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hussam | [NetSkier: download and install this http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/r/resolvconf/resolvconf_1.22_all.deb | 12:03 |
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_javi | hi to all | 12:03 |
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[NetSkier | hussam: web won't work either yet since it depends too on dns. | 12:04 |
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hussam | [NetSkier: how come you are using irc? | 12:04 |
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[NetSkier | I guess I could get it via a direct ip address. | 12:04 |
[NetSkier | hussam: I have two computers next to each other; this one has dns; the kubuntu machine does not yet. | 12:05 |
hussam | well the file is like less than 50kb | 12:05 |
hussam | can you download it from the other machine an put it on a cd or floppy? | 12:06 |
[NetSkier | sure,or scp it over the net via ip addressing. | 12:06 |
[NetSkier | hussam: Is that Ubuntu or Kubunto? You said Ubuntu above. | 12:09 |
hussam | [NetSkier: kubuntu is ubuntu with kde | 12:09 |
hussam | [NetSkier: same distro and apt repositories | 12:10 |
hussam | [NetSkier: they are basicly the same distro but kubuntu will install kde by default instead of gnome. | 12:10 |
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[Relic] | if I install kubuntu on one drive then pop in a second drive, will it properly detect the fat32 partitions so I can simply copy over the data files I need? | 12:28 |
Tm_T | first mount them | 12:30 |
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[Relic] | I attach the second drive and turn the computer back on, I mount the drive partitions, and then can move the data... Am I going to have to do something once I get them copied and remove the HD from the system? | 12:36 |
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Tm_T | nope, if you just mount/umount them | 12:42 |
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john_ | is ther a GIMP irc channel? | 12:52 |
chrisvv | is it posible to use a sarge reposiroty to install sarge's deb into kubuntu ? | 12:53 |
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hussam | john_: check irc.gimp.org | 12:54 |
Riddell | chrisvv: not advised. why would you want to? | 12:57 |
Octane | has anyone here used apt-cdrom? | 12:59 |
Octane | im trying to add my breezy cd to apt | 12:59 |
chrisvv | Riddell, i need sun's sdk into ubuntu | 12:59 |
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stef | hello all | 01:08 |
Octane | can someone please paste their first line of sources.list (cdrom reference) for a Kubuntu breezy install? | 01:08 |
stef | I have a great problem after updating my kubuntu | 01:09 |
stef | It seems there is a new kernel installed | 01:09 |
Octane | yes there is | 01:09 |
stef | I do a reboot after updating | 01:09 |
stef | but now my system is away | 01:09 |
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stef | I googeld a lot but cant find a solution to this message | 01:10 |
stef | http://pastebin.com/362043 | 01:10 |
stef | Im really helpless | 01:10 |
Riddell | chrisvv: tell sun to use a Free Software licence then | 01:11 |
stef | can someone help | 01:11 |
stef | please! | 01:11 |
stef | I want my system back... | 01:12 |
Riddell | chrisvv: sorry, not very helpful of me. does this page have the details? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java | 01:12 |
stef | hello? | 01:14 |
Riddell | stef: looks like you need to reinstall, try #ubuntu first though | 01:15 |
stef | ohh nooooo.... | 01:15 |
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stef | no one is answewring in #ubuntu | 01:21 |
stef | may someone here could help? | 01:22 |
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stef | please... | 01:23 |
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stef | someone can tell me what does it mean: | 01:24 |
stef | port **** already claimed by ide0 | 01:25 |
stef | ? | 01:25 |
|maddox| | sorry, no ideia stef | 01:25 |
stef | ohh shit | 01:25 |
[NetSkier | stef Try this. | 01:26 |
[NetSkier | google, then click on google groups | 01:26 |
[NetSkier | then paste your error msg into the search box for google GROUPS,not regular google. | 01:27 |
stef | okay | 01:27 |
[NetSkier | stef: See what you get with that. If too broad a response, then add 'kubuntu' to the search to narrow it a bit. No need to get the Redhat related msgs, unless those are all that exist so far. | 01:28 |
hussam | It's like everyday I'm tempted to dist-upgrade to breezy, then somebody says there are problems with the upgrade | 01:28 |
[NetSkier | hussam: I got that Kubuntu box on the net now; did an apt-get upgrade, and things seem ok now. | 01:29 |
[NetSkier | I did not install that resolvconf pkg, since it appers to be mainly a BIND facilitator,a nd I am a djbdns guy. | 01:29 |
[NetSkier | Anyhow, I will remember it for later if dns screws up. | 01:30 |
[NetSkier | hussam: thanks for your help. btw, I fixed it by just writing my own /etc/resolv.conf file. | 01:31 |
|maddox| | i upgraded to breezy with sucess, i guess... only had to dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 01:31 |
hussam | [NetSkier: I didn't install resolvconf as well. I just edited /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/networks/interfaces | 01:31 |
[NetSkier | exactly the same here. | 01:31 |
Octane | has anyone here upgraded their kubuntu to breezy preview? | 01:33 |
hussam | |maddox|: what build of xorg are you running? 6.8.2-63 ? | 01:33 |
|maddox| | 6.8.2-61 but there?s an upgrade to 6.8.2-63 in the repos | 01:35 |
hussam | |maddox|: are you gonna update to it? | 01:35 |
|maddox| | well i was thinkin? about doing in half an hour or so | 01:36 |
|maddox| | doing it | 01:36 |
|maddox| | sorry for my english hehe | 01:36 |
hussam | |maddox|: I 'm asking because if 6.8.2-63 works for you, then I'll upgrade my machine from hoary to breezy | 01:37 |
|maddox| | i hope it works:) | 01:39 |
|maddox| | u heard any complaints about it yet? | 01:39 |
hussam | |maddox|: I donno but everytime I decide to upgrade, somebody posts bad stories about how upgrading didn't work | 01:41 |
hussam | |maddox|: also somebody here posted that sound no longer works: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64573 | 01:42 |
|maddox| | i havent tested it deeply, but everything seems ok | 01:43 |
|maddox| | as i said i had to dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 01:44 |
|maddox| | because X didnt start | 01:44 |
hussam | |maddox|: ok I'll keep "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in mind. | 01:44 |
|maddox| | oh, and i had a lot of services running at boot that didnt make sense for my machine :) | 01:45 |
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|maddox| | like laptop battery check, and stuff related to laptops | 01:45 |
|maddox| | removed it after with synaptic, and bum | 01:45 |
hussam | |maddox|: I've been doing apt-get -d dist-upgrade for the last 40 hours. It's downloading 808MB at 10KB/sec | 01:45 |
hussam | |maddox|: but I should be done in 56 minutes. | 01:46 |
|maddox| | you should be ok | 01:47 |
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hussam | |maddox|: it's now downloading xorg 6.8.2-63 | 01:47 |
hussam | damn my slow connection | 01:48 |
|maddox| | waiting... its a pain i know:) | 01:50 |
hussam | |maddox|: do you have a printer? I wanna know if printing is still working | 01:50 |
|maddox| | i have, but its not connected to ubuntu anymore, so didnt tested it | 01:51 |
hussam | |maddox|: what about sound? | 01:52 |
|maddox| | its working | 01:53 |
hussam | 45 minutes left | 01:54 |
=== [NetSkier wishes that he could share his bandwidth with hussam. | ||
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[NetSkier | hussam: That sounds painful. | 01:55 |
=== hussam thanks [NetSkier | ||
|maddox| | another small prob i had.... kvirc 3.2.0 was removed | 01:55 |
hussam | |maddox|: that's ok, I use konversation and xchat. | 01:55 |
=== [NetSkier still remembers using a 14.4 kpbs modem on his Mac II back in the old days. | ||
|maddox| | it was instaled from some debian repos, and got removed because of kdelibs i guess | 01:56 |
hussam | I guess the scariest stuff to upgrade are xorg and the kernel. | 01:56 |
=== |maddox| just compiled kvirc :) | ||
[NetSkier | hussam: I would guess xorg is "the tall pole in the tent." | 01:57 |
[NetSkier | kernel should be easy. | 01:57 |
[NetSkier | but I am just guessing. | 01:57 |
hussam | Kubuntu is actually the easiest distro I found for compiling software. everything I compile works perfectly. | 01:58 |
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hussam | no that's true. xorg is the scrariest. | 01:58 |
[NetSkier | hussam: Do you know about 'stow'? | 01:58 |
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hussam | I remember compiling a game that required stow but I don't have that game anymore. | 01:59 |
[NetSkier | It is great for compiling software on Debian systems, because it packages the compiled software in a place, that is easy to uninstall from, if you ever have to do it, for example when upgrading it. | 01:59 |
[NetSkier | apt-get install -u stow | 02:00 |
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hussam | [NetSkier: what's the -u switch for? | 02:00 |
[NetSkier | shows more info about what you are installing; I forget the exact details. | 02:00 |
[NetSkier | I also use it for the upgrade command. apt-get upgrade -u whatever-packages | 02:01 |
[NetSkier | hussam: Funny; the knowledge now lies in my typing fingers; it has left my brain. | 02:01 |
=== [NetSkier is becoming a Debian automaton. | ||
|maddox| | hehe | 02:02 |
=== [NetSkier is now known as NetSkier | ||
=== NetSkier is too. ;) | ||
=== |maddox| updating breezy | ||
hussam | 35 minutes left | 02:03 |
|maddox| | whats your connection again? | 02:04 |
NetSkier | gotta be dialup | 02:05 |
hussam | 92kbit/sec | 02:05 |
hussam | but but if can get slow at times. | 02:05 |
hussam | If the upgrade doesn't work, I will be scared for life and may never touch a computer in my life again. even the computers at my universiry. | 02:05 |
NetSkier | hussam: :You meant scarred for life; we are all scared for life. ;) | 02:06 |
hussam | nah I'm lying. I'll just download breezy and install from scratch | 02:06 |
hussam | yeah scarred | 02:06 |
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hussam | but seriously I love kubuntu. even my saa7130 tv tuner works perfectly. | 02:07 |
=== NetSkier doesn't know what that is. | ||
|maddox| | me too, i used mandrake before, but kubuntu is a lot better | 02:08 |
hussam | NetSkier: it's a crappy tv card. | 02:08 |
mustafu | I'm a novice, and having tried Xandros and Linspire I enjoy Kubuntu much more | 02:08 |
mustafu | not that anyone needed my two cents :/ | 02:09 |
hussam | |maddox|: i've used suse ( I left suse after novell aquired it ) , mandrake, mepis, fedora and now kubuntu | 02:09 |
hussam | suse was terribly slow. | 02:11 |
|maddox| | my 1st linux experience was with slackware (very powerfull) but took me 5 days just to get it installed :)) | 02:13 |
|maddox| | and one week to broke it, and do a reinstall lol | 02:14 |
hussam | nah I've never tried slackware, is there packaging system as smart as debian's? | 02:14 |
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hussam | slackware's been since 1993, right? | 02:17 |
|maddox| | yep. with tar.gz files | 02:18 |
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hussam | |maddox|: source or binaries packages in tar.gz ? | 02:18 |
|maddox| | binaries, but i dont use slack for a long time now | 02:19 |
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|maddox| | u use pkgtool to install/uninstall etc | 02:21 |
hussam | oh ok | 02:22 |
hussam | will my edited .conf files like /etc/reslov.conf get lost in the update? | 02:23 |
NetSkier | doubtful | 02:23 |
NetSkier | Does not happen with regular debian upgrades. | 02:24 |
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|maddox| | but, if u have doubts sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf_original | 02:24 |
hussam | ok | 02:24 |
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[Relic] | Hello :) | 02:26 |
|maddox| | gotta go | 02:28 |
|maddox| | cya guys | 02:29 |
hussam | |maddox|: ok bye | 02:29 |
|maddox| | good luck hussam | 02:29 |
hussam | thank you | 02:29 |
|maddox| | bye | 02:29 |
[Relic] | is it possible to import a configuration from another install easily? | 02:29 |
[Relic] | my dual boot install got messed up when I had to reinstall windows with all my new parts :) | 02:30 |
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Flying_Eagle | hi | 03:00 |
Flying_Eagle | the breezy-badger-kernel just freezes when using my acx-wlan-card :( | 03:01 |
Flying_Eagle | where can i report this bug? | 03:01 |
hussam | bugzilla.ubuntu.com | 03:01 |
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Flying_Eagle | thx, hussam | 03:04 |
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hussam | NetSkier: will it help if I exit x then upgrade to breezy? | 03:08 |
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Flying_Eagle | hussam, i tried to upgrade directly from hoary - it broke my X | 03:09 |
Flying_Eagle | besides that the new kernel freezes when using the acx_pci-module :/ | 03:09 |
hussam | Flying_Eagle: so I should exit x first? | 03:09 |
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Flying_Eagle | so you should install breezy on a new partition | 03:10 |
Flying_Eagle | fresh and clean | 03:10 |
Flying_Eagle | and then takeover your config | 03:10 |
Flying_Eagle | s | 03:10 |
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hussam | Flying_Eagle: I think the x think can be corrected with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorrg | 03:11 |
