vrln | ogra: If you haven't followed E devel lately, it looks like this these days: http://get-e.org/Screenshots/User_Submitted/_images/e7_default.png (no, I'm not trying to convert you at all) | 12:02 |
ajmitch | I haven't seen much from manoj though | 12:02 |
tseng | ogra: i cant work with him. | 12:02 |
ajmitch | and it requires a lot more than just syncing | 12:02 |
tseng | does it? | 12:02 |
ajmitch | especially with things like initramfs | 12:02 |
tseng | hm | 12:02 |
tseng | damn | 12:02 |
tseng | i almost picked up the oreilly seliunx book this weekend | 12:02 |
ajmitch | but I can work with jbailey with that | 12:02 |
ajmitch | I talked with him about it before initramfs went into breezy | 12:02 |
dsas | I presume the rules for Ubuntu packages regarding licenses are the same as Debians? | 12:02 |
ajmitch | dsas: yep | 12:03 |
dsas | ajmitch: ok, no ksh93 yet then :( | 12:03 |
ajmitch | why is that? | 12:03 |
ajmitch | what license does it have? | 12:03 |
ajmitch | we still have multiverse for distributable but non-free | 12:04 |
ajmitch | like debian has non-free | 12:04 |
dsas | common public license - it has some clause about patents which makes it non gpl compatible I think | 12:04 |
ajmitch | oh | 12:04 |
tseng | it doesnt have to be gpl | 12:04 |
ajmitch | gpl compatibility doesn't restrict something | 12:04 |
ajmitch | the DFSG never has that as a restriction | 12:05 |
dsas | ahh ok... | 12:05 |
ajmitch | we can review it anyway | 12:06 |
tseng | damn i need to buy tickets today | 12:06 |
tseng | this week | 12:06 |
vrln | by the way, if you don't mind an off topic question: I reported http://tolu.edu.hel.fi/~vrln/script.png as an initscript bug - that is a bug right? | 12:07 |
dsas | well I don't think canonical would like to take on the clause here: http://hashphp.org/pastebin.php?pid=4900 but who knows... | 12:07 |
ajmitch | ok, ksh93 is not a free softwrare license.. | 12:07 |
=== robitaille [n=robitail@p235-083.public.uvic.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
bddebian | tseng: Bah, it's only an 8 hour drive or so :) | 12:07 |
vrln | ie, to me it looks like the echo part of the initscript prints the [ok] too early | 12:07 |
tseng | bddebian: boston. | 12:07 |
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@cpe-69-205-46-35.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
vrln | bad geometry | 12:07 |
ogra | dsas, if the license allows redistribution we can get it in, eithe in universe (dfsg) or multiverse (non free but distributable) | 12:07 |
bddebian | tseng: Oh | 12:07 |
tseng | bddebian: http://live.gnome.org/Boston2004 | 12:07 |
tseng | bddebian: SEE YOU THERE | 12:07 |
ajmitch | "License of ksh93 | 12:07 |
ajmitch | The license of ksh93 is not a free software license. One reason for this is that it requires that all changes be sent to the developer. There may be other problems with the license as well that would make it non-free. " | 12:07 |
ajmitch | ogra: multiverse only with that | 12:08 |
ogra | ajmitch, if there is a sentence in it that allows distribution of the software its ready for multiverse | 12:09 |
ogra | see squeak, debian doesnt ship it... we do | 12:09 |
tseng | is it just me | 12:09 |
tseng | or are those dates all off | 12:09 |
ogra | (err, we dont *ship* it but make it available) | 12:09 |
ajmitch | ogra: I know that | 12:09 |
dsas | ajmitch: I can't see anything that says that in the license (CPL 1.0) but i'm not a lawyer.. | 12:11 |
bddebian | Well I'm heading home. See ya in a few gents. | 12:11 |
ajmitch | dsas: that may have been in an older license | 12:11 |
ajmitch | dsas: probably something to worry about for dapper | 12:12 |
dsas | ajmitch: ok, noted. | 12:12 |
dsas | would a shell likely be a hard project for a first packaging effort? | 12:12 |
ajmitch | possibly | 12:13 |
ajmitch | as you'd want to integrate with the system, sprinkling files in /etc | 12:14 |
dsas | hmm ok, I'll scrap that idea then.. | 12:14 |
ogra | dsas, pick something small but useful ... | 12:15 |
=== ogra started with gcursor | ||
ogra | and dholbach with timer-applet ... | 12:15 |
ogra | dsas, look at these to get a impression what is easy for a start | 12:15 |
dsas | ogra: ok thanks, I'll take a look around for something small and interesting. | 12:19 |
dsas | is it very often you have to write patches for programs? or otherwise customise them?, My C coding is far from hot, I can muddle through most other things. | 12:21 |
ogra | mostly its finding patches from others and merge them, the amount of C knowledge you need isnt big... | 12:23 |
=== ajmitch started with something in debian | ||
ajmitch | but since then I haven't really gone far :) | 12:24 |
\sh | ok...can somebody confirm that hcid is segfaulting? | 12:24 |
dsas | ok, i'm off for the night, thanks for answering my questions tonight guys :) | 12:35 |
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=== ajmitch wishes #u-laptop didn't have its own hostinggeek equivalent | ||
tseng | yeah | 12:43 |
\sh | hehe | 12:43 |
tseng | i keep loosing channels | 12:43 |
\sh | yes | 12:43 |
tseng | ajmitch: the worst was | 12:43 |
tseng | that guy owned the channel for a while | 12:43 |
tseng | first join | 12:43 |
ajmitch | I know | 12:43 |
ajmitch | I think he still owns it | 12:43 |
ajmitch | at least he acts like he does | 12:43 |
=== ajmitch also loses channels at times | ||
ajmitch | so I have to put them in my autojoin list I think | 12:45 |
tseng | yeah i never get around to that | 12:45 |
ajmitch | sounds like all is not well with ubuntu forums | 12:46 |
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Nafallo | gaah! oga just joined #ubuntu.se :-P | 12:49 |
ajmitch | ? | 12:49 |
Nafallo | I'll better get to bed or something ;-) | 12:50 |
Nafallo | ogre, ogra and oga is one to many ;-) | 12:50 |
Nafallo | ajmitch: morning btw :-P | 12:51 |
ajmitch | hi Nafallo | 12:51 |
Nafallo | ajmitch: my Internet haven't crashed yet :-( | 12:51 |
ajmitch | you own the internet? ;) | 12:51 |
Nafallo | ajmitch: I own my Internet ;-) | 12:51 |
ajmitch | you have your own one? | 12:51 |
=== Nafallo stops highlighting now :-) | ||
Nafallo | yepp, my own personal Internet :-) | 12:52 |
Nafallo | or... I could have meant my connection to the public one ;-) | 12:52 |
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Nafallo | I should install squid, give it 13GB cache and name it "MY INTERNET" :-) | 12:52 |
ajmitch | haha | 12:53 |
Nafallo | I'm gonna call my ISP tomorrow ;-) | 12:53 |
Nafallo | I'm not going to tell them the _real_ reason I'm calling though :-P | 12:54 |
Nafallo | I have _large_ torrents in my queue, but they will have to boost my connection before I start them :-P. | 12:54 |
ajmitch | :P | 12:54 |
\sh | ok..guys..good night :) cu later this day | 12:55 |
Nafallo | :-) | 12:56 |
Nafallo | hmm | 12:57 |
Nafallo | maybe I should sleep | 12:57 |
=== Nafallo yawns | ||
=== ajmitch should do more work | ||
=== Nafallo should do more work when he's awake | ||
Nafallo | I'm just not sure if there is much left? :-P | 12:58 |
ajmitch | much of what? | 12:59 |
ajmitch | there's still a lot of work to be done on universe | 12:59 |
Nafallo | transitions :-) | 12:59 |
Nafallo | I tried to look a bit yesterday but I only found _big_ downloads with _lots_ of errors ;-) | 01:00 |
=== Nafallo found a dude working as a programmer in #ubuntu.se today ;-) | ||
Nafallo | I gave him that MOTUWannabeTips-thing :-) | 01:07 |
=== koke [n=koke@adsl229-164.unizar.es] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Nafallo | koke: hi! are you planning to package gnome-torrent for breezy? :-) | 01:11 |
koke | Nafallo, sure, but I want to make it work better first :) | 01:11 |
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koke | In fact, it has a working debian/ directory | 01:12 |
Nafallo | koke: what are you waiting for then? dput revu :-) | 01:12 |
koke | I want to put some more features before :) | 01:13 |
koke | but... | 01:13 |
koke | why not? :D | 01:13 |
Nafallo | it's better to have something than nothing in breezy ;-) | 01:13 |
Nafallo | atleast if it works atm :-P | 01:14 |
koke | :D | 01:14 |
koke | well, maybe too late for breezy | 01:14 |
koke | I'm getting crazy with this uk keyboard | 01:15 |
ajmitch | heh | 01:15 |
Nafallo | ajmitch: to late for breezy? ;-) | 01:16 |
=== bmonty_laptop [n=bmontgom@wsip-68-15-230-31.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
ajmitch | Nafallo: maybe.. | 01:16 |
Nafallo | koke: when ajmitch say maybe, there is still a pretty good chance ;-) | 01:17 |
ajmitch | haha | 01:22 |
koke | well, now I can do something useful with this laptop (after rsyncing bashrc, vimrc, .ssh, .gnupg,...) :P | 01:23 |
=== Nafallo reloads REVU till koke uploads ;-) | ||
koke | I don't know my password for REVU | 01:26 |
koke | maybe I don't even have a password | 01:26 |
Nafallo | you just need to be in the keyring to upload :-) | 01:26 |
ajmitch | you don't need to put stuff on REVU, though | 01:28 |
ajmitch | it's just a more convenient place to collect packages | 01:28 |
Nafallo | true | 01:29 |
Nafallo | ...and to review them I might add :-) | 01:30 |
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ajmitch | it's impressive how some people can write run on sentences... which are just broken up... by ellipses... :) | 02:00 |
=== ajmitch will bbl anyway :) | ||
=== bradb [n=bradb@modemcable033.209-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
=== ogra [n=ogra@p5089FBFA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
=== bddebian [n=bddebian@pcp08717033pcs.phnixv01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
bddebian | Heya gang | 02:43 |
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bddebian | Shit, gnome-office depends on gnucash.. :'-( | 03:01 |
bddebian | Oh, it's a recommends | 03:06 |
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=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
bddebian | Grr, this is getting depressing | 03:15 |
ajmitch | why? | 03:16 |
bddebian | I'm back to not knowing what to do and gnucash is pissing me off :-) | 03:16 |
ajmitch | ah | 03:16 |
ajmitch | that sort of fun | 03:16 |
ajmitch | looks like koke's bt client is getting some exposure on the devel list | 03:18 |
bddebian | Nice | 03:18 |
bddebian | Looks like I might be OK with Wesnoth too ;-) | 03:19 |
Burgundavia | ajmitch, koke's certainly has it weak points but one window is nicer to multiple torrents | 03:19 |
ajmitch | yeah | 03:19 |
ajmitch | bddebian: you *may* have scraped through | 03:20 |
bddebian | ajmitch: :-) | 03:20 |
bddebian | ajmitch: Can you use your magic and find out about xcontrib? | 03:20 |
ajmitch | my magic? | 03:21 |
