
Nafallocrimsun: hp_only works for me :-)12:11
Nafallocrimsun: with the breezy version of things :-)12:11
crimsunNafallo: after using /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, correct? :)12:13
Nafallocrimsun: yepp :-). updating the bugreport now :-).12:13
crimsunNafallo: excellent, thanks.12:13
Nafallocrimsun: thank you, this bug has followed me since warty ;-).12:14
NafalloI added the output of lspci -vns 00:11.5 :-)12:17
Nafalloshould be enough for them to add hp_only as default :-)12:17
ajmitchsigh, \sh did gnue-forms as well12:20
=== ajmitch is going to have to overwrite that change asap anyway
\shdid I catch one of your?12:23
ajmitchone of my debian packages12:23
ajmitchthat I was waiting to get through NEW in debian12:23
ajmitchso that I could sync the whole lot of gnue-* packages together12:23
\shajmitch: bah...I just adjusted the build-deps12:24
\shajmitch: sorry for that12:24
ajmitchit's ok12:25
ajmitchbut the whole lot needs updated12:25
ajmitchto properly work with the wxversion stuff12:25
ajmitchpatch needed to be applied in just the right place for it to work12:25
\shajmitch: python stuff...?12:26
\shshould be applied after import wxversion and before import wxPython bla12:27
\shjust like I did with bittorrent-gui12:27
ajmitchI've already done it :P12:27
ajmitchI know what to do, but you need to know where to patch gnue-forms for it to work properly12:27
ajmitchso the package is installable but not very usable at the moment in breezy12:28
\shajmitch: the package was an ubuntu package at all...do an update upload ;)12:28
ajmitchI'm going to ask for the sync12:28
ajmitchsince it fixes other issues12:29
\shit just happend today that I uploaded an Xubunu1 package ;)12:29
crimsunI initially interpreted that as Xubuntu and thought, "Wait, you didn't ping jani and me first?" ;)12:31
\shcrimsun: lol...no ;)12:31
ajmitchhmm, what's with that guy & "paco" who goes "quoting" everything?12:40
\shajmitch: ??12:41
ajmitchubuntu-devel :)12:41
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\shajmitch: have a second?01:39
\shajmitch: php4-sqlite -> Depends: phpapi-20020918 | zendapi-20020429 but installed in /usr/lib/php4/2005060601:41
ajmitchlooks broken :)01:41
ajmitchPackage: php4-kadm501:41
ajmitchArchitecture: any01:41
ajmitchDepends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, phpapi-2002091801:41
ajmitchno php:Depends01:41
\shI have to fix this shit01:41
\shI will use the substvar stuff01:42
=== ajmitch is at work, is busy coding today
ajmitchI'll do a bit tomorrow once we get to our bug day01:42
\shajmitch: u agree with substvars?01:42
ajmitchnot that you need my agreement :)01:43
bddebianTomorrow is bug day?01:43
ajmitchbddebian: yes, it starts in 12 hours & 15min01:43
ajmitch11:30 if you count chatham islands ;)01:44
ajmitchbut I don't think we have any ubuntu people out there01:44
\shfixing the packages01:45
=== ajmitch wishes he could help more at the moment
bddebianYeah, whatever d00d. ;-)01:46
\shI bugged them, I fixem up01:47
ajmitchbddebian: you're right, I don't want to help any of you, and & hate you all01:47
ajmitchsound better?01:47
=== bddebian hugs ajmitch
=== ajmitch goes into retirement as a hasbeen motu
=== StrikeForce [n=marc@203-59-214-173.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Nafalloajmitch: tss ;-)01:48
=== bddebian only knows how to sync and rebuild. :'-(
Nafallobddebian: tsssss01:49
\shsqlite pulls in the old depends again..but now as well with new php depends01:49
\shdh_makeshlibs *grrr*01:51
=== \sh needs really really new glasses
Nafallofreeloader has debian/ built-in :-P02:18
Nafalloand it's empty ;-)02:18
\shtwo packages more and I'm done with php shit02:21
\shafter them I'm falling into bed02:24
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cogumbreirolo all02:26
=== mpt [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shhi cogumbreiro nice to have u here02:29
cogumbreirothx :)02:29
ogracogumbreiro, arent you also writing this dialup tool ?02:30
=== ogra thinksits a shame he forgot the name
cogumbreiroI was but I don't have a dialup connection anymore02:31
cogumbreirosince i've bought a router :)02:31
cogumbreiroand didn't see much interest from the community in it02:31
ograthats an area where ubuntu still lacks good tools02:31
cogumbreiroit was a dialup for broadband connections02:31
cogumbreiroI would love to recreate it in pygtk ;) but still I lack the hardware to try it...02:32
ograubuntu has only pppoeconf ... its easy, reliable and does the job... but its 100% commandline02:32
cogumbreirounless there's a mock ppp plugin outthere02:32
=== \sh is fixing now on two frontiers...unmet deps + kde
cogumbreirognome-ppx solves that totally02:32
cogumbreirobut alas...02:32
cogumbreirothat's an area I love to work, finding applications that are missing in my distro, ubuntu is specially greate because it shares my principles (loves open source, gnome and python)02:33
ograheh, thats what pulled me in too :)02:35
\shand I was pulled in by ogra and the theory of "I just works out of the box"02:36
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\shok..all php4-extentions fixed, tested, uploaded02:37
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ograoh, mpt was here ?02:38
\shfixing knoda02:38
cogumbreiromotu is about packaging programs, right?02:39
ogracogumbreiro, that too02:39
cogumbreirowhat more?02:39
ogracogumbreiro, packaging, fixing stuff, packaging your own stuff, finding apps to package etc02:40
ograeverything you can do with packages :)02:40
cogumbreiroogra: i've never done that, i feel intregued by it :P02:40
ograand with universe02:40
\shwe're the gateway from the community into the archives...all software which is wished for from the community, we will check and package02:40
bddebianHo hum, more syncs :-(02:40
\shshermann@shermann-laptop:~/pbuilder/result/breezy$ du -m02:41
\sh53      .02:41
\shnot much today02:41
ogracogumbreiro, its very easy to understand if you tried it for some time...02:41
=== Nafallo tries to build hos freeloader package
Nafallobased _heavily_ on gajims debian/* ;-)02:47
Nafalloonly build-deps from main :-)02:48
slomoNafallo: ping?02:53
Nafalloslomo: pong :-)02:53
slomoNafallo: please write me a test mail ;)02:53
slomoNafallo: at the u.c address :)02:54
Nafallosent :-)02:54
bddebianAll this mozilla-locale-* crap wants mozilla-browser < 2:1.6.1 ??02:55
\shchange it ;)02:55
\shfix it ;)02:55
slomoNafallo: thanks :)02:55
bddebianTo what?  I don't even know if they're valid anymore?02:56
\shso test it ;)02:56
ajmitchthey probably aren't valid02:56
bddebianajmitch: That's my guess02:56
=== ajmitch wonders why \sh_away left the py 2.3 bindings in lasso but didn't put in 2.4? ;)
ajmitchah darn, he's gone off to sleep03:04
bddebianOK, time for "LOST".  BBL03:12
=== jaldhar [n=jaldhar@pcp09354977pcs.jersyc01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
seth_k|lappyour new servers are named after Lost03:22
seth_k|lappywe have charlie, locke, sawyer, kate, and jack03:23
bmontyany pointers on creating a patch for a source package that has the source code in a tar file?  Can I create a meaningful debdiff from that?04:11
Lathiatbmonty: does it use cdbs?04:13
bmontyLathiat: nope, it uses debhelper04:14
bmontyI looking at the ace source package04:14
Lathiatwell i mean you can apply a patch with the debian stuff (dpatch style etc)04:14
bmontyok, and then can I give a debdiff to someone to try on amd64 and/or powerpc?04:15
ajmitchbecause the patch gets applied after the tarball is unpacked04:16
bmontysounds good04:17
bmontyso can anyone have access to build a package on a powerpc or amd64?04:25
ajmitchin a few hours I can do ppc :)04:29
bmontyajmitch: I'll be going to bed in a few, so I'll post a link to the debdiff in a sec, ok?04:30
bmontyajmitch: the debdiff is at http://www.montynet.org/ubuntu/debdiff/ace_5.4.7-3ubuntu1.debdiff04:36
bmontythis is an experiment, I'm not sure if it will fix the problem :)04:36
ajmitchalright, will try & get some ppc time to take a look04:36
ajmitchit's a shread box, usually running OSX< that doesn't belong to me ;)04:37
bmontyajmitch: ace takes awhile to compile, so hopefully the other folks sharing the box don't get upset :)04:39
ajmitchI'll do it overnight then ;)04:41
bmontyI think it will fail quickly if the patch doesn't work (13k build log for failures vs. a 159k log for successful compile)04:42
bmontyhopefully it works and then \sh will leave me alone :)04:43
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bmontyjust got done taking a class on IPv6, and I noticed that you have to use -I with ping6 to ping a link local address, I think this is a bug....anyone know otherwise?04:46
ajmitchbmonty: no, it's not04:51
ajmitchit's perfectly reasonable according to the ipv6 spec :)04:51
bmontyajmitch: k, I just figured since the link local address in the route table and assigned to an interface, I should be able to ping it....like with an IPv4 address04:52
ajmitch"Using link-local addresses for an IPv6 ping, the kernel does not know through which (physically or virtual) device it must send the packet - each device has a link-local address"04:52
ajmitchLathiat can verify all this ;)04:53
Lathiatuse -I04:53
Lathiatoh you already knew that04:54
bmontyajmitch: I think it odd the spec would say that since the link local address has the MAC in it, I would think that would uniquely identify the interface04:54
ajmitchbmonty: nope04:54
Lathiatbmonty: no, your pinging a remote host04:54
Lathiatbmit could be on any interface04:54
Lathiatas the link local range applies to all interfaces equally04:54
Lathiatthe kernel isnt going to "guess" which one is appropriate04:54
