blackflag | some really accelent firewall | 12:02 |
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blackflag | with bio solutions | 12:03 |
blackflag | real nazi | 12:04 |
godzero | blackflag: been playing too much first person shooters today | 12:07 |
godzero | ? | 12:07 |
blackflag | no, sorry Im not | 12:07 |
blackflag | what do you have?? | 12:08 |
godzero | lol, I'm giving you a bit of a hard time because the language barrior is messing up your posts. | 12:08 |
blackflag | aha | 12:09 |
godzero | :) | 12:10 |
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Fyawerx | apokryphos++ | 12:10 |
apokryphos | hi | 12:10 |
Fyawerx | tried to give you bot karma :) | 12:11 |
nikkia | apokryphos/0 :P | 12:11 |
apokryphos | 8) | 12:11 |
blackflag | uuuuhhhh..... | 12:11 |
blackflag | some more | 12:11 |
apokryphos | nikkia: whatwhat? | 12:11 |
nikkia | apokryphos: division by zero, results in you being NaN :) | 12:12 |
apokryphos | nikkia: or... infinite ;-) | 12:13 |
nikkia | apokryphos: no, NaN isn't infinite, that's what the INF value is for :P | 12:13 |
apokryphos | d'oh | 12:14 |
nikkia | apokryphos: consider yourself lucky, i could have made you -NaN :P | 12:14 |
apokryphos | phew | 12:14 |
Fyawerx | whats NaN? | 12:16 |
Pyf | is there a way to change all the files in a folder and subfolders permissions in one go? | 12:17 |
apokryphos | Fyawerx: ask nikkia :P | 12:18 |
apokryphos | Pyf: yes; man chmod | 12:18 |
Pyf | so | 12:18 |
Pyf | sudo chmod 755 /folder | 12:19 |
Pyf | ? | 12:19 |
blackflag | nkwon as nothing | 12:19 |
Pyf | and that'll do all subfolders and shit...? | 12:19 |
apokryphos | Pyf: no... | 12:19 |
apokryphos | Pyf: check the man page; you'll have to use an option. | 12:19 |
nikkia | Fyawerx: Not A Number | 12:19 |
Fyawerx | ah | 12:20 |
nikkia | Fyawerx: its a value your CPU uses internally to represent numbers that are error conditions, there are 4 of them on most CPU architectures... | 12:20 |
nikkia | NaN, -NaN, INF and -INF | 12:20 |
Fyawerx | got it. | 12:20 |
libben | ive heard that sudo's caching the password when its given? is this true? and can it be looked at? | 12:20 |
apokryphos | Pyf: a pretty way to view man pages, in Konqueror: #command or man:command | 12:20 |
nikkia | libben: that's how sudo is supposed to work, you can turn it off | 12:20 |
apokryphos | libben: default is 15mins | 12:21 |
nikkia | libben: its a bit like saying 'i hear that when you press the 'a' key, it enters an 'a', can we look into this bug please' | 12:21 |
libben | 15 mins? | 12:22 |
libben | sometimes it goes just 2 mins between when im doing sudoing things | 12:22 |
libben | and need to type it agan | 12:22 |
libben | who do i check/change the time ? | 12:22 |
nalioth | 15minutes? i thought it was 5 | 12:23 |
apokryphos | hm, I could be wrong | 12:23 |
apokryphos | nope, it's 15 | 12:24 |
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apokryphos | you can change it in sudoers, of course | 12:24 |
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apokryphos | and you can kill the session with sudo -k | 12:24 |
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nikkia | nalioth: it used to be 5, a long long time ago | 12:29 |
nalioth | mine is 5 minutes by default | 12:30 |
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Pyf | apokryphos, what is a man command? | 12:34 |
apokryphos | Pyf: man man 8). They're manual pages | 12:35 |
apokryphos | they instruct you on the usage of commands, options, sometimes file-syntax etc etc | 12:35 |
Pyf | i dont see how that helps me with chmoding | 12:35 |
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nikkia | pyf, it helps you learn the command's parameters, and thus not continue asking questions :) | 12:36 |
nikkia | pyf, the joy of learning, feeling accomplishment, etc | 12:36 |
Pyf | oic... | 12:38 |
apokryphos | Pyf: the command you want to use is listed in the man page (and it tells you the correct syntax to you). Helping people help themselves is often better =) | 12:38 |
Pyf | i man chmod in terminal | 12:38 |
apokryphos | Pyf: as I said, if you like, there's a prettier (and probably better viewable) way to view them. You can man:command, or #command. In this case: man:chmod (in Konqueror). | 12:39 |
