f||bber | Quinthius, What about /home , logical right? | 12:00 |
cute_bettong | not quite how do i get rid of the black boarder? | 12:00 |
robzon | apollo2011: hmmmmm... the second one doesn't work either? | 12:00 |
Quinthius | f||bber: again, i dont think it makes any difference... | 12:00 |
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apollo2011 | robzon: I just selected Spanish, without the eliminate dead keys and that fixed it. Apparently ones with the drop downs are selectable too | 12:00 |
thechitowncubs | Well I hope i just didn't format my whole drive... | 12:01 |
CookedGryphon | is anyone here good with networks, i want to set up a direct connection, but the computers jsut aren't pinging or anything | 12:01 |
cyprinus | hello, did anyone do upgrade from hoary to colony 4? | 12:01 |
f||bber | Quinthius, Should "Bootable flag" be turned on, I have it on for / so need for /home right? | 12:01 |
robzon | apollo2011: ok, cool :) how long have you been learning spanish, btw? | 12:01 |
cyprinus | and with what's result's? | 12:01 |
cute_bettong | Seaveas how do i make mplayer without the black border in fullscreen? | 12:01 |
jamiie | Quick question for someone - how do i start enlightenment? I dont need details, just a rough idea of where to start | 12:01 |
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Quinthius | f||bber: i dont think bootable flag is needed, but just to be sure i turn it on for whatever partition im booting from (/boot, /dev/hda1, for me) ... no need to have it on for any others | 12:02 |
nalioth | jamiie: from a login screen or terminal? | 12:02 |
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thechitowncubs | I just ran fsck with no parameters and it asked me to force a rewrite, and i said yes, is thay bad/good or what? | 12:02 |
rob_p | njal: I've got another script that establishes forwarding and NAT if you want to give it a try... I wrote it specifically for Ubuntu. I haven't tested it with a ppp interface yet but it should work. You can get it here: http://rob.pectol.com/content/view/28/76/ | 12:02 |
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f||bber | Quinthius, Im booting from / this is ok? | 12:02 |
njal | k i'll try that then | 12:02 |
Quinthius | f||bber: actually bootable flag might be needed if you aren't booting from the MBR... but i dont know much about that | 12:03 |
jamiie | nalioth: ive installed it, but it doesnt appear on the session chooser. I have no idea how to add it to the login screen | 12:03 |
Quinthius | f||bber: yes / is fine if you dont have a seperate /boot partition | 12:03 |
test34 | anyone got the lexmark z33 (usb printer) working ? | 12:03 |
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f||bber | As you can see this is my first time manuall part'ing - Im dual booting on two separate disks I take it the bootloader comes after the part'ing, so i can install it on the first disk which is runniing windows? | 12:04 |
apollo2011 | robzon: 2 school yrs, I just started Spanish II | 12:04 |
njal | rob_p will my ip address's and 10.10.10,2 be fine for the script? | 12:04 |
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nalioth | jamiie: in your /usr/share/xsessions are all the login items. open one READ ONLY to use as a template and place the enlighenment stuff into the appropriate places. save the enlightenment file as 'Enlightnenment.desktop' in /usr/share/xsessions | 12:04 |
rob_p | njal: It'll automatically detect them! (should detect them) :-) | 12:04 |
feugan3333 | Anyone know a way to write to a NTFS partition from a non-Windows system? | 12:04 |
jamiie | nalioth: thanks | 12:05 |
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nalioth | jamiie: overwriting any of the files in that dir, will drop one of your existing session options from your list | 12:05 |
beekay | how do i make a quick script and execute it... like for example making m4a files into mp3 | 12:05 |
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rob_p | njal: Well, at least the local IP. The scritp is designed to forward and NAT a whole subnet based on the IP assigned to the internal interface of the Ubuntu box. | 12:05 |
h17m4n | QUestion: I'm using Firefox+Flash Plugin on chroot, but flash won't dysplay some texts. I installed a true type font pack, which fixed some fonts on regular pages, but won't fix the flash ones. Where should I place fonts for flash or what other font packs should I install? | 12:05 |
Bergcube | feugan3333~ QTPartEd. | 12:06 |
njal | right i'm just reading through it slowly | 12:06 |
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feugan3333 | Bergcube: Thanks I'll take a look. | 12:06 |
f||bber | Quinthius, As you can see this is my first time manuall part'ing - Im dual booting on two separate disks I take it the bootloader comes after the part'ing, so i can install it on the first disk which is runniing windows? | 12:06 |
beekay | how do i make a quick script and execute it... like for example making m4a files into mp3 | 12:06 |
rob_p | njal: I included lots of documentation so you should have no trouble getting it to work. | 12:06 |
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njal | Im clearing existing rules right now, i might as well be through | 12:07 |
nalioths_dog | beekay: please stop repeating the same question. If someone knows, (s)he will answer. You can try posting on the mailing list too. | 12:07 |
beekay | k | 12:07 |
feugan3333 | Bergcube: Is it used for partitioning only? | 12:07 |
rob_p | njal: Also, the script itself is commented heavily in case you want to poke around in it... | 12:07 |
disasm | njal: i got it | 12:07 |
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test34 | does ubuntu use CUPS for printing ? | 12:08 |
disasm | echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward | 12:08 |
Gnonthgol | test34: yes | 12:08 |
disasm | i knew there i was missing | 12:08 |
protok0l | how do i fix my firefox | 12:08 |
njal | disasm as root? | 12:08 |
Quinthius | f||bber: i think logical partitioning is just a way to get around the old limit of 4 partitions... i don't think it affects actual use in any way | 12:08 |
disasm | njal: yeah | 12:08 |
protok0l | i dont see a new one in apt | 12:08 |
Bergcube | feugan3333~ It can also resize etc. It does everything Partition Magic does, but better. | 12:09 |
=== njal [n=njal@dsl-88-109-25-249.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Quinthius | f||bber: i've always filled up primary partitions first and then gone on to logical for the 4th and up if i need more | 12:09 |
test34 | thanks Gnonthgol | 12:09 |
disasm | njal: you can edit /etc/network/options so it says ip_forward=yes instead of no to make it do that on startup by default | 12:09 |
ThePyromaniac | disasm: i did as you said, but when you say " then change root (hd0,0) to (sd0,x) where x is the partition -1 windows is installed in" how do i know what partition its in if its not installed? | 12:09 |
njal | what was the last command again? | 12:09 |
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njal | the echo one? | 12:09 |
disasm | ThePyromaniac: windows insn't installed yet? | 12:10 |
f||bber | Quinthius, boot loader, tho, I will have ubuntu on disk 2 slave, win on disk 1, bootloader will write to disk 1 after part'ing? | 12:10 |
ThePyromaniac | disarm: indeed not, as when i install windows it fucks up | 12:10 |
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Quinthius | f||bber: it will write to the MBR of disk 1, but only if you say yes when it asks | 12:10 |
disasm | ThePyromaniac: did you leave a partition open for it? | 12:10 |
ThePyromaniac | disam: i was thinking, i told it not to hide the menu by default, now it will ask what to boot when i install windows right? i boot into linux and finish it off | 12:10 |
ThePyromaniac | disarm: there is free space yes | 12:11 |
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Quinthius | f||bber: if you say no, you'll need some other way to boot to ubuntu... like a bootdisk or something... not sure if the installer goes on to configure that or not | 12:11 |
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njal | disasm can you post the echo command again please? | 12:11 |
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disasm | ThePyromaniac: ok, well, windows is going to kill the mbr when it installs, so do you have a floppy on this machine? | 12:12 |
disasm | echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward | 12:12 |
njal | thank you | 12:12 |
brian__ | je | 12:12 |
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feugan3333 | Bergcube: I'm actually looking for something to rename a directory that windows is "protecting". | 12:12 |
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nate | anyone know anything about MIME types? I need to setup mozilla to download a .run file instead of displaying it in the browser | 12:12 |
ThePyromaniac | the drive is bust | 12:12 |
Quinthius | f||bber: if you're not familiar with making changes to the MBR... i suggest making a windows boot disk or making sure you have the windows install cd around | 12:12 |
f||bber | Quinthius, thanks, this is my setup on a 82GB disk: / = 20GB(EXT3) , /home = 61.8GB(EXT3), /swap = 512MB(RAM x 2) - think that'll do it or bad config? | 12:12 |
disasm | nate: right click save target as should do the trick | 12:13 |
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nate | disasm, no | 12:13 |
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nate | disasm, the link doesn't link to the file | 12:13 |
njal | disasm permission denied | 12:13 |
ThePyromaniac | disarm my floppy drive is screwed | 12:13 |
Bergcube | feugan3333~ Then I think you need to mount the NTFS partition from Linux and do it from there. | 12:13 |
nate | disasm, it links so some server-side script which gets my download | 12:13 |
disasm | njal: sudo first | 12:14 |
test34 | did anybody created a package to make lexmark z33 driver installation easier ? (it's kind of messed up from what I'm reading right now..) | 12:14 |
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disasm | nate: so what are you trying to do, can you explain this a little more? | 12:14 |
Quinthius | f||bber: looks fine, though i think 20g might be a lot for /... unless you're installing tons of stuff including games, i guess | 12:14 |
dmk | good night everyone | 12:14 |
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ThePyromaniac | night | 12:14 |
njal | Naw sudo didn't work i had to use sudo su | 12:14 |
f||bber | Quinthius, Would you reccommend a smaller / and push it out to /home, | 12:15 |
disasm | njal: did you get it echo'd? | 12:15 |
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Quinthius | f||bber: for a first time install i would just make everything on / (except swap of course which must have its own partition) | 12:15 |
njal | don't know but ping now works from the mac | 12:15 |
feugan3333 | Bergcube: I can't seem to mount the drive as r/w. | 12:16 |
disasm | njal: sweet, try ping google.com (if it doesn't work you need to add dns servers to the mac) | 12:16 |
zaphy | disasm: on my ubuntu box there is a /etc/network/options where I could set these things | 12:16 |
=== Madpilot [n=yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
disasm | zaphy: yes there is ;-) | 12:16 |
Quinthius | f||bber: unless you plan on switching distros or have no way to back up anything from /home | 12:16 |
f||bber | Quinthius, I was advised to separate /home tho for obvious reasons | 12:16 |
disasm | zaphy: i mentioned that about 50 lines up or so ;-) | 12:16 |
f||bber | Quinthius, Yeah.. | 12:16 |
nate | disasm, I click a link that gets a file for me and tries to download it. Mozilla doesn't recognize the file type (.run) so it attempts to display it in the browser. I cannot FTP to the location of the file to download it. Wget cannot get it (no anonymous logins, and i tried what login i did have). So I need to add a MIME type into Mozilla so that it recognizes the file type and takes the specified action, namely downloading it | 12:16 |
ThePyromaniac | disarm: i know your bust dude, but please help ^^ | 12:16 |
njal | disasm cannot resolve google | 12:16 |
ThePyromaniac | busy* | 12:16 |
feugan3333 | Bergcube: Ubuntu silently ignores the -o rw option. | 12:16 |
zaphy | disasm: ah, just came in 2 minutes ago or sth. | 12:16 |
disasm | njal: cat /etc/resolv.conf add the dns to your mac | 12:16 |
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holycow | nate, right click and do file save as | 12:16 |
disasm | zaphy: no problem ;-) | 12:17 |
nate | holycow, that does not work | 12:17 |
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feugan3333 | Bergcube: Or should I say mount ignore the option. | 12:17 |
holycow | really? | 12:17 |
Bergcube | feugan3333~ Then I guess Ubuntu doesn't have the driver for that. It's proprietary. I am trying to think if I've stumbled across any lice CD that did that.... | 12:17 |
holycow | weird | 12:17 |
nate | holycow, the link is to a server-side script which goes and links you to the file | 12:17 |
holy_wood | "Ubuntu" is an ancient African word, meaning "I can't configure Slackware" | 12:17 |
holycow | ah! | 12:17 |
njal | disasm right two numbers which one to use and sa what? | 12:17 |
Gnonthgol | feugan3333: the ntfs drivers for linux doesnt suport writing | 12:17 |
nate | holy_wood, lol | 12:17 |
holycow | holy_wood, rofl!! | 12:17 |
Quinthius | f||bber: well its up to you :) ... but if you aren't interested in installing games (like quake, doom, etc... the big ones) then i would maybe reduce / to 20g ... | 12:17 |
njal | oh wait nevermind | 12:17 |
Bergcube | feugan3333~ I tihnk PERHAPS Linspire will let you make changes. | 12:17 |
holy_wood | \o/ ! | 12:17 |
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nate | holy_wood, i'm only on ubuntu cuz i don't wanna take the time to install gentoo | 12:18 |
disasm | nate: hmmm... | 12:18 |
the4bagger | any1 know of a easy to use AOL dialer with a GUI? | 12:18 |
nate | disasm, i know, its a crazy issue | 12:18 |
holy_wood | I'm joking, i like Ubuntu! | 12:18 |
sexcopter8001m | hello! in the screensaver options, there are some screensavers that are greyed out, ie not installed. where can i get them and how do i install them? | 12:18 |
nate | disasm, had the problem before. I had to configure a mime type last time | 12:18 |
=== vbgunz [n=vbgunz@uslec-66-255-127-2.cust.uslec.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
njal | disasm ok adding the ip addresses to dns failed | 12:18 |
Quinthius | f||bber: but with a drive that big i dont think it matters much anyway... and if you fill up /home and have lots of space left on /, you could always make a /storage directory or something to use up that extra space | 12:18 |
vbgunz | hello everyone... back for candy | 12:18 |
=== ^muerta^ [n=muer@135.Red-83-47-124.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
feugan3333 | Gnonthgol: The new driver according to http://linux-ntfs.sourceforge.net does support writing, even if it's experimental and dangerous. | 12:19 |
f||bber | Quinthius, We're cooking, thanks alot for your help, much appreciated...now to config the bootloader! | 12:19 |
zaphy | nate: Mozilla->options->download; there is abox where you can set up things | 12:19 |
disasm | njal: how'd it fail? | 12:19 |
Gnonthgol | ok | 12:19 |
windex | the4bagger, administration->network connections not good enough? | 12:19 |
f||bber | Quinthius, Bootloader is after base sys install I assume | 12:19 |
Quinthius | f||bber: and whoops, i meant reduce to 10g, not 20g, typo :) ... but 20g is fine too | 12:19 |
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vbgunz | can anyone here confirm a bug with renaming files in Nautilus? The bug is when you go to rename a file only for a split second do you have access to rename it otherwise you cannot rename it... | 12:19 |
Quinthius | f||bber: yes, it's the last thing pretty much | 12:19 |
nate | zaphy, are you on drugs? | 12:19 |
vbgunz | is this a feature? or a bug? | 12:19 |
nate | zaphy, mozilla, not firefox | 12:20 |
njal | same cannot resolve google.com, unless i added them in the wrong order or in the wrong field but i doubt the latter since i stuck both in the DNS field | 12:20 |
nate | zaphy, and i'm asking what the mime type should be | 12:20 |
nate | zaphy, because i already know the solution, just not the specifics | 12:20 |
zaphy | nate: well, I see, `mozilla`started firefox :/ | 12:20 |
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h17m4n | Thank you forums, you answered my question. | 12:20 |
zaphy | nate: sorry | 12:20 |
disasm | can you ping the dns server? | 12:20 |
f||bber | Quinthius, Does ubuntu not go through the usual package selection stuff or does it just install minimal? and thanks again | 12:20 |
Quinthius | vbgunz: try clicking in the name area after hitting choosing rename maybe | 12:20 |
njal | I'll try that now | 12:21 |
nate | zaphy, sorry if i'm snippy, allergies + allergy medicine + caffeine = snippy nate | 12:21 |
vbgunz | I never have that amount of time... even from right clicking > rename > trying to click back > it closes to quickly | 12:21 |
Quinthius | f||bber: the default install has a set group of packages that are installed.. it's not a matter of "minimal vs full" | 12:21 |
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njal | disasm yes i can ping both | 12:21 |
Quinthius | f||bber: i think in custom install you can tweak it some though | 12:21 |
zaphy | nate: not wanting to disturb - does the page-info show the mime-type of current displayed page in mozilla as well, firefox does. | 12:22 |
vbgunz | I've always had this problem... In order to rename a file I must attempt to rename then the second it opens up hit a key on the keyboard... then it will remain in focus | 12:22 |
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f||bber | Quinthius, Im coming from Fedora, so you can imagine Im a little aprehnsive! dont want a full, but thats cool | 12:22 |
vbgunz | otherwise it goes to rename *but* closes out immediately... it's starting to bother :( | 12:22 |
Quinthius | vbgunz: i dunno, maybe try clicking in the name area after hitting rename... maybe it's just losing focus for some reason? | 12:22 |
=== Sonny_Wertzik [n=Lemmy@ip24-250-11-28.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HrdwrBoB | vbgunz: press F2? | 12:22 |
disasm | njal: try going to in a web browser | 12:23 |
zaphy | nate: that should be a '?', not a '.' | 12:23 |
disasm | njal: on the mac | 12:23 |
nate | zaphy, checking, brb | 12:23 |
HrdwrBoB | vbgunz: that is a bug buy it only happens when you are changing things in the directory | 12:23 |
Quinthius | f||bber: well it's not a "full-blown everything-included" kind of install... but it installs basic apps for a lot of common needs | 12:23 |
=== KirikaPhoenix [n=kirika@85-210-138-86.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HrdwrBoB | if you're doing nothing else it's fine | 12:23 |
vbgunz | same behaviour... something wrong I believe, curious if anyone experiencing it too... wish to know if it is a bug or if it is a special feature to linux in whole | 12:23 |
vbgunz | oh it is a bug? | 12:23 |
f||bber | Quinthius, Im looking forward to this distro, heard a lot of good things | 12:23 |
njal | gentux.org, right? | 12:23 |
disasm | njal: yeah | 12:23 |
HrdwrBoB | vbgunz: I would say so, it' | 12:23 |
HrdwrBoB | s it's happened to me | 12:24 |
disasm | njal: it's my router/server here ;-) | 12:24 |
vbgunz | F2 seems a better option | 12:24 |
HrdwrBoB | I know WHY but it's still not optimal | 12:24 |
njal | Hmm | 12:24 |
njal | ok then | 12:24 |
vbgunz | but I remember it happend with F2 before | 12:24 |
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Quinthius | vbgunz: i dont have that problem now, but it seems like in my past uses of gnome on other distros i had that problem | 12:24 |
KirikaPhoenix | Any chance someone can give me a hand getting my sound to work? (nforce4 chipset , nvidia audio driver compiled but I have no idea where to go from there) | 12:24 |
Blissex | KirikaPhoenix: yes. | 12:24 |
njal | My web browser is trying to resolve mozilla now | 12:24 |
disasm | hey, is there a rescue mode like in the old debian floppies for booting ubuntu after windows wipes out the mbr so you can reinstall to the mbr? | 12:24 |
HrdwrBoB | vbgunz: yeah it's a systemic problem | 12:24 |
disasm | like ubuntu root=/dev/sda1 or something? | 12:25 |
Blissex | disasm: yes. | 12:25 |
vbgunz | it's not major... the surest way around it is too rename > immediately press a key "Ctrl, etc works" and then go about renaming it... | 12:25 |
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njal | disasm what does this mean then, i am able to connect to your router but not connect to google or anything | 12:25 |
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njal | oh wait i have goole now | 12:25 |
KirikaPhoenix | So having run the installer for the nvidia audio driver, what do I need to do now? | 12:26 |
disasm | no, it means the name servers aren't working... | 12:26 |
vbgunz | sorry it doesn't... now it's not letting me keep focus at all... anyhow F2 seems to be working now | 12:26 |
njal | So what do i do now? | 12:26 |
disasm | njal: ok, never mind, i guess they are working ;-) | 12:26 |
=== lips [n=lips@132-bem-14.acn.waw.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
disasm | njal: you have google.com or google | 12:26 |
nate | zaphy, nothing on the mime type, but i found a possible way around it. If I view the page source it allows me to save the page | 12:26 |
disasm | njal: ip resolving | 12:26 |
nate | zaphy, naw, that doesn't work, it says its 1 KB? | 12:27 |
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njal | disasm dispite the fact i brought google up in my browser it wont ping | 12:27 |
rob_p | njal: Do you have a lookup utility such as nslookup or dig, on your Mac? | 12:27 |
zaphy | nate: in firefox (have to say this after your rant) you can use "save page as" when it has loaded, but do not have a mozilla-suite right now. | 12:27 |
disasm | odd, well try ubuntulinux.org and see if it comes up | 12:27 |
njal | Um i don't know, so i presume no | 12:28 |
zaphy | nate: is this a public server so I can have a look? | 12:28 |
lips | hi all i have strange problem with wlan under ubuntu is there anuone with experience with network configuration? | 12:28 |
disasm | lips: yuppers | 12:28 |
disasm | lips: whats the issue? | 12:28 |
lips | disasm i have notebook with 802.11 build in, ubuntu was working fine with it and my home wrt54g router in deafult (public dhcp network) config | 12:29 |
njal | Oh never mind i can ping google now | 12:29 |
lips | disasm today i visited a friend of mine with another router, he has WEP encryption enabled so i configured ubuntu with network name and poassword. now i'm back home and it sems to be unable to find my router at all | 12:30 |
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robtaylor | hey, i've just done a dist-upgrade to breezy today and i'm getting a lot of bus errors. anyone else seen this? | 12:31 |
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absenth | is there a site that covers what items are still not working in breezy? | 12:31 |
njal | disasm i still seem to be having problem's i think ubuntu now blocks certain ports coz i can use my browser but not connect to any IM protocal | 12:32 |
lips | disasm router is working for sure - i can use with another computer as you can see :-) | 12:32 |
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nate | zaphy, its matrox, let em give ya the link | 12:32 |
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Blissex | robtaylor: that was a very bad idea. | 12:33 |
f||bber | Quinthius, HELP! "GRUB loading, please wait..." Error 21 WTF? | 12:33 |
nate | asl;kdjfl;asdjkf | 12:33 |
robtaylor | Blissex: mm. i gathered. whats the issue, is there a fix? | 12:33 |
nate | f||bber, go to grub's page and look up that error | 12:33 |
theeil | ~/bin is in my path on TTY1 but not in gnome-terminal, is there a workaround without exporting path every time i log on? | 12:33 |
=== Bad_Magic [i=Bad_Magi@c-24-11-174-99.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Blissex | robtaylor: probably some wrong library dependency. If you know 'aptitude' well you can probably fix it fairly easily. | 12:34 |
lips | disasm? | 12:34 |
Blissex | robtaylor: try 'apt-get check' and/or look if there are some bad things with 'synaptic' | 12:34 |
vbgunz | I've got a question which is pretty important to me... I will really appreciate anyone answering this... How do I back up my gnome panels, there settings, my themes and background? | 12:34 |
Bad_Magic | Anyone have any suggestions as to how i can post the IP of my machine to website on a regular basis? (the only problem being im NATd and I would need to do my external IP) | 12:35 |
vbgunz | not my themes but my current theme... | 12:35 |
Blissex | absenth: Breezy does not exist, right now it is a random collection of packages in a repository, and that collection changes daily. | 12:35 |
robtaylor | Blissex: mm. my package selection looks sane | 12:35 |
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nalioth | vbgunz: you have many . files in your home directory. these contain all your settings for your various programs | 12:35 |
vbgunz | I wish to restore Ubuntu on to another pc but wish not to rearrange the panels, etc, them and background... I am curious as to how to transfer it over to the new machine... Any help is appreciated | 12:35 |
Blissex | absenth: any issues will be in in the bugs tracking database, but changing hour by hours. | 12:35 |
nalioth | vbgunz: as in .mozilla, .kde, etc | 12:36 |
Blissex | robtaylor: then some of those libraries or apps are broken... | 12:36 |
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Blissex | robtaylor: which exact problems do you get? | 12:36 |
absenth | Blissex: and Where would that database be is the bit I was getting at. | 12:36 |
nalioth | vbgunz: so backing up your homedirectory would be the thing to do | 12:36 |
vbgunz | I believe I just wish to save my desktop... the panels I've setup the way I want, the desktop and theme "clearlooks" and the background... | 12:36 |
nalioth | vbgunz: or transferring it over the network | 12:36 |
vbgunz | ok that would save it? Awesome | 12:36 |
Pyf | im trying to set up last.fm radio (audioscrobbler) ive downloaded a tar.bz2 file, what do i do with it? | 12:36 |
vbgunz | let me check it's size | 12:37 |
sexcopter8000m | can anybody tell me how to install screensavers? | 12:37 |
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robtaylor | Blissex: mm. well for a start the postinst for libgtk2.0-bin is failing as i get a bus error in /usr/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders | 12:37 |
disasm | lips: sorry, was working on a server, i'm back | 12:37 |
robtaylor | Blissex: afaict all gtk apps are bus-erroring :S | 12:37 |
nalioth | sexcopter8000m: you using synaptic? | 12:37 |
vbgunz | wow it's not that big | 12:37 |
Blissex | robtaylor: almost surely a bug in the package. You can hardly do anything for it, except to wait for a fixed package. | 12:38 |
vbgunz | its kind of small... 283kb... | 12:38 |
Blissex | robtaylor: I would suggest looking at the bug/issue database as almost surely this has been reported. | 12:38 |
Kuresu | dammit | 12:38 |
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lips | disasm ok | 12:38 |
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Kuresu | cedega won't install | 12:38 |
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Kuresu | it requires these libs | 12:38 |
Kuresu | libc6 | 12:38 |
Kuresu | and libasound2 | 12:38 |
warezuser | hello | 12:38 |
Kuresu | and i can't update them | 12:38 |
Kuresu | can someone help | 12:38 |
disasm | lips: what did you use for the wep password? gui util, or something else? | 12:39 |
njal | disasm I'm having some success but still failing in other areas | 12:39 |
benjanet | how do i play WMV (ASF) on breezy ? | 12:39 |
lips | disasm gui, i avoid touching cli | 12:39 |
Blissex | Kuresu: probably it is _downgrade_ them, because offs are that Cedega was built for an official release, in the past. | 12:39 |
sexcopter8000m | nalioth: yes, i can install stuff on synaptic ok. but there are some screensavers in system->prefs->screensaver which are "not installed" and i don't know how to get them | 12:39 |
robtaylor | Blissex: zarro boogs | 12:39 |
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Madpilot | !tell benjanet about restricted | 12:39 |
Kuresu | so.. | 12:40 |
Blissex | robtaylor: unlikely -- or else it is just you that's jinxed. | 12:40 |
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Bad_Magic | Anyone have any suggestions as to how i can post the IP of my machine to website on a regular basis? (the only problem being im NATd and I would need to do my external IP) | 12:40 |
nalioth | sexcopter8000m: that is indeed a good question. have you searched in synaptic (package names and contents) for screensavers? you may have missed a pkg or two | 12:40 |
sexcopter8000m | nalioth: looking as we speak | 12:40 |
robtaylor | Blissex: mm. i know. could be a transitional error just today | 12:40 |
Blissex | Bad_Magic: some online services do that, by looking up the IP address they get from you. | 12:40 |
disasm | lips: what util is it? | 12:41 |
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disasm | njal: whats going on? | 12:41 |
Bad_Magic | any suggested ones? | 12:41 |
DewLinux | hrmm | 12:41 |
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Blissex | robtaylor: sort of unlikely, but yes, it is possible. | 12:41 |
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DewDude | better | 12:41 |
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njal | I can't seem to get any chat protocals open no irc no msn, and i can't even get apple update manager working | 12:42 |
sexcopter8000m | nalioth: well, searching the name of an example screensaver (this one being "cosmos") throws up nothing | 12:42 |
lips | disasm there is more than one? in an upper screen corner i have battery indincator and network indicator. so this one. | 12:42 |
Blissex | robtaylor: what you could do, if you knew how all these things work, is to hack the libgtk posting script, this would allow libgtk to install, and this may fix the rest | 12:42 |
dampjam | My laptop just can back from the shop imaged with xp - I'm re-downloading the ubuntu iso now and wanted to know if Breezy is stable enough to do a fresh install with | 12:42 |
sexcopter8000m | i just installed kscreensavers | 12:42 |
sexcopter8000m | didn't seem to do much | 12:42 |
njal | but i can use google under camino | 12:42 |
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Blissex | dampjam: no it is not. | 12:42 |
dampjam | Blissex: any major glaring bugs, or just little annoyances that will be patched soon? | 12:42 |
nalioth | sexcopter8000m: search the pkg names and contents for "screensave" and see if anything got left out | 12:42 |
disasm | njal: thats oddd | 12:42 |
njal | wait google talk is up now | 12:43 |
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benjanet | Madpilot, thanks | 12:43 |
dampjam | Blissex: :) it is for humans | 12:43 |
=== abarbaccia [n=abarbacc@69-162-20-65.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
abarbaccia | hey all - how useable is breezy, now that its release is only a month away | 12:43 |
abarbaccia | ? | 12:43 |
robtaylor | Blissex: btw i am the debian libgnomeprint maint. broken packages i can cope with, random bus errors are a bit on teh weird side tho.. | 12:44 |
disasm | Blissex: oh :( but its fun having a broken system ;-) | 12:44 |
Blissex | dampjam: Breezy DOES NOT EXIST! there is a repository called "Breezy" that contains a _random_ selection of packages. | 12:44 |
benjanet | abarbaccia, very usable | 12:44 |
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c0a0r0l0o0s | Castellano ? | 12:44 |
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sexcopter8000m | nalioth: quite a few packages from that search are uninstalled, but nothing that sounds relevant | 12:44 |
sexcopter8000m | its not really important tbh | 12:45 |
Sela | i need help installing dualboot on a 2nd partition | 12:45 |
disasm | lips: you dont know the name of it by any chance, do you? | 12:45 |
nalioth | sexcopter8000m: then you've stumped me | 12:45 |
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lips | disasm it says connection properties when i click on it, than i choose configure | 12:46 |
tear | !wine | 12:46 |
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Sela | how do i assign the partition to be used as main by ubuntu ? | 12:46 |
disasm | anyone know the name of the wireless config utility (gui) thats default with ubuntu? | 12:46 |
Concord_Dawn | disasm, network-admin? | 12:46 |
njal | isn't ndiswrapper supposed to have a gui? | 12:47 |
disasm | Concord_Dawn: yup thats probly it | 12:47 |
disasm | njal: not that i know of | 12:47 |
njal | oh sorry then | 12:47 |
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lips | disasm enter admin passworand got to network administration tool | 12:47 |
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disasm | dang network-admin doesn't like opening in flux, it just crashed :( | 12:47 |
Tartaros | is there MONO project among the supported pakcages? or where can I look (without having ubuntu installed, yet) | 12:48 |
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disasm | lips: gotta logout, i'm in flux, brb | 12:48 |
Fanskapet | hmm anyone have a rc.d file for xlink kaid? | 12:48 |
sexcopter8000m | nalioth: just tell me this, do you have a screensaver called "cosmos" installed? | 12:48 |
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nalioth | sexcopter8000m: let me look | 12:49 |
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f||bber | Quinthius, You there man? | 12:49 |
disasm | lips: ok, i'm in gnome now :) | 12:49 |
nalioth | sexcopter8000m: no i dont | 12:49 |
lips | disasm ok :-))) | 12:50 |
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disasm | thats right, gksudo needs my password, not root password ;-) | 12:50 |
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disasm | lips: ok, so you put in the wep key and the network name at your friends, and it doesn't work at your place any more right? | 12:51 |
lips | disasm i'm a dumb end user, so in order to make it all easy i set all password to be the same (yes, yes, i know :-) | 12:51 |
lips | disasm right | 12:51 |
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disasm | lips: if your a dumb end user your root password shouldn't be set ;-) | 12:52 |
disasm | i hate gui utilities, they dont tell you anything | 12:52 |
disasm | well, i'd say if essid is blank, and wep key is blank, and config is dhcp, and the check by this device is configured, it should work | 12:53 |
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lips | diasm i know it should, but it doesn't :-((( | 12:53 |
disasm | brb, i gotta get out of this gnome environment before i go nuts ;-) | 12:53 |
lgsobalvarro | hello Riddell | 12:53 |
nalioth | sexcopter8000m: i've googled that, and it appears to be shareware/proprietary | 12:54 |
disasm | there we go, got my sanity back aka switched to flux | 12:54 |
disasm | lips: open up a term, type in iwlist scan | 12:55 |
disasm | lips: and not the word in | 12:55 |
sexcopter8000m | nalioth: interesting | 12:55 |
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lips | did it | 12:55 |
nalioth | sexcopter8000m: but you still bring up a good question: how to install screenies in linux | 12:56 |
disasm | and do you see your wireless network? | 12:56 |
lips | disasm it found eth1 interface, found linksys router | 12:56 |
lips | says that mode is master, freq 2.462 (channel 11) | 12:56 |
selinium | HI there, I have changed my /home directory onto another drive. NOw i am getting gnome.conf errors. Any ideas anyone? | 12:56 |
disasm | type iwconfig | 12:56 |
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a1zi | hey how are you all doing? | 12:57 |
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=== _lui_ is wondering what would happen to linux if macos X is released to run with any AMD and Intel? | ||
lips | disasm did it, and says a lot about my router | 12:57 |
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disasm | selinium: make sure you dont have anything important, but i'd rm -rf ~/.gnome* personally | 12:57 |
lips | disasm which parameter is intersting? | 12:57 |
ubuntu | hey everyone | 12:57 |
none_- | probably nothing, _tester_ | 12:58 |
none_- | _lui_ that is | 12:58 |
disasm | lips: essid is what we are looking for | 12:58 |
a1zi | can anyone help me set up an anonymous ftp site on this ubuntu box... otherwise i will have to go back to windows and i dont want to do that | 12:58 |
none_- | linux has less than 3% of the desktop market | 12:58 |
ubuntu | I just burned this ubuntu linux and I need some help if anyone is interested | 12:58 |
disasm | a1zi: you have a firewall? | 12:58 |
sexcopter8000m | nalioth: maaayybe of interest, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56732&highlight=screensaver+install | 12:58 |
lips | essid is "linksys" exactly hoiw i named my router when i was using it for the first time | 12:58 |
selinium | disasm, what would that do, and how would i/it recover? | 12:58 |
omp342 | is there a way to add a trash icon to the desktop without manually creating the launcher? | 12:59 |
nalioth | sexcopter8000m: gracias | 12:59 |
a1zi | disasm, i have a router and software firwalls | 12:59 |
_lui_ | well, maybe the things could be harder for linux | 12:59 |
ubuntu | can i connect to aim servers through this chat program | 12:59 |
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disasm | a1zi: sudo apt-get install proftpd will get you an ftp server | 12:59 |
_lui_ | or maybe windows dissapear :))) | 12:59 |
none_- | as long as linux remains free and open source, it'll be here.. imo | 12:59 |
none_- | yeah | 12:59 |
none_- | i think it will eat into the windows market | 12:59 |
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a1zi | where do i put my files then.. in what DIR and how do i configure it? | 12:59 |
disasm | a1zi: this is a good tutorial on configing it: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/228 | 01:00 |
disasm | lips: ok, ifconfig eth1 make sure you have an ip address in there | 01:00 |
thedevilsjester | Ok, my 'main' user has access to the USB removable devices, yet any user I create after that, doesnt have permissions, what do I need to do to change this? | 01:01 |
a1zi | thank you disasn | 01:01 |
selinium | hi nalioth :) | 01:01 |
_lui_ | now, thinking it better, windows is going to dissapear in front of macos for every processor | 01:01 |
a1zi | disasm, thank you | 01:01 |
thedevilsjester | the other user(s) have all Privileges selected except Executing system administration | 01:01 |
nalioth | selinium: howdy | 01:01 |
_lui_ | and you know what?, they are going to release it, maybe only for x64, but they will | 01:02 |
disasm | thedevilsjester: /etc/fstab make sure it says user | 01:02 |
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nalioth | sexcopter8000m: would you be able to install a screenie from that page you sent me/ | 01:02 |
selinium | nalioth: do you know much about gnome? | 01:02 |
none_- | OSX is pretty damn good, from what i hear | 01:02 |
lips | disasm sorry, no IP in results seems to be not working | 01:02 |
nalioth | selinium: short li'l folk who live in the gardern? | 01:02 |
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none_- | hope they do release it | 01:03 |
CookedGryphon | COUld anyone help me set up a linmodem on my laptop? | 01:03 |
disasm | _lui_: your nuts if you thing apple is going to release mac as a piece of software, i can see them using a different architecture, but mac will always only legally run on mac hardware | 01:03 |
thedevilsjester | disasm, its not listed in my fstab, I never know how many devices will be hooked up | 01:03 |
none_- | for other archs, that is | 01:03 |
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nalioth | selinium: i know a bit about gnome, yes | 01:03 |
luckyaba | anyone use camserv before? | 01:03 |
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disasm | thedevilsjester: ok, what are you using to manage the usb drives, hotplug? | 01:03 |
selinium | nalioth, lol, no, i am having problems since moving my /home to another drive. the .conf is unwritable. | 01:03 |
nalioth | selinium: check your permissions | 01:03 |
thedevilsjester | disasm, whatever is on by default | 01:04 |
nalioth | selinium: also, if your username has changed or anything | 01:04 |
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disasm | selinium: try chown -R user /home/user where user is you username | 01:04 |
disasm | selinium: err, sudo that command | 01:04 |
thedevilsjester | disasm, this is a fairly new kubuntu install, when I plug, say, my camera in, it automatically mounts it and allows me to access it | 01:04 |
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selinium | disasm, I have chown/chmod -R all ~/ | 01:04 |
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disasm | ah, i see, so the kde-volume manager basically | 01:04 |
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thedevilsjester | disasm, me? (im in gnome) | 01:05 |
disasm | selinium: the only thing i can think of is remove all the gnome settings, rm -rf ~/.gnome* would be the easiest, maybe before doing that create a new user, and see if they have any issues | 01:05 |
disasm | thedevilsjester: oh, i thought you said kubuntu ;-) | 01:05 |
selinium | disasm, I can do that, will gnome reset itself afterwards? | 01:06 |
_lui_ | disasm, you'll see. Think about this... how they can make more money, selling expensive macs with only hardware for mac or putting their OS for everybody in front of the sh*t of windows? You can bet it, everybody will go to mac. | 01:06 |
nalioth | selinium: dont wipe your .gnome*, just rename it and move it somewhere | 01:06 |
selinium | nalioth, ok | 01:06 |
sexcopter8000m | nalioth: not sure. in /usr/share/xscreensaver/config there seems to be a long list of screensavers, but no idea what to do there | 01:06 |
djur | how do I list available network resources (networked computers, printers, etc?) | 01:06 |
sexcopter8000m | maybe add files to that directory, though there is a file for cosmos already | 01:06 |
nalioth | sexcopter8000m: something to look into | 01:06 |
abarbaccia | hey - if i want to install breezy but do a real clean install- just keep my data - do i format all the partitions except for home, and delete all the . files? | 01:06 |
_lui_ | disasm, it's a matter of market they not have because of strategy | 01:06 |
shamus | what can i use for .rar archives? | 01:06 |
nalioth | sexcopter8000m: ask me later (or tell me something if you figger it out) | 01:07 |
none_- | shamus: unrar | 01:07 |
nalioth | shamus: unrar-nonfree | 01:07 |
shamus | thanks | 01:07 |
none_- | get the nonfree version | 01:07 |
sexcopter8000m | nalioth: yep, but maybe another day, i'm getting tired and will retire to bed soon! | 01:07 |
disasm | _lui_: apple has always been a hardware company, there business model is based on the hardware, if they release macos without hardware, they lose the hardware market to everyone but the most die-hard apple people | 01:07 |
tear | !chroot | 01:07 |
ubotu | chroot is probably at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24575 | 01:07 |
sexcopter8000m | ok, will keep you posted on it nalioth | 01:07 |
nalioth | disasm: i've wasted good money on a powermac just to run ubuntu on it | 01:07 |
disasm | selinium: gnome will set itself up originally like it was when you first installed ubuntu if you remove the settings | 01:07 |
=== gypsum [n=dbatey@cpe-70-112-170-251.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
none_- | eventually software will be more expensive than hardware | 01:08 |
selinium | disasm, Cheers! | 01:08 |
njal | ok disasm thanks for all the help some things are working but some things aren't, i'll play about see what i can do | 01:08 |
none_- | i think they'll eventually port it | 01:08 |
thedevilsjester | disasm, any idea what group, or app I have to use to allow other users to access removeable drives? | 01:08 |
disasm | nalioth: if i could afford mac hardware, i'd run ppc linux on a mac too, it's better hardware, but the thing is most people will say, ooh, i can buy a computer for $200 and put macos on it now... | 01:09 |
none_- | change the permissions on the devices, thedevilsjester | 01:09 |
nalioth | thedevilsjester: if you open system > admin > users and groups, you can set that up | 01:09 |
disasm | thedevilsjester: not sure | 01:09 |
nalioth | disasm: true. and get what they pay for | 01:09 |
thedevilsjester | nalioth, doesnt work | 01:09 |
nalioth | thedevilsjester: hmm, then i'm lost | 01:09 |
thedevilsjester | nalioth, all options except "Execute Admin tasks" is already selected | 01:10 |
selinium | disasm, DO i just restart x or reboot? | 01:10 |
=== jazzanova [i=foobar@S0106000f3d018f36.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jazzanova | hi | 01:10 |
_lui_ | disasm, yep, but they are losing or not winning every year, being a hardware company doesn't mean success no more if you haven't increased your sales and your market in the way expected trough all this years, and the things are going to stay in that way if they don't put that OS on the people's face at low cost | 01:10 |
disasm | selinium: restart X will be fine | 01:10 |
aio | interesting problem - sometimes when i put a blank cd-r into my cd/dvd burner (on my laptop) it pops up nautilus with burn:/// in the location, but doesn't show the blank media | 01:10 |
luckyaba | my camserv is running very choppy. anyone know why that might be | 01:10 |
selinium | disasm, Cheers :) | 01:11 |
=== Duff [n=bill@adsl-83-100-133-76.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #ubuntu | ||
none_- | maybe the cd was a dud | 01:11 |
DewDude | bah | 01:11 |
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DewDude | i think DRI is locking up X | 01:11 |
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tear | is it possible to chroot wine? | 01:11 |
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aio | but then when I edit /etc/fstab, comment out the cd-drive entry, save it, then uncomment the entry and save it, I get a "Blank CD-R Disk" on my desktop and all seems well | 01:12 |
jazzanova | i am using ubuntu live cd to do some urgent hard-disk manipulation stuff, and i am missing ext2resize, where can i get it ? | 01:12 |
aio | i usually close nautilus before this, so I don't know what happens in nautilus... | 01:12 |
tear | or is there a wine for the 64bit architecture? | 01:12 |
none_- | probably not, tear | 01:12 |
tear | now that sux | 01:12 |
none_- | i take that back | 01:12 |
disasm | thedevilsjester: try sudo adduser <name_of_user> plugdev | 01:12 |
none_- | i think i compiled it on my gentoo system | 01:12 |
tear | ohh well, there will be one by time | 01:12 |
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none_- | the windows dlls don't work though | 01:13 |
disasm | why is cupsys in dial-out group? | 01:13 |
=== Chadza [n=Chadza@pcp0010702372pcs.manass01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tear | and I was hoping to play expekt poker tonight *sob* | 01:13 |
none_- | aio.. that makes no sense | 01:13 |
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_lui_ | disasm, windows it's a hard competition you know? but right now, macos is the only one who can destroy it in 2 years, maybe less :))) guaranteed. | 01:13 |
aio | none_- i know | 01:13 |
nalioth | jazzanova: use parted or install qtparted | 01:13 |
aio | none_- but that's the behavior i see | 01:14 |
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none_- | seems like a bug | 01:14 |
aio | sometimes it works when i boot up and sometimes not. | 01:14 |
R60org-Sav | should i be concerned about warnings while compileing a new kernel? | 01:14 |
jazzanova | nalioth: i see, i don't need to resize the partition, i need to make the filesystem, fill the whole partiton. | 01:14 |
aio | none_- yeah - wondering if it's a bug with the driver.... | 01:14 |
none_- | no R60org-Sav | 01:14 |
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lips | disasm so what should i do now? | 01:14 |
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dalamar | *nothing* could destroy windows in 2 years period, it has way to strong a foothold | 01:14 |
thedevilsjester | disasm, 'already a member' | 01:14 |
disasm | _lui_: can you really see that happening though? | 01:14 |
none_- | what program is responsible for automagically mounting cd-roms? | 01:15 |
selinium | disasm: Here is the error i get http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1976 | 01:15 |
none_- | detecting discs | 01:15 |
none_- | whatever | 01:15 |
disasm | thedevilsjester: must be the admin account that gives it hotplug rights then, maybe someone else has the answer for you | 01:16 |
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_lui_ | disasm, yes 'cause mac released a macos for Intel, and let it filtered trough the net | 01:16 |
selinium | disasm: Here is the error i get http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1977 sorry Updated | 01:16 |
Seveas | none_-, hal/udev | 01:16 |
fsmw__ | _lui_, but macos will not run on every intel hardware | 01:16 |
selinium | Seveas: Can you have a look at this error please http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1977 Cheers | 01:17 |
fsmw__ | not cheap intel harware so will not able to go against windows | 01:17 |
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none_- | aio: you could try restarting hald | 01:17 |
none_- | to see if it is responsible | 01:17 |
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disasm | selinium: rm -rf ~/.gconf | 01:17 |
_lui_ | fsmw_, that is the introduction... | 01:17 |
selinium | disasm, Cheers wil give it a go! | 01:18 |
aio | none_- where is the start/stop for hald? i don't see it in /etc/init.d.... | 01:18 |
fsmw__ | i'm not sure about it | 01:18 |
a1zi | how do i change the permission of a folder? | 01:18 |
none_- | try udev | 01:18 |
fsmw__ | you need a very good harware to run macos | 01:18 |
none_- | a1zi: chmod | 01:19 |
aio | none_- ok - there's a udev | 01:19 |
a1zi | any switches? | 01:19 |
none_- | yes | 01:19 |
none_- | man chmod | 01:19 |
none_- | ;) | 01:19 |
fsmw__ | i guess that macos got some chance if they can be cracked as windows is, so people can copy it | 01:19 |
_lui_ | fsmw_, that is merchandising | 01:19 |
none_- | udev probably checks for changes to fstab | 01:19 |
fsmw__ | that's the way that windows go over the world, people don't care about it because they don't pay for it | 01:19 |
none_- | if that happens again, restart it | 01:20 |
aio | well - it was working before i restarted udev and still is. if i have the problem again, i'll restart it.... | 01:20 |
=== Deserir [n=Deserir_@226gis182.gulftel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aio | none_- thx | 01:20 |
NoUse | a1zi man chmod | 01:20 |
none_- | :) | 01:20 |
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tommy_h | $classpath , are they different for each user? | 01:21 |
selinium | disasm, that didn't work either | 01:21 |
tommy_h | like root and ordinary users? | 01:21 |
a1zi | nouse i cant get it.. i want to chmod the \home\ftp folder with write permissions | 01:21 |
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none_- | chmod +w /home/ftp | 01:22 |
selinium | Seveas, Sorry, I had to restart gdm, if you replied. | 01:22 |
NoUse | a1zi for what user? | 01:22 |
a1zi | none_ thanks. -w wasnt in the man | 01:22 |
a1zi | for my use | 01:22 |
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NoUse | a1zi do you own that folder? | 01:22 |
cafuego | !info bind9 | 01:22 |
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ubotu | bind9: (Internet Domain Name Server), section net, is optional. Version: 1:9.2.4-1ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 269 kB, Installed size: 712 kB | 01:22 |
none_- | hmm, sure doesn't. | 01:23 |
sorush20 | I can't load into my gnome desktop environment it keeps on crashing... | 01:23 |
cafuego | sorush20: Check the logs and see what crashes it. | 01:23 |
none_- | ah well, yes it does.. buried in the middle of a long paragraph | 01:23 |
a1zi | nouse no | 01:23 |
cafuego | sorush20: ctrl-alt-f1, login, see .xsession-errors and /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 01:23 |
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a1zi | nouse it didnt work i still can put my files in that folder | 01:24 |
Duff | is there a way to install kubuntu and get it to use a 686-smp kernel from scratch and not have me install one later and have to enable smp/HT support ? | 01:24 |
a1zi | nouse it didnt work i still **cant** put my files in that folder | 01:24 |
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sorush20 | ctrl-alt-f1 will log me out and back in again | 01:24 |
a1zi | none_ it didnt work i still **cant** put my files in that folder | 01:24 |
NoUse | a1zi you need to own it to be able to put files in it, man chown | 01:24 |
arentie | how do I get my Kingston USB Flash drive to work with Ubuntu 5.04? | 01:24 |
a1zi | ohhhhh | 01:24 |
a1zi | i sec thanks | 01:24 |
cafuego | arentie: plug it in | 01:24 |
arentie | cafuego, i wish it were that easy | 01:25 |
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vader1102 | cafuego, ty I was thinking that but didn't want to be considered a smart butt llol | 01:25 |
sorush20 | open office 1.1.3 ubuntu is not working what can I do guys... | 01:25 |
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none_- | you don't have to own it ;) | 01:25 |
cafuego | arentie: It is. Really. :-) | 01:25 |
cafuego | sorush20: ctrl-alt-f1 should give you a terminal. | 01:26 |
none_- | i doubt you want the ftp folder to be owned by a user other than ftp | 01:26 |
lips | disasm are you there? | 01:26 |
pussfeller | arentie: sometimes you have to mount usbfs manaully | 01:26 |
cafuego | arentie: If not, check detection via 'dmesg' and see what it says. | 01:26 |
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pussfeller | at least I had to to that on an mp3 player I had | 01:27 |
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a1zi | nouse i dont understand. the current owner is ftp and current group is nogroup. i need it own it but its not WORKING! | 01:27 |
=== jorgp2 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial-68.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trett | how can I open a port ? or where is the iptables config file for ubuntu ? | 01:28 |
none_- | a1zi: chmod 666 /home/ftp | 01:28 |
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a1zi | what does 666 do? | 01:28 |
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disasm | rw iirc | 01:28 |
selinium_ | disasm, Still no joy, gconf.editor allows me to change settings in sudo but not as the user. | 01:28 |
none_- | sets read and write permissions to the file | 01:28 |
omp342 | E: Couldn't find package ncftp =o | 01:28 |
syn-ack | Alzi it sells your soul to the devil!!!1!!!oneoneone | 01:29 |
=== IcemanV9 [n=nobody@adsl-68-20-11-181.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu ["And] | ||
a1zi | none_ it says operations not permitted | 01:29 |
none_- | use sudo | 01:29 |
pauldaoust | hey, helpful folks. I've got a problem: when I try to run xvncviewer or xtightvncviewer, it complains about a missing font. | 01:29 |
disasm | selinium_: you already did chown -R user:user /home/user right? | 01:29 |
a1zi | none_ its a folder tho | 01:29 |
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selinium_ | disasm, yep | 01:29 |
none_- | doesn't matter, folders are the same as files | 01:29 |
pauldaoust | this happens on two fresh installs of Ubuntu, whereas my seasoned, pockmarked home install has no problem whatsoever. | 01:29 |
selinium_ | disasm, i'll do it again | 01:29 |
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sun_ | hi in nmh when i compose a message it says problem init server, and doesnt deliver? | 01:30 |
thoreauputic | none_-: yes it matters - for a folder/ dir you need access ( 7) | 01:30 |
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thoreauputic | so it is usually 755 | 01:30 |
pauldaoust | The specific message is "X Error of failed request: BadName (named color or font does not exist)" | 01:30 |
thoreauputic | or similar | 01:30 |
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pauldaoust | Google seems to imply that I'm the third person in the history of mankind to encounter this problem; it's kinda weird | 01:31 |
selinium_ | disasm, thanks for trying. Off to bed. 00:31 here. CHeers again! | 01:31 |
feugan3333 | Hi all. Is there anywhere I can get a new sources.list file, if I've broken mine? | 01:31 |
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none_- | ah, you are right thoreauputic | 01:31 |
thoreauputic | !sources | 01:31 |
ubotu | sources are at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 01:31 |
a1zi | why cant i change the permissions of a FREAKING FOLDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 01:31 |
none_- | chmod 777 /home/ftp | 01:31 |
thoreauputic | feugan3333: ^^^ | 01:32 |
a1zi | LINUS IS CRAZY!!! | 01:32 |
Tufek | 4.10 | 01:32 |
Tufek | warty version is work fine with sata raid0 or no? | 01:32 |
feugan3333 | Thanks | 01:32 |
NoUse | a1zi you know you have to be root to change ownership right? | 01:32 |
a1zi | none_ operation not permitted | 01:32 |
pauldaoust | feugan3333: it's a pretty simple file to create; just add the Hoary repositories from the above list ubotu sent you | 01:32 |
a1zi | nouse OPPS FUCKING SHIT | 01:32 |
none_- | a1zi, quit being dumb | 01:32 |
pauldaoust | feugan3333: * above list ubotu sent you a *link* to | 01:33 |
Sav^ | Do i have to make "mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-*YOURKERNELNAME* 2.6.12-*YOURKERNELNAME*" after a kernel update? cause i do not have that file | 01:33 |
a1zi | NONE_ now i feel like a dumbass | 01:33 |
a1zi | NONE_ sorry guys | 01:33 |
trett | Please, how do I open a port (ie 22) in ubuntu ? | 01:33 |
lips | disasm for no apparent reason network started to work after rebooting my system... it seems to be a bug, right? | 01:33 |
thoreauputic | !tell alzi about conduct | 01:33 |
arentie | I'm having the following problem when trying to install the latest kernel image: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1978 | 01:34 |
a1zi | thoreauputic sorry. | 01:34 |
pauldaoust | trett: it shouldn't be closed in the first place. have you installed a firewall? | 01:34 |
a1zi | 1 | 01:34 |
Sav^ | Do i have to make "mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-*YOURKERNELNAME* 2.6.12-*YOURKERNELNAME*" after a kernel update? cause i do not have that file | 01:34 |
a1zi | l1 | 01:34 |
trett | pauldaoust, no I didn't but I tried a web-based port scan, and it says it's closed | 01:34 |
thoreauputic | a1zi: it's OK - just cool it a bit :) | 01:34 |
none_- | he's a troll | 01:34 |
feugan3333 | pauldaoust: Well my current sources.list file looks right but I'm getting bad package dependencies messages which I've never gotten before. Anyways that link will do. | 01:35 |
pauldaoust | trett: sounds like nothing's running there; that's all. have you installed openssh? | 01:35 |
trett | paul, it's on port 1111 | 01:35 |
pauldaoust | trett: ??? | 01:35 |
pauldaoust | really? | 01:35 |
trett | I edited sshd_config.. | 01:35 |
pauldaoust | trett: that's excitingly weird. did you do that yourself? | 01:35 |
=== Fanskapet [n=din@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trett | ahhh paul is a troll ? | 01:36 |
none_- | another one, it appears | 01:36 |
pauldaoust | I'm a troll? | 01:36 |
pauldaoust | how so? | 01:36 |
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none_- | lol | 01:36 |
thoreauputic | none_-: take it easy with the accusations | 01:36 |
pauldaoust | I'm confused | 01:36 |
trett | where is the iptables config file ? | 01:37 |
FatDarrel | i need an asguard space ship | 01:37 |
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FatDarrel | tret /etc/sysconfig | 01:37 |
FatDarrel | trett /etc/sysconfig | 01:37 |
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none_- | iptables -L | 01:37 |
pauldaoust | trett: I'm a little confused. what sort of server do you want to have listening on port 22, if sshd is running on port 111? | 01:37 |
=== felipems [n=P0S3R@a83-132-81-16.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trett | none, I guess there is nothing in iptables rules.. but the port is blocked | 01:38 |
trett | what else could cause that ? | 01:38 |
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thoreauputic | port 111 is the portmapper ( see grep 111 /etc/services ) | 01:39 |
omp342 | E: Couldn't find package ncftp < i'm trying apt-get install ncftp, but it isn't working ? :) | 01:39 |
none_- | trett, ipmasq | 01:39 |
trett | thoreauputic, 4 ones.. | 01:39 |
pauldaoust | thoreauputic: I meant 1111, sorry | 01:39 |
thoreauputic | ah | 01:39 |
trett | I thought ipmasq wasnt used anymore | 01:39 |
a1zi | thanks everyone for helping me.. ill be back | 01:39 |
=== herbi [n=sad030@pineal-nh.nsw.cmis.csiro.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
herbi | hi guys | 01:40 |
pauldaoust | trett: I'm still not sure why you want port 22 open; it's the ssh port, but if you have sshd listening on port 1111, you don't need 22 open anyway | 01:40 |
herbi | i just apt-get install'd openoffice.org2 | 01:40 |
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herbi | and it crashes on launch, but as root it doesnt | 01:40 |
trett | thoreauputic, even when it was on 22 it was blocked | 01:40 |
herbi | i ran an strace | 01:40 |
thoreauputic | ncftp is in universe | 01:40 |
herbi | but it doesnt give any meaningful output | 01:40 |
vader1102 | open office 2 is too much for this old laptop lol | 01:40 |
thoreauputic | !info ncftp | 01:40 |
ubotu | ncftp: (A user-friendly and well-featured FTP client), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 2:3.1.8-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 460 kB, Installed size: 1036 kB | 01:40 |
pauldaoust | trett: ahhhh I see, so you already tried it on 22, then you moved it to 1111 | 01:40 |
herbi | i figure its a permission error but without meaningful error messages, i cant do anything about it | 01:41 |
pauldaoust | trett: now I understand! | 01:41 |
none_- | trett, lsof -i -n | 01:41 |
herbi | any ideas? | 01:41 |
pauldaoust | trett: maybe your ISP is blocking port 22? | 01:41 |
pauldaoust | trett: that would explain why a web-based portscanner sees it as blocked | 01:41 |
zcat[1] | what kind of network connection? NATTed? | 01:41 |
herbi | nobody? | 01:41 |
pauldaoust | herbi: not sure; I'm using abiword myself ^_^ | 01:41 |
trett | none: its there (it's still on port 22, I didn't restart the service) | 01:41 |
darkheart | herbi If you run it from the console, does it tell you anything before it crashes? | 01:41 |
herbi | darkheart: yea | 01:42 |
herbi | terminate called after throwing an instance of 'com::sun::star::configuration::backend::BackendAccessException' | 01:42 |
none_- | is it listening on all interfaces? | 01:42 |
=== misfit_toy [n=guy@cpe-70-112-252-226.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pauldaoust | herbi, darkheart: that does sound like a permissions problem indeed | 01:42 |
trett | sshd 6844 root 3u IPv6 10399 TCP *:ssh (LISTEN) | 01:42 |
trett | ipv6, I wonder why | 01:42 |
darkheart | herbi Okay, that doesn't actually help me much | 01:42 |
herbi | darkheart: yeah no shit :P | 01:42 |
herbi | but thats all ive got | 01:42 |
herbi | and strace doesnt give anything better either | 01:43 |
none_- | hmm.. | 01:43 |
=== funkyHat [n=matt@cpc3-nthc3-3-1-cust65.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
herbi | so im pretty stuck as to why its crtashing | 01:43 |
none_- | well, if you configured an interface after you started ssh, that could be the problem | 01:43 |
pauldaoust | trett: who's your ISP? | 01:43 |
none_- | make sure sshd starts after the interfaces have come up | 01:43 |
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zcat[1] | OK, i've found in the past I have to apt-get install --reinstall ssh before the ssh server is actually listening. Also many (most?) people's DSL and cable modems are 'nat devices' these days, you have to port forward anything that you want to come through | 01:44 |
trett | none_-, well I dont know.. I just installed ssh with synaptic.. did nothing else | 01:44 |
trett | none, how can I make sure it starts last ? | 01:45 |
zcat[1] | I would expect that it's being blocked by either your router or your ISP. | 01:45 |
pauldaoust | trett, zcat: that's my guess too. | 01:45 |
none_- | if you have the interfaces configured to come up at boot time, then it will already start first | 01:45 |
=== Bad_Magic [n=justin@c-24-11-174-99.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bad_Magic | can anyone tell me how to setup daemon startup on boot? | 01:46 |
pauldaoust | trett: try ssh to see if you can log in using loopback | 01:46 |
thoreauputic | zcat[1] : router seems more likely - I can't think why an ISP would block ssh | 01:46 |
zcat[1] | I can; some isp's are just asshats | 01:46 |
pauldaoust | trett: then try your IP address | 01:46 |
thoreauputic | zcat[1] : :) | 01:46 |
zcat[1] | but router is most likely | 01:46 |
trett | ok I will try to restart sshd, then hopefully they dont block port 1111 | 01:46 |
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@DC-245-153.bpb.bigpond.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
none_- | try a higher port | 01:46 |
trett | Ill try 2335 | 01:47 |
none_- | like, 39733 | 01:47 |
trett | ok | 01:47 |
=== zblach [n=zblach@Toronto-HSE-ppp3855982.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
zcat[1] | and if it's your router, you can try all 65535 ports and none will be working. You have to FORWARD the port. | 01:47 |
=== zblach [n=zblach@Toronto-HSE-ppp3855982.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zblach | hey ubotu, anything new? | 01:47 |
pauldaoust | ha ha | 01:47 |
thoreauputic | !botsnack | 01:47 |
ubotu | thanks thoreauputic :) | 01:47 |
zblach | !botsmack | 01:47 |
ubotu | zblach: I don't know, could you explain it? | 01:47 |
none_- | !beer | 01:47 |
ubotu | No idea, none_- | 01:47 |
Bad_Magic | what ssh daemon package do people suggest? | 01:47 |
none_- | openssh | 01:48 |
pauldaoust | Bad_Magic: um | 01:48 |
zblach | ubotu, botbeer is good | 01:48 |
ubotu | okay, zblach | 01:48 |
thoreauputic | Bad_Magic: openssh-server | 01:48 |
zcat[1] | wu-ssh | 01:48 |
pauldaoust | Bad_Magic: none_- beat me to it :) | 01:48 |
Madpilot | zblach: if you feel like being mean to ubotu, try "!lart ubotu"... ;) | 01:48 |
zblach | ubotu, forget botbeer | 01:48 |
ubotu | i forgot botbeer, zblach | 01:48 |
zblach | !lart ubotu | 01:48 |
=== ubotu cats /dev/urandom into zblach's ear | ||
zblach | eh? | 01:48 |
pauldaoust | ouch | 01:48 |
zblach | i dun get it | 01:48 |
pauldaoust | !lart ubotu | 01:48 |
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none_- | zblach, hello | 01:48 |
trett | ok I will try, brb | 01:48 |
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zblach | none_-, hi | 01:48 |
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none_- | lol | 01:49 |
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none_- | let me try that again | 01:49 |
=== Chadza [n=Chadza@pcp0010702372pcs.manass01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
none_- | ubotu, hello | 01:49 |
ubotu | hi, none_- | 01:49 |
none_- | ubotu, version? | 01:49 |
zblach | ubotu, sup? | 01:49 |
ubotu | Wish i knew, zblach | 01:49 |
ubotu | none_-: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! | 01:49 |
pauldaoust | zblach: /dev/urandom in your ear... if you cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp (feed random numbers to your soundcard) you get terrible horrid noise | 01:49 |
Bad_Magic | why in the world is it asking me for the Hoary install cd? | 01:49 |
none_- | Bad_Magic, you have that in sources.list | 01:49 |
zblach | pauldaoust, lolol. my sound died yesterday, and i'm here trying to fix it | 01:49 |
pauldaoust | Bad_Magic: I usually remove the Hoary CD from the repository list as soon as I do a new install | 01:49 |
thoreauputic | Bad_Magic: comment the CD line out in your sources | 01:50 |
Bad_Magic | duh, knew i forgot something | 01:50 |
pauldaoust | zblach: shouldn't have fed it with /dev/urandom | 01:50 |
Bad_Magic | whats the path on that? | 01:50 |
zblach | ubotu! even worse! | 01:50 |
pauldaoust | Bad_Magic: /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:50 |
zcat[1] | /dev/urandom is a nice hiss.. /boot/vmlinux is a harsh noise.. | 01:50 |
thoreauputic | Bad_Magic: /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:50 |
Bad_Magic | thanks | 01:50 |
pauldaoust | zcat[1] : ha ha ha | 01:50 |
=== zblach force-feeds ubotu some old punk music | ||
pauldaoust | zcat[1] : you've obviously played around with this before | 01:50 |
none_- | i ain't no goddamn son of a bitch | 01:50 |
zcat[1] | far too mcuh! | 01:50 |
disasm | pauldaoust: how'd the audio problem come out? | 01:51 |
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pauldaoust | disasm: I decided to leave it for later... eventually gave up. | 01:51 |
none_- | ubotu, dns test.com | 01:51 |
ubotu | none_-: I haven't a clue | 01:51 |
zblach | thoreauputic, which line are you commenting? | 01:51 |
thoreauputic | zblach: ? the top line that references the CD | 01:51 |
none_- | ubotu, what are you? | 01:51 |
ubotu | none_-: what are you talking about? | 01:51 |
none_- | bah | 01:52 |
trett | can someone try to ssh connect to me, port 33333 | 01:52 |
zblach | ubotu, whats chillin? | 01:52 |
ubotu | I don't know, zblach | 01:52 |
Madpilot | !ubotu | 01:52 |
ubotu | Thaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my brain on http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 01:52 |
disasm | trett: what ip? | 01:52 |
zblach | !add | 01:52 |
ubotu | it has been said that add is To add an item to me, type "ubotu <keyword> is <description description description>", without the carets | 01:52 |
Bad_Magic | also, how do i set daemons (like ddclient and openssh) to start on boot? | 01:52 |
Bad_Magic | <--- noob | 01:52 |
thoreauputic | Bad_Magic: they start by default | 01:52 |
HrdwrBoB | ssh starts automatically | 01:52 |
=== deejoe_ [n=deejoe@dsl.79.205.networkiowa.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pauldaoust | disasm: it infurates me. the startup sound starts fine (so esd isn't the problem), and then a second-and-a-half later, it slows down again. it sounds like it's trying to feed all the sound in the buffer at 44100, and the buffer is playing it at 11000, no downsampling. it's all just sloooow | 01:52 |
Bad_Magic | how about ddclient? | 01:53 |
zblach | ubotu, <keyword> is <description description description> | 01:53 |
ubotu | zblach: okay | 01:53 |
HrdwrBoB | don't know offhand | 01:53 |
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pauldaoust | disasm: what I did at one point was ssh into that computer, ran top and filtered so I could only see that user, and then watched while it booted up... but I couldn't see any spurious programs | 01:53 |
Bad_Magic | it can run as daemon using hte command line ddclient -daemon=time | 01:53 |
disasm | pauldaoust: did you try a different machine, or is it only happening on one? | 01:53 |
Bad_Magic | i just dont know where to put that for startup | 01:53 |
pauldaoust | disasm: so it appears to be a GNOME thingy | 01:53 |
trett | IP: port 33333 | 01:53 |
zcat[1] | ubotu, tell me about <keyword> | 01:53 |
pauldaoust | disasm: every machine that has the same hardware | 01:53 |
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zblach | !<keyword> | 01:53 |
ubotu | it has been said that <keyword> is <description description description> | 01:53 |
zcat[1] | *ubotu* telling yourself: somebody said <keyword> was <description description | 01:53 |
zcat[1] | description> (n=blootbot@ubuntu.cc.com.au) | 01:53 |
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trett | with lsof it still says ipv6 | 01:53 |
=== spiderworm [n=tellim@ip68-3-31-10.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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disasm | pauldaoust: hmmm... | 01:54 |
zcat[1] | brb | 01:54 |
disasm | pauldaoust: when are you going live? | 01:54 |
zblach | ubotu, you're the only reason i'm in this channel | 01:54 |
ubotu | zblach: Are you on ritalin? | 01:54 |
pauldaoust | earlier today ^_^ | 01:54 |
Madpilot | !forget <keyword> | 01:54 |
ubotu | Madpilot: i forgot <keyword> | 01:54 |
pauldaoust | disasm: earlier today ^_^ | 01:54 |
pauldaoust | disasm: fortunately sound is not a pressing issue yet | 01:54 |
pauldaoust | disasm: the students enjoyed their Flash games sans-sound | 01:54 |
none_- | 33333/tcp filtered unknown | 01:55 |
none_- | all your ports are like that | 01:55 |
=== etzerd [n=etzerd@ool-182ce22f.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
etzerd | Hello all | 01:55 |
zblach | !ayb | 01:55 |
ubotu | zblach: Bugger all, i dunno | 01:55 |
Xorlev | !ritalin | 01:55 |
=== bilnur^ [n=anksyper@adsl-168-174-192-81.adsl2.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xorlev | Hahh | 01:56 |
Xorlev | ubotu I heard ritalin is Methylphenidate is a medication prescribed for individuals (usually children) who have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which consists of a persistent pattern of abnormally high levels of activity, impulsivity, and/or inattention that is more frequently displayed and more severe than is typically observed in individuals with comparable levels of development. | 01:56 |
ubotu | Xorlev: what are you talking about? | 01:56 |
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zblach | lol | 01:56 |
etzerd | can anyone tell me how to install what's the command to install KDE? | 01:56 |
zblach | Xorlev, i tried that yesterday | 01:56 |
thoreauputic | !botabuse | 01:56 |
Xorlev | apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 01:56 |
zblach | and it got deleted | 01:56 |
ubotu | You can play with me on #debian-bots without being banned. | 01:56 |
Madpilot | !msg the bot | 01:56 |
HrdwrBoB | !play | 01:56 |
ubotu | All work and no play. Please don't play with me in the channel; experiment with me in /msg | 01:56 |
Bad_Magic | can anyone tell me where to put the command line startup of a daemon so it boots at startup? | 01:56 |
pauldaoust | disasm: mind you, Flash is one of the only proggies in which sound actually works (Java being the other one). ain't that bass-ackwards? | 01:56 |
etzerd | Thank you Xorlev | 01:56 |
none_- | /etc/init.d/ | 01:56 |
=== plasterfish [n=plasterf@ip70-176-54-221.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bad_Magic | thank you! | 01:57 |
none_- | Bad_Magic: make sure the file is executable | 01:57 |
disasm | pauldaoust: what did you end up using for authentication? | 01:57 |
Xorlev | none, my bootup scripts are never run from /etc/init.d on boot o.o | 01:57 |
none_- | are they executables? | 01:57 |
pauldaoust | disasm: local auth; I'm going to build the network in steps. Once I get slapd working, I'll have LDAP authentication | 01:57 |
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Bad_Magic | none_-: its ddclient | 01:57 |
pauldaoust | trett: just sitting there doing nothing | 01:57 |
pauldaoust | trett: must be blocked | 01:58 |
Xorlev | Yeah none, I can run it from command line, but doesn't at boot. | 01:58 |
zblach | bass-ackwards? | 01:58 |
disasm | pauldaoust: ok, so currently they are all just authing themselves | 01:58 |
tear | OK, I downloaded and installed jre manually since firefoc couldn't autoinstall it, but firefox still sais that it's missing. any tips? | 01:58 |
pauldaoust | zblach: yep, bass-ackwards | 01:58 |
pauldaoust | disasm: pretty much | 01:58 |
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thoreauputic | !tell tear about java | 01:58 |
disasm | pauldaoust: trett left ;-) | 01:58 |
pauldaoust | disasm: I suppose if I wanted a really inelegant solution, I could mirror /etc/passwd every time the computers start up. BAD idea, if you ask me :) | 01:58 |
=== victor_ [n=victor@CPE001310757639-CM000f9f7f0f78.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
disasm | pauldaoust: yeah | 01:59 |
pauldaoust | disasm: oh... missed that :-D | 01:59 |
=== z|bandito [n=ayakonix@cpe-66-8-155-153.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zblach | hrm... | 01:59 |
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z|bandito | hello | 01:59 |
disasm | pauldaoust: tab completion ;-) | 01:59 |
zblach | ubotu, tell me about ubotu | 01:59 |
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=== caonex [n=chatzill@ip70-177-54-62.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zblach | ubotu, recursion is tell ubotu about recursion | 01:59 |
ubotu | okay, zblach | 01:59 |
pauldaoust | disasm: so THAT's why I had to type in his name manually! I thought, "what the hell? tab completion isn't working anymore?" | 01:59 |
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disasm | zblach: your bad ;-) | 01:59 |
caonex | Anybody here with a zv6000 or a laptop with amd64? | 01:59 |
=== geneo93 [n=geneo93@1Cust7003.an2.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pauldaoust | zblach, you're mean. didn't you ever see that one episode of Star Trek where they did that to the Borg? | 02:00 |
=== codenut [n=abeck@ip142167125136.pei.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zblach | pauldaoust, nope, i haven't | 02:00 |
=== yonkeltron [n=yonkeltr@pcp04665066pcs.wilog501.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pauldaoust | ubotu: what is recursion? | 02:00 |
ubotu | pauldaoust: I think you lost me on that one | 02:00 |
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zblach | !recursion | 02:00 |
ubotu | hmm... recursion is tell ubotu about recursion | 02:00 |
pauldaoust | zblach: well, it was something like that. some sort of algorithm that would bring their cybernetic brains to a screeching crash | 02:00 |
disasm | zblach: missing a ! i think | 02:01 |
disasm | !tell uboto about recursion | 02:01 |
zblach | not necessary. i.e. | 02:01 |
zblach | ubotu, tell disasm about recursion | 02:01 |
thoreauputic | tell ubotu about recursion | 02:01 |
thoreauputic | ubotu Isn't that a bit silly? | 02:01 |
ubotu | parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, thoreauputic | 02:01 |
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thoreauputic | you see, ubotu knows about recursion | 02:02 |
thoreauputic | :) | 02:02 |
disasm | zblach: if your trying to make it go recursively, then you need a !tell and i have a feeling it's disabled to allow !tell commands in a command | 02:02 |
=== dalamar [n=secretsq@12-219-191-102.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pauldaoust | disasm: thanks for asking about my computer problems, at any rate (even if they are the most unsolveable problems in the history of the universe) | 02:02 |
=== EfaistOs [n=efaistos@m239.net81-64-31.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
z|bandito | how can i determine the audio chipset ? | 02:02 |
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tear | thoreauputic, thanks, but the problem is, I can't find "sun-j2re1.5" and I have the repository | 02:03 |
disasm | pauldaoust: if you were in the area, i'd help you tackle them, but i think you have to be there to be able to troubleshoot those ;-) | 02:03 |
zblach | disasm, i'm sure they disabled it. it was a fun idea tho' | 02:03 |
=== ksmurf [n=ksmurf@S0106000c76ba0623.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pauldaoust | bandito: if it's a relatively new computer (four years young) you type in 'lspci' and look for mention of audio or sound in the output of that command. | 02:03 |
darkheart | tear Don't forget to run 'sudo apt-get update' after updating sources.list | 02:03 |
disasm | tear: are you installing java? | 02:03 |
pauldaoust | disasm: the newest problem I've created for myself is that, when I run xvncviewer in listen mode, it complains about missing fonts 9_9 | 02:03 |
tear | disasm, yep | 02:03 |
thoreauputic | zblach: if you actually succeeded in making ubotu do what you seem to trying, I guess you wouldn't be likely to be allowed back in the channel :) | 02:03 |
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pauldaoust | once again, a problem that only one or two people have ever run into, and they never found the solution. | 02:03 |
Madpilot | tear: the j2re is in hoary-extras - see the bottom of the AddingRepositories wiki page | 02:03 |
dalamar | if the breezy live cd works pretty flawless for me, can I expect major hiccups from a dist-upgrade or would it be fairly minor things? | 02:04 |
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zblach | thoreauputic, it'd almost be worth it | 02:04 |
thoreauputic | zblach: :) | 02:04 |
pauldaoust | dalamar: I'd be careful still | 02:04 |
z|bandito | 0000:00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corp. 82801AA AC'97 Audio (rev 02) | 02:04 |
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=== neurondev [n=neuronde@71-38-0-136.clsp.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pauldaoust | dalamar: you'll have to really want to live on the bleeding edge | 02:04 |
z|bandito | is this a supported chipset? I get garbled sound... | 02:04 |
none_- | dalamar, it messed my system up completely | 02:04 |
pauldaoust | z|bandito: what sort of garbled? | 02:04 |
disasm | tear, apt-get install java-package, download a java bin, and run fakeroot make-jpkg some_java.bin then sudo dpkg -i resulting_package.deb | 02:04 |
dalamar | well gfx, sound and internet are all working out of the box | 02:05 |
z|bandito | it used to do the gnome sounds ok, but not anything like CDDA or netradio... i tried switching to alsa from esd, but now it'sjust all garbled | 02:05 |
pauldaoust | z|bandito: Linux supports it, using the snd_intel82xx driver | 02:05 |
ksmurf | hello all. Anyone know anything about .ICEauthority...... My gnome session dies in 1-2 secs because it can't find it so It won't kick me into gnome. I can get into gnome in recovery mode but I don't know anythig bout it | 02:05 |
neurondev | hey guys, I have issues setting up a Realtek based Ethernet Card. I need to setup dhcp3-server on it. However I don't think Ubuntu is even detecting the card correctly. | 02:05 |
z|bandito | i hear it trying, but there is a lot of noise, and i'm not sure if it's playing in realtime.. | 02:05 |
disasm | dalamar: not anyones fault but yours if your system doesn't start anymore ;-) | 02:05 |
Madpilot | ksmurf: it dumps you back to a command line, right? | 02:05 |
pauldaoust | z|bandito: does it sound slow and drawn-out? | 02:06 |
z|bandito | yeah i think so | 02:06 |
z|bandito | but it's very noisy so it\'s hard to be sure | 02:06 |
ksmurf | Madpilot no to GDM | 02:06 |
pauldaoust | z|bandito: hm, so it's not just crazy static then | 02:06 |
omp342 | do i just type 'apt-get update' to update list of packages? | 02:06 |
pauldaoust | z|bandito: can you detect actual notes, or is it just PFFFFFSHHFHKFHSHHHFHFFFFFFFF | 02:06 |
dalamar | disasm, yeah I understand but some of the programs im needing to run require a newer version of libc then hoary has and with the breezy preview coming out soon I'm guessing its fairly close | 02:06 |
pauldaoust | z|bandito: (like a radio)? | 02:07 |
thoreauputic | omp342: yes, with sudo of course | 02:07 |
z|bandito | not really sure to be honest ; gnome sounds seem realtime but static-y. cdda sounds plain wrong... | 02:07 |
none_- | dalamar, you might want to switch to debian | 02:07 |
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dalamar | *shudder* | 02:07 |
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disasm | dalamar: i tried the installer the other day, and i couldn't even run a compiled binary i built for class that was in my home directory | 02:07 |
Madpilot | ksmurf: you probably need to chown .ICEauthority | 02:07 |
pauldaoust | z|bandito: oh, maybe you have the volume levels too high? ALSA tends to have that problem with sound cards. you should have PCM, Master, and CD at about three quarters | 02:07 |
z|bandito | like gnome UI sounds i can tell it's trying to do correctly, but it's very noisy, but even when it was working OK using ESD the CDDA and netradio were still not working | 02:07 |
disasm | dalamar: it gave an error if i did ./any_binary | 02:08 |
none_- | z|bandito, i had the same problem on gentoo | 02:08 |
CookedGryphon | Yah! i love ubuntu again, got my linmodem installed and working on my laptop | 02:08 |
z|bandito | when i try alsa in multimedia system selector it gives an error when i click test.. | 02:08 |
z|bandito | failed to construct pipeline to alsa | 02:08 |
dalamar | disasm, yikes, thats pretty major | 02:08 |
pauldaoust | z|bandito: oh | 02:08 |
pauldaoust | z|bandito: that's unusual | 02:08 |
neurondev | hey guys, I have issues setting up a Realtek based Ethernet Card. I need to setup dhcp3-server on it. However I don't think Ubuntu is even detecting the card correctly. Any ideas? Also Firefox doesn't work. Can't load a single webpage. (But I can do IRC, and download package updates!) | 02:08 |
=== tom- [n=tom@adsl-220-154-190.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
z|bandito | yeah.. gnome UI sounds were OK but CDDA was screwy,,, i'll try setting back to ESD | 02:09 |
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zblach | pauldaoust, i have the same problem, except with all pipelines | 02:09 |
Bad_Magic | ps | 02:09 |
trett | this sshd still uses ipv6..... | 02:09 |
=== splitta [n=needanew@dialin-207-112-26-105.tor.primus.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
codenut | how do you activate sshd? | 02:09 |
pauldaoust | neurondev: if you type in 'lspci | grep -i ether' does it mention anything? | 02:10 |
neurondev | paldaoust: let me try that | 02:10 |
none_- | codenut, install t he package | 02:10 |
trett | codenut, automatically with the /etc/init.d/ssh | 02:10 |
pauldaoust | codenut: once you install the OpenSSH server package, it'll run automatically | 02:10 |
neurondev | pauldaoust: let me try that | 02:10 |
codenut | THanks | 02:10 |
dalamar | is there anyway to upgrade to gnome 2.12 in hoary? | 02:10 |
HrdwrBoB | dalamar: yes | 02:10 |
HrdwrBoB | dalamar: wait for breezy | 02:10 |
Bad_Magic | lol | 02:10 |
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dalamar | bleh | 02:10 |
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dalamar | notice the 'in hoary' | 02:11 |
HrdwrBoB | dalamar: patience is the virtue of princes | 02:11 |
ksmurf | Madpilot I'm doing that right now | 02:11 |
HrdwrBoB | or was that punctuality? | 02:11 |
anomaly | HrdwrBoB and the stockpile of none. | 02:11 |
Bad_Magic | alright, now can anyone tell me how to make gnome control my soundcard level? (it shows the little box moving back and forth but it doesnt change the soundlevel) | 02:11 |
neurondev | pauldaoust: yep I get both my cards showing up, 1 is nvidia Ethernet Controller, the other is RTL-8139/8139C card | 02:11 |
CookedGryphon | mine shows the little box then doesn't show the level moving up and down :( | 02:12 |
CookedGryphon | i can't seem to change the volume at all | 02:12 |
zblach | ubotu, forget recursion | 02:12 |
ubotu | zblach: i forgot recursion | 02:12 |
=== ksmurf [n=ksmurf@S0106000c76ba0623.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CookedGryphon | and there is just a weird custom thing in the multimedia selector | 02:12 |
pauldaoust | CookedGryphon: what motherboard chipset do you have, if you know? | 02:12 |
zblach | ubotu, rcsn1 is tell ubout about rcsn2 | 02:12 |
ubotu | zblach: okay | 02:12 |
CookedGryphon | emm, think it could be SiS | 02:12 |
neurondev | pauldaoust: I guess the cards are detected, what confuses me is ifconfig returns eth0,eth1,sit0 what is sit0? I know the Nvidia ethernet card is on eth0. | 02:12 |
zblach | ubotu, rcsn1 is tell ubotu about rcsn2 | 02:13 |
ubotu | ...but rcsn1 is already something else... | 02:13 |
zblach | ubotu, forget rcsn1 | 02:13 |
ubotu | zblach: i forgot rcsn1 | 02:13 |
zblach | ubotu, rcsn1 is tell ubotu about rcsn2 | 02:13 |
dalamar | october ... 13th ... seems so long awaaaay ;/ | 02:13 |
zblach | ubotu, rcsn2 is tell ubotu about rcsn1 | 02:15 |
ubotu | zblach: okay | 02:15 |
zblach | !rcsn1 | 02:15 |
ubotu | zblach: I don't know | 02:15 |
neurondev | pauldaoust: eth0 is also connected to my DSL modem. | 02:15 |
ksmurf | Madpilot that did it.... Thanks | 02:15 |
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zblach | ubotu, tell me about rcsn1 | 02:15 |
pauldaoust | neurondev: ha, I wondered about that for a while too. sit0 is a IPv6-over-IPv4 virtual tunnel thingy | 02:15 |
CookedGryphon | pauldaoust, SiS i'm pretty sure, does that tell you anything? | 02:15 |
thoreauputic | zblach: stop *now* please | 02:15 |
=== Cashel [n=doc@0-1pool43-26.nas16.portland1.or.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cashel | howdies | 02:15 |
ksmurf | ANy idea why it would have changed permissions? | 02:15 |
zblach | thoreauputic, okay. sorry | 02:15 |
neurondev | pauldaoust: ok, so the RTL card is eth1? | 02:15 |
Madpilot | ksmurf: no problem. YOu learn more about things when they break than when they work, hey? | 02:15 |
neurondev | pauldaoust: would assume it is. | 02:15 |
pauldaoust | neurondev: probably. | 02:15 |
ksmurf | Madpiolet that's why I'm using breezy.... rofl | 02:15 |
=== acktifujit [n=acktifuj@c-24-8-118-113.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
none_- | Bad_Magic: i forgot the files in rc2.d/ have to start with an S | 02:15 |
Bad_Magic | alright, now can anyone tell me how to make gnome control my soundcard level? (it shows the little box moving back and forth but it doesnt change the soundlevel)... the problem is its changing alsa master volume and needs to be changing the headphone volume... anyone? =x | 02:15 |
=== dpi [n=dpi@nc-71-51-233-68.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cashel | Anyone know how to pull up a history of packages installed? | 02:15 |
Bad_Magic | ack | 02:15 |
=== bender_ [n=bender@ip70-176-237-218.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bad_Magic | k | 02:15 |
pauldaoust | CookedGryphon: hm. if it were a VIA, they make some pretty horrid sound chips. Mine didn't have any hardware volume control; I guess the Windows driver manages volume. So I eventually installed a SoundBlaster Live that I had kicking around. | 02:15 |
none_- | S99ddclient | 02:15 |
neurondev | pauldaoust: Ok first thing is I tried bringing up dhcpd3 on eth1, and it says 'No subnet declaration for eth1 (' | 02:15 |
=== bender_ is now known as b3nd3r | ||
b3nd3r | hi | 02:15 |
none_- | is what someone else is using | 02:15 |
ksmurf | cashel U use synaptic? | 02:15 |
thoreauputic | Cashel: dpkg -l | less | 02:15 |
Cashel | ksmurf, yes | 02:15 |
Cashel | thoreauputic, thanks :) | 02:15 |
neurondev | pauldaoust: ... and 'Not configured to listen on any interfaces'. How can I fix that? | 02:15 |
b3nd3r | im having issues with my zv6000 hp laptop... the timer issue .. any one able to assist me? | 02:15 |
=== BuzW [n=BuzW@w034.z064003218.dfw-tx.dsl.cnc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cashel | thoreauputic, oh, I meant as in the last installed stuff... a history... any such creature? | 02:16 |
pauldaoust | neurondev: weird. so network autodetect doesn't work, and that's why you're using dhcpcd? | 02:16 |
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dpi | wow what a mess o people on this channel....finnaly realized why ubuntu is on top of distrowatch | 02:16 |
pauldaoust | neurondev: wait. you're using dhcpd or dhcpcd? | 02:16 |
trett | why would sshd use ipv6 by default ? I use the default auto-start from /etc/init.d/ssh | 02:16 |
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thoreauputic | Cashel: ah, I see - don't know, sorry | 02:16 |
Xorlev | dpi: Ubuntu is a wonderful distro, not to mention prettyful =) | 02:16 |
Concord_Dawn | How can I find the processor speed in Linux? | 02:16 |
Xorlev | I love debian based distros. | 02:16 |
=== SymGeosis [n=SymGeosi@mtairy-motorola1-68-71-230-109.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CookedGryphon | I have to insert some kernel modules and then run a script to get my winmodem to work, should i put those in the startup script, or is that too messy? is there an easier way to do it | 02:17 |
zblach | yup. its my first linux introduction, and i'm loving it | 02:17 |
b3nd3r | any one know how to upgrade from default install of ubuntu64 2.6.10-5 to 2.6.12 or higher? besides a complete kernel recompile? | 02:17 |
dpi | type echo $MACHTYPE | 02:17 |
Fred|Fr3d | how do i find out the cpu speed from ssh? | 02:17 |
Cashel | thoreauputic, no wories thanks for trying :) would you happen to know if dpkg saves the debs? I could go by date if so.. ? | 02:17 |
Xorlev | cat /proc/cpuinfo | 02:17 |
Concord_Dawn | or Ubuntu, if there's a UBuntu specific way | 02:17 |
Concord_Dawn | heh | 02:17 |
Bad_Magic | anyone know how to change the keyboard shortcut based soundlevel changer (ie which channels volume it changes) | 02:17 |
neurondev | pauldaoust: 'dhcpcd' elicits an error. | 02:17 |
Xorlev | /proc/cpuinfo is a linux standard. | 02:17 |
Madpilot | Xorlev: "prettyful" - is that even a word? ;) | 02:17 |
nior | any body help me! how could i configure my ubuntu using multiple ip address using lone interface? | 02:17 |
=== Kyral [n=Linux@hamlin-139-8.hamlin.clarkson.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | Cashel: have a look in /var/cache/apt/archives | 02:17 |
none_- | trett: try sshd -4 | 02:17 |
Cashel | thanks again thoreauputic | 02:17 |
Xorlev | Madpilot: No, its the botching of a real word and a suffix. | 02:18 |
pauldaoust | CookedGryphon: you can add them to /etc/modules | 02:18 |
thoreauputic | Cashel: no worries :) | 02:18 |
b3nd3r | nior wtf are you talking about.. you cant do that. | 02:18 |
=== TongMaster [n=TongMast@157.besecure.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cashel | ahhh and there they are! perfect | 02:18 |
Fred|Fr3d | thanks Xorlev :-D | 02:18 |
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Xorlev | Fred|Fr3d: np =) | 02:18 |
=== dalamar [n=dalamar@12-219-191-102.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Cashel downloaded a bunch of games last night and cant remember which ones, hehe | ||
trett | none, sshd re-exec requires execution with an absolute path | 02:18 |
ksmurf | yeah .... Madpilot saved my puter........ | 02:18 |
neurondev | pauldaoust: dhcpd3 is a dhcp server thats what I use. | 02:18 |
pauldaoust | neurondev: 'cuz dhcpd3 (the one without the extra 'c') is a DHCP server, for when you want other machines to get their IP addresses from you | 02:18 |
CookedGryphon | pauldaoust, thanks | 02:19 |
neurondev | pauldaoust: that is what I want. I have another PC wired to eth1 | 02:19 |
pauldaoust | neurondev: oh, so you're aware of that. sounds like your setup is a lot more complex than I'm used to... | 02:19 |
=== AiMeR [n=anksyper@adsl-168-174-192-81.adsl2.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu | ||
none_- | trett: $(which sshd) -4 | 02:19 |
rob_p | nior: Yes! You CAN do that! IP address aliases are fairly easy to set up. | 02:19 |
neurondev | pauldaoust: I want Ubuntu to hand out IP addresses on eth1. This means I need a dhcp server running on eth1. | 02:19 |
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trett | none, looked like /usr/sbin/sshd -4 worked | 02:20 |
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Seveas | neurondev, then make it listen on eth1 :) | 02:20 |
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Madpilot | ksmurf: I've had Ubuntu eat my .ICEauthority file before, that's the only reason I know the trick! | 02:20 |
pauldaoust | neurondev: but I think it's significant that dhcpd3 sez it's not configured to listen on any interfaces. you might want to research that... check out the server's config files... mind you, if you can't even get eth0 up, it's pointless, unless you want a cozy little local network, I guess ;) | 02:20 |
trett | none, can I put that in the init file in /etc/init.d/ssh | 02:20 |
nior | what file do i need to change or add? | 02:20 |
=== azahid [n=azahid@CPE-65-29-9-150.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pauldaoust | CookedGryphon: no prob! | 02:20 |
Bad_Magic | anyone know how to change the keyboard shortcut based soundlevel changer (ie which channels volume it changes) or how to link channels in alsa | 02:20 |
ksmurf | Madpilot ever figure out why? | 02:20 |
neurondev | seveas: how do I do that... I tried dhcp3 eth1, and it says no subnet declaration for eth1 | 02:21 |
none_- | trett: you'd have to look through the file to find the start function | 02:21 |
rob_p | nior: You will probably need to write a small script to do it. Either that or just manually enter the commands every time you want it set up. | 02:21 |
none_- | add it to the command | 02:21 |
Madpilot | ksmurf: no, but it's only happened once since I replaced my motherboard - which was borked and causing all sorts of problems... | 02:21 |
pauldaoust | Bad_Magic: volume control keybindings is easy. you go System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts, and scroll down to the 'Sound' category | 02:21 |
CookedGryphon | pauldaoust, and where do i put the run the script that starts it off? i'm worried it may freeze the system booting, cos when i run it in terminal it stays running if u know what i mean, even after i put & on the end... | 02:21 |
