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_tonio | hi all | 12:07 |
_tonio | little question about packaging | 12:07 |
_tonio | how to resolv the deps problem if one of the required packages is in multiverse (mplayer in my case) | 12:08 |
crimsun | what pool is your package in? | 12:09 |
crimsun | if your package has b-d on a package in multiverse, your package needs to be [demoted to] in multiverse | 12:10 |
_tonio | universe | 12:11 |
_tonio | damn ;) | 12:11 |
_tonio | Okay so I cannot post it to REVU can I ? | 12:11 |
_tonio | I'm trying to package soundkonverter in fact, which depends on many tools including mplayer | 12:12 |
crimsun | sure you can, but you either need to disable the compile option that requires the b-d on the multiverse package, or you need to ask for your package to be demoted to multiverse | 12:12 |
_tonio | okay, and how to resolv the multiverse problem with pbuilder ? | 12:13 |
crimsun | battery's about to die, back in a bit | 12:13 |
_tonio | can it make use of multiverse ? | 12:13 |
_tonio | okay thanks for your help ;) | 12:13 |
crimsun | sure, just make sure multiverse is in your pbuilder's sources.list | 12:13 |
crimsun | remember that will only work for a local build | 12:13 |
hub__ | can't programmer program cleanly? | 12:13 |
crimsun | it will fail horribly on our buildds | 12:13 |
_tonio | okay crimsun thanks ;) | 12:15 |
_tonio | That doesn't resolv my problem because I will not be able to upload it, or built will fail..... I will look for solution... | 12:16 |
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nathanel | the lesstif package seems to be broken and needs a recompile against current libraries; I already added a comment to #14943, but I'm not sure if I should open a new bug on lesstif directly? | 12:59 |
bmonty | hi everyone | 01:12 |
bddebian | Heya bmonty | 01:12 |
bmonty | \sh_away: pong | 01:13 |
_tonio | little question, what to add to "rules" to let pbuilder use qmake instead of make ? | 01:15 |
_tonio | I have a Makefile generated with qmake and no makefile.in | 01:15 |
_tonio | pbuilder just fails...... | 01:15 |
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bmonty | _tonio: is qmake installed in your pbuilder (i.e. is it a build dep?) | 01:16 |
_tonio | in my pbuilder ? I don't understand..... with my packages you mean ? | 01:17 |
_tonio | did I put qmake in the dependancies ? yes | 01:18 |
bmonty | what is the error that you get when it fails? | 01:18 |
_tonio | no makefile found | 01:18 |
_tonio | because I don't have any makefile.in file in the tarball, but I have a "makefile" | 01:19 |
_tonio | sounds a bit strange but that's it | 01:19 |
bmonty | do you have to use -f if the makefile isn't named "Makefile"? | 01:20 |
_tonio | not sure....... I surely have to make a few tests..... | 01:21 |
_tonio | maybe just use qmake without options in the rules file.... I'll make some tests | 01:21 |
sistpoty | ping j^ | 01:25 |
bddebian | Doesn't qmake use .pro files? | 01:27 |
_tonio | bddebian: I don't know exactly qmake, I just used it once... | 01:28 |
_tonio | here is the first line of the "Makefile" I have | 01:28 |
_tonio | # Makefile for building: klear | 01:29 |
_tonio | # Generated by qmake (1.07a) (Qt 3.3.4) on: Sat Sep 10 12:31:47 2005 | 01:29 |
_tonio | # Project: klear.pro | 01:29 |
_tonio | it seems that I have tu use a .pro file and yes I have it ;) but what to add in "debian/rules" for this ? | 01:29 |
bmonty | _tonio: add the qmake commands to build the makefile | 01:30 |
bmonty | and then run it | 01:30 |
bddebian | You should just be able to swap make/makefile.in with qmake/*.pro respectively I think | 01:30 |
_tonio | I'm trying this ;) | 01:32 |
_tonio | bddebian: the problem is that I'm using cdbs, and there is certainly a specific flag to make use of qmake, but I haven't been able to find... | 01:34 |
bddebian | Sorry, I know little to nothing of cdbs :-( | 01:35 |
_tonio | I'm not a specialist also, but is simplifies a LOT ;) therefore I can have problems for example in this case ;) | 01:36 |
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_tonio | kubuntu-devel | 02:32 |
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apokryphos | Malone should be used for Universe bugs, no? | 04:45 |
apokryphos | searching by sourcepackagename doesn't find KPackage (while it is in Universe, both Breezy+Hoary) | 04:46 |
persia | apokryphos: Malong should be used for universe bugs. It's bug day, so bug activity is currently coordinated on #ubuntu-bugs | 05:03 |
apokryphos | persia: I take it universe bugs means packages in universe ;-), but nevermind, I'll note there, thanks :) | 05:03 |
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siretart | morning | 09:01 |
StrikeForce | morning :) | 09:02 |
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siretart | where does postfix place logfiles by default? | 09:34 |
Lathiat | /var/log/mail.{log,info,err} iirc | 09:39 |
siretart | ok, thanks | 09:40 |
=== siretart loves exim.. | ||
=== Lathiat hates !postfix, loves postfix. :) | ||
siretart | :) | 09:42 |
siretart | perhaps I should read more documentation of postfix | 09:42 |
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\sh | moins | 10:00 |
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=== \sh is a bit p*ssed this morning | ||
robitaille | at someone? at something? | 10:06 |
\sh | read the planet...4:34 UTC I got my wakeup call from my provider, that my webserver was down... | 10:07 |
\sh | shitty shitty scriptkiddie bang bang | 10:08 |
crimsun | ick, that blows | 10:08 |
\sh | one weblog was not fixed..and allmighty XMPRPC PHP bog hit me | 10:09 |
\sh | I informed the admin of this vhost and shut this service down... | 10:09 |
\sh | I checked my system and found a nice botnet crap in /tmp/ | 10:10 |
\sh | to be precisley: /tmp/.../.httpd/ ,-) | 10:10 |
Treenaks | \sh: good luck with it | 10:11 |
\sh | Treenaks: all over...I discovered the scriptkiddies | 10:11 |
\sh | .ru | 10:11 |
robitaille | \sh: SERVER points to step.polymtl.ca That's a big enginerring school in Montreal. You could even visit them next month | 10:12 |
\sh | well...the first ip is lycos europe..my ex-teamleader is contact person ;) | 10:12 |
\sh | I mean, they should invest their time in real hacking not in trying out old bugs | 10:13 |
siretart | hi \sh | 10:13 |
\sh | or they should come around and help developing a better ubuntu | 10:13 |
\sh | hey siretart | 10:13 |
\sh | the only thing what disturbs me and got me angry is the time, my provider was sending the sms..it was in the middle of my night ,) | 10:15 |
siretart | understandable | 10:15 |
\sh | oh man..u guys hexed yesterday evening a lot ;) reading -changes ;) | 10:24 |
torkel | crimsun: thanks for taking care of openafs | 10:26 |
\sh | http://www.minisip.org/ | 10:27 |
torkel | crimsun: If you got some time I would apreciate if you could upload/sync openafs-doc too. It's a separate source package nowdays | 10:29 |
=== pef [n=loic@lns-vlq-39f-81-56-130-224.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
pef | hello | 10:31 |
siretart | hi pef! | 10:35 |
pef | I have now free time to help you :) I will certainly help with desktop files | 10:36 |