apokryphos | either way though, really. | 12:39 |
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slow-motion | n8 | 12:42 |
Pyf | im sorry but im clearly not learning well, that page has nothing about subfolders | 12:43 |
apokryphos | Pyf: check the recursive option :) | 12:44 |
Pyf | what does recursive mean? | 12:45 |
Pyf | as a word i mean | 12:45 |
apokryphos | !dict recursive | 12:46 |
apokryphos | gah; useless bot. | 12:46 |
Pyf | 1. An expression, such as a polynomial, each term of which is determined by application of a formula to preceding terms. | 12:46 |
Pyf | 2. A formula that generates the successive terms of a recursion. | 12:46 |
apokryphos | Pyf: it does what you want, basically :). | 12:46 |
apokryphos | if you recursively apply a change on X, it will apply it to X, and all its subfolders | 12:47 |
apokryphos | that's what you're doing when you rm -r <somefolder> | 12:47 |
Pyf | wahey done it, and i now know what recusive means :) | 12:49 |
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ubotu | Dictionary 'recursive' of or relating to a recursion | 12:56 |
musashiden | hello everybody | 12:56 |
apokryphos | Haha. Only like ten years late; uboto -- you do indeed crack me up. | 12:57 |
apokryphos | or ubotu, even. | 12:57 |
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musashiden | can anyone tell me what was the command line to install a deb file trough terminal? | 01:00 |
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seth_k | musashiden, sudo dpkg -i /path/to/the.deb | 01:00 |
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musashiden | thank you seth_k | 01:00 |
musashiden | is there like a webpage or help file that contains all of these command lines? | 01:02 |
apokryphos | musashiden: and /msg ubotu commands what you want | 01:06 |
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musashiden | hmm, one question. is it normal so much memory is being used? | 01:09 |
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musashiden | total used free shared buffers cached | 01:09 |
musashiden | Mem: 631 592 38 0 80 318 | 01:09 |
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aseigo | musashiden: 194MB of actually usage | 01:10 |
apokryphos | Yes; Linux performs other operations when you're not running a lot of stuff | 01:10 |
aseigo | musashiden: depending on what you're doing that's either a bit high or about right | 01:10 |
aseigo | musashiden: the buffers + cached are essentially "dynamic ram discs" managed by the OS as a means to use the RAM you have to keep the system perkier | 01:11 |
musashiden | aseigo: iam not runing anything exept for Konversation wich is the IRC program | 01:11 |
aseigo | musashiden: konvi can easily take 20-40MB depending history settings, #of channels, etc | 01:12 |
aseigo | musashiden: if you have other apps that are "preloaded" such as konq, ff, ooo, etc, those will also take up memory | 01:12 |
aseigo | musashiden: press Ctrl-Esc to see the process table and what is using what | 01:13 |
chavo | musashiden, I have a gig of ram and it's all being used | 01:14 |
chavo | that's what I bought it for | 01:14 |
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chavo | The system will give it up as apps need it | 01:14 |
musashiden | i see | 01:15 |
libben | woohoo... got samba working. pretty easy it was too... 2easy even | 01:15 |
libben | nite | 01:15 |
libben | just install and edit a line with a word share. | 01:16 |
libben | and it was done | 01:16 |
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godzero | musashiden: so you can see how it's used.. open kinfocenter, click memory | 01:28 |
musashiden | ok | 01:29 |
godzero | under ms windows the only use it reports is the app data | 01:29 |
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musashiden | hmm, weird | 01:38 |
musashiden | i cant find Kinstaller, but iam pretty sure i had it before i erased my computer | 01:39 |
musashiden | i got it from a package trough Kynaptic | 01:39 |
musashiden | but is not there anymore | 01:39 |
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godzero | you meen kpackage? | 01:40 |
musashiden | no, Kinstaller | 01:40 |
