
MezRiddell, you already do have access to katapult svn12:04
RiddellMez: berlios svn+ssh doesn't like my password12:04
MezI cant do anything if that's the case12:05
Mezyou should have access it's all set up this end12:05
Riddellhmm, suspect it's a ssh key issue then12:08
Riddellrefreshed.  6 hours to see if it'll work12:08
Mezjust upload your key through the wenbsite12:12
Mezor something12:12
Mezor use your berlios password12:12
Mezif your berlios and your ssh key are different, try both12:12
MezI can never teell the sdifference between ther prompts for them12:12
RiddellMez: could you apt-get install kde-guidance and see if the modules appear in systemsettings?12:19
Riddellor anyone else who is still awake12:19
Riddelldo an apt-get update first12:20
Tm_TI wish I could12:23
RiddellTm_T: why can't you?12:24
Tm_Tlack of proper connection12:25
Riddellwhat's improper about it?12:25
Tm_Tgprs in windows machine12:25
MezRiddell: breezy ok?12:26
Tm_Tmeaning, 3kt/s laggy unstable connection, and I can't get this working in linux :/12:26
Mezkt ?12:26
Tm_TI hope I get my adsl soon12:27
Mezwhat am i looking for in system settings riddell?12:27
RiddellMez: three extra (pixelated) icons in the bottom row12:31
MezThe following extra packages will be installed:12:31
Mez  python-kde3 python2.4-kde3 python2.4-qt3 python2.4-sip4-qt312:31
MezSuggested packages:12:31
Mez  python-qt3-doc12:31
MezThe following NEW packages will be installed:12:31
Mez  python-kde3 python2.4-kde3 python2.4-qt3 python2.4-sip4-qt312:31
MezThe following packages will be upgraded:12:31
Mez  kde-guidance12:31
Mez1 upgraded, 4 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.12:31
Riddellmm hmm12:32
MezRiddell: I dont know if they're extra, buyt I have 2 pixelated icons on the bottom row12:33
Mezdisk and filesystemes, users and groups, and system services12:33
Riddellactually try clicking on one, see if it complains12:33
Mez"the module systemservices could not be loaded"12:33
Mez"library files for libpython2.4.so" not in path12:34
Riddellwhat happens when you run serviceconfig from the command line?12:35
Mezone sec12:35
Mezyou just need a Depends: python2.4-dev12:36
Mezi installed it and it works now12:36
MezI just ran12:36
Riddellweird, what does that add?12:36
Mezmez@apathy:~$ dpkg -L python2.4-dev | grep so12:38
Mezmez@apathy:~$        12:38
MezI'm really confused as to how I knew that would work ....12:38
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MezRiddell, gpg --export-key --armor keyid | apt-key add -12:55
RiddellMez: mmm, now I just need to work out how to correcly sign these things12:58
MezI can help with that12:59
MezIt's not that hard12:59
Mezbut it's a shame you dont have my old one12:59
Mezdo you have your old Packages.gz thing?01:00
MezI used that as my base script :D01:00
Riddellold Packages.gz thing?01:01
Mezthe thing that for hoary-341 used to generate the packages.gz for you01:01
MezRidell: thats near enough right...01:04
Mezexcept you just need a couple of things at the top to set the distro and stuff right for the Release files01:05
Tm_TMez: you're some kind of wizard? :o01:05
MezTm_T ???01:06
Tm_Tjoking :p01:06
Mezyeah, i know, I just didnt get it01:06
MezOrigin: Ubuntu01:07
MezLabel: Ubuntu01:07
MezSuite: hoary-backports01:07
MezVersion: 5.0401:07
MezCodename: hoary01:07
MezArchitectures: i386 amd64 powerpc01:07
MezComponents: main restricted universe multiverse01:07
MezDescription: Ubuntu Hoary Backports01:07
Mezthat sort of thing01:07
Tm_Tnever saw riddell asking help before, I think you are precious to us, very good :)01:07
Mezlol - Riddell asks for help a lot of the times01:08
RiddellI always ask Mez for help, he's my saviour01:09
Mezbut, usually it's just on those little annoyi9ng things that you cant learn unless somone tells you, or you've done it before01:09
Mezand usually, I've done it before01:09
Tm_Tgood to have you here :)01:09
MezRiddell, you trying to get me to buy your drinks at UBZ?  :P01:09
MezRiddell: I'm actually going to have a shufty through the apt-ftparchive man page- do you have anywhere I can rsync that archive?01:11
MezLength: 419,154,234 (400M) [application/x-tar] 01:14
Riddellmm, yes01:14
RiddellFailed to fetch http://kubuntu.org/kde35beta1/dists/breezy/Release  Unable to find expected entry  main/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)01:15
Riddellthat's not good01:15
Mezone sec01:16
Tm_Tuh, that's not good01:16
Tm_TI mean, when Riddell says "that's not good" ;p01:16
Tm_Tlike "you never wanna hear your sysadmin saying 'nice smoke'"01:17