Flying_Eagle | yeah. you think | 03:11 |
hussam | Flying_Eagle: it didn't work? | 03:11 |
Flying_Eagle | i suggest you to burn a ubuntu-breezer-install cd | 03:11 |
Flying_Eagle | so you can install it on a fresh partition after you fucked your running system >:) | 03:12 |
Flying_Eagle | no it didnt | 03:12 |
nalioth | i second that motion (burn todays daily breezy image) | 03:12 |
nalioth | but i second it for other reasons | 03:12 |
Flying_Eagle | the problem is the new module-structure of X | 03:13 |
hussam | Flying_Eagle: it took me a lot of time to apt-get -d dist-upgrade , I don't have the bandwidth to download a cd image | 03:13 |
Flying_Eagle | damn. then try, but be prepared to do some fixing in xorg.conf and stuff | 03:14 |
Flying_Eagle | hint: X failed to load the keyboard-driver/module/whatever in my case | 03:14 |
hussam | Flying_Eagle: umm kbd verses keyboard ( wasn't that fixed when we switched from xfree to xorg )? | 03:15 |
nalioth | hussam: why not wait a couple of weeks? | 03:15 |
nalioth | breezy will release oct 13 | 03:15 |
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Flying_Eagle | cuz were all horny for the higher versionnumbers, nalioth ;) | 03:16 |
hussam | Flying_Eagle: indeed | 03:17 |
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hydrogen | erm | 03:29 |
hydrogen | am I correct in thinking somethings wrong? | 03:29 |
hydrogen | 7271 hydrogen 15 0 1354m 600m 720 S 0.0 59.3 53:14.15 gam_server | 03:29 |
nalioth | gam_server indexes your directorys | 03:30 |
nalioth | if you are actively adding things (such as nntp feed) and have nautilus open, you'll see that | 03:30 |
hydrogen | well, I'm not adding stuff that actively | 03:31 |
hydrogen | and konqueror is not looking at any local directories | 03:31 |
hydrogen | cause this doesn't seem right | 03:32 |
hydrogen | Mem: 1036648 1022816 13832 0 6856 144904 | 03:32 |
nalioth | you can kill it if you like, it'll restart when something calls it | 03:32 |
hydrogen | aye | 03:32 |
hydrogen | just did that | 03:32 |
hydrogen | Mem: 1036648 360428 676220 0 6836 144672 | 03:32 |
hydrogen | much better | 03:32 |
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hussam | nalioth: will all these upgrade bugs be fixed by breezy final? | 04:00 |
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mike23 | greetinga | 04:08 |
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mike23 | greetings | 04:12 |
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marndt | I am using ndiswrapper 1.0rc2...my ndiswrapper and drivers are installed, and I get a signal from my access point, but my wlan0 refuses to stay active...please help! :) | 04:27 |
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[Relic] | what is the name of the hardware monitoring package? | 04:56 |
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Ex-Cyber | [Relic] : I'm not sure what you mean by "the" hardware monitoring package... try doing a synaptic name+description search for "sensors" | 05:01 |
suresh | lm-sensors | 05:02 |
suresh | gkrellm | 05:02 |
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suresh | oh - has anybody been talking about ipw2200 1.0.6 (centrino wifi drivers) timing out when theyre installed | 05:03 |
crimsun | 1.0.6 works fine here | 05:03 |
suresh | the last time i tried this - in slackware - it was a udev bug (well, a redundant rule of some sort) that was causing the timeout | 05:03 |
suresh | it works | 05:03 |
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suresh | but when i bootup dhcp times out | 05:03 |
suresh | so i have to fire it up manually | 05:04 |
suresh | echo 100 > /sys/class/firmware/timeout - that's a temporary fix and has to be stuck somewhere in the initscripts | 05:04 |
crimsun | definitely works here, WEP, WPA2 and all | 05:04 |
suresh | and its a kludge for whats basically a udev misconfig | 05:04 |
suresh | [hoary by the way - not moved to breezy yet with its 2.6.12.x etc] | 05:04 |
koalah | in gnome I tried "kdesu kynaptic" and it asked for root password, then rejected my password? | 05:04 |
crimsun | I haven't run Hoary in several months | 05:04 |
suresh | thats another one that i have ... kdesu asks for the root passwd and refuses to accept it | 05:05 |
suresh | me, i moved to hoary after something like 8 years of slackware | 05:05 |
koalah | i don't get it | 05:05 |
crimsun | are you using the 3.4.2 packages for Hoary? | 05:05 |
suresh | 3.4.0-ubuntu3 | 05:06 |
crimsun | ah, you're neither using hoary-security or hoary-updates | 05:06 |
suresh | ?!? | 05:06 |
suresh | deb http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted universe | 05:07 |
suresh | deb-src http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted universe | 05:07 |
suresh | deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security main restricted | 05:07 |
suresh | deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security main restricted | 05:07 |
suresh | deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security universe | 05:07 |
suresh | deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security universe | 05:07 |
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crimsun | http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-342.php | 05:07 |
suresh | hoary-security and hoary-updates looks just fine there | 05:07 |
suresh | but what has that to do with udev | 05:07 |
suresh | oh with that other kde thing - thanks | 05:07 |
crimsun | (I'm talking about kdesu now) | 05:07 |
koalah | is there a gnome kdesu like "gdesu"? | 05:08 |
crimsun | gksu, but gksudo is preferred | 05:10 |
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suresh | can you post your udev.rules somewhere please? | 05:18 |
suresh | /etc/udev/udev.rules | 05:18 |
suresh | crimsun: that is | 05:18 |
suresh | i'd like to diff it with the current udev.rules, see if theres anything that causes this - | 05:18 |
crimsun | suresh: I'm at work on an XP workstation which doubles as my Breezy machine, so unfortunately, no. | 05:18 |
nalioth | crimsun: isnt that a oxymoron? | 05:19 |
crimsun | which part? | 05:19 |
suresh | <font size="-1"> | 05:19 |
suresh | a/udev-064-i486-2.tgz: Commented out the new lines in udev.rules. It seems<br> | 05:20 |
suresh | like these aren't really needed now that the symlink in <br> | 05:20 |
suresh | /etc/hotplug.d/default/ was restored, and having them there causes a race<br> | 05:20 |
suresh | race condition that can cause things like wireless adaptors that need to<br> | 05:20 |
suresh | load firmware to fail to initialize.<br> | 05:20 |
suresh | Thanks to Andreas Liebschner and Philip Langdale for helping debug this.</font> | 05:20 |
suresh | thats from the slackware changelog | 05:20 |
suresh | so post the lot if you can | 05:20 |
suresh | its a tiny file | 05:20 |
crimsun | I'd love to, but I simply don't have access atm | 05:20 |
suresh | anybody else with breezy, folks? | 05:21 |
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nalioth | crimsun: "XP workstation" | 05:25 |
crimsun | nalioth: heh, if only it were | 05:26 |
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Tallia1[UbuntU] | hi guys..!! | 05:31 |
Tallia1[UbuntU] | what have i to do to upgrade my version of kubuntu to Breezy Badger ? | 05:32 |
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Tallia1[UbuntU] | and more important... do you suggest me to wait or not? | 05:32 |
nalioth | Tallia1[UbuntU] : i recommend waiting til at least the 1st of October | 05:32 |
Tallia1[UbuntU] | ok, i'll wait | 05:35 |
Tallia1[UbuntU] | but what i have to do to upgrade? | 05:35 |
marndt | What's the gnome version of rdesktop? | 05:36 |
marndt | I want to do an apt-get install of it | 05:36 |
Tallia1[UbuntU] | nalioth: ? tnx | 05:36 |
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nalioth | !tell Tallia1[UbuntU] about upgrade2breezy | 05:37 |
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Tallia1[UbuntU] | hi!! | 05:41 |
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[Relic] | I get a fail for setting sensor values? at the startup, I just wanted something that I could check the hardware temps with | 05:43 |
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hussam | nalioth: do know if by breezy final developers will work on bugs that might prevent an upgrade? | 06:06 |
nalioth | hussam: of course they are | 06:07 |
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hussam | nalioth: ok that's good news. Then I'll just wait till next mounth an upgrade. | 06:08 |
nalioth | hussam: yes, final release is on oct 13, i believe | 06:08 |
hussam | nalioth: Yeah I say the schedule yesterday. | 06:09 |
nalioth | the thing about *nix that a lot of folks dont get: *nix is valued for its stability, not the "bling" value | 06:10 |
jesusfish | anyone here know what processor type a Sempron 64-bit is considered? | 06:16 |
nalioth | amd64 covers 64-bit procs | 06:16 |
nalioth | otw, use k7 or 686 | 06:17 |
jesusfish | nalioth: as in when building a kernel | 06:17 |
jesusfish | is it a K8? | 06:17 |
nalioth | amd64 covers 64-bit procs | 06:17 |
jesusfish | k | 06:17 |
jesusfish | I wasn't sure if the sem. would fit in there as it's a bit different | 06:17 |
nalioth | 64-bit is 64-bit | 06:18 |
nalioth | amd64 covers intel EMT64, itanium, amd athlon64, etc and et al | 06:18 |
jesusfish | nalioth: k, thx | 06:19 |
jesusfish | stupid nvidia driver seems to have issues with breezy's 2.6.12 kernel source | 06:20 |
nalioth | nvidia has issues, period | 06:20 |
jesusfish | lol | 06:20 |
jesusfish | last I heard, they had better drivers than ATI for performance for Linux | 06:21 |
nalioth | yes, but they dont play well in some other situations, <ahem> | 06:22 |
jesusfish | I'll eventually need them for dual-display | 06:22 |
jesusfish | I was told to go nVidia | 06:22 |
nalioth | nvidia does have better driver support, but idk about compiling kernels with it | 06:23 |
jesusfish | well, even with the stock breezy kernels | 06:23 |
jesusfish | at least the 2.6.12 one | 06:23 |
jesusfish | there any amarok 1.3 packages anywhere for breezy? | 06:30 |
nalioth | !info amarok breezy | 06:33 |
ubotu | amarok: (versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE), section kde, is optional. Version: 2:1.2.4-0ubuntu4 (breezy), Packaged size: 5727 kB, Installed size: 11292 kB | 06:33 |
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[Relic] | Anyone awake? | 06:37 |
nalioth | i'm awake | 06:39 |
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[Relic] | is there a gui to use with lm-sensor? | 06:40 |
[Relic] | ksensor or gkrellm were sugessted but I can't seem to find them | 06:41 |
nalioth | are all your repositories enabled? | 06:43 |
[Relic] | don't know, just installed it today and still getting things running | 06:43 |
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nalioth | !tell [Relic] about sources | 06:45 |
nalioth | !info gkrellm | 06:45 |
ubotu | gkrellm: (Multiple stacked system monitors: 1 process [client] ), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 2.2.4-1ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 385 kB, Installed size: 952 kB | 06:45 |
nalioth | [Relic] : enable your repos and you'll find gkrellm | 06:46 |
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m3t00 | i like it | 07:22 |
m3t00 | breezy is good | 07:22 |
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shik45 | holla | 07:45 |
shik45 | anyone here use Kompose' | 07:48 |
shik45 | it doms guys | 07:48 |
shik45 | use it | 07:48 |
chavo | shik45, I have it running, I was trying it out. | 07:49 |
shik45 | u like chavo | 07:49 |
=== shik45 like kompose | ||
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chavo | It's cool, but I don't really need it. | 07:50 |
shik45 | true | 07:50 |
shik45 | for desktop user | 07:50 |
shik45 | good for disorganized | 07:50 |
shik45 | btw i love kshutdown 2 | 07:50 |
shik45 | it is helpful for like sleeptimer for music | 07:50 |
shik45 | and turing comp off at end of process | 07:51 |
chavo | I have multiple desktops and don't maximize apps that much. | 07:51 |
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pvh | Is kompose available by default in the new Kubuntu? | 08:01 |
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blake | I want to buy an Ipod... wondering if anyone has successfully mounted one with kubuntu... | 08:03 |
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blake | I have done some googling... seems easy enough, but just wanted to hear first hand if the ipod is a breeze on linux | 08:04 |
blake | kubunut/ubuntu whatever | 08:04 |
chavo | pvh, I'm not sure I'm running my own build of KDE. | 08:06 |
chavo | pvh, looks like it's in there | 08:07 |
pvh | neato. i love expose. | 08:07 |
chavo | I just apt-cache searched it. | 08:07 |
pvh | I'm doing a string-replace upgrade right now. It seemed to dislike my extra repos so I disabled the controversial ones and now things are going better. | 08:07 |
pvh | Also, had some trouble with files moving between kdevelop3 packages. | 08:08 |
pvh | Nothing a little --force couldn't fix. | 08:08 |
pvh | I wonder if that nvidia driver has been built for my kernel yet or if I'll still be doing that by hand. | 08:09 |
shik45 | ipod works fine with ubuntu with gtkpodf | 08:12 |
shik45 | ipod is fine with Linux! | 08:13 |
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shik45 | automounts on Ubuntu i think | 08:13 |
shik45 | it did in Mepis i know | 08:13 |
shik45 | i used my old pod with Ubuntu | 08:13 |
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rolf | Hi! I have ubuntu-breezy installed and would like install kde. What are the repositories for kubuntu-breezy? | 09:24 |
jk- | repos are the same | 09:24 |
jk- | 'apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' will do it, i believe | 09:25 |
jk- | or just apt-get isntall kde | 09:25 |
