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dragonkhkubunti doesnt let me partition my hdd - it won't write the changes -12:34
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hussamanybody's got google talk working in gaim?12:38
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froggy25how can i make an .iso file on here12:44
froggy25to burn onto a cd12:44
froggy25!info .iso12:44
froggy25is anyone home12:46
froggy25i need help12:46
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nickv111I keep getting segmentation faults01:02
nickv111It fails when installing "initrd-utils"01:05
nickv111Or "initrd-tools"01:05
nickv111Or something similar01:05
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hydrogenanyone here used moodin?01:16
arentieI need help configuring ndiswrapper and my wlan001:17
arentieIs anyone here familiar with this error: http://pastebin.com/36108301:18
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jesusfishhow do I disable any sound modules from loading?01:26
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Lichtehow do I get win32codecs in breezy ??01:39
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fluxboxanyone tried to compile kvirc yet?01:48
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froggy25does anyone here use fceu01:51
froggy25to play nes roms01:51
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tshahHas anybody tried to Kubuntu Breezy yet?02:09
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Damonei need help mountung a nstf partition02:22
sgood1971Is it on your hd, or an external device like like a usb drive?02:22
Damoneits the same hdd02:23
Damonei have dual os02:23
Damonekubuntu and winxp02:23
sgood1971first make a directory in /mnt02:24
sgood1971like hda1 or something02:24
hussamDamone: do you know what partition is your NTFS?02:24
sgood1971then 'sudo mount /dev/hda1 -t auto /mnt/hda1' is what works for me.02:24
hussamDamone: if you want it to be mounted at boot, do: sudo mkdir /mnt/windows and add to /etc/fstab the line : /dev/hda1/media/windows  ntfsumask=022200 02:26
Damoneat the end of the file?02:26
Damone"Communication problem with kate, it probably crashed."02:27
hussamDamone: yep place it at the end of file , but also make another empty line after that02:27
sgood1971hussam. what does ntfsumask=022200 do? 02:27
Damonei been getting that error latetly02:27
Damonehow do i fix it?02:27
hussamsgood1971: read only02:27
hussamDamone: they sudo rm -r ~/.kde/share/apps02:28
hussamdon't do that02:29
hussamDamone: do sudo rm -r ~/.kde/share/apps/kate02:29
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Damonesame problem02:30
hussamDamone: do this as well:  sudo rm ~/.kde/share/config/kate*02:31
hussamwith the *02:31
Damonestill same problem02:33
hussamDamone: did you do sudo kate /etc/fstab ?02:33
hussamwill kate run when you do kate /etc/fstab ?02:35
Damonekate: ERROR: Communication problem with kate, it probably crashed.02:36
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hussamtry kwrite /etc/fstab02:36
hussamwill that open?02:37
hussamadd:  /dev/hda1 /media/windows  ntfs umask=0222       0      0 02:38
hussamthen an empty line after that and save02:38
hussamsorry do /mnt/windows instead of /media/windows02:39
hussamand sudo mkdir /mnt/windows02:39
hussamdid you save?02:41
draschanyone know  a workaround in Breezy for the "media:/" not showing inserted devices?02:41
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hussamdrasch: is that still a bug?02:42
hussamDamone: after you save, do sudo mount -a02:42
Damonejust saved02:42
hussamDamone: now sudo mount -a02:43
draschhussam: not working on either of my Breezy systems, one a fresh install, one an upgrade02:43
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hussamdrasch: i think this is it: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1066602:44
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Damonemount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfsumask=0222'02:45
hussamDamone: there is a space between ntfs and umask=022202:46
Damonedo i have to space or tab?02:46
hussamjust one space should do it.02:46
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draschhussam: hmm, i'm still having the prob.  kdebase 3.4.2-0ubuntu2,02:47
hussamdrasch: yeah I hope the developers fix that by breezy final02:48
Damonemount: special device /mnt/hda1 does not exist02:48
hussamDamone: do sudo mkdir /mnt/hda102:49
Damonemount: /mnt/hda1 is not a block device02:50
hussamDamone: what did you add in /etc/fstab ?02:51
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draschhussam: thx for the help02:51
draschlooks like my bug may be a dup: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1502702:52
Damone<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">02:53
Damone<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">02:53
Damone<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />02:53
Damone<meta name="Generator" content="Kate, the KDE Advanced Text Editor" />02:53
hussamdrasch: this bug happened when they upgraded dbus and hal 02:54
draschDamone: looks like you may want to change that first field to "/dev/hda1" and make sure /media/windows exists02:54
hussamDamone: that's wrong. it should be /dev/hda1 /media/windows ntfs umask=0222       0      002:54
hussamDamone: dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs umask=0222       0      002:55
hussamdrasch: does it automount in /media/usbstick or do you manually mount it?02:56
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Damonemount: /dev/hda1 already mounted or /mnt/windows busy02:57
Damonemount: according to mtab, /dev/hda1 is mounted on /media/windows02:57
draschhussam: it automatically pops up a konq window with "media:/sda1" as the uri02:57
draschhussam: but it's got an error inside the window, and the stick is then mounted as /media/usbdisk02:57
draschnever shows in media:/02:58
hussamdrasch: we probably must ask Riddell about this. could be a KDE bug or something with hal/dbus02:59
draschhussam: he's assigned the bug :)02:59
=== Riddell is still to look into it
hussamDamone: what do you have now in /etc/fstab ?02:59
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draschhussam: but i suspect he's busy02:59
Riddellbusy I am, but don't let me forget about it03:00
hussamdrasch: yeah I guess so03:00
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draschRiddell: ya, i was just trying to figure out if it was something already known or not.  I don't know enough about all the pieces yet to tell you what's wrong.03:00
Damone"/dev/hda1         /mnt/windows    ntfs    umask=0222      0       0"03:01
hussamDamone: does /mnt/windows exist?03:01
hussamDamone: I think it will work when you reboot03:01
Damoneok il try03:02
Riddelldrasch: I don't know what's doing the funky mounting stuff, and I don't know why kded isn't using hal any more03:02
hussamdrasch: apart from this bug, is the machine on which you did dis-upgrade working fine? I want to do a dist-upgrade myself.03:03
draschhussam: yes, it's working quite well03:03
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draschhussam: this is the only thing I've run into that has interrupted my normal usage03:04
draschhussam: and it just means I can't be spoiled :)03:04
hussamdrasch: this is my only machine so I was reluctant a bit.03:04
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mike23I have my monitor set for 1600x1200 how do I make it larger so I can read it03:05
draschhussam: i did both a fresh install, and a dist-upgrade from hoary.  both are working wonderfully.  i'd recommend stopping kde and kdm before dist-upgrading just for good measure.03:05
hussamdrasch: I'll exit x and do a dist-upgrade.03:06
draschi got into a wierd alternative universe trying to do work while the dist-uprade was proceeding :)03:06
draschQt windows popping up with GTK-like style to them.... amarok went wonky... etc.03:07
hussamdrasch: did all packages install fine or do I need to --force-overwrite something?03:07
mike23got it right click and configure desktop03:07
draschhussam: nope, nothing like that03:07
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cvti need .rar for a rar file 03:08
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cvtlet me see...  apt-get install unrar?03:08
hussamdrasch: ok I'm doing apt-get -d dist-upgrade now. after it downloads, I'll exit x and do apt-get dist-upgrade03:08
draschhussam: aptitude is your friend learn to love it03:09
Lichteis there a way to get xine, or noatune of any KDE player to play a .mp4 file ??  I have faad installed, but that didn't help03:09
mike23thnks again03:09
draschRiddell: i was running kde 3.4.2 from here previously http://www.kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-342.php and all was well with HAL and it's little friends03:09
draschdrasch: you can use it just like apt from the command-line, but it manages some tricky conditions that apt can sometimes trip over03:10
draschoops, that's for you hussam 03:10
hussamdrasch: do you know if the nvidia 3d driver is working in breezy?03:10
draschhussam: i don't, sorry03:10
draschhussam: though I saw the packages get copied off the cd03:10
