uniq | extract .001 and the rest will follow automatically.. | 12:03 |
uniq | 001 or 000.. or whatever is the first. | 12:03 |
=== blank [n=blank@adsl-64-123-10-3.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
slow-motion | n8 | 12:07 |
nikkia | .001? that sounds more like an ace archive | 12:07 |
nikkia | rar is usually numbered R00 ... R99 when its a split rar | 12:07 |
nikkia | actually, sorry, more like an ARJ archive, ace also uses a prefix (C00..C99 iirc) | 12:08 |
=== nikkia suddenly realises just how many pointless archive formats there have been over the years | ||
othernoob | hey nikkia, know a prog that extracts ace files? | 12:09 |
nikkia | unace? | 12:09 |
othernoob | didn't work here | 12:09 |
othernoob | but more importantly..does anyone here know if AMD Sempons are good for gaming (in windows)? | 12:11 |
nikkia | othernoob: if you don't expect too much, yes | 12:11 |
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othernoob | nikkia: i am to upgrade a friends PC. he gave me a limit of ~500 euro.. | 12:12 |
nikkia | you could get a decent PC for that | 12:12 |
nikkia | i put together a sempron based system for my SO the other week for 120+30+30 | 12:13 |
nikkia | another 100ish would have bought a nicer CPU :) | 12:13 |
othernoob | i have to get pretty much everything | 12:13 |
nikkia | othernoob: so did i | 12:13 |
othernoob | can't use the old tower since it's a mini.. | 12:13 |
nikkia | othernoob: the only things it lacked for that 180, was a FDD, keyboard, mouse, monitor and speakers | 12:13 |
othernoob | the old PSU is from 98 or so | 12:14 |
othernoob | what did you buy? | 12:14 |
nikkia | othernoob: a 'bare bones' sempron 2600 bundle | 12:14 |
nikkia | then added a 80GB HDD (30) and a DVD+/-RW (30, but cheated) | 12:15 |
othernoob | cheated? | 12:15 |
nikkia | by cheated, i bought myself a better one, and put the cruddy old one in the new PC :) | 12:15 |
othernoob | lol | 12:15 |
nikkia | ie, my 12x LG that burns audio CDs badly went in the new PC, and i put a nice 16X LiteOn with DL-R support in here | 12:15 |
othernoob | nice | 12:16 |
nikkia | the LiteOn was only 28 inc VAT tho | 12:16 |
=== dave__ [i=bobo@cpe-66-108-244-133.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
othernoob | what kind of graphics card did you get? | 12:16 |
nikkia | othernoob: onboard, not much need for anything more | 12:16 |
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othernoob | well, my friend is a gamer .. | 12:17 |
nikkia | othernoob: if i had needed one, i'd have gone for a 5200 or 5700, still wouldn't have added much to the price | 12:17 |
nikkia | othernoob: well, you have around 100 more to play with... | 12:17 |
othernoob | i just got done with one configuration today, unfortunaley for a bit too much (620euro) | 12:18 |
nikkia | othernoob: that COULD buy a slightly faster CPU (either a 64bit sempron, or a lower end 'full' CPU) and a 6600GT | 12:18 |
othernoob | Mainboard: Gigabyte GA-K8N-Pro SLI ;; CPU: AMD Athlon64 3000+ Venice 1,8GHz Tray Sockel 939 ;; Cooler: Zalman CNPS 7000B CU ;; RAM: 1024MB MDT TwinPacks 2*512MB DDR 400MHz ;; Graphicscard: Leadtek PX6600-TD128 GeForce 6600 128MB D/T ;; HDD: Samsung 160GB SP1614C 7200rpm 8MB sata1 ;; Tower: Techsolo TC-52 Blue-Star-Edition ;; PSU: LC-Power Silent 550W 120mm Gold Edition | 12:18 |
libben | why does it takes so long time to extract a dvd image from alots of compressed files. did go alot faster on windows if not mistaking.. and i have 5 gb swap and 5 gb tmp | 12:18 |
othernoob | 5gb swap????? | 12:19 |
libben | jupp =) | 12:19 |
libben | well... if i do alot of heavy video editing. | 12:19 |
nikkia | libben, and you need that because? | 12:19 |
nikkia | libben, erm | 12:19 |
othernoob | even heavy video editing doesn't require 5gb.. | 12:20 |
libben | i just bought a 200 gb hd.. been on a 40 gb for 5 years... so i feeled that i have enough anyway =) thats why i was so generous with swap | 12:20 |
=== nikkia points out the follies of using swap for video editing | ||
libben | first i wanted like 2 gb at top | 12:20 |
nikkia | libben: video editing is going to go one of two ways... | 12:20 |
nikkia | either 1) it has enough ram to do it all in ram, or 2) it accesses the file as-needed, and doesn't use more than a gig or so | 12:20 |
libben | but then i wanted to match the swap with tmp... and taught that 5 gb on booth will never fail | 12:20 |
nikkia | so, the net gain from using swap, if (1) is possible, is 0, because it'd be faster to access the file direct | 12:21 |
nikkia | libben: swap and tmp have no relation at all | 12:21 |
othernoob | well, they certainly will never fail, but they'll also never be used/needed ;) | 12:21 |
libben | tmp is just junk from internet and ap-get cache | 12:21 |
nikkia | libben: no, apt-get cache is in /var | 12:21 |
libben | ooh =) | 12:22 |
libben | well... what can i do afterwards? | 12:22 |
nikkia | specifically, /var/cache/apt | 12:22 |
libben | can i make it to 2 gb swap and 1 gb tmp? | 12:22 |
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libben | and take the rest to /home? | 12:22 |
Chambers` | lets see if this fixes Veritas | 12:22 |
Chambers` | oops | 12:22 |
nikkia | wait, there are still people that use a seperate /tmp partition ?!?! | 12:23 |
libben | well me =) | 12:23 |
othernoob | nikkia: it's still recommended in some guides... | 12:23 |
libben | I have /tmp /home /swap /boot / | 12:23 |
nikkia | othernoob: guides written by solaris weenies ?? | 12:23 |
othernoob | nikkia: quite possible | 12:24 |
nikkia | thats what i always hated about solaris... the insane 'default partition' sets | 12:24 |
libben | dont see any wrong on having diffrent parts.. | 12:24 |
nikkia | 8 default partitions is just taking the p*** IMO :) | 12:24 |
nikkia | iirc, / /usr /var /etc swap, 'full disk', /home and /tmp | 12:26 |
libben | bit much for me =) | 12:26 |
libben | http://pastebin.com/358441 | 12:26 |
libben | this is mine | 12:26 |
nikkia | seperate /boot is a waste of time too | 12:27 |
othernoob | where's hdb2/3/4 ? | 12:27 |
libben | good Q =) | 12:27 |
libben | there is none. | 12:28 |
nikkia | my default fstab is only 3 real disks :) | 12:28 |
libben | i think it has with that i choosed primary and logical when i created them | 12:28 |
nikkia | 30G for /, 270GB for /home, and 120GB for /mnt/torrents :) | 12:29 |
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nikkia | the other 300GB is autofs'ed cos i don't use it much | 12:29 |
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libben | nikkia: u think my partitioning was wrong ? | 12:29 |
othernoob | i feel my e-penis shrinking :/ i only have 160GB | 12:29 |
libben | except the huge swap and tmp. | 12:30 |
nikkia | othernoob: you also don't have 6 HDDs and 2 optical disks heating your room to an inferno, so think yourself lucky :) | 12:30 |
nikkia | libben: i think it was 'noobish' :) | 12:30 |
libben | really, i just wanted it complex and leetish =) | 12:30 |
othernoob | nikkia: mmh, free sauna :) | 12:30 |
nikkia | libben: noobs tend to follow guides, and allocate things 'by the book' and end up running out of space in some tiny partition that would have been just as well off on a single large / :) | 12:30 |
libben | nikkia: never followed a guide. | 12:31 |
libben | this is just from my head | 12:31 |
libben | when i did this. | 12:31 |
libben | except that i know that u may need to seperate /tmp and /home from others. | 12:31 |
libben | i did go all the way. | 12:32 |
nikkia | no, a seperate /tmp is completely pointless | 12:32 |
othernoob | libben: you'll be able to live with the partitioning, but if it's a fresh install i'd just do it again and be back in 20-30 mins with a better partitioning scheme | 12:32 |
nikkia | (except if its a shmfs :) | 12:33 |
nikkia | but tbh, shmfs is probably better where it goes by default (/dev/shm) and the knowlege that it is there should you need to utilise it) | 12:33 |
libben | well, i have no problem on doing it all over. cause i havent changed a thing, unless some things that takes half hour to get in again... half our of thinking what it was and then installing it =) | 12:34 |
libben | maybe the java thing will get to me again..... nalioth will be so glad at me, asking for help again =) | 12:34 |
Riddell | proofreading and suggestions welcome - http://www.kubuntu.org/breezy-preview.php | 12:34 |
nikkia | for example, its wise to compile jack to use /dev/shm as its temporary files location, rather than /tmp (WHICH UBUNTU DID!! :( | 12:34 |
libben | whats jack? | 12:35 |
nikkia | libben: an audio system, aimed at pro-audio work more than 'just playing mp3s' | 12:35 |
libben | why should it use /dev/shm instead of tmp? | 12:36 |
othernoob | Riddell: what was userunfriendly about KControl? | 12:36 |
nikkia | libben: because it needs very fast access to its fifo nodes | 12:36 |
libben | k, | 12:36 |
Riddell | othernoob: tree widget. not searchable. | 12:36 |
nikkia | libben: and if its on disk, there is potentially latency involved in looking up the fifo inodes occasionally, which can cause problems if you've got lots of audio streaming about | 12:37 |
nikkia | libben: the net result is that using the default /tmp location results in occasional clicks and pops | 12:37 |
nikkia | which is a very bad thing if you're in the middle of recording audio :) | 12:37 |
othernoob | Riddell: ah okay, but other than that System Settings is the same? or is it more windows like? | 12:37 |
libben | k | 12:38 |
Riddell | othernoob: it uses all the same modules | 12:38 |
libben | breezy? should i install that instead? | 12:38 |
Riddell | just makes them easier to find | 12:38 |
Riddell | libben: wait a few minutes and I'll have a breezy preview for you to install | 12:38 |
libben | should i install it instead of the stable one ? | 12:39 |
hussam | So is it safe to upgrade to breezy now? is Xorg in breezy working | 12:39 |
libben | nikkia: what u suggest for my partitions when i reinstall the system? | 12:40 |
libben | have p4 1.7 ghz, and 768 sdram. | 12:40 |
nikkia | libben, i prefer just 2, / and /home | 12:40 |
libben | so 30 / and 170 /home. | 12:41 |
libben | but why not a seperate boot? | 12:41 |
nikkia | libben, the 'myriad of small dedicated partitions' was really from the old days when people would buy several small scsi drives | 12:41 |
libben | no swap? | 12:41 |
chavo | Riddell, I'm downloading a daily image 09-08 is that the same as the preview? | 12:41 |
nikkia | libben: there's no purpose to a seperate /boot these days | 12:41 |
nikkia | yes, you want swap, i wouldn't go much beyond 2-3GB tbh | 12:41 |
libben | it lays on / anyway ? | 12:41 |
nikkia | libben: the reason for a seperate /boot was when lilo/grub couldn't boot off big disks, that limitation has been gone for over a year | 12:42 |
libben | but if u use /tmp, u can never get a flooded system. | 12:42 |
nikkia | libben: in terms of system 'problems' a seperate /tmp is far worse | 12:42 |
libben | k | 12:42 |
nikkia | libben: you're far more likely to fill a 5GB seperate /tmp than you are a /tmp that is part of a 30-40GB / | 12:43 |
libben | i was thinking of making this box to a server sooner or later, but then again i will format this shit and make it all over. | 12:43 |
nikkia | and when /tmp is full, apps like X and KDE are going to fall over dead, whether its on a seperate partition or not | 12:43 |
Riddell | chavo: 2005-09-08.2 is the preview | 12:43 |
libben | nikkia: oow. | 12:43 |
libben | whys that | 12:44 |
chavo | alright, I'm at 87% | 12:44 |
libben | so what was the /tmp for then | 12:44 |
libben | if it messes so much even if it get flooded | 12:44 |
chavo | I have a seperate partition for breezy testing | 12:44 |
nikkia | libben, i never really understood the idea of having a seperate /tmp, other than 'because we use lots of small disks' | 12:45 |
othernoob | 2-3 gb swap mmh..still sounds like a lot.. i just have a 1gb and no problems | 12:45 |
libben | nikkia: well its for mail systems and so on, when programs could generate alots of logs that eate ur harddrive. | 12:45 |
chavo | yeah, never touch the swap here | 12:45 |
libben | thats why | 12:45 |
nikkia | libben: it doesn't really offer any security, even if something floods /tmp and fills your filesystem, you're going to be just as hosed until a reboot either way, and on [k] ubuntu a reboot wipes /tmp | 12:45 |
libben | safty net sortof speak | 12:45 |
nikkia | libben: almost everything logs in /var | 12:46 |
chavo | well I am now, but I have two sessions running | 12:46 |
chavo | two X sessions, a gnome and a KDE | 12:46 |
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libben | so 2 gb swap then, and / and /home should be enough on next installation. | 12:47 |
nikkia | libben: basically, every time you seperate out a bit of the filesystem to a seperate disk/partition, you complicate your disk allocation strategy, and you LOSE diskspace that is sat 'unused' on that partition | 12:47 |
libben | if i install the breezy preview do i need to reinstall (wipe it all out again when it becomes stable?) | 12:47 |
nikkia | libben: if you allocate 10GB to /var, for example, but then never use more than 100MB of email, and a couple of megs of logs, you've wasted 9.9ish GB | 12:47 |
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chavo | libben, you can just keep upgrading it | 12:47 |
MikeStyle | Hi, i just installed the Apache and Apache 2 Web servers on my computer but cannot find them in any of my menus, little help plz? | 12:47 |
libben | but so can we do from this build also? | 12:48 |
libben | nikkia: suddenly a / doesnt seem so wrong =) | 12:48 |
libben | but a 30 gb / seems bit much also | 12:48 |
chavo | makes it so much easier | 12:48 |
libben | when thinking of it. | 12:48 |
MikeStyle | ... | 12:49 |
libben | its not likely i will install photoshopp cs2 on wine *15 times | 12:49 |
chavo | I have 30G / and using half of it | 12:49 |
chavo | but KDE and Gnome are installed in /home | 12:49 |
chavo | another PARTITION | 12:49 |
chavo | woops | 12:49 |
nikkia | libben, the 'huge monolithic' / approach has some drawbacks, but they're minor, IMO | 12:49 |
nikkia | and almost all of them are 'failure conditions' where seperate partitions wouldn't really help much | 12:49 |
nikkia | libben: as i said, seperate mount points was a good idea, in the old days when a unix workstation typically had 5-6 100MB to 500MB scsi drives sat on it :) | 12:49 |
nikkia | seperate partitions does make system backups easier, if you backup your apps too | 12:51 |
nikkia | but almost noone bothers doing that anymore | 12:51 |
chavo | yeah no one backs up anymore | 12:51 |
nikkia | chavo, system apps? no | 12:51 |
chavo | just reinstall | 12:51 |
nikkia | exactly | 12:51 |
nikkia | and the apps change too often to really worry about it too much | 12:51 |
chavo | plus people change distros, etc. | 12:52 |
nikkia | with commercial unixes, it was a bit differentl, because 'reinstalling the apps' meant digging out the tapes for the OS, then the C compiler, then the editors, then the Ada compiler .... | 12:52 |
nikkia | you were looking at a day or two to reinstall the base OS :) | 12:52 |
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othernoob | are the coolers of a retail cpu version any good? | 12:55 |
libben | depends | 12:55 |
othernoob | on ? | 12:55 |
libben | Riddell: where can i get a hold on breezy? and should i install it instead of hooray is it now ? | 12:56 |
othernoob | there will be no overclocking..but the room where the pc will be is under the roof | 12:56 |
=== kaptaink [n=kaptaink@cust0279.vic01.dataco.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
libben | i want 686 kernel | 12:56 |
kaptaink | <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> | 12:57 |
kaptaink | <HTML> | 12:57 |
kaptaink | <HEAD> | 12:57 |
kaptaink | <META HTTP-EQUIV="CONTENT-TYPE" CONTENT="text/html; charset=utf-8"> | 12:57 |
kaptaink | <TITLE></TITLE> | 12:57 |
othernoob | indeed kaptaink..indeed | 12:57 |
kaptaink | <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="OpenOffice.org 1.1.3 (Linux)"> | 12:57 |
kaptaink | <META NAME="CREATED" CONTENT="20050908;23352500"> | 12:57 |
kaptaink | <META NAME="CHANGED" CONTENT="20050908;23363100"> | 12:57 |
kaptaink | <STYLE> | 12:57 |
kaptaink | <!-- | 12:57 |
kaptaink | @page { size: 8.27in 11.69in; margin: 0.79in } | 12:57 |
kaptaink | P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } | 12:58 |
kaptaink | --> | 12:58 |
kaptaink | </STYLE> | 12:58 |
kaptaink | </HEAD> | 12:58 |
kaptaink | <BODY DIR="LTR"> | 12:58 |
Riddell | libben: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/current/ it won't be as stable as hoary but it's fine for casual usage | 12:58 |
kaptaink | <P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">mount -t ext3 /dev/mydrive | 12:58 |
nikkia | i wish people wouldn't copy and paste from 'rich text' editors | 12:58 |
kaptaink | /path/to/mountpoint</P> | 12:58 |
kaptaink | </BODY> | 12:58 |
kaptaink | </HTML> | 12:58 |
kaptaink | sorry!!!!! | 12:58 |
kaptaink | my mistake!!!! | 12:58 |
hussam | Riddell: I want to upgrade to breezy this weekend. should I get a daily build or just modify sources.list and dist-upgrade . If so, will dist-upgrade ensure I still have a bootable system? | 12:58 |
othernoob | i don't even see the point in his copying this stuff.. | 12:58 |
kaptaink | i was try to work out a concise sentence! | 12:59 |
kaptaink | but now all is lost | 12:59 |
nikkia | gah | 01:00 |
nikkia | there's a big spider hiding somewhere amid my guitars | 01:00 |
othernoob | lol | 01:00 |
Riddell | hussam: either should be fine. with any luck a preview release will be out any minute now | 01:00 |
kaptaink | i mounted a ext3 partition with "mount -t ext3 dev/mydrive path/to/mountpoint but inside some folders i have important files missing | 01:01 |
othernoob | nikkia: afraid of spiders? | 01:01 |
kaptaink | any help? | 01:01 |
nikkia | othernoob: it depends on the spider | 01:01 |
