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phlaegelogra: I've noticed that I can't use brightside (screen corner actions) to prevent gnome-screensaver from starting when I watch a movie. do you know if the problem would be in g-s or in brightside?12:03
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ograno idea, i dont even know brightside, but i guess it needs adjustment to set the gconf key that controls if gnome-screensaver is enabled12:05
Mithrandirbrightside is teh love.  We should desktop seed it12:06
ograMithrandir, after we made it work with gnome-screensaver indeed :)12:06
ograit should set /apps/gnome-screensaver/mode to disabled and afterwards back to the former state12:07
phlaegelah, here's what it does with xscreensaver: "implemented by running xscreensaver-command -deactivate every 30 seconds"12:11
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ographlaegel, yes, that nedds to be changed to a gconftool-2 call that sets the key to disabled12:19
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torkelor changed to run gnome-screensaver-command --deactivate :-)12:22
mjg59jbailey: Oh nnnnnnngh.12:23
mjg59jbailey: Can we do the LVM setup there as well?12:23
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Mithrandirogra: it should probably rather use libgconf, though.12:25
phlaegelgnome-screensaver has the a command line --deactivate option as well... which way would be better, cmdline or gconf?12:27
MithrandirI think gconf, but that might just be me12:28
phlaegelwell, after looking at the brightside source, switching to support gnome-screensaver would be really easy (even I, a non C programmer) could do it.12:29
phlaegelBut really, it should detect whether xscreensaver or gnome-screensaver is in effect and only manipulate the righ tone.12:29
Mithrandirthat's a bit harder, though.12:30
Mithrandirit could just run -deactivate on both12:30
torkelexpect that gnome-screensaver uses -- and xscreensaver - :-(12:30
torkelunless you want to run both g-s-c and x-c 12:31
Mithrandiryes, that was my suggestiong12:32
Mithrandirsuggestion, even12:32
ogratorkel, with my next upload you wont be able to run both... they clach if you run both daemons and you got two identical entrys in the menu12:34
ograi'll make the packages conflict...12:35
torkelogra: great12:35
torkelogra: might be an idea to make an xscreensaver-command wrapper in gnome-screensaver?12:36
torkelit would ease the migration to gnome-screensaver12:37
ograhmm, i wonder if we'd really need that, the desktop itself works out of the box without it... and we wont see problems with universe apps12:39
=== Kamion unearths the debian-cd installation he used to build Sounder 1
ograKamion, for you http://www.grawert.net/edubuntu/edu_isolinux.png12:46
Kamionthanks, could you mail me that?12:47
Kamioner, the URL12:47
KamionI'll set it up on Monday12:47
ograsure, take your time :)12:48
Riddellhow can I add a trusted key to apt?12:51
MezKamion: is that for the usplash?12:51
MezI was wondering about getting a version for that12:51
MezRiddell - man apt-key12:52
ograMez, thats for the CD splash, not usplash12:52
Mezshame be cool for usplash for kubuntu/edu/ub12:53
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ograMez, http://www.grawert.net/edubuntu/edusplash.png thats for usplash12:53
ogra(in fact its the same pic, just cropped down for isolinux)12:54
Mezogra: so there are going to be seperate usplash's for the different ones?12:54
Mezdoes that mean kubuntu#'ll get one12:54
ogradunno, depends on Riddell's atr team ;)12:54
ograart even12:55
Mezthe new art is looking nice12:55
Riddellogra: Mez likes my art at least :)12:55
ograRiddell, that was no criticism :)12:56
MezRiddell, you made the art?12:56
MezI do like the loading screen...12:56
Mezvery tacky, but, still - cool12:56
Riddellwhat's the status of usplash support for different graphics?12:56
RiddellMez: it's based on the stuff in 3.512:57
ograRiddell, jbailey called for graphics last week... so it seems we'll have them soon12:57
MezRiddell: I'm on about the letters being used as the markers... so you slowly revela the word "kubuntu" as you login12:57
Meztacky, but uber12:57
RiddellMez: yeah, got that idea off someone on kde-look12:58
MezIf I'd seen that a few years ago, i would have thought "how tacky" and gone off the distro12:58
Mezbut, it's done well12:58
sladenMez: the easter egg is that it changes to   h a h a h a !  on 2006-04-0101:02
mjg59Right. Is there anything I'm supposed to be fixing right now?01:02
mjg59Other than yenta-socket and hibernate01:03
mjg59And gnome-screensaver integration01:03
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Mezlol@ sladen - I woiuldnt be surprised01:03
ograMez, you will be... if it loads GNOME afterwards ;)01:04
sladenmjg59: my R52 doesn't turn the blacklight off when blanking the screen.  Is that your fault?01:05
Mezogra: lol - I've not ever really used ubuntu :D01:05
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mjg59sladen: I don't know. What does xset dpms force off do?01:08
ogramjg59, do we want dpms in gnome-screensaver on by default ? 01:09
ograi'm just twiddling with the defaults in the package01:10
mjg59ogra: Yes01:11
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jdubjbailey: ooh, good upload! :)01:45
magnongoood morning jeff :)01:45
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bddebianHeya jdub 01:59
bddebianWhy would xfonts-terminus source be in main but package in Universe?  Or am I reading apt-cache madison output incorrectly?02:00
Mezbddebian, some packages get overriden if they're inconsequential parts of a source package02:02
Mezlike - technically, k3b-mp3 should be overriden to be put in restricted/multiverse :D02:02
bddebianMez: But they are the only part of the source package?02:03
Mezbddebian, a source package can provide multiple binary packages02:03
