
mpthttp://www.apple.com/macosx/ <-- excellent writing12:04
mpthttp://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/sp2/topten.mspx <-- good writing12:04
Burgundaviahow does mine compare with those efforts?12:05
mpta little behind the Windows one12:05
mptbut it's easily improvable12:05
mptOk, you have "Built on the power of GNOME"12:08
mptThat isn't "Built On the Power of GNOME", because that would look silly, right? :-)12:08
mptSo the other headings should be consistent12:08
Burgundaviawill do12:08
mptFind out the number of applications available in gnome-app-install that aren't installed by default, and mention that in the "Easy Software Installation" section12:09
Burgundaviaa huge number, thousands12:09
Burgundaviabut in g-a-i, several hundred12:10
Burgundavia"Browse through and install from the hundreds of programs in the Ubuntu software catalogue, for no cost."12:10
mptthe sentence "And it's all absolutely free." should be in there somewhere, perhaps :-)12:12
mpt"no cost" is a bit of a negative way of putting it12:12
Burgundavia"Add a new game, text editor or program with a single click. Browse through and install from the hundreds of programs in the Ubuntu software catalogue. And it's all absolutely free."12:12
mptmuch better12:12
mptNot all of the sections need screenshots12:13
mptFor example, Gaim isn't the prettiest app in the world12:13
mptSo instead you might have its icon, hugging the icons for AIM, YM, ICQ, MSN, and the others in some way12:13
Burgundaviawhat else should I put in it's place?12:13
Burgundaviamight those logos present a copyright issue?12:14
Burgundaviaalso, I cannot draw12:14
mpthum, trademark, perhaps12:14
mpt"View documents with Evince" is very uninteresting, unless you can come up with some stats for how much faster it is than Adobe Reader12:15
Burgundavia"View documents in a snap with Evince"12:16
mptor "PDFs just got faster"12:16
Burgundaviaevince only appears once, in the about box12:17
Burgundaviait is a true non-app-app. It doesn't even have a preferences dialog12:18
mptWhat's the deadline for this document?12:18
mptDo PostScript files open in Evince too? (I don't have Breezy here at work)12:18
Burgundaviampt, sort of today-ish, but I am going to push our string freeze12:20
Burgundaviaand yes, PS's do as wel12:20
Burgundaviawhat about "Viewing PDF's just got faster"12:21
mptIt's a shame that only OO.o prints to PDFs, everything else to PS12:21
Burgundaviacups-pdf should probably be installed by default12:21
mptNow that I've gone through the whole thing, you probably want separate pages for each of the major sections12:22
Burgundaviampt, shall we raise that at UBZ (assuming I am there)?12:22
mptI'm not sure what I could contribute to that, except to say "yes, it should be"12:23
Burgundaviathat is sometimes all that is needed12:23
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Burgundaviampt, I have to run. If you have any other changes, simply PM me12:38
Burgundaviabloody work12:39
rob^hmm, the faq guide is looking pretty good in yelp now :)12:52
rob^and omg it doesn't crash!12:52
rob^yay I am so tired now!12:56
jbaileyrob^: That's with the css update?01:02
rob^jbailey, yes01:20
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robotgeekhi all02:13
robotgeekcan i add breezy stuff to the wiki? that's the only OS I am running02:16
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robotgeekhi, can i try writing some documentation for multisync?02:44
jsgotangcothere is none?02:44
robotgeekjsgotangco: hi02:45
jsgotangcorobotgeek, feel free to do so if there is none at the moment02:47
robotgeeki looked at the docteam projects, i did not see any.02:49
robotgeekneither on the wiki02:49
jsgotangcobecause its application-specific02:56
jsgotangcoupstream may have documentation for that02:56
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jsgotangcomdke, ping?03:13
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robotgeekcool, i guess i will look it up there then. if not i'll write it up and then contact you guys. 03:36
jsgotangcorobotgeek, sure, its best to contribute to multisync itself as well03:36
robotgeekjsgotangco: as in?03:37
robotgeekcontribute to multisync documentation directly?03:37
jsgotangcoyes why not?03:37
jsgotangcoall distributions will benefit from it for sure03:37
jsgotangconot just ubuntu03:37
robotgeeksure, hadn't thought abt it, it definetly needs some amt of documenting!03:38
robotgeekcool, will do that, and probably keep the ubuntu specific things for ubuntu03:39
jsgotangcoi was the one who was supposed to do testing in multisync but i just have too many things in my hands atm03:39
jsgotangcoi did the pda spec03:39
robotgeekoh, it has a spec too?03:39
jsgotangcolet me find that03:39
jsgotangcoit should be revived for Breezy +103:40
robotgeekno harm in getting it ready03:40
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jsgotangcohow mature is multisync to be promotedto main?03:41
robotgeekexcept for lack of documentation, everything else worked out of the box03:43
jsgotangcowhat device areyou using03:43
jsgotangcosycn to evo2?03:43
robotgeeki am using a sony ericsson t 63703:43
robotgeekyeah, sync to evo203:43
jsgotangcohmmm i'll probably revive this for next release then03:43
jsgotangcoif it works out of the box, that's a good sign03:44
robotgeekjust lack of documentation left me searching left and right03:44
robotgeekbut once i figured out what to do, it works fine03:46
robotgeekanyways, i'll be here after an hour or so, need to cook :)03:47
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jsgotangcohmmm for some reason make faqi386 takes forever03:58
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robotgeekhi, is there a single package i can install for the doc tools?06:13
robotgeeker, docbook-tools06:13
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MadpilotBurgundavia: ping07:57
BurgundaviaMadpilot, pong07:58
robotgeekhi all07:59
Madpilothi robotgeek07:59
robotgeekworking on a wiki article, i dunno if i am stepping on any toes!08:00
Madpilotthe wiki is pretty much open territory, AFAIK08:00
Madpilotwhat're you working on?08:00
robotgeekan article on MultiSync howto08:01
Madpilotwhat's multisync?08:01
robotgeekstill working on it, far from complete08:01
robotgeekmultisync is a program to sync phones08:01
robotgeekhow do i add screenshots?08:01
Madpilotcool. my cel phone is very old tech, no PC connection at all!08:01
Madpilotscreenshots - just a sec, I'll have a look thru the help stuff for you. 08:02
robotgeekmine uses bluetooth08:02
Madpilothttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpOnLinking <-- images are in the first part of this page08:03
robotgeeki even went thru this link. the only problem with a wiki is that sometimes, i overlook stuff!08:03
Madpilotthe editing help sections really aren't well laid out...08:04
robotgeekand i just link to someplace else? no upload and stuff?08:04
Madpilotno, you upload and then link it to the page you want it to appear on08:04
robotgeekokay, so someplace like imageshack is fine?08:05
Burgundaviarobotgeek, no, you upload to the wiki08:05
Madpilotthe ubuntu wiki can host it's own pictures08:05
Madpilothi Burgundavia - missed your pong at the top there08:05
robotgeekwhere's the upload button?08:06
Madpilotsee the dropdown menu near the top of the page?08:06
Madpilotone of those is "Attachments" which is actually the upload function...08:07
robotgeekokay, got it..it's hidden away :)08:07
MadpilotI was beating my head against that too...08:07
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Madpilotjgotangco: just back from the pub? ;)08:38
jgotangcowe're now frozen =)08:38
jgotangcowith the exception of Quick Tour08:38
Madpilotnow we can start arguing about breezy+1 docs! ;)08:39
jgotangcowe argue first about translation and the CSS08:39
Madpilotah, OK.08:39
Madpilotso the CSS doesn't count as part of the frozen docs?08:39
jgotangcowe're only on string freeze08:39
jgotangcobecause we have to give way for translators08:39
Madpilotthat's seperation of presentation & content at work08:40
jgotangcoits all good08:40
Madpilotso is the plan to thrash QuickTour, AboutUbuntu and the FAQ into one coherent visual whole before Breezy release?08:41
jgotangcoshould be08:41
Burgundaviasabdfl was asking about using some of the ubuntu css08:41
jgotangcowe still have a month08:41
jgotangcothe hacked plone css?08:42
MadpilotBurgundavia: the ubuntu.com site css?08:42
BurgundaviaMadpilot, yes08:42
=== Madpilot wanders off to have a look at the site CSS...