hussam | Riddell: is there a metapackage that ensure all necessary x components are installed? | 01:01 |
=== loas [n=loas@200141237016.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Riddell | hussam: dist-upgrade (I havn't tested a dist-upgrade yet but there's no reason for it not to work) | 01:04 |
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chavo | ooh done downloading, time to try it out | 01:08 |
libben | nikkia: hmm | 01:09 |
libben | sorry | 01:09 |
libben | ur nick was in there =) | 01:09 |
libben | i wanna repartition the hd, and i want breezy,... cause i want the newest. but what if i install horay, and waits for breezy, how will the transition be? just synaptic update to kde 3.4.2 and its ok with all my old configs and all that. | 01:10 |
hussam | Riddell: dist-upgrade wants to remove some stuff like xlibmesa-gl and xlibmesa-glu ( I'm guessing there aren't needed anymore ?) | 01:10 |
Riddell | hussam: yes, that's all fine | 01:10 |
Riddell | libben: transition will be fine | 01:11 |
chavo | libben, the upgrade from warty to hoary was fine for me | 01:11 |
hussam | Riddell: thank you. | 01:11 |
chavo | I installed warty about 6 months ago and updated to hoary when it came out. | 01:11 |
libben | Riddell: well, should i go with breezy right one ? fuck it =) ofcuz i will... i worst case ill do a new install =) | 01:11 |
chavo | if you have the breezy disk, you may as well try it out | 01:12 |
libben | soon i will... but i dont have time this nite... gonna get up and work in 6 and half hours .. | 01:12 |
libben | im delivery boy =) | 01:12 |
libben | i drive my car allday in stockholm... so i need some good sleep. | 01:13 |
chavo | sounds like fun, | 01:13 |
libben | it is. | 01:13 |
libben | best job ever. | 01:13 |
=== leslie [n=leslie@spc1-warr1-5-0-cust156.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Riddell | libben: I recommend breezy | 01:14 |
libben | I drive to fedex every day at Arlanda (airport) and its the best part on every day. i allways drive in 160 km/h to get there.. and sometimes up to 180.... from 8 to 13, ill drive around in the city and a bit outside... and then of to fedex to drive for them... its alot of fun. | 01:15 |
=== Baltodoc [n=BaltoDoc@pool-151-196-234-98.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
libben | free car, and ull allways on new places every day. | 01:15 |
Baltodoc | I have a questions regarding konqueror | 01:15 |
libben | Thinking of hoping on to a sysadmin course in linux. but next year or two. i dont need to rush it or stress it. gotta feel the timing is right. | 01:16 |
Baltodoc | On one website I keep having a message saying that my cookies arent activated. I have my cookies ON. What is the problem | 01:16 |
Baltodoc | ??? | 01:16 |
libben | Riddell: should i download the image friday morning or friday afternoon, if its now is daily builds. | 01:17 |
loas | np | 01:17 |
loas | ops | 01:17 |
libben | NOOO | 01:18 |
libben | i forgot to speed up my dvd drive | 01:18 |
libben | thats why its only going in 2x | 01:18 |
libben | im writing a dvd-image. | 01:18 |
libben | should have hdparm it. | 01:18 |
libben | thou i forgot the command. | 01:18 |
Riddell | libben: http://releases.ubuntu.com/5.10/ | 01:27 |
Riddell | eek, no, that's ubuntu | 01:27 |
libben | =) | 01:27 |
libben | taught the url was a bit wrong | 01:27 |
libben | wheres the word daily in that url =) | 01:27 |
Riddell | http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/5.10/ but you'll need to wait for the mirrors to sync | 01:27 |
Riddell | that's the preview (which is the latest daily) | 01:28 |
hussam | libben: for hdpram for your dvd, add this to /etc/hdparm.conf : /dev/dvd { dma = on} | 01:28 |
libben | Riddell: when is it updated ? | 01:30 |
Riddell | they're syncing now | 01:31 |
libben | so when i go of work in say 18 h its still teh same ill be downloading that theyre syncing now | 01:31 |
Riddell | http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/kubuntu/5.10/ has i386 now | 01:32 |
libben | any chance for a 686 =) | 01:32 |
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DewDude | 5.10? | 01:34 |
DewDude | oh | 01:35 |
DewDude | preview | 01:35 |
libben | ill download it tomorow... nn, | 01:35 |
DewDude | i should be nice and mirror off my server | 01:35 |
hussam | Riddell: people who dist-upgraded to breezy a couple of months ago had to fix some paths to fonts and stuffin xorg.conf. Is that fixed now? | 01:36 |
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Riddell | hussam: yes, seems to be all fixed | 01:36 |
hussam | Riddell: wow, that's great. thanks | 01:37 |
DewDude | heh, i forgot | 01:37 |
DewDude | you can upgrade with apt-get | 01:37 |
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eob84 | I have a question | 01:38 |
eob84 | I am trying to compile a program and it tells me I need x includes | 01:38 |
Riddell | eob84: what's the error? | 01:39 |
eob84 | checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! | 01:40 |
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hussam | eob84: what program? | 01:41 |
Riddell | eob84: if you're compiling a KDE program apt-get install kdelibs4-dev should do it | 01:41 |
eob84 | k | 01:42 |
eob84 | I'll try that | 01:42 |
DewDude | i tried to compile nvu | 01:42 |
DewDude | and i gave up | 01:42 |
eob84 | wow big update lol | 01:43 |
eob84 | what is NVU? | 01:43 |
DewDude | well, i'm trying again | 01:43 |
eob84 | I am bad with acronyms | 01:43 |
DewDude | it's like frontpage | 01:43 |
eob84 | ahh | 01:43 |
eob84 | yea I wanna compile my own firefox package | 01:43 |
hussam | DewDude: i compiled nvu 1.0 it compiled fine | 01:43 |
DewDude | hussam: maybe you can help me then? | 01:43 |
DewDude | i think it's mostly i don' have packages installed that it needs | 01:44 |
hussam | DewDude: sure | 01:44 |
DewDude | checking for libIDL-2.0 >= 0.8.0... Package libIDL-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path. | 01:44 |
hussam | DewDude: first do sudo apt-get build-dep nvu | 01:44 |
DewDude | i keep getting stuff like that | 01:44 |
DewDude | ooooh | 01:44 |
DewDude | no one told me about that | 01:44 |
eob84 | Riddell hey thanx man that worked great | 01:45 |
hussam | DewDude: apt-get apt-get build-dep nvu will install all dependencies needed to build nvu | 01:45 |
DewDude | unable to find source package | 01:45 |
hussam | DewDude: search synaptic for libidl and install its dev package | 01:46 |
DewDude | yeah, that's what i was doing | 01:47 |
DewDude | i had to leave for work | 01:48 |
=== lwells [n=lwells@ip68-228-77-244.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DewDude | configure: error: Could not find the following X libraries: -lXt | 01:52 |
eob84 | has anyone used check install? | 01:55 |
nalioth | eob84: yes. checkinstall is your best friend | 01:56 |
eob84 | sure is | 01:56 |
eob84 | is there a way to get it to make the package | 01:56 |
eob84 | without trying to install the program? | 01:56 |
nalioth | yes, "checkinstall --help" or "man checkinstall" will tell you | 01:57 |
eob84 | it keeps ginving me a permission denied | 01:57 |
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eob84 | ok | 01:57 |
lwells | Hi, all | 01:57 |
nalioth | eob84: i have an alias in my .bashrc, would you like to see it ? | 01:57 |
lwells | Do I need to have Samba to network a Mac and Kubuntu? | 01:57 |
eob84 | umm? | 01:58 |
nalioth | lwells: you have a mac? | 01:58 |
eob84 | not sure what you mean? | 01:58 |
nalioth | lwells: no, nfs will do nicely | 01:58 |
lwells | Yep, Tiger | 01:58 |
lwells | I just converted this laptop to Linux | 01:58 |
eob84 | it didn't say anything about it in either | 01:59 |
nalioth | eob84: an alias is a wonderful thing to have (too much use of "alias" will ruin you from others machines | 01:59 |
nalioth | eob84: let me check checkinstall | 01:59 |
lwells | do i need to install nfs? | 02:00 |
nalioth | eob84: alias build="./configure && make && sudo checkinstall" | 02:00 |
DewDude | nalioth: i'm like, stuck on trying to make nvu | 02:00 |
eob84 | I can sudo | 02:00 |
nalioth | lwells: you should have it by default | 02:00 |
eob84 | but I don't want it to install to a directory | 02:00 |
nalioth | eob84: hang on | 02:00 |
eob84 | I mean | 02:00 |
nikkia | lol | 02:00 |
eob84 | I don't want it to do anything to those folders I just want to make the package then install the package | 02:00 |
=== `Nomad [n=Bob@stjhnbsu67w-142167000045.nb.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== nikkia was just browsing jobs, as you do... | ||
nikkia | and found one that is for a company in the food industry... | 02:01 |
=== ORiON [n=orion@cpe-70-117-2-253.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
lwells | what do i need to do to connect to the network with nfs??, i am such a newbie | 02:03 |
eob84 | nikkia finish... I need closure! | 02:03 |
nikkia | '... is a pet friendly workplace, we actively support and encourage employees bringing their pets to the workplace' | 02:03 |
hussam | DewDude: do apt-get build-dep firefox ( it seems to have the same build dependencies are NVU and thunderbird ) | 02:04 |
nikkia | hmm, pets, snack foods, yes, great combination! | 02:04 |
nalioth | eob84: i dont know how to keep it from installing, to be honest | 02:04 |
nikkia | eob84: what's to finish? | 02:04 |
nikkia | eob84: it just seems a totally bizarre concept to run a company that makes snack foods, yet allows/encourages employees to bring pets to work | 02:04 |
DewDude | ahhhh | 02:04 |
nalioth | lwells: see the wiki.ubuntu.com for the nfs howto | 02:04 |
hussam | DewDude: sorry apt-get build-dep mozilla-firefox | 02:04 |
=== Pyf [n=meep@cpc3-basf3-6-1-cust55.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DewDude | thanks | 02:05 |
nalioth | DewDude: how bout build-dep nvu? | 02:06 |
Pyf | i just tried to change from ubuntu to kubuntu by "apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", it installed everything, so i rebooted, and then it came up wite a login screen, so i logged in and then gnome-panels all loaded.... what did i do wrong? | 02:06 |
DewDude | no source package | 02:06 |
nalioth | Pyf: log out and log back in, and when you enter your name, look for the sessions word. click on it | 02:06 |
DewDude | Pyf: on bottom left corner, click whatever that icon is, and select session type | 02:07 |
eob84 | nalioth I just did the root thing... if you use the package option it installs from the package | 02:07 |
Pyf | ahh kk | 02:07 |
Pyf | thx | 02:07 |
nalioth | eob84: ya lost me on that one | 02:07 |
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eob84 | nalioth lol I am scatterd right now | 02:07 |
eob84 | nalioth I got it to work thanks for your help | 02:08 |
eob84 | that is all I meant | 02:08 |
eob84 | lol | 02:08 |
nalioth | eob84: if you learn about aliases it will keep you from typing so much | 02:08 |
eob84 | I don't like that actually | 02:08 |
eob84 | I like to use the flags to set the package name | 02:09 |
nalioth | you guys, if you compile a lot, an alias to compile from a - z is very pleasant | 02:09 |
eob84 | I know | 02:09 |
nalioth | eob84: aye, i just roll em with presets | 02:09 |
nikkia | nalioth: alias? | 02:09 |
nalioth | nikkia surely you know about aliases | 02:09 |
DewDude | weee..it's compiling | 02:09 |
DewDude | go little g3..go | 02:09 |
nikkia | nalioth: yes, of course | 02:09 |
eob84 | after I compile enough... I'll give in | 02:09 |
nikkia | nalioth: i'm just a little puzzled why you'd use them to 'compile a lot' | 02:10 |
nalioth | nikkia: i compile most of the stuff i use | 02:10 |
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nalioth | nikkia: this is my alias for that (yes missing trailing ")alias build="./configure && make && sudo "checkinstall | 02:11 |
_sam | got it working now, thx guys | 02:11 |
=== _sam is now known as Pyf | ||
nikkia | nalioth: i compile everything i use, still don't see a need | 02:12 |
nalioth | nikkia: i like to cd into my source dir and just type "build" instead of all the above | 02:13 |
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=== |nikki| [n=nikki@host-87-74-30-24.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
|nikki| | lousy tunnel broker went down | 02:15 |
=== _david [n=david@cpe-69-207-32-168.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== _david is now known as eob84 | ||
eob84 | does anyone knoe where kde wigets are installed? | 02:16 |
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`Nomad | Hi all, just a shot in the dark but does anyone here have experience with installing Drupal on Kubuntu? | 02:19 |
Riddell | eob84: /usr/lib/kde3 | 02:19 |
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eob84 | really? | 02:21 |
eob84 | I installed style clock there and it didn't work | 02:21 |
nalioth | eob84: you mean superkaramba widgets? | 02:24 |
eob84 | I guess | 02:25 |
nalioth | eob84: look in ~/.superkaramba | 02:25 |
eob84 | I am trying to install something so it shows up on the toolbar | 02:25 |
eob84 | I guess a plugin of sorts | 02:25 |
Pyf | I just removed the clock panel, and tried to put it back on, when i did though i cant get it to look the same as it did before | 02:26 |
Pyf | how do i do that? | 02:26 |
eob84 | it is under format I thing | 02:26 |
eob84 | you want he date and the time | 02:26 |
Pyf | yes | 02:27 |
=== dave__ is now known as Glin|Jol | ||
eob84 | configure clock | 02:27 |
Pyf | ahhh i see i can change the font | 02:27 |
eob84 | check the date box | 02:27 |
Pyf | what is the original font? | 02:27 |
eob84 | bitstream vara sans 16 | 02:28 |
Pyf | i managed to change the order of the date as well | 02:29 |
Pyf | how do i changed that | 02:29 |
eob84 | date and time forat | 02:30 |
eob84 | format | 02:30 |
Pyf | yeah thats still changed | 02:30 |
Pyf | but its still the same | 02:30 |
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eob84 | not sure what you asking then | 02:30 |
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Pyf | i changed the order so it should be DD-MM-YYYY | 02:31 |
Pyf | but it still displays YYYY-DD-MM | 02:31 |
eob84 | you need to restart I think | 02:31 |
Pyf | ahh ok | 02:31 |
nalioth | eob84: not so | 02:31 |
nalioth | Pyf: not so | 02:32 |
eob84 | oh | 02:32 |
DewDude | i even goyeahyup | 02:32 |
Pyf | nalioth: how? | 02:32 |
nalioth | just log out | 02:32 |
chavo | yeah you gotta log out and back in | 02:32 |
Pyf | could i not do something similar to "killall gnome-panel" | 02:32 |
Pyf | ? | 02:32 |
chavo | Pyf: killall kicker | 02:33 |
chavo | I had to alt-F2 to run it agin though | 02:34 |
Pyf | what command do i wanna run? | 02:34 |
chavo | kicker | 02:34 |
Pyf | duh, that was obvious :) | 02:35 |
Pyf | woo its updated now | 02:35 |
chavo | I'm running a fresh install of breezy preview here | 02:36 |
nalioth | chavo: <applause> | 02:38 |
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chavo | works good, except the nv driver still chokes on 6600GT | 02:43 |
Pyf | in konversation is there a way to make the tabs of the channels take up 2 lines rather than scrolling? | 02:46 |
chavo | Pyf: not that I know of | 02:47 |
chavo | well I'm going to boot back into my trusty hoary install | 02:47 |
=== delltony [n=delltony@c-24-99-11-118.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Riddell] : Kubuntu Breezy Preview http://www.kubuntu.org/breezy-preview.php || Non-kde-related questions: #ubuntu as well | Adept beta out - http://web.ekhis.org/adept.html | Nederlands #kubuntu-nl | Espaol #kubuntu-es | Deutsch #kubuntu-de UnofficialKubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de/ | ||
delltony | Riddell hi curious to ask something in that regard | 02:50 |
delltony | is it safe to install the kubuntu preview on kubuntu hoary at this point | 02:50 |
delltony | or should i wait? | 02:50 |
Riddell | delltony: should be safe yes | 02:50 |
delltony | ok if not hopefully i have gained enough experience over the year to fix it :) | 02:51 |
delltony | just a simple dist-upgrade i assume right? | 02:51 |
nalioth | delltony: in your sources.list, change 'hoary' for 'breezy' | 02:52 |
delltony | ok thats it though right? | 02:52 |
delltony | then just do a dist-upgrade? | 02:53 |
nalioth | yup | 02:53 |
`Nomad | to be sure I understood, I could just change hoary to breezy everywhere in my sources.list file, do an apt-get update and then an apt-get upgrade? | 02:56 |
delltony | even the hoary-updates? change it to breezy-updates? | 02:56 |
delltony | thats what i have done in the past `Nomad | 02:56 |
delltony | i'm curious too | 02:56 |
`Nomad | sweeet | 02:57 |
`Nomad | is it worth doing it now? | 02:57 |
delltony | nalioth, can i get you to post your sources.list please so i can compair | 02:57 |
`Nomad | I'm not familiar with their release cycle yet | 02:57 |
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delltony | hopefully it doesn't bork me like the warty to hoary upgrade did | 02:57 |
`Nomad | I'm used to Redhat where it,s safer to just re-install from scratch | 02:58 |
`Nomad | or so I've always been told :) | 02:58 |
=== chavo [n=chavo@240.sub-70-212-48.myvzw.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
delltony | well if riddell would post his sources.list or the default one for a changeover from hoary to badger | 02:59 |
delltony | that would be great | 02:59 |
nalioth | delltony: i'm runnin hoary on this box | 02:59 |
delltony | ok | 02:59 |
delltony | well i'm getting errors in regard to no indexes | 03:00 |
delltony | so obviously some of the paths are wrong | 03:00 |
nalioth | !upgrade2breezy | 03:00 |
delltony | ailed to fetch http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/dists/breezy-backports/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found | 03:00 |
delltony | like this one | 03:00 |
ubotu | upgrade2breezy is probably sudo sed -e 's/hoary/breezy/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, or if and when it breaks your computer, you get to keep both pieces | 03:00 |