Lathiatso you have to specify it explicitly04:54
bmontyLathiat: I guess I'm confused, it would seem to me that kernel would know exactly what interface to use since the address is associated with only a specific single interface04:56
ajmitchLathiat: your laptop not connected at the moment?04:56
Lathiatajmitch: it is altho you may be tryign to ping my other laptop04:56
Lathiator i was on wireless last time04:56
ajmitchLathiat: yeah, the one I tried to merge off04:56
ajmitchwhen we were doing the bzr test04:57
Lathiatbmonty: how would it know? the only thing it knows by default is where it wants to send it04:57
Lathiatajmitch: what address?04:57
Lathiatbmonty: the ip has the *local* mac,04:57
Lathiatajmitch: uh thast right, tunnels probably down04:57
ajmitchas you can see, my ipv6 tunnel is up & working :)04:57
Lathiatbmonty: in theory, the kernel could go arp otu all interfaces04:57
=== ajmitch is glad for once that freenode has an ipv6 host
Lathiatbmonty: and try find someone for the address04:57
Lathiatbmonty: but thats ugly,04:58
ajmitchthat gets expensive for broadcast traffic04:58
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ajmitchthat's one reason that ipv6 is not allowed at uni - too much broadcasting04:58
ajmitchhey jsgotangco04:58
Lathiatalso the link local address doesn't necesarily have to have the mac address in it04:58
Lathiatajmitch: thats because your uni has a worse network design than my house04:58
Lathiatit just happens most people autoconfigure an address with the mac04:59
Lathiatyou can manually configure one04:59
bmontyinteresting...I'm also noticing that the link local address for eth0 has lo as the interface in the routing table04:59
ajmitchLathiat: it's a real horror alright04:59
Lathiatand also use the 'privacy extensions' which create random addresses and change it every few minutes04:59
jsgotangcomorning guys04:59
Lathiatbmonty: eh?04:59
Lathiatajmitch: try now?04:59
ajmitchrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1573.081/1598.446/1626.443/19.946 ms, pipe 205:00
ajmitchhorrendous ping times :)05:00
Lathiatmy link is being hammered05:00
=== Lathiat uis uploading
Lathiatand iw ant it to hurry up so i tweaked wondershaper up into the laggy area05:00
ajmitchat least the linux & osx hosts in my flat are using ipv605:00
Lathiathas 44h left as it is :)05:00
ajmitchdunno about the 3 XP boxes05:00
bmontyLathiat: thanks for the info...I need to do some more playing :)05:01
bmontyI'm planning on moving my home network to IPv605:01
bmontyunfortunately my ISP won't give me a prefix, so I'm stuck tunneling to a 6bone gateway :(05:02
ajmitchLathiat: how well does mdns6 work now?05:02
Lathiatbmonty: tunnel to aarnet05:02
ajmitchbmonty: most ISPs don't give out prefixes05:02
Lathiatajmitch: on avahi? perfectly...05:02
bmontyI was going to use he.net, but I'll check out aarnet05:02
ajmitchLathiat: why would you suggest aarnet for him?05:02
Lathiatajmitch: because im silly05:02
Lathiatand assume everyone is in australia :)05:02
Lathiatbmonty: where are you?05:03
bmontyin the middle of the US05:03
ajmitchLathiat: I shoudl switch it on - easier than hacking the zone files to put my ipv6 addresses in :)05:04
Lathiathttp://penguins.squaa.org/~lathiat/routes.txt fear :)05:04
bmontyajmitch: what is mdns6?05:05
ajmitchLathiat: what system are you using there?05:05
Lathiatall the 10.x routes?05:06
ajmitchLathiat: looks very similar to a multipoint vpn I use05:06
ajmitchwell, not very private :)05:06
ajmitchyes, all the 10.x routes05:06
Lathiatthats a bgp session to the perth wireless freenet05:06
ajmitchah ok05:07
ajmitchthe system I use is ethernet over udp05:07
Lathiatwhich im cheating and connected via a vpn to05:07
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ajmitchso each of us runs a bgp router05:07
ajmitchand can do local ipv6 routing over ipv405:08
=== gabaug [n=gabe@209-254-131-118.ip.mcleodusa.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
gabaugis there a tutorial on how to take an existing ubuntu pkg and upgrade it (for one's own purpose) to a newer version of the software it's packaging?05:08
bmontyajmitch: is there a service that does dynamic dns for IPv6, or do I need to run DHCP?05:09
Tonio-I don't understand05:09
Yagisangabaug: It's covered in the new maintainers guide05:09
Tonio-why do you need to perform an update if it is for your own purpose ?05:09
gabaugTonio-: the libapache2-mod-perl2 pkg is horribly out of date05:09
bmontygabaug: do a search on www.debian-administration.org, I think they had an article about that05:10
Tonio-do you want me to update it ?05:10
gabaugTonio-: and I can build it myself, but I'd prefer to repkg it so I can later go back to Ubuntu's pkgs when they get around to be updated05:10
gabaugTonio-: for distribution in Ubuntu?05:10
Tonio-yep ;)05:10
Tonio-well if you wanna make the package juste for you, I woul suggest a little ./configure && make & checkinstall05:11
gabaugTonio-: well, never done it before, but I'm interested05:11
Tonio-you will get a non clean but working package for personnal usage05:11
gabaugTonio-: how involved can it be just to upgrade an exisiting one?05:11
Tonio-okay juste let me check at this package ;)05:11
bmontygood night everyone05:11
gabaugTonio-: I'm guessing there are some other ones (that depend on this one) that I'd like to upgrade too05:12
Tonio-I'll explain to you after05:12
Tonio-but where is the official source package ?05:12
Tonio-I mean do you have a direct link ?05:12
gabaugapt-get source libapache2-mod-perl2 ?05:13
gabaugI really don't know05:13
gabaugdoes that not work?05:13
Tonio-I mean the new version05:13
Tonio-because this one is supposed to be to late no ?05:13
Tonio-too old excuse me05:13
gabaugoh, yeah, sorry05:14
Tonio- -- Andres Salomon <dilinger@debian.org>  Thu, 23 Jun 2005 00:28:07 -040005:14
Tonio-not too old05:14
Tonio-do you have breezy or hoary ?05:14
gabaugHoary w/ BP05:14
Tonio-well the breezy version is up2date05:15
gabaugwhat version?05:15
Tonio-libapache2-mod-perl2 (2.0.1-1)05:15
gabaugthe one is hoary is 1.99.14 and is from May 21, 2004 :)05:16
gabaugwow, ok05:16
gabaugany way to get that backported? or to backport it myself? :)05:16
Tonio-because of apache dependancies05:17
gabaugwell, the apache shipped with hoary is actually supported by that version of mod_perl05:17
gabaugI know b/c I built mod_perl 2.0.1 on Hoary with no problem (and the README says it supports the version of Apache Hoary ships with)..05:18
gabaugthe real issue for me is then installing all the perl libraries that I need...I hate installing them from CPAN b/c they break/won't install and/or then I have two things I have to keep track of upgrade-wise05:19
Tonio-I'm gonna send you that just wait05:20
gabaugI can't05:20
gabaugoh well, I'll install everything manually05:20
gabaugand/or move away from mod_perl05:21
Tonio-but why don't you compile the module ?05:21
Tonio-isn't that easier ?05:21
gabaugTonio-: what do you mean?05:21
Tonio-well just compile the sources..........05:22
gabaugjust build the package like one normally would do if no packaging system existed?05:22
Tonio-or wait for breezy (less than one month....)05:22
gabaugI've done that for the mdo_perl package and it worked fine05:22
gabaugthe issue is I have a site I need to get online ASAP05:23
gabaugthat quite a few users use05:23
Tonio-the problem is that I can give you a source package you can easilly build, but you will have to install 15 packages before lol05:23
gabaugbut I can probably get most of it working w/o using mod_perl, so I'll probably do that05:23
Tonio-or create a chroot05:23
Tonio-king of pain in the ass05:23
Tonio-well, would you get that much improvement with it ?05:24
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LaserJockhi all, Is it weird to have a package be in it's own build dependency?05:42
LathiatLaserJock: that happens05:42
LathiatLaserJock: often for compilers and things05:42
LathiatLaserJock: what are you looking at?05:43
LaserJocksmlnj, it is a compiler05:43
Lathiatbasically the compiler needs to compile itself05:43
Lathiatso it needs to be "bootstrapped"05:43
Lathiatif yoru lucky there will be an installable previosu version of the package you can use to do that05:43
LaserJockwell, that's the thing. pbuilder can't find it05:44
LaserJockit says that it need version >=110.51 and it looks like it can get 110.44-105:45
LaserJockI am trying to build 110.5205:45
Lathiatah fun05:45
Lathiatwell to fix that anyway will require help from the buildd maintainers05:46
Lathiatnot sure who to talk to about that05:46
Lathiatperhaps annoy ajmitch05:46
LaserJockI will put it on the UniverseUnmetDeps wiki05:47
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bddebianGnight folks06:19
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cogumbreirognight all06:56
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ivoksjesus... folks at microsoft are needing brain fix09:52
Treenaksivoks: even more?09:53
=== Valandil [n=chrys@dsl-084-056-127-109.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ivoksdid you see new office ui?09:53
ivokswith menus like:09:53
ivoksinstead of Bring to front09:53
ivoksi told them that's fundamentaly wrong and will be great only for chinese and japanese09:54
ivokswho read up -> down09:54
ivoksand then i got replyed with:09:54
ivoksThanks for raising the issue and look forward to hearing comments down the road once you actually have a Chinese/Japanese build to play with.09:55
ivoksonly thing i could say09:55
ivoksI'm not Asian but this new UI will be great for Asians. And, don't be disappointed, I won't be testing any Office or Ms product. I just wanted to tell you how bad your UI is.09:55
