
=== bradb heads off, later all
=== bradb &
niemeyer>>> commands.getstatusoutput("yes | read null")12:04
niemeyer(0, 'yes: standard output: Broken pipe\nyes: write error')12:04
niemeyer>>> os.system("yes | read any")12:12
niemeyeryes: standard output: Broken pipe12:12
niemeyeryes: write error12:12
niemeyer"yes" seems to be ill behaved12:12
mptkiko: I've sent the LPIntegration diff to salgado, but I did that work in my launchpad--devel--0. Is it ok to land it in rocketfuel as well when I fix my next trivial bug?12:14
sabdflannounce: LaunchpadHackerGotchi!12:14
sabdfllanding soon on a branch near you12:14
sabdflalso: TeamAndPersonalEmblems12:14
sabdflquestion - should we make setting a team emblem an admin thing?12:15
mptLaunchpadBranding step 212:16
sabdflso that we can enforce trademarks?12:16
sabdflso people don't create a random team and put the firefox logo on it?12:16
sabdfli think that would be important12:16
mptsabdfl: What's the alternative?12:16
sabdflwe'll let people set their own hackergotchi12:16
mptLet any member change a team's icon?12:16
cprovsabdfl: uhm ... you can't control ALL team, let them play with it 12:16
sabdflmpt: yes12:16
sabdflthey can play with their hackergotchi12:17
sabdflit only shows on their home page12:17
sabdflbut emblems, i think those are special12:17
mptCan any member of a team change anything else about a team, e.g. name/summary/description?12:17
mptIf not, it would make sense for team icon to be team-admin-only, like the rest of the data12:17
sabdflmpt: no, only team owner or admins12:17
sabdflmpt: the emblems are like badges of honour12:18
sabdflthey show up on your details portlet - all the emblems of your teams12:18
sabdflso if you are MOTU, you will get a badge12:18
sabdflit would reduce the value of that if people could fake it12:18
sabdfli'll make it admins only initially12:18
sabdfllater we can workflow it, so people request it, we just approve approve approve decline12:18
mpt"we" as in Launchpad admins?12:19
=== cprov - >back soon
=== cprov back
sabdflbradb, mpt: ^12:37
bradbsabdfl: cool. btw, any reason why we have "Given name:" and "Family name:" in the details portlet?12:44
bradbheck, even "Name:" and "Display name:" seem a bit unnecessary.12:45
sabdflbradb: just for completeness. that portlet might be on, for example, a branch page some day12:47
bradbI'm also not too worried about the five different emails they've confirmed in the system either. Just the preferred email address in details portlet would be nice, IMHO.12:47
bradb(assuming we're /that/ confident about being able to display emails without them being harvester friendly)12:47
bradbsabdfl: I don't quite understand. What does a branch page have to do with putting "Given name:" and "Family name:" into the person's details portlet?12:49
bradbI notice that there are five menu links to spec-related things in the actions portlet too, yet the vast majority of LP users will probably not use specs. I wonder if we can save that for people who are interested enough to click the "Specs" tab?12:51
sabdflbradb: errr. ed zachary12:52
sabdflthat's sort of what MenuSystemDelivery is all about ;-)12:52
sabdflthe whole point is to show the app menu items only when you are in the facet. but since we don't have that, i'm loading every view into the actions portlet, and i would like you to do the same12:53
sabdflddaa will shortly land another 4 items in there - all the kinds of branch views you might want12:54
sabdflmake sense?12:54
bradbright, ok, makes sense12:54
sabdflpreferred email in details portlet is a great idea12:54
sabdfli'll DOIT12:54
sabdfli've DUNNIT12:58
sabdflonly visible if you are logged in12:59
bradbthe sab strikes again12:59
sabdfli'm lovin mpt's highlighted class12:59
bradbseriously though, are we going to leave "Given name:" and "Family name:" in that portlet? that feels pretty robotic to me.12:59
bradbsabdfl: me too; used that for task-highlighting01:00
sabdfldifferent one01:00
sabdflthe one you're using, is it a slightly orange border?01:00
sabdfli made that one up01:00
sabdflthis one is for chunks in the main doby of the page01:00
sabdflbody, even01:00
bradbi stole it from +hctstatus01:00
sabdflin the screenshot, the bit with the name and hackergotchi is class="highlighted"01:01
sabdfli think the other one is class="highlight", which i did for hctstatus, yes01:01
sabdflit has a problem on the top row, though, don't you think?01:01
mptbradb: Yes, having someone's name printed five times in the same corner of the same page is a little unfortunate01:01
bradbmpt: :)01:01
sabdflit sort of obscures the bottom of the thead01:01
sabdfloh, ok01:01
mptwell, three times for the full name, two for the Launchpad ID01:02