ajmitch | I have no more magic than anyone else around here | 03:21 |
bddebian | You always seem to be able to tell me the details about a package that I can't find :-) | 03:21 |
ajmitch | did you upload it? | 03:22 |
bddebian | It doesn't exist anywhere, including packages.qa.d.o | 03:22 |
ajmitch | right | 03:23 |
ajmitch | and the problem is..? | 03:23 |
bddebian | xtranslate depends on it | 03:23 |
ajmitch | This is a virtual package. See the Debian policy for a definition of virtual packages. | 03:24 |
ajmitch | Packages providing xcontrib | 03:24 |
ajmitch | xbase-clients miscellaneous X clients | 03:24 |
ajmitch | so find out what xtranslate really depends on | 03:24 |
ajmitch | and fix the depends to that | 03:24 |
bddebian | See, now how did you find that out??? | 03:24 |
ajmitch | 03:25 | |
ajmitch | first entry | 03:25 |
bddebian | Hah, what a dummy :-) | 03:25 |
bddebian | So whats the best way to find out what xtranslate REALLY depends on? | 03:26 |
ajmitch | look at the package | 03:26 |
bddebian | I'm looking at it :-) | 03:26 |
ajmitch | the diff.gz is bigger than the tar | 03:26 |
ajmitch | it shouldn't be hard :) | 03:26 |
ajmitch | right, so it uses xmessage | 03:27 |
bddebian | Yeah, it's a whopping 2 files :-) | 03:27 |
ajmitch | which is in package.. xmessage | 03:27 |
bddebian | Where did you get xmessage from? | 03:28 |
ajmitch | dlocate -S xmessage | 03:28 |
ajmitch | I looked in the source :P | 03:28 |
bddebian | It also includes Xlib.h and Xatom.h | 03:28 |
ajmitch | yes | 03:29 |
ajmitch | but it build-deps on xlibs-dev | 03:29 |
ajmitch | which pulls those in | 03:29 |
ajmitch | the runtime depend is in the system() call | 03:29 |
bddebian | Heh, debmake won't install. Failed dep for ed :-) | 03:31 |
ajmitch | ed? | 03:31 |
ajmitch | oh dear | 03:31 |
ajmitch | ed is in main.. | 03:31 |
ajmitch | for some perverted reason | 03:32 |
bddebian | Hmm, maybe it's my pbuilder again? Can you install debmake? | 03:32 |
ajmitch | dunno | 03:32 |
ajmitch | works for me | 03:33 |
bddebian | Yeah, I have it outside of pbuilder too. Damnit :-) | 03:33 |
ajmitch | ubuntu-standard depends on ed | 03:34 |
bddebian | Nice :) | 03:36 |
bddebian | ajmitch: Any thoughts/cares about all the mozilla-locale-* packages on unmet deps? | 03:38 |
ajmitch | cares? none | 03:38 |
ajmitch | I couldn't care less if they were taken round the back & shot | 03:39 |
bddebian | That's what I love about you. Your sweet disposition. ;-) | 03:39 |
ajmitch | :) | 03:39 |
ajmitch | they were probably replaced by something else a long time ago | 03:40 |
=== Arrogance [n=aks@ottawa-hs-209-217-110-25.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
bddebian | Exactly. Morgue the fscking things :) | 03:40 |
ajmitch | hey Arrogance | 03:40 |
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bddebian | ajmitch: OK, Mr. Smarty pants, what replaces libxmerl-erlang? | 03:44 |
Arrogance | hey ajmitch | 03:47 |
ajmitch | bddebian: nothing | 03:50 |
ajmitch | it has the same problem in debian | 03:50 |
bddebian | So fix it ;-) | 03:50 |
ajmitch | http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?popcon=manderlbot | 03:50 |
ajmitch | do you think *anyone* cares about it in ubuntu? | 03:50 |
ajmitch | even my packages have more users! | 03:51 |
bddebian | hehe | 03:51 |
bddebian | Hey, I'm just trying to "fix" what's on the list | 03:51 |
=== ajmitch has a package with popcon stats of 3 | ||
ajmitch | I feel so loved | 03:52 |
=== bddebian hugs ajmitch | ||
=== marcin_ant [n=marcin@www.e-dev.tele2.pl] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
ajmitch | bah | 03:53 |
marcin_ant | hi all | 03:53 |
bddebian | Hello Marce | 03:53 |
bddebian | Err marcin_ant | 03:53 |
marcin_ant | I need some help | 03:53 |
marcin_ant | could someone tell me what are *-stamp targets in debian/rules? | 03:53 |
bddebian | Usually to create files to tell that that part of the process has run already or something like that | 03:54 |
marcin_ant | bddebian, I thought so | 03:54 |
marcin_ant | bddebian, but how does it work? | 03:54 |
marcin_ant | bddebian, do I need to add some specific code to rules file to use these 'stamps' ? | 03:55 |
bddebian | It just touches *-stamp and creates a file which puts the current date/time stamp on the file. Then it looks for the existence of that file. | 03:55 |
marcin_ant | bddebian, so for example if I want to create emacs-snapshot package - and emacs needs to run 'make bootstrap' before any build | 03:57 |
marcin_ant | bddebian, than I could use this 'stamp' trick to run 'make bootstrap' only once? | 03:57 |
jorgp2 | ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net is down? | 03:57 |
bddebian | marcin_ant: I don't think you need to do that. Afaik each section only runs once unless you run it consecutively | 03:58 |
bddebian | rezound got fixed?? | 03:59 |
marcin_ant | bddebian, well it should run once but with rules generated with dh_make build procedure runs twice... first with 'rules/build' and then with 'rules/binary' | 04:00 |
bddebian | You mean binary: runs build: or build-stamp: ? | 04:01 |
marcin_ant | bddebian, well it runs build | 04:02 |
marcin_ant | bddebian, and then binary - but binary is binary: binary-arch binary-indep - and then - binary-arch: build-arch install-arch | 04:03 |
bddebian | You can execute them independently. So "debian/rules build" just runs the build section. "debian/rules binary" runs the binary section which calls the build: section. Does that make sense? | 04:03 |
marcin_ant | bddebian, yes it is like you said | 04:04 |
marcin_ant | bddebian, and I would like to do something to run 'build' procedure only once | 04:05 |
marcin_ant | bddebian, hope that 'stamp' trick will help | 04:05 |
bddebian | marcin_ant: No, if you run "debian/rules binary", the build: only runs once. | 04:06 |
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marcin_ant | bddebian, right but if I run dpkg-buildpackage then it runs 'debian/rules build' and then 'debian/rules binary' - right? | 04:07 |
bddebian | It shouldn't | 04:07 |
bddebian | ajmitch: libavcodec2? | 04:15 |
ajmitch | yes? | 04:16 |
bddebian | NM, gpac doesn't show up in shit either | 04:16 |
=== Sepheebear [n=SepheeBe@cpe-68-175-56-52.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
=== bddebian has no fscking idea what he is doing | ||
bmonty_laptop | still wondering about the stamp files? | 04:28 |
bddebian | bmonty_laptop: No, trying to build a libpgtcl package from upstream :-) | 04:28 |
marcin_ant | bmonty_laptop, well not | 04:29 |
marcin_ant | bmonty_laptop, I think I know how it works | 04:29 |
marcin_ant | bmonty_laptop, but need to wait for a while to be 100% sure | 04:29 |
bmonty_laptop | marcin_ant: you know how make decides to build a target, right? | 04:30 |
marcin_ant | bmonty_laptop, uhm | 04:30 |
bmonty_laptop | marcin_ant: check the make documentation for how it decides to build targets, the stamp files will make sense :) | 04:34 |
ajmitch | wonderful changelog entry by mjg59 | 04:35 |
ajmitch | * Add sick evil code for doing sick evil things to sick evil | 04:35 |
ajmitch | screensavers | 04:35 |
bmonty_laptop | heh | 04:36 |
bddebian | hehe, that looks like one of mine :-) | 04:38 |
marcin_ant | bmonty_laptop, well I don't see anything about stamps in make manual | 04:38 |
bddebian | Anyone have the patience of a saint and want to help me package something? | 04:39 |
bmonty_laptop | marcin_ant: they are taking advantage of the date/time on the file | 04:40 |
marcin_ant | bmonty_laptop, ok but how is it related with make? | 04:40 |
bmonty_laptop | since the rules file is a makefile | 04:41 |
marcin_ant | bmonty_laptop, ok but there is nothing about stamp files in make documentation (or I'm blind) | 04:41 |
bmonty_laptop | bddebian: I'm not a saint, and I probably can't help, but I'll try | 04:41 |
bmonty_laptop | marcin_ant: you are probably right, look at the parts about how make checks the date/time of a source file to decide if the compiler needs to run, stamp files are the same idea | 04:42 |
bddebian | I'm trying to build libpgtcl from upstream. I have the framework and it "builds" but I don't think it's actually doing anything :-) | 04:43 |
marcin_ant | bmonty_laptop, hmm ok but this 'stamp' magic goes mostly from some debian helpers than from make - right? | 04:44 |
bmonty_laptop | I don't think so | 04:46 |
marcin_ant | bmonty_laptop, you are right | 04:53 |
marcin_ant | bmonty_laptop, it's make feature | 04:53 |
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bddebian | What does the $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr in $(MAKE) do for me? | 05:06 |
=== tritium [n=michael@pcp0011975002pcs.sandia01.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
bddebian | Heya tritium | 05:11 |
tritium | hi bddebian | 05:11 |
tritium | How are you? | 05:11 |
bddebian | Not too bad, thanks. You? | 05:12 |
tritium | Not too bad, thanks. | 05:12 |
ajmitch | hello tritium | 05:14 |
bmonty_laptop | good night all | 05:14 |
bddebian | Gnight bmonty_laptop | 05:15 |
tritium | hi ajmitch :) | 05:15 |
ajmitch | yay, patching c# apps is so fun | 05:15 |
bddebian | Heh | 05:16 |
bddebian | So if I just have "$(MAKE) install prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr in rules, what should I do to move the library produced to /usr/lib/ ? | 05:17 |
ajmitch | bddebian: DESTDIR, not prefix | 05:17 |
bddebian | Hey, dh_make did that :-) | 05:17 |
=== Firetech [n=Firetech@h53n1fls301o1100.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
ajmitch | and it should be $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp, I think | 05:17 |
ajmitch | when using DESTDIR | 05:18 |
ajmitch | bddebian: you haven't done a package from scratch before, have you? | 05:18 |
bddebian | Nope | 05:18 |
bddebian | Well kind of but never a library | 05:18 |
ajmitch | explains a bit :) | 05:19 |
bddebian | Thanks, as always, for your loving support | 05:19 |
ajmitch | no problem | 05:19 |
bddebian | So would you like to help me instead of just laughing at me? | 05:23 |
ajmitch | I'm not laughing at you | 05:23 |
ajmitch | I was giving you tips for a reason | 05:23 |
bddebian | Well I don't exactly know what to do with DESDIR :-( It isn't in the NM Guide either :-( | 05:28 |
ajmitch | perhaps I'm too old fashioned :P | 05:28 |
ajmitch | nah | 05:30 |
bddebian | Too old fashioned for what? | 05:30 |
ajmitch | just checked, cdbs does use DESTDIR as it should | 05:30 |
ajmitch | why is it hard for you to use DESTDIR? | 05:31 |
bddebian | I didn't say it was, I just don't know what to do with it | 05:31 |
ajmitch | stick it in debian/rules | 05:32 |
bddebian | No shit, where? :-) | 05:33 |