ivokshttp://mark.smugmug.com/photos/35597918-O.jpg - this is just to hard to swallow :)09:57
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ajmitchhi koke10:32
=== pef [n=pef@lns-vlq-39f-81-56-130-224.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Mithrandirj^: what's the state of NM?10:42
j^Mithrandir tell me10:42
MithrandirI thought you were hacking on it?10:42
j^Mithrandir i am, still my packages is not uploaded to universe and nobody can tell me why10:43
ajmitchprobably just miscommunication..10:43
Mithrandirj^: where are they?  I'll take a look and upload after I've gotten a few other issues out of the way.10:43
j^Mithrandir i do whatever is needed, someone just has to tell me what that is.10:46
NafalloMithrandir: tseng and I uploaded already fwiw.10:48
MithrandirNafallo: ook10:48
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j^Nafallo but that was 10 days ago..10:51
Nafalloj^: more I believe? :-)10:52
j^i travelled many wifi hotspots since10:52
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Nafalloj^: why do you move the init-scripts?11:04
Nafallo(re: NM) ;-)11:04
j^Nafallo avahi has it that way and i looked good to me :)11:04
Nafalloj^: well, hal and PowerManager have not :-P11:05
Lathiatj^: did you include my reload hack11:05
j^Lathiat i have that is in ubuntu5, which is only at http://bootlab.org/~j/NetworkManager-breezy/ right now11:05
Nafalloit's on REVU to11:06
j^Nafallo right11:06
=== Lathiat is glad to see dhcdbd got fixed
Lathiatsilly thing had a * * * dbus system config11:07
j^it was fixed in fedora, just that 1.8 was never uploaded to http://people.redhat.com/jvdias/dhcdbd/11:07
hungerfabbione: Are you sure the /dev/input/mice issue is udev-related?11:12
hungerfabbione: I see it almost always when using the ubuntu 2.6.12 kernel and never when using a custom
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ajmitchhi \sh11:44
\shmorning ajmitch11:45
Lathiatajmitch: had a chance to look at the avahi mono stuff?11:50
Nafallobuildds busy? :-)11:54
Nafallogcc, xorg, oo.o211:54
Nafallosomething tells me I'm right :-P11:55
ajmitchLathiat: it'd only take a few minutes :)11:55
\shCopying source file -> copying [pdumpfs-rsync_0.8.1-1ubuntu1_source.changes]  -> copying [./admin] 11:55
Lathiatajmitch: ok, whenever ;)11:55
\shis it me, or is my pbuilder fcking around?11:55
ajmitchLathiat: well what differences are there apart from avahi-sharp in 0.5?11:56
Lathiatajmitch: should be no packaging differences11:56
ajmitchand do you have any 0.5 deb material, or should I update myself? :)11:56
Lathiati suppose i can do the rest ;)11:57
ajmitchbzr then? ;)11:57
Lathiatwe bumped a few sonames11:57
Lathiati have no idea of the way to handle the transition in the package name11:57
Lathiatajmitch: perhaps add the mono stuff, send me a diff and i'll send it to ross who can sort the rest out ;)11:58
ajmitchis the lib not backwards compatible?11:58
ajmitchread the debian library packaging guide?11:58
Lathiatajmitch: nope12:00
=== ajmitch is just determining whether to I have to beat you round with the libtool manual, as the guide suggests
Lathiatoh we've read that12:00
=== Lathiat had to re-read it about 5 times
Lathiatnew functions, 1 removed function12:01
ajmitchok, so 1 removed.. I guess that's an SONAME bump12:01
ajmitchit's not something I've had a lot of experience with12:01
=== doko_ [n=doko@dsl-084-059-093-018.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shNafallo: could u check pdumpfs-rsync please? remove the tightened install-deps from control12:03
\shNafallo: in pbuilder that is..12:03
Lathiatajmitch: If any interfaces have been added, removed, or changed since the last update, increment current, and set revision to 0.12:03
=== \sh is actually too tired
Lathiatand the package names appear to match the current number12:03
=== Lathiat shrugs
Lathiatim really ignorant of th ewhole thing12:03
ajmitchLathiat: :)12:03
Nafallo\sh: apt-gets source :-)12:05
ajmitchLathiat: well I've at least got avahi checked out from avn12:06
\shNafallo: yes..12:06
Lathiatajmitch: well, you really want the 0.5 tarball12:06
ajmitchLathiat: I know :)12:07
\shwow...my eyes are really small...12:08
\shlooks like I had a nice party yesterday12:09
ajmitchhm, laptop battery light is flashing red :)12:09
Lathiatajmitch: find pwoer? ;)12:09
ajmitchLathiat: it means I have to walk upstairs12:09
Lathiatalternatively, power may be a good idea12:09
\shajmitch: hmm...I wasn't drunk around 1am UTC?12:10
ajmitch\sh: not that I could tell ;)12:10
\shgood..so no nice party12:10
=== sedak [n=fred@82-32-125-115.cable.ubr04.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== \sh needs a surgery before UBZ
\shto look as pretty as ever12:10
Nafallo\sh: in pbuilder?12:10
\shNafallo: yes12:10
=== ajmitch has still to decide if he's going to UBZ
\shajmitch: holi inn is full...12:11
ajmitchI know12:11
\shajmitch: but u could sleep with treenaks in the hostel 10 mins from the hotel12:11
ajmitchprobably too expensive for me anyway12:12
ajmitchI was going to try there :)12:12
ajmitchonly $20/night12:12
\shajmitch: 150 CAN $ last time i checked12:12
\shprefered rate ;)12:12
ajmitchso I'd have to pay for my food as well12:13
ajmitchdunno if I could get into the dinner with you guys12:13
=== ajmitch could always crash on the floor of \sh's room ;)
\shajmitch: no problem with me12:14
ajmitchhotel probably wouldn't like it12:14
ajmitchwe were 2 to a room in UDU anyway12:14
\shajmitch: if you can accept that I'm snorring after I drank ;)12:14
\shjust joking12:15
\shajmitch: so a third person doesn't matter ;)12:16
\shajmitch: I could take my usb hd with me..to have good music after the party ;)12:16
\shajmitch: 300W 2.1 satellite speakers...should be ok ;)12:17
ajmitchnice :)12:17
\shfrom classic, over heavy metal, oldies, pop, rock, trance to instrumentals...all you can eat ,-)12:18
ajmitchwell the cheque from work cleared now, so I could buy tickets on monday to montreal12:19
ajmitchif I wanted to ;)12:19
\shajmitch: u want ;)12:19
ajmitchI do, really :)12:19
ajmitchbut $1700US of flights is expensive12:19
ajmitchjust to do a week of insane work :)12:20
\shajmitch: what would u do with the money instead?12:20
ajmitchpay off my student loan :)12:20
\shu can do that later ;)12:20
ajmitchor buy that new amd64 box for compiling12:20
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\shajmitch: u can do that later ;)12:23
ajmitchyay, new gnome-torrent from koke ;)12:24
ajmitchwith his crazy hackergotchi on planet ubuntu12:24
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Treenakspeople need to take pictures of me at UBZ12:25
Treenaksso I can get a 'gotchi too12:25
=== ajmitch only has bad photos from UDU
\shlistening to Kiss - Almost Human12:25
ajmitchnone that I'd want used as a hackergotchi12:26
=== ajmitch is listening to a local group
=== ajmitch has visited a grand total of 2 countries
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kokeajmitch: :)12:34
kokenot much changes12:34
kokebut it has 4 translations no12:34
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Nafallomorning slomo12:45
\shhey slomo12:45
ajmitchhey slomo12:45
ajmitchyay, elections tomorrow12:45
ajmitchwe can stop hearing about all the political crap here soon ;)12:45
\shajmitch: we have elections on the 18th12:46
slomohi Nafallo, ajmitch, \sh :)12:46
=== StrikeForce [n=marc@203-59-33-220.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shanother cigarette and then shower time12:49
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\shbuilding acl2 in the meantime12:51
\shmorning ogra btw ;)12:52
=== ajmitch looks around for an ogra
\shhe's awake..just so his comment on the 14967 bug ;)12:53
\shAdditional Comments From ogra@ubuntu.com  2005-09-16 11:46 UTC12:53
ajmitchso bug day officially starts in an hour12:54
ograyes, i'm late today12:54
ajmitchsomeone want to send out a reminder for people to participate? :)12:55
ajmitchhow are you ogra?12:55
ografine thanks...12:55
Lathiatbug day hey12:55
Lathiati might have to do something12:55
ajmitchwe've got a *pile* of bugs on malone12:55
ajmitchI can probably close all the zope ones now12:55
Lathiatcan i get some permissions to modify bugs or something then?12:56
ajmitchalthough I might ask doko & kobold for confimation there..12:56
ajmitchogra: give the man editbugs :)12:56
ograoh, yes, indeed12:56
\shand I think when ogra and I won't get much sleep we will look like dried frogs someday12:56
Lathiatmark * bug: gtk12:56
ograLathiat, err, you seem to have two accounts, which one is right ?12:57
Lathiatogra: on launchpad?12:57
Lathiatwhat are the emails?12:57
ajmitch\sh: you're going to stay up all weekend for bug fixing12:57
ogralathiat@bur.st and ubuntu@lathiat-spam.bur.st12:57
Lathiatogra: ah, lathiat@bur.st is right12:58
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=== Lathiat wonders what he created the other one for
\shajmitch: me, myself and I? no...I have to go back to work on monday, so the weekend will be another relaxing situation12:58
ajmitch\sh: ah ok12:58
ajmitch\sh: I've got a lot of work to do as well12:58
ajmitchso my bug contributions may be limited :(12:58
Lathiati have a lot of.. avoiding lectures to do, so i'll try do what i can :)12:58
\shajmitch: but I will see what I can do for some hours12:58
ajmitchLathiat: I'm sure you can do that ;)12:59
\shor getting finished with unmet deps12:59
ajmitchwe've got a bit list there12:59
ajmitchand a number of unassigned bugs to process12:59
Lathiatclose * resolution: CANTBEBOTHERED :) *bug day finished*01:00
