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zulhey folks12:56
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jbaileyShould a mobile AMD Athlon(tm) use a k7 kernel?02:03
zuli believe so02:03
jbaileyCool, tx.02:03
mkrufkyjbailey: i responded to that bugzilla about the dvb headers... the way i fixed it should solve the problem for all distros02:04
jbaileymkrufky: Nice, thanks!02:06
jbaileyI'll look at the bug in a few minutes to see what the solution is.02:06
mkrufkyok... would be nice to hear from the original user if it works 02:06
mkrufky(before we close the bug)02:06
jbaileymkrufky: Are you still interesting in being involved in dvb/v4l with Ubuntu?02:06
jbaileyPeople often don't answer, it's not usually worth waiting for them to reply if you beleive that it's actually fixed.02:07
mkrufkyi guess ur right02:07
mkrufkybut yes, i am interested in being involved in dvb/v4l w/ Ubuntu... 02:08
jbaileyCool.  Did you get a chance to talk with BenC about it at all?02:11
zulor just close it, some people open bug reports and never get back to you02:12
mkrufkyhe was discussing gcc dependencies for kernel-package that other day... didnt really say much to me02:12
mkrufkyhe did say i was always welcome here... thats basically iy02:13
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zulgah...simpsons sucks02:17
mkrufkyzul: ur right... this episode sux02:25
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zulBenC: shouldnt it be CONFIG_ACPI_BOOT=n for 686-smp?\03:29
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zulhah hah...ottawa is beating toronto in pre-season nhl03:33
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BenCzul: I dunno, should it?03:44
zuli been reading some people have problems with smp and acpi 03:47
BenCwill disabling acpi hurt anything?03:48
zulnot sure...but its gone in 2.6.1303:49
zulmaybe mjg59 would be the best person to ask :)03:49
BenCacpi is gone?03:50
BenCor the acpi/smp bug? :)03:50
zulfor smp i think...gimme a sec...i saw it on bugme03:50
BenCyeah, acpi disabled on smp would make sense I guess03:51
zul2745 on bugme.osdl.org03:52
zuluh...no thats wrong03:53
zulnight night04:13
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fabbionemorning fellas05:34
fabbionemkrufky: ping?05:51
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mkrufkyfabbione: pong06:06
fabbionehey mkrufky 06:07
fabbionemay i take a few minutes of your time? if you are not busy06:07
fabbionethere is a friend of mine here on IRC that is building a HTPC06:08
fabbione(so am i)06:08
fabbionehe is not online now, but i think he would like to talk with you to have some suggestions about what kind of DVB cards to buy06:08
mkrufkywhat country does he live in?06:09
fabbionei would be really glad if you could give him some suggestions when he will be around06:09
fabbioneand i am in denmark06:09
mkrufkyok... you should tell him to go into #linuxtv06:09
fabbioneok.. on this net?06:09
mkrufkythe dvb drivers are discussed in #linuxtv and the analog drivers in #v4l06:10
fabbionefor me instead i am looking for a TV/FM card only for now...06:10
fabbioneok.. so i guess i need to join #v4l06:10
mkrufkymost cards are supported06:10
fabbionethanks :)06:10
mkrufkyif u get an unsupported one, you can help us to add support for it06:10
fabbioneyeah but i have a very limited selection of hw06:10
mkrufkyif u tell me what u have access to, i'll let u know which is better supported06:11
mkrufkybttv-based cards have the best support, but that is an older chip06:11
fabbionelike pinnacle, asus (one model), Hauppauge and trust06:11
mkrufkycx2388x and saa713x based boards are also very well supported06:12
fabbioneskipping trust that i don't like06:12
fabbioneyeah but there is no indication of the chipset :/06:12
fabbionethat's why i was seeking for help :P06:12
mkrufkythose pinnacle and hauppauge are mostly supported06:12
mkrufkydo u know any model #'s06:12
fabbionehauppauge claims to be "Win-TV" something....06:12
fabbionei can take you there..06:13
fabbionesec.. mozilla died.. again06:13
fabbioneHardware -> Tv-Kort (3rd col to the bottom)06:14
mkrufkyi think all 4 of those carfds are supported06:14
fabbioneclick (alle)06:14
mkrufkywe have a relationship with hauppauge06:14
fabbionethat sounds good06:15
mkrufkyif there is an unsupported card, they help us by giving us some info06:15
fabbioneonce you get to that page, if you click on the icon with the pic of the board, you get the specs06:15
fabbionebut they never mention the chipset06:15
fabbionebut there are the references to the producer site06:16
mkrufkyya i see06:16
mkrufkythats aannoying06:16
fabbioneyeah. but it's a very good hw reseller here in sk06:16
mkrufkyi think wintv pvr500 might not be supported yet06:17
fabbioneperfect :)06:17
