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_tshah | Hello? | 02:12 |
Riddell | hi | 02:12 |
_tshah | Is there any conversation going on? | 02:13 |
Riddell | not currently | 02:14 |
_tshah | Are you an official dev? | 02:14 |
Riddell | yes | 02:14 |
_tshah | Oh, I want to volunteer | 02:14 |
_tshah | I can test new packages and write documentation | 02:15 |
Riddell | rocking | 02:15 |
Riddell | I don't think there's any docs writers here just now, #ubuntu-doc is probably they place | 02:15 |
Riddell | do you know how to make packages? | 02:16 |
_tshah | Not from scratch | 02:16 |
_tshah | I have been downloading and compiling tarballs from all over the place | 02:16 |
_tshah | *compiling from tarballs | 02:17 |
Riddell | what sort of thing? | 02:17 |
_tshah | I just got DC++ for linux working | 02:17 |
Riddell | what's that? | 02:18 |
_tshah | Its a direct connect client | 02:18 |
_tshah | I use it for i2hub.com for peer to peer file sharing | 02:18 |
_tshah | (http://linuxdcpp.berlios.de/articles.php?um=index) | 02:18 |
Riddell | learning how to make debian packages is a good skill to have | 02:20 |
Riddell | and means you can review new packages etc | 02:20 |
Riddell | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuPackagingGuide | 02:21 |
_tshah | cool, I'll check it out | 02:22 |
_tshah | Do you know how to add myself as a tester? | 02:22 |
Riddell | http://revu.tauware.de/ has the new packages that need reviews | 02:24 |
Riddell | but you have to show that you know about packaging before you can get an account (i.e. by making your own packages) | 02:24 |
_tshah | ok | 02:25 |
_tshah | I'll come back when I figure out how to make packages | 02:26 |
_tshah | See ya | 02:26 |
Riddell | _tshah: drop by if you have any questions | 02:27 |
_tshah | ok, thanks | 02:27 |
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Tm_T | hi kids | 09:34 |
\sh | morning guys.. | 10:26 |
Tm_T | hum | 10:27 |
\sh | can someone please check out gnome + kde menus and confirm this bug: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15239 ? | 10:27 |
Tm_T | \sh: is there a good reason to try breezy yet? | 10:27 |
\sh | Tm_T: preview time...so yes | 10:28 |
Tm_T | uhm | 10:28 |
Tm_T | maybe I should then... | 10:28 |
Tm_T | as soon as I get my adsl =) | 10:28 |
Tm_T | would be pain with modem | 10:29 |
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Riddell | \sh: you need to find a gnome user to confirm that | 11:29 |
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\sh | Riddell: i need to find a gnome+kde user ;) | 11:45 |
\sh | or edubuntu | 11:46 |
Riddell | good luck :) | 11:55 |
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tvo | Riddell: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60574&highlight=kubuntu+hibernate , maybe we should fix this too (dapper?) | 04:00 |
Riddell | tvo: yep | 04:03 |
Riddell | tvo: fancy starting a wiki page KubuntuDapperGoals or something to list stuff like that? | 04:04 |
tvo | Riddell: it's ok, though it seems better to wait a bit until the dapper name is officially announced (or is it?) | 04:06 |
Riddell | KubuntuBreezyPlusOneGoals | 04:07 |
tvo | haha, ok I'll copy BreezyGoals and modify it a bit :) | 04:09 |
Riddell | well, doesn't have to be like BreezyGoals, just a list of ideas | 04:15 |
tvo | meh I've already copied it and ripped everything out :) | 04:28 |
tvo | if you want a plain list you can rip the last bit out too :) | 04:30 |
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CWiesen | Riddell: hi, you're arround? | 06:32 |
Riddell | CWiesen: hi | 06:35 |
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CWiesen | I thought (again) a bit about the missing options in the simple profile and came up with a small rearangement (put most stuff in "View"). Is it ok to send you the diff and a screenshot to have a look and consider it or something like it? | 06:37 |
Riddell | CWiesen: sure | 06:39 |
CWiesen | btw. is it a known "issue" that Krita is in "Office" in K-Menu? I'd expect it in "Graphics" | 06:42 |
Riddell | CWiesen: yeah, it's because it's in KOffice, but I'll move it, thanks for reminding my | 06:43 |
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Riddell | CWiesen: do you think people actually split the konqueror window? | 06:56 |
CWiesen | Riddell: yeah, I think so. All depends on who you ask I assume | 06:56 |
CWiesen | not everybody does it, but once you realize what you *can* do, well it's really apowerful tool imo | 06:56 |
squido | How so? | 06:57 |
CWiesen | much like the terminal emulator. I could live with that beeing gone though. But since "open terminal here" is gone this is noce to get quick access to the current folder you're in | 06:57 |
CWiesen | hmm, hard to describe. but it's much like the usual ftp browser interface. it's very fast to do, some work on a remote machine and local files at the same time (copying stuff, working with other and so on) | 06:59 |
squido | I've seen the option but never experimented. Now I will... | 06:59 |
CWiesen | and you don't have the "problems" of overlaping windows like when using two seperate konq instances | 06:59 |
squido | Any opinions on the Linspire supported KDE open workshop in San Diego coming up? | 07:00 |
Riddell | squido: very good of them | 07:00 |
squido | Technical content looks good. | 07:02 |
Riddell | squido: you should go | 07:04 |
squido | I've signed-up. Of course, we're going into QA that week... | 07:04 |
Riddell | cool, let us know how it goes | 07:16 |
squido | Riddell: will do, if I can go. OTW I'll give my ticket out to whomever can go... | 07:17 |
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