siretart | great! :) | 10:37 |
pef | the quality of debian packages is a myth or a reallity ? | 10:38 |
crimsun | quite far from myth; definitely a reality | 10:38 |
\sh | ghc6 is ok can we deal with the unmet deps? | 10:38 |
pef | crimsun: so I have no luck with them :) I find some packages with diff about 1M, library as Recommends, etc | 10:40 |
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siretart | \sh: ghc6 and darcs are looking fine, at least on i386] | 10:42 |
\sh | http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/g/ghc6/6.4-4.1ubuntu2/ <- this? | 10:43 |
siretart | yeah, looks fine to me | 10:46 |
\sh | ok..so we can deal with them ;) | 10:46 |
\sh | grmpf | 10:47 |
\sh | siretart: are u haskell specialist? please have a look, when u have time, on hmake ;) | 10:47 |
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\sh | brb | 10:51 |
siretart | \sh: sistpoty is ;) | 10:51 |
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\sh | siretart: ok ;) | 11:12 |
\sh | hmmm...should I go out to have breakfast? | 11:16 |
crimsun | certainly | 11:16 |
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\sh | ok..going out for breakfast or actually it's lunch time ;) | 11:47 |
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siretart | yay finally found that londonlaw/wxpython b00g | 12:02 |
ajmitch | great | 12:12 |
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=== ajmitch is tempted to setup his laptop again with cryptroot | ||
ivoks | hi | 12:13 |
ajmitch | hey ivoks | 12:13 |
ivoks | ajmitch: yeah, me too :) | 12:13 |
ajmitch | since it has my gpg & ssh keys on it | 12:13 |
ivoks | i will do a reinstall as soon as breezy is out | 12:14 |
ivoks | or maybe even with snapshot | 12:14 |
ajmitch | I've already customised my install a bit - I think I could probably convert the running system to cryptroot | 12:14 |
ajmitch | only 11GB of LVM space is currently allocated on it | 12:14 |
ivoks | ajmitch: and you have crypted partitions? | 12:15 |
ajmitch | not yet | 12:15 |
ivoks | i tried to setup that once, and failed | 12:15 |
ajmitch | still got 16GB unallocated in the VG | 12:15 |
ivoks | :) | 12:15 |
ivoks | hm... does gvm understands crypted usb keys? | 12:15 |
ivoks | s/keys/sticks | 12:16 |
ajmitch | yes | 12:16 |
ajmitch | pitti announced basic support for that awhile ago | 12:16 |
ivoks | hm... tempted :) | 12:16 |
ajmitch | if I had a usb key I'd certainly use it crypted | 12:17 |
ivoks | only problem is that's unusable elsewhere | 12:17 |
ajmitch | wouldn't worry me | 12:18 |
ajmitch | you can partition your key | 12:18 |
ivoks | yes, that's what i'm thinking right now... | 12:18 |
ivoks | we should put iFolder in breezy+1 | 12:19 |
ajmitch | aha, he has a mini-howto posted on jul 16 to ubuntu-devel | 12:19 |
ajmitch | umm | 12:19 |
ajmitch | we've already talked about ifolder | 12:19 |
ajmitch | there's an issue with a proprietary lib, iirc | 12:19 |
ivoks | hm... | 12:19 |
ivoks | that's bad | 12:20 |
ajmitch | yes | 12:20 |
ajmitch | I can't recall what the conclusion was | 12:20 |
ajmitch | but we have looked at it :) | 12:20 |
ivoks | ifolder.com - Open Source iFolder Project | 12:21 |
ivoks | but the lib... :/// | 12:21 |
ajmitch | libflaim, iirc | 12:22 |
ivoks | yes | 12:22 |
ivoks | but: | 12:22 |
ivoks | iFolder 3.2 Goals | 12:22 |
ajmitch | we'll see what we can do for dapper (and debian) | 12:22 |
ivoks | Replace the Flaim database with an open source solution | 12:22 |
ivoks | http://www.ifolder.com/index.php/Project_Roadmap | 12:23 |
ajmitch | 3.1 is current | 12:23 |
ivoks | yeah... | 12:23 |
ivoks | so, that could be soon | 12:23 |
ajmitch | probably just after breezy release :) | 12:24 |
ivoks | :) | 12:24 |
ivoks | they say that even libfalim could go open source | 12:24 |
ajmitch | however that's for simias | 12:24 |
ajmitch | I think the ifolder client is fully open source | 12:24 |
ivoks | client is | 12:24 |
ajmitch | but I don't know how useful it is without the server | 12:24 |
ivoks | it's not | 12:25 |
ajmitch | ifolder+avahi will be really good | 12:26 |
\sh | back...have my breakfast at home...to sunny outside | 12:27 |
ajmitch | hey \sh | 12:27 |
ivoks | ajmitch: yes | 12:27 |
Lathiat | what is flaim | 12:28 |
\sh | hey ajmitch :) | 12:28 |
ivoks | Lathiat: bad library :) | 12:28 |
ajmitch | Lathiat: heh, you highlight on avahi in channels now? ;) | 12:28 |
Lathiat | ajmitch: yeh | 12:29 |
Lathiat | ajmitch: altho i was reading the conversation before | 12:29 |
ivoks | would ifolder be able to work over avahi? | 12:29 |
ajmitch | if it were hacked up to do so, yes | 12:29 |
ajmitch | I'd say someone would be working on a patch asap | 12:30 |
ivoks | hm | 12:30 |
ivoks | but who? :) | 12:30 |
=== ivoks looks :) | ||
Lathiat | ifolder 3.1 goals | 12:30 |
Lathiat | - peer-to-peer domain enabled in simias with simias-bonnjour package | 12:30 |
ajmitch | Lathiat: you talked to calvin about it, right? | 12:31 |
Lathiat | ajmitch: nope, i havent really touched ifolder ever | 12:31 |
Lathiat | i tried it once and couldnt get it to work | 12:31 |
ajmitch | ah, I thought you had.. | 12:31 |
Lathiat | that was a long time ago tho | 12:31 |
ajmitch | I recall now, Mez was trying to package it, had been talking to him | 12:31 |
ajmitch | beyond 3.2 goals.. tomboy & f-spot.. ;) | 12:32 |
ivoks | f-spot looks nice | 12:32 |
ajmitch | it is | 12:33 |
ivoks | f-Spot | 12:33 |
ivoks | :/ | 12:33 |
ajmitch | ? | 12:34 |
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ivoks | eh | 12:52 |
ivoks | pitti rulz | 12:52 |
ajmitch | heh | 12:53 |
ajmitch | what did you setup? | 12:53 |
ivoks | usb stick | 12:56 |
ivoks | when you plug it in, asks for pass | 12:56 |
\sh | ?? | 12:57 |
\sh | what is it? | 12:57 |
ivoks | \sh: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2005-July/008982.html | 12:57 |
ivoks | we should write gui for this | 12:58 |
\sh | why he didn't blog it ,-) | 12:59 |
ivoks | :) | 12:59 |
ajmitch | \sh: because he posted it to the devel list? :) | 01:01 |
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\sh | he should blog those things, so i can read it with my akregator ,-) | 01:01 |
\sh | You know, blogs are kewl ,-) and they're quite strange | 01:02 |
ajmitch | hehe | 01:02 |
ajmitch | hello rob^ | 01:03 |
\sh | this morning I read an article on Kai Ravens Blog (he's blogging about security issues in RL + Internet stuff), there was a link to a blog of a woman named "Jane"...she's writing as well about security issues in RL+Internet...and on her blog I found a link to a blog, which belongs to an old friend of mine, and I didn't know that she's still alive ;) | 01:04 |
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ajmitch | small world :) | 01:06 |
ajmitch | hi persia | 01:06 |
\sh | ajmitch: yes | 01:06 |
persia | hi ajmitch. I tried to take a break to play games, but found a bug (and the fix). Malone #2392. | 01:07 |
ajmitch | ok | 01:08 |
=== ajmitch fetches | ||
persia | ajmitch: Thank you. | 01:08 |
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ajmitch | hmm | 01:10 |
ajmitch | coreutils has 318 open bugs in debian :) | 01:10 |
\sh | wow | 01:14 |