foodcomanWhy would my install all of a sudden not mount my USB key with a mount: can't find /dev/sde1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab03:11
draschfoodcoman: anything changed on your system?03:13
cvtwhere do you find the apt get command for a .rar program?03:14
draschcvt: you can "apt-cache search rar"03:14
foodcomanAll I can think of is apt updates03:14
Lichtecvt: apt-cache -n search rar03:14
draschfoodcoman: any chance it's using a different sdX device?  check "dmesg" 03:14
cvtso it's just "rar"03:15
cvtit says03:15
cvtapt-get install rar03:15
Lichtecvt: that's it03:16
cvti'm getting the hang of it03:16
Lichtecvt: that will install the non-free rar program03:16
cvti'll be helping out more in the future and requiring less help. awesome03:16
cvtthere's 03:16
foodcomandrasch: I think it is.03:17
Lichteyeah, there's unrar03:17
Lichtebut, I think unrar won't work with rar >=3.003:17
Lichteat least, it used to be that way, I'm not sure if that's still true03:17
Lichteis there a way to get xine, or noatune or any KDE player to play a .mp4 file ??  I have faad installed, but that didn't help03:18
cvtwell, i have an avenue to explore now to find a solution to extracting a rar file that uses a password.03:18
Damonehow i can assing an static ip to my secondary lan card?03:19
draschfoodcoman: find it?  03:19
Lichteman, why would go-opensource make their files available in mp4 if opensource can't play them ? ;)03:20
hussamDamone: you have both eth0 and eth1?03:21
LichteI don't want to install gstreamer just to play an mp403:21
hussamDamone: edit /etc/network/interfaces03:22
Damonebut i cant seem to activate eth003:22
hussamDamone: eth0 is the static?03:22
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LichteI'll try mplayer03:22
Damoneiface eth1 inet dhcp03:23
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Damonenothing more03:23
hussamDamone: edit /etc/network/interfaces03:23
Damoneim there03:23
hussamDamone: add iface eth0 inet static03:23
hussamon the other line, add:03:24
hussamaddress 03:24
hussamreplace  by the static ip03:24
Damoneunder iface...... ?03:25
Damoneof next to?03:25
hussamI think there should be one space before address <IP>03:26
Damonenow save?03:26
hussamon the second line add:  netmask # change that into your netmask03:26
Damonei space it aldo03:27
hussamon the second line add:  network # change that into or whatever03:27
hussamsorry third line03:27
Damonewhat is that line for?03:28
draschhussam: seems like this conversation might benefit from a paste-bot03:28
hussamok one sec03:29
hussamDamone: chech this http://pastebin.com/36115903:29
Damonewell... i get inet from rth103:31
Damoneand i have eth0 connected to a router03:31
Damoneso i can share inet03:31
Damoneso im not sure what to put in gateway03:31
Damoneor netwrok03:32
hussamDamone: can I send you a private message?03:32
=== kailer [n=kailer@ip68-99-180-128.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
kailercan someone hel me with installing Divx?03:34
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douglasis the new breezy preview buggy?03:38
draschdouglas: it's generally very solid03:39
draschdouglas: but, it's at your own risk :)03:39
jsubl2the java plugin crashes firefox for me03:40
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jsubl2crashes moz and konq too03:40
draschjsubl2: works fine for me.  what version of java?03:41
jsubl2the one through apt 1.4.203:41
jsubl2drasch: which version are u using03:41
douglascool, I'm going to download the live disc and try some things out.03:41
jsubl2drasch: try http://popcap.com/  it is a java game site03:42
douglasIs there a way that if this is decently stable for my to add the apt sources to my sources.list to just upgrade?03:42
draschjsubl2: i'm running sun-j2re1.5 version 1.5.0+update0203:43
draschi installed using java-package a while ago03:43
jsubl2douglas: edit /etc/apt/sources.list  change hoary to breezy.  but there is no backports03:43
jsubl2drasch: i will give that a try.. have not used java-package before03:44
jsubl2douglas: if it breaks you get to keep both pieces03:44
draschjsubl2: it's pretty simple, download the package from sun, run java-package on it, and then use dpkg to install it03:44
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draschdouglas: that's what I did on this machine from Hoary.  same results as the clean install i did03:45
Angel-SLwhats the default root password?03:45
jsubl2ok.. will give it a shot.03:45
draschAngel-SL: it's disabled by default, use "sudo" and your user password03:45
cvtis there a Jesus of pw rar files in here?03:45
cvti need to be saved.03:46
cvti dl'ed rar03:46
cvtinstalled it03:46
cvtbut i can't open my rar archive that requires a pw.03:46
hussamcvt: use rar -x files.rar03:46
Angel-SLdrasch: well how do i enable it then03:46
cvtok but it requires a pw03:46
cvti will try it03:46
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hussamcvt: I think it prompts for password03:47
Angel-SLdrasch: the root03:47
cvtit didn't.  that's what's scary03:47
Angel-SLdrasch: how do i enable it03:47
kailercan anyone help me with installing Divx codec?03:47
draschAngel-SL: you can set the password: sudo passwd root03:48
hussamcvt: so it didn't extract the files?03:48
cvtno just the folder03:48
cvti have the password03:48
cvtbut i can't get to the prompt03:48
cvtlet me try your command03:48
draschcvt: try installing the "unrar-nonfree" package instead03:48
cvtyeah 03:48
cvti will too03:48
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kaileri thought i installed it but Kaffeine sez its not there03:49
douglasdrasch: So it's basically the same as reinstalling and I won't have to use the cd?03:50
douglasdrasch: Because last time I changed to breezy my machine wouldn't boot :(03:50
douglasdrasch: well xorg wouldn't start anyway.03:50
draschdouglas: my xorg worked without any changes03:51
cvthussam, so how do i open it with rar again?  [i was opening them with Ark and Archive Manager] 03:52
cvtrar -x files.rar?03:52
cvtis that in the root terminal?03:52
hussamin terminal03:52
cvtfiles = "actual file name?] 03:53
cvthussam, it gave a list of commands03:54
douglasdrasch: So right now you're running breezy without problems?03:54
kaileri'm bak03:54
kailercan anyone help me with my dvix problem?03:55
douglasdrasch: I'm sorry, I just want to make sure, I want to still have a running system.03:55
draschdouglas: i'm running it with minor problems03:55
draschdouglas: then wait for the official release03:55
hussamcvt: let me try it again myself, one sec03:55
douglasdrasch: Thanks.03:55
cvtUsage:     rar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...>03:55
cvt               <@listfiles...> <path_to_extract\>03:55
douglasdrasch: Did they add a slash screen for booting?03:55
cvtand "e" is to extract03:55
draschdouglas: splash, yes03:57
hussamcvt: then it's rar e file.rar03:57
douglasdrasch: I think I'll try the upgrade :)03:57
douglasdrasch: thanks for your help.03:57
cvtuh oh, i says there are no files to extract but there are 4gB worth of files to extract.03:58
cvtlet me double check that it's legit.03:58
hussamboth rar x file.rar and rar e file.rar worked for me.03:59
cvtbut these require a pw03:59
cvti have the password03:59
cvtpassword[s] 03:59
cvtbut it should've prompted me?04:00
draschcvt: you tried unrar-nonfree yet?04:01
cvtno, thx for reminding me...04:01
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hussamit should have prompted but I don't have any password protected archives04:02
cvtsame result with unrarr04:03
cvtunrar -nonfree 04:04
draschcvt: nope.  "apt-get install unrar-nonfree"04:05
cvti did that and it did install it04:05
cvtmaybe i put the password after the file name04:06
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draschcvt: you're on your own then.   try "man unrar" and see if you can drum any information up ;)04:06
cvt  unrar  <command> [-<switch 1> -<switch N>]  archive [files...]  [path...] 04:07
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cvt       -p<password>04:09
cvt              Set password.04:09
cvt       -p-    Do not query password.04:09
cvtmean anything to you?04:09
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cvtok np04:10
cvti have plenty to do still.04:10
=== cvt enjoying kubuntu
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jsubl2well java 1.5 fixed the only problem i have found with the latest kubuntu preview release04:11
laszloki just intalled breezy, and didnt properly specify screen resolution when xserver was being intalled. Now KDE display manager won't do above 1024x76804:11
jsubl2thanks drasch 04:11
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jsubl2laszlok https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=resolution&titlesearch=Titles04:13
jsubl2oo too late04:14
Damoneanyone can help me with internet sharing?04:16
jsubl2Damone: i would recommend looking for a howto on http://tldp.org  04:18
jsubl2Damone: the ubuntu wiki is impressing me tonight.  check out -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/forum/hardware/InternetConectionSharing?highlight=%28sharing%29%7C%28internet%2904:19
hussamok bye guys04:24