neurondev | pauldaoust: eth0 is up. I just cant use Firefox. I am using eth0 right now with a dsl modem to chat w/ you guys | 02:21 |
=== melisa_ [n=anksyper@adsl-168-174-192-81.adsl2.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nior | is there any website you know where i could find some howtos? | 02:22 |
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=== Chadza [n=Chadza@pcp0010702372pcs.manass01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
azahid | question for somebody who knows whats going on in Linux world and care to answer: Is Gnome failing in the competition with KDE. I really like Gnome want it to be succesful. Any place where I can look for some good information? | 02:22 |
neurondev | I guess Ubuntu's net detection stuff isn't that robust. I mean if firefox comes up, and you cant open yahoo.com right away... | 02:22 |
ksmurf | Madpilot ah that explains it...... I had a Complete freeze...... I think I have a drive going | 02:22 |
pauldaoust | CookedGryphon: crap. you need to run a whole script? okay, add the name of the script to the end of /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh -- you'll need to give the full path of your script, though, because $PATH isn't declared at that point when your system boots up. | 02:22 |
Bad_Magic | pauldaoust: i figured that out... it moves the bar up and down... but it changes alsa's "main" tab and for some reason my sound is really mapped to "headphone" | 02:22 |
trett | none, it's on ipv4 now, but I can't even connect if I try: ssh (I changed it back to port 22) | 02:23 |
Madpilot | ksmurf: ouch. got everything on it backed up? | 02:23 |
pauldaoust | Bad_Magic: ?!??!? sorry, man, that's way over my head. I'd look into configuring asound.conf though... don't have much experience there | 02:23 |
none_- | ok well, it's most likely your ISP or your modem | 02:23 |
rob_p | nior: I could maybe send you a script or something. I run IP address aliases on both of my servers and I use a script to accomplish it. Off hand, I don't know other than to just search google. | 02:23 |
Bad_Magic | asound.conf is located where? | 02:23 |
trett | none, I will try again port 33333, brb | 02:24 |
pauldaoust | Bad_Magic: /etc/asound.conf ... it probably won't exist yet though | 02:24 |
=== dbernar1 [n=dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-63-154.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CookedGryphon | pauldaoust, thanks again, just gna reboot n try it out | 02:24 |
pauldaoust | Bad_Magic: asound.conf generally doesn't exist until you create it for special reasons, like this | 02:24 |
Bad_Magic | yay | 02:25 |
Bad_Magic | =\ | 02:25 |
Kyral | Okay, thats odd | 02:25 |
Kyral | The system threw a shutdown by itself.. | 02:25 |
=== Maioiiu [n=oeoowecg@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pauldaoust | CookedGryphon: do you ahve to run the script and then install the modules, or does the order not matter? | 02:25 |
=== aysennnnn [n=anksyper@adsl-168-174-192-81.adsl2.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ksmurf | Madpilot..... yeah. Learned that last time.... 290 GB info and apps gone... and 3 boards. It was then I dropped doze and came to the light side;> | 02:25 |
Kyral | and none of the logs are pointing to suspcious activity | 02:25 |
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pauldaoust | CookedGryphon: or does the script actually install the modules itself? | 02:25 |
nior | thanks in advance rob_p, can you send it to karyobadian@yahoo.com... | 02:25 |
CookedGryphon | pauldaoust, i have to insert the moduil;es then run the script | 02:25 |
none_- | trett: it won't make a difference; all your ports are filtered | 02:26 |
CookedGryphon | its the slmodem | 02:26 |
dbernar1 | Yay, I learned how to use screen! | 02:26 |
dbernar1 | anyhow...later. | 02:26 |
pauldaoust | CookedGryphon: gotcha. yeah, I think that if you list the modules in /etc/modules and then add the script to /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh, it should do it in the right order. | 02:26 |
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CookedGryphon | okay, thanks,i'll try it now | 02:26 |
rob_p | nior: Sure thing! Give me an hour or so as I can't do it at the moment... | 02:26 |
CookedGryphon | and then go to bed cos its late n i'm tired n its taken me hours to get to this stage | 02:27 |
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pauldaoust | CookedGryphon: righto. good luck! | 02:27 |
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=== Orborde-dinner [n=orborde@shrv-c-148.resnet.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
omp342 | E: Couldn't find package ncftp < what should i do? | 02:27 |
Orborde-dinner | What does the BurnFree in GnomeBaker do? | 02:27 |
l0rdvad3r | i already install ubuntu but it stop.. "start hotplug system" what shld i do?? | 02:27 |
thoreauputic | omp342: it's in universe - ypur sources must be wrong | 02:28 |
zblach | anyone here resolve sound problems? | 02:28 |
trett | none, must be the modem, because I have the same ISP and I can open ports | 02:28 |
pauldaoust | Orborde-dinner: that takes advantage of your drive's BurnFree feature, which I think helps prevent buffer underrounds or something. | 02:28 |
Kyral | Got a quick question about my startup sequence | 02:28 |
rellik | I've added a new user to the system but I cannot log into ftp with this new user (from localhost even). I can log in just fine with an existing user.. is there some file somewhere I'm missing? the user can log in just fine locally to a shell, but not to ftp | 02:28 |
=== SPERMITE [n=SpermIte@69-172-40-18.frdrmd.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pauldaoust | Orborde-dinner: * meant to say buffer underruns, not underrounds | 02:28 |
SPERMITE | if i wanna install a game with cedega through the cdrom how should i do it ? | 02:28 |
omp342 | thoreauputic: i never changed any sources after installing ubuntu | 02:29 |
thoreauputic | SPERMITE: read the instructions? | 02:29 |
thoreauputic | omp342: that's your problem :) | 02:29 |
thoreauputic | !tell omp342 about repos | 02:29 |
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Orborde-dinner | pauldaoust: Thanks. | 02:29 |
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pauldaoust | Orborde-dinner: no prob! | 02:29 |
zblach | none of the sound pipelines work | 02:29 |
thoreauputic | omp342: got ubotu 's /msg ? | 02:30 |
l0rdvad3r | i already install ubuntu but it stop.. "start hotplug system" <--- what shld i do?? | 02:30 |
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omp342 | thoreautupic: yep | 02:30 |
vader1102 | l0rdvad3r, mine does it sometimes as well, I just restart and it gets past it | 02:30 |
l0rdvad3r | vader1102, i already did serveral time still the same result ?? :( | 02:31 |
=== X7C [n=xtc@pc-63-24-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pauldaoust | does anyone have experience with VNC in listen mode? or anything that would allow an instructor to press a button and have all the screens in a computer lab show the instructor's screen (after the IT guy -- that's me -- wrote a script to glue everything together)? | 02:31 |
vader1102 | hmmmmmmmm, someone else will have to help you....it used to happen all of the time but it is somewhat better now | 02:32 |
pauldaoust | I just need a finger to point me in the right direction. | 02:32 |
=== h17m4n [n=DR@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trett | none, but I wonder why it goes through the modem when I use the local address | 02:32 |
h17m4n | k I installed fglrx-control | 02:32 |
tear | none of the help about java plugin worked | 02:32 |
h17m4n | how do I start it? | 02:32 |
l0rdvad3r | hmm can anyone help me.. with ubuntu ?? | 02:32 |
pauldaoust | trett: your machine is on crack; sorry to say :) | 02:32 |
thoreauputic | !ask | 02:32 |
=== Carisma_83 [n=anksyper@adsl-168-174-192-81.adsl2.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zblach | l0rdvad3r, you may be in the wrong channel for that | 02:33 |
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vader1102 | thoreauputic, can you help l0rdvad3r ? | 02:33 |
Xorlev | Hmm... | 02:33 |
Xorlev | !add RTFM Acronym of a derogatory method of stating "Read the Manual" | 02:33 |
ubotu | Xorlev: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about | 02:33 |
Xorlev | Meh | 02:33 |
Xorlev | >_> | 02:33 |
l0rdvad3r | zblach, y did u say so.. im in ubuntu right.. | 02:33 |
zblach | ubotu, RTFM is an acronym meaning 'read the friendly manual' | 02:33 |
ubotu | ...but rtfm is already something else... | 02:33 |
thoreauputic | l0rdvad3r: just ask a specific question - if someone can help they will | 02:33 |
HrdwrBoB | !rtfm | 02:33 |
ubotu | somebody said rtfm was Read The "Fine" Manual | 02:34 |
h17m4n | Question: How do I run fglrx-control from terminal? | 02:34 |
zblach | i like 'friendly' more | 02:34 |
HrdwrBoB | rtfm is should not be used | 02:34 |
HrdwrBoB | it's not in accordance with the CoC | 02:34 |
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dabaR | HrdwrBoB: not true. | 02:34 |
thoreauputic | HrdwrBoB: indeed not :) | 02:34 |
Xorlev | But RTFM is useful in some cases, | 02:34 |
l0rdvad3r | thoreauputic, it stop in "start hotplug system" ?? | 02:34 |
=== Talim [n=phlak@24-236-241-16.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
dabaR | just say it in a nice way. | 02:34 |
HrdwrBoB | yes. | 02:34 |
Talim | hello hello | 02:34 |
HrdwrBoB | so, RTFM is not useful | 02:35 |
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thoreauputic | dabaR: pointing someone to the manual is OK - rtfm isn't | 02:35 |
pauldaoust | l0rdvad3r: sounds like you've got some exotic hardware. | 02:35 |
Talim | I'm very much so a newbie | 02:35 |
=== avanspronsen [n=andrewv@London-HSE-ppp3543971.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HrdwrBoB | saying "you can read the manual here" is fine, "rtfm" is not | 02:35 |
thoreauputic | right | 02:35 |
Talim | I'm almost ready to switch over | 02:35 |
zblach | proposal: prtm - please read the manual | 02:35 |
=== drummer87 [n=owen@c211-30-5-20.artrmn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Talim | but i'm worried about my wireless | 02:35 |
Xorlev | prtm...hmmm | 02:35 |
zblach | Talim, tell me about your wirelessness | 02:35 |
=== zip [n=zip@d38-7.rt-bras.wnvl.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
l0rdvad3r | pauldaoust, what do u mean? all my pc is new.. and i install other os it work just fin.. | 02:36 |
Xorlev | I like it zblach. | 02:36 |
tear | anyone might know why I get "Verifying archive integrity...Error in check sums 2881501109 273882024" when installing java support? | 02:36 |
Talim | I'm not sure if my laptop's built in wireless is gonna work when i switch over | 02:36 |
=== funkyHat [n=matt@cpc3-nthc3-3-1-cust65.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zip | does ubuntu come with a program to connect to windows file sharing? | 02:36 |
zblach | zip, called samba, and its iffy | 02:36 |
pauldaoust | l0rdvad3r: I mean that Ubuntu might just be having problems with your hardware. what sort of other operating systems did you install? | 02:36 |
thoreauputic | !tell l0rdvad3r about ask | 02:36 |
Xorlev | zip: Samba | 02:37 |
zip | zblach: yes, but how do i log into a server with it? | 02:37 |
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pauldaoust | zip: yep, it's all built-in. Works great connecting Ubuntu machines to each other, but it can't seem to talk properly with a WinXP machine. | 02:37 |
h17m4n | !fglrx | 02:37 |
ubotu | fglrx is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:37 |
zblach | zip, unknown. join #samba | 02:37 |
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l0rdvad3r | pauldaoust, first time to use linux on my machine. | 02:37 |
pauldaoust | zip: Generally it's as simple as Places > Network Servers | 02:37 |
zblach | pauldaoust, you've noticed that too, eh? | 02:37 |
pauldaoust | zblach: it's beastly | 02:37 |
drummer87 | hi all, what does this mean?: FATAL: Error inserting lirc_serial (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/misc/lirc_serial.ko): Device or resource busy | 02:37 |
Talim | thanks :) | 02:37 |
zip | pauldaoust: places?? i'm afraid there is no Places menu in Xfce | 02:37 |
zblach | pauldaoust, *nods muchly* | 02:37 |
pauldaoust | zip: oop | 02:37 |
pauldaoust | :D | 02:37 |
zip | i think Places is wind0ze | 02:38 |
pauldaoust | zip: smbconnect is the command you need to use, but I haven't used it very often | 02:38 |
vader1102 | thoreauputic, if I may, my system does it too during the boot of my pc, it hangs on starting hotplug subsystem and he wants to know what he can do about it | 02:38 |
zblach | zip, its pretty conveniant tho' | 02:38 |
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pauldaoust | zip: and you specify the address //servername/share instead of \\servername\share | 02:38 |
zip | hmmm | 02:38 |
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zip | no smbconnect | 02:38 |
zblach | smbclient | 02:38 |
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zip | and i have all the samba packages installed | 02:38 |
pauldaoust | zip: a simple way to do things is to just go smbmount //servername/share /mnt/windowsshare | 02:38 |
l0rdvad3r | pauldaoust, are there any reqrment. b4 i used ubuntu.. ?? :( | 02:38 |
Talim | I think i'm gonna do it | 02:38 |
zblach | Talim, do it! | 02:38 |
pauldaoust | zip: see how seldom I use it? ^_^ | 02:38 |
zip | k | 02:39 |
zblach | zip, the command is 'smbclient' | 02:39 |
thoreauputic | vader1102: OK that's a bit clearer - I don't have an answer personally but maybe someone can help | 02:39 |
Xorlev | Talim: Switching to Linux? | 02:39 |
Talim | yes | 02:39 |
Xorlev | Good man! | 02:39 |
vader1102 | thoreauputic, ty | 02:39 |
zblach | smbclient -L "name" | 02:39 |
Xorlev | I'll tell you it made things ALOT easier for me. | 02:39 |
zblach | Talim, its a big step. | 02:39 |
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zip | where Name is? | 02:39 |
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zip | address? | 02:39 |
zblach | I've found it to be a hassle | 02:39 |
pauldaoust | l0rdvad3r: I'd just check out all your hardware (check your manuals; you'll want to know your motherboard chipset and your video card chipset) and then do a bit of searching | 02:39 |
shadeofgrey | okay guys i need help installing k3b for burning | 02:39 |
zip | or workgroup | 02:39 |
zblach | zip, name or IP address | 02:39 |
Talim | i'm just gonna ftp all my files over to my pc so i dont lose them and go ahead with it | 02:39 |
zblach | like 'computer name' | 02:39 |
Xorlev | It is a big step, but once you get the hang of it, you'll never want to go back. | 02:39 |
Talim | well, my desktop pc | 02:39 |
Bad_Magic | anyone know how to change the channel that is changed with the volume up/down keyboard shortcuts in gnome? | 02:39 |
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shadeofgrey | i installed k3b and k3blibs and cdrdao -- what else do i need? kdebase? | 02:40 |
zblach | 'cept for things that like windows. like flash and games | 02:40 |
pauldaoust | l0rdvad3r: I mean, just check to see that Linux works, and works well, on your hardware. | 02:40 |
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dreamie | i have a problem | 02:40 |
Talim | I got flash working last time I used linux | 02:40 |
shadeofgrey | it'll run in a terminal as is, but it outputs tons of errolrs and woint place any icons for launching k3b from apps menu | 02:40 |
dreamie | my printer doesnt print | 02:40 |
zblach | Talim, which version? | 02:40 |
Xorlev | I started to break down, and go back to Windows, when it crashing and the desktop not working well reminded me why I switched in the first place. | 02:40 |
Talim | I was using red hat | 02:40 |
dreamie | the icon saids it is printing but it isnt | 02:40 |
thoreauputic | vader1102: consulting the dmesg command might help ( dmesg | less , or dmesg | grep hotplug ) | 02:40 |
zblach | Talim, which version of flash? | 02:40 |
l0rdvad3r | pauldaoust, thankz | 02:41 |
Xorlev | dreamie: Have CUPS or another printer driver installed? | 02:41 |
Talim | ah, i'm not sure | 02:41 |
vader1102 | k | 02:41 |
Talim | but I had it running just fine | 02:41 |
dreamie | Xorlev, no | 02:41 |
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zip | hm.. guess it does not connect to XP though | 02:41 |
pauldaoust | shadeofgrey: k3b should install all of its dependencies properly and automatically... it looks like K3b doesn't have a menu entry on my computer either. | 02:41 |
zblach | MX is completly supported, MX2004 doesn' | 02:41 |
pauldaoust | l0rdvad3r: no problem | 02:41 |
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zblach | t work at all | 02:41 |
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Talim | I don't play games at all so no problem there :) | 02:42 |
shadeofgrey | no thats not true paul... does anybody else know? | 02:42 |
vader1102 | Zip, does XP have NTFS file system? | 02:42 |
zblach | Talim, it was an example. there are many things i miss from windows, but the no-crashing thing is the reason i switched | 02:42 |
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shadeofgrey | you have to install k3b, k3blibs, and CDRDAO seperately... i just cant remember what the last requirement is... prolly kdebase | 02:43 |
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dreamie | so what could be a problem when a printer doesnt print ? | 02:43 |
Talim | yeah, now that i have both a desktop and a laptop i wont have any problems at all :) | 02:43 |
dabaR | zblach: what do you miss from windows? | 02:43 |
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Talim | I' | 02:43 |
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Talim | err | 02:43 |
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Xorlev | I miss the ease that my games went it | 02:43 |
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Talim | anyway, thanks for all the help :) bye | 02:44 |
Xorlev | I have to struggle to get most of my games in | 02:44 |
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zblach | dabaR, flash MX, my printers, my shared folders, my games | 02:44 |
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zblach | my tech support | 02:44 |
tammy | can a printer hooked to a xandros box be networked to use on an ubuntu box? | 02:44 |
zblach | tammy, i'm sure. but its not easy | 02:44 |
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tammy | hmmm | 02:44 |
FR500 | tammy: sure, and zblach is not that hard either | 02:44 |
dabaR | he is semy hard. | 02:45 |
dabaR | semi | 02:45 |
zblach | FR500, oh? i'm having a fun enough time printing to a windows computer | 02:45 |
dreamie | zblack, i miss nothing from windows | 02:45 |
FR500 | zblach: doesnt work? | 02:45 |
tammy | me either dreamie | 02:45 |
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zblach | dreamie, it just hasn't sunk in yet | 02:45 |
zblach | FR500, not only that, but it doesn't even see the shared printer | 02:45 |
vader1102 | zblach, I have no problems printing to a windows machine | 02:45 |
dreamie | zblach, it has | 02:45 |
dreamie | zblach sick of tire of it | 02:45 |
FR500 | zblach: you wont see it like in windows (ie: smb://computername) | 02:46 |
tammy | how does it work, FR500? | 02:46 |
dreamie | zblach sick of tire of all the problems that came with windows | 02:46 |
zblach | vader1102, FR500, wanna help me set up my printers. please? | 02:46 |
FR500 | tammy you need samba | 02:46 |
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dreamie | zzblach, i am having printer problems with ubuntu too | 02:46 |
tammy | i have samba | 02:46 |
FR500 | zblach: make sure your shared printer name is only 8 letters long | 02:46 |
dreamie | zblach, thankfully i rarely use printers | 02:46 |
vader1102 | zblach, if I can....took me a bit to get my hp working to my wifes oc | 02:46 |
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zblach | FR500, are you serious? | 02:46 |
FR500 | zblach: yes i am | 02:47 |
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FR500 | zblach: no spaces too | 02:47 |
zblach | that seems a bit ...limited | 02:47 |
FR500 | dont ask me why | 02:47 |
FR500 | cuz i dont know | 02:47 |
mik3 | yep | 02:47 |
zblach | ok, i'll try | 02:47 |
dabaR | ya, you cant name your printer eufratiology now... | 02:47 |
zblach | brb 5 mins | 02:47 |
dabaR | :( | 02:47 |
honza | hi. how do I re-run hardware detection? | 02:47 |
zblach | printer name: Samsung ML-4500 Laser | 02:47 |
honza | I mean the thing that was done when installing | 02:47 |
DaMi3n | is there something like PnP in linux as well?? | 02:48 |
pauldaoust | what on earth is eufratiology? | 02:48 |
NoUse | honza it should detect new hardward when booting if it doesn't do it on the fly | 02:48 |
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FR500 | tammy: have you tried sharing folders (ie; system->Administration->shared folders) | 02:48 |
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tammy | yes | 02:48 |
honza | NoUse: in other words, should I restart? :) | 02:48 |
dabaR | honza: not sure if this is what you are looking for, but, you can sudo dpkg-reconfigure base-install. not sure that is it at all. | 02:48 |
FR500 | tammy: does it work? i mean, are your windows PCs able to see them? | 02:48 |
tammy | but i'm very new to ubuntu, from xandros | 02:48 |
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tammy | yes as far as i know | 02:49 |
NoUse | honza what kind of hardware have you installed? | 02:49 |
FR500 | ok | 02:49 |
DaMi3n | tammy: try accesing ur printers by smb://ip/sharename | 02:49 |
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DaMi3n | sometimes the shares dont show up in ubuntu | 02:49 |
zblach | ok, printer renamed | 02:49 |
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zblach | DaMi3n, its a pain, isn't it | 02:49 |
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FR500 | DaMi3n: he want to share the printers in the ubuntu box | 02:50 |
FR500 | not access FROM the box | 02:50 |
zblach | 0_0;; i see my printer now ^_^ | 02:50 |
DaMi3n | oh | 02:50 |
FR500 | see | 02:50 |
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zblach | FR500, now what? | 02:50 |
honza | oh, btw is there a way to display all installed pacages (I believe there is ;), and is there some gui frontend to the package manager? | 02:50 |
dabaR | zblach: excellent. | 02:50 |
FR500 | System->administration->printers | 02:50 |
DaMi3n | synaptic | 02:50 |
DaMi3n | honza: use synaptic | 02:50 |
dabaR | is the gui frontend. | 02:50 |
zblach | dabaR, FR500, okay, now what? | 02:50 |
FR500 | New printer | 02:51 |
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DaMi3n | yea it is | 02:51 |
honza | neat, thanks | 02:51 |
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dabaR | zblach: no idea. | 02:51 |
zblach | FR500, okay | 02:51 |
FR500 | there you select network and smb printer | 02:51 |
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zblach | ok | 02:51 |
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none_- | dpkg -l | 02:51 |
FR500 | then below you write the host and printer name details | 02:51 |
FR500 | and your windows user | 02:51 |
funkyHat | k | 02:51 |
zblach | host: computer name? | 02:51 |
zblach | and username & pw not required | 02:52 |
FR500 | host=comouter name | 02:52 |
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dabaR | honza: ya, that dpkg -l will tell you what is installed. | 02:52 |
FR500 | try without user and pass | 02:52 |
DaMi3n | FR500-- why doesnt ubuntu/linux resolve all comp names | 02:52 |
FR500 | but im not sure if it'll work | 02:52 |
DaMi3n | most of the times i have to use smblookup | 02:52 |
none_- | you need to put them in /etc/hosts | 02:53 |
FR500 | DaMi3n: smb infomation take long to propagate | 02:53 |
FR500 | especially without a Windows9x box in the neighborhood | 02:53 |
fblade | hey guys y when i try to use apt-get install, i get errors like WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! libgcc1, or is debconf installed, the thing is debconf is intalled | 02:53 |
dabaR | C:) | 02:53 |
zblach | fblade, ignore it and take a leap of faith. its nothing. dwabi | 02:53 |
DaMi3n | l0l | 02:53 |
none_- | fblade: use the main ubuntu server | 02:53 |
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Cashel | re... damn dialup | 02:54 |
dabaR | fblade: well, whats in your sources.list? | 02:54 |
fblade | dabar: the source list from ubuntuguide.org | 02:54 |
FR500 | talkig about apt, i'm getting some recurrent errors lately | 02:54 |
zblach | FR500, "unable to connect to samba host" | 02:55 |
none_- | fblade: don't use those | 02:55 |
FR500 | zblach: can you try smb://host_name? | 02:55 |
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thoreauputic | !tell fblade about sources | 02:55 |
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nalioth | fblade: the ubuntuguide will steer you wrong in many ways | 02:55 |
dabaR | fblade: has backports enabled? | 02:55 |
FR500 | thoreauputic: tell me please | 02:55 |
zblach | ubuntuguide killed my sound :'( | 02:55 |
thoreauputic | !sources | 02:55 |
ubotu | sources are at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 02:55 |
dabaR | !ask the bot | 02:56 |
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Cashel | anyone know a good gnome menu editor? | 02:56 |
thoreauputic | !smeg | 02:56 |
ubotu | smeg is, like, totally, a Simple Menu Editor for GNOME. Get it at http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg/ or from backports. | 02:56 |
Cashel | ahhh nice thanks... | 02:57 |
DaMi3n | how do i install newer packages like amarok 1.3.1 | 02:57 |
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dabaR | its not bad, but, I found out that you can edit the whole thing by hand. | 02:57 |
DaMi3n | they arent present in the repos | 02:57 |
fblade | i always thought ubuntuguide was god i guess not, also i get this error at the end of some once it as failed. dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 2 package `dpkg': | 02:57 |
fblade | error in Version string `': version string is empty | 02:57 |
fblade | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2) | 02:57 |
fblade | i litarey cant install anything | 02:57 |
ar_media | can someone help me mount a drive partition? | 02:57 |
thoreauputic | fblade: DON'T paste here! | 02:57 |
z|bandito | literally | 02:57 |
DaMi3n | ar_media: use the command mount | 02:58 |
thoreauputic | fblade: read the topic | 02:58 |
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ar_media | umm, duh | 02:58 |
ar_media | i know that | 02:58 |
z|bandito | is there a list of known issues regarding sound chipsets? | 02:58 |
dabaR | Cashel: this folder, /usr/share/applications/, has .desktop files, and editing those, removing them, and so on, edits the menu indirectly, and you can do anything with it, I think. | 02:58 |
ar_media | it's telling me bad fs type | 02:58 |
DaMi3n | ar_media: what kinda pattition are u tryin to mount | 02:58 |
zblach | FR500, not working. and i can't remove my dead printers | 02:58 |
FR500 | zblach: did it work? | 02:58 |
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ar_media | it's the boot partition hda1 | 02:58 |
FR500 | weird | 02:58 |
z|bandito | you need to specify the fs type then | 02:59 |
mik3 | Hello, for 5 days i have been trying to troubleshoot a problem i have with the apt system. Everytime i try to install certain packages and/or update i get the following error: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error. (so far i have manually replaced packages.gz, reinstalled apt, reinstalled gzip, modified sources.list countless times) has anyone else come accross this problem? | 02:59 |
poningru | I had a question | 02:59 |
zblach | FR500, frustrating | 02:59 |
DaMi3n | which file system??? | 02:59 |
tammy | This is what i get when i try to print "can't load /etc/samba/smb.conf - run testparm to debug it". | 02:59 |
shadeofgrey | does k3b require kdebase to be installed? | 02:59 |
FR500 | zblach can you try Apps->run smb://computername? | 02:59 |
ar_media | hold on. what's that place that you paste to? | 02:59 |
nalioth | mik3: your gzip is erroring out, try the apt command again | 02:59 |
ar_media | it's a website. | 02:59 |
poningru | why isnt firefox 1.5 being added for breazy? | 02:59 |
Madpilot | !pastebin | 02:59 |
ubotu | I guess pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 02:59 |
h17m4n | !ntfs | 02:59 |
ubotu | well, ntfs is the (N)(T) (F)ile(S)ystem, the filesystem normally used under Windows XP. To automatically mount your NTFS partition/s, you can use this utility: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab . It handles HFS+, NTFS and FAT32 partitions. | 02:59 |
Cashel | dabaR, ahh good to know thanks... | 02:59 |
zblach | FR500, opens up samba fine | 02:59 |
poningru | I think I asked this before never got an answer | 02:59 |
mik3 | nalioth: that does not work., | 02:59 |
ar_media | ok, i'll paste my fdisk -l | 03:00 |
zblach | ntfs: 'N T' stands for 'not the' | 03:00 |
ar_media | lol | 03:00 |
FR500 | thoreauputic: even with those i get some bzip errors | 03:00 |
ar_media | ntfs isnt' so bad | 03:00 |
h17m4n | Question: Is it safe to mount NTFS just to READ? | 03:00 |
ar_media | there is a nice little hole you can hide things in | 03:00 |
FR500 | zblach: then it should work just fine | 03:00 |
z|bandito | mik3, i dunno but perhaps you need to reload gzip? :) | 03:00 |
nalioth | mik3: so your apt NEVER updates? | 03:00 |
DaMi3n | ntfs needs defragmenting thats bad enuf | 03:00 |
nalioth | h17m4n: yes it is | 03:00 |
tammy | Can't load /etc/samba/smb.conf - run testparm to debug it thats what it says when i try to print. | 03:00 |
zblach | FR500, *shrugs* | 03:00 |
HrdwrBoB | h17m4n: yes | 03:00 |
shadeofgrey | hey thor -- can you please tell me what packages i need to install to run K3B the burning application in hoary? | 03:00 |
mik3 | z|bandito are you kidding me? did i not just say i did that? | 03:00 |
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mik3 | holy crap. | 03:00 |
zblach | its a shame there's no auto-detect function | 03:01 |
nalioth | !tell h17m4n about ntfs | 03:01 |
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z|bandito | just trying to help d00d | 03:01 |
poningru | well I should go to sleep | 03:01 |
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h17m4n | yeah I asked that | 03:01 |
h17m4n | Thankx | 03:01 |
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g_ | tony | 03:01 |
Hergiswi | Gotta reboot. Brb. | 03:01 |
h17m4n | I started using ubuntu last weekend, so all my files are still on the NTFS partition. | 03:01 |
thoreauputic | shadeofgrey: you should be able to just do ' sudo apt-get install k3b' | 03:02 |
zblach | ubotu, tell me about printers | 03:02 |
zblach | please? | 03:02 |
FR500 | i get some auto signature errors failed after apt-get update........ | 03:02 |
thoreauputic | shadeofgrey: assuming your sources are correctly configured | 03:02 |
zblach | ubotu, tell me about print | 03:02 |
g_ | what are you a bounch of fags | 03:02 |
FR500 | zblach: instead of host name, con you try ip address? | 03:02 |
funkyHat | zblach, just say !printers | 03:02 |
zblach | !printers | 03:02 |
ubotu | well, printers is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters | 03:02 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %g_!*@*] by Seveas | ||
mik3 | kick his ass sea-bass | 03:02 |
h17m4n | This is actually the third time I try a linux distro, but this time I could actually understand some of the stuff that goes on. Ubuntu is pretty straight forward. I may try suse though. | 03:03 |
mik3 | Hello, for 5 days i have been trying to troubleshoot a problem i have with the apt system. Everytime i try to install certain packages and/or update i get the following error: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error. (so far i have manually replaced packages.gz, reinstalled apt, reinstalled gzip, modified sources.list countless times) has anyone else come accross this problem? | 03:03 |
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Seveas | mik3, still no luck with that? | 03:03 |
mik3 | Seveas : no =( | 03:03 |
Seveas | have you filed a bug on it/contact developers? | 03:03 |
mik3 | no i figured the developers were in here | 03:04 |
mik3 | heh | 03:04 |
dabaR | has he used different sources.list, like the ones from nickrud? | 03:04 |
mik3 | where the nickrud sources.list | 03:04 |
mik3 | ^are | 03:04 |
mik3 | ^is i should say | 03:04 |
vaticano | hi | 03:04 |
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dabaR | use the pastebined ones, and make that your sources.list file. | 03:05 |
FR500 | zblach: did you try ip address instead of host name? | 03:05 |
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DaMi3n | how do i install packages not present in repos like amarok 1.3.1 etc | 03:05 |
mik3 | this is quite disturbing, this problem i have. | 03:05 |
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Seveas | mik3, COLUMNS=120 dpkg -l gzip | 03:05 |
Seveas | ii gzip 1.3.5-9ubuntu3.4 The GNU compression utility | 03:05 |
Seveas | is your version *exactly* the same> | 03:06 |
Seveas | ? | 03:06 |
=== lopingo [n=lopingo@espeed26-204.brunet.bn] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bur[n] er | anyone familiar with using ubuntu on a KVM switch? | 03:06 |
FR500 | bur[n] er: i have one | 03:06 |
FR500 | d-link | 03:06 |
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FR500 | works 100% | 03:06 |
bur[n] er | FR500: does the resolution get messed up if you're not on the computer at boot time? | 03:06 |
SuperQ | bur[n] er: never had a problem with an electronic KVM | 03:07 |
geneo93 | so do i | 03:07 |
FR500 | not for me | 03:07 |
SuperQ | bur[n] er: mechanical KVMs SUCK | 03:07 |
bur[n] er | i get 640x480 unless i'm on the box at boot | 03:07 |
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mik3 | Seveas i don't understand what you are asking me =-/ | 03:07 |
=== bur[n] er has a software kvm | ||
bur[n] er | sclk sclk 1,2,3 & 4 | 03:07 |
bur[n] er | :) | 03:07 |
SuperQ | bur[n] er: ohhhh. the KVM is not passing the EDID data | 03:07 |
Seveas | COLUMNS=120 dpkg -l gzip <-- run that comman | 03:07 |
SuperQ | bur[n] er: ubuntu uses data from the monitor to figure out what modes are supported | 03:07 |
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Seveas | that should give you the version number of gzip | 03:07 |
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bur[n] er | SuperQ: anything I can do? or just always be focused on boot? | 03:08 |
fblade | i've updated my source list to the orignal and still get the error | 03:08 |
geneo93 | SuperQ: thats not fair mine works flawlessly | 03:08 |
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mik3 | yes they are exactly the same | 03:08 |
mik3 | i just re-installed gzip and apt | 03:08 |
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SuperQ | geneo93: yea.. probably because the KVM is passing the signal pins for EDID | 03:08 |
mik3 | via apt-get --reinstall apt gzip | 03:08 |
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Seveas | you really should contact mvo@ubuntu.com | 03:09 |
anomaly | synergy looks like a good sw/kvm | 03:09 |
=== bur[n] er is just SOL? | ||
SuperQ | bur[n] er: you should be able to adjust the resolution under system:administration: | 03:09 |
mik3 | Seveas : and say what? | 03:09 |
jimmy43 | may i ask a help q when your ready | 03:09 |
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SuperQ | bur[n] er: you can force the resolution fairly easily | 03:09 |
Seveas | just ask him what can possibly be the problem :) | 03:09 |
SuperQ | bur[n] er: I'm not infront of a ubuntu box right now, so I can't walk you through it | 03:09 |
bur[n] er | superq: only 640x480 ius avail through the resolution gui | 03:09 |
Seveas | and that you tried all sorts of things | 03:09 |
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mik3 | ok | 03:10 |
SuperQ | bur[n] er: hrm | 03:10 |
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jimmy43 | okay here is my problem | 03:10 |
SuperQ | bur[n] er: try pluging the monitor in directly, and rebooting | 03:10 |
SuperQ | bur[n] er: and select the res you want | 03:10 |
FR500 | bur[n] er: what about restaring xserver after booting for example | 03:10 |
jimmy43 | I want to install ubuntu but i cant use the mbr for various reasons | 03:10 |
FR500 | with ctrl alt bksp | 03:10 |
jimmy43 | and the ubuntu install program wont let me create grub on a floppy | 03:10 |
SuperQ | jimmy43: you should be able to put GRUB in the superblock of the root filesystem | 03:11 |
bur[n] er | FR500: workd then | 03:11 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o thoreauputic] by thoreauputic | ||
FR500 | hmmm | 03:11 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Seveas] by Seveas | ||
jimmy43 | but why do i get a critcal error when i try to put it on a floppy | 03:11 |
h17m4n | 8-) I could see my NTFS drive! WOW Linux is like Magic | 03:11 |
FR500 | well there is a workaround but not sure on how to make it permanent | 03:11 |
fblade | can you reinstall ubuntu with out getting rid of any data | 03:11 |
SuperQ | jimmy43: don't know | 03:11 |
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Seveas | fblade, why would you reinstall> | 03:11 |
bur[n] er | i think I gotta just bear it on the focus on boot :\ | 03:11 |
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bur[n] er | thanks guys | 03:11 |
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luckyaba | my apache isn't working | 03:12 |
SuperQ | jimmy43: after install, you can use this command: "sudo grub-install /dev/FOO" | 03:12 |
LaGodactyl | I installed ubuntu on 1 partition, then I installed Windows on the other, and it boots straight into Windows, not even asking what I should boot into. | 03:12 |
luckyaba | im able to access it within the network but not outside it | 03:12 |
FR500 | LaGodactyl: it overwrote your mbr | 03:12 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
SuperQ | jimmy43: where FOO is the device for the root filesystem | 03:12 |
luckyaba | anyone know what might be the problem? | 03:12 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+d *zurna*] by Seveas | ||
SuperQ | jimmy43: you may be able to select it during install using "expert" mode | 03:12 |
jimmy43 | but i would have to get in first | 03:12 |
LaGodactyl | so, should i reinstall ubuntu? | 03:12 |
fblade | seveas: because im not able to install anything,even thoguth i fixed the source list, reinstalling it may fix any errors that have happend | 03:12 |
SuperQ | LaGodactyl: no | 03:13 |
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FR500 | i usually boot with any linix live cd and then mount my hd, chroot to the ubuntu system and run grub-install hd0 | 03:13 |
SuperQ | LaGodactyl: you just need to fix grub | 03:13 |
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SuperQ | LaGodactyl: do you have the ubuntu live CD? | 03:13 |
Seveas | fblade, what is the error? | 03:13 |
LaGodactyl | nope | 03:13 |
Xorlev_ | Bloody Linux...locking up >_< | 03:13 |
SuperQ | LaGodactyl: do you remember where your root filesystem is? | 03:13 |
sexcopter8000m | i've downloaded the packages for support in french and french menues, dialogue boxes etc. how do i make ubuntu work in french? | 03:14 |
Xorlev_ | Or the user input at least. | 03:14 |
SuperQ | LaGodactyl: "hda2" "hda1"? | 03:14 |
LaGodactyl | im completely new to this | 03:14 |
Seveas | sexcopter8000m, install language-pack-fr and language-support-fr | 03:14 |
LaGodactyl | hda1 most likely | 03:14 |
Seveas | and run sudo dplg-reconfigure locales | 03:14 |
SuperQ | LaGodactyl: yea.. installing windows after linux will wipe the MBR | 03:14 |
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jimmy43 | i might try that | 03:14 |
LaGodactyl | so i boot into it with the live cd/ | 03:14 |
jimmy43 | could you give me step by step | 03:14 |
wastrel | "hello" | 03:14 |
sexcopter8000m | Seveas: thanks, it's that second bit i needed | 03:14 |
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SPERMITE | im trying install ut2003 but em when it tells me to insert disk 2 i cant get the cdrom to open for nothing | 03:14 |
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FR500 | LaGodactyl: can you download a live cd? | 03:15 |
LaGodactyl | yeah | 03:15 |
LaGodactyl | im doing that right now | 03:15 |
SuperQ | LaGodactyl: try this: go into windows, start:settings::control panel:: | 03:15 |
LaGodactyl | k | 03:15 |
wastrel | SPERMITE, maybe the disk in there is still mounted | 03:15 |
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SuperQ | LaGodactyl: administrative tools::computer managment::disk managment | 03:15 |
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FR500 | has anyone of you succefully compiled bmpx? | 03:16 |
LaGodactyl | yup | 03:16 |
SuperQ | LaGodactyl: you should be able to set the "bootable flag" for the ubuntu partition | 03:16 |
SuperQ | right-click | 03:16 |
wastrel | what's bmpx? | 03:16 |
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FR500 | LaGodactyl: bmpX? really? | 03:16 |
LaGodactyl | no, i wasnt talking to you sorry fr500 | 03:17 |
jimmy43 | Is the critical error when you try to make a floopy a known error | 03:17 |
FR500 | ok | 03:17 |
LaGodactyl | i cant change anything on the Healthy (Unknown Partition) | 03:17 |
SuperQ | LaGodactyl: did you find the "bootable" option in disk managment? | 03:17 |
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SuperQ | LaGodactyl: it might be under the right-click menu | 03:17 |
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LaGodactyl | thats where i checked | 03:18 |
SuperQ | hrm | 03:18 |
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^rob^ | hi | 03:19 |
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dabaR | yo | 03:19 |
^rob^ | does anyone know where to find kipi-plugins? | 03:19 |
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LaGodactyl | should i boot into it with the ubuntu live cd | 03:19 |
^rob^ | apt-cache does not yell any kipi-plugins | 03:19 |
khermans | anyone know how to get the monthly rotating desktop background? | 03:20 |
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SuperQ | LaGodactyl: you should be able to do a grub-install to fix the partition | 03:20 |
LaGodactyl | ok | 03:20 |
h17m4n | !samba | 03:20 |
ubotu | samba is, like, totally, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently | 03:20 |
SuperQ | LaGodactyl: it's more complicated | 03:20 |
LaGodactyl | seeing as i have nothing on that partition yet | 03:20 |
SuperQ | LaGodactyl: you could just re-install | 03:20 |
h17m4n | !thanks | 03:20 |
ubotu | sure thing, h17m4n | 03:20 |
LaGodactyl | ok | 03:20 |
=== john_ [n=john@ool-44c63ce7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LaGodactyl | sounds good | 03:21 |
SuperQ | LaGodactyl: if you have nothing invested in the ubuntu install | 03:21 |
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LaGodactyl | nope. not yet | 03:21 |
SuperQ | LaGodactyl: I always install windows first on dual-boot machines | 03:21 |
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LaGodactyl | from now on ill just do windows first | 03:21 |
LaGodactyl | yeah | 03:21 |
SuperQ | since windows likes to think it is the only thing in existance | 03:21 |
LaGodactyl | rofl | 03:21 |
FR500 | yeah i'm getting ready to wipe clean my hd for breezy | 03:21 |
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LaGodactyl | thank you for the help | 03:21 |
SuperQ | no problem | 03:21 |
LaGodactyl | hopefully i wont need to come back :) | 03:21 |
MDM | how do I uninstall the official nvidia drivers and install ubuntu's nvidia driver? should I just apt-get nvidia-glx and change the GLCore etc back? | 03:22 |
SuperQ | LaGodactyl: hehe.. you're always welcome back | 03:22 |
jimmy43 | I have two harddrives one with winxp one where i want to install ubuntu | 03:22 |
SuperQ | jimmy43: ok? | 03:22 |
jimmy43 | duriung the install i slect not to have grub in the mbr | 03:22 |
jimmy43 | instead i choose /dev/fd0 | 03:22 |
SuperQ | oh.. | 03:22 |
jimmy43 | but i get a critical error | 03:22 |
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SuperQ | yea.. I don't know if that's supported | 03:23 |
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nmstryoda | jimmy43, you need to install the grub to its own partition | 03:23 |
jimmy43 | the menu gives it as an example | 03:23 |
nmstryoda | imho | 03:23 |
nmstryoda | since fd0 is a floppy | 03:23 |
SuperQ | nmstryoda: naw.. you can put it in the superblock of whatever / is | 03:23 |
nmstryoda | yea | 03:23 |
nmstryoda | true | 03:23 |
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SuperQ | nmstryoda: I wish ubuntu would do that by default like RH does | 03:23 |
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nmstryoda | yea | 03:23 |
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SuperQ | it solves a lot of problems with things like overlay drivers, and other MBR hacks | 03:24 |
nmstryoda | that would make it easier for users | 03:24 |
nmstryoda | yes | 03:24 |
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SuperQ | like there is this windows filesystem encryption thing my company uses that needs to stay in the MBR | 03:24 |
=== goofrider [n=goofride@67-42-80-39.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jimmy43 | grub in its own partiton? | 03:24 |
nmstryoda | so jimmy43 I have found installing the whole thing to the second drive ok, but if you want grub to boot windows... | 03:24 |
nmstryoda | nah | 03:24 |
nmstryoda | forget i said it | 03:25 |
nmstryoda | too much work | 03:25 |
jimmy43 | ok | 03:25 |
nmstryoda | not really necessary like SuperQ said | 03:25 |
mik3 | this is so frustrating | 03:25 |
jimmy43 | continue | 03:25 |
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mik3 | Seveas come fix my computer =< | 03:25 |
nmstryoda | jimmy43, so you make the drive you want Ubuntu on be the first bootable drive | 03:25 |
Seveas | mik3, I wish I could | 03:26 |
jimmy43 | would that be in the bios? | 03:26 |
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goofrider | Hey guys, I have toruble connecting to mysqld remotely. It keep saying connection refused (using mysql clients and telnet). Even telnet 3306 gave me a "connection refused". IPtables/Firestarter is disabled. | 03:26 |
nmstryoda | jimmy43, yea you can do it that way | 03:26 |
nmstryoda | i have | 03:26 |
rob_p | nior: Did you get the script I sent you? | 03:26 |
bob2 | goofrider: yes, you did't read /usr/share/doc/mysql-server/README.Debian | 03:26 |
nmstryoda | both switching cables/and or bios | 03:26 |
mik3 | bbl | 03:26 |
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goofrider | bob2 no it didn't. I'll read it now. LOL | 03:27 |
nmstryoda | jimmy43, so the installler will be putting Grub in MBR of that drive instead of your windows drive | 03:27 |
nmstryoda | that way if Windows dies.... | 03:27 |
nmstryoda | you still can work | 03:27 |
nmstryoda | which is likely... =) .... given windows faults | 03:27 |
jimmy43 | is it possibel to bott the second drive from software alone | 03:28 |
jimmy43 | like a bottdisk | 03:28 |
Duff | Can someone tell me how to get HT enabled in the kernel. Ive done apt-get install linux-686-smp and its detecting 2 CPU`s but in both its saying CPU: hyperthreading is disabled" (in dmesg) | 03:28 |
jimmy43 | i dont want to open the pc if i can help it | 03:28 |
Tartaros | does the standard installer also deploy kernel sources? | 03:28 |
^rob^ | jimmy43: if you use vmware - yes. | 03:28 |
Tartaros | or am I just blind that I can't find them? | 03:29 |
wastrel | anyone know how i can get ggv to talk to my printer? i'm using cups & xpdf works, it talks to lpr, i don't know where to configure ggv for printing | 03:29 |
bob2 | Duff: ht needs to be passed as a boot option | 03:29 |
bob2 | Duff: assuming this is a 2.6 kernel | 03:29 |
bob2 | Tartaros: nope | 03:29 |
Duff | yes a 2.6.10-5 | 03:29 |
Duff | what option is this? | 03:29 |
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bob2 | Duff: then you need to pass ht; it was disabled for security reasons | 03:29 |
Tartaros | bob2: umm. so how do I get sources that are accoprding to my kernel? | 03:30 |
Duff | and can it be passed at installation? | 03:30 |
Duff | so i dont get a 386 kernel? | 03:30 |
bob2 | Tartaros: why do you want them? | 03:30 |
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bob2 | Duff: what does that have to do with ht? | 03:30 |
Tartaros | vmware tools ned them when building themselves | 03:30 |
bob2 | Tartaros: no, they don't | 03:30 |
omp342 | is there a way to add a Trash launcher to the desktop without manually creating one? | 03:31 |
bob2 | Tartaros: sudo aptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 03:31 |
Duff | eh? does what ? | 03:31 |
=== Zoohouse [n=Joel@adsl-149-74-209.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
goofrider | BTW, anyone here is an admin on LaunchPad? | 03:31 |
Zoohouse | Hello everyone | 03:31 |
bob2 | Duff: your initial question was "How do I enable HT?", and the answer is "pass the ht boot option to the kernel" | 03:31 |
Cashel | omp342, Applications > System Tools > Configuration Editor | 03:31 |
bob2 | goofrider: why? | 03:31 |
omp342 | Cashel: thanks :) | 03:31 |
Cashel | its in there somewhere.. under apps > nautilus maybe | 03:31 |
goofrider | I accidentally created a project and a 2nd username.. :P | 03:31 |
Duff | Just wanna know what the boot option is to enable HT, and if its also possible to pass a boot optin at install to get me the 2.6 kernel with HT from scratch | 03:32 |
bob2 | Duff: the boot option is 'ht', and no, passing itat install won't help | 03:32 |
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Duff | dont say its HT | 03:32 |
=== Cashel has to go! Have fun folks... | ||
bob2 | and is of no use, anyway | 03:32 |
goofrider | bob2, was trying to report a bug and added up creating a new project and a new username (I didn't realize I already had a uid ages ago) | 03:32 |
Duff | lol | 03:32 |
khermans | anyone know how to setup a persistent resolv.conf, one that wont get updated everytime i switch wireless networks? | 03:32 |
Tartaros | bob2: ok, thankie | 03:32 |
bob2 | Duff: ? | 03:32 |
Zoohouse | I have a friend who just installed ubuntu but unbuntu seems to be frezzing when It loads hotpluging (at boot up). He has a usb mouse and keyboard. What can he do to fix this problem? | 03:32 |
luckyaba | anyone know about webcam feeds | 03:32 |
Duff | i shud of known... | 03:32 |
luckyaba | ? | 03:32 |
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Duff | ok, thanks | 03:32 |
bob2 | "frezzing" is not a very useful description of the problem | 03:33 |
Duff | gunna try it now | 03:33 |
SuperQ | Zoohouse: how long have you waited? | 03:33 |
bob2 | goofrider: email the list, I guess, I'm not going to delete things based on an irc conversation... | 03:33 |
SuperQ | Zoohouse: what kind of PC? | 03:33 |
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bob2 | goofrider: or ask in #launchpad | 03:33 |
bimberi | khermans: set up resolv.conf as you want then "sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf" (sets it immutable, -i resets) | 03:33 |
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=== transparentdream [n=transpar@c-67-176-67-90.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zoohouse | SuperQ: how long have I waited? | 03:34 |
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jimmy43 | can I get into a unbuntu already installed by using the install cd | 03:34 |
Zoohouse | SuperQ: My friend hopfully should be logging in soon | 03:34 |
jimmy43 | not the live cd | 03:34 |
goofrider | bob2, well as long as I got an OK from u to email the list. I wasn't sure about flooding everyone's inbox with my stupid mistakes | 03:34 |
khermans | bimberi, what bit in the permissions is 'i' ? | 03:35 |
Zoohouse | He was having trouble with his Nic card also | 03:35 |
khermans | weird, never seen this before | 03:35 |
SuperQ | Zoohouse: how long did you wait for the hotplug to work | 03:35 |
transparentdream | I have a question, my printer used to have a URI assigned by CUPS, but now it doesn;t and the printer stopped working. Can anyone help? | 03:35 |
Zoohouse | SuperQ: He says that it just froze | 03:35 |
DewDude | i'm in KDE...can i make the gam icon in the box "flsah" when i get an im if it's desktop isn't in focus | 03:35 |
Zoohouse | not sure how long he waited | 03:35 |
SuperQ | jimmy43: you can try "linux root=/dev/FOO" | 03:35 |
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SuperQ | jimmy43: from the install CD | 03:35 |
bimberi | khermans: not sure, but you can check with lsattr | 03:35 |
Zoohouse | When he logs in, ill ask him | 03:35 |
h17m4n | ubuntu+kde = kubuntu | 03:36 |
jimmy43 | thanks | 03:36 |
=== Drajka [n=woot@cpe-24-26-146-15.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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bimberi | khermans: ----i------------ /etc/resolv.conf | 03:36 |
zblach | !printing | 03:36 |
ubotu | zblach: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 03:36 |
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zblach | 03:36 | |
ubotu | zblach: I haven't a clue | 03:36 |
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h17m4n | !printer | 03:37 |
ubotu | h17m4n: I don't know, could you explain it? | 03:37 |
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bimberi | !printers | 03:37 |
ubotu | rumour has it, printers is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters | 03:37 |
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khermans | bimberi, thanks so much - - wish i knew about this cmmand before | 03:37 |
communico | hey all. I'm struggling to get ubuntu working as a network server. i've configured samba like the wiki help page instructed, but it's not showing up on the window's machines network list | 03:38 |
bimberi | khermans: np :) | 03:38 |
transparentdream | Why isn;t CUPS detecting my Printer URI anymore? | 03:39 |
=== mattyJ [n=X@oh-clevelandheights-cdnt1-bg2c-224.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Drajka | Where's the list of all the ubuntu repositiories at? | 03:40 |
transparentdream | ok silence | 03:41 |
Madpilot | !repos | 03:41 |
ubotu | [repos] at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 03:41 |
transparentdream | can someone help me now that no one else needs it | 03:41 |
Madpilot | Drajka: see ubotu above ^^^ | 03:41 |
vader1102 | transparentdream, if they know, they will answer | 03:41 |
SuperQ | communico: that's complicated | 03:41 |
h17m4n | !m3u | 03:41 |
ubotu | h17m4n: Did you get hit by a windmill? | 03:42 |
SuperQ | communico: (samba is slightly complicated) | 03:42 |
h17m4n | How do I play .m3u lists? | 03:42 |
Madpilot | !+samba | 03:42 |
ubotu | it has been said that samba is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently | 03:42 |
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transparentdream | OK could someone direct me to a site besides the forums that will actually help me with my problem? | 03:42 |
vader1102 | transparentdream, if I knew I would | 03:43 |
transparentdream | *sigh* this channel has helped me lots of times, why not now? | 03:43 |
SuperQ | transparentdream: if you give us a better idea of what the problem is | 03:43 |
Madpilot | transparentdream: www.google.com? | 03:43 |
transparentdream | well ok: | 03:43 |
SuperQ | transparentdream: because it's a conglomeration of people, not a tech support staff :) | 03:43 |
transparentdream | installed printer, Officejet K80, right? Printed test page and homework and everything | 03:43 |
transparentdream | oh | 03:43 |
transparentdream | anyway | 03:43 |
transparentdream | i shut down and restart | 03:44 |
transparentdream | dont use the printer for a few days | 03:44 |
transparentdream | last night | 03:44 |
communico | SuperQ: Is there a easier way to do it? | 03:44 |
transparentdream | when i go to print | 03:44 |
=== Zaphod_ [n=Agrajag@66-215-172-61.dhcp.snbr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | transparentdream: can you please stop using the ENTER key as punctuation? thanks... | 03:44 |
transparentdream | it wont let me | 03:44 |
SuperQ | communico: I don't know.. I've been using samba for too long to know an "easy" way to work with it | 03:44 |
=== Zaphod_ is now known as Agrajag | ||
transparentdream | oh....sorry. | 03:44 |
none_- | have you tried turning off the printer then turning it back on? | 03:45 |
SuperQ | communico: All I know is how to make the config files work manualy | 03:45 |
transparentdream | Yep | 03:45 |
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SuperQ | transparentdream: I would try removing the printer and doing a re-add | 03:45 |
Madpilot | transparentdream: what happens when you re-run whatever setup routine you used to get it working the first time? | 03:45 |
none_- | did you try the manager? | 03:45 |
mik3 | Seveas : Mission accomplished! The nickname m1k3 is fully registered! | 03:45 |
mik3 | oops | 03:45 |
none_- | is the printer on? still there? what? | 03:46 |
mik3 | Seveas : reason: 550 <mvo@ubuntu.com>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual alias table) | 03:46 |
transparentdream | well, I remove the printer, and restart, then I turn on the computer and add the printer. And it doesnt wok! it says it prints, compltetes but never prints | 03:46 |
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=== none_- shrugs | ||
none_- | strange problem | 03:47 |
none_- | the job completes? | 03:47 |
wastrel | anyone know how i can get ggv printing with CUPS? xpdf prints fine. | 03:47 |
none_- | it doesn't just hang? | 03:47 |
transparentdream | Nope | 03:47 |
transparentdream | It completes. | 03:47 |
communico | SuperQ: I set up the config file exactly as it said in the wiki. homedirectories browsable=yes etc. but the ubuntu computer wouldn't show up on the windows xp machine. the odd thing was that it was there yesterday, but now it's gone. I was thinking maybe there was something else I had to do ... so I tried right-clicking on a folder, and choosing share folder. but it stil wouldn't show. | 03:48 |
none_- | transparentdream: where are you trying to print from? | 03:48 |
none_- | what application | 03:48 |
=== omp342 loves CIFS. | ||
transparentdream | The printer in my room. | 03:49 |
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none_- | well, from firefox, an editor or..? | 03:49 |
SuperQ | communico: see /msg | 03:50 |
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SuperQ | communico: I will chat in private to help you debug | 03:50 |
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h17m4n | Ok, yesterday I was asking how to play mms:// , and I just found out if plays thru kaffeine... if anyone wants to know or input it to ubotu | 03:51 |
Madpilot | h17m4n: add that info to the wiki somewhere, perhaps? | 03:51 |
communico | MSG SuperQ thanks | 03:51 |
=== misfit_toy [n=guy@cpe-70-112-252-226.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SuperQ | heh | 03:52 |
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SuperQ | /msg superq :) | 03:52 |
nalioth | h17m4n: write your wiki entry locally, (use gedit or abiword or nano, etc) b4 pasting it to the wiki | 03:52 |
h17m4n | I'm not good at writting how tos :-[ | 03:52 |
=== toran [n=me@d6-227.rb4.clm.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
none_- | transparentdream: open a terminal and try to print a text file using: lpr whatever | 03:52 |
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nalioth | h17m4n: i usually just rip mms using mmsclient and play it locally | 03:53 |
transparentdream | What's lpr? | 03:53 |
none_- | command line printing tool | 03:53 |
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transparentdream | ok | 03:53 |
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wastrel | speaking of lpr, anyone know how i can get ggv to talk to it? | 03:55 |
transparentdream | lpr error, no default destiantion | 03:56 |
=== m0biu5 [n=micah@r209078.res.Lehigh.EDU] has joined #ubuntu | ||
transparentdream | ok | 03:56 |
transparentdream | i did it, and nothing happened | 03:56 |
h17m4n | mmsclient is known as mimms now btw.... found out thru synaptic | 03:57 |
Madpilot | transparentdream: have you looked over the linuxprinting.org page on your printer? | 03:57 |
=== weo1 [n=weo@p5499DDEC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
transparentdream | yes, syas it should work | 03:57 |
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Drajka | how do i manually edit the sources.list? | 03:58 |
h17m4n | hmmm kaffeine is unstable | 03:59 |
mik3 | !repositories | 03:59 |
ubotu | hmm... repositories is probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 03:59 |
wastrel | Drajka, open /etc/apt/sources.list in your favorite text editor | 03:59 |
m0biu5 | anyone have any suggestions for the paritioning of a 1 gb usb key | 03:59 |
Tartaros | any suggestions for a good graphical cvs client? | 03:59 |
=== Epix [n=chatzill@Ottawa-HSE-ppp259172.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Epix | how do i restart samba? | 04:00 |
Madpilot | transparentdream: do you have the various drivers recommended there installed? (they aren't by default, AFAIK, but they're all in Ubuntu repos) | 04:00 |
transparentdream | yes, hpijs as well as HPLIP | 04:00 |
wastrel | Epix, probably sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart | 04:00 |
Madpilot | transparentdream: "For printing via USB you NEED to set up this printer with HPOJ, even if you do not want to scan. Only using the modified USB printer.c kernel module from the HPOJ web site does not work with this model." | 04:00 |
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Madpilot | transparentdream: got HPOJ installed too? | 04:00 |
transparentdream | nope! Where can I get it? | 04:01 |
none_- | transparentdream: it's a bug, i think | 04:01 |
Epix | wastrel: nope | 04:01 |
Madpilot | transparentdream: hpoj is in ubuntu repos | 04:01 |
transparentdream | so apt-get install hpoj? | 04:01 |
wastrel | Epix, smbd or smb something | 04:01 |
Madpilot | transparentdream: sure, or search Synaptic | 04:01 |
wastrel | samba isn't the name of the executable, but i dunno what it is, i dont use samba :] | 04:01 |
=== surly [n=surly@user-0ce2ksl.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
omp342 | i'm trying to install photoshop in wine, but my keyboard isnt working in the installation =o | 04:02 |
Madpilot | omp342: use the gimp? | 04:02 |
=== Angel-SL [n=angelsl@cm162.sigma49.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Angel-SL | hi | 04:02 |
none_- | transparentdream: you may want to reinstall cupsys | 04:02 |
none_- | if that doesn't work | 04:02 |
Angel-SL | i'm on Fedora core 4 right now. i'm going to get ubuntu, but bittorrent doesnt run! | 04:02 |
nalioth | omp342: or gimpshop | 04:02 |
omp342 | I want photoshop :P | 04:03 |
nalioth | Angel-SL: direct download it | 04:03 |
omp342 | It worked fine in gentoo | 04:03 |
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prabu^ | Hello all | 04:03 |
transparentdream | ok | 04:03 |
omp342 | But not in ubuntu | 04:03 |
Angel-SL | nalioth, takes too long. and always hangs | 04:03 |
prabu^ | i would like to ask how do i add extra IPs in ubuntu (from command line) | 04:03 |
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nalioth | Angel-SL: what do you use to direct d/l? | 04:03 |
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nalioth | prabu^: IPs to do what ? | 04:03 |
none_- | ifconfig ethX add address | 04:04 |
prabu^ | extra external IPs | 04:04 |
Angel-SL | nalioth, tried ftp client, wget and browser. all hangs | 04:04 |
none_- | prabu^: your ISP has to assign them to you | 04:04 |
nalioth | Angel-SL: have you tried a mirror? | 04:04 |
prabu^ | yea they assigned it | 04:04 |
Angel-SL | nalioth, yes | 04:05 |
Epix | do i need to reboot to change the hostname? | 04:05 |
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=== Hergiswi [n=chris@pool-141-154-38-230.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hergiswi | K SHIT FUCK | 04:05 |
Hergiswi | oops. | 04:05 |
=== tomaj [n=tomaj@c220-239-4-36.belrs4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hergiswi | wrong window | 04:05 |
Epix | Hergiswi: nice. | 04:05 |
nalioth | Angel-SL: tried prozilla or curl? | 04:05 |
tomaj | where is the config file for the startup launcher? | 04:05 |
nalioth | Hergiswi: please pay attention, we have women and children present | 04:06 |
Hergiswi | I couldn't care less about them | 04:06 |
none_- | prabu^: edit /etc/networks/interfaces | 04:06 |
Madpilot | !+conduct | 04:06 |
ubotu | somebody said conduct was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct/document_view | 04:06 |
=== Chambers- [n=Thom@pcp02906040pcs.roylok01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
none_- | what is this, the '50s? | 04:06 |
none_- | women and children? | 04:07 |
nalioth | Hergiswi: we care about them in here, please try to keep your language from slippin thru | 04:07 |
Hergiswi | sorry, it was the wrong window | 04:07 |
Madpilot | none_-: hardly the '50s, just a better-behaved channel than most... | 04:07 |
Hergiswi | anyway, for some reason XMMS keeps freezing whenever I play afile | 04:07 |
Hergiswi | *a file | 04:07 |
none_- | killall -9 xmms | 04:07 |
none_- | try again | 04:07 |
Angel-SL | nalioth, i'm torrenting, just takes too long | 04:08 |
communico | SuperQ: are you getting my pms? | 04:08 |
Hergiswi | I already tried that | 04:08 |
Hergiswi | it doesn't work | 04:08 |
Epix | none_-: you gotta hand it to him, what started out as plain vulgar turned into a linux question! | 04:08 |
omp342 | why did i switch to ubuntu :( | 04:08 |
=== Brunellus [n=luigi@ip68-100-19-156.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Brunellus | hi guys I have no mouse cursor | 04:08 |
Epix | omp342: because it roxxorz teh boxxorz | 04:08 |
Brunellus | /var/log/syslog has a message in it to this effect | 04:09 |
nalioth | Angel-SL: unfortunately, there's not much call for hoary atm, breezy will release next month | 04:09 |
transparentdream | Ok, says it fauled to communicate with my printer. | 04:09 |
Epix | so, can i change the hostname without a reboot? | 04:09 |
omp342 | Epix: WINE doesn't work right in ubuntu, while it worked flawlessly in gentoo. =/ | 04:09 |
none_- | Hergiswi: check the preferences. what is xmms outputting to> | 04:09 |
Brunellus | "localhost kernel psmouse.c bad data from KBC--bad parity | 04:09 |
Brunellus | what's going on? | 04:09 |
Epix | omp342: then do it the gnome way. get the sources and compile! | 04:09 |
Epix | s/gnome/gentoo | 04:09 |
rob_p | prabu^: You mean multiple IP addresses for your single network interface? | 04:10 |
=== benplaut lends Brunellus a spare cursor | ||
=== zcat[1] [n=zcat@port164-185.ubs.maxnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Epix | hey, both have an e, an n, a g, an o and an n! | 04:10 |
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zcat[1] | moo! | 04:10 |
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Madpilot | Epix: "man <whatever the change-hostname-command-is>"? | 04:10 |
Brunellus | very funny guys | 04:10 |
Angel-SL | how do i start prozilla now | 04:10 |
omp342 | Epix: you said n twice :P | 04:10 |
zcat[1] | chhostname ? | 04:10 |
Hergiswi | none_-: OSS Driver 1.2.10 [libOSS.so] | 04:10 |
Epix | Madpilot: you mean hostname? | 04:10 |
Madpilot | Epix: whatever it is, does the man file for it help? (there seem to be a fair number of useless man files, I know...) | 04:11 |
zcat[1] | edit /etc/hostname perhaps? | 04:11 |
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none_- | Brunellus: corrupted driver, maybe? | 04:11 |
none_- | try reloading the module | 04:11 |
prabu^ | yea | 04:11 |
bob2 | omp342: have you filed a bug yet? | 04:11 |
prabu^ | like eth0:1 | 04:12 |
none_- | Hergiswi: try a different one | 04:12 |
prabu^ | and stuff | 04:12 |
=== shamus [n=james@c-24-128-161-15.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Angel-SL | augh | 04:12 |
prabu^ | its ok i got it workin | 04:12 |
bob2 | a "corrupted driver" is exceedingly unlikely | 04:12 |
Brunellus | how do I reload that module | 04:12 |
Brunellus | and would I have to restart x? | 04:12 |
=== communico [n=communic@219-88-154-115.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bad_Magic | anyone know how to change the channel that is changed with the volume up/down keyboard shortcuts in gnome? | 04:12 |
zcat[1] | why would anyone want to change a hostname? that's like renaming your kids! | 04:12 |
wastrel | i change my hostname whenever i install a new distro | 04:12 |
Angel-SL | nalioth, how do i use prozilla | 04:12 |
Hergiswi | none_-: it worked, thanks! =o | 04:12 |
=== manji [n=Chris@c-67-171-166-18.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
none_- | cool | 04:12 |
Angel-SL | nalioth, how do i use prozilla | 04:13 |
=== panickedthumb [n=travis@rad-va-20-pc-163.cablenet-va.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Angel-SL | ?/? | 04:13 |
bob2 | don't use prozilla | 04:13 |
communico | /msg communico_ link communico teddyb28 | 04:13 |
rob_p | prabu^: Do, "ifconfig ethX:0 netmask broadcast" and then, "route add -host ethX:0" | 04:13 |
manji | hey how can i get Centrino wireless working on Ubuntu 5? | 04:13 |
zcat[1] | I only change a hostname when I completely rebuild a box.. even then the hostname usually sticks with the case and mobo.. | 04:13 |
bob2 | manji: it's already working | 04:13 |
manji | bob2: really? hmmm. i will check the network then, thanks | 04:13 |
Brunellus | any ideas as to what's happening with my mouse? | 04:13 |
Angel-SL | !torrent | 04:14 |
ubotu | Angel-SL: Not a clue | 04:14 |
bob2 | manji: you need to configure it, etc, but the driver is already loaded | 04:14 |
Angel-SL | !bit | 04:14 |
Epix | zcat[1] : my hostname already exists on another computer.... | 04:14 |
ubotu | Angel-SL: Are you on ritalin? | 04:14 |
Angel-SL | !btorrent | 04:14 |
ubotu | Angel-SL: Bugger all, i dunno | 04:14 |
none_- | bob2: "exceedingly unlikely" | 04:14 |
none_- | ? | 04:14 |
Epix | zcat[1] : whoops! | 04:14 |
=== anomaly [n=aa@adsl-220-171-175.mob.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
manji | bob2: any special way to configure it? | 04:14 |
Angel-SL | !bittorrent | 04:14 |
ubotu | methinks bittorrent is at <reply> The BitTorrent FAQ is available at: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html | 04:14 |
bob2 | none_-: that's my polite way of saying "the driver is not corrupt" | 04:14 |
nalioth | Angel-SL: after you install it, open a terminal and type "proz -k=<number of threads you want to use> URL_to_file_you_want | 04:14 |
bob2 | Angel-SL: you can talk to the bot in /msg, too | 04:14 |
nalioth | Angel-SL: prozilla is most useful on LARGE files | 04:14 |
bob2 | manji: just the same as any other network device | 04:14 |
none_- | Burgundavia: rmmod psmouse | 04:14 |
none_- | modprobe psmouse | 04:14 |
bob2 | manji: except that you set the essid (and key if you need it) with iwconfig | 04:15 |
bob2 | manji: I gather gnome has some gui thing, too | 04:15 |
Brunellus | that's directed at me, I'll do it. | 04:15 |
=== communico [n=communic@219-88-154-115.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
manji | bob2: lol yeah probly | 04:15 |
manji | bob2: thank you much | 04:15 |
Brunellus | hey that worked | 04:15 |
Epix | one day im going to time ubuntu boot/login/total and my winxp one. | 04:15 |
none_- | well bob2 | 04:15 |
=== flugh [n=jim@pool-70-22-51-173.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | manji: (yo ucan do it all in /etc/network/interfaces, too) | 04:15 |
none_- | exceedingly unlikely? | 04:16 |
manji | bob2: yeah figured | 04:16 |
=== Bergcube [n=Bergcube@host-81-191-188-84.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Epix | the ubuntu box is crappier but beats the boot for winxp by about 1 min | 04:16 |
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Brunellus | reloading the module gave me my cursor back but no screen | 04:16 |
Epix | by boot i mean from the time i push the switch to the time it gives me firefox | 04:16 |
bob2 | that's impressive, my desktop takes about the same for each | 04:16 |
none_- | your display is messed up as well? | 04:16 |
wastrel | anyone know how i can get ggv to talk to my printer? printing from xpdf works .... using CUPS | 04:16 |
mik3 | HAHHAAHH SEVEAS I GOT IT | 04:17 |
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none_- | what do you mean by screen? | 04:17 |
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zcat[1] | This box has never had XP on it.. and I haven't rebooted ubuntu for quite a while | 04:17 |
bob2 | wastrel: tell it to use lp to print | 04:17 |
bob2 | well, that too; suspend-to-disk is magic | 04:17 |
zcat[1] | so boot time is mostly irrelevent | 04:17 |
Epix | craphole | 04:17 |
bimberi | mik3: What was it? | 04:17 |
Epix | windows wont let me login to the samba share | 04:18 |
Angel-SL | nalioth, i only got the torrent | 04:18 |
transparentdream | OK, for some reason the comp can;t commmunicate with the printer...it could before...why not now? | 04:18 |
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Drajka | Hrm | 04:18 |
Bad_Magic | anyone know how to connect to a 2nd server using bitchx? | 04:18 |
Epix | heh, i got the username wrong :P | 04:18 |
Drajka | K, I want to run Wine, or another windows emulator.... It's obviously not on synaptic..... | 04:18 |
nalioth | Angel-SL: you can go to www.ubuntu.com/download and get a link to a mirror close to you | 04:18 |
bob2 | Bad_Magic: #bitchx | 04:18 |
Drajka | and i tried compiling it once, but it didn't work. | 04:18 |
bob2 | irssi has better support for that sort of thing | 04:18 |
none_- | Bad_Magic: /window server i think | 04:18 |
Drajka | So what can I do | 04:18 |
bob2 | Drajka: sure it is | 04:19 |
bob2 | Drajka: /msg ubotu repository | 04:19 |
Angel-SL | nalioth, there isnt | 04:19 |
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none_- | or not | 04:19 |
Drajka | =/ | 04:19 |
Drajka | I have like | 04:19 |
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Drajka | all the packs in there.......... or most..... | 04:19 |
Drajka | i have 15664 .. | 04:19 |
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bob2 | Drajka: if you have configured apt to use universe, you have wine available | 04:20 |
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zcat[1] | I have never managed to get Wine to run anything more complex than Solitare. OTOH isn't that all most ppl do on windows, perhaps it's apropos.. | 04:20 |
Drajka | Alright............ | 04:20 |
Drajka | How do I configure it then -. | 04:20 |
Drajka | -.- | 04:20 |
Epix | i dont like openoffice much. whats another good free suite for ubuntu? | 04:20 |
none_- | might as well run vmware | 04:20 |
zcat[1] | koffice | 04:20 |
none_- | abiword | 04:20 |
wastrel | abiword + gnumeric | 04:20 |
none_- | ah, suite | 04:20 |
vader1102 | abiword | 04:20 |
zcat[1] | abiword's not a suite! | 04:20 |
wastrel | no suite really :] | 04:20 |
bob2 | Drajka: did you install it yet? | 04:20 |
wastrel | but i <3 abiword | 04:20 |
=== communico [n=communic@219-88-154-115.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
none_- | yeah | 04:20 |
none_- | koffice is good as long as you don't want to use proprietary formats | 04:21 |
Epix | wastrel: i dont mind it ether, i was using it on a windows box which has MSWORD, because word kept crashing. | 04:21 |
none_- | openoffice is the best for compatability | 04:21 |
Drajka | Install what? | 04:21 |
bob2 | Drajka: wine | 04:21 |
zcat[1] | I wouldn't know; I never actually used koffice.. :) | 04:21 |
Drajka | No...... | 04:21 |
Drajka | I can't find it. | 04:21 |
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oneseventeen | I just connected to my fpt server via nautilus, but I can't browse to the folder in certain apps (such as my web editing tools), is there a way I can mount the remote ftp folder as a normal folder (or symlink) in my home directory as well/instead? | 04:22 |
bob2 | Drajka: so, paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to #flood | 04:22 |
mik3 | anyone know the name of that other application that combines all instant messengers together? it has a 3 letter name | 04:22 |
bob2 | oneseventeen: not really | 04:23 |
bob2 | mik3: gaim and bitlbee can do that | 04:23 |
mik3 | there's another one i found too | 04:23 |
vader1102 | jabber | 04:23 |
IcemanV9 | mik3: gaim or kopete (kde app) | 04:23 |
TitsMcGee2 | what's an alternative program to listen to a stream other than xmms? | 04:23 |
none_- | sim ? | 04:23 |
Drajka | .. | 04:23 |
nmstryoda | kopete too | 04:23 |
Drajka | bob2, | 04:23 |
Drajka | if i paste it directly | 04:23 |
zcat[1] | TitsMcGee2: mplayer, vlc ? | 04:23 |
Drajka | i'll flood off the newtork, wont i? | 04:23 |
TitsMcGee2 | thanks | 04:23 |
oneseventeen | bob2 thanks, just checking... | 04:24 |
TitsMcGee2 | thanks zcat[1] | 04:24 |
nalioth | TitsMcGee2: beep media player, kopete | 04:24 |
Epix | woah | 04:24 |
bob2 | Drajka: not unless your irc client is utter crap | 04:24 |
Epix | i never even noticed the nice ubuntu config apps | 04:24 |
Drajka | the one that came with ubuntu. | 04:24 |
bimberi | mik3: did you fix the apt/gzip issue? | 04:24 |
Drajka | I want to use mIRC, but I need Wine to use it. | 04:24 |
Drajka | AFAIK. | 04:24 |
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nmstryoda | Drajka, paste in http://rafb.net | 04:24 |
bob2 | Drajka: lots comewith ubuntu | 04:24 |
nmstryoda | if it is big | 04:24 |
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Madpilot | !paste | 04:24 |
ubotu | it has been said that paste is please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text | 04:24 |
bob2 | Drajka: please tell me you're joking about wanting wine to run mirc | 04:24 |
nmstryoda | LOL | 04:24 |
Drajka | No, I want Wine to run games. | 04:24 |
none_- | it runs it perfectly | 04:24 |
bob2 | anywya, just paste it already | 04:24 |
bob2 | if you're using bitchx, you lose | 04:25 |
bob2 | if not, you're fine | 04:25 |
mik3 | Anyways, anyone who has been familiar with my apt problems, after 5 full days of troubleshooting with Seveas and other people from #debian I have found the solution, this may be significant to some of you in here, take a look at http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1469 | 04:25 |
=== ar_media [n=ar_media@66-215-42-121.dhcp.hspr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
none_- | Drajka: wine won't run 3d games | 04:25 |
Epix | is there any real downside to openoffice? i thought it was slow but it runs quickly on this box | 04:25 |
Drajka | http://rafb.net/paste/results/wupbrP97.html | 04:25 |
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transparentdream | What does it mean when i run cupsd and it says "Child exited with status 13 | 04:25 |
Drajka | I'm not looking to run 3d :P | 04:25 |
mik3 | Epix: i *love* openoffice | 04:25 |
bimberi | mik3: thanks (i was interested) :) | 04:25 |
=== zcat[1] ponders getting wine to run cygwin. | ||
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mik3 | bimberi : => | 04:25 |
nmstryoda | zcat[1] , LOLROTF | 04:25 |
bob2 | transparentdream: it meas you shouldn't be running it manually | 04:26 |
Madpilot | zcat[1] : I like the recursiveness of that... ;) | 04:26 |
transparentdream | oh... | 04:26 |
bob2 | transparentdream: it's started at boot | 04:26 |
Drajka | http://rafb.net/paste/results/wupbrP97.html | 04:26 |
bob2 | so | 04:26 |
Epix | how do i make shortcuts to directories on my desktop? | 04:26 |
bob2 | I believe I said #flood | 04:26 |
bimberi | mik3: ahhh, duplicate entries | 04:26 |
bob2 | not some random website | 04:26 |
ar_media | HELP! I want to run grub on hda to boot windows 2000(hda2), Ubuntu(hdc1) and Fedora(hdd1) can anyone tell me how i would do that? or where I can look? | 04:27 |
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nmstryoda | Epix, hold both mouse buttons down and drag the folder | 04:27 |
bob2 | Drajka: anyway, you have wine available | 04:27 |
nmstryoda | you will be asked | 04:27 |
nmstryoda | to link | 04:27 |
bob2 | Drajka: paste the output of 'apt-cache policy wine' | 04:27 |
nmstryoda | or copy or move | 04:27 |
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Epix | zcat[1] : yes, get wine to run on cygwin, then get cygwin to run on wine, rinse, repeat. | 04:27 |
none_- | ar_media: ubuntu will set it up automatically during install | 04:27 |
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bob2 | ar_media: you edit the grub config, /boot/grub/menu.lst, but that will happen by default | 04:27 |
zcat[1] | none_-: so will redhat | 04:27 |
none_- | windows will delete everything | 04:28 |
zcat[1] | err Fedora.. | 04:28 |
wastrel | anybody smrt know why my ggv won't print? | 04:28 |
nmstryoda | Epix, or qemu running wine running cygwin, ad infinitum | 04:28 |
none_- | make sure you install it first | 04:28 |
ar_media | well i already installed ubuntu first | 04:28 |
none_- | fedora is nice | 04:28 |
Drajka | wine: | 04:28 |
Drajka | Installed: (none) | 04:28 |
Drajka | Candidate: (none) | 04:28 |
Drajka | Version table: | 04:28 |
Drajka | woot@woot:~$ | 04:28 |
none_- | ar_media: windows will take over | 04:28 |
bob2 | Drajka: do. not. paste. in. here. | 04:28 |
zcat[1] | Install Windows, then ubuntu.. ubuntu will fix what windows screws up.. | 04:28 |
none_- | make a boot disk first | 04:28 |
Drajka | =\ | 04:28 |
ar_media | no it won't | 04:28 |
bob2 | wastrel: did you tell it to use lp or not? | 04:28 |
nmstryoda | ar_media, you can repair the MBR after you install ubuntu | 04:28 |
Madpilot | Drajka: available != installed. check Synaptic for it... | 04:28 |
=== bur[n] er [n=norml@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wastrel | bob2 i don't see anywhere to configure that | 04:29 |
zcat[1] | it will; it'll see the redhat install even though windows isn't booting it | 04:29 |
bob2 | Drajka: I wouldn't be annoyed except that I told you three times | 04:29 |
bob2 | oh, I see | 04:29 |
ar_media | ok, I have all of the os's i want installed. i want to change it on my own without using another installer | 04:29 |
bob2 | you're using some random sources.list from the forums | 04:29 |
Drajka | .. | 04:29 |
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Drajka | Madpilot, ........ | 04:29 |
bob2 | ar_media: so, be quiet and do what I said | 04:29 |
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Drajka | I have checked Synaptic. | 04:29 |
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Drajka | I can't find it. | 04:29 |
Drajka | It isn't on there. | 04:29 |
Concord_Dawn | what's the identd that comes with Ubuntu? | 04:29 |
Epix | lets see how nice openoffice's spreadsheet is | 04:29 |
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none_- | pidentd, i think | 04:30 |
nmstryoda | Drajka, you have added the extra repositories to your sources.list ? | 04:30 |
nmstryoda | !repos | 04:30 |
ubotu | repos is probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 04:30 |
bob2 | Concord_Dawn: none | 04:30 |
zcat[1] | !oldworld | 04:30 |
ubotu | zcat[1] : I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 04:30 |
bob2 | nmstryoda: he/she already showed us their sources.list | 04:30 |
Drajka | Yes | 04:30 |
mik3 | hahah holy crap, 5 days of troubleshooting and i found it on bugzilla | 04:30 |
Madpilot | Drajka: you need Universe for wine, I think... | 04:30 |
nmstryoda | bob2, k | 04:30 |
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Concord_Dawn | Madpilot, you need a seperate repo. | 04:30 |
Drajka | I'm pretty sure it's on there, if it isn't let me know what to do. | 04:30 |
IcemanV9 | Epix: calc is really GOOD. i've been using it w/o any problem (knock on wood) | 04:30 |
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Madpilot | !+info wine | 04:31 |
ubotu | wine: (Windows Emulator (Binary Emulator)), section universe/otherosfs, is optional. Version: 0.0.20050310-1.1 (hoary), Packaged size: 1248 kB, Installed size: 2596 kB | 04:31 |
Madpilot | nope, it is in Universe... | 04:31 |
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Concord_Dawn | heh | 04:31 |
Concord_Dawn | I have a seperate repo for it. | 04:31 |
Sonny_Wertzik | hi | 04:31 |
Drajka | So..... How can I find it. | 04:31 |
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none_- | Drajka: are you running the 64 bit version of ubuntu? | 04:32 |
Epix | IcemanV9: calc? | 04:32 |
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Drajka | yes | 04:32 |
bob2 | BAH | 04:32 |
=== chascon_ [n=mauro@d142-59-231-132.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
none_- | there's your problem | 04:32 |
bob2 | Drajka: wine runs 32-bit i386 windows programs on 32-bit i386 linux | 04:32 |
IcemanV9 | Epix: openoffice spreadsheet = calc :) | 04:32 |
mik3 | anyone know if there's any IM clients out there supporting google talk's phone crap? | 04:32 |
bob2 | Drajka: if you care about binary crap, install the ubuntu i386 port | 04:32 |
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Drajka | what's the program to add shit to your menu. | 04:33 |
Sonny_Wertzik | HeLLo. | 04:33 |
Epix | ive decided im too used to console... i never use the nice programs in the system menu. | 04:33 |
none_- | !smeg | 04:33 |
ubotu | smeg is, like, totally, a Simple Menu Editor for GNOME. Get it at http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg/ or from backports. | 04:33 |
Concord_Dawn | !+info pidentd | 04:33 |
ubotu | pidentd: (TCP/IP IDENT protocol server with DES support), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 3.0.16-7 (hoary), Packaged size: 30 kB, Installed size: 136 kB | 04:33 |
b3nd3r | hi | 04:34 |
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b3nd3r | any one there | 04:34 |
Sonny_Wertzik | hi | 04:34 |
IcemanV9 | nobody's home ;) | 04:34 |
Epix | is there a way to make WINKEY-D show desktop? | 04:34 |
Drajka | ... none_- , Depends: python-xdg (>=0.14) but 0.9-1 is to be installed <-- Do I need to do an apt-get install python-xdg? | 04:34 |
luckyaba | anyone know anything about streaming video ? | 04:34 |
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Epix | luckyaba: dont ask to ask just ask! | 04:35 |
bob2 | Drajka: that could be a problem with the baclports repository | 04:35 |
luckyaba | im having trouble finding a program to stream my webcam to the internet | 04:35 |
bob2 | I'd assume it was, in fact | 04:35 |
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=== skalpel [i=skalpel@ppp-66-143-118-30.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sonny_Wertzik | Has anyone here gotten an Audigy 2 card to work? | 04:36 |
skalpel | does anyone here use the gui front end for mldonkey? | 04:36 |
Drajka | So how can I get a menu editor? I can't handle installing programs, yet having it be near impossible to run them/remember that i installed them. | 04:36 |
zcat[1] | Somewhere in the system menu there should already be a menu editor.. | 04:37 |
bob2 | Drajka: have to talk to the backports people, I guess | 04:37 |
none_- | !smeg | 04:37 |
ubotu | smeg is, like, a Simple Menu Editor for GNOME. Get it at http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg/ or from backports. | 04:38 |
bob2 | tho it's arch-all | 04:38 |
bob2 | so it would be an impressively broken repository | 04:38 |
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skalpel | can someone help me install the gui for mldonkey? | 04:38 |
none_- | !porn | 04:38 |
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ubotu | I don't know, none_- | 04:38 |
bob2 | !+CoC | 04:38 |
ubotu | well, coc is the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere. You can find the Code of Conduct at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct/ | 04:38 |
none_- | !warez | 04:38 |
ubotu | parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, none_- | 04:38 |
zcat[1] | skalpel: sudo apt-get install mldonkey-gui | 04:38 |
zcat[1] | doesn't that work? | 04:38 |
jjazz | I have two different xorg.conf files, one for dual-head and one for when I take the laptop home and thus don't have dual-head. Is there an easy way to tell Ubuntu to switch between these two conf files? Thanks. | 04:38 |
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zcat[1] | skalpel: sudo apt-get install kmldonkey if you use kde | 04:39 |
skalpel | zcat[1] , what is the executable called, do you mind telling me? | 04:39 |
Xorlev | Sonny_Wertzik: I have | 04:39 |
zcat[1] | it should get added to a menu somewhere.. | 04:39 |
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skalpel | zcat[1] , i cannot find it | 04:39 |
Drajka | k | 04:39 |
Drajka | I got smeg.deb | 04:39 |
zcat[1] | hmm... | 04:39 |
Drajka | Now what do I do | 04:39 |
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mik3 | !repos | 04:39 |
ubotu | [repos] at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 04:39 |
Drajka | I have no damn idea what do wo with it :< | 04:39 |
Drajka | with* | 04:39 |
none_- | sudo dpkg -i file | 04:39 |
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mik3 | !repositories | 04:40 |
ubotu | repositories is, like, probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 04:40 |
Drajka | is that to me, none? | 04:40 |
none_- | yah | 04:40 |
Drajka | kk | 04:40 |
zcat[1] | open a shell and type mldonkey<tab> perhaps? | 04:40 |
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skalpel | ok | 04:40 |
none_- | it's mlgui | 04:40 |
Sonny_Wertzik | hi Xorlev | 04:40 |
Drajka | none_-, | 04:40 |
Drajka | I got the same error as before | 04:41 |
Drajka | with that python deal | 04:41 |
=== omp342 loves you guys. :) | ||
Epix | *woot* | 04:41 |
Epix | samba is awesome | 04:41 |
neri_ | how can i mount a ntfs disk drive? please anwser me | 04:41 |
Xorlev | Sonny_Wertzik: I have an Audigy 2 running. | 04:41 |
none_- | dunno, Drajka .. gotta go. good luck | 04:41 |
skalpel | zcat[1] , i do not see anything relating to 'gui' | 04:41 |
nalioth | !tell neri_ about ntfs | 04:41 |
Epix | its like OH NO i have to work with windows... but i can keep the linuxness | 04:41 |
Epix | woot | 04:41 |
aru | I have a soundblaster audigy platinum (not 2) and am trying to get audacity to record from the line in on the front panel... where I am supposed to be able to select different inputs has nothing listed... if anyone has any ideas, let me know | 04:41 |
omp342 | i don't use samba | 04:41 |
bob2 | come on people | 04:41 |
vader1102 | neri_, have fun, now supported | 04:41 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | Xorlev ---- I guess i wanted to know its possible first off | 04:41 |
Sonny_Wertzik | hehe | 04:41 |
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omp342 | i just mount the shared folders on windows computers with CIFS :) | 04:42 |
vader1102 | not sorry | 04:42 |
Sonny_Wertzik | how long did it take u?? | 04:42 |
Xorlev | neri_: mount -t ntfs /dev/drive /mnt/point, or http://www.ubuntuguide.org for the fstab line, though I removed the UTF-8 bit | 04:42 |
=== Gyoza [n=gyoza@pcp09527262pcs.audubn01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | neri_: be careful at ubuntuguide | 04:42 |
Xorlev | Sonny_Wertzik: All I had to do was open alsamixer and unmute the analog/digital output. | 04:42 |
Sonny_Wertzik | ya i uhhh tried that but i get no mixer | 04:43 |
Sonny_Wertzik | whats the command exactly? | 04:43 |
vader1102 | Sonny_Wertzik, are you useing Warty or Hoary? | 04:43 |
omp342 | I LOVE UBUNTU!! (i got wine working in ubuntu better than it did in gentoo) | 04:44 |
omp342 | :) | 04:44 |
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Xorlev | Sonny_Wertzik: Type alsamixer into a terminal | 04:44 |
Sonny_Wertzik | ok i did...1 sec | 04:44 |
IcemanV9 | omp342: to run mIRC app?? :p | 04:44 |
wastrel | anyone know how i can get ggv to print ? using CUPS. xpdf prints fine... | 04:45 |
Sonny_Wertzik | i got this :alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory | 04:45 |
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omp342 | IcemanV9: photoshop :) | 04:45 |
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nalioth | howdy tritium | 04:45 |
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tritium | hi nalioth | 04:46 |
none_- | Sonny_Wertzik: try apt-get install alsa-base | 04:46 |
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omp342 | the only thing gentoo is better at than ubuntu is ati drivers | 04:46 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | ok i will 1 sec | 04:46 |
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omp342 | in gentoo i get ~4500 glxgears while in ubuntu i only get ~3500 | 04:46 |
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omp342 | oh well :) | 04:46 |
none_- | same here | 04:46 |
Xorlev | omp342: Sometimes its just a process or something using extra CPU or GPU power. | 04:47 |
matthew_w | Hey - if I mark something as "for complete uninstallation/removal" it won't leave any annoying config files etc. behind will it? | 04:47 |
Xorlev | Nope | 04:47 |
Xorlev | Thats complete removal. | 04:47 |
Quinthius | oplog7654: i think gentoo adds various patches to the ati driver, which may have something to do with it | 04:47 |
scanwinder | im thinking about buying an nvidia 6200 256mb graphics card, what's the support like in ubuntu?...........also, any idea how much better than my radeon9200SE will it run? | 04:47 |
Epix | how do i edit gnome menus | 04:47 |
omp342 | what's a good mp3 player? | 04:47 |
omp342 | xmms? | 04:47 |
Sonny_Wertzik | ok none i got this.... Reading package lists... Done | 04:47 |
Sonny_Wertzik | Building dependency tree... Done | 04:47 |
Sonny_Wertzik | alsa-base is already the newest version. | 04:47 |
Sonny_Wertzik | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 04:47 |
Xorlev | XMMS I like | 04:47 |
Quinthius | omp342: rhythmbox! | 04:48 |
Xorlev | amaroK is nice too | 04:48 |
Xorlev | Depends on what you like. | 04:48 |
none_- | scanwinder: nVidia supports linux well | 04:48 |
mik3 | omp342 : bmp | 04:48 |
IcemanV9 | BMP (beep-media-player!) | 04:48 |
jjazz | I have two different xorg.conf files, one for dual-head and one for when I take the laptop home and thus don't have dual-head. Is there an easy way to tell Ubuntu to switch between these two conf files? Thanks. | 04:48 |
Quinthius | omp342: and my message to oplog7654 was meant for you too, sorry | 04:48 |
aru | omp342: depends if you want just a simple program or something to library and take up your whole screen :) | 04:48 |
Xorlev | XMMS is more Winampy for me, and I prefer that. | 04:48 |
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none_- | really though, use windows if you want to play games | 04:48 |
none_- | video card support on linux sucks | 04:49 |
Xorlev | I play my games on Linux just fine. | 04:49 |
none_- | in general, anyway | 04:49 |
omp342 | aru: all i need is a simple player because i don't like keeping playlists | 04:49 |
Quinthius | i thought rhythmbox looked stupid and too simple at first, but i'm really starting to like it combined with easytag for sorting | 04:49 |
chavo | none_-, I play games in Linux also | 04:49 |
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Xorlev | nVidia supports Linux surprisingly well. | 04:49 |
chavo | all of the ones I own | 04:49 |
aru | for me, I'm not really looking at my OGG player unless I'm loading a song... so xmms or beep it is | 04:49 |
omp342 | aru: i just have VERY organized folders :) | 04:49 |
Sonny_Wertzik | none....? | 04:49 |
none_- | linux has hardly any games | 04:49 |
matthew_w | Anyone know anything about tweaking TCP/IP settings? | 04:49 |
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aru | omp342: as do I... BMP or Beep Media Player would suit you fine :) | 04:49 |
Xorlev | none_-: Thus, WineX and Cedega. | 04:49 |
scanwinder | i play games in linux.........but they seem to run better in windoes - probably because my graphics card is ati tho | 04:49 |
none_- | Sonny_Wertzik: i dunno what the problem is | 04:49 |
chavo | I have cedega | 04:49 |
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aru | omp342: it's a lot like winamp 3 | 04:50 |
bob2 | matthew_w: er, pick the channel for the distro you're actually using | 04:50 |
none_- | winex sucks too :) | 04:50 |
Epix | how do i edit gnome menus? | 04:50 |
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omp342 | i like winamp 2 the most :P | 04:50 |
chavo | scanwinder, how much are you paying for the card? | 04:50 |
Sonny_Wertzik | ok thanx anyway | 04:50 |
Sonny_Wertzik | i refuse to quit hehehe | 04:50 |
scanwinder | chavo, i saw the 6200 for $105 | 04:50 |
aru | omp342: you'll probably feel right at home with BMP | 04:50 |
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none_- | ALSA is messed up, that's all i know | 04:50 |
Xorlev | Sonny_Wertzik: Did you try unmuting (with the M key) the Analog/Digital channel? | 04:51 |
chavo | I just got a 6600GT and it screams | 04:51 |
omp342 | aru: okay, thanks :) | 04:51 |
matthew_w | bob2; aren't TCP/IP alterations cross-distribution, right into windows, for that matter. | 04:51 |
chavo | replaced my ancient ti4200 | 04:51 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | no i didnt | 04:51 |
scanwinder | chavo: that $105 is AUD by the way | 04:51 |
bob2 | matthew_w: it's considred quite rude to bother support channels for things you don't use | 04:51 |
Epix | sorry, laptop battery died | 04:51 |
chavo | ah ok | 04:51 |
bob2 | you're unlikely to get help about tcp settings in here | 04:51 |
=== Epix hates windows power management | ||
aru | omp342: http://www.sosdg.org/~larne/w/Screenshots <- BMP screenies | 04:51 |