=== ajmitch looks around for a brick wall | ||
ajmitch | on the make install line.. | 05:33 |
bddebian | OK, I know that too but how? | 05:34 |
ajmitch | did I not say before? | 05:34 |
ajmitch | DESTDIR, not prefix | 05:34 |
ajmitch | so you write.. | 05:34 |
ajmitch | $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp | 05:35 |
bddebian | That's what I was asking, thank you. | 05:35 |
bddebian | It didn't put it in /usr/lib | 05:44 |
bddebian | ajmitch: ^^ | 05:47 |
ajmitch | where did it put it? | 05:49 |
bddebian | afaict: /home/bdefreese/devel/pgtcl/libpgtcl-1.5/libpgtcl1.5/debian/tmp/usr/lib/pgtcl1.5/ | 05:50 |
ajmitch | yes, that's right | 05:50 |
ajmitch | what's wrong with that? | 05:50 |
bddebian | Uhm, it's supposed to go to /usr/lib | 05:51 |
ajmitch | stuff should *never* end up in /usr/lib or similar places until the package is installed | 05:51 |
ajmitch | right? | 05:51 |
bddebian | This is after dpkg -i *.deb | 05:51 |
ajmitch | right | 05:51 |
ajmitch | so you have something rather screwy :) | 05:51 |
ajmitch | dpkg-deb -c package.deb | 05:51 |
ajmitch | you're using dh_install? | 05:52 |
bddebian | It ain't in there :-( | 05:52 |
ajmitch | which means that you're not installing it at all | 05:53 |
bddebian | Aye | 05:53 |
ajmitch | because you don't have dh_install setup to grab the files from debian/tmp | 05:53 |
bddebian | Aye. Do I just need dh_install or some params? | 05:53 |
ajmitch | you've probably seen a few hundred packages as an example by now | 05:53 |
bddebian | It's still not there :-( | 05:59 |
=== LaserJock [n=LaserJoc@adsl-69-109-20-32.dsl.renocs.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
marcin_ant | heh sorry to bother but new question to you guys | 06:47 |
marcin_ant | I'm trying to build some package (emacs... ) and I got millions of warnings like this one "pointer targets in passing argument 1 of strlen differ in signedness | 06:48 |
marcin_ant | " | 06:48 |
marcin_ant | how to get rid of these warnings in make output? | 06:49 |
=== jtan325 [n=jtan325@c-24-22-163-23.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
ajmitch | marcin_ant: fix the source ;) | 06:51 |
ajmitch | they're gcc warnings because the source needs to be fixed up | 06:52 |
marcin_ant | ajmitch, well I know but I don't know how | 06:52 |
ajmitch | why do you worry about them? | 06:52 |
marcin_ant | ajmitch, and I really don't want to touch emacs 'core' | 06:52 |
ajmitch | hiding the compiler warnings isn't really a great idea | 06:52 |
marcin_ant | ajmitch, I don't worry at all - they just annoying - thousands of them | 06:52 |
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marcin_ant | ajmitch, ok - but is it possible? | 06:53 |
ajmitch | probably by passing the appropriate -W flags to gcc | 06:53 |
marcin_ant | ajmitch, ehh I've been trying but don't know which flags | 06:55 |
marcin_ant | ajmitch, anyway I'll try to live with these warnings... | 06:55 |
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ajmitch | hi jsgotangco | 07:13 |
ajmitch | how are you? | 07:14 |
jsgotangco | hi ajmitch | 07:14 |
jsgotangco | ajmitch, not bad just testing the laptop now, i've seen improvements in hibernate/suspend in my unit after the update | 07:27 |
=== dholbach [i=foobar@i577B0D74.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
dholbach | good morning | 07:27 |
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ajmitch | morning dholbach! | 07:46 |
dholbach | morning andrew | 07:46 |
dholbach | :) | 07:46 |
ajmitch | how are you? | 07:48 |
=== ajmitch decided to go on a cleanup & recovered about 40-50GB of diskspace | ||
ajmitch | nearly all of it was old ubuntu source unpacked, or debs | 07:49 |
dholbach | wow... i could do that too :) | 07:50 |
dholbach | i'm fine | 07:50 |
dholbach | need to get another coffee, but fine | 07:50 |
dholbach | went through bugzilla open bugs < 7000 yesterday :) | 07:50 |
ajmitch | you closed 7000 bugs? ;) | 07:50 |
dholbach | i should have ;) | 07:51 |
ajmitch | have you inherited the ubuntu bugmaster title now? | 07:51 |
dholbach | i was not as overenthusiastic as the ubuntu bug day crew :) | 07:51 |
dholbach | not really :) | 07:51 |
ajmitch | *over*enthusiastic? | 07:51 |
ajmitch | are you suggesting they closed things that should have stayed open? | 07:51 |
dholbach | "reporter inactive - closing" :) | 07:52 |
dholbach | *cough*okwithme*cough* | 07:52 |
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ajmitch | hehe | 07:52 |
ajmitch | > 3 months open.. | 07:52 |
dholbach | *nod* | 07:53 |
ajmitch | the times when I did that, I checked that the bug was closed | 07:53 |
ajmitch | sometimes we need to purge old bugs :) | 07:53 |
dholbach | hihi | 07:53 |
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=== mitsuhiko [n=chatzill@iserver.borg-hermagor.asn-ktn.ac.at] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
dholbach | hey mitsuhiko, how are you? | 08:10 |
mitsuhiko | dholbach: fine | 08:10 |
mitsuhiko | although i'm at school there's nothing to do :) | 08:10 |
mitsuhiko | I'm playing fileserver ^^ | 08:10 |
dholbach | :) | 08:10 |
dholbach | what happened to your MOTU plans? ;) | 08:10 |
mitsuhiko | s/me/notebook | 08:11 |
mitsuhiko | dholbach: ubuntuusers is atm to much work | 08:11 |
mitsuhiko | so i would be a lacy motu | 08:11 |
mitsuhiko | but still on the todo list :) | 08:11 |
dholbach | i see | 08:11 |
dholbach | how is ubuntu users going? | 08:11 |
dholbach | i guess we should do some community recruiting amongst those users - what do you think? | 08:12 |
mitsuhiko | dholbach: hm. atm we're switching to moinmoin | 08:12 |
mitsuhiko | dholbach: you can join the community and ask for help ^^ | 08:13 |
dholbach | maybe we should raise awareness of MOTU/translators/doc-tea/artwork-team, ... | 08:13 |
mitsuhiko | yeah. atm there is to few publicity | 08:13 |
dholbach | maybe we should do something like the MOTU report | 08:14 |
dholbach | a community report, which is translated into the different languages | 08:15 |
dholbach | i'm quite sure, that'd make great gthings happen | 08:15 |
mitsuhiko | yeah. but therefore you need a functional docteam ^^ | 08:15 |
Burgundavia | mitsuhiko, we do | 08:15 |
dholbach | it's always work | 08:15 |
dholbach | but i think it'd be worth it | 08:15 |
dholbach | i write the motu report every month | 08:16 |
mitsuhiko | dholbach: as a kind of blog? | 08:16 |
ajmitch | which we appreciate | 08:16 |
dholbach | mitsuhiko: on the users and devel mailing list | 08:16 |
dholbach | mitsuhiko: but you're right, maybe i should just blog it next time | 08:17 |
dholbach | mitsuhiko: do you think lots of people read planet.ubuntu ? | 08:17 |
dholbach | maybe we should get planet.ubuntu.<country-code> | 08:17 |
=== ajmitch reads it daily :) | ||
mitsuhiko | dholbach: jep. i think everybody reads it daily | 08:17 |
dholbach | i see | 08:17 |
ajmitch | I've been too lazy to get my blog up there | 08:17 |
mitsuhiko | dholbach: mailinglist are not so spread umong the users | 08:19 |
mitsuhiko | (omg. i have to improve my English) | 08:19 |
dholbach | mitsuhiko: thanks for telling me... whiprush already told me to spread things like that in the blog, maybe i will | 08:19 |
dholbach | mitsuhiko: do you think kind of a "community report" would help to get more people in all sorts of teams? | 08:21 |
mitsuhiko | dholbach: sure it would. the most important thing is to let the community participate | 08:24 |
dholbach | yeah, and especially raise awareness before | 08:24 |
mitsuhiko | dholbach: can i add this to the locoteammeeting argenda? | 08:26 |
mitsuhiko | -r | 08:26 |
dholbach | sure | 08:26 |
dholbach | mitsuhiko: shall we sit together and flesh something out before? | 08:27 |
mitsuhiko | dholbach: this would be perfect | 08:27 |
dholbach | excellent | 08:27 |
ajmitch | dholbach: something for the fridge ;) | 08:33 |
dholbach | yeah | 08:34 |
dholbach | THE! FRIDGE! :) | 08:34 |
=== wickedpuppy [n=wicked@cm200.epsilon164.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
ajmitch | dholbach: what should malone #2420 be assigned to? | 08:53 |
ajmitch | it's a LP bug, isn't it? | 08:53 |
dholbach | yep | 08:54 |
=== ajmitch probably can't reassign then :) | ||
\sh | moins | 09:06 |
dholbach | hi \sh | 09:07 |
\sh | hey dholbach good morning :) | 09:07 |
dholbach | good morning :) | 09:07 |
dholbach | how are you? | 09:07 |
\sh | dholbach: can u reproduce segfaults from hcid? | 09:07 |
dholbach | no, i don't think so | 09:08 |
\sh | dholbach: less sleep :) worked on bluetooth stuff on the r200 | 09:08 |
dholbach | chmj is your man | 09:08 |
\sh | yeah | 09:09 |
\sh | i have to check further this evening | 09:09 |
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=== ajmitch wonders if there's anything left to do for us MOTUs ;) | ||
dholbach | nothing to do? | 09:38 |
dholbach | haha :) | 09:38 |
\sh | LC_ALL=C apt-cache -i unmet |less | 09:39 |
\sh | i see a lot ;) | 09:39 |
dholbach | [ ] breezy-autotest.failed.amd64 20-Sep-2005 08:22 2.0K | 09:39 |
dholbach | [ ] breezy-autotest.failed.i386 20-Sep-2005 08:22 294 | 09:39 |
dholbach | [ ] breezy-autotest.failed.ia64 20-Sep-2005 08:22 1.1K | 09:39 |
dholbach | [ ] breezy-autotest.failed.powerpc 20-Sep-2005 08:22 777 | 09:39 |
dholbach | those, too :) | 09:39 |
ajmitch | 294 bytes? ;) | 09:44 |
ajmitch | that's why I'm sure those lists are completely inaccurate | 09:44 |
ajmitch | I know there's a lot more packages that FTBFS | 09:44 |
sivang | dholbach: they mean the non of the repo's are building ok ? :-) | 09:45 |
=== ajmitch starts listening to some 80s music instead :) | ||
dholbach | sivang: hm? | 09:45 |
sivang | dholbach: the autotest failures | 09:45 |
dholbach | ajmitch: it's not finished yet | 09:45 |
dholbach | the non? | 09:45 |
\sh | ogra: ping...george quit his job | 09:45 |
\sh | have to find this asshole now...leaves me alone here | 09:46 |
sivang | \sh: you're left alone in office? | 09:48 |
Burgundavia | siretart, londonlaw appears to still be wanting wxwidgets 2.4 | 09:48 |
Burgundavia | ajmitch, you who complain about nothing to do. Upload gobby for me | 09:49 |
ajmitch | Burgundavia: heh | 09:49 |
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ajmitch | are the libs it needs in now? | 09:49 |
Burgundavia | ajmitch, let me check | 09:49 |
ajmitch | they seem to be | 09:50 |
=== ajmitch can upload the fixed package then | ||
dholbach | sivang: i still don't understand what you said... it just means that the logs of those packages that failed are as big as i stated :) | 09:51 |
ajmitch | dholbach: there's the small problem of libgtkmm-2.4-dev having an epoch in debian, but not in ubuntu :) | 09:51 |