musashiden | is a application that compiles and installs .tar.gz files automatically | 01:41 |
godzero | hoary? | 01:41 |
godzero | I remember now.. it's not in breezy | 01:42 |
musashiden | hoary | 01:42 |
godzero | kpackage does almost the same thing | 01:43 |
musashiden | does it compiles and install .tar.gz files? | 01:44 |
nalioth | musashiden: there is another | 01:52 |
nalioth | that does tgz | 01:52 |
nalioth | lemme go look for it | 01:52 |
nalioth | here ya go | 01:52 |
nalioth | | 01:52 |
nalioth | make sure you read the article linked from that page | 01:53 |
musashiden | how am i suppose to install it since is a .tar.gz file? | 01:54 |
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narg | tar -xzvf file.tar.gz | 01:56 |
narg | will untar it | 01:56 |
musashiden | and how do i install it? | 01:57 |
musashiden | cause i know how to untar it, i bet everyone knows how to | 01:58 |
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musashiden | but i dont know how to install the stuff inside a a tar | 01:59 |
_tonio | hi guys | 01:59 |
_tonio | little problem, I really need hep this time ;) | 01:59 |
_tonio | I've crashed the partition table with fdisk | 01:59 |
_tonio | stupid error....., my system is still up, but the partition table refers to no partition... | 01:59 |
_tonio | How to restore it ? | 02:00 |
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nalioth | _tonio: ask uncle google "gpart homepage" | 02:00 |
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_tonio | nalioth: fantastic ;) | 02:01 |
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nalioth | _tonio: ;) | 02:02 |
_tonio | another question, cause I really have a problem for automounting devices.... | 02:02 |
_tonio | I want to destroy partitions on my usb2 drive. | 02:02 |
_tonio | launchin cfdisk, then destroying partition, recreating linux type partitions, and writing to disk | 02:03 |
_tonio | mount tels me that the partition type is incorrect blabla, and dmesg refers to ntfs.... | 02:03 |
_tonio | have an idea ? | 02:03 |
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nalioth | _tonio: did you completely wipe the usb stick? | 02:05 |
_tonio | not a usb stick | 02:06 |
_tonio | it is an HDD | 02:06 |
_tonio | I completly removed all partitions | 02:06 |
_tonio | recreating new ones, but they are not mountable | 02:06 |
_tonio | I don't understand..... | 02:06 |
_tonio | nalioth: gpart doesn't recognize ext2......... damn ! | 02:07 |
_tonio | ext3 | 02:07 |
nalioth | _tonio: are you sure it doesnt recognize ext3? it IS a *nix program | 02:08 |
_tonio | no | 02:08 |
_nyn_ | hi. does anyone here have a clue as to how to send mail (with attachments) via the command-line? there's gotta be a simple way to do it... surpised that i haven't been able to find anything yet... | 02:08 |
_tonio | but it find ext2 partitions | 02:08 |
_tonio | i'll convert them to ext 3 after so it is okay ;) | 02:08 |
_tonio | my problem is with this fu***g external hdd | 02:08 |
_tonio | I can't mount anything, that incredible ! | 02:09 |
_tonio | anyway gpart seems to give good results :) | 02:14 |
_tonio | nalioth: that's the good news ;) tnaks ;) | 02:14 |
nalioth | _tonio: np | 02:14 |
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_tonio | nalioth: what would you use to create a fat32 partition on an sda drive ? | 02:18 |
_tonio | cfdisk makes me crazy actually | 02:18 |
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nalioth | _tonio: g- or qt- parted | 02:19 |
_tonio | that is not stupid ;) | 02:20 |
_tonio | why going with the cli when good graphical tools can do the job ;) | 02:21 |
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_nyn_ | ok. it turns out that mutt does have a cli for sending mail... thought it was all curses based.... | 02:23 |
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godzero | _nyn_:mail from the mailx package | 02:29 |
_nyn_ | last i checked, it couldn't send attachments | 02:30 |
_nyn_ | godzero: but mutt seems to able to do the job. just the need to figure out how to tell it to use sendymail as the mta | 02:31 |
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_tonio | nalioth: finally it is okay with qtparted ;) thaks !! | 02:36 |