=== ToyMan [n=stuq@user-12lcqia.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu
Damoneanyone uses guidedog?04:28
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cvtDamone, i don't yet.04:39
cvtI'm just getting started.04:39
cvtNext week i'll be setting up a small buisness on ubuntu or kubuntu and I've only successfully been using it for like 128 hours.04:40
cvtspread out over 5 monhts04:40
cvti would install it and play around on it and go back to windoz04:40
cvtnow i'm soley kubuntu with success beyond my wildest dreams04:41
Damonecan anyone hel me with internet sharing04:48
Damoneim confused04:48
cvtwhat protocol?04:48
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Damonejusst like windows04:49
cvtare you a cop?04:49
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cvtokay,,,   let's start  with bittorrent04:49
cvti'll give you some links to bookmark04:49
cvtwhat do you want to share?04:50
cvtor do you just want to get at this point?04:50
Damonedood, im trying to use this pc as a internet gateway04:50
cvtthat is pretty broad to me....04:50
Damoneim not searching for file sharing software04:50
cvti'll get a link...04:51
Damoneim trying to share mi internet connection04:51
Damonein a lan04:51
cvti only know how you can share files with someone04:51
Damoneyou know.. with a router and 2 lan cards04:51
cvti'd like to know what you want to know as well04:51
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Damonejsubl2: yeah but im a little confused with that wiki04:53
Damonejsubl2: is not very "noob" friendly04:53
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cvtDamone, a wireless access point would be good04:57
Damone....i dont have the money04:57
cvtthey're cheap04:58
cvtTikiGawd they're cheap04:59
cvtTikiGawd less than $10004:59
cvtTikiGawd much less04:59
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jesusfishhow does one prevent all sound modules from loading automatically?05:24
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=== Octane [n=octane@dsl092-100-149.nyc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #kubuntu
Octanehow can i upgrade my current kubuntu to kubuntu breezy preview?05:37
seth_kOctane, kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list05:40
seth_kand replace all "hoary" with "breezy"05:40
seth_kand remove the special lines, like KDE 3.4.2 upgrade, KOffice upgrade05:40
Octaneseth_k: think its safe?05:40
seth_kthen "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"05:40
Octanedist-upgrade, on?05:40
seth_kOctane, I run Kubuntu Breezy on both my computers as primary OS05:40
seth_kbut then again, I know how to fix it :P05:40
Octanefix what? :)05:41
seth_kthe breaks :D05:41
seth_kumm, instead of doing it from the command line, you might want to use Synaptic just to make sure you don't uninstall half your system. And make sure you have kubuntu-desktop already installed05:41
Octanei use aptitude :)05:41
Octaneseth_k: i haev kubuntu-desktop installed with some things taken out05:42
Octanelike amarok05:42
Octanesince i use a version which i compiled05:42
seth_kOctane, fair enough. As long as the version number < Breezy's (but it's gonna put things back in like AmaroK)05:42
Octanei think its = in amarok's case05:43
Octanesince its version 1.305:44
Octaneohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yaaaaaaa05:44
Octane876 packages upgraded, 303 newly installed, 51 to remove and 187 not upgraded.05:45
OctaneNeed to get 662MB of archives. After unpacking 420MB will be used.05:45
Octanei should download the CD and do it that way :)05:45
seth_kthat's awesome05:45
Octanei think i should perhaps wait till next weekend :)05:45
seth_kyeah, might as well ;)05:46
Octanein case something breaks05:46
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kaileranyone alive?05:51
=== TimM checks pulse
kailerwhoa life05:51
kaileri need help getting Kaffeine not to suck ass05:52
TimMbut probably not helpful life.05:52
kailerdamn iot05:52
kailerlol its ok05:53
kaileri'm the typical linux n00b ^^05:53
TimMI'd at least give it a shot, but I'm not at my computer right now.05:53
TimMSo I'm lookin' at a wondows screen.05:53
kailerkaffeine refuses to  see the codecs i've placed in it 05:53
kailerat least i think i have codecs in m system05:54
kailerused a win32 codec binary pak that claimed to install them 05:54
TimMI'll have to try that when I get back to my computer05:55
TimMDid you get that with apt?05:55
kailerkafeine and the pak05:57
TimMI've been having problems with firefox closing for no reason in Kubuntu.05:57
nargkailer: sudo apt-get install w32codecs05:57
nargit will tell you if they are installed05:57
nargif not, it will install em :p05:58
TimMDunno if I'll bother digging into it or just go back to Ubuntu05:58
TimMI like 'em both05:58
kaileryeah there installed05:58
nargTImM: I have that problem too at times, it varies with firefox version though05:58
nargTimM: when I get pissed, I just use konq :p05:58
kailerkaffeine also sez its missing a part05:59
nargwhich part?05:59
TimMI haven't noticed that problem with Ubuntu.05:59
kaileri was goign to reinstall it but found out i need to remove it05:59
kailerit doesn't say05:59
nargwhats the error msg?05:59
kailerPart not found. Please check your installation!06:00
nargwow... thats one of the worst error messages I've ever seen06:00
=== troy [n=troy@wnpgmb01dc2-30-55.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #kubuntu
nargNever gotten that one before.06:00
nargit tells you ...nothing06:00
troyhrmm, the last month I haven't been able to install *ubuntu but! today I figured out my problem.  I had a bad IDE cable to my cdrom. Now it seems to install perfectly on amd64 :) 06:01
nargOpen up synaptic or whatever, and search for kaffiene, and make sure everything that look related is installed.06:01
=== troy notes to self, never rule out hardware as the cause of a problem
nargtroy: ;)06:01
troyit was driving me crazy... the installer kept giving md5sum errors06:02
kailerheres a lesson for all of you 06:02
troyso I'd manually check the md5sums, and they would be different after every reboot...06:02
kailernever rule out PSU for any sort of problem06:02
nargkailer: heh06:02
troyyeah, that screws with one of my burners here06:03
troyPSU will allow me to burn when the computer is just turned on, and then later I get IO errors until I reboot06:03
kailerit distrupted my graphics card from sending video and video alone evrything else worked06:03
nargso I was in a math test one day, and my pencil broke, so Im like, damn that PSU!06:03
troy"Pencil Supplied by University" :P06:04
kaileryeah everything is installed correctly06:05
kaileroh and it wont work on totem too for the same reason06:05
kailerbut i heard thats differnt06:06
nargdoes mplayer/vlc work?06:06
nargaka, is it a system wide wierdness?06:06
kailerhold on06:06
TimMkailer:  I read where someone said to rm $HOME/.kde/share/config/kaffeinerc to fix the problem.  They were using an RPM based system.06:06
troyis there fglrx for breezy yet?06:07
nargI've found as a last resort this script can work well:06:07
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nargcp -R .kde kde.bak; rm -rf .kde06:07
orgs2005im speek spanish06:07
orgs2005who speek spanish06:08
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troyorgs2005: #kubuntu-es 06:08
orgs2005ok, tanks 06:08
orgs2005in this server?06:08
troyyes - might not be very many people there06:09
narg /join #kubuntu-es06:09
narg6 about 30 seconds about06:09
troyor you can try to manage in English here - we don't mind a bit :)06:09
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orgs2005join #kubuntu-es06:10
nargyou need a /06:10
troyput a slash in front06:10
orgs2005i have client gaim06:10
troyshould still work, hrmm06:10
=== troy has never tried to irc with gaim
nargI dislike irc'ing with IM clients06:11
nargits not worth the effort in general06:11
troyyeah, kopete+irc = doom06:11
nargI just use konversation06:11
nargworks well for me :)06:11
troyI'm in freebsd on this machine, which has ksirc (which is usually fine)06:12
nargdoes kde@freebsd work well?06:12
nargI've never tried it on a non-linux platform06:12
troywell enough - you'll have to settle without certain binary-only linuxisms such as the ATI graphics drivers06:13
troybut most things work, even linux binaries in most cases (flash, opera, etc)06:13
nargfreebsd is binary compatible, no?06:13
troysource compatible in most cases (all that's needed is a compile)06:14
nargthought it was. How do you run linux binaries then?06:14
troyor can run linux binaries using a linux-compatibility layer06:14
nargthats probably what I heard and mangled in my mind :)06:14
troythey have their own libc, for instance, which behaves in a slightly different manner than glibc06:14
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troyI like freebsd for my server stuff, so I use it there06:17
troylinux supports more hardware earlier in the cycle, so I use it on my desktops06:17
nargunderstandably you like freebsd on the server06:17
nargits got a sweet tcp/ip stack06:18
nargruns my router06:18
troyused to run mine too, until the traffic got too high - got some dedicated network hw now for that06:19
nargwell, Im bushed06:19
nargtime to hit the sack06:19