MadpilotOK, that's both amusing and not good....08:50
Madpilotwww.ubuntu.com fails W3C Validator checks...08:51
Madpilotrepeated abuse of a poor "id" tag, and some HTML->XHTML errors...08:52
Madpilotand about a dozen CSS files, including one Opera-specific one (for presentation, which only Opera does so far...)08:54
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jsgotangcooh! we have a meeting later!09:01
Madpilotwhen is later?09:01
Madpilotnevermind, just found the Calendar wiki page again09:02
Madpilot1400Z is 0700 local, so I'm unlikely to be present... not a morning person09:03
jsgotangcohmm im beginning to like this css thing09:03
MadpilotCSS is cool - what're you working on?09:03
robotgeekquestion: how comprehensive should an article on the wiki be? what can i assume?09:04
jsgotangcoim found it09:05
jsgotangcoim looking at it atm09:05
jsgotangcoMadpilot, just playing aroud with the css in svn09:05
Madpilotrobotgeek: your screenshots should probably use the default Ubuntu themes09:05
robotgeekhmm, had forgotten about that...i use openbox09:06
Madpilotrobotgeek: can you reboot into Gnome just for the screenshots?09:07
robotgeekcan do09:07
jsgotangcouse Human09:07
robotgeekokay, but mainly...is it fair to assume that bluetooth works, or should i write up a wiki on that too. most of my knowledge on that comes from the forums thread09:08
Madpilotthere don't seem to be any Bluetooth howtos on the wiki yet, robotgeek09:12
robotgeekthere aren't any, so i might as well right one up09:15
robotgeeki am just going to include what i did to get it working, some one else can add some more info later09:17
Madpilothi mdke09:17
mdkehow are things?09:17
Madpilotrobotgeek: cool, whatever you start is more Bluetooth info than the wiki has now, anyway!09:17
robotgeekback to work on it again, i guess09:18
robotgeekgonna read a little slashdot on the way!09:18
jsgotangcohey mdke 09:21
jsgotangcomdke, i made one itsy bitsy edit after your pot but i generated it again09:21
jsgotangcoso we're now completely frozen09:22
mdkethe pots were just testing anyhow09:22
mdkewhich pot did you regenerate?09:22
jsgotangcoare we going to feed the pots to rosetta?09:22
mdkelater today I hope09:23
=== jsgotangco has no idea on this regard
jsgotangcodid you get your dsl already?09:23
mdkeyeah it came early09:23
jsgotangcowe can now worry about the css09:24
mdkedo we have a list of the packages we need to put in rosetta?09:24
jsgotangcojbailey packaged not i09:24
Burgundaviawell printing the quicktour sort of worked09:25
Burgundaviathe background colour died, and images look like shit09:25
MadpilotBurgundavia: background colour usually isn't printed w/ HTML09:26
jsgotangcofor some reason, the makefile for about-ubuntu doesn't get the image at all09:26
Burgundaviathe images also get divided between pages09:26
Burgundaviabut the coloured header css came through09:27
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jsgotangcohi enrico09:27
mdkemdz has done a lot of work on that announcement, we can use it for releasenotes09:28
mdkeBurgundavia, maybe you can use it for the quicktour too?09:28
robitaillethe announcement seems a lot more technical than the quicktour09:28
robitaillebut I think they wanted it technical09:29
Burgundaviathe release notes for the preview are aimed at a more techinical audience09:29
BurgundaviaI expect the actual release to be slightly less technical09:29
Burgundaviamdke, work on waht?09:29
jsgotangcoi'll add mdz's notes on the releasenotes wiki jbailey did09:29
mdkegood idea09:29
Burgundaviamdke, incorporating the stuff from the release notes into the quicktour? I already parsed through it to see if there was anything we needed to09:30
mdkeBurgundavia, i meant from mdz's preview announcement, but as robitaille says, it might be a bit technical09:30
mdkesounds like jjesse wants to change kquickguide09:30
jsgotangcoanother purpose of relesae notes is to add known bugs09:30
jsgotangcomdke, i talked to Riddell about it, he's ok with it09:31
jsgotangcokubuntu rarely gets translated he says09:31
mdkei think that translators will appear09:32
jsgotangcoi feel so bad about leaving the kubuntu quick guide09:32
jsgotangcocan't blame sean either if he didn't feel like finishing kde docs09:33
mdkealthough he kinda slid out without saying anything09:33
jsgotangcohmmm riddell didn't say anything about adept09:34
Burgundaviayou really need someone who has used the latest kde to develop a marketing guide forf it09:34
mdkeisn't it worth freezing the kquickguide?09:34
mdkei know the thing that needs updating is quite important, but still, it might be better than nothing?09:34
Burgundaviamdke, is there anything worth freezing?09:34
jsgotangcoabout kubuntu is usable09:35
jsgotangcoedubuntu has no freeze09:36
mdkeBurgundavia, sure, about-ubuntu, faqguide09:36
mdkehow is the quicktour getting on?09:36
Burgundaviamdke, I was talking about the kquicktour09:36
mdkeapparently the doc is finished except for the package manager09:36
jsgotangcoBurgundavia, are you going to wait for artwork freeze to get screenshots?09:37
Burgundaviamdke, coming. Is there any way trigger an update on the preview?09:37
Burgundaviajsgotangco, yes09:37
mdkeBurgundavia, yes we can upload a new pot to rosetta09:37
jsgotangcowe're still using chocolate09:37
jsgotangcoerr human09:37
Burgundaviajsgotangco, are we changing icon theme? What about wallpaper?09:37
mdkei hope there will be new wallpaper09:38
jsgotangcoyou can ask volvoguy and AndyFitz09:38
Burgundaviamdke, no, http://doc.ubuntu.com/gnome/quicktour/quicktour.html this page. Can i trigger a rebuild of it>09:38
jsgotangcothey're supposed to be responsible for that09:38
mdkeBurgundavia, i'll do it now09:38
Burgundaviajsgotangco, jdub said they were thinking about it09:38
jsgotangcooh well rather09:38
enricojsgotangco: hi!09:39
mdkeciao enrico 09:39
Burgundaviathey had not yet decided if they were going to switch to humilty icons (which I personally hate)09:39
enricohi all!09:39
Burgundaviasalut enrico 09:39
jsgotangcohow do you incorporate the pot?09:41
jsgotangcotransform it?09:41
mdkewhat do you mean incorporate?09:41
jsgotangcowrong word09:42
jsgotangcohow do make the pot file an xml again09:42
mdkesame command09:42
jsgotangcoall those translated files need an omf for sure09:42
Burgundaviamdke, can you trigger that rebuild again, I forgot to commit the changes09:44
mdkewe'll need to make separate packages09:44
mdkeBurgundavia, sure09:44
mdkewhat's the latest revision?09:44
mdkeok building09:45
mdkewhere does ubuntu-docs install our documents?09:47
Burgundaviaugh, xscreensaver is butt ugly09:47
Burgundaviamdke, you apply for sponsorship to UBZ?09:47
jsgotangcoim not in breezy09:48
mdkeBurgundavia, no09:49
mdkeis jbailey around?09:49
Burgundaviamdke, why not?09:49
mdkeBurgundavia, i won't be able to get off work09:50
ajmitchthat's a shame09:50
Burgundaviathat sucks09:50
mdkei'm only starting the job next week ;)09:50
=== ajmitch thinks the doc team needs a good representation at UBZ :)
mdkeBurgundavia, i imagine you will stick up for us?09:51
BurgundaviaI only just started the job, but I made my leave at the end of Oct. a condition of the job09:51
Burgundaviamdke, I hope I get sponsorship09:51
=== ajmitch just said that he was taking the time off
mdkeBurgundavia, i'm sure you will09:51
mdkeso our packaged docs seem to go here: 09:51
mdkeso our packaged docs seem to go here:  [08:50:51]   * ajmitch thinks the doc team needs a good representation at UBZ :)09:51
mdke [08:51:02]  < mdke> Burgundavia, i imagine you will stick up for us?09:51
mdkebad paste09:51
ajmitchand I've already booked time off for LCA in january :)09:51
=== Burgundavia refuses to count his chickens
mdkeso our packaged docs seem to go here: /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-docs/HTML/en/about-ubuntu/C09:52
ajmitchBurgundavia: I have to book in well ahead09:52
mdkeisn't it a bit odd to have both en and C which specify language?09:52
Burgundaviawow, the bloody touchpad works again09:52
ajmitchBurgundavia: daniels reverted the driver09:52
Burgundaviaajmitch, ya, saw the change09:52
jsgotangcomdke, i don't think it helps at all with html, only xml docs09:52
jsgotangcobut our make does output with C so09:53
mdkejsgotangco, yeah, C is fine, but why both?09:53
Burgundaviahmm, nothing installed by default09:53
mdkeseems an unnecessary way to lengthen the address09:53
Burgundaviathe faqguide didn't make preivew?09:53
mdkeBurgundavia, it's there09:53
mdkejust not in yelp09:53
mdkematt@kallisto:/usr/share/doc/ubuntu-docs/HTML/en$ ls09:53
mdkeabout-ubuntu  faqamd64  faqppc  quicktour09:53
mdkedefault.css   faqi386   images  release-notes09:53
jsgotangcomdke, we can edit the script09:54
jsgotangco(but the script editors are always out)09:54
mdkejsgotangco, well we need to sort it out quick because the firefox home page will be based on that address09:54
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jsgotangcogood point09:54
mdkewhat time zone is jbailey in?09:54
Burgundaviamdke, I just installed preview and /usr/share/doc has no ubuntu-doc in it09:54
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mdkeBurgundavia, ah i have it on my breezy here09:54
Burgundaviamdke, fresh install?09:55
mdkeBurgundavia, yes, from colony 209:55
mdkeubuntu-docs with an "s"?09:55
Burgundaviajust testing hibernate, just a sec09:55
ajmitchfyi I have /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-docs09:56
robitailleI don't have /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-doc nor /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-docs either on my fresh install of preview09:57
Burgundaviacolony 4 was intalled the quickguide09:57
BurgundaviaI think they yanked that but forgot to readd our doc09:57
jsgotangcoBurgundavia, that was a bug09:57
Burgundaviajsgotangco, yes09:57
ajmitchI don't see any package depending on the quick guide09:57
jsgotangcoit made the cd installable09:57
jsgotangcoajmitch, it was fixed09:57
mdkeyah it's fixed09:58
ajmitchjsgotangco: ok..09:58
ajmitchI'll do a preview install later tonight09:58
jsgotangcoquickguide back then was a dependency of ubuntu-desktop09:58
Burgundaviaholy shit a lot of people are subbed to the LaptopTestingTeam page09:58
mdkeBurgundavia, i've rebuilt the preview docs09:59
jsgotangcoi did .*09:59
Burgundaviamdke, hmm09:59
mdkedid it work?09:59
Burgundaviaok, this is cool --> http://www.burtonini.com/blog/computers/simple-things-2005-09-09-08-4509:59
=== Burgundavia notes that hmm usually indicates a non-working state
Burgundaviado we have a meeting this morning?10:00
mdkei can't make it though10:00
Burgundaviaalright then, I need to crash10:00
ajmitchnight Burgundavia 10:00
MadpilotBurgundavia: another 0700-our-time-zone one :)10:00
mdkeBurgundavia, did the rebuild work?10:01
Burgundaviamdke, didn't seem to10:01
jsgotangcoare you rebuilding on doc.ubuntu.com?10:01
mdkesomething wrong with the Makefile maybe10:02
mdkemaybe jeffsch can sort it out10:02
jsgotangcomdke, are we feeding to rosetta?10:05