bradbsabdfl: top row...are you referring to the slight misalignment between the top of the portlets and the "highlighted" bit, or something else?01:06
sabdflbradb: iirc, i thought the highlighted row was overlapping too much with the top row01:07
sabdfla subtle effect01:07
sabdflthe border of the thead was covering the orange, or the other way around, i don't recall01:07
bradbsabdfl: here's another idea for the HG01:08
bradbsabdfl: put the person's name in smaller bold (or whatever) letters under the image and float: left that chunk so that the bio text wraps nicely around.01:08
sabdflbradb: yes, that's nice01:09
bradbclass="hackergotchi"! :)01:10
sabdflbut tricky :-/01:10
sabdflat the moment i'm using fmt/text-to-html for the personal home page text01:10
sabdfli'd really like to get /fmt:moin01:10
sabdflstevea says we can doit01:10
sabdflbut for the moment i'm using /fmt:text-to-html01:11
sabdfland the bummer is, it inserts <p> and </p>01:11
sabdflso i can't easily work it01:11
bradbfmt:moin would be cool. dead simple if we have code inside the lp tree that takes a string of wiki text and returns the HTML01:12
sabdflmoin makes that quite easy, apparently01:13
sabdflwe lose the fancy macros etc01:13
bradbsabdfl: fwiw, i'm pretty sure you can float: left the img on that page even if it's outside the <p></p>, and the text will still wrap nicely around the right and bottom edges of it01:17
bradb(i'd only be *really* sure if i had the HTML/CSS in front of me to tweak, but bazzing would take too long.)01:18
sabdflbradb: dude, good call!01:19
niemeyer>>> signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)01:21
niemeyer>>> os.system("yes | read any")01:21
niemeyer>>> signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_IGN)01:21
niemeyer>>> os.system("yes | read any")01:21
niemeyeryes: standard output: Broken pipe01:21
niemeyeryes: write error01:21
bradbsabdfl: did you get it to work? with the browsername in a smaller font underneath the img too?01:22
niemeyerThere are three pages of google results referring to that "yes" bug, and all of them seem to be from python programs.01:23
sabdflbradb: browsername beneath the image?01:26
bradbsabdfl: i.e., the image:01:27
bradbSample Person01:27
bradband the text wrapped around that chunk01:27
sabdflhard for me to visualise01:28
sabdfli've taken the header out, since its already at the top of the page01:28
sabdflnow it's just the image, with the page wrapped around that01:28
bradbah, ok, no worries then01:28
sabdflit looked weird at first, because the float: left actually takes it outside the div if there is no text01:28
sabdflso i put placeholder text in for that case01:29
mptsabdfl: http://www.complexspiral.com/publications/containing-floats/01:31
bradbtook it outside the div? hm, maybe mpt would know more01:31
bradbthere we go01:31
=== camilotelles [n=Camilo@20132139198.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #launchpad
sabdflmpt: that's pretty cool. thanks01:46
sabdflhey camilotelles01:46
camilotelleshey sabdfl01:48
Mezhmm speaking of hackergotchi#s someone offered to make me one... havent heard back from them since... ah well01:49
=== Alinux [n=Ubuntu@p54A39FC9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #launchpad
=== lisi [n=Ubuntu@p54A39FC9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #launchpad
=== WaterSevenUb [n=WaterSev@bl5-45-108.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #launchpad
=== cprov [n=cprov@] has joined #launchpad
=== cprov -> afk
camilotellessabdfl: did you talked with elizabeth?02:36
sabdflcamilotelles: yes! thanks for putting us in contact02:37
camilotellesoh, great!02:37
camilotellessabdfl: she is lecturing in the university that she pos graduated at russia.02:38
sabdflhope to meet her some day02:43
sabdflbut... for now, it's time for bed02:43
mpt must...leave...office...before...10pm...02:47
mptlater all02:47
sabdflnight mpt02:49
sabdflkiko: please say night, and thanks, to mpt for me02:49
sabdfli'm crashing too02:49
kikowill do02:49
kikoyou take it easy02:49
kikono rest for the wicked!02:49
sabdflgreat work everyone - breezy will be extra hot with all this LP love02:49
kikoLP love is our middle name02:49
kikoinbox love however02:50
kikocan I hire somebody to read my inbox?02:50
kikodo we have artwork for the new CDs?02:50
sabdflwe do02:50
sabdflwe just don't have desktop artwork02:50
kikois it up somewhere where I can send to the company in so paulo?02:51
camilotellessabdfl: i need to talk about ubuntu artwork.02:51
sabdflkiko: not yet, and silbs just left on holiday02:51
Mezkiko/sabdfl - if you have an art team now - is ubuntu-calendar going to make a comeback?02:51
sabdflMez: well, i would like it to02:51
kikoMez, do you know any hot babes? 02:51
sabdflbut i've not followed it up. suggestions?02:51