ajmitch\sh: yeah, I'll do my debian uploads & then ask elmo for syncs of 10 of my packages :)01:00
ajmitchmaybe just 901:00
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\shoh my old friends mysql-admin and mysql-query-browser01:02
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Lathiatmalone is really getting quite nifty01:04
Lathiatthings like CVE references on bugs01:04
ajmitchas long as they don't break malone this weekend, I'll be happy :)01:09
=== Lathiat closes his first bug, not that I did any work for it
ajmitchwhat bug #?01:10
Lathiatmalone  1559/breezy01:11
ajmitchthat'll be a big part of the bug day, cleaning up malone & bugzilla01:11
Lathiatcan i tell apt-get sourc01:12
Lathiatto get from "hoary" rather than "breezy"01:12
ajmitchLathiat: can you CC pitti on that bug?01:12
Lathiatas i have both in my sources list01:12
Lathiatajmitch: how do i do that?01:12
ajmitchapt-get source package/hoary ?01:12
ajmitchsubscribe pitti to the bug?01:12
Lathiati'm really liking this01:13
ajmitchok, I've CCed pitti01:13
Lathiatso did i01:13
ajmitchwell it only does it once01:13
LathiatE: Unable to find a source package for trac/hoary01:14
ajmitchok, so that doesn't work :)01:14
ajmitch-t hoary ?01:14
Lathiatthat didnt work either01:14
Lathiatso i did01:14
Lathiatafter using policy to find the version01:14
Lathiatbe nice if i could use the distro tho01:14
NafalloLathiat: tip. apt-cache madison package :-)01:15
Lathiatoh, nifty01:15
Lathiatany other hidden commands i shoudl know about01:15
\shwhat is it?01:15
Nafallohehe, that's how I felt when pitti showed me that ;-)01:15
Lathiat\sh: try it ;)01:16
\shtried it ;)01:16
=== ajmitch looks for any action on security-review this week
ajmitch\sh: you got rezound to build with no issues?01:17
=== ajmitch recalls having some issues with it
=== Lathiat is sure hes fixed that package twice
\shajmitch: yes01:19
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=== \sh is brb
=== ajmitch closes the 2 rezound bugs on malone :)
ajmitchbddebian & I both had it randomly failing testing for -lm01:20
ajmitchso I guess something magically fixed it01:20
=== thoreauputic [n=prospero@wolax8-020.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
slomomagic fixes are never good... the bugs tend to come back later ;)01:25
ajmitchyeah :)01:26
=== ajmitch decides to listen to some pink floyd for a change :)
=== Lathiat also prepares his first universe security fix
Lathiatits a day of firsts ;)01:28
NafalloLathiat: gl :-)01:29
Lathiatnow i have to install hoary on something ;p01:29
=== ajmitch has hoary somewhere
Lathiatanyone here use trac on hoary? ;)01:30
NafalloLathiat: naah, just install a hoary-pbuilder :-)01:30
=== Lathiat hugs vmware
Nafallobaah. costs money ;-). nothing for me :-P.01:30
Lathiatnew beta includes 64bit support too which is nifty01:30
LathiatNafallo: hah, beta program ;)01:30
ajmitchvmware1435@lathiats.domain? ;)01:31
=== Lathiat whistles
Lathiatthe beta program one if legit tho ;p01:31
ajmitchthey all say that ;)01:32
Mithrandirpbuilder is also much faster than vmware01:32
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ajmitchhi jinty01:33
NafalloOO.o2 made synaptic show the terminal thingie :-P01:33
LathiatMithrandir: yeh but pbuilder is no good for testing it01:35
LathiatMithrandir: and testing security uploads is kinda essential ;)01:35
MithrandirLathiat: just a regular chroot works for that01:35
NafalloLathiat: sudo pbuilder login :-)01:35
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jintyhoi ajmitch01:37
ograhey jinty01:38
jintyhi ogra01:38
jintyhi all!01:38
Nafallomorning jinty :-)01:39
ograjinty, i made schooltools init scripts lsb compliant... if you got any benefit from having a patch fro that, i can send it to you01:39
jintyhello world;)01:39
=== Nafallo installs network-manager
jintyogra sure, if it works, I'll apply it01:39
ogra(its very ubuntu specific, debian doesnt use lsb by default afauk)01:39
ograafaik even01:39
jintyisn't there an lsb-xxx package I can depend on in debian?01:40
ograi guess so... should be lsb-base if its there01:41
ograyup, http://packages.debian.org/unstable/misc/lsb-base01:42
jintywhy all the interest from ubuntu in schooltool lately?01:42
ograjinty, edubuntu :)01:42
ograjinty, i install it by default there01:42
ograits one of my core server components alongside moodle...01:42
jintyis there an edubuntu channel?01:42
jintyhave you got moodle to authenticate off schooltool yet?01:43
ogranope, i didnt know thats possible01:43
ajmitchtseng: someone willing to help with bugday, who has an amd6401:43
ajmitchanything useful he can do?01:44
tsenghrm we fixed that mono one01:44
ajmitchor has slomo fixed most of the amd64isms?01:44
tsengand i filed thema ll upstream01:44
slomoajmitch: all amd64 bugs should be fixed... except the vte-one which is not logic ;)01:45
ajmitchif any of you have time to help out in #ubuntu-bugs over the next couple of days, please do so01:45
tsengi can i can do my usual darting in and out answering quick ?s01:46
tsengprobably nothing spectacular01:46
\shI will prepare a new wine package01:46
ajmitchI think we just need people around to help those who want to help01:46
=== ajmitch is planning to sleep soon
\shwhen is it officially starting? now?01:48
ajmitchofficially? in 12 minutes ;)01:48
ajmitchif you take NZST as the starting timezone :)01:48
NafalloNew Zealand Summer Time?01:49
ajmitchonly TZ I know that's ahead of NZST is NZCHAT01:49
ajmitchstandard time01:49
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ajmitchchatham islands01:49
=== Nafallo hugs CEST ;-)
\shNICE wine .orig.tar from winehq with 2.9KB/s01:50
=== Lathiat is jealous
\shajmitch: the first 4MB was with 500kB/s01:51
\shand then it drops above lightspeed ;)01:51
\shand acl2 is evil as well01:51
=== ajmitch can only get 200KB/sec here
\shI have to update to 6Mbit/s ;)01:53
slomowhen i take a bug in malone... shall i assign it to me?01:53
ajmitchyeah, NZ has a poor broadband record :)01:53
ajmitchslomo: no01:53
\shbut I'm struggling with ordering sdl here...4Mbit/s down, 2 mbit/s up01:53
ajmitchslomo: set bug as Accepted01:53
\shsdsl even01:53
=== Lathiat has 1.5mbit/s down, 256kbit/s up
ajmitchslomo: but leave it assigned to MOTU01:53
Lathiatand thats top fo the line01:53
NafalloI have ~50KB/s atm ;-)01:53
slomoi'll take the certificate one ;)01:53
ajmitchslomo: that way we see the bug activity on universe-bugs01:54
\shNafallo: lol ;)01:54
ajmitchLathiat: here 2048/128 is standard for ISPs reselling01:55
Lathiatajmitch: ouch on the upload01:55
Nafallohmm, I will have 3MB/s on monday probably :-)01:55
Lathiatajmitch: problem is 1.5/256 is the max telstra will go01:55
Lathiatajmitch: altho thats changing at some point01:55
Nafalloi.e. 24Mbit :-)01:56
Lathiatbut only because independant ISPs rolling out their own 8mbit-capable dslams have forced there hand01:56
LathiatNafallo: i hate you :)01:56
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NafalloLathiat: read my blog and you will hate me more ;-)01:56
ajmitchLathiat: no LLU here, so no other DSLAM rollouts01:56
Lathiatajmitch: llu?01:56
NafalloLathiat: planet.debian.org :-P01:56
ajmitchLathiat: although telecom has started transitioning to a fully IP network01:57
NafalloLathiat: or http://www.livejournal.com/~nafallo/ ;-)01:57
ajmitchNafallo: yes, we do hate you01:57
\shok...grabbing my clothes from the washing machine ,) brb01:57
ajmitchNafallo: planet debian? are you sure?01:57
Nafalloplanet.ubuntu.com rather ;-)01:57
Nafalloajmitch: nice catch ;-)01:57
=== ajmitch could get on planet debian if he had a blog worth talking about ;)
Nafalloajmitch: you are on planet ubuntu, right?01:58
ajmitchI'm on no planet01:59
Nafalloajmitch: baah. go fetch jdub :-P01:59
=== ajmitch watches the clock count down
ajmitchIT'S BUG DAY, EVERYONE! :D02:00
LathiatNafallo: hah, i really do hate you ;)02:00
Lathiatso you have adsl2+02:00
=== ajmitch cracks whip
NafalloLathiat: not yet, my Internet having crashed yet ;-).02:00
Nafallohaven't even02:00
NafalloETA monday :-P02:01
ajmitchok, we'll do the hating on monday then02:01
=== ajmitch will let it simmer & get bitter all weekend ;)
=== thoreauput1c [n=prospero@wolax9-032.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Lathiatgnome-terminal is bad today02:02
ajmitchLathiat: with screen & irssi?02:02
Lathiatkeeps doing that stupid irssi/screen blanking thing constantly02:02
=== ajmitch gave up on it
NafalloI hope the rumours about the ISP isn't true :-/02:02
Lathiatits happening like every time i bother restarting it now02:02
Lathiatit usually happens a couple times a day02:02
ajmitchhappened each time I wanted to use the laptop02:02
ajmitchNafallo: what have you heard about them?02:03
Nafallothey say they vlan every ip to a central server.02:03
ajmitchuh, why?02:03
Nafalloso if I would like to have all clients have their own global ip, I might end up with 1Mbit on a 100Mbit switch :-P02:04
Nafallo"to protect the customers from each other" ;-)02:04
Lathiatthat sounds as bad as ajmitch's university02:04
ajmitchLathiat: hey now02:04
Lathiataltho at least their entire city of customers isnt on the same broadcast domain02:04
ajmitchLathiat: they're moving to vlans as well :)02:04
NafalloI know what to do about it anyway :-P02:04
Nafalloeth0.x on the router ;-)02:05
Nafalloand DNAT :-)02:05
ajmitchLathiat: city? probably only a few thousand systems :)02:05
ajmitchNafallo: ipv6 all the way ;)02:05
Nafalloajmitch: hmm, tunnel from a provider?02:06
Lathiatajmitch: no i mean02:06
Nafallothen I should go for the static ip then :-P02:06
Lathiatajmitch: at least his isp doesn't link his whole citys adsl customers on the same braodcast domain ;)02:06