jk- | if you only want kde, not the default settings, etc. | 09:26 |
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nalioth | kubuntu-desktop gets you the whole banana | 09:26 |
jk- | yep | 09:26 |
jk- | :) | 09:26 |
jk- | go banana! | 09:27 |
aftertaf | the man from delmonte, he says yeah!!! | 09:27 |
rolf | Thanks. Now that was easy! :) | 09:27 |
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rem_ | . | 09:56 |
rem_ | hey | 09:56 |
rem_ | i have 99 updates for ubuntu today....is that normal to have so many ? (I never had more than ~10 updates at the time till now..) | 09:57 |
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bobbyd | rem_, sounds weird | 09:58 |
bobbyd | rem_, unless you're using breezy | 09:58 |
rem_ | no hoary ...it looks weird to me too ,... | 09:59 |
rem_ | my apt sources havent changed .. | 10:00 |
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aftertaf | rem... 73 today for hoary | 10:06 |
aftertaf | mostly on xorg server | 10:07 |
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aftertaf | and have updated, now have errors..... | 10:17 |
aftertaf | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2145 | 10:17 |
lonewolff | hey, im trying to install kubuntu on my imac on the instalation dies, when it gets to configure a multiseat system, anyone got any ideas? | 10:18 |
lonewolff | i see a bugzilla entry, but that relates to isa vga, and i dont think the imac as isa vga, altho im not sure | 10:20 |
jk- | lonewolff: how does it die? machine still up? any logs (check other VTs too)? | 10:21 |
aftertaf | sud apt-get -f install fixed it though | 10:21 |
aftertaf | +o | 10:21 |
lonewolff | jk-: it just says instalation step failed the failing step is: configure a multiseat system | 10:21 |
jk- | check the other VTs for any messages: alt+F1, alt+F2 .. alt+F6 | 10:22 |
lonewolff | jk-: i also have INFO: falling back to the package description for multiseat-udeb | 10:23 |
jk- | hmm, no idea here :/ | 10:23 |
lonewolff | i did an integrity check on the cd and all is well | 10:24 |
lonewolff | i may try the solution for the isa problem | 10:24 |
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spiral | hi | 10:26 |
spiral | does anyone here know why amaroK is still in 1.2.4 in breezy ? | 10:27 |
aftertaf | kde 3.5 end of october | 10:28 |
spiral | aftertaf: ? was it an answer to my question ? | 10:31 |
aftertaf | hehe | 10:31 |
aftertaf | sort of, but not really... more a random comment blurted out. Sorry !!! | 10:31 |
mornfall | moin moin | 10:31 |
aftertaf | yop pete :) | 10:31 |
aftertaf | is there a later versionof amaroK? | 10:31 |
spiral | aftertaf: all right, because I didn't think it was related | 10:31 |
mornfall | aftertaf: adept 0.4.1 (beta2) should have hit breezy | 10:31 |
spiral | aftertaf: 1.3.1 is out | 10:31 |
mornfall | aftertaf: if you are interested :) | 10:32 |
spiral | aftertaf: & is really nice... | 10:32 |
spiral | I've been trying to backport it, but I faced error | 10:32 |
spiral | s | 10:32 |
aftertaf | yeah :D not on breezy though..... | 10:32 |
aftertaf | daren't yet... if i break it im not good on recovering without reinstall.:/ | 10:33 |
spiral | ;-) | 10:33 |
aftertaf | hehe | 10:34 |
aftertaf | true its in sarge as 1.3 | 10:34 |
aftertaf | but hoary 1.2.3 and breezy 1.2.4 | 10:34 |
spiral | aftertaf: even sarge has it, damn it :-P | 10:34 |
aftertaf | sarge is satble now, right? | 10:34 |
spiral | aftertaf: yeah | 10:34 |
spiral | so maybe sid even has 1.3.1 :-P | 10:35 |
aftertaf | hehe | 10:35 |
aftertaf | testing/unstable pwns. | 10:35 |
aftertaf | till you update and your deb dies... | 10:35 |
aftertaf | which unpwns a lot:! | 10:35 |
spiral | ;-) | 10:36 |
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aftertaf | sid has 1.3 beta 2 | 10:37 |
aftertaf | spiral: build the source tarball.... :) | 10:38 |
aftertaf | mornfall: cant get it if not on breezy right? | 10:38 |
spiral | aftertaf: I wanted to make a .deb | 10:38 |
mornfall | aftertaf: oh, bah | 10:38 |
mornfall | aftertaf: forgot :) | 10:38 |
aftertaf | u can from tarball right? | 10:38 |
aftertaf | mornfall: hehe :D | 10:38 |
spiral | aftertaf: I tried to backport it, but I didn't manage to | 10:38 |
spiral | mornfall: could you help me ? | 10:39 |
aftertaf | what actually is backport? | 10:39 |
spiral | aftertaf: I mean I apt-get source amarok, detar the newest source, copy the debian folder in the new source & dch the new source before debuilding it | 10:39 |
mornfall | spiral: i'd guess you are better of apt-get source amarok from breezy | 10:40 |
mornfall | off* | 10:40 |
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mornfall | whatever | 10:40 |
spiral | mornfall: that's what I did | 10:40 |
spiral | mornfall: but I couldn't achieve the compilation because of a file it doesn't find | 10:40 |
mornfall | *shrug* fix it then :-) | 10:41 |
aftertaf | ehe | 10:41 |
mornfall | what can i advise you | 10:41 |
aftertaf | makes it sound SO easy | 10:41 |
spiral | mornfall: didn't manage to... :-/ | 10:41 |
aftertaf | can you get tarball and convert direct to .deb? dont that work ? | 10:41 |
=== mornfall wonders if his name is still in amarok's debian/changelog | ||
spiral | mornfall: whouah... this means you might be more able than I am to rebuild it ? :-P | 10:42 |
mornfall | maybe someone would dare to backport adept? :-) | 10:42 |
mornfall | hoary? | 10:42 |
aftertaf | yep | 10:42 |
aftertaf | what is backporting anyway? | 10:42 |
mornfall | aftertaf: rebuilding newer version (say breezy) against older system (say hoary) | 10:43 |
mornfall | spiral: dude breezy has 1.2.4 | 10:43 |
aftertaf | To make a feature from a later version of a piece of software available in an earlier version. Backporting of features enables users of the older version to benefit from a feature without upgrading fully. | 10:43 |
spiral | mornfall: & we're now to 1.3.1, which is really better.. | 10:43 |
mornfall | spiral: i'd have to backport from sid tho, not breezy | 10:44 |
mornfall | spiral: which distro you want to build it for? | 10:44 |
spiral | mornfall: breezy | 10:44 |
aftertaf | and hary ;) | 10:44 |
spiral | aftertaf: :-) | 10:44 |
mornfall | bah | 10:44 |
spiral | mornfall: ? | 10:45 |
mornfall | after you build adept for hoary i build amarok :-) | 10:45 |
aftertaf | how do i build for hoary? | 10:45 |
spiral | mornfall: pleaeaeaease !!! | 10:45 |
spiral | mornfall: 'sorry, no longer have hoary... | 10:46 |
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gsuveg | re | 10:47 |
gsuveg | how can i put suspend my notebook on konsole ? | 10:47 |
mornfall | i'll try building on breez | 10:47 |
mornfall | breezy* | 10:47 |
spiral | mornfall: if you're talking about amaroK, and you want some help, or manage to do so, please highlight me | 10:48 |
_rolf | Hi! Can anyone help me getting my laptop special keys (Fn+xy) for volume mute/up/down to work with kubuntu. They do work in Gnome and I am able to capture the key events with xev... | 10:48 |
spiral | _rolf: could you try to change your keyboard type in kcontrol ? | 10:49 |
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spiral | _rolf: something like "compaq internet keyboard" often works | 10:49 |
_rolf | spiral: I will try this, just one second... | 10:50 |
mornfall | let's see, amarok building on breezy | 10:51 |
=== CaiN_SA [n=cain@rrba-146-76-48.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu | ||
spiral | mornfall: good luck | 10:52 |
_rolf | spiral: Cool, it works. I choosed some Laptop keyboard. Thanks! | 10:52 |
spiral | _rolf: you're welcome | 10:53 |
mornfall | i need new hardware | 10:55 |
mornfall | booh | 10:55 |
mornfall | and loads of ram to refit all the aging machines | 10:55 |
mornfall | hrm | 10:55 |
aftertaf | mornfall: what type of ram? | 10:56 |
aftertaf | i got a lot of P1 mmx with edo hanging a round | 10:56 |
mornfall | ddram | 10:56 |
mornfall | something like 2G of it | 10:57 |
aftertaf | oh.... | 10:57 |
mornfall | well, yeah | 10:58 |
aftertaf | don't have any. | 10:58 |
mornfall | being a developer ain't cheap :) | 10:58 |
aftertaf | lol | 10:58 |
mornfall | (ideally, i would get a new notebook and a new workstation) | 10:59 |
mornfall | it's generating documentation | 11:04 |
mornfall | (evil xml processing slower than gcc) | 11:04 |
mornfall | argh, i got stuff stuck in NEW on ekhis | 11:05 |
spiral | mornfall: how is your amaroK compilation ? ;-) | 11:07 |
mornfall | spiral: signing | 11:08 |
mornfall | done | 11:08 |
spiral | mornfall: version 1.3.1 works ? | 11:09 |
mornfall | spiral: i can't verify if it works, i am building on a machine kilometers away from me | 11:09 |
aftertaf | loool. | 11:09 |
aftertaf | ssh pwns to :) | 11:10 |
spiral | mornfall: if you can give me the .debs, I can check on one of my machines | 11:10 |
aftertaf | mornfall: shold i go breezy for the adept b2? | 11:10 |
mornfall | aftertaf: probably not yet | 11:10 |
mornfall | aftertaf: i _may_ build on hoary | 11:11 |
aftertaf | hehe | 11:11 |
spiral | mornfall: have you got an easy way to share the .debs ? | 11:11 |
mornfall | spiral: deb http://lorien.mornfall.net/amarok-breezy-backport/ ./ should do | 11:12 |
mornfall | spiral: be gentle on it, it's only megabit upload | 11:12 |
spiral | mornfall: nice... just trying it... & I won't kill it :-) | 11:12 |
spiral | mornfall: just a precision about version numbering : ubuntu amarok version numbers begin with 2:, so your package doesn't appear as updated | 11:15 |
mornfall | spiral: ah, well, too bad, i stick with sid versioning | 11:15 |
spiral | I'll force versionning, then | 11:16 |
mornfall | Riddell: why did you bump the epoch, for goodness sake? | 11:17 |
mornfall | oh, 1.2beta | 11:17 |
mornfall | silly :p | 11:18 |
spiral | mornfall: don't manage to install it with synaptic :-/ | 11:18 |
spiral | mornfall: I can't force him to d/l it from your repo with the old fashionned version number :-/ | 11:19 |
mornfall | spiral: apt-get install amarok=<version> amarok-<engine>=<version> | 11:19 |
spiral | mornfall: 'm trying it right now | 11:20 |
mornfall | that epoch thing is a snafu | 11:20 |
=== mornfall grabs universe sources | ||
mornfall | ubuntu needs updated version of debchange gnah | 11:22 |
aftertaf | f**k it, i'm gonna go breezy | 11:23 |
mornfall | aftertaf: make a chroot :) | 11:23 |
mornfall | or no | 11:23 |
spiral | mornfall: this works nicely | 11:23 |
aftertaf | what???? | 11:23 |
aftertaf | lol i'm such a n00b at times! | 11:23 |
mornfall | aftertaf: man debootstrap, man chroot | 11:24 |
mornfall | aftertaf: :) | 11:24 |
mornfall | aftertaf: i am running lots of things chrooted :) | 11:24 |
aftertaf | make a new root filesystem, thatit? | 11:24 |
aftertaf | nope. | 11:24 |
mornfall | aftertaf: (given i run debian sid, sarge and kubuntu hoary, breezy on one, and fedora3, rawhide, rhel3, rhel4 and debian sid on second machine.....) | 11:25 |
aftertaf | 4 differents dists per machine? whoa! | 11:25 |
mornfall | well, chroots | 11:26 |
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mornfall | 11:24:11 up 164 days, 20:49, 7 users, load average: 0.16, 0.27, 0.45 | 11:26 |
mornfall | ^^ i don't really reboot :-) | 11:26 |
=== aftertaf does not compute..... not grasping. | ||
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aftertaf | fknl | 11:26 |
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aftertaf | fk/me !! | 11:27 |
aftertaf | 4 installs, 4 separate /, but access to different ones all at once. | 11:27 |
aftertaf | that right? | 11:27 |
mornfall | aftertaf: kind of, yeah... you just can't run say named in each, i have all the services running on master | 11:28 |
mornfall | aftertaf: i get shell in each of the distros and i share a single x server for them | 11:28 |
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mornfall | (well, i _could_ run separate KDE sessions for each, but that's kinda futile, and i don't have that much ram either ;P) | 11:29 |
mornfall | aftertaf: separate /, but shared /home, too | 11:30 |
kairu0 | hey all | 11:30 |
aftertaf | mornfall: do i need to have a separate partition? | 11:31 |
aftertaf | *obviously...* | 11:31 |
mornfall | aftertaf: no | 11:32 |
aftertaf | i'm gonna need help figuring that out.... if you have 5 mins (i know my way around linux a bit.......) | 11:32 |
mornfall | aftertaf: basic steps: | 11:32 |
=== aftertaf listens attentively | ||
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mornfall | aftertaf: debootstrap <distrtibution> <directory> (man debootstrap for details) | 11:33 |
mornfall | aftertaf: sudo mount --bind /home/ <directory>/home | 11:33 |
mornfall | aftertaf: (sudo debootstrap of course) | 11:33 |
mornfall | aftertaf: sudo mount --bind /tmp <directory>/tmp | 11:33 |
mornfall | aftertaf: sudo mount none <directory>/proc -t proc | 11:34 |
mornfall | aftertaf: sudo chroot <directory> | 11:34 |
mornfall | aftertaf: (the debootstrap step only works for debian based distros, with RH it's more complicated) | 11:35 |
aftertaf | hehe dont care, always been a deb user ;) | 11:35 |
mornfall | sudo chroot <directory> su - $LOGNAME | 11:35 |
mornfall | will give you user login shell in the chroot | 11:35 |
=== aftertaf getting all this in a file log ;) | ||
mornfall | you need to sync /etc/passwd /etc/group /etc/shadow into the <directory> | 11:35 |
mornfall | maybe krb5.conf, resolv.conf etc... depends | 11:36 |
mornfall | i have scripts to do most of this :-) | 11:36 |
mornfall | spiral: did the amarok download? | 11:37 |
mornfall | spiral: hmm, oops, i did an unstripped build :P | 11:37 |
spiral | mornfall: it downloaded & works fine | 11:37 |
mornfall | so it's a _bit_ big :-) | 11:37 |
mornfall | spiral: cool | 11:38 |
spiral | mornfall: thank you very much | 11:38 |
mornfall | if we meet you owe me a beer ;-) | 11:38 |
spiral | mornfall: I live in France :-) | 11:39 |
aftertaf | spiral: ou ca? | 11:39 |
aftertaf | mornfall: thx dude, so do I ;) | 11:40 |