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bddebian | Heya gang | 02:42 |
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\sh | bang....just trying to clean up my bugzilla bug list | 03:27 |
\sh | libhid *gnarf* | 03:27 |
slomo | hi everybody :) | 03:28 |
\sh | hey slomo | 03:28 |
=== ChrisJ79 [n=ChrisJ79@sasser.cs.Dal.Ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
\sh | slomo: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/distribute.html <- u uploaded latest acrobat, right?? | 03:29 |
slomo | no | 03:30 |
slomo | i hate acrobat reader :P | 03:30 |
\sh | who was it then | 03:30 |
slomo | why do you think i uploaded it? is there nothing written in the changelog? | 03:30 |
\sh | siretart: ah ;) | 03:30 |
ajmitch | noone should have uploaded it | 03:31 |
\sh | Betreff: Accepted acroread 7.0.1-0.0.ubuntu1 (source) | 03:31 |
\sh | Datum: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 22:25:09 +0100 (BST) (23:25 CEST) | 03:31 |
\sh | or is it only a meta package? | 03:31 |
=== ajmitch wonders how it could be there | ||
ajmitch | nope | 03:32 |
ajmitch | 39477207 non-free/text optional acroread_7.0.1.orig.tar.gz | 03:32 |
ajmitch | something that large is not a meta package | 03:32 |
\sh | yeah see it right now :( | 03:32 |
ajmitch | synced from debian non-free | 03:32 |
slomo | looks like marillat... not debian non-free | 03:33 |
siretart | hi | 03:33 |
\sh | siretart: Betreff: Accepted acroread 7.0.1-0.0.ubuntu1 (source) | 03:33 |
\sh | Datum: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 22:25:09 +0100 (BST) (23:25 CEST) | 03:33 |
siretart | I took acroread from pantera | 03:33 |
\sh | siretart: did u see this? http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/distribute.html | 03:33 |
siretart | whats the problem with it? | 03:33 |
\sh | siretart: do we have a permission to redistribute? ,-) | 03:33 |
ajmitch | is the UVF policy for universe written down so people can see it? | 03:34 |
siretart | \sh: hm. :( | 03:34 |
\sh | ajmitch: we handle UVF not as main handles it ... we will do this for dapper | 03:34 |
siretart | \sh: in the package, there wasn't any significant change in licence. but I admit, that I didn't investigate the adobe website further | 03:35 |
ajmitch | \sh: no, there are UVF policies that we agreed on for universe | 03:35 |
ajmitch | \sh: this lack of knowledge about it is a problem | 03:35 |
Yagisan | UVF ?? | 03:35 |
ajmitch | upstream version freeze | 03:35 |
Yagisan | thanks | 03:36 |
siretart | the previous version had security issues, only fixable with the new upstream version | 03:36 |
\sh | if it fixes a bug we should use new version | 03:36 |
ajmitch | \sh: sure, but the policies were that UVF breakages had to be approved by certain people | 03:36 |
siretart | thats why I uploaded the new version. if we may not redistribute acroread, we can remove that anyway | 03:36 |
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siretart | ajmitch is right, my bad | 03:37 |
siretart | well, I asked dholbach and \sh, they didn't object | 03:38 |
\sh | siretart: yeah...but now I read the new terms | 03:38 |
=== ajmitch found the TB meeting where we agreed, fwiw | ||
siretart | ajmitch: do you have a link to the minutes? | 03:40 |
bddebian | Was I there? SInce I'm the one in trouble? :-) | 03:40 |
ajmitch | bddebian: it's not just you | 03:41 |
ajmitch | siretart: I might do - I found it grepping through my irc logs on my box :) | 03:41 |
slomo | bddebian: it's almost us all ;) | 03:41 |
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siretart | ajmitch: never mind | 03:43 |
ajmitch | july 13 | 03:43 |
siretart | we should discuss this the next motu meeting | 03:43 |
ajmitch | I guess we just have to scrap the UVF idea now | 03:43 |
ajmitch | since noone sticks to it :) | 03:43 |
ajmitch | next MOTU meeting is soon, isn't it? | 03:43 |
ajmitch | ah yes, in a couple of days | 03:44 |
\sh | ajmitch: ;) | 03:44 |
siretart | on thursday | 03:44 |
=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc4-lich4-3-0-cust247.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
siretart | \sh: what do you suggest regarding acroread? | 03:45 |
ajmitch | if the license does state we can't redistribute it, then we *have* to remove it from the archive ASAP | 03:46 |
ajmitch | so you'd have to contact elmo I think | 03:46 |
ogra | guys, acroreads license was discussed to an extend with sabdfl please leave it alone except for fixing | 03:46 |
ajmitch | ogra: is it? | 03:46 |
ogra | yup... | 03:46 |
ajmitch | ogra: so what's the status? | 03:46 |
\sh | hmmm | 03:47 |
ogra | is it working ? | 03:47 |
siretart | I uploaded a new version yesterday, fixing some security issues (malone bugnr mentioned in changelog) | 03:47 |
ogra | thats fine, is it working now ? | 03:47 |
\sh | yes | 03:48 |
siretart | for me [tm] . yes ;) | 03:48 |
ogra | great, so just leave it alone... | 03:48 |
ogra | ;) | 03:48 |
\sh | hmmm...how can I determine the version of autocrap stuff, e.g. determine which version I should use to rebuild this crap? | 03:48 |
ogra | elmo and sabdfl are aware of the license... | 03:48 |
ogra | (except it changed with the recent upload) | 03:49 |
ajmitch | ogra: you'll be at the meeting to clarify whatever UVF stuff we might have (and ignore?) :) | 03:49 |
slomo | \sh: look at the configure.ac... there is a minimum version specified when it's done correct | 03:49 |
ogra | simple rolese of thumb: if it fixes something, if a big user demad is there or if the version we have blocks something else, break UVF | 03:49 |
slomo | \sh: otherwise... automake 1.8 / autoconf 2.5? worked for me with everything ;) | 03:50 |
ogra | we didnt make real rules this time and i think all delegates are able to decide themselves if or if not an UVF brekage make sense | 03:50 |
ajmitch | ogra: more the issue of motus not asking for uvf exceptions | 03:51 |
ogra | yes, thats odd... | 03:51 |
ajmitch | but just uploading or requesting syncs | 03:51 |
Mez | hmm | 03:51 |
\sh | slomo: this is autoconf..but what about aclocal/automake? | 03:51 |
ogra | so lets make a list and talk to them why they dont respect the rules we worked out together | 03:51 |
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ajmitch | i don't think this was noted well enough for the new motus to know :) | 03:52 |
Mez | can someone load up and see if they can connect ? | 03:52 |
\sh | or i have to compile it with python2.3 | 03:52 |
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ajmitch | ogra: we'll talk about it at the motu meeting on thursday, I guess | 03:52 |
ogra | ajmitch, i guess we'll have to fully comply to all freezes in dapper anyway, to make sure universe is fit enough for 5 years of support | 03:52 |
=== ajmitch has to sleep now :) | ||
ajmitch | certainly | 03:52 |
Mez | can anyone? | 03:53 |
ajmitch | I don't know how dapper's 5 year plan will fit with universe though | 03:53 |
ajmitch | Mez: 403 | 03:53 |
ogra | me neither, but its there :)( | 03:53 |
ogra | s/(// | 03:53 |
Mez | 403? | 03:53 |
Mithrandir | ajmitch: a nice rule of thumb is "when in doubt, ask", since it's so much better to ask about a sync too much than a sync too little. | 03:53 |