Sonny_Wertzik | how do i do that? | 04:51 |
bob2 | since peopel are now comparing the size of their video cards | 04:51 |
aru | 10 inches | 04:52 |
matthew_w | I'm using the hoary hedgehog ubuntu. ... | 04:52 |
aru | err... | 04:52 |
chavo | That's a good deal | 04:52 |
Xorlev | Sonny_Wertzik: Open alsamixer in terminal, then scroll to the left until you get to Item: Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack | 04:52 |
Xorlev | Then hit M | 04:52 |
Sonny_Wertzik | heh my mixer doesnt open | 04:52 |
Xorlev | Hmm | 04:52 |
Sonny_Wertzik | i get this message | 04:52 |
Sonny_Wertzik | alsa-base is already the newest version. | 04:52 |
Sonny_Wertzik | i got this :alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory | 04:53 |
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chavo | although my favorite game is Enemy Territory, which ran fine with the old card | 04:53 |
communico | hey, can anyone help me setup ubuntu to use as a server? it won't show in my windows xp machine's network list | 04:53 |
Epix | chavo, yep! ET rock! | 04:53 |
Xorlev | Look on http://www.ubuntuforums.org, and try a few of the solutions there. It sounds like it needs a symlink or two. | 04:53 |
Epix | s | 04:53 |
bob2 | communico: install samba | 04:53 |
scanwinder | chave: how would a nvidia 6200 run compared to my 9200SE?.........it should be alot better right?.......i have trouble in america's army with the 9200se........and the rest of my comp should be plenty powerful enough 2 handel it, my cpu is a athlonXP 2500+ | 04:53 |
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communico | I've installed samba and configured it | 04:53 |
none_- | enemy territory is a hard game | 04:54 |
Epix | communico, nice. | 04:54 |
communico | but it still won't show | 04:54 |
Epix | none_-, it is, but you get used to it | 04:54 |
chavo | scanwinder, not really sure, I haven't kept up with the graphics card race | 04:54 |
Sonny_Wertzik | ya i did that Xorlev...thanx for tryin to help | 04:54 |
none_- | people own me in it | 04:54 |
chavo | I'm usually about 2 years behind | 04:54 |
Sonny_Wertzik | ill keep tring stuff | 04:54 |
=== Guimauve2 [n=guillaum@modemcable012.82-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
none_- | and i kick ass at most FPS's | 04:54 |
Xorlev | Sonny_Wertzik: With Linux, you try, try, and try again, and finally it works. | 04:54 |
aru | I have a sweet 64mb nvidia something, it displays a terminal like you wouldn't believe :) | 04:54 |
Xorlev | =) | 04:54 |
chavo | et is the first online game I tried, got it about 6 months ago and I'm addicted | 04:54 |
Sonny_Wertzik | ill get it sooner or later | 04:54 |
concept10 | none_-: you should try true combat: elite | 04:54 |
Epix | none_-, what other FPSs are on linux (feel free to PM) | 04:54 |
Sonny_Wertzik | hehehe | 04:54 |
none_- | quake3 is my favorite | 04:55 |
Sonny_Wertzik | ill feel great when i get it to work | 04:55 |
none_- | there's unreal tournament | 04:55 |
none_- | doom 3 | 04:55 |
chavo | ook quake3 I have never tried. | 04:55 |
none_- | quake II | 04:55 |
chavo | ooh | 04:55 |
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Epix | none_-, UT original on linux? really? | 04:55 |
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=== Epix dances... | ||
chavo | yes | 04:55 |
luckyaba | can someon help me setup a stream with VLC? | 04:55 |
Xorlev | But once it does work, it crushes everything, and the euphoria of getting something to work is nearly unparalled. | 04:55 |
concept10 | nolan: true combat: elite is a mod of enemy territory, its really nice | 04:55 |
none_- | not sure, but i know 2004 is on it | 04:55 |
communico | should it just appear automatically, or is there some switch I need to flick ... | 04:55 |
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none_- | is it slower paced, concept10 ? | 04:55 |
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Epix | well im out. | 04:56 |
concept10 | Has anyone successfully used the shares-admin tool> | 04:56 |
concept10 | none_-: yes! | 04:56 |
none_- | bye | 04:56 |
chs_ | libdvdcss2_1.2.9-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb | 04:56 |
Epix | school has begun. first school year using linux for schoolish stuff | 04:56 |
chs_ | anyone have that | 04:56 |
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Epix | bye! | 04:56 |
Tartaros | any suggestions for a good graphical cvs client? | 04:56 |
Sonny_Wertzik | ya ...i want to get better | 04:56 |
Sonny_Wertzik | at this linux | 04:56 |
Brunellus | arrrrgh. my day was saved...by MICROSOFT. | 04:56 |
jjazz | Where do I start in debugging a wireless connection? I'm trying to do it through the GUI, and when I activate the wireless connection, it tells me the connex is active, but then the network is unreachable. | 04:56 |
neri_ | how can i login as a root? | 04:56 |
Brunellus | (in the form of an ancient MS mouse | 04:56 |
chavo | Tartaros, there is cervisia but it is a kde app\ konqueror plugin | 04:57 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, open a console | 04:57 |
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concept10 | none_-: it is somewhat like real combat, no jumping around and unreal stuff like enemy territory | 04:57 |
nmstryoda | er, terminal | 04:57 |
chavo | It works very well | 04:57 |
none_- | sweet | 04:57 |
Sonny_Wertzik | Root teminal | 04:57 |
scanwinder | i cant get any sound in enemy territory for some reason................ | 04:57 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, I have one open | 04:57 |
omp342 | i installed something by opening a sh file, how can i get rid of it? | 04:57 |
chavo | I like the unrealness of ER | 04:57 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, then type sudo -s and your password | 04:57 |
none_- | since we are talking about it.. time to go play :) | 04:57 |
concept10 | none_-: goto www.truecombat.com | 04:57 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, ok. I'm root | 04:58 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, now type ifconfig | 04:58 |
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none_- | scanwinder: esd takes over the sound device | 04:58 |
bimberi | !tell neri_ about root | 04:58 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, does it show your device/ | 04:58 |
nmstryoda | ? | 04:58 |
Tartaros | chavo: ok, could be. thanks | 04:58 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, There's only an entry for lo, not eth0 | 04:58 |
nmstryoda | ah | 04:58 |
nmstryoda | ok | 04:58 |
Brunellus | lo=localhost, right. | 04:58 |
jjazz | Brunellus, yup | 04:58 |
transgress | okay i think ima invest in a pcmcia wifi card for my lappy... anyone have suggestions? i'm wanting one that has a good chipset that doesn't require ndiswrapper | 04:58 |
=== Brunellus nods. | ||
scanwinder | none_-: ok........how do i fix the problem? | 04:58 |
communico | i've been trying to get this working for two days, so I could really use some new ideas | 04:58 |
Brunellus | transgress: the wiki is your friend...try the wireless hardware page | 04:59 |
khermans | what is the package called with the monthly updated Ubuntu desktop backgrounds? | 04:59 |
chavo | Tartaros, I run KDE and cervisia is an excellent tool by the way | 04:59 |
none_- | book of the long sun? | 04:59 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, using WEP ? | 04:59 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, Yes | 04:59 |
none_- | scanwinder: killalled -15 esd | 04:59 |
none_- | killall | 04:59 |
scanwinder | pl. thanks | 04:59 |
Brunellus | man. lemme tell y'all. life without a scrollwheel SUX. | 04:59 |
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nmstryoda | jjazz, does your router set your hostname or is that static? | 04:59 |
concept10 | Anyone used the shares-admin tool? System > Admin > Shared Folders? I cannot get it to start!!!!! | 04:59 |
chavo | I run all my games as a seperate login | 04:59 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, I don't believe I've ever seen an option on the router for setting the hostname. | 05:00 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, i just had issue with my wep key... | 05:00 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, By hostname, do you mean essid? | 05:00 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, i had to choose hex and enter it manually | 05:00 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, nope.. system hostname | 05:00 |
nmstryoda | but you should choose the essid too | 05:00 |
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scanwinder | none_-: didnt work | 05:00 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, I did choose the essid. There's no option in my router config to choose hostnames | 05:01 |
nmstryoda | ok | 05:01 |
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nmstryoda | np | 05:01 |
omp342 | in BMP output settings, should i use OSS, ALSA, or eSound? | 05:01 |
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concept10 | How well does the x86_64 version of Hoary works? any known problems? | 05:01 |
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omp342 | concept10: i had trouble getting direct rendering to work with an ATI card | 05:02 |
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omp342 | but that's all | 05:02 |
bob2 | concept10: do yu care about binary-only software? | 05:02 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, did you look at the wiki on ubuntu wifi? | 05:02 |
nmstryoda | !wireless | 05:02 |
ubotu | wireless is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards | 05:02 |
concept10 | omp342: what about flash? | 05:02 |
bob2 | and it's "amd64", not x86_64 | 05:02 |
bob2 | concept10: no flash | 05:02 |
yonkeltron | what is the next version of ubuntu going to be called? | 05:02 |
omp342 | concept10: never tried it :P | 05:02 |
bob2 | concept10: no binary-only junk, in general | 05:02 |
concept10 | bob2: okay. | 05:02 |
bob2 | yonkeltron: breezy badger | 05:02 |
nmstryoda | Breezy badger | 05:02 |
omp342 | concept10: i switched to i386, much better :) | 05:02 |
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omp342 | concept10: java didn't work either | 05:03 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, no, I wasn't aware of it (I'm a long-time Debian user but wholly new to Ubuntu) | 05:03 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, ok | 05:03 |
nmstryoda | hope that will help you | 05:03 |
concept10 | omp342: Im going to get a new system tommorow, cant believe how cheap and fast amd64 systems are | 05:03 |
omp342 | concept10: i love my athlon 64 :) | 05:03 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, you can do the same commands using ifconfig add default... etc | 05:03 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, just as in most distros | 05:03 |
nmstryoda | but of course the gui should be the simple way | 05:04 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, ok. Good to know. Although, truth be known, I've always found wireless setup to be a mystery | 05:04 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, is it an atheros card? | 05:04 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, it still is | 05:04 |
nmstryoda | hehe | 05:04 |
concept10 | bob2: any benefit running apps using x86_64 kernel vs. i386? (normal desktop apps_ | 05:04 |
endy_x | bob2, amd64 == x86-64 == x64, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMD64 :) | 05:04 |
nmstryoda | but ubuntu has gone to great lengths to make it pretty dang simple | 05:04 |
Madpilot | how do I delete backup copies? Bluefish has created a bunch of HTML backups that I no longer need but can't seem to delete! | 05:04 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, I don't know who makes the card. It's a prism chipset | 05:04 |
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nmstryoda | jjazz, ah, ok | 05:05 |
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nmstryoda | prismGT | 05:05 |
nmstryoda | i'll bet | 05:05 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, lets make sure the module is loaded | 05:05 |
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bob2 | concept10: sure, you can use more ram | 05:05 |
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nmstryoda | jjazz, lsmod | grep prism | 05:05 |
bob2 | concept10: use amd64 unless you really care about binary-only crap | 05:05 |
bob2 | Madpilot: define "can't delete" | 05:05 |
nmstryoda | think that will show it exisits | 05:05 |
none_- | concept10: video encoding tends to speed up | 05:05 |
none_- | other than that, no | 05:06 |
bob2 | endy_x: amd64 is the ubuntu and Debian architecture name | 05:06 |
Madpilot | bob2: Synaptic will not lete me delete the files - they all end in ~ | 05:06 |
none_- | encoding mp3s, etc | 05:06 |
bob2 | Madpilot: why would synaptic care about files at all? | 05:06 |
concept10 | bob2: excuse me for being befuddled, but what do you mean by 'binary only' | 05:06 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, hmm... no prism... but the Orinoco modules are loaded, so perhaps this is not a prism after all | 05:06 |
bob2 | Madpilot: you mean nautilus? | 05:06 |
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Madpilot | bob2: sorry, Nautilus.. | 05:07 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, so Orinoco | 05:07 |
nmstryoda | good | 05:07 |
bob2 | concept10: non-free shit, e.g. flash, acrobat, windows games, wine | 05:07 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, It's onboard and it's a work laptop, which is why I don't know anything about it | 05:07 |
endy_x | ok, i just thought you were suggesting amd64 was a different architecture to x86_64 :) | 05:07 |
transgress | hey 802.11g is backwards compatible right? like a card that only does 802.11b can still connect to a g router right? | 05:07 |
nalioth | transgress: correct | 05:07 |
tritium | yes, transgress | 05:07 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, not to worrry | 05:07 |
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ubuntu | does anyone know how to config xorg to use transparency windows? | 05:07 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, try this... iwconfig | 05:07 |
nmstryoda | or ifconfig -a | 05:07 |
bob2 | ubuntu: you don't | 05:08 |
nmstryoda | to see if it is listed | 05:08 |
none_- | 846.2KB/s | 05:08 |
none_- | fear | 05:08 |
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bob2 | ubuntu: you can tell X to enable the Composite extension and have transset make things transparent, tho | 05:08 |
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bob2 | ubuntu: but it's not trivial, an it makes X crashy | 05:08 |
nmstryoda | ubuntu, right O... bob is on the money.... | 05:08 |
nmstryoda | and slowwwwwwwwwwwwww | 05:08 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, ifconfig -a does list eth0. iwconfig lists it too, with Nickname: Prims I (that's why I thught it was prism chipset) | 05:08 |
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ubuntu | I've altered xorg.cfg and then restarted but it crashes every time | 05:09 |
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itsdarkinhere05 | hey | 05:09 |
bob2 | shock | 05:09 |
ubuntu | even after installing xorg6.8.2 | 05:09 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, what happens if you do "ifconfig eth0 up" | 05:09 |
nmstryoda | bob2, LOL | 05:09 |
bob2 | ubuntu: if you want help with the fact you broke X, you need to put your X log and X config file on the web somwehre | 05:09 |
chavo | ubuntu, what video card? | 05:09 |
endy_x | shadows and transparency has never crashed xorg for me on nvidia cards | 05:10 |
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jjazz | nmstryoda, an error I've never seen before: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Connection timed out. | 05:10 |
itsdarkinhere05 | i have a dum-ass question, i just got this ubuntu thing, and i was wondering how to get aim on it | 05:10 |
ubuntu | yes, I have an nvidia | 05:10 |
endy_x | even with games playing etc | 05:10 |
nmstryoda | ubuntu, try http://rafb.net ... it's a paste bin of sorts | 05:10 |
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chavo | ubuntu, have you installed the nvidia drivers? | 05:10 |
transgress | itsdarkinhere05: new to linux eh? | 05:10 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, well that is good | 05:10 |
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none_- | jjazz: SIOCSIFFLAGS is probably an error function | 05:10 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, It is? What does it mean? | 05:10 |
itsdarkinhere05 | ya | 05:10 |
tritium | itsdarkinhere05, gaim is already there under Applications->Internet | 05:10 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, lets me know eth0 is your wired port | 05:10 |
transgress | itsdarkinhere05: you have it. go to applications-internet-gaim | 05:10 |
nmstryoda | which is not connected | 05:10 |
itsdarkinhere05 | sweet | 05:11 |
tritium | itsdarkinhere05, it includes support for many protocols, including aol i.m. | 05:11 |
itsdarkinhere05 | thx | 05:11 |
itsdarkinhere05 | thx so much | 05:11 |
itsdarkinhere05 | later | 05:11 |
transgress | we'll be here | 05:11 |
none_- | in other words, the connection timed out | 05:11 |
zcat[1] | hehe.. got some nice photos of my kid (age 10) cutting up firewood with the chainsaw. I'm such a responsible parent! | 05:11 |
tritium | sure, itsdarkinhere05 :) | 05:11 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, Do you mean wireless? Because the GUI says eth0 is wireless, as did the guy at work who handed me the laptop | 05:11 |
transgress | why would someone name eth0 as wireless | 05:12 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, ah ok | 05:12 |
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none_- | cause it's ethernet | 05:12 |
bob2 | transgress: because it's an ethernet device | 05:12 |
nmstryoda | well in that case, ... | 05:12 |
zcat[1] | I think some cards come up as eth device names.. | 05:12 |
bob2 | the transport just happens to be different | 05:12 |
bob2 | the name is driver-dependent | 05:12 |
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bob2 | and customisable | 05:12 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, There is an eth1, but that's the wired port, according to the GUI | 05:12 |
nmstryoda | ok | 05:12 |
nmstryoda | good | 05:12 |
h17m4n | shouldn't wireless be wlan0? | 05:13 |
bob2 | h17m4n: no | 05:13 |
nmstryoda | glad you know these things | 05:13 |
nmstryoda | not always | 05:13 |
nmstryoda | depends on hardware | 05:13 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, I don't have much info, but it's better than none. I really appreciate this help, btw. | 05:13 |
nmstryoda | np | 05:13 |
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h17m4n | how do I reduce my touchpad's sensitivity? everytime I'm typing it messes me up | 05:14 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, do the "ifconfig eth0 down" | 05:14 |
nmstryoda | then | 05:14 |
nmstryoda | dmesg | 05:14 |
transgress | h17m4n: what kind of touchpad is it? | 05:14 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, look for the card type | 05:15 |
h17m4n | syn something | 05:15 |
nmstryoda | er, lspci can show that too | 05:15 |
nmstryoda | then google it | 05:15 |
kev_ | i'm trying to install ubuntu 5.04 on an abit nf7 mobo with a maxtor ide drive (hda) and maxtor sata drive (sada). after install it wasn't loading module sata_sil and hence /dev/sda* wasn't be created. so i added sata_sil right after the ide stuff in /etc/modules. but it still complains about the devices not existing at boot up. | 05:15 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, ifdown gave no messages. dmesg is filled with one line over and over: hermes @ MEM [some hex] : Error -16 issuing command. | 05:15 |
nmstryoda | k | 05:15 |
none_- | h17m4n: check xorg.conf for the Resolution option under the mouse section | 05:15 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, did you set the hostname on that laptop just now? | 05:16 |
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jjazz | nmstryoda, It's been set, although it might have been reset when I fiddled with the GUI. | 05:16 |
nmstryoda | before logging out / back in... | 05:16 |
h17m4n | synaptics - I got confused because of synaptic | 05:16 |
nmstryoda | ah, yea | 05:16 |
nmstryoda | LOL | 05:16 |
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macintoshr | how do you shut up that gnome startup sound? | 05:16 |
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nmstryoda | hehe | 05:17 |
GhostFreeman | what's the Linux equivalent of ipconfig? | 05:17 |
transgress | h17m4n: well if it does like mine and will only load it as a PS/2 mouse you're SOL, otherwise you can turn the tapping off in the xorg.conf | 05:17 |
omp342 | is it me or does OSS work just as good as ALSA? | 05:17 |
macintoshr | ifconfig? | 05:17 |
nmstryoda | ifconfig | 05:17 |
jjazz | GhostFreeman, ifconfig | 05:17 |
Xorlev | GhostFreeman: ifconfig | 05:17 |
nmstryoda | lol | 05:17 |
macintoshr | haha | 05:17 |
GhostFreeman | thanks | 05:17 |
nmstryoda | GhostFreeman, man ifconfig will show all... | 05:17 |
none_- | h17m4n: change the Resolution option to a lower number in xorg.conf | 05:17 |
bob2 | GhostFreeman: ip | 05:17 |
macintoshr | ifconfig = interface config | 05:17 |
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transgress | i still haven't figured out how it loads mine as ps/2 ... no other distro even lets me do that | 05:17 |
Xorlev | omp342: I much prefer ALSA over OSS...OSS had some weird stuff with me. | 05:18 |
macintoshr | how do i turn off that gnome startup sound? | 05:18 |
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macintoshr | the one with the bells in it | 05:18 |
bob2 | macintoshr: system -> preferences -> sound | 05:18 |
nmstryoda | nice tunes | 05:18 |
macintoshr | ok | 05:18 |
nmstryoda | =) | 05:18 |
macintoshr | thanks | 05:18 |
aru | how do I install something from apt if it asks for my CD and I cant find the cd? | 05:18 |
bob2 | aru: configure it to not ask for the cd | 05:18 |
plasterfish | lol | 05:18 |
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Xorlev | Remove the cd from /etc/apt/sources.list and then run apt-get update, then try install again. | 05:18 |
transgress | aru: sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list <-- add a # in front of the line that asks for the cd | 05:18 |
omp342 | Xorlev: my default is OSS and i'm too lazy to change it (it sounds the same to me) | 05:19 |
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aru | simple enough :) | 05:19 |
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aru | thanks | 05:19 |
transgress | OSS is actually using alsa iirc | 05:19 |
koneng | i downloaded some printer drivers that were made for red hat 9. the .tar.gz contains a .gz.sh file. how can i install this? | 05:19 |
bob2 | koneng: why do you think you need them? | 05:19 |
Madpilot | "rm -d <foo>" to delete a directory, right? | 05:19 |
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none_- | yeah, it's an OSS wrapper for ALSA | 05:19 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, try logging out of X then starting X again... | 05:19 |
none_- | unless you are using a ustom kernel | 05:19 |
Xorlev | maddler: rm -rf | 05:19 |
nmstryoda | then ifconfig | 05:19 |
Xorlev | Err | 05:19 |
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transgress | Madpilot: rmdir if it's empty. rm -rf if it isn't | 05:19 |
Xorlev | Madpilot: rm -rf | 05:19 |
koneng | bob2, because i can't print. i read on the forums that someone got it to work for the same printer i have | 05:20 |
Madpilot | Xorlev & transgress: thanks, forgot there was a seperate 'rmdir' command... | 05:20 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, ctrl-alt-bspace... and... it's loading... ok | 05:20 |
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Xorlev | I don't bother with rmdir. rm -rf works either way. | 05:21 |
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zcat[1] | rm -rf is kinda dangerous.. | 05:21 |
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transgress | zcat[1] : how do you figure/ | 05:22 |
none_- | don't get in the habit of using it | 05:22 |
Xorlev | With root, you could remove anything. | 05:22 |
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Xorlev | rm -rf /usr | 05:22 |
none_- | yep, i've done that many times | 05:22 |
bob2 | koneng: and your printer is? and "can't print" means? | 05:22 |
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CCFIEL | can i know what is the application name that can be found in places menu which can connect to a shared file in windows XP? | 05:22 |
Xorlev | Ctrl + CCCCC!!!! | 05:22 |
Xorlev | STOP! | 05:22 |
Xorlev | Bah! | 05:22 |
zcat[1] | just remember that if you want to delete all the dotfiles, .* will also get .. | 05:22 |
Xorlev | =) | 05:22 |
none_- | lol | 05:22 |
bob2 | CCFIEL: there isn't one, it's calling nautilus | 05:22 |
Madpilot | zcat[1] : that would be... messy... done that, have you? | 05:23 |
Madpilot | ;) | 05:23 |
transgress | okay | 05:23 |
Xorlev | zcat, in that case I just pushd out or cd absolute path. | 05:23 |
h17m4n | should linux be using 508MB of ram??? When I only have d4x, firefox, and x-chat open? | 05:23 |
transgress | but rm can be just as dangerous as rm -rf if youa re gonna be fucking stupid | 05:23 |
mik3 | h17m4n : fuck no | 05:23 |
zcat[1] | learned the hard way, trying to reset a user to default config by deteling all their config files, ate all the home directories. Yay for good backups! | 05:23 |
Xorlev | Moral of the story: Any command can be dangerous. | 05:23 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: most of that is probably buffers and cache | 05:24 |
Xorlev | h17m4n: FireFox is a infamous memory user. | 05:24 |
none_- | h17m4n: yes | 05:24 |
Madpilot | h17m4n: Linux will use available RAM as cache | 05:24 |
thechitowncubs | !ram | 05:24 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, thechitowncubs | 05:24 |
thechitowncubs | !memory | 05:24 |
ubotu | Syntax error in line 1, thechitowncubs | 05:24 |
none_- | the default ubuntu install starts a ton of services | 05:24 |
communico | can anyone help me with configuring samba? | 05:24 |
Madpilot | !cache | 05:24 |
ubotu | Madpilot: No idea | 05:24 |
koneng | bob2, Lexmark Z515. Sorry, "can't print" = i tried installed the drivers that were recommended(LX5000) and my printer did not respond to my efforts to print. | 05:24 |
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CCFIEL | bob2: ic coz im transfering to another window system xfce because my computer is low in memory. can nautilus run in xfce?? | 05:24 |
transgress | h17m4n: is it actually using all the memory or is some cached? i'm betting it's cached | 05:24 |
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zcat[1] | Xorlev: Umm.. absolute path like ro -rf /home/zcat/.* perhaps? | 05:24 |
bob2 | koneng: ignorethe drivers | 05:24 |
mik3 | woot cubs destroyed the cards tonight =D | 05:24 |
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zcat[1] | err s/ro/rm/ | 05:24 |
bob2 | koneng: when you use the gnome printing tool to set it up, what happens? | 05:24 |
zcat[1] | guess what /home/zcat/.. is | 05:25 |
bob2 | CCFIEL: yes, but it will start lots of gnome, too | 05:25 |
bob2 | CCFIEL: just mount the filesystem if you're going to use it | 05:25 |
h17m4n | like less than 70MB is cached | 05:25 |
othernoob | are celerons good for gaming and will a 2.8ghz celeron last for the next couple of years regarding gaming? | 05:25 |
Xorlev | Oooh | 05:25 |
Xorlev | That could be messy. | 05:25 |
h17m4n | 400+ for appz | 05:25 |
transgress | hehe yeah zcat[1] had someone that ran a hosting company do that not too long ago | 05:25 |
bob2 | h17m4n: paste the output of "free -m" to #flood | 05:25 |
transgress | they mentioned it on the forums we talk on at work | 05:25 |
CCFIEL | bob2: ok thanks | 05:25 |
bob2 | also, "applications", this is an English channel, not an AIM chat room | 05:25 |
zcat[1] | Nah, only my home box.. and I rsync offsite every morning.. | 05:26 |
Xorlev | h17m4n: Xorg + GDM + FireFox + Lots of services + Cache is most likely using all your memory. | 05:26 |
none_- | h17m4n: xfce4 has it's own file manager.. although not as nice as nautilus | 05:26 |
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none_- | functional, though | 05:26 |
koneng | bob2, gnome printing tool = is that 'New Printer' option under Printing (System|Admin|Printing)? | 05:26 |
h17m4n | pasted | 05:26 |
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bob2 | koneng: yes | 05:26 |
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h17m4n | I'm actually running KDE now... but I have both installed(gnome) | 05:27 |
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nmstryoda | h17m4n, have you tried the latest kpdf? | 05:27 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, Are you waiting for me, or am I waiting for you? | 05:27 |
Xorlev | I removed Gnome a while ago. | 05:27 |
h17m4n | nope | 05:27 |
nmstryoda | h17m4n, say with TuxMagazine? | 05:27 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, sorry | 05:27 |
nmstryoda | what happened | 05:27 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, ifconfig -a | 05:27 |
i3dmaster | does anyone know how to edit the right click menu? | 05:27 |
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bob2 | i3dmaster: in what... | 05:28 |
koneng | bob2, that's what i was talking about. It detects Z510 (instead of Z515) and recommends the LX5000, i install that. it says "5000 - Ready" but doesn't respond when i try to print something | 05:28 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, np...I see eth0... should I be looking for any specific info? | 05:28 |
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nmstryoda | ip address? | 05:29 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, none | 05:29 |
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i3dmaster | bob2: on the desktop, you click and it shows right click menu. I just want to add the open terminal back. | 05:29 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, double-check your WEP key... | 05:29 |
ells | tritium: hey Mike what is up | 05:29 |
nmstryoda | like i said, mine had to be hex to work | 05:29 |
h17m4n | man... konqueror crashes all the time... it's a pretty bad app to browse through ur files | 05:29 |
bob2 | i3dmaster: how did you get rid of it? | 05:29 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: you don't have a swap partition? | 05:29 |
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h17m4n | :-[ | 05:30 |
h17m4n | no | 05:30 |
i3dmaster | bob2: I didn't. Gnome 2.12 did it | 05:30 |
tritium | ells, wow, long time no see | 05:30 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: hmm | 05:30 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, it is in hex and it is correct | 05:30 |
tritium | where have you been, ells? | 05:30 |
nmstryoda | k | 05:30 |
i3dmaster | bob2: I upgraded to breezy | 05:30 |
ells | yeap, I have been on here a few times since we last talked | 05:30 |
CCFIEL | bob2: i tried to run nautilus in xfce and it load some of the gnome. how do i reset it? | 05:30 |
h17m4n | I'm a noob... installed kubuntu last week | 05:30 |
bob2 | CCFIEL: reset what? | 05:30 |
h17m4n | than installed gnome, and chroot for 32 bit apps | 05:30 |
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thoreauputic | h17m4n: methinks you need a swap file then | 05:30 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, lets get the model from | 05:30 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, lspci | 05:30 |
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_antix | I don't have a swap partition... yet with thunderbird, firefox, xchat, gxine, and a terminal it's only using 271mb of ram | 05:31 |
h17m4n | I didn't know how big to make it | 05:31 |
CCFIEL | bob2: i want to get back to my previous setting. i treid to logout and login it is still there? | 05:31 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: the install should have set up swap for you | 05:31 |
tritium | ells, I'm about to reboot (testing stuff). I'll be back later on or tomorrow, okay? | 05:31 |
CCFIEL | it is still there | 05:31 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, Wavelan chipset | 05:31 |
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h17m4n | and if it should've been before or after the linux | 05:31 |
nmstryoda | ah | 05:31 |
ells | cool | 05:31 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, Intersil Prism 2.5 Wavelan | 05:31 |
tritium | cool | 05:31 |
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h17m4n | I have 2 partitions.... 1 for windows and 1 for linux | 05:31 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, Wavelan = Orinoco, IIRC | 05:31 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, is it a dell? | 05:31 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, IBM Thinkpad | 05:32 |
h17m4n | I used Partition magic and created a ext3 partition | 05:32 |
nmstryoda | k | 05:32 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: the position isn't important - but with ~500MB RAM you should have say 500MB swap | 05:32 |
h17m4n | then set it as / on the installation | 05:32 |
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honza | let's say I hate Nautilus, what for alternative apps are there? | 05:32 |
Xorlev | thoreauputic: Myself I follow the double swap setup...twice as much swap as ram. | 05:33 |
h17m4n | thoreauputic: k... will get it done.. how will I tell ubuntu to use it though? | 05:33 |
thoreauputic | Xorlev: not really necessary any more | 05:33 |
nalioth | honza: konqueror, xfe, endeavour2, | 05:33 |
honza | any of these for gnome? | 05:33 |
nalioth | thoreauputic: howzit goin today? | 05:33 |
Xorlev | thoreauputic: Old mentalities are hard to break. | 05:33 |
nalioth | honza: they will all work under gnome | 05:33 |
honza | well, yeah, but that's not what I'm asking about obviously :) | 05:34 |
nalioth | honza: konqueror is part of kde, the other two are platform independent | 05:34 |
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i3dmaster | bob2: do you have any idea or does anyone have any idea? | 05:34 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: the easiest way would be to make a swap file | 05:34 |
honza | ok | 05:34 |
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nalioth | honza: i run gnome and use konqueror instead of nautilus | 05:34 |
TestDummy | Hey, will X screw up if there is a malformed entry in xorg.conf about Horizontal sync? | 05:34 |
TestDummy | Like "HorizSync 30.0-70" for example. | 05:34 |
Quinthius | TestDummy: how is that malformed? | 05:35 |
TestDummy | It doesn't seem to take well to the .0 I accidently put in there | 05:35 |
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koneng | bob2, did you see my last message? | 05:35 |
jjazz | TestDummy, why don't you remove it? | 05:35 |
Quinthius | TestDummy: so remove the .0 | 05:35 |
lopingo | need help here | 05:35 |
TestDummy | I know. | 05:35 |
lopingo | anyoen using vmware? | 05:35 |
TestDummy | This is actually for somebody I'm helping out, mine works fine. | 05:35 |
lopingo | anyone* | 05:35 |
mik3 | how do i change my account information? | 05:35 |
TestDummy | Just curious as to if that'd mess anything up | 05:35 |
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thoreauputic | h17m4n: bob2 might know how - I use a partition here: basically you make a file full of zeros, then mkswap <file> then swapon <file> (that may not be quite right) | 05:35 |
nalioth | lopingo: ask a question, please | 05:35 |
Madpilot | mik3: what info, for what acount, and where? | 05:36 |
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giard | anyone else having locale probs in breezy? | 05:36 |
Quinthius | can i ask if it's ok for anyone to tell me it's ok to ask a question? | 05:36 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, unfortunately I see some listings prism2_pci driver or hostap driver | 05:36 |
nmstryoda | so you need to see if those are available | 05:36 |
thoreauputic | Quinthius: no *grin* | 05:36 |
mik3 | Madpilot : i want to change the information that shows up in /whois mik3 but i don't know how to do that in just bx so i want to change my shell info | 05:37 |
Madpilot | Quinthius: what was your question again? ;) | 05:37 |
Quinthius | :( | 05:37 |
Quinthius | Madpilot: i forgot.. | 05:37 |
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h17m4n | I found this: create partition, use 'mkswap' to init it and add this line to fstab: /dev/hdXX swap swap defaults 0 0 | 05:37 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, I can connect this laptop to the net via eth1, so I can get anything that's not available. :) How do I see if those drivers are available? | 05:37 |
nmstryoda | Harris Semiconductor Prism 2.5 Wavelan chipset (rev 01) | 05:37 |
nmstryoda | sound right? | 05:37 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: yes - well a partition is better in theory | 05:38 |
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Madpilot | mik3: you should be able to edit your IRC client's settings - but most of what shows up in /whois mik3 isn't really changeable... | 05:38 |
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jjazz | nmstryoda, s/Harris Semiconductor/Intersil Corporation/ and that's what I got. | 05:38 |
lopingo | ok | 05:38 |
nmstryoda | ok | 05:38 |
nmstryoda | good | 05:38 |
lopingo | anyone using vmware here? | 05:38 |
nmstryoda | now i search | 05:38 |
nmstryoda | yes | 05:38 |
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lopingo | i got a problem with the sound device | 05:38 |
Xorlev | lopingo: Indeed. | 05:38 |
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jordan_ | does anyone know the best way to get tv torrents? | 05:39 |
BROKEN_LADDER | when my processor speeds up, the fan slows down and gets quiet. | 05:39 |
h17m4n | thoreauputic: Thanks... I'm gonna boot to windoze and use Partition Magic to create it... doesn't matter if it's after the ext3 partition right? | 05:39 |
lopingo | as usual, resource busy | 05:39 |
lopingo | so, what to do? | 05:39 |
jordan_ | I need the oprah from today... for my girlfriend | 05:39 |
Xorlev | Use ALSA. | 05:39 |
nalioth | jordan_: dont ask those things in here, please | 05:39 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: that should be fine | 05:39 |
Xorlev | Stop esd | 05:39 |
lopingo | ALSA didnt work on my pc | 05:39 |
lopingo | >.> | 05:39 |
h17m4n | k thx... cya | 05:39 |
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nmstryoda | jordan_, google torrents... not here | 05:39 |
zdennis|away | What is gam_servin ? | 05:39 |
crimsun | lopingo: cat /proc/asound/cards | 05:39 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: make it "linux swap" (type 82 IIRC) | 05:40 |
jordan_ | sorry all | 05:40 |
Xorlev | You can try stopping esd. | 05:40 |
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lopingo | ok | 05:40 |
lopingo | lemme try... | 05:40 |
Xorlev | Delayed question...IIRC? | 05:40 |
kev_ | i'm trying to install on to an sata drive and am having serious issues. help! | 05:40 |
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Xorlev | kev_: Details? Errors? | 05:40 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, according to the ndiswrapper page... you can do it with the ndiswrapper and a windows xp driver.. | 05:40 |
nmstryoda | yuck | 05:41 |
thoreauputic | Xorlev: If I Remember Correctly | 05:41 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, That sounds like no fun | 05:41 |
kev_ | Xorlev: abit nf7 mobo (nforce2 chipset) with a maxtor sata drive. | 05:41 |
nmstryoda | true | 05:41 |
Xorlev | thoreauputic: Makes sense. | 05:41 |
nmstryoda | but it will work.. | 05:41 |
lopingo | Xorlev: how to stop esd? | 05:41 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, Good. Where do we start? | 05:41 |
lopingo | crimsun: after that what should i do? | 05:41 |
crimsun | lopingo: you need to tell me the output | 05:41 |
lopingo | ok | 05:42 |
kev_ | Xorlev: at boot stuff starting raid (for /home only), the fs check , etc complain that /dev/md* and /dev/sd* don't exist. /dev/sd* exists only if i load module sata_sil | 05:42 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, well, install the ndiswrapper stuff from the ubuntu repos | 05:42 |
nmstryoda | !ndiswrapper | 05:42 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, ndiswrapper is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetUpNdiswrapper | 05:42 |
nmstryoda | =) | 05:42 |
Zeals | hi all i have just installed ubuntu 5.04 im trying to get my lucent winmodem to connect to my isp by way of a dialup account, i used the lucent winmodem driver tutorial thats available to install the driver and that went ok and I can communicate with the modem and it rings the isp and gets as far as entering the user name and password and then pppd pauses and then it just disconnects with an error 10, ive tried using pppconfig and wvdial bot | 05:42 |
lopingo | 0 [I82801DBICH4 ] : ICH4 - Intel 82801DB-ICH4 | 05:42 |
zdennis|away | When I start a background script in a terminal, why does it die when i kill the terminal? | 05:42 |
lopingo | Intel 82801DB-ICH4 with ALC200/200P at 0xf0180000, irq 11 | 05:42 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, ok. I'll let you know when that's done | 05:42 |
lopingo | there | 05:42 |
kev_ | Xorlev: but when it bitches and drops me to a shell, i'm able to manually modprobe it and /dev/sda* shows up. so i added libata and sata_sil to /etc/modules but still no luck. | 05:42 |
nmstryoda | k | 05:42 |
Xorlev | kev_: You have to load a few modules early on to get SATA drives to load on boot. | 05:42 |
crimsun | lopingo: paste the output from amixer onto paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 05:42 |
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lopingo | ok | 05:43 |
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nmstryoda | jjazz, I should be around.. .but there are way more qualified people here... | 05:43 |
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crimsun | lopingo: also, what precisely is the issue? | 05:43 |
nmstryoda | just in case I get bumped off | 05:43 |
nmstryoda | storms in area | 05:43 |
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lopingo | thanks guys, i'll come back later cuz i got to go | 05:43 |
kev_ | Xorlev: can you suggest at what point? i tried modproving sata_sil in /etc/rcS.d/S20devicemapper... but it appers to not be early enough | 05:43 |
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lopingo | crimsun, i didnt stop esd | 05:43 |
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lopingo | ok then | 05:43 |
lopingo | time to go | 05:43 |
Kowboy | hello | 05:43 |
lopingo | cya | 05:43 |
Xorlev | I added ata_piix, libata, sd_mod, scsi_mod, and ahci (sata_sil for you I'd guess) to the front of the /etc/modules loading order. | 05:43 |
benplaut | Dante money to Katrina releif and get a free hug! | 05:43 |
benplaut | *Donate | 05:44 |
communico | can anyone help with a network problem? samba configures fine, I can share between ubuntu and windows, but the windows cannot see the ubuntu pc | 05:44 |
Kowboy | does anyone here use Ubuntu as a desktop for Java Development? | 05:44 |
Xorlev | Then it would mount my SATA drive on boot. | 05:44 |
crimsun | yes, Kowboy | 05:44 |
zdennis_ | Kowboy, yes | 05:44 |
kev_ | Xorlev: trying that now. thanks | 05:44 |
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Xorlev | Rebooting...new kernel | 05:45 |
Kowboy | are there many Java-related deb packages available | 05:45 |
Zeals | can anyone help me please? | 05:45 |
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Madpilot | !+ask | 05:45 |
ubotu | ask is probably Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. Remember, we're all volunteers. Please don't /msg people without permission. See also http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html, or keeping the question in one line makes it easier to read. | 05:45 |
kev_ | Xorlev: still no luck. | 05:46 |
Xorlev | kev_: brb, need a reboot, I'll try to help you when I get back | 05:46 |
nmstryoda | Madpilot, ... like that one | 05:47 |
DewDude | | 05:47 |
Zeals | ive got a lucent winmodem which dials my isp but wont stay connected past entering the login info, ive tried wvdial and pppconfig... | 05:47 |
DewDude | errr | 05:47 |
mik3 | Madpilot : i want to change the information that shows up in /whois mik3 but i don't know how to do that in just bx so i want to change my shell info | 05:47 |
jjazz | nmstryoda, ok... I got the box up with the wired connex and ndiswrapper-util installed. I'm not sure who makes the card, so I'm not sure where to look for a Win driver. | 05:47 |
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nmstryoda | IBM should have it | 05:48 |
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nmstryoda | if it came wih the device | 05:48 |
Kowboy | I have a choice to make, which mainly boils down to deb vs rpm | 05:48 |
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nmstryoda | jjazz, that ver 1 is important too | 05:48 |
Kowboy | I will have to package some of my own Java apps/libs | 05:48 |
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thoreauputic | Zeals: sounds like an authorisation issue - do you know what protocol your ISP uses? pap? chap? | 05:48 |
nmstryoda | jjazz, hopefully the driver is out there as a zip or tar | 05:48 |
Madpilot | mik3: you mean /whois here on IRC? you should be able to change your name in your IRC client's configs; the rest you can't really do anything about, it's freenode's stuff... | 05:48 |
Kowboy | and it helps if I already have a good set of Java packages to start from (like jpackage) | 05:48 |
koneng | i have a storage drive that i would like to be able to read/write files to from both winXP and linux. is there a filesystem besides FAT32 that I can use? | 05:49 |
Zeals | thoreauputic: PAP | 05:49 |
thoreauputic | Zeals: and you specified that in pppconfig of course? | 05:49 |
Zeals | thoreauputic: yup | 05:49 |
thoreauputic | Zeals: anything weird in /var/syslog when you dial up? | 05:50 |
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Zeals | thor: nope pppd exits with an error 10 though | 05:51 |
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Cashel | howdies | 05:51 |
thoreauputic | Zeals: soory I meant /var/log/syslog | 05:51 |
thoreauputic | Zeals: I don't know what error 10 is - google might know - try entering the error | 05:52 |
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riesco | hello people | 05:53 |
jorgp2 | how does a sempron compare to an XP | 05:53 |
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Zeals | thoreauputic: I checked the man pages something about not getting far enough in the process to receive any IP packets from the isp | 05:53 |
aru | Sempron sounds cooler! | 05:53 |
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nalioth | jorgp2: like a celeron to a Pentium 4 | 05:53 |
thoreauputic | Zeals: hmm - sorry I don't think I can help - have you tried talking to your ISP or are they Linux unfriendly? | 05:54 |
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jorgp2 | nalioth is a sempron that much slower then an XP? | 05:54 |
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Zeals | thoreauputic: yeah I have the linux guy they have is away till tommorrow though, thought I would try elsewhere | 05:55 |
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Cashel | Zeals, dialup issue? | 05:55 |
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thoreauputic | Zeals: fair enough | 05:55 |
JRlinux | ? sempron is a cpu; XP is an operating system. Apples /oranges | 05:55 |
dreamie | why is ubuntu unregged | 05:55 |
Zeals | cashel: yup...so close...yet so far | 05:55 |
jorgp2 | JRlinux: no Athlon XP | 05:55 |
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Cashel | Zeals, had a lot of problems myself... whats yours? | 05:56 |
JRlinux | Jorgp2... Oh, sorry. | 05:56 |
Madpilot | JRlinux: Athlon XP - tho AMD should have picked a better name for their CPUs... | 05:56 |
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thoreauputic | Madpilot: XP makes me think "Xtreme Problems" ;-) | 05:57 |
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Zeals | Cashel: modem and isp wont establish a TCP/IP connection, get as far as entering the login info | 05:57 |
JRlinux | I have been told that Semprons are faster than Celerons. I don't know. They are AMD's cheaper CPUs | 05:57 |
nalioth | jorgp2: the sempron lacks the l2 memory of an XP (semprons are meant for low end/entry machines, XP for enthusuiasts/high end) | 05:57 |
Madpilot | thoreauputic: heh. they're good CPUs, though - I like the XP-M I'm running right now | 05:58 |
kevogod | XPs are going the way of the Dodo. | 05:58 |
Cashel | Zeals, chap? pap? login? tried all 3 ways? | 05:58 |
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thoreauputic | Madpilot: I was thinking of The Other Operating System :) | 05:58 |
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jorgp2 | well, trying to find a replacement for this Athlon XP 3200+, although can not find 3200s anymore | 05:58 |
Zeals | Cashel: im pretty sure they use PAP but I guess anythings worth a try at this stage | 05:59 |
Cashel | whats plog say when it fails?? put it on http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl? | 05:59 |
Madpilot | thoreauputic: I know - I prefer not to think of that Other OS, though... ;) | 05:59 |
thoreauputic | Madpilot: :) | 06:00 |
Zeals | Cashel: plog? sorry linux newbie here | 06:00 |
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Cashel | plog is basicaly tail /var/log/syslog ... its the error out put... | 06:00 |
Cashel | type it after you try to dial and it fails... | 06:01 |
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kevogod | jorgp2, http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=586899&Sku=CP2-XP32004BC&SRCCODE=GOOPROD&CMP=OTC-FROOGLE | 06:01 |
kevogod | jorgp2, 400 MHz FSB | 06:01 |
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kevogod | jorgp2, http://www.ewiz.com/detail.php?p=AX3200-333&c=fr&pid=0e3027987e06e3641b5f0dacd4babc532baad064d68f265868f18f0b06f08ec7 | 06:02 |
jorgp2 | well, it was running at 333, using pc2700 ram | 06:02 |
kevogod | jorgp2, 333 MHz FSB | 06:02 |
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DewDude | does anyone know how i can fix the canonical hostname with phpsysinfo? | 06:02 |
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DewDude | like..make it appear properly | 06:02 |
h17m4n | How do I check where the Linux Swap partition I just made is? I need it to mkswap | 06:02 |
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Bad_Magic | anyone have any suggestions for a gnome based C++ dev app (ie, color coding... indenting properly... etc) | 06:03 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: sudo fdisk -l | 06:03 |
Zeals | oh ok bbs then, go do that, actually not sure I can paste it to that site, cant seem to save stuff to the floppy drive for some reason | 06:03 |
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Cashel | Zeals, you dual booting? | 06:03 |
Zeals | gives me invalid parameters errors | 06:03 |
Zeals | Cashel: yup | 06:03 |
Cashel | plog > /mnt/fat32mpoint/plog.txt | 06:03 |
Cashel | if its ntfs tho your screwed, heh... | 06:04 |
Zeals | :/ | 06:04 |
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jorgp2 | kevogod: thanks, I looked at ewiz.com, but I need a retail proc, not oem | 06:04 |
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Cashel | Zeals, infact wait | 06:04 |
Zeals | actually one of the partitions is fat | 06:04 |
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Cashel | you dotn need to reboot hold on one second | 06:05 |
Zeals | k | 06:05 |
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kevogod | jorgp2, Yea, finding a Retail 333FSB 3200+ may be hard. | 06:05 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: actually the sudo is not necessary I just realised | 06:05 |
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Bad_Magic | anyone have any suggestions for a gnome based C++ dev app (ie, color coding... indenting properly... etc) | 06:06 |
Cashel | Zeals, http://www.nuked.gr/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=217 use this to get your /var/log/syslog into windows as a text file .. | 06:06 |
Zeals | righto i'll check it out, tq | 06:07 |
Madpilot | jorgp2: a lot of retailers will set "OEM" stuff to people who aren't strictly speaking OEM buyers... | 06:07 |
Zeals | ta | 06:07 |
h17m4n | cool.... it's /dev/hda6.... now I'm trying to figure out how to use mkswap | 06:07 |
jorgp2 | Madpilot: I know, but I want the 3 year warranty from AMD | 06:07 |
zdennis_ | i've got a samba share, that says, I am the only valid user, the share is writeable, (and I own the contents on the system locally), and I tell it to force the user and group to me. However, when I connect from another Debian box the user/group is "root:root" | 06:08 |
zdennis_ | Anyone have any ideas/ | 06:08 |
zdennis_ | ? | 06:08 |
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thoreauputic | h17m4n: just sudo mkswap /dev/hda6 as far as I know | 06:08 |
nalioth | jorgp2: it's all about the money | 06:08 |
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jorgp2 | plus by the time you bought a heatsink and fan, might as well get a retail that comes with it | 06:09 |
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zdennis_ | no one has a clue? | 06:10 |
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Madpilot | jorgp2: most of the retail CPUs I've seen around here don't come with a heatsink or fan anyway, AFAIK... | 06:10 |
Madpilot | zdennis_: asked on #samba yet? | 06:10 |
kevogod | jorgp2, AMD retails do... | 06:10 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: you will need an /etc/fstab entry as well - but I think you mentioned that already | 06:10 |
kevogod | err Madpilot | 06:10 |
h17m4n | yeah | 06:10 |
h17m4n | I just did that | 06:11 |
thoreauputic | cool | 06:11 |
zdennis_ | i haven't...wsa hoping some other folks here would have a clue =) | 06:11 |
h17m4n | should I restart or its not needed? | 06:11 |
zdennis_ | i will go to the source though | 06:11 |
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jorgp2 | according to AMD tech support, ALL AMD retails come with AMD approved heatsink and fan | 06:11 |
thoreauputic | not needed | 06:11 |
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thoreauputic | h17m4n: do sudo swapon -a | 06:11 |
kevogod | I have never not seen an AMD Retail box that did not include a heatsink and fan. | 06:11 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: that should turn it on | 06:11 |
jorgp2 | if they dont, then its not a retail version | 06:11 |
Cashel | who buys retail? :P | 06:12 |
Madpilot | jorgp2: mine was OEM, but I really was buying the whole system at the time anyway... | 06:12 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: then run free -m again and you should see a number for swap | 06:12 |
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h17m4n | swapon: cannot stat /dev/hd6: No such file or directory | 06:12 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: on the bottom line of the free -m output | 06:12 |
jorgp2 | I need the 3 year warranty instead of the 90 day warranty | 06:13 |
jorgp2 | it is for a customer | 06:13 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: you ran mkswap on it? | 06:13 |
Madpilot | h17m4n: hda6 - check your spelling! | 06:13 |
thoreauputic | aha | 06:13 |
Cashel | hmm maybe ... mkswap -v1 -L label /dev/hda6 .. then swapon label? | 06:13 |
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Cashel | oh | 06:13 |
Cashel | hehe | 06:13 |
kevogod | Cashel, People buy retail because they are typically only a few dollars more. | 06:13 |
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thoreauputic | :) thanks Madpilot - missed that one! | 06:13 |
kevogod | Cashel, This gives you the warranty and some 'extras'. | 06:14 |
h17m4n | I ran this: sudo mkswap /dev/hda6 | 06:14 |
Cashel | kevogod, not here they arent... hehe | 06:14 |
h17m4n | I think I messed up in the fstab | 06:14 |
h17m4n | let me fix it | 06:14 |
Cashel | true | 06:14 |
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Talim | hello, can someone please give me a little bit of help? | 06:14 |
nalioth | Talim: ask your question | 06:15 |
Cashel | Talim, ask away if they know they'll answer.... | 06:15 |
thoreauputic | Talim: not unless you ask something :) | 06:15 |
h17m4n | :-) yeah that was it | 06:15 |
Cashel | *sage nod* | 06:15 |
Talim | I'm very new to this, i'm having trouble trying to compile something | 06:15 |
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h17m4n | free -m pasted in floog | 06:15 |
h17m4n | flood* | 06:15 |
Madpilot | compiling what? | 06:15 |
Talim | NdisWrapper | 06:15 |
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=== Cashel coughs and looks the other way | ||
thoreauputic | h17m4n: congrats | 06:16 |
h17m4n | used mem didnt go down 8-| | 06:16 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: you have swap! | 06:16 |
h17m4n | thanks for your help!! | 06:16 |
thoreauputic | no worries | 06:16 |
Madpilot | np | 06:16 |
h17m4n | :) | 06:16 |
Talim | Can't find kernel sources in /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/build; | 06:16 |
Talim | give the path to kernel sources with KSRC=<path> argument to make | 06:16 |
Talim | make[1] : *** [prereq_check] Error 1 | 06:16 |
Talim | that's what i'm getting | 06:17 |
h17m4n | Talim | 06:17 |
h17m4n | I'm a noob | 06:17 |
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h17m4n | but I'll give you a good howto | 06:17 |
h17m4n | h/o | 06:17 |
Talim | ok | 06:17 |
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thoreauputic | h17m4n: look at the second line - the relevant bits are 257 238 <--- | 06:17 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: that looks much better than before | 06:17 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: previously -/+ buffers/cache: 431 64 | 06:18 |
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thoreauputic | h17m4n: now : -/+ buffers/cache: 257 238 | 06:19 |
Zeals | Cashel: I installed the program and got syslog into windows, you me to paste just the relevant bits from it? anything else? | 06:19 |
Cashel | Zeals, everything from the [ppp] bits on... and dont paste it in here, use that url in the topic.... | 06:20 |
Zeals | yup ok.. | 06:20 |
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h17m4n | Talim: this http://www.cis.ksu.edu/~aruljohn/debian/ | 06:20 |
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h17m4n | just follow the Wireless using ndiswrapper part | 06:20 |
Talim | thank you :) | 06:20 |
h17m4n | that's what helped me | 06:20 |
h17m4n | np | 06:21 |
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wizo | Seveas: i managed to grab the java package that day, thanks | 06:21 |
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Cashel | Zeals, this isnt a win modem is it? :) | 06:21 |
Cashel | oh no, you said it gets to the login point, nm, heh.. | 06:22 |
h17m4n | thoreauputic: cool... thought the top bits were it... the system feels faster now | 06:22 |
Zeals | CasheL: pasted...yup Lucent chipset | 06:22 |
Cashel | pasted to where? what url? | 06:22 |
Zeals | the one you stated | 06:22 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: linux uses as much RAM as it can - more efficient - but the second line is the one to look at to see how much is free | 06:22 |
h17m4n | Talim: you don't need the 64 bit drivers if you're using a 32-bit system(I think you know it) | 06:22 |
Cashel | Zeals, yes yes, but after you pasted it it send you to the page it puts it on, there will be a number after that url | 06:23 |
Talim | yeah, i know what drivers i need | 06:23 |
Talim | i hope i can get them | 06:23 |
h17m4n | ohh | 06:23 |
Talim | not sure if i got a windows cd laying around | 06:23 |
h17m4n | what card? | 06:23 |
Talim | http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-mobile/2005-March/006192.html | 06:23 |
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Talim | that basically gave me what i needed to know | 06:24 |
Zeals | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1980 ?? | 06:24 |
Cashel | yup thanks, wait one | 06:24 |
nalioth | Talim: or a manufacturers CD? | 06:24 |
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ikkys | hi folks, how do i use apt-get to know if an *ftp program is install? | 06:24 |
Zeals | Cashel: k | 06:24 |
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overture | how well does 64bit ubuntu work? | 06:24 |
Talim | the win xp cd | 06:25 |
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h17m4n | stable | 06:25 |
Cashel | Zeals, are you connecting with pon? | 06:25 |
Talim | i dont have a manufacturers cd | 06:25 |
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odat | hello everyone | 06:25 |
Talim | acer wasn't that nice to me | 06:25 |
beekay | iis there any particular reason that my xmms mp4 plugin doesnt seem to be working? do i have to do anything else to it other than apt-get install? | 06:25 |
Zeals | Cashel: yup and ive tried wvdial as well | 06:25 |
h17m4n | overture: but there's some apps you might use that are not available in 64 bit | 06:25 |
odat | can anyone help me setup up file roller to unrar files? | 06:25 |
h17m4n | like 64 bit flash | 06:25 |
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nalioth | odat: install unrar-nonfree | 06:26 |
D1 | odat, install unrar | 06:26 |
h17m4n | I had to make a chroot to run 32 bit firefox + 32 bit flash | 06:26 |
overture | ah, lame | 06:26 |
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overture | well, then again, flash blows | 06:26 |
odat | nalioth: when i install unrar-free file roller still doesn't work it doesn't seem to recongize that i installed it | 06:26 |
overture | h17m4n, might you know what other commonly used stuff isn't available? | 06:26 |
Bad_Magic | anyone have any suggestions for a gnome based C++ syntax highlighting text editor? | 06:26 |
h17m4n | well... let's hope macromedia makes a 64-bit flash player | 06:26 |
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nalioth | odat: does ark work? | 06:27 |
h17m4n | hmmm | 06:27 |
Quinthius | Bad_Magic: i think gedit can... | 06:27 |
Madpilot | Bad_Magic: I think Screem works with C++ | 06:27 |
Quinthius | Bad_Magic: and i'm sure gvim can | 06:27 |
Bad_Magic | gedit is ok, but not great... | 06:27 |
Bad_Magic | trying the others now | 06:27 |
Cashel | you getting msgs zeals? | 06:27 |
odat | not sure someone had me compile something from http://www.rarlab.com/rar_add.htm but i can't remember which file or how i did it | 06:27 |
h17m4n | most things I use are available | 06:28 |
Cashel | dont know the freenode modes well enough to tell, heh... | 06:28 |
vanberge | would anybody be able to point me in the general direction of having GL work on my video card? nvidia geforce 6200, 128 meg | 06:28 |
vanberge | thanks in advance! | 06:28 |
h17m4n | overture: there's there's this thread which you could request apps to be turned into 64-bit: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48905 | 06:28 |
Cashel | !tell vanberge about nvidia | 06:29 |
nalioth | odat: be careful compiling stuff you aren't sure of | 06:29 |
overture | h17m4n, thanks | 06:29 |
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overture | h17m4n, do you know if ati drivers work decently well? | 06:29 |
Dr_Willis | odat, what are you wanting to compile anyway? | 06:29 |
vanberge | thanks guys!! | 06:29 |
Bad_Magic | madpilot: any idfea where to get the tagtree for C++? | 06:29 |
Cashel | no prob :) | 06:29 |
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beekay | is anyone else having trouple with xmms-mp4 plugin | 06:29 |
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odat | dr_willis: an unrar program for file roller to use | 06:29 |
h17m4n | well | 06:30 |
h17m4n | I installed the fglrx drivers | 06:30 |
Madpilot | Bad_Magic: for Screem? isn't it included by default? (I don't program, just use Screem for XHTML/CSS/PHP...) | 06:30 |
zdennis_ | well Madpilot the samba channel is pretty quiet | 06:30 |
Dr_Willis | odat, theres one in the apt sources I do belive. ive used rar all the time and never needd to compule it. | 06:30 |
h17m4n | overture: and I was able to play UT2004 demo | 06:30 |
zdennis_ | ...and from googling, it looks like this has happened frequently on ubuntu systems | 06:30 |
Bad_Magic | screem seems to be webdev only =\ | 06:30 |
Dr_Willis | odat, or you can use wine and winrar :P for some of the newest rar atchives. | 06:30 |
h17m4n | the glxgears FPS went up like 7X | 06:30 |
thoreauputic | Bad_Magic: anjuta ? | 06:31 |
Madpilot | Bad_Magic: just checked, you're right, there's no C++ tag tree for Screem by default. ask google? | 06:31 |
thoreauputic | !info anjuta | 06:31 |
ubotu | anjuta: (A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 1.2.2-6ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 843 kB, Installed size: 2048 kB | 06:31 |
kevogod | overture, I was able to play Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne through WINE. | 06:31 |
zdennis_ | Anyone here ever have a problem where everything was owned by root.root when you mounted a samba share? | 06:31 |
odat | dr_willis hmmm the unrar-free one in the archive doesn't seem to work with file-roller | 06:31 |
Bad_Magic | anjuta we shall try | 06:31 |
Cashel | h17m4n, how many fps you get? | 06:31 |
thoreauputic | Bad_Magic: it's an IDE | 06:31 |
h17m4n | is WINE just an older version of winex? | 06:31 |
Dr_Willis | odat, no idea about the file-roller bit. i never use file-roller. its simple enough to use the shell. | 06:31 |
overture | kevogod, on amd64? | 06:31 |
Bad_Magic | if i can set it to use g++ i dont care | 06:31 |
Bad_Magic | =x | 06:31 |
h17m4n | Cashel: I got 1300.... someother user with a machine like mine got 1700 | 06:31 |
Dr_Willis | h17m4n, winex has been renamed to cedega. its a 'comercial' product with better ga,me support. | 06:32 |
kevogod | overture, On 32-bit Ubuntu + AMD64 | 06:32 |
h17m4n | that's on a laptop though | 06:32 |
Zeals | Cashel: ive replied to ya messages | 06:32 |
Cashel | Zeals, hmm I didnt get any | 06:32 |
odat | dr_willis: i'm still crossing over so file-roller is good for me right now | 06:32 |
overture | kevogod, oh | 06:32 |
h17m4n | Cashel: yours? | 06:32 |
kevogod | h17m4n, WINE pretty well. | 06:32 |
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Cashel | h17m4n, 2000 ish in glxgears | 06:32 |
h17m4n | wow | 06:32 |
kevogod | h17m4n, works pretty | 06:32 |
Dr_Willis | odat, it may be that fileroller needs to be configured better. check the wikis yet? | 06:33 |
Cashel | Zeals, gonna have to paste em on that website then I guess | 06:33 |
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h17m4n | Cashel: what config? | 06:33 |
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Cashel | Zeals, its mostly the chatscript I want... | 06:33 |
Tartaros | chavo: tried the cervisia, looks good | 06:33 |
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Zeals | Cashel: i found something a bit more informative to do with wvdial in the syslog, ya want that? | 06:33 |
kevogod | I get 85 FPS in glxgears. | 06:34 |
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omp342 | wine+photoshop=lots of problems :) | 06:34 |
h17m4n | how? | 06:34 |
Cashel | h17m4n, ubuntu 5.04 , amd athlon 2200+, 512 meg ram, radeon 9600 pro w/ 256 meg ram.... fglrx driver... | 06:34 |
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chavo | Tartaros, cool | 06:34 |
omp342 | kevogod: that is very bad :/ | 06:34 |
h17m4n | hmmm | 06:34 |
Cashel | Zeals, sure why not, dontk now wvdial at all tho | 06:34 |
kevogod | omp342, No, not if it is synced. | 06:34 |
Bad_Magic | how do you check the fps in glxgears? | 06:34 |
kevogod | omp342, :-) | 06:34 |
omp342 | i get 3500fps in glxgears :) | 06:34 |
Cashel | nice :) | 06:35 |
thoreauputic | Bad_Magic: run from a terminal | 06:35 |
omp342 | + im on an ATI card =/ | 06:35 |
Cashel | although I have firefox open, prob slows it down some :) | 06:35 |
kevogod | omp342, Try syncing | 06:35 |
Bad_Magic | when my card ramps up im at like 5400 | 06:35 |
Bad_Magic | heh | 06:35 |
thoreauputic | Bad_Magic: it outputs ther | 06:35 |
h17m4n | Cashel: I'm using K/Ubuntu 5.04 AMD64, Athlon 64 3200+, 512 megs, Mobility Radeon 9600 64 megs VRAM | 06:35 |
omp342 | kevogod: i would if i knew how :P | 06:35 |
Bad_Magic | 25749 frames in 5.0 seconds = 5149.800 FPS | 06:35 |
Bad_Magic | 24228 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4845.600 FPS | 06:35 |
Bad_Magic | 25298 frames in 5.0 seconds = 5059.600 FPS | 06:35 |
Bad_Magic | ^^ | 06:35 |
omp342 | nice | 06:35 |
Bad_Magic | amd laptop card | 06:35 |
h17m4n | what card? | 06:35 |
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Bad_Magic | 9700 mobility | 06:35 |
Bad_Magic | or is it 9600 | 06:35 |
Bad_Magic | i forget | 06:36 |
kevogod | That is pretty sick | 06:36 |
Toba | !tell me about identd | 06:36 |
h17m4n | how? | 06:36 |
omp342 | i got about ~4500 in gentoo, i get ~3500 in ubuntu | 06:36 |
Toba | !tell me about services | 06:36 |
Bad_Magic | p4 2.8 HT and a gig of ram | 06:36 |
Talim | :( where am i gonna get these drivers? | 06:36 |
Bad_Magic | dun ask me | 06:36 |
Bad_Magic | =P | 06:36 |
Toba | ;( | 06:36 |
Cashel | 8278 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1655.600 FPS :( .. but then I'm in dual head mode too... | 06:36 |
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kevogod | I get around ~1800 in Gentoo, ~1200-1400 in Ubuntu | 06:36 |
omp342 | Bad_Magic: =o | 06:36 |
Toba | !tell me about wireless | 06:36 |
kevogod | (unsynced) | 06:36 |
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omp342 | Bad_Magic: i have a radeon 9800 pro and i only get 3500fps | 06:36 |
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Zeals | Cashel: sent it | 06:37 |
Cashel | Zeals, url? | 06:37 |
chavo | just make the glxgears window smaller to get more fps :) | 06:37 |
Cashel | thatd be cheating, hehe | 06:37 |
omp342 | my computer apps teacher is retarded :) | 06:37 |
chavo | or fullscreen it to kill them | 06:37 |
h17m4n | hmmm some dude with the same laptop as mine got 2000 fps... but his cpu is a 3000+, mine is a 3200+ | 06:37 |
thoreauputic | !wifi | 06:37 |
ubotu | wifi is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto | 06:37 |
chavo | 73847 frames in 5.0 seconds = 14769.400 FPS | 06:38 |
odat | would anyone be able to help me compile this thing? | 06:38 |
omp342 | my computer apps teacher thinks that by changing theme from windows classic to windows xp you change from windows 2000 to windows xp | 06:38 |
Zeals | Cashel: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1981 | 06:38 |
thoreauputic | !tell Toba about wifi | 06:38 |
h17m4n | how do I tweak fglrx? | 06:38 |
thoreauputic | !fglrx | 06:38 |
ubotu | [fglrx] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:38 |
Toba | Thazza: uh | 06:38 |
Toba | I was just finding the wiki url for that | 06:39 |
kevogod | What's better and why? Bluefish vs. Screem | 06:39 |
Cashel | hmm your not using chat at all Zeals ? | 06:39 |
Toba | I need to know about identd not wireless | 06:39 |
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wizo | so hmm i installed java debian package but i still cant get the plugins to work, any ideas? | 06:39 |
wizo | plugins for firefox* | 06:40 |
Cashel | Zeals, so wheres that chatscript and peers file? | 06:40 |
thoreauputic | !info oidentd | 06:40 |
ubotu | oidentd: (Replacement ident daemon), section universe/net, is extra. Version: 2.0.7-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 41 kB, Installed size: 176 kB | 06:40 |
h17m4n | Should I do this command: install-radeon-debian.sh | 06:40 |
Zeals | Cashel: where do I find those? | 06:40 |
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Madpilot | !tell wizo about java | 06:41 |
Cashel | Zeals, /etc/chatscripts/provider (or ISP name, whatever you set it as) and /etc/ppp/peers/provider (again, ISP name) | 06:41 |
Bad_Magic | anyone know WTF is making this dinging noise in gnome? | 06:41 |
kevogod | wizo, Why did you install a Java debian package? | 06:41 |
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gabu | oi, tudo bom? | 06:41 |
h17m4n | no portuguese | 06:42 |
gabu | ups... sory | 06:42 |
h17m4n | mas se quizer eu traduzo :-P | 06:42 |
Cashel | Zeals, do /join #pppd | 06:42 |
gabu | :) | 06:42 |
h17m4n | :) | 06:42 |
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wizo | coz, i kinda stuffed up and then i think i downloaded another one which is a debian | 06:43 |
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gabu | meu cd no quer abrir.. | 06:43 |
gabu | meu drive de cd....... | 06:43 |
h17m4n | ta instalando alguma coisa? | 06:43 |
thoreauputic | gabu: /j #ubuntu-pt | 06:43 |
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wizo | and er, i have been to the wiki site | 06:44 |
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h17m4n | gabu, vai pra esse canal: #ubuntu-pt | 06:44 |
thoreauputic | guys, english here - take it elsewhere | 06:44 |
wizo | but my firefox still doesnt work | 06:44 |
kevogod | !tell wizo about backports | 06:44 |
h17m4n | 64 bit? | 06:44 |
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=== evader [n=evader@220-253-3-202.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
evader | just upgraded to breezy. restarted, and X won't start 'no screens found' | 06:45 |
=== Cashel wonders if Zeals computer is in another state | ||
gabu | thanks so much.... | 06:45 |
evader | do i need to redo the nvidia or something??? | 06:45 |
gabu | glad to be here... | 06:45 |
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Cashel | evader, vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf .... | 06:45 |
deFrysk | evader, perhaps, try it | 06:46 |
Zeals | Cashel:http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1982 | 06:46 |
Cashel | mk | 06:46 |
evader | yep, i did apt-get install nvidia-glx and nvidia-settings | 06:46 |
vanberge | ok... anybody had trouble with nvidia glx? i.e. very dark, cant see colors, barely see screen, etc ??? | 06:46 |
Zeals | try nother country :) | 06:46 |
deFrysk | no need to vi vim nano yet | 06:46 |
evader | it didn't want to upgrade | 06:46 |
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evader | like | 06:46 |
evader | it was already installed | 06:46 |
evader | so.. do i remove it first? | 06:46 |
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Cashel | Zeals, join #pppd | 06:46 |
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evader | or..oops.. change my kernel symlink to the new breezy kernel, then install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings? | 06:47 |
deFrysk | evader, if nvdia-glx = installed sudo nvidia-glx-config enable | 06:47 |
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deFrysk | evader you got the driver from nvidia.com ? | 06:48 |
evader | nah i just used apt-get | 06:48 |
evader | i think it upgraded | 06:48 |
deFrysk | sudo nvidia-glx-config enable | 06:48 |
deFrysk | then restart x | 06:48 |
evader | what's best way to restart x remotely? | 06:48 |
h17m4n | Cashel: What gart are you using? | 06:48 |
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vanberge | deFrysk, i just did that on my machine, and the monitor was very dark, could not hardly even see.. absolutely unusable. ever heard of that ? | 06:49 |
wizo | kevogod: i already have that back port | 06:49 |
h17m4n | Ok so gabu's problem is that the CD drive won't eject, any guesses? | 06:49 |
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vanberge | h17m4n, umount /dev/cdrom ? | 06:49 |
deFrysk | vandbold nvidia-card ? (tnt) ? | 06:49 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: I set /usr/bin/eject suid root | 06:50 |
deFrysk | vanberge, that is | 06:50 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/eject | 06:50 |
phenotype | anyone know if ubuntu/gnome supports ATI rage 128 PRo T.V. | 06:50 |
Cashel | h17m4n, internal I believe | 06:50 |
vanberge | deFrysk, geforce 6200 128 meg ddr | 06:50 |
deFrysk | evader, not sure , init 2 then init 5 ? | 06:50 |
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deFrysk | what runlevel is x in ubuntu ? | 06:51 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | 2->5 | 06:51 |
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thoreauputic | deFrysk: normally 2 | 06:51 |
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robertbb | What's the gnome-app-install thing in breezy? | 06:52 |
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Cashel | h17m4n, Option "UseInternalAGPGART" "yes" | 06:52 |
Kamping_Kaiser | robertbb: pardon? | 06:52 |
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fivetwentysix | So what's this new webget ? | 06:53 |
h17m4n | Option "UseInternalAGPGART" "no" | 06:53 |
deFrysk | webget ? | 06:53 |
h17m4n | hmm | 06:53 |
robertbb | Kamping_Kaiser, I'm looking at screenshots for Breezy on OSDIR.. there is an application I have not seen before | 06:53 |
fivetwentysix | It was a ubuntu update? | 06:53 |
Kamping_Kaiser | what is it fivetwentysix? | 06:53 |
robertbb | http://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/slideshow.php?release=430&slide=23 | 06:53 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | robertbb: it's a basic synaptic from what i can see | 06:54 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | *looks at it* | 06:54 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | but based on the menus, not package lists | 06:54 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | fivetwentysix: i don't see a webget | 06:55 |
robertbb | hmm.. yeah. | 06:55 |
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fivetwentysix | ok nevermind | 06:55 |
Myrtti | wget? | 06:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | kaiser@ROMMEL:~ $ dpkg --get-selections |grep webget | 06:55 |
Myrtti | I updated wget just half and hour ago | 06:55 |
Talim | what do i do with an rpm package? | 06:56 |
h17m4n | Gabu said it didn't work.... how can he force to eject? | 06:56 |
Myrtti | do you want to install it? | 06:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Talim: alien -i | 06:56 |
Myrtti | fivetwentysix: what about wget? | 06:56 |
Tartaros | chavo: btw is there a way to save the password for the cvs (ssh authentification)so that I would not have to retype it every time? | 06:56 |
fivetwentysix | I was asking about it | 06:56 |
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Talim | ok, so i go into my console and do alien -i name.rpm? | 06:56 |
fivetwentysix | Looks like no one here has any idea | 06:56 |
fivetwentysix | so nevermind :-0 | 06:56 |
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thoreauputic | h17m4n: is the drive in use ? lsof | grep /dev/cdrom | 06:56 |
Myrtti | fivetwentysix: what are you asking about it | 06:56 |
faiper | how to install DVDRIP ? | 06:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Talim: sudo alien -i rpmpackage.RPM | 06:56 |
nalioth | Talim: use alien | 06:56 |
fivetwentysix | what's it do? | 06:56 |
Talim | thx ;) | 06:57 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :) | 06:57 |
chavo | Tartaros, yes there is, but I honestly can't remember how I did it | 06:57 |
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chavo | It was a long time ago | 06:57 |
Myrtti | it's a console line tool to download stuff via http-protocol | 06:57 |
deFrysk | Talim, where do you need an rpm package for ? | 06:57 |
chavo | also it's not very secure | 06:57 |
omp342 | ubuntuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu | 06:57 |
omp342 | :) | 06:57 |
omp342 | i need something to do :) | 06:57 |
omp342 | someone give me an idea | 06:57 |
h17m4n | no | 06:57 |
Kamping_Kaiser | omp342: have lunch :) | 06:57 |
Myrtti | wget can be configured to download whole directories recursively etc. | 06:57 |
omp342 | Kamping_Kaiser: it's 10pm :) | 06:57 |
Myrtti | very nice tool | 06:57 |
h17m4n | thoreauputic: he said it's a cd with pictures in it | 06:57 |
Tartaros | well was it inside cvs, inside ssh, or inside the gui thingy? :) | 06:58 |
omp342 | Kamping_Kaiser: even though it is a good idea | 06:58 |
Myrtti | I use it all the time | 06:58 |
Kamping_Kaiser | omp342: speak for yourself :) | 06:58 |
omp342 | :) | 06:58 |
Kamping_Kaiser | it's 2pm here ;) | 06:58 |
Talim | i was installing pyslsk | 06:58 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: yes, but that doesn't answer my question :) | 06:58 |
faiper | hi | 06:58 |
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faiper | how to install DVDRIP ? | 06:58 |
Myrtti | fivetwentysix: it's so popular it's been ported to Windows | 06:58 |
Kamping_Kaiser | faiper: apt. | 06:58 |
deFrysk | Talim, install nicotine iso using pyslsk | 06:58 |
deFrysk | nicotine is in the repos | 06:58 |
Talim | hmm ok | 06:58 |
nalioth | faiper: use synaptic | 06:58 |
GioSico | Hello Everyone ... I just installed two new harddrives ... I plan to do Raid1 with them ... but I am not sure if I need to mount them and format them first ... and if so not exactly sure how to find them ... I am looking in /dev/h* and see hda hda1 2 5 etc ... Could anyone give me some direction? | 06:58 |
Talim | *confused* | 06:58 |
deFrysk | iso = in stead of | 06:59 |
Madpilot | faiper: search Synaptic | 06:59 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: he can try this: sudo umount -l /dev/cdrom | 06:59 |
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Myrtti | he was quick | 06:59 |
faiper | Os pacotes a seguir tm dependncias desencontradas: | 06:59 |
faiper | dvdrip: Depende: transcode (>= 2:0.6.14) mas no vai ser instalado | 06:59 |
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faiper | it's broked | 06:59 |
deFrysk | Talim, nicotine is the opens source klone of pyslsk | 06:59 |
faiper | transcode (>= 2:0.6.14) | 06:59 |
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Tartaros | chavo, dont you at least remember, was it inside cvs, inside ssh, or inside the gui thingy? :) | 06:59 |
Kamping_Kaiser | faiper: check the wiki or ubuntuguid | 06:59 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: then eject /dev/cdrom or whatever | 06:59 |
Kamping_Kaiser | e | 06:59 |
h17m4n | thoreauputic: K, I'll tell him | 06:59 |
nalioth | Kamping_Kaiser: please dont blindly recommend the 'guide | 07:00 |
chavo | Tartaros, it's a ssh thing | 07:00 |
Orborde | I'm setting up a 32bit chroot. Can I use ln to link to the passwd file, etc. in my chroot32/etc/ instead of copying the files outright? | 07:00 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nalioth, it's in there isnt it? | 07:00 |
h17m4n | how do I disable the kernell gart? | 07:00 |
Cashel | GioSico, /dev/hda# are the partitions of the primary master (/dev/hda) ... /dev/hdd# are the partitions on the secondary slave.... | 07:00 |
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h17m4n | !ntfs | 07:01 |
Tartaros|ubuntu | chavo, ok, willt ry | 07:01 |
ubotu | ntfs is probably the (N)(T) (F)ile(S)ystem, the filesystem normally used under Windows XP. To automatically mount your NTFS partition/s, you can use this utility: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab . It handles HFS+, NTFS and FAT32 partitions. | 07:01 |
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Cashel | GioSico, I know absolutely nothing about raid. but fdisk -l might tell you what you need to know about which it is... | 07:01 |
GioSico | thanks Cashel ... the harddrives are new and there are two of them ... I have not partitioned them ... or mounted them .. how do I know which go with which etc | 07:01 |
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GioSico | ok thanks | 07:01 |
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Cashel | GioSico, you dont know what controller you plugged them into? | 07:01 |
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GioSico | not the model number etc ... I think I plugged each on into a seperate controller ... | 07:02 |
chavo | Tartaros, ssh in to the server -> mkdir -p .ssh -> then put your public key into a file called "authorized_keys" | 07:02 |
faiper | dvdrip: Depends: transcode (>= 2:0.6.14) but it is not installable | 07:02 |
GioSico | there were two comming off the mother board | 07:02 |
ricardo | hi all | 07:02 |
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chavo | inside the .ssh directory of course | 07:02 |
GioSico | one to the existing hard drive and one to the dvd drive ... so I put on one each of those | 07:02 |
Orborde | I'm setting up a 32bit chroot. Can I use ln to link to the passwd file, etc. in my chroot32/etc/ instead of copying the files outright? | 07:02 |
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Cashel | GioSico, kind of an important thing to know.... are these regular hard drives? SATA? SCSI? | 07:03 |
h17m4n | Cashel, do you know how to disable the kernell gart? | 07:03 |
GioSico | o sorry ide | 07:03 |
Madpilot | faiper: do you have Universe/Multiverse repos enabled? | 07:03 |
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GioSico | not sata or scci | 07:03 |
Cashel | h17m4n, no idea.. is it a good idea to do so? | 07:03 |
citrus_ | hi guys how stable is the realease 4 of the breezy cd? | 07:03 |
GioSico | fdisk -l or -1 does not do anything ... did I get it wrong? | 07:03 |
benplaut | to make a deb, "sudo make checkinstall", right? | 07:03 |
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h17m4n | to use the internal gart, it says I have to disable the kernell one | 07:04 |
Cashel | GioSico, fdisk -l as in L , should work.... are you in linux? | 07:04 |
deFrysk | citrus_, plenty stable (for me that is) | 07:04 |
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GioSico | ubuntu | 07:04 |
benplaut | i'm getting a "make: *** No rule to make target `checkinstall'. Stop." | 07:04 |
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Cashel | GioSico, I mean right now, at this moment? | 07:04 |
thoreauputic | benplaut: usualy just sudo checkinstall ( it installs automatically) | 07:04 |
benplaut | ahh | 07:04 |
benplaut | thanks | 07:04 |
Cashel | GioSico, oh I know, duh... sudo fdisk -l :) | 07:04 |
faiper | Madpilot, yes | 07:05 |
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GioSico | well the box to my right is ubuntu :) linux ... fdisk -L as in -l does nothing returns to cmmmand prompt | 07:05 |
GioSico | o sudo | 07:05 |
chavo | Tartaros, did you get that? | 07:05 |
benplaut | thoreauputic, command not found | 07:05 |
vanberge | anybody had problems getting nvidia glx to work correctly? | 07:05 |
citrus_ | is it slower then hoary? | 07:05 |
GioSico | thats a start | 07:05 |
Madpilot | faiper: transcode should be in there | 07:05 |
Cashel | yeah.. always forgetting this root buisness, since sudo passwd root whas the first command I typed on this install, heh... | 07:05 |
thoreauputic | benplaut: uh - you installed checkinstall, right? | 07:05 |
vanberge | dark screen when enabled, can barely see graphics, unusable | 07:06 |
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benplaut | no :P | 07:06 |
GioSico | found um hdb and hdd ... :) | 07:06 |
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thoreauputic | benplaut: sudo apt-get install checkinstall :) | 07:06 |
benplaut | heh | 07:06 |
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benplaut | oh, really? | 07:06 |
GioSico | I relize you said you no nuthing about RAID ... but would you happen to know if I need to format or partiion the drives first? | 07:06 |
thoreauputic | !info checkinstall | 07:06 |
ubotu | checkinstall: (installation tracker), section universe/admin, is optional. Version: 1.5.3-3 (hoary), Packaged size: 34 kB, Installed size: 132 kB | 07:06 |
Cashel | GioSico, anything listed under "System" for them?? Dont wanna accidently format the wrong drives... | 07:06 |
Cashel | GioSico, I would assume so, but as I said I dont know.... | 07:07 |
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citrus_ | speaking about raid i wanted to setup up myt raid tonight does ubuntu install fine even when the drive is located at /dev/sda? | 07:07 |
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Cashel | citrus_, I've heard people say they run sata fine, but I've heard others complain about dma modes for it.... | 07:08 |
GioSico | nothing under system "device" mgr is that what you meant? | 07:08 |
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GioSico | ok thanks | 07:08 |
Tartaros|ubuntu | chavo, yeah I have it set up using keys in windows, but I lost track of the keys somehow ;) | 07:08 |
CCFIEL | when i tried to add in my source list and apt-get update an error occured: W: GPG error: http://www.os-works.com testing Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY CF455A0A8AC2C0A6 how do i resolve this? | 07:08 |
luckyaba | anyone know the html tag for refreshing a frame only | 07:08 |
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luckyaba | say every half second | 07:08 |
chavo | Tartaros, aha you can generate a new one | 07:08 |
thoreauputic | CCFIEL: don't use 3rd party repos | 07:09 |
Cashel | GioSico, no, under sudo fdisk -l it should have a system column, make sure it doesnt say Extended or Linux or Fat32 or anything for those drives to make sure you got the right ones... | 07:09 |
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Madpilot | citrus_: SATA works fine for me, but before you do SATA RAID have a look here: http://linux.yyz.us/sata/faq-sata-raid.html | 07:09 |
thoreauputic | CCFIEL: where did you get that repository? | 07:09 |
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Tartaros|ubuntu | chavo, or actually I may have it done that way in the past, now that I think of it, even in the windows I use some hack with locally stored password | 07:09 |
citrus_ | i am not doing sata raid... there just pata disks (ide) | 07:09 |
CCFIEL | thoreauputic: in os-cillation site. | 07:10 |
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GioSico | yep sudo fdisk -l shows my two new harddrives and the partitions you are desrcibing I can clearly see the difference between the two ... :) | 07:10 |
Cashel | ahhh good | 07:10 |
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chavo | Yeah, this will get you passwordless for ssh, but not cvs-rsh | 07:10 |
thoreauputic | CCFIEL: what are you wanting to install ? | 07:10 |
chavo | that's another trick | 07:10 |
chavo | the one I don't remeber | 07:10 |
GioSico | now just gotta learn the software RAID mdadm | 07:10 |
luckyaba | citrus_: why dont you quit talking out of your arse | 07:10 |
CCFIEL | thoreauputic: i want to install file manager for xfce | 07:10 |
thoreauputic | luckyaba: language, please | 07:10 |
Cashel | GioSico, now, type mkfs<TAB> and you'll see your options.. man mkfs.<whatever> to see how to run em.... | 07:11 |
Tartaros | chavo, in the windows I use some -pw passwordhere option to the ssh | 07:11 |
thoreauputic | CCFIEL: did you install ubuntu's xfce4? | 07:11 |
Cashel | GioSico, and dont typo! I did that once :) d and c are close together :P | 07:11 |
Tartaros | now where would I set this option so that the gui thingy would pass it to the ssh... | 07:11 |
citrus_ | luckyaba: don't make me come in there | 07:11 |
CCFIEL | thoreauputic: yes i have ..im using it right now. | 07:11 |
thoreauputic | CCFIEL: well it has both the xfce4 file manager and rox... | 07:11 |
GioSico | :) | 07:11 |
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thoreauputic | CCFIEL: so what else did you want? | 07:12 |
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dooglus | hi room. what's the best way of getting the SDL development libraries? I need version 1.2.7 or 1.2.9. but breezy has 1.2.8. | 07:13 |
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GioSico | working ... just needed to use sudo and say yes to mkfs entire device and not just one partition ... | 07:13 |
Cashel | GioSico, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-4090.html ... looks like MD is software raid for linux... maybe worth a read for you... | 07:13 |
CCFIEL | thoreauputic: yes it has. but its not very friendly. i want this thunar 0.1.2svn+r17285-1 Advanced file manager for Xfce | 07:14 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser has almost worked out whats causing this gnome bug... tehn ill see if someone else found it before me ;D | ||
CCFIEL | xfce4-modemlights-plugin 0.1.1-2 Panel applet to control ppp | 07:14 |
GioSico | thank you reading now ... | 07:14 |
admash | Does anyone know what the situation with the dbus/dbus-1 conflict in Breezy is? | 07:14 |
Cashel | yw | 07:14 |
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citrus_ | does anyone think i will have a problem its not sata its regualar ide but its via chip on my msi motherboard and it uses /dev/sda do you think i will have a problem install it? | 07:15 |
thoreauputic | CCFIEL: hmm - I don't know those apps but using 3rd party repos can cause problems - I recommend against it | 07:15 |
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CCFIEL | thoreauputic: ic | 07:15 |
thoreauputic | CCFIEL: are you comfortable with compiling? If so you might want to get the source and use checkinstall | 07:15 |
Cashel | citrus_, I wouldnt think so myself tho I'm not expert on SATA... either way theres realy only one way to find out :) | 07:16 |
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CCFIEL | thoreauputic: ok.ill will try. but what cause the error? of apt-get update | 07:16 |
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Cashel | citrus_, by that I naturaly mean google "ubuntu raid sata" :) | 07:17 |
vanberge | apparently my vid card just does not work with hoary... | 07:17 |
Cashel | vanberge? | 07:17 |
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vanberge | Cashel, i cannot get nvidia drivers to work | 07:17 |
thoreauputic | CCFIEL: it's more a warning than an error I think - the gpg is there to certify the packages | 07:17 |
dazvid | vanberge, Whats the problem? | 07:17 |
dazvid | installing problems? | 07:17 |
citrus_ | Cashel: don't mean to be a prick but i am not deal with sata for the 3rd time | 07:18 |
citrus_ | just standard ide | 07:18 |
thoreauputic | CCFIEL: W: GPG error: <-- W for warning | 07:18 |
vanberge | dazvid, Cashel, i got the nvidia-glx packages using synaptic... then i ran sudo nvidia-glx-config enable | 07:18 |
vanberge | ... | 07:18 |
dazvid | Yup | 07:18 |
vanberge | that worked fine... but when i restarted X, i had almost no color. i could BARELY see the screen... | 07:18 |
CCFIEL | thoreauputic: ok thanks ill try to get the source :) | 07:18 |
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nalioth | CCFIEL: remember checkinstall | 07:19 |
vanberge | basically, installation successful, but no color whatsoever... i could make out basic shapes | 07:19 |
dazvid | hm what card do you have | 07:19 |
thoreauputic | CCFIEL: yes, install checkinstall from universe ( so you can build a deb) | 07:19 |
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vanberge | pny Verto Geforce 6200 | 07:19 |
dazvid | You may need newer drivers then | 07:20 |
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vanberge | like from nvidia's site? | 07:20 |
dazvid | Yeh, thats where I got them | 07:20 |
dazvid | however you dont want 7676, try and download 7667 | 07:21 |
dazvid | apparently 7676 is only good for the 7800gtx cards | 07:21 |
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dazvid | (i read on the forums) | 07:21 |
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Myrtti | all righty then | 07:22 |
h17m4n | gabu(brazilian guy Im helping) is using a portuguese ubuntu and I dunno the name of the functions, so what command can he run to create a desktop icon for /dev/hda1 ? | 07:22 |
Myrtti | I went to the Nvidia site and Firefox crashed. | 07:22 |
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TraceGreen | i try to use kinfocenter to check my hardinfo, but i get nothing info, i think i may reinstall kinfocenter, can anybody tell me which packet kinfocenter belong to? or any other good tool with gui that can check hardware info? | 07:22 |
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Madpilot | Myrtti: nvidia.com? | 07:22 |
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vanberge | dazvid, | 07:23 |
vanberge | thanks | 07:23 |
Myrtti | Madpilot: that's the one | 07:23 |
dazvid | Let us know how it goes | 07:23 |
GioSico | Ok I ran ... mkfs on both hdb and hdd ... all looked good ... but fdisk still says they dont contain a valid partition ... did I miss something? | 07:23 |
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Myrtti | now I went there again and it didn't crash | 07:24 |
Myrtti | oh well | 07:24 |
neilio | hi everyone | 07:24 |
Madpilot | Myrtti: rampaging Flash... but I've never had it crash Opera (yet...) | 07:24 |
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dazvid | hi neilio | 07:24 |
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h17m4n | what's the command to create a hard disk desktop icon? | 07:25 |
neilio | i'm new to linux (longtime OS X user) | 07:25 |
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sputnik | help everyon | 07:25 |
nalioth | neilio: welcome to freedome | 07:25 |
sputnik | help everyon | 07:25 |
sputnik | help everyone | 07:25 |
dazvid | neilio, i too am new to linux.. except i was a windows noob before that :) | 07:25 |
TraceGreen | h17m4n, do you want to create icon on desktop? | 07:25 |
nalioth | neilio: ticket are free | 07:25 |