ajmitch | dholbach: I'd really *hate* to have an epoch in ubuntu as wel | 09:52 |
dholbach | ouch | 09:52 |
ajmitch | but some silly person put it in debian | 09:52 |
dholbach | we'll have to sync it from there | 09:52 |
dholbach | i'll take care of it later | 09:52 |
ajmitch | well, it's not nice | 09:53 |
dholbach | no it's not, but we want sync-ability :) | 09:53 |
ajmitch | debian has 1:2.6.2-1.1 in unstable | 09:53 |
ajmitch | because it went 2.6.0 ->1:2.4.11 | 09:53 |
dholbach | oh nice :) | 09:54 |
ajmitch | I see, they reverted unstable to the 2.4 branch.. | 09:54 |
dholbach | we'll have 1:2.8.0-0ubuntu1 or something :) | 09:54 |
ajmitch | how evil | 09:54 |
=== ajmitch shudders | ||
ajmitch | ok, syncs requested, gobby building | 09:58 |
Burgundavia | ouch linspire has nasty version numbers | 09:58 |
ajmitch | main upload rights requested from elmo (finally) | 09:58 |
Burgundavia | umm, ya --> 2:1:1.0-0.0.2003.10.23-2-9.4.1 | 09:59 |
ajmitch | Burgundavia: uhm | 09:59 |
ajmitch | that is perverse | 09:59 |
Burgundavia | how about --> 5.8.1- | 09:59 |
=== ajmitch searches for his torch & pitchfork to go & lynch linspire | ||
jsgotangco | ouch | 10:00 |
jsgotangco | that is horrible | 10:00 |
ajmitch | they say that is perfectly logical ;) | 10:00 |
Burgundavia | there explanations make a lot of sense, when you have the guide in front of you | 10:00 |
Burgundavia | if you don't... | 10:00 |
ajmitch | up a muddy creek | 10:01 |
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Burgundavia | anyway, I have to crash. Been up since 6 with 6 hours of sleep | 10:01 |
=== ajmitch is reminded to ask people to write up their meeting topics on the MOTU meeting page | ||
ajmitch | night Burgundavia | 10:02 |
sivang | dholbach: ok, at least now I understand what you said :-) | 10:02 |
dholbach | :) | 10:05 |
\sh | sivang: no...but he's one of the good people here | 10:05 |
ajmitch | \sh: so you're all alone in your area? | 10:05 |
\sh | ajmitch: no, but as I said..he was our SDT specialist for DTV stuff..and it was quite a surprise that he resigned now, he never said a word | 10:06 |
sivang | \sh: you can never tell, some people suffer within and then one day they decided to put an end to the misery ;-) | 10:07 |
ajmitch | \sh: how much longer do you plan to stay? :) | 10:08 |
\sh | ajmitch: i don't know...depends what offers are coming in ; | 10:08 |
\sh | ) | 10:08 |
ajmitch | hehe | 10:09 |
sivang | isn't that alwasy the situation? ;) | 10:09 |
=== ajmitch doesn't expect to be getting any new job offers anytime soon | ||
jsgotangco | i might | 10:10 |
jsgotangco | (with a game company) | 10:11 |
\sh | sivang: well...I mean it's a nice job..no one disturbs me doing other things...but moneywise...there are better offers..but I like the "saftyness" of the job right now...and I need the bloody money to pay my car and to pay my ex ,-) | 10:11 |
sivang | \sh: ah I see, well, if you can do whatever you like there, then it's very good, I wish it was more for me, but at the end of the day, I may also do some changes in order for me to do what I really like | 10:12 |
sivang | \sh: however, I'm myself's only dependent, so it's easier.. | 10:12 |
=== ajmitch doesn't mind where he is too much | ||
sivang | jsgotangco: game comapny? awesome | 10:12 |
\sh | sivang: I mean, working for this cable tv company...I never expected to learn somethine else then sysadmin or devstuff | 10:12 |
sivang | jsgotangco: what games are they doing? | 10:12 |
jsgotangco | sivang, korean MMORGPs | 10:12 |
ajmitch | jsgotangco: you're between jobs at the moment? | 10:12 |
jsgotangco | ajmitch, i don't have a job now | 10:13 |
ajmitch | same thing :) | 10:13 |
sivang | \sh: that's nice, you are on eof the technician, or sysadmins? | 10:13 |
sivang | ajmitch, jsgotangco : you're both students right? | 10:13 |
ajmitch | sivang: no | 10:13 |
\sh | sivang: eof? | 10:13 |
ajmitch | sivang: I'm employed doing php coding now :) | 10:14 |
ajmitch | hardly spectacular, but it pays the bills ;) | 10:14 |
jsgotangco | sivang, no | 10:14 |
ajmitch | jsgotangco: how long has it been since you were a student? 10 years now? | 10:14 |
sivang | \sh: oops sorry, too much python on the train road ;-) | 10:14 |
jsgotangco | ajmitch, :P | 10:15 |
ajmitch | :) | 10:15 |
\sh | sivang: end of file the technician? | 10:15 |
\sh | ,- | 10:15 |
\sh | ) | 10:16 |
ajmitch | jsgotangco: don't feel bad :) | 10:16 |
\sh | dholbach: 2 packages only for i386 failed and some more on amd64 and pcc? | 10:16 |
jsgotangco | hehe | 10:16 |
jsgotangco | ajmitch, i won an RHCE exam pack from the local linuxworld event i'm looking for study guides | 10:16 |
=== ajmitch hopes these syncs go through, & his key processed | ||
ajmitch | so that I can make it 9 packages today | 10:16 |
sivang | \sh: LOL | 10:18 |
ajmitch | jsgotangco: great :) | 10:18 |
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\sh | hmmm | 10:42 |
\sh | do we need gnome-launch-box? | 10:42 |
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\sh | and no TB meeting today? | 10:43 |
dholbach | \sh: seems so | 10:47 |
dholbach | \sh: we definitely don't need it | 10:47 |
dholbach | \sh: it's crack | 10:47 |
ajmitch | hm good | 10:50 |
ajmitch | still spare rooms at the UBZ hotel, and I can share with someone & get 1/2 price | 10:50 |
jsgotangco | wow ajmitch you're really going eh | 10:51 |
ajmitch | I decided today that I need a break from dunedin for a couple of weeks | 10:51 |
ajmitch | so I'm visiting friends in the US as well | 10:51 |
jsgotangco | thats nice | 10:52 |
ajmitch | yeah | 10:52 |
ajmitch | \sh: you got quoted on planet debian! | 10:52 |
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\sh | what? | 11:10 |
\sh | hmmm..planet.debian.org I can't connect..but now from different servers and different connections | 11:12 |
\sh | ah flybook stuff | 11:13 |
ajmitch | yep | 11:13 |
\sh | I thought the joke ;) | 11:14 |
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\sh | ajmitch: u rock man :) I'm glad to hear, that you're joining UBZ :) | 11:35 |
ajmitch | heh | 11:36 |
=== ajmitch is just finding his old UDU photos | ||
ajmitch | comparing the sizes of my 2 laptops, my old one is tiny in comparison :) | 11:37 |
\sh | ajmitch: show ;) | 11:38 |
ajmitch | hm | 11:38 |
ajmitch | bad network drivers on my old laptop | 11:38 |
ajmitch | might be fun trying to dist-upgrade | 11:39 |
ajmitch | maybe I can do networking via IR ;) | 11:39 |
Lathiat | haha | 11:41 |
ajmitch | either that or I *attempt* to find the dongle for the pcmcia nic in the old laptop | 11:42 |
=== desplesda [n=desplesd@CPE-143-238-234-78.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
=== ajmitch really has no idea where the nic dongle is :) | ||
Lathiat | SLIP! | 11:51 |
ajmitch | actually yeah.. | 11:52 |
ajmitch | I've got a null modem cable sitting in a box somewhere ;) | 11:52 |
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Yagisan | ajmitch: PLIP would be quicker then IR or null modem | 12:07 |
ajmitch | nah | 12:08 |
ajmitch | I got ad-hoc wireless going | 12:08 |
mbreit | good morning! | 12:08 |
ajmitch | so new laptop is doing nat to the rest of the network now for the old laptop | 12:08 |
ajmitch | and PLIP would require the right sort of cale | 12:09 |
ajmitch | cable | 12:09 |
=== ajmitch forgot how broken this keyboard was getting | ||
ajmitch | mmm | 12:10 |
ajmitch | 491MB to upgrade on the old laptop :) | 12:10 |
Yagisan | ajmitch: yeah, I know. I used to run my whole network with PLIP and "laplink" cables, when I had a few 486s | 12:11 |
=== ajmitch_ [n=ajmitch@port162-53.ubs.maxnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
ajmitch | oh good | 12:17 |
ajmitch | irssi lockup was only temporary that time | 12:17 |
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=== thoreauputic [n=prospero@wolax8-223.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
tseng | someone in my apartment just renamed their ssid to nicetryfreeloaders | 12:38 |
jsgotangco | lol | 12:38 |
=== dholbach [i=foobar@i577B0D74.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
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=== slomo [n=slomo@p5487F911.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
ajmitch | tseng: cracked the key yet? | 12:52 |
tseng | ajmitch: no. | 12:52 |
dholbach | hey brandon, hey sebastian | 12:54 |
tseng | hi daniel | 12:54 |
dholbach | how are you? | 12:54 |
tseng | good, you? | 12:54 |
dholbach | me too, thanks :) | 12:54 |
slomo | hi everybody :) does someone have a coffee for me? ;) | 12:55 |
tseng | i have some great teas | 12:55 |
tseng | no coffee | 12:55 |
mbreit | hey slomo, hi daniel... | 12:55 |
slomo | tseng: tea is also good :) | 12:55 |
tseng | slomo: i have all kinds | 12:55 |
tseng | darjeeling green or black | 12:56 |
tseng | nilgiri | 12:56 |
dholbach | slomo: if you arrived in berlin, i should have one ready :) | 12:57 |
dholbach | it's charming weather over here and i'd know the perfect place to get some ice cream after the coffee :) | 12:57 |
slomo | tseng: darjeeling is fine, thanks :) | 12:57 |
tseng | thats my favorite. | 12:57 |
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=== thesaltydog [n=yoshi@host194-61.pool8023.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
ajmitch | hm, f-spot is quite a nice app | 01:21 |
=== ajmitch spots a dholbach photo or 3 in his UDU collection | ||
dholbach | *snigger* | 01:22 |
ajmitch | http://ajmitch.dyndns.win.co.nz/Images/Camera/Photos/UDU/Saturday/p1010005.jpg | 01:24 |
ajmitch | the crazy people of ubuntu | 01:24 |
siretart | who is who? | 01:25 |
=== jbailey [n=jbailey@testhaus.cns.utoronto.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
ajmitch | in front is doko, myself, whiprush | 01:25 |
ajmitch | the back 6 are dholbach, daniels, mjg59 (behind jdub), jdub, thom, Mithrandir | 01:26 |
siretart | ah :) | 01:26 |
siretart | nice :) | 01:26 |
=== dholbach can't remember when this picture was taken :) | ||
dholbach | doko, ajmitch and whiprush in the lower row :) | 01:29 |
ajmitch | at the end of the dinner on saturday night | 01:29 |
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ajmitch | iirc | 01:29 |
ogra | dholbach, yes, you shouldnt be drunk all day on conferences :P | 01:29 |
siretart | lol | 01:29 |
ajmitch | hehe | 01:30 |
ogra | me cries about gnome-screensaver | 01:30 |
=== dholbach was never drunk | ||
=== dholbach 'd remember that | ||
dholbach | :-p | 01:31 |
ogra | heh | 01:31 |
ajmitch | ogra: people are calling for it to be removed, after a few days of you working on it? | 01:31 |
ajmitch | dholbach: next time.. | 01:31 |
ogra | ajmitch, even worse, jdub calls for it to be removed, after he poked a lot to get it in at the beginning of the cycle... | 01:32 |