ajmitchLathiat: aha, that would be nasty :)02:06
=== jamessan|work [n=jamessan@c-24-218-220-129.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchbut less likely with ADSL02:06
ajmitchcompared to cable02:06
Nafallohmm, the isp I had before did that :-)02:07
ajmitchonly time I've used cable was optus in melbourne, at a friend's place02:07
NafalloI scanned the whole net for services and checked out what OS ppl where using ;-)02:07
LathiatNafallo: heh02:07
Nafallolot's of linux :-P02:07
Lathiata friend of mine02:07
=== ajmitch burned through most of his 'unlimited' cap the day before we were doing a zope sprint ;)
Lathiatused to steal IPs02:07
\shafter 2hours02:08
\shTranscript written on texput.log.02:08
\shThis is dvips(k) 5.92b Copyright 2002 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com)02:08
\shdvips: ! DVI file can't be opened.02:08
Lathiatso he had like 10ips02:08
ajmitchoh evil02:08
Nafallo\sh: you say "argl" a lot ;-)02:08
Lathiatthat be "borrowed"02:08
Lathiatand someone else i know02:08
Lathiat"borrowed" 300 ips02:08
Lathiatthe cable co noticed02:08
ajmitchNafallo: would you prefer argc? argv?02:08
\shajmitch: yes..02:08
Nafalloajmitch: yes :-)02:08
ajmitch**kwargs :)02:09
NafalloLathiat: haha02:09
\shok..preparing first new wine uploads02:09
Lathiat\sh: nice02:09
ajmitchLathiat: mm, 300 is quite a few :)02:09
Nafallo\sh: with amd64 support? :-P02:09
\shNafallo: haha02:09
slomook, so nobody knows where to get the canonical ca certificate? ;)02:10
Nafalloslomo: ask sabdfl or something :-P02:10
ajmitchslomo: ask sabdfl02:10
ajmitchhe's in #u-d at the moment02:10
ajmitchI heard that he knows a little about such things ;)02:11
Lathiatajmitch: nah thats wrong02:11
Lathiatajmitch: you've been mis-informed!02:11
ajmitchbut.. but.. he said..!02:11
slomook, thanks ;) let's see if he knows :P02:12
=== Nafallo likes the new NM :-)
=== ajmitch will always associate NM with debian new maintainer :P
Nafallobaah ;-)02:17
NafalloNetM :-)02:17
\shhmm...20050830 is very bleeding edge for ubuntu ;)02:18
ajmitch\sh: of wine?02:20
\shi don't mind ;) it's stable release ;)02:21
ajmitchsure, but UVF...02:21
ajmitchwhat will ogra say? ;)02:22
\shogra: wine-0.0.20050830? ok with u?02:22
Nafalloajmitch: "yup" :-)02:22
ograguys, you are delegates... decide yourself ;)02:22
\shogra: u r the boss ;)02:23
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ograah, come on, we're a team02:24
\shogra: teasing ;)02:24
ogranot necessary :)02:24
ajmitchogra: I know we're delegates, I was just joking :)02:25
=== Seveas [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== ajmitch wonders if there was an official list of them, or if all MOTUs end up being de facto delegates :)
Lathiatwhat do we do about things that have been removed from unstable02:27
Lathiathowl was nuked from orbit today02:27
Lathiatnot that im trying to kill off the competition or anything02:27
ajmitchis howl in ubuntu?02:27
ograajmitch, that was a ad hoc delegation for the UVF stuff, i didnt make a list02:27
ajmitchyes you are ;)02:27
Lathiatajmitch: yeh02:27
Lathiatonly 1 thing depends on it02:27
ajmitchfix it to depend on avahi02:27
ajmitchyou know you want to02:28
=== StrikeForce [n=marc@203-59-209-67.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Lathiatgnome-user-share is an ubuntu specifi cpackage02:29
Lathiatnot in debian02:29
lamontRejected: acidwarp_1.0-5ubuntu1_i386.deb: has 1 file(s) with a time stamp too ancient (e.g. usr/share/man/man6/acidwarp.6.gz [Fri Jan  4 06:54:14 1980] ).02:30
lamontGO ACIDWARP!02:30
Lathiat1980 hey02:30
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ajmitchooh nice02:34
Lathiatdoh ive gone over my peak quota02:44
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=== Nafallo will have no quota ;-)
=== Nafallo has no quota either :-P
ajmitchNafallo: be quiet now :P02:51
=== Lathiat kicks Nafallo
Lathiati'll kill ya, i'll kill ALL OF YA02:52
=== ajmitch looks for the tar & feathers
NafalloLathiat: you know what \sh has at work? :-P02:52
=== Nafallo tries to lead the anger away from himself ;-
LathiatNafallo: what?02:52
NafalloLathiat: 1Gbit/s IIRC :-)02:53
NafalloLathiat: and no quota :-P02:53
ajmitchsorry, but you still have to die ;)02:53
=== Mithrandir only has a 3Mbit or so at home ATM.
LathiatMithrandir: ONLY :)02:53
Mithrandiryeah, uncapped too.02:53
=== Lathiat has 1.5 and isn't going to get it any faster, so ner. oh and a 10GB/10GB quota
Mithrandirthat's about the same as we're paying.02:54
Lathiati hate you02:54
=== Lathiat would go for uncapped 1.5
ajmitchLathiat: do you hate me too?02:54
Lathiatajmitch: your quota is as bad as mine isnt it?02:54
ajmitchwith my 10GB cap (combined up/down)02:54
=== Mithrandir ruffles Lathiat
=== dholbach [i=foobar@i577B09C0.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Lathiat*up* and down?02:54
Lathiati feel sorry for you02:55
ajmitchhey dholbach!02:55
=== Lathiat only has down counted, and gets an extra 10GB for midnight-7am
\shdholbach: fixed your centericq sync ;)02:55
=== ajmitch leads the motu cheerleading squad in welcoming dholbach
NafalloMithrandir: sounds we should _never_ leave scandinavia ;-)02:55
Lathiatgimme a D02:55
dholbachowoohoo :)02:55
dholbachYEAH! :)02:55
dholbachfinally internet from home02:55
Nafallomorning dholbach :-)02:55
\shMAIN work now ;)02:55
ajmitchNafallo: unless you move to japan or korea :)02:55
ajmitchdholbach: great!02:55
MithrandirNafallo: I'm just hoping UBZ will have > 0 bandwidth.02:55
ajmitchMithrandir: unlike UDU? :)02:56
TreenaksMithrandir: like, 512kbit?02:56
NafalloMithrandir: ehm... what part of "Below Zero" did you now get? ;-)02:56
Mithrandirajmitch: well, it can't possibly have worse latency, at least.02:56
ajmitchdholbach: ready to handle bug day?02:56
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MithrandirNafallo: it's going to be warm there, so it's obviously not referring to temperature02:56
dholbachajmitch: let me take it slow :)02:57
ajmitchdholbach: ok, I'll give you a couple of minutes to get started then :)02:57
\shdholbach: take over my wine duty ;)02:57
\shdholbach: I'm just trying to package amarok 1.3.102:58
dholbachman... let me breathe :)02:59
ajmitchdholbach: hehe ok03:00
\shdholbach: today's \sh teasing day03:02
ajmitchok, time for me to sleep03:04
=== ajmitch will be up in the morning to vote & close bugs ;)
=== jorgp2 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial-110.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Lathiathow do i sign an already generated source package?03:19
slomoLathiat: debsign03:20
=== jamessan [n=jamessan@c-24-218-220-129.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Lathiatslomo: ah thanks03:25
=== Lathiat was looking for dpkg*
=== tvo [n=tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== StrikeForce [n=marc@203-59-206-111.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachwho wants to do a follow up on the bug day announce? a reminder? :)03:29
dokoslomo: drpython: the wx docs are still accessed online, not from the docs dir. an even better fix would be to check, if the docs are installed, and fallback to online03:30
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:dholbach] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Ubuntu Universe Repository Maintainers | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUTodo | REVU up again: http://revu.tauware.de | First priority: FIX REMAINING TRANSITIONS! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Transitions | please check: http://tinyurl.com/btwff | It's the BUGDAY! :)
slomodoko: i've done that... and it shows the local docs for me ;)03:31
slomodoko: did you install wx2.6-docs?03:31
dholbacheverybody who wants to be involved in the bugday, join us on #ubuntu-bugs :)03:31
slomodoko: wx2.6-doc even03:31
dokoslomo: ok, but you have to restart drpython03:32
dokoafter installing the docs03:32
slomodoko: yes... the paths are filled at the start of drpython03:33
slomodoko: as it was before with the non-local paths too03:33
slomodoko: i wanted to change as less as possible03:34
dokothanks for the patch03:35
slomonp :) did you find someone for packaging the regexp stuff?03:35
Lathiatif im working on a bug in malone03:36
Lathiatshould i take it from being assigned to MOTU and assign to me?03:36
slomoLathiat: just accept it and leave it assigned to motu03:36
\shdeb http://archive.linux-server.org/ breezy/i386/03:37
slomo\sh: for what?03:37
\shto your sources.list , update, upgrade and run amarok ;)03:37
\shwine postponed ;)03:37
slomo\sh: i don't want amarok... i don't want qt... and i don't want kde ;P03:37
\shslomo: do it for me baby ;)03:37
Lathiatslomo: ok03:37
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Lathiatfor dh_installinit03:56
Lathiatdoes it install some default runleve03:56
Lathiatif its not specified anywhere03:56
=== bddebian is too dumb to know that :-(
slomoLathiat: no idea... it isn't that clear from the manpage ;)04:06
jamessan|workwhy wouldn't you specify the runlevel?04:07
dholbachhow are plans for beagle 0.1.0?04:09
\shok..wine 20050830 is building04:10
Lathiatslomo: mm i figured it out04:11
slomodholbach: i would update it but tseng is maintainer of beagle in debian and for us so i wait for him ;)04:12
dholbachi see04:12
dholbachdoes it work for you?04:12
slomobut i think he wants to update it for breezy :)04:12
slomono idea... i don't use beagle... i know where my stuff is and need nothing to search for it ;)04:13
dholbachme too04:13
dholbach :)04:13
dholbachi just thought people erm ... might like it :)04:13
slomosure... they will love it probably =)04:14
