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JaneWhighvoltage: ping09:30
JaneWmorning all09:30
magnonmorning Jane09:30
jsgotangcohello ms. JaneW 09:30
magnonI think we're losing a client09:31
magnonbut they're not answering the phone, so who knows :p09:31
jsgotangcoi couldn't think of anything to post in planet09:31
magnonsame school who hung up the ethernet cable under a 440V power line *sigh*09:32
JaneWhi Mr Gotangco09:32
JaneWmagnon: maybe they got fried09:32
magnondunno, but they blame us when their network is down :D09:33
magnonah, they are more trouble than it's worth anyway09:33
magnontheir loss09:33
magnonmore enthusiastic people are interested09:33
magnonand I got us some consultancy work yesterday anyway09:33
magnon<3 people who are willing to pay shitloads for having me find a solution to whatever09:33
magnon"This Linux thing... is it good?"09:35
magnonmy father works in a rather hardcore windows environment and sometimes direct some customers to me... usual question :)09:36
jsgotangcoyou can say that it's orgasmic09:38
jsgotangcoooopsss this is an edu chan09:38
magnonI usually just say a lot of technical blabber, then say that it is awesome, and they trust my knowledge and agree :P09:38
magnonJaneW: will there be anything edubuntu-specific at BelowZero?09:39
highvoltageJaneW: pong09:44
magnonjbailey's email is jbailey@c.c as well?09:47
JaneWmagnon: I think so, but it hasn;t been arranged yet - there will certainly be some bofs09:47
JaneWmagnon: yes that should rach jef09:48
JaneWreach jeff09:48
magnonI might consider going to belowzero09:49
magnonI mean, I am considering, I might even go ;)09:50
jsgotangcoJaneW, there should be an edubuntu track, the LTSP guys are there09:51
jsgotangcolike what they did in sydney09:51
magnonanyone know how customs between Canada and US are now, btw?09:51
magnonin 2000 I could pass without a passport :P09:51
JaneWogra: is there enough edubuntu specifics to justify and entire track - kubuntu doesn't get a track09:52
jsgotangcolucky for you anywhere i go, i usually need a visa09:52
magnonjsgotangco: where are you from?09:52
magnonwell, we went to canada, they didnt bother09:53
magnonthen we had to go back, I noticed I had forgotten my passport in NY09:53
magnonjust said "New York City, sir" when the officer asked where I was from, and that worked nicely09:53
=== JaneW needs a visa for everywhere too
JaneWexcept UK and parts of SE Asia09:57
jsgotangcoSE Asia that's strange09:58
jsgotangcowe usually don't require a visa for short trips09:58
magnonthe flight fares aren't that bad10:02
magnon5.5k NOK10:02
magnon700 eur10:02
magnoneven cheaper to NY10:03
jsgotangcoJaneW, who is our main contact in Montreal? jbailey?10:09
JaneWjsgotangco: yes I guess, what for?10:22
jsgotangcojust asking10:23
jsgotangco(its not like ubuntu has an office everywhere to hold conferences)10:23
JaneWjsgotangco: it was so cool when we went to Malaysia and Thaialand and all the Brits and Americans had to que up for visa checks and for oce us South Africans could just walk through ;)10:23
magnonanyone who talks with jeff are free to poke him to send me the sla :P10:23
JaneWjsgotangco: indeed - jbailey lives a few train stops away from the hotel and I think BradB is nearby too10:24
jsgotangcoyes jeff told me its just a 20 minute walk10:24
magnonI guess you guys are all attending?10:25
=== jsgotangco crosses fingers
JaneWjsgotangco: do you know when they are making the sponsorship decisions10:27
magnonwell, hope I'll see you there :)10:27
jsgotangcoJaneW, no i only know sponsorship application closes this weekend10:27
jsgotangcoJaneW, in case i get approved, i'll have to fix my papers early heh10:30
JaneWyes good idea10:39
=== JaneW is going to miss my son's 4 th birthday :(((
magnonmy mom has been frequently missing my birthdays all the time, has been no problem :P10:40
JaneWmagnon: even at 4 years old?10:41
JaneWmagnon: I think I will have to bribe him with promises of gifts from far away lands...10:41
jsgotangcopre-schoolers are wonderful10:41
magnonbut she's been alone from when I was 7, so she had to work a lot, thus being away10:41
JaneWand will have to do better than a hastily grabbed (and horibly over priced) trinket from the airport - as happened in Sydney10:42
magnonbuy him a stuffed Breezy10:42
JaneWjsgotangco: when edubuntu launches I have 2 Pre K testers right here10:42
JaneWmagnon: he;d love that actually10:42
magnonI believe he will :)10:43
JaneWmagnon: in fact he got an HP linux penguin the other day10:43
jsgotangcoi gotta go10:43
JaneWbig and fluffy10:43
magnonarf, if I don't go to montreal, I might afford a Muse Receptor before Christmas :P10:43
jsgotangcomooncake festival is just a week from now i gotta buy my girl a dress10:43
JaneWI got the penguin shaped wine gums ;)10:43
JaneWjsgotangco: :) enjoy10:43
JaneWmoon cake sounds nice10:43
jsgotangcoJaneW, i was forced by my kid to create a penguin out of clay10:44
magnonkids! all you guys have kids. :)10:44
magnonthat won't be in many many years10:44