mdkewhen we have a complete list of documents that need to go, I'll build pots for them and upload10:05
jsgotangcoso the plan is that10:06
mdkeor rather, give them to jordi to upload10:06
jsgotangcowe'll have translators do it with rosetta?10:06
mdkeare there any disadvantages of that?10:06
jsgotangcolet's have it available on that link10:07
mdkewe can't choose where to have it available10:07
mdkebut it will be there10:07
mdkeit will be here:10:08
mdke(i think)10:08
jsgotangconot bad10:08
mdkeit will be the same as with hoary10:10
jsgotangcook so that means we'll be able to clean up our svn later10:10
mdkeif you make sure that you get a list of frozen documents at the meeting, I'll do it tonight when i get home10:10
jsgotangcolet me build all docs now10:10
mdkeuse the preview server!10:11
mdkeit's working, just not the quicktour10:11
jsgotangcoi like my builds10:11
jsgotangcothey're the same right?10:11
jsgotangcoi changed the css for about ubuntu10:11
jsgotangcocan you give me access soon?10:12
jsgotangcoi want to change that frontpage10:12
mdkei can give you access now10:12
jsgotangcoi can't change it now10:12
mdkethe server area is owned by the user "ubuntu-docs" so I'll just give you the password for that user and you can log in and change it directly10:12
jsgotangcosomething is wrong with that makefile10:12
jsgotangcoit didn't pull th elogo10:13
mdkealternatively, change the frontpage and send it to me and I'll upload10:13
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Madpilotgood night all, need to crash. I'll try and make the meeting at 1400Z, but no promises10:18
jsgotangcoif you're not there, we'll make sure your vote doesn't count10:18
Madpilot1400Z = 0700PDT, it's currently 0120PDT10:19
mdkenight Madpilot 10:19
Madpilotanyway, see you all later10:19
jsgotangcoi slept at 2:30am and woke up at 710:19
jsgotangcomdke, how updated is the doc.ubuntu.com builds?10:23
mdkei did gnome/ ten minutes ago10:24
mdkeif you want to do them again10:24
mdkeas ubuntu-docs, go to ~10:24
jsgotangcoahh so its manually triggered?10:24
mdkethen run ./svn_up10:24
mdkeand ./copy_blah10:24
mdkenope it is run every day automatically10:24
mdkebut corey asked me to do it again now so I did10:25
jsgotangcoahhh the kde docs are already local now10:25
jsgotangcobefore they pointed to sean10:25
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mdkeyeah it's all there10:25
mdkealthough if you go to doc.ubuntu.com/kde, you get an annoying page which points you to sean's server10:26
jsgotangcowhere the heck are our docs10:27
jsgotangcoin breezy10:27
jsgotangcoit seems not installed in preview10:28
mdkejeez you're like an echo10:28
jsgotangcoit was somewhere before10:28
mdkeit's fixed now though10:28
mdkei bugged Kamion and he added it to a seed10:28
jsgotangcoi remember10:28
jsgotangcohe demoted it to universe because of the breakage10:29
jsgotangcothat package badly needs updating on the info10:29
mdkeby the way10:29
mdkeanother thing you _must_ remember to do at the meeting10:30
mdkeis to ask jbailey about the weird address for the docs10:30
jsgotangcothe /usr/share/doc/bla/blah/blah/C/index.html?10:30
jsgotangcoits the make file10:30
jsgotangco/usr/share/doc is natural10:31
mdkeI think the fact that there is /en/ and /C/ will cause problems about where the translations will go10:31
jsgotangcothe makefile should be fixed10:31
jsgotangcothats one thing i noticed when i did a scrollkeeper register 2 days ago10:31
jsgotangcothe OMF file wouldn't matter really but10:32
jsgotangcoit doesn't really look good10:32
mdkei think we should get rid of /en/ and keep /C/10:32
jsgotangcoi try not looking at the make atm10:32
jsgotangcoscrollkeeper and docbook are very new to jbailey10:32
mdkeok but can you raise it at the meeting?10:32
mdkealso perhaps announce the meeting on the list?10:33
mdkeit's late notice... but still10:33
mdkemight help10:33
jsgotangcoi'll send one now with my brand new ubuntu.com email *bling*10:33
jsgotangcoyours should run now10:33
mdkewhat is my address?10:33
jsgotangcodid you sign the CoC on lp?10:33
jsgotangcowhat's your username10:34
mdkeplease don't let it by my launchpad username10:34
jsgotangcoah let me check10:34
jsgotangcooh my 10:35
mdkethis is me: https://launchpad.net/people/gulliver66610:35
jsgotangcolet me try that10:35
mdkeok so if I change my LP username, will it change that email redirect?10:35
jsgotangcono idea10:35
jsgotangcocan you try looking into your default lp email if something came in10:35
jsgotangcoah i got a failure10:36
jsgotangcoi think its best you ask elmo10:36
mdkei'm sure he has more important things to worry about10:36
mdkehow did you set yours up?10:36
jsgotangcooh he emailed me about it10:36
jsgotangcorobitaille has his ready as well10:36
jsgotangcoits just a forwarder but pretty nifty10:37
mdkewell if I wasn't emailed about it, I guess that means it wasn't set up right?10:37
jsgotangcono he emailed me because i haven't signed the CoC on lp10:38
mdkewhat is your address?10:39
jsgotangcook going to send email about the meeting later10:39
jsgotangcowhy do?10:39
jsgotangcowhy so?10:39
mdkeno js10:39
jsgotangcolet me edit the agenda first10:40
jsgotangcoit'll be easy10:40
jsgotangco(just about the freeze, css and the location)10:41
jsgotangco(as well as the pots)10:41
mdkeok fortunately it is very easy to change username10:44
jsgotangcois quicktour frozen?10:45
jsgotangco(string-wise that is)10:45
mdkenot to my knowledge10:45
mdkedid you see silbs' bug just now?10:46
jsgotangcolemme check10:50
jsgotangcowell yes10:50
jsgotangcothat's the one we're talking about later right10:50
jsgotangcolet me answer this bug10:51
jsgotangcowonder where silbs is10:53
mdkealso 1501410:53
mdkei've replied to that one10:53
jsgotangcogahhhh silbs10:54
jsgotangcohmm i see carlos10:55
jsgotangcolet's grab him10:55
jsgotangcojust want to ask10:56
mdkei spent ages bugging them yesterday10:56
mdkeno need to do it again10:56
mdkegetting them in rosetta won't be a problem11:02
mdkedon't worry about it11:02
mdkei've done another cheeky edit to aboutubuntu11:02
mdkeafter silbs' bug 1501411:02
jsgotangcothe link?11:03
jsgotangcobetter now than in the coming days11:03
mdkei added the link to participate11:03
mdkewe'll regenerate the pots just before uploading to rosetta anyhow so it should be fine11:06
mdkejsgotangco, did you manage to test your ddclient package?11:07
jsgotangcoyou added it in global ent?11:07
jsgotangcoi did11:07
jsgotangcoit segfault this 2am11:07
mdkeah damn11:07
jsgotangcoi will try again later11:07
mdkethe debian maintainer seems to be dead11:07
jsgotangcothank the saviour that i am idle lately11:07
=== ajmitch is as busy as ever at work
mdkei may have to install ddclient the old fashioned way11:08
mdkei really need it11:08
jsgotangcoi like my about ubuntu style11:08
ajmitchmdke: ddclient is universe?11:08
jsgotangcowhat's wrong with it11:09
jsgotangcosilbs find it too long?11:09
mdkeajmitch, yes but the version is very old11:09
mdkeajmitch, i need a newer one to work with dnspark.com11:09
ajmitchmdke: no newer version in debian?11:09
mdkeand the debian maintainer hasn't updated it11:09
=== ajmitch can probably update it for you if there's a need
mdkefor like a year11:09
mdkeajmitch, if you could, you would be my favourite person11:09
jsgotangconot me anymore???11:10
mdkejoint equal favourite person11:10
ajmitchmdke: ok, website url?11:10
mdkeajmitch, the debian bug is http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=27954211:10
jsgotangcook i leave it to mr. gnu11:10
mdkeajmitch, website is http://ddclient.sf.net i think11:11
ajmitchdebian Big Maintainer Lock11:11
mdkewhat is that?11:11
mdkejsgotangco, re: the length of about ubuntu, I don't think we can do a lot about it, especially since the document is not only intended as the firefox homepage11:13
mdkewhat is Breezy +1 called?11:13
jsgotangcohey i only made it nice to read before it was terribly un friendly11:13
mdkei don't think it's too long dude11:14
ajmitchI've heard the name 'dapper' bounced about a bit11:14
ajmitchseems to hardly be a secret now :)11:14
mdkeyeah i heard that11:14
mdkewhat animal?11:14
ajmitchno idea11:15
jsgotangcofor some reason OOo 2 makes really terrible PDFs when there are pngs and transparency involved11:16
ajmitchmdke: built a package for you to test11:18
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mdkeajmitch, i'll get to it later on, i should go now11:19
mdkeajmitch, email?11:19
mdkei'm matthew.east@breathe.com11:20
ajmitchok, email if you want11:20
mdkethat's fine I'll download it now and test later11:20
mdkethanks VERY much11:20
=== ajmitch is getting too fast at modifying packages with this MOTU work :)
mdkeis that an ubuntu package or debian?11:21
=== ajmitch is not going to UBZ
ajmitchit's an ubuntu versioned package11:21
ajmitchbut would run fine on debian11:21
mdkeok will try!11:22
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=== BeerDump [n=jsg@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
jsgotangcoajmitch, i didn't get sponsored heh11:27
ajmitchjsgotangco: ah well11:27
ajmitchI guess we'll just have to swim over :)11:28
jsgotangcoyou too?11:28
jsgotangcowe can do UDU 211:28
ajmitchI got the email from claire11:28
ajmitchit's a shame you're not going11:28
ajmitchsince the doc team will be a bit thin on the ground11:28
jsgotangcoahh no regrets11:28
jsgotangcowe have nice laptops11:29
ajmitchyeah, I've got a laptop :)11:29
ajmitch& it's faster than my old one :)11:29
jsgotangcoi was looking at the mail before it opened11:31
jsgotangcoi was suspicious because it started with11:31
jsgotangco"i hope you are enjoying the laptop..."11:31
ajmitchmine was titled 'UBZ'11:31
ajmitchnothing about a laptop11:31
mdkewell we should email claire to ask that they take into account the fact that the docteam should have some representation11:34
mdkebecause if corey doesn't get sponsored either... we're in trouble11:34
ajmitchthe MOTU team  is represented by canonical employees now11:35
mdkei can email if you like, since I didn't ask for sponsorship11:35
jsgotangconahh its ok11:36
jsgotangcoclaire isn't into the technical things11:36
jsgotangcoits best to tell mdz11:36
jsgotangcoajmitch, is dholbach already employed?11:37
ajmitchjsgotangco: I think so11:37
mdke--> gone again11:37
jsgotangcoah right11:37
ajmitchnot sure if he's told people 11:37
jsgotangcoogra too11:37
ajmitchogra has been employed for months11:37
=== GranMaestro [n=chatzill@adsl-ull-149-41.46-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu-doc
GranMaestrohi there, has anybody seen Matthew around this morning?11:41
jsgotangcoMatthew who11:41
jsgotangcojust ping him he's online11:41
ajmitchhe left < 10 minutes ago11:41
GranMaestrodoes he normally reply to email?11:42
GranMaestroI sent him one a couple of days ago but no reaction11:42
jsgotangcoregarding what11:42
GranMaestrofirewire install and bood for a imac11:42
jsgotangco(maybe i could help)11:42
GranMaestrocan you help?11:43
=== jsgotangco too poor to own a mac
GranMaestrocome on don't make me cry :D11:43
