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DaMi3n | funkyHat, : the pathed libtag doesnt help | 12:00 |
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CookedGryphon | DaMi3n, have u looked for the right codecs? i use beep-media-player, its much better | 12:00 |
DaMi3n | CookedGryphon, : yes i d/led all the codecs | 12:00 |
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funkyHat | DaMi3n, amaroK will still use the old libtag1 unless you specify a compile time option (which i can't remember) | 12:01 |
DaMi3n | oh | 12:01 |
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funkyHat | it's something like path=/usr/lib | 12:01 |
funkyHat | i'll look in the relevant logs and find it for you | 12:02 |
DaMi3n | um ok i'll try | 12:02 |
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othernoob | funkyHat: but does it really matter if he can play wmas which are on his linux partitions? | 12:02 |
DaMi3n | that'll be a lot of help ... ty | 12:02 |
funkyHat | yeah you're most likely right othernoob. but i guess it's worth a try? maybe | 12:02 |
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mugwump | hi all, sorry to just bust in with a question, but ... | 12:02 |
mugwump | for some reason, mozilla-firefox in ubuntu won't let me open a url by pasting it into the window. | 12:03 |
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SPERMITE | sorry | 12:03 |
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othernoob | funkyHat: what i'd rather take a look at is the way he mounted the ntfs..maybe his normal user account has no rights | 12:03 |
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DaMi3n | try running firefo in safe mode | 12:03 |
mugwump | that is just so strange, I don't even know where to start looking to configure it | 12:03 |
mugwump | safe mode ... ? | 12:03 |
DaMi3n | mugwump, : try running firefo in safe mode | 12:03 |
DaMi3n | yea | 12:03 |
funkyHat | mugwump, try running the command firefox in a terminal window, and see what errors you get when you try to paste in a url | 12:04 |
DaMi3n | othernoob, : well i ahve only one user apart from su/root | 12:04 |
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DaMi3n | plus the umode is 0222 which i think is enough | 12:04 |
mugwump | ok. I'm not sure what you mean by safe mode. firefox just starts another firefox instance | 12:04 |
[Spooky] | getting tired of this... | 12:04 |
DaMi3n | ok do what funkyHat says | 12:05 |
[Spooky] | i have installed the sshd and have it started, yet none can connect why ? | 12:05 |
mugwump | I can't see an option for safe mode on `mozilla-firefox --help' | 12:05 |
othernoob | DaMi3n: indeed..mmh | 12:05 |
funkyHat | DaMi3n, it's ./configure --prefix=/usr | 12:05 |
test34 | can you choose how will ubuntu bootup during installation ? I don't want to overwrite the mbr | 12:05 |
Fraeon | Drat. I guess nobody knows the solution to my problem on the boards. | 12:05 |
DaMi3n | funkyHat, : k | 12:05 |
Ex-Cyber | mugwump: it's disabled by default in ubuntu, go to about:config and turn on middlemouse.contentLoadURL | 12:05 |
Fraeon | I guess I can just bang my head on the wall. | 12:05 |
funkyHat | DaMi3n, but as othernoob says that probably won't make a difference | 12:05 |
funkyHat | DaMi3n, i just think it's worth a try ;) | 12:05 |
DaMi3n | same | 12:06 |
CookedGryphon | how do i configure my kernel to enable ALSA and ICH based modem support? | 12:06 |
mugwump | Ex-Cyber++ # thanks, that did it | 12:06 |
reiki | trying to follow ubotu's directions... :) How do I Create a new profile in gnome-audio-profiles-properties.? | 12:06 |
erUSUL | CookedGryphon, you need the sources | 12:06 |
Ex-Cyber | mugwump: I think they just disabled it because it's too easy to paste gibberish by accident and up pops an annoying error box | 12:06 |
Ex-Cyber | err | 12:06 |
test34 | can you install ubuntu with the live CD ? | 12:06 |
Ex-Cyber | actually it seems to auto-search now | 12:06 |
DaMi3n | funkyHat, : do i need to recompile amarok too ?? | 12:07 |
erUSUL | CookedGryphon, and buil-essentials | 12:07 |
Ex-Cyber | maybe that's just another pref hiding somewhere | 12:07 |
funkyHat | DaMi3n, no | 12:07 |
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[Spooky] | i have installed the sshd and have it started, yet none can connect why ? i have no firewall and i have forwaded the 22 port to my intern ip.... | 12:07 |
mugwump | firefox really need to sort out their preferences page ... far too much that can only be configured in about:config | 12:07 |
[Spooky] | anyone any idea ? | 12:07 |
SpinX | [Spooky] : just *maybe*, your isp blocks port 22 ? | 12:08 |
test34 | [Spooky] , type: lsof -i and tell me if sshd uses ipv6 | 12:08 |
Ex-Cyber | mugwump: they purposely leave most stuff off of the prefs dialogue | 12:08 |
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Ex-Cyber | it's part of their UI philosophy | 12:08 |
mugwump | what, fuck off the users? :) | 12:09 |
SpinX | my CDs were mailed on the 24th of last month. how long does the shipping process usually take? | 12:09 |
test34 | I have this problem at another computer..... it automatically starts for ipv6 while I don't even use ipv6 | 12:09 |
mugwump | or just the old timers who are used to how it used to work... | 12:09 |
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Ex-Cyber | mugwump: nah, I think the idea is that prefs should be reserved for a handful of important settings that people are likely to want to change, and about:config is for power-users, heh | 12:09 |
sn0n | SpinX, i got mine about 3 weeks later | 12:09 |
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SpinX | sn0n, ah. thanks. | 12:09 |
Ex-Cyber | that way you don't have the prefs dialogue sprouting 50 tabs and 100 sub-dialogues | 12:10 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:mdz] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | FAQs & User Documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | Do NOT paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | Channel logs: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ | General chatter: #ubuntu-offtopic | found a bug? report it: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ | Breezy preview is out: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2005-September/000031.html | ||
DaMi3n | funkyHat, : well it doesnt work | 12:10 |
DaMi3n | *sigh* | 12:10 |
Ex-Cyber | put another way, the more settings you add to prefs, the more it just turns into about:config :P | 12:10 |
flankk | I am trying to get sound working on an old ISA integrated chipset. I have isapnptools and the output of 'pnpdump' is http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2023 but I don't know where to go from here. | 12:11 |
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toran | how can I download things from usenet? without paying $$$? | 12:11 |
funkyHat | DaMi3n, maybe it's the way you have the ntfs partition mounted, as othernoob said. that sounds more likely | 12:12 |
DaMi3n | /dev/hdc5 /mnt/win ntfs ro,umask=0222,auto 0 0 | 12:12 |
test34 | DaMi3n maybe the program need read/write access ? | 12:12 |
DaMi3n | this is what i have put in fstab | 12:12 |
test34 | it is read only right now\ | 12:12 |
DaMi3n | test34, : thtat mayb the case | 12:13 |
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DaMi3n | but it can play mp3s | 12:13 |
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funkyHat | DaMi3n, i have a shared vfat partition for my music anyway, not ntfs | 12:13 |
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test34 | DaMi3n, try to mount it R/W | 12:13 |
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spider | hello | 12:13 |
test34 | damien , if you have support from the kernel | 12:13 |
funkyHat | DaMi3n, maybe you should try enabling excecute... *just a thought* | 12:13 |
funkyHat | test34, it's ntfs.... | 12:13 |
DaMi3n | funkyHat, test34, : wont that have a risk of corrupting the data on ntfs | 12:14 |
funkyHat | enabling x won't, w might though | 12:14 |
sean_ | hey funky hat, could i have priva chat with you, i gotta ask you a few questions cause i am new to thsi ubuntu thing, and you seem to know what your doing | 12:14 |
test34 | DaMi3n, create a symlink on the linux partition to the ntfs file ? | 12:14 |
DaMi3n | um ok | 12:14 |
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funkyHat | test34, that's a good idea | 12:15 |
[Spooky] | test34: dont see sshd there | 12:15 |
test34 | worth a try.. if you really don't want to copy the file on linux partition | 12:15 |
test34 | spooky, are you sure it's running ? ps aux | grep sshd | 12:16 |
funkyHat | DaMi3n, try what test34 just said, if that doesn't work, and you have the free space, you could create a new fat32 partition for your media, that's how i have mine set up and it works fine | 12:16 |
flankk | I am trying to get sound working on an old ISA integrated chipset. I have isapnptools and the output of 'pnpdump' is http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2023 but I don't know where to go from here. | 12:16 |
DaMi3n | thats the last resolve :) | 12:16 |
funkyHat | and means windows and linux can both safely write to your media files | 12:16 |
funkyHat | sean_, sure | 12:17 |
[Spooky] | test34: yepp | 12:17 |
DaMi3n | funkyHat, : i dont want windows but the thing is i dont have enough place for temp storage of data | 12:18 |
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test34 | DaMi3n burn them | 12:18 |
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DaMi3n | again .. as i said those are last resolves | 12:18 |
test34 | oops read only | 12:18 |
sean_ | hey funkyhat, please accept my invite | 12:19 |
DaMi3n | errr how do i symlink?? | 12:19 |
Fraeon | I'm doing a mistake by downloading the preview of Breezy(after the Colony 4 woes) but I'm doing it anyway | 12:19 |
test34 | ln -s file.avi symlink.avi | 12:19 |
funkyHat | sean_, doesn't seem to be working... just /msg me? | 12:19 |
sean_ | ya sure | 12:19 |
sean_ | <sean_> aiight thanks man | 12:19 |
sean_ | <sean_> well my first question is i downloaded this win32codects thing, but not trhough apt-get install, i dl it off this site, but it was compressed, cuase of a lot of files where in it, and my understanding on how to install those is to run the configureation file after you extracted it | 12:19 |
sean_ | <sean_> yet this didnt have one | 12:19 |
sean_ | <sean_> i downloaded it from here, http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/movix/win32codecs.tar.bz2?use_mirror=internap | 12:19 |
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test34 | anywhere I can see the differences between slackware and ubuntu ? | 12:21 |
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NoUse | test34 distrowatch.com but I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for | 12:22 |
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test34 | NoUse, like in slackware /etc/rc.d -> ubuntu /etc/init.d, apt-get, etc.. | 12:23 |
DaMi3n | ok symlinkin doesnt work too | 12:23 |
nlogax | !openoffice2 | 12:23 |
ubotu | nlogax: Are you on ritalin? | 12:23 |
NoUse | test34 yeah I don't know that anyone has compiled that kind of information | 12:23 |
nlogax | !ooo2 | 12:23 |
ubotu | No idea, nlogax | 12:23 |
DaMi3n | is it then possible to convert ntfs to ext3 w/o the format | 12:23 |
reiki | I have Sound Juicer ripping a CD to mp3... woo-hoo!... now where is it putting the files? :) | 12:24 |
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DaMi3n | test34, : is it then possible to convert ntfs to ext3 w/o the format | 12:24 |
nlogax | Anyone got a clue as to how to install latest OOo2 beta? Apparently there are .debs around | 12:24 |
DaMi3n | cos symlinking doesnt wok | 12:24 |
DaMi3n | work* | 12:24 |
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jay | DaMi3n: nope, you can't | 12:24 |
Gnonthgol | DaMi3n: why not convert it to fat32? | 12:25 |
DaMi3n | ntfs to fat?? how | 12:25 |
jay | i think just fat -> ntfs is possible iirc | 12:25 |
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_SWAT_ | DaMi3n, partion magic (windows) | 12:25 |
mdz | nlogax: it's in breezy | 12:25 |
Gnonthgol | DaMi3n: using PM or windows | 12:25 |
DaMi3n | dont have windows only a ntfs data partition :) | 12:26 |
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_SWAT_ | DaMi3n, why??? | 12:26 |
DaMi3n | cos i deleted windows | 12:26 |
DaMi3n | i like linux betr | 12:26 |
_SWAT_ | good :) | 12:26 |
nlogax | mdz Thanks but I can't get Breezy to even install! :-/ | 12:26 |
test34 | DaMi3n, convert from ntfs to fat32 -> http://aumha.org/win5/a/ntfscvt.php | 12:26 |
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mdz | nlogax: see /topic | 12:27 |
nlogax | Also this PC is for someone else who I don't want to foist Breezy on until it releases (I'm their Tech Support, you see) | 12:27 |
WiseElben | Hi, it seems like the md5sums never match for my downloads | 12:27 |
test34 | oh, you deleted windows.. | 12:27 |
DaMi3n | yea | 12:27 |
DaMi3n | :) | 12:27 |
oleavr | hi. anyone found a way around the infamous "(EE) fglrx(0): R200DRIScreenInit failed (DRI version = 5.0.0, expected 4.1.x). Disabling DRI." with breezy's latest xorg (release 60) and ati fglrx drivers 8.16.20? :) | 12:27 |
reiki | DaMi3n, I put stuff on CD and pulled my XP drive out. I have only linux now. No ntfs, no windows junk cluttering things up | 12:27 |
mdz | nlogax: if it's a production environment, why install a beta release of openoffice? might as well wait a month and install ubuntu 5.10 | 12:27 |
jay | test34: that's for fat to ntfs ... | 12:27 |
test34 | well ntfs partition is useless then.. you have to backup and the format it I guess | 12:27 |
jay | test34: it's a one way process | 12:28 |
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test34 | jay, oh, yeah you're right | 12:29 |
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Madeye | hey! is it safe to use preview release? | 12:30 |
chrisbudden14 | I think my logon screens resolution is wrong | 12:30 |
reiki | can anyone tell me where Sound Juicer is putting files by default when I ripp a CD to mp3? | 12:30 |
chrisbudden14 | how can i change it | 12:30 |
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erUSUL | reiki, in a folder mp3 in $HOME | 12:31 |
Gnonthgol | anyone know how to use slogin instead of login? | 12:31 |
reiki | erUSUL: ok... wow... there it is. I wasn't sure about opening more apps while ripping CDs | 12:32 |
reiki | erUSUL, thanks | 12:32 |
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test34 | there is security advisories almost everyday for ubuntu | 12:32 |
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reiki | test34: there's security advisories almost every day for LOTS of stuff. | 12:32 |
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reiki | I feel a whole lot safer in Ubuntu than I have for a very long time in windows | 12:33 |
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_SWAT_ | reiki, really? | 12:33 |
test34 | reiki, I feel pretty safe in my windows xp | 12:33 |
_SWAT_ | I mean the firewall (firestarter GUI) is VERY basic | 12:33 |
erUSUL | reiki, yaw | 12:33 |
reiki | test34: XP has more holes in it than my kitchen collandar | 12:34 |
NoUse | test34 if Windows source code was public, there would be advisories every 15-20 minutes | 12:34 |
_SWAT_ | I also feel safe in my windows xp, with zone alarm, anti-virus, anti-spyware, tweaked services (against standard hacks) and MS firewall turned off. | 12:34 |
_SWAT_ | :P | 12:34 |
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chavo | I have XP with only MS firewall, no spyware and no viruses | 12:35 |
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Gnonthgol | anyone reale tested the Ubuntu standard install in the real world? | 12:35 |
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test34 | chavo, same here | 12:35 |
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chavo | waht are you people doing to get this crap | 12:35 |
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_SWAT_ | chavo, then you're really lucky or you didn't notice the virii/spyware yet ;-) | 12:35 |
NoUse | Gnonthgol define "tested" and "real" | 12:35 |
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Gnonthgol | chavo: http://serials.ws/ now you have. LOL | 12:35 |
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reiki | _SWAT_: oh I ain't saying you can't make it feel safe... just that it really isn't... no matter how safe you feel. I've been involved with windows and microsoft since way back when win95 was still "Chicago with Win32C!" ... I'm old | 12:36 |
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_SWAT_ | :-| | 12:36 |
_SWAT_ | reiki, do you have any security experience? | 12:36 |
reiki | _SWAT_: some... :) | 12:36 |
_SWAT_ | I think of opening a thread (after searching the ubuntuforums) about real security | 12:36 |
_SWAT_ | I'm kinda paranoid :) | 12:36 |
_SWAT_ | and somehow I like it | 12:36 |
Gnonthgol | NoUse: anyone just put an Ubuntu install on the internet without firewall or anything and see wats hapening? | 12:37 |
NoUse | Gnonthgol ubuntu doesn't open any ports by default | 12:37 |
test34 | reiki I started to use mMS products way before 95.. | 12:37 |
robotgeek | Gnonthgol: i use ubuntu without a firewall | 12:37 |
_SWAT_ | Gnonthgol, ubuntu has a firewall activated by default (as far as I remember) | 12:37 |
devrethman | anybody know why the partitioner would always crash at 41% while installing | 12:37 |
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devrethman | ? | 12:37 |
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test34 | _SWAT_, no it doesnt | 12:37 |
_SWAT_ | ow, my bad then | 12:38 |
reiki | test34: oh I was USING them before 95... just wasn't contacted by microsoft and officially involved until around 94 | 12:38 |
_SWAT_ | I ran it lots of times without a firewall... NO PROBLEM! :D | 12:38 |
NoUse | _SWAT_ but there aren't any ports bound to services by default | 12:38 |
_SWAT_ | devrethman, no | 12:38 |
devrethman | blast | 12:38 |
Gnonthgol | They tested the redhat system and it was haced in 21 days | 12:38 |
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test34 | reiki, ahh ok | 12:38 |
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devrethman | it's been doing this for like 2 weeks | 12:38 |
NoUse | Gnonthgol Windows would be 21 seonds | 12:38 |
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devrethman | and nobody has any idcea what to do with it | 12:38 |
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test34 | reiki, I started with dos prolly version 3 | 12:38 |
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_SWAT_ | Windows XP has virii/spyware within 20 minutes or something (if it's connected to the internet) | 12:39 |
_SWAT_ | :) | 12:39 |
reiki | Gnonthgol, that's why we have routers and firewalls... no need to taunt folks into hacking you easily. | 12:39 |
_SWAT_ | heehheeheh :) | 12:39 |
kevogod | _SWAT_, Right.... | 12:39 |
erUSUL | devrethman, faulty hardware? | 12:39 |
BSG75 | how do I add other window manager to gdm pls? | 12:39 |
test34 | _SWAT_, Ive seen a video with a dialup access, it took 8 seconds for them | 12:39 |
_SWAT_ | test34, ROFL! | 12:39 |
Deathy | _SWAT_, 12 minutes was the official test :) | 12:39 |
reiki | test34: I think I actually have 5.25 floppies in my basement storage for DOS versions before 3.1 | 12:39 |
_SWAT_ | Deathy, thnx for the exact info :) | 12:40 |
Deathy | although I seen some in 5 minutes if you're in a lan/man with other infected comps | 12:40 |
_SWAT_ | I was at a LAN party once..... One guy had > 500.000 infected files.... We all spontaniously pulled our UTP out of the switch and started scanning our comps | 12:41 |
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_SWAT_ | btw, it was Windows XP | 12:41 |
test34 | reiki, did you started to use the internet with windows 3.1 ? | 12:41 |
GNU-GPL | . | 12:41 |
kevogod | Good thing Windows XP SP2 eliminates all threat of virii and trojans. | 12:41 |
=== Bubblefly [n=Nanami@brndmb02dc1-202-43.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gnonthgol | I have tested windows and I can get a virus in like 2 sec with any anti-virus installed and with Microsoft securety expert looking unaware. | 12:41 |
devrethman | erUSL doubtful | 12:41 |
Bubblefly | Hello, my lovies. | 12:41 |
devrethman | it worked fine before i put the ubuntu CD in | 12:41 |
funkyHat | is there a gtk2 version of gpgp | 12:41 |
funkyHat | ? | 12:41 |
_SWAT_ | kevogod, sorry to tell you this, but dream on | 12:41 |
Gnonthgol | kevogod: sp2 does not remove nothing | 12:42 |
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cevizoglu | Gnonthgol: well, **I** can get a virus in 122 milliseconds | 12:42 |
funkyHat | guys, i think he was joking ;) | 12:42 |
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_SWAT_ | funkyHat, you just need a front-end | 12:42 |
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_SWAT_ | :) | 12:42 |
test34 | reiki, I only used BBS with dos.. hehe | 12:42 |
kevogod | You people are funny. | 12:42 |
holy_cow | lol | 12:42 |
reiki | test34: honestly don't remember exactly. I was using archie and veronica and ... heck I was writing web pages before there were pictures on the web... just text | 12:42 |
BSG75 | anyone know how I can add xfce to the gdm session list? | 12:42 |
Deathy | antivirus can't do much if it's a windows service that gets infected running with admin priviledges | 12:42 |
funkyHat | _SWAT_, gpgp is a front end ;) | 12:42 |
Deathy | since it's really a 'feature' of windows that lets it get infected | 12:42 |
_SWAT_ | funkyHat, then use another ;-) | 12:42 |
funkyHat | _SWAT_, but it's gtk not gtk2 :( | 12:42 |
Gnonthgol | cevizoglu: probably | 12:42 |
Bubblefly | If I were to dist-upgrade in the near future, would I get the equivalent of the preview release? ^^ | 12:43 |
=== _SWAT_ is going to bed. Nighty night all! | ||
CookedGryphon | ARGH! my winmodem is really annoying me now | 12:43 |
spider | hey guys, newb question here... what's wrong with this command : /mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sata1 ntfs auto ? | 12:43 |
GNU-GPL | Bubblefly, yes | 12:43 |
reiki | test34: I've forgotten a lot of stuff... I was in a bad car accident in 2001 and was killed. There are somethings I just don't remember. Like holes in my memories | 12:43 |
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Bubblefly | Ginchy. Thank you. | 12:43 |
Deathy | I did a dist upgrade to breezy ..not many bugs or anything like that :) | 12:44 |
holy_cow | reiki, thats deep | 12:44 |
GNU-GPL | indeed.. works allmost stable | 12:44 |
test34 | reiki yeah there is alot of holes in my memory too;) | 12:44 |
erUSUL | spider, it looks like a fstab line | 12:44 |
BSG75 | yeah 2.1.2 now has a menu editor :) | 12:44 |
spider | hmm | 12:44 |
GNU-GPL | finally | 12:44 |
spider | actually, the proper command that is wrong is /mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sata1 ntfs auto | 12:45 |
reiki | test34: ok well some of the holes can be attributed to me turning 53 in about 2 weeks... but that's my story and I'm sticking to it :) | 12:45 |
spider | actually, the proper command that is wrong is mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sata1 ntfs auto | 12:45 |
Bubblefly | Which I can do by just... replacing all the 'hoary' references with 'breezy' in my sources.lst? :3 | 12:45 |
BSG75 | anyone know how I can add XFCE to my gdm session list? | 12:45 |
spider | I'm basicly trying to mount an SATA drive that is NTFS | 12:45 |
CookedGryphon | does anyone know how i can configure my modem with ICE and ALSA modem support? | 12:45 |
cevizoglu | Deathy: you did? wow, I tried that last time there was a release and hosed my distro | 12:45 |
spider | I found the syntax for mount on a website | 12:46 |
spider | and all it does is giving me the help prompt | 12:46 |
NoUse | spider you need to preface fs types with -t I believe | 12:46 |
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erUSUL | spider, mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sata1 | 12:46 |
test34 | reiki, I'm 25, maybe I was too young to remember hehe | 12:46 |
spider | ok, I'll try that, thanks | 12:46 |
Deathy | cevizoglu, just modified the sources from warty to breezy and did the upgrade, had no problems, only some minor reconfiguring programs | 12:46 |
cevizoglu | spider: here is an example. but not completely what you want: mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sata1 | 12:46 |
reiki | :) | 12:46 |
cevizoglu | oops, too slow | 12:47 |
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=== ilba7r [n=ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
spider | ok, I'll try to find out with that | 12:47 |
ilba7r | !esd | 12:47 |
ubotu | rumour has it, esd is Enlightened Sound Daemon. By using a sound server to access your sound device, multiple applications can connect to the server at once and all make noise simultaneously. | 12:47 |
SuperTails92 | BSG75: IIRC, the universe packages do that automatically in Hoary. | 12:48 |
ilba7r | !esd howto | 12:48 |
ubotu | ilba7r: What? | 12:48 |
DaMi3n | funkyHat, : plus u know how to get audio workin on 915 chipsets | 12:48 |
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cevizoglu | !rtfm | 12:48 |
ubotu | rtfm is, like, Read The "Fine" Manual | 12:48 |
BSG75 | esd is the reason I am looking into other WMs .. I can live the quarks of gnome .. but arts and esd drives me craaazy | 12:48 |
SuperTails92 | !arts | 12:49 |
ubotu | parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, SuperTails92 | 12:49 |
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GNU-GPL | !ubotu | 12:49 |
ubotu | Thaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my brain on http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 12:49 |
GNU-GPL | :P | 12:49 |
GNU-GPL | !gpl | 12:49 |
ubotu | GNU-GPL: I give up, what is it? | 12:49 |
GNU-GPL | !gnu | 12:49 |
kevogod | !bsd | 12:49 |
ubotu | GNU-GPL: Are you smoking crack? | 12:49 |
ubotu | kevogod: Are you smoking crack? | 12:49 |
_lui_ | hello | 12:49 |
MikeStyle | Hi, i just installed the Apache and Apache 2 Web servers on my computer but cannot find them in any of my menus, little help plz? | 12:49 |
cevizoglu | lol | 12:49 |
DaMi3n | anyone knows how to get audio workin on 915 chipsets | 12:49 |
funkyHat | DaMi3n, maybe i i knew what a 915 chipset was ;) | 12:49 |
GNU-GPL | hmm.. not much inside the bot | 12:49 |
Gnonthgol | !your name | 12:49 |
GNU-GPL | :S | 12:49 |
ubotu | Gnonthgol: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about | 12:49 |
BSG75 | SuperTails92: universe package? .. pls elaborate | 12:49 |
Gnonthgol | 12:50 | |
ubotu | rumour has it, google is at http://www.google.com/linux | 12:50 |
funkyHat | DaMi3n, did you get the other issue sorted? | 12:50 |
SuperTails92 | bsg75: Did you install XFCE from apt? | 12:50 |
=== TomB|Away [n=ownthebo@ACC8F416.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DaMi3n | funkyHat, : yea format the hdd adn the copy the data baq | 12:50 |
BSG75 | SuperTails92: yes | 12:50 |
DaMi3n | thats what i conclude :) | 12:50 |
funkyHat | :) nice one | 12:50 |
Quinthius | MikeStyle: apache doesn't put anything in the menus | 12:50 |
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CookedGryphon | sob. | 12:51 |
DaMi3n | funkyHat, : btw i meant the intel 915 chipset based mother boards | 12:51 |
ilba7r | anyone familiar with esd troubles | 12:51 |
GNU-GPL | !linux | 12:51 |
ubotu | hmm... linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Ubuntu is only one version of the GNU/Linux operating system. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux | 12:51 |
cevizoglu | breezy doesn't support my wireless card, so I'm in no hurry to upgrade | 12:51 |
MikeStyle | Then how do i work it | 12:51 |
CookedGryphon | esd doesn't seem to play multiple sounds for me either | 12:51 |
Lunar_Lamp | ok - i want to set up sound now, on an *old* laptop. when i go to volume control: "no volume control elements and/or devices found". when i type 'alsamixer' into a terminal: 'alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: no such file or directory". how do i go about fixing it. my sound card specs are as this link shows: http://support.jp.dell.com/docs/systems/pmojav/specs.htm#Audio | 12:51 |
SuperTails92 | !botabuse | 12:51 |
ubotu | You can play with me on #debian-bots without being banned. | 12:51 |
funkyHat | DaMi3n, ah right :) | 12:51 |
=== Gobbla [n=jocke@h148n1fls32o887.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Quinthius | MikeStyle: edit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, restart with "sudo apache2ctl restart" (can also pass "stop" and "start") | 12:51 |
ilba7r | for me it just capture the sound device exclusivley so after a while i just loose anysound | 12:51 |
spider | ok, got mount to work... the "auto" and "ro" option weren't liked :) | 12:51 |
MikeStyle | ...i cant set specific parameters? | 12:51 |
=== arturo_ [n=arturo@81-203-40-187.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Quinthius | MikeStyle: like? | 12:52 |
MikeStyle | like i only want to make a small 15 gig server off my hdd | 12:52 |
erUSUL | spider, man mount | 12:52 |
DaMi3n | anyone knows how to get audio workin on an intel 915 chipset based motherboard?? | 12:52 |
Quinthius | MikeStyle: what's that have to do with apache config? | 12:52 |
_lui_ | question: anyone can tell an "amazing thing" to do with linux? I mean, a thing I could surprise any friend to say: "whoa!, I thought that only happen in movies!", you know? | 12:52 |
MikeStyle | no idea, i just wanted to make apache like that and start it | 12:52 |
GNU-GPL | DaMi3n, what the sound chip? | 12:53 |
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DaMi3n | yes | 12:53 |
GNU-GPL | DaMi3n, i ment: what's the sound chip on the board? | 12:54 |
Quinthius | MikeStyle: not sure what you mean, but you can partition off a 15 gig portion of your hard drive, mount it somewhere, then make that directory accessible to apache | 12:54 |
ilba7r | is there an alternative to esd so i can remove it? seem to me everything depend on it | 12:54 |
MikeStyle | ok | 12:54 |
MikeStyle | thanks | 12:54 |
CookedGryphon | _lui_, there's a nice feature where u can set it to take a typing break every 60 mins by locking the screen for 3 mins | 12:54 |
DaMi3n | HDA audio | 12:54 |
GNU-GPL | never heard of | 12:55 |
DaMi3n | GNU-GPL,: HDA audio i guess | 12:55 |
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DaMi3n | errr..high definition audio | 12:55 |
Quinthius | ilba7r: well, you can disable it and use direct alsa instead | 12:55 |
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_lui_ | CookedGryphon, how's that? | 12:55 |
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DaMi3n | anyone knows how to get audio workin on an intel 915 chipset based motherboard?? | 12:55 |
ilba7r | quinthius how can i do that? | 12:55 |
neighborlee | why am I getting permission denied on something like this: sudo export X11_Xext_LIB=/usr/X11R6/lib/libXext.so ?? ;-) | 12:55 |
xulin | nanuit | 12:56 |
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CookedGryphon | _lui_, its not really that impressive tho | 12:56 |
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Lunar_Lamp | ok - i want to set up sound now, on an *old* laptop. when i go to volume control: "no volume control elements and/or devices found". when i type 'alsamixer' into a terminal: 'alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: no such file or directory". how do i go about fixing it? my sound card specs are as this link shows: http://support.jp.dell.com/docs/systems/pmojav/specs.htm#Audio | 12:56 |
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Quinthius | ilba7r: system -> preferences -> sound, uncheck "enable sound server", then do system -> prefs -> multimedia selector, and set output sink to ALSA (and hit test to make sure it works) | 12:56 |
CookedGryphon | _lui_, nicest feature is probs the multiple workspaces really, i have all my msn set up and my media player showing on one screen then other stuff on different workspaces | 12:56 |
ilba7r | quinthius thanks will try that | 12:56 |
Quinthius | ilba7r: and in all your apps, make sure they either use "system/default" ouput, or alsa | 12:57 |
test34 | _lui_, compile the kernel ? | 12:57 |
darkheart | neighborlee It's kind of pointless to do something like that, I think. The variable is only in effect for the current shell login..so there's no point in sudoing it. | 12:57 |
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neighborlee | darkheart, not pointless when you need it to compile something | 12:57 |
ashay | hey guys | 12:57 |
neighborlee | darkheart, regardless though I should not be seeing such a error | 12:57 |
darkheart | neighborlee I think you are misunderstanding me, the sudo part is not correct. | 12:58 |
ashay | I have a question..is there any way I can change the font color for my gnome-panel | 12:58 |
darkheart | neighborlee What happens when you leave out the sudo? | 12:58 |
ashay | my panel is transperent now | 12:58 |
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erUSUL | DaMi3n, ypu are out of luck alsa does not support i915 | 12:58 |
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darkheart | neighborlee And usually those kind of environment variables are set to the path, not the actual file. | 12:58 |
_lui_ | CookedGryphon, I'm thinking in a thing like, I don't know..., for me was very impressive the pastebin feature to paste something to a webpage directly from the terminal, so I'm thinking in something that amazing | 12:58 |
neighborlee | darkheart, su'ing doesn't work either | 12:59 |
darkheart | neighborlee Don't su, sudo, root anything for now. | 12:59 |
DaMi3n | erUSUL, : so basically no linux for 915 guys yet?? | 12:59 |
neighborlee | darkheart, yeah I know..wasn't sure how else to remedy | 12:59 |
neighborlee | darkheart, im getting symbol errors that I can't resolve so I thought this would work | 12:59 |
neighborlee | darkheart, also it was recommened to me by associate ;-)\ | 01:00 |
Quinthius | neighborlee: are you getting this? sudo: export: command not found | 01:00 |
=== no0tic [n=no0tic@host85-138.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_lui_ | test34, I'm asking for a feature in linux to surprise any friend with the capabilities of the system, something "movie like". | 01:00 |
=== khermans [n=khermans@c-65-96-123-200.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | any grading apps out there? | 01:00 |
CookedGryphon | _lui_, scripting in general | 01:00 |
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CookedGryphon | u can do most anything | 01:00 |
khermans | to keep track of my grades in school? | 01:00 |
neighborlee | Quinthius, nope..just permission denied | 01:00 |
darkheart | neighborlee If you can show me some errors, it would be easier. | 01:00 |
test34 | _lui_, like a hacker movie ? or special effects or what ? | 01:00 |
cevizoglu | khermans: /dev/null | 01:00 |
ilba7r | quinthius thanks again works like a charm so far | 01:01 |
neighborlee | darkheart, np | 01:01 |
Quinthius | ilba7r: great :) | 01:01 |
khermans | cevizoglu, ya... | 01:01 |
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neighborlee | Quinthius, wait yes I am actaullly sorry | 01:01 |
cevizoglu | khermans: keeping what kind of track? like a spreadsheet? | 01:01 |
ashay | khermans: http://www.hotscripts.com/Detailed/37980.html its a PHP script | 01:01 |
neighborlee | darkheart, sudo: export: command not found | 01:01 |
neighborlee | bash: /usr/X11R6/lib/libXxf86vm.so: Permission denied | 01:01 |
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_lui_ | CookedGryphon, I was reading something about scripts some minutes ago and found some interesting things | 01:01 |
Jonf | Could anyone tell me how I can create a folder in the SHARE folder?? | 01:02 |
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darkheart | neighborlee So you're saying it won't work if you just leave out the sudo part? | 01:02 |
Quinthius | neighborlee: export is a builtin shell command, which apparently sudo doesn't have any knowledge of | 01:02 |
bur[n] er | Jonf: right click, share | 01:02 |
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khermans | cevizoglu, i just want to track all my courses and grades on homework, tests, exams, etc | 01:02 |
_lui_ | test34, something like a hacker could do, something like that | 01:02 |
darkheart | neighborlee It doesn't make sense to sudo something like that. | 01:02 |
Quinthius | neighborlee: and even if export did work, using sudo for it would be rather pointless... as darkheart is saying... | 01:02 |
neighborlee | Quinthius, ah | 01:02 |
ashay | i guess the script i pointed to does it | 01:02 |
test34 | _lui_, like a simulation I hope ? | 01:03 |
ashay | but u need tohave apache running | 01:03 |
khermans | ashay, thanks, i do :-0 | 01:03 |
ashay | np | 01:03 |
neighborlee | darkheart, well I had to try something as I kept getting permission denied | 01:03 |
khermans | ashay, i see ggradebook in apt -- but there i no build for amd64 | 01:03 |
kaptaink | i mounted a ext3 partition with "mount -t ext3 dev/mydrive path/to/mountpoint but inside some folders i have important files missing | 01:03 |
kaptaink | any help? | 01:03 |
Quinthius | neighborlee: the permission denied error looks like the shell is trying to EXECUTE that file, which isn't an executable file, so it says permission denied | 01:03 |
kaptaink | i have show hidden files clicked | 01:03 |
darkheart | neighborlee Yeah, I understand, but have you tried just 'export X11_Xext_LIB=/usr/X11R6/lib' ? | 01:03 |
ashay | well i guess it does not matter for a php script | 01:04 |
neighborlee | darkheart, first thing I tried..thats when I got the permission denied error | 01:04 |
ashay | brb | 01:04 |
NoUse | kaptaink what happens when you do an 'ls' from a shell on tha folder | 01:04 |
neighborlee | darkheart, oh wait | 01:04 |
Quinthius | neighborlee: are you getting permission denied when yo uset the export? or during the compile? | 01:04 |
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kaptaink | good idea, let me just try | 01:04 |
neighborlee | darkheart, ok nm it seems shell didn't like me trying to do both libs at same time | 01:04 |
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erUSUL | neighborlee, export $X11_Xext_LIB=/usr/X11R6/lib' | 01:05 |
_lui_ | test34, just something I can say to a friend: "look what you can do with linux" | 01:05 |
darkheart | neighborlee Just curious, what are you compiling? | 01:05 |
neighborlee | ah crap no wonder | 01:05 |
=== Will_Draven [i=1000@cpe-071-065-211-035.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neighborlee | darkheart, sorry my associate pasted me the line to use but with ; instead of ; | 01:05 |
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neighborlee | darkheart, grfrr it works fine now | 01:05 |
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_lui_ | test34, but like an unbelievable thing | 01:06 |
PiercedH20 | Is it possible to network Ubunyu with Windows? | 01:06 |
test34 | _lui_, something unbelievable to somebody might be common for somebody else | 01:06 |
NoUse | PiercedH20 you want Samba | 01:06 |
darkheart | neighborlee I didn't get that =P but I'm glad that you got it working. | 01:06 |
=== concept10 [n=concept1@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NoUse | !samba | 01:06 |
ubotu | rumour has it, samba is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently | 01:06 |
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Gnonthgol | anyone know how to set up an terminal without gui? | 01:06 |
kaptaink | NoUse - it says permission denied but i can actually get into the folder through the graphical interface | 01:07 |
darkheart | Gnonthgol Set up a terminal? | 01:07 |
Quinthius | neighborlee: you mean ; instead of : ? | 01:07 |
_lui_ | test34, something unbelievable to a normal windows user | 01:07 |
neighborlee | yes I had to use : instead of ; | 01:07 |
=== troglodyt [n=user@204-101-205-72.anikast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jonf | Could anyone tell me how I can create a folder in the SHARE folder?? | 01:07 |
neighborlee | Quinthius, yes I had to use : instead of ; | 01:07 |
Gnonthgol | darkheart: yes | 01:07 |
neighborlee | darkheart, I still could use some help though..lemme use pastebin | 01:07 |
darkheart | Gnonthgol Sorry, I mean 'what do you mean'? =) | 01:07 |
Quinthius | neighborlee: well that explains the permission denied part :P | 01:07 |
neighborlee | yes indeed LOL | 01:07 |
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=== CookedGryphon sits in a corner crying cos his modem won't work and its late and he's tired and no-one will help him | ||
NoUse | kaptaink who owns the folder? | 01:08 |
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poningru | CookedGryphon: whats wrong dude? | 01:09 |
kaptaink | myself, its says permission denied | 01:09 |
neighborlee | darkheart, http://cpp.enisoc.com/pastebin/?6198 | 01:09 |
poningru | err make and model of your modem please? | 01:09 |
Jonf | Could anyone tell me how I can create a folder in the SHARE folder?? It says I dont have permissions | 01:09 |
kaptaink | can i change the whole partitions permissions and all the folders under it? | 01:09 |
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=== seif [n=seif@P5117.pallas.wh.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
seif | hi all | 01:09 |
seif | how is the preview release | 01:09 |
seif | :) | 01:09 |
Gnonthgol | darkheart: I have an old laptop without gui and a remote server altso without gui but with ssh, how to set up inittab to use slogin instead of ligin? | 01:09 |
NoUse | kaptaink yeah if you own it make sure you have read permissions | 01:09 |
poningru | kaptaink: just mount it somewhere you have permission | 01:09 |
poningru | like under your home dir | 01:09 |
CookedGryphon | poningru, i have a winmodem in my laptop, and i have downloaded the slmodem drivers, and it worked like twice, then stopped working and i don't know y, in my logs it says there was no carrier, but beyond that i ahve nothying | 01:10 |
kaptaink | ok, ill give it a try | 01:10 |
kaptaink | thanx 4 ur help | 01:10 |
poningru | eeh | 01:10 |
darkheart | neighborlee What exactly are you compiling? Looks like you are missing some libs or something. | 01:10 |
poningru | winmodem == bad for you | 01:10 |
seif | guys | 01:10 |
seif | is fglrx working under breezy preview | 01:10 |
seif | :) | 01:10 |
seif | ?????? | 01:11 |
leonel | http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2005-September/000031.html | 01:11 |
NoUse | seif no need to flood | 01:11 |
funkyHat | seif, give people a chance :P | 01:11 |
=== RedGhost [n=power@S0106000c6e212de6.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neighborlee | darkheart, openscenegraph.org | 01:11 |
funkyHat | maybe noone is around who knows right now | 01:11 |
=== tuxracer [n=tuxracer@dsl-42-214.kunde.brednett.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neighborlee | darkheart, what we're using for game development | 01:11 |
darkheart | Gnonthgol So basically, you don't want the computer to boot into GUI? | 01:11 |
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seif | sorry | 01:11 |
CookedGryphon | poningru, i know, but i can't be bothered getting a proper modem cos i'm off to uni in a lil bit and can't b bothered investing considering ho wmuch i'm gna use it | 01:11 |
poningru | CookedGryphon: you sure you can connect using the thing udner windows? | 01:11 |
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CookedGryphon | poningru, i can connect under ubuntu, once | 01:12 |
Gnonthgol | darkheart: I lack CPU for that | 01:12 |
CookedGryphon | no twice sry | 01:12 |
CookedGryphon | then it stopped working | 01:12 |
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poningru | CookedGryphon: right but it could be that it actually cant find the carrier | 01:12 |
=== Malin` [n=malin@083142121204.unregistered.media-com.com.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
no0tic | I'm trying to backtrace a crash of rhythmbox, I compiled a debugging version of it, but when I try to run it into gdb it doesn't start | 01:12 |
poningru | CookedGryphon: can you try to connect under windows, just to see if you can | 01:12 |
CookedGryphon | i don't ahve windows | 01:13 |
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CookedGryphon | i'm 100% ubuntu | 01:13 |
CookedGryphon | i'm on my main pc on ubuntu now | 01:13 |
darkheart | Gnonthgol Okay, you mean you want the laptop to boot up and auto login to the server? | 01:13 |
poningru | CookedGryphon: ic hmm | 01:13 |
=== Malin` is now known as Malin | ||
no0tic | anyone can help me? | 01:13 |
Gnonthgol | darkheart: yes, you have got the idea | 01:13 |
poningru | CookedGryphon: you sure the line carries a signal? | 01:14 |
Quinthius | no0tic: hmm, i'm using the version of rhythmbox that comes with hoary, but sometimes when i go to run it the taskbar says "starting rhythmbox" for a few seconds, then closes... after a couple attempts it starts up | 01:14 |
Quinthius | no0tic: so maybe try a few times in a row or something... | 01:14 |
CookedGryphon | poningru, i'm using the same phone line and plug into this computer, with the same ISP and everytihing | 01:14 |
poningru | connect a telephone to the thing and see if you have a dial tone | 01:14 |
poningru | hmm ic | 01:14 |
no0tic | Quinthius: I'm on breezy, I'm trying to backtrace a crash | 01:15 |
Jonf | How I can install Azureus?? | 01:15 |
no0tic | Quinthius: I filed a bug and seb wants the backtrace, but bug-buddy dialog didn't open | 01:15 |
=== brice [n=brice@174-39.244.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
VoX | jonf: get the source, compile it and install it | 01:15 |
poningru | CookedGryphon: hold on let me try something on my comp | 01:15 |
Gnonthgol | !azureus | 01:15 |
ubotu | it has been said that azureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, it can be downloaded from the hoary-extras repository | 01:15 |
robotgeek | !info azureus | 01:15 |
Jonf | thank you | 01:16 |
VoX | Gnonthgol: too bad if you're not using hoary :p | 01:16 |
CookedGryphon | kk | 01:16 |
Gnonthgol | !repository | 01:16 |
ubotu | Bugger all, i dunno, Gnonthgol | 01:16 |
robotgeek | !repos | 01:16 |
ubotu | repos is probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 01:16 |
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Quinthius | no0tic: ahh, i dont know. thought you meant rhythmbox wasn't starting up... so was just suggesting to give it a few tries :) | 01:16 |
no0tic | Quinthius: it starts up. normally, but when invoked inside gdb it doesn't | 01:17 |
darkheart | Gnonthgol Sorry man, I know what you are trying to do, but I can't think of a way to do it, except disabling gdm and creating some kind of shell script to run slogin and include that in the startup. | 01:17 |
bur[n] er | rhythmbox won't work for someone? | 01:17 |
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bur[n] er | oh | 01:17 |
seif | hmmmm | 01:18 |
bur[n] er | my rb crashes if I type anything in the "search" field | 01:18 |
robotgeek | bur[n] er: i too have problems with rythmbox, maybe too slow a machine? | 01:18 |
neighborlee | darkheart, any idea on my compile error ... | 01:18 |
darkheart | neighborlee I'm not sure what the problem is =\ but it looks like maybe you need to install some development packages. | 01:18 |
seif | i am planning to try the preview unless the fglrx doenst work :) | 01:18 |
darkheart | neighborlee For XFree86 | 01:18 |
neighborlee | darkheart, agreed but I have zero clue what ones | 01:18 |
bur[n] er | too "slow" shouldn't really matter | 01:18 |
seif | ca nsome1 gelp me | 01:18 |
_kurt | I have a question in the next... oh... hour. | 01:18 |
_kurt | I will be back in 60 minutes with a question. | 01:18 |
CookedGryphon | i use beep-media-player, much nicer | 01:18 |
neighborlee | darkheart, how do I check what libs will contain a given symbol ? | 01:19 |
bur[n] er | lol, thanks for the warning _kurt | 01:19 |
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Quinthius | seif: i don't see why fglrx wouldn't work... have there been reports that it's not | 01:19 |
Gnonthgol | darkheart: I do not have gdm installed, and have ou taken a look at /etc/inittab | 01:19 |
robotgeek | bur[n] er: i dunno, but it hangs and all. i too use bmp | 01:19 |
bur[n] er | bmp is decent | 01:19 |
robotgeek | very | 01:19 |
bur[n] er | xmms is faster and has more plugins | 01:19 |
_kurt | how's xmms2 coming along? | 01:19 |
robotgeek | bur[n] er: bmp works better than xmms for me | 01:19 |
bur[n] er | robotgeek: how? | 01:19 |
mike_a | forget XMMS2, wait for BMPx :) | 01:20 |
bur[n] er | forget all those... use mpd :) with gmpc as the client | 01:20 |
bur[n] er | ;) | 01:20 |
CookedGryphon | i find its also got best sound quality out of the ones i've tried | 01:20 |
CookedGryphon | and also wma support, all plus points | 01:20 |
bur[n] er | wma support on beep? | 01:20 |
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jcd1006 | i need some help with firefox, anyone willing to help? | 01:20 |
=== bur[n] er doens't have that | ||
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robotgeek | !anyone | 01:21 |
ubotu | I guess anyone is 90% of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and YOU decide? <hint> | 01:21 |
=== bur[n] er wishes he didn't have any wma files | ||
CookedGryphon | weird thing.. my modem applet tells me i'm not connected, but i quite obviously am.. | 01:21 |
bur[n] er | jcd1006: que pasa? | 01:21 |
_kurt | bur[n] er: Heh. If I wasn't using gnome already, I'd use mpd. Seems kind of silly to run gnome and then be light on the mp3 playing. | 01:21 |
CookedGryphon | i couldn't get xmms to download | 01:21 |
CookedGryphon | i may try it another time | 01:21 |
bur[n] er | mpd == light? it's a friggen server/client solution... that's not light ;) | 01:22 |
jcd1006 | i tried updating it so that i could install extensions and they still won't work, on top of that plug ins do not install/work and i can not print, it brings up an error when i try | 01:22 |
bur[n] er | if only there was a rhtyhmbox-like frontend for mpd | 01:22 |
bur[n] er | jcd1006: how'd you "update" it? | 01:22 |
CookedGryphon | bur[n] er, y do u wish u dint have wma files? | 01:22 |
bur[n] er | wma is not a very "open" format | 01:23 |
jcd1006 | by doing the packagem manager | 01:23 |
robotgeek | jcd1006: backup your bookmarks, and remove your profiles directory and try again | 01:23 |
CookedGryphon | bur[n] er, tru, but hey, it works and that's good enuf 4 me, i'm not putting any of my newer stuff into wma tho | 01:23 |
bur[n] er | in fact... f it, I don't need these songs... time to rm -rf *wma | 01:23 |
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jcd1006 | it won't let me add bookmarks eihter, so i don't have any | 01:24 |
bur[n] er | not i :) | 01:24 |
bur[n] er | give me mp3 or give me death | 01:24 |
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robotgeek | jcd1006: weird | 01:24 |
bur[n] er | plus.. wma doesn't play on my car stereo where mp3 does ;) | 01:24 |
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mjr | *cough*ogg*cough*vorbis | 01:24 |
CookedGryphon | hmm, mp3 quality's a bit naff tho | 01:24 |
=== seif [n=seif@P5117.pallas.wh.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
robotgeek | bur[n] er: dont u mean ogg? :) | 01:24 |
seif | thx man | 01:24 |
bur[n] er | nope | 01:24 |
seif | i will try it on my notebook | 01:24 |
CookedGryphon | ogg is better quality | 01:24 |
jcd1006 | robotgeek: how would i remove that directory, just go into the program manager and find that file and delete it then reupdate? | 01:24 |
bur[n] er | give me an ogg car player or portable ogg player, and i'm all for it | 01:24 |
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DaMi3n | l0l | 01:24 |
bur[n] er | if only the creative zen | 01:24 |
mjr | plus mp3 is not a very "open" format | 01:24 |
seif | i just remember tht the last time with colony 3 i couldnt c whats booting | 01:24 |
seif | :) | 01:24 |
bur[n] er | lame == open source... | 01:25 |
bur[n] er | 'technically' royalties to frauenhofer should be paid but eh | 01:25 |
bur[n] er | mp3 == more open than wma | 01:25 |
robotgeek | jcd1006: try in a terminal "sudo apt-get install firefox-gnome-support" | 01:25 |
spider | hmm, I'm trying to play mp3 using rhythmbox.. got a fresh ubuntu install, and when I try to scan the directory where my mp3 are, it gives errors : no pluging to handle a MP3 files... but the help files tells me it's able to read mp3... what can I do ? | 01:26 |
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robotgeek | jcd1006: or what was the name of the package u tried to install? | 01:26 |
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Quinthius | spider: you need to install some gstreamer plugins | 01:26 |
bur[n] er | jcd1006: "sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox-gnome-support" rather ;) | 01:26 |
rob^ | !mp3 | 01:26 |
ubotu | from memory, mp3 is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support | 01:26 |
darkheart | neighborlee Sorry, I'm at a loss. Perhaps it's the libmesa dev package, or one of the libxxfree86 packages. | 01:26 |
neighborlee | darkheart, np ok ill check | 01:26 |
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robotgeek | neighborlee: what package are u trying to compile? | 01:26 |
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neighborlee | darkheart, thx for peeking | 01:26 |
seif | any1 using a notebook | 01:27 |
seif | :) | 01:27 |
robotgeek | seif: yeah | 01:27 |
=== bur[n] er uses notebook | ||
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jcd1006 | when i tried doing what bur[n] er said it came back with "ozilla-firefox-gnome-support is already the newest version." | 01:27 |
CookedGryphon | seif, i would b if my winmodem would work | 01:27 |
mackid | hi I'm using gnoppix.. how can I save a home directory on my usb stick and load it at startup so i have all my settings and stuff? | 01:27 |
=== Seveas is sooooooo tempted to upgrade to breezy | ||
neighborlee | robotgeek, openscenegraph.org : specifically the OpenSceneGraph DIR ( after having compiled cleanly OT and Prod | 01:27 |
Seveas | but my laptop musr guaranteed work on software freedom day :S | 01:27 |
spider | thanks for the link ubotu | 01:27 |
jcd1006 | robotgeek: it was the 1.06 install | 01:28 |
=== bur[n] er has a laptop working well on breezy ;) | ||
robotgeek | neighborlee: you can get the dependencies by apt-get install build-dep <package> | 01:28 |
=== bur[n] er encourages no one to upgrade | ||
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neighborlee | robotgeek, yes I know | 01:28 |
bur[n] er | X is a little fudged in terms of GL speed | 01:28 |
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seif | and how is it on a notebook | 01:28 |
darkheart | Seveas Can you take a peek at http://cpp.enisoc.com/pastebin/?6198 and suggest a package that might be missing? (I think that's what the problem is) | 01:28 |
seif | is it ok? | 01:28 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
robotgeek | neighborlee: i ran into another bug too | 01:28 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-s] by Seveas | ||
seif | robotgeek | 01:28 |
bur[n] er | seif: wonderfully spectacular | 01:28 |
funkyHat | what's s Seveas ? | 01:28 |
neighborlee | robotgeek, hmm wait one sec.can I just PM you | 01:28 |
darkheart | Gnonthgol I don't know if you can accomplish what you want with /etc/inittab | 01:28 |
robotgeek | seif: it's good, but still a lot of stuff broken for me | 01:28 |
robotgeek | neighborlee: go ahead | 01:29 |
Seveas | funkyHat, secret | 01:29 |
bur[n] er | seif: check the laptop part of the wiki for specific models | 01:29 |
Seveas | it was a futile attempt of mine to keep spambots out | 01:29 |
funkyHat | ah | 01:29 |
robotgeek | jcd1006: try installing and reinstalling the package, with a purge too...brb | 01:29 |
darkheart | Gnonthgol Well, actually, if you can make a script it seems it would work w/ inittab | 01:30 |
jcd1006 | robotgeek: how would i do that? | 01:30 |
robotgeek | jcd1006: aptitude purge mozilla-firefox | 01:30 |
robotgeek | jcd1006: then install the package again | 01:31 |
jcd1006 | robotgeek: sorry im new to linux...where or what is aptitude? or do i run that in terminal | 01:31 |
robotgeek | jcd1006: sorry. you gotta do that in a terminal | 01:31 |
_kurt | jci: aptitutde is a frontend for apt-get | 01:31 |
jcd1006 | robotgeek: ok, thank you, i will try that real fast | 01:31 |
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=== _kurt points both ways | ||
Seveas | _kurt, it's a replacement, not a frontend | 01:32 |
_kurt | Seveas: hm. Never knew that. | 01:32 |
_kurt | Always used apt-get. heh. | 01:32 |
poningru | CookedGryphon: dude you sure the line is good? could it be that after you connected couple of times some damage came to the line? | 01:32 |
Seveas | _kurt, aptitude, apt-get, synaptic, kynaptice, kpackagemanager, gnome-app-install are all frontends to libapt | 01:32 |
poningru | can you check using your telephone? | 01:33 |
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_kurt | ahh. | 01:33 |
_kurt | okay. that makes sense then. | 01:33 |
jcd1006 | robotgeek: when i did the purge thing it brought back two errors " aptitude purge mozilla-firefox" | 01:33 |
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jcd1006 | crap | 01:33 |
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_kurt | or is that dpkg? | 01:33 |
jcd1006 | robotgeek: "E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied) | 01:33 |
jcd1006 | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?" | 01:33 |
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_kurt | libapt/dpkg for that matter. | 01:33 |
Quinthius | jcd1006: prefix the command with sudo | 01:34 |
robotgeek | jcd1006: u have to sudo aptitude purge mozilla-firefox | 01:34 |
Seveas | libapt is a frontend to dpkg | 01:34 |
=== robotgeek slaps himself! | ||
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jcd1006 | robotgeek: thanks | 01:34 |
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_kurt | ok. | 01:34 |
_kurt | thanks for the clarification | 01:34 |
=== sexcopter8000m [n=james@82-34-46-204.cable.ubr01.chel.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Guest9695747 | hi | 01:35 |
Guest9695747 | i have problems with just installing ubuntu :/ | 01:35 |
Vexir | Hey guys, I just downloaded some .deb file or whatever for updating ubuntu so it can use my wifi card... so.. my question is, since I'm new to linux and all that, how do I install this .deb update abd then how do I run that network setup wizard thing again (like it did when I installed Ubuntu) | 01:35 |
VoX | Vexir: dpkg -i <deb package name> | 01:36 |
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treke | I'm looking to build a customized ubuntu cd, does anyone know if the tools used to generate the existing releases are publically available? | 01:36 |
crimsun | treke: yes | 01:36 |
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CookedGryphon | poningru, i'm using the line right now | 01:36 |
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CookedGryphon | the line is fine | 01:36 |
TheMuso | Has anybody had trouble rsyncing the preview iso images? I get the message: skipping non-regular file "ubuntu-5.10-preview-install-i386.iso" when I try to fetch the image. | 01:37 |
treke | crimsun: Any chance you could point me to them? I did a bit of a search through the wiki, but wasn't successful | 01:37 |
Vexir | VoX: How do I get the package name? | 01:37 |
Guest9695747 | most of the time it (breezy 386 - installer) stops after trying to load the partition manager | 01:37 |
sexcopter8000m | hi, i have a programme newly installed, and i want to make a launcher for it, but to launch it i have to cd to the directory (~/.maple9.5/bin) and then do ./xmaple.... so how can i make a launcher for something like that? | 01:37 |
Guest9695747 | without an error msg or whatever | 01:37 |
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VoX | Vexir: you said you just downloaded some .deb files. to install them, type: dpkg -i <package_that_you_just_downloaded> | 01:38 |
=== escalamuros [n=escalamu@pc-83-127-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bur[n] er | are the preview images livecd's or installs? or both? or one and the same? | 01:38 |
crimsun | treke: please search the ubuntu-users mailing list archive | 01:38 |
CookedGryphon | sexcopter8000m, make a shell script | 01:38 |
kevogod | bur[n] er, They are separate. | 01:38 |
crimsun | bur[n] er: separately live and install | 01:38 |
Vexir | VoX: the name of the file is linux-restricted-modules-2.6.10-5-386_2.6.10.5-1gb_i386.deb ... I type that in? All of it? | 01:38 |
treke | crimsun: Ok thanks. Wasn't expecting to find stuff like that on it :) | 01:38 |
bur[n] er | aww | 01:38 |
=== terrorista [n=terroris@105.Red-81-32-152.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sexcopter8000m | CookedGryphon: no idea how :s | 01:39 |
jcd1006 | i'm having problems reinstalling, i thought i remembered how, but i do not | 01:39 |
kevogod | bur[n] er, Disappointing, but still not a big deal | 01:39 |
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bur[n] er | is the final breezy gonna be that way too? I think I saw UbuntuExpress was going to be forgone for this release? | 01:39 |
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VoX | Vexir: yes | 01:39 |
vu_ | Does anybody know how lonf ago did this ubuntu project start? | 01:39 |
Vexir | VoX: lol okay :) and what about the network setup wizard | 01:39 |
HrdwrBoB | vu_: 18 months or so | 01:40 |
HrdwrBoB | iirc | 01:40 |
vu_ | I see | 01:40 |
CookedGryphon | sexcopter8000m, make a text file that starts with the line "#!/bin/bash" which tells the script to use the bash shell, then type the commands you want to exxecute on the next lines, save it as something.sh and set the permissions to executable | 01:40 |
VoX | Vexir: "base-config" | 01:40 |
Vexir | VoX: yaay. <3 :-P | 01:40 |
CookedGryphon | the thing you are executing is probably a shell script itself | 01:40 |
=== communico [n=communic@219-88-154-115.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CookedGryphon | what is that btw, maple? | 01:40 |
Guest9695747 | can someone help me? | 01:40 |
robotgeek | !info sudo apt-get build-dep openscenegraph | 01:41 |
robotgeek | !info openscenegraph | 01:41 |
jcd1006 | robotgeek: can i just go into the add/remove programs and add firefox back in? | 01:41 |
ubotu | openscenegraph: (3D scenegraph binary files), section universe/devel, is optional. Version: 0.9.8-2 (hoary), Packaged size: 990 kB, Installed size: 3052 kB | 01:41 |
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CookedGryphon | is that the sciencey mathsy program taht my uni said i might need, where do u get that for linux? do u ahve to buy it? | 01:41 |
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=== ColonelKernel [i=ishai@24-205-124-191.dhcp.hspr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
communico | hi, I'm trying to install some harddrives in my new ubuntu setup. I'm unsure which howto doc I should be following. can anyone tell me the difference between a hardware raid and a software raid? | 01:41 |
crimsun | CookedGryphon: no, you don't have to buy | 01:42 |
robotgeek | CookedGryphon: try scipy/octave | 01:42 |
kevogod | communico, Hardware RAID is operated by a RAID controller and Software RAID is operated by the Operating System. | 01:42 |
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bur[n] er | communico: you're setting up a raid? | 01:42 |
kevogod | communico, Hardware RAID is generally considered to be faster and more reliable, but Software RAID can be easier and cheaper to setup. | 01:42 |
Guest9695747 | am i beeing ignored ? oO | 01:42 |
=== bur[n] er wouldn't call software... 'easier' | ||
mjr | hardware raid can also be dependent on a particular controller brand | 01:43 |
Seveas | Guest9695747, what's your problem? | 01:43 |
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communico | kevogod: thanks! I've been trying to find this out for days, heh. well I tried following the hardware raid howto in the forums, but I kept getting this error at a particular step | 01:43 |
sexcopter8000m | ok CookedGryphon, have done, and "sh ~/maplelauncher.sh" works. now how can i make an icon for it along the top? | 01:43 |
Guest9695747 | [01:52:01] <Guest9695747> most of the time it (breezy 386 - installer) stops after trying to load the partition manager | 01:43 |
Guest9695747 | <Guest9695747> without an error msg or whatever | 01:43 |
=== bur[n] er likes adaptec hardware raids... although i've only done raid 1's... never a raid 5 | ||
CookedGryphon | right click on the panel and say add launcher | 01:44 |
CookedGryphon | then type in that command | 01:44 |
kevogod | communico, RAID setups generally work best with identical hard drives. | 01:44 |
bur[n] er | Guest9695747: not sure what to say... i've never used the installer for breezy | 01:44 |
cyphase | do i have to do a dist upgrade to go from colony 3 to colony 4, or will it happen automatically? | 01:44 |
Guest9695747 | 5.04 installer crashes after the first time i press enter | 01:44 |
sexcopter8000m | ah ok, ty CookedGryphon | 01:44 |
spider | hmm another question... I'm trying to play DVD with Totem... I've installed the gstream plugins for most video and audio codecs, and I've run the install for libdvdcss2... I got nice video, but no sound, and the wiki for restricted format on ubuntun.com doesn't talk abotu that problem... where can I look at ? | 01:44 |
CookedGryphon | add to panel, custom application launcher to b specific | 01:44 |
communico | kevogod: it says "ERROR: zero sectors on /dev/sdc" I thought that meant I hadn't formatted it properly | 01:44 |
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Guest9695747 | so im quiet confused | 01:45 |
mjr | spider, hmh, did you install gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg also? | 01:45 |
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communico | kevogod: yes, they're all identical harddrives, there are four of them in a raid5 configuration | 01:45 |
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spider | jr : I did | 01:45 |
mjr | spider, ok then, dunno | 01:45 |
bur[n] er | spider: possibly start "esd" ?? | 01:45 |
spider | burner : what is esd ? | 01:45 |
Seveas | Guest9695747, so stick to 5.04 - 5.10 is not stable yet | 01:45 |
Guest9695747 | .. | 01:45 |
mjr | oh yeah, check gstreamer-properties for working sound | 01:45 |
Guest9695747 | jeah right | 01:45 |
bur[n] er | esd == enlightenment sound daemon | 01:45 |
bur[n] er | just start it ;) | 01:45 |
jcd1006 | bur[n] er: thank you, i got it working | 01:45 |
bur[n] er | see if it works | 01:45 |
jcd1006 | robotgeek: thank you, it's working now | 01:46 |
bur[n] er | jcd1006: sure, i didn't do anything though ;) | 01:46 |
Guest9695747 | ill use the setup wich crashes after the first 2 seconds... | 01:46 |
snausages | how do i create a link (shortcut) of, say, solitaire on my desktop? | 01:46 |
kevogod | communico, When does this error occur? | 01:46 |
communico | kevogod: so I ran through the installing a new harddrive howto on the wiki. I got confused at the mounting part. what does mounting mean, exactly? I'm coming from a dos background | 01:46 |
spider | ok, will try all that, thanks | 01:46 |
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cyphase | Do I have to do a dist-upgrade to go from colony 3 to colony 4, or will it happen automatically? | 01:46 |
communico | kevogod: when I type dmraid -ay -v | 01:46 |
Muhammad | how can i install flash ? | 01:46 |
Muhammad | how can i install flash ? | 01:46 |
Seveas | cyphase, dist-upgrade | 01:46 |
Seveas | !flash | 01:46 |
ubotu | flash is, like, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 01:46 |
bur[n] er | !tell muhammad about flash | 01:46 |
bur[n] er | doh | 01:46 |
Guest9695747 | i even had to take out the batery to restart the notebook | 01:46 |
cyphase | Seveas, thanx | 01:46 |
kevogod | communico, Mounting basically means making the Operating System aware of the contents of the partition/drive. | 01:47 |
bur[n] er | Guest9695747: holding hte power for 5+ seconds didn't do it? /me doubts it | 01:47 |
Guest9695747 | well i bet i hold it 15 sec | 01:47 |
kevogod | communico, And ready for use | 01:47 |
bur[n] er | communico: you sure you want to be setting up a raid? it's not for extra storage? | 01:47 |
Jonf | How can I install Cedega?? | 01:48 |
kevogod | bur[n] er, Well, he does have four identical hard drives! What would you do with four identical hard drives... | 01:48 |
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communico | I'm actually a chick, heh heh | 01:48 |
kevogod | Jonf, You have a purchased copy of Cedega? Or do you wish to compile the free version? | 01:48 |
Guest9695747 | whatever the problem is i cant install ubuntu 5.04 neither 5,10 | 01:48 |
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communico | bur[n] er: it's mostly for data security | 01:49 |
kevogod | communico, You can never tell online. | 01:49 |
seb1 | kevogod: there is a free version of cedega ? | 01:49 |
blunted_ | !grub | 01:49 |
ubotu | grub is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 01:49 |
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snausages | when i try to install flash, i get this message: Couldn't find package flashplugin-nonfree | 01:49 |
kevogod | seb1, The free version does not have 'all' of the added features of Cedega. | 01:49 |
tarvid | i'm in a pickle | 01:50 |
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seb1 | kevogod: have you some url, or something ? | 01:50 |
tarvid | did an apt-get update apt-get upgrade on breezy tonight and blew up postfix | 01:50 |
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communico | kevogod: it's all good. so I mounted the drives onto /raid/disc1 /raid/disc2 etc .... they show up in the filesystem, and display the right number of megabytes down the bottom. but when I try to save anything on them, it says it can't do it | 01:50 |
sexcopter8000m | CookedGryphon: have done, but doesn't seem to do anything when i click it. should it be an "application" or something else? | 01:50 |
sexcopter8000m | like link, or service | 01:51 |
Guest9695747 | well should i stick to xp or whatever? :/ | 01:51 |
kevogod | seb1, http://frankscorner.org/index.php?p=cedegacvs | 01:51 |
tincan_30 | greetings - anyone have any luck setting up ubuntu as an LDAP client. pam.d config are killing me. | 01:51 |
communico | kevogod: so I'm thinking they're not mounted properly ... I'm thinking there's probably something else I should have done to mount a raid | 01:51 |
kevogod | Guest9695747, Use Ubuntu Hoary (5.04) | 01:51 |
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seb1 | kevogod: thx :) | 01:51 |
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Guest9695747 | ... | 01:51 |
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Muhammad | i am getting : E: Couldn't find package flashplugin-nonfree | 01:52 |
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Muhammad | what shall i do ? | 01:52 |
Guest9695747 | hoary install freezes my notebook after the first press enter stuff! | 01:52 |
Guest9695747 | @ kevogod | 01:52 |
snausages | Muhammad, i'm getting the same thing heh | 01:53 |
snausages | i guess it's not on the server, or something... | 01:53 |
=== snausages shrugs | ||
kevogod | Guest9695747, Well, then please contribute the specifications of your notebook to the Ubuntu developers so they can get it resolved for you in Breezy. | 01:53 |
Guest9695747 | hmm... | 01:54 |
nickrud | I could use a bit of advice: I just come into possession of about 25 ibm ultra star 68pin ultra3 9.1G drives (ddys-to9170). I know nothing about scsi; any pointers on the best way to use a few of these? | 01:54 |
Deathy | Shutdown doesn't want to work on my notebook :) | 01:54 |
HrdwrBoB | nickrud: throw them at people you don't like | 01:55 |
Guest9695747 | well the breezy installer seems to work.. a little bit... | 01:55 |
nickrud | HrdwrBoB, garbage, then? | 01:55 |
kevogod | Guest9695747, Have you tried another Linux flavor before? | 01:55 |
kevogod | aka distribution | 01:55 |
HrdwrBoB | nickrud: alternatively put them in a mirrored configuration for the system data | 01:55 |
bytefoo | how can i make my fonts look better | 01:55 |
HrdwrBoB | not so much garbage | 01:55 |
HrdwrBoB | mirrored as a system partition they're useful | 01:55 |
bytefoo | smoother, crisper, etc | 01:55 |
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Guest9695747 | it curently crashes to some kind of useless bash while loading the partition manager | 01:55 |
bytefoo | sort of like a ClearType Tuner for Linux if such a thing exists? | 01:56 |
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Guest9695747 | nope @ other distribution | 01:56 |
jcd1006 | what is a good dvd decrypter program and dvd shrink program? | 01:56 |
nickrud | HrdwrBoB, by mirrored, you mean something like a raid0 or such? (haven't used raid either) | 01:56 |
lakcaj | jcd1006, dvddecrypter and dvdshrink :) | 01:56 |
jcd1006 | it works on here too? | 01:56 |
bytefoo | badung cha! | 01:56 |
lakcaj | jcd1006, works fine via wine | 01:56 |
sexcopter8000m | nn all | 01:56 |
Guest9695747 | i'v heard that ubuntu should be the beginnerfriendliest so now im trying it | 01:56 |
Guest9695747 | :/ | 01:57 |
jcd1006 | lakcaj: i used it in windows, but i didnt realize it works on linux too | 01:57 |
lakcaj | yep | 01:57 |
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jcd1006 | lakcaj: what is wine? | 01:57 |
bytefoo | :/ | 01:57 |
bytefoo | a fortified spirit | 01:57 |
bytefoo | :D | 01:57 |
funkyHat | bytefoo, system > preferences > font | 01:57 |
lakcaj | wine is not an emulator | 01:57 |
funkyHat | jcd1006, wine is a win32 API for linux | 01:57 |
kevogod | Guest9695747, Well, it may be more streamlined than a lot of other Linuxes, I would not say it is the easiest. Since proprietary formats are popular, Ubuntu requires extra attention. | 01:58 |
nickrud | HrdwrBoB, thanks for the pointer: mirrored configuration and raid on google says a lot | 01:58 |
lakcaj | jcd1006, http://www.mrbass.org/linux/ubuntu/dvdshrink/ | 01:58 |
Guest9695747 | hm | 01:58 |
HrdwrBoB | nickrud: no worries :) | 01:58 |
Guest9695747 | so any idea wich one i could try instead? | 01:58 |
HrdwrBoB | yeah | 01:58 |
HrdwrBoB | nickrud: you can easily setup raid in the ubuntu installer | 01:59 |
jcd1006 | what about a burning program? | 01:59 |
kevogod | Guest9695747, You could try SUSE Linux. | 01:59 |
robotgeek | jcd1006: i would recommend k3b, it worked for me | 01:59 |
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nickrud | HrdwrBoB, thanks | 01:59 |
kevogod | Guest9695747, http://www.opensuse.org/ | 02:00 |
jcd1006 | robotgeek: thanks | 02:00 |
=== Serpentwolf [i=mbvdl@wblv-146-251-49.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Guest9695747 | dont u have to buy suse for all the better packages or whatever? | 02:00 |
kevogod | Guest9695747, No. | 02:00 |
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Guest9695747 | hm | 02:00 |
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blunted_ | !grub | 02:01 |
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ubotu | I guess grub is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 02:01 |
imterro | hey guys, what version of X does ubuntu have | 02:01 |
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Guest9695747 | 5 cds oO | 02:01 |
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NoUse | !info xserver-org | 02:02 |
spider | thanks for all the help guys | 02:02 |
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kevogod | Guest9695747, There is a DVD version floating around. | 02:02 |
NoUse | !info xserver-xorg | 02:02 |
ubotu | xserver-xorg: (the X.Org X server), section x11, is optional. Version: 6.8.2-10 (hoary), Packaged size: 5322 kB, Installed size: 15220 kB | 02:02 |
imterro | thanks | 02:02 |
Serpentwolf | cool | 02:02 |
communico | does anyone know a command you can type in that will give you a summary of the hard disks on the computer, and how much MBs are free or in use? | 02:03 |
NoUse | communico df -h | 02:03 |
bimberi | communico: df -h | 02:03 |
kevogod | Sadly though, a lot of browsers have trouble downloading it correctly since it is such a large file. | 02:03 |
robotgeek | communico: also df -kh for a readable output | 02:03 |
kevogod | And they do not calculate the size correctly | 02:03 |
jcd1006 | i'm having some problems changing my dvd drive to dma being on | 02:03 |
communico | thanks guys!! | 02:04 |
jcd1006 | i tried doing sudo /etc/hdparm.conf but it didn't work | 02:04 |
!lilo:*! Modifications to http://freenode.net/policy.shtml#offtopic .... to expand upon "various forms of antisocial behavior" | 02:04 | |
=== Pyf [n=meep@cpc3-basf3-6-1-cust55.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NoUse | jcd1006 you're trying to execute that file, you have to run a text editor | 02:04 |
robotgeek | jcd1006: you are trying to execute a configuration file. | 02:04 |
kevogod | My boot partition is 96% used, is that healthy? :) | 02:04 |
Guest9695747 | sounds like fun :/ @ suse dvd | 02:04 |
robotgeek | jcd1006: instead try sudo gedit /etc/hdparm.conf | 02:05 |
jcd1006 | oh, thats what it said to do on that link | 02:05 |
NoUse | jcd1006 which link? | 02:05 |
jcd1006 | http://www.mrbass.org/linux/ubuntu/dvdshrink/ | 02:05 |
kevogod | Guest9695747, You could try DesktopBSD (http://www.desktopbsd.net/) | 02:05 |
=== kevogod hides | ||
Guest9695747 | maybe ill try a ubuntu live cd first.... | 02:06 |
Guest9695747 | bsd? oO | 02:06 |
bimberi | kevogod: seems high - got few old kernels in there? | 02:06 |
NoUse | jcd1006 yeah thats a typo | 02:06 |
bimberi | got *a* | 02:06 |
kevogod | bimberi, Only two :-) | 02:06 |
kevogod | I think it is safe for me to remove one though. | 02:07 |
kevogod | Not having any troubles with this one | 02:07 |
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jcd1006 | NoUse: thanks | 02:07 |
bimberi | probably no need - just be aware at the next kernel upgrade | 02:07 |
imterro | guys, i am having trouble installing gfx drivers for my mobility radeon 9700 | 02:08 |
=== bur[n] er [n=norml@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neighborlee | I rarely do this and dont recall..which .bash file do I edit to export needed variables ..I thought it was $HOME/.bash.bashrc ? | 02:08 |
imterro | and thusfar i can only find drivers for everythign else but this | 02:08 |
imterro | can anyone help? | 02:08 |
Serpentwolf | good point, how does one get ati going on ubuntu for laptops | 02:09 |
kkathman | aha so breezy finally made it to preview eh? | 02:09 |
bur[n] er | get ati going? | 02:09 |
bimberi | neighborlee: ~/.bashrc (iirc) | 02:09 |
imterro | well atm i cannot use opengl | 02:10 |
bur[n] er | neighborlee: might be prudent to also symlink ~/.profile to ~/.bashrc | 02:10 |
bur[n] er | imterro: breezy? | 02:10 |
imterro | because i dont have the proper drivers for my card | 02:10 |
imterro | no hoary | 02:10 |
Guest9695747 | isnt it posible to install ubuntu from a live cd? or do u get there just the same installer as on the instalation cds? | 02:10 |
bur[n] er | imterro: i bet you can edit the xorg.conf to make it work | 02:10 |
crimsun | Guest9695747: use the installer if you wish to install | 02:10 |
bur[n] er | imterro: what ati card? | 02:10 |
neighborlee | bimberi, k thx yes...no wonder...: .bashrc wont even come up as a known file in gedit | 02:10 |
neighborlee | bimberi, bites | 02:10 |
imterro | mobility radeon 9700 | 02:10 |
neighborlee | bur[n] er, ic | 02:10 |
bur[n] er | radeon 7000 or 9000 | 02:11 |
imterro | 9000 | 02:11 |
Guest9695747 | instaler dosnt want to install ;) @ crimsun thats the problem | 02:11 |
bur[n] er | imterro: apt-cache search fglrx | 02:11 |
cevizoglu | Guest9695747: anything is possible, but it's definitely not worth it over just using the normal install | 02:11 |
crimsun | Guest9695747: where does it die? | 02:11 |
bur[n] er | !fglrx | 02:11 |
ubotu | fglrx is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:11 |
bur[n] er | :) | 02:11 |
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Guest9695747 | 5.04 installer dies after the press enter or type server and press enter when i press enter ;) | 02:12 |
neighborlee | bur[n] er, .bashrc wont even show a a loadable file in gedit run as root!! | 02:12 |
Guest9695747 | and 5.10 instaler dies curently while loading the partition manager | 02:12 |
crimsun | Guest9695747: have you tried the 5.10 preview installer? | 02:12 |
kevogod | crimsun, Yes, he has. | 02:13 |
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Serpentwolf | imterro : http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-21677.html | 02:13 |
jcd1006 | i changed the setting in that file and saved it and then looked it up again in terminal and its still showing off(dvd drive using dma) | 02:13 |
crimsun | Guest9695747: please inspect the log on an alternate vt when it dies | 02:13 |
Guest9695747 | 5.01 seems to freeze the pc 5.10 crashes to something like a useless shell (can type whatever but i wont get an error msg or whatever) | 02:13 |
Guest9695747 | 5.01=5.04 | 02:13 |
imterro | thanks | 02:13 |
Guest9695747 | an alternate vt?? | 02:14 |
crimsun | Guest9695747: alt+F[23] | 02:14 |
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Guest9695747 | whats a vt? and how do i do this? | 02:14 |
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cevizoglu | terminal | 02:14 |
Guest9695747 | ahh | 02:14 |
Guest9695747 | moment i can try it again... | 02:14 |
jcd1006 | robotgeek: i changed the setting in that file and saved it and then looked it up again in terminal and its still showing off(dvd drive using dma) | 02:14 |
jcd1006 | NoUse: i changed the setting in that file and saved it and then looked it up again in terminal and its still showing off(dvd drive using dma) | 02:15 |
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cevizoglu | my dvd drive likes to show off too | 02:15 |
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robotgeek | jcd1006: you can issue an command directly i believe, one sec | 02:15 |
NoUse | jcd1006 you'll need to reboot to have that take effect | 02:16 |
bur[n] er | neighborlee: it probably doens't exist | 02:16 |
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communico | are there any conventions about where you should mount a harddrive? I'm trying to install just a normal secondary one now, not a raid. in the howto, it gives this command as an example '/dev/hdd1 /backup' i'm wondering why they use a folder called /backup. Is that just arbitrary, or is there some reason for that? | 02:16 |
bur[n] er | neighborlee: you have to create ~/.bashrc and don't do it as root | 02:16 |
tarvid | getting an error upgrading postfix on breezy | 02:16 |
jcd1006 | NoUse: so it won't show up until I reboot? thanks | 02:17 |
tarvid | tfix/postfix-script: fatal: usage: postfix start (or stop, reload, abort, flush, check, set-permissions, upgrade-configuration[fail] | 02:17 |
communico | sorry 'mount /dev/hdd1 /backup' | 02:17 |
bur[n] er | communico: arbitrary | 02:17 |
tarvid | any way out of this mess? | 02:17 |
communico | bur[n] er: thanks | 02:17 |
azahid | Can anybody help me with the Opera browser so that it can play internet videos using the mplayer or other plugins. Firefox can play fine. | 02:17 |
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nightswim | evening | 02:17 |
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transgress_ | what's the command to configure sound? | 02:18 |
Guest9695747 | ok what shall i do on the other console now? @ cevizoglu | 02:18 |
sn0n | alsamixer | 02:18 |
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transgress_ | no not configure the sound volume and stuff... actual sound card. it didn't pick up in the install and i wanna see what i can find for it | 02:20 |
neighborlee | bur[n] er, no .bashrc does exist..but not even running gedit as root can see it (them)..I also have .bash_profile...wth ?? | 02:20 |
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cevizoglu | Guest: I believe crimsum said something about inspecting the log when it dies | 02:21 |
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bur[n] er | neighborlee: chown it to the user :) | 02:22 |
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bur[n] er | neighborlee: and chmod it? | 02:22 |
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neighborlee | bur[n] er, yeah I know but this is dain odd behavior out of the box | 02:22 |
Guest9695747 | well on f4 and f3 is something wich looks like a log.... | 02:22 |
bur[n] er | neighborlee: sudo chown username:username .bashrc && sudo chmod 777 .bashrc | 02:23 |
neighborlee | bur[n] er, isn't 'export' variables to be done in /etc/profile..export PATH is there so i'd think that would be the file ...??? | 02:23 |
bur[n] er | yeah, odd | 02:23 |
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Guest9695747 | but i dont know even if there is something important... | 02:23 |
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cevizoglu | hmm... ubotu is always accusing me | 02:24 |
bur[n] er | silly ubotu | 02:24 |
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nalioth | whois tritium | 02:25 |
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mivey | I'm trying to find an article I read recently about the development environment at canonical. It was mentioning some of the nice things they have set up, like an IRC bot that reports on all the commits. Anyone else read that and have a link? (it is a long shot, I know) | 02:26 |
crimsun | nalioth: ? | 02:26 |
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nalioth | crimsun: missing my / <<<points to needing a nap | 02:26 |
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bobby | does any one have good guide for setting up a routing/firewall box under ubuntu? | 02:27 |
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funkyHat | is there a linux version of the musicbrainz tagger? | 02:27 |
Guest9695747 | the only thing wich tries to look important is the floppy detection wich says something like fatal: ther is no floppy | 02:27 |
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crimsun | funkyHat: yes | 02:27 |
linuxpoet | anybody here actually get skype with callin/out working | 02:27 |
cevizoglu | mivey: my friend google might know | 02:28 |
crimsun | sure. You just need to disable esd and make sure any other apps hogging /dev/dsp are closed, linuxpoet | 02:28 |
linuxpoet | hmm | 02:28 |
linuxpoet | ok | 02:28 |
linuxpoet | how do I disable esd? | 02:28 |
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crimsun | uncheck System> Preferences> Sound> Enable sound server startup | 02:29 |
linuxpoet | Basically I can call the number but I can't answer it for some reason, nor can I hang up.. and then skype just freaks out | 02:29 |
mivey | cevizoglu: i've been looking :) I've tried google...I've searched the ubuntu wiki, I've read through people's blogs...I can't find it :) | 02:29 |
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bur[n] er | linuxpoet: killall esd | 02:29 |
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linuxpoet | ok did both of those | 02:29 |
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linuxpoet | lets see what happens | 02:30 |
linuxpoet | oh craop | 02:30 |
linuxpoet | err crap | 02:30 |
linuxpoet | cool | 02:30 |
linuxpoet | thanks guys! | 02:30 |
gusto5 | hello. ive installed vusualboyadvance by apt-getting it | 02:30 |
gusto5 | how do i run it? | 02:30 |
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bur[n] er | gusto5: in your menu under "games" ? | 02:30 |
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gusto5 | bur[n] er, its not there. | 02:30 |
delp | it's still showing dma off | 02:31 |
bur[n] er | gusto5: you have a "debian" menu in your menu? maybe it's under that? | 02:31 |
gusto5 | bur[n] er, nope. | 02:31 |
gusto5 | not under my menu or submenus, bur[n] er | 02:32 |
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transgress_ | okay sorry, had to wonder off... but is there not a command to configure the sound card? | 02:32 |
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bur[n] er | gusto5: i dont' know the command ;) sorry | 02:32 |
gusto5 | s'ok bur[n] er lol | 02:33 |
bur[n] er | gusto5: go to a term and just type "v<tab><tab>" | 02:33 |
=== Vexir [n=eshan@c-24-6-241-110.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bur[n] er | you might get lucky and find the full name | 02:33 |
Vexir | For some reason Ubuntu wont let me su into root.. I type "su" and it asks for the password and I put in my password but it says access denied or whatever.. | 02:34 |
Vexir | I'm pretty sure I got my password right | 02:34 |
Agrajag | Vexir: use sudo, not su | 02:34 |
Vexir | so.. | 02:34 |
delp | robotgeek: when im trying to turn the dma on for my dvd drive, do i need to change the address from cdrom to dvdrom or does that matter? | 02:34 |
Vexir | okay | 02:34 |
Agrajag | sudo -s for a root shell, or sudo <command> to run a command as root | 02:34 |
Vexir | ill try that | 02:34 |
gusto5 | bur[n] er, if i sudo-install something, will it install the dependencies? | 02:34 |
Vexir | thx | 02:34 |
=== Mr_You [n=car@cpe-066-056-097-119.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mr_You | hi | 02:34 |
robotgeek | delp: i dont think that matters | 02:35 |
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delp | ok, and do i need to do cdrom0 and cdrom1 or just 0? | 02:35 |
Mr_You | checkin out gnoppix for the first time, pretty sweet, but seems no distribution works with my wifi out of the box ;-) | 02:35 |
delp | robotgeek: ok, and do i need to do cdrom0 and cdrom1 or just 0? | 02:35 |
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bur[n] er | gusto5: definately | 02:35 |
CCFIEL | hello ppl.. | 02:36 |
bur[n] er | if you sudo install, it will... if you pseudo install... i dunno ;) | 02:36 |
robotgeek | delp: how many cdrom/dvdroms have u got? | 02:36 |
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transgress_ | Mr_You: probably a card that requires ndiswrapper | 02:37 |
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transgress_ | which means no distro would work for it out of the box | 02:37 |
delp | robotgeek: i have a dvd-rom and a dvd burner | 02:37 |
Mr_You | wow, pretty crazy, X is using 107M VIRT, 24M RES, firefox is using 110M VIRT 47M RES | 02:37 |
rob_p | bobby: Not sure if you got an answer regarding setting up a Linux firewall/router yet but this little tutorial might help: http://rob.pectol.com/content/view/28/76/ | 02:37 |
robotgeek | delp: and do u know which ones they are? | 02:37 |
gusto5 | bur[n] er, im gonna try reinstalling it again... | 02:38 |
steeev | i have just installed hoary hedgehog but totem won't play my mpeg-4 movie | 02:38 |
bur[n] er | gusto5: i bet it's there... just find the executable name | 02:38 |
bur[n] er | what is the name of the emulator? | 02:38 |
Mr_You | transgress: I dunno, I'm pretty sure there is a compatible driver, it just doesn't recognize the "Toshiba" description when probed. | 02:38 |
steeev | i do not know how to get programs I want | 02:38 |
gusto5 | VisualBoyAdvance, bur[n] er | 02:38 |
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bur[n] er | !tell steeev about restrictedformats | 02:38 |
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bur[n] er | gusto5: check the website for that app? | 02:39 |
gusto5 | bur[n] er, will check again | 02:39 |
=== bur[n] er installs it | ||
bur[n] er | steeev: you wouldn't happen to be an old litestepper? | 02:40 |
delp | robotgeek: i do not | 02:40 |
=== foxiness [i=now@ppp-2177.cyberia.net.sa] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bur[n] er | gusto5: vba is the command :) | 02:41 |
gusto5 | really? | 02:41 |
robotgeek | can u grab that info from System->Administration-> device manager? | 02:41 |
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gusto5 | nothing comes up.... bur[n] er | 02:41 |
Guest9695747 | oO | 02:41 |
bur[n] er | gusto5: there's no gui | 02:41 |
Guest9695747 | wow now it works... | 02:41 |
delp | robotgeek: when i look in my dev folder i have dvd, dvd1, and dvdrw along with cdrom, cdrom1, and cdrw | 02:41 |
gusto5 | bur[n] er, what does that mean? | 02:41 |
bur[n] er | from a term... run "vba file" | 02:41 |
bur[n] er | there's no point & click interface | 02:41 |
bur[n] er | it's strictly command line | 02:41 |
gusto5 | bur[n] er, layman's terms? | 02:42 |
Tufek | hi, Is Ubuntu Linux 5.10 Preview work well on sata raid 0 ? | 02:42 |
Guest9695747 | now i want to know if ill see the gnome today | 02:42 |
robotgeek | delp: can u do a ls -al in the /dev folder and see if they are symlinked? | 02:42 |
bur[n] er | gusto5: you can't use your mouse | 02:42 |
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Guest9695747 | bot i wont ;( | 02:42 |
bur[n] er | gusto5: you run it via 'terminal' | 02:42 |
delp | robotgeek: all of those have a @ after them | 02:42 |
gusto5 | bur[n] er, how do i run it via "terminal" | 02:42 |
bur[n] er | gusto5: try a different emulator ;) | 02:42 |
bur[n] er | gusto5: get one with a gui :) | 02:42 |
robotgeek | delp: though i am betting that dvd1 is your dvdrom and and dvdrw is your dvd writer | 02:42 |
gusto5 | LOL bur[n] er | 02:42 |
gusto5 | bur[n] er, you know one by any chance? | 02:43 |
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bur[n] er | gusto5: use synaptic and search for "game boy" :) | 02:43 |
bur[n] er | iv'e never used any to be honest | 02:43 |
bur[n] er | i have snes & nes emu's but not a game boy one | 02:43 |
=== bur[n] er doesn't play pokemon ;) | ||
Mr_You | openoffice 153M VIRT 67M RES ouch hehe | 02:43 |
gusto5 | bur[n] er, hahah...i need it to play FFVI on SNES | 02:43 |
h17m4n | !wine | 02:43 |
bur[n] er | gusto5: you want an SNES emulator? | 02:44 |
delp | robotgeek: i wasn't sure if it would be that or if dvd was my dvdrom and dvd1 along with dvdrw was my burner since it is a dvdrom and burner | 02:44 |
bur[n] er | wtf you getting game boy ones for then? | 02:44 |
gusto5 | bur[n] er, i think ive found me one :) | 02:44 |
bytefoo | lawlz :/ | 02:44 |
bur[n] er | gusto5: use zsnes :) | 02:44 |
gusto5 | bur[n] er, thats the one i found :) | 02:44 |
bytefoo | sudo apt-cache search snes | 02:44 |
bytefoo | :/ | 02:44 |
gusto5 | bur[n] er, who the heck plays pokemon :P | 02:44 |
bur[n] er | no need for sudo to search | 02:44 |
bur[n] er | gusto5: got me... only game for game boy I know that's popular | 02:45 |
robotgeek | delp: i have never used a dvdrw b4, so u might just wait for some more time and ask around again! | 02:45 |
gusto5 | bur[n] er, true say...very true say. | 02:45 |
=== bur[n] er shrugs at dvd burning | ||
delp | robotgeek: ok, thank you for trying | 02:45 |
bur[n] er | delp: what does your "device manager" show? | 02:46 |
bytefoo | wtf | 02:46 |
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bytefoo | totem doesn't support dvd menus? | 02:46 |
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bytefoo | wtf :/ | 02:46 |
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bytefoo | ahh hmm | 02:46 |
bytefoo | nm :| | 02:46 |
bur[n] er | lol | 02:46 |
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bytefoo | i was about to flip | 02:46 |
h17m4n | did anyone try Age Of Empires 3 with wine? | 02:46 |
lakcaj | delp, what does dmesg | grep hd say? | 02:47 |
gusto5 | woohoo! | 02:47 |
gusto5 | bur[n] er, thanks :D | 02:47 |
=== benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-66-8-184-56.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bur[n] er | gusto5: no problem | 02:47 |
delp | burn[n] er: where is the device manger? the dev folder? | 02:48 |
benplaut | another day, another colony | 02:48 |
benplaut | err, preview :P | 02:48 |
Madpilot | hi all | 02:48 |
delp | lakcaj: it shows my dvdrom as hdc and my burner as hdd | 02:48 |
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lakcaj | delp, well, if you cat /etc/fstab, you can see where the mount points are for those devices. Is that what you were after? I only started reading at the end of your conversation. | 02:49 |
steeev | so do i need to convert my mpeg4 files into a different/free format? | 02:50 |
=== bytefoo [n=bytefoo@cpe-66-68-113-101.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bytefoo | that sucked :/ | 02:50 |
delp | lakcaj: i'm trying to turn on dma so i can use dvd shrink and decrypter | 02:51 |
nalioth | steeev: you dont have to | 02:51 |
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nalioth | steeev: linux will play all mp4 except for the DRMd ones | 02:51 |
bytefoo | sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc | 02:52 |
lakcaj | delp, hdparm -d1 /dev/hdd | 02:52 |
foxiness | did the ubuntu team fix the dma on xine and other | 02:52 |
bytefoo | shoudl do it delp :/ | 02:52 |
lakcaj | delp, what bytefoo said | 02:52 |
bytefoo | whichever your drive is :/ | 02:52 |
lakcaj | right | 02:52 |
bobby | thanks rob_p | 02:53 |
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foxiness | nice to hear | 02:53 |
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delp | so i will only have todo it to the one drive? | 02:54 |
Guest9695747 | muharr | 02:54 |
lakcaj | you can do it on both if the drives support it. I can turn on dma for both my burner and my dvd drive | 02:54 |
Guest9695747 | and again... | 02:54 |
Guest9695747 | ubuntu install has finished wanted to restart and now | 02:55 |
lakcaj | delp, are you sure dma is even off? | 02:55 |
delp | lakcaj: what exactly does turning it on and off do? | 02:55 |
delp | it was, i checked | 02:55 |
rob_p | bobby: No prob :-) I wrote it specifically for Ubuntu. Let me know if it helps, is clear, easy to understand, etc. There's also a little script that you can download which sets up the NAT-routing capabilities, etc. | 02:55 |
lakcaj | dma = direct memory access | 02:55 |
lakcaj | translation -> speeds things up | 02:55 |
Guest9695747 | alert! /dev/hda5 foes not exist dropping to shell | 02:55 |
delp | ok, cool | 02:55 |
Guest9695747 | me confused | 02:55 |
lakcaj | dma is (Direct Memory Access) PCs have DMA channels that allow certain devices to directly access memory in order to speed up the process. to turn on dma, hdparm -d1 /dev/hda. to make it permanent, edit /etc/hdparm.conf | 02:56 |
delp | i ran the one command that dvd shrink's site said to run to check for it being enabled or not and it showed it as off | 02:56 |
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rob_p | bobby: Or you can Ubuntu-firewall, which I wrote for Ubuntu as well. It provides a nice stateful firewall with NAT-routing support. There's a link to it from that page. | 02:56 |
delp | lakcag: do you run that same command to turn it back off? | 02:56 |
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delp | lakcaj: do you run that same command to turn it back off? | 02:56 |
=== Gui_ [n=Gui_Carv@nor75-1-82-230-63-9.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Guest9695747 | how can i find out where the problem comes from? | 02:57 |
oddball_ | okay i'm having problems... i can't get my sound to work, and when i try to follow the wiki it tells me to install the source packages for alsa... i'm doing that, but the alsa-utils package fails because it requires a curses library | 02:57 |
Gui_ | hello everybody | 02:57 |
lakcaj | delp, -d0 for off | 02:57 |
bytefoo | it means you are trying to install to hda5, which is a partition that doesn't exist | 02:57 |
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lakcaj | delp, but there is no reason to turn it off | 02:57 |
oddball_ | anyone have some suggestions? | 02:57 |
oddball_ | please | 02:57 |
delp | ok, i was just checking | 02:57 |
=== matthew_w [n=matthew@hlfxns01bbf-142068221016.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gui_ | I'm running Ubuntu from a Live CD, and I've managed to reach the files in my HD | 02:58 |
Gui_ | (by mounting it to a /mnt/windows directory) | 02:58 |
Gui_ | but I can't reach in the folders from within OpenOffice! Can anyone help? | 02:58 |
=== chavo [n=chavo@240.sub-70-212-48.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bytefoo | ? | 02:59 |
Gui_ | I managed to open the /mnt/windows folder, calling nautilus from the terminal, though | 02:59 |
bytefoo | what do you mean reach :| | 02:59 |
matthew_w | Hey there - does anyone know why Enemy Territory would hang on open under Ubuntu? I've had it working in Mandriva etc... Just in Ubuntu when I start it it hangs, all I get is a black screen. | 02:59 |
Gui_ | I couldn't open it just from the file browser | 02:59 |
=== oleavr [i=oleavr@pc4105.stdby.hin.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gui_ | I had to call nautilus from the terminal, and then browse to the folder I wanted | 03:00 |
bytefoo | hmm | 03:00 |
Gui_ | and OOo still has access denied to it | 03:00 |
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=== Vexir [n=vexir@c-24-6-241-110.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vexir | hey. | 03:00 |
bytefoo | i dunno | 03:01 |
Gui_ | so I think I have to give it authorization thru the terminal, but don't know how | 03:01 |
bytefoo | some kind of permission problem | 03:01 |
Vexir | whee, got internet working on ubuntu | 03:01 |
Vexir | much easier than gentoo | 03:01 |
tarvid | need help with postfix on breezy | 03:01 |
Vexir | lol | 03:01 |
=== joelc [n=joelc@ip68-102-234-195.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vexir | does anyone know how to install ATI drivers | 03:01 |
Gui_ | can I call OOo thru the terminal, like I did with nautilus? | 03:01 |
tarvid | postfix-script: fatal: usage: postfix start (or stop, reload, abort, flush, check, set-permissions, upgrade-configuration[fail] | 03:01 |
Vexir | for my Radeon 9800 Pro | 03:01 |
Random_Transit | hey, i'm running the ubuntu 5.04 liveCD and i'm having trouble mounting my hard drives | 03:01 |
=== Vexir needs drivers for his ATI Radeon 9800 Pro... | ||
=== rafter [n=rafter@12-218-248-222.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vexir | please :) | 03:01 |
bytefoo | do sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx | 03:01 |
Vexir | i try running 'sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx' | 03:02 |
Vexir | haha yeah | 03:02 |
Vexir | it says | 03:02 |