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slomohi ivoks04:22
ivoksto translate apps on LP, i should form loco team?04:23
slomotranslation team... yes... or join the one for your language04:24
ivoksthere is none :)04:25
bddebianHeya ivoks04:25
slomothen form one and tell some LP guru to add your team to the ubuntu translators team or how it was called ;)04:25
ivoksno need for CC?04:26
dholbachguys the party is on #ubuntu-bugs... not here :)04:26
slomoivoks: no idea04:26
slomodholbach: ok, i'll join... but i can't do much today... must learn for my math exam :(04:27
bddebiandholbach: :-)04:27
dholbachslomo: on monday?04:27
slomodholbach: friday... and i haven't done anything yet :()04:27
=== dholbach pushes slomo out of the channel, prepares him a tea and hands him a couple of books :)
slomodholbach: no books... i just need paper, a pencil and some pdfs ;)04:28
slomobut thanks for the tea :)04:28
dholbachthen print them and get yourself in the library04:29
slomowhy? because there is less "ablenkung"? (hm, how's this called in english?)04:29
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slomocan someone test what host -t MX slomosnail.de says for you?04:47
Nafalloslomosnail.de mail is handled by 10 m34s25.vlinux.de.04:48
\shshermann@shermann-laptop:~/packages/amarok/debian/patchwork/amarok-1.3.1/amarok/src/engine/gst/config$ host -t mx slomosnail.de04:48
\shslomosnail.de mail is handled by 10 m34s25.vlinux.de.04:49
Nafallo\sh: nice path ;-)04:49
slomothanks... then it's just old dns cache for the ubuntu mail servers ;) katie and malone stuff gets to my old isp currently :(04:49
slomosame for the mailinglists04:49
\shNafallo: well..I'm working ;)04:49
Nafallo\sh: /exec -o dude ;-)04:50
\shNafallo: well...I forgot all those nice ircII features long ago...now I'm on hand work ;)04:50
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zygasiretart: ping05:17
\shzyga: siretart is on holiday05:28
zyga\sh: ah, I wanted to get into revu05:29
zyga\sh: I read the wiki page and wanted to submit my gpg key05:29
\shzyga: hmmm..sistopy could help you when he is here05:32
\shslomo: libmms promoted...2 MOTUs == upload05:33
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\shI need some sleep before I discuss with mdz05:40
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dholbachi'm out for a bit of shopping, brb05:50
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jginzanybody mind helping out a neophyte with a question probably out of the league of the normal neophyte channel?05:57
jginzthere's a patch to openssh that i'd like to apply to it and then rebuild the deb file...05:58
jginzi've been reading every debian and ubuntu resource i can find, but nothing quite seems to work...05:59
Lathiatjginz: apt-get source openssh; go into the build dir and apply the patch then edit the changelog (you might use 'dch -i' to do this), give it a custom version e.g. <version>+jginz and run debuild, dont forget to apt-get build-dep openssh06:00
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jginzwhoa. okay -- let me go try that...06:00
jginzi was going the dpatch route... that sounds much easier...06:00
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NotThomMayhey, anyone cosidered adding http://freshmeat.net/projects/gimpshop/ as a package?06:01
ivokswhy would we have 2 same packages? :)06:03
jginzLathiat: I applied the patch, modified openssh-3.9p1/Changelog to add my entry, modified version.h to give it a custom version, renamed the source tree dir to match that custom version, went into the source tree dir and ran "sudo pdebuild", but it failed out saying dpatch could not be found -- i have dpatch, but i imagine that from the chroot, it can't find it...06:06
jginzagain i'm sorry for the neophyte questions -- i've never build a deb package before...06:07
ivoksjginz: did you change debian/rules?06:07
jginzivoks: no -- what changes need be made?06:08
ivoksit must include /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make06:08
ograNotThomMay, yes, i wanted to package it, but i'm missing te time to do that06:08
ivoksjginz: and you modified wrong changelog06:08
ivoksjginz: you should modify openssh-3.9p1/debian/changelog06:08
ivoksand you don't change source tree name06:09
jginzivoks: thank you... will go try again...06:10
ivoksjginz: upstream source must remain untouched06:11
ivoksjginz: all changes go in debian/ directory06:11
Lathiatjginz: you want to modify debian/changelog, and dont bother renaming the dir, and yes put the patch in debian/patches/<file>06:13
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=== Lathiat -> sleep
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bddebianIf a package wants the path to an app in configure, what's the best way to find it without hardcoding a path?06:39
ivokswhich :)06:42
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bddebianivoks: which what? ;-)06:43
ivoksbddebian: which app_name06:43
ivoksbddebian: for example, which firefox06:43
ivoksand save it in variable06:43
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bddebianivoks: It doesn't work :-(06:55
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jginzivoks and Lathiat: got it worked out -- thanks for your help... i'll definitely blog about my experience so it's googleable...07:01
dcravenI'm getting the lintian error "changelog-file-not-compressed".. I'm assuming that there is a way to compress the ChangeLog in the build process correct?07:01
dcravenAlso, I want to adopt a package from UniverseCandidates (starting with my own app). I currently have a .deb for it, but I'm trying to clean up lintian moaning (see above). Should I be moving this program from the "Source Location" list to the "already Handled or being handled" list found at UniverseCandidates?07:06
jamessan|workdcraven: a call to dh_compress should handle that07:07
dcravenjamessan|work: Oh good :). Cheers for that.07:08
j^Nafallo so you think to have scripts with numbers in /etc/dbus-1/event.d is the right thing for the long run?07:09
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jbaileyI know how to do syncs for things that are already in Ubuntu.  Do I have to do anything special to sync something that *isn't* in Ubuntu but is in Debian?07:38
jbaileyapparently there's a linux-dvb-headers package that isn't over.07:38
jbaileyOr is there a list of packages that haven't made it and reasons why?07:38
dholbachjbailey: just ask elmo to sync it07:40
dholbachjbailey: they might have hit debian after out auto-syncs07:40
jbaileydholbach: 'k, thanks.07:41
dholbachde rien :)07:41
chillywillyhi jeffy07:41
dcravenShould a deb be lintian-warning-free before accepted by MOTU? I get the binary-without-manpage warning, aside from that.. All clean.07:41
dholbachmanpages are good :)07:42
chillywillywtfm ;)07:42
dcravendholbach: Somehow I knew you'd say that :)07:42
dholbachyou can put it up for review no matter how advanced your package is07:42
dholbachyou can let it be reviewed while you work on it07:42
dholbachthat's no problem07:42
jbaileyHeya Danny-boy07:42
dholbachdid you read wiki.ubuntu.com/REVU?07:42
dholbachjbailey: i hope you're not talking to ME? ;-p07:43
dcravendholbach: I have it open in my browser. Does that count? :P07:43
dholbachjbailey: how are you?07:43
dholbachdcraven: that's a good start :)07:43
dcravendholbach: I figured I'd work on the lintian issues since it'll need doing eventually.07:43
jbaileydholbach: *lol*07:44
jbaileydholbach: No, answering chillywilly. =)07:44
jbaileydholbach: I'm well, tired.07:44
jbaileydholbach: There were some crazy heat waves that have finally stopped.  Angie's away this weekend so I'll catch up on stuff. =)07:44
jbaileydholbach: you?07:44
dholbachjbailey: i had quite a difficult time without internet, but finally after some tantrums, i finally live in berlin AND have internet ;)07:45
dholbachjbailey: i'll catch up on the weekend too, i'm fine, thanks :)07:45
jbaileyCool. =)07:45
=== neoliminal [n=neolimin@cpe-66-65-152-2.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jbaileyI'm sad that I didn't make it to the Berlin Love Festival.07:45
jbaileyDo you think they'll ever have it again?07:45
dholbachif they manage to clean up after themselves, i'm quite sure they'll make it :)07:46
dcravendholbach: Are you saying that I should be registering as an uploader as per the REVU page? I assumed some qualifications were required for that.07:46
neoliminalHi, someone told me this is where I ask for things to be included in universe.07:46
dholbachdcraven: write a signed mail to siretart07:46
dcravendholbach: Okay.07:46
dholbachneoliminal: wiki.ubuntu.com/UniverseCandidates is for that - what do you want us to include?07:46
chillywillydanny boy the pipes, the pipes are calling07:47
dholbachneoliminal: what is it about?07:47
dholbacha photoshop-like thing for the gimp?07:47
neoliminalIt's a version of gimp that has all the tools in the same places you'd find them in photoshop.07:47
dholbachi see07:47
dholbachis it a "plugin" or a "fork"?07:47
neoliminalIt makes the transition to Gimp much easier.07:47
neoliminalwas a plugin.07:48
dholbachis it well-maintained?07:48
neoliminalnow it's a fork.07:48
neoliminalslashdot just did a story on it.07:48
dholbachwould you like to take care of it?07:48
neoliminalyou can check it yourself.07:48
neoliminalI'm not sure what that means.07:48
dholbachwe'd help you get there :)07:48
neoliminalTell me what is involved.07:48
dholbachusually packages are better maintained by people who have a desperate need for those tools07:49
dholbachso if you'd get some help in packaging it up, you'd update it every now and then, report bugs to upstream, try to tackle some thing yourself, ... :)07:49