bddebianAye, I know that02:04
bddebianI see what you are saying.  X binary package out of Y source package may end up in universe.02:04
Mezthough for some reason - that seems like a weird package02:05
MezSource package: xfonts-terminus (4.12-2ubuntu1)02:05
MezThe following binary packages are built from this source package:02:05
Mez    Fixed-width fonts for fast reading on the Linux console02:05
Mez    Fixed-width fonts for fast reading.02:05
Mezconsole-terminus = in main02:05
Mezthe rest arent02:05
bddebianGuess someone felt console-terminus was important? ;-)02:06
bddebianSo can I upload a fix to the xfonts-terminus binary without affecting main?02:06
bddebianThat's what I thought02:07
bddebianOH well, that bug stays open :-)02:07
Mezyou need to have main upload rights for it as the source package is what your uploading which is in main02:07
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Riddellis P1 or P5 highest priority in bugzilla?02:42
Riddellah, there's priority and severity02:45
RiddellI'll go for severity, at least that has descriptive names02:45
tsengRiddell: http://www.livejournal.com/users/spyderous/51021.html02:47
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Riddelltseng: thanks02:50
tsengRiddell: nps.02:51
tsenghi andrew02:51
tsengthanks for the "beagle leaks" bug02:52
tsengi need to cool off before addressing it02:52
tsengw/o sounding like a cock02:52
jdubthought: why aren't we shipping mysql 4.1 as the unversioned 'mysql-server' package (thus replacing 4.0 in main)?02:52
ajmitchit looked like a bit more than the usual leakage02:52
tsengnot really02:52
tsengim not sure what people think happens when you try to index 10s of gigs of data02:52
jdubtseng: interdimensional quantum cluster indexing?02:53
tsengjdub: yeah dude02:53
jdubit's more efficient02:53
tsengi was just talking to abock about the same thing02:53
tsengwe are going to invent CFQ-MissCleo02:53
jdubobviously we need to support the atomchip02:53
tsengmiss cleo being a popular psychic on tv in the US02:54
tsengit will read your mind and assign IO accordingly02:54
ajmitchjdub: and the quantum optical memory?02:54
tsengjdub: I hear their x86 emulation is amazing02:54
tsengjdub: i bet breezy runs out of the box.02:54
tsengin russian only, though.02:54
tsengajmitch: 70 GIGWATZ02:55
ajmitchyou require your own fusion plant to run it then?02:56
tsengjdub: so dude, not making UBZ, but whiprush and I are going to totally hit up the summit02:56
tsengjdub: SEE YOU THERE.02:56
tseng(badger badger badger)02:56
=== ajmitch is still considering whether to spend the cash on flying to UBZ
sladenRiddell: http://www.paul.sladen.org/ubuntu/usplash/kubuntu-usplash/ now in exchange, can I steal your living room back to go to sleep?  :-)02:57
tsengajmitch: bio-diesel02:59
sladenjbailey: riddell says "Nice", so you can add the above the initramfs pr0n collection now03:00
tsengcan we get nipples on usplash?03:01
tsengor too much to ask.03:01
jdubtseng: oh, elite!03:01
jdubtseng: well, half elite.03:01
sladentseng: 14 colour breast representations... mmm.03:01
jdubsladen: nicely done03:02
Riddellsladen: you can have the living room back in a minute yes03:02
tsengjdub: only half?03:03
jdubtseng: given !UBZ03:03
tsengoh, well03:04
ajmitchtseng: no time/$ for UBZ?03:04
tsengclaire said i smell awful and she would not be having me in the same hotel again03:04
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ajmitchsounds fair03:04
tsengajmitch: i could afford it03:04
tsengajmitch: but its not worth it for me03:04
tsengi can get my fix at the boston summit for much less03:05
tsengand less time off work03:05
ajmitchthat's what I'm thinking of too03:05
=== Mez pokes sladen
sladenC. needs a bigger fleet of private jets to taxi people03:05
jdubtseng: plus there will be more mono love at the summit03:05
sladenMez: yo03:05
tsengjdub: yes!03:05
jdubsladen: we could buy the ones that novell's investors are suggesting they ditch03:05
tsengjdub: i cant wait to meet miguel03:05
ajmitcha pity I won't be at the summit then03:05
ajmitchtseng: you'll have to represent the mono love in ubuntu03:05
Mezsladen: you were doing the ubuntu t-shirts were you not?03:05
tsengajmitch: miguel already represented it at GUADEC03:06
jdubtseng: i think you will dig hacking with nat, rml, joe and trow03:06
sladenMez: nope.  I do the Debian ones...03:06
tsengjdub: oh man, joe and trow are elite!03:06
ajmitchtseng: in ubuntu?03:06
tsengjdub: and nat, but thats given03:06
Mezsladen: I must have misheard then when you were trying to pedal the debian ones :D03:06
tsengajmitch: someone at GUADEC asked when mono will go in fedora03:06
tsengajmitch: miguel says "probably never, just get NLD.. actually, get ubunut"03:07
tsengubuntu rather03:07
tsengthis was at the keynote, live streaming and all that03:07
=== tseng fanboi'd
sladenMez: artwork rather than flog.    https://wiki.ubuntu.com/t-shirt  has details of the ones Simera is flogging03:07
Mezty sladen03:08
ajmitchI just don't know if it's worth me coming to UBZ, given the cost03:08
ajmitchtseng: btw I felt like doing something crazy & hacking DPAP support into f-spot03:09
tsengajmitch: dude save it for LCA or something03:09
tsengajmitch: hm i heard talk of that on #g-h a few times03:09
ajmitchLCA is only a short walkl down the street for me03:09
tsengi think it was David03:09
ajmitchwouldn't surprise me03:09
jdubajmitch: i'm sure we'll have another summit much closer to .au/.nz03:09
Mezwhy is it that the only semi-decent linux things in england are never near me03:09
ajmitchjdub: I hope so03:09
jdubajmitch: we're going for regions03:09
Mezonly one I've managed to pull off getting to was LRL03:10
ajmitchjdub: I would have liked to push a couple of things at UBZ, and take a bit of a holiday in the area afterwards03:10
ajmitchjdub: I expect you'll be at LCA, of course?03:10