narglater :)06:19
troyfor a long time I had it set up as a bridging firewall :)06:19
narggot to get up at 6 tomorrow for a zero hour class06:19
kaileraudio works06:21
kailervideo doesn't06:21
kailer allo?06:22
kailergod damn it not again 06:23
=== kailer sits down and cries
kaileroh you missed most of my problems didn't you06:25
kailerproblem with Kafeine player, codecs and i'm a 1st time linux user06:25
kailervlc plays the audio but not the video so i narrowed it down to  video problems06:26
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alexandroscan someone please help me. I am unable to get sound under Divx in most players but if played in Totem the sound is choppy and distorted.06:29
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kailerwish i could06:30
menggo get a creative SB Live card?06:31
_luishow do you change your name06:31
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_luiscan someone explain how to get cups running. I keep getting cups server not running06:33
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lwellsHi everyone07:31
lwellsI need to find where public_html directory is, i have already done a search and no results07:32
lwellsi have apache2 and php installed on my system already07:32
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douglasI'm having trouble doing a dist-upgrade07:34
douglasIt keeps saying I have unmet dependencies and says I need to run apt-get -f install.07:34
crimsunuse aptitude instead of apt-get07:34
douglasSo I did and then it says Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/kdevelop3-data_4%3a3.2.2-0ubuntu2_all.deb07:34
crimsunyou need to scroll up for the actual error07:35
douglasThen when I try to remove kdevelop, it says you have unmet dependencies?07:35
crimsunit's probably a conflicting file07:35
douglasdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdevelop3-data_4%3a3.2.2-0ubuntu2_all.deb (--unpack):07:36
douglas trying to overwrite `/usr/share/applications/kde/kdevdesigner.desktop', which is also in package kdevelop307:36
douglashow does one fix this, delete kdevdesigner.desktop?07:36
crimsunlooks like you need to remove one of those packages temporarily to allow the dist-upgrade to continue07:36
douglashow do I do that, I tried apt-get remove kdevelop3 and it says I need to do the apt-get -f install07:36
douglaswhich brings me back to where I started.07:37
crimsundid you try removing kdevelop3-data?07:37
douglasnot yet.07:37
douglasyep, same thing07:37
crimsunthen dpkg -P kdevelop3-data07:38
crimsunyou'll probably need to remove anything that depends on it, too07:39
douglashrm... that didn't work, dependency problems...07:39
douglasperhaps I should try just kdevelop07:39
douglasI was able to do dpkg -P kdevelop3-dev07:41
crimsunnot kdevelop but kdevelop307:43
crimsunperhaps you need to remove both kdevelop3-data and kdevelop307:43
douglasyea, I nkow07:43
douglasbut I tried just kdevelop3-data too, no luck07:43
crimsunerm, something's really wrong then. You should be able to manually remove it.07:44
crimsunyou may need --force-depends or whatnot, but dpkg should always work.07:44
douglashurray I did both at the same time and it worked I think.07:44
douglashurray dist-upgrade CONTINUES!!!!!07:45
douglasThanks a million07:45
lwellsi have a question about apache07:45
lwellswhen you install it, does it put a public_html directory on your system?07:46
lwellsyou need to change the config file huh07:46
hussamI want to dist-upgrade to breezy. does anyone know if the Nvidia kernel module for 3d acceleration is working in breezy?07:54
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crimsunit works fine, but fglrx doesn't07:56
hussamwhat's fglrx?07:56
hussamis that ATI driver or something?07:57
crimsunthe ati driver07:57
hussamoh ok07:57
hussamwhat about the kernel? Is it stable? I don't want to get a kernel panic since this is my only computer.07:59
crimsunI use breezy on my laptop just fine07:59
hussamI've already done a apt-get -d dist-upgrade do downlaod the files.08:01
hussamBetween now and the final release, could there be a patch checked in that might brake anything, or will anly safe patches be checked in?08:03
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naliothhussam: yes, you can break with any upate08:04
naliothhussam: but the updates come down 24/708:04
hussamthen I should probably wait if there is a chance i might be stuck into a non-bootable system08:05
cvtwhat a fast way to make a copy of an email?  i'm dumb08:09
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PaloDeQuesoI just did a dist-upgrade to breezy to see some of the prerelease changes and I noticed, now my nvidia kernel module doesn't load, anyone else experience this?08:13
cvtno it08:13
cvtno t08:13
cvtnot i08:13
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PaloDeQuesohrm... it also says failed to load module keyboard, maybe I just need to re-run xorg config08:15
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PaloDeQuesoWhat package corresponds to the keyboard kernel module btw?08:17
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PaloDeQuesoDoes anyone know how to load the keyboard kernel module?08:20
PaloDeQuesoalso, I can't run xorgconfig?08:21
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PaloDeQuesook, I think it's just my keyboard module isn't loading?08:23
roconnorHi, I could use a little help.08:23
roconnorI upgraded kde to ubuntu8.1, and now kwin doesn't start up when I log in.08:24
roconnorheh, maybe it's too early in the morning; I'll try again later ;-)08:29
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naliothroconnor: try #kde08:34
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ek-hey all.09:34
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ek-im having problems using connecting to aa wireless network with KWiFiManager - it detects my home wireless network after i click "scan for networks" , but then when i click 'ok' it does nothing.09:35
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ek-anyone have any idea?09:39
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aftertafmorning... ;)10:58
spiralhello... I would like to know if for example I install breezy now, the transition to final breezy via apt/aptitude should be as efficient as with a fresh breezy install when it will come final11:02
aftertafunless you need a certain feature of breezy, i'd recommend waiting for the final release.....11:04
aftertafbut, it will be the same packages you'll install, now or later, to go 'breezy'11:05
spiralin fact, my laptop isn't really nicely handled by hoary, & I would have like to know wether it works better with breezy11:05
aftertafyou can try the live CD, without needing to install...11:06
spiralyeah, I'm already downloading it ;-)11:06
aftertafup to you, it is risky but it could work no probs straight up ;)11:06
spiralin fact, I've allready installed breezy on an other computer since almost one week, without any problem for the moment11:07
naliothspiral: i'd wait until closer to final release11:07
=== nalioth has installed breezy on one of his non-production machines and it still has rough edges
aftertafnalioth:  PPC?11:08
=== nalioth wont go into the "wrestling with alligators" he had to do to get it installed
naliothaftertaf: yes i only own PPC11:08
spiralnalioth: I didn't run into them, so11:08
spiralnalioth: I tried on x86...11:08
naliothspiral: ultimately it is your decision11:08
spiralyeah, I know11:09
=== nalioth was not pleased when he rebooted to a command prompt with no networking and no breezy
=== spiral was really pleased when kde launched nicely, with a nice bootsplash during boot & all these stuff working out ouf the box
naliothspiral: well, ppc isnt supported as quickly as x8611:11
naliothi had a few alligators to kill11:12
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spiralnalioth: yeah, I suppose... I'm still willing to buy an ibook, & I don't know if I'll do it with ppc or x8611:12
naliothspiral: they both will function admirably. and 'waiting on the next big thing'= never gettin it done11:15
nikkiai'm not sure i see the point of waiting for an x86 ibook/powerbook if you're only going to run linux on it anyway11:16
nikkiaand even if you occasionally want to run OSX, it'll probably run under MOL anyway once its ported to x86, but i wouldn't base a buying decision on that yet :)11:18
spiralnikkia: maybe I should also like to run osX natively, in order to see what it really provides11:29
nikkiaspiral, perhaps, but unless you plan on doing it a lot, i don't see much reason to pay the apple tax :)11:30
spiralapple tax ?11:30
nikkiaspiral, the exhorbitant prices apple (will) charge above similar spec hardware11:31
spiralIn fact, I don't know, I really like the aqua look & feel11:31
spiralnikkia: oh, yeah, I see11:31
nikkiaspiral, i do too, but i think moving to x86 will hurt them there11:31
spiralyeah, I fear it too11:31
nikkiaspiral, when the hw was 'different', you could justify the extra prices by saying 'well, its PPC'11:31
nikkiawhen you can compare directly between a 399 pentium-M laptop from 'no name' and a apple pentium-m laptop for 999, its not going to be so good for apple11:32
