[12:04] my goals for revu2 is to make it really usable for fixes and other changes of packages.... by creating debdiffs to other versions and even make it possible to upload debdiffs... let's see if that is compatible to what sisterpoty and the others plan for revu2 ;) [12:05] full ack from me ;) [12:06] btw.: it's not _sister_poty :P [12:06] who said that? =) [12:06] mbreit just did *g* [12:06] oh... lol [12:07] hahaha === sistpoty feels quite male :) [12:07] lol... sorry sistpoty!!!! [12:07] no problem [12:07] (but that explains why my nick completion did not work *g*) [12:08] we should write up a MOTU Quotes page [12:08] uh oh... [12:08] >:) [12:08] omg [12:08] just make sure you ghost ajmitch before you say anything remotely questionable ;) [12:09] haha [12:11] is breezy usable right now? [12:11] jtan325: yes === sistpoty has no major problems with breezy === ajmitch finds it nice & stable === slomo too [12:14] iirc are there still reports about issues with xorg when upgrading from hoary... but other than that it's very stable and real fun to use [12:15] bddebian: the wiki looks good...just need the note about adding a comment if everyone agrees (it gets my vote) [12:15] upgrade worked for my girlfriend :-) [12:15] bddebian: might want to consider moving the done list to the bottom of the page and have the broken list at the top (for usability) [12:16] bddebian: there are two different styles for section headings... shall i fix that? [12:17] bddebian: can i edit the page now or are you doing something atm? [12:18] hrmmm [12:18] i am upgrading from hoary [12:18] or would be [12:18] what kind of issues with xorg? [12:18] or could they be fixed with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"? [12:18] jtan325: starting does not work with a message "cannot find default font: fixed"... but a dpkg-reconfigure should fix that [12:19] so that's really all i need to worry about? [12:19] and some people have issues with the keyboard module still [12:19] bddebian: what is the command line you are using to build the list in the NOBODY part of the Broken table? [12:23] ack...the mysql-admin package in universe needs an update [12:23] bmonty_laptop: i am fixing the table atm [12:23] mbreit: ok [12:24] bmonty_laptop: is it severely broken, or...? [12:24] fixed now [12:24] crimsun: not severely broken, but a lot of functions don't seem to work and MySQL recommends not using the version universe has [12:24] Sorry afk, bbib [12:25] bmonty_laptop: hmm, "a lot of functions don't seem to work and MySQL recommends not using the version universe has" sounds like a suitable reason for breaking UVF [12:26] crimsun: you could sync in the version from debian unstable [12:27] test it, then ask elmo for a sync [12:27] crimsun: ok, it is going to involve a lot more packages than just mysql-admin [12:27] uh oh [12:27] can we backport any of the fixes? [12:27] "a lot more" = "a few more"....like 3 or so [12:29] such as? [12:29] are there _any_ in main? === JRe [n=Bond@pai34-2-82-226-199-36.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [12:30] sivang: ? [12:30] ajmitch: hold on a sec [12:31] ok [12:31] I did have a work meeting in 1min [12:31] but no longer [12:34] in addition to mysql-admin, we would need to sync mysql-common, mysql-admin-common, and libmysqlclient15 [12:35] oh no [12:35] mysql-common at least is in main [12:36] and you'd be dragging a NEW lib into main too, I'd say === Nafallo agrees with ajmitch, fwiw [12:36] in fact it'd require an upgrade of the whole mysql package [12:36] what are you doing tto mysql? [12:36] fat chance of that :) [12:36] youd better not break it [12:37] ill come after you [12:37] mdz would have a fit [12:37] the best thing to do would be to backport the fixes [12:38] eww thats ugly [12:38] does it really have _that_ serious problems? [12:38] well in debian, libmysqlclient15 is provided by mysql-dfsg-5.0 === jorgp2 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial2-253.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [12:38] and mysql-common is now provided by that as well [12:39] good luck getting that into main ;) [12:39] hah [12:39] if its really screwed tho [12:39] hence my question [12:39] I just installed the debian versions on my laptop and they didn't fix the problem I was having, so maybe it isn't a mysql-admin version issue [12:39] bmonty_laptop: ok.. [12:40] i need to hack up dch [12:40] make it do ubuntu version numbers [12:40] why? [12:40] so i can stop manually changing 2s to 1ubuntu1 === ajmitch already has a script to do the equivalent of dch -i properly [12:41] ajmitch: oh, gimme :) [12:41] Lathiat: yes please [12:41] same here [12:41] Lathiat: you already have it [12:41] oh? [12:41] whats it called? [12:41] part of my transition crack [12:41] yeh yeh [12:41] but whats it called [12:41] ;p [12:41] look for the increment function [12:41] buildList.sh [12:42] ajmitch: branch dch for us please :-) [12:42] dch already handles -xbuild1 -> -xbuild2 [12:42] and -xubuntu1 -> -xubuntu2 [12:42] I just special cased -x to -xubuntu1 [12:42] but not -x -> -xubuntu1 [12:42] Nafallo: sure, why not? [12:42] Lathiat: that's what I did in my script [12:43] Nafallo: how annoying, devscripts isn't on arch.ubuntu.com [12:44] ajmitch: file a bug or something ;-) [12:44] I will [12:45] http://alioth.debian.org/scm/?group_id=30465 [12:45] hm, not there [12:45] OK folks, take a look at UniverseUnmetDeps now and let me know what you think?? [12:45] bddebian: wiki is much better :) [12:46] aha, it's on svn.debian.org [12:46] it sucks it sucks! [12:46] you suck! [12:46] :'-( [12:46] now now dont get all uspet on me [12:46] bddebian: an improvement [12:46] :-) [12:47] hah [12:47] ajmitch: [12:47] bddebian: it's ok, you're allowed to suck ;) [12:47] thats so cold === ajmitch is still waiting for debian NEW queue beofre syncing gnue-designer & gnue-forms, btw [12:48] so they're mine, all mine! [12:48] How do I make a cr/lf inside the table cell? I'd like to have more readability between all the broken stuff? [12:48] bddebian: I don't think you can [12:48] bddebian: [[BR] ] ? === comadreja [n=comadrej@pdpc/supporter/active/comadreja] has joined #ubuntu-motu [12:52] good work bddebian! === ajmitch wonders what that guy's ipv6 issue is on u-d [12:54] Heh, that didn't work [12:54] looks odd to me [12:54] checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... /lib/cpp [12:54] configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check [12:54] what the heck is that? [12:54] do you have build-essential installed? [12:54] HiddenWolf: do you have g++ installed? [12:54] wtf, build-essential was gone. :( === HiddenWolf has aha moment [12:54] I reinstalled python earlier [12:55] bddebian: good work!! (but there are still too many packages in the nobody list that do not belong there...) [12:55] mbreit: I'm working on it man.. Sheesh :-) [12:55] bddebian: since you're editing, can you take gnue-* & stick them under my name? [12:55] well, Mithrandir is more precise. You can still have cpp installed without having build-essential installed. [12:55] bddebian: i did not want to annoy you, sorry ;) [12:56] ajmitch: Sure [12:56] mbreit: I'm only kidding :-) [12:56] thx [12:56] bddebian: no you're not [12:56] you secretly hate us all [12:57] pitti said he was fixing pgadmin3 [01:03] bddebian: the non-free stuff line in the broken section should be moved to the incoming section [01:10] mm, stuff on 'Incoming section' that should be morgue [01:10] like pcmcia-modules-* [01:11] cynthiune.app synced today [01:11] lhs2tex recently uploaded [01:11] Yeah, who did that? ;-P [01:11] selinux-policy-default is unfixable, and is my area [01:12] gn8 everyone [01:12] night sistpoty [01:13] sigh [01:14] ajmitch? [01:14] so that guy with supposed ipv6 troubles just doesn't know how to use ssh :) [01:14] and it has nothing whatsoever to do with ipv6 [01:14] Lathiat: politely beat him around the head ;) === bmonty_laptop [n=bmontgom@wsip-68-15-230-31.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [01:15] ajmitch: ive actually seen something similar tot his ipv6 ssh stuff [01:15] ajmitch: at work, i run putty to open an ssh tunnel through the http proxy [01:16] ajmitch: it only comes up on ::1 (ipv6localhost [01:16] fun === ajmitch has never seen such things [01:16] he's trying to 'ssh' [01:17] the problem is that an ipv6 socket accepts ivp4 too [01:17] which tends not to work [01:17] so many applications lazily open 1 [01:17] and netstat only says ipv6 [01:17] and users get confused [01:17] also the port thing [01:17] yeh [01:17] they should move to an ipv6 network [01:17] bddebian: i think you can't use lists (* ...) in tables in the wiki... [01:17] Lathiat: know if squid has proper ipv6 support yet? [01:17] ajmitch: nfi [01:18] did we decide on comments for moving packages between the lists? === ajmitch might ask lifeless then [01:18] yeh [01:18] i rememebnrr reading about it on the projects page [01:18] so the answer is probably 'no' [01:18] oops [01:18] ran out of disk space [01:18] heh [01:18] need to make my pbuilder build on /home [01:19] not / with limited space === ajmitch has his pbuilder on /home [01:19] so /home is running out [01:19] heh === Nafallo has his pbuilder on /, and his /home to ;-) [01:20] i separated it so i could reformat without backing everything up off-disk [01:20] since my 200GB is dead in the water that means burning to DVDs [01:20] guys, how do I add a manpage to a .deb? [01:20] HiddenWolf: black magic [01:20] well, I run backuppc on the server ;-) [01:20] saved me today :-P [01:20] package.manpages works [01:20] heh [01:21] well [01:21] list the filename in debian/package.manpages [01:21] my server has like 500M free [01:21] HiddenWolf: for an easy example look at the gnomeradio source package [01:21] put the manpage in debian/ [01:21] HiddenWolf: or do you want to add an _existing_ manpage? [01:21] mbreit: Nope, tried that :-) [01:21] I put a manpage in debian/ and added a line to debian/control, but it doesn't seem to work. [01:22] HiddenWolf: err, whats control got to do with it? [01:22] docbook-to-man lines [01:22] Lathiat: 4.5G take backup for 2 clients and the server here. just have to find the sensible excludes ;-) [01:22] Nafallo: heh [01:22] HiddenWolf: if you want to add an existing manpage, forget my hint ;) [01:22] I copied the manpage of another binary, renamed it and edited a bit. [01:22] Should we have like an "In Process" or "Assigned" section for people already working on something that isn't necessarily "broken" ? [01:23] Lathiat, there is a load of manpage.