
=== sebas [n=sebas@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Riddell [i=jr@kde/jriddell] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
alleepef: hi12:39
pefallee: hi, are you happy with kvpnc ? :] 12:39
alleepef: I seen chris ITP for debian, is he really planning to upload?12:40
pefallee: is on universe for Ubuntu12:42
pefallee: I think utnubu team will work at this12:42
Riddellanyone know anything about musicbrainz?12:43
Riddelland why it isn't working12:44
\shwhat is musicbrainz?12:45
Riddellmusic tagging thingy12:47
Riddellbut it's not working and people are complaining about it12:47
Riddelland I've a feeling we may have disabled it because it needed mp3 or something12:47
alleepef: are you using chris svn repo for debian/?12:53
pefallee: I've send him corrections I'me made for the Ubuntu package, so the cvs layout is now correct :)12:54
alleeRiddel: wlassistant is now in alioth: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-kde/kde-extras/?rev=0&sc=001:00
alleeit took longer due to holiday and Stan being new to pkging01:00
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
sebasRiddell: If you'd like to put your guidance/debian/ changes in, it's in kdesvn now, so feel free02:25
Riddellsebas: saw that, very cool02:26
sebasOk :)02:26
Riddellsebas: waiting on it passing NEW to get into ubuntu archive, then I'll probably update to 0.4.0, then I'll put changes back02:26
sebasNEW is some kind of approval?02:29
sebasWill it be in kubuntu official, or (multi|uni)verse?02:29
Riddellsebas: NEW is what happens when you first upload a package to Debian or Ubuntu, I've already had it rejected once from NEW02:30
Riddellguidance was too generic a name, changed to kde-guidance, and the description said that it had only been tested on Mandrake02:31
Riddellthen it'll go into universe02:31
Riddelland I'll have to see if it can go into main, may well be too late but I hope not02:31
hungerWhat' this guidance?02:32
hungerCan I help testing it?02:32
Riddellsebas: if you wanted to be extra cool you could track down larger icons for the modules02:32
Riddellhunger: hang on a sec02:33
hungerRiddell: I can not install stuff at the moment anyway:-(02:33
sebasRiddell: I'll try (I'm extra cool anyway, but still ;-))02:33
Riddellsebas: I know you 02:34
Riddellsebas: I know you are :)02:34
Riddellhunger: ah well, probably can't help in te02:34
Riddellhunger: ah well, probably can't help in testing then02:34
sebasRiddell: That "had only been tested on Mandrake" is from 0.1.0 times, that's before I stepped in.02:34
hungerRiddell: Sorry:-(02:34
Riddellhmm, enter key on this keyboard getting a bit light02:34
hungerRiddell: I don't have net access with my computers... only with this ugly windows based desktop thing.02:35
hungerRiddell: And even for that I had to claw my way through the firewall;-)02:35
=== JRe [n=Bond@pai34-2-82-226-199-36.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== CWiesen [n=chris@p508857A3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
CWiesenhi there06:53
Riddellhi CWiesen 06:53
CWiesenRiddell, I posted a few bug reports/wishes about KDE today, maybe some of those (patches) are interesting for Kubuntu:06:53
CWiesenwhat about a better fade to grey before logout and a fade-to-black before the screensaver (like GNOME / Ubuntu) has?06:54
CWiesenmaybe it's already there somewhere, didn't notice it though06:54
CWiesenJust in case, the bug reports are: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=112547 http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8668306:57
CWiesennothing personal for me (like the simple profile, heh), but just some ideas =)06:57
Riddellthere are patches for fade somewhere, not sure where though07:00
Riddellfeel free to hunt them down and test07:00
CWiesenyen, ones in the bug report itself, the other's linked I'll try them07:02
CWiesenoh, more stupid ideas I need to get rid of: 07:18
CWiesenmouse gestures are a nice feature. Maybe they could be more prominent in Kubuntu - they don't interfere with normal input or clutter the display. They'd just have to be enabled and maybe somehwere in the docs to actually let people know.07:18