mkrufkybut we just added support for 55006:17
fabbione(it's also too expensive)06:17
mkrufkyso, you can buy the 500 and help us to test and add new support for it06:17
mkrufkythe hardware is very similar to 55006:17
mkrufkyso it would be easy06:17
fabbioneyeah but i am hounest, i wouldn't be able to allocate time for it06:18
fabbioneother than doing testing06:18
fabbionei am not into v4l code or DVB code at all06:18
fabbioneand i guess you need such a board locally to be able to work on it06:19
mkrufkythats all u'd really need to do... we would need u to read us some #'s off the card and run some tests06:19
fabbionemkrufky: can this stuff be done remotly?06:19
mkrufkycard programming is simple... just a definition of what drivers to call with what options06:19
mkrufkyyes, it can be done remotely, but it is handy to have someone nearby in case reboot is necessary06:20
fabbioneyeah of course06:20
fabbionei can live with rebooting the box :)06:20
mkrufkyu never know... maybe someone else will add support before you receive it in the mail06:20
fabbioneeheh true06:20
fabbionebut i can't see the 550 on their product line..06:21
mkrufkyour cvs has been very active lately06:21
fabbioneyeah i am sure it is :)06:21
mkrufkythat pvr 500 looks real nice to me06:22
fabbionei like the idea of the 2 tuners06:23
mkrufkyya its nice06:23
fabbionethey use a conexant chipset06:23
mkrufkylooks like it does not do HDTV tho06:23
mkrufkyyes, it is supported06:23
fabbionewe don't have HDTV here anyway :)06:24
mkrufkyooh oops... this board... maauro has it06:24
fabbionewe barely have an antenna ;)06:24
mkrufkymauro is v4l maintainer... hauppauge sent him that board for him to add support for it06:24
mkrufkycx23416 chipset06:24
fabbione"each with their own hardware MPEG encoder!"06:25
mkrufkythis is great... uses less cpu06:25
mkrufkythe name of the driver is cx88-blackbird06:25
mkrufkyand i think that board might be supported by ivtv , not sure06:26
mkrufkywe're working with the ivtv people to merge their stuff into v4l06:26
fabbioneyou convinced me :)06:26
fabbioneyeah i have been asked to merge ivtv once into the ubuntu kernel06:26
fabbionebut there were too many bits i didn't like06:26
fabbionesuch as conflicting drivers06:27
mkrufkyit is easier for distro's to do something like that.... vanilla kernel cant quite do that06:27
fabbionebut i will have to wait a bit to buy this card.. it's a bit too expensive atm06:27
mkrufkythey could instead, have an ivtv package in the repository06:27
mkrufkyand if you did that, you might as well also have a v4l update package in the repository as well06:28
mkrufkyi think that would have to mask each other out though06:28
fabbioneit's still an issue to provide kernel drivers in an external package06:28
mkrufkywhy is that?06:28
fabbionewe have a simple rule..06:28
fabbionewhatever is GPL and can be merged into the main kernel, we do it06:29
mkrufkyhmmm... dont merge ivtv then... it DOES conflict with v4l06:29
fabbionethe issue of having extra kernel drivers packages goes to security06:29
fabbionei didn't merge it :)06:29
fabbionelet me explain in few words06:29
fabbionethe main tech issue is when we need to provide security updates06:29
fabbionelet say that we do update the main kernel and this gets to change its ABI06:30
fabbioneas it is now: we upload 2 packages and everybody is happy06:30
fabbioneif we start to ship N external packages, all of these need to be rebuild (and possibly fixed) against the new kernel06:30
fabbionethat takes hell of a lot of time and resources06:31
fabbioneso it's easier to a certain degree to keep everything in the main kernel06:31
fabbionebut clearly we need to make a selection of what can go in06:31
mkrufkyi c06:31
fabbioneand what has to stay out06:31
mkrufkydo u ever backport features from newer kernels into your current kernels?06:32
fabbioneit of course depends what we need to backport06:32
mkrufkyhow conservative about that stuff is ubuntu?06:33
fabbionewell if you are asking me to backport a new MM layer, i would clearly say no06:33
fabbioneif we are talking about drivers we are more flexible06:33
mkrufkyhehe ya of course06:33
fabbioneit also depends on what development season stuff shows up06:33
fabbioneright now at 3 weeks from release, it's only heavy bug fixing and security fixes06:34
fabbionewe still have exceptions but they are more unique than rare06:34
mkrufkymakes sense06:34
fabbionewe are flexible to the point that in the beginning of the development season we can include all kind of junk06:35
fabbioneif it results to be buggy, we kick it out before FeatureFreeze06:35
fabbioneit means that we have no issue to push crack around to user for testing06:35
fabbionebut it gets the time in which we make decision.. and sometimes it's though06:35