Mezajmitch: then come, or pass them off to someone else to push at it03:10
sladenMez: Linux Expo is in a fortnight, if you come and do there stand you might be lucky enough to get an exclusive Ubuntu t-shirt :)03:11
jdubajmitch: on the VP's arm :-)03:11
ajmitchjdub: good :)03:11
Mezsladen: I was meant to get one at LRL  but noone was around03:11
Mezand I'm working when it's on03:11
Mezhence why I cant make it03:11
sladenMez: ah, if you did the stand there and didn't get one, it might be possible to sort one out03:12
MezI sort of did03:13
Mezbut because the guy i was meant to talk to - I couldnt find03:13
Mezcausde noone was on the stand03:13
Mezthe best I could do was stand in front talking to people (inluding you)03:13
sladenMez: the problem with Ubuntu stuff in the UK is everyone with 1 foot in Ubuntu is too busy pimping Debian, KDE or other $foo of choice03:14
jdubsladen: i think this is a 'problem' in general, but it's easy to work around03:15
jdubsladen: ubuntu is a great vehicle for pimping your other projects03:15
jdub[ the plural 'your' ;-) ] 03:16
Mezsladen: too true03:17
sladenjdub: indeed :-).  I think the better take to solve this is probably to sucumvent the other projects and get the GNOME stand demo'ing Ubuntu, KDE Ubuntu, LTSP... etc03:17
sladenget it into people's heads that Ubuntu is the _means_ rather than the _end_03:17
Mezand how you gonna get that to happen03:18
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jdubsladen: though that becomes problematic in some circumstances (GNOME is very aware of its distributors, so favouring one seems unfair)03:18
sladenMez: know any other people who aren't working.  Need to find about 15 people for the Ubuntu stand, onto of about 15 for the Debian stand, minus all the ones that Canonical won't let have time off...03:18
jdubLTSP are very ubuntu focused atm, but that may change03:18
sladen(* and it's release date about then)03:19
jdubwhy do you need 15?03:19
jdubthat's a *lot* of people03:19
Mezsladen: not anyone that'd want to do it03:19
sladenjdub: that's about what it takes to man the Debian stand at the expo.  We normally have a constant 7-10 conversations happening and it's nice to give people time off over the two days03:19
MezI'm gonna walk the dog03:20
Mezsladen: did you get my /query?03:30
sladenMez: yes, and I even replied to it03:30
MezI didn gtet your reply03:30
Mezsladen: you're not id'd to nickserv thats why03:31
Mezand I cant seem to turn off +E03:32
sladenta, solved.03:33
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jdubbddebian: please stop destroying global productivity by uploading new versions of wesnoth. kthxbye.04:05
bddebianUhm, is that sarcasm?04:05
jdubno. wesnoth is a stain upon the free software movement.04:06
jdubit must be stopped.04:06
bddebianWell someone needs to tell me this stuff04:06
jdubwhatever you do, don't play it.04:06
jdubdon't even test the packages.04:06
jdubit's just too dangerous.04:07
bddebianOh I've played it before.  Sorry, it doesn't compare to NeverWinterNights ;-P04:07
ajmitchtseng: is there a monodoc 1.1.8 floating around the net?04:25
bddebianinfinity: ping?04:50
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=== wasabi__ fun with sasl
bddebianjdub: Well you will be happy to know that I broke wesnoth05:18
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jdubha ha ;-005:20
jdubthat will keep the evil at bay!05:21
wasabi__I seem to be unable to get libnss-ldap to work with gssapi properly. =(05:22
LinuxJonesCan someone pop in #ubuntu and kick Hommm he's a spamming/annoying twat !!05:27
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bddebianmdz: You around?05:31
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Lathiathrm, i'm not getting DRI with fglrx despite xorg.log showing it all good05:39
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bddebianHeya tritium 05:46
tritiumHi bddebian 05:46
bddebiantritium: Got any extra space in NM? ;-)05:47
tritiumbddebian, sure, are you driving through>?05:47
bddebiantritium: Nah, I think I'm going to have to go into hiding :-)05:48
tritiumbddebian, oh?  Why's that?05:48
bddebianFor being stupid :-)05:48
tritiumbddebian, I'm sure it's nothing too serious.05:49
bddebianI asked for a sync of Wesnoth and somehow missed a dep on ttf-dejavu.  Which wouldn't be so bad because it would be new to us.  However, ttf-dejavu build-deps on a newer version of fontforge, which is in main.. :'-(05:50
tritiumbddebian, don't beat yourself up about it05:53
wasabi__we need bigger uid space. =(05:58
wasabi__I wonder perhaps if we shouldn't be using uids past a certain range as part of the system (nobody comes to mind)05:59
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elmo   * Rebuild for glibc06:33
elmobddebian: eh?06:33
bddebianelmo: Malone bug #1082.  Bad description,sorry06:36
crimsunelmo: not sure if someone else to requested this; please sync openafs from Sid06:36
crimsunwow, I can't type. "...if someone else has requested..."06:37
elmocrimsun: done06:40
tritiumhi crimsun06:40
crimsun'lo tritium 06:40
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mdzbddebian: am now08:46
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spstarrthanks for making hplip (HP Printing daemons) optional with /etc/default/hplip :-))09:11
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jbaileysladen: Eh, what? =)10:11
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jbaileymjg59: The problem with doing the lvm setup there is that in the multipath case, some of the components of the LVM volume might be on the USB, so you risk corruption.10:46
jbaileymjg59: What I've done for now is test if the device exists at that point.  If not, I proceed as before.10:46
jbaileySo for people with USB that doesn't suck they can recover from it too.10:47