JaneWjust us oldies ;)10:44
=== JaneW 's kids love the badger song (and dance)
jsgotangcoJaneW, moon cake actually tastes good10:45
JaneWbadgers badgers badgers badgers10:45
magnonmy father dated a girl with a six year old when they were both 2010:45
magnonmushroom mushroom10:45
jsgotangcoshe got pregnant at 14?10:45
JaneWthat's the one10:45
magnonapparently. :P10:45
JaneWjsgotangco: no she had the kid at 1410:45
JaneWwas prolly pregnant at 13!!!10:46
jsgotangcowhat a waste of childhood innocence10:46
magnonit's possible to both get pregnant and have the kid at 1410:46
JaneWmagnon: I know10:46
magnonand I think that was the case10:46
JaneWwell then I exagerated10:46
magnonbut it's still a waste10:46
jsgotangco13 is too hardcore10:46
JaneWand illegal10:46
JaneWalmost everywhere in the world10:47
JaneWwas she cool?10:47
magnonit's not illegal unless one of the people involved are over 1610:47
magnondunno, I never met her10:47
=== JaneW choses between 3 flight options... looking for the least insane traveling times
magnonI didn't know my father when he was 2010:47
JaneWmagnon: oh right!10:47
magnonthat's 25 years ago, and I'm not that old :P10:48
JaneWmagnon: actually here I think it is illegal even if both are underage - the parents could sue each other (I'd have to confirm, but I *think*)10:48
JaneWmagnon: speak for yourself :P10:49
magnonI'd guess south africa has more problems with that than we have10:49
jsgotangcotell that to the king of swaziland!10:50
magnonif a 16 year old and a 15 year old has sex, it'll be brought up and discussed, but not punished in any way10:50
magnonalthough the limit is 1610:50
magnonif both are below 16, you can't do anything as you can't convict anyone below 16 anyway10:50
jsgotangcook im out10:52
magnonJaneW: anyway, your son won't remember his 4th birthday when he grows up :P10:52
JaneWmagnon: I remeber mine10:53
JaneWmagnon: but then I am a freak , I remeber stuff from when I was still 2...10:53
JaneWI must be an elephant10:53
magnonI just remember stuff from when I was in the kindergarden10:53
magnonand when mom and dad got separated10:53
JaneWok these flights officially SUCK10:54
JaneWone leaves Montreal at 6pm on FRIDAY10:54
JaneWand gets me home at 12pm on SUNDAY10:54
magnonI was 5 or 6, so I didn't really understand more than that me and my mother suddenly moved and I met dad alone instead of with mom :P10:54
JaneWmust have been hard10:55
magnonwould have been harder if they didn't separate10:55
magnonparents who argue all the time aren't really the best ones to have around10:55
=== JaneW cries - I'm going to miss Halloween too
JaneWand another Birthday10:55
magnonam I missing Halloween if I go to Montreal?10:55
magnonI hate halloween10:56
JaneWwell with the kids at any rate10:56
JaneWit;s not big here10:56
magnonthen again, I still don't have kids10:56
JaneWbut we have started trick or treating with the kids10:56
ograJaneW, a "trac" ? 10:56
ogratrack even10:56
JaneWmanily for the fun of dressing up10:56
JaneWogra: hi yes10:56
magnonmorning Mr. Gra*10:56
ograJaneW, what do you mean by track ? 10:57
magnonI mean Grawert ;)10:57
magnonwee, my Edubuntu Test Lab is finished11:00
magnonit sounds much cooler than it is11:00
ograoh ?11:00
=== JaneW is looking for a not insane travel option to montreal
JaneWone is 41 hours!!!!11:01
JaneWwith a 14 hour stop in Frankfurt11:01
magnonit just covers about 2 square meters of my floor11:01
magnonJaneW: what company?11:02
JaneWairline you mean?11:02
BurgundaviaJaneW, london or amsterdam is probably the fastest optoin11:03
magnontried BA?11:03
JaneWThere's 3 options11:03
JaneWBA - London11:03
JaneWKLM - Amsterdam11:03
JaneWLufthansa - Frankfurt11:03
BurgundaviaJaneW, Air Canada flies in London and then SAA to Sa11:03
JaneWhmm... SAA gives me air miles..11:04
BurgundaviaJaneW, I have heard bad things about the length of the frankfurt flights11:04
JaneWbetter choice11:04
BurgundaviaJaneW, it might also be cheaper for the london office to book the trip11:04
ograJaneW, when is the LH flight ? 11:06
magnonI can scrap the launchpad part of the conference, cant I? :P11:07
ogradepends... if you are interested in launchpad, you shuldnt11:07
magnonI'm interested in Edubuntu ;)11:08
BurgundaviaJaneW, the cheapest price I can find is 7,232.25 ZAR11:08
magnonwell, I'm interested, but I don't have time to be involved in more stuff11:08
ogramagnon, if you want to come, make sure you stay the days where the LTSP guys are there too :)11:09
magnonyeah, I'm trying to find out when that is :)11:10
magnonif you know, do tell ;)11:11
JaneWmagnon just a sec11:15
magnonI have all the time in the world11:15
JaneWthe 20 odd LTSp ppl arrive on Thurs 3 Nov11:16
JaneWand leave on Mon 7th11:16
JaneWdoes that help?11:16
magnonyes, thanks :)11:17
magnonI guess I'll stay from saturday to sunday11:17
magnon8 days11:17
magnonthen leave for NY on Sunday11:17
ograJaneW, and the 20 even LTSp ppl ??11:17
magnonogra: ever met an LTSP guy who isn't odd?11:17
=== ogra goe to find a mirror....