*.sgml files in /debian/ [01:24] bddebian: only if people keep it up to date :) [01:24] bmonty: Well I can't do much about that :-) [01:26] yay, janew is quoted on an article linked off /. :) [01:27] bddebian: you could make a table for the FIXME stuff... that would look much better [01:28] (and make a === FIXME === instead of = FIXME =) === macgyver2 [n=eric@unaffiliated/macgyver2] has joined #ubuntu-motu [01:30] mbreit: You mean an entry for every package? I was thinking about that. [01:31] bddebian: yes [01:36] Does anyone here know how to turn an sgml docbook file into a manpage when building? [01:36] docbook2man [01:36] stick it in deban/rules [01:36] debian/rules, that is [01:37] there are a few packages that use it [01:37] HiddenWolf: then i can recommend my example again ;) look in the gnomeradio source package.. [01:37] ajmitch, I copied another sgml page, changed it a bit, and added a line to debian/rules, but I keep getting a lintian error for my binary. [01:37] & put it in build-depends, iirc [01:37] HiddenWolf: sgml? better use docbook xml ;) [01:37] mbreit, thanks, i'll check it out [01:38] slomo, there was a bunch of sgmls in debian/ already, so I just copied one, edited a bit, and added a line to /rules [01:38] bddebian: if you're still editing, place gnue-* under my name in Assigned [01:38] wikis aren't too good for concurrent edits :) [01:38] HiddenWolf: ok... your choose :) [01:38] slomo, not my package, yet. In fact it's my first ever try. [01:39] i am going to bed now... good night everybody [01:39] you need yarrr [01:39] where you can collbaritvely edit the same wiki page [01:39] gn8 mbreit [01:39] slomo, I just figured adding an sgml file and a rules line should do the trick... [01:40] ajmitch: Where are gnue stuff? I don't see them? [01:40] ajmitch, any clue? [01:41] ajmitch: NM [01:41] bddebian: http://bur.st/~lathiat/zhcon.debdiff [01:42] Lathiat: shall i upload? [01:42] i have nothing todo atm =) [01:42] oh the table is screwed at the moment :) [01:42] slomo: if you like :) [01:42] bddebian: nm, slomo will do it ;p [01:42] ajmitch: Ya think? ;-) [01:42] arrr fuck [01:42] pbuilder wants to hard link the aptcache archives [01:43] Lathiat: so tell it not to [01:43] how about making the instructions at the top a sub page? I'd like to be able to see the packages under NOBODY without scrolling down [01:43] that doesnt work so well when i set the cache to /var/cache/apt and /home is a separate fs [01:43] How the hell did I become Wiki bitch too?? ;-P [01:43] :) [01:43] it's just an option in the pbuilderrc [01:43] bddebian: you started editing [01:43] ajmitch: sure but wont symlinking it mean it cant get to them? [01:43] APTCACHE="/home/ajmitch/debian/pbuilder/aptcache/" [01:43] APTCACHEHARDLINK="yes" [01:43] change the HARDLINK to "no" [01:44] and it'll copy them [01:44] err [01:44] yeh [01:44] it's a lot slower, but it works [01:44] and take 3 years to do so === Lathiat ponders [01:44] that's why I have my APTCACHE on /home as well :) [01:44] i'll bindmount it in there *g* [01:44] does bind mount work across fs? [01:44] ajmitch: howw do i set that [01:44] ajmitch: of course [01:45] Lathiat: in your pbuilderrc :P [01:45] ajmitch: i mean my system-wide one ;p [01:45] eh, why? [01:45] so they can share the cache of course [01:45] ah [01:46] look up the manpage :) [01:46] i'll just maintain a second cache ;p [01:47] lazy [01:47] it's not a huge problem when you're using apt-proxy anyway [01:47] apt-proxy is the coolest === jorgp3 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial2-234.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [01:47] except im not usingt hat [01:47] if i had room on my server i wouwld [01:47] it gets old downloading everything 3 times [01:47] i did have a local mirror [01:47] except i rm -rf *d it [01:47] yesterday [01:48] along with the rest of /home/lathiat [01:48] so [01:48] haha [01:48] ouch [01:48] wewll [01:48] i lie [01:48] /home/lathiat/* [01:48] theres a subtle difference :) [01:48] Why a special fscking Wiki syntax anyway, why not just HTML? [01:49] bddebian: arbitrary html is a) bad and b) bad for random people [01:49] i.e. fine for you but its a) ugly b) useless to my mother [01:49] for the record, my mother contributes to the ubuntu wiki often === Lathiat coughs [01:49] oh man you are freaking kidding [01:49] can you imagine writing all the wiki over in html? [01:50] html takes 10x as much effort for the same thing [01:50] Lathiat: And the wiki syntax is so much more sensical? [01:50] bddebian: yes [01:50] i have [01:50] ill take " * foo" [01:50] = headings= [01:50] and [01:50] * lists [01:50] * list2 [01:50] fuck typing [01:50]
  • [01:50] vs
    • foo
    [01:50] please [01:50] err [01:50]
      [01:50] Lathiat: YES [01:50]
    • blah
    • [01:50] Oh yeah, that's tough :-) [01:50] bddebian: dude [01:50] bddebian: do it a few hundred times and youll be sorry [01:51] I have done it a few hundred times === Lathiat would be sorry doing it once [01:51] yeah me too [01:51] i know! [01:51] lets do all our docs in sgml [01:51] and transform it [01:51] not that your bitter of anything [01:51] right, tseng? [01:52] right. [01:52] i learned my lesson [01:52] maybe you just need daniels pony [01:52] Can you do sections or hyperlinks within the same page? [01:52] im sure you can === Lathiat has no idea how [01:53] Lathiat: Well come on mr "wiki syntax is so special".. ;-P [01:53] it is special [01:53] doesnt mean i dont know it all [01:53] thats part of the goodness [01:53] ajmitch: Better? [01:53] tseng: sgml? sgml is soooooo last century :P [01:53] APTCACHE="/home/ajmitch/debian/pbuilder/aptcache/" [01:53] APTCACHEHARDLINK="yes" [01:53] in fact i am 100% unversed in wiki syntax [01:53] ergh [01:53] you only have to know afew things to make something decent on the wiki [01:53] * [#anchorname Link to anchor on this page] [01:53] slomo: i know [01:53] from HelpOnEditing [01:53] slomo: it was called sarcasm [01:54] its all xml2man now [01:54] xmltoman, i should sa [01:54] y [01:54] anything is better than man === Lathiat is waiting for wiki2man [01:54] tseng: i know... just wanted to tease you :P [01:54] bddebian: 'Incoming' list is still far too long [01:55] ajmitch: I'm working on it... [01:55] bddebian: chuck out some of the morgue packages that are in that section [01:55] I mean too long in that there are entries on there which are in another page section [01:55] I know, I know.. :-( [01:56] ok :) [01:56] ajmitch: how do we get morgue smaller? just tell elmo about it? [01:56] slomo: well it won't happen any other way [01:56] slomo: I've already had him morgue a couple [01:56] rubymagick has been removed from debian [01:56] so it should probably be fried [01:56] altho its in a working state [01:56] elmo doesn't look over the wiki pages [01:56] bddebian: can you get him to kill mine? ;) he seems to ignore me ;) [01:56] slomo: http://bur.st/~lathiat/lineak-kdeplugins.debdiff [01:56] he said he'll point & laugh if people complain that something hasn't been done, and it's only on the wiki === Lathiat washses his hands of kde [01:57] Lathiat: good, you don't need to feel so dirty now ;) === Lathiat wouldn't read the wiki if he was elmo [01:57] unfortunately my hands are stained [01:57] permanantly [01:57] since avahi grew a qt dependancy [01:57] did you implement the kde bindings? [01:57] slomo: hrm? [01:58] Lathiat: oh sick [01:58] oh, no [01:58] s/kde/qt [01:58] jakubS did [01:58] ajmitch: I think we should open a bug for each package that we want to morgue [01:58] ah... i can't type anymore :( [01:58] bmonty_laptop: i dunno, i think asking elmo to do them is easier [01:58] bmonty_laptop: sure, but open bug where? [01:58] just mail him a list ? [01:58] malone? or does elmo not look at that as well? [01:58] he does not [01:58] hmmm... [01:59] I thought elmo didn't like those things? [01:59] Nafallo: which things? [01:59] bugs, wikis etcetera... [01:59] Cheesetracker.. That package name cracks me up.. :-) [01:59] you're right [01:59] irc and mail seems to be his way :-) [01:59] is anyone from MOTU reviewing the morgue candidates list? I put a few on there over the past couple days [01:59] he wants us to send him mail [01:59] ajmitch: did you tell your pal to build myth-plugins with gcc 3.4? [01:59] tseng: yes [01:59] tseng: don't think he's done so yet [02:00] ajmitch: yay [02:00] since it was 2AM I told him [02:01] slomo: Well I'm not sure he likes me much. I have been buggint the shit out of him lately with syncs and morgues :-( [02:01] bddebian: don't worry, I'll do that next week === ajmitch will have about 10 packages to sync at once [02:03] ajmitch: hm, can we do "syncs"? just getting a debian package, sign it with our key and upload? or will that break something? [02:03] slomo: yes [02:03] and elmo will hunt you down [02:03] at best you'd have to stick a build1 on the version [02:04] ok ;) why and what does it break? [02:04] and then change distro to breezy [02:04] ah the distro... ok... [02:04] a sync leaves the distro alone in the changelog & stick an Origin: debian/unstable in [02:05] anyway, bbl in an hour or so :) [02:05] ok :) [02:07] anyone use rbscrobbler except me? [02:07] rb is for losers [02:07] real men use cat > /dev/dsp [02:08] tseng: when it gets working daap support before banshee it will rock for the time until banshee gets it :P [02:08] slomo: already has it :( [02:08] but banshee will soon [02:08] snorp seems to be halfway there [02:08] slomo: haha [02:08] Lathiat: it really works now and is stable? :) [02:08] it works [02:08] dunno how stable it is [02:08] can it do a server? [02:08] its was a bit dodgy a few days ago when i tried [02:08] tseng: yes [02:08] both [02:09] hm [02:09] so if i just open two copies of RB righrt now [02:09] from cvs [02:09] it will work? [02:09] you need to compile with --enable-daap [02:09] Lathiat: hm, i'll try it tomorrow :) [02:09] and have avahi svn or howl installed [02:09] buh, svn [02:09] yeh sorry [02:09] we added some new stuff [02:09] that hes using [02:10] 0.5 sometime soon [02:10] now with mono bindings [02:10] ok [02:10] woo [02:10] also thanks to snorp [02:10] which he did as part of doing daap-sharp for banshee [02:10] ya [02:11] Lathiat: sounds good :) i hope we get banshee with daap for breezy ;) [02:12] slomo: doubtful [02:12] however as it will be ap lugin [02:12] not hard to dro pin [02:12] but i need to get avahi 0.5 into breezy === ryanthiessen [n=ryan@168-103-148-90.