=== doc__ [n=doc@0-1pool52-208.nas19.portland1.or.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sputnik | how to install plugin java | 07:26 |
neilio | :) | 07:26 |
thoreauputic | sputnik: don't repeat | 07:26 |
nalioth | !tell sputnik about java | 07:26 |
Myrtti | sputnik: extra extra read all about it were not telepathics. | 07:26 |
dazvid | sputnik, easiest way is to just go through Synaptic probably | 07:26 |
sputnik | sorry | 07:26 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=Kaiser@ppp196-238.lns1.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neilio | I'm trying to set up linux because the available wireless tools are so much better | 07:26 |
Myrtti | anyway | 07:26 |
nalioth | sputnik: ubotu sent you love | 07:26 |
sputnik | im using ubuntu linux 5.0.4 | 07:26 |
nalioth | neilio: really? what mac are you running (if any)? | 07:26 |
doc__ | vanberge, get any help w/ nvidia? This is cashel (someone called, damn dialup!) | 07:26 |
sputnik | java is missing | 07:26 |
h17m4n | not me, this dude I'm helping.... he's using the portuguese version of ubuntu... and I don't know the translation to Create New> Link to Device > Hard Disk | 07:26 |
h17m4n | but yeah, a desktop link | 07:26 |
nalioth | sputnik: you have a private msg from ubotu. read it please | 07:27 |
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doc__ | somene ping cashel for me :) | 07:27 |
neilio | nalloth: iMac G5 and a PowerBook | 07:27 |
vanberge | doc__, i think so... i dl'ed driver 7667, going to exit X and install it right now | 07:27 |
nalioth | neilio: does the powerbook have APX or old airport? | 07:27 |
neilio | I just finished partitioning my Powerbook and now have dualboot working | 07:27 |
doc__ | vanberge, good luck :) | 07:27 |
vanberge | ty ! :-) | 07:27 |
gorilla | vanberge, best of luck with that :-) | 07:27 |
neilio | nalioth: apx, but I have an old orinoco card that is working fine in ubuntu | 07:28 |
vanberge | everybody is saying good luck... you'd think this has little chance of working :-) | 07:28 |
nalioth | neilio: then great! no problems at all | 07:28 |
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hermit | Anyone know about the feasibility of installing ubuntu into a chroot? | 07:28 |
nalioth | neilio: got ubuntu on your imac? | 07:28 |
doc__ | vanberge, I have no idea, last nvidia card I owned was a TNT 2 and it worked just fine in X for what it was :P | 07:28 |
neilio | nalioth: nop | 07:28 |
hermit | I want to somehow install it into a folder in my existing distro. | 07:28 |
neilio | nope | 07:28 |
nalioth | neilio: me neither | 07:28 |
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sputnik | hello ubuntu master. | 07:28 |
sputnik | teach me how to install plugin java | 07:29 |
sputnik | i dont know nothing | 07:29 |
doc__ | !tell sputnik about java | 07:29 |
sputnik | im new to linux | 07:29 |
hermit | we can see that | 07:29 |
thoreauputic | sputnik: you were told where to look | 07:29 |
sputnik | please repeat what u said earlier | 07:29 |
thoreauputic | sputnik: nalioth sent a /msg to you via ubotu | 07:29 |
=== doc__ beats the crap outa Cashel | ||
neilio | this is a *total* newbie question... | 07:29 |
thoreauputic | !java | 07:29 |
ubotu | I guess java is to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java | 07:29 |
AzMoo | Does anybody else have a problem with firefox eating up too much ram if it's been open for too long? | 07:30 |
thoreauputic | sputnik: ^^^ | 07:30 |
neilio | but I'm trying to build airsnort, and it's telling me I need gtk+ | 07:30 |
nalioth | AzMoo: common firefox behavior | 07:30 |
doc__ | AzMoo, not open too long, but its a mem hog | 07:30 |
cafuego | why don't you just apt-get install airsnort? | 07:30 |
nalioth | neilio: install your gtk+ blah -dev | 07:30 |
No1Viking | What's needed to play streaming Windows Media files in firefox? | 07:30 |
dazvid | neilio, Synaptic is your friend :D | 07:30 |
AzMoo | nalioth, ah, ok. Thanks. | 07:30 |
dazvid | Easier for new people imo ^ | 07:30 |
doc__ | !tell No1Viking about restrictedformats | 07:30 |
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AzMoo | !tell AzMoo about restrictedformats | 07:31 |
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No1Viking | doc__: Tried that but no luck :( | 07:32 |
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doc__ | nolviking: mplayer is the way to go w/ WMV I hear, but you usualy have to install it from source | 07:32 |
neilio | I didn't realize that airsnort was available via apt | 07:32 |
nalioth | !tell neilio about sources | 07:32 |
nalioth | neilio: you add all those in, you've got toys for days | 07:33 |
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dazvid | doc__, I had problems with installing mplayer.. need a whole heap of other software before you can install | 07:33 |
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doc__ | brb folks | 07:33 |
No1Viking | doc__: Do you have a link to mplayer site? | 07:33 |
dazvid | No1Viking, just google it | 07:34 |
thoreauputic | !info mplayer | 07:34 |
neilio | nalioth: cool. I'm so used to the OS X way that it's a bit disconcerting :) | 07:34 |
dazvid | its like www.mplayerhq.hu | 07:34 |
nalioth | neilio: as i said, welcome to freedom | 07:34 |
thoreauputic | No1Viking: try the mplayer in multiverse first | 07:34 |
dazvid | thoreauputic, I dont have mplayer in my multiverse.. any ideas why? | 07:34 |
thoreauputic | No1Viking: apt-cache serch mplayer | 07:34 |
dazvid | I have all repos' enabled | 07:35 |
thoreauputic | sorry typo | 07:35 |
thoreauputic | dazvid: itisn't called mplayer apparently | 07:35 |
dazvid | oh... | 07:35 |
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thoreauputic | mplayer-586 or whatever | 07:35 |
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dazvid | ah yes.. but searching mplayer should still turn that result up. | 07:35 |
thoreauputic | apt-cache search mplayer | 07:35 |
nalioth | dazvid: use synaptic and search for mplayer | 07:35 |
dazvid | yeh did ^ | 07:36 |
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nalioth | dazvid: pastebin your sources.list please (see /topic for a pastebin) | 07:36 |
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dazvid | I just did the apt-cache search, and it only returned one file... mga-vid-source | 07:36 |
thoreauputic | dazvid: yes, nalioth is right - your sources must be wrong | 07:37 |
dazvid | nalioth, where is the list stored? | 07:37 |
nalioth | dazvid: /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:37 |
dazvid | thoreauputic, I just have the ones in synaptic enabled | 07:37 |
thoreauputic | dazvid: ah | 07:37 |
nalioth | !tell dazvid about sources | 07:37 |
thoreauputic | !sources | 07:37 |
ubotu | sources are at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 07:37 |
thoreauputic | heh | 07:37 |
nalioth | thoreauputic your slowin down | 07:37 |
dazvid | lol we was typing other stuff :P | 07:38 |
thoreauputic | nalioth: I was never fast, I'm afraid ;) | 07:38 |
nalioth | thoreauputic: no 'one letter aliases" ? heh heh | 07:38 |
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thoreauputic | ah... I should set that up, indeed ! | 07:38 |
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nalioth | thoreauputic: i was kidding. one letter aliases can get you in trouble | 07:39 |
h17m4n | Question: Would installing this driver : ati-driver-installer-8.16.20-x86_64.run from ATI be just a sh or would it be hard like fglrx? | 07:39 |
thoreauputic | yes, but aliases can be useful for sure | 07:39 |
dazvid | thoreauputic, nalioth, I have the disabled software repos' aswell.. theres about 10 different ones | 07:39 |
dazvid | I will paste in the paste bin | 07:39 |
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nalioth | dazvid: no need, just make sure all the sources on the URL above are in your sources.list | 07:39 |
dazvid | Fair enough | 07:40 |
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nalioth | dazvid: and dont forget to update your apt (or synaptic) | 07:40 |
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intelikey | ok so i did it.... i junked a perfectly good system to install this one.... hmmm nuff said. | 07:42 |
intelikey | :) | 07:42 |
nalioth | intelikey: may i msg you? | 07:42 |
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intelikey | you may but the channel doesn't seem very busy right now. | 07:43 |
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dazvid | I dunno, people have other stuff other than spamming IRC channels I guess | 07:43 |
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dazvid | :) | 07:43 |
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thoreauputic | dazvid: spamming IRC channels is my reason for being! *grin* | 07:43 |
dazvid | lol | 07:44 |
intelikey | spam ? http://ts.silosoft.org | 07:44 |
nessmuk | any remedies for the hal errors? Deselect it from upgrades after install. Uninstall it? | 07:44 |
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nalioth | thoreauputic: and serving coffee | 07:45 |
lopingo | hmmm | 07:45 |
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=== lopingo is satisfied with ubuntu so far | ||
lopingo | :) | 07:46 |
thoreauputic | nalioth: of course - we need coffee to keep spamming ;) | 07:46 |
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lopingo | anyone using limewire here? | 07:47 |
=== omp342 [n=david@66-215-19-141.dhcp.gldl.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | nalioth: may I /msg you fo a minute? | 07:47 |
omp342 | how can i get rid of a program i installed by opening a *.sh file? | 07:47 |
dazvid | limewire is p2p isnt it? | 07:47 |
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lopingo | yeap | 07:47 |
lopingo | i installed it but when i opened it, it doesn't open at all | 07:47 |
dazvid | bittorrent is the way to go nowadays | 07:47 |
thoreauputic | omp342: it depends | 07:47 |
lopingo | true :) | 07:47 |
dazvid | I use azureus | 07:48 |
dazvid | its handy | 07:48 |
omp342 | thoreauputic: i got winetools, and never used it, and now i want to get rid of it :) | 07:48 |
lopingo | ic | 07:48 |
nalioth | lopingo: use gtk-gnutella. it does the same thing as limewire | 07:48 |
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nalioth | dazvid: azureus and limewire do two differnt things | 07:48 |
lopingo | nalioth: okay, *searches right away* | 07:48 |
dazvid | nalioth, I realise this ;) | 07:49 |
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thoreauputic | omp342: I don't know winetools - does it have an uninstall script? | 07:49 |
dazvid | I stated that bittorrent is probably better path these days | 07:49 |
ksmurf | anyone know what the command is for the gnome menu control is in breezy? For the gdesklets gnomebar | 07:49 |
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vanberge | so close i think... just need kernel source | 07:49 |
lopingo | well | 07:49 |
lopingo | i prefer both anyways :) | 07:49 |
dazvid | vanberge, there's a forum topic on installing the nvidia drivers | 07:49 |
omp342 | thoreauputic: let me check | 07:50 |
dazvid | shows how to get the correct kernel source and such | 07:50 |
vanberge | dazvid, do you have a link handy? | 07:50 |
vanberge | if not, its ok im sure i can find | 07:50 |
dazvid | Nah sorry, should come up easily with a search.. let me have a look :) | 07:50 |
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odat | breezy rocks | 07:51 |
ksmurf | breezy does rock but I'm having issues with gdesklets | 07:52 |
vanberge | dazvid, ... http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60535&highlight=nvidia+6200 | 07:52 |
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vanberge | my exact problem | 07:52 |
odat | ksmurf: what kind of problem? | 07:52 |
dazvid | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368&highlight=nvidia+driver+install | 07:53 |
dazvid | this one ^ | 07:53 |
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intelikey | hmmm whether to make this sound card work with ub or pull it and put it in this dows box that don't have one..... decissions decissions.... | 07:53 |
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omp342 | thoreauputic: i don't see a uninstall script :/ | 07:53 |
ksmurf | odat translucentcy and the starterbar..... all my "stuff" is just black boxes | 07:53 |
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ksmurf | and I can't find the command for the gnome menu | 07:54 |
thoreauputic | omp342: hmm - you might have to track down your files then | 07:54 |
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thoreauputic | omp342: or just leave them there... | 07:54 |
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nalioth | omp342: you'll need to open the guilty .sh file in a text editor and track down where it put things | 07:54 |
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dazvid | vanberge, The last guy in the forum topic you pasted said the 7667 works well for him.. so definitely give that a go | 07:54 |
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ksmurf | 7667 does work great | 07:55 |
omp342 | nalioth: okay i'll try that, thanks :) | 07:55 |
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h17m4n | Would anyone recommend installing the ATI driver from ATIs page? | 07:56 |
ksmurf | h17 for hoary or breezy? | 07:56 |
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dazvid | ksmurf, what card do you run? | 07:57 |
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ksmurf | 6600GT nvidia | 07:57 |
lopingo | hey | 07:57 |
dazvid | ok kool | 07:57 |
h17m4n | hoary | 07:57 |
[Spooky] | yeah me like ubuntu for 64 bit :) | 07:57 |
lopingo | what's the best/good music player? | 07:57 |
drummer87 | hi, how can i use mplayer with gtk2? (gtk1 menus are ugly :P) | 07:57 |
h17m4n | 5.04 | 07:57 |
lopingo | other than xmms | 07:57 |
dazvid | Why not xmms ? :) | 07:57 |
ksmurf | hoary yes the driver is ok but in breezy it's broken (or will be) | 07:57 |
lopingo | hehe | 07:58 |
lopingo | just asking :) | 07:58 |
!lilo:*! Hi all. Hint: if your main support channel is +r, please consider providing support in your 'unreg' channel. Remember, unregistered users need your help too. :) | 07:58 | |
dazvid | ah ok | 07:58 |
dazvid | umm, there is a console player called cplay | 07:58 |
odat | lopingo : i found a great with auto scanning a folder on startup | 07:58 |
[Spooky] | just cuirus, is everything based on the 64-bit cpu or are there some 32-bit apps in it too ? | 07:58 |
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lopingo | dazvid, yeah | 07:59 |
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odat | lopingo: quod libet | 07:59 |
h17m4n | : make sure that the kernel agpgart support is not active, i.e. it is not compiled into the kernel and the kernel modules are not loaded | 07:59 |
ksmurf | odat are u use starterber in breezy? | 07:59 |
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thoreauputic | [Spooky] : I think it won't run 32 bit without a chroot | 07:59 |
lopingo | odat: hm? wrong person? | 07:59 |
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brownie17 | aftertaf: you there? | 07:59 |
omp342 | nalioth: thanks A LOT :) | 07:59 |
h17m4n | how do I deactivate it? | 07:59 |
odat | ksmurf no i'm not | 07:59 |
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nalioth | omp342: np | 07:59 |
ksmurf | K | 07:59 |
lopingo | hmm | 07:59 |
omp342 | does photoshop work in crossover? | 07:59 |
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h17m4n | everything is 64 bit Spooky | 07:59 |
omp342 | regular wine sucks :) | 07:59 |
brownie17 | seveas: you there? | 07:59 |
lopingo | lol | 08:00 |
nalioth | omp342: it should | 08:00 |
GioSico | Sweet my two new hard drives are working and mounted thanks to you folks here and http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Add_a_new_hard_drive ... to try for the RAID1 | 08:00 |
angryfix | I'm trying to run ethereal as root in promiscuous mode, but it only captures packets to and from my computer. Ethereal captures all packets on my network in my windows partition, so obviously something is a little off here. Any ideas? | 08:00 |
h17m4n | to run 32 bit need to chroot | 08:00 |
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!lilo:*! Also, at the present time, NOIDPRIVMSG (blocking on private messages from unregistered users) means that +R can be a little scary. No way to talk, no way to message. Try to make sure your unregistered users have a place to ask questions too! | 08:00 | |
[Spooky] | thoreauputic: hm ok, noticed that some packages named *-64 and some not hehe... | 08:00 |
ksmurf | Other than that it does rock.... and fast too. and xcompmgr doesn't have to run with prio 0 anymore | 08:00 |
lopingo | ok time to go | 08:00 |
lopingo | cya guys | 08:00 |
lopingo | :) | 08:00 |
ksmurf | cya | 08:00 |
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thoreauputic | [Spooky] : well of course some packages are arch independent | 08:00 |
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CaiN_SA | my laptop os crap | 08:01 |
CaiN_SA | i aint doin nothing | 08:01 |
CaiN_SA | and the hdd wont stop reading | 08:01 |
brownie17 | nalioth: i removed the EVM from the startup with update-rc.d and now it often won't run "HAL", and i want to know how to add it back again, do you know? does anybody reading this? | 08:01 |
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brownie17 | nalioth: it means my gnome-panel doesn't start properly, | 08:02 |
nalioth | brownie17: sorry, i'm not familiar with hal | 08:02 |
brownie17 | aftertaf: sometimes my gnome-panel works, and others it doesnt | 08:02 |
brownie17 | nalioth: thanx | 08:02 |
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aftertaf | brownie17: i don't know gnome much.. i'm on kde | 08:03 |
intelikey | hmmmm; to udev, or not to udev, that is the question..... | 08:03 |
brownie17 | aftertaf: it's still that same HAL error, from the update rc.d thing | 08:04 |
aftertaf | hal & updaterc-d not linked brownie17 | 08:04 |
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brownie17 | aftertaf: well i never got the HAL error before i did that update-rc.d thing | 08:05 |
intelikey | ok anybody in here know how to turn the window keys and menu key on in console mode ? | 08:05 |
brownie17 | aftertaf: no-one seems to know how to fix it, should i just reinstall ubuntu? | 08:05 |
omp342 | is the bittorrent client included with ubuntu any good? | 08:05 |
aftertaf | is it a blocking error brownie17 ? | 08:05 |
deFrysk | omp342, sure , why not ? | 08:05 |
Quinthius | omp342: it's the standard bittorrent client i think... doesn't have a lot of features i dont think | 08:05 |
brownie17 | aftertaf: what do you mean by that? | 08:06 |
brownie17 | omp342: they tell me so, yes | 08:06 |
aftertaf | does it stop your pc from booting or working? | 08:06 |
omp342 | i'll just get qtorrent | 08:06 |
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omp342 | very good simplistic BT client | 08:06 |
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megahal | I've only said it to him now. | 08:06 |
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brownie17 | aftertaf: without the panel, i cannot run any applications except those that auto-boot, it is not worth using ubuntu if none of them menus work and i can't get a terminal open | 08:07 |
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aftertaf | ok... but the panel and the HAL issue are separate issues | 08:07 |
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vanberge | nvidia 6200 works beautifully... thanks everyone!! | 08:07 |
dazvid | yay vanberge | 08:07 |
dazvid | :) | 08:07 |
ksmurf | brownie can u create a panel? | 08:07 |
aftertaf | they aren't linked.. | 08:07 |
vanberge | :-) | 08:07 |
dazvid | Its pleasing when you get it working isnt it? | 08:08 |
vanberge | very! | 08:08 |
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bob2 | bittornado is a very nice bt client | 08:08 |
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deFrysk | is it so hard to set up a nvidia driver ? | 08:08 |
dazvid | when you havent used linux before... yes! | 08:08 |
intelikey | brownie17 have you tried doing a "rm -rf $HOME/.gnome* " to reset the menus ? | 08:08 |
ksmurf | dazvid ... I just used the nvidia-glx with breezy.... it worked great | 08:08 |
deFrysk | dazvid, hehe | 08:08 |
dazvid | Im using that atm ksmurf | 08:08 |
bob2 | deFrysk: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto (no) | 08:09 |
dazvid | havent tried any hardcore games yet... | 08:09 |
deFrysk | bob2, agree | 08:09 |
deFrysk | :D | 08:09 |
bob2 | if you follow some random guide on the forums, yes, it may be hard | 08:09 |
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bob2 | especially if you follow one written by a crack-addled monkey that has "optimis" in the title | 08:09 |
brownie17 | aftertaf: i think i know how to use update-rc.d to fix it, but all i need to know is what is the command for the EVM? | 08:09 |
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h17m4n | is breezy recomendable for newbies? | 08:09 |
bob2 | h17m4n: no | 08:09 |
nalioth | h17m4n: not right now | 08:09 |
ksmurf | torcs I tried and it ran great.... now if I can just get BF@ working I can scrap 'doze | 08:09 |
aftertaf | brownie17: ls /etc/init.d | 08:09 |
h17m4n | k, I'll wait :-) | 08:09 |
aftertaf | evms i think | 08:10 |
brownie17 | intelikey: in terminal? how do i open it? i could get it to autoboot, but then if i have to type that everytime i start up, its not good | 08:10 |
Quinthius | bob2: do you know how bittornado compares to azureus feature-wise? like being able to priorities files within the torrent and stuff? | 08:10 |
ksmurf | nalioth .... but I'm using it and I'm a noob | 08:10 |
intelikey | brownie17 use a console. | 08:10 |
aftertaf | lol ksmurf :) | 08:10 |
bob2 | starting evms is not going to fix gnome problems | 08:10 |
bob2 | unless you're actually using evms | 08:10 |
brownie17 | aftertaf: ok! i fixed it! :) | 08:10 |
bob2 | Quinthius: it can do that, but only at startup time | 08:10 |
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bob2 | Quinthius: the UI for that is highly tedious, tho | 08:10 |
Quinthius | bob2: ahh | 08:11 |
nalioth | ksmurf: if you have to ask, it aint for you | 08:11 |
brownie17 | intelikey: what difference between console and terminal? i can't open one without the gnome-menus, and my desktop icons don't load either | 08:11 |
ksmurf | nalioth good point | 08:11 |
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intelikey | brownie17 "[ctrl] +[alt] +[f1] " and "[alt] +[f7] " to get back to the gui. | 08:11 |
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SuperQ | anyone gotten wpasupplicant to work? | 08:11 |
nalioth | brownie17: two names for the same thing | 08:11 |
ksmurf | anyone know what the command is for the gnome menu control is in breezy? | 08:11 |
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intelikey | nalioth it is not. | 08:12 |
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ksmurf | SuperQ I gave up for a bit so .... no | 08:12 |
brownie17 | intelikey: ok, but i don't think ishould get the error ahgain | 08:12 |
SuperQ | ksmurf: heh | 08:12 |
SuperQ | ksmurf: what card? | 08:12 |
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ksmurf | DWL G520+ | 08:12 |
SuperQ | ok | 08:12 |
nalioth | intelikey: they dont do the same thing? | 08:13 |
thoreauputic | ksmurf: no, but try typing gnome- <hit tab twice> for a list of gnome commands | 08:13 |
omp342 | is azureus not in apt-get? | 08:13 |
SuperQ | I've got my trusty old orinoco silver card and a nice prism2.5 card to try | 08:13 |
bob2 | omp342: indeed | 08:13 |
ksmurf | thoreauputic ... k thanks | 08:13 |
bob2 | omp342: because it relies on that bastion of binary-only junk, sun's java | 08:13 |
SuperQ | supposedly intel cards are easiest | 08:13 |
intelikey | no, you can do the same things in them both but they do not do the same. | 08:13 |
deFrysk | !info azureus | 08:13 |
brownie17 | nalioth: why DO people call them two different things? | 08:13 |
SuperQ | but of course, you only get those in new laptops | 08:13 |
brownie17 | nalioth: why not get one name an stick with it | 08:13 |
deFrysk | no azureus available nope | 08:13 |
bob2 | anythign but broadcom and TI work fine with free drivers | 08:14 |
deFrysk | wise men those ubuntu packagers | 08:14 |
Digis | why does in breezy, evolution 2.4.0 doesnt work with IMAP? | 08:14 |
bob2 | sadly, manufacturers actually use those in their race to the bottom | 08:14 |
bob2 | Digis: please file a bug | 08:14 |
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deFrysk | nautilus crashes too often in breezy | 08:14 |
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deFrysk | its dodgy | 08:14 |
Digis | bob2, ok | 08:14 |
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ksmurf | thoreauputic ... u rock! | 08:15 |
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bob2 | deFrysk: have you filed a bug? | 08:15 |
deFrysk | bob2, I will | 08:15 |
bob2 | release is in like 4 weeks, if you guys don't report this NOW, it will not be fixed for 7 months | 08:15 |
ksmurf | it worked... it gnome-panel-control --main-menu | 08:15 |
bob2 | seriously | 08:15 |
thoreauputic | ksmurf: heh - plenty to read there, eh? | 08:15 |
thoreauputic | :) | 08:15 |
bob2 | the point of using breezy is to rerpot these things | 08:15 |
killapop | why is it that in qtparted, i can format a partition but cannot resize it? | 08:15 |
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deFrysk | bob2, repot even | 08:15 |
deFrysk | report | 08:15 |
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killapop | it is an NTFS partition | 08:16 |
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ksmurf | bob2 I would love to report a bug but there hasn't been any on my system for days except the gdesklets thing. | 08:16 |
intelikey | does the system need bootlogd ? | 08:17 |
bur[n] er | anyone know what this means when I run glxgears? Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 08:17 |
bob2 | please don't remove things you don't understand | 08:17 |
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intelikey | anything rely on it ? | 08:17 |
bob2 | bur[n] er: that you don't have GL configured | 08:17 |
ksmurf | if u want a boot log it does | 08:17 |
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IkeKrull | anyone know why sdl_mixer doesnt seem to want to work in ubuntu? | 08:17 |
intelikey | bob2 me ? | 08:18 |
bur[n] er | bob2: I read something about a glx 'module' should be in xorg.conf?? that what i'm missing? | 08:18 |
bob2 | bur[n] er: no, you need to tell us about your video hardware | 08:18 |
bob2 | and if you've touched your X config at all | 08:18 |
bob2 | intelikey: yes | 08:18 |
bur[n] er | radeon 7000 ve... i did a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg awhile ago | 08:18 |
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bob2 | and you disable the GLX module, it seems | 08:19 |
bob2 | run it again and make sure it's selected | 08:19 |
intelikey | hmmm bob2 how exactly does it affect you if i modify my system lol :) | 08:19 |
bur[n] er | how do I re-enable it? | 08:19 |
bob2 | intelikey: because then you'll come here asking for help to unbreak it | 08:19 |
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bob2 | it's way less hassle for us all if you just don't break it to begin with | 08:19 |
bob2 | bur[n] er: dpkg-recon... | 08:19 |
intelikey | not likely bob2 | 08:19 |
bur[n] er | I tried adding some "options" to the xorg.conf such as "Option "RenderAccel" "yes"" and EnablePageFlip | 08:19 |
bob2 | there you go | 08:20 |
deFrysk | pageflip ? | 08:20 |
dazvid | Guys, is there any good open source video editing software packages out there? | 08:20 |
dazvid | is = are | 08:20 |
bob2 | dazvid: try kino | 08:20 |
dazvid | kk | 08:20 |
aftertaf | dazvid: kino anit half bad | 08:20 |
aftertaf | aint | 08:20 |
omp342 | how do i play a cd in BMP? | 08:20 |
bur[n] er | deFrysk: i read it regarding the radeon driver | 08:20 |
bob2 | omp342: you probably can't, without a plugin | 08:20 |
bob2 | but BMP is just xmms with antia-aliased menus and less plugins | 08:20 |
bob2 | for xmms it's xmms-cdread | 08:20 |
deFrysk | bur[n] er, I will as soon as I have one ;p | 08:20 |
thoreauputic | bob2: actually you can - the plugin is included | 08:21 |
omp342 | bob2: the plugin comes installed | 08:21 |
bob2 | oh, ok | 08:21 |
omp342 | bob2: i just dont know how to make it play from cd, i don't see the option anywhere | 08:21 |
bob2 | let me retract my BMP rant then | 08:21 |
thoreauputic | you need to point bmp at your cd device | 08:21 |
bob2 | tho it is still valid | 08:21 |
bur[n] er | lol | 08:21 |
bur[n] er | a lot of plugins are ported, just not in debian/ubuntu yet | 08:22 |
omp342 | i had the same problem in xmms :/ | 08:22 |
deFrysk | xmms plugins also work on beep-media-player and can be copied to the bmp pluginfolders without probs | 08:22 |
bur[n] er | bob2: is there anything I can add to my xorg.conf file to get glx again? | 08:22 |
bob2 | bur[n] er: the glx module | 08:22 |
thoreauputic | deFrysk: ah, good to know | 08:22 |
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bur[n] er | bob2: seems my whole Section "module" is missing | 08:24 |
thoreauputic | omp342: as I said , you need to configure the plugin to point at your device ( e.g. /dev/hdc ) | 08:24 |
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bob2 | bur[n] er: please don't tell me you're using breezy | 08:24 |
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bob2 | because then I'll cry | 08:24 |
thoreauputic | omp342: highlight the CD plugin, click configure | 08:24 |
=== bur[n] er refrains from making bob2 cry ;) | ||
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thoreauputic | :) | 08:25 |
bob2 | brownie17: known bug, fixed sometime soon | 08:26 |
bob2 | welcome to unstable! | 08:26 |
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thoreauputic | omp342: oops .. s/configure/preferences | 08:27 |
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brownie17 | !EVMS | 08:28 |
ubotu | brownie17: Are you smoking crack? | 08:28 |
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dazvid | Thanks guys, kino is nice looking :) | 08:28 |
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chavo | he's eating crack brownies | 08:28 |
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aftertaf | lol chavo | 08:28 |
brownie17 | ubotu, EVMS is the "Enterprise Volume Management System" | 08:28 |
ubotu | okay, brownie17 | 08:28 |
brownie17 | !EVMS | 08:28 |
ubotu | I heard evms is the "Enterprise Volume Management System" | 08:28 |
aftertaf | dazvid: yep.. i even capture dv from firewire device with it. | 08:28 |
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brownie17 | excellent | 08:28 |
dazvid | nice! | 08:28 |
dazvid | just have to get drivers for my webcam now | 08:29 |
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dazvid | stupid noname thing -_- | 08:29 |
brownie17 | aftertaf: now to restart a bunch of times and see if i get the HAL error | 08:30 |
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aftertaf | hal == evms? | 08:30 |
bob2 | NO | 08:30 |
aftertaf | :/ sceptical | 08:30 |
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aftertaf | lol bob2 :) | 08:30 |
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dazvid | What does HAL do anyways? | 08:31 |
deFrysk | dazvid, something abstract | 08:31 |
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aftertaf | in layers | 08:31 |
bob2 | it gathers up hardware events from the kernel and sends them off to applications | 08:31 |
dazvid | no man entry for it | 08:32 |
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thoreauputic | dazvid: refuses to open the pod bay doors ;) | 08:32 |
dazvid | ah thanks bob2 | 08:32 |
bob2 | e.g. the battery monitor can say "yo, tell me about power status changes" | 08:32 |
aftertaf | thoreauputic: looooooool | 08:32 |
bob2 | and hal will say "wassup, we're on AC now" | 08:32 |
dazvid | Yeh I was getting that error last week.. unplugged my USB devices, and it disappeared | 08:32 |
intelikey | oh here is one i don't need starting at boot time /etc/init.d/sudo | 08:32 |
thoreauputic | "I'm sorry dazvid , i can't do that" | 08:32 |
aftertaf | no he won't..... he says he can't do that... | 08:32 |
bob2 | intelikey: so, you checked out what it does? | 08:32 |
=== aftertaf gets in the popcorn again | ||
bob2 | intelikey: and you know you don't need that? | 08:33 |
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intelikey | :) | 08:33 |
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deFrysk | unlikely | 08:33 |
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dazvid | that reminds me, are there any decent howto's on optimizing startup times? | 08:33 |
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intelikey | i also removed sudo | 08:33 |
=== thoreauputic drops a 50kg Unix manual on intelikey | ||
bob2 | awesome stuff | 08:34 |
omp342 | when i do Check drive... in BMP it shows the tracks and minutes and stuff, but i'm having trouble getting the music to play | 08:34 |
deFrysk | dazvid, optimizing bootime in ubuntu wil be hard to do for it boots very fast | 08:34 |
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wickedpuppy | !hal | 08:34 |
ubotu | HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) is a library and daemon to get hotplug notifications as hardware is added and removed. KDE uses it for its media:/ kioslave | 08:34 |
wickedpuppy | its hardware detection | 08:34 |
bob2 | not really | 08:34 |
dazvid | deFrysk, mine doesnt! | 08:34 |
bob2 | hotplug/udev does that | 08:34 |
intelikey | thoreauputic tanks fo da book :) | 08:34 |
dazvid | network configuration takes a long time | 08:34 |
thoreauputic | intelikey: ;) | 08:34 |
deFrysk | dazvid, most be having probs connecting then | 08:35 |
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ompaul | intelikey, you should be proud of yourself, inventing a distro that no one else will use, although it is based on ubuntu | 08:35 |
dazvid | I dont think I am, otherwise I wouldnt be on IRC now | 08:35 |
deFrysk | dazvid, probs = a hard time | 08:35 |
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nmstryoda | life on the edge ... lol | 08:36 |
dazvid | fair enough | 08:36 |
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brownie17 | aftertaf: i tried rebooting | 08:37 |
dazvid | brownie17, where in VIC are you? | 08:37 |
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brownie17 | dazvid: why, aftertaf? | 08:37 |
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dazvid | because im in melbourne | 08:37 |
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dazvid | just curious | 08:37 |
dazvid | :P | 08:37 |
intelikey | ompaul i may run ubuntu, but it will be my ubuntu.... :) | 08:37 |
brownie17 | dazvid: it's ok, i'm far from melbourne, nearly 4 hours by car | 08:38 |
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omp342 | i guess i'll use CDPlayer until i can find a solution | 08:38 |
gambit | help | 08:38 |
gambit | help | 08:38 |
dazvid | Well I actually live on the mornington peninsula.. so yeh | 08:38 |
brownie17 | dazvid: anyway i tried restarting and it still didn't work, but there is a breakthough | 08:38 |
thoreauputic | intelikey: BTW do you like the idea that someone could take advantage of your IRC client, since you apear to be running as root? | 08:38 |
bob2 | gambit: stop it | 08:38 |
bob2 | gambit: if you have a question, ask it | 08:38 |
gambit | no plugin for java in my ubuntu | 08:38 |
brownie17 | dazvid: umm, whers that? i've definately heard of it | 08:38 |
bob2 | gambit: wiki.ubuntu.com/Java | 08:39 |
intelikey | ah apear is the operative word thoreauputic | 08:39 |
=== holycow [n=a@S0106000fb51e6051.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | intelikey, no you run irc as root just get linspire and be done withit | 08:39 |
dazvid | Frankston/Portsea/geelong, all around the mornington peninsula, im in Frankston more specifically | 08:39 |
dazvid | its like an hour from melbourne (south_ | 08:39 |
brownie17 | yeah, i'm north of melbourne | 08:39 |
=== bob2 went down the great ocean road from geelong last year, very nice drive | ||
intelikey | ompaul no apear is the operative word. it apears that i am root. i'm not. | 08:40 |
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dazvid | bob2 you're in Canberra yeh? | 08:40 |
bob2 | dazvid: yeah | 08:40 |
dazvid | ok | 08:40 |
brownie17 | dazvid: but anyway, i didnt get it to work, but i found if i wait for ages, it eventually opens it, but it gives me some error about the showdesktop function | 08:40 |
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thoreauputic | intelikey: what exactly is the point of that then? | 08:40 |
intelikey | what is the point in anything we do ? | 08:40 |
brownie17 | dazvid: so unlesss someone else knows how to fix it ( ?????????????) then im going to just reinstall ubuntu, becasue this is giving me the shits. i might actually just give up on it and go back to windows | 08:40 |
ompaul | intelikey, on many other networks and channels you would be kicked and told to come back as a normal user | 08:40 |
dazvid | brownie17, I had the same problem, it was one of my devices not starting correctly | 08:41 |
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=== omp342 is now known as omp | ||
brownie17 | dazvid: really? what device? | 08:41 |
brownie17 | brb | 08:41 |
dazvid | my scanner I think :) | 08:41 |
omp | :) | 08:41 |
intelikey | ompaul i'm not a newbee here.... duh | 08:41 |
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thoreauputic | intelikey: your /whois is inaccurate then. Not a very cool thing to do. | 08:41 |
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intelikey | would you like 'na' in place of 'root' thoreauputic | 08:42 |
SuperQ | woot | 08:42 |
intelikey | i can set it to anything you like.... | 08:42 |
ompaul | that would be better | 08:42 |
SuperQ | got WPA-PSK working | 08:42 |
thoreauputic | intelikey: if you don't see the point I'm not going to labour it | 08:42 |
SuperQ | had to build wpasupplicant and hostap-drivers out of sid | 08:43 |
SuperQ | Grrr | 08:43 |
intelikey | brb then | 08:43 |
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intelikey | there now you all feal better... | 08:43 |
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intelikey | there now you all feal better... don't you ? | 08:45 |
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Madpilot | whois Madpilot | 08:45 |
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Kuresu | has anyone gotten cedega to work with hoary | 08:45 |
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bur[n] er | Kuresu: definately | 08:45 |
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ompaul | Madpilot, look in the mirror | 08:45 |
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Kuresu | really? | 08:45 |
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Kuresu | you should write me a FAQ | 08:46 |
Madpilot | ompaul: ha ha. just checking whois stuff - the little arguement got me curious... | 08:46 |
Kuresu | i have problems installing the deb | 08:46 |
dazvid | with the whois thing, is that the details I would enter to connect over SSH to my home computer? | 08:46 |
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Kuresu | i need to update libc6 and libasound2 libraries | 08:46 |
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Kuresu | but the system won't let me | 08:46 |
bur[n] er | Kuresu: oh? i didn't have to | 08:46 |
dazvid | nm, I just realised it was a different username | 08:47 |
dazvid | -_- | 08:47 |
brownie17 | dazvid: could it be my modem? i was having trouble with it the otehr day | 08:47 |
Kuresu | i thought all hoary systems were alike?? | 08:47 |
Kuresu | its odd | 08:47 |
=== bur[n] er thought so too | ||
bur[n] er | ;) | 08:47 |
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Kuresu | so you could install the .deb file without any trouble?? | 08:47 |
CCFIEL | who is using xfce here in ubuntu? | 08:47 |
bob2 | dazvid: often, yes | 08:47 |
bob2 | Kuresu: no, you don't | 08:47 |
ompaul | Kuresu, you are installing everything from synaptic? | 08:48 |
bob2 | Kuresu: you need to get the right version of cedega | 08:48 |
Kuresu | from the terminal if thats what you mean | 08:48 |
Kuresu | 4.4 | 08:48 |
Kuresu | i presume is the right version? | 08:48 |
bob2 | Kuresu: no, the .deb you downloaded was not for ubuntu hoary | 08:48 |
omp | this is ridiculous | 08:48 |
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bob2 | Kuresu: go find one that is for it | 08:48 |
dazvid | brownie17, I found that when I hit <ctrl><alt><f1> it took me to the terminal, and was showing troubles initialising a USB device... so I did a trial and error to find it :P | 08:48 |
Kuresu | ... | 08:49 |
Kuresu | there's difference in that too | 08:49 |
Kuresu | damn.. | 08:49 |
Kuresu | linux is so confusing | 08:49 |
bob2 | Kuresu: if it says you need to update libc6, it's not for your OS | 08:49 |
bob2 | it's not confusing | 08:49 |
Kuresu | ok | 08:49 |
bob2 | you've made it confusing by getting proprietary software involved | 08:49 |
intelikey | dazvid not terminal, console. | 08:49 |
dazvid | intelikey, thanks for the correction | 08:49 |
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dazvid | :) | 08:49 |
brownie17 | dazvid: this is really quite an irritation, i will just unplug all usb devices, try one more time then i will reinstall ubuntu, with all my essentials backup up | 08:50 |
CaiN_SA | lol | 08:51 |
dazvid | Re-install probably wont help you | 08:51 |
brownie17 | dazvid: i may require a little bit of assistance in a few hours once it is re-installed, with adding the neccessary repos and such. mainly because i dont know which i should add | 08:51 |
CaiN_SA | only noobs reinstall for a minor problem | 08:51 |
CaiN_SA | rather try and fix it | 08:51 |
CaiN_SA | and btw brettcar | 08:51 |
CaiN_SA | * brownie17 | 08:51 |
CaiN_SA | what is wrong ? | 08:51 |
brownie17 | cain_sa, then i am such a noob, but realised it is half the solution, and the soltuion to my technical problem has so far eluded me, and other people in this channel, yourself included | 08:52 |
dazvid | I agree cain, fixing it will help you learn | 08:52 |
CaiN_SA | maby i can help | 08:52 |
gambit | in installing java, do i need to run the synaptic package manager? | 08:52 |
gambit | b4 installing java? | 08:52 |
ompaul | gambit, it is better if you do | 08:52 |
dazvid | gambit, you can use synaptic to install it | 08:52 |
brownie17 | Cain_SA, i would surely like to fix it, but am unable to do so, with me meagre sour e of knowledge | 08:52 |
CaiN_SA | erm ya | 08:52 |
dazvid | its really simple to use it too | 08:52 |
gambit | i see. | 08:52 |
CaiN_SA | or konsole | 08:52 |
gambit | thanks guys | 08:52 |
CaiN_SA | brownie17, | 08:52 |
bob2 | brownie17: what exactly is your problem? | 08:52 |
CaiN_SA | what is wrong ? | 08:52 |
CaiN_SA | tell me the problem | 08:52 |
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CaiN_SA | i cant help if you dont tell me | 08:52 |
gambit | if konsole, | 08:52 |
gambit | what command do i type | 08:53 |
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intelikey | hmmm or if it was a fresh install that was botched.... it might be as easy to reload..... but if you reload and the problem is still there then the nubi must adapt.... | 08:53 |
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gambit | if konsole, | 08:53 |
gambit | what command do i type | 08:53 |
HaroldJohnson | Evening, all | 08:53 |
gambit | in installing java\ | 08:53 |
brownie17 | bob2: Cain_SA: when booting, i get message "error initialisng HAL" gnome-panel then does not boot for at least 5 mins, and which time it gives me error "could not start show desktop applet, would you like to remove it from startup" | 08:53 |
bob2 | gambit: wiki.ubuntu.com/Java | 08:53 |
TokenBad | ok having trouble when trying to play an avi file.. | 08:53 |
CaiN_SA | gambit, sudo apt-get-update && sudo apt-get install free-java-sdk | 08:53 |
CaiN_SA | gambit, sudo apt-get-update && sudo apt-get install free-java-sdk | 08:53 |
CaiN_SA | gambit, sudo apt-get-update && sudo apt-get install free-java-sdk | 08:53 |
CaiN_SA | there | 08:53 |
bob2 | brownie17: and what did you change that caused tat problem? | 08:53 |
bob2 | CaiN_SA: please be more careful... | 08:54 |
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bob2 | TokenBad: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 08:54 |
CaiN_SA | soz bob2 | 08:54 |
brownie17 | bob2:Cain_SA: it came about when i removed the EVMS from the srartup via "update-rc.d" | 08:54 |
bob2 | brownie17: that's all you ever did? | 08:54 |
bob2 | brownie17: and it affects other users? | 08:54 |
vanberge | Trying to play a DVD in Xine, anybdody seen this before??: libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable. | 08:54 |
gambit | where can i browse the konsole in ubuntu | 08:54 |
traveller | what are the packages to install kernel includes? | 08:54 |
bob2 | vanberge: did you install libdvdcss2? | 08:54 |
bur[n] er | !tell vanberge about restrictedformats | 08:54 |
gambit | im not very familiar on this program | 08:54 |
brownie17 | bob2: haven't tried in other users, but i doubt it would be user specific | 08:54 |
bob2 | traveller: linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 08:54 |
TokenBad | the error is could not play file:///media/windows/uploads1/newdash.avi could not open resource for writing | 08:55 |
bob2 | TokenBad: don't use totem | 08:55 |
thoreauputic | vanberge: have you installed libdvdcss2 ? | 08:55 |
bob2 | brownie17: that is really all you changed? nothing else at all? | 08:55 |
vanberge | bob, bur[n] er thoreauputic : ty!! :-) | 08:55 |
bob2 | brownie17: what does 'ls -ld /etc/rc2.d/*hal*' print? | 08:55 |
=== vanberge = ubuntu nub | ||
brownie17 | bob2: not that same day i do not think | 08:55 |
traveller | bob2: thanks | 08:55 |
TokenBad | bob2, what should I use? | 08:55 |
brownie17 | bob2: il ltell you | 08:55 |
omp | almost all of the torrents i just tried to download couldn't connect to tracker (and these are all things i was able to download a few days ago) | 08:55 |
omp | :/ | 08:55 |
bob2 | TokenBad: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats, I quite like mplayer | 08:55 |
omp | i get a 'timeout exceeded' error | 08:55 |
CaiN_SA | omw | 08:55 |
=== bur[n] er likes totem | ||
bob2 | brownie17: not on the same day? you changed other things? | 08:56 |
CaiN_SA | this is like spagetti in here | 08:56 |
brownie17 | ls: /etc/rc2.d/*hal*: No such file or directory | 08:56 |
TokenBad | thanks... | 08:56 |
TokenBad | boy I got bad news today | 08:56 |
CaiN_SA | brownie17, theres your problem | 08:56 |
brownie17 | bob2: i don't really think i edited HAL at all ever | 08:56 |
CaiN_SA | you need hald | 08:56 |
brownie17 | Cain_SA how did it happen | 08:56 |
CaiN_SA | erm | 08:56 |
brownie17 | CAIN_SA is HAL standard with HOary? | 08:56 |
CaiN_SA | you uninstalled something that need it | 08:56 |
CaiN_SA | yes | 08:56 |
CaiN_SA | hal is | 08:56 |
brownie17 | cain_SA, know how to get it back? | 08:56 |
bob2 | I'd be very impressed if you managed to remove hal | 08:57 |
bob2 | since it would have removed gnome, too | 08:57 |
brownie17 | bob2: i'm not impressed! :) | 08:57 |
brownie17 | bob2: i got no idea what this error means | 08:57 |
=== bur[n] er is curious why gnome-panel wants to open the keyring every boot... it presumably deals with accounts from evolution that i've removed | ||
CaiN_SA | brownie17, sudo apt-apt-get install hal | 08:57 |
intelikey | brownie17 "ls /etc/init.d " and see if the script is still there. | 08:58 |
bob2 | hal doesn't have an init script | 08:58 |
TokenBad | bob2, I had all the codecs installed from the site | 08:58 |
bob2 | it gets run by udev | 08:58 |
TokenBad | just couldn't figure out why totem wouldn't play that file | 08:58 |
brownie17 | intelikey: there is a file caled halt, but thats it | 08:58 |
intelikey | CaiN_SA he may have just nuked the symlink | 08:58 |
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CaiN_SA | ya maby | 08:58 |
intelikey | i guess not. | 08:58 |
bob2 | there is no symlink in /etc/init.d/ | 08:58 |
thoreauputic | CaiN_SA: see what bob2 said or do " locate hal " | 08:58 |
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brownie17 | Cain_SA: it says hal is allready the newest version | 08:59 |
CaiN_SA | kk | 08:59 |
thoreauputic | CaiN_SA: hal doesn't have those scripts | 08:59 |
CaiN_SA | ya ya | 08:59 |
bob2 | brownie17: what was the HAL error at boot? | 08:59 |
CaiN_SA | some1 said that already | 08:59 |
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brownie17 | dont know specifics: but something like (maybe) error 21? | 08:59 |
brownie17 | possibly | 08:59 |
bob2 | no | 08:59 |
bob2 | we need the specifics | 08:59 |
brownie17 | i might have to restart and write it down if you really think that would hlep | 08:59 |
bob2 | reboot and write it down | 08:59 |
intelikey | bob2 that is why i asked him to look for the init csript. because i thought he might have rm'd the symlink in rc#.d :) | 09:00 |
bob2 | intelikey: except there isn't one | 09:00 |
bob2 | intelikey: and never has been | 09:00 |
aftertaf | intelikey: which symlink? | 09:00 |
bob2 | intelikey: dpkg -L hal | 09:00 |
brownie17 | bob2: you want me to type that in temrinal? | 09:00 |
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Espermatezoide | hi | 09:00 |
Espermatezoide | need some help guys... | 09:00 |
dazvid | hello | 09:00 |
Espermatezoide | * Shenhua (dsa@ entrou em #Lisboa | 09:00 |
Espermatezoide | * Shenhua (dsa@ saiu de #Lisboa | 09:00 |
Espermatezoide | * xupa_xups desligou (Quit: +q) | 09:00 |
Espermatezoide | * Man32Lx desligou (Connection reset by peer) | 09:00 |
bob2 | brownie17: no, reboot and write down the full error | 09:00 |
Espermatezoide | opsss | 09:00 |
aftertaf | hal started by hotplug right? | 09:00 |
Espermatezoide | damn it | 09:00 |
brownie17 | bob2 restarting!!! might take approx ten to get gnome on again | 09:01 |
bob2 | aftertaf: or udev | 09:01 |
bob2 | brownie17: ok | 09:01 |
Espermatezoide | area51@mark:~$ heroes3 | 09:01 |
Espermatezoide | Creating Loki preferences directory: /home/area51/.loki/ | 09:01 |
Espermatezoide | Creating heroes3 preferences directory: /home/area51/.loki/heroes3 | 09:01 |
Espermatezoide | Message: Unable to initialize resources - possible disk problem. | 09:01 |
aftertaf | ok bob2 (learning as we go along too.....) | 09:01 |
Espermatezoide | this is my real problem | 09:01 |
Espermatezoide | lol | 09:01 |
intelikey | i'd have to have installed hal to do dpkg -L hal on it | 09:01 |
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bob2 | indeed | 09:01 |
Espermatezoide | any suggestions ? | 09:01 |
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aftertaf | Espermatezoide: don't paste like that.... | 09:01 |
aftertaf | !pastebin | 09:01 |
ubotu | methinks pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 09:01 |
bob2 | Espermatezoide: google had nothing to say about that error? | 09:01 |
Espermatezoide | sorry | 09:02 |
Espermatezoide | i'll search | 09:02 |
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Espermatezoide | nop | 09:03 |
aftertaf | s'ok Espermatezoide .... :) | 09:03 |
Espermatezoide | google dont find any clue... | 09:03 |
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bob2 | Espermatezoide: http://www.google.com/search?num=50&hs=iIt&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&c2coff=1&client=firefox&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aunofficial&q=%22Unable+to+initialize+resources+-+possible+disk+problem.%22&btnG=Search | 09:04 |
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Espermatezoide | damn | 09:04 |
Espermatezoide | you're good | 09:04 |
intelikey | hal Conflicts: gnome-volume-manager (<< 0.9.10), pmount (<< 0.4.2) | 09:04 |
Espermatezoide | tks man! | 09:04 |
gin_ | somebody can give me a good repository with multimedia, internet, and utils support ? | 09:05 |
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bob2 | gin_: what "internet" and "utils" packages are not in Ubuntu? | 09:05 |
bob2 | gin_: for legally dodgy multimedia stuff, wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 09:05 |
aftertaf | jk-: congrats on your ubuntification | 09:05 |
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robitaille | hi Snark | 09:06 |
Snark | salut | 09:06 |
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fernando | Can somebody tell about the instructions on how to configure a webser? | 09:06 |
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bob2 | "webserver"? | 09:06 |
fernando | yes | 09:06 |
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Madpilot | !lamp | 09:06 |
bob2 | 1) install apache2 | 09:06 |
ubotu | lamp is probably Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Hoary is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP | 09:06 |
bob2 | 2) ... | 09:06 |
bob2 | 3) enjoy | 09:06 |
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fernando | thanks | 09:07 |
GNULinuxer | bob2: is it ok to upgrade to breezy now? | 09:07 |
hyphenated | I thought 3 was 'Profit!!!' | 09:07 |
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Madpilot | hyphenated: that was back before the internet bubble burst, I think... ;) | 09:07 |
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brownie17 | Cain_SA: Bob2: im back | 09:07 |
bob2 | GNULinuxer: I believe X is slightly broken atm | 09:07 |
bur[n] er | X is? | 09:07 |
GNULinuxer | bob2: ohh! | 09:07 |
bob2 | bur[n] er: your "lack of modules section" thing | 09:08 |
bur[n] er | aww | 09:08 |
brownie17 | Cain_SA: Bob2: it said "Error: failed to initialise HAL!" | 09:08 |
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bur[n] er | well, i added it... glxgears is way off still... doesn't even show me scores and it's super slow... so yeah, still b0rked a bit, but it works | 09:08 |
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=== Garian [i=Garian@ip24-255-209-63.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | bur[n] er: yes, man glxgears | 09:08 |
bob2 | or glxgears --help | 09:09 |
bob2 | one will explain the scores | 09:09 |
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bur[n] er | neither one works | 09:09 |
bob2 | well, run strings on it | 09:09 |
bur[n] er | and i dont' get scores... i let it run for 3 minutes plus | 09:09 |
bob2 | yes, I know | 09:09 |
crispynix-v6 | glxgears is not a good benchmark | 09:09 |
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bob2 | it's disabled due to stupidity | 09:09 |
aftertaf | brownie17: is there anything else in the system logs? | 09:09 |
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GNULinuxer | bur[n] er: i am getting 865 fps with glxgears ... is it ok? | 09:10 |
brownie17 | aftertaf: where are system logs? | 09:10 |
bob2 | brownie17: /var/log/syslog | 09:10 |
dazvid | ahh, how can I setup manual pages for C functions? | 09:10 |
bob2 | bur[n] er: there's a special flag you have to pass to get it to print scores | 09:10 |
bob2 | bur[n] er: it's secret to stop people using it for benchmarks | 09:10 |
bob2 | dazvid: install manpages-dev | 09:10 |
dazvid | thanks | 09:10 |
=== vanberge [n=vanberge@c-24-11-37-74.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brownie17 | bob2: the file is MASSIVE, what exactly am i looking for? a mention of HAL? | 09:11 |
bob2 | brownie17: read the end of it, and yes | 09:11 |
vanberge | ok i am a serious noob... i thought i was all set to play dvd's, i cannot get it working. installed libdvdread, libdvdcss2... trying to use xine | 09:11 |
brownie17 | bob2: no mention of HAL in the entire docum,ent | 09:11 |
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=== bur[n] e1 [n=norml@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vanberge | "Check if another program already uses PCM" | 09:12 |
bur[n] e1 | so that time, glxgears made a hard freeze for me ;) | 09:12 |
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bob2 | vanberge: "pkill esd", try again | 09:12 |
aftertaf | brownie17: you should have datestamps on the log entries, go line by line over your last boot, see if you can find where it said hal failed.... | 09:12 |
aftertaf | brownie17: and, what do you have hardware wise plugged in to usb etc..... | 09:13 |
vanberge | bob2, what does that command do? kill the sound daemon process? | 09:13 |
=== bur[n] er_ [n=norml@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | yes | 09:13 |
=== bmecoli- [n=bmecoli@c-69-180-90-58.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bmecoli- | hmm I bought an SB live! | 09:13 |
=== bur[n] e1 [n=norml@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brownie17 | aftertaf: a controller for games etc printer (no drivers) a scanner (no drivers) a mouse (working) a keyboard (working) | 09:13 |
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bmecoli- | but I went through the software midi synthisis | 09:14 |
aftertaf | reboot with only keyb and mouse plugged in, see if it changes anything | 09:14 |
brownie17 | bob2: aftertaf: Cain_SA: but there si not a single mention of HAL in the document | 09:14 |
vanberge | bob2, different error now... generic. "the source cannot be read" | 09:14 |
bmecoli- | when I replace the card... should I remove timidity and such? | 09:14 |
vanberge | using xine, i checked, paths look right | 09:14 |
vanberge | /dev/hdd is where the dvd is mounted | 09:15 |
ekimus | hi, anyone knows how to configure mplayer so that the osd works? (or which package contains the correct fonts) | 09:15 |
thoreauputic | vanberge: which region does xine think you are in? (for dvd encryption) | 09:15 |
vanberge | 1 | 09:15 |
thoreauputic | is that correct? | 09:15 |
vanberge | i dont know... i live in GR michigan | 09:15 |
ekimus | forget it mplayer-fonts :) | 09:15 |
=== res [n=florian@adsl-143-191-bs1.datacomm.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
res | hallo | 09:16 |
bmecoli- | um.... no one can answer my question? | 09:16 |
=== cyberto [n=cyberto@adsl-143-191-bs1.datacomm.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bmecoli- | last thing I would want is some sort of strange conflict | 09:16 |
bob2 | bmecoli-: I didn't answer because I don't understand it | 09:16 |
cyberto | hallo | 09:16 |
brownie17 | bob2: aftertaf: Cain_SA: dont worry about it, i'll just re-install. or maybe format and install windows, becasue i just can't be stuffed having an OS that i can't keep running long enough to understand | 09:16 |
bob2 | if you don't want timidity, remove it | 09:16 |
cyberto | hello all | 09:16 |
bob2 | sblive midi doesn't work, anyway | 09:16 |
bmecoli- | or for linux to still use software emulation | 09:16 |
bob2 | I'd just leave timidity | 09:16 |
vanberge | jeez... audio _decoder: errror, unknown buffer type | 09:17 |
=== Cashel [n=doc@0-1pool53-244.nas19.portland1.or.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cashel | rehowdies | 09:17 |
bmecoli- | uh... sblive midi does work last I heard | 09:17 |
thoreauputic | vanberge: do you have w32codecs? | 09:17 |
vanberge | yeah... | 09:17 |
vanberge | remove em? | 09:18 |
bmecoli- | eh... I'm going to slap it in and see what happens | 09:18 |
thoreauputic | vanberge: no | 09:18 |
=== intelikey [n=na@0-1pool90-147.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bmecoli- | so there :) | 09:18 |
Cashel | vanberge, how did you make out w/ that nvidia driver? | 09:18 |
vanberge | Cashel, worked great :-) | 09:18 |
Cashel | glad to hear it :) | 09:18 |
=== knowledge_ [n=knowledg@c-24-13-50-200.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vanberge | me too! | 09:18 |
brownie17 | bob2: will there be some kind of recovery tool on the install cd? | 09:18 |
vanberge | thoreauputic, do i need to reboot after installing them? | 09:18 |
bob2 | brownie17: for recovery of what? | 09:18 |
thoreauputic | vanberge: no | 09:18 |
thoreauputic | vanberge: the only thing that needs a reboot in linux is a kernel change | 09:19 |
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thoreauputic | AFAIK | 09:19 |
brownie17 | bob2: well this is a system error, and on windows they have tools that fix errors like this. but microsoft are used to dealing with people like me who have no idea what they are doing | 09:19 |
vanberge | thoreauputic, any idea then why my xine wouldnt play dvd's? :-( | 09:19 |
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=== linner [n=kelley@pool-71-108-165-168.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brownie17 | bob@; i really just want to know why in the hell that this happened in the first place | 09:20 |
thoreauputic | vanberge: no, sorry - I actually don't have a dvd here myself: just trying to suggest a few possibilities | 09:20 |
Cashel | vanberge, got libdevccs2 or whatever? That was my problem... | 09:20 |
linner | hey y'all | 09:20 |
vanberge | Cashel, yeah i did install that.. | 09:20 |
bur[n] er1 | vanberge: then use totem? | 09:21 |
brownie17 | vanberge: restart afterwards? | 09:21 |
linner | has anyone successfully installed the Macromedia Flash Player into Mozilla? | 09:21 |
bur[n] er1 | restart?!?!? wtf, this isn't windows | 09:21 |
thoreauputic | vanberge: I gather some people have better luck with mplayer | 09:21 |
linner | man, am i have a hard time | 09:21 |
brownie17 | vanberge: try totem as a control, but if you can help it, don't use totem permanently | 09:21 |
=== bur[n] er1 has great luck with totem-xine + libdvdcss2 | ||
linner | oops having | 09:21 |
Cashel | vanberge, run xine-ui from a root shell, and lets see the error | 09:21 |
topyli | linner: yes, i've done apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree | 09:21 |
brownie17 | bur[n] er1: my mistake :) reboot! | 09:21 |
=== Cashel played absolute hell getting DVDs to work, now they run great.... | ||
linner | topyli: non free? | 09:22 |
topyli | yes | 09:22 |
linner | maybe that's my problem | 09:22 |
bur[n] er1 | brownie17: again... this isn't windows... no need ot reboot!!! | 09:22 |
bob2 | brownie17: no, ther'es no tool to fix this | 09:22 |
linner | let me try that | 09:22 |
bob2 | brownie17: what on earth would it do? travel back in time and find out what you did and undo it? | 09:22 |
vanberge | just tried to use totem | 09:22 |
aftertaf | brownie17: is it Hal or gnome that is playing up, or both? | 09:22 |
vanberge | The source seems encrypted, and can't be read. Are you trying to play an encrypted DVD without libdvdcss? | 09:22 |
brownie17 | bob2: well if no-one knows, reinstall | 09:22 |
vanberge | synaptic show sthat package is installed... | 09:22 |
aftertaf | brownie17: have you added any 3rd party repos? | 09:22 |
brownie17 | aftertaf: i got no idea, al i know is what the screen tell me | 09:22 |
Cashel | vanberge, xine-ui from a shell, lets see the error :) | 09:23 |
brownie17 | aftertaf: i dont think. only the ones in that guide on pastebin... i have addem multiverse and universe i think | 09:23 |
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=== fluffybunny_ [i=vtgk4y81@nat-gw.nbn.ac.za] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
bur[n] er1 | vanberge: libdvdcss2? | 09:23 |
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vanberge | Cashel, xine-ui command not found... | 09:23 |
bob2 | brownie17: I very very strongly suspect you did something you forgot or didn't tell us | 09:23 |
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vanberge | bur[n] er, yes | 09:23 |
linner | topyli: hold on a sec... I'm going to try that command | 09:23 |
aftertaf | brownie17: ok for repos... have you tried rebooting with just keyb and mouse attached | 09:23 |
fluffybunny_ | is there an Ubuntu HOWTO on how to optimise my boot/shut down time? | 09:23 |
brownie17 | aftertaf: no, i will do that | 09:23 |
bob2 | fluffybunny_: "don't" | 09:23 |
bob2 | fluffybunny_: use suspend-to-disk | 09:24 |
bur[n] er1 | vanberge: dpkg-reconfigure totem ?? | 09:24 |
linner | topyli: nope... that didn't work either | 09:24 |
Cashel | vanberge, gag... well, whatever your using then :) | 09:24 |
linner | here's what I'm getting: | 09:24 |
omp | shutdown = hold power button for 5 seconds :P | 09:24 |
linner | Reading package lists... Done | 09:24 |
linner | Building dependency tree... Done | 09:24 |
linner | E: Couldn't find package flashplayer-nonfree | 09:24 |
aftertaf | brownie17: i understand your frustration..... it happens to all of us when we start mate ;) | 09:24 |
fluffybunny_ | bob2: lol, ok... what is suspend to disk anyway | 09:24 |
brownie17 | aftertaf: ok, reboot | 09:24 |
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fluffybunny_ | omp: :p | 09:24 |
omp | fluffybunny_: that's what i do | 09:24 |
bob2 | fluffybunny_: saves your system state to disk, and powers off. next boot, it reads it back and returns you exactly where you wehere | 09:24 |
linner | being new is always hard! :) | 09:24 |
omp | fluffybunny_: i'm serious :) | 09:24 |
vanberge | "audio_decoder: error, unknown buffer type: " | 09:25 |
brownie17 | aftertaf: oh well, at least it's only a software error! :) i'll be thankful | 09:25 |
aftertaf | ;) | 09:25 |
Cashel | ahhh | 09:25 |
aftertaf | !info flash | 09:25 |
brownie17 | bob@!: when you say suspend to disk, you mean "hibernate"? | 09:25 |
bob2 | linner: enable multivers | 09:25 |
bob2 | linner: /msg dpkg repositories | 09:25 |
topyli | linner: oh, it's flashplugin-nonfree | 09:25 |
bur[n] er1 | vanberge: dunno what to tell you man... get totem-xine instead of totem-gstreamer? | 09:25 |
linner | oh gosh | 09:25 |
linner | huh? | 09:25 |
linner | no... I just want the regular flash plugin for firefox | 09:25 |
bur[n] er1 | vanberge: i have totem-xine + libdvdcss2 and I just watched LOTR 2: two towers just fine :) | 09:25 |
fluffybunny_ | omp: cool, my shutdown time is more or less ok, its boot up time and log in time that I want to speed up, really - friends are using gentoo, and they have some init thing that they do, and boot up < 20 sec, shut down < 5 sec... i'm jealous | 09:25 |
Cashel | vanberge, go ahead and try changing the audio output to alsa instead of esd | 09:26 |
bob2 | linner: are you using i386 ubuntu? | 09:26 |
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linner | I think so. :) | 09:26 |
vanberge | Cashel, where do i do that | 09:26 |
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Cashel | vanberge, what program are you using? | 09:26 |
linner | topyli: ok | 09:26 |
linner | let me try it again | 09:26 |
topyli | linner: that's the original macromedia non-free plugin | 09:26 |
vanberge | Cashel, xine | 09:26 |
omp | fluffybunny_: gentoo is awesome :) | 09:26 |
fluffybunny_ | bob2: so why is suspend to disk bad? | 09:26 |
=== royal [n=brad@65-101-132-27.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cashel | vanberge, setting > setup > audio | 09:27 |
bob2 | fluffybunny_: how is it bad? | 09:27 |
linner | topyli: yeah it's still not working | 09:27 |
Cashel | make sure use alsa hardware is defined | 09:27 |
omp | fluffybunny_: i switched from gentoo to ubuntu last night :) | 09:27 |
Cashel | is checked, even | 09:27 |
linner | bob2: I'm using ubuntu 5.04 breezy | 09:27 |
fluffybunny_ | omp: i'm sure it is, but i am a n00b, so i want something easy | 09:27 |
linner | does that help? | 09:27 |
Cashel | hardware mixer I think it is | 09:27 |
=== benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-66-8-184-56.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | linner: that's nice. what architecture? | 09:27 |
vanberge | Cashel, "Audio Driver to use" ?? | 09:27 |
=== linner hates being new.... love helping other people! | ||
royal | can some one help me with a network problem | 09:27 |
bob2 | fluffybunny_: you select hibernate fro mthe gnome shutdown menu. all done. | 09:27 |
linner | Bob2: how do I find out? | 09:27 |
chavo | royal, maybe | 09:27 |
omp | fluffybunny_: the only bad thing about gentoo is waiting for everything to compile | 09:28 |
bob2 | linner: you don't know what sort of CPU your machine has? | 09:28 |
=== bur[n] er [n=norml@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | royal: why don't you just ask your question? | 09:28 |
thoreauputic | linner: uname -m | 09:28 |
royal | how do I make it so what's in my resolv.conf never changes | 09:28 |
fluffybunny_ | bob2: thanks | 09:28 |
linner | it's an athlon | 09:28 |
topyli | linner: it's in multiverse. do you have it enabled? | 09:28 |
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Cashel | vanberge, tell you what, put it on auto, then go to System > preferences > multimedia selector .. and make everything in output alsa | 09:28 |
linner | topyli: I don't know what multiverse is... I'm 3 days new to linux.... | 09:28 |
linner | :( | 09:28 |
bob2 | linner: an athlon what? | 09:28 |
linner | I'm sorry.... | 09:28 |
omp | can i get java through apt-get or do i have to install it manually? | 09:28 |
linner | 1500 | 09:28 |
Cashel | ESD doesnt play nice w/ mm players for some reason.. | 09:28 |
bob2 | omp: /msg ubotu java | 09:28 |
thoreauputic | !tell linner about repos | 09:28 |
topyli | !tell linner about repos | 09:28 |
topyli | lol | 09:28 |
fluffybunny_ | omp:well, it sounds way more complex when my friends go on in gentoo-gobbledy-gook. :) why did you switch to ubuntu? | 09:28 |
bob2 | Cashel: it does if you tell them to use esd | 09:28 |
selinium | HI thoreauputic! | 09:29 |
linner | what's a repository? | 09:29 |
thoreauputic | selinium: hi again selinium :) | 09:29 |
bob2 | linner: a set of Ubuntu packages | 09:29 |
topyli | linner: see what ubotu tells you | 09:29 |
Cashel | bob2, negatory good budy, totem, totem-xine, and mplayer all refuse to work as ESD for me... | 09:29 |
linner | oh okay | 09:29 |
thoreauputic | linner: ubotu just sent you URLs for that | 09:29 |
linner | i'm clicking right now | 09:29 |
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thoreauputic | good man | 09:29 |
linner | thoreauputic: thank you! | 09:29 |
bob2 | Cashel: when run as 'mplayer -ao esd'? | 09:29 |
thoreauputic | np | 09:29 |
Cashel | esd itself works fine from gnome just not there... | 09:29 |
Cashel | bob2, yup | 09:29 |
bob2 | Cashel: and when you do, the error you get is ? | 09:30 |
linner | Guys: I was already here... this is what screwed me up to begin with... :( | 09:30 |
royal | I need to know how to keep what's in my resolv.conf from changing because every time DHCP reloads it messes up my DNS settings | 09:30 |
linner | I have it downloaded. | 09:30 |
linner | I have unpacked it. | 09:30 |
Cashel | bob2, havent tried it recently, I believe it was sig int 11 | 09:30 |
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royal | and I have to continually change my resolv.conf | 09:30 |
bob2 | royal: so, fix your DHCP server | 09:30 |
=== Arbiter-mc [n=arbiter@adsl-191-67.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vanberge | wow this is making me mad!! still didnt work! | 09:30 |
vanberge | same error | 09:30 |
linner | But I can't figure out to how to get a command line to see it | 09:30 |
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Arbiter-mc | hi all | 09:30 |
bob2 | linner: to see *what*? | 09:30 |
dreameen | alsa is not working in beep media player , what can i do? | 09:30 |
bob2 | Cashel: yay mplayer | 09:30 |
bob2 | dreameen: kill esd | 09:30 |
thoreauputic | linner: erm - right click desktop >> terminal | 09:30 |
dreameen | k | 09:30 |
Arbiter-mc | I need an information about building packages | 09:31 |
Cashel | vanberge, hmm theres an audio codec thingy, let me see if I can find what its called wait one | 09:31 |
royal | the DHCP server isn't the problem | 09:31 |
topyli | linner: what did you download? it's completely unnecessary | 09:31 |
linner | the downloaded tar.gz AND the decompressed folder | 09:31 |
selinium | Seveas: Started my PC this morning and the gnome.conf works! Strange! Thanks for all your help yesterday. You were fabulous as usual! | 09:31 |
royal | for some reason only ubuntu grabs the wrong DNS settings | 09:31 |
bob2 | linner: why are you downloading tarballs of anythings? | 09:31 |
linner | topyli: the macromedia flash plug in | 09:31 |
royal | other distros work fine | 09:31 |
bob2 | Arbiter-mc: you need to ask a question... | 09:31 |
omp | fluffybunny_: i switched because in ubuntu you don't have to wait for things to compile, and ubuntu also has a really good community :) | 09:31 |
=== grimse [n=grimse@p5481EB54.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Arbiter-mc | i need a tool that fills for me the dependencies in debian/control file, is it possibile? | 09:31 |
=== linner gives up... I'm so confused! | ||
topyli | linner: just get your repositories set up and use apt | 09:31 |
bob2 | Arbiter-mc: no, that's your job | 09:31 |
linner | I don't even know what a tarball is. | 09:31 |
bob2 | Arbiter-mc: dpkg-gencontrol fills in the lib dependencies for you, you do the rest | 09:31 |
dreameen | yay it works now, many thanks bob2 :) | 09:31 |
fluffybunny_ | omp: thats true - this is the most helpful linux channel i have ever been in | 09:32 |
=== Decadent [n=variemai@ppp50-adsl-214.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | linner: so, you're going the wrong way here | 09:32 |
thoreauputic | linner: tar.gz for example | 09:32 |
bob2 | linner: you need to get the package for flash, not some random .tar.gz file | 09:32 |
linner | thoreauputic: ok... no I know | 09:32 |
Arbiter-mc | well thx | 09:32 |
linner | oh... | 09:32 |
thoreauputic | linner: use synaptic and set up your repositories | 09:32 |
bob2 | Arbiter-mc: perhaps you should rephrase your question to be more specific? | 09:32 |
=== OiOZFGa [n=ouauo@popstelean.cluj.astral.ro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dreameen | oh the sound is so much better with alsa | 09:32 |
linner | thoreauputic; I have tried... and I'm probably not "searching" for the right thing | 09:32 |
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thoreauputic | linner: tarballs are usually source code | 09:32 |
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dreameen | why esd is the default in ubuntu? | 09:32 |
bob2 | linner: open /etc/apt/sources.list in a text editor. paste it to #flood. | 09:32 |
linner | thoreauputic: *love your name by the way* and ok | 09:32 |
thoreauputic | linner: just follow the repositories howto | 09:33 |
bob2 | dreameen: because everything else is worse | 09:33 |
=== DrSpin [n=cole@ip70-162-6-27.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dreameen | esd is rubbish.. | 09:33 |
omp | bob2: i'm confused. (i want java so i can use azureus), do i get "sun-j2re1.5 in synaptic" or do i download the jdk from sun's website? | 09:33 |
linner | thoreauputic: ok... I'll try again | 09:33 |
DrSpin | can anyone tell me what a good sequencer is for linux? | 09:33 |
intelikey | oh crap... only 6 consoles..... i'll have to fix that. | 09:33 |
=== Draucon [n=Draucon@dialup-free-384.nmsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | dreameen: and what do you think is better? | 09:33 |
=== brownie17 [n=fraser@static-203-87-6-82.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | linner: at this stage you don't want source code - you would need to learn how to compile, which isn't necessary | 09:33 |
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dreameen | bob2, alsa? | 09:34 |
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=== darksatanic [n=hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | dreameen: do you know how to generate a correct dmix config for every sound card the kernel supports? | 09:34 |
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bob2 | omp: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java | 09:34 |
topyli | thoreauputic: the flash plugin source is hardly in the tarball though :) | 09:34 |
bob2 | omp: that appears to be the simplest solution | 09:34 |
thoreauputic | topyli: KISS principle | 09:34 |
DrSpin | so -- anyone sequencer? | 09:34 |
thoreauputic | topyli: but agreed | 09:35 |
brownie17 | aftertaf: i rebooted three times, and now it is fine | 09:35 |
vanberge | Cashel, i'll be right back!! | 09:35 |
dreameen | nah but i dont need to know these things, alsa does mixing automatically:) | 09:35 |
bob2 | dreameen: no, it doesn't | 09:35 |
brownie17 | aftertaf: with only the mouse and keyboard | 09:35 |
bob2 | dreameen: not with the version in hoary | 09:35 |
dreameen | yes it does | 09:35 |
=== brownie17 loves aftertaf | ||
bob2 | no, it doesn't | 09:35 |
dreameen | ahh i see | 09:35 |
linner | thoreauputic: I'm sorry I have to read up... I was trying to figure out the repository stuff from the website that was sent to me | 09:35 |
=== Nermal [n=pprior@pc2.packadsl.ftech.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linner | one moment | 09:35 |
dreameen | but it will when alsa gets updated in ubuntu | 09:35 |
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brownie17 | aftertaf: i am eternally greatefull | 09:36 |
=== TWD [n=chatzill@LAubervilliers-151-12-90-52.w193-252.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | yes, for dapper esd will not be as neccessary | 09:36 |
bob2 | not everything uses alsa, yet, tho | 09:36 |
thoreauputic | topyli: rather than give a long dissertation about binaries and source, I just discourage using stuff outside the repos | 09:36 |
bob2 | and any OSS app running at all will block the card entirely | 09:36 |
=== VoX is now known as Towers | ||
=== Towers is now known as VoX | ||
linner | thoreauputic: Ok... I see what you mean. I'm a windows user... so I'm trying to navigate away from windows... | 09:36 |
aftertaf | loool brownie17 :) | 09:36 |
nalioth | thoreauputic: you have a dissertation somewhere? | 09:36 |
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thoreauputic | linner: keep at it - it is different but not hard really | 09:36 |
=== aftertaf seconds thoreauputic | ||
DrSpin | ALSA doesn't work ver well with the SB Live -- the way the controls work are sucky -- the master doesn't turn down the surround volume -- which blows | 09:37 |
thoreauputic | nalioth: heh | 09:37 |
=== nelius [n=nelius@p54AE9DEF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
topyli | thoreauputic: that's correct. let's leave the rms-style lectures for later :) | 09:37 |
=== Cashel sighs | ||
dreameen | OSS and esd should be abandoned | 09:37 |
Cashel | impatient one him... | 09:37 |
linner | so downloading software is much different for linux than it is for windows as windows has a "setup.exe" file which will do it for you.. with linux it takes a few more steps and understanding the lingo :) | 09:37 |
bob2 | dreameen: are you going to port every single app to ALSA? | 09:37 |
Cashel | dreameen, amen | 09:37 |
linner | thoreauputic: I'm so not giving up at this point! | 09:37 |
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linner | I'm quite determined! | 09:37 |
bob2 | dreameen: and make ALSA work on Solaris and *BSD? | 09:38 |
=== vanberge [n=vanberge@c-24-11-37-74.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SPERMITE | l;p | 09:38 |
aftertaf | brownie17: so.... that means you have a bit of hardware that causes indigestion... | 09:38 |
dreameen | bob2, most of apps use alsa anyway | 09:38 |
aftertaf | brownie17: and gnome? | 09:38 |
bob2 | linner: generally it's a lot simpler: tick the box in synaptic, click install, all done. | 09:38 |
thoreauputic | linner: good for you - it's worth the learning curve ! | 09:38 |
bob2 | linner: no need to even go find it | 09:38 |
vanberge | Cashel, after restarting computer, works fine | 09:38 |
Cashel | OSS was good at one point, but they arent keepin up w/ the times... | 09:38 |
topyli | linner: this is more simple than windows. you install anything with a single command instead of downloading, installing, and worrying about stuff | 09:38 |
Cashel | vanberge, your dvd problem is fixed? | 09:38 |
vanberge | yes | 09:38 |
linner | bob2 and thoreauputic: i know it's just figuring it out... how! | 09:38 |
No1Viking | When I try to compile gftp, to get SSL support, it complains I dont have glib-2.0 installed. I think I have but I'm not sure. Can you help in any way? | 09:38 |
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linner | :) | 09:38 |
linner | topyli: I see what you mean | 09:39 |
aftertaf | linner: and you economise a lot on the left click next> next> next> are you sure you want to install?? | 09:39 |
vanberge | Cashel, well, it is running very 'jerky'... but it is playing | 09:39 |
Cashel | ahh congrats... if you find that it's skipping a lot you may want to check that DMA for the drive is on (hdparm -d /dev/???? | 09:39 |
=== Kentoo [n=Kentoo@host105-170.pool80116.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vanberge | perhaps UDMA is not enabled ?? | 09:39 |
Kentoo | hi | 09:39 |
Cashel | yes | 09:39 |
Cashel | see above :) | 09:39 |
linner | aftertaf: I'm sorry I don't understand what you mean. | 09:39 |
No1Viking | !tell me about dma | 09:39 |
bob2 | dreameen: most, yes, but not nearly enough to throw away OSS entirely | 09:39 |
dreameen | bob2, i mean they should be around for some time but i see no point in having multiple sound systems in the first place | 09:39 |
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thoreauputic | linner: the synaptic package manager relies on a list of servers to find stuff: you enter the right repositories and it does the rest for you | 09:39 |
aftertaf | linner: think about when you install on windoze... all the clicking needed..... | 09:39 |
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topyli | aftertaf: are you sure? -> yes -> missing wshds8623.dll, install failed | 09:40 |
bob2 | dreameen: so everyone should stick with OSS? | 09:40 |
linner | topyli: I understand... :) It's just that I am... like millions of other "trained robots" used to doing it a certain way.... | 09:40 |
Cashel | speaking of DMA, hdparm -d 1 /dev/??? isnt perminant, anyone know the way to make it so? | 09:40 |
bob2 | I think it's silly for you guys to whinge about the work other people do | 09:40 |
aftertaf | topyli: i forgot that one....... hhe | 09:40 |
dreameen | bob2, alsa all the way | 09:40 |
linner | thoreauputic: *lights are on!* I get it! | 09:40 |
bob2 | unless you're actually porting things to ALSA yourself, you can't tell other people to drop OSS | 09:40 |
linner | ok.... | 09:40 |
fluffybunny_ | SCREENSAVER help: i installed xscreensaver 4.22 from source, and reinstalled the rss package using synaptic, but Xscreensaver still tells me the RSS screensavers are "uninstalled" | 09:40 |
linner | no we're talkin'! :) | 09:40 |
vanberge | Cashel, using_dma = 0 (off) | 09:40 |
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DrSpin | Cashel: add the command to the bottom of /etc/init.d/bootmish.sh | 09:40 |
thoreauputic | linner: great :) | 09:40 |
=== Cashel isnt whining about others work, so much as prasing the ALSA people... | ||
bob2 | dreameen: right, let's go in time to 1991 and make linux use ALSA fro mthe veginning | 09:40 |
No1Viking | When I try to compile gftp, to get SSL support, it complains I dont have glib-2.0 installed. I think I have but I'm not sure. Can you help in any way? | 09:41 |
=== DrSpin just wants a sequencer that works | ||
brownie17 | aftertaf: i dont know which hardware it was, but the only ones i unplugged didnt have drivers, so it doesn't matter. gnome is running fine | 09:41 |
Cashel | vanberge, hdparm -d 1 /dev/??? temp vix.. what DrSpin said for perm, bout to go do it myself, thanks DrSpin :) | 09:41 |
dreameen | bob2, thatd be the best thing to do:) | 09:41 |
=== LiberalTugboat [n=LiberalT@c-24-18-75-18.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linner | thoreauputic: you and Bob and everyone else in here are life savers... seriously... for us newbies... this is exactly what we need!!!! | 09:41 |
linner | pros/experts like ya'll! | 09:41 |
linner | :) | 09:41 |
Cashel | vix? ok... put down the beer doc | 09:41 |
Kentoo | is there a way to resolve the frustrating issues of touchpad ? | 09:41 |
=== spiral [n=spiral@laf31-2-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | linner: we do our best ;-) | 09:41 |
DrSpin | Cashel: the command is # sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/xxx | 09:41 |
aftertaf | Kentoo: what is the pb? | 09:41 |
bob2 | No1Viking: sudo apt-get build-dep gftp | 09:41 |
=== linner see it... and SOOOO very much appreciates it. | ||
lenin | hello,everyone! | 09:41 |
Cashel | ahh well, yes, you must be root.... | 09:41 |
nalioth | linner: more of us skulkin in the background, lol | 09:41 |
bob2 | No1Viking: make sure you install it to /usr/local/, too | 09:42 |
No1Viking | Thanks bob2 | 09:42 |
spiral | hi | 09:42 |
linner | nalioth: *grin* | 09:42 |
bob2 | ftp ssl seems like a nasty-ish solution, tho | 09:42 |
=== brianbritano [n=pierre@ANantes-154-1-20-187.w81-53.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aftertaf | linner: and a lot of ex newbs with a couple of things learned, a lot yet to learn... | 09:42 |
=== Cashel suggests sudo passwd root :) | ||
Kentoo | aftertaf, on breezy, after upgrade xorg* and kernel*, the touchpad i too unsensitive | 09:42 |
thoreauputic | linner: before you know it *you* will be answeering questions | 09:42 |
Kentoo | very very slow | 09:42 |
linner | aftertaf: Understood... and you know I give back too! | 09:42 |
thoreauputic | *answering | 09:42 |
linner | thoreauputic: I agree! | 09:42 |
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linner | I remember you from last night. | 09:42 |
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vanberge | bootmisc.sh, Cashel ?? | 09:42 |
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aftertaf | linner: thoreauputic is right.... | 09:43 |
bob2 | Kentoo: and you looked in the BTS? | 09:43 |
vanberge | and DrSpin :-) | 09:43 |
vanberge | thanks! | 09:43 |
Cashel | vanberge, dunno , gonna go figure it out so if you wait a second I can tell you, hehehee... | 09:43 |
aftertaf | Kentoo: have you installed any config packages for touchpad? | 09:43 |
linner | aftertaf: I know he is... he was in here last night... and I'll be quite honest with you... I'd rather answer the questions than ask them! | 09:43 |
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Kentoo | bob2, yep, without success | 09:43 |
vanberge | Cashel, that looks like correct | 09:43 |
Kentoo | nope, aftertaf | 09:43 |
dreameen | btw. who knows the password to my root account in ubuntu?...i dont..seriously:> | 09:43 |
DrSpin | vanberge: /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh | 09:43 |
bob2 | Kentoo: then you need to report it | 09:43 |
=== Prof_Frink [n=Alan@tnt-5-190.easynet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | bob2, sftp comes with ssl no extra cost? | 09:43 |
linner | I'm curious... how do ya'll feel about apple? considering it's unix based | 09:43 |
aftertaf | !tell dreameen about root | 09:44 |
thoreauputic | !root | 09:44 |
ubotu | rumour has it, root is disabled in Ubuntu, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 09:44 |
bob2 | dreameen: wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo, there isn't one | 09:44 |
Cashel | DrSpin, no such file | 09:44 |
vanberge | linner, i really like macs... | 09:44 |
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bob2 | ompaul: yes, but it's entirely different to ftp, despite the name | 09:44 |
=== NeqZtO [n=iafvzeo@pc42.octopusentertainment.iasi.rdsnet.ro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DrSpin | Cashel -- interesting | 09:44 |
dreameen | oh yeah, im using ubuntu for 3 days now:) | 09:44 |
thoreauputic | linner: I prefer ubuntu :) | 09:44 |
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intelikey | hmmm did i start something by cleaning out the init calls at startup, or what ? | 09:44 |
linner | vanberge: I do too... but wasn't sure how the Linux fanbase felt | 09:44 |
DrSpin | Cashel -- breezy?? | 09:44 |
linner | thoreauputic: why? | 09:44 |
=== dreameen remembers: no root in ubuntu | ||
ompaul | bob2, true, but it beats the trying to compile stuff | 09:44 |
bob2 | ompaul: oh, sure | 09:44 |
Kentoo | good, then i'll report it | 09:45 |
thoreauputic | linner: OS-X is OK but you have to dig harder to do stuff | 09:45 |
intelikey | dreameen ? | 09:45 |
thoreauputic | linner: I have an iBook g4 though - nice | 09:45 |
ompaul | linner, it just ain't Linux | 09:45 |
aftertaf | osx not based on bsd? | 09:45 |
Cashel | DrSpin, hoary | 09:45 |
thoreauputic | linner: it runs Ubuntu ;) | 09:45 |
DrSpin | Darwin | 09:45 |
linner | thoreauputic: I'm sure I'll see what you mean.. I'm a web designer and graphic artist so I do a lot with apple | 09:45 |
DrSpin | Cashel | 09:45 |
dreameen | intelikey, ? | 09:45 |
intelikey | * dreameen/#ubuntu remembers: no root in ubuntu | 09:45 |
ompaul | aftertaf, it is | 09:45 |
Cashel | DrSpin | 09:45 |
Cashel | :) | 09:45 |
DrSpin | locate bootmisc.sh | 09:45 |
linner | thoreauputic and ompaul: LOL | 09:45 |
Cashel | alright | 09:45 |
thoreauputic | linner: also Ubuntu is faster than OS-X on my machine | 09:45 |
linner | aftertaf: hehehehe | 09:46 |
nalioth | linner: there are lots of us here using ubuntu on our apple hardware | 09:46 |
fluffybunny_ | why does Python 2.3 not get uninstalled when I install Python 2.4? | 09:46 |
Cashel | ohhhh DrSpin Cashel: add the command to the bottom of /etc/init.d/bootmish.sh | 09:46 |
DrSpin | linux is AMAZINGLY stable on Apple Hardware | 09:46 |
Cashel | misc :) | 09:46 |
=== vanberge really likes the idea of fluxbox on a mac | ||
bob2 | fluffybunny_: because you might want both | 09:46 |
linner | thoreautputic: yeah... totally ... it's fast on my athlon 1500 system with only 128mb RAM | 09:46 |
DrSpin | Cashel -- that's that I said ;) | 09:46 |
bob2 | fluffybunny_: I have both installed, delieberately, for instance | 09:46 |
linner | nalioth: oh okay right on | 09:46 |
dreameen | intelikey, oh thats nothing, im just learning stuff about ubuntu, im a newcomer here:) | 09:46 |
thoreauputic | vanberge: that's what I use | 09:46 |
Cashel | suuuure it is :) | 09:46 |
=== telemaco [n=telemaco@62.Red-81-35-226.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | *hmmm* how do i get a users ip address via xchat? | 09:46 |
=== jk- powerbook + ubuntu + fluxbox | ||
=== vanberge pats thoreauputic on the back | ||
aftertaf | linner: p3 5mhz w/ 256 ram: runs nice too | 09:46 |
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nalioth | fluffybunny_: because it's not the same pkg | 09:47 |
linner | when i get the money I'm going to buy a mac powerbook and install it there too | 09:47 |
linner | aftertaf: right on! | 09:47 |
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bob2 | holycow: /whois | 09:47 |
jk- | holocow: /msg person hey, what's your IP address? | 09:47 |
jk- | :) | 09:47 |
linner | I have a box very similar with that | 09:47 |
fluffybunny_ | bob2: ok.... thanks | 09:47 |
=== thoreauputic gets his Fluxbox fanboy t-shirt out ;-) | ||
Cashel | DrSpin, so add hdparm -d1 /dev/?? to that? | 09:47 |
bob2 | the problem with powerbooks is wireless | 09:47 |
linner | maybe i'll put it on here | 09:47 |
ompaul | holycow, right click for the address but it can be masked | 09:47 |
bob2 | and sleep, due to the nvidia hardware | 09:47 |
holycow | bob2, oh! haha! | 09:47 |
linner | I'm just not a big pentium gall | 09:47 |
bob2 | aside fro mthat, very nice | 09:47 |
linner | oops gal | 09:47 |
linner | :) | 09:47 |
linner | love amd | 09:47 |
vanberge | DrSpin, Cashel , i added it right before the exit 0 line | 09:47 |
aftertaf | linner: work gave me the laptop, not complaining ;) | 09:47 |
aftertaf | but me 2 | 09:48 |
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linner | in fact my last laptop was a Compaq Turion - smokin' | 09:48 |
linner | want to put ubuntu on it | 09:48 |
Cashel | vanberge, right... may be worth while to look closely when you boot and add the -x flag... i.e. hdparm -d1 -x udma2 /dev/??? | 09:48 |
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linner | but a little afraid as it has all of my graphic work on it | 09:48 |
linner | aftertaf: now that's the way to go dude! | 09:48 |
DrSpin | Cashel: I use hdparm -d1c3X69u1m16 /dev/hda | 09:48 |
vanberge | Cashel, i checked what mode it was using... it put it at udma2 | 09:49 |
Cashel | woa.. whats all that for? | 09:49 |
DrSpin | Cashel: NOT SAFE FOR ALL HARDWARE | 09:49 |
dreameen | whats the best, simple newsreader for linux? | 09:49 |
=== linner has an interview tomorrow so I'm hoping I'll get a company laptop too! | ||
=== Snark [n=Snark@lns-bzn-3-gre-82-250-94-114.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vanberge | drspin... wth is that?? | 09:49 |
bob2 | dreameen: there is no "best" | 09:49 |
vanberge | :-) | 09:49 |
nalioth | dreameen: pan | 09:49 |
bob2 | dreameen: slrn has been popular for a decade, tho | 09:49 |
ompaul | just for kicks I got a old Compaq AP400 128 megs - hoary would not install on it even as a server | 09:49 |
linner | aftertaf: what do you do professionally? | 09:49 |
dreameen | ok | 09:49 |
bob2 | ompaul: did you report that as a bug? | 09:49 |
topyli | dreameen: pan or slrn, depends if you want a gui or console reader | 09:49 |
nalioth | bob2: i had a question t'other night about bugzilla, may i ask it now? | 09:50 |
DrSpin | vanberge: it turns on DMA sets the mode to UDMA5 unmaskIRQ 32 bit Asynchronous Xfers and multcount to 16 | 09:50 |
bob2 | ok... | 09:50 |
osfameron | Thunderbird and most mail clients do news too | 09:50 |
=== kzm [n=ketil@polarvier.ii.uib.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kzm | Good morning! | 09:50 |
Cashel | DrSpin, ok, I have to ask, how the hell did you figure that out ? | 09:50 |
=== pef [n=loic@lns-vlq-39f-81-56-130-224.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DrSpin | Cashel: man hdparm | 09:50 |
kzm | Where can I report bugs in the Breezy installer? | 09:50 |
Cashel | I have! lol | 09:51 |
bob2 | kzm: /topic | 09:51 |
ompaul | bob2, no, because it was one of those CDs that only does server installs on ide .. maybe the burns problem, if you think I should go for it I will but going to try breezy colony two debian worked but it was a pig to get to start | 09:51 |
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=== Cashel goes back to the drawing board | ||
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pef | hi | 09:51 |
No1Viking | Two questions: How do I compile gftp with SSL support and how do I uninstall compiled applications from ubuntu? | 09:51 |
nalioth | bob2: the checkbox for "confirm bug" is that for me, when i repeat the bug on my hardware, or for a developer who repeats the bug? | 09:51 |
kzm | bob2: ummm... | 09:51 |
brownie17 | ok can somebody tell me, if i downloaded the script for installing doom 3 to a linux machine, all i have to do to install the script is to give it executable permissions and execute it? through terminal? | 09:51 |
ompaul | bob2, opinion? | 09:51 |
nalioth | brownie17: correct | 09:51 |
brownie17 | nalioth: on boths counts? | 09:52 |
No1Viking | !tell me about gftp | 09:52 |
bob2 | ompaul: I don't know what "one of those CDs that only does server installs on ide" means | 09:52 |
bob2 | ompaul: is that some custom non-ubuntu cd? | 09:52 |
aftertaf | linner: /j #ubuntu-offtopic.... | 09:52 |
bob2 | nalioth: I'd think for the developer | 09:52 |
Cashel | DrSpin, ahh well, I feel at least a little better having figured out the correct way to turn dma on :P .. /etc/hdparm.conf :) | 09:52 |
linner | hehehe | 09:52 |
linner | thank you | 09:52 |
aftertaf | to avoid channel clutter ;) | 09:52 |
nalioth | bob2: ty | 09:52 |
bob2 | brownie17: it really has no instructions at all? | 09:52 |
kzm | bob2: sorry, I don't get it. Unless you mean "spend the rest of the week digging through irrelevant web pages". | 09:53 |
brownie17 | bob2: well yes, but i wanted to clarify. there aren't very specific in that region, but hgoodin the rest. i was fairly sure that was right | 09:53 |
bob2 | kzm: what? | 09:53 |
bob2 | kzm: I mean "go to the BTS, bugzilla.ubuntu.com" | 09:53 |
bob2 | wtf | 09:53 |
=== fluffybunny_ [i=vtgk4y81@nat-gw.nbn.ac.za] has left #Ubuntu [] | ||
bob2 | someone stop fucking the topic up, kthxbye | 09:53 |
ompaul | bob2, no not custom, it is a CD that never installed anything other than server with apt-get install ubuntu-desktop after hashing out the CD in the repo - sad but thats the way it went on me | 09:53 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:bob2] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | FAQs & User Documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | Do NOT paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | Channel logs: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ | General chatter: #ubuntu-offtopic | found a bug? report it: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ | ||
DrSpin | Cashel: that will work for the hard drives but it won't for the CDROM drives ;) | 09:53 |
=== Favio_Crass [n=Favio_Cr@48-45-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | ompaul: that sounds a lot like a dud cd | 09:54 |
DrSpin | Cashel: at least on my box | 09:54 |
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=== Cashel nods | ||
DrSpin | Cashel: so I put them all in one place where I know how to find it | 09:54 |
DrSpin | Cashel: and can predict the behavior | 09:55 |
kzm | bob2 - ah. Thanks. | 09:55 |
Cashel | heheh yeah.. makes sense | 09:55 |
ompaul | bob2, any install hoary burned from the same stack behaved the same - breezy live okay - hoary live okay - kanotix okay - beatrix okay very fustrating :) | 09:55 |
selinium | kzm: The topic has been altered. :) | 09:55 |
No1Viking | Two questions: How do I compile gftp with SSL support and how do I uninstall compiled applications from ubuntu? | 09:55 |