JaneWdistro team works from Mon 31 Oct to Sat 5 Nov11:18
ogra.... hmm, nope11:18
magnonim not interested in launchpad _development_ for the time being at least11:18
magnonand I dont think I have two weeks to spend11:18
magnonwho decides the sponsorships btw?11:22
magnon(not that I'm applying ;)11:23
ograi think in the end the guy who spends the money ;)11:24
magnonah ;)11:24
magnonhope Trent gets it11:25
magnonneed people around my age to come ;p11:25
ograwhat is your age ?11:25
magnonBA wants me to fly oslo-london-montreal-london-new york-london-oslo11:26
ograwe'll have some people around 20 there, i'm pretty sure :)11:26
magnonI think I could get a train from Montreal to NY instead11:27
magnonor local flight11:27
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JaneWmagnon: there'll be several ppl tat age11:30
JaneWdon't worry11:31
magnonwell, I know trent already, he's a cool chap, so I want him there anyway ;)11:31
ograarf ?11:31
magnonwhy is it not possible to say "I want to leave from Oslo to Montreal, then go back to Oslo, but I will make my own way to NY"11:32
JaneWMagnon you can11:35
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JaneWMagnon we did that with Cape Town - Phuket11:35
ograJaneW, you cant answer PM ?11:36
magnonJaneW: not on BA11:36
magnonmaybe LH11:37
JaneWogra: did you get my PMs now?11:38
JaneWmagnon: no seriously don;t tell them about your other flight11:38
JaneWwe did a Phuket - Bangkok hop, and the big flight never knew about it...11:39
magnonif I don't tell them, they will give me a return ticket from Montreal11:39
magnonsomewhat wrong if I'm in NY :P11:40
JaneWmagnon: oic, I thought your return flight was montreal too... can;t you keep it that way, might be cheaper and easier11:43
magnonI'll have to be going to NY somewhere in between, but you're right11:43
magnontwo way ticket Oslo->Montreal and then a two way montreal->NY is probably cheaper than anything else11:44
magnoneven cheaper might be Oslo->NY and improvise to Montreal ;)11:44
magnonheh, two way NY is cheaper than one way11:44
magnonnice prices anyway :)11:47
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JaneWwelcome back11:54
magnonthis is just getting better11:54
JaneWI was alone here!11:54
magnonI think it was you who left11:54
magnonthis is great11:54
magnon600 eur for the flight over11:54
magnon350$ for NY-montreal11:54
JaneWmagnon I beg to differ...11:55
JaneWguim has quit (herbert.freenode.net irc.freenode.net)11:55
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JaneWJaneW argh!11:55
JaneW* yvesC (n=yves@ has joined #edubuntu11:55
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magnonmine says you left though.11:56
JaneW* magnon (n=magnon@photogeeks/magnon) has joined #edubuntu11:56
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magnonwee, photogeeks vhost11:56
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magnondidnt know I had one11:56
ogra<magnon> nice prices anyway :)11:56
ogra<-- P3L|C4N0 hat sich getrennt (brown.freenode.net irc.freenode.net)11:56
ogra<-- JaneW hat sich getrennt (brown.freenode.net irc.freenode.net)11:56
ogra--> P3L|C4N0 (n=gcamposm@ hat #edubuntu betreten11:56
ogra--> JaneW (n=JaneW@wbs-146-144-158.telkomadsl.co.za) hat #edubuntu betreten11:56
ogra<JaneW> welcome back11:56
ograrelativity ;)11:56
magnonwhat is a "preferred rate"11:57
magnonI choose the price? :P11:57
JaneWmeans they prefer you11:57
JaneW(but they tell everyone that)11:57
magnonprefer me to pay as much as possible11:57
magnonI should try to share rooms with someone11:58
magnonWhat the hell. No rooms!11:58
ograJaneW, you fly on the 26th ? 11:59
JaneWmagnon: we all share11:59
JaneWogra: no I have to arrive on the 26th11:59
magnonJaneW: oh, so I don't have to worry about rooms if I sign up as an attendee?11:59
ograyup... i mean from FRA ?11:59
JaneWso it looks like I leav eon 24th, but am looking for a flight on the 25th11:59
magnonI mean, Canonical gets me a bed and I pay less than usual12:00
JaneWmagnon: dunno, msg cvd, she arranges all that12:00
JaneWmagnon: dunnp, but possibly... msg cvd12:00
magnondone already12:00
JaneWogra: I am tryingto avoid FRA12:01
ograJaneW, ah...12:01
JaneWogra: a 14h stop over and visa... silly12:01
magnonif you guys miss a public lynching event for people without Linux laptops, I'm here for ya12:01
ograi'm flying 6 OCT - FRA - YUL - 1400 - 1605, thats why i asked12:01
JaneWs/6/26 ?12:01
ograerr, yes12:02
ogracopy n paste ...12:02
JaneWLH 9640 26OCT Frankfurt Montreal 1000 1205 OPERATED BY AIR CANADA <- one of my options12:02
ogralikely pitti will be with me...12:02
JaneWit's a 2 hour flight!?12:02
ogra16 ;)12:02
JaneW(with the TZ difference)12:02
ograerr 1412:03
JaneWogra: that could be fun... unless you are horrible when not smoking *duck*12:03
ograheh, i can live with it ....12:03
JaneWhighvoltage: was fun... (psychoboy) ;)12:04