nalioth | y'all look at the bot | 03:00 |
DewDude | nvu should be done...what....tomorrow? | 03:01 |
nalioth | start with a clean sources.list if y'alls is knackered | 03:01 |
nalioth | DewDude: what about nvu? | 03:01 |
DewDude | it'll probably take all night to compile on my g3 | 03:01 |
DewDude | possibly longer | 03:01 |
nalioth | DewDude: what clockspeed? | 03:02 |
DewDude | 400 | 03:02 |
DewDude | http://itux.ath.cx/phpsysinfo | 03:02 |
delltony | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 03:03 |
delltony | E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. | 03:03 |
delltony | i see a potential bork happening | 03:03 |
nalioth | DewDude: should take less than an hour | 03:03 |
DewDude | i believe it's been gong for more than that | 03:03 |
delltony | are the ubuntu backports not supported yet or something? | 03:04 |
DewDude | well, about an hour | 03:04 |
DewDude | "i don't have a girlfriend..i just know a girl who'll get really mad if i say that | 03:04 |
nalioth | delltony: download this sources.list and run the sed command uboto posted | 03:09 |
nalioth | !sources | 03:09 |
ubotu | sources are at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 03:09 |
delltony | alright | 03:09 |
nalioth | delltony: back up whatever you have now, tho | 03:10 |
nalioth | (just good document practice) | 03:10 |
delltony | well yeah | 03:10 |
delltony | but honestly i see no sources.list on that page or i'm not looking hard enough | 03:10 |
delltony | look at this and tell me if you see anythig gwrong | 03:10 |
delltony | http://pastebin.com/358522 | 03:11 |
nalioth | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 03:11 |
nalioth | sources.list ^^^^^ | 03:11 |
delltony | thanks | 03:12 |
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delltony | how about the kubuntu.org repository? | 03:13 |
delltony | deb http://kubuntu.org/breezy-kde342 breezy-updates main | 03:14 |
delltony | needed or no? | 03:14 |
nalioth | sure, add it | 03:15 |
delltony | W: Couldn't stat source package list http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net breezy-extras/multiverse Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net_dists_breezy-extras_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 03:15 |
delltony | W: Couldn't stat source package list http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net breezy-extras/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net_dists_breezy-extras_restricted_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 03:15 |
delltony | even after sed | 03:15 |
delltony | i just think its gonna screw me unless i get the repositories fixed | 03:16 |
nalioth | those repos dont exist yet | 03:18 |
delltony | so my question is will it bork my system? | 03:18 |
nalioth | comment out the backports lines | 03:18 |
nalioth | it shouldnt, not at all | 03:19 |
nalioth | i'm upgrading one of my machines right now | 03:19 |
delltony | hittin yes so hope to see you soon :) | 03:20 |
nalioth | my ibook G3 is upgrading now | 03:21 |
nalioth | if it goes well, the others will slowly follow | 03:22 |
delltony | well all i can say is ubuntu rocks for a linux install | 03:22 |
delltony | i have used gentoo and all before still use it matter of fact | 03:22 |
delltony | and i hate emerges | 03:22 |
delltony | took me nonestop with no errors 5 days to install gentoo | 03:23 |
delltony | on a phase 1 install wiith bootstrap and all | 03:23 |
delltony | can you say sucks :) | 03:23 |
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=== _david is now known as eob84 | ||
nalioth | yes i'm aware of gentoo | 03:26 |
kaptaink | how can i change folder group ownership and all subfolders and contents with console? | 03:26 |
delltony | chown | 03:27 |
delltony | chown userhere:grouphere directoryhere | 03:27 |
kaptaink | chown doesnt affect sub folders it seems | 03:27 |
delltony | with -R it should | 03:27 |
kaptaink | like this ... chown -R? | 03:28 |
delltony | do this | 03:28 |
delltony | type man chown | 03:29 |
delltony | then type / | 03:29 |
delltony | and then type -R | 03:29 |
delltony | and read about it :) | 03:29 |
nalioth | ise the -r option | 03:29 |
kaptaink | yes it just worked | 03:29 |
nalioth | use the -r option | 03:29 |
nalioth | recursive | 03:29 |
kaptaink | thats a whole bunch | 03:29 |
kaptaink | thanks* | 03:29 |
delltony | not trying too be rude but it will explain it better | 03:30 |
`Nomad | what is the backout procedure if a Hoary -> Breezy upgrade goes wrong? | 03:30 |
delltony | reinstall :) | 03:30 |
`Nomad | Arggh!! :) | 03:30 |
delltony | at least it was when warty to hoary borked me | 03:30 |
`Nomad | then I won't risk it now, depends on this for work | 03:30 |
delltony | but i may be wrong it didn't like going from xfree to xorg at all | 03:30 |
nalioth | `Nomad: there is no backout procedure | 03:31 |
`Nomad | nalioth: Thanks | 03:31 |
=== satafterh [n=robin@fctnnbsc15w-156034093116.nb.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== satafterh [n=robin@fctnnbsc15w-156034093116.nb.aliant.net] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] | ||
`Nomad | Another easy question.. Do I have to keep the deb cdrom: line in sources.list? | 03:33 |
=== satafterh [n=robin@fctnnbsc15w-156034093116.nb.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nalioth | `Nomad: not at all | 03:33 |
`Nomad | Hey sata! Another NBer :) | 03:33 |
`Nomad | nalioth: thanks | 03:34 |
delltony | `Nomad, this isn't sex you can't 'pull out' and be okay :) | 03:35 |
delltony | only if you want stuff from the cd | 03:35 |
delltony | thats use if your installing without a internet connection | 03:35 |
`Nomad | lol | 03:35 |
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`Nomad | yup, got it.. When I ran an apt-get update it was giving me attitude about my CDROM line.. | 03:35 |
`Nomad | gone :) | 03:35 |
`Nomad | I know people say this often, but "I really like this Kubuntu".. | 03:36 |
=== Parisi1 [n=jblparis@cpe-24-92-48-191.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
`Nomad | well goodnight all, thanks for all the help as usual :) | 03:38 |
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moshe | hello | 03:43 |
moshe | where does kde store its menu entries that xfce uses? | 03:43 |
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DewDude | Nalioth: well over an hour on this compile | 03:53 |
nalioth | DewDude: how much ram ya got? | 03:54 |
DewDude | 384 | 03:54 |
DewDude | it was on that phpsysinfo page | 03:54 |
=== nalioth revises his guess to >3 hours | ||
nalioth | DewDude: how many machines do you have? | 03:59 |
DewDude | linux machines? 1 | 04:01 |
DewDude | dude, i'm just sayin, it's gonna take a while | 04:01 |
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hussam | DewDude: still compiling NVU? | 04:07 |
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verden01 | i haven't used kubuntu for a while so i'd like to know what the new one will be like? | 04:13 |
nalioth | verden01: shinier than the old one : | 04:14 |
coruja | verden01: maybe try the live cd first? | 04:15 |
DewDude | hussam, yeah | 04:15 |
hussam | DewDude: it took me a while to compile it as well. probably becasue I only have 384MB ram. | 04:16 |
nalioth | ram is a factor, gentleman | 04:16 |
hussam | nalioth: indeed | 04:17 |
verden01 | k thanks | 04:17 |
chavo | hmm I built gnome 2.12 in a couple of hours last night, just upgraded to 1G of RAM though | 04:19 |
nalioth | chavo: i dont think you have a 400mhz PPC box, either | 04:19 |
chavo | no but my cell phone is 400Mhz | 04:20 |
chavo | I'll see how long it takes to build it in there | 04:20 |
nalioth | chavo: be nice | 04:20 |
chavo | I kid :) | 04:21 |
chavo | I have the cheapest phone you can get | 04:21 |
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DewDude | i'm thinking of dropping a gig of ram in here | 04:26 |
nalioth | DewDude: i dont think your vintage imac can use that much, can it? | 04:26 |
DewDude | aye, it can | 04:27 |
DewDude | 2x512 | 04:27 |
nalioth | DewDude: w00t! go for it | 04:28 |
nalioth | DewDude: ram is cheap for that vintage | 04:28 |
nalioth | the cheapest performance upgrade you can do, actually | 04:28 |
DewDude | 61.50 for 512 or PC133 | 04:28 |
chavo | will the bios recognize 1G though? | 04:30 |
nalioth | chavo: if the machine is designed for it, yes | 04:31 |
=== mamoo [n=mamoo@cpe-24-210-138-12.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DewDude | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2025 | 04:34 |
DewDude | ??? | 04:34 |
DewDude | is it done or did it bomb? | 04:35 |
nalioth | run it | 04:36 |
nalioth | nope, it cratered | 04:36 |
nalioth | missing some depends | 04:36 |
nalioth | do you have your mozilla -dev stuff installed? | 04:37 |
DewDude | probably not | 04:37 |
DewDude | installing | 04:38 |
hussam | DewDude: did it stop compiling? | 04:39 |
DewDude | yeah | 04:39 |
DewDude | it bombed | 04:39 |
=== murtaugh [n=murtaugh@c-24-20-253-153.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DewDude | i gotta recompile | 04:39 |
hussam | DewDude: did you place a .mozconfig? | 04:39 |
DewDude | yup | 04:39 |
hussam | what error did it say when it stopped? | 04:40 |
DewDude | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2025 | 04:40 |
murtaugh | hows breezy running? any troubles with KDE? | 04:40 |
murtaugh | hey I'm looking at the kubuntu beta, can I upgrade via apt-get? are there repositories? | 04:48 |
murtaugh | ok... sorry ill read next time.. | 04:48 |
nalioth | read? | 04:49 |
murtaugh | I though I found a howto but its for hoary | 04:50 |
nalioth | i know nothing of a kde beta | 04:51 |
murtaugh | hmm well im contemplating installing breezy... Its my work machine but I have another if it eats it | 04:51 |
nalioth | !tell murtaugh about upgrade2breezy | 04:52 |
nalioth | not gauranteed on production machines | 04:52 |
nalioth | final release is set for mid october | 04:52 |
murtaugh | yeaaaah but i want inotify so i can play with beagle | 04:53 |
=== Glin|Jol [i=bobo@cpe-66-108-244-133.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pussfeller | !upgrade2breezy | 04:55 |
ubotu | I heard upgrade2breezy is sudo sed -e 's/hoary/breezy/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, or if and when it breaks your computer, you get to keep both pieces | 04:55 |
=== ztonzy [n=ztonzy@blender/artist/ztonzy] has joined #kubuntu | ||
narg | I heard upgrade2breezy is best done on another partition :p | 05:13 |
narg | The two peices of my system told me this ;) | 05:13 |
nalioth | narg: and both pieces are yours to keep! lol | 05:14 |
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mrdavid | hi. I just installed kubuntu | 05:14 |
mrdavid | when I switch from one desktop to another via keyboard shortcut, the window that has the focus also moves to the new desktoop | 05:15 |
mrdavid | anyone know how to turn that off? | 05:15 |
nalioth | mrdavid: something to do with "keep this window on active desktop" | 05:16 |
nalioth | click the top right of the window in question | 05:16 |
mrdavid | nalioth: it happens in any window | 05:17 |
mrdavid | I'll check though | 05:17 |
nalioth | mrdavid: then i'm not sure, but it sounds like a system setting | 05:17 |
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mrdavid | nalioth: I don't see it | 05:22 |
mrdavid | does anyone else have an idea | 05:22 |
nalioth | mrdavid: i'm not up on my kde as i should be, perhaps you can ask in #kde or #ubuntu | 05:25 |
mrdavid | ok thanks | 05:26 |
mrdavid | part #kubuntu | 05:26 |
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=== hetzz_ is now known as hetzz | ||
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=== delltony [n=delltony@c-24-99-11-118.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
delltony | question i was running apt-get dist-upgrade and my battery dies before i could do a power supply thing and i caught it before total loss of power so it didn't reboot only logged me out. so i did apt-get dist-upgrade again and it said its locked so is there any way to view this process again in terms of percentage so i can make sure the upgrade completes | 05:33 |
nalioth | delltony: if you are capable of it, kill any dkpg or apt-get that is running | 05:34 |
delltony | ok and restart it? | 05:35 |
delltony | it resumes does it not | 05:35 |
nalioth | delltony: if you are not, a reboot may be in order | 05:35 |
nalioth | delltony: yes, once dpkg or apt is killed, restart the process | 05:35 |
=== nalioth has had to kill his dpkg a couple of times already upgrading his G3 | ||
delltony | ha an't that some crap it started all over | 05:37 |
nalioth | delltony: not from the beginning | 05:39 |
delltony | what the hell kmix will simply not close when i kill it it comes back up and i have this big ass volume dialog box in the middle of my screen | 05:39 |
delltony | acually it did believe it or not cause it already had the linux shell done and it started over at it maybe i'm wrong but almost certain thats what it did | 05:40 |
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ztonzy | looking at breezy preview (kubuntu) doesn't look that much new - yet | 05:57 |
ztonzy | I already got kde 3.4.2 | 05:57 |
delltony | . | 06:00 |
delltony | . | 06:00 |
=== kaptaink [n=kaptaink@cust0279.vic01.dataco.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ztonzy | delltony, :) ? | 06:01 |
delltony | sorry had to make it scroll up cause i got this dang dialog box that will not go away and i need to see what nalioth told me to kill | 06:02 |
kaptaink | im try to gain root access in kubuntu's boot terminal mode with "sudo -s -H" but i get this "sudo:must be setuid root" | 06:02 |
nalioth | delltony: dpkg or apt processes | 06:02 |
kaptaink | any help? | 06:02 |
delltony | ok dist-upgrade done lets see how bad i'm borked :) | 06:02 |
delltony | be back i hope | 06:02 |
nalioth | delltony: DO NOT restart until the update has completed WITHOUT errors | 06:02 |
nalioth | too late | 06:02 |
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=== satafterh [n=robin@fctnnbsc15w-156034091022.nb.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ztonzy | will it make much difference to preview-kubuntu 5.10 ? | 06:03 |
kaptaink | I'm trying to gain root access in kubuntu's boot terminal mode with "sudo -s -H" but i get this "sudo:must be setuid root" Any help? | 06:03 |
nalioth | kaptaink: try "sudo -i" | 06:05 |
satafterh | have you created root password? | 06:05 |
kaptaink | yes | 06:05 |
nalioth | satafterh: there is no root password | 06:05 |
ztonzy | 8) | 06:05 |
nalioth | satafterh: creating a root account/pass can screw things up | 06:05 |
satafterh | there is if you enable it | 06:05 |
kaptaink | ill try sudo -i and hopefully it will work? | 06:05 |
satafterh | may be but i havnt had a problem in two weeks, but that could change, lol | 06:06 |
satafterh | any one here familir with nvidia drivers? want to update the kerenl, what needs to be done?? | 06:08 |
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=== BlankB [n=blank@adsl-66-143-162-22.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
satafterh | where are all the people | 06:35 |
nalioth | in #ubuntu or bed | 06:36 |
BlankB | or just waiting. | 06:38 |
=== P3L|C4N0 o/ | ||
=== chavo [n=chavo@240.sub-70-212-48.myvzw.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== delltony [n=delltony@c-24-99-11-118.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
delltony | question i keep getting this error when trying to dist-upgrade | 06:45 |
delltony | sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid linksys key E62E729A9A12A723576C5A4F7D | 06:45 |
delltony | err | 06:45 |
delltony | dang it | 06:46 |
delltony | dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe) | 06:46 |
delltony | Errors were encountered while processing: | 06:46 |
delltony | /var/cache/apt/archives/libmp4v2-0_2.0.0+cvs20040908+mp4v2+bmp-0ubuntu1_i386.deb | 06:46 |
delltony | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 06:46 |
nalioth | delltony: please paste in #flood or a pastebin | 06:48 |
nalioth | delltony: i have the same problem | 06:48 |
delltony | ok | 06:48 |
nalioth | delltony: "apt-get -f install" is your friend | 06:48 |
delltony | not in this case | 06:48 |
delltony | it didn't fix the depend | 06:49 |
nalioth | delltony: it can be fixed | 06:49 |
nalioth | run it again | 06:49 |
nalioth | and again | 06:49 |
nalioth | til it keeps repeating the same error | 06:49 |
=== michael [n=michael@dsl-210-211-91-151.qld.veridas.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
delltony | and then what? | 06:50 |
delltony | how many times i have to run it ver and over? | 06:50 |
nalioth | delltony: whatever you do. DO NOT REBOOT until you clear all errors | 06:50 |
nalioth | delltony: you will be ass deep in alligators at that poing (if you do) | 06:50 |
delltony | i know | 06:50 |
=== nalioth is ass deep in gators atm | ||
delltony | been there before | 06:50 |
nalioth | delltony: do you know your dpkg? | 06:50 |
delltony | as in how to use it? | 06:51 |
nalioth | yes. | 06:51 |
delltony | to the most part yes but if you have an idea in mind please share | 06:51 |
nalioth | delltony: you will need to --force-overwrite the libmp4_blah | 06:51 |
delltony | this right ? libmp4v2-0_2.0.0+cvs20040908+mp4v2+bmp-0ubuntu1_i386.deb | 06:52 |
nalioth | delltony: as in "sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /path/to/libmp4-blah | 06:52 |
nalioth | delltony: your tab completion will help you here | 06:52 |
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delltony | yeah but your talking abut that deb right? | 06:52 |
nalioth | delltony: yes. your upgrade is stuck right there | 06:53 |
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nalioth | delltony: the update will continue when you overwrite the libmp4 on your box now | 06:53 |
nalioth | at least mine did | 06:54 |