MezRidell: if you have packages.bz2/packages.gz - you still need your regular packages aswell01:18
Riddellwell, I'm sure worse things could happen01:18
RiddellMez: don't see why, I've never had to have a Packages file before it was signed01:18
Mezridell: have you just added it in?01:19
Mezor was it there before?01:19
RiddellW: Conflicting distribution: http://kubuntu.org breezy Release (expected breezy but got )01:20
RiddellI just added it01:20
Riddellnow I get an all new error01:20
Mezone sec01:22
Mezdid you manually generate that RElease file?01:22
Riddellused the command in that ARCHIVE script01:23
Riddellalong with the apt.conf file01:23
Riddellaah, hang on01:24
Mezah, you've managed to get an apt.conf working01:25
Mezyou should just have that in seperate bits though01:25
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Riddellthink it's all sorted now01:26
Riddellat least for breezy01:26
Riddellhello m-fox 01:27
MezW: Conflicting distribution: http://kubuntu.org breezy Release (expected breezy but got )01:27
MezW: GPG error: http://kubuntu.org breezy Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG A506E6D4DD4D5088 Jonathan Riddell <jriddell@ubuntu.com>01:27
RiddellMez: try and apt-get update01:28
MezI'm getting that error01:28
MezW: GPG error: http://kubuntu.org breezy Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG A506E6D4DD4D5088 Jonathan Riddell <jriddell@ubuntu.com>01:28
Riddellyou probably need my key01:28
MezI do have it01:29
Riddellin apt?01:29
Mezmez@apathy:~$ sudo apt-key list01:29
Mezpub   1024D/437D05B5 2004-09-1201:29
Mezuid                  Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>01:29
Mezsub   2048g/79164387 2004-09-1201:29
Mezpub   1024D/FBB75451 2004-12-3001:29
Mezuid                  Ubuntu CD Image Automatic Signing Key <cdimage@ubuntu.com>01:30
Mezpub   1024D/496242EC 2005-08-0501:30
Mezuid                  Martin Meredith (Archive Signing Key) <martin@sourceguru.net>01:30
Mezpub   1024D/DD4D5088 2001-10-0901:30
Mezuid                  Jonathan Riddell <jriddell@ubuntu.com>01:30
Mezuid                  Jonathan Riddell <jr@jriddell.org>01:30
Mezuid                  Jonathan Riddell (University Address) <jri@jriddell.org>01:30
Mezsub   1024g/D9F04547 2001-10-0901:30
Mezfixed now01:30
Mezbut your deb-src is still ballsed01:30
MezFailed to fetch http://kubuntu.org/kde35beta1/dists/breezy/Release  Unable to find expected entry  main/source/Sources in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)01:31
Mezisa it safe to update to 3.5 in breezy?01:31
Riddellor right, need to do the Sources as well (and hoary)01:32
Riddellyes, 3.5 seems pretty safe01:32
Mezwehats now?01:32
Meznew *01:32
Mezit's officially betya now?01:33
Riddellit's not been released yet01:33
Mezbut, thats the beta?01:34
Riddellunless the beta stuff is changed for the qt 3.3.5 brokenness01:35
Meztsk tsk01:35
Riddellwhy tsk?01:35
Mezyou shouldnt be giving it out01:35
Mezdont you have an NDA? :P01:35
Riddellit's not linked from anywhere01:35
MezI bet you I can find somewhere01:36
=== Mez upgrades anyways
MezI thought september 13th was the beta release date?01:41
Tm_Tfriday 13th ...01:41
=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc4-lich4-3-0-cust247.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Meza few noticeable changes01:44
MezKDE 3.4.91? 01:45
Mezthe task manager is gonna take a little getting used to01:45
Mezwhat with like... no borders around the window01:45
Mezbut, it does look sleek01:45
Riddelltask manager?01:47
Mezah yes01:49
MezI can see the thing01:49
Mezchange from elegant to classic to get it back01:49
=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc4-lich4-3-0-cust247.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Meznice fix on the systemsettings bug btw01:54
RiddellMez: which bug?01:54
Mezthe maximised window thing01:55
Mezamarok 1.301:57
MezI've been looking forward to this01:57
Mezwhen does KDE move away from arts btw01:58
crimsunhas already begun afaik01:58
Mezjust wondering cause it's still using arts for me01:58
crimsunamarok 1.3.1 works fine with gstreamer01:58
Tm_Tgst is teh engine :)01:59
Mezso why is arts still in kcontrol01:59
Tm_Tjust waiting alsasink-comeback01:59
RiddellMez: KDE 3.4 still has arts, I've heard rumours that for 3.5 you can just use akode, no idea if that's true or not02:03
Riddellotherwise KDE 402:03
RiddellSuSE allegedly have backported the KDE 4 kdemm stuff to KDE 3 too02:04
Tm_Takode ...02:04
Tm_Tnever tried that02:04