ograi cared or handicapped people at home in a former life... here i was locked into ppls flats and couldnt smoke for 10h ;)12:04
ograhighvoltage smokes ? 12:04
magnonthis machine has Mandrake installed12:05
magnonkernel 2.4.412:05
magnonogra, support12:05
magnondo I do a server install and install edubuntu stuff later or will the installer ask me?12:06
magnon(this is the edubuntu cd)12:06
ograjust run the CD ... for a ltsp install ... no options needed12:06
magnonno think client install yet?12:07
=== magnon wants fit clients
ograbut a standalone workstation... you can make it a think client ;)12:07
ogra(if you use the "workstation" option at the Cd prompt)12:07
ogranot documented yet12:07
ografor instructions ;)12:08
JaneWogra: no he doesn;t smoke, he just doesn;t like being confined - but he handled it very well ;)12:08
JaneWogra: LOCKED into ppls flats?!12:08
JaneWogra: and I am impressed at your range of skill btw...12:09
ograheh, thanks...12:09
ograthats because i didnt learn a real job... i always had time to learn something else :)12:10
ograand now i'm here as a IRC addicted....12:10
ograhello, my name is Oliver Grawert and i'm avid ofr chatting12:11
JaneWhave you all seen http://art.ubuntu.com/backgrounds/edubuntu/ ?12:11
JaneWhello Oliver!12:11
ograyup :)12:11
highvoltageogra: no, i haven't smoked since i left school12:12
JaneWhello highvoltage :)12:12
magnoninstalling edubuntu <312:12
ograhighvoltage, i was just wondering :)12:12
JaneWhighvoltage: good for you12:12
ogramagnon, yay12:13
JaneWhighvoltage: you just smuggle cigarettes ;)12:13
ogramagnon, do you have more than one client around ? i had a report of someone wher the serer couldnt handle the amount of clients...12:13
magnonjust one client and my laptop12:13
ogramagnon, would be cool to have someone who coul dreproduce or test that12:14
magnonbut, I can get it tested on one of the schools12:14
magnonone of them has like 75 clients12:14
ograthat'd be great... even we dont go for more then 30 clients per server currently...12:14
magnonwhy? :D12:15
magnonworks fine on one server12:15
magnonmost are classroom clients anyway so all wont be used at the same time12:15
magnonand the server is badass12:15
ogradepends on the size of the server12:15
magnon2x2.something ghz intel xeons12:16
magnon8GB ram12:16
magnonprivate school :p12:16
ogramagnon, ask highvoltage, i think in his tests with dual xeon 4Gig he ended at 30 clients...12:16
magnonhighvoltage: asking!12:16
magnonoh and gb network of course.12:17
JaneW** REMINDER** Edubuntu update meeting in +-100 minutes (12:00 UTC) in #ubuntu-meeting12:22
magnonI need someone to show me a good place to eat on saturday 29th after 4pm :p12:32
ogramagnon, ping jbailey, he knows the places ;)12:33
magnonjeff is a slacker ;)12:33
ograhe wrote essential bits of the ltsp you just install ;)12:34
magnonbut he has taken a month to email me an SLA now :P12:34
ograhe has to confirm and clerify it first i guess...12:35
ograit goes through many hands....12:35
magnonwell, since we'll be doing support business with you guys, I need a scapegoat anyway :)12:38
ograif you pay for it ;)12:38
ogra... we'll be all your scapegoats :)12:38
magnonI don't have that kind of cash, although it is tempting12:41
ograi was joking....12:41
ograindeed we are your scapegoats for free....12:41
magnonarf! corrupted files on the CD12:43
ograseems that you burned to fast then....12:43
magnoninstall interrupted, added online repo instead12:44
ograat which speed ? 12:44
magnonthink I just burned on a cd that has been lying around without cover for too long12:44
magnonno idea12:44
magnonpowerbook, you know12:44
magnonthey just do stuff12:44
ograyou shouldnt burn bootables faster than 8x12:44
magnonnvm, I have the web repo anyway now.12:44
ograbut note that it wont work like the CD install12:45
magnonit'll work... somehow12:45
magnonthe hotel was a bit expensive12:45
magnoneven with canonical rates12:45
ograbut not as lined out on the instructions page12:45
magnon150 cad/night12:46
magnonI should find someone to share with12:46
magnonClaire already did12:51
magnonthree cheers for claire!12:51
JaneWshe's a legend12:58
ograheh, yeah12:59
JaneW** REMINDER** Edubuntu update meeting in +-60 minutes (12:00 UTC) in #ubuntu-meeting12:59
JaneWchmj: did Paulo finish his Bluetooth bounty in the end?01:01
ograJaneW, ECHAN ?01:02
JaneWoops wrong #01:02
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magnonI didn't notice this before01:21
magnonbut a trip to montreal can whitewash cash :P01:22
=== jamey3 [n=jamey3@82-37-128-102.cable.ubr01.telf.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #edubuntu
jamey3Is anyone here using the latest CD of Edubuntu? If so, could you tell me how well the install went.01:30
magnonI did, but I had corrupted files and had to fallback on netinstall01:31