ajmitch | I know :( | 01:32 |
ogra | i drown in bugs and dont know on which i should work now... | 01:32 |
slomo | hm :( | 01:32 |
ogra | since i dont have enough time to waste it | 01:33 |
\sh | ogra: oh happened to me with amarok ;) don't worry ;) | 01:33 |
ogra | \sh, thats not really the same... | 01:33 |
slomo | \sh: what was with amarok? | 01:33 |
ogra | \sh, amarok had a more stable source available... | 01:33 |
\sh | ogra: it is...sabdfl wanted it, and i had the work ;) | 01:33 |
ogra | \sh, gnome-screensaver is lacking essential features... | 01:34 |
ajmitch | like speed & stability? | 01:34 |
=== Hirion [n=Hirion@p5487F911.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
\sh | ogra: well....kick it...kick upstream | 01:34 |
ogra | (try to adjust the url for a rss based text screensaver for example) | 01:34 |
=== ajmitch hasn't used it enough to tell | ||
\sh | i don't have a screensaver running...only blanking screen | 01:35 |
ogra | \sh, kicking wont speed it up | 01:35 |
\sh | it's annoying to have screensaver... | 01:35 |
=== ajmitch is generally ignoring his screen if the screensaver is on | ||
ajmitch | although I'm glad I don't have that fireworks screensaver ;) | 01:35 |
ogra | its silent now :) | 01:36 |
ajmitch | no more interrupting users having sex? ;) | 01:36 |
ogra | except you look at it :P | 01:36 |
ajmitch | at least you get interesting bugreports | 01:37 |
ogra | heh, yes... that one was the best i ever had :) | 01:38 |
ogra | quite entertaining | 01:38 |
\sh | ogra: u heard what I said earlier? george resigned from ish | 01:39 |
ogra | yup | 01:40 |
ogra | where does he go ? | 01:40 |
\sh | ogra: he has two offers...he didn't say where he goes now.. | 01:40 |
\sh | ogra: but for me it came very surprising | 01:40 |
ogra | yeah, the NOC will be empty without him | 01:41 |
\sh | ogra: yeah...it's sad | 01:41 |
\sh | now this is at least a reason to leave as well ;) | 01:42 |
ajmitch | :) | 01:42 |
ogra | :) | 01:42 |
ajmitch | btw, what do we have to talk about for the meeting this week? | 01:45 |
ajmitch | cp -a zgettext.py debian/$(pkg)/usr/bin/zgettext ln -s ../../../../../../bin/zgettext debian/$(pkg)/$(INSTDIR)/zgettext.py | 01:51 |
=== ajmitch cries | ||
ajmitch | this one calls for a sync from debian | 01:52 |
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ajmitch | so did you see that we can have hackergotchis in launchpad now? ;) | 01:59 |
slomo | and a homepage ;) | 01:59 |
ajmitch | yeah | 01:59 |
ajmitch | editing hackergotchis still has permission issue, but I saw jamesh talking about it earlier :) | 02:00 |
slomo | doko: i'm currently looking at spe... shall i sync 0.7.5 from debian for wx2.6 or just keep 0.7.3a? | 02:04 |
doko | slomo: a sync is already requested | 02:04 |
slomo | doko: hrm... maybe i'm finished with your bug before elmo got to the sync... can i upload -1ubuntu1 then or should i wait for elmo's sync? | 02:06 |
doko | slomo: no, you can upload | 02:07 |
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thesaltydog | who knows which is the default PIN of bluetooth soon after installation? | 02:08 |
slomo | doko: ok... will do ;) but as you are the maintainer in debian for this package... why don't you fix all the stuff? :P and do you have some other packages which needs similar polishing? | 02:08 |
slomo | thesaltydog: 1234? just a guess ;) | 02:09 |
thesaltydog | slomo, nop... disconnected | 02:10 |
doko | slomo: lack of time ... | 02:10 |
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thesaltydog | dholbach, you know which is the default bluetooth pin after installation? | 02:12 |
dholbach | 1234 | 02:13 |
slomo | lol | 02:13 |
dholbach | it's in /etc/bluetooth/pin | 02:13 |
thesaltydog | it didn't work. I will try again.. | 02:13 |
thesaltydog | ok, thanks | 02:13 |
dholbach | you might want to enable dbus_pin_helper in /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf too | 02:13 |
dholbach | chmj should be much more of an expert than me :) | 02:14 |
=== ajmitch [n=ajmitch@2001:388:c004:1:0:0:0:12] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
=== ajmitch gives the dsl a good kicking | ||
slomo | ajmitch: ipv6? | 02:15 |
ajmitch | slomo: yes? | 02:15 |
ajmitch | it's a tunnel | 02:15 |
slomo | ajmitch: ah... ok, nothing special ;) | 02:16 |
ajmitch | nah, we don't have native ipv6 on dsl here yet ;) | 02:16 |
ajmitch | although it might be useful | 02:16 |
slomo | is there already one provider on earth who has native ipv6 for the masses? ;) | 02:17 |
ajmitch | I think so | 02:17 |
ajmitch | I've heard of a few | 02:17 |
ajmitch | and I'm sure that a decent ISP could manage it without *too* many difficulties | 02:18 |
ajmitch | it's just whether it's cost-effective or not | 02:18 |
slomo | doko: spe is simply broken for me ;) when i tell it to show some docs it open firefox with the default homepage... | 02:22 |
doko | slomo: I thought, you fixed it? | 02:23 |
slomo | doko: spe? no... i've started it the first time now and wanted to process your bug then... but maybe i already found the problem | 02:23 |
xerxas_ | someone using networkmanager ? | 02:26 |
hunger | xerxas: I do sometimes. | 02:26 |
xerxas | hunger: I have a lan with a dns and network manager doesn't use it | 02:27 |
xerxas | do you know how could I do to fix this ? | 02:27 |
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xerxas | is it a dhcdbd problem ? | 02:27 |
xerxas | hunger, I have a dhcpd that gives the domain-server | 02:28 |
xerxas | hunger, oops, it doesn't | 02:29 |
xerxas | sorry | 02:29 |
xerxas | #option name-servers; | 02:29 |
xerxas | option domain-name-servers; | 02:29 |
hunger | xerxas: Mine does, NM recognizes and uses that. | 02:29 |
xerxas | /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf line 17: unknown option dhcp.name-servers | 02:30 |
xerxas | option name-servers 192. | 02:30 |
xerxas | hunger, what do you have in you're dhcpd.conf ? | 02:30 |
hunger | xerxas: Can't get to that from here, sorry. | 02:31 |
hunger | xerxas: I'm using ipcop, maybe googleing for ipcop dhcpd.conf helps? | 02:31 |
xerxas | hunger, k | 02:31 |
xerxas | (maybe not the chan to talk about that :) ) | 02:32 |
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siretart | damn. I did a typo in /etc/hosts | 02:43 |
siretart | now sudo complains sudo: unable to lookup obelix via gethostbyname() | 02:43 |
siretart | is there some other way to gain root? | 02:43 |
\sh | single user mode | 02:44 |
siretart | ok. rebooting | 02:44 |
\sh | or live cd and change etc hosts after mounting the drivers | 02:44 |
\sh | drives even | 02:44 |
xerxas | find a security hole :) | 02:44 |
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siretart | rebooted with init=/bin/sh, that worked | 02:52 |
dholbach | bbl | 02:53 |
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slomo | hmm... do we have a python guru here? :) is the webbrowser module in ubuntu broken?! | 03:03 |
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ajmitch | night all | 03:11 |
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slomo | gn8 ajmitch | 03:12 |
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bddebian | Heya gang | 03:41 |
mbreit | hi bddebian! | 03:43 |
bddebian | Heya mbreit | 03:44 |
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bigcx2 | hey everyone | 03:49 |
bigcx2 | i don't know if i'm ready to be a motu yet | 03:49 |
bigcx2 | but i just recently fixed a bug that i filed in malone for the zope-ldap package | 03:50 |
bigcx2 | and i just wanted to know if i could pass it on | 03:50 |
bigcx2 | and am constantly always hacking around with packages and whatnot | 03:50 |
bigcx2 | so anyone have any advice? | 03:51 |
bddebian | bigcx2: Advice on what, becoming an MOTU? | 03:51 |
bigcx2 | yea sure | 03:51 |
bddebian | You want to first work on becoming an Ubuntu member. Keep bug fixings, build new pacakges and post to REVU, documentation, any other work for Ubuntu. | 03:52 |
bigcx2 | alright well being a student right now i'm not sure i have time to do all that | 03:53 |
bigcx2 | so say i just wanted to pass my package to upstream | 03:53 |
bigcx2 | should i just contact the package maintainer and ask him to make the changes? | 03:54 |
bigcx2 | what's the "proper" way to do this | 03:54 |
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bddebian | bigcx2: If it is an "upstream" change yes, that would be ideal. At least hit the Debian maintainer | 03:59 |
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bigcx2 | bddebian: alright thanks. will do | 04:16 |
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\sh | who is responsible for those repos: | 04:48 |
\sh | deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted | 04:48 |
\sh | deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted | 04:48 |
\sh | it's not the official backports repos, right? | 04:48 |
=== thesaltydog [n=yoshi@host194-61.pool8023.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
thesaltydog | \sh, did you fix your tests with bluetooth yestarday? | 04:49 |
mbreit | \sh: i think it's the old non-official repository from the backports project... so responsible should be jdong, mez.... | 04:51 |
\sh | thesaltydog: well...I see hcid segfaulting for me, when my phone tries to connect the laptop | 04:54 |
\sh | thesaltydog: e.g. with gnokii --identify | 04:54 |
\sh | thesaltydog: but sending files to obexserver wors | 04:54 |
thesaltydog | \sh, I'll be back to you this night or tomorrow with my tests.. | 04:57 |
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=== sedak [n=fred@82-32-125-115.cable.ubr04.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
markuman | every time when i try to build a deb file, the deb files are only a few kbs big. so the source code was not included. i ve paste here the 2 lines from output and the debian/rules http://paste.debian.net/1980 | 05:29 |
markuman | or is it right that the deb is only 13 kb big but the original src 350kb? | 05:29 |
ogra_ | what does lintian say about the deb ? | 05:29 |
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ogra_ | and dpkg --contents ... | 05:30 |
Yagisan | markuman: missing -sa | 05:30 |
Yagisan | markuman when you build the source you need to add the switch for a full source output, not just the diff | 05:30 |
Yagisan | markuman: if you want full source out, otherwise it will only do the diff for each new release | 05:31 |
ogra_ | Yagisan, you dnot need -sa for a local testbuild... | 05:33 |
ogra_ | markuman, indeed you have a smaller binary package than your source is... | 05:34 |
markuman | ogra: here the lintian output http://paste.debian.net/1981 | 05:35 |