ajmitch | ogra: true.. so we'll have a lot of work to do | 03:53 |
\sh | ./configure: line 1952: syntax error near unexpected token `pedantic,' | 03:53 |
\sh | ./configure: line 1952: `MD_ARG_ENABLE_CUSTOM(pedantic, pedantic compiler checks, no)' | 03:53 |
Mez | ajmitch: but it connects? | 03:53 |
ajmitch | Mithrandir: yeah, it's just some syncs requested have been a bit broken :) | 03:54 |
ajmitch | Mez: yes | 03:54 |
ogra | we'll just have to start earlier the next time, which was blocked this time due to the several transitions | 03:54 |
Mithrandir | ajmitch: so make them atone by buying beer at UBZ (if they'll be there) | 03:54 |
ajmitch | ogra: I think dapper ought to be smoother for transitions | 03:54 |
ogra | yup | 03:54 |
\sh | wx2.6 ;) | 03:54 |
\sh | crap crap | 03:54 |
ajmitch | sid ought to be smoother by then as well | 03:55 |
ogra | ajmitch, which syncs where that ? | 03:55 |
Mez | hmm | 03:55 |
ogra | do we have a list... ` | 03:55 |
Mez | weird | 03:55 |
ogra | ? | 03:55 |
ajmitch | ogra: not a list, there have just been a couple of packages I've followed up on with a new upload after the sync | 03:55 |
ogra | we should identify the uploaders and talk to them, probably the UVF stuff wasnt clear enough | 03:56 |
ajmitch | yep | 03:56 |
ogra | thats why i asked for a list... | 03:56 |
ajmitch | I've done so :) | 03:56 |
ogra | oki ;) | 03:56 |
\sh | argl | 03:57 |
\sh | I'm a autocrap n00b | 03:57 |
ogra | ajmitch, btw, awesome work with the bugday, i never manager to get this many people in #ubuntu-bugs ... and kudos to persia (s)/he owns the channel | 03:57 |
\sh | aclocal-1.7 -I ./m4 ,-> | 03:57 |
ajmitch | ogra: I didn't have to do much | 03:57 |
ajmitch | ogra: persia & others did most of the work | 03:57 |
ogra | ajmitch, but you achieved more than me ;) | 03:58 |
=== bddebian hides | ||
ogra | bddebian, kudos as well ;) | 03:58 |
bddebian | I'm hiding about UVF uploaders ;-) | 03:58 |
ajmitch | ogra: we'll arrange for more bug days during the dapper cycle then | 03:58 |
ogra | yup | 03:58 |
ajmitch | getting a group of people to discuss the bugs & work on it seems to have worked well | 03:59 |
ogra | we'll probably have and official bugmaster by then | 03:59 |
=== bddebian votes for persia ;-) | ||
ajmitch | probably | 03:59 |
ajmitch | ogra: you won't be the bug master? :) | 03:59 |
ogra | (its wanted, we sadly missed to get luis :( ) | 03:59 |
ajmitch | ogra: someone employed, or some poor volunteer? | 04:00 |
ogra | ajmitch, depends how edubuntu will go on... if it still is my main responsibility i wont have time | 04:00 |
ogra | i guess someone will get hired if we dont get volunteers... but i'm not the one to decide such things so dont take me serious here ;) | 04:01 |
ajmitch | yep | 04:01 |
=== ajmitch doesn't think he'll be stepping forth as bug master any time soon :) | ||
ajmitch | ok, time for sleep, see you tomorrow | 04:04 |
=== ogra goes voting | ||
\sh | gnarf | 04:10 |
\sh | fixed libhid | 04:10 |
slomo | \sh: congrats :) what was broken? | 04:11 |
slomo | ajmitch: what about making a bug day every half month/15 days? | 04:12 |
bmonty_laptop | hi everyone | 04:12 |
\sh | not fixed | 04:13 |
\sh | gnarf | 04:13 |
\sh | slomo: python2.4 | 04:14 |
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\sh | but now ;) | 04:16 |
\sh | fcking workarounds | 04:16 |
\sh | I will kick madduck ;) | 04:17 |
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bmonty_laptop | \sh: were you able to try a build with ace? | 04:21 |
\sh | bmonty_laptop: infinity did :) | 04:21 |
\sh | bmonty_laptop: uploaded...u forget to mention one switch for 00options | 04:22 |
\sh | 14:54 #ubuntu-devel: < infinity> \sh : For future reference, using CPP preprocessing in 00list doesn't work unless you enable dpatch's optional CPP parsing. :) (DPATCH_OPTION_CPP=1 in debian/patches/00options) | 04:22 |
bmonty_laptop | didn't know that | 04:23 |
bmonty_laptop | but removing the flag for a powerpc and amd64 build made it work? | 04:23 |
\sh | yes | 04:23 |
=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc4-lich4-3-0-cust247.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
\sh | http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/a/ace/5.4.7-3ubuntu1/ace_5.4.7-3ubuntu1_20050918-1411-i386-successful.gz | 04:24 |
\sh | http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/a/ace/5.4.7-3ubuntu1/ace_5.4.7-3ubuntu1_20050918-1408-amd64-successful.gz | 04:24 |
=== Mez sits back for a couple of years and hopes that this works | ||
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siretart | hi Mez! | 04:39 |
Mez | hey siretart, sup | 04:39 |
\sh | hmm..one beer for me pls | 04:43 |
\sh | i fixed bloody libhid | 04:43 |
\sh | cheers guys | 04:44 |
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=== slomo orders one beer for \sh :) | ||
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\sh | bah...stinky package | 05:31 |
\sh | determines version numbers via aclocal.m4 and debian/changelog and gets fuzzy with -XubuntuY | 05:31 |
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slomo | \sh: shall i upload libmms? | 05:56 |
\sh | slomo: it's promoted ;) | 05:58 |
slomo | \sh: what do you want to tell me with that? ;) it has 2 votes but is not uploaded yet? or it's in NEW? ;) | 05:59 |
_tonio | hello | 06:00 |
_tonio | I have a litle question concerning the usage of dpatch, I read about all documentation with it | 06:00 |
_tonio | but when I want to create a patch, launching dpatch-edit-patch, I get an error message | 06:01 |
slomo | _tonio: what error? (not that i use dpatch-edit-patch...) | 06:01 |
_tonio | make: *** Pas de rgle pour fabriquer la cible unpatch . Arrt. | 06:01 |
_tonio | which litteraly means (no rules to create target <unpatch>. stop | 06:02 |
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bmonty_laptop | _tonio: did you include the dpatch script in rules? | 06:02 |
bmonty_laptop | man dpatch.make | 06:02 |
\sh | slomo: upload it :) 2 motus are enough :) | 06:03 |
_tonio | include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk | 06:03 |
_tonio | isn't that ok ? is that another patch system ? | 06:03 |
slomo | \sh: ok... i just wanted to know if it's already in NEW =) i hate REJECTED mails :P | 06:03 |
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bmonty_laptop | _tonio: that is the cdbs patch system | 06:03 |
bmonty_laptop | I think you have to use cdbs-edit-patch instread | 06:04 |
_tonio | ahhhhhhhhhhh oki ;) | 06:04 |
_tonio | works the same way ? | 06:04 |
\sh | slomo: not that I know off | 06:04 |
\sh | slomo: but check breezy-changes ;) you should get accepted or it must be shown up there..NEW==not in overrides | 06:04 |
bmonty_laptop | _tonio: I think so, I haven't used the cdbs patch system...I think the concept is the same | 06:05 |
\sh | doing some RL work...brb | 06:05 |
slomo | \sh: it's only on breezy-changes when it's out of NEW | 06:05 |
_tonio | okay, I'm building the last version of qtparted, and the code is a mess, you cannot imagine ! | 06:06 |
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_tonio | is there a problem on revu ? | 06:14 |
_tonio | I get this during upload : | 06:14 |