nikkiaheck, our local supermarket was selling pentium-m laptops for 199 last week11:32
spiralindeed, I think I would use mac os, at least for things like : showing a presentation, watching a movie with a tv output & things like this11:33
spiralnikkia: amazing, they aren't so cheap in France11:33
nikkiaspiral, the dirty secret about apple was always the fact that the PPCs they got, cost them less than the (roughly) equivalent x86 costs to OEMs, too11:33
nikkiaso there's no way that switching to x86 is going to pull their prices in line with the competition11:34
naliothnikkia: morning11:34
nikkiamorning nalioth11:34
spiralnikkia: yeah, I read this a few days ago :-/11:34
naliothnikkia: apple hardware lasts longer then intel hardware11:34
nikkianalioth: based on what?11:34
nikkianalioth: my G4 and iMacs certainly didn't11:35
naliothnikkia: really?11:35
nikkiaif you mean 'resale value', then there's no way that's going to hold true with x86 macs11:35
naliothnikkia: i have a G3 ibook almost 4 years old and it still works as it did when new (scratches notwithstanding)11:35
nikkianalioth: G4 died 1 day after warrenty expired, i had two iMacs that both suffered from the orange light of death, and were 'repaired' by apple (by repaired, i mean they did f' all and i ended up throwing them in the trash)11:35
naliothnikkia: your experience is the exception in my experience11:36
nikkiaactually, thats not true, they didn't do 'f' all' they DID kindly remove all the screws and put them in a little plastic bag, before sending back the imacs rattling and shaking because all the parts were loose11:37
nikkiai also had a 'reconditioned' G3 that wouldn't stay running for more than 8 hours without locking up11:37
naliothnikkia: i'm sorry to hear that. i've had nothing but good service out of my macs11:38
nikkiaso... don't tell me 'apple's support is the difference' because the only difference is that its 'far worse' :)11:38
nalioththe phone support are a bunch of idiots, but i can deal with that11:38
nikkianalioth: i lived with their terrible service, because PPC was worth it11:38
nikkiabut now? feh11:38
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naliothnikkia: so you are moving to IBM big iron for your PPC use?11:39
nikkianalioth: if IBM ever bring their prices down, sure, i'd buy an IBM PPC system11:39
nikkianalioth: IBM's PPC prices are even more outrageous than apple's tho11:39
nikkiai did look at a POWER4 workstation once, it worked out as something like $7999 for a base model11:40
naliothnikkia: ebay11:40
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arieshello everyone11:58
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ariescan i kubuntu hook debian repository ?12:00
ariesif can, which one will be compatible ... debian stable,testing or unstable ?12:00
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naliotharies: it isnt a good idea to use debian repos at all12:10
naliotharies: debian pkgs can break ubuntu12:13
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termitorPlease , who work on kde hoary ? https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=7971 quote "The bug is fixed both in the development branch and in backported packages for ... the most recent stable release.  What more are you asking?"  Please correct it in hoary branch01:16
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Riddelltermitor: grab the 3.4.2 packages01:28
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termitorRiddell, haha, is not good tink !01:37
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DocTomoetermintor ... hoary is stable ... you really should use the backport packages for KDE01:41
smlwhat is the name of the kde tool to set-up network interfaces - WLAN and ETH etc?01:42
DocTomoesml: I am not aware of a tool like that in official KDE01:43
termitorDocTomoe, hum , is not in official backport ! 01:43
Riddellsml: knetworkconf, in kcontrol01:43
smlRiddell - cool thanks.01:44
DocTomoetermitor ... screw the "official" backport. Use working packages ;)01:44
smlDocTomoe - ill do some research and check it out .. mayb it is a ubuntu /  kubuntu thing?01:44
DocTomoesml: Give the following a try for WLan ... it really is convinient: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=2183201:46
smlok .. looking01:47
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smlDocTomoe - what about something to bring down etho and bring up wlan0?01:48
DocTomoesml why would you want to down eth0? 01:48
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Phantom^^hey can someone tell me how i enable the root account in kubuntu ?02:47
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reagleBRKLNanyone willing to help walk me through a freenx install? never got it to work... gonna try again with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeNX03:00
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Riddelljjesse: how are the kubuntu docs?03:01
jjesseRiddell: they are comming well i just upgraded my box to the preview releasse so i'm double checking any changes03:02
Riddelljjesse: when do you think we can upload a newer version?03:03
Riddelland can I do anything to help?03:03
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jjesseRiddell sorry boss is at desk,03:06
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jjessethe about-kubuntu and the kquickguide are what i'm really focusing on for breezy03:14
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reagleBRKLNanyone willing to help walk me through a freenx install? never got it to work... gonna try again with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeNX03:29
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draschreagleBRKLN: if you figure it out, let me know :)03:50
reagleBRKLNdrasch: no luck yet, suppose i will have to wait for breezy in hopes its set up correctly there03:50
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PaloDeQuesoWhen you upgrade to breezy is there anything you have to change in xorg.conf?03:53
jjessePaloDeQueso: i didn't have to do03:54
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draschreagleBRKLN: i think it's going to miss breezy, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyBadger?highlight=%28nomachine%29 currently marked as pending03:54
PaloDeQuesojjesse: because now x won't start and it says it's because it can't load the keyboard module :(03:54
PaloDeQuesojjesse, I don't know what to do, it just says failed to load moules keyboard (module does not exist, 0)03:56
jjessehmm thinking03:56
PaloDeQuesoapparently, they changed the module name do kbd03:58
PaloDeQuesoI fixored it.03:58
PaloDeQuesooh, what is the command to run the new system settings program, It intrigued me and I want to add it to my kmenu?03:59
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cvtuh how do i search my files?04:04
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spikehi there04:12
spikewhich version of amarok is in kubuntu breezy?04:12
draschspike: http://packages.ubuntu.com/amarok04:12
spikedoh, tnx04:15
spikestill 1.2.x, not the 1.304:15
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boerjeslI've installed amaroK 1.3 using the howtos on the forums, but after that I had to reinstall kubuntu-desktop, because I seemed to broke something while trying to install winex... anyway, now my kubuntu-desktop is broken, because it wants to install the older amarok04:24
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boerjeslshould I purge amarok 1.3 and then reinstall kubuntu-desktop?04:25
OculusAquilaeboerjesl: kubuntu-desktop is only a meta-package, you can remove it savely04:26
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cvthow do i install xgalaga?04:27
boerjesloh. thanks. I'll do that04:27
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boerjeslsynaptic won't open. what command should I use?04:30
jjessekdesu before it to run as root04:31
boerjeslyeah, but synaptic crashes04:31
boerjeslit tries to open kdesu04:31
boerjeslsorry... works now04:32
boerjeslI should do less stuff with the mouse...04:32
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OculusAquilae   ty04:43
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cvti'm stuck on galaga installation04:44
cvtroot terminal, terminal04:44
cvtkynaptic installation04:44
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cvtkrystal's cheese burgers and here i sit with no xgalaga04:44
setitehey people04:45
setiteanyoen have a suggestion for an irc client04:45
jjessekonverstation is the default one04:45
setitexchat is not auto identifying in time to join #ubuntu... and im getting pissed04:45
jjesseits what i use04:45
cvti don'ta know shit04:46
setiteyea i cant figure out how to execute a command on connect in konversation04:46
cvti came from poor xp04:46
setitehydra... ill look into that... and mirc is a windows client... i would like to avoid that.. .although i like it04:46
cvtyea i can't figure out how to install galaga04:46
setitemany of us did... dont feel bad04:46
cvtmy mouth hurts too making it hard for me to stay awake04:47
setitegetting bitchx to try04:47
cvti had my freaking wisdom teeth extracted04:47
jjesselike join a channel on conenct or something like that?04:47