Gui_ | Random_Transit, I had this problem too | 03:02 |
bytefoo | and then edit your xorg.conf | 03:02 |
communico | okay I've just managed to mount a new harddrive. I found I could make a directory on it using the root terminal, but I can't through the gui. is there a command I can type in the terminal to see what write permissions my new hard drive has? | 03:02 |
bytefoo | to change everything that says ati to fglrx | 03:02 |
Gui_ | bytefoo, was that for me? | 03:02 |
bytefoo | :| | 03:02 |
bytefoo | no for Vexir | 03:02 |
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Gui_ | ok | 03:02 |
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bytefoo | for Gui_, you should be able to read them | 03:02 |
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Vexir | it says it cant find the package | 03:02 |
bytefoo | since linux can only read ntfs partitions | 03:02 |
bytefoo | Vexir, it is in a different repository | 03:02 |
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Vexir | bytefoo, how do i access it? | 03:03 |
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Gui_ | bytefoo, what do you mean? I should be able to open these files in OOo? | 03:03 |
Vexir | bytefoo, not that i know what a repository is... but anyway | 03:03 |
Guest9695747 | help :/ | 03:03 |
bytefoo | i think universe | 03:03 |
bytefoo | or possibly extras | 03:03 |
bytefoo | or possibly multiverse o_O | 03:03 |
bytefoo | !repo | 03:03 |
ubotu | bytefoo: What? | 03:03 |
bytefoo | :/ | 03:03 |
delp | after i download the flash plug in, how do i install it? | 03:03 |
Vexir | bytefoo, so how do i access it? | 03:03 |
Random_Transit | btw, can anyone tell me if Canon Scanners and/or Lexmark printers are supported under Ubu? | 03:04 |
bytefoo | http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories | 03:04 |
Madpilot | !tell Vexir about repos | 03:04 |
Madpilot | !tell bytefoo about ubuntuguide | 03:04 |
=== divorcedpop [n=dp@ip68-102-234-195.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gui_ | so... noone on how I could give permission to OOo to access anything? | 03:04 |
delp | thanks | 03:04 |
bytefoo | !tell Madpilot to bite me | 03:04 |
Gui_ | or tell me this: how do I call OOo from the terminal (just to launch the app) | 03:05 |
Madpilot | Random_Transit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters or http://www.linuxprinting.org/ | 03:05 |
Guest9695747 | can someone tell me why im dropped to a shell after a new install? | 03:06 |
=== steeev If ubuntu is linux for human beings I must be a vegetable | ||
Gui_ | welcome to nonhuman world, steeev =) | 03:06 |
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Guest9695747 | muharr @steeev.. me too | 03:07 |
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delltony | i changed all my hoary's in sources.list to breezy and i get failed indexes any idea why? | 03:07 |
delltony | wanting to dist-upgrade | 03:07 |
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Gui_ | hm... still no one on how to authorize OpenOffice to reach anywhere in my HD? | 03:07 |
Gui_ | or how to call it from the terminal? | 03:08 |
Vexir | bytefoo, I enabled the repositorys using the wiki instructions... it still cant access it :-( | 03:08 |
bytefoo | did you sudo apt-get update | 03:08 |
delltony | http://pastebin.com/358522 anyone see any problem with this sources.list | 03:08 |
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nalioth | Vexir: did you update your apt? | 03:08 |
delltony | cause when i do apt-get update i get failed indexs on the backports | 03:08 |
Vexir | uh | 03:09 |
matthew_w | I've been trying everything.. Is there some way to minimize a fullscreen app so I can see what's going wrong with Enemy Territory | 03:09 |
Vexir | how do i update my apt.. | 03:09 |
Madpilot | Vexir: if you're using Synaptic, hit the Reload button | 03:09 |
bytefoo | well there are no breezy backports for one :X | 03:09 |
Vexir | im doing it now anway | 03:09 |
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Vexir | okay | 03:09 |
bytefoo | ? | 03:09 |
Vexir | apt-get updated and synaptic is reloaded | 03:09 |
Vexir | still wont find it | 03:10 |
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parktownprawn | Gui_: you want to run open office from the terminal - type ooffice | 03:10 |
bytefoo | well it is int here | 03:10 |
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Gui_ | yay, thx parktownprawn | 03:11 |
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Gui_ | I trying sthg else, will try your solution right after | 03:11 |
reiki | ok... hmmm... inserted usb flash drive and nothing happened... am I supposed to DO something when I insert a flas drive? | 03:11 |
twigsby | do a search for fglrx in synaptic and see what it finds | 03:11 |
jcole | how do i make apt install suggests/recommended packages automatically? | 03:11 |
rafter | hi I got a ? about memory the system monitor says i am using 185MB out of 600MB. i got 640MB of ram 32MB shared for vidio.I open a terminal run top i get 590MB used +/- 22MB +/- free why the discrepency? | 03:12 |
=== EasterSunshine [n=silverte@pool-70-18-43-126.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Webby` | How do I upgrade to Breezy Preview Release using commands? I am using Breezy Colony 4. | 03:12 |
EasterSunshine | ubotu tell me about repos | 03:12 |
EasterSunshine | hey, does ubuntu and kubuntu have the same repos? | 03:12 |
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twigsby | yes, they should do | 03:12 |
nalioth | jcole: if you open a terminal and type "man apt-get' you'll get much info (or just use synaptic) | 03:13 |
jcole | rafter: cat /proc/meminfo | 03:13 |
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nalioth | EasterSunshine: yes they do | 03:13 |
bytefoo | Webby`, I thought Colony 4 was the latest. | 03:13 |
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Webby` | bytefoo: No, there is a preview release listed at distrowaych.com | 03:13 |
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Webby` | distrowatch* | 03:13 |
bytefoo | i think it is Colony 4 they are referring to | 03:14 |
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Vexir | bytefoo, any ideas as to why it cant find the package for the ati driver | 03:14 |
bytefoo | since it was released like 2 days ago :| | 03:14 |
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reiki | !usb | 03:14 |
ubotu | reiki: Syntax error in line 1 | 03:14 |
elisboa | is it possible to install a basic debian sarge via debootstrap and then dist-upgrade it flalessly to breezy? | 03:14 |
Roots | I thought you were giving a URL in ebonics for a second there Webby` >_> | 03:14 |
twigsby | vexir, are you using hoary or breezy? | 03:14 |
Webby` | lol | 03:14 |
Vexir | twigsby, Hoary | 03:14 |
fangorious | i just booted the gnome 2.12 livecd, which appears to be running some version of breezy, and i can't seem to change the resolution | 03:14 |
bytefoo | Vexir, http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=fglrx&searchon=names&subword=1&version=hoary&release=all | 03:14 |
twigsby | i don't think the fglrx package is named the same as in hoary | 03:14 |
oddball_ | so | 03:15 |
Webby` | What's the command to upgrade to the Preview release? | 03:15 |
oddball_ | anyone here care to help me with my sound? | 03:15 |
Exdaix | anyone have an idea why mythtv and mythtv-setup Seg Fault everytime I run it? I went thru all the setup guides and everything is fine, but it keeps Seg Faulting | 03:15 |
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jcole | nalioth: i did... no switches in apt-get to do so | 03:15 |
twigsby | open synaptic and seach for fglrx by name and description and see what it finds | 03:15 |
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cevizoglu | hmm... I think I'll wait until the final release.. I installed release 4, and it crashed while installing the bootloader | 03:15 |
rafter | jcole it coinsides with top output | 03:15 |
nalioth | jcole: use synaptic, and right click on the pkg, look at 'suggested pkgs' | 03:15 |
fangorious | i looked at the /etc/X11/xorg.conf and it seems to have the resolution I want specified, but using System->Preferences->Screen Resolution I can't set it to anything other than 640x480 | 03:16 |
nalioth | !tell jcole about synaptic | 03:16 |
EasterSunshine | i want to update to the newest version of gaim, which is like 1.5 or something, without losing my settings, but i do not want to update/upgrade the whole system, what is the command for this? | 03:16 |
cevizoglu | how many of you are going to dist-upgrade to breezy? | 03:16 |
oddball_ | me | 03:16 |
Webby` | me | 03:16 |
rafter | jcole why does the system monitor b so wrong | 03:16 |
jcole | nalioth: i know about synaptics check box that does that... i want to do it with apt-get since i'm ssh'ed to the machine | 03:16 |
Webby` | If I can get the command that is ;) | 03:16 |
cevizoglu | hmmm, maybe I will backup and give it a shot :) | 03:16 |
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Vexir | bytefoo, okay i downloaded the package.. now what | 03:17 |
oleavr | does anyone know if breezy's xorg is 6.8.2 with backported DRI, or if it's 6.8.99.xx versioned as 6.8.2? | 03:17 |
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cevizoglu | it'll be much more bearable with my new wireless card :D | 03:17 |
fangorious | anyone? | 03:17 |
delltony | is there an offical breezy source.list? | 03:17 |
oddball_ | brb | 03:17 |
Gui_ | ok, I managed to open one of my files into OOo, thx parktownprawn | 03:17 |
bytefoo | Vexir, you should be able to open up a terminal by right clicking, and then typing "sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx" | 03:17 |
parktownprawn | great | 03:17 |
bytefoo | and it should install itself :| | 03:17 |
Gui_ | new problem now: just found out my HD is read-only for Ubuntu | 03:17 |
nalioth | jcole: what i usually do is c/p the "suggested" into the end of the "install blah" line i've got goin | 03:18 |
Gui_ | any easy way to change that? | 03:18 |
cevizoglu | how about http://archive.ubuntu.com for official | 03:18 |
bytefoo | Gui_, linux can not write to NTFS hard drives | 03:18 |
bytefoo | which is what XP uses :| | 03:18 |
Gui_ | aha | 03:18 |
nalioth | jcole: but i'm a barbarian | 03:18 |
Vexir | bytefoo, but it wont! i just tried again! but, i have the package downloaded on my desktop, what do i do with it? | 03:18 |
parktownprawn | gui_: you're running a live-cd ? | 03:18 |
Gui_ | rrrrright | 03:18 |
Gui_ | yes, live CD | 03:18 |
Vexir | bytefoo, ill navigate to the directory in the terminal | 03:18 |
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Vexir | bytefoo, but i need ot know the command to install it | 03:18 |
Gui_ | ok, so Ubuntu will only be able to read these files, whichever they are | 03:18 |
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Madpilot | Gui_: if they're in an NTFS drive, yes | 03:19 |
fangorious | anyone know how to change the resolution (livecd)? | 03:19 |
Gui_ | Madpilot, they are: files created under Windows | 03:19 |
Vexir | What is the command to install a package using the terminal if the package is on the desktop? | 03:19 |
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bytefoo | Vexir, you can install the package you downloaded, but you really need to figure out why it can't install through apt-get or synaptic :| | 03:20 |
Vexir | Is it dpkg -1 <name> ? | 03:20 |
monteiro | i've a PIV 2,4 with 256 ram, and my mouse have breaks when i execute programs. My mouse is infrared, is the logitech mx 700, anyone can help me ? | 03:20 |
fangorious | Vexir, you mean an actual .dpkg file? dpkg -i /path/to/file | 03:20 |
Gui_ | ok, so lemme try something else now... thx anyway | 03:20 |
Vexir | bytefoo, I searched in synaptic for fglrx, it doesnt come up with anything | 03:20 |
bytefoo | and you updated? | 03:20 |
Vexir | fangorious, its a .deb | 03:20 |
Vexir | bytefoo, yeah | 03:20 |
fangorious | Vexir, that's what I meant :) | 03:20 |
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Madpilot | Vexir: there are at least half a dozen fglrx-related files in the repos... | 03:21 |
fangorious | Vexir, did you search the ubuntu wiki for binary drivers howto? | 03:21 |
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omp | i have installed e17 following a guide on the forums, but i dont know how to enter e17 instead of gnome | 03:21 |
Vexir | fangorious, yep. | 03:21 |
Vexir | Madpilot, well i cant find em :) i THINK i enabled the universe repos | 03:21 |
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Vexir | Madpilot, Whether I did it right or not, dont ask me, I just followed the wiki. | 03:22 |
Gui_ | but behold! my USB key, where I saved stuff thru windows, is recognised as read/write/execute! excellent | 03:22 |
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fangorious | Vexir, have you looked at this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32495 | 03:22 |
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Madpilot | !+info xorg-driver-fglrx | 03:22 |
ubotu | xorg-driver-fglrx: (Video driver for ATI graphics accelerators), section restricted/misc, is optional. Version: 6.8.0-8.8.25-0ubuntu11 (hoary), Packaged size: 3110 kB, Installed size: 9940 kB | 03:22 |
nalioth | damned bots | 03:22 |
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bytefoo | Vexir, it is in the restriced repository actually | 03:22 |
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Vexir | bytefoo, um.. okay.. so how do i enable that one | 03:22 |
rafter | jcole why does the system monitor b so wrong | 03:23 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+r] by nalioth | ||
rafter | opps | 03:23 |
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bytefoo | it should be already enabled | 03:23 |
Gui_ | perfect! Down to work then. Thx again everybody, it's always helpful around here | 03:23 |
monteiro | my mouse as little stops in ubuntu, i think it's my ps/2 mouse, because my PC is a PIV 2,4 256 ram, and sometimes the mouse has that little stops. anyone knows ? | 03:23 |
Vexir | bytefoo, well something is quite screwy isnt it. | 03:24 |
Vexir | bytefoo, regardless, i installed the package using dpkg, | 03:24 |
delp | i need help installing the flash plug in | 03:25 |
Vexir | gonna restart.. bbl | 03:25 |
rafter | jcole top gives me real time stats | 03:25 |
delp | i tried going by the unofficial unbuntu guide and its still not installing | 03:25 |
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Madpilot | delp: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 03:26 |
gusto5 | hey bur[n] er, its me again. is there a GBA-equivalent you know of? | 03:26 |
=== Twylo [n=sethm@pdpc/supporter/basic/twylo] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | delp: the unofficial guide can cause trouble | 03:28 |
Twylo | Folks, can I say something? I've been using Linux since 1992 (SLS 0.96, woo). I've had my ups and downs. About 20 minutes ago I installed Ubuntu, and it is the best freaking Linux that I have ever used. Seriously. | 03:28 |
nalioth | !tell delp about restricted | 03:28 |
nalioth | Twylo: yes, i've found that too | 03:28 |
l_ | I am trying to compile alsa driver but I am getting compile errors | 03:29 |
rafter | Twylo u have to b joking | 03:29 |
Twylo | Not at all. | 03:29 |
fangorious | anyone? changing resolution? | 03:29 |
Twylo | I gave up fighting with another distro on my ThinkPad. Couldn't get my wireless card or audio working. Ubuntu just came up, boom, worked. | 03:30 |
nalioth | !tell fangorious about resolution | 03:30 |
Twylo | After 13 years of Linux, I like things to just work :) | 03:30 |
nalioth | Twylo: i've used linux since 97 and i like ubuntu too | 03:30 |
l_ | Twylo, what do you use? or thik is better | 03:31 |
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Twylo | Before Ubuntu I was on FC3 and FC4 | 03:31 |
rafter | Twylo my biggest problem is getting any linux dist to support a 85 key keyboard | 03:31 |
Twylo | Before that, various RedHats. Before that, Slackware. Before that, SLS. | 03:31 |
wahad | i got freee ubuntu disk... can i install it with windows xp ? ..win xp on c and ubuntu on e ? | 03:31 |
reiki | where does one "associate" files... like when I double-click an mp3 I want it to open NOT with Totem (very choppy) but with RhythmBox | 03:31 |
BlueEagle | Ok, a couple of questions. I want CTRL+ALT+RightArrow to launch 3ddesk --gotoright, but keylaunch isn't doing the trick for me. Anyone got any experience with custom hotkeys? | 03:32 |
fangorious | nalioth, thanks but my xorg.conf already has the right set of resolutions configured, i just can't seem to use any of them other than 640x480 | 03:32 |
BlueEagle | Also I would like metacity (or is it nautilus) to relinquish control of the root window. | 03:32 |
bytefoo | i used the custom buttons on my laptop to do that | 03:32 |
=== BlueEagle is making eye candy to impress the laddies. :) | ||
bimberi | !tell reiki about defaultapp | 03:32 |
bytefoo | but that deals with acpi and not so much key combinations i think :| | 03:32 |
wahad | i got freee ubuntu disk... can i install it with windows xp ? ..win xp on c and ubuntu on e ? | 03:33 |
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BlueEagle | reiki: You can alter the assosiacion by right-clicking and setting it in properties. | 03:33 |
nalioth | fangorious: drastic measures are in order | 03:33 |
Madpilot | wahad: yes, you can have both on your computer. see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo | 03:33 |
reiki | okies | 03:33 |
BlueEagle | wahad: is "e" another partition or another disk? | 03:33 |
fangorious | nalioth: i'm booting off a livecd, is that going complicate things? | 03:34 |
wahad | another patiotn. | 03:34 |
auk | does oo have a restore feature? | 03:34 |
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wahad | partition | 03:34 |
auk | *OOo | 03:34 |
rafter | Twylo ur thinkpad KB has how many keys | 03:34 |
Vexir | Well didnt work, I still cant make resolution higher than 1024 | 03:34 |
nalioth | fangorious: not at all | 03:34 |
fangorious | nalioth: ok, lay it on me :) | 03:34 |
BlueEagle | wahad: Yes, you can do that, but be advised the "e" is known as something like /dev/hda3, /dev/hda5 or /dev/hda6 in linux. | 03:34 |
BlueEagle | wahad: unless you're using a scsi or sata disk in which case it is /dev/sda* | 03:34 |
Madpilot | auk: what do you mean by restore feature? | 03:34 |
BlueEagle | (where * is 3, 5 or 6 | 03:35 |
delp | is there a reason i can't go to "https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=110956" well i can but it shows up blank | 03:35 |
nalioth | fangorious: open a terminal, type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" . Most of the questions should just be defaulted, but make sure you have ONLY the resolution you want enabled | 03:35 |
wickedpuppy | hey guys does ubuntu has word recognition software for tablet pc ? | 03:35 |
nalioth | delp: sourceforge has been having problems for a while now | 03:35 |
BlueEagle | wickedpuppy: handwriting recognition? | 03:36 |
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Madpilot | delp: that URL works for me right now - Opera 8.02/Ubuntu Hoary... | 03:36 |
auk | MadPilot: restore lost documents, liek if you shut down w/o saving | 03:36 |
delp | nalioth: i opened it a minute ago, but now it won't...is there any other way to get gplflash? | 03:36 |
matthew_w | Hey there - does anyone know why Enemy Territory would hang on open under Ubuntu? I've had it working in Mandriva etc... Just in Ubuntu when I start it it hangs, all I get is a black screen. | 03:36 |
BlueEagle | wickedpuppy: I think you'd need to google about that, but it would kind of suprise me if it had. :) | 03:36 |
wickedpuppy | BlueEagle, yes | 03:36 |
auk | (shutdown computer, not openiffice directly) | 03:36 |
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BlueEagle | wickedpuppy: Any handwriting recognition that runs on linux will also (most likely) run on ubuntu. | 03:36 |
rafter | hi I got a ? about memory the system monitor says i am using 185MB out of 600MB. i got 640MB of ram 32MB shared for vidio.I open a terminal run top i get 590MB used +/- 22MB +/- free why the discrepency? | 03:36 |
wickedpuppy | ah i see | 03:37 |
Madpilot | auk: ah OK. no, I don't think it does that, but I'm not at all certain. check the OOo website? | 03:37 |
BlueEagle | rafter: cache most likely. | 03:37 |
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BlueEagle | rafter: Also some memory is locked away in the kernel. | 03:37 |
Simpleton | Hey fellas, might anyone know why, on breezy, apt-get install network-manager requests libcairo1 0.5.2, when .3.0.1 is the latest one released? | 03:37 |
Simpleton | (and the one installed) | 03:38 |
BlueEagle | simpleton: because it's not considered stable or because your cache isn't updated afaik. | 03:38 |
reiki | should I have to do anything special to have a usb flash drive recognized when I insert it? | 03:38 |
auk | MadPilot: i'm already doing that, but i thought i'd ask anyways...apparently it /used/ to pop up with the lost document on next tiem you open OOo | 03:38 |
onehourtonothing | Hello, I installed libdvdcss2 and totem but when I play a dvd the video is laggy | 03:38 |
nalioth | reiki: if it works, it should be in /media/ | 03:38 |
onehourtonothing | can someone help | 03:38 |
BlueEagle | reiki: Well, you need to have drivers for it. Try sudo fdisk -l and see if it shows up. | 03:38 |
nalioth | !tell onehourtonothing about dma | 03:38 |
reiki | nalioth: oh... ok... I thought it would "appear" on my desktop like CDs do | 03:39 |
wahad | i have a whole free e partition as ntfs..do i need the resize thing to have both winxp and ubuntu ? i now have winxp on c partition? . what to do | 03:39 |
BlueEagle | reiki: ofcourse check the manual of fdisk what -l does so you don't listen to an idiot and whipe your entire drive like I've seen people recomend. | 03:39 |
onehourtonothing | thank you nalioth | 03:39 |
nalioth | reiki: it might, i just have never had ANYTHING appear on my desktop | 03:39 |
Madpilot | auk: cool feature - Opera does the same thing with websites if it's crashed or shut down badly... | 03:39 |
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rafter | thanx BlueEagle i'll have to inform the ppl who develop system monitor | 03:39 |
Simpleton | BlueEagle, I did an apt-update, but there must be someway to install network-manager? | 03:40 |
nalioth | Madpilot: what has that feature? | 03:40 |
Simpleton | err apt-get update | 03:40 |
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robotgeek | Simpleton: are you on breezy/hoary? | 03:40 |
BlueEagle | simpleton: Well, considering you've already got a later version installed it might be a bug with system monitor and the spesific version. However you might want to bug report it. | 03:40 |
Madpilot | nalioth: auk was saying above the OOo did - or used to - restore after a crash... | 03:40 |
bytefoo | oooh, firefox 1.5 beta O_o | 03:40 |
nalioth | Madpilot: so does galeon | 03:40 |
BlueEagle | simpleton: It could just be an oversigth. | 03:40 |
BlueEagle | ght* | 03:41 |
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Simpleton | robotgeek: breezy, i just installed it and finally got X to load properly | 03:41 |
BlueEagle | simpleton: I mean breezy is still beta isn't it? :) | 03:41 |
reiki | ahhh... ok... I see usbdisk in /media ... doesn't seem to be reading it though | 03:41 |
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Simpleton | robotgeek: apparently the dist-upgrade i did messed up my xorg.conf file and i had to redo it | 03:41 |
Madpilot | nalioth: it's useful for browsers; even the best of them eat bad code sometimes! (I think there's a restore plugin for FF as well...) | 03:41 |
auk | Madpilot: you mean it does that with form data, or something? | 03:41 |
moshe | does anyone know which files xfce draws its menus from? | 03:41 |
=== factotum [n=mike@71-10-76-202.dhcp.dlth.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Simpleton | BlueEagle: Yea, but I heard SO many good things about this network manager, and it wouldnt install on hoary, so :P | 03:41 |
moshe | I have duplicate menus and I want to cut out the entries that it's drawing from kde. | 03:41 |
=== afaik [n=jcarr@216-138-43-178.adams.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlueEagle | simpleton: It might be broken all together. I've never heard of it. :) | 03:42 |
BlueEagle | simpleton: Then again I've never needed it. :p | 03:42 |
factotum | is there a newer version of firefox than what came with the hoary release, and if so why does apt-get "hold it back"? What do i need to do to install it? | 03:42 |
reiki | oh wait... I formatted it originally from XP. | 03:42 |
Madpilot | auk: if Opera crashes - or the whole box does - when you restart Opera you'll be asked if you want to restore the previous session, all your web pages & stuff that were open when Opera crashed. it's a cool feature... | 03:42 |
bytefoo | i can't believe they took out the right click > open terminal in gnome :( | 03:42 |
Simpleton | BlueEagle: it's suppose to be the wireless network connection manager for breezy | 03:42 |
auk | hmmm... | 03:43 |
cevizoglu | Madpilot: Epiphany does that as well | 03:43 |
Simpleton | BlueEagle: Said to follow the "Just Works" philosphy, and will allow easy roaming like on XP with the Zero Configuration service | 03:43 |
bytefoo | Network Selector? | 03:43 |
afaik | hello... I have linux installed on a dell inspiron 1100 laptop, and it seems to get VERY HOT! I tried several linux distributions, the same problem occurs. I don't have this problem when I boot to windows, so I am assuming this is perhaps some configuration issue | 03:43 |
nalioth | Madpilot: opera is not FOSS. galeon is | 03:43 |
afaik | any ideas? | 03:43 |
auk | this looks bad | 03:43 |
BlueEagle | What I do need is someway to make CTRL+ALT+Right arrow to launch 3ddesk --gotoright | 03:43 |
rafter | BlueEagle ur right i got 284 +/- cached | 03:43 |
afaik | galeon is crap anyway | 03:43 |
moshe | galeon used to be cool | 03:43 |
BlueEagle | rafter: :) | 03:43 |
afaik | that's why they went to the gecko engine | 03:43 |
moshe | oh, those were the days | 03:43 |
afaik | anyway, any ideas? | 03:43 |
auk | in the forums, i found someone sayign to check tools > options > load/save > general > always make backup copy | 03:43 |
BlueEagle | rafter: free -mt usually makes the numbers add up (more correctly) iirc | 03:44 |
robotgeek | Simpleton: it will work on breezy, though you might have to cvs compile it | 03:44 |
auk | i happen to have "aoutosave every __", but not that one | 03:44 |
rafter | k | 03:44 |
auk | (i have checked, that is) | 03:44 |
=== auk cries | ||
omp | shh | 03:44 |
omp | ahh | 03:44 |
omp | enlightenment is retarded | 03:44 |
BlueEagle | afaik: Tried disabling acpi? | 03:44 |
omp | i installed enlightenment and ended up messing gnome | 03:45 |
omp | now im stuck with it :/ | 03:45 |
Simpleton | robotgeek: Won't the cvs compile still require the libcairo1 package? Even the package directory on packages.ubuntu.com tells me im SOD, with a "package unavailable" on the requirements page next to libcairo1 | 03:45 |
afaik | BlueEagle, I have no idea what acpi is | 03:45 |
robotgeek | Simpleton: just do a "sudo apt-get build-dep network-manager" and then cvs compile it. worked for me | 03:45 |
BlueEagle | afaik: advanced controllable power interface (or some such) | 03:45 |
BlueEagle | afaik: You can disable it by passing acpi=no to the kernel I think. If not you can definatly disable it when you install your custom kernel. | 03:46 |
delp | where is the best place to extract files that you are going to be installing using terminal commands? | 03:46 |
afaik | BlueEagle, ah.. what's the ubuntu way of installing a new kernel? | 03:46 |
afaik | or how can I just pass acpi=no to the kernel? | 03:47 |
bytefoo | i would say /tmp | 03:47 |
bytefoo | :/ | 03:47 |
Simpleton | robotgeek: I hate to be a bother, but how do I go about performing a cvs compile after that step? I'm still learning my way around the terminal | 03:47 |
auk | YYYYEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!! | 03:47 |
BlueEagle | afaik: cd /usr/src/linux && make menuconfig && make && make modules_install && cp arch/i386/boot/bzimage /boot/kernel-2.6.11c && gedit /boot/grub/grub.conf <= add your kernel here. | 03:47 |
robotgeek | Simpleton: are you gonna be around after an hour or so? i need to go away now! | 03:48 |
auk | i am such an idiot though | 03:48 |
Simpleton | robotgeek: Most likely not :( Gotta sleep soon, school starts far too earliar here | 03:48 |
afaik | BlueEagle, oh, I knew that | 03:48 |
BlueEagle | afaik: You need to install kernel sources first though. | 03:48 |
afaik | I just thought it may be special like debian is | 03:49 |
robotgeek | Simpleton: the instructions are in the readme file, pretty straightforward | 03:49 |
oleavr | anyone with hoary who could please send me /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a? :) | 03:49 |
oleavr | (want to try an ugly hack on my breezy system) | 03:49 |
Simpleton | robotgeek: There is readme file? | 03:49 |
BlueEagle | afaik: Well there might be "another way"(tm) but It might not be "a better way"(tm) still. :) | 03:49 |
BlueEagle | I want to get ctrl+alt+rightarrow to run 3ddesk --gotoright | 03:50 |
BlueEagle | anyone at all? | 03:50 |
BlueEagle | keylaunch just won't do the trick for some odd reason. :( | 03:50 |
Vexir | GAIM is annoying... i like trillian better... is there any way to get trillian on Ubuntu | 03:51 |
rafter | BlueEagle how are u @ keyboards ubuntu does not give me an option for a 85 key KB lots of apps dont work well because i had to chose the 102 key KB | 03:51 |
Ex-Cyber | how can I erase and write a CD-RW through nautilus? | 03:51 |
reiki | hmmm... /media is no longer showing the usb flas drive but fdisk -l seems to be showing it to me as /dev/sda1 | 03:52 |
transgress_ | is there not a command to configure sound? | 03:52 |
Vexir | Ex-Cyber: Take a sharpie and eraser and fish for a nautilus. | 03:52 |
transgress_ | i could've sworn there was | 03:52 |
BlueEagle | rafter: You'll need to try someone else or perhaps your favorite search engine. :) | 03:52 |
BlueEagle | rafter: However I would believe that 85 key kbds would be supported in atleast us/uk layout. | 03:53 |
nalioth | reiki: i've found that ubuntu isnt quite there yet for multiple USB/fw pluging/unplugging | 03:53 |
reiki | nalioth: can ubuntu read FAT16 by default? | 03:53 |
nalioth | reiki: yes it can | 03:54 |
rafter | BlueEagle had no luck in 2 years searching just thought i ask thanx | 03:54 |
delp | i have tried three times to install gpflash so i can have flash plug in in firefox and still have no luck, can someone help me? | 03:54 |
delltony | if you mount it it can | 03:55 |
delltony | mount -t vfat | 03:55 |
BlueEagle | never mind. It was just a syntax error :) | 03:55 |
reiki | nalioth: ok I'll have to test this flash drive tomorrow on a windows box at work. When I first inserted it, it showed up under /media, but wasn't seeing any files. | 03:55 |
=== delltony wonders if linux will ever be able to write to ntfs without corruption | ||
BlueEagle | rafter: Well, I'm sorry I can't help. :) | 03:55 |
nalioth | delp: the wiki article ubotu sent you didnt help? | 03:55 |
reiki | nalioth: may have gone through the washer and drier one too many times | 03:55 |
delp | i tried that and it didn't work nalioth | 03:55 |
nalioth | reiki: that could be an issue | 03:55 |
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rafter | BlueEagle: don't b sorry it will b worked out some day :) | 03:56 |
nalioth | delp: what is your hardware? are you running amd64 or ppc ubuntu? | 03:56 |
delp | amd64 | 03:57 |
delp | nalioth, amd64 | 03:57 |
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Mr_You | wow no gnoppix channel? | 03:57 |
Mr_You | #gnoppix | 03:57 |
delp | nalioth: and i went by the 64 processor instructions and it still won't work | 03:57 |
nexus- | hmmm | 03:58 |
nalioth | delp: lots of things dont work on amd64, like they should | 03:58 |
VoX | heh | 03:58 |
VoX | nod | 03:58 |
nalioth | delp: i dont have a -64, so am not able to help you on that | 03:58 |
VoX | <-- has issues with his amd64 aswell | 03:58 |
BlueEagle | Now, anyone know how to make metacity or nautilus (which ever is in charge) relinquish control of the root window so I can run /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix -root in it? | 03:58 |
delp | nalioth: so i will have to be without a flash plug in? | 03:58 |
nalioth | delp: or use the k7 or 686 kernel | 03:58 |
VoX | ewww | 03:59 |
nexus- | is it safe to force dependency on this? | 03:59 |
nexus- | http://pastebin.com/358545 | 03:59 |
delp | is anyone that is running a amd64 able to install a flash plug in for firefox? | 03:59 |
VoX | bugger going to a k7 kernel just for flash | 03:59 |
nexus- | im trying to get debian testing's wpasupplicant binary | 03:59 |
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nexus- | apparantly the ones ubuntu have are broken | 03:59 |
BlueEagle | nexus-: It probably won't kill you, but it might f**k up your system. :) | 03:59 |
Mr_You | man I think gnoppix/unbuntu on a Live CD is faster than XP. | 04:00 |
VoX | delp: i dont think it's possible. i've been trying to get a few things running under amd64, without much success. | 04:00 |
BlueEagle | mr_you: Then there's something seriously wrong with your XP setup. :) | 04:00 |
nalioth | delp: VoX: more than flash wont run on amd64 | 04:00 |
nexus- | BlueEagle, well i probably don't care with breezy on the horizon ;) | 04:00 |
BlueEagle | nexus-: Well there you go. :) | 04:00 |
VoX | nalioth: heh i've noticed :P | 04:00 |
rafter | BlueEagle: elaborate on that | 04:01 |
delp | nalioth: it sucks | 04:01 |
VoX | delp: it's to be expected | 04:01 |
BlueEagle | rafter: on what? | 04:01 |
delp | maybe the next release of ubuntu will support amd64 more | 04:01 |
rafter | /usr/lib xscreensaver/glmatix | 04:02 |
=== onehourtonothing [n=onehourt@std-036.cune.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlueEagle | delp: It's not an ubuntu problem but rather a linux problem. You see most production houses (in this case macromedia) tend to release software for windows first. Now, as you may or may not know, 64-bit architecture is quite new and even the windows versions have got bugs that need ironing out. This takes resources away from the linux development process. | 04:03 |
onehourtonothing | so I get lag when I watch movies and someone sent me a link for dma. That fixed it but it doesn't work when I reboot, and I did what the page says, it still doesn't work | 04:03 |
BlueEagle | rafter: You can run a screen saver in the root window (desktop window) of X, however metacity or nautilus comandeer the root window and show their own (in this case not so nice) graphics there. | 04:04 |
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BlueEagle | rafter: If you try other windowmanagers that don't comandeer that window you can run /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix -root to put it in the root window for added eye candy points with the lads. | 04:04 |
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=== Ufa [i=XSO-Ufa@c9263aa8.bsb.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ufa | hi all | 04:05 |
apeitheo | My friend has Ubuntu, is installing it on his Powerbook and the cd apparently works when he's in the OS, but not when he attempts to boot it. Any ideas what it could be? | 04:05 |
BlueEagle | rafter: There shoul (as in ought to be) a way to have metacity or nautilus release the root window so you could do that very same thing in gnome. | 04:05 |
BlueEagle | rafter: I just don't know how. | 04:05 |
apeitheo | This is the PowerPC edition of Ubuntu | 04:05 |
BlueEagle | rafter: That good enough? :) | 04:05 |
nalioth | apeitheo: check the md5 sums on the cd | 04:06 |
apeitheo | nalioth: These were cds I got in the mail | 04:06 |
paulproteus | apeitheo: What sort of problem does he experience? | 04:06 |
BlueEagle | apeitheo: Is his powerbook set up to boot from a CD? | 04:06 |
Ufa | how do i change my IP from dinamic to static | 04:06 |
apeitheo | paulproteus: It just won't boot | 04:06 |
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paulproteus | apeitheo: Has he held down the Option key while booting to select boot device? | 04:06 |
apeitheo | BlueEagle: I'm guessing that's the problem, but I don't have a mac, hence I have no idea how he would do that. | 04:06 |
Ufa | i did ifconfig but it didnt work | 04:06 |
mik3 | what's that game that is a first person shooter | 04:06 |
apeitheo | paulproteus: He probably didn't do that. | 04:07 |
BlueEagle | apeitheo: I bet TFM would know. Ask him to read it. :) | 04:07 |
onehourtonothing | How do I turn on dma so that it begins on every start up | 04:07 |
nalioth | apeitheo: in that case, check the md5s. some of the run of cds were not pressed correctly | 04:07 |
paulproteus | apeitheo: Tell him to. :) | 04:07 |
mik3 | what's the apt-get install name of that first person shooter i keep hearing about | 04:07 |
elmo_ | Can anyone help with a boot error that is preventing me from booting? "pivot_root: no such file or directory" and " /sbin/init:428:cannot open dev/console: no such file" | 04:07 |
apeitheo | paulproteus: He said he has. | 04:07 |
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paulproteus | apeitheo: In that case, tell him to check the CD as others said to. | 04:07 |
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nfinitep1astik | hello everybahdy! | 04:07 |
apeitheo | paulproteus: "i held it down the whole time and tried it a few times" "it seems like it just doesnt recognize the disc" | 04:07 |
apeitheo | paulproteus: But would a cd I got in the mail from shipip (for ubuntu) be bad? | 04:08 |
apeitheo | shipit* | 04:08 |
paulproteus | apeitheo: There's always the chance, however small. | 04:08 |
BlueEagle | elmo_: Souns like your / partition isn't where someone expects it to be. Could also be devfs (if such is used) that isn't installed properly in the kernel. | 04:08 |
mik3 | what's the apt-get install name of that first person shooter i keep hearing about | 04:08 |
=== delp_ [n=delp@24-158-102-98.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apeitheo | How would he check the md5 for the cd? | 04:08 |
nfinitep1astik | ubuntu automatically plays ogm and mkv files? | 04:08 |
BlueEagle | mik3: ut2003? gunz? | 04:08 |
BlueEagle | doom3? | 04:08 |
afaik | Halo 2 | 04:08 |
delp_ | can someone tell me how to sign back in as my primary name | 04:09 |
rafter | BlueEagle: i foget what i dled but my screesaver is really awsome than the default gnome xsreensaver i dled mostly libs. | 04:09 |
afaik | apt-get install Halo2 | 04:09 |
BlueEagle | delp_: on IRC? | 04:09 |
mik3 | BlueEagle: no it's a free game | 04:09 |
delp_ | some how i got kicked but its still signed on | 04:09 |
delp_ | yes | 04:09 |
BlueEagle | mik3: cube? | 04:09 |
elmo_ | blueeage: is that some way to set the root location and fix it? I am a noob. do not know about devs. | 04:09 |
afaik | gotta make sure you add the Warez repository to your apt.sources of course! :P | 04:09 |
paulproteus | apeitheo: In Mac OS, find out the device name for the CD, then do "md5sum /dev/<devname>" | 04:09 |
mik3 | it's a first perosn shooter that doesn't require a lot of resources, i think it's made by the wolfenstein people | 04:09 |
paulproteus | mik3: Doom? | 04:09 |
BlueEagle | elmo_: What caused this problem to start? | 04:09 |
mik3 | is doom free? | 04:10 |
mik3 | =D | 04:10 |
afaik | it is now | 04:10 |
poningru | ofcourse | 04:10 |
mik3 | wakakaka | 04:10 |
=== Webby` [n=webby@ool-18b8c5ee.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
afaik | cause it is, like, only 15 years old | 04:10 |
nalioth | delp_: /msg nickserv help ghost | 04:10 |
nfinitep1astik | does ubuntu automatically install video and sound codecs? | 04:10 |
BlueEagle | mik3: enemy territory? That would be et or wet iirc try apt-cache search wolfenstein | 04:10 |
afaik | or therea abouts | 04:10 |
mik3 | yes enemy territory | 04:10 |
Webby` | Can someone tell me when is the command to upgrade to the preview release? | 04:10 |
poningru | nfinitep1astik: only free ones | 04:10 |
onehourtonothing | How do I turn on dma so that it begins on every start up. I tried and failed... :( | 04:10 |
Webby` | I mean What is the command | 04:10 |
poningru | you have to install the non free ones | 04:10 |
nalioth | !tell Webby` about upgrade2breezy | 04:10 |
Webby` | Thank you nalioth | 04:11 |
nfinitep1astik | poningru: lol....well, thanks to torrent files,that line is blurred | 04:11 |
poningru | nfinitep1astik: free as in freedom not free as in beer | 04:11 |
elmo_ | BlueEagle: I tried adding a second hd, a slave to the master that has ubuntu on it. I got no response from grub. I then removed the 2nd hd and tried just booting again. Now I have these errors. thanks for the help. | 04:11 |
nfinitep1astik | poningru: lol, nice metaphor | 04:11 |
poningru | ubotu: tel onehourtonothing about dma | 04:11 |
ubotu | poningru: No idea | 04:11 |
poningru | dma | 04:12 |
poningru | !dma | 04:12 |
poningru | wtf | 04:12 |
poningru | doh | 04:12 |
onehourtonothing | !dma | 04:12 |
poningru | ubotu: tell onehourtonothing about dma | 04:12 |
rafter | BlueEagle: i do my best work when i'm drunk get nice results just cab't remember how | 04:12 |
poningru | rofl | 04:12 |
BlueEagle | elmo_: Is your primary harddrive set to Cable Select or spesifically to Master? | 04:12 |
=== zblach [n=zblach@Toronto-HSE-ppp3855982.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zblach | hi | 04:12 |
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delp_ | can someone kick, not ban, delp...its my primary nick, so that way i can sign back on as it? | 04:12 |
poningru | you just got your ass flooded | 04:12 |
BlueEagle | rafter: :) | 04:12 |
BlueEagle | rafter: Cheers then! | 04:12 |
=== BlueEagle lifts his glass | ||
disasm | delp_: msg nickserv, theres a ghost command | 04:12 |
onehourtonothing | ok so I went to the site everyone just told me about | 04:12 |
onehourtonothing | and added it in but it didn't work | 04:12 |
BlueEagle | delp_: If you closed the link it will time out. | 04:13 |
rafter | BlueEagle: :) | 04:13 |
gusto5 | is anyone here familar with VMware? | 04:13 |
nalioth | delp i sent you the info | 04:13 |
BlueEagle | delp_: You could try /ping him so he would time out faster. | 04:13 |
nalioth | delp: use 'ghost' | 04:13 |
disasm | delp_: oh, and kicking from the channel won't work, delp would need killed, which I don't there are any opers in this channel | 04:13 |
gusto5 | does VMware allow me to run Windows within Linux, or Linux within windows? | 04:13 |
poningru | ubotu: tell nfinitep1astik about restricted | 04:13 |
disasm | gusto5: either/or | 04:13 |
gusto5 | disasm, ok. thanks :) | 04:13 |
nfinitep1astik | anyone else having problems installing vlc through apt? | 04:13 |
poningru | nfinitep1astik: that site should have a guide that tells you how to install mp3s etc. | 04:13 |
disasm | i hate netsplits and having to re-reg every dang time ;-) | 04:14 |
zblach | hi. a question about sound. I get the drums when the log-in screen loads, but when I run xmms, i get a popup telling me that my sound is not configured correctly. how to rememdy? | 04:14 |
gusto5 | ( Operating System ) Linux Ubuntu 5.04 - hoary Kernel: 2.6.10-5-386, GNU/Linux | Xorg: 6.8.2 | IRC CLient: X-Chat v.2.4.3 | 04:14 |
poningru | onehourtonothing: what do you mean it didnt work? | 04:14 |
Quinthius | zblach: go to xmms preferences and set outpug plugin to esound | 04:14 |
disasm | zblach: are you using gnome or something else? | 04:14 |
=== iceaxe18 [n=iceaxe18@c-67-183-188-32.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
elmo_ | BlueEagle: hd set to cs | 04:15 |
onehourtonothing | I booted again and dma was off again | 04:15 |
gusto5 | sorry, just checking my kernal... | 04:15 |
onehourtonothing | I added what it said to hdparm.conf so that dma would be turned on when I booted | 04:15 |
zblach | disasm, gnom | 04:15 |
nfinitep1astik | anyone else having problems installing vlc through apt? | 04:15 |
zblach | Quinthius, do i need to restart xmms? | 04:15 |
BlueEagle | elmo_: Well that might have confused it as grub might have mistaken it for a different drive. Try setting it spesifically to master. | 04:15 |
poningru | onehourtonothing: you sure you edited under sudo? | 04:15 |
=== delp_ [n=delp@24-158-102-98.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlueEagle | elmo_: If that does not work you might need to re-install grub. | 04:16 |
poningru | go to the file and see if its still therer | 04:16 |
poningru | -r | 04:16 |
onehourtonothing | poningru: yes | 04:16 |
poningru | hmm | 04:16 |
poningru | weird | 04:16 |
onehourtonothing | poningru: it is still edited after the boot | 04:16 |
delp_ | is there a way to set up a bookmart or a shortcut to certain irc servers, like on your desktop or in firefox...i know its possible in xp, but not sure about in linux | 04:16 |
delp_ | *bookmark | 04:16 |
Quinthius | zblach: don't think so, but maybe | 04:16 |
onehourtonothing | poningru: I might just suck at editing and may have done it wrong | 04:16 |
zblach | Quinthius, nothing doing. | 04:17 |
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Quinthius | zblach: go to system -> preferences -> multimedia selector, on audio output, hit test... does it beep? | 04:17 |
nfinitep1astik | poningru: oh btw.....thanks for the link | 04:17 |
BlueEagle | elmo_: To re-install grub: Boot from ubuntu install cd, mkdir /oldinstall, mount your linux partitions there and chroot /oldinstall /bin/bash then run grub and root (hd0,X) and setup (hd0) | 04:17 |
BlueEagle | elmo_: That should fix it (most likely) | 04:17 |
poningru | np | 04:18 |
zblach | Quinthius, for every option in every column "failed to construct pipeline" | 04:18 |
Webby` | ! Webby` about upgrade2preview | 04:18 |
ubotu | Webby`: What? | 04:18 |
Webby` | ! Webby` about upgrade | 04:18 |
ubotu | parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, Webby` | 04:18 |
Webby` | ! Webby` about upgrade2breezy | 04:18 |
ubotu | Webby`: Syntax error in line 1 | 04:18 |
nalioth | !tell Webby` about upgrade2breezy | 04:18 |
poningru | Webby`: what are you doing? | 04:18 |
Quinthius | zblach: hmm. go to system -> pref -> sound, and make sure "enable sound server" is unchecked, and then try testing ALSA in the media selector again | 04:18 |
=== Chaotic_Reality [n=cr@ip68-3-65-165.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Webby` | I'm trying to upgrade from Breezy Colony 4 to Breezy Preview release and it;s not working | 04:18 |
zblach | Quinthius, nope. still not working | 04:19 |
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nalioth | Webby`: you need do nothing. your system will upgrade itself (if you let it) | 04:19 |
Chaotic_Reality | Has anyone gotten a buillt-in CF card reader to work on their laptops in ubuntu? if so, any tips? | 04:19 |
Webby` | nalioth: Oh ok. Thanks | 04:19 |
Quinthius | zblach: ok... sounds like there might be some problem with the driver for your card.... you say you hear the drums at the startuo screen though? | 04:19 |
delp_ | is there a way to set up a bookmark or a shortcut to certain irc servers, like on your desktop or in firefox...i know its possible in xp, but not sure about in linux | 04:20 |
zblach | Quinthius, yup. got drums no problem | 04:20 |
nfinitep1astik | anyone else having problems installing vlc through apt? | 04:20 |
nalioth | delp_: irc://irc.freenode.org/#ubuntu you mean? | 04:20 |
Quinthius | zblach: hmm... actually... was "enable sound server" checked or unchecked by default when you just went to it? | 04:20 |
zblach | it was enabled, but i had fiddled with it earlier | 04:21 |
delp_ | yeah, but when i do that in linux it says irc is not a registered protocol | 04:21 |
nalioth | delp_: edit your protocol list | 04:21 |
nalioth | delp_: (i dont know how, just that you can) | 04:22 |
delp_ | nalioth: haha, thanks | 04:22 |
Quinthius | zblach: well the two common combinations are: enable sound server + use ESD in media selector, or disable sound server + use ALSA in media selector | 04:22 |
zblach | neither work for me | 04:22 |
delp_ | how do i edit my protocol list? | 04:23 |
Quinthius | zblach: can you "cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp" ? (turn your speakers down a little, it will generate static noise) | 04:23 |
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nalioth | delp needs help editing his protocol handlers | 04:23 |
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zblach | Quinthius, bash: /dev/dsp: Permission Denied | 04:24 |
poningru | !protocol handlers | 04:24 |
ubotu | poningru: What? | 04:24 |
zblach | even as sudo | 04:24 |
poningru | your mom | 04:24 |
poningru | !protocol | 04:24 |
ubotu | poningru: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about | 04:24 |
zblach | ubotu, tell poningru about your mom | 04:24 |
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Quinthius | zblach: ls -l /dev/dsp | 04:24 |
delp_ | i'm the one that needs help | 04:24 |
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Quinthius | zblach: and also do "id", make sure audio is listed | 04:24 |
nalioth | delp_: patience | 04:25 |
delp_ | nalioth: i was just saying that so they would get the right name | 04:25 |
=== liable [n=linux@dsl-202-173-149-57.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h17m4n | what's the difference between winex and wine? | 04:25 |
nalioth | delp_: they know | 04:25 |
communico | hey, does anyone know if I have to install anything before I can mount my raid5? I'm reading about something called mdadm but I don't know if I need it with ubuntu or not | 04:25 |
nalioth | h17m4n: -x costs money | 04:25 |
Quinthius | zblach: it sounds like a permission problem. using sudo in front of the cat shouldn't work either, because the > would br redirecting the whole output of "sudo cat /dev/urandom" ...the sudo isn't affecting the write attempt to /dev/dsp | 04:26 |
h17m4n | can't you get it as CVS free? | 04:26 |
transgress_ | how bad is breezy broken atm? | 04:26 |
transgress_ | was thinking about giving it a test | 04:26 |
str8edge | i'm using breezy right now.. | 04:27 |
str8edge | sound is problematic.. | 04:27 |
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str8edge | other than that its pretty good | 04:27 |
nalioth | transgress_: same tune from me, dont use it on a production machine, but it's not too shabby | 04:27 |
nfinitep1astik | anyone else having problems installing vlc through apt? | 04:27 |
=== phrizer [n=lance@60-234-134-230.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Carpe_Libertatem | I have a problem. Ubuntu isn't wanting to pick-up my iPod at all, even as a hard disk. | 04:28 |
nfinitep1astik | i'll rephrase it....can anyone help me install vlc without apt? | 04:29 |
BlueEagle | communico: You don't need mdadm. What you need is to load the raid drivers (md and raid5) which might be modules. If they are you can A: put them in /etc/modules or B: compile them into your kernel. I prefer the latter. | 04:29 |
Carpe_Libertatem | nfinitep1astik: why do you need to do that? | 04:29 |
elmo_ | BlueEagle: I have set the hd to master. grub boots ok. but I am still getting the pivot_root and /sbin/init errors. Any ideas? | 04:29 |
transgress_ | nalioth: cool. well this is for a laptop to toy with. so if it is actually running and not crashing every 5 minutes it's cool | 04:29 |
transgress_ | it's due out like next month isn't it? | 04:29 |
nfinitep1astik | apparently, apt doesn't have the package for vlc anymore when i try to install it | 04:29 |
cafuego | !info vlc | 04:30 |
ubotu | vlc: (multimedia player for all audio and video formats), section universe/graphics, is optional. Version: 0.8.1-1ubuntu7 (hoary), Packaged size: 4867 kB, Installed size: 11816 kB | 04:30 |
_kurt | good day! | 04:30 |
Carpe_Libertatem | Maybe your repositories aren't set right? | 04:30 |
cafuego | Enable 'universe'. | 04:30 |
l_ | If i paste the eoors on pasta site I am getting when trying to compile alsa will someone have a look at it? | 04:30 |
nfinitep1astik | cafuego: but it doesn't install... =/ | 04:30 |
cafuego | nfinitep1astik: Any useful error messages you care to share or don't you want help? ;-) | 04:31 |
nalioth | transgress_: preview release one is rumored to come very soon | 04:31 |
nalioth | transgress_: final release oct 13 or thereabouts | 04:31 |
nfinitep1astik | cafuego: one sec | 04:31 |
transgress_ | cool | 04:31 |
BlueEagle | elmo_: No, not really, sorry. I've never had that problem with any distro and certainly not with ubuntu. :) | 04:31 |
cafuego | nalioth: I told volvoguy to ask you about hfs+ and parted | 04:32 |
communico | BlueEagle: thanks! what command would I use to compile them into the kernel? | 04:32 |
elmo_ | BlueEagle; Thanks for the help nonthe less. | 04:32 |
nfinitep1astik | cafuego: says that it cant find the package | 04:32 |
nalioth | cafuego: is it your day off? | 04:33 |
elmo_ | Can anyone give me any ideas on were I can get help on a boot error involving pivot_root? | 04:33 |
cafuego | nfinitep1astik: Did you previously have it installed on that machine? | 04:33 |
cafuego | nalioth: I wish. I'm looking for things to kick. | 04:33 |
nalioth | cafuego: pillows | 04:33 |
cafuego | nalioth: No, they would need to actually be destroyed | 04:33 |
BlueEagle | communico: install the kernel-sources of your kernel, cd /usr/src/linux and make menuconfig there. Setup your kernel with that tool and compile with make && make modules_install then copy arch/i386/boot/bzimage /boot/custokernel-2.6.11 and edit /boot/grub/grub.conf to have an option for that kernel. | 04:34 |
nfinitep1astik | cafuego: i had it installed on my non-ppc machine | 04:34 |
=== volvoguy [n=volvoguy@pcp09060059pcs.rocsth01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego | nfinitep1astik: And now on PPC it won't install? yes, probably there is ni PPC vlc, because the codecs it uses are mainly x86 code. | 04:34 |
cafuego | nalioth: speak of teh devil :-) | 04:34 |
nfinitep1astik | cafuego: good point.....i guess there wouldn't be an alternative? | 04:35 |
volvoguy | what'd you call me? ;) | 04:35 |
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cafuego | nfinitep1astik: *maybe* mplayer | 04:35 |
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Artxe | could someone help me with installing LimeWIre? | 04:35 |
cafuego | volvoguy: I told nalioth about that email not 5 minutes ago :-) | 04:35 |
nfinitep1astik | cafuego: thanks. ^.^d | 04:35 |
matthew_w | Where do I find the folder XFREE86... or rather the config file associated therewith? | 04:35 |
=== Carpe_Libertatem [n=esenthie@ip68-229-254-250.ok.ok.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
elmo_ | can anyone suggest who or were I can get help on a boot error "pivot_root:no such file or directory"? | 04:35 |
str8edge | elmo_: pivot root usually means that the drive identifiers in /etc/fstab are incorrect. are you using sata? | 04:36 |
volvoguy | so nalioth, is there anything special i need to do to resize an hfs+ partition during install? | 04:36 |
cafuego | nfinitep1astik: it will (again) not support most of the win32 codecs like realvideo and avi stuff. | 04:36 |
Artxe | could someone help me with a java problem with LimeWire? | 04:36 |
nfinitep1astik | cafuego: totem wont be flexible....will it? | 04:36 |
elmo_ | strBedge: I am noob, what is sata? | 04:36 |
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cafuego | nfinitep1astik: Dunno, I'm just happy I have DivX working in QT7 on OSX now. | 04:37 |
nalioth | volvoguy: please preface your msgs with the nick first (otw, it doesnt trigger the bell) | 04:37 |
nfinitep1astik | cafuego: lol....good watchin then =D | 04:37 |
communico | BlueEagle: there's no linux folder in my /usr/src/ dir, just an rpm dir | 04:37 |
nalioth | volvoguy: new-world-mac? | 04:38 |
volvoguy | nalioth, sorry. didn't know that. i seem to get triggered whenever my nick is in a sentence. | 04:38 |
RichardC | the Point2Play installer said the OSS and ALSA tests failed. Anyone know how i can fix this? Do I need to install a package or two? | 04:38 |
=== zblach [n=zblach@Toronto-HSE-ppp3855982.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
volvoguy | nalioth, G4 iBook. | 04:38 |
str8edge | elmo_: Serial ATA | 04:38 |
nalioth | volvoguy: are you familiar with parted? | 04:38 |
volvoguy | nalioth, fairly. | 04:38 |
Sonny_Wertzik | Does anybody here use xine? | 04:39 |
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Artxe | Would anyone here be able to help me with LimeWire? | 04:39 |
volvoguy | nalioth, that's not on the install disk though, is it? | 04:39 |
nalioth | volvoguy: the only 'trick' is gonna be: as soon as the installer boots completely to the start, you'll need to ctrl-alt-f2 to a new terminal to use parted | 04:39 |
nfinitep1astik | volvoguy: dont mean to jump in on ya but did you say you used a ibook g4? | 04:40 |
nalioth | volvoguy: the other option is to use a ppc livecd and run qt- or g- parted | 04:40 |
=== faint_ [n=faint_@pool-70-104-151-242.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h17m4n | All of this to install wine? :http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29996 | 04:40 |
volvoguy | nalioth, ahh. ok. | 04:40 |
nalioth | nfinitep1astik: lots of us use macs here | 04:40 |
volvoguy | nfinitep1astik, yep. i have an ibook. | 04:40 |
h17m4n | !wine | 04:40 |
=== CarlFK [n=CarlK@c-24-13-50-214.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h17m4n | wish me luck people | 04:40 |
Artxe | Could someone help me with a java problem? | 04:40 |
BlueEagle | communico: Did you install kernel sources? | 04:41 |
nalioth | Artxe: ask us and see | 04:41 |
nfinitep1astik | whats a good media player to use since i've never run ubuntu on ppc | 04:41 |
h17m4n | here I go into a few hours of apt-gets and stuff | 04:41 |
volvoguy | nfinitep1astik, i don't use it much for linux because the last i checked, airport extreme cards still weren't supported. | 04:41 |
nalioth | nfinitep1astik: there are many, use them all and keep what you like | 04:41 |
Sonny_Wertzik | Does anybody here use xine?...anybody? | 04:41 |
BlueEagle | communico: They go there by default, however I am not sure if ubuntu puts them somwhere else as I haven't rolled a kernel in ububtu yet. :) | 04:41 |
nalioth | volvoguy: supported wifi dongles are cheap | 04:41 |
h17m4n | Before I go into installation | 04:41 |
nfinitep1astik | nalioth: that's where i run into a problem where i cant install vlc from apt. =/ | 04:42 |
cafuego | volvoguy: I doubt they'll EVER be supported unless someone does an ndiswrapepr for OSX drivers. (Which, considering they're freebsd, shouldn't be THAT hard) | 04:42 |
volvoguy | nalioth, the only one i've seen confirmed to work was some Dlink thing, and only a particular version of it. are there more now? | 04:42 |
h17m4n | Question: Should I install Wine on the original distro(AMD64) or should I install it in chroot? | 04:42 |
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cafuego | h17m4n: In a chroot. | 04:42 |
Artxe | I have installed LimeWire and it needs Java so I downloaded the latest version of Java and unpacked it and I now have the j2sdk1.4.2_09 file. Well LimeWire looks for Java in the /usr folder so I put j2sdk1.4.2_09 in there and when I "sh ./runeLime.sh" it says it can't find Java. | 04:42 |
communico | BlueEagle: sorry I'm a real noob. how do you install the kernel sources? | 04:42 |
h17m4n | cafuego, thx man... so I should run dchroot -d before starting right? | 04:42 |
nalioth | volvoguy: prism54.org i believe | 04:43 |
cafuego | Artxe: wiki.ubuntu.com/Java | 04:43 |
Artxe | OK thank you | 04:43 |
nalioth | nfinitep1astik: what problem is that particularly? | 04:43 |
volvoguy | nalioth, cool. thanks. i'm off to download a colony4 ppc disc. :) | 04:43 |
nalioth | volvoguy: dont do that | 04:43 |
nfinitep1astik | nalioth: apt says that it cant find the package =/ | 04:43 |
cafuego | h17m4n: You can run dchroot -q -d /path/to/wine "C:\\\Program Files\\\Appdir\\\App.exe" | 04:43 |
nalioth | !tell nfinitep1astik about sources | 04:43 |
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volvoguy | nalioth, i'm a laptop tester. i'm my job. :o) | 04:43 |
cafuego | h17m4n: Note the triple backslash. | 04:43 |
nalioth | volvoguy: get a hoary cd, the installer is broken for ppc (when i last looked) | 04:44 |
h17m4n | cafuego: but that's after I install wine in chroot right? | 04:44 |
volvoguy | nalioth, ok. maybe i'll start with hoary and upgrade. it's the breezy stuff the devs are most concerned about these days. | 04:44 |
nalioth | volvoguy: i have colony-4+2 (daily) and the installer is hosed for ppc | 04:45 |
cafuego | h17m4n: indeed | 04:45 |
=== XTC [n=xtc@pc-63-24-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h17m4n | cafuego: thx! now let me get to work :) | 04:45 |
steeev | cool - i got my mpeg4 playing in vlc | 04:45 |
steeev | god knows how | 04:46 |
elmo_ | strBedge: the hd is an ide. I feel like I am sinking here. I am not sure on serial ata. my bios shows that the hd is the master ata listed device | 04:46 |
volvoguy | nalioth, ok. i'll install hoary first and report on the experience, then try breezy. i don't mind a non-functioning breezy install attempt if it helps wrinkle out the bugs. | 04:46 |
steeev | reading wiki helped:) | 04:46 |
nalioth | steeev: must be the clean living | 04:46 |
nalioth | volvoguy: the bug is known and has been reported several times | 04:46 |
nalioth | volvoguy: either way, knock yourself out | 04:46 |
volvoguy | nalioth, ok. | 04:46 |
steeev | i have progressed from vegetable to protozoa | 04:47 |
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volvoguy | nalioth, thanks. :) it'll be for the benefit of mankind. last time i looked on the laptop testing pages, there weren't any recent ibook testers. | 04:47 |
=== khermans [n=khermans@c-65-96-123-200.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nfinitep1astik | nalioth: thanks j0 | 04:47 |
khermans | is there a DEVEL channel? | 04:48 |
nalioth | nfinitep1astik: np | 04:48 |
cafuego | yes | 04:48 |
=== adoyretsamon [n=nmyoda@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | what is the devel chan? | 04:49 |
elmo_ | strBedge:there? | 04:49 |
seroshiki | where is sources.list located again? | 04:49 |
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khermans | seroshiki, /etc/apt | 04:49 |
Madpilot | khermans: ubuntu-devel | 04:50 |
CarlFK | /etc/apt | 04:50 |
=== Ycros [n=Ycros@c211-30-252-204.thorn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlueEagle | communico: sudo synaptic and have a look there. :) | 04:50 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell seroshiki about sources | 04:50 |
khermans | ahh i tried ubuntu-del | 04:50 |
seroshiki | thank you | 04:50 |
khermans | ahh i tried ubuntu-dev | 04:50 |
patrickj | hey Im in the live cd and I need to burn some music off my window partition because I dont know how to restore my windows install because it is messed | 04:50 |
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khermans | patrickj, gnome cd burner | 04:50 |
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elmo_ | I am look for help on a boot error "pivot_boot:no such file or directory'? takers? | 04:51 |
patrickj | is it built into the cd drive, or is there a safe way to restore my XP install without losing my apps and st00f? | 04:52 |
=== boygeorge1196 [n=boygeorg@ip68-101-196-190.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlueEagle | patrickj: how did you mess it up? | 04:52 |
khermans | patrickj, yeah if there data is there it shuld be recoverable | 04:52 |
patrickj | installing Ubuntu dual boot, I have a 160Gb HD and I tore a 40Gb chunk out for it | 04:52 |
BlueEagle | patrickj: And don't try to fool us, we know it's your collection of g0at pr0n you want to save. :) | 04:52 |
patrickj | well I have some personal files that I need to burn | 04:52 |
patrickj | lol no its all the err Legal music i downloaded | 04:53 |
BlueEagle | patrickj: :) | 04:53 |
BlueEagle | patrickj: If you say so. *rolls eyes* | 04:53 |
=== Milk_ [n=amshake@12-221-214-138.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Milk_ | good evenin!! | 04:53 |
Milk_ | anyone here ever tryied to use gnomad? | 04:53 |
khermans | patrickj, nautilus-cd-burner | 04:54 |
patrickj | anyways the cd burner isnt on the livecd, can I install stuff in it | 04:54 |
patrickj | ? | 04:54 |
gusto5 | hi | 04:54 |
gusto5 | im installing vmware | 04:54 |
khermans | Milk_, yes, it is okay | 04:54 |
BlueEagle | patrickj: How did you mess you your windows installation? | 04:54 |
gusto5 | im getting this | 04:54 |
gusto5 | The path "/usr/src/linux/include" is not an existing directory. | 04:54 |
gusto5 | What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running | 04:54 |
gusto5 | kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] | 04:54 |
boygeorge1196 | #list | 04:54 |
Madpilot | patrickj: for most data, Nautilus - the file manager - will burn CDs | 04:54 |
patrickj | okay cool :d | 04:54 |
BlueEagle | patrickj: I would attempt to fix it before starting to try to burn stuff off the install cd. Either that or get a knoppix disc going. :) | 04:54 |
patrickj | thanks | 04:54 |
patrickj | im on the Ubuntu live cd.... | 04:54 |
patrickj | how can I fix it, is there someone who can help me | 04:55 |
patrickj | ? | 04:55 |
nalioth | patrickj has no spare burning drive | 04:55 |
boygeorge1196 | i'm using ubuntu | 04:55 |
patrickj | I have 2 cd burners | 04:55 |
BlueEagle | patrickj: Well, I cannot help you fix it unless you tell me how you broke it. | 04:55 |
Milk_ | khermans, did you have any troubles getting it to work? | 04:55 |
patrickj | i dont know how | 04:55 |
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khermans | Milk_, it is a bit flaky and inefficient | 04:55 |
patrickj | but it gets to login screen and goes to my blank coloured wallpaper and does nothing | 04:55 |
khermans | Milk_, but if you know its quiks, you will be fine | 04:55 |
Milk_ | khermans, got any better solutions? | 04:55 |
patrickj | and I was just install freebsd, but i needed some help with my ubuntu and windows fixing :/ | 04:55 |
khermans | Milk_, not really, the stupid Zen crap is not a standard mountable FS | 04:56 |
BlueEagle | patrickj: Well, I cannot help you fix it unless you tell me how you broke it. | 04:56 |
=== AlexanRO [n=AlexanRO@pool-71-100-129-73.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | like the iPod | 04:56 |
gusto5 | The path "/usr/src/linux/include" is not an existing directory. | 04:56 |
gusto5 | What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running | 04:56 |
gusto5 | kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] | 04:56 |
Milk_ | khermans, I can't seem to get it to connect at all | 04:56 |
khermans | Milk_, just follow the online guide at gnomad's site | 04:56 |
patrickj | BlueEagle: I just resized the partition down by 40gb with PM8, then installed FBSD and went to boot into windows and it didnt1 | 04:56 |
=== melfyk [n=matt@204-117-69-126-dsl.etv.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Milk_ | did you install from source.. or from apt? | 04:57 |
BlueEagle | patrickj: I see. Have you got ubuntu installed? | 04:57 |
communico | BlueEagle: okay, I'm there ... is there something in the list in particular I should be installing? I found an entry linux-kernel-headers, but no sources | 04:57 |
patrickj | and I tried to resize the HD fully in PM8 and it gave me an error "Drive dismounted improperly" | 04:57 |
patrickj | im on the ubuntu live cd | 04:57 |
khermans | Milk_, i think i tried both ways | 04:57 |
BlueEagle | communico: Well, you need the sources. Let me see if I can find them for you. | 04:57 |
khermans | Milk_, the one in apt is a bit outdated i think -- bu it worked for me i think | 04:57 |
=== jyank [n=jyank@va-65-41-105-65.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Milk_ | khermans, I've installed all the packages from apt, but it won't connect to my zen usb | 04:58 |
=== jorgp2 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial2-195.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | Milk_, you know that i might have compiled this one from source or specified to grab it from debian unstable repos | 04:58 |
Milk_ | kermans, I think I need to setup the hotplug stuff, but I can't find the nomad.usermap file | 04:58 |
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patrickj | if I burn a cd with nautlius using drag and drop, will windows be able to read it too? | 04:58 |
khermans | Milk_, try to get 2.8+, 2.6.3 is old | 04:58 |
sn0n | patrickj, of course | 04:58 |
bimberi | patrickj: yes | 04:59 |
patrickj | alright, ill just back my st00f up then, cyaz :p | 04:59 |
communico | BlueEagle: much appreciated | 04:59 |
BlueEagle | communico: apt-get install linux-source-2.6.11 | 04:59 |
Milk_ | 2.8+ kernel? | 04:59 |
BlueEagle | communico: If you haven't got it you might need to modify your /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:59 |
khermans | Milk_, no versionof gnomad | 04:59 |
BlueEagle | (different kind of sources that) :) | 04:59 |
Milk_ | what is the debian unstable repos? | 04:59 |
khermans | Milk_, http://gnomad2.sourceforge.net/? | 04:59 |
Milk_ | let me try it | 05:00 |
elmo_ | Is there any way to access a install of ubuntu on a hd without booting it directly? can I boot from live cd or other had and read the damaged hd to fix the errors? | 05:00 |
=== KrispyKringle [i=dan@gentoo/developer/KrispyKringle] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | Milk_, http://gnomad2.sourceforge.net/?section=article | 05:00 |
BlueEagle | elmo_: Yes. | 05:00 |
khermans | ElBarono, boot knoppix or something | 05:01 |
khermans | doh @ elmo_ | 05:01 |
mik3 | what are some other free fun games | 05:01 |
BlueEagle | boot from a livecd. Make /ubuntu then mount /dev/yourdisk /ubuntu for all the disks/partitions you've got ubuntu installed on then chroot /ubunty /bin/bash | 05:01 |
mik3 | besides doom | 05:01 |
mik3 | lxdoom sucks, sound won't work | 05:01 |
khermans | Milk_, if you go from source -- grab the dependps first | 05:01 |
BlueEagle | mik3: Running with esd? | 05:01 |
elmo_ | BlueEagle: How? I tried with live cd and could not find the path to hd? hey khermans I am a noob and not very proficient with this linux stuff! | 05:01 |
mik3 | BlueEagle: esd? | 05:01 |
Milk_ | I already installed the newest of the lib | 05:02 |
khermans | elmo_, you need to mount your windows partition right? | 05:02 |
BlueEagle | elmo_: as root fdisk -l (that will list all harddisks found) | 05:02 |
=== fangorious [n=ubuntu@cpe-66-25-49-6.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlueEagle | elmo_: If it isn't listed there then tell me what kind of disk you're using. | 05:02 |
BlueEagle | elmo_: ...well you can tell me about your disk anyways. | 05:02 |
aru | tell me about your disk... | 05:02 |
khermans | elmo_, type "mount -t ntfs -o ro,users,umask=0222 /dev/hda1 /mnt/foo" | 05:03 |
BlueEagle | mik3: enlightnment sound daemon (or something else starting with e) | 05:03 |
BlueEagle | mik3: It's gnomes way of handling sound. (Some consider it an utter piece of crap though) | 05:03 |
khermans | elmo_, that assumes your partition is ntfs | 05:03 |
=== h0sl3r [n=hosler@AC9B5F0A.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fangorious | nalios: hey, the reconfigure didn't help | 05:03 |
h0sl3r | Is there a program like Windows Media Center for unix? | 05:03 |
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khermans | h0sl3r, vlc | 05:03 |
nalioth | fangorious: did you log out and back in afterward? | 05:03 |
fangorious | h0sl3r, mythtv | 05:03 |
h0sl3r | khermans: whats it like? | 05:03 |
aru | h0sl3r: whats windows media center do? | 05:04 |
cyphase | whoa | 05:04 |
BlueEagle | h0sl3r: Isn't windows media center a cut down version of windows XP? | 05:04 |
khermans | h0sl3r, oh you mean for recording things? | 05:04 |
cyphase | BlueEagle, cut down and tweaked | 05:04 |
fangorious | nalioth, yeah. i switched to vt1 and killed gdm before running it | 05:04 |
khermans | h0sl3r, yeah try mythtv | 05:04 |
h0sl3r | aru: it gives easy access to all videos, music, and other stuff. Supposed to be use on a tv screen. | 05:04 |
aru | oh | 05:04 |
nalioth | fangorious: not much else to do with the livecd | 05:04 |
cyphase | i almost lost my server | 05:05 |
fangorious | nalioth, bummer. thanks anyway | 05:05 |
cyphase | at least i thought i almost did | 05:05 |
mik3 | esd is already installed =/ what are some other fun games | 05:05 |
h0sl3r | khermans: no not for recording tv. just for watching movies on my tv through computer. I dont have mouse or anything so I dont want to have to click around to get a movie playing. | 05:05 |
cyphase | it sure looked like someone had gotten in | 05:05 |
BlueEagle | mik3: I know it is installed. Just because it is installed doesn't mean you have to use it. :) | 05:05 |
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cyphase | and done a rm -rf / | 05:05 |
khermans | h0sl3r, oh just use vlc | 05:05 |
khermans | h0sl3r, or mplayer or xine or totem | 05:06 |
elmo_ | kherman: the hd is ubuntu, giving me a boot error: "pivot_root:no such file or directory" and "/sbig/init:428:cannot open dev/console:no such fle" | 05:06 |
BlueEagle | mik3: system->preferences->sound uncheck "enable sound server at startup" | 05:06 |
mik3 | BlueEagle: ok well, if it's installed then why is doom being a nimrod | 05:06 |
mik3 | oh | 05:06 |
mik3 | why not enable it? | 05:06 |
mik3 | i like sound | 05:06 |
mik3 | =D | 05:06 |
mik3 | it's like music to my ears | 05:06 |
mik3 | LOLOLOMFG! | 05:06 |
BlueEagle | mik3: System->Preferences->Multimedia selector Choose alsa instead of ESD | 05:06 |
khermans | elmo_, what is happening?? | 05:06 |
mik3 | ok | 05:06 |
Milk_ | ok... building from source | 05:07 |
BlueEagle | mik3: Will probably disable the annoying beeps and burps gnome makes when you open or close a window but I consider that an added bonus. :) | 05:07 |
mik3 | Failed to construct test pipeline for 'ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture' | 05:07 |
mik3 | wkakakaka | 05:07 |
BlueEagle | mik3: You might need to restart gnome. | 05:08 |
Quinthius | mik3: did you make sure to uncheck sound server first? | 05:08 |
mik3 | =/ | 05:08 |
mik3 | no | 05:08 |
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mik3 | hehe | 05:08 |
mik3 | </alcohol> | 05:08 |
Quinthius | mik3: do that first | 05:08 |
BlueEagle | mik3: You didn't uncheck sound server? o.O | 05:08 |
=== BlueEagle biatchslaps mik3 | ||
=== robitaille [n=daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlueEagle | do as I tell you already! :) | 05:08 |
Quinthius | "sound server" = esd ... which while running will mess up alsa :P | 05:08 |
mik3 | so uh esd is no good eh? but my music will still play? | 05:09 |
nalioth | BlueEagle: easy there | 05:09 |
BlueEagle | nalioth: ;D | 05:09 |
mik3 | nalioth: no he's right, i was being difficult | 05:09 |
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=== thoreauputic [n=prospero@wolax9-225.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mik3 | still didn't work, the rascal! | 05:10 |
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mik3 | so does this mean no mp3 for me? =/ | 05:10 |
BlueEagle | mik3: Music will still play, however you might need to add support for restricted media like mp3 and other licensed codecs. | 05:10 |
BlueEagle | lisences* | 05:10 |
elmo_ | grub boots, finds kernel, kernel starts, ubuntu starts, but stops giving errors that I gave you in last post. | 05:10 |
mik3 | or i could just run bmp, and confirm that mp3's do indeed still play. | 05:10 |
mik3 | which means my bukkake does too. | 05:10 |
mik3 | i mean | 05:11 |
mik3 | my anime | 05:11 |
khermans | elmo_, what is your goal? | 05:11 |
=== mik3 chortles. | ||
BlueEagle | by "ubuntu starts" does the X-server start or init start? | 05:11 |
mik3 | so will i have to restart gnome? | 05:11 |
elmo_ | It just says ubuntu start. then the errors | 05:11 |
Milk_ | THERE IT GOES!! | 05:12 |
=== dabaR [n=dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-183-71.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | hi./ | 05:12 |
Quinthius | mik3: shouldnt have to, those options should take effect right away | 05:12 |
BlueEagle | mik3: You might need to restart gnome after disabling the sound server, yes. | 05:12 |
elmo_ | khermans: goal: for the hd to boot ubuntu, as it has been for the last week, no problems. | 05:12 |
=== SomebodyS [n=Non@ppp-68-252-212-144.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlueEagle | mik3: But as quinthius sais you shouldn't have to but knowing esd (evil sound daemon) you might need to. | 05:12 |
Quinthius | hehe | 05:12 |
mik3 | doom reminds me of the old days, i call them the dark ages, lets move on. what are some other fun games | 05:12 |
khermans | elmo_, on x86 or amd64? | 05:12 |
elmo_ | khermans:x86 | 05:13 |
Quinthius | mik3: neverball | 05:13 |
mik3 | en route, over. | 05:13 |
=== nexus- [n=nexus@dsl-220-235-96-58.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SomebodyS | Hey can someone help me quick? | 05:13 |
volvoguy | nalioth, i know there's no defrag directly in OS X. do i need to do anything special before i attempt this partition resize? | 05:13 |
khermans | elmo_, look in /var/log/messages | 05:13 |
SomebodyS | Ive just installed, but ran into some errors... | 05:13 |
nalioth | volvoguy: measure twice, cut once | 05:13 |
BlueEagle | somebodys: If you told us which errors that might be helpful... | 05:13 |
nalioth | volvoguy: i did it on my imac the other day, w/o any trouble | 05:14 |
SomebodyS | now after I boot into ubuntu I end up at brian@ubunto | 05:14 |
BlueEagle | in the text mode console? | 05:14 |
SomebodyS | I dont even get to the GUI | 05:14 |
volvoguy | nalioth, hehe. :) the bootloader stuff is taken care of automatically? | 05:14 |
mik3 | what's neverball about | 05:14 |
BlueEagle | somebodys: login with the username and password you specified then try typing startx | 05:14 |
dabaR | SomebodyS: this is likely due to your graphics card. What is the brand? | 05:14 |
nalioth | volvoguy: oh you want MORE info? lol | 05:14 |
mik3 | it sure is a biggun! | 05:15 |
mik3 | on dialup | 05:15 |
SomebodyS | how can I get the the GUI | 05:15 |
SomebodyS | I did | 05:15 |
D1 | how do I reconfigure my network with ubuntu? | 05:15 |
mik3 | aol dialup | 05:15 |
volvoguy | nalioth, with a gig of ram, do you think 500Mb of swap is sufficient? | 05:15 |
D1 | like the ncurses dialogs I got during install? | 05:15 |
BlueEagle | somebodys: Did the x-server give you an error message? | 05:15 |
SomebodyS | Im logged in and it takes me to the command prompt | 05:15 |
Milk_ | khermans, I got it to connect, but it crashed, now its not working, any ideas? | 05:15 |
elmo_ | khermans:I am currently booting the system with live cd. once it has booted. then I will attempt to look at the hds contents, if possible. Any specific directions for this process? | 05:15 |
volvoguy | yeah. i'm sure an apple channel will love helping me install linux. thx. | 05:15 |
SomebodyS | I dont think I had any x-server errors, but When I was installing I had buffer errors | 05:16 |
dabaR | SomebodyS: how about an answer for me? | 05:16 |
khermans | Milk_, hrmm what crashed? | 05:16 |
D1 | anyone? | 05:16 |
BlueEagle | somebodys: Well what happend when you typed startx on the commandline? | 05:16 |
khermans | Milk_, give it time -- it might be doing stuff | 05:16 |
Milk_ | khermans gnomad | 05:16 |
mik3 | dude what's neverball about | 05:16 |
thoreauputic | volvoguy: unless you plan video editing or similar, 500MB swap is ample | 05:16 |
SomebodyS | oh.. lets see, older computer the graphics card is a Nvidia 4200 | 05:16 |
SomebodyS | lemme try | 05:16 |
Quinthius | mik3: http://icculus.org/neverball/ | 05:17 |
volvoguy | thoreauputic, thank you. | 05:17 |
BlueEagle | dabar: I use auto completion. | 05:17 |
thoreauputic | np | 05:17 |
SomebodyS | hmm I get errors on startx | 05:17 |
SomebodyS | gonna type error up 1 sec | 05:17 |
dabaR | SomebodyS: off course. Did you get the link from ubotu? | 05:17 |
BlueEagle | dabar: completion_nicks_lowercase = ON | 05:18 |
SomebodyS | hmm do I need to be connected to the net for startx? lol just remembered computer Im trying on doesnt have access to the net | 05:18 |
BlueEagle | somebodys: No you do not. | 05:19 |
dabaR | BlueEagle: usually when after an install there is no X started, it is a graphics card issue, I find. | 05:19 |
khermans | Milk_, let it go -- if it seems broken -- make sure its not an old version | 05:19 |
BlueEagle | somebodys: startx simply attempts to start the x-server. | 05:19 |
dabaR | BlueEagle: why does it have no access to the net? | 05:19 |
khermans | elmo_, i am still very confused | 05:19 |
bur[n] er | SomebodyS: startx has nothing to do with net | 05:19 |
dabaR | sorry, SomebodyS whyu is it not connected to the net? | 05:19 |
khermans | elmo_, if you want to access your linux partition, just boot knoppix and mount it | 05:19 |
BlueEagle | dabar: I don't know. Ask somebodys. :) | 05:19 |
SomebodyS | well the error says linXau.so.6 cannont open shared object file: No such file or directory | 05:19 |
Milk_ | khermans, Its now saying no jukebox found | 05:19 |
dabaR | SomebodyS: you need to set up the nvidia driver, and the link that ubotu sent you will do this. | 05:20 |
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dabaR | SomebodyS: now, did you get the link from ubotu? | 05:20 |
khermans | Milk_, google it | 05:20 |
bur[n] er | !tell SomebodyS about nvidia | 05:20 |
khermans | Milk_, ahh did you read the HOWTO setup guide? | 05:20 |
SomebodyS | yep | 05:20 |
SomebodyS | I got link | 05:20 |
SomebodyS | thanks | 05:20 |
Milk_ | khermans, yes | 05:20 |
dabaR | D1: what, for pppoe? | 05:20 |
khermans | Milk_, added the USB id? | 05:20 |
D1 | just regular ethernet | 05:20 |
Quinthius | SomebodyS: looks like that is a typo, should be lib, not lin | 05:20 |
BlueEagle | dabar: It seems that linxau.so.6 isn't a graphics issue to me. What do you think? | 05:21 |
khermans | Milk_, what version you running? | 05:21 |
Quinthius | SomebodyS: or was that your typo? | 05:21 |
Milk_ | 2.5.0 | 05:21 |
Milk_ | it recongised it once | 05:21 |
dabaR | D1: there is no such thing. regular ethernet. What is your ISP? | 05:21 |
SomebodyS | its lib | 05:21 |
SomebodyS | typo | 05:21 |
=== bur[n] er is guessing SomebodyS issue isn't nvidia related as the binary drivers only help 3d stuff afaik | ||
Quinthius | ah okie | 05:21 |
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khermans | Milk_, that version is way too old | 05:21 |
D1 | its the thing where it asks for a hostname/dhcp/etc | 05:21 |
dabaR | D1: and, also, do you use a router? and if not, tell us about the model of your network device. | 05:21 |
khermans | Milk_, get 2.8.1 if you can | 05:22 |
dabaR | D1: I cant help you if you dont wanna help yourself. | 05:22 |
Milk_ | I tried compiling from source and had problems with the install | 05:22 |
khermans | Milk_, what was the error/ | 05:22 |
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Milk_ | khermans, let me try again | 05:22 |
khermans | Milk_, during ./configure? | 05:22 |
D1 | my setup is fine, this is for a friend. hes trying to figure out a way to configure his wifi card permanently | 05:22 |
SomebodyS | well now that I think of it I dont think it is a display driver problem.... Im ran into the sam prob on my other computer | 05:22 |
D1 | so I need some sort of netconfig to do it | 05:22 |
SomebodyS | and the graphics card is ATI | 05:22 |
khermans | Milk_, you need the dependency libs first as well | 05:22 |
=== kalias [n=kalias@S010600095b290aaa.vn.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SomebodyS | could the CD be bad that I burnt? | 05:23 |
BlueEagle | somebodys: Did you check the md5sum of the CD? | 05:23 |
SomebodyS | nope | 05:23 |
Milk_ | I should have them.. | 05:23 |
BlueEagle | somebodys: Well that might be a good idea. | 05:23 |
BlueEagle | :) | 05:23 |
kalias | nickrud: Hi! how is life? | 05:23 |
Mr_You | is it possible to switch desktops with key strokes in GNOME? | 05:23 |
khermans | Milk_, it might need newer libs | 05:23 |
bytefoo | f1-f4 | 05:23 |
nickrud | kalias, interesting as in ... :) | 05:23 |
khermans | Milk_, just tell me the compilation errors | 05:24 |
dabaR | D1: Mr_You yes. | 05:24 |
Milk_ | heres the error | 05:24 |
khermans | Milk_, priv them | 05:24 |
dabaR | D1: nm. | 05:24 |
dabaR | Mr_You: yes. | 05:24 |
BlueEagle | somebodys: try to md5sum the .iso you downloaded and compare to the published md5-sum. | 05:24 |
Milk_ | configure: error: Library requirements ( glib-2.0 gthread-2.0 gtk+-2.0 libgnomeui-2.0 libnjb) not met | 05:24 |
=== lemur [n=lemur@adsl-69-108-82-166.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kalias | nickrud: Are you keeping busy and out of trouble ;) | 05:24 |
BlueEagle | mr_you: Yes. | 05:24 |
thoreauputic | Mr_You: ctrl-alt- arrow I think | 05:24 |
SomebodyS | so assuming that there is no hardware problems with my computer the cd should install and when its done I should boot the Ubuntu in the GUI interface? | 05:24 |
khermans | Milk_, ok you need the devel versions of these libs | 05:24 |
lemur | Is this the official irc chan for ubuntu? | 05:24 |
Mr_You | thank you very much | 05:24 |
SomebodyS | gonna check md5sum | 05:24 |
thoreauputic | lemur: yes | 05:25 |
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nickrud | kalias, currently my life is nearly nothing but trouble, so I am keeping very busy | 05:25 |
Milk_ | khermans, will apt work for that? | 05:25 |
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khermans | Milk_, aptitude search glib | grep -i devel | 05:25 |
BlueEagle | mr_you: ..or you can do as I have done. apt-get install 3ddesk and apt-get install keylauncher and set keylauncher to use ctrl+alt+rigth to run 3ddesk --nozoom --gotoright | 05:25 |
lemur | thoreauputic: I'm happy to be hear. I haven't tried the distro yet, but I'm scouting. It's next on my list. | 05:25 |
elmo_ | khermans: I really appreciate your help. I tried to add a hd to my ubuntu system. I just pluged it into the serial cable. I did nothing with the hd jumpers on either hd0 or the 2nd hd. the system would not boot at all. so I took off the 2nd hd and left my original hd0 on the system. hd0 has ubuntu installed and has been workign fine untill now. Now the errors loading ubuntu. I already gave the errors to you. I am at a loss as well.is knoppix a | 05:25 |
elmo_ | lite linux i can download? can I mount the hd from the live ubuntu? I already have that running | 05:25 |
BlueEagle | mr_you: and the left arrow to --gotoleft :) | 05:25 |
lemur | *here | 05:25 |
kalias | nickrud: that keeps life interesting :) Hey, do you know anything about the serial modules that run serial ports? | 05:25 |
thoreauputic | lemur: well, welcome :) | 05:25 |
BlueEagle | mr_you: It gives you added niceness points with the laddies. :) | 05:25 |
matthew_w | I'm wondering something about my system configuration. Every app I run that's processor or video intensive runs like a SLUG, even when I have 5-7 times the "system requirements"... any ideas why this might be? | 05:25 |
lemur | there is a livecd, correct? | 05:26 |
thoreauputic | lemur: correct | 05:26 |
nickrud | kalias, a bit | 05:26 |
lemur | :) | 05:26 |
nickrud | what's the question ;) | 05:26 |
khermans | elmo_, yeah you should be able to | 05:26 |
kalias | nickrud: Well if I do a modprobe serial I get Fatal: serial module not found. | 05:26 |
elmo_ | khermans: how? | 05:26 |
khermans | elmo_, is it ext3 ? | 05:27 |
Milk_ | khermans, I did that and installed all listed | 05:27 |
Milk_ | still same config error | 05:27 |
=== KanRiNiN [n=frenchja@pcp05302879pcs.wanarb01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | !tell lemur about download | 05:27 |
elmo_ | khermans: yes | 05:27 |
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khermans | Milk_, only need to install the libglib2.0-dev | 05:27 |
matthew_w | Basically it's just things that run extensive video like fames | 05:27 |
matthew_w | games* | 05:27 |
BlueEagle | elmo_: mkdir /ubuntu && mount /dev/hdX /ubuntu && chroot /ubuntu /bin/bash | 05:27 |
Milk_ | khermans, it says its installed | 05:27 |
KanRiNiN | so, I downloaded the ATI driver installer, ran it, and then rebooted, and when I did fglrxinfo, it's still mesa...help please | 05:27 |
=== a-l-p-h-a [n=alpha@unaffiliated/a-l-p-h-a] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KanRiNiN | forums haven't worked | 05:27 |
lemur | What does ubuntu have to offer for the debian user? | 05:27 |
khermans | Milk_, glib2 error should go away | 05:27 |
khermans | Milk_, now find the others | 05:28 |
Milk_ | its not | 05:28 |
BlueEagle | elmo_: Might need to change X to the partition number and if you have got other partitions you might need to mount them on the appropriate places in the /ubuntu tree. | 05:28 |
thoreauputic | lemur 6 monthly releases | 05:28 |
thoreauputic | lemur: and virtually th e same number of packages | 05:28 |
=== HermanDE [n=HermanDE@67-42-152-5.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bimberi | lemur: a marginally less grumpy support channel :) | 05:28 |
thoreauputic | lemur: plu generally easier setup | 05:29 |
kalias | nickrud: Aren't the serial drivers supposed to get loaded automatically by the kernel? | 05:29 |
BlueEagle | bimberi: But for how long? :p | 05:29 |
nickrud | kalias, after refreshing my memory ;) there's a bunch of serial modules, for different uses, none called serial | 05:29 |
thoreauputic | *plus | 05:29 |
koneng | im having a problem running Ethereal. It asks for my root password, i enter the password for my acccount and it doesn't work. do i need to create a root password to be able to run this program? | 05:29 |
matthew_w | bimberi; not grumpy - elitist. lol | 05:29 |
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a-l-p-h-a | Anyone know how to mount a SATA software raid0 NTFS drive? | 05:29 |
matthew_w | "So, I'm actually not using debian but..." *kick'd* | 05:29 |
lemur | bimberi: I am discovering this as we speak. | 05:29 |
thoreauputic | koneng: try running " sudo ethereal " | 05:29 |
=== bimberi /join's #debian for some more elite training | ||
BlueEagle | koneng: If it asks for a root password (a flaw if you're running it with sudo) then you need a root password to provide it. | 05:30 |
matthew_w | lemur; for the love of God don't mention anything about any OS but Debian in #Debian. | 05:30 |
thoreauputic | koneng: or gksudo ethereal | 05:30 |
koneng | thoreauputic, you're a genius ;) that worked, thanks | 05:30 |
thoreauputic | koneng: :) | 05:30 |
thoreauputic | yw | 05:30 |
khermans | Milk_, aptitude install libgnomeui-dev libgtk-dev libnjb-dev | 05:30 |
kalias | nickrud: okay, here is the problem that I have. I am trying to run a program called brickos. It talks to an infrared device over the serial port. However, I can't seem to make the serial port go. I chatted to another fellow last night and he figure it might be a serial module problem. | 05:30 |
nalioth | thoreauputic: you taking your smart pills today? | 05:30 |
bimberi | matthew_w: he just did :) | 05:30 |
thoreauputic | nalioth: heheh | 05:31 |
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lemur | Well, it's the community that's starting to win me over. | 05:31 |
thoreauputic | nalioth: at least I've had some sleep ;) | 05:31 |
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Kyral | !topic | 05:31 |
BlueEagle | lemur: I should keep my mouth shut then? :) | 05:31 |
khermans | Milk_, anytime there is a configure error -- it usually means that you dont have the dev headers installed | 05:31 |
Milk_ | ok | 05:31 |
khermans | Milk_, did you lessen the errors after installing that stuff? | 05:32 |
Milk_ | I'm installing it now | 05:32 |
thoreauputic | Kyral: try /topic ;) | 05:32 |
lemur | BlueEagle: Please do. :) | 05:32 |
nickrud | kalias, ah, good, I don't know a thing about infrared, or brickos :) | 05:32 |
BlueEagle | hmmm is there a way to have gnome-terminal (or anyone else stealing the combo) pass alt+right to the terminal? | 05:32 |
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matthew_w | #Debian is fine, as long as you're talking about pure pure debian. Like talking about a pseudo-leftism at a republican conference. | 05:32 |
kalias | nickrud: basically it was trying to talk to ttyS0 or ttyS1 and it kept saying that they didn't exist. | 05:33 |
Milk_ | khermans, its going now | 05:33 |
nalioth | thoreauputic: what are you insinuating? | 05:33 |
Milk_ | new error | 05:33 |
khermans | Milk_, the configure? | 05:33 |
SomebodyS | hmm checksum of the iso is the same | 05:33 |
SomebodyS | Guess im gonna check the cd now | 05:33 |
khermans | Milk_, and? | 05:33 |
SomebodyS | maybe it burnt wrong...? | 05:33 |
kalias | nickrud: how do I check out if they (the serial ports) are working? | 05:33 |
=== thoreauputic looks innocent and whistles | ||
nalioth | SomebodyS: try burning slower | 05:34 |
BlueEagle | kalias: What does /dev say about stty0 and stty1 | 05:34 |
BlueEagle | ? | 05:34 |
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nickrud | kalias, stick a known working external modem on the port, open minicom, and type at | 05:34 |
lemur | In a political sense, I would view both projects as essentially leftist. I hope I'm not entirely incorrect in proposing an analogy that ubuntu is to communism what debian is to...um..oligarchy. ^_^ | 05:35 |
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nickrud | that's how I'd do it, I don't have any other test equipment | 05:35 |
thoreauputic | lemur: heh /j #politics ;-) | 05:35 |
lemur | I might take you up on that offer | 05:36 |
thoreauputic | :) | 05:36 |
=== BlueEagle looks up oligarchy in the dictionary | ||
gusto5 | anyone familar with vmware? | 05:36 |
matthew_w | debian's closer to some fascism that's actually a fascism, not just one that CNN says is a fascism. | 05:36 |
hajiki | i need help, the gnome volume applet can see my sound card and the volume is up. but i dont hear anything. i have a sb audigy 2... | 05:36 |
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lemur | but, what is true fascism, if you don't mind my asking? | 05:36 |
kalias | nickrud: hmmm..not sure if I still have an external modem around, I will have to take a look. | 05:36 |
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CarlFK | lemur - I am sure someone in #politics can anwer that ;) | 05:37 |
thoreauputic | come on guys, be nice to Debian - Debian is Ubuntu's Daddy | 05:37 |
BlueEagle | lemur: Are you accusing debian of being run by the mob? :p | 05:37 |
nicedreams | how do you view and disable services in Ubuntu? I want to not have apache2 boot up with ubuntu... | 05:37 |
kalias | nickrud: where do I look in /dev to tell about ttys0 and ttsy1? | 05:37 |
nickrud | kalias, BlueEagle has a good point as well | 05:37 |
matthew_w | lol the mob | 05:37 |
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nickrud | ls /dev/ttyS<tab> | 05:37 |
matthew_w | Okay, well I suppose not really fascism, just one of those high school cliques. | 05:37 |
CarlFK | nicedreams - just install it (via apt get) and it will take care of runnign on boot | 05:37 |
cevizoglu | how do I get Ubuntu to use my belkin wireless 802.11G nic? | 05:38 |
matthew_w | "I'm sorry, we're strongly opposed to new ideas, open-mindedness, and non-Christians." lol | 05:38 |
Kyral | Really quick question | 05:38 |
lemur | I think I'm staying on topic. :) I don't think #politics wants to hear about linux distributions | 05:38 |
BlueEagle | nickrud: Well, actually I don't. I've got both serial ports disabled in the bios but /dev/ttys still show up on my box. | 05:38 |
thoreauputic | lemur: heh | 05:38 |
matthew_w | lemur; what os are you running now? | 05:38 |
Kyral | if I do a server install with Breezy Preview, does it install a sound system or do I have to do that? | 05:38 |
nicedreams | CarlFK: I have apache2 installed and I installed ssl-explorer and now I don't want apache2 to startup with Ubuntu. How do I do that? I only know how to stop it from /etc/init.d/ | 05:38 |
nickrud | BlueEagle, heh | 05:38 |
lemur | matthew_w: Fedora Core on this machine, but I have another running debian stable. | 05:38 |
kalias | nickrud: It displays alot of ttySxx devices. | 05:38 |
CarlFK | ah, you dont want it to. um... i du no. | 05:38 |
nickrud | never tried that | 05:38 |
nickrud | kalias, best test is the modem, i think | 05:39 |
matthew_w | lemur; I was never a big fan of fedora/redhat. Ubuntu was the first distro I actually stuck with. | 05:39 |
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kalias | nickrud: okay I will see if I can find one. Back in a bit. | 05:39 |
BlueEagle | kalias: Did you try sudo modprobe serial_cs | 05:39 |
BlueEagle | ? | 05:39 |
BlueEagle | kalias: It's the only module I found in /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-686/kernel/drivers/serial | 05:40 |
matthew_w | From this information can anyone tell me if I'm missing a package or something: AMD athlon 1600+ (1.4GHz) 600+mb ram, 32mb Nvidia GeForce2 MX -- yet the most "extreme" game I can play is "NetHack" because all others lag me so badly I can barely close them without restarting X. | 05:40 |
BlueEagle | (you might not have -686 if you're running the default 386 kernel) | 05:40 |
kalias | BlueEagle: sudo modprobe serial_cs comes back with nothing. | 05:41 |
nalioth | matthew_w: you running the k7 kernel? | 05:41 |
lemur | Anyway, I'd explain my reasoning to the extent that communism a la leninism was an organization that was controlled by a single party that calls the shots but at the same time encourages community participation. Now that I think about it, though, I'd think Redhat/Fedora is more fitting of that title. | 05:41 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf|grep nv | 05:41 |
matthew_w | nalioth; probably not. In retrospect I think it's the default. | 05:42 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: Does that show Driver "nv" or Driver "nvidia"? | 05:42 |
lemur | Especially since I get the impression that they encourage community participation in production but not management. | 05:42 |
lemur | Okay, I'm done. | 05:42 |
thoreauputic | lemur: most linux distros have elements of that, really | 05:42 |
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BlueEagle | kalias: lsmod|grep serial | 05:42 |
matthew_w | BlueEagle; It returns driver "nvidia" | 05:42 |
nicedreams | anyone know how to disable services? | 05:42 |
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BlueEagle | kalias: modprobe doesn't confirm that it succeeds installing the module (but does give errors when it fails) | 05:42 |
thoreauputic | lemur: but I think we are closer to anrchism ;) | 05:43 |
lemur | omg, and they're called "red" hat | 05:43 |
KanRiNiN | Question: the package specific button on the ATI installer is below the bottom menu. that is, it is too long for my 1024 screen res, and cannot resize. any temp fix to thsi???? | 05:43 |
thoreauputic | *anarchism | 05:43 |
volvoguy | hey, i added something in the sessions dialog that my system doesn't seem to like. does someone know where that setting is stored so i can get rid of it via the console? | 05:43 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: glxinfo|grep OpenGL | 05:43 |
matthew_w | nalioth; would the kernel really create a difference in performance of video etc? | 05:43 |
nalioth | matthew_w: the k7 is tuned for athlons | 05:43 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: Does that give you something about Mesa? | 05:43 |
thoreauputic | lemur: of course if you are Ghenghis Khan everything looks "leftist" ;-) | 05:43 |
kalias | BlueEagle: serial_cs 9628 0 | 05:43 |
nalioth | matthew_w: dont know much about video | 05:44 |
lemur | thoreauputic: indeed | 05:44 |
BlueEagle | kalias: Well, then your serial port driver should be installed. | 05:44 |
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matthew_w | BlueEagle; no, returns 3 things about my video card, then OpenGl Extensions: | 05:44 |
BlueEagle | kalias: ofcourse you should have lsmod|grep serial before modprobe-ing to see if there was any difference. | 05:44 |
KanRiNiN | anybody know how to temporarily add desktop space without resizing screen rez? I'm maxed out | 05:44 |
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BlueEagle | matthew_w: and all about nvidia and no mesa? | 05:44 |
matthew_w | KanRin; workspaces? | 05:44 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: What does glxgears give you 3rd time around? | 05:44 |
matthew_w | BlueEagle; all Nvidia. | 05:45 |
SomebodyS | Yep I think the Cd is definatly bad.. I cant MD5Checksum on 3 files on the CD-the because they cant be Read.... | 05:45 |
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Vaske_Car | hello | 05:45 |
KanRiNiN | I need a bigger workspace though matthew_w. the ATI installer app needs longer than my screen rez for me to see the options | 05:45 |
SomebodyS | anyone want a coaster :-) | 05:45 |
KanRiNiN | dang... | 05:45 |
kalias | BlueEagle: okay, I think the next thing is to attach a modem if I can find one. | 05:45 |
Vaske_Car | What mean "~" on the end of the file? | 05:45 |
matthew_w | KanRinin; err... dunno :S sorry | 05:45 |
BlueEagle | kalias: That might be a good idea. :) | 05:46 |
Vaske_Car | fo example test.txt~ | 05:46 |
thoreauputic | KanRiNiN: buy some old monitors and make a video wall ;-) | 05:46 |
KanRiNiN | it's just a damn driver...grr...never had this problem in FC3. | 05:46 |
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SomebodyS | thanks for help all... g'night | 05:46 |
hajiki | can 4.03 be upgraded to 4.10? | 05:46 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: Try glxgears and let it run for 15 seconds and see how many frames it can churn out. | 05:46 |
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thoreauputic | hajiki: 4.03 never existed | 05:46 |
matthew_w | Can I get the K7 Kernel from synaptic? More appropriately, when I get the K7 kernel from synaptic, will it show up in Grub without me having to edit anything? | 05:46 |
hajiki | can hoary be upgraded to breezy? | 05:47 |
NoUse | matthew_w yes to both counts | 05:47 |
bimberi | Vaske_Car: probably editor backup files (i know gedit created them for instance) | 05:47 |