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [02:12] oh ok... then it doesn't really matter :) [02:12] tseng: is there anything special to putting mono stuff in debian packages? [02:12] Lathiat: when do you plan to release 0.5? [02:12] tseng: (i.e. can i point ross at something?) [02:12] slomo: hrm, probably this week [02:13] we're great at releases [02:13] theyve been 2-7 days apart so far and we're already at the 4th ;p [02:13] Lathiat: let him take a look at the ipod-sharp package for example... that's fairly clean and to the point... and should be somewhat similar to the avahi stuff [02:14] Lathiat: http://pkg-mono.alioth.debian.org/cli-policy/ [02:14] yes, slomo's packages are good === robitaille [n=robitail@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [02:34] Lathiat: zhcon fails on amd64 [02:35] doh [02:35] and ia64... so probably int -> long stuff or similar [02:35] 493 winime.cpp:253: error: cast from 'char*' to 'unsigned int' loses precision [02:35] 494 winime.cpp:274: error: cast from 'char*' to 'unsigned int' loses precision [02:36] change these to unsigned long or just long [02:36] ok [02:36] maybe this is the only file :/ [02:37] Nafallo: ping? can you test for Lathiat later? [02:37] i can test [02:37] i have access to an amd64 machine [02:37] even better :) [02:37] slomo: you'll have to look closer, but s/int/long/ will probably suffice [02:38] crimsun: sure... that was just a hint :) [02:38] ill take your word for it [02:38] cu si have no idea about amd64 porting [02:38] cu si? [02:39] cus i ha [02:39] ok ;) [02:42] debhelper automatically patches with files in debian/patch/ ? [02:42] nope [02:42] then how does this work [02:43] it has such a dir [02:43] and no reference in the rules [02:43] maybe they are already applied or something [02:43] does it use cdbs? [02:43] the simple patchsystem of cdbs? [02:43] no [02:44] ok it seems the patchesa rea lready applied [02:44] and they are just there as some kind of record [02:44] wait... which package? [02:44] zhcon? [02:44] yes [02:45] ls [02:45] i'll just get it and tell you then :) [02:45] when it uses cdbs and the simple patch system of cdbs you're just done with putting the patches in debian/patches [02:45] otherwise you should use dpatch [02:45] when i said debian/patch [02:45] i leeft the s off on purpose [02:45] :) [02:46] that stuff in patch isn't applied while building ;) [02:46] ok... just do the following: [02:46] yeh [02:46] like i said [02:46] i've been integrating dpatch with the other packages [02:46] should i just do that? [02:46] oh [02:46] yes :) [03:03] hm ok [03:03] who wants to try this on amd64 === slomo_ [n=slomo@p5487FAA5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [03:07] OK, time for Lost.. Later gang === womble [n=mpalmer@220-245-224-46.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu [03:08] http://bur.st/~lathiat/zhcon.debdiff -- anyone with an amd64? [03:09] Lathiat: didn't you say that you have access to an amd64? [03:09] yeh but it doesnt have fakeroot [03:09] suppose i could just try buil dit === Nafallo_ [i=nafallo@unaffiliated/nafallo] has joined #ubuntu-motu [03:14] Nafallo: ? [03:23] Lathiat: maybe just upload and hope it works? ;) === jorgp2 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial2-219.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === robitaille [n=robitail@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [03:43] slomo_: yeh, http://bur.st/~lathiat/zhcon.debdiff [03:43] up now [03:43] use the buildds to debug ;) [03:43] lol [03:43] you will debug :P [03:43] i know tseng was doing that was mono for a while ;) [03:43] to make it more fun, he had to upload a bootstrap and then the package each time [03:43] or something [03:44] yes i know that :) ivoks does it yesterday too ;) [03:48] uploaded [03:52] lol [03:52] failed? [03:52] the buildds also have something todo with gwydion-dylan =) already more than 1 hour compiling... === Lathiat grins [03:53] lol @ amd64 comments [03:54] in malone? the mono ones? ;) [03:54] someone buy me an amd64 pls :) [03:55] slomo_: no in the changelog of gwydion [03:55] Lathiat: lol ok... :) [03:55] ok [03:55] what to attack next [03:55] theres so much haskell shit [03:55] cant we just purge haskell from existance [03:55] yes take haskell stuff :) [03:55] no... haskell is a nice language :P === Lathiat waves his hand and shouts "peanut butter sandwhiches" [03:56] ajmitch: can you buy me one too? and a much faster ppc :) [03:56] i'll take 1 too [03:56] while we're all at it [03:56] dual 2.5ghz ppc wouldnt go astray either [03:56] slomo_: well, I'd like a faster ppc as well [03:56] preferebly with a nice fat fibre channel array full of large disks :) [03:56] since the only ppc I have ubuntu access to is a 400MHz G3 [03:57] such speed & power [03:57] i bet everything feels like compiling gwydion-dylan there ;) === ajmitch was pricing up flights to montreal - I could build a decent amd64 box for that === Lathiat looked one up and found $4500 AUD [03:58] thats half a years pay [03:58] PASS [03:58] yeah [03:58] before bills, that is [03:58] I priced it at $2400 at the travel agent [03:59] NZD, that is [03:59] oh, avahi 0.4 is in :) [03:59] slomo_: oh nice [03:59] so maybe $2600 AU [03:59] ajmitch: still [03:59] um [03:59] even if the flights were $1000AUD i couldnt go ;p [03:59] $2200, I meant ;) [03:59] hence why i cant goto linux.conf.nz :) [03:59] Lathiat: true [03:59] err i mean .au [03:59] Lathiat: you need to get to linux.conf.AU [03:59] oh , wait [03:59] sure you did [03:59] everyone knows NZ is the other australian state [04:00] at least everyone around here thinks that it is [04:01] oh no... [04:02] someone broke gnumeric [04:02] uh oh [04:03] I can honestly say it wasn't me [04:03] seb128 was it... or elmo syncing stuff ;) === ajmitch is shocked, a new mail on the dunlug list [04:03] dunnie lug? [04:03] ;p [04:03] yeah :P [04:04] you may have heard of a little place called dunedin [04:04] ajmitch: do you have an idea how long dylan will need on the buildds? it's already building 1 1/2 hours ;) [04:05] slomo_: 3 days! [04:05] Lathiat: elmo would kill me :P but even on my ibook it just needed 5 hours... [04:06] slomo_: it should just about be done then [04:07] I'm surprised it hasn't built already [04:07] as the buildds are reasonably fast [04:07] why is it so massive & slow to compile? [04:07] it's just 3 mb compressed sources... i don't really know why it takes that long... [04:08] maybe it recompiles the whole source tree 30 times [04:08] it compiles a bootstrap compiler first... and then compiles all it's stuff with that... [04:08] but nothing more [04:08] i know daniels once had a loop i nthe xorg build [04:08] that was funny [04:08] maybe they do sleep(5000000000000000000) in the compiler ;) [04:09] or maybe their compiler they bootstrapped sucks badly [04:09] and is calculating pi to a few hundred million decimal palces [04:11] because its bored [04:11] hehe === jorgp2 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial2-219.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === jsgotangco [n=jsg@] has joined #ubuntu-motu === Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === jorgp2 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial2-219.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [04:30] Lathiat: built :) [04:31] slomo_: oh nice === jorgp2 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial2-219.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === tritium [n=michael@pcp0011975002pcs.sandia01.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === Nafallo [i=nafallo@c-459571d5.07-44-73746f50.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu-motu === Treenaks [n=martijn@messy.foodfight.org] has joined #ubuntu-motu === mornfall [n=mornfall@200.210.forpsi.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === slomo_ [n=slomo@p5487FAA5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === crimsun [n=crimsun@pdpc/supporter/silver/crimsun] has joined #ubuntu-motu === j^ [n=nj@wg104.waag.org] has joined #ubuntu-motu === NigelS [i=nigel@] has joined #ubuntu-motu === Kaloz [n=kaloz@] has joined #ubuntu-motu === hrvoje [n=phx@anak.math.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu === jorgp2 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial2-219.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [04:57] i give up... hope this is finished after i wake up... gn8 everybody =) === Kaloz [n=kaloz@arrakis.dune.hu] has joined #ubuntu-motu === jorgp2 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial2-219.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [05:08] are we going to sync the new hula from debina? === seth_k [n=seth@asmallorange.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu === Marce_ [n=marce@2001:6f8:929:0:0:0:0:9] has joined #ubuntu-motu === Marce_ is now known as Marce === highvoltage [n=Jono@] has joined #ubuntu-motu === robitaille [n=robitail@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === karlheg [n=karlheg@host-250-237.resnet.pdx.edu] has joined #ubuntu-motu === hub__ [n=hub@toronto-hs-216-138-231-194.