seveasthat can seriously fuck up your system11:23
disasmzeus1_: sudo apt-get install glib11:23
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zeus1_um...well wtf someone gave me bad advice on the forums then11:24
Seveasditch that tutorial, it is not meant for ubuntu systems11:24
f||bberSeveas, So would that be swap?11:24
zeus1_ya....after i already ran the 'make' command11:24
Seveasf||bber, probably /11:24
zeus1_now how do i delete it11:24
zeus1_is there a system restore11:24
zeus1_in ubuntu11:24
f||bberSeveas, As I said I plan having 3: / , /home, /swap - thats ok yeah? Bootable / then11:25
Seveaszeus1_, did you do make install?11:25
zeus1_ya but it gave errors11:25
Seveasf||bber, yeah11:25
zeus1_so it didnt suceed11:25
Seveaszeus1_, did you run it as root?11:25
zeus1_umm how do u do that11:25
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Seveaszeus1_, it was just a question11:25
disasmzeus1_: this is untested by me, but i came across this: http://www.macewan.org/2005/04/03/gimpshop-on-ubuntu-from-deb-causing-problems/11:25
SeveasDO NOT DO IT11:25
f||bberSeveas, use as /swap is swap should I make / and /home ext3?11:25
zeus1_idk ... apparently im fine since im still typing here11:26
Seveasf||bber, yes11:26
f||bberSeveas, thank you for your help11:26
Seveaszeus1_, just ditch the directory containing glib stuff11:26
Seveasand all other things you were about to install from source11:26
disasmzeus1_: nothings broken if you didn't make install as root11:26
njaldisasm how do i procede?11:26
CookedGryphon_does anyone have4 any idea how to set up a direct ethernet connection between two copmuters, for file and possibly internet sharing?11:27
zeus1_k i ditched that stupid SHIIIIAHT11:27
disasmnjal: what have you done so far?11:27
Seveaszeus1_, wait for breezy11:27
zeus1_now how do i install gimpshop if i cant use that tut its trying to F up my system11:27
njali have the firewall script and my ip address11:27
Seveasthen you can use the gimpshop .deb files11:27
=== tear [n=tear@62-181-70-124.skbbip.com] has joined #ubuntu
zeus1_i have to wait for breezy to get my sound working...and for gimpshop wtfs the point of using it then11:27
njalthing is the IP address is relieved after a few days11:27
=== kamstrup [n=kamstrup@0x3e42da90.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
disasmnjal: the firewall script i wrote?11:28
f||bberSeveas, Are Mount options mandatory?11:28
Seveasf||bber, bo11:28
njalIf that's the link you gave me then yes11:28
Seveas'defaults' will do11:28
tearis there any good DC clients that would work on the 64 achitectiure? the ones I found in "synaptic" didn't please me11:28
disasmnjal: change INET_IFACE to ppp011:29
f||bberSeveas, Reserved Blocks?11:29
f||bberSeveas, And Bootable flag for /11:29
=== sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
disasmnjal: sudo ./proxy11:30
Kuresugot xmms working11:30
disasmnjal: errr, sudo ./proxy start11:30
zeus1_is there a ,deb file to make sound work i can install or wat11:30
njalcommand not found11:30
disasmzeus1_: what chipset?11:30
=== ThePyromaniac [n=_ThePyro@82-46-107-127.cable.ubr02.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
disasmnjal: what did you save the script as?11:30
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sorush20I'm trying to write to a dvd rw but I get the me11:31
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zeus1_disasm....its a usb headset thats not working...the speakers work fine11:31
njalAh you should have told me i was running the script, lemmie change permissions11:31
beekayhow do you make the xmms mp4 plugin work? i download it but i cant open m4as or anything of that stuff11:31
disasmzeus1_: ah, i talked to you earlier, i dunno why it's not working right11:31
papyrus2Crimsun : Hi11:31
njalRight call it proxy right?11:31
disasmnjal: thats what i call it11:32
njalk right11:32
zeus1_well idk...is there a way to go back to warty warthog so i can have working sound or something11:32
ParisiI might shop for a new pci wireless card today, what would you guys recommend?11:32
njalit's all execuatble and called proxy now11:32
njalnetwork unreachable11:32
ThePyromaniachey guys, you will hate me for asking as i bet you get about 100 a day, but... if i have a windows installtion disk sat in front of me, how would i go about installing that on the same disk as ubutnu, with free unpartitioned space?11:32
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ThePyromaniacor even better, if you know how i can get WoW working on a AMD64 pc, that would be an even better solution ^^11:33
beekayhow can i play m4a files in xmms11:34
sorush20I can't find dvdrecord on synaptic.. I have all the repositories..11:34