thoreauputic | hajiki: do you mean 4.10 --> 5.04 ? | 05:47 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: Yes you can and yes it will. | 05:47 |
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bimberi | *creats | 05:47 |
bimberi | gah | 05:47 |
NoUse | !upgrade2breezy | 05:47 |
ubotu | hmm... upgrade2breezy is sudo sed -e 's/hoary/breezy/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, or if and when it breaks your computer, you get to keep both pieces | 05:47 |
matthew_w | BlueEagle; 10fps | 05:47 |
fatpelt | evening all. i've added backports to my sources list and did and update, but i still don't see a package that should be there (mono). could it be that there is no package for my arch (x86_64)? does apt check that kind of stuff ? | 05:47 |
imnes | How can I delay network initialization durring bootup (on breezy), I'm on a laptop and usually not connected to any networks when I boot. | 05:47 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: Ouch. Which graphics card was this again? | 05:47 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: ...and which system processor? | 05:48 |
bimberi | fatpelt: yes it does check the arch | 05:48 |
matthew_w | BlueEagle; Nvidia GeForce 2 MX -- I've gotten much better performance from m$ with it though, so I'm inclined to think it's a software issue. Also, I'm using a K7 AMD Atlon 1600+ | 05:48 |
fatpelt | bimberi: is there an way to ask apt-cache to show me even for other arches (just so i can see if that is really the case)? | 05:48 |
=== Mr-Falkor [n=falkor@ti541210a080-1202.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mr-Falkor | When Is breezy released ?:) | 05:49 |
thoreauputic | fatpelt: no, apt-cache seaches your sources | 05:49 |
CarlFK | fatpelt http://packages.ubuntu.com | 05:49 |
imnes | matthew_w: that's with the commercial nvidia driver? | 05:49 |
matthew_w | Mr-Falkor; October. | 05:49 |
bimberi | fatpelt: i think you need to install and use apt-file or you can do a search on http://packages.ubuntu.com/ | 05:49 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: Well, I've got better results on my geforce2 MX with 32MB ram. It was on a P3 500 though. | 05:49 |
kalias | BlueEagle: Can I direct the keyboard output to a serial port? | 05:49 |
matthew_w | imnes; yep. | 05:49 |
CarlFK | kalias - keyboard output? | 05:49 |
matthew_w | BlueEagle; yep that's the one, 32mb | 05:49 |
Mr-Falkor | matthew_w, should I upgrade to the test version ? | 05:49 |
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BlueEagle | kalias: not sure. if you want to send at-commands use minicom or what ever the name was. | 05:50 |
matthew_w | BlueEagle; would the k7 kernel help, you think? | 05:50 |
kalias | CarlFK; yes, I press a key, it gets echoed to the port. Just basic stuff. | 05:50 |
bimberi | fatpelt: mono on i386 and powerpc i'm afraid | 05:50 |
fatpelt | bimberi/thoreauputic/CarlFK: ah it says only i386. i don't suppose there is a way to install it anyway (i'd assume not as that might be an unsafe thing to do) | 05:50 |
matthew_w | Mr-Falkor; Not unless you're really, -really- --REALLY-- sure of what you're doing. | 05:50 |
matthew_w | Mr-Falkor; or you're extremely masochistic. | 05:50 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: Well, a k7 kernel on a k7 processor doesn't sound like non-sense :) | 05:50 |
Mr-Falkor | ah | 05:50 |
Mr-Falkor | hehe | 05:50 |
cevizoglu | does it make sense to download a Win XP driver for my wireless NIC to work on a Mac PowerBook? | 05:50 |
CarlFK | kalias - how about a term program? | 05:50 |
bimberi | fatpelt: yes, using an i386 chroot ... | 05:50 |
matthew_w | BlueEagle; DUUHH OK *drooldrool* -- I'll download that now. | 05:50 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: But I've never used a k7 processor so I wouldn't know. :) | 05:50 |
bimberi | !chroot | 05:51 |
ubotu | I guess chroot is at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24575 | 05:51 |
Mr-Falkor | Anyway,.. do I need to reinstall my distro if I change to a AMD64 and a new mainboard ? | 05:51 |
kalias | CarlFK: yes that would work. I will see if there is one installed. | 05:51 |
matthew_w | BlueEagle; is it safe to uninstall the old kernels I don't use? | 05:51 |
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fatpelt | bimberi: SWEET! | 05:51 |
matthew_w | Mr-Falkor; probably you will just need new kernels. | 05:51 |
Mr-Falkor | matthew_w, so I will get a kernel panic then ? | 05:51 |
kalias | What linux program is a terminal emulator? | 05:51 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: As safe as removing headlights from a car you only drive in revers. (My analogies suck when I am tierd don't they?) | 05:51 |
Mr-Falkor | matthew_w, how can I install a new kernel if i get a kernel panic ?:P | 05:52 |
cevizoglu | kalias: Terminal | 05:52 |
cevizoglu | Mr-Falkor: boot into safe-mode | 05:52 |
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n3trunner | hmmm....i'm having trouble with my flashplayer...i've tried installing by apt-get and downloading the player from macromedia, its just the same.. | 05:52 |
matthew_w | Mr-Falkor; over my head :( | 05:52 |
Mr-Falkor | ah :) | 05:52 |
matthew_w | Mr-Falkor; sorry | 05:52 |
Mr-Falkor | matthew_w, no problem | 05:52 |
NoUse | n3trunner what kind of problem? | 05:52 |
matthew_w | BlueEagle; stupid question -- what would I search for when I'm looking for the k7 kernel? | 05:53 |
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kalias | okay, how do I send characters to a serial port? Sorry for the simple questions, I haven't done this before :( | 05:53 |
matthew_w | because kernel doesn't work -_- | 05:53 |
BlueEagle | o.O | 05:53 |
thoreauputic | matthew_w: apt-cache search linux-image | 05:53 |
CarlFK | kalias - minicom | 05:53 |
Mr-Falkor | Should I run AMB64 on a i386 or on a 64 ubuntu ? | 05:53 |
Mr-Falkor | AMD | 05:53 |
Mr-Falkor | err | 05:53 |
n3trunner | NoUse: like when i visit www.macromedia.com... the menu name at the top wont appear... | 05:53 |
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kalias | CarlFK: I guess I have to install that one. | 05:53 |
cafuego | Mr-Falkor: Depends on whether you want flash, java applets, dvd, divx... | 05:54 |
Mr-Falkor | ah :/ | 05:54 |
communico | BlueEagle: everything went well, but I got stuck at this point "then copy arch/i386/boot/bzimage /boot/custokernel-2.6.11 and edit /boot/grub/grub.conf to have an option for that kernel." because their was no bzimage file in that folder | 05:54 |
Mr-Falkor | I`ll just plug and crash !:P | 05:54 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: linux-k7 would be a good bet I guess. | 05:54 |
bimberi | ... wine, mono, ... | 05:54 |
thoreauputic | communico: erm - don't use 2.6.11, please | 05:54 |
n3trunner | NoUse: generally, text wont apear...plus even sound doesn't work... | 05:54 |
thoreauputic | it's broken | 05:54 |
cafuego | mono runs find on AMD64, thanks. | 05:54 |
BlueEagle | communico: It might be bzImage | 05:55 |
matthew_w | BlueEagle; okay I'm installing that image - I'm using 2.6.10 not .11 because I'm fairly uncertain that 2.6.11-k7 isn't so stable | 05:55 |
bimberi | cafuego: in chroot? | 05:55 |
cafuego | bimberi: No, just as is. | 05:55 |
n3trunner | I can't even read anything on the flash Settings... | 05:55 |
fatpelt | bimberi/thoreauputic/CarlFK: thank you all so much! have a wonderful night! | 05:55 |
BlueEagle | communico: anyways just type cp arch/i386/boot/bz and press TAB to auto complete. | 05:55 |
cafuego | bimberi: I've been running beagle on amd64 for ages. | 05:55 |
communico | thoreauputic: BlueEagle told me to install it :) | 05:55 |
thoreauputic | matthew_w: 2.6.11 is broken | 05:55 |
bimberi | cafuego: no hoary packages tho | 05:55 |
fatpelt | cafuego: you didn't have to do a chroot to get mono up? | 05:55 |
thoreauputic | communico: well, it is known to have deep problems | 05:55 |
matthew_w | thoreauputic; well good thing I chose 2.6.10 lol | 05:55 |
cafuego | bimberi: No, breezy here. | 05:56 |
cafuego | fatpelt: Not on breezy, no. | 05:56 |
BlueEagle | thoreauputic: how is 2.6.11 broken when you roll your own? | 05:56 |
matthew_w | BlueEagle; once I download this.... what do I have to do with it... *NUB* lol | 05:56 |
bimberi | ahh, there you go fatpelt | 05:56 |
h17m4n | hmmm do I really need to install wine on chroot?? seems some users installed it it in 64 bit.... But would that only allow them to run 64 bit windows apps? | 05:56 |
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thoreauputic | BlueEagle: ah -n that might be OK, don't know: the Ubuntu one is definitely broken though | 05:56 |
fatpelt | hehe. thanks again everyone! | 05:56 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: if you apt-get install it then you reboot and choose the -k7 option in grub (shoul be added automatically) | 05:56 |
fatpelt | i'm tring the crhoot now. | 05:57 |
matthew_w | Well I guess I'll reboot | 05:57 |
BlueEagle | thoreauputic: I see. Thanks for the heads-up. | 05:57 |
matthew_w | Brb! | 05:57 |
bimberi | fatpelt: ok, sry for that gap in my knowledge (tks cafuego) | 05:57 |
BlueEagle | thoreauputic: Are you in the know as for when 2.6.13 or 2.6.12 is added? | 05:57 |
Mr-Falkor | Does Gnome 12 work faster than gnome 10 ? | 05:57 |
thoreauputic | BlueEagle: I think 2.6.12 is in Breezy | 05:58 |
kalias | BlueEagle: okay, success. I downloade minicom and when I hit the keys I can see the light on this ir device turn green, that implies that my serial ports are working. | 05:58 |
BlueEagle | thoreauputic: Breezy is still beta, right? | 05:58 |
Mr-Falkor | Cuz Gnome 10 feels like Im wearing heavy boots | 05:58 |
BlueEagle | kalias: Well there you go. :) | 05:58 |
thoreauputic | BlueEagle: yup - th epreview just came out | 05:58 |
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wickedpuppy | BlueEagle, 2.6.12-8-386 thats my current breezy kernel | 05:58 |
BlueEagle | kalias: add serial_cs to /etc/modules to have it load automatically every time you boot | 05:58 |
thoreauputic | BlueEagle: release in October | 05:58 |
CarlFK | kalias - yep. somewhere is a "echo to screen" option in minicom | 05:58 |
BlueEagle | thoreauputic: Well, imo they should be able to patch up 2.6.13 by that time, but then again I don't know how many patches ubunty sticks in. :) | 05:59 |
thoreauputic | BlueEagle: the freeze is already in place | 05:59 |
BlueEagle | thoreauputic: Good thing I got a jacket then... ? | 06:00 |
kalias | Thanks guys :))) I will continue with the brickos stuff now and see if I can get it working. | 06:00 |
thoreauputic | BlueEagle: so I don't think 2.6.13 will be in Breezy | 06:00 |
communico | thoreauputic: all I'm tring to do is setup a raid | 06:00 |
communico | BlueEagle: hmm, it still can't find any bz file | 06:00 |
communico | I'm looking in the directory now | 06:00 |
thoreauputic | communico: beyond me, I'm afraid - I have no experience with raid | 06:01 |
communico | BlueEagle: is there a way I can search for it? | 06:01 |
BlueEagle | communico: I've had most luck with md by compiling md and raidX into the kernel. I didn't get it working with modules. Then again I might just suck. :) | 06:01 |
BlueEagle | communico: That's odd. | 06:01 |
=== matthew_w [n=matthew@hlfxns01bbf-142068221016.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlueEagle | ls /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bz* | 06:01 |
communico | BlueEagle: i'm just grateful anyone is helping at all ;) | 06:01 |
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matthew_w | BlueEagle; Help! I'm no longer in X. | 06:01 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: You might need to apt-get install nvidia-glx | 06:02 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: That module is kernel dependant. | 06:02 |
matthew_w | Oh | 06:02 |
BlueEagle | :) | 06:02 |
matthew_w | Is there a way for me to ... "minimize" this irssi so I can do that without closing it? | 06:02 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: ALT+F2 will show you the 2nd (of 6) termnal screens | 06:02 |
Mr-Falkor | the X and gtk should have been build into the kernel | 06:03 |
matthew_w | BlueEagle; error - already installed...x-x | 06:03 |
Mr-Falkor | then X would have worked faster | 06:03 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: Also screen is a nice program. You can detatch programs run with screen <command> by hitting ctrl+a+d and re-connect with screen -r | 06:03 |
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BlueEagle | matthew_w: man apt-get and see how you can force a re-install I guess. | 06:04 |
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gusto5 | general question: what do i do if i install more physical ram? | 06:04 |
gusto5 | in terms of swap... | 06:04 |
thoreauputic | gusto5: nothing | 06:04 |
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gusto5 | oh. ok. thanks thoreauputic | 06:04 |
thoreauputic | gusto5: how much ram, swap ? | 06:05 |
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matthew_w | Have to do an apt-get remove then apt-get install | 06:05 |
matthew_w | Whoa... One could live completely without x | 06:05 |
thoreauputic | matthew_w: indeed | 06:05 |
Mr-Falkor | How did I check my swap ? | 06:05 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: apt-get --reinstall install nvidia-glx I guess. | 06:05 |
gusto5 | 729.5 for swap, thoreauputic and my new combined ram value will only be 512 mb | 06:05 |
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thoreauputic | gusto5: that's more than enough | 06:06 |
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gusto5 | thoreauputic, ok. thanks again. have a great night. | 06:06 |
matthew_w | It's installed | 06:06 |
matthew_w | try starting x again? | 06:06 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: Yes, when I think about it you might also need to reinstall nvidia-kernel-common | 06:06 |
brownie17 | what the hell is x, btw? | 06:07 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: It might also be that you need nvidia-kernel-common and not nvidia-glx :) | 06:07 |
BlueEagle | brownie17: It is the graphical framework used by the windowmanager to draw windows. | 06:07 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: it's the graphical system that draws widgets/windows on the screen | 06:07 |
brownie17 | ok | 06:07 |
brownie17 | pretty hot today | 06:08 |
brownie17 | hahah | 06:08 |
BlueEagle | brownie17: It is a common abbrivation for x-server | 06:08 |
brownie17 | where i am anway | 06:08 |
brownie17 | ok | 06:08 |
brownie17 | gtg | 06:08 |
BlueEagle | thoreauputic: I thought the window manager drew the widgets and windows... | 06:08 |
matthew_w | "failed to load module "nvidia" module does not exist" "no drivers available" | 06:08 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: you can actually run X apps without a window manager, but it's kind of impractical | 06:08 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: modprobe nvidia | 06:09 |
communico | BlueEagle: I found a bzImage file in /arch/x86_64/boot. could that be it? | 06:09 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: also add nvidia to /etc/modules to have it load automatically. | 06:09 |
matthew_w | FATAL - module nvidia not found | 06:09 |
thoreauputic | BlueEagle: nope - try startx `which gedit` -- :1 | 06:09 |
BlueEagle | communico: Are you on a 64-bit platform? | 06:09 |
thoreauputic | for instance | 06:09 |
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communico | BlueEagle: hmm, how do I find that out? | 06:09 |
BlueEagle | communico: You do know which processor you have got don't you? | 06:10 |
bytefoo | does colony 4 come with OOo 2 ? | 06:10 |
matthew_w | BlueEagle - fatal - module nvidia not found | 06:10 |
cafuego | bytefoo: yes | 06:10 |
thoreauputic | BlueEagle: the window manager draws window edges and .. er.. manages the windows | 06:10 |
thoreauputic | :) | 06:10 |
Parisi | How come my Atheros Netgear 311t isnt supported under kubuntu? I was told teh atheros were well supported under *nix :( | 06:10 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: that's even after reinstalling nvidia-kernel-common? | 06:10 |
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matthew_w | BlueEagle; I think. | 06:11 |
BlueEagle | communico: cat /proc/cpuinfo | 06:11 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: Well I'll be... :/ | 06:11 |
matthew_w | How would I check to see if those are installed? | 06:11 |
bytefoo | thanks cafuego | 06:12 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: they should be in /lib/modules/<kernelversion>/ somwhere | 06:12 |
eva-02 | is RC1 any diff from colony 4? | 06:12 |
communico | BlueEagle: it says 'address sizes 40 bits physical 48 bits virtual' | 06:12 |
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nalioth | eva-02: yes it is, by a week i think | 06:12 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: mine is in /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-686/kernel/drivers/video/ | 06:12 |
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eva-02 | k ty | 06:13 |
BlueEagle | communico: cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep "model name" | 06:13 |
communico | BlueEagle: ah yes, 64 bit processor, AMD Athlon | 06:14 |
BlueEagle | thoreauputic: Well it draws _a_ window, but if I am not mistaking there are no widgets there and not very much managing going on. | 06:14 |
matthew_w | BlueEagle; there is no "drivers" folder in there | 06:14 |
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BlueEagle | communico: Well then it's no wonder that it's in x86_64 and not in i386. :) | 06:14 |
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BlueEagle | communico: Sorry for not picking that up sooner. :) | 06:14 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: Hmm.. | 06:15 |
communico | BlueEagle: that's okay. I'll resume where I left off | 06:15 |
thoreauputic | BlueEagle: right - if you startx with an app instead of a wm, you get an immovable rectangle but the app runs | 06:15 |
lakcaj | khermans, did you try just downloading the .deb and seeing what deps it is looking for and if you can fullfill those with ubuntu packages? | 06:15 |
khermans | lakcaj, no actually i dindt | 06:15 |
thoreauputic | BlueEagle: so if you specify the geometry you van run a browser, say, on tty8, fullscreen | 06:15 |
thoreauputic | s/van/can | 06:15 |
khermans | lakcaj, hrmm...good idea | 06:16 |
nalioth | khermans: you can visit packages.ubunto.com to check depends, too | 06:16 |
BlueEagle | thoreauputic: Yes, and as far as I know a widget is the kind of thing you've got in ie. the titlebar that lets you minimize and maximise it and the re-sizable window edges. I might have misunderstood what a widget is though. :) | 06:16 |
nalioth | khermans: the other packages.ubuntu.com | 06:16 |
=== X7C [n=xtc@pc-63-24-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h17m4n | Question: I'm trying to install wine on chroot, but when I try to compile it, I get this error: #flood | 06:16 |
thoreauputic | BlueEagle: my undertanding is that widgets wre the things in the windows, or the windows borders etc | 06:16 |
thoreauputic | /s/wre/are | 06:17 |
=== JairunCaloth [n=trumpetp@71-14-42-161.dhcp.crtn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlueEagle | thoreauputic: I wonder if the dictionary has got a definition. :) | 06:17 |
h17m4n | it talks about x86_64 when I'm actually running 32 bit chrootr | 06:17 |
BlueEagle | "A small mechanical device or control; a gadget." | 06:17 |
thoreauputic | BlueEagle: heh - some techncal dictionary or wikkipedia I guess ;) | 06:17 |
BlueEagle | not exactly helpful. :) | 06:17 |
=== pundai [n=pundai@S010600131081f1b5.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pundai | hey do the win32 codecs come with mplayer? | 06:18 |
matthew_w | It still says "Failed to load the Nvidia Kernel module, and now I can't get X... grr..." | 06:18 |
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pundai | im trying to view a presentation and it says no sound | 06:18 |
h17m4n | anyone? | 06:18 |
pundai | audio codec format 0x75 | 06:18 |
=== snausages [n=vr@193-51.73-24.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Parisi | Man... I buy a new wireless card based on the atheros chipset based on recommendations and the thing isnt even natively supported under ubuntu at all, crap. | 06:19 |
nalioth | pundai: pkg is called w32codecs | 06:19 |
nalioth | !tell pundai about extras | 06:19 |
matthew_w | pundai: You'll have to add the marillat repository, though. | 06:19 |
matthew_w | BlueEagle; Help, I'm stuck in terminal | 06:19 |
matthew_w | lol | 06:19 |
Parisi | So now i am stuck with 2 wireless cards that dont work properly :/ | 06:19 |
nalioth | Parisi: hope you saved the receipt | 06:19 |
BlueEagle | "In graphical user interfaces, a combination of a graphic symbol and some program code to perform a specific function. E.g. a scroll-bar or button." so it seems you are correct. :) | 06:19 |
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h17m4n | the error I get was posted on flood | 06:20 |
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thoreauputic | BlueEagle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Widget <-- the computer def is there | 06:20 |
pundai | matthew_w, nalioth thanks | 06:20 |
robotgeek | pundai: what are you trying to install from marillat? | 06:20 |
Parisi | nalioth needless to say i will be returning it, bah | 06:20 |
pundai | robotgeek, w32codecs | 06:20 |
nalioth | Parisi: prism54.org | 06:20 |
robotgeek | okay | 06:20 |
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matthew_w | BlueEagle: Any ideas now...? | 06:20 |
robotgeek | Parisi: also dont forget ralink cards (a few belkin have them ,and they come cheap) | 06:20 |
Parisi | nalioth i was told the atheros was my best bet, and the the driver (ath) wont even work with it. | 06:21 |
nalioth | robotgeek: ralink? | 06:21 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: Well, I've got no experience with k7 kernels in general or ubuntus k-7 kernel in particular so I am sorry, but I do not know how to fix that. All I can do is suggest you re-boot your i386 (or even an i586 might work) kernel. | 06:21 |
BlueEagle | not sure about the 586 though. | 06:21 |
matthew_w | k | 06:21 |
nalioth | BlueEagle: 686 on that type of athlon, or k7 | 06:21 |
Parisi | I am too pissed to even think about it, looks like i will be stuck with windows again. | 06:22 |
=== Sonny_Wertzik [n=Sonny_We@ip24-250-11-28.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
robotgeek | nalioth: http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page gpl'ed drivers | 06:22 |
BlueEagle | nalioth: it's a k7 processor but nvidia kernel module seems to get lost somwhere... | 06:22 |
Parisi | Is there such a thing as a wireless card which is 100% compatible with bsd/linux or what? | 06:23 |
BlueEagle | nalioth: and it's matthew_w that's having the problem. | 06:23 |
satafterh | hello all, is Preview Release of Ubuntu 5.10 stable?? | 06:23 |
CarlFK | Parisi= orinoco | 06:23 |
CarlFK | satafterh - no. | 06:23 |
nalioth | BlueEagle: nv and nvidia either work w/o a complaint or it's like pullin the teeth of an enraged hippo gettin it goin | 06:23 |
robotgeek | Parisi: yeah orinoco, or even netgear cards based on prism chipset | 06:23 |
thoreauputic | satafterh: by definition, not quite :) | 06:23 |
Parisi | CarlFK: What about the atheros? | 06:23 |
BlueEagle | carlfk: It's a preview release. not a stable release. | 06:23 |
satafterh | thanks | 06:23 |
nalioth | Parisi: prism54.org | 06:24 |
Parisi | Ok. | 06:24 |
BlueEagle | carlfk: I wouldn't put it on a production server, but feel free to try it out. | 06:24 |
Parisi | I guess i'll just return the Netgear then. | 06:24 |
CarlFK | BlueEagle - why you telling me? ;) | 06:24 |
BlueEagle | carlfk: However don't be suprised if it contains bugs. :) | 06:24 |
robotgeek | Parisi: the netgear doesn't work?? | 06:24 |
BlueEagle | carlfk: Because I'm mis-reading nicks like my grandma. :) | 06:24 |
CarlFK | heh | 06:24 |
=== bored2k [n=reb@113samana87.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu | ||
satafterh | is there an easy way to upgrade kernel and fix nvidia driver as it hangs the system when I try | 06:24 |
bored2k | how do i edit devilpie? | 06:24 |
mik3 | CarlFK : chicago > * | 06:24 |
Parisi | robotgeek This is my second netgear card i have tried ! I have a acx111 based card and now this one based on the atheros 5213 | 06:25 |
robotgeek | bored2k: u mean devilspie, right? | 06:25 |
CarlFK | mik3 yup. you too? | 06:25 |
h17m4n | Question: An AMD64 compiled wine would only run 64 bit Win apps? | 06:25 |
BlueEagle | satafterh: It's a preview and should be treated as such. I wouldn't put it on a production server but feel free to try it. Don't be suprised if you find bugs though. | 06:25 |
bored2k | robotgeek, yeah | 06:25 |
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robotgeek | Parisi: and did u try to compile the drivers from source? | 06:25 |
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Parisi | robotgeek The sad part is that the acx111 sorta runs with ndiswrapper | 06:25 |
h17m4n | From Tamir: wine - Currently there is not way to build it on amd64 | 06:26 |
robotgeek | Parisi: i tht most netgears used prism chipset | 06:26 |
bored2k | how do i edit devilspie? | 06:26 |
satafterh | blueeagle - thanks, no server here lol just home pc, lol | 06:26 |
robotgeek | !tell me about pastebin | 06:26 |
BlueEagle | satafterh: That depends on what you define as "easy". If I was to undertake an installation of a preview release I would have made a separate partition for it. | 06:26 |
h17m4n | I guess I took the right path when compiling it under chroot. | 06:26 |
Parisi | robotgeek Not sure about that :/ | 06:26 |
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Parisi | robotgeek I think theyre mostly atheros, broadcan and acx | 06:26 |
matthew_w | So, now that I'm back in X | 06:26 |
satafterh | kernel upgare not for preview release for currant stable | 06:26 |
Parisi | Broadcom* | 06:27 |
BlueEagle | satafterh: By looking at the number of 'lol'-s you manage to cram into one sentence it might be a good idea to stick to hoary until breezy is stable. :) | 06:27 |
matthew_w | How could I get the Nvidia modules into my K7 kernel? | 06:27 |
matthew_w | !nvidia | 06:27 |
ubotu | nvidia is, like, totally, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 06:27 |
robotgeek | bored2k: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2027 a copy of my .devilspie.xml | 06:27 |
satafterh | mathew that my problem to i think | 06:28 |
robotgeek | Parisi: do atheros cards not work with the madwifi drivers? | 06:28 |
bored2k | robotgeek, how do i use it ? | 06:28 |
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Parisi | robotgeek aparently not my model! the atheros 5213 | 06:28 |
robotgeek | basically, you launch it by typing devilspie in a terminal or so | 06:28 |
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matthew_w | BlueEagle; I just installed Linux-Kernel-Headers-k7 and linux-restricted-modules-k7 .. what are those? lol | 06:29 |
bored2k | i get an error trying to run it | 06:29 |
matthew_w | BlueEagle; when they're not k7 that is. | 06:29 |
satafterh | mathew lol | 06:29 |
Parisi | robotgeek Ubuntu wouldnt even get my card up, and that says alot! | 06:29 |
nalioth | robotgeek: where does one buy ralink usb dongles? | 06:30 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: Well the -modules are probably modules. The headers are for when you compile stuff yourself (like programs) | 06:30 |
robotgeek | nalioth: usb dongles, i am not sure. i use a pcmcia card. | 06:30 |
=== Draucon [n=Draucon@dialup-free-25.nmsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlueEagle | matthew_w: ubuntu _might_ have rolled a nvidia module in there... :) | 06:30 |
aru | I battled with ubuntu for 3 days trying to get my pcmcia (whatever) card working... then I realised I had wired the cat5e wrong | 06:30 |
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Parisi | Heh | 06:30 |
Vaske_Car | How to set default zoom in Firefox? | 06:30 |
satafterh | so much to learn lmao | 06:30 |
nalioth | robotgeek: my ibook has no pcmcia slot | 06:31 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: try to ls /lib/modules/2.6.10-k7/kernel/drivers/video | 06:31 |
aru | I just like to share that story when someone says Ubuntu is at fault :) | 06:31 |
robotgeek | nalioth: okay. they are good cards, and the driver is getting better all the time | 06:31 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: it might be named something other than 2.6.10-k7 though. | 06:31 |
=== cvt [n=cvt@pcp0010834819pcs.hcksrd01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sonny_Wertzik | Hello. | 06:32 |
cvt | hi | 06:32 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | I don't mean to inturrupt but.....can someone answer a quick question for me? | 06:32 |
satafterh | why are there no sourses for kernel in package manager for default kernel | 06:32 |
thoreauputic | dict loll: 1. To act lazily or indolently; to recline; to lean;... etc etc <-- what lol always makes me think of | 06:32 |
aru | Sonny_Wertzik: ask away | 06:32 |
matthew_w | BlueEagle; is that it? /lib/modules/ ? | 06:32 |
Sonny_Wertzik | thx aru | 06:32 |
Sonny_Wertzik | is there a way to get full access to all my files and folders? | 06:33 |
nalioth | robotgeek: yes, so i read. but i dont have pcmcia | 06:33 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: That seems like bingo to me. :) | 06:33 |
Sonny_Wertzik | i guess i dont have permissions for some | 06:33 |
robotgeek | nalioth: trying to pull up which ones u can buy in a fry's | 06:33 |
NoUse | satafterh linux-source-2.6.10 | 06:33 |
aru | Sonny_Wertzik: you can open a root terminal if that helps | 06:33 |
sn0n | hey guys... whats the typical width of a console window ? | 06:33 |
thoreauputic | Sonny_Wertzik: of course. with sudo/ gksudo | 06:33 |
sn0n | like 80 x 20 or something aint it ? | 06:33 |
bimberi | 80x24 | 06:34 |
sn0n | thnx much | 06:34 |
Sonny_Wertzik | ill try that now | 06:34 |
thoreauputic | Sonny_Wertzik: be aware you can break your system easily if you don't understand something though | 06:34 |
snausages | where can i go to see a list of all the applications available via apt-get ? | 06:34 |
NoUse | snausages synaptic | 06:34 |
NoUse | !synaptic | 06:34 |
ubotu | I guess synaptic is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto | 06:34 |
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BlueEagle | snausages: packages.ubuntu.com | 06:34 |
snausages | thank you both | 06:35 |
dducko | !restricted | 06:35 |
ubotu | I guess restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 06:35 |
BlueEagle | snausages: or in synaptic :) | 06:35 |
snausages | =) | 06:35 |
=== hajiki [n=matt@cpe-66-27-218-141.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
robotgeek | nalioth: http://ralink.rapla.net/ | 06:35 |
Sonny_Wertzik | it asks for a switch..which one do i pick? | 06:35 |
hajiki | my sound doesnt work, help | 06:35 |
cvt | what do i need to handle all video formats? | 06:35 |
BlueEagle | sonny_wertzik: tried the "off" switch? :p | 06:35 |
BlueEagle | hehe | 06:35 |
thoreauputic | Sonny_Wertzik: erm.. a switch? | 06:35 |
Sonny_Wertzik | hehe | 06:35 |
Sonny_Wertzik | many a time | 06:35 |
satafterh | plug the speakers in | 06:36 |
NoUse | !tell cvt about restricted | 06:36 |
Sonny_Wertzik | command line switch that is | 06:36 |
thoreauputic | Sonny_Wertzik: whatever you do, don't push the big red button!! | 06:36 |
thoreauputic | *grin* | 06:36 |
cvt | ty | 06:36 |
Sonny_Wertzik | hahahaha | 06:36 |
sn0n | hmmmm | 06:36 |
satafterh | I am from canada, where is everyone eles from | 06:36 |
BlueEagle | sonny_wertzik: to get full access to all files sudo -i | 06:36 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | cool man thx | 06:36 |
matthew_w | BlueEagle; that was it. | 06:37 |
cafuego | satafterh: yes | 06:37 |
BlueEagle | sonny_wertzik: Be VERY CAREFUL when you're using the root shell because it's very easy to shoot yourself in the foot. | 06:37 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: how is glxgears working for you now? | 06:37 |
matthew_w | BlueEagle; glxgears is now churning out 750+ fps, an increase of over 7500% | 06:37 |
Sonny_Wertzik | i will thx for the help | 06:37 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: Well, there you go. :) | 06:37 |
matthew_w | I sure pwned those gears. | 06:37 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: Feel free to put a few words in my guest book if you want to. | 06:37 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: Well anything is better than 10 fps ;D | 06:39 |
cafuego | except 5 | 06:39 |
BlueEagle | cafuego: But ofcourse. | 06:39 |
BlueEagle | Anything better than 10 fps is better than 10 fps. | 06:39 |
BlueEagle | (damn pedantic crowd in here...) :p | 06:39 |
thoreauputic | BlueEagle: hey, never start a sentence with parentheses! | 06:40 |
=== thoreauputic ducks and runs | ||
=== GhostFreeman [n=ghostfre@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== BlueEagle mumbles something about parenthesis being a short-hand for /me mumbles something about | ||
=== P3L|C4N0 o/ | ||
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bitkrom | hello | 06:41 |
cafuego | thoreauputic: ( really? | 06:41 |
BlueEagle | Hi bitkrom! How are you today? | 06:42 |
matthew_w | Thanks BlueEagle XD | 06:42 |
thoreauputic | cafuego: ) | 06:42 |
cafuego | thoreauputic: meh ] | 06:42 |
=== BlueEagle wonders if he should follow that one up with /msg bitkrom asl? | ||
thoreauputic | cafuego: :) | 06:42 |
BlueEagle | :p | 06:42 |
cafuego | BlueEagle: illegal/yes please/in bed | 06:42 |
bitkrom | how do i make a system within the system for programs with higher requirements above the ability of the distro | 06:42 |
BlueEagle | matthew_w: no problem. Sorry I didn't pick up on k7-modules being needed though. I'm new to ubuntu. :) | 06:42 |
=== chavo [n=chavo@240.sub-70-212-48.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlueEagle | bitkrom: Are you talking about emulating a different system here? | 06:43 |
satafterh | I have to tell you all, I am new to liux about 2 months now, have tried differant distro, ubuntu and kubuntu are the best (wont so whick one i like more lol) great job to the people who give it to us, it seams really stable, not to big and easior than most to get up and runing, although I am having an issue installing wine and it working but never the less great job, because of ubuntu I got rid of bill gates thanks | 06:43 |
BlueEagle | bitkrom: or a chroot jail? | 06:43 |
nalioth | bitkrom may want a sandbox | 06:44 |
Thread-x | anyone knows how to enable remote desktop from ssh (command line)?? | 06:44 |
cvt | are there any video formats that ubuntu handles? | 06:44 |
=== thoreauputic passes round the hat for satafterh ;-) | ||
nalioth | cvt: just the open format ones | 06:44 |
BlueEagle | thread-x: Are you thinking about x11 forwarding? | 06:44 |
cafuego | cvt: yeah, all, provided you have an x86. | 06:45 |
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cvt | i have p4 3 gHz 1gB ram, etc. | 06:45 |
bitkrom | can you explain the sandbox? | 06:45 |
cvt | totem movie player | 06:45 |
h17m4n | Performing 'make install' as root to install binaries, enter root password - Isn't it the password I normally use? | 06:45 |
BlueEagle | !tell cvt about restricted | 06:45 |
h17m4n | How come it wont work | 06:45 |
cafuego | Oh, I'm sorry to hear that :-) | 06:45 |
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concept10 | Just tested the breezy preview Live CD, it works great on my system. Should I upgrade to breezy now??? | 06:45 |
thoreauputic | h17m4n: sudo make install | 06:45 |
cafuego | !restrictedformats | 06:46 |
ubotu | restrictedformats is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or 'codecs' | 06:46 |
Thread-x | BlueEagle - maybe.. my main problem is that the remote desktop doestn work until i start gnome. but i want it to work from ssh :S | 06:46 |
nalioth | concept10: breezy is still badgerish, take note | 06:46 |
cafuego | cvt: Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for info. | 06:46 |
bitkrom | is it a chroot jail im after? | 06:46 |
h17m4n | I'm trying to run this | 06:46 |
h17m4n | ./tools/wineinstall | 06:46 |
h17m4n | it compiled already | 06:46 |
cafuego | h17m4n: sudo apt-get install wine | 06:46 |
BlueEagle | thread-x: until you start gnome on which machine? | 06:46 |
concept10 | nalioth: badgerish? heh | 06:46 |
h17m4n | I'm following this howto: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29996&page=1&pp=10 | 06:47 |
thoreauputic | nalioth: aaaaargh! snake!! | 06:47 |
h17m4n | to build a cvs wine on chroot | 06:47 |
cafuego | h17m4n: ubunbtuforms should not be used, as they give you bad info. | 06:47 |
bur[n] er | !breezy | 06:47 |
ubotu | from memory, breezy is the next version of Ubuntu (5.10); released October 2005. It hasn't reached stable-status, so it can still be broken. A pictorial view of differences between Hoary & Breezy: http://members.home.nl/jeroen-91/ubuntu/breezy-new/ | 06:47 |
BlueEagle | cafuego: As they _may_ give bad info. | 06:47 |
cafuego | h17m4n: Pretty much, installing unpackged software is abad idea. | 06:47 |
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bitkrom | say i need to run a program and the requirements are not met in the distro...what steps do i take? | 06:48 |
cafuego | BlueEagle: No, they _do_. | 06:48 |
Thread-x | <BlueEagle> im in a windos machine working with ssh. .but i want a vnc.. to the ubuntu machine.. but the remote doesnt work until i log in gnome.. | 06:48 |
=== thoreauputic gets the popcorn out to watch the forums war | ||
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h17m4n | cafuego: so doing a 'sudo apt-get wine' on chroot will get all of that done? | 06:48 |
BlueEagle | thread-x: Well you should be able to remotely log in afaik, but I've never set it up myself :/ | 06:49 |
cafuego | h17m4n: that will install wine, yes. | 06:49 |
cevizoglu | does anyone have a url for getting wireless to work on a powerbook? | 06:49 |
robotgeek | cevizoglu: do u have an aiport extreme card? | 06:49 |
BlueEagle | thread-x: Let me do some checking. | 06:49 |
h17m4n | hmmm | 06:49 |
thoreauputic | cevizoglu: airport extreme is unsupported | 06:49 |
thoreauputic | unfortunately | 06:49 |
bytefoo | on any linux i think | 06:49 |
bitkrom | do i create a folder and turn it into root to have another system within? | 06:49 |
h17m4n | but ubotu points me out to that thread | 06:49 |
h17m4n | !tell cafuego wine | 06:49 |
coleSLAW | One day, my Multi_Key stopped working in breezy, and I do not understand how to troubleshoot it. Can someone help? | 06:50 |
bytefoo | breezy have firefox 1.5 ? | 06:50 |
h17m4n | !tell cafuego about wine | 06:50 |
bytefoo | the new one? | 06:50 |
BlueEagle | thread-x: Applications->System Tools->Configuration editor | desktop->gnome->remote access | 06:50 |
robotgeek | coleSLAW: multi_key?? what is that? | 06:50 |
thoreauputic | bytefoo: not AFAIK | 06:50 |
Thread-x | <BlueEagle> thanks in advance | 06:50 |
cevizoglu | thoreauputic: I'm not using airport extreme | 06:50 |
thoreauputic | cevizoglu: lucky you :) | 06:50 |
BlueEagle | thread-x: However I am not sure if that will work though. | 06:50 |
robotgeek | cevizoglu: then which card are u using? | 06:50 |
coleSLAW | robotgeek: Outside of X.org, it is typically called the Compose key. | 06:51 |
Thread-x | <BlueEagle> sorry mind if i pm you? | 06:51 |
robotgeek | coleSLAW: as in the one with the tilda key? | 06:51 |
robotgeek | coleSLAW: or ~ ` key? | 06:51 |
BlueEagle | thread-x: No, since you ask I'd be delighted to recieve a msg from you. :) | 06:51 |
cevizoglu | robotgeek: belkin F5D7010 | 06:51 |
cevizoglu | robotgeek: it's supposed to work with ubuntu | 06:52 |
robotgeek | cevizoglu: can u do a lspci and paste the output to pastebin? or do u know if it is a ralink card? | 06:52 |
aru | anyone have a soundcard working with a front panel they can record from? | 06:53 |
coleSLAW | robotgeek: No. As in the one that says "Compose" on it. Or the one you have to define yourself. | 06:53 |
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robotgeek | cevizoglu: in a terminal, do a "lspci -v" and paste the output | 06:53 |
coleSLAW | robotgeek: It lets you type characters not on your keyboard. Like . | 06:53 |
coleSLAW | . | 06:53 |
coleSLAW | Even. | 06:53 |
cevizoglu | what is the url for pastebin again? | 06:54 |
aru | !pastebin | 06:54 |
ubotu | somebody said pastebin was a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 06:54 |
robotgeek | coleSLAW: if you want to remap keys, take a look at xkeycaps | 06:54 |
coleSLAW | robotgeek: I've already remapped keys. The default startup is not sourcing the correct Compose file, though. | 06:55 |
snausages | i'm trying to install flash, but i get this: Couldn't find package flashplayer-mozilla | 06:55 |
coleSLAW | robotgeek: It's supposed to pick up /usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose | 06:55 |
thoreauputic | snausages: you need multiverse | 06:55 |
thoreauputic | !tell snausages about repos | 06:55 |
cevizoglu | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2028 | 06:55 |
elmo_ | BlueEagle: Thanks again for your help. I have spent a long time trying to figure out the root terminal commands to do what you suggested, but to no avail. I have tried many variations (i.e. ext2 and 3, hd1 and hd0, different mount commands. Either I am completely inept at operating at terminal commands or the live cd system does not even see the hd. | 06:56 |
cafuego | !checkinstall is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall | 06:56 |
ubotu | ...but checkinstall is already something else... | 06:56 |
cafuego | ubotu: no, checkinstall is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall | 06:56 |
ubotu | okay, cafuego | 06:56 |
=== Madpilot [n=yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlueEagle | elmo_: sudo fdisk -l | 06:56 |
NightBird | question, why would my ubuntu installation think something was wrong with getting the file needed for apt-get update? | 06:57 |
thoreauputic | cafuego: what wa it before? (curious) | 06:57 |
BlueEagle | elmo_: if it doesn't list your harddisk then it (the kernel) doesn't see it at all....yet | 06:57 |
robotgeek | cevizoglu: sorry to inform you that on ppc, you cannot use this card. this has a broadcom chipset, and it's not usable on ubuntu ppc. though u can use this on a windows machine with ndiswrapper | 06:57 |
NightBird | the deb lines are properly formed, so thats not the problem | 06:57 |
BlueEagle | elmo_: if it does list your harddisk then we should be able to mount it. | 06:57 |
cevizoglu | which card do I need to work on ppc? | 06:57 |
cafuego | thoreauputic: checkinstall is a program used in place of "make install". It makes a simple deb for installation | 06:57 |
elmo_ | BlueEagle: thanks. I will try tomarrow, when I can keep my eys open. You have been very helpful. | 06:57 |
cafuego | thoreauputic: No info as to "why". | 06:58 |
thoreauputic | cafuego: ah Ok | 06:58 |
robotgeek | cevizoglu: i am infact using a belkin card, but i believe even the same version, but it used a different chipset | 06:58 |
robotgeek | cevizoglu: prism54.org | 06:58 |
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bitkrom | is there a command to run to install ubuntu in a folder? | 06:59 |
cafuego | bitkrom: yes, 'debootstrap'. | 06:59 |
=== liraz [n=liraz@ppp70-179.lns1.mel2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
liraz | Has anyone here managed to access linux files from windows? | 07:00 |
adoyretsamon | er, yes | 07:00 |
bitkrom | cafuego: ok ill try | 07:00 |
adoyretsamon | not writing | 07:00 |
cafuego | liraz: ext2fsd (sourceforge) and read and write ext2 and ext3. | 07:00 |
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adoyretsamon | liraz, the program I have used is called ... yes cafuego got it | 07:01 |
liraz | adoyretsamon, yeah. I'm trying to use those but some folders just dont open, it says they're corrupted. | 07:01 |
liraz | right | 07:01 |
da_bon_bon | hi all | 07:01 |
robotgeek | da_bon_bon: hi | 07:01 |
bitkrom | cafuego: the command isnt there | 07:01 |
da_bon_bon | to those on breezy -- does usplash need a framebuffer console ? | 07:01 |
adoyretsamon | liraz, those errors sometimes come up | 07:01 |
cevizoglu | hm.... too bad my pc doesn' t have a pcmcia slot | 07:01 |
da_bon_bon | hi robotgeek :) | 07:01 |
thoreauputic | liraz: windows thinks everything non-windows is corrupted *grin* | 07:01 |
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adoyretsamon | lol | 07:02 |
robotgeek | cevizoglu: u said a powerbook right? | 07:02 |
cevizoglu | robotgeek: yes | 07:02 |
orospakr | hi! how do I get the mail-transport-agent dependency met when I have an MTA installed that isn't in the ubuntu repository? | 07:02 |
robotgeek | cevizoglu: i tht all powerbooks had pcimcia slots! | 07:02 |
robotgeek | cevizoglu: do u have a small powerbook, like 12" ? | 07:02 |
cafuego | bitkrom: Why don't you install it, then? | 07:03 |
cevizoglu | robotgook: I never said I wished my powerbook had a pcmcia slot | 07:03 |
cevizoglu | oops, sorry | 07:03 |
bitkrom | cafuego: right...i found it thanks | 07:03 |
robotgeek | cevizoglu: sorry, my bad. | 07:03 |
liraz | adoyretsamon, do you know how to get rid off them? sometimes just moving or renaming the folders works, it's weird... | 07:03 |
cafuego | orospakr: Did you install qmail like a silly person? | 07:03 |
liraz | but not always | 07:03 |
cevizoglu | robotgeek: I said I wished my pc, my amd chipset pc had a pcmcia slot | 07:03 |
HrdwrBoB | cafuego: is there any other way? | 07:03 |
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cafuego | HrdwrBoB: Yes, but I can't mention it in public. | 07:04 |
=== oolon [n=oolon@ool-44c44eca.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
robotgeek | cevizoglu: got it | 07:04 |
cafuego | it involves the C word and many other expletives. | 07:04 |
adoyretsamon | liraz, nope | 07:04 |
cafuego | orospakr: You could give 'equivs' a try, but really you should have used 'checkinstall'. | 07:05 |
adoyretsamon | liraz, best to make a fat32 partition and share between linux/windows | 07:05 |
cvt | thx for your help. sorry i don't understand the links you gave me. i'm really trying here. | 07:05 |
cevizoglu | robotgeek: I'm not quite grokking this prism54.org page - what's it for? | 07:05 |
cafuego | or, in case of it really being qmail, you shouldn't have ;-) | 07:05 |
da_bon_bon | heeey... should i update from hoary to breezy or go download the preview iso ? | 07:05 |
cafuego | da_bon_bon: Wait a few weeks and then upgrade. | 07:06 |
da_bon_bon | cafuego: upgrade from hoary itself ? | 07:06 |
cevizoglu | oh, I need a belkin card with a prism chipset? | 07:06 |
=== thoreauputic sets mode +b #ubuntu on the word "folder" | ||
cafuego | da_bon_bon: yep, when breezy is reelased you can just upgrade. (Oct 13) | 07:06 |
=== BlueEagle [n=blueeagl@ti541210a080-8421.bb.online.no] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
BlueEagle | Damn connection.. :( | 07:07 |
robotgeek | cevizoglu: any card listed working on the prsim54.org site will work | 07:07 |
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da_bon_bon | ok.. cafuego.. but wouldnt a "clean install" be recomended ? | 07:07 |
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cafuego | da_bon_bon: No, this isn't Fedora. | 07:07 |
ati-ysohard | !ati | 07:07 |
ubotu | hmm... ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx | 07:07 |
cevizoglu | ok, thx :) | 07:08 |
da_bon_bon | cafuego: hehe | 07:08 |
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tod_kon | Hello, I am having trouble in installing libpango | 07:08 |
tod_kon | I goto do libpango1.0-common and it requires libpango-1.0, then it does vice versa when I try the required packages | 07:09 |
Mr-Falkor | hoohoo,.. I just need 1000 Dollars :D | 07:09 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: are you using 3rd part repositories? | 07:10 |
Mr-Falkor | Then I can upgrade my computer alot | 07:10 |
thoreauputic | *3rd party | 07:10 |
Mr-Falkor | I can get 1000$ easy :) | 07:10 |
bitkrom | cafuego: is debootstrap downloading how much of what it calls a whole system according to the man page? | 07:10 |
tod_kon | thoreauputic: yes | 07:10 |
=== WhiteRabbit hands Mr-Falkor a rag | ||
Mr-Falkor | hehe | 07:10 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: how did I guess? | 07:10 |
thoreauputic | :| | 07:10 |
h17m4n | is this a valid command: sudo /sbin/ldconfig export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib | 07:10 |
bitkrom | cafuego: the whole sid distro? | 07:11 |
Mr-Falkor | Upgrade my computer alot or a Mac ? | 07:11 |
tod_kon | thoreauputic: mind if I query? | 07:11 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: just paste your /etc/apt/sources.list on the pastebin | 07:11 |
BlueEagle | Well I'm calling it the night. You all have a wonderful time. :) | 07:11 |
tod_kon | pastebin? | 07:12 |
thoreauputic | !paste | 07:12 |
ubotu | methinks paste is please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text | 07:12 |
da_bon_bon | cafuego: havent ever used fedora | 07:12 |
tod_kon | ah | 07:12 |
da_bon_bon | cafuego: those "wait a few weeks" ? for breezy to officially release ? | 07:13 |
BlueEagle | I'm going to get a fedora hat and put it on my computer just so that I can tell people that I've got fedora on it. :p | 07:13 |
tod_kon | Did it | 07:13 |
tod_kon | Thoreauptic: it;s on #flood | 07:13 |
nalioth | da_bon_bon: mid october release date | 07:14 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: umm.. I'm not currently in #flood | 07:14 |
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tod_kon | Ah okay | 07:14 |
tod_kon | Well... where do you suggest I insert it? | 07:14 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: paste it on the pastebin, as I said | 07:14 |
tod_kon | s/do/would | 07:14 |
Madpilot | any Opera 8 users here? I need a hand, I've managed to screw up my Opera config pretty badly... | 07:14 |
nalioth | Madpilot: dont use opera, use FOSS instead | 07:15 |
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Madpilot | nalioth: thanks, that's so helpful... | 07:15 |
BlueEagle | madpilot: mv .opera .opera.old and restart opera. That should give you the default settings. Then copy back your mail folder (and other useful stuff) from .opera.old | 07:16 |
tod_kon | thoreauputic: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2029 | 07:16 |
nalioth | Madpilot: i havent used opera in years, sorry | 07:16 |
WhiteRabbit | nalioth, opera is currently free with the release of 10 | 07:16 |
thoreauputic | Madpilot: is there a ~/.opera or equivalent you can move out of the way? | 07:16 |
nalioth | WhiteRabbit: is it free as in beer or as in speech? | 07:16 |
Madpilot | BlueEagle: thanks - forgot about moving /.opera | 07:16 |
WhiteRabbit | thoreauputic, check in /opt | 07:16 |
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WhiteRabbit | nalioth, as in beer | 07:17 |
BlueEagle | madpilot: not /.opera but ~/.opera :) | 07:17 |
thoreauputic | WhiteRabbit: ? | 07:17 |
Madpilot | BlueEagle: right, sorry. I do know which directory you're talking about! | 07:17 |
BlueEagle | madpilot: ~ = /home/<username> | 07:17 |
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BlueEagle | madpilot: I'm just pulling your leg. :) | 07:17 |
Madpilot | back in a bit, hopefully with a non-borked Opera... | 07:18 |
WhiteRabbit | thoreauputic, nm lol | 07:18 |
da_bon_bon | hey .. i am confused .. what should i go for ? kubuntu or ubuntu preview ? | 07:18 |
nalioth | WhiteRabbit: i prefer my FOSS, thank you | 07:18 |
BlueEagle | da_bon_bon: none of the above? | 07:18 |
da_bon_bon | BlueEagle: i dont get you. | 07:18 |
WhiteRabbit | nalioth, nothing wrong with being a zealot ;) | 07:18 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: comment out the debian lines and update | 07:19 |
Vaske_Car | how to install Opera? | 07:19 |
BlueEagle | da_bon_bon: Get ubuntu 5.04 (hoary hedgehog) as it is the most stable and best supported. | 07:19 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: don't use debian repos with Ubuntu | 07:19 |
nalioth | WhiteRabbit: i like to tinker. open opera, go to jail | 07:19 |
da_bon_bon | BlueEagle: i am on hoary .. are you too ? | 07:19 |
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WhiteRabbit | nalioth, whos gonna goto jail | 07:19 |
WhiteRabbit | nalioth, I just passed go & collected $200! | 07:20 |
BlueEagle | da_bon_bon: kubuntu is ubuntu with kde instead of gnome but it's not officially supported and ubuntu preview is breezy which is a preview and not very well supported either. | 07:20 |
Vaske_Car | I downloaded Opera, what is the command to start installation? | 07:20 |
nalioth | WhiteRabbit: opening up proprietary software to modify it is a jailable offense | 07:20 |
WhiteRabbit | nalioth, wtf cares? | 07:20 |
da_bon_bon | BlueEagle: i meant, kubuntu preview orubuntu preview :P | 07:20 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: I'd be wary of backports as well, unless you are just grabbing one thing | 07:20 |
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da_bon_bon | BlueEagle: anyway .. i think i will stick to ubuntu hoary | 07:20 |
BlueEagle | da_bon_bon: Well if you don't know which then you shouldn't get either. :p | 07:20 |
da_bon_bon | i have customized it toooo much to lost it | 07:20 |
da_bon_bon | *lose | 07:21 |
da_bon_bon | hey.. right there | 07:21 |
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tod_kon | thoreauptic: that might be the problem :D | 07:21 |
tod_kon | I am trying to get Thunar and Pango installed... | 07:21 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: debian is out of sync with hoary | 07:21 |
tod_kon | Oh | 07:21 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: so you get version mismatches | 07:21 |
tod_kon | Ah | 07:21 |
da_bon_bon | anyway .. cya all | 07:21 |
tod_kon | Should I alter them a bit then? | 07:22 |
=== tod_kon is a confused man | ||
BlueEagle | Well, your personal settings (for applications and the window manager) need not be touched as most formats are stable. However it shouldn't suprise anyone if a newer app uses a newer (and not backwardscompatible) setting format. :) | 07:22 |
WhiteRabbit | nalioth, I bet you support the new laws on the printer ink carts if you open the seal you are bond by law to not refill them, & if you refill them your open for a lawsuit kinda guy ;)~ | 07:22 |
bitkrom | chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory | 07:22 |
tod_kon | I am defiantly a noob to Debian/Ubuntu... | 07:22 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: if that doesn't fix it run apt-get -f install ( without arguments - you might have to do that a few times) | 07:22 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: that last after fixing your sources, of course | 07:22 |
nalioth | WhiteRabbit: those are asinine | 07:23 |
WhiteRabbit | nalioth, Now you know how I feel about * rolls Eyes * | 07:23 |
thoreauputic | eurydice just quit - wonder if Orpheus knows? | 07:23 |
tod_kon | thoreauptic: did you send something before apt-get -f? | 07:23 |
tod_kon | I can't find it.. | 07:24 |
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bitkrom | cant run /bin/bash as root...how come? | 07:24 |
BlueEagle | whiterabbit: There are actually laws preventing you from tarhishing a piece of hardware you've bought with the ink of your choice? | 07:24 |
BlueEagle | bitkrom: sudo -i | 07:24 |
nalioth | BlueEagle: yes, just this week. refilling your ink cartridge is against the law | 07:24 |
WhiteRabbit | BlueEagle, yes the new US laws state if you open a printer cart package that states you cant refill it you really cant refill it or you goto jail | 07:24 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: no - just fix your sources, update and try again | 07:25 |
tod_kon | Okay | 07:25 |
BlueEagle | ...only in America... | 07:25 |
WhiteRabbit | BlueEagle, you know kinda like ripping a tag off a matress kinda deal | 07:25 |
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WhiteRabbit | BlueEagle, before long planters will have a commercail with some guy refilling them | 07:25 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: sudo apt-get -f install is only needed if you have a problem | 07:25 |
tod_kon | Oh okay | 07:25 |
tod_kon | Thanks | 07:25 |
BlueEagle | whiterabbit: Don't tell me there's a law preventing you from ripping a tag off a matress... | 07:25 |
WhiteRabbit | BlueEagle, yes | 07:25 |
bitkrom | BlueEagle: didnt work | 07:25 |
HrdwrBoB | \o/ america | 07:26 |
BlueEagle | whiterabbit: What if you sleep restlessly and pull off the sheets and rip it with your foot in your sleep? | 07:26 |
WhiteRabbit | BlueEagle, I've just personaly got feed up with all US laws & just don't follow them anymore lol | 07:26 |
tod_kon | thoreauputic: so in the URL, should I change it to ubuntu or something? | 07:26 |
bitkrom | BlueEagle: is this command right? chroot /sid-root /bin/bash | 07:26 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: NO | 07:26 |
tod_kon | I am still not quite getting this =/... | 07:26 |
tod_kon | Haha | 07:26 |
WhiteRabbit | BlueEagle, It's still jailable How lame is that? | 07:26 |
tod_kon | Sorry | 07:26 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: just get rid of the debian lines | 07:26 |
tod_kon | Okay | 07:26 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: or comment them out like the marillat ones | 07:27 |
BlueEagle | bitkrom: ls /sid-root/bin/bash | 07:27 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: BTW using Marillat is also risky as hell (don't) | 07:27 |
bitkrom | BlueEagle: not there | 07:27 |
BlueEagle | bitkrom: Well then there's no wonder you cannot run it. | 07:27 |
bitkrom | BlueEagle: tells me the debootstrap failed to grab it all | 07:27 |
BlueEagle | bitkrom: What were you trying to do again? :) | 07:27 |
tod_kon | thoreauputic: I kind of need those deb ones though in the first place =/ | 07:28 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: why? | 07:28 |
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tod_kon | Thats where I want to grab the Thunar sources from | 07:28 |
tod_kon | they aren't in the Hoary repositories... | 07:28 |
bitkrom | BlueEagle: making a debootstrap system in a folder | 07:28 |
BlueEagle | whiterabbit: Well you better sow it back on when you wake up I guess. Why was that law put in place anyways? | 07:28 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: sources are OK, binaries not | 07:28 |
WhiteRabbit | BlueEagle, for interstate sales | 07:28 |
bitkrom | BlueEagle: E: Couldn't download libsigc++-1.2-5c102 | 07:28 |
tod_kon | Ah | 07:28 |
BlueEagle | bitkrom: Oh, I am sorry if I gave you the impression that I knew how to do that. | 07:28 |
tod_kon | thoreauputic: So... I should look for a sources in that URL? | 07:29 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: comment out the second last line then | 07:29 |
WhiteRabbit | BlueEagle, The IRS reigns surpreme over all other US branchs currently ;)~ | 07:29 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: notice the last line says "src" | 07:29 |
BlueEagle | whiterabbit: ...and selling mattresses you own in another state should be illegal because..? | 07:29 |
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tod_kon | Ah | 07:29 |
tod_kon | yeah | 07:29 |
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WhiteRabbit | BlueEagle, taxes you must leave the tag on to show the proper taxes had been paid for said matress | 07:30 |
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BlueEagle | Hei bjoern-erik. Str til? </weird language> | 07:30 |
cvt | can i pm someone? [I have a learning disability] | 07:30 |
Madpilot | OK, that's better... thanks all. Must learn to be more careful with Opera's font configs, least I render it unreadable again... | 07:30 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: but of course you have to compile those or use apt-get build dep then compile | 07:30 |
thoreauputic | * apt-get build-dep | 07:30 |
tod_kon | Oooh | 07:30 |
cvt | i'm trying to play videos and i don't understand the link someone gave me. | 07:30 |
WhiteRabbit | BlueEagle, http://www.legal-forms-kit.com/legal-jokes/dumb-laws.html | 07:30 |
cvt | because of my disability | 07:31 |
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BlueEagle | whiterabbit: Well, I would assume that a reciept for the mattress would suffice, but then again I'm not working for the IRS. :) | 07:31 |
WhiteRabbit | BlueEagle, look at the forth law for Arizona | 07:31 |
tod_kon | Hrm... build is an invalid option | 07:31 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: see my corection above | 07:32 |
thoreauputic | *correction | 07:32 |
thoreauputic | :) | 07:32 |
tod_kon | Ah okay | 07:32 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: and if you are building from deb sources I recommend you read the apt howto | 07:32 |
BlueEagle | whiterabbit: Could you have one in the house and one in the garage? | 07:32 |
BlueEagle | whiterabbit: ...and why on earth would someone have any reason to pass such a law? | 07:33 |
thoreauputic | sudo apt-get install apt-howto ; then type apt-howto in a terminal and it opens in a browser | 07:33 |
tod_kon | Okie | 07:33 |
tod_kon | Thanks | 07:33 |
tod_kon | I don't do sudo ;) | 07:33 |
tod_kon | I do sudo -s | 07:33 |
WhiteRabbit | BlueEagle, look at the 8th for California | 07:33 |
BlueEagle | "Putting salt on a railroad track may be punishable by death." o.O | 07:33 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: don't do sudo -s - use sudo -i | 07:34 |
tod_kon | It's retarded imo to keep logging in and out of root... | 07:34 |
tod_kon | Ah... whats the difference? | 07:34 |
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WhiteRabbit | BlueEagle, O no never pour salt on a railroad track no no no | 07:34 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: sudo -i gives you a proper root shell | 07:34 |
WhiteRabbit | lol | 07:34 |
tod_kon | Oh | 07:34 |
tod_kon | Haha | 07:34 |
WhiteRabbit | BlueEagle, it makes the track rust & can kill alota people | 07:34 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: environment variables etc | 07:34 |
tod_kon | I was using Gentoo and OpenBSD before this.. | 07:34 |
tod_kon | Used to su | 07:34 |
robotgeek | WhiteRabbit,BlueEagle : #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:35 |
tod_kon | I still use OBSD | 07:35 |
WhiteRabbit | robotgeek, sure thing funklefick | 07:35 |
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BlueEagle | robotgeek: sure. | 07:36 |
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penpen7 | anyone wanna waste their time helping me with this mplayer plug in? | 07:38 |
Webby` | HELP! I get the following error when trying to run win4lin pro: mergepro-core: unable to find host directory /home/webby/winpro/Documents and Settings: No such file or directory | 07:38 |
=== brownie17 [n=fraser@static-203-87-6-82.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Webby` | What do I do? | 07:38 |
Dr_Willis | try making that directory? | 07:38 |
Webby` | ok | 07:38 |
=== Dr_Willis rolls eyes skyward... | ||
Dr_Willis | :P | 07:39 |
brownie17 | seveas: i have a 56 meg script in my browser, and i want to save it to my desktop, how do i save it there from the cache, rather than downloading it again. i have a slow connection | 07:39 |
Webby` | OK, I created that directory and now I get this error: /usr/bin/winpro: line 140: 23376 Segmentation fault "$EXEC" "$CORE" $COREFLAGS -m "$MRGPRO_WINDOWS_RAMSIZE" -hdb "$PAGEFPATH" -fda "$VARMERGE/images/BLANK.IMG" -fdb "$VARMERGE/images/MERGEPRO.IMG" "$GUESTPATH" $CDROMARGS $EXTRA_FLAGS $* | 07:39 |
thoreauputic | a 56 meg script? That's some script... | 07:39 |
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Dr_Willis | thoreauputic, yea - i was about to say that. | 07:39 |
thoreauputic | Webby`: do NOT paste here | 07:39 |
Webby` | sorry | 07:40 |
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brownie17 | madpilot: i have a 56 meg script in my browser, and i want to save it to my desktop, how do i save it there from the cache, rather than downloading it again. i have a slow connection | 07:40 |
thoreauputic | !tell Webby` about paste | 07:40 |
brownie17 | !tell webby about pastebin | 07:40 |
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Dr_Willis | sounds like ya need to hit the win4lin homepage and install docs and other forums. | 07:40 |
=== delltony [n=delltony@c-24-99-11-118.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brownie17 | can anyone help me? | 07:40 |
jfclavette_ | Hello, I have installed gcc 3.3 (specifically need 3.3 for compatibility purposes) and it compiles fine, but it won't link, complaining about undefined references even for the standard library. | 07:41 |
delltony | is there a way to force a kill other than kill -9 i am in need of killing dpkg but it will not kill and with it runing i can't dist upgrade cause of beign locked | 07:41 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: no need to repeat - we saw it the first time :) | 07:41 |
brownie17 | i was repeating to to madpilot sho just got here | 07:41 |
brownie17 | sometimes he helps me | 07:41 |
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brownie17 | can you help me? | 07:42 |
thoreauputic | delltony: killing a dpkg process is not usually a Good Move | 07:42 |
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thoreauputic | delltony: what is dpkg doing? | 07:42 |
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Madpilot | brownie17: if it's open in a browser window, how about right click & save as? | 07:42 |
delltony | well trying to do a dist upgrade to breezy | 07:42 |
brownie17 | it tries to dwonload form the server again | 07:43 |
delltony | but it hung up | 07:43 |
nalioth | thoreauputic: i believe delltony is in the middle of a breezy upgrade and needs to kill dpkg to continue his journey | 07:43 |
towlie_ | im considering installing ubuntu, i downloaded the live cd iso. is there a way to install that to the hard drive to make a permanent install or do i need to get a different iso ? | 07:43 |
delltony | thats correct | 07:43 |
thoreauputic | nalioth: ah OK | 07:43 |
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nalioth | towlie_: you need the install cd | 07:43 |
bimberi | brownie17: browser? you mean firefox? | 07:43 |
brownie17 | delltony: pkill? killall? | 07:43 |
brownie17 | bimberi: yes | 07:43 |
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delltony | i tried kill all not pkill let me try that | 07:43 |
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bimberi | brownie17: File -> Save Page As | 07:43 |
thoreauputic | delltony: with sudo or as root, of course | 07:44 |
brownie17 | bimberi: it tries to dowenload it form the source again, not form the cache | 07:44 |
thoreauputic | oh - installation - sorry | 07:44 |
delltony | nope not killing | 07:44 |
brownie17 | did you use sudo? | 07:44 |
delltony | and i'm doing it as sudo | 07:44 |
brownie17 | ok | 07:44 |
jfclavette_ | anyone .. ? | 07:44 |
brownie17 | um.. sorry, can't help | 07:44 |
Madpilot | back later, all | 07:45 |
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bimberi | brownie17: um, Select All, Copy, Paste elsewhere (57Mb might stress that tho :) ) | 07:45 |
delltony | dang it dang it dang it | 07:45 |
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bimberi | *56 | 07:45 |
brownie17 | it's allright, i think i worked it out | 07:46 |
bimberi | brownie17: good thing, i was struggling :) | 07:46 |
brownie17 | bimberi: i had the cache size at 50 meg, the file was 56. :( just out | 07:46 |
delltony | anyne else have any idea on this | 07:46 |
fhl0e | Need help, systemsound OK, music XMMS/mpg123/etc doesnt work, no errormessages | 07:46 |
delltony | if i restart i'm screwed | 07:46 |
nalioth | delltony: yes, you are. do you have any other puters around? | 07:46 |
brownie17 | delltony: isn't there a guide for breezy beta? | 07:46 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: options - prefs - choose esound output | 07:47 |
delltony | yeah i do | 07:47 |
nalioth | brownie17: on some puters, breezy is still a badger | 07:47 |
delltony | but id rather not hose this one if i can help it | 07:47 |
nalioth | delltony: d/l the daily breezy image and burn it | 07:47 |
Webby` | I get the following error when tyring to startup win4lin: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2030 | 07:47 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: in xmms | 07:47 |
Webby` | What do I do to fix it? | 07:47 |
brownie17 | nalioth: ya waaa? you TRYING to confuse me>? becasue i REALLY don't need help!!! | 07:47 |
delltony | well why will this damn thing not kill | 07:47 |
nalioth | delltony: may have no other choice, and with the cd, you can "apt-cdrom" it and continue | 07:47 |
brownie17 | delltony: what does it say? | 07:47 |
fhl0e | thoreauputic: tried that already.. | 07:48 |
delltony | doesn't say anything | 07:48 |
delltony | just goes back to the shell prompt | 07:48 |
nalioth | brownie17: it just doesnt die. | 07:48 |
delltony | and i do a pgrep and the id is still there | 07:48 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: mpg123 might need an option in /etc/libao.conf <-- not sure if that's the one | 07:48 |
brownie17 | delltony: then it probably is killed | 07:48 |
brownie17 | nalioth: ok | 07:48 |
delltony | trust me its not | 07:48 |
delltony | go to flood | 07:48 |
brownie17 | delltony: sorry, can't help, doesnt look like anyone else in here can, try looking for an alternative method | 07:48 |
brownie17 | goodbye | 07:48 |
nalioth | delltony: i had to do what i just advised. use a breezy daily to continue after a restart | 07:49 |
fhl0e | thoreauputic: /etc/libao.conf says: default_driver=alsa | 07:49 |
tod_kon | I give up on this... | 07:49 |
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delltony | ok | 07:49 |
delltony | so burn the image | 07:49 |
delltony | and then what put it in | 07:49 |
delltony | and do apt-get dist upgrade | 07:50 |
nalioth | delltony: nope. you have to "sudo apt-cdrom add" with the cd in the machine first | 07:50 |
delltony | any cahnce you can email me a step by step procedure or would that be too much to ask | 07:50 |
nalioth | delltony: then the dist-upgrade | 07:50 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: hmm - see if default_driver=oss does anything (shot in the dark) | 07:50 |
delltony | well restart the system | 07:50 |
delltony | and hope i get a shell | 07:50 |
delltony | and then do it? not sure where or how your getting to the prompt | 07:50 |
nalioth | delltony: you'll get a shell, and not much more | 07:50 |
fhl0e | thoreauputic: nope, no better | 07:51 |
thoreauputic | tod_kon: did you run apt-get -f install? | 07:51 |
nalioth | delltony: you'll probably have no X but you should get a shell | 07:51 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: killall esd and try again? | 07:51 |
delltony | actually i think it installed all that | 07:51 |
delltony | hell here goes nothing | 07:51 |
delltony | freaking upgrades grrrrrrrrrrr | 07:51 |
delltony | if not ill do like you said | 07:52 |
nalioth | well i knew it "breezy is broken" | 07:52 |
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thoreauputic | fhl0e: I assume you ran alsamixer and unmuted your channels? | 07:52 |
fhl0e | thoreauputic: hehehe.. hmm tried xmms after changing in libao.conf... mpg123 works now.. | 07:52 |
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delltony | so its apt-cdrom add | 07:52 |
fhl0e | thoreauputic: alsamixer: everything unmuted.. | 07:52 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: ah | 07:52 |
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delltony | then and then apt-get dist upgrade? | 07:52 |
delltony | to resume | 07:52 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: so it works now? | 07:52 |
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nalioth | delltony: correct, that should work | 07:53 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: you might need to play with the mpeg plugin in xmms as well | 07:53 |
Madpilot | warning to all Opera users: the package "gsfonts-x11" will seriously bork Opera's font settings... | 07:53 |
nalioth | delltony: with lots of "apt-get -f install" and cursing along the way | 07:53 |
Webby` | Why do I get this error when trying to start win4lin?: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2030 | 07:54 |
fhl0e | thoreauputic: mpg123 yes, xmms no...... I've installed all codecs according to ubuntuguide.org/#codecs.. and all are active in xmms | 07:54 |
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onehourtonothing | what do I need to do to make my laptop work on the tv | 07:55 |
onehourtonothing | use my tv as a clone or extension | 07:55 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: dpkg -l libmikmod2 <-- any result? Is that package installed? | 07:56 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: and did you try killing esd? | 07:56 |
thoreauputic | blech, some quit messages... :| | 07:58 |
Thread-x | anyone knows how to start vino (remote access) from the terminal? | 07:59 |
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onehourtonothing | so does anyone know how to enable s-video/second monitor from the laptop | 08:01 |
fhl0e | thoreauputic: I acctually froze my ubuntu... needed to reboot | 08:01 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: oh - what caused that? | 08:01 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: 15:55 < thoreauputic> fhl0e: dpkg -l libmikmod2 <-- any result? Is that package installed? | 08:02 |
thoreauputic | 15:56 < thoreauputic> fhl0e: and did you try killing esd? | 08:02 |
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fhl0e | thoreauputic: beats me.. But I think I now know my prob.. I tried to run xmms with sudo. Then when I choose a file i froze... Did the same now... It works!! | 08:03 |
fhl0e | thoreauputic: with ALSA | 08:03 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: why on earth run xmms with sudo?? | 08:03 |
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wickedpuppy | does anyone know why my flash drive keeps changing from /dev/sda to /dev/sdb to /dev/sdc | 08:04 |
fhl0e | thoreauputic: I think I have a permisson prob on music files.. | 08:04 |
wickedpuppy | ? | 08:04 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: is your user in the audio group? type "id" to see | 08:04 |
Dr_Willis | wickedpuppy, depends on what other usb dricves ya got in. and the order they are plugged in i think. | 08:04 |
wickedpuppy | Dr_Willis, i only been using one drive | 08:04 |
wickedpuppy | just one flash thumb drive | 08:04 |
onehourtonothing | how do I use a second monitor on my laptop? | 08:05 |
Dr_Willis | wickedpuppy, and when you remove/plug it back in it changes? going up one letter each time? | 08:05 |
wickedpuppy | yes | 08:05 |
wickedpuppy | know why ??? | 08:05 |
fhl0e | thoreauputic: yepp... how do I see file permissons? | 08:05 |
Dr_Willis | unmount it first. :P perhaps. | 08:05 |
wickedpuppy | i did umount /media/usbdisk | 08:05 |
wickedpuppy | as root | 08:06 |
wickedpuppy | fhl0e, ls -l | 08:06 |
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thoreauputic | fhl0e: ls -l /path/to/file | 08:06 |
onehourtonothing | how do I use a second monitor on my laptop? | 08:06 |
Dr_Willis | the auto-mounter stuff may be getting in the way.. try closeing all windows and progs accessing the thing.. | 08:06 |
fhl0e | thoreauputic: seems like there is no permissons.. just ------- | 08:06 |
Dr_Willis | i wonder if the4ers an easy way to totally disable that automounting stuff. | 08:06 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: umm | 08:06 |
LinuxHungry | What kinds of problems are you having with breezy vrs Hoary. | 08:06 |
wickedpuppy | fhl0e, can't be ... it means nobody has access to it | 08:07 |
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thoreauputic | fhl0e: must be something | 08:07 |
wickedpuppy | except root ... perhaps | 08:07 |
wickedpuppy | LinuxHungry, no problems here | 08:07 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: are these files in your home directory? | 08:07 |
Dr_Willis | wickedpuppy, are you running X and gnome? | 08:07 |
wickedpuppy | yes | 08:07 |
HiddenWolf | Dr_Willis, check the system > preferences menu for removable media | 08:07 |
wickedpuppy | ubuntu | 08:08 |
fhl0e | thoreauputic: home/musik | 08:08 |
fhl0e | /home/johan/musik/ | 08:08 |
Dr_Willis | wickedpuppy, i think the gnome -media detector/automounter is doing some of the stuff. check where HiddenWolf just said and disable the gnome stuff | 08:08 |
wickedpuppy | fhl0e, then surely you are the creator of the files ??? | 08:08 |
wickedpuppy | sure Dr_Willis ... thanks HiddenWolf too :P | 08:08 |
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LinuxHungry | just downloaded breezy and seeding on torrent but won't be able to install until monday | 08:09 |
fhl0e | thoreauputic: gftp from another win.. | 08:09 |
HiddenWolf | wickedpuppy, np | 08:09 |
Dr_Willis | wickedpuppy, we had a heated argument in here one day about cdroms and the automounting stuff as well :) | 08:09 |
HiddenWolf | LinuxHungry, seeding is good! | 08:09 |
fhl0e | thoreauputic: how to change permissons? | 08:09 |
wickedpuppy | fhl0e, man chmod | 08:09 |
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thoreauputic | fhl0e: erm - you are trying to stream music over ftp? | 08:09 |
AzMoo | aw man, no zend studio packages :( | 08:09 |
LinuxHungry | I thought it would use lots of bandwidth but it's only using 25k | 08:10 |
Madpilot | AzMoo: doesn't Zend studio cost money? | 08:10 |
fhl0e | thoreauputic: no, i've downloaded to my home folder. | 08:10 |
AzMoo | Madpilot, not the client. | 08:10 |
AzMoo | I don't think :\ | 08:10 |
AzMoo | I should check that. | 08:10 |
aftertaf | help | 08:11 |
aftertaf | lol :) | 08:11 |
tod_kon | Bye! | 08:11 |
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thoreauputic | fhl0e: chown -R johan:johan /home/johan/musik && chmod -R 644 /home/johan/musik | 08:11 |
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danl | is there an easy way to install kde on ubuntu? | 08:12 |
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AzMoo | Son of a bitch, so it does. I wonder when they did that? I've still got an old one on my windows box that didn't cost a thing. | 08:12 |
aftertaf | mornin' all | 08:12 |
AzMoo | danl, kubuntu | 08:12 |
bimberi | danl: sure is - install the kubuntu-desktop package | 08:12 |
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danl | ok thanks bimberi | 08:12 |
nalioth | howdy tritium | 08:12 |
tritium | hi nalioth | 08:13 |
danl | err... actually i think thats what i tried and it gave me some dependecy error... let me go check | 08:13 |
Madpilot | AzMoo: I thought Zend made PHP studio apps (among other things) - what's their 'client' app? | 08:13 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: oh - if there subdirectories that might cause issues | 08:14 |
LinuxHungry | why is the latest version of fluxbox not recomended for ubuntu? | 08:14 |
thoreauputic | LinuxHungry: where did you see that? | 08:14 |
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thoreauputic | LinuxHungry: the Hoary version had a bug... | 08:15 |
LinuxHungry | on thefluxbox homepage | 08:15 |
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fhl0e | thoreauputic: too late... | 08:15 |
thoreauputic | LinuxHungry: it's the --disable-xmb issue | 08:15 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: OK - are there subdirs, and how many? | 08:15 |
fhl0e | 2 | 08:15 |
LinuxHungry | what does that do? | 08:16 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: for each of the subdirs do chmod 755 (as your user - not as root) | 08:16 |
LinuxHungry | disable-xmb? | 08:16 |
thoreauputic | LinuxHungry: there's a font problem that's solved with that configure option | 08:16 |
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thoreauputic | LinuxHungry: hang on a sec | 08:17 |
LinuxHungry | ok | 08:17 |
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fhl0e | thoreauputic: I have a xmms window that wont close.. how can close it? | 08:18 |
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jo_e | what packages do I need to install to use alsa? | 08:19 |
Ohmer | hi | 08:19 |
LinuxHungry | here's a link to the newest dbian version of flusbox http://logicvortex.net/debian/ | 08:20 |
thoreauputic | LinuxHungry: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43428&highlight=slow+fluxbox <-- I give a solution here ( works with 0.9.12 - read the whole thread ) | 08:20 |
thoreauputic | LinuxHungry: that thread is from the mailing list BTW | 08:20 |
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LinuxHungry | i'm gonna bookmark it | 08:21 |
Ohmer | wtf about all keyboard things on Breezy? first, xorg didn't start, I replaced keyboard with kbd. Also, my GNOME paramaters for keyboard doesn't take effect. And now I cannot use "é" nor altgr key with my french canadian keyboard. | 08:21 |
thoreauputic | LinuxHungry: I would avoid the debian version - compiling it is not difficult and solves the problem | 08:21 |
Ohmer | this is a bug ? | 08:21 |
aftertaf | jo_e: it should mostly be installed already... what is your souncdard? | 08:21 |
thoreauputic | LinuxHungry: some people have not had this issue BTW | 08:21 |
jo_e | aftertaf, onboard | 08:22 |
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aftertaf | jo_e: ok, but what chipset? | 08:22 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: killall xmms | 08:22 |
aftertaf | jo_e: type "lspci" in terminal, see what it finds as chipset | 08:22 |
LinuxHungry | to be honist i've never compiled anything before. | 08:22 |
jo_e | aftertaf, Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] Sound Controller (rev a0)... does that sound right? | 08:22 |
thoreauputic | LinuxHungry: read that thread - I give insructions | 08:23 |
LinuxHungry | only been using linux for a few months on and off | 08:23 |
LinuxHungry | ok | 08:23 |
thoreauputic | LinuxHungry: there's always a first time ;) | 08:23 |
jo_e | aftertaf, I have uses alsa before, with different distros | 08:23 |
jo_e | used* | 08:23 |
aftertaf | jo_e: ok on both counts ;) SIS then a number..? | 08:23 |
LinuxHungry | <grin> so far i've crashed all my distros before I got a chance | 08:24 |
thoreauputic | LinuxHungry: BTW for ID purposes I'm Peter Garrett | 08:24 |
jo_e | aftertaf, 0000:00:02.7? | 08:24 |
LinuxHungry | Thanks my name is Tony King | 08:25 |
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cvt- | please please please show me how to get video capabilites please | 08:26 |
cvt- | that link was too broad. | 08:26 |
cvt- | :) | 08:26 |
cvt- | :( | 08:26 |
fhl0e | thoreauputic: killall didn't close xmms app, it locked up ALSA.. rebooted now it works like a charm..:) | 08:26 |
Madpilot | cvt: which link were you given? the RestrictedFormats wiki one? | 08:26 |
cvt- | yes | 08:26 |
cvt- | i'm really trying. | 08:26 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: great :) But you really need to get rid of the reboot reflex ;) | 08:27 |
fhl0e | thoreauputic: I even run xmms through menus this time... So it seems like I had permisson probs allalong.. | 08:27 |
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cvt- | anyone can pm me | 08:27 |
Madpilot | cvt-: that link - plus the AddingRepositories one - should get you set up without any trouble. what's your specific issue? | 08:27 |
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fhl0e | thoreauputic: hehe... used to M$ win.. problems=reboot.. What could I have tried after killall instead?? | 08:27 |
cvt- | i don't know how to install progs | 08:27 |
Madpilot | !tell cvt- about synaptic | 08:28 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: ps aux | grep xmms ; kill <pid number of xmms> | 08:28 |
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Madpilot | cvt-: the ubotu msg you just got has installing app information in it | 08:28 |
cvt- | ok thx | 08:28 |
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thoreauputic | fhl0e: possibly also sudo /etc/init.d/alsa restart | 08:28 |
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fhl0e | thoreauputic: Ok I'll write both those tips down.. Very much thank you for helping.. | 08:29 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: sometimes sudo pkill xmms would work too (killin as root in other words) | 08:29 |
thoreauputic | pkill is easier | 08:29 |
wickedpuppy | anyone ever got kernel panic , no init found error before ? | 08:30 |
fluffybunny_ | need help with Error message: ACPI error: see http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2018 | 08:30 |
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danl | how do i stop unresolved dependecy errors in synaptic | 08:31 |
thoreauputic | danl: fix your repositories | 08:31 |
thoreauputic | !repos | 08:31 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 08:31 |
thoreauputic | danl: ^^^ | 08:31 |
danl | thanks | 08:32 |
thoreauputic | np :) | 08:32 |
fluffybunny_ | need help with Error message after hard-shutdown: ACPI error: see http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2018 | 08:32 |
thoreauputic | brb | 08:32 |
fhl0e | thoreauputic: i've made many changes since i begun.. running through many forum threads and guides.. So I vill reinstall ubuntu now and have a nice default install..:) | 08:33 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: why are you reinstalling? | 08:33 |
fluffybunny_ | !ACPI | 08:33 |
ubotu | fluffybunny_: Are you on ritalin? | 08:33 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: if it works, why fix it? | 08:34 |
jo_e | !ALSA | 08:34 |
ubotu | I heard alsa is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063 | 08:34 |
fhl0e | thoreauputic: I made changes to esound.config and some other config files and didn't make backups.. So now I have no start up sound.. One issue to one guide I tried..:( | 08:34 |
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fluffybunny_ | what is kubuntu? | 08:35 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: heheh - Rule Number 1 - if you don't understand what you are doing, don't do it ;-) | 08:35 |
thoreauputic | fluffybunny_: ubuntu with KDE instead of gnome | 08:35 |
nexus- | where do i change the locale after an installation? | 08:36 |
fluffybunny_ | ah... that reminds me, can anyone recommend a more lightweight window/desktop manager than gnome? | 08:36 |
fhl0e | thoreauputic: true.. but since i'm a M$-nerd who wants to convert I have to make misstakes to learn.. rigth? | 08:36 |
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thoreauputic | fluffybunny_: you can install kde with the kubuntu-desktop package | 08:36 |
fluffybunny_ | thoreauputic: isn't kde more resource intensive than gnome? | 08:37 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: yes, true: but you learn more by fixing mistakes than by reinstalling | 08:37 |
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danl | thanks it's installing now | 08:37 |
thoreauputic | fluffybunny_: not as far as I can see here | 08:37 |
tritium | nexus-, sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales | 08:37 |
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thoreauputic | fluffybunny_: how much RAM and CPU do you have? | 08:37 |
fluffybunny_ | 192 RAM, CPU... uh... i think i'm running a 2.8GHz Celeron | 08:38 |
thoreauputic | fluffybunny_: no problem with any desktop then really | 08:38 |
thoreauputic | fluffybunny_: although 256 MB RAM would be better | 08:38 |
fhl0e | thoreauputic: ofcourse... now I have go working.. maybe I'll try to fix the startup sound before reinstalling.. | 08:38 |
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thoreauputic | fhl0e: :) Happy hacking ! | 08:39 |
fhl0e | thoreauputic: thanks.. see ya later (maybe?)... | 08:39 |
fluffybunny_ | thoreauputic: I have 256 but some of it is taken up by my graphics card, and I'm running a laptop, so upgrading is not feasable | 08:39 |
thoreauputic | fhl0e: hard to escape me on this channel ! | 08:39 |
thoreauputic | *grin* | 08:39 |
fhl0e | :) | 08:39 |
aftertaf | jo_e: you find out what chipset it is? | 08:40 |
bimberi | not if optusnet can help it :) | 08:40 |
thoreauputic | fluffybunny_: KDE will run fine if you want to try it | 08:40 |
dazvid | bimberi: My optusnet hasn't failed me once :S | 08:40 |
fluffybunny_ | thoreauputic: is the choice of KDE vs gnome really just down to personal preference then? | 08:40 |
tritium | absolutely | 08:40 |
thoreauputic | fluffybunny_: yes | 08:40 |
fluffybunny_ | thoreauputic: thanks | 08:40 |
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thoreauputic | fluffybunny_: try both and decide for yourself | 08:41 |
fluffybunny_ | thoreauputic: are there any screenshots anywhere? | 08:41 |
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thoreauputic | fluffybunny_: of course - try kde-look.org | 08:41 |
bimberi | dazvid: their vic branch must be good :P | 08:41 |
spiral | hi | 08:41 |
thoreauputic | not sure if that;'s the right URL | 08:41 |
dazvid | lol, yeh its decent :) | 08:41 |
fluffybunny_ | apparently, I can turn down the RAM used by my graphics card in the BIOS - can anyone recommend what to set it to>? i don't play any games on this machine (except maybe frozen bubble_ | 08:42 |
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thoreauputic | bimberi: I have no trouble with optus - but recently telstra had cabling trouble in this area | 08:42 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, 128 | 08:42 |
bimberi | thoreauputic: ah | 08:42 |
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thoreauputic | bimberi: I was off the 'net for 4 days | 08:42 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, its not the ram usage btw | 08:42 |
=== bimberi apologises to optusnet profusely | ||
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: it only goes up to 64 ? :D | 08:43 |
dazvid | thoreauputic: Where are you at? | 08:43 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, http://www.rojakpot.com/default.aspx?location=7&var1=18 | 08:43 |
thoreauputic | bimberi: I wouldn't apologise to them - i would prefer to be with internode frankly | 08:43 |
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thoreauputic | dazvid: Wollongong, Australia | 08:43 |
dazvid | thoreauputic: My friend is on internode.. they aren't much better than optus imo :) | 08:43 |
bimberi | thoreauputic: yes, i've heard good things about internode too | 08:43 |
thoreauputic | dazvid: oh? I hear nothing but good about internode | 08:44 |
dazvid | Maybe their more expensive plans.. he is on the 1.5mb adsl | 08:44 |
fluffybunny_ | is anyone able to help with Error message after hard-shutdown: ACPI error: see http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2018 | 08:44 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, is this a laptop? | 08:45 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: yes | 08:45 |
WhiteRabbit | you would say that lol | 08:45 |
WhiteRabbit | ACPI is almost worthless | 08:45 |
CaiN_SA | acpi is kewl | 08:45 |
WhiteRabbit | only for laptops | 08:46 |
CaiN_SA | how do you think laptop power etc | 08:46 |
CaiN_SA | gets managed | 08:46 |
CaiN_SA | ye | 08:46 |
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thoreauputic | brb | 08:46 |
CaiN_SA | thats what its for | 08:46 |
WhiteRabbit | blah blah blah preech it | 08:46 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: well, the point is, ubuntu crashed, I had to hold down the power button to restart, and now I get this error whenever I log in.. I just want to fix it | 08:46 |
CaiN_SA | apm = pc's | 08:46 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, looks like the daemon got axed | 08:46 |
CaiN_SA | whats the error fluffybunny_ | 08:46 |
WhiteRabbit | CaiN_SA, even though its needed its almost worthless call it a windows theory ;)~ | 08:47 |
fluffybunny_ | CaiN_SA: screenshot: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2018 | 08:47 |
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WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, check the system events for logs on the starting & exiting of the ACPI daemon | 08:47 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: linux n00b... more details? thanks | 08:47 |
Bill-- | Hi - I need help setting display resolution with my ati card. Xrand isn't available, xorg.conf listed resolutions look okay, fglrx-control(is this what i need?) wasn't added to the application menu and "fxlrx-control" doesn't seem to be a command. | 08:47 |
Bill-- | er fglrx* | 08:48 |
CaiN_SA | fluffybunny_, sudo /etc/init.d/acpid start | 08:48 |
CaiN_SA | and tell me what it does | 08:48 |
tritium | Bill--, did you first try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"? | 08:48 |
Bill-- | yes - it seems to work added fglrx as a loaded module. | 08:49 |
CaiN_SA | why you versioning me ? | 08:49 |
fluffybunny_ | CaiN_SA: * Loading ACPI modules... [ ok ] | 08:49 |
fluffybunny_ | * Starting Advanced Configuration and Power Interface daemon... | 08:49 |
CaiN_SA | hmmm | 08:49 |
CaiN_SA | fluffybunny_, | 08:49 |
CaiN_SA | log out | 08:49 |
CaiN_SA | and in again | 08:49 |
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CaiN_SA | and check if the error happens again | 08:49 |
tritium | Bill--, and can you choose resolutions that you want available? | 08:49 |
fluffybunny_ | ok... back soon (thanks) | 08:49 |
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CaiN_SA | kk | 08:49 |
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Bill-- | no , nothing shown in the drop down box. got an error message "XRAND Extension not supported" | 08:50 |
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fluffybunny_ | CaiN_SA: yes, the error is still there | 08:51 |
fluffybunny_ | CaiN_SA: also a HAL! error | 08:51 |
CaiN_SA | hmmm | 08:51 |
CaiN_SA | eish | 08:51 |
=== WhiteRabbit sits back & *grins* | ||
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=== fluffybunny_ is glad WhiteRabbit finds her problems amusing :) | ||
CaiN_SA | fluffybunny_, sudo ls -lha /var/run/ | 08:52 |
CaiN_SA | and paste in that bin | 08:52 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, I already told you what to do | 08:52 |
fluffybunny_ | CaiN_SA: the HAL! error was already there (not new) | 08:52 |
CaiN_SA | ya | 08:52 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, but he is gonna lead you to what I said, But it'll take him 30mins at this rate | 08:52 |
CaiN_SA | WhiteRabbit, what did you tell her to do? | 08:52 |
WhiteRabbit | check the system events logs | 08:53 |
CaiN_SA | ya | 08:53 |
WhiteRabbit | whats the boot log say | 08:53 |
WhiteRabbit | daemon logs etc... | 08:53 |
CaiN_SA | its weird tho wickedpuppy | 08:53 |
CaiN_SA | * WhiteRabbit | 08:53 |
wickedpuppy | whats weird ? | 08:53 |
CaiN_SA | cos it said : [ ok ] | 08:53 |
WhiteRabbit | wickedpuppy, him lol | 08:53 |
wickedpuppy | lol | 08:53 |
CaiN_SA | stupid script | 08:53 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: how do I check the logs? | 08:53 |
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CaiN_SA | cd /var/log | 08:53 |
CaiN_SA | less acpid | 08:53 |
CaiN_SA | less hald | 08:53 |
CaiN_SA | etc | 08:53 |
CaiN_SA | thats how you checl | 08:53 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tritium] by ChanServ | ||
CaiN_SA | WhiteRabbit, i cant type fast my pc is dead slow becoz im cloop compressing an image | 08:54 |
WhiteRabbit | CaiN_SA, if you say so | 08:54 |
CaiN_SA | so ya | 08:54 |
WhiteRabbit | lol | 08:54 |
CaiN_SA | it will take ages | 08:54 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, /usr/bin/system-logviewer | 08:54 |
CaiN_SA | load average: 1.97, 1.77, 1.19 | 08:54 |
CaiN_SA | see | 08:55 |
CaiN_SA | 1ghz p3 machine | 08:55 |
WhiteRabbit | I don't care if you PC can't hold its own | 08:55 |
WhiteRabbit | lol | 08:55 |
fluffybunny_ | CaiN_SA: sudo ls -lha /var/run/ ---> http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2032 | 08:55 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: /usr/bin/system-logviewer ----> /usr/bin/system-logviewer: No such file or directory | 08:55 |
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CaiN_SA | fluffybunny_, do what whiterabbit sais | 08:55 |
synd_ | so how do i edit the sessions manager to add a window manager? | 08:55 |
nexus- | tritium, sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales only configures what locales are available on my machine, it doesn't change the one in effect | 08:55 |
tritium | fluffybunny_, that doesn't exist | 08:55 |
synd_ | whois tritium | 08:55 |
synd_ | whoops | 08:56 |
synd_ | :> | 08:56 |
tritium | heh | 08:56 |
aftertaf | nexus-: it doesn't ask you which is the new default locale? | 08:56 |
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WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, system tools >> System Logs | 08:56 |
nexus- | hmm | 08:56 |
nexus- | it did | 08:56 |
nexus- | but it didn't change my current one | 08:56 |
nexus- | its still showing en_AU although i set it to en_US | 08:56 |
thoreauputic | synd_: /usr/share/xsessions - use an existing .desktop file as template | 08:56 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: ok... | 08:56 |
synd_ | thoreauputic: gracias | 08:57 |
tritium | nexus-, cool, you don't have to pronounce your Rs anymore ;) | 08:57 |
thoreauputic | no worries :) | 08:57 |
synd_ | so, how well does E16 work with Ubuntu? | 08:58 |
tritium | nexus-, you're using hoary? | 08:58 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: now what? | 08:58 |
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nexus- | tritium, yes i am | 08:59 |
synd_ | im quite impressed with elive 0.3, but id rather have ubuntu running under that. | 08:59 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, you found the log viewer? | 08:59 |
synd_ | running under E,rather. | 08:59 |
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fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: yes... i assume I should now open a log file? | 08:59 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, past the complete bootup log on pastebin * not here* danger danger will roberson | 09:00 |
WhiteRabbit | lets see if acpi is starting properly | 09:00 |
WhiteRabbit | then we trace the steps out after it is or it's not | 09:00 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: what is the boot log called? | 09:00 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, this way next time you get a buggy daemon playing around you can trace it out | 09:01 |
WhiteRabbit | boot log? | 09:01 |
WhiteRabbit | lol | 09:01 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: cool, thanks, no boot log | 09:01 |
WhiteRabbit | boot.log or something nother | 09:01 |
fluffybunny_ | i'm looking in /usr/bin/ right? | 09:01 |
thoreauputic | fluffybunny_: /var/log | 09:01 |
WhiteRabbit | /var/log in ubuntu Im guessing since the other place was wrong | 09:01 |
WhiteRabbit | http://people.ubuntulinux.org/~mako/docteam/images/systemlogviewer.png | 09:02 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: nothing called boot | 09:02 |
WhiteRabbit | ya I had noticed the different spot for it lol | 09:02 |
WhiteRabbit | ubuntu must have a fricken boot log somewhere | 09:02 |
WhiteRabbit | look for - syslog , messages , dmesg and, perhaps, any boot.log. | 09:03 |
=== robotgeek [n=robotgee@ppp-70-250-189-242.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
cvt- | will someone show me how to install firefox 1.0.6? | 09:03 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: ok... while i look, what was the danger message about? | 09:03 |
cvt- | I have it extracted but nothing | 09:03 |
cvt- | i even ran it | 09:04 |
=== brownie17 [n=root@static-203-87-6-82.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | cvt: if you've run all of Ubuntu's updates, your FF really is 1.0.6 already... | 09:04 |
brownie17 | can somebody help me with something quickly, how do i save a copy of the X window config file? | 09:04 |
cvt- | oh | 09:04 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, for humor! | 09:04 |
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fluffybunny_ | :) | 09:04 |
cvt- | it still says firefox 1.0.2 so i can't add any extensions from firefox until i upgrade. | 09:05 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, we can always kill ACPI from booting then have it start only after you have logged in | 09:05 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: these are all my logs: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2033 | 09:05 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic: you there? | 09:05 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic: help me with x window config backing up? | 09:06 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: open with sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:06 |
aftertaf | brownie17: a shell command called cp | 09:06 |
thoreauputic | then save as /home/you/xorg.conf.bak | 09:06 |
aftertaf | makes a copy | 09:06 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, Im gonna take a wild guess & say look at kern.log | 09:06 |
thoreauputic | or something like that | 09:06 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o tritium] by tritium | ||
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, also lets look at acpid | 09:07 |
brownie17 | thoeauputic: you sure that's right? the file was empty | 09:07 |
thoreauputic | thoreauputic: or you can just do sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak | 09:07 |
brownie17 | aftertaf: yes, but where is the file and stuff? | 09:07 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, also pop open the syslog | 09:07 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: kern.log doesn't do anything, but kern.log.0 opens ==> its huge | 09:07 |
aftertaf | brownie17: ls shows directory content | 09:08 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic: haha you accidnet adressed that to yourself | 09:08 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, syslog.0 also | 09:08 |