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vanberge | seems like there would be an easier way to have udma be enabled | 09:55 |
bob2 | ompaul: the cd passed the verification stage? | 09:55 |
ompaul | md5 okay | 09:55 |
nalioth | No1Viking: gftp comes with ssh | 09:55 |
ompaul | insane | 09:55 |
bob2 | vanberge: the kernel is very careful, and only enables dma automatically on known-good chipsets | 09:55 |
bob2 | vanberge: which are rare | 09:55 |
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ompaul | bob2, got to get a coffee or I will fall over back in 10 | 09:56 |
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No1Viking | nalioth: SSL not SSH | 09:56 |
bob2 | No1Viking: I already answered the first part, and the second part needs to be clarified | 09:56 |
bluesceada | did it for me nforce2 :) | 09:56 |
bob2 | ompaul: dunno then | 09:56 |
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No1Viking | bob2: OK | 09:56 |
vanberge | bob2, so is there a conf file for cdroms to enable dma? or do you have to put the hdparm command in a boot script | 09:56 |
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bob2 | vanberge: the latter | 09:57 |
bob2 | vanberge: dms on cd drives was disabled across the board due to massive issues with shitty drives and chipsets | 09:57 |
vanberge | bob2, ty ! | 09:57 |
vanberge | you guys are helpful... im a ubuntu noob... | 09:57 |
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vanberge | used redhat / fedora for some time | 09:57 |
fluffybunny_ | where is xscreensaver normally installed? | 09:57 |
bob2 | s/dms/dma/ | 09:57 |
bob2 | fluffybunny_: dpkg -L xscreensaver | grep bin | 09:57 |
dooglus | xscreensaver is /usr/bin/xscreensaver | 09:57 |
intelikey | which <command> | 09:58 |
Cashel | bob2, what about in /etc/hdparm.conf? not allowed there? | 09:58 |
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bob2 | Cashel: if you install hwtools | 09:58 |
thoreauputic | fluffybunny_: to see where all files are use dpkg -L <packagename> | 09:58 |
Cashel | ahh mk | 09:58 |
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DrSpin | can ANYONE tell me a good music sequencer to use?? | 09:59 |
lamer1 | I need to install latest mono release in ubuntu ... How can I check if it is available ...? | 09:59 |
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brownie17 | bob2: i cant find the pak000.pak4 files | 09:59 |
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bob2 | brownie17: sounds like you need to find some instructions | 09:59 |
bob2 | lamer1: need? latest? | 09:59 |
bob2 | DrSpin: why don't you just try the various ones in ubuntu yourself? | 10:00 |
intelikey | lamer1 apt-cache search <name> | 10:00 |
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lamer1 | bob2, yep | 10:00 |
DrSpin | Rosegarden4 won't run on my box for whatever reason -- and timidity seems to only be an application for conversion -- besides the config file is missing apparantly | 10:00 |
lamer1 | intelikey, i've installed 1.0.5 | 10:00 |
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bob2 | lamer1: why do you need it, and what version do you need? | 10:00 |
lamer1 | but I need 1.1.x | 10:00 |
DrSpin | bob2: because I have or I wouldn't be asking questions | 10:00 |
lamer1 | bob2, need to check Mono.Unix namespace | 10:00 |
bob2 | DrSpin: why don't you mention that then? | 10:00 |
brownie17 | bob2: no it's allright, i think i've got it | 10:00 |
lamer1 | and it seems that it is not available in 1.0.x | 10:00 |
bob2 | lamer1: install it from source to /usr/local/ | 10:00 |
DrSpin | bob2: because no one took enough interest until you said something... | 10:01 |
lamer1 | bob2, .deb is not available ? | 10:01 |
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bob2 | DrSpin: because your question was silly | 10:01 |
bob2 | lamer1: of course it's available, it's a lot less hassle to just compile it yourself | 10:01 |
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bob2 | DrSpin: what about the other 5 000 hits apt gives for "sequencer"? | 10:02 |
thoreauputic | DrSpin: you can use timidity and freepats to run timidity as a server for rosegarden | 10:02 |
gambit | help | 10:02 |
Draal | Hey.. Is it possible to install another desktop manager? | 10:02 |
gambit | error in my /etc/host | 10:02 |
Draal | Something besides gnome? | 10:02 |
bob2 | Draal: of course | 10:02 |
bob2 | gambit: why did you touch it at all? | 10:02 |
DrSpin | thoreauputic: no way has to be that complicated -- Hydrogen just worked | 10:02 |
lamer1 | bob2, thnx ;) | 10:02 |
thoreauputic | DrSpin: whatever. Worked here | 10:03 |
Draal | bob2; So thats changed? It was a bitch to uninstall gnome last I used the distro | 10:03 |
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bob2 | Draal: that has never ever been the case | 10:03 |
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thoreauputic | DrSpin: http://www.lesbell.com.au/Home.nsf/0/c4b39482154feb03ca256f8100150ad9?OpenDocument | 10:03 |
Draal | Not to my knowledge.. Oh well.. | 10:03 |
gambit | in booting menu in ubuntu log-in, i get an error. can't see ur /etc/host | 10:04 |
Draal | Maybe I could get XFCE running on it.. | 10:04 |
thoreauputic | DrSpin: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-8736.html | 10:04 |
bob2 | gambit: and why don't you tell us what happened to it? | 10:04 |
gambit | how do i fix it | 10:04 |
bob2 | Draal: yes, of course | 10:04 |
cevizoglu | hey, how do I install lisp? It keeps asking for a directory which contains AllegroCL | 10:04 |
bob2 | cevizoglu: where "It" = ? | 10:04 |
DrSpin | thoreauputic: thanks :) something useful :) | 10:04 |
bob2 | you don't "install lisp", you install one of the 5 trillion lisp implementations in ubuntu | 10:04 |
gambit | it is said missing network name from /etc/hosts | 10:04 |
thoreauputic | http://www.personalcopy.com/linuxfiles.htm | 10:04 |
thoreauputic | DrSpin: ^^^ | 10:04 |
bob2 | gambit: and why did you edit that file? | 10:05 |
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gambit | i see the file. an ordinary text only contain | 10:05 |
gambit | like this | 10:05 |
cevizoglu | bob2: when I install any version of lisp I can find, such as cmucl or clisp, it is running acl-pro-installer for some reason | 10:05 |
bob2 | gambit: what is your native language? | 10:05 |
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gambit | # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts | 10:06 |
gambit | what happened to this | 10:06 |
gambit | i cant open terminal | 10:06 |
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bob2 | gambit: what is your native language? | 10:06 |
gambit | i cant open synaptic package manager | 10:06 |
gambit | filipino | 10:06 |
intelikey | i pitty the fool that speaks pinguin </mr.t> | 10:07 |
bob2 | perhaps try finding some other filipino ubuntu users | 10:07 |
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gambit | dont bother my english | 10:07 |
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Decadent | does anybody knows which variable can be used for the time and date in xchat?? | 10:07 |
gambit | im just 10 yrs old | 10:07 |
bob2 | I don't know what that means | 10:07 |
thoreauputic | Decadent: time stamps are configurable in Settings | 10:08 |
intelikey | %t maybe ? | 10:08 |
thoreauputic | Decadent: under Preferences, text box | 10:09 |
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intelikey | look in the setup screen where you turn logging on and off... | 10:09 |
Draal | bob2: There arn't any extra steps in installing another dm? Just download the packages? | 10:09 |
Decadent | ok ill check it | 10:09 |
Decadent | thanks | 10:09 |
bob2 | Draal: installing another DM doesn't actually do much at all | 10:09 |
bob2 | Draal: I think you need to define your aim more strictly | 10:09 |
Draal | I want to install XFCE as my main manager | 10:10 |
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bob2 | XFCE is not a DM | 10:10 |
bob2 | it's a DE | 10:10 |
Draal | Can't stand gnome.. Are there any extra steps installed? Anything excotic? Fine.. DE | 10:10 |
Ng | Draal: run synaptic and search for xfce4 | 10:10 |
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bob2 | this is an important difference | 10:10 |
Ng | then install the bits you want | 10:10 |
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Draal | Just install and go? | 10:10 |
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thoreauputic | Draal: sudo apt-get install xfce4 | 10:10 |
Draal | I'm well aware of the commands, thank you | 10:11 |
Ng | Draal: after install, log out and pick the XFCE session from the main login screen | 10:11 |
Draal | Alright.. Thank you | 10:11 |
thoreauputic | Draal: just choose it from the sessions on login | 10:11 |
Draal | Thanks Thoreauputic, Bob2, Ng | 10:11 |
Draal | Good night | 10:11 |
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intelikey | aol ??? | 10:12 |
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FatDarrel | aol ?? lol ? | 10:12 |
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nalioth | aol and lol are very closely related | 10:13 |
intelikey | :) | 10:13 |
intelikey | yeah i thought aol was a joke when i tried it too | 10:13 |
intelikey | bad joke in fact. | 10:13 |
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intelikey | but that goes to opinion, and it needs filed with the smells like... well never mind. | 10:15 |
=== Cashel once had Prodigy .. you think AOL is bad? <cringe> | ||
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intelikey | :) | 10:16 |
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Cashel | but it did get me upgraded from 300 baud to 2400 baud :P | 10:16 |
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intelikey | /quit look at the time.... | 10:18 |
DrSpin | Rosegarden wasn't working because the snd_seq modules didn't load at boot -- | 10:18 |
linner | wb thoreauputic | 10:18 |
DrSpin | once I loaded the modules -- w00t Rodegarden just stated working | 10:18 |
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cevizoglu | localhost doesn't have free warez, that's false advertising | 10:19 |
ThePyromaniac | how can i access my ubuntu installations /etc/fstab from a live cd? | 10:19 |
thoreauputic | linner: thanks | 10:19 |
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linner | np | 10:19 |
linner | :) | 10:19 |
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ThePyromaniac | anyone? im following the RecoverUbutnuAfterWindowsInstall guide and its got me all confuddled, i cant printout my fstab, and running "fdisk" doesnt tell me what partitions it has | 10:21 |
ThePyromaniac | i need to find a way of viewing what partitions are where | 10:21 |
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thoreauputic | ThePyromaniac: sudo fdisk -l ? | 10:22 |
cafuego | ThePyromaniac: sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda or /dev/sda | 10:22 |
thoreauputic | yup | 10:22 |
ThePyromaniac | i tried this, it printed out a list, but it doesnt say whats what | 10:22 |
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thoreauputic | ThePyromaniac: yes it does, file system, /dev/ etc etc | 10:23 |
da_bon_bon | hi all | 10:23 |
cafuego | ThePyromaniac: No, it woulnd't. | 10:23 |
da_bon_bon | whats the best way to compile my own kernels on hoary ? | 10:23 |
cafuego | ThePyromaniac: Only if they're labeled, which they may not be. | 10:23 |
cafuego | da_bon_bon: using make-kpkg | 10:23 |
ThePyromaniac | actually wait, ok i remember. but now it says i need to find the one with / and the one with /boot/. boot is not mounted seperatly | 10:23 |
da_bon_bon | cafuego: thanks :) | 10:23 |
dreameen | my system clock runs at double speed, what is the quick solution? | 10:24 |
cafuego | ThePyromaniac: Then you can ignore /boot and just use / | 10:24 |
thoreauputic | ThePyromaniac: right, you need to know which is which I guess | 10:24 |
ThePyromaniac | why doesnt windows like linux? :'( unfriendly SOB | 10:24 |
thoreauputic | dreameen: wow, weird.. | 10:24 |
dreameen | yea i know:> | 10:25 |
cafuego | ThePyromaniac: As far as WIndows is concerned there is only one OS for PCs. | 10:25 |
ThePyromaniac | so whereever the guide says /dev/hda4 as a refference to /boot/ i should use /dev/hda1/boot/ ? | 10:25 |
dreameen | is MSN working for you guys atm? | 10:25 |
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Frafra | hi all | 10:26 |
Frafra | open /dev/sequencer: No such file or directory | 10:26 |
Frafra | Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed) | 10:26 |
dreameen | ok nvm its working for me:D | 10:26 |
Frafra | what I must do? | 10:26 |
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dreameen | grab the parachute and land safely;) | 10:27 |
ThePyromaniac | cafuego: so it says mount /dev/hda4 /mnt/work (hda4 being where /boot/ is meant to be. how to i get around that/ | 10:27 |
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ThePyromaniac | cause writing mount /dev/sda1/boot for me doesnt work | 10:27 |
Frafra | I must create a link? | 10:27 |
cafuego | ThePyromaniac: Just completely skip any steps involving /boot | 10:27 |
dreameen | Frafra, try modprobe snd-seq-oss | 10:28 |
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cafuego | ThePyromaniac: mount / on /mnt/work instead of /boot | 10:28 |
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ThePyromaniac | cafuego ok thanks, will try | 10:28 |
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Frafra | dreameen: no, it loads but the program doesn't works | 10:29 |
ThePyromaniac | cafuego it asks me to specify the filesystem | 10:29 |
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cafuego | ThePyromaniac: add a -t ext3 | 10:29 |
nalioth | speak of the devil.. .. .. | 10:29 |
cafuego | mount -t ext3 /dev/hda(whatever) /mnt/work | 10:29 |
snowblink | Hi, are there any breezy cetes out yet? | 10:29 |
hmrocha | hello | 10:29 |
cafuego | nalioth: burn, mortal | 10:29 |
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cafuego | snowblink: cetes? | 10:30 |
ThePyromaniac | cafuego says / is not a block device | 10:30 |
dreameen | Frafra, yup thats because ur missing /dev/sequencer | 10:30 |
snowblink | cafuego, I'm guessing that's the RC names this time. | 10:30 |
snowblink | cafuego, cetes of badgers | 10:30 |
cafuego | ThePyromaniac: yeah, it's not. Which partition is / ? | 10:30 |
cafuego | snowblink: Colony4. | 10:30 |
ThePyromaniac | /dev/sda1 | 10:30 |
ThePyromaniac | will try | 10:30 |
cafuego | ThePyromaniac: So, mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/work | 10:30 |
Frafra | dreameen: ln /dev/sequencer /dev/[something] ? | 10:31 |
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ThePyromaniac | ding | 10:31 |
dreameen | Frafra, modprobe snd-seq-oss | 10:31 |
snowblink | cafuego, thanks - goes to find colony4 | 10:31 |
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brownie17 | anyone here used doom3 on ubuntu? | 10:32 |
ThePyromaniac | thanks dude, seems to be working for now | 10:32 |
cafuego | snowblink: Why not wait a month, until it actually works? | 10:32 |
Frafra | dreameen: i've do it, ubuntu loads the modules, but the program give me the some error | 10:32 |
ThePyromaniac | btw, anyone have World of Warcraft owrking on a linux 64? | 10:32 |
brownie17 | bob2: i managed to use the guide to install it, but when i try to run it, it just loads the correct resolution and stays on the sdesktop | 10:33 |
dreameen | Frafra, double check if snd_seq_oss is in the output of lsmod | 10:33 |
peterretief | brownie17: you need 3d card and heaps of memory | 10:33 |
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snowblink | cafuego_, it doesn't work? | 10:33 |
brownie17 | peterretief: i have a ati raden VE, which is 3d, and i have 700mb of memory | 10:33 |
Tomcat_ | brownie17: A friend who runs it on Ubuntu said the Ubuntu nvidia driver is too old, so he had to compile the latest one. | 10:33 |
snowblink | cafuego_, actually, just wanted to take a look see | 10:33 |
brownie17 | tomcat_ dont have gefoerce | 10:34 |
Tomcat_ | brownie17: But since you're on ATI, that doesn't apply. | 10:34 |
Frafra | dreameen: yes, it's in it | 10:34 |
brownie17 | tomcat_ yep :) | 10:34 |
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bob2 | brownie17: to install what? | 10:34 |
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brownie17 | bob2: doom3, sorry, should have said | 10:34 |
brownie17 | tomcat_ whos your friend? he on here | 10:34 |
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ThePyromaniac | ahh, for the line where it says /sbin/grub-install /dev/hda when i try using sda it says "could not find deive for /boot" | 10:35 |
dreameen | Frafra, then look for /dev/snd/seq | 10:35 |
Tomcat_ | brownie17: Unfortunately not. | 10:35 |
dreameen | Frafra, and link it to /dev/sequencer | 10:36 |
ThePyromaniac | cafuego im stuck on a later step now ^^ | 10:36 |
Frafra | dreameen: ok, thanks | 10:36 |
dreameen | Frafra, cheers np mate | 10:36 |
cafuego | ThePyromaniac: This is after chrooting? | 10:36 |
Madeye | any idea when we will have Breezy released? | 10:36 |
cafuego_ | Madeye: October 13. | 10:37 |
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ThePyromaniac | cafuego yes done that, onto the step of /sbin/grub-install /dev/hda after ignoring $ mount /dev/hda3 /boot. | 10:37 |
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Madeye | cafuego, to close but cant stand waiting, is it stable now if I want to upgrade? | 10:37 |
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ThePyromaniac | cafuego it says | 10:37 |
ThePyromaniac | Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device. | 10:37 |
cafuego | ThePyromaniac: Did you mount /proc to /work/proc ? | 10:37 |
cafuego_ | Madeye: Not yet, no. | 10:38 |
ThePyromaniac | cafuego: yes | 10:38 |
=== cafuego ponders | ||
ThePyromaniac | mounted then copied | 10:38 |
Draucon | clear | 10:38 |
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dreamie | i have xfce4 right now and i would like to try fluxbox.. how can i replace xfce4 with fluxbox? | 10:38 |
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dreamie | do i just do apt-get install? | 10:39 |
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cafuego | ThePyromaniac: Can you check /etc/fstab for /boot, just in case? | 10:39 |
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ThePyromaniac | cafuego: how? | 10:39 |
cafuego | ThePyromaniac: grep boot /etc/fstab | 10:39 |
Frafra | dreameen: /dev/sequencer exist | 10:39 |
=== eOmYrO [n=ouauo@popstelean.cluj.astral.ro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dreameen | dreamie, remove xfce4 first then install fluxbox | 10:40 |
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ThePyromaniac | that did nothing ^^ | 10:40 |
nalioth | dreameen: you do not have to remove xfce4 | 10:40 |
nalioth | dreameen: you will have choices at your login screen | 10:40 |
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ThePyromaniac | cafuego: ohh, it says if this fails configure it manually | 10:41 |
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dreameen | nalioth, yea but he wants to *replace* it | 10:41 |
dreamie | nalioth, its for me | 10:41 |
nalioth | dreamie: so dont use xfce4 anymore | 10:41 |
ThePyromaniac | cafuego: that stage doest work etiher. goddam | 10:41 |
brownie17 | nalioth: so do ATI actually make drivers for their cards in linux? how crap are they actually? like i don't mind just slightly morse graphics or anything, but i dnt want it to tuff my system | 10:42 |
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cafuego | brownie17: Their performance is well below what they do in Windows. | 10:42 |
dreameen | Frafra, so..is the program still crashing? | 10:42 |
nalioth | brownie17: use the VESA driver | 10:42 |
dreamie | nalioth, so basically an apt-get install is enough to use fluxbox | 10:42 |
cafuego | brownie17: that said, a 9200 will work fine with the free drivers. | 10:42 |
brownie17 | cafuego: but better than without drivers? :) | 10:42 |
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Frafra | dreameen: yes, it says: there is no soundcard | 10:42 |
Frafra | Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed) | 10:42 |
nalioth | dreamie: correct. it will (should) show up in your sessions link when you log in | 10:43 |
cafuego | and i think the 9600 also works with free drivers now (2D anyway). | 10:43 |
brownie17 | nalioth: the VESA driver? what is that? where do i get it? | 10:43 |
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bob2 | all radeons should do 2d with Free drivers | 10:43 |
aftertaf | brownie17: you are probably using it by default... | 10:43 |
nalioth | brownie17: in a terminal, type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and when it asks for the driver, choose VESA | 10:43 |
dreamie | ok | 10:43 |
ThePyromaniac | cafuego: right i am editing grub via command line, and i have told it not to hide menu, and uncommented the linux and windows examples. all i have to do is point them to the partitions now right? | 10:43 |
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cafuego_ | ThePyromaniac: it needs the correct partitions and the correct kernel/initrd params. | 10:44 |
ThePyromaniac | cafuego: ahh yes... of course i know what they are ^^ | 10:44 |
dreameen | ive noticed that fonts look crappy when using fglrx driver..so i switched back to vesa driver myself | 10:44 |
dreameen | Frafra, hm......weird | 10:45 |
cafuego | Well, you can looks them up now via 'ls /boot' :-) | 10:45 |
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brownie17 | nalioth: ok | 10:45 |
bob2 | *vesa*? | 10:45 |
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cafuego | yeah, spambots! Woo! | 10:45 |
dreameen | bob2, vesa driver fot Ati cards.. | 10:46 |
Cashel | dreameen, sure it wasnt just that the fglrxconfig deal rewrites the xorg.conf w/ out a lot of the fonts? | 10:46 |
=== bmecoli- [n=bmecoli@c-69-180-90-58.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bmecoli- | ...hmm | 10:46 |
=== Cashel noticed no change in fonts based on fglrx change, but rewrote xorg.conf by hand | ||
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ThePyromaniac | aha, so i insert the line initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-6-amd64-generic and the other one yes? | 10:47 |
bmecoli- | I plugged in the new shiny SB live card... and no sound output | 10:47 |
bmecoli- | go figure ;p | 10:47 |
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cafuego | Theyep | 10:47 |
cafuego | ThePyromaniac: yep | 10:47 |
bmecoli- | anything I have to do? | 10:47 |
dreameen | Cashel, can u show me your xorg.conf? | 10:47 |
Cashel | wait one | 10:47 |
cafuego | bmecoli-: 1) Check that it's actually supported. 2) Load drivers. 3) Adjust volume. | 10:47 |
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ThePyromaniac | thanks man :D | 10:48 |
bmecoli- | 1 I'm pretty sure of | 10:48 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+r] by bob2 | ||
ThePyromaniac | one last thing | 10:48 |
cafuego | Creative have a habit of "upgrading" soundblasters in incompatible ways. | 10:48 |
bmecoli- | 2 I will need some assistance (pointing me to a page would be fine) | 10:48 |
bmecoli- | and 3 I can figure out on my own | 10:48 |
bmecoli- | I was hoping that it would automatically load the drivers for me | 10:49 |
bmecoli- | I was wrong ;p | 10:49 |
ThePyromaniac | cafuego: if i need to do the (sd1,0) things, where would windows and linux be? linux is sda1 and windows is sda2 | 10:49 |
Cashel | dreameen, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1983 | 10:50 |
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dreameen | Cashel, thnx | 10:50 |
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ThePyromaniac | i know this sounds really lame, but i dont understand the (sd0,0) type thing. if linux is sda1 and windows is sda2 (with loadsa other lil partitions for swap and .home) what would the two entires in menu.lst be? | 10:51 |
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bob2 | sd0,0 | 10:52 |
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bob2 | sd0,1 | 10:52 |
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Frafra | open /dev/sequencer: No such file or directory | 10:52 |
Frafra | Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed) | 10:52 |
Frafra | who could help me? | 10:52 |
bob2 | get a sequencer going | 10:52 |
bob2 | ie timidity | 10:52 |
ThePyromaniac | bob2 so linux is sd0,0? thanks | 10:52 |
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=== catfox [n=phendric@host81-138-210-156.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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cafuego_ | ugh | 10:53 |
catfox | hi all. does anyone know a good way of freeing up disk space? there's nothing in /tmp, and i've got rid of the larger log files. but i've still got 95% full | 10:53 |
cafuego_ | catfox: 'sudo apt-get clean' | 10:54 |
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cafuego_ | catfox: Check /var/cache/apt/archives first. | 10:54 |
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catfox | cafuego, ah cool. thanks | 10:54 |
Frafra | bob2: i've install it. now it display: Info: Using SDL_mixer | 10:54 |
Frafra | Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed) | 10:54 |
dreameen | k, lemme try out my ne wxorg conf | 10:54 |
ThePyromaniac | uck, im using nano and i have made changes and i cant save it | 10:55 |
bob2 | sure you can | 10:55 |
bob2 | read the screen | 10:55 |
ThePyromaniac | ^X | 10:55 |
ThePyromaniac | i type that and it just inserts ^X... | 10:55 |
bob2 | you mean ctrl-x, right? | 10:55 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbb %g_!*@* %nightswim!*@* %pocha!*@*] by Seveas | ||
ThePyromaniac | ahem... yes thats what i meant :$ | 10:56 |
ThePyromaniac | thanks rebooting now. wish me luck :D | 10:56 |
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Frafra | someone can help me? | 11:02 |
thenuke | Frafra: dont know? | 11:02 |
Frafra | [...] | 11:03 |
Frafra | Info: Using SDL_mixer | 11:03 |
Frafra | Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed) | 11:03 |
bob2 | when running... | 11:04 |
=== basicerly [n=basicerl@203-173-173-219.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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qt2 | time for an xchat reboot. | 11:05 |
basicerly | what do i add to mount /dev/hdc3 /mnt/bla to make it read / writeable for all users | 11:05 |
basicerly | not just root | 11:05 |
qt2 | brb. | 11:05 |
=== porkypie [n=steve@dsl-88-111-59-4.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
porkypie | hi, i was wondering if anyone could help me with setting up the latest release of wine | 11:06 |
cafuego | basicerly: That depends on the filesystem type | 11:06 |
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Frafra | bob2: it crash and it doesn't display anything | 11:06 |
bob2 | Frafra: and the program you'r running is... | 11:06 |
basicerly | cafuego: ext | 11:06 |
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basicerly | ext3 i think | 11:06 |
basicerly | 2 or three | 11:07 |
basicerly | must be three | 11:07 |
Frafra | bob2: gl-117 | 11:07 |
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f||bber | I cannot change my resolution from 640 * 480 on a fresh install, Ive done some reading and have made the necessary changes to VertRefresh and HorizSync but still no joy, Ive got a Dell E173Fp, Can anyone help me out? | 11:08 |
basicerly | cafuego: ubuntugudie.org only talks about fat and ntfs but not linux ext3 | 11:08 |
nalioth | !tell f||bber about resolution | 11:08 |
cafuego | basicerly: that's because on ext3 you rumply run 'chown' | 11:09 |
nalioth | basicerly: the 'guide will steer you in bad directions, possibly | 11:09 |
cafuego | simply, even | 11:09 |
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porkypie | f||bber | 11:09 |
bmecoli- | how do you install new hardware (IE. soundcard) in Linux? | 11:09 |
porkypie | i know exactly what you have todo | 11:09 |
basicerly | ok | 11:09 |
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Seveas | bmecoli-, you put it in your PC and let hotplug handle it | 11:10 |
basicerly | cafuego: so you cant do it in the mount process you have to chown it after? | 11:11 |
bob2 | assuming it's PCI | 11:11 |
bob2 | if it's ISA, welcome-to-the-house-of-fun | 11:11 |
f||bber | porkypie, please tell me, Im at my wits end here | 11:11 |
jk- | bob2: :) | 11:11 |
porkypie | check your private message | 11:11 |
porkypie | :) | 11:11 |
qt2 | Bob2, what about AGP and PCI-E? :o | 11:11 |
nalioth | f||bber: ubotu sent you a link, check your PMs | 11:12 |
bmecoli- | Seveas, I did, but there is no sound now :) | 11:12 |
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bob2 | qt2: plug in and go | 11:12 |
bmecoli- | lspci shows it | 11:12 |
Seveas | do you now have 2 soundcards or an onboard one and a real card perhaps? | 11:13 |
qt2 | bob2: good o> | 11:13 |
bmecoli- | all I would like to know is how to get sound working again ;/ | 11:13 |
bmecoli- | oh, no I don't | 11:13 |
bmecoli- | just one sound device | 11:13 |
Seveas | what type is the soundcard? | 11:13 |
bmecoli- | Creative Labs SB Audigy LS | 11:14 |
Seveas | ah - the troublemaker | 11:14 |
bmecoli- | ...troublemaker? | 11:14 |
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martii | hello there | 11:14 |
Seveas | yeah that card has been a pita for lots of people | 11:14 |
Seveas | !audigy | 11:14 |
ubotu | I guess audigy is muted by default in Ubuntu. To unmute, type alsamixer and find Audigy Analog/Digital Out. Select it and press M to unmute. Then type sudo alsactl store to save your settings. | 11:14 |
Seveas | search the forums too for audigy ls | 11:14 |
Seveas | lots of info there | 11:15 |
bmecoli- | I see | 11:15 |
bmecoli- | also... this card has hardware midi support right? | 11:15 |
=== da_bon_bon [n=rohan@unaffiliated/dabonbon/x-000000001] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | iirc yes | 11:15 |
aftertaf | whatis iirc? | 11:15 |
da_bon_bon | hi all | 11:15 |
Seveas | if i recall correctly | 11:15 |
bmecoli- | function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory hmm | 11:16 |
da_bon_bon | hibernate is notworking | 11:16 |
bmecoli- | that isn't good | 11:16 |
da_bon_bon | :( | 11:16 |
=== Frafra [n=Frafra@d81-211-228-243.cust.tele2.it] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
da_bon_bon | the screen just goes blank .. no indicator of any sort | 11:16 |
da_bon_bon | saying "power down" or such | 11:16 |
Seveas | bmecoli-, that means you're going driver0hunting on the forums :) | 11:16 |
bmecoli- | oh what fun! | 11:16 |
bmecoli- | yaaaay! | 11:16 |
aftertaf | ;) Seveas cheers... | 11:16 |
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Seveas | hehe, sorry :) | 11:17 |
bmecoli- | !forums | 11:17 |
Digis | Seveas, will audigy problem be fixed in final breezy release? | 11:17 |
Seveas | Digis, yes, the main problem is a too old alsa in hoary | 11:17 |
bmecoli- | damn that didn't work | 11:17 |
bmecoli- | guess I'll google it | 11:17 |
bmecoli- | hehehe | 11:17 |
Seveas | ubuntuforums.org | 11:18 |
Sonderblade | i have installed dbus, hal and nautilus from cvs and now when i boot it says "failed to initialize HAL!" why? | 11:18 |
aftertaf | Sonderblade: what usb stuff do you have plugged in, apart keyb/mouse? | 11:19 |
mjr | you really shouldn't install stuff from CVS if you can't solve that kind of problems | 11:19 |
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Seveas | indeed | 11:19 |
da_bon_bon | hey .. how many people here use breezy ? | 11:19 |
Sonderblade | aftertaf: only a mouse nothing more | 11:19 |
=== mjr recommends apt-get --reinstall install hal dbus nautilus | ||
bob2 | Sonderblade: why did you do that? | 11:20 |
qt2 | could hal not intializing cause sporadic crashes? | 11:20 |
mjr | qt2, not really | 11:20 |
qt2 | damn. | 11:20 |
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Sonderblade | hal has something to do with autodetecting devices i think | 11:20 |
bob2 | Sonderblade: no, it doesn't have anything to do with that | 11:21 |
bob2 | Sonderblade: removing everything you just installed is likely the simplest solution | 11:21 |
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qt2 | damnit, i cant believe i borked my /etc dir ~_~; | 11:22 |
=== Fanskapet [n=din@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sonderblade | bob2: now usb memories aren't autodetected, they were when hal worked | 11:23 |
bcroq | hi all... | 11:23 |
bob2 | Sonderblade: so, get rid of all that stuff you just installed | 11:23 |
qt2 | anyone have any tips on how i might correct the permission of the /etc dir? | 11:23 |
bcroq | could anyone here help me about kdesu? | 11:23 |
bob2 | you can't without a reinstall | 11:23 |
bob2 | trivially, anyway | 11:23 |
mjr | HAL doesn't do autodetection per se, but it does communicate autodetected things to the higher level tools | 11:23 |
bcroq | I can do "sudo konsole" but "kdesu konsole" doesn't work | 11:23 |
bob2 | right | 11:23 |
=== blef [n=w00dspir@SOUNB-FDDI.eunnet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cashel | qt2: chown root:root /etc | 11:24 |
Seveas | qt2, what did you do? | 11:24 |
blef | re2all | 11:24 |
Sonderblade | bob2: i know that, but i prefer to solve the problem | 11:24 |
mjr | so HAL not working may certainly _seem_ like things aren't autodetected :) | 11:24 |
bob2 | Sonderblade: the solution is to get rid of all that crap | 11:24 |
bob2 | Sonderblade: since you just installed some random cvs version that may or may not work | 11:24 |
Cashel | qt2, drwxr-xr-x 107 root root | 11:24 |
Seveas | why would you think CVS version magically solve problems? | 11:24 |
qt2 | Cashel: that only takes care of /etc, not the subdir's. ;) | 11:25 |
Seveas | qt2, chown -R | 11:25 |
bob2 | that doesn't help | 11:25 |
Cashel | yeah | 11:25 |
bob2 | not everything in /etc/is root:root | 11:25 |
Cashel | -r :P | 11:25 |
Seveas | but lots of files in there should be owned by others than root | 11:25 |
Cashel | ohhh | 11:25 |
qt2 | lol. | 11:25 |
blef | DHCP provider server has been disconnected when I installed ubuntu 4.10 , and now it does not receive IP on DHCP.How fix? | 11:25 |
qt2 | bob2: therefore, i'm screwed? | 11:26 |
=== linner [n=chatzill@pool-71-108-165-168.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | blef, call your provider and make thm turn on the dhcp server | 11:26 |
aftertaf | how's the bed ;) | 11:26 |
bob2 | qt2: you could get the correct values from a non-broken install | 11:26 |
bob2 | qt2: that would probably work | 11:26 |
qt2 | heh, anyone here mind sending me the correct values of a recursive /etc? :P | 11:26 |
qt2 | *not mind | 11:27 |
Seveas | qt2, I don't think so, lots of sensitive info in there :) | 11:27 |
Cashel | qt2, want my ls -alR /etc ? | 11:27 |
bob2 | you want the output of 'find /etc -exec ls -ld \{\}\;' | 11:27 |
bob2 | the script to chmod correctly would be... | 11:27 |
Seveas | qt2, you better get someone to zip up /etc and use chown -R --reference | 11:27 |
qt2 | Seveas: bob's way seems simpler :P | 11:28 |
Cashel | bob2, find: missing argument to `-exec' | 11:28 |
Seveas | qt2, that's for getting you a losting | 11:28 |
Seveas | how would you apply that? :) | 11:28 |
Seveas | listing* | 11:28 |
bob2 | Cashel: did you correctly backslash it? | 11:29 |
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bob2 | applying it will be harder | 11:29 |
Seveas | bob2, \{\} \; | 11:29 |
Seveas | afaik the space is important | 11:29 |
suschman | good morning | 11:29 |
bob2 | ah | 11:29 |
Cashel | the space gives me a > prompt | 11:29 |
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Seveas | anyhow, gtg fast | 11:29 |
qt2 | bob2: well... thanks for trying? :x | 11:30 |
suschman | i wanted to compile my webcam driver, but i cant get gcc or respectively build-essentials from the ubuntu repository ... | 11:30 |
=== AlinuxOS [n=Ubuntu@p54A3879A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
qt2 | guess i'll have to live with a crippled linux install. :o | 11:30 |
suschman | wet hangs at 0% | 11:30 |
dreamie | i have a 2.6 kernal that only supports 1 cpu is that why my computer is slow? | 11:30 |
=== Gorgonzola [n=Gorgonzo@220-253-63-27.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | dreamie: perhaps you forgot to install a SMP kernel? | 11:30 |
suschman | wget | 11:30 |
Cashel | qt2, I can give you a ls -alR /etc but you'd have to fix permissions by hand.. dont know how to script it.... | 11:30 |
martii | hello | 11:31 |
AlinuxOS | hello, I've recompiled 2.6.12 kernel. but at the boot I have this messages ERROR: Removing 'generic': Device or resource busy | 11:31 |
AlinuxOS | swsusp: Suspend partition has wrong signature? | 11:31 |
AlinuxOS | what does they mean? | 11:31 |
qt2 | Cashel: that'd take... to the end of the century. o.o; | 11:31 |
martii | I have problem with thomson speedtouch 330 usb | 11:31 |
Cashel | heh | 11:31 |
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bob2 | AlinuxOS: why did you compile it? | 11:31 |
martii | after plugging in usb port it says | 11:31 |
bob2 | qt2: no, it's simple, there's only a very few files that have non root:root ownership | 11:31 |
=== Tartaros [i=icechat5@r4al17.chello.upc.cz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
qt2 | ah. | 11:31 |
bob2 | AlinuxOS: and it means that you tried to resume without having suspended, which is fine | 11:31 |
AlinuxOS | martii, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44763&highlight=speedtouch+330 :) | 11:32 |
qt2 | so i could just do a chmod -Rr /etc | 11:32 |
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dreamie | bob2, it only has 1 cpu | 11:32 |
AlinuxOS | bob2, I compiled it because, my computer shutdowns himself.. | 11:32 |
AlinuxOS | :/ | 11:32 |
qt2 | bob2: and then have Cashel filter out the files with root permissions, and change the rest? | 11:32 |
=== fluffybunny_ [i=vtgk4y81@nat-gw.nbn.ac.za] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
fluffybunny_ | how can i get a faster boot time? | 11:33 |
bob2 | dreamie: so what are you talking about? | 11:33 |
bob2 | fluffybunny_: why not just suspend-to-disk? | 11:33 |
AlinuxOS | bob2, and it means that you tried to resume without having suspended, which is fine? so how can I fix it? | 11:33 |
bob2 | AlinuxOS: what? | 11:33 |
suschman | fluffybunny: remove unwanted services from the init | 11:33 |
bob2 | AlinuxOS: there's nothing to fix | 11:33 |
fluffybunny_ | bob2: didn't you say don't use that earlier? | 11:33 |
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bob2 | fluffybunny_: no, you imagined that | 11:33 |
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bob2 | fluffybunny_: then I asked you where you thouht I said that, then you disappeared | 11:34 |
fluffybunny_ | bob2: oh... sorry, my bad :) | 11:34 |
qt2 | Cashel: think you could do something of that sort for me? | 11:34 |
AlinuxOS | :) I woud like to delete this message? od delete debug in kernel configuration. | 11:34 |
dreamie | bob2, my laptop is slow on the desktop and i am figuring out why | 11:34 |
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dreamie | bob2, also what i can do about it | 11:34 |
Cashel | qt2, I realy wouldnt no how, but I can give you the raw list... | 11:34 |
martii | AlinuxOS: thanks will read that | 11:34 |
bob2 | AlinuxOS: you can't, leave it alone | 11:34 |
bob2 | dreamie: you haven't defined "slow" yet | 11:34 |
fluffybunny_ | suschman: how can i tell what services are safe to remove? and which are critical? | 11:34 |
fluffybunny_ | bob2: oops, sorry about that | 11:35 |
AlinuxOS | bob2, ? alone ? | 11:35 |
bob2 | AlinuxOS: just don't touch it | 11:35 |
bob2 | fluffybunny_: you need to manually check each and decide if you need it or not | 11:35 |
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AlinuxOS | bob2, yuo think there is no fix-es and it's not problematic ...you mean that ? | 11:35 |
bob2 | AlinuxOS: there's nothing to fix | 11:36 |
qt2 | Cashel: oki o> | 11:36 |
AlinuxOS | bob2, thanks | 11:36 |
AlinuxOS | bob2, and another thing... | 11:36 |
dreamie | bob2, the screen takes time to go into one program to another....multi tasking is difficult | 11:37 |
bob2 | dreamie: you'd need to provide a list of applications you're using, the output of 'ps aux' and 'free -m', and tell us what cpu and type of disk you have | 11:37 |
AlinuxOS | 11:19:12.542 [W] hald.c:302: Your kernel does not support capabilities; some features will not be available. | 11:38 |
AlinuxOS | and this strange line. | 11:38 |
dreamie | cpu mhz is 233 | 11:38 |
bob2 | dreamie: it's not very surprising that gnome is slow then | 11:38 |
qt2 | okay, "chown -R root:root /etc", correct? | 11:38 |
bob2 | AlinuxOS: the simple solution is "don't compile your own kernel" | 11:38 |
bob2 | AlinuxOS: since you left things out | 11:38 |
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Cashel | qt2, thats right | 11:39 |
dreamie | ps aux is long | 11:39 |
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bob2 | dreamie: nevermind | 11:39 |
fluffybunny_ | back | 11:39 |
bob2 | dreamie: a p233 is never going to be fun with gnome | 11:39 |
ricky_clarkson | Hi, I'm trying to help someone install Java on Ubuntu. Should I advise the java.sun.com bin, or does Ubuntu have a working java-package like Debian has? | 11:39 |
suschman | hmm, i just ask direkt again: i cant get gcc andc build-essential via apt-get | 11:39 |
Cashel | qt2, -Rh might be wise .. doesnt follow simlinks... | 11:39 |
fluffybunny_ | so, where do i find the init file to edit?\ | 11:39 |
suschman | but geting other software works | 11:39 |
suschman | what i am doing wrong ... | 11:39 |
Ng | ricky_clarkson: look at the Java page in the ubuntu wiki :) | 11:39 |
ricky_clarkson | Ng: URL? | 11:39 |
Ng | ricky_clarkson: wiki.ubuntu.com | 11:39 |
Ng | probably /Java ;) | 11:40 |
tommi^ | Hi. I opened a word doc with oo.org and I guess it's iso-8859-15 encoded because some of the characters show as boxes. How to change from utf-8 to iso-8859-15? | 11:40 |
qt2 | Cashel: that'll take care of the owners, but what about permissions? | 11:40 |
AlinuxOS | I've fixed a lot of things, and studied howto recompile a kernel :) but not from the scratch, generally I make "make oldconfig" | 11:40 |
bob2 | ricky_clarkson: wiki.ubuntu.com/Java | 11:40 |
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Cashel | qt2, a very good question, and I wish you luck with it :P | 11:40 |
bob2 | suschman: you left a lot of information out of your question | 11:40 |
bob2 | suschman: e.g. the link to your sources.list | 11:40 |
fluffybunny_ | is it /etc/init.d? | 11:40 |
qt2 | anyone? :o | 11:40 |
AlinuxOS | I don't like this simple solution. so what can I do If 2.6.10 jus don't works fro me? | 11:40 |
ricky_clarkson | bob2: Are there Spanish versions of those instructions? | 11:40 |
dreamie | bob2, is there a panel that is not gnome that will be lighter? i switched to fluxbox | 11:41 |
bob2 | ricky_clarkson: I'm not sure, sorry | 11:41 |
dreamie | bob2, is there something else i can do? | 11:41 |
bob2 | dreamie: you're using gluxbox? | 11:41 |
Digis | how to debug evolution connection, cause Its not working with IMAP | 11:41 |
dreamie | yes bob2 | 11:42 |
bob2 | Digis: did you file a bug yet? | 11:42 |
bob2 | Digis: tcpdump is the tool I'd be using | 11:42 |
suschman | bob2: its the usual sources.list just uncommented universe and hoary-extras added | 11:42 |
bob2 | suschman: and the checked that your internet connection isn't screwed how? | 11:43 |
suschman | since wget starts the download but stays at 0% i think this should be working fine | 11:43 |
Digis | bob2, yes I filled the big yet, ant I got email with "NEEDINFO" | 11:43 |
suschman | no, im typing with it right now ;) | 11:43 |
suschman | and geting other stuff like mc works | 11:43 |
bob2 | suschman: no, I mean, you've checked the problem downloading those files is with apt? | 11:43 |
bob2 | suschman: you can wget the exact urls correctly? | 11:43 |
ricky_clarkson | bob2: Cheers bob2 and Ng. | 11:44 |
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bob2 | Digis: tcpdump will provide a very useful trace | 11:44 |
suschman | hum, have to try this bob2 | 11:44 |
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scumbo | qt2, if Cashel has sent you a complete 'ls -ldR' listing, you could use grep to find things with the same permissions and change them all in one go. | 11:46 |
Cashel | I did | 11:47 |
Digis | bob2, well I checked 143 port with tcpdump, and I saw traffic between me and mail provider :), maybe I should use some tcpdump options? | 11:47 |
qt2 | scumbo: apparently, he did. ;) | 11:47 |
qt2 | scumbo: so, how would i go about that? | 11:47 |
bob2 | Digis: tcpdump -i eth0 port 143 | 11:48 |
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Digis | bob2, I did the same... | 11:48 |
scumbo | qt2, I'd script it -- awk or perl, but it shouldn't be too bad to do manually. | 11:48 |
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suschman | hmm | 11:49 |
suschman | Hole:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/universe links2 2.1pre15-3 [1979kB] | 11:49 |
suschman | Es wurden 1979kB in 16s geholt (121kB/s) | 11:49 |
suschman | getint other stuff from repo works | 11:49 |
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scumbo | qt2, a command line like "grep rw-r--r-- Cashelfile|awk '{print $NF}'" will list all files with those permissions. | 11:50 |
tenco | help! my hotplug.d has gone wild! | 11:50 |
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qt2 | scumbo: problem is, i have know scripting knowledge. | 11:50 |
tenco | martin@lotophag:~/.amarok$ pgrep hotplug |wc -l | 11:51 |
tenco | 2894 | 11:51 |
qt2 | scumbo: couldnt i just pipe that into something somehow? | 11:51 |
tenco | then i did a "sudo pkill hotplug" | 11:51 |
scumbo | qt2, if you're wise, you won't trust some anonymous bod on IRC. But if you're foolish, you can try what I suggest. I hope it'll help. | 11:52 |
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=== qt2 blinks. | ||
tenco | but its growing again! help! | 11:52 |
brownie17 | bob2: i want ot run a "24bpp" desktop. can you tell me what this measn and how to do it? | 11:53 |
Tartaros | ow | 11:53 |
tenco | but its growing again! help! | 11:53 |
dazvid | wtf? | 11:53 |
brownie17 | what happened? | 11:53 |
tenco | help! my hotplug.d has gone wild! | 11:53 |
martii | AlinuxOS: thanks for than forum link. It worked like a ham | 11:53 |
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Tartaros | netsplit happened | 11:53 |
martii | AlinuxOS: UBUNTU ROX | 11:53 |
tenco | help! my hotplug.d has gone wild! | 11:53 |
brownie17 | bob2: i want ot run a "24bpp" desktop. can you tell me what this measn and how to do it? | 11:53 |
brownie17 | tartaros: what is netsplit? | 11:53 |
bob2 | on tcpdump | 11:53 |
Tartaros | that's when the net gets split :P | 11:53 |
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qt2 | scumbo: well, i got a bit of a sense of security from you saying it openly in the channel, i'd assume if it were harmful, someone else would be kind enough to say, 'hey, dont do that'. | 11:53 |
scumbo | qt2, so just try the command above ... grep -rw-r--r-- cashelfile | awk '{print $NF}' | 11:53 |
AlinuxOS | martii, :) I know :) | 11:54 |
AlinuxOS | really fenomenal :) | 11:54 |
scumbo | qt2, maybe we're all against you. | 11:54 |
brownie17 | bob2: can you help me? | 11:54 |
Digis | bob2, here is tcpdump output http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1984 | 11:54 |
bob2 | brownie17: don't use vesa then | 11:54 |
bob2 | Digis: tcpdump -vv ... | 11:54 |
qt2 | scumbo: somegow i doubt it, considering how nice the ubuntu community has been thus far. | 11:55 |
Digis | bob2, oh .... | 11:55 |
scumbo | qt2, I'm a debian user though... | 11:55 |
qt2 | heh. | 11:55 |
thoreauputic | scumbo: scary ;) | 11:55 |
brownie17 | bob2: so i have to get an actual driver? and will that be harmful in any way? should i backup first? and how do i find what version of the kenrel i have? (i havent recomplied it) | 11:55 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: uname -r | 11:56 |
bob2 | brownie17: dude | 11:56 |
bob2 | chill out | 11:56 |
Digis | bob2, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1986 | 11:56 |
bob2 | a lot | 11:56 |
scumbo | qt2, anyhow, to explain the above command, it's searching for lines in 'cashelfile' which match the given permissions. The bit of awk after the pipe symbol simply prints the last word on the matching lines -- the filename. | 11:56 |
brownie17 | bob2: ok, sorry :) i am a bit worried about changing anything now considering that HAL error still isnt completely gone | 11:57 |
brownie17 | bob2: for some reason it still happens in other accounts | 11:57 |
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scumbo | qt2, silly me. You need a -- before the first dash in the grep pattern. Otherwise it thinks -rw-r--r-- is an option! | 11:58 |
bob2 | brownie17: didn't you reinstall? | 11:58 |
scumbo | qt2, so are you game to give that bit a go? | 11:58 |
brownie17 | bob2: no, aftertaf said to unplug all USB devices, and it might have done domsthing, but it hasnt happened in my account again | 11:58 |
bob2 | ok... | 11:58 |
bob2 | brownie17: what video card do you have? | 11:59 |
qt2 | scumbo: sure, but, isnt it a bit useless if it doesnt give me the directories of said files appended to the beginning of each filename. | 11:59 |
qt2 | +? | 11:59 |
blef | where in ubuntu 4.10 gcc? | 12:00 |
bob2 | blef: why are you using ubuntu 4.10? | 12:00 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic: where can i find out what the newest version of the KERNEL is? | 12:00 |
bob2 | brownie17: you don't want or need a new kernel | 12:00 |
bob2 | you'll only break your system | 12:00 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: erm ... | 12:00 |
scumbo | qt2, Oh that's right. Cashel sent you a "ls -ldR". I was thinking as if we had a 'find /etc/ -print|xargs ls -ld'. Rats. | 12:01 |
scumbo | qt2, I think Cashel's gone; can we get a listing of the above command from someone else? | 12:01 |
blef | bob2, i have now only this | 12:01 |
brownie17 | bob2: i know i don't hav ethe expertise to do it, but i just wanted to know, do you know? | 12:01 |
bob2 | blef: then it's on the CD | 12:01 |
bob2 | brownie17: of course, www.kernel.org will tell you | 12:02 |
tenco | martin@lotophag:/var/log$ pgrep 10-hal |wc -l | 12:02 |
tenco | 336 | 12:02 |
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thoreauputic | brownie17: 2.6.13 I think | 12:02 |
HiddenFly | how can i use multiple profiles in firefox? | 12:02 |
tenco | martin@lotophag:/var/log$ pgrep hotplug |wc -l | 12:02 |
tenco | 37 | 12:02 |
tenco | and growing! help! | 12:02 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic: ok | 12:02 |
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shadeofgrey | hi guys i need help | 12:02 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: but as bob2 says, you don't need or want it | 12:02 |
brownie17 | i have an ATI radeon ve/7000 and i think ATI only make drivers for 8000 and above, where can i get drivers for it. apparently ATI encourage other people to make their own drivers | 12:03 |
bob2 | not really | 12:03 |
bob2 | just use the default drivers then | 12:03 |
tenco | how can i stop hotplug? its gone wild'!help!!!! | 12:03 |
bob2 | tenco: leave it alone | 12:03 |
tenco | martin@lotophag:/var/log$ pgrep hotplug |wc -l | 12:04 |
tenco | 40 | 12:04 |
qt2 | scumbo: might we able to jsut use yours? or do you mind? | 12:04 |
bob2 | tenco: why do you care? | 12:04 |
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tenco | before i did a "pkill hotplug": | 12:04 |
bob2 | tenco: that was silly | 12:04 |
tenco | martin@lotophag:~/.amarok$ pgrep hotplug |wc -l | 12:04 |
tenco | 2894 | 12:04 |
shadeofgrey | i have two drives in my comp. my primary holds my ubuntu instalation, and the other is just a second drive thats plugged in but has nothing on it. How do i create a ext3 partition that automounts at boot on the second drive? (Im going to dump all my mp3's to it and other backup materials to the second drive and then take the plunge and reinstall ubuntu using breezy) | 12:04 |
bob2 | tenco: what on earth are you doing? | 12:04 |
scumbo | qt2, I wouldn't mind at all -- but like I said, I'm on debian. | 12:05 |
tenco | bob2: using kubuntu? | 12:05 |
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tenco | bob2: i only used a usb memory stick | 12:05 |
qt2 | scumbo: oh, right, i keep forgetting. | 12:05 |
scumbo | qt2, I have a Ubuntu live-cd I could boot another machine on and refer to its /etc dir. Slow as a wet week though. | 12:05 |
tenco | bob2: like: mounting, unmounting and letting it in the usb-port | 12:06 |
bob2 | tenco: and at the moment you are physically doing... | 12:06 |
shadeofgrey | guys could someone please help me? | 12:06 |
qt2 | hm, would anyone mind running 'find /etc/ -print|xargs ls -ld' and sending me the results? i'm attemting to fix my /etc dir. | 12:06 |
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shadeofgrey | should i install gparted? that will do what i want right? | 12:07 |
tenco | bob2: listening to music (amarok), browsing the web with konqueror and programming with kdevelop | 12:07 |
tenco | martin@lotophag:~$ pgrep hotplug |wc -l | 12:07 |
tenco | 45 | 12:07 |
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nalioth | shadeofgrey: give folks a chance to read your msg | 12:07 |
tenco | bob2: oh, and kontact with akregator and knode | 12:07 |
qt2 | shadeofgrey: use cfdis to create a partition on the blank drive, use format to make the partiton ext3, and add a line to /etc/fstab to automount it at boot. | 12:08 |
ompaul | bob2, I put my hands up, I fluffed that, the image i have is faulty, I must have only checked the live CD or something - and of course the md5sum CD image == md5sum it source file | 12:08 |
ompaul | !lart me | 12:08 |
=== ubotu frags ompaul with his BFG9000 | ||
shadeofgrey | is there a GUI based disk management / partitrion management utility? | 12:08 |
qt2 | scumbo: well, doesnt look like i'm getting much of a response, so... if it wouldnt be too much trouble... x_x; | 12:08 |
bob2 | hah | 12:08 |
brownie17 | can anybody help shade of grey? | 12:09 |
tenco | bob2: already 62 o_O | 12:09 |
bob2 | come on guys | 12:09 |
ompaul | bob2, please say eureka in that case, hah just hurts too much given that I have already been fragged by the bot :-) | 12:09 |
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qt2 | shadeofgrey: i believe gparted can indeed do most of the work, but you'll have to add the line to /etc/fstab yourself still. | 12:09 |
bob2 | this lack of initiative is disturbing | 12:10 |
scumbo | qt2, OK. This'll take a few minutes -- gotta clamber around playing with monitor cables and such. Back soon. | 12:10 |
catfox | could anyone using a synaptics touchpad paste their xorg.conf to me please? mine is a bit messed up :( | 12:10 |
=== ompaul has not been following | ||
qt2 | scumbo: alright, thanks for all your help. o> | 12:10 |
tenco | martin@lotophag:~$ pgrep "10-hal" | wc -l | 12:10 |
tenco | 345 | 12:10 |
bob2 | ompaul: eureka! | 12:10 |
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ompaul | :) | 12:10 |
tenco | 19125 ? S< 0:00 /etc/dev.d/default/10-hal.dev input | 12:10 |
tenco | 20368 ? S< 0:00 /etc/dev.d/default/10-hal.dev block | 12:10 |
tenco | whats going on here? | 12:11 |
thoreauputic | qt2: got it? | 12:11 |
qt2 | oh, woah, yes. o.o; | 12:12 |
qt2 | scumbo: cancell that order, thoreauputic just sent me the output. o.o; | 12:12 |
thoreauputic | qt2: sort of like reading War and Peace, only a lot less interesting | 12:12 |
qt2 | thoreauputic: heh, well, thanks. :o | 12:13 |
thoreauputic | ;) | 12:13 |
=== cafuego is now known as Cthulhu | ||
thoreauputic | qt2: a lot of it won't be relevant unless you have similar apps | 12:13 |
qt2 | now i just need to figure out how o pipe the output of each line to it's own chmod command. <.<; | 12:13 |
suschman | bob2: i downloaded the gcc-3.3 package from the repo and installed it manualy with dpkg | 12:13 |
=== Cthulhu is now known as cafuego | ||
suschman | after adding the cc symlink compiling works, but apt-get is still not geting gcc and so | 12:14 |
suschman | still, other software loads fine | 12:14 |
qt2 | thoreauputic: so i'll get a lot of "file does not exist"s but at least it'll be correcting the base system at the same time. | 12:14 |
suschman | that is strange | 12:14 |
catfox | nobody using a touchpad with hoary? | 12:14 |
=== spayne [n=spayne@i-195-137-120-148.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | qt2: BTW I an t as user so there were a few "Permission Denied" lines | 12:15 |
thoreauputic | * ran it as user | 12:15 |
cafuego | I was, but just wiped and popped colony4 on | 12:15 |
qt2 | catfox: do a search on synaptic touchpad in the forums, there's bound to be an xorg.conf posted somewhere in there. | 12:15 |
catfox | qt2, i'll have a go. thx | 12:15 |
=== johns^ is just back from an windows xp expidition | ||
johns^ | mental support needed! | 12:16 |
ompaul | johns^ did you wash since? | 12:17 |
bob2 | suschman: so wget on the same files worked? | 12:17 |
=== qt2 gives john a bar of soap and a towel. | ||
johns^ | thanx | 12:17 |
johns^ | i feel.... tainted | 12:17 |
f||bber | Still having problems with my resolution, going through the fixvideoresolution howto and when I try to do this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg | 12:18 |
f||bber | , I get Package xserver-org in not installed and no info is available /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: xserver-org is not installed, can anyone help me out here?? | 12:18 |
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johns^ | xserver-xorg | 12:18 |
nalioth | there is an x in xorg | 12:18 |
f||bber | whhopswhoops, pasted incorrectly sorry | 12:19 |
Jaivaz | Hey, since GNOME 2.12 is coming out soon.. Does that mean we can upgrade to it from 2.10 on Hoary? | 12:21 |
=== deFrysk [n=deFrysk@i111223.upc-i.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scumbo | qt2, I see I didn't need to do all that. | 12:21 |
Jaivaz | Or will we need to upgrade to Breezy for it? | 12:21 |
nalioth | Jaivaz: i believe 2.12 comes with breezy | 12:21 |
=== MacVegie [n=MacVegie@c220-237-154-176.brodm1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jaivaz | But it's possible to upgrade on Hoary, right? | 12:21 |
qt2 | scumbo: err, check your pm. :P | 12:22 |
bob2 | Jaivaz: nope | 12:22 |
Jaivaz | Aw, crap. | 12:22 |
bob2 | only in the sense that you could install any random crap from breezy on hoary | 12:22 |
bob2 | breezy comes out in 4 weeks | 12:22 |
bob2 | you really cannot wait? | 12:22 |
Jaivaz | Oh, I can wait | 12:22 |
Jaivaz | Just wanted to know. | 12:22 |
qt2 | well, all the chown's are corect, now it's jsut the chmod's i've gotta worry about. | 12:22 |
scumbo | qt2, jus a mo. phone call. | 12:23 |
qt2 | alrighty, no problem o> | 12:23 |
qt2 | take your time. | 12:23 |
qt2 | heh, looks like catfox found his solution. o> | 12:24 |
=== qt2 goes about downloading the wine-cvs as he waits. | ||
qt2 | wow, rather quiet in here for once. o.o; | 12:26 |
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=== GioSico [n=GioSico@CPE-60-226-117-181.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tenco | does hotplug write error-messages to /var/log/messages? | 12:29 |
tenco | because there arent any :-\ | 12:29 |
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tenco | no message why hotplug keeps spawning processes | 12:30 |
tenco | :-\ | 12:30 |
=== shadeofgrey [n=shadeofg@user-1120n70.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shadeofgrey | okay guys | 12:31 |
qt2 | because it loves you, of course. | 12:31 |
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f||bber | Screen res problem, inserted the HorizSync & VertRefresh, when I try to restart X: parse error line 79 of section monitor in file/etc/X11/xorg.conf "VertRefresh" is not a valid keyword in this section : Fatal server error no screens found! WTF, can anyone help me? | 12:31 |
tenco | this isnt love this is hate | 12:32 |
shadeofgrey | i created the new partition and everything is cool... i need help with editing my fstab and creating a mount point for the new partitrion so it loads at boot | 12:32 |
shadeofgrey | heres what my fstab looks like now: | 12:32 |
tenco | is there a #ubuntu-dev ? | 12:32 |
Myrtti | don't paste it here | 12:32 |
Myrtti | please | 12:32 |
Myrtti | !pastebin | 12:32 |
ubotu | I guess pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 12:32 |
shadeofgrey | /dev/hda1 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1 | 12:32 |
shadeofgrey | /dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdd2 ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1 | 12:32 |
shadeofgrey | /dev/hda5 none swap sw 0 0 | 12:32 |
shadeofgrey | /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 ro,user,noauto 0 0 | 12:32 |
shadeofgrey | /dev/hdd /media/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 ro,user,noauto 0 0 | 12:32 |
shadeofgrey | /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto 0 0 | 12:32 |
Myrtti | goddammit | 12:33 |
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shadeofgrey | now all i have to do is go into a terminal with root access and mkdir /mnt/hdd2 right? | 12:33 |
nalioth | shadeofgrey: dont do that again. | 12:33 |
shadeofgrey | nal: oo - sorry.. i forgot we arent supposed to paste | 12:33 |
shadeofgrey | my apologies everybody | 12:33 |
nalioth | shadeofgrey: use a pastebin or #flood | 12:33 |
shadeofgrey | okay i will... but based on what you see there did i do everything right? | 12:34 |
f||bber | Can anyone help, ^^ This monitor is doing my head in.. | 12:35 |
shadeofgrey | how do i look at the new partition in the file manager so i xan start copying crap over? | 12:35 |
=== Yagisan [n=jamie@60-240-25-5-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fred|Fr3d | shadeofgrey: try mounting the partition, or try browsing it in /dev/ | 12:36 |
qt2 | f||bber: i could send you my xorg.conf to compaert, it wouldnt match your hardware/monitor settings of course, but you could see how it's set up... o.O; | 12:37 |
nalioth | f||bber: do this: in a terminal "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and choose the VESA driver | 12:37 |
Yagisan | G'day, anyone here set up Ubuntu Hoary as a print server (for Ubuntu and Windows Clients) ? | 12:38 |
DjKritical | Can anyone tell me... is it very hard to develop a program in ubuntu... but compile it to run on windows?... like for instance code a project in C++ using linux.. and compile it to an .exe file? | 12:38 |
bob2 | DjKritical: depends what you want it to do | 12:38 |
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DjKritical | bob2: simple IRC client with no gui | 12:38 |
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DjKritical | bob2: it would react to commands through IRC.. mainly for administrative purposes | 12:39 |
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bob2 | that'll be hard | 12:39 |
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bob2 | without using cygwin and curses, I guess | 12:39 |
bob2 | I don't know how you do text mode uis on windows | 12:39 |
DjKritical | well there is no user interface on the windows side | 12:40 |
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DjKritical | it's a service... | 12:40 |
scumbo | qt2, sorry 'bout that. Took longer than I thought. | 12:40 |
bob2 | does making something a "service" on windows require source changes? | 12:40 |
DjKritical | bob2: not a service in the windows sense... but a service such as it doesn't take input from a user on the windows machine... it takes input through the IRC connection... | 12:41 |
f||bber | nalioth, VESA driver as opposed to what? | 12:41 |
DjKritical | no windows console, no windows-windows | 12:41 |
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bob2 | DjKritical: then that will be fairly simple | 12:42 |
bob2 | DjKritical: except windows has it's own crackpot sockets stuff | 12:42 |
bob2 | DjKritical: I'd try using CommonC++ to abstract it away | 12:42 |
qt2 | scumbo: not a problem, i'm in no rush. :P | 12:42 |
DjKritical | yeah I'm familiar with windows sockets | 12:42 |
DjKritical | what is commonC++? | 12:43 |
bob2 | apt-cache search commonc++ | 12:43 |
scumbo | qt2, you mentioned something about "PM" -- I'm an IRC newbie -- be gentle with me. | 12:43 |
DjKritical | I was more wondering what it's going to do but that's okay I'll start reading up on it | 12:44 |
bob2 | the description says what it does | 12:45 |
nalioth | f||bber: as opposed to whatever your card is named (ati, nv, nvidia) | 12:45 |
Fred|Fr3d | hey, how do i make a service auto-start at boot? | 12:46 |
f||bber | nalioth, Yeah doing that - onboard intel i8 crap | 12:46 |
bob2 | Fred|Fr3d: what service? | 12:46 |
qt2 | scumbo: private message, query, it should be beside/below your hannel tabs with my name on it. ;) | 12:46 |
=== phrizer [n=lance@60-234-134-230.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fred|Fr3d | unrealircd, anope irc services, and perhaps an smtp server when i've installed one | 12:47 |
qt2 | Fred|Fr3d: heh, hosting an irc server? ;) | 12:47 |
bob2 | Fred|Fr3d: please don't use unrealircd | 12:48 |
bob2 | it's shit | 12:48 |
Fred|Fr3d | yup | 12:48 |
scumbo | qt2, nope. Using ircii in all its alpha terminal glory. | 12:48 |
bob2 | anything in ubuntu will install it's own startup script | 12:48 |
bob2 | and run automatically | 12:48 |
f||bber | nalioth, after doing that, so i edit the xorg.cong with the HorizSync and VertRefresh? | 12:48 |
Myrtti | IRSSI! you zealots | 12:48 |
osfameron | When gnome gives me a "Cancel Open?" dialog when trying to open a directory shared from Samba | 12:48 |
bob2 | and you already have a SMTP server installed | 12:48 |
osfameron | can I safely close the dialog | 12:48 |
osfameron | and still open the directory? | 12:48 |
nalioth | f||bber: after doing this, your monitor should work w/o any further twiddling | 12:48 |
Fred|Fr3d | bob2: well unreal doesnt autostart :/ | 12:48 |
osfameron | (I *want* to open the directory, not cancel opening !) | 12:48 |
nalioth | Myrtti: ?? | 12:48 |
bob2 | Fred|Fr3d: that's because it's not in ubuntu, or useful | 12:49 |
bob2 | Fred|Fr3d: just use one of the real ircds in ubuntu | 12:49 |
Myrtti | ;-) | 12:49 |
Fred|Fr3d | real?? | 12:49 |
=== DrTiger [n=andi@a81-14-176-218.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Myrtti | that was for scumbo | 12:49 |
qt2 | scumbo: well, i wouldnt know how to locate that. | 12:49 |
nalioth | Myrtti: ah | 12:49 |
bob2 | Fred|Fr3d: oftc-hybrid, dancer, etc | 12:49 |
DrTiger | where are the package files store? | 12:49 |
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DrTiger | stored? | 12:49 |
bob2 | DrTiger: temporarily? /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 12:49 |
nalioth | DrTiger: /var/cache/apt/ | 12:49 |
scumbo | qt2, let me try. | 12:49 |
f||bber | nalioth, when i try to restarx I get: (EE) VESA(0): No matching Modes (EE)Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration | 12:49 |
DrTiger | thanks... | 12:49 |
nalioth | f||bber: ya gotta be kiddin me | 12:50 |
=== Decadent [n=variemai@ppp25-adsl-251.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | f||bber: VESA is supposed to drive anything with a vga port | 12:50 |
f||bber | nalioth, nope I cant work in 640 * 480 :-( | 12:51 |
bob2 | Fred|Fr3d: why do you want unrealircd? | 12:51 |
Fred|Fr3d | cos thats what i've always used, and what the servers i link to use | 12:51 |
bob2 | awesome | 12:52 |
bob2 | then install it like you "always" have | 12:52 |
=== taku [n=nico@i01v-62-35-123-208.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
taku | hi all | 12:52 |
nalioth | f||bber: i'm out of ideas (usually VESA works for everybody with video issues) | 12:52 |
Fred|Fr3d | bob2: i've "always" used it on windows until a couple weeks ago | 12:52 |
osfameron | Hmmm, I can paste the directory I want to enter into Nautilus and it works fine | 12:52 |
bob2 | haha | 12:52 |
osfameron | it's just when I double click on the folder that it asks "Cancel Open?" | 12:53 |
bob2 | Fred|Fr3d: then you'll need to read it's instructions and add an init script to /etc/init.d/ | 12:53 |
bob2 | Fred|Fr3d: using one in Ubuntu is a lot simpler | 12:53 |
Myrtti | f||bber: perhaps you've got the horiz and vert on wrong place? | 12:53 |
Fred|Fr3d | thanks :) | 12:53 |
=== stephank [n=stephank@ip503dc86f.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hergiswi | If I partitioned Ubuntu to be 6 GB, would it be possible to expand the partition without reformatting it? | 12:53 |
taku | hi there, has anyone of you already use lwjgl ? | 12:53 |
bob2 | Hergiswi: depends on lots of factors | 12:54 |
nalioth | Hergiswi: certainly. use parted or its gui frontend g- or qt- | 12:54 |
=== talios [n=amrk@202-74-209-220.ue.woosh.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | if it's ext3 and you have free space after it, ten yes | 12:55 |
nalioth | bob2: you mean like free space? | 12:55 |
f||bber | Myrtti, Under monitor.. | 12:55 |
bob2 | nalioth: and the filesystem type | 12:55 |
Myrtti | I wish I were home so I could check where mine is | 12:55 |
=== robotgeek [n=robotgee@ppp-70-250-189-242.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hergiswi | nalioth: what are those? | 12:58 |
ompaul | does dual booting on a mac raise issues? | 12:58 |
=== aRAchNiON [n=arachnio@d51A49FA7.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego | ompaul: Depends on the mac. | 12:59 |
aRAchNiON | seife, hi o/ | 12:59 |
ompaul | cafuego, mac mini | 12:59 |
cafuego | ompaul: Works fine. | 01:00 |
ompaul | thanks , not for me | 01:00 |
cafuego | motherboard : PowerMac10,1 MacRISC3 Power Macintosh [287 (Mac mini)] | 01:00 |
cafuego | ompaul: What's wrong? | 01:00 |
bob2 | they sound like they'd make nice little servers | 01:01 |
ompaul | cafuego, asking for a local lug guy who asked | 01:01 |
ompaul | cafuego, now we got one more :) | 01:01 |
bimberi | nah, too quiet to be a server :) | 01:02 |
ompaul | bimberi, I hope you don't think every server should he as loud as the big HPs | 01:02 |
cafuego | ompaul: I partitioned it when i installed OSX, left 18G of the 80G drive free (for Linux) Then install ubuntu by booting off the CD and telling it to use all free space. | 01:02 |
ompaul | bloody aircraft carrier would not be as loud | 01:02 |
nalioth | ompaul: not at all | 01:03 |
cafuego | bob2: I dunno how they handle heat when stacked. | 01:03 |
ompaul | cafuego, ahh he has enough of a clue, non of them did that do a Mac yet :) | 01:03 |
bob2 | heh, I have a noisy late 90's HP workstation under my desk atm | 01:03 |
Gorgonzola | stupid question: is the proper Firefox icon included with Ubuntu... i want to use that on my Gnome bar instead of the Globe icon | 01:03 |
bob2 | Gorgonzola: no, the Mozilla people won't let ubuntu include it | 01:03 |
Gorgonzola | ah, what's the reason for that? | 01:03 |
cafuego | Gorgonzola: Just make an icon in Gimp and have it use that. | 01:03 |
nalioth | bob2: they do. little heat, little power usage (havent you seen the ads in the technical mags with the dozens of minis in the racks?) | 01:03 |
bimberi | ompaul: dell poweredges are pretty bad too - once started one up in the office - stopped it very quickly | 01:04 |
ompaul | nalioth, okay, but every morning that we did a test the sudden quiteness after the fans stopped used to make me do a double take | 01:04 |
bob2 | nalioth: linux journal was the last magazine I bought, in maybe 2003 or so | 01:04 |
bob2 | Gorgonzola: they're very protective of their trademark | 01:04 |
bob2 | nalioth: that does sound cool | 01:04 |
nalioth | bob2: well, some hosting co is rackin up the minis for its customers | 01:04 |
bob2 | apple has redone their .au website a bit | 01:04 |
nalioth | cheaper than the u2 boxen | 01:04 |
=== cafuego does find i/o to be a bit slow on the minis | ||
bob2 | pity they're not g5s | 01:05 |
aftertaf | f||bber: have you posted your xorg.conf to pastebin? | 01:05 |
cafuego | and when you hack 'em with hdparm, they do poo completely. | 01:05 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o bob2] by bob2 | ||
cafuego | bob2: a g5 mini would have to have a fan the size of itself bolted on ;-) | 01:05 |
bob2 | hehe | 01:05 |
Gorgonzola | bob2, is there anywhere to d/l the icon? alot of the screenshots i've seen of linux im sure include the firefox icon on shortcuts | 01:05 |
bob2 | Gorgonzola: lots of distributions are not nearly as careful about this sort of thing as Debian and Ubuntu | 01:05 |
bob2 | Gorgonzola: I'm sure it's on the firefox website somewhere | 01:06 |
cafuego | Gorgonzola: I'll make you one, hold on. | 01:06 |
Gorgonzola | bob2, good point :) | 01:06 |
nalioth | Gorgonzola: there are many places to d/l stock or creative artistic icons for any app | 01:06 |
f||bber | aftertaf, no hold on | 01:06 |
Gorgonzola | cafuego, as long as its nice quality like the other default icons, sure :) | 01:06 |
bob2 | I should sell my ibook before I even think about buyign another computer, tho | 01:06 |
cafuego | Gorgonzola: well, it'd be a 32x32 xpm of the windows one | 01:07 |
cafuego | png even | 01:07 |
=== Chameleon22 [n=Blah@60-240-233-7-vic-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
reiki | Gorgonzola, : google for gnant | 01:09 |
reiki | I'm checking mine right now to see if there's a new firefox icon for the panel in there | 01:09 |
Gorgonzola | woah, those GNANT icons are pretty cool | 01:10 |
reiki | the firefoc icon is a little fox face | 01:10 |
eva-02 | anyone good with ubuntu sound problems ? ;o | 01:11 |
reiki | I just now changed mine. Not really an "official" firefox icon but better than a blue sphere :) | 01:11 |
=== mattyJ [n=X@oh-clevelandheights-cdnt1-bg2c-224.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gorgonzola | hehe | 01:11 |
Fred|Fr3d | firefox and thunderbird icons, high res: http://www.wincustomize.com/ViewSkin.aspx?SID=1&SkinID=7762&LibID=29 | 01:11 |
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cafuego | Gorgonzola: http://www.cafuego.net/stuff/mozilla_firefox_48.png | 01:12 |
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=== PeaceMakr [n=PeaceMak@wbs-196-2-101-208.wbs.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gorgonzola | cafuego, i got 404 | 01:13 |
Fred|Fr3d | five pages of firefox icons: http://www.wincustomize.com/Skins.aspx?LibID=29&view=1&sortby=4&sortdir=DESC&p=1&advanced=0&searchtxt=firefox | 01:13 |
cafuego | reload | 01:13 |
mumbles | work sucks | 01:13 |
Gorgonzola | Fred|Fr3d, thanks, they'll do nicely | 01:13 |
cafuego | (had a typo in teh filename) | 01:13 |
Fred|Fr3d | np :) | 01:13 |
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=== Blazint [n=blazin@cm225.epsilon203.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aftertaf | i have the "globe with a fox shaped out of fire" icon... | 01:13 |
aftertaf | mumbles: $at_work != working() | 01:13 |
mumbles | :p not when you cycle there thinking your going to be late | 01:14 |
aftertaf | oh!! | 01:14 |
mumbles | then find out when you go upsatres to get changed that some other kid is already there | 01:14 |
aftertaf | sux yeah | 01:14 |
eva-02 | can anyone tell me why i have two "sound cards" | 01:14 |
=== Concord_Dawn [n=DJChaos@xtreme-150-79.dyn.aci.on.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eva-02 | OSS mixer, C-Media Electronics | 01:15 |
eva-02 | Alsa Mixer, SiS SI7012 | 01:15 |
mumbles | on bord sound + a card ? | 01:15 |
Ng | eva-02: Alsa is the new linux sound system, OSS is the old one | 01:15 |
Ng | eva-02: chances are those are actually the same card viewed through two systems | 01:15 |
=== mumbles shuts up and leaves the advice to the people that know | ||
eva-02 | ya, i only have the one card, onboard | 01:15 |
Ng | my SB Live has two completely different names in the gnome mixer because of Alsa/OSS ;) | 01:15 |
aftertaf | mumbles: :D | 01:15 |
Ng | eva-02: I'd recommend ignoring the OSS one :) | 01:15 |
Ng | eva-02: eventually OSS will disappear completely | 01:16 |
eva-02 | ok so ive selecte the alsa one in the vol control | 01:16 |
eva-02 | **selected | 01:16 |
eva-02 | and i have everything unmuted etc | 01:16 |
eva-02 | i play an mp3, volume meter shows activity | 01:17 |
eva-02 | yet i get no sound :d | 01:17 |
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Ng | hmm | 01:17 |
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PeaceMakr | hey noone is chatting whats wrong? | 01:20 |
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Muhammad | hello ? | 01:20 |
mypapit | PeaceMakr: maybe everybody's busy | 01:21 |
nalioth | PeaceMakr: enjoy the silence | 01:21 |
mypapit | PeaceMakr: what do you wanna talk about? | 01:21 |
=== aftertaf is digesting | ||
PeaceMakr | mypapit im not fussy, im still having iburst problems | 01:21 |
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mypapit | PeaceMakr: i see | 01:22 |
f||bber | Im starting from the start again... :-( Is there a way of choosing vesa from install?? | 01:22 |
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bob2 | why would you voluntarily use vesa? | 01:23 |
Muhammad | Is there a way to install windows in same partition as linux ? | 01:23 |
Myrtti | no | 01:23 |
Gorgonzola | next silly question... having extracted a new icon to the /usr/share/pixmaps dir, and having selected it from the properties of my firefox shortcut... why does gnome give an error saying it can't find the icon? | 01:23 |
f||bber | bob2, Because ive been trying for hours to get this think to work and im still stuck on 640 * 480 | 01:23 |
PeaceMakr | Muhammad i think dsl does it somehow | 01:23 |
Gorgonzola | do i need to logout then back in or something? | 01:24 |
nalioth_zZz | Gorgonzola: restart your panel | 01:24 |
nalioth_zZz | Gorgonzola: or log out and back in | 01:24 |
Myrtti | killall gnome-panel | 01:24 |
bob2 | f||bber: because you need to add a modeline, presumably | 01:24 |
bob2 | how would using vesa fix that? | 01:24 |
Gorgonzola | thanks guys | 01:24 |
aftertaf | f||bber: did you post xorg.conf to pastebin? | 01:24 |
Muhammad | PeaceMakr : can i know how to do it ? | 01:24 |
f||bber | bob2, hold on 1 min | 01:24 |
Muhammad | description ? | 01:24 |
PeaceMakr | Muhammad read up | 01:25 |
Muhammad | whats dsl ? | 01:25 |
Muhammad | dsl is internet service i think !~ | 01:25 |
f||bber | aftertaf, will now 1 min | 01:25 |
PeaceMakr | Muhammad im talking about dan* small linux | 01:26 |
PeaceMakr | dam& even | 01:26 |
nalioth_zZz | Muhammad: he's talking about damn small linux | 01:27 |
Muhammad | more description please :s | 01:27 |
Muhammad | how does it work | 01:27 |
Muhammad | and etc etc .. | 01:27 |
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Myrtti | erm | 01:27 |
PeaceMakr | Muhammad i havent a clue, read up on that distro for yourself | 01:27 |
Myrtti | you can resize the windows partition | 01:27 |
Myrtti | and then on the freed space make a new partition for linux | 01:28 |
nalioth_zZz | Muhammad: you can't as far as i know, run windows and linux on the same partition | 01:28 |
Muhammad | :( | 01:28 |
Muhammad | I dont want to delete ubuntu | 01:28 |
Muhammad | and then reinstall it :S | 01:28 |
Muhammad | thats a lot of works :s | 01:28 |
nalioth_zZz | Muhammad: you didnt ask that question | 01:29 |
HrdwrBoB | you can resize ubuntu | 01:29 |
bob2 | how did you plan to run two different OS's on the same filesystem? | 01:29 |
CaiN_SA | lol bob2 | 01:29 |
Muhammad | how bob ? | 01:29 |
CaiN_SA | bob2, rofll | 01:29 |
nalioth_zZz | bob2: be kind | 01:29 |
CaiN_SA | imagine doze and ubuntu both on ext3 :P | 01:29 |
CaiN_SA | whahahhaa | 01:29 |
Muhammad | I have 1 partition only !! | 01:29 |
CaiN_SA | then resize it | 01:29 |
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CaiN_SA | and make it smaller | 01:29 |
nalioth_zZz | Muhammad: use parted or it's gui frontends g- or qt- | 01:29 |
CaiN_SA | and put other os on new one | 01:29 |
Muhammad | i want to make it 2 without giving any troubles to linux | 01:29 |
bob2 | nalioth_zZz: I am, I 'm wondering what Muhammad's plan was | 01:30 |
Yagisan | Muhammad why do you need windows ? | 01:30 |
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Muhammad | I need windows to work with adobe | 01:30 |
Muhammad | and marcomedia products | 01:30 |
Muhammad | and some web development related work .. | 01:30 |
Yagisan | Muhammad vmware :) | 01:30 |
Muhammad | because I dont know how wink works .. i am a n00b | 01:30 |
bob2 | "wink"? | 01:30 |
Muhammad | yes winehq :D | 01:30 |
aftertaf | ;) | 01:30 |
minime- | buy vmware, I tried it and CS2+Capture One worked fine | 01:31 |
Yagisan | try vmware for 30 days first | 01:31 |
Yagisan | free trial | 01:31 |
marcin_ant | hi all | 01:31 |
Muhammad | yagisan .. give me a link | 01:32 |
Muhammad | to vmware | 01:32 |
marcin_ant | could someoneone tell me where can I set default gtk2 theme for gtk apps I want to use without gnome? | 01:32 |
Yagisan | Muhammad: http://www.vmware.com | 01:32 |
Muhammad | yagisan , are you sure it will work ? | 01:32 |
Yagisan | Muhammad you want to give the workstation version a trial | 01:32 |
Yagisan | I run windows in vmware | 01:33 |
bob2 | marcin_ant: install gtk-theme-switch, run switch2 | 01:33 |
Muhammad | yagisan you mean you run windows in linux ?? | 01:33 |
Muhammad | or you run windows products in linux | 01:33 |
Yagisan | Muhammad: or if you fell up to it, there is a windows in qemu howto on ubuntuforums | 01:33 |
Yagisan | Muhammad: vmware lets you run windows under linux | 01:34 |
Muhammad | how big is that software ? | 01:34 |
Yagisan | Muhammad: about 50MB last time I checked. I'm off to dinner now, be back soon | 01:35 |
bob2 | I'm not sure vmware is really a solution for Muhammad | 01:35 |
Yagisan | just something to try | 01:35 |
bob2 | since a) it requires some skill to install, b) costs money and c) may be too slow to be usable | 01:35 |
Muhammad | bob2 , can you tell me how to work with wink | 01:35 |
Muhammad | I have installed wink | 01:35 |
bob2 | you mean "wine" | 01:35 |
Muhammad | but now what to do to run adobe and marcomedia ? | 01:35 |
Muhammad | yup wine | 01:35 |
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bob2 | wine won't run those programs reliably | 01:35 |
Muhammad | okay | 01:36 |
bob2 | unless appdb.codeweavers.com says something different | 01:36 |
Myrtti | indeed | 01:36 |
marcin_ant | bob2, thanks - pretty nice tool | 01:36 |
Myrtti | the question is, what are you trying to do with adobe and macromedia products | 01:36 |
Muhammad | can you tell me how can i make two partitions from one partition ? | 01:36 |
marcin_ant | bob2, and as I can see it creates .gtkrc-2.0 | 01:36 |
Muhammad | Myrtti : I am a web developer , and need to work with them ! | 01:36 |
bob2 | Muhammad: reinstall windows | 01:36 |
marcin_ant | bob2, so now I got everything I needed | 01:36 |
bob2 | marcin_ant: nuke the ubuntu partition, make two in it's place, leave one alone | 01:37 |
Myrtti | Muhammad: so am I and I haven't needed their products in two years! | 01:37 |
bob2 | then reinstall ubuntu | 01:37 |
=== aftertaf claps Myrtti | ||
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Muhammad | thats a lot of work :s | 01:37 |
Muhammad | any short way ? | 01:37 |
Muhammad | myrtti : what do you use then ? | 01:37 |
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bob2 | Muhammad: it's the simplest | 01:37 |
Muhammad | hmm | 01:38 |
Myrtti | Gimp, Screem/Bluefish, Sodipodi, nano, sftp | 01:38 |
Myrtti | what else... | 01:38 |
Myrtti | Openoffice to make pdfs | 01:38 |
=== bob2 wishes he had web design skills | ||
marcin_ant | Muhammad, well I must say that I need some windows apps to and I did this in this way | 01:38 |
Muhammad | which way marcin_ant .. with using alternatives ? | 01:39 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, I bought LCD monitor with VGA and DVI inputs | 01:39 |
Muhammad | so what is relation with my question ? | 01:39 |
PeaceMakr | have you guys seen the ad for ntfs for linux, $70 lol | 01:39 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, and a little switch on this monitor and then I connected my linux box to dvi input | 01:39 |
Muhammad | i am confused :s | 01:40 |
Muhammad | i know abt gimp | 01:40 |
Muhammad | what is screem/bluefish | 01:40 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, and I found some old parts (PIII 600/256/60GB) and created second 'workstation' from these parts | 01:40 |
Muhammad | sodipodi | 01:40 |
Muhammad | nano | 01:40 |
Myrtti | HTML-editor | 01:40 |
Muhammad | sftp | 01:40 |
HrdwrBoB | bob2: oswd.net | 01:40 |
Myrtti | Screem and Bluefish are HTML-editors | 01:40 |
Myrtti | if you need wysiwyg, then use NVU | 01:40 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, connected this to my VGA input and installed windows on this with software I really really need | 01:40 |
bob2 | HrdwrBoB: ssshh, everyone will recognise who I stole from | 01:41 |
HrdwrBoB | heheh | 01:41 |
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Myrtti | Sodipodi is a vector graphics program | 01:41 |
Myrtti | nano text editor | 01:41 |
Myrtti | sftp console sftp client | 01:41 |
Myrtti | gftp GUI ftp client | 01:41 |
osfameron | how does inkscape compare to sodipodi? | 01:41 |
dazvid | has anyone here successfully installed hl2 on their linux box? | 01:41 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, and in this way I can use both - linux and win - ane because I got much faster machine as linux box then I use linux almost exclusively | 01:41 |
dazvid | hl2 = halflife 2 | 01:41 |
Muhammad | ok marcin | 01:42 |
aftertaf | ubotu: equivalents is A decent list of linux equivalents and analogues can be found here: http://linuxshop.ru/linuxbegin/win-lin-soft-en/table.shtml#1 | 01:42 |
ubotu | okay, aftertaf | 01:42 |
bob2 | osfameron: they're forks of the same thing | 01:42 |
Muhammad | myrtti download link please | 01:42 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, but if I need to write something or test in win proprietary format then I still have it | 01:42 |
osfameron | bob2: ah :-) | 01:42 |
Myrtti | osfameron: haven't reallly looked into it, Sodipodi was available on linux so I knew how to use it before switching to linux 100% | 01:42 |
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Myrtti | Muhammad: almost everything is either already installed on Ubuntu or is available thru synaptic | 01:43 |
osfameron | I thought most designers used Mac rather than Win - or is that just print designers? I remember Freehand/Pagemaker etc. being slightly better in Mac incarnations when I played with them at uni | 01:43 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, but I think that after all you will find that the only tools you need on windows box and you don't have on linux are Macromedia Flash and propably Photoshop/Photopaint things | 01:43 |
Myrtti | available on windows rather | 01:43 |
Muhammad | okay | 01:44 |
Muhammad | gimp is installed | 01:44 |
Myrtti | and Macromedia Flash is the Spawn of Evil | 01:44 |
Muhammad | openoffice is inastalled | 01:44 |
osfameron | and openoffice is the spawn of the spawn of evil :-) | 01:44 |
Muhammad | just these two are installed ... what else ? | 01:44 |
Myrtti | sodipodi | 01:44 |
Muhammad | what are the download links ? | 01:44 |
marcin_ant | Myrtti, sure but if you are webdeveloper than you in fact don't have choice | 01:45 |
Muhammad | there is no sodipodi | 01:45 |
PeaceMakr | most ppl dont need an 'office' suit | 01:45 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, install inkscape | 01:45 |
Myrtti | or both | 01:45 |
Muhammad | whats inkscape ? | 01:45 |
PeaceMakr | i can make typos in the cheapest word processor | 01:45 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, it's new incarnation of sodipodi | 01:45 |
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aftertaf | Muhammad: have you done anything with synaptic yet? | 01:45 |
Myrtti | he obviously hasn't | 01:46 |
Muhammad | yes , java and wik | 01:46 |
Muhammad | java and wine | 01:46 |
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endy_x | both nice drinks :) | 01:47 |
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marcin_ant | endy_x, I agree with java but I'm not so sure about wine | 01:48 |
endy_x | heh i have a real cheap bottle of red wine in the kitchen so i think i will agree with you and leave the wine alone :) | 01:48 |
endy_x | it looks nasty :S | 01:49 |
PeaceMakr | a nice glass of wine with a good meal ah the joys of life lol | 01:49 |
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aitor | anybody now why the fans of my ubuntu.laptop are always off? | 01:49 |
scumbo | qt2, no worries. Have fun. | 01:49 |
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reiki | ok... off to work I go..... | 01:49 |
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Muhammad | so links ? | 01:50 |
qt2 | \o/ | 01:50 |
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Myrtti | Muhammad: run synaptic | 01:50 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, what links? | 01:50 |
Myrtti | do a search | 01:50 |
Muhammad | okay | 01:50 |
Myrtti | install | 01:50 |
Muhammad | then ? | 01:50 |
Muhammad | OKay | 01:51 |
Myrtti | /me goes and buys more alphabet fridge magnets | 01:51 |
Muhammad | First I have to get links , like when i install wine and java .. i did the linking things in repostiry | 01:51 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, you are right - then ubuntu sucks.... | 01:51 |
qt2 | woah, looks like a bunch of new software updates hit the servers. ;) | 01:52 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, because you propably then need to log out and log in again into gnome session to see these apps in menu | 01:52 |
aftertaf | kde?? | 01:52 |
aitor | nobody? | 01:52 |
Muhammad | okay | 01:52 |
Myrtti | marcin_ant: killall gnome-panel | 01:52 |
qt2 | bunch of kde stuff, a few libs, and some apache stuff. | 01:52 |
marcin_ant | Myrtti, ok - it still sucks ;) | 01:52 |
njan | killall humans | 01:52 |
njan | :P | 01:52 |
Muhammad | I will google up the things .. | 01:53 |
Muhammad | and wait for some professional people | 01:53 |
osfameron | ah, sodipodi is rather maclike with its floating toolbars.. | 01:53 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, well you don't need to google | 01:53 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, www.inkscape.org | 01:53 |
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osfameron | but inkscape is available from synaptic, no? | 01:53 |
qt2 | sodipodi? | 01:53 |
Myrtti | yes it is | 01:54 |
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=== osfameron cuddles synaptic | ||
Myrtti | so Muhammad doesn't need any links to download it from | 01:54 |
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Muhammad | okay let me synpatic | 01:54 |
endy_x | you can use the autopackage for recent releases of inkscape | 01:54 |
f||bber | bob2, aftertaf - heres my xorg.conf, Its a fresh install and I cant get off 640 * 480, if you can help me out it would be much appreciated, Ill buy you both pints! http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1988 | 01:54 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, synaptic not synpatic | 01:54 |
Muhammad | inkscape is better | 01:54 |
Muhammad | yep synaptic | 01:55 |
Renski | hey njan | 01:55 |
chrisbudden14 | anyone had any installing issues with deer park alpha 2 on ubuntu | 01:55 |
bob2 | f||bber: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 01:55 |
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f||bber | bob2, Ive gone through that to no avail | 01:55 |
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Muhammad | can't see inkscape things with synaptic | 01:56 |
marcin_ant | Myrtti, hehe killall gnome-panel really really sucks ;) | 01:56 |
bob2 | f||bber: to no avail = ? | 01:56 |
f||bber | bob2, When I insert the two lines for HorizSync & VertRefresh, I then reboot and monitor just says canno display | 01:56 |
Muhammad | deb http://honk.physik.uni-konstanz.de/~wolfi/inkscape sarge/ | 01:56 |
marcin_ant | Myrtti, it respawned but notification area is empty | 01:56 |
aftertaf | Muhammad: noooooooo | 01:56 |
Myrtti | marcin_ant: so? | 01:56 |
aftertaf | not sarge! | 01:56 |
bob2 | f||bber: er, don't reboot | 01:56 |
bob2 | f||bber: and put up your ddcprobe output | 01:57 |
marcin_ant | Myrtti, so it is bug - don't you think? | 01:57 |
Myrtti | marcin_ant: what should be there? | 01:57 |
aftertaf | Muhammad: enable all repos in the sources.list, and add multiverse to each line that has universe | 01:57 |
Muhammad | Then aftertaf ? | 01:57 |
Myrtti | reload | 01:57 |
aftertaf | !tell Muhammad about repos | 01:58 |
f||bber | bob2, Im a relative noob when it comes to config, ddcprobe? | 01:58 |
bob2 | f||bber: you say you followed that page | 01:58 |
marcin_ant | Myrtti, before killall there was beagle icon and ggadu and skype and netapplet thing | 01:58 |
bob2 | f||bber: read it again | 01:58 |
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njan | yo Renski | 01:59 |
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njan | Renski, you touched mssql 2k5? | 01:59 |
Myrtti | marcin_ant: they've prolly been running kinda inside gnome-panel, and restarting it hasn't restarted those | 01:59 |
Renski | nope | 01:59 |
njan | Renski, you suck. | 01:59 |
Renski | lol | 01:59 |
njan | 0:) | 01:59 |
Renski | I dont have time to beta test for microsoft | 01:59 |
marcin_ant | Myrtti, well maybe - but for me it is a bug | 01:59 |
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Muhammad | i dont understand :s | 02:00 |
Renski | I start an OU course next month towards a Sc (Honours) Computing and Mathematical Sciences | 02:00 |
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njan | Renski, nice :) | 02:00 |
bob2 | Muhammad: then you need to explain which bit you don't understand | 02:00 |
Renski | *BSc | 02:00 |
njan | Renski, what're you aiming for? moving somewhere else? | 02:00 |
Riyonuk | How do I conenct to the internet with ubuntu? | 02:00 |
bob2 | Riyonuk: be a lot more specific | 02:00 |
marcin_ant | Myrtti, but I'm not sure what is worst - that I need to killall gnome-panel to add something to menu or that after killall notification area is empty ;) | 02:00 |
Muhammad | how to install new apps | 02:00 |
njan | Renski, or just doing it for general interest / in order to be 133t? :P | 02:00 |
bob2 | Muhammad: come back when you have ubuntu installed | 02:00 |
Renski | I dont want to do business crap all my life, id like to move into something a little more...academic | 02:01 |
Riyonuk | like with dial-up | 02:01 |
Riyonuk | theres like no option | 02:01 |
njan | Renski, :) | 02:01 |
Renski | + gereral intrest | 02:01 |
Renski | and extra cash | 02:01 |
f||bber | bob2, Oh yeah sorry the monitorrange, I got that when I did it | 02:01 |
njan | Renski, come join the wonderful world of consultancy ... :P | 02:01 |
Muhammad | i am on ubuntu :s | 02:01 |
Renski | lol | 02:01 |
Myrtti | fgs. | 02:02 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, ok then step by step howto | 02:02 |
bob2 | f||bber: and the output is where? | 02:02 |
marcin_ant | Myrtti, go to System -> Administration -> Synaptic | 02:02 |
Renski | Muhammad: im on redhat, suse, ubuntu, mandrake, mandriva, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and some weird distro invented by a hosting company. | 02:02 |
marcin_ant | Myrtti, sorry | 02:02 |
Myrtti | np | 02:02 |
bob2 | Riyonuk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto | 02:02 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, go to System -> Administration -> Synaptic | 02:02 |
bob2 | Riyonuk: that really wasn't linked from the FAQ? | 02:03 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, input your password and then you got synaptic window | 02:03 |
PeaceMakr | oh my, is there a iburstsetup howto? | 02:03 |
bob2 | PeaceMakr: google really had nothing to say? | 02:03 |
bob2 | and the modem really has no documentation, AT ALL? | 02:03 |
sorush20 | its been a few months I've not been able to access thunderbird as the default user I've tried removing the lock in which case I can choose the default profile form the profile manager but thunderbird will not load, I have also tried to shut down thunderbird fully but it is no use | 02:04 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, then scroll through window and find inkscape - or Ctrl+F and find inkscape | 02:04 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, and then | 02:04 |
PeaceMakr | bob2 nope | 02:04 |
bob2 | PeaceMakr: dude, seriously | 02:04 |
=== tenco [n=tenco@p549A4EB9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
marcin_ant | Muhammad, right click on inkscape and mark to installation | 02:04 |
f||bber | bob2, output in terminal, the Horiz & vert | 02:04 |
tenco | same problem again with hotplug after reboot: | 02:04 |
PeaceMakr | bob2 i lie, it has a few things to say, iburst driver in the works | 02:04 |
tenco | martin@lotophag:~$ pgrep hotplug |wc -l | 02:04 |
tenco | 495 | 02:04 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, and then click apply on synaptic toolbar | 02:04 |
Riyonuk | oh thanks | 02:04 |
bob2 | PeaceMakr: he very first hits on google for "ubuntu iburst howto" explain how to do it | 02:04 |
Muhammad | inkscape: | 02:05 |
Muhammad | Depends: libc6 (>=2.3.2.ds1-21) but 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13 is to be installed | 02:05 |
Muhammad | Depends: libfontconfig1 (>=2.3.0) but 2.2.3-4ubuntu7 is to be installed | 02:05 |
Muhammad | Depends: libglibmm-2.4-1 (>=2.6.1) but it is not installable | 02:05 |