Mezwhy did it go in the first place?02:51
=== kiko runs
Mezkiko: yes, I go out with one :D02:52
kikosabdfl, oh, hmmm. okay, I'll manage.02:52
kikoMez, is she up for being an ubuntu calendar babe?02:52
sabdflit's a 2-cd set02:52
camilotellessabdfl: is it ok to put the ubuntu logo in the "preview ubuntu linux" artwork? somethink like "ubuntu based"? there is any rules about that?02:52
sabdflcardboard holder02:52
kikothat's human beings for you.02:52
sabdflif you have a hoary cd, identical02:52
Mezkiko: maybe .... I'll ask.... but... er... probably :D02:52
kikoI've sent them hoary and warty CDs through mail02:52
Mezas long as it's artistic02:52
sabdflcamilotelles: yes, that's ok02:52
sabdflkiko: ok, that should be plenty for them02:52
sabdflbreezy+1 will probably drop to single cd02:53
=== sabdfl [n=mark@pdpc/supporter/silver/sabdfl] has left #launchpad []
kikoif the UbuntuExpress people get their acts together!02:53
camilotelleskiko: the linux preview will ship with the UE-shellanduglyhackthatworks from surak.02:54
=== sabdfl [n=mark@pdpc/supporter/silver/sabdfl] has joined #launchpad
sabdflkiko: did you just trivial a branch with *20* patches in one go?02:55
sabdfltrivial-man ;-)02:55
sabdfli can almost hear you whistling from here02:56
kikoall I did was02:57
kiko- fix pages that were broken02:58
kiko- add pagetests02:58
kiko- add pagetitles02:58
kiko- add a script to test the templates02:58
kikomy god02:58
sabdfljust teasing02:58
kikothat has to be trivial02:58
=== kiko escapes
=== niemeyer feels relieved after a "swedish potato".
kikowhat's a swedish potato? a turnip?02:59
=== niemeyer wonders if it really comes from sweden..
sabdflsounds more like a cold shower the morning after curry.02:59
niemeyerkiko: Something like a potato in pieces pressed with something nice within..03:00
kikohmmm. pressed?03:00
kikohow interesting03:00
sabdflso how does xx-notfound-traversals work?03:00
kikosabdfl, just add water. uhm, well, s/water/a path to a page03:01
sabdflniemeyer: lots of cheese and cream? sounds like something they do in switzerland, in the alps03:01
kikoit has a function that will load that page and verify it's output03:01
kikothe HTTP status03:01
sabdflok, so 20003:01
sabdfland auth?03:01
niemeyersabdfl: Yes! Provolone cheese (is it provolone in english as well?)03:02
sabdfli guess so.03:02
kikoI added an auth argument and it submits basic auth. just designed for testing traversals.03:02
sabdflits like a skiing tradition. kiko knows it well. there are pictures03:02
kikothere's also a check_not_found()03:02
kikowe're all artwork tonight03:02
sabdflok. committed. mirrored. time for a beer.03:02
kikothis is used to try to ensure we're 404ing stuff we should03:02
kikosabdfl, how's that morning run?03:03
sabdflraising a cold one to the LP warriors03:03
sabdfl*cough* splutter *choke*03:03
kikowhenever you mention beer I will ask about the morning run!11!03:03
sabdflkiko: whenever you bring Fabia I will PIE you!03:03
sabdflor we could just not START the nuclear war03:03
kikojust try me 03:04
kikojust TRY03:04
sabdflthanks, but i'll leave that to Fabia03:04
kikoat least she doesn't call me embarassing nicknames03:05
kikoin the end, we all pay our dues!03:05
sabdflerr. nicknames like what?03:05
kiko-rw-r--r--   1 kiko warthogs 107726416 Sep 10 01:09 rosetta-breezy-2005-09-09.tar.gz03:06
sabdfland speaking of nicknames, how are squeak and itchy?03:06
kikoitchy's in LA03:06
kikovisiting a friend up there03:06
sabdflLA makes me itchy too03:06
kikoit does it to all of us. it's the smog. squeak's graduation was 2 weeks ago, and now she's working full-time doing interior design for an office run by a woman on anti-depressive medication03:07
kikothe graduation was a black-tie issue but I got in with a biking shirt and there were drag queens.03:07
sabdflkiko tells all03:09
sabdfl"what i did with my weekend"03:09
kikoI bought a tandem!03:09
sabdflso. night. really. wishing you happy mountain trails this weekend!03:10
=== sabdfl [n=mark@pdpc/supporter/silver/sabdfl] has left #launchpad []
kikono stub the stud03:22
kikotsk tsk03:22
elmoyeah, how terrible, considering it's a SATURDAY in australia03:23
kikohey, it's saturday in the UK too03:23
kikoand in brazil we work saturdays, so it's not such a big deal to us03:24
kikobut anyway, reason I'm looking for him was because I wanted some production action today03:24
kikoand we had arranged yesterday03:24
kikohe should be on later, anyway03:24
=== Mez would like to make a feature request
=== Mez would like the acility to be able to make email addresses "private"
kiko-zzznot disclose them to launchpad users?03:33
kiko-zzzI guess we could do that03:33
kiko-zzzmakes it harder to CC you on bugs03:33
kiko-zzzor hmm, maybe not.03:33