_tonio | Uploading via ftp kinstaller_0.2-0ubuntu1.dsc: Error '553 Could not create file.' during ftp transfer of kinstaller_0.2-0ubuntu1.dsc | 06:14 |
_tonio | Note: This problem might be caused by files already existent on the server. | 06:14 |
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\sh | slomo: yes..but u should get a kati mail..and I didn't upload anything from revu in the last days;) | 06:19 |
slomo | \sh: no... he should get a katie mail ;) well, it's uploaded now :) | 06:20 |
\sh | slomo: if he's whitelisted ;) | 06:21 |
slomo | \sh: he most probably isn't :P | 06:21 |
\sh | bah I hate libhid | 06:23 |
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\sh | HOLY SHIT i did it now | 06:33 |
\sh | but with auto* dance in rules...the rest was to crappy ;) | 06:34 |
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_tonio | concerning packages that have a multiverse dep | 07:00 |
_tonio | what is the process for testing the package threw pbuilder, and of course uploading it ? | 07:00 |
siretart | _tonio: wait, I'll check the upload queue | 07:02 |
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\sh | _tonio: become a motu | 07:02 |
siretart | _tonio: yes, there were some leftover files, please reupload | 07:02 |
\sh | or to revu? | 07:02 |
_tonio | thanks siretart | 07:03 |
_tonio | \sh: in fact I wanna package soundkonverter | 07:04 |
_tonio | it has mplayer dependency, and I would like to upload it, that app rocks ! | 07:04 |
siretart | _tonio: did you upload kmplayer? | 07:05 |
_tonio | but don't know the process in fact..... Becoming a motu is in my plans, but I don't have time actually to get my key signed.... | 07:05 |
=== Arrogance [n=aks@ottawa-hs-209-217-83-33.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
_tonio | yep, but without mplayer, because this dep is optionnal it can use xine, ffmpeg etc... | 07:05 |
_tonio | I will correct it and put mplayer in "Recommended" maybe. | 07:05 |
siretart | _tonio: ok, may I archive your upload. you didn't answer on daniels question since aug 4 | 07:06 |
_tonio | let me check...... I dont think so, i'm doing it tight now, just a sec ;) | 07:06 |
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_tonio | Ho last version has a very clean debian folder, nice ;) | 07:10 |
=== sedak [n=fred@82-32-125-115.cable.ubr04.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
siretart | _tonio: so you will definitly do another kmplayer upload? | 07:13 |
_tonio | yep, certainly another new upload, with mplayer-386 in recommended to avoid the universe limit | 07:14 |
_tonio | is that a correct way to process siretart ? | 07:14 |
siretart | why mplayer-386? what about ppc and amd64 users? | 07:15 |
siretart | and remember, mplayer is in multiverse, you may not depend or recommend (suggest is imo okay) on packages in multiverse in packages in universe | 07:16 |
_tonio | your're right.... | 07:16 |
_tonio | siretart: which one is generic ? mplayer-nogui ? | 07:17 |
siretart | _tonio: check the mplayer packages, at least mplayer-386 Provides: mplayer | 07:18 |
_tonio | siretart: you mean ? sorry my english is sometime a bit limited ;) | 07:20 |
_tonio | in fact I don't see any package for amd64 or mac.... | 07:20 |
\sh | hmmm | 07:21 |
slomo | _tonio: for mplayer dependencies look at mozilla-mplayer | 07:21 |
slomo | _tonio: the amd64 package is just mplayer... the mac ones are mplayer-powerpc and mplayer-g4 | 07:22 |
\sh | what the hack is this ? | 07:22 |
\sh | can someone show on wxwindows2.4 and what is the version? | 07:22 |
_tonio | slomo: I don't see those packages ;) Specific repos ? | 07:22 |
slomo | \sh: W: Unable to locate package wxwindows2.4 | 07:23 |
slomo | _tonio: just multiverse ;) | 07:23 |
\sh | apt-cache showsrc wxwindows2.4 | 07:23 |
slomo | \sh: Version: | 07:24 |
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\sh | and now check your unmet deps | 07:24 |
slomo | \sh: hmm... the version number is unusual ;) | 07:24 |
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\sh | LC_ALL=C apt-cache -i unmet | 07:24 |
\sh | for wxpython2.4-1 | 07:24 |
slomo | \sh: LC_ALL=C apt-cache -i unmet | grep wxp | 07:25 |
slomo | \sh: finds nothing | 07:25 |
\sh | slomo: do an update ;) | 07:25 |
\sh | Package wxpython2.4-1 version 2.4.4ubuntu6 has an unmet dep: Depends: libwxgtk2.4-1-python (= 2.4.4ubuntu6) | 07:25 |
\sh | but i can't find any package in debian/control of the source | 07:25 |
slomo | \sh: wxpython2.4-1 is deprecated afaik... it's python-wxgtk2.4 or similar now | 07:26 |
slomo | \sh: maybe an old package in the archives | 07:26 |
\sh | Package: python-wxtools | 07:27 |
\sh | Architecture: all | 07:27 |
\sh | Section: python | 07:27 |
\sh | Depends: python-wxgtk2.4, ${shlibs:Depends} | 07:27 |
\sh | Conflicts: libwxgtk2.4-python, wxpython2.4-1 | 07:27 |
\sh | Replaces: libwxgtk2.4-python, wxpython2.4-1 | 07:27 |
slomo | \sh: change the depends | 07:28 |
slomo | \sh: python-wxgtk2.4 | 07:28 |
siretart | \sh: I have only an unmet dep on wxpython2.5.3 | 07:28 |
\sh | i have 2.4 and 2.6 | 07:29 |
siretart | shawarma: wxpython 2.4 is afaik not deprecated, 2.5 is for sure | 07:29 |
siretart | 2.5 is in hoary, and creates upgrade problems to breezy with 2.6 | 07:29 |
\sh | Package wxpython2.6-0 version has an unmet dep: Depends: libwxgtk2.6-0-python (= | 07:29 |
siretart | thats the reason why 2.5 was never in debian testing | 07:29 |
slomo | the 2.5 pcakages can be recompiled against 2.6 with no problems... normally ;) | 07:29 |
siretart | in general, yes | 07:29 |
\sh | i will ask doko_ | 07:29 |
slomo | \sh: ok... but afaik that's just a broken dependency ;) | 07:30 |
\sh | slomo: shouldn't be there, if the package doesn't exist anymore | 07:30 |
\sh | I mean the source version and the binary version are different | 07:30 |
\sh | and http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/w/wxwindows2.4/ it should be in the archives | 07:31 |
\sh | since the 22-08-2005 | 07:31 |
\sh | actually is | 07:32 |
\sh | so where do i get the wxpython bla from... | 07:32 |
slomo | \sh: again... python-wxgtk2.4 ;) | 07:32 |
\sh | slomo: yes...but it shouldn't be in the unmet deps list, because the version is greater then 2.4.4ubuntu6 right? | 07:34 |
slomo | \sh: not sure... maybe 2.4.4ubuntu6 is higher than because letters are in general higher than numbers | 07:35 |
\sh | so it's a mistake | 07:35 |
\sh | I stop for today...grabbing some beer..to celebrate my holiday end ,-) | 07:37 |
\sh | brb | 07:38 |
_tonio | slomo: that's okay for kmplayer, I know what to do, but concerning soundkonverter ? How to provide this package for multiverse if I'm not a motu ? | 07:38 |
=== _tonio opens his beer for \sh | ||
slomo | _tonio: soundconverter? this is already in universe | 07:39 |
_tonio | ah ? | 07:39 |
slomo | _tonio: and just upload it to revu ;) | 07:39 |
_tonio | hum..... soundkonverter, soundconverter.... are we talking about the same package ? | 07:40 |
_tonio | I'm talking about a kde application | 07:40 |
slomo | _tonio: ok, and i'm talking about a gnome application :) | 07:40 |
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slomo | so just upload it to revu ;) | 07:40 |
_tonio | okay | 07:40 |