markuman | so its normal? | 05:36 |
ogra_ | what does dpkg --contents say ? is the binary you wanted in there ? | 05:37 |
markuman | ive add it in the same paste ogra | 05:37 |
markuman | yes, /usr/bin/xfce4-taskmanager it is in there | 05:38 |
ogra_ | ok, now just make sure you solve the lintian warnings :) | 05:42 |
ogra_ | lintian -i is your friend :) | 05:42 |
ogra_ | its normal that a binary is way smaller than a source package... dont worry about that one | 05:42 |
ogra_ | markuman, btw, is that different from xfce4-taskbar-plugin ? | 05:44 |
markuman | yes a big! :-) http://xfce-goodies.berlios.de/images/taskmanager.png http://xfce-goodies.berlios.de/images/xfce-taskbar-plugin.png | 05:47 |
ogra_ | ah | 05:48 |
=== dholbach [i=foobar@i577B1E63.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
bddebian | wb dholbach | 05:52 |
dholbach | re | 05:52 |
dholbach | i have a problem with my internet connection | 05:52 |
dholbach | *GRR* | 05:52 |
ogra_ | dholbach, such things only happen in berlin :) | 05:53 |
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@lns01-1753.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
ivoks | hi | 05:53 |
ogra_ | ivoks, ! | 05:53 |
dholbach | hi ivoks | 05:53 |
dholbach | ogra_: hahaha.... and in the eifel :) | 05:53 |
ivoks | o-o... i'm guilty again | 05:53 |
ogra_ | ivoks, why did you revert the java stuff ? | 05:53 |
ivoks | ?! | 05:54 |
ogra_ | ivoks, i said you should build the requested package to fix it | 05:54 |
ivoks | i did | 05:54 |
ogra_ | not to fiddle with the broken package again | 05:54 |
ivoks | it's waiting for aprooval | 05:54 |
ogra_ | oh, ok | 05:54 |
ogra_ | i only saw the java upload... | 05:54 |
ivoks | j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin | 05:54 |
ivoks | i know | 05:54 |
ogra_ | that one will be overruled by doko's sync anyway | 05:55 |
ivoks | it's not in archive yet | 05:55 |
ivoks | right | 05:55 |
ogra_ | yes, elmo wil have to process it | 05:55 |
ivoks | i know | 05:55 |
ivoks | but, one question | 05:55 |
=== fred_ [n=fred@82-32-125-115.cable.ubr04.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
ogra_ | but youre lucky, he's actually around somewher to poke him :) | 05:55 |
ivoks | i don't want to make more people angry at me :) | 05:55 |
ogra_ | hey, its his job | 05:56 |
ogra_ | (not the nagryness though) | 05:56 |
ogra_ | angryness | 05:56 |
ivoks | i will... | 05:56 |
ivoks | but one question.. | 05:56 |
bddebian | ivoks: Why should you be the only one? ;-) | 05:56 |
ivoks | i can't get this right... | 05:56 |
ivoks | i got marilat's package, and didn't change it | 05:56 |
ivoks | it builds and works | 05:57 |
ivoks | how do i upload it? since, i can't upload with his email | 05:57 |
ivoks | i did debsign it with my pgp | 05:57 |
ivoks | but that doesn't work either... | 05:57 |
ivoks | so, any one care to tutor me on this one? | 05:57 |
ivoks | please? | 05:58 |
ivoks | :) | 05:58 |
\sh | re | 05:59 |
dholbach | ivoks: debuild -S (-sa for new upstream version (new orig.tar.gz)) -kivoks@cool.mailaddress.com | 06:00 |
ivoks | dholbach: i did that... | 06:00 |
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dholbach | ivoks: what ahppened? | 06:00 |
ivoks | i signed it | 06:01 |
bddebian | ivoks: Is it a new version? You can do -v<current version> | 06:01 |
dholbach | debuild -S -sa -kdh@mailempfang; cd ..; dput ubuntu bla*changes - that would work for me | 06:01 |
ivoks | eh, not for me :/ | 06:01 |
dholbach | well. what happened? | 06:01 |
ivoks | it uploads, but i don't get mail notification | 06:02 |
ivoks | it's like silently droped | 06:02 |
ogra_ | ivoks, are you sure your address is whitelisted ? | 06:02 |
ivoks | let's try again... | 06:02 |
dholbach | of course | 06:02 |
ivoks | ogra_: well, i did uplaod java :) | 06:02 |
ogra_ | dont just do random uploads | 06:02 |
dholbach | because it's not your mail adress in the changelog | 06:02 |
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ivoks | dholbach: right | 06:03 |
ivoks | that's why i'm asking | 06:03 |
ogra_ | ivoks, then you can be sure elmo gets angry | 06:03 |
dholbach | but it didn't get neglected | 06:03 |
ogra_ | rather ask him | 06:03 |
markuman | im not sure in what section i should entered xfce-taskmanager? x11? | 06:03 |
=== Amaranth waves | ||
dholbach | markuman: sounds reasonable | 06:04 |
bddebian | ivoks: If his name is on the changelog but you signed with your key, he will get the notification, not you :-) | 06:04 |
ogra_ | markuman, sounds good... if in doubt, look at any other xfce package | 06:04 |
ivoks | bddebian: :) | 06:04 |
ivoks | bddebian: but, it didn't get to breezy-changes | 06:04 |
=== tritium [n=michael@pcp0011975002pcs.sandia01.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
ivoks | i could do a shangelog entry :) | 06:05 |
ivoks | changelog :/ | 06:06 |
ivoks | this upload fixes bug... | 06:06 |
bddebian | ivoks: Ah, that's different :-) | 06:07 |
dholbach | hey tritium | 06:08 |
bddebian | Aye, heya tritium | 06:08 |
tritium | hi there dholbach | 06:08 |
tritium | and bddebian | 06:08 |
bddebian | :-) | 06:08 |
=== tritium is home sick today | ||
bddebian | :-( | 06:08 |
markuman | ok, now i have the problem with the man pages. there are no man pages for the xfce-taskmanager. what could i do? | 06:08 |
dholbach | tritium: which home are you referring too? | 06:08 |
ogra_ | markuman, write one :) | 06:08 |
tritium | dholbach, I mean I am not at work because I am not feeling well... | 06:09 |
dholbach | markuman: it's trivially easy, if you use the .sgml default thingie you get via dh_make | 06:09 |
tritium | How are all of you? | 06:09 |
dholbach | tritium: oh... you got a cold or something? | 06:09 |
tritium | dholbach, yes | 06:09 |
dholbach | tritium: hope you get well soon | 06:10 |
tritium | thanks, dholbach | 06:10 |
=== dholbach hugs tritium | ||
tritium | :) | 06:10 |
tritium | thanks, dholbach | 06:10 |
dholbach | :) | 06:10 |
markuman | yes i get is dholbach | 06:10 |
markuman | ok ogra_ | 06:10 |
dholbach | markuman: if you apt-get source gparted, you will see, how to implement in the debian/rules file, so the manpage gets prepared at build time | 06:11 |
doko | ivoks: is j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin a separate source package? | 06:11 |
markuman | ok | 06:12 |
ivoks | doko: yes | 06:12 |
ivoks | doko: meta-j2re1.4-mozilla | 06:12 |
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doko | ivoks: cool, you may want to extract the Recommends for j2re1.4 and add them for your package as dependencies. | 06:16 |
doko | and please build for i386 and amd64 only | 06:16 |
bddebian | doko: Hi, how's fontforge/ttf-dejavu? ;-) | 06:17 |
ivoks | ok | 06:17 |
doko | bddebian: waiting | 06:18 |
ivoks | dholbach: shouldn't i change Changed-by? | 06:18 |
ogra | ivoks, dch does that for you... | 06:19 |
dholbach | no, changed-by isn't part of a debian/control file | 06:20 |
ivoks | ok | 06:20 |
ivoks | ogra: yes, but i don't do any changes to source/package | 06:21 |
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ogra | ivoks, none at all ? | 06:21 |
ivoks | non at all | 06:21 |
ogra | err, so why do you upload it then ? | 06:21 |
ivoks | it fixes bug | 06:22 |
ivoks | it's new version, and marillat fixed it to build with gcc4 | 06:22 |
ivoks | so, there is nothing i should do, only upload it | 06:22 |
dholbach | ivoks: elmo can just sync the source package from anywhere | 06:22 |
ogra | ivoks, as dholbach says, ask elmo for a sync | 06:22 |
ivoks | yes? i tought he does that only from debian :/ | 06:23 |
ogra | nope | 06:23 |
ivoks | argh... :) | 06:23 |
ogra | he also did them from apt-get.org sources for hoary | 06:23 |
ivoks | ok, then i'll ask him... | 06:23 |
ivoks | thanks | 06:23 |
\sh | who was the bluetooth specialist? | 06:24 |
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\sh | chmj? | 06:24 |
dholbach | yep | 06:24 |
\sh | thx :) | 06:24 |
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_tonio | hi everyone | 06:36 |
_tonio | \sh: can I ask for a favor ? | 06:36 |
\sh | _tonio: sure... | 06:36 |
dholbach | hi _tonio | 06:36 |
_tonio | okay ;) | 06:36 |
_tonio | hi dholbach | 06:36 |
_tonio | well I want to package a kind of dvd clone for kde | 06:36 |
_tonio | problem is one the the deps isn't actually added | 06:37 |
_tonio | a very very small app called vamps | 06:37 |
bddebian | Heya _tonio | 06:37 |
_tonio | to get the first package compiling on the server the second has to be uploaded no ? | 06:37 |
Treenaks | 4 | 06:37 |
_tonio | because the package is ridiculous (1k), would it be possible for you to validate it quick (I could then build the second one ;) | 06:38 |
_tonio | or if you have another solution | 06:38 |
\sh | dvd clone? | 06:38 |
ivoks | doko: I should put Recomends: j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin in j2se1.4's j2re1.4 package? | 06:39 |
_tonio | the application is called let me see, I don't remember ;) | 06:39 |
\sh | _tonio: whoops...I have to postpone your request...i have not my dev laptop online..only my small baby here.. | 06:39 |
_tonio | a kind of dvdshrink | 06:39 |
\sh | which dependency is not pulled in? | 06:40 |
_tonio | http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=23885 here it is | 06:40 |
_tonio | vamps | 06:40 |
_tonio | the package vamps doesn't exist | 06:40 |
_tonio | I have done it (no deps and so little that it took a second) | 06:40 |
doko | ivoks: no, please don't change that package | 06:41 |
ivoks | doko: but what should i recommend then? i didn't understand you | 06:41 |
=== Danten [n=danten@h242n13c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #Ubuntu-motu | ||
_tonio | \sh: problem is that pbuilder and the server won't be able to compile k9copy if vamps isn't already upload | 06:41 |
ivoks | doko: i know you said not to touch, that's why i'm asking :) | 06:41 |
_tonio | the problem is that if I wait for vamps to be validated and uploaded I may not have time to package k9copy before breezy ;) and that ap rocks ;) | 06:42 |
_tonio | dholbach: do you know a kind of solution to that problem ? | 06:42 |
slomo | _tonio: you can either setup a local apt repository for such stuff... or workaround that problem with pbuilder login ;) | 06:42 |
\sh | _tonio: u can setup your own repos and put it to pbuilder | 06:42 |
_tonio | yes but what about the server? and motus ? | 06:43 |
_tonio | they wil put a bug NO because it won't compile ;) | 06:43 |
_tonio | a big NO excuse me ;) | 06:43 |
dholbach | _tonio: build it locally with debuild | 06:44 |
dholbach | _tonio: that's not as nice, but it works too :) | 06:44 |
_tonio | and about motus ? | 06:44 |