mkrufkywell, i guess when it comes time to upgrade your kernel to the next mainline version, i could give you a v4l/dvb update patch against that mainline version06:36
fabbionethat would be very nice06:36
mkrufkyi understand that your most likely not going to adopt 2.6.1306:37
fabbionenot for breezy.. no06:37
mkrufkyi wouldnt expect that you would want such a patch against 2.6.12 for breezy06:37
fabbionei am pretty sure we will got .13 or .14 for dapper (breezy+1)06:37
fabbionemkrufky: it depends how big it is :)06:37
fabbionemkrufky: we are at 3 weeks from release06:38
mkrufkyhmm... does that mean a lot of time or a little time?06:38
desrtdapper is ultra-secret codename :)06:38
fabbionedesrt: no it's not :)06:38
fabbioneit's been announced on ubuntu-devel a while ago ;)06:38
desrtpfah.  jeff seems to think it is06:38
desrta dingo is an awful animal06:39
mkrufkyhmm... maybe tomorrow i'll see what a diffstat of our current stable snapshot looks like against 2.6.1206:39
desrtwell... the animal isn't bad06:39
desrtbut i mean... as a name!06:39
fabbionemkrufky: ok..06:40
fabbionemkrufky: thanks a lot for all your suggestions :)06:40
mkrufkyfabbione: no problem06:40
desrtfabbione; is benc still the man?06:40
mkrufkyive got an unrelated question then....06:41
fabbionedesrt: yeps06:41
fabbionemkrufky: sure if i can help06:41
mkrufkydo u have zaptel in your kernel?06:41
desrthm.  hopefully he is around tomorrow, then06:41
fabbionemkrufky: oh hmm.. can't remember06:41
mkrufkyit is not in mainline, and probably will never be06:41
fabbionelet me check06:41
mkrufkyit is device driver for the digium boards06:42
mkrufkyfor asterisk06:42
fabbionei am checking..06:42
fabbionewe added quite a bunch of external drivers06:43
fabbioneso i don't exactly remember all of them06:43
mkrufkyzaptel is also quite actively changing in cvs06:43
fabbionenope we don't06:43
mkrufkyya i didnt think so... 06:44
mkrufkyso anyone that wants to make a pbx will have to install that kernel driver from cvs, and lose ubuntu support?06:44
fabbionemkrufky: well not really...06:45
fabbioneor better.. it depends06:45
mkrufkyi was told that installing external modules causes loss of support06:45
fabbionelet say that the standard kernel works on machine foo06:45
fabbioneand you add a module06:45
fabbioneand the kernel starts to oops06:45
fabbionethan well.. there isn't much i can do there06:45
fabbione(like with nVidia binary crap)06:46
fabbionebut if the kernel oops before and after.. makes no difference06:46
mkrufkyyou could always say, "it must be your externel module... ask #foo for help with that"06:46
fabbionenow.. if you are talking about commercial support.. i have no idea..06:46
fabbionemkrufky: well as i explained above, if the kernel works and only adding that module starts to oops..06:46
mkrufkyya i gotcha06:47
fabbioneit is sort of clear that the module might either be buggy or exploit a bug in the kernel06:47
fabbionebut if i get an oops that is related only to that driver..06:47
fabbionewell than i need to forward you to #foo06:47
fabbionebut note.. this is true for drivers of which i can read the code..06:49
fabbioneif i get bugs like "NVidia driver oops"06:49
fabbionei don't even bother to check06:49
fabbionei send them to nvidia forums06:49
fabbioneno code.. there is nothing i can do06:50
mkrufkyya we do the same in #v4l 06:50
fabbioneok :)06:50
mkrufkynvidia should just open up their drivers06:50
mkrufkyoh well06:50
mkrufkyi use all ati06:51
fabbionethey both should :)06:51
mkrufkybut there are some good oss ati drivers06:51
fabbionethey should still open up06:52
mkrufkyi agree06:52
fabbionebrb.. i have to wake up my wife06:52
mkrufkyi'm actually goin to bed soon06:52
mkrufkywas nice chattin06:52
fabbionethanks a lot mkrufky 06:57
fabbionegood night06:57
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MithrandirBenC: how do you feel about applying http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/attachment.cgi?id=1985 ?11:01
Mithrandir(I know it's late in the release cycle, but I was made aware of it late.)11:02
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mjg59BenC: When are we looking at a new kernel release?01:44
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BenCmjg59: this week01:58
mjg59BenC: Any idea when?01:58
BenCWed or Thu01:59
MithrandirBenC: what about the p4-clockmod patch?01:59
BenCMithrandir: which bug report is that for?02:00
mjg59BenC: Ok. Kernel freeze is the end of next week?02:00
MithrandirBenC: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=858702:00
fabbionehey BenC 02:00
fabbioneBenC: i did commit all the sparc stuff to baz02:00
fabbionelet me know when it's time to prebuild before release02:00
fabbionethis is the last kernel.. if we fuck it up, we lose sparc for breezy02:01