ograjamey3, it should work ok if you follow the instructions (and burn a god iso ;) )01:31
jamey3ok thanks ogra and magnon01:31
magnonsexy bootsplash01:31
magnonfeels like starting an 80s game01:31
magnonand now it went away, proceeded to spew out all the old dirt ;)01:32
ograi wonder if i can make it work for the thin clients too.... but thats low prio :)01:32
jamey3Once it's installed, what sort of configuring do you have to do? I mean, does the LTSP functionality work straight outta-the-box?01:32
jamey3What sort of hardware will I need for a server?01:33
ograhttp://edubuntu.org/EdubuntuTesting has the instructions for a sandalone LTSP server install01:33
jamey3I mean how many MHz (I know, crude) and MB of RAM for each client?01:33
jamey3ah, thanks01:33
ogradepends on the amount of clients01:33
jamey3well say I had five clients01:34
ograhighvoltage, runs a dual xeaon with 4 gig or ~20-30 clients01:34
ografor even01:34
jamey3so that's about 100 MB of RAM each01:34
ograi do my testing with a single client on a pIII 900 with 256 MB ... runs very smooth, i gues it could bear 3 clients01:34
jamey3does Edubuntu take full advantage of dual processor systems?01:35
magnon100MB ram per client is a good budget01:35
magnonjamey3: just as much as Linux kernel does...01:35
jamey3lol fill me in, that's good then, right? ;-)01:35
ograjamey3, you need to install a smp kernel on the server for it ... but yes, it does01:35
ogra(we only ship one kernel on the CD due to space issues)01:35
jamey3can I do that easily with apt after install?01:35
jamey3wow, i'm already loving it01:36
jamey3do you have experience setting up edubuntu in schools?01:36
ogranot yet, its the first release :)01:36
jamey3ah of course :)01:37
jsgotangcothere is no edubuntu yet01:37
ograwe are eagerly searching for more testers :)01:37
jamey3it's just ubuntu with additions?01:37
ograjsgotangco, what ? 01:37
jamey3yeah that's what I thought ...01:37
jamey3there's no official release, but there is a beta version01:37
jsgotangcoogra, i meant its not yet released01:37
ograjsgotangco, tomorrow is preview release... indeed there is a edubuntu01:37
magnonjamey3: I've been doing ubuntu deployments in schools though, edubuntu is a cute addon for an already good thing ;)01:37
jamey3magnon, oh right! So you install ubuntu, then LTSP and set it all up? Or are you talking workstation deployment?01:38
magnonjamey3: that is what I have done so far, yeah01:38
ograjsgotangco, see the install instructions... only two manual steps needed... these two will go today or tomorrow01:38
magnonmostly LTSP01:38
jsgotangcoogra, oh my and i am just burning the cd now :(01:38
ograjsgotangco, todays ? 01:38
ogragreat :)01:39
=== jsgotangco wonders what's with the 2 xorg updates in less than 2 hours
jsgotangco14851 i guess01:39
jamey3cool, so you could also use Edubuntu well in a net cafe sort of environment?01:39
ograjamey3, sure01:40
jamey3how stable is it?01:40
jamey3sorry for all the questions, btw01:40
ograjamey3, thats what we are here for ;)01:41
magnonogra: arf, what do you recon I should install now, after the net install?01:41
ograits stable except of one bug noted in the install instructions01:41
jamey3yeah I was just gonna ask... when will that be fixed? (not that it's that bad really)01:41
ogramagnon, make sure edubuntu-server and edubuntu-desktop are installed01:41
jsgotangcoogra, are you familiar with scrollkeeper?01:42
magnonthey arent ^^01:42
ogramagnon, and since you got no working CD you have to run ltsp-build-client without any options (that will build the client environment from the net)01:42
jamey3is there any easy way to generate about 800 user accounts and their relevant home directories et al using edubuntu?01:42
ograjamey3, not yet... something like that is planned for the next release...01:43
magnonjamey3: do you have a user list?01:43
magnonwe just made a list of users in plaintext, Firstname Lastname01:43
ogracurrently you'll need a script or something01:43
jamey3we can get an SQL table of existing users on the Windows domain01:43
magnonthen made a script which made usernames and generated a password01:44
jamey3is it any more involving than use 'adduser'?01:44
magnonand put everything in a file01:44
magnonhmm, you could be bad and use the windows domain for logins? :P01:44
jamey3lol :P01:44
jamey3I've no experience with it, that's someone else's sector01:45
magnonit works, so why not01:45
magnonmuch less hassle01:45
magnonI think, never tried it ;D01:45
jamey3I have no idea how we'd "interface" the two01:45
magnonshouldn't be too hard01:45
jamey3I mean I know it's used for authentication and user home dirs but how do you actually get it working...01:45
magnonwouldn't that be easier, so that people can use their existing password?01:45
jamey3lol don't try convincing me anymore01:46
jamey3anyway, this is theoretical talk01:46