\sh | _tonio: if vamps isn't in the archive..it has to be build and packaged before | 06:44 |
_tonio | I know that, and U'm gona do it | 06:45 |
\sh | _tonio: so u have to note it down in your remark to the package | 06:45 |
_tonio | then test locally k9copy and wait for vamps to be uploaded before adding k9copy | 06:45 |
markuman | ive problems with the man pages for xfce4-taskmanager. <arg><option>--example <replaceable>that</replaceable></option></arg> but there are no options.... | 06:45 |
_tonio | problem is that I cannot post (not a motu actually) so when i post that K9copy can you add the remark ? | 06:46 |
dholbach | siretart: ^ | 06:46 |
\sh | _tonio: u don't have an account to revu? | 06:46 |
_tonio | \sh: this is the favor I was asking for lol :) | 06:46 |
_tonio | no, no time to get my key signed | 06:46 |
ogra | _tonio, just get one | 06:46 |
_tonio | this is the trick | 06:47 |
\sh | _tonio: as i said, i don't have the password here...and my gpg key is on the other machine...and right now I'm too lazy | 06:47 |
_tonio | I can understand, maybe dholbach will be able ;) | 06:47 |
dholbach | _tonio: i'm not adminstrator of that machine | 06:47 |
dholbach | siretart is | 06:47 |
_tonio | ah okay ;) | 06:47 |
siretart | huh? what is it? | 06:48 |
_tonio | I'll send an email to sirestart when the two aps are build and uploaded | 06:48 |
_tonio | siretart: I | 06:48 |
_tonio | hi excuse me | 06:48 |
\sh | siretart: _tonio needs an account on revu to make some notes | 06:48 |
_tonio | \sh: don't I need to get my gnupg key signed before ? it isn't done actually, I need to find out time for this ;) | 06:50 |
\sh | hmm...do we need signed keys for revu? | 06:50 |
_tonio | I think that for an account it is necessary no ? | 06:51 |
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\sh | _tonio: u can upload? | 06:52 |
\sh | _tonio: to revu? | 06:52 |
_tonio | yes I can | 06:52 |
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\sh | hmm..siretart is master | 06:52 |
_tonio | I have send about 20 packages at this time so Yes ;) | 06:52 |
_tonio | anthony.mercatante@laposte.net -> it's me;) | 06:53 |
markuman | the programm xfce4-taskmanager has no parameter - does it need than man pages for the .deb package? | 06:53 |
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ogra | markuman, all packages installed in PATH need a manpage | 06:53 |
markuman | hm | 06:54 |
markuman | something i did wrong.... | 06:54 |
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bddebian | ANYONE have any thoughts about the mozilla-locale-* packages on UniverseUnmetDeps? Are they even valid/useful anymore? | 06:54 |
markuman | there are no more warning - only that with the man pages | 06:54 |
\sh | i don't think so...ask pitti | 06:55 |
ogra | markuman, great, so fix that one and you are done :) | 06:55 |
tritium | hi trulux | 06:55 |
bddebian | \sh: What that to me? :-) | 06:55 |
bddebian | Err s/What/Was | 06:55 |
\sh | bddebian: sry yes | 06:56 |
markuman | ogra, i don t know how :-( ive edit the three man pages whitch created dh_make - or should i do somthing else with them? | 06:56 |
ogra | markuman, as dholbach said, have a look at other packages hw they handle it | 06:56 |
ogra | markuman, there are several ways to produce a manpage... | 06:57 |
dholbach | markuman: gparted does it really easy | 06:57 |
ogra | markuman, easiest is to have a real manpage in the debian dir and call dh_installman with it... | 06:57 |
\sh | the sgml way is the easiest | 06:57 |
\sh | docbook2man is quite nice | 06:58 |
dholbach | \sh++ | 06:58 |
ogra | markuman, more elegant is to have a sgml page that gets converted to a manpage | 06:58 |
\sh | kate or gedit or emacs and thats it... | 06:58 |
markuman | in the gparted debian folder is only one file seem to be a man page called: gparted.sgml | 06:58 |
dholbach | markuman: apt-get source gparted and have a look at the debian-dir - i'm quite sure you manage to do it soon | 06:58 |
dholbach | markuman: yes, and you need to look at debian/rules too - to see how it gets created and installed | 06:58 |
ogra | markuman, yes, that gets converted in the rules file | 06:58 |
markuman | ah ok dholbach! | 06:59 |
bddebian | dholbach: Got any good small library packages for me to mimick while you're at it? :) | 06:59 |
markuman | ok ogra :-) | 06:59 |
dholbach | markuman: you need docbook2man as a build-depends and then you're done | 06:59 |
dholbach | bddebian: hm? | 06:59 |
bddebian | dholbach: I'm trying to package libpgtcl and am having some problems so I wondered if you knew off-hand of a good library package to look at? | 07:00 |
ogra | markuman, if you are done with the package, you should contact out xfce team ;) | 07:00 |
ogra | s/out/our/ | 07:00 |
dholbach | bddebian: ah ok - all the gnome libraries that are handled by seb128 are good examples | 07:01 |
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\sh | hi littlepaul | 07:02 |
dholbach | hey littlepaul | 07:03 |
\sh | ubuntu-de is meeting motu ,) | 07:03 |
littlepaul | hi dholbach and \sh | 07:03 |
ogra | heh | 07:03 |
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\sh | meeting is at 20utc? so i have time to take a nap | 07:09 |
nickm_ | whats the meeting about? where? and is anyone welcome? | 07:12 |
\sh | nickm_: everyone is welcome to every meeting of ubuntu | 07:12 |
\sh | nickm_: today's the technical board meeting | 07:12 |
nickm_ | \sh, thanks | 07:12 |
nickm_ | #ubuntu-meeting seems a logical place, is that were it will be? | 07:13 |
ogra | yup | 07:13 |
nickm_ | ill be lurking :D thanks | 07:13 |
markuman | now lintian -i xfce4-taskmanager_0.3.1-ubuntu1_amd64.deb works without any warnings :-D ! | 07:15 |
ogra | :) | 07:15 |
markuman | but im not sure i i do it with -ubuntu1_amd64.de right? | 07:15 |
ogra | nope, you upload the source to revu | 07:16 |
markuman | revu? sry | 07:17 |
\sh | markuman: http://revu.tauware.de | 07:17 |
\sh | markuman: this is our "motu review utility" | 07:18 |
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\sh | markuman: u upload your packages to revu, we will check and if it's good, we approve those packages...and 2 motu approves == upload to universe | 07:18 |
\sh | markuman: u will become famous if you're whitelisted towards breezy-changes | 07:19 |
markuman | ah ok. because its my first package - i hope it will work | 07:19 |
\sh | markuman: document your work on the wiki and the first step becoming an ubuntunite (sp?) is done | 07:19 |
\sh | markuman: so..give it a "go" :) | 07:22 |
ogra | markuman, but make sure your email is whitelisted, see the Uploads wikipage... send a mail to the whitelist address... | 07:25 |
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slomo | lol | 08:12 |
slomo | Von: root <mdz@ubuntu.com> | 08:12 |
slomo | :) | 08:12 |
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spayne | hi all | 08:56 |
spayne | dholbach has asked me whether i would like to help out with packaging | 08:57 |
spayne | i'd love to help ubuntu and i'd also love to learn packaging | 08:57 |
spayne | where abouts do i start? | 08:57 |
dholbach | nownow - everybody's sleeping? :) | 08:58 |
dholbach | hi spayne :) | 08:59 |
slomo | hi spayne :) | 08:59 |
dholbach | spayne: now that we're that short before release, we try to fix as much from universe as possible | 08:59 |
markuman | cant upload my stuff next time....have to wait for a keyparty or something like that | 09:00 |
dholbach | markuman: where do you live? | 09:00 |
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dholbach | spayne: we list a couple of things at wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUTodo and at wiki.ubuntu.com/Transitions | 09:01 |
dholbach | one of the most important tools is outlined at wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto | 09:01 |
dholbach | and we list quite a few packaging tips at wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingTips | 09:01 |
markuman | Europe/Germany/NRW/Warstein | 09:02 |
dholbach | if you stick to this channel and ask every now and then, i'm quite sure you'll be able to get some easy items in your way and you'll be able to get your fixes uploaded ASAP | 09:02 |
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dholbach | markuman: warstein - slomo, how close is that to you? | 09:02 |
=== dholbach has no idea | ||
slomo | markuman: what bigger city is near warstein? | 09:02 |
dholbach | . o O { shame on me ... } | 09:02 |
=== ogra waves from the eifel in direction of markuman | ||
slomo | dholbach: i don't know either where warstein is ;) | 09:03 |
dholbach | if you make it to berlin, we can arrange a key signing for sure :) | 09:03 |
ivoks | hi | 09:03 |
ogra | slomo, you dont know the beer ? | 09:03 |
dholbach | ivoks: hey ante | 09:03 |
markuman | slomo Dortmund | 09:03 |
slomo | ogra: sure... but i don't know where the city is located ;) | 09:03 |
dholbach | markuman: you should have said something earlier - 4 weeks ago i lived in dortmund :) | 09:04 |
spayne | i've never packaged before though | 09:04 |
slomo | markuman: hm, dortmund is maybe 1 1/2 hours from here... but in dortmund you should find someone... it's a big city, at least bigger than mine ;) | 09:04 |
dholbach | spayne: if you fiddle around on existing packages, you have quite a lot to look at :) | 09:04 |
markuman | hm :-/ | 09:04 |
markuman | slomo, whats your city? | 09:05 |
dholbach | markuman: absolutely: biglumber has at least 5-6 VERY responsive guys listed | 09:05 |
slomo | markuman: detmold | 09:05 |
dholbach | markuman: i mailed them for a keysigning party and they all appeared | 09:05 |
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\sh | dortmund? | 09:07 |
dholbach | yep | 09:07 |
\sh | it's 1 hour from here | 09:07 |
\sh | ok 1 1/2 hours | 09:08 |
\sh | littlepaul needs also someone to sign his key | 09:08 |
\sh | i think I need a central meetingpoint | 09:08 |
\sh | markuman: mvo could sign your key..he's in bochum..and ping e.v. member :) | 09:09 |
littlepaul | \sh thats true http://wiki.lugrudo.de/pmwiki.php/Lugrudo/Keysigning-Treffen-05-09-01;-( | 09:09 |
\sh | or carsten truckenbrodt...from prima e.v. | 09:09 |
shackan | uhm, why do you have to phisically meet in the same place to exchange keys ? I mean, over the internet... | 09:09 |
shackan | ..would be easier | 09:09 |
\sh | littlepaul: ah..lugrudo my old linux user group..tore stelzner from UU.NET Dortmund | 09:09 |
ogra | shackan, thats not reliable | 09:09 |
littlepaul | \sh the world is small ;-) | 09:10 |
\sh | littlepaul: as we discussed :) | 09:10 |
ogra | shackan, i need to see your passport or id card to know you are you before i sign your key | 09:10 |