mjg59Uh. We're only doing one more release?02:01
fabbionemjg59: yes02:01
fabbioneand i think we are already pretty late02:02
fabbionewe should be already in Security only bug fixing iirc02:02
mjg59Ok. That presents certain problems.02:02
fabbionewe are at 3 weeks from release02:02
fabbionelet me check the schedule02:03
BenCif anyone wants patches added to the kernel before this next release, please can you send me a diff with the .dpatch, changelog entry and 00list-8.14 entry added?02:04
BenCI have about 3 bug reports that I need to do some hardcore kernel debugging with, before this next release02:04
BenCgoing to be time consuming02:04
fabbionekernel freeze is the 24th02:04
fabbioneso that means friday02:04
BenCFriday is the latest then02:05
fabbioneso in 10 days02:05
MithrandirBenC: well, I would like a comment on the bug I mentioned above; I don't know kernel stuff enough to tell whether it's correct or not.02:11
BenCMithrandir: hold a sec02:18
BenCMithrandir: the patch is clean, so I think it can go in02:20
MithrandirBenC: excellent, can you wrap it up or should I commit it to the archive?02:20
BenCit might also fix some other bug reports (powernowd causing screwed up mouse, cpufreq messing up the clock speed)02:20
BenCIf you have the time, please do02:21
BenCif not, shoot me an email as a reminder02:21
MithrandirI can just do it.02:21
Mithrandir(it's not that I don't have enough to do, but it's trivial enough. :)02:21
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zulhey peeps02:24
BenChey zul02:28
zulhow is it going ben?02:29
BenCnot too bad02:29
BenChow about you?02:29
zulgood...after recovering from a flu bug and a cold as well as good be expected02:29
fabbionehey zul02:30
BenCnasty, I hate the flu more than anything02:30
fabbioneBenC: so we have only 3 pkgs that are FTBFS on sparc/main/breezy :)02:30
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fabbioneone of which we don't really care02:30
zulyeah i had chills and hot flashes...i think i got it from fabbio...02:30
zulhey fabbione 02:30
fabbionebut kernel and klibc yes.. we do :)02:31
fabbionezul: i told you not to lick my nose while i am sleeping!02:31
BenCfabbione: you said klibc was getting fixed, right?02:31
fabbioneBenC: jbailey was going to look at it...02:31
fabbionekernel is fixed if we don't change the hell in it02:31
BenCwhat's wrong with klibc on sparc?02:31
zulbetter than your nose than your nuts02:31
fabbioneBenC: it builds in 64bit mode...02:32
fabbioneand it fails in 32bit02:32
BenCzul: yeah, that'd probably be a whole different sickness :)02:32
fabbionemimatch = crash at boot02:32
fabbioneprobably busybox-initramfs02:32
fabbionebah i have 15 minutes.. i can give it a shot02:33
BenCfabbione: kernel crash, or crash in klibc?02:33
fabbioneBenC: same kernel works with initrd02:34
fabbionei get an oops02:34
fabbionebut  it's too early in the boot process to understand what's wrong02:34
BenCdoes klibc run in kernel mode?02:34
fabbioneno idea02:34
fabbionei don't think so02:34
BenCis it just a stripped down libc like uclibc?02:34
fabbioneafaik yes02:34
BenChmm, and 32-bit mode causes a kernel crash...that sounds more like a kernel bug (assuming klibc runs in userspace mode)02:35
jbaileyBenC: It does.02:35
fabbionenope.. i think it's the mistmatch between klibc being built in 64bit and busybox in 3202:35
fabbionehey jbailey 02:35
BenCif klibc is causing a kernel crash on sparc64, that's really bad02:36
jbaileyBenC: The kernel crash is almost certainly because there's nothing left to do, so the shell script dies.02:36
jbaileyAs opposed to a real crash.02:36
BenCso it's like init dieing?02:36
BenCok, I feel better now :)02:36
BenCwhy is klibc being built as 64-bit?02:36
fabbioneBenC: the same exact kernel boots perfectly if we use initrd02:36
fabbionethat's why i pointed the finger at klibc02:37
BenCinitrd uses installed libc?02:37
jbaileyBenC: Because it sucks.  I haven't fixed it yet, I ran out of time this weekend.02:37
fabbioneBenC: eh that's the interesting problem02:37
fabbioneit's FTBFS on 32bit more02:37
fabbionethe one in the archive was my mistake building it manually02:37
jbaileylibgcc is pulling in .umul in 32 bit mode for some reason. 02:37
BenCah, where's the package, I can have a look later tonight maybe02:37
fabbioneand it did build in 64bit02:37
jbaileyI don't think it'll be hard to fix.02:37
fabbioneBenC: klibc02:37
BenCeasy enough :)02:37
fabbioneBenC: do you want access to the sparc with the chroots?02:38
jbaileyIt was totally a case of I spent all of Saturday polishing up the initramfs-tools package, and Sunday needed a break.02:38
BenCnah, I can just build it here02:38
=== jbailey really needs to find a null modem cable to get his U5 running.