aftertaf | type ls /etc/X11/ | 09:08 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: that's the right path methinks... | 09:08 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, ya the kern log is gonna be a phat daddy | 09:08 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: yeah, slip of the fingers | 09:08 |
thoreauputic | :) | 09:08 |
tritium | bed time | 09:08 |
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fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: acpi log can't be opened unless I am root | 09:08 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic: no probz, thanx | 09:08 |
Madpilot | fluffybunny_: sudo | 09:09 |
=== jo_e [n=joe@CPE-60-228-205-41.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | brownie17: you *are* running Hoary, right? | 09:09 |
fluffybunny_ | Madpilot: in gui? | 09:09 |
jo_e | !xv | 09:09 |
ubotu | jo_e: Bugger all, i dunno | 09:09 |
=== cevizoglu [n=cevizogl@c-24-6-158-63.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, sudo gedit /var/log/acpi | 09:09 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic: yeah | 09:09 |
Madpilot | fluffybunny_: if you're editing conf files or whatever, "sudo gedit <whatever>" works | 09:09 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: well that file can't be empty then | 09:10 |
=== carlos [n=carlos@243.Red-83-47-24.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: ok, so what do you want first :) | 09:10 |
cvt- | madpilot, ty | 09:10 |
brownie17 | no i just typed it wrong | 09:11 |
thoreauputic | ah | 09:11 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, acpid then the kern log | 09:11 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, then the syslog | 09:11 |
thoreauputic | the cp way is better really - no reason to pu that file in your /home/you dir | 09:12 |
thoreauputic | 8put | 09:12 |
thoreauputic | haha | 09:12 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2034 <==== ACPID log | 09:12 |
cvt- | anyone know how to make my head set work when i plug it up? | 09:13 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, next | 09:13 |
cvt- | when i plug in my headset the sound still comes out of the speakers. | 09:13 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, no need to paste the other urls I will see them as you post them :)~ | 09:14 |
WhiteRabbit | cvt, mute the desktop speakers? | 09:14 |
=== synd_ [n=phillipm@h89.26.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, that one you just pasted in the last min is the kern log right | 09:16 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, if so thats the boot log we was after | 09:16 |
WhiteRabbit | lol | 09:16 |
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fluffybunny_ | ok... so no need for syslog? | 09:16 |
synd_ | hm | 09:16 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, you have acpi disabled in the bios? | 09:17 |
No1Viking | Are there alot of bugs in the beta version of Breezy? | 09:17 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: I haven't touched the Bios settings for months... unless something else was able to do it? (recent problem - last two days only) | 09:17 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o thoreauputic] by ChanServ | ||
WhiteRabbit | No1Viking, Regaurdless you know you wanna try it | 09:17 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, one momenty | 09:18 |
No1Viking | WhiteRabbit: I really want to try it, yes. But are there alot of bugs reported? | 09:18 |
vern401 | what is breezy? I am new to linux | 09:18 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, Sep 9 08:20:07 localhost kernel: Local APIC disabled by BIOS -- you can enable it with "lapic" | 09:18 |
thoreauputic | !breezy | 09:19 |
ubotu | breezy is probably the next version of Ubuntu (5.10); released October 2005. It hasn't reached stable-status, so it can still be broken. A pictorial view of differences between Hoary & Breezy: http://members.home.nl/jeroen-91/ubuntu/breezy-new/ | 09:19 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, ok I think we found it | 09:19 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, see how wonderful logs can be! instead of trying things some guy guesses at rofl | 09:19 |
=== fluffybunny_ sighs a sigh of relief! | ||
cvt- | WhiteRabbit, tyvm | 09:19 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, first off check you bios make sure power management is ON acpi etc... 2nd --> | 09:19 |
vern401 | oh ok Thank You | 09:20 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: ok, so what went wrong, how do I fix it, and most importantly, how do I not screw up again :) | 09:20 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, You can try using lapic=on in the kernel boot options if the power management is on | 09:20 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, that kern log is gold for problems like this | 09:20 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: is this because I switched off powernowd in the bootup sequence? | 09:21 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, let me read the rest of the boot processes to make sure nothing else is outa wack since we are here lol | 09:21 |
=== Decadent [n=variemai@ppp45-adsl-249.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, let me guess you did that like 2 days ago... | 09:22 |
=== fluffybunny_ blushes | ||
=== fluffybunny_ was trying to make her laptop boot faster | ||
WhiteRabbit | ACPI: Looking for DSDT in initrd... not found! | 09:22 |
=== fluffybunny_ was told Celerons don't use powernows | ||
cvt- | how do i get permission to write to my external hd? | 09:23 |
=== kairu0 [n=steve@YahooBB219201195046.bbtec.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WhiteRabbit | ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNK0] (IRQs 7 10) *0, disabled. some nasty little irq routing goin on there | 09:23 |
cvt- | it says i dont have permission to write | 09:23 |
kairu0 | anyone gotten a Japanese IME to work in breezy? | 09:23 |
cvt- | when i try to move a folder | 09:23 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, do you have a plug n play option in the bios if so disable that | 09:23 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, ati onboard hu Yuk hehe | 09:24 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, your dual booting with windows? | 09:24 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: it was all I could afford at the time :) | 09:25 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: I hang my head in shame (yes, I dual boot with windows) | 09:25 |
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vern401 | so do I but I am new and I ise windows to play a game at work | 09:26 |
vern401 | use | 09:26 |
thoreauputic | vern401: that's what they all say ... 8) | 09:27 |
vern401 | I work security | 09:27 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, Ok a few things to check out powernowd change that back for the moment lol check for pnp aware os if you have access to it via the bio disable it also check acpi power management settings in the bios if you have them, if not then You can try using lapic=on in the kernel boot options if the power management is on | 09:27 |
thoreauputic | vern401: actually I still have a windows partition too - I just haven't used it since last year ;-) | 09:28 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, ACPI: Looking for DSDT in initrd... not found! I'm gonna let you do some google leg work on this error | 09:28 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: grin | 09:28 |
=== Prowl3r [n=ati@ip68-104-180-142.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vern401 | I still depend on it allot I know almost nothing about linux and compiling ETC. | 09:29 |
Prowl3r | Howdy Everyone | 09:29 |
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WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, how popular is ubuntu in your area | 09:29 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, you are very close to the birth area of ubuntu ya know ;)~ | 09:30 |
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vern401 | I dont know how to install programs on here yet. Or how to get the software for my wireless installed | 09:30 |
WhiteRabbit | madwifi | 09:30 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: i know - one of the developers was giving us a lecture on how "easy" linux could be, and gave us some CDs | 09:30 |
thoreauputic | !!tell vern401 about synaptic | 09:31 |
ubotu | thoreauputic: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 09:31 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, god bless them fellows for the free stamped cds | 09:31 |
thoreauputic | hmm | 09:31 |
thoreauputic | ah | 09:31 |
Madpilot | thoreauputic: two !s | 09:31 |
Madpilot | ;) | 09:31 |
thoreauputic | !tell vern401 about synaptic | 09:31 |
sirlark | WhiteRabbit: amen | 09:31 |
thoreauputic | Madpilot: yes, pedantic bot | 09:31 |
thoreauputic | :) | 09:31 |
=== fluffybunny_ lifts her eyes to the heavens, amen | ||
=== vegiVamp [n=demeersm@unimatrix.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | !tell vern401 about repos | 09:32 |
sirlark | WhiteRabbit: sow what is powernowd | 09:32 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: ok, so I go into the Bios settings, check acpi is enabled, disable PnP, and then reboot and google for that other error. will swicthing off PnP make windblows unhappy? | 09:32 |
sirlark | WhiteRabbit: AMD powernow??? | 09:32 |
thoreauputic | !good bot | 09:32 |
ubotu | thanks thoreauputic :) | 09:32 |
thoreauputic | !botsnack | 09:33 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, pnp aware os is a useless option even for windows | 09:33 |
ubotu | :) | 09:33 |
=== grimse [n=grimse@p5481C553.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vern401 | which version of winslop | 09:33 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, linux hates pnp even though linus had a rumor about the 2.6 line supporting it I never saw it happen | 09:33 |
jo_e | is there a good reason why xine chews up cycles like crazy when playing a dvd? it seems to do OK from a cd, though I don't have anything else with similar resolutions to a dvd | 09:34 |
WhiteRabbit | besides it's a laptop it probally want have the pnp aware option | 09:34 |
=== bmecoli- [n=bmecoli@c-69-180-90-58.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bmecoli- | well, I've looked in the forums and came up dry | 09:34 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: ok... well, here i go then, messing around with the Bios - back later, hopefully all fixed... | 09:34 |
WhiteRabbit | pnp aware os just allows the os to decide the irq routing why let the os do the bio's job hu hu! | 09:34 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: thanks so much for the help... | 09:34 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, remeber the other thing | 09:35 |
vern401 | for 98 and newer it wont hurt to turn it off | 09:35 |
WhiteRabbit | using lapic=on in the kernel boot options if the power management is on if all that stuff doesn't work | 09:35 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: the google thing? shoudl I do that first? | 09:35 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, couldn't hurt | 09:35 |
bmecoli- | I have a "ca0106" sound card and I can't find anything on getting midi to work | 09:35 |
bmecoli- | closest I found was emu10k | 09:35 |
WhiteRabbit | bmecoli-, you need a codec | 09:36 |
WhiteRabbit | like mozplugger kinda | 09:36 |
thoreauputic | bmecoli-: http://www.lesbell.com.au/Home.nsf/0/c4b39482154feb03ca256f8100150ad9?OpenDocument | 09:36 |
fluffybunny_ | i've heard HP is officially supporting ubuntu on some of its laptop brands now... | 09:37 |
Burgundavia | fluffybunny_, yes they are | 09:37 |
dazvid | wow ^ | 09:37 |
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dazvid | Thats a big step :) | 09:37 |
thoreauputic | bmecoli-: also look at http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-8736.html | 09:37 |
=== StrikeForce_work [n=marc@dsl-202-72-174-149.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vern401 | it's working good for me on my gateway | 09:38 |
WhiteRabbit | bmecoli-, http://timidity.sourceforge.net/ | 09:38 |
fluffybunny_ | is cool, cause I have an HP laptop... haven't yet figured out how to enable the sound buttons on the chassis, but will get there eventually | 09:38 |
cvt- | i have the latest firefox on my desktop; do you know how to successfully install it? | 09:38 |
cvt- | it keeps saying i have firefox1.0.2 | 09:38 |
=== Shacham [n=shacham@85-65-65-104.barak-online.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WhiteRabbit | bmecoli-, if you need to play Atari ST sound files to let me know! | 09:38 |
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thoreauputic | bmecoli-: if you install timidity (recommended) install freepats as well | 09:38 |
Burgundavia | fluffybunny_, the hotkey stuff is still up to us | 09:39 |
cvt- | and mozilla won't let me because i don't have the latest version. | 09:39 |
WhiteRabbit | cvt, you have to use about:config | 09:39 |
cvt- | oh | 09:39 |
WhiteRabbit | & change the firefox number to trick the instlal | 09:39 |
WhiteRabbit | install | 09:39 |
fluffybunny_ | Burgundavia: us, as in, we should right our own stuff to get the buttons working properly? bummer | 09:39 |
Burgundavia | fluffybunny_, by us, I mean Ubuntu | 09:39 |
Burgundavia | fluffybunny_, if they don't work with Breezy preview, file a bug | 09:39 |
fluffybunny_ | Burgundavia: you're an ubuntu developer? | 09:40 |
Burgundavia | fluffybunny_, documentor | 09:40 |
fluffybunny_ | Burgundavia: we love documentation :) | 09:40 |
=== fluffybunny_ bows to the official-type person | ||
nalioth | fluffybunny_: Burgundavia is an ordained ubuntu documentarian | 09:40 |
=== kamstrup [n=kamstrup@0x3e42da90.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
benplaut | heh | 09:40 |
=== WhiteRabbit prefers being called a Architect than a developer if I was ever such thing that is ;)~ | ||
bmecoli- | hmm | 09:40 |
=== fluffybunny_ hears the sound of angels in the background | ||
benplaut | and knighted, too? | 09:41 |
benplaut | or, gNighted... | 09:41 |
bmecoli- | I really want hardware midi though | 09:41 |
WhiteRabbit | benplaut, Already did that | 09:41 |
bmecoli- | or am I not going to get the with the ca0106 driver? | 09:41 |
WhiteRabbit | benplaut, even though it was fake it was fun! | 09:41 |
benplaut | :P | 09:41 |
cvt- | which line in about:config to I change, whiterabbit? | 09:41 |
benplaut | holy smokes... my burner is frikkin fast in breezy | 09:41 |
=== crashbox [n=crashbox@adsl-68-89-30-48.dsl.hrlntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bmecoli- | I mean... the main reason I got the damn card is because I wanted the hardware midi capabilities | 09:42 |
benplaut | i just burned a preview ISO in about a third of the time a 650mb would take in hoary | 09:42 |
thoreauputic | cvt-: use the search dialog at the top and type in vendor | 09:42 |
bmecoli- | so that I WOULDN'T have to use midi ;/ | 09:42 |
bmecoli- | er... timidity | 09:42 |
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=== fluffybunny_ [i=ahgji1t9@nat-gw.nbn.ac.za] has left #Ubuntu [] | ||
WhiteRabbit | benplaut, http://photos.innersanity.com/thumbnails.php?album=7 | 09:44 |
WhiteRabbit | benplaut, see the knight! | 09:44 |
=== pvanhoof [n=pvanhoof@d5152D086.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cvt | WhiteRabbit, i found vendor | 09:45 |
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WhiteRabbit | version =? | 09:45 |
cvt | 1.0.2 | 09:45 |
thoreauputic | cvt-: it's the vendorSub string | 09:45 |
=== `Ku [n=BGates@CPE-65-30-122-93.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WhiteRabbit | general.useragent.vendorSub | 09:46 |
thoreauputic | yup | 09:46 |
WhiteRabbit | change it to like 1.0.6-4.1 | 09:46 |
=== `Ku [n=BGates@CPE-65-30-122-93.kc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
thoreauputic | cvt-: you really need to run an upgrade on that install | 09:46 |
thoreauputic | WhiteRabbit: it's just 1.0.6 here | 09:47 |
cvt- | k | 09:47 |
nalioth | i put breezy on my ibook g3 and boy it's in rough shape | 09:47 |
=== cvt- is now known as cvt | ||
=== Utopiate [n=Utopiate@c-24-21-39-180.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | i dont advise new(er) ppc users to go to breezy for at least another week | 09:47 |
cvt | WhiteRabbit, it still says 1.0.2 | 09:48 |
=== brownie17 [n=fraser@static-203-87-6-82.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Utopiate | Anyone here using dr17? | 09:48 |
cvt | ok | 09:48 |
brownie17 | hey everyone, what does an RPM download mean in relation to Java for linux? | 09:48 |
holycow | http://esr.ibiblio.org/index.php?p=208 <--- hehehe | 09:48 |
cvt | it's at least letting me in the extensions section now | 09:48 |
cvt | ty | 09:48 |
holycow | best email communique evar! | 09:48 |
holycow | rofl :) | 09:48 |
WhiteRabbit | thoreauputic, I was just gonna suggest a higher number Im currently using 1.0.6-4.1 ;)~ | 09:48 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: it means you did the wrong thing | 09:49 |
WhiteRabbit | 1.0.5 would even work I belive hehe | 09:49 |
thoreauputic | !tell brownie about java | 09:49 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic: i didn't get that one, but i should get the other one then? | 09:49 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: read ubotu's /msg | 09:49 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic: you wouldnt happen to know how to update my gnome version would you? | 09:49 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: wait for breezy :) | 09:50 |
WhiteRabbit | every body wants cairo! | 09:50 |
dazvid | Will breezy have 2.12 ? | 09:50 |
WhiteRabbit | yes | 09:50 |
nalioth | brownie17: are you after java? | 09:50 |
dazvid | yay :D | 09:50 |
thoreauputic | dazvid: yup | 09:50 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic: and it doesn't involve recompiling the kernel would it/ | 09:50 |
benplaut | WhiteRabbit, ...funny :) | 09:50 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: no | 09:50 |
WhiteRabbit | benplaut, I seel condos at the beach! | 09:50 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic: so there is no other way to get gnome updated? | 09:50 |
brownie17 | nalioth: yes i am | 09:50 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: why are you in a hurry? Can't wait until October 13? | 09:51 |
nalioth | brownie17: follow the wiki instructions | 09:51 |
WhiteRabbit | benplaut, that place was at medieval times http://www.medievaltimes.com/ | 09:51 |
WhiteRabbit | benplaut, real live jousting & sword fights while you get your drink on & eat on | 09:51 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic: well smeg won't work without it. and i am definatly not a man known for my patience | 09:51 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: smeg works fine on hoary | 09:52 |
brownie17 | !rpm | 09:52 |
ubotu | brownie17: I give up, what is it? | 09:52 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: I have it here | 09:52 |
brownie17 | thoeauputic: not mine | 09:52 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: did you use the script? | 09:52 |
thoreauputic | to install? | 09:52 |
brownie17 | thoeauputic: it tells me i need the new one for manking new menus and making seperators | 09:52 |
=== fluffybunny_ [i=8xe4yoes@nat-gw.nbn.ac.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brownie17 | thoeauputic: yes, it wouldnt install through synaoptic | 09:52 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: sigh, there is, sadly, no acpi or PnP options in my bios | 09:53 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, ok they are on by auto defaults then | 09:53 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, thats a good thing really for you | 09:53 |
=== robotgeek [n=robotgee@ppp-70-250-189-242.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: so now what? (a good thing - I will take your word for it :) ) | 09:53 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, did you change that thingy back yet | 09:53 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: the powernowd setting>? yes | 09:54 |
dazvid | What is the official release date for breezy? I cant see it on the ubuntu site :s | 09:54 |
fluffybunny_ | I shoudl probably have written down all the things that were on, before I played with sysvconfig... oops | 09:54 |
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ksl403-uva-132.wireless.uva.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o thoreauputic] by thoreauputic | ||
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, is acpi running by chance | 09:54 |
fluffybunny_ | how do I check that, again? | 09:54 |
=== Utopiate [n=Utopiate@c-24-21-39-180.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
Madpilot | dazvid: Oct 13th - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyReleaseSchedule | 09:55 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, services | 09:55 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: :amanda@athena:~ $ services | 09:55 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: bash: services: command not found | 09:55 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, points to the top left menus! | 09:56 |
WhiteRabbit | under system thingys! | 09:56 |
=== fluffybunny_ bangs her head on the desk, feeling "dof" | ||
=== twibbler [n=trevor@dsl-80-41-121-205.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dazvid | Madpilot: funny thing is, I googled it aswell, and nothing came up :S | 09:57 |
nalioth | dazvid: oct 13, i believe | 09:57 |
=== fluffybunny_ feels redeemed: there is no spoon, I mean services in the menu thingy | ||
dazvid | Oh wait, there it is at the bottom of the search | 09:58 |
Burgundavia | fluffybunny_, only in Breezy | 09:58 |
=== fluffybunny_ is using hoary... | ||
=== athlon [n=athlon@174pc.wohnheimg.uni-frankfurt.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bmecoli- | um, could anyone answer my question? is there support for midi with the ca0106 sound driver? | 09:59 |
=== brownie17 is using hoary, and waiting impatiently for breezy | ||
bmecoli- | will I have to wait for the next version of alsa? | 09:59 |
nalioth | brownie17: breezy at this point may be a little more than you want to deal with (i just put it on one of my other ibooks) | 10:00 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, http://www.marzocca.net/linux/bum.html | 10:00 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, sudo apt-get install bum | 10:00 |
=== DelPede [n=newbie@port22.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: amanda@athena:~ $ ps -C acpid | 10:01 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: PID TTY TIME CMD | 10:01 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: ? 00:00:00 acpid | 10:01 |
=== Seveas just gave the much-dreaded command..... | ||
Seveas | dennis@blackbird ~ $ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:01 |
aftertaf | bmecoli-: have u checked the alsa soundcard matrix? | 10:01 |
=== Red_Bullet [n=redbulle@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | what have I done! | 10:01 |
bmecoli- | ??? | 10:01 |
aftertaf | lol Seveas | 10:01 |
WhiteRabbit | Seveas, Your using a cut down straw | 10:01 |
bmecoli- | aftertaf, could you link me? | 10:01 |
Seveas | Need to get 670MB of archives. | 10:01 |
WhiteRabbit | we know you are now ;)~ | 10:01 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, install bum | 10:02 |
Seveas | Too bad i have to stop backporting things to hoary now I install breezy ;) | 10:02 |
brownie17 | anyone know of a toaster plugin for rythmbox? | 10:03 |
nalioth | Seveas: what a coincidence, i just d-u'd my g3 ibook | 10:03 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: amanda@athena:~ $ sudo apt-get install bum | 10:03 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 10:03 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 10:03 |
WhiteRabbit | brownie17, why would you want a toaster plugin to pop up songs | 10:03 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: I like the two-slice model ;-) | 10:03 |
nalioth | Seveas: verdict: the ppc arch isnt ready for prime time | 10:03 |
Red_Bullet | how to download mplayer | 10:03 |
Red_Bullet | ? | 10:03 |
Seveas | fluffybunny_, please don't paste | 10:03 |
Seveas | and close synaptic | 10:03 |
Seveas | Red_Bullet, apt-get install mplayer | 10:03 |
thoreauputic | fluffybunny_: close synaptic or another apt instance | 10:04 |
Seveas | enable multiverse | 10:04 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, what all have you been doin to that poor lil system! | 10:04 |
brownie17 | whiterabbit: becasue i use the player in a different workspace, and i want to nkow what the song is. i have lots of songs | 10:04 |
=== chavo [n=chavo@202.sub-70-212-20.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== fluffybunny_ is going to have a sore head with all these Doh! moments | ||
brownie17 | thoreauputic: :) | 10:04 |
Red_Bullet | Seveas, i have synaptic with activated repos and can't find mplayer | 10:04 |
WhiteRabbit | brownie17, remote xmms! | 10:04 |
WhiteRabbit | xmms remote rather | 10:04 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: couldn't find package bum (synaptics is closed) | 10:04 |
Seveas | Red_Bullet, paste your sources.list on the pastebin | 10:04 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: i'm thinking I should wipe and reinstall :( | 10:04 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, you must travel to the multiverse | 10:04 |
Seveas | fluffybunny_, bum isn't a package yet in hoary | 10:04 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, this is not windows! | 10:05 |
DVSoftware | !tell fluffybunny_ about repositories | 10:05 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: as in, no need to reinstall? just fix it? | 10:05 |
Red_Bullet | which source list where is pastebin | 10:05 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, sudo dpkg -i bum_1.3.3-1_all.deb | 10:05 |
Seveas | /etc/apt/sources.list -- http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 10:05 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, you can install it that way for hoary | 10:05 |
DVSoftware | btw, what is bum :huh: | 10:06 |
WhiteRabbit | DVSoftware, http://www.marzocca.net/linux/bum.html | 10:06 |
WhiteRabbit | boo tup manager | 10:06 |
brownie17 | whiterabbit: is that the name of the plugin? | 10:06 |
DVSoftware | BUM is currently in Debian unstable and Ubuntu breezy repositories. These users can just apt-get it. | 10:07 |
WhiteRabbit | brownie17, what your wanting is a remote feature | 10:07 |
DVSoftware | hmmm | 10:07 |
WhiteRabbit | DVSoftware, http://www.marzocca.net/linux/bum.html | 10:07 |
Seveas | 12% [213 rsync 91224/207kB 44%] 202kB/s 48m22s <-- dist-upgrade still in process :) | 10:07 |
brownie17 | whiterabbit: im using rythmbox did i meniton? | 10:08 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: sudo dpkg -i bum_1.3.3-1_all.deb <--- didn't work either... can I just add the Breezy repository and use synaptic? | 10:08 |
Seveas | fluffybunny_, nooooooooo | 10:08 |
brownie17 | whiterabbit: isnt xmms another player? | 10:08 |
WhiteRabbit | hoary users must download it then install via dpkg | 10:08 |
DVSoftware | fluffybunny_: no | 10:08 |
WhiteRabbit | brownie17, yes | 10:08 |
DVSoftware | fluffybunny_: download that deb file | 10:08 |
=== HetIsLarsje [n=ljansen@dyn26-eesi.nbw.tue.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | what didn't work with dpkg? | 10:08 |
nalioth | Seveas: be glad your'e not doing a ppc | 10:08 |
WhiteRabbit | I only use xmms & amarok atm | 10:08 |
fluffybunny_ | javol... | 10:08 |
Seveas | nalioth, I'm always glad I don'y do PPC ;) | 10:08 |
brownie17 | whiterabbit: which is better xmms or vlc? | 10:08 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, you must download the .deb file first sweety lol | 10:08 |
DVSoftware | brownie17: vlc for videos, xmms for music | 10:08 |
DVSoftware | but i prefer amarok for music | 10:09 |
WhiteRabbit | brownie17, it's not about better but it's more about personal taste | 10:09 |
brownie17 | seveas: i do a bit of pcp! :) helps with school sports, that count? | 10:09 |
=== sn0n [n=rob@c-24-4-50-62.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | Seveas: be nice now. i now have valuable breezy experience for the masses of ppc (ab)users | 10:09 |
WhiteRabbit | brownie17, we was wondering about that mad twitch you got there | 10:09 |
brownie17 | whiterabbbit: ok, i'll give it a shit | 10:09 |
brownie17 | shot* | 10:09 |
brownie17 | hahah | 10:09 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: arg! the ubuntu developers lied! windows is so much easier! | 10:09 |
aftertaf | Guys, is the Audigy LS soundcard the nightmare one in hoary?? | 10:09 |
=== brownie17 is a high as a butterfly! | ||
WhiteRabbit | aftertaf, no | 10:09 |
DVSoftware | fluffybunny_: easier??? | 10:10 |
WhiteRabbit | aftertaf, you just need to enable the digital audio jack by pressing m in alsamixer | 10:10 |
fluffybunny_ | DVSoftware: windows is more of a no-brainer... | 10:10 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, it's making you think | 10:10 |
aftertaf | bmecoli-: you get that?? | 10:10 |
DVSoftware | fluffybunny_: and you have to pay somebody to reinstall it every few weeks | 10:10 |
DVSoftware | that's easier? | 10:10 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, it takes a solid 2 weeks to begain to enjoy linux if your coming from windows | 10:10 |
DVSoftware | windows is brainwasher | 10:10 |
WhiteRabbit | to run linux you need passion to be free | 10:11 |
bmecoli- | get what?? your message?? | 10:11 |
fluffybunny_ | DVSoftware: i got pretty good at reinstalling it myself, which I did every 6 months or so :) | 10:11 |
bmecoli- | yes... if you tried to send me a file, then no, I didn't | 10:11 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, I cloned my windows partition | 10:11 |
aftertaf | scroll up to WhiteRabbit's post ... | 10:11 |
WhiteRabbit | reinstall windows in like 3mins that way everyday hehe | 10:11 |
thoreauputic | fluffybunny_: in debian based distros ike ubuntu you *never* need to reinstall | 10:11 |
=== henk [n=Henk@cp11902-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WhiteRabbit | I have a auto housekeeper to reload the clone image every morning before I wake up | 10:11 |
fluffybunny_ | thoreauputic: you just fix whatever is wrong? thats a relief | 10:12 |
WhiteRabbit | so fresh n clean clean | 10:12 |
snausages | can't you screw up something and then have to reinstall? | 10:12 |
bmecoli- | you mean timidity? | 10:12 |
DVSoftware | thoreauputic: wrong... i've managed to fsck it up | 10:12 |
DVSoftware | :D | 10:12 |
bmecoli- | nonono, I'm trying to aviod that | 10:12 |
thoreauputic | fluffybunny_: also you can upgradee as Seveas is doing | 10:12 |
WhiteRabbit | you can run a debian based PC & the os will out live the hardware | 10:12 |
WhiteRabbit | I know did it many times already on a few boxes lol | 10:12 |
thoreauputic | DVSoftware: I said "need" - but I know where you're coming from ;) | 10:12 |
fluffybunny_ | thoreauputic: I don't have the bandwidth to download an ISO... will have to wait for the post | 10:12 |
bmecoli- | like I said, the only reason I bought the sound card is for the hardware midi support | 10:12 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, you live right there in South Africa | 10:13 |
DVSoftware | thoreauputic: from where o_O | 10:13 |
henk | Hi i'm looking for a good p2p program. it should at least have bittorent since i want to download the livecd torrent, but preferably it should be able to connect to other p2p networks too | 10:13 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: is still takes long... | 10:13 |
WhiteRabbit | you can drive to ubuntu head quarters & get free cds all day long | 10:13 |
Seveas | WhiteRabbit, ubuntu headquarters are at the isle of man.... | 10:13 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: which city in Ubuntu HQ in? | 10:13 |
DVSoftware | henk: mldonkey | 10:13 |
Seveas | which is no where near SA | 10:13 |
WhiteRabbit | Seveas, so ubuntu has no precense in SA | 10:13 |
fluffybunny_ | Seveas: thats a really REALLY long drive <grin> | 10:13 |
thoreauputic | DVSoftware: heh - well I once did the dreaded rm -rf / as root... But nobody heard me say that, OK ? | 10:14 |
Seveas | fluffybunny_, kinda :) | 10:14 |
thoreauputic | *g* | 10:14 |
Seveas | thoreauputic, rofl :) | 10:14 |
DVSoftware | hahhaha | 10:14 |
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DVSoftware | thoreauputic: i didn't fscked it that way | 10:14 |
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=== Utopiate [n=Utopiate@c-24-21-39-180.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | I did a similar thing: rm -rf lib while being in /var | 10:15 |
Utopiate | where in the heck is my rc.conf!? | 10:15 |
Seveas | that also f*cks up things badly :) | 10:15 |
Seveas | Utopiate, stop thinking red-hat | 10:15 |
Utopiate | so what do I use in debian? | 10:15 |
DVSoftware | thoreauputic: something was really wrong, gdm segfaulted nvidia drivers worked like shit | 10:15 |
Seveas | Utopiate, /etc/init.d and /etc/rc*.d | 10:16 |
brownie17 | whiterabbot: XMMS does not have a media library!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH | 10:16 |
DVSoftware | .... and yes, i've installed nvidia drivers from nvidia.com :D | 10:16 |
thoreauputic | DVSoftware: sometimes it's easier to admit defeat :) | 10:16 |
Red_Bullet | Seveas, look in pastebin for red_bullet | 10:16 |
Red_Bullet | please | 10:16 |
Seveas | Red_Bullet, ok | 10:16 |
Utopiate | seveas: what would I use insted of rc.conf to set my "login manager" | 10:16 |
WhiteRabbit | brownie17, first few char of the nick then tab | 10:16 |
Red_Bullet | ant tell me what to add | 10:16 |
WhiteRabbit | brownie17, yes xmms can keep a media libary | 10:16 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: ok, so bum is downloaded and in my /usr/local/src directory | 10:16 |
Seveas | Utopiate, dpkg-reconfigure [the login manager you want] | 10:16 |
brownie17 | WhiteRabbit, how/ | 10:16 |
brownie17 | WhiteRabbit, btw, thanx for tab tip, saves heaps of time | 10:17 |
DVSoftware | Utopiate: | 10:17 |
DVSoftware | sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm | 10:17 |
Seveas | Red_Bullet, woah that sources.list is bad :| | 10:17 |
DVSoftware | should do the thing | 10:17 |
Sonderblade | why does the nvidia graphics driver fail to load after i upgraded kernel from 2.6.10 to 2.6.11? | 10:17 |
Seveas | you don't even have main in there | 10:17 |
DVSoftware | ahhh | 10:17 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, cd /usr/local/src ls to ensure it is then sudo dpkg -i bumfilehere.deb | 10:17 |
DVSoftware | didn't noticed that Seveas told you that | 10:17 |
Seveas | Red_Bullet: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 10:17 |
Red_Bullet | Seveas, this is only links | 10:17 |
Utopiate | checking it out | 10:17 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: i downloaded bum the earlier (more stable?) version - is ok? | 10:18 |
Seveas | Sonderblade, 2.6.11 is NOT to be used! | 10:18 |
brownie17 | WhiteRabbit, how do you keep a media library? do i need a plugin? i cant find it. plus the text is too small | 10:18 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, whatever floats your boat | 10:18 |
Sonderblade | Seveas: then why is there a deb for it? | 10:18 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: :) | 10:18 |
Seveas | it was a test-build to see whether they could get it working | 10:18 |
WhiteRabbit | brownie17, if it's to loud it means you to old! | 10:18 |
Seveas | as you see it's in universe and unsupported | 10:18 |
WhiteRabbit | brownie17, right click xmms | 10:18 |
brownie17 | WhiteRabbit, !?!?! i never mentioned too loud, i say text too msal | 10:18 |
WhiteRabbit | brownie17, see all the cool menus?> | 10:19 |
WhiteRabbit | brownie17, to small runs the same course as being to loud | 10:19 |
WhiteRabbit | ether way your getting old! | 10:19 |
DVSoftware | brownie17: try amarok | 10:19 |
DVSoftware | it's great app | 10:19 |
Red_Bullet | Seveas, this is Deutche | 10:19 |
brownie17 | DVSoftware, amarok another player? | 10:19 |
WhiteRabbit | muhhaha after we get him to switch we will play with his emotions & get him to try yet another app..... | 10:19 |
Seveas | Red_Bullet, ? | 10:19 |
DVSoftware | brownie17: yep | 10:19 |
Red_Bullet | i can talk only to English | 10:19 |
Madpilot | later all. need sleep. | 10:19 |
=== Madpilot [n=yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Red_Bullet | German Language | 10:20 |
Red_Bullet | :( | 10:20 |
brownie17 | WhiteRabbit, i don't like xmms, but if you want to use it, that's fine. although it has some REALLY cool plugins, and alot | 10:20 |
Seveas | Red_Bullet, what is german?? | 10:20 |
Red_Bullet | language | 10:20 |
Red_Bullet | of the site | 10:20 |
WhiteRabbit | brownie17, ok on to amarok | 10:20 |
Seveas | it's not | 10:20 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: my bum looks good | 10:20 |
WhiteRabbit | brownie17, if you dont like that we can keep you hopping all nite | 10:20 |
dazvid | Deutch is though :o | 10:20 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, I sure hope so | 10:20 |
brownie17 | DVSoftware, sorry amarok is only for KDE, i use gnome | 10:20 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: I like it... now what? *g* | 10:20 |
dazvid | I know I missed an S in there somewhere | 10:20 |
Red_Bullet | oo | 10:20 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, pm me a picture of it so I can make sure it's operating correctly | 10:20 |
Red_Bullet | yes | 10:20 |
Seveas | paste.ubuntulinux.nl is english | 10:20 |
Red_Bullet | error is mine | 10:21 |
Red_Bullet | :) | 10:21 |
brownie17 | WhiteRabbit, DVSoftware, got any others? | 10:21 |
Red_Bullet | :) | 10:21 |
Red_Bullet | error is mine | 10:21 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, Ok acpi is it on or not? | 10:21 |
dazvid | Deutsch* is what germans speak | 10:21 |
DVSoftware | brownie17: i use it everyday | 10:21 |
WhiteRabbit | du hast dazvid | 10:21 |
dazvid | LOL im listening to the album right now | 10:21 |
DVSoftware | o_O | 10:21 |
brownie17 | DVSoftware, you use KDE? or gnome? is the gnome in synaptic? | 10:21 |
nalioth | Seveas: i didnt know you were a language professor | 10:21 |
WhiteRabbit | dazvid, funny stuff hu ;)~ | 10:21 |
=== DVSoftware hates german language | ||
WhiteRabbit | DVSoftware, at least we know your not cathlic | 10:21 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: is checked and the green button is, well, green | 10:21 |
=== brownie17 loves german ladies ! | ||
=== glyn [n=glyn@71-9-74-77.dhcp.hspr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | nalioth, I'm not, I only speek 4 languages (and a gazillion programming languages ;)) | 10:22 |
Red_Bullet | Seveas, what to add in sources.list | 10:22 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, guess what that means! | 10:22 |
DVSoftware | brownie17: kde | 10:22 |
chavo | brownie17, you can use KDE apps in gnome and vice versa | 10:22 |
Seveas | Red_Bullet: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 10:22 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: its fixed? yay!!! | 10:22 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, your bum is in fact fixed | 10:22 |
brownie17 | chavo: seriously? you sure? | 10:22 |
dazvid | Seveas: which languages? | 10:22 |
brownie17 | chavo: then why bother making them for KDE and for GNome | 10:22 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: yeah! thank you for teaching me about bums | 10:22 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, my pal account number is 555555555 that'll be 160$ us for 2 hours tech | 10:22 |
WhiteRabbit | lol | 10:22 |
glyn | How do I enable writing on my Windows drive in Ubuntu? Note that my windows drive is unbootable right now so I can't really mess it up anymore | 10:22 |
chavo | brownie17, it's a long story | 10:23 |
chavo | I'm using xchat in KDE | 10:23 |
DVSoftware | brownie17: amarok doesn't depend on kde afaik | 10:23 |
brownie17 | chavo, ok. | 10:23 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: the cheque is in the mail | 10:23 |
Seveas | glyn, is it ntfs or fat? | 10:23 |
thoreauputic | WhiteRabbit: you're undercharging :) | 10:23 |
glyn | ntfs | 10:23 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: seriously, thanks!! | 10:23 |
DVSoftware | brownie17: it depends only on qt | 10:23 |
DVSoftware | lemme see | 10:23 |
Seveas | glyn, in that case: not possible | 10:23 |
chavo | no amarok is kde | 10:23 |
brownie17 | DVSoftware, whats qt and afaik? | 10:23 |
chavo | it's in kdemultimedia | 10:23 |
WhiteRabbit | thoreauputic, you never saw what I install for businesses I don't like! | 10:23 |
DVSoftware | afaik - as far as i know | 10:24 |
thoreauputic | WhiteRabbit: rofl | 10:24 |
WhiteRabbit | thoreauputic, a 3 day gentoo install at $80 dollars a hour | 10:24 |
glyn | well, heh..I'm not sure if it's ntfs for sure, how do I check to make sure? | 10:24 |
DVSoftware | qt is widget library | 10:24 |
thoreauputic | WhiteRabbit: nice work if you can get it :) | 10:24 |
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WhiteRabbit | $5769.00 | 10:24 |
thoreauputic | heh | 10:24 |
brownie17 | WhiteRabbit, you are my idol :) | 10:24 |
WhiteRabbit | I've done it 3 times this year along | 10:24 |
=== MacVegie [n=MacVegie@c220-237-154-176.brodm1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WhiteRabbit | they must have gentoo so I sock it to em | 10:25 |
glyn | nm it is ntfs.. | 10:25 |
brownie17 | WhiteRabbit, what did they do to annoy you? :) | 10:25 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: in what country? I gotta move there (after I learn gentoo!) | 10:25 |
HrdwrBoB | they deserve it if they want gentoo | 10:25 |
WhiteRabbit | brownie17, they used windows! | 10:25 |
glyn | So there's no way you can write to an NTFS disk from Ubuntu even with special progs? | 10:25 |
brownie17 | WhiteRabbit, hahahahahaha | 10:25 |
WhiteRabbit | brownie17, na joking it's those small little business politics | 10:25 |
DVSoftware | amarok does depend on kde libs | 10:25 |
DVSoftware | not entire kde | 10:25 |
=== jimmy_neutron [n=bubbles@dsl-20-249.utaonline.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jimmy_neutron | hi | 10:25 |
DVSoftware | glyn: do not write on ntfs | 10:26 |
DVSoftware | it's not safe | 10:26 |
=== [A] ndy80 [n=andy80@host133-164.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
glyn | as I said earlier, the drive is already down | 10:26 |
brownie17 | WhiteRabbit, yeh | 10:26 |
Red_Bullet | seveas please look my source.list this is really previous isn't really look for red_bullet2 | 10:26 |
jimmy_neutron | in "make xconfig" what's the difference between a dot and a tick? | 10:26 |
=== fluffybunny_ [i=8xe4yoes@nat-gw.nbn.ac.za] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
WhiteRabbit | if Im shaking your hand with a limp grip you know your gonna be paying for it | 10:26 |
henk | DVSoftware, i've installed mldonkey and kmldonkey. I'm connected to the core but now what? I cannot find where to tell mkdonkey to accept en download this .torrent file i halve | 10:26 |
brownie17 | WhiteRabbit, DVSoftware says its going to take another 20 mins to download amarok | 10:26 |
henk | s/halve/have | 10:27 |
DVSoftware | henk: errrm... i can't help you, i didn't used mldonkey over a year | 10:27 |
WhiteRabbit | brownie17, sudo apt-get tcniso | 10:27 |
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WhiteRabbit | muhahahah | 10:27 |
brownie17 | WhiteRabbit, what is tcniso? | 10:27 |
WhiteRabbit | brownie17, badass | 10:27 |
Seveas | Red_Bullet, that one looks good | 10:28 |
WhiteRabbit | brownie17, don't even look for it just forget I said it lol | 10:28 |
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brownie17 | WhiteRabbit, it did nothing | 10:28 |
WhiteRabbit | brownie17, just forget about it trust me | 10:28 |
brownie17 | WhiteRabbit, ok? but it didnt work anyway, said no such operating or something | 10:28 |
Red_Bullet | Seveas, but can't find mplayer | 10:28 |
Red_Bullet | :(( | 10:28 |
WhiteRabbit | brownie17, just forget bout it | 10:28 |
WhiteRabbit | lol | 10:28 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: he was kidding, and he got the syntax wrong anyway :) | 10:29 |
WhiteRabbit | Red_Bullet, mplayer-gui | 10:29 |
Red_Bullet | what to do | 10:29 |
=== DVSoftware is confused | ||
Seveas | Red_Bullet, that's in *multiverse* and you did not enable that | 10:29 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic, ok | 10:29 |
Red_Bullet | how to enable | 10:29 |
Seveas | add the word multiverse to all lines ending with universe | 10:29 |
Red_Bullet | where to add multiverse to the end of link | 10:30 |
Red_Bullet | to the end | 10:30 |
Seveas | yes at the end of the line | 10:30 |
Red_Bullet | ? | 10:30 |
WhiteRabbit | only furians can handle the multiverse | 10:30 |
Red_Bullet | yes 10x | 10:30 |
glyn | what's a simple free way to convert NTFS into FAT? | 10:30 |
Seveas | glyn, formatting :) | 10:30 |
WhiteRabbit | I to can kill with a teacup! | 10:30 |
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glyn | that won't work because I don't have a windows XP setup disk and I want to keep my files | 10:31 |
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brownie17 | WhiteRabbit, a chinse fighting teacup? or just a normal? | 10:31 |
aftertaf | glyn: do with it what you will-------> http://www.jankratochvil.net/project/captive/ | 10:32 |
WhiteRabbit | brownie17, you never saw riddick have you | 10:32 |
brownie17 | WhiteRabbit, nope. isn't there a sequal now? | 10:32 |
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WhiteRabbit | brownie17, well when he was in creamatoria he killed a man with a teacup | 10:33 |
brownie17 | WhiteRabbit, that's arnachy down to a fine art | 10:33 |
WhiteRabbit | brownie17, plus they talk about the underverse so much I feel the next one will be all about the multiverse | 10:34 |
nalioth | glyn: yes, but no data will be left over | 10:34 |
robotgeek | brownie17,WhiteRabbit : #ubuntu-offtopic | 10:34 |
WhiteRabbit | robotgeek, sure thing fucklefick | 10:34 |
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thoreauputic | gentlemen, gentlemen .. no fighting please - think of the furniture! | 10:35 |
nalioth | that is not very respectful | 10:35 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: bad news... bum didn't seem to fix it... i just rebooted and got the same error | 10:35 |
brownie17 | robotgeek: sire, yes sir! | 10:35 |
=== aftertaf no comment | ||
wickedpuppy | where does the kernel save the config file after doing makeconfig ? | 10:36 |
WhiteRabbit | bum is not a fix it's a service monitor kinda deal with acces to cust the services | 10:36 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: so something other than acpi must be screwy then? cause that is switched on (according to bum) | 10:36 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: could it be the HAL! error i also get? | 10:37 |
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WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, ug | 10:38 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, see how long the battery last! | 10:38 |
WhiteRabbit | fluffybunny_, I must go take care of something before I goto bed ;)~ | 10:38 |
fluffybunny_ | WhiteRabbit: thanks... enjoy bed... :) | 10:38 |
WhiteRabbit | if only! | 10:38 |
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=== WhiteRabbit plays Mr Roboto | ||
glyn | aftertaf>Can you help me install Captive please? | 10:40 |
kamstrup | wickedpuppy: .config | 10:40 |
wickedpuppy | ah okie | 10:41 |
wickedpuppy | thanks | 10:41 |
nalioth | glyn: you realize you could destroy your NTFS partition that way, right? | 10:41 |
glyn | yes, I told you guys it's already pretty much destroyed anyways | 10:42 |
wickedpuppy | in my .config i got ext2 support as yes .. but when i do lsmod .. there is no ext2 ... anyone know why ? | 10:42 |
nalioth | glyn: then why not convert the partition to ext3? | 10:42 |
glyn | the reason I'm writing on it is because I'm trying to get it to work | 10:42 |
kamstrup | wickedpuppy: because it's compiled in to the kernel. It's not a module | 10:42 |
nalioth | glyn: ah Dr. Frankenstein | 10:42 |
glyn | lol | 10:42 |
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glyn | I can't figure out how to install Captive though | 10:43 |
wickedpuppy | ah then when i boot my livecd , i get error saying Module ext2 is not found ??? | 10:43 |
wickedpuppy | btw ext3 is a module ... so are all fs .. no ? | 10:44 |
kamstrup | wickedpuppy: In the kernel config "y" means "compile it into the kernel" and "m" means compile it as a module | 10:44 |
bmecoli- | shitcock... I'm gettting tired | 10:44 |
wickedpuppy | ah ... thanks dude | 10:45 |
wickedpuppy | so if i got the above error... what should i do ? | 10:45 |
Seveas | bmecoli-, watch your language.... | 10:45 |
wickedpuppy | compile as module or into the kernel ? | 10:45 |
bmecoli- | >.> | 10:45 |
kamstrup | wickedpuppy: In principle you could compile any fs into the kernel | 10:45 |
wickedpuppy | then why my kernel is complaining about the missing module? | 10:46 |
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wickedpuppy | i am pretty confused | 10:46 |
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glyn | how do I search for a "configure" file through the terminal? | 10:46 |
minime- | search? | 10:47 |
wickedpuppy | find <path> -name "configure" -print | 10:47 |
fhl0e | anyone who knows about Wine, and more specific running NetOp 6 with Wine?? | 10:48 |
Red_Bullet | Seveas, to the end of line must be universe multiverse | 10:48 |
Red_Bullet | ??? | 10:48 |
Seveas | yes | 10:48 |
Red_Bullet | in sources.list | 10:48 |
Red_Bullet | ok 10x | 10:48 |
kamstrup | wickedpuppy: dunno why it complains... Are we talking live cd or an installation? | 10:48 |
Red_Bullet | when the download for xfce | 10:48 |
Red_Bullet | end i will edit | 10:48 |
Red_Bullet | file | 10:48 |
=== Frafra [n=Frafra@d83-176-73-130.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Frafra | hi all | 10:49 |
Frafra | if i upgrade from hoary to breezy, x will works? | 10:49 |
aftertaf | Frafra: wait for stable... | 10:49 |
wickedpuppy | kamstrup, livecd ... specifically live usb flashdisk | 10:49 |
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kamstrup | wickedpuppy: oh... | 10:49 |
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thoreauputic | Frafra: if you need to ask that, don't | 10:50 |
wickedpuppy | first i keep getting errors it can't find init | 10:50 |
kamstrup | wickedpuppy: but it does work, no? | 10:50 |
wickedpuppy | now i got error saying Module ext2 is not found | 10:50 |
glyn | can anyone help me with a tar file I extracted and how to install it? | 10:50 |
Frafra | thoreauputic: why? | 10:50 |
idab | hey anyone know a partion manager? | 10:50 |
wickedpuppy | grub loads and initrd is loaded ... but something is wrong | 10:50 |
wickedpuppy | idab, try qparted | 10:50 |
aftertaf | glyn: not much i can help you with... i got it working once, then crashed my ntfs. WIndows no longer recognised it, but captive did, so i moved erything to another partition and formatted FAT | 10:50 |
idab | thanks wickedpuppy | 10:50 |
thoreauputic | Frafra: well, suppose X doesn't work - do you know how to fix it? | 10:51 |
wickedpuppy | np | 10:51 |
wickedpuppy | idab, if you are terminal fan ... try fdisk :P | 10:51 |
aftertaf | for info, Zin can't do more than ~30 gig FAT32, linux can though | 10:51 |
idab | :P | 10:51 |
Frafra | thoreauputic: no | 10:51 |
aftertaf | lol thoreauputic ... | 10:51 |
thoreauputic | Frafra: so don't upgrade to Breezy | 10:52 |
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wickedpuppy | lol | 10:52 |
Frafra | thoreauputic: :D | 10:52 |
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thoreauputic | Frafra: until it's stable | 10:52 |
wickedpuppy | thoreauputic, why not let him screw and learn ??? | 10:52 |
bmecoli- | eh... I think I might just forget it for now | 10:52 |
thoreauputic | wickedpuppy: well, it's up to him... | 10:52 |
aftertaf | wickedpuppy is evil... | 10:52 |
osfameron | heh, there's a good number of people talking on #ubuntu-unregged | 10:52 |
wickedpuppy | lol | 10:52 |
glyn | aftertaf>How did you get it working once? | 10:53 |
glyn | it says there's an install file for instructions, but there isn't..this is horrible | 10:53 |
idab | hey wickedpuppy where can i get it/ | 10:53 |
kamstrup | wickedpuppy: in 99.999999% of all kernels ext2 is compiled in, so it quite strange that it expects an ext2 module | 10:53 |
wickedpuppy | get what ? | 10:53 |
aftertaf | glyn: do ./configure first | 10:53 |
glyn | it just tells me no such file or directory | 10:53 |
Seveas | kamstrup, on ubutnu kernels all filesystems are modules | 10:53 |
wickedpuppy | all ? | 10:54 |
idab | wickedpuppy, qparted | 10:54 |
Seveas | kamstrup, monilithic-everything-built-in-kernels are obsolete | 10:54 |
wickedpuppy | idab, synaptic | 10:54 |
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idab | ok | 10:54 |
wickedpuppy | so Seveas if i do lsmod and ext2 is not there then kernel doesn't support it ? | 10:54 |
glyn | it says :glyn@Haksmoke:~$ ./configure | 10:54 |
glyn | bash: ./configure: No such file or directory | 10:54 |
wickedpuppy | glyn, is the file configure in your current directory ? | 10:55 |
Seveas | wickedpuppy, it just means it isn't loaded yet | 10:55 |
wickedpuppy | ./ means run a file in current dir | 10:55 |
glyn | I don't know, I can't even find a file configure | 10:55 |
wickedpuppy | Seveas, then what about live cds ??? | 10:55 |
wickedpuppy | glyn, go in to the unzipped dir | 10:56 |
wickedpuppy | it should be there | 10:56 |
glyn | It's not | 10:56 |
glyn | only 4 folders | 10:56 |
kamstrup | Seveas: I know... But try looking at "ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/fs" | 10:56 |
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Seveas | they don't need ext2 until you start mounting ext2 disks (which should modprobe it) | 10:56 |
Cashel | howdies | 10:56 |
wickedpuppy | then its nowhere ... config will come with tar.gz file | 10:56 |
kamstrup | Seveas: Do you see and ext2 module? | 10:56 |
Seveas | kamstrup, live or install? | 10:56 |
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wickedpuppy | kamstrup, no ext2 only ext3 | 10:56 |
Seveas | I'm talking about installed systems | 10:56 |
wickedpuppy | i am going nut over that | 10:56 |
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glyn | wicked, there seems to be no configure file in the extracted directory | 10:57 |
Cashel | Is there going to be any nasty suprises for me if I use a kernel.org kernel instead of an ubuntu prefab? Want to try 2.6.13 or maybe a test kernel.. | 10:57 |
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Seveas | kamstrup, /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-686/kernel/fs/ext2/ext2.ko | 10:57 |
Seveas | there :) | 10:57 |
wickedpuppy | glyn, impossible ....if it is not there... there isn't a config for your program | 10:57 |
Seveas | Cashel, very well possible | 10:57 |
kamstrup | Seveas: grep "EXT2" /media/hoary/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5/.config | 10:58 |
kamstrup | CONFIG_EXT2_FS=y | 10:58 |
glyn | that's retarded..lol | 10:58 |
cvt | do you know how to get rid of the error copying files from an external hd? | 10:58 |
cvt | the files are in perfect shape | 10:58 |
cvt | they're mp3's | 10:58 |
Seveas | kamstrup, livecd? | 10:58 |
idab | hey can anyone tll me a the command to install compilers | 10:58 |
wickedpuppy | glyn, why ? | 10:58 |
mgedmin | apt says it cannot authenticate the apache2 hoary security update | 10:58 |
wickedpuppy | idab, try apt-get install gcc | 10:58 |
mgedmin | has the ubuntu archive key changed? | 10:58 |
kamstrup | Seveas: ? | 10:58 |
Seveas | dennis@mirage ~ $ grep -i ext2 /boot/config-2.6.10-5-686 | 10:58 |
Seveas | CONFIG_EXT2_FS=m | 10:58 |
Cashel | Seveas, what should a be ready for that'd be different then in another distro?? I've compiled a few times in the past on rpm based distros... from source not src-rpm... | 10:58 |
idab | thanks | 10:58 |
mgedmin | apt-key list shows I have the one created 2004-09-12 (1024D/437D05B5) | 10:58 |
=== kamstrup grumbles | ||
Cashel | s/a/I/ | 10:59 |
glyn | I don't know why it's not there | 10:59 |
thoreauputic | wickedpuppy: umm - apt-get install build-essential actually | 10:59 |
Seveas | Cashel, try to stick to make-kpkg for creating kernel packages | 10:59 |
Seveas | that way you easily install/remove them | 10:59 |
kamstrup | Seveas: K. Will work for a lcd | 10:59 |
thoreauputic | idab: install build-essential | 10:59 |
=== Cashel hits that man page up - thanks Seveas | ||
wickedpuppy | billy@wickedpuppy:/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/fs$ grep -i ext2 /boot/config-2.6.10-5-386 | 10:59 |
wickedpuppy | CONFIG_EXT2_FS=y | 10:59 |
Seveas | Cashel, wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCompilHowto | 10:59 |
wickedpuppy | funny | 11:00 |
Cashel | ahh thanks again | 11:00 |
thoreauputic | idab: it's a more complete compiler package | 11:00 |
wickedpuppy | why the difference ? 386 and 686 ? | 11:00 |
idab | thoreauputic, thanks :) | 11:00 |
Seveas | wickedpuppy, the /boot/config-* files are the better source for information | 11:00 |
thoreauputic | idab: no worries :) | 11:00 |
Seveas | ah nvm you were there | 11:00 |
wickedpuppy | look at my boot-config ... it says its installed into my kernel | 11:00 |
wickedpuppy | funny | 11:00 |
Seveas | yeah, funny indeed :) | 11:01 |
=== thoreauputic would like to wipe out all bitch-x quit messages | ||
sepmike | anyone have experience with ESD and mplayer or xmms? | 11:01 |
Seveas | sepmike: To make xmms or beep-media-player actually play things, change the audio output plugin to eSound | 11:01 |
Seveas | for mplayer: in /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf, you set: ao=esd | 11:02 |
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sepmike | i tried esound in xmms and it said check... error | 11:03 |
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aftertaf | Seveas: i was wrong yesterday.. it's not NAT i need, it's a pure router (the server doesnt have one foot on the internet) | 11:03 |
sepmike | i'll try mplayer conf | 11:03 |
glyn | ahh my system is freezng what do I do? | 11:04 |
kamstrup | Seveas: Try "grep 9660 /boot/config-2.6.10-5-686", I'd expect that you need CONFIG_ISO9660_FS=y | 11:04 |
=== brownie17 [n=fraser@static-203-87-6-82.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cashel | Ahhh KernelByHandHowto, excellent :) | 11:05 |
Seveas | kamstrup, =m | 11:05 |
sepmike | mplayer.conf can't be found | 11:05 |
idab | thoreauputic, can you tell a command to update tcl? | 11:05 |
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kamstrup | Seveas: This beats me... But if it works, I'm happy ;-P | 11:05 |
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brownie17 | DVSoftware, WhiteRabbit help! i installed amarok and now rythmbox won't play music!!! | 11:05 |
thoreauputic | idab: I don't even understand the question | 11:05 |
environ | hi! anybody got fglrx xorg drivers up and running? | 11:06 |
brownie17 | environ, are you talking about ATI? | 11:06 |
environ | yes | 11:06 |
thoreauputic | idab: do mean the tcl language/ widget things? | 11:06 |
idab | thoreauputic, : Tcl cannot be found on this system. | 11:06 |
brownie17 | not me | 11:06 |
mgedmin | sepmike, create a file ~/.mplayer/config that contains 'ao = esd' | 11:06 |
environ | i need an older version of /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a ... | 11:06 |
environ | the one which comes with hoary | 11:06 |
Seveas | kamstrup, initrd/initramfs :) | 11:06 |
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brownie17 | thoreauputic, i installed amarok and now the sound isnt playing | 11:07 |
thoreauputic | idab: ah - apt-cache serch tcl I guess (to find what you need) | 11:07 |
idab | oik | 11:07 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: why are you telling me? | 11:07 |
Cashel | environ, dpkg --reinstall xorg-driver-fglrx? | 11:07 |
mgedmin | sepmike, you might also want to tell mplayer to use the xv video driver that supports hardware video scaling -- to do so add 'vo = xv' to .mplayer/config | 11:07 |
thoreauputic | idab: sorry apt-cache search | 11:07 |
thoreauputic | of course | 11:07 |
wickedpuppy | ok i gotta ask a stupid question ... why my kernel is 386 and your kernels are 686 ?? | 11:07 |
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brownie17 | thoreauputic, i was hoping you could help me. or is this not what this channel is for, boy? | 11:07 |
DVSoftware | brownie17: i don't think that they conflicts | 11:07 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: :( | 11:08 |
brownie17 | DVSoftware, well either did I | 11:08 |
DVSoftware | lemme try | 11:08 |
wickedpuppy | brownie17, you got mp3 plsugin ? | 11:08 |
DVSoftware | to play musc in rhytmbox | 11:08 |
brownie17 | should i have to....(dare i say it?) ....reboot? | 11:08 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: I meant why me personally - but nm | 11:08 |
environ | Cashel: i just installed that driver.. | 11:08 |
brownie17 | wickedpuppy: it was all working, and yes mp3's did. im playing a file i was playing ten mins ago | 11:08 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: and don't call me boy, please | 11:08 |
Cashel | environ, excuse me, I meant dpkg -i --force-overwrite | 11:08 |
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brownie17 | thoreauputic, hahah, sorry | 11:09 |
Cashel | oh? Is dri seperate? | 11:09 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic, should i have to....(dare i say it?) ....reboot? | 11:09 |
environ | Cashel, i used the apt-get version | 11:09 |
environ | i think it works, it just needs an older version of that libdri.a file | 11:09 |
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kamstrup | Seveas: I've just had my share of problems in the past with not compiling ext2 in... But im mostly a "CONFIG_RAMFS=y"-kinda guy :D | 11:09 |
sepmike | I chaned the config but it's still looking for asla | 11:10 |
aftertaf | i've got eth0 and a 'virtual' eth 0:1 up and running... but now the PC says no route to host when i try to connect to the proxy via the LAN on eth0. | 11:10 |
Cashel | environ, tried that myself, had to go w/ the proprietary 8.14.13 tho... | 11:10 |
aftertaf | when i type route, i get both IP subnets and both have * for gateway. :/ | 11:10 |
Cashel | environ, you getting the failed to load dri hw not recognized bit? | 11:10 |
sepmike | in the available drivers section in gmplayer it doesnt even have the option of ESD\ | 11:10 |
brownie17 | DVSoftware, ARGH! amarok doesnt close when you click X | 11:10 |
environ | no i get wrong dri version | 11:10 |
Cashel | ahh | 11:10 |
brownie17 | DVSoftware, they were both running | 11:11 |
DVSoftware | brownie17: i don't have that problems | 11:11 |
environ | (EE) fglrx(0): R200DRIScreenInit failed (DRI version = 4.0.0, expected 4.1.0). Disabling DRI. | 11:11 |
DVSoftware | try changing output plugin | 11:11 |
brownie17 | DVSoftware, i haven't customised amarok | 11:11 |
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Cashel | environ, that you mean you need a newer dri not older... | 11:11 |
environ | do you have hoary? could you send me the file mayb? | 11:11 |
Cashel | I can, but I'm not sure it'll do you any good since I'm using fglrx .14.13 | 11:12 |
mgedmin | sepmike, run 'mplayer -ao help' in a console -- it will list all available audio drivers | 11:12 |
environ | no thats because i've overwritten it with some file on the net | 11:12 |
mgedmin | if it doesn't mention esd, then you have a problem | 11:12 |
environ | previously i got 5.0.0 which is to new | 11:12 |
brownie17 | DVSoftware, and btw, amarok doesnt have a media library either ;9 | 11:12 |
brownie17 | ;(* | 11:12 |
DVSoftware | brownie17: it has media lib | 11:12 |
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brownie17 | DVSoftware, how? it isnt easily accessable | 11:12 |
sepmike | mgedmin, ESD is not listed when I type what you wrote | 11:13 |
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thoreauputic | brownie17: you haven't looked very hard , have you? | 11:13 |
DVSoftware | take a look at sidebar | 11:13 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic, nope :) | 11:13 |
Cashel | environ, where is that at , save me looking>? :) | 11:13 |
environ | /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 11:13 |
Cashel | noo that's the log, I meant the file, heh | 11:13 |
environ | i think it doesnt matter, since its a lib which comes with xorg | 11:13 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: amarok can classify your media in anumber of differnet views, in fact | 11:13 |
mgedmin | sepmike, did you compile mplayer from source, or did you install a deb from somewhere? | 11:13 |
environ | /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a ... | 11:14 |
Cashel | ? /usr/x11r6/lib/modules/fglrx_dri.so | 11:14 |
Cashel | ahh | 11:14 |
sepmike | source from the tut on the ubuntuforums.org site | 11:14 |
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environ | thank you :X | 11:14 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic, so far i still only like rythmbox | 11:14 |
thoreauputic | *shrug* | 11:14 |
mgedmin | sepmike, then it means you didn't have the necessary headers/libraryes to compile in esd support | 11:15 |
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thoreauputic | whatever, I like cplay and ogg123 | 11:15 |
DVSoftware | brownie17: rhytmbox doesn't play music here | 11:15 |
mgedmin | sepmike, I use mplayer-586 deb which came from marillat's repository, iirc | 11:15 |
DVSoftware | brownie17: and it seems not to support my aac files | 11:15 |
sepmike | ahh | 11:15 |
Cashel | environ, for the record, this is a bad idea :P | 11:15 |
sepmike | well I wonder if there is away to uninstall this one I did from source? | 11:15 |
environ | i know, i tryed everything else before, noW im doing it the hard way ^^ | 11:16 |
cvt | how does my setup look? http://tinypic.com/dlix3n.png | 11:16 |
environ | brb | 11:16 |
Cashel | Anyone using a test kernel and happy with it? | 11:16 |
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DVSoftware | cvt: i like kde more | 11:17 |
henk | I'm listening to some mp3 with amaroK, but i'm hearing a lot of 'artifacts' on the sound, The quality is bad.. the load on my box is 0,12 and my hd's are on DMA so the bitstream should be ok i guess. Does anyone know what i may do to get this better ? | 11:17 |
cvt | you have ubuntu on KDE? | 11:17 |
cvt | i thought all ubuntu was gnome | 11:17 |
DVSoftware | Cashel: that kernel is not meant to be used | 11:17 |
Cashel | why do you say that DVSoftware ? | 11:18 |
brownie17 | DVSoftware, nah i think rhythmbox will do fine | 11:18 |
DVSoftware | cvt sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 11:18 |
cvt | where? | 11:18 |
DVSoftware | Cashel: because it's test kernel | 11:18 |
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DVSoftware | cvt: terminal | 11:18 |
Cashel | DVSoftware, yes I know that... | 11:18 |
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thoreauputic | cvt: that's the command to install KDE | 11:18 |
DVSoftware | that will install kde desktop | 11:18 |
thoreauputic | :) | 11:18 |
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DVSoftware | henk: try different output plugin | 11:19 |
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thoreauputic | jgotangco: BeerDump? hah! | 11:19 |
cvt | DVSoftware, what's the command to change it back? | 11:19 |
thoreauputic | *grin* | 11:19 |
cvt | i'm going to try it | 11:20 |
DVSoftware | cvt: you can choose your desktop in gdm | 11:20 |
squidinkcalligra | I've just installed windows and it's overwritten the boot block. I dunno how to use grub to fix this (More accustomed to lilo). Is there a simple command to do this? | 11:20 |
idab | can anyone tell a good ftp software? | 11:20 |
cvt | i like kde better myself | 11:20 |
jgotangco | heh | 11:20 |
thoreauputic | idab: server or client? | 11:20 |
DVSoftware | henk: | 11:20 |
idab | client | 11:20 |
Seveas | jerome, take it easy on the alcohol dude :) | 11:20 |
=== thoreauputic pours jgotangco a beer | ||
onkarshinde | squidinkcalligra: If you have Ubuntu cd then boot using it in rescue mode and then install grub again. | 11:20 |
DVSoftware | 11:20:45 up 2 days, 15:08, 2 users, load average: 0.31, 0.67, 0.60 | 11:20 |
idab | thoreauputic, : client please | 11:20 |
DVSoftware | my load is higher | 11:20 |
DVSoftware | and my amarok plays without problem | 11:21 |
henk | DVSoftware, hmm amarok has an "engine" option but it lists no engines at all | 11:21 |
DVSoftware | (even aac file) | 11:21 |
thoreauputic | idab: gftp is OK - nautilus file manager can do ftp too | 11:21 |
DVSoftware | henk: install amarok-gstreamer package | 11:21 |
idab | thanks a lot thoreauputic | 11:21 |
Cashel | linux-tree = source ? | 11:21 |
squidinkcalligra | onkarshinde: I'm in a shell, chrooted to my original root - do you know what the command is? | 11:21 |
Cashel | it used to but seems its a seperate package.... | 11:21 |
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henk | DVSoftware, ah i see i'm now installing all amarok engines | 11:22 |
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onkarshinde | squidinkcalligra: I suppose the command is grub-install. But make sure that the grub configuration file is having entry for Windows, else you won't be able to boot Windows. Also make sure other entries correspond to correct partitions. | 11:23 |
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thoreauputic | syntax error: BeerDump [n=jsg@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by *beer*)] | 11:24 |
Red_Bullet | can I create desktop icons in xfce4 ??? | 11:24 |
BeerDump | yeah | 11:24 |
BeerDump | sucky dsl | 11:24 |
GNU-GPL | . | 11:24 |
thoreauputic | BeerDump: :D | 11:24 |
n3trunner | just wondering, is there a command to know what desktop environment/WM is currently running? | 11:24 |
squidinkcalligra | onkarshinde: Thanks - that fixed it. (well, we'll see after a reboot). | 11:25 |
=== Cashel has decided that yes, they are they same, and goes off to download him some beefy kernel sources w/ a side of bin86 utils | ||
thoreauputic | n3trunner: you can't tell by looking?? | 11:25 |
n3trunner | its not for me.. | 11:25 |
n3trunner | this is funny. but the other person i'm talking to isnt sure what DE he is using | 11:25 |
cvt | do you know how to get a hardware monitor for my desktop that tells me the temp., hd space left, and ram usage, uptime, etc? | 11:26 |
thoreauputic | n3trunner: hmm - ps aux |grep <something> | 11:26 |
aftertaf | cvt: superkaramba | 11:26 |
cvt | k | 11:26 |
thoreauputic | n3trunner: like ps aux | grep metacity (or kwin or whatever) | 11:26 |
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thoreauputic | n3trunner: if it's gnome it would be gnome-session | 11:27 |
Gnonthgol | how to get the source of /sbin/getty? | 11:27 |
=== mgedmin did apt-get update and the problem with unauthenticated apache2 disappeared | ||
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henk | DVSoftware, the gstreamer did nothing on my box, amarok didn't play when that engine was selected. However the xine engine seems to be working whithout problems. | 11:28 |
DVSoftware | i'm using gstreamer here | 11:28 |
DVSoftware | and it plays fine | 11:28 |
n3trunner | thoreauputic: got it, thanks alot! | 11:28 |
thoreauputic | n3trunner: no problem :) | 11:28 |
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goo | This question is probably asked a 1000 times: Will Gnome 2.12 make it into breezy ? | 11:30 |
thoreauputic | goo: yes | 11:30 |
goo | thoreauputic: woho! | 11:30 |
thoreauputic | goo: each ubuntu release is co-ordinated with gnome releases | 11:31 |
cvt | Do i have to reboot for the kde changes to take place? | 11:31 |
aftertaf | cvt: no | 11:31 |
thoreauputic | cvt: just log out of the session | 11:31 |
cvt | hmm | 11:31 |
cvt | ok | 11:31 |
aftertaf | never ever reboot in linux | 11:31 |
cvt | oh | 11:31 |
cvt | yeah | 11:32 |
thoreauputic | cvt: choose the new session in the sessions menu | 11:32 |
cvt | that's right. thx | 11:32 |
goo | thoreauputic: very nice indeed. Saves me a lot of integration which I had to have been doing manually using that Other Distro I was flirting with before Ubuntu. | 11:32 |
thoreauputic | goo: :) | 11:32 |
goo | (She was a b*tch, so I left her) | 11:33 |
goo | :) | 11:33 |
sepmike | mgedmin, thanks got it working now | 11:33 |
henk | aftertaf, there are things that can go wrong in linux that are only solved by rebooting. So 'never ever reboot' is overstating it i think | 11:33 |
=== aftertaf is obviously exaggerating.... | ||
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osfameron | ooo! Totem opens .ram streams! | 11:36 |
GNU-GPL | so does Realplayer | 11:36 |
GNU-GPL | :P | 11:36 |
henk | ah ok, in that case you are absolutely right never ever reboot in linux ! (unless the 32-bit uptime counter has rotated just like mine did once and you are annoyed by the message it gives you, but hey you need a few years of uptime for that to happen) | 11:36 |
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osfameron | GNU-GPL: yeah, well, I'm happy not to have to install Real 'cos it annoyed me on Win | 11:37 |
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Seveas | hi doggie | 11:38 |
GNU-GPL | right.. well this is linux.... | 11:38 |
GNU-GPL | :P | 11:38 |
gorilla | henk: what distro is that machien running? | 11:38 |
DVSoftware | henk: w00t! | 11:38 |
gorilla | machine rather | 11:39 |
onkarshinde | osfameron: In my opinion Totem, Mplayer, Xine, VLC have evolved really well over time. They are the best Free players available. | 11:39 |
brownie17 | dvsoftware? really? am i mistaken in that aac is the ipod format | 11:39 |
Seveas | henk, woah bad idea | 11:39 |
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DVSoftware | brownie17: no it is not | 11:39 |
nalioth | Seveas: i wish i could find the bug that causes this box to freeze solid | 11:39 |
DVSoftware | aac=advanced audio codec | 11:39 |
Seveas | tracking kernel security updates is way more important than a long uptime... | 11:39 |
brownie17 | DVSoftware, oh ok, what is aac commonly used for? | 11:39 |
DVSoftware | and it is opensource afaik | 11:39 |
brownie17 | !afaik | 11:40 |
ubotu | brownie17: I give up, what is it? | 11:40 |
DVSoftware | as far as i know | 11:40 |
brownie17 | DVSoftware, aahhhh, it all becomes clear | 11:40 |
onkarshinde | DVSoftware: aac is a fork pf mpeg afaik | 11:40 |
osfameron | onkarshinde: yeah, they're pretty good. I wish they wouldn't just crash when you don't have the right codecs though (actually, can't get mplayer to do anything at all...) | 11:40 |
DVSoftware | onkarshinde: yeah it can be mpeg2 or mpeg4 | 11:40 |
henk | it was a dual p500 on debian ( the uptime counter rotates twice as fast for dual cpu) but nervertheless it had an uptime of about 430 days before i *had* to reboot it because the latest exploitable bug in the kernel couldn't be fixed with a module... shame | 11:40 |
DVSoftware | and it's quality is outstanding at low bitrates | 11:40 |
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onkarshinde | osfameron: I have used VLC quite a lot and I am quite satisfied. | 11:41 |
GNU-GPL | ogg rulez | 11:41 |
osfameron | onkarshinde: yeah, I installed vlc on gf's iBook to get it to play Windows media - couldn't work out how to get QuickTime to do it :-) | 11:41 |
GNU-GPL | in mplayer this is easy.. | 11:42 |
henk | Seveas, why it that a bad idea? | 11:42 |
onkarshinde | osfameron: I also recomended it to my bro for his iBook because QT won't play fullscreen | 11:42 |
Seveas | tracking kernel security updates is way more important than a long uptime... <-- but of course modules help... | 11:42 |
thoreauputic | onkarshinde: the default QT is nagware as well | 11:42 |
goo | Hmm.. is Gnome 2.12 already in the sources that's about to be Breezy? | 11:42 |
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thoreauputic | on OS-X | 11:42 |
GNU-GPL | Seveas, that all depends on the if it applies to your setup | 11:43 |
elekis | hi, I need help, I try to install clanlib 7.0 | 11:43 |
gorilla | Seveas, depends on what attack vectors are avvailble to attackers :-) | 11:43 |
onkarshinde | goo: Didn't you read the announcement of Breezy preview? | 11:43 |
DVSoftware | Seveas: my longest uptime was 14 days | 11:43 |
DVSoftware | :D | 11:43 |
elekis | but he say (synaptic ) no | 11:43 |
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goo | onkarshinde: noooo... But i will! | 11:43 |
onkarshinde | goo: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2005-September/000031.html | 11:43 |
DVSoftware | Seveas: fsckin power outages :D | 11:44 |
DVSoftware | need to get ups | 11:44 |
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henk | Seveas, well security was never compromised on the box until a remote exploit became unpatchable. There where some local exploits but the people on it where my partners | 11:44 |
GNU-GPL | or a better power supplier | 11:44 |
GNU-GPL | :P | 11:44 |
goo | onkarshinde: yup, found it in the topic - and hey, Gnome 2.12 is in there :)) | 11:44 |
goo | onkarshinde: thanks | 11:44 |
DVSoftware | GNU-GPL: i have notebook now | 11:44 |
GNU-GPL | ok | 11:44 |
DVSoftware | so i don't care about power outages | 11:44 |
DVSoftware | :D | 11:44 |
GNU-GPL | :P | 11:45 |
onkarshinde | goo: Lots of other good things. Gnome2.12 itself has many improvements. | 11:45 |
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=== aftertaf ducks | ||
aftertaf | like implementing KDE? | 11:45 |
gorilla | DVSoftware, you obviously haven't worked in a enterprise, nor lived in a maginal power area. | 11:45 |
=== aftertaf ducks some more... | ||
Ng | aftertaf: he said good ;) | 11:45 |
goo | onkarshinde: Maybe you could point me to a sources.list for breezy so I don't need to muck about with CD's ? | 11:46 |
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DVSoftware | errrrmmm gorilla didn't really understood you :S | 11:46 |
thoreauputic | !update2breezy | 11:46 |
GNU-GPL | GNOME suck | 11:46 |
ubotu | thoreauputic: What? | 11:46 |
echylo | hi, can a hoary user please output his uname -a | 11:46 |
GNU-GPL | it's old fasioned | 11:46 |
thoreauputic | hmm | 11:46 |
DVSoftware | gorilla: enterprise in serbia | 11:46 |
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DVSoftware | is it joke? | 11:46 |
thoreauputic | !upgrade2breezy | 11:46 |
ubotu | methinks upgrade2breezy is sudo sed -e 's/hoary/breezy/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, or if and when it breaks your computer, you get to keep both pieces | 11:46 |
thoreauputic | aha | 11:46 |
GNU-GPL | !gnome | 11:47 |
ubotu | rumour has it, gnome is an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users. see http://gnome.org for details. | 11:47 |
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GNU-GPL | !kde | 11:47 |
ubotu | A powerful, free desktop environment for UNIX. IRC: #kubuntu #kde ; install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/hoary/ | 11:47 |
gorilla | DVSoftware, I mean if you don't care about pwoer outages, you obviously haven't worked in a large organisation or in an area with bad power. | 11:47 |
onkarshinde | goo: You only need to add lines for 'breezy' distro as there are already for 'hoary' | 11:47 |
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kethinov | has anyone had issues with lockups using nvidia-glx in breezy? | 11:47 |
DVSoftware | gorilla: actually i live in area with very bad power | 11:47 |
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goo | onkarshinde: that's too simple. Are you trying to trick me? :) Thanks! | 11:47 |
thoreauputic | for end-users. see | 11:47 |
GNU-GPL | see.. even ubotu says: powerfull | 11:47 |
GNU-GPL | :P | 11:47 |
thoreauputic | oops | 11:47 |
osfameron | thoreauputic: oh, I looked up xinerama yesterday for managing 2 screens | 11:47 |
osfameron | thoreauputic: but there's only libxinerama in repos, can't find an actual client tool | 11:48 |
[A] ndy80 | how can I sent Sound Juicer to make it encode in mp3 instead of ogg by default? | 11:48 |
thoreauputic | goo: welcome to the land of Debian distros :) | 11:48 |
cosmotroll | hi | 11:48 |
gorilla | kethinov, go back to hoary... breezy has a broken X server. | 11:48 |
DVSoftware | gorilla: old news | 11:48 |
DVSoftware | [ OS: ] testing/unstable Kernel: 2.6.12-8-amd64-generic | XOrg: X Window System Version 6.8.2 (Ubuntu 6.8.2-56 20050901064618 root@yellow.warthogs.hbd.com) | KVirc: | Desktop KDE | 11:48 |
GNU-GPL | i mean most people find XP desktop attractive.. but ehm.. is it stable? speedy? | 11:48 |
DVSoftware | i run breezy | 11:48 |
kethinov | gorilla, my x server works fine. the proprietary nvidia driver doesn't the oss one does though | 11:48 |
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GNU-GPL | i run breezy too | 11:49 |
onkarshinde | goo: I have myself fount debian package management, apt-get far simpler than RPM. | 11:49 |
thoreauputic | osfameron: it was just a tip - I can't afford multiple monitors so i don't know anything about it :) | 11:49 |
GNU-GPL | (with hoary kernel though) | 11:49 |
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onkarshinde | DVSoftware: Any speed improvements over Hoary? | 11:49 |
idab | hey thoreauputic tell me a good ssh server | 11:49 |
DVSoftware | onkarshinde: i don't notice | 11:49 |
thoreauputic | idab: openssh-server | 11:49 |
DVSoftware | i'm using 64bit cpu | 11:49 |
brownie17 | DVSoftware, what big differences are there? | 11:49 |
osfameron | thoreauputic: heh, me neither right now, but have flat screen at work :-) | 11:49 |
idab | thanks | 11:50 |
onkarshinde | [A] ndy80: the answer to your question is to install lame | 11:50 |
GNU-GPL | brownie17, newest shit | 11:50 |
GNU-GPL | :) | 11:50 |
DVSoftware | brownie17: new packages mostly | 11:50 |
brownie17 | okay | 11:50 |
[A] ndy80 | onkarshinde: I installed lame... | 11:50 |
goo | onkarshinde: Yes, me too. I started using Debian in ~2000 after doing Red Hat for a couple of years. It was a world of differences. | 11:50 |
[A] ndy80 | onkarshinde: I don't know how to integrate it with sound juicer | 11:50 |
onkarshinde | [A] ndy80: Then are you facing trouble configuring Sound-juicer? | 11:50 |
cosmotroll | I've deleted the file /usr/bin/lpr (i know i should mv ;) ) to make a symbolic link to gtklp, however even exporting GTKLP_FORCEX=1 in my profile and sourcing it, lpr do not launch gtklp in the X mode. i then apt-get remove gtlkp and reinstall it, but the file /usr/bin/lpr is not present | 11:50 |
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kethinov | for some reason every time i start X with my driver set to nvidia's proprietary driver, my screen goes half white half black and locks up the machine. ctrl alt backspace wont even drop me back a terminal. forced to reboot. | 11:51 |
onkarshinde | [A] ndy80: did you install lame by downloading it from its website? or did you use package from Ubuntu repository? | 11:51 |
[A] ndy80 | onkarshinde: I installed it from Synaptic | 11:51 |
nalioth | brb | 11:52 |
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environ | i installed the official ati driver, everything seems to work, but when i start glxgears it just makes 2 fps ... what did i do wrong? | 11:52 |
thoreauputic | !info gstreamer0.8-lame | 11:53 |
akaihola | kethinov: And you can set X to use the correct driver? | 11:53 |
onkarshinde | [A] ndy80: I am trying to find answer. But why do you want mp3 anyway? | 11:53 |
kethinov | akaihola, yes | 11:53 |
thoreauputic | hmm - actually that package *does* exist... | 11:53 |
mjr | kethinov, interesting, but that's really something you should take up with nvidia, 'cause the proprietary driver is largely unsupportable by anyone else | 11:54 |
GNU-GPL | !gstreamer | 11:54 |
ubotu | GNU-GPL: Did you get hit by a windmill? | 11:54 |
GNU-GPL | right... | 11:54 |
GNU-GPL | hehehe | 11:54 |
GNU-GPL | :P | 11:54 |
kethinov | mjr, other ubuntu users are not having my problem | 11:54 |
kethinov | mjr, i'm inclined to believe i'm doing something wrong | 11:54 |
[A] ndy80 | onkarshinde: simple: my portable mp3 reader doesn't read ogg | 11:54 |
thoreauputic | google for gstreamer0.8-lame | 11:55 |
cosmotroll | ok i've done a ln -s /usr/bin/gtklp /usr/bin/lpr and it is workin' | 11:55 |
thoreauputic | there's a deb for it... I have it | 11:55 |
[A] ndy80 | I found the answer and in the same time a bug in sound juicer :) | 11:55 |
thoreauputic | it allows sound-juicer to do mp3 | 11:55 |
akaihola | kethinov: How do you configure X? Editing xorg.conf? | 11:55 |
environ | whats the german ubuntu channel? | 11:55 |
[A] ndy80 | I had to add a profile... but even if you add a profile in the encoders, since you don't restart the program, the profile is not shown in the combobox | 11:56 |
thoreauputic | environ: #ubuntu-de | 11:56 |
kethinov | akaihola, i ran "apt-get install nvidia-glx" then "nvidia-glx-config enable" | 11:56 |
environ | thx | 11:56 |
kethinov | akaihola, both commands were successful | 11:56 |
mjr | kethinov, then you didn't do anything wrong. | 11:57 |
robodex | wow, I guess it is true... Linux users don't sleep ;) | 11:57 |
thoreauputic | [A] ndy80: gst-register-0.8 is your friend :) | 11:57 |
[A] ndy80 | robodex: 11:57 AM here :) | 11:57 |
akaihola | kethinov: Sorry, I'm not familiar with nvidia's driver. I hope you find a guru to help you. | 11:58 |
mjr | kethinov, assuming that you have a stock ubuntu kernel with the linux-restricted-modules package (corresponding to kernel version), though I'm not sure if it'd even try to start without that module | 11:58 |
robodex | heh. 5:54AM here :( | 11:58 |
thoreauputic | robodex: parse error - can't find "sleep" | 11:58 |
[A] ndy80 | thoreauputic: it's working now :) I only had to restart sound juicer | 11:58 |
=== kent [n=kent@h55d210.delphi.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
robodex | although I have one monster toothache so I didn't sleep last night | 11:58 |
onkarshinde | 3:32 pm here. India. | 11:58 |
GNU-GPL | allmost lunchtime here | 11:58 |
thoreauputic | [A] ndy80: cool :) | 11:58 |
kethinov | mjr, what is the linux-restricted-modules package? | 11:58 |
GNU-GPL | (30 minutes remaining) | 11:58 |
nalioths_dog | robodex, some of us are nothing but silicon chips with a fiber backend | 11:58 |
robodex | !ubuntu | 11:58 |
ubotu | somebody said ubuntu was an easy-to-use GNU/Linux desktop distro based on Debian. http://ubuntu.com http://ubuntuforums.org http://wiki.ubuntu.com. It means 'Humanity to others'. see !awards | 11:58 |
BeFalou | I've a weird problem with VLC in Breezy, I've compiled it myself but I can't open any file from the GUI, output shows that the path has strage characters at the beginning, can anybody help me with this? | 11:58 |
GNU-GPL | thanks! | 11:58 |
mjr | kethinov, something that contains non-free driver modules, and should be installed by default | 11:58 |
GNU-GPL | :) | 11:59 |
robodex | there's one | 11:59 |
robodex | :p | 11:59 |
GNU-GPL | !awards | 11:59 |
ubotu | somebody said awards was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubunturocks | 11:59 |
kethinov | mjr, i'll check to make sure that it is installed | 11:59 |
=== franzx [n=franz@213-102-91-14.cust.tele2.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
robodex | all I can say is Ubuntu is the only distro I've used for more than three hours | 11:59 |
onkarshinde | BeFalou: Any particular reason for compiling yourself? I never had any problem with vlc | 11:59 |
GNU-GPL | guess you haven't tried many then | 11:59 |
GNU-GPL | ;) | 11:59 |
robodex | I'm at the point now where I haven't touched windows in about two weeks | 11:59 |
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@ppp-40-250.grapevine.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
robodex | well I tried xandros a long time ago, and somehow managed to make it into a debian install | 12:00 |
=== dtamas [n=dtamas@IP-115.c-211.tvnetwork.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BeFalou | onkarshinde: I want wmv9 support | 12:00 |
robodex | I had major issues with fedora core 3 (mainly with the updater) | 12:00 |
aftertaf | robodex: must be hot in your room then.. how do you renew the air? | 12:00 |
onkarshinde | robodex: All I can say that Ubuntu is the only distro of which I will be using third consecutive release when Breezy comes out | 12:00 |
robodex | heh same here | 12:00 |
robodex | I still have my warty CDs somewhere :) | 12:01 |
GNU-GPL | hehe | 12:01 |
robodex | although I'm going to wait until breezy is complete before I dist-upgrade | 12:01 |
nalioths_dog | robodex, very good idea | 12:01 |
GNU-GPL | boh.. i like adventures | 12:01 |
GNU-GPL | :P | 12:01 |
GNU-GPL | (so i run breezy colony 4) | 12:01 |
onkarshinde | BaFalou: See if this helps you https://wiki.ubuntu.com//RestrictedFormats#head-d67b20adc8d30f9d239222912aeb42f2e456b36b It is not exactly related to vlc | 12:01 |
kethinov | mjr, apt could not find a package called linux-restricted-modules | 12:01 |
robodex | I made the mistake of dist-upgrading about a month before hoary was stable, and I had nothing but problems... And since breezy is a MAJOR gcc upgrade I think I'll pass on updating | 12:02 |
franzx | Hello! what options do i have to set for ntfs in /etc/fstab so that to linux copied data is not executable, but writeable? (ntfs is ro) | 12:02 |
kethinov | mjr, also, another reason i'm not sure it's an nvidia issue is because i had the driver working correctly in other distros (such as fedora) before switching to ubuntu | 12:02 |
nalioths_dog | !tell franzx about ntfs | 12:02 |
GNU-GPL | what bot commands are there anyway | 12:02 |
onkarshinde | franzx: umask=0111 | 12:03 |
GNU-GPL | how do i add a new thing? | 12:03 |
franzx | i try | 12:03 |
thoreauputic | GNU-GPL: /msg ubotu help | 12:03 |
onkarshinde | franzx: Tell me if it works. | 12:03 |
GNU-GPL | i did.. but that didn't give me shit | 12:03 |
GNU-GPL | ;) | 12:03 |
thoreauputic | !ubotu | 12:03 |
ubotu | Thaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my brain on http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, or better than SmarterChild | 12:03 |
thoreauputic | GNU-GPL: try "add" | 12:04 |
robodex | anyway guys I'd love to stay and chat but I have to be on a 6:55 bus to get to school, cya | 12:04 |
GNU-GPL | loll | 12:04 |
robodex | (commuting to university is FUN!) | 12:04 |
idab | hey | 12:05 |
idab | can anyone tell how to get eggdrop from the files on the pc? | 12:05 |
GNU-GPL | some things just | 12:05 |
=== jorgp2 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial2-195.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
franzx | onkarshinde: i think i broke something my directories are now viewed as files my options are "user,auto,umask=0111,nls=utf8" | 12:07 |
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=== pawdro [n=pawdro@acl93.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | franzx: that umsk stops access to directories - try 0011 if the 1 is really what you wanted | 12:10 |
DVSoftware | !crawling | 12:10 |
ubotu | crawling is, like, totally, short for CRAWLIIIING IN MY SKIN, THESE WOUNDS, THEY WILL NOT HEAL!!! | 12:10 |
DVSoftware | Laughing out loud | 12:10 |
Ng | genius | 12:10 |
onkarshinde | franzx: This shouldn't happen. The user mask affects permissions only | 12:10 |
pawdro | hello, can anyone write me repository to install jdk? | 12:10 |
Ng | pollute the information bot, what a great plan | 12:10 |
thoreauputic | !forget crawling | 12:11 |
ubotu | i didn't have anything called 'crawling', thoreauputic | 12:11 |
thoreauputic | ok | 12:11 |
=== Madeye [n=Jad@] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
bimberi | that was me in /query | 12:11 |
Madeye | hey, guys is it safe to upgrade to breezy preview now? | 12:11 |
Ng | no | 12:11 |
franzx | onkarshinde: thanx but i think i reboot and try the script nalioths_dog mentioned to me | 12:11 |
Ng | it will be safe when breezy is released | 12:11 |
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franzx | cu | 12:12 |
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bimberi | !tell pawdro about java | 12:13 |
goo | Madeye: previews are never safe, just great fun | 12:13 |
mjr | hmm, I could risk my laptop soonish... | 12:14 |
=== chavo [n=chavo@202.sub-70-212-20.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GNU-GPL | !gpl | 12:15 |
ubotu | GNU-GPL: Do they come in packets of five? | 12:15 |
pawdro | i c | 12:16 |
GNU-GPL | i don't get ubotu.. i do as instructed.. but nothing works | 12:17 |
=== kandoora_ [n=kandoora@ldc002.emirates.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kandoora_ | how do i uninstall ubuntu so that the drive can be recognized by window again | 12:18 |
GNU-GPL | why? | 12:18 |
GNU-GPL | windows suck | 12:19 |
Madeye | hmm thanks | 12:19 |
sn0n | kandoora_, wat you tryin to do exactly ? | 12:19 |
Madeye | guys is there difference between upgrading to breezy or fresh installation? | 12:19 |
kandoora_ | well i got a 20 gig window and 20 gig ubuntu | 12:19 |
sn0n | ok.. and what are you trying to do? | 12:19 |
nalioths_dog | Madeye, you should upgrade to keep your settings | 12:19 |
sn0n | just get rid of ubuntu completely? | 12:19 |
kandoora_ | i wanna do something that i can't explain | 12:20 |
sn0n | then why are you attempting to ask ? | 12:20 |
kandoora_ | so how do i uninstall ubuntu | 12:20 |
GNU-GPL | hehe | 12:20 |
sn0n | is there a !ban noob button? | 12:20 |
sn0n | cuz its needed | 12:20 |
sn0n | ;-) | 12:20 |
deFrysk | Madeye, fresh install gives the complete package set of breezy upgrade does not | 12:20 |
chavo | sn0n, be careful what you wish for | 12:20 |
GNU-GPL | deFrysk, horse shit | 12:20 |
GNU-GPL | :P | 12:20 |
nalioths_dog | Madeye, decisions, decisions | 12:21 |
deFrysk | no not | 12:21 |
sn0n | LoL chavo | 12:21 |
GNU-GPL | yes | 12:21 |
kandoora_ | r u beeing funny or r u here to help others | 12:21 |
Madeye | heh | 12:21 |
deFrysk | GNU-GPL, like serpentine is not added with upgrade | 12:21 |
deFrysk | dut u get it with fresh install | 12:21 |
sn0n | im here cuz i needed to idle somewhere.. may as well be in the channel of the distro im using | 12:21 |
GNU-GPL | deFrysk, ehmm apt-get? | 12:21 |
Madeye | well hmm, do you think I'll be missing something cool if i don't do fresh install ? | 12:21 |
sn0n | as for you.. maybe try #windows | 12:21 |
nalioths_dog | madeye i upgraded one of my undersused ibooks to breezy earlier and have new things in it | 12:21 |
thoreauputic | deFrysk: *cough* dist-upgrade | 12:21 |
bimberi | kandoora_: you don't need to uninstall ubuntu, you just need to format it from windows | 12:21 |
sn0n | or better explain EXACTLY what your trying to do | 12:21 |
deFrysk | thoreauputic, try it with dist-upgrade | 12:22 |
kandoora_ | bimber: but i can't see the drive from windows | 12:22 |
nalioths_dog | thoreauputic, clear your throat again? | 12:22 |
deFrysk | and see is you get all the packages of breezy | 12:22 |
thoreauputic | deFrysk: I'm sorry to say you are misinformed | 12:22 |
sn0n | cuz 'uninstall ubuntu' isnt sayin much.. you could use windows disk management to just blast the partition and format ntfs, and ubuntu would be 'uninstalled' | 12:22 |
deFrysk | thoreauputic, am i now ? | 12:22 |
GNU-GPL | yes you are | 12:22 |
GNU-GPL | ;) | 12:22 |
sn0n | kandoora_, of course not.. just delete the partiton | 12:23 |
sn0n | and create a new one | 12:23 |
onkarshinde | kandoora_: which windows? | 12:23 |
deFrysk | dont thinks so , but hey ;) | 12:23 |
=== n3C [n=n3C@klik28.klik.bydgoszcz.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
onkarshinde | kandoora_: Win 2K? | 12:23 |
GNU-GPL | win xp? | 12:23 |
GNU-GPL | win 3.12 wfw | 12:23 |
sn0n | onkarshinde, dont really matter what version of windows.. no windows can read ext2, ext3, reiser.. unless you use a prog | 12:23 |
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kandoora_ | thanks guys | 12:24 |
=== pawdro [n=pawdro@acl93.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madeye | ok where I can find breezy repos so I can upgrade? | 12:24 |
sn0n | there is a program called Explorefs3 or something like that.. | 12:24 |
kandoora_ | thanks for helping out a noob | 12:24 |
onkarshinde | sn0n: At least win 2k or winxp have a disk management application from where he can format that partition. | 12:24 |
sn0n | http://uranus.it.swin.edu.au/~jn/linux/explore2fs.htm | 12:24 |
GNU-GPL | Madeye, change all hoary entries into breezy | 12:24 |
sn0n | onkarshinde, didnt you see me say that like 5 minutes ago | 12:24 |
deFrysk | Madeye, just switch hoary to breezy | 12:24 |
chavo | explore2fs can read ext2 partitions | 12:24 |
deFrysk | in sources.list | 12:24 |
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Madeye | okay | 12:24 |
sn0n | chavo, ext2 and ext3 support | 12:25 |
chavo | there's also some filesystem drivers | 12:25 |
sn0n | says the website.. read before you speak | 12:25 |
deFrysk | Madeye, make sure to comment anything backport out | 12:25 |
chavo | bbut one didn't work and one gives me BSOD | 12:25 |
thoreauputic | sn0n: please adjust your attitude a bit | 12:25 |
bimberi | seconded | 12:25 |
sn0n | thoreauputic, eh.. i'll pass.. ;-) | 12:25 |
=== brownie17 [n=fraser@static-203-87-6-82.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GNU-GPL | !kick sn0n attitude boy! | 12:26 |
ubotu | GNU-GPL: Do they come in packets of five? | 12:26 |
sn0n | if i 'adjust anything.. its my attendance of this channel.. ;-) but thnx for caring | 12:26 |
onkarshinde | sn0n: chavo: http://uranus.it.swin.edu.au/~jn/linux/ext2ifs.htm You can use this to mount linux partition as drive | 12:26 |
GNU-GPL | hehe | 12:26 |
=== nalioths_dog is now known as nalioth | ||
chavo | he'll get what's coming to him | 12:26 |
thoreauputic | sn0n: feel free | 12:26 |
sn0n | hehehe | 12:26 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
brownie17 | nalioth: why do you use nalioth and nalioths_dog? or is your dog just a very smart little cookie? | 12:26 |
sn0n | lol.. nalioth again.. :p | 12:26 |
nalioth | sn0n, this is not the first tie | 12:26 |
onkarshinde | kandoora_: Are you still there? | 12:27 |
nalioth | time for this | 12:27 |
=== sn0n [n=rob@c-24-4-50-62.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
pawdro | can I install deb for debian sun-j2se5.0-jdk-binary (i386) and would it don't harm system? | 12:27 |
Seveas | pawdro, no | 12:27 |
Seveas | better grab one from hoary-extras seveas.ubuntulinux.nl | 12:27 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
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brownie17 | chanserv 0796858 | 12:28 |
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=== DVSoftware goes off for one week | ||
=== Tomcat_ [n=Tomcat@p54A1940A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GNU-GPL | DVSoftware, i thought you would never leave! *kidding* | 12:28 |
GNU-GPL | :P | 12:28 |
DVSoftware | i have to go home | 12:28 |
DVSoftware | to serbia | 12:29 |
DVSoftware | ;) | 12:29 |
GNU-GPL | right.. ok ;) | 12:29 |
DVSoftware | cya everybody | 12:29 |
=== Yvonne [n=justme@cn-sdm-cr02-2552.dial.kabelfoon.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GNU-GPL | bye bye.. till next time | 12:29 |
GNU-GPL | take care | 12:29 |
DVSoftware | i will ;) | 12:30 |
peterretief | DVSoftware: have a good time. | 12:30 |
DVSoftware | peterretief: tnx | 12:30 |
=== CaiN_SA [n=cain@rrba-146-76-48.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== nalioth is now known as nalioths_dog | ||
peterretief | DVSoftware: np | 12:30 |
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=== DVSoftware [n=kvirc@pc122.sks1.muni.cz] has left #ubuntu ["Hello,] | ||
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GNU-GPL | farewell is allways hard | 12:32 |
GNU-GPL | :S | 12:32 |
thoreauputic | right :) | 12:32 |
=== tarvid [n=tarvid@68-67-192-202.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GNU-GPL | :P | 12:32 |
bimberi | ubotu: gpl is http://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html | 12:33 |
ubotu | bimberi: okay | 12:33 |
bimberi | there you go | 12:33 |
onkarshinde | And now I will try | 12:33 |
onkarshinde | !gpl | 12:33 |
ubotu | gpl is probably http://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html | 12:33 |
tommi^ | Hi. I installed msttcorefonts package to get verdana font so that some office files would display correctly and now they do. Now I noticed that, for an example, firefox looks ugly is harder to read than before. Obviously the package changed my fonts to worse. How could I have that verdana font and still have good looking fonts? Thanks | 12:33 |
tarvid | any hints on getting webmin to work with apache2 | 12:33 |
tarvid | looks like the default module is looking for apache (1) | 12:34 |
GNU-GPL | !forget gpl | 12:34 |
ubotu | i forgot gpl, GNU-GPL | 12:34 |
GNU-GPL | ubotu: GPL is the General Public License is the most common license form used when distributing Linux software. For more information on the GPL license, visit: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html | 12:35 |
ubotu | GNU-GPL: okay | 12:35 |
=== bimberi thinks that's much better :) | ||
onkarshinde | !gpl | 12:35 |
ubotu | it has been said that gpl is the General Public License is the most common license form used when distributing Linux software. For more information on the GPL license, visit: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html | 12:35 |
Madeye | so it's just three simple steps, edit source.list comment backports, replace hoary with breezy, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and you are done? | 12:36 |
onkarshinde | GNU-GPL: You are great | 12:36 |
=== noirequus [n=johndark@pdpc/supporter/bronze/nalioth] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | ubotu no gpl is <reply> the General Public License is the most common license form used | 12:36 |
ubotu | okay, thoreauputic | 12:36 |
thoreauputic | when distributing Linux software. For more information on the GPL license, visit: | 12:36 |
thoreauputic | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html | 12:36 |
thoreauputic | hmm | 12:36 |
thoreauputic | !gpl | 12:36 |
ubotu | the General Public License is the most common license form used | 12:36 |