sladenjbailey: http://www.paul.sladen.org/ubuntu/usplash/kubuntu-usplash/kubuntu-usplash-640x480-14.png  however I've just noticed that the gradient on the reflection looks better the other way up, so there'll probably be a newer version later10:47
jbaileysladen: Nice. =)10:47
jbaileysladen: Is this correctly pallette matched for foreground/background/failed text?10:47
jbailey(0,2, and 12 or 13 IIRC)10:48
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jbaileyMm, no 0 has to be background.10:49
sladenjbailey: nope, because I couldn't find what they were.  There's 14 colors meaning there are two to play with and two that should be stealable10:49
jbaileyLemme look them up, justasec.10:49
sladenjbailey: I'll do a wiki page if you let me in on the secret :)10:49
jbailey#define TEXT_BACKGROUND 010:49
jbailey#define TEXT_FOREGROUND 210:49
jbailey#define RED 1310:49
jbailey#define BACKGROUND_COLOUR 010:50
jbailey#define PROGRESSBAR_COLOUR 110:50
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jbaileyThose are hardcodes atm, and should probably stay that way for breezy.10:50
jbaileyWhen we have time for cleverness, they can become configurable.10:50
fabbionehey jb10:51
jbaileyHeya Fabio!10:51
jbaileysladen: I'll even tell you what the alternative will be once I get it setup.10:51
jbaileyI'm not in much shape to be hacking atm.10:51
sladenjbailey: don't worry.  btw, do you/Kamion know off the top of your head what isolinux uses to select its colours?10:53
jbaileyI have no experience with isolinux10:53
sladenogra: for edubuntu-artwork, is it possible to make it use dpkg-divert against ubuntu-artwork if not much has changed?10:55
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Kamionsladen: don't worry about that, I can deal with the isolinux palette when running ppmtolss16 to convert to rle format for isolinux11:07
Kamionsladen: just make sure one colour in the palette is black or very close to black (for background) and one is close to white (for text underneath the image)11:08
Kamionisolinux wants background as colour 0 and text as colour 7, but the conversion program has options to rearrange the palette arbitrarily11:08
jdubsladen: and you can use any of those colours in your image (they're not changed, they're just used for other things)11:11
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sladenCan $people fixup https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Usplash/Artwork11:23
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ograsladen, nope, it uses many of the ubuntu-artwork contents, i just set some cdd gconf keys and use other splash and background images11:51
ograthats why edubuntu-artwork depends on ubuntu-artwork11:51
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Micksahow do I get ~/.xsession to run?12:25
Micksaor achive the same effect - per user X startup commans12:26
mdkeMicksa, try #ubuntu for support12:27
Micksaubuntu doesn't like me12:31
Micksa#ubuntu even12:32
mdkesorry to hear that12:33
mdkekeep trying though!12:33
mdkesomeone will help12:33
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elvirolohi all01:01
elvirolois it relevant to report bugs related to internationalisation yet ?01:01
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elvirolook thanks01:03
elvirolocause about 20 % of kubuntu isn't translated into french 01:03
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\shelvirolo: please join #kubuntu-devel ,-)01:04
elviroloah yeah you're right :)01:05
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vrlnI think I found a serious bug in sudo @ breezy (updated ~1 hour ago), should I file it or can I just say it here? I don't have a bugzilla account01:17
vrlnvrln@core:~$ sudo echo "opt/e17/lib" >> /etc/ld.so.conf01:18
vrlnbash: /etc/ld.so.conf: Permission denied01:18
vrln--> the ">>" isn't working perhaps?01:18
vrlnI can sudo nano /etc/ld.so.conf and edit it manually01:18
vrlnand the permissions for /etc/ld.so.conf are ok01:18
Lathiatvrln: that is not a bug01:20
Lathiatvrln: the redirection is done by your shell01:20
Lathiatvrln: as such runs outside the sudo01:20
vrlnehm, sorry, so it's bash related instead? :)01:20
vrlnI don't see anything wrong with the syntax though01:21
\shvrln: use tee ,-)01:23
Lathiatvrln: its not a bug at all01:24
\shvrln: echo "opt/e17/lib" | sudo tee -a /etc/ld.so.conf01:24
vrlnok, sorry - and nevermind :)01:25
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tsengajmitch: nope.01:35
tsengajmitch: 1.0.7->1.1.901:35
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ajmitchtseng: right, I built avahi 0.5 without monodoc support anyway01:38
tsengajmitch: nod01:38
tsengnew monodoc would be a pretty serious repackage01:39
ajmitchso we'll have a new libavahi-cil in soon ,I guess01:39
tsengstuff was split into a seperate package01:39
tsengwe cant do it.01:39
ajmitchI wasn't expecting it in breezy01:39
tsengrock on01:39
Lathiatajmitch: have you got me a patch i can send to ross yet? :)01:40
ajmitchLathiat: if you really really want01:41
\shmjg59: http://www.flybook.biz/en/?section=generic&page=flybook <- something for your notebook collection? ,-)01:41
ajmitchbut the debdiff would include the 0.4->0.5 code changes01:41
Lathiatajmitch: why wouldnt i want it?01:41
ajmitchunless I just diff the debian dirs01:41
Lathiatajmitch: cant you just diff the debian dirs01:41
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infinitydebdiff *dsc | filterdiff -i */debian/* > 0.4-0.5.debdiff01:44
infinity(If you don't want to diff the twon unpackaged trees by hand)01:45
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ajmitchinfinity: thanks :)01:47
fabbionehey guys01:47
fabbionewho is fluent in "SQL"?01:47
fabbionei need help for a couple of query...01:47
tsengfabbione: i can help you with the basics01:48
tsengfabbione: no crazy view/subselect whatever is the rage now01:49
fabbionetseng: i need nothing too fancy01:49