_tonio | and how to test the building with pbuilder before uploading ? can I activate multivate multiverse for pbuilder ? | 07:41 |
slomo | _tonio: sure... the same way how you activated universe | 07:41 |
slomo | OTHERMIRROR="deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe multiverse restricted" | 07:41 |
_tonio | slomo: thanks ;) | 07:42 |
=== Arr0gance [n=aks@ottawa-hs-64-26-147-33.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
_tonio | what would you suggest for the packaging of an application that installs .so file, and doesn't need to create -dev package, because this lib isn't used by any application ? | 07:46 |
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_tonio | riddell suggests me to build like that, but daniel disagrees because that make a lintian warning on the binary ..... | 07:47 |
_tonio | I don't know what to do ;) | 07:47 |
slomo | _tonio: ask the debian policy ;) | 07:47 |
_tonio | but as a motu, would you validate that kind of package ? just to know what to do ;) | 07:48 |
=== fred__ [n=fred@82-32-125-115.cable.ubr04.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
slomo | _tonio: i wouldn't know ;) so probably not... would be better when to applications installs it's stuff into /usr/lib/$package ;) | 07:49 |
_tonio | ;) | 07:50 |
slomo | what package is it? | 07:50 |
_tonio | hum let me check.... the is kinstaller, but I have to reupload it | 07:51 |
_tonio | and..... | 07:51 |
\sh | _tonio: what error message of linitian? | 07:51 |
_tonio | * non-dev-pkg-with-shlib-symlink usr/lib/libkatalog.so.0.0.0 usr/lib/libkatalog.so (might need splitting out - or talk to upstream how to deal with it) | 07:55 |
_tonio | dh asked me to see with the kubuntu guys, and riddell seems okay, that's not a problem for him | 07:55 |
slomo | _tonio: when no other package uses this... you can try statically linking the library | 07:56 |
_tonio | which means ? | 07:56 |
\sh | ah | 07:57 |
slomo | _tonio: patching and work ;) | 07:57 |
\sh | no...it should be only .so | 07:57 |
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\sh | it's application dependend...no other app is using it...so should be handled like ioslave- so's | 07:57 |
_tonio | \sh: I'm not sure to understand what you mean... -> english limited | 07:58 |
\sh | e.g libkontact.so.1.0.0 -> libkontact.so.1 only | 07:59 |
\sh | no .so | 07:59 |
\sh | if it's a plugin then u use .so only without versioning and a .la file..but for applications installing their libs...it should be libkatalog.so.1.0.0 and libkatalog.so.1 | 08:00 |
_tonio | k | 08:02 |
_tonio | so I have to patch the sources, let's go | 08:04 |
\sh | u should patch your autocrap stuff :) | 08:04 |
\sh | how old is the admin/ dir? | 08:05 |
_tonio | 2 days old | 08:06 |
\sh | it's not the same coming from kdevelop? i mean the admin dir is generated by kdevelop from templates....and those ones are old | 08:08 |
\sh | normally | 08:08 |
\sh | hmmm....there is no new version from katalog? | 08:09 |
\sh | s/from/of/ | 08:09 |
_tonio | yep, I'll take the tarball again I think ;) | 08:09 |
\sh | _tonio: is katalog in kde svn? extragear or something like this? | 08:11 |
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\sh | if somebody wants to have fun...aqsis ;) http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=11387 | 08:13 |
_tonio | I don't think so... concerning the date of admin folder, this is due to the my removing of cvs folder in the tarball | 08:13 |
\sh | _tonio: take an admin dir from kde-3.4.2 svn...and update it | 08:14 |
\sh | (as patch please ;)) | 08:14 |
\sh | and recheck, if it's generating the correct libs and not those wrong ones | 08:14 |
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_tonio | \sh I'm trying this, thanks ;) | 08:18 |
sjmorgan | is it possible for somebody to build the latest quodlibet package from debian? | 08:18 |
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slomo | sjmorgan: why? what is new? | 08:19 |
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sjmorgan | http://www.sacredchao.net/quodlibet/milestone?id=EF%2FQL+0.13.1 | 08:19 |
sjmorgan | 0.11 is in ubuntu and since then there's been 0.12, 0.13 and 0.13.1 | 08:20 |
slomo | are there any critical bugfixes or just new features? | 08:20 |
sjmorgan | i dunno | 08:21 |
sjmorgan | does there need to be critical bug fixes for a package to be built? | 08:22 |
slomo | or something which is really needed... currently at least... after breezy release all packages which are newer in debian will be synced automatically but for breezy we're in upstream version freeze | 08:24 |
sjmorgan | oh, ok | 08:24 |
slomo | what are the reason why you want to have the new version? :) | 08:25 |
sjmorgan | gstreamer backend + new id3 library | 08:27 |
sjmorgan | i could build a package myself but it would be nice if it was in universe | 08:27 |
sjmorgan | like i say 0.11 is a few versions old | 08:27 |
sjmorgan | it's changed quite a bit since then | 08:27 |
slomo | then it's maybe better to wait for dapper... when so many things have changed there is a great risk of many new bugs or regressions | 08:28 |
sjmorgan | fair enough | 08:29 |
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\sh | lol...funny funny..our voting here | 08:36 |
slomo | \sh: yes... but i doubt something good can come from this ;) | 08:37 |
\sh | I'm watching the livestream from ard...the round table of big elephants | 08:38 |
_tonio | \sh: same error using a recent admin folder..... | 08:39 |
_tonio | I don't know where is created the link..... an idea ? I'm searching in the sources but.... i'm not a developper ;) | 08:39 |
\sh | _tonio: u made a make -f admin/Makefile.common ? | 08:40 |
\sh | or make -f Makefile.cvs | 08:40 |
_tonio | ah no ;) just replaced the admin folder, and supposed it was enough ;) | 08:40 |
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\sh | no u have to regenerate...so make -f admin/Makefile.common | 08:40 |
_tonio | okay with a patch also | 08:40 |
siretart | the results make me very sad :( | 08:48 |
_tonio | \sh: tried but now during pbuilder I have this : | 08:49 |
\sh | siretart: don't worry...watch ard...and u have a lot of fun...I think schroeder is drunk ,-) | 08:49 |
_tonio | WARNING: use unsermake instead of make or use a wrapper script, e.g. makeobj!!! | 08:49 |
_tonio | unsermake install | 08:49 |
_tonio | Wrong parameters. | 08:49 |
\sh | yes | 08:50 |
slomo | siretart: nothing unexpected imho... but nonetheless sad... the next years probably will be chaotic political ;) | 08:50 |
\sh | now u should patch the rest | 08:50 |
slomo | \sh: "galgenhumor"? ;) | 08:50 |
\sh | _tonio: the source of katalog is old..very old | 08:50 |
siretart | \sh: I'm watching it all the time. I think he is on crack.. | 08:50 |
\sh | slomo / siretart: read my comment on a blog of a friend: http://sushee.geekheim.de/?p=364#comments | 08:51 |
\sh | what I'm thinking about a bug coalition sorry, big i mean | 08:51 |
_tonio | \sh: so what to do ? Forgetting the package ? ;) | 08:52 |
\sh | _tonio: patch it :) | 08:52 |
\sh | make it running :) | 08:52 |
=== sh_warma [n=sh@3E6B503C.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
siretart | slomo: \sh: did you notice revu-build? | 08:53 |