CWiesenSecond idea: there's a feature somehwere hidden in kcontrol that let's you move a window to another desktop by moving it over the edge of the screen. Seems pretty intuitive to me (just saw it some days ago...) and non disruptive to normal work.07:18
alleeCWiesen: no ;) With 3.5 you can move windows in minipager.  That's better IMHO07:24
CWiesenallee oh, yeah that's right. neat one I think. 07:28
CWiesenone doesn't interrupt the other though ;) 07:28
CWiesenBut I'm not sure if it's so intuitive that someone might expect to be able to "move" their windows to the next desktop, either. So maybe nobody would know about this (the feature I suggested, not the mini cli one) anyway.07:28
alleeCWiesen: I claim that newbies get horrible confused (I don't bother to try with my wife I'm 100% sure) when they07:30
alleemore a window and suddenly everything changes07:30
alleein the minipages you see all desktop at once.  So it's much easier to imagine what's your doing.07:31
CWiesenallee: yeah sounds likely, but there are two things to prevent this:07:32
CWiesenfirst you don't have to move the window just to the edge of the screen, but the position your mouse cursor is at the windeco actually has to cross the edge07:33
CWiesenstill it might happen when unintendedly07:33
CWiesenbut second there's an option in the same settings dialog to enable a "Desktop Name"  message id-screen when the desktop is switched during that process07:34
CWiesenI wouldn't say it's worth any trouble (if it is trouble, evaluating this and all that) though.07:35
allee CWiesen: as I said: IMHO think the minipager way is better (and there is Ctrl-Fx). So IMHO no need for a third, hard to get for newbies method (IMHO again).07:42
CWiesenallee can see what you mean I think. Still think it's nice for those that expect it this way. just thought I'd mention it, maybe somebody liked it =)07:43
CWiesenanybody got an opinion on mouse gestures? any good to have default or too complicated for "normal users" / getting in the way?07:46
alleeCWiesen: _I_ assume that newbies don't use mouse gestures by accident (I use/know about them in konqueror), so they are IMHO safe.07:48
CWiesenallee, do you think they are "good" for 'normal users' (there's no such thing actually I guess)? I know many people who love them but just as many who don't even get the concept. and these are educated computer users.07:51
CWiesenWell, I guess most users understanding and wanting them might be able to enable them just as well. Only they might not know about them - they are hidden really well. in kcontrol hidden in "KHotKeys", which even is in "Regional and Accessibility"... 07:59
=== tvo [n=tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
CWiesenin case somebody with a complete kde buildsystem and a re-compile coming up anyway want's to check out the fade-out (screensaver) and fade-to-grey (logout patches; the screensaver one is inside the bug report: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=86683 . The one for the logout effect is linked in it as well: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11254708:51
=== froud [n=froud@ndn-165-128-88.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@p548D2F3C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
froudRiddell: kubuntu svn, any sight?09:18
alleefroud: feel free to ask on #debian-qt-kde.09:24
froudwhy there :-)09:25
alleeAll KDE application maintainer are welcome to maintain the debian/ dirs in http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-kde/kde-extras/?rev=0&sc=009:26
alleefroud: they created the pkg-kde project09:26
froudsigh, does this mean kubuntu moved upstream09:27
froudsorry I have been out of it09:28
froudso direction is needed09:28
froudis kubuntu being developed in svn.debian09:28
alleefroud: no. it's just nice to have debian and kubuntu changes in same repo for easeir watch/merge and prevents duplicte work.09:29
froudkubuntu-doc is currently in docteam.ubuntu.com09:31
froudbut it is not getting much love there09:31
froudmain problem is an overshow from ubuntu/gnome09:31
froudI wonder if a new home would help09:31
froudmv it where more ppl are interested in kubuntu09:32