fabbioneit seems that all my sql tables contains tons of duplicate entries01:49
fabbionenote that i did a dump -> import01:49
fabbioneso that might have gone wrong01:49
fabbioneso i would like to kill all the duplicates01:49
infinityGood argument for having unique keys. :)01:50
fabbioneinfinity: i am not a SQL god..01:50
tsenghttp://www.petefreitag.com/item/169.cfm < google wins01:50
infinityfabbione : Are the rows identical (ie: yo udon't even have an auto_increment ID tag or something?)01:51
infinityIf the rows are completely identical, there's no way to identify one from another, so there's no way to delete one without deleting both.01:52
fabbioneinfinity: they look perfectly identical01:52
fabbioneor it looks like01:52
tsengoh, ew01:52
tsengis it an option to drop the db and import again?01:52
infinityIn that case, you want a query that will collapse identical rows, then dump the whole table into a temp table.01:52
fabbionetseng: yes it is01:52
infinityThen turn around and rotate your temp table back over your original.01:53
fabbioneinfinity: i can do that.. it's no issue..01:53
fabbioneinfinity: i just need to figure how :)01:53
infinityWhich SQL engine?01:53
tsengadd each item to a keyed array with the most unique field?01:54
tsengso you overwrite the block w/ each duplicate01:54
fabbioneyou guys talk already too complicate for me01:54
tsengif you do a select on the table, and do a foreach on every row01:55
tsengsay there is a field 'joe@blah.com' that is "unique"01:55
tsengmake an array from each row with array['joe@blah.com'] 01:55
fabbionethat should be unique01:55
tsengand all the data01:56
fabbioneand now it's duplicated01:56
tsengthe next time you see joe@blah01:56
fabbionei skip it01:56
tsengit just overwrites that bit of the array with no data01:56
tsengsure, or check for that row and skip it01:56
tseng"row" being array item01:56
fabbionethere is always data.. where there is duplication, the entire row is duplicated01:56
fabbionei wonder if i could do that with grep...01:57
tsengs/no data/the same data01:57
tsengyou coul do it with | sort | uniq if you have a way to put the output back in the table01:57
tsenghm yeah i bet the rows in the .sql do look the same01:58
tsengbut the sort will screw things up01:58
fabbionewe will know in a few secs :)01:58
tsengif you get the table header below the body :P01:58
mjg59jbailey: Argh.01:58
infinityNO need to sort, if you have uniq.01:59
tsengoh yeah?01:59
tsengfor some reason i thought uniq required sorted input01:59
tsengthats handy02:00
tsengor, it does and his file will already be in that kind of order02:00
fabbionetseng: in both cases it is not an issue..02:00
tseng       Discard  all but one of successive identical lines from INPUT (or stan02:00
tseng       dard input), writing to OUTPUT (or standard output).02:00
fabbionethe table creation is 20 lines..02:00
fabbioneanc i can copy paste them02:00
tsenggood :)02:00
=== infinity is still trying to figure out how to do this in SQL, for sheer personal curosity.
infinityI don't think I've ever had a table without a unique constraint on at least one column.02:01
tsengi should learn some more clever sql trickery, i usually do simple stuff in sql and let my programs sort the rest02:02
tsengusually faster for the db to do it02:02
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infinityOh, duh.  It's been too long since I've done SQL.02:04
infinityselect distinct * from test;02:05
tseng(oh yeah...)02:05
infinityI feel very incredibly lame for not remembering that.02:05
tsenginfinity: we suck.02:05
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infinityOh well, my excuse is that I've been SQL-free for quite a while now.02:05
infinity(And hope to continue that trend, professionally)02:05
fabbionedump | sort -u | reimport is a good alternatice02:05
fabbionealternative even02:06
fabbionewell it seems to be working fine02:06
\shinfinity: deal first with ace ;) 02:07
infinity\sh : I saw something up there about you messing with it.  Did you give up again?02:07
\shinfinity: the patch is crap02:08
infinityRight. :)02:08
\shbut if you want...I can send it to you ;)02:08
infinityWhat was it a patch to do?02:08
\shthis patch disables -fvisibility-inlines-hidden for amd64 and powerpc02:09
infinityCompile the libs with -fPIC?02:09
\sh00list looks like this02:09
\sh#if defined(DEB_BUILD_ARCH_amd64) || defined(DEB_BUILD_ARCH_powerpc)02:09
\sh/* this patch disables -fvisibility-inlines-hidden for amd64 and powerpc */02:09
\shbut it doesn't apply correctly :( 02:09
infinityAhh, I see, it is compiled with -fPIC, but g++ is doing Really Bad Thngs.02:10
infinityWell, send me your patch, and I'll let you know what you did wrong. :)02:10
fabbionethanks guys!02:11
fabbioneyou rock02:11
\shinfinity: it's bmonties ;)02:11
infinityWell, whoever. :)02:11
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infinity-e 's/your patch/the patch you have/' -e 's/you did wrong/they did wrong/'02:12
\shinfinity: dcc or mail?02:12
\shon its way02:13
infinityPeople still DCC in today's age of triple-NATs and fascist firewalls?02:14
\shinfinity: we can use as well jabber bytestream proxy ;)02:14
tsenginfinity: my facist firewall is no match to ssh tunnels over port 443 authenticated to the proxy02:15
\shand what firewall can prevent xmlrpc bugs :(02:16
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Kalozfabbione: around?02:17
Kalozfabbione: do you know about any problems regarding silo with 1gb memory? :p02:17
fabbioneKaloz: hmm what problem do you have?02:18
Kalozfabbione: well, with 1gb memory, the boot cds give me "Fast Access MMU Miss" after "S" of SILO02:19
fabbioneKaloz: and if you leave 512Mb does it boot?02:19
Kalozboth you hoary installer (silo 1.4.8) and sarge's (1.4.9)02:19
Kalozthis is on a netra t1 10502:19
fabbioneKaloz: we should ask BenC02:20
Kalozslowaris 10 works perfectly, but i hate it :p02:20