fabbionejbailey: you polished it so much that somebody did open a critical on it :)02:38
jbaileyfabbione: Great.  I'll punt it to mjg59.  He sent me the patch that broke it.02:39
jbaileyApparently USB drivers suck and can'tbe loaded before a resume.02:39
fabbioneno shit...02:40
jbaileySo we had to split up the driver passes and do a resume after only the controllers are walked.02:40
fabbionei managed today only after 6 months to get my USB webcam to work02:40
jbaileyBut that's before md runs, before lvm runs, before evms runs...02:40
jbaileyOh!  Since I have you both here.  I have update-initrfs in the package I just uploaded now.02:40
jbaileySo I need to do a hack again to use that now instead.02:40
mjg59jbailey: Mm?02:41
jbaileymjg59: 1577502:41
BenCjbailey: can you unload drivers before a resume?02:41
jbaileymjg59: It looks like resume isn't working in some case there.02:41
jbaileymjg59: Wondering if you've thought of some magic way of making this all Just Work without me rewritting all of the logic in there?02:41
jbaileymjg59: Like, I could walk the tree and maybe *unload* the USB drivers or something...02:42
BenCerr, I mean unload drivers before a suspend and then reload them02:42
mjg59BenC: We do02:42
BenCjbailey: the e100 and e1000 drivers fail if they are loaded during a suspend, and then are reloaded for the resume02:42
fabbionemplayer http://gordian.fabbione.net:8090/fabcam.rm <-02:42
fabbionenot everybody all together please02:42
mjg59BenC: The problem is that the driver gets loaded by initramfs, the old image is read back and then the module is loaded again02:42
mjg59jbailey: It's not just USB. It's basically *everything*.02:43
BenCif e100 and e1000 can be unloaded prior to the suspend, it may be a workaround that is needed if I can't figure out this 1 year old bug02:43
mjg59BenC: They *are* unloaded prior to the suspend02:43
mjg59All network and USB drivers are unloaded02:44
BenCmjg59: prior to the suspend state being saved to disk?02:44
BenCthen this bug report makes even _less_ sense02:44
mjg59BenC: Which one?02:44
mjg59The problem is:02:44
zulfabbione: what is it?02:44
BenCupon resuming from S3, e100/e1000 dumps out because the EEPROM is seen as corrupted02:44
BenChold a sec...02:45
fabbionezul: my webcam02:45
mjg59BenC: If the driver isn't loaded, nothing saves/restores the PCI state02:45
mjg59So in an ideal world, we don't unload the driver02:45
mjg59Except that most drivers are broken, so we do unload them02:45
BenCanyone know the command off hand for getting the eeprom with ethtool?02:46
mjg59jbailey: I'm not sure what cleaner ways there could be02:46
mjg59BenC: That one is probably the same issue as with USB02:46
mjg59BenC: initramfs loads the driver. The hardware is then in an initialised and running state. We resume from disk, and then try to load the module again. The driver doesn't know how to deal with this.02:47
mjg59jbailey: Either we unload all the drivers, resume and then reload them02:47
mjg59jbailey: Or we resume before we load those drivers02:47
mjg59The second of these takes less time. Both would appear to have identical failure modes.02:48
BenCmjg59: well, if the driver was unloaded prior to suspend, then there should be no saved state concerning the driver, and it should just do everything from scratch again, as if it was not resumed, right?02:48
mjg59BenC: Yes, but the initialisation code expects quiescent hardware02:48
mjg59Not running hardware02:48
mjg59BenC: That bug report isn't S3, it's S402:49
jbaileymjg59: Right.  The issue I hit is that lvm and md cope poorly with devices missing.02:49
BenCright, the reports I read on other sites said S302:49
mjg59jbailey: "Cope poorly" in what way?02:49
mjg59BenC: Right. That's probably them failing to unload/load it, or something.02:49
BenCmjg59: but if the driver was unloaded prior to suspend, then the hardware should not be running02:50
BenCwhat would make it "running"?02:50
jbaileymjg59: They'll activate anyway and then the missing devices require special handling to bring them online again (Like, remirroring, etc)02:50
mjg59BenC: Except it is, because initramfs loaded the driver02:50
mjg59jbailey: Oh, for christ's sake.02:50
jbaileyI don't remember what lvm does is a missing device case for multipath02:50
mjg59jbailey: Hm. Is there any way that we can tell if there's a USB device in the lvm or md?02:50
BenCprobably checking /sys/02:51
jbaileyNot that I know of, but I haven't explored the idea.02:51
mjg59jbailey: Well, in that case we lose *anyway*02:51
jbaileyThe whole filesystem/mapper/ide-disk&&sd/block device sandwitch seems to be a bitch.02:51
jbaileyAt each layer nothing cleanly refers to the next.02:52