froudI don't have the time to be the sole doc developer for kubuntu and since volunteers are not stepping up to chip and help, I am afraid that kubuntu-docs becomes all about me and that is not good as it is unsustainable09:33
froudFurthermore after recently engineering the FAQ Guide to be both Ubuntu and Kubuntu profiled, the Ubuntu group disregarded the kubuntu profile and removed if from the FAQ. Now I have no possability to build even a part of the FAQ for Kubuntu09:35
alleefroud: mhmm, commits in pkg-kde/* are watch by quite some debian maintainers.  But I would not expect more than a comment form time to time.09:35
froudSo I am not willing to build Kubuntu docs with Ubuntu as an upstream any more09:36
froudPerhaps the only way of helping Kubuntu is to move way up stream to KDE docs09:36
froudand forget about customig for Kubuntu?09:37
CWiesenmight it be possible to enginneer the current Kubuntu docs to something more general (applying to all KDE) and then have a seperate part that deals with the custom parts?09:38
froudCWiesen: yes, that relates only to KDE09:39
alleefroud: Well, I would refer as much as possible to already existing docs (as I promote library usage for coding) and only document kubuntu specific stuff in own docs09:39
froudThat was the plan09:39
froudbut ubuntu is common09:40
froudso user asks how to install java09:40
froudThe answer used to be
froudWith customization for kubuntu09:41
froudKynaptic instead of Synaptic etc09:41
froudbasically the whole FAQ had KDE and GNOME version09:41
froudnow only has GNOME version09:42
alleefroud: why? Gnomers annoyed to write a synaptic/kynatics sentence?09:42
froudNo, It was profiled <phrase os="kde">Kynaptic</phrase><phrase os="gnome">Synaptic</phrase> At time of parsing the profile.condition was passed to define which phrase was used09:44
froudThe idea was we would ship HTML and not XML in order to support such functionality09:45
froudseems there is a problem with doing that09:45
froudreasons to do with Yelp not able to find HTML translations only XML09:45
froudSo instead of fixing bug in Yelp they ripped kde profile from the FAQ Guide09:46
alleefroud: I hope this was due to deadline requirement (otherwise it's braindead)09:46
froudwell, I don't think so09:47
froudbut that is a whole arguement of its own09:47
alleefroud: was there no try use XSLT to create kde'ized and gnome'ized XML files?09:47
froudwell they did the work before asking me, so I did not get the chance to suggest a two stag eprocessing system09:48
froudIOW XML 2 XML09:48
froudanyway, what's done is done09:48
froudI can't make the world change, although  I do try, much to some peoples disgust09:49
alleefroud: isn't there a doc repo. So one can checkout the last 'profiled version?09:49
froudso I seek a new way forward09:49
froudYah I can, But then I miss the enhancements09:49
froudButnow I bring it back09:49
froudlets say09:49
CWieseni don't know enough about the whole kubuntu / ubuntu structure, but isnt' there away to get kubuntu-docs in a more "isolated" kubuntu place, so that more kubuntu interested people get to know it. those might not even look at some of the ubuntu stuff. hmm, maybe you know what i mean.09:50
froudwhat I am doing is forking09:50
alleefroud: maybe if you have a working prototype, the reconsider merging it back?09:50
froudCWiesen: well this whole experience in the ubuntu svn is making me think you are right09:50
froudhence I am talking it through before i do something radical09:51
froudI don't want to upset ubuntu-docs09:51
froudwho may take offence09:51
froudbut I do think that Ubuntu/GNOME overshadows kubuntu doc effort09:52
froudPeople promise to do, but b=never do09:52
alleeWell, if the xslt stuff makes sense (no expert) maybe a 'prominet' kubuntu devel can jump in to suggest it09:53
alleecan't this be added to the agenda for one of the meetings?09:53
CWiesenthis doesn't have to do with the actual problem, but when I first found out about your work I was actually surprised is was coordinated in ubuntu-doc. Maybe (and _just maybe_) real contributors to kubuntu feel something like that09:53
froudallee: it does make sense, but there is a whole education09:53
froudallee: people at ubuntu-dev see the xml as the docs09:53
froudallee: the mind shift needs to be made that the XML is a storage format09:54