setitegod i love linux and how many apps are available at the press of a button04:47
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draschin breezy, my mouse cursor over GTK apps isn't the nice White cursor, but the plain 'ol GTK black cursor and the wierd sideways finger over links in firefox.  Where can I fix this?04:56
duendeHelp:  How do i get k3b to support mp3s in breezy?04:56
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draschduende: i'd start here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:58
duendeyeah, wasn't listed there though, i just found it.  there's actually a package called k3b-mp3 that i didn't notice04:58
duendesilly me04:59
Riddellduende: please add it to that wiki page04:59
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Riddellit should also mention akode-mpeg if it doesn't already05:00
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duendei believe it does05:02
duendeso, is k3b-mp3 new to breezy?05:02
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Riddellduende: yes05:02
Riddellduende: also new in breezy is kaffeine-xine05:03
Riddellwhich you could mention05:03
duendeyou mean kaffeine-gstreamer ?05:04
Riddellduende: well kaffeine-gstreamer is in there by default, people might want to know that kaffeine-xine isn't installed by default05:06
duendei haven't been able to get kaffeine-gstreamer to work right, the playback is really choppy for regular avi's.  I installed the kaffeine-xine plugin, but it's not available in the list to select from05:07
duendeas well, when i re-run kaffeine with  'kaffeine -w', it says i'm missing 'part'05:07
mp83does anybody know, how to get the hal support in the media:/ kioslave back. if i plug a usb stick, its not shown under media:/ but mountet as /media/usbstick (using breezy)05:08
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draschmp83: it's a known bug05:14
draschmp83: to my knowledge, no one yet knows the full story05:14
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pussfellerif i put a new mobo in, will i have to mess with any settings when I boot up again05:22
Flying_Eaglepussfeller: if its supported by your kernel, then it should work05:24
Flying_Eagleharddisk-order n stuff must be same too05:24
pussfelleri gotta do something, p3 is too old and my usb ports dont work05:24
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mp83is there a way to modify the kioslave behavior after installing kde? oder is that suff build in?05:32
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buzwhat's up with the monster update to hoary?05:35
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buzThe following packages have unmet dependencies:05:44
buz  xlibmesa-gl-dev: Depends: xlibmesa-gl (= 6.8.2-10.1) but 6.8.2-10 is installed05:44
buzE: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.05:44
buzand using -f doesnt really help either05:46
buzok manually doing dpkg -r fglrx helped05:47
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mcscrufflo ppl05:55
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laszlokis there any way to make alsa accept multiple inputs from both gnome and kde programs at the same time06:05
MoopereI've never used dmix, but isn't it supposed to be some sort of alsa mixer for multiple sound sources?06:07
laszlokfor example audacity and arts06:07
Moopereanyone know when kde 3.5 beta's will start showing up?06:08
Mooperesoon I hope - kubuntu is being pantsed by ubuntu at the moment :)06:10
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Flying_EagleMoopere: what does "pantsed" mean?06:21
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MoopereFlying_Eagle: Ubuntu breezy has a few nice things that kubuntu don't have06:30
MoopereFlying_Eagle: for instance, multimedia buttons on many keyboards now appear to work "out of the box"06:31
MoopereFlying_Eagle: Also, aRTs really really sucks06:31
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_mindspinhi, kaudiocreator doesn't encode with lame, any idea?06:35
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pussfellerdo you have lame?06:48
foodcomanI am lame!   =)   So I'm told!06:49
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foodcomanWould I need to do anything special for repos while testing breezy?06:57
jjessechange references to breezy from hoary06:58
jjessethen do an sudo apt-get update06:58
jjessesudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:58
setitewhats the kubuntu source line06:58
setiteit used to be a link to it on the topic.. but i cant find it06:58
foodcomanIt is a fresh install of Breezy 5.10 preview from scratch.06:58
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foodcomanJust uncomment Universe and so-on? 06:59
setitehow do i copy to back up a file07:01
setitecp file newfile?07:01
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libbenanyone know how i install the newest jre 1.5 ? 07:04
setiteyaya i finally found an awesome sources.list and its tailored to amd6407:05
setitethere is a god!07:05
setitei still need the kubuntu line though07:07
jjesseyou are just upgrading one version of kubuntu to another correct?07:08
setiteim trying to update kde yes07:08
setitei think i got it07:08
setitedeb http://kubuntu.org/ hoary-updates main ??07:08
jjesseif you change the sources to reflect breezy instead of hoary it will upgrade the package kubuntu-desktop to the breezy package07:08
setiteyou think thats stable?07:08
jjessei'm using the preview package w/o any issues07:08
setiteit would install kubuntu desktop... not the whole thing right...07:09
jjessesetite i edited my sources.list then did a sudo apt-get update 07:09
jjessefollowed by a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:09
setiteok what are the changes07:09
setiteoh so you upgraded your whole distro07:09
jjesseand upgrade my distro from hoary to breezy07:09
jjesseyeah i did07:09
jjesseit was quite painless07:09
setitehmmmm... it should be safe to do so...07:09
setitei have nothign that would be liable to break07:10
setiteok lay it on my...07:10
jjessei didn't eitehr and i'm using a laptop 07:10
setitewell everythign im currently using worked out of the box... and ubuntu is real good at not fixing that which isnt broken like other distros07:10
jjessegrin i've found the same thing07:10
setiteok im looking... i dont know what to change07:11
setitedo i just switch the word hoary to breezy?07:11
jjesseyup that's all i did07:11
jjessejust don't freak if you have like 800 packages that have to be updated07:12
setitewoot that was easy07:12
setitejust auto replaced07:12
setiteuh oh.. this new list has nerim in it... thats not goo07:13
setiteand the backports failed...07:13
jjessethere are no breezy backports yet sorry forgot to mention that07:13
setitebut thats perhaps because of07:13
setiteyea thats what i was gonna say07:13
setitewell backports are just that07:13
setiteso they will probably just make the backports when final is out07:13
setiteok im updating my list... its stuck on 99%07:14
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setiteimma comment out backports fo rnow07:14
setiteok updated07:16
setite710 packages to upgrade.. woot07:16
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libbenhow do i install java so i can use the latest azureus07:25
frank23libben: you can get java in hoary-extras07:26
setitethis is friggin slow07:26
ubotuAdd "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted" to /etc/apt/sources.list.  More info @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports07:26
ubotusomebody said repositories was probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96907:27
libbenfrank23: im on breezy, and when i was on hooray, it wasnt good. i needed to install from sun.java.com 07:27
frank23libben: http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/dists/hoary-extras/restricted/binary-i386/sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update04_i386.deb07:29
frank23libben: for some reason, synaptic does not see it07:30
libbencan i use that on breezy without any problems?07:30
libbendoes commandline see it?07:31
frank23libben: I don't know but my guess is yes07:31
frank23libben: you install it with dpkg07:31
libbenyeah.. dpkg -i file.deb07:32
libbendoes it matter if its a 386 when my kernel is 686?07:32
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frank23libben: it will work on 686 kernel. and synaptic can see it in hoary, so it should have worked when you used hoary07:33
_dominikhi is there any speciel (KDE?) tool in kubuntu to install new packages... or just apt-get?07:35
frank23_dominik: kynaptic07:35
_dominikthx ;)07:35
frank23_dominik: use it to install synaptic, which is much better07:35
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_dominikalso better than apt ?07:35
frank23_dominik: well synaptic does exactly the same thing as apt-get but with a gui07:36
_dominikwell i'll try it .::::::07:36
_dominikbut kubuntu seems to be very nice :)07:37
frank23_dominik: it is ;-)07:37
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_dominiki'll see ;) i used a long time debian :)07:38
_jesusfish_dooglio: kubuntu/ubuntu are pretty much debian geard for the desktop07:38
