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shagagreetings all07:23
shagaanyone has problems with a source-list in installing edubuntu? it asked ip, dns and all from me but didn't use dhcp so the network didn't work. and the sources.list is now empty07:24
shaganetwork worked fine after I enabled dhcp after installation, I'm now at my work computer and trying to install edubuntu on this machine. I will copy the source.list from this to my computer then(this uses ips, dns and all custom)07:26
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JaneWhello highvoltage 08:34
JaneWhighvoltage: I am here today ... (and looking for my office keys, which I gave HIlton)08:35
highvoltagenow why would you do something like that :)08:41
JaneWhighvoltage: dunno ;)08:44
shagaJaneW: good morning, do you know why edubuntu doesn't do dhcp-configuration during the first install phase? only asks ip/dns/gateway..08:45
shagajust thought I might ask now that I'm here :)08:46
JaneWshaga: there wasa discussion on the mailing list recently...08:49
JaneWflood alert...08:50
JaneW> I'm trying to install Edubuntu Preview 5.10.08:50
JaneW> 08:50
JaneW> I know Ubuntu try to autoconfigure ethernet connection using DHCP during08:50
JaneW> installation. But Edubuntu doesn't try to find out a DHCP server to08:50
JaneW> autoconfigure. Instead, it ask me to enter the IP address manually.08:50
JaneW> 08:50
JaneW> Is it intentional?08:50
JaneWyes, since the default install is a stadalone server install, we cant08:50
JaneWassume that a dhcp server is around. 08:50
JaneWthe installer should provide a deault value for the IP address, but due08:50
JaneWto a bug we found building the preview CD we needed to disable this08:50
JaneWfeature... its solved now and will be enabled in tonights build again.08:50
JaneWthe standalone workstation install behaves like a normal ubuntu install08:50
JaneWwrt IP adresses/dhcp.08:50
JaneWdoes that answer your question?08:50
shagayeah, totally.. thanks :)08:50
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shagahmm, have to look how flash is being supported now on a amd64-platform..09:09
shagabtw, /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html still says hoary, but I think it has been spotted already09:11
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shagastrange, apt-get dist-upgrade updated the ff's ubuntu welcome page.. nice one10:14
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highvoltageand i was just on the virge of askin jeremy something :)10:46
highvoltageguys, what's the status on the gdm themes, splash screens, etc?10:46
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JaneWhighvoltage: welcome to the mailing list ;)11:36
shagadoes it spam much? :)11:37
JaneWshaga: I get LOADS of spam, which I discard (and ban the sender) before it hits the list...11:44
JaneWshaga: aren't I nice? ;)11:44
shagayes, so cute ;)11:44
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highvoltageJaneW: i just subscribed under another address as well, we have people arguing with us that TSF is involved because of my e-mail address, so i changed it ;)12:22
=== ogra [n=ogra@p5089ED64.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
highvoltageogra: hi12:22
highvoltageogra: do you know what we'll have for gdm themes / splash screens in edubuntu?12:22
JaneWhighvoltage: good call12:22
ograbad DSL today :/12:22
ograhighvoltage, currently only the ones we have in the artwork-package12:22
JaneWNOTICE to all Canonical is NOT TSF and vice versa ;)12:22
ograand as i said in the meeting, we cant offer much choice due to space issues, we can only replace whats there to save space...12:22
JaneWBurgundavia: thanks for fixing my typo fix ;)12:22
BurgundaviaJaneW, hey, np12:22
JaneWBurgundavia: I kick myself many times a day over typos ;)12:22
ografrom #ubuntu-artwork tonight:12:22
ogra<FR500> hey12:22
ogra<FR500> will the default theme change for breezy?12:22
ogra<FR500> for instance something like edubuntu's12:22
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JaneWogra: cool12:22
ogragood tha we have a artwork package thats also installable in ubuntu ;)12:22
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JaneWhighvoltage: ping12:33
JaneWhighvoltage: can ogra see the http stuff you have - even a screenshot will be fine?12:33
highvoltageogra: i have the iso i downloaded on august 28, would i be able to dist-upgrade to the latest edubuntu from there?12:49
highvoltageJaneW: pong12:50
ograhighvoltage, if it installs ...12:52