mornfall | i'll get really drunk if i meet everyone who owes me some alcohol ;-) | 11:40 |
=== aftertaf happy cos he's an uncle for the 2nd time, and cos we won the cricket | ||
mornfall | ooh, uncle? | 11:41 |
spiral | aftertaf: Toulouse | 11:41 |
=== mornfall has a friend in south of france | ||
spiral | mornfall: :-) | 11:42 |
mornfall | (Kevin "ervin" Ottens) | 11:42 |
aftertaf | ah, a bit far, i had a job interview for a airbus linked company | 11:42 |
aftertaf | in toulouse... merignac actually. | 11:42 |
aftertaf | mornfall: yep, my sister just became a mum ;) | 11:43 |
=== aftertaf has tears in his eyes :) | ||
mornfall | actually, ervin is from Toulouse, too :) | 11:43 |
mornfall | aftertaf: :-) | 11:43 |
spiral | :-) | 11:44 |
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aftertaf | i'm in ROuen | 11:44 |
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spiral | aftertaf: nice town | 11:45 |
aftertaf | yeah, it is...... Toulouse was nice too... hot though! | 11:45 |
aftertaf | you french Monsieur spirale ? | 11:45 |
aftertaf | mornfall: ill give the deboot thingy a try... :) | 11:46 |
spiral | aftertaf: yeah I am | 11:46 |
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CaiN_SA | its so kewl seeing all these different peopole | 11:46 |
aftertaf | hehe | 11:46 |
aftertaf | true. | 11:47 |
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=== aftertaf is english, but lives @ ROuen depuis 7 ans | ||
=== aftertaf p0ze cl0pe \ fag break ;) | ||
CaiN_SA | wheres that ? | 11:47 |
aftertaf | Rouen, Normandy, north of France ... | 11:48 |
CaiN_SA | kewl | 11:48 |
CaiN_SA | im from south africa | 11:48 |
CaiN_SA | :) | 11:48 |
spiral | does anyone here know how I could rebuild a kernel with the same patches as in breezy (for bootsplash for example) using latest kernel tree from kernel.org ? | 11:48 |
aftertaf | you yep... saw that ;) | 11:48 |
aftertaf | it IS cool. | 11:48 |
CaiN_SA | how you see ? | 11:48 |
aftertaf | rightclick your nick... :) | 11:49 |
CaiN_SA | spiral, no you cant do with same patches | 11:49 |
CaiN_SA | heh | 11:49 |
CaiN_SA | :) | 11:49 |
spiral | CaiN_SA: in fact, I've got a bug with breezy kernel & my laptop, that makes it freeze randomly, as hoary's one did, & I would like to know how to rebuil my own light kernel, with bootsplash & inotify still working | 11:50 |
CaiN_SA | see spiral | 11:51 |
CaiN_SA | patches are made for a certain kernel version | 11:51 |
CaiN_SA | so you cant apply them to the new kernel | 11:51 |
CaiN_SA | if i was you | 11:51 |
CaiN_SA | i would report the bug to the ubuntu devel team | 11:51 |
spiral | CaiN_SA: which kernel is in breezy then ? or other ? | 11:51 |
CaiN_SA | so they can sort it out for you | 11:51 |
CaiN_SA | 2.6.12-8 | 11:51 |
spiral | CaiN_SA: yeah, but which kernel.org version does it match ? | 11:52 |
CaiN_SA | erm 2.6.12 obviously | 11:53 |
spiral | I don't know how to report the bug, 'cuz I don't know what exactly causes it, I just have a .config that normally works without bug, that's all | 11:53 |
spiral | CaiN_SA: just 2.6.12, not ? | 11:53 |
CaiN_SA | not sure | 11:53 |
CaiN_SA | hold | 11:53 |
CaiN_SA | no i dunno | 11:53 |
spiral | CaiN_SA: 'aight, I shall see this afternoon, thanks for the tips | 11:54 |
spiral | 'bye | 11:54 |
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livio | hi! | 12:21 |
livio | is there someone?!? | 12:22 |
CaiN_SA | < - > | 12:24 |
livio | hi! I'm not alone... :-) | 12:24 |
livio | ehm... bye... | 12:26 |
CaiN_SA | lol | 12:26 |
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aftertaf | mornfall: what'll be the url for breezy debootstrap? | 12:43 |
mornfall | aftertaf: what url? | 12:44 |
aftertaf | ive instaled debootstrap, and created a /breezy dir | 12:44 |
mornfall | sudo debootstrap breezy /breezy? | 12:44 |
aftertaf | now to use debootstrap i need to type sudo debootstrap breezy /breezy url: | 12:45 |
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aftertaf | to d/l packages etc... | 12:45 |
mornfall | aftertaf: well, put your mirror url there | 12:45 |
aftertaf | i dont think i have one.... | 12:45 |
aftertaf | grab one from sources.list? | 12:45 |
aftertaf | http://fr.archive/ubuntu.com/breezy ? that look ok? | 12:47 |
mornfall | sure | 12:47 |
mornfall | archive.ubuntu not / | 12:47 |
aftertaf | yeah my error ;) | 12:47 |
aftertaf | hmm: says no such script /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/breezy | 12:48 |
=== spiral [n=spiral@laf31-2-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
aftertaf | got sth.... | 12:50 |
aftertaf | need the debootstrap breezy package first. | 12:50 |
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aftertaf | crumbs... | 12:52 |
aftertaf | hehe, ive got the deb... | 12:52 |
aftertaf | ok... debootstrap uses wget, am i right? | 12:53 |
mornfall | no idea :p | 12:55 |
mornfall | --> food | 12:55 |
aftertaf | ok. | 12:56 |
aftertaf | set proxy in wget, but no joy..... | 12:56 |
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aftertaf | got it... | 01:07 |
aftertaf | http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/ | 01:07 |
aftertaf | didnt have right rl; | 01:07 |
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snatch | Sup bros? | 01:07 |
aftertaf | eh? | 01:08 |
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=== _dan_ is now known as asib3edges | ||
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Almindor | anyone else has got so godamn slow transparency selector? | 01:26 |
Almindor | (the rectangle you get when selecting stuff) | 01:26 |
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aftertaf | mornfall: i've just chrooted :) | 01:40 |
mornfall | aftertaf: good :) | 01:40 |
aftertaf | hehe | 01:40 |
mornfall | apt-get install adept ;-) | 01:41 |
mornfall | well, add the sources.list lines and such | 01:41 |
aftertaf | sudo: unable to lookup dell-laptop via gethostbyname() | 01:41 |
aftertaf | grf... what does that mean? | 01:44 |
aftertaf | when i try to chroot back, i get the same error | 01:46 |
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eckhart | hi | 01:54 |
eckhart | in kubuntu breezy preview network settings don't work properly with me | 01:55 |
eckhart | it always tells me that the platform could not be detected | 01:55 |
=== hettar [n=hettar@ppp96-140.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hettar | will a dist-upgrade from stable to breezy work ?? | 01:56 |
DocTomoe | hettar: I plan to do this to my laptop in about 2 hours ... if you are patient, I can tell you afterwards ;) | 01:58 |
hettar | :) I was planning to do it on my laptop here as well. | 01:59 |
aftertaf | hehehhe | 02:02 |
aftertaf | i've installed debootstrap and have breezy on my hoary. | 02:02 |
aftertaf | :D | 02:02 |
aftertaf | :DDDDDDDDDDDDD | 02:02 |
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aftertaf | ok, copied over sources list to /breezy/ | 02:07 |
aftertaf | apt-updating | 02:07 |
CaiN_SA | hehe | 02:07 |
CaiN_SA | breezy is nice | 02:07 |
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aftertaf | chrooting to breezy | 02:07 |
CaiN_SA | aftertaf, you dont know how to change the image in usplash | 02:08 |
CaiN_SA | ? | 02:08 |
pl_ice | hi | 02:08 |
aftertaf | i dont know what upsplash is, or if it has an image, so no i dont .... :) | 02:08 |
CaiN_SA | ok aftertaf | 02:09 |
aftertaf | ;p | 02:09 |
CaiN_SA | its like bootsplash :) | 02:09 |
pl_ice | hey, which partition can i choose for fat32, i treid c1 (fat32LBA) but xp didn't found it, need to to it again for a mate | 02:09 |
pl_ice | using cfdisk... | 02:10 |
aftertaf | c1 ? | 02:10 |
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:mornfall] : Kubuntu Breezy Preview http://www.kubuntu.org/breezy-preview.php | Adept beta2 out - http://web.ekhis.org/adept.html | Non-kde-related questions: #ubuntu as well | Nederlands #kubuntu-nl | Espaol #kubuntu-es | Deutsch #kubuntu-de UnofficialKubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de/ | ||
pl_ice | that's just the abbrievation which cfdisk uses, | 02:10 |
aftertaf | mornfall: am updating apt | 02:11 |
mornfall | aftertaf: there's a hoary build up :) | 02:11 |
aftertaf | hehe | 02:11 |
aftertaf | ok. | 02:11 |
aftertaf | do i need to install X on my chroot? | 02:11 |
mornfall | aftertaf: server? no, you don't need it | 02:12 |
aftertaf | ok. | 02:12 |
aftertaf | apt-get install adept will do. | 02:12 |
mornfall | aftertaf: just run the x server from master, get a terminal, chroot in the terminal and your apps should work | 02:12 |
aftertaf | ok. | 02:12 |
aftertaf | yeah :D | 02:12 |
mornfall | (you may need DISPLAY=:0) | 02:12 |
aftertaf | oki | 02:13 |
pl_ice | found it ;) "OB" | 02:13 |
aftertaf | i might need a stiff drink too ;) this is nuts | 02:13 |
mornfall | plain water here :-) | 02:14 |
aftertaf | :D | 02:14 |
aftertaf | wow, as in W O W | 02:15 |
mornfall | juice is already gone | 02:15 |
aftertaf | linux is sooooo cool | 02:15 |
mornfall | aftertaf: heh, s/linux/unix/ | 02:15 |
aftertaf | 02:15 | |
aftertaf | ok, unix sarted it | 02:15 |
aftertaf | like screen | 02:15 |
aftertaf | screen rox too. | 02:15 |
aftertaf | and ssh export display... hell its all mad. | 02:15 |
mornfall | yeah, screen is fine | 02:15 |
aftertaf | how do i access the master system when in a terminal chrooted to breezy? | 02:16 |
mornfall | *yawn* damnit :) | 02:16 |
mornfall | aftertaf: you don't :) | 02:16 |
aftertaf | ok. | 02:16 |
mornfall | aftertaf: open another terminal | 02:16 |
aftertaf | good to know. | 02:16 |
aftertaf | and copy from [.;] to | 02:16 |
mornfall | aftertaf: master sees all systems, chroots only see themselves | 02:16 |
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aftertaf | ok. | 02:16 |
aftertaf | master is master ;) | 02:16 |
mornfall | aftertaf: if you did the mounts, your /home is same | 02:16 |
aftertaf | i did the mounts.... | 02:17 |
aftertaf | proc too... | 02:17 |
aftertaf | systems within systems..... hehehe | 02:17 |
aftertaf | can you have a separate system on a HDD and debootstrap it in a new system? | 02:18 |
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mornfall | aftertaf: you mean if you can install new debian machine with debootstrap on a running system and then move the drive and boot it? | 02:18 |
mornfall | aftertaf: (yes that's possible) | 02:18 |
mornfall | aftertaf: (but not completely straightforward) | 02:19 |
aftertaf | ok... wont try yet ;) | 02:19 |
mornfall | i actually installed debian cca 3 times... once woody and twice debian-installer ~beta | 02:20 |
mornfall | hmm, maybe 2 woodys | 02:20 |
mornfall | i can't remember anymore :) | 02:20 |
aftertaf | hehe | 02:20 |
aftertaf | this does rock ! | 02:20 |
mornfall | i usually just debootstrap, it is nicer :) | 02:21 |
aftertaf | i didnt do the /etc/passwd synch though... | 02:21 |
mornfall | no need to take the machine down for the install, too | 02:21 |
aftertaf | and you just have a master X. | 02:21 |
mornfall | aftertaf: well, as long as you work as root in the chroot it doesn't matter | 02:21 |
aftertaf | ok. | 02:21 |
mornfall | aftertaf: as soon as you need user, well, you need /etc/passwd | 02:21 |
aftertaf | and synch != copying from master to chroot | 02:22 |
mornfall | aftertaf: yes it means exactly that, in most cases :) | 02:22 |
aftertaf | ok | 02:22 |
aftertaf | thats what i did for apt/sources.list ;) | 02:22 |
aftertaf | & hosts file too | 02:23 |
mornfall | sources.list, well, you better edit that one :) | 02:23 |
mornfall | to point to breezy | 02:23 |
aftertaf | hehe, customised it dude ;) | 02:23 |
mornfall | :-) | 02:23 |
aftertaf | not all worked (ie backports....) but hey apt didnt complain. | 02:24 |
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spiral | I don't manage to install adept on breezy, keeps asking about sanekonsole... is it normal ? | 02:27 |
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marndt | Good morning everyone | 02:31 |
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aftertaf | er.... how do i run it with diplay :0 ?? | 02:36 |
aftertaf | spiral (i didn't) ;) | 02:36 |
aftertaf | or (i cant) | 02:36 |
aftertaf | hehe, tried running as root..... normal! | 02:37 |
spiral | aftertaf: ;-) | 02:37 |
aftertaf | mornfall....; sudo: pam_authenticate: Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info | 02:38 |
aftertaf | what do i need to copy to the chroot? | 02:38 |
aftertaf | /etc/passwd and... | 02:38 |
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mornfall | aftertaf: /etc/shadow | 02:41 |
mornfall | aftertaf: /etc/group, /etc/gshadow | 02:41 |
aftertaf | gshadow | 02:41 |
aftertaf | ok. copied the rest | 02:41 |
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aftertaf | still no action..... when i sudo adept. | 02:42 |
aftertaf | do i need to do the display thing? | 02:42 |
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aftertaf | mornfall: i copied all those files, but stillcsudo adept does nothing, not even an error message... when root in chroot, i get the 0:0 refused message | 02:46 |
mornfall | aftertaf: /etc/sudoers too :) | 02:46 |
aftertaf | hehe | 02:47 |
aftertaf | oki | 02:47 |
=== aftertaf needs a slap to be more clued up | ||
aftertaf | ok. cant connect to X server....... | 02:47 |
aftertaf | how do i use that display :0 parameter? | 02:48 |
mornfall | aftertaf: DISPLAY=:0 app | 02:48 |
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aftertaf | sorry for pasting....... | 02:48 |
aftertaf | david@dell-laptop:~$ DISPLAY=:0 sudo adept | 02:49 |
aftertaf | Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server | 02:49 |
aftertaf | Xlib: No protocol specified | 02:49 |
aftertaf | adept: cannot connect to X server :0 | 02:49 |
mornfall | aftertaf: hmm, it maybe doesn't like sudo? tried with kdesu? | 02:49 |
aftertaf | oki | 02:49 |
mornfall | (it works with sudo here, but then, this is debian) | 02:50 |