delltony | yeah thats how it should work i have had to do this before | 06:54 |
delltony | just wanted to make sure we were on the same page | 06:54 |
=== delltony still learning and thanks | ||
nalioth | np, i'm upgrading (trying) my G3 right now | 06:56 |
nalioth | so i'm finding errors that hopefully you wont | 06:56 |
delltony | well errors help me learn new tricks | 06:57 |
delltony | even though i hate errors | 06:57 |
delltony | folks at work are amazed i never have problems with my laptop and they always screwing with viruses | 06:57 |
delltony | they told me don't click on yada yada link its a virus i go send it to me and i laughed | 06:57 |
delltony | yes i know linux has viruses like 11 that i know of but still i hate windows :) | 06:58 |
nalioth | linux is good that way | 06:58 |
delltony | on the hdparm i should keep the default right? | 06:58 |
delltony | yeah linux is really good if you ask me | 06:58 |
nalioth | keep all your defaults | 06:59 |
delltony | but i think its somewhat a personal preference too | 06:59 |
nalioth | holy cow! i've got a gdm login screen | 06:59 |
delltony | in terms of what you like | 06:59 |
delltony | you go man | 06:59 |
delltony | kill gdm install kdm | 06:59 |
delltony | :) | 06:59 |
=== nalioth was ass deep in gators 20min ago | ||
nalioth | a sep2 daily breezy saved me | 06:59 |
=== delltony hopes he saved his modified kickerside.jpg | ||
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delltony | had a girl in a thong as the banner on it instead of he kde gear | 07:00 |
nalioth | delltony: for some reason the hosts file got overwritten | 07:02 |
nalioth | or changed | 07:02 |
nalioth | keep that in mind when it says "cant find ubuntu by hostname" or whatever it is | 07:02 |
delltony | yeah, dang i can't find my version of kside.jpg dang it dang it dang it | 07:02 |
nalioth | delltony: are you upgrading? | 07:02 |
delltony | yeah its still running | 07:03 |
delltony | but it always wipes out my dang kside every time i thught i had it saved | 07:03 |
nalioth | delltony: your thong is still there | 07:03 |
delltony | no its not | 07:03 |
delltony | well not visiable anyway | 07:03 |
delltony | it might be in another path or something please explain | 07:03 |
delltony | cause all i see is a gear | 07:03 |
delltony | with 3.4 which i don't link | 07:04 |
delltony | i have on it tonyonlinux and a girl in a thong ;) | 07:04 |
nalioth | n/m the hosts file error (again, it's my fault for having a 733t system) | 07:04 |
=== delltony farts on nalioth's system | ||
nalioth | it doesnt resemble a default ubuntu box by far | 07:05 |
delltony | i generally run flux on mine anyway | 07:07 |
delltony | and i customize my kernal too after i know the base works | 07:07 |
delltony | damn install hurry up i have to get up in 5 hours | 07:08 |
nalioth | delltony: you'll need to baby it | 07:09 |
nalioth | no sleep for you | 07:09 |
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delltony | nalioth, what you do when you can't seem to kill dpkg or apt-get | 07:27 |
delltony | and need to restart | 07:28 |
nalioth | delltony: just kill it dead | 07:28 |
delltony | how ? | 07:28 |
delltony | i did a kill -9 on it | 07:28 |
delltony | did't workk | 07:28 |
delltony | dang it any idea? | 07:31 |
nalioth | hold the power button | 07:32 |
delltony | dude that would restart it | 07:32 |
delltony | i want to get all this stuff done before i restart | 07:32 |
delltony | but i cant' seem to restart apt-get dist-upgrade | 07:33 |
delltony | cause of the lock thing | 07:33 |
delltony | with dpkg | 07:33 |
nalioth | power off the machine | 07:33 |
nalioth | wait | 07:33 |
delltony | so its safe to power it off? | 07:33 |
nalioth | do you have a colony4 or better cd? | 07:34 |
delltony | not that i know of | 07:34 |
nalioth | then dont quit | 07:34 |
nalioth | try this: open a terminal and type "ps aux|grep dpkg" | 07:35 |
delltony | i have | 07:35 |
delltony | have several pids | 07:35 |
delltony | and i tried a killall | 07:35 |
delltony | nothihng | 07:35 |
nalioth | kill each of em one at a time | 07:35 |
nalioth | one of them will kill them all | 07:35 |
delltony | damn it two of them will not kill | 07:36 |
delltony | is there not a force kill? | 07:36 |
nalioth | if -9 doesnt do it (you are using sudo, right?) | 07:37 |
delltony | yeah | 07:37 |
delltony | and have tried kill -9 on the id | 07:37 |
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nalioth | i dont know what else to tell you, except keep hammering at it | 07:38 |
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DewDude | doh | 07:56 |
DewDude | why can't i do something as simple as compile a program | 07:56 |
DewDude | i've done it time and time again in linux before | 07:57 |
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nalioth | DewDude: perfection is in the pursuit | 07:58 |
DewDude | it's 2am | 07:59 |
DewDude | i'm starting build on nvu again | 07:59 |
nalioth | DewDude: something to sleep on | 08:00 |
DewDude | indeed | 08:00 |
DewDude | i'm trying to learn | 08:00 |
DewDude | i've tried before | 08:01 |
DewDude | some things have come to me | 08:01 |
DewDude | like, i was able to build a gentoo system from a stage 3 | 08:01 |
DewDude | it was just getting x to work that was the issue | 08:01 |
=== nalioth enjoys teaching (what little he knows) | ||
DewDude | haha | 08:02 |
DewDude | most of what i do know has been from operating a server | 08:03 |
DewDude | i'm pretty good with apache | 08:03 |
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aftertaf | mornin' all | 08:12 |
nalioth | aftertaf: you sleep in? | 08:13 |
aftertaf | hehe nope, ten past eight here.... :D | 08:13 |
aftertaf | can you give me a tip?? i ssh to another PC, i une apt-get upgrade and after a few minutes the terminal freezes.... | 08:19 |
nalioth | aftertaf: b/c you are updating something that uses the termminal | 08:20 |
aftertaf | dunno... you think so? | 08:20 |
aftertaf | eterm | 08:20 |
aftertaf | somethings are better run locally then.. | 08:21 |
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nalioth | aftertaf: run it using "gnu screen" | 08:21 |
aftertaf | ok... | 08:22 |
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nalioth | aftertaf: you can read about gnu screen here http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2004/07/06/unix_gems.html | 08:31 |
aftertaf | ok... i just type screen in terminal and it runs?? am reading ;) | 08:32 |
aftertaf | mad :D:D | 08:35 |
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aftertaf | nalioth: that is just nuts ..... | 08:38 |
nalioth | what is that? | 08:39 |
aftertaf | screen. | 08:40 |
aftertaf | the concept. | 08:40 |
aftertaf | i'm amazed every day by things i learn bout linux... | 08:40 |
=== spiral [n=spiral@laf31-2-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
spiral | hi | 08:41 |
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nalioth | aftertaf: once you been fiddlin with something for almost 10 years, you'll learn stuff weirder | 08:44 |
aftertaf | yeah i imagine.... | 08:45 |
aftertaf | one day mate, one day ;) | 08:45 |
aftertaf | so, for the ssh pb... the idea would be to run eterm, ssh to server then run screen and launch apt-get from one of the screens? | 08:46 |
aftertaf | or run screen, then ssh to server in one of the screens? | 08:46 |
noirequus | aftertaf: yes, b/c you can resume screen sessions | 08:47 |
noirequus | no, ssh > screen on remote box | 08:47 |
=== aftertaf still trying to get his head round a lot of stuff | ||
aftertaf | ok... | 08:47 |
aftertaf | have done ;) | 08:47 |
noirequus | linux is as powerful as you wish to make it | 08:47 |
noirequus | or as simple | 08:48 |
aftertaf | yeah, thats the thing... i understand there is a load of power, and i'm having trouble just getting my head around how much... | 08:48 |
aftertaf | cool.. now when i ps -A i've got pts 0,1 & 2 | 08:50 |
=== [ITA] MisterX [n=casadio@host34-221.pool8259.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
aftertaf | hmmm, even with screen it just freezes at some point, even locally... | 08:55 |
seaLne | weird i've been running my irc client (irssi) in screen for nearly a year now with no probs :) | 08:55 |
seaLne | uptime++ :) | 08:56 |
=== kasim [n=anwender@p5081710B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kasim | hi, i upgraded to breezy, but my (german) language .mo files are gone. kde-i18n-de is installed, but does not seem to have those translation files. | 08:59 |
=== athlon [n=athlon@174pc.wohnheimg.uni-frankfurt.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
athlon | Hi, Ive lost the CD icon thats usually show up in KDE desktop whenever I insert a CD. How to create a new one ? | 09:00 |
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aftertaf | seaLne: hmm. yeah its weird. freezes on apt-get upgrade, or synaptic, when done via ssh. Only downloading, not yet appied anything either. | 09:04 |
aftertaf | oh well. | 09:04 |
seaLne | screen is great tho so don't give up on it | 09:08 |
aftertaf | seaLne: no way!!!! ;) | 09:11 |
aftertaf | not screen's fault, crap HP PC! | 09:11 |
=== thoreauputic [n=prospero@wolax9-225.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | wow, #kubuntu is rocking today... | 09:22 |
aftertaf | :) | 09:23 |
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=== thoreauputic makes loud technical noises and considers typing a long bash command just to wake the channel up | ||
kasim | found https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=14557 this tells me to manually install language-pack-kde-de | 09:29 |
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=== ZanQdo [n=chatzill@sanjose-a331.racsa.co.cr] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
ZanQdo | hi | 09:31 |
ZanQdo | how do I configure mi dual monitor in kubuntu? | 09:32 |
ZanQdo | the secondary monitor just show some crazy colors | 09:32 |
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seaLne | ZanQdo: you will need to do it manually | 09:36 |
seaLne | ZanQdo: is it a dual head card or 2 cards? | 09:36 |
ZanQdo | mmm how? :-S | 09:36 |
seaLne | editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:37 |
seaLne | ZanQdo: http://www2.duffus.org/tmp/xorg.conf <- my config with 2 cards | 09:39 |
ZanQdo | ok I will see what I can do | 09:39 |
ZanQdo | thanks | 09:39 |
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seaLne | ZanQdo: basically you need 2 device, 2 monitor and 2 screen settings then the ServerLayout is a bit different, not realy that hard | 09:40 |
ZanQdo | ok! | 09:41 |
ZanQdo | thank you, i`m goin to read about it | 09:41 |
aftertaf | thoreauputic: $ sudo sh makesomenoise.sh | 09:42 |
thoreauputic | cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp | 09:44 |
thoreauputic | ;) | 09:44 |
|nikki| | urgh, 8kHz sample rate white noise :P | 09:46 |
=== |nikki| is now known as nikkia | ||
thoreauputic | hi nikkia :) | 09:47 |
nikkia | thoreauputic: btw, nyquist is much better at making 'structured' noise :) | 09:48 |
nalioth | nikkia: did we wake you up? | 09:48 |
thoreauputic | nikkia: I'm sure you are right | 09:48 |
nikkia | nalioth: no, my alarm clock has that honour | 09:48 |
nalioth | it's a quarter of 3 where i am | 09:49 |
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nikkia | nalioth: 8:50am here, and i've already been on the phone to my boss :/ | 09:50 |
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nalioth | nikkia: ah | 09:51 |
aftertaf | nalioth: am or pm?? | 09:51 |
nalioth | must be nice not having to add or subtract utc | 09:51 |
=== aftertaf is gmt +1 | ||
=== nalioth is -6 utc | ||
nalioth | or its almost 3am | 09:52 |
aftertaf | ohhhh :D | 09:52 |
nalioth | got breezy on one of my ibooks | 09:52 |
nalioth | it's definitely not ready for normal users (of ppc) | 09:52 |
nikkia | nalioth: i do have to add to UTC, i'm in BST, which is GMT(UTC) + 1 | 09:53 |
nalioth | nikkia: i'm so lost on anything to do with utc (we got dst in the states, too) | 09:53 |
nikkia | nalioth: no, really, i never noticed when i lived there for 10 years </sarcasm> | 09:54 |
nalioth | i just run "date --utc" in the ol' terminal to keep me on track | 09:57 |
nikkia | nalioth: the great thing when you're a brit living in the US, is that any debtors you have in the UK are clueless - my bank ran foul of the RICO laws once by calling me at 3am to harass me about a debt :) | 09:58 |
seaLne | nalioth: the install killed my G4 (atleast it was a bit of a coincidence that after part 1 of the install the machine died) | 09:58 |
=== thoreauputic wants a time zone called GNU (can be shared and edited ad lib) | ||
nikkia | seaLne: that'd be apple's remote 'explode' functionality | 09:58 |
nalioth | nikkia: what a perk, eh? | 09:58 |
nikkia | seaLne: my G4 died 2 days after i told them where to put their extended warrenty | 09:59 |
nalioth | seaLne: just the software part, i hope (of your ibook) | 09:59 |
seaLne | nalioth: no all it does when powered on now is make an ear piercing tone and is otherwise dead | 09:59 |
nikkia | (and when i say 'died' i mean literally - the ethernet, IDE, firewire, one memory bank, and some other stuff on the chipset stopped working, and lots of smoke came out :/ | 10:00 |
aftertaf | wow nikkia meltdwn! | 10:00 |
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nalioth | seaLne: anything on the screen b4 that? | 10:01 |
nikkia | they called me 1 day before the warrenty expired, trying to get me to sign up for extended coverage, and it died 1 day after the warrenty expired | 10:01 |
seaLne | nalioth: it installed yaboot then when i turned back to it blank screen and the terrible noise and thats all it would do after that | 10:02 |
nalioth | aftertaf: did you gain control of screen? | 10:02 |
nalioth | seaLne: have you reset the PRAM? | 10:02 |
aftertaf | nalioth: i'm figuring it out a bit... | 10:03 |
aftertaf | gain control is a bit early, printed off docs to read.. | 10:03 |
nikkia | aftertaf: first thing i do, is set the screen escape sequence to ctrl-p instead of ctrl-a | 10:03 |
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nalioth | seaLne: try to reset the PRAM | 10:04 |
nalioth | nikkia: why ctrl-p over a? | 10:04 |
nikkia | nalioth: i use ctrl-a a lot, but i can duplicate the functionality of ctrl-p with cursor-up in 99% of apps | 10:04 |
nalioth | nikkia: you continually flabbergast me | 10:05 |
nikkia | nalioth: whereas not all/very few apps will go to the start of the line on pressing 'home' | 10:05 |
aftertaf | loooool, glad i'm not the only one scratching head here... | 10:05 |
aftertaf | im way far behind that type of thing right now.... | 10:06 |
thoreauputic | nikkia's solution makes sense - the ctrl-a in screen drives me nuts | 10:06 |
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aftertaf | making things comfortable is god once you've learned to drive, i've just discovered the gearstick | 10:06 |
nalioth | i must be too dense to comprehend the diff | 10:07 |
seaLne | nalioth: going to try that when i get into work, Riddell suggested that last night | 10:08 |
nikkia | i've actually been using emacs so long, that i usually use ctrl-a + ctrl-k rather than ctrl-u in most cases now :) | 10:08 |
seaLne | waiting for music to copy to my mp3 player then off to work :) | 10:08 |
thoreauputic | nalioth: ctrl-a takes the cursor to th eline beginning normally | 10:08 |
seaLne | except in retarded konq | 10:09 |
nalioth | thoreauputic: in what app? | 10:09 |
nikkia | nalioth: almost all | 10:09 |
thoreauputic | nalioth: in the terminal | 10:09 |
nikkia | nalioth: its a emacs key, and most apps support emacs bindings, including all the major shells | 10:10 |
nalioth | i'm already spoiled on ctrl-a to do my bidding in screen | 10:10 |
nikkia | all apps that use readline default to the emacs-style keybindings too | 10:10 |
nikkia | (one advantage of ctrl-a/ctrl-k instead of ctrl-u, is that you can undo it with ctrl-y) | 10:12 |
nikkia | since ctrl-k cuts the line into the yank buffer, whereas ctrl-u just kills the line | 10:12 |
nikkia | heh, its easy to spot when the boss is out of the office | 10:15 |
nikkia | one of my co-workers that is the only office member with the server admin password is a bit overzealous on rebooting it when it seems 'slow' (usually when someone is dl'ing a huge file :) so if the boss is out of the office, the server tends to get rebooted, often :) | 10:15 |
aftertaf | nikkia: what OS is on the server?? | 10:17 |
nikkia | aftertaf: win2k3 | 10:17 |
nalioth | nikkia: that doesnt reboot itself? | 10:17 |
nikkia | nalioth: no | 10:18 |
aftertaf | 2k3.. not bad. sholdnt go slow for no reason... | 10:18 |
=== aftertaf ponders whether being MS is a reason... | ||
nikkia | aftertaf: its SBS that is the problem, i think, not the OS per se | 10:19 |
aftertaf | omg!sbs | 10:19 |
aftertaf | say no more. | 10:19 |
aftertaf | a one-domain DC gutted of all that can be useful. | 10:20 |
nikkia | aftertaf: i've suggested switching to a decent set of server apps many times, but my boss won't have any of it (his reasons are fair, tho) | 10:20 |
nikkia | he has lamented that he'd like a dev dept only server running a more stable OS | 10:20 |
aftertaf | hehe. a windows man who would be starting afresh with nux? | 10:20 |
nikkia | aftertaf: yeah, but he's willing to admit that linux+apache+postfix+dovecot, or something would be more stable | 10:21 |
aftertaf | but he dont feel safe making the switch from a personal PoV... i understand, had same too. | 10:22 |
nikkia | aftertaf: its not that | 10:22 |
nikkia | aftertaf: the win2k3+sbs is also serving up accounts and payroll stuff | 10:24 |
nikkia | its not as easy as just 'switch the server to linux', which is fair | 10:24 |
aftertaf | anyway, closed my eterm and opened another, screen -r and i recover my ssh session :D | 10:24 |
nikkia | afteraf, now open a second, and 'screen -x' :) | 10:25 |