ograi'd suggest to rsync to the latest daily12:53
ogratakes only some minutes, therewere not much but essential changes... i guess the download would be around 10MB only but you get a far better iso12:54
JaneWhighvoltage: can ogra see the http stuff you have - even a screenshot will be fine?12:55
spaceyJaneW, can I mail you the document of stuff i want to do for ubuntu/school project. And see if you approve of it/if its possible to mentor me with it?12:59
highvoltageJaneW: there's not much to show currently, but i'll send it01:00
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highvoltageJaneW: sent01:04
JaneWgot it01:08
highvoltageogra: ok, i'll download the latest iso image (i don't thing i have rsync access to that server)01:13
ograhighvoltage, everybody has01:13
ograrsync rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/01:13
ogratry that ^^01:13
ograit should give you directory a listing01:14
shagassh: rysync: Name or service not known01:16
shagarsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [receiver] 01:16
shagarsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(434)01:16
shagait gives me that at least01:16
ograif so, go into the dir containing the breezy-install-i386.iso and just run the following (copy n paste)01:16
ograrsync -a --progress rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/edubuntu/daily/current/breezy-install-i386.iso breezy-install-i386.iso breezy-install-i386.iso01:16
ograshaga, rsync, not rysync01:17
shagahehe, typo01:17
shagamuch better now01:17
ograthe changes between two dailies are about 1-2 MB regulary.... i download it in ~10min over 768K DSL here... its the quickest way to get the latest iso01:19
shagaare there updates to dhcp automatic configuration in latest iso?(so is it enabled for the first install phase)01:20
ograthere are updates to the dhcp server, but the corresponding autogeneration of the dhcp.conf for ltsp isnt in place yet... so if you change the defalt ip you have to adjust the ltsp dehp config afterwards...01:21
shagaokay, thanks01:22
ograif you dont want togo with the default ip for now, run a "dpkg --configure -a" after install...01:23
ogra(and after the changes indeed)01:24
shagaI enabled dhcp through graphic interface on my computer(this is just my work computer), but the problem was source.list being empty..01:24
shagaI'm gonna transfer that file from this machine to mine, because this has ip/dns-based network configuration so the file was generated as should01:25
ograthere is no graphical UI for the dhcp server01:28
shagaI just switched from manual ip configuration to dhcp01:30
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ograshaga, i was talking about the dhcp server .... in the default edubuntu install you will always have to set a IP manually, else ltsp wont work right01:31
shagaI'm not very familiar with the ltsp, yet.. I'll find out more about it once I'm through with this work01:31
JaneWshaga, is your surname delic?01:42
shagaI 'invented' shagadelic 6 years ago, I've been using just shaga for 4 years now01:44
shagaso yes I'm :)01:44
JaneWogra: do we have any real assesibility suport in edubuntu 1.0? Specifically for vision impaired assistance?01:45
ograJaneW, only the stuff we get from ubuntu, nothing additionally...01:46
ograJaneW, do you know if TheMuso will be at UBZ ?01:46
JaneWthere a msg on the mailing list asking aout this...01:46
ogra(Luke Yelavic)01:46
JaneWwho is he/she again?01:46
JaneWoh right01:46
=== JaneW checks
ograhe did the accessibility live CD01:46
ograwould be cool if we could talk to him and incorporate some of his work into dapper01:47
JaneWI don't see him on the list01:49
ograhmm, ok...01:50
ograso probably something we need to solve via IRC01:50
JaneWogra: I hope my response to jelkner wasn't too rude...01:51
ograyou pointed it out several times now...01:52
JaneWbut how many times is he going to ask the same question....?01:53
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ograJaneW, btw, did you see we are in the press... 01:53
JaneWno, where?01:53
ogra It is also being used at Yorktown High School in Arlington, Virginia, and is being championed by Jeff Elkner, a computer science teacher at the school. Mr. Elkner is one of the developers of Edubuntu, an Ubuntu variant specialized for use in schools.01:54
JaneWogra: what the word on the edubuntu Live CD? will we have on, or not at all?02:00
ograid have to talk that over with mdz.... but i think i can imagine waht he'll say...02:01