=== Mez doesnt like arts
RiddellMez: why don't you like arts?02:09
Mezarts breaks a lot02:09
Riddelland gstreamer dosen't :)02:09
MezI dislike artsdsp02:09
Mezit segfaults on me way too much02:09
Riddellsebas: is pykde extentions going to go into SVN?02:27
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_tonioI there ;)02:33
_tonioI need help of a specialist ;)02:33
_tonioI have a package that compiles perfectly with ./ configure && make && make install02:33
_toniobut it fails with pbuilder.... It is the third package that has this kind of problem in 3 days and I start wondering if it is not a pbuilder bug, or I don't know ;)02:34
Riddell_tonio: what's the failure?02:36
Riddellwhat happens if you just use debuild ?02:36
_toniothe failure is a non found file02:36
_toniolet me try with debuild :)02:37
_tonioRiddell: I just discovered the amazing possibilities of aptitude, but why on earth is it the only dpkg frontend that manages correctly with deps ?02:38
_toniowill adept manage package removal correctly ?02:38
Riddell_tonio: aptitude saves what an install brings in doesn't it?  adept doesn't currently do that but bugs.kde.org is your friend02:42
_tonioyes that is a real pleasure to use this.... I discovered that today, and I was thinking tat aptitude was just a kind of shortcut to apt ;)02:45
_tonioI'll ask that with the exporting/importing function :) Synaptic should perform this too, amazing that only aptitude does that02:46
_tonioRiddell: same problem with debuild02:46
=== Riddell pokes _tonio into reporting it to bugs.kde.org
=== _tonio ensures he will do ;)
Riddell_tonio: it's probably the package not liking build-directory != source directory02:46
_tonioRiddell: I have seen this twice before.... what to do in this case ?02:47
Riddell_tonio: moan to upstream02:48
_tonionew version of klibido has the problem also, and briquolo (great 3d breakout) also...02:48
_toniookay, so I have to ask to the upstream to check for this ;)02:49
Riddell_tonio: it's probably faily easy to fix if you can play with the code02:49
_tonioof course ;)02:49
Riddell_tonio: send me a source package and I'll take a look02:49
_toniocourtesy, fairly, polite and respectfull ^^02:50
Riddellanyone got breezy able to try the new knetworkconf?02:51
_tonioI may if you want ;)02:54
_tonioRiddell:  do you want to talk about the network mask bug ?02:54
=== |apokryp| can
=== _tonio is gonna test also
_tonioRiddell: http://www.planetemu.net/temp/tellico_riddell.tar.gz -> the package not building correctly02:55
apokryphosAdmin mode switch a.o.k. -- the icon on that kdesu(type) looks pretty bad. Small icon made huge.02:57
apokryphoscould be because I don't have latest (as in, last few days kde packs). Might as well install now actually.02:57
Riddellapokryphos: knetworkconf?02:58
apokryphossystemsettings -> network settings02:58
Riddellapokryphos: that's known.  but it doesn't pop up a nasty box saying disto not supported?02:58
apokryphosRiddell: not anymore, nope (I remember that happening)02:58
_tonioRiddell: admin switching works, trying to go with fixed parameters02:59
Riddellapokryphos: excellent, thanks02:59
=== apokryphos checks if knemo is working now
apokryphosHm, doesn't detect my network again, but app is working (used to crash/refuse to go away, as I recall)03:01
Riddell_tonio: why do you capitalise your last name?03:01
_toniostill here ?03:01
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_tonioRiddell: still that old bug.....03:01
_toniobroascast invalid when you swtich to manual config03:02
Riddell_tonio: which?03:02
Riddell_tonio: grr03:02
_tonioyou can put what you want you always get a /803:02
_toniohere is the ifconfig result when in dhcp03:02
_tonioeth0      Lien encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:30:1B:AD:3D:E403:03
_tonio          inet adr:  Bcast:  Masque:
_toniohere is the problem, I should get a 82.x.x.255 with a /24 mask right ?03:03
_tonioand that's what I get with dhcp and exactly the same config appart from that:03:04
_tonioeth0      Lien encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:30:1B:AD:3D:E403:04
_tonio          inet adr:  Bcast:  Masque:
_toniowhich is correct03:04
_toniothe problem is well known and has been reported with a fix build by another distribution maintainers... I think it is a problem with all debian based distros (mepis etc...)03:05
_tonioRiddell: never eared about that issue ?03:05
_tonioRiddell: <_tonio> here is the ifconfig result when in dhcp -> read "not in dhcp" for the first case ;)03:08