froudand then a doc09:54
froudallee: if this can be understood then perhaps the profiled method can work and development of UB and KU docs can coexist on this doc09:54
froudallee: but I am not up for another debate/argument with ubuntu I have had my share of being the bad guy thanks09:55
alleefroud: very understandable.09:56
froudOh well, if anyone has further ideas, please do talk to me. Thanks09:56
alleepity that Riddell, \sh & co are not around09:57
=== froud goes to speak to ubuntu-doc ppl to see how they would feel if we split
=== CWiesen joins ubuntu-doc to stay up to date (still willing to translate through rosetta, you know)
alleefroud: don't do it.09:58
froudallee: why not?09:59
alleefroud: you 'split' proposal is the easiest route for them.  And people are lazy ;)09:59
CWiesenfroud: maybe it'S a better time *after you got a chance to speak with Riddell & co?09:59
froudYah, OK09:59
=== froud tunes in to the wisdom of the crowds
alleefroud: well, adding a link to the title of this -dev channel is maybe a good idea too10:01
froudallee: you lost me10:02
alleedoc development needs more attention.  So point here to useful entrypage that lists: how/where to contribute to kubuntu docs10:03
=== froud is now known as froud-away
CWiesenfrom my pov one good thing to do would be toa make doc development as accessible as possible. You know those willing to write docs might not always be the same who're well educated with development tools (among which I'll count svn and the like). If hypothetically there would be a way to "simpyl write" docs in a wiki like manner I guess (that's just me guessing again...) more people would be willing and able to do some sort of writing10:06
=== froud-away is now known as froud
CWiesenI know that's oversimplyfication, but basically lowering the requirements in such things would lead to more interested writers. Though, honestly I can't tell how such a thing might happen :-/10:07
alleewell, then use the wiki ;)10:08
froudCWiesen: wiki is good for somethings, but putting documentation in it is a mess and makes it hard to package and create POT files etc10:08
alleeKDE upstream gladly accepts (part) of docs in 'any' format.  I doubt that this helps much10:08
froudAnd Lauri spends hours porting them :-)10:08
froudpoor girl10:09
CWiesennot sure, wiki is just an example. what I mean is the kind of accessibility a wiki offers. everybody can handle a webbrowser, you know.10:09
alleereally? There are much non xml/docbook contribs?10:09
froudWhat is needed is ApacheLenyaXForrestXDoco10:09
alleeCWiesen: you want an WYSIWYG XML editor?10:10
froudYah that also helps10:11
CWiesenmaybe. and a way to let people know "this is a simple way to get started writing docs for kubuntu". So they get to know how their docs should look like, what's still needed and how they can start doing it (where to get such an editor and where to put the results)10:11
froudhttp://lnix.net/~froud was a start but still relied on Ubuntu10:11
alleeanyone tried the new quanta/kdevelop merge that was proposed as the best (non-WYSIWYG) editor?10:12
froudno, not yet10:12
froudI use Oxygen XML10:12
froudallee: where is it, any suse rpms10:13
=== froud is currently on a SuSE box
froudor is there a deb for kubuntu and I will try it 10:14
froudon my other box later10:14
CWiesenheh, very stupid and unrelated question: your SuSE, does it have a nice "fade out" effect when logging out? ^^10:14
alleefroud: no idea.  I just read in http://dot.kde.org/1124997856/ about it10:14
froudYah :-)10:15
froudallee: see kde docs rocks10:16
froudmaybe it's best just to drop the notion of kubuntu-docs and go to the top where one can make a difference10:16
CWiesenwell, at least one knows the people there are great. and lauri always helps even the dumbest questioners (heh, I know that...)10:17
froudYep. Although I got a few bruses from those guys when asking questions abou setting up kubuntu docs10:18
froudsome harsh radicals there10:18
froudbut at least the traction is slow and steady :-)10:18
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alleefroud: yeah, some even complain about debian dirs in kde svn ;)10:23
froudha ha :-)10:24
froudthat sounds normal10:24