mjg59jbailey: Ok. Can we clearly define the problem?02:52
mjg59jbailey: We need to resume *after* the swap partition is available, but *without* USB/network modules loaded02:53
jbaileymjg59: "Suspend and resume suck.  We need to make it suck the least possible and piss off the fewest people in the failure cases"02:53
mjg59So currently we should be doing that except in the case that the swap partition is on lvm02:53
jbaileyDo we just say for now that anyone doing something crazy like multipath on usb or NBD will lose and we're not too fussed?02:53
mjg59Nobody's going to be doing md over NBD or USB02:54
jbaileyOr on md, I realised.02:54
mjg59But they *might* be doing LVM on USB (they'd be fucking insane, but still)02:54
Mithrandirmjg59: I've actually considered doing md over nbd, but not usb.02:54
jbaileymjg59: The installer does this when you do lvm.02:54
jbaileyMithrandir: I've done md over USB. =)02:54
Mithrandirjbailey: some people will be doing raid over their USB enclosures.02:54
jbaileyUnplug the USB drive and store it for backup.  Drop in the new drive and remirror over the course of the day.02:55
jbaileyNo waiting for overnight backups.02:55
mjg59jbailey: It's fine for us to say that we don't support hibernate in bizarre configurations02:55
mjg59jbailey: But we should support hibernate on plain LVM02:55
mjg59Since currently we *do* support hibernate on plain LVM02:55
jbaileyWhats the right things long term?  Should the drivers eventually all work right?02:56
mjg59Eventually we don't unload the drivers on suspend and their resume code works02:56
=== fabbione -> offline
fabbionelater guys02:56
Mithrandircan't the resume check that the modules are already loaded and not try to reload them?02:57
Mithrandir(or is that a totally silly idea, since this is all handled through hotplug which does magic stuff)02:57
mjg59Mithrandir: ?02:58
mjg59Mithrandir: Ah - no, we're on a different kernel by then02:59
mjg59suspend unloads module, saves image. Resume loads module, loads image. Module is now not loaded.02:59
Mithrandiruhm, ok.02:59
mjg59The resumed image has *no idea* what's happened before it was read off disk03:00
Mithrandiris there any way to communicate that to it?03:01
mjg59But it wouldn't help, because the module code wouldn't be loaded03:01
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jbaileymjg59: alternatively, it should only attempt to load them if acpi has initialised.03:49
jbailey" "03:49
jbaileymjg59: Lovely, how do I do that? =)03:49
jbaileyI didn't think I could detect that from userspace.03:49
mjg59Check for /proc/acpi03:49
jbaileyAh? Okay.  I thought that was created when the first modules was loaded/.03:50
mjg59No, it should be created when the interpreter starts03:51
jbaileyIs there any way of detecting which modules it's capable of accepting?03:52
Comte0Hi. Can anyone have a look at bug #10307? I'm on that macintosh right now.03:57
jbaileySure, I can.04:02
jbaileyI'm also on a Mac G5 atm that's working.04:02
jbaileyProbably a different superdrive, though.04:02
BenCme too04:02
BenCI have a CDR/DVDR Superdrive04:02
BenCit works (live cd)04:03
jbaileyI'll let Ben take it, he's more knowledgable that I for this.04:04
jbailey(Still watching the screen, but doing marketplace updates in the other window)04:04
BenCComte0: how old is your G5?04:05
BenCmy superdrive is connected to my ATA according to System Profiler, but my harddrive is connected via sata, and the live-cd recognized it04:07
BenCI think it's all the same bus though04:07
Comte0BenC: it's quite new, I think it was bought for christmas04:08
Comte0it's a "computer in the flat panel"04:08
Comte0I suspect people who do not see the bug have a tower04:09
BenCah, mine's a big aluminum tower model :)04:09
BenCstill, the hardware for your ata/sata bus's are supported by the kernel04:09
BenCthe pmac-ide module is built into the kernel04:09
BenCso it should see the cdrom with no problem04:09
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BenCcan you do "dmesg | grep -i ata"04:10
BenCand see if there is anything more specific?04:10
Comte0there's no lspci on the install cd. I suspect I can have a look at /proc to see the hardware there ?04:10
BenCcat /proc/ide/drivers04:12
BenCls -l /proc/ide/04:12
BenCcat /proc/scsi/scsi04:13
BenCls -l /proc/scsi/04:13
Comte0well, thanks04:15
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desrtuh oh.04:23
desrti think the new kernel contains some evil04:23
desrtmy computer just hard froze (hasn't done that in ages)04:23
desrtwhat changed? :)04:23
BenCyour computer obviously :)04:25
BenCno messages?04:25
desrtserious, dude :p04:25