Muhammad | Depends: libgtkmm-2.4-1 but it is not installable | 02:05 |
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Muhammad | Depends: libsigc++-2.0-0 (>=2.0.2) but it is not installable | 02:05 |
bob2 | f||bber: I'm really tryign to get you to show them to me | 02:05 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o bob2] by ChanServ | ||
Muhammad | thats what i get when i click mark for installation | 02:05 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@] by bob2 | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o bob2] by bob2 | ||
Myrtti | arrrrhrhrh | 02:05 |
aftertaf | Muhammad: dont paste!! | 02:05 |
njan | * [Muhammad] (n=root@ Muhammad Haris | 02:05 |
njan | ouch. | 02:05 |
Riyonuk | and u guys really need to replace the ok thingies at startup with like ubuntu loading screen | 02:05 |
bob2 | Riyonuk: a) pointless, b) already done | 02:05 |
=== Lokadin [n=igor@209-161-211-140.dsl.look.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HrdwrBoB | Riyonuk: next version will have that | 02:05 |
Lokadin | hey | 02:06 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, well then Houston we got a problem | 02:06 |
PeaceMakr | bob2 did you look at the post? | 02:06 |
tenco | this results from mount/umount of an usb-stick and letting it in the usb-port after the last umount | 02:06 |
Myrtti | did you kick him? | 02:06 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, cancel this | 02:06 |
tenco | martin@lotophag:~$ pgrep hotplug |wc -l | 02:06 |
tenco | 523 | 02:06 |
Riyonuk | ok | 02:06 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, and try to refresh your repos first | 02:06 |
tenco | and growing! | 02:06 |
aftertaf | use pastebin, a web site -- or #flood, an irc channel | 02:06 |
Lokadin | say i was wondering if there was anything in ubuntu that could manage init services | 02:06 |
f||bber | bob2, Output: monitorrange: 31-80, 56-75 | 02:06 |
Riyonuk | Will I automaticlly get the next version in mail? | 02:06 |
marcin_ant | Muhammad, click refresh button on synaptic toolbar | 02:06 |
bob2 | PeaceMakr: yes, and it explained how to run it | 02:06 |
bob2 | Riyonuk: no | 02:06 |
Riyonuk | And also, can I help with anything graphic related or ad related? | 02:06 |
=== Jaivaz [n=Jaivaz@adsl-69-152-233-164.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sorush20 | I can't load openoffice 1.1 | 02:07 |
marcin_ant | btw who else thinks that synaptic UI sucks and is absolutely non intuitive? | 02:07 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o bob2] by ChanServ | ||
sorush20 | can someone help it just hangs. | 02:07 |
bob2 | marcin_ant: if you have constructive suggestions, please file bugs | 02:07 |
bob2 | marcin_ant: I'm sure mvo would love to hear | 02:07 |
aftertaf | marcin_ant: you get to learn it.... | 02:07 |
HrdwrBoB | marcin_ant: this is why synaptic has been improved and gnome-app-install is now used | 02:07 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %*!*@] by bob2 | ||
bob2 | Muhammad: you can speak in here again | 02:07 |
tenco | i need help, please! this hotplug madness is driving me nuts! | 02:07 |
marcin_ant | as we can see with Muhammad example it's ui is confusing | 02:07 |
Lokadin | as in something that would manage boot services... | 02:07 |
bob2 | Muhammad: that error means someone messed up your /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:07 |
bob2 | Lokadin: BUM already does that | 02:08 |
Sav^ | ANyone with an Acer TM 8101WLMi and knows hot to get wifi and battery-status working? | 02:08 |
Sav^ | hot, how | 02:08 |
Muhammad | okay | 02:08 |
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marcin_ant | and in fact he is afair 3-th person I need to tell how to use synaptic | 02:08 |
bob2 | Sav^: you already searched the wiki and linux-laptop.net, I assume? | 02:08 |
PeaceMakr | bob2 im sorry to be a nag, can you show me the specific link? | 02:08 |
bob2 | PeaceMakr: did you actually try google at all? | 02:08 |
Muhammad | I will fix it up myself | 02:08 |
tenco | is there a ubuntu development channel? | 02:08 |
bob2 | PeaceMakr: http://www.mybroadband.co.za/vb/showthread.php?s=a0191f21502954b80108dda968a07f8f&p=290452#post290452 | 02:08 |
PeaceMakr | bob2 yes, found my question/posts | 02:08 |
bob2 | tenco: yes, but your question is not approriate for there | 02:08 |
Sav^ | bob2 i followed a howto on the forum and updated the kernel and all as it said, but still nothing. | 02:08 |
bob2 | ha ha forums | 02:09 |
f||bber | bob2, Did you get those outputs? | 02:09 |
bob2 | f||bber: yes | 02:09 |
Sav^ | bob2: got the sound working =) | 02:09 |
tenco | bob2: so, what should i do then? | 02:09 |
marcin_ant | bob2, my suggestion is absolutely simple - replace right click (to open context menu) with left click | 02:09 |
bob2 | marcin_ant: that would be fuckign annoying | 02:09 |
Xappe | still no usplash for ppc? | 02:09 |
tenco | -> 556 | 02:09 |
bob2 | marcin_ant: you're welcome to file a minor bug if you care, tho | 02:09 |
Lokadin | bob2 whats bum? | 02:09 |
=== Suschman [n=suschman@p508ED967.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | tenco: no idea. where is your post on the ubuntu-user list? google said nothing? | 02:10 |
Lokadin | bob2, and how do i use it? | 02:10 |
sorush20 | is there a way to get hardware manufacurers to include drivers and modules for the kernel.... | 02:10 |
Muhammad | is there a problem if i log in with root / | 02:10 |
bob2 | if only someone indexed websites | 02:10 |
bob2 | Muhammad: yes, don't do it | 02:10 |
wickedpuppy | is it ok to rename /boot/kernel* to vmlinuz ? | 02:10 |
Muhammad | ? | 02:10 |
sorush20 | is someone working on it | 02:10 |
marcin_ant | bob2, well then just put big "install now" button on toolbar :D | 02:10 |
bob2 | marcin_ant: then file a bug if you think that would help | 02:10 |
bob2 | ranting on irc benefits no one | 02:10 |
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aftertaf | Muhammad: use the "sudo" command in front of other commands for root-type behaviour | 02:10 |
Yagisan | Muhammad please don't log on as root | 02:11 |
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Sav^ | bob2: any ideas then how? | 02:11 |
Yagisan | Muhammad if you make a mistake, or typo you can break your Ubuntu | 02:11 |
bob2 | Lokadin: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42129 | 02:11 |
=== Flying-Penguin [n=Nimble@pool-71-103-164-11.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lokadin | bob2, thanx | 02:11 |
bob2 | Sav^: noting in either of those palces I suggested? | 02:11 |
bob2 | sorush20: that would be of no use | 02:11 |
marcin_ant | bob2, to be honest I think that much better idea is to replace synaptic with something simmilar to add/remove programs (from win32) | 02:11 |
Flying-Penguin | How do you skip up to the bootloader installation part on the installation disc? | 02:11 |
bob2 | sorush20: they need to contribute drivers upstream to linus | 02:11 |
marcin_ant | bob2, and leave apt-get as alternative for power users | 02:11 |
bob2 | Flying-Penguin: export install, but why? | 02:12 |
f||bber | bob2, Ive written to those files the output for HorizSync and VertRefresh, should I reboot the box? | 02:12 |
dazvid | marcin_ant, there is an add/remove programs... | 02:12 |
bob2 | marcin_ant: that would be dumb, and there's already gnome-app-installer | 02:12 |
marcin_ant | bob2, but it's just my opinion | 02:12 |
bob2 | f||bber: no, if you're rebooting to fix X, youre doing something terribly wrong | 02:12 |
dazvid | marcin_ant, go into Applications > System Tools > add/remove programs | 02:12 |
Yagisan | Hey guys/girls, anyone here set up Ubuntu as a print server ? | 02:12 |
marcin_ant | dazvid, yes I know | 02:12 |
sorush20 | bob2: what do you mean upstream | 02:12 |
bob2 | Yagisan: best to just ask your question | 02:12 |
wickedpuppy | marcin_ant, the only reason i use ubuntu is because of synaptic .... pls save it :P | 02:12 |
bob2 | sorush20: as in Linux Torvalds | 02:12 |
bob2 | sorush20: shipping linux drivers with the hardware is pointless | 02:12 |
f||bber | bob2, Ok well what do I do test this ? | 02:13 |
bob2 | f||bber: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart | 02:13 |
marcin_ant | wickedpuppy, synaptic is just front-end to apt nothing else | 02:13 |
bob2 | as is any sane program installation tool | 02:13 |
marcin_ant | wickedpuppy, anyway it is nice but it can be really confusing for newbies | 02:13 |
tenco | bob2: i dont read ubuntu-users and google says nothing | 02:13 |
Sav^ | bob2: nope, only thing i found is this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46536&highlight=8103 . And i did all of that and only got the sound working | 02:13 |
bob2 | throwing away apt is ridiculous | 02:13 |
bob2 | tenco: then post to it | 02:13 |
tenco | bob2: post? i thought it was a mailing-list? | 02:14 |
bob2 | tenco: ... | 02:14 |
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tenco | bob2: so its a usenet-group? | 02:14 |
f||bber | bob2, I did that now I get a terminal login | 02:14 |
Myrtti | goar. | 02:14 |
Yagisan | bob2: just did :) From memory I think Ubuntu's cups was modifed to not run as a network accessable print system. I ask because I would like to confirm | 02:15 |
aftertaf | marcin_ant: anything can be easily confiduing for newbies..... we can't baby sit them though.... not that much. | 02:15 |
Flying-Penguin | bob2, I need to install the grub bootloader, how do I do export install? | 02:15 |
=== narnian [n=chatzill@203-217-26-108.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | tenco: no, it's a mailing list | 02:15 |
aftertaf | i mean, they have to put in a minimum of grey matter or they'll never get anywhere with linux. | 02:15 |
Muhammad | linux.softpedia.com is that helpful ? | 02:15 |
bob2 | Flying-Penguin: then X is misconfigured | 02:15 |
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bob2 | Flying-Penguin: what? grub is the default. | 02:15 |
bob2 | Yagisan: no, that's incorrect | 02:15 |
bob2 | marcin_ant: no | 02:16 |
bob2 | bah | 02:16 |
bob2 | Muhammad: no | 02:16 |
Flying-Penguin | bob2, I know I installed windows on a second partitoin and it ovverit the bootloader | 02:16 |
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tenco | bob2: ok, i will try. after reboot. ^-^ | 02:16 |
bob2 | Flying-Penguin: why don't you tell us what your actual goal is? | 02:16 |
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bob2 | Flying-Penguin: is "I'd like to reinstall grub"? | 02:16 |
Flying-Penguin | bob2, yes | 02:16 |
marcin_ant | aftertaf, I don't agree with you but it's just my opinion | 02:16 |
f||bber | bob2, should I login to tty1 and startx? | 02:16 |
marcin_ant | aftertaf, it depends on target | 02:16 |
Muhammad | ok , then from where i can get apps for linux ? | 02:17 |
Yagisan | bob2: Good to know. Have any experience setting it cups up with Ubuntu ? | 02:17 |
bob2 | f||bber: that's not going to work, either | 02:17 |
bob2 | Muhammad: you use synaptic | 02:17 |
bob2 | Yagisan: yes | 02:17 |
Flying-Penguin | bob2, I would like to reinstall grub, sorry I was inspecific | 02:17 |
Yagisan | bob2: any pitfalls I should look out for ? | 02:17 |
marcin_ant | aftertaf, if you want to provide linux desktop for all - and target is 'everyone' then you have to provide something for 'dumb' users too | 02:17 |
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narnian | Flying-Penguin: grub-install | 02:18 |
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Muhammad | synaptic provides everything ? | 02:18 |
bob2 | Flying-Penguin: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 02:18 |
aftertaf | Muhammad: there is a system on ubuntu called apt. Synaptic is a graphical program that uses apt. Apt connects to servers that are in its repository list | 02:18 |
PeaceMakr | it is recommended to install windows before linux, im sure there is a good reason | 02:18 |
bob2 | Flying-Penguin: in future, ask your specific question up front | 02:18 |
bob2 | Muhammad: basically, yes | 02:18 |
Sav^ | bob2: any ideas, other then tthe links? iv been struggeling this for 2 days now and only gfx and sound woring... | 02:18 |
marcin_ant | aftertaf, personally I don't care - my favourite tool is ion3 and emacs and I don't like all these sweet candy gnome/kde things | 02:18 |
bob2 | PeaceMakr: yes, because otherwise windows will kill your bootloader | 02:18 |
ccfiel | hello ppl.. i have a problem.. i run an application it just restart ubuntu after that i can not login. an error occured.. "you have log out 10 seconds blah blah.." what's shall i do? | 02:18 |
bob2 | Sav^: is it too late to return it? | 02:18 |
Muhammad | okay | 02:18 |
Muhammad | what i've to do to updated synpatic ? | 02:18 |
Sav^ | bob2: the laptop? well yes =) | 02:18 |
PeaceMakr | bob2 yes so i thought | 02:18 |
marcin_ant | aftertaf, but I also have customers and I try to replace windows with ubuntu on their desktops | 02:18 |
f||bber | bob2, well what do you reccommend now then? shall I login and see what error are spewed at me? | 02:18 |
bob2 | ccfiel: and what on earth did you install to make that happen? | 02:18 |
bob2 | f||bber: no, look at /var/log/X.org.log | 02:19 |
bob2 | anyway, bye all | 02:19 |
bob2 | anyone who has asked their question more than once should have posted to the mailing list by now | 02:19 |
catfox | any comments on the speed in breezy? for me, hoary booted faster than Fedora 4, but the overall feel of the system was snappier in FC4. whats breezy like? | 02:19 |
marcin_ant | aftertaf, and these users are for example 40-50 yr old managers used to windows/office/excel things.. they don't have will and time to learn things they don't need | 02:19 |
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ccfiel | bob2: i just run gnome-ppp when i disconnect. it just restart ubuntu. and i can not login with the x win it something about session..what shall i do? | 02:19 |
aftertaf | if someone is lost with Zin, then they sholdn't have linux in front of them and be left alone with it..... | 02:20 |
PeaceMakr | bob2 ill post my question there again | 02:20 |
marcin_ant | aftertaf, sometimes it is not their choice | 02:20 |
aftertaf | ______everyone, can we keep talk in this channel more or less down to problem resolution??______ | 02:21 |
ccfiel | bob2: the system advince me to go to session in terminal and fix the problem. but i dont know what to fix. | 02:21 |
aftertaf | same goes for me... | 02:21 |
narnian | ccfiel: does the machine continually reboot | 02:21 |
ccfiel | narnian: no it does not after i enter my user name and password. a message box will appear | 02:21 |
narnian | ccfiel: got to a console sesstion and you will might need to remove your gnome session stuff | 02:21 |
bmd-palm | are they any known issues with ubuntu that restart your computer randomly ? I having a problem in that area... Ususally when accessing cdrom0 | 02:22 |
narnian | ccfiel: what message? | 02:22 |
ccfiel | narnian: where can i find gnome session stuff? | 02:22 |
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Flying-Penguin | bob2, It says I will need to know my current kernel, how do I figure this out? | 02:23 |
aftertaf | marcin_ant: in that case they don't need linux. | 02:23 |
narnian | ccfiel: what message are you getting exactly | 02:23 |
Yagisan | Flying-Penguin uname -r | 02:24 |
ccfiel | narnian: " Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds. If you have not logged out | 02:24 |
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=== Paradoxx [n=matthewm@port0074-abk-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Lokadin | say can anyone tell me how to shutdown my X server? | 02:24 |
aftertaf | Lokadin: shutdown and reboot auto? CTL + ALT + Backspace | 02:24 |
marcin_ant | aftertaf, ok go to your 'virtual' world and live in your linux gurus clan forver | 02:24 |
codomaniac | Lokadin, kill it. | 02:24 |
=== [Spooky] is back. | ||
ccfiel | narnia: Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds. If you have not logged out yourself, this could | 02:24 |
ccfiel | mean there is some installation problem or that | 02:24 |
ccfiel | you may be out of disk space. Try logging in with one of the failsafe sessions to see if you can fix this problem | 02:24 |
=== [Spooky] is back. | ||
Paradoxx | hmm, what video editing s/w do you all recommend? | 02:24 |
sorush20 | do I really need bonobo | 02:24 |
Lokadin | But then it simply starts back up again | 02:25 |
bob2 | Lokadin: please don't tell us you're reading some bullshit instructions for installing nvidia drivers | 02:25 |
dazvid | Paradoxx, I just downloaded kino.. check it out | 02:25 |
codomaniac | hehe bob2 | 02:25 |
bob2 | if so, wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:25 |
bob2 | and ignore the forums | 02:25 |
bob2 | and nvidia.com | 02:25 |
narnian | ccfiel: ok before you login , choose the session menu and failsafe | 02:25 |
Lokadin | no i'm not, i just want to use textmode and not have an X server running | 02:25 |
bob2 | sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop | 02:25 |
sorush20 | bob2: why is it point less and didn't you used to be an oporator | 02:25 |
ccfiel | narnian: ok. what shall i do next? | 02:25 |
marcin_ant | aftertaf, in the real world it is very often that your employer want's to reduce cost | 02:25 |
Lokadin | bob2, thanks | 02:25 |
Paradoxx | dazvid: is it hard to learn? | 02:26 |
aftertaf | marcin_ant: you dont know me, or what i am like. WHo are you to speak to anybody you don't know anything ? | 02:26 |
codomaniac | bob2, btw i figured my installation didnt have kernel src. | 02:26 |
bob2 | sorush20: it's pointless because it means the user needs to compile it, and it means the driver will be shit | 02:26 |
codomaniac | bob2, so where to look for it. | 02:26 |
bob2 | sorush20: if it's in the mainline kernel, you just plug it in and the hardware works | 02:26 |
dazvid | Paradoxx, it has a GUI, so it should be pretty simple ;) | 02:26 |
bob2 | codomaniac: why do you want the kernel source? | 02:26 |
marcin_ant | aftertaf, and voila you get brand new laptop for your work but suprise - no windows - just ubuntu and open office | 02:26 |
bob2 | sorush20: and yes, I am an a channel operator | 02:26 |
codomaniac | bob2, to see and play around with it. | 02:26 |
Paradoxx | dazvid: hehe, lol | 02:26 |
bob2 | codomaniac: apt-cache search linux | 02:27 |
bob2 | -source | 02:27 |
marcin_ant | aftertaf, then stop to talk like 'linux guru' from dark ages ;) | 02:27 |
codomaniac | bob2, thanks :) | 02:27 |
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Paradoxx | dazvid: kk, i'll give it a look then | 02:27 |
marcin_ant | aftertaf, sorry anyway | 02:27 |
f||bber | bob2, Would it help if I post my Xorg.0.log, will you look at it? | 02:27 |
bob2 | f||bber: no,sorry, ask on the mailing list | 02:27 |
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bob2 | f||bber: if that doesn't work, file a bug | 02:27 |
Lokadin | how do i check battery status in textmode? | 02:27 |
marcin_ant | aftertaf, today linux goes on desktops and goes to everyone so it has to be _easy_ | 02:27 |
aftertaf | i've been on li ux for like a month, i'm MCSE certifiec. don't tell me about being a linux guru. | 02:27 |
sorush20 | what is the best way of making alll the hardware out there compatible with the kernel.. | 02:28 |
aftertaf | end of conversation ok? i dont want to get kicked or banned here. | 02:28 |
f||bber | bob2, do you reckon there are updates that would help? | 02:28 |
marcin_ant | aftertaf, ok | 02:28 |
bob2 | f||bber: not for hoary | 02:28 |
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aftertaf | reality is that it isnt easy. That's ALL i'm saying | 02:28 |
bob2 | sorush20: by getting the manufacturer to send drivers for inclusion in the main kernel | 02:28 |
bmd-palm | anyone know of any restart issues with the IDE on a nforce2 board ? I get random reboots when i read from DVD or CD. | 02:29 |
Lokadin | is there any way of checking battery status in textmode ubuntu? | 02:29 |
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=== aftertaf is off for a cigarette | ||
narnian | ccfiel: after you login - bring up a terminal | 02:29 |
hypn0 | i had to install v4l to get usb webcam working, works in gnomemeeting, but now theres no video or sound using totem/mplayer/rhythembox, is there an easy fix | 02:29 |
bob2 | Lokadin: acpi -V | 02:29 |
Lokadin | bob2: thanks :D | 02:29 |
narnian | ccfiel: then you will need to type "cat .xsession-errors" and tell me the output | 02:29 |
bob2 | bmd-palm: nforce2 ide seems to be pretty famously crap | 02:29 |
nlogax | is there a breezy channel folks? | 02:29 |
bob2 | bmd-palm: booting with noapic or nolapic might help | 02:29 |
bob2 | nlogax: here | 02:29 |
bmd-palm | damnit... | 02:29 |
bmd-palm | i need a new mobo then.. | 02:29 |
narnian | ccfiel: it should give you an idea what is failing at startup | 02:29 |
nlogax | ok. I can't get Breezy Colony 4 to install - I more wanted to fed back to the distro maintainers | 02:30 |
bob2 | nlogax: then follow up to the mailing list post about, or file bugs on problems you find | 02:30 |
nlogax | it fails on attempting to install initrd-tools every time | 02:30 |
nlogax | ok - where's the mailing list? | 02:30 |
bob2 | nlogax: lists.ubuntu.com | 02:31 |
nlogax | ta | 02:31 |
ccfiel | narnian: could not read /home/kelly/.ICEauthority | 02:31 |
bmd-palm | what should i do if i wanted to swap out mother boards ? should i configeru anything ? or just start fresh ? | 02:31 |
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bmd-palm | (i apologize for my crappy typing. I'm on my LifeDrive at college) | 02:31 |
bob2 | bmd-palm: just make sure you plug it all back in correctly | 02:31 |
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narnian | ccfiel: looks like you have the same problem as this guy http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/history/349729 | 02:31 |
bmd-palm | thanks bob2 | 02:32 |
bmd-palm | i'll just have to find a good mobo now | 02:32 |
bob2 | those things will probably work... | 02:32 |
narnian | ccfiel: type "sudo chown kelly .ICEauthority" | 02:32 |
dooglus | just out of interest, does "sysv-rc-conf" work for anyone in Breezy? | 02:32 |
bmd-palm | any suggestions ? i have a k7 chip | 02:32 |
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bob2 | I wouldn't go shopping for something potentially trivial | 02:32 |
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bmd-palm | well i've been meaning to upgrade anyway | 02:33 |
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Lokadin | can anyone point me to a framebuffer howto in ubuntu? | 02:33 |
Lokadin | sorry i'm assking so many questions | 02:33 |
Lokadin | :S | 02:33 |
narnian | ccfiel: "ls -L .ICEauthority" should show that you are now the owner again | 02:33 |
codomaniac | Lokadin, use ubotu | 02:33 |
Myrtti | !restricted | 02:33 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 02:33 |
=== ompaul_ wonders what the package to delever ssh with daemon ability | ||
codomaniac | !framebuffer | 02:34 |
ubotu | codomaniac: No idea | 02:34 |
bob2 | ompaul_: apt-cache search ssh server | 02:34 |
dooglus | would a breezy tester please try this for me? sudo urpmi sysv-rc-conf && sudo sysv-rc-conf it fails for me. | 02:34 |
ccfiel | narnian: thanks i will do that! :) | 02:34 |
ccfiel | narnian: i think that is the answer | 02:34 |
bob2 | dooglus: ... urpmi is not in ubuntu | 02:35 |
sorush20 | Lokadin: how do you mean framebuffer | 02:35 |
narnian | ccfiel: then login again and you should be OK | 02:35 |
dooglus | bob2, sorry, it's an alias I use... | 02:35 |
narnian | ccfiel: the problem is finding what is causing this | 02:35 |
dooglus | (for 'apt-get install') | 02:35 |
bob2 | dooglus: if it doesn't work for you, file a bug | 02:35 |
dooglus | (I'm a refugee from mandrake) | 02:35 |
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Lokadin | sorush20: as in i want a better resolution maybe 1024x768 in the framebuffer thats all i really want | 02:35 |
dooglus | bob2: I don't think anyone takes any notice of the bug reports. | 02:35 |
bmd-palm | mandrake..... | 02:35 |
bob2 | dooglus: er | 02:36 |
bmd-palm | i had so many issues with it | 02:36 |
bob2 | no | 02:36 |
Lokadin | codomaniac: :s no mention of frame buffer | 02:36 |
codomaniac | Lokadin, use google. | 02:36 |
ccfiel | narnian: i think its about the sudo thing | 02:36 |
sorush20 | Lokadin: shouldn't your graphics card support the resolution and your monitor | 02:36 |
Lokadin | codomaniac: ubuntu and framebuffer don't point to anything related | 02:36 |
dooglus | bob2: I filed the bug report several months ago. | 02:36 |
bob2 | dooglus: bug #? | 02:36 |
ccfiel | narnian: in my opion. i remember i run the application using sudo. after i click the button ubuntu restart | 02:37 |
narnian | ccfiel: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=76675#post76675 | 02:37 |
codomaniac | Lokadin, have your tried the ubuntu wiki ? | 02:37 |
dooglus | bob2: can I search for it? | 02:37 |
ccfiel | narnian: i think it change the ownershop of the file | 02:37 |
sorush20 | Lokadin: yes I get the same message | 02:37 |
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bob2 | dooglus: yes | 02:37 |
narnian | ccfiel: when you are in sudo it is probably best not to launch a graphical program | 02:37 |
narnian | ccfiel: use gksudo, then launch the program | 02:37 |
narnian | ccfiel: you shouldn't need to run gnome-ppp as sudo anyways | 02:38 |
feugan3333 | Hi all. Is it possible to write a shell script that will export environment variables to the shell that runs the script? | 02:38 |
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codomaniac | Lokadin, i havent enabled framebuffer for nvdia so i am sorry | 02:38 |
bob2 | feugan3333: nope | 02:38 |
sorush20 | is there a way of threading the IRC chat | 02:39 |
vanberge | bob2, dont you ever sleep? | 02:39 |
bmd-palm | heh | 02:39 |
vanberge | :-) | 02:39 |
bob2 | not enough :| | 02:39 |
bmd-palm | good luck in threading irc chhat... | 02:39 |
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codomaniac | bob2, i think you need some sleep :) | 02:39 |
feugan3333 | bob2: Ok, well how do the startup scripts manage it? eg .bashrc | 02:39 |
ccfiel | narnian: i need to run gnome-ppp because when i used regular user i have a permision denied in my /dev/ttySHS0 i think | 02:40 |
vanberge | ive always just used X chat... what irc client does the ubuntu world use? (former redhat/fedora user) | 02:40 |
Lokadin | codomaniac: kk i have ati though | 02:40 |
dooglus | bob2: I can't work out how to search for bugs :( | 02:40 |
codomaniac | Lokadin, okay wait | 02:40 |
bob2 | feugan3333: because they're not run, they're sourced | 02:40 |
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bob2 | vanberge: irssi-text | 02:40 |
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Myrtti | vanberge: I use irssi, some use xchat, some use chatzilla... | 02:40 |
codomaniac | Lokadin, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557 | 02:40 |
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bmd-palm | sorush20: some irc clients can put a line break in discussions. its not the greatest but it helps | 02:40 |
vanberge | irssi, is that the one that runs in a term window? | 02:41 |
m0rphx | hi | 02:41 |
Lokadin | codomaniac: no mention of framebuffer in ubuntu wiki | 02:41 |
ompaul_ | and some use ircii with a command line of irc and others use sirc | 02:41 |
Myrtti | vanberge: yep | 02:41 |
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Myrtti | some use gaim | 02:41 |
narnian | ccfiel: then in that case you need to add your name as permitted to access the serial port | 02:41 |
Myrtti | use what ever you like | 02:41 |
m0rphx | when I mount a windows cdrom all files get uppercase filenames and the program on the cd doesn't work, how can I make them lowercase? | 02:41 |
trygvebw | Will removing "gdm" from /etc/init.d block gdm from starting? | 02:41 |
sorush20 | bmd-palm the problem doesn't sound so difficult to solve.. | 02:41 |
Lokadin | codomaniac: thanks | 02:41 |
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feugan3333 | bob2: What do you mean by they're sourced? | 02:42 |
bob2 | feugan3333: this is where you read the bash howto on tldp.org or ask in #bash | 02:42 |
narnian | ccfiel: go to the group editor thingy and add yourself to the group "dialout" . you should then be ok | 02:42 |
bmd-palm | sorush: maybe. any solutions i've seen hasn't worked very well. but if you finde one that works good i'd be very interested.. | 02:42 |
ccfiel | narnian: ok ill try that. in new in linux. what will i do to have an access with that device? | 02:42 |
feugan3333 | bob2: Ok thanks for your help. | 02:43 |
dooglus | bob2: perhaps if I could just "list my bugs" or something? I've not raised too many. Can I do thast? | 02:43 |
ccfiel | narnian: ok..ill try that.. | 02:43 |
bob2 | dooglus: yes... | 02:44 |
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dooglus | bob2: how? | 02:44 |
Ng | dooglus: if you have a bugzilla login there's a "my bugs" link at the bottom of most pages | 02:44 |
narnian | ccfiel: debian-based distros like ubuntu like to create groups for everything. this is a good way to finely control privileges | 02:44 |
dooglus | Ng: I don't think they use bugzilla for universe | 02:44 |
dooglus | Ng: it's some crappy other system - 'lunchpad' or something? | 02:45 |
Ng | dooglus: oh, yeah | 02:45 |
Ng | no idea wtf that is | 02:45 |
bob2 | dooglus: I really don't have time to walk you through bugzilla, sorry | 02:45 |
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bob2 | launchpad.net | 02:45 |
vu | Does ubuntu have it's own optimized kernel build just like Fedora? | 02:45 |
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vanberge | apparently hoary hedgehog was no the version of ubuntu to install!! :-/ | 02:45 |
Ng | vu: the default kernel has P4 type optimisations as far as I know | 02:45 |
dooglus | bob2: I don't think it is bugzilla. they use something weird | 02:46 |
bob2 | wtf | 02:46 |
bob2 | this is moronic | 02:46 |
sorush20 | are there developers working round the clock on Ubuntu or not... | 02:46 |
bob2 | dooglus: "no I do not have time to help you find whatever random bug you filed in bugzilla. if it was a useful bug report on an important package, it is extremely unlikely it was igored." | 02:46 |
bob2 | sorush20: yes | 02:46 |
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bob2 | duh | 02:46 |
vu | Ng: I see. | 02:47 |
PeaceMakr | bob2 werent you going to bed? | 02:47 |
bob2 | dooglus: "no, ubuntu uses bugzilla for the main section of packages. launchpad.net is used for the universe section for now" | 02:47 |
sorush20 | 9-5 | 02:47 |
bob2 | no, I was going to do something useful with my time | 02:47 |
dooglus | bob2: the bug report was that libcurses-perl is empty. it doesn't contain any perl module... | 02:47 |
dooglus | bob2: that's quite important, especially if you depend on libcurses-perl | 02:47 |
dooglus | bob2: and also quite easy to fix. | 02:47 |
bob2 | it's in universe | 02:48 |
PeaceMakr | bob2 i think you are very usefull here dude, very gifted indeed | 02:48 |
bob2 | if you didn't file it in launchpad, it will be ignored | 02:48 |
sorush20 | bob2: so developers are working round the clock on Ubuntu, | 02:48 |
Myrtti | <3 bob2 | 02:48 |
dooglus | bob2: I filed it in lauchpad. | 02:48 |
dooglus | #995. | 02:48 |
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dooglus | it has been assigned a severity of 'major' 2 months ago, "pending upload"... | 02:49 |
bob2 | sorush20: ... | 02:49 |
bob2 | sorush20: yes | 02:49 |
linuxboy | anybody have a problem with openoffice not starting ? | 02:50 |
dooglus | bob2: are you suggesting I should file in it bugzilla too? | 02:50 |
aftertaf | linuxboy: which version? | 02:50 |
Whistler | is it possible to skip Verifying archive integrity in *run files? | 02:50 |
bob2 | dooglus: not at all | 02:50 |
PeaceMakr | linukso it starts very slowly | 02:50 |
linuxboy | aftertaf: default hoary one | 02:50 |
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PeaceMakr | oops | 02:50 |
PeaceMakr | linuxboy slow | 02:51 |
dooglus | bob2: so what is the proper route to get this fixed before breezy gets delivered? | 02:51 |
linuxboy | PeaceMakr: no, it starts loading, then stops | 02:51 |
sorush20 | where is the list of developers in UBuntu | 02:51 |
aftertaf | another reason why i use kde not gnome..... | 02:51 |
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Whistler | is it possible to skip Verifying archive integrity in *run files? | 02:52 |
aftertaf | Whistler: try --help and see if there is an option.. | 02:52 |
PeaceMakr | linuxboy have you tried something? | 02:53 |
linuxboy | PeaceMakr: what ? | 02:53 |
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PeaceMakr | linuxboy im asking what have you tried so far | 02:53 |
linuxboy | oh | 02:54 |
linuxboy | it seems to be that LANG or LANGUAGE isn't set correctly for that user | 02:54 |
PeaceMakr | guys is there a way to reinstall ONLY openoffice? | 02:54 |
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linuxboy | PeaceMakr: its not OpenOffice | 02:55 |
linuxboy | PeaceMakr: the variable LANG and LANGUAGE are't set correctly on login, and that breaks OOo | 02:55 |
Continuity | what do I need to get the kernel source with ubuntu patches applied? | 02:55 |
sorush20 | should't alternatives to Java and media file types be developed | 02:55 |
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dooglus | PeaceMakr: "apt-get --reinstall install <whatever>" | 02:55 |
PeaceMakr | linuxboy can you fix the language issue? | 02:56 |
linuxboy | PeaceMakr: no, I'm not sure how | 02:56 |
PeaceMakr | thanks dooglus, linuxboy needs your help | 02:56 |
linuxboy | PeaceMakr: I don't need to reinstall OOo!!! | 02:56 |
sorush20 | you can use graphical user interface to reinstall it.. | 02:57 |
sorush20 | linux boy what do you need to reinstall | 02:57 |
linuxboy | sorush20: nothing | 02:57 |
PeaceMakr | linuxboy so you dont hae a problem? | 02:57 |
PeaceMakr | have | 02:57 |
dooglus | sorush20: Microsoft's .NET is an alternative to Java | 02:57 |
linuxboy | PeaceMakr: I do. But reinstalling OOo won't fix it | 02:58 |
dooglus | sorush20: and there are lots of alternative media file types | 02:58 |
narnian | Continuity: apt-get install linux-source | 02:58 |
PeaceMakr | linuxboy ok | 02:58 |
sorush20 | dooglus: I meant opensource | 02:59 |
Continuity | narnian: yeah, but how do I get/apply the patch | 02:59 |
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narnian | Continuity: it comes with the patches applied | 03:00 |
sorush20 | Continuity: you need to apply a patch to where.. | 03:00 |
Continuity | nice | 03:00 |
sorush20 | is an algorithm patentable | 03:01 |
Continuity | narnian: thanks, I think it'll work | 03:01 |
narnian | Continuity: if you just want the patches "apt-get install linux-patch-ubuntu" | 03:01 |
mypapit | sorush20: only trivial one does ;) | 03:01 |
mypapit | sorush20: great algorithm are given away.. | 03:01 |
narnian | Continuity: "apt-cache search kernel | less" is your friend! | 03:02 |
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sorush20 | mypapit: jpeg algorithm is patented right | 03:02 |
Continuity | yeah, I already got the kernel-source but I thought I had to apply the patches by hand | 03:02 |
mypapit | sorush20: the jpeg-2000 does, | 03:03 |
sorush20 | Continuity: so yo downloaded the source and you had a dsc file and a diff right.. if that is the case then you don't need to do anything the apt-get command does this for you.. | 03:03 |
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sorush20 | mypapit: aren't good algorithms inevitable | 03:03 |
Continuity | sorush20: yeah, I think I got it, thanks | 03:04 |
sorush20 | is there a core linux kernel hacking team I know there is Ubuntu kernel hacking team | 03:04 |
=== DVSoftware [n=kvirc@pc122.sks1.muni.cz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DVSoftware | hi | 03:04 |
sorush20 | DVSoftware: hi | 03:05 |
DVSoftware | has anyone succeded to run xmame or xmess on 64bit ubuntu? | 03:05 |
DVSoftware | i just get: | 03:05 |
DVSoftware | error: compiled byte ordering doesn't match machine byte ordering | 03:05 |
DVSoftware | are you sure you choose the right arch? | 03:05 |
DVSoftware | compiled for msb-first, are you sure you choose the right cpu in makefile.unix | 03:05 |
DVSoftware | sorry for paste :S | 03:06 |
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kevor | Trying to mount an Iso file, keeps giving me an error | 03:11 |
kevor | $ sudo mount file.iso destdir/ -o loop -t iso9660 | 03:12 |
kevor | this should be working, but it's not | 03:12 |
kevor | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop6, | 03:12 |
kevor | missing codepage or other error | 03:12 |
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reiki_work | ok... this is sick. I come to work where I have to use a WinXP desktop machine and I sit here MISSING MY UBUNTU! :) | 03:14 |
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sorush20 | DVSoftware: do you have multiply processor | 03:15 |
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ColonelKernel | hwo do I make my /whois results show up in the active window instead of the server window? | 03:15 |
DVSoftware | sorush20: i have amd athlon 64 processor | 03:15 |
gorilla | ColonelKernel, that's your client program that does that.. | 03:15 |
ColonelKernel | gorilla, I am using xchat | 03:16 |
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sorush20 | is it multiporcessor | 03:16 |
ColonelKernel | and I know its the client program I just cant find it anywhere | 03:16 |
ColonelKernel | yeah - its SMP | 03:16 |
DVSoftware | sorush20: nope | 03:16 |
DVSoftware | it's not smp | 03:16 |
ColonelKernel | I have a p4 2.6 | 03:16 |
sorush20 | well you should not compile for msb | 03:17 |
gorilla | ColonelKernel, I'm not sure... perhaps someone else can assist? | 03:17 |
DVSoftware | sorush20: i didn't compiled it | 03:17 |
ColonelKernel | :( | 03:17 |
DVSoftware | just installed from synaptic | 03:17 |
DVSoftware | !info xmame | 03:17 |
DVSoftware | hm | 03:17 |
Hoxzer | How I can enable mp3 support in AMD64 ubuntu | 03:18 |
sorush20 | DVSoftware: do you have xmame common and tools | 03:18 |
Hoxzer | there is no gstreamer0.8-mad for it | 03:18 |
DVSoftware | yeah | 03:18 |
Hoxzer | or VLC player | 03:18 |
DVSoftware | i have installed everything xmame | 03:18 |
sorush20 | what game are you trying to run | 03:19 |
DVSoftware | sorush20: any game | 03:19 |
DVSoftware | even if i try | 03:19 |
DVSoftware | to run it without game | 03:19 |
DVSoftware | to see commandline options | 03:19 |
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DVSoftware | it gives me that error | 03:19 |
sorush20 | DVSoftware: don't really know how to help your search for the answer is as good as mine but would appreciate if you could drop a line saying what you did to fix it.. | 03:20 |
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DVSoftware | sorush20: i'm trying to compile it now | 03:21 |
DVSoftware | it's big son of a bitch | 03:21 |
DVSoftware | take a lot time to compile | 03:21 |
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reiki_work | I have kind of a subjective question... I decided to install Ubuntu to see if there really was a linux-based desktop system that could allow me to escape from Windows for everyday use. Are most of you taking it beyond that? I seem to be working on just getting normal things working normally. Right now the only part that seems a bit "iffy" is sound. Otherwise I'm just about all set as far as... | 03:22 |
reiki_work | ...getting things done day-to-day | 03:22 |
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DrTiger | sourceforge is a bit slow today, ain't it? | 03:22 |
^WarCry^ | from which country ubuntu send cds of the there system to users from around the world for free ? | 03:23 |
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^WarCry^ | i mean where is ubuntu located in whicvh country ? | 03:23 |
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v1ru5 | ^WarCry^: why would you care? | 03:24 |
^WarCry^ | just for knowlegde | 03:24 |
DrTiger | just read the website | 03:25 |
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^WarCry^ | i did not find there | 03:25 |
DrTiger | then you see your questions is unanswerable | 03:25 |
^WarCry^ | wil you tell me @ which page at the web | 03:25 |
dabaR | reiki_work: what, you need help with sound? | 03:26 |
DrTiger | developers, documentators etc are located everywhere on earth.... try to find the contact information of the board..... | 03:26 |
^WarCry^ | okkkkkk | 03:26 |
DrTiger | but I think a South African Entrepreneur started it | 03:27 |
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reiki_work | dabaR: I think I will need a little help sorting it out, but I'm at work right now and not at my (beloved) Ubuntu machine. If that's an offer to help I will sure appreciate it if you're here when I get home. | 03:27 |
samu2 | can vlc do real media stuff? | 03:27 |
^WarCry^ | I m frm pakistan and i get my free cds...so is it a nice system to install | 03:27 |
CaiN_SA | DrTiger, who you talking about ? | 03:27 |
Bombu | How can I see if my order has been processed? It says to log into shipit, but then I have no idea what to look for. | 03:28 |
reiki_work | dabaR: the only thing I seem to be really stuck on is that my microphone doesn't seem to record... even though I can hear it through my speakers (so I know it's actually working) | 03:28 |
dabaR | reiki_work: the only thing that dont work for me is microphone, web cam, scanner, wireless on my laptop, and playing dvds... | 03:29 |
DrTiger | don't know, just read it someplace a long time ago | 03:29 |
reiki_work | dabaR: heheh... your list is longer. :) | 03:29 |
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^WarCry^ | I m frm pakistan and i get my free cds...so is it a nice system to install | 03:29 |
dooglus | ^WarCry^: Mark Shuttleworth, a South African entrepreneur, owns Canonical and has been heavily involved in development and naming of Ubuntu Linux. | 03:29 |
dabaR | But, then again, I can log in from anywhere I have access to Internet, and use chat programs, do whatever I want, access my files...and so on. | 03:29 |
^WarCry^ | :) | 03:30 |
dabaR | ^WarCry^: no, it sucks, we use it cause we are stupid. | 03:30 |
dooglus | ^WarCry^: Canonical, though headquartered in the Isle of Man, has operations throughout Europe, North and South America and Australia. | 03:30 |
DrTiger | Shuttleworth, yeah, thats his name | 03:30 |
^WarCry^ | Strange name...from Shuttle to shut | 03:30 |
DrTiger | dabaR: so you did try and update to breezy ^ ^ | 03:30 |
^WarCry^ | ok guyz thx for help...thx | 03:31 |
DVSoftware | hmmm | 03:31 |
ccfiel | is it save to update to breezy? | 03:31 |
DVSoftware | mame supprots neogeo roms??? | 03:31 |
DVSoftware | xmame i mean | 03:31 |
DVSoftware | ccfiel: it's not | 03:32 |
dabaR | DrTiger: yeah, on my other hard drive when colony 3 came out. Could not install the base system, so I gave up. | 03:32 |
DVSoftware | as long it's unstable | 03:32 |
dooglus | ccfiel: it depends. my only machine is running breezy, and it's mostly been ok. i've had about 3 days where I couldn't run GNOME, but otherwise mostly OK | 03:32 |
DrTiger | it messed up my system | 03:33 |
ccfiel | DVSoftware: when will be the best to update to breezy? | 03:33 |
dooglus | ccfiel: it's certainly safer to stay with hoary though | 03:33 |
DVSoftware | ccfiel: when it's finished | 03:33 |
dabaR | run unstable on one hard disk, and stable on the other, and you will have no down days... | 03:33 |
DrTiger | I had to reconfigure my xserver from scratch whch was difficult, as I never had to that for my laptop before... | 03:33 |
Kuresu | how do i remove a folder from the desktop through the terminal | 03:33 |
DVSoftware | Kuresu: | 03:33 |
DrTiger | I have not yet found out how I can get the fglrx drivers.... | 03:34 |
DVSoftware | cd ~/Desktop | 03:34 |
dooglus | dabaR: I run XP on the other for the rare occasion that breezy is broken | 03:34 |
DVSoftware | rm -r foldername | 03:34 |
Kuresu | ok | 03:34 |
dooglus | Kuresu: cd; cd Desktop | 03:34 |
DrTiger | dbus is not started as a service automatically anymore.... | 03:34 |
dooglus | Kuresu: that will take you to the Desktop folder. | 03:34 |
Kuresu | thanks | 03:34 |
Kuresu | just removed it :D | 03:34 |
DVSoftware | DrTiger: is dbus for flash drives? | 03:34 |
dooglus | Kuresu: or "cd ~/Desktop" | 03:34 |
DrTiger | ..... which makes gnome issue an error every now and then.... | 03:34 |
samu2 | how do you list the amount of files in a dir? | 03:35 |
Kuresu | what about the uninstallation of programs | 03:35 |
ccfiel | where can we get info what is new in breezy. what can we expect.? | 03:35 |
DVSoftware | samu2: you mean size? | 03:35 |
DrTiger | DVSoftware: not only for that, but basically it's about software reacting upon events issued by the hardware | 03:35 |
samu2 | DVSoftware, like msdos dir would do | 03:35 |
DVSoftware | samu2: ls | 03:35 |
samu2 | print out the amount of files listed | 03:35 |
DVSoftware | or dir | 03:35 |
DVSoftware | ls -hs | 03:35 |
dabaR | ccfiel: usual places, wiki, forums, search the forums for breezy preview or something. | 03:35 |
DVSoftware | will print sizes | 03:36 |
samu2 | number of files | 03:36 |
Hoxzer | :) | 03:36 |
samu2 | not sizes | 03:36 |
Hoxzer | yeah | 03:36 |
DrTiger | I never succeeded in building a kernel for ubuntu | 03:36 |
DVSoftware | DrTiger: that's why i have problems with usb hard drive | 03:36 |
Hoxzer | finaly I got mp3's work | 03:36 |
Hoxzer | next thing to do is install java | 03:36 |
DrTiger | what problems? | 03:36 |
DrTiger | start dbus and plug in the plug | 03:36 |
DrTiger | that's all I needed to know.... | 03:37 |
DVSoftware | DrTiger: i'm using kde, and i can't see drive in storage media | 03:37 |
Hoxzer | btw can I make my own ubuntu install (like add mp3 support in istall and stuff like that) | 03:37 |
DrTiger | I don't know about kde but I think it should have similar functionality...ask the kde guys | 03:37 |
DrTiger | I don't know if they even use dbus | 03:37 |
dooglus | samu2: try "du -h ." | 03:37 |
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dooglus | samu2: that will tell you the usage of the current directory and its contents | 03:38 |
Whistler | is gtk+ aviable on apt-get? | 03:38 |
Snark | Whistler: !? | 03:38 |
dooglus | samu2: or "du -hs ." if you don't want it broken down | 03:38 |
Whistler | i wanna create gtk+ apps | 03:38 |
Hoxzer | what is the newest version of java for ubuntu? | 03:38 |
Whistler | so i need to have gtk installed | 03:38 |
DVSoftware | Whistler: it is | 03:38 |
samu2 | dooglus, but that only gives you the size of the files. not tell me how many files there are in the dir. | 03:39 |
Whistler | anybody knows the name of it? | 03:39 |
Snark | Whistler: apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev | 03:39 |
dooglus | samu2: do you want to know about subdirectories too? | 03:39 |
samu2 | dooglus, nope | 03:39 |
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dooglus | samu2: you can "ls | wc -l" | 03:39 |
samu2 | not recursive | 03:39 |
dooglus | samu2: "wc -l" is "word count lines" | 03:39 |
dabaR | 1.5 same as for anything else, Hoxzer. | 03:39 |
dooglus | it will tell you how many lines 'ls' printed | 03:39 |
Whistler | Snark thx | 03:39 |
samu2 | isnt that a bit of a long way around to do it? | 03:39 |
dooglus | (and 'ls' will put one file on each line when it sees that you're piping its output somewhere) | 03:40 |
dooglus | samu2: you could make a shell function to do it if you like. | 03:40 |
samu2 | cant ls just do it for me? | 03:40 |
DVSoftware | samu2: you'll love piping when you get used to it | 03:40 |
DVSoftware | it's powerful thing | 03:40 |
dabaR | samu2: what are you trying to do exactly? list number of files in a directory? | 03:40 |
Hoxzer | dabar: is that for AMD64 version? | 03:41 |
samu2 | yeah, thats what i want to know | 03:41 |
dabaR | Hoxzer: probably not, but try. | 03:41 |
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dabaR | samu2: including, or not hidden files? | 03:41 |
samu2 | that pipe thing will do it. i was just surprised there wasnt an already existing command or an option to ls to do it. | 03:41 |
Hoxzer | dabar: :( | 03:41 |
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dabaR | Hoxzer: you give up to easy, like me... | 03:41 |
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dabaR | Hoxzer: you never tried yet... | 03:41 |
DVSoftware | :( xmame takes ages to compile | 03:42 |
DVSoftware | :S | 03:42 |
Hoxzer | Need java for azureus what I use to download mp3 :) bittornado is doing fine when I download movies and series | 03:42 |
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Bombu | How can I see if my order has been processed? It says to log into shipit, but then I have no idea what to look for. | 03:43 |
Hoxzer | dabar: I tried to search it with synaptic :D | 03:43 |
DVSoftware | finaly | 03:43 |
DVSoftware | xmame works now | 03:43 |
dooglus | samu2: ls doesn't add up file sizes or count files. | 03:43 |
dooglus | samu2: ls just lists files | 03:44 |
DVSoftware | but... | 03:44 |
dooglus | samu2: a basic principal of UNIX is to give you lots of small tools which fit together. | 03:44 |
dabaR | modularity | 03:44 |
dooglus | if you want to count files, you have "ls" to list the files and "wc" to count them | 03:44 |
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Goshawk | hi | 03:45 |
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dooglus | DVSoftware: that's a blast from the past :) is mame still going? | 03:45 |
DVSoftware | http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/1989 | 03:45 |
DVSoftware | take a look | 03:45 |
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DVSoftware | what i get now | 03:45 |
Goshawk | a question come atop of my brain... why this #ubuntu-unregged? | 03:45 |
aftertaf | botwars :) | 03:45 |
samu2 | yeah, but unix programs usually have tons of flags to let you do certain stuff in an easier quicker way | 03:45 |
dooglus | samu2: if you want to do it in a single unix command, I recommend the "perl" command. that can do anything. | 03:46 |
dabaR | true, but UNIX administration is a topic of many books. | 03:46 |
dabaR | my point being that most things can be done, some in an obvious way, some in a less so. | 03:47 |
ompaul | Goshawk, and the long version is that the week before last a bot attack started and was sustained - it essentially broke the usability of the channel | 03:49 |
Suschman | hehe | 03:49 |
Suschman | javascript: window.close() | 03:49 |
Suschman | http://roboter-gallery.de/albums/userpics/schule.jpg | 03:49 |
adjacent | most in a less than obvious way. but... we are getting better at standardization | 03:49 |
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samu2 | what dir are you supposed to install programs in again? | 03:51 |
adjacent | samu2: let apt handle that for you | 03:51 |
dabaR | samu2: how are you installing programs? | 03:51 |
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samu2 | cant apt realplayer | 03:51 |
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samu2 | or can you? | 03:51 |
samu2 | i think last time i checked you couldnt | 03:51 |
X7C | samu2 cant apt realplayer z<<< gotta download ti from it's site | 03:51 |
X7C | and there's a install script for it which you can apt-get | 03:52 |
Goshawk | ompaul, but... maybe there is a problem because i use xchat and i'm identificated at each log-in by xchat itself, this means that i should go here when i start xchat.. really this does not happen. i'm redirected to #ubuntu-unreggend. maybe the check if a user is registered or not should be done after 10 seconds... or not? | 03:52 |
X7C | dunno in which repositories thoug... | 03:52 |
adjacent | samu2: probably something like checkinstall -D is safest, but /usr/local is a good spot for userspace programs | 03:53 |
dabaR | there is a page on the wiki to show how to install the real player. | 03:53 |
samu2 | checkinstall command not found | 03:53 |
dabaR | I made ubotu send him the link. | 03:53 |
X7C | www.ubuntuguide.org | 03:55 |
X7C | i think there's a how to ond realplayer | 03:55 |
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X7C | :p | 03:56 |
X7C | it's for the install script | 03:56 |
X7C | you have to download the bins first | 03:56 |
Goshawk | is there a way to configure sshd to accept only root login? | 03:58 |
dabaR | Goshawk: that is a strange thing to want. Usually I never log in as root to my sshd. Also Ubuntu uses sudo... wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 03:59 |
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Goshawk | dabaR, yes you are right, but what i'm configuring is a debian server | 04:00 |
ompaul | Goshawk, use your nickserv password as the server password and you will get in here | 04:01 |
ompaul | Goshawk, what do you want to do when you get to the debian box? | 04:01 |
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Goshawk | ompaul, i've filled the nickserv password | 04:01 |
typo_ | in a few minutes my hoary -> breezy upgrade download will be finished | 04:02 |
dabaR | typo_: see ya. | 04:02 |
typo_ | any horrible bugs in there right now, that might convince me to stop ? :) | 04:02 |
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Goshawk | ompaul, i've just asked if someone here knows how to set sshd to accept only one user | 04:02 |
samu2 | X7C, i managed to apt-get realplayer after all. it was in the extras. | 04:02 |
dabaR | samu2: sure was... | 04:02 |
ompaul | Goshawk, and with the same password also the server box | 04:03 |
dabaR | Goshawk: have you tried reading the config file, it may have nice comments, and such. | 04:03 |
ompaul | Goshawk, [xchat] and with the same password also the server box | 04:04 |
dabaR | Goshawk: also, there is a #debian, you likely know, ask there as well. | 04:04 |
Goshawk | ompaul, ok thanks filed the password thing | 04:04 |
ompaul | they might not like the idea of root logging in - I know I don't :) | 04:04 |
Goshawk | dabaR, sure... i'll ask there | 04:05 |
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Goshawk | ompaul, yes root login is bad but it's needed when you have to manage multiple users on your remote server... :D | 04:05 |
Hoxzer | what could be the problem if I VLC mediaplayer cannot play sounds | 04:05 |
Hoxzer | in movies or in mp3 | 04:05 |
bretzel | hello - I want ot configure my joysticks ( one stick and one gamepad ) ... cannot find the tool for that in ubuntu | 04:05 |
Hoxzer | it plays them but I can't hear anything | 04:06 |
typo_ | check the mixer.. | 04:06 |
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samu2 | hmm, the realplayer i apt-get wont run... | 04:07 |
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elvirolo | hi all | 04:08 |
elvirolo | what's the name of the package which provides the X.org includes again ? | 04:09 |
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dabaR | elvirolo: I do not think that is answerable, but tell us more, and we'll see. | 04:10 |
elvirolo | dabaR: well ... the X development package... | 04:11 |
dabaR | did you search synaptic? or aptitude search? | 04:11 |
elvirolo | yes | 04:11 |
Ralil | Hello, how can i put a command line at the start of ubuntu and not at the start of a session (sorry for bad english) thanks :) | 04:11 |
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dabaR | Ralil: you want to run some commands as your computer is starting up? | 04:13 |
elvirolo | well, i went on #debian and had the answer in exactly two seconds | 04:15 |
Vaske_Car | what was the answer | 04:15 |
elvirolo | xlibs-dev | 04:16 |
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Vaske_Car | What is the diference between Ubuntu and Debian? | 04:16 |
X7C | samu2 X7C, i managed to apt-get realplayer after all. it was in the extras. << but that's only the install script | 04:18 |
dabaR | elvirolo: good for you. | 04:18 |
elvirolo | Ubuntu is *based* on Debian | 04:18 |
X7C | you also have to download the binaries from real player's site | 04:18 |
elvirolo | dabaR: yes, indeed, there's nothing against you | 04:18 |
X7C | gotta run now | 04:18 |
X7C | see ya all | 04:18 |
dabaR | elvirolo: off course. | 04:18 |
samu2 | X7C, nope it downloaded the whole ting | 04:18 |
DjKritical | sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts <-- I've got the universe repository setup... and this doesn't work? | 04:18 |
elvirolo | dabaR: well i don't care what you think anyway | 04:19 |
dabaR | bah. | 04:19 |
Nermal | Vaske_Car, faster release cycle | 04:19 |
dabaR | Vaske_Car: to quote an op here and on #debian, bob2, the main difference is that ubuntu uses sudo by default. also, to give you some moer information...ubuntu triess to have newer apops, with that release ccyle. | 04:19 |
Nermal | generally meant to be a bit more userfriendly | 04:20 |
AlexMBas | does anyone here uses Xen? | 04:20 |
dabaR | Vaske_Car: ubuntu is newer, and has a much smaller community, | 04:20 |
Vaske_Car | thanks | 04:20 |
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Vaske_Car | Is it possible to access NFS via Windows? | 04:21 |
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osfameron | ubuntu is also founded and funded by the first space tourist, which is kind of cool :-) | 04:21 |
DaMi3n | Ntfs or Nfs?? | 04:22 |
Vaske_Car | nfs | 04:22 |
windex | Vaske_Car, there are some commerical drives to do just that | 04:22 |
windex | err, drivers | 04:23 |
dabaR | w00t. | 04:23 |
Vaske_Car | whats going on | 04:23 |
windex | Vaske_Car, or you can use services for unix, 3.5, from microsoft. | 04:23 |
windex | Vaske_Car, i think its free(?) | 04:23 |
Vaske_Car | to many people disconnected at the same time | 04:23 |
windex | it was a netsplit | 04:23 |
dabaR | Vaske_Car: its called a netsplit, some server dies. | 04:23 |
windex | see? | 04:23 |
Vaske_Car | ok | 04:24 |
typo_ | osfameron: canonical is thinking about in-orbit manufacturing plants | 04:24 |
Vaske_Car | also is there a channel for SystemRescueCd | 04:24 |
Vaske_Car | ? | 04:24 |
Vaske_Car | or closer: is there a channel for partimage ? | 04:25 |
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-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- This nickname is owned by someone else | 04:27 | |
-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password> | 04:27 | |
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-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-unregged] "This is NOT #ubuntu!! You were redirected bacause you did not yet register with nickserv. Register your nick (www.freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup), identify (use your nickserv password as server password) and join #ubuntu (And LEAVE this channel) | 04:27 | |
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fabbione | elmo: /l | 04:27 |
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davmor2 | why will totem gstreamer not play a live feed .asx file where as totem xine will? And why won't totem xine play mpeg file but totem gstreamer will? | 04:28 |
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-dmwaters(i=dmwaters@freenode/staff/gentoo.dmwaters)- {global notice} Hi all! One of our staffer used brackets in a kline, and this caused the servers to crash. We're working on an immediate fix for this problem, and hopefully will have something as soon as possible. I'm very sorry for the interuptions that this has caused, and thank you all for your patience. | 04:42 | |
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emacsen | My users (many of them) complain that the keyboard becomes unusable after a while | 04:44 |
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emacsen | they're typing along, PS/2 or USB keyboard (no difference) and suddenly, keyboard stops working | 04:45 |
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emacsen | mouse still works, but they can't click on anything. but yes, it's SSH able | 04:45 |
emacsen | ooops | 04:45 |
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hvv | hello | 04:58 |
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hvv | any life here | 04:58 |
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token41 | hi everyone i got a small question not relly relied with pc. can i say in english: i havent seen a film i liked best? is it gramatically correct? | 05:03 |
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=== Signon time : Tue Sep 6 11:26:36 2005 | ||
=== Signoff time : Wed Sep 7 17:04:11 2005 | ||
=== Total uptime : 1d 5h 37m 35s | ||
=== IRCD=dancer CAPAB CHANTYPES=# EXCEPTS INVEX CHANMODES=bdeIq,k,lfJD,cgijLmnPQrRstz CHANLIMIT=#:20 PREFIX=(ov)@+ MAXLIST=bdeI:50 MODES=4 STATUSMSG=@ KNOCK NICKLEN=16 :are supported by this server | ||
=== SAFELIST CASEMAPPING=ascii CHANNELLEN=30 TOPICLEN=450 KICKLEN=450 KEYLEN=23 USERLEN=10 HOSTLEN=63 SILENCE=50 are supported by this server | ||
-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- This nickname is owned by someone else | 05:04 | |
-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password> | 05:04 | |
-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- Password accepted - you are now recognized | 05:04 | |
=== mode/ubuntulog [+e] by services. | ||
-MemoServ(MemoServ@services.)- You have no new memos | 05:04 | |
=== ubuntulog [n=warthylo@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Help channel | FAQs & User Documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | Do NOT paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | Channel logs: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ | General chatter: #ubuntu-offtopic | found a bug? report it: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by bob2 at Wed Sep 7 09:53:51 2005 | ||
(No1Viking/#ubuntu) !tell me about SSL | 05:04 | |
=== hmrocha [n=hmrocha@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
(fizzle/#ubuntu) i like ubuntu heh | 05:05 | |
(znh/#ubuntu) Fred|Fr3d, ok | 05:05 | |
(fizzle/#ubuntu) just needa get some more ram | 05:05 | |
(znh/#ubuntu) anyways.. for some weird reason I can't install mp3 decoders.. | 05:05 | |
(fizzle/#ubuntu) then my computer will run smooth | 05:05 | |
(znh/#ubuntu) It says it's components are not installable | 05:05 | |
=== regeya [n=shane@adsl-sp3-cdale176.micgi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== hns [n=hans@h49240.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
No1Viking | Damn. I try to compilate gftp to support SSL (not SSH), but no luck. What do I do wrong? | 05:06 |
sorush20 | znh: are you using xmms.. | 05:06 |
znh | sorush20, yeah it's installed.. | 05:06 |
sorush20 | No1Viking: do you need to compile can't you really just install from synaptic. | 05:06 |
No1Viking | Not to support SSL, as far as I know | 05:07 |
=== mjr [i=mjr@aulis.sange.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sorush20 | znh: have a look and see if there are other package that might be relavant.. are you sure you are able to hear sound form your computer.. | 05:07 |
=== hns [n=hans@h49240.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
znh | sorush20, yeah yeah.. it's just fetching madplay and such :/ it's crazy man.. what happend :/ | 05:07 |
=== pawdro [n=cyprinus@acc62.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sorush20 | No1Viking: are you sure you are not getting anyerrors | 05:10 |
No1Viking | sorush20: Nope, I'm not sure.... | 05:10 |
sorush20 | No1Viking: when you configure you usually type ./configure --enable-anoptions | 05:11 |
sorush20 | No1Viking: have a look at the ./configure -help or ./configure -h | 05:12 |
No1Viking | sorush20: And what would the option be? | 05:12 |
No1Viking | I tried with SSL | 05:13 |
sorush20 | No1Viking: is it a valid option or not.. | 05:13 |
No1Viking | sorush20: That's the information i'm looking for! | 05:13 |
sorush20 | No1Viking: bare with me.. | 05:14 |
No1Viking | sorush20: I tried google and here. No luck anywhere :( | 05:14 |
=== mrj [n=mjohnson@pool-71-111-207-9.rlghnc.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brenner | the forum? | 05:15 |
fizzle | ubotu: tell fizzle about nvidia | 05:15 |
No1Viking | sorush20: Of course the manual too | 05:15 |
No1Viking | brenner: yes, the forum too | 05:15 |
brenner | er, you sure gftp can even use ssl? | 05:16 |
No1Viking | Some people says it's possible, bob2 for example | 05:16 |
davmor2 | NoUse that would be okay if it didn't get overridden by the totem app | 05:17 |
=== lilo [i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brenner | well, bob2 is pretty dependable... | 05:17 |
No1Viking | Ahhh, found something in the forum at last..... "you need to have openssl and libssl-dev installed on your system to compile gftp with ssl-support" | 05:19 |
=== din [n=din@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Myrtti | bob2 awake still? I hope he's gone sleeping, poor thing | 05:20 |
sorush20 | I think bob2 is not educating us enough.. | 05:20 |
brenner | heh | 05:20 |
brenner | Myrtti: why, what'd you do to him? :P | 05:20 |
=== Kuolio [n=PoroUkko@q139.ip2.netikka.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fizzle | ubotu: tell fizzle about mplayer | 05:22 |
ompaul | No1Viking, have you looked at sftp as a possible solution? | 05:22 |
=== Tomcat_ [n=Tomcat@p54A1895A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
No1Viking | ompaul: Nope, havent | 05:24 |
othernoob | what's the gnome equivalent to kmix? gmix? | 05:24 |
=== noddaba [n=abaddon@adsl-68-79-236-30.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== AlexMBas [n=Alexandr@beigetower/alexandre] has joined #ubuntu | ||
noddaba | has there been any work, or any projects, to get Ubuntu to boot off a USB drive? | 05:26 |
brenner | othernoob: is kmix some sort of volume controller? or is it more than that? | 05:28 |
=== funkyHat [n=matt@cpc3-nthc3-3-1-cust65.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brenner | noddaba: i've heard talk of this before...search the wiki & forum | 05:28 |
othernoob | brenner: volume control and controls for your soundcard | 05:28 |
noddaba | brenner, thanks | 05:29 |
=== pawdro [n=pawdro@acc62.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== ep [n=ep@ip68-97-122-98.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
davmor2 | anybody got any advice on how to go about writing a good bug report. Remembering I'm a relative new comer to linux and have never attempted to write one. | 05:30 |
=== chapeaurouge [n=chap@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brenner | othernoob: dunno really,...i''ve never had a good enough sound card to care. :) gnome does have a vol control in the apps menu though.....and from the recommended tweaks for sound probs i've seen, most people use alsamixer (?) | 05:31 |
brenner | davmor2: read the other ones for examples maybe? | 05:31 |
=== brenner doesn't remember if tldp.org has anything on bug reports | ||
=== khermans [n=khermans@c-65-96-123-200.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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sorush20 | sftp -- secure file transfer program | 05:34 |
adapt | is there an ubuntu ppc chanell? | 05:34 |
=== elvirolo [n=elvirolo@lns-bzn-2-gre-82-250-45-225.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | how do i get Java on an AMD64 machine? | 05:35 |
=== vanberge [n=vanberge@c-24-11-37-74.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sorush20 | davmor2: go to http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/participate/document_view and scroll down to the reporting a bug.. | 05:35 |
brenner | sorush20: nice find | 05:36 |
sorush20 | brenner: thanks.. | 05:36 |
Hoxzer | :/ what mp3 player of linux can open .cue? | 05:37 |
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sorush20 | khermans: go to here and have look http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp | 05:37 |
=== ep [n=ep@ip68-97-122-98.ok.ok.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
sorush20 | as far as I know .cue is and image file.. you have to mount it. | 05:37 |
=== kiwnix [n=egarcia@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brenner | are cues even audio files? | 05:37 |
khermans | sorush20, i was there -- but is there a package in Ubuntu or Debian repos? | 05:37 |
Hoxzer | can somebody help me to install java to AMD64 ubuntu because wiki manual seems not work | 05:38 |
=== theShtorm [n=vtrabzir@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | Hoxzer, i have same prob | 05:38 |
sorush20 | khermans: have you tried the normal package form shown here on the ubuntuguide.org | 05:38 |
brenner | iirc, amd64 and java (among other things) don't really mix | 05:38 |
=== Kulez [n=k@dsl-084-057-248-159.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | sorush20, you mean sun-jre15 -- yes? | 05:39 |
Kuolio | brenner: hmm i have them mixing just fine :) | 05:39 |
theShtorm | is there a gui security level adjustment on ubuntu? similar to what on redhat linux (to control port access, etc)? | 05:39 |
=== martii [i=martii@obgyn.edu.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | theShtorm, firestarter | 05:40 |
Hoxzer | khermans: so you have amd64 version of ubuntu? | 05:40 |
theShtorm | thanks, is that a native ubuntu app? | 05:40 |
khermans | yea | 05:40 |
brenner | Kuolio: really? i'm _sure_ someone sad something about flash and java not working. | 05:40 |
khermans | theShtorm, you need to install it first -- it is a gui firewall to maniplate iptables | 05:40 |
=== brenner searches log | ||
=== bmd-palm [i=bigmanda@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kuolio | with ubuntu amd64 all one needs to do to enable javasupport is to add tamir's repos to sources.list, and then apt-get sun-jre1.5 | 05:41 |
khermans | Kuolio, but you had to install in manually- not from the repos right? | 05:41 |
theShtorm | khermans: thanks, i'll give it a shot | 05:41 |
Kuolio | it installs from tamirs repos, wich are ubuntu-"unofficial"-amd64 repos, check it out from the forums | 05:41 |
khermans | Kuolio, why is amd64 java not official? | 05:41 |
Kuolio | umm, tamirs repos are not official | 05:42 |
Kuolio | :) | 05:42 |
khermans | i know | 05:42 |
Kuolio | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48905 | 05:42 |
Kuolio | and you can get "native" w32codecs support too, but that you have to install by hand, and gplflash to get partial flashsupport on 64bit | 05:43 |
=== LinuxHungry [n=chatzill@ip70-186-4-221.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== fizzle [n=fizzle@pool-71-241-44-59.nrflva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fizzle | hey i need help getting my cdroms to work | 05:44 |
fizzle | they were working yesterday but i switched my motherboard/processor and now its not working | 05:44 |
=== Digis [n=digis@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fizzle | brb lemme check if my BIOS is detecting them first | 05:45 |
jack- | could anyone explain the kickstart thing a bit? | 05:46 |
elvirolo | hi all | 05:46 |
jack- | that gui kickstart maker is cute, but the package selection is empty except for ubuntu-desktop.. | 05:46 |
=== magloff [n=magnus@h2n4c1o1104.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
elvirolo | i'd like Xorg to start up with a resolution of 1280x960 but i only get 1024x768 ... here's my xorg.conf : http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1990 | 05:47 |
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=== kbreit [n=kbreit@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brenner | what is with those identifiers? :-/ | 05:48 |
kbreit | How safe is it to upgrade from Horay to Breezy at this point? | 05:48 |
jack- | kbreit: still not recommended for end users | 05:48 |
elvirolo | kbreit: didn't work for me | 05:48 |
theShtorm | elvirolo: have you tried manually adjusting HorizSync and VertRefresh | 05:48 |
elvirolo | if you really want to try breezy, perform a clean install from a CD | 05:48 |
kbreit | I don't want to do a clean install. | 05:48 |
elvirolo | theShtorm: no i haven't ... good idea :) | 05:49 |
elvirolo | kbreit: well, your system (and especially X.org) will be broken | 05:49 |
brenner | elvirolo: sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange | 05:49 |
=== HiddenWolf [n=HiddenWo@136.154.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbreit | elvirolo, Yeah. | 05:50 |
kbreit | jack-, How do the developers expect to get Breezy out in a few weeks when it's still not really upgradable? | 05:50 |
jack- | i didnt say its totally unusable | 05:50 |
jack- | its just not ready for "users" yet | 05:50 |
kbreit | jack-, I know, but it's still not upgradable. | 05:51 |
elvirolo | brenner: thx i'll try that | 05:51 |
jack- | it is..if you can deal with some dep fiddling and stuff | 05:51 |
jack- | its possible | 05:51 |
=== othernoob [n=othernoo@p54A2CC44.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
kbreit | jack-, Do you know when Breezy is due out stable? | 05:51 |
jack- | i dont _know_ | 05:51 |
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jack- | but i think in 1-2 weeks | 05:51 |
elvirolo | jack-: it'll have to be upgradable some time, won't it ? | 05:51 |
Kulez | i have a problem installing grub from ubuntu (by hand), it gets messed up (no grub message at all on boot). if i boot with knoppix and use basically the same arguments (adjusted paths) it works, though. any ideas? | 05:51 |
kbreit | jack-, It depends on when gnome releases 2.12 | 05:51 |
jack- | mmh | 05:52 |
jack- | lets hope that will happen soon then :) | 05:52 |
elvirolo | October 13 ? | 05:52 |
=== DJ_Mirage [n=djmirage@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
!lilo:*! Hi all. Hints: with services, server crashes can remove your identification to nickserv, and you may have to reidentify ("/msg nickserv identify yourpasswordhere") by hand in this case. We're working on solutions that will solve that problem, though we're not quite there yet. | 05:53 | |
=== dreamie [i=dream@a.field.of.asphodel.greenbuds.org] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbreit | gnome 2.12 is due today. | 05:53 |
pawdro | hello, where I can find gstreamer0.8-lame? | 05:53 |
pawdro | in which repository? | 05:54 |
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brenner | !info gstreamer0.8-lame | 05:54 |
jack- | hoary-extras | 05:54 |
pawdro | what should I add in sources.list? | 05:55 |
pawdro | which link? | 05:55 |
HiddenWolf | brenner, try gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse | 05:55 |
pawdro | what link* | 05:55 |
=== larsrohdin [n=lars@ad-f-134.finet.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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HiddenWolf | pawdro, add multiverse to the end of the line that says multiverse already. | 05:55 |
HiddenWolf | pawdro, universe, sorru | 05:55 |
=== elvirolo [n=elvirolo@lns-bzn-2-gre-82-250-45-225.adsl.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] | ||
HiddenWolf | s/u/y | 05:55 |
pawdro | ;] | 05:56 |
jack- | deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted | 05:56 |
pawdro | jack thx | 05:56 |
brenner | HiddenWolf: eh? i was just trying to get ubotu to work his magic... | 05:56 |
larsrohdin | are there problems with the chat again? | 05:56 |
=== jadeisfalling [n=jadeisfa@ip68-106-235-243.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brenner | e.g: | 05:56 |
brenner | !info gqview | 05:56 |
ubotu | gqview: (A simple image viewer using GTK+), section universe/graphics, is optional. Version: 1.4.5-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 611 kB, Installed size: 1912 kB | 05:56 |
HiddenWolf | brenner, so piont people to -plugins-multiverse, which installs all multiverse gstreamer codecs | 05:56 |
jack- | !info lame | 05:57 |
ubotu | lame: (LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder), section multiverse/sound, is optional. Version: 3.96.1-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 222 kB, Installed size: 620 kB | 05:57 |
jack- | nice bot | 05:57 |
jack- | !info vlc | 05:57 |
ubotu | vlc: (multimedia player for all audio and video formats), section universe/graphics, is optional. Version: 0.8.1-1ubuntu7 (hoary), Packaged size: 4867 kB, Installed size: 11816 kB | 05:57 |
brenner | HiddenWolf: he/she asked what repo...i was just trying to find out. :-/ | 05:57 |
HiddenWolf | :) | 05:57 |
HiddenWolf | brenner, multiverse | 05:57 |
jack- | brenner: read my line | 05:57 |
jack- | its from sources.list | 05:57 |
HiddenWolf | universe is legal but unsupported, multiverse is troublesome unsupported stuff. | 05:58 |
brenner | yes...i know. :) | 05:58 |
HiddenWolf | hoary-extras is plain wrong. :) | 05:58 |
jack- | d'oh ;p | 05:58 |
jack- | i love it | 05:58 |
=== elvirolo [n=elvirolo@lns-bzn-2-gre-82-250-45-225.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HiddenWolf | jack-, on your head be it. | 05:58 |
elvirolo | my resolution is still 1024x768 :( | 05:58 |
jack- | :) | 05:58 |
jack- | your choice if you add debian/stable or hoary/extras | 05:59 |
brenner | elvirolo: did the command give you your rates? | 05:59 |
HiddenWolf | elvirolo, what's the problem? | 05:59 |
jack- | wont get vlc otherwise | 05:59 |
HiddenWolf | jack-, vlc is in universe, don't need it for that. | 05:59 |
elvirolo | brenner: yes, and i modified xorg.conf accordingly | 05:59 |
=== sordic [n=sordic@201009095192.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jack- | hmm something else then..divx codec or something | 05:59 |
sorush20 | ubotu is a bot | 05:59 |
brenner | elvirolo: and you restarted X? | 05:59 |
ubotu | sorush20: Are you smoking crack? | 05:59 |
jack- | dont remember, but i had to enable multiverse | 05:59 |
elvirolo | HiddenWolf: i'd like to change my resolution from 1024x768 to 1280x960 | 06:00 |
=== sordic [n=sordic@201009095192.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #ubuntu ["Fui] | ||
elvirolo | brenner: yes | 06:00 |
HiddenWolf | elvirolo, did you add 1280x960 as the first in the line in xorg.conf? | 06:00 |
=== uthini [n=uthini@myw-stp-66-18-85-62.sentechsa.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
elvirolo | HiddenWolf: yes | 06:00 |
HiddenWolf | elvirolo, and isn't it in the resolution selection applet? | 06:00 |
f||bber | when config NDiswrapper, whats the story when entering in the key, i remember from before something to do with hex, you need to escape it or something?When I try and enter key I get: Error for wireless request Set Encod(8B2A) invalid argument, anyone? | 06:01 |
elvirolo | HiddenWolf: actually i use kubuntu | 06:01 |
HiddenWolf | elvirolo, are you also sure you added it for the right color dept? | 06:01 |
HiddenWolf | IE, it won't do you good to add it to 4 bits if you use 16 or 24. | 06:01 |
HiddenWolf | depth, even. | 06:01 |
elvirolo | HiddenWolf: oh i see | 06:01 |
elvirolo | i'm not sure whether i use 16 or 24 ... i suppose it's 24 bits | 06:02 |
HiddenWolf | elvirolo, you can just remove the lines you don't use, just be carefull. :) | 06:02 |
brenner | HiddenWolf: he added it to all: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1990 | 06:02 |
=== HiddenWolf is typing like a drunken fool | ||
=== Ex-Cyber [n=excyber@24-55-114-40.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HiddenWolf | brenner, then he'll have to select it somewhere in kubuntu I suppose. | 06:03 |
=== fluffybunny_ [i=46z4tih4@nat-gw.nbn.ac.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brenner | it _should_ boot automatically into the 1st one listed | 06:03 |
elvirolo | brenner: yes it used to | 06:03 |
elvirolo | please note that i'm using breezy | 06:03 |
HiddenWolf | elvirolo, the screen isn't flickering to black on kdm/gdm startup? | 06:03 |
=== deFrysk [n=deFrysk@i111223.upc-i.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
elvirolo | HiddenWolf: if by that you mean it changes resolution at startup, then i don't think so | 06:04 |
=== ubuntuguy [n=user1@host-24-149-222-45.patmedia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brenner | elvirolo: i'm guessing you might have gotten a dodgy xorg.conf file....those identifiers are weird.... | 06:05 |
brenner | try reconfiggint the xorg package | 06:05 |
fluffybunny_ | help: i know i asked about not being able to su from a terminal the other day, and I was told to sudo instead, but I need to enter root and password in cups and it won't let me | 06:05 |
brenner | *reconfigging | 06:05 |
HiddenWolf | elvirolo, try to find wherever it is in kde that you can change resolution, else try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 06:05 |
elvirolo | brenner: it's because it's French (with accents) | 06:05 |
elvirolo | HiddenWolf: ok thanks | 06:05 |
brenner | oh. :) | 06:05 |
=== Lunar_Lamp [n=LunarLam@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HiddenWolf | brenner, shame on you for not recognising french | 06:06 |
elvirolo | fluffybunny_: you mean in the web based admin tool? | 06:06 |
brenner | HiddenWolf: sorry...need to brush up on my ampersands and hashes.... | 06:06 |
elvirolo | :-D | 06:06 |
fluffybunny_ | elvirolo: yes | 06:06 |
elvirolo | fluffybunny_: it is disabled in ubuntu | 06:07 |
elvirolo | fluffybunny_: i used to have the same problem | 06:07 |
HiddenWolf | brenner, "Carte vid<crap> can only be french, italian or spanish, really. <crap>ique" marks it as french. | 06:07 |
fluffybunny_ | elvirolo: oh,,,lucky me, so how can I add a printer? | 06:08 |
elvirolo | HiddenWolf: spanish or italian would be "carta" | 06:08 |
fluffybunny_ | elvirolo: is there a way to enable it? | 06:08 |
elvirolo | fluffybunny_: with the gnomen utility ? | 06:08 |
=== BlueEagle [n=blueeagl@] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
HiddenWolf | elvirolo, right you are. :) | 06:08 |
elvirolo | fluffybunny_: not that i know of | 06:08 |
fluffybunny_ | elvirolo: what is the gnomen utility? | 06:08 |
=== Karen [n=sash@pcp02245305pcs.bechgr01.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fluffybunny_ | elvirolo: linux n00b | 06:09 |
Lunar_Lamp | ok, i'm sorry here, but i'm going to ask a really n00b question. I have just used boot and nuke to wipe my laptop - do i need to create boot sectors on the hdd before i can install ubuntu? Or do i just bung in the cd, and install straight to hdd (i want to install to hdd rather than livecd install)? | 06:09 |
znh | hmm I am trying to get the fglrx drivers working, but the log of the installer gives this: [Error] Kernel Module : No kernel module build environment - please consult readme. | 06:09 |
BlueEagle | Is there an ubuntu equivalent to gentoos `emerge -s packagename`? | 06:09 |
znh | BlueEagle, apt-cache search packagename | 06:09 |
BlueEagle | thanks znh. | 06:10 |
znh | welcome | 06:10 |
brenner | znh: my guess is you haven't loaded the fglrx module | 06:10 |
brenner | znh: what instructions you following? | 06:10 |
znh | brenner, I am just trying to run the graphical installer | 06:10 |
deFrysk | Lunar_Lamp, let the install disk take care of that , no need to whipe your hd or mbr | 06:10 |
Lunar_Lamp | i already have a wiped hard drive :-p | 06:10 |
brenner | znh: graphical installer? | 06:10 |
znh | brenner, yep.. ATi made one | 06:11 |
deFrysk | Lunar_Lamp, installcd will wipe it again ;) | 06:11 |
Lunar_Lamp | lol, ok | 06:11 |
BlueEagle | znh: That was my next question. When will ubuntu come with a graphical installer so I can start recomending it to starters? :) | 06:11 |
Lunar_Lamp | well, hey, seems i wasted an hour waiting for it to wipe then - lol | 06:11 |
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znh | BlueEagle, ubuntu has already a quite graphical installation :P | 06:11 |
BlueEagle | znh: Well, compared to Gentoo it does, but not compared to Mandriva and RedHat/Fedora. :) | 06:12 |
znh | BlueEagle, they eat system resources.. those graphical thingys won't work on my 50mhz notebook :D | 06:13 |
BlueEagle | ...even though fedora (anaconda) refuses to work when you've got more than 15 partitions... | 06:13 |
BlueEagle | znh: They have also got a text-mode alternative. | 06:13 |
=== Sonny_Wertzik [n=Sonny_We@ip24-250-11-28.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brenner | BlueEagle: i think (big '?'. can't really remember ) that i read somewhere on the ubuntu site it probably won't be that soon. | 06:13 |
BlueEagle | (which also does not work on fedora with 16+ partitions) | 06:13 |
=== LasseL [n=lasse@0x503fbec4.ronxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
znh | BlueEagle, yeah.. but that one never worked for me (Fedora Core 1/2) | 06:14 |
funkyHat | BlueEagle, it's not exactly challenging to use the ubuntu installer :P | 06:14 |
BlueEagle | znh: Well the text mode and graphicals both worked when I chopped out the other distros and re-did my partition schemes. Not happy about it though. | 06:14 |
BlueEagle | funkyhat: Well, no, but the fact that it's ncurses based puts very many off. | 06:15 |
funkyHat | we had someone in here a couple of days ago that had managed to go through the install process, yet couldn't figure out how to use gedit | 06:15 |
brenner | funkyHat: how'd he go with the partitioning/bootloader install? | 06:15 |
brenner | or she. :) | 06:15 |
=== Deansweb2004 [n=deansweb@host86-132-145-117.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LasseL | BlueEagle, it isn't exactly easier to install windows .. and that seems to work ok for many people | 06:15 |
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funkyHat | i don't know. she came on, having successfully installed, with a screen resolution issue | 06:16 |
BlueEagle | funkyhat: Well, I would be suprised if not any americans tried ubuntu. </flamebait(bad joke)> ;) | 06:16 |
LasseL | BlueEagle, did any americans try windows 2000 ? | 06:16 |
funkyHat | no | 06:17 |
funkyHat | they all use 98 or XP. duh | 06:17 |
LasseL | ah | 06:17 |
funkyHat | ;) | 06:17 |
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LasseL | i only remember the w2k installer, so I used that as example | 06:17 |
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h17m4n | woot | 06:18 |
h17m4n | installed the new ATI drivers | 06:18 |
brenner | when did they get released? | 06:18 |
h17m4n | glxgears score went from 1300 to 2100 | 06:18 |
funkyHat | i think the windows XP installer is pretty similar to the ubuntu one, i haven't reinstalled for a while though, and i can't remember | 06:18 |
LasseL | h17m4n, nice, where did you get them? | 06:19 |
h17m4n | I mean newest | 06:19 |
BlueEagle | h17m4n: Ehh.. grats I guess. | 06:19 |
h17m4n | 8.16.20 I think | 06:19 |
h17m4n | from ati's page | 06:19 |
LasseL | ok | 06:19 |
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LasseL | i'll just duke it out with the current version for now then, if you don't mind :) | 06:19 |
h17m4n | let me give you a link | 06:19 |
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BlueEagle | funkyhat: Don't get me wrong. Ubuntus text installer is very good indeed. It's just that having some eye candy would make it more "cool" for people that still use IE. | 06:20 |
h17m4n | I followed this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=122362&postcount=6 | 06:20 |
h17m4n | the xorg-driver-fglrx is version 8.8.something | 06:20 |
h17m4n | too old | 06:20 |
funkyHat | true | 06:20 |
h17m4n | so with those instructions you could install the latest driver from ati's page | 06:21 |
funkyHat | BlueEagle, maybe you could port anaconda over for use on debian systems? ;) | 06:21 |
BlueEagle | funkyhat: Well, if I only had the skills I'd do it in a heart beat. | 06:21 |
LasseL | funkyHat, i think that project has been in progress for years already | 06:22 |
dreameen | is there anything i can do to improve touchpad tapping response in my laptop? | 06:22 |
=== funkyHat givs BlueEagle uber 1337 s|<i11z | ||
h17m4n | Here's the link to ati's page: https://support.ati.com/ics/support/KBAnswer.asp?questionID=3380 | 06:22 |
funkyHat | bu-dum | 06:22 |
funkyHat | ^there's your heartbeat | 06:22 |
funkyHat | ;) | 06:22 |
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h17m4n | let me see how UT2004 will run now | 06:23 |
brenner | dreameen: my guess is maybe there's an xorg.conf option you need to set. | 06:23 |
dreameen | brenner, but what...how? | 06:24 |
BlueEagle | funkyhat: Oh, I've got the 1337 skill, it's just the coding skills I lack. :op | 06:24 |
funkyHat | XD hahaha | 06:24 |
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brenner | dreameen: searched the forum & wiki for touchpad topics? | 06:24 |
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dreameen | brenner, im doing it right now | 06:25 |
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no0tic | on breezy rhythmbox depends on totem-gstreamer, it will be the default? | 06:25 |
meta | has anyone got the new user automate script from this thread (http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22646) it seems to be down atm | 06:25 |
brenner | no0tic: what will? | 06:25 |
brenner | totem-gstreamer? | 06:26 |
no0tic | brenner: the fact that rhytmbox will depend on totem-gstreamer | 06:26 |
no0tic | brenner: on hoary it doens't depend on it | 06:26 |
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brenner | not sure...but i thought i read gstreamer will be used more predominately in breezy | 06:28 |
No1Viking | How to add to ubotu? | 06:28 |
brenner | !list | 06:28 |
ubotu | [list] you can see a list of things I know at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage | 06:28 |
Skaja | i still cant get ltmodem to unpackage under ununtu | 06:28 |
brenner | No1Viking: take note...if you add inane stuff, the ops get mad | 06:28 |
funkyHat | ubotu, No1Viking is someone who doesn't know how to add information to your database | 06:28 |
ubotu | okay, funkyHat | 06:28 |
meta | did anyone snare a copy of http://download.ubuntuforums.org/ubuntusetup/ubuntusetup.sh before downloads.ubuntu.org went down? | 06:29 |
no0tic | brenner: gstreamer is ok, the problem is that I can't remove totem without removing rhythmbox | 06:29 |
brenner | No1Viking: funkyHat's add was an example of an inane comment. :) | 06:29 |
No1Viking | OK | 06:29 |
funkyHat | i was just going to say tyat :) | 06:29 |
funkyHat | *that | 06:29 |
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brenner | funkyHat: i'd remove it if i were you. | 06:29 |
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meta | !No1Viking | 06:29 |
ubotu | [no1viking] someone who doesn't know how to add information to your database | 06:30 |
funkyHat | ubotu, forget No1Viking | 06:30 |
ubotu | i forgot no1viking, funkyHat | 06:30 |
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brenner | no0tic: that _is_ a problem, isn't it? :-/ | 06:30 |
no0tic | brenner: you don't think so? | 06:31 |
sexcopter8000m | hi, in the past i've used latex under windows, but can't identify the packages i need to do latex under ubuntu. can anyone help? | 06:31 |
sexcopter8000m | i've sometimes seen tetex, what's that? | 06:31 |
brenner | sexcopter8000m: tetex-bin. | 06:31 |
sexcopter8000m | brenner: i take it then tetex is what i want :) what's the difference between latex and tetex? | 06:32 |
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brenner | sexcopter8000m: iirc, latex is an easier to use frontend to tex | 06:32 |
brenner | tetex is a latex distribution | 06:32 |
Skaja | i still cant get ltmodem to unpackage under ununtu | 06:32 |
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brenner | iirc | 06:32 |
brenner | could be wrong | 06:32 |
sorush20 | is it possible to develop a program with out bugs.. | 06:33 |
sexcopter8000m | ok, thanks brenner | 06:33 |
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HiddenFly | how can i get my michrophone working? | 06:35 |
meta | HiddenFly - I'd like to know too, skype detects it, but not gnomemeeting | 06:35 |
MrVM | can someone give me a hand with getting ubuntu working with wpa I have tried everything I can find on the web | 06:35 |
HiddenFly | i need to use it with teamspeak2 but i cant get sound from the mic | 06:36 |
meta | If there is one thing the ubuntu team needs to focus on for the next release, it's sound. Sound has been appauling, everything else is pretty much ten times better than other distros though | 06:37 |
=== Parad0xlites [n=Hack30rr@bzq-218-141-34.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Parad0xlites | ello | 06:37 |
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No1Viking | ubotu, To add SSL support to gftp you need to do the following: | 06:37 |
No1Viking | 1. sudo apt-get build-dep gftp | 06:37 |
No1Viking | 2. sudo apt-get install openssl | 06:37 |
No1Viking | 3. sudo apt-get install libssl-dev | 06:37 |
No1Viking | 4. download gftp-2.0.18.tar.gz at http://www.gftp.org/ | 06:37 |
ubotu | No1Viking: I give up, what is it? | 06:37 |
No1Viking | 5. sudo tar xvfz gftp-2.0.18.tar.gz | 06:37 |
No1Viking | 6. cd to the newly created directory | 06:38 |
Seveas | meta, sound has been improved a lot for breezy | 06:38 |
No1Viking | 7. do ./configure --enable-ssl | 06:38 |
No1Viking | 8. continue the installation. | 06:38 |
MrVM | anyone get ubuntu to connect to a wpa router | 06:38 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %No1Viking!*@*] by Seveas | ||
meta | Seveas - sounds good | 06:38 |
Seveas | NEVER PASTE IN HERE | 06:38 |
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meta | heh | 06:38 |
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Seveas | MrVM, you need wpasupplicant | 06:39 |
AzMoo | Hi. How do I make X windows prompt for a password to run a program? I'm using XFCE, because I like it better than gnome, but I'm having to run synaptic through a terminal so I can use a password for sudo | 06:39 |
Seveas | and a lot of configuring hasslw | 06:39 |
brenner | guess he didn't read ubotu's usage doc properly... | 06:39 |
Seveas | AzMoo, gksudo synaptic | 06:39 |
nubbe | sexcopter8000m, check lyx | 06:39 |
MrVM | I have install wpasupplicant and folloed all the configuratio steps but it still will not connect | 06:39 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %zblach!*@*] by Seveas | ||
AzMoo | Seveas, nice one. Is there a way to prompt for password if it's not for sudo? I want to use it for rdesktop as well. | 06:40 |
nubbe | it's always good to doa search with 'Description and Name' in synaptic | 06:40 |
Seveas | AzMoo, mske rdesktop prompt for it :) | 06:40 |
AzMoo | Seveas, but it doesn't prompt in X, only the terminal. | 06:40 |
meta | No1Viking, you need to put that stuff on the forms or the wiki. Then you just put the URL to that in ubuto | 06:40 |
minime- | hmm, what would happen if i copy home, etc, usr, bin and var for my debian to ubuntu? | 06:41 |
Parad0xlites | hey can i as a quickie? | 06:41 |
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minime- | should everything work fine or is it everything else but working? | 06:41 |
Seveas | Parad0xlites, you can ask anything you want :) | 06:42 |
adjacent | ive read on the forums that gaim 1.5.0 isnt in backports yet. is this still true? are there any unofficial ways to get it in apt? | 06:42 |
Parad0xlites | k then | 06:42 |
Hoxzer | eh :E | 06:42 |
AzMoo | Seveas, heh, nevermind :p | 06:42 |
Parad0xlites | i have this live cd of ubuntu im useing right now and a 6 gb empty hd can i install the live cd directly on it? | 06:42 |
=== AzMoo chuckles. | ||
AzMoo | I should've tried it instead of trusting what somebody else had said. | 06:42 |
deFrysk | adjacent, apt-get source -b from breezy and backport it yourself | 06:43 |
Hoxzer | how can I quickly change ubuntuns language to english? | 06:43 |
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Seveas | Parad0xlites, unfortunately not | 06:43 |
Parad0xlites | :'( | 06:43 |
robzon | minime-: I'd go for the second option. | 06:43 |
Seveas | Hoxzer, sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales | 06:43 |
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adjacent | deFrysk: im not familiar with how to backport it myself... do you have a link with instructions/manaul? | 06:44 |
B|ueMat | I finally got my install problem sorted, im liking this Ubuntu.. | 06:44 |
Hoxzer | seveas: ok, how I can change it back to Finnish | 06:44 |
minime- | robzon: so maybe it | 06:44 |
Seveas | same command :) | 06:44 |
Parad0xlites | i tried installing fedora core 2 (beacuse its the only version i have) but it won't install beacuse of my 1gb ram :'( | 06:44 |
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minime- | robzon: so maybe it's easier to install debian. | 06:44 |
=== B|ueMat dont like RedHat no more | ||
deFrysk | adjacent, not sure about docs | 06:45 |
deFrysk | adjacent, first you need to install build-essential | 06:46 |
MrVM | has anyone install mythtv on ubuntu | 06:46 |
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adjacent | deFrysk: can i just get the source and build to deb and install with dpkg without breaking anything? | 06:46 |
adjacent | deFrysk: right, with build-essential | 06:46 |
Seveas | adjacent, the source for what? | 06:46 |
deFrysk | adjacent, with fakeroot the deb wil be build locally | 06:46 |
adjacent | Seveas: gaim 1.5.0 | 06:46 |
Hoxzer | seveas: well language seem to be still finnish :O | 06:46 |
Seveas | adjacent, you'd better not | 06:47 |
Seveas | gaim 1.5.0 in breezy has launchpad integration added | 06:47 |
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Seveas | better not use that on hoary | 06:47 |
jack- | where do i have to add a screen resolution to make it usable for the gui tool? | 06:47 |
jack- | its in xorg.conf already | 06:47 |
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Seveas | Hoxzer, you need to logout & login | 06:47 |
MrVM | has anyone install mythtv on ubuntu | 06:47 |
Seveas | jack-, did you restart the X server after changing xorg.conf? | 06:47 |