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu [08:40] any willing volunteers alive? [08:42] zzzzz [08:42] jsgotangco: you're the perfect fellow for it :) === Burgundavia is sleeping [08:42] I need to write up an enthusiastic announcement for a bug day this weekend :) [08:42] ajmitchvasked for someone alive, not awake :) [08:43] isn't that dholbach's job [08:43] robitaille: I'm sure anyone at a keyboard here is more awake than I am [08:43] (to make an enthusiastic announcement that is) [08:43] jsgotangco: maybe, but he's not around [08:43] ajmitch, why don't you copy what ogra said for the first bug day a couple of months ago? [08:43] robitaille: I've got it open here as a start [08:43] just copying doesn't really do it for me [08:44] we're at a different stage in the release cycle [08:44] and we can't promise everyone that their bugs will get fixed [08:44] no? they could fixed....one day.... [08:45] sure [08:45] but peoples' expectations are that developers will jump & fix them all for breezy [08:46] I don't think a lot of people like things like freezes, where we say that we won't have the latest & shiniest that is out there :) [08:46] peoples' expectations are always that developers will jump & fix them all, no matter where you are in the release cycle. It is something they expect once they have filed their bug report :) [08:47] well yes :) [08:47] being a developer is a tough job ;) === ajmitch should retire to a monastery somewhere [08:48] so what's the goal of this bug day if it isn't to fix bugs for breezy? [08:48] it is to fix bugs [08:48] but I don't want the announcement to convey that every whim will be catered to [08:48] robitaille, i notice that mono don't have an icon in the notification area (best, muine, blam) [08:48] hm [08:48] they should [08:49] yeah [08:49] hrmm [08:49] ok blam appeared [08:49] but still no best [08:49] jsgotangco, works here...blam and best [08:49] best definitely should [08:49] muine isn't showing one here now that you say it [08:50] but I'm not running the latest package [08:50] slomo did some trayicon fixes recently [08:51] anyway, I'm writing up the announcement on wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay if you're willing to help out :) [08:51] this is something the MOTUs are helping to coordinate [08:51] but then beagled doesn't work for me: https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/2222 === ajmitch made the mistake of suggesting it [08:51] let me look at beagle [08:51] and I have updated this breezy a few minutes ago [08:51] yeah beagled doesn't work === ajmitch is also on the crack mono team ;) [08:52] aha [08:52] best doesn't have a tray icon for me even for the latest update [08:52] ajmitch, I'm going to bed in a few minutes; I'll take a look at that wiki page tomorow morning === ajmitch doesn't quite have the latest, is upgrading that now [08:52] and then I'll check for you [08:53] robitaille: ok, thanks [08:53] looks like a broken .config in the GAC, by that bugreport [08:54] or something similar === dholbach [i=foobar@dyn231-190.dsl.ligado.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu [09:19] good morning [09:19] morning dholbach ! [09:19] good to see you :) [09:19] hey andrew :) [09:19] want to help me write up the bug day announcement? [09:19] from tomorrow on i'll have internet myself, so you'll see a bit more of me :) [09:19] ah great [09:20] you could put it on a wiki page === ajmitch points dholbach to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay :) [09:20] so we could all have a look [09:20] alright [09:20] will grab a coffee and get going [09:20] I've only just started writing it up [09:20] thanks [09:34] hey \sh [09:34] <\sh> morning [09:34] hey \sh, congratulations [09:34] <\sh> dholbach: thx :) [09:34] <\sh> for what? [09:34] :) [09:34] heh [09:34] haha [09:34] :) [09:35] you've been appointed the new FF maintainer ;) [09:35] i'm referring to your blog entry === ajmitch ducks [09:35] <\sh> hehyehe... [09:35] ajmitch: you like to haunt people into madness [09:35] dholbach, you going to be there? [09:35] dholbach: never [09:35] Burgundavia: UBZ? [09:35] <\sh> ok...sorry I'm a bit sleepy [09:35] \sh: I'm looking at my bank account, I might be able to make it to UBZ [09:36] <\sh> i just didn't manage to leave ogras place yesterday [09:36] dholbach, ya [09:36] y e s :-D [09:36] <\sh> ajmitch: would be great if you can manage [09:36] \sh: yep === Mithrandir [n=tfheen@c5100BC63.inet.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu-motu [09:37] <\sh> dholbach: ogra showed me yesterday all the pictures from udu so...I know, i have to be strong and well trained for having fun ;-) === Valandil [n=chrys@dsl-084-056-117-236.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [09:37] hehe [09:37] strong and well trained? [09:37] how did you come to that conclusion? [09:37] <\sh> dholbach: strong to wake up after 2 hours of sleep [09:38] we managed at least 3 most nights [09:38] hahaha [09:38] <\sh> dholbach: and well trained for local beer [09:38] <\sh> hehehe [09:38] not just any local beer [09:38] australian beer :) [09:38] \sh: i especially liked VB - but don't tell any australian ;) [09:38] dholbach: it's not too bad :) === Gervystar [n=gervysta@] has joined #ubuntu-motu === Valandil [n=chrys@dsl-084-056-117-236.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [09:40] <\sh> dholbach: believe me, i just was going crazy when I read this mail about being approved..it was really a bug surprise for me and i'm looking forward to have some really good work to be done before, during and after UBZ [09:41] \sh: it was the same for me, when i talked to mark about sydney, i was dancing on for like 4 days :) === herzi [n=herzi@c177210.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu [09:43] <\sh> dholbach: but it means now for me: working some detailed plans for me ideas and reading through some other things from nafallo... [09:43] <\sh> dholbach: much work has to be done.. [09:43] \sh: yes, there's a lot [09:44] *if* I go, there's some stuff I really want to prepare on my laptpo before I go [09:44] like a working SELinux install :) === ajmitch remembers the fun BOFs about expanding universe [09:45] MOTUs have been one of the real successes of breezy, IMHO :) [09:46] <\sh> ajmitch: MOTU is the best goal breezy ever had, and dapper will have ,) [09:47] certainly [09:48] hey \sh, dholbach === ajmitch waves again to jsgotangco [09:48] hey jsgotangco [09:48] hey my aussie friend [09:48] :P [09:49] you enjoy that too much [09:50] nahh...just bored a bit [09:50] i'll just celebrate halloween instead of love day =) [09:50] heh [09:51] \sh: what are you hoping to plan for UBZ? [09:51] shtoom/jabber/sip/voip stuff? [09:52] <\sh> ajmitch: the integration of all my ideas concerning im, email, launchpad, voip [09:52] <\sh> yes [09:52] <\sh> additionally the dotUbuntu stuff from nafallo [09:52] so you'll hope to stay after the 6th? [09:52] <\sh> ajmitch: no... [09:53] can't afford to stay then? :( [09:53] <\sh> ajmitch: my flights are booked already..and on the 6th i'm leaving but in between there are some launchpad meetings, so i have to clone myself [09:53] ah right [09:53] I only went to the travel agent today [09:54] to find out costs, so I might see if I can book soon if I have the money :) [09:54] I'm not being sponsored, but I found a VERY cheap hostel near the Holiday Inn [09:54] Treenaks: cool, what one is it? [09:54] I'll need to find a hostel as well [09:55] the one on wikitravel, $20 (EUR 15)/night [09:55] Treenaks: you're paying your own way then? [09:55] ooh nice [09:55] ajmitch: yeah [09:55] url? [09:55] looking [09:55] thanks [09:55] http://www.auberge-alternative.qc.ca/ [09:55] ah yes [09:55] jbailey showed me that one [09:55] I didn't check the price [09:56] <\sh> brb [09:56] Treenaks: how much will airfare cost you? [09:56] ajmitch: 550 including airport taxes etc. [09:57] ajmitch: (British Airways even) [09:57] yeah, that's far cheaper than the price I found for travel from NZ [09:57] which is closer to 1500 [09:57] ajmitch, you are serious [09:57] United could do it for 100 euros less, but they had stops in the US, and those suck (checkout, re-checkin, extreme security checks) [09:57] jsgotangco: fairly serious [10:00] <\sh> back [10:00] wb \sh [10:01] <\sh> oh wow...fred is really a lovely dog.. === jorgp2 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial2-219.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [10:01] heh [10:01] \sh: you're still at ogras? [10:01] <\sh> ajmitch: yeah [10:01] <\sh> didn't manage to leave yesterday....the beer was too god [10:02] <\sh> ah good even [10:02] haha [10:02] yes [10:02] <\sh> and the countryside is really beautyful, even when it's raining [10:03] <\sh> not many cars to hear, only cows and dogs and the rain...really relaxing when you come from the city [10:03] sounds nice [10:05] <\sh> but one negative point has it...now I really like this wlan stuff...sitting with the laptop somewhere, or walking around without any cable...lovely... === elbi [n=elbi@cpe.atm4-0-1301006.0x50a0824e.vgnxx6.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu-motu [10:06] <\sh> i never used wlan for networking things..but now [10:07] yeah, wifi is really great === ajmitch is lying down on his bed at the moment, using the laptop [10:08] still got a nice strong signal, unlike my old laptop & wifi card [10:11] <\sh> dholbach: u read http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/63799 [10:11] <\sh> HP in Ubuntu Fever ,) [10:11] yes :) === mvo [n=egon@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu [10:12] <\sh> morning mvo [10:12] hey motus! hey \sh [10:13] I'm looking over the gnome-app-install apps right now and there is a lot of universe stuff in it. some are uninstallable right now, I just paste that in here and hope that it helps you guys :) [10:13] babytrans [10:13] gpe-contacts [10:13] efax-gtk [10:13] <\sh> mvo: stop [10:13] <\sh> please have a look on UniverseUnmetDeps [10:13] \sh: I write them by hand as I disover them [10:13] oh, ok [10:13] <\sh> mvo: those apps should be on this list we are working on === koke [n=koke@169.Red-217-127-113.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [10:14] \sh: efax-gtk seems to be missing on that list, the others are in [10:15] <\sh> mvo: can u try to use the command line from this page to determine the apps which are not installable? [10:16] <\sh> mvo: btw...I implemented launchpad integration into gajim...and found out it has to be a GtkMenu and not a GtkMenuItem to be used for the hook ;) [10:16] \sh: oh, right. sorry that I have been confused about it. but I assume it went well otherwise? [10:17] <\sh> mvo: yeah, i checked the source of the lib..so it was quite clear [10:17] \sh: nice :) [10:17] <\sh> mvo: when will the malone stuff being commented out? [10:17] \sh: I look over the g-a-i desktop files right now and I'm mostly interessted in fixing the stuff in there right now [10:17] \sh: depends on the launchpad people, I don't really know === thoreauputic [n=prospero@wolax7-032.