aftertaf | i can sudo to apt-get | 02:50 |
mornfall | aftertaf: sure, but x11 does some auth, and sudo could confuse it | 02:51 |
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aftertaf | true.... but that means at least that sudo works on chroot. | 02:52 |
aftertaf | kdesu not installed... yet! | 02:52 |
aftertaf | crap. kdesu not found. | 02:52 |
aftertaf | checking repos. | 02:52 |
aftertaf | deb http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde342/ breezy-updates main <--------- that's obviously not right ;) | 02:53 |
aftertaf | what is the correct kde repository for breezy.....? | 02:56 |
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aftertaf | mornfall: sorry..... i cant install kdesu, i dont have the right kde breezy repos. | 03:03 |
mornfall | aftertaf: hmh | 03:03 |
aftertaf | indeed ;) | 03:04 |
mornfall | aftertaf: deb http://cz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ breezy universe | 03:04 |
mornfall | aftertaf: worksforme(tm) | 03:04 |
aftertaf | (tm) :) | 03:04 |
mornfall | aftertaf: just put fr there i guess :) | 03:04 |
aftertaf | i have that one(fr.) | 03:05 |
aftertaf | kdesu is nota package... | 03:10 |
aftertaf | it is a command that comes from another pakage | 03:11 |
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Chameleon22 | anyone knows of a nice ogg to mp3 converter, also mov to mp3 converter? | 03:12 |
aftertaf | mornfall: i think it is in kdebase | 03:13 |
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mornfall | aftertaf: probably :) | 03:16 |
aftertaf | hehe | 03:16 |
aftertaf | there i was | apt-get install kdesu.... not found Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!! | 03:17 |
aftertaf | loool | 03:17 |
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aftertaf | so i install KDE ;) | 03:18 |
aftertaf | pffffffffff all this just to test adept beta2 | 03:18 |
aftertaf | ;P | 03:18 |
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aftertaf | hmm. stil being refused by X authentification. | 03:26 |
irad | hey | 03:26 |
irad | where does the XF86Config-4 is in Kubuntu? | 03:26 |
aftertaf | hey back ;) | 03:26 |
aftertaf | it isnt. | 03:26 |
CaiN_SA | irad, there isnt | 03:26 |
aftertaf | its xorg.conf now | 03:26 |
CaiN_SA | irad, /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:27 |
aftertaf | /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:27 |
CaiN_SA | lol aftertaf :P | 03:27 |
aftertaf | :D | 03:27 |
aftertaf | %P | 03:27 |
CaiN_SA | Xorg > XFree | 03:27 |
irad | got it | 03:27 |
irad | thanks :P | 03:27 |
aftertaf | reater than :D | 03:27 |
aftertaf | G | 03:27 |
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aftertaf | nyone help for x security? | 03:28 |
aftertaf | or should i return to the smokers room. | 03:28 |
CaiN_SA | aftertaf, what you meen ? | 03:28 |
aftertaf | ive installed breezy as a chroot. | 03:28 |
CaiN_SA | ya | 03:28 |
aftertaf | and i want to run an X application, but i can't. | 03:28 |
CaiN_SA | ah hold | 03:28 |
CaiN_SA | ill check quick for you | 03:28 |
aftertaf | david@dell-laptop:~$ kdesu adept | 03:29 |
aftertaf | kdesu: cannot connect to X server | 03:29 |
aftertaf | ok | 03:29 |
CaiN_SA | ya ya | 03:29 |
CaiN_SA | you have to type a command to do it :P | 03:29 |
CaiN_SA | X = full of crap sometimes | 03:29 |
CaiN_SA | other pc booting quick | 03:29 |
aftertaf | hehe | 03:29 |
aftertaf | okI | 03:29 |
aftertaf | tried xhost +localhost | 03:29 |
CaiN_SA | i like it when ssh forwards X stuff | 03:29 |
aftertaf | yeah. | 03:30 |
CaiN_SA | that is like the best | 03:30 |
aftertaf | but this aint a different machine... | 03:30 |
CaiN_SA | ya i know | 03:30 |
CaiN_SA | its in ubuntu | 03:30 |
aftertaf | chroot can see master X server | 03:30 |
CaiN_SA | when you say : sudo -s | 03:30 |
CaiN_SA | and then type something | 03:30 |
CaiN_SA | it also doesnyt work | 03:30 |
=== [ITA] MisterX rebooting linux (fstab) | ||
aftertaf | as root or as user? | 03:30 |
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aftertaf | as user, no... | 03:31 |
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aftertaf | cant execute binary file, it says | 03:31 |
aftertaf | mornfall: testing adept on hoary | 03:31 |
CaiN_SA | erm aftertaf | 03:32 |
=== aftertaf says yes... ? | ||
CaiN_SA | xhost +localhost doesnt work ? | 03:32 |
aftertaf | nope | 03:33 |
aftertaf | never has done for me even on sarge/wody | 03:33 |
aftertaf | +o | 03:33 |
CaiN_SA | hmm | 03:35 |
mornfall | aftertaf: xhost + will probably make it work, but it's not very secure :-) | 03:35 |
mornfall | CaiN_SA: +localhost probably only affects tcp/ip | 03:35 |
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CaiN_SA | mornfall, it should work dude | 03:35 |
CaiN_SA | i got it in /etc/profile | 03:35 |
aftertaf | still cant connect to X server | 03:36 |
mornfall | CaiN_SA: *shrug* possible | 03:36 |
CaiN_SA | maby it needs to be done there b4 x is run etc | 03:36 |
CaiN_SA | but i dunno | 03:36 |
mornfall | CaiN_SA: no, definitely not | 03:36 |
CaiN_SA | mornfall, then i dunno | 03:36 |
mornfall | aftertaf: have you mounted /tmp? | 03:36 |
CaiN_SA | he can try it | 03:36 |
CaiN_SA | and see if it works | 03:36 |
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mornfall | aftertaf: (it won't work otherwise) | 03:36 |
mornfall | hey, it's JakubS | 03:36 |
mornfall | what a surprize | 03:37 |
aftertaf | i thnk so... as per what you told me. | 03:37 |
aftertaf | /tmp on /breezy/tmp type none (rw,bind) | 03:38 |
aftertaf | on master | 03:38 |
mornfall | aftertaf: no idea then... i'm running a kde session in debian sid, x server in fedora 3 and it works :) | 03:38 |
mornfall | aftertaf: you are running as user, right? | 03:39 |
aftertaf | to get to chrot? yes | 03:39 |
aftertaf | oot | 03:39 |
aftertaf | nevermind..... i see the changes to adept 0.4 in hoary anyway. | 03:39 |
aftertaf | nice..... ;) | 03:39 |
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_stefan | Hello all :-) | 04:09 |
Moopere | hiya | 04:09 |
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_stefan | I have a printing problem | 04:10 |
_stefan | I can start by hand cupsys | 04:10 |
_stefan | bur when I use kprint and do a reboot | 04:10 |
_stefan | the cupsys is stopped and I get the message that there is no print server running | 04:11 |
Moopere | if you start cupsys by hand, then use kprint does it work? (without the reboot?) | 04:11 |
_stefan | When go through the logs there is something with no permission | 04:11 |
_stefan | moment.. | 04:12 |
_stefan | kprint .. command not found | 04:12 |
_stefan | ??? | 04:12 |
Moopere | warty, hoary or breezy? | 04:13 |
=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@p548D3A27.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rem_ | hey | 04:13 |
rem_ | i have 99 updates for ubuntu today....is that normal to have so many ? (I never had more than ~10 updates at the time till now..) | 04:14 |
Moopere | hiya | 04:14 |
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_stefan | I just do a fresh install hoary and a complete update, dont know what I have now | 04:14 |
Moopere | #rem_ what version of ubuntu? | 04:14 |
rem_ | hoary | 04:14 |
rem_ | i did all the previous updates .. | 04:15 |
Moopere | #_stefan i'm using breezy, have 'kprinter' here - seems to work | 04:15 |
rem_ | my apt sources havent changed .. | 04:15 |
_stefan | breezy is the new version? | 04:15 |
rem_ | yup | 04:16 |
Moopere | #rem_ I got a fair few updates on my hoary the other day - looks like someone fixed a few bugs | 04:16 |
_stefan | hmm what is thge best way? | 04:16 |
rem_ | just wanted to make sure it wasnt a problem .. | 04:16 |
Moopere | #_stefan Breezy is the beta version yes. Should be released in October | 04:16 |
rem_ | ok | 04:16 |
_stefan | aha, so I wait for the stable release | 04:17 |
Moopere | #_stefan only a couple more weeks to wait | 04:17 |
_stefan | why is kprint not found? | 04:17 |
Moopere | #_stefan no big changes for kde users tho - it will still be 3.4.2 | 04:17 |
_stefan | kdeprint is installed! | 04:17 |
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_stefan | hmm there is a kubuntu package for kde 3.4.2 | 04:18 |
Moopere | #_stefan you got a printers section in kcontrol? | 04:18 |
_stefan | yes there is | 04:19 |
Moopere | #_stefan yes I use it on my hoary box - works good | 04:19 |
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_stefan | I believe I have a permission issue | 04:20 |
Moopere | you know, I found kde 3.4.1 had some bugs - its worth upgrading to 3.4.2, is much better | 04:20 |
_stefan | but dont know to solve this | 04:20 |
_stefan | should I try kde 3.4.2? | 04:20 |
Moopere | I would - fixes a few multimedia problems too | 04:20 |
_stefan | and my problom flying away? | 04:21 |
Moopere | maybe, maybe not. I'm not having printing problems here, and I have upgraded to 3.4.2 a long time ago | 04:21 |
Moopere | can't remember if I had some printing issues under 3.4.1 | 04:21 |
Moopere | I had some problems with kaffeine and amarok which is why I upgraded | 04:22 |
_stefan | but there must be a solution now | 04:23 |
_stefan | I want to solve such problems | 04:24 |
_stefan | I have here now kde 3.4.0 | 04:24 |
_stefan | is there something knowing about this release? | 04:25 |
_stefan | and printing issues? | 04:25 |
_stefan | Why is kprint not found in console? | 04:26 |
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_stefan | can you enter kprint? and is it found? | 04:26 |
OculusAquilae | rem_: i had 50 a day last week | 04:28 |
Moopere | #_stefan under breezy, which is what I'm booted into now, there seems to be no kprint, but there is kprinter | 04:29 |
Moopere | seems to work | 04:29 |
_stefan | ohhh, okay mistake by me | 04:29 |
_stefan | kprinter runs | 04:29 |
Moopere | :) | 04:30 |
ztonzy | oh no | 04:32 |
ztonzy | spam again | 04:32 |
_stefan | but in kcontrol under the printer section I cant reboot the cupsd | 04:32 |
=== ToyMan [n=stuq@216-190-140-164.bras01.mdl.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_stefan | it crashes immidiatily the daemon | 04:32 |
_stefan | and says that there is no running cups | 04:33 |
_stefan | I can start cups again by hand in console | 04:33 |
_stefan | with nmap I see port 631 | 04:33 |
_stefan | but rebooting or configuring in kcontrol chrashes the daemon | 04:33 |
_stefan | nmap again- no port 631 | 04:34 |
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_stefan | in console I see "unauthorized..." | 04:35 |
_stefan | Im working as root | 04:35 |
_stefan | so I dont understand this issue | 04:35 |
Moopere | root access disabled for cups in ubuntu i think | 04:35 |
Moopere | or was that admin only? i cannot remember | 04:36 |
Moopere | try log in as normal user | 04:36 |
_stefan | I tried - the same . connection not allowed | 04:37 |
Moopere | anything in /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog? | 04:37 |
Angel-SL | _stefan: can i PM? | 04:38 |
Moopere | how about /var/log/cups/error_log | 04:38 |
_stefan | angel yes, why not? | 04:40 |
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_stefan | <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> | 04:40 |
_stefan | <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> | 04:40 |
_stefan | <head> | 04:40 |
_stefan | <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> | 04:40 |
_stefan | <meta name="Generator" content="Kate, the KDE Advanced Text Editor" /> | 04:40 |
_stefan | </head> | 04:40 |
_stefan | <body> | 04:41 |
_stefan | <pre> | 04:41 |
_stefan | StartListening: Unable to bind socket for address 7f000001:631 - Keine Berechtigung.</pre></body> | 04:41 |
_stefan | </html> | 04:41 |
_stefan | in error log is | 04:41 |
_stefan | ups , soory | 04:41 |
_stefan | StartListening: Unable to bind socket for address - no permission | 04:41 |
Moopere | hmm | 04:42 |
_stefan | for the address should there a IP-Address? | 04:42 |
Moopere | I don't know - sounds like a cups error, not really a kde one. Perhaps there are suggestions at the cups home page? | 04:42 |
_stefan | In log : 7f000001:631 | 04:43 |
Moopere | #_stefan Yes, I would have thought an Ip address....this error looks like a real bug,.,,maybe | 04:43 |
_stefan | It seems there should be an IP | 04:43 |
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_stefan | ohhhh..... | 04:44 |
Moopere | have you tried a google search on that error? | 04:45 |
_stefan | no, till now | 04:46 |
Moopere | #_stefan I'm googling now - seems like a common problem | 04:48 |
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_stefan | yes | 04:51 |
_stefan | but not a solution for it | 04:51 |
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_stefan | may I should try to compile the latest cups release? | 04:52 |
_stefan | I reinstalled all cups relevant things but this give not the solution | 04:53 |
_stefan | can you have a look to your cups error log? | 04:54 |
_stefan | do you have similar addresses? | 04:54 |
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_stefan | or a IP? | 04:54 |
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_stefan | only a idea | 04:56 |
_stefan | I get ma ip Addrss over dhcp | 04:56 |
_stefan | ccould this cause this error or I have to edit a static IP? | 04:57 |
_stefan | hmm I ll try | 04:57 |
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ManLord | anyone know of a good text based or visual html editor? | 05:11 |
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troy | how do I find out the kernel compiler version? | 05:23 |
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libben | thinking of reinstall hooray, breezy is a bit of a huzzle | 05:31 |
libben | whats the eta on breezy? | 05:31 |
libben | months? | 05:31 |
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foodcoman | I thought I saw something about the middle of next month. | 05:35 |