thoreauputic | ah rats, sorry | 12:36 |
=== Frafra [n=Frafra@d83-176-65-5.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bimberi | gawd, what a mess! | 12:36 |
Frafra | ciao a tutti | 12:36 |
bimberi | :) | 12:36 |
Frafra | opz | 12:36 |
onkarshinde | Madeye: That should do. | 12:36 |
GNU-GPL | !forget gpl | 12:36 |
Frafra | hi all (excuse me) | 12:36 |
ubotu | GNU-GPL: i forgot gpl | 12:36 |
=== thoreauputic will fix | ||
onkarshinde | Frafra: Hi | 12:37 |
Frafra | i'm on breezy for amd64 | 12:37 |
Frafra | i've a problem: http://rafb.net/paste/results/AQxL5J34.html | 12:37 |
pawdro | Saveas: but there isn't jdk | 12:37 |
GNU-GPL | ubotu: GPL is The General Public License (GPL), the most common license form used when distributing Linux software. For more information on the GPL license, visit: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html | 12:37 |
ubotu | GNU-GPL: okay | 12:37 |
pawdro | on your site | 12:37 |
GNU-GPL | !gpl | 12:37 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, gpl is The General Public License (GPL), the most common license form used when distributing Linux software. For more information on the GPL license, visit: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html | 12:37 |
idab | root@fast:/home/seatouch # mysql -u root -p | 12:37 |
idab | Enter password: | 12:37 |
idab | ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using password: YES) | 12:37 |
=== Alex_BO [n=Administ@host130-107.pool8539.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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idab | can anyone tell me how to fix this | 12:37 |
idab | ? | 12:37 |
Seveas | idab, did you just install mysql? | 12:38 |
tarvid | idab, try without a password | 12:38 |
Seveas | if so: the default account on there is root without password | 12:38 |
=== brownie17 [n=fraser@static-203-87-6-82.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Red_Bullet | please tell me program for icons for xfce | 12:38 |
idab | oiks | 12:38 |
idab | Seveas, how to change the pass? | 12:38 |
gorilla | idab, google for it... basically you reload mysqld without reading the grant table. you can then login onto mysql with password. | 12:38 |
idab | for mysql? | 12:38 |
idab | now i can login | 12:39 |
brownie17 | why isn't rythmbox in synaptic? | 12:39 |
gorilla | idab, update user set password("new password") where user ="root" | 12:39 |
Frafra | http://rafb.net/paste/results/AQxL5J34.html -- I need a library? | 12:39 |
onkarshinde | brownie17: What do you mean? Are you on breesy preview? | 12:40 |
idab | hmm.. | 12:40 |
idab | ok | 12:40 |
Seveas | gorilla, bad idea | 12:40 |
Seveas | won't work | 12:40 |
idab | thats the terminal command right | 12:40 |
Seveas | and will make it impossible to login | 12:40 |
brownie17 | onkarshinde, noi am not, is it spelt "rhythmbox"? | 12:40 |
gorilla | Seveas, which bit?? | 12:40 |
cvt | which files do i download? http://www1.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/design7/dload.html | 12:40 |
idab | Seveas, tell please | 12:40 |
Seveas | not crypt() ing the password bit | 12:40 |
onkarshinde | brownie17: Right. You misspelled it. Correct is rhythmbox | 12:40 |
gorilla | Seveas, you don't crypt is you password() it :-) | 12:40 |
onkarshinde | cvt: Why do you need mplayer? | 12:40 |
idab | Seveas, so hw? | 12:41 |
brownie17 | onkarshinde, argh, missedspelt in X-Chat but not in synaptic | 12:41 |
=== _Rappy_ [n=hunt-pre@dsl-253-122.monet.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | GNU-GPL: sorry to stuff that up :( | 12:41 |
cvt | onkarshinde, to play videos | 12:41 |
rcdarkangel | hi all | 12:41 |
cvt | i can't even play a dvd right now | 12:41 |
thoreauputic | GNU-GPL: the factoid looks fine now, thanks | 12:41 |
Seveas | gorilla, ah missed the () but now it is a syntax error ;) | 12:41 |
Madeye | you know what i cannot understand, only 118MB need to upgrade?> | 12:41 |
brownie17 | onkarshinde, ohhh. i did misspell it | 12:41 |
idab | Seveas, please tell with the correct syntext | 12:41 |
brownie17 | onkarshinde, now i feel like a fool | 12:41 |
cvt | i don't understand which files to download because it's too confusing. | 12:41 |
onkarshinde | cvt: Install totem-xine instead. It will replace totem-gstreamer and works pretty well. | 12:41 |
rcdarkangel | can i get a hand? | 12:41 |
Seveas | idab, I don't know by heart, read the mysql manual... | 12:42 |
gorilla | Sevas, update user set password=password("new password") where user ="root" | 12:42 |
idab | ok | 12:42 |
onkarshinde | cvt: Use Synaptic for installing totem-xine | 12:42 |
gorilla | Seveas, you then need to flush the tables. | 12:42 |
Seveas | gorilla, doesnt set password password('foo'); also work? | 12:42 |
rcdarkangel | I need someone help? | 12:42 |
GNU-GPL | thoreauputic, no prob ;-) | 12:42 |
thoreauputic | GNU-GPL: OK :) | 12:43 |
gorilla | Seveas, I'm not sure... depends on mysql version. | 12:43 |
gorilla | Seveas, perhaps?? | 12:43 |
=== thoreauputic was a bit embarassed | ||
finn | rcdarkangel, just ask your question, people will probably help | 12:43 |
rcdarkangel | sorry | 12:43 |
onkarshinde | cvt: http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=9&url=https%3A//wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats&ei=K2chQ_i7LZ22YJjq1L8E | 12:43 |
rcdarkangel | did not want to bother anyone too much | 12:43 |
onkarshinde | rcdarkangel: This is the place to bother others. Otherwise the community will collapse | 12:44 |
cvt | onkarshinde, i have no idea what that link means. i've been reading it for days. | 12:44 |
brownie17 | onkarshinde, rhythmbox was working fine, then i installed the plugin that is the only other file in synaptic when you search for it, and now it won't load. i can uninstall the plugin, and it will probably work again, but the amount of just annoying little stuff-ups like this in ubuntu in REALLY giving me the shits | 12:44 |
finn | people wouldn't hang out here if they did mind people asking questions | 12:44 |
onkarshinde | cvt: You need to edit some files | 12:44 |
brownie17 | onkarshinde, i really want this plugin to work, got any ideas? | 12:45 |
onkarshinde | cvt: Type this command on terminal 'sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' | 12:45 |
rcdarkangel | i was trying to install gftp-2.0.18. But it asked for all these other things. so i installed them through the package manager but when ever i try to ./configure gtk+-2.8.1. i get errors saying i dont have the latesest files of cairo etc. ANd python wont let me install it. I am a total newb have just swtiched from windows xp to linux because some idiot put me in charge of 3 servers at work :-) | 12:45 |
onkarshinde | brownie17: haven't played with R***x very much. So no idea | 12:45 |
brownie17 | onkarshinde, how do i find out which version of rhythmbox i have? | 12:46 |
rcdarkangel | im so used to being flamed | 12:46 |
=== B|ueMat [n=B_lueMat@cpc1-tall4-3-0-cust137.dbln.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | rcdarkangel, don't compilr things yourself | 12:46 |
thoreauputic | rcdarkangel: why are you compiling gftp? | 12:46 |
Seveas | it's all in the repositories... | 12:46 |
rcdarkangel | cause it told me to | 12:46 |
onkarshinde | brownie17: try dpkg --list rhythmbox | 12:46 |
=== gorilla slaps his forehead... | ||
Seveas | you only fuck up your system by compiling all these things yourself | 12:46 |
finn | ie, just type in 'sudo apt-get install gftp' | 12:46 |
cvt | onkarshinde, ok i did that | 12:47 |
B|ueMat | Does it matter when mounting a fat fs in ubuntu if its FAT or FAT32? | 12:47 |
brownie17 | onkarshinde, thanx | 12:47 |
noirequus | rcdarkangel: yes you do (my ibook breezy upgrade got scrambled cuz of all the crap i had on it) | 12:47 |
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rcdarkangel | oh | 12:47 |
rcdarkangel | im sorry | 12:47 |
onkarshinde | cvt: now you have to uncomment (remove #) some lines that have words like 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/hoary universe' | 12:48 |
rcdarkangel | yay it works that was easy | 12:48 |
finn | rcdarkangel, nah, don't be sorry :) just enjoy the learning experience | 12:48 |
finn | the wonders of apt-get | 12:48 |
gorilla | rcdarkangel, you should only compile something if it's not available in a repository.. and you are willing to break other stuff. | 12:48 |
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rcdarkangel | i am finding it is very, very different to windows | 12:48 |
aftertaf | rcdarkangel: it IS... ;) | 12:48 |
thoreauputic | rcdarkangel: you might want to add the universe repository at least | 12:48 |
onkarshinde | B|ueMat: It doesn't matter which is it. You always specify it as vfat. | 12:48 |
rcdarkangel | ? | 12:48 |
noirequus | rcdarkangel: much more freedom here | 12:48 |
thoreauputic | !tell rcdarkangel about repos | 12:48 |
rcdarkangel | no more microsfot activation yay! | 12:49 |
B|ueMat | onkarshinde, thatnks I know there is a lot of issues with NTFS, is FAT moreless godd to go? | 12:49 |
thoreauputic | !tell rcdarkangel about synaptic | 12:49 |
gorilla | rcdarkangel, What's microsoft activation? ;-) | 12:49 |
rcdarkangel | lol | 12:50 |
finn | rcdarkangel, http://ubuntuguide.org/#repositories that is probably a good place to start learning about repositories, apt-get and getting most of the software installed you'll ever need | 12:50 |
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onkarshinde | B|ueMat: There are really very less issued with NTFS. But what actually you want to do using NTFS or FAT? | 12:50 |
rcdarkangel | i was already reading that guide but thanks for the linkgs | 12:50 |
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onkarshinde | cvt: Refer this page http://ubuntuguide.org/#repositories | 12:50 |
cvt | onkarshinde, can't i just install mplayer to handle all this? | 12:50 |
thoreauputic | rcdarkangel: actually be careful of that guide- it isn't always right | 12:50 |
B|ueMat | onkarshinde, I want to be able to write from linux to FAT32 partiton, basically to transfer stuff between both OS, I know and have used NTFS read only.. | 12:51 |
rcdarkangel | my company has got rid of every other technician including the linux gurus put me in charge of all the servers, adsl and dialup and said dont f**K up. so im glad ppl like you are here | 12:51 |
Gorgonzola | rcdarkangel, it is very different to windows but as a new ubuntu user myself i can assure you you'll quickly get up to pace (enough to figure most things out yourself) | 12:51 |
thoreauputic | rcdarkangel: a better place to look is the wiki | 12:51 |
thoreauputic | !tell rcdarkangel about docs | 12:51 |
noirequus | onkarshinde: please dont advise that, we have a bot here just for that purpose | 12:51 |
Gorgonzola | rcdarkangel, hehe, been dumped into something is the best way to learn.... although trying not to f**k up is the hard part :) | 12:51 |
finn | i'm glad i just said probably then :) | 12:51 |
rcdarkangel | im scared to hell lol | 12:52 |
onkarshinde | cvt: The package management in Ubuntu takes care of all dependencies. It will make easy to install almost any package if you follow this. | 12:52 |
noirequus | !tell rcdarkangel about sources | 12:52 |
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gorilla | noirequus, can we programm the bot to kick anyone that mentions ubuntuguide.org?? :-) | 12:52 |
rcdarkangel | i must say i like the whole penguin thing | 12:52 |
onkarshinde | B|ueMat: In that case FAT32 is really good. No problems with it at all. | 12:52 |
thoreauputic | rcdarkangel: bookmark the URLs ubotu is sending you ;) | 12:52 |
=== bimberi thinks rcdarkangel is probably suffering from ubotu overload by now | ||
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rcdarkangel | already have! | 12:52 |
B|ueMat | onkarshinde, Thanks alot | 12:53 |
rob^ | gorilla, don't worry about it, once breezy is released you wont need ubuntu guide | 12:53 |
thoreauputic | rcdarkangel: :)) | 12:53 |
noirequus | gorilla: not so abrupt, but'd be nice for it to issue an explanation of it | 12:53 |
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gorilla | rob^, how does breezy change the situation? | 12:53 |
rob^ | gorilla, the FAQ Guide will be the default help in Yelp | 12:54 |
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noirequus | gorilla: the doc team is building a ubuntu howto guide, to be released with breezy | 12:54 |
Madeye | you know what i cannot understand, only 118MB need to upgrade?> | 12:54 |
gorilla | oh :-) nice one guys... | 12:54 |
rob^ | :) thanks | 12:54 |
=== Determinist lights a smoke | ||
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rcdarkangel | thank you all. my current problem is solved but i think i might stick around for a while :-) | 12:55 |
thoreauputic | rcdarkangel: welcome to Freedom ;-) | 12:55 |
noirequus | rcdarkangel: be careful, you'll end up helpin someone | 12:55 |
monteiro | i've my system slow with a P4 2,4 with 256 RAM (my mouse stops is a logitech ps/2 mouse) in winxp the mouse works perfecly :((( | 12:56 |
rcdarkangel | lol me. I dont think i will ever know enough lol | 12:56 |
thoreauputic | rcdarkangel: you'll be surprised | 12:56 |
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thoreauputic | rcdarkangel: if you lurk you'll soon have a repertoire of answers :) | 12:57 |
onkarshinde | rcdarkangel: I used to think same way. Now I can give advice to others on my own. | 12:57 |
rcdarkangel | watch cat radius.log | 12:58 |
rcdarkangel | shit | 12:58 |
rcdarkangel | wrong window | 12:58 |
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rcdarkangel | bash- lol is not a command | 12:58 |
thoreauputic | rcdarkangel: I do that all the time ;) | 12:59 |
thoreauputic | rcdarkangel: hahah | 12:59 |
rob^ | rcdarkangel, bash is a command, a command that runs the bash terminal | 12:59 |
candlelight | gorilla, what's wrong with ubuntuguide when it's listed on the ubuntu doc site? | 12:59 |
rob^ | %s/command/program/ | 01:00 |
candlelight | gorilla, anyone suggesting something listed on the official site deserves a kick? | 01:00 |
rob^ | !ubuntuguide | 01:00 |
ubotu | ubuntuguide is, like, a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide. Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. The official FAQ Guide will be released with Breezy, stay tuned. | 01:00 |
thoreauputic | candlelight: if you hang around here for a while you'll see that the guide has caused some problems | 01:00 |
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rob^ | !faq | 01:00 |
ubotu | rumour has it, faq is Frequently Asked Questions you can check it out from here ---> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrequentlyAskedQuestions | 01:00 |
rob^ | hmm that will have to change | 01:01 |
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Gryvix | hmm a menu froze in my menubar, anyone knows how to unfreeze it? | 01:03 |
rob^ | ubotu no faq is The Ubuntu FAQ Guide: select System -> Help (in Breezy) | 01:03 |
ubotu | rob^: okay | 01:03 |
rcdarkangel | answer me this | 01:04 |
=== da_bon_bon [n=rohan@unaffiliated/dabonbon/x-000000001] has joined #ubuntu | ||
da_bon_bon | hi all | 01:04 |
da_bon_bon | anyone tried breezy preview ? | 01:04 |
rcdarkangel | who the hell puts a 17 year old in charge for the servers for a country wide isp? | 01:04 |
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rob^ | da_bon_bon, yes | 01:04 |
gorilla | thanks rob. | 01:04 |
da_bon_bon | rcdarkangel: who is the 17 year old ? | 01:04 |
rob^ | da_bon_bon, its good | 01:04 |
rcdarkangel | me | 01:05 |
da_bon_bon | rob^: define "good" | 01:05 |
da_bon_bon | pelas | 01:05 |
da_bon_bon | *please | 01:05 |
da_bon_bon | i am debating whether to try it or no | 01:05 |
rob^ | da_bon_bon, wait until it is released though if you are not experienced yet | 01:05 |
da_bon_bon | or wait for stable | 01:05 |
da_bon_bon | rob^: i am pretty experienced | 01:05 |
da_bon_bon | which issues, very noticable, does it solve ? | 01:05 |
pawdro | how to get make-jpkg? | 01:05 |
da_bon_bon | and noticable new features | 01:05 |
da_bon_bon | pawdro: apt-get install java-package | 01:06 |
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rob^ | I've not seen any noticable problems with the latest preview | 01:06 |
Gryvix | hmm a menu froze in my menubar, anyone knows how to unfreeze it? | 01:06 |
da_bon_bon | rob^: ok .. any new features ? | 01:06 |
da_bon_bon | Gryvix: wait for a few mins .. else killall gnome-panel | 01:07 |
rob^ | da_bon_bon, heaps | 01:07 |
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da_bon_bon | rob^: heaps ? what are they ? | 01:07 |
rob^ | da_bon_bon, check out Beagle and Best, they rock | 01:07 |
cvt | onkarshinde, i don't understand it. | 01:07 |
da_bon_bon | rob^: beagle is included ? | 01:07 |
rob^ | yes | 01:07 |
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pawdro | is make-jpkg required to make every package? | 01:07 |
da_bon_bon | rob^: oh! i thought "heaps" was a feature :( | 01:07 |
cvt | whatever happened, i can no longer play mp3'snow | 01:07 |
rob^ | haha | 01:07 |
da_bon_bon | pawdro: if you want a debian style java package, yes.. | 01:08 |
da_bon_bon | not every package | 01:08 |
da_bon_bon | pawdro: i suggest you use the unofficial ubuntu add-ons cdrom | 01:08 |
Trebz | Does anyone know of a tool similar to query analyzer (that comes with MSSQL server) for linux? | 01:08 |
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darksatanic | Trebz: MySQL has the "DESCRIBE" command. | 01:09 |
darksatanic | I think PostgreSQL has something similar. | 01:09 |
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Trebz | thanks | 01:10 |
da_bon_bon | rob^: any other ? | 01:10 |
rob^ | my faq guide in yelp :) | 01:10 |
da_bon_bon | rob^: would u suggest a hoary -> breezy update, or a clean install | 01:10 |
CaiN_SA | whooooooooohooooooooooo | 01:10 |
rob^ | OOo2 | 01:10 |
CaiN_SA | my live cd works | 01:10 |
rob^ | Ubuntu is made to be easily able to be dist-upgraded | 01:11 |
da_bon_bon | rob^: great :) more ? | 01:11 |
darksatanic | Trebz: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/7.4/static/sql-explain.html | 01:11 |
da_bon_bon | rob^: so, ok if i dist-upgrade to breezy ? | 01:11 |
CaiN_SA | rob^, not ubuntu | 01:11 |
rob^ | yes | 01:11 |
CaiN_SA | rather say : debian based distrobutions | 01:11 |
cvt | what did he have me do that stopped my mp3's from playing? | 01:11 |
da_bon_bon | right CaiN_SA :) | 01:11 |
noirequus | da_bon_bon: in *nix, one usually installs once, and upgrades forevermore | 01:11 |
da_bon_bon | noirequus: hmm.. fedora people dont :) | 01:12 |
rob^ | CaiN_SA, yes, but Ubuntu is focused on that | 01:12 |
CaiN_SA | debian also | 01:12 |
rob^ | more so then debian, although both are ok | 01:12 |
CaiN_SA | o da_bon_bon | 01:12 |
CaiN_SA | yes hoary to breezy works fine | 01:12 |
CaiN_SA | my other pc ran it | 01:12 |
da_bon_bon | CaiN_SA: you did a hoary to breezy ? | 01:12 |
CaiN_SA | works 100% | 01:13 |
CaiN_SA | yes | 01:13 |
noirequus | but i'd wait a couple of weeks | 01:13 |
CaiN_SA | nope | 01:13 |
CaiN_SA | breezy is fine | 01:13 |
rob^ | we did it to a pc at my last lug meet, all is good but wait until release | 01:13 |
CaiN_SA | in my opinion | 01:13 |
da_bon_bon | CaiN_SA: you got OOo2 ? beagle ? best ? | 01:13 |
CaiN_SA | no | 01:13 |
CaiN_SA | i got OO1 | 01:13 |
darksatanic | CaiN_SA: OO.o doesn't work on AMD64 at the moment. | 01:13 |
CaiN_SA | lol | 01:13 |
rob^ | yep | 01:13 |
CaiN_SA | openoffice ? | 01:13 |
CaiN_SA | how cant openoffice work on amd64 ? | 01:14 |
darksatanic | Library mismatch. | 01:14 |
CaiN_SA | lol ok | 01:14 |
CaiN_SA | java rubbish :P | 01:14 |
darksatanic | It wants libstdc++.so.6, and only .5 is available in ia32-libs | 01:14 |
darksatanic | Nothing to do with Java. | 01:14 |
CaiN_SA | yeh | 01:14 |
CaiN_SA | but i dont like java | 01:14 |
CaiN_SA | so ill blme it on that | 01:14 |
darksatanic | No, if you do that sort of thing, the list of reasons to hate Java just becomes totally unmanageable. | 01:15 |
da_bon_bon | lol, darksatanic | 01:15 |
da_bon_bon | CaiN_SA: you didnt get ooo2 ? | 01:15 |
da_bon_bon | why the hell ? | 01:15 |
=== cvt is crying | ||
CaiN_SA | oo2 is bete | 01:16 |
=== da_bon_bon passes a hanky to cvt | ||
CaiN_SA | *beta | 01:16 |
CaiN_SA | its not installed by default | 01:16 |
thoreauputic | cvt: what's the trouble? | 01:16 |
da_bon_bon | CaiN_SA: on breezy it is NOT ? | 01:16 |
da_bon_bon | rob^: ?? | 01:16 |
CaiN_SA | no | 01:16 |
CaiN_SA | beta stuff | 01:16 |
CaiN_SA | isnt on by default | 01:16 |
rob^ | da_bon_bon, sorry? | 01:16 |
CaiN_SA | apt-get install openoffice.org2 | 01:16 |
CaiN_SA | then you got it | 01:16 |
darksatanic | I'm just trying that. :) | 01:17 |
da_bon_bon | rob^: CaiN_SA is telling hoary to breezy wont give ooo2 by default | 01:17 |
CaiN_SA | yes | 01:17 |
CaiN_SA | duh | 01:17 |
CaiN_SA | listen | 01:17 |
CaiN_SA | you cant replace | 01:17 |
CaiN_SA | a stable product | 01:17 |
rob^ | da_bon_bon, its not hard to install anyway | 01:17 |
CaiN_SA | with a beta one | 01:17 |
rob^ | just use synaptic | 01:17 |
CaiN_SA | ya rob^ | 01:17 |
da_bon_bon | rob^: but, a breezy preview cd has ooo2 .. | 01:17 |
CaiN_SA | its easy | 01:17 |
da_bon_bon | ? | 01:17 |
rob^ | yep | 01:17 |
CaiN_SA | lol | 01:17 |
CaiN_SA | ya | 01:17 |
CaiN_SA | but | 01:18 |
da_bon_bon | CaiN_SA: gah! i am talking about a default install. | 01:18 |
CaiN_SA | hoary update wont do it auto | 01:18 |
gorilla | CaiN_SA, Agreed... rolled out beta software in releases is broken... | 01:18 |
rob^ | I have both installed.. | 01:18 |
CaiN_SA | omg da_bon_bon | 01:18 |
CaiN_SA | read what you said : | 01:18 |
da_bon_bon | rob^: so.. i think some other hoary things to might not be updated.. or that is not the case ? | 01:18 |
CaiN_SA | hoary to breezy update | 01:18 |
cvt | will someone walk me through how to play videos please? | 01:18 |
thoreauputic | CaiN_SA: a little more punctuation and a little less "enter", please | 01:19 |
da_bon_bon | CaiN_SA: i mean, the upgrade wont give it, but the cd has it .. i want to clarify that .. | 01:19 |
rob^ | da_bon_bon, everything should be updated that needs it | 01:19 |
da_bon_bon | cvt: ubuntuguide.org | 01:19 |
rob^ | !ubuntuguide | 01:19 |
ubotu | well, ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide. Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. The official FAQ Guide will be released with Breezy, stay tuned. | 01:19 |
CaiN_SA | yes da_bon_bon | 01:19 |
cvt | i need something more specific. | 01:19 |
GNU-GPL | well well.. no advise for ubuntuguide eh? it's the best guide aviable now (hoary) | 01:20 |
da_bon_bon | ok rob^ , didnt know that :( | 01:20 |
rob^ | GNU-GPL, no, use the wiki | 01:20 |
da_bon_bon | cvt: http://y.mrbass.org/ubuntuaddon.zip --- this works too | 01:20 |
da_bon_bon | though unofficial | 01:20 |
GNU-GPL | why? | 01:20 |
thoreauputic | GNU-GPL: this has been debated at some length :) | 01:20 |
rob^ | yes | 01:20 |
GNU-GPL | ooh.. ok.. | 01:20 |
GNU-GPL | well i find it a bit strange... that's all | 01:20 |
da_bon_bon | rob^: i think ug is good for people who "just want it" without bothering to know the internals :) | 01:20 |
rob^ | wiki is official, everyone can make sure it is correct | 01:20 |
rob^ | ubuntuguide is done by one person | 01:21 |
rob^ | and it breaks systems | 01:21 |
GNU-GPL | well wike can be changed by anyone, so it's not so trustworthy | 01:21 |
GNU-GPL | :P | 01:21 |
gorilla | da_bon_bon, except some of it is wrong!! | 01:21 |
GNU-GPL | wike = wiki | 01:21 |
rob^ | da_bon_bon, you will like the faq guide | 01:21 |
da_bon_bon | rob^: can i get a proof copy ? | 01:21 |
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thoreauputic | GNU-GPL: yes, well the ubuntuguide has its good and bad points, but soon, hopefully, we won't need it | 01:21 |
da_bon_bon | gorilla: whats wrong ? | 01:21 |
gorilla | GNU-GPL, yes and you can find out what was chnaged... not a problem. | 01:21 |
rob^ | The FAQ Guide in Breezy is based off ubuntuguide, but its heaps different | 01:21 |
cvt | there is no plugin to handle this movie | 01:22 |
GNU-GPL | ok.. i'll wait then | 01:22 |
GNU-GPL | ;) | 01:22 |
rob^ | for previews, see: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ | 01:22 |
thoreauputic | GNU-GPL: in general the wiki seems pretty good | 01:22 |
da_bon_bon | rob^: i want your final opinion .. should i get a cd, or must i update from hoary ? | 01:22 |
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thoreauputic | cvt: have you installed w32codecs? | 01:22 |
gorilla | da_bon_bon, the wrong things are 1. giving a list of instruction without explaination. 2. expecting people to jump to differtent sections.... ahhh enough reasons, I think. | 01:22 |
cvt | i don't think so. | 01:22 |
GNU-GPL | da_bon_bon, does it matter? | 01:22 |
rob^ | da_bon_bon, wait until closer to release then update to breezy once all the bugs are ironed out | 01:22 |
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thoreauputic | !tell cvt about codecs | 01:23 |
goo | rob^: sssh! I am upgrading to breezy as we speak :] | 01:23 |
cvt | i already read that like ten times. i don't understand it. | 01:23 |
=== spiral [n=spiral@laf31-2-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | cvt: the URLs for hoary-extras are near the bottom of that page | 01:23 |
rob^ | gorilla, it depends why they are jumping, telling people to see other sections is a technique used in lots of books | 01:23 |
goo | !tell goo about codecs | 01:23 |
rob^ | goo, heh | 01:24 |
cvt | k | 01:24 |
=== linner [n=kelley@pool-71-108-165-168.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GNU-GPL | !tell ubotu about linux | 01:24 |
rob^ | !restrictedformats | 01:24 |
ubotu | rumour has it, restrictedformats is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or 'codecs' | 01:24 |
thoreauputic | cvt: are you OK with editing your sources.list? | 01:24 |
linner | greetings and salutations | 01:24 |
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cvt | i don't know | 01:24 |
GNU-GPL | howdy | 01:24 |
rob^ | ok, I got some work to do on the guide.. | 01:24 |
rob^ | bbl | 01:24 |
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linner | how the heck are ya'll? | 01:25 |
gorilla | rob^, good point, but I found myself jumping becuase it wasn't explaining what was happening... or why to do it that way. | 01:25 |
GNU-GPL | linner, fine | 01:25 |
thoreauputic | cvt: have you read the synaptic howto? | 01:25 |
cvt | yes | 01:25 |
Somada142 | A little help : why is that totem player so bad with divx videos? the fps is terribly low | 01:25 |
cvt | the terms are over my head. | 01:25 |
rob^ | gorilla, in the faq guide it tells you why you are jumping | 01:25 |
linner | GNU-GPL, looks like i'm not the only one who can't sleep | 01:25 |
rob^ | I spent 6 hours last night fixing it before string freeze today | 01:25 |
thoreauputic | cvt: OK well use synaptic to add hoary-extras, reload, and install w32codecs | 01:25 |
=== clem_yeats [n=toto@cacher3.ericsson.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pawdro | what to do if I want to make package from eclipse? | 01:26 |
GNU-GPL | linner, it's daylight time here | 01:26 |
reiki | sleep? it's almost 7:30am here and I have to go to work in about 20 minutes | 01:26 |
reiki | :) | 01:26 |
linner | ahhh... it's 4:26a gere | 01:26 |
linner | here evenb | 01:26 |
linner | can't type ... sorry | 01:26 |
linner | :) | 01:26 |
GNU-GPL | lol | 01:26 |
Trebz | How can I stop linux changing my bios clock an hour backwards? | 01:26 |
gorilla | 8:56pm here. | 01:26 |
=== searcher` [n=searcher@ambeon.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | cvt: do you know anyone near where you live who can help with Ubuntu or Linux? | 01:26 |
=== da_bon_bon [n=rohan@unaffiliated/dabonbon/x-000000001] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linner | reiki, you must be on the east coast eh? | 01:26 |
da_bon_bon | hi | 01:26 |
da_bon_bon | sorry got disconnected | 01:26 |
Somada142 | someone please a little help with totem player? | 01:26 |
da_bon_bon | rob^: didnt catch your answer | 01:27 |
reiki | linner, yepper :) | 01:27 |
da_bon_bon | Somada142: shoot :) | 01:27 |
GNU-GPL | lolz | 01:27 |
linner | i'm originally from georgia | 01:27 |
linner | :) | 01:27 |
rob^ | da_bon_bon, to what? | 01:27 |
linner | da_bon_bon, hello :) | 01:27 |
cvt | thoreauputic, no. I actually help others install ubuntu and knoppix. | 01:27 |
Somada142 | i try to play divx and xvid videos but its terribly slow | 01:27 |
=== joblack [n=joha@p549D7F57.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | linner: Southern Belle, eh ? ;) | 01:27 |
cvt | but that's as far as i can go. | 01:27 |
da_bon_bon | rob^: i can download the iso of preview, and then use it as an apt source to update, right ? | 01:27 |
linner | thoreauputic, you know it! | 01:27 |
thoreauputic | linner: :) | 01:27 |
rob^ | yeah, but why bother? | 01:28 |
=== GNU-GPL is born form the mind of Richard Stallman | ||
linner | thoreauputic, *big grin* | 01:28 |
rob^ | GNU-GPL, not compleatly | 01:28 |
da_bon_bon | rob^: that way, i can always use the cd as a "clean install" source | 01:28 |
linner | who the heck is Richard Stallman? | 01:28 |
rcdarkangel | a great advocate of the free software movement | 01:28 |
Renski | linner: a very scary man who I have nightmares about | 01:28 |
linner | I think tonight I have an easy question, Thoreauputic... :) | 01:28 |
GNU-GPL | rob^, i know.. but he started it | 01:28 |
GNU-GPL | ;) | 01:28 |
linner | Renski, sorry to hear that... :) | 01:28 |
rob^ | yes, he had the forsight | 01:28 |
=== thoreauputic runs way from liner's easy questions | ||
linner | I just downloaded and installed an ftp program. Where on my system would I find it? | 01:29 |
rcdarkangel | * | 01:29 |
rcdarkangel | lot at thor | 01:29 |
linner | thoreauputic, LOL | 01:29 |
idab | can anyone tell how to change the pass for sql server/ | 01:29 |
GNU-GPL | linner, see my dad: http://www.stallman.org/ | 01:29 |
GNU-GPL | :P | 01:29 |
Renski | mysql? | 01:29 |
joblack | Hey guys, what's going wrong if my Ubuntu starts hanging for about 10 minutes while loading "Gnome session manager proxy"? | 01:29 |
linner | GNU-GPL, are you joking? | 01:29 |
thoreauputic | linner: but I admit I'm easy | 01:29 |
thoreauputic | ;) | 01:29 |
linner | thoreauputic, I'll be sure to spread it around... :) | 01:29 |
GNU-GPL | http://www.stallman.org/RMS_13_bendicindo.jpg | 01:29 |
idab | Renski, yeah | 01:29 |
GNU-GPL | guess who my dad is :P | 01:29 |
thoreauputic | linner: hahah | 01:30 |
da_bon_bon | anyway | 01:30 |
=== linner writes on the bathroom walls.... "Thoreauputic is easy".... | ||
linner | :) | 01:30 |
da_bon_bon | updated my apt sources | 01:30 |
da_bon_bon | will update to breezy | 01:30 |
da_bon_bon | cya all for now | 01:30 |
joblack | GNU-GPL: I'd be surprised not even if that guy'd find woman, but if he'd figure out how to use it | 01:30 |
Renski | which password do you want to change, a users? | 01:30 |
Renski | or root? | 01:30 |
GNU-GPL | LOL | 01:30 |
joblack | (Being myself a woman, I can assert you the last sentence is not anti-feministic) | 01:30 |
thoreauputic | linner: call <insert number> for a Good Time | 01:30 |
=== rob^ [n=rob@pdpc/supporter/student/rob-ubuntu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
reiki | call 1-800-thoreauputic For a Good Time | 01:31 |
linner | thoreauputic, you're a hoot! | 01:31 |
thoreauputic | heh | 01:31 |
GNU-GPL | lmao | 01:31 |
linner | GNU-GPL, ok so I went... what am i looking for? | 01:31 |
GNU-GPL | ? | 01:32 |
joblack | Nobody any ideas? | 01:32 |
Renski | idab: http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialMySQL.html | 01:32 |
reiki | hmmmm.... dog farts... better take her out before I go to work.... | 01:32 |
linner | it's quite text oriented... and i'm not into reading anything at this hour... :( sorry.... | 01:32 |
thoreauputic | cvt: do you have a local LUG ? (Linux Users Group) | 01:32 |
linner | dog farts??? ewe......... | 01:32 |
reiki | indeed | 01:32 |
reiki | brb | 01:32 |
GNU-GPL | how about rhino farts | 01:32 |
linner | GNU-GPL, little big for a pet isn't it? | 01:33 |
thoreauputic | GNU-GPL: take the rhino out too | 01:33 |
rcdarkangel | lol | 01:33 |
reiki | I don't have a pet rhino... I'd need a bigger yard... and a bigger pooper scooper | 01:33 |
rcdarkangel | nothing worse then a dog fart | 01:33 |
linner | no kidding... my puppy shoots 'em out left and right... | 01:33 |
thoreauputic | OK OK ... take it to #ubuntu-offtopic :) | 01:33 |
GNU-GPL | well.. not in africa | 01:33 |
GNU-GPL | ;) | 01:33 |
GNU-GPL | they life praticaly in your backyard | 01:33 |
linner | she's has the rankest butt on the planet! | 01:33 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o thoreauputic] by ChanServ | ||
linner | and it's so weird too... cause she's just the cutest little thing | 01:34 |
linner | ok... enough about flatulence | 01:34 |
linner | :) | 01:34 |
gorilla | beware the innocent looking things :-) | 01:34 |
thoreauputic | seriously now - #ubuntu-offtopic exists :) | 01:34 |
=== _TomB [n=ownthebo@ACC8F416.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linner | I know huh Gorilla! | 01:34 |
linner | ok... back to seriousness... | 01:34 |
linner | I have downloaded and installed an FTP program. Where on my 'puter would I find it? | 01:35 |
GNU-GPL | lol | 01:35 |
GNU-GPL | *prrrrt* | 01:35 |
=== GNU-GPL sings "oops he did it again, lalalalaa" | ||
=== thoreauputic tries to look like a serious op | ||
linner | I can't find it for the life of me.... | 01:35 |
GNU-GPL | thoreauputic, well try harder | 01:35 |
GNU-GPL | :P | 01:35 |
=== linner wonders how you can "LOOK" like a serious anything on IRC :) | ||
=== Fanskapet [n=din@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | GNU-GPL: watch your step! /me makes officious noises | 01:36 |
=== GNU-GPL hides | ||
=== linner grabs a dictionary to find out if "officious" is a word... :) | ||
thoreauputic | linner: when did you have your imagination transplant ? | 01:36 |
thoreauputic | *g* | 01:36 |
=== linner smacks the "serious" channel op.... | ||
linner | :) | 01:36 |
GNU-GPL | !tell linner about officious | 01:36 |
thoreauputic | linner: it is, don't bother looking | 01:37 |
linner | I'm just kiddin' around, Thoreau... :) | 01:37 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o thoreauputic] by thoreauputic | ||
gorilla | !define officious | 01:37 |
ubotu | gorilla: I don't know, could you explain it? | 01:37 |
GNU-GPL | a little humor enlightens the day | 01:37 |
rcdarkangel | ! so as an opinion whats the best install of linux. Please no bias :-) | 01:37 |
ubotu | rcdarkangel: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about | 01:37 |
thoreauputic | linner: yeah I know :) | 01:37 |
rcdarkangel | so as an opinion whats the best install of linux. Please no bias :-) | 01:37 |
=== linner does have more a little more intelligence than the blonde would show... :) | ||
nalioths_dog | rcdarkangel, openbsd | 01:37 |
=== aftertaf [n=david@sara2lee.agns.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linner | Ubuntu. | 01:37 |
linner | duh. | 01:37 |
linner | :) | 01:37 |
gorilla | rcdarkangel, ummm.. BSD.. I'm not biased :-) | 01:38 |
nalioths_dog | do i win a prize? | 01:38 |
GNU-GPL | ubotu: officious is the way thoreauputic sounds | 01:38 |
ubotu | okay, GNU-GPL | 01:38 |
thoreauputic | GNU-GPL: awww :( | 01:38 |
linner | GNU-GPL, understood... thanks! :) | 01:38 |
joblack | Damn does nobody have that problem that loading gnome session manager proxy hangs for a couple of minutes? | 01:38 |
gorilla | GNU-GPL, you mean types :-) | 01:38 |
GNU-GPL | !forget officious | 01:38 |
ubotu | i forgot officious, GNU-GPL | 01:38 |
=== thoreauputic is hurt | ||
=== Cueball|Work [n=lee@65.119-84-212.ippool.ndo.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== linner hugs thoreauputic | ||
linner | :) | 01:39 |
=== thoreauputic retires to lick his wounds | ||
GNU-GPL | ubotu: thoreauputic is a very nice person! | 01:39 |
rcdarkangel | i gotta switch to my windows install for a sec be back soon | 01:39 |
ubotu | GNU-GPL: okay | 01:39 |
=== duffman25 [n=javier@217.Red-80-25-51.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | GNU-GPL: ROFL | 01:39 |
thoreauputic | :D | 01:39 |
GNU-GPL | hehe | 01:39 |
linner | You know it's bad when you feel the need to talk to a bot! | 01:40 |
=== linner laughs | ||
aftertaf | and you're in trouble when the bot talks back | 01:40 |
linner | aftertaf! | 01:40 |
GNU-GPL | yes | 01:40 |
linner | how the heck are ya'! | 01:40 |
thoreauputic | linner: try the EMACS psychiatrist some time :) | 01:40 |
rob^ | !vi | 01:40 |
ubotu | rob^: Not a clue | 01:40 |
Somada142 | someone please a little help with totem player? i try to play divx and xvid videos but its terribly slow | 01:40 |
rob^ | haha | 01:40 |
gorilla | or some other eliza bot :-) | 01:40 |
=== linner wonders why she huged Thoreauputic after all... :( | ||
duffman25 | Hi. My sound in breezy is choppy. I had hoary sound working fine, but after upgrading sound is choppy. I did the hack in http://ubuntuguide.org/#configuresoundproperly | 01:41 |
thoreauputic | !start an editor war | 01:41 |
ubotu | notepad is better than xemacs | 01:41 |
aftertaf | cool... getting myself confused with funky linux features | 01:41 |
thoreauputic | hah | 01:41 |
gorilla | botu: vi is not emacs | 01:41 |
rob^ | duffman25, thats your problem, you used ubuntuguide | 01:41 |
gorilla | uot: vi is not emacs | 01:41 |
linner | aftertaf, you too? :) | 01:41 |
aftertaf | linner: oh yeah!! bigtime | 01:41 |
=== Linux_Galore [n=logan1@60-240-127-228.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
duffman25 | ok | 01:41 |
GNU-GPL | ubotu: vi is not emacs ;) | 01:41 |
ubotu | okay, GNU-GPL | 01:41 |
thoreauputic | linner: no no - there really *is* an EMACS psychiatrist, and it's funny | 01:41 |
Linux_Galore | hmm | 01:41 |
aftertaf | had to reboot both. | 01:41 |
duffman25 | thanxs | 01:41 |
duffman25 | .... | 01:41 |
linner | thoreauputic, ahh... can you tell I'm a newbie? | 01:41 |
=== linner hides the blonde hair... | ||
linner | :) | 01:42 |
linner | aftertaf, what's doing on??? | 01:42 |
duffman25 | My sound in breezy is choppy. I had hoary sound working fine, but after upgrading sound is choppy. I did the hack in http://ubuntuguide.org/#configuresoundproperly | 01:42 |
=== priest [n=priest@h65n9c1o838.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linner | aftertaf, not that I can help you... but I have a shoulder for ya'! :) | 01:42 |
reiki | ok... time to go... see ya'll in a bit from work | 01:42 |
gorilla | linner: forget it you can still see blonde roots. | 01:42 |
duffman25 | can somebody help me (I know rob^wont) | 01:42 |
thoreauputic | linner: well, not any more - you are a bit of a regular aren't you <wink> | 01:42 |
aftertaf | HZSCN reiki ;) | 01:42 |
reiki | getting so I hate to go to work just because I have to use a windows box.... that's weird | 01:42 |
aftertaf | er... ops. | 01:42 |
idab | hey | 01:42 |
linner | gorilla, I don't think so... ask Thoreauputic! Nice try though. :) | 01:42 |
idab | anyone mind telling me how to addusers to mysql? | 01:43 |
linner | thoreauputic, why yes I am!! :) | 01:43 |
reiki | aftertaf, Dai Ko Myo | 01:43 |
onkarshinde | duffman25: Why at all you upgraded? This isn't final breesy release. | 01:43 |
Linux_Galore | reiki: really.........wow I dont have windows at work...........some weird Linux virus wiped all the machines | 01:43 |
GNU-GPL | ubotu: newbie is a person who knows allmost nothing about a certain topic. | 01:43 |
ubotu | okay, GNU-GPL | 01:43 |
duffman25 | I did the upgrade because I wanted to help with breezy testing | 01:43 |
=== linner is a newbie... :) | ||
rob^ | hmm, like yourself who doesn't know how to spell "almost" | 01:43 |
aftertaf | linner: a shoulder is cool. a thing to stopmy brain falling out would be even better.... | 01:43 |
reiki | Linux_Galore, I wish... right now I'm slowly convincing them, but it's at a university and things happen slowly there :) | 01:43 |
=== aftertaf is a relative newbie | ||
thoreauputic | *linner is a _blonde_ newbie | 01:44 |
Linux_Galore | reiki: well use old machines and start a clug up | 01:44 |
rob^ | ubotu forget newbie | 01:44 |
ubotu | i forgot newbie, rob^ | 01:44 |
Linux_Galore | club* | 01:44 |
linner | aftertaf, I can let you borrow my stompy thing. :) | 01:44 |
GNU-GPL | ubotu: newbie is a person who knows almost nothing about a certain topic. | 01:44 |
ubotu | GNU-GPL: okay | 01:44 |
pawdro | where I can find the latest eclipse deb package | 01:44 |
duffman25 | I though people in here would try to help... | 01:44 |
GNU-GPL | there | 01:44 |
linner | thoreauputic, this is a true statement :) | 01:44 |
aftertaf | GNU-GPL: not good advice to muck around with the bot... | 01:44 |
thoreauputic | linner: I cannot tell a lie | 01:44 |
rob^ | GNU-GPL, don't fill the bot full of crap | 01:44 |
aftertaf | just from past observations | 01:44 |
idab | hello | 01:44 |
Linux_Galore | hmm go a cup of coffee | 01:44 |
idab | can someone please tell | 01:44 |
idab | ? | 01:44 |
linner | thoreauputic, you just did my friend ;) | 01:44 |
reiki | Linux_Galore, they have a university approved linux distribution, but it isn't used in our offices. My boss is at least listening though | 01:45 |
duffman25 | and not question why I use the ubuntuguide or why I upgraded to breezy eventhough it's not final | 01:45 |
GNU-GPL | !forget newbie | 01:45 |
ubotu | i forgot newbie, GNU-GPL | 01:45 |
idab | how to addusers to mysql | 01:45 |
Linux_Galore | sudo apt-get coffee | 01:45 |
thoreauputic | linner: I'll pay that ;) | 01:45 |
Linux_Galore | damn didnt work now i have to get up | 01:45 |
aftertaf | linner: thoreauputic just did your friend??? hmmm | 01:45 |
=== delltony [n=blah@dip-38.newnanutilities.org] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== linner reminds thoreauputic about the #ubuntu off-topic | ||
linner | aftertaf, what??????????????// | 01:45 |
duffman25 | anyone knows how to reconfigure sound packages to default settings? | 01:45 |
reiki | Linux_Galore, and that'd be apt-get INSTALL coffee.... works for me :) | 01:45 |
linner | who said I had friends? after all, i AM a geek :) | 01:45 |
Linux_Galore | reiki: heh heh | 01:45 |
reiki | ok... gotta run | 01:46 |
=== reiki waves | ||
thoreauputic | linner: you're a corrupting influence - i probably should kick you ;) | 01:46 |
Somada142 | someone please a little help with totem player? i try to play divx and xvid videos but its terribly slow | 01:46 |
=== linner bends over... :) | ||
linner | LOL | 01:46 |
delltony | hi, can someone help me with a breezy upgrade issue? after running dist-upgrade and letting everything finish on startup i get checking battery state and it simply will not go any further | 01:46 |
duffman25 | Somada142: try installing totem-xine package | 01:46 |
linner | ok.. gotta clean it up... this is a G rated channel :) | 01:46 |
aftertaf | better go offtopic ppl.... others need help | 01:46 |
Somada142 | thanks | 01:46 |
delltony | i have tried ctrl c with no luck, any suggestions would be great | 01:46 |
Linux_Galore | Somada142: could be a lack of system resources | 01:46 |
Somada142 | noo | 01:46 |
Linux_Galore | Somada142: or your using the wrong video driver | 01:46 |
Somada142 | i have 1GB ram 3.02 Ghz | 01:46 |
=== GNU-GPL [n=GNU-GPL@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:369f] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
Somada142 | i dnl the divx from the ubuntu page | 01:47 |
linner | aftertaf is right... sorry everyone :) | 01:47 |
=== GNU-GPL [n=GNU-GPL@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:369f] has joined #ubuntu | ||
duffman25 | Somada142: try installing totem-xine package, gstreamer video is a somehow lacking | 01:47 |
delltony | next question would be if the install is hosed can i save all the stuff on my system and put the iso cd in and to an upgrade that way? | 01:47 |
duffman25 | the xine library is far better | 01:47 |
GNU-GPL | oops, i made a boo boo | 01:47 |
Somada142 | ok i'll try that , thanks a lot | 01:47 |
Somada142 | do i have to uninstall gstreamer? | 01:48 |
duffman25 | no | 01:48 |
=== Fanskapet [n=din@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
duffman25 | just install totem-xine | 01:48 |
Linux_Galore | duffman25: and to think they swapped totem 100% to gstreamer in 2.12 | 01:48 |
duffman25 | it will uninstall totem-gstreamer package | 01:48 |
Somada142 | and then i'll be able to play the files wit totme player or sth else? | 01:48 |
duffman25 | but that's ok | 01:48 |
Somada142 | so its codecs? | 01:48 |
=== zorba64 [n=zorba64@dsl-210-211-91-151.qld.veridas.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Linux_Galore uses mplayer | ||
=== GNU-GPL too | ||
Somada142 | just by using totem-xine totem player is going to fucntion properly? | 01:49 |
duffman25 | the package I'm talking about installs the libxine library | 01:49 |
onkarshinde | Somada142: It is a multimedia framework/backend | 01:49 |
=== grimse [n=grimse@p5481C553.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
duffman25 | which is another multimedia library | 01:49 |
deFrysk | Somada142, probably yes | 01:49 |
duffman25 | it's a workaround | 01:49 |
duffman25 | so totem will play files with that library | 01:49 |
onkarshinde | Somada142: Sure it will work. I have tried that and played DVD with totem. | 01:49 |
Linux_Galore | yeah totem has gotten pretty slick lately | 01:50 |
duffman25 | if it doesn't work in your box, you can uninstall it, and it will reinstall totem-gstreamer package | 01:50 |
idab | hello | 01:50 |
Somada142 | oh what about the thousands of dependacies? are those installed by default? | 01:50 |
idab | please tell me how to add users to mysql | 01:50 |
duffman25 | it doesnt have thousands of dependencies | 01:51 |
Somada142 | i don't have a connection back home so i'll have to dnl manually everything | 01:51 |
duffman25 | but, yes... it will install everything it needs. | 01:51 |
Linux_Galore | its funny I dont get any lag with totem-gs and Ive only got a P3 1gb | 01:51 |
Somada142 | sure it does , a whole bunch of libraries | 01:51 |
wickedpuppy | hi guys /dev/sda is sata or usb ? | 01:51 |
priest | idab:: Use phpmyadmin. | 01:51 |
darksatanic | wickedpuppy: Could be either. | 01:51 |
Linux_Galore | 1Ghz | 01:51 |
wickedpuppy | oh hmms ...pl | 01:51 |
wickedpuppy | ok | 01:51 |
idab | priest, tell how to install it pls | 01:51 |
wickedpuppy | idab, you still asking here ? try phpmyadmin.net | 01:52 |
duffman25 | totem-gstreamer works fine with somethings, but here dvd playback & divx-xvid is choppy | 01:52 |
wickedpuppy | you should be good enough to help :P | 01:52 |
duffman25 | that's why I use totem-xine backend | 01:52 |
Linux_Galore | naaw everything I have is xvid..........all works fine | 01:52 |
darksatanic | wickedpuppy: SATA, USB and SCSI all use the same SCSI disk layer, so they all appear as SCSI drives (/dev/sdX) | 01:52 |
duffman25 | can someone help me with my sound problem | 01:53 |
duffman25 | ? | 01:53 |
=== Hoxzer [n=Niko@a80-186-132-239.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cvt | thx everyone | 01:53 |
cvt | dvd works | 01:53 |
Linux_Galore | Ive got a Nvidia FX5950 128mbDDR400 card | 01:53 |
cvt | <3 | 01:53 |
onkarshinde | duffman25: gstreamer with GNOME 2.12 is supposed to play DVDs also. | 01:53 |
duffman25 | it plays dvd's | 01:54 |
duffman25 | but no menus | 01:54 |
duffman25 | at least in mybox | 01:54 |
duffman25 | i'm using breezy | 01:54 |
=== scumbo [n=roberts@dsl-220-253-68-40.NSW.netspace.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
=== tvelocity [n=tony@ipa73.1.tellas.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linner | hey guys ... does anyone know where I can get a quick reference for linux and/or ubuntu terminal commands? | 01:54 |
duffman25 | and it's choppy | 01:54 |
onkarshinde | But GNOME's site said it supports menus now. | 01:54 |
duffman25 | no | 01:54 |
duffman25 | it was stated in the pre-release tour | 01:55 |
wickedpuppy | linner, try google .. search for bash tutorial | 01:55 |
duffman25 | and something said there haven't got in gnome 2.12 | 01:55 |
linner | wickedpuppy, thank you! | 01:55 |
duffman25 | for example, browsing audio cd's | 01:55 |
=== rcdarkangel [n=darkange@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== kung [n=Kundalf@p85.212.10.80.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Somada142 | is there a list of all the packages installed in ubuntu by default? | 01:56 |
rcdarkangel | su root | 01:56 |
bimberi | linner, there's also this... | 01:56 |
bimberi | !cli | 01:56 |
ubotu | well, cli is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands or http://www.linuxcommand.org/ | 01:56 |
onkarshinde | duffman25: http://www.gnome.org/start/2.12/notes/en/rnusers.html Check video player section. | 01:56 |
Hoxzer | sda | 01:57 |
linner | bimberi, very very helpful.. thank you!!! | 01:57 |
bimberi | linner: yw :) | 01:57 |
=== linner smiles :) | ||
duffman25 | but ubuntu uses gstreamer 0.8 & AFAIK dvd support was included in the 0.9 series | 01:57 |
=== Earthen [n=ahf@stjhnf0122w-142162042187.nl.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
onkarshinde | duffman25: Are you on breezy? | 01:58 |
duffman25 | yes | 01:58 |
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onkarshinde | duffman25: Then how come it contains gstreamer 0.8? Doesn't it give dependency prob;em for GNOME 2.12? | 01:59 |
silwol | does somebody use a widescreen display with nvidia driver under breezy? | 01:59 |
Earthen | how do force hoary to not install from cd | 01:59 |
duffman25 | I don't know | 01:59 |
duffman25 | I imagine ubuntu devs included 0.8 because it's more mature | 02:00 |
thoreauputic | linner: did anyone mention http://tuxfiles.org ? (I was afk) | 02:00 |
thoreauputic | linner: that's another good cli site | 02:00 |
linner | thoreauputic, no they didn't... i'll definitely check it out | 02:00 |
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linner | thoreauputic, thank you so much! | 02:00 |
Earthen | I'm trying to apt-get install webmin, but it is asking for the install cd, how can i make it download the packages from the net | 02:01 |
thoreauputic | linner: it's aimed at .. erm .. those who are new to the command line | 02:01 |
thoreauputic | linner: but it's quite informative | 02:01 |
linner | thoreauputic, exactly what I was looking for and what I wanted... :) | 02:01 |
linner | thoreauputic, perfect! | 02:01 |
onkarshinde | Earthen: comment out the CD line from /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:01 |
Earthen | ok thanks | 02:01 |
onkarshinde | Earthen: And then do apt-get first. | 02:02 |
onkarshinde | sorry apt-get update | 02:02 |
Earthen | will do | 02:02 |
cvt | do you know how i can get Galaga game like the one that comes with knoppix? | 02:02 |
thoreauputic | linner: when you feel like learning more about Ubuntu/Debian style package management and apt, install apt-howto (typing that as a command will open more than you wanted to know about apt-get, in a browser) | 02:03 |
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linner | thoreauputic, oh wow... this is such a seriously powerful platform | 02:03 |
bimberi | cvt: there's a xgalaga package in the universe repository | 02:03 |
onkarshinde | If I do dist-upgrade hoary to breezy using breezy CD will it install the packages that are supposed to be in breezy fresh install by default but weren't present in hoary (ex. evince, serpentine) | 02:03 |
thoreauputic | linner: indeed | 02:03 |
=== brownie17 [n=fraser@static-203-87-6-82.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linner | thoreauputic, when the breezy distro is finalized, i'm wiping my windows and putting ubuntu on it | 02:04 |
linner | I absolutely adore this platform | 02:04 |
qt2|Tsubasa | new hoary packages i see... | 02:04 |
thoreauputic | linner: great move :) | 02:04 |
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linner | thoreauputic, thank you! | 02:04 |
goo | If i distupgrade to breezy using the network, wil it still install packages like evince and serpentine? | 02:04 |
brownie17 | hey thoreauputic , pm me? | 02:05 |
thoreauputic | linner: my windows partition has been languishing unused and unloved since last year ;) | 02:05 |
onkarshinde | linner: I already did it. Also since it won't make a difference to my dad as which OS he is using I have Ubuntu on his HP laptop. | 02:05 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: what's it about? | 02:05 |
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linner | onkarshinde, I have a new Compaq V2000Z so hopefully it'll work too! | 02:05 |
goo | onkarshinde: heh. My dad also runs Ubuntu - only way for him to get any support out of me.. | 02:06 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic, a file extension problem i'm having. i'd prefer it if you pm'd me. please | 02:06 |
linner | thoreauputic, i'm surprised you still ahve a windows partition with as much as you know | 02:06 |
onkarshinde | thoreauputic: I suppose he is asking for private message | 02:06 |
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thoreauputic | onkarshinde: I suppose I understood that :) | 02:06 |
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linner | aftertaf, wb :) | 02:06 |
thoreauputic | linner: I haven't used it for a *long* time | 02:06 |
Somada141 | Question : the dvd of ubuntu has both the install and live version of Ubuntu right? | 02:06 |
linner | thoreauputic, so it sounds! | 02:07 |
onkarshinde | goo: linner: I had lot of virus problems with my PC (Win XP). So I dumped Win altogether. | 02:07 |
[A] ndy80 | is it possible to have multiple email accounts under Evolution? I can add another acocunt but mail is all downloaded in the same folder... I'd like something like Thunderbird, with separate folder for each account. is it possible with evolution? | 02:07 |
aftertaf | ;) linner | 02:07 |
linner | onkarshinde, that absolutely what my goal is in the next three months.. to put it on all of my computers in our family | 02:07 |
Somada141 | Does it have more packages than the install cd? e.g video codecs , mpe codecs e.t.c??? | 02:07 |
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goo | Is breezy available for preorder from shipit? | 02:08 |
onkarshinde | goo: Not yet. Shipit is closed for now. | 02:08 |
goo | ah. Too bad :) | 02:08 |
linner | [A] ndy80, I'm not sure. I haven't been using Evolution very long. But I would think you would be able too as it's loosely based on Outlook. | 02:09 |
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goo | I am distributing Ubuntu CD's on my commuter train - all the phb's with laptops there is probably tired of me by now :) | 02:09 |
=== leopold [n=leopold@p549F084A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GNU-GPL | lol | 02:09 |
linner | goo, what a great idea! | 02:09 |
leopold | how can i find out where my harddisk is located, like i dont know if its /dev/hda or /dev/hda1 etc | 02:10 |
thoreauputic | leopold: sudo fdisk -l | 02:10 |
onkarshinde | Someone was asking for a list of packages installed by default in breezy. Who was that? | 02:10 |
aftertaf | leopold: cat /etc/fstab | 02:10 |
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leopold | thx | 02:10 |
linner | gosh it's 5:10a and I'm finally yawning... I should go nigh-night folks | 02:10 |
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cvt | how can i get permission to delete files? | 02:10 |
Hoxzer` | problem guys | 02:10 |
aftertaf | ohmy | 02:10 |
goo | linner: Much better to give away proper pressed CD's than some homeburned stuff that looks like it'll haxx their machine on sight... :) | 02:10 |
linner | thanks again for everyone's help... you guys/gals are the best :) | 02:10 |
thoreauputic | aftertaf: won't work if they aren't in fstab | 02:10 |
aftertaf | god morning linner ;) | 02:11 |
cvt | i'm trying to delete some firefox search plugins. | 02:11 |
linner | goo, that's very true! | 02:11 |
Hoxzer` | :E still haven't found a way how to resize Ntsf partition | 02:11 |
linner | aftertaf, it's not good yet! :) | 02:11 |
linner | however, thanks for the well wishing ;) | 02:11 |
linner | see ya'll later... | 02:11 |
Hoxzer` | tried qtparted but seems like it doesn't regonsize the data of it :E | 02:11 |
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leopold | ubuntu doesnt recognize my second harddisk what can I do? | 02:11 |
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GNU-GPL | smack ubuntu | 02:12 |
GNU-GPL | ;) | 02:12 |
leopold | already did so | 02:12 |
thoreauputic | leopold: does it have a filesystem on it? | 02:12 |
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leopold | yes theres windowsa on it | 02:12 |
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onkarshinde | leopold: Have you mounted it? | 02:12 |
thoreauputic | leopold: what did sudo fdisk -l say ? (*don't paste it) | 02:12 |
leopold | it didnt say anything about my second harddisk | 02:13 |
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onkarshinde | leopold: try 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb' | 02:14 |
thoreauputic | leopold: try sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb or /dev/hdc etc | 02:14 |
thoreauputic | yup | 02:14 |
fraser_ | can anybody help me here? i downloaded the tar.gz of a fiel becasue the synaptic versino was outdated, and i don't know how to install it | 02:14 |
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delltony | tar xvzf tarballname | 02:14 |
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thoreauputic | fraser_: can you wait until October 13 for a newer version? | 02:15 |
GNU-GPL | fraser_, it's not advisable to do so | 02:15 |
delltony | then you can type ./configure in the dir | 02:15 |
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Master` | hi | 02:15 |
delltony | then type make | 02:15 |
Master` | i need help | 02:15 |
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delltony | then type checkinstall and it will make a deb file for you | 02:15 |
fraser_ | thoreauputic, it seems everything i want to do i have to wait for breezy | 02:15 |
delltony | and install it so synaptic sees it | 02:15 |
thoreauputic | fraser_: if you don't know how to compile, you might have trouble | 02:15 |
GNU-GPL | delltony, horseshit.. | 02:15 |
fraser_ | thoreauputic, will there be alot of bug fixes in the newer version? | 02:15 |
delltony | how so? | 02:16 |
delltony | do it all the time | 02:16 |
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delltony | and no need for cussin | 02:16 |
thoreauputic | fraser_: what's wrong with the version you have? | 02:16 |
fraser_ | thoreauputic, your right, i most definaytly will ahve trouble. i have got no idea. i'll just wait | 02:16 |
pl_ice | hi :) | 02:16 |
fraser_ | thoreauputic, well it is a plugin for rythmbox, and when i install the old one, rhythmbox just doesn't work | 02:16 |
onkarshinde | Does anyone know if modem-applet bug, which caused it to ask for root password, is fixed? | 02:16 |
=== GNU-GPL says: sorry to delltony | ||
thoreauputic | GNU-GPL: 1. delltony was right 2. I won't put up with that kind of stuff | 02:17 |
thoreauputic | fraser_: which plugin? | 02:17 |
Master` | guys i wanna install ubuntu into my hd and make it my main os | 02:17 |
fraser_ | it's called rhythmbox - applet or something | 02:17 |
Master` | can anbody help me | 02:17 |
thoreauputic | fraser_: you need to be more precise so we can help | 02:18 |
fraser_ | thoreauputic, and when i run rhythmbox in terminal instead, it gives me a "segmentation fault" error | 02:18 |
GNU-GPL | thoreauputic, yeah well... sorry to you too.. | 02:18 |
GNU-GPL | :) | 02:18 |
onkarshinde | Master`: I don't suppose you need any help to do as simple thing as that | 02:18 |
thoreauputic | GNU-GPL: OK :) | 02:18 |
fraser_ | "Rhythmbox Applet" | 02:18 |
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pl_ice | anyone tried gammu /gnokii ? with nokia phones? | 02:18 |
thoreauputic | fraser_: you used synaptic to install it? | 02:18 |
=== GNU-GPL is a bit jumpy today... | ||
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ahmetalsan | hi | 02:18 |
fraser_ | thoreauputic, yes | 02:19 |
Somada141 | is there a decent CD/DVD burning utility for ubuntu? | 02:19 |
ahmetalsan | ice can u help me? | 02:19 |
Master` | yes onkarshinde but i have the setup on my HD now , what's the next step to install it | 02:19 |
Somada141 | a nero-like one? | 02:19 |
Master` | does it's works like windows installation | 02:19 |
thoreauputic | fraser_: do any other sound apps work now? | 02:19 |
fraser_ | thoreauputic, i'll check | 02:19 |
ahmetalsan | who can help me with my ubutnu | 02:19 |
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onkarshinde | Master`: What do you mean by setup? ISO? | 02:19 |
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fraser_ | thoreauputic, yes | 02:20 |
fraser_ | thoreauputic, they do | 02:20 |
bimberi | Somada141: k3b is probably the closest to Nero among the Free packages | 02:20 |
GNU-GPL | true! | 02:20 |
GNU-GPL | :) | 02:20 |
pef | hello ! | 02:20 |
Somada141 | thanks | 02:20 |
Somada141 | can i find it at package.ubuntu? | 02:20 |
thoreauputic | fraser_: does rhythmbox show any errors? | 02:20 |
GNU-GPL | hello | 02:20 |
cvt | linux is so much better than windows | 02:20 |
BlueEagle | somada141: only if you search | 02:20 |
thoreauputic | fraser_: or just segfaults? | 02:20 |
cvt | i love it and i love you. :) | 02:20 |
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Somada141 | ok | 02:20 |
GNU-GPL | Somada141, it's there | 02:20 |
fraser_ | thoreauputic, no, only when run in the terminal, it just does the starting rhythmbox then doesnt start | 02:20 |
Somada141 | thnx | 02:21 |
ahmetalsan | fraser can u help me pls? | 02:21 |
cvt | i can't wait to show this to all my friends and neighbors. | 02:21 |
thoreauputic | fraser_: I would uninstall the package that caused the trouble | 02:21 |
pl_ice | ahmetalsan , with what? | 02:21 |
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Somada141 | question : since k3b is for KDE will it play on ubuntu? | 02:21 |
thoreauputic | fraser_: sudo apt-get remove --purge <package> | 02:21 |
ahmetalsan | pl_ice i want to install nvida drivers | 02:21 |
fraser_ | ahmetalsan: love to, but i'm a complete rookie, ask thoreauputic | 02:21 |
ahmetalsan | but | 02:21 |
fraser_ | thoreauputic, ok | 02:21 |
leopold | sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb did so it say a couple of stuff but nothing seems to be large enough for a 40GB harddisk theres one with Id: f and System: W95 ERw. (LBA) could that be the winxp harddisk? | 02:21 |
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ahmetalsan | i cant exit my x server | 02:22 |
onkarshinde | Somada141: Most probably on installing some additional libararies. | 02:22 |
bimberi | Somada141: it will, but installing it brings in a lot of dependencies (QT libraries mostly) | 02:22 |
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thoreauputic | ahmetalsan: for what purpose? | 02:22 |
pl_ice | ahmetalsan, i got ATI, did u have a look at forum topics? | 02:22 |
onkarshinde | ahmetalsan: Press Ctrl+Alt+Baclapsce | 02:22 |
Somada141 | isn't there a similar burning program for gnome? | 02:22 |
thoreauputic | ahmetalsan: do you need to do this to install something? | 02:22 |
Somada141 | nautilus is really poor | 02:22 |
bimberi | Somada141: gnomebaker and graveman | 02:22 |
onkarshinde | Somada141: I heard gnome-baker is good. | 02:22 |
Somada141 | i'll try that | 02:23 |
thoreauputic | onkarshinde: that will just restart gdm | 02:23 |
delltony | thoreauputic my breezy upgrade borked on me not sure what happen i think the dist-upgrade got hung and caused a reboot before complete would you recommend putting theinstall cd in and then doing apt-cdrom add && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ? | 02:23 |
aftertaf | k3b pwns! | 02:23 |
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pl_ice | hey anyone uses nokia? :) | 02:23 |
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onkarshinde | thoreauputic: Perhaps his X is hanged and he doesn't know what to do other than reboot. Lets wait for his reply. | 02:23 |
deFrysk | aftertaf, serpentine pwns! | 02:23 |
leopold | i cant find lilo.conf data | 02:23 |
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leopold | it should be in /etc/lilo.conf | 02:24 |
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leopold | but isnt | 02:24 |
thoreauputic | delltony: hmm - tried running sudo apt-get -f install? | 02:24 |
fraser_ | thoreauputic, yeah, it works without it. what is the deal with segmentation faults? | 02:24 |
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bimberi | leopold: ubuntu uses grub by default (unless you've installed lilo explicitly) | 02:24 |
delltony | yeah well here is the deal | 02:24 |
onkarshinde | leopold: Are you sure you have installed lilo? It might be grub bootloader | 02:24 |
thoreauputic | fraser_: uaually a bug | 02:24 |
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thoreauputic | *usually | 02:24 |
delltony | it hangs on checking battery state on bootup | 02:24 |
ahmetalsan | ice how can i exit x ? | 02:24 |
jroes | hi, does anyone know why Glade on my box doesn't get themed like the rest of the apps? | 02:24 |
fraser_ | thoreauputic, ok. so when breezy comes out the new version of the package might be on synaptic? | 02:25 |
leopold | i just installed lilo by apt-get install lilo | 02:25 |
deFrysk | ahmetalsan, init 2 | 02:25 |
Whistler | how do i view my cpu cooler rpm? | 02:25 |
leopold | it seemed to have worked out | 02:25 |
Whistler | in ubuntu | 02:25 |
thoreauputic | ahmetalsan: be clear: do you need to kill X ? completely? | 02:25 |
GNU-GPL | ahmetalsan, ctrl + alt + backspace | 02:25 |
jroes | a bunch of other things have the old X interface instead of being themed | 02:25 |
fraser_ | thoreauputic, how often do they release a new version? correct me if i am istaken but there was warty warhog before this | 02:25 |
onkarshinde | ahmetalsan: What do you mean by exiting? Logout or just kill X? | 02:25 |
thoreauputic | fraser_: possible, don't know | 02:25 |
ahmetalsan | kiiling x | 02:25 |
deFrysk | init 2 | 02:25 |
ahmetalsan | i will intall video driver | 02:25 |
thoreauputic | fraser_: every 6 months | 02:25 |
GNU-GPL | or init 3 | 02:25 |
delltony | haha i love being the boss here today is gonna be fix my computer day :) | 02:26 |
leopold | i need help :( | 02:26 |
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bimberi | leopold: ah, ok, well a "dpkg -L lilo" will list the files that were installed | 02:26 |
thoreauputic | ahmetalsan: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop | 02:26 |
ahmetalsan | ok thx i tring | 02:26 |
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fraser_ | thoreauputic, really? i wish MS were that efficient. XP came out in (i think) 02. thats three years since the last, and the nest thing they are releasing is service pack 3 i hear. but that info is fairly unreliable | 02:26 |
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onkarshinde | fraser_: You are right, there was warty in last October, then hoary in this April and now Breezy in this October | 02:27 |
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fraser_ | leopold: tell everyone what the problem is | 02:27 |
thoreauputic | fraser_: MS are interested in lockin, not innovation | 02:27 |
fraser_ | onkarshinde, how long has ubuntu been around? | 02:27 |
aftertaf | fraser_: you'll have vista too.... which will be DRM hell and eye bloat candy | 02:27 |
onkarshinde | fraser_: As far as I now warty was the first release. | 02:27 |
thoreauputic | fraser_: last October ( warty) | 02:27 |
aftertaf | fraser_: since warty... and before that there was debian | 02:27 |
GNU-GPL | fraser_, october 2004 first official release right/ | 02:28 |
GNU-GPL | ? | 02:28 |
deFrysk | 04.10 | 02:28 |
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deFrysk | oct 2004 | 02:28 |
onkarshinde | fraser_: Id you don't know this, 5.10 corresponds to 10 (October) 2005 | 02:28 |
GNU-GPL | i take that as a yes | 02:28 |
GNU-GPL | ;) | 02:28 |
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fraser_ | GNU-GPL, yeah | 02:28 |
fraser_ | GNU-GPL, haha sorry | 02:28 |
fraser_ | GNU-GPL, im slow today | 02:28 |
leopold | ok: all i want is to make a bootloader (dont care if its lilo or grip) that gives me the possibility to choose between my main harddisk with OS Ubuntu and my second harddisc (prim slave) OS WinXP | 02:28 |
leopold | *grup | 02:29 |
GNU-GPL | hehe | 02:29 |
aftertaf | leopold: grub lets you... | 02:29 |
aftertaf | both do, bu grub is installed by default. | 02:29 |
thoreauputic | leopold: ah - windows doesn't like being on a slave hdd | 02:29 |
leopold | how can i configure grup | 02:29 |
aftertaf | you need to know which hd & partition your windows is on, then add it to grub config file | 02:29 |
leopold | should i make the win harddisk master? | 02:29 |
thoreauputic | leopold: you have to remap to fool brain dead windows | 02:29 |
Whistler | i try to run armyops and i get Couldn't set video mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual any ideas? | 02:30 |
onkarshinde | leopold: For that you will need to know exact partition numbers on which you have installed both os. Then you need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst accordingly. | 02:30 |
aftertaf | thoreauputic: when you change grub it does it itself, right? | 02:30 |
thoreauputic | leopold: or swap your hard drive positions | 02:30 |
leopold | i think win is /dev/hdb2 | 02:30 |
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GranMaestro | I folks, just a general question to everybody reading. Is anybody here knowleadgeable about FireWire on Ubuntu-PPC and can be contacted? | 02:30 |
fraser_ | thoreauputic, you know, i probably spent about thirty hours all up trying to work out why i couldnt dual boot ubuntu on a primary master and XP on a primary slave. then i found out you can't do that | 02:30 |
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thoreauputic | fraser_: right | 02:30 |
fraser_ | thoreauputic, and i couldnt get to either, grub didnt work becasue it couldnt initialise XP, so i could only use LIVE | 02:30 |
thoreauputic | fraser_: windows likes to pretend that only it exists | 02:31 |
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onkarshinde | GranMaestro: Can you tell what is problem? Is it related to FireWire only or Ubuntu also? | 02:31 |
fraser_ | thoreauputic, what can you do? Billy boy will do what will get him money | 02:31 |
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thoreauputic | it's a purely windows problem | 02:31 |
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rcdarkangel | windows will always exist in some shape or form | 02:31 |
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GranMaestro | onkarshinde: I am tryng to get a bootable Ubutnu-PPC install on an external FW drive | 02:31 |
GranMaestro | onkarshinde: It's a known issue | 02:32 |
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thoreauputic | rcdarkangel: that's not what I was saying though :) | 02:32 |
rcdarkangel | yes i do gather your point | 02:32 |
fraser_ | hopefully by the time i am thirty, windows will be abolished. as far as i can tell, the amount of windows users has actually dropped a bit | 02:32 |
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fraser_ | compared to otehr os's | 02:32 |
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thoreauputic | rcdarkangel: ;) | 02:32 |
aftertaf | fraser_: hmmm i am 30 ;) | 02:32 |
fraser_ | but i mgiht be wrong | 02:32 |
GranMaestro | onkarshinde: nobody in the forums seems to have a consistent solution to it | 02:32 |
fraser_ | aftertaf: :) didn't mean to insult your age. im only 15 :) | 02:33 |
aftertaf | hehe :) | 02:33 |
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leopold | what do i have to write in the menu.list for windows being on /dev/hdb2 | 02:33 |
fraser_ | hahah | 02:33 |
bimberi | fraser_: hmmm i was once 30 ;) | 02:33 |
onkarshinde | fraser_: I will need to install windows again on my Ubuntu only PC just because my GF works on .NET | 02:33 |
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aftertaf | leopold: in the menu list you 'll dee some stuff about windows... found it? | 02:33 |
GranMaestro | onkarshinde: you lost me on this one, did you? | 02:33 |
fraser_ | onkarshinde, hahaha, women! | 02:33 |
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delltony | hmm anyone wanna take a tackle at why my laptop hangs at checking battery state? | 02:34 |
delltony | is there a way to bypass this? is the x.org messed up not sure where to go at this point | 02:34 |
fraser_ | bimberi, reminiscing the good old days, eh? meh, childhood's over rated. parental control is a damper on my life | 02:34 |
leopold | there stands nothing about windows | 02:34 |
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aftertaf | leopold: around line 35, #examples | 02:34 |
bimberi | fraser_: :) | 02:34 |
onkarshinde | GranMaestro: Yes. Sorry but I thoght it was some general question. I don't have tha much knowledge about FireWire or PPC. | 02:34 |
pawdro | can anyone tell me repository where I can find the latest eclipse? | 02:34 |
thoreauputic | leopold: it won't work | 02:34 |
fraser_ | delltony: there is a way to bypass it. try webmin, can aslo be done with "update-rc.d" but i think webmin is easier | 02:34 |
leopold | ok found it | 02:34 |
GNU-GPL | . | 02:34 |
aftertaf | really thoreauputic ??? merde | 02:35 |
leopold | why wont it work? | 02:35 |
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GranMaestro | onkarshinde: well, somebody has gotta know how. Just wonder how to find him :-D | 02:35 |
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aftertaf | wont it chainload? | 02:35 |
fraser_ | delltony: you can get webmin through "sudo apt-get install webmin" i think | 02:35 |
wickedpuppy | does anyone know when i boot from my usb harddisk i get error saying cannot find /dev/sda1 ? | 02:35 |
thoreauputic | leopold: windows needs to be on the first partition or you need to do ome gymnastics with the grub menu list to fool it | 02:35 |
delltony | ok but what should i do at that point sorry never used webmin | 02:35 |
jroes | hm. anyone know why I can't apt-get install mttcorefonts? it tells me that it's not available, but is referred to by another package | 02:35 |
leopold | windows is on a adifferent harddisk | 02:35 |
Hoxzer | ERROR: $Bitmap file size doesn't match calculated size (3663056 != 3663072) | 02:35 |
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Hoxzer | :E | 02:36 |
thoreauputic | win likes to be primary, and first | 02:36 |
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fraser_ | wickedpuppy: is it bootable :) | 02:36 |
rcdarkangel | excuse me but its time for a really stupid question | 02:36 |
Hoxzer | ntfs resize | 02:36 |
wickedpuppy | fraser_, it is | 02:36 |
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reiki_work | ok I'm back... no dog here at worrk (please hold the applause) | 02:36 |
rcdarkangel | how do i exit emacs again? | 02:36 |
onkarshinde | GranMaestro: That might be Josh Aas, who is Firefox developer for Mac. But don't know where to find him. | 02:36 |
wickedpuppy | i got into grub | 02:36 |
fraser_ | rcdarkangel, no stupid question,s noly stupid people :). kidding | 02:36 |
rcdarkangel | lol | 02:36 |
wickedpuppy | rcdarkangel, c-x c-c | 02:36 |
Nacked31 | hi all, do someone see this http://naked.homeip.net ? | 02:36 |
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fraser_ | Nacked31, what is that? | 02:36 |
aftertaf | Nacked31: you not serious?? | 02:37 |
Nacked31 | yes i am. | 02:37 |
GranMaestro | onkarshinde: well, thanks for that, better than nothing :-D | 02:37 |
thoreauputic | jroes: you need the multiverse repo | 02:37 |
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fraser_ | wickedpuppy: i am notoriously bad at setting up boot sequences and such. i am a GUI man! :) | 02:37 |
Nacked31 | i m test my server | 02:37 |
leopold | this cant be so god dam hard | 02:37 |
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Hoxzer | hmm.... prooobleeem :E | 02:37 |
thoreauputic | !tell jroes about repositories | 02:37 |
jroes | I've got multiverse. | 02:37 |
falbalae_ | naked: nope | 02:37 |
Somada141 | is there a list or sth with the packages that are available on the ubutnu CD? | 02:37 |
fraser_ | Nacked31, better not be unsafe, im checking it for you | 02:37 |
jroes | I think it's because I'm amd64 -- ? | 02:37 |
delltony | dang it anyone wanna help pm me i'm open for ideas | 02:37 |
aftertaf | leopold: hmmm worked by just changing grub conf for me, but i think win is on hda ... | 02:37 |
Hoxzer | if I mount it it will regonsize the storage size | 02:37 |
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Hoxzer | if I dont it will show its empty | 02:38 |
thoreauputic | jroes: ah | 02:38 |
jroes | besides, if I didn't have multiverse, it would just complain that it's not there... | 02:38 |
thoreauputic | jroes: dunno - you may be right | 02:38 |
aftertaf | Nacked31: network timeout | 02:38 |
falbalae_ | nacked31: doesn't work for me. | 02:38 |
thoreauputic | jroes: not necessarily | 02:38 |
rcdarkangel | cool red dwarf is on this day just keeps getting better | 02:38 |
fraser_ | Nacked31, it just seems to be taking far too long for a site that is working. keep trying :) | 02:38 |
onkarshinde | Hoxzer: That's how it works. Any problem wioth that? | 02:38 |
thoreauputic | jroes: if you are missing repos, that error can pop up | 02:38 |
jroes | I have deb http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/ubuntu-backports/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted | 02:39 |
Nacked31 | i have adsl but a very large one. | 02:39 |
onkarshinde | Nacked31: Doesn't load anything | 02:39 |
leopold | is there anyone with some time about 10min who can tell me step by step what to do to configure grup correctly and make it boot win+ubuntu | 02:39 |
thoreauputic | jroes: whether msttcorefonts is available for amd64 I don't know | 02:39 |
Hoxzer | Onkar: yeah, dont really want to lose data | 02:39 |
Nacked31 | i have adsl but NOT a very large one. | 02:39 |
Hoxzer | I want to make it Fat32 in two parts | 02:39 |
onkarshinde | leopold: I can. | 02:39 |
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fraser_ | nacked31: no way it is working if it took that long. even on dial-up i would expect slightly better results | 02:39 |
aftertaf | leopold: i put the right hd(,) partition, uncommented the lot, and saved | 02:39 |
Hoxzer | first I make it 50% 50% fat and ntsf | 02:39 |
Hoxzer | then I copy ntsf to fat | 02:39 |
Hoxzer | and then I resize fat to 100% | 02:40 |
Nacked31 | perhaps firewall i will check | 02:40 |
jroes | hm, there seem to be a lot of little bumps in the road to get things working on amd64, is there any way that I can help out with the process of getting all of this stuff working? | 02:40 |
Nacked31 | Thanks for your help | 02:40 |
falbalae_ | Nacked31: keep trying! | 02:40 |
jroes | (as in, contribute CPU time to the community, a small amount of development...) | 02:40 |
fraser_ | Nacked31, no problem | 02:40 |
aftertaf | Nacked31: hehe open door n80 ;) | 02:40 |
thoreauputic | jroes: bug reports i guess - or visit #ubuntu-motu and see if you can help with packaging | 02:40 |
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Nacked31 | normaly it open | 02:40 |
Nacked31 | brb | 02:40 |
reiki_work | I think when Breezy is released, I'll save off whatever I need from Hoary and do a fresh install. Wipe out some of my mistakes with Hoary :) | 02:41 |
falbalae_ | Nacked: do you have a router? | 02:41 |
jroes | I was thinking by now someone had an entire mailing list and forums and maybe even channel dedicated to smoothing out amd64 | 02:41 |
fraser_ | reiki_work, amen to that | 02:41 |
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thoreauputic | jroes: the MOTU would welcome any help they can get I think | 02:41 |
onkarshinde | leopold: I am here to help you | 02:41 |
fraser_ | thoreauputic, what are the MOTU? | 02:41 |
thoreauputic | !motu | 02:42 |
ubotu | motu are the Masters of the Universe (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU) | 02:42 |
falbalae_ | Is it better for new ubunti to wait the next version? | 02:42 |
leopold | is onkarshide a bot? | 02:42 |
reiki_work | like He-Man? | 02:42 |
thoreauputic | fraser_: responsible for community-supported packages | 02:42 |
Somada141 | which extension we are looking for when we want executables for Linux? | 02:42 |
jroes | thanks thoreauputic | 02:42 |
thoreauputic | no worries | 02:42 |
thoreauputic | :) | 02:42 |
onkarshinde | leopold: No I am not | 02:42 |
fraser_ | leopold, you should consider that if it is not working that it is a hardware setup problem, have you tried rearranging the master-slave issues? | 02:42 |
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fraser_ | thoreauputic, ok | 02:43 |
bimberi | hm, msttcorefonts is installable on all architectures | 02:43 |
thoreauputic | Somada141: *nix doesn't care about suffixes | 02:43 |
onkarshinde | Somada141: What do you mean exactly? | 02:43 |
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pl_ice | any ones uses nokia or other ph with ubuntu? :> | 02:43 |
thoreauputic | onkarshinde: he means loke .exe | 02:43 |
thoreauputic | *like | 02:43 |
Somada141 | i want to download Nedit but under linux it has 3 different files | 02:43 |
onkarshinde | Got it | 02:43 |
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Somada141 | same thing with different extensions | 02:43 |
thoreauputic | Somada141: it's in the repos | 02:43 |
Hoxzer | "then administer that environment without having to become a fully-fledged Linux geek." | 02:43 |
Nacked31 | | 02:43 |
thoreauputic | !info nedit | 02:43 |
Hoxzer | like it was a bad thing :E | 02:43 |
ubotu | nedit: (A powerful, customizable, Motif based text editor), section universe/editors, is optional. Version: 1:5.4-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 632 kB, Installed size: 1628 kB | 02:43 |
h4x0r2damh4x0r | !avi | 02:44 |
thoreauputic | Somada141: ^^^ | 02:44 |
ubotu | Syntax error in line 1, h4x0r2damh4x0r | 02:44 |
falbalae_ | Naked: working | 02:44 |
h4x0r2damh4x0r | !mp3 | 02:44 |
ubotu | from memory, mp3 is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support | 02:44 |
Nacked31 | ok | 02:44 |
h4x0r2damh4x0r | !media | 02:44 |
ubotu | h4x0r2damh4x0r: Wish i knew | 02:44 |
h4x0r2damh4x0r | !avi | 02:44 |
Nacked31 | i think its me ddclient config. | 02:44 |
thoreauputic | Somada141: don't just download random files - use the package manager | 02:44 |
h4x0r2damh4x0r | how do i play AVI files? | 02:45 |
Nacked31 | thx | 02:45 |
m0rphx | someone running breezy and using alexandria? It won't start: /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/gettext/locale_default.rb:12:in `require': no such file to load -- gettext/_locale (LoadError) | 02:45 |
h4x0r2damh4x0r | i can't play mp3 files either on XMMS | 02:45 |
Somada141 | i don't have a connection back home where i installed ubuntu | 02:45 |
onkarshinde | ubotu: avi is Video for Windows. For more info http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 02:45 |
ubotu | onkarshinde: okay | 02:45 |
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h4x0r2damh4x0r | how do ic close Xserver and install Nvidia Drivers | 02:45 |
Nacked31 | For mp3 there is a special package | 02:45 |
bur[n] er | !tell h4x0r2damh4x0r about nvidia | 02:45 |
onkarshinde | h4x0r2damh4x0r: Didn't you hear what the bot said? http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 02:45 |
h4x0r2damh4x0r | package name please? | 02:45 |
bur[n] er | !tell h4x0r2damh4x0r about mp3 | 02:45 |
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leopold | ok: all i want is to make a bootloader (dont care if its lilo or grip) that gives me the possibility to choose between my main harddisk with OS Ubuntu and my second harddisc (prim slave) OS WinXP...someone who can help me in private talk? | 02:46 |
Nacked31 | synaptic / search for xmms | 02:46 |
onkarshinde | h4x0r2damh4x0r: For mp3 you need gstremer-mad | 02:46 |
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thoreauputic | Somada141: there is a .deb for nedit - you might be able to install that if the dependencies are OK | 02:46 |
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reiki_work | I just set up to rip CD to mp3 last night... follwed the directions... and it worked! :) imagine that...... | 02:46 |
Somada141 | ok | 02:46 |
h4x0r2damh4x0r | play on XMMS? | 02:46 |
thoreauputic | Somada141: packages.ubuntu.com | 02:46 |
bur[n] er | onkarshinde: you can tell people about that stuff using ubotu ;) | 02:46 |
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bur[n] er | h4x0r2damh4x0r: read your msgs!!! | 02:46 |
onkarshinde | bur[n] er: He didn't read ubotu's responses at all. | 02:47 |
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Somada141 | Dumb Question : how can i make that grub boot loader make the WinXP partition the default one? | 02:47 |
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thoreauputic | Somada141: to see dependencies, run apt-cache depends nedit | 02:47 |
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bur[n] er | onkarshinde: i know ;) his fault ;) ubotu pointing to the wiki is better than explaining it in irc though | 02:47 |
bur[n] er | s/his/his or her | 02:47 |
thoreauputic | Somada141: change the default in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 02:47 |
Somada141 | do i have to be root for that? | 02:48 |
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bur[n] er | Somada141: even better... use the "boot" system tool if you have it | 02:48 |
reiki_work | Somada141: you can sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 02:48 |
onkarshinde | Somada141: Yes you will need to be root for changing GRUB configuration | 02:48 |
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thoreauputic | Somada141: use e.g. sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 02:48 |
ahmetalsan | thnx for exiting x server | 02:48 |
bur[n] er | reiki_work: no Somada141 can't... gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 02:48 |
ahmetalsan | but nvidia installer gives a error | 02:49 |
Somada141 | gksudo? | 02:49 |
bur[n] er | a plain old sudo won't prompt for password unless run from terminal | 02:49 |
bur[n] er | gksudo gives a gui prompt for password | 02:49 |
ahmetalsan | it say ur linux need kernel source | 02:49 |
rata | hi. I am new in ubuntu. Which repositories should i add to install the fast track plug in for gift ? (does apt-get.org packages work?) | 02:49 |
thoreauputic | Somada141: gksudo is better, yes | 02:49 |
reiki_work | ahhh... ok... I've used sudo gedit and got no errors, but gksudo may be safer | 02:49 |
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Somada141 | ok thanks | 02:49 |
bur[n] er | !tell rata about repositories | 02:49 |
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rata | bur[n] er, thanks :) | 02:50 |
Nacked31 | falbalea_: cant send you private mesage | 02:50 |
delltony | is there not a way when running an install from the cd to skip the partion partion i tried going to install base but it still wants to partion i already have my drive partitioned and all with reiserfs and swap with data on it | 02:50 |
thoreauputic | bur[n] er: running sudo gedit from a terminal works OK BTW | 02:50 |
delltony | basically im wondering is if i can install without wiping the partition | 02:50 |
reiki_work | yeah thats how I was starting it | 02:50 |
bur[n] er | thoreauputic: from term yes... not via "alt+f2" or from gui | 02:50 |
Somada141 | what's the difference between sudo and gksudo? | 02:50 |
ahmetalsan | thore nvidia installer gives error like kernel source couldnt find | 02:51 |
bur[n] er | Somada141: gksudo is gui, sudo is not | 02:51 |
onkarshinde | Somada141: One is commandline and other GUI | 02:51 |
falbalae_ | Nacked31: oh... okay. | 02:51 |
thoreauputic | bur[n] er: erm - how would you run it from alt-F2? Is there a non-X gedit i don't know about? | 02:51 |
falbalae_ | Nacked31: should we go to the chat channel? | 02:51 |
Somada141 | so if i do gksudo while i am connected as a regular user i'll be able to alter the folders i could only when conencting as root? | 02:51 |
thoreauputic | bur[n] er: ah sorry - you mean the run app thing | 02:51 |
thoreauputic | bur[n] er: got it | 02:52 |
rcdarkangel | Could i please ask a question? | 02:52 |
Somada141 | cool | 02:52 |
bur[n] er | rcdarkangel: you just did | 02:52 |
thoreauputic | Somada141: yes, but be careful | 02:52 |
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rcdarkangel | ooops | 02:52 |
thoreauputic | Somada141: it's dangerous running as root, as you probably know | 02:52 |
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reiki_work | I'm at work and can't check this... when choosing an app from the menu, is there a right-click option to run as root? like... it would start with gksudo? | 02:53 |
onkarshinde | Goodbye all good guys. I will return sometime tomorrow. | 02:53 |
ahmetalsan | pls help i wrote my problem 2 more | 02:53 |
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Somada141 | yap but when i want to install packages i have to throw them in /usr/local/bin as root | 02:53 |
rcdarkangel | i have a user set up on apache on our webhosting server. This user is me. I need to change it so that the new domain i registered knows where my website is. Did i explain that right? | 02:53 |
bur[n] er | delltony: you can... but you have to tell the installer where the / is | 02:53 |
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Nacked31 | http://naked.homelinux.net my mistake | 02:53 |
jroes | is there a way to tell whether an app uses gtk1 or the latest gtk? | 02:53 |
bur[n] er | rcdarkangel: you host it yourself? | 02:54 |
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falbalae_ | Works. | 02:54 |
rcdarkangel | yes | 02:54 |
thoreauputic | ahmetalsan: are you using the nvidia installer from their website? Don't | 02:54 |
deFrysk | jroes, gtk1 is ugly and does not adjust to the theme settings | 02:54 |
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bur[n] er | rcdarkangel: you have to tell your nameservers where your host is | 02:54 |
rcdarkangel | i run the servers for our company | 02:54 |
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thoreauputic | !tell ahmetalsan about nvidia | 02:54 |
bur[n] er | jroes: what app? might be better to just ask :) | 02:54 |
Nacked31 | i have to rember the good name. Yes i host it home | 02:54 |
delltony | anyone? | 02:54 |
falbalae_ | nacked31: works. What about graphical support?!? :D | 02:54 |
bur[n] er | rcdarkangel: you run dns servers? | 02:55 |
rcdarkangel | yes | 02:55 |
jroes | deFrysk: right, so then that's why Audacity and Glade look like crap? | 02:55 |
bur[n] er | rcdarkangel: tell your registrar where your nameservers are | 02:55 |
rcdarkangel | it knows | 02:55 |
Nacked31 | What is graphical support ? | 02:55 |
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rcdarkangel | i did not explain it right i dont think | 02:55 |
deFrysk | jroes, guess so | 02:55 |
bur[n] er | heh | 02:55 |
jroes | deFrysk: these both don't have a normal gnome theme interface to theme. but when I look at screenshots on each one's site, they look like they are themed properly... | 02:55 |
sjmorgan | what's happened to the mplayer packages? | 02:55 |
falbalae_ | Nacked31: nothing. Just for fun...! | 02:55 |
h4x0r2damh4x0r | HEY FUCK YOU | 02:55 |
rcdarkangel | here is my usual process once customer gets a domain | 02:55 |
h4x0r2damh4x0r | HOW TO TERMINATE X-SERVER | 02:55 |
h4x0r2damh4x0r | BITCH | 02:55 |
Somada141 | is .bash_profile where i can declare aliases a hidden file? | 02:55 |
h4x0r2damh4x0r | HOW TO TERMINATE X-SERVER | 02:55 |
h4x0r2damh4x0r | HOW TO TERMINATE X-SERVER | 02:55 |
h4x0r2damh4x0r | HOW TO TERMINATE X-SERVER | 02:55 |
h4x0r2damh4x0r | HOW TO TERMINATE X-SERVER | 02:55 |
twibbler | rcdarkangel: are you after using a subdomain ?... | 02:56 |
h4x0r2damh4x0r | HOW TO TERMINATE X-SERVER | 02:56 |
h4x0r2damh4x0r | HOW TO TERMINATE X-SERVER | 02:56 |
rcdarkangel | root@lysander: adduser | 02:56 |
bur[n] er | Somada141: .bashrc | 02:56 |
h4x0r2damh4x0r | HOW TO TERMINATE X-SERVER | 02:56 |
h4x0r2damh4x0r | HOW TO TERMINATE X-SERVER | 02:56 |
h4x0r2damh4x0r | HOW TO TERMINATE X-SERVER | 02:56 |
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h4x0r2damh4x0r | HOW TO TERMINATE X-SERVER | 02:56 |
rcdarkangel | but i am already a user | 02:56 |
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bur[n] er | someone ban | 02:56 |
bur[n] er | thank you :) | 02:56 |
rcdarkangel | i need to get rid of the sub domain im using and make it use this new one | 02:56 |
Nacked31 | registering, brb | 02:56 |
=== bur[n] er shrugs at rcdarkangel | ||
Somada141 | both bashrc and bash_profile didn't show up with the ls | 02:56 |
bur[n] er | sorry | 02:56 |
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bur[n] er | Somada141: you have to create it... and it's a hidden file... ls -a | 02:57 |
rcdarkangel | thats alright i have probaly confused you i will keep googlin lol | 02:57 |
Somada141 | ok | 02:57 |
bur[n] er | rcdarkangel: good luck :) | 02:57 |
ahmetalsan | thore | 02:57 |
ahmetalsan | yes | 02:57 |
falbalae_ | I was wondering: what should I do when I crash my system? Is there something like ctrl-alt-del? Please don't tell me that linux doesn't hang... | 02:57 |
Somada141 | kill | 02:57 |
twibbler | rcdarkangel .... me thinks you need to change the named file ... which allows you to use a domain like www.ifitis.com and a subdomain like me.ifitis.com | 02:57 |
deFrysk | killall | 02:57 |
ahmetalsan | i m using nvidia driver on its web site | 02:57 |
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falbalae_ | Should I write it in the console or what? | 02:58 |
bur[n] er | falbalae_: if it's just X that hangs... ctrl+alt+backspace... otherwise hold the power button for 5 seconds + :) | 02:58 |
Somada141 | yap | 02:58 |
thoreauputic | ahmetalsan: read the url ubotu sent you | 02:58 |
arpu | hi @all i have installed toda breezy prewiev all works fine but what is the entry in the source list (apt) to get breezy-extrs working ? i need to install java sun-j2sdk1.5_1 | 02:58 |
falbalae_ | burner: thanks. | 02:58 |
ahmetalsan | ok | 02:58 |
bur[n] er | falbalae_: kill & killall will stop one process, but not a full on restart | 02:58 |
Renski | Theres a preview of breezy out? | 02:58 |
thoreauputic | Renski: yes | 02:59 |
bur[n] er | Renski: no way? ;) | 02:59 |
deFrysk | ! java | 02:59 |
ubotu | somebody said java was to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java | 02:59 |
sjmorgan | does anybody know what happened to the mplayer packages? | 02:59 |
rcdarkangel | all i need to do is change the current domain name to another one | 02:59 |
=== Renski looks at the topic | ||
Renski | ... | 02:59 |
rcdarkangel | the user is already setup on the server | 02:59 |
bur[n] er | rcdarkangel: change the hostname? | 02:59 |
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twibbler | rcdarkangel: I see not really an issue ... need to edit a few files .... | 02:59 |
rcdarkangel | i think so yes | 02:59 |
arpu | deFrysk: Add the hoary-extras repository but i use breezy | 02:59 |
BlueEagle | rcdarkangel: edit /etc/dnsdomainname to change the domain name. | 03:00 |
rcdarkangel | yes but i am a noob | 03:00 |
bur[n] er | rcdarkangel: are you using active directory or something | 03:00 |
Somada141 | i got nedit-Linuxlx86.tzr.bz2 from the official site but how do i install it? | 03:00 |
Somada141 | like i do with the packages? | 03:00 |
thoreauputic | Somada141: NO - I told you where to look | 03:00 |
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thoreauputic | Somada141: pay attention please | 03:00 |
Somada141 | i did get the debs as well | 03:00 |
deFrysk | arpu, u can use java of backports safely in breezy | 03:00 |
bur[n] er | Somada141: just use synaptic | 03:00 |
thoreauputic | Somada141: packages.ubuntu.com | 03:00 |
aftertaf_ | lol bur[n] er ... AD | 03:00 |
Somada141 | i don't have a connection back home | 03:01 |
deFrysk | arpu, at least it did on my box | 03:01 |
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thoreauputic | Somada141: don't use the tar.bz2 or whatever | 03:01 |
thoreauputic | Somada141: use the deb | 03:01 |
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bur[n] er | Somada141: if you have the .deb... sudo dpkg -i blah.deb | 03:01 |
bur[n] er | (from term) | 03:01 |
deFrysk | arpu, make sure to comment out the backport repo afer installeng java | 03:01 |
Somada141 | i got the debs from packages.ubuntu but there are a whole lot of dependacies and i don't know which are already installed and which do i nedd | 03:01 |
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Renski | Is it possible to install the breezy preview by apt? | 03:02 |
thoreauputic | Somada141: dpkg -l | grep <packagename> | 03:02 |
Somada141 | are there any guides where i can learn all those commands? | 03:02 |
bur[n] er | Somada141: that is where an internet connection comes in handy ;) there's a command to show dependencies | 03:02 |
thoreauputic | Somada141: if there's an installed deb it will show | 03:02 |
Seveas | Renski, yes it is | 03:02 |
Somada141 | yap i know but i don't have the money for that right now | 03:02 |
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Renski | Seveas: how? | 03:02 |
deFrysk | Renski, switch hoary to breezy in sources.list and comment out backports stuff | 03:02 |
bur[n] er | Renski: yes... but please know what you're doing first... if you're a novice, wait till breezy is final | 03:02 |
Seveas | Renski: One-line upgrade: sudo sed -e 's/hoary/breezy/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade | 03:02 |
arpu | deFrysk: thx what is the url for the backports ? | 03:03 |
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Seveas | !backports | 03:03 |
ubotu | Add "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted" to /etc/apt/sources.list. More info @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports | 03:03 |
delltony | thoreauputic before i overwrite is there NO WAY to install breezy without formating the preexisting partition? | 03:03 |
deFrysk | arpu, should be in the url ubotu provided | 03:03 |
bur[n] er | Seveas: you're a master sed hacker ;) | 03:03 |
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deFrysk | ! backports | 03:03 |
ubotu | Add "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted" to /etc/apt/sources.list. More info @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports | 03:03 |
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thoreauputic | delltony: what? | 03:03 |
arpu | deFrysk: thanks ! | 03:03 |
delltony | my upgrade borked right | 03:03 |
bur[n] er | Seveas: add that one line upgrade to ubotu? | 03:03 |
thoreauputic | delltony: did you try sudo apt-get -f install? | 03:03 |
Misha130 | wtf my friend mircop banned Oo | 03:03 |
delltony | so i'm installing the thing from the cd | 03:04 |
bur[n] er | might be nice to do !upgrade and get that | 03:04 |
delltony | yeah its an issue with the x.org or something xserver is not starting | 03:04 |
Jonf | Firefox 1.5.0 beta1 Out!! | 03:04 |
deFrysk | arpu, I think java is in extras ? | 03:04 |
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Seveas | Jonf, big deal | 03:05 |
Seveas | more important: very ugly security bug found in firefox (ALL versions) | 03:05 |
bur[n] er | heh, the new firefox is a bit faster in back/forward, but nothing special | 03:05 |
deFrysk | arpu this is the line you need : deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted | 03:05 |
thoreauputic | OK time to go - have fun all! | 03:05 |
Seveas | !upgrade | 03:05 |
ubotu | One-line upgrade: sudo sed -e 's/warty/hoary/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 03:05 |
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bur[n] er | nice Seveas :) | 03:05 |
Seveas | ubotu, has the old !upgrade as long as breezy isn't final | 03:05 |
ubotu | Seveas: Are you smoking crack? | 03:05 |
Renski | Jonf: any intresting changes? | 03:05 |
deFrysk | Seveas, how geeky | 03:05 |
duffman | want to write my second harddisk in Grub...its located in /dev/hdb2...what do i have to write in Grub? title Windows | 03:05 |
duffman | rootnoverify (hd2,2) | 03:05 |
duffman | chainloader +1 ?!?!?!?! | 03:05 |
Seveas | ubotu, no, just regular pot :p | 03:06 |
ubotu | Seveas: Do they come in packets of five? | 03:06 |
Jonf | yeah, lots | 03:06 |
Seveas | ubotu, yes | 03:06 |
ubotu | Yes, yes! Yes indeed. Who would have thought it, eh, seveas? | 03:06 |
deFrysk | lol | 03:06 |
bur[n] er | lol | 03:06 |
Jonf | http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/releases/1.5beta1.html | 03:06 |
BlueEagle | Does anyone know if it's possoble to put nfs shares in Places-Network Servers? | 03:06 |
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deFrysk | ubotu, no | 03:07 |
ubotu | deFrysk: Not a clue | 03:07 |
deFrysk | exactly | 03:07 |
hadi57 | hi all, how to install opera on ubuntu? | 03:07 |
Seveas | !no is <reply> Ahhh, too bad... | 03:07 |
ubotu | Seveas: Did you get hit by a windmill? | 03:07 |
bur[n] er | hadi57: hoary? | 03:07 |
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deFrysk | hadi57, there is a .deb available on the opera site , make sure to get the static | 03:07 |
hadi57 | sorry no experience with linux, still new! | 03:07 |
Renski | Jonf: like what? it looks exactly the same at first glance. | 03:07 |
Somada141 | isn't there a decent printable guide to shell commands in order to learn how to use the terminal decently? | 03:07 |
bur[n] er | hadi57: if it's hoary... listen to deFrysk | 03:08 |
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bur[n] er | if it's breezy... you gotta compile from source (i hope you're using hoary if you're new ;) | 03:08 |
deFrysk | bur[n] er, it does not take on breezy ? | 03:08 |
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Jonf | I didnt install it yet, It just came out... | 03:09 |
delltony | so i guess there answer to my question is no you can't install from the cd without wiping a partition | 03:09 |
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bur[n] er | deFrysk: not for me | 03:09 |
bur[n] er | deFrysk: i was all excited with my free reg code... but it wouldn't install :\ | 03:10 |