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu [10:18] <\sh> mvo: yes..the missing .desktop list we have to work on as well [10:19] \sh: fixing the broken deps and stuff is more importend I guess :) [10:19] <\sh> mvo: we're working on it :) [10:19] hi! I'm testing my laptop now [10:20] \sh: yeah, thanks for that [10:20] should I try hoary before or test preview directly? [10:20] koke: what model did you have? [10:20] <\sh> mvo: btw...can u have a look on gamin? because after some time all kde menus are disappearing when the .desktop files are not in /usr/share/applications [10:20] s/did/do/ [10:20] Dell Insipron 1200 [10:20] \sh: what do I need to reproduce it? is there alreday a bug open about it? [10:21] <\sh> mvo: i think so...have to search it.. [10:22] <\sh> mvo: but the issue is this: when I'm starting gnome all the kde menus and apps from /usr/share/applications/kde are there...after some time they're disappearing from the gnome menu..while smeg finds them, but gamin, it seems so, that it forget to check recursively the /usr/share/applications directory [10:23] <\sh> hmm...i'll file a bug...it's also a problem ogra have with eduubuntu [10:24] \sh: thanks! I haven't noticed that yet, but I don't use that many kde apps ;) [10:26] <\sh> mvo: i just talked about it with ogra, and he can confirm that they're disappearing [10:26] <\sh> http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15239 === _koke [n=koke@169.Red-217-127-113.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [10:30] <_koke> uh oh! installation is frozen :( [10:35] \sh: thanks [10:36] lifeless: yes, now I am here [10:36] lifeless: sorry, I Was away before and forgot to away my client [10:36] np [10:36] I was away too [10:37] what can I do for you ? [10:37] lifeless: what did you want ? :) [10:37] I was repsonding to you ping [10:37] responding to your ping === sedak [n=fred@82-32-125-115.cable.ubr04.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu [10:37] lifeless: ah , well, just wanted to see that ipython is way cool :-) [10:37] indeed :) [10:37] lifeless: I now use it everyday on the train when I try to catch up on some Python snippets [10:38] lifeless: (instead of the regular interpreter) [10:43] lifeless: the nicest thing is the methods completion === jorgp2 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial2-219.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [11:13] Lathiat: ping [11:14] guys what is the most *CRACKFUL* Universe/Mutliverse game we have in breezy? [11:14] crackful in what sense? [11:14] that can actually take advantage of Nvidia === dholbach has no idea, sorry [11:15] vegastrike is good for that, put the video settings to max [11:15] I'm sure there are others [11:15] jsgotangco: what do you need it for? [11:15] what is that 3d bombing game [11:15] dholbach: pong [11:15] scorched3d? [11:15] ajmitch, breezy demo for LinuxWorld this friday [11:15] gl-117? [11:15] Lathiat: would you mind to update your gnome-bluetooth-statusbar patch? [11:16] me wishes his 3d worked === ajmitch only has a geforce2 mx :) [11:16] dholbach: hrm i thought it was obsolete now [11:16] seb128 was asking about it [11:16] Lathiat: it doesnt apply to the current upstream stuff anymore, but there doesnt seem to be a statusbar at all [11:16] oh [11:16] Lathiat: i will upload the new upstream version shortly, so you can have a look, ok? [11:16] that sounds annoying ;p [11:16] if theyve removed it ttally [11:16] i'll try vegastrike [11:17] my pathc just made it use a statusbar rather than an appbar which didn tappear to be wrapped in python anymore [11:17] ah i see [11:17] i'll upload it, so you can see ;) [11:17] ok [11:23] ajmitch: ooc, what failed to upgrade? === jorgp2 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial2-219.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [11:31] Lathiat: failed to overwrite that lib [11:37] ajmitch: hrmwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [11:37] ajmitch: did you have the breezy package or sone of ross' installed? [11:37] probably some of ross' [11:37] oh well that probably explains it [11:37] but I'd have thought that I'd have the breezy packages [11:37] that's the danger of testing your crack packages :) === Lathiat grins [11:39] what's new in 0.4 that I might care about? [11:39] classy search box on avahi-discover [11:39] it remains in its original position when you resize the window ;) [11:40] search box? [11:40] you mean when you type? [11:40] thats a standard gtk thing [11:40] gives plenty of tracebacks too [11:40] yeah, but it looks a little broken as-is [11:40] Traceback (most recent call last): [11:40] File "/usr/bin/avahi-discover", line 50, in on_tree_view_cursor_changed [11:40] (name,interface,protocol,stype,domain) = self.treemodel.get(iter,1,2,3,4,5) [11:40] TypeError: iter must be a GtkTreeIter [11:41] secksy [11:41] 0.4 was basically bug fixing [11:41] ajmitch: whoah how did that happen [11:41] it doesn't cause it to crash [11:41] oh [11:41] hrm [11:41] oh [11:41] i see [11:41] interesting [11:41] just as the search box goes to a new node [11:41] :) [11:42] interesting [11:42] doesnt happen when you click it [11:42] don't you love it when people find bugs [11:42] I know [11:42] only when the search box selects one [11:42] I only discovered it because the avahi-discover window had focus accidentally === ajmitch blames focus-follows-mouse [11:42] who uses that ;) [11:43] someone with a dual-head setup who doesn't like clicking everywhere ;) [11:43] I dunno how I'd survive with only a 17" monitor now :) [11:43] wheh === Lathiat is using his 2 laptops with x2x [11:44] 15" above the 14" === rob^ [n=rob@pdpc/supporter/student/rob-ubuntu] has joined #ubuntu-motu === ajmitch should do that with his 2 laptops & dual-head desktop setup :) [11:44] hey rob^ === HiddenWolf [n=HiddenWo@136.198.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [11:44] hi ajmitch [11:44] Guys, I just reinstalled ubuntu, server install. linda is throwing errors left and right. [11:45] interesting, why are you using linda? [11:45] hmm [11:45] ajmitch, no clue, never dug into packaging before, and I found somewhere it could be useful. [11:45] I was trying to check it out. [11:45] sure ,it can be :) [11:45] seems to be looking for it's files in the wrong directory. [11:46] /usr/lib/site-python, rather than /usr/lib/python2.4/site-python [11:46] right [11:47] is that a problem? [11:47] File "/usr/bin/linda", line 100, in ? [11:47] main.run() [11:47] File "/usr/bin/linda", line 62, in run [11:47] checker.check(file) [11:47] File "/usr/lib/site-python/linda/checker.py", line 28, in check [11:47] self.go() [11:47] seems to be [11:48] runs here with no issues [11:48] since the files do actually exist there [11:48] dpkg -L linda [11:48] yeah, they do. [11:48] (don't paste it :) ) [11:48] but then why is it erroring. :P [11:48] ajmitch, no intention to get banned here. ;) [11:48] you didn't paste the error [11:48] just part of the traceback [11:49] File "/usr/lib/site-python/linda/output.py", line 79, in return_trans [11:49] trans.charset(), 'replace').encode(trans.charset())) [11:49] TypeError: unicode() argument 2 must be string, not None [11:49] I'll install & test on a fresh box [11:49] that's the final bit. [11:50] ok, so that's nothing to do with the file location of most of the files [11:50] what locale, btw? [11:51] US.UTF8, so is charmap [11:51] <\sh> HiddenWolf: run locale from cli [11:52] <\sh> which user is starting the linda? [11:52] hidde@alecto:/var/cache/pbuilder/result$ locale [11:52] LANG=en_US.UTF-8 [11:52] I di [11:52] d [11:52] <\sh> are u running linda as root? [11:52] Tried both [11:52] <\sh> hmmmm [11:53] a bit strange :) [11:53] <\sh> linda 0.3.15? [11:53] you're just typing 'linda'? [11:53] linda *.deb [11:53] ok === ajmitch tries that incantation of it [11:53] Version: 0.3.15 [11:54] oh good, I can duplicate it [11:54] <\sh> yes can reproduce i with *.deb [11:54] <\sh> because its not correct [11:54] \sh, still a bug, it should toss out a decent error then. [11:55] nothing in the 0.3.16 changelog to indicate it's been fixed since [11:56] <\sh> well...i think it's a side effect between bash and the commandline opt of linda [11:57] so trans.charset() is returning None [11:57] <\sh> what comes first...the extracting of the * in bash or in python? [11:57] \sh: doesn't matter [11:58] it happens if you run it on a single .deb [11:58] <\sh> ajmitch: did u try to specify two separate packages? [11:58] \sh: nope [11:58] <\sh> because u can give 2 or more packages [11:58] <\sh> to linda.. [11:58] <\sh> so the asterix is treated in the wrong way === jinty [n=jinty@] has joined #ubuntu-motu [11:58] that's another bug then [11:58] since I just did: linda mono-common_1.1.8.2-1ubuntu4_i386.deb [11:59] <\sh> hmmm..this works [11:59] that line is the only place that charset is used in linda [11:59] <\sh> i only run into this problem with *.deb [12:00] \sh, I do it with .deb too. [12:00] \sh: odd [12:00] s/do/get [12:01] <\sh> hmmm [12:01] <\sh> strange [12:01] so 'trans' should be a string [12:01] I guess charset() is a builtin string function === ajmitch is checking docs [12:03] doesn't seem to be mentioned [12:05] anyhow, can one of you how to spell out the process of making a docbook-to-man manpage? [12:05] I've added the line in debian/rules in imitation of the others, but doesn't seem to be enough. [12:06] the line? [12:06] you are using dh_installman like I suggested, right? [12:07] yes, infrastructure was already there [12:07] Lathiat: it's up :) [12:07] there are a bunch of binaries in this deb [12:07] Lathiat: gna... didn't build on ppc *having a look* === jorgp3 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial-30.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [12:08] ajmitch, I just added docbook-to-man debian/manpage.hulaadmin.sgml >hulaadmin.8 [12:08] ooh, new shiny gnome-bluetooth === doko [n=doko@dsl-084-059-086-110.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [12:09] does that give errors? [12:09] why not into debian/hulaadmin.8 ? [12:10] ajmitch, because i just copied it to work exactly like all the others listed in the /rules file [12:11] haven't really dug into the quality of the packaging yet, just trying to remove the most obvious lintian errors atm. [12:13] i rebuilt the .dsc and the .deb, and I'm still getting a lintian warning about missing manpage for hulaadmin [12:18] <\sh> guys..ace is build on all archs? [12:21] can somebody enlighten me on http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=559 - i have no clue about mono cil-build-depends-indep-stuff [12:23] dholbach, tseng wrote a cil policy wikipage... [12:25] <\sh> bmonty_laptop: ping ... new ace fixes somehow? [12:26] hub__: hi, did you take http://pkg-mono.alioth.debian.org/cli-policy/index.html into account, when packaging autopano-sift? === koke [n=koke@169.Red-217-127-113.