GranMaestrojsgotangco: could you pls pass me a working email address for mdke?11:44
GranMaestroI have used the following matthew.east.ubuntu@breathe.com11:44
jsgotangcooh they're just the same11:45
GranMaestroperhaps that's the problem11:45
jsgotangcohe uses both11:45
GranMaestrowill try yours, perhaps it got lost in spam mail11:45
jsgotangcook guys see you later at the meeting im just going to the pub12:21
=== rob^ [n=rob@pdpc/supporter/student/rob-ubuntu] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdkeGranMaestro, i replied to your second one01:01
mdkefirst one got lost in a lot of mail, sorry01:02
mdkei'm afraid I can't help you though01:04
mdkerob^, can you remember to comment on your wiki edits so that the people subscribed to the page can see what's going on?01:05
rob^mdke, ok, I just made one small change01:05
rob^it just conflicted, so I fixed it01:06
mdkewith docteam projects the diff is always too complicated to figure out what the change was01:06
mdkebecause of those weird tables01:06
rob^yeah, I just changed "Review" to "Finished" for the faq guide01:06
mdkewould you mind glancing over the faqguide.pot to make sure that it's all in there?01:08
mdkei was a bit confused about which files in generic/faqguide/C/ were used, and which weren't01:08
rob^yeah, oh one thing, I was just reading the faq guide and noticed a mistake01:08
mdkeis it a big one?01:08
rob^I just copied what corey wrote01:09
rob^"When you see this popup, click Show me.."01:09
rob^thats wrong, it says something else where you need to click01:10
mdkeyou can fix it if you like01:10
rob^can I still do that?01:10
mdkewe haven't uploaded the pot files to rosetta yet so yeah01:10
mdkealso, if you can get rid of the files in the directory that aren't used, that would be good01:11
rob^ok, will do shortly01:11
=== rob^ [n=rob@pdpc/supporter/student/rob-ubuntu] has joined #ubuntu-doc
rob^mdke, will it effect the .pot in anyway if I change the sections in the faq guide from "review" to "finished"?01:40
mdkei'll be regererating the .pot anyhow01:43
mdkego ahead01:43
rob^ok thanks01:43
=== jjesse [n=jjesse@mail.ftpb.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
rob^hmm, is it status="finished" or "complete"?01:47
rob^hi jjesse 01:47
jjessemorning rob^ 01:47
mdkerob^, complete i think01:48
mdkecheck DocteamWork01:48
rob^yeah it is.. dang01:48
mdkedo a find/replace01:49
rob^I am01:49
rob^i just did it with finished01:49
mdkecareful not to replace every instance of "finished" in the guide ;)01:50
rob^no, replacing "status="finished""01:50
rob^umm with "complete" though01:51
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ksl403-uva-132.wireless.uva.nl] has joined #ubuntu-doc
rob^mdke, I just sent the last few changes to the list with a list of files that need to be removed02:01
rob^can't do it myself :(02:02
=== sabdfl [n=mark@pdpc/supporter/silver/sabdfl] has joined #ubuntu-doc
sabdflhi all02:04
mdkerob^, is the add/remove documents documented in the faq guide?02:04
mdkehow much work would it be to adapt the document if the menu entry was renamed and moved?02:04
rob^its mentioned, but because it does not install all the packages we need I used synaptic instead02:04
rob^not much at all02:05
mdkesabdfl, so from our point of view you can probably go ahead and move/rename it02:05
rob^hi sabdfl 02:05
sabdflhi guys02:05
mdkesabdfl, but the sooner we know, the sooner we can make the changes02:05
sabdflok, thanks very much02:05
rob^mdke, for sure, I would prefer it02:05
rob^removed that is02:05
mdkerob^, they are thinking of putting it back in the applications menu and giving it a shorter name02:06
mdkethe idea is good IMO02:06
rob^I think it is too, but I hate the layout of it02:06
rob^its very messy02:06
rob^they should break it up more like synaptic02:06
mdkesabdfl, so can you give us the decision as soon as it is taken?02:07
sabdflmdke: yes, today, either way02:07
ajmitchhi sabdfl 02:07
sabdflhey ajmitch02:08
GranMaestromdke: great to see you online :-D02:09
GranMaestroHave sent you a couple of mails in PM but got no reaction watsoever02:10
rob^hey I was talking to the guys in #svn, apparently svn can do branches like bazzar can02:10
GranMaestrosabdfl: are you still there?02:11
mdkeGranMaestro, i replied to your last email02:11
mdkei didn't get any PM's02:12
mdkerob^, i've made the same mistake as yesterday :/02:12
GranMaestromdke: thank you for replying I'll check straight away02:12
mdkerob^, can we resolve in the same way02:12
rob^haha.. ok, I'll email you my wcs02:12
rob^its ok :)02:12
GranMaestromdke: btw your are difficult to catch those days02:13
mdkeGranMaestro, yep02:13
GranMaestromdke: no mail in the box :-(02:13
mdkealthough to be fair, you've only ever sent me two emails, and I replied to the second one02:13
sabdflGranMaestro: yes02:14
mdkeGranMaestro, you are Pieterjan Lansbergen right?02:14
GranMaestromdke: I see, is that to my gmail account yup02:14
GranMaestrosono io :-D02:14
mdkeGranMaestro, no to ath.cx02:14
mdkeat 10.51 BST today02:14
sabdflmdke, rob^: decision was to move Add/Remove Programs to the Applications menu, called "Add Applications"02:14
rob^thanks sabdfl 02:15
GranMaestroshould be pj at pjl.ath.cx let me doublecheck02:15
mdkecheers sabdfl 02:15
rob^mdke, I'll make the required changes then email you my working copies02:15
GranMaestromdke: anyway do you think you can help with the FW issue?02:15
mdkeGranMaestro, fraid not, I know nothing about it02:15
mdkerob^, better to email now, I'm about to go to lunch02:16
GranMaestromdke: somebody must have the know how.. :-(02:16
mdkeGranMaestro, you should try the ubuntu support mailing lists02:16
GranMaestromdke: the Wiki was pointing to a solution and I thought you had direct experience02:17
rob^hmm, someone reviewing must have killed it02:17
sabdflhey guys02:17
sabdflsomething else i'd like to discuss, should be easy changes02:17
mdkeGranMaestro, fraid not, I didn't write that wiki page02:18
sabdflthe "About Ubuntu" page02:18
GranMaestromdke: sounds like YDL is the place where to look further as all the Ubuntu people do is starting the external linux from the internal one02:18
mdkesabdfl, shoot02:18
sabdflcurrently, that's in ubuntu-artwork, right?02:18
mdkealthough there is a bug open about that02:19
mdkeit should be moved to ubuntu-docs02:19
sabdflwell, it's also the FF home page, right?02:19
mdkeas soon as we know the local address for it02:19
mdkeyes, see http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=398502:20
sabdflwho wants to own that doc? i'd like it to really look beautiful for Breezy02:20
sabdflit needs:02:20
sabdfl - the current Ubuntu CSS and look02:20
GranMaestromdke: not that it matters at this stage but your mail didn't arrive, could you pls check for future ref if you don't mind?02:20
rob^mdke, the section on add/remove applications has been removed during the review, so no changed needed02:20
sabdfl - simpler text, more like the www.ubuntu.com initial paragraphs and commitment02:20
jdubsabdfl: so are you unassigning this from me now?02:20
mdkesabdfl, the doc is finished and frozen02:21
sabdfl - more pictures, perhaps some screenshots from the quickguide02:21
mdkesee also bugs 15013 and 15014 from silbs02:21
mptGranMaestro: hi02:21
sabdfl  - no version-specific information02:21
sabdflmdke: can i see it?02:21
GranMaestrompt: hi there02:21
=== avanspronsen [n=andrewv@London-HSE-ppp3543971.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu-doc []
jdubsabdfl: firefox /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-docs/HTML/en/about-ubuntu/C/index.html02:22
mdkealthough that is not the most recent version02:22
jdubit could do with a lot of removals02:22
sabdflnot found02:22
jdubgot ubuntu-docs installed?02:23
sabdflis it the same as file:///usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html02:23
mptGranMaestro: I don't know anything about installing Firewire, sorry02:23
mptGranMaestro: I haven't seen your message, but I have ~180 unread, so probably I just haven't got to it yet02:23
GranMaestrosomebody has gotta know something about it.. :-D02:23
mdkesabdfl, no you have to install ubuntu-docs02:23
sabdfljdub: how did "About Ubuntu" get dropped from the System menu?02:23
jdubsimilarish content, similar old style02:23
rob^GranMaestro, yes I do02:23
sabdflmdke: will that be installed by default? a dependency of ubuntu-desktop?02:24
mdkethat is fixed already yeah02:24
GranMaestrompt: I wrote to mdke, no you :-)02:24
sabdflmdke: what is fixed already?02:24
jdubsabdfl: perhaps the file location check has been changed02:24
mdkethe dependency is fixed already02:24
mdke--> food02:24
rob^GranMaestro, try this for a start: http://doc.ubuntu.com/gnome/faqi386/C/ch07.html#id324533002:25
rob^yeah, its a kludge but what else can you do?02:25
sabdfljdub: about ubuntu, please?02:25
jdubsabdfl: hmm?02:25
GranMaestroWell, just a general question to everybody reading. Who do you think is knowleadgeable about FireWire on Ubuntu-PPC and can be contacted?02:25
sabdfljdub: answer my question02:25
jdubsabdfl: i did02:25
GranMaestrorob^: thks :-D02:26
jdub22:24 < jdub> sabdfl: perhaps the file location check has been changed02:26
jdubi'm checking with seb atm02:26
rob^GranMaestro, np, its a start02:26
sabdflmdke: i'm up to date, and ubuntu-docs is not installed02:26
GranMaestrorob^: I am afraid it doesn't apply to me however, tks anyway02:27
rob^GranMaestro, yeah, like I said thats about all I know02:27
rob^you need at least the ieee139402:27
rob^ and ohci1394 kernel modules02:27
rob^GranMaestro, ask in #ubuntu02:28
GranMaestroOne thing still puzzles me: Somebody has gotta know, how, but Who??02:28
GranMaestrorob^: I'll02:28
rob^its not really a discussion for here02:28
GranMaestroI agree just started here as I was chasing mdke02:28
mdkesabdfl, pendingupload02:29
mdkekamion fixed it this morning02:29
mdkelatest version of the doc is at02:30
rob^dang, I didn't get sponsored..02:30
ajmitchanother one :(02:30
mdkerob^, no one from the doc team has got sponsored02:30
ajmitchsoon there won't be any doc team there02:30
rob^yeah? that sucks02:30
jdubmdke: will any of the file locations change in the next ubuntu-docs update?02:30
mdkeunless corey did02:31
mdkejdub, yeah they may02:31
jdubmdke: hrm, ok02:31
mdkejdub, it will be finalised before the end of the day I hope02:31
mdkei'll post it to that bug report when it is?02:31
jdubthanks - seb needs to know to change gnome-panel02:33
jjesseanyone got some time to whip up some upgrade notes and post them on the wiki?02:33
rob^yeah I suppose I do02:33
mdkesabdfl, those comments on about ubuntu are valid and have been made by silbs in her bugs reports, but we can't drastically change about-ubuntu now, doc freeze is past and we need to get the doc to translation ASAP02:33
mdkethe css will be addressed though02:33
rob^jjesse, what did you have in mind?02:33
jjesseon #kubuntu this morning there is lots of talk about breezy which is nice, just trying to find out when i have time to upgrage02:34
rob^jjesse, like features and stuff, or a howto?02:34