_tonio | there is really something going wrong with cfdisk....... | 02:37 |
_tonio | I hope gpart will do the job for mu hda | 02:37 |
_tonio | myhda | 02:37 |
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PaloDeQueso | I installed a metabar plugin for konqueror, how do I then use it? | 02:42 |
PaloDeQueso | It doesn't show up anywhere? | 02:42 |
chavo | PaloDeQueso, is the sidebar showing? | 02:42 |
PaloDeQueso | Yes. | 02:42 |
PaloDeQueso | and it's not there? | 02:42 |
chavo | right click it | 02:42 |
PaloDeQueso | right click it? | 02:43 |
chavo | and go to -> Add New | 02:43 |
PaloDeQueso | ok. | 02:43 |
chavo | the other mouse button | 02:43 |
PaloDeQueso | ok | 02:43 |
chavo | is it in there? | 02:43 |
PaloDeQueso | oh sweet, thanks. | 02:43 |
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SbCl3 | having a problem...when i installed the mbr was on a hdd that i now want to take out. how do i install grub to the mbr of a different hdd? | 02:43 |
chavo | no problem | 02:44 |
PaloDeQueso | :) | 02:44 |
delltony | little off topic but i never see anyone in moto4lin anyone herre do any phone modding? | 02:44 |
SbCl3 | anyone know? | 02:45 |
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SbCl3 | having a problem...when i installed the mbr was on a hdd that i now want to take out. how do i install grub to the mbr of a different hdd? | 02:47 |
musashiden | hmmm, what does this means? | 02:51 |
musashiden | configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH | 02:51 |
musashiden | See `config.log' for more details. | 02:51 |
musashiden | but i dont see anything useful in the config.log | 02:52 |
phil__ | SbCl3: Are you able to boot to xp (I guest u dual boot) with a boot disk | 02:52 |
lonewolff | musashiden: you need to install a compiler (sudo apt-get install build-essential or install build-essential using your favourite package manager) | 02:52 |
Riddell | ideas for Dapper welcome: | 02:52 |
SbCl3 | phil: yes | 02:53 |
SbCl3 | i just typed "grub-install /dev/sda"...does that automatically install what kubuntu did during installation? | 02:53 |
phil__ | SbCl3: professinal? | 02:53 |
SbCl3 | yes | 02:53 |
phil__ | SbCl3: Look at this page if you want to rewrite xp mbr to the boot device or another hd a metabar plugin for konqueror, how do I then use it? | 02:54 |
phil__ | <PaloDeQueso> It doesn't show up anywhere? | 02:54 |
phil__ | <chavo> PaloDeQueso, is the sidebar showing? | 02:54 |
phil__ | <-- Chambers_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | 02:54 |
phil__ | <PaloDeQueso> Yes. | 02:54 |
phil__ | <PaloDeQueso> and it's not there? | 02:54 |
phil__ | SbCl3: Look at this page if you want to rewrite xp mbr to the boot device or another hd | 02:55 |
SbCl3 | phil__: ? | 02:55 |
SbCl3 | ug, i don't want to go into windows | 02:56 |
SbCl3 | how is it done on _linux_? | 02:56 |
SbCl3 | i just need grub to go to ubuntu. i won't have windows after taking out this drive | 02:56 |
SbCl3 | *kubuntu | 02:56 |
phil__ | SbCl3: look at this page | 02:57 |
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SbCl3 | i have a the /ect/init.d the processes that get loaded on a boot? | 02:58 |
nalioth | _tonio: glad you got fixed up | 02:58 |
phil__ | SbCl3: you are correct | 02:59 |
SbCl3 | k | 02:59 |
SbCl3 | it's no wonder kubuntu boots so slowly... | 02:59 |
musashiden | um, iam getting this error | 02:59 |
musashiden | checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! | 02:59 |
phil__ | SbCl3: init is a script that starts the different services in a given order | 02:59 |
nalioth | musashiden: install "xlibs-dev" | 02:59 |
phil__ | SbCl3: Why does it boot slowly | 03:00 |
op | okay i had a drive that was ntfs format so i used "sudo mkdosfs -F 32 /dev/hdg1" to convert it to fat32 i think that worked fine then i mounted it as a fat 32 drive but when i try to right stuff to the drive it says access denied. When i am mounting it do i need to specify who can read and right to the drive or does it do that. ALso is there a way i can check to see if it is infact a fat32 drive now? | 03:01 |
_tonio | nalioth: damn gpart is loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong to scan.... | 03:01 |