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === winkle [n=johan@lgh3814234.vittran.norrnod.se] has joined #ubuntu-motu [12:33] <\sh> brb rebooting [12:36] hi [12:39] hello tseng [12:40] dholbach: it definitely needs updated to comply with cli policy [12:40] assuming that he plans to follow it [12:40] ajmitch: i have no clue about mono at all, but that's what i though [12:40] (doesn't look like it) [12:41] he's basically doing all the mono stuff his own way [12:49] how can I get malone to import debian bugs automatically? [12:51] I don't think it does yet [12:52] <\sh> Mithrandir: u can set only a corresponding link to dbts [12:52] ok === elbi [n=elbi@cpe.atm4-0-1301006.0x50a0824e.vgnxx6.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu-motu === jorgp3 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial-30.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === slomo [n=slomo@p5487FAA5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [01:14] \sh: gwydion-dylan needed 3:30 on the buildds =) evil package... === tvo [n=tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu === infinito [n=infinito@75.Red-80-59-227.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === mbreit [n=mo@p54875AA6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [01:27] <\sh> slomo: strange [01:28] \sh: why? it took almost 4 hours on my athlon xp 2800+ and ~5 hours on my ibook g4 ;) at least it works now... the png and opengl libs for it doesn't work :( [01:28] \sh: but well... i'll search something to eat now :) bbl [01:29] <\sh> slomo: have fun === terrex [n=terrex@84-122-83-29.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu === jorgp3 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial-30.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [01:39] ree [01:40] ajmitch: Treenaks was the one who sent me that url. =) === jamessan|work [n=jamessan@c-24-218-220-129.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === jaldhar [n=jaldhar@pcp09354977pcs.jersyc01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === Hirion [n=Hirion@p5487FAA5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [02:23] \sh: do you want to look at the two other dylan packages? [02:27] 157 unmet dependencies left on x86 [02:29] hm, i'll take this haskell stuff === comadreja [n=comadrej@8.Red-81-44-208.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === koke [n=koke@169.Red-217-127-113.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === tvo_ [n=tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu [03:20] morning all! [03:20] any reason we don't have sbackup in breezy? [03:21] maybe nobody wanted it ;) === xerxas [n=xerxas@206.98.98-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [03:21] hi [03:21] IIRC that's one of our SoC-projects ;-) [03:22] then get it in and get money ;) [03:22] hi xerxas [03:23] hi slomo [03:23] slomo, do you know the ubuntu-desktop package ? [03:24] depends... why? [03:24] it depends on python-musicbrainz which depends on python2.4-musicbrainz [03:25] which I think don't provide any desktop stuff [03:25] but a python module not used by any software [03:25] better tell that in #ubuntu-devel :) [03:25] picard (the NG musicbrainz tagger) doesn't even work with the python2.4-musicbrainz module provided by ubuntu [03:26] I needed to recompile it myself [03:26] slomo, I'm going to tell that on #ubuntu-devel [03:26] why didn't it work? [03:26] to old version === ogra [n=ogra@p5089D39B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [03:27] of musicbrainz and tunepimp [03:27] ok [03:27] slomo, I'll try to repackage new ones [03:27] my first packages [03:28] Nafallo: is there an RSS feed for ubuntu security? [03:28] tseng: not that I'm aware of === bddebian [n=bddebian@user216-178-65-218.netcarrier.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [03:31] Heya gang [03:32] Nafallo: http://planet.ubuntulinux.org/news/ [03:32] bddebian: morning bddebian [03:32] Heya Nafallo [03:36] Nafallo: wow except that feed is huge === Nafallo <3 mailing-lists ;-) [03:37] im making a web page [03:38] Nafallo: Must be nice. :-) [03:38] ah [03:39] bddebian: what must be nice? :-) [03:39] < 3 mailing lists. :-) [03:39] yea, much better than feeds ;-). === susus [n=sz@p5089D39B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [03:48] tseng: http://planet.ubuntulinux.org/news/rss20.xml usually get security announcements [03:49] torkel: wow thats a much better feed [03:49] the other one was HUGE [03:49] oh but thats everything === _koke [n=koke@169.Red-217-127-113.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === JRe [n=Bond@pai34-2-82-226-199-36.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [04:02] torkel: heh, i jsut did a regex on it to get security [04:08] tseng: :-) === spacey [n=spacey@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu [04:26] Grr, who was updating unmet deps? :-) [04:27] bddebian: you? [04:29] I was trying to, then it said someone else was modifying it.. :-) === plugwash [i=plugwash@p10link.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [04:31] bddebian: maybe me? ;) [04:31] bddebian: i moved all the haskell stuff to me [04:31] slomo: NP, I was only kidding. I just like to run my mouth in case that isn't obvious. :-) [04:32] lol [04:32] nothing new ;) but why do you want to update that package every few hours? [04:33] everybody can run LC_ALL=C apt-cache -i unmet | grep ^Package | cut -d' ' -f2 | xargs apt-cache showsrc | grep ^Package | sed 's/Package\://' | sort -u to get an uptodate list [04:34] slomo: Update what?? I was just fixing some stuff that I uploaded :-) [04:36] oh i thought you updated the package lists :) [04:36] Oh no.. I don't think I'm gonna do that again. ;-) [04:36] hehe === jinty [n=jinty@] has joined #ubuntu-motu === Seveas [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu [04:41] Heya Seveas [04:44] hi [04:59] bddebian: when you find any other haskell stuff just assign it to me [04:59] i'll take care of them all after elmo removed a package which breaks everything ;) === highvoltage [n=Jono@] has joined #ubuntu-motu === Seveas [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu [05:19] slomo: OK, will do. Did you see that c2hs depends ghc5? === mvo [n=egon@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu [05:21] bddebian: nope... please assign it to me ;) i don't know if i can help with ghc5 stuff... but maybe it compiles with 6 [05:22] slomo: Well it depends both currently. :-) [05:22] bddebian: ok... i'll take a look :) [05:22] after elmo gets awake ;) === jorgp2 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial-188.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === karlheg [n=karlheg@host-250-237.resnet.pdx.edu] has joined #ubuntu-motu === dereks_ [n=dereks@] has joined #ubuntu-motu === ogra [n=ogra@p5089D39B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === StoneTable [n=stone@c-24-14-85-48.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [05:35] Heya ogra [05:36] hi === ivoks [n=ivoks@lns01-1142.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu [05:47] hi [05:47] Heya ivoks [05:48] how to merge new upstream version? === mvo [n=egon@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu [05:48] to old source [05:48] Heh, cyphesis-cpp looks for every version of python down to 1.5 but NOT 2.4 :-) [05:48] upstream has few nasty bugs fixed [05:49] bddebian: yeh [05:49] bddebian: i looked at that [05:49] i looked at that too =) [05:49] its one of those ugly patches [05:49] cus you have to patch configure [05:49] Joy [05:49] yeh === bddebian leaves that one for slomo.. ;-P [05:49] basically someone just updated the build-dep [05:49] Lathiat: just patching configure didn't work at the time i tried it [05:49] without looking === shawarma [i=shawarma@dolomit-ext.tnb.aau.dk] has joined #ubuntu-motu [05:49] we could just put it back to python2.3 [05:49] so it at least builds [05:49] for te time being [05:49] if someone wants to fix it harder, theyre welcome to? :) [05:49] I wonder it's status in debian [05:49] probably [05:50] but i won't fix it harder ;) i first do the haskell stuff :P [05:50] I'll add it to the FIXME list for now :-) === shawarma [i=shawarma@dolomit-ext.tnb.aau.dk] has joined #ubuntu-motu === phlaegel_ [n=phlaegel@atdot.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu [05:52] Lathiat: /me needs help :) [05:53] ivoks: sup [05:53] Lathiat: i have etherape 0.9.0 source [05:53] Lathiat: and i want to upgrade package to 0.9.3 [05:53] (bugfixes, mainly) [05:53] not in debian? [05:53] what's the easiest way to do that? [05:53] Lathiat: no [05:53] well, i have no idea if this is the correct procedure [05:53] but last time i did that i basically mad ethe tarball [05:54] etherape-0.9.3_orig.tar.gz [05:54] or whatever [05:54] untarred it [05:54] dropped the debian directory in === mvo [n=egon@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu [05:54] updated the changelog [05:54] heh [05:54] rebuild, and make sure theres no new files that have been missed or whatever [05:54] diff containes changes to source :/ [05:54] i think thats the right thing but i have no actual idea :) [05:54] ivoks: oh [05:54] ivoks: see this is why that sucks [05:54] yeah [05:54] ivoks: have fun sorting out the changes :) [05:54] :/ [05:55] dpatch will be :) === MagnusR [n=magru@] has joined #ubuntu-motu [05:55] omg... 11866 lines [05:55] haha [05:55] heh [05:56] no... not this way please ;) [05:56] ivoks: use uupdate [05:56] only 230 are debian specific [05:56] slomo: that's the tool i was searching for [05:56] thanks [05:56] hey ivoks, bddebian :) [05:56] ivoks: otherwise some changes in the diff can get dropped... when they're outside the debian directory *looks at Lathiat* ;) [05:56] hey dholbach [05:56] hi dholbach :) [05:56] Heya dholbach [05:57] hey slomo :) [05:57] slomo: well this was for avahi so i knew the whole situation in that regard [05:57] jesus... lots of rejects [05:57] hence my point of "i have no idea if this is the proper way" :) [05:57] slomo: You want hat too? It's got all kinds of screwed up build-deps for ghc{5,6} [05:57] 241 out of 244 hunks FAILED [05:57] ivoks: that's the reason why patches in the diff are a bad thing ;) [05:58] no way! === Lathiat laughs [05:58] and that's only one file [05:58] Nice [05:58] Why not just repackage? [05:58] so im looking at the diff [05:58] alot of the changes seem to be translations [05:58] and autoconf mess [05:58] bddebian: looks like i will do that [05:58] Lathiat: and that went fine [05:59] Lathiat: Makefiles and configure scripts failed :) [05:59] ivoks: well alot of that seems to be regenerated mess [05:59] in fact im 90% into the diff and i still havent seen any code changes [06:00] there are [06:00] must be small [06:00] capture.c [06:00] cus i missed them when scanning [06:00] and main.c [06:00] bddebian: which package? [06:00] capture.c has a bug reference for the diff [06:00] bddebian: give me just all the ghc stuff ;) [06:00] main.c is proabaly th efullscreen option patch mentioned [06:00] slomo: Whoops sorry, just added it to FIXME. I'll move it to you :-) [06:01] new capture.c is fixed [06:02] and new main.c is fixed [06:02] hm... this should be buildable :) === GazerWork [n=gazer@mail.aktiv-assekuranz.