ograso its rather a dapper thing... lets see, probably i can get a workstation liveCD without the server stuff...02:02
JaneWogra: so answer this mail q... "Wondering if a Live CD is planned for desktop use."02:04
JaneWogra: Not yet, but in future yes...?02:05
highvoltageogra: thanks, that works.02:13
ograhighvoltage, i have a cron job doing that for me every night... including wiping and burning a CDRW ... this way i have always the newest crack to test if i get up in the morning ;)02:14
highvoltageogra: good idea, i'm going to set that up at home :)02:18
JaneWwe now have 211 mailing list members02:29
shagaI don't even know what mailing list is, but I believe I'm more updated by being on it :)02:30
shagaI actually know what it is usually, but now I'm not sure how it works when I'm actually in it..02:33
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JaneWwhen you are actually in it you GET the messages ;)02:37
highvoltageJaneW: i think once edubuntu launches, membership will rocket02:40
shagayou bet02:40
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shagahello hello04:29
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highvoltagehi there04:46
jsgotangcohey highvoltage04:46
highvoltagehi jeremy04:47
highvoltagehow are things looking on the doc side?04:47
jsgotangcoi've been moving stuff to the wiki04:47
jsgotangcoogra just used About Ubuntu in our preview04:47
jsgotangcobut i haven't given him the xml for yelp yet04:48
jsgotangco(its actually LinuxWorld over here i discussed about Ubuntu today and Edubuntu tommorow)04:48
highvoltageok. who's responsible for the art, for edubuntu and ubuntu.04:48
jsgotangcohighvoltage: artwork? its a different team (no idea if we have our own artwork contribs atm)04:49
highvoltagethat's what i'm a bit worried about :{04:49
jsgotangcohighvoltage: i actually did my whole presentation in edubuntu workstation04:49
jsgotangcohighvoltage: our icons and fonts look really good atm04:51
highvoltagei haven't seen the gdm or splash screens yet, so i'm just a bit nervous about that.04:53
jsgotangcoour gdm is still the same (with the edubuntu logo)04:53
jsgotangcoas well as the splash04:53
jsgotangcounfortunately our boot splash is still ubuntu04:54
jsgotangco(not sure if it was designed to be easily replaced)04:54
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magnonI got my montreal plane tickets06:11
magnonand I havent paid for them yet06:11
magnontheir reg system was weird06:11
magnonI filled in my card (without coverage) as preferred payment method06:12
magnonI hit register the trip, assuming to get a payment method choice06:12
magnonnah, registered, non-refundable :P06:12
jsgotangcoenjoy UBZ =)06:13
jsgotangcoubuntu below zero =)06:13
magnonoh right06:13
magnonI keep saying ubuntuconf or something to that extent06:14
magnonknowing that its totally wrong06:14
jsgotangcoyou'll enjoy it06:14
jsgotangcoogra and janew are fun people06:14
magnonI hope so06:14
jsgotangcooh i guarantee it06:14
jsgotangcothere's a chance i might catch up06:15
jsgotangcobut no guarantees06:15
magnonI just hope I get time for edubuntu before the conf06:15
magnonand before release06:15
magnonwe kinda got assignments for other stuff with considerable economic value... right now that needs to come first06:16
magnonlike, I want to keep my apartment and stuff like that :P06:16
jsgotangcothe conferences are meant for people to just brain dump on ideas and write specs for it and work it out afte rthe conf06:16
jsgotangcoso its quite long term06:16
magnonyeah, good06:16
magnonthat's what we think we will work on06:16
magnonlong term, like deployment summer 2006 stuff06:16
jsgotangcothe conference gives a chance for people speared across the globe to at least meet up06:16
magnon40 minutes to party meeting06:18
magnonelection on monday... time to get to work in opposition06:18
=== magnon has to vote for an even clearer statement on swpat/drm this time
jsgotangcoand if you have a gpg key make sure it gets signed06:19
magnonright, after using Mac for so long on my laptop I almost forgot that I have a gpg key to use :P06:19
jsgotangcothe sheer number of DDs during an ubuntu conference will make your stats jump06:20
magnonmaybe I should get around and just make a new one06:20
jsgotangcosure as long as you have your secret key06:20
magnonit's not like I ever used it for external things06:21
jsgotangcoit'll come in handy in the future06:21
magnonand I haven't been completely careful with the secret key :S06:21
magnonand I changed email addies since last using it I think too :po06:21