aftertaf | nikkia: totally..... Im an AD person myself and would love to know how to implement in nux. | 10:25 |
aftertaf | hehehe omg! | 10:25 |
aftertaf | both at once... freaky! | 10:25 |
nikkia | afteraf, the scrollback buffer in screen is quite useful, too | 10:25 |
nikkia | <screen key> [ to enter, and escape to leave | 10:26 |
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jimmy_neutron | hi | 10:27 |
jimmy_neutron | in "make xconfig" what's the difference between a dot and a tick? | 10:28 |
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henk | I'm listening to some mp3 with amaroK, but i'm hearing a lot of 'artifacts' on the sound, The quality is bad.. the load on my box is 0,12 and my hd's are on DMA so the bitstream should be ok i guess. Does anyone know what i may do to get this better ? | 11:17 |
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aftertaf | henk: same if you use another player or not?? | 11:22 |
henk | hmm havent tried yet i'm tying to install a different engine in this one first hang on | 11:23 |
henk | aftertaf, i'm now running the xine enginge in amarok and that solved my problem i think. | 11:28 |
aftertaf | hehe | 11:29 |
nikkia | lol!!! | 11:30 |
nikkia | a co-worker just asked me how to enable anisotropic filtering in OpenGL at runtime... | 11:30 |
nikkia | and the reference document i sent him back? a US Navy document on OpenGL programming!!! | 11:30 |
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buz | anyone got experiences with syncing palms or treos with kontact? | 11:32 |
aftertaf | buz: yep, but it worked by itself... | 11:35 |
buz | you mean it's foolproof? | 11:35 |
buz | i was considering replacing my p900 (which i never got to sync) with a treo650 | 11:35 |
buz | unless someone know of a decent phone with sd card AND wlan ;) | 11:37 |
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aftertaf | mines a treo 600 | 11:40 |
buz | any good? | 11:40 |
aftertaf | i ran kpilot, plugged it in, hit the button and the bugger synched by itself | 11:40 |
aftertaf | yeah, seems ok... use it as a phone mostly... or for plaing cards when b0r3d | 11:40 |
buz | i dont like the antenna sticking out of the thing | 11:41 |
buz | i'd use it as phone and as mp3 player with 2gb sd stick | 11:41 |
buz | replacing my ipod | 11:41 |
buz | one device ought to be enough, really | 11:41 |
aftertaf | 2gb :D | 11:41 |
buz | well, i got a 30gb ipod | 11:41 |
buz | but its battery is failing | 11:41 |
buz | and reaslistically, 2gb is enough for my most beloved tracks ;) | 11:41 |
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buz | the stupid p900 cant use memory sticks larger than 128mb what madness is that, really | 11:42 |
buz | anyway thanks for the comment ;) | 11:43 |
nikkia | buz, i'm 'stuck' with RS-DV-MMC | 11:43 |
buz | huuh? | 11:43 |
buz | reduced size mmc? | 11:43 |
nikkia | which isn't a 'bad' memory card format, but it does mean that i lag behind capacity wise, 512MB is the largest RS-DV-MMC atm | 11:44 |
buz | in what phone? | 11:44 |
nikkia | buz, reduced size, dual-voltage, mmc | 11:44 |
nikkia | in a nokia 6630 | 11:44 |
buz | well memory stick duo go up to 2gb now. but sony morons dont support them in the p900, in p910 they do | 11:44 |
buz | ass holes | 11:44 |
nikkia | buz, i wouldn't feel comfortable about using MS-Duo anyway | 11:44 |
buz | last time i got suckered to buy a sony product | 11:44 |
=== nalioth would like to find the bug that keeps freezin this box solid | ||
buz | why not | 11:44 |
nikkia | buz, it includes DRM at the hardware level | 11:45 |
buz | so they say | 11:45 |
nikkia | buz, which is why they phased out the plain MS | 11:45 |
buz | but i always got everything out from it | 11:45 |
buz | but as i say, sony is evil | 11:45 |
nikkia | they're more evil than MS, IMO | 11:45 |
buz | and MS duo costs at least 50% more than SD | 11:45 |
buz | mhh about the same on my scale | 11:46 |
nikkia | and their products are badly designed, and shoddily made | 11:46 |
buz | sony at least doesnt have anything resembiling a real monpoly | 11:46 |
nikkia | buz, i had a sony DTS receiver.... | 11:46 |
buz | pure evil, but easily substituted by other companies at least | 11:46 |
nikkia | they had *all* power rails going thru a pair of very hard to find 20A fuses | 11:46 |
nikkia | it would blow both those fuses once every 3-4 months | 11:46 |
buz | lol | 11:46 |
buz | my 6 year old technics still works like a charm | 11:46 |
nikkia | and this wasn't even their consumer line | 11:47 |
nikkia | it was a $1000+ ES line receiver | 11:47 |
buz | yeah i dont buy sony consumer electronics | 11:47 |
buz | phones, i did, but wont do it again | 11:47 |
buz | at the time, the p900 was the only halfway useable smart phone | 11:47 |
nikkia | my yamaha receiver, otoh, with basically the same feature set, except a few less optical inputs, and no optical output, was utterly reliable | 11:47 |
buz | yeah i'll get a yamaha receiver when mine fails | 11:47 |
buz | or denon if i have too much ash | 11:48 |
buz | cash | 11:48 |
nikkia | buz, the reason i paid enormously for the ES, was because of the 'optical input for every channel, and an optical output that carries either raw data when recording from a DD/DTS source, or PCM'ed when recording from an analog audio source' | 11:48 |
nikkia | buz, it was great as a general media switcher, as i could slap my DVR on the optical output, and record movies in DD from satellite | 11:49 |
buz | mhh i'd be fine with one or two optical inputs for my dvd player | 11:50 |
buz | i could care less for DVR | 11:50 |
buz | there's only crap on tv in switzerland anyway. | 11:50 |
buz | maybe if i could watch bbc, but german tv? YIKES | 11:51 |
buz | the swiss at least now send movies in dual channel sound (german plus original language) but who wants to watch analog tv with mono sound | 11:51 |
nalioth | goin down for maintenance | 11:51 |
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nikkia | buz, people with only one ear? :) | 11:52 |
buz | i hear even those have marginal abilities to locate sounds | 11:52 |
nikkia | yeah, they do | 11:53 |
nikkia | i went deaf in one ear for a while, could still locate sounds to a degree | 11:53 |
buz | my math teacher in highschool was born with only one working ear | 11:54 |
buz | he ever got to know about it in militarily when they were asked to go skiing | 11:54 |
buz | and his sense of balance wouldnt work well enough for that | 11:54 |
nikkia | 'asked' ? :) | 11:55 |
buz | forced probably | 11:55 |
buz | then again, i dont really know. not in the military myself, thankfully | 11:55 |
nikkia | that sounds far more like millitary service :) | 11:56 |
nikkia | buz, aren't you swiss then ? | 11:56 |
buz | i am | 11:56 |
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nikkia | how've you avoided military service ? | 11:56 |
buz | but these days, about half swiss men get away from it on "health" grounds | 11:56 |
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buz | 80% of those don't have any health issue at all | 11:56 |
buz | but since the military got reduced greatly, they are glad about any they can get rid off without any suspicion | 11:57 |
nikkia | ah | 11:57 |
buz | so basically you go to a doc, get some ridiculous attest and that's it | 11:57 |
buz | you'll have to pay more taxes until 30 but for us students, that barely matters ;) | 11:57 |
buz | and paying sure as hell beats the shit out of crawling in the mud | 11:58 |
buz | and worse stuff | 11:58 |
buz | i've heard of one guy who was in the youth national team of some ball game (cant remember which) who got off on health grounds. | 11:59 |
buz | we'll all believe that, suuuure | 11:59 |
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seaLne | is printing still broken in breezy? | 12:17 |
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=== nikkia makes a software release and prepares to relax for the rest of the day | ||
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delltony | morning guys | 01:43 |
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delltony | anyone happen to know how to overcome a hoary to breezy issue i get in the shell Checking battery state and it just sets there | 01:43 |
delltony | is there a way to continue with the boot process i tried ctrl cing it | 01:44 |
delltony | but no luck | 01:44 |
delltony | i get the initial ubuntu splash screen with the boot squence then it goes back to the shell much kinda as if x didn't start or something but i don't get any errors all i get is it stuck on checking battery state | 01:44 |
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jpatrick|studyin | delltony: tried startx ? | 01:48 |
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jjesse | easiest way to upgrade form hoary to breezy preview? | 01:53 |
jsubl2 | come on usa folks. start the torrent. my speed is low | 01:54 |
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jsubl2 | jjesse: that is what i use | 01:54 |
jpatrick|studyin | jjesse: I'm downloading the iso now | 01:54 |
jsubl2 | gonna use rather if it ever get here | 01:54 |
jpatrick|studyin | if it doesn't work I'm gonna dist-upgrade | 01:55 |
jjesse | can i just change hoary to breezy in sources.list | 01:55 |
jpatrick|studyin | yeah | 01:55 |
jpatrick|studyin | there no backports tho | 01:55 |
jpatrick|studyin | there's an example of the file on UbuntuGuide :P | 01:56 |
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jjesse | are there going to be kubuntu cd's available thru shipit? | 01:57 |
jpatrick|studyin | no idea | 01:57 |
jpatrick|studyin | I think I'll just dist-upgrade | 02:00 |
jpatrick|studyin | oh dear, KGet just crashed.. | 02:02 |
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delltony | i don't get a shell jpatrick|studyin to do startx | 02:04 |
jpatrick|studyin | :s | 02:04 |
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delltony | as i stated it hangs at the checking battery | 02:07 |
delltony | aww good ol virtual shell i love it | 02:08 |
delltony | i gotta probably do apt-cdrom add | 02:08 |
=== delltony goes and burns iso image | ||
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jjesse | wow: 808 upgraded, 288 newly installed, 34 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 02:22 |
jjesse | thats an apt-get update followed by apt-get dist-upgrade w/ changing sources to kubuntu | 02:22 |
jjesse | i meant breezy | 02:23 |
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incubii | yeah try that on 28.8kb dialup jjesse | 02:23 |
jjesse | incubii: why do you think i'm doing it at work :) | 02:23 |
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incubii | id do that too but i dont wanna lug my machine there | 02:23 |
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thescanner | Ciao | 02:24 |
thescanner | Minchia.....finalmente sono riuscito a far funzionare bitchx | 02:24 |
thescanner | C'e' nessuno? | 02:25 |
thescanner | ? | 02:25 |
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thescanner | There is someone hier? | 02:25 |
thescanner | Hallo......... | 02:25 |
jjesse | hallo :) | 02:25 |
thescanner | :-) | 02:25 |
Beetlefrosch | hello, where can i find this: "System Settings - a user friendly replacement for KControl" | 02:25 |
jjesse | Beetlefrosch: have you upgrade to breezy? | 02:26 |
Beetlefrosch | yes | 02:26 |
thescanner | Really? | 02:26 |
thescanner | And is it good? | 02:26 |
Beetlefrosch | jo | 02:26 |
Beetlefrosch | i just work on it :-) | 02:27 |
thescanner | Is there a Linux Software for programming my Girlfriend? | 02:27 |
thescanner | :) | 02:27 |
thescanner | In the last time she has a lot of "bug" ;) | 02:27 |
thescanner | :-p | 02:27 |
jpatrick|tv | System Settings is nicer than Kcontrol | 02:28 |
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thescanner | Hey, I have a little problem | 02:29 |
delltony | interesting x.org hates me can't start mouse driver among other things grrr | 02:29 |
thescanner | I cannot connect me with my school LAN | 02:29 |
incubii | yes i update my mac at work and all sudden there was system settings, wass an interesting change | 02:30 |
thescanner | I want buy a new Laptop | 02:33 |
thescanner | Which I have to buy? | 02:33 |
thescanner | A mac or a PC | 02:33 |
thescanner | I want always kubuntu | 02:34 |
thescanner | But I don't know which is better for Linux | 02:34 |
buz | kubuntu works on both but wlan doesnt work on the mac | 02:34 |
thescanner | :-( | 02:37 |
delltony | any devs here | 02:37 |
delltony | reason i ask i keep getting stuck on checking battery state when i bootup | 02:37 |
thescanner | Maybe is better a PC whit nVidia with Kubuntu | 02:37 |
thescanner | Which laptop? | 02:38 |
thescanner | Acer | 02:38 |
thescanner | HP | 02:38 |
thescanner | ? | 02:38 |
thescanner | ? | 02:38 |
thescanner | :-( | 02:38 |
buz | depends on your budget really | 02:38 |
buz | and requirements | 02:38 |
thescanner | I have no money problem :-) | 02:38 |
buz | toshiba or ibm then | 02:38 |
thescanner | which exactily? | 02:39 |
buz | well you need to figure that out yourself | 02:39 |
buz | you should prefer nvidia graphics card for kubuntu though | 02:39 |
thescanner | I work with graphic | 02:39 |
buz | big screen then | 02:39 |
thescanner | Do you know a good toshiba modell? | 02:39 |
buz | samsung got a nice 17" thing | 02:39 |
buz | but $$$ | 02:39 |
thescanner | samsung? | 02:40 |
buz | i'd get the toshiba portege m200 | 02:40 |
buz | but that's likely not so optimal for graphics work | 02:40 |
thescanner | And how work it with kubuntu? | 02:40 |
buz | it works | 02:40 |
delltony | if i put the cdrom in for kubuntu can i install and keep my old files? | 02:40 |
delltony | or does it wipe the partition and all? | 02:40 |
buz | it should not | 02:40 |
buz | but there's no guarantee | 02:40 |
delltony | ok | 02:41 |
buz | so better do backups | 02:41 |
delltony | well i always backup but i'm wanting to keep from having to run backups | 02:41 |
buz | especially if you dont have any spare partition and need to resize the current one | 02:41 |
delltony | in terms of reinstalling them | 02:41 |
thescanner | Which laptop with smart battery and suspend support | 02:41 |
thescanner | Currently I have an ACER ASPIRE 1681wlmi | 02:41 |
thescanner | But I cannot use suspend | 02:42 |
thescanner | and my CardReader | 02:42 |
delltony | i had the same issue with warty to hoary | 02:42 |
thescanner | .....and my battery status is always unknowed... | 02:42 |
buz | if you want a no trouble system, get a powerbook | 02:43 |
buz | and run osx on it | 02:43 |
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delltony | is there a way to stip the partition portion of the install as in keep old data without wiping the partition | 02:52 |
delltony | skip even | 02:53 |
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delltony | dang it is there no way to not format a partition on this install? | 02:57 |
jpatrick|tv | :/ | 02:58 |
jpatrick|tv | errr... no | 03:00 |
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pl_ice | hi | 03:03 |
jpatrick|tv | hi | 03:04 |
pl_ice | quiet here :/ | 03:05 |
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DewDude | can you upgrade kubuntu from the CD? | 03:19 |
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hussam | I posted a news article in a tech site about Kubuntu breezy preview release: http://www.flexbeta.net/main/comments.php?catid=1&shownews=14701 | 03:25 |
libben | Riddell: | 03:26 |
libben | this was the one u recc? http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/kubuntu/5.10/kubuntu-5.10-preview-install-i386.iso | 03:26 |
libben | yesterday that is? | 03:26 |
Riddell | libben: that's the preview release yes | 03:28 |
libben | well, downloading it know anyway, now i need to countinue my route at fedex =) took some time to get home and start downloading this so its finnished when im done in 2 hours =) | 03:28 |
libben | later | 03:28 |
=== calilasseia [n=calilass@cpc1-runc1-6-0-cust105.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
calilasseia | Hello everyone ... | 03:34 |
calilasseia | Anyone here know anything about hosts files??? | 03:35 |
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calilasseia | Only I've made a little discovery ... as well as the standard 'hosts' file, there are two more files in /etc, called "hosts.allow" and "hosts.deny" ... | 03:36 |
calilasseia | I'm interested in using hosts blocking as part of my anti parasite/malware strategy (works in Windows), and I was wondering about transplanting the same strategy to Linux ... | 03:38 |
parktownprawn | its easier just to install the program firestarter | 03:39 |
calilasseia | Hmm, never heard of that ... | 03:39 |
parktownprawn | its a nice firewall program | 03:39 |
calilasseia | Is it in the universe repository by any chance? | 03:40 |
parktownprawn | you can install it easily using synaptic or apt-get | 03:40 |
calilasseia | Ok, I'll make a note of that ... any manual entries for the hosts files I can browse ??? | 03:40 |
parktownprawn | apt-cache show firestarter tells me its in universe | 03:40 |
calilasseia | Oh good, so I can install this straight away then? | 03:41 |
parktownprawn | yes | 03:41 |
parktownprawn | its pretty easy to configure | 03:41 |
parktownprawn | and you can manually allow and deny various hosts | 03:41 |
nikkia | calilasseia: firestarter is a front-end to iptables | 03:41 |
nikkia | calilasseia: so you could just learn iptables command syntax, and block hosts that way | 03:42 |
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calilasseia | Thanks Nikkia ... thing is, on my Windows partition I have a big hosts file that maps all the malware sites to and effectively kills most of them off at source ... | 03:43 |
nikkia | calilasseia: you can do that with /etc/hosts | 03:43 |
calilasseia | But then I discovered that Linux has more than one hosts file ... and thought "Hmm, better seek advice" ... | 03:43 |