=== hunger [n=hunger@p54A62D52.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
alleefroud, CWiesen: something else, if you ever hear something about KDE manpages in XML integration ping me10:25
froudI have my hands a bit full right now, but if anyone is interested, it would be swell if somebody could create a Kubuntu version of Module 2 for OpenICDL http://icdl.tsf.org.za10:25
alleea long dream of me is to use KDE translator to transalate manpages10:25
froudallee: use docbook to to create refentry pages and then transform to manpages10:26
alleeafaik 99% of kde manpages are written by debian developers10:26
alleeI've written already on or two refentry pages but they are not picked up from debian dirs ;)10:27
froudHere is the module http://icdl.tsf.org.za/courses/mod2/module2-all.html10:27
alleethere was some talk about manpages with lauri long ago10:27
alleebut I don't follow the *-doc channels10:28
froudyes I read it way back10:28
froudHell CentOS is looking good10:34
=== CWiesen is looking up CentOS on distrowatch
frouddont believe distrowatch do u?10:36
CWiesenpartly ;) but it's mostly pretty clear to get a first impression of a distro10:37
froudI like the way they treat community, see the home page http://www.centos.org/10:38
froudproject based on http://www.centos.org/modules/news/index.php?storytopic=1110:40
froud126 nick on irc10:41
=== froud considers defection :-)
CWiesenit's based on RHEL isnt it?10:42
CWiesenyeah, heard about that10:42
froudBut they look good and get alot done10:42
froudwhew and how10:43
CWiesenbut unless it's debian based (somehwo I settled on that after trying many many distributions) such systems have to really shine to impress me. Don't know somehow it's either debian based or kubuntu for me10:43
=== CWiesen shrugs
CWiesenoh, that should read "debian based or SuSE"10:43
froudI started with rpm based systems and then come to deb, so for me both world are fine and so in Windows10:44
froudthe power of RHEL as upstream is also good10:45
CWiesenI'm somewhat excited about what might come of OpenSUSE10:46
CWiesenthought at first "oh yet another debian ripoff, after fedora", but maybe it's really cool in the end.10:46
froudAbsolutely, SuSE is just light years ahead10:47
froudSuSE gets desktop and advanced user balance right10:47
\shsuse was good in the beginning..but now it's totally unstable..from release to release10:47
froudLove it10:48
CWiesenI think 9.3 was pretty good10:48
\shmany suse I have are really surprised when they installed hoary10:48
\sh+users even10:48
froudHave both and can say that SuSE just works more that Hoary :-)10:48
CWiesenit's jsut that sometimes it breaks faster than you can even think about isntalling something more "stable" (considering software management)10:48
froudMaybe breezy will change that10:48
\shCWiesen: software management and plain rpm is a paradox ;)10:49
CWiesen\sh yeah, that's my point. SuSE never managet to get remotely close to apt-get or what others have like urpmi10:49
froudYaST under ncurses is way better that aptitude10:50
CWiesenit's the community that provided apt4rpm for suse10:50
CWiesenfor software management I'd disagree10:50
froudand you can do more with the system than just package managment from YaST10:50
\shCWiesen: urpmi from mandrake was an attempt to solve this issue...but apt4rpm was much better...but only used in the beginning by one distro10:50
\shfroud: that is the problem...yast is a monster...was and will ever be10:50
CWiesen\sh I heard opensuse will have apt by default now - though I doubt it's much used10:51
CWiesenthere's the novell red carpet stuff as well.10:51
froud\sh: Monster convenience under ssh10:51
CWiesenfroud when kubuntu has guidance I think most of what yast does will be there graphically and in a better way for kubuntu10:52
\shred carpet was nice...(when I worked for RH we used it everywhere) but then came RHN10:52
froud\sh: an try it with Zen10:52
froudCWiesen: we hope10:52
CWiesenfroud: look at this mountconfig, from what I can tell it just looks great and heavily needed10:52
=== froud wonders if there will ever be a perfect distro
froudso many permutations and tastes10:53
froudboggles my brain10:53
CWiesenyeah, that's why at some point settled on debian... at least so I thought10:53