SeveasThePyromaniac, simply install windows XP (it will ask which partition to use) and restore grub afterwards to boot into linux again11:34
ubotuhmm... recoveringgrub is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows11:34
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disasmnjal: ah, delete the ip route command at the bottom (thats for some vpn stuff i do)11:34
zeus1_wtf....................guess im waiting till october then11:34
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disasmnjal: it should be working though11:35
=== sexcopter8000m [n=NNSCRIPT@82-34-47-19.cable.ubr01.chel.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ThePyromaniacwill this work? i tried before and it got arsey at me11:35
disasmplease tell me these aren't spambots that just came in...11:35
Seveasdisasm, they aren't :)11:35
njalwould that be the set policies section?11:35
disasmline 5611:36
disasmright above ;;11:36
njalk the script ran or is running no errors11:37
=== theeil [n=neil@toronto-HSE-ppp4043222.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ThePyromaniacthis removing grub after installation is very complicated... what if i dont have live cd's and i dont understand alot of it...?11:37
=== Hergiswi [n=chris@pool-141-154-38-230.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
theeilhow do i minimize a full screen game?11:37
disasmnjal: try pinging the internet gw from the mac11:37
=== phayze2 [n=john@c-24-126-228-63.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
njalagain where do i find the gateway ifconfig again?11:38
HergiswiI did apt-get update, upgrade, and dist-upgrade, but it didn't upgrade to Hoary, and now I have TWO ubuntus for some reason11:38
disasmnjal: route11:38
theeilalt+tab works on windows, how can i do that on gnome?11:38
Quinthiustheeil: press alt-tab11:38
disasmtheeil: alt tab should work11:38
SeveasHergiswi, did you put the sources.list file on a pastebin yet?11:38
theeildisasm, Quinthius: for a full screen game11:39
Hergiswino, I don't know how, and I was trying dist-upgrade like disasm said11:39
njalno gateway's are listed they are all *'s or have letter's in them11:39
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Quinthiustheeil: not sure if that works, or if it does it might not very well11:39
disasmHergiswi: did you change the sources.list to say hoary?11:39
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=== Gnonthgol [n=knut@ti400720a081-6542.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasHergiswi, open that file in a text editor and copy the context on http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl11:39
sorush20anyone here able to find dvdrecord on their repositories11:39
disasmHergiswi: and two ubuntus is fine, that means you installed a new kernel11:39
Hergiswihow do I open it in an editor?11:39
njalthe one with the letter's produced unknown host11:40
=== melide [n=melide@cm72044.red.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasHergiswi, applications -> accessories -> text editor11:40
Seveashit the open button11:40
Seveasgo to filesystem11:40
Seveasthen the etc folder11:40
NoUsesorush20 dvd+rw-tools is what you want I think11:40
Seveasthen the apt folder11:40
disasmSeveas: your answers probly better than mine, i would've said vi /etc/apt/sources.list ;-)11:41
Seveasand then the sources.list file11:41
Seveasdisasm, :)11:41
rob_pnjal:  what IP address does, "route | grep default" give you?11:41
Hergiswiok, and now I post it on the pastebin and do what?11:41
disasmHergiswi: then you tell us the link, and we look at it11:42
njalwhere do you want me to paste the output?11:42
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Seveasnjal, if it's large: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl11:42
disasmnjal: if its more than one line, what he said11:42
njalit's not really11:42
GnonthgolHi, I have troubles with my hp network printer, I cant find the drivers in the database, It was there in warthy standard, but not in the server edition, and not in horry.11:42
njaldefault         lo0.lns-26.fm4.         UG    0      0        0 ppp011:43
disasmHergiswi: change warty to hoary in that file and save11:43
SeveasHergiswi, right, with that sources.list you can never get a hoary system :)11:43
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SeveasHergiswi, run these 2 commands:11:43
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Seveassudo wget http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/d969 -O /etc/apt/sources.list11:43
Seveassudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:44
naliothSeveas: not curl?11:44
Seveascurl is not installed by default11:44