jjesserob^: people on #kubuntu are asking do i have to download the cd to upgrade, can i just change my sources.list or is there something else that i need to 02:34
jjesserob^: maybe something like HoaryUpgradeNotes (i think that's the warty -> hoary) upgrade section02:35
rob^jjesse, ok, I'll check it out02:35
sabdflmdke: if it hasn't started heavy translation, i'd like to climb in and edit it now02:39
sabdflis it in a baz archive i can get?02:39
mdkeit's in our svn repository02:39
jdubsabdfl: so, again, task is not assigned to me anymore?02:39
mdkesabdfl, i'll apply a patch if you make one02:40
mdkebut please bear in mind that it is not only the firefox home page02:40
sabdfljdub: the task for the document which is currently accidentally dropped form the menu, is also in at least three different places on the hard drive according to three different apps, is not publicly visible, does not currently use the ubuntu css? yes02:40
mdkesabdfl, again, this sort of thing is best done before freeze02:41
sabdflmdke: as far as i can tell the doc is not even VISIBLE at freeze time02:41
sabdflso it's hard to have commented on it02:41
sabdfli can work quickly and efficiently, and we'll all be pleased by the results02:42
mdkesabdfl, the document has not changed greatly since appearing in Hoary02:42
sabdflwhere can i get the latest version in revision control?02:42
sabdflmdke: it really needs to!02:42
mdkesabdfl, i take your points, but it is very late. Gimme a sec and i'll link you02:42
mdkesabdfl, ^02:43
mdkebut please don't blame us that the document has not been ready to comment on, cos we've done our best02:43
mdkeand it's been in hoary for 6 months02:44
sabdflmdke: no blame here, i'd just like to get it, edit it, and check it off my list02:44
sabdflguys, baz is so much better than svn... 02:44
mdkesilbs made some comments on the file about a month ago in the list which we acted upon straight away02:45
mdkeif you send a patch, we'll apply it02:45
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ksl403-uva-132.wireless.uva.nl] has joined #ubuntu-doc
sabdflhmm... is the canonical version the XML one?02:46
sabdflwhy not an HTML page?02:46
sabdfljust curious. is this docbook-xml?02:47
mdkeit can be transformed into html and other formats02:47
mdkewe ship in html02:47
mdkeand it is easier for making po files and pdf's and so on to work in xml02:47
jdubmdke: btw, we're just getting the first sign of pushback on the whole "ship html" mess :)02:47
sabdflsvn co, then svn diff?02:48
rob^jdub, what like?02:48
mdkejdub, ?02:48
jdub"why can't i have my nice translated document when i click About Ubuntu like i did in hoary?"02:48
mdkesabdfl, if you just edit the file and make a patch normally, then send to docteam list, we'll apply it02:48
mdkejdub, the answer is "the doc hasn't been translated yet", not "because the docteam ships in html"02:49
jdubmdke: it's both02:49
mdkejdub, how so?02:49
jdubbecause it doesn't integrate with the help readers, we can't make the about ubuntu launcher a simple "load this document" and get the right translation for the user's locale02:50
mdkethat is odd02:50
sabdflmdke: the ubuntu logo that it is referring to is an old version02:50
jdubi tried to explain it way back when02:50
mdkesabdfl, the css and logo hasn't yet been sorted02:51
jdubwhy going for the lowest common denominator was a bad idea02:51
rob^is yelp still crashing with qanda tags?02:51
rob^and does it display them properly yet?02:51
mdkejdub, why doesn't it work with html02:51
jdubmdke: because there is no magic "where do i get my translations" with html02:51
mdkeyou can't point them to /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-docs/HTML/about-ubuntu/LOCALE/index.html?02:52
jdubrob^: doubt it02:52
rob^jdub, thats half the reason html was chosen02:52
jdubmdke: we'd have to put additional smarts  into every single thing that launches docs, instead of using the existing infrastructure02:52
jdubrob^: yes, and one i suggested was a bit frivolous02:52
mdkejdub, dude don't start.02:52
mdkeyou intervened occasionally in irc and kept promising to write emails that never came02:53
mdkei don't remember this problem being raised02:53
jdubi sent two lengthy emails about it02:53
jdubone of which mentioned the translation issue02:53
jdubthough not as specific as this (which is the most visible case)02:54
mdkewell the meeting decision was unanimous02:54
rob^do we have time to get our docs working in Yelp?02:54
mdkewe couldn't think of one single disadvantage02:54
rob^as xml?02:54
=== seb128_ [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-3-11.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdkeno point crying over spilt milk anyhow02:55
jdubmdke: hey, not like that at all02:55
jdubthere are lots of disadvantages :)02:55
jdubrob^: docbook could be shipped with the packages, in the correct places for use in yelp/khelpcenter02:56
mdkejdub, well we weren't aware of any when we made the decision in the meeting, because I remember it was a really easy one and everyone was unanimous02:56
mdkeok i'm going to back out of this02:56
seb128_so, who broke the documentation? :)02:57
jdubmdke: unfortunately, much of it was informed by sean, without any reference to the developers02:57
rob^jdub, would it look the same?02:57
mdkei'll check email this evening and see if the docs are ready for translating02:57
jdubrob^: it would be rendered with yelp css02:57
jdubrob^: the other docs that have qanda probably wouldn't work02:57
rob^jdub, let me have a look02:57
sabdflmdke: how do i make a web link in docbook?02:57
mdkejdub, and you picked 4 months after the decision was taken to start complaining?02:57
mdkesabdfl, <ulink url="address">link</ulink>02:57
seb128_mdke: complaining about what? html format?02:58
jdubmdke: i raised my concerns many times leading up to the decision, i was overruled, and have raised it now to demonstrate a real effect on users (and a regression)02:58
seb128_mdke: I just complained because I noticed we have big regressions on the desktop 02:58
sabdflmdke: thanks muchly02:58
seb128_mdke: that just br0ke translations02:58
mdkeseb128_, in terms of packaging docs best thing is to talk to jbailey who has been helping us with the packaging02:58
rob^just checking out the faqguide xml in yelp, it actually works pretty good now02:58
mdkeseb128_, the intention was to ship translations as html too02:59
rob^and renders properly02:59
seb128_mdke: yelp is much better integrated and point to the right locale02:59
rob^the only thing causing it issues is the ubuntu/kubuntu profiles02:59
sabdflis there a good docbook viewer?02:59
seb128_mdke: a browser entry would open the en version02:59
sabdflto test my work?02:59
mdkesabdfl, yelp02:59
seb128_sabdfl: yelp? 02:59
jdubsabdfl: you can use yelp02:59
seb128_mdke: html for translations is a big regression03:00
mdkeseb128_, so there is no solution?03:00
seb128_mdke: ship xml like for hoary03:00
seb128_mdke: it's amazing you guys just broke it without even mailing ubuntu-devel before03:00
seb128_html doesn't work for GNOME03:00
mdkemdz was involved in the decision03:00
jdubmdke: (sorry to raise it again, i know it's an ugly issue, but after being overruled so strongly i think it's reasonable to come back and demonstrate the failures of the decision)03:01
seb128_still, we have one list to communicate03:01
rob^can we tell yelp which profile to use?03:01
seb128_such discussion should have a notice on it03:01
mdkeif someone had said, as jdub says he did, "translations will break", we would never have made that decision03:01
rob^if so, I can't see why we can't use xml.03:01
jdubrob^: i don't think so03:01
seb128_if somebody would have send a mail on the devel list people knowing would had a chance to comment03:01
rob^I could remove the kubuntu profile, might take a day or two03:01
seb128_sure by making decision on your corner you have no feedback03:02
mdkeseb128_, i asked mdz "should we discuss with the technical board", he said, no problem03:02
jdubrob^: but you could process each profile into a separate document03:02
mdkehow can we fix this?03:02
seb128_mdke: you didn't say him that would be an issue for translations neither03:02
rob^jdub, it would be cleaner like that03:02
mdkeseb128_, i didn't know03:02
seb128_mdke: that's why you should have asked to some people before making decisions03:02
jdubrob^: (i tend to think profiles are overengineered for this anyway)03:02
rob^mdke, we could just remove kubuntu profile from the faq and ship in xml, yelp now renders properly03:02
seb128_mdke: can't we just roll back to the hoary packages format?03:02
mdkeseb128_, the announcement was made on the devel list too but I guess no one saw it03:02
mdkeseb128_, better talk to jbailey about it03:03
jbaileyI'm here.03:03
mdkethe xml files are there, but we will need to edit the faqguide as rob^ says03:03
seb128_mdke: the style guide?03:03
rob^the style guide isn't shipped is it?03:04
jdubseb128_: the reason why the discussion went haywire was because it was turned into a silly gnome vs. kde "let's make it generic" mess, which screwed everyone03:04
seb128_jdub: KDE can't work with docbook files?03:04
jdubseb128_: so, at the time, it was better to make a decision and get on with it03:04
jbaileyrob^: About, faq, and quicktour only in the ubuntu-docs package.03:04
jdubseb128_: they develop with docbook, but ship modified html03:04
rob^seb128_, no yelp had problems with qanda tags03:04
rob^which the faq uses03:05
rob^but it seems to be fixed now03:05
mdkeok i'm going to leave you guys too it because I am late for an appointment03:05
jdubseb128_: there were some specious incompatibility issues (the least specious of which was qanda) with yelp03:05
seb128_rob^: you should have raised the issue when it was time to fix yelp for 5.1003:05
seb128_rob^: good so03:05
jdubrob^: i did say to you guys that it would be fixed :-)03:05
seb128_later mdke03:05
rob^I rased the issue with the rest of the docteam, but was told not to worry because we would ship html03:05
mdketry and talk about solutions though please03:05
jbaileyseb128_: This will also be helped in that I plan to make weekly uploads through the next release so that we get the state of the documentation as it changes.03:06
mdkealso seb128_ there is a docteam meeting in about an hour so hopefully it can be sorted out during that03:06
jdubjbailey: need to ship docbook in the same directories as we did with hoary, same as all other gnome docs03:06
mdkebye all03:06
rob^cya mdke 03:06
jbaileyjdub: Is this permanent, or a hack for breezy?03:06
seb128_thanks mdke, later03:07
seb128_jbailey: permanent03:07
jdubjbailey: it really ought to be permanent, but i guess that's up to the doc team03:07
seb128_jbailey: that's what GNOME uses03:07
jdubgiven that the decision was made here previously03:07
jbaileyjdub: Judging by seb's reaction, I'm guessing it's not. =)03:07
rob^we will discuss it in the meeting in an hour03:07
jdubjbailey: well, seb can sometimes even be blunter than i ;)03:07
rob^I can't see why we can't ship xml now, so we may 03:07