foodcoman | Not sure if that included Kubuntu. | 05:35 |
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Bambi_BOFH | foodcoman: kubuntu came out minutes after ubuntu with hoary, because they were ready first ;) | 05:36 |
foodcoman | hahaha, awesome | 05:36 |
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Bambi_BOFH | it was funny sitting here waiting for the anouncement in ubuntu | 05:36 |
libben | so when is breezy out with that understating? | 05:36 |
foodcoman | I thought I saw the 13th of 15th. | 05:37 |
Bambi_BOFH | all i know is next month. i think mid next tmonth | 05:37 |
foodcoman | or | 05:37 |
nicktastic | Hi, I just insalled kubuntu-desktop. On logging in to KDE for the first time via kdm, I have a big "Volume" dialog that has a progress bar/slider at 0%, and I can't figure out how to make it go away. Can anyone shed some light...? | 05:37 |
nicktastic | Screenshot here: http://pathic.ath.cx/~nick/snap.png | 05:38 |
Bambi_BOFH | i cant help sorry | 05:39 |
foodcoman | Anyone here in the us with a breezy source list they would be willing to message me! | 05:40 |
seth_k | nicktastic, do you have volume controls on your keyboard? | 05:40 |
seth_k | foodcoman, coming your way now | 05:40 |
foodcoman | Thanks seth | 05:40 |
Bambi_BOFH | foodcoman: repositries? | 05:40 |
foodcoman | yeah | 05:40 |
Bambi_BOFH | ah set by the look :) | 05:40 |
foodcoman | I got errors in mine. | 05:41 |
nicktastic | seth_k: Fn+PgUp/PgDown | 05:41 |
Bambi_BOFH | foodcoman: write it by hand a few times you work out how to fix errors :) | 05:41 |
foodcoman | bwuahaha | 05:41 |
foodcoman | I tried the old find hoary replace with breezy. | 05:42 |
foodcoman | One of them barks at me. | 05:42 |
seth_k | sent, foodcoman | 05:42 |
seth_k | nicktastic, that's the dialog that appears on my laptop when I press my volume keys. What happens if you try pressing yours? | 05:42 |
nicktastic | seth_k: Nothing | 05:42 |
foodcoman | Thanks a million seth_k | 05:42 |
seth_k | np foodcoman | 05:42 |
seth_k | nicktastic, http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com is your next step :) | 05:42 |
libben | im thinking of getting down to hooray again. | 05:42 |
Bambi_BOFH | foodcoman: which repo didnt work? | 05:42 |
seth_k | laptop buttons are one of the big pushes for Breezy, so they'll be glad for the bug | 05:43 |
nicktastic | Wonderful :( | 05:43 |
foodcoman | breezy-updates packages | 05:43 |
foodcoman | Sorry have to read from a KVM switch | 05:43 |
Bambi_BOFH | dont think breezy-updates exists does it? | 05:43 |
foodcoman | Cant paste | 05:43 |
Bambi_BOFH | lol | 05:43 |
Bambi_BOFH | nah , its cool | 05:44 |
foodcoman | Yeah I am sure. | 05:44 |
foodcoman | the 404 http message was my first clue! =D | 05:44 |
=== foodcoman is a goof | ||
Bambi_BOFH | foodcoman: nah, all good. iirc there is no breezy-updates because breezy is always being up dated anyway | 05:45 |
Bambi_BOFH | ill just check my list | 05:45 |
nicktastic | Is there a way to disable support for laptop buttons? | 05:45 |
Bambi_BOFH | i have breezy updates actualy :o | 05:46 |
seth_k | yes, breezy-updates exists | 05:46 |
seth_k | but is empty | 05:46 |
Bambi_BOFH | ah right | 05:46 |
Bambi_BOFH | but it shouldnt error like that :/ | 05:46 |
Bambi_BOFH | mine dont at any rate | 05:46 |
=== Bambi_BOFH hugs custom sources.list | ||
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foodcoman | I know typically that a reboot is not needed after updates! However would it be true that they will not take effect in some cases until after a reboot? | 05:51 |
Bambi_BOFH | yes. in some cases | 05:51 |
foodcoman | KDE Xorg Kernel | 05:51 |
Bambi_BOFH | kernel stuff should be rebooted, but not sure if thats kdes kernel | 05:52 |
Bambi_BOFH | that your talking about | 05:52 |
nicktastic | The only updates that should require a reboot, afaik, are kernel updates | 05:52 |
Bambi_BOFH | require is the keyword. often its easyer to reboot then fsk around doing other tweaks if they dont aplly right | 05:52 |
Bambi_BOFH | *gasp* i almost have 10k emails on my ISPs imap server :o | 05:53 |
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foodcoman | gonna take a week to update Hoary to breezy from the looks of it. | 05:58 |
foodcoman | Hope dist-upgrade gets all the ones it said it couldnt update. | 05:58 |
libben | thinking of going back to hooray, | 05:58 |
Bambi_BOFH | thers 443 packages for a basic hoary -> breezy upgrade | 05:59 |
Bambi_BOFH | libben: thts a reinstall | 05:59 |
ManLord | anyone know of a good text based or visual html editor? | 05:59 |
ManLord | preferrably for KDE | 05:59 |
foodcoman | I figure if it blows appart, I will be able to hobble until breezy releases next month. | 05:59 |
libben | Bambi_BOFH: i know. but i miss a resp like extras that existed for hooray. | 06:00 |
=== stefano [n=stefano@i53879672.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stefano | hi | 06:00 |
JakubS | Riddell: are you going to update kdenetwork anytime soon? | 06:00 |
stefano | i need help =) | 06:00 |
Bambi_BOFH | libben: use hoary extras | 06:00 |
Bambi_BOFH | ManLord: kate does, quanta? | 06:00 |
libben | how is that gonna inflict when i update to the released breezy? | 06:00 |
Bambi_BOFH | hi stefano | 06:00 |
stefano | i tried to edit the xorg.conf but i cant go higher than 1280x1024 with the resolution | 06:01 |
stefano | hi bambi | 06:01 |
stefano | i thing xorg.conf is correct | 06:01 |
stefano | but kde does not let me chose a higher res. | 06:01 |
Bambi_BOFH | libben: depends what you change, but i dont know tbh | 06:01 |
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stefano | (just installed the nvidia driver) | 06:01 |
ManLord | Bambi_BOFH: do you know of any that have things like auto completion? like add the last tag... | 06:02 |
Riddell | JakubS: for what? | 06:02 |
nicktastic | Disabling kmilo in System Settings -> KDE Components -> Service Manager fixed my problem | 06:02 |
Bambi_BOFH | ManLord: quanta might, kdevelop is full on for html, but probably does that stuff. not realy sure | 06:02 |
stefano | does any1 now how to fix the x thing? | 06:03 |
JakubS | Riddell: you could re-enable compilation of kdenetwork/dnssd/ after kdnssd-avahi gets packaged | 06:03 |
Bambi_BOFH | stefano: kde and x problems are not something im familar with | 06:03 |
JakubS | this was last thing i tested and it works ok | 06:03 |
stefano | ok, no problem. but this is really bad | 06:04 |
Riddell | JakubS: it's a new feature so I'd need to talk to the powers that be, I suspect it's too late for breezy alas | 06:04 |
stefano | i have expierienced teh same with suse. | 06:04 |
stefano | but the problems came by installing nvidia drivers | 06:04 |
Bambi_BOFH | stefano: did you install nvidias driver? or the one from the repostires? | 06:05 |
JakubS | i see | 06:05 |
stefano | i did it like i was told from ubuntuguide.org | 06:05 |
Riddell | JakubS: but definatly for right after breezy | 06:05 |
JakubS | ok then | 06:05 |
stefano | apt-get install nvidia-glx / nvidia-config and smt | 06:05 |
JakubS | even gnome-vfs is going to be ported to avahi :-) | 06:05 |
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Riddell | JakubS: and we can't let them beat us | 06:06 |
Bambi_BOFH | stefano: is it a desktop or a laptop computer? | 06:06 |
stefano | its a desktop | 06:06 |
JakubS | Riddell: they are already beaten :-) | 06:06 |
Bambi_BOFH | im wondering if you ahv to do mode lines or something silly | 06:07 |
=== wonko [n=wonko@chello080109196091.3.graz.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stefano | i have done such | 06:07 |
stefano | (what a term...) | 06:07 |
stefano | btw: i hate that there is no root | 06:07 |
stefano | Modes "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" | 06:07 |
Bambi_BOFH | stefano: you can turn it on if you want | 06:07 |
=== Bambi_BOFH doesnt mind tbh | ||
Riddell | JakubS: why is it just kdenetwork? There's dnssd stuff in kdelibs isn't there? | 06:08 |
stefano | yes i read about, but sudo works fine. at the beginning, it really pissed me off | 06:08 |
foodcoman | Watching all the suff unpack to update (It will be a miracle if the machine functions) | 06:08 |
stefano | HorizSync28-120 | 06:08 |
stefano | VertRefresh43-75 | 06:08 |
stefano | also this | 06:08 |
JakubS | yes, and this stuff is replaced by kdnssd-avahi | 06:08 |
JakubS | (that from kdelibs) | 06:08 |
Bambi_BOFH | foodcoman: why wont it? | 06:09 |
stefano | those two edits should be enough - but for some reason, i cant go to 1600x1200 :( damn | 06:09 |
Bambi_BOFH | stefano: well its not an x problem then. :( | 06:09 |
Bambi_BOFH | its a kde thing i expect | 06:09 |
foodcoman | I am sure it will, but when you work with Winblows for you job........... | 06:09 |
stefano | i also think its the nvidia trash | 06:09 |
JakubS | btw: avahi has currently 3 'native' applications and more than 10 from kde - you can say we hijacked it:-) | 06:09 |
stefano | but i need it to play doom, quake and similar | 06:10 |
Bambi_BOFH | stefano: yeh, sure | 06:10 |
stefano | =) | 06:10 |
Bambi_BOFH | :D | 06:10 |
=== Bambi_BOFH does CS: S | ||
Bambi_BOFH | when x works ;) | 06:10 |
=== JakubS just loves ut2004 | ||
Bambi_BOFH | yeh, thats fun | 06:11 |
JakubS | even it is so stupid that it always starts on display :0 | 06:11 |
JakubS | completely defeating 'user switching' feature from kde | 06:11 |
Bambi_BOFH | hm.? | 06:11 |
stefano | i think i'll call nvidia and i'll tell them how much they suck. almost as much as ati | 06:11 |
=== Bambi_BOFH hugs nvidia | ||
JakubS | hm? ati works just fine | 06:12 |
stefano | friend of the devil | 06:12 |
JakubS | until you enable composite | 06:12 |
Bambi_BOFH | lol stefano | 06:12 |
JakubS | then it looks really funny | 06:12 |
stefano | i dont know, some friend of mine told me how much they suck | 06:12 |
JakubS | oh, i heard it too lots of times | 06:12 |
dooglio | well, the latest binary drivers won't work with my laptop | 06:12 |
dooglio | so, i agree with stefano right now | 06:13 |
stefano | 'cause he's got an ati card and there is no support at all | 06:13 |
stefano | =) | 06:13 |
JakubS | so i was really surprised when installing drivers took 3 minutes and everything just worked | 06:13 |
dooglio | but my desktop is pretty happy | 06:13 |
stefano | k.. i have to arrange myself with f*cking 1280x1024.. i think i will set the font size to 2px or something.. :\ | 06:13 |
=== G|Patrick [n=opera@dynadsl-080-228-86-064.ewetel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
G|Patrick | hi | 06:14 |
Bambi_BOFH | hi G|Patrick | 06:14 |
G|Patrick | ah someone notices me :D | 06:14 |
G|Patrick | have a strange problem | 06:14 |
stefano | hey patrick whats up | 06:14 |
G|Patrick | i use gnome and have the kde libs installed | 06:14 |
G|Patrick | now i try to use amarok within gnome | 06:14 |
G|Patrick | it starts, but there is no sound | 06:14 |
G|Patrick | any ideas what might wrong? | 06:14 |
stefano | there were these two guys in irc. one of em sayd "hey sweetheart, whats your name" - the other one replied "patrick" | 06:15 |
stefano | :D | 06:15 |
dooglio | G|Patrick: kde might be set up to use arts | 06:15 |
G|Patrick | urrrm no, thats not me | 06:15 |
dooglio | artsd, that is | 06:15 |
G|Patrick | ja i also tried different engines | 06:15 |
foodcoman | BTW the preview install from scratch went well on this machine I am using. | 06:15 |
stefano | i know it wasnt you =) | 06:15 |
dooglio | what does gnome use? nasd? esd? | 06:15 |
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JakubS | G|Patrick: gstreamer engine usually works | 06:16 |
JakubS | dooglio: definitely not nasd :-) | 06:16 |
dooglio | heh | 06:16 |
Bambi_BOFH | lol | 06:16 |
foodcoman | some some funky things like domain name not sticking for winblows compat. | 06:16 |
stefano | i've heard that XINE-Engine is way better | 06:16 |
G|Patrick | crap... synaptic still marks opera as defect | 06:16 |
G|Patrick | why that? | 06:16 |
G|Patrick | i am using it right now as u can see | 06:16 |
dooglio | what i'm thinking is that patrick might need to turn off artsd in the kde settings | 06:16 |
G|Patrick | :O | 06:16 |
G|Patrick | dooglio: i switched the engine IN amarok | 06:17 |
stefano | hey guys is there a place where i can download cd-covers and stuff for kubuntu? | 06:17 |
stefano | some artwork | 06:17 |
G|Patrick | cd-covers... are u crazy X-D | 06:17 |
foodcoman | kubuntu.org artwork. | 06:17 |
stefano | why patrick? | 06:17 |
G|Patrick | printlables ruin ur disc | 06:17 |
dooglio | G|Patrick: hrm | 06:17 |
G|Patrick | the only solution for this is litescribe :D | 06:17 |
foodcoman | I think its in the wiki's | 06:17 |
stefano | unfortunately i dont have a litescribe enabled dvdwriter :( | 06:18 |
stefano | ive heard about that technology a week after i bougth my dvd-writer | 06:18 |
stefano | but i will get a printer that can print on cd's this month | 06:19 |
G|Patrick | have u seen the screens of litescribe? | 06:19 |
foodcoman | stefano: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuArtwork | 06:19 |
G|Patrick | i have to state, that they look much better in reallife | 06:19 |
foodcoman | got a url G|Patrick | 06:19 |
stefano | thanks alot foodcoman | 06:19 |
foodcoman | stefano: De Nada | 06:20 |
stefano | as i thought.. but i hope that shipit will be availlable when breezy is finally done | 06:20 |
stefano | de nada what do you mean? | 06:20 |
stefano | ah | 06:20 |
stefano | lol | 06:20 |
stefano | np | 06:20 |
foodcoman | Spanish = For nothing! | 06:21 |
stefano | my brain switched to english | 06:21 |
G|Patrick | deutsch ist viel schner... | 06:21 |
stefano | and i am not from spain at all | 06:21 |
=== G|Patrick hides under the next table | ||
stefano | stimmt but not here, they go nuts if we mix the languages | 06:21 |
foodcoman | Me neither. Just trying to keep up with the bi-linguals and failing here. | 06:21 |