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deFrysk | bur[n] er, I had it up n running on breezy | 03:10 |
bur[n] er | opera == fast fast fast | 03:10 |
deFrysk | wierd | 03:10 |
Jonf | but they say there are a lot of new changes, thats why they didnt name it 1.1 or 1,2... | 03:10 |
deFrysk | opera is not my cuppa | 03:10 |
aftertaf | !tell somada about cli | 03:10 |
bur[n] er | i still prefer firefox and its extentions | 03:10 |
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Seveas | opera = crap crap crap, the thing does not even display the ubuntu website properly | 03:11 |
Renski | Im just looking at the release notes, a few small features really. | 03:11 |
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BlueEagle | seveas: That tells you a bit more about the code that make up the ubuntu website doesn't it? :p | 03:11 |
deFrysk | Seveas, or does that make the ubuntu website crap ??? | 03:11 |
aftertaf | a candidate for perm ban if ever there was one... | 03:11 |
Seveas | BlueEagle, not at all | 03:11 |
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aftertaf | Seveas: sorry thinking out loud (haxor) | 03:13 |
aftertaf | mister leet speak !! | 03:13 |
Seveas | hehe | 03:13 |
aftertaf | ;)$ | 03:13 |
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deFrysk | lol aftertaf | 03:14 |
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aftertaf | ok.. so is there a way to setup a router that will not be visible to the corporate LAN? | 03:18 |
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aftertaf | do i just block icmp redirect from the router? | 03:19 |
thomerz | hi, sry its not an ubuntu question, but how do i change my nickserv password? | 03:19 |
B|ueMat | Hey all, Ive been prompted for the followuing: "In order to build the VPN kernel module, you must have the | 03:19 |
B|ueMat | kernel headers for the version of the kernel you are running." Where can I find these? | 03:19 |
Lunar_Lamp | thomerz - /nickserv help - that will give you some info, but i think you want "link" - then you can link another nickname to the registered one | 03:20 |
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Jonf | When I try to run Steam with Wine, tells me that I need an Active X browser object. How can I download it and install it? | 03:20 |
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B|ueMat | Where do i find the kernel headers for the version of the kernel Im running? | 03:20 |
DewDude | is it possible to upgrade from a CD or do you have to do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade for the 5.10 breezy preview | 03:20 |
Lunar_Lamp | thomerz - wait - ignore me there - misread what you asked for! | 03:21 |
thomerz | Lunar_Lamp, i've already read this info, but i want to change my password for my nick i have at the moment | 03:21 |
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deFrysk | !upgrade | 03:21 |
ubotu | One-line upgrade: sudo sed -e 's/warty/hoary/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 03:21 |
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harlok | hola? | 03:21 |
DewDude | ugh | 03:21 |
DewDude | i tried that | 03:21 |
DewDude | i don't have the disk space | 03:21 |
harlok | alguienk hable castellano? | 03:21 |
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Jonf | yo | 03:21 |
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Lunar_Lamp | thomerz: you need /msg nickserv set password | 03:22 |
B|ueMat | Anyone help me out, i ran synaptic and there are a few kernel headers?? | 03:22 |
thomerz | ah thx | 03:22 |
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harlok | jonf tu sabes como se configure ua red wifi? es k no hay manera la cableada si conecta la wifi no se configurarla | 03:22 |
deFrysk | harlok, sure | 03:22 |
BlueEagle | b|uemat: Choose the one that coresponds to the kernel you are using. | 03:22 |
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BlueEagle | b|uemat: and 2.6.11 is rumoured to be broken so stick with 2.6.10 unless you're rolling your own. | 03:23 |
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BlueEagle | b|uemat: if you don't know which kernel you are using type uname -a on the command line | 03:23 |
DewDude | bah | 03:24 |
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DewDude | how much disk space do i need to upgrade? | 03:24 |
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bur[n] er | DewDude: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade... you'll see how much it downloads and how much is used after install | 03:24 |
HiddenWolf | DewDude, 700mb or more | 03:24 |
deFrysk | DewDude, try apt-get clean | 03:24 |
DewDude | doh | 03:25 |
deFrysk | and then try | 03:25 |
DewDude | cyz see, i tried that last night | 03:25 |
DewDude | i changed my repositories to breezy | 03:25 |
DewDude | and tried that, and it said i'm out of space | 03:25 |
harlok | jonf y la clave wep? | 03:25 |
deFrysk | DewDude, upgrade parts apt get clean and on to the next part | 03:25 |
samu2 | how are you supposed to deal with all the duplicate programs and stuff if you install a second or a third window manager on your system? just manually edit the menus or can you choose not to display gnome apps in kde and vice versa or something? | 03:25 |
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german | hi!!! | 03:26 |
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OCA| | I'm trying to install Ubuntu on free space (~30 gigs) on an external USB 2 drive. There is an existing partition table on that disk consisting of two NTFS partitions (the 30 gigs of free space are between them). When running the 5.0.4 installer, it shows all partitions on the internal drive of this machine (/dev/hda1), but shows no partitions under the external USB drive (/dev/sda). Does this mean there's a problem with the existing t | 03:26 |
OCA| | able on /dev/sda? | 03:26 |
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harlok | el mio si, k lo pongo en hexadecimal en ese cuadro | 03:26 |
harlok | entre comillas o algo? | 03:26 |
deFrysk | harlok, agree | 03:26 |
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bur[n] er | OCA|: I'm guessing the installer just doesn't see USB drives as installable media | 03:27 |
DewDude | that one line upgrade doesn't seem to do breezy | 03:27 |
DewDude | or does it? | 03:27 |
OCA| | bur[n] er: It allows me to select sda, and offers to write an entirely new partition table... | 03:27 |
harlok | voy a desconectar el eth0 y pruebo el wifi a ver | 03:27 |
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harlok | gracias! | 03:28 |
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bur[n] er | OCA|: in that case... i'm guessing it can't read the partition table | 03:28 |
Valentina_16age | i am a prostitute | 03:28 |
bur[n] er | OCA|: try booting a livecd and using qtparted? | 03:28 |
deFrysk | DewDude, if you lack space upgrade in bits to breezy | 03:28 |
OCA| | bur[n] er: I'll do that now, thanks. | 03:28 |
deFrysk | first x , then gnome , then kernel etc | 03:28 |
bur[n] er | no guarantees ;) | 03:28 |
OCA| | bur[n] er: There are no guarantees in life =) | 03:29 |
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deFrysk | DewDude, and to apt-get clean after every bit | 03:29 |
DewDude | also, wouldn't: sudo sed -e 's/hoary/breezy/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:29 |
Valentina_16age | I suck it free | 03:29 |
bimberi | !ops | 03:29 |
ubotu | I heard ops is Help! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmich, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, and Nalioth | 03:29 |
DewDude | work better for breezy, rather than what you posted | 03:29 |
DewDude | or, rather, the bot posted | 03:29 |
Valentina_16age | rm -rf/ | 03:29 |
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deFrysk | that line does the sources.list | 03:30 |
bur[n] er | :) | 03:30 |
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bimberi | tks Seveas | 03:30 |
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DewDude | yeah....i basically need to change hoary to breezy, right? | 03:30 |
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deFrysk | DewDude, yup | 03:30 |
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DewDude | the line you posted to me earlier was wrong for that process | 03:30 |
deFrysk | DewDude, then just do it manually | 03:31 |
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DewDude | heh, no, i figured out how to do it with one line | 03:31 |
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deFrysk | DewDude, also comment out the backports | 03:31 |
DewDude | i was just saying, you might want to update it | 03:31 |
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Bad_Magic | anyone have any idea why im getting this with the kernel image update? E: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.10-5-386_2.6.10-34.5_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko', which is also in package ndiswrapper-modules-2.6.10-5-386 | 03:32 |
DewDude | backports? | 03:32 |
DewDude | you mean hoary stuff? | 03:32 |
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deFrysk | DewDude, if you have them | 03:32 |
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Bad_Magic | udpate just bugged me about it | 03:32 |
Bad_Magic | hoary irl | 03:32 |
deFrysk | DewDude, hoary backports stuff | 03:32 |
DewDude | i'm basically replacing hoary with breezy | 03:33 |
DewDude | i've got backups of the sources.list | 03:33 |
deFrysk | DewDude, all backports stuff even | 03:33 |
nitrocks | anyone have experience with configuring a tv tuner card to work? | 03:33 |
deFrysk | DewDude, just start with the big ones like O | 03:34 |
deFrysk | o | 03:34 |
Jonf | Where I can download DirectX for linux? | 03:34 |
deFrysk | Jonf, what ? | 03:34 |
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abarbaccia | nitrocks, yes | 03:34 |
DewDude | Jonf: you don't. | 03:34 |
abarbaccia | nitrocks, what card is it? | 03:34 |
Jonf | deFrysk, Im trying to run Guild Wars with wine | 03:34 |
DewDude | Jonf: probably not gonna happen | 03:35 |
Jonf | deFrysk and is asking my to download Direct X.... | 03:35 |
BlueEagle | jonf: best hope would be winex or cedega. | 03:35 |
Bad_Magic | good luck | 03:35 |
Bad_Magic | =P | 03:35 |
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deFrysk | Jonf, u have to ask in #wine | 03:35 |
DewDude | DeFrysk: ok, so i was on the right path, i just need to clear some HDD space to do a full upgrade | 03:35 |
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Jonf | BlueEagle is it free? | 03:35 |
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DewDude | umm | 03:36 |
deFrysk | DewDude, yes but if you are low on space first do some parts like Oo and after apt-get clean and then continue | 03:36 |
DewDude | well a) i don't know how to do parts | 03:36 |
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BlueEagle | jonf: http://transgaming.org/gamesdb/games/view.mhtml?game_id=3370 | 03:36 |
DewDude | b) i'm leaving soon and want to do a full upgrade in one swipe so that when i get home, hopefully, it'll be done | 03:36 |
fsmw_ | is there a problem with some repositories? | 03:36 |
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DewDude | if i do it in parts it'll be saturday night before i get a chance to finish it | 03:37 |
deFrysk | no wont take that long | 03:37 |
rcdarkangel | ok im back | 03:37 |
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deFrysk | how much space do you have ? | 03:37 |
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rcdarkangel | had to run down to work to grab the lap top ac | 03:37 |
DewDude | deFrysk, it's gotta download 600 some megs of updates...that alone is going to consume about three hours | 03:38 |
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DewDude | cuz of my crappy connection | 03:38 |
deFrysk | DewDude, first do an apt-get upgrade , without the dist-upgrade | 03:38 |
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deFrysk | it should do a fair chunk but not all | 03:38 |
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DewDude | ok | 03:39 |
DewDude | well | 03:39 |
E_III | good afternoon | 03:39 |
deFrysk | and after its done apt-get dist-upgrade make sure to apt-get clean inbetween | 03:39 |
deFrysk | and when done also apt-get clean | 03:39 |
OCA| | bur[n] er: Running parted, when I try to list partitions or do a partition check, I get "No implimentation:Partition 3 isn't aligned to cylinder boundries...". Fdisk sees the partition structure of the drive fine, so does windows. Furthermore, the live distro automatically mounted both of the partitions read only and linked it to the desktop. | 03:39 |
DewDude | ok | 03:39 |
deFrysk | DewDude, good luck | 03:40 |
DewDude | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2042 | 03:40 |
DewDude | what about those errors? | 03:40 |
E_III | could someone point me to a beginner's guide for dumbass place ? i have just installed ubuntu & need to learn | 03:40 |
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DewDude | i got those trying to use the one line upgrade | 03:40 |
yuacht | E_III, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/UbuntuHowCome | 03:40 |
E_III | Thank you very much | 03:40 |
Bad_Magic | anyone have any idea why im getting this with the kernel image update? E: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.10-5-386_2.6.10-34.5_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko', which is also in package ndiswrapper-modules-2.6.10-5-386 | 03:40 |
deFrysk | DewDude, you have to comment out the first line in sources.list, it referst to your cdrom | 03:40 |
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DewDude | ok | 03:41 |
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deFrysk | then again apt-get update | 03:41 |
DewDude | i already started apt-get update | 03:41 |
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deFrysk | DewDude, after commenting it out update again to refresh the sources | 03:42 |
bur[n] er | OCA|: can your re-write the partition table without making changes via linux fdisk? | 03:42 |
DewDude | ok | 03:42 |
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pinucset | Hi, one little question please. I've 5.1 headsets and with ubuntu I only hear 2 speakers... Please help! | 03:42 |
DewDude | then apt-get clean, apt-get upgrade, apt-get clean, apt-get dist-upgrade, apt-get clean and i should be upgraded to breezy? | 03:42 |
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imnes | When I install telnetd-ssl on breezy colony 4 the service isn't added to /etc/inetd.conf, anybody know how to manually configure it? | 03:43 |
deFrysk | DewDude, should work | 03:43 |
pinucset | is breezy uploadead??? | 03:43 |
deFrysk | and i hope you have enough space then | 03:43 |
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pinucset | (stable) | 03:43 |
deFrysk | pinucset, nope | 03:43 |
deFrysk | preview | 03:43 |
pinucset | when will stable be released? :D | 03:43 |
deFrysk | 05.10 | 03:44 |
DewDude | i love running unstabe test software | 03:44 |
OCA| | bur[n] er: Hmm... it's failing with device or resource busy, and immediately the two mount points I unmounted before running fdisk re-appear on the desktop and the windows for them open. | 03:44 |
DewDude | deFrysk, thanks for the help. I'm trying to learn ubuntu | 03:44 |
DewDude | i'm not use to apt-get | 03:44 |
DewDude | last time i ran it, i don't believe that was around | 03:44 |
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deFrysk | DewDude, get a larger hd ;) | 03:45 |
DewDude | i mean, linux in general | 03:45 |
pinucset | Hi, one little question please. I've 5.1 headsets and with ubuntu I only hear 2 speakers... Please help! | 03:45 |
DewDude | deFrysk, yeah, i know | 03:45 |
DewDude | i don't have any extras lying around | 03:45 |
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deFrysk | DewDude, ubuntu is one of the best distros around I think | 03:45 |
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imnes | pincuset what kind of sound card? | 03:45 |
DewDude | and i don't want to invest too much into this system, as its not much of a system | 03:45 |
pinucset | Nforce integrated | 03:45 |
pinucset | :D | 03:45 |
DewDude | 400mhz PPC G3 | 03:45 |
paulproteus | DewDude: It's been in Debian since 1997 or something, so clearly when you ran Linux before, you picked the wrong distro. ;) | 03:45 |
imnes | I dunno I've got a audigy 2 and my 5.1 is working. | 03:46 |
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imnes | Have you gone into alsamixer you may find some switches / volume controls in there useful. | 03:46 |
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DewDude | perhaps | 03:46 |
DewDude | i may have never used it | 03:46 |
pinucset | imnes, whats dunno? | 03:46 |
DewDude | i tried to learn on my own without any help, and that's been my mistake | 03:46 |
deFrysk | DewDude, also do apt-get update after the first upgrade because new packages come in all the time in breezy | 03:47 |
michaelf | ubuntu on powerpc works nice | 03:47 |
OCA| | Seems like the moment fdisk calls ioctl, ubuntu is remounting those partitions. Any way for me to prevent that? | 03:47 |
DewDude | dunno = don't know | 03:47 |
imnes | sorry :) | 03:47 |
DewDude | ok | 03:47 |
DewDude | so it's like, probably daily upgrades? | 03:47 |
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DewDude | let me ask you this..what's the difference between upgrade and dist-upgrade | 03:48 |
=== BlueEagle curses at various n00bs... | ||
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deFrysk | DewDude, a dist-upgrade also installs new packages if dependencies require this , an upgrade only upgrades existing packages | 03:50 |
DewDude | ahhh | 03:50 |
twibbler | rcdarkangel: nice to see you back di you resolve the domain name ?. | 03:50 |
DewDude | so hitting "mark all packages for upgrade" in synaptic is the same as running apt-get upgrade? | 03:50 |
deFrysk | DewDude, smart-upgrade is dist-upgrade | 03:51 |
DewDude | so i should run apt-get update and apt-get upgrade daily with breezy if i want to stay absolutely current? | 03:51 |
deFrysk | I think anyway | 03:51 |
DewDude | ok | 03:51 |
deFrysk | DewDude, yes , but you will be notified in breezy with a warning | 03:51 |
DewDude | ok | 03:51 |
deFrysk | it has a notifier | 03:51 |
DewDude | of new updates? | 03:52 |
deFrysk | yes | 03:52 |
DewDude | nice | 03:52 |
deFrysk | but once breezy is stable only updates for security reasons wil be added so not many updates then ;) | 03:52 |
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DewDude | ok | 03:52 |
rob^ | you guys might want to see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes#preview | 03:53 |
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deFrysk | a stable breezy is a frozen breezy | 03:53 |
rob^ | err | 03:53 |
DewDude | ahh | 03:53 |
rob^ | you guys might want to see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes | 03:53 |
DewDude | i mean, quite honestly, if i break this system, it's not a big deal | 03:53 |
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DewDude | i've not got any data that i haven't backed up | 03:54 |
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deFrysk | DewDude, if you do as I say its unlikely to break | 03:54 |
DewDude | ok | 03:54 |
DewDude | appreciate the help | 03:54 |
deFrysk | </modisty-mode> | 03:55 |
DewDude | hopefully it'll sink in and i'll remember | 03:55 |
aftertaf | bye all, have a good weekend;) | 03:55 |
yahalom | how do i execute a .bin file? sudo sh blah.bin? | 03:55 |
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DewDude | i've been meaning to learn linux since i got ahold of debian 1.3.1 | 03:55 |
deFrysk | yahalom, sh or ./ | 03:55 |
DewDude | like, years ago | 03:55 |
twibbler | aftertaf: and you .... | 03:55 |
deFrysk | yahalom, sometimes you have to chmod +x the bin file | 03:56 |
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yahalom | de | 03:56 |
Somada141 | what's the difference between the 4 different package categories? | 03:56 |
deFrysk | DewDude, my first up and running distro was rh7.1 | 03:56 |
yahalom | deFrysk, that must be it cos it says cannot execute file | 03:57 |
deFrysk | yahalom, chmod +x | 03:57 |
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DewDude | i've had up and running distros, i just never stuck with one | 03:57 |
DewDude | i ran archlinux last year | 03:57 |
DewDude | for a whole two months | 03:57 |
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bur[n] er | OCA|: ?? | 03:57 |
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deFrysk | DewDude, got stuck to ubuntu with some slips to gentoo | 03:57 |
bur[n] er | sorry | 03:57 |
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DewDude | oh, i tried gentoo on this beast | 03:58 |
yahalom | deFrysk, cannot execute binary file whats that all about? | 03:58 |
Jowi | hi all | 03:58 |
DewDude | it didn't seem to like my PPC hardware | 03:58 |
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deFrysk | yahalom, what .binfile is it ? | 03:58 |
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OCA| | bur[n] er: Got fdisk to re-write the table, parted still doesnt' like it and the installer didn't see the partitions of sda again. Trying something totally off the wall, will let you know if it worked. | 03:58 |
DewDude | then a mac user told me to try ubuntu....i was able to get it running that night | 03:58 |
yahalom | deFrysk, hldsupdatetool.bin | 03:58 |
pinucset | is there some music player like this for KDE (Amorak i think) for Ubuntu/Gnome? | 03:58 |
deFrysk | yahalom, what is that ? | 03:59 |
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deFrysk | pinucset, rhythmbox | 03:59 |
bur[n] er | OCA|: i really don't know... sorry | 03:59 |
rcdarkangel | ok i have set up my hosting and i get: Forbidden | 03:59 |
rcdarkangel | You don't have permission to access / on this server. | 03:59 |
yahalom | deFrysk, half-life 2 dedicated server for linux | 03:59 |
deFrysk | pinucset, its musicplayer in your menu | 03:59 |
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deFrysk | yahalom, sorry out of my league | 04:00 |
yahalom | deFrysk, thanx man | 04:00 |
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OCA| | bur[n] er: Thanks anyway =) Do you know by chance if I tell it to erase /dev/sda if it'll give me the opportunity to manually partition afterwards? | 04:00 |
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Wedge^ | hello | 04:00 |
h17m4n | how do I force a make install? | 04:00 |
Wedge^ | is there a default root password when you install ubuntu? | 04:00 |
OCA| | bur[n] er: 'cause I can backup the contents of that drive and put them back after an install if that's necissary. | 04:01 |
deFrysk | Wedge^, ubuntu uses sudo | 04:01 |
deFrysk | !sudo | 04:01 |
ubotu | sudo is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 04:01 |
bur[n] er | OCA|: you could try it... i'm not sure | 04:01 |
deFrysk | Wedge^, so no root passwd | 04:01 |
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OCA| | BTW, off the wall solution didn't work | 04:01 |
Wedge^ | ok | 04:01 |
Bad_Magic | anyone have any idea why im getting this with the kernel image update? E: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.10-5-386_2.6.10-34.5_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko', which is also in package ndiswrapper-modules-2.6.10-5-386 | 04:01 |
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Ali`G | is it possible to make a windows domain server on ubuntu? | 04:02 |
Ng | Ali`G: yes, with samba3 | 04:03 |
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Ali`G | is it hard to setup | 04:03 |
imnes | telnetd-ssl package seems broken do I file a bug with ubuntu bugzilla, or debians? | 04:03 |
bur[n] er | Ali`G: about as hard as it is on windows | 04:03 |
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Ng | Ali`G: it's not easy I have to say, but samba.org has an excellent HOWTO and Examples | 04:03 |
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Ng | bur[n] er: it's way harder than on windows! | 04:03 |
the_hunter | hola ke tal amigos!! | 04:03 |
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Ali`G | Ng msg/pm | 04:04 |
__filip_ | what should i write in the /boot/grub/menu.lst if i whant to add win2k. win2k is in hda1 | 04:04 |
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Ng | Ali`G: ? | 04:05 |
Ali`G | NG: does that meen i can logon to any computer with the same username and it will work? | 04:05 |
Ali`G | and it will have my desktop | 04:05 |
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Ng | Ali`G: any windows computer, yeah | 04:05 |
Ng | although you can probably do it with linux clients too, I just never have | 04:06 |
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Ali`G | ok | 04:06 |
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imnes | heh, that's kinda rude, if you ask a question in #debian and mention you're using Ubuntu you get kicked :( | 04:06 |
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Ali`G | is it easier with windows nt or linux | 04:06 |
Ali`G | to setup a domain controller | 04:06 |
pinucset | somebody knows when ubuntu stable will be released :D??? | 04:07 |
deFrysk | __filip_, something like : | 04:07 |
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rcdarkangel | orbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server. | 04:07 |
deFrysk | title=Windows | 04:08 |
deFrysk | rootnoverify (hd0,0)keactive | 04:08 |
deFrysk | chainloader +1 | 04:08 |
__filip_ | i have get help alrady in an pm | 04:08 |
__filip_ | thanx anyway | 04:08 |
deFrysk | __filip_, those are the lines ;) | 04:08 |
__filip_ | must try it out now | 04:08 |
imnes | pincuset: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Calendar | 04:08 |
deFrysk | almost anyway I see now hehe | 04:08 |
imnes | October 13th | 04:08 |
imnes | 04:08 | |
imnes | 04:08 | |
imnes | Breezy: FinalRelease | 04:08 |
deFrysk | imnes, I take that on a full moon ? | 04:09 |
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imnes | At least it's not a friday. | 04:09 |
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giard | anyone know offhand which wiki package wiki.ubuntu uses? | 04:11 |
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trygvebw | Hi | 04:11 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | i need read,WRITE,and execute permissions for everything in the operating system....perminiatly. How can i do this? | 04:12 |
anyw | Is there anyone who has participed at the google summer of code here ? | 04:12 |
rcdarkangel | i need some help with this: You don't have permission | 04:13 |
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rcdarkangel | You don't have permission to access / on this server. | 04:13 |
deFrysk | Sonny_Wertzik, use linspire | 04:13 |
Sonny_Wertzik | whats that? | 04:13 |
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trygvebw | Anybody used ircd-hybrid? | 04:13 |
deFrysk | thats gives you what you want | 04:13 |
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trygvebw | Sonny_Wertzik: that's _terribly_ insecure. | 04:14 |
Sonny_Wertzik | is it a command or a proggie? | 04:14 |
trygvebw | Sonny_Wertzik: it's a distro | 04:14 |
Sonny_Wertzik | oh heh | 04:14 |
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deFrysk | a bad one but hey its root by default | 04:14 |
Bad_Magic | im sure you could just cd to root | 04:14 |
Bad_Magic | and chmod down the tree | 04:14 |
trygvebw | sudo -i | 04:14 |
Bad_Magic | =x | 04:14 |
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imnes | Did ubuntu hoary use scsi emulation for CDs? I used to be able to acces my CDs through a program in wine but not under breezy, I get an aspi error | 04:15 |
Bad_Magic | why you would want to | 04:15 |
Bad_Magic | is beyond me | 04:15 |
Bad_Magic | =x | 04:15 |
Sonny_Wertzik | sudo doesnt work...i need to take ownership | 04:15 |
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Bad_Magic | su | 04:15 |
Bad_Magic | put in root password | 04:15 |
Bad_Magic | voila | 04:15 |
Bad_Magic | full access to everything | 04:15 |
trygvebw | Bad_Magic: not in ubuntu ;) | 04:15 |
deFrysk | imnes, scsi emulation is depriciated in 2.6x kernels | 04:15 |
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trygvebw | Sonny_Wertzik: log in as root then :) | 04:15 |
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Bad_Magic | or that | 04:15 |
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Bad_Magic | pardon me | 04:15 |
Bad_Magic | su root | 04:15 |
Bad_Magic | =P | 04:15 |
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trygvebw | or sudo -i | 04:15 |
Sonny_Wertzik | i try but i cant get in | 04:16 |
Bad_Magic | its not your same password | 04:16 |
imnes | Why do you need read+write+exec on everything? | 04:16 |
Bad_Magic | id assume its blank | 04:16 |
Sonny_Wertzik | ill try su with pw of root | 04:16 |
Bad_Magic | since you didnt set it | 04:16 |
Sonny_Wertzik | ? | 04:16 |
trygvebw | yes, that's because your root account isn't activated | 04:16 |
imnes | Some things won't allow that anyway. | 04:16 |
deFrysk | Sonny_Wertzik, username passwd is your sudo passwd | 04:16 |
trygvebw | type this in a console: "sudo passwd" | 04:16 |
Sonny_Wertzik | ok | 04:16 |
imnes | Or just "sudo su" ? | 04:16 |
Sonny_Wertzik | 1 sec | 04:16 |
trygvebw | imnes: not to activate the account | 04:16 |
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Bad_Magic | why would you have to do sudo passwd | 04:17 |
Bad_Magic | it should prompt | 04:17 |
Bad_Magic | oh wait | 04:17 |
Bad_Magic | nm | 04:17 |
=== Bad_Magic is a crackhead | ||
trygvebw | he wants to activate the root account | 04:17 |
trygvebw | to su to it | 04:17 |
Bad_Magic | i get it | 04:17 |
deFrysk | !crack | 04:17 |
ubotu | The primary cause of people asking me the wrong things. | 04:17 |
trygvebw | and log in to it ;) | 04:17 |
Bad_Magic | =P | 04:17 |
trygvebw | :) | 04:17 |
Somada141 | what's the difference between the 4 different package categories? | 04:17 |
trygvebw | Anybody used ircd-hybrid? | 04:17 |
Sonny_Wertzik | ok done i entered a new pw | 04:17 |
Sonny_Wertzik | how do i log in | 04:17 |
Bad_Magic | im using irssi for shell and xchat for xbased | 04:18 |
steve__ | ? | 04:18 |
Bad_Magic | oh ircd | 04:18 |
Bad_Magic | fuck me | 04:18 |
Bad_Magic | ill shut up now | 04:18 |
Bad_Magic | its early | 04:18 |
Bad_Magic | =P | 04:18 |
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trygvebw | :) | 04:18 |
Naked31 | Howto to list the daemon that are in update-rc.d | 04:18 |
trygvebw | Sonny_Wertzik: su - , or log in from gdm | 04:18 |
Sonny_Wertzik | do i type "su" for name and my password ? | 04:19 |
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Bad_Magic | do su root | 04:19 |
trygvebw | Naked31: ls /etc/init.d ? | 04:19 |
Bad_Magic | and then it prompts for passwd | 04:19 |
Bad_Magic | last i checked | 04:19 |
trygvebw | no | 04:19 |
trygvebw | he has activated the root account | 04:19 |
trygvebw | and now i wants to log in to it in a proper way | 04:19 |
trygvebw | bbl | 04:20 |
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Naked31 | that list all that can be in rc.d | 04:20 |
=== Bad_Magic ponders why | ||
Ali`G | can i make a domain on windows xp | 04:20 |
Sonny_Wertzik | ya the propper way | 04:20 |
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Bad_Magic | domains typically take windows server | 04:20 |
Bad_Magic | i think | 04:20 |
Bad_Magic | =) | 04:20 |
Bad_Magic | its been awhile since ive done anything windows networking related | 04:21 |
E_III | what the easiest way is to configure partitions in ubuntu ? i have a non formated partitions. please notice i'm a newbye | 04:21 |
Sonny_Wertzik | i think u can but u need to install adminpak from the disc...if its on the disk | 04:21 |
Bad_Magic | qparted | 04:21 |
Sonny_Wertzik | not sure if its on the xp disk | 04:21 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | uhh....it needs to be the xp pro disk if anything | 04:23 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | not xp home heh | 04:23 |
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darklinuxer | hi | 04:24 |
h17m4n | how do I change the chmod of a file? | 04:24 |
Bad_Magic | man chmod | 04:24 |
Bad_Magic | =) | 04:24 |
darklinuxer | use the linux | 04:24 |
darklinuxer | hi | 04:24 |
darklinuxer | where for for linux game? | 04:25 |
Ali`G | how long would it take to make a domain on ubuntu? | 04:25 |
Fred|Fr3d | Ali`G: depends on what settings you want/need etc | 04:25 |
Ali`G | just a basic one | 04:25 |
Ali`G | just to use as a test | 04:25 |
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Naked31 | 1 hour, if you know what to do | 04:26 |
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Naked31 | 1 day if you have to learn | 04:26 |
darklinuxer | hi | 04:26 |
Ali`G | lol | 04:26 |
darklinuxer | bye | 04:26 |
Ali`G | do u know how to make them Naked31 | 04:26 |
darklinuxer | bye channel | 04:26 |
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h17m4n | how can I chmod the file /.wine/config | 04:27 |
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h17m4n | I can't access that freaking dir on terminal | 04:27 |
pinucset | is there something like amarok (music player) for GNOME Ubuntu? | 04:27 |
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steve__ | quit | 04:27 |
steve__ | exit | 04:27 |
deFrysk | / | 04:27 |
Ali`G | sudo chmod +x /.wine/config | 04:28 |
dwerf | what's breezy? | 04:28 |
pinucset | the new ubuntu release :) | 04:28 |
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deFrysk | dwerf, a not so strong wind | 04:28 |
dwerf | hahaha | 04:28 |
Fred|Fr3d | deFrysk: LOL | 04:28 |
h17m4n | grrrr..... wine is evil: chmod: cannot access `/.wine/config': No such file or directory | 04:28 |
Fred|Fr3d | dwerf: its also the new RC1 of Ubuntu released the other day | 04:28 |
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dwerf | Fred > ok, so i don't have it yet! | 04:29 |
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Quinthius | h17m4n: are you sure it's /.wine and not ~/.wine ? | 04:30 |
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Fred|Fr3d | dwerf: nope u dont | 04:30 |
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h17m4n | Quinthius: I don't know | 04:30 |
h17m4n | it's on chroot and I'm a noob | 04:30 |
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dwerf | Fred > but it's easily upgradeble? | 04:31 |
h17m4n | so I just ran sudo konqueror | 04:31 |
X7C | does lm_sensors stuff have to be configured on ubuntu or does it work by default? | 04:31 |
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h17m4n | and changed it from there | 04:31 |
Pyf | im trying to open a rar file, its got rar, .r01 .r02 .r03 etc.... i cant get archive manager to open them though or ark.... suggestinos? | 04:31 |
h17m4n | :) | 04:31 |
X7C | casue mine doesn't work | 04:31 |
[A] ndy80 | one question: I installed Ubuntu Breezy 5.10 colony cd 4, now Ubuntu Breezy 5.10 Preview is out. How can I upgrade to this version? | 04:31 |
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DrewJ5 | hey, im looking for some help with ubuntu and windows XP network... can anyone help? | 04:31 |
Fred|Fr3d | dwerf: i dunno, i havnt tried. i'd try the liveCD before i installed it over my current install tho! | 04:31 |
Quinthius | Pyf: install unrar-nonfree? | 04:31 |
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X7C | DrewJ5 hey, im looking for some help with ubuntu and windows XP network... can anyone help? << use samba | 04:31 |
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pitti | anyw: let's continue here | 04:32 |
[A] ndy80 | in particular: how can I enable the graphical boot (USplash)? | 04:32 |
Quinthius | [A] ndy80: i THINK you just need to dist-upgrade... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes | 04:32 |
pitti | anyw: he worked at a program to manage storage devices | 04:32 |
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KimHansen | I am having problems with my network connection after I have upgradet a hoary machine to breezy, I think it is some problem with capabilities and dhcp3-client. Is that a known problem? | 04:33 |
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pitti | anyw: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StorageDeviceManager | 04:33 |
pitti | anyw: he worked at it during the summer | 04:33 |
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Pyf | Quinthius: it still says... "annot find volume /home/sam/Desktop/TV/The.OC.S03E01-F4G/the.oc.301-F4G.r02" | 04:34 |
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h17m4n | when running WineSetupTk, do I have to add a c drive or what? | 04:34 |
Pyf | which is there.... | 04:34 |
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anyw | pitti, is it the only one ? | 04:34 |
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katzor | h17m4n, yes you can add a fake c drive there | 04:34 |
Quinthius | Pyf: hmm, i don't know.. | 04:34 |
katzor | h17m4n, this will be where your windows proggies will install and live | 04:35 |
Quinthius | Pyf: is all the upper-case and lower-case matching? | 04:35 |
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Naked31 | http://naked.homelinux.net : does it work for you. | 04:35 |
Naked31 | Im testing | 04:35 |
[A] ndy80 | Quinthius: uhm.... doing a dist-upgrade told me that no upgrades are available.... | 04:35 |
h17m4n | should I make it this path: /chroot/home/derickr/.wine/drive_c | 04:35 |
h17m4n | or remove the /chroot/ since i'm running wine on chroot? | 04:36 |
katzor | h17m4n, well, if your home directory is in /chroot | 04:36 |
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katzor | oh | 04:36 |
Quinthius | [A] ndy80: then maybe there isnt much difference between colony4 and preview until they have some time to fix more things :P | 04:36 |
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katzor | h17m4n, then leave the chroot there | 04:36 |
Bad_Magic | anyone have any idea why im getting this with the kernel image update? E: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.10-5-386_2.6.10-34.5_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko', which is also in package ndiswrapper-modules-2.6.10-5-386 | 04:37 |
pitti | anyw: certainly not, but I just know about the student I mentored | 04:37 |
[A] ndy80 | Quinthius: ok, but... how do I enable USplash :) ? | 04:37 |
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Pyf | Quinthius: ooh, thanks think that was what it was, i dont see why it owuld be named wrong though.... | 04:38 |
Quinthius | [A] ndy80: dont know, im not using breezy :P ... might install it today tho | 04:38 |
[A] ndy80 | ok, thanks anyway | 04:39 |
katzor | [A] ndy80, you need to install the usplash package and do a 'dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-'uname -r'' | 04:39 |
katzor | with root | 04:39 |
[A] ndy80 | katzor: synaptic tell me that it's already installed | 04:39 |
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katzor | then just do the reconfigure | 04:40 |
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Quinthius | the quotes around uname should be ` btw ... the backquote... so: sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-`uname -r` | 04:42 |
anyw | pitti, last question, what award has he won ? | 04:43 |
katzor | Quinthius, funny, i believe i pressed the right button...there's no difference if i press ' or ', which are on different keys | 04:43 |
pitti | anyw: there is no special award - you get the bounty or not, and he got it | 04:43 |
Quinthius | katzor: weird hehe | 04:44 |
koch | hi, could someone help me with the active x controls for mozilla? | 04:44 |
katzor | ah, i have to shift the ` :-) | 04:44 |
Quinthius | katzor: are you on a non english keyboard? | 04:44 |
katzor | yes | 04:44 |
Quinthius | katzor: shift-` here gives ~ :) | 04:44 |
[A] ndy80 | Quinthius: no problem... I did: dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-2.6.12-8-386 manually :) | 04:44 |
katzor | i figured it out ` | 04:44 |
katzor | yay | 04:45 |
[A] ndy80 | anyway it tells me this: Searching for splash image... none found, skipping... | 04:45 |
[A] ndy80 | I don't know if it's related to GRUB | 04:45 |
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anyw | pitti, but what is it ? | 04:45 |
[A] ndy80 | or to USplash... | 04:45 |
[A] ndy80 | I've to reboot to know this :) | 04:45 |
katzor | i get that too, usplash isnt a splash image | 04:45 |
katzor | thats fine | 04:45 |
[A] ndy80 | ok.. I'm going to reboot now | 04:45 |
[A] ndy80 | see ya later! | 04:45 |
[A] ndy80 | and thanks for now! | 04:45 |
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Sonderblade | how do you do to install a different window manager? | 04:47 |
Quinthius | Sonderblade: my guess is install it with apt-get :P ... then select it as your login session | 04:48 |
nxvl | there is a bug in the hoary2breezy upgrade | 04:48 |
erUSUL | Sonderblade, sudo apt-get install <windowmanager> | 04:48 |
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pinucset | is kde an example of windowmanager? isnt is? | 04:49 |
Sonderblade | that simple? | 04:49 |
katzor | pinucset, it contains one | 04:49 |
Jowi | Sonderblade: most wm's also configures gdm so you have it in the dropdownlist when you log in. if it isn't there you will have to edit your .xsession file in your homedirectory. | 04:49 |
Quinthius | kde is more than just a window manager | 04:49 |
pinucset | ok! :) | 04:49 |
pinucset | mm... do you know any review of gnome vs. kde? :D | 04:49 |
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Quinthius | pinucset: both are good, depends more on preference usually.. | 04:50 |
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katzor | pinucset, you will only find flamewars on google | 04:50 |
pinucset | cool, thanks :D | 04:50 |
[A] ndy80 | only one thing to say: IT WORKS!!!! :D | 04:50 |
katzor | [A] ndy80, did it work? | 04:50 |
katzor | yay | 04:50 |
pinucset | yeaaaaaaaaaah :D | 04:51 |
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katzor | g2g | 04:51 |
ploptor | hi | 04:51 |
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idab | how do i invite another person to start nultiple chat in gaim | 04:51 |
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trygvebw | How can i unblock port 6667? | 04:52 |
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trygvebw | Non-local users can't connect to me. :( | 04:53 |
AlexanRO | w32codecs installed mplayer still won't play wmv files | 04:53 |
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idab | how do i invite another person to start nultiple chat in gaim | 04:54 |
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shinu | AlexanRO: did you do everything according to ubuntuguide? | 04:54 |
AlexanRO | y | 04:54 |
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AlexanRO | first thing i checked | 04:54 |
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knelix | Hello! | 04:55 |
AlexanRO | plays avi, mpeg but not wmv | 04:55 |
shinu | AlexanRO: im a newbie too but from what i remember i reboot helped me, though im not sure ^^' | 04:56 |
knelix | Hey guys. I'm building a new system-- a budget system, AMD. Trying to decide on CPU. Any recommendations? | 04:56 |
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Jowi | trygvebw: ubuntu has no firewall installed by default. if you are behind a router you should check the configuration for it (usually it is called "virtual server" or "port redirection" or something like that) | 04:56 |
trygvebw | Jowi: thanks :) | 04:57 |
trygvebw | ok | 04:57 |
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knelix | I'm looking at this page: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.asp?Manufactory=&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=517%3A7440&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&description=&MinPrice=&MaxPrice=&SubCategory=343&Submit=Property | 04:57 |
Jowi | wow, the lenght of that link is impressive :-) | 04:58 |
knelix | Anyone got suggestions as to which CPU would be best suited for Ubunto? | 04:58 |
knelix | Yes, I know-- Sorry. | 04:58 |
knelix | Would an AMD Duron 1.6 Applebred 266MHz FSB be enough to run Ubunto smoothly? | 04:58 |
Jowi | knelix: yes it is enough for day-to-day use. no need to worry about that. I run Ubuntu on a 1Ghz smoothly. RAM is more important i would say. and a good video card. | 05:00 |
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hou5ton | i gave my system to my public relations person, and since I no longer need to run Adobe products, what are the odds of syncing my Treo 650 with an Ubuntu install? | 05:01 |
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knelix | I'm building on pretty tight budget. So, I'm thinking of 512 MB and going with integrated video for now. | 05:01 |
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Alos | hi everyone | 05:02 |
knelix | Hello. :-) | 05:02 |
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Jowi | knelix: i have 512mb too. the system never touches the swap partition. my integrated graphics (unichrome cle266) works fine in 2d but lacks dri support needed for accelerated 3d. find out which chipset the video uses | 05:03 |
Jowi | knelix: just be aware of that integrated graphics uses your RAM as video memory. | 05:03 |
knelix | Right. True. I am thinking of getting this barebones: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16856119002 | 05:04 |
Alos | question, i've a tecra 8000, when i install 4.10 i had not problem with my screen, no I have 504 and I have a poor resolution, I've tried to change but i juns only have 1 option 640x480, any idea | 05:04 |
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knelix | This is the manufacture's page: http://www.foxconnchannel.com/products_barebone.cfm?pName=TLM454R3M6-C350 | 05:06 |
knelix | As far as chipset it says "SiS 741 Northbridge" and "SiS 964 Southbridge" | 05:06 |
hou5ton | If I'm doing a new install on a laptop, should I go ahead and do that Breezy Badger one, or the one that's been out a while? | 05:07 |
knelix | But I don't see anything beyond "On-board VGA graphics controller" for graphics. | 05:07 |
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warrior | hows it going guys. Quick question, anyone had a problem with resolution settings? When I installed ubuntu my highest resolution was 1152x864 and I did all the other ones under it to be safe but when I booted I was in 1152x768 and after fglrxconfig I was in 1024x768. Any suggestions? | 05:07 |
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hou5ton | If I'm doing a new install on a laptop, should I go ahead and do that Breezy Badger one, or the one that's been out a while? | 05:08 |
warrior | hou5ton, just so you know Breezy is still under development so there could be issues. Are you a newbie? | 05:08 |
hou5ton | warrior: yes | 05:08 |
hou5ton | warrior: for the most part | 05:09 |
KimHansen | I have found a bug in dhcp3-client, where do I see if it allready in the bug tracking system? | 05:09 |
olal | Where should I look for documentation to get my external monitor work with my laptop? (I have an ATI card in my laptop) | 05:09 |
knelix | btw, I heard GNOME 2.12 is out. I guess it will come with the next release of Ubunto-- or will the current one be updated with it? | 05:09 |
Bad_Magic | breezy isnt stable yet | 05:09 |
Jowi | knelix: xorg seems to support SiS pretty ok. http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/CategoryHardware - here you can check what chipsets have DRI support | 05:09 |
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carthik | hou5ton, it's not out yet | 05:09 |
warrior | hou5ton, then your safest bet is to go with Hoary. Its really fast and the only true difference is the kernel version and software that comes with it | 05:09 |
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hou5ton | olal: I was looking for the same thing a while back ... not gonna happen. | 05:09 |
knelix | Wow.. disorienting disconnects! | 05:10 |
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carthik | warrior, i have had probs with resolution - usually fixed by having a knoppix cd around | 05:10 |
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knelix | Heh. I'm back now. | 05:10 |
olal | hou5ton: are you sure? i mean the xorglog seems to detect both my outputs? | 05:10 |
KimHansen | ah, it's in the /topic | 05:10 |
Jowi | knelix: xorg seems to support SiS pretty ok. http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/CategoryHardware - here you can check what chipsets have DRI support | 05:10 |
warrior | carthik, if I grab a knoppix cd do I just go back and have it redo my xorg file? | 05:11 |
hou5ton | ok ... go for it .... and let me know when you find it ... PLEASE | 05:11 |
knelix | Jowi: I'm sorry, could you explain what you just said to me? heh. | 05:11 |
olal | hou5ton, what grafics card do you have? | 05:11 |
hou5ton | ati | 05:11 |
carthik | warrior, knoppix doesnt write the conf file to the hdd ... you will have to use a usb drive, or mail it to yourself, and then copy over only the "Mode" lines -- the minimum required, not the whole file | 05:11 |
warrior | haha | 05:11 |
warrior | ati is a bad bad idea | 05:12 |
olal | hou5ton, yes but what model? | 05:12 |
hou5ton | mobility radeon 9600 | 05:12 |
warrior | I would know I own a X800 | 05:12 |
warrior | carthik, can I just tweak it under my X11 folder? | 05:12 |
Jowi | knelix: you will have no problem when it comes to display normal graphics. question is if you can get accelerated 3d for Xorg (the window system). DRI = accelerated graphics. | 05:13 |
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warrior | Just so everyone knows I've tried a ton of different operating systems with my X800 and ubuntu is the only one I could get 3D with and it took a ton of searching for success stories in the forums | 05:13 |
knelix | Oh, okay. When would I use 3d, however? The GUI itself is 2D right? | 05:13 |
olal | i got a ati radeon 9250 as a present from a friend & that just refused to work.. :( to bad i cant use it since it had no fans & such.. | 05:13 |
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Jowi | knelix: yep, thats it. you can always add a "proper" video card later on though :-) | 05:14 |
knelix | Hmm. Interesting. | 05:14 |
knelix | True. True. | 05:14 |
carthik | warrior, yep - just update the xorg.conf file appropriately | 05:14 |
knelix | Is anyone here a classic Mac OS fan, btw? | 05:14 |
warrior | carthik, awesome, thanks man | 05:14 |
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zone17 | Hi, how do I find a DEB for Krename, which works on ubuntu? | 05:16 |
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warrior | hey carthik you wouldn't know how to remove update-notifier without taking anything else with it would you? | 05:17 |
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Alos | carthik:updating xorg.conf could resolve screen resolution?? | 05:18 |
zone17 | Or is there a ubuntu specific source which holds krename, if how to find out? | 05:18 |
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knelix | I was just reading how Gnome is moving more in the direction of spatial file management, like the classic Mac OS, which I think is great. This is one of the things that bother me about OS X-- it's like Apple's given up on spatial file management. I really prefer this way to the "browser" way of interacting with a computer, though I also see advantages to a browser style as well. I think both have pros/cons. | 05:18 |
warrior | zone17, you can alien it if you can get the rpm of Krename | 05:18 |
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deFrysk | zone17, krename is in the repositories afaIk | 05:18 |
ubuntu | hey | 05:18 |
zone17 | deFrysk, thanks! How did you search on that? Or did you already know? | 05:19 |
olal | knelix, i agree about the good things about spatial! but its hard when you have to deep levels | 05:19 |
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carthik | Alos, and restarting X of course... | 05:19 |
knelix | Does Gnome also give you a browser option, btw? | 05:19 |
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deFrysk | zone17, apt-cache search krename | 05:20 |
carthik | knelix, yes | 05:20 |
bloodnik | hey, I had to install this wireless card with ndiswrapper ... now how do I make it use WPA? | 05:20 |
carthik | knelix, you are talking nautilus - not gnome, exactly... | 05:20 |
sciorlu | Hi, Does someone know if the problem with macromedia flash player for amd64 platform is resolved ? | 05:21 |
knelix | It's the best of both worlds, then. :-) Oh, yes, you are right-- like the Finder in the Mac OS. :-) | 05:21 |
zone17 | deFrysk, would you mind sharing your repo source? Perhaps paste on nomorepasting. | 05:21 |
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deFrysk | !info krename | 05:21 |
Alos | cathik: o X site should I read how to do this??? | 05:21 |
deFrysk | ! krename | 05:21 |
ubotu | deFrysk: Bugger all, i dunno | 05:21 |
deFrysk | tss | 05:21 |
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knelix | How are you supposed to pronounce Gnone. nome, or, Ga-nome? | 05:22 |
carthik | bloodnik, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SetupNdiswrapperHowto | 05:22 |
Hoxzer | what DVD player for ubuntu do you recomend? | 05:22 |
deFrysk | zone17, you have muliverse , universe ? | 05:22 |
deFrysk | multiverse* | 05:22 |
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zone17 | deFrysk, yes both | 05:22 |
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pawdro | hi, how can I check in ubuntu where i've installed jdk? | 05:22 |
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carthik | Alos, it is just like i said above... | 05:23 |
deFrysk | zone17, I use breezy , its in there not sure about hoary tho | 05:23 |
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fblade | hey guys hw can i get update my ubuntu? | 05:23 |
Alos | cathik: ok Thanks | 05:23 |
knelix | Since, unfortunately, I can't seem to have many real-world audio conversations about Gnome, etc, sometimes I just don't know how it's supposed to be pronounced! | 05:23 |
deFrysk | fblade, apt-get update blah | 05:23 |
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carthik | knelix, guh-nome | 05:23 |
warrior | how do I remove update-notifier without removing anything else? | 05:24 |
Necron69 | fblade: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade?highlight=%28upgrade%29 | 05:24 |
warrior | synaptic wants to take other things with it | 05:24 |
deFrysk | warrior, apt-get remove --nodeps blah | 05:24 |
knelix | Kind of clumsy, that pronunciation. Heh. Oh, well. :-P | 05:24 |
Jowi | Hoxzer: do you mean a DVD-ROM or Mediaplayer? | 05:24 |
warrior | gotcha DeFrysk | 05:25 |
carthik | pawdro, whereis java | 05:25 |
pawdro | thx | 05:25 |
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Hoxzer | Jowi: mediplayer | 05:26 |
Hoxzer | I also want to know how I can setup programs to total full screen | 05:26 |
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warrior | I'm waiting for the day where you tell someone "whereis java" and they respond, "Thats what I'm asking you." | 05:26 |
Hoxzer | xine looks cool | 05:26 |
Jowi | Hoxzer: I use totem-xine, which plays every dvd i have. | 05:26 |
danl | join /linux | 05:26 |
danl | arg | 05:26 |
deFrysk | /join | 05:26 |
deFrysk | ;p | 05:27 |
bloodnik | carthik, that only helps me set up WEP encryption. I need WPA. | 05:27 |
Hoxzer | jowi: and do I need some other stuff to play DVD than only the player? | 05:27 |
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deFrysk | Hoxzer, sudo apt-get install totem-xine | 05:27 |
Hoxzer | -> boot | 05:27 |
Jowi | Hoxzer: libdvdcss2 - that's it. | 05:27 |
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hou5ton | ok ... let me ask you this question .... for some reason I can't get my laptop to see the usb connected Treo 650, but I find tutorials on how to connect it with blue tooth | 05:27 |
knelix | Is an AMD Sempron 2200+ Thoroughbred 333MHz FSB superior to an AMD Duron 1.8 Applebred 266MHz FSB? | 05:27 |
pawdro | and how can I check the version of jdk installed? | 05:27 |
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hou5ton | if I get a usb blue tooth, won't it have the same issues, since it is still going through a usb port? | 05:28 |
bloodnik | carthik, never mind, think I found it | 05:28 |
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Jowi | pawdro: usually you just type: programame --version | 05:28 |
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pawdro | ok ok ive got it | 05:29 |
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sciorlu | raga, qualcuno s se Macromedia Flash-player funziona su piattaforma amd64 Athlon ? | 05:30 |
Hoxzer | aaargh daamn | 05:30 |
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Jowi | Hoxzer: install libdvdcss2 to play any commercial dvd | 05:30 |
Hoxzer | I'm really having hard time to resizing my ntfs partition | 05:30 |
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danl | is there any way to get acpi to reconginize my battery correctly? | 05:31 |
bloodness | how can i uninstall an app? | 05:31 |
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Jowi | bloodness: apt-get remove <application> | 05:31 |
Colloid | what's gonna be better in breezy? | 05:31 |
humulus | apt-get remove <some-app< | 05:31 |
deFrysk | bloodness, apt-get remove <app> | 05:31 |
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deFrysk | bloodness, or remove it with synaptic | 05:31 |
bloodness | ok | 05:32 |
Hoxzer | W: Failed to fetch http://tamir.nooms.de/ubuntu/dists/hoary/universe/binary-amd64/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb | 05:32 |
Hoxzer | 404 Not Found | 05:32 |
Hoxzer | strange :E | 05:32 |
Determinist | dear god, a back tire for a GS500 costs like a bloody mortgage | 05:33 |
sciorlu | Hozer, do your Macromedia Flash player works on your computer ? | 05:33 |
sciorlu | Hoxzer do your Macromedia Flash player works on your computer ? | 05:34 |
bloodness | E: Couldn't find package quake2 | 05:34 |
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bloodness | it says | 05:34 |
bloodness | i want to uninstall q2 | 05:34 |
Hoxzer | sciorlu: haven't tried | 05:34 |
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bloodnik | Why is mozilla-firefox not being updated? | 05:35 |
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bloodnik | What's the most likely reason? | 05:35 |
Hoxzer | :E hmmm | 05:35 |
sciorlu | It seem that there are a lot of problem | 05:35 |
Hoxzer | I can't find libdvdcss2 from synapic | 05:35 |
Hoxzer | only from unoffical repo what doesn't work | 05:35 |
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geeman | could someone help me? i can't install gidentd or phpsysinfo with apt-get? are they really not available? | 05:35 |
dade` | breezy gives me problem | 05:36 |
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dade` | after last upgrade X cannot find xfonts fixed | 05:36 |
dade` | i reinstalled xfonts-base (un and install) | 05:36 |
dade` | and it worked | 05:36 |
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dade` | but now keyboard does not work under X | 05:36 |
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Jowi | Hoxzer: i don't have amd64. found mine in: dists/hoary-extras/restricted/binary-i386/libdvdcss2_1.2.8-1~5.04ubp1_i386.deb | 05:36 |
bloodness | i couldnt remove quake2 | 05:36 |
bloodness | pls help | 05:36 |
Hoxzer | jowi: ok.... | 05:37 |
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tux-rox | bloodness, you are trying to uninstall Quake2? | 05:37 |
Hoxzer | I better check this from wiki | 05:37 |
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antonio__ | hi, i have an acer travel mate laptop. the gnome battery app is not working. i find it strange that both apmd and acpi is installed. acpi -b gives no output... any clues? | 05:38 |
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HiddenWolf | !uboto help | 05:38 |
ubotu | Syntax error in line 1, HiddenWolf | 05:38 |
bloodness | yes tux | 05:38 |
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geeman | is it possible to install a replacement identd with apt-get? | 05:38 |
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geeman | if so what identd is best? | 05:39 |
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Hoxzer | :D this AMD64 is getting really hard | 05:40 |
bloodness | tux-rox i want uninstall quake2 | 05:40 |
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linuxsbartley | Hi. Trying to configure eth1 on a first time ubuntu-server install. Can anyone help? | 05:41 |
smott | is there any nice graphical tool i can use to partition and format drives? | 05:41 |
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bloodnik | OK, this page - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WPAHowto - has a huge script at the start for DHCP, but I have no idea what to do with it | 05:41 |
Jowi | smott: gparted | 05:42 |
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bloodnik | What do I do with it? | 05:42 |
smott | Jowi: thanks | 05:42 |
linuxsbartley | ifconfig only shows eth0. unsure how to configure ubuntu network devices. | 05:42 |
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tux-rox | bloodness, ok, what directory did it install in? | 05:42 |
InitMass | anyone who use SkypeIN or SkypeOut? | 05:42 |
linuxsbartley | Is there a tool or howto? | 05:42 |
Jowi | linuxsbartley: sudo network-admin (usually do the trick) | 05:42 |
linuxsbartley | Jowi, cool. thx. | 05:43 |
Jowi | InitMass: yes, SkypeOut. | 05:43 |
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linuxsbartley | Jowi, what package installs network-admin? | 05:43 |
antonio__ | linuxsbartley, /etc/network/interfaces | 05:43 |
Jowi | !search network-admin | 05:43 |
ubotu | Jowi: I don't know | 05:43 |
InitMass | Jowi, do you think it has as good sound and is as stable as a regular phone? | 05:43 |
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knelix | Can anyone help me out with CPUs... Is an AMD Sempron 2200+ Thoroughbred 333MHz FSB superior to an AMD Duron 1.8 Applebred 266MHz FSB? | 05:43 |
[Spooky] | InitMass: i just use the ordinary ip to ip skype... | 05:44 |
Jowi | InitMass: better quality than regular phone. never had problems with it. and its CHEAP. | 05:44 |
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Jowi | linuxsbartley: i think it is a part of gnome.... | 05:45 |
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bloodness | tux-rox /usr/local/games | 05:45 |
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parktownprawn | linuxbartley: network-admin is part of gnome - it should be there - try sudo network-admin | 05:45 |
InitMass | Jowi, cheap if you are calling to other countries compared to regular phones but it's not that cheap if you are calling local calles | 05:45 |
tux-rox | OK, to uninstall Quake2, you could do the following: sudo rm -rf /usr/local/games/quake2 Is there a menu item or it as well, or desktop icon? | 05:46 |
Jowi | InitMass: right, no use for skypeout if you call local. but i doubt that's what it's for. i call sweden and africa quite often though. it has saved me hundreds of euros per month. | 05:47 |
antonio__ | linuxsbartley, it is much more easy to edit the configuration file itself... | 05:47 |
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InitMass | Jowi, i never call anything else than sweden. i might start calling my sister in scotland thou | 05:47 |
Jowi | linuxsbartley: if you made a server-install for ubuntu then you will not have network-admin. but as a standard install it will be there. | 05:48 |
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bloodness | yes a menu item | 05:48 |
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linuxsbartley | Jowi, thus the question on what package would provide it. :) | 05:48 |
bloodness | app->others->quake2 | 05:48 |
smott | erm, which is 'more reliable', ext3 or reiserfs4? | 05:48 |
linuxsbartley | antonio__, is there a howto or example file that will show the correct syntax? | 05:48 |
geeman | how can i install gidentd? compiling from sources is the only option? | 05:48 |
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theD3viL | how can i remove all the packages which come with some program (etc. amarok), and i remove amarok but programs stay... HOW CAN I REMOVE IT? ;) | 05:48 |
deFrysk | smott, ext3 is most reliable | 05:49 |
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bart_ | theD3viL, interesting question, I would also like to know that! | 05:49 |
h17m4n | why do I get this error: wine: cannot find 'wineboot' | 05:49 |
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Jowi | InitMass: Skype out rates for sweden: Sweden 0.017 0.020 / Sweden - Mobile 0.237 0.273 / Sweden - Mobile (Telia) 0.237 0.273 (second number is rate with tax) | 05:50 |
theD3viL | bart_, to debian: deborphan, debfoster | 05:50 |
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bloodness | tux-rox but there is a shortcut how can i uninstall app->others->quake2 | 05:50 |
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Jowi | linuxsbartley: i will have to go in just a minute so unfortunatley i do not have the time to check... :-/ | 05:50 |
antonio__ | linuxsbartley: | 05:50 |
antonio__ | auto eth1 | 05:50 |
antonio__ | iface eth1 inet static | 05:50 |
antonio__ | netmask 2555.255.255.0 | 05:50 |
antonio__ | address | 05:50 |
parktownprawn | linuxsbartley: maybe gnome-system-tools provides network-admin | 05:51 |
linuxsbartley | Jowi, k.np. | 05:51 |
linuxsbartley | antonio__, thx. | 05:51 |
antonio__ | or if you have only one network card use: eth0:1 | 05:51 |
linuxsbartley | parktownprawn, k. | 05:51 |
InitMass | Jowi, yes i had at those numbers before. i am living in sweden and am thinking about using skype instead of my old phone | 05:51 |
antonio__ | then make /etc/init.d/networking restart | 05:51 |
Jowi | InitMass: ah cool. have you found any good phones? | 05:51 |
Juhaz | knelix, the sempron is slightly faster since it has faster fsb and larger cache | 05:52 |
knelix | Ah, thanks. | 05:52 |
InitMass | Jowi, i don't need one. i have my headset | 05:52 |
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Hoxzer | I'm trying to play .avi with totem why I dont get any video screening? | 05:53 |
pinucset | umm... | 05:53 |
pinucset | watch about de codecs | 05:53 |
pinucset | sudo apt-get install win32 | 05:53 |
pinucset | if it is divx (i think) | 05:53 |
Hoxzer | :D win32? | 05:54 |
darkheart | w32codecs | 05:54 |
Hoxzer | sounds scary | 05:54 |
Hoxzer | ok | 05:54 |
antonio__ | is there a package in ubuntu to load kernel modules (semi) grafically like modconf? | 05:54 |
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Sonderblade | is there a window manager that minimizes in the same way that windows does? by animating the titlebar? | 05:54 |
Jowi | InitMass: same here. but if i would use skype as a replacement i would get a skype phone in case. Preferably one that connects to the router/switch with ethernet :-) | 05:54 |
pinucset | sudo apt-get install w32codecs | 05:54 |
deFrysk | sudo apt-get install xp bill would have a fit | 05:54 |
Jowi | ...annnnnyway, got to go. take care all. | 05:54 |
linuxsbartley | antonio__, I have two nic's. eth0 and eth1. after adding those lines, ifconfig now only shows eth1. | 05:54 |
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bart_ | thed3vil: why isn't this done automatically? this way the system get full of 'trash' ... | 05:54 |
carthik | Sonderblade, what do you mean "Animating the titlebar?" | 05:55 |
Hoxzer | root@dhcppc0:/home/niko # apt-get install w32codecs | 05:55 |
Hoxzer | Reading package lists... Done | 05:55 |
Hoxzer | Building dependency tree... Done | 05:55 |
Hoxzer | E: Couldn't find package w32codecs | 05:55 |
Hoxzer | :( | 05:55 |
Hoxzer | why did I install amd64 version :D | 05:55 |
pinucset | win32codecs | 05:55 |
pinucset | sorry ;) | 05:55 |
frank23 | Hoxzer: w32codecs is not in amd64 | 05:55 |
carthik | Hoxzer, please dont paste output in the channel - its considered unbecoming :) | 05:55 |
tux-rox | bloodness, Sorry I am not responding quickly, as I am at work. You may need to install the Gnome menu editor to delete that. Hang on, I'll look it up. | 05:55 |
pinucset | oh no | 05:55 |
pinucset | have you updated the repositories? | 05:56 |
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theD3viL | bart_, you are "guilty" for "trash" if you dont remove program is allrajt :) | 05:56 |
antonio__ | linuxsbartley: ifup eth0 | 05:56 |
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linuxsbartley | antonio__, did a networking restart. | 05:56 |
Hoxzer | frank23: so is there any way to play .avi files with am64? | 05:56 |
Sonderblade | carthik: in windows, when you minimize windows the titlebar is moved to the taskbar | 05:56 |
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carthik | Sonderblade, that is what happens in gnome+metacity | 05:56 |
carthik | Sonderblade, the taskbar is at the bottom by default... | 05:57 |
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linuxsbartley | ifup did it. | 05:57 |
pinucset | hozxer, do this http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories and sudo apt-get update // sudo apt-get install w32codecs | 05:57 |
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carthik | you can add it to a "Panel" wherever you like... | 05:57 |
Bateau_ | hey! whats the command to see all the processes that is running, and how much cpu and memory they use | 05:57 |
faugn | hi | 05:57 |
pinucset | bateau: top | 05:57 |
antonio__ | linuxsbartley, mybe hotplug is acting against you.... | 05:57 |
pinucset | top in the terminal :) | 05:57 |
Bateau_ | ah, yes. thanks :) | 05:57 |
Sonderblade | carthik: yes but the animation is different | 05:58 |
linuxsbartley | couldbe | 05:58 |
bart_ | :) ok, trying debfoster now | 05:58 |
pinucset | nothing ;) | 05:58 |
antonio__ | linuxsbartley, remove :mapping hotplug | 05:58 |
antonio__ | script grep | 05:58 |
antonio__ | map eth0 | 05:58 |
frank23 | Hoxzer: yes, you can setup a 32bit chroot or maybe there is also another way. check the forums in the amd64 section. The easiest way, however is to simply use the i386 version of Ubuntu | 05:58 |
joh | Guys, I'm having problems with Breezy... I just upgraded to breezy on my PPC, but when I boot, modprobe messages saying the cannot find the running kernels modules.dep are spewed on the screen :( | 05:58 |
carthik | Sonderblade, oh, I dont even remember how it looked like in Windows sorry | 05:58 |
faugn | I'm using a dualhead config, and I'd like to know if it's possible to get rid of the gnome-panels on one of the display? | 05:58 |
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cvt | do you think this will be good? http://tinyurl.com/alvkk | 05:58 |
cvt | doom 3 | 05:58 |
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antonio__ | and add: auto eth0 before iface eth0 inet dhcp | 05:58 |
tux-rox | bloodness, what version of Ubuntu are you running? | 05:59 |
joh | I can't even access the TTY to BusyBox :( | 05:59 |
joh | is Breezy on PPC broken? | 05:59 |
frank23 | Hoxzer: I used to use amd64 but switched to i386 and that's what I recommend to everyone for now | 05:59 |
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Hoxzer | frank: can you give me a url to forums? | 05:59 |
bloodness | 5.04 | 05:59 |
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frank23 | Hoxzer: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=10 | 05:59 |
faugn | the problem is I can modifie the existing one on the second display, and restart the session, but if I delete them, when I restart the session, they are recreated (with the default config) | 05:59 |
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senectus | hey how do I make desktop shortcuts to shell scripts run the script when they're double clicked? | 06:00 |
tux-rox | Does anyone know off hand what repository smeg is in? | 06:00 |
parktownprawn | senectus: right click on the desktop and try: create laucher | 06:01 |
smott | hdparm says "BuffType=unknown, BuffSize=0kB, MaxMultSect=0" ... does that mean it's confused about how much buffer my sata drive has? also how do i enable dma on sata (do sata drives even have dma?) | 06:01 |
tux-rox | Does anyone know off hand what repository smeg is in for hoary? | 06:01 |
dpicker | is it possible to update to the final release (when its out) from within 5.10 preview?? | 06:01 |
endy_x | smott, hdparm is not for sata drives afaik | 06:01 |
endy_x | smott, i think they app you want is called smart tools or something | 06:01 |
joh | oh crap, I forgot to relink the initrds :( | 06:01 |
parktownprawn | tux-rox : i think you can get smeg from the backports | 06:02 |
frank23 | Hoxzer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24575 | 06:02 |
senectus | parktownprawn, Did that for some reason some of my shell scripts wont run, even after being made executable.. but if I run them from the shell... no problem | 06:02 |
smott | endy_x: hm darn :/ i had hoped i would never have to bother with OS crap again. now i have to read up on this. thanks | 06:03 |
frank23 | dpicker: yes | 06:03 |
tux-rox | parktownprawn, Thanks! | 06:03 |
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frank23 | dpicker: it's the magic of apt! | 06:03 |
endy_x | i'm looking myself now, my hdd performance has always been ok but I know the kernel SATA drivers aren't complete yet so there is some way to go still | 06:03 |
tux-rox | bloodness, Have you followed the Unofficial Ubuntu 5.04 Starter Guide and installed the menu editor? | 06:04 |
endy_x | smott, eg S.M.A.R.T isn't supported yet I think and neither is NCQ | 06:04 |
parktownprawn | senectus: hmmm - works for me - maybe if you click on: run in terminal when making the launcher | 06:04 |
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bart_ | theD3viL: when I install 3dchess, it says xaw3dg is also needed. is there an easy way to make sure such packages are removed later? | 06:05 |
endy_x | smott, http://sourceforge.net/projects/smartmontools/ | 06:05 |
smott | endy_x: i just want it to work more or less like my old ATA drive. that's possible right? | 06:05 |
frank23 | endy_x: are you talking about SMART on SATA? because SMART on ATA works | 06:05 |
theD3viL | bart_, sry..dunno :\ | 06:05 |
senectus | parktownprawn, tried that too.. :-/ I get a shell pop up for a split second then nothing | 06:05 |
endy_x | smott, mine works great | 06:05 |
Hoxzer | Geez the repo is down >_< | 06:06 |
theD3viL | bart_, can you give me the link to soldier of fortune for linux ? | 06:06 |
bloodness | Unofficial Ubuntu 5.04 Starter Guide where can i get it | 06:06 |
endy_x | frank23, SATA works for me under linux but IIRC its not fully supported on linux yet so it DOES work but not at it's best performance. Don;t get me wrong though mine is still fast | 06:06 |
parktownprawn | senectus: go to the Desktop directory in a terminal - there should be some .desktop files there corresponding to the launchers you made | 06:06 |
frank23 | Hoxzer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24575 | 06:06 |
bloodness | and where is menueditor :) | 06:06 |
parktownprawn | senectus: are they executable | 06:06 |
pinucset | http://ubuntuguide.org/ | 06:06 |
bloodness | ok | 06:06 |
endy_x | http://linux.yyz.us/sata/sata-status.html | 06:07 |
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deFrysk | !ubuntuguide | 06:07 |
ubotu | well, ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide. Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. The official FAQ Guide will be released with Breezy, stay tuned. | 06:07 |
tux-rox | bloodness, http://ubuntuguide.org/ Follow the directions and you will be able to install all kinds of cool software. Install the Menu Editor and use that to remove the Quake2 icon. | 06:07 |
tux-rox | bloodness, Have fun! | 06:07 |
bloodness | ok thnx | 06:07 |
bloodness | so much | 06:08 |
deFrysk | afaIk its not done to advise to use the inferiour ubuntuguide | 06:08 |
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senectus | parktownprawn, nope.. I treid making the offending shortcut +x and that mad no difference | 06:08 |
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parktownprawn | senectus: what is the script you are trying to run? | 06:09 |
bart_ | theD3viL thanks nope... | 06:09 |
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senectus | parktownprawn, NeverWinterNights game | 06:09 |
parktownprawn | senectus: what do you get when you cat the .desktop file | 06:09 |
parktownprawn | senectus: when you run it from the shell there isn't a problem? | 06:10 |
senectus | parktownprawn, no problem when run from shell, correct | 06:10 |
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endy_x | http://linux.yyz.us/sata/software-status.html#smart smart support on sata is coming :) | 06:10 |
parktownprawn | senectus: strange | 06:11 |
senectus | parktownprawn, PM'd the cat output to you.. | 06:12 |
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parktownprawn | senectus: go to system->preferences->file-management ->behaviour | 06:13 |
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pinucset | one questoin please, im doing apt-get upgrade and he says for installing linux-image-2.6.10-5-386. Whats this? | 06:13 |
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senectus | parktownprawn, yeah? | 06:13 |
parktownprawn | senectus: just started using xchat - not sure how to get pm's | 06:13 |
senectus | parktownprawn, umm at the very bottom of the screen? | 06:14 |
h17m4n | why do I get this error: wine: cannot find 'wineboot' | 06:14 |
parktownprawn | senectus: system->preferences->file-management ->behaviour has preferences for how execteble files are treated | 06:15 |
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senectus | parktownprawn, I see.. tried every choice.. no change for the offending shortcut | 06:16 |
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leopold | is it possible to save the Grup entry to my second harddisc os windows? | 06:16 |
parktownprawn | senectus: sorry - i'm not sure whats wrong | 06:16 |
pluffsy | hello. anyone here running the 5.10 preview? is it stable? is like beta or what is it? I'm getting an powerbook g3 on monday and I can't decide if I should install 5.06 or 5.10. Since I will use it as a desktop it doesn't have to be rock solid, but I would not like it like loose the work files I will store on it (even though I will bu of course) | 06:17 |
leopold | want to save grub menu.lst to sec harddisc os win | 06:17 |
senectus | parktownprawn, interesting... when I set "View executable text files when clicked" it _still_ does nothing.. just an inert icon... | 06:17 |
pluffsy | I would really like to use gnome 2.12 :) | 06:17 |
leopold | is it possible? | 06:17 |
pluffsy | and 2.6.13 and beagle would be cool to try too | 06:17 |
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parktownprawn | senectus: what are the permissions for the .desktop files | 06:17 |
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parktownprawn | senectus: maybe nautilus is being weird - try killing nautilus and then see if it works | 06:18 |
senectus | parktownprawn, -rwx--x--x 1 senectus senectus 263 2005-09-10 00:04 NWN.desktop | 06:18 |
alberto_ | hi | 06:18 |
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senectus | parktownprawn, no change :-/ | 06:18 |
parktownprawn | senectus: nautilus should restart automatically if you kill it : killall -9 nautilus | 06:19 |
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shinu | is there a way to compare between 2 folders to see if the files in them are similar? | 06:19 |
parktownprawn | senectus: ok I have no idea | 06:19 |
leopold | ive got a prob with grup: i want it to boot my sec harddisc os win prim slave....doesnt work...settings seem to be fine....i know, that win doesnt like being slave, so i could save Grup to the win harddisc make it master and the ubuntu hardisc slave....but How can I save the grub menu.lst to windows? | 06:19 |
=== ElectronicTeuton [n=chatzill@cpe-67-9-164-24.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cvt | has anyone here got doom 3 to work on ubuntu? | 06:19 |
senectus | parktownprawn, hmmm ok thanks for the help.. time for bed.. will sleep on it :-) Got a big day of "software freedom day" tomorrow :-P | 06:19 |
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senectus | cvt, I have :-) no problems | 06:20 |
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parktownprawn | senectus: not that nwn is free | 06:20 |
wezzer | hello, anyone installed fuhquake to ubuntu? | 06:20 |
wezzer | I can't get it to work | 06:20 |
parktownprawn | senectus: enjoy it anyway | 06:20 |
senectus | parktownprawn, true.. but It wasn't for that :-P | 06:20 |
theD3viL | cvt, ill when ill have all 3cds | 06:20 |
pinucset | if i have upgraded the Linux Kernel i have to reboot? For the changes takes effect :) | 06:20 |
othernoob | has anyone here had a club 3d graphics card? | 06:20 |
cvt | senectus, did you have to burn cd's? | 06:21 |
cvt | i have about 9 more hours | 06:21 |
cvt | probably more like 4 | 06:21 |
senectus | cvt, nope.. I own them.. why would I need to do that? | 06:21 |
frank23 | othernoob: a what? | 06:21 |
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cvt | senectus, good to hear | 06:21 |
frank23 | pinucset: yes | 06:21 |
pinucset | thanks! | 06:21 |
othernoob | frank23: club 3d.. a dutch graphicscard manufacturer | 06:22 |
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deFrysk | othernoob, I have one | 06:22 |
frank23 | othernoob: oh | 06:22 |
deFrysk | othernoob, nvidia chipset | 06:22 |
senectus | cvt, I make a point of buying all my games since switching to linux :-P | 06:22 |
cvt | http://tinyurl.com/alvkk this is the one i'm getting | 06:22 |
othernoob | deFrysk: are they any good? | 06:22 |
cvt | senectus, they sell versions for linux? | 06:23 |
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h17m4n | Question. How do I remove a messed up wine installation, and what steps should I follow in order to make a good installation? | 06:23 |
senectus | cvt, linux supported out of the box (need to download the installer) | 06:23 |
deFrysk | othernoob, i have an 128 mb GeFORCE FX 5200 | 06:23 |
Hoxzer | do you guys know any DVD/divx players that can browse files without going out of the full screen? | 06:24 |
deFrysk | othernoob, work ok | 06:24 |
deFrysk | works* | 06:24 |
cvt | senectus, amazing | 06:24 |
deFrysk | othernoob, no privating | 06:24 |
cvt | to me | 06:24 |
frank23 | deFrysk: I hope you didn't buy it for gaming... ;-) | 06:24 |
senectus | cvt, same for Unreal Tournament 2004 | 06:24 |
deFrysk | frank23, nope | 06:24 |
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deFrysk | frank23, I bought it to be ready for doom4 | 06:25 |
deFrysk | ;p | 06:25 |
senectus | cvt, I highly recommend "Lugaru", Icculus just finished porting it to linux.. :-) | 06:25 |
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cheesie | !wlan | 06:25 |
ubotu | Not a clue, cheesie | 06:25 |
cheesie | !wireless | 06:25 |
ubotu | well, wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards | 06:25 |
othernoob | deFrysk: i saw a Club 3D Ati RadeOn 9600 256MB for 70 euro, would it be an okay card for gaming and maybe last a year (regarding gaming)? | 06:25 |
deFrysk | othernoob, nope | 06:25 |
deFrysk | too light | 06:26 |
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marmelatta | hi | 06:26 |
frank23 | othernoob: if you want to game in linux, use nvidia, not ati | 06:26 |
marmelatta | hi frank | 06:26 |
shinu | does diff folder1 folder2 report if there is a file in each folder with same name but different size? | 06:26 |
othernoob | frank23: it's not for linux.. | 06:26 |
deFrysk | frank23, it IS nvidia | 06:26 |
deFrysk | othernoob, I dont do windows | 06:26 |
senectus | frank23, othernoob, I second that sentament.. Nvidia and Linux rocks for gaming | 06:26 |
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othernoob | deFrysk: neither do i, but the friend i'm building a comp for does | 06:26 |
deFrysk | othernoob, havent used windows in 4 yrs | 06:26 |
marmelatta | u r really borng too bor | 06:27 |
marmelatta | ing | 06:27 |
marmelatta | bhhh | 06:27 |
deFrysk | othernoob, a proper vid card costs at least 250 euris | 06:27 |
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bloodness | what is delete command | 06:27 |
bloodness | delete isnt work :) | 06:27 |
marmelatta | ok | 06:27 |
othernoob | deFrysk: of course, but the set limit is 500 euro for the whole thing. and it does not necessarily have to be 2005 standard | 06:27 |
marmelatta | zkkkmn kk | 06:27 |
Naked31 | rm | 06:28 |
frank23 | othernoob: I don't know about prices in Europe, but I'm sure you can get something decent in the 150-200 euro range | 06:28 |
bloodness | rm? | 06:28 |
deFrysk | othernoob, for micky mouse gaming its plenty good | 06:28 |
othernoob | frank23: yea i could. but the limit i have to operate with sucks | 06:28 |
othernoob | deFrysk: micky mouse gaming= | 06:28 |
othernoob | ? | 06:28 |
bloodness | how can i delete something in terminal what is command? | 06:28 |
marmelatta | uuuf beeeeeeee | 06:28 |
marmelatta | ne | 06:28 |
marmelatta | biim | 06:28 |
marmelatta | adamlarsnz | 06:28 |
marmelatta | ya | 06:28 |
frank23 | othernoob: 500 euros for the whole computer, maybe a radeon 9600 is ok | 06:28 |
marmelatta | salak | 06:28 |
Naked31 | man rm | 06:28 |
marmelatta | salak | 06:28 |
runeh | I'm trying to file a bug against libglade2-ruby, but the frontend at launchpad says it's a invalid package name. What to do? | 06:28 |
marmelatta | knmayn be | 06:29 |
othernoob | bloodness: rm | 06:29 |
deFrysk | othernoob, low ram budget gaming | 06:29 |
marmelatta | wd wd wd | 06:29 |
bloodness | sus | 06:29 |
frank23 | marmelatta: please shut up | 06:29 |
bloodness | thnx | 06:29 |
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marmelatta | yuooooo | 06:29 |
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marmelatta | suscakmm | 06:29 |
marmelatta | sen kmsn bea | 06:29 |
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cvt | i hate windows with the passion of christ | 06:29 |
marmelatta | hate mi | 06:29 |
marmelatta | hade len | 06:29 |
cvt | ever since i switched to linux life has been better | 06:29 |
=== deFrysk hates asses like marmelatta more | ||
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=== DewDude yawns | ||
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othernoob | cvt: now if you switch from christianity to atheism life will be perfect ;) | 06:30 |
DewDude | it's still going | 06:30 |
cvt | othernoob, i did | 06:30 |
cvt | lol | 06:30 |
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reiki_work | or humanism | 06:30 |
othernoob | lol | 06:30 |
marmelatta | sen bmnm ass me kurban ol lan | 06:30 |
deFrysk | othernoob, never! | 06:30 |
cvt | i am referring to the peter pan view of christ hehe | 06:30 |
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reiki_work | <- clergy .... church of spiritual humanism ... no deities | 06:31 |
marmelatta | salak | 06:31 |
marmelatta | u | 06:31 |
bloodness | othernoob so what is rename command | 06:31 |
bloodness | ? | 06:31 |
othernoob | deFrysk: could you elaborate on lowram budget gaming? meaning games from 2004 or so will run nicely? | 06:31 |
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frank23 | bloodness: mv oldname newname | 06:31 |
othernoob | bloodness: rename | 06:31 |
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DewDude | <- former christian ...... rejects religion .... can't shake the values implanted in his brain .... tries | 06:31 |
leopold | how does the order have to look like to install Grup on windows MBR with grub-install "grub-install...*"???? | 06:31 |
deFrysk | othernoob, no clue , i am not a gamer | 06:31 |
bloodness | thnx | 06:31 |
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marmelatta | sheets | 06:32 |
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reiki_work | DewDude.... hard road... hehehe... early training is tought to shake | 06:32 |
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othernoob | deFrysk: neither am i :/ | 06:32 |
DewDude | yeah | 06:32 |
DewDude | it is | 06:32 |
DewDude | i mean, i don't say the bible is wrong | 06:32 |
DewDude | i just don't put as much faith as to what is says is "law" | 06:32 |
deFrysk | othernoob, just get the 70 euro one | 06:32 |
DewDude | i just can't | 06:32 |
DewDude | any document written and compiled by man is going to have outside influence | 06:33 |
reiki_work | exactly | 06:33 |
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deFrysk | othernoob, also get a 400watt powerfeed for the box | 06:33 |
reiki_work | now we have to correlate this somehow to Ubuntu or we have to shut up :) | 06:33 |
marmelatta | salak | 06:33 |
marmelatta | yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 06:33 |
Lunar_Lamp | DewDude - personally i don't get that argument really - as if God wants the bible to be the truth and the law - it would do... | 06:33 |
reiki_work | or... we can kill marmelatta | 06:33 |
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othernoob | DewDude: i hope you don't doubt the Holy Spirit or else you'll be damned for all eternity (said twice in the bible, the only unforgivable sin) | 06:34 |
deFrysk | !ops | 06:34 |
ubotu | well, ops is Help! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmich, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, and Nalioth | 06:34 |
deFrysk | anyone around ? | 06:34 |
marmelatta | me | 06:34 |
marmelatta | do | 06:34 |
X7C | me too | 06:34 |
othernoob | deFrysk: so an already built tower with 400W will be okay? | 06:34 |
marmelatta | u want | 06:34 |
marmelatta | me | 06:34 |
DewDude | i don't doubt the holy spirit | 06:34 |
marmelatta | muhahahah | 06:34 |
Hoxzer | :E | 06:34 |
deFrysk | othernoob, 400w should do yes | 06:34 |
Hoxzer | aargh | 06:34 |
DewDude | i just don't think 99% of what we have written down is accurate | 06:34 |
humulus | 10000588: 7c 85 01 90 subfze r4,r5 | 06:34 |
humulus | 1000058c: 7c 85 01 91 subfze. r4,r5 | 06:34 |
humulus | 10000590: 7c 85 05 90 subfzeo r4,r5 | 06:34 |
humulus | 10000594: 7c 85 05 91 subfzeo. r4,r5 | 06:34 |
humulus | sorry :( | 06:35 |
othernoob | deFrysk: okay, thanks :) | 06:35 |
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smott | ubuntu can install and boot from SATA right? | 06:35 |
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snorks | yes | 06:36 |
deFrysk | othernoob, gool luck (with your budget) | 06:36 |
deFrysk | good* | 06:36 |
marmelatta | f* offs | 06:36 |
snorks | smott: yes | 06:36 |
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piorek | hi | 06:36 |
snorks | 06:37 | |
marmelatta | how can u kll me | 06:37 |
marmelatta | muhahahha | 06:37 |
Xorlev_ | kill -9 marmelatta? | 06:37 |
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marmelatta | yhahah | 06:37 |
marmelatta | t s so | 06:37 |
marmelatta | dffcult 4 u | 06:37 |
marmelatta | snt t | 06:37 |
snorks | what's the -9 flag? is it short for -KILL? | 06:37 |
bloodness | gerizekal ouk defol gir urdan | 06:38 |
humbolt | how is the netapplet called again in breezy? | 06:38 |
marmelatta | sensn o mala bak | 06:38 |
bloodness | ezik | 06:38 |
marmelatta | ocuk mu | 06:38 |
marmelatta | 06:38 | |
marmelatta | ezk | 06:38 |
marmelatta | m | 06:38 |
marmelatta | salak | 06:38 |
marmelatta | ya | 06:38 |
snorks | please stop that language | 06:38 |
marmelatta | grzek | 06:38 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o fabbione] by ChanServ | ||
marmelatta | sus lan blood nes | 06:38 |
X7C | how can i see hidden files on a cdrom written in windows from linux? | 06:38 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o+b marmelatta *!*marmelat@81.213.193.*] by fabbione | ||
=== marmelatta was kicked off #ubuntu by fabbione ([BX-bk] kthxbye) | ||
reiki_work | thanks, fab | 06:38 |
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bloodness | thnx :) | 06:38 |
deFrysk | fabbione, great thanks :) | 06:39 |
fabbione | anybody else? | 06:39 |
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fabbione | otherwise i am back to take away wall paper :) | 06:39 |
fabbione | last 3 sq. m. | 06:39 |
fabbione | !!1 | 06:39 |
ubotu | fabbione: Wish i knew | 06:39 |
fabbione | ok | 06:39 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o fabbione] by fabbione | ||
fabbione | later fellas | 06:39 |
deFrysk | later fabbione | 06:39 |
nanasawa | Quite an obscure question, but when your near the end of the installation and the resolution box comes up, I havn't figured out what to do to select the higher resolutions, hitting enter just skips it and boots me into 1024 :\ | 06:39 |
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frank23 | bloodness: what language was that? | 06:40 |
snorks | mark them with spacebar | 06:40 |
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snorks | nanasawa: what is aid | 06:40 |
bloodness | turkish | 06:40 |
snorks | nanasawa: the longest button on your keyboard | 06:40 |
nanasawa | Spacebar huh, thanks :) | 06:40 |
Hoxzer | :E this is hard :D | 06:41 |
snorks | nanasawa: ;) np good luck. I had the same problem :p | 06:41 |
nanasawa | Should be more clearly marked, just says 'select' and doesn't say what key :D | 06:41 |
=== eno [n=eno@HSE-Toronto-ppp305190.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hoxzer | I have spend like 5hours to just get divx to play | 06:41 |
frank23 | bloodness: thanks, I had absolutely no idea what it was... | 06:41 |
bloodness | :) | 06:41 |
eno | when I boot my ubuntu splash screen doesn't go away until I click on it! somebody please help me! | 06:41 |
frank23 | Hoxzer: reinstalling with i386 would have been quicker | 06:41 |
frank23 | ;-) | 06:42 |
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reiki_work | ok... now I get to go for a walk and get paid for it. :) ONce around the lake should be fine | 06:42 |
reiki_work | 2 more years to retirement.... I hope I make it... hehehe | 06:43 |
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snorks | reiki_work: are you an oldie? | 06:43 |
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reiki_work | indeed... I turn 53 in a few day | 06:43 |
snorks | cool | 06:44 |
snorks | network admin_ | 06:44 |
snorks | ? | 06:44 |
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Hoxzer | AAAAAAAAArrrrrgh | 06:44 |
=== bloodnik [n=alastair@dynamic-62-56-38-239.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
snorks | Hoxzer: sup? | 06:44 |
Hoxzer | frank23: I might agreed with that :D | 06:44 |
bloodnik | Has there been a recent openoffice update? Because it's not working any more | 06:44 |
Hoxzer | this is so shit.... | 06:44 |
reiki_work | not any more... I certified in NT and cisco, but I really didn't enjoy it after it became work. So now I work at a university and I get quotes for departments when tehy want to buy computer equipment | 06:45 |
Hoxzer | like you cant even play xvid :D | 06:45 |
Hoxzer | and dvd | 06:45 |
Hoxzer | ...at least I can play mp3's | 06:45 |
=== Azalyn-work [n=kuro@modemcable037.123-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hoxzer | but not well them either | 06:45 |
snorks | well everything can be fixed | 06:45 |
bloodnik | omg it just loaded | 06:45 |
bloodnik | After like, five minutes of splash screen | 06:45 |
Hoxzer | snorks: yeah, but it will take time | 06:45 |
snorks | bloodnik: i have a tip for you | 06:45 |
reiki_work | bloodnik: OOo? mine opens relatively fast | 06:45 |
Hoxzer | maybe I download i386 | 06:46 |
snorks | bloodnik: disable framebuffer. it's fairly useless | 06:46 |
snorks | Hoxzer: you using amd64? | 06:46 |
Hoxzer | yeap | 06:46 |
snorks | same here | 06:46 |
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snorks | what's not working? | 06:46 |
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Hoxzer | snorks: xvid and dvd's | 06:46 |
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snorks | Hoxzer: as in divx's? | 06:47 |
reiki_work | ok... out for a walk-about... back in a bit | 06:47 |
Hoxzer | snorks: I can't get the video from the file only sound | 06:47 |
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snorks | Hoxzer: ah | 06:47 |
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snorks | Hoxzer: what app are you using to play the videos? | 06:48 |
Sonny_Wertzik | does anyone know why xine 0.99.3 locks up when i switch to fullscreen?? | 06:48 |
Hoxzer | snorks: totem | 06:48 |
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Hoxzer | AAARth hit my foot | 06:48 |
Sonny_Wertzik | Hozer u talkin to me? | 06:49 |
Hoxzer | huuurts... | 06:49 |
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snorks | Hoxzer: if you don't mind using 3rd party apps, I suggest VLC player | 06:49 |
Sonny_Wertzik | Hoxzer? | 06:49 |
Hoxzer | :D | 06:49 |
Hoxzer | seems im popular | 06:49 |
Hoxzer | Snorks: VLC just crashes when I play DVD or xvid | 06:49 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | oops...sorry | 06:49 |
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yancheng | hi | 06:50 |
snorks | Hoxzer: hm, not here | 06:50 |
=== cheesie [n=ubuntu@user-5455.lns4-c8.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yancheng | i oledi set noautoindent in my vi, why when i press enter, my next line will be indent?? | 06:50 |
Hoxzer | snorks: no... | 06:50 |
snorks | type of course | 06:50 |
cheesie | DarkEye | 06:50 |
cheesie | y0 | 06:50 |
Hoxzer | it just dont play sounds | 06:50 |
DarkEye | hi | 06:50 |
cheesie | ubotu tell DarkEye about Java | 06:50 |
Hoxzer | like other players do | 06:50 |
cheesie | i think thats how i do it | 06:50 |
cheesie | not sure | 06:51 |
cheesie | that right people? | 06:51 |
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Hoxzer | but vlc shows the video :O | 06:51 |
cheesie | Hoxzer dude, thats the right syntax isnt it? | 06:51 |
snorks | Hoxzer: i think you need alsa output plugin for VLC to get sound | 06:51 |
cheesie | yup | 06:51 |
cheesie | DarkEye it worked right? | 06:51 |
cheesie | !msn | 06:52 |
ubotu | Not a clue, cheesie | 06:52 |
snorks | Hoxzer: apt-cache search vlc | grep alsa | 06:52 |
cheesie | !web | 06:52 |
ubotu | parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, cheesie | 06:52 |
cheesie | !mozilla | 06:52 |
ubotu | cheesie: Do they come in packets of five? | 06:52 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | does anyone know why xine 0.99.3 locks up when i switch to fullscreen?? | 06:52 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | Anybody even use xine? | 06:52 |
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snorks | Hoxzer: or whatever sound daemon you use, of course | 06:52 |
runeh | yancheng: Is smartindent on? | 06:52 |
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yancheng | oh, maybe i should turn it on. | 06:53 |
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runeh | Not if you don't want autoindenting. | 06:53 |
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yancheng | runeh: ya, i turn both off. but when i edit c file, i still auto indent after () | 06:54 |
Hoxzer | Snokrs: seems not to work | 06:54 |
=== reagleBRKLN [n=reagleBR@cpe-69-203-149-103.si.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
snorks | Hoxzer: you installed alsa drivers? | 06:55 |
Hoxzer | I use sound deamon | 06:55 |
snorks | Hoxzer: you might want to go for the esd plugin aswell, since ubuntu uses that by default | 06:55 |
Hoxzer | other players can play the sound but they dont shot the video | 06:55 |
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snorks | Hoxzer: ok so you installed the eSound plugin for VLC? | 06:55 |
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Hoxzer | no | 06:56 |
snorks | Hoxzer: What didy ou do then? | 06:56 |
reagleBRKLN | i have a usb port, sometimes i plug a vfat mp3 player in, sometimes a ext3 external drive. how can i configure it to work properly? or rather, i keep the external drive fat32, because when its ext3 and i specify "/dev/sda1 /media/sda1 autio" in /etc/fstab, it won't work | 06:56 |
darklinuxer | h everybody | 06:56 |
snorks | hi darklinuxer | 06:56 |
runeh | yancheng: That probably has something to do with the C-specifics in the configuration files. | 06:56 |
cheesie | !redhat | 06:56 |
ubotu | cheesie: Did you get hit by a windmill? | 06:56 |
DarkEye | nope | 06:56 |
cheesie | !irc | 06:56 |
ubotu | I guess irc is Internet Relay Chat. It is a virtual network with servers allowing connections from clients where many people connect and chat with each other related to Linux or even sex. | 06:56 |
darklinuxer | h | 06:56 |
darklinuxer | how r u | 06:56 |
cheesie | darkeye it did work | 06:56 |
cheesie | Dark type !java | 06:56 |
DarkEye | not for me | 06:56 |
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runeh | yancheng: You could try to set nocindent as well. | 06:56 |
reagleBRKLN | so i keep both fat32 and specify that in the fstab, but would like to plug in different file systems | 06:56 |
DarkEye | !java | 06:56 |
ubotu | I guess java is to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java | 06:56 |
cheesie | there | 06:56 |
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cheesie | follow them | 06:56 |
cheesie | it takes ages | 06:56 |
cheesie | but works | 06:56 |
Hoxzer | snorks: installed alsa | 06:57 |
darklinuxer | snorks | 06:57 |
darklinuxer | ? | 06:57 |
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Hoxzer | "apt-cache search vlc | grep eSound" | 06:57 |
Hoxzer | is that the command? | 06:57 |
cheesie | !clients | 06:57 |
ubotu | cheesie: I don't know | 06:57 |
snorks | Hoxzer: ok there's two alternatives then. Either disable the esd, or install the esd-output plugin for VLC | 06:57 |
cheesie | !scripts | 06:57 |
ubotu | No idea, cheesie | 06:57 |
cheesie | bye all | 06:57 |
cheesie | !bye | 06:57 |
ubotu | cheesie: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 06:57 |
cheesie | lol | 06:57 |
snorks | Hoxzer: I suggest disabling esd and use ALSA instead, as it's faster | 06:57 |
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snorks | Hoxzer: anyway, iof youy disalbe the daemon, you want to select alsaoupyt in VLC, or esd output if you dont disable it | 06:58 |
darklinuxer | byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sht | 06:58 |