musashiden | thanks nalioth | 03:01 |
Fyawerx | nalioth++ | 03:01 |
SbCl3 | it boots tons of things i don't need | 03:01 |
phil__ | op: use fdisk to print partitiontables and type | 03:01 |
phil__ | SbCl3: Be very carfull when u edit init.d | 03:02 |
Fyawerx | can you write to it as root? | 03:02 |
op | i tried using fdisk -l but it shows nothing on the sreen. | 03:02 |
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op | i probably can but i am not root on the system i used the setup wizard and it made me make this username so wheni run things i have to type sudo first | 03:02 |
phil__ | op: try sudo "mv dummyanyfile /mountpoint/dummyanyfile" | 03:04 |
nalioth | op: i'm afraid you've not converted any data on that ntfs drive | 03:04 |
phil__ | or type su in console and try to write to it | 03:04 |
Pyf | op, | 03:04 |
SbCl3 | i can't seem to edit it :? | 03:04 |
SbCl3 | it's a directory | 03:04 |
SbCl3 | according to vim | 03:04 |
phil__ | nalioth: u can't convert ntfs to fat32 without formating!!!!!!!!!!! | 03:04 |
Pyf | use that guide, it worked for me :) | 03:04 |
phil__ | 2 GIG limit on fat32 | 03:05 |
Fyawerx | thought that was only with xp | 03:05 |
SbCl3 | are you sure? | 03:05 |
Pyf | theres no 2gig limit | 03:05 |
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op | nalioth: what do you mean? | 03:05 |
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Riddell] : Dapper ideas: | Kubuntu Breezy Preview | test adept (in Breezy): sudo apt-get install adept | Non-kde-related questions: #ubuntu as well | Nederlands #kubuntu-nl | Espaol #kubuntu-es | Deutsch #kubuntu-de| Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ | ||
SbCl3 | i got a 30 gb partition with fat32 | 03:05 |
phil__ | NTFS has no limit (well in theory) | 03:05 |
SbCl3 | are you sure? i think they said something like 80 tb | 03:06 |
nalioth | op: there are no data converting tools in linux for ntfs | 03:06 |
musashiden | um, iam getting another error | 03:06 |
musashiden | checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation! | 03:06 |
Fyawerx | xp fat32 - 2 gigs | 03:06 |
Fyawerx | 32 | 03:06 |
Fyawerx | | 03:06 |
Fyawerx | heh, according to that big ass link | 03:06 |
op | oh so how do i make this drive have read write access in linux? | 03:07 |
SbCl3 | i don't think linux can read/write to ntfs | 03:07 |
SbCl3 | only read | 03:07 |
musashiden | can anyone help me out? | 03:07 |
phil__ | SbCl3: if the ntfs file system is not encrypted it is possible to read and write with linux but it is not safe (yet) TO WRITE | 03:08 |
sproingie | linux can write ntfs, but only to change the content of an existing file | 03:08 |
sproingie | it can't create, delete, do anything with attributes, or work with small files that are in the mft | 03:08 |
phil__ | musashiden: you have to install qr developpement | 03:08 |
SbCl3 | and the file has to be bigger | 03:08 |
musashiden | phil_: whats that? | 03:09 |
SbCl3 | er, nevermind | 03:09 |
phil__ | musashiden: oops i meant QT developpement files | 03:09 |
sproingie | topologolinux uses ntfs write to write to loopback filesystems in ntfs | 03:09 |
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musashiden | phil_: can you tell me the command line? | 03:09 |
musashiden | the apt-get line | 03:10 |
nalioth | sproingie: i wouldn't write to ntfs to do anything | 03:10 |
sproingie | the write support is solid enough. restricted enough to keep you out of trouble | 03:11 |
op | so if i have a ntfs drive is there anyway to convert it to fat32 in linu? | 03:11 |
op | linux? | 03:11 |
sproingie | cp | 03:11 |
phil__ | op: no you cannot convert ntfs to fat32 due to file size limitation | 03:11 |
sproingie | you lose all the metadata ... you would anyway | 03:11 |
Fyawerx | you're trying to save your data, op? | 03:12 |
phil__ | op: if you want to keep the original data | 03:12 |
Fyawerx | is there any free space on it at all? | 03:12 |
musashiden | phil_: can you tell me the apt-get line? | 03:12 |
godzero | musashiden: i see you're compiling already | 03:13 |
musashiden | godzero: yup :) | 03:14 |
nalioth | musashiden: "sudo apt-get install libqt3-dev" | 03:14 |
phil__ | musashiden: use kynaptic instead and search for qt select the developpement package | 03:14 |