naliothSeveas: and i don't know why not11:44
Seveasfile a bug against ubuntu-desktop or ubuntu-base with your wishes then :)11:45
=== ReTyPe [n=retype@116-153.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
GnonthgolI have troubles with my hp network printer, I cant find the drivers in the database, It was there in warthy standard, but not in the server edition, and not in horry. Any help?11:45
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apollo2011I am learning Spanish and I added the Spanish keyboard layout in the Keyboard Preferences, the only problem I am having now is understanding how I access the different characters assigned to the keys.  The layout map shows 4 keys to most of the alphabet keys, but I can only access lower case and upper case (what about the other 2 characters?).  The other thing is I can't find out how to do accented characters...can someone tell me how I do these thing11:46
disasmnjal: i've never liked routes output, ip route show should say default via some_ip we need some_ip11:46
=== Kuresu [n=Kuresu@0x50a141bf.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
ReTyPe i cant install kubuntu, my install freezes @ 50% of configuring apt... Testing network repository, i can still access other shells with ctrl, alt F211:46
disasmnjal: to rephrase, type ip route show11:46
NoUseGnonthgol there isn't a server vs normal edition of ubuntu11:46
njaldefault via dev ppp0 that what your meaning11:47
disasmNoUse: yeah there is11:47
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disasmok, on the mac, ping
=== Kuresu [n=Kuresu@0x50a141bf.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
robzonapollo2011: I've had the same problem... unfortunately, I still do :/11:47
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Kuresuhow do i install a program that comes as a .deb11:47
NoUsedisasm where?11:47
apollo2011robzon: hmm :-/11:47
Gnonthgolapollo2011: some keybord layouts neads editing of the keys, All keybords are not the same.11:47
njalping = host is down11:48
apollo2011Gnonthgol: How do I edit it?11:48
disasmNoUse: the ubuntu install cd, type server11:48
audellKuresu, type in terminal: "sudo dpkg -i <packagename.deb>11:48
sorush20k3b keeps telling me that the dvdrecord executable was not found can someone help please..11:48
NoUsedisasm but thats all from the same repos, its just a differnt install set11:48
disasmnjal: iptables -t nat -L11:48
audellyou must be located in the same direcotory as the file11:48
apollo2011sorush20: that probably means u need to install it in Synaptic11:48
Selanewbie question11:48
disasmNoUse: yeah, just it doesn't come with everything like X and stuff11:48
apollo2011sorush20: go into Synaptic and search Name and Description for "dvdrecord"11:49
Selainstalling on an existing secondary ntfs partition11:49
Selawich option to choose :o11:49
Selaall faq's point to resizing11:49
disasmNoUse: nm, i scrolled up and saw the original question11:49
njalIt's in the paste bin no11:50
ThePyromaniacdoes anyone think installing GRUB to /boot is a better plan than removing grub? it seems easier http://www.geocities.com/epark/linux/grub-w2k-HOWTO.html11:50
audellIs there anyway to use the browsing mode where new windows are opened all the time, but with the difference that new windows AREN'T opened all the time?11:50
=== misfit_toy [n=guy@cpe-70-112-252-226.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
robzonapollo2011: hmmm it seems that the problem got fixed by itself here... now the layout works fine.. :/11:51
audellBecause the windows looks different depending on wich mode you ise11:51
disasmNoUse: ifconfig ppp0 gives you this, right?11:51
disasmerr, njal11:51
disasmNoUse: ignore above hilight11:51
=== {cYanide} [n=steve@dsl-88-110-64-68.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Gnonthgolapollo2011: you fin a knife, an old keybord and something to change the printing on the keys and start operating transfearing the keybord to a spanish keybord11:51
njalyes that's correct11:52
=== feugan3333 [n=pico@tbnb-165-196-191.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
Gnonthgolapollo2011: or just by a keybord from spain11:52
ThePyromaniaccan anyone help explain the proccess of installing grub to /boot? im really confused guys ^^11:52
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apollo2011Gnonthgol: oh I don't really mind if the printing on the keys don't match, I just cant figure out certain functions of the layout11:52
=== fizzle [n=fizzle@pool-71-241-43-66.nrflva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
feugan3333Hi all. How can I find out what version of the ntfs driver I have on my system?11:53