fabbionehe is one of the silo upstream authors02:20
fabbioneKaloz: but i never had this problem02:21
fabbionewell in older versions of silo i did boot on a E10000K with 32GB of RAM02:21
Kalozas I saw almost everyone is running his 105 with 512 ram only02:21
fabbioneso i am not exactly sure how 1GB exactly can make that problem02:21
Kalozmaybe it's t1 specific02:21
fabbionei do have only 512MB here on the Netra T102:21
Kalozwell, i know it works on a 420r with 2gb of memory02:23
Kalozso it has to be smg with the netra only02:23
fabbioneKaloz: i really dunno...02:23
fabbioneBenC: ping?02:23
Kalozfabbione: hmz.. okay, same after obp upgrade (3.10.24 -> 3.10.27), so that doesn't helps02:29
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fabbioneKaloz: we need to ask BenC02:34
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Kalozi see, just wanted to say i've just tried that, too :)02:34
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bddebianHmm, what does uploads to main are flowing again mean?02:42
HiddenWolfbddebian, bugfixing again in progress.02:47
HiddenWolfbddebian, after stopping everything to fix preview-critical bugs a bit before it's release02:47
fabbioneKaloz: that's nice :) for breezy we might have even install CD's02:47
fabbioneKaloz: we published one, but it doesn't boot yet02:47
Kalozto be honest, it would be nice to fix this CHS crap d-i intrioduced02:48
bddebianHiddenWolf: Can that include fixing my screwups? :-)02:48
Kalozwith the old woody, partitions were detected right on sparc02:48
HiddenWolfbddebian, chuckle02:49
spaynewhy are there now two screensaver properties in GNOME 2.12?02:50
spaynethere is xscreensaver (nicer imho)02:50
spayneand gnome screensaver02:50
spaynewell, gnome screensaver is actually nicer thinking about it02:50
spaynesince it passwords it automatically02:51
spaynewill one of them be removed?02:51
jdubjust remove the xscreensaver package02:52
mdkeis that going to be the solution for breezy?02:52
jdubit's in at the moment02:53
spaynebut it will be removed at some point?02:53
infinity\sh : Uploaded, BTW.02:53
jdubspayne: no, we're going to leave it in to confuse all of the users02:53
spayneand the age old question, will the gnome foot be replaced by the ubuntu logo?02:53
spaynejdub: good thinking ;-)02:53
jdubthe applications menu one will if the human icon theme becomes the default02:53
jdub(or we may do it anyway)02:54
infinity\sh : For future reference, using CPP preprocessing in 00list doesn't work unless you enable dpatch's optional CPP parsing. :)  (DPATCH_OPTION_CPP=1 in debian/patches/00options)02:54
bddebianinfinity: Can I ask what is probably a dumb question?02:54
spaynejdub: from my experience, most people seem to do it anyway02:54
infinitybddebian : I suppose.02:54
jdubspayne: this word, "most"... i do not think this word means what you think it means.02:54
mdkejdub, i have a quick question about the recent menu changes02:54
jdubmdke: ja?02:55
bddebianinfinity: sawfish-xmms is supposed to be built from rep-xmms source.  Building here locally works and the deb installs but it's not showing up in the archive.  How would I check that out?02:55
spaynejdub: i personally love the Human theme, what is the chance of it becoming default for breezy?02:55
mdkejdub, is there going to be discussion at UBZ to try to ensure that they happen a bit earlier, rather than very late?02:55
mdkewe are struggling a bit with the docs02:55
jdubspayne: not wildly fantastic atm. but we'll see.02:55
jdubmdke: yes, i'm going to pitch for a ui review two weeks before preview freeze.02:55
mdkejdub, that would be good02:56
mdkemark gets a lot of ideas right at the last minute :D02:56
jdubdunno if a "mark's bright ideas" freeze is going to fly02:57
bddebianinfinity: I take it that was a dumb question? :-)02:58
infinitybddebian : Check the build logs, notice that rockhopper (the i386 buildd) was configure to to arch-only uploads back in 2004, when the package last build, go "oh, that's weird", then upload a new 0.4-4build1 with no changes, so the i386 buildd will now upload the arch:all sawfish-xmms package you want.02:59
infinitybddebian : And then wait for someone to process it in binary NEW.02:59
bddebianinfinity: Great thanks.  I was gonna try that but wasn't sure.02:59
\shinfinity: thx :) 02:59
\shinfinity: so u can remove dbbalancer as well from the frozenapps list ;)03:01
infinitybddebian : For future reference, arch"all packages are always supposed to be built on i386 (and only on i386), so if you check the i386 build log, and see "arch-dependent upload, not including arch-indep packages" (or whatever), and the .changes in the build log doesn't include the _all.deb, you know something went horribly wrong.03:01
infinitybddebian : If it's a recent build log, yell at me (but it should never happen now), if it's an ancient build log (as in this case), just push a rebuild.03:01
infinity\sh : Once ace build and installs everywhere, yes.  It takes a while to build. :)03:01
bddebianinfinity: OK, thanks.03:01
\shinfinity: actually it's finished...argl....w803:01
\shthat reminds me of something03:02
\shinfinity: cxx transition03:03
\shlibace5.4c2 libacexml5.4c2 libciao1.4c2 libkokyu5.4c203:03
\shI think I have to do it after it's build ;)03:04
infinityYeah, it'll be a while.03:04
infinityThe builds will start in the next 15 mins, I figure they'll all be done and installed in another 2 hours or so.03:05
bddebianOK, so the next question is what to do about my wesnoth fuck up.. :-(03:06
infinityThe "I synced a version that's too new" fuckup?03:06
\shinfinity: want to have another one? http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1138703:07
bddebianinfinity: Yep, that'd be the one03:07
infinityDid it build?03:07
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infinityIf not, you may be able to bed elmo to UNACCEPT the source.03:07