CWiesensometimes can't resist trying new stuff10:54
CWiesenand suse is always among it... dunno why10:54
froudYah people talk about having an itch, my problem is I can't resist a good scratch10:55
=== CWiesen scared away all the kubuntu devs :(
froudBut SuSE since 8.0 and so I stay, But Kubuntu on lappy since hoary10:56
froudWill it be breezy or CentOS next?10:57
=== froud scratches
CWiesenbreezy. Kubuntu needs some enthusiastic people ;)10:57
CWiesen(that's you, not me)10:58
=== froud looks for fun but sees none
CWiesendid you try breezy? it has a really nice and solid feel to it judging from the preview that is10:59
CWiesenimportant parts still missing but they'll come from what I can tell10:59
froudCWiesen: I have Ubuntu and Kubuntu10:59
CWiesenkubuntu I mean of course ;) Adept for example will be really nice11:00
CWiesena lot simpler and quicker than YaST for example11:00
froudTo make a distro from volunteers you need to have stuff they want to do and can be passionate about. I think Kubuntu sometimes lacks that11:00
CWiesenalways hated the time it takes to even start the beast to isntall something of the dvd11:00
froudCWiesen: difference user audience though11:01
CWiesenand you need the people who're competent enough to do it _right_ (which Kubuntu has I think)11:01
froudYeah competance never lacks11:01
CWiesenfroud: not so sure I feel equally adressed by suse and kubuntu11:01
froudpassion, now that is hard to find and keep11:02
froudI see Ubuntu creating this cult culture to try sustain it11:03
CWiesenwhen it comes to desktop distributions I got enough passion to spare. just the competence is a different matter...11:03
froudBut I really dont want to be an ubuntite11:03
froudBut if I dont become, its like I dont belong.11:03
CWiesenhmm I'm not sure. I think there are many good things to ubuntu.11:04
froudThat way of working in community is not good IMHO11:04
froudYeah there are11:04
CWiesenwhat's wrong in your opinion?11:04
froudIt's not so much the distro at technical level as it is about culture11:04
froudSuSE community kept me interested and passionate for a full 4 years11:05
froudCan't say I can have the same feeling bout ubuntu11:05
froudmuch religion11:05
froudme likes java11:05
=== froud not hating Windows
froudlive and let live11:06
froudnot everyting needs to be totally free11:06
CWiesenwell I don't care to much for the ubuntu side of things, but kubuntu (which is the same and all, i know) never gave me such a religious feeling11:06
CWieseneven the availability of kubuntu itself (with all the gnome people around) is a sign of openness imo11:07
froudNo kubuntu does not have the religion :-) thankfully11:07
froudIs it11:07
froudor is it the plan to have as many distro's base don ubuntu as possible11:07
froudmakes me wonder sometimes11:07
froudOne cant help but think that when people call themselves the MOTU that somethingis up :-)11:08
CWiesenit was often requested. and people around here actually deliver this. I think it's a good-thing and don't see anything bad coming off of it at this time.11:08
froudHmm yah, time will tell11:09
froudbut I cant help just being a bit cynical11:09
CWiesenhehe, I think motu's a rather fun expression.11:09
CWiesenwell, live and let live I'd say. We shall see soon enough ;)11:10
froudIn some places in Ubuntu, it is not healthy to give a view other than that supported above11:10
CWiesenyeah I guess I wouldn'T say else, when I'd have the same experiences like you had with kubuntu-doc and all11:10
froudand I am confused about who drives ubuntu, the community or canonical :-)11:11
froudBut all that aside, Kubuntu rocks, really11:11
=== CWiesen is happy we agree here
froudand Breezy is looking good11:12
froudha ha :-)11:12
=== froud is just in a pissed mood
froudfeel free to /ignore me today11:12
CWiesenI wouldn't dare to ;)11:13
froudHey later, nice chatting11:13
CWiesenyeah got to go now, too11:13
CWiesensee you11:13
Tm_TAdept seems to be interesting11:24
seth_k|lappybut ugly11:37
froudjust some useful knowledge that will not interest developer types http://www.cluetrain.org11:49
=== lamont-away is now known as lamont

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