musashiden | but iam getting thousands of library errors | 03:14 |
nalioth | !tell musashiden about apt | 03:14 |
nalioth | !tell musashiden about synaptic | 03:14 |
nalioth | musashiden: read a little, learn a lot | 03:14 |
godzero | wwhen compiling, it needs to lick to libs, gets that info from the -dev packages | 03:14 |
phil__ | Nakkel: synaptic kynaptic same thing except kynaptic simpler interface | 03:15 |
godzero | i gotta learn to type | 03:15 |
phil__ | musashiden: what are u trying to compile | 03:15 |
sproingie | kynaptic. bleh. i'd rather use apt-get | 03:15 |
musashiden | phil_: Kinstaller | 03:15 |
=== sproingie loves aptitude | ||
phil__ | musashiden: I would not touch Kinstaller for now | 03:15 |
musashiden | how come? | 03:16 |
phil__ | musashiden: apt-get synaptic kynaptic are tour best friend | 03:16 |
godzero | he wants tar.gzs | 03:16 |
godzero | kpackage'll do it | 03:16 |
musashiden | yah, i want tar.gz | 03:16 |
musashiden | exactly | 03:17 |
phil__ | musashiden: has new user 99% of the software you need is availaible thru apt-get synaptic... | 03:17 |
godzero | does alien do it, or just rpms | 03:17 |
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musashiden | phil_: i know, but Kinstaller is not there ;) | 03:17 |
_tonio | nalioth: little question about gpart usage, I feel confused.. | 03:18 |
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_tonio | according to the man the correct command to scan, and write the new partition table should be | 03:18 |
_tonio | gpart -W /dev/hda /dev/hda | 03:18 |
_tonio | but that doesn't seem to work.... | 03:19 |
godzero | nope alien only does binary gzs, not source | 03:19 |
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godzero | musashiden: try kpackage. Plus it's really bad for a new person to compile on his system... conflicts. apt isn't aware.. etc | 03:21 |
nalioth | _tonio: what does it do? | 03:21 |
nalioth | _tonio: the usage states it could take a while | 03:22 |
_tonio | well I'm prompted that -W option is invalid | 03:24 |
_tonio | I retyped the same command and that's okay -> it late and my eyes have a problem apparently lol | 03:24 |
nalioth | _tonio: ya gotta be kiddin (did you run it usind sudo?) | 03:24 |
_tonio | it seems to go now ;) | 03:24 |
_tonio | yes I did, but well it is 3am in france and my eyes get closed, I have certainly done an error the first time :) | 03:25 |
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_tonio | in any case thanks a lot for you help even if the next reboot is a failure ^^ | 03:26 |
nalioth | _tonio: time for bed then | 03:26 |
_tonio | nalioth: I can't, I have to finish a doc or todays meeting.... third time in 2 weeks I have to work all the night | 03:27 |
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nybble | ttyl peeps | 03:28 |
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sproingie | troy: Dapper Drake | 03:28 |
musashiden | what does this error means? | 03:28 |
musashiden | checking for KDE... configure: error: | 03:28 |
musashiden | in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail. | 03:28 |
musashiden | So, check this please and use another prefix! | 03:28 |
musashiden | i dont get it | 03:29 |
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dooglio | it's not finding the KDE development headers | 03:29 |
musashiden | oh | 03:30 |
dooglio | you configure script, that is | 03:30 |
dooglio | do you have the kde-devel package installed? | 03:30 |
musashiden | nope :P | 03:30 |
dooglio | well there ya go :-) | 03:30 |
musashiden | :) | 03:30 |
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nalioth | musashiden: use kynaptic and search for kde*-dev | 03:32 |
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musashiden | nalioth: i know, installing :) | 03:32 |
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musashiden | heh, a hurricane is coming this way | 03:33 |
dooglio | apt-cache show kde-devel | 03:33 |
dooglio | then do "apt-get install kde-devel" | 03:33 |
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musashiden | dooglio: i know, i am already installing thme | 03:33 |
musashiden | them* | 03:34 |