_tonio | \sh: well appart from the link to .so it works !! Isn't there a param to use during compilation to avoid the creation of that link ? | 08:54 |
_tonio | and according to certain personns this error can be ignored, for example riddell | 08:54 |
\sh | siretart: where is it ? | 08:54 |
siretart | \sh: http://revu.tauware.de/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/wiki/Revu1Building | 08:54 |
siretart | \sh: slomo: please place a .forward on tiber in your homes. | 08:55 |
siretart | I should have written revu-build a lot earlier, I think.. | 08:57 |
=== bddebian [n=bddebian@pcp08717033pcs.phnixv01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
bddebian | Heya gang | 08:57 |
siretart | huhu bddebian | 08:57 |
slomo | siretart: hm, what is .forward for? forwarding our mails to some other address? what's the syntax for that file? just a email address? | 08:57 |
slomo | hi bddebian :) | 08:57 |
bddebian | Heya siretart, slomo | 08:57 |
siretart | slomo: just do a `echo yourmail@example.com > ~/.forward` on tiber | 08:59 |
siretart | slomo: you may also configure procmail, if you prefer ;) | 08:59 |
\sh | _tonio: siretart done | 09:00 |
slomo | siretart: not necessary... i already run procmail on my router ;) | 09:00 |
bddebian | Heya \sh | 09:00 |
slomo | siretart: done :) | 09:00 |
_tonio | ah ;) | 09:01 |
bddebian | _tonio: Did you ever have any luck with the qmake stuff? | 09:02 |
_tonio | bddebian: not at the moment ;) | 09:02 |
bddebian | :-( | 09:02 |
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@lns01-0853.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
ivoks | hello | 09:04 |
siretart | \sh: gajim is trying to sign my 'away' messages. is there any way to get rid of that behavior? | 09:04 |
bddebian | Heya ivoks | 09:04 |
\sh | siretart: it's correct behaviour regarding the JEP :) | 09:04 |
siretart | I don't want to be annoyed every 10 min being asked about my passphrase | 09:05 |
siretart | \sh: acording to JEP? main upstream? | 09:05 |
\sh | siretart: xmpp spec | 09:05 |
siretart | grmpf | 09:05 |
siretart | I disagree | 09:05 |
ivoks | gajim rulz | 09:05 |
\sh | siretart: lets wait for OTR support in gajim ;) | 09:06 |
siretart | hi ivoks | 09:06 |
siretart | OTR? | 09:06 |
ivoks | hi siretart | 09:06 |
ivoks | hi bddebian | 09:06 |
ivoks | hi \sh | 09:06 |
\sh | Off The Record Encryption | 09:06 |
ivoks | anyone else? :) | 09:06 |
\sh | hey ivoks | 09:06 |
siretart | ok. I eagerly await sip on xmpp ;) | 09:09 |
\sh | well... | 09:10 |
\sh | Another beer? | 09:10 |
\sh | yes | 09:10 |
slomo | \sh: good idea :) | 09:11 |
=== ivoks loves my crypted usb stick | ||
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\sh | siretart: www-data 25999 26914 0 14:35 ? 00:00:00 [revu-key] <defunct> | 09:17 |
siretart | fuck | 09:17 |
siretart | need to leave, cu. | 09:17 |
siretart | sorry | 09:17 |
ivoks | bye | 09:17 |
bddebian | Later siretart | 09:18 |
ivoks | hm | 09:19 |
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ivoks | we have one zombie app in repo :) | 09:20 |
ivoks | qdvdauthor | 09:20 |
ivoks | it contains pixmap and .desktop file | 09:20 |
ivoks | but no app :) | 09:20 |
slomo | ivoks: very useful :) maybe it failed compiling and the makefile is broken? | 09:21 |
ivoks | slomo: checking as we speek | 09:21 |
shackan | your nautilus-python seems buggy, the latest cvs works fine, is there any chance to update it ? | 09:28 |
shackan | "yes it's possible" or "no, go sit in a corner and wait for depper" ? | 09:31 |
ivoks | b) | 09:31 |
ivoks | :)) | 09:31 |
shackan | :\ | 09:31 |
ivoks | how buggy? | 09:31 |
ivoks | and you are reffering to whom? | 09:32 |
shackan | uhm, can crash nautilus | 09:32 |
ivoks | W: Unable to locate package nautilus-python | 09:32 |
shackan | to anyone who can respond..., I don't know how things work here | 09:32 |
shackan | ops, python-nautilus | 09:33 |
shackan | ( in the CVS it's called nautilus-python, that's why, sorry ) | 09:33 |
ivoks | so, how can i reproduce crash? | 09:33 |
shackan | http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=316595 | 09:34 |
shackan | happens with every python extension I tried | 09:38 |
\sh | what? | 09:38 |
shackan | \sh, install a gnome-vfs module written in python, then, install a nautilus extension written in python, then, run the aforementioned gnome-vfs module, then nautilus cries and dies | 09:40 |
bddebian | If a package Depends: foo (= 1.0.34) but we have foo 1.0.34-0build1, how shoudl I change the Depends? >= 1.0.34 or >=1.0.34 (<< 1.0.35)??? | 09:42 |
slomo | bddebian: $package (>= 1.0.34), $package (<< 1.0.35) | 09:44 |
slomo | bddebian: but is this really needed there? | 09:44 |
\sh | bddebian: then say better $package (= 1.0.34) | 09:45 |
bddebian | ?? | 09:47 |
\sh | >= 1.0.34 << 1.0.35 == = 1.0.34 | 09:47 |
ivoks | 1.0.34 | 09:47 |
ivoks | 1.0.34-0asdasd1 = 1.0.34 | 09:48 |
ivoks | -0asdasd1 is revision, not version | 09:48 |
ivoks | anyway, i can reporoduce this python thing | 09:49 |
bddebian | Oh, it doesn't have a revision, sorry it's just 1.0.34build2 | 09:49 |
ivoks | i can't :) | 09:49 |
\sh | well...if we have 1.0.34-0ubuntu1 and then he should tighten it...if we have 1.0.34-1 then we have to >=1.0.34 << 1.0.35 | 09:49 |
\sh | bddebian: what? native package? | 09:49 |
bddebian | \sh: Dunno it's survex | 09:50 |
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\sh | not 1.0.34-1build2? | 09:50 |
shackan | ivoks, works fine on you ? | 09:50 |
bddebian | \sh: Nope | 09:50 |
ivoks | shackan: i can't get pyvfs roking at all | 09:50 |
shackan | why? | 09:50 |
ivoks | sec.. | 09:51 |
bddebian | \sh: The first build1 they did, they just did 1.0.34build1 | 09:51 |
shackan | export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd):$PYTHONPATH; mkdir /tmp/pyfs; export TMPDIR=/tmp/pyfs; nautilus --no-desktop pyfs:/// | 09:52 |
Mithrandir | what's pyfs? | 09:52 |
crimsun | bddebian: take a look at the output from: dpkg --compare-versions 1.0.34 eq 1.0.34build2 && echo "yes" | 09:52 |
shackan | Mithrandir, just a demo module | 09:52 |
ivoks | "pyfs:///" is not a valid location | 09:53 |
bddebian | crimsun: Then I don't understand why survex-aven has an unmet dep | 09:53 |
shackan | ivoks, even doing the above ^^^ (sorry for abusing your patience) | 09:54 |
ivoks | shackan: yup | 09:54 |
ivoks | shackan: is this hoary or breeyz? | 09:54 |
ivoks | breezy | 09:54 |
ivoks | lots of typos today :/ | 09:54 |
shackan | fresh breezy | 09:54 |
ivoks | libgnomevfs-WARNING **: module '/usr/lib/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/libpythonmethod.so' returned a NULL handle | 09:55 |
shackan | I assume you copied pyfs.conf in the appropriate directory and killall nautilus before doing it | 09:55 |
ivoks | yup | 09:55 |
crimsun | bddebian: hmm? The output from dpkg --compare-versions explains why. | 09:56 |
shackan | sigh.. | 09:56 |
crimsun | bddebian: the Dep in debian/control needs to be updated | 09:56 |
ivoks | shackan: so, your pyfs.conf is where? | 09:56 |
ivoks | shackan: i don't have .gnome2/vfs/modules | 09:56 |
bddebian | crimsun: That's what I asked originally. BTW, I don't get anything from --compare-versions | 09:56 |