jsgotangcoyou can add/delete addies from an existing key06:22
magnonI know, it's just another argument to making a new one since noone who emails me at my current addy has the key06:22
jsgotangcobottom line is: don't miss it especially if mako is organizing it06:23
magnonand since I created it without revokation keys etc. etc. the most secure thing would probably be to forget that one06:23
magnon35 minutes to meeting :P06:24
magnonbrb, have to get dressed properly06:25
=== jsgotangco wonders how much bribing it would cost to ogra on convincing him to use edubuntugirl wall paper
magnonalthough our coalition didnt win the election, we went from 2 to 10 mandates in the parliament \o/06:26
magnonso it's halfways meeting halfways party :)06:26
jsgotangcosee you later i gotta sleep =)06:28
magnontomorrow then I guess06:28
magnonprobably having the day off to move things to my new place06:28
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mptmagnon: There's a nice GPG plug-in for Apple Mail, I use it06:43
mptand a decent "GPG Keychain Access" utility, too06:44
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linescannogra: Hi, you got a minute08:00
linescannyou well ?08:00
ograa bit under pressure, release is near :)08:00
linescanngood.  What state is the 64bit version at08:01
ograshould be good...08:01
linescannnot good about under pressure :)08:01
linescanncool.  I have got a Sun V20z here that I want to put into a local school08:01
ograat least it was during preview tests... but i'd suggest a recent daily, there were some improvements08:01
linescannwhens release ?08:02
ograthe dynamic dhcp.conf generation isnt included yet, so best is to run through the install with the offered default IP and adjust the values post install08:02
ograoct 13th08:03
linescanncool.  I am just downloading it now.  I just want to do a proof of concept on the Sunfire.08:03
ogracurrently i'm fighting with things like http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1524408:03
linescannjust looking now08:04
ogra14967 and 12942 are also release critical...08:06
linescannYou having issues with other stuff not clearing out08:06
ograits only the ssh session that cant be established for 30-45 sec08:07
ograand there only the X forwarding...08:07
linescannyou just using ssh for admin control08:07
ograso i suspect there is a sshd bug, but thats up to our ssh admin08:07
ogranope, ssh is the core of our ltsp 08:08
ograwe dont use X at all in the network...08:08
linescannah.  I need to have a good look at the specs.08:08
ograits all shh tunneling08:08
ograso you have a encrypted connection by default08:09
linescannbenefits other than that ?08:09
ograyou dont need X on the server ;) 08:09
linescannobvious really :)08:10
ograits easy to connect to simply any machine on the net that has a ssh server running :)08:10
linescannblond moment08:10
ograno need to configure anything there :)08:10
linescannI am really interested to see how you have done things and see how it would scale for what we do08:11
ograand even better i can work with default settings on the dubuntu CD, i dont need any -config package... thats a guarantee for upgradeability08:11
ograand you can mix edu/ubuntu without probs :)08:12
linescannre bug 14967 kde user here.  Zero gnome experience08:12
ograits kernel related...08:12
linescannmixing would make long term support so much easier for all 08:12
ograinotify triggers non existing events08:12
linescannhelps if I read down further08:13
linescannsaw gnome and went cold :)08:13
ograedubuntu is in principle only a collection of 3 meta packages, the single parts of it are all ubuntu parts08:13
ogra(plus some installer tweakage)08:13
linescannspoken to a few guys over here in Schoolforge that have started using it.  Verdict is good :)08:14
linescannwill kubuntu drop in over edu as it does ove ubuntu ?08:15
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linescannre 12942 is it happening on pxe or etherboot or both08:20
linescannI did an upgrade of my ltsp server over the summer and one classroom (pxe) started doing similar stuff08:21
ograhmm, so mdz's idea about the NIC not being initialized fast enough might be right...08:22
linescannwasnt there something on the ltsp wiki about this ?08:24
linescannis it a specific make/model of card or pxe in general08:25
ograit happens for all users it seems... so its not NIC specific...08:25
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linescannI am just trying to find my notes but they are at the office.  I have a feeling one of my guys tweaked the pxecfg/defaults file08:29