snorks | Hoxzer: /typo on :P | 06:58 |
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Hoxzer | Snorks: ok... | 06:58 |
darklinuxer | sht sht ts sht only sht | 06:58 |
snorks | shhh | 06:59 |
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darklinuxer | ? | 06:59 |
Hoxzer | Failed to construct test pipeline for 'ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture' | 06:59 |
snorks | hm | 06:59 |
darklinuxer | ???????????????????? | 06:59 |
=== arachnion [n=arachnio@d51A41376.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arachnion | hello | 06:59 |
darklinuxer | hello? | 06:59 |
darklinuxer | o ne ya | 06:59 |
arachnion | I want to install a .rpm package | 06:59 |
arachnion | so I need to alien it | 06:59 |
darklinuxer | ok | 06:59 |
darklinuxer | ok | 07:00 |
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Hoxzer | Ok, I istalled esd plugin now I have sound | 07:00 |
arachnion | but where is alien ;) (I used to have this on MEPIS, which was also debian-based) | 07:00 |
feugan3333 | Hi all. If I have build a custom kernel (because I have more that 1GB of ram) and apt-get upgrades linux-image. Will it do the right thing, or will I need to recompile again? | 07:00 |
darklinuxer | ts sugar cane t tasted good | 07:00 |
darklinuxer | hi | 07:00 |
darklinuxer | thanks m good | 07:00 |
deFrysk | arachnion, what package ? | 07:00 |
arachnion | LimeWire | 07:00 |
cvt | how do i get permissions to delete files? | 07:00 |
cvt | it says i cann't | 07:00 |
bur[n] er | arachnion: you don't have alien? if not, check synaptic to install it | 07:00 |
arachnion | ok bur[n] er | 07:01 |
=== NanoBCN [n=NanoBCN@62-15-124-143.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bur[n] er | cvt: are you owner of it? | 07:01 |
cvt | i'm trying to remove some firefox searchplugins. | 07:01 |
Hoxzer | ..... | 07:01 |
Hoxzer | now | 07:01 |
cvt | yes | 07:01 |
deFrysk | limewire can be easyly instaled locally | 07:01 |
darklinuxer | right clck and delete | 07:01 |
Hoxzer | now vlc users | 07:01 |
cvt | this is my pc | 07:01 |
=== pinucset [n=pinucset@197.Red-80-32-81.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hoxzer | we have problem | 07:01 |
snorks | Hoxzer: any results? | 07:01 |
ubuntutu | sudo bash to have permisions | 07:01 |
Hoxzer | we need to enable total fullscreen | 07:01 |
cvt | darkheart, | 07:01 |
pinucset | somebody knows how to enable 5.1 sound in ubuntu stable? (nforce2)... | 07:01 |
=== Fraeon [i=kzer-za@85-194-204-72.wlannet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hoxzer | Snorks: tell me how | 07:01 |
bur[n] er | hrm... not so much my question ;) what permissions are on it currently? | 07:01 |
deFrysk | no need to get rpm | 07:01 |
worrells | cvt, use sudo to remove the file | 07:01 |
BlueEagle | ubuntutu: sudo -i will give you a root login shell. | 07:01 |
worrells | sudo rm <filename> | 07:01 |
bur[n] er | or what worrells said ;) | 07:01 |
darklinuxer | la la la la | 07:01 |
ubuntutu | sorry | 07:01 |
cvt | darkheart, it says i don't have permission | 07:01 |
darklinuxer | la la la | 07:01 |
snorks | Hoxzer: rightclick on the video output area thingy | 07:01 |
Fraeon | Grrr...anyone got an idea what would be causing the fact that Breezy just doesn't want to go online? | 07:02 |
snorks | Hoxzer: chose fullscreen. alternatively, double click on the video | 07:02 |
bur[n] er | Fraeon: we need some more info... got an ip? | 07:02 |
worrells | cvt, what is the exact error? | 07:02 |
Hoxzer | snorks: but its not total :E | 07:02 |
Hoxzer | I can still see the bars | 07:02 |
Hoxzer | totem can do it without bars | 07:02 |
snorks | Hoxzer: right-clicking and chosing fullscreen should fix that | 07:02 |
cvt | Access denied to /home/brian/.local/share/trash/files/yahoo.gif | 07:02 |
cvt | error message verbatum | 07:03 |
Hoxzer | snorks: did :E | 07:03 |
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worrells | do this: ls -la /home/brian/.local/share/trash/files/yahoo.gif | 07:03 |
Hoxzer | I still see bars | 07:03 |
Fraeon | bur[n] er, It's a homepna connection... AMD PCNet 79C978... I tried configuring /etc/modules and /etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf to make it work like it I did in Hoary... | 07:03 |
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Fraeon | ...but it just doesn't work. | 07:03 |
cvt | verbatim | 07:03 |
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snorks | Hoxzer: hm. but that should be a VLC related issue anyways, browsing the preferences might yield results | 07:03 |
darklinuxer | can you speak | 07:03 |
bur[n] er | PNA == powerline? | 07:03 |
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snorks | Hoxzer: I don't watch alot of movies :P | 07:03 |
Hoxzer | :D | 07:03 |
darklinuxer | have u got a | 07:03 |
DarkEye | !repositories | 07:03 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, repositories is probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 07:04 |
darklinuxer | mouth | 07:04 |
Hoxzer | I see | 07:04 |
darklinuxer | r u humans | 07:04 |
bur[n] er | Fraeon: you have to get the modules built for the new kernel | 07:04 |
darklinuxer | no thnk | 07:04 |
darklinuxer | see you my messeges | 07:04 |
darklinuxer | sorry | 07:04 |
snorks | yes | 07:04 |
snorks | but your "messages" makes no sense darklinuxer | 07:04 |
Fraeon | So, the pcnet32 module that comes with the preview isn't built for Breezy? | 07:04 |
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Fraeon | It's a fresh install | 07:04 |
darklinuxer | thnk so | 07:04 |
darklinuxer | snorks | 07:04 |
worrells | cvt, still there? | 07:04 |
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snorks | darklinuxer: well I don't think so | 07:05 |
darklinuxer | eeeeeeeee | 07:05 |
cvt | worrells, yes | 07:05 |
bloodness | sometimes my menu.lst changes how can i keep it without change | 07:05 |
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darklinuxer | bloodness | 07:05 |
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darklinuxer | gerzek | 07:05 |
Fraeon | So...any ideas? | 07:05 |
darklinuxer | yhahahha | 07:05 |
pinucset | !repository | 07:05 |
ubotu | pinucset: No idea | 07:05 |
pinucset | ok... :) | 07:05 |
cvt | i don't get it | 07:05 |
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bloodness | darklinuxer ? | 07:06 |
darklinuxer | ezikmi | 07:06 |
cvt | why can't i just delete the files? | 07:06 |
cvt | this is my pc | 07:06 |
worrells | even with sudo, it still denies you? | 07:06 |
bloodness | aha trkm | 07:06 |
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Fraeon | What should I try? I tried adding the card to /etc/interfaces too, but no...that doesn't work either. | 07:06 |
cvt | worrells, where's sudo? | 07:06 |
darklinuxer | turk olduunu nas da bell edyosun | 07:06 |
bloodness | dark benim menu.lst deiiyo arada | 07:06 |
darklinuxer | war ya | 07:06 |
bur[n] er | cvt: run "gksudo nautilus" and you can | 07:06 |
darklinuxer | ok | 07:06 |
bloodness | nasl deimemesini salayabilirim | 07:06 |
Flying-Penguin | whats with the diff langs? | 07:06 |
darklinuxer | ne iin war burda | 07:06 |
worrells | sudo is a standard utility that lets you run a command as root | 07:06 |
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Seveas | darklinuxer, bloodness stick to english in here please | 07:06 |
bur[n] er | cvt: be very careful when deleting files that way... you have full root permissions | 07:06 |
bloodness | sometimes my menu.lst changes how can i keep it without change | 07:07 |
=== bretzel [n=bretzel@modemcable128.237-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
worrells | what bur[n] er said | 07:07 |
worrells | I concur | 07:07 |
Seveas | bloodness, every kernel upgrade triggers a change | 07:07 |
worrells | be sure that's what you want to do | 07:07 |
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darklinuxer | t doesny matter to you seveas | 07:07 |
snorks | he's a dark linuxer | 07:07 |
bloodness | hmm | 07:07 |
Flying-Penguin | bloodness, you are freaking COOL | 07:07 |
worrells | try the following | 07:07 |
worrells | sudo rm /home/brian/.local/share/trash/files/yahoo.gif | 07:07 |
snorks | lol | 07:07 |
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darklinuxer | thank u u soo | 07:07 |
bloodness | thnx seveas | 07:07 |
Seveas | darklinuxer, this channel is english. EOD. | 07:07 |
darklinuxer | eee | 07:08 |
worrells | it will ask you for your password | 07:08 |
Fraeon | Drrrt. Any ideas other than adding lines to /etc/modules and /etc/interfaces? | 07:08 |
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Fraeon | This thing just refuses to work. | 07:08 |
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darklinuxer | englsh mi | 07:08 |
darklinuxer | eee | 07:08 |
Fanskapet | hmm anyone uses munin here? | 07:08 |
darklinuxer | bloodnes what is you rname | 07:08 |
ubuntutu | i have 97 % of ram used what i can do to reduce it | 07:08 |
bur[n] er | ubuntutu: close stuff ;) | 07:09 |
bloodness | ubuntu | 07:09 |
deFrysk | !ram | 07:09 |
Seveas | ubuntutu, that's ok, linux preloads as much as possible into ram | 07:09 |
ubotu | deFrysk: Do they come in packets of five? | 07:09 |
Flying-Penguin | could someone that speaks darklinuxer tell him of a "his lang" channle? | 07:09 |
Hoxzer | what was the command to check my ide devices? | 07:09 |
bloodness | you can buy ram | 07:09 |
bloodness | :) | 07:09 |
Seveas | that's why you have a swap :) | 07:09 |
bur[n] er | swap == slow though | 07:09 |
darklinuxer | := | 07:09 |
darklinuxer | =} | 07:09 |
ubuntutu | i want to keep free as | 07:09 |
deFrysk | ubuntutu, unused ram is wasted ram | 07:09 |
darklinuxer | hhhahhah | 07:09 |
Seveas | darklinuxer, behave in here ar leave please | 07:09 |
bur[n] er | even the fastest sata hard drive is not as fast as even slow ram | 07:09 |
worrells | cvt, that should be done in a terminal window. | 07:09 |
erUSUL | ubuntutu, why do you want to reduce it | 07:09 |
darklinuxer | blooodness | 07:09 |
Fraeon | I'd switch distros, but I'm not at all sure if the problem persists there too. | 07:09 |
darklinuxer | bunnar ne i ya | 07:10 |
erUSUL | ? | 07:10 |
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Fraeon | Since 2.6.x, homePNA connections have been causing nothing but grief | 07:10 |
ubuntutu | because i want to keep ram for other aplication | 07:10 |
bur[n] er | thank you ;) | 07:10 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@] by Seveas | ||
snorks | ubuntutu: the OS controls RAM good enough. As he said, unused RAM is a waste. If something makes your machine lag, then it should be fixed, but if you don't notice lag be ok with it :P | 07:10 |
Seveas | right the a-hole was banned before but avoids tehe ban | 07:10 |
=== regeya_ [n=shane@adsl-sp3-cdale176.micgi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flying-Penguin | ubuntutu: it is trying to utilise your specs | 07:11 |
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cvt | worrells, i deleted the files successfully but now do i have to do anything but close it? | 07:11 |
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Flying-Penguin | ubuntutu: if you where playing a game and started to get bad fps and you noticed you had 40% cpu load wouln't you be pissed??? | 07:11 |
bur[n] er | is RAM cached almost to 100% on purpose??? I was always curious of that | 07:11 |
Seveas | bur[n] er, yes that is on purpose | 07:11 |
Flying-Penguin | its system utlization... I cant spell verry well | 07:12 |
bur[n] er | linux ram usage is so hard for me to grasp... the numbers don't add up for virual ram, ram, that other column... | 07:12 |
deFrysk | ram is soo much faster than your hd so why not use it ? | 07:12 |
=== hetzz^ [n=hetzz@c83-250-9-103.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntutu | i must set specs to my amount of ram no? | 07:12 |
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Flying-Penguin | ubuntutu: your ram is used for a reason | 07:12 |
Flying-Penguin | ubuntutu: in order to help linux(ubuntu) run faster it is using all your ram | 07:12 |
deFrysk | ubuntutu, the se how little ram i use thing is depreciated ;p | 07:13 |
ubuntutu | yes but when i recompile my kernel this rate decrease | 07:13 |
Flying-Penguin | ubuntutu: the second a program needs ran ubuntu will give some up!!! | 07:13 |
Flying-Penguin | ram* | 07:13 |
BlueEagle | ubuntutu: Watch how much is used for cache. Unless you're starting to write cache information to swap (or swap data at all while you've still got massive amounts of cache) then you can start to worry. | 07:14 |
Flying-Penguin | ubuntutu: if it isn't doing this right... than sorry I buged you | 07:14 |
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Hoxzer | can somebody help me to get vlc to total full screen so I dont need to wach those bars :E | 07:14 |
BlueEagle | ehh.. then you don't need to worry. | 07:14 |
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deFrysk | ubuntutu, memorie managent of linux is exelent just take our word for it | 07:14 |
deFrysk | my spelling however.... :s | 07:15 |
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ubuntutu | im so bad in english soory ;) | 07:15 |
BlueEagle | defrysk: :) | 07:15 |
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Flying-Penguin | ubuntutu: its ok! you are better than me at what ever lang you speak I only speak one! we internet people are used to it | 07:16 |
ubuntutu | right i progres | 07:16 |
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=== Flying-Penguin cheers for ubuntutu | ||
humbolt | updating from hoary to breezy, is that already supposed to work just fine? | 07:17 |
Hoxzer | how I can check my IDE devices? | 07:17 |
Hoxzer | what is what | 07:17 |
humbolt | did networkmagic make it into breezy? | 07:17 |
BlueEagle | hoxzer: sudo fdisk -l | 07:17 |
deFrysk | humbolt, works fine but not absolutely stable yet | 07:18 |
=== apix [n=apix@athe730f-0591.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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BlueEagle | hoxzer: Mount a CD in the CD drive and leave the DVD drive empty to figure out which is which. | 07:18 |
humbolt | deFrysk: what is unstable for example? | 07:18 |
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humbolt | deFrysk: is there anything grave? | 07:19 |
deFrysk | humbolt, in my experience rhythmbox is not ready | 07:19 |
deFrysk | humbolt, nothing grave on my box nope | 07:19 |
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humbolt | does anybody know about networkmagick in breezy? | 07:19 |
deFrysk | humbolt, its not | 07:19 |
deFrysk | in | 07:19 |
lakcaj | Hoxzer, dmesg | grep hda && cat /etc/fstab | 07:19 |
lakcaj | Hoxzer, dmesg | grep hd && cat /etc/fstab | 07:20 |
lakcaj | the second one | 07:20 |
joh | mono is broken in breezy, right? | 07:20 |
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Fraeon | Anyone else running Breezy on a homepna connection? | 07:20 |
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humbolt | so how do I configure wlans in breezy? | 07:21 |
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bur[n] er | humbolt: via the panel applet | 07:22 |
humbolt | what about ifplugd, ... | 07:22 |
No1Viking | lakcaj: dmesg | grep hd; cat /etc/fstab also works =) | 07:22 |
No1Viking | lakcaj: See the ; instead of &&? | 07:23 |
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tyoung | Greetings All. I've got Hoary on a laptop, and wondered if anybody could point me to how to get the wireless network to come up without having to go through the Network Admin applet? | 07:23 |
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Hoxzer | eh... | 07:24 |
Hoxzer | who was that amd64 guy? | 07:25 |
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snorks | <- | 07:25 |
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Hoxzer | yeah, next thing you need to help me is to get DVD's playable | 07:25 |
Flying-Penguin | so... how is linux support for AMDx2 64??? | 07:26 |
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Hoxzer | Snorks: what mediplayer do you use for dvd's? | 07:26 |
jax | hello, i have question.. , i have speedtouch modem, i'm newbie, ubuntu : have aleady installed (my english is bad sorry) | 07:26 |
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tyoung | Hoxzer - check out ubuntuguide.org, their instructions worked for me on DVD's. | 07:27 |
snorks | Hoxzer: haven't tried yet. This comp don't have dvd player | 07:27 |
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Flying-Penguin | jax: whats your native lang? | 07:27 |
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=== Decadent argoun ta souvlakia | ||
tyoung | oops. | 07:27 |
Hoxzer | tyoung: problem is in amd64 version :( | 07:27 |
aeolist | asta na pane decadent | 07:27 |
snorks | Hoxzer: however, if i get one, and trying it, i would probably use vlc | 07:27 |
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Fraeon | I hate repeating myself but my problem is this: I try to activating my homepna connection but adding the usual lines to /etc/modules and /etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf do not work and I also tried enabling the card through the Gnome networking to no avail. I've also tried putting "iface eth1 inet dhcp" on /etc/interfaces but it STILL refuses to connect anywhere. /sbin/dhclient just spits "No DHCPREQUEST received". This is a clean x86 32-bit Bre | 07:27 |
Fraeon | ezy Preview install and do not see what the problem is here. Ideas? | 07:27 |
jax | Flying-Penguin french | 07:27 |
NanoBCN | hi people. I'm experiencing very weird problems with FTP clients | 07:27 |
Flying-Penguin | jax: like, what language do you speak? | 07:27 |
NanoBCN | no way to connect to any ftp server | 07:28 |
neymac | algum j usou mondo para fazer backup do sistema? | 07:28 |
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NanoBCN | nor through gftp nor command line | 07:28 |
bur[n] er | NanoBCN: maybe it's your server? anyway, what errors? | 07:28 |
neymac | did anyone use mondo to backup the system? | 07:28 |
jax | Flying-Penguin french | 07:28 |
bur[n] er | mondo? | 07:28 |
NanoBCN | bur[n] er, no, I'm the client and cannot connect to any server | 07:29 |
NanoBCN | debian, x11, gnome... noone | 07:29 |
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bur[n] er | NanoBCN: same server trying everytime? | 07:29 |
bur[n] er | you can't connect at all? | 07:29 |
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NanoBCN | bur[n] er, I cannot connect at all | 07:30 |
NanoBCN | no where | 07:30 |
bur[n] er | NanoBCN: firewall? | 07:30 |
bur[n] er | NanoBCN: maybe the servers you are trying to connect to are pasv and you're not | 07:30 |
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Flying-Penguin | jax: you might want to try #ubuntu-fr it could be easyer, but since you do speak english and there are more people in here, you are welcome (online people know bad english) | 07:30 |
jax | ok thanks | 07:31 |
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joshy | hi, i'm wondering how to get dhclient running at boot, right now I have to type it in after I loggin. | 07:31 |
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NanoBCN | bur[n] er, nop, it's not that the problem, I'm affraid | 07:32 |
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NanoBCN | bur[n] er, can you connect to ftp.debian.org? | 07:32 |
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bur[n] er | yeah | 07:32 |
bur[n] er | just fine :) | 07:32 |
poypoy | I'm stuck in 60hz with no idea how to change it (only 60hz in the resolution menu) and i'm gonna collapse soon, any ideas where/how to add more? | 07:32 |
mae | hey does anyone know, does that new ipod nano use flash memory or still the microdrive? | 07:33 |
bloodness | where can i get Smeg? | 07:33 |
bloodness | where can i get Smeg menu editor? | 07:33 |
SanderD | poypoy: In /etc/X11/xorg.conf you can adjust the monitor settings. | 07:33 |
NanoBCN | bur[n] er, well, no luck at all for me... | 07:33 |
NanoBCN | :S | 07:33 |
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deFrysk | poypoy, is your monitor recognized in xorg.conf ? | 07:33 |
poypoy | Ermm.... Identifier"Generic Monitor" | 07:33 |
poypoy | I guess not... | 07:33 |
deFrysk | thats a "no" | 07:33 |
humbolt | I cannot find a apt.conf file in ubuntu. How do I make ubuntu aware that I want change to breezy release. Is adding the sources enough? | 07:34 |
deFrysk | find your specs of the monitor | 07:34 |
deFrysk | horiz and vert freq | 07:34 |
bur[n] er | NanoBCN: you on the internet at all? can you ping ftp.debian.org | 07:34 |
poypoy | Yup | 07:34 |
snorks | afk | 07:34 |
deFrysk | poypoy, and correct them (if needed | 07:34 |
poypoy | monitor OSD's rule :) | 07:34 |
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deFrysk | poypoy, best way to correct them is using sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:35 |
poypoy | ok, I corrected xorg.conf | 07:35 |
poypoy | It requires restart or? | 07:35 |
NanoBCN | bur[n] er, yes, I can ping it, that's the weird thing | 07:36 |
deFrysk | ok restart x | 07:36 |
bur[n] er | NanoBCN: can you telnet on port 21? | 07:36 |
deFrysk | ctrl alt backspace | 07:36 |
poypoy | Thankies :) | 07:36 |
deFrysk | "fingers crossed" | 07:36 |
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NanoBCN | bur[n] er, no reply | 07:37 |
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Toba | has anyone here got a D-Link DWL-G630 to work? | 07:37 |
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Toba | it's not on the wirelss page | 07:37 |
andreas__ | hi :-) | 07:37 |
Toba | but everything else on there that's D-Link is fine | 07:37 |
bur[n] er | is there a way I can compress an entire filesystem to a .iso like an 'image' ?? | 07:37 |
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bur[n] er | NanoBCN: firewalled man... i swear | 07:37 |
Hoxzer | :DD | 07:38 |
bur[n] er | NanoBCN: or woman ;) | 07:38 |
Hoxzer | it plays | 07:38 |
Hoxzer | lol | 07:38 |
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bloodness | where can i get Smeg menu editor? | 07:38 |
bur[n] er | bloodness: synaptic | 07:38 |
deFrysk | bloodness, in breezy? | 07:38 |
bloodness | no | 07:38 |
bloodness | not breezy | 07:38 |
bur[n] er | then you can't yet ;) | 07:38 |
NanoBCN | bur[n] er, can't be, it's my home connection, firestarter open and nothing is there, never put a single block... | 07:38 |
NanoBCN | too weird | 07:38 |
=== bur[n] er doesn't think it was backported | ||
deFrysk | !smeg | 07:38 |
ubotu | I guess smeg is a Simple Menu Editor for GNOME. Get it at http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg/ or from backports. | 07:38 |
deFrysk | there you go | 07:39 |
bur[n] er | NanoBCN: home router might not be allowing port 21 traffic? | 07:39 |
bloodness | i will try | 07:39 |
bloodness | thnx | 07:39 |
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reiki_work | the install from backports appears broken... a bad dependancy | 07:39 |
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reiki_work | ^^^ referring to smeg | 07:39 |
NanoBCN | bur[n] er, I even redirected all incoming traffic for 21 port to this pc | 07:39 |
NanoBCN | weird :) | 07:39 |
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deFrysk | reiki, wait for breezy its in there by default | 07:40 |
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bur[n] er | NanoBCN: incoming means nothing | 07:40 |
bur[n] er | you're outgoing | 07:40 |
bur[n] er | NanoBCN: how bout ftp sites not on port 21? | 07:40 |
bur[n] er | :) | 07:40 |
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=== bur[n] er doesn't know of any off the top of his head | ||
init_6 | anyone boot ubuntu with raid0? | 07:41 |
jkrogh | I'd suggest that you use something else.. | 07:41 |
jkrogh | scp perhaps. | 07:41 |
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rob_p | bur[n] er: "mkisofs -o image.iso -JRVv /path/to/your_files" will create an iso image called, "image.iso" of the directory (and subdirs) that you specify. Is that what you were looking for? | 07:41 |
=== mz2 [n=matias@cpc2-cmbg9-4-0-cust13.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bur[n] er | somewhat... | 07:42 |
cvt | does anyone know to get Galaga for ubuntu? | 07:42 |
cvt | it comes with knoppix but i'd lke it | 07:42 |
cvt | like | 07:42 |
bur[n] er | rob_p: pretend I have an installed system... I want to back it up to a direct image that can be restored simply... ideally via one commmand... it would also be nice if I could qemu it... so .iso was preferrable ;) | 07:42 |
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bur[n] er | think .iso would be good for that? | 07:43 |
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jkrogh | cvt: It's probably called something else.. wing, xgalaga | 07:43 |
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shinu | can 'mount' mount cue/bin files? | 07:44 |
init_6 | is there some magic trick to get ubuntu to boot a raid 0 install? | 07:44 |
poypoy | Well, after ctrlaltbackspace the only thing I figured out how to do was sudo shutdown now :S... Anyway, I'm back with more dumbass questions: first being my wlan is fine, but it sometimes takes ages before it will connect, or before it loads a page... a bit tempermental... any ideas? | 07:44 |
bloodness | i downloaded smeg.deb | 07:45 |
Hoxzer | if I have somekind of "untitled window" how should I close it? :/ | 07:45 |
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bloodness | i downloaded smeg.deb | 07:45 |
bloodness | how can i install it | 07:45 |
deFrysk | bloodness, dpkg -u blah | 07:45 |
rob_p | bur[n] er: Not sure. Sorry! However, you might be able to accomplish it rdiff-backup. Google it. It's easy to find. Maybe their site will have the info you need to make it work. | 07:45 |
deFrysk | -i sorry | 07:45 |
deFrysk | bloodness, dpkg -i blah | 07:45 |
deFrysk | sudo he ;p | 07:45 |
candlelight | init_6, if the raid 0 is by sil3112 for SATA, there's a howto at ubuntuforums.org | 07:46 |
bloodness | blah? | 07:46 |
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deFrysk | blah = <package> | 07:46 |
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bloodness | :))))) | 07:46 |
bur[n] er | rob_p: thanks rob... i appreciate it.. (i might just use norton ghost... we'll see) | 07:46 |
rob_p | bur[n] er: there's always that :-) | 07:46 |
bloodness | it gives error | 07:48 |
cvt | do you know what version of java i need? | 07:48 |
bloodness | smeg depends on python-xdg (>= 0.14); however: | 07:48 |
bloodness | ?? | 07:48 |
deFrysk | bloodness, sudo apt-get install python-xdg | 07:48 |
cvt | Linux RPM [self-extracting file] ? | 07:48 |
deFrysk | and try again | 07:49 |
poypoy | nm that, but.. fe, when I'm typing in the find box for firefox and it goes red (error beep) it plays it using the system beep, and not via sound... Can't figure out where to change this one :| | 07:49 |
bloodness | it say it is newest version | 07:49 |
deFrysk | bloodness, where did you get the .deb from ? | 07:50 |
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bloodness | http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg/ | 07:50 |
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deFrysk | http://dev.realistanew.com/smeg/latest/smeg.deb this one bloodness ? | 07:51 |
=== rainmaker [n=blah@c80-216-8-42.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bloodness | yes | 07:51 |
rainmaker | hi guys, im thinking of giving ubuntu another try again but i find the sudo thing annoying | 07:51 |
rainmaker | is there a way to get rid of it? | 07:51 |
pluffsy | what is annoying with typing sudo -s? | 07:51 |
jhaa | sudo passwd root | 07:51 |
candlelight | rainmaker, sudo passwd root | 07:52 |
jhaa | then give a new password | 07:52 |
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pussfeller | you can give root a password and then just use that | 07:52 |
rainmaker | then you can use su - in the console? | 07:52 |
jhaa | first it needs your password ofcourse | 07:52 |
deFrysk | bloodness, sudo apt-get install PyGTK python-glade2 | 07:52 |
jhaa | yes | 07:52 |
rainmaker | whoho | 07:52 |
rainmaker | ^^ | 07:52 |
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deFrysk | bloodness, and try again | 07:53 |
pluffsy | btw again. anyone here running the preview? how stable is it? is preview like a beta version or more alfa quality? | 07:53 |
bloodness | E: Couldn't find package PyGTK | 07:53 |
pluffsy | is it stable for mainstream desktop use? | 07:53 |
rainmaker | oh, and btw can we upgrade to the latest test version? wich was released yesterday or something? | 07:53 |
deFrysk | bloodness, sudo apt-get install pygtk python-glade2 | 07:53 |
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jhaa | pluffsy runs fine on my laptop | 07:53 |
mz2 | pluffsy, have been running breezy for a good month now, with little problems (even less so for the last few weeks) | 07:53 |
jhaa | everything works | 07:53 |
guardianx | how do i view iso/bin movie files without burning it to cd on ubuntu | 07:53 |
bloodness | E: Couldn't find package pygtk | 07:53 |
bloodness | frysk | 07:54 |
Alfa|WERK | pluffsy, please don't trigger my alert by spelling "alpha" wrong.. | 07:54 |
pluffsy | jhaa: alright sounds great, lots of new neat things in it. I'm getting a powerbook g3 on monday that I wanna use for ubuntu. | 07:54 |
bloodness | we can try anaother installer | 07:54 |
bloodness | tar.gz | 07:54 |
bloodness | ? | 07:54 |
deFrysk | bloodness, download this http://dev.realistanew.com/smeg/installsmeg | 07:54 |
pluffsy | Alfa|WERK: haha. sorry. it's spelled like that in swedish. | 07:54 |
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Alfa|WERK | no kiddin | 07:54 |
Alfa|WERK | i never knew that | 07:54 |
Alfa|WERK | :) | 07:55 |
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rainmaker | swedish :) im swedish :p | 07:55 |
pluffsy | Alfa|WERK: why are you such an asshole? oh wait the happy smiley. hmm | 07:55 |
Alfa|WERK | hmm indeed | 07:55 |
guardianx | how do i view iso/bin movie files without burning it to cd on ubuntu | 07:55 |
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Seveas | alfa is a brand of beer | 07:56 |
Tomcat_ | guardianx: iso or cue/bin? | 07:56 |
deFrysk | bloodness, you there ? | 07:56 |
Tomcat_ | guardianx: ISOs can be mounted like filesystems. | 07:56 |
Seveas | Tomcat_, vcd isos not iirc :) | 07:56 |
Alfa|WERK | i hope it's a good one | 07:56 |
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Tomcat_ | Seveas: Worked in Windows with Daemon Tools ;) | 07:57 |
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bloodness | ok | 07:57 |
Seveas | mplayer and/or vlc are able to play iso's directly iirc | 07:57 |
bloodness | i dled | 07:57 |
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guardianx | how do i mount iso and bin riles? | 07:57 |
Seveas | Alfa|WERK, no it sucks ;) | 07:57 |
guardianx | tomcat_ ; how do i mount it? | 07:57 |
Seveas | guardianx, mount -o loop /path/to/iso /path/to/mountpoint | 07:57 |
rainmaker | can we update to the preview edition inside ubuntu? | 07:57 |
deFrysk | bloodness, now run it | 07:57 |
Tomcat_ | -o loop.... was searching for that. :) | 07:57 |
Alfa|WERK | haha | 07:57 |
bloodness | ./installsmeg ? | 07:58 |
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deFrysk | bloodness, yup | 07:58 |
guardianx | how do i view bin/cue file movies? | 07:58 |
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trigg | rainmaker: change your repositories in sources.list to breezy instead of hoary, then sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 07:58 |
bloodness | it need permisson | 07:59 |
Tomcat_ | guardianx: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22262&highlight=bin+cue | 07:59 |
rainmaker | thx trigg | 07:59 |
bloodness | i will give 755? | 07:59 |
deFrysk | sudo ./installsmeg | 07:59 |
humbolt | breezy is compiled with gcc4. that means I have to necessarily update all packages, right? | 07:59 |
guardianx | how would i mount the iso if the iso is on a window server.... | 08:00 |
bloodness | sudo: ./installsmeg: command not found | 08:00 |
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dannym | guardianx: mount -o loop -t iso9660 /path/to/iso /some/mountpoint | 08:00 |
bloodness | :( | 08:00 |
dannym | guardianx: what is a window server ? | 08:00 |
=== Ohmer [n=Homer@ip-66-254-43-148.mqdsl.megaquebec.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
guardianx | the file is on a window xp system | 08:01 |
deFrysk | chmod +x installsmeg | 08:01 |
guardianx | i have already network it and i can see the file on ubuntu | 08:01 |
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dannym | guardianx: use cifs or smbfs to mount it | 08:01 |
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dannym | guardianx: good :) | 08:01 |
dannym | guardianx: copy it over ? :) | 08:01 |
bloodness | ok it works | 08:01 |
deFrysk | cool | 08:01 |
=== keikoz yop all | ||
Tomcat_ | guardianx: Install the smbfs package, then do "mount //<server>/path/blah.iso /some/mountpoint" | 08:01 |
deFrysk | bloodness, it needs some backported packages , thats why the .deb did not work this script fixes that | 08:02 |
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bloodness | hmm ok | 08:02 |
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dannym | hmmm, how do I find the source used for a deb file ? | 08:04 |
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dannym | i.e. I have some package installed with synaptic, and want to get back to the source code to mess things | 08:04 |
deFrysk | dannym, apt-get source | 08:04 |
dannym | (later to make a new package with it) | 08:04 |
bloodness | i restart gnome with ctrl alt backspace? | 08:04 |
deFrysk | dannym, apt-get source -b | 08:05 |
guardianx | blah scew this..... i cant take linux i'm giving up | 08:05 |
deFrysk | bloodness, why ? | 08:05 |
guardianx | laters | 08:05 |
dannym | DeFrysk: I see :) | 08:05 |
dannym | DeFrysk: thanks | 08:05 |
karljp | anyone know how to get totem to play files made with mencode -ovc lavc? | 08:05 |
cvt | is there a particular typing tutor for linux that you know ? | 08:05 |
Tomcat_ | lol that guy was funny. :o | 08:05 |
karljp | it writes them as FMP4 which apparrently totem doesn' tknow about? | 08:05 |
bloodness | i dont know i read this ubuntuguide.com :))))) | 08:05 |
deFrysk | cvt, gtypist I believe | 08:05 |
CookedGryphon | YAh my winmodem is working!!!! | 08:05 |
bloodness | but it works now it is not need i think | 08:06 |
CookedGryphon | still dunno what i did tho... so it may not be tomorrow | 08:06 |
deFrysk | bloodness, dont read ubuntuguide | 08:06 |
poypoy | Is there any decent linux driver resources? It's becoming a very hard task :\ | 08:06 |
bloodness | why | 08:06 |
deFrysk | ubuntuguide = el crappo | 08:06 |
deFrysk | !ubuntuguide | 08:06 |
ubotu | ubuntuguide is probably a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide. Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. The official FAQ Guide will be released with Breezy, stay tuned. | 08:06 |
trigg | karljp: mencoder source.avi --ffourcc DX50 -o new.avi | 08:06 |
bloodness | ok | 08:06 |
karljp | well, that's not quite the same thing, but sure I guess :) | 08:06 |
deFrysk | bloodness, saves me some typing ;p | 08:07 |
Sexy | hi there! | 08:07 |
karljp | basically, is there a better way of doing this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-35726.html | 08:07 |
init_6 | interesting issue: Boot ubuntu. FSCK fails and wants help, but usb hasn't loaded my keyboard so can't type anything. Workaround? | 08:07 |
karljp | ie, fixing totem, rather than fixing the avi | 08:07 |
Sexy | i have a problem with tcl, can anyone help me please? | 08:07 |
bloodness | :) | 08:07 |
trigg | karljp: totem hasn't been updated yet - FMP4 is a relatively new code | 08:07 |
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karljp | fair enough then, thanks trigg | 08:07 |
dannym | defrysk: hmm, how is the remainder of the syntax ? | 08:07 |
deFrysk | !ubuntuforums | 08:07 |
ubotu | deFrysk: Are you on ritalin? | 08:07 |
dannym | defrysk: I tried f.e. "apt-get source libgtk-2.0-0" | 08:07 |
deFrysk | aubotu almost | 08:08 |
karljp | I was under the impression that it was the same format, only it was a new code letter | 08:08 |
dannym | defrysk: but note that I do not have the deb file in the same dir because synaptic took care of installing it | 08:08 |
Sonny_Wertzik | Anybody even use xine? I need a lil' help | 08:08 |
Sexy | i run eggdrop but when i run a script ex: !google from irc it blocks and | 08:08 |
deFrysk | dannym, apt-get install build-essential | 08:08 |
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Sexy | i run eggdrop but when i run a script ex: !google from irc it blocks | 08:08 |
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trigg | karljp: new code letter - but it is what tells the media player how to decode the avi | 08:08 |
Sonny_Wertzik | does anyone know why xine 0.99.3 locks up when i switch to fullscreen?? | 08:09 |
suninha | does anyone have problems with tcl? | 08:09 |
deFrysk | dannym, also apt-get install fakeroot (in case build-essential does not provide it) | 08:09 |
trigg | karljp: FMP4 is specific to lavc mpeg4 implementation | 08:09 |
karljp | coolio. is this the sort of hting that is going to turn up in a backports for totem, or are my choices: a) use a different file format b) make totem from source? | 08:09 |
rainmaker | is it possible to choose wich packages to install when installing ubuntu? | 08:10 |
karljp | suninha, don't use such and archaic irc script | 08:10 |
karljp | too late | 08:10 |
karljp | sif tcl | 08:10 |
deFrysk | rainmaker, minimum and a normal install | 08:10 |
bloodness | how can i delete a folder :))), | 08:10 |
rainmaker | :( | 08:10 |
dannym | defrysk: ok, done that :) | 08:10 |
deFrysk | rainmaker, minimal is without x | 08:10 |
rainmaker | i know | 08:10 |
rainmaker | would be a cool feature to the next installer :) | 08:11 |
trigg | bloodness: rm -rf /folder | 08:11 |
bloodness | thnx | 08:11 |
deFrysk | rainmaker, dont think so | 08:11 |
deFrysk | its a way to screw up your install | 08:11 |
rainmaker | whats wrong with that? | 08:11 |
rainmaker | its a way of removing unneeded programs | 08:11 |
dannym | deFrysk: ok, and next ? :) | 08:11 |
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deFrysk | what do you wish to build ? | 08:11 |
CookedGryphon | trigg, what does the f do there?i jsut use rm -r | 08:12 |
karljp | r is recursive | 08:12 |
karljp | f is force | 08:12 |
karljp | f will remove write protected files in the directories below | 08:12 |
CookedGryphon | trigg, i kno i couldlook it up in the man pages.. but i'm lazy | 08:12 |
dannym | deFrysk: I want to patch gtk2 a bit | 08:12 |
CookedGryphon | ah right, thanks | 08:12 |
rainmaker | deFrysk well it would be nice | 08:12 |
karljp | as long as you have appropriate writes higher up the tree | 08:12 |
trigg | f = force | 08:12 |
rainmaker | knowing what it installs on your system | 08:12 |
rob_p | bloodness: just be careful with, "rm -rf" in conjunction with sudo because one wrong move and you can ruin your system! | 08:12 |
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rainmaker | but ubuntu isnt bloated.. yet that is. So I'll be fine | 08:13 |
deFrysk | dannym, good luck hehe | 08:13 |
dannym | deFrysk: i.e. libgtk2.0-0 version 2.8.3-0ubuntu1 | 08:13 |
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dannym | deFrysk: i.yeah, the actual task of patching it is easy :) | 08:13 |
Hoxzer | can somebody advice me how to get TV-out work with nvidia card? | 08:13 |
trigg | f keeps you from having to say "Y" anytime there is a read-only file | 08:13 |
deFrysk | dannym, dunno much about that | 08:13 |
dannym | deFrysk: however I'm quite new in debian, so I dont how how to make it i.e. prepare the source directory like it did when building the binary package already present | 08:13 |
deFrysk | dannym, with fakeroot you can make the packages locally , no root needed | 08:14 |
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deFrysk | fakeroot apt-get source <package> | 08:15 |
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deFrysk | I think | 08:15 |
misterdiff | hi all. i'm having problems with my webcam. "dmesg" detects it and registers it but then when i go to gnome-meeting the program doesn't see the webcam | 08:15 |
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dannym | deFrysk: ok, will try ... thanks :) | 08:15 |
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CookedGryphon | I'm trying to rip mp3s with sound juicer, but it comes up can't create Gstreamer encoder ((null)) | 08:15 |
cvt | how do i get java? | 08:16 |
bloodness | ok thnx rob_p i will be careful | 08:16 |
cvt | i dl'ed it i think | 08:16 |
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deFrysk | dannym, apt-get build-dep <package> install the dependencies needed to be abkle to compile the .deb and install it | 08:16 |
lsuactiafner | CookedGryphon : use abcde to rip | 08:16 |
cvt | but i don't know how to install it | 08:16 |
bloodness | good bye everyone | 08:17 |
lsuactiafner | CookedGryphon : nice -n -6 abcde -l -N -o mp3,ogg -p -V -w Draconis | 08:17 |
DewDude | should i have run apt-get dist-upgrade in console mode or was it ok to run it in Konsole? | 08:17 |
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CookedGryphon | lsuactiafner, what does that do different, well apart from work possibly | 08:17 |
lsuactiafner | CookedGryphon : auto names and writes tags ect | 08:17 |
deFrysk | DewDude, any commanline will do ;) | 08:17 |
gusto5 | hello everyone. How do i make partitions from ubuntu to allow a windows install on a fat32 partition? | 08:17 |
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CookedGryphon | so does sound juicer | 08:17 |
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lsuactiafner | yeh but abcde works well | 08:17 |
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abanta | Can anyone help me with a compiling error? | 08:18 |
trigg | gusto5: try installing gparted | 08:18 |
gusto5 | trigg, ok | 08:18 |
lsuactiafner | you will have a ripped cd in 5 minutes from now if you apt-get install abcde | 08:18 |
deFrysk | abanta, = root !!! ? | 08:18 |
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hector__ | hola | 08:18 |
abanta | I'm a newbie, sorry | 08:18 |
dhjohnson3 | hello | 08:18 |
hector__ | hello | 08:18 |
deFrysk | abanta, newbies dont compile | 08:18 |
trigg | abanta: what's your error? | 08:18 |
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lsuactiafner | abanta : what program are you compiling? | 08:19 |
hector__ | chile | 08:19 |
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dhjohnson3 | can anyone tell me what the "Preview" means in terms of the new Breezy release? | 08:19 |
lsuactiafner | have you tried apt-cache search program and apt-get install program ? | 08:19 |
karljp | it means it's not fully ready | 08:19 |
CookedGryphon | lsuactiafner, kk, hanks, sound juicer is a bit slow, well it was when ripping ogg | 08:19 |
Seveas | abanta, stop doing regular things as root. | 08:19 |
WhiteRabbit | abanta, rofl & he called you a newbie | 08:19 |
karljp | but it should give you a pretty good idea of what will come in breezy | 08:19 |
CookedGryphon | dhjohnson3, it means it aint finished yet | 08:19 |
Seveas | especially irc | 08:19 |
lsuactiafner | but once they can compile they aint newbs | 08:19 |
lsuactiafner | so let him try compiling if he wants, i already mentioned apt-get | 08:19 |
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dhjohnson3 | so like beta? | 08:20 |
dannym | deFrysk_: I think my problem is more basic :) | 08:20 |
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karljp | dhjohnson3, yep | 08:20 |
CookedGryphon | yeah | 08:20 |
CookedGryphon | what's rue 1st name dhjohnson3 ? | 08:20 |
dannym | deFrysk_: I think I need to add some repository for sources first | 08:20 |
dannym | deFrysk_: I is there one for ubuntu breezy ? | 08:20 |
lsuactiafner | CookedGryphon : that command i gave encodes to ogg and mp3 and uses very little diskspace, however another command will be quicker, mp3 only | 08:20 |
lsuactiafner | bbl | 08:20 |
humbolt | will my skype still work in breezy? It depends on a certain librarys which now are compiled with gcc4. But I guess skype is compiled with gcc3. So will this still work. Can a gcc3 app run with a gcc4 lib? | 08:20 |
Seveas | humbolt, not if they use c++ | 08:21 |
dhjohnson3 | gryphon: david | 08:21 |
no0ob | I've an external disk in fat32, it works fine but some characters arent displayed correctly (because of utf8 I guess) | 08:21 |
Seveas | which skype uses | 08:21 |
WhiteRabbit | humbolt, you can use both gcc3 & gcc4 in breezy | 08:21 |
abanta | cat /opt/zd1211/src/zddevlist | awk -f /opt/zd1211/src/zddevlist.awk > /opt/zd1211/src/zddevlist.h | 08:21 |
abanta | make: *** [/opt/zd1211/src/zddevlist.h] Error 1 | 08:21 |
defrysk_ | dannym, its set to sources by default | 08:21 |
dannym | deFrysk_: no, I have them. however, doesnt work :( it says it doesnt find the source package | 08:21 |
abanta | that is the error, lsuactiafner | 08:21 |
karljp | no0ob, you just have to live with that | 08:21 |
dannym | deFrysk_: yeah | 08:21 |
WhiteRabbit | humbolt, the default use would of course be gcc4 while gcc3 is there for legacy support | 08:21 |
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abanta | I have the kernel headers and gcc installed | 08:21 |
karljp | unless you want to change all of of ubuntu to match the charset in fat32 | 08:21 |
karljp | well, you can get really tricky with mount stuff | 08:21 |
defrysk_ | dannym, apt-cache find <package> | 08:21 |
dannym | deFrysk_: do you have an example argument (i.e. package) for apt-get source so I can test whether it works or not at all ? | 08:21 |
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defrysk_ | dannym, and see if its there | 08:22 |
karljp | but I wouldn't want to be the one experimenting with it :) | 08:22 |
no0ob | karljp, can I just mount it in an other way? | 08:22 |
dannym | deFrysk_: ok | 08:22 |
Seveas | karljp, there's an easy mount option to not use utf-8 | 08:22 |
humbolt | Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.4-4) | qt (>= 3.2) | 08:22 |
Hoxzer | can somebody help me to setup tv out with nvidia card? | 08:22 |
CookedGryphon | dhjohnson3, ah that's okay then, thought u might have been sum1 i knew | 08:22 |
defrysk_ | dannym, may I advise you to read man apt-get ? | 08:22 |
abanta | Can I get a 3com driver compiled? | 08:22 |
no0ob | Seveas, which is? | 08:22 |
gusto5 | trigg, gparted wont let me make new partitions. why is that? | 08:22 |
defrysk_ | it explains most of your questions | 08:22 |
dannym | defrysk_: sure :) | 08:23 |
dannym | defrysk_: thanks | 08:23 |
defrysk_ | dannym, and use fakeroot for building sources | 08:23 |
trigg | Hoxzer: try this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23628&highlight=nvidia+tv-out | 08:23 |
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dhjohnson3 | i wanted to set up something like the fast user switching that comes wint WinXP...a friend said something about another X and F8...any idea on what he might have been talking about and how to do that | 08:23 |
dannym | defrysk_: okay | 08:23 |
Hoxzer | Trigg: tried :( | 08:23 |
trigg | gusto5: do you have any free space on your harddisk? | 08:23 |
Hoxzer | amd64 has no nvtv | 08:23 |
trigg | Hoxzer: sorry - that's all I got - I use ATI | 08:24 |
gusto5 | trigg, yes, but the free space is currently allocated to my ext3 partition for ubuntu | 08:24 |
humbolt | as far as I remember, I had to install this to make it work: libg++ | 08:24 |
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WhiteRabbit | avoid building the debug packages when compiling also! | 08:24 |
CookedGryphon | dhjohnson3, applications . system tools, new login | 08:24 |
trigg | gusto5: you will have to shrink your ext3 partition | 08:24 |
poypoy | Can anyone notify me upon the name of the package manager (synaptic or something similar, (tried synaptic, didnt work) | 08:24 |
CookedGryphon | dhjohnson3, then use ctrl alt and f7 and f to switch | 08:24 |
sexy | sex | 08:24 |
humbolt | Seveas: as far as I remember, I had to install this to make it work: libg++ | 08:24 |
trigg | gusto5: the partition usually has to be unmounted. | 08:25 |
defrysk_ | dannym, also http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html | 08:25 |
CookedGryphon | dhjohnson3, u can also switch to console terminals using f 1-6 | 08:25 |
poypoy | nm, that was dumb, got it now :P | 08:25 |
trigg | gusto5: is it your home or / partition? | 08:25 |
sexy | Hi what is your name | 08:25 |
gusto5 | trigg, yes, its my / partition | 08:25 |
no0ob | I checked the mount option, and I saw this : iocharset=utf8 | 08:25 |
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trigg | gusto5: a good idea is to download a "live" cd that has either qtparted or gparted, then do the operation from there | 08:26 |
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sexy | Where do u live | 08:26 |
no0ob | I know how to use the /etc/fstab file, but don't know anything about the gnome automounter, and how to edit it | 08:26 |
dhjohnson3 | cg: will that lock the other session?\ | 08:26 |
gusto5 | trigg, okie | 08:26 |
no0ob | where are these default options defined? | 08:26 |
trigg | gusto5: I am not sure if the ubuntu cd has it, but I know knoppix has qtparted | 08:26 |
CookedGryphon | sound juicer comes up can't create Gstreamer encoder ((null)), how can i get it to work anyway, i kno ppl have suggested alternative rippers but i'm using up all my download bandwidth atm anyway | 08:26 |
humbolt | Seveas: no, it was this: libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 | 08:27 |
trigg | CookedGryphon: it sounds like you don't have the gstreamer-mp3 package installed | 08:27 |
WhiteRabbit | CookedGryphon, wondershaper would be a nice add for someone like you then | 08:27 |
dannym | defrysk_: ok, thank you :) | 08:27 |
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gusto5 | alrighty. thanks trigg | 08:27 |
no0ob | I can't believe nobody knows | 08:27 |
humbolt | Seveas: So, will skype work, when it needs libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 to work? | 08:27 |
dhjohnson3 | CookedGryphon, will that leave the other session locked? | 08:27 |
Seveas | humbolt, I *think* it will fail, but I never used skype | 08:28 |
trigg | no0ob: gnome uses hald, find the hald conf file | 08:28 |
CookedGryphon | dhjohnson3, i think so, it asks 4 ure password when u come back to it | 08:28 |
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no0ob | trigg, I'll try that, thanks | 08:28 |
CookedGryphon | trigg, i have gstreamer-all installed, and i have lame installed | 08:28 |
WhiteRabbit | CookedGryphon, would you happen to have installed gstreamer0.8-mad yet | 08:28 |
CookedGryphon | WhiteRabbit, wondershaper? | 08:28 |
humbolt | Seveas: And is there a way to make it work again, other than recompiling it? | 08:29 |
CookedGryphon | oh jsut a minute! i'm thinking of my other computer, damn!! | 08:29 |
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funkyHat | CookedGryphon, abcde is much better than soundjuicer, and is tiny | 08:29 |
trigg | no0ob: /etc/hal/hald.conf | 08:29 |
CookedGryphon | i don't have gstreamer on this one yet, foolish chiled | 08:29 |
CookedGryphon | child* | 08:29 |
CookedGryphon | funkyHat, do i still need gstreamer? | 08:29 |
WhiteRabbit | CookedGryphon, you said you was using all your bandwidth, & the way you soundsed about it was like you could afford more bandwidth for this n thats atm | 08:29 |
no0ob | trigg, yes I would have thought it was something like that, but I don't even have this file | 08:29 |
WhiteRabbit | CookedGryphon, wondershaper would take care of those sort of things for ya | 08:29 |
no0ob | trigg, though hal is installed | 08:29 |
Seveas | humbolt, only recompiling will work | 08:30 |
dhjohnson3 | CookedGryphon, i'm trying to understand this--does the new login thing create a new session on top of or more like beside the first session? | 08:30 |
rainmaker | "an enhanced tool for easily installing new applications" what is that? from the breezy announcment | 08:30 |
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funkyHat | CookedGryphon, it's not depended or suggested by the package, so i assume no | 08:30 |
trigg | no0ob: hmm - not sure. I have it on my system. try apt-get install hal-device-manager | 08:31 |
funkyHat | CookedGryphon, it can encode to ogg/vorbis ogg/speex, mp3, flac, and some other format | 08:31 |
Seveas | rainmaker, gnome-app-install | 08:31 |
Seveas | it rocks | 08:31 |
cvt | What do i do with this after it's dl'ed? ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gtypist/ | 08:31 |
rainmaker | cool | 08:31 |
cvt | gtypist-2.7.tar.gz 997 KB 09/28/2003 12:00:00 AM | 08:31 |
rainmaker | it uses apt-get? | 08:31 |
CookedGryphon | dhjohnson3, using ctrl alt and f1-8 switches between virtual terminals, as if u were at different computers almost, 1-6 are text consoles, f7 is the default X server, and if u create a new login, that's created on f8 | 08:31 |
cvt | that's what i dl'ed | 08:31 |
Seveas | rainmaker, of course | 08:32 |
CookedGryphon | funkyHat, okay thanks | 08:32 |
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Seveas | cvt, you throw it away | 08:32 |
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rainmaker | so in short, its a gui for apt-get? | 08:32 |
pinucset | does somebody know when the new ubuntu release? (stable) :D | 08:32 |
funkyHat | CookedGryphon, it's cmd line, just to let you know ;) | 08:32 |
CookedGryphon | and WhiteRabbit what | 08:32 |
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Seveas | because manual downloading is not needed | 08:32 |
CookedGryphon | is wondershaper? | 08:32 |
chris | hey every one | 08:32 |
humbolt | Seveas: So I download 700MBs to upgrade to Breezy and in the end all the 3rd party apps that I need (skype, nx-client) will stop working? | 08:32 |
cvt | Seveas, how do i get a typing tutor then? | 08:32 |
Seveas | you simply type: apt-get install gtypist | 08:32 |
deFysk | Gnome App Install looks pretty goos as I am looking at it now for the first time | 08:32 |
Seveas | humbolt, nx is working | 08:32 |
bernardo | hi everyone | 08:32 |
Seveas | I just tested that | 08:32 |
CookedGryphon | funkyHat, that's okay, like my cmd lines | 08:32 |
funkyHat | gdgd :) | 08:33 |
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bernardo | how can i mount my windows HD | 08:33 |
WhiteRabbit | CookedGryphon, if you haven't googled it by now, Just forget bout it ;D | 08:33 |
rainmaker | got a screeny on that Seveas? | 08:33 |
chris | has anyone ever had a problem with playing videos on totem. the audio and video is not in sync. anybody have this problem? | 08:33 |
rainmaker | im curios :) | 08:33 |
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Seveas | rainmaker, sec. | 08:33 |
funkyHat | CookedGryphon, you will need to install the relevant package for the encoding you want, ie. lame for mp3, vorbis-tools, flac | 08:34 |
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WhiteRabbit | freenx is the stuff! | 08:34 |
Seveas | it is :) | 08:34 |
dhjohnson3 | CookedGyphon, i think i've got it--now, if i'm on F7, and someone else is on F8, and i vnc into F7, what is the effect on F8? | 08:34 |
CookedGryphon | funkyHat, already have lame 4 definite | 08:34 |
funkyHat | gdgd | 08:34 |
Belutz | !tell bernardo about windowsdrives | 08:34 |
chris | any help guys? | 08:34 |
CookedGryphon | WhiteRabbit, give me time, i'm doing 8 things on 2 computers at the moment | 08:34 |
trigg | CookedGryphon: sound-juicer uses the gstreamer plugin to encode | 08:34 |
rainmaker | k Seveas | 08:35 |
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WhiteRabbit | CookedGryphon, Im surprised your not a true multitasker! | 08:35 |
=== WhiteRabbit has like 50 windows open & is talking on irc & doin 50 million other things lol | ||
Seveas | rainmaker, ok, it's a double freenx connection: the outer one is hoary-to-breezy, the inner one breezy-to=breezy | 08:35 |
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rainmaker | okay | 08:36 |
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humbolt | Seveas: Would you do me a favour? Could you try to install skype on your Breezy? I have to download 7 hours to get the breezy updates. I would be devestated if I waited 7 hours and skrewed my hoary only to find out skype is not work anymore. | 08:36 |
BollocksMacenzie | Does anyone know of a frontend for the game Discworld Noir for Linux? | 08:36 |
CookedGryphon | WhiteRabbit, U don't know how trying the things i'm doing are | 08:36 |
dhjohnson3 | CookedGryphon, did that last think make sense? | 08:36 |
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humbolt | Seveas: http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-deb | 08:37 |
funkyHat | humbolt, why not wait until breezy is released? | 08:37 |
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Seveas | humbolt, sorry, I don't use KDE | 08:37 |
cvt | Seveas, ty now where do i find it installed once it's installed? | 08:37 |
WhiteRabbit | CookedGryphon, Hey we all have been there once | 08:37 |
cvt | gtypist | 08:37 |
rainmaker | Seveas hows the screeny going? :) | 08:37 |
deFysk | http://johanvrt.tomaatnet.nl/Gnomeappinstall.png | 08:37 |
deFysk | rainmaker, that one ? | 08:37 |
rainmaker | thx | 08:37 |
CookedGryphon | dhjohnson3, yeah sry dint see it cos u s[pelt my name wrong, yeah the f8 one gets locked and u have to type ure password to open it, as is always best with these things, try it | 08:38 |
whitehorse1 | Hi. What is the best place to report a critical problem preventing install from completing (ie cannot install Ubuntu breezy) please? | 08:38 |
whitehorse1 | [nb: problem is with actual debian installer, exact same error occurs w/debian etch (unstable) tho debian sarge (stable) that uses previous installer works fine)] | 08:38 |
humbolt | funkyHat: Does that make any difference? I thought that is an architecture issue (gcc3 gcc4)? | 08:38 |
WhiteRabbit | CookedGryphon, http://packages.debian.org/unstable/net/wondershaper it's something that is Purely optional, as I said you may or may not be interested in her | 08:38 |
dhjohnson3 | CookedGryphon, sorry for the misspelling | 08:38 |
rainmaker | probably that one yea | 08:38 |
Seveas | rainmaker, having problems (unrelated to freenx) | 08:38 |
rainmaker | how do you get the gnome menu on the bottom? looks great! | 08:38 |
rainmaker | ok Seveas | 08:38 |
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funkyHat | humbolt, oh right, i wasn't sure what your problem was. sorry | 08:38 |
dhjohnson3 | CookedGryphon, i'll give it a try when my S.O. if here later | 08:39 |
deFysk | rainmaker, what do you mean ? | 08:39 |
funkyHat | maybe skype will release a version of the client compatible with gcc4? | 08:39 |
dhjohnson3 | thanks for the help | 08:39 |
whitehorse1 | I'm thinking in terms of reporting as wanting to get it fixed so I can install and use ubuntu sort've thing. :) Incidentally, I looked at the ubuntu bugzilla and didn't see the problem there. Anyone here in a position to help? Please? | 08:39 |
cvt | does anyone know where gtypist would be located now that i've installed it? | 08:39 |
cvt | i can't find it | 08:39 |
trigg | rainmaker: you can drag it there. . . | 08:39 |
deFysk | cvt, klick the run thingey in menu | 08:39 |
deFysk | and hit gtypist | 08:39 |
cvt | tyvm | 08:40 |
trigg | cvt: ls /usr/bin/gtypist | 08:40 |
CookedGryphon | What is the best peer to peer client? i like limewire's interface, its quick to use, butit slows my system down sooo much | 08:40 |
poypoy | Are there any helpful resources for Wlan, everything I find is just of no help :|.... running really slow/unresponsivly.... | 08:40 |
chris | guys, what do yall use for playing videos xine or totem? | 08:40 |
!lilo:*! Hi all. A new, unofficial channel has been set up for discussion and support of grsecurity; access lists, features, etc. If you're interested and/or would like to help, please stop by ##grsecurity, idle a bit, discuss related topics. Thanks! | 08:40 | |
dannym | chris: mplayer | 08:40 |
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stevee | vlc | 08:40 |
poypoy | chris, mplayer | 08:40 |
poypoy | bah :| | 08:40 |
whitehorse1 | CookedGry: Azareus is good; although of course it's bitorrent not a p2p like limewire or bear | 08:40 |
deFysk | CookedGryphon, I use nicotine (soulseek) | 08:40 |
chris | mplayer? havent heard of it | 08:41 |
stevee | videolanclient | 08:41 |
sly | deFysk. whats that like ? | 08:41 |
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stevee | is great | 08:41 |
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dannym | chris: www.mplayerhq.hu | 08:41 |
CookedGryphon | whitehorse1|brb, , i jsut wanna be able to type in a song and a few minutes later have it appear, | 08:41 |
deFysk | sly very good to fileshare music | 08:41 |
chris | totem is laggy on audio so i will try that out | 08:42 |
funkyHat | humbolt, maybe you can install the old versions of the libs you need under /opt... although skype might not work with them... hey, it's an idea :P | 08:42 |
sly | cheers deFysk may have to try it out :) | 08:42 |
CookedGryphon | also, out of interest, has anyone heard of sharescan for windows? for filesharing on local networks, is ther anything compatible with that for linux? | 08:42 |
chris | oh yeah, how do you force kill an app? | 08:42 |
deFysk | sly its not a resource hog like azureus | 08:43 |
Seveas | rainmaker, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2044 | 08:43 |
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deFysk | or any other java app | 08:43 |
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rainmaker | deFysk is sly c++? | 08:43 |
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trigg | chris: if you have gnome, open gnome-system-monitor. select app, right-click: "kill app" | 08:43 |
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deFysk | rainmaker, python I think | 08:44 |
WhiteRabbit | CookedGryphon, the grail of p2p http://www.zeropaid.com/programs/top_linux.php | 08:44 |
HaroldJohnson | Hello Ubuntu crew. Your friendly neighborhood Harold has arrived. | 08:44 |
deFysk | not sure tho | 08:44 |
trigg | chris: or from command line sudo killall app | 08:44 |
deFysk | no clue actually | 08:44 |
CookedGryphon | chris, or you can put a force kill button on ure panel if u like | 08:44 |
HaroldJohnson | Seveas, Hello | 08:44 |
Seveas | hi HaroldJohnson | 08:44 |
DewDude | i'm screwed | 08:44 |
DewDude | apt-get dist-upgrade got interrupted | 08:44 |
CookedGryphon | WhiteRabbit, kk, i'll havea look ta | 08:44 |
HaroldJohnson | CookedGryphon, How do you put a force kill button on our panel? | 08:44 |
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trigg | DewDude: apt-get -f install | 08:44 |
Seveas | DewDude, then restart it :) | 08:44 |
WhiteRabbit | reinitialize | 08:44 |
rainmaker | Seveas i cant tell the difference lol | 08:45 |
DewDude | no, i think i need to repartition and reinstall | 08:45 |
HaroldJohnson | Reformat | 08:45 |
humbolt | http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-36212.html states installing libqt3c102-mt by hand makes skype work in breezy. | 08:45 |
DewDude | i don't need to have a seperate /home partition | 08:45 |
Seveas | rainmaker :) | 08:45 |
HaroldJohnson | (Just kidding about the reformat) | 08:45 |
CookedGryphon | HaroldJohnson, right click, add to panel, force quit button | 08:45 |
cvt | it's been installing flash player for minutes now | 08:45 |
cvt | wtf | 08:45 |
deFysk | DewDude, still lack of space ? | 08:45 |
DewDude | i'm not THAT crazy | 08:45 |
HaroldJohnson | CookedGryphon, Thanks | 08:45 |
DewDude | yes | 08:45 |
DewDude | it ran out | 08:45 |
deFysk | DewDude, how big is yours ? ;p | 08:45 |
HaroldJohnson | CookedGryphon, That was easy | 08:45 |
DewDude | yet, my /home partition, virturally empty | 08:45 |
WhiteRabbit | cvt, via apt-get or firefox itself? | 08:45 |
whitehorse1 | [Help needed] . {K}ubuntu. I have a critical problem w/installer, preventing install. The problem is with underlying debian installer - it will not partition, just returns invalid function message and loops within back/continue screen. Help, pretty please? :-( | 08:45 |
DewDude | i'm thinking of reparitioning and reinstalling from breezy CD | 08:45 |
cvt | WhiteRabbit, ff | 08:45 |
whitehorse1 | Sorry, that was with Breezy. | 08:46 |
DewDude | that way i can avoid the space issue in the future | 08:46 |
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HaroldJohnson | DewDude, I have only 1.8GB on my drive. What I did was removed most everything, little by little, and then add the things I only needed. | 08:46 |
WhiteRabbit | cvt, did you happen to change the vendor back | 08:46 |
deFysk | DewDude, good plan and have a few gigs free for / | 08:46 |
cvt | umm | 08:46 |
Webby` | HELP! I get this error when trying to run win4lin pro: mergepro-core: unable to find host directory /home/webby/winpro/Documents and Settings: No such file or directory | 08:46 |
DewDude | well, see | 08:46 |
HaroldJohnson | DewDude, How much space do you have? | 08:46 |
cvt | i don't know what that means. | 08:46 |
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DewDude | it has seperate / and /home partitions | 08:46 |
Webby` | What do I do? | 08:46 |
DewDude | with /home getting like, an insane amount | 08:46 |
DewDude | i don't need /home to be seperate from / | 08:46 |
DewDude | just let / be one large partition | 08:46 |
HaroldJohnson | Webby`, I'm not sure what that is. Maybe someone else will know. | 08:47 |
DewDude | screw security, this is not that critical of a box, it's just a fun litle toy | 08:47 |
deFysk | DewDude, give / 10 gigs and youls be laughing | 08:47 |
CookedGryphon | HaroldJohnson, int it jsut | 08:47 |
DewDude | it's a 10 gig hard drive | 08:47 |
WhiteRabbit | cvt, install flashplayer-mozilla | 08:47 |
DewDude | former mac, there's a few driver partitions there | 08:47 |
Webby` | HaroldJohnson: Ok | 08:47 |
deFysk | DewDude, give it 5 gigs | 08:47 |
whitehorse1 | Q) Is anyone in a position to help, or at least direct me to where to bring up a problem so it can be fixed, please? Kubuntu breezy, problem is with the debian installer it uses; will not partition, returning e: invalid function message and looping. : - ( | 08:47 |
deFysk | at least | 08:47 |
HaroldJohnson | DewDude, So what's taking up so much space? | 08:47 |
DewDude | i'm not sure what partitions i actually need to have | 08:47 |
DewDude | i don't know | 08:47 |
deFysk | so you can easyly dist-upgrade next time | 08:48 |
DewDude | my / isn't very bib | 08:48 |
DewDude | big | 08:48 |
rainmaker | heh what a friday night... irc and tv lol | 08:48 |
trigg | whitehorse1: sorry, might be a faulty install CD | 08:48 |
deFysk | DewDude, I would just wipe it all and let ubuntu hanle it | 08:48 |
=== whitehorse1 wonders if nobody knows or everyone is just ignoring him because he's annoying? | ||
HaroldJohnson | whitehorse1, Have you tried the Ubuntu website? Forums? Wiki? | 08:48 |
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DewDude | that's what i did before | 08:48 |
DewDude | and it made /home massive and / small | 08:48 |
whitehorse1 | trigg: No, it's not :) 'cause, | 08:48 |
sly | also, what would be changed doing a dist-upgrade at this moment ? | 08:48 |
deFysk | DewDude, how did you get a /home then ? | 08:48 |
DewDude | ubuntu created it | 08:49 |
DewDude | or maybe i did | 08:49 |
WhiteRabbit | whitehorse1, just use cfdisk then | 08:49 |
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deFysk | default wipe only gives a / and a /swap | 08:49 |
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DewDude | either way..it's not working for me now | 08:49 |
whitehorse1 | trigg: same issue occurs with Debian Etch (unstable) buyt not debian Sarge (stable) installers. the unstable one uses a newer installer and clearly Breezy uses that exact same installer | 08:49 |
ubuntu | hola | 08:49 |
HaroldJohnson | whitehorse1, If you don't find your answers in those resourceful areas, keep coming back here. Someone with Kubuntu experience will pop in sooner or later. | 08:49 |
DewDude | but what mac partitions do i have to keep | 08:49 |
CookedGryphon | whitehorse1, u could try getting ubuntu see if that installs | 08:49 |
DewDude | don't i have ot have a /bootstrap partition? | 08:49 |
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deFysk | DewDude, know nothing about mac | 08:49 |
HaroldJohnson | DewDude, Your on a Mac? Okay, so I am I. | 08:49 |
ubuntu | hello | 08:49 |
trigg | whitehorse1: hmm, you could always install ubuntu, then just install kde. . . | 08:49 |
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HaroldJohnson | I've installed Ubuntu on 2 Macs now, one a very old Powerbook G3. | 08:50 |
CookedGryphon | whitehorse1, then if u really wanted u could install the kubuntu repositories n basically make it into kubuntu | 08:50 |
rainmaker | i wonder how ubuntu, the company makes money and can maintain this dist? doesnt bandwith and developers cost money? | 08:50 |
whitehorse1 | HaroldJohnson: Thank you, I've tried the ubuntu bugzilla to see if similar reprts exist, but none there. | 08:50 |
=== deFysk does not have a mac , i do have an overcoat however | ||
DewDude | well, i've got a NewWorld iMac G3 DV | 08:50 |
WhiteRabbit | whitehorse1, You could use another linux disc with cfdisk & partition them with that then return to | 08:50 |
HaroldJohnson | rainmaker, Ubuntu has a very rich (and generous) supporter. | 08:50 |
CookedGryphon | rainmaker, donations and also they are run by a well rich philanthropist | 08:50 |
whitehorse1 | trigg | CookedGryphon: It's a fresh install, the problem is with the latest version of the installer program itself | 08:50 |
WhiteRabbit | whitehorse1, got a live ubuntu cd or knoppix handy | 08:51 |
stevee | i installed debian on my ppc 9600 once ;) | 08:51 |
WhiteRabbit | rainmaker, hp supports ubuntu | 08:51 |
HaroldJohnson | rainmaker, Yet even with a rich philanthropist, Ubuntu will only survive if it has a community. | 08:51 |
whitehorse1 | WhiteRabiit: They're pre-installed partitions, I'm happy to overwrite the debian one and just use kubuntu, the winxp partition has to stay though :) | 08:51 |
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WhiteRabbit | rainmaker, how many fingers are on everyones hand in this channel! | 08:51 |
whitehorse1 | whiterabbit: no, should i download a live CD of kubuntu? | 08:51 |
trigg | whitehorse1: right, I would recommend using the ubuntu install cd and just switching over to kubuntu once you have a working system | 08:51 |
deFysk | argh! kubuntu :s | 08:51 |
cvt | WhiteRabbit, where do i type that? i typed in terminal and looked for it in synaptic, ithink | 08:52 |
HaroldJohnson | DewDude, I've installed on 2 Macs, one an Old World and one a New World. What's going on? | 08:52 |
WhiteRabbit | !!tell cvt repos | 08:52 |
ubotu | WhiteRabbit: I haven't a clue | 08:52 |
rainmaker | well of im off to install ubuntu, see you guys layer | 08:52 |
rainmaker | later* | 08:52 |
CookedGryphon | Does any1 know how much ubuntu get in terms of donations, i would donate if i had any money, it rocks,the whole philosophy of it | 08:52 |
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WhiteRabbit | ubotu, You & me both brother | 08:52 |
ubotu | Wish i knew, WhiteRabbit | 08:52 |
humbolt | what is the release date for breezy final? | 08:52 |
CookedGryphon | !repos | 08:52 |
ubotu | repos is, like, totally, at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 08:52 |
CookedGryphon | weird | 08:52 |
trigg | humbolt: website says October | 08:52 |
DewDude | ok, when i installed gentoo, i was reading up on how there are partitions on the drive that if i delete i'll render this thing unable to boot | 08:53 |
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DewDude | or something | 08:53 |
DewDude | i know i need a bootstrap partition with gentoo | 08:53 |
HaroldJohnson | DewDude, What specific Mac are you installing on? | 08:53 |
whitehorse1 | trigg: I *really* want to use the latest version ie breezy, - because of it using latest x.org and kde versions (by virtue of support for my ATI card). are you 1000% sure if I install the stable ubuntu i can upgrade to breezy kubuntu by installing the kubuntu repositories contents without needing to use the non-functional installer? | 08:53 |
DewDude | iMac 400 G3 DV Edition | 08:53 |
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stevee | the partition sizes are critical if you want to run osx | 08:54 |
HaroldJohnson | DewDude, I believe that New World, right? You need to use Yaboot with that. You know this, right? | 08:54 |
DewDude | yeah | 08:54 |
trigg | whitehorse1: shouldn't be a problem - they are effectively the same base distribution - as long as you have the kubuntu repositories | 08:54 |
DewDude | i know i have to use Yaboot | 08:54 |
DewDude | i did get Gentoo booted on the thing | 08:54 |
HaroldJohnson | Good. Yaboot automatically installs when you install Ubuntu. | 08:54 |
DewDude | before i switched to ubuntu | 08:54 |
DewDude | i know | 08:54 |
DewDude | and it does a nice job of configuring it | 08:55 |
whitehorse1 | Sorry, yep, the problem isn't Ubuntu. Nor Kubuntu. I'm trying to install Kubuntu breezy; the installer fails and won't partition because of a critical bug in the installer. Exact same bug occurs in trying to installer debian etch (unstable) - but not unstable. Both use same installer. | 08:55 |
trigg | whitehorse1: watch out for breezy right now and ATI - DRI isn't working yet. | 08:55 |
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HaroldJohnson | DewDude, Yet if it's considered an Old World Mac, you need to install a different boot loader...what's it called? | 08:55 |
stevee | mklinux | 08:55 |
whitehorse1 | trigg: aren't x.org and xfree stuff part of the base repository, thus necessitating using installer? ..which doesnt work as we know :) | 08:55 |
stevee | you won't need that | 08:56 |
whitehorse1 | woah sorry need to check on oven - yikes! | 08:56 |
DewDude | ...i don't know | 08:56 |
HaroldJohnson | DewDude, It appears you have a New World Mac, though, since you've already used Yaboot on it... | 08:56 |
stevee | not on a g3 | 08:56 |
DewDude | i only know my mac is new world | 08:56 |
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HaroldJohnson | DewDude, You know that for certain? Good... | 08:56 |
HaroldJohnson | DewDude, ...one sec... | 08:56 |
DewDude | i was able to get that from the install CD's cat /proc/cpuinfo | 08:56 |
trigg | whitehorse1: I'm using breezy Ubuntu right now - and the installer worked for my laptop. I don't see why it wouldn't work. . . | 08:56 |
CookedGryphon | right i'm off to give my dad a lift to the pub, keep up the good work people! | 08:57 |
HaroldJohnson | DewDude, Are you trying to install Hoary or Warty? (or Breezy? don't even try Breezy yet, it's not ready for Prime Time) | 08:57 |
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DewDude | well, i was goin for breezy | 08:57 |
stevee | the bootstrap partition sucks | 08:57 |
cvt | how do i turn off sounds of actions? | 08:57 |
DewDude | and i got part of the way through the dist-upgrade process..and i ran out of space | 08:57 |
HaroldJohnson | DewDude, It may be to early to install Breezy on a Mac. | 08:57 |
DewDude | so i was just going to repartition and start over | 08:57 |
Hoxzer` | what is good Direct connect client for ubuntu? | 08:57 |
HaroldJohnson | DewDude, Don't worry about the disk space... | 08:58 |
HaroldJohnson | DewDude, ...here... | 08:58 |
stevee | DewDude have you tried yellow dog or mandrake for ppc? | 08:58 |
cvt | the error message played a loud glass breaking sound the scared the hell out of me | 08:58 |
DewDude | no | 08:58 |
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WhiteRabbit | cvt, do you have 7.1 srs | 08:59 |
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cvt | i don't knkow | 08:59 |
HaroldJohnson | DewDude, Remove anything ou don't need and then run the dist-upgrade again. When if offers to install OpenOffice or any Gnome or KDE stuff, just say no. You can always add those later. | 08:59 |
cvt | i have ubuntu on a laptop | 08:59 |
cvt | kde version | 08:59 |
WhiteRabbit | cvt, do you have 5 speakers & 1 sub woofer for 5.1 audio? | 08:59 |
cvt | noire, i have a laptop | 08:59 |
whitehorse1|brb | trigg: it's a bug in the underlying debian installer that breezy is using. clearly it doesnt occur on ALL machines at all! sod's law dictates in occurs on MINE :D | 08:59 |
cvt | no, | 08:59 |
deus | Im trying to install wine | 08:59 |
WhiteRabbit | cvt, you must have a vaio then hehe | 09:00 |
deus | the problem is this | 09:00 |
WhiteRabbit | cvs install wine | 09:00 |
deus | i have a amd64 system | 09:00 |
DewDude | bleh | 09:00 |
deus | So i need 32 libs | 09:00 |
cvt | noire, i have one that's worse--compaq | 09:00 |
cvt | fuck | 09:00 |
DewDude | what about the partial dist-upgrade i've already done | 09:00 |
deus | How can i install 32bits conterparts of my libs | 09:00 |
cvt | noire, i | 09:00 |
HappyFool | hmm. i can't get aptitude to install the linux-image upgrade; despite running 'aptitude update' twice, it doesn't seem to know about the new version. | 09:00 |
cvt | why does it type his name? | 09:00 |
trigg | whitehorse1: install using hoary installer (5.04) change repositories and dist-upgrade - should work just fine. | 09:00 |
cvt | NOoooo, i have a compaq latpop | 09:00 |
HaroldJohnson | DewDude, I have a very small HD on my old Powerbook. 1.8GB. So I removed OpenOffice, anything that said Gnome in it, or KDE. I even removed the X-windowing stuff. Do you know how to use the command line? | 09:00 |
cvt | laptop | 09:00 |
sly | im halfway thru my dist-upgrade , DewDude ..... hope mine dont stop :( | 09:00 |
DewDude | yes | 09:01 |
DewDude | but | 09:01 |
DewDude | i have a 10 gig drive | 09:01 |
trigg | whitehorse1: just don't install anything from marillat before you do dist-upgrade | 09:01 |
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DewDude | my /home partition is like, most of the dirve | 09:01 |
HaroldJohnson | DewDude, Well, you've got something taking up all that space! You've got to remove that stuff... | 09:01 |
DewDude | six gigs | 09:01 |
DewDude | and my / partition is a mere two gigs | 09:01 |
Hoxzer` | can somebody help me with nvidia tv-out AMD64 forums guide doesn't help :( | 09:01 |
deFrysk | DewDude, set your apt to use /home for cache | 09:02 |
whitehorse1|brb | Trigg I will try that, ty. But in order to help others... ** Where is the BEST place to raise this problem please (my whining and pleading in IRC helps no-one *g*). It is a problem with Breezy's underlying debian-installer. Should I a) raise this on a debian mailing-list or b) on an ubuntu mailig-list. I'm thinking of mailing lists rather than bugzilla as at my linux experience level I'll likely need advice on what to put in a bug report an | 09:02 |
HaroldJohnson | DewDude, Well, I don't know about Breezy, but Hoary doesn't take up a full 2GB HD. | 09:02 |
HaroldJohnson | DewDude, Perhaps Breezy takes up that space. So... | 09:02 |
DewDude | deFrysk...that might work | 09:02 |
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whitehorse1|brb | marillat=? | 09:02 |
deFrysk | marillat is a nonfree repo for debian | 09:03 |
cvt | i don't understand | 09:03 |
DewDude | but, it'l be faster for me to install from CD | 09:03 |
HaroldJohnson | DewDude, Like I'm saying, you can removed a ton of stuff, and then run the dist-upgrade, making sure to say no to the things you don't *really* need. Once the dist-upgrade process is finished, you can add the things you want. Like Gnome, for example. (Which I don't even use.) | 09:03 |
=== GodFather [n=rcc@adsl-68-250-145-129.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trigg | whitehorse1: definitely post a bug on bugzilla - not hard to do - just check out https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ | 09:03 |
whitehorse1|brb | deFrysk: ok thanks. Confused, i thought it was sage/sid/etch ?? | 09:03 |
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deFrysk | sarge/sid etc is debian | 09:03 |
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HaroldJohnson | DewDude, deFrysk probably has the right course of action. | 09:03 |
trigg | whitehorse1: you will have to create an account, but it isn't that hard. | 09:04 |
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HaroldJohnson | whitehorse1|brb, The debian distributions are named after the Toy Story characers. | 09:04 |
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HaroldJohnson | characters. | 09:04 |
CookedGryphon | sorry to bother u again, but what did we decide was the best mp3 ripper? that gets track names and things? | 09:04 |
lukas | Hi! | 09:04 |
whitehorse1|brb | trigg: Bugzilla is fine for me to use - :) I report bugs on opensource stuff using it e.g. on livejournal, often. the problem is knowing what linux info to include. Here's the issue: i can save debug logs using the expert breezy installer but it won't save them to floppy and installing them to localhost 192... is pointless because it crashes and i need to reboot | 09:05 |
deFrysk | CookedGryphon, I use grip | 09:05 |
deFrysk | for that | 09:05 |
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whitehorse1|brb | ...losing the localhost thang | 09:05 |
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CookedGryphon | lol that's like.. 10 different ones that have been suggested so far | 09:05 |
mirak_ | hi | 09:05 |
mirak_ | how to apply the kernel patches to the source tree ? | 09:05 |
deFrysk | CookedGryphon, u ARE using linux... | 09:05 |
deFrysk | so losts to choose from | 09:05 |
trigg | whitehorse1: I know it's a little archaic, but maybe just writing it down and then typing it out once you log onto bugzilla with a detailed explanation of what you did (always include system specs) | 09:06 |
lukas | I have a problem with getting network-manager going. When dbus starts, it complains "chown: `bind:bind': invalid user" on /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager | 09:06 |
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CookedGryphon | deFrysk, but which is most efficient? | 09:07 |
deFrysk | CookedGryphon, they all are | 09:07 |
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andre_r | hello | 09:07 |
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whitehorse1 | trigg: 'e: invalid function' is sum total of error ;) i will submit it with pc specs tho. ty very much. Where is it best to report please? a) debian bugzilla or b) ubuntu bugzilla. what i **do** know is that it's the debian installer as exact same issue occurs with debian etch distro or kubuntu breezy install (i'd preferr to use latter, ultimately_ | 09:07 |
CookedGryphon | sound juicer isn't, takes about 15 mins | 09:07 |
deFrysk | CookedGryphon, try them and see wich you preferr | 09:07 |
CookedGryphon | fair enough | 09:08 |
deFrysk | 15 minutes for what ? | 09:08 |
CookedGryphon | thanks | 09:08 |
CookedGryphon | to rip a cd | 09:08 |
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CookedGryphon | least it diod when i did it | 09:08 |
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whitehorse1 | are any officially-recognised Ubuntu developers here who'd know? | 09:08 |
deFrysk | on 128 kbps ? | 09:08 |
CookedGryphon | that was to ogg, not mp3 btw | 09:08 |
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trigg | whitehorse1: I would put it in the kubuntu section, since that is the specifice installer that you are trying. | 09:08 |
deFrysk | CookedGryphon, ogg is a better and higher compression | 09:08 |
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deFrysk | CookedGryphon, might be the reason | 09:09 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
trigg | whitehorse1: though you might mention that you had the same problem with etch | 09:09 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@85.186.*] by Seveas | ||
CookedGryphon | deFrysk, i know, and i would use it happily, but my mp3 player dunt play em :( | 09:09 |
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deFrysk | CookedGryphon, get lame | 09:09 |
whitehorse1 | trigg: thank you very much | 09:09 |
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trigg | whitehorse1: no problem | 09:09 |
deFrysk | sudo apt-get install lame | 09:09 |
CookedGryphon | kk, done | 09:10 |
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lukas | networkmanager somebody? | 09:13 |
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qatsi | ok, im downloading the new ubuntu, breeze badger, or something. but this is the preview release. in october comes the new one, so i have to update the system, or download the new cd and istall it ? | 09:13 |
=== bur[n] er wonders why everyone boasts so much about sound juicer when it is so featureless and grip is so featureful | ||
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bur[n] er | qatsi: just update | 09:14 |
lukas | qatsi, just update | 09:14 |
lukas | bur[n] er, lol :) | 09:14 |
qatsi | ok :) thanx | 09:14 |
=== bur[n] er has been updating since warty | ||
qatsi | both :p | 09:14 |
qatsi | warty was the last system ?, warty-hoary-breeze ? | 09:14 |
bur[n] er | that's it | 09:14 |
deFrysk | bur[n] er, that is because noone listens to me | 09:15 |
bur[n] er | warty-hoary-breezy-grumpy | 09:15 |
Fraeon | Grumpy? | 09:15 |
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funkyHat | lol | 09:15 |
CookedGryphon | bur[n] er, i'm only using sound juicer cos it came installed, y don't they replace it with grip if its so bad? | 09:15 |
bur[n] er | well...grip is gtk1 | 09:15 |
bur[n] er | sound juicer is gtk2 | 09:15 |
qatsi | grumpy :P | 09:15 |
bur[n] er | too bad goobox isn't better | 09:15 |
bur[n] er | it'd be nice to have a gtk2 ripper | 09:15 |
deFrysk | warty-hoary-breezy-grumpy-humpty-dumpty | 09:15 |
funkyHat | grumpy gentoo? | 09:15 |
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funkyHat | ;) | 09:15 |
qatsi | dont insult gentoo :P jaja i love it | 09:16 |
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saubz | hello | 09:16 |
bur[n] er | actually... goobox is better than sound juicer :) | 09:16 |
deFrysk | grumpy cannon | 09:16 |
mcphail | What CD ripper is the new GNOME shipping with? I saw something mentioned on the website. | 09:16 |
bur[n] er | mcphail: soundjuicer | 09:16 |
mcphail | ok | 09:16 |
=== Keyfitter [n=ken@cpe-68-201-223-84.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== bur[n] er would really suggest goobox instead :) it lets you change bitrates as opposed to sound juicer | ||
deFrysk | mcphail, sound juicer | 09:17 |
qatsi | ok, ill start downloading the preview :) c ya ! | 09:17 |
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saubz | could somebody answer a pretty easy question for me? | 09:17 |
deFrysk | no | 09:17 |
popey | just ask it samu2 | 09:17 |
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popey | ooops | 09:17 |
deFrysk | never | 09:17 |
popey | saubz: | 09:17 |
hector__ | holas | 09:17 |
Fraeon | I never really got the answer to my question but I think it's best for me to give up. :P | 09:17 |
CookedGryphon | does ne1 know of a decent p2p program that is quick and doesn't run in jjava? | 09:17 |
saubz | the aptitude part in the install, i get pretty confused. is it okay to just skip that part and install the packages later | 09:17 |
CookedGryphon | Fraeon, what was ure question ? | 09:18 |
popey | CookedGryphon: overnet | 09:18 |
bur[n] er | CookedGryphon: amule? | 09:18 |
deFrysk | nicotine | 09:18 |
=== bur[n] er knows little about p2p besides torrents | ||
deFrysk | danget | 09:18 |
popey | bittorrent :D | 09:18 |
mcphail | Has anyone looked at the grip source? Would it be a non-trivial project to update it to gtk2? | 09:18 |
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Fraeon | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63513 | 09:18 |
bur[n] er | mcphail: go for it ;) | 09:18 |
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popey | nicely volunteered there mcphail | 09:18 |
deFrysk | mcphail, an name it grip2 | 09:18 |
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Fraeon | Someone told me reverting to an older version of dhclient would work | 09:19 |
=== ueuaBTEL [n=poiesdf@d80-170-19-126.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dannym | mcphail: generally, porting from gtk to gtk2 is easy as pie :) | 09:19 |
Fraeon | But I haven't tried that yet | 09:19 |
lukas | CookedGryphon, what about gnutella/gtk-gnutella? | 09:19 |
deFrysk | dannym, than you can also help out :) | 09:19 |
dannym | mcphail: the only thing totally different in gtk2 is manual text output and "gdk image" | 09:19 |
bur[n] er | dannym: port grip for us ;) | 09:19 |
deFrysk | hurry!! | 09:19 |
saubz | anybody? | 09:19 |
mcphail | would be worth a look. There isn't too much difference between GTK1 and 2. | 09:19 |
=== deFrysk expects it in repo tomorrow | ||
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dannym | deFrysk: ;) | 09:20 |
funkyHat | when are ubuntu's security signatures gonna get fixed? they've been messed up for weeks | 09:20 |
CookedGryphon | lukas, i have gtk-gnutella and its sooo ugly and awkward to use | 09:20 |
deFrysk | funkyHat, wich ones ? | 09:20 |
CookedGryphon | i just want a search box, select the file, then a downloads box, i don't care about all the nodes its connecting to and what rate its going at each source etc. | 09:20 |
funkyHat | deFrysk, well, there's something up with security.ubuntu.com and the https certificate for wiki. is broken | 09:21 |
lukas | hm, yeah, CookedGryphon, that's true :) | 09:21 |
deFrysk | oh | 09:21 |
Hoxzer | :E | 09:22 |
Hoxzer | valknut doesn't even save the settings | 09:22 |
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dannym | deFrysk: grip is gtk2, is it not ? http://nostatic.org/grip/ that one | 09:22 |
=== bur[n] er checks | ||
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saubz | is it alright to skip over the apt part of the install? | 09:23 |
bur[n] er | oh yeah, you're right :) | 09:23 |
bur[n] er | long live grip :) | 09:23 |
HappyFool | saubz: i take you're doing an expert install? | 09:23 |
joh | long live sound-juicer :) | 09:23 |
bur[n] er | bleh | 09:23 |
deFrysk | looks gtk1 to me.... | 09:23 |
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saubz | happyfool: im just doing the normal install | 09:24 |
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HappyFool | saubz: ok, what apt part do you want to skip? | 09:24 |
Brad1982 | c' qualcuno che parla italiano? | 09:24 |
smott | W: GPG error: http://si.archive.ubuntu.com breezy Release: The following signatu res were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> <-- hm? | 09:24 |
HappyFool | saubz: the default install should be fairly straightforward | 09:24 |
deFrysk | grip in breezy is gtk2!!! | 09:25 |
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saubz | i get to an apt screen and it has some options like download/update/quit | 09:25 |
CookedGryphon | Brad1982, try #ubuntu-it or something | 09:25 |
Brad1982 | ok thanks | 09:25 |
HappyFool | saubz: hmm. you can probably update your system later | 09:26 |
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bur[n] er | deFrysk: yeah, i'm a tool... i spread a vicious rumor about gtk1 | 09:26 |
CookedGryphon | is that the right abbreviation? it for italian/ | 09:26 |
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HappyFool | saubz: i don't remember getting any prompts like that | 09:26 |
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bur[n] er | it's gtk 2.2 I think, not 2.6 or 2.8 or something though | 09:26 |
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deFrysk | lol bur[n] er | 09:26 |
poypoy | Ok, so does Ubuntu automatically install linux-wlan-ng? Doesn't seem to be working too well here, ofc it works, but is pretty damned slow here. | 09:27 |
=== mcphail is compiling gtk to check it out | ||
saubz | thanks for the help though | 09:27 |
=== mcphail wishes he could tell grip from gtk... | ||
bur[n] er | anyone know how to get a beep tray icon?? | 09:27 |
bur[n] er | is there a .deb package for it? | 09:27 |
Alex_BO | HeLLO! I don't know why (probably I removed it), but I can't find the file ~/.bash_profile. Where can I find it? In the installation CD? In a live CD? | 09:27 |
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bur[n] er | mcphail: nevermind that grip stuff... it's all good ;) | 09:28 |
deFrysk | bur[n] er, there is none afaIk | 09:28 |
charlesj | newbie here. how do i remove a broken package that lot of other packages depend on? | 09:28 |
HappyFool | Alex_BO: you can create it if it doesn't exist | 09:28 |
bur[n] er | Alex_BO: why you need it? | 09:28 |
mcphail | bur[n] er: i'll make one with checkinstall if you like... | 09:28 |
deFrysk | apt-get remove --purge <package> | 09:28 |
HappyFool | Alex_BO: it's supposed to be in your home directory (e.g., /home/Alex_BO/.bash_profile | 09:28 |
CookedGryphon | charles__, can't u reinstall it? | 09:28 |
trigg | Alex_BO: try /etc/skel | 09:28 |
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CookedGryphon | Alex_BO, if ure typing ls to find it, try ls -a | 09:28 |
charlesj | let me try | 09:28 |
CookedGryphon | it shidden | 09:28 |
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deFrysk | charles__, first apt-get -f install | 09:29 |
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zack_|work | I'm going to be receiving hourly emails, with attachments, to a certain email address. How can I set up a script to run on the attachment every time I receive an email? | 09:29 |
Alex_BO | HappyFool: yes, i know but there isn't. Can I make it by myself? Or copy it from another file (like /etc/skel as trigg said) | 09:29 |
deFrysk | charlesj, first apt-get -f install | 09:29 |
=== Mystery47_Newbie [n=janne@cable-106-5.kymp.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mystery47_Newbie | hi all! i got some prob with my f-prot.... | 09:29 |
bur[n] er | Alex_BO: just make it... but I think you want .bashrc and not .bash_profile | 09:30 |
charlesj | defrysk: thanks. trying | 09:30 |
HappyFool | Alex_BO: up to you. it's a plain text file. the /etc/skel version might be a helpful starting point | 09:30 |
trigg | Alex_BO: the one in /etc/skel is the one used everytime you create a new user, so it should work if you copy it using a regular user account | 09:30 |
deFrysk | Mystery47_Newbie, no f's to prot I guess ? | 09:30 |
Mystery47_Newbie | 1. i downloaded file....(deb) and installed it....but what now...? | 09:30 |
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deFrysk | Mystery47_Newbie, why virus protection in linux ? | 09:30 |
mcphail | looks like gtk2 to me... | 09:31 |
charlesj | defrysk: it says "The following packages have unmet dependencies: libgcrypt11: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-21) but 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13 is to be installed" | 09:31 |
Mystery47_Newbie | i just wanna try.... | 09:31 |
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Mystery47_Newbie | im old windows user....=) | 09:31 |
charlesj | libgcrypt11 is the broken package | 09:31 |
Alex_BO | trigg: HappyFool: okey.tnks. I am gonna copy it and modify if it will necessary (like aliases or colors, but i think that, if they are already setted in .bashrc, i don't need to modify it) | 09:31 |
Seveas | charlesj, don't use non-ubuntu repositories... | 09:31 |
bur[n] er | Mystery47_Newbie: just run the file | 09:31 |
Hoxzer | we need something | 09:31 |
Hoxzer | ... | 09:31 |
deFrysk | become a new linux user Mystery47_Newbie and dont worry about virusses | 09:31 |
Hoxzer | something... | 09:31 |
Hoxzer | TV-out :) | 09:31 |
=== crashbox [n=crashbox@adsl-68-89-30-48.dsl.hrlntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== bur[n] er concurs with deFrysk ;) | ||
HappyFool | Mystery47_Newbie: try clamav for virus checking -- there's a version in the ubuntu repositories | 09:32 |
trigg | Mystery47_Newbie: if you want to scan specific files, try ClamAV. If you want to search for possible rootkits, try rkhunter or chkrootkit | 09:32 |
Hoxzer | btw is there someway to get UT to work properly in ubuntu? | 09:32 |
funkyHat | a version that keeps complaining that it's out of date HappyFool ;) | 09:32 |
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deFrysk | clamscan! | 09:32 |
HappyFool | doesn't it come with an update script? | 09:32 |
saubz | i get an error during install | 09:32 |
saubz | Buffer I/O error on device hdc, logical block 187934 | 09:32 |
saubz | andy thoughts? | 09:32 |
Mystery47_Newbie | i know that..........ubuntu rules....my 1g machine with linux beats my other 1.6g windows machine.... | 09:32 |
i3dmaster | Does anyone know how to edit the gnome right click menu? | 09:32 |
crashbox | hey all, when suing in terminal, it dosnt take the password, but when i doa an upgrade with synaptics and stuff like that, it does take my pw, any suggestions? | 09:32 |
poypoy | Yeah, we all wanna become linux users... :P | 09:32 |
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charlesj | seveas: now that it's installed, how do i remove it | 09:33 |
charlesj | > | 09:33 |
charlesj | ? | 09:33 |
HappyFool | saubz: maybe just a glitch, or a bad cd | 09:33 |
poypoy | The thing is, it's pretty damned hard to find stuff, tis my only complaint so far, got no problem with the doing stuff part... | 09:33 |
bbenallie | hello everyone | 09:33 |
trigg | crashbox: use sude command in terminal | 09:33 |
Seveas | charlesj, it cannot possibly be installed if it gives dependency errors | 09:33 |
Mystery47_Newbie | but i like to know is here someone other who might use already f-prot? | 09:33 |
trigg | crashbox: use sudo command in terminal | 09:33 |
Seveas | but you can dpkg -P it | 09:33 |
crashbox | trigg, k, will try | 09:33 |
Alex_BO | Sorry for the many questions, but can you advice me a program to chat in the console? Like centericq or naim | 09:33 |
Mystery47_Newbie | ....and managed it to work? | 09:33 |
bbenallie | is there a question queue or something , heh | 09:33 |
deFrysk | charlesj, you have been noughty with the repo's ? | 09:33 |
charlesj | seveas: it shows me a hughe list of dependent packages | 09:34 |
trigg | crashbox: i meant "sudo" not "sude" ;) | 09:34 |
charlesj | defrysk: yes | 09:34 |
deFrysk | suede ? | 09:34 |
Mystery47_Newbie | i read these helps....in here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9328 | 09:34 |
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crashbox | lol, k | 09:34 |
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trigg | suede is soft | 09:34 |
deFrysk | Mystery47_Newbie, dont!!! | 09:34 |
bbenallie | Can someone help mount an external USB drive with the live-cd? | 09:34 |
deFrysk | Mystery47_Newbie, read the wiki's | 09:35 |
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Mystery47_Newbie | damn.....u guys... | 09:35 |
Mystery47_Newbie | ok......i have no hurry... | 09:35 |
bbenallie | help me, that is | 09:35 |
bbenallie | heh | 09:35 |
crashbox | trigg, all i get is the usage info | 09:35 |
=== Daemonic [n=R00T@0-1pool95-113.nas24.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
charlesj | now what? | 09:35 |
Daemonic | where are downloaded .debs stored by default? | 09:35 |
Mystery47_Newbie | but i check little more bout wikis... | 09:35 |
deFrysk | Mystery47_Newbie, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation is your bible, nothing else matters | 09:36 |
Daemonic | or are they cleaned afterwards? (by default) | 09:36 |
deFrysk | </metallica> | 09:36 |
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trigg | crashbox: type sudo /command/you/want/to/run/as/root | 09:36 |
Seveas | charlesj, which did you try to remove? | 09:36 |
crashbox | ah, yes, ic | 09:36 |
Daemonic | anyone? | 09:37 |
Daemonic | easy question? | 09:37 |
bbenallie | Does anyone know how to mount external USB storage devices with the ubuntu live cd? | 09:37 |
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=== Malin [n=malin@083142121204.unregistered.media-com.com.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
charlesj | dpkg --purge libgcrypt11 | 09:37 |
Mystery47_Newbie | thanks for that page....i bookmarked it... | 09:37 |
deFrysk | sudo dpkg remove --purge | 09:37 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: you're on the live cd now? | 09:37 |
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bbenallie | HappyFool | 09:37 |
bbenallie | no, but it's running on a laptop next to me | 09:38 |
hmrocha | hello, can you use evolution to read news? | 09:38 |
bbenallie | sorry, pressed "enter" accidently" | 09:38 |
Mystery47_Newbie | i have one www-page lost? that page what tellsu HOWTO things....i lost it bec i installed this system again... | 09:38 |
hmrocha | with evolution 2.2 | 09:38 |
charlesj | Seveas: dpkg --purge libgcrypt11. libgcrypt1 was already installed | 09:38 |
CookedGryphon | Daemonic, /var/cache/apt/archives | 09:38 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: ok, start a root terminal (applications -> system tools -> root terminal) | 09:38 |
bbenallie | okay | 09:38 |
Mystery47_Newbie | nvidia, java, etc | 09:38 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: is that machine connected to the net? | 09:38 |
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bbenallie | yes it is | 09:38 |
bbenallie | happyfool: yes it is | 09:39 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: great. is the device connected at the moment? | 09:39 |
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typo_ | hi | 09:39 |
bbenallie | happyfool: the device is connected | 09:39 |
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lilly | hi everyone. | 09:39 |
Hoxzer | ... :D | 09:39 |
blacksheep | i see this ubuntu crap caught on | 09:39 |
bbenallie | happyfool: it's a blank disk, need to format it to ext3 | 09:39 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: ok, can you paste the output of the commands 'mount' and 'fdisk -l' to http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 09:39 |
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HappyFool | bbenallie: ah | 09:40 |
shuriken_ | hello | 09:40 |
Mystery47_Newbie | how many of u have been compiled kernel....? | 09:40 |