jamey3we're just testing a small network of maybe 5 computers with an edubuntu server01:46
jamey3using old P75 machines01:46
jamey3I think if we wanted to do it "properly" we'd migrate completely to FLOSS01:46
magnonoh ok01:47
magnonwhat kind of school?01:47
jamey3secondary grammar01:47
jamey3~750 pupils01:47
magnonwhat does that mean? :)01:47
magnonage :P01:47
jamey3lol :P01:47
ograjamey3, wait for our next release then, it will have much more integration love to run a whole school01:47
jamey3user passwords were wiped when we transitioned from NT4 to XP for some reason01:47
jamey3yeah, I was hoping you'd say something like that :-)01:48
jamey3is the release that one in October?01:48
ograyou cant "transition" with windows.... you reinstall ;)01:48
magnonspecific requirements, do they have any subjects or whatever requiring specific windows software?01:48
jamey3yup, precisely01:48
jsgotangcogahhh i hate being bleeding edge :P01:48
jamey3yeah, i've evaluated most of it01:48
magnon(people doing those kinds of things should run thick clients anyway)01:48
magnon(with a shared login)01:48
magnon(I'd suggest an LDAP server... which ogra will say is scheduled for the next release :D )01:49
ograyup :)01:49
magnonor am I wrong?01:49
jamey3we've decided if we migrate within the next year that we'd still have a small windows network for those who are either resistant or can't find equivalents for gnu/linux01:49
magnonjamey3: what kind of programs might be the problem?01:49
jamey3but just about every application has an equivalent that's as good, if not better01:49
JaneWogra: please review this for accuracy... Basically Edubuntu is built on top of Ubuntu but incorporates the K12 LTSP  thin client architecture, as well as Educational specific applications, aimed at the 6-18 age group.01:49
jsgotangcoogra, do i install this or do you recommend waiting for a few hours for preview?01:49
ograjamey3, just be carefull with the licensing stuff...01:49
magnonyou can do .NET stuff on Mono at least01:49
magnonopenoffice does a lot01:50
ograJaneW, looks good01:50
jamey3windows-only science-type software that the teachers have adorned to01:50
magnonjamey3: WINE might do the job01:50
jamey3yeah, the school has an MS contract01:50
jamey3yeah was thinking along those lines01:50
ograjsgotangco, since mdz didnt uplad my patches yet, i doubt it will change much before preview....01:50
jsgotangcothis xorg update pains me01:50
jamey3anyway, I'm just a friend of the head of ICT, we're working together to present a proposal atm01:50
magnonah, OK01:51
magnonif you have any specific questions my colleague has worked in a school with kids 6-16 for many years :)01:51
ograwe didnt include wine, because you could use your win apps over the network in a ltsp environment then, no windows standard license allows this...01:51
jamey3brill thanks :)01:51
magnonI'm here most of the time so don't hesitate to ask01:51
jamey3the EULA is bad01:51
ograso be careful with wine on ltsp ;)01:51
jamey3will take that into consideration thanks01:52
magnonjamey3: unless you're a business, I'll charge 750nok/hour ;D01:52
magnonsomeone needs to pay for the time when I'm doing edu work for free :)01:52
jamey3is there any chance of a live edubuntu CD? because that would be impressive...01:53
magnonjamey3: what country is it you're in?01:53
magnonah, ok01:54
magnonof course, you said "grammar school" :D01:54
ograjamey3, probably a customized ubuntu live as a pet project, but nothing official...01:54
jamey3ah, nice01:54
magnonjust thought if you were eastern US or Canada, you could drop by in Montreal01:54
ograi was planning it from the beginning, but the install CD ate all my time01:54
jamey3ogra, ah ok it would just be fun to collect some machines and a client, then have it running in just a few minutes01:54
jamey3ogra, so are you one of the main devs?01:54
ograjamey3, it wouldnt work well...01:55
jamey3magnon, I sincerely wish i could :D01:55
magnonjamey3: doesn't take long to install the server01:55
jamey3cool, I'll be testing soon01:55
ograjamey3, i am the edubuntu dev team... there are not many others...01:55
jamey3seriously? :O01:55
magnonafter release I recon you should be able to have a test case up in about 45 minutes01:55
ograjamey3, as jsgotangco is the edubuntu doc team :)01:55
jamey3how many of the original ubuntu devs work on edubuntu?01:55
magnonJaneW is what... the advocacy team? :)01:55
magnonor general director01:56
ograthe latter01:56
jsgotangcono she's the whip mistress01:56
magnonjamey3: bear in mind that all Ubuntu work goes into Edubuntu as well01:56
magnonand all LTSP work, same01:56
jamey3ah yeah01:56
jamey3but they are separate releases though?01:56
jamey3I mean, ShipIt will have different discs for each?01:56
ograoh, and not to forget, highvoltage is our tuxlab consultant01:56