seb128_jbailey: sorry, I don't like to discover b0rkage because people just take decisions without noticing people concerned (ie: the desktop team)03:08
jbaileyrob^: IIRC, one of the documents doesn't exist in docbook, only html.03:08
rob^jbailey, yes, but its only a new half finished doc03:08
rob^we can just scrap it and redo in xml03:08
rob^the quicktour03:09
jbaileyAh, the short one.03:09
jbaileyNot so bad. =)03:09
jbaileyHow are translations handled for this?  Do they come in the language packs?03:09
jdubrob^: we probably don't need to install quicktour on the disk...03:09
rob^jdub, no your right03:09
rob^I say maybe just have it available on the web site when its done03:10
jdubjbailey: no, not at the moment03:10
seb128_jbailey: no03:10
rob^only a few people will use it03:10
jdubjbailey: dpkg -L gedit-data03:10
jbaileyLe paquet gedit-data n'est pas install.03:10
jdubrob^: what's the easiest way to suck down all the docs?03:10
rob^the user guide when thats done for next release (hopefully) will be better and more in depth anyway03:10
jbaileyjdub: Did you mean a different package?03:10
jdubjbailey: just so you see the layout03:11
seb128_jbailey: gnome-panel-data03:11
rob^jdub, its blown out to about 200mb due to people uploading crap03:11
jdubrob^: ouch03:11
seb128_jbailey: just example of apps shipping translated xml files03:11
jdubjbailey: see under /usr/share/gnome/help03:11
jbailey /gnome/help and /omf both?03:11
jbaileyseb128_: Ugh.  Whill those be split out for dapper?03:11
seb128_'dapper'? 03:12
rob^jdub, when we change to bazzar I hope none of that crap makes it across03:12
jdubseb128_: breezy+1 :)03:12
rob^jdub, svn checkout https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/trunk ubuntu-doc03:12
jbaileyrob^: It'll be gone before then.  I'm just waiting for write access to the svn.03:12
seb128_oh, it has a name ? :)03:12
jdubit's bizaare that they're not already split03:12
seb128_jbailey: not afaik ... maybe want to speak to pitti/carlos about that03:12
jdubrob^: this will be 200MB? :)03:12
rob^jbailey, I'm just waiting for a new password and I will be too03:12
rob^jdub, yep03:12
rob^you could decend into the directories and pull down just parts of it03:13
rob^generic/faqguide for example03:13
jbaileyrob^: who are you working with, elmo?03:13
rob^jbailey, yes, elmo controls the access03:14
jbailey'kay, I'll poke him again then.03:14
jdubyay, fixage!03:14
rob^I did about an hour ago, no reply 03:14
jbaileyseb128_: 'kay.  I'm just curious how much random weight gnome-docs-{en,fr,etc} would save.03:15
seb128_jbailey: maybe 50M on a desktop install03:15
jbaileySo probably worth it for people apt-get upgrading in .au. ;)03:16
rob^jdub, yep, they should be03:16
=== jdub spanks jbailey
rob^jdub, the kubuntu version might have been done on time if this were originally the case03:17
jdubrob^: sorry, missed the context?03:17
rob^jdub it's bizaare that they're not already split03:18
jdubah, i meant the translations via language packs03:18
rob^ah ok sorry :)03:18
jdubbut yes, same thing for the profiled docs ;)03:18
jdubtoo much overengineering03:18
jbaileyIs there a posted agenda for the DT meeting?03:24
jdubjbailey: you adding packaging/shipping changes to it?03:26
jbaileyjdub: Yup03:27
rob^jjesse, I have something basic for you at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes03:28
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rob^jbailey, can we move the packaging changes to the top, it will effect some of the others03:30
jbaileyrob^: Sure.  I assumed that whoever was chairing the meeting would order them at the beginning.03:30
rob^its usually top down03:30
jsgotangcowhat is this about?03:30
rob^jsgotangco, you will see come the meeting03:30
rob^shipping in xml03:30
jsgotangcoi really don't mind xml03:31
jjesserob^: that looks great thanks :)03:31
jbaileyrob^: Are you moving it or shall I?03:31
jsgotangcoexcept that it will entail a lot of changes03:31
rob^jbailey, you can if you want03:31
jjesserob^:  sorry i didn't have time this mroning, busy @ work03:31
rob^jjesse, np03:31
jbaileyrob^: Done03:32
rob^thanks jbailey 03:32
rob^hi mdke 03:33
mdkerob^, just applied your working copy03:34
rob^thanks mdke 03:34
rob^I can help out with the packaging in future if needed, I know the basics03:34
rob^thought I might mention that03:34
jbaileyrob^: Cool.03:34
mdkewhat else needs doing to ship faq in xml?03:34
jbaileyrob^: The three of us can play together then.03:34
rob^mdke, just remove the kubuntu profile03:34
mdkeit needs to be deprofiled?03:34
mdkecan it be done today?03:35
rob^its almost midnight here03:35
jsgotangcoi just left in a few hours for some beers and this channel looks totally different now03:35
mdkeyeah we've had some issues03:35
rob^sfd tomorrow..03:35
jdubjsgotangco: too many beers? :)03:35
jsgotangcojdub: its not a good day for me03:36
jdubrob^: you celebrating sfd?03:36
rob^jdub, yes, installfest03:36
mdkerob^, so what do you think we should do with the kde profiling?03:36
rob^me being the local ubuntu guru and all ;P03:36
jdubi am donning my orange overalls and doing CDs/talks love ;)03:37
rob^mdke, kill it, it more a hinderance then a help03:37
jbaileymdke: What does that mean?03:37
jdubrob^: where are you based?03:37
jbaileyjdub: Orange?03:37
rob^jdub, australia, Townsville03:37
jdubjbailey: *very* orange :-)03:37
jdubrob^: oh!03:37
jbaileyjdub: Are you wearing them on your tour?03:37
jdubelite :-)03:37
jdubjbailey: i guess i'll have to take them :)03:37
ajmitchmore australians :)03:37
mdkerob^, what about the arch profiling?03:38
rob^mdke, there isn't any at the moment03:38
rob^all three are the same03:38
jbaileyajmitch: I keep forgetting that there's more to .au than Sydney.03:38
mdkerob^, ouch03:38
rob^sean left it in a mess03:38
jbaileyIt's the problem with only having visited one building^Wcity.03:38
mdkecan we stop building three copies then?03:38
ajmitchheh, yeah03:38
jdubjbailey: ha ha ha03:38
mdkemaybe jbailey can sort that03:39
=== ajmitch got to spend a bit more time in .au
rob^mdke, yes we can03:39
jbaileymdke: I'm ever your slave.  What do you need?03:39
rob^but if we want different faqs for the three archs then yeah..03:39
mdkejbailey, the current packaging has three editions of the faq guide, separated by arch, apparently they are all the same03:39
jbaileyah, really?03:40
jdubway too complicated03:40
jsgotangcogimme a few minutes tonight is friday and i have to go to the family altar and offer something for my ancestors then we go to meeting03:40
=== mdke nods
mdkeif we ship the faqguide as xml then this won't be a problem i guess03:40
mdkebut we need to remove the kubuntu profiling right?03:41
rob^mdke, yes, otherwise you get things like "ubuntukubuntu" happening03:41
rob^very ugly03:41
mdkelet's start eliminating it?03:42
rob^the meeting is in 15 mins03:42
rob^I guess I can start03:42
mdkei'll help03:43
mdkewhat do I search for03:43
rob^things like:03:43
rob^<phrase os="kde">kubuntu</phrase>03:43
mdkewhich file shall i start on?03:44
mdkegimme a short one :)03:44
jsgotangcoi've seen this before03:44
rob^actually I can probably get it done pretty quickly03:44
rob^give me 5 minutes03:44
mdkei'm starting on applications.xml03:45
rob^ok, I'll do faqguide.xml03:45
mdkethere was only one...03:45
rob^i had 2403:45
mdkeok hardware.xml03:46
rob^ok done faqguide.xml03:46
rob^ah crap, I got to svn up03:46
mdkenone there03:47
rob^there isn't much03:47
mdkehardware and preface done03:47
rob^like I said, if the kubuntu and ubuntu faq guides were different documents more would have been done03:47
rob^its pretty easy actually03:47
mdkeupgrading-ubuntu done03:48
jsgotangco(who's idea was html in the 1st place)03:48
=== jsgotangco sulks
mdkeyou know full well03:48
mdkei liked the idea though03:48
mdkebecause I had no idea it would break translations03:48
jsgotangcoi was against it from the start03:48
rob^oh, its horrible to work with anyway03:49
jdubit was very silly :)03:49
mdketroubleshooting.xml done03:49
jsgotangcojdub: a word would have been more helpful earlier03:49
rob^you have to keep in mind so much crap so not to mess things up03:49
jdubjsgotangco: i tried, was overruled :|03:49
mdketips and tricks.xml done03:49
rob^mdke, you might as well do them all :)03:49
=== jsgotangco prefers the yelp stylesheets anyway
rob^rather then me email you my changes etc03:50
rob^there is only like 8 documents, and its just search and replace03:50
=== jsgotangco always does it yelp-compatible
rob^or remove03:50
rob^umm, you will also need to remove everything rapped in tags with os="kde" too03:51
mdkeremove the whole thing?03:51
rob^there shouldn't be too much03:51
mdkeor just the tag?03:51
rob^no, everything rapped in that tag03:51
jsgotangcoalright guys 8 minutes03:52
rob^there is a separate paragraph for gnome03:52
jdubjsgotangco: u-m?03:52
jsgotangcojdub: ahr03:52
jsgotangco4 minutes03:55
sabdflok, i've edited up the doc03:56
sabdflsvn diff gives a simple diff, will that be ok?03:56
mdkeshould be03:56
sabdflmdke: email addr?03:57
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mdkesabdfl, yeah that's fine03:58
sabdflthanks guys03:58
mdkei am crazy editing something else right now so gimme a bit03:58
sabdflping me if there's anything controversial in my changes03:59
jsgotangco#u-m time03:59
sabdfli've shortened the front page, expanded some of the others03:59
rob^anyone else for the meeting!?04:01
mdkesabdfl, ok04:01
mdkerob^, i am gonna concentrate on removing this profiling04:02
rob^thanks :)04:02
rob^let me know if you need anything04:02
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mdkerob^, does ./validate faqguide.xml check all the files?04:03
rob^all the relevent ones04:03
mdkeone error04:03
rob^you may have to remove entries from faqguide.xml for the files you rm'ed04:03
mdkethe error is in this line apparently:04:04
mdke<book lang="&language;" id="x01">04:04
mdkecan you check it for me?04:04
=== _jeff is now known as jeffsch
mdkesvn up && ./validate.sh etc04:04
mdkerob^, any luck?04:15
rob^but now I'm getting:04:16
rob^./validate.sh generic/faqguide/C/faqguide.xml04:16
rob^generic/faqguide/C/faqguide.xml:31: element book: validity error : Element book content does not follow the DTD, expecting ((title , subtitle? , titleabbrev?)? , bookinfo? , (dedication | toc | lot | glossary | bibliography | preface | chapter | reference | part | article | appendix | index | setindex | colophon)*), got (title bookinfo preface chapter chapter chapter chapter chapter chapter chapter chapter chapter chapter CDATA chapter a04:16
rob^ppendix appendix )04:16
rob^Document generic/faqguide/C/faqguide.xml does not validate04:16
mdkethat is what I get04:16
mdkeany idea what is wrong?04:16
rob^its weard how it bums out midway thru the tag04:18
mdkeweird that that wasn't there before as well04:19
jeffschi just did make faqi386 and it built fine. I haven04:20
jeffschi havent' looked at the result yet04:20
jeffschrevision 176504:20
rob^yeah, it will still build with those errors04:20
mdkeuse ./validate.sh04:21