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infinityIf it did, you're better off uploading a package with a really ugly version like "0.9.7-1+really0.oldversion" that is the old version, masquerading as "slightly newer than the new one you uploaded".03:08
bddebianinfinity: Yes.  The problem is is that it has a depends for ttf-dejavu, which could be a new package, but ttf-dejavu depends on a newer fontforge which is in main.03:08
infinitySee, for instance, firefox in warty for an example of this kind of ugly.03:09
infinityEither that, or make ttf-dejavu work with the fontforge in main.03:09
infinityOR, justify a UVF exception for fontforge, if it's not a massive upgrade.03:09
bddebianI don't think it is.  It only has 3 rdepends, one of which it builds itself03:10
jdubelmo: ping03:11
infinityThen talk to mdz about it.  Test the new version first, including testing the rdepends, and take that info to him.03:11
infinityAnd make sure the debian BTS doesn't have any new bugs against the new version.03:11
bddebianinfinity: Fair enough, thanks03:11
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SteveAKamion: ping?03:31
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slomoelmo: ping?03:35
SteveAcan anyone tell me which key is used to sign md5sums of CD images?03:36
MithrandirSteveA: gpg: Signature made lr 17-09-2005 10:26:50 CEST using DSA key ID FBB7545103:41
SteveAah -- how did you get that?03:41
Mithrandirwget http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/MD5SUMS.gpg -O -  | gpg03:42
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SteveAwould be nice if the "releases" page gave the fingerprint or key id03:42
Mithrandirfile a bug, I guess.03:42
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Mezwho is Wouter Stomp?04:55
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jdubwhiprush: ping05:21
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tsengjdub: YARRRRR06:55
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jdubtseng: AHR!06:56
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spaynehmm, gnome-obex-server is crashing on me07:17
spaynegiving me a libc6 error07:17
spayne*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (!prev): 0x080ead80 ***07:19
spaynewhat does that mean?07:19
bob2it's bug-e07:19
bob2it's ab ug07:20
bob2er, "A bug"07:20
spaynei somehow guessed that07:21
bob2it's a bug in gnome-obex-server, where, as it says, it's freeing the same bit of memory twice, or it corrupted it's own heap07:21
bob2valgrind will probably help with debugging it07:22
spayneis there any way around it?07:22
spaynei will do that07:22
spaynebut atm, what can i do?07:22
bob2not use it?07:22
bob2or find a workaround07:22
spaynei am trying07:22
spayneobexserver also fails07:23
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\shdoko_: ping 07:25
spaynei am building 0.5.1 from tarballs07:25
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eruinLathiat, got any ~eta on avahi 0.5?07:57
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Mithrandirogra: ew, gnome-screensaver looks _horrible_ in xinerama setups08:28
ograMithrandir, inwhich respect ?08:29
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Mithrandirogra: the dialog is in the middle of two screens08:29
Mithrandirogra: want a picture?08:30
ograok, thats what i expected... its complied without xinerama support, i'll correct that in the next upload... 08:30
\shMithrandir: winndows behaviour ;-)08:30
ograi just wanted someone to confirm that08:30
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ograMithrandir, thanks for now08:30
Mithrandirogra: ok, good08:30
ograi'll ping again after the next upload ;)08:30
\shogra: what did u do...we will have cdu+spd ,)08:31
ogranot my choice..08:31
ograand no final numbers, wait ... ;)08:32
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shackanwhy if a program crashes and I chose 'close' instead than 'restart', the program is restarted anyway ? this leads often to (boring) infinite loops08:33
ograshackan, #ubuntu please08:34
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sivangmjg59: ping, you around ?08:45
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bddebianHi folks08:57
Kalozfabbione, BenC: re. from hdd, silo works happily with 1gb ram. so it has to do smg with silo vs isofs08:57
bddebianmdz: You around?08:59
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shackanyour nautilus-python seems buggy, the latest cvs works fine, is there any chance to update it ?09:20
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sivanghey bddebian 09:23
bddebianHeya sivang 09:24
sivangbddebian: what are you up to?09:24
bddebianBreaking stuff :-(  You?09:24
sivangbddebian: the same, I have a prbolem with gnome-panel and cdbs-edit-patch that is a PITA09:24
sivangbddebian: I am trying to edit the 12_autotools patch, but to no avail - moreover the weirdest thing is the when I edit each patch befpore that one it works, and even when I attempt debuild -us it, it works as well09:25
sivangonly cdbed-edit-patch gets angry09:25
sivangand this is with a prestine ubuntu source pkg :-)09:25
sivangany idea?09:26
bddebianI'm probably the wrong person to ask at this point in the game :-)09:27
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adamhWhen I try booting to a USB device (with usb-storage), I get a complaint that /dev/sda1 doesn't exist, and then I'm dumped to a busybox shell. If I "modprobe sd-mod" and run "udevstart", I can create /dev/sda1. As far as I can tell, that's my only problem with booting from USB. What files do I edit to make my system boot? :)09:30
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sivangbddebian: I see, anyway, what were you breaking if we speak ?09:33
=== adamh exits irssi so he can start up sshd so he can actually open more than one frickin' terminal...