typo_ | i'm installing ubuntu on a non-laptop for the first time.. and hardware has moved on. i get failed messages when scanning for components on the cdrom when i don't disable SATA in bios | 09:40 |
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poypoy | Meh, I just got "E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?" when trying to apt-get install something, is there a force quit or something to get rid of whatever's stopping me from this? | 09:40 |
=== nerdy2 [n=jeff@adsl-68-21-1-164.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | bbenallie: is it partitioned? | 09:40 |
deFrysk | Mystery47_Newbie, its all in the wiki : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | 09:40 |
lilly | anybody knows how to get a ne2k_pci compatible ethernet card (realtek 8029 AS) to work during an breezy preview installation? | 09:40 |
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bbenallie | happyfool: actually, it's formatted as NTFS | 09:40 |
Daemonic | CookedGryphon: thanks. | 09:40 |
Seveas | blacksheep, if you thin Ubuntu is crap, why are you here? | 09:40 |
=== jebem [n=joonas07@a81-197-47-55.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deFrysk | Mystery47_Newbie, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OptimizingNvidia | 09:40 |
Hoxzer | is there any way to get that upper panel back if I deleted it? | 09:40 |
Mystery47_Newbie | i have seen u before deFrysk....u give good advices... | 09:40 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: ok, do you want to read data off it before formatting? | 09:40 |
blacksheep | Seveas, curiosity | 09:40 |
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charlesj | poypoy: is the synapticpm running? | 09:41 |
chrisbudden14 | How do i add Tahoma font to my system? | 09:41 |
shuriken_ | I have OSX and Ubuntu running on a PPC G4, and I'd like yaboot to automatically boot into OSX after 5 secs - however, it boots into Ubuntu | 09:41 |
CookedGryphon | chrisbudden14, ah, tahoma, what a great font | 09:41 |
bbenallie | happyfool: nope, just want to mount the drive and change the fs to ext3 :) I appreciate your help | 09:41 |
crashbox | where do i set what display manager is loaded at startup? | 09:41 |
typo_ | anyone have experience with installing on SATA drives ? | 09:41 |
poypoy | Oh, that fixed it :P, cheers | 09:41 |
typo_ | with enabled sata in bios, i get cdrom read errors :P | 09:41 |
typo_ | (cdrom is pata) | 09:41 |
deFrysk | grip even docs in notification area :) | 09:42 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: ok, the output of 'fdisk -l' will tell us where the disk and partition are (possibly /dev/sda1); can you paste the output of the commands mount and fdisk -l to the pastebin? | 09:42 |
=== nomis_ [n=nomis|@chello062178225065.14.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bbenallie | happyfool: okay | 09:42 |
shuriken_ | my current yaboot.conf looks like this: http://pastebin.com/359160 | 09:43 |
lilly | anybody knows how to get a ne2k_pci compatible ethernet card (realtek 8029 AS) to work during a breezy preview installation? | 09:43 |
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shuriken_ | I understood that the first one specified will automatically be booted, but it doesn't seem to | 09:43 |
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charlesj | defrysk, seveas: any ideas for me? | 09:44 |
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bbenallie | happyfool: i just pasted them | 09:45 |
bbenallie | nickname is the same | 09:46 |
poypoy | stupid question: If I log out, then do ctrl alt backspace, will it put me back onto the gnome login screen with X reloaded? | 09:46 |
=== NlebeoojU [n=ifeeio@home-12641.galati.astral.ro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deFrysk | charlesj did you install more packages from that alien repo ? | 09:46 |
trigg | poypoy: yes | 09:46 |
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=== oupaloupa [n=morgan@dyn-83-157-147-88.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oupaloupa | Hi | 09:46 |
trigg | popoy: as long as you still have a valid xorg.conf | 09:46 |
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HappyFool | bbenallie: ok, standby | 09:46 |
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charlesj | defrysk: i think i did. don't quite remember which :p | 09:46 |
] BreliC[ | hey everyone | 09:46 |
oupaloupa | I have some problem with my ATI Radeon X7OO | 09:47 |
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deFrysk | charlesj then you have a prob | 09:47 |
kevogod | oupaloupa, Throw it away then. | 09:47 |
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oupaloupa | upgrade to Breezy and now it didn't work | 09:47 |
GoClick | How do I check a filesystem I got some sort of error about the wrong number of hard links in / while installing apache so what command do I use to check and fix that fs? | 09:47 |
CookedGryphon | How do you uninstall a package which u've added with alien? | 09:47 |
kevogod | oupaloupa, What kind of errors you getting? | 09:47 |
Jack-Ho | hey | 09:47 |
charlesj | defrysk: tell me the usual procedure anyway | 09:47 |
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oupaloupa | weird | 09:47 |
bur[n] er | anyone know how to get bmp to play .wma files? | 09:47 |
=== HMTsvaB [n=fceuiya@home-12641.galati.astral.ro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oupaloupa | before it works with driver ati | 09:47 |
CookedGryphon | bur[n] er, yep | 09:47 |
] BreliC[ | i have a question: i have a TV tuner card and have Cron jobs set up to record my TV shows... | 09:47 |
deFrysk | charlesj I used to do silly things too and usually it ment a reinstall | 09:47 |
CookedGryphon | justgimmie a min to get the link | 09:47 |
bur[n] er | bmp-wma package doesn't exist ;) | 09:47 |
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Jack-Ho | i update my kernel to 2.6.13 and it dosnt listn to the fatab file | 09:48 |
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CookedGryphon | seveas set it up 4 me | 09:48 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: hmm. ubuntu doesn't seem to see your usb disk -- only an ide disk | 09:48 |
trigg | GoClick: man, I had the same problem once in Gentoo - never fixed, just reinstalled. Howver if you have reiser - you do a chkreiserfs | 09:48 |
Jack-Ho | how can i fix it? | 09:48 |
bur[n] er | CookedGryphon: gotta compile from a tarball? | 09:48 |
oupaloupa | and some option MonitorLayout "LVDS,LVDS" | 09:48 |
CookedGryphon | it does | 09:48 |
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CookedGryphon | i'm using it atm | 09:48 |
shuriken_ | so anyone who's experienced in editing yaboot.conf? | 09:48 |
CookedGryphon | bur[n] er, nope | 09:48 |
deFrysk | charlesj and another lesson learned | 09:48 |
CookedGryphon | trust me, one min | 09:48 |
bur[n] er | bmp-wma? not in breezy | 09:48 |
oupaloupa | now using new version of xorg it didn't work | 09:48 |
trigg | GoClikc: or maybe its reiserfsck | 09:48 |
charlesj | defrysk: shyte. i did fear that :) | 09:48 |
=== rx-182 [i=rx@modemcable052.72-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack-Ho | any one? | 09:48 |
bbenallie | HappyFool: but it does show it in the proc list | 09:48 |
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charlesj | defrysk: but surely, there has to be a easier way out | 09:48 |
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CookedGryphon | seveas set up the package 4 me when i asked | 09:48 |
] BreliC[ | back when I was using SuSE last year, it worked fine (I use mencoder)... but with Ubuntu, it seems that the audio won't record. I'm guessing that it has to do with the fact that it uses ESD and for whatever reason, mencoder has no real way (at least not that I know of) to identify the device using its convention (what is its convention?)... | 09:49 |
deFrysk | charlesj fear no lessons | 09:49 |
oupaloupa | the proprietary ATI driver is fglrx ? | 09:49 |
oupaloupa | for xorg ? | 09:49 |
rx-182 | whats the planned rls date for breezy? | 09:49 |
bbenallie | happyfool: would I have to load it as a module when I boot the cd? | 09:49 |
bur[n] er | CookedGryphon: for breezy right? | 09:49 |
Virtuall | - - Software Freedom Day '05, 00:30 !!! | 09:49 |
oupaloupa | 4 weeks | 09:49 |
Virtuall | ...sorry for that | 09:49 |
] BreliC[ | anyone else use mencoder and successfully record audio using ESD? | 09:49 |
deFrysk | charlesj try to uninstall all alien packages | 09:49 |
charlesj | defrysk: its a complex web | 09:49 |
oupaloupa | BreliC : why did u use EDS, disable ESD in panel configuration | 09:49 |
CookedGryphon | bur[n] er, oh , sry, its 4 hoary | 09:49 |
bur[n] er | CookedGryphon: don't suppose he packaged bmp-docklet for you? | 09:49 |
bur[n] er | aww | 09:49 |
CookedGryphon | should worktho shouldn't it? | 09:49 |
deFrysk | apt-get remove --purge <aliencrap> | 09:49 |
bur[n] er | i think I'll have to build it from source | 09:49 |
GoClick | I think I'll boot to the LiveCD and run fsck | 09:49 |
bur[n] er | well, i dunno | 09:49 |
GoClick | bbl | 09:49 |
bur[n] er | got a link? | 09:49 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: hmm. i thought those modules were loaded as needed | 09:50 |
charlesj | defrysk: nah that didnt work | 09:50 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: where do you see it in /proc ? | 09:50 |
trigg | oupaloupa: yes fglrx is the propriatary driver for ATI Radeon 8500 and up | 09:50 |
Jack-Ho | i update my kernel to 2.6.13 and it dosnt listn to the fatab file how can i fix it? | 09:50 |
] BreliC[ | oupaloupa, you mean in the multimedia systems selector? | 09:50 |
charlesj | defrysk: tells me all the other packages will have to go too | 09:50 |
oupaloupa | trigg : ok thanks | 09:50 |
deFrysk | charlesj try --nodeps | 09:50 |
trigg | GoClick: good luck | 09:50 |
oupaloupa | trigg : didn't work too with fglrx :( | 09:50 |
deFrysk | but be prepared for a reinstall (so back up your stuff) | 09:50 |
trigg | oupaloupa: are you using breezy? | 09:51 |
oupaloupa | ] BreliC[ : sound panel configuration | 09:51 |
CookedGryphon | bur[n] er, look on http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ | 09:51 |
oupaloupa | trigg : yep | 09:51 |
bbenallie | happyfool: oh, sorry, I mistook the listing of "usbfs on /proc/bus/usb" as ubuntu seeing the external USB drive | 09:51 |
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oupaloupa | trigg : because some problem with my soundcard | 09:51 |
trigg | oupaloupa: xorg isn't working because of your soundcard?? | 09:51 |
oupaloupa | trigg : so I upgrade to breezy | 09:51 |
] BreliC[ | oupaloupa, where is that? In any case, if I change it to alsa, it gives me a broken pipe error.. ? | 09:51 |
oupaloupa | trigg : so I upgrade to breez | 09:51 |
charlesj | defrysk: i just used the synapticpm and forced the older version | 09:51 |
trigg | oupaloupa: ahhh | 09:52 |
charlesj | defrysk: seems to be working | 09:52 |
oupaloupa | trigg : nope | 09:52 |
bur[n] er | thanks CookedGryphon | 09:52 |
oupaloupa | ] BreliC[ : huh ? | 09:52 |
deFrysk | charlesj, cool :) | 09:52 |
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Jack-Ho | oupaloupa, i update my kernel to 2.6.13 and it dosnt listn to the fatab file how can i fix it? | 09:52 |
] BreliC[ | i have two soundcards... the primary is an onboard and the secondary is M-Audio Audiophile 24/96 which i use only for recording | 09:52 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: can you unplug and plug the device back in, and paste the output of 'dmesg|tail -20' to the paste-bin ? | 09:52 |
oupaloupa | Jack-Ho : recompile your own kernel or using kernel-image ? | 09:53 |
CookedGryphon | bur[n] er, let me kno if it works | 09:53 |
charlesj | defrysk: worked! :D | 09:53 |
trigg | oupaloupa: ok, right now fglrx and xorg don't play nice in breezy (DRI doesn't work) | 09:53 |
charlesj | defrysk: thanks mate | 09:53 |
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oupaloupa | Jack-Ho : you mean it didn't use /etc/fstab ? | 09:53 |
bbenallie | HappyFool : alrighty | 09:53 |
Jack-Ho | i think | 09:53 |
oupaloupa | trigg : arf !!!!!!!!!! | 09:53 |
deFrysk | charlesj, you lucked out! | 09:53 |
Curr | Are there known problems trying to install to a notebook with an x300 graphics card in it? | 09:53 |
deFrysk | :D | 09:53 |
trigg | oupaloupa: type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and see if you can get one working | 09:53 |
oupaloupa | Jack-Ho : try to see /etc/init./mountall.sh | 09:53 |
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CookedGryphon | Okay, i've beensetting up fora couple of days now, and i have only one problem left.... | 09:53 |
trigg | oupaloupa: fglrx will still work, you just won't have 3d accel | 09:53 |
oupaloupa | trigg : already done not worky | 09:54 |
trigg | oupaloupa: don't use the framebuffer | 09:54 |
CookedGryphon | how do u get these lil metallic Designed for wondows xp stickers off without leaving a mess??? | 09:54 |
Jack-Ho | becus in the file there is /dev/hda1 /media/C ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 0 and it didnt munt it | 09:54 |
shinu | how do i change a filename beginning with '-' ? | 09:54 |
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CookedGryphon | windows* | 09:54 |
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crashbox | how do i cnage my display manager from hdm to gdm? | 09:54 |
bur[n] er | CookedGryphon: like a charm :) | 09:54 |
bur[n] er | danke | 09:54 |
CookedGryphon | shinu, try putting it in quotes | 09:54 |
crashbox | hdm=kdm* | 09:54 |
CookedGryphon | bur[n] er, ure welcome | 09:54 |
oupaloupa | trigg : howto disable ? | 09:54 |
trigg | oupaloupa: in your xorg.conf comment out the line that says "UseFrameBuffer" "True" | 09:55 |
Jack-Ho | oupaloupa, sudo: /etc/init./mountall.sh: command not found | 09:55 |
Jack-Ho | ? | 09:55 |
deFrysk | crashbox, got kdm installed aswell as gdm ? | 09:55 |
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crashbox | yup | 09:55 |
bbenallie | HappyFool : sent it | 09:55 |
deFrysk | apt-get remove gdm | 09:55 |
trigg | oupaloupa: file is /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:55 |
shinu | CookedGryphon: double quotes? | 09:55 |
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CookedGryphon | shinu, yeah | 09:55 |
kevogod | CookedGryphon, Well, in order to do this, you must obtain permission from the head office at Microsoft Headquarters. Otherwise, you are committing a Class A felony. | 09:55 |
oupaloupa | Jack-Ho : strange ... | 09:55 |
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crashbox | i wanna keed gdm though | 09:55 |
deFrysk | crashbox, you'll get a dialog asking you if you wish to use kdm | 09:55 |
oupaloupa | trigg : gonna check | 09:55 |
charlesj | anybody use DC++ in here? | 09:55 |
] BreliC[ | oupaloupa, i'm assuming by 'Sound panel configuration" you mean System->Preferences->Multimedia Systems Selector | 09:55 |
=== bur[n] er pokes Seveas | ||
HappyFool | bbenallie: i'm afraid that doesn't look too promising | 09:56 |
Trebz | where can i get Java? | 09:56 |
deFrysk | crashbox, after removing it reinstall it | 09:56 |
CookedGryphon | kevogod, lol, int there a shell command to do it? there is for everything else | 09:56 |
bur[n] er | !java | 09:56 |
ubotu | java is, like, to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java | 09:56 |
crashbox | ok | 09:56 |
oupaloupa | ] BreliC[ : nope | 09:56 |
bbenallie | HappyFool: Yeah, I saw the error -71 | 09:56 |
bbenallie | :( | 09:56 |
kevogod | CookedGryphon, Nope, copyright issues | 09:56 |
Trebz | thankies | 09:56 |
] BreliC[ | oupaloupa, ok, then what do you mean? | 09:56 |
deFrysk | crashbox, and again you''ll get the dialog asking you what to use | 09:56 |
thierry | is it safe for my data to do a dist-upgrade to breezy? | 09:56 |
CookedGryphon | kevogod, like we care about that? | 09:56 |
crashbox | deFrysk, k | 09:56 |
oupaloupa | trigg : howto disable ? text dispappear | 09:56 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: what is the make/model of the device? | 09:56 |
CookedGryphon | there should be a ubuntu ersion designed to stick over the top of it | 09:56 |
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bur[n] er | thierry: data is not affected, only your programs | 09:56 |
oupaloupa | ] BreliC[ : Something call sound | 09:57 |
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pinucset | somebody has the link of some kde vs. gnome website comparative? | 09:57 |
=== bur[n] er doesn't | ||
kevogod | CookedGryphon, Sure we do. If we did not, we would not be using a GPL license. | 09:57 |
oupaloupa | ] BreliC[ : In Preference/Administration don't remenber | 09:57 |
cevizoglu | how do I set my default browser to Epiphany? | 09:57 |
oupaloupa | ] BreliC[ : didn't have now graphic so I can't tell sorry | 09:57 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: ah-ha. maybe this will help: http://www.spinics.net/lists/usb/msg02641.html | 09:57 |
oupaloupa | trigg : howto disable ? text dispappear :) | 09:57 |
deFrysk | pinucset, there is no comparason use gnome! | 09:57 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: brb | 09:57 |
trigg | oupaloupa: in your xorg.conf comment out the line that says "UseFBdev" "True" | 09:57 |
oupaloupa | trigg : ok | 09:57 |
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pinucset | ok defryzk! | 09:58 |
isa | hola | 09:58 |
deFrysk | :D | 09:58 |
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isa | ?????? hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo | 09:58 |
oupaloupa | trigg : didn't have it :( | 09:58 |
] BreliC[ | oupaloupa, ok, no prob.. in any case, the only thing i have under either Preferences or Administration with the word sound is something called Sound, and that's not it | 09:58 |
CookedGryphon | seriously tho, there should b somewhere to buy lil stickers Designed for Ubuntu Linux with the lil logo, that stick over them nicely | 09:58 |
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oupaloupa | trigg : didn't have it :( | 09:58 |
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thierry | bur[n] er : ok and if I do a "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" is it ok or do I need to update my apt-get repositories file? | 09:58 |
isa | i not speak english :s | 09:58 |
trigg | oupaloupa: dcchat | 09:58 |
shinu | k | 09:58 |
shinu | thanks a lot | 09:58 |
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oupaloupa | trigg : huh ? | 09:58 |
CookedGryphon | i would take it off but its REALLY well stuck | 09:58 |
isa | algien abla een espaol | 09:58 |
Seveas | !es | 09:58 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 09:58 |
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isa | i speak spanish | 09:59 |
bbenallie | happyfool: okay! | 09:59 |
Curr | when trying to install to my inspiron 6000 notebook with an x300 graphics card, the install goes to a rainbow colored screen and I have to ctl-alt-del | 09:59 |
Seveas | !tell isa about es | 09:59 |
nexus- | anyone on breezy knows if it supports hibernation? | 09:59 |
deFrysk | isa /j #ubuntu-es | 09:59 |
oupaloupa | dcchat | 09:59 |
bitkrom | what does --variant=buildd do in a debootstrap? | 09:59 |
oupaloupa | trigg : dunno how to use it sorry | 09:59 |
lukas | Can someone help me with getting network-manager up and running? when dbus starts, it complains that it can't find user and group "bind" | 09:59 |
bur[n] er | thierry: update first | 09:59 |
oupaloupa | ] BreliC[ : didn't have now graphic so I can't tell sorry | 09:59 |
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bur[n] er | Seveas: do you use checkinstall to make your .debs? | 10:00 |
thierry | bur[n] er : ok thanks | 10:00 |
oupaloupa | ] BreliC[ : there isn't something call sound ??? | 10:00 |
Seveas | bur[n] er, no | 10:00 |
oupaloupa | ] BreliC[ : strange | 10:00 |
kevogod | I have an x300 graphics card for my PC. I will never buy that cheap again. | 10:00 |
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Seveas | only the bmp-wma plugin is a checkinstall deb | 10:00 |
bur[n] er | oh ;) | 10:00 |
] BreliC[ | oupaloupa, yeah, it is strange.. thanks for your help... i'll keep looking | 10:00 |
pinucset | where can i download the last kde version for ubuntu? | 10:00 |
oupaloupa | ] BreliC[ : if u use Gstreamer try to install gstreamer08--fmpeg | 10:00 |
Jack-Ho | no one knows? | 10:01 |
=== mcphail thinks checkinstall is wonderful | ||
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bur[n] er | i'm gonna package bmp-docklet via checkinstall then :) | 10:01 |
oupaloupa | ] BreliC[ : if u use Gstreamer try to install gstreamer08-ffmpeg | 10:01 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: i'm not sure if we need to first remove usbcore | 10:01 |
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HappyFool | bbenallie: i suspect one will, however | 10:01 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: do you have other usb devices attached to the machine? | 10:01 |
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Seveas | bmp docklet has a package already iirc | 10:02 |
bur[n] er | Seveas: know where? | 10:02 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: oh, hang on | 10:02 |
HappyFool | even easier: http://www.mepis.org/node/5860 | 10:02 |
mats | anyone who has problems doing an apt-update after editing sourlist? | 10:02 |
bbenallie | HappyFool: nope, no other USB devices | 10:03 |
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i3dmaster | anyone knows how to edit the right click menu? | 10:03 |
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HappyFool | bbenallie: let's try that echo command | 10:03 |
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HappyFool | bbenallie: unplug the device, and then execute this: | 10:04 |
HappyFool | echo N > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/old_scheme_first | 10:04 |
mats | when i edit the sourlist to universe it wont take my sourcelist :O | 10:04 |
mcphail | i3dmaster: what do you want to add or change? | 10:04 |
HappyFool | then plug the device in and see what dmesg|tail -20 says | 10:04 |
bbenallie | HapyFool: alrighty! | 10:05 |
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cevizoglu | anyone know how to make xchat use epiphany to open url's instead of firefox? | 10:05 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: if that doesn't work, unplug, and do 'echo Y > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/old_scheme_first', and plug in and check again | 10:05 |
i3dmaster | mcphail: I want to add a "open terminal" there on the right click menu. I am using breezy | 10:05 |
bbenallie | HappyFool: starting up the CD again, sorry, it's almost done | 10:06 |
mcphail | i3dmaster: don't know how to do that directly, but you can add a simple script to do it to $HOME/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts and it will appear on the right-click menu | 10:06 |
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trigg | cevizoglu: under System|Preferences|Preferred Application, change browser to epiphany | 10:07 |
i3dmaster | mcphail: ok, let me see... | 10:07 |
trigg | cevizoglu: then, in xchat, right click url, send to | gnome url handler | 10:07 |
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cevizoglu | thx :) | 10:07 |
james23 | hiya :) | 10:08 |
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Seveas | (: ayih | 10:08 |
james23 | Just downloaded and install breezy colony 4 - not bad so far | 10:08 |
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Seveas | breezy is in pretty good shape indeed | 10:08 |
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james23 | are you using it too? | 10:09 |
bbenallie | HappyFool: finally got to the desktop, going to execute the commands soon | 10:09 |
Seveas | on one of my systems since today | 10:09 |
Colloid | what noticable differences are there? | 10:09 |
=== LaaieoaiFe [n=ifeeio@home-12641.galati.astral.ro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | bbenallie: ok | 10:09 |
james23 | the installer is improved | 10:09 |
james23 | seems a bit snappier | 10:09 |
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deFrysk | usplsh looks ok | 10:09 |
trigg | Colloid: gnome-2.12 = pretty | 10:09 |
james23 | yep! | 10:09 |
Colloid | who cares what the installer looks like? ;/ | 10:09 |
=== henke [n=henrik@host022.robackshus3.ac.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
james23 | I've always been a fan of gnome, and gnome 2.12 rocks | 10:10 |
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i3dmaster | mcphail: It didn't have anything in there yet. | 10:10 |
mcphail | i3dmaster: where? | 10:10 |
trigg | Colloid: much improved nautilus | 10:10 |
deFrysk | evince , killer app is in with serpentine , another killer app | 10:10 |
i3dmaster | mcphail: .gnome2/nautilus-scripts | 10:10 |
james23 | Yeah, nautilus goes back to pre 2.6 behaviour | 10:10 |
mcphail | i3dmaster: just add a script to the directory and chmod +x | 10:10 |
i3dmaster | mcphail: what would the script look like? just a shell script? | 10:10 |
Colloid | what version of php comes for breezy? | 10:11 |
i3dmaster | mcphail: something simply like gnome-terminal& right? | 10:11 |
mcphail | i3dmaster: yes: #! /bin/bash ; xterm ;exit 0 etc etc | 10:11 |
trigg | well, sorta pre 2.6 - cleaner interface and more options than pre 2.6 | 10:11 |
james23 | CoIloid: I don't actually know | 10:11 |
endy_x | Anyone know why my module options set in /etc/modprobe.d/ don't work from boot but do if i manually modprobe? | 10:11 |
james23 | Colloid: is there anyway I can find out? | 10:11 |
i3dmaster | mcphail: ok got it. Thanks very much! I will try it. | 10:11 |
deFrysk | breezy smells better too actually | 10:12 |
trigg | endy_x: the auto load list is /etc/modules | 10:12 |
Colloid | james23: synaptic package manager, maybe? | 10:12 |
james23 | Colloid, good idea | 10:12 |
james23 | lol | 10:12 |
Colloid | ;P | 10:12 |
mcphail | i3dmaster: this directory is very useful. I use it for lots of scripts (e.g. to resize jpegs from nautilus etc) | 10:12 |
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bbenallie | HappyFool: same thing, that stinks | 10:12 |
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HappyFool | bbenallie: with N or Y ? | 10:13 |
bbenallie | with both | 10:13 |
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endy_x | trigg, i put the name of the module int here but if i put the options it doesnt seem to work, would the synax be "options <module> <module options>" right? | 10:13 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: hmm. ok, in that case i'm out of ideas, sorry. | 10:13 |
james23 | Colloid, version 3.0 | 10:13 |
Colloid | james: i dont' beleive that ;p | 10:13 |
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Colloid | james: considering hoary comes with 4.3.10 | 10:13 |
james23 | No, sorry, my bad | 10:13 |
bur[n] er | Seveas: any idea on the docklet .deb? | 10:13 |
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UbuntuN00b | How do I extract a .tar.gz? | 10:14 |
bbenallie | HappyFool: it didn't find the module either when I typed "old_scheme_first=y" on boot as well | 10:14 |
endy_x | trigg, cos so far i got the module name in /etc/modules and the options line in a file on /etc/modprobe.d | 10:14 |
trigg | endy_x: I would think so . . . you could try putting the options in /etc/grub/menu.lst when you invoke the kernel | 10:14 |
james23 | Colloid, it says 4:4.4.0-1 | 10:14 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: it didn't find usbcore? | 10:14 |
james23 | Colloid, I was looking in the wrong place ;-) | 10:14 |
mcphail | UbuntuN00b: tar -xvzf x.tar.gz | 10:14 |
Colloid | james23: perfect, thanks. | 10:14 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: you used modprobe ? | 10:14 |
bur[n] er | UbuntuN00b: using file-roller | 10:14 |
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bur[n] er | UbuntuN00b: double-click it | 10:14 |
james23 | Colloid, I'm just getting used to Ubuntu. I was always die-hard Fedora/Redhat until now | 10:15 |
deFrysk | UbuntuN00b, rightklick it in your filemanager and choose extract here | 10:15 |
endy_x | trigg, doesnt grub only pass options to the kernel as opposed to any modules? | 10:15 |
trigg | endy_x: just curious, what modules are you passing parameters to? | 10:15 |
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Colloid | james32: that's ok...i still run xp on my desktop@ | 10:15 |
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endy_x | trigg, "usbhid" i need the "mousepoll" option to work | 10:15 |
Colloid | james32: :p | 10:15 |
charlesj | anybody have any experience setting up mplayer? | 10:16 |
deFrysk | Colloid, I also run away from it | 10:16 |
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trigg | endy_x: yeah, I think your right - have you tried putting the options in the modules file? | 10:16 |
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bbenallie | HappyFool: /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/old_scheme_first" exists | 10:16 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: which implies the module was loaded | 10:16 |
endy_x | trigg, yeah but for some reason it doesn work, even for a manual modprobe :S | 10:16 |
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Trebz | After 4 days of configuration I have Ubuntu all working.....Now what? | 10:16 |
bbenallie | HappyFool: yeah, hmmm | 10:17 |
Colloid | deFrysk: ? | 10:17 |
typo_ | https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1440 | 10:17 |
trigg | endy_x: are you using your modprobe.conf? | 10:17 |
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typo_ | i have silent data corruption on my ubuntu install :( | 10:17 |
deFrysk | Colloid, nm | 10:17 |
bbenallie | HappyFool: let me try the echo commands again | 10:17 |
typo_ | are there any solutions for this yet ? | 10:17 |
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HappyFool | bbenallie: is the drive very new? | 10:17 |
endy_x | trigg, there is no modprobe.conf on my system I assumed ubuntu had a different method :S should ther be? | 10:17 |
trigg | endy_x: try creating a /etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf and using the options command | 10:18 |
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endy_x | transgress, ok i'll give it a go :) | 10:18 |
oupaloupa | trigg : re | 10:18 |
vern401 | I nrrd some help installing a wireless card in ubuntu | 10:18 |
endy_x | trigg, , ok i'll give it a go :) | 10:18 |
Bad_Magic | anyone have any idea why im getting this with the kernel image update? E: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.10-5-386_2.6.10-34.5_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko', which is also in package ndiswrapper-modules-2.6.10-5-386 | 10:18 |
oupaloupa | trigg : I have now graphic with vesa :) | 10:18 |
i3dmaster | mcphail: got it. looks like it creates a sub menu on the right click menu and put scripts there. still not as easy as on the first level but much better than nothing. | 10:18 |
bbenallie | HapyFool: I gues it's kinda new. it's an external drive from cooldrives.com | 10:18 |
stoeptegel | is that pastebin working at the moment? | 10:18 |
trigg | oupaloupa: wonderful! | 10:18 |
trigg | oupaloupa: btw, what ati card do you have? | 10:19 |
i3dmaster | mcphail: removing the "open terminal" is just not a good idea for gnome 2.12... | 10:19 |
oupaloupa | trigg : but ati neither radeon neither fglxr works :( | 10:19 |
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windex | typo_, silent data corruption is usually a result of a failing disk, otherwise it's experienced by hundreds. | 10:19 |
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mcphail | i3dmaster: sorry, best i could do ;) | 10:19 |
oupaloupa | trigg : ati mobilty radeon x700 | 10:19 |
typo_ | windex: no. this is a case of SATA/PATA driver bugs.. | 10:19 |
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windex | typo_, ah. no idea then. | 10:19 |
windex | typo_, if it says 'experimental' it is. :) | 10:19 |
i3dmaster | mcphail: that's very good. I didn't even know how to do that before. So thanks very much | 10:20 |
typo_ | windex: thats not helpful. the hardware i use is claimed to be supported | 10:20 |
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windex | typo_, how can you be sure it's a driver bug? | 10:20 |
trigg | oupaloupa: odd. xorg-xserver-driver-ati installed? | 10:21 |
typo_ | windex: i only get _cdrom_ silent data corruption, when i enable SATA | 10:21 |
typo_ | the harddrive isn't even used yet | 10:21 |
oupaloupa | trigg : yep[ | 10:21 |
windex | that might not be a problem with the driver? | 10:21 |
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typo_ | and i've tried all combinations of master/slave and primary/secondary sata/pata and bios | 10:21 |
kevogod | windex, But it might be? | 10:21 |
trigg | oupaloupa: weird. | 10:21 |
typo_ | windex: what else ? | 10:21 |
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=== trigg is at a loss | ||
typo_ | and i've changed all the cables. and there are bugzilla entries about similiar issues | 10:22 |
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typo_ | so i doubt i'm wrong about my guess that this is a software issue. | 10:22 |
oupaloupa | trigg : u can say that ;-) | 10:22 |
ReX_ | what's the official breezy package for "Edit GNOME menus"? | 10:22 |
deFrysk | ReX_, smeg | 10:22 |
ReX_ | ok | 10:22 |
Colloid | SMEGMA | 10:22 |
Kyral | Whoa.. | 10:22 |
windex | typo_, it might be a software issue, but it might not be with the driver. could be firmware/driver combination, etc. does the drive need special drivers under windows? | 10:23 |
Kyral | thats wierd | 10:23 |
ReX_ | thanks DeFi | 10:23 |
Colloid | smeg is a great package name | 10:23 |
deFrysk | Colloid, yuk | 10:23 |
trigg | oupaloupa: ha ;) well, at least vesa works. | 10:23 |
ReX_ | thanks deFrysk :) | 10:23 |
typo_ | windex: i don't own a copy of windows | 10:23 |
Kyral | my Wireless card disappeared offa the Network Devices box... | 10:23 |
typo_ | but i doubt it does | 10:23 |
windex | typo_, and, btw, i am not attacking you, it's just that fixing a software problem is a lot harder, so ruling out hardware entirely is usually the first step. | 10:23 |
=== endy_x [n=endy@cpc2-nfds8-3-0-cust9.leic.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trigg | oupaloupa: just thought about it - maybe if you add fglrx to the top of your /etc/modules file . . . | 10:23 |
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smott | hm in the 5.10 preview... i cant get it to change the keyboard layout... ive changed it from US to SI in the keyboard preferences but it didnt work... ive also changed it from US to SI in xorg.conf, but this also didnt work. any ideas? | 10:23 |
endy_x | trigg, didn't work, I'm really running out of ideas now and google isn't helping :S | 10:24 |
cs_DK | smott: file a bug | 10:24 |
Bad_Magic | hmm, anyone have any guesses as to why my wireless card suddenly vanished? | 10:24 |
typo_ | windex: sure. but it is annoying. you're telling me i have a hardware problem when there are pages and pages about SATA/PATA problems that behave like this | 10:24 |
typo_ | i'm looking for someone who had similiar problems and found a solutions | 10:24 |
Kyral | Bad_Magic, you using Breezy? | 10:24 |
stoeptegel | suddenly i can't access or mount my usb stick anymore. $ sudo mount /dev/sdb1 -> mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1, missing codepage or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so. Anyone knows what i'am looking at? | 10:24 |
Bad_Magic | kyral: nope | 10:24 |
Kyral | Same thing just happened to me | 10:24 |
typo_ | i've switched everything from cables and bios options to ubuntu cdroms | 10:24 |
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windex | typo_, im saying you have to eliminate the possibility of a hardware problem before you can blame a software problem, since the hardware problem can be troubleshooted by you, and the software one probably can't. | 10:24 |
typo_ | windex: i've done that. | 10:25 |
trigg | endy_x: hmm . . . I am also at a loss. I assume you tried the forums? | 10:25 |
Colloid | windex: not with oss! | 10:25 |
oupaloupa | trigg : brb gonna check | 10:25 |
endy_x | yeah, hehe I thought i'd ask here while I wait too :) | 10:25 |
windex | typo_, ok, then ignore me. i wont try. | 10:25 |
=== nomis_ [n=nomis|@chello062178225065.14.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bbenallie | HappyFool: this is what I am trying to mount, haha http://www.cooldrives.com/sidrfi80usb2.html | 10:25 |
ReX_ | I upgrade from Hoary to Breezy, and reading the 5.10preview announce, I read about USplash, because a install usplash package, but when restating my laptop it not have a graphical boot, any ideas? | 10:26 |
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trigg | oupaloupa: k | 10:26 |
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GreyFox | hello | 10:26 |
Bad_Magic | r | 10:26 |
Bad_Magic | whoops | 10:26 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: i'm afraid all i can suggest is google at this point | 10:27 |
deFrysk | ReX_, vga setting too high in menu.list or something ? | 10:27 |
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Kyral | Its being picked up by lspci.. | 10:27 |
Kyral | but its just...gone | 10:27 |
bbenallie | HappyFool: thanks, seriously, for everything. I was hoping to be able to mount this with the Ubuntu live cd | 10:27 |
ReX_ | deFrysk, checking... | 10:27 |
bbenallie | HappyFool: but, looks like a lost cause now. It's a shame because the ubuntu live cd is so awesome | 10:27 |
HappyFool | bbenallie: ask again here (in #ubuntu) at a different time; maybe someone more in the know will be on. | 10:28 |
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Bad_Magic | any idea why i dont have wlan0, when i had one earlier and lspci still shows my nic? | 10:28 |
bbenallie | alrighty, will do! | 10:28 |
Bad_Magic | ^^ | 10:28 |
ReX_ | deFrysk, I don't see vga settings in my menu.lst | 10:28 |
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deFrysk | ReX_, a sec | 10:29 |
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MikeStyle | hi, i downloaded the ABC bittorrent client, and its all python and i have no idea how to install it | 10:30 |
Hoxzer | what is good software for Lan sharings from ubuntu to ubuntu? | 10:30 |
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trigg | Hoxzer, install ssh and then connect via nautilus | 10:31 |
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Hoxzer | ssh :) | 10:31 |
MikeStyle | ...... | 10:31 |
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Hoxzer | Trigg: can you tell me how should I connect with nautilus ;/ | 10:31 |
mats | is there any good sharewares programs? like limewire.. | 10:31 |
MikeStyle | mats : Apollon | 10:32 |
Hoxzer | do you mean open-ssh when you said ssh? | 10:32 |
trigg | Hoxzer: yes, open-ssh | 10:32 |
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mats | MikeStyle: thanks :-) | 10:32 |
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OCA| | Has anyone here had success installing Ubuntu 5.04 on an external USB2 drive? The install succeeded, but grub complains it can't find the drive for any of the boot options (grub installed on MBR of external drive, bios set to boot external drive) | 10:32 |
MikeStyle | mats, go to www.kde-apps.org and search for apollon, best one out there atm | 10:32 |
MikeStyle | then install from source | 10:32 |
trigg | Hoxzer: as long as you have sshd running on the comp you want to connect too ... in Nautilus, File | Connect to server . . . | 10:33 |
trigg | Hoxzer: enter the appropriate information :) | 10:33 |
typo_ | OCA|: i'm trying to right now :) | 10:33 |
MikeStyle | now, can anyone help me with my problem? | 10:33 |
typo_ | OCA|: i'll report in a few minutes | 10:34 |
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OCA| | typo_: Thanks | 10:34 |
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mats | MikeStyle: okey okey! thanks for all the help. Iv heard of apollon before.. but couldnt remember the name :) | 10:34 |
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trigg | Hoxzer: it will mount whatever folder you ask it to, and put the icon on your desktop | 10:34 |
deFrysk | ReX_, what type of monitor you hve ? | 10:34 |
deFrysk | in inches ? | 10:34 |
MikeStyle | mats, once u install it then let me know , ill get you the script that lets u connect to kazaa fasttrack | 10:34 |
ReX_ | 14 lcd (a laptop) | 10:34 |
deFrysk | 800x600 ? | 10:35 |
ReX_ | 1024x768 | 10:35 |
mats | MikeStyle: nice :) fasttrack is the #1 network.. | 10:35 |
MikeStyle | yep | 10:35 |
MikeStyle | its also got gift and Gnutella built in | 10:35 |
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MikeStyle | but my ares one doesnt connect for some reason and i cant find open nap | 10:35 |
deFrysk | ReX_, vga=790 | 10:36 |
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MikeStyle | i downloaded the ABC bittorrent client, and its all python and i have no idea how to install it | 10:36 |
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poypoy | Hmm, should linux-wlan-ng be installed already? I tried "sudo apt-get install linux-wlan-ng" as an how-to told me, but it feed's back "E: Couldn't find package linux-wlan-ng"... Ideas? | 10:36 |
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typo_ | i hate hardware | 10:36 |
nakata | is Ubuntu subject to US export restrictions? | 10:36 |
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CookedGryphon | I hate winmodems! | 10:36 |
deFrysk | ReX_, put that at the end of the kernel line | 10:36 |
nakata | by 'Ubuntu' I'm referring to the media (CD) and possibly access to the official repositories | 10:36 |
mats | MikeStyle: isnt a readme-file with it? | 10:36 |
=== Bad_Magic [n=BadMagic@c-24-11-174-99.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bad_Magic | #ndiswrapper | 10:36 |
Bad_Magic | er | 10:36 |
ReX_ | deFrysk, ok, thanks | 10:37 |
logique | hmm | 10:37 |
deFrysk | ReX_, not sure if it works but it should | 10:37 |
Hoxzer | Trigg: hmmm do I need to setup some kind of shares cause I cant connect anywhere | 10:37 |
logique | anyone else know how to mount external USB drives with the ubuntu live cd? | 10:37 |
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trigg | Hoxzer: do you have a firewall? | 10:37 |
nakata | logique, mount /dev/sda1 /mnt | 10:37 |
deFrysk | ReX_, let me know if it does ok ? | 10:37 |
ritalin | anyone have a orkut account? I have to try all things google ;) | 10:37 |
nakata | logique, there's probably an easier way | 10:38 |
nakata | i just don't know the livecd :/ | 10:38 |
nakata | or an easier way | 10:38 |
logique | nakata: I get this message "device descriptor read/64, error -71" | 10:38 |
CookedGryphon | Does anyone have any ideas, i'm running slmodem 2.9.9d to make my winmodem work, sometimes it does, then sometimes it doesn't, i don't know what i'm doing wrong | 10:38 |
nakata | huh | 10:38 |
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nakata | is the drive intact? | 10:38 |
logique | when I dmesg | tail -20 | 10:38 |
Hoxzer | trigg: they can ping eachother | 10:38 |
logique | nakata: it's a NTFS formatted drive, it works with other MS machines | 10:38 |
trigg | Hoxzer: I don't think you can browse for an ssh server, you have to just enter the IP address . . . check to make sure you have port 21 open | 10:38 |
Hoxzer | I dont understand ... if I connect via ssh and I haven't setup anything why should it let me in :D | 10:38 |
nakata | does the kernel have NTFS support | 10:38 |
logique | nakata: I want to format it as ext3 | 10:39 |
trigg | Hoxzer: or is it 22 . . . either way | 10:39 |
nakata | ah | 10:39 |
windex | nakata, 'read' support, yes, 'write' support, kinda. | 10:39 |
nakata | fdisk /dev/sda, first, then. | 10:39 |
nakata | windex, i know this. | 10:39 |
Hoxzer | .... but I haven't setup anything to share ? ;/ | 10:39 |
nakata | windex, 'write' is trash. | 10:39 |
=== concept10 [n=concept1@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nakata | logique, i can only assume you have no scsi or sata drives in there | 10:39 |
logique | nakata: I ran the "fdisk -l" and /mnt/sda1 doesn't show up | 10:39 |
nakata | otherwise, the letter would likely be different | 10:39 |
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nakata | you don't fdisk sda1, you fdisk /dev/sda | 10:40 |
trigg | hoxzer, I think it's port 22. make sure that sshd is running and configured on the machine you want to connect to | 10:40 |
nakata | 1 is a partition identifier | 10:40 |
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logique | nakata: it doesn't show any sda* mounts at all :( | 10:40 |
=== EvanCarroll [i=4cef3553@tx-65-40-206-110.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
EvanCarroll | how do i find what tty or ptty i am using ? | 10:40 |
nightswim | type | 10:40 |
nightswim | "tty" | 10:40 |
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nakata | well, does "fdisk /dev/sda" work | 10:41 |
EyelandS | can anyone tell me how to make it when i type getegg i get the eggdrop files from / (root) | 10:41 |
EvanCarroll | ah the aptly titled tty | 10:41 |
mats | i wonder why gcc isnt defult in ubuntu-install | 10:41 |
Bad_Magic | anyone have any idea why im getting fatal errors with ndiswrapper when i try to modprobe it? | 10:41 |
EvanCarroll | dear god | 10:41 |
poypoy | Should linux-wlan-ng be installed on the system as default? | 10:41 |
ReX_ | deFrysk, the vga mode works (chars now are very small), but not have graphical boot :( | 10:41 |
=== EyelandS slaps ReX_ | ||
trigg | Bad_Magic: are you modprobing with root privs? | 10:41 |
deFrysk | rex try vga=784 | 10:41 |
ReX_ | ok | 10:42 |
=== deFrysk does not give up | ||
logique | nakata: nope | 10:42 |
concept10 | mats: save space, everyone doesnt require build-tools | 10:42 |
EyelandS | hello? | 10:42 |
=== cvt [n=cvt@pcp0010834819pcs.hcksrd01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
snausages | how do i add rar file support in ubuntu? | 10:43 |
ReX_ | deFrysk, the end of your kernel line is "vga=XXX splash" or "splash vga=XXX" ? | 10:43 |
trigg | snausages: apt-get install unrar | 10:43 |
deFrysk | sudo apt-get install unrar-nonfree | 10:43 |
=== Ydirbut [n=Ydirbut@pcp01091083pcs.panamc01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
snausages | so which one, heh | 10:43 |
trigg | or that ;) | 10:43 |
vern401 | how do I know what driver version to get for my ralink wireless card? | 10:43 |
logique | nakata: I've done the "echo N > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/old_scheme_first" command, then I did a "dmesg | tail -20" | 10:43 |
nakata | well | 10:43 |
deFrysk | ReX_, I have no references to vga | 10:43 |
nakata | i have no idea then, logique. | 10:43 |
trigg | unrar-nonfree will work on the most recent rar files | 10:43 |
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nakata | seems to me that the device isn't properly supported? | 10:44 |
EyelandS | can anyone tell me when i type getegg i get eggdrop from the root file | 10:44 |
cvt | what plugin will play .dat and .tao movie files? | 10:44 |
nakata | perhaps you're missing a module, no idea | 10:44 |
logique | nakata: and it still gives me the "device descriptor read/64, error -71" errors :( | 10:44 |
pestilence | is it possible to run memtest from either the livecd or the install cd for hoary? | 10:44 |
pestilence | if so, how? | 10:44 |
trigg | pestilence: type memtest at the bootprompt | 10:44 |
=== rainmaker [n=user@c80-216-8-42.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
logique | nakata: hmm, could be, I'm using the liveCD, which is what I ideally want to do | 10:44 |
pestilence | trigg: i tried that, no dice... Could not find kernel image: memtest | 10:44 |
rainmaker | im having some problems adding the backport repos to my sources.list | 10:44 |
logique | boot up the liveCD and create ext3 storage drives | 10:44 |
deFrysk | ReX_, but i would but it right behind root=/dev/hdblabla | 10:45 |
trigg | pestilence: hold on one sec . . . | 10:45 |
rainmaker | apt-get spits out error messeges | 10:45 |
snausages | ok, when i have that installed, how do i unrar a file? "extract here" from the menu didnt work | 10:45 |
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trigg | pestilence: memtest86 | 10:45 |
pestilence | trigg: nope. | 10:45 |
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deFrysk | snausages, unrar x file (i think) | 10:46 |
trigg | pestilence: do you have grub installed | 10:46 |
trigg | ? | 10:46 |
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trigg | pestilence: try memtest86+.bin | 10:46 |
pestilence | trigg: i want to run it from a cd...i.e. livecd or install cd | 10:46 |
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mirak_ | when I download kernel source 2.6.12, how can I make the source evolve to 2.6.12-8 level ? so it's like the headers ? | 10:47 |
pestilence | trigg: nope. must not be on the livecd | 10:47 |
snausages | deFrysk thanks, that worked. | 10:47 |
rainmaker | can anyone help me adding backport repos? | 10:47 |
deFrysk | cool | 10:47 |
deFrysk | !backports | 10:47 |
ubotu | Add "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted" to /etc/apt/sources.list. More info @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports | 10:47 |
mirak_ | hhelp | 10:47 |
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rainmaker | well | 10:47 |
Bad_Magic | yay for having to hack together ndiswrapper as usual | 10:47 |
rainmaker | i know how to ad them | 10:47 |
Bad_Magic | got it working again | 10:47 |
Bad_Magic | =) | 10:47 |
rainmaker | but it isnt working | 10:47 |
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trigg | pestilence: hmm . . . did you try the install cd? | 10:48 |
snausages | so, i just found out that, apparently the terminal wants correct capitalization when you change dirs | 10:48 |
snausages | i didnt know that | 10:48 |
pestilence | trigg: yes | 10:48 |
Bad_Magic | lol | 10:48 |
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=== Gwaihir [n=Gwaihir@ppp-41-110.25-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deFrysk | rainmaker, paste your sources.list in some pastebin | 10:48 |
rainmaker | i'll pm you | 10:48 |
trigg | pestilence: maybe knoppix . . . | 10:48 |
deFrysk | rainmaker, NO! | 10:48 |
pestilence | trigg: if i have to burn another cd, i'll just burn memtest86 ;) | 10:48 |
deFrysk | no pmming | 10:48 |
=== EvanCarroll [i=4cef3553@tx-65-40-206-110.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
typo_ | i want an ubuntu appliance that doesn't require me ever touching hardware again | 10:49 |
trigg | pestilience: ;) that would make more sense . . . | 10:49 |
=== trigg slaps forehead DOH! | ||
rainmaker | deFrysk, what? no? | 10:50 |
LasseL | any of you that has a cron job configured to automatically run apt-get ? | 10:50 |
deFrysk | no privating | 10:50 |
=== Colloid [n=dave@CPE002078caf3a7-CM024350004110.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
rainmaker | well i cant post the entire configuration file in the mainchannel | 10:50 |
olal | I have tried to get dualhead working on my laptop (ATI Radeon 7500). Im using MergedFB has anyone had any luck with that? | 10:50 |
deFrysk | rainmaker, anyway your sources seem correct | 10:50 |
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rainmaker | but then, why isnt it working :( | 10:51 |
deFrysk | rainmaker, have synaptic open or something ? | 10:51 |
rainmaker | no i dont have synaptic open | 10:51 |
deFrysk | sudo apt-get update did not go ? | 10:51 |
rainmaker | nope | 10:51 |
trigg | pestilence: I am looking at the breezy install CD and it claims that you can do a memtest from the boot prompt | 10:51 |
rainmaker | thats when it tells me it cant go to the package url | 10:51 |
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rainmaker | well oh | 10:52 |
rainmaker | apt-get update did work | 10:52 |
rainmaker | :P | 10:52 |
rainmaker | thanks | 10:52 |
Gnonthgol | Seveas: where to gte the source code for /sbin/getty? | 10:52 |
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deFrysk | rainmaker, found it | 10:52 |
deFrysk | ist hoary-extrs , not hoary- extras | 10:53 |
rainmaker | brb | 10:53 |
deFrysk | hoary-extras | 10:53 |
Bad_Magic | anyone suggest any gui wlan setup utils? | 10:53 |
=== Decadent Goodnight everyone | ||
concept10 | !info networkmanager | 10:53 |
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Bad_Magic | !info | 10:54 |
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Bad_Magic | !info networkmanager | 10:54 |
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zen3 | Can someone please tell me, how to disable (prevent from starting) some service in /etc/rc2.d/ (default runlevel) through `update-rc` command? | 10:55 |
cvt | why can't i get permission to delete my files? | 10:55 |
trigg | zen3: install BUM and manage them in gnome! :) | 10:55 |
cvt | i'm trying to delete a file on my external hd but it says i don't have access. | 10:55 |
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concept10 | Bad_Magic: what do you need? | 10:56 |
cvt | and i can't even do it with gksudo nautilus | 10:56 |
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trigg | cvt: unmount, ensure that "users" is next "defaults" in fstab | 10:56 |
trigg | cvt: then mount the drive again | 10:56 |
EyelandS | eh | 10:56 |
cvt | k | 10:56 |
Seveas | Gnonthgol, apt-get source util-linux | 10:56 |
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Bad_Magic | looking for a gui setup for my wireless card | 10:57 |
concept10 | Bad_Magic: you cant use the default network settings tool? | 10:57 |
Bad_Magic | just curious if there are any other suggestinos | 10:57 |
Bad_Magic | is all | 10:57 |
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Bad_Magic | like to browse my options | 10:57 |
Bad_Magic | =P | 10:57 |
Gnonthgol | Seveas: thanks | 10:57 |
edocker | hi all | 10:58 |
=== talios [n=amrk@202-74-211-188.ue.woosh.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
concept10 | Bad_Magic: there is networkmanager, but it requires alot to get working and another tool, gimme a sec | 10:58 |
emile | netapplet? | 10:58 |
cvt | trigg, i don't see that option | 10:58 |
Bad_Magic | k | 10:58 |
Derkommissar | Is there a howto for ugrading to Breezy from hoary ? | 10:58 |
Bad_Magic | also im using ndiswrapper... so i know some utils dont work with it | 10:58 |
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GhostFreeman | What kernel should I use for a 600MHz Celeron | 10:58 |
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deFrysk | Derkommissar, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes | 10:58 |
Derkommissar | thanks | 10:59 |
trigg | cvt: it should look something like this: /dev/hd(whatever) /mnt/sharedrive reiserfs defaults,users 0 0 | 10:59 |
=== GregAsch1 [n=greg@CPE-24-163-214-72.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cvt | Could not delete | 10:59 |
emile | cvt is it ntfs? | 10:59 |
cvt | i have no clue | 10:59 |
deFrysk | xp formatted ? | 10:59 |
cvt | yes | 10:59 |
cvt | i had xp before this | 11:00 |
deFrysk | ntfs it is probably | 11:00 |
edocker | cvt: try cfdisk [device] it will tell you the true | 11:00 |
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trigg | cvt: if it is mounted then you can just go to a console and type less /etc/mtab | 11:00 |
emile | cvt: can you type a mount|grep ntfs on your command prompt | 11:00 |
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cvt | ??? | 11:00 |
cvt | i don't understand | 11:01 |
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cvt | cfdisk [device] ? | 11:01 |
cvt | type less /etc/mtab? | 11:01 |
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Bubblefly | How do I associate lastfm:// links with last-fm? | 11:01 |
caravena | Hello: missing ln -s gstreamer-register-0.8 gstreamer-register, testing breezy... BUG? | 11:01 |
emile | cvt: applications, system tools, terminal and you get a command prompt | 11:01 |
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cvt | emile, right | 11:02 |
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cvt | i'm there | 11:02 |
makkk | Hey everyone. I seem to have a discrepancy between the System Monitor's Available memory and what I know i physically have. Anyone know anything about this? | 11:02 |
yuacht | Derkommissar, default | 11:02 |
=== trigg thanks emile | ||
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popey | makkk: how much total memory do you have? | 11:02 |
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yuacht | Derkommissar, or maybe i686 | 11:02 |
emile | cvt: can you find out if your external drive is ntfs? | 11:02 |
moose | just a quick question, where is the server list for xchat? | 11:02 |
popey | moose: CTRL+S | 11:03 |
trigg | moose: X-Chat | Servers . . . | 11:03 |
cvt | emile, i know it is | 11:03 |
cvt | ntfs | 11:03 |
cvt | i remember that | 11:03 |
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trigg | cvt: you can't write ntfs in linux . . . well you can, just very buggy | 11:03 |
moose | I meant the actual server list, as in the file that contains all the server details | 11:03 |
makkk | popey, well, I know I have a 1 gig stick and a 256 stick, system monitor has 604 mb of 885 mb user memory, then some swap is being used as well | 11:03 |
cvt | so i can't delete files now? | 11:04 |
emile | cvt: there is no ntfs write support | 11:04 |
trigg | cvt: you can overwrite a file, but only with a file of the exact same size | 11:04 |
popey | makkk: you need to recompile your kernel to use more than 850-900MB | 11:04 |
popey | makkk: linux can't see above about 900 MB without it | 11:04 |
cvt | omfg | 11:04 |
holycow | you don't haveto recompile | 11:04 |
holycow | just use the right one | 11:04 |
popey | oh? | 11:04 |
popey | hehe | 11:04 |
makkk | popey, is there a howto for this in the forums that you know of? | 11:04 |
popey | ok, sorry, that's more true | 11:04 |
trigg | cvt: windows=closed src | 11:04 |
moose | nm, I found it | 11:04 |
popey | i have 1GB of RAM here, need to sort that | 11:04 |
trigg | cvt: you can, of course, copy what you need, then wipe the whole partition. | 11:05 |
makkk | holocow, were you talking to me? whats the right one? | 11:05 |
jsteidl | popey: i would like to have your problems ;) | 11:05 |
Seveas | popey, standard ubuntu kernels can easily see all ram... | 11:05 |
popey | really? | 11:05 |
popey | hmmm | 11:05 |
holycow | for amd use the amd ones for the x86 cpus the 686 kernels | 11:05 |
popey | Mem: 906660k total, | 11:06 |
holycow | the 386 ones dont seem more the 900 megs i think | 11:06 |
popey | ^^ is what "top" says | 11:06 |
cvt | trigg, do i have to set the drive to FAT? | 11:06 |
Seveas | popey, uname -r? | 11:06 |
popey | 2.6.10-5-386 | 11:06 |
makkk | holycow, i have a centrino, what should i do? | 11:06 |
bitkrom | this is cool a system nested within a system using dbootstrap? | 11:06 |
holycow | how much ram do you have again? | 11:06 |
makkk | i have 1.256 gigs | 11:06 |
Seveas | popey, grep 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo | 11:06 |
popey | AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2000+ | 11:06 |
Seveas | makkk, install linux-686 | 11:06 |
popey | knew you'd ask that :) | 11:06 |
holycow | try yeah 686 | 11:06 |
popey | me too? | 11:07 |
Seveas | popey, linux-k7 or linux-686 | 11:07 |
holycow | no | 11:07 |
holycow | you need th ek7 | 11:07 |
popey | excellent, thank you | 11:07 |
holycow | what the dude said | 11:07 |
makkk | holycow, can i do that from synaptic? | 11:07 |
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popey | I'm so glad I hang around in here :) | 11:07 |
holycow | makkk, yes | 11:07 |
Seveas | makkk, of course | 11:07 |
trigg | cvt: it will only work if the drive is actually formatted as fat | 11:07 |
Seveas | just search for the package name | 11:07 |
makkk | thanks guys, i 'll try | 11:07 |
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popey | thank you Seveas and holycow | 11:07 |
CookedGryphon | Hey, i'm trying to modprobe a module that's in the current folder, but when i say modprobe ./slamr.ko it comes up not found | 11:08 |
popey | will it actually be any faster to use the -k7 or -686 over the -386 kernel? | 11:08 |
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chavo | popey, I'm using the k7 kernel, but you can't tell the difference | 11:09 |
popey | ok | 11:09 |
holycow | no, just let you use more ram | 11:09 |
makkk | wait, what is k7 for? | 11:09 |
emile | and what about non intel/non amd processor kernels (mine is a via samuel 2) | 11:09 |
holycow | makkk, amd | 11:09 |
chavo | athlon | 11:09 |
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makkk | ahh ok | 11:09 |
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=== popey suspects his nvidia card module will break after this kernel upgrade | ||
cvt | trigg, so you're telling me i can't delete a file from my harddrive because it's nfts? | 11:10 |
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popey | cvt: that's right, you can't write to ntfs reliably under linux | 11:11 |
emile | cvt: that's right | 11:11 |
popey | deleting is writing | 11:11 |
Seveas | popey, it will not | 11:11 |
twids | Speaking of ntfs, wasnt there a project called captive ntfs that gave read and write support using wine? | 11:11 |
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Seveas | unless you compiled it yourself | 11:11 |
cvt | ntfs | 11:11 |
Seveas | which you should never do | 11:11 |
trigg | cvt: okay. you can't delete the file specifically, unless you boot into windows. | 11:11 |
popey | can't remember :) | 11:11 |
popey | really? why? | 11:11 |
popey | it was unreliable.. | 11:11 |
popey | so i switched back to the ubuntu packaged one iirc | 11:11 |
popey | so should be okay then.. | 11:11 |
cvt | trigg, oh you mean with a live win2k disk? | 11:12 |
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emile | where can you find out what kernel is optimized for a type of processor? | 11:12 |
trigg | cvt: yes | 11:12 |
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trigg | cvt: or you can copy any *needed* files, to a different partition, wipe your ntfs disk, reformat it as reiserfs or ext3 and then copy the *needed* files back | 11:13 |
trigg | cvt: unless of course you still dual boot win2k or xp | 11:13 |
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cvt | it's 250gB worth of files--i have no where to put them | 11:14 |
cvt | trigg, | 11:14 |
deFrysk | use vfat | 11:14 |
typo_ | external harddrive | 11:14 |
deFrysk | xp and linux can handle that | 11:14 |
typo_ | OCA|: my bios doesn't find the usb drive and can't boot from it.. | 11:14 |
Bad_Magic | anyone know anything about CUPS and dell printers? | 11:14 |
trigg | cvt: well . . . hmm. Does the disk contain the windows installation? | 11:14 |
steeve | i have a 19"monitor and a geforce4 agp card but I don't seem to be able to get a screen resolution greater than 1024 x768? | 11:15 |
popey | aren't dell printers rebadged other printers | 11:15 |
Bad_Magic | yea, thats what ive heard | 11:15 |
holycow | yes they are | 11:15 |
holycow | hp's infact | 11:15 |
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Bad_Magic | but i have had 0 luck getting mine to work | 11:15 |
popey | lexmark or something? | 11:15 |
cvt | trigg, i have win2k [burnt copy] and my own winxp cd. | 11:15 |
gabu | can any 1 say to me where can i find a server fron brazil? | 11:15 |
windex | popey, sometimes they are only built for dell. dell typically sources equipment from the cheapest vendor. | 11:15 |
__filip_ | someone in here that run alinux and ubuntu dual booting? | 11:15 |
deFrysk | lexmark is no go on linux is my experience | 11:15 |
trigg | cvt: do you have an empty partition to install xp to? | 11:15 |
popey | steeve: you can use gtf to generate the necessary config for your xorg.conf | 11:15 |
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windex | popey, but dell produces NOTHING. they only assemble and package things. | 11:15 |
popey | steeve: I did this and it worked well | 11:15 |
cvt | i don't know how i would access files from a live cd of windows. | 11:15 |
cvt | trigg, no | 11:15 |
popey | true | 11:16 |
Bad_Magic | Dell A920 = lexmark something or other | 11:16 |
Bad_Magic | that i know | 11:16 |
steeve | ok thanks popey i will explore that | 11:16 |
gabu | no 1? | 11:16 |
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Bad_Magic | the gnome printer setup utility even recognizes it as a dell a920 on usb #2 | 11:16 |
Bad_Magic | but i cant get it to work | 11:16 |
Bad_Magic | =\ | 11:16 |
popey | nice | 11:16 |
popey | oh :( | 11:16 |
trigg | cvt: if it is vitally important that you delete this file, then wipe ubuntu, install xp or 2k, delete your file, convert the file system to FAT32, then reinstall ubuntu and be done with windows | 11:16 |
test34 | any idea when breezy gonna be final ? | 11:16 |
windex | Bad_Magic, its because that's what the usb device ID says it is. | 11:17 |
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Bad_Magic | that doesnt help me any | 11:17 |
Bad_Magic | =P | 11:17 |
deFrysk | Bad_Magic, its like my wife , I recognize her but cant get it to work | 11:17 |
joj | Hi! I have kanotix (don't be mad on me) and I have downloaded ubuntu driver for Intel 536 EP . I have installed it before and it worked but now I have a problem. I installed driver just like in UbuntuWIKI tutorial exept I didn't install build-essential . I have used patched for kernel 2.6.10 ... Now when I try to connect with KPPP it sais 'Modem ready... Initializing...' and then nothing ... when I try to connect with 'wvdial' I get: "Sending: ATZ, Resend: | 11:17 |
Seveas | test34, october 13 | 11:17 |
Starrysky | Hi, i just very "very" recently installed ubuntu. Can anyone tell me how i should preform an app serch by keywords as i would in gentoo with the command emerge (for instance:$ emerge -s xmms); and if the listing in ubuntu carry along description of the programms contents. Thank you in advance. | 11:17 |
test34 | Seveas, thnaks | 11:17 |
holycow | apt-cache search appname | 11:17 |
windex | deFrysk, +1 | 11:17 |
Red_Bullet | are appear bsplayer for linux | 11:17 |
typo_ | windex: i've now successfully installed using knoppix, and will convert to ubuntu from there.. | 11:17 |
typo_ | so i guess it wasn't a hardware problem | 11:17 |
Bad_Magic | starrysky: if you are running gnome you can use the package manager in the system menu | 11:18 |
Bad_Magic | starrysky: otherwise i couldnt tell ya =x | 11:18 |
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windex | prolly not. but i don't have your hardware, and i always check hardware first. | 11:18 |
Starrysky | tks | 11:18 |
trigg | Starrysky: apt-cache search appname --holycow was the first to respond | 11:18 |
Starrysky | trigg thank you also, and i noticed the first reply :P | 11:18 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | FAQs & User Documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | Do NOT paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | Breezy preview is out: http://tinyurl.com/73wry | Channel logs: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ | General chatter: #ubuntu-offtopic | Found a bug? report it: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ | ||
cvt | trigg, k thx | 11:19 |
trigg | cvt: no problem. hope it all works out. | 11:19 |
joj | anyone to help me? | 11:19 |
Red_Bullet | tell me other player than xine mplayer kaffeline | 11:19 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | Documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | Use paste.ubuntulinux.nl for pasting | Breezy preview is out (final release Oct. 13): http://tinyurl.com/73wry | Channel logs: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ | General chatter: #ubuntu-offtopic | Found a bug? report it: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ | ||
OCA| | typo_: So for you, Grub doesn't show up at all? | 11:20 |
Bad_Magic | are there any graphical instant messengers? (ie i want to ssh in and use my aol imer account) | 11:20 |
Bad_Magic | er text based | 11:20 |
Bad_Magic | not graphical | 11:20 |
Bad_Magic | drrrr | 11:20 |
=== Jonte-- [n=jonas@h82n1fls32o990.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | bitlbee | 11:20 |
trigg | cvt: ps - there is a ntfs write patch, that you could allow you to write jibberish over a file and effectively delete it - it would just be a file of the same size with nonsense. Try googling "ntfs write support linux" | 11:20 |
mcphail | Starrysky: you can also apt-get install first_few_letters_then_double_tab (but I think you might have to enable bash programmable completion first) | 11:20 |
cvt | trigg, do you know why ubuntu says i have ~800mB of ram when i really have 1gB + 256mB of ram? | 11:20 |
__filip_ | someone run alinux in here? | 11:20 |
typo_ | OCA|: my bios doesn't detect the harddrive, so i don't get near grub | 11:20 |
popey | Bad_Magic: yes there's another one as well as bitlbee, can't remember it's name.. | 11:20 |
joj | DAMN! nobody to help me ????!? | 11:21 |
cvt | trigg, k | 11:21 |
Seveas | cvt, use a -686 or -k7 kernel | 11:21 |
OCA| | typo_: Crap =( | 11:21 |
popey | joj, just ask your question | 11:21 |
trigg | cvt: There is a bug in the most recent kernel version that will only allow you to see the first 800mb of ram from a single dimm | 11:21 |
Jonte-- | Does anyone know how I change the default window manager? (I want to use fluxbox instead of gnome) | 11:21 |
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Bad_Magic | bitlbee is an ircd | 11:21 |
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Bad_Magic | it looks like | 11:21 |
popey | joj: sorry, missed it | 11:21 |
popey | Bad_Magic: it is | 11:21 |
joj | popey: I have kanotix (don't be mad on me) and I have downloaded ubuntu driver for Intel 536 EP . I have installed it before and it worked but now I have a problem. I installed driver just like in UbuntuWIKI tutorial exept I didn't install build-essential . I have used patched for kernel 2.6.10 ... Now when I try to connect with KPPP it sais 'Modem ready... Initializing...' and then nothing ... when I try to connect with 'wvdial' I get: "Sending: ATZ, Resen | 11:21 |
trigg | cvt: I think I read about it on the gentoo forums a while back | 11:21 |
popey | Bad_Magic: very handy for using irc from work | 11:21 |
Bad_Magic | oh | 11:21 |
Bad_Magic | no | 11:21 |
bitkrom | can someone tell me how o fix this error? (firefox-bin:31989): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library. | 11:21 |
Bad_Magic | i just ssh into my laptop | 11:21 |
makkk | holycow, i'm am now happy with all of my RAM being recognized. thank you | 11:21 |
Bad_Magic | im saying aim | 11:21 |
Seveas | Bad_Magic, it's a gateway to other protocols | 11:21 |
bitkrom | Using the fallback 'C' locale. | 11:21 |
Bad_Magic | i cant even install aim | 11:22 |
cvt | trigg, so the bug fix would possibly fix that? | 11:22 |
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bluefoxicy | I just plugged a USB-serial RS232 adapter in | 11:22 |
Bad_Magic | on my school comp | 11:22 |
bluefoxicy | anyone know how to find it? | 11:22 |
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popey | Bad_Magic: bitlbee will work fine | 11:22 |
Seveas | bitkrom, install language-support-YOUR_LANGUAGE and do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales | 11:22 |
bluefoxicy | Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0764:0005 Cyber Power System, Inc. | 11:22 |
makkk | random question, are these conversations being logged? I think one could find a whole lot of answers if one could search these | 11:22 |
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trigg | cvt: I would think so, best to google it, I am not a kernel dev by any means | 11:22 |
cevizoglu | you can't install **aim**??? | 11:22 |
bluefoxicy | [4308428.833000] hiddev97: USB HID v1.10 Device [Cyber Power System CPS RS232 USB BRIDGE for UPS] on usb-0000:00:10.1-2 | 11:22 |
Seveas | makkk, /topic | 11:22 |
cvt | k | 11:22 |
Bad_Magic | aol instant messenger | 11:22 |
Bad_Magic | yes | 11:22 |
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popey | Bad_Magic: use gaim? | 11:22 |
cevizoglu | on what platform? | 11:22 |
Bad_Magic | i am | 11:22 |
joj | NOBODY?! | 11:22 |
Bad_Magic | im saying i want to SSH in remotely | 11:22 |
Seveas | joj, screaming does not help... | 11:23 |
Bad_Magic | and use it AIM ala irssi/bitchx/ircii | 11:23 |
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popey | i use https --> cgiirc --> bitlbee --> msn/yahoo/jabber/gmail/aol | 11:23 |
joj | Seveas: nothing helps ! | 11:23 |
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joj | damned | 11:23 |
Seveas | joj, then ask on the mailing list | 11:23 |
joj | nobody ever helped me here | 11:23 |
popey | joj: or in #kubuntu | 11:23 |
=== fanskapet [n=fanskape@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shawnz | My box is randomly lagging with loadavs at about 12, and no programs are starting | 11:24 |
bitkrom | Seveas: how come it wants to install open office stuff? | 11:24 |
fanskapet | Hmm one should get more than around 300 fps in fgl_glxgears if hardware OGL was supported correctly.. aight? | 11:24 |
shawnz | my friend said it was a socket problem so I rebooted, and now gdm doesn't want to get past loading | 11:24 |
Seveas | bitkrom, what does? | 11:24 |
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bitkrom | Seveas: language-support-en | 11:24 |
thomerz_ | can someone advise me a dvb-t tv-card for ubuntu? | 11:25 |
Seveas | yes | 11:25 |
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bitkrom | Seveas: why do i have to have language support? | 11:25 |
bitkrom | or locales | 11:25 |
h17m4n | I get 415 fps with a few tasks open | 11:25 |
Seveas | that includes the firefox language support | 11:25 |
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bluefoxicy | hmm, no driver. | 11:25 |
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popey | thomerz_: I hear good things about http://www.specialtech.co.uk/spshop/customer/product.php?productid=1253&cat=133&page=1 | 11:25 |
mcphail | fanskapet: not on my laptop... | 11:26 |
popey | "TwinhanDTV Alpha" | 11:26 |
shawnz | ? | 11:26 |
h17m4n | I get 415 on my laptop...... | 11:26 |
bluefoxicy | egad. | 11:26 |
bitkrom | Seveas: im still getting the error. Not support by C library | 11:26 |
bluefoxicy | geek squad UPS is a repacked cyberpower shite. | 11:27 |
=== metzen [n=metzen@cpe-66-24-90-112.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
emile | i have some files on desktop which i can't see on the desktop, however ls/nautilus does show them.. any idea on how to make them visible? | 11:27 |
bitkrom | do i need locales? | 11:27 |
marcin_ant | hi all! - I would like to buy card reader (multiple formats - for 3,5" bay) and as I use Ubuntu exclusively on my desktop then of course I need to buy something that is fully supported - any recomendations? | 11:27 |
fanskapet | mcphail: okey so it should be active then? | 11:27 |
bitkrom | Locale not supported by C library. | 11:27 |
bitkrom | Using the fallback 'C' locale. | 11:27 |
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fanskapet | mcphail: from the benchmarks i've seen they've got around 1000 fps | 11:27 |
fanskapet | that's why i wondered if it was really active | 11:28 |
trigg | emile: your Desktop directory should be /home/emile/Desktop, not /home/emile/nautilus | 11:28 |
thomerz_ | popey, never heard about twinhan before, i'm afraid i cant get this in austria, whats about happauge's products? | 11:28 |
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mcphail | fanskapet: I suspect so. fgl-glxgears should run _very_ badly without it | 11:28 |
popey | i don't know | 11:28 |
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emile | trigg: my desktop is in ~/Desktop but files in there don't appear on screen (but i can see them while browsing/ls) | 11:29 |
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Bad_Magic | gotta love laptop drivers | 11:30 |
Seveas | emile, click the shiw desktop thing in the bottom left and hit <ctrl>r | 11:30 |
joj | damn | 11:30 |
joj | damn | 11:30 |
zen82 | Can some please tell me how to disable starting of some script (service) in some (default) runlevel using "update-rc" program? | 11:30 |
joj | damn | 11:30 |
snorks | emile: hit ctrl+h | 11:30 |
joj | damn | 11:30 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %joj!*@*] by Seveas | ||
Bad_Magic | 2000 fps in glxgears -> fans wind-up and boom 5500 fps | 11:30 |
Bad_Magic | =P | 11:30 |
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popey | heh | 11:30 |
fanskapet | mcphail: have you tried a much more intensive ogl app like eg. doom or some other ogl game? | 11:30 |
popey | what laptop Bad_Magic ? | 11:30 |
snorks | emile: fixed your problem? | 11:30 |
trigg | emile: hit CTRL+R on your desktop | 11:31 |
emile | ctrl-r not working | 11:31 |
shawnz | <shawnz> My box is randomly lagging with loadavs at about 12, and no programs are starting | 11:31 |
Bad_Magic | inspiron 9100 | 11:31 |
fanskapet | i cannot try that since im on a amd64 system :) | 11:31 |
popey | Bad_Magic: I have just ordered a Dell XPS Gen 2 P-M 2.1GHz / 2GB Ram :D | 11:31 |
emile | now trying h ;-) | 11:31 |
rob_p | zen82: update-rc.d -f the_script remove" | 11:31 |
bitkrom | what version is blender in breezy? | 11:31 |
shawnz | <shawnz> my friend said it was a socket problem so I rebooted, and now gdm doesn't want to get past loading | 11:31 |
shawnz | :( | 11:31 |
popey | Bad_Magic: I cannot *wait* to get it :D | 11:31 |
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mcphail | fanskapet: not under linux | 11:31 |
saubz | i have a problem with my install. i get the error message: one or more packages failed to install. this may be due to bugs in the packages, or you may be out of disk space or experiencing some other problem. | 11:31 |
Bad_Magic | except the ndiswrapper bullshit and my printer not working | 11:31 |
emile | ctrl-h not working either | 11:31 |
Bad_Magic | everything works great on mine | 11:31 |
Bad_Magic | gig of ram p4 2.8 | 11:31 |
Bad_Magic | and radeon 9600 mobility | 11:31 |
=== Bad_Magic grumbles about the radeon | ||
popey | Bad_Magic: I hear the newer kernels have the ndiswrapper stuff built in | 11:31 |
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popey | 2.6.13 or maybe even a late 2.6.12.. | 11:32 |
Bad_Magic | yea | 11:32 |
Bad_Magic | it works fine finally | 11:32 |
=== drunken-wallaby [n=drunken-@C-450.ahl.uni-linz.ac.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bad_Magic | but you still cant do alot of shit with it | 11:32 |
rox__ | i cant install this .bin file, none of my commands are working, please help | 11:32 |
Bad_Magic | sniffing et/al | 11:32 |
rox__ | god i cant believe this lol | 11:32 |
Seveas | rox__, which bin file? | 11:32 |
Bad_Magic | due to broadcom being piles of shit | 11:32 |
zen82 | rob_p, from which runlevel will that comman remove specified script? As much as I understood from man pages that command will actualy erase script from /etc/init.d and not only link from some specific runlevel. | 11:32 |
rox__ | its jbx_linux.bin | 11:32 |
mcphail | fanskapet: i just use it for the walking ant screensaver :) | 11:32 |
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saubz | any solutions for my error? | 11:32 |
rox__ | its a java writing program | 11:33 |
Seveas | rox__, chmod +x jbx_linux.bin | 11:33 |
emile | snorks, Seveas any other recommendations? i also tried killall gnome-panel | 11:33 |
Seveas | ./jbx_linux.bin | 11:33 |
zen82 | from which runlevel will that comman remove specified script? As much as I understood from man pages that command will actualy erase script from /etc/init.d and not only link from some specific runlevel. | 11:33 |
drunken-wallaby | hi everyone... | 11:33 |
snorks | emile: im out of ideas:( | 11:33 |
rox__ | its called something else but i tried it anyway | 11:33 |
rob_p | zen82: all of them | 11:33 |
rox__ | lol and it didnt work | 11:33 |
deFrysk | bedtime | 11:33 |
shawnz | emile, ftr, the desktop icons are the responsibility of a nautilus process and not gnome-panel. | 11:33 |
nakata | Bad_Magic, mang on. | 11:33 |
nakata | bang* | 11:34 |
rox__ | Name : your name here | 11:34 |
rox__ | Programming experience : none or number of years | 11:34 |
rox__ | Computer science major : yes/no | 11:34 |
trigg | emile: check your your gconf settings and see if nautilus is drawing your desktop | 11:34 |
rox__ | whoops sorry guys didnt mean to paste | 11:34 |
rob_p | zen82: It won't erase the script from /etc/init.d, just from the run levels. | 11:34 |
deFrysk | rox__, try using sh instead of ./ | 11:34 |
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shawnz | :/ | 11:35 |
koploper | Hi, i can't get my usb stich to work. What can i do? | 11:35 |
shawnz | fs, its still loading | 11:35 |
emile | shawnz: i did a killall -HUP nautilus and that fixed the problem | 11:35 |
emile | thnx | 11:35 |
drunken-wallaby | i just ran into a problem when upgrading a friends computer to the breezy preview version. the internet-connection stopped and i can't get it to work via "dhclient". anybody that may have a hint for me? | 11:35 |
popey | drunken-wallaby: yes, don't mess with friends pcs :D | 11:35 |
=== rox__ KISSES deFrysk! | ||
trigg | koploper: what kind of usb stick is it? | 11:35 |
Bad_Magic | dont use it til its stable? =P | 11:35 |
emile | trigg: problem fixed by killal -HUP nautilus | 11:36 |
deFrysk | rox__, cute but no kissing please | 11:36 |
trigg | emile: rgr, glad that fixed it. ;) | 11:36 |
nakata | hmm | 11:36 |
zen82 | rob_p, thanks, only two more questions: how would enable that scrip in some runlevel and disable starting in other runleves? and is that usuall way "update-rc.d -f the_script remove" for disabling services? | 11:36 |
rox__ | it was figurative, its okay | 11:36 |
deFrysk | ;p | 11:36 |
deFrysk | off to bed | 11:36 |
popey | nn | 11:36 |
drunken-wallaby | popey: yeah, should have known this... :) | 11:36 |
rox__ | ni ni | 11:36 |
koploper | trigg: an Apacher - Handy steno HT203 | 11:36 |
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popey | it's a general rule I have :) | 11:36 |
popey | (unless they pay me)_ | 11:36 |
shawnz | :/ | 11:37 |
shawnz | anyone? | 11:37 |
drunken-wallaby | by the way, when i do a "route -n", the result is empty, just the headers.... | 11:37 |
mcphail | zen82: ubuntu/debian doesn't bother much with runlevels. Might be a waste of time. | 11:37 |
drunken-wallaby | ifconfig -a shows, that the card itself is configures correctly | 11:37 |
trigg | koploper: usb1 or 2 | 11:37 |
rob_p | zen82: "update-rc.d the_script start 80 2 3 . stop 20 0 1 2 6 ." will put it in run levels 2 and 3 with a starting priority of 80. | 11:38 |
bur[n] er | anyone know where to find a deb of bmp-docklet? (i'm having some issues compiling from source :\ | 11:38 |
trigg | koploper: if it is 2, see if you have any usb 1 items plugged in on the same bus | 11:38 |
koploper | trigg: 2 | 11:38 |
zen82 | mcphail, what exactl do you mean? Am I suposed to pay attention to some other location or startinf and stoping services? | 11:38 |
trigg | koploper: if so, remove them and replug in your usb stick | 11:38 |
rob_p | zen82: the rest should be fairly self explanitory... | 11:38 |
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trigg | koploper: if that doesn't work -- try putting it in slowly - i know it sounds silly but my Sony filevault only works if I put it in slowly (something about the key making good contact with the usb port) | 11:40 |
mcphail | zen82: most of the runlevels do the same thing in ubuntu. Don't bother trying to fine tune too much. | 11:40 |
=== Milk_ [n=amshake@12-221-214-138.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
koploper | trigg: i have an aerocool coolpanel with memcard slots on usb, they don't work to. How do i look for devices on a bus? btw, the usb stick did work for 2 weeks. | 11:41 |
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bitkrom | is breezy after hoary? | 11:41 |
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popey | bitkrom: yes | 11:41 |
poypoy | how to unmount? anyone? | 11:41 |
Milk_ | I think I may have inadvertantly updated to the current kernel in debian unsable.. is there a way to go backwards? | 11:41 |
LasseL | sudo umount | 11:41 |
=== mejobloggs [n=chatzill@ip-203-89-172-25.watchdog.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poypoy | thanks | 11:41 |
trigg | koploper: open a console and type lspci, should show your pci bus | 11:41 |
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mejobloggs | where can i find an original sources.list ? | 11:41 |
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trigg | koploper: you might try restarting hald -- sudo /etc/init.d/hald restart | 11:42 |
popey | mejobloggs: on an ubuntu live cd? | 11:42 |
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zen82 | rob_p, I tried to disable /etc/rc2.d/S12alsa with the folowing: `update-rc.d alsa start 12 0 1 3 4 5 6 . stop 12 2` but it didn't work. | 11:42 |
mejobloggs | popey: thanks | 11:42 |
popey | just a guess | 11:42 |
shawnz | anyone? :/ | 11:42 |
mejobloggs | does ubuntu have anything to repair a damaged exe? | 11:43 |
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koploper | trigg: sudo: /etc/init.d/hald: command not found | 11:44 |
shawnz | exe? o.o | 11:44 |
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rob_p | zen82: No. If you wan to DISABLE it, use, "update-rc.d -f alsa remove". | 11:44 |
mejobloggs | i downloaded a 1.5gb file, only to find its damaged, so i want something that can fix it | 11:44 |
Milk_ | what kernel does horay 5.01 use standard? | 11:44 |
popey | mejobloggs: haha, how could that work? if you've got bits missing or corrupt how will it know what to do? | 11:44 |
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shawnz | you do have wine or cedega right mejobloggs. :/ | 11:44 |
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mejobloggs | no | 11:45 |
trigg | koploper:"sudo /etc/init.d/hald restart", if that didn't work, see if it is even there. . . | 11:45 |
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nck | ewe | 11:45 |
zen82 | rob_p, thanks a lot. I'll try that later. | 11:45 |
shawnz | mejobloggs: then how do you expect to run an exe in linux. | 11:45 |
trigg | koploper, if not then sudo apt-get install hald | 11:45 |
nck | Seveas is motherfucker | 11:45 |
mejobloggs | shawnz: by running it on windows | 11:45 |
nck | i'll crash this channel | 11:45 |
rob_p | zen82: the "S12" on the beginning is the starting priority of the script. That is only present in the symbolic link within the run level. The actual script in /etc/init.d is, "alsa." | 11:45 |
popey | mejobloggs: run "file <filename>" to see what it is | 11:45 |
shawnz | ah, had me worred for a second :p | 11:45 |
Milk_ | is there a way to undo install of a linux-kernel update? | 11:45 |
nck | fdf | 11:45 |
nck | df | 11:45 |
nck | df | 11:45 |
nck | df | 11:45 |
nck | df | 11:45 |
nck | d | 11:45 |
nck | fd | 11:46 |
shawnz | sigh | 11:46 |
nck | f | 11:46 |
nck | dfd | 11:46 |
shawnz | OH NO THE CHANNEL CRASHED | 11:46 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %nck!*@*] by Seveas | ||
rob_p | zenrox: oops! too late! :-) | 11:46 |
popey | tiresome | 11:46 |
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koploper | trigg: there is a halt but no hald | 11:46 |
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Vexir | If I have two AIM accounts on GAIM, how do I choose which one to send a message with/use as default ? | 11:46 |
Bad_Magic | anyone have any suggestions for a nix friendly pcmcia wireless card (a/b/g pref) ? | 11:46 |
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trigg | koploper, can you install it? | 11:47 |
vern401 | how do I find out my kernel series | 11:47 |
popey | Bad_Magic: the wireless-tools package has a list iirc | 11:47 |
fuk | b | 11:47 |
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popey | vern401: uname -r | 11:47 |
fuk | hey fuckerz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 11:47 |
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Bad_Magic | popey: thanks ill check it out | 11:47 |
koploper | trigg: what, hald? maybe but what's for? | 11:47 |
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Vexir | Bad_Magic: DLINK Dwl-G520 | 11:47 |
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Vexir | If I have two AIM accounts on GAIM, how do I choose which one to send a message with/use as default ? | 11:47 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@*.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] by Seveas | ||
Seveas | *sigh* | 11:48 |
poypoy | I have a DLINK Dwl-G520 | 11:48 |
mats | in the ban-mode, Seveas? ;) | 11:48 |
popey | Seveas: is it a full moon or something? | 11:48 |
mcphail | Seveas: busy night... | 11:48 |
mats | ss | 11:48 |
mats | e | 11:48 |
poypoy | Wouldn't exactly call it linux friendly, still tryingto find linux-wlan-ng :| | 11:48 |
mats | ups.. sorry.. | 11:48 |
enyc | Save: what have you changed r.e. relevant aread of verizon.net reverse-dls ?? +b ?? whats going on? | 11:48 |
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mats | new keyboard.. | 11:48 |
trigg | koploper: hald = Hardware Abstraction Layer Daemon, it's what auto-recognizes ubs keys, etc, for gnome ... and nevermind the /etc/init.d/hald - it won't be there. type "which hald" | 11:48 |
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shawnz | sigh | 11:49 |
Milk_ | what kernel does horay use as standard? | 11:49 |
shawnz | apparently no one knows then | 11:49 |
trigg | koploper: usb not ubs ;) | 11:49 |
enyc | milk_ 2.6.10 | 11:49 |
Jackassbikeco | hey does anyone know how I can install 5.04 on a legacy machine | 11:49 |
vern401 | how do I find out my kernel series | 11:49 |
Jackassbikeco | that wont boot from cd | 11:49 |
Seveas | enyc, the ban will be removed shortly | 11:49 |
h17m4n | Question: Is there a generic way to make the volume keys on a notebook work? and the email, internet and find ones??? | 11:49 |
Vexir | If I have two AIM accounts on GAIM, how do I choose which one to send a message with/use as default ? | 11:49 |
nakata | h17m4n, not as such | 11:49 |
enyc | jack: What do you mean 'legacy machine' ? | 11:49 |
nakata | my laptop uses interrupts, for example | 11:49 |
popey | Jackassbikeco: take the hdd and install on another machine that *does* do cd-booting ? | 11:49 |
shawnz | Jackassbikeco: look for bart's cdrom boot floppy | 11:49 |
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Jackassbikeco | old, like 200 mhz | 11:50 |
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Milk_ | enyc, do you know, is there a way to go back a kernel if I installed an update? | 11:50 |
popey | erk | 11:50 |
HiddenWolf | is there a command to see how big the apt cache is? | 11:50 |
Vexir | Is there a GAIM irc channel | 11:50 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-f] by Seveas | ||
Seveas | Vexir, #gaim | 11:50 |
h17m4n | hmmm | 11:50 |
popey | Vexir: #gaim | 11:50 |
koploper | trigg: $ which hald -> /usr/sbin/hald | 11:50 |
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vern401 | how do I find out my kernel series | 11:50 |
mcphail | h17m4n: System -> Preferences -> keyboard shortcuts | 11:50 |
popey | vern401: uname -r | 11:50 |
enyc | jack: if you have a SBM boot disk, tha t will allow boot from ATAPI cdrom -- it wont help you wiht mitsumi/sony/panasonic proprietary cd, and won't help you with boot scsi cd, and wont help you wiht boot IDE non-atapi (e.g. old NEC) cd | 11:50 |
Seveas | HiddenFly, du -s /var/cache/apt/archives | 11:50 |
Seveas | HiddenWolf* | 11:50 |
enyc | milk_ errrr.. depends ;p | 11:50 |
HiddenWolf | Seveas, learn to autotap. :P | 11:51 |
karimw786 | Hi guys, just received my Ubuntu CDs by mail. Quick Question: what's the minimum hard disk partition size on which ubuntu will run "comfortably"? | 11:51 |
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Seveas | damn, everbody hides these days :) | 11:51 |
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enyc | milk_ usually the "kernel-image-2.6.10-386" or whatever package has been upgraded | 11:51 |
Seveas | karimw786, what were you planning to give it? | 11:51 |
shawnz | karimw786: server or normal? | 11:51 |
Milk_ | enyc, can I undo that and move back? | 11:51 |
Seveas | and how much memory do you have? | 11:51 |
Jackassbikeco | ok i will try some of those | 11:51 |
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HiddenWolf | Seveas, that is in bytes I presume? | 11:51 |
vern401 | how do I find out my kernel series | 11:51 |
enyc | milk: of course you could find the old version, somewherem adn install that package manually, but updates will keep trying to update that | 11:51 |
karimw786 | about 3 gigs? is that enough for 5.04? | 11:51 |
shawnz | vern401: you've been told | 11:51 |
Jackassbikeco | i dont want to put it in this computer, and the other is my only comp so i will look for the boot floppy | 11:51 |
Seveas | HiddenWolf, man du :) | 11:51 |
enyc | vern: "uname -a" will show what kernel you are running | 11:51 |
popey | karimw786: yeah | 11:51 |
h17m4n | thx... but not those types of shortcuts.... | 11:51 |
enyc | kari: should do.. depends how much stuff you install | 11:51 |
Seveas | karimw786, yes | 11:51 |
trigg | koploper: I think I am barking up the wrong tree here ... did you upgrade to a different kernel or anything recently? | 11:51 |
Seveas | but make sure you have enough swap too | 11:52 |
karimw786 | memory: 256 MB | 11:52 |
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bur[n] er | Seveas: how would you feel about packaging bmp-docklet? the source is not cooperating with me ;) | 11:52 |
Milk_ | enyc, I ended up with the deb unstable kernel image.. and I want to get rid of it | 11:52 |
vern401 | thank you | 11:52 |
h17m4n | I want to find a way to make the key work for its designed function | 11:52 |
enyc | milk_: well... what package name did you isntall as such? | 11:52 |
Milk_ | I'm trying to remember | 11:52 |
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mindframe | does ubuntu have a package for fluxbox? | 11:52 |
mcphail | h17m4n: i use this to set volume etc. Just scroll down the list and there shouldbe the appropriate options | 11:52 |
Seveas | bur[n] er, afair I have such a package | 11:52 |
Milk_ | enyc, linux-header maybe? | 11:52 |
karimw786 | ok so 3 gig is enough, but how about 2? | 11:52 |
Seveas | mindframe, yes | 11:52 |
shawnz | mindframe: i *think* | 11:52 |
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LasseL | karimw786, see if you can get a memory upgrade | 11:52 |
shawnz | it might be in backports or something | 11:53 |
enyc | milk_: err try doing "dpkg --get-selections | grep kernel-image" | 11:53 |
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mindframe | Seveas, where should i get it? it doesnt show up in the synaptic package manager | 11:53 |
Seveas | mindframe, enable universe | 11:53 |
bur[n] er | Seveas: i looked at your site seveas.ubuntulinux.nl but found nothing | 11:53 |
koploper | trigg: recognizing is not the issue i think, because when i do lsusb the stick is there. Yes i installed a k7 kernel lately, but havn't had problems since | 11:53 |
Milk_ | enyc, thats returning nothing | 11:53 |
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enyc | milk_ hrrm.. how odd | 11:53 |
Milk_ | enyc, yes, any ideas? | 11:54 |
mcphail | h17m4n: click on "volume up" then press the volume up key etc | 11:54 |
trigg | koploper: under gnome-panel: System | Administration | Device Manager, can you see your key? | 11:54 |
shawnz | Seveas, can you help me? | 11:54 |
shawnz | :( | 11:54 |
Milk_ | brb.. gotta drag something out to the truck for my wife | 11:54 |
enyc | milk: milk_ did you change /etc/apt/sources.list to change kernel ??? | 11:54 |
mindframe | Seveas, thanks. also - since ubuntu is based on debian can i use normal apt commands such as apt-get and apt-cache? | 11:54 |
shawnz | mindframe: yes | 11:54 |
karimw786 | is a 2 gig partition enough for a normal install of Ubuntu 5.04? | 11:54 |
Seveas | mindframe, yup | 11:54 |
enyc | mind: yes | 11:54 |
mindframe | very cool | 11:54 |
bur[n] er | karimw786: barely | 11:54 |
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karimw786 | hmm... ok thanks | 11:55 |
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=== ironuckles [n=ironuckl@rquinlivan-2.st.bradley.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ironuckles | hello | 11:55 |
shawnz | :/ | 11:55 |
shawnz | stupid X | 11:55 |
Milk_ | enyc, yes, I had added the deb unstable | 11:56 |
ChaosWolf | Hello everybody | 11:56 |
=== jorgp2 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial-66.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vexir | How do I update GAIM? There doesnt seem to be a file for Ubuntu on gaim.sourceforge.net | 11:56 |
ChaosWolf | i'm a newbie user | 11:56 |
enyc | Milk_: well, thats probably a bad idea in an ubuntu system ;-) | 11:56 |
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koploper | trigg: no but i can under USB-devices in kinfocenter | 11:56 |
LinuxJones | How's the Breezy preview looking at the moment, relatively stable ? | 11:56 |
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Seveas | LinuxJones, yes | 11:56 |
enyc | milk_: comment out those liens from sources.list | 11:56 |
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Milk_ | enyc, I did | 11:56 |
LasseL | Vexir, use synaptic | 11:56 |
cusco | hi ya fellows my friend ChaosWolf here.. has some problems with his sound card! he says that xmms plays everything but there no sound output | 11:56 |
karimw786 | ANOTHER N00B question: will the Ubuntu 5.04 install CD give me the option of resizing my existing Win XP partition so that I may dual boot? | 11:56 |
Milk_ | enyc, but now I need to revert | 11:56 |
LinuxJones | Seveas, ok great I'm gonna upgrade :) | 11:56 |
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ironuckles | I have a question about X and using an external monitor on my laptop running Ubuntu 5.0.4. | 11:56 |
ChaosWolf | and i already have installed ubuntu, working on wireless.. | 11:56 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bb %GNU-GPL!*@* %garnett!*@*] by Seveas | ||
ChaosWolf | but i have no sound!!!!! | 11:57 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*marmelat@81.213.193.*] by Seveas | ||
nakata | karimw786, yes, only destructively. | 11:57 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bb %nck!*@* %joj!*@*] by Seveas | ||
trigg | koploper: weird. can you see it under /media ? | 11:57 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbb %Valentina_16age!*@* %*!*@ %*!*@] by Seveas | ||
nakata | thing is, an XP partition could be either Fat32 or NTFS | 11:57 |
ChaosWolf | i have already tryied the unnoficial tutorial .. but the sound is still not working! | 11:57 |
Vexir | LasseL: synaptic... okay.. how? | 11:57 |
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ChaosWolf | Can anyone help me? | 11:57 |
karimw786 | not sure what is meant by destructively. My partition is NTFS. | 11:57 |
shawnz | Vexir: look under the System menu | 11:57 |
GNU-GPL | . | 11:57 |
number2178 | how do i upgrade from hoary to Breezy ? this is going to be first Ubuntu upgrade in my life. if something fails is it possible to downgrade ? thansk | 11:57 |
Seveas | , | 11:57 |
nakata | karimw786, only windows can read/write/modify NTFS | 11:57 |
enyc | milk_: doenst look like youve installed a debian kernel package... | 11:57 |
Vexir | shawnz: I know where it is, i dont know how to use it well | 11:58 |
Bad_Magic | anyone happen to know how to change the channel that is changed in gnome with the shortcut keys (short of editing and recompiling it by hand?) | 11:58 |
seth_k | number2178, I wouldn't until Breezy final | 11:58 |
nakata | karimw786, destructively means it CAN resize it, but it will effectively destroy all the data in it. | 11:58 |
enyc | milk_: do "dpkg --get-selections | grep linux-image" | 11:58 |
shawnz | Vexir, just open it, hit search | 11:58 |
shawnz | type gaim | 11:58 |
shawnz | actually. | 11:58 |
nakata | maybe partition magic can though | 11:58 |
Bad_Magic | uh, qparted did a great job when i had to do it | 11:58 |
ironuckles | Can anyone give me some tips to getting an extended desktop working under X? | 11:58 |
nakata | uh, or qparted. | 11:58 |
Bad_Magic | altho i had to burn a live-cd to use it | 11:58 |
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number2178 | i need subversion 1.2.3 . is there any way to resolve the dependencies between libs without Breezy ? | 11:58 |
koploper | trigg: nope, i can't mount it there too | 11:59 |
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bur[n] er | !tell Vexir about synaptic | 11:59 |
Bad_Magic | which seems silly that you cant resize it w/o that | 11:59 |
Bad_Magic | =P | 11:59 |
number2178 | let's say i need any SVN 1.2.x | 11:59 |
shawnz | can ANYONE help me fix X. | 11:59 |
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tritium | shawnz, what happened? | 11:59 |
cusco | hi ya fellows my friend ChaosWolf here.. has some problems with his sound card! he says that xmms plays everything, like the vizualization mooves.. and he can play movies... but there no sound output | 11:59 |
karimw786 | ok ok, so does anyone have a link to a fool proof, step by step guide to dual booting an existing XP partition and Ubuntu 5.04 | 11:59 |
nakata | yeah, i think it should be on the installer. | 11:59 |
Milk_ | enyc, its showing some 2.6 packages | 11:59 |
=== Blissex [n=Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Vexir | shawnz: Synaptic says the latest version of GAIM is 1.1.4 which isn't true... | 11:59 |
bur[n] er | shawnz: Breezy? | 11:59 |
cusco | could someone help? | 11:59 |
enyc | milk_ thats good... erm... | 11:59 |
shawnz | nah | 11:59 |
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shawnz | hoary | 11:59 |
bur[n] er | !tell Vexir about backports | 11:59 |
shawnz | vexir: its not updated frequently | 11:59 |
nakata | karimw786, the easiest answer is; pick one. | 11:59 |
enyc | milk_: do an "apt-get -f install" as root to fix any silly dependancies..... | 11:59 |
tritium | karimw786, there's one on the wiki. See the UserDocumentation on the wiki | 12:00 |
bur[n] er | X is broke in hoary for you??!?!? I hvae no idea | 12:00 |
enyc | milk_: or.. "sudo apt-get -f install", as such, which runs as root | 12:00 |
karimw786 | thanks | 12:00 |
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