=== judax [n=troy@ppp-69-148-19-77.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
disasmThePyromaniac: what have you done so far in installing grub?11:53
fizzlehey for some reason my computer freezes up when i run aptitude.. anyone11:53
fizzleit only happens once in a while11:53
=== protok0l [n=sfkdlgnk@user-0c9h0lq.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
protok0lhello all11:53
=== dany2k [n=dany2k@p54A555D0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
protok0lis there a working firefox available yet?11:53
disasmnjal: is the ubuntu's ip?11:53
audellprotok0l, hmm yes11:53
audellprotok0l, what do you mean?11:53
apollo2011robzon: what problem are u really referring to?11:53
ThePyromaniacdisas: so far nothing, i tried installing windows before after knowing nothing about grub. fucks up, and i dont understand the RecovingUbutnuAfterWindows installation thing11:54
dany2khey guys anybody has experience with ubuntu on dell servers?11:54
disasmThePyromaniac: ah, are you in ubuntu currently?11:54
disasmThePyromaniac: grub-install /dev/hda11:54
njaldisasm should be... yen ubuntu's ip is 10.10.10,111:54
f||bbershould /swap be primary or logical?11:54
disasmnjal: and whats the macs ip?11:54
robzonapollo2011: umm... that accents didn't work at all? I thought you've had the same problem :P11:54
apollo2011Gnonthgol: When I was using SUSE, before I tried Ubuntu, I had the Spanish keyboard layout set up and the left bracket key (I think) allowed you to add an accent11:55
Quinthiusf||bber: i don't think it makes any difference11:55
disasmnjal: and do you have for the gw on the mac?11:55
f||bberQuinthius, hhhmmm..which would you do?11:55
njaldisasm yes the router field is set to
apollo2011robzon: yeah, I just wasn't sure if you meant the accents or accessing the different characters.  Now that u have it fixed, what do you have to do to get an accent on say an 'i'?11:55
Quinthiusf||bber: i've always done primary but the ubuntu default is to stick it on logical11:55
robzonapollo2011: press ' then i11:56
dany2khas anybody experience with ubuntu on servers at all?11:56
jorgp2is there a torrent gui as good a ktorrent for gnome?11:56
f||bberQuinthius, Should it be beginning or end or does it matter?11:56
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Quinthiusf||bber: and i've read that modern drives have faster speeds on the outer tracks now, so ubuntu might put it at the end of disk and on logical partition for that reason11:56
disasmnjal: and you can ping
f||bberQuinthius, so end then11:57
apollo2011robzon: ok, now I know it definitely doesnt work :-) :-(11:57
njaldisasm correct11:57
njalthey can ping each other11:57
Quinthiusf||bber: i always thought it should be near the beginning for faster access and less needle movement, but after reading that i dont know anymore :)11:57
=== anomaly [n=aa@adsl-220-171-175.mob.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Quinthiusf||bber: so i just stuck it on a seperate disk entirely :)11:57
protok0laudell: the firefox i have is broken in many ways, extensions, themes, etc11:58
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feugan3333Any body how ubuntu is able to mount ntfs partitions, there are not ntfs-like packages.11:58
thechitowncubsI just got a horendeous error when booting11:58
robzonapollo2011: hmmm which spanish layout did you choose? there are 2 i think "eliminate dead keys" and "sun dead keys"... I got the first one11:58
disasmnjal: hmmm, you should be able to at least ping the gw from the mac with what you've showed me11:58
=== cute_bettong [n=shane@24-177-148-2.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
apollo2011robzon: yeah I have the eliminate dead keys one11:58
disasmnjal: pastebin ip route show from ubuntu11:58
cute_bettonghow do i make mplayer play stuff in full screen?11:58
feugan3333horendeous hory error :-)11:58
audellprotok0l, Then the answer is: Yes, there is a working version, but you don't have it11:59
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Quinthiusf||bber: but really i don't think it makes much practical difference unless you are doing a lot of HEAVY memory usage stuff... most of the time i never see swap used at all11:59
thechitowncubsBuffer I/O Error on Device hda1, logical block 15449  (oh god what do i do?)11:59
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njaldisasm it's in the bin11:59
cute_bettonghow do i play video in full screen in mplayer11:59
protok0ldo i check backports?11:59
thechitowncubsit says to run fsck manually but I don't know what to do with it11:59
test34ubuntu uses grub ?11:59
thechitowncubscute_bettong, hit f11:59
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