
hungerRiddell: The new 3.5 kdm theme has all messed up fonts here (130dpi display): They run over icons and everything.12:30
apokryphos\sh: how did the amaroking go?01:01
=== apokryphos is really hoping it gets in
crimsunapokryphos: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/a/amarok/2:1.3.1-0ubuntu1/01:03
\shapokryphos: hit the archives long ago :)01:04
apokryphosheh, ok, great stuff.01:04
\shapokryphos: say thx to mark and matt :)01:04
apokryphoscrimsun: it's in breezy now01:04
crimsunapokryphos: I know01:04
apokryphos\sh: allowing it in? Cool. 8)01:04
crimsunwe're more current than OpenSUSE ;)01:04
\shapokryphos: yes..mark wanted it..and matt said yes..01:05
apokryphosMark using kde apps? Perfect; will have to jump on him for the full conversion :D01:05
apokryphoshe does seem to know quite a bit about kde though; saw his talk at the kde aKademy; good stuff01:10
\shapokryphos: no...he is listening 01:11
\shapokryphos: and reads MLs01:11
\shapokryphos: he likes the community work :)01:11
\shapokryphos: anyways..it was matt decision to break the freeze01:11
apokryphosgood to hear01:12
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apokryphosKGet integration with Konqueror seems to be completely bust02:01
apokryphosunderstandable to not have it as a default (though I think it would be cool for 3.5, since they've done the whole "make kget cool" project, and it actually looks nice now), but still 8)02:02
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\shapokryphos: do u see amaroks memory leak?02:16
apokryphos\sh: the one from your repo or one in breezy now?02:17
\shthe one in breezy 02:17
apokryphosYour one ran fine for the couple of hours I used it (as I mentioned). Just fired up breezy one now -- no problems yet02:17
\shapokryphos: it's the same actually02:18
\shbecause I have a bugreport about mem leak and it's true02:18
apokryphosno idiosyncrasies from amarok yet02:18
\shbut only when it plays mp302:18
apokryphosI only ever play mp3s02:18
apokryphoshm, I use xine engine02:19
apokryphosbut wait, you're saying the problem's with -mad? Doesn't everyone in ubu-gnome use that for mp3s?02:20
\shI know it's there...but I'm not sure if it's amarok itself, or gstreamer...I guess it's gstreamer02:21
apokryphosI doubt it. Surely others would've noticed it (and previous versions of amarok would have had the problem, no?)02:21
\shapokryphos: 1.2.4 had problems as well 02:22
apokryphosweird, never heard anyone report such things in IRC, and I used gstreamer engine myself for a few days02:23
apokryphoscould be another annoying sporadic one02:23
apokryphos(like Konqueror crashes, gah)02:23
\shapokryphos: if u see something please comment on http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1561702:24
apokryphoswill do02:25
apokryphoswill run gst engine too for the timebeing02:25
apokryphosbug so far looks, erm, helpful :D02:26
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mitsuhikomoin all04:46
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author_hi guys10:32
\shhi author_ 10:34
author_hi \sh10:35
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hungerIs it possible to move the kdm theme files into /etcc?12:38
hungerI need to adjust the font sizes and those settings keep getting overwritten on updates.12:38
Riddellhunger: adjust the sizes to something that works and I'll include that in the next update01:36
\shRiddell: the mem leak in amarok is back...and I think it's the engines01:44
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mitsuhiko\sh: amarok sucks :(02:53
mitsuhiko\sh: crashes while playing. for testing i compiled 1.3.1 also and i'm getting the same errors02:53
mitsuhiko\sh: maybe you should upload 1.3-beta302:53
\shtoo late02:54
\shI had those crashes  too this morning after starting up my laptop...02:55
\shbut only with gstreamer02:55
Riddelldoes kaffeine video work for people?03:27
\shi have a funny colorful display..but no video...03:30
\shgstreamer that is03:31
mitsuhikostrange. gstreamer worked everytime fine for me03:32
\shlemme try xine engine03:34
\shxine engine works correct03:35
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Mezwhy has the whole of KDE been rebuilt?04:50
mitsuhiko\sh: you're right. xine seems to work04:57
mitsuhikovery strange04:58
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Mezooh, I like the new artwork05:37
hungerMez: So do I... but the fonts are too big in the kdm theme here.05:38