crimsun | bddebian: dpkg --compare-versions tells you that 1.0.34 != 1.0.34build2 | 09:56 |
bddebian | OK, so Dep: survex (>= 1.0.34), survex (<< 1.0.35) ? | 09:58 |
shackan | ivoks, /etc/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/pyfs.conf | 09:58 |
crimsun | bddebian: that's tolerable, or use substvars to generate the version at compile-time | 09:59 |
Mithrandir | bddebian: tfheen@thosu:~$ dpkg --compare-versions 1.0.34 = 1.0.34build2 && echo true || echo not true | 09:59 |
Mithrandir | not true | 10:00 |
Mithrandir | look at the return value | 10:00 |
crimsun | yeah, it'll return 1 | 10:00 |
ivoks | shackan: same thing again... | 10:00 |
ivoks | killall -9 nautilus; export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd):$PYTHONPATH; mkdir /tmp/pyfs; export TMPDIR=/tmp/pyfs; nautilus --no-desktop pyfs:/// | 10:01 |
shackan | this, from the folder where pyfs.py is, right ? | 10:02 |
ivoks | lol | 10:03 |
ivoks | it's gziped :) | 10:03 |
ivoks | so, now what? it opend. | 10:03 |
ivoks | shackan: it works | 10:04 |
shackan | ok | 10:04 |
shackan | ok, no crash after installing any of /usr/share/doc/python-nautilus/examples/ | 10:04 |
ivoks | didn't try | 10:04 |
shackan | that's what triggers the bug | 10:04 |
shackan | is seems gnome-vfs and python extensions, both written in python, don't mix together | 10:05 |
shackan | ops, s/python/nautilus/1 | 10:05 |
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spacey | gpg encryption with gajim doesn't work at allll | 10:09 |
spacey | :S | 10:09 |
ivoks | it is kind of buggy :) | 10:09 |
spacey | just doesn't work :o | 10:10 |
spacey | broadcasting of keys doesn't work | 10:10 |
_tonio | \sh: I'm searching for a way to correct the non-dev-pkg-with-shlib-symlink error | 10:10 |
spacey | and if i assign it manually we can't decrypt each others messages | 10:10 |
ivoks | spacey: ivoks@grad.hr | 10:10 |
_tonio | and it apears that there is a folder /usr/share/lintian/overrides than tells lintian to ignore certain errors | 10:10 |
_tonio | there is no know way to avoid that error according to what I can read.... | 10:11 |
_tonio | riddell's katapult package has the same error for example, but has been added, so I must say I am confused on that point... | 10:11 |
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\sh | _tonio: then go the lintian override way | 10:24 |
shackan | ivoks | 10:24 |
ivoks | yes? | 10:24 |
shackan | thanks for just trying :) | 10:25 |
ivoks | np | 10:25 |
ivoks | well, it doesn't crash | 10:25 |
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shackan | even with < any nautilus-python ext here > installed ? | 10:25 |
ivoks | i installed that pyconf | 10:26 |
ivoks | or what was it;s name | 10:26 |
ivoks | and it worked | 10:26 |
shackan | yes, it's supposed to work | 10:26 |
shackan | the problem is not there, the problem is python-nautilus | 10:27 |
_tonio | \sh: this is what I am doing, just reproducing what riddell has already done in other packages ;) | 10:28 |
ivoks | ok, what do i have to do to reproduce the bug? | 10:28 |
ivoks | shackan: it's late over here and i'm loosing concentration | 10:29 |
shackan | sudo cp /usr/share/doc/python-nautilus/examples/*.py /usr/lib/nautilus/extensions-1.0/python/ | 10:29 |
shackan | sorry | 10:29 |
ivoks | so, don't be mad if i'm... slow :) | 10:29 |
shackan | no no | 10:29 |
shackan | I'm not | 10:29 |
ivoks | ok, did that | 10:29 |
shackan | now do the pyfs:/// trick of before | 10:30 |
shackan | (sigh, I should have written a shell script to do all of that, sorry) | 10:30 |
ivoks | eh... | 10:33 |
ivoks | restart app | 10:33 |
shackan | uh? | 10:33 |
shackan | what happens? | 10:33 |
ivoks | >>pyfs.__init__<< pyfs None | 10:34 |
ivoks | and it dies | 10:34 |
shackan | YES!!!!! | 10:34 |
shackan | that's it! | 10:34 |
ivoks | but... | 10:34 |
shackan | you see, it worked before! | 10:34 |
ivoks | you can do this in many ways | 10:34 |
shackan | do what? | 10:35 |
ivoks | sec | 10:35 |
shackan | ok | 10:35 |
ivoks | yeah, ok, it's a bug | 10:37 |
shackan | thanks :D | 10:37 |
shackan | ok, now the workaround is to take python-nautilus from cvs, should I bugzilla this ? | 10:38 |
ivoks | no, malone | 10:38 |
ivoks | launchpad.net/malone | 10:38 |
ivoks | shackan: do you know a patch for this bug? | 10:39 |
ivoks | since i doubt we will take CVS... | 10:39 |
shackan | ouch, well, I could try diff'ing from CVS, if I knew what version you're using | 10:39 |
ivoks | apt-cache show python-nautilus | grep Version | 10:40 |
ivoks | shackan: sec... | 10:40 |
ivoks | ok, nothing.. | 10:41 |
ivoks | report it and we will see what to do with it | 10:42 |
shackan | ok, sorry I don't know how to see what is the cvs revision your version comes from | 10:43 |
ivoks | oh... | 10:43 |
ivoks | my, my, my... | 10:44 |
ivoks | works with deiban's version | 10:44 |
ivoks | but... | 10:44 |
ivoks | debian's is for 2.3 python | 10:44 |
shackan | debian uses 2.3 ?? it's damn old... | 10:45 |
ivoks | shackan: our version is 0.3.0 release | 10:45 |
ivoks | ah, just report it.. | 10:45 |
ajmitch | morning | 10:45 |
ivoks | we will take care of it | 10:45 |
ivoks | ajmitch: morning | 10:45 |
ivoks | ajmitch: you can take over now :) | 10:45 |
ajmitch | no I can't | 10:45 |
ajmitch | I'm leaving for work in 2 minutes | 10:46 |
ivoks | ah, monday :) | 10:46 |
ivoks | bddebian should be around :) | 10:46 |
ajmitch | yeah | 10:46 |
=== ajmitch can be a non-motu like usual | ||
ivoks | ah, /me dreams bed | 10:47 |
ivoks | see you | 10:47 |
ajmitch | bye | 10:47 |
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bddebian | ??\ | 10:49 |
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_tonio | \sh: it works, no more lintian error in the override way ;) | 11:05 |
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\sh | _tonio: upload ;) | 11:10 |
_tonio | done for klibido | 11:12 |
_tonio | I'm correcting kdetv and kftpgrabber the same way ;) | 11:12 |
_tonio | \sh: done for katalog sorry ;) -> actually working on klibido and done the confusion ;) | 11:14 |
\sh | _tonio: k | 11:20 |
=== \sh is smoking the last cigarette...before going to bed... | ||
=== _tonio somkes to much too... | ||
\sh | ok...g'night guys...tomorrow more | 11:30 |
_tonio | problem with pbuilder.... | 11:32 |
_tonio | OTHERMIRROR="deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe multiverse restricted" -> added to pbuilderrc but it doesn't consider multiverse......... | 11:33 |
ajmitch | pbuilder update | 11:35 |
_tonio | doesn't work ;) it doesn't update multiverse | 11:38 |
ajmitch | right, you may need to update the sources.list inside the chroot | 11:38 |
ajmitch | which you can do with pbuilder login --save-after-login | 11:38 |
ajmitch | which gets you into the chroot to edit | 11:38 |
_tonio | ajmitch: isn't editing /etc/pbuilder/apt.config/sources.list enough ? | 11:40 |
ajmitch | don't think so | 11:41 |
ajmitch | depends on how you have it setup, iirc | 11:41 |
_tonio | k | 11:41 |
_tonio | sudo pbuilder update --override-config ;) | 11:43 |
_tonio | just need to override config after modifing sources.list | 11:43 |
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