linescannand all was well :)08:29
ograwould be nice to know what he did :)08:30
linescannI think the answer was on the ltsp wiki but I cannot find it at the moment08:31
ograthere is a link in the bugreport... but that doesnt work, i tried already08:32
linescannit is something to do with block sizes I think.  Just loops on not responding ? yes08:33
linescannhave you tried this MOPTS=nolock,ro,wsize=2048,rsize=2048 in the pxelinux.cfg/default ?08:34
linescannhmmm. 08:36
ograi thonk our initrd doesnt accept the MOPTS option... 08:36
ograi already notified our initramfs maintainer08:36
linescannah.  I think this might be the issue.  You using your own client kernel ?08:37
ograits the default ubuntu kernel... with some additional options for mkinitramfs08:38
ograas i said, we're working with default ubuntu packages as much as we can :)08:38
linescannI have a feeling that this is where your issue may be.  08:39
linescannDoes it happen in all switch speed environments ?08:39
linescannre default kernel, I meant what is sat in the tftp server for the clients to load ?08:41
ograDEFAULT vmlinuz ro initrd=initrd.img08:44
ograthe rest is done in initramfs08:44
linescannI think that is were to look.  It does sound like a block size issue08:46
ograi'll try it after dinner... now i'll take a short break, working since 12h in a row already :)08:47
linescannI know the feeling.  I am off to put the kids in their box for the night and kick the wife :)08:48
linescannhave a good night :)08:49
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ogranight linescann 08:53
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linescannogra:  just found some notes on our wiki.  The issue was with the stock ltsp 2.4.26 kernel that comes with ltsp 4.1.  The 2.6.9 one worked on this side but had issues in other areas.09:18
linescannWe used the MOPTS option to fix it.09:19
ograi'll try again later, i'll have to work on 15244 anyway today09:20
linescanngood luck :)09:23
ograthanks :)09:23
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rickfitzAnyone know if there's a problem with edubuntu-devel list?10:33
rickfitzI posted 7 hours ago, and seen nothing from anyone since then.10:33
ograrickfitz, i dont see anything in the queue from you10:37
rickfitzI posted at 13:29 UTC. Just noticed there's nothing there from anyone (unless I'm not receiving them)10:38
ograhmm, the last mail from today is form 17:22 here10:39
ograso it sounds like a problem on your side...10:39
ograbtw, i could reproduce your screensaver bug....10:40
ograafter half an hour of staring at my blank screen :)10:40
rickfitzSo at least my mail did get through.10:40
rickfitzI set my timeout to 2 mins to save my sanity.10:41
ogralooks like i missed to set the blank only option for the random function :( i'll try to fix it on the weekend10:41
rickfitzJust realised - I'm thinking of the wrong posting. The later one was about a missing path in the thin client environment.10:42
rickfitzIt's missing /usr/games.10:43
ograits on my list for ltsp... but i have some other stuff to fix before iu can touch it again10:44
mptogra: Are you going to UBZ?10:45
rickfitzI'm confused. Where are bugs meant to be posted? I looked on bugzilla.10:45
ograhttp://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=12942 , 15244  and 14967 are my worst nightmares currently10:45
ograrickfitz, yes, this one was misplaced10:46
ogrampt, what a question :)10:46
ogrampt, didnt i promise you to bring hoary CDs ?10:47
mptogra: True, but your travel details aren't on the wiki page, and nor are you in the Canonical IRC channel10:47
mptwhich made me wonder :-)10:49
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linescannogra: you still arround11:15
linescannjust to let you know. Breezy does not like LSI SCSI controllers on Sun V20z11:18
linescannmptscsi errors11:18
ogralinescann, jbailey is in #ubuntu-devel ;) 11:19
linescannI shall pass it on11:19
linescanndon't seem to have much luck install ubuntu on any of my hardware.  doesnt like blades or sunfires :(11:20
ograhmm, i have no such HW available to test :/11:21
linescannI got stacks, but cant use them to help you guys.......F**"& frustrating11:21
ograwe have a sparc guy, but that wont help much with a sun fire11:21
linescannnah.  Opteron units.  Damn nice too11:22
linescanngo a bit with Solaris 10 on them :)11:22
linescannnight :)11:28
ogranight :)11:30
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