Mezwell, not if you're a member03:34
Mezlpname@ubuntu.com -> preferred email address03:34
kiko-zzzwhat do you mean?03:34
kiko-zzzwe're not providing forwarding yet :)03:34
Mezwell, apparently you are03:34
Mezseeing as someone just sent me an email to mez@ubuntu.com03:34
kiko-zzzmaybe you're special03:35
kiko-zzzare you motu?03:35
kiko-zzzcould be03:36
Mezsearch for @ubuntu.com03:37
Mez"log me in after resetting my password203:37
Mezon the "confirm email" screen03:37
kiko-zzznot all launchpad members, I don't imagine?03:38
MezMembers: https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntumembers03:39
kiko-zzznight :)03:41
=== salgado [n=salgado@201-1-132-73.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
kiko-zzzsalgado, no sign of the stubber04:56
Mezgo to sleep kiko04:57
salgadokiko-zzz: not yet05:05
niemeyerSome Mandriva folk removed the mailing list of Smart silently. How nice..05:09
=== Alinux [n=Ubuntu@p54A39FC9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #launchpad
=== stub [n=stub@203-217-37-199.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #launchpad
salgadostub: I need you to take a look at this, before I can merge my shipit--1 branchhttps://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileSUesuz.html05:51
salgadosorry for not asking you before05:51
stubsalgado: Looks fine.05:59
=== stub attempts to access his patch number notes after the breezy upgrade
=== salgado do a baz mv and then commits
stubHave you confirmed binarypackagerelease with Kinnison? There is a chance he wants that column NULLable in case he needs to be able to say yes/no/dont know instead of just yes/no06:05
salgadostub: if you mean binarypackagerelease.essential, then yes, I talked to him06:05
stubok. thanks ;)06:06
salgadoIIRC, sourcepackagerelease.essential already have the not null constraint06:06
=== salgado waits for dilys to announce the merge, before he can go to sleep
=== robitaille [n=robitail@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #launchpad
salgadogo, dilys, go!06:37
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: standalone ShipItNG and a lot more new features. r=kiko,stub (patch-2386: guilherme.salgado@canonical.com)06:38
salgadothanks darling. ;)06:38
=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc4-lich4-3-0-cust247.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #launchpad
=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@p548D0880.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #launchpad
jordimdke: pong10:38
=== ubuntulog [n=ubuntulo@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #launchpad
=== Topic for #launchpad: Discussion with Launchpad users and developers. || https://launchpad.net/ || Includes Rosetta and Malone. || Developers' meeting, Thursday 15 Sep, 12:00 UTC
=== Topic (#launchpad): set by SteveA at Thu Sep 8 14:03:26 2005
=== jinty [n=jinty@] has joined #launchpad
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=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc4-lich4-3-0-cust247.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #launchpad
=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc4-lich4-3-0-cust247.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #launchpad
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=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc4-lich4-3-0-cust247.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #launchpad
=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc4-lich4-3-0-cust247.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #launchpad
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salgadolifeless, around?05:24
=== kefkey [n=selwyn@199-2-114-55.setardsl.aw] has joined #launchpad
=== Seveas [n=seveas@fia228-202-100.dsl.mxposure.nl] has joined #launchpad
=== Seveas [n=seveas@fia228-202-100.dsl.mxposure.nl] has joined #launchpad
=== ondrej [n=ondrej@r4v190.chello.upc.cz] has joined #launchpad
ondrejmm all08:09
ondrejwho to bug about adding language-selector to rosetta08:09
=== SnakeBite [n=SnakeBit@] has joined #launchpad
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Fix https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/2135. (patch-2387: guilherme.salgado@canonical.com)10:01
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]   Do not show inactive memberships on a person's page, fix https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/1981 and make the tables in tem/+members sortable (patch-2388: guilherme.salgado@canonical.com)10:41
=== robitaille [n=robitail@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #launchpad
lifelessthats trivial? goawsh11:01
jordimdke: sorry, I was away by then11:11

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