Meznot for me, though my desktop icons seem bigger for some reason05:38
mitsuhikonew artwork?05:39
mitsuhikoanyone screenshots?05:39
Mezjust the desktop wallpper, but it's a start05:43
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mitsuhikoMez: nice05:58
mitsuhikoMez: you should replace the crystal iconset with nouvaXT05:58
Mezwhat is that?06:05
MezI cant find it anywhere06:05
mitsuhikoMez: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2644906:10
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_tonioI was discussing with DH concerning a package that gives :non-dev-pkg-with-shlib-symlink usr/lib/libkatalog.so.0.0.0 usr/lib/libkatalog.so with lintian06:17
Riddell_tonio: DH?06:17
Riddelloh, daniel06:17
_toniois it really a problem if a package installs a lib if there is no corresponding dev package ?06:17
_tonioDaniel (dh@mailempfang.de)06:18
_toniohe is not sure of what to think of that error06:18
Riddell_tonio: if that package is the only package that's going to use that library I don't see a problem, but it shouldn't then install dev files like .h and unnecessary symlinks06:18
_tonioI have seen that your katapult package is built the same way06:18
_tonioso I can paste that to Daniel06:18
Riddellyou can try, me and Daniel don't always agree on packaging best practice :)06:19
_tonioand because I have you, the is a change in breezy on katapult package, it seems to be configure not to display in the tray right ?06:19
_tonioyes I know Daniel is STRICT ! But that helps progressing lol06:20
_tonioI'm gonna package about 23 kde apps this week ;)06:20
Riddell_tonio: yes, unnecessary systray icons are evil06:20
Riddell_tonio: cool, what are you going to package?06:20
_toniowell the non displaying of katapult causes a problem if you change the global hotkeys to fit for example to windows one06:20
_tonioyou loose the alt+space and have no possibility to change it 06:21
_toniolet me tell you.......06:21
Riddell_tonio: well why would you change it to that then 06:21
_toniowhy ? because I unfortunatly have to work with both all the day and having the same shorcuts is better ;)06:21
_tonioso I generally change kde defaut hotkeys to fit to windows ones06:22
Riddelland you changed katapult to what?06:23
_toniowell that's specific I admit, but hidding the icon can cause a problem if you want to play with hotkeys.....06:23
_tonioI didn't change katapult to something06:23
Riddellyou changed KDE to "windows shortcuts"?06:23
_tonioit was alt+space, like by default, but apparently changing the global hotkeys crashed that06:24
_toniowindows hotkeys excuse me06:24
_toniothat causes katapult's alt+space not to work06:24
RiddellI just changed KDE to "Windows Scheme with Win Key" and it's still there06:25
Riddellare you sure you have katapult running?06:25
_tonioCertainly a local problem, I'll check by myself, forget that ;)06:27
_tonioso here is the list of package i'm gonna add (of approved)06:28
_tonioscribus KleanSweep soundKonverter KDing Klear Keepass/L Tellico kxmame iList Qanava KDE DVD Authoring Wizard Wireless Assistant Smb4K kdetv  KCheckGmail KDM Theme Manager katalog klamav kbootsplash kinstaller06:28
_tonioKFTPGrabber (update to last beta more stable that 0.6)06:29
_tonioQtparted (upgrade to 0.4.5)06:29
_tonioahhhhhhhhh switching to windows hotkeys puts alt+space activate "window operations menu"06:30
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Riddell_tonio: scribus has been packaged06:56
Riddell_tonio: I'm pretty sure smb4k has too06:57
_tonioah ?06:59
_toniookay, I didn't actually look at the package list06:59
_tonioI have a problem with gpg06:59
_toniodo you know if gpg.conf file has disapeared in the last version ?07:00
Riddell~/.gnupg/options has always been the GPG configuration file07:09
\sh_tonio: kcheckgmail is packaged as well07:11
\shkatalog i saw somewhere07:12
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_tonioRiddell: strangly it has dissapeared... I didn't touch at that for month, well I recreated it, bizarre............07:15
_tonio\sh: katalog isn't packaged, what you saw is probably my uploaded one no ?07:20
\sh_tonio: where? on revu?07:21
\shthis can be ;)07:22
_toniostill a problem with rpath actually, I'm correcting this07:22
_toniothe problem is that I lost my key during a HDD crash.........07:22
_tonioI have to wait for sirestart to validate my access with the new key07:23