_tonioRiddell: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39098&highlight=knetworkconf+fixed ----> link with ASLinux fixed package repporting that problem ;)03:09
_tonioRiddell: in fact there are 2 bugs, 1 -> default gateway is not saved, 2 - > broadcast is invalid (reguarding to the network mask03:16
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_toniohi JRe 03:27
JRehi _tonio !!!03:27
_toniofranais ?03:28
JReoui :)03:28
_tonioJRe: j'ai comme un doute sur le pseudo la;) c'est avec toi que j'ai discutt une bonne heure sur active directory non ?03:28
JReoui c moi03:28
_toniooki bon aller une minute en francais, j'ai une question et la flemme de causer en anglais ;)03:29
_toniocomment on peut compiler un package pour REVU qui a des dependences en multiverse ?03:29
_toniole serveur ne pourra pas packager..... j'ai pas encore trouv de soluce  ca03:29
JReeffectivement tu peux pas je pense03:30
_toniobah voui, mais c'est relou quoi ;) les motus sont pas trop dispos pour m'expliker quoi faire en ce moment ;)03:30
_tonioca existe pas master of the multiverse ? ;)03:31
_toniorah, fait chier ^^03:33
_tonioquoi de neuf ? moi ca package dur la ce WE, j'en ai au moins 23 sur le feu la ;) je blance la sauce avant breezy quoi ;)03:33
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elvirolohi all01:05
elviroloanyone around?01:05
\shyes ;)01:05
\shRiddell: ping french translation?01:06
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mitsuhiko\sh: ping01:47
\shmitsuhiko: pong01:52
mitsuhiko\sh: kann es sein, dass libdvcdcss vor einem monat in multiverse war?01:53
\shargl..no i mean01:53
mitsuhiko\sh: it's installed in one of my breezy machines01:53
mitsuhikoand there is only restricted, main, universe and multiverse01:53
\shmitsuhiko: there is no upload of libdvdcss01:56
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OculusAquilaeRiddell: about katapult: Am I right, that you don't have integrated the patch of Revision 8 (svn) "small bugfix" in the breezy package?04:31
MezOculusAquilae, katapult is working nicely here :d04:37
OculusAquilaeMez: at my box, too, but I have a little bug in the config dialog04:37
Mezoh yeah, that needs integrating too04:38
OculusAquilaeand Revision 8 is the solution for this problem :-)04:38
OculusAquilaeI have also a modified systray_optional.diff 04:39
jpatrickKatapult rocks :D04:45
OculusAquilaejpatrick: it does04:45
\shI don't see the damn memleak in amarok1.3.104:46
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JReis it normal that superkaramba depends on xmms ?05:43
OculusAquilaeJRe: i didn't know why05:44
JReOculusAquilae: how can i access to the config window of katapult ?05:45
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jpatrickdoesn't Ctrl-C == copy ?06:00
author_jpatrick: run katapult with alt+space then spress crtl+c06:02
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OculusAquilaejpatrick: yes, CTRL+C does many things06:04
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author_Display blocked JavaScript popups in kde 3.5 konqueror O_O06:14
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Tm_They Mez &co :)06:18
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Verwilsthi Riddell 08:05
Verwilstwhat's the status on the 3.5 debs?08:05
apokryphosVerwilst: he may respond with an update later, but so far kdebase, kdelibs, kdeutils, and kdetoys are in08:11
Verwilstapokryphos: url?08:14
Verwilsti can compile too tomorrow08:14
jpatrickmy computer's too slow for compiling08:15
apokryphosVerwilst:  http://kubuntu.org/~jr/kde35beta1/08:15
jpatrickarts is in too08:16
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apokryphoswell, yeah. :)08:18
Verwilsthttp://kubuntu.org/~jr/kde35beta1/pool-hoary/kdelibs/ is empty?08:18
Verwilstkdebase only has 3 apps08:18
jpatrickVerwilst: yep08:18
jpatricksame for breezy08:19
Verwilsthow come? ;)08:19
apokryphosOnly the packs required for building other kde parts have been put in08:19
Verwilstoh :08:20
apokryphosVerwilst: and you can help build, too. Ask Riddell when he comes, if you like.08:20
Verwilstwell, i started building it a couple of weeks ago08:21
Verwilsti had arts built08:21
Verwilstbut kdelibs didn't feel like building :$08:21
apokryphosVerwilst: there's plenty others to do, of course :P08:21
Verwilstbut that was the alpha!08:21
apokryphosOh. Beta1 now :)08:22
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=== \sh is now known as \sh_away

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