desrt*hard* crash04:25
desrtmouse stops moving.  music stops playing.  machine stops responding to ping (much less ssh)04:26
BenCwhat type of machine and which kernel image?04:27
desrt686-smp on a MT box04:27
desrtserial ata04:27
desrtintel p4 3.0ghz with 2gigs of ram... asus p4p800-se mainboard04:28
BenChow long was the machine up before it locked?04:28
desrti'll file a bug with all this04:28
desrtabout a day, i think04:28
desrtlet me check the syslog04:28
BenCdid you find it locked up, or did it happen while you were using it?04:28
desrtreboot   system boot  2.6.12-8-686-smp Mon Sep 19 10:23          (00:05)04:28
desrtreboot   system boot  2.6.12-8-686-smp Sun Sep 18 01:25         (1+09:03)04:28
desrtso a day and 9 hours04:29
desrtwhile i was using it04:29
BenCanything special going on when it happened?04:29
desrti was in the middle of surfing bugzillas04:29
desrtjust stuff i normally do04:29
desrtthe last time i had lockups like this was when i tried to enable CFQ04:29
BenCcpu frequency scaling?04:30
BenCdo you have powernowd installed?04:31
desrtyes but it's not running04:31
BenCthere's a p4 errata concerning cpu scaling, just making sure that wasn't it04:31
MithrandirBenC: can you run baz lint in the source tree and see if you get errors about duplicated ids?04:32
BenCMithrandir: no messages from baz lint for me04:32
Mithrandirit complains about d-i/amd64/modules/amd64/.arch-ids/=id and d-i/hppa/modules/hppa/.arch-ids/input-modules.id, d-i/amd64/modules/amd64/.arch-ids/pcmcia-storage-modules.id and  d-i/hppa/modules/hppa/.arch-ids/nic-shared-modules.id and last d-i/amd64/modules/amd64/.arch-ids/irda-modules.id d-i/hppa/modules/hppa/.arch-ids/usb-storage-modules.id04:33
BenCodd, those haven't been touched in awhile04:34
Mithrandirhm, weird04:34
MithrandirI guess it's just baz being an ass04:34
desrtben -- 1579904:37
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Comte0BenC: I haven't found anything :(04:43
desrtBenC; i was wondering if you could slip john mccutchan's inotify patch into the next release....04:43
desrtBenC; it solves a fairly nasty race condition04:44
desrtwell... nasty as in impossible-to-work-around.... not as in the-kernel-will-panic04:44
Comte0there's a couple of entries in /sys/devices04:44
BenCdesrt: does it change the kernel ABI?04:51
desrtBenC; a bit.04:52
BenCComte0: there's nothing in /proc/ide/drivers or /proc/scsi/scsi?04:52
desrtbut backwards compatibly (and almost forwards compatibly)04:52
BenCalso do lsmod | grep sata04:52
desrtBenC; there's a one-liner addition to a header file, though... so yes... the API changes04:52
BenCdesrt: if it changes the abi, it potentially breaks modules built against the kernel (versioned symbols change)04:52
BenCno, not API, the binary ABI04:53
Comte0BenC: bugzilla has just been updated04:53
desrtBenC; definitely won't do that04:53
BenCok, then sure, I can include it04:53
desrtBenC; no functions change prototypes, no data structures change layout04:53
desrtit's just an additional flag to an already-existing function (that's only called from userspace)04:53
MithrandirI think I might just have broken the baz archive04:54
desrtBenC; this is in the tree that will become linus's 2.6.1404:54
BenCComte0: can you see if lsmod shows that any ata, sata or ide drivers are loaded?04:55
BenCalso try "modprobe sata_svw"04:55
MithrandirBenC: can you please fix your umask on rookery and chmod +x /home/lamont/public_html/Archives/kernel-team@ubuntu.com--2005/kernel-debian--preX,14--2.6.12 ?04:56
BenCmy umask should be fine04:56
Comte0Sure, but I'd like to know if there's some file you want to see in /sys04:56
BenCMithrandir: $ ls -ld /home/lamont/public_html/Archives/kernel-team@ubuntu.com--2005/kernel-debian--preX,14--2.6.1204:57
BenCdrwxrwxr-x  8 bcollins warthogs 4096 Sep 19 15:55 /home/lamont/public_html/Archives/kernel-team@ubuntu.com--2005/kernel-debian--preX,14--2.6.1204:57
BenCComte0: /sys doesn't matter at this point, right now we need to see if the module is loaded, if not then we need to try loading it manually to see if that resolves the problem04:58
Mithrandirsorry, I'm blind04:58
BenCif it is, then we need to see why it isn't working04:58
lamont-awayMithrandir: the only stuff in that archive that is owner-writable but not group writable is in kernel-team@ubuntu.com--2005/kernel-debian--mainline-2,6,11,92-1,1--0/base-0/05:00
lamont-awaywhich I don't think we care about anymore...05:00
lamont-away(since it's 4+ months old now..)05:01
Mithrandirlamont-away: I kicked it a bit and the problem went away.05:01
lamont-awayspeaking of going away - back much later05:01