_tonio\sh: concerning adept, if wy have suggestions can we email the dev ? Or is he too busy ?07:34
\sh_tonio: what? sorry...I'm watching go-open video right now ;)07:37
_tonioah no pb07:37
_toniowell there is an important feature that is not in adept actually, and I didn't see anything concerning the addition of that in the future07:38
_tonioa function to system the system state, and import that on another machine, in order to reinstall al the packages easilly07:39
_tonioI always use that in synaptic, and even kynaptic has it...07:39
Riddell_tonio: how do you do that in kynaptic?07:46
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_tonio Riddell let me check08:15
_tonioRiddell: in fact I never use kynaptic, but there are 2 options "import marked changes" and "export marked changes"08:19
_tonioisn't thatexporting the selections ? or maybe just what you changed before applying ?08:20
_toniookay I looked and it doesn't add already packages, just unapplyed changes... But the algo is about the same that synaptic, and the exported file is exactly the same synthax...08:27
_tonioRiddell: and to finish it is possible to import the synaptic export to install everything08:29
Riddell_tonio: how do you do it i synaptic?08:29
_tonioexport marked changes08:29
_tonioor import08:29
_tonioif you import an export done with synaptic is seems to work08:29
RiddellI don't have those options in synaptic08:29
_toniohu ?08:30
RiddellFile menu has Read Markings and Save Markings08:30
_toniostrange, I don't have that.....08:30
Riddellin breezy08:30
_toniobut in any case it is like kynaptic except that the export doesn't export the actuall selection...08:31
_tonioBut hacking this part of code should be very easy I assume....08:31
_tonioRiddell: I have breezy lol ;)08:31
Riddellstrange.  but file a wishlist for adept on bugs.kde.org asking for package selection import and export08:32
_tonioyep, that's a must have !08:32
_tonioyou can try to import in kynaptic a synaptic selection, it'll work ;)08:33
Riddellwell I could if my synaptic wanted to export its selecitons08:33
_tonioarf ;)08:33
_tonioRiddell: do you want a synaptic export to test ? with dcc08:35
Riddell_tonio: sure.  URL please08:36
_tonioRiddell: arf freenode dosn't allow... (i'm not registered)08:38
_tonioyour email please ?08:38
_tonioRiddell: mail is sent08:43
_toniosorry but my webserver is down at the moment and I don't have apache installed ;)08:44
_tonioso I didn't have any account for giving you an URL08:45
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Riddell\sh: amarok was doing evil things to my computer this morning having left it on over night, which was me thinking that 1.3.1 is broken but I just relised I have 1.2.4 installed09:05
\shRiddell: oops...09:06
=== hunger [n=hunger@p54A62BDF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddell_tonio: that KDM theme is cool09:19
Riddellopinions?  http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2921509:19
Tm_Tone moment...09:21
\shRiddell: try it with 1.3.1 ;)09:21
Tm_TRiddell: uhm, are you serious?09:22
Tm_TTAKE IT TAKE IT!! =)09:22
Tm_T(too muvh coffee&chocolate, sorry)09:22
Riddell\sh: try what?09:22
\shRiddell: amarok running the whole night09:23
Riddell\sh: will do tonight09:24
\shRiddell: will do it as well...have enough mp3s for the night09:24
Tm_T\sh: ?09:24
Tm_TI do it every night (almost)09:25
Tm_Tso what's the problem?09:25
\shTm_T: 1.3.1 with gstreamer engine? and mad plugin?09:26
\shTm_T: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1561709:26
Tm_Tgst yes, and mad... I think yes09:26
\shno mem leak09:27
Tm_Thaven't noticed yet09:28
Tm_TI'll test it09:28
_tonioRiddell: I love that kdm+wallpaper, really ;)09:29
RiddellI wonder if it's too Mac OS X09:30
\shRiddell: woooo09:30
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Riddellhunger: could you try that theme on your display?09:32
_toniofor those who want to test here is the associated wallpaper : http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2917509:33
_tonioI didn't found the icon theme the guy is using, which is beautifull too !!09:34
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mitsuhikohi KaiL09:44
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mitsuhikowb author_09:52
mitsuhikoauthor_: you've got a underscore09:52
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MezRiddell: ping11:58
RiddellMez: yo11:59

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