jeffschwhy not just leave it? the kde profile doesn't break anything. there's no point pulling hair over it atm04:22
mdkewell it gives you ubuntukubuntu all over the place04:23
mdkeand SynapticKynaptic04:23
rob^jeffsch, we cant spesify which profile when using xml04:23
jeffschargh. stoopid yelp.04:23
mdkeanyway, it's all removed now, except for that validation error04:24
mdkeany ideas?04:29
rob^I'm trying to decypher the error message04:30
mdkeit is line 31 it doesn't like right?04:30
rob^that error usually means there are tags in the wrong order04:31
rob^but the way it explains it sucks04:31
jeffschit got some data outside of a tag04:33
jeffschCDATA is not allowed in the tag <book>04:34
=== jdub really has to figure out how to completely convince irssi to stop matching 'jeff' in nicks :-)
mdkejeffsch, CDATA?04:34
jeffschyes. read the output from the script04:35
jeffschgot (title bookinfo preface chapter chapter chapter chapter chapter chapter chapter chapter chapter chapter CDATA chapter04:35
jeffschCDATA is character data04:35
jeffschso there are some characters that are not enclosed within tags somewhere in the document04:36
mdkethat is gonna be hard to pin down?04:36
jeffschthe brute force way is to do it by eye. it could take 5 seconds or 5 minutes 04:37
jeffscha script genius or a sed artist could do it much faster though :)04:37
jeffschi am neither :(04:38
mdkecan we tell which chapter it is in?04:38
rob^<book lang="&language;" id="x01">04:39
rob^thats the tag04:39
jeffschit's somewhere in the faqguide.xml file... the validate script won't read in the other files04:40
jeffschmaybe do an svn diff.04:41
rob^I've seen this before now that you mention it, grr04:41
=== mdke hugs jsgotangco
jsgotangcooh don't worry about me04:44
jsgotangcoit just happened that a lot of things happened to me04:44
jsgotangconot just here but irl04:44
mdkewell don't worry about Ubuntu things04:44
jsgotangcoi just found out yesterday that 2 of my cousins are dead in N.O.04:44
mdkethey will sort themselves out04:44
mdkeshit sorry about that04:45
jsgotangcoand things haven't been good at home as well04:45
jsgotangcoso what i've been doing here was sort of an escape04:45
jsgotangco(a productive one at that)04:45
mdkerob^, i was thinking perhaps we should revert the faqguide changes and start again with removing the profiling04:46
rob^yeah, might be easier :(04:46
rob^umm hang on04:46
rob^before you do04:46
rob^let me try one last thing04:46
mdkeby the way there are some validation problems in rescue-mode.xml which weren't caused by me04:47
mdkemissing entities04:47
mdkeditto applications.xml04:47
rob^I just removed some cruft and the problem went away04:47
rob^now just a few easier problems to solve04:47
mdkemaybe the entities are defined in faqguide.xml?04:48
mdkeall the files seem to give errors validating04:48
rob^mdke, you dont vailidate them all, only faqguide.xml04:50
rob^it pulls them all in04:50
mdkejeffsch said that that only validates that file, not the others04:50
rob^it isn't a complete docbook document without faqguide.xml04:50
mdkeso did you solve the problem with faqguide.xml?04:50
jeffschif you validate faqguide.xml, then it won't catch the errors in applications.xml04:51
rob^it should04:51
rob^it pulls it in04:51
jeffschrob^: <mdke> by the way there are some validation problems in rescue-mode.xml04:52
jeffschrob^: it should. it's what you would expect, but it does not :(04:52
rob^I think the problem is that not all of the profile is removed04:52
mdkejeffsch, maybe those problems are due to the fact that it is not complete on its own04:52
mdkeit is when it refers to entites in other documents04:54
rob^yay got it04:58
rob^I can get it to vailidate if i comment out the following in faqguide.xml:04:58
rob^&fdl; -->04:58
jbaileySo if you remove the document?;)05:00
rob^ok minus fdl and rescue mode05:00
jbaileyIt would be vaguely satisfying if the FDL wouldn't validate.05:01
jeffschit's catching the CDATA after the 11th chapter tag...05:02
rob^the last chapter?05:02
rob^comment it out, and it validates np05:04
jeffschthere it is! 05:04
rob^got it05:04
rob^a stray "kub"05:04
rob^what a pita05:04
mdkesorry about that!!!05:05
rob^ok, well I have also remove more of the profile whist I was at it05:05
rob^so do you want to commit mine?05:05
mdkeis it a new account you need, or just the old password?05:06
rob^old password05:06
rob^have new gpg key though if thats needed again05:07
jeffschrob^: have you ever used esvn? 05:07
mdkesend me the new patch if you want05:07
jeffschif you have backups, the svn password is stored in the clear05:07
jsgotangcoesvn saves the password in clear text05:07
jeffschin esvnrc05:07
rob^jeffsch, I tried it, but find it easier just to use the command line05:07
jeffschso if you can find the old esvnrc, you should be able to get the password from it05:08
rob^which file does it store it in?05:08
rob^under /home?05:08
jeffschin $HOME/.qt/esvnrc05:08
jsgotangco.qt rather05:08
rob^hmm no qt05:09
rob^grr I didn't copy it to the new drive05:10
=== rob^ wonders where his backup cd is..
rob^its a long shot05:10
jsgotangcodon't you backup your home with the hidden files05:10
rob^not all of them05:11
rob^ok got the dvd, lets see05:12
rob^nup, its goneske05:13
rob^I have what I think is my old pub key05:14
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rob^nope, no good, sorry05:16
=== mdke_ [n=matt@81-178-149-216.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
rob^ah crud, the credits etc page is all screwed up in yelp05:21
jeffschyelp sucks man. it's the worst help viewer on the planet05:22
rob^yeah not wrong05:22
jeffschit's why we wanted to release html in the first place05:22
rob^but we need to release xml05:22
rob^maybe ubuntu need to sponsor someone to fix it05:22
jeffschif we release xml, yelp screws it up05:23
jsgotangcoyelp is slooowwwww05:23
jeffschif we release html, yelp screws it up05:23
jeffschwe can't win05:23
rob^what other choices do we have?05:23
jeffschwe can only do the "least worst"05:23
rob^is there a better help viewer somewhere?05:23
mdketoo late for that05:23
mdkegnome uses yelp05:23
rob^well what do the gnome docers do with it?05:24
mdkerob^, did you send the fix for the faqguide?05:24
rob^they must hate it also?05:24
jsgotangcoyelp is the gnome help viewer.05:24
rob^mdke, the credits/licence page needs fixing05:24
jbaileymdke: Do you have the bug number for the firefox start page?  I can't fnd it in bugzilla.05:24
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mptrob^/mdke: This is all looking very familiar :-)05:25
mdkejbailey, #398505:25
mdkempt, yeah05:25
jbaileyOh, is it a malone bug?05:25
jsgotangcompt: deja vu 6 months ago05:25
mdkejbailey, nope bugzilla05:25
jsgotangcobugzilla reset?05:26
mdkeit's an old bug05:26
mdkemaybe there are others too05:27
jbaileyI've assigned it to me now.05:28
jsgotangcotry looking for old unresloved bugs under enrico05:29
jsgotangcooh wait05:29
jsgotangcowe changed that already05:29
jeffschok gotta run. cya's later05:30
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jbaileyHmm, mdz had assigned it to iwj this morning for some reason.05:30
jbaileyAh well, it's assigned to me now. =)05:31
jsgotangcohey jbailey also did Ubuntu Marketplace tee hee05:33
=== jsgotangco is roaming around ubuntu land atm
mdkeit was assigned to iwj because he's the ff maintainer i think05:34
jsgotangcomaybe i should have myself listed in marketplace05:35
jsgotangcoWhyIDontUbuntu ?05:37
jsgotangcoits a good cause05:37
rob^yelp is slow at rendering now for me05:39
jsgotangcoTOLD YA05:39
rob^bloody dodgy piece of sw05:40
=== rob^ tracks down the devels and abuses them
jsgotangcowell Shaun McCance is actually a good guy05:41
jsgotangcothat badly needs help05:41
rob^is it me or does the front page of the faq look kind of bland in yelp?05:41
jsgotangcohe called for help for Gnome 2.12 user guide a few days ago05:41
rob^he should get the viewer fixed first :P05:41
jsgotangcoits actually updated05:42
rob^can we alter the css for yelp at all?05:42
jsgotangcowith some work yes05:43
jsgotangcoi did try it a few months ago05:43
rob^how hard is it?05:43
jsgotangcoeven actually updating the whole front page05:43
jsgotangcorob^: you know how scrollkeeper works?05:43
rob^no idea05:43
jsgotangcostart there ;)05:44
rob^can we somehow get the css that was created for html and stick it in yelp?05:44
jsgotangcoits not just like that05:44
rob^what a crap piece of sw05:44
jsgotangcoactually its not05:44
jsgotangcoits actually nice05:44
jsgotangcoit just needs severe tweaking on the transformation05:45
jsgotangcoits actually much better than khelpcenter imo05:45
rob^yay I love how it renders <literallayout> all messed up!05:45
jsgotangcome and sean used to call work in yelp as "dumbing down"05:46
jsgotangcobut i got interested on it on finding workarounds05:47
jsgotangcobecause of its docbook limitations05:47
rob^yeah I'm doing that now05:47
jsgotangcotry doing a footnote, its going to be a pain :)05:47
rob^not going to bother05:48
=== rob^ bangs head on monitor
jsgotangcothat's why i always code with yelp as least common denominator05:49
jsgotangcoif it doesnt look good in yelp, its no good05:49
rob^it shouldn't be that way05:49
jsgotangcoyelp is more like a book viewer if you notice05:49
rob^ok, one question then I will have the final xml files ready for translation and everything:06:04
rob^can we make the front page of the faq guide look nicer?06:05
jsgotangcohow did you fix the structure06:05
jsgotangcoi don't have my svn in this box06:05
jsgotangcogenerally the first page will show the TOC and an intro text if you included one06:06
rob^well, we moved thing like rev history, authors etc to another page06:06
rob^at the moment its an ugly toc and thats it06:06
jsgotangcoyou put that on your first page06:06
jsgotangcoyelp puts that in a separate page06:06
jsgotangcolike i said, yelp is more of a book viewer06:07
rob^        <abstract>06:08
rob^            <para>This document is a compilation of questions that are commonly06:08
rob^                asked by users who are new to Ubuntu and the06:08
rob^                answers to these questions.</para>06:08
rob^        </abstract>06:08
rob^doesn't appear on the first page06:08
rob^publisher and author should probably too06:09
rob^ah i see06:09
jsgotangcoit goes in a preface page06:09
jsgotangco"About this document"06:09
jsgotangcoyou can make workaround by imitating the way gnome docs do it06:10
jsgotangcousually at the end06:10
jsgotangcorefer to a standard gnome doc06:10
rob^hmm looks like there is nothing I can do about it06:18
rob^ok looks like I am done06:20
mdkehow are we looking?06:23
rob^Just want to change one last thing, then we are done06:24
mdkeso we can _really_ freeze strings?06:24
rob^hehe yeah06:24
mdkegood work06:24
jsgotangcowonder if sean still looks at chat logs06:30
jsgotangcojust a thought06:31
mdkewe need to look over the new about-ubuntu06:31
mdkei've seen a typo already06:31
jsgotangcocan you generate a page preview06:32
mdkeopen it with yelp?06:32