dholbachgenerally that's what a maintainer's life is about :)07:49
dholbachi'm not quite sure, if i could handle a package i wouldn't use07:50
dholbach... don't use ...07:50
dholbachbut it sounds useful07:50
neoliminalYes, I see the advantages.07:50
neoliminalThe only real problem here is that I'm really a graphics guy...07:50
neoliminalKinda scared of the whole unixy thing07:50
neoliminalIs it hard to maintain a package?07:51
dholbachi see :)07:51
dholbachif you don't like it, that's no problem07:51
dholbachi wouldn't push you into it07:51
dholbachjust offer it to you07:51
neoliminalI'm honoured.07:51
neoliminalBut scared.07:51
dholbachyou can also just add it to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UniverseCandidates :)07:51
=== dholbach [i=foobar@i577B09C0.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dcravendholbach: About, UniverseCandidates.. The package I'm working on is listed there already. Should I take it off/move it/leave it alone? Hate to duplicate an' all. :)07:54
dholbachthere's a section "packages being worked on" or something07:54
dholbachyou could move it there07:54
dholbachthanks for that07:55
dcravendholbach: I'll do it now. I appreciate the guidance.07:55
dholbachdcraven: i enjoy it, thanks :)07:55
dholbachdcraven: if you want me to look at your package beforehand (siretart is in holidays afaik), just tell me07:56
dcravenOkay. Let me put it on my server for you. What files would you like, just the deb?07:57
dholbachjust the source package07:58
dholbach.diff.gz .orig.tar.gz .dsc07:58
dholbachplease :)07:58
dcravenOh. Okay.07:58
dholbachyou can't review a .deb properly, there's too much of stuff missing07:58
dcravendholbach: Okay. I'm lookin' around for those.. I see the dsc here.07:59
dholbachand a .tar.gz?07:59
dcravendholbach: Yes.08:00
dholbachput up those two... you did a "native package"08:00
neoliminalOk, I'm trying to figure out how to put up a request on the page you sent me to... UniverseCandidates.... but it doesn't seem to want to let me edit the page?!?08:01
dholbachdcraven: ok generally, you should take the .tar.gz you download from upstream, then move it to appname_version.orig.tar.gz, then unpack it, then add the debian/ dir and then build the source package08:02
dholbachneoliminal: oh, did you create an account for the ubuntu pages?08:02
dholbachneoliminal: you just need one for bugzilla/launchpad/wiki/...08:03
dholbachif not that's fine, just /query me the link, the package name and a description and i'll add it08:03
dholbachdcraven: so just rename the .tar.gz - don't do changes to it, that's why it's called "orig.tar.gz" ;)08:04
dcravendholbach: Okay. I never actually downloaded the tarball from upstream though. I *am* the upstream. I just branched svn when it was time for release.08:04
dholbachah i see08:04
dholbachso you'd better do a clean release, without the debian/ crack in it, that's nicer, because you get a .diff.gz which gives you only the debian/ubuntu changes08:05
dcravendholbach: By clean release, you mean exclude the debian/ crack from the release tarball?08:07
dholbachthat's nicer - imagine you release 1.2.3-1 and i do a quick fix 1.2.3-2 - the diff will look terrible :)08:08
neoliminalok, I added it to the request list!08:09
neoliminalYah me!08:09
dcravenOkay.. I might understand. Instead of branching svn (which includes debian crack), and building the .deb in there, I should use an official release tarball (which I assume excludes the debian crack), and build the package outside of the svn branch.08:09
dholbachneoliminal: super :)08:09
neoliminalHave a nice day guys!08:09
dcravenBye neoliminal08:09
dholbachdcraven: yeah that sounds good to me :)08:09
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dholbachneoliminal: thank you08:09
dcravendholbach: Okay then. I'll give that a shot.08:10
dcravendholbach: In the meantime, here is the goods --> http://arker.homelinux.org/~dcraven/newton-0.0.9-stuff/08:10
dcravenI'll go get me a tarball.08:10
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siretarthi folks08:14
dholbachhey siretart08:14
dholbachhey thesaltydog08:14
siretarthuhu dholbach!08:15
siretarthome, sweet home.. :)08:15
dholbachdcraven: shall i make a list of what i spotted and mail you that list?08:15
\shSIRETART !!!08:16
siretarthuhu \sh! :)08:16
siretartglad to see/read you all again :)08:16
\shdude, how was your holiday?08:16
siretartwas fine. quiet, in the middle of austria.08:17
siretartnice 'huetten' - nice lake: and the best: all the week just sunshine! :)08:17
=== jorgp2 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial2-245.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shsiretart: wow...:)08:18
dcravendholbach: Absolutely.08:18
dcravendholbach: Long list? :P08:19
dholbachdcraven: i'm not through yet :)08:20
thesaltydogdholbach, ciao daniel08:21
thesaltydogsiretart, hi08:22
siretarthuhu thesaltydog08:22
=== bradb [n=bradb@modemcable033.209-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachdcraven: if you want to become a MOTU and maintain the universe with us (and i'd like to have you ther ;))) - you should have a look at wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto - it's a deadly useful tool for building in a separate environment and checking build depends, ... :)08:24
thesaltydogdholbach, I remember you told me months ago the same thing..08:25
\shcan somebody confirm the xpdf bug (malone #2148)08:26
dholbachdcraven: just sent it08:26
thesaltydogdcraven, daniel is right. And I can add that pbuilder in an irreplaceable tool..08:26
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dholbach\sh: yes08:28
dcravendholbach: Thanks.08:29
dholbach\sh: you have to debug xpdf.bin08:29
\shdholbach: hmmm...than it's upstream...cause 3.01 has it as well08:29
dcraventhesaltydog: Okay.08:29
dholbach\sh: X b0rkage?  0xb7d4be74 in XtChangeManagedSet () from /usr/lib/libXt.so.608:29
dcravenI'll look into the PbuilderHowto prior to rebuilding a clean build for review.08:29
dholbachdunno if it actually is X08:30
dholbachdcraven: excellent08:30
thesaltydogdholbach, deja-vu.08:30
dcravendholbach: Thanks for the detail in the email.08:36
dcravendholbach: Should I put comments/questions about those points in a reply to that email?08:36
dholbachas you like it - if you have trouble, feel free to ping me about it08:37
dcravendholbach: Okay.08:37
siretarthuiui.. daniels was very busy during my absence.. upgrading from xorg -60 to -67 ;)08:39
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\shthat was a little step for me, but a big step for the breezy community ;)08:50
\shamarok_1.3.1-0ubuntu1 finally hit the archives...now everybody can blame me08:51
=== Gervystar [n=gervysta@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
thesaltydogdholbach, I have carefully read this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTURecruitment08:58
thesaltydogdholbach, ..signed the Code of COnduct, applied for membership, updated my wiki page..08:59
dcraventhesaltydog: I did the same :)08:59
dholbachwow... so you'll be in one of the next CC meetings?08:59
thesaltydogdholbach, ...and I am also running pbuilder!08:59
thesaltydogdholbach, I was asking you: now, what?08:59
dholbachthesaltydog: if you want to be a MOTU, work with the team, attend the meeting and you'll be fine :)09:00
thesaltydogwhen the meeting will be?09:00
dholbachwiki.ubuntu.com/Calendar has all the dates09:01
thesaltydogI'll be there..09:01
dholbachthesaltydog: you might want to comment on: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31366809:02
dholbachthesaltydog: didn't you solve the hardlink issue in baobab?09:02
siretartbtw, what happened with network-manager? did someone upload j^'s package?09:02
thesaltydoghardlink? Baobab has no open issues...09:03
dholbachdaniel@lovegood:~$ apt-cache show network-manager | grep Maintainer09:03
dholbachMaintainer: Jan Gerber <j@bootlab.org>09:03
dholbachsiretart: ^^^09:03
siretartw000t :)09:03
dholbachthesaltydog: that's not what i said :) you solved the hardlink problem, didn't you?09:04
dholbachthesaltydog: some weeks ago09:04
thesaltydogdholbach, yes, it is working very nice.09:04
dholbachthesaltydog: then you could probably comment on the bug :)09:04
thesaltydogdholbach, let me have a look at that nautilus bug.09:04
dholbachthesaltydog: i think they just want to have an idea of where "to go" next09:05
\shok preparing 20050725er wine09:10
\sh20050830 has bugs09:10
dholbach\sh: software always does09:12
\shdholbach: but most of the time u won't see them happening ;)09:14
=== \sh is the biggest software bug ,-)
siretartbreezy+1 == dapper?09:16
siretarthow to translate that to german?09:17
\shdholbach: u are the apt-cache specialist...whats the easiest way to check which package is in main, regarding apt-cache rdepends xterm ,-)09:17
siretartah. adretter erpel.. ic :)09:17
\shsiretart: breezy badger +1 == dapper drake == adretter erpel ;)09:17
dholbachapt-cache rdepends xterm | xargs apt-cache show | grep Directory | grep main             or something09:18
dholbachyou might go via grep-dctrl too09:18
dholbachbut i have no clue about it :)09:18
thesaltydogdholbach, I have added a comment to that bug. Thank you.09:20
dholbachthank you09:21
dcravenhaha.. pbuilder needs to apt-get half of ubuntu-desktop to build my package ;P09:32
dcravenNeato though.09:33
dholbachhehe :)09:35
dholbachbut it will keep the packages09:35
thesaltydogdcraven, be sure to run an update of pbuilder each time you start using it.09:35
bddebianSo, what's the best way for me to determine where a file resides to pass to configure in debian/rules?09:36