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu [06:03] slomo: Just gave you hunit too. You are going to be a busy man. ;-P [06:04] bddebian: no problem... i have almost a month until breezy gets released ;) === poningru [n=poningru@n128-227-146-198.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu-motu === Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [06:21] lol, this will work :) [06:27] hm... [06:27] what if package doesn't build on ppc? but does on ia/amd/32/64? [06:27] fix it? ;p [06:27] what if it can't be fixed? [06:27] it can't? [06:27] for example, if it has arch dependet calls [06:28] or am i talking nonsense? :) [06:28] mark it as such---can you give an example of the calls in question? [06:29] no, it's a retoric q. === ivoks [n=ivoks@lns01-1142.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu [06:35] eh, my first REJECTED :) [06:36] woohoo! [06:36] party! ;) [06:36] yay! [06:36] :-D [06:36] didn't do -sa :) [06:37] hi all again [06:37] ivoks: hehe... you took longer than me for the first rejected :) my first was my first upload ;) [06:37] hehe === sivang high fives ivoks for his first REJECTED [06:37] :) [06:37] :) [06:37] dholbach: you know if vnc4server is handeled by universe? [06:38] sivang: can't see it on any of our lists [06:38] sivang: feel free to take care of it :) [06:40] dholbach: I see, I might. I need it for my VMWare ubuntu hosting testing server, and it seems there is not an out-of-the-box way to make it fire up on boot [06:40] cool :) [06:40] *makes a note ;) * [06:45] Heya \sh [06:46] khm.. [06:46] check this out [06:46] in the morning, i uploaded etherape 0.9.0 [06:46] <\sh> hey :) [06:46] and it was ftbs on powerpc [06:47] so today i do 0.9.3 with all the hell that goes with uupdate [06:47] and now i check logs, and 0.9.0 did build, but later... [06:47] damn.. [06:47] <\sh> the ppc had problems [06:47] ivoks: why didn't you look at the buildlog? [06:48] slomo: check logs and grep for etherape :) [06:48] slomo: ppc is failed [06:48] i didn't know ppc had problems [06:48] ivoks: and why? ;) probably it was just debhelper which couldn't be installed or a segfault somewhere ;) [06:48] <\sh> nobody had after it was obvious that many packages were failing ;) [06:48] :) [06:49] hey \sh [06:49] :) [06:49] slomo: logs look like broken C++ :) [06:49] slomo: resolv.c:231: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'sprintf' differ in signedness [06:49] <\sh> ogra: re :) [06:49] slomo: so, figure it out :) [06:49] <\sh> ogra: just came back [06:49] heh, and online again *g* [06:49] \sh, greetings from suse [06:50] <\sh> ogra: my pppd crashed :) [06:50] ouch [06:50] <\sh> ogra: greetings to suse and give her hugs'n'kisses from me...and a big THANK YOU FOR ALL...it's really nice out there :) === ogra points at susus [06:51] ivoks: that are warnings, no failures ;) [06:51] <\sh> susus: *hugs* thanks for the nice meals and for all :) === jorgp3 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial2-253.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [06:52] <\sh> brb I have to change clothes :) [06:52] <\sh> after 3 days it's a must *lol* [06:52] lol [06:54] mvo, ping [06:54] HiddenWolf: pong [06:54] mvo, #15059, what info do you need? [06:54] hm.. [06:55] want to hear something funny about OSX's Mail? [06:55] ? [06:55] HiddenWolf: do you have the 20archive file on your system? do you have anacron installed? [06:55] crapy app doesn't download all mails from server [06:55] allmost allways leaves few of them [06:55] mvo, anacron is already the newest version. [06:55] lol [06:56] \sh: feel free to visit us again ;o) was a nice time ... youre aneasy guest [06:56] mvo, where is the 20archive file supposed to be? [06:56] client calls me that she didn't get all mails [06:56] i check logs and she got mail, hell she even downloaded few of them [06:56] but not all [06:57] then other osx user tells me that he allways checks mail via webmail (on another server) [06:57] since Mail forgets to download some mails [06:57] HiddenWolf: /etc/apt.conf.d/20archive [06:57] LOL [06:57] ergh [06:57] caps [06:57] mvo ls: /etc/apt.conf.d/20archive: No such file or directory [06:58] i need remap that key again [06:58] HiddenWolf: do you have ubuntu-desktop installed? or is this a custom/sever install? [06:58] HiddenWolf: sorry /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20archive [06:59] mvo, exists, colony3 -> present -desktop install [06:59] HiddenWolf: and still your cache is very big? hmmm [07:01] hm, it's smaller now, only 30mb [07:01] HiddenWolf: can you /msg me the content of the file please? === sedak [n=fred@82-32-125-115.cable.ubr04.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu [07:07] <\sh> susus: thx :) I will visit you again :) for sure...now that I know, that it's not so far away :) and an easy guest? well...I don't know...,-) [07:09] <\sh> ok..updating the system..updating pbuilder and lets start some fun :) [07:10] \sh: W00t :-) [07:11] <\sh> wow...ebay pays 3.3 billion euro for skype === jaldhar [n=jaldhar@pcp09354977pcs.jersyc01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [07:15] <\sh> bddebian: I think we will morgue yehia ;) [07:17] \sh: Why, it's soo much fun. :-) [07:17] <\sh> bddebian: I tried it now 5 times to fix those issues... [07:17] <\sh> bddebian: and the upstream didn't do anything since 3 years now? [07:18] yey! morgue [07:19] we could morgue oleo too [07:19] that app is really obsolete now [07:19] and it's stalling for 3 years [07:20] and cause of it we have two versions of the same lib :) [07:21] kill it! === elbi [n=elbi@x1-6-00-13-10-7a-d1-e4.k233.webspeed.dk] has joined #ubuntu-motu [07:21] <\sh> bmonty_laptop: what about ace? is there something like a solution for the problems? [07:22] \sh: you are refering to the fact that it doesn't compile for any architecture but i386? [07:23] <\sh> bmonty_laptop: yes...I need to remove it from the list of frozenapps...so it has to build on all 3 main archs === \sh is an ace n00b [07:24] Why would linphone build-dep libjack0.80-dev but depend libjack0.100-dev ?? [07:24] \sh: I don't know what the issues are with compiling for the other archs, but debian has an open bug against ace with no info on how to fix yet [07:24] <\sh> mistake? === bmonty_laptop is an ace noob as well [07:25] <\sh> bmonty_laptop: when was the last build? so I can check the buildlogs [07:25] \sh: 9 Sep, version 5.4.7-3 [07:26] built ok for i386, failed on the others === rbelem-sun4u [n=rodrigo@] has joined #ubuntu-motu [07:28] \sh: debian BTS (324271) says that the compile errors might be a g++ bug [07:28] hello all [07:29] <\sh> bmonty_laptop: what about giving the stuff a -fPIC ? [07:29] I haven't tried it....I don't have any way to build for a non-i386 arch [07:29] hi rbelem-sun4u [07:30] <\sh> bmonty_laptop: try it to give it a -fPIC for compiling and linking...and I will test it on amd64...put it on revu or somewhere where I can grab the source [07:31] \sh: ok, I don't think I'm going to be able to get to it today though. I'm going on a trip for two days, and I'm not sure if I will have net access. I probably won't be able to work on it until Thursday [07:32] \sh: BTW, what is frozenapps? [07:32] <\sh> bmonty_laptop: frozenapps is a list of apps which are depending on cxx transistioned libs [07:33] <\sh> bmonty_laptop: http://cerberus.0c3.net/~adconrad/frozenapps.txt [07:34] \sh: I think it is safe to say that the problems with ace aren't with the cxx transition though [07:34] <\sh> bmonty_laptop: ace was one of the libs which had to be transitioned :) [07:35] <\sh> bmonty_laptop: have a look on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CxxLibraryList === sjg [n=jason@adsl-67-117-27-129.