frank23_dominik: just don't use debian repositories, stick with the ubuntu ones only07:39
marshhey - does anyone know why i'm getting a '\r' on the end of my filenames when i have them read from a modified (just the track names left in) m3u file?07:39
_mindspinhi, kaudiocreator doesn't encode with lame, any idea?07:39
_mindspinand I can't find lame in the repos07:39
marshI noob trying to learn to script - not doin' too bad, but this ones got me stumped ! :(07:39
frank23_mindspin: lame is in multiverse07:40
_jesusfish_marsh: you're probably asking in the wrong channel07:40
marshcan anyone help?07:40
marsh_jesus - suggested channel?07:40
_mindspinthought uncommented multiverse, I #ll have a look07:40
_jesusfish_marsh: what language you scripting in?07:40
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marshthat's why i thought it'd be ok in here...07:41
_jesusfish_marsh: try #linux to start07:41
marsh_jesusfish_: thanks, man - I'll give it a go ;)07:41
_jesusfish_marsh: this channel is more geared kubuntu issues07:41
frank23marsh: you can try #bash07:41
_jesusfish_frank23: ya, wasn't sure if there was a bash channel or not07:42
marshOoohhh.. I can feel it coming together now... :)07:42
marshthanks frank23, _jesusfish_ 07:42
_kbytehi wveryone07:43
_jesusfish_marsh: np07:43
_kbytea big smile from the world's strawberries capital07:43
_kbytesome one knows what kind of program can helps me to use my web cam in amsn cvs??07:44
frank23_kbyte: oh yeah? well I come from (next to) the world's lobster capital!07:44
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_kbytecool frank2307:45
_kbytehey i need help07:45
_kbytei have been started a ciber cafe in my city07:46
_kbytesome people need to use msn with webcam suport07:46
Sith_Tuxhey people, i installed version 5.10 but i can;t seem to play mp3 files with amarok, i get: The gst-engine claims it cannot play MP3 files07:46
ubotufrom memory, mp3 is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support07:46
_kbytethere's any program that can do this?07:47
_dominikhmm sometimes kopete says conected even other people doesn'T get my msgs and see me as offline :(07:47
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OculusAquilae hi bobbyd08:02
bobbydklogd is taking 60-90% cpu time08:02
bobbydany ideas what that is and why it's doing it?08:02
OculusAquilaewhat klogd is?08:03
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OculusAquilae"man klogd"08:03
bobbydok, so why would it be taking up that much cpu time?08:04
bobbydis some process spamming log messages?08:04
bobbydthere's noting in the syslog08:04
OculusAquilaeeverytime or only today?08:05
bobbydjust today08:05
OculusAquilaetry restarting it08:06
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bobbydthat seemed to work08:10
bobbydI don't like it though08:10
OculusAquilaeboddyd: seems to be a bug in klogd, hm08:10
OculusAquilaeboddyd: but it may be that it does not happen very often08:11
libbendont i miss a resp? 08:11
libbencant find w32codecs with my resps08:11
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_StarScreamhi guys, how do i unmount from the cli in kubuntu using DBUS / HAL thingy08:12
_StarScreamumount /media/usbdevice don't work08:13
setitehey jjesse you there08:15
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setitedo i want to keep my current /etc/X11/Xsession.d/30xorg-common_xresources or take the package maintaners version08:16
libbenfrank23: dont i miss a resp? http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/36171708:17
_StarScreamsetite: doing a breezy upgrade?08:17
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setitei said keep current version08:20
setiteis that ok?08:20
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libbenwhy dont i get azuerus when i search for it?08:29
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libbenagain, do i miss any resp line ? http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/36171708:29
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setitewhoa everythign is all big in breezy08:34
_dominikis there a away to get a little bigger font in firefox?08:35
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duendeHelp:  I'm trying to recompile my kernel in breezy, after rebooting i get a kernel panic for not being able to find my root and i should pass it to the kernel line.  In grub i have my kernel  line as:  "kernel /vmlinuz- root=/dev/hda5" it seems it cannot find /dev/hda508:44
bobbydI've noticed that scrolling in konsole is really slow under ubuntu. Has anyone else seen this?08:44
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bobbydI get this on my athlon 2800+08:45
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ManLordwhen i delete a file (move it to the trashcan) a file with the same name and "~" appears, is there a way i can turn off the visibility of these files?08:52
OculusAquilaeManLord: turn off the visibility of backup files, hm08:53
OculusAquilaeManLord: don't know08:53
libbeni cant find Azureus in synaptic, why? <-- breezy08:57
libbenhttp://kubuntu.pastebin.com/361717 my sources.list08:57
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OculusAquilaelibben: don't know, i can't find it too08:59
libbeni think i had a resp called extras in my sources.list in hooray08:59
libbenbut dont have that now for this08:59
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OculusAquilaelibben: i think there is no extras repository for breezy yet09:01
OculusAquilaethink we must wait until the release09:02
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libbenOculusAquilae: well we can use backports09:05
setitedamnit breezy broke my shit09:05
setiteXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"09:05
OculusAquilaelibben: which backports?09:06
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OculusAquilaelibben: but that ar hoary-ones09:14
libbenwell, u use what u can =) 09:14
libbenits no biggie... its not that big diffrence.09:15
OculusAquilaelibben: you're right09:15
OculusAquilaeich hope :-)09:15
OculusAquilaeI hope09:15
libbenbreezy is just a name for a new version of kubuntu... and its still the same as hooray, just that breezy is with newer kde and some newer other things.09:16
OculusAquilaelibben: I know 09:16
libbenso to install say w32codecs from this url would be safe09:16
OculusAquilaenearly safe09:17
libbennow where is my hoes?09:17
libbennalioth_zZz: wake up.09:17
libbenand help my sorry white ass.09:17
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D13GU___hi all09:47
D13GU___where i see the release of kubuntu 509:48
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setitehey can someone help me09:53
setiteim dying wiht this nvidia thing09:53
setiteim getting a kernel error everytime09:53
setiteam i doing this cc shit wronmg09:53
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pljonesHi...  Is this the right place to ask about problems with Kubuntu Breezy Preview?10:03
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slow-motionhow can i find out what character encoding a ID3 tag fom an mp3 file uses?10:05
pljonesOkay...  I've run through the install to first boot.  X starts up to the point I get the checkered background and X cursor, then exits.  I then get an installer screen briefly (looks like it's uninstalling KDM and reinstalling), then it tries again, fails and cycles endlessly.10:05
pljonesAny ideas..?10:05
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pvhSafe to change sources and dist-upgrade?10:06
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jjessethat's what i idid pvh10:08
_rafa_I have a question about package dependeces10:08
_rafa_I would like to uninstal kpovmodeler because I not going to use it10:08
jjesseremove it before upgrading10:09
pvhjjesse: Thanks. Just s/hoary/breezy/? I remember a few months ago hearing that it was a Bad Idea to try that, but I'm glad to hear it's resolved.10:09
jjessewell i did it sucessfully w/ the preview release10:09
_rafa_but it said that it is going to uninstall kdegraphics10:09
pvh_rafa_: That's just a dependency generator.10:09
_rafa_and I don't want that10:09
pvh_rafa_: The things it installed OTHER than that will be gone.10:10
pvh_rafa_: Sorry, will remain10:10
pvh_rafa_: But because you don't have kpovmodeler any more, you don't have the whole KDE graphics package.10:10
pvh_rafa_: The down-side being, of course, that if new packages get added to kdegraphics you won't get them automatically.10:10
pvh_rafa_: Make sense?10:11
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_rafa_I think I can live without new packages added to kdegraphics :)10:11
_rafa_so, how can i just uninstall kpovmodeler ?10:12
_rafa_(without droping all the other programs in kdegraphics package)10:12
_rafa_I remember that with Mandrake I could use something like urmpi --force to uninstall a program without take care of the dependeces10:14
_rafa_is there anything simitar with apt-get ??10:15
_rafa_could this give me to some kind of dependence madness ??10:15
_rafa_pvh ?10:15
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ctwhi! has anyone here tried the new kubuntu preview 5.10 yet?10:16
=== pljones would like to have.