dcravenOh crud. It's because I forgot to remove the gnome-common build dep like dholbach told me to :(09:38
dcraven<-- dummy09:38
bddebianCmon' \sh / slomo, help me out here d00ds09:38
thesaltydogbddebian, an executable or a script?09:38
bddebianthesaltydog: I need to do something like: ./configure --with-lib=/usr/lib/tcl8.4 but I don't want to rely on it being tcl8.409:39
dcraventhesaltydog: Thanks for the tip.09:39
\shbddebian: I'm busy ... whats up09:39
bddebian\sh: Never mind.  You don't love me anymore. :'-(09:40
dholbachdcraven: take your time09:40
siretarthey bddebian!!09:40
\shbddebian: hahaha...hey, I have special duties ;)09:40
bddebianHeya siretart09:40
bddebian\sh: :-)09:40
\shsecret missions etc.09:40
\shbddebian: if u let me do my work, u will have at least later this day a new wine ;)09:43
bddebianwine or whine? ;-)09:43
\shbddebian: choose ;)09:43
\shMithrandir: ping can you please " apt-get install  libicu28-dev libjack0.80.0-dev libcapi20-dev docbook-utils docbook-xsl fontforge" on ravel breezy chroot? thx :)09:45
\shah no risk no fun09:47
\shfor the releasenotes: if anybody is to blame that breezy is lame, then blame \sh ,-)09:49
\shsiretart: press the search button when u loaded a pdf document09:50
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siretart\sh: ok. thanks.. you are right..09:54
\shsiretart: i checked as well 3.01 from debian...same09:54
siretart\sh: backtrace seems to me like the crasher in ddd09:54
\shapt-get install fluxbox09:54
\shchecking xterm bugs09:55
siretart\sh: this would mean bug in libXt :(09:55
\shsiretart: oh no09:55
\shsiretart: can u file it in bugzilla for daniels?09:55
\shI have to get rid of some bugs in xterm09:55
siretart\sh: you mean this one: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1494309:56
siretartI'm not sure if they are related. at the first glance, the backtraces look similar09:57
\shsiretart: could be lesstif as well09:57
\shsiretart: xpdf uses lesstif09:57
siretartperhaps some abi change? lets rebuild lesstif09:58
\shlesstif2 didn't work with it09:58
\shsiretart: can u take it? I'm really busy with xterm blaeh09:58
bddebianbmonty: ping?09:58
siretart\sh: I'm on it09:58
siretartddd still crashes..09:58
\shsiretart: thx man09:59
bddebianDidn't ace get uploaded?09:59
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siretart\sh: you wont believe it, but rebuilding lesstif cured both xpdf and ddd for me[tm] 10:19
\shsiretart: upload ;)10:19
siretart\sh: just a sek ;)10:19
\shsiretart: I will upload xpdf-3.01 then10:20
bddebianAnyone got a PPC handy?10:21
siretart\sh: it seems that dependending apps do not need to be rebuilt. whats the diff to 3.00?10:21
siretartbddebian: slomo, I think10:22
\shsiretart: a lot10:24
siretarta lot sounds like potential new bugs..10:24
siretart\sh: lesstif1-1_0.93.94-11.4ubuntu3_source.changes ACCEPTED10:26
siretartbuilds both lesstif1 and lesstif210:26
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dholbachhow do we handle audiocd-burning from nautilus-cd-burner? is it possible at all?10:27
Lathiatdholbach: you use serpentine10:28
Lathiatdholbach: sound & video -> create audio cd10:28
Lathiatdholbach: or from rhythmbox10:28
dholbachso nautilus-cd-burner is not usable at all for audio cd burning?10:28
=== dholbach burned the last audio cd 10 years ago or something
dholbachi'm looking at #13147 and #1316810:29
dholbachthat's why i ask10:29
=== Lathiat looks
dholbachi meant #13168 and #14841 - sorry10:31
Lathiatwell, 13147 isnt to do with audio cds10:31
Lathiatoh i see10:31
Lathiat*copy* audio cds10:31
Lathiatthats different10:31
Lathiatthat needs some attention10:31
Lathiatbut would require promoting cdrdao to main10:32
Lathiatbe nice if we could, tho10:32
dholbachi wonder how we get all that crack on one CD :)10:33
dholbacheverything is in main these days ;)10:33
Lathiatnot all of main is on the cd10:34
dholbachi know, but on the DVD :)10:34
Lathiati suspect overtime10:34
Lathiatmain will overgrow a dvd10:34
dcravendholbach: At your leisure :) --> http://arker.homelinux.org/~dcraven/newton-0.0.9-stuff/10:42
dcravendholbach: I *think* I incorporated all of the changes you mentioned. And that is built with pbuilder.10:42
dholbachtry to nam the orig.tar.gz like this:    newton_0.0.9.orig.tar.gz10:43
dholbachhey chillywilly10:44
dholbachhow's it going?10:44
dholbachhappy bugday everybody! :)10:45
dcravenIt's bugday?10:45
dholbachdcraven: after that you'll only need the .orig.tar.gz, the .diff.gz and .dsc10:45
chillywillyit's going10:45
Lathiatand to you to!10:45
dholbachyeah! :)10:45
dholbach#ubuntu-bugs has the party crowd :)10:45
=== chillywilly is actually making openwrt packages
dcravendholbach: Okay. I'm doing that now. I'll let you know when it's done and give you that link again. I was wondering why I never gott the diff.gz10:46
dholbachdcraven: i did a million times wrong, before i got it right - don't worry :)10:46
dcravenSilly underscores :)10:46
siretartdholbach: we have in breezy multiverse an quite old version of acroread (which is probably affected by and security bug). I'm inclined to replace it with panthera's package: http://ftp.debian-unofficial.org/debian/pool/non-free/a/acroread/ - do you have any objections?10:47
Lathiatsiretart: where did the current packages come from10:48
dholbachsiretart: shall we bother have a look at it?10:48
\shthere it is...a new wine10:48
siretartLathiat: the current is from marillat10:48
\shDiziet had some legal issues with it10:49
\shwith acroread10:49
Lathiatok, well if it works sounds good to me10:49
siretartdholbach: well, it is non-free and multiverse anyway..10:49
Lathiat\sh: oh?10:49
\shthere is some paragraph newly included it seems...10:49
siretart\sh: acroread is full of legal issues, thats the reason it is in multiverse.10:49
siretart\sh: you mean new in 7.0.1?10:49
\shsiretart: talk to diziet please :) he just mentioned it yesterday I think10:50
dholbachsiretart: it's ok for me10:50
dcravendholbach: Look better? --> http://arker.homelinux.org/~dcraven/newton-0.0.9-stuff/10:54
dholbachwill look in a sec10:54
siretart\sh: I just debdiffed the package. I don't see changes to license10:56
siretart\sh: panthera basically took marillats package and did some polishing on it10:57
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dcravenBugday isn't for another like 7 hours for me :)11:04
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dholbachdcraven: are you on hoary still?11:04
cogumbreirolo all11:04
dholbachhey cogumbreiro :)11:04
dcravendholbach: No. Breezy.11:04
cogumbreirodholbach: daniel?11:04
dholbachcogumbreiro: yeah :)11:06
cogumbreirodholbach: i'm think i'm going to make the release now11:07
dholbachcogumbreiro: super... well done :)11:08
dholbachman, you're a hero - you worked on it non-stop it seems :)11:09
siretart\sh: was diziet objection against the new version or against acroread itself?11:09
\shagainst acroread11:09
siretartthen it doesn't matter if I upload a new version11:10
dholbachagainst it in general, i think :)11:10
siretartok. uploading :)11:10
cogumbreirodholbach: i did :D specially because i know you guys are on a tight schedule to freeze packages (which already hapened)11:10
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dholbachdcraven: sent it11:13
dholbachgood to have you around, cogumbreiro11:13
dholbachi'm out for a dog walk, brb11:14
=== Hirion [n=Hirion@p5487F829.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsengslomo: no i dont maintain beagle in debian now11:25
\shslomo: did anything changed regarding http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1504311:29
siretart\sh: is the xpdf boog fixed for you, too?11:30
\shsiretart: just compiling it..11:31
\shsiretart: I'm just walking over my assigned bugzilla bugs ;)11:31
Lathiatsiretart: new acroread11:34
Lathiatsiretart: i assume i can close malone/2057 now11:34
siretartLathiat: yes!11:35
phlaegelcogumbreiro: would it be possible to add the 21 minute length cds to the option list in serpentine?11:37
cogumbreirophlaegel: it could, but i didn't knew they exited :)11:38
phlaegelthey're those little 180MB discs11:38
cogumbreiroyeah, sure i'll add that11:39
phlaegelthanks :-)11:39
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\shsiretart: works11:42
\shwith new lesstiff11:42
siretart\sh: rock! another bug bites the dust ;)11:42
siretart\sh: can you close the malone bug then?11:42
\shsiretart: yeah...thx man :) uploading xpdf-3.0111:42
\shsiretart: sure :)11:42
\shTHIS TEAM ROCKS :)11:43
dholbachyeah :)11:43
siretarthehe :)11:43
Burgundaviais there a good guide someone for packaging python stuff11:43
siretartBurgundavia: depends. try looking at existing python packages11:44
\shsiretart: closed :)11:45
dholbachBurgundavia: you could talk to dcraven :)11:46
Lathiathrm, anyone got any problems with syncing bochs from debian? minor version upgrade, fixes a bunch of bugs and some unmet build-dep stuff11:49
dholbachfine with me11:50
dholbachif it builds and works11:50
Lathiatyeh, testing that now11:50
dholbachwhat about those  items on REVU?11:51
LathiatY[]  makes no sense to me ;p11:51
=== dholbach supposes "U+2665 BLACK HEART SUIT" is better :)
=== persia [n=persia@p3101-ipbf412marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Burgundavia is, as usual, completely baffled by Debian packaging
chillywillythe black art of packaging11:57
LathiatBurgundavia: heh11:58
Lathiatdholbach: yes thanks :)11:58
tsengdholbach: <311:58
dholbachhey tseng :)11:59
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dholbachhow are you?12:01
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