nikkia | calilasseia: /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny aren't used by normal programs | 03:43 |
calilasseia | Ah, right ... | 03:44 |
nikkia | they are only used for tcpwrapper'ed programs in inetd | 03:44 |
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moutew | hi | 03:44 |
calilasseia | So just copying my big anti-malware hosts file and appending it to the standard one in /etc/hosts will do the hob? | 03:44 |
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haim | hi!!!!!!!!!!!!1 | 03:44 |
parktownprawn | i did that with my /etc/host but it made the gnome network-admin program a bit unstable | 03:44 |
calilasseia | "job" ... argh, dyslexic keyboard ... | 03:44 |
moutew | i'm download kubuntu-preview using bittorrent and it's very slow | 03:44 |
haim | hi | 03:45 |
nikkia | calilasseia: wouldn't recommend it, using /etc/hosts to block is unreliable | 03:45 |
moutew | usually it's very spreed | 03:45 |
nikkia | calilasseia: for a start, its not going to block IP address specific access | 03:45 |
calilasseia | Ah ... what sort of reliability issues should I take note of then Nikkia? | 03:45 |
nikkia | secondly, you don't really need that huge lookup lag :) | 03:45 |
calilasseia | That's odd ... I don't notice a lookup lag in Windows ... and thought if it worked well there, it would work even better in Linux ... | 03:46 |
calilasseia | After all my Linux install has shamed Windows into the dunce's corner in a number of ways in the short time I've had it :) | 03:47 |
haim | sher | 03:47 |
nikkia | calilasseia: fine, use that method if you want, but when you have problems, don't say i didn't tell you :P | 03:47 |
calilasseia | Well that's why I asked about what issues I should note Nikkia ... forewarned and all that :) | 03:48 |
haim | :d | 03:48 |
haim | :D | 03:48 |
nikkia | calilasseia: yes, and you're dismissing them out of hand | 03:48 |
calilasseia | Am I??? | 03:48 |
nikkia | what's the point of asking a question, if any answer is going to be basically 'lalala, i can't hear you' | 03:48 |
calilasseia | Well you said there would be a lag problem ... | 03:49 |
haim | plese | 03:49 |
calilasseia | All I said was I hadn't noticed one in Windows, and thought that Linux might do the job even better ... | 03:49 |
calilasseia | Because in the short time I've had this Linux install, it's astonished me ... | 03:50 |
haim | plese | 03:51 |
nikkia | so you're assuming that linux does everything the same way as windows, but better? | 03:51 |
parktownprawn | i do think you are being a little bit harsh to calilasseia nikkia | 03:51 |
calilasseia | Not necessarily the same way Nikkia, but thus far my Linux install runs beautifully ... | 03:51 |
calilasseia | For example - Windows got its knickers in a twist over my broadband connection and I practicallly had to threaten it with an axe ... | 03:52 |
calilasseia | My Linux install found the connection in an instant and said "here you are, happy srufing" ... | 03:52 |
calilasseia | "Surfing" ... bleh | 03:52 |
haim | you are good boy!!!! | 03:53 |
calilasseia | So I thought naturally enough given the good precedents it's set thus far, that if I transplanted my hosts blocking it would perform in a similarly trouble free manner ... | 03:54 |
haim | all we need is happe | 03:55 |
nikkia | calilasseia: even besides the performance problems, you're ignoring the basic flaw in your approach | 03:55 |
nikkia | that is, serious malware doesn't use hostnames anyway | 03:55 |
calilasseia | Right ... | 03:55 |
calilasseia | Bear in mind I'm still at the beginning of the learning curve here ... | 03:56 |
calilasseia | And I've discovered there's a LOT to wade through ... | 03:56 |
calilasseia | In any case, would it not be possible to experiment a little, and upon discovering that the experiment was flawed, just undo everything ??? | 03:57 |
calilasseia | In any case I'm hunting info on firestarter ... | 03:58 |
=== sml [n=sml@219-90-189-45.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
calilasseia | Wow ... just found the home page ... firestarter looks impressive ... | 03:59 |
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sml | hi .. what is the easiest way to get some good video codes going ... apt-getting vlc, or installing codes for caffeine | 04:00 |
sml | codecs | 04:00 |
calilasseia | OK, installing firestarter now ... | 04:02 |
parktownprawn | ! codecs | 04:02 |
ubotu | methinks codecs is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 04:02 |
calilasseia | Ok, done the install ... | 04:03 |
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sml | ubotu .. hey perfect .. just one more thing .. what is a good breezy repo for these? | 04:04 |
ubotu | that's too long, sml | 04:04 |
sml | too long for what ubotu? | 04:04 |
parktownprawn | ubotu is a bot not a real person | 04:05 |
ubotu | Not a clue, parktownprawn | 04:05 |
parktownprawn | ! factoid | 04:05 |
ubotu | A list of all my factoids can be found at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au | 04:05 |
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parktownprawn | sml - most of what you want should be in the universe or multiverse repositories | 04:06 |
sml | parkownprawn .. what is a good breezy repo? | 04:08 |
parktownprawn | sml - where are you | 04:08 |
calilasseia | OK next step ... it's installed ... how do I run it ...??? | 04:09 |
parktownprawn | calilasseia: sudo firestarter | 04:09 |
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jpatrick|tv | I use Guarddog | 04:09 |
sml | parktownprawn .. in australia | 04:09 |
parktownprawn | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto?highlight=%28repositories%29 | 04:10 |
calilasseia | Right, thanks ... | 04:10 |
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parktownprawn | i think there the australian respos are at au.archive.ubuntu.com | 04:11 |
sml | parktownprawn - i dont like that default repo .. it ruined my system 3 or 4 times .. until I installed ubuntu saying i was in the US!! | 04:12 |
calilasseia | Whee, I now have a firewall ... | 04:12 |
Pyf | what should i use to open a .rar file? | 04:13 |
jpatrick|tv | Pyf: Ark? | 04:13 |
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parktownprawn | sml - ok why don't you just try archive.ubuntu.com | 04:14 |
Pyf | jpatrick: ark says the utility unrar is not installed | 04:14 |
Pyf | how do i install it? | 04:14 |
jpatrick | Pyf: apt-get install unrar rar | 04:14 |
calilasseia | So firestarter will now run every time I boot up ??? | 04:14 |
parktownprawn | sml - in.archive.ubutu.com works fine for me | 04:14 |
sml | ok .. i;ll give em a shot :) | 04:15 |
jpatrick | I use the UK ones | 04:15 |
parktownprawn | calilasseia: yes but you won't see it | 04:15 |
calilasseia | OK thanks ... so the applet that popped up is a separate config tool ... | 04:16 |
parktownprawn | calilasseia: if you want to see what its doing just run sudo firestarter and it should put a nice little icon on your panel | 04:16 |
calilasseia | Just did that ... | 04:16 |
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parktownprawn | yep the applet is a config tool and it will change from blue to red if someone does something it doesn't like | 04:17 |
calilasseia | Right, I've got an icon ... only thing is, if I close the config tool, will the icon vanish? | 04:18 |
calilasseia | Oh and in the terminal as I was running it, it said "You should not run Firefox without the -H option" ... | 04:19 |
jpatrick | I prefer kdesu for apps | 04:20 |
parktownprawn | no but if you login again the icon won't be there - you have to run sudo firestarter to get the icon again | 04:20 |
calilasseia | Right ... so how do I get firestarter to run system wide on boot? | 04:21 |
calilasseia | Sorry about this but I am new to all of this :) | 04:21 |
parktownprawn | it will run systemwide on boot it just won't bring up the little icon telling you what its doing | 04:21 |
calilasseia | Ah ... the actuall firewall service runs system wide ... | 04:22 |
parktownprawn | i have no clue what the firefox -H option | 04:22 |
jpatrick | yes | 04:22 |
parktownprawn | yes | 04:22 |
sml | parktownprawn - could you please post your sources.conf line for your restricted extras repos | 04:22 |
Pyf | ark doesnt seem to recognise that the file is rar'ed over a number of files, .rar .r01 .r02 etc.... | 04:22 |
calilasseia | But to get the icon the config tool needs to be run per user ... | 04:22 |
jpatrick | sml: it's sources.list | 04:23 |
jpatrick | :p | 04:23 |
sml | ahhh sorry - too quick :) | 04:23 |
parktownprawn | the relevant line is: deb http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted universe multiverse | 04:23 |
sml | cool thanks mate | 04:24 |
parktownprawn | but outside india in.archive.ubuntu.com will be reeeeealy slow | 04:24 |
parktownprawn | mate | 04:24 |
sml | that is not good with my 24mbps connection! | 04:24 |
parktownprawn | sml - i think you'll just have to play around to find the best/fastest repo for you if au. sucks | 04:25 |
sml | parktownprawn .. will do ... at least yours is working at the moment :) | 04:26 |
parktownprawn | sml - good luck | 04:27 |
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slow-motion | hello | 04:31 |
znh | hi slow-motion | 04:33 |
slow-motion | hi znh | 04:33 |
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_user | hi all | 04:37 |
calilasseia | Ok, time to leave and do some boring errands (sigh) ... thanks to everyone for assorted help ... | 04:38 |
sml | parktownprawn - vlc installed well. any idea why flash wouldnt work with konqueror? | 04:38 |
_user | how can I install e2fsprogs-devel ?? | 04:39 |
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CosminG | how can I install e2fsprogs-devel ?? | 04:39 |
slow-motion | i have changed the size of my /home partion from 13 to 20gb with paragon partion manager under windows, but the partion still has 13gb under linux. how can i use the full 20gb? | 04:43 |
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roman | hola | 04:57 |
OculusAquilae | roman: hello | 04:58 |
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delltony | hi can someone tell me how to make the new breezy having the use kde fonts for gtk applications i know in hoary you could do it. | 05:12 |
delltony | reason i say is the fonts on firefox are small as crap | 05:12 |
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gdiebel | Absolutely love the kubuntu breezy preview. It is my first time trying out a breezy build of any sort. Impressive work | 05:28 |
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othernoob | Riddell: regarding the new version of Kubuntu, can one choose what will be installed? | 05:44 |
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Riddell | othernoob: when installing from CD it will generally install everything on the CD | 05:45 |
Riddell | you can do a server install which only installs command line stuff | 05:45 |
othernoob | okay, will there ever be a superior installation? | 05:46 |
Riddell | what could be improved? | 05:46 |
othernoob | well, for example that one could choose what's going to be installed for a desktop system.. | 05:47 |
othernoob | if you take a look at the fedora core installation you can see what i mean | 05:48 |
Riddell | fedora comes on 4 CDs | 05:48 |
othernoob | well yes.. | 05:48 |
othernoob | but not the installation ;) | 05:48 |
gdiebel | Riddell, is there interest in including kat with kubuntu breezy? | 05:48 |
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delltony | how in the heck do you get gtk-qt to install on breezy? | 05:49 |
delltony | i need it so i can get gtk apps (firefox) to use kde fonts | 05:49 |
delltony | otherwise i need a telescope to read the thing | 05:49 |
othernoob | it's not the amount of programs i'm thinking of, which of course is much more with fedora with its 3 windowing systems and so on, but just the possibility for example to not install openoffice on ones desktop system | 05:49 |
nikkia | now, see, thats why i love emacs!!! /me just rewrote the function that gets called when you press 'insert' so that it changes the text-cursor colour based on whether you're in overwrite or insert mode :) | 05:49 |
Riddell | delltony: gtk2-engines-gtk-qt (but it has problems with gtk cairo) | 05:51 |
Riddell | gdiebel: yes, but I don't think it's ready to be included by default | 05:51 |
delltony | well i can't even get it to install cause of depends | 05:51 |
Riddell | delltony: installs ok here, what's the problem? | 05:51 |
delltony | hang on | 05:52 |
delltony | you using the ones from cvs or a direct pull from unbuntu? | 05:52 |
Riddell | othernoob: the ability to choose what to install is not worth loosing the simplicity of it just installing | 05:52 |
delltony | cause i try apt-get install gtk-qt and get the following | 05:52 |
Riddell | delltony: packages from ubuntu archive | 05:52 |
delltony | kdeblibs4c and kdelibs4-dev depends | 05:53 |
delltony | but both are already installed | 05:53 |
othernoob | Riddell: well i'm not asking to erase that approach of installing but to add an advanced installation possibility | 05:53 |
delltony | let me talk with you on the broken pc so i can give you the exact errors | 05:54 |
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_delltony | ok riddle go to flood and ill past what i have please | 05:55 |
Riddell | _delltony: kubuntu.pastebin.com | 05:56 |
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_delltony | http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/358949 | 05:58 |
aseigo | Riddell: neat. how'd you go about getting a TLD from pastebin? | 05:59 |
Riddell | aseigo: no idea, I just noticed someone using it one day :) | 05:59 |
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aseigo | Riddell: hum. seems to be automagic | 06:00 |
Riddell | delltony: that looks like hoary | 06:00 |
aseigo | yep. it is. | 06:00 |
_delltony | suppose to be breezy | 06:00 |
_delltony | any idea how to fix | 06:01 |
_delltony | cause breezy is what i'm running | 06:01 |
Riddell | delltony: make sure it says breezy in /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:01 |
_delltony | being its a full new install id be amazed if it didn't but let me look | 06:01 |
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INR_USER352 | hi all! | 06:02 |
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Gnuton | u | 06:02 |
_delltony | you the man i had a extra repository i added based ona wiki and it was for hoary duh | 06:03 |
_delltony | hey one other thing while i'm here ndiswrapper for wireless is it out of the box now in breezy | 06:03 |
_delltony | or do i still have to modprobe it with my driver | 06:04 |
=== Riddell knows nothing about ndiswrapper | ||
_delltony | also to get the gtk use qt t show up in kde | 06:04 |
_delltony | do i have t restart kicker? | 06:05 |
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=== _delltony restarts to see if the effect isi therre | ||
othernoob | mmh, will a built tower with a 350W PSU be enough for an amd sempron 2800 +128/256mb graphicscard+1 or 2 hdds +2 cd/dvd drives? | 06:09 |
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_delltony | Riddell: can you tell me how i can find he gtk to qt section in the control panel now | 06:13 |
_delltony | everything has changed | 06:13 |
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_delltony | hey nomad | 06:13 |
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`Nomad | hi.. | 06:13 |
`Nomad | I'm in a rush.. I have a new job and I have to migrate our website.. They used frontpage for years but never used the publish function.. Now! Today I have to convert all our forms toposting to an access DB. ARGHHH!! | 06:14 |
`Nomad | I need a frontpage expert.. | 06:14 |
`Nomad | How to set up that databae connection without using the publish function.. And I'm sorry if this is definitely the wong forum for it.. hehehe :) | 06:15 |
`Nomad | I tried #frontpage but it didn't exist | 06:15 |
`Nomad | Lost so much I am | 06:15 |
buz | maybe because it's a MS program? | 06:15 |
_delltony | access sucks | 06:15 |
`Nomad | I know, and so does FP | 06:15 |
buz | and about the opposite of free or standards conforming | 06:15 |
`Nomad | I am migrating us to Drupal and egroupware down the road.. | 06:16 |
`Nomad | but for today, if I survive, I need to do this :( | 06:16 |
nikkia | `Nomad: i think MSDN has some 'chat forums' these days, you might find better help there | 06:17 |
`Nomad | I'll thanks :) | 06:17 |
`Nomad | God I hate M$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 06:17 |
`Nomad | #quit Kubuntu forever!!!!! | 06:18 |
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frank23 | why would he think of asking for help here ??????? | 06:19 |
buz | you must understand, using frontpage makes you mad | 06:19 |
nikkia | frank23: *shrug* i've done similar, its a 'where there are people that have some smarts' issue | 06:19 |
buz | point | 06:19 |
nikkia | the web isn't exactly chok-a-block with good sources of frontpage info | 06:19 |
frank23 | nikkia: I see your point | 06:20 |
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nikkia | a search is likely to turn up a billion sites run/populated by the kind of clueless morons that 'just use it', not sites with answers to real hard issues... MSDN is probably the best place to ask, which is why i suggested it, and i believe they have chat forums these days | 06:20 |
nikkia | sometimes, just sometimes, you go to somewhere where you SHOULD get a good answer, and get nothing, then go somewhere you shouldn't, and get the right answer, that has happened with java questions i've had before, and #java on here :) | 06:21 |
buz | its kinda like those endless what hardware should i buy discussions ;) | 06:22 |
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DewDude | after i apt-get dist upgrade should i apt-get install kubuntu-desktop? | 06:30 |
frank23 | if you want kde, yes | 06:31 |