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=== zul got new shoesies
BenCdesrt: can you make that inotify bug P1?05:15
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desrtdone.  thanks.05:21
=== desrt off to school/work/whatever
Comte0BenC: short answer, there is no sata modules05:23
Comte0I'll put the long one in the bugzilla05:24
Comte0bug #10307 has been updated. Anyone can check the live-cd initrd kernel has sata enabled ?05:49
Comte0(the ppc power4 one)05:50
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BenCComte0: you're using the power4 cd?06:18
BenCI used the powerpc one06:18
BenCthat's probably your problem06:18
Comte0it's the one that works...06:19
BenCpower4 wouldn't have the mac drivers06:19
Comte0erm, there's only one powerpc cd, isn't it ?06:19
BenCthe powerpc one works for me, and no, the power4 one isn't working for you, else you wouldn't have filed a bug :)06:19
BenCwell, you said power406:19
BenCI assumed there was one specific to that system06:19
BenCare you booting with live64 (or whatever it is)?06:20
Comte0Is it the 64 bits kernel?06:20
BenCG5 is 64-bits06:20
BenChow do you boot the cd, what command do you type at yaboot?06:20
BenCthat's the wrong one06:21
Comte0is hitting enter the good solution?06:21
BenCno, for G5, you have to type the live-powerpc64 (I did too)06:21
BenCyaboot doesn't auto detect yet06:21
BenCComte0: this would explain a lot06:24
Comte0(it also means you have read comment #4 too quickly ;) )06:26
Comte0oh, nevermind06:26
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BenCdoes it work?06:45
Comte0BenC: when is the deadline for kernel changes on breezy? I'll try to rip a preview iso before06:46
BenC10 days06:46
BenCdid the system boot with live-powerpc64?06:46
Comte0no, ther's no install/powerpc64 directory on my cd06:46
BenCdownload the latest breezy preview06:47
BenCI'm quite sure that it will work, and that the problem has just been that you are booting the wrong kernel06:47
Comte0the blank cd was left at home :(06:47
BenCah, ok06:47
Comte0$ ls /Volumes/Ubuntu_PowerPC_hoary/install/06:50
Comte0boot.msg        power3          powerpc         yaboot.conf06:50
Comte0ofboot.b        power4          yaboot06:50
Comte0$ ls /Volumes/Ubuntu_PowerPC_hoary/install/06:50
Comte0boot.msg        power3          powerpc         yaboot.conf06:50
Comte0ofboot.b        power4          yaboot06:50
Comte0$ ls /Volumes/Ubuntu_PowerPC_hoary/install/06:50
Comte0boot.msg        power3          powerpc         yaboot.conf06:50
Comte0ofboot.b        power4          yaboot06:50
Comte0$ ls /Volumes/Ubuntu_PowerPC_hoary/install/06:50
Comte0boot.msg        power3          powerpc         yaboot.conf06:50
Comte0ofboot.b        power4          yaboot06:50
Comte0ls /Volumes/Ubuntu_PowerPC_hoary/install/06:50
Comte0$ ls /Volumes/Ubuntu_PowerPC_hoary/install/06:50
Comte0boot.msg        power3          powerpc         yaboot.conf06:50
Comte0ofboot.b        power4          yaboot06:50
Comte0$ ls /Volumes/Ubuntu_PowerPC_hoary/install/06:50
Comte0boot.msg        power3          powerpc         yaboot.conf06:50
Comte0ofboot.b        power4          yaboot06:50
Comte0that was why I was so slow to reply: The computer is my father's06:50
Comte0...and I hate MacOs X cut&paste ...06:50
Comte0well, thank you very much for your help06:51
Comte0BenC: I'll try next saturday06:51
mjg59Have we fixed the ndiswrapper build on amd64?07:05
mjg59sky2 isn't going to be ready in time for Breezy07:10
mjg59zul: Did you get anywhere with the sk98lin stuff?07:10
zulmjg59: i have it in my arch, the sk98lin stuff im going to work on tonight07:32
zulwork had really busy the past couple of days07:34
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mjg59zul: Ok - it's fairly urgent, so I can do it now if that would be easier07:36
mjg59Hmm. Uhm.07:37
mjg59Do we actually have sk98 in the kernel already?07:37
mjg59Ah, yes07:39
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zulmjg59: please07:48
mjg59zul: Ok, no problem07:48
mjg59Waa why must it be a 1 MB patch?07:58
zulbecause its syskonnect and they are bastards08:06
mjg59Ok, done.08:10
mjg59It seems to build, and the PCI IDs don't overlap with skge08:11
zuldo you want to forward to me so i can do a build test tonight?08:14
mjg59Sure. Email address?08:15
mjg59Ok, sent08:16
zulcool...ill do it when i get home tonight08:16
BenCmjg59: thanks for the patch09:12
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mjg59BenC: NP09:13
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mjg59BenC: There's a one character error in the diff I sent you. I'll resend.11:46
mjg59BenC: Right, done11:58

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