bddebiansivang: wesnoth09:34
sivangbddebian: /me apt-cache show info09:34
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sivangbddebian: nice, what p[roblem do you have with it?09:35
sivangbddebian: (may I try to help?)09:36
bddebiansivang: I asked for a sync of a new version (first mistake) and didn't catch the depends on ttf-dejavu which needs a newer fontforge, which is in main (biggest mistake). :-(09:36
bddebiansivang: I have a "fix" thanks, I just need to catch mdz or someone09:36
sivangbddebian: so you need someone from main to sync in a new version ?09:37
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bddebiansivang: Of fontforge yes but I need approval09:38
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adamhSo, anybody know how to boot from USB flash? Or how to reorder udevstart, sd-mod loading, or anything else I could have done wrong?09:39
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mdzbddebian: yes?10:02
bddebianmdz: I made a major boo boo and was hoping we could sync the latest fontforge from Debian10:03
bddebianI have tested it as well as rebuilding all the rdepends.10:06
Mithrandirbddebian: why does it need a newer fontforge to get ttf-dejavu, really?10:07
bddebianMithrandir: I don't know specifically but there is a BTS bug on it as well10:08
bddebianWhat's a little strange is that I don't see anything in main that redepends on fontforge10:09
bddebianErr rdepends even :-)10:09
sivangMithrandir: maybe you can help me as well? I have some gnome-panel fix I need to do but cdbs-edit-path just won't let me do it, and I Sense there is something wrong with the source pkg due to that10:09
Mithrandirsivang: hmm, that might be; is it something I could take a look at, or is it a more complicated patch?10:11
sivangMithrandir: now , couldn't be more trivial then that - and you can test it with my patch using the source pkg from the repo10:12
sivangMithrandir: apt-get source gnome-panel; cd srctree; cdbs-edit-patch 12_autotools and see how it fails10:12
Mithrandirsivang: can you send me a mail about it then?  I'm off to bed soonish and would rather do uploads when I'm awake :-)10:13
mdzbddebian: germinate will show you what depends on it10:13
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mdzbddebian: what's the bug?10:13
sivangMithrandir: sure think , I thank you very much for your help10:14
sivangMithrandir: remind me your email address? :-)10:14
sivangMithrandir: cool, thanks10:15
magnonhas anyone ever found _the_ solution to openoffice being a bitch, by the way?10:15
Mithrandirthanks to you too.10:15
sivangMithrandir: about what?? ;-)10:15
Mithrandirsivang: I appreciate it when people submit fixes for problems. :-)10:16
sivangMithrandir: ah well, I acutally somewhat created the problem....and it's only my responsibility to fix it and not let someone else to do it.10:16
sivangMithrandir: I had the idea that launchapd should pop to the user out of any applet , not just the gnome-panel, but it seems that most people think it should be only for the panle itself as it clutters the some of the applets menus.10:17
sivangMithrandir: so my change is to drop individual patching of the applets, and leave lpi on for only the panle itself/10:18
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Mithrandirsivang: ah, sounds fine.10:18
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bddebianOhh, its a build-dep for ttf-freefont10:24
bddebianmdz: ^^  Oh and which bug?  You mean the ttf-dejavu one?10:25
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mdzbddebian: the bug which you need the newer fontforge to fix10:25
bddebianmdz: Oh, I asked for a sync of wesnoth (like an idiot).  It needs ttf-dejavu which build-deps on the newer fontforge.10:26
mdzit's a new upstream, it hasn't made it into testing yet, and things in main build-depend on it10:27
bddebianWhich, fontforge?10:27
MithrandirI would rather say we should roll back wesnoth10:28
bddebianWould it hurt to try ttf-dejavu with the older fontforge?10:28
sladenor just distribute a pre-compiled .ttf in the ttf-dejavu source10:29
magnonman, people STILL bother ranting about utf-810:35
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bddebianAny thoughts folks??10:49
mdzbddebian: it wouldn't hurt to try, but presumably the maintainer  versioned the dependency for a reason.  the changelog probably has details.10:51
mdzreverting wesnoth may be the best option10:51
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bddebianpitti: !!11:01
bddebianpitti: I was trying to package libpgtcl but the site says it was built for postgresql 7.4.. :-(11:04
Lathiatbddebian: .. ?11:04
bddebianLathiat: ??11:05
bddebianmdz: Nope, it won't build with the older fontforge.  FuXX0r11:06
shackansorry, when reporting a bug on lauchpad, I use the package name in the "Source Package Name" field, but it insists that 'python-nautilus' is an invalid value, why ?11:09
shackanwhat format does it expect?11:09
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robertjhrmm, has anyone heard from the UbuntuExpress folk recently?  The last mention I can find was on the 6th.11:18
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CarlFKcan someone name a package that might let a user create a dialup connection.  If I can't get it to work, it will be the package I file a bug report against, even if that just results in some other package being named11:52
CarlFKthe mail list pointed me to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkMagic but I don't see how that fits11:53
LathiatCarlFK: system->administration->networking11:54
CarlFKLathiat - sorry, I forogt: user as in no root/sudo privs11:54
LathiatCarlFK: uh no, you could however modify sudoers to say, allow only execution of that command (network-admin)11:55
CarlFKright. which I have heard is "bad" in the big picture and was trying to get this item into the to be fixed list11:56
Lathiatgrrrrrrrr, i thought the ubuntu-forums ubuntu-devel forum was read only11:57

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