DewDude | ok | 06:32 |
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jpatrick | frank23: I'm dist-upgrade and it's upgrading my kde packages | 06:32 |
jpatrick | dist-upgrading* | 06:32 |
frank23 | jpatrick: well, you had kubuntu-desktop before | 06:32 |
frank23 | dist-upgrade will update whatever you have to breezy | 06:33 |
DewDude | i have kubuntu currently | 06:33 |
DewDude | i haven't dist-upgraded yet | 06:33 |
DewDude | i'm still apt-get upgrade | 06:33 |
frank23 | DewDude: oh, well you don't need to install kubuntu-desktop again | 06:33 |
DewDude | ok | 06:34 |
jpatrick | Will dist-upgrading to Breezy remove my old kernel? | 06:35 |
DewDude | yup | 06:35 |
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humbolt | why is it that gnome panels work for kde in debian but not in kubuntu? | 06:37 |
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OculusAquilae | .. | 06:39 |
OculusAquilae | sorry | 06:39 |
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slow-motion | bbl | 07:09 |
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libben | time to burn the breezy image. | 07:15 |
libben | hmm. | 07:15 |
libben | wonder if i have a cd-rw | 07:15 |
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humbolt | what about kubuntu breezy? anything new? | 07:20 |
libben | im installing it soon... like within an hour | 07:20 |
humbolt | what about networkmagick support | 07:20 |
libben | the preview install | 07:20 |
joshy | hi, i'm wondering how to get dhclient running at boot, right now I have to type it in after I loggin. | 07:20 |
humbolt | is there anything to configure wlans in kubuntu in a quick an easy way? | 07:22 |
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humbolt | why doe gnome panel applets work in kde on debian but not on kubuntu? | 07:23 |
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slow-motion | re | 07:30 |
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|Aethyrian| | H'lo, anybody active that still plays around with MUDs? | 07:34 |
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_Windows | hello all :) | 08:06 |
_delltony | anyone here delt with ndiswrapper on breezy yet? | 08:06 |
_Windows | I have a problem... I get this message when I apt-get upgrade: "Segmentation faulty Tree...50%" | 08:07 |
_Windows | Any one know what to do? | 08:07 |
_Windows | need to reinstall dpkg or apt? | 08:08 |
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pussfeller | whts the verdict on breezy? | 08:35 |
pussfeller | !breezy | 08:35 |
ubotu | I guess breezy is the next version of Ubuntu (5.10); released October 2005. It hasn't reached stable-status, so it can still be broken. A pictorial view of differences between Hoary & Breezy: http://members.home.nl/jeroen-91/ubuntu/breezy-new/ | 08:35 |
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m0ns00n | Helleu | 08:40 |
m0ns00n | How's it going | 08:40 |
m0ns00n | :-) | 08:40 |
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pussfeller | is kubuntu funded by the same people behind ubuntu? | 08:41 |
_Windows | m0ns00n: just fine, and you? | 08:41 |
nick01 | is kubuntu just as ugly as ubuntu ? | 08:41 |
m0ns00n | _Windows: I'm good | 08:41 |
_Windows | :D | 08:41 |
m0ns00n | nick01: Of course not | 08:41 |
m0ns00n | :-) | 08:41 |
_Windows | I had a problem with my apt a moment ago, but I think I fixed it *glad* | 08:42 |
m0ns00n | nick01: Just poke around in kcontrol and you're set -- and download Lucida Grande from somewhere | 08:42 |
nick01 | LOL | 08:42 |
m0ns00n | :-D | 08:42 |
nick01 | what's that ? | 08:42 |
_Windows | some months ago I probably would have reinstalled linux | 08:42 |
nick01 | m0ns00n, what's Lucida Grande ? | 08:43 |
_Windows | I got a "Segmentation faulty Tree" and had to delete everything in var/lib/apt/lists and do a apt-get clean; apt-get autoclean | 08:44 |
m0ns00n | nick01: You want me to find the link? It makes KDE show a font besides Bitstream Vera Sans without you wondering if you needed glasses. | 08:44 |
nick01 | I c- no need tks | 08:45 |
m0ns00n | nick01: http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/jonmega/iceman/osx_fonts.zip | 08:45 |
nick01 | but what's so good about ubuntu/kubuntu ? I only installed ubuntu once- I saw how ugly it was and the terrible fonts and I removed it | 08:45 |
m0ns00n | Hehe | 08:46 |
m0ns00n | Fonts have always been a problem.... sadly | 08:46 |
m0ns00n | I wonder when it's gonna change really | 08:46 |
m0ns00n | All fonts either look like they are bold, or they are thin as nothing besides | 08:46 |
_Windows | http://www.osx-e.com/downloads/misc/macfonts.html | 08:47 |
nick01 | so it doesn't have any control center or something special ? why is it so popular then ? I don't get it | 08:47 |
_Windows | there you have the Mac-fonts | 08:47 |
m0ns00n | None of the hinting options does anything -- although The Gimp actually gets it good with hinting turned off | 08:47 |
seth_k | my fonts on my Breezy desktop are seriously screwed, but nothing I've tried has worked so far | 08:48 |
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m0ns00n | seth_k: How do you mean, small or just ugly? | 08:48 |
seth_k | m0ns00n, ridiculously huge | 08:48 |
m0ns00n | seth_k: Or big, because you can set it to 100dpi | 08:48 |
m0ns00n | Yes | 08:48 |
m0ns00n | seth_k: | 08:48 |
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nick01 | why is it so popular ? | 08:48 |
m0ns00n | seth_k: do "sudo nano -w /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc" | 08:48 |
m0ns00n | seth_k: then ctrl+w for args | 08:48 |
m0ns00n | seth_k: then add "-dpi 100" to the list of arguments | 08:49 |
m0ns00n | I know | 08:49 |
seth_k | whoaaa, really? | 08:49 |
m0ns00n | It sucks that you need to *edit a config file* | 08:49 |
m0ns00n | :-D | 08:49 |
m0ns00n | hehe | 08:49 |
seth_k | i set 100dpi in xorg.conf | 08:50 |
m0ns00n | But that's life currently | 08:50 |
seth_k | but didn't think to change it in kdmrc | 08:50 |
m0ns00n | kdmrc ownz the dpi it seems | 08:50 |
m0ns00n | :-) | 08:50 |
seth_k | i'll try it when I get home, am on the Breezy laptop now, which works fine | 08:50 |
m0ns00n | ok | 08:50 |
seth_k | cheers, come to oklahoma and i'll buy you dinner ;) | 08:50 |
m0ns00n | :-) | 08:52 |
nick01 | m0ns00n, can u tell me what's so good about kubuntu and why so many people use it (ubuntu/kubuntu) | 08:52 |
m0ns00n | nick01: Kde? | 08:53 |
m0ns00n | :-) | 08:53 |
nick01 | :/ | 08:53 |
m0ns00n | Ubuntu uses Gnome | 08:53 |
nick01 | no ubuntu/kubuntu | 08:53 |
seth_k | nick01, kubuntu is just ubuntu with KDE instead of Gnome. They use the same packages... the difference is just branding. | 08:53 |
nick01 | I know | 08:53 |
nick01 | yes but why is it so popular ? | 08:53 |
m0ns00n | KDE is just.... less claustrophobic | 08:53 |
seth_k | and don't forget kioslaves | 08:53 |
_Windows | The stronghold of kubuntu/ubuntu is the base of debian! | 08:53 |
m0ns00n | I started with Gnome, but it's become like a stipped down version of MacOS X | 08:53 |
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m0ns00n | nick01: answering your question? | 08:56 |
pussfeller | its relatively easy to use is the main thing | 08:56 |
m0ns00n | pussfeller: Yes also.. But ubuntu in general, I've really gotten to like it. Better than even Gentoo, which was/is such a clean system. | 08:57 |
seth_k | Lol, cheers m0ns00n: | 08:58 |
seth_k | seth@eos:~ $ xdpyinfo | grep resolution | 08:58 |
seth_k | resolution: 75x75 dots per inch | 08:58 |
seth_k | seth@erebus:~ $ xdpyinfo | grep resolution | 08:58 |
seth_k | resolution: 99x98 dots per inch | 08:58 |
m0ns00n | pussfeller: The nice thing about ubuntu is that it focuses on the OE's way of setting up the environment | 08:58 |
m0ns00n | seth_k: Use 100 just the same | 08:58 |
pussfeller | oe? | 08:58 |
m0ns00n | operating environment | 08:58 |
m0ns00n | KDE, Gnome.. | 08:58 |
nick01 | m0ns00n, not really - I asked why people like it so much | 08:58 |
m0ns00n | We don't need diskdrake, thisdrake, thatdrake, or the same for redhat's things | 08:58 |
m0ns00n | each environment now has their own way of doing those things | 08:59 |
m0ns00n | And ubuntu opens for that | 08:59 |
m0ns00n | nick01: That's what I'm talking about | 08:59 |
nick01 | m0ns00n, so it has no config tools ... | 08:59 |
m0ns00n | nick01: It uses the OE config tools | 08:59 |
nick01 | what are those ? | 08:59 |
pussfeller | aptso the config tools are from the DE and not so much distro unique tools | 08:59 |
m0ns00n | nick01: Linux doesn't need all the extra config tools anymore | 09:00 |
m0ns00n | pussfeller: exactly | 09:00 |
m0ns00n | pussfeller: I would hate to be confronted with those wierd drak tools again.... | 09:00 |
nick01 | lol | 09:00 |
m0ns00n | In kcontrol you can now even configure your lan | 09:00 |
m0ns00n | your ethernet cards | 09:00 |
m0ns00n | your display resolution | 09:00 |
m0ns00n | etc | 09:00 |
m0ns00n | So | 09:00 |
m0ns00n | Given your hw gets recognized, it's all bliss | 09:01 |
nick01 | u can configure the network in kcontrol ? sicne when ? | 09:01 |
m0ns00n | (unless you have a geforce MX card....) | 09:01 |
m0ns00n | since 3.4.x | 09:01 |
nick01 | let me see | 09:01 |
pussfeller | does nvidia not let you redistibute the drivers or something | 09:01 |
m0ns00n | Internet & Network -> network settings | 09:01 |
chavo | just apt-get install gnome-system-tools | 09:01 |
chavo | they work well | 09:02 |
m0ns00n | pussfeller: Not that really, but geforce MX (2/4 and MX4000) only is supported by the 1.0.6111 drivers, which require the warty archive and hackypatchy to work | 09:02 |
nick01 | m0ns00n, that must me kubuntu specific cause it's not there here in suse | 09:02 |
m0ns00n | nick01: prolly because suse has susetools - this is KDE tools which are allowed in Kubuntu -- see? | 09:03 |
m0ns00n | :-D | 09:03 |
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nick01 | oh well | 09:03 |
chavo | seth_k, I was going to tell you this before but I got sidetracked in #kde, you can put dpi settings in ~/.Xresources also | 09:03 |
m0ns00n | And I have GeForce 2MX and 4MX on all my desktops so I need to hack in the warty drivers on each pc | 09:03 |
m0ns00n | :-) | 09:04 |
chavo | that way they're the same for each DE or whatever | 09:04 |
m0ns00n | But I see now that my old drivers are "held back" by apt, finally... | 09:04 |
m0ns00n | So now I can do an apt-get upgrade and sleep well again | 09:04 |
seth_k | chavo, what's the format? | 09:04 |
chavo | seth_k, Xft.dpi: 100 | 09:04 |
m0ns00n | Yes | 09:04 |
m0ns00n | 100dpi is best | 09:04 |
seth_k | okay, I'll try that if m0ns00n's suggestion doesn't work (I don't use anything but kdm so it wouldn't be an issue) | 09:05 |
seth_k | thanks to both of you :) I'll go home now and try that | 09:05 |
m0ns00n | 75dpi gives you BOLD HUGE fonts | 09:05 |
m0ns00n | :-) | 09:05 |
seth_k | 75 dpi is fine on my laptop | 09:05 |
m0ns00n | Yes | 09:05 |
m0ns00n | It's also fine on Gentoo last I tried | 09:05 |
m0ns00n | But not on Debian | 09:05 |
seth_k | but i have a 2005FPW (20 inch widescreen LCD) at home | 09:05 |
m0ns00n | It's also big on Debian -- "the distro" | 09:05 |
seth_k | word | 09:05 |
m0ns00n | up | 09:06 |
seth_k | lol | 09:06 |
seth_k | see you later, thanks for the help | 09:06 |
patoruso | hi | 09:06 |
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patoruso | i need to know if it's posible to install flash to konqueror | 09:07 |
chavo | patoruso, of course | 09:07 |
patoruso | well, howto | 09:07 |
patoruso | i've already installed in firefox | 09:07 |
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m0ns00n | patoruso: Add the dir to Konquerors search dirs in the plugin section of the settings | 09:08 |
patoruso | which is the directory | 09:08 |
chavo | patoruso, konq should pick it up then | 09:08 |
m0ns00n | ~/.mozilla/plugins | 09:08 |
m0ns00n | /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ | 09:08 |
patoruso | let's see... | 09:08 |
patoruso | yep, thx it's done | 09:09 |
patoruso | one more thing | 09:09 |
patoruso | how can i mount my fat32 partition | 09:09 |
patoruso | all my mp3 is there | 09:09 |
chavo | patoruso, http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab | 09:11 |
chavo | make it excutable and run it as root | 09:11 |
chavo | it will mount all yyour windows partitiona and make them mount automatically on boot | 09:11 |
patoruso | i'm kinda new in linux | 09:12 |
patoruso | which extension is executable | 09:13 |
patoruso | .bin? | 09:13 |
chavo | no just run -> chmod +x winmac_fstab | 09:13 |
chavo | then -> sudo winmac_fstab | 09:14 |
patoruso | ok, but do i have to save http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab | 09:14 |
chavo | yeah save it in your home directory | 09:15 |
chavo | then open a konsole | 09:15 |
patoruso | ok | 09:15 |
patoruso | that's all? | 09:17 |
chavo | did you do the -> chmod +x winmac_fstab | 09:18 |
chavo | then -> sudo ./winmac_fstab | 09:18 |
chavo | it will ask you some questions | 09:18 |
patoruso | yeah i did | 09:18 |
patoruso | trying again | 09:18 |
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Fraeon | Grrrr...Breezy broke the networking | 09:21 |
patoruso | it shows and error "the Kde media manager isn't running" | 09:21 |
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patoruso | chavo: it's done | 09:25 |
patoruso | thanks | 09:25 |
chavo | ok did you see you files in /media | 09:26 |
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chavo | you can make a link in your home directory too | 09:26 |
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seth_k | m0ns00n, neither your nor chavo's suggestion worked... the fonts changed, but they are still huge and BOLD | 09:29 |
seth_k | so I guess I should say they "worked"-- a change can be seen-- but not the right change ;) | 09:30 |
patoruso | HOWTO | 09:30 |
seth_k | ah, but after hitting the font dialog and choosing the same sizes, the fonts go back to normal. Odd bug, but works now :) | 09:32 |
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libb3n | please anyone... this wont help me cause i dont know wich numbers my hda1 is | 09:44 |
libb3n | http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#addwindowsentrygrubmenu | 09:44 |
brm_ | Itse olen kyttnyt Kubuntua (http://www.kubuntu.org) jo pidemmn aikaa ja muita Linux-jakeluja sit ennen. | 09:44 |
brm_ | Sorry :D | 09:47 |
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Firetech | Gah!, I can't decide if I want to switch to breezy or not :S | 09:48 |
chavo | Firetech, running breezy here, but I'm crazy | 09:49 |
Firetech | regarding switching to breezy, would reinstall be recommended or is a dist-upgrade enough? (I want to keep it stable...) | 09:50 |
seth_k | i dist-upgrade every day, pretty much | 09:51 |
seth_k | i'm running fine on both computers | 09:51 |
Firetech | I think I'll wait until some weeks before the release, I don't really like upgrading packages all the time :S | 09:51 |
Firetech | I did it with hoary, for about two weeks... | 09:52 |
seth_k | yeah, my breezy stuff seems quite stable now | 09:52 |
seth_k | but never hurts to wait | 09:52 |
Firetech | seth_k: After using hoary preview (the first one I installed), I thought I couldn't live without the up to date thing... Now I realize I can... | 09:53 |
Firetech | I'm downloading the iso's though | 09:53 |
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Firetech | I need to see breezy live in action :) | 09:54 |
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chavo | Firetech, you can use the cd to upgrade if you decide you want to do that | 09:55 |
chavo | the install CD | 09:55 |
Firetech | chavo: isn't 's/hoary/breezy/g' in sources.list enough? | 09:55 |
chavo | Firetech, just saying, if you've already downloaded the iso and don't want to download it all again | 09:56 |
Firetech | ok | 09:56 |
Firetech | does the CD have an upgrade feature, or do you use it as a repo? | 09:57 |
chavo | use it as a repo | 09:57 |
Firetech | good, then I won't loose uptime :D | 09:57 |
chavo | you have to reboot to use your shiny new kernel though | 09:58 |
libb3n | vafan, mste jag ha en boot flagga p min xp part? | 09:58 |
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Firetech | 42 days and counting (I run a vanilla kernel with evms and squashfs patches...) | 09:58 |
chavo | Firetech, run apt-cdrom and it will mount the cd and update sources.list automatically | 09:59 |
Firetech | cool :D | 09:59 |
Firetech | I saw something about a graphical installer? | 09:59 |
chavo | I did a clean install also, the installer was the same | 09:59 |
chavo | clean install is another partition | 10:00 |
chavo | it does have bootsplash though | 10:00 |
Firetech | I guess it's the live installer then | 10:00 |
Firetech | next release after breezy probably will be a one CD release if the live installer works out, I think... I saw something about that happening for breezy, but as there still are 2 CDs, I guess they didn't finish in time... | 10:01 |
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Firetech | I really hope usplash is optional... | 10:02 |
=== Fraeon [i=kzer-za@85-194-204-72.wlannet.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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sladen | Firetech: knock 'splash' off the kernel command line | 10:05 |
sladen | Firetech: I think Ubuntu Express is going on the live CD but not visible or supported | 10:05 |
sladen | until +1 | 10:05 |
Firetech | sladen: oh, so it's just a simple grub thing to change then *phew* | 10:05 |
sladen | Firetech: it's just a simple userspace program that checks the kernel commandline to see if it should start | 10:06 |
Firetech | I won't see it very much anyway ;) | 10:06 |
sladen | Firetech: oh well, it's there for those who want it :) | 10:06 |
Firetech | like windows users... | 10:06 |
Firetech | to quote my mother: "I don't like that text mode thingy, it makes me think something is wrong with the computer." | 10:07 |