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [07:35] who is Unfrgiven? [07:36] <\sh> Unfrgiven tried to transition ace....I tried it more then 1 time though [07:36] Heya rbelem-sun4u [07:37] <\sh> Unfrgiven == Ankur Kotwal [07:37] and bmonty_laptop === highvoltage [n=Jono@] has joined #ubuntu-motu [07:37] hi bddebian bmonty_laptop :-) [07:38] \sh: well I can't say that I know anything about ace, other than I did some research and talked with some folks here and we decided that a sync of ace from debian was the best way to go [07:38] \sh: I'll try adding the -fPIC and look through the ace lists and see what I can find out. [07:39] <\sh> bmonty_laptop: but now u r my ace contact *eg* [07:40] <\sh> btw...what is this lib doing anyways? [07:40] \sh: I hope that turns out to be a good decision :) [07:40] ace = adaptive communications environment [07:41] looks to me like a network stack written in C++ that allows customizations at any layer [07:41] but I've never used it [07:42] <\sh> bmonty_laptop: hmmm...what we can do is to build-dep on g++-3.4 [07:42] <\sh> Logging_Strategy.cpp:(.text+0xf30): undefined reference to `std::basic_ofstream >::basic_ofstream(char const*, std::_Ios_Openmode)@@GLIBCXX_3.4' [07:42] <\sh> Logging_Strategy.cpp:(.text+0x1014): undefined reference to `std::basic_ofstream >::basic_ofstream(char const*, std::_Ios_Openmode)@@GLIBCXX_3.4' [07:43] <\sh> but it has to be transitioned regarding the rules on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyToolchainTransition [07:43] \sh: thats the same function in the debian BTS report [07:44] <\sh> bmonty_laptop: can be a problem of upstream and g++-4 [07:46] \sh: ok, so I see three options, 1. check with upstream and see if they have a g++ 4.0 patch that fixes this, 2. compile with -fPIC for non-i386, 3. build depend on g++ 3.4 (not necessarily in this order) [07:46] <\sh> bmonty_laptop: -fPIC can be used for all archs :) [07:46] <\sh> but a g++-4 patch is the best alternative [07:46] \sh: it works on i386...I figure why mess with it [07:47] <\sh> and when my pbuilder is finished I will give ravel a kick to compile ace with g++-3.4 === bradb [n=bradb@modemcable033.209-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu [07:48] \sh: ace takes a long time to build [07:49] ages [07:49] <\sh> bmonty_laptop: no problem....ravel is located in sweden ;) and it's an amd64 box of Mithrandir and maswan [07:49] like 5-6 hours ;) [07:49] <\sh> dholbach: I'm totally relaxed and hungry for compile orgies ,-) [07:49] hehe :) [07:50] Did someone say orgy?? [07:50] dholbach: I think it took about 2 hours [07:50] bmonty: oh wow [07:51] i remember it took me ages shortly before hoary === highvoltage [n=Jono@] has joined #ubuntu-motu === rbelem-sun4u is now known as rbelem-sun4u-afk === rbelem-sun4u-afk is now known as rbelem-sun4u-lun [07:59] dholbach: either way, it isn't a short compile....and making changes to the package is a PITA! [07:59] absolutely [08:04] Hmm, looks like elmo is busy on my syncs again.. W00t [08:08] bddebian: I've been toying with the idea of making a web app to manage unmet deps...seems like it is doable [08:08] bmonty_laptop: Awesome [08:09] I'm trying to start with just having something that keeps the list up to date [08:13] <\sh> bmonty_laptop: talk to siretart and sistopy about this...we can put this as a separate apps on revu :) [08:14] \sh: once I have a prototype I definately will [08:14] <\sh> bmonty_laptop: python pls :) [08:15] i've been playing with ruby on rails [08:15] what is a good python framework for web apps? [08:15] <\sh> mod_python === bradb [n=bradb@modemcable033.209-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu === rbelem-sun4u-lun is now known as rbelem-sun4u === fred__ [n=fred@82-32-125-115.cable.ubr04.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu [08:21] see you all tomorrow, bye [08:22] <\sh> cu dholbach [08:22] bye stephan === rbelem-sun4u is now known as rbelem-afk === bradb [n=bradb@modemcable033.209-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu [08:37] <\sh> fixed gauche-gtk === ivoks [n=ivoks@lns01-0986.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu [08:38] <\sh> gnome-bluetooth was uploaded by dholbach, right? [08:39] evening [08:40] \sh: I think I'm downloading the new package for gnome-bluetooth now [08:40] hi ivoks [08:41] \sh: yes, http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/breezy-changes/2005-September/011123.html [08:41] <\sh> crimsun: thx..just saw it on -changes [08:41] <\sh> ;) [08:42] <\sh> Mithrandir: ping can u install apt-get build-dep ace, thx :) [08:43] <\sh> Mithrandir: on ravel in breezy chroot obviously ;) === geekchic9 [n=geekchic@66-169-108-122.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu === StrikeForce [n=marc@dsl-202-72-163-232.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu === Marce_ [n=marce@2001:6f8:929:0:0:0:0:9] has joined #ubuntu-motu === Marce_ is now known as Marce === GazerWork [n=gazer@mail.aktiv-assekuranz.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu === nakata [n=nakata@alyson.feriteninjas.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu === trulux [n=lorenzo@unaffiliated/trulux] has joined #ubuntu-motu === geekchic9 [n=geekchic@66-169-108-122.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Leaving"] === xerxas [n=xerxas@112.107.98-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === shawarma [n=sh@3E6B503C.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu-motu === jorgp3 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial2-253.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === HiddenWolf [n=HiddenWo@136.198.dynamic.phpg.net] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Leaving"] === xerxas [n=xerxas@112.107.98-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === dsas [n=dean@host86-129-12-143.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu [10:24] Hi all, I'm just wondering what you should do to a bug in malone that has a problem you can't reproduce. Should I just add a "works for me" post, close it, or just ignore it? :) [10:25] looking to get a little headstart on the upcoming bugday.... [10:27] or request more info: e.g. versions of the dependancies? === jorgp2 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial-187.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [10:30] dsas, sounds sane === ajmitch_ [n=ajmitch@port161-97.ubs.maxnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu-motu [10:33] ogra: ok [10:33] I presume asking if they're still experiencing the problem with the latest breezy updates would be a valid response too? [10:33] yup === shinmen [n=shinmen@] has joined #ubuntu-motu [10:36] morning all [10:43] moin ajmitch_ [10:44] \sh_away: done === shawarma [n=sh@3E6B503C.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu-motu === Seveas [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu [10:50] Heya ajmitch_ [10:51] *Now* I find the helping with bugs wiki page [11:00] dsas: :-) === jamessan|laptop [n=jamessan@c-24-218-220-129.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === rbelem-afk is now known as rbelem-sun4u === Evaso [n=Loks@host21-187.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu [11:16] why fpc binary packages aren't available but only the sources pakcages? [11:16] i know that debian source package was fixed and now support also amd64 [11:17] http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/source/fpc [11:17] as i said [11:17] its compilation requires bootstrapping [11:17] (e.g. it needs itself to compile itself) [11:17] you could perhaps file a bug in malone about this [11:18] lathiat: how do it compile on pbuilder on debian servers? [11:18] Evaso: debian/ubuntu dont use pbuilder to build things they use buildds [11:18] Evaso: but basically you ned to manually install a version f fp-compiler [11:18] (say the debian package) [11:18] then trigger a build of it to go into the archive [11:18] and it needs the fpc binary to build, so there's a circular build-dep [11:19] then in future it would be able to get the previous version to build itself [11:19] so because its need to be compiled by the pascal compiler [11:20] its just like having a C compiler written in C [11:20] you need a C compiler to compile the C compiler [11:20] yes, the ubuntu buildd maintainers need to intervene & do a manual bootstrap [11:21] so we have to be extra-nice to them to do so [11:22] a quite complex step [11:26] how works motu bugs fixes? [11:26] for example if anjuta is broken after 5.10 release it will be available fixes throught ubuntu updates? [11:29] Evaso: no, not likely [11:29] we try & get things fixed before the release [11:29] I had a working fpc at one point on REVU [11:29] some special cases might get onto breezy-updates [11:30] ah ok... for example anjuta seems broken on breezy preview if it will not be fixed before 15 october it will be broken for the next 6 months? [11:31] bddebian REVU? [11:31] Evaso: pretty much, how is it broken? seems to be ok here [11:31] Evaso: broken in what way? [11:32] if things are broken, *please* file bugs otherwise we don't know about them [11:32] it crash on start http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=13087 === Arrogance [n=aks@ottawa-hs-64-26-167-182.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu [11:32] interesting it starts here === Lathiat looks [11:32] hm, I got anjuta synced to fix that bug [11:33] besides, that was a crazy test bug, not a crasher bug [11:33] i had installed the amd-64 5.10 preview on a friend of mine pc [11:33] s/test/text/ [11:34] works here [11:34] might be a 64bit issue === ajmitch will close that one in bugzilla [11:34] lathiat: probably [11:34] file a new bug, your problem is different from what is described there [11:34] and file it on malone [11:34] ajmitch: malone? [11:35] launchpad.net/malone [11:36] i try to start anjuta from gnome-terminal [11:36] so probably i can get more info about the startup crash [11:36] put all the details in the bugreport [11:37] i need to reinstall ubuntu preview on this amd64 machine beacause had corrupted the partition table some on wendesday [11:38] i'm wondering if there is a commong bug with debian and ubuntu k8 optimized kernel [11:38] Heading home, catch you folks in a few [11:39] in 5 day of different ubunut/debian installation i had corrupted partition table the day after installation [11:40] i had also tried to change hard disk with a new one but nothing [11:46] mmm vmware 5.5 beta, has some nifty features [11:46] heh [11:47] hm yeah? [11:47] maybe i can get another 30 days out of it ;P [11:47] tseng: heh dude [11:47] tseng: i've had about 30 30 day trials ;p [11:47] tseng: i just signup wiwth a different email ;) [11:47] haha [11:47] vmware[123456789] @lathiat.bur.st [11:47] oh good call [11:47] /etc/aliases for the win [11:48] yuh [11:49] someone from vmware posted a screenshot of a build af ew days ago [11:49] it looked nice [11:50] chipx86 ? [11:50] no [11:50] #g-h, though === jorgp2 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial-187.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [11:50] ah [11:50] a 3 letter nick [11:51] oh man that was fast [11:51] (ripping with banshee) [11:51] yay, got uvf exception for a package in main [11:51] yes, you are an elite hacker now [11:51] not as elite as the mono team leader tseng [11:52] yep [11:53] python decorators look useful [11:53] they do what? [11:53] the name doesnt say much about what it is [11:54] wraps a class or method with a function [11:54] erm [11:54] so you can have.. [11:54] @synchronized(lock) [11:54] def foo(cls): pass [11:55] except with appropriate indenting that irssi stripped [11:56] ajmitch: or attribute I think [11:56] right === ajmitch just spotted their usage on the bzr list [11:57] looks like i'm flooded with emails to read from that list today