seth_k_rafa_, you would have to compile your own version of kdegraphics10:17
seth_kctw, I've run Breezy since the day after Hoary came out10:17
seth_kby now it's pretty stable10:17
_rafa_seth_k, i could uninstall kdegraphics and then install the programs i need , no?10:18
ctwthanks seth_k, that's what I wanted to know10:18
seth_k_rafa_, uninstalling kdegraphics will not remove the whole kdegraphics package10:18
seth_k_rafa_, think of kdegraphics like a basket10:18
seth_kit has lots of things in it, and if you install the basket, you install all the things in it10:18
ctwdo you think the installer will change much? I'm thinking about installing it on a new laptop and want to get full hardware detection10:18
_rafa_kdegraphics is a metapackage, no ?10:18
seth_kbut if you uninstall the basket, then apt takes everything out of the basket and removes just the basket10:19
seth_kit is a metapackage10:19
_rafa_I thought that if I uninstall this metapackage I would uninstall all the things it depens on the metapackage10:20
seth_kif things depend on the metapackage, you will10:20
seth_kbut iirc nothing depends on kdegraphics10:20
pvh_rafa_: No, if you uninstall the meta-package, anything it installed stays.10:21
seth_kA metapackage has lots of depends on other packages, it rarely has reverse depends10:21
seth_kpvh, which is what I said before :P10:21
_rafa_ok, seth_k but what I want to uninstall is kpovmodeler that depens on kdegraphics10:21
pvh_rafa_: You need something like debfoster to get rid of the orphans.10:21
seth_k_rafa_, so uninstall it10:21
pvhseth_k: Heh, catching up.10:21
seth_k_rafa_, you'll remove kpovmodeller + kdegraphics, and everything else will stay10:21
=== pvh nods
_jesusfish__rafa_: kdegraphics can only be installe if all of the packages under it are installed10:22
_rafa_ok ok, I thought it works to ways (installing and uninstalling)10:22
pljoneskdegraphics depends on the content but the content doesn't depend on kdegraphics10:22
_jesusfish__rafa_: it's basically just used to install a handful of packages at once10:22
seth_k_rafa_, although why remove it, it takes like 6 MB :P10:22
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pljonesso if you remove some of the content, you can't have kdegraphics installed (you broke the dependency) -- but nothing else cares.10:23
libbenRiddell: isnt there a extras resp for breezy?10:23
seth_kbrb, have to drop off this essay to my prof10:23
seth_klibben, not yet, but there will be10:23
_rafa_seth_k, I am traying to use kubuntu at work, I don't need kpovmodelet among other things10:23
libbenso for now i will have to install azuerus manually10:23
seth_klibben, "install"... just untar into /home/ and run10:24
_rafa_I trying to get kunbutu as clean as I can10:24
libbenseth_k: yeah i know. 10:24
libbenbut i need to install java10:24
seth_k_rafa_, "clean" is relative... Kubuntu isn't like windows where it slows down as the registry gets bigger10:24
seth_khaving kpovmodeler installed does nothing but take 6MB of HD space10:24
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seth_kbut whatever floats your boat10:25
_rafa_seth_k, I know I know, I am not new to linux but to ubuntu (and kubuntu)10:25
_rafa_but perhaps my boss dosen't like to see this kind of aplications in my desktop :)10:26
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Riddelllibben: no idea10:27
_rafa_is not a question of space, is a question of having the tools that I need for my working and nothing else10:27
pvhDoes adept have a way to show "undepended" packages?10:28
Blissexpvh: for sophisticated filtering/analysis use 'aptitude'...10:29
pvhBlissex: Yes, aptitude is very advanced, but that wasn't the question. :)10:31
pljonesNo one on tried a fresh install of KBreezy and had the KDM looping?  Okay, I'll try over on the forum.10:31
_rafa_well, I should leave, thanks for the help10:33
setitejjesse, i hate you10:33
_rafa_keep this good work 10:33
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setitei should get the amd64-k8 kernel...10:35
setitewhoa whats the difference from linux-amd64-generic and linux-amd65-k810:36
setitegeneric for k8,smp, and xeon with no optimizations i presume10:36
setitewhoops wroung rrom10:37
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naliothlibben: talkin that trash aint gonna get you anywhere10:42
libbenit was with the ;) in the eye10:43
libbenive downloaded a mp4 file and cant get it to play in kaffeine.10:44
libbentried to install ffmpeg codecs and gstreamer codecs that has mpeg410:44
libbenbut havent helped.10:44
libbendo i need to restart kde for it10:45
naliothhave you installed ALL the gstreamer codecs? (even the ones you have to compile yourself)?10:46
libbencant really say so no. ive only installed some codecs that i thought to be for mpeg410:46
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_andreasyeah this rocks10:51
naliothlibben: there are many gstreamer-plugins, for best results, install ALL of them10:52
naliothlibben: and the ones that won't install, build10:52
libbenso what ? just mark all named gstreamer ? =)10:53
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=== pljones leaves to try something!
naliothlibben: yes.10:57
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libbenive installed the meta package.10:58
_andreasI heard firefox wil have a kitchen sink soon10:58
libbenit includes them all10:58
_andreaswill too10:58
libbenhopefully the firefox beta will be in breezy10:58
_andreasthat would be cool10:59
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_andreasnot that I'm using it10:59
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naliothwhen will it be evident? stability over bling10:59
setitejjesse, wherever you are... yea im never upgrading again...11:00
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_andreasbling bling bling11:01
libbenwell, its on ur own risk to install a Beta11:02
libbenand this beta should be very appreciated by teh communtiy. so they all can try it.11:02
libbeninstead of waiting for a stable relase on both sides.11:02
naliothlibben: ?11:04
seth_kpsh, if they don't have firefox beta i'll be annoyed11:04
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libbenanyone wanna help me with installing the newest java? done it two days ago, but forgot what to type. and its a new clean system.11:19
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nalioth_wrkn!tell libben about java11:23
=== op [n=op@c-69-180-43-207.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
ophello  ihave a few questions if someone would be so kind as to help11:27
nalioth_wrknop: just ask11:28
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opi am trying to install a number of programs and it is not letting me instal them. One of which is Mozilla firefox. it is saying it is missing a lib file from the gtk so i tried to install the gtk but it needs to be compiled and it is saying me computer does not have a valid cc installed11:29
nalioth_wrknop: install "build-essential"11:30
opalso i have three drives i was using for another computer that was windows xp and i would like to use them on this comuputer without formating but i do not know howto mount them11:30
opwhat is build-essential?11:30
opi am completely new to linux11:30
nalioth_wrknop: build-essential is a metapackage that will install all the programs you need to compile software11:32
opokay i will look for that any idea on the hardrive mounting11:32
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opthanks i have done the build assentials and i think it is working :-) does anyone know how i can get those hardrives working on here without formating them and looseing the data?11:36
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=== [NetSkier [n=ns@ca-redbch-cuda1-c3a-199.stmnca.adelphia.net] has joined #KUBUNTU
[NetSkierI just installed Kubuntu for the first time, without a network cable.  Now I have one, so where did they hide /etc/resolv.conf?11:40
[NetSkierAlternatively, what can I run now to configure the network?11:40
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spiralhello all...11:43
spiralcould anyone tell me why breezy doesn't include amaroK 1.3.1 ?11:43
[NetSkierWhat can I run now to configure the network?11:45
[NetSkierWhat replaced /etc/resolv.conf?11:45
[NetSkierThought this was a debian install with a nicer interface.11:46
spiral[NetSkier: /etc/resolv.conf is still good11:46
[NetSkierThat file is missing on my new install.11:46
spiral[NetSkier: just create & fill it then ?11:47
[NetSkierok; I will create it.11:47
[NetSkierBut is there some program I can run now to do it the Kubuntu way?11:47
[NetSkierI want to give Kubuntu a fair test.11:47
spiral[NetSkier: maybe you could see in kcontrol if there's something for this, or do dpkg-reconfigure network or netrwoking... dunno exactly11:48
[NetSkierspiral: thanks; will look there.11:48
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spiralnobody knows about amaroK 1.3.1 there ?11:49
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Blissex[NetSkier: well, depends.11:53
Blissex[NetSkier: there is network configuration in the KDE ''system configuration'' panel. And there are all the usual Ubuntu configuration applets.11:53
Blissex[NetSkier: but '/etc/resolv.conf' is a bit special -- it is usually set automagically by DHCP.11:53
[NetSkierI want to set it staticly.11:54
jarekhi everyone11:54
=== juju [n=jujubila@15.0.99-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu
jareki've got a problem with sensors11:54
jarekanyone gan give me a hand with tahat?11:54
[NetSkierBlissex: Iwill look at the  KDE ''system configuration'' panel.11:55
hussam[NetSkier: edit /etc/networks/interfaces to something similar to this: http://pastebin.com/36115911:56
jareki don't know how to run the lm-sensors11:56
hussamhussam: it you configure it from kde control panel, it will not rememeber the static gateway, so you need to edit /etc/networks/interfaces11:59
hussam[NetSkier: sorry, that was for you11:59
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[NetSkierhussam: Thanks, but the resolvconf package is not installed, and I need a working dns to go get it, or is it on the Hoary cdrom?12:00
=== MarcC-away [i=MarcC@ukiah-cuda1-gen2-70-36-18-129.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu
[NetSkierhussam: I had already edited the  /etc/networks/interfaces file, but did not have items 7 and 8.12:00
hussam[NetSkier: jsut sudo apt-get resolveconf12:01
hussam[NetSkier: umm, I don't think it is on cd. it's on archive.ubuntu.com12:01
[NetSkierhussam: How will apt-get find it without dns working?  It won't.12:01
[NetSkierapt-get update fails now due to dns errors.12:02

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