magnonI doubt Shipit will have Edubuntu01:56
jsgotangcojamey3, shipit won't have edubuntu01:57
magnonogra: what am I? :P01:57
jamey3why's that?01:57
ograjamey3, we wont have a shipit release.... only isos for now... canonical wants to see how much community involvement starts01:57
jamey3oh i see01:57
magnonjamey3: too expensive to run two sets for now I guess - and you can install breezy and download an extra package set for edubuntu01:57
jamey3so how intertwined are you guys with canonical?01:57
ograit consts a hell lot of money to ship them... our marketing wanrs a proof first :)01:57
jamey3magnon, I thought that's how it'd be01:58
magnonbreezy server install + apt-get install edubuntu-server edubuntu-desktop might do it, I dunno01:58
jsgotangcoi have no professional relationship with canonical01:58
ogramagnon, yup01:58
jamey3does anybody?01:58
jsgotangcoJaneW, 01:58
magnonI have no professional relationship with canonical either... unless an escalation support agreement counts :)01:58
ogramagnon, but that wont install the ltsp client environment automatically...01:58
jamey3I mean it all seems a bit disjointed in that respect, not that's wholy bad01:58
magnonogra and janew are canonites I guess01:58
ograi work for canonical...01:58
jamey3that's what I meant01:59
magnonI guess some of you guys do random work on Edubuntu too, right?01:59
jamey3so do you think Edubuntu is going to be the best solution available for schools when it's finished?01:59
magnonjamey3: of course!01:59
jsgotangcowell not on the first release..we do it one step at a time01:59
ograjamey3, i think edubuntu is the best solution for standalone ltsp installs... 02:00
jamey3the release in October will be quite usable though?02:00
jsgotangcowe can't promise the community everything02:00
jamey3ogra, brilliant. well i've got a bit of convincing to do but i'm sure many more schools in the UK will start migrating (eventually)02:00
ograthat was our target for this release...02:00
jsgotangcoif i get it right, ogra did a meta package for edubuntu that will make your ubuntu be an edubuntu but i maybe wrong02:00
ograjsgotangco, not completely...02:01
JaneW** REMINDER** Edubuntu update meeting NOW in #ubuntu-meeting02:01
jamey3in #edubuntu-meeting?02:01
ograNOW !!02:01
jamey3oh lol02:01
jsgotangcoi have xorg issues02:01
jamey3what like?02:01
jsgotangcoi can barely use my touchpad02:01
jsgotangcono that was fixed02:01
jsgotangcodaniels reverted02:01
=== magnon runs
jamey3so is there any way I can help with Edubuntu?02:02
jsgotangcoof course02:03
magnonyou could test02:03
jamey3right, that's definitely going to happen02:03
jamey3but what else could I do?02:03
magnoncolor -> colour etc. :P02:04
jamey3where can I find what "needs doing"?02:04
magnonhere and there on edubuntu.org02:05
magnonI guess ogra/jane could help a bit after the meeting :)02:05
magnonoh, jolly02:08
magnon"need to get 400-ish MB of packages"02:08
=== magnon kicks apple disk utility
jamey3so for artwork have we just got the logo?02:08
highvoltageogra: soeey, was away.02:09
highvoltagesorry even. did you ask me about the ram, or give advice to someone?02:10
magnonhighvoltage: I did02:10
magnonjust asked what your testing resulted in02:10
highvoltagemagnon: i haven't been to many schools recently, so haven't tested on anything else than my home system.02:14
highvoltagei'm interested to see how much RAM it will use, compared to other systems.02:14
magnonso far my experience is that CPU power is not very important, especially after 2.602:15
magnonabout 100mb per client of RAM is good02:15
highvoltagei'd say it's the absolute minimum.02:15
magnonI don't expect every client to be online at all times02:15
magnonand lots of things get shared02:16
highvoltageand i don't think there's much you can do to get away with it, unless you use xfce instead of gnome, abiword instead of OOo, and even then, i would say at least 60-80 mb.02:16
highvoltageif they're not all on-line, it is different. we've seen performance drop drastically, by just growing a lab from 20 workstations to 24 with a server with 2GB ram.02:17
magnonso, 100 per ;)02:17
magnonoh well, since I do this commercially I expect there to be a certain investment, especially in the server02:18
magnonif I was working voluntary for a school I'd just tell them to live with it if they couldnt do the investment :)02:19
magnonbut it should be possible to set off 150mb per client02:19
JaneWhighvoltage: PING02:29
magnonall got things to do like making dinner 03:11
magnonyarf. since when was onions supposed to make you sneeze?03:18
magnonmy colleague just got off the phone with a school03:26
magnontalked to them about canonical escalated support after explaining them that we cant go out there to fix every single time there's a borked up printer queue03:27
magnonand they sounded like they expected canonical to go out there instead of us03:27