Parad0xlites | why don't i get gaim 1.50 on synaptic? it only seems to show 1.4 | 06:47 |
jack- | no | 06:47 |
adjacent | Seveas: so am i stuck with 1.4.0? i know i can get it working, i just want to have a clean upgrade path when breezy is released | 06:47 |
Seveas | jack-, then do that | 06:48 |
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jack- | Seveas: how can i do it without rebooting? ;) | 06:48 |
deFrysk | adjacent, in a few weeks it should be safe enough for a desktop user to upgrade to breezy , better to be patient perhaps | 06:48 |
Seveas | jack-, sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart | 06:48 |
Hoxzer | still same.... | 06:48 |
jack- | thx! | 06:48 |
Seveas | WARNING: it will log you out | 06:48 |
jack- | and end my apps? | 06:48 |
funkyHat | Seveas, not ctrl+alt+backsp | 06:48 |
funkyHat | ? | 06:48 |
Seveas | jack-, yes | 06:48 |
jack- | damn, ok | 06:48 |
jack- | brb then :p | 06:48 |
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robzon | minime-: yeah, probably you'll avoid a lot of trouble by just installing a new system... you may just copy some of the configuration files... and copying /home is safe... but lib/ bin/ and etc/ not | 06:49 |
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MFen | anyone know if samba is going to include idmap_rid in breezy? | 06:49 |
robzon | minime-: /var is also bad idea, because apt-get keeps its cache and repository stuff there | 06:49 |
minime- | robzon: but ubuntu uses also apt-get? | 06:50 |
tear | anyone know of a good DC client that works on 64 Architecture? the ones precompiled in ubuntu basicly are useless at comunicating with the servers | 06:50 |
osfameron | will breezy gnome be able to open files off a samba mount? | 06:50 |
samu2 | ack, i get an error like this when opening a file in vlc [00000270] oss audio output error: cannot open audio device (/dev/dsp) | 06:50 |
reignbow | tear: Maybe valknut? | 06:50 |
samu2 | and then sounds wont play | 06:50 |
Hoxzer | how can I change windows partition to be writable in linux | 06:50 |
minime- | robzon: I'm installing new router, and just wanting to get same settings without manual work | 06:50 |
reignbow | A much more recent version of dcgui | 06:50 |
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reignbow | Or rather, dcgui-qt. That mess is the reason they changed the name :) | 06:50 |
tear | reignbow, where may i get it? | 06:50 |
adjacent | Hoxzer: ntfs? | 06:51 |
reignbow | dcgui.berlios.de | 06:51 |
Hoxzer | adjecent: yep | 06:51 |
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adjacent | Hoxzer: you cant. (safely) | 06:52 |
jack- | Seveas: done, but it doesnt restart | 06:52 |
Seveas | Hoxzer, ntfs? | 06:52 |
jack- | its just hanging..i'm on my mac now | 06:52 |
reignbow | I am not totally sure, but I believe it works on amd64 | 06:52 |
Seveas | jack-, hmm... | 06:52 |
jack- | is there any key combination i should try? | 06:52 |
Seveas | <ctrl><alt><backspace> | 06:52 |
Hoxzer | you cant :E | 06:52 |
reignbow | At least if you compile it yourself (easy to do, instructions on the website) | 06:52 |
Hoxzer | I just want to download torrents | 06:52 |
neilio | hey folks | 06:52 |
jack- | Seveas: doesnt do anything | 06:52 |
Seveas | Hoxzer, regarding the language problem: paste /etc/environment on the pastebin | 06:52 |
jack- | ctrl-alt-del then, hm? | 06:53 |
jack- | :~ | 06:53 |
Seveas | jack-, <ctrl><alt><f1> | 06:53 |
jack- | ok | 06:53 |
adjacent | i wonder if its possible to use vmware (or maybe wine?) to read the ntfs drive, then share it and mount with samba... anyone tried this? | 06:53 |
jack- | neither | 06:53 |
Hoxzer | Seveas: seems like it changed my clock language | 06:53 |
Hoxzer | how I can get it back? :D | 06:53 |
jack- | seems like it crashed | 06:53 |
Seveas | Hoxzer, in /etc/environment you set which languages to use for what | 06:53 |
Seveas | jack-, <ctrl><alt><del> then | 06:53 |
adjacent | Hoxzer: you dont need windows to download torrents | 06:54 |
jack- | hmm ctrl alt del doesnt help either :) | 06:54 |
jack- | i'll switch it off/on | 06:54 |
jack- | doh | 06:54 |
=== Trackilizer [n=gsg@p54AEC1CF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hoxzer | Seveas: there is no folder named as environment in etc directory | 06:54 |
Seveas | there should be :| | 06:55 |
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Hoxzer | :< | 06:56 |
robzon | minime-: yes, but it uses different repositories and different packages | 06:57 |
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samu2 | there is also something strange with my open office. the letters act a bit strange. | 06:58 |
robzon | minime-: just backup files from /etc that are responsible for the network/router configuration | 06:58 |
minime- | robzon: ok | 06:58 |
Hoxzer | Seveas: is it file? ;/ | 06:58 |
samu2 | i couldnt see the i in a file name that i was opening. i had to switch windows and switch back to observe the formatting change i made to one letter. | 06:58 |
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Hoxzer | I thought it was folder :D | 06:58 |
Hoxzer | LANGUAGE="fi_FI:fi:en_GB:en" | 06:59 |
Hoxzer | LANG=en_ZW.UTF-8 | 06:59 |
Hoxzer | what do I do? | 06:59 |
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jack- | ok, its up again | 07:00 |
jack- | now lets see | 07:00 |
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jack- | nope | 07:01 |
jack- | Seveas: how the f**k can i get more resolutions into the preferences dialog? :< | 07:01 |
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jack- | 1024x768 looks a bit shitty on 20" | 07:02 |
jack- | sigh | 07:02 |
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deFrysk | jack-, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:02 |
jack- | ok, thx | 07:03 |
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jack- | uhm | 07:03 |
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djib | LO | 07:03 |
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pef | bye | 07:04 |
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Trebz | Can anybody help me with dual monitors (nVidia) ? I've read through a few forum posts, but can't really find a solution, is there a definitive guide to TwinView somewhere? | 07:06 |
=== Earthen [n=ahf@stjhnf0122w-142163133046.nl.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aftertaf | is there a way to have 2 different ip addresses on one physical NIC? and also if one is via DHCP? | 07:09 |
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bluefoxicy | wow. | 07:10 |
bluefoxicy | gcc 4.0 is like a whole new compiler. | 07:10 |
=== _TomB [n=ownthebo@ACCB0F52.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
magnon | aftertaf: definately possible without dhcp at least, I never tried with :) Just configure the second as an alias - if you have eth0, configure the next as eth0:0 | 07:11 |
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Earthen | I'm having a problem with nautilus, anyone have info on that? | 07:11 |
Dreamglider | WoW | 07:11 |
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Daemonic | WHEEE!!! | 07:11 |
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Daemonic | ok. what might I need to do with this here ubuntu install to mount a local nfs share? | 07:11 |
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znh | Aha, is freenode busy again :) | 07:12 |
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Earthen | holy crap? | 07:12 |
magnon | awesome :P | 07:12 |
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_antix | frak | 07:12 |
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aftertaf | magnon: ok.. and that way i can have a pc on 2 subnets? | 07:12 |
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znh | :P | 07:12 |
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magnon | aftertaf: yes | 07:12 |
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znh | Orbi-, your Ident is quite funny :P | 07:13 |
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aftertaf | magnon: nice one dude :) | 07:13 |
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=== magnon is beginning to wonder if aftertaf was playing with ifconfig on the freenode master server | ||
aftertaf | ill try to figure out how ;) | 07:13 |
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aftertaf | not goulty ;) | 07:13 |
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znh | magnon, freenode doesn't have a master server ;) | 07:13 |
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aftertaf | /s/ou/ui | 07:13 |
Earthen | nautilus keeps crashing when ever i try and brows out of my home dir any idea's anyone | 07:13 |
magnon | I don't care as long as it let me IRC in peace :P | 07:13 |
znh | yeah! | 07:14 |
znh | that's the spriit | 07:14 |
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znh | aight.. not that | 07:14 |
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Trebz | heh, I obviously couldn't see anyone typing before for some reason, thought it was odd nobody saying anything with 250+ people! | 07:14 |
deFrysk | Earthen, breezy ? | 07:14 |
znh | Earthen, hmm.. have you got many files in your home directory? | 07:14 |
Earthen | znh did you want something for me? | 07:14 |
=== Fergy [n=Fergy@a82-92-232-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Earthen | not really | 07:14 |
deFrysk | Earthen, breezy ? | 07:14 |
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aftertaf | since gnome 2.4 ive had pbs with gnome and used kde. | 07:14 |
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magnon | Earthen: are you running Breezy or Hoary? | 07:14 |
Earthen | what is breezy? | 07:15 |
aftertaf | konqueror pws nautilus | 07:15 |
znh | aftertaf, feel free to come to #kubuntu ;) | 07:15 |
Earthen | hoary | 07:15 |
=== magnon kicks aftertaf | ||
aftertaf | i is dude ;) | 07:15 |
deFrysk | Earthen, I take that as a no | 07:15 |
=== znh hugs aftertaf | ||
Earthen | LOL yeah you can take that as a no | 07:15 |
=== magnon kicks znh | ||
=== znh gives magnon a bitch slap | ||
=== HappyFool [n=user@tedo-ip-nas-1-p344.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Dreamglider | can anyone help me install xine (or somthing better) that will play my movies ? | 07:15 |
znh | Dreamglider, VLC is the answer.. *echo*.. *echo..* | 07:16 |
znh | !vlc | 07:16 |
ubotu | Not a clue, znh | 07:16 |
znh | omg noob | 07:16 |
magnon | doh | 07:16 |
magnon | vlc.sf.net | 07:16 |
deFrysk | Dreamglider, sudo apt-get install totem-xine and then try totem | 07:16 |
sorush20 | Seveas: you and bob2 work together.. | 07:16 |
magnon | or something ;) | 07:16 |
aftertaf | video lAN | 07:16 |
HappyFool | !tell Dreamglider about restricted | 07:16 |
magnon | !tell magnon about restricted | 07:16 |
Trebz | Can anyone help with my dual monitors (nvidia), i've read a bunch of forum posts but am still none the wiser, I am a TOTAL newbie with linux (literally, the only exp. i have is 2 hours with ubuntu!) | 07:16 |
Earthen | deFrysk, so would you have any idea on my problem | 07:16 |
Dreamglider | i just installed ubuntu | 07:16 |
paulproteus | I would like to try Breezy on amd64. Is downloading and installing the Colony 3 ISO the best way to do this? | 07:16 |
magnon | oh, the bot with uber ai :D | 07:16 |
Daemonic | how might I start portmap in ubuntu to mount a local nfs share? | 07:17 |
aftertaf | anyway, cheers ;) back 2morrow... im on hometime now :) | 07:17 |
HappyFool | Dreamglider: the restricted wiki page will help you install the appropriate software | 07:17 |
magnon | paulproteus: sounds suicidal :D | 07:17 |
deFrysk | Earthen, many many many files in one folder ? | 07:17 |
aftertaf | paulproteus: wait thill mid october for stable | 07:17 |
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aftertaf | bye all.. | 07:17 |
Earthen | No I don't have meny file aside from the default maybe 1 or 2 more that is it | 07:17 |
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magnon | Haha, Lilo is so diplomatic :) | 07:17 |
=== znh pulls magnon at his hair | ||
HappyFool | Daemonic: if it's installed, try 'sudo /etc/init.d/portmap start' ? | 07:17 |
=== dabaR [n=dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-178-98.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
magnon | znh: stop being violent, and stop using kde! | 07:18 |
znh | :'(.. admins.. he's so rude! | 07:18 |
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Earthen | it is acting like I do not have permission to view them sub folders | 07:18 |
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magnon | Earthen: if it crashes, can't you file a bug about it? | 07:18 |
__filip_ | i have an problem whit rhytmbox, it only import 20 of my .mp3. i have 150. | 07:18 |
B|ueMat | newb to ubuntu/gnome are there services to admin servers e.g ssh apache etc? | 07:19 |
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paulproteus | magnon: It appears Colony 4 is out. | 07:19 |
paulproteus | magnon: I guess I'll try that. :) | 07:19 |
Earthen | Yes I guess i can but i am kinda new to all this so far | 07:19 |
magnon | paulproteus: good luck, don't jump off a cliff if it goes wrong :) | 07:19 |
=== znh farts.. and is ashamed | ||
paulproteus | magnon: Okay, thanks. :) | 07:19 |
B|ueMat | how do I kick of SSH? | 07:19 |
HappyFool | B|ueMat: not by default. You can use invoke-rc.d and update-rc.d from the command-line, or you can install BUM | 07:19 |
magnon | Earthen: Aha. I'm unfortunately on my way out, can't help atm | 07:19 |
HappyFool | !bum | 07:19 |
ubotu | [bum] a graphical BootUp Manager; see http://www.marzocca.net/linux/bum.html | 07:19 |
=== Kjes [n=kjes@ti231110a080-3714.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
znh | rofl.. bum.. that word is soo funny | 07:19 |
Earthen | I am thinking that it is something that i did so i don't want to file a bug for something that I may have did | 07:20 |
magnon | B|ueMat: You could open the package manager (synaptic) and install ssh-server and apache | 07:20 |
Earthen | thanks anyway deFrysk | 07:20 |
B|ueMat | What does BUM do then? | 07:20 |
Earthen | magnon: thanks anyway | 07:20 |
znh | ubotu, vlc is a video/audio player that supports almost everything - See http://www.videolan.org/ for more information (VLC is in the repos) | 07:20 |
ubotu | znh: okay | 07:20 |
Trebz | nobody wanna help with my x config for nvidia twinview? i've only got one monitor working :-( | 07:20 |
HappyFool | B|ueMat: graphical services manager | 07:21 |
magnon | ubotu: znh uses kde and is proud about it, he also volunteers for public lynching | 07:21 |
ubotu | I think you lost me on that one, magnon | 07:21 |
magnon | :P | 07:21 |
dabaR | what does it mean to kick of SSH? | 07:21 |
znh | magnon, mate.. I warn you.. admins dislike abusing of that bot.. and I warn you as a mate | 07:21 |
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magnon | znh: he didnt catch my syntax, it was purposeful :) | 07:22 |
HappyFool | dabaR: 'kick off', as in start, i imagine | 07:22 |
znh | magnon, ok ;) | 07:22 |
magnon | "on purpose" | 07:22 |
dabaR | what does he want to do, though, B|ueMat, care to explain? | 07:22 |
=== pawdro [n=pawdro@aby126.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pawdro | hello, is upgrade hoary to breezy painless?;] | 07:23 |
znh | dabaR, at my point of view.. he's trying to say.. "someone is logged on my computer via SSH, how do I kick him off my pc" | 07:23 |
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znh | pawdro, breezy is currently a pain/unstable | 07:23 |
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HappyFool | !ssh | 07:23 |
ubotu | it has been said that ssh is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SSHHowto/ | 07:23 |
HappyFool | i'd read that howto | 07:23 |
HappyFool | hmm, url is still wrong | 07:23 |
Dreamglider | deFrysk, i did sudo apt-get install totem-xine but it didnt work here is what i got -> http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1991 | 07:23 |
pawdro | znh: so if it is stable in future, will it be painfull? | 07:23 |
znh | pawdro, no, I think it would be a second heaven | 07:24 |
=== neilio [n=neilio@ottawa-hs-209-217-99-68.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pawdro | :D | 07:24 |
pawdro | hehe | 07:24 |
neilio | hi folks - I have a real newbie question | 07:24 |
paulproteus | magnon: Ooh, it turns out there are daily CD builds! | 07:24 |
znh | neilio, welcome :) | 07:24 |
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magnon | pawdro: I wouldnt bet on that the upgrade was painless now, but it will be later :) | 07:24 |
pawdro | neilio: hi;] | 07:24 |
=== paulproteus grabs one of those for extra excitement | ||
magnon | paulproteus: even more suicidal | 07:24 |
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neilio | I just finished recompiling the kernel on a new linux install to add orinoco monitoring | 07:25 |
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pawdro | magnon: ill try stable breezy | 07:25 |
Trebz | I'm trying to install nvidia driver that i downloaded from their website, and it says it cant install, i need to quit X...how do i do that? | 07:25 |
paulproteus | magnon: I'm switching this machine from Debian Unstable because it wasn't exciting enough. ;) | 07:25 |
znh | pawdro, I heard of a m8.. that everything is working flawless with the sound (playing more sound at the same time without delays) | 07:25 |
magnon | breezy isnt stable :) | 07:25 |
B|ueMat | dabaR, administer services | 07:25 |
neilio | and every time I want to install something new via synpatic I have to insert the hoary install CD | 07:25 |
pawdro | ;] | 07:25 |
dabaR | B|ueMat: more info, in plain words. | 07:25 |
neilio | ? any way to work around this? | 07:26 |
znh | omg.. those characters ruin my client | 07:26 |
samu2 | something in korean | 07:26 |
HappyFool | neilio: remove the CD as a repository source | 07:26 |
dabaR | neilio: remove the cd entry from your repository list. | 07:26 |
__Phenotype__ | chinaman | 07:26 |
neilio | ah, thanks | 07:26 |
=== Hoxzer [n=Niko@a80-186-132-239.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neilio | I'm used to OS X | 07:26 |
neilio | :) | 07:26 |
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HappyFool | neilio: in synaptic choose 'settings' and 'repositories' | 07:26 |
znh | many echo's | 07:26 |
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Hoxzer | how can I setup tv-out?' | 07:26 |
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znh | Hoxzer, by configuring it | 07:26 |
znh | Hoxzer, no.. just kidding - what videocard have you got? | 07:27 |
Hoxzer | :D thx for advice | 07:27 |
Hoxzer | geforce 6800 | 07:27 |
B|ueMat | Is there equivalen of K3B for Gnome? Cd+DVD | 07:27 |
znh | Hoxzer, hmm.. not many expierence with nvidia cards.. sorry | 07:27 |
liran_ | hey guys | 07:27 |
Hoxzer | great.... | 07:27 |
neilio | is there a good book that covers ubuntu? | 07:27 |
znh | hi liran_ | 07:27 |
znh | neilio, what about "the internet" | 07:27 |
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HappyFool | neilio: not that i know; do you know about wiki.ubuntu.com ? | 07:28 |
neilio | yes | 07:28 |
dabaR | neilio: no, but.... | 07:28 |
neilio | I know about "the internet", but I prefer a book | 07:28 |
znh | neilio, hm.. you can download wiki.ubuntu.com with wget -r and then print it out | 07:28 |
__Phenotype__ | fun fact for the day: "internet" is short for "internetworking" | 07:28 |
__Phenotype__ | yay | 07:28 |
=== znh smiles | ||
=== sepmike [i=Administ@dhcp-063-252-240-067.core1a.ftth.conxxus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
liran_ | got ubutnu hoary 5.03 working just fine. at first, when i was puting a cd then ubuntu would've automatically detect and mount it and i'd have a cd-rom icon on the desktop. though it's not working now and i have to manually mount it... any ideas? could this be problem with updates? cause i update all the tim | 07:29 |
dabaR | Bah...fact of the day for you is... Internet is spelled with an I if you are talking about "the" Internet. | 07:29 |
neilio | znh: thanks | 07:29 |
liran_ | *time | 07:29 |
znh | neilio, uh.. hope you know what your doing :p | 07:29 |
=== traveller [n=kenneth@220-245-129-11.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
B|ueMat | Is there equivalen of K3B for Gnome? Cd+DVD | 07:30 |
znh | dabaR, it's not a god nor a person.. | 07:30 |
typo_ | gah.. how do i figure out what US salary is appropriate for my potential new job that i'm relocating for.. | 07:30 |
dabaR | liran_: well, open a terminal, and type in dmesg tail, and paste that to a pastebin, also, type in gnome-volume-manager to see whether that gets it started, or you get an error. | 07:30 |
HappyFool | B|ueMat: try maybe gnomebaker; i think that's the best option for gnome | 07:30 |
Dreamglider | what is my root pswd, i newer set the pswd when i installed ubuntu! | 07:30 |
HappyFool | B|ueMat: alternatively, just install K3B -- it ought to work in gnome too | 07:31 |
znh | Dreamglider, you may use sudo instead | 07:31 |
__Phenotype__ | yes you did Dreamglider | 07:31 |
=== aimaz [n=swp1@i-83-67-17-205.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | !tell Dreamglider about root | 07:31 |
znh | ubotu, tell Dreamglider about sudo | 07:31 |
Lunar_Lamp | !tell Lunar_Lamp about root | 07:31 |
neilio | one last question - is anyone here using ubuntu on a Powerbook? | 07:31 |
znh | HappyFool, boks | 07:31 |
liran_ | dabaR: so basically, gnome-volume-manager should be runing and if it's runing then it should automount? | 07:32 |
neilio | i'm wondering if there's any way to trigger a right-click using the trackpad | 07:32 |
dabaR | That is the program that handles that, yes. | 07:32 |
liran_ | dabaR: and if it's runing and i enter a cd and i see it's not mounting, to check logs? | 07:32 |
__Phenotype__ | does anyone know if ATI Rage 128 Pro T.V. is supported by linux | 07:32 |
dabaR | right, dmesg will tell you the errors. | 07:32 |
=== keikoz yop all | ||
liran_ | dabaR: ok thanks. | 07:33 |
dabaR | thats just a start, tho, I dont know much. | 07:33 |
Dreamglider | why cant i install anything, apt-get install just gives me "E: Couldn't find package packagename" ! | 07:33 |
HappyFool | !tell Dreamglider about repos | 07:34 |
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znh | __Phenotype__, not with 3D Acceleration - but it'll do with non-gaming | 07:34 |
=== no0tic [n=no0tic@host122-164.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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lsuactiafner | !tell me about breezy | 07:35 |
=== Quinthius [n=james@ip68-103-73-17.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== dwerf [n=eat@82-168-246-178-bbxl.xdsl.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Jhair [n=jhair@p54A3D4E7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
znh | lsuactiafner, having fun telling yourself naughty stories ? :P | 07:36 |
dwerf | question: how did i manage to lose 20 Gb on a hard disk; how do i fix it? | 07:36 |
lsuactiafner | yeh | 07:36 |
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no0tic | on breezy totem doesn't play videos, I can hear sounds when playing but no video appears, just like totem recognizes the file as an audio file | 07:36 |
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znh | dwerf, more details please.. I don't get your problem | 07:36 |
lsuactiafner | no0tic : change the video out device | 07:36 |
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dwerf | znh > i want to create two windows partitions, one linux and one swap | 07:37 |
znh | dwerf, ok | 07:37 |
neiras | When is Breezy scheduled to be released? | 07:37 |
dwerf | znh > blank system, but i messed around a bit | 07:38 |
no0tic | lsuactiafner: in system -> preferences? | 07:38 |
=== frank23 [n=frank@modemcable135.248-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
znh | dwerf, what did you mess up? | 07:38 |
HappyFool | !breezy | 07:38 |
ubotu | I heard breezy is the next version of Ubuntu (5.10); released October 2005. It hasn't reached stable-status, so it can still be broken. A pictorial view of differences between Hoary & Breezy: http://members.home.nl/jeroen-91/ubuntu/breezy-new/ | 07:38 |
=== mitsuhiko is now known as mitsuhiko|afk | ||
no0tic | lsuactiafner: it doesn't change | 07:38 |
lsuactiafner | no0tic : use mplayer or gmplayer | 07:38 |
lsuactiafner | but what cpu are you using? | 07:39 |
dwerf | znh, well, my ubuntu doesn't boot, and windows doesn't want to install | 07:39 |
lsuactiafner | 64bit doesnt play wmv files.. | 07:39 |
dwerf | znh and somehow i lost 20Gb diskspace | 07:39 |
no0tic | lsuactiafner: no, 32bit | 07:39 |
=== Bad_Magic [n=justin@c-24-11-174-99.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bad_Magic | so... ssh is fun | 07:39 |
Bad_Magic | =P | 07:39 |
no0tic | lsuactiafner: I was only telling that totem can't play video files, I know mplayer does :) | 07:39 |
dwerf | i re-insterted the ubuntu install-disk, but ubuntu isn't visible there | 07:39 |
dwerf | znh or doens't seem to be | 07:40 |
lsuactiafner | why are about totem then? | 07:40 |
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no0tic | lsuactiafner: Totem is the default choice of ubuntu installation and I want to test it out | 07:40 |
=== Vaske_Car [n=opera@d36-72-47.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dwerf | znh i'd prefer to start totally from scratch now | 07:40 |
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Vaske_Car | What is the diference between 40 and 80 pin IDE cables? | 07:41 |
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dwerf | znh? | 07:42 |
frank23 | Vaske_Car: not sure but the 40 pin cables are more "bumpy" and probably only work with very old drives | 07:42 |
LasseL | Vaske_Car, i think 40 pin is what we had about 10 years ago | 07:42 |
nubbe | anything I need to know before trying wine? | 07:42 |
=== Daemonic [n=R00T@0-1pool94-66.nas24.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | dwerf: your system is not working at all? | 07:43 |
Daemonic | why on earth would I not be able to apt-get install xmms? | 07:43 |
=== Hoxzer^ [n=niko@a80-186-132-239.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | Daemonic: because you haven't setup network repositories | 07:43 |
Hoxzer^ | :E | 07:43 |
dwerf | HappyFool, it is, but i got lost a bit partitioning | 07:43 |
Hoxzer^ | my ....... gnome desktop totaly frozed when I put in my DVD :E | 07:43 |
HappyFool | dwerf: ok, what do you want to do? | 07:43 |
Vaske_Car | A salesman in PC store told me that there is no diference if you use any of them with hard drive | 07:43 |
Daemonic | HappyFool: The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 07:43 |
Daemonic | xmms-skins: Depends: xmms (>= 1.2.1) but it is not installable | 07:43 |
Hoxzer^ | have to use irssi | 07:43 |
dwerf | HappyFool > i'd like to create a dual boot with xp | 07:44 |
HappyFool | Daemonic: please read the repositories howto on the wiki carefully | 07:44 |
Hoxzer^ | so... | 07:44 |
=== popey [n=popey@dsl-80-46-101-238.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | !tell Daemonic about repos | 07:44 |
Vaske_Car | Is there any link online that explane why to use 80pins? | 07:44 |
=== housetier [n=housetie@dsl-084-056-190-035.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jhair | Daemonic, I would recommend beep-media-player instead of xmms | 07:44 |
Hoxzer^ | can I somehow logout from gnome with some command or something? | 07:44 |
no0tic | !tell me about Tetem | 07:44 |
no0tic | !tell me about Totem | 07:44 |
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dabaR | ubotu: msg the bot | 07:44 |
HappyFool | dwerf: ok, and you have a windows install cd? | 07:44 |
dwerf | HappyFool > i do | 07:45 |
=== scenestar [i=scenesta@c3eea3817.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dwerf | HappyFool > and an ubuntu one | 07:45 |
scenestar | goodevening | 07:45 |
Hoxzer^ | can I logout from gnome with some commadn? | 07:45 |
Hoxzer^ | *command :E | 07:45 |
dabaR | Daemonic: I would recommend you learn how to use backports, or not use them at all. | 07:45 |
Hoxzer^ | damnit | 07:45 |
dwerf | HappyFool > but the windows partition options are extremely limited | 07:45 |
Hoxzer^ | :E | 07:45 |
HappyFool | dwerf: how so? | 07:45 |
dabaR | Hoxzer^: atrl+alt+backspace restarts x. | 07:45 |
__Phenotype__ | can i get the tv to work on a rage 128 pro (AIW) | 07:46 |
=== ^DodGeR^ [n=DodGeR@c5-29-2.vic.dial.mweb.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
__Phenotype__ | ? | 07:46 |
=== keikoz [n=keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hoxzer | :D right when you said that it started work | 07:46 |
scenestar | can i ask someone for help? | 07:46 |
__Phenotype__ | just ask scenestar | 07:46 |
dwerf | HappyFool > i can just create, delete or install, not divide or use a particular way of formatting | 07:46 |
dwerf | HappyFool > i am now in the ubuntu partition menu | 07:47 |
HappyFool | dwerf: i imagine the windows install disk will format partitions as it needs to | 07:47 |
=== herzi [n=herzi@c182005.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scenestar | at school im taking courses in appliction design and systems administartions | 07:47 |
dwerf | HappyFool > for windows... | 07:47 |
scenestar | we use several machines | 07:47 |
scenestar | which all have different hardware | 07:47 |
dabaR | keep it in one line. | 07:47 |
HappyFool | dwerf: indeed. what do you want to achieve? | 07:47 |
scenestar | as a solution they gave every student their own hd | 07:47 |
scenestar | with 3 partitions | 07:47 |
scenestar | to match teh hardware | 07:47 |
=== Skaja [i=skaja@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
__Phenotype__ | and........ | 07:48 |
scenestar | well, can i use the same ubuntu partition for every single machine? | 07:48 |
Skaja | can some one help with a unpacking error | 07:48 |
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LasseL | scenestar, good question :) | 07:49 |
Skaja | !tell skaja about dpkg | 07:49 |
__Phenotype__ | you mean you're going to physically remove the boot hdd from one computer, and move it into another? | 07:49 |
dwerf | HappyFool > i have now: 1 IDE 61.5 GB, #5 logical of 15 Gb and #6 of 46.5 Gb and pri/log of 8.2Mb | 07:49 |
LasseL | scenestar, I think knoppix can do that -- it was designed to do just that | 07:49 |
scenestar | yes | 07:49 |
=== Zoohouse [n=Joel@adsl-149-74-209.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
__Phenotype__ | that is a good question | 07:49 |
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scenestar | hmm | 07:49 |
scenestar | no live cd please | 07:49 |
=== goff [n=goff@dynamic-129-120-243-18.dynamic.unt.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scenestar | its so much slower | 07:50 |
LasseL | scenestar, you can install knoppix to a hd | 07:50 |
Skaja | i try to dpkg lt modems and i keep getting a dpkg error | 07:50 |
dwerf | HappyFool > the partition that linux is on now, somehow mysteriously became invisible | 07:50 |
scenestar | i was thinkign about that | 07:50 |
Hoxzer | how do I mount cd/dvd driver? | 07:50 |
HappyFool | dwerf: invisible to which application? windows installer? | 07:50 |
goff | I need help installing the driver for my Intel Extreme Graphics chip on my laptop. | 07:50 |
dwerf | HappyFool > the ubuntu installer | 07:50 |
Jhair | scenestar, if you want to install linux on several machines maybe FAI is for you (http://www.informatik.uni-koeln.de/fai/) | 07:50 |
HappyFool | dwerf: hmm | 07:50 |
dwerf | HappyFool > or so it seems | 07:50 |
tear | !chroot | 07:51 |
ubotu | chroot is, like, at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24575 | 07:51 |
Jhair | I didn't understand fully your question though | 07:51 |
__Phenotype__ | scenestar... i think you can, but ive never done it, there is only one way to find out | 07:51 |
dwerf | HappyFool > i just don't know what basic steps to take now | 07:51 |
Skaja | i'm not pming about | 07:51 |
scenestar | yup, try it out | 07:51 |
Skaja | a bot | 07:51 |
HappyFool | dwerf: but ubuntu boots from the hard drive? | 07:51 |
dabaR | he wants to have ubuntu installed on one HD, and then take this hd from machine to machi9ne, and boot the machines from it. | 07:51 |
=== tmtracy [n=sarin@68-89-210-73.ded.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Quinthius | scenestar: i suspect there will be problems | 07:51 |
dwerf | HappyFool > it did, but after i f***ed it up, it doesn't anymore | 07:52 |
scenestar | its an interesting problem isnt it | 07:52 |
Jhair | only boot them? | 07:52 |
Jhair | or install linux on them | 07:52 |
scenestar | well use them for school work | 07:52 |
scenestar | instead of winblows | 07:52 |
__Phenotype__ | as long as the computers are the same archetecture (x64 compared to i386) i think it will work | 07:52 |
dabaR | scenestar: anything is interesting to someone. | 07:52 |
HappyFool | dwerf: is it possible you erased the ubuntu partition? | 07:52 |
dwerf | HappyFool > it very well is ;-) | 07:52 |
tmtracy | ok ok! who wants to be the ubuntu usb guru?! =) | 07:52 |
scenestar | well, its only minor differences in hardware | 07:52 |
scenestar | but theyre all 386intel | 07:52 |
goff | can anyone help me with the intel graphics? | 07:53 |
dabaR | tmtracy: I do. | 07:53 |
HappyFool | dwerf: hmm. and wiping the drive and reinstalling is not an option? | 07:53 |
__Phenotype__ | well, that is the most important part, the rest are oly peripherals | 07:53 |
tmtracy | yay | 07:53 |
tmtracy | =) | 07:53 |
Skaja | i even did the sudo dpkg --install ltmodem.deb | 07:53 |
znh | dwerf, you there? | 07:53 |
dwerf | HappyFool ... it doens't seem to be - what are the logical steps? | 07:53 |
Quinthius | scenestar: what kind of minor differences? | 07:53 |
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HappyFool | dwerf: i mean, you are prepared to lose everything on the drive? | 07:53 |
=== LeeColleton [n=lc@dsl231-061-247.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
__Phenotype__ | it can adapt to diffrent scsi devices, but the core is important | 07:53 |
dwerf | HappyFool ... yes | 07:53 |
=== Decadent [n=variemai@ppp45-adsl-249.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scenestar | in ram, , video, sound drivers | 07:53 |
znh | dwerf, If you want to start from scratch you can run fdisk and delete all partitions | 07:53 |
HappyFool | dwerf: ok. do you have the live cd? | 07:54 |
tmtracy | dabaR > I'm having problems with "hotplug" if any usb devices are pluged in | 07:54 |
dwerf | HappyFool ... no, the install cd | 07:54 |
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dabaR | tmtracy: well, too bad. | 07:54 |
tmtracy | dabaR > when it's hanging, if I unplug them, it boots, but renders that port useless | 07:54 |
HappyFool | dwerf: hmm. and nothing like knoppix etc ? | 07:54 |
Quinthius | scenestar: some config files are written when you install, like xorg.conf, fstab, etc. that won't automatically get updated when you switch hardware around | 07:54 |
dabaR | tmtracy: sorry to hear that. | 07:54 |
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dwerf | HappyFool ... i have suse live | 07:55 |
Skaja | i could a my modem but i cant find 30setseral in ubuntu | 07:55 |
Hoxzer | how I can enable DVD suppport? | 07:55 |
Quinthius | scenestar: so you may have to rewrite various config files for each machine. and also there's the issue of drive positioning/numbering | 07:55 |
__Phenotype__ | hoxzer, are you in the u.s. | 07:55 |
HappyFool | dwerf: ok, i think what you want to do is boot with that live cd, and run 'fdisk -l /dev/hda' to see what partitions exist on the drive | 07:55 |
dwerf | HappyFool ... so you say i should run a bootable linux os and use fdisk from there? | 07:55 |
Hoxzer | __Phenotype__: no :) | 07:55 |
scenestar | hmmmm | 07:56 |
__Phenotype__ | good answer | 07:56 |
HappyFool | dwerf: indeed. if the installer doesn't 'see' your partition, i suspect it is gone | 07:56 |
dwerf | HappyFool ... but would fdisk see more than the ubuntu install partitioner? | 07:56 |
Hoxzer | ;D knew it | 07:56 |
scenestar | anyways, if i manage to pull this off properly | 07:56 |
=== Decadent aloha mates | ||
Skaja | !tell skaja about setseral | 07:56 |
scenestar | ill be able to impress my teachers | 07:56 |
HappyFool | dwerf: i doubt it, but it may be easier to use | 07:56 |
Zoohouse | dabaR: do you know how to fix the problem | 07:56 |
Zoohouse | ? | 07:56 |
HappyFool | dwerf: or rather, it may be a more appropriate tool | 07:56 |
__Phenotype__ | do you have xmms installed hoxzer | 07:56 |
scenestar | but isnt it possible to have certain arguments at startup | 07:56 |
Hoxzer | no | 07:56 |
dwerf | HappyFool ... so you do not have an answer to solve the mystery? | 07:57 |
__Phenotype__ | get it...... sudo apt -get xmms i think | 07:57 |
dwerf | HappyFool ... thanx, i'll try | 07:57 |
dabaR | Zoohouse: what problem? | 07:57 |
HappyFool | dwerf: what i recommend is erasing all partitions with fdisk, install windows and then ubuntu | 07:57 |
dwerf | HappyFool ... ok, i'll do that | 07:57 |
Zoohouse | dabaR: The problem tmtracy is having. The hotplugging isue... | 07:57 |
dabaR | Zoohouse: no, not at all. Why? | 07:57 |
Skaja | the bot is not helping | 07:58 |
dabaR | msg him in private, and ask him about !ask, skaja | 07:58 |
dwerf | HappyFool ... i can run a shell from the ubuntu install manu | 07:58 |
__Phenotype__ | hoxzer, or get xmms from the synaptic package manager | 07:58 |
Hoxzer | ....thx for telling it to mee | 07:58 |
Hoxzer | now | 07:58 |
sorush20 | how do I get rid of grub error 17 | 07:58 |
HappyFool | dwerf: you can | 07:59 |
dwerf | HappyFool ... would that be any help? | 07:59 |
Hoxzer | I already installed it | 07:59 |
tmtracy | Okay, so I'm on a laptop and when I'm booting, if any usb is plugged in, it hangs on hotplug subsystem until I remove it. once I remove it, it renders that port useless untill i reboot. once I'm booted up, the usb seems to work fine... | 07:59 |
HappyFool | dwerf: choose expert mode | 07:59 |
tmtracy | any ideas? | 07:59 |
Skaja | hello the bot is not going to help the stupid thing told me i was somking crack | 07:59 |
dwerf | not found | 07:59 |
HappyFool | dwerf: to get a usable shell, you need to execute the first two or three steps in the 'expert' menu | 07:59 |
HappyFool | dwerf: 'not found' ? | 07:59 |
__Phenotype__ | now you have to install the dvd playback thing.... i havent done it, but it should link you, i think | 07:59 |
=== JosephB_ [n=ck@S0106000d88b53081.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cyber-shot | hi | 07:59 |
__Phenotype__ | but you cant be in the u.s. cos that makes you illegal | 07:59 |
dabaR | Skaja: ok, so? that cant be the reason you came to #ubuntu for...to tell us the bot sucks, now, state yuour issue with as much information, concisely, in one statement, and we will help you if we can. | 08:00 |
Cyber-shot | hello all | 08:00 |
scenestar | hey hey | 08:00 |
dwerf | i chose "execute shell", there are no more options | 08:00 |
dabaR | !hi Cyber-shot | 08:00 |
ubotu | dabaR: Are you smoking crack? | 08:00 |
Cyber-shot | how to create zipfile in ubuntu | 08:00 |
__Phenotype__ | say no to crack | 08:00 |
scenestar | no, im cracking software | 08:00 |
HappyFool | dwerf: you booted the ubuntu install CD and chose expert mode, correct? | 08:00 |
JosephB_ | Is the testing version of Ubuntu safe for installation, or should I stick with hoary? | 08:00 |
dabaR | stick with hoary. | 08:00 |
HappyFool | Cyber-shot: try Applications -> Accessories -> Archive Manager | 08:01 |
dabaR | Cyber-shot: well...are you using gnome? | 08:01 |
Vaske_Car | what would be new in upcomming release of Ubuntu? | 08:01 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tritium] by ChanServ | ||
dwerf | HappyFool - sorry, i misunderstood | 08:01 |
=== joe_alf [n=Joey@pcd254080.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
seife | man | 08:01 |
dwerf | rebooting this moment | 08:01 |
DoubleV | Hi guys, I just installed Ubuntu 2 hours ago and I'm already having issues... I can't configure the network even after i read the manual. I have a router (D-Link). | 08:01 |
seife | if i could set network and sound ubuntu, i had changed like a year ago. | 08:01 |
HappyFool | dwerf: expert mode is a bit tricky | 08:01 |
Hoxzer | __Phenotype__: if you dont get caught for it then it doesn't matter, anyway what should link what? | 08:01 |
Skaja | here is my error http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 08:01 |
scenestar | DoubleV: what network card are you using? | 08:02 |
__Phenotype__ | hang on | 08:02 |
HappyFool | !tell Vaske_Car about breezy | 08:02 |
Skaja | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1861 | 08:02 |
DoubleV | its a NIC card in my mother board | 08:02 |
scenestar | is it a laptop? | 08:02 |
DoubleV | nope | 08:02 |
DoubleV | its a gigabyte mobo | 08:02 |
Seveas | *yawn* hoary is getting boring - I haven't had an error since april... | 08:02 |
dwerf | HappyFool - i started the expert mode | 08:02 |
scenestar | what chipset? | 08:02 |
dwerf | HappyFool - and now? | 08:03 |
HappyFool | dwerf: ok, i've forgotten the exact sequence, but you need to run the first two or three menu options | 08:03 |
DoubleV | err, let me see that i always forget | 08:03 |
Cyber-shot | hello all | 08:03 |
HappyFool | dwerf: and then run the shell (it's the bottom option of the menu) | 08:03 |
h17m4n | what's the command for the cubed glxgears? | 08:03 |
Cyber-shot | how to creat exe to zip file in ubuntu? | 08:03 |
__Phenotype__ | hoxzer, this may help, i have to go but ill help later if you're on | 08:03 |
__Phenotype__ | http://thegraveyard.org/xmmplayer.php | 08:03 |
HappyFool | dwerf: after it loads a few packages you'll be done | 08:03 |
seife | if i could set network and sound ubuntu, i had changed like a year ago. | 08:03 |
HappyFool | Cyber-shot: did you look at the Archive Manager? | 08:03 |
dabaR | Cyber-shot: no such thing, that is a windows concept .exe is. | 08:03 |
JosephB_ | it depends, some nics are onboard versions, some nics are in PCI slots, you'll have to open the case to check, or look at your motherboard manual | 08:03 |
h17m4n | !tell h17m4n about breezy | 08:03 |
Cyber-shot | HappyFool, i did with Archive Manager | 08:03 |
Cyber-shot | but | 08:03 |
dwerf | HappyFool - do you mean 'choose language' and 'select keyboard layout'? | 08:04 |
Cyber-shot | it can' creat exe file | 08:04 |
HappyFool | dwerf: yeah, you need to do those | 08:04 |
dwerf | ok | 08:04 |
Cyber-shot | i want to creat exe to zip file | 08:04 |
dabaR | DoubleV: well, are you wireless? | 08:04 |
HappyFool | dwerf: once you 'load packages' I think you can run the shell | 08:04 |
Skaja | so can some help me with my error | 08:04 |
dwerf | HappyFool - choose locale??? | 08:04 |
HappyFool | dwerf: yeah | 08:04 |
dwerf | en_US.UTF-8? | 08:04 |
HappyFool | dwerf: lots of unnecessary stuff -- remember, this is an install disk | 08:05 |
DoubleV | scenestar: I'm using that mobo: http://www.giga-byte.com/Motherboard/Products/Products_GA-7VRX%20(Rev%202.x).htm | 08:05 |
HappyFool | dwerf: just accept the defaults | 08:05 |
dwerf | ok | 08:05 |
Vaske_Car | HappyFool: would we be able to upgrade Breeze over existing version without loosing data? | 08:05 |
Seveas | ubotu, gftp with ssl is available on http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl | 08:05 |
ubotu | Seveas: okay | 08:05 |
=== fortnox [n=fortnox@nngy-165-171-36.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | DoubleV: so you are connected using ethernet? | 08:05 |
dwerf | HappyFool - done | 08:05 |
Hoxzer | is there any filesystem that can be read by both linux and windows? | 08:05 |
HappyFool | Vaske_Car: that's the plan; you can do something called a 'dist-upgrade' | 08:05 |
dwerf | HappyFool - execute the shell? | 08:05 |
scenestar | hoxzer nope | 08:05 |
HappyFool | dwerf: not yet | 08:05 |
HappyFool | dwerf: you should be back at the menu? | 08:05 |
DoubleV | dabaR: Yeah | 08:06 |
dwerf | HappyFool - yes | 08:06 |
HappyFool | dwerf: what's the second menu option? | 08:06 |
dabaR | Hoxzer: well...read, you can read ntfs in windows, and in linux. | 08:06 |
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dwerf | 'select a keyboard layout' | 08:06 |
Hoxzer | dabar: oops | 08:06 |
fortnox | Anyone had any luck with Nforce4? | 08:06 |
dabaR | Hoxzer: vfat can be read and written to in linux and windows. | 08:06 |
Hoxzer | I meant write | 08:06 |
HappyFool | dwerf: you've done that one, right? | 08:06 |
dwerf | HappyFool - yes | 08:06 |
znh | hmm I have troubles installing VLC: vlc: Depends: liba52-0.7.4 but it is not installable | 08:06 |
znh | Depends: libid3tag0 (>= 0.15.0b) but it is not installable | 08:06 |
znh | Depends: libmad0 (>= 0.15.1b) but it is not installable | 08:06 |
znh | Depends: libmodplug0 (>= 1:0.7-1) but it is not installable | 08:06 |
znh | Depends: libmpeg2-4 but it is not installable | 08:06 |
znh | E: Broken packages | 08:06 |
HappyFool | dwerf: ok, the third one? | 08:06 |
dabaR | Hoxzer: also, ext3 can be read and written to in windows, and linux, it seems. | 08:06 |
Hoxzer | dabar: ok.... | 08:06 |
adjacent | Hoxzer: fat32 | 08:06 |
HappyFool | znh: c'mon dude, no pasting | 08:06 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %znh!*@*] by Seveas | ||
dwerf | 'Detect and mount CD-ROM | 08:06 |
HappyFool | dwerf: ah-ha | 08:06 |
Hoxzer | adjacent: :D | 08:06 |
dabaR | znh: learn how to use backports. | 08:06 |
HappyFool | dwerf: you need that one. what's the one after that? | 08:07 |
dabaR | znh: or dont use them | 08:07 |
dwerf | HappyFool - 'load installer components form CD' | 08:07 |
Hoxzer | wich is better or faster ext3 or vfat ? | 08:07 |
dwerf | from | 08:07 |
Seveas | Hoxzer, ext3 | 08:07 |
adjacent | Hoxzer: really... before i deleted windows entirely all my music was on a fat32 partition so i could work with it in either system | 08:07 |
HappyFool | dwerf: ok, you need that one too. after you've run those two, try the shell | 08:07 |
HappyFool | dwerf: i'm pretty sure it has fdisk | 08:07 |
Seveas | Hoxzer, if you don't need interoperability with windows, don't use vfat | 08:07 |
Hoxzer | Seveas: ok, can I somehow change the filesystem of whole HDD without removing files? | 08:07 |
adjacent | now its all ext3 goodness | 08:07 |
Seveas | Hoxzer, not, unfortunately | 08:08 |
Vaske_Car | Why not "Mega" instead of "Breeze" ??? :) | 08:08 |
Quinthius | Hoxzer: i don't think windows can natively read ext3, but there is a program available that will read your ext3 partitions. i dont know how well it works for transferring files | 08:08 |
Hoxzer | :D ... that sucks | 08:08 |
HappyFool | Vaske_Car: whimsy | 08:08 |
dabaR | its still breezy. | 08:08 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@metis.openhost.nl] by Seveas | ||
Hoxzer | quinthius: ok ...., can it read ext3 | 08:08 |
Hoxzer | ? | 08:08 |
dwerf | HappyFool - Failed to copy file from CDROM. Retry? - the disk is in there for sure | 08:08 |
Seveas | (annoyance in private chat) | 08:08 |
h17m4n | hoary doesn't have a graphical boot manager? | 08:08 |
HappyFool | dwerf: hmm | 08:08 |
dabaR | Ubuntu is just very new, its just starting to do the things it has in plan, like the launchpad integration, and what not. | 08:08 |
HappyFool | dwerf: you need to mount the cd first | 08:08 |
Hoxzer | I wonder why dont I just check it :D I have ext3 and windows XP installed | 08:09 |
HappyFool | dwerf: the stuff in the menu needs to be run in order, more or less | 08:09 |
dabaR | Seveas: ya, he was a little annoying, and all... | 08:09 |
Hoxzer | but it will require boot ;/ | 08:09 |
HappyFool | dwerf: i take it you are on an alternative, working system? | 08:09 |
dabaR | I told ubotu to tell him about msg | 08:09 |
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dwerf | HappyFool - thank you so very much; i'm fed up with this. i think i'm going to sleep before trying again. | 08:10 |
Quinthius | Hoxzer: the program i used very briefly could read ext3, but i didn't try writing to ext3 | 08:10 |
dabaR | Seveas: he is your countryman. | 08:10 |
HappyFool | dwerf: if you can burn a CD and are prepared to download 50MB, you can try 'damn small linux' instead of mucking about with the install CD | 08:10 |
dabaR | dwerf: good idea. | 08:10 |
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Quinthius | Hoxzer: if you want a drive or partition to act as storage to be used by both OS's, i would suggest making it fat32 | 08:10 |
B|ueMat | is there no xstatrup in .vnc in homedir to config sessions? When I VNC into my box I geta blank screen, dont I have to fire off gnome or something? | 08:10 |
dwerf | HappyFool - thank you so much | 08:10 |
HappyFool | dwerf: good luck | 08:10 |
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Hoxzer | quinthius: is fat32 slow? | 08:11 |
dwerf | HappyFool - i will succeed; just not after spending this much time on it | 08:11 |
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dwerf | HappyFool - cheers | 08:11 |
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JosephB_ | is there a gui tool to manage running daemons? | 08:11 |
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B|ueMat | JosephB_, BUM | 08:11 |
B|ueMat | :-) | 08:11 |
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B|ueMat | !bum | 08:11 |
ubotu | I guess bum is a graphical BootUp Manager; see http://www.marzocca.net/linux/bum.html | 08:11 |
Quinthius | Hoxzer: you tell me... haven't you used it in windows? :P | 08:11 |
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JosephB_ | bum ;) cool. I like the sound of it. | 08:11 |
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dabaR | haha. | 08:12 |
Hoxzer | Quithius: I dont remeber :E | 08:12 |
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Hoxzer | only ntsf | 08:12 |
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B|ueMat | is there no xstatrup in .vnc in homedir to config sessions? When I VNC into my box I geta blank screen, dont I have to fire off gnome or something? | 08:12 |
Quinthius | Hoxzer: well if you're used windows before 2000/XP, chances are you've used fat32. but anyway, i'm sure it is less efficient than ext3, and less secure (no journalling), but it's really the only decent option i know of | 08:13 |
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elvirolo_ | hi again | 08:13 |
fizzle | ubotu: tell fizzle what is qt | 08:13 |
HappyFool | B|ueMat: i don't know; have you read these links? | 08:13 |
HappyFool | !vnc | 08:13 |
ubotu | hmm... vnc is http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-36715.html http://www.tightvnc.com/docs.html | 08:13 |
ubuntulnx | ive got a little bit of an apt problem i think needs solving before upgrade to breezy | 08:13 |
elvirolo_ | i'm back with my resolution problem .... | 08:13 |
fizzle | ubotu: tell fizzle what qt is | 08:14 |
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elvirolo_ | !freenx | 08:14 |
ubotu | elvirolo_: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 08:14 |
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ngmlinux_ | why won't ubuntu take my root pw?????? | 08:14 |
Seveas | elvirolo_, -> http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl | 08:14 |
HappyFool | !tell ngmlinux_ about root | 08:14 |
Quinthius | Hoxzer: what are you going to be using this for? just a shared partitiong/drive between the two OS's? or for what to install linux on? | 08:14 |
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Seveas | ngmlinux_, you don't need one | 08:14 |
elvirolo_ | !tell ngmlinux_ about root | 08:14 |
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Vaske_Car | HappyFool: im confused why on this screen ask for ROOT pasword if there is no root user in Ubunut??? Link: http://members.home.nl/jeroen-91/ubuntu/breezy-new/3rdparty.png | 08:14 |
Hoxzer | Quinthius: just for storage no OS installed in it | 08:14 |
fizzle | how do i install the qt headers | 08:14 |
superiour | !ops | 08:14 |
ubotu | ops is, like, Help! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmich, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, and Nalioth | 08:14 |
ngmlinux_ | what? | 08:14 |
ngmlinux_ | to do what i'm doing you need to be root | 08:14 |
B|ueMat | elvirolo_, Whats your problem, Im after getting over mine todya | 08:14 |
HappyFool | Vaske_Car: maybe he enabled root | 08:15 |
ngmlinux_ | and when i su root | 08:15 |
ngmlinux_ | it won't let me log in as root | 08:15 |
HappyFool | Vaske_Car: i'm not familiar with whatever that is | 08:15 |
Vaske_Car | thats the screen of "Breeze" | 08:15 |
ngmlinux_ | i'm soo confused | 08:15 |
ngmlinux_ | yes | 08:15 |
Quinthius | Hoxzer: ok... yeah i would go with fat32 (vfat) unless someone can suggest another that can be reliably read and written from windows.. | 08:15 |
ngmlinux_ | i have breezy | 08:15 |
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Seveas | (ban avoiding) | 08:15 |
ngmlinux_ | somebody please explain whats going on/ | 08:15 |
elvirolo_ | two secq | 08:16 |
elvirolo_ | secs* | 08:16 |
Hoxzer | quinthius: ok.... | 08:16 |
Dreamglider | how do i change my keyboard layout and language ? | 08:16 |
Hoxzer | :D I will lose like most of my porn | 08:16 |
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Quinthius | Hoxzer: good, it's garbage anyway :P | 08:16 |
dabaR | ngmlinux_: there is no root password in ubuntu. | 08:16 |
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Fsi-Dib | Is there someone who has tried to install ubuntu on Compaq Armada M300? X fails on me with it, and being a newbie means I can't figure it out on my own. | 08:16 |
fizzle | anyone know how to install the qt headers | 08:16 |
DJWillis | ngmlinux_: Have you setup a root PW or is it still the random seed? There is nothing you can't do with some SUDO work that you can do with Root. | 08:16 |
fizzle | ubotu: tell fizzle what qt headers is | 08:16 |
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HappyFool | ngmlinux_: did you read the wiki page? | 08:16 |
dabaR | ngmlinux_: read the wiki page, dont annoy us with repeating the same thing for everyone. wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 08:16 |
ngmlinux_ | so how do i switch to root? | 08:16 |
fizzle | ubotu: tell fizzle what qt header | 08:16 |
fizzle | ubotu: tell fizzle what qt header is | 08:17 |
HappyFool | fizzle: i missed your question earlier; what do you want to do? | 08:17 |
HappyFool | fizzle: you can /query ubotu if you want | 08:17 |
fizzle | HappyFool, im trying to instal the qt headers to install a p2p program | 08:17 |
DJWillis | ngmlinux_: By default there IS NO ROOT to all intents and purposes. | 08:17 |
HappyFool | fizzle: standby | 08:17 |
elvirolo_ | here's my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1992 | 08:17 |
fizzle | yes sir :) | 08:17 |
jsubl2 | ngmlinux_, sudo -s then enter your password | 08:17 |
DJWillis | You can enable root access if you must. | 08:17 |
dabaR | willis, you a dj now, not a doctor any more? | 08:17 |
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elvirolo_ | but X starts uo by default using a 1024x768 resolution | 08:17 |
fizzle | HappyFool, hmm i wonder if qtella is in the repositories | 08:18 |
aarkerio | is Gnome 2.12 in Ubuntu freeze ?? | 08:18 |
Seveas | !info qtella | 08:18 |
Vaske_Car | so what is the diference between SUDO and ROOT?? Is it just name or? | 08:18 |
Seveas | aarkerio, Breezy will have gnome 2.12 | 08:18 |
DJWillis | dabaR: Diff person ;-), had this nic on Freenode for years ;-) | 08:18 |
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dabaR | ok. | 08:18 |
Seveas | <ubotu> Package 'qtella' does not exist. | 08:18 |
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ngmlinux_ | i get it use sudo -s instead of su | 08:18 |
HappyFool | fizzle: try installing the libqt3-mt-dev | 08:18 |
protok0l | when is Breezy out? | 08:18 |
Seveas | ngmlinux_, sudo -i | 08:18 |
ngmlinux_ | that's stupid | 08:18 |
elvirolo_ | so ideas anyone? | 08:18 |
ngmlinux_ | but whatever | 08:18 |
Seveas | protok0l, Oct. 13 | 08:18 |
HappyFool | fizzle: err, the libqt3-mt-dev package, i meant | 08:18 |
ngmlinux_ | i have breezy | 08:18 |
ngmlinux_ | breezy for AMD64 | 08:18 |
Seveas | ngmlinux_, you have 'Breezy development branch' | 08:19 |
Seveas | Breezy final is released on Oct. 13 | 08:19 |
ngmlinux_ | i do? | 08:19 |
HappyFool | aka Broken Badger release | 08:19 |
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Seveas | HappyFool, rofl :) | 08:19 |
fizzle | its alredy installed | 08:19 |
fizzle | :( | 08:19 |
DJWillis | ngmlinux_: not stupid when you get used to it, trust me I spent a long time thinking WTF is that all about ;-) | 08:19 |
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ngmlinux_ | okay DJ, I'll take your word for it | 08:19 |
HappyFool | fizzle: hmm. what error do you get when compiling? (don't paste here, use the paste-bin) | 08:19 |
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aarkerio | Seveas, and what about breezy? is stable enough? | 08:19 |
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ngmlinux_ | i just hate OS's that make simple tasks take longer than they should | 08:20 |
protok0l | does anyone know how to fix the very broken firefox that is in apt right now? | 08:20 |
Seveas | aarkerio, it still has issues | 08:20 |
ubuntulnx | i seem to have to packages for python.. now apt refuses to update them keeping one back.. what should be done? | 08:20 |
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ngmlinux_ | but this may just be i'm not used to ubuntu yet | 08:20 |
ngmlinux_ | i'm used to linux | 08:20 |
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Seveas | ngmlinux_, then don't use development versions... | 08:20 |
fizzle | HappyFool, Qt headers not found! If you have installed Qt in an unusual place, please use the "--with-qt-includes=" option | 08:20 |
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ngmlinux_ | i didn't know it's a development version | 08:20 |
HappyFool | fizzle: hmm | 08:20 |
HappyFool | fizzle: is it an older app? | 08:20 |
DJWillis | ngmlinux_: Yep, try Horty to get used to Ubuntu, Breezy is still in active dev. | 08:20 |
Dreamglider | can anyone tell me why my native kayboard layout wont work, it does not work in Fedora Core4 nor Ubuntu ! | 08:20 |
ngmlinux_ | i just told 5.04 to update itself | 08:21 |
fizzle | HappyFool, nope its updated regularly | 08:21 |
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Quinthius | Dreamglider: have you tried system -> preferences -> keyboard and chane layout? | 08:21 |
fizzle | qtella is like limewire but faster, smoother etc | 08:21 |
HappyFool | fizzle: there's something called 'libqt3-compat-headers' you can maybe try too, but it's for older qt3 apps | 08:21 |
DJWillis | ngmlinux_: hmmm, so you put the breezy sources in your apt sources.list? | 08:21 |
Dreamglider | Quinthius, yes | 08:21 |
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elvirolo_ | please can anyone help me with my resolution issue ? | 08:21 |
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fizzle | already installed | 08:22 |
temp_name | Hmm.. were can I complain administrators about they behaviour | 08:22 |
fizzle | i dunno :( limewire is so gay though. | 08:22 |
ngmlinux_ | apt-get install eclipse-platform | 08:22 |
Hoxzer | hmmm... I was just wondering if I could first remove some waste stuff form HDD and then resize the Htsf partion like -> 50% of whole partion and then make fat32 partion and move all stuff there and then remove ntsf partin and resize fat32 to 100% | 08:22 |
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Vaske_Car | How to change WORKGROUP name? | 08:22 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: you might have to change the keyboard drive X is using, by: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, or edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf manually if you know what to enter | 08:22 |
ngmlinux_ | is that the right command? | 08:22 |
ngmlinux_ | too many people talking in this room | 08:22 |
Seveas | Vaske_Car, set it in /etc/samba/smb.conf | 08:22 |
fizzle | HappyFool, brb | 08:22 |
Vaske_Car | ty | 08:22 |
ngmlinux_ | apt-get install eclipse-platform | 08:22 |
ngmlinux_ | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 08:22 |
ngmlinux_ | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 08:22 |
HiddenFly | on every program, a with 2 dots and o with 2 dots work like a charm. but whenever i make a ssh connection, they do not show up. on ssh host i get squares instead of them, and on putty i get gray blocks instead of those letters, how can i fix it? | 08:23 |
ngmlinux_ | apt-get install eclipse-platform | 08:23 |
ngmlinux_ | Reading package lists... Done | 08:23 |
ngmlinux_ | Building dependency tree... Done | 08:23 |
ngmlinux_ | E: Couldn't find package eclipse-platform | 08:23 |
Seveas | ngmlinux_, close synaptic or other package management software | 08:23 |
Dreamglider | Quinthius, i have no idea what to enter there, could you help me ? | 08:23 |
ngmlinux_ | i did Seveas | 08:23 |
Seveas | ngmlinux_, and don't paste! | 08:23 |
HappyFool | temp_name: look on www.freenode.net for info on that -- sorry, i'm not sure where to submit complaints | 08:23 |
temp_name | Seveas: you are making difference between people, you are going to lose your operator privleges for sure. | 08:23 |
B|ueMat | elvirolo_, Whats the issue? | 08:23 |
HappyFool | temp_name: what? | 08:23 |
Seveas | temp_name, stop avoiding bans | 08:23 |
temp_name | Seveas: I dont | 08:24 |
Seveas | and this is not the first time you cause problems | 08:24 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: well what locale is your keyboard? | 08:24 |
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temp_name | Seveas: I am avoiding being different from other | 08:24 |
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ngmlinux_ | http://pastebin.com/357260 | 08:24 |
elvirolo_ | B|ueMat: i have set X to start up in 1280x960 but it appears to use 1024x768 | 08:24 |
ngmlinux_ | there I'm not pasting | 08:24 |
protok0l | whats the difference between Remove and Remove COmpletly in synaptic | 08:24 |
HiddenFly | on every program, a with 2 dots and o with 2 dots work like a charm. but whenever i make a ssh connection, they do not show up. on ssh host i get squares instead of them, and on putty i get gray blocks instead of those letters, how can i fix it? | 08:24 |
DJWillis | ngmlinux_: APT's files get locked when in use, i.e. you ran an apt-get while running Synaptic I would guess, close one or the other ;-) | 08:24 |
Dreamglider | Quinthius, i dont know what locale is ! | 08:24 |
HappyFool | protok0l: the latter also removes some config files | 08:24 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: what language is your keyboard in? | 08:24 |
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Dreamglider | Faroese | 08:25 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: french, german, sweden, etc? | 08:25 |
ubuntulnx | hi DJWillis i seem to have to packages for python.. now apt refuses to update them keeping one back.. what should be done? | 08:25 |
HappyFool | HiddenFly: try to set the encoding to utf-8 (not sure how to do this in putty, or if it's possible) | 08:25 |
Dreamglider | Quinthius, it's Faroese | 08:25 |
HiddenFly | HappyFool: didnt help :( | 08:26 |
Hoxzer | so what software I could use for make new partions and resize them? | 08:26 |
elvirolo_ | dabaR: thanks, i'll have a look | 08:26 |
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HiddenFly | and it is possible | 08:26 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: i've never heard of that, but i'm looking to see where the different languages are... one sec | 08:26 |
ngmlinux_ | DJWillis, check PM | 08:26 |
HappyFool | HiddenFly: hmm. the only test i can run here is to ssh to localhost (both sides ubuntu). Let me try anyway... | 08:26 |
HiddenFly | k | 08:27 |
DJWillis | ngmlinux_: There is no eclipse-platform package, check http://packages.ubuntu.com/ and search for what you need. | 08:27 |
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HiddenFly | on windows machine those letter work, so the problem is on my end | 08:27 |
Dreamglider | Hoxzer, get Ultimate Boot CD aka UBCD it's good | 08:27 |
Hoxzer | ok | 08:27 |
fizzle | anyone wanna donate some sdram? :P | 08:27 |
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Dreamglider | but it's more than just a partitioning disk it's got loads of tools | 08:28 |
dabaR | I wanna donate an organ, to a nice lady... | 08:28 |
dabaR | haha | 08:28 |
HiddenFly | i know a place that sells simm rams :) | 08:28 |
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fizzle | -i need some more sdram | 08:28 |
fizzle | i only got 128mb :( | 08:28 |
HiddenFly | theres office 3.0 for windows too on the shelf :D | 08:28 |
elvirolo_ | well, my video card should be able to handle 24 bit depth | 08:29 |
HappyFool | HiddenFly: hrm. ok, it works, no surprise. what is the environment variable LANG set to ? | 08:29 |
elvirolo_ | and i've set my monitor's sync rates | 08:29 |
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HiddenFly | en_US.UTF-8 | 08:29 |
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HiddenFly | and keyboard layot is set to Finnish on keyboard settings | 08:29 |
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HappyFool | HiddenFly: you're running putty on ubuntu? | 08:30 |
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Dreamglider | Quinthius, Faroese is a option in Keyboard setttings you shold see it | 08:30 |
HiddenFly | yea | 08:30 |
ngmlinux_ | anyone familiar with ubuntu? | 08:30 |
HappyFool | HiddenFly: oh, let me try that. i associate putty with windows ;) | 08:30 |
HiddenFly | ngmlinux_: im running it atm | 08:30 |
ngmlinux_ | atm nice | 08:31 |
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HiddenFly | HappyFool: yea i understand that :) | 08:31 |
ngmlinux_ | oh at the moment | 08:31 |
ngmlinux_ | HiddenFly, how can I fix apt-get to work? | 08:31 |
HiddenFly | found it thru apt-get so installed it as im familiar with it | 08:31 |
ngmlinux_ | you never have to use root in ubuntu except when using apt-get | 08:32 |
ngmlinux_ | which is very common | 08:32 |
ngmlinux_ | rihgt? | 08:32 |
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HappyFool | HiddenFly: normal ssh worked fine with a non-ascii character for me | 08:32 |
HiddenFly | at first, go read the repositories how-tos from wiki.ubuntu.com | 08:32 |
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HappyFool | HiddenFly: busy downloading putty now | 08:32 |
ngmlinux_ | ssh apt-get how-tos install? | 08:32 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: in gnome, yeah, but i'm talking about what you need to put in xorg.conf ... do you know the layout abbreviation for faroese? | 08:32 |
HappyFool | !repos | 08:32 |
ubotu | [repos] at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 08:32 |
HiddenFly | i tried to use normal ssh but it gave me squares when using scandic letters | 08:32 |
anakadai | hi | 08:32 |
ngmlinux_ | nice this OS is great you have to read a book just to install apps | 08:32 |
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HappyFool | HiddenFly: when typing them or just displaying them? | 08:32 |
ngmlinux_ | that's wha tmakes it the best | 08:32 |
DJWillis | ngmlinux_: nope, you use SUDO when you would need ROOT access for whatever you want ROOT access for. | 08:32 |
ngmlinux_ | sudo -s | 08:33 |
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HiddenFly | displaying, ill check the typing | 08:33 |
ngmlinux_ | it would be too easy to allow su to work | 08:33 |
Dreamglider | Quinthius, i dont know :/ | 08:33 |
Sav^ | Mu mouse is acting "laggy", my touchpad works perfect but my USB-mouse is fucked. ideas? | 08:33 |
ngmlinux_ | so ubuntu decided to make people use non standard commands | 08:33 |
elvirolo_ | i can't find the KDE applet which allows me to choose my resolution | 08:33 |
anakadai | someone who can help me with ubuntu? im a new linux-user and need some little help - have just some simple questions :) | 08:33 |
ngmlinux_ | love it | 08:33 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: i'm trying to find the directory that contains all the definitions, not having much luck :/ | 08:33 |
HappyFool | HiddenFly: got unicode values for some test characters? | 08:33 |
HiddenFly | 08:33 | |
ngmlinux_ | i hope ubuntu uses luso instead of ls to list the contents of a directory | 08:33 |
ngmlinux_ | that would make it much superior | 08:34 |
HiddenFly | on ssh i get squares when typing | 08:34 |
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DJWillis | ngmlinux_: I really feel Ubuntu may not be the distro for you, read up on a bit of the driving ethos to understand where the heavy use of SUDO stems from. | 08:34 |
B|ueMat | Is there a built in firewall in Ubuntu? | 08:34 |
HiddenFly | they come up ok on the screen | 08:34 |
^DodGeR^ | just ask anakadai , someone will help | 08:34 |
HappyFool | HiddenFly: hmm. i got to display fine using normal ssh in a gnome-terminal | 08:34 |
HappyFool | HiddenFly: oh, so it is when typing? | 08:34 |
^DodGeR^ | B|ueMat, jsut egt firestarter ? | 08:34 |
HiddenFly | yea | 08:34 |
^DodGeR^ | just get even | 08:34 |
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HiddenFly | i remember now, i was testing if it works and saw those squares, wiped them out and thought it doesnt work | 08:35 |
Sav^ | Mu mouse is acting "laggy", my touchpad works perfect but my USB-mouse is fucked. ideas? | 08:35 |
HiddenFly | thats better than in putty, but it would be nicer if it fully worked | 08:35 |
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ngmlinux_ | hello? | 08:35 |
ngmlinux_ | anyone there? | 08:35 |
Juhaz | ngmlinux_, you're perfectly free to a) switch to another distro, or b) keep on whining and bitching, and make yourself look even more stupid than you already have (although that's hard) or c) give the fricking root account a password | 08:35 |
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HiddenFly | yea | 08:35 |
HappyFool | HiddenFly: hmm. i'm doing 'putty me@localhost' and i get a 'localhost does not exist error' | 08:36 |
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ngmlinux_ | okay root passwork | 08:36 |
HiddenFly | lol | 08:36 |
ngmlinux_ | i'll look that up | 08:36 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: i think i'm finding something... do you know what kind of keyboard it is? like 104 key, 105 key, etc? what brand and model? | 08:36 |
ngmlinux_ | screw the root acount, how do install eclipse? | 08:36 |
HappyFool | HiddenFly: oh, nm | 08:36 |
ngmlinux_ | if someone could just tell me how to install eclipse i'd be happy | 08:37 |
Seveas | ngmlinux_, wiki.ubuntu.com/Java | 08:37 |
dabaR | ngmlinux_: install java, then install the bin for linux from their web site. | 08:37 |
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HappyFool | HiddenFly: hmm. i can 'cat' a file containg fine in putty too | 08:37 |
Seveas | that has a link to install instructions | 08:37 |
Dr_Willis | the ubuntu wikis are very very well done. | 08:37 |
ngmlinux_ | okay | 08:37 |
HiddenFly | ? | 08:37 |
DJWillis | ngmlinux_: 'sudo passwd root' if you must. | 08:37 |
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HiddenFly | maybe i should read man cat :) | 08:37 |
ngmlinux_ | so apt-get doesn't handle dependencies for eclipse? | 08:37 |
HappyFool | HiddenFly: cat just outputs text | 08:37 |
HiddenFly | k | 08:38 |
HappyFool | HiddenFly: err, i mean, outputs the file to stdout | 08:38 |
ngmlinux_ | why should i have to download java manually if apt-get is supposed to handle dependencies? | 08:38 |
Dreamglider | it's a DELL RT7D20 | 08:38 |
dabaR | ngmlinux_: not atm, no. Visit the eclipse page on the wiki, and read about it. | 08:38 |
HiddenFly | says nothing to me :P | 08:38 |
HappyFool | HiddenFly: but this " dead key isn't working. hmm | 08:38 |
Dreamglider | Quinthius, it's a DELL RT7D20 | 08:38 |
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Seveas | ngmlinux_, because neither java nor eclipse are in the repositories for hoary | 08:38 |
HiddenFly | ahh ok now i see | 08:38 |
ngmlinux_ | it is | 08:38 |
ngmlinux_ | but it's shaded | 08:38 |
HiddenFly | i tested it myself :) | 08:38 |
ngmlinux_ | I was told apt-get was all i'd ever need | 08:38 |
ngmlinux_ | that's what makes it soo great | 08:38 |
Seveas | they are in the hoary-backports archive, but that's an unofficial repo | 08:39 |
dabaR | Seveas: eclipse too? | 08:39 |
ngmlinux_ | yes | 08:39 |
ngmlinux_ | eclipse is listed | 08:39 |
ngmlinux_ | but shaded | 08:39 |
ngmlinux_ | and it asks if you want to do the repositories so that it will work | 08:39 |
HappyFool | HiddenFly: so it's working? I'm a bit scared to switch my keyboard layout to norwegian ;) | 08:39 |
ngmlinux_ | i click yes | 08:39 |
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ngmlinux_ | it reloads them | 08:39 |
ngmlinux_ | then it doesn't work | 08:39 |
abarbaccia | hey - what is the official release date of breezy? | 08:39 |
ngmlinux_ | october 24th | 08:39 |
HappyFool | !tell abarbaccia about breezy | 08:39 |
B|ueMat | does guarddog run on ubuntu gnome? | 08:39 |
ngmlinux_ | but yo have to apt-get breezy | 08:40 |
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HiddenFly | well, on ssh they seem to work out good enough | 08:40 |
ngmlinux_ | and apt-get supports everythign | 08:40 |
ngmlinux_ | but not breezy | 08:40 |
HiddenFly | but still no change in putty | 08:40 |
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dabaR | ngmlinux_: I have eclipse installed here. We have posted instructions. Please go ahead abnd tell us once your eclipse is installed. | 08:40 |
HappyFool | HiddenFly: this is typing or displaying ? | 08:40 |
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HiddenFly | on ssh, doesnt work on typing, works displaying, on putty, doesnt work on typing or displaying | 08:40 |
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ngmlinux_ | thank you dabaR | 08:41 |
ngmlinux_ | dabaR, can I do Eclipse 3.1? | 08:41 |
ngmlinux_ | or just 3.0.1? | 08:41 |
HappyFool | HiddenFly: i've set 'norwegian' layout, but i don't really have a keyboard like that; how would i type a norwegian char? | 08:41 |
B|ueMat | does guarddog run on ubuntu gnome? | 08:41 |
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dabaR | ngmlinux_: some concepts in linux are different than what you are used to, its like a cultural shock, you will learn. yes, 3.1 is there, I believe. | 08:41 |
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da_bon_bon | hi all | 08:41 |
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da_bon_bon | how do i "authenticate" myself to sue marillat ? | 08:41 |
ngmlinux_ | do i need to be sudo root, dabaR? | 08:41 |
SPERMITE | anyone play ut2003 on linux? | 08:42 |
HiddenFly | well, i dont know, i have never used norwegian layout | 08:42 |
da_bon_bon | gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net --recv-keys 1F41B907 ----- seems to take forever | 08:42 |
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HiddenFly | i use finnish layout myself | 08:42 |
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HappyFool | HiddenFly: ok, how does that layout work? | 08:42 |
HiddenFly | but tyry pressing keys and you will see | 08:42 |
topyli | B|ueMat: yes it does, but you will install a lot of kde libraries while installing it. | 08:42 |
HiddenFly | i have a few letters from the left of enter that are scandic letters, try those | 08:42 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: look in /etc/X11/xkb/symbols, do any of those abbreviations look like they could be for faroese? | 08:43 |
Hoxzer | what is good burning software for ubuntu? | 08:43 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: from what i read it should be "fo" but i don't see that there | 08:43 |
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ocram | hello..i'm trying to check an issue with ssh but when i look into the /etc/syslog file i can't find any message written by sshd...so the question is if sshd writes automatically the syslog or maybe there's an option that has to be specified? (i've looked in sshd man and i found anything relevant about this argument..) | 08:43 |
dabaR | ngmlinux_: for what? | 08:43 |
da_bon_bon | i think its a problem with ipv6 ... its persisted even though i turned it off in modules.list | 08:43 |
HiddenFly | english layout has something like :] [ etc on them i think | 08:43 |
Seveas | Hoxzer, gnomebaker, greaveman, serpentne, k3b | 08:43 |
ngmlinux_ | dabaR, to apt-get install eclipse-jdt | 08:43 |
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dabaR | ngmlinux_: install Java, then get the binary from the web site, then run the binary as normal user. | 08:43 |
topyli | B|ueMat: i recommend firestarter if you're planning to run gnome and have a relatively simple firewall setup | 08:43 |
Hoxzer | Seveas: what has smallest failing rate? | 08:43 |
dabaR | only root can install using apt-get, and aptitude is what is used now, not apt-get. | 08:43 |
ngmlinux_ | dabaR, please go to pm | 08:44 |
HiddenFly | lol.. when someone else writes scandic letters, i see squares, but when i type them myself i see them ok | 08:44 |
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HiddenFly | using ssh not putty atm | 08:44 |
ngmlinux_ | i don't want ot miss anything you say dabaR | 08:44 |
Seveas | Hoxzer, they're equally good, they're all frontends to cdrecord :) | 08:44 |
HappyFool | HiddenFly: hrm, sorry, this change layout has done nothing | 08:44 |
HiddenFly | so this doesnt display them either | 08:44 |
Dreamglider | Quinthius, Not here no | 08:44 |
Hoxzer | well I use gnomebaker then | 08:44 |
dabaR | Please I am leaving...but, good luck, and install Java,, from wiki.ubuntu.com/Java, then follow /msg ubotu eclipse and thats that. | 08:44 |
topyli | HiddenFly: | 08:44 |
HiddenFly | topyli: now i saw that ok | 08:45 |
HappyFool | HiddenFly: ah. here | 08:45 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: i know faroese is listen in the Gnome keyboard settings.... but i wonder if X even has the layout mapping for it.... | 08:45 |
ngmlinux_ | okay | 08:45 |
topyli | hrm | 08:45 |
HiddenFly | but on the other chan i see just squares | 08:45 |
ngmlinux_ | can this be done in less than a day , dabaR? | 08:45 |
JosephB_ | hmmm, can't find the BUM package in the uni/multiverse repos. | 08:45 |
HappyFool | HiddenFly: i can type and in putty just fine | 08:45 |
HiddenFly | yea | 08:45 |
da_bon_bon | is archive.ubuntu.com down ? | 08:45 |
HappyFool | HiddenFly: so its working_ | 08:45 |
dabaR | da_bon_bon: did you ping it? | 08:45 |
Dreamglider | Quinthius, is there anything we could do about it ? | 08:46 |
Seveas | da_bon_bon, no it's working | 08:46 |
topyli | HiddenFly: it's about how the sender's and your irc clients/terminals agree :) | 08:46 |
HiddenFly | yea for you but not for me :( | 08:46 |
da_bon_bon | dabaR: yes .. no reply | 08:46 |
da_bon_bon | Seveas: oh! | 08:46 |
HiddenFly | topyli: might be | 08:46 |
HappyFool | HiddenFly: oh, this is on irc? | 08:46 |
dabaR | later. | 08:46 |
ngmlinux_ | dabaR, you sent me a broken lkink | 08:46 |
HappyFool | HiddenFly: irc is different | 08:46 |
ngmlinux_ | link | 08:46 |
SPERMITE | anyone install ut2003 on linux? | 08:46 |
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da_bon_bon | then its the f*ck*ng ipv6 problems! | 08:46 |
da_bon_bon | SERIOUS problem! | 08:46 |
da_bon_bon | absolutely unresolvable | 08:46 |
HiddenFly | im connecting to a server thru ssh that runs irssi | 08:46 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: well i'm sure there is some way... it might take me a little bit to figure it out though :) | 08:46 |
da_bon_bon | i tried EVERYTHING, still gaim wont connect | 08:46 |
HiddenWolf | da_bon_bon, file bugs :) | 08:46 |
da_bon_bon | gpg wont take marillat key | 08:46 |
HiddenFly | when i connect from windows, it works without problems all the time | 08:47 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: will the keboard at least type standard english ascii letters? or does it not work at all? | 08:47 |
CookedGryphon | what configfile should i edit to change my path variable? I put it in one, but it got overwritten or something by a later script | 08:47 |
da_bon_bon | HiddenFly: ya .. of all things :( i cant even frigging update my system | 08:47 |
HiddenFly | but here on ubuntu it works if it works lol | 08:47 |
HiddenFly | :/ | 08:47 |
ngmlinux_ | anyone here an expert in installing java?? | 08:47 |
HappyFool | HiddenFly: i think this is an irc thing; it depends what encoding whoever you're chatting to is using | 08:47 |
HappyFool | !java | 08:47 |
ubotu | java is probably to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java | 08:47 |
Dreamglider | Quinthius, i'm using the kb now, it's just fhe faroese layout that wont work | 08:47 |
ngmlinux_ | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaAMD64 | 08:47 |
HiddenFly | ok | 08:47 |
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B|ueMat | topyli, It hasnt got the ease of configuration as guarddog, e.g how do you enable Torrents? | 08:48 |
HiddenFly | well thanks for help then :) | 08:48 |
ngmlinux_ | i need to install eclipse and java and am only more confused after reading wiki after weiki | 08:48 |
HappyFool | HiddenFly: thanks for letting me know about putty ;) | 08:48 |
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HiddenFly | np :) | 08:48 |
topyli | HappyFool: exactly. freenode is very much utf8, most others prefer old-style encodings | 08:48 |
ngmlinux_ | . | 08:48 |
ngmlinux_ | .. | 08:48 |
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cevizoglu | I'm installing the new Ubuntu release 4 breezy, and it's hung on installing yaboot, looking for other operating systems. is there a way to pop into the terminal from here? | 08:48 |
topyli | B|ueMat: you open the needed ports | 08:48 |
HappyFool | topyli: the luddites! We shall have to organize an encoding-burning | 08:49 |
protok0l | what command/tool do i use to set runlevels | 08:49 |
ngmlinux_ | rm *.8 | 08:49 |
ngmlinux_ | right 39 | 08:49 |
dhonn | telinit | 08:49 |
topyli | HappyFool: to the barricades, comrade! | 08:49 |
da_bon_bon | ipv6 just sucks! | 08:49 |
da_bon_bon | why in hell did ubuntu even enable it :P | 08:49 |
B|ueMat | topyli, Where!!? | 08:49 |
dhonn | how do you turn it off | 08:49 |
topyli | da_bon_bon: disable it | 08:49 |
da_bon_bon | topyli: how ? the modules.conf trich wont work | 08:49 |
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da_bon_bon | *trick | 08:50 |
HappyFool | ngmlinux_: what did you do to try to install java? | 08:50 |
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ngmlinux_ | chmod: cannot access `*amd64.bin': No such file or directory | 08:50 |
dhonn | wait whats wrong with ipv6 | 08:50 |
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srid | I upgraded to Breezy from hoary. I then noticed that a lot of device files like /dev/eth0 are missing. How do I fix this issue? | 08:50 |
Seveas | srid, there is no /dev/eth0 | 08:50 |
ngmlinux_ | HappyFool can you switch to a pm, there's too much chatter in here to read | 08:50 |
srid | Infact, my /dev/hda got changed to /dev/sda | 08:50 |
topyli | da_bon_bon: i have no idea, but there must be a config file that specifies it | 08:50 |
protok0l | i mean, how do i add daemons to run when i boot | 08:50 |
srid | Seveas: I was using that in hoary | 08:50 |
protok0l | im used to gentoo | 08:50 |
HappyFool | ngmlinux_: if you're willing to risk me getting it wrong without correction, sure | 08:50 |
protok0l | they made it too easy | 08:50 |
srid | Seveas: or even /dev/cdrom is mising | 08:50 |
ngmlinux_ | thanks HappyFool | 08:51 |
ngmlinux_ | i've sent you an invite | 08:51 |
da_bon_bon | Apparently, the IPv6 code in the 2.6 kernel is also somewhat buggy. There were long delays in name resolution when using Firefox. In order to fix this, I had to disable IPv6 support in the /etc/modprobe.conf file by adding the line "alias ipv6 off" followed by another line, "alias net-pf-10 off". --------- doesnt work | 08:51 |
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HappyFool | ngmlinux_: err, i've pm'ed you... ? | 08:51 |
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topyli | B|ueMat: on the "policy" tab, right click on the "allow service" field. then specify a "new rule" and enter the port address you want | 08:52 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: well it looks like when you choose faroese in gnome keyboard settings, it's looking for an "fo" mapping... | 08:52 |
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DJWillis | HappyFool: ngmlinux_, you can only PM on freenode at the moment IF you nick is registered with nickserve of you override nickserves defaults. | 08:52 |
HappyFool | oh | 08:52 |
HappyFool | umm | 08:52 |
HappyFool | i'm registered, afaik | 08:53 |
Seveas | but the onw who sends the pm needs to be registered too | 08:53 |
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DJWillis | HappyFool: But ngmlinux_ is not ;-) | 08:53 |
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HappyFool | it's -CE right? | 08:53 |
Seveas | no | 08:53 |
Seveas | /msg nickserv set unfiltered on | 08:53 |
HappyFool | ok, ty | 08:53 |
Dreamglider | Quinthius, i think so, when ever i choose Faroese the keyboard preferences box crashes | 08:54 |
CookedGryphon | when i try to play a dvd in totem, it comes up could not access dvd:// | 08:54 |
da_bon_bon | no one has any problems regarding ipv6 ? | 08:54 |
HappyFool | i would never have figured that out ;) | 08:54 |
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Quinthius | Dreamglider: yeah that happens for me too, and apparently other people... im looking for more info | 08:55 |
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Seveas | ok, the bots are still here :/ | 08:55 |
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c0rrupt_ | whose a bot | 08:56 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: you can try editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change Option "XkbLayout" "us" to -> Option "XkbLayout" "fo" and restart X (log out)... or might have to reboot to make sure | 08:56 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: not sure if that will work but worth a try | 08:56 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %No1Viking!*@*] by Seveas | ||
Quinthius | question for all: does logging out of gnome, back to gdm login, actually restart the X server? | 08:57 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bb %temp_name!*@* %znh!*@*] by Seveas | ||
Seveas | Quinthius, no | 08:58 |
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topyli | oh, the gnome 2.12 announce! | 08:59 |
Quinthius | Seveas: what's the best way to make sure the X server gets restarted then? i know ctrl-alt-backspace kills it, but that's kind of nasty... | 08:59 |
DJWillis | Quinthius: CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE if you want to restart X | 08:59 |
din | Quinthius: /etc/init.d/gdm restart will restart it | 08:59 |
Quinthius | aha... | 08:59 |
DJWillis | din: more elegent ;-) | 08:59 |
din | :) | 08:59 |
srid | Seveas: can you help me? | 09:00 |
Seveas | srid, not really, I don't use breezy yet | 09:00 |
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Dreamglider | Quinthius, i tried editing but it's readonly and i cant save | 09:01 |
ignat | How do I set screen resolution for GDM? | 09:01 |
Dreamglider | i tried :!qw but it does not save the file | 09:01 |
dmk | you will need to use sudo before you edit it | 09:02 |
DJWillis | Dreamglider: as SUDO or a user? | 09:02 |
da_bon_bon | is http://backports.ubuntuforums.org down ? | 09:02 |
din | umm the ! means don't do the following commands | 09:02 |
cevizoglu | which file does ybin use again to install to the boot partition? | 09:02 |
din | :wq will write quit in vi | 09:02 |
Sav^ | My mouse is acting "laggy", my touchpad works perfect but my USB-mouse is fucked. ideas? | 09:02 |
c0rrupt_ | buyy a new mouse | 09:03 |
c0rrupt_ | lol | 09:03 |
Dreamglider | i'm not used to SUDO, i figured it out | 09:03 |
din | hah | 09:03 |
deFrysk | Sav^, language would be a good ideA to start with I guess | 09:03 |
=== fizzle [n=fizzle@pool-70-104-172-201.norf.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fizzle | what do i do with .deb files? | 09:03 |
Blissex | ignat: you set it for the whole of X, not juse GDM. | 09:03 |
Dreamglider | restarting | 09:03 |
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fizzle | im trying to install .deb package but i dunno the command | 09:03 |
fizzle | anyone? | 09:04 |
Blissex | ignat: however, the GDM startup files contain the line used to start X, and if that is what you want, you can add '-dpi ...' | 09:04 |
deFrysk | fizzle, what .deb package if I may ask ? | 09:04 |
din | dpkg -i your.deb | 09:04 |
Blissex | fizzle: 'man dpkg' | 09:04 |
DJWillis | fizzle: Install them using dpkg ;-) | 09:04 |
fizzle | deFrysk, cedega hehe | 09:04 |
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deFrysk | fizzle, hehe | 09:04 |
ignat | Blissex, thanks! I just don't understand why gdm starts in different resolution than session itself | 09:05 |
monteiro | i've ubuntu, and when i execute amule for example, my mouse breaks a little, stops a little, anyone could help me ? | 09:05 |
deFrysk | ignat, in gnome u can set resolutions locally | 09:06 |
Blissex | ignat: is that ''resolution, the dots per inch'' or 'screen size, X pixels times Y pixels'' | 09:06 |
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ignat | Blissex: 1021x768 this one | 09:06 |
fizzle | almost ready to play sof2 :) | 09:06 |
[pbC] Obst | hi | 09:06 |
Blissex | ignat: so it is screen size. I suppose then GDM uses RAndR to switch screen sizes. | 09:07 |
elvirolo | i still have that bloody menu problem in Kubuntu : my menu doesn't get update ! | 09:07 |
elvirolo | updated* | 09:07 |
Blissex | ignat: so just change the GDM config file... | 09:07 |
fizzle | k bbl ty | 09:07 |
Blissex | elvirolo: not even with 'update-menus'? | 09:07 |
elvirolo | and some entries don't appear (like kmail, krdc...) | 09:08 |
seife | elvirolo: Eres virolo? LOL | 09:08 |
elvirolo | seife: claro que si :-D | 09:08 |
elvirolo | seife: eres de argentina ? | 09:08 |
seife | No | 09:09 |
seife | Lee el privado | 09:09 |
elvirolo | Blissex: update-menus doesn't seem to be installed | 09:10 |
Blissex | elvirolo: uhm, perhaps it is a Debian only thing... | 09:10 |
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Blissex | elvirolo: however, try doing this: apt-get install meny | 09:10 |
elvirolo | Blissex: it used to be availible in mandrake too | 09:10 |
Blissex | elvirolo: however, try doing this: apt-get install menu | 09:10 |
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elvirolo | Blissex: doesn't exist | 09:11 |
elvirolo | seife: venezuela ? | 09:11 |
seife | S | 09:11 |
Blissex | elvirolo: pass.... | 09:11 |
Dreamglider | Quinthius, it did not work :| | 09:11 |
elvirolo | seife: te gusta chavez :-D ? | 09:12 |
seife | No, es un hijo de puta. | 09:12 |
elvirolo | Blissex: oh, wait, sry, it does exist | 09:12 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: what did you do to restart X? | 09:12 |
paines | i updated tp breezy and now in kde, kde apps have an ugly outline around boxes, buttons etc. anyone know how to get that fixed ? and firefox isn't showing any fonts at all | 09:12 |
elvirolo | seife: :-D, por qu piensas eso ? | 09:12 |
Dreamglider | i rebooted | 09:12 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: ahh ok. well i found out you can just hit ctrl-alt-F1, log in at console, and run "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" | 09:13 |
Dreamglider | Quinthius, i rebooted | 09:13 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: to restart X | 09:13 |
elvirolo | Blissex: well i ran update-menus, but still the same prob... | 09:13 |
cevizoglu | whohoo, breezy badger on my powerbook! | 09:13 |
Dreamglider | Quinthius, ok, i wanted to see Ubuntu reboot allso, i just installed it you know :) | 09:14 |
Blissex | cevizoglu: there is no such thing! | 09:14 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: one other thing to try... that i don't think will work either, is run: setxkbmap fo | 09:14 |
cevizoglu | no such thing as what? | 09:14 |
cevizoglu | a powerbook, or breezy? | 09:14 |
seife | elvirolo: Quiere montar un CastroComunismo aqui en Venezuela, el cual ya fracaso en Cuba.. | 09:14 |
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Dreamglider | Quinthius, "Error loading new keyboard description" | 09:14 |
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seife | Es un corrupto, todo lo manipula para que este el mximo tiempo posible en el poder, pretende estar hasta el 2030 en la presidencia | 09:14 |
seife | Ay que matarlo | 09:15 |
elvirolo | seife: pero es mucho mas democratico en venezuela, no? | 09:15 |
elvirolo | seife: en cuba no es comunismo | 09:15 |
seife | Claro, pero deja que pase el tiempo, va a ser como Cuba.. | 09:15 |
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cevizoglu | blissex: are you joking? | 09:15 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: yeah... i dont think there is any fo keymap. so either faroese isn't in X by default, or the layout has a different name | 09:15 |
seife | Si es un comunismo.. | 09:15 |
Seveas | seife, go to #ubuntu-es | 09:15 |
seife | k | 09:15 |
topyli | http://www.gnome.org/press/releases/gnome212_press_release.html :( | 09:16 |
seife | elvirolo: #ubuntu-es | 09:16 |
Dreamglider | it would with out doubt start with Fa or fo (in english) | 09:16 |
darkheart | !tell me about java | 09:16 |
elvirolo | seife: el comunismo tiene por buto de destruid el estado | 09:16 |
elvirolo | destruir* | 09:16 |
barosl | could you tell me the program such like "xplanet"? | 09:16 |
seife | Seveas: u know what, if i would have sound and network seted up in ubuntu, i had changed like a year ago | 09:16 |
Seveas | elvirolo, #ubunutu-es | 09:16 |
seife | i think is lame u have to contact a guy to fix the sound. | 09:16 |
elvirolo | Seveas: sorry | 09:16 |
seife | what if crimsun dies, nobody would have sound? | 09:16 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: hmm try setxkbmap fa... i thought i saw an fa somewhere | 09:17 |
Seveas | seife, it is abd if things don't work indeed | 09:17 |
elvirolo | seife: it has nothing to do with ubuntu anyway | 09:17 |
Seveas | bad even... | 09:17 |
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seife | abd? whats that | 09:17 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: but it might be a different language :) | 09:17 |
Dreamglider | Quinthius, same error | 09:17 |
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Dreamglider | Quinthius, "Error loading new keyboard description" | 09:17 |
erbe | Hello there! | 09:17 |
Seveas | seife, that was a typo, I meant bad :) | 09:17 |
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seife | elvirolo: #ubuntu-es ahi podemos hablar | 09:18 |
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elvirolo | elvirolo: pues, vale | 09:18 |
Quinthius | Dreamglider: from everything i am seeing, it should be "fo" | 09:18 |
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Dreamglider | Quinthius, guess i'll just have to use the Danish layout | 09:19 |
Dreamglider | i have used it as long i have used linux | 09:20 |
erbe | Does someone know, why my X stopped working? It complains about the default fixed font missing. Yes, I changed the path in the xorg.conf file, but it won't start anyway. | 09:20 |
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Quinthius | Dreamglider: ah hehe | 09:20 |
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cevizoglu | does anyone know where I can find the default package list for ubuntu? | 09:21 |
barosl | GNOME 2.12 released? | 09:22 |
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cevizoglu | for breezy | 09:22 |
Dreamglider | coffe time | 09:22 |
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Quinthius | cevizoglu: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ maybe? | 09:22 |
da_bon_bon | hey .. no backports :( ? | 09:23 |
=== Bateau_ [n=Bateau@ti211110a080-7106.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erbe | I guess not. | 09:23 |
Blissex | !breezy | 09:23 |
ubotu | I heard breezy is the next version of Ubuntu (5.10); released October 2005. It hasn't reached stable-status, so it can still be broken. A pictorial view of differences between Hoary & Breezy: http://members.home.nl/jeroen-91/ubuntu/breezy-new/ | 09:23 |
Bateau_ | hey! im trying to start Steam with Cedega. and it says theres some problem with my language... any know what to do? | 09:24 |
deFrysk | Bateau_, learn another language ? ;p | 09:24 |
^DodGeR^ | nite all | 09:24 |
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Bateau_ | deFrysk: ha... ha..... | 09:25 |
XplOzIon | hi | 09:25 |
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XplOzIon | does anyone know any good sendmail howto for a real noob?? | 09:25 |
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Seveas | XplOzIon, noobs and sendmail don't match :) | 09:26 |
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XplOzIon | Seveas, heh, but still i just want a good howto for sendmail | 09:26 |
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Sav^ | ANyone want to help me with wlan problem? http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1993 | 09:27 |
deFrysk | XplOzIon, http://www.google.nl/search?q=sendmail+howto&start=0&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial | 09:27 |
XplOzIon | deFrysk, thanks man | 09:28 |
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Bateau_ | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1994 <-- this is what happens when i try starting Steam... any help please? | 09:29 |