\sh | just fitting to my blog entry | 09:10 |
markuman | where are you from \sh? | 09:10 |
\sh | markuman: I was born in dortmund...now i'm living in kerpen... | 09:10 |
shackan | yeesh, that's serious stuff... | 09:10 |
\sh | markuman: but i don't mind to come to dortmund | 09:11 |
\sh | markuman: or lets meet in cologne somewhere..and we have some beers | 09:11 |
markuman | cologne sounds good | 09:11 |
markuman | whats with you littlepaul? | 09:11 |
spayne | dholbach: has gnome-bluetooth been uploaded? | 09:11 |
\sh | 3rd of october is a good day...or 7/8/9th of october | 09:11 |
shackan | ogra, ok, I've never been very paranoid about security and underestimated this :) | 09:11 |
dholbach | markuman: mvo lives in bochum | 09:11 |
ogra | shackan, its as valuable as your real life handwritten signature... | 09:11 |
dholbach | spayne: sure, i told you so :) | 09:11 |
littlepaul | cologne sounds good | 09:11 |
spayne | dholbach: i asked wrong question | 09:11 |
ogra | shackan, it has nothing to do with paranoia | 09:11 |
dholbach | spayne: and it built on all architectures - dunno if it's on the archive yet | 09:12 |
spayne | got it | 09:12 |
markuman | mvo? im every day till 29.sept. in Dortmund | 09:12 |
spayne | seeing if it is on breezy-changes... | 09:12 |
\sh | dholbach: markuman could go to ping e.v., prima e.v. they have members even in the strongset | 09:12 |
dholbach | \sh: i signed with most of the guys in dortmund | 09:12 |
dholbach | (on biglumber) | 09:12 |
markuman | hm | 09:12 |
\sh | dholbach: i missed my signing with carsten | 09:13 |
\sh | damn | 09:13 |
dholbach | spayne: not in the archive yet, it will take probably half an hour or something | 09:13 |
spayne | it is in breezy-changes | 09:13 |
spayne | thanks again :) | 09:13 |
markuman | i think i try to get in contact with mvo ...perhaps ill meet ihm somhere in dortmund/bochum | 09:14 |
dholbach | spayne: anytime | 09:14 |
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markuman | \sh, what do you mean with prima e.v. ? | 09:18 |
\sh | markuman: Prima e.v. is a privat internet community in dortmund | 09:19 |
\sh | www.prima.de | 09:19 |
\sh | just like www.ping.de | 09:19 |
\sh | or in former times .ruhr.de | 09:19 |
markuman | ok | 09:19 |
\sh | in times where internet access was expensive for people..and those communities were non-commercial communities who gave access to the internet for max. 20 DM | 09:20 |
\sh | per month | 09:20 |
littlepaul | ;-) | 09:20 |
\sh | funny..deja vu :) | 09:20 |
\sh | just have a look on planet.u.c | 09:20 |
\sh | hehe...I just wrote a nice story from my past... | 09:21 |
\sh | about my past | 09:21 |
\sh | it all comes to one conclusion: we're living in a matrix | 09:21 |
ogra | \sh, which matrix ? with gnome-screensaver or xscreensaver is the question | 09:23 |
\sh | ogra: this matrix with personal and neuronal connections between your real life and your virtual life ;) | 09:25 |
\sh | the question of "g-s" and "xs" is just pure bad luck :( | 09:26 |
ogra | its *my* personal matrix currently | 09:26 |
\sh | ogra: no it's not yours..it's marks...he requested it..same for amarok | 09:26 |
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ogra | \sh, amarok is an app that exists... | 09:27 |
ogra | gss doesnt exist yet... nobody uses it | 09:28 |
ogra | there was not even a beta release | 09:28 |
\sh | ogra: amarok is da monster app...everyone requested the new version..but now I get blamed for all the problems with it:( | 09:28 |
littlepaul | \sh, nice story | 09:28 |
=== lathiat collects all the cluebats being thrown at ogra | ||
ogra | lol | 09:28 |
ogra | lets build a wooden house from them :) | 09:29 |
\sh | littlepaul: it is...and i was quite surprised to find smurfix here at ubuntu again :) | 09:29 |
lathiat | Dude, by the time your finished it'd be outgrown | 09:29 |
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spayne | bbl | 09:40 |
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littlepaul | gtgn bye | 10:02 |
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ivoks | night all | 10:40 |
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koke | anyone knows what has happened to niran's website?? | 10:50 |
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dholbach | niran? | 10:53 |
dholbach | hi koke, by the way | 10:53 |
koke | the gnome-app-install bazaar repo | 10:55 |
koke | I wanted to add it translation support | 10:55 |
\sh | ajmitch__: motus doesn't have official shirts | 10:55 |
dholbach | ah, hm, well - you should ask mvo about it | 10:55 |
\sh | s/doesn't/don't/ | 10:55 |
dholbach | \sh: we need them | 10:55 |
koke | hmm, it has support, I wanted to translate and make some fixes | 10:55 |
\sh | dholbach: lets see in montreal :) i'm not a designer...so it will be just a fun shirt ;) but I'll ask amu ..he has some good connections to turkey and to some people in clothing manufacture companies | 10:56 |
dholbach | there's a ubuntu tshirt shop in poland | 10:57 |
koke | http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/arch/ubuntu/gnome-app-install--soc--0/ <-- maybe this | 10:57 |
\sh | dholbach: well...as i understand amu he will get shirts with embroided logos etc. | 10:57 |
Nafallo | ubuntu.no has t-shirts for sale now also :-) | 10:58 |
\sh | so not the print crap on those shirts, which is blessing out after 2 or 3 washings | 10:58 |
\sh | dholbach: but i don't know when and how much it costs.. | 10:58 |
dholbach | me neither | 10:58 |
\sh | Nafallo: simiras shop right? | 10:59 |
\sh | or what was the name of mithrandirs gf? | 10:59 |
Nafallo | \sh: it's not a whole shop. right now they only got tshirts. but it should be a good start to become one :-) | 11:00 |
\sh | Nafallo: hehe...linuxshop.de (amu)/linuxmall.de(\sh promoting linuxshop.de) from all the deals from linuxmall.de i would get 50% and I want to spend this money to sponsor opensource projects | 11:02 |
Nafallo | \sh: yay! bounties anyone? ;-) | 11:05 |
Nafallo | \sh: you could just have bountied away amarok ;-) | 11:05 |
\sh | what? | 11:06 |
\sh | which bounty? | 11:06 |
\sh | did I lose money? | 11:06 |
\sh | for bringing amarok 1.3.1 into breezy? that would be fcking bad :) | 11:06 |
Nafallo | if you had money you could bountie amarok and gnome-screensaver away from you and ogra ;-) | 11:07 |
ogra | Nafallo, no need to... | 11:07 |
\sh | Nafallo: grmpf...I thought I get money for bringing it in ;) | 11:08 |
ogra | i think the TB was clear about g-s-s ... if sabdfl agrees we can switch back for now | 11:08 |
ajmitch | and if he doesn't? | 11:09 |
ogra | we wont... | 11:09 |
ajmitch | unlikely, but it may happen | 11:09 |
ogra | he wont make the same mistake twice | 11:09 |
\sh | i think sabdfl understands the problem...and will revoke | 11:09 |
ogra | hoary spatial was bad enough | 11:10 |
ogra | (for him) | 11:10 |
Nafallo | ogra: oh. I missed that :-). what was said? :-) | 11:10 |
ogra | Nafallo, that we'll switch back if sabdfl allows it | 11:10 |
Nafallo | ogra: *puuh* | 11:11 |
Nafallo | it didn't behave like this before it was seeded though ;-) | 11:11 |
ajmitch | Nafallo: g-s-s just has too many issues :) | 11:11 |
Nafallo | ajmitch: as seeded it has :-P | 11:11 |
ogra | it has not many issues... only some but they seem to be considered serious | 11:11 |
ajmitch | and that's what matters | 11:12 |
ogra | i.e. i naver caresd to adjust the amount or speed of explosions in fireworks but there seem to be people that do nothing else with their PC | 11:12 |
ogra | the missing dpms adjusment option *is* a serious issue | 11:13 |
ogra | a missing xscreensaver-command can be worked around with a easy wrapper | 11:13 |
ogra | thats all issues i see | 11:14 |
\sh | ogra: for some people those adjustments are "lebensnotwendig" | 11:16 |
ogra | but nothing thats hard to solve... | 11:17 |
ogra | we're just short on time... but even the config opts issue for screensavers is easy to solve... | 11:17 |
=== ajmitch hopes elmo sync his packages soon :) | ||
\sh | i mean..firework sounds are disturbing while u r planning a family..i would say: dude, get a life | 11:17 |
\sh | this will be my hilight of breezy...this bug report... | 11:18 |
\sh | when i | 11:18 |
\sh | 'm old I will look back and laugh about those things | 11:18 |
ogra | print it out :) put it in a frame :) | 11:18 |
ogra | and tell your grandchlidern you knew the asignee who later was beaten to dead by a raging crowd of screensaver users | 11:19 |
\sh | hehehe | 11:19 |
ajmitch | hm, I see elmo was in #u-d only 8 hours ago | 11:20 |
bddebian | ajmitch: Well I think I'm on elmo's shitlist :) | 11:21 |
\sh | ogra: i mean it's serious..who would pay for injuries with the screensaver? think about cramps or heartattacks | 11:21 |
ajmitch | bddebian: possibly :) | 11:21 |
\sh | or not with the screensaver, when the screensaver pops up | 11:21 |
ogra | hehe | 11:21 |
\sh | new business model..."Insurance against Injuries and fatal attraction when the Ubuntu Fireworks Screensaver pops up with full sound enabled" | 11:22 |
dholbach | good night everybody, i'll see you tomorrow | 11:23 |
\sh | cu dholbach | 11:23 |
ogra | i hope you recognized the bug is closed already :) | 11:23 |
ogra | ciao dholbach | 11:23 |
ajmitch | night dholbach | 11:23 |
\sh | ogra: what was the number again? i will grab it :) | 11:23 |
=== ajmitch has a growing rage against win XP | ||
dholbach | night \sh, night ogra, night ajmitch | 11:23 |
ogra | 15284 | 11:24 |
=== dholbach [i=foobar@i577B1E63.versanet.de] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
\sh | why can't i print into a pdf from firefox? | 11:25 |
\sh | with evolution this works | 11:25 |
ogra | do it oldschool, make a ps :) | 11:26 |
\sh | ogra: yeah..but this is strange..when u can print from gnome directly into a pdf..but not from mozilla | 11:26 |
\sh | or firefox even | 11:26 |
ogra | file a bug :) | 11:26 |
\sh | correct way | 11:27 |
\sh | because ps2pdf doesn't work | 11:29 |
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
\sh | who is iwj? | 11:31 |
\sh | who is iwj@ubuntu.com? | 11:31 |
\sh | diziet? | 11:31 |
ajmitch | yes | 11:34 |
=== ryanthiessen [n=ryan@168-103-148-90.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
=== koke [n=koke@adsl229-164.unizar.es] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
\sh | night folks... | 11:39 |
=== terrex [n=terrex@84-122-83-29.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
tseng | doko: will you fix rrdtool? | 11:51 |
=== bur[n] er [n=norml@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
doko | tseng: ? | 11:55 |
Nafallo | do we have lighttpd in breezy somewhere? | 11:58 |
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