jsgotangcono i want to see it in a browser06:32
jsgotangcoim staying in another house for a while, i didnt bring my laptop with svn06:33
jsgotangcoi'd like to see sabdfl's changes06:33
jsgotangco(i've already optimized those tags for yelp even before)06:35
mdkeWarning: image file '../../images/C/UbuntuLogo.png' not found.06:37
rob^how can I get the abstract to show up somewhere?06:37
mdkewhat is that one about?06:37
jsgotangcoit actually reads nicely now06:37
jsgotangcooh crap06:37
jsgotangcoi forgot to add that to svn06:38
jsgotangcoit didnt upload then06:38
jsgotangcoyou can just get corey's ubuntu logo in quicktour and rename it06:38
jsgotangcoits the same logo anyways06:38
jsgotangcoi like the way he re-structed the pgae06:39
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rob^ok, the front page is kind of boring (blame yelp), but its done. 06:39
rob^quote milhouse "It took seven 06:40
rob^hours, but we did it. It's done! "06:40
rob^(actually it took longer then that the last two nights)06:40
jsgotangcoadd a logo or something to make the frontpage look a bit brighter06:41
rob^yes.. but we've got to shoot it from different angles, again and again and again!06:41
=== rob^ is tired and delusional
mdkewhere can I get that logo that about-ubuntu needs?06:42
mdkei've fixed the typos i can see06:42
jsgotangcomdke: look at the quicktour folder, there's a png, copy it and rename06:43
jsgotangcoits the same logo06:43
jsgotangcothanks i should kick myself for not bringing my unit06:43
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mdkei don't think it has committed06:44
mdkei did svn add on it but i don't think it uploaded06:45
mdkei got:06:45
mdkeA  (bin)  ../../images/C/UbuntuLogo.png06:45
mdkeoh i get it06:45
jsgotangcoalthough its strange06:46
rob^ok, I just sent the diffs to the mailing list06:46
jsgotangcothe html output doesn't get the image either06:46
jsgotangcosomething must be wrong06:46
mdkeit should get it now06:46
rob^ah shit06:47
rob^its not vailidating again06:47
mdkethose diffs will not be on my latest revision anyhow :(06:47
mdke1768 is latest06:48
mdkestill, i should be able to apply the patches anyway, it's crazy that I can't06:49
=== rob^ yells out naughty four letter words
mdkewe need drugs06:50
mdkerob^, just do one big patch06:51
rob^wont svn up remove all my changes?06:51
rob^(I have a script that does individual ones)06:51
mdkei don't think it should but I'm not 100%06:52
mdkejsgotangco, about-ubuntu now looks like this in yelp: http://www.mdke.org/About.png06:53
mdkedon't click06:53
jsgotangcois Welcome to Ubuntu a subtitle?06:54
mdke    <title>06:55
mdke        <inlinemediaobject>06:55
mdke            <imageobject>06:55
mdke                <imagedata fileref="../../images/&language;/UbuntuLogo.png" for$06:55
mdke            </imageobject>06:55
mdke        </inlinemediaobject>06:55
mdke    Welcome to Ubuntu06:55
mdke    </title>06:55
jsgotangcothat's the problem06:55
jsgotangcoremove Welcome to ubuntu06:55
jsgotangcounder <title>, make a <subtitle> pair06:56
mdkeput it in a separate para?06:56
jsgotangcoYelp renders <subtitle> differently06:56
mdkeok that works better06:56
mdkei have done so many commits today06:57
rob^mine now validates06:57
jsgotangcoi've already mastered the art of dumbed down docbook in yelp06:57
rob^now are we gonna fix this revision problem?06:57
mdkerob^, i can confirm that svn up doesn't lose your changes06:57
mdkelemme do one last commit06:57
rob^i'm gonna back up just in case06:57
jsgotangcomdke: <subtitle> usually renders in italics06:57
mdkegreat thanks jsgotangco 06:58
mdkedid we decide what docs I am making pots for, apart from au and faq06:59
jsgotangcothat's the only one06:59
jsgotangcokubuntu is sooo spotty06:59
jsgotangcobut i manage to get some time from Riddell06:59
jsgotangcodid anyone hear from jjesse?07:00
jsgotangcosure look at it07:00
jsgotangcoyou might end up editing it07:00
=== jsgotangco blames himself for not taking care of kde
rob^ok, try that patch07:01
=== mdke waits for it to arrive
rob^w00t! I just got my svn password!07:03
rob^shall I just commit?07:03
mdkei haven't got the email yet07:03
rob^ok done07:05
rob^that seemed to work07:05
jsgotangcorob^: 3am?07:05
mdkenice one rob^ 07:05
rob^jsgotangco, yes, it is here07:06
jsgotangcoi felt like i lost energy07:06
jsgotangcoahh dont mind me07:06
mdkehope that you get things sorted out mate07:06
rob^I think I'm going to be late to the installfest tomorrow07:06
jsgotangcowonder how pissed corey will be07:07
rob^catching up on sleep07:07
mdkenight rob^ 07:07
rob^pretty, I'd say07:07
jsgotangcoi'll probably roam around the woods after sfd07:08
rob^we have an all day installfest at the uni07:08
rob^crazy if you ask me, should have just made it 10-2 or something07:08
jsgotangcoim supposed to speak to a group of students07:08
mdkehere there is nothing happening07:08
jsgotangcobut hmmm07:08
jsgotangcoi suddenly feel like backing out07:09
rob^yeah, I got to speak with uni students07:09
rob^ah crap07:09
rob^I forgot to video the ubuntu install07:09
rob^dam it07:09
rob^anyone know when I could get a video of it?07:09
rob^ah fudge it07:11
rob^who cares07:11
rob^night mdke, jsgotangco 07:11
jsgotangconight mate07:11
mdkesleep well!07:11
jsgotangcorob^: good job07:11
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jsgotangcothe faqguide is a good foundation doc that can be easily updated07:12
mdkeok i've emailed the list07:14
mdkeif I got anything wrong, feel free to reply07:14
jsgotangcono email yet07:16
mdkegot the address wrong07:16
mdkehang on07:16
mdke-> gone07:19
jsgotangcowow in just a few hours, a ton of my work went up into smoke07:20
jsgotangcooh well07:22
jbaileyWoot, got me svn write access.07:38
jbaileyFor now, any objection to me doing a new branch for what's going into breezy?07:40
jsgotangcoelmo got rob^'s account working again too07:40
jsgotangcofeel free07:40
jbaileyThen truck can be the re-arrange ground for everything else.07:40
jbaileyWhat's branches/froud ?07:41
jsgotangcothat's sean's branch before07:41
jsgotangcohe doesn't come in anymore07:41
jsgotangcohe used to be the docbook/svn guru07:42
jbaileysvn cp https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/trunk /repos/branches/breezy07:42
jbaileyAnd then I'll mv things around until they're like we want them to be in the package?07:43
jsgotangcoif it makes things easier, feel free07:44
jbaileyWell, I just don't want to run over anything that hasn't been committed yet and such.07:44
jsgotangcothere's not much to commit07:44
jbaileyAnd I think that rearranging the trunk stuff will probably be invasive enough that it's best to just make it clear what's going into breezy, versus what's there going forward.07:44
jbaileyBut if you'd like me to do this a different way, I've no objections. =)07:45
jsgotangcoi actually have no good idea at this point on how to do it07:45
jsgotangcoahh fudge i didnt notice it was already 2am08:09
jsgotangcogood night anways08:11
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mdkejbailey, can you email to the list to explain you've done that?08:24
jbaileymdke: Sure.08:24
mdkeubuntu-doc no "s"08:24
jbaileyI should subscribe to that, too.08:25
mdkejbailey, will you be working in that branch now?08:25
jbaileyI hate email lists. =)08:25
mdkefilter it into a folder and look at it when you need it :D08:25
jbaileyYes, but the question is do you want to work in that branch directly for any translation updates, or should I pull them from the trunk.08:26
mdkeyeah that was what I was gonna say08:26
mdkethe translations you find in trunk now are for hoary08:26
jbaileyI tend to think that the right way to do it is to branch when you freeze the docs.08:26
mdkeso any new translations or updates to the (frozen) documentation should be to branch I guess 08:26
jbaileyThen translations all go onto the branch and the trunk can then get invasive changes without worries.08:27
mdkeyeah i agree08:27
jbaileyI'll post the suggestion to the list, and see how hard I get flamed. =)08:27
mdkeyou've done this before ;)08:27
jbaileyOh, a few times. ;)08:27
mdkeok let me get these pot files into rosetta08:28
jbaileydocbook can be reduced to pot files?08:29
mdkeyeah we're using gnome-doc-utils08:30
mdkeor rather, i decided that yesterday08:30
mdkebefore we used a kde util08:31
jbaileySo how do we get the stuff out of rosetta?08:31
mdkejbailey, manually08:31
mdkewe download the finished po files08:31
jbaileyToo bad, it would be nice to have some way for those to continue to get updated with the rest of the langpacks.08:32
mdkeno chance most translations will be finished for breezy IMO08:32
mdkeso updates are the way forward08:32
mdkeagain, manually08:32
mdkeunless you can figure out a way with pitti to do it automatically08:32
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mdkejbailey, here?10:23
jbaileymdke: yup10:23
mdkejbailey, someone spotted a typo in the about-ubuntu, where is it found in branch so I can fix it?10:23
mdkeif that is possible...10:24
mdkejbailey, it doesn't seem to be there10:25
jbaileyAll I've done the the cp from the truck so far.  Had it been committed by that point?10:26
mdketbh i can't see any of the docs in there10:27
mdkefind doesn't show any about-ubuntu.xml10:27
mdkecan't see the faqguide either10:27
mdkeso I'll fix it in trunk10:28
mdkejbailey, is that ok?10:29
=== jbailey checks to make sure that's in the branch
mdkei can't see it10:30
mdkei haven't checked the whole thing out yet10:30
mdkeit didn't download all of it >_<10:30
jbaileyAh, that would do it. =)10:30
mdkejbailey, ok so is it acceptable to fix the typo in both?10:30
jbaileyI just used svn swtich to move over.10:30
jbaileyYou're welcome to just do it in the branch, I think, and then we can resync once more from the branch to the trunk when whatever rearrangements have been made.10:31
jbaileyThat way you're not chasing things all over the place.10:31
mdkei'll just wait for it to download...10:32
=== mdke twiddles thumbs
mdkethanks jbailey 10:32
jbaileyGlad to help.10:32
mdkejbailey, what did you think about the translation updates btw?10:32
mdkeas per our chat above10:32
jbaileyI think that there needs to be a better way.10:33
mdkeif you can think of a way to make it happen, that would be really cool10:33
jbaileyI'm all about people learning what they want, but I hate to see repetitive synchronisation tasks taken on if there's a way to automate them.10:34
mdkei agree10:34
mdkedunno how to do it though10:35
jbaileyThe trick is probably to teach it about XML, honestly.10:37
jbaileyOr to have some magic capture thing that generates the xml from the pofile based on a structure and register that with the langpack generator.10:38
jbaileyAll sorts of joyous things that are unlikely to be possible for breezy, but I'll talk to Martin this weekend or Monday to find out.10:38
mdkecool thanks10:39
mdkeok fixed that typo10:42
mdkeajmitch, around?10:56
jbaileyMight be a touch early for him on a Sat morning.10:58
mdkewhat time zone is he?10:59
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