Fraeon | Firetech, but it just spits a lot of OKs. How can anyone think there's anything wrong with it? ;> | 10:08 |
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Firetech | Fraeon: well, she didn't see the boot process, she saw me working in tty1... | 10:08 |
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Firetech | wasn't usplash (or something like that) in warty? The live CD (which is the only warty version I tried) had a bootsplash... | 10:11 |
sladen | I think that was a tool from the fbsplash suite | 10:12 |
Firetech | why wasn't that used for hoary? | 10:12 |
_jesusfish_ | is it possible (and feasable) for one to upgrade from hoary to breezy? | 10:15 |
=== libben [n=libben@c80-216-85-8.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chavo | _jesusfish_, of course | 10:17 |
libben | http://pastebin.com/359182 | 10:18 |
libben | i cant get windows to start | 10:18 |
libben | ive added with hd0,0 and hd0,1, hd0,2 and 5 | 10:18 |
libben | and either work when i boot it from grub | 10:18 |
libben | whats wrong. | 10:18 |
_jesusfish_ | chavo: just update sources.list? or will it screw stuff up? | 10:19 |
chavo | _jesusfish_, you should wait till final is out | 10:19 |
chavo | but, I and others have upgraded succesfully | 10:19 |
_jesusfish_ | chavo: of course I should | 10:19 |
_jesusfish_ | chavo: but I'm impatient | 10:20 |
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chavo | libben, paste the windows section form your menu.ldt | 10:21 |
chavo | menu.lst that is | 10:22 |
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MikeStyle | hi, i downloaded the ABC bittorrent client, and its all python and i have no idea how to install it | 10:30 |
MikeStyle | ... | 10:31 |
libben | . | 10:34 |
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Aapzak | goodday everyone | 10:51 |
seth_k | hiya | 10:53 |
Aapzak | it's quiet | 10:54 |
seth_k | m0ns00n, while you're still at it, any idea on changing the dpi settings for my GTK apps in KDE? | 10:55 |
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murtaugh | hey im having some trouble upgrading to breezy from hoary, I'm just about finished and I need to get kubuntu-desktop installed. It just about finished and i have a problem with openoffice not installing - how can I force it with apt-get? | 10:59 |
murtaugh | from what i can tell, my options are to completely remove kubuntu-desktop which should remove openoffice2-core | 11:00 |
=== runelind [n=mattias@c-67-174-106-90.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
runelind | shouldn't be any problem going from preview releases to final releases, right? | 11:03 |
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murtaugh | is there a way to remove openoffice and not remove kubuntu-desktop? | 11:04 |
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seth_k | just use --force-overwrite | 11:05 |
seth_k | instead of trying to remove OOo | 11:05 |
seth_k | sudo dpkg --configure -a --force-overwrite | 11:06 |
seth_k | methinks | 11:06 |
murtaugh | oh ok thanks, ill give that a try | 11:06 |
SpudULike | Hi room, just done my first Kubuntu install, V5.04. I was expecting synaptic to be configured to download packages from the Internet by default, but, as far as I can see, synaptic doesn't even seem to be loaded. Is this odd? | 11:07 |
murtaugh | can --force-overwrite be used with apt-get? im not getting the syntax right | 11:07 |
seth_k | murtaugh, use it with dpkg, not apt-get | 11:07 |
seth_k | you've already downloaded the packages, they just weren't installed | 11:07 |
seth_k | so you use dpkg --configure -a (configure all) | 11:07 |
seth_k | hi SpudULike, Kubuntu uses Kynaptic | 11:07 |
murtaugh | ahh, ok thankyou | 11:08 |
murtaugh | its working great now | 11:08 |
seth_k | word | 11:08 |
seth_k | :) | 11:08 |
SpudULike | seth_k: Kynaptic doesn't seem to allow me to add any repositories. It only looks to the CD. | 11:08 |
seth_k | SpudULike, kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 11:08 |
seth_k | (in a terminal) | 11:08 |
chavo | you can install synaptic also | 11:09 |
seth_k | yes | 11:10 |
chavo | I prefer it to kynaptic | 11:10 |
seth_k | as do I | 11:10 |
SpudULike | seth_k: sources.list appears to be empty. | 11:10 |
seth_k | SpudULike, are you sure you typed it right? | 11:10 |
SpudULike | seth_k: No! I'm wrong. | 11:12 |
seth_k | you can uncomment the main and universe lines there (remove the #) | 11:12 |
seth_k | and comment out the CD line | 11:12 |
seth_k | then save | 11:12 |
seth_k | and do a reload | 11:12 |
seth_k | you can then install synaptic or whatever you'd like | 11:12 |
SpudULike | seth_k: I bet this is right on the front of the web page and every night you have to answer this Q. | 11:13 |
=== crodler [n=crodler@136.Red-80-35-111.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
seth_k | SpudULike, it's okay, we are here to help :) | 11:13 |
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seth_k | that's what the spirit of ubuntu is all about | 11:13 |
SpudULike | Pushing the boat out, if I wanted Multiverse, what repos would I add? | 11:15 |
seth_k | just add the word "multiverse" after the word "universe" | 11:15 |
seth_k | on the universe line | 11:15 |
seth_k | although I think it should already be there somewhere, just commented out | 11:15 |
murtaugh | seth_k: well shoot, it looks like im still having the same issue. I tried the dpkg cmd you gave me and it seemed to work but it still is having problems with openoffice. what is the syntax to use --force-overwrite? | 11:15 |
seth_k | murtaugh, terminal command: | 11:16 |
seth_k | sudo dpkg --configure -a --force-overwrite | 11:16 |
seth_k | just like that, no more arguments | 11:16 |
seth_k | what is the error you're getting? Maybe it's one that's not to be solved with --force-overwrite | 11:16 |
murtaugh | thats what i tried | 11:16 |
murtaugh | ill get them | 11:17 |
seth_k | if it's too big: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com (more than 4 or 5 lines) | 11:17 |
SpudULike | What is the best way to reload the apt/sources.list file? | 11:17 |
seth_k | SpudULike, either click the "recycle" arrows in kynaptic, or in a terminal: sudo apt-get update | 11:17 |
murtaugh | it says that openoffice2-core is not configured yet | 11:17 |
chavo | SpudULike, apt-get update | 11:17 |
murtaugh | ill use the paste bin | 11:17 |
murtaugh | seth_k: Pastebin- http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/359240 | 11:19 |
SpudULike | colin@ubuntu:~$ ping gb.archive.ubuntu.com | 11:21 |
SpudULike | PING gb.archive.ubuntu.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. | 11:21 |
SpudULike | --- gb.archive.ubuntu.com ping statistics --- | 11:21 |
SpudULike | 12 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 10997ms | 11:21 |
chavo | murtaugh, you can remove kubuntu-desktop, it's just a wrapper it won't remove any apps | 11:21 |
seth_k | murtaugh, what does "sudo apt-get install amarok openoffice.org2-common" do? | 11:21 |
=== frodo [n=frodo@105.Red-83-42-12.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chavo | SpudULike, try the us mirror | 11:22 |
SpudULike | us.archive..... | 11:22 |
SpudULike | ? | 11:22 |
seth_k | SpudULike, yes | 11:22 |
chavo | yes | 11:22 |
=== pedro [n=pedro@241.Red-81-37-123.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
murtaugh | seth_k: it says it Depends on amarok-gstreamer,engines,engine | 11:22 |
murtaugh | Ill try removing kubuntu-desktop | 11:22 |
seth_k | murtaugh, but one of them can't be installed? | 11:22 |
chavo | it's a little slow right now, but better than 100% packet loss | 11:22 |
seth_k | murtaugh, "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org2-common" then | 11:23 |
seth_k | forget amarok for now | 11:23 |
murtaugh | ok | 11:23 |
SpudULike | This might explain why it took about 45mins to go though the network install bit ???? | 11:23 |
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joj | I have kanotix (don't be mad on me) and I have downloaded ubuntu driver for Intel 536 EP . I have installed it before and it worked but now I have a problem. I installed driver just like in UbuntuWIKI tutorial exept I didn't install build-essential . I have used patched for kernel 2.6.10 ... Now when I try to connect with KPPP it sais 'Modem ready... Initializing...' and then nothing ... when I try to connect with 'wvdial' I get: "Sending: ATZ, Resend: ATZ | 11:24 |
murtaugh | seth_k: it says kubuntu-desktop depends: amarok but it is not going to be installed | 11:24 |
seth_k | okay, remove kubuntu-desktop, then try that last install again | 11:24 |
murtaugh | alright | 11:24 |
seth_k | sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop (if you weren't sure) | 11:25 |
=== libben [n=libben@c80-216-85-8.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
murtaugh | yeah I know, I'm usually pretty good at this ;) but then i usually compile im not that familiar with apt-get past the basic commands | 11:27 |
seth_k | yep, wasn't trying to be condescending, just making sure :) | 11:27 |
murtaugh | no problem :) | 11:27 |
joj | ummm | 11:28 |
joj | somebody saw my question? | 11:28 |
joj | I have kanotix (don't be mad on me) and I have downloaded ubuntu driver for Intel 536 EP . I have installed it before and it worked but now I have a problem. I installed driver just like in UbuntuWIKI tutorial exept I didn't install build-essential . I have used patched for kernel 2.6.10 ... Now when I try to connect with KPPP it sais 'Modem ready... Initializing...' and then nothing ... when I try to connect with 'wvdial' I get: "Sending: ATZ, Resend: ATZ | 11:28 |
joj | <murtaugh> seth_k: it says kubuntu-desktop depends: amarok b | 11:28 |
murtaugh | seth_k: it needs to run apt-get -f install, i try that and it gives me an error that i'll paste in the paste bin | 11:29 |
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SpudULike | Bah, I reckon my enjoyment of this Ubuntu is being spoiled by a flaky network connection, my providers DNS is screwed I think. | 11:29 |
murtaugh | seth_k: pastebin - http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/359246 | 11:30 |
joj | . | 11:30 |
joj | SOMEBODY? | 11:30 |
joj | help me pls | 11:31 |
=== tenshiKur0 [n=tenshiKu@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
davide | hi joj | 11:31 |
davide | what u need | 11:31 |
davide | ? | 11:31 |
seth_k | murtaugh, sweet | 11:31 |
seth_k | murtaugh, now do that --configure one again | 11:31 |
joj | davide: I have kanotix (don't be mad on me) and I have downloaded ubuntu driver for Intel 536 EP . I have installed it before and it worked but now I have a problem. I installed driver just like in UbuntuWIKI tutorial exept I didn't install build-essential . I have used patched for kernel 2.6.10 ... Now when I try to connect with KPPP it sais 'Modem ready... Initializing...' and then nothing ... when I try to connect with 'wvdial' I get: "Sending: ATZ, Res | 11:31 |
joj | <murtaugh> seth_k: it says kubuntu-desktop depends: amarok b | 11:31 |
seth_k | sudo dpkg --configure -a --force-overwrite | 11:31 |
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murtaugh | seth_k: more errors, pasting.... | 11:32 |
davide | uhm....i'm sorry no idea about this | 11:32 |
joj | davide: ok, tnx anyway | 11:33 |
joj | pls try to help me like davide, don't be selfish! | 11:33 |
seth_k | meh, sorry this is taking a bit murtaugh | 11:33 |
davide | have you tried to search some troubleshooting on intel site ? | 11:33 |
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murtaugh | seth_k: np, i just appriciate the help! | 11:34 |
murtaugh | http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/359250 | 11:34 |
davide | hi all | 11:35 |
seth_k | hmm murtaugh, that's weird, because it should've tried to configure openoffice.org2-common | 11:35 |
seth_k | since we installed it | 11:36 |
seth_k | did you do an upgrade from Hoary? | 11:36 |
murtaugh | yep | 11:36 |
seth_k | ah | 11:36 |
seth_k | sudo apt-get upgrade then, you have 130 held packages | 11:36 |
murtaugh | its been an experience so far :) | 11:36 |
joj | you are helping them but u don't help ME :( | 11:36 |
murtaugh | sethk: it looks like until this problem any apt-* tells me to "apt-get -f install" then it fails due to deps | 11:38 |
murtaugh | *until this problem is resolved | 11:38 |
murtaugh | seth_k it looks like i might be able to resolve this in synaptic, its flagging them as broken packages and giving me the option to remove them. | 11:39 |
seth_k | murtaugh, are you sure you changed all repo names to breezy? | 11:40 |
seth_k | in sources.list | 11:40 |
murtaugh | ill check | 11:40 |
murtaugh | seth_k, yep all breezy, and the synaptic removed them and im doing an apt-get update | 11:41 |
seth_k | ok | 11:41 |
murtaugh | seth_k, I didn't want to do that because I was afraid it would remove kde but it looks like its alright | 11:41 |
buz | is there any good gui tool to interface with svn? | 11:43 |
=== KWizzard [n=wizzard@chello085216170248.chello.sk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
murtaugh | seth_k, fixed it, i had to remove open-office* then apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, that fixed it. Now I need to do the same with amarok and im golden | 11:47 |
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seth_k | okay, great murtaugh | 11:48 |
=== delltony [n=delltony@c-24-99-11-118.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
delltony | hey riddell when you get a sec i have question in regard to gtk-qt no showing up in the control panel | 11:50 |
Riddell | delltony: hi | 11:50 |
seth_k | delltony, I don't think gtk-qt works anymore? | 11:50 |
Riddell | delltony: system settings of kcontrol? | 11:50 |
Riddell | s/of/or/ | 11:50 |
delltony | dang :( | 11:51 |
delltony | well how the heck do you get decent fonts for firefox | 11:51 |
delltony | i mean i would use konqueur but there are alot of extentions that will not work in it | 11:51 |
delltony | like one i like is launch which plays the launch yahoo videos | 11:51 |
=== ManLord [n=martin@220.80-202-255.nextgentel.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
delltony | but my only problem is gtk applications the font is the size of a nats hoo hoo | 11:52 |
=== _vince [n=vince@CPE-65-25-223-196.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
seth_k | kate ~/.gtkrc-2.0 | 11:53 |
seth_k | and change the font size | 11:53 |
seth_k | methinks | 11:53 |
delltony | that sounds about right | 11:53 |
delltony | but what fonts should i use sorry i'm not good with fonts :( | 11:54 |
delltony | but my eyes hate me about right now | 11:54 |
seth_k | Bitstream Vera Sans would be a good choice | 11:54 |
delltony | at what size | 11:54 |
delltony | 16? | 11:54 |
delltony | you mind pasting your to pastebin? | 11:54 |
seth_k | whatever fits you | 11:54 |
seth_k | I use 10 | 11:54 |
delltony | so i can get an template of how to do it please | 11:55 |
seth_k | okay | 11:55 |
delltony | and whats that program called that gives you the font codes been a while | 11:55 |
=== lunitik [n=trey@ip68-230-75-109.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
delltony | i have to do all this crap over every since months | 11:55 |
delltony | cause ubuntu NEVER upgrades right | 11:55 |
seth_k | http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/359260 | 11:55 |
delltony | i don't know if its me or what but the dist-upgrade always renders it useless | 11:55 |
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lunitik | Anyone know how I can go about moving things on my desktop panels? Kubuntu gets rid of the grips that let you configure the applet... | 11:56 |
delltony | thank you | 11:56 |
=== lunitik wants to move his system tray closer to his clock... | ||
=== zorba64 [n=zorba64@dsl-210-211-91-151.qld.veridas.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
delltony | oh anyone know how to keep kmixer from starting up on startup ? | 11:56 |
delltony | do i need to install bum and take it out of bootup ? | 11:57 |
lunitik | its all well and good making the desktop cleaner... but not everyone likes the default... and some like to organize it to their own liking... | 11:57 |
=== bamama [i=igor_242@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bamama | I have kanotix (don't be mad on me) and I have downloaded ubuntu driver for Intel 536 EP . I have installed it before and it worked but now I have a problem. I installed driver just like in UbuntuWIKI tutorial exept I didn't install build-essential . I have used patched for kernel 2.6.10 ... Now when I try to connect with KPPP it sais 'Modem ready... Initializing...' and then nothing ... when I try to connect with 'wvdial' I get: "Sending: ATZ, Resend: | 11:58 |
bamama | <murtaugh> seth_k: it says kubuntu-desktop depends: amarok b | 11:58 |
delltony | seth i don't even gtkrc | 11:58 |
delltony | is therer something i haven't installed or something? | 11:58 |
lunitik | Ok, nice easy question... anyone know how to get the grips back? | 11:58 |
lunitik | Riddell: you around? maybe you can answer me :o | 11:59 |
=== Blissex [n=Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #KUbuntu | ||
bamama | COMMON DAMNED HELP ME! | 11:59 |
bamama | i wait for 3days to get answer | 11:59 |
bamama | r | 11:59 |
bamama | rrrr | 11:59 |
Riddell | lunitik: hi | 11:59 |
bamama | Ridell: no 'hi'. help me! | 12:00 |
lunitik | Riddell: hey, sorry to disturb you, but I'm having inconveniances with my panels... I can't move my system tray due to the grip widget not showing up... any idea how I might fix this? | 12:00 |
Blissex | bamama: perhaps a better approach might be nice. | 12:00 |
delltony | man just for that attitude i wouldn't help you | 12:01 |
Blissex | bamama: consider reading these suggestions http://tinyurl.com/bz8v4 | 12:01 |
bamama | Ridell: i'm sorry. can u help me ? | 12:01 |
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