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f_newton | excuse me but why is ubuntu wanting me to update kde when I dont run kde? | 09:29 |
seife | elvirolo: entra en #ubuntu-es, porque te salistes? | 09:29 |
h17m4n | Does anyone else get just plain collors on flash player? It doesnt work with the transparent | 09:30 |
cevizoglu | Bateau: you need to define an environment variable like: LANG=en_US | 09:30 |
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Madpilot | f_newton: some apps use KDE libraries even if you aren't running Kubuntu - do you have K3B installed? | 09:30 |
f_newton | yes I do | 09:30 |
Bateau_ | cevizoglu: where do i do that? and how? | 09:31 |
f_newton | but kde control center? | 09:31 |
deFrysk | f_newton, u get k3b you get a kde chunk | 09:31 |
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Madpilot | f_newton: kde control struck me as odd, too, but I assume k3b depends on it (that's the only kde app I've got, I'm pretty sure...) | 09:31 |
erbe | Do I have to prepare a directory in any way for the fonts to be recognised by the X server? | 09:32 |
f_newton | ive run many distros all with k3b and never has it asked for anything except kdelibs | 09:32 |
cevizoglu | in ~/.bashrc, you would add export LANG=en_US | 09:32 |
f_newton | but whatever... | 09:32 |
deFrysk | f_newton, kde3.4x might be a bit different | 09:32 |
cevizoglu | Bateau: mileage may vary if you're not using bash and if cedega doesn't use your .bashrc file, or your .bashrc file isn't sourced | 09:32 |
f_newton | could be... is that the ver with ubuntu? | 09:33 |
Bateau_ | uhm... your talking greek to me cevizoglu :) | 09:33 |
cevizoglu | Bateau: never tell someone with a turkish name they're talking greek | 09:33 |
f_newton | from the size of the update though I assume its installing it for the first time | 09:34 |
Bateau_ | haha, oki. my bad :) | 09:34 |
ompaul | Bateau_, better if you had phrased that as "steam under cedega" there is no steam un ubuntu - so people might not know what they may be able to help you with, I do not use cedega myself | 09:34 |
=== Vaske_Car [n=windsor@d36-72-47.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vaske_Car | I can not get more than 72Hz for refresh rate... can somebody help? | 09:34 |
f_newton | I am installing on a quad xeon today | 09:34 |
f_newton | ugh | 09:34 |
Vaske_Car | With 1024by768 maximum refresh rate is 60Hz | 09:34 |
Bateau_ | ok, im sorry ompaul :/ | 09:35 |
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h17m4n | !flash | 09:36 |
ubotu | from memory, flash is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 09:36 |
ompaul | Bateau_, no need to be sorry, it is info you can gain advantage from if you use it in the future | 09:36 |
Bateau_ | yupp :) thank you | 09:37 |
ompaul | Bateau_, :) | 09:37 |
cevizoglu | Bateau: maybe read a tutorial on editing your ~/.bashrc file? dunno where to begin | 09:37 |
=== delp [n=delp@24-158-102-98.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
delp | i am new to ubuntu...is there any way to open music files from windows in ubuntu? | 09:38 |
funkyHat | delp, what kind of music files are they? | 09:39 |
funkyHat | windows media player files? | 09:39 |
cevizoglu | Bateau: you may also try changing your version of english from the system config, it's in there somewhere | 09:39 |
ompaul | !tell delp about restricted | 09:39 |
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ompaul | !tell delp about repos | 09:39 |
cevizoglu | Bateau: it needs to be one of : en_US - 0409; en_GB - 0809; en_AU - 0C09; en_CA - 1009; en_NZ - 1409; en_IE - 1809; en_ZA - 1C09; en_JM - 2009; en_ - 2409; en_BZ - 2809; en_TT - 2C09 | 09:39 |
delp | they are mp3s | 09:39 |
ompaul | delp, those two urls that were sent in pms by ubotu will answer all your questions | 09:40 |
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delp | ok, thanks | 09:40 |
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Bateau_ | config... yes... well. there is a config folder. but that is empty. and i dont know where cedega got installed :x | 09:40 |
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funkyHat | can anyone tell me which components of cygwin i need to install to get X11 forwarding through SSH? | 09:40 |
ompaul | Bateau_, do this 'sudo updatedb& locate cedega | 09:40 |
__filip_ | can i made my own internet radio in ubuntu? | 09:41 |
HappyFool | funkyHat: the xserver and openssh-client should be enough | 09:41 |
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Vaske_Car | Anybody know why my maximum refresh rate is 60Hz? | 09:41 |
Bateau_ | hum hum, a bunch of things popped up :x | 09:41 |
funkyHat | thanks HappyFool :). so all the other things like the window manager and stuff is managed by the server? | 09:42 |
ompaul | Bateau_, do this 'sudo updatedb& locate cedega | grep rc | 09:42 |
chavo | Bateau_, cedega is in /usr/bin but it's just a shellscript | 09:42 |
HappyFool | funkyHat: um. i run it in 'rootless' mode (at work, not here). it's just like a normal windows window | 09:42 |
chavo | the binaries are in /usr/lib/transgaming_cedega/ | 09:42 |
HappyFool | funkyHat: i *think* the default is rootless, but i'm not 100% sure | 09:42 |
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=== scenestar [i=scenesta@c3eea3817.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scenestar | the hell? | 09:43 |
scenestar | why are there 2 channels | 09:43 |
chavo | Bateau_, are you looking for a config file? | 09:43 |
Vaske_Car | HappyFool: why my maximum refresh rate is 60Hz? | 09:43 |
funkyHat | scenestar, issues with spambots | 09:43 |
holycow | Vaske_Car, you need the proper vertical and horizontal refresh rates in your xorg.conf file in order to get all resolutions and refresh rates available | 09:43 |
Bateau_ | chavo: yes! :D | 09:43 |
HappyFool | Vaske_Car: i don't know | 09:43 |
dooglus | cevizoglu: I don't think .bashrc is the place to be putting environment settings. | 09:43 |
Madpilot | scenestar: you mean ubuntu-unregged & here? | 09:43 |
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HappyFool | Vaske_Car: the fixresolution page might help | 09:43 |
holycow | proper refresh rates for your monitor model and make, you can usually google that | 09:43 |
oris_wolfbane | hey guys | 09:43 |
chavo | ~/.transgaming/config | 09:43 |
Blissex | dooglus: thats pretty diplomatic | 09:43 |
dooglus | cevizoglu: it only runs for bash sessions, not for anything run from the menus | 09:43 |
=== vanberge wonders what cd burning software the ubuntu community most embraces :-) | ||
HappyFool | !resolution | 09:43 |
ubotu | [resolution] at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 09:43 |
chavo | each user gets thier own | 09:43 |
cevizoglu | dooglus: where then? | 09:43 |
oris_wolfbane | you know were i can find an ubuntu cheatsheet? somthing similar to http://people.debian.org/~debacle/refcard/refcard-en-a4.pdf | 09:44 |
dooglus | cevizoglu: some .gnomerc or something perhaps? | 09:44 |
HappyFool | Vaske_Car: i'm not a video guru, sorry i can't be more help | 09:44 |
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dooglus | cevizoglu: you need it in a file which your windowing system sources, so it's set for all programs, not just bash shells. | 09:44 |
dooglus | Blissex: is that sarcasm? | 09:44 |
funkyHat | HappyFool, so just xorg-x11-bin and it's dependencies? | 09:44 |
cevizoglu | dooglus: how about /etc/bashrc | 09:45 |
HappyFool | funkyHat: um. not sure of the package names, sorry | 09:45 |
dooglus | cevizoglu: again, that's no use if you're not running bash. what if you want openoffice to see the 'LANG' setting f'rinstance? | 09:45 |
HappyFool | funkyHat: sounds likely. i think i'm using a slightly older release (still xfree86) | 09:45 |
cevizoglu | dooglus: like I said, mileage may vary. my p4 client uses .bashrc fine | 09:45 |
funkyHat | ok. thanks anyway :). i can always add others if it doesn't work with that | 09:45 |
dooglus | cevizoglu: and also, what if you have 2 users with different languages? one greek, one foreign, or some such | 09:45 |
Blissex | dooglus: no, it is for a chance entirely serious. I would have said something a bit stronger like ''Only !"$% lazy "I*^% who don't read the shell docs think .bashrc is a good place for env var settings'' :-) | 09:45 |
Bateau_ | chavo: i cant find any language setting in that config file | 09:45 |
Madpilot | oris_wolfbane: a lot of that Debian stuff should apply to Ubuntu | 09:46 |
funkyHat | (now i have to work on installing X and stuff on a headless machine, over ssh :P | 09:46 |
funkyHat | ) | 09:46 |
dooglus | Blissex: even .bash_profile is no good if you want all your apps to see it. | 09:46 |
funkyHat | (and enabling X forwarding for the server) | 09:46 |
HappyFool | funkyHat: heh. good luck ;) | 09:46 |
Blissex | dooglus: depends on what you mean by all your apps :-) | 09:46 |
ompaul | oris_wolfbane, not that I am aware, but the wiki.ubuntu.com will fill in the spaces that are ubuntu specific | 09:46 |
funkyHat | well, i could go plug a keyboard and monitor in, but that would be no fun ;) | 09:47 |
erbe | Ah.. | 09:47 |
oris_wolfbane | madpliot, ompaul, thanxs | 09:47 |
erbe | I fixed the problem. | 09:47 |
erbe | The installation of the xfonts-base didn't work properly. | 09:47 |
cevizoglu | dooglus: I'm not aware of another place to put environment variables... do you know of one? | 09:47 |
erbe | It didn't create the fonts.alias files. | 09:47 |
dooglus | Blissex: I mean if I select "steam" from the applications menu, I want it to have LANG set. | 09:47 |
erbe | I had to create them manualy. (Well, through update-fonts-alias ) | 09:48 |
dooglus | Blissex: in that case, it won't source .bashrc or .bash_profile | 09:48 |
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erbe | And symlinking /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts to /usr/share/X11/fonts befor creating the aliases. | 09:48 |
Blissex | dooglus: but '~/.bash_profile' will have been executed at log in, so any exported env var will be in the env for that too. | 09:48 |
cevizoglu | dooglus: are you sure cedega doesn't source .bashrc or .bash_profile? which file would it source then? | 09:48 |
majikstreet | this is probably the stupidest question ever asked, but how do I get into fluxbox or xfce4 if I installed them using snaptic? | 09:48 |
vanberge | would anybody be able to recommend a cd burning utility ? i used to use eroaster when i was a fedora/redhat user | 09:49 |
dooglus | cevizoglu: I don't know what cedega is. but I doubt it can source bash scripts. | 09:49 |
Blissex | dooglus: the essential thing with env var is that you can export them so they get inherited by any descendant process, thus you only need to set them in the login shell. | 09:49 |
majikstreet | vanberge ever heard of xcdroast or something like that? | 09:49 |
dooglus | Blissex: "at log in"? even if I use gdm to log in? | 09:49 |
delp | ok, i did what the link said, now how do i make it so i can find the drive that my music is on..its on a different drive than this partition and its in ntfs format | 09:49 |
=== t3abag [n=teabag@user-1574.l4.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
t3abag | im in trouble can someone help me please | 09:49 |
Blissex | dooglus: yes sure, GDM starts your log in shell in log in mode. | 09:49 |
cevizoglu | dooglus: if cedega is invoked from bash. then it doesn't have to. it's already inherited the existing environment vars | 09:50 |
majikstreet | oh and by the way, i use GDM (i installed using the regular install) | 09:50 |
vanberge | majikstreet, i have heard of that... i will give it a try... is that what you use?? | 09:50 |
h17m4n | Connecting to download.ubuntuforums.org[] :80... failed: Connection refused. - I get this error when I try to get the ubuntusetup.sh. Any ideas? | 09:50 |
majikstreet | no, i don't burn cds | 09:50 |
Blissex | cevizoglu: even if it is not invoked from 'bash', because it is invoked then from something started from 'bash'. | 09:50 |
t3abag | can anyone please help me? | 09:50 |
majikstreet | vanberge i just knew of it and i though it may work for you | 09:50 |
majikstreet | if you tell your question maybe | 09:50 |
t3abag | i was chmodding a file and i hit enter by mistake on chmod o-rwx /dev and got "chmod o-rwx /" | 09:51 |
dooglus | Blissex: GDM doesn't run bash for me at all | 09:51 |
t3abag | now nothing works | 09:51 |
=== fblade [n=fblade@82-38-178-242.cable.ubr02.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
t3abag | bin is non executable | 09:51 |
Madpilot | t3abag: define "nothing"? | 09:51 |
cevizoglu | dooglus: I said mileage may vary. it's easy to point out problems when you have no real answers. I don't know how cedega works, it was worth a try | 09:51 |
=== spayne [n=spayne@i-195-137-120-148.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
t3abag | so a sudo wont work | 09:51 |
majikstreet | this is probably the stupidest question ever asked, but how do I get into fluxbox or xfce4 if I installed them using snaptic? (I used the base install when I installed, so I guess that I use GDM) | 09:51 |
linuxboy | anybody know what version of the kernel breezy has? | 09:51 |
t3abag | so i cant chmod back | 09:51 |
Blissex | dooglus: it does... to execute ~/.xsession | 09:51 |
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ompaul | t3abag, got a live CD handy? | 09:51 |
funkyHat | HappyFool, then i want to get that program that allows you to move an x client to a different display, and get that working with my windows and linux installs on this pc. hahahaha | 09:52 |
fblade | hey guys i've installed apache and everything and im able to access it on the lan of other computers, so how can i make so people of the net can access it? | 09:52 |
=== vpalle [n=vpalle@zebra02.daimi.au.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Blissex | majikstreet: well, a simple way is to tell GDm to get you into the emergency login | 09:52 |
t3abag | i think its lost so im wondering if theres any other way | 09:52 |
majikstreet | ok | 09:52 |
HappyFool | funkyHat: never tried that | 09:52 |
Seveas | majikstreet, you can choose xfce in the gdm login screen | 09:52 |
Blissex | majikstreet: this is just a simple terminal. Then you can type 'startxfce4' for example | 09:52 |
majikstreet | fblade you need to port forward 80 for apache | 09:52 |
majikstreet | no i can't | 09:52 |
Seveas | majikstreet, then install the package xfce4 | 09:52 |
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majikstreet | Seveas, i can't choose it | 09:52 |
majikstreet | it's not there | 09:52 |
majikstreet | I did :) | 09:52 |
Seveas | then it's there. | 09:52 |
majikstreet | i just restarted and its not | 09:53 |
fblade | majikstreet: ho? | 09:53 |
fblade | how* | 09:53 |
Vaske_Car | How do I save modification in Nano? | 09:53 |
dooglus | Blissex: hmmm. interesting. let me try that. | 09:53 |
t3abag | ompaul: i think its lost so im wondering if theres any other way | 09:53 |
majikstreet | fblade, you need to ask a system admin for your network.. if thats you then read your manual | 09:53 |
deFrysk | Vaske_Car, xctl - x | 09:53 |
majikstreet | I can't tell you because every router is different | 09:53 |
deFrysk | ctrl - x | 09:53 |
vanberge | whoa apperntly this is more difficult than i imagined. | 09:54 |
=== virgule [n=virgule@modemcable147.97-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vanberge | apparently i have to enable scsi emulation | 09:54 |
majikstreet | whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? i though I installed it! it didn't install! | 09:54 |
delp | i added the packages to ubuntu to be able to play mp3s, now i need to know how to access my music, its on a different drive than my os and its in ntfs format...anyone able to help? | 09:54 |
majikstreet | hm.. i'll install now :) | 09:54 |
Madpilot | !tell delp about ntfs | 09:54 |
Vaske_Car | and now how to restart X? | 09:54 |
majikstreet | sorry about that Seveas and Blissex i could have sworn it installed.... | 09:55 |
Seveas | majikstreet, xfce4 installs xfce4-session which installs xfce4-utils which has the .desktop file for it | 09:55 |
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majikstreet | ok | 09:55 |
majikstreet | I thought it installed but it didnt! | 09:55 |
Blissex | delp: just mount that partition | 09:55 |
majikstreet | and i'm trying now.. | 09:55 |
andrease | hello, I'm trying to install colony 4(hoary install failed) on a friends acer travelmate 8100, but can't get it on lan network, the ether-card is found by the kernel, but still doesn't find anything using dhclient3 | 09:55 |
Seveas | majikstreet, for fluxbox you need to create one yourself (in /etc/xsessions) | 09:55 |
majikstreet | oh | 09:55 |
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Seveas | take the existing ones as example | 09:56 |
majikstreet | roger | 09:56 |
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funkyHat | andrease, are you sure he has a dhcp server? | 09:56 |
h17m4n | fluxbox looks nice | 09:56 |
majikstreet | thanks Seveas I'll try that now... I'll get back to you for your satisfaction.. | 09:56 |
andrease | yes, I'm sure, its my server and it has been running for about 80 days | 09:57 |
dooglus | Blissex: I just did a little experiment to see what gets into my environment: | 09:57 |
virgule | I want GNOME 2.12 and its worth 2 weeks of garnome compile (300Mhz ppc.. its normal;)). I looking for some already made .debs --Does anyone got that? | 09:57 |
Blissex | dooglus: .... | 09:57 |
dooglus | Blissex: I added a line to ~/.bashrc saying "export mybashrc=sourced". and I added similar lines to .bash_profile and .gnomerc. | 09:57 |
virgule | ^^^ Breeze? | 09:57 |
dooglus | Blissex: then I logged and and logged back in again. | 09:57 |
Blissex | dooglus: thats a rather demented way to do that. | 09:57 |
Madpilot | virgule: 2.12 will be in Breezy, which will be out next month. Why not wait for it? | 09:58 |
=== Tiboz [n=tiboz@dyn-83-155-111-68.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | Blissex: it is to be able to tell what stays in the environment | 09:58 |
majikstreet | Seveas are you sure that's the file? | 09:58 |
Seveas | majikstreet, positive | 09:58 |
Blissex | dooglus: no, that does not work because you don't really get what gets sourced then... | 09:58 |
dooglus | Blissex: I then removed the lines and ran a terminal, and looked in the environment to see which variables were present | 09:58 |
majikstreet | there is no such file on my system | 09:58 |
virgule | ..me ..want.. it.. right..now ;) But thats cool I can wait I just soo excited from what I've seen on gnome.org | 09:58 |
Blissex | dooglus: also you should have checked '~/.xsession' instead of '~/.gnomerc' | 09:59 |
Tiboz | is it safe to upgrade to breezy ? | 09:59 |
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dooglus | Blissex: the only one that was present was the .gnomerc: | 09:59 |
dooglus | chris@chrislap:~$ env | grep source | 09:59 |
dooglus | mygnomerc=sourced | 09:59 |
Seveas | majikstreet, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1995 | 09:59 |
Blissex | Tiboz: NOOOOO | 09:59 |
virgule | maybe I could just use some breezy .debs? | 09:59 |
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Blissex | virgule: even more NOOOO | 09:59 |
dooglus | Blissex: I'll try .xsession too | 09:59 |
Tiboz | Blissex: still not ? | 09:59 |
Seveas | oh, you were talking about /etc/xsessios | 09:59 |
=== Vaske_Car [n=windsor@d36-72-47.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | Blissex: but note that .bash_profile's settings weren't there | 09:59 |
vanberge | could anyone point me in the correct direction for enabling scsi emulation for my cdburner ? :-) | 09:59 |
Blissex | dooglus: what about 'man bash' and reading about these things... | 09:59 |
Seveas | majikstreet, no that was a mistake from me | 09:59 |
majikstreet | ooo | 09:59 |
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Seveas | it's /usr/share/xsessions | 09:59 |
Vaske_Car | ubutu: big thanks!!! | 09:59 |
dooglus | Blissex: because this has nothing to do with bash. | 10:00 |
majikstreet | ok | 10:00 |
deFrysk | vanberge, why would you need that ? | 10:00 |
Vaske_Car | ubotu: big THANKS! | 10:00 |
ubotu | Vaske_Car: Wish i knew | 10:00 |
Blissex | Seveas: not a good idea. | 10:00 |
vanberge | deFrysk, apparently to burn cd's... | 10:00 |
dooglus | Blissex: I know if I run bash then my .bashrc is sourced. but what if I use the gnome menu to run something? | 10:00 |
Seveas | Blissex, ? | 10:00 |
deFrysk | vanberge, 2.4 kernel ? | 10:00 |
majikstreet | hey i see something called fluxbox.desktop | 10:00 |
vanberge | deFrysk, xcdroast wont detect my burner... | 10:00 |
majikstreet | do i need to make a new one? | 10:00 |
vanberge | no, 2.6 | 10:00 |
Seveas | majikstreet, no :) | 10:00 |
majikstreet | great | 10:00 |
Seveas | i thought it had none, but you're lucky :) | 10:00 |
majikstreet | I'll log out and try them, thanks :) | 10:00 |
deFrysk | vanberge, then u dont need scsi emu | 10:00 |
majikstreet | lol | 10:00 |
Blissex | dooglus: the rules are actally complicated but they work more or less like this... | 10:00 |
majikstreet | I guess I am xD | 10:01 |
vanberge | deFrysk, well perhaps you could help me to figure out how to have my drive be detected in Xcdroast? :-) | 10:01 |
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deFrysk | vanberge, do you have an empty cd in your cdburner ? | 10:01 |
Blissex | dooglus: '~/.bashrc' is sourced every time a shell start. So it should contain only things that cannot or should not be inherited by way of the nvironment. | 10:01 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-r] by Seveas | ||
Seveas | Blissex, not true | 10:01 |
Seveas | .bash_profile is sourced for login shells | 10:02 |
vanberge | deFrysk, no i do not, but i wouldnt think that would effect the burner being detected by the program | 10:02 |
Seveas | .bashrc for others | 10:02 |
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deFrysk | vanberge, please try | 10:02 |
vanberge | will do | 10:02 |
Blissex | dooglus: '~/.bash_profile' is sourced once at login, in alternative to '~/.bashrc'. So it should contain all environment settings. | 10:02 |
=== crimsun [n=crimsun@pdpc/supporter/silver/crimsun] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | to make it more complicated: upon gnome login .gnomerc is sourced :) | 10:03 |
dooglus | Blissex: but what if my processes are started from the GNOME menu, and therefore have no bash process as an ancestor? | 10:03 |
Blissex | dooglus: then '~/.xsession' is sourced to initialize an X session. Sometimes in alternative to '~/.bash_login'. | 10:03 |
=== noire [i=foobar@65-114-118-98.dia.cust.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vanberge | deFrysk, same problem. "no cd writer or cdrom device detected"... | 10:03 |
h17m4n | how do I add that mac like scrolling icon-bar? | 10:03 |
vanberge | then tells me to make sure i enable scsi-emulation to activiate tehem | 10:03 |
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@lns01-1883.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | Blissex: I just added an enviroment variable to my ~/.xsession. It isn't in my environment | 10:03 |
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HappyFool | dooglus: what window manager are you using? | 10:04 |
Blissex | dooglus: then recent versions of GNOME do very very strange things. | 10:04 |
dooglus | Blissex: should it perhaps have a capital X or something? (the file didn't exist - I created it) | 10:04 |
dooglus | Blissex: metacity | 10:04 |
Seveas | dooglus, gnome does not use ~/.xsession | 10:04 |
HappyFool | dooglus: you're using gnome? | 10:04 |
dooglus | HappyFool: yes. | 10:04 |
=== ujeoiMag [n=aeuexua@pc06.bialdi.bacau.rdsnet.ro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | dooglus: try '~/.gnomerc'; add 'export FOO=bar' or something | 10:04 |
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deFrysk | vanberge, strange , did you try another burnprog like graveman ? | 10:04 |
dooglus | Seveas: I know. but it uses .gnomerc | 10:05 |
Blissex | Seveas: thats qui9te mad. | 10:05 |
dooglus | HappyFool: that works. that's what I'm trying to see Blissex. | 10:05 |
vanberge | deFrysk, no, not yet. | 10:05 |
HappyFool | dooglus: um. ok ;) | 10:05 |
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Seveas | dooglus, I missed the beginning of this what is your end-goal? | 10:05 |
Blissex | dooglus: then the correct thing to do is to put '. "$HOME/.xession"' in '~/.gnomerc' | 10:05 |
dooglus | Seveas: end goal: getting environment variables set in my X session | 10:06 |
deFrysk | vanberge, I would try graveman to see if that detects your burner | 10:06 |
vanberge | deFrysk, i just tried eroaster as well, also unable to detect | 10:06 |
dooglus | Blissex: that'll probably work. Just a mo - I'll log in again and try it. | 10:06 |
=== Blissex has always noticed that the GNOME people could not care less for respecting ancient and justified UNIX conventions. | ||
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deFrysk | vanberge, no clue | 10:06 |
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majikstreet | thanks Seveas it works :) in XFCE4 now.. looks great.. fluxbox is sooooo minimal for me.. | 10:07 |
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vern401 | hello all | 10:07 |
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vern401 | I have a wireless card that the system recognises but it does not show up as a network device | 10:08 |
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z0unds | Hey this site tells me to install Java Runtime Environment and i do so, when i go back to the site it still says it's not installed ..(tried twice) what can i do? | 10:08 |
=== txapatuzak [n=txapatuz@eu85-86-47-65.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vanberge | is there a package that handles scsi emulation ?? | 10:08 |
Blissex | vanberge: it is a kernel module except in 2.6 | 10:09 |
crimsun | scsi emulation is a kernel module | 10:09 |
dooglus | Blissex: that worked. now exports in ~/.xsession and ~/.gnomerc get into my environment and those in .bashrc and .bash_profile don't. | 10:09 |
Seveas | scsi emulation is obsolete. | 10:09 |
=== itsdarkinhere05 [n=blatantd@fl-69-69-154-21.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | Blissex: note that even if I run a gnome-terminal from the gnome menu, .bash_profile *still* isn't sourced. | 10:09 |
Blissex | dooglus: that means that sadly GNOME does not log you in when you start. Sad. | 10:09 |
dooglus | Blissex: it only seems to be sourced if I use a VT to login | 10:09 |
vanberge | Blissex, deFrysk, must be the programs i chose to use... nautilus just worked fine | 10:09 |
Seveas | dooglus, these terminals are not login terminals | 10:10 |
=== dTYiBeJTfa [n=uiueouui@Fiberlink.73-163.lynx.net.lb] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Blissex | dooglus: in theory the same things should happen no matter how you log in -- I hate special casing. | 10:10 |
Seveas | dooglus, so .bashrc is sourced and not .bash_profile | 10:10 |
dooglus | Blissex: I guess I could put ". ~/.bash_profile" in ~/.gnomerc (or ~/.xsession, not that .gnomerc sources .xsession) if I wanted it to | 10:10 |
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dooglus | Seveas: when? | 10:10 |
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Seveas | for gnome-terminal | 10:10 |
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Madpilot | !tell z0unds about java | 10:11 |
dooglus | Seveas: we have 3 cases I guess: 1) virtual console; 2) gnome-terminal 3) regular X application (firefox, for instance) | 10:11 |
Blissex | dooglus: the idea is that in theory the Display Manager like GDM is the X replacement of 'getty'. So it should initialize a shell in login mode. | 10:11 |
dooglus | Seveas: that's right | 10:11 |
=== markuman [n=knoppix@p5092577C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Frenchtoast | is ubuntu good for old, crappy hardware? | 10:11 |
dooglus | Blissex: I guess it's a configuration for gdm | 10:11 |
Seveas | Frenchtoast, ubuntu is, gnome and kde are not | 10:11 |
markuman | chroot /mnt/hda2 /bin/bash | 10:11 |
markuman | chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error | 10:11 |
z0unds | Madpilot, aint workin ? :) | 10:11 |
markuman | what can i do to install grub new | 10:11 |
Frenchtoast | does ubuntu included any lighter GUIs? | 10:12 |
z0unds | Madpilot, sry just slow bot | 10:12 |
Madpilot | z0unds: did you get a msg from ubotu? | 10:12 |
Frenchtoast | i just want a very basic system capable of word processing and internet surfing | 10:12 |
Blissex | dooglus: in theory there should not be three cases, but a cascade of cases... | 10:12 |
Seveas | !recoveringgrub | 10:12 |
ubotu | [recoveringgrub] at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 10:12 |
markuman | i' m on a live cd and grub give error 15 if i want to start | 10:12 |
chavo | Frenchtoast, no but you can easily add them | 10:12 |
Seveas | ^-- markuman | 10:12 |
Frenchtoast | could you recommend one? | 10:12 |
Frenchtoast | i mean, this hardware is old | 10:12 |
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Seveas | Frenchtoast, how old? | 10:12 |
Frenchtoast | it can handle windows 95 | 10:12 |
Blissex | dooglus: as in: you log in, '~/.bash_profile' gets executed, if it is also an X login, ~/.xsession' gets executed, and if it is a GNOME X session, '~/.gnomerc' gets executed. | 10:12 |
Madpilot | later all, the real world is calling... | 10:12 |
Frenchtoast | i believe it shipped with windows 3.1 | 10:12 |
chavo | Well xfce is nice and any of the *boxes are good for ancient hardware | 10:12 |
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Seveas | woah | 10:13 |
Frenchtoast | i don't remember what the processor is | 10:13 |
Wips | How do I install Ubuntu on a pc that doesnt have any OS and doesnt support Boot from CD? | 10:13 |
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Frenchtoast | i can overclock to 233 if it is lower | 10:13 |
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Blissex | dooglus: as in: you log in, '~/.bash_profile' gets executed, if it is also an X login, ~/.xsession' gets executed, and if it is a GNOME X session too, '~/.gnomerc' gets executed too. | 10:13 |
dooglus | Blissex: I just looked at the gdm config. There's lines saying: | 10:13 |
dooglus | # Default path to set. The profile scripts will likely override this | 10:13 |
dooglus | DefaultPath=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games | 10:13 |
chavo | what exactly is the hardware? | 10:13 |
Seveas | maybe fluxbox+abiword+dillo then Frenchtoast | 10:13 |
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Frenchtoast | i can't remember | 10:13 |
dooglus | "profile scripts", eh? I wonder which profile scripts it means? | 10:13 |
Frenchtoast | it has a disk drive, though | 10:13 |
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Frenchtoast | and either 16 or 32 megs of ram | 10:13 |
chavo | Frenchtoast, how much ram? | 10:13 |
Blissex | dooglus: yes, that sounds sensible. The login profile scripts I guess. | 10:13 |
Wips | How do I install Ubuntu on a pc that doesnt have any OS and doesnt support Boot from CD? | 10:13 |
Frenchtoast | it's an old gateway | 10:13 |
markuman | or is that a problem i have a 64bit system an a 32bit live cd | 10:13 |
chavo | ooh that;s going to be tough. | 10:13 |
vanberge | deFrysk, graveman works | 10:13 |
Frenchtoast | do you know of any distros designed for that purpose? | 10:14 |
dooglus | Blissex: I often see people here asking "how do I change my path" | 10:14 |
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deFrysk | vanberge, great :) | 10:14 |
Blissex | dooglus: the idea is that you initialize your per-user environment in '~/.bash_profile' (e.g.: PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH") | 10:14 |
Frenchtoast | i know i could just not use a GUI, but that's fairly useless to me | 10:14 |
Frenchtoast | it has to at least have a basic GUI | 10:14 |
dooglus | Blissex: the answer seems to be to edit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf - because editing .bash_profile doesn't do it | 10:14 |
chavo | Frenchtoast, looka at DSL -> damn small linux | 10:14 |
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vanberge | Frenchtoast, use ubuntu with fluxbox | 10:14 |
Wips | help? | 10:14 |
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Blissex | dooglus: then you initialize your X environment in '~/.xsession' (e.g. 'xsetroot -solid grey30'). | 10:14 |
dooglus | Blissex: I wonder if this is a ubuntu bug, or a more general GNOME bug? | 10:14 |
Wips | How do I install Ubuntu on a pc that doesnt have any OS and doesnt support Boot from CD? | 10:14 |
Wips | :( | 10:15 |
Blissex | dooglus: I doubt it is a ''bug'', it is probably a ''feature''. | 10:15 |
deFrysk | Wips, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/Netboot | 10:15 |
Wips | deFrysk. thx | 10:15 |
chavo | Frenchtoast, http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/ it's 50M and has a desktop | 10:15 |
dooglus | Blissex: ah, ok. but like you say, it's annoying that I don't get my environment set up inside gnome | 10:15 |
Blissex | Wips: other possibility: take out the disk and do an install on another PC. | 10:15 |
chavo | you can use it as a live cd also to try it out | 10:15 |
Frenchtoast | can i load DSL onto an ipod shuffle? | 10:15 |
Frenchtoast | lol | 10:15 |
chavo | yes | 10:15 |
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Frenchtoast | i could do that i suppose | 10:15 |
chavo | it'll boot from a usb pendrive | 10:15 |
h17m4n | I can't run w32codecs on a amd64 distro right? but could I apt-get it on chroot? | 10:16 |
chavo | I don't see why it wouldn't from an ipod | 10:16 |
Frenchtoast | won't it be slow as shit though? | 10:16 |
Blissex | dooglus: that should happen in '~/.gnomerc' according to Seveas. | 10:16 |
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rob_p | Frenchtoast: What application do you have in mind for it? | 10:16 |
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Wips | deFrysk: gah, looks hard :) | 10:16 |
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Hergiswi | igsdlag | 10:16 |
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delp | I have all of my ntfs drives added now so i can see that I have music on them and i did the repos thing but i still can't listen to them, can someone please help | 10:16 |
jjjj | I am trying to config a usb sound card. How can I list the sound devices on this box? | 10:16 |
vanberge | when the new ubuntu is standard, is it a good idea to just run an upgrade to my hoary install? or better to tart fresh | 10:16 |
Frenchtoast | rob_p: word processing, internet surfing, simple games | 10:17 |
mjr | vanberge, upgrading should be fine | 10:17 |
Wips | deFrysk: Blissex: is there no other way? like a bootdisk or some'in? | 10:17 |
Frenchtoast | and, using a pen drive, do i have to run it from windows? | 10:17 |
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Frenchtoast | like, you can't boot directly from a usb drive, can you? | 10:17 |
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Blissex | Wips: a boot disk that can't be booted? | 10:17 |
Wips | Blissex: ment a floppy | 10:17 |
chavo | Frenchtoast, you can boot from usb but not on a computer that old | 10:17 |
slept | jjjj, /dev/dsp | 10:17 |
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chavo | Does it have usb? | 10:18 |
Blissex | Wips: either you start the thing from a floppy, and then it continues from the network... Or you take out the HD and put it into another CD. | 10:18 |
jjjj | slept: I have multiple sound cards. If I have more than one, where does the second one go? | 10:18 |
ReleaseX | has anyone here used Uira? | 10:18 |
dooglus | Seveas: I agree - the gnome-terminals aren't login terminals, but they a children of an X session into which I logged in. So it's not unreasonable to expect them to inherit stuff set up in my login profile, is it? | 10:18 |
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slept | jjjj, /dev/dsp1 | 10:18 |
slept | jjjj, /dev/dsp2 and so on | 10:18 |
jjjj | slept: Thank you. How can I verify that these devices are working properly? | 10:18 |
z0unds | i installed the jre-1_5_0_01-linux-i586.bin - how do i delete it? | 10:18 |
Blissex | dooglus: that does happen here, but then I use KDE and start X using 'xinit', not a DM. | 10:18 |
slept | jjjj, play sound | 10:18 |
Wips | Blissex: gah, that sounds hard :( is it possible to install another OS, like win2000 and then Someway overwrite it with ubuntu? | 10:19 |
Blissex | Wips: yes actually, but how do you install the other OS? Thye all install from CD. | 10:19 |
markuman | hey, it does not work with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows the same error | 10:19 |
delp | is anyone able to help me? | 10:19 |
Wips | Blissex: I could get a win2000 boot disk | 10:19 |
deFrysk | Wips, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/FromWindows | 10:19 |
Wips | Blissex *floppy* | 10:19 |
markuman | but on hda1 was grub. but i have formated it on ext2 | 10:20 |
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markuman | i have NO WINDOWS!!! | 10:20 |
chavo | I use kdm to log into KDE and I get all of my environment variables imported | 10:20 |
Blissex | Wips: you can get Linux boot floppies too... | 10:20 |
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Blissex | Wips: if you _have_ a CD_ROM drive, you can boot the Linux on it from a floppy. | 10:20 |
markuman | how can i get GRUB on masterboot record??? | 10:20 |
shadeofgrey | hi everybody | 10:20 |
jjjj | slept: thanks | 10:21 |
Wips | Blissex: I have a CD-ROM drive... | 10:21 |
shadeofgrey | can someone please talk me through how to properly install k3b on ubuntu-breezy? | 10:21 |
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dooglus | Blissex: if you use 'startx' from a bash shell, then of course your environment will be inherited. | 10:21 |
Blissex | markuman: 'grub-install' with '/dev/hda' or whatever | 10:21 |
dooglus | Blissex: that would be the case for GNOME, too. | 10:21 |
deFrysk | shadeofgrey, sudo apt-get install k3b perhaps ? | 10:21 |
shadeofgrey | i tried to do it myself on the last version and screwed things up royally | 10:21 |
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dooglus | Blissex: it's gdm that's acting weird. | 10:21 |
Blissex | dooglus: yes, but it should inherit from the DM too. | 10:21 |
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Kamzi333 | hi | 10:21 |
Blissex | dooglus: again, a DM is (or should be) nothing but a 'getty' under X. | 10:22 |
Kamzi333 | can anyone help me create a new user in ubuntu | 10:22 |
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dooglus | Blissex: what's funny is that .bashrc isn't sourced at all during login - not even by the bash which parses ~/.xsession | 10:22 |
markuman | Blissex : thx i will try | 10:22 |
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markuman | Blissex: Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device. | 10:22 |
markuman | after grub-install /dev/hda2 | 10:22 |
eva-02 | how come thunderbird doesnt have a program icon after i install it? | 10:23 |
delp | i need help listening to mp3s on here...i did the repos and it still isn't working, what could i be doing wrong? | 10:23 |
Wips | Blissex: I have a CDROM, its just that I cant boot from it.. | 10:23 |
Blissex | dooglus: you see, the extremely annoying rules for BASH are that if a shell is executed in 'login' mode, it executes _only_ '~/.bash_profile' and not '~/.bashrc' | 10:23 |
Blissex | markuman: look like you have a separate '/boot' partition and you haven't mounted it. | 10:23 |
h17m4n | delp | 10:23 |
h17m4n | hold on | 10:23 |
dooglus | Blissex: it doesn't source .bash_profile either. | 10:23 |
markuman | hm | 10:24 |
Blissex | dooglus: so if it does not executed '~/.bashrc', it must be executing '~/.bash_profile', or perhaps does so in a subshell. | 10:24 |
h17m4n | I will get you a good how to | 10:24 |
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dooglus | Blissex: it sources neither .bashrc nor .bash_profile. honest. | 10:24 |
rob_p | Kamzi333: System --> Administration --> Users and Groups --> Add user | 10:24 |
Blissex | markuman: do 'ls /boot', does it list several bits and pieces? | 10:24 |
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delp | ok, thank you h17m4n | 10:24 |
Blissex | dooglus: it may be doing it, but in a subshell, so the env gets lost. | 10:24 |
dooglus | Blissex: it isn't. my .bashrc and .bash_profile both modify a file when sourced. that file isn't being modified. | 10:25 |
Blissex | dooglus: BTW, when I use a DM I use the original XDM, which is a lot semantically simplers (the config files are mad though). | 10:25 |
h17m4n | delp: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#codecs | 10:25 |
markuman | Blissex, yes i think. | 10:25 |
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markuman | and now? | 10:26 |
Blissex | markuman: which command did you exactly type? | 10:26 |
h17m4n | note: w32codecs won't work with a amd64 distro | 10:26 |
deFrysk | h17m4n, never refer to ubuntuguide! | 10:26 |
LeaChim | Is the 2.6.12 kernel or higher going to be available in hoary or will i have to wait till breezy to use it? | 10:26 |
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markuman | Blissex: grub-install /dev/hda2 | 10:26 |
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markuman | because on hda2 there is my distri | 10:27 |
Blissex | markuman: that would install GRUB to a partition, not the disk's MBR | 10:27 |
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h17m4n | ok, here then: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats?action=show&redirect=Codecs | 10:27 |
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markuman | hm | 10:27 |
Inf3ctedFx | Hello ppl | 10:27 |
markuman | ok | 10:27 |
h17m4n | :) | 10:27 |
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Blissex | markuman: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Installing-GRUB-using-grub_002dinstall.html#Installing-GRUB-using-grub_002dinstall | 10:27 |
markuman | i will try again | 10:27 |
delp | so i need t go to the second url since im on amd64? | 10:27 |
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Inf3ctedFx | I just install Ubuntu, but I did not setup a root password.. now when I try to make a "su" is asking me for password | 10:28 |
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Inf3ctedFx | and I dont have the root password | 10:28 |
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deFrysk | !sudo | 10:28 |
ubotu | hmm... sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 10:28 |
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h17m4n | no | 10:28 |
deFrysk | Inf3ctedFx, read the sudo files | 10:28 |
Belutz | Inf3ctedFx: use your user password | 10:28 |
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Inf3ctedFx | ok on the website u guys have? | 10:28 |
h17m4n | it's just that they dont like people to refer to ubuntuguide | 10:28 |
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h17m4n | I dunno why | 10:29 |
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h17m4n | or you could just type | 10:29 |
deFrysk | !ubuntuguide | 10:29 |
ubotu | somebody said ubuntuguide was a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide. Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. The official FAQ Guide will be released with Breezy, stay tuned. | 10:29 |
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Inf3ctedFx | I tried already with my user password | 10:29 |
Inf3ctedFx | but didn't work | 10:29 |
h17m4n | !codecs | 10:29 |
Seveas | Inf3ctedFx, read that apge | 10:29 |
ubotu | it has been said that codecs is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 10:29 |
dooglus | Inf3ctedFx: use "sudo -s" not "su" and type your password, not root's | 10:29 |
Seveas | page* | 10:29 |
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Seveas | dooglus, wrong | 10:29 |
Seveas | sudo -i | 10:29 |
Inf3ctedFx | sudo instead su? | 10:29 |
delp | oh, ok so it will work once i do what it says on that page? | 10:29 |
GoClick | !ssh | 10:29 |
dooglus | Seveas: depends if you want your PATH or root's | 10:29 |
ubotu | ssh is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SSHHowto | 10:29 |
h17m4n | just follow the wiki page I gave you | 10:29 |
Inf3ctedFx | ok | 10:29 |
dooglus | Seveas: I prefer to work in my own home, not root's | 10:29 |
Seveas | dooglus, give me one goot reason to get a root shell and your $HOME/$USER... | 10:29 |
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h17m4n | delp: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats?action=show&redirect=Codecs | 10:30 |
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delp | thats what i tried before | 10:30 |
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Inf3ctedFx | another think.. i'm connection using wireless.. it works here on my Windows partition, but not on Linux... | 10:30 |
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dooglus | Seveas: so that the files I make in $HOME stay with my other files in $HOME, not in /root or wherever root's home is | 10:30 |
emtrix | trying to install usplash-package on laptop with fresh ubuntu-install, "sudo apt-get install usplash" gives me package not found.. | 10:30 |
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Inf3ctedFx | !sudo | 10:30 |
ubotu | I heard sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 10:30 |
LeaChim | Is the 2.6.12 kernel or higher going to be available in hoary or will i have to wait till breezy to use it? | 10:30 |
zeus1_ | how do u fix sound | 10:30 |
Seveas | dooglus, then simply do that as yourself... | 10:30 |
h17m4n | delp: what program are you using to play mp3s? | 10:30 |
Seveas | LeaChim, breezy | 10:30 |
h17m4n | I use xmms and it plays nicely... I'm using a amd64 distro | 10:31 |
delp | music player that comes with ubuntu | 10:31 |
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Inf3ctedFx | there is anyway to setup my ubuntu with my weireless card?? | 10:31 |
h17m4n | try xmms | 10:31 |
dooglus | Seveas: also so that my .bashrc gets sourced, not root's | 10:31 |
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dooglus | Seveas: so my aliases still work | 10:31 |
markuman | Blissex: every time same error :-( | 10:31 |
shadeofgrey | im very confused | 10:31 |
=== metzen [n=yep@cpe-66-24-90-112.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shadeofgrey | why is there no entry for "root terminal" under system tools anymore? | 10:32 |
zeus1_ | Ok I have a USB headset, and its not being detected in ubuntu unless I type dmesg and then reboot my computer.....and once it detects if I boot into windows XP it will lose that detection of the usb headset once i return to ubuntu | 10:32 |
delp | h17m4n: music player that comes with ubuntu | 10:32 |
Inf3ctedFx | !wireless | 10:32 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards | 10:32 |
LeaChim | Seveas, when's breezy supposed to be out? :P | 10:32 |
qt2 | 16:32:50 up 8 days, 15:54, 6 users, load average: 1.07, 1.08, 0.81 | 10:32 |
shadeofgrey | milestone 3 is out now | 10:32 |
dooglus | LeaChim: 05.10 isn't it? | 10:32 |
dooglus | shadeofgrey: 4? | 10:32 |
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shadeofgrey | 4] | 10:33 |
nalioth | LeaChim: october | 10:33 |
shadeofgrey | whatever | 10:33 |
shadeofgrey | =) | 10:33 |
h17m4n | delp: try using xmms ... it looks like winamp | 10:33 |
shadeofgrey | i guess im running 4 | 10:33 |
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Wips | Blissex: Say I create and MS-DOS boot disk, am I able to install ubuntu from there? | 10:33 |
Wips | a* | 10:33 |
Blissex | Wips: create a SysLinux or a GRUB boot disk... | 10:34 |
Blissex | but let me check the Kubuntu install disc. Might have the right image already | 10:34 |
test34 | by default ubuntu don't have a firewall ? | 10:35 |
shadeofgrey | okay... online they claim that you need to install kcontrol, cdrdao, k3b, and k3blibs to get it to run... is this true? because in synaptic it only shows k3b, k3blibs | 10:35 |
zeus1_ | How do u use WINE to play Deus Ex ? | 10:35 |
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nalioth | test34: by default, the firewall isnt enabled | 10:35 |
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kmes_ | hi | 10:35 |
eva-02 | quick question: what is the delete command for terminal? | 10:35 |
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kmes_ | eva-02, rm | 10:35 |
eva-02 | ty | 10:36 |
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deFrysk | eva-02, ctrl-c ? | 10:36 |
eva-02 | totally new to this ;) | 10:36 |
nalioth | !tell eva-02 about cli | 10:36 |
CrackersKeenan | anyone here use the firestarter firewall? If it says it's detected a serious event (in this case an SSH!) does that mean it's actually stopped it? or just noted it? | 10:36 |
kmes_ | eva-02, learn it :) | 10:36 |
Blissex | Wips: well, it looks like the install disc uses SysLinux, so putting the relevant bits onto a floppy should work. It used to be that distros provided a boot floppy image, but apparently no more. | 10:36 |
deFrysk | oh delete hehe | 10:36 |
eva-02 | nalioth: awesome thanks | 10:36 |
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deFrysk | rm yes | 10:36 |
test34 | nalioth shouldnt it have a stateful packet inspection install by default ? | 10:36 |
Wips | Blissex: Where do I get those bits from? | 10:36 |
Robbie___ | hi | 10:36 |
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Robbie___ | i have a question about grub | 10:37 |
Robbie___ | should i ask here | 10:37 |
nalioth | test34: ubuntu was meant for desktop use, not for hardcore server folks (although it can be run in that capacity easily) | 10:37 |
kmes_ | ask | 10:37 |
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Robbie___ | k | 10:37 |
newubuntuuser | is it possible to install ubuntu from the ubuntu live cd? | 10:37 |
Robbie___ | so i installed mandrake 10 | 10:37 |
nalioth | newubuntuuser: not to my knowledge | 10:37 |
kmes_ | newubuntuuser, jep | 10:37 |
Burgundavia | newubuntuuser, not yet | 10:37 |
LinuxJones | CrackersKeenan, did you specify a rule for ssh ? | 10:37 |
newubuntuuser | oh darn | 10:37 |
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Robbie___ | and it overwrote GRUB with LILO | 10:37 |
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shadeofgrey | linuxjones... have a minute to help me with installatioon of k3b? | 10:37 |
Robbie___ | and i want to put ubuntu on the lilo list | 10:37 |
test34 | nalioth I'm talking about desktop.. like the firewall included with windows xp | 10:38 |
Robbie___ | but | 10:38 |
newubuntuuser | this is amazing | 10:38 |
newubuntuuser | this live cd is amazing | 10:38 |
LinuxJones | shadeofgrey, you can't install k3b ? | 10:38 |
Wips | Blissex: I cant find any sites that tells me how to make a syslinux disk from a windows NT/XP system? | 10:38 |
Robbie___ | i dont know how to figure out what drive ubuntu is on | 10:38 |
Robbie___ | so | 10:38 |
nalioth | test34: iptables is an integral part of any linux distro | 10:38 |
nalioth | test34: http://software.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/05/09/1846213&tid=78&tid=130 | 10:38 |
h17m4n | anyone using the Gateway 74XXGX or Emach M68XX series? | 10:38 |
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test34 | nalioth, I know, but shouldn't it be enabled by default | 10:38 |
newubuntuuser | my stepdad spent over 2 weeks trying to get the internet to work | 10:38 |
Blissex | Wips: thats not difficult -- a SysLinux boot disk is nothing but a DOS boot disk with SysLinux on it. | 10:38 |
Wips | oh | 10:38 |
newubuntuuser | the live cd got it up and running and a few minutes | 10:38 |
deFrysk | Robbie___, perhaps you should ask in #mandrake , for its mandrake who overwrote it | 10:39 |
shadeofgrey | linuxboy: well, every time i try by myself i screw it up somehow and end up with the program, but no launcher icon, and am forved to start it fro m a terminal and it outputs tons of errors | 10:39 |
nalioth | test34: by default, there is nothing listening on an ubuntu install | 10:39 |
Blissex | Wips: I just found this that gives hope: http://wiki.etherboot.org/pmwiki.php/Main/ShazPxeDefault | 10:39 |
CrackersKeenan | LinuxJones: No. I go to add a rule, but the dialog only has the ability for me to *allow* connections from given hosts, rather than block them | 10:39 |
Robbie___ | well | 10:39 |
delp | h17m4n: thanks a lot, one more question if you don't mind me asking...is there a shortcut key to go from one workspace to the next? | 10:39 |
kmes_ | Robbie___, mount all partitions and see where ubuntu is | 10:39 |
shadeofgrey | linuxjones: all i reallyu need to know is which packages are required. synaptic says 4 - online in the forums they claim 6 | 10:39 |
Robbie___ | ok | 10:39 |
Robbie___ | how do i do that | 10:39 |
Robbie___ | kmes | 10:39 |
Robbie___ | from bash or sh? | 10:39 |
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LinuxJones | CrackersKeenan, if you didn't specify a rule to allow ssh then it's blocked by default, don't worry | 10:39 |
kmes_ | after startup, they should all be mounted | 10:39 |
zeus1_ | is there a way to install another distro say fedora or red hat over ubuntu | 10:39 |
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h17m4n | delp: np... but sry, can't answer that one.... I'm a noob :-[ | 10:40 |
LinuxJones | shadeofgrey, 1 sec | 10:40 |
test34 | nalioth, yeah but you don't need to be a server to have apps that listen to a port.. I still think it should be enabled.. | 10:40 |
Robbie___ | zeus1: yes | 10:40 |
Robbie___ | zeus1: i can help | 10:40 |
ArdieM | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI wich how to should i use for breezy??? | 10:40 |
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shadeofgrey | linuxjones: also, i blew away my old hoary install and replaced it with breezy milestone 4 -- why is there nothing in the "Add to Panel" thing for Root Terminal? | 10:40 |
delp | h17m4n: haha, ok thanks for the help though | 10:40 |
h17m4n | delp: hehe anytime | 10:40 |
zeus1_ | Robbie___ : how do u do it | 10:40 |
test34 | nalioth, for example, xchat is installed by default | 10:40 |
markuman | Blissex, thx. it works now | 10:40 |
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delp | is tehre a shortcut key(like alt + tab in firefox) to go from one workspace to the next? | 10:40 |
delp | *there | 10:40 |
Blissex | markuman: why? | 10:40 |
LinuxJones | shadeofgrey, ohh, that's why it's not working :) | 10:40 |
popey | delp: CTRL+TAB | 10:41 |
Blissex | ArdieM: dont use Breezy | 10:41 |
Robbie___ | zeus1 | 10:41 |
Robbie___ | talk to me on private | 10:41 |
Robbie___ | you know how? | 10:41 |
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Wips | Blissex: I dont understand anything of that .. but I download the latest version here: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/boot/syslinux/ and just smash in with the bootfloppy? | 10:41 |
dwerf | anybody got some tips on how to start using usenet? | 10:41 |
delp | popey: do you have to change something b.c it won't let me | 10:41 |
shadeofgrey | okay how do i manually create a launching icon for a root terminal? | 10:41 |
dwerf | never done it before | 10:41 |
popey | dwerf: download pan? | 10:41 |
dwerf | pan? | 10:41 |
Blissex | Wips: not quite -- you got to configure it too. Trying to see if someone already done it. | 10:41 |
Robbie___ | kmes: so what is the command to mount all | 10:42 |
ArdieM | Blissex: its nearly stable | 10:42 |
dwerf | that's a usenet prog? | 10:42 |
ArdieM | works fine for me | 10:42 |
popey | dwerf: it's a news reader | 10:42 |
Robbie___ | kmes: or sry one at a time | 10:42 |
dwerf | i've never used usenet before | 10:42 |
ArdieM | so wich howto should i use??? | 10:42 |
CrackersKeenan | LinuxJones: cool. thanks for that. Makes me realise I should always have the firewall on if someone is trying to ssh to my computer. | 10:42 |
Blissex | ArdieM: as far as it goes... | 10:42 |
nalioth | test34: as mentioned. iptables is available for your use (firewall, internet sharing, etc) but not enabled by default (cuz nothing is listening to the door for the knock) | 10:42 |
shadeofgrey | anybody successfully installed k3b? | 10:42 |
LinuxJones | shadeofgrey, Breezy has some problems so that's probably why it doesn't work for you. It will get ironed out in the next few weeks (possibly eariler) | 10:42 |
Wips | Blissex: k, Ill just standby then. | 10:42 |
dwerf | isn't thunderbird a newsreader too? | 10:42 |
popey | shadeofgrey: yes | 10:42 |
test34 | nalioth, and if you only have stateful inspection, a server would not work by default | 10:42 |
popey | dwerf: yes | 10:42 |
nalioth | dwerf: install pan (or slrn if ya like console) | 10:42 |
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shadeofgrey | popey: talk to me in private for a few mins? | 10:42 |
popey | go | 10:42 |
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dwerf | but pan has better options? through synaptic? | 10:42 |
nalioth | test34: yer talkin over my head, hoss | 10:43 |
popey | dwerf: nicer interface | 10:43 |
LinuxJones | CrackersKeenan, unless your running a server on your Ubuntu box you don't need a firewall. | 10:43 |
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popey | LinuxJones: that's a bold statement! | 10:43 |
shadeofgrey | LinuxJones: how do i manually add a launch icon in my top panel for starting a root terminal? for some reason theres no entry in system tools for a root terminal | 10:43 |
LinuxJones | popey, not really | 10:43 |
Robbie___ | kmes | 10:43 |
dwerf | popey - it's already installed, thanx | 10:43 |
popey | dwerf: cool | 10:43 |
Robbie___ | how do i list partitions | 10:43 |
CrackersKeenan | LinuxJones: really? what if someone ssh's in and then installs a keystroke logger etc?? | 10:43 |
test34 | nalioth, you are.. are you a bot or something | 10:43 |
popey | Robbie___: fdisk | 10:44 |
Robbie___ | ok | 10:44 |
nalioth | test34: what? | 10:44 |
liran_ | shadeofgrey: just right click it and choose the add panel thing | 10:44 |
Robbie___ | thx | 10:44 |
CrackersKeenan | LinuxJones: and someone *was* trying to ssh in after all | 10:44 |
LinuxJones | popey, maybe I should re-phrase, If your running a service on your computer that you want to restrict access to (like a file server on your private network) then you don't need a firewall :) | 10:44 |
tux-rox | Where can I download Colony 4 ISO? I can't find it on the Ubuntu download servers.... | 10:44 |
popey | Robbie___: fdsisk -l /dev/hda for example | 10:44 |
nalioth | tux-rox: cdimage.ubuntu.com | 10:44 |
Robbie___ | to mount | 10:44 |
popey | LinuxJones: indeed, there are many caveats to "you don't need a firewall" | 10:44 |
Robbie___ | or to list | 10:44 |
Seveas | tux-rox, releases.ubuntu.com | 10:44 |
Blissex | Wips: you could have searched the Ubuntu Wiki... :-) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/WithFloppies?highlight=%28floppy%29 | 10:45 |
popey | I can't be arsed to type them all though :D | 10:45 |
LinuxJones | CrackersKeenan, they can't connect to any service by default | 10:45 |
popey | feel free to | 10:45 |
shadeofgrey | liran_: i would, under normal circumstances, but apparently they took Root Terminal out of the choices list under add to panel | 10:45 |
shadeofgrey | thats what i need to know... how do i manually add it? | 10:45 |
liran_ | shadeofgrey: thats weird. have another look, its probably somewhere else there | 10:45 |
Seveas | shadeofgrey, add a launcher for 'gksudo gnome-terminal' | 10:45 |
nalioth | shadeofgrey: a root terminal is easy. open a regular terminal and type "sudo -s" | 10:45 |
LinuxJones | popey, Ubuntu only listens on localhost when a service like ssh is installed, you have to tell the service to listen to external connections from the Internet or it can't see them. | 10:45 |
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Seveas | nalioth, sudo -i | 10:46 |
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popey | shadeofgrey: it's under Applications --> System tools --> root terminal | 10:46 |
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popey | LinuxJones: rubbish | 10:46 |
Wips | Blissex: i cant download the floppy disks, get "error, file not found" | 10:46 |
deFrysk | popey, not in breezy | 10:46 |
LinuxJones | popey, yeah | 10:46 |
SuperQ | how are the breezy images coming along? | 10:46 |
Blissex | Wips: thats bad news. | 10:46 |
Blissex | Wips: still searching | 10:46 |
nalioth | "no chatting until awake 1 hour" | 10:46 |
popey | LinuxJones: I have installed ssh here and it was available to remote hosts with no config required | 10:46 |
Wips | Blissex: try yourself | 10:46 |
liran_ | lol | 10:46 |
CrackersKeenan | LinuxJones: ah ok... well that is good to know. Cause most of the time I don't run it. | 10:47 |
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liran_ | Blissex: your nick translates to "without sec" in hebrew | 10:47 |
CrackersKeenan | LinuxJones: but one day I want to set this box up as a webserver | 10:47 |
Lunar_Lamp | hmm - i'm running ubuntu on a very slow computer (233, 48mb ram). Where can i find some tips on speeding it up? | 10:47 |
test34 | do you know why would sshd start in ipv6 mode by default ? | 10:47 |
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Blissex | liran_: :-) | 10:47 |
LinuxJones | CrackersKeenan, that's a good project | 10:47 |
shadeofgrey | IM TRYING to tell you - popey - that root terminal is no longer available by default under applications -> system tools | 10:47 |
liran_ | Blissex: that's because 'bli' means without and well 'sex' is sex. heh, take it easy though :) | 10:47 |
Seveas | Lunar_Lamp, ditch gnome and run fluxbox (or maybe xfce) | 10:47 |
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vanberge | anybody know off hand where the ubuntu splash is located?? | 10:47 |
popey | steady on there shadeofgrey | 10:47 |
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LinuxJones | popey, what are you running Hoary ? | 10:48 |
nalioth | Lunar_Lamp: don't run gnome or kde, run xfce, *box or enlightenment (light windows manglers) | 10:48 |
popey | LinuxJones: yeah | 10:48 |
eva-02 | more dumb questions: linux-restricted-modules-<your-kernel-version> | 10:48 |
popey | has it all changed in breezy then? | 10:48 |
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test34 | linuxboy, how do you tell a service to listen to external connections if the firewall is not even enabled | 10:48 |
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CrackersKeenan | LinuxJones: yeah, should be good fun | 10:48 |
Lunar_Lamp | where do i change my window manager then? | 10:48 |
Lunar_Lamp | lol | 10:48 |
eva-02 | what is my kernel version if i'm running HHedgehog? | 10:48 |
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deFrysk | eva-02, uname -r | 10:48 |
Blissex | Wips: this is mentioned in that page and might work better: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SmartBootManagerHowto?highlight=%28floppy%29 | 10:48 |
liran_ | test34: through it's config file/tcp wrappers | 10:48 |
Seveas | eva-02, 2.6.10 probably | 10:48 |
eva-02 | deFrysk: ty | 10:49 |
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test34 | where can I see the default kernel configuration ? | 10:49 |
test34 | liran_: like sshd_config ? | 10:49 |
Seveas | test34, /boot/config* | 10:49 |
popey | test34: /boot/config* | 10:49 |
popey | test34: oooh, /etc/ | 10:49 |
liran_ | test34: right /etc/ssh/sshd_config probably, there's a ListenAddress directive there | 10:49 |
popey | ooo spooky Seveas | 10:49 |
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test34 | ok thanks | 10:50 |
liran_ | test34: sure | 10:50 |
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liran_ | im wondering | 10:50 |
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Robbie___ | everybody | 10:51 |
zeus1_ | how u make usb sound work | 10:51 |
Robbie___ | breaking new | 10:51 |
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Robbie___ | news! | 10:51 |
Robbie___ | apple has just relseased | 10:51 |
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Robbie___ | iPod nano | 10:51 |
liran_ | if i got my .pub file for connecting from this box to another, can i use it to connect to the ssh server without password authentication? | 10:51 |
deFrysk | Robbie___, too costly for me I'm sure | 10:51 |
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Robbie___ | http://www.apple.com/ipodnano/ | 10:52 |
Dime | how do i go about installing flash 7.0 | 10:52 |
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liran_ | Dime: download it and run the script | 10:52 |
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Dime | wont let me do so | 10:52 |
liran_ | Dime: won't let you do what. explain. | 10:52 |
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Dime | when firefox asks me if i want to install the plugin | 10:53 |
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Robbie___ | $199 for a ipod nano | 10:53 |
Dime | it says failed and then gives me the options of manual install | 10:53 |
Robbie___ | with 1,000 songs | 10:53 |
liran_ | Dime: you're not following me. go to macromedia.com from firefox and choose to download it only to your homedir. there extract it and run the install, it'll ask you for your mozilla/ff dir, put it in and you're done | 10:54 |
deFrysk | Robbie___, get a radio , costs less and has more songs | 10:54 |
zeus1_ | WTF u need Windows to install itunes WTFWTFWTFWTF y cant u install in linux WTF | 10:54 |
liran_ | i gotta go | 10:54 |
liran_ | later guys | 10:54 |
meuserj|work | deFrysk, good luck finding something on the radio worth a damn to listen to.... | 10:54 |
deFrysk | meuserj|work, we in holland have taste ;p | 10:55 |
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zeus1_ | CAN U INSTALL itunes on ubuntu | 10:55 |
zeus1_ | with wine | 10:55 |
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meuserj|work | deFrysk, we in the States have a little problem with the RIAA having a monopolistic influence over our airwaves.... | 10:55 |
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Lunar_Lamp | how do you get kfce on ubuntu 5.04? (note, i have no internet connection on the machine) | 10:55 |
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Lunar_Lamp | i am trying to follow this guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LowEndSystemSupport - but the options aren't there - i think it was written for an older version | 10:56 |
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sharp | anyone care to help a noob get JWS/flash plugin working on AMD64? | 10:56 |
Seveas | zeus1_, you can use pymusique | 10:56 |
Seveas | sharp, flash for amd64: not possible | 10:57 |
meuserj|work | sharp, flash plugin doesn't work for amd64.. blame macromedia | 10:57 |
zeus1_ | k | 10:57 |
Seveas | java for amd64: wiki.ubuntu.com/Java - follow the ling to JavaBuildingNewPackages oslt | 10:57 |
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Robbie___ | wait | 10:58 |
Robbie___ | lots of announcements | 10:58 |
Robbie___ | ok | 10:58 |
meuserj|work | sharp, only option for flash is making a 32 bit chroot and run the browser from there. | 10:58 |
Robbie___ | 1: iPod nano | 10:58 |
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vanberge | lol... ok if it takes me 20+ minutes to change my gdm splash, maybe i shouldnt be trying it | 10:58 |
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[pbC] Obst | works cedega under ubuntu 64 bit? | 10:59 |
sharp | meuser, sounds good. The guide for that throws me a bit though | 10:59 |
Robbie___ | 1: iPod nano | 10:59 |
Robbie___ | 2: iTunes 5 | 10:59 |
Robbie___ | 3: iTunes + Cingular | 10:59 |
Robbie___ | 4: Harry Potter iPods | 10:59 |
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Seveas | Robbie___, ? | 10:59 |
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Wips | Blissex: still get the "wrong disk error thing" but Ill try agai | 10:59 |
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Lunar_Lamp | how do you get kfce on ubuntu 5.04? (note, i have no internet connection on the machine). i am trying to follow this guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LowEndSystemSupport - but the options aren't there - i think it was written for an older version | 11:00 |
brynjarh | the clock on my computer goes to fast, it always ends up being more then it really is, what could be wrong? I remember hearing once that it could be the battery on the motherboard running out.. but doesn't that work for a long long time?? | 11:01 |
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Seveas | Lunar_Lamp, do you have another ubuntu machine? | 11:01 |
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Lunar_Lamp | nope - only 1 ubuntu machine - and this XP machine | 11:02 |
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zeus1_ | how do u decrypt protected files from itunes music store...or can u | 11:03 |
sexcopter8001m | i've installed tetex to do some latex, do i need a frontend for it? | 11:03 |
Seveas | sexcopter8001m, no | 11:03 |
Lunar_Lamp | that would be illegal zeus1_ i believe | 11:03 |
pitti | sexcopter8001m: well, an editor :-) | 11:03 |
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Seveas | sexcopter8001m, hey, you're at 8001 now? | 11:03 |
sexcopter8001m | i have used latex before but only under windows, ie using winedt | 11:03 |
sexcopter8001m | oh, that's cos 8000 timed out :) | 11:04 |
Seveas | hehe | 11:04 |
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daysleper | hi, when doing "apt-get remove totem -s" it says both totem and ubuntu-desktop will be removed, will this mess up things - or will gnome etc. still be installed? | 11:04 |
Seveas | well, any text editor can be used to write tex | 11:04 |
Seveas | you compile it with the command latex | 11:04 |
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robotgeek | sexcopter8001m: i would suggest gvim with the latex package | 11:04 |
zeus1_ | lunar_lamp whats the diff between doing that and burning the protected file onto a cd, then burning it back onto itunes as a .mp3 ?? | 11:04 |
Seveas | or pdflatex to make a pdf instead of dvi | 11:04 |
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Masterkong | yo! | 11:04 |
daysleper | sexcopter8000m, texmacs is a nice front-end, i think | 11:04 |
Lunar_Lamp | zeus1_ - you are allowed a certain number of transfers onto cd etc | 11:04 |
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Lunar_Lamp | you will not be able to burn the file into mp3 legally from the cd | 11:05 |
sexcopter8000m | ok, so would what robotgeek suggests roughly correspond to winedt or texnicenter? | 11:05 |
Lunar_Lamp | you can transfer it a certain number of times, but it is limited iirc | 11:05 |
zeus1_ | wtf?? there was no limitation last tiem i checked | 11:05 |
Masterkong | i need some help.. i'm a noob.. at this linux stuff... how do i know what graphics drivers i have installed my os is ubuntu 5.10 | 11:05 |
Seveas | sexcopter8000m, only if you're used to vim :) | 11:05 |
Lunar_Lamp | hmm, perhaps im totally wrong zeus... | 11:05 |
robotgeek | sexcopter8000m: yeah, though i have never used to winedit | 11:05 |
zeus1_ | since when are u limited to how many cd's u can burn on itunes | 11:05 |
sexcopter8000m | which i'm not | 11:05 |
CarlFK | delp - | 11:06 |
CarlFK | whops | 11:06 |
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Lunar_Lamp | zeus1_ - i was under the impression you were limited how many copies of protected content you could make | 11:06 |
robotgeek | sexcopter8000m: once u use vim, u probably like it or hate it :) | 11:06 |
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sexcopter8000m | well winedt is a programme which highlights opened brackets, identifies recognised commands and highlights them etc, to make it easier to spot mistakes as they happen | 11:06 |
CarlFK | how do I detect new video card settings for xorg.conf? | 11:06 |
zeus1_ | oh | 11:06 |
robotgeek | sexcopter8000m: vim does all that | 11:06 |
Seveas | sexcopter8000m, most linux editors do that | 11:06 |
sexcopter8000m | heh, ok sounds like a challenge robotgeek :) | 11:06 |
CarlFK | dpkg-reconfigure xorg.something.... | 11:06 |
Seveas | including gedit, vim, emacs, kate.. | 11:06 |
Masterkong | how do i know what graphics driver i got? | 11:06 |
sexcopter8000m | i've used gedit, and heard lots of vim and emacs | 11:07 |
zeus1_ | im just saying if decrypting the files are illegal how come burning them onto a cd then burning them back as an unproteted mp3 is hunkie-dorie | 11:07 |
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Seveas | Masterkong, grep -i driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 11:07 |
sexcopter8000m | is vim already installed on ubuntu? | 11:07 |
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Seveas | yes | 11:07 |
CarlFK | zeus1_ - cus the music industry are a bunch of natzies | 11:07 |
Lunar_Lamp | zeus1_ - io don't use the itunes shop, so i haven#t looked into it - check out their Terms and COnditions | 11:07 |
robotgeek | sexcopter8000m: yeah, but most probably the latex package is not...gimme a min | 11:07 |
CarlFK | zeus1_ er, cuz they want to make tons of money | 11:07 |
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zeus1_ | lol...lmao at protected files | 11:08 |
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CarlFK | zeus1_ - and who siad it was hunky? | 11:08 |
Lunar_Lamp | Seveas - is it impossible to change from Gnome to something else without the laptop connecting to the net? | 11:08 |
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Masterkong | mmh.. if it says nv... does that mean i have 3d? | 11:08 |
zeus1_ | idk...doesnt matter | 11:08 |
robotgeek | sexcopter8000m: sudo aptitude install vim-latexsuite | 11:08 |
Masterkong | Seveas? | 11:08 |
Wips | Blissex: Yey, it worked, thx alot | 11:08 |
Seveas | Lunar_Lamp, yes, but hard... | 11:08 |
vanberge | alright.. i have learned that i need to use configuration editor to change the gdm splash... but i am stuck. could anyone assist? :-) thanks | 11:08 |
sexcopter8000m | ok, thanks robotgeek | 11:08 |
Lunar_Lamp | Seveas - :-( | 11:08 |
Seveas | Masterkong, yes, but slow 3D | 11:08 |
Seveas | !nvidia | 11:08 |
ubotu | [nvidia] at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 11:08 |
zeus1_ | if u actually pay for ur music u should be allowed to do whatever u want with it...not just have it play in apples | 11:08 |
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Blissex | Wips: thanks also whoever wrote that pages... I would have used GRUB, which is not n00b friendly, but the idea of just using SmartBootManager is good. | 11:09 |
zeus1_ | apples ipod or itunes | 11:09 |
Masterkong | thankyou ubotu | 11:09 |
ompaul | Seveas, using breezy on any boxes yet? | 11:09 |
Seveas | zeus1_, this is getting a bit too off-topic here | 11:09 |
zeus1_ | maybe | 11:09 |
nalioth | CarlFK: zeus1_ -offtopic with the music nazi talk, please | 11:09 |
Seveas | ompaul, /me uses only hoary | 11:09 |
CarlFK | nalioth - roger that. | 11:09 |
zeus1_ | HOw do u play DEUS EX 1 in WINE | 11:10 |
Lunar_Lamp | Seveas - basically - at the moment ubuntu is unusable on this machine as it is so slow. is there any otehr way i can improve? | 11:10 |
sexcopter8000m | so, robotgeek, if i now make an empty file called file.tex and open it with vim, is this the right idea? | 11:10 |
GNULinuxer | Seveas: is breezy stable now? | 11:10 |
CarlFK | Lunar_Lamp - unusable, or you just don't like it cuz you are used to faster? | 11:10 |
Seveas | Lunar_Lamp, use no GUI at all :) | 11:10 |
nalioth | zeus1_: have you tried #wine ? | 11:10 |
ompaul | GNULinuxer, no October | 11:10 |
Seveas | GNULinuxer, no | 11:10 |
Lunar_Lamp | CarlFK - it's been about 5mins - and OpenWord still hasn't loaded | 11:10 |
GNULinuxer | Seveas: can't upgrade now? | 11:10 |
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Seveas | sexcopter8000m, you don't have to create it first :) | 11:11 |
Lunar_Lamp | CarlFK - and i mean a literal 5mins | 11:11 |
Seveas | GNULinuxer, you can, but it's not advisory | 11:11 |
zeus1_ | nalioth: theres 4 ppl there | 11:11 |
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CarlFK | Lunar_Lamp - that doesn't sound right. I have run it on a P1-266, 48 meg I think. it wasn't that bad | 11:11 |
Lunar_Lamp | that's the spec i'm running on... | 11:11 |
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Lunar_Lamp | i did default install | 11:12 |
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Seveas | I'm seriously considering a ban on 8*.*.*.*. | 11:12 |
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Seveas | the last bots seem to originate from there | 11:12 |
WiseElben | Hi, I tried to install Ubuntu 32bit on my AMD64 but it hangs at the disk partitioner at 41% | 11:12 |
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WiseElben | i have installed kubuntu 64bit before with no prolbems | 11:12 |
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WiseElben | on the same HDD, a 73gig SATA | 11:12 |
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jatos | hi | 11:12 |
CarlFK | Lunar_Lamp - I don't think you are ever going to see Open Word (that is part of the OO set?) run will on that box | 11:12 |
nalioth | WiseElben: your md5 check out on the ubu installer? | 11:13 |
dooglus | 8*.*.*.* would match about 12% of the world, wouldn't it? | 11:13 |
jatos | me has a boot loader problem | 11:13 |
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Seveas | dooglus, incuding myself ;) | 11:13 |
WiseElben | I would, but I deleted my old WinXP parition with the iso in it | 11:13 |
Lunar_Lamp | CarlFK - that's fine - i prefer AbiWord anyway - i just don't know how to get it without an internet connection (no network card) | 11:13 |
zeus1_ | does net-nanny only work in windows? | 11:13 |
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WiseElben | I guess I'll redl? | 11:13 |
sexcopter8000m | Seveas: this sounds so stupid.. but i type "vim" in the terminal and just get what appears to be the title page and can't do anything :s | 11:13 |
jatos | i've installed lilo and I can't get it to multiboot | 11:13 |
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dooglus | what do the bots do? I never see anything. do the pm the ops? | 11:14 |
robotgeek | sexcopter8000m: try gvim | 11:14 |
dooglus | *they | 11:14 |
Seveas | sexcopter8000m, welcome to vim, it has a steep learning curve :) | 11:14 |
nalioth | WiseElben: you can run md5 against the /md5sums on the cd itself | 11:14 |
kemik | sexcopter8000m: try "vimtutor" | 11:14 |
nalioth | dooglus: what bots? | 11:14 |
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Seveas | they used to spamvertise porn | 11:14 |
robotgeek | and then vimtutor too! | 11:14 |
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dooglus | nalioth: the ones that Seveas is talking about <shrug> | 11:14 |
WiseElben | ok | 11:14 |
Parisi | can anyone help me restoring my bootloader back to normal? I can no longer boot windows. | 11:14 |
nalioth | dooglus: but freenode has locked most of them out | 11:15 |
sexcopter8000m | robotgeek: gvim doesn't work, do you recommend i look for and install it? | 11:15 |
Seveas | sexcopter8000m, install vim-gnome for that | 11:15 |
sexcopter8000m | kemik: thanks, will read that now :) | 11:15 |
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nalioth | Parisi: not such a bad thing, but here ya go https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 11:15 |
ReleaseX | anyone know of any apps available to create swf | 11:15 |
maia | hey guys, im running the ubuntu live cd, and was thinking of mounting my ntfs drive. will bad, bad, bad things happen if i do that and actually try to read/write from it? | 11:15 |
WiseElben | where do I find the md5 of the ISO? | 11:16 |
nalioth | ReleaseX: you'll need to run windows i believe for swf. linux just has an alpha "flash for linux" f4l.sourceforge.net | 11:16 |
robotgeek | maia: they might :) | 11:16 |
ompaul | maia, if you try to write it might be veru bad | 11:16 |
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Seveas | maia, you can only read from it | 11:16 |
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nalioth | WiseElben: on the cd itself, is a folder full of md5 data, md5 will parse that folder with the correct switch and verify your disk | 11:16 |
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maia | hm. that's lovely...then, is there any possible way i can install emacs? that's really my only greivance right now... | 11:16 |
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firefly2442 | when I go to "Places" then "Network Servers", should NFS sharing show up? | 11:17 |
nalioth | maia: use synaptic, it should be available to you now | 11:17 |
ReleaseX | nalioth, ok, thanks | 11:17 |
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maia | nalioth: what is synaptic? | 11:18 |
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WiseElben | nalioth: ok they're different | 11:18 |
WiseElben | nalioth: I used a windows program that checks it, winMd5Sum | 11:18 |
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WiseElben | hum I guess I'll redl it | 11:18 |
nalioth | maia: at the top of your screen. System > admin > synaptic pkg manager | 11:18 |
robotgeek | maia: system -> administartion -> synaptic | 11:18 |
vanberge | sweet!! splash screen, check | 11:18 |
nalioth | WiseElben: dont red/l the whole thing, make an iso image of what you've got, and torrent the version it is | 11:19 |
Lunar_Lamp | alriiiighty then - just found a docking station for this lappy! It has a network port on the back, so i will be able to get it hooked up to the net if i can get it working | 11:19 |
nalioth | WiseElben: the torrent will repair/fill in the missing pieces | 11:19 |
robotgeek | vanberge: i disabled my splashscreen :) | 11:19 |
vanberge | robotgeek, i just wanted to change the gdm splash... :-) | 11:19 |
maia | nalioth: sweeet, thank you so much! | 11:19 |
WiseElben | nalioth: that's a good idea, thanks =P | 11:19 |
Hergiswi | I installed WINE from Synaptic Package Manager, but I can't right click stuff and run it with WINE | 11:19 |
nalioth | maia: np | 11:20 |
nalioth | !tell maia about sources | 11:20 |
nalioth | maia: ubotu has sent you info to get you more toys | 11:20 |
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WiseElben | !tell WiseElben about sources | 11:20 |
firefly2442 | how do I check if my NFS is setup correctly? | 11:20 |
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erUSUL | firefly2442, client or server? | 11:22 |
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firefly2442 | erUSUL, just between two computers, do I need client and server installed on both? | 11:22 |
Hergiswi | I installed WINE from Synaptic Package Manager, but I can't right click stuff and run it with WINE | 11:22 |
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erUSUL | the server shares directories and the client can mount them | 11:23 |
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erUSUL | you need the server on one machine | 11:24 |
firefly2442 | I installed nfs-common and nfs-kernel-server on both machines | 11:24 |
test34 | is there any slackware to ubuntu /debian conversion guide ? | 11:24 |
Seveas | firefly2442, that's not needed | 11:24 |
vanberge | is there a default boot splash for ubuntu? or would one have to be installed | 11:24 |
Seveas | on the client you don't need to install anything | 11:24 |
vanberge | dont care really, just curious | 11:24 |
Seveas | there is none vanberge | 11:25 |
opo | Hello | 11:25 |
Seveas | hi | 11:25 |
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vanberge | Seveas, thank you... i have seen how to install one, but im not really interested | 11:25 |
firefly2442 | Seveas, ahhh ok | 11:25 |
ompaul | hello opo | 11:25 |
opo | anyone have a recommendation for a picture gallery maker ( of the html variety? ) | 11:25 |
vanberge | if there was a default, i'd be willing to check i t out | 11:25 |
vanberge | opo, html being 'an on line gallery' ? | 11:26 |
vanberge | or organized on your hard disk via html as an interface | 11:26 |
opo | one that I can implement into my site | 11:26 |
robotgeek | opo: try gallery | 11:26 |
vanberge | opo, i use gallery | 11:26 |
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_axel | i thought ubuntu was released in sync with new major gnome? | 11:26 |
deFrysk | imageindex | 11:26 |
Seveas | _axel, it is | 11:26 |
deFrysk | i use | 11:26 |
opo | I'll check em out, thanks | 11:26 |
Seveas | the preview release of ubuntu comes one week after the gnome release | 11:26 |
_axel | Seveas: 2.12 is released and i cant find breezy released | 11:26 |
_axel | ah | 11:26 |
Seveas | the final ubuntu one month later | 11:26 |
Seveas | it's in sync, but not simultaneous | 11:27 |
firefly2442 | so System --> Admin --> Shared Folders? | 11:27 |
eva-02 | shell command to start up X or whatever? | 11:27 |
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eva-02 | been playing with xorg.conf ;o | 11:27 |
_axel | i seem to remember warty came out the same day... i guess that was too much work! :) | 11:27 |
Seveas | _axel, it did not. | 11:27 |
robotgeek | eva-02: startx | 11:27 |
eva-02 | ty | 11:28 |
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vanberge | did you guys ever play legend of the red dragon? | 11:31 |
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samu2 | ack, what is wrong? [00000270] oss audio output error: cannot open audio device (/dev/dsp) says vlc when i try to play an .mp4 file | 11:32 |
maia | nalioth: just out of nerd curiosity, where are all these packages being installed? are they only local to this session? | 11:32 |
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samu2 | i can play sounds in rhythm box though | 11:33 |
dooglus | maia: no, they're system wide | 11:33 |
bp_me | peeps, can i ask an idiot question? | 11:33 |
firefly2442 | would it be easier to use zeroconf instead of NFS? | 11:33 |
none_- | samu2: killall -15 esd | 11:33 |
none_- | before you start vlc | 11:33 |
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nalioth | maia: are you on a LiveCD? | 11:34 |
maia | nalioth: i am indeed...and the synaptic manager worked brilliantly... | 11:34 |
dooglus | maia: type this: "dpkg -L bash" to see where the files that make up the "bash" package were installed | 11:34 |
samu2 | none_-, all right. thanks! | 11:34 |
nalioth | maia: then yes, session only | 11:34 |
samu2 | why did i have to do that though? | 11:34 |
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none_- | samu2: esd is a sound daemon that takes over the audio device | 11:35 |
maia | nalioth: ah, then that would make perfect sense :) | 11:35 |
none_- | it's not guaranteed to be compatible with non-supported applications | 11:35 |
erUSUL | firefly2442, zeroconf is not a file sharing service | 11:35 |
none_- | it will work with the default media player, though | 11:35 |
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firefly2442 | erUSUL, ahh k | 11:35 |
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none_- | samu2: it's one of the dumber things about ubuntu | 11:36 |
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samu2 | none_-, is it gonna be solved any time soon? | 11:36 |
sharp | I'm considering installing x86 Ubuntu on my AMD64 box to avoid the trouble. How much would the performance degrade? | 11:36 |
tux-rox | Has anyone been able to connect to an exchange server using Evolution in the latest Breezy? | 11:37 |
ompaul | sharp, if you can see the difference I would be surprised | 11:37 |
nalioth | sharp: not much (if any humanly noticeable) degradation | 11:37 |
firefly2442 | sharp, why not install the AMD64 version? | 11:37 |
ompaul | those little babies fly | 11:37 |
none_- | samu2: something more elegant is bound to come up.. but i don't know of anything specific | 11:37 |
none_- | you can get vlc to work with esd via a plug-in | 11:37 |
nalioth | sharp: use the 686 kernel for best results (after the install, you can upgrade the kernel) | 11:37 |
sharp | firefly2442, flash+SUN JRE | 11:37 |
samu2 | well at least i know what to kill next time to work around it | 11:37 |
sharp | nalioth, thanks | 11:38 |
none_- | right | 11:38 |
firefly2442 | sharp, don't they have a 64 bit version? | 11:38 |
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samu2 | whats the -15 flag for again? | 11:38 |
firefly2442 | sharp, I have the JDK installed on mine right now... | 11:38 |
firefly2442 | sharp, works fine | 11:38 |
sharp | firefly2442, about half the Java I run is JWS and applets | 11:38 |
none_- | that will make it quit gracefully | 11:38 |
sharp | firefly2442, not quite supported for AMD64 | 11:38 |
firefly2442 | sharp, ahh, gotcha, do they not work with ia32? | 11:38 |
sharp | ? | 11:39 |
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none_- | killall -15 esd | 11:39 |
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none_- | if that doesn't work, killall -9 esd | 11:39 |
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samu2 | is that the only way to communicate with esd? | 11:40 |
none_- | i'm not sure.. i don't have it running | 11:40 |
none_- | that is what i have seen recommended before | 11:40 |
erUSUL | sharp, -15 sets the signal sent to the program | 11:40 |
WiseElben | I hate using a 64bit OS.. everything is so bleeding edge | 11:41 |
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trevor3307 | hey everyone! can someone help me setup samba on ubuntu 5.04? thanks | 11:42 |
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cevizoglu | which packages have to be installed for gnome to work, besides xserver-xorg? | 11:42 |
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LasseL | cevizoglu, ubuntu-desktop :p | 11:43 |
nalioth | cevizoglu: ubuntu-desktop will install all that stuff | 11:44 |
cevizoglu | sweet | 11:44 |
none_- | cevizoglu: any application that depends on gnome will do | 11:44 |
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GhostFreeman | anyone know how I can run Evolution in the background and have it alert me when an email arrives? | 11:45 |
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L|nu}{ | GhostFreeman: Change to Thunderbird ;) | 11:45 |
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mjr | GhostFreeman, minimize it, set it to notify you with a beep or audio file from the preferences | 11:45 |
mjr | not necessarily in this order | 11:45 |
LasseL | L|nu}{, what would that change? | 11:45 |
trevor3307 | anyone know how to get windows xp to see ubuntu through network? | 11:46 |
L|nu}{ | i was thinking of the same feature in Thunderbird | 11:46 |
LasseL | GhostFreeman, there is a program called Mail Notification you can try | 11:46 |
L|nu}{ | didnt know Evolution had the same feature.. with wav. notificationm | 11:46 |
mjr | the notification setting is in the third preferences section from the top, at bottom | 11:46 |
GhostFreeman | Where is Mail Notification | 11:46 |
samu2 | you cant minimize evolution to the tray though i think | 11:46 |
GhostFreeman | ok. thanks | 11:46 |
GhostFreeman | Is there a plugin to minimize it to the tray? | 11:47 |
LasseL | GhostFreeman, try searching for it in synaptic | 11:47 |
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LasseL | GhostFreeman, be warned that Mail Notification core dumps on my machine ... but when it works it looks great :) | 11:47 |
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erUSUL | GhostFreeman, try gnu biff | 11:47 |
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nalioth | GhostFreeman: mail notification is an applet that lives in your panel | 11:47 |
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samu2 | nalioth, thats not in gnome by default right? | 11:48 |
Seveas | it is | 11:48 |
Seveas | you just need to add it to the pane | 11:49 |
Seveas | l | 11:49 |
none_- | evolution runs by default | 11:49 |
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none_- | so make sure you have a few gigs of ram | 11:49 |
samu2 | eh, whats it called? | 11:50 |
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nalioth | samu2: mail notification | 11:50 |
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M3hdi | ya du monde la | 11:50 |
M3hdi | :) | 11:50 |
none_- | no, you are | 11:51 |
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samu2 | its not in my list for adding stuff to the panel | 11:51 |
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SPERMITE | anyone ever got this before | 11:51 |
Inf3ctedFx | Hello again .... | 11:51 |
SPERMITE | Failed to enter Entry: Can't find file for package 'TauntPack' | 11:51 |
BlueEagle | Hello again inf3ctedfx | 11:51 |
none_- | what is the error from? | 11:51 |
SPERMITE | none_- trying to start ut2003 | 11:51 |
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nalioth | samu2: our mistake, use synaptic and search for 'mail', look for mail notification | 11:52 |
Inf3ctedFx | Question: I was trying to make work my wireless card (Linksys G) but it wont work.. to be honest I dont know how to start | 11:52 |
BlueEagle | spermite: Seems like you're missing some files. :) | 11:52 |
none_- | nope, never seen that one | 11:52 |
BlueEagle | spermite: Might be permission issue. | 11:52 |
Inf3ctedFx | I open the terminal and typed ifconfig | 11:52 |
Inf3ctedFx | it showed me my eth0 and loop | 11:52 |
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Inf3ctedFx | but I cannot see my wireless | 11:52 |
none_- | do you have a non-wireless ethernet card? | 11:53 |
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BlueEagle | inf3ctedfx: Then your wireless nic hasn't been configured. | 11:53 |
Inf3ctedFx | but when I run the command "lspci" it show me the wireless card | 11:53 |
tlogic | Inf3ctedFx, type ifconfig -a and check if you can see your card | 11:53 |
Inf3ctedFx | ok hold on let me c something | 11:53 |
tlogic | Inf3ctedFx, also try iwconfig | 11:53 |
BlueEagle | inf3ctedfx: lscpi shows the names the devices on the pci bus reports that they have. | 11:53 |
nalioth | Seveas: where do you keep your debs? | 11:53 |
Seveas | nalioth, /var/cache/apt/archives :) | 11:54 |
SPERMITE | well this is the full error Failed to enter Entry: Can't find file for package 'TauntPack' History: UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine | 11:54 |
SPERMITE | i get it when i do this : cedega /mnt/cdrom/System/UT2003.exe | 11:54 |
CarlFK | mvo - ksudo user-admin in a termianl = bad things | 11:54 |
nalioth | Seveas: yes, thank you. http://seveas/keeps/his/debs/here? | 11:54 |
Inf3ctedFx | yes BlueEagle well when I run the command lspci it showed me is something like mm Broadscom or something like that , then show me is a linksys card wireless | 11:54 |
none_- | SPERMITE: well, no wonder | 11:54 |
BlueEagle | inf3ctedfx: if you type lsmod do you get anything that resembles a driver for your wireless card? | 11:54 |
Seveas | http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ | 11:54 |
Seveas | deb http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ / | 11:55 |
none_- | cedega does not run many games | 11:55 |
nalioth | Seveas: thank you | 11:55 |
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none_- | you should expect errors | 11:55 |
none_- | install the linux version of unreal tournament | 11:55 |
pinucset | hi, i need help with something. I've to install win32codecs but apt-get install says me that he didnt found it. Wich repository i have to add? Please help!!!... | 11:55 |
Inf3ctedFx | iwconfig is to configrure the wirelees? | 11:55 |
none_- | w32codecs | 11:55 |
tlogic | Inf3ctedFx, yes | 11:55 |
nalioth | pinucset: it's w32codecs | 11:55 |
CarlFK | mvo - ksudo user-admin in a termianl - first time: enter pw (99% sure correctly) dialog closes, return to $ prompt. try again - no dialog, get "er may not run gksudo on localhost" on term. (stdout/err) | 11:56 |
SPERMITE | none_- Mmm you the link where i cant download the correct one? | 11:56 |
tlogic | Inf3ctedFx, what is the name of your wireless card ? | 11:56 |
Inf3ctedFx | ok and what is the command to run the regural eth0? | 11:56 |
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pinucset | he didnt found it anyway... | 11:56 |
BlueEagle | spermite: Why are you trying to run UT2003 in cedega when you can run ut2003 natively in linux? | 11:56 |
Seveas | !tell pinucset about hoary-extras | 11:56 |
pinucset | apt-get install w32codecs didnt found it.. | 11:56 |
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none_- | SPERMITE: sorry, no | 11:56 |
ompaul | !tell pinucset about repos | 11:56 |
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SPERMITE | BlueEagle idk im a n00b i guess and someone gave me wrong information | 11:57 |
BlueEagle | pinucset: also run apt-get update after adding repositories. | 11:57 |
BlueEagle | spermite: google ut2003 linux | 11:57 |
pinucset | he didnt found w32codecs anyway... | 11:57 |
BlueEagle | spermite: That's why you google before you ask. :) | 11:57 |
none_- | SPERMITE: UT is one of the few games that has a linux port | 11:57 |
tlogic | anyone, can suggest a good webcam for linux ? | 11:57 |
SPERMITE | ok =) | 11:58 |
none_- | pinucset: just install mplayer-nogui | 11:58 |
samu2 | should this mail-notification thing show up in the add thing to panel menu automatically? | 11:58 |
Seveas | samu2, yes | 11:58 |
samu2 | its not there though | 11:59 |
Seveas | samu2, hmm indeed it's not | 11:59 |
Seveas | my bad | 11:59 |
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none_- | the gnome window manager sucks | 12:00 |
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