magnonJust got a messy picture in my head of jdub going down there03:27
magnon"Hi, I'm Jeff Waugh, I'm here to fix your printer queue"03:28
magnon"Need any pants?"03:28
ograheh, jdub would be perfect... he has the longest travle diatance :)03:28
ogra"yes, we charge only $50 per issue, but you need to pay the travelling costs from sydney for our technician" 03:29
magnonno you don't03:30
magnonincident fixes are free with the escalation support03:30
magnonso just the travel03:30
magnonanyhow the support only covers bugfixes anyway :P03:30
ograwhich probably covers the costs of a new printer :)03:31
ogra(the travel)03:31
magnonthe printer is excellent, we're talking printer queues ;)03:31
magnonanyone who worked more than ten minutes in a school know that printer queues are priceless03:32
ograyip, thats the same in offices03:32
magnon"WHAT? You DELETED <insert important document here> from the email after printing it?"03:32
=== guim [n=glederer@104.241-200-80.adsl-fix.skynet.be] has joined #edubuntu
magnonsetup is still working03:55
magnongranted, it is not the best server03:55
ograthe net variant of ltsp-build-client is darn slow, thats why i move it to a Cd install03:57
magnonim not even there yet03:57
=== poningru [n=poningru@n128-227-69-166.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #edubuntu
magnonthe dhcp config doesnt seem to work04:13
ograif ltsp-server is installed it should work by default04:14
magnonwont start04:14
magnonsays I have no subnets properly configured and almost the whole config file is commented out04:14
ograyou took the offered IP from the installer ?04:14
magnonit asked me for one04:15
magnonI gave it one. :P04:15
ograthe dhcp config isnt used, it uses the one from /etc/ltsp04:15
ogratodays CD should provide a default one04:15
magnonI have yesterdays04:15
ogramake the ip 04:16
ograthen try again04:16
magnonthen it wont go online though04:16
ograyou have only one device ?04:17
magnonon this box04:17
ograthen create an alias device04:17
ograsudo ifconfig eth0:0 <yourip>04:17
magnonare there many configurations using the .0 subnet?04:18
ograand: sudo route add default gw <yourgwinthennet>04:18
ograthe default one does04:18
=== ubuntulog [n=warthylo@] has joined #edubuntu
=== Topic for #edubuntu: Welcome to the discussion channel for Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com edubuntu-devel | Wiki: http://www.edubuntu.org | Unstable CD image: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily/current - first official release due in October 2005. NEXT MEETING: Sept 7 12:00 UTC on #ubuntu-meeting. | TEST OUR LATEST CD ! see: http://www.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuTesting many improvements have been made
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Welcome to the discussion channel for Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com edubuntu-devel | Wiki: http://www.edubuntu.org | Unstable CD image: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily/current - first official release due in October 2005. NEXT MEETING: Sept 7 12:00 UTC on #ubuntu-meeting. | TEST OUR LATEST CD ! see: http://www.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuTesting many improvements have been made
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by JaneW at Tue Sep 6 17:33:39 2005
=== jane_ [n=JaneW@wbs-146-162-146.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
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Petarishighvoltage: Did you write that script to push icons?08:54
highvoltage Petaris: no, it came from K12-LTSP.08:55
highvoltageI think it differs only slightly from the original script.08:56
PetarisI need to modify it but I'm not quite sure how to do it08:56
highvoltagehow does it need to be modified?08:56
PetarisI want to modify it to copy everything under /home/hitomi (my template user) to all user directories, and overwrite anything already there08:57
Petariser, to all home directories starting with elem_08:58
highvoltageok. the script copies whatever file it finds as an arguement to the /home/user/Desktop directories.08:58
Petarisand then change the permissions08:58
PetarisI thought it would be a good starting point for the script I need08:59
highvoltagei suggest you look at that script, and take away the Desktop part, and pass the directory contents as the arguement.08:59
Petarishow can I make cp copy files and directories with a . in front of them?08:59
Petarisdo I just do a cp -a?09:00
highvoltagei think that works.09:00
highvoltagewhat i do is use cp .* /whereever09:00
Petarisyeah, but then you only get the hidden files09:01
PetarisI just want everything09:01
Petarisok, I'll give that a try09:04
highvoltagePetaris: goodnight09:05
Petarishighvoltage: night, and thanks09:05
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