foodcoman | =) | 06:21 |
stefano | or with the tri-linguals | 06:22 |
foodcoman | or with the speak many words of many peoples! | 06:22 |
foodcoman | =) | 06:22 |
stefano | =D | 06:22 |
G|Patrick | i try to be honest, but from the speach melodic english sounds as if the people are barfing :( | 06:23 |
stefano | i think english is really kewl | 06:23 |
Bambi_BOFH | heh. fight! | 06:23 |
stefano | go hug ati =D | 06:24 |
G|Patrick | all the words come out deep of the troat :( | 06:24 |
Bambi_BOFH | lol stefano | 06:24 |
G|Patrick | japanese sounds like rap | 06:24 |
G|Patrick | italian like music | 06:25 |
foodcoman | I like my girls that way. Deep in the throat. | 06:25 |
foodcoman | =) | 06:25 |
Bambi_BOFH | o_0 | 06:25 |
Bambi_BOFH | wow | 06:25 |
G|Patrick | and french a little arrogant | 06:25 |
Bambi_BOFH | foodcoman: lol. | 06:25 |
stefano | omg | 06:25 |
stefano | the whole girl? | 06:25 |
Bambi_BOFH | rofl | 06:25 |
stefano | in your throat? | 06:25 |
stefano | =D | 06:25 |
G|Patrick | lol | 06:25 |
foodcoman | I am speaking purely from a liguistics standpoint. | 06:25 |
libben | how do i get my winxp to being able to boot up again thru grub? | 06:26 |
libben | i still have my xp hd in | 06:26 |
stefano | i know its easy | 06:26 |
stefano | just delete it and "dont worry, be happy" | 06:26 |
G|Patrick | back to linux questions: where is the button to display defect packages? | 06:26 |
stefano | say bye bye to teh evil empire | 06:26 |
G|Patrick | lol... | 06:26 |
stefano | its in front of your computer | 06:26 |
stefano | captioed with "power" or something | 06:27 |
G|Patrick | look the grub index | 06:27 |
stefano | captioned | 06:27 |
stefano | damn word | 06:27 |
Bambi_BOFH | libben. look in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 06:27 |
foodcoman | Is defect packages a function of Apt? | 06:27 |
Bambi_BOFH | there is an example window sentry there | 06:27 |
Bambi_BOFH | 'defect'? | 06:27 |
G|Patrick | i start synaptic and it says i should enable the view of defect packages | 06:28 |
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Bambi_BOFH | its called 'custom' or something mode | 06:28 |
G|Patrick | damaged... | 06:28 |
stefano | today at IT-Class: Me: "Do you now how to give your machine way more Power?" Some guy: "tell my" Me: (the keyboard of his machine had acpi buttons (Power, Sleep, Wake): "Just press the POWER BUTTON".. | 06:28 |
G|Patrick | sorry | 06:28 |
stefano | and this idiot does it | 06:28 |
stefano | :\ | 06:28 |
G|Patrick | the menues here are mixed up | 06:28 |
G|Patrick | partly german | 06:28 |
G|Patrick | partly english | 06:28 |
G|Patrick | its a little confusing... | 06:29 |
G|Patrick | to be optimistic | 06:29 |
G|Patrick | :/ | 06:29 |
stefano | patrick | 06:29 |
stefano | sudo apt-get install kde-i18n-de | 06:29 |
stefano | should fix it | 06:29 |
stefano | i'll go get some food | 06:29 |
stefano | later | 06:29 |
=== stefano [n=stefano@i53879672.versanet.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
foodcoman | Maybe by clicking custom button then broken from the list???? | 06:29 |
G|Patrick | stefano: i use gnome | 06:30 |
foodcoman | G|Patrick: Not sure if thats what they mean | 06:30 |
Bambi_BOFH | sudo apt-get -f install | 06:30 |
Bambi_BOFH | --fix-install | 06:30 |
Bambi_BOFH | ? | 06:30 |
G|Patrick | i use gnome and synaptic | 06:31 |
G|Patrick | why would a kde language file help me, to localize a gnome application? | 06:31 |
Bambi_BOFH | G|Patrick: then use a terminal . | 06:31 |
G|Patrick | no | 06:31 |
G|Patrick | i need to figure out WHY i cant see the damaged package | 06:31 |
foodcoman | G|Patrick: Under KDE Synaptic has a custom button lower left and a Broken option. | 06:32 |
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G|Patrick | aaah | 06:33 |
G|Patrick | found :) | 06:34 |
G|Patrick | thx | 06:34 |
G|Patrick | ah... it says opera is in conflict with elder libraries | 06:34 |
G|Patrick | i guess i reinstall that first | 06:34 |
G|Patrick | brb | 06:34 |
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G|Patrick | should i use static or shared debs with ubuntu? | 06:35 |
Bambi_BOFH | imo go static | 06:35 |
G|Patrick | opera-static_8.10-20050728.1-qt_en_i386.deb <-- that one? | 06:36 |
Bambi_BOFH | is there a gtk version? | 06:36 |
Bambi_BOFH | not qt? | 06:36 |
G|Patrick | http://snapshot.opera.com/unix/8.10-Preview-2/1275-20050728-P2BT/intel-linux/en/ | 06:37 |
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mushtaq | hi is there anyone using qemu here ? | 06:37 |
foodcoman | Broadband rocks.... Dont know how dialup peeps even deal with it anymore. | 06:37 |
foodcoman | Opera 8 kinda added too much bling bling for me. I liked 7 with some mods to the config files. | 06:38 |
G|Patrick | i like it... although i have to admid, that they have spend too much time working on the core | 06:39 |
G|Patrick | their m2 applications fall back too much | 06:40 |
G|Patrick | no pgp, bad imap | 06:40 |
G|Patrick | no pim | 06:40 |
G|Patrick | whatever :( | 06:40 |
foodcoman | I have always used it for a browser only.... I liked hidden tabs, and killing the transfer popup. | 06:40 |
G|Patrick | i am too used to it ;) | 06:41 |
foodcoman | Also did not like the document or window history on the menu... Always killed that. | 06:41 |
=== mornfall reappears | ||
mornfall | anyone with feedback about adept? :-) | 06:41 |
foodcoman | My ssh shell hasnt died during a hoary -> breezy upgrade. | 06:42 |
mornfall | foodcoman: why would it? | 06:42 |
Bambi_BOFH | foodcoman: it will | 06:42 |
foodcoman | I sure wish they would add support in the kernel for my hauppauge PVR-350 by default. | 06:42 |
mornfall | Bambi_BOFH: what kind of bofh you are? | 06:42 |
jjesse | mornfall: changes in ssh package will cause it to be upgraded and stop the service | 06:42 |
G|Patrick | be back soon | 06:43 |
jjesse | which will dorp the ssh connection | 06:43 |
jjesse | that happened to me | 06:43 |
mornfall | jjesse: restarting sshd didn't take down sessions last time i checked | 06:43 |
mornfall | unless this is different from debian | 06:43 |
Bambi_BOFH | mornfall: a soon-to-be-without-lusers-to-deal-with type | 06:43 |
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jjesse | mornfall: then something else cuases it to drop | 06:43 |
JakubS | mornfall: it is not different | 06:43 |
foodcoman | during upgrade it restared ssh but left my session, now I am in the dist-upgrade phase. | 06:43 |
mornfall | jjesse: if network restarts and you were on dhcp, it could | 06:43 |
mornfall | JakubS: i have machines i always upgrade over ssh, never dropped connection on me | 06:44 |
JakubS | yup | 06:44 |
mornfall | but network shouldn't restart | 06:44 |
foodcoman | I will settle this. Soon. | 06:44 |
foodcoman | =) | 06:44 |
JakubS | it is kinda nice that you can upgrade ssh over ssh | 06:44 |
mornfall | JakubS: kinda mandatory ;-) | 06:44 |
foodcoman | Done, | 06:44 |
JakubS | only if you upgrade glibc ssh may start behaving weird (because of nss) | 06:45 |
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mornfall | JakubS: yeah, but it should always last until you can bring up another ssh session | 06:46 |
mornfall | one thing you can't do without losing network is kernel reboot -- sucks, doesn't it | 06:46 |
mornfall | s/reboot/upgrade/ | 06:46 |
=== JakubS starts thinking about weird kexec or xen tricks | ||
mornfall | JakubS: xen is useless in this regard | 06:47 |
Bambi_BOFH | night all :S sleep is setting in | 06:47 |
foodcoman | This is the only hiccups through the whole think. | 06:47 |
mornfall | JakubS: you will at some point need to upgrade the driver kernel | 06:47 |
foodcoman | The following NEW packages will be installed: | 06:47 |
foodcoman | libmp4v2-0 | 06:47 |
foodcoman | The following packages have been kept back: | 06:47 |
foodcoman | libflash-mozplugin | 06:47 |
foodcoman | Not bad. | 06:48 |
JakubS | mornfall: if you had two virtual machines you could use one of them to mess with make changes on disk belonging to second one | 06:48 |
foodcoman | Rebooting to see what I have. | 06:48 |
JakubS | so even if upgrade fails and second 'machine' fails to boot you can fix it | 06:49 |
mornfall | JakubS: the thing is, the xen monitor and the domain0 kernel need upgrades too | 06:49 |
mornfall | JakubS: and you can't replace running domain0 with another | 06:49 |
JakubS | then there is nothing you can do | 06:49 |
JakubS | but i guess domain0 kernel is minimalistic enough to not require upgrade too often | 06:50 |
mornfall | JakubS: kexec would help though... if it wokred :) | 06:50 |
JakubS | it still cuts network connections | 06:50 |
mornfall | ah, right | 06:50 |
JakubS | like soft reboot | 06:50 |
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mornfall | well, i think you could swap microkernel at runtime | 06:50 |
mornfall | (by booting up the second first, handing servers over and shutting down the first) | 06:51 |
_JakubS | hm, l4/linux? | 06:52 |
mornfall | maybe, but upgrading the linux part will bring network down again... but upgrading the network server in microkernel will bring network down too, i suppose | 06:52 |
=== [ITA] MisterX is away: TV | ||
=== [ITA] MisterX is now known as [ITA] MisterX|Awa | ||
mornfall | ubotu: lart [ITA] MisterX|Awa | 06:54 |
=== ubotu --purges [ITA] MisterX|Awa | ||
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G|Patrick | re | 06:55 |
foodcoman | Upgrade broke my VNC connection. | 06:58 |
foodcoman | Cant find fonts dir to load font server fails to load crappola. | 06:58 |
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stefano | yo | 07:01 |
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mornfall | i wouldn't trust vnc to do upgrades over it :-) | 07:02 |
foodcoman | i used ssh to upgrade. After hoary -> breezy my tightvncserver will not load because of a font issue. | 07:04 |
foodcoman | Seems related to libmp4v2-0 not upgrading. | 07:05 |
seth_k | nah | 07:05 |
seth_k | you need the VNC driver | 07:05 |
seth_k | modularization of X added it in a separate package | 07:06 |
foodcoman | I have errors when I run sudo apt-get -f install around libmp4v2-0 | 07:06 |
seth_k | er scratch that, that's for vmware | 07:06 |
foodcoman | I will remove the packages when I get home and reinstall them. | 07:06 |
seth_k | methinks just sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and see if it can pick the fonts back up | 07:06 |
seth_k | mp4 = audio library, has nothing to do with fonts or VNC | 07:07 |
foodcoman | haha, well I guess I dont know what I am talking about....Which is more often than not.... =) | 07:07 |
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foodcoman | admittal is the fist steps to recovery. | 07:11 |
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G|Patrick | help? | 07:13 |
G|Patrick | ubuntu-desktop: | 07:13 |
G|Patrick | Depends: readahead-list but it is not installable | 07:13 |
G|Patrick | what can i do now? | 07:13 |
Bambi_BOFH | try updating from th emaster servers, make sure your lists up to date, other | 07:13 |
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G|Patrick | master servers? | 07:13 |
Bambi_BOFH | archive.ubuntu.com, not cc.archive.ubuntu.com (cc is country code) | 07:14 |
G|Patrick | deb archive.ubuntu.com ??? | 07:14 |
G|Patrick | or what do u mean? | 07:14 |
G|Patrick | adding it to the repesortories? | 07:14 |
Bambi_BOFH | G|Patrick: change your existing repostries to point there instead | 07:15 |
_dominik | hi what must i install to install a app via configure make make install ? (new installed kubuntu) | 07:15 |
spiral | hmmm, does anyone here know how I can add the licences in kdevelop for breezy ? | 07:15 |
_dominik | checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! ??? what does it mean? | 07:18 |
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tech | is kubuntu secure? i have a default installation that is updated with apt-get upgrade all the time.. and i wonder if i should take the risk to give someone a shell account.. | 07:19 |
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Bambi_BOFH | who is the 'someone', and what sort of account? | 07:20 |
Bambi_BOFH | it should be reasonably safe out of hte box | 07:20 |
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tech | Bambi_BOFH, some elite script kiddie which in my expirience manages to root machines a lot.. a normal shell account | 07:21 |
G|Patrick | ah | 07:21 |
seth_k | _dominik, you need the x devel headers | 07:21 |
G|Patrick | i disabled any thing but the breezy sources and now it finds everything :D | 07:21 |
Bambi_BOFH | tech: i would not... but your call | 07:21 |
seth_k | _dominik, easiest would probably be "sudo apt-get install kde-devel" | 07:21 |
_dominik | thx | 07:22 |
_dominik | there isnt a package called kde-devel? | 07:23 |
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seth_k | |exec|, it is in universe | 07:26 |
seth_k | !info kde-devel | 07:26 |
ubotu | kde-devel: (The K Desktop Environment (development files)), section universe/kde, is extra. Version: 5:42ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 6 kB, Installed size: 40 kB | 07:26 |
nicktastic | Anyone else having display problems with emacs when using translucency? | 07:27 |
|exec| | ? but apt-get doesnt find it? can i take kdebase-dev ? | 07:27 |
seth_k | |exec|, you haven't added the universe repositories | 07:30 |
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seth_k | ubotu tell |exec| about repositories | 07:30 |
|exec| | what are the universe repositories? | 07:30 |
Bambi_BOFH | night all | 07:31 |
seth_k | |exec|, check ubotu's message to you | 07:32 |
|exec| | yeah i have | 07:33 |
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seth_k | so click the link and follow the directions for adding the universe repos | 07:34 |
seth_k | or here, let me find exactly what package you need | 07:34 |
seth_k | kdebase-dev may be enough | 07:34 |
seth_k | one sec :) | 07:34 |
seth_k | yeah, go ahead and try kdebase-dev first | 07:35 |
seth_k | I think that has X includes | 07:35 |
seth_k | and that seems to be all you need | 07:35 |
foodcoman | Seth, may I dcc you a apt error message, My one and only after the breezy upgrade? | 07:35 |
seth_k | sure | 07:35 |
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foodcoman | seth_k|away: Rules. | 07:59 |
seth_k|away | haha | 08:00 |
foodcoman | Leet | 08:00 |
=== mornfall wonders whom else to prod about testing adept | ||
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libben | anyone can help me install the newest java? | 08:19 |
libben | Linux (self-extracting file) this one or the RPM one ? | 08:21 |
foodcoman | libben: if you are in the directory try ./filename for the executable assuming is have execution rights. | 08:24 |
foodcoman | For the RPM you would have to use the alien command to make it a .deb | 08:24 |
libben | alien aint good for it.. | 08:24 |
libben | it fucks it up | 08:24 |
foodcoman | I am sure the rpm is for another distro. | 08:25 |
libben | and nalioth and his dog helped me earlier, 3 days ago... and it worked flawless. | 08:25 |
foodcoman | hehehe | 08:25 |
foodcoman | Good dog! | 08:25 |
foodcoman | =) | 08:25 |
foodcoman | I have not installed the latest Jave. | 08:25 |
foodcoman | Jave. | 08:25 |
foodcoman | Java | 08:25 |
foodcoman | grrr. | 08:26 |
libben | well, nalioth is a good one to have on ur side when doing things like this. | 08:26 |
libben | to bad his asleep | 08:26 |
foodcoman | Any luck with the Ubuntuguide on that? | 08:26 |
foodcoman | Yeah him and seth rock. | 08:26 |
foodcoman | Maybe you will be there soon. Then I can ask you! =) | 08:26 |
libben | well, im aiming to go an syslinux course... in a year or two... but ive allways been fashinated by linux since i tried redhat 5.1 | 08:29 |
foodcoman | My first was slackware from about 1991 | 08:32 |
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libben | when did u try it? | 08:33 |
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libben | same year? | 08:33 |
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dominik | hi | 08:39 |
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dominik | what can i do when my firefox menu-fontsize (e.g. file, edit,etc.) is to small ? | 08:40 |
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Aapzak | good evening room | 08:43 |
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[Relic] | kynaptic says gcc 3.4 is installed but I can't seem to find a gcc file anywhere on the HD I did find cc1 and cc1plus but I couldn't seem to access those either | 08:43 |
regeya | somenoe give me a good excuse to reinstall kubuntu-desktop. | 08:44 |
regeya | gnome is still, um, competent. | 08:44 |
[Relic] | you are bored :) | 08:44 |
regeya | heh | 08:44 |
regeya | my ubuntu box is at home (I'm at work, and the day is slow.) | 08:45 |
[Relic] | sounds good enough to me | 08:45 |
regeya | I'd have to fire up apt-zip when I get home, and download it at home. | 08:45 |
regeya | or something. | 08:45 |
regeya | so | 08:45 |
[Relic] | no remote access so you can do it while at work? | 08:45 |
regeya | what's changed in kde in recent months | 08:45 |
Aapzak | for the real bored under us, install Gentoo, hours of fun :) | 08:45 |
regeya | no, I live in the country so the box is on blazing-fast dialup | 08:45 |
[Relic] | no clue this is only my second attempt at a linux install :) | 08:46 |
[Relic] | and if I can't figure out how to compile things it will be short lived | 08:46 |
|exec| | http://www.picsup.net/img.php/604b6a86d2b005d80d6b7567f370edc1.png screenshot of my problem | 08:47 |
Aapzak | B | 08:52 |
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[Relic] | no wonder I can't find gcc someone was silly and named it gcc-3.4 | 08:59 |
spiral | [Relic] : breezy ? | 08:59 |
[Relic] | nope | 08:59 |
[Relic] | geez, haven't done this much typing since I used an apple IIe | 09:02 |
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NamShubX | Hi | 09:12 |
CWiesen | hi, quick question. googling for "wacom linux" reveals that "J Riddell fixed the debian packages for Kubuntu" and I can actually see that the "wacom" module gets loaded. But what else is necessary? I dont quite get it from linuxwacom what to do. Is it jsut that I need to add a InputDevice section to xorg? /proc/bus/input/devices shows that it's Phys=usb-0000:00:10.3-1/input0 | 09:12 |
NamShubX | Im trying to set up mythtv on kubuntu and having lots of trouble | 09:12 |
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NamShubX | it says it cannot connect to the database as user mythtv... but if I try with commandline it works fine | 09:13 |
CWiesen | anybody intimate with wacom tablets? :) | 09:18 |
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lonewolff | does anyone know how to have sound come out of only headpones on an imac under linux? | 09:30 |
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jornstianl | uhm.. where should I go to get some assistance with setting up kubuntu with a wireless network? | 09:51 |
Tm_T | your problem is? | 09:53 |
Tm_T | have you checked (k)ubuntu forums, faqs and howtos? | 09:53 |
jornstianl | ie: i've got a functional wlan, kubuntu recognises the atheros card just fine, the KWiFiManager finds the card and when I manually specify the ssid, I get a signal [if I don't, or use ANy as ssid, it doesn't show up when I click 'scan for network'] ... | 09:54 |
jornstianl | but it doesn't find the mac of the AP or recieve a ip | 09:54 |
jornstianl | :( | 09:54 |
Tm_T | :/ | 09:54 |
Tm_T | repeat: have you checked (k)ubuntu forums, faqs and howtos? | 09:55 |
Tm_T | I don't know a thiong about wlan | 09:55 |
Tm_T | s/thiong/thing | 09:55 |
jornstianl | yes, I've been searching and looking | 09:55 |
Tm_T | ok | 09:56 |
Tm_T | that's all I can help atm | 09:56 |
Tm_T | sorry :/ | 09:56 |
jornstianl | the statistics window shows that I've got a good signal :( | 09:56 |
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jornstianl | the network interface toolbox thingie shows ath0 as disabled... | 09:57 |
jornstianl | but that's sorta strange, as the wireless monitor's showing a good signal | 09:57 |
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jornstianl | anyways, I've tried entering admin mode at the network thingie, but i'm unable of getting any buttons enabled... | 09:58 |
jornstianl | when I enter the root pwd it goes right back to all buttons disabled, without gving any error messages | 09:59 |
Tm_T | hum, in kcontrol? | 09:59 |
Tm_T | tried "kdesu kcontrol" ? | 10:00 |
Tm_T | or something like that | 10:00 |
jornstianl | will do | 10:00 |
jornstianl | one sec | 10:00 |
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jornstianl | well, that worked, as far as to getting the applet enabled... | 10:02 |
jornstianl | but as soon as I try to enable it, it goes right back to disabled | 10:02 |
jornstianl | :( | 10:02 |
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SpudULike | I would like some help with resolveconf. I can't figure out what I should provide for the IFACE perameter. I need to manually add some nameservers. | 10:23 |
SpudULike | On a different subject, I want to create a new, seperate, partition that will contain /home. How do I move the link for /home from the current / directory to this new partition? | 10:26 |
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SpudULike | Maybe move is the wrong word. How do I unmount the current /home, which is in the same partition as the / directory, so I can remount it to point to the new partition? | 10:31 |
zorba64 | SpudULike: if /home is on the same partition as / you cant | 10:37 |
zorba64 | SpudULike: make a new partition, call it whatever...copy your data over to it | 10:37 |
zorba64 | SpudULike: unmount it then change /etc/fstab to point to the new partition as /home and then reboot | 10:38 |
SpudULike | There is no entry for /home in fstab. Does this mean I'm out of luck? | 10:40 |
zorba64 | SpudULike: no, you have to make one | 10:41 |
SpudULike | zorba64: OK, I will try that. | 10:42 |
nalioth | SpudULike: you're never out of luck with linux | 10:43 |
SpudULike | I made the fatal mistake with this, my first, Kubuntu install of NOT making a seperate /home partition. | 10:44 |
zorba64 | SpudULike: see http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/2162 use mine for some tips | 10:44 |
SpudULike | Any thoughts on resolvconf? | 10:44 |
zorba64 | SpudULike: not fatal at all, easy to fix | 10:45 |
SpudULike | OK, not fatal, but would have saved some faffing about. | 10:46 |
zorba64 | SpudULike: not on resolve.conf, I just have one line :nameserver which is my adsl router | 10:48 |
SpudULike | The DNS problem really has me confused. I don't quite know what nameserver is being used to resolve addresses at the moment, the secret seems to be locked away in my router somewhere. I can reslove things like google but not the ubuntu archives. | 10:48 |
nalioth | SpudULike: not a fatal mistake. i dont have a seperate /home partition | 10:48 |
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SpudULike | Gotta go. Thanks for the info on /home. | 10:52 |
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ttyS0 | i was trying to start partition magic after reboot from CD but it says smth like "Error; Can't read partition labels". I've already set labels with `tune2fs` but it's still has that error. anybody knows waht to do? :) | 11:08 |
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Tm_T | use qtparted | 11:10 |
nalioth | or gparted (or if you're hardcore, just parted) | 11:10 |
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ttyS0 | i've tried but it shows wrong disc info & i don't want to lose data | 11:10 |
ttyS0 | f.e. it show /dev/hda5 as /dev/hda8 | 11:10 |
ttyS0 | etc. | 11:11 |
nalioth | ttyS0: sounds like you need to thoroughly audit your box and backup your data | 11:11 |
ttyS0 | i see. thank you. | 11:12 |
ttyS0 | oh. i remembered that i had one more trouble. my isp uses pap-authentication and has callback function aswell. i've tried to dial its pool but after authentication it didn't want to disconnect & wait for call and just started pppd (i'm talking about kppp, of course). any advices? | 11:15 |
nalioth | ttyS0: i'm sorry, i have no experience with ppp or any other authentication routines | 11:17 |
ttyS0 | thanks anyway for help :) you're all great people :) | 11:18 |
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nalioth | ttyS0: you might ask in #ubuntu | 11:18 |
ttyS0 | nalioth, did it already but nobody answered me | 11:19 |
nalioth | ttyS0: the knowledge comes and goes in #ubuntu. your answer IS there, just not now | 11:20 |
ttyS0 | oh.clearly for me | 11:21 |
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=== spiral [n=spiral@laf31-2-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
March-RX8 | hello | 11:35 |
nalioth | howdy | 11:35 |
March-RX8 | could someone help me? | 11:35 |
nalioth | March-RX8: if you ask a question | 11:36 |
=== dark_spirit [n=darkspir@adsl-123-37-192-81.adsl.iam.net.ma] has joined #kubuntu | ||
March-RX8 | ok | 11:36 |
March-RX8 | i hav a ibook g3 running kubuntu | 11:36 |
March-RX8 | i want to switch it into a mandriva for several reasons, but i dont know why but mandriva installation wont start | 11:37 |
=== `Nomad [n=Bob@stjhnbsu67w-142167000083.nb.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
March-RX8 | is there a way to get and install rpms and convert the distro | 11:37 |
nalioth | March-RX8: are you holding the "c" key when the chime sounds? | 11:37 |
March-RX8 | yes | 11:38 |
March-RX8 | but it stops after i choose to instal from cdrom | 11:38 |
nalioth | March-RX8: is it a burnt mandriva disk? | 11:38 |
March-RX8 | yes | 11:38 |
nalioth | check your md5 sums on your iso and cd | 11:38 |
March-RX8 | what should i get? | 11:38 |
nalioth | use your terminal | 11:39 |
March-RX8 | 00e3cc20c32de0276cd78a626884fe09 synthesis.hdlist.cz | 11:40 |
=== kairu0 [n=kairu@YahooBB219201195046.bbtec.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nalioth | March-RX8: i dont need it. compare it with the one at the download site you got the iso from | 11:41 |
=== huerlisi [n=shuerlim@pub082136069117.dh-hfc.datazug.ch] has joined #kubuntu | ||
March-RX8 | is the same | 11:44 |
=== _stefan [n=stefan@p54ABF027.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_stefan | Hello all :-) | 11:46 |
nalioth | March-RX8: is the cd md5'd correctly? | 11:46 |
nalioth | _stefan: howdy | 11:46 |
March-RX8 | yes it is | 11:46 |
_stefan | I have a problem with gpg and kmail | 11:46 |
nalioth | _stefan: ask | 11:47 |
_stefan | kgpg is running and okay | 11:47 |
_stefan | I have some mail accounts | 11:47 |
_stefan | now I want to load the correct key for the identity | 11:47 |
_stefan | I go to the kryptographie tab | 11:48 |
_stefan | and wnat to laod the key | 11:48 |
_stefan | but all is emty | 11:48 |
_stefan | how can I get the keys to the identities? | 11:48 |
nalioth | _stefan: i am not familiar with kmail and gpg | 11:49 |
_stefan | may some other? | 11:49 |
nalioth | _stefan: you should see all the keys you have in kgpg | 11:49 |
nalioth | _stefan: ask in #ubuntu or #kde | 11:49 |
_stefan | okay | 11:49 |
=== `Nomad [n=Bob@stjhnbsu67w-142167000083.nb.aliant.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
=== gsuveg [n=gsuveg@224-018.adsl.pool.ew.hu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
gsuveg | re | 11:53 |
gsuveg | how can i change kdm theme ? | 11:53 |
=== March-RX8 [i=fgjghjgj@host219-5.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has left #kubuntu ["Mi] | ||
=== huerlisi [n=shuerlim@pub082136069117.dh-hfc.datazug.ch] has joined #kubuntu |
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