fatejudger | what is Adept? | 03:34 |
dooglio | musashiden: sorry, i missed your penultimate comment :-) | 03:35 |
Fyawerx | the new package manager | 03:35 |
Fyawerx | i tried it, like synaptic better tho | 03:35 |
musashiden | dooglio: lol | 03:35 |
dooglio | Fyawerx: i was going to ask | 03:35 |
dooglio | synaptic is pretty cool | 03:35 |
Fyawerx | plus at least for me when i did the install for adept it removed most of the other managers | 03:35 |
fatejudger | synaptic is better with the industrial GTK theme | 03:36 |
fatejudger | kynaptic and synaptic are basically the same | 03:36 |
Fyawerx | synaptic was faster on searches for me too | 03:36 |
fatejudger | give me a break | 03:36 |
fatejudger | kynaptic is just dynamic | 03:36 |
Fyawerx | i mean as opposted to adept, sorry | 03:36 |
fatejudger | so it may take more processing power | 03:36 |
fatejudger | oh | 03:36 |
Fyawerx | i did a ubuntu install then added kdesktop, so i still mix and match apps when in kde, i use the regular synaptic lol | 03:37 |
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Fyawerx | it was the search function that would hang for me in adept, since it searches after every keystroke i think, rather than just let you type in what you want and hit search | 03:39 |
Fyawerx | havnt tried it on my desktop yet which is more powerful, just my laptop | 03:39 |
fatejudger | where is the repository that holds adept? | 03:40 |
Fyawerx | hmm | 03:41 |
Fyawerx | !adept | 03:41 |
ubotu | Adept (successor of Kapture) is a package manager for Kubuntu. See | 03:41 |
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nalioth | Tonio-: no /away msgs in #*buntu channels, please | 03:46 |
Tonio- | okay, I was just testing konversation ;) | 03:46 |
Tonio- | sorry | 03:46 |
nalioth | Tonio-: we all learn incrementally, don't apologize | 03:47 |
Tonio- | well the politic depends on the channels | 03:47 |
Tonio- | I personnaly come from channels where saying that we are away is generally suggested to prevent people from talking to ghosts ^^ :) | 03:47 |
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Tonio- | I will remember for #*buntu ;) | 03:48 |
Tonio- | -> configuration -> freenode -> no away messages, done ;) | 03:49 |
slackbob | Hello, im sorry for starting with a question but i am thinking of swiching from slackware to kubuntu. as such i am acustom to compiling from source. Will this pose a problem when i swich | 03:49 |
nalioth | slackbob: not at all | 03:50 |
Tonio- | slackbob: why should it be ? | 03:51 |
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Tonio- | the only poblem is that you profile might not be reusable, but that's all ;) | 03:51 |
slackbob | i had a fight with suse. it didnt like when i compiled from source | 03:51 |
slackbob | the packages that is | 03:51 |
Tonio- | Uhad that problem switching from fedora to ubuntu | 03:51 |
Tonio- | well you can built from source with apt, like you can do with gentoo | 03:52 |
Tonio- | but if you are a fan of ompilation, I would suggest gentoo in the first place instead of ubuntu | 03:52 |
slackbob | but that still means im using the central repository. i compile to get the latest stuff | 03:52 |
slackbob | gento (when i used it) had a number of outdated packages | 03:53 |
phil__ | slackbob: If you like to install your linux distro in 3 days go for GENTOO! | 03:53 |
slackbob | it took me 3.5 ^_^ | 03:53 |
Tonio- | you can compile from the authors tarball if you like, but well, you would use all the advantages of apt, so I don't see the point using ubuntu..... | 03:53 |
godzero | I thought the point of gentoo was th epackages were 4.5 seconds old | 03:54 |
Tonio- | it took me 1.5, but I wil never rinstall a gentoo, that's all I know lol | 03:54 |
Fyawerx | oh, the adept site is down, but googles cache still works, its what i used to install it, for whoever was asking | 03:54 |
slackbob | no, the point is that they are blisteringly fast | 03:54 |
Fyawerx | | 03:54 |
Tonio- | can you imagine deploying gentoo professionaly ? | 03:54 |
Fyawerx | oh, he left | 03:54 |
slackbob | Tonio: AGHHHHHHH | 03:55 |
Tonio- | when will my computer be ready ? well, common friday, it might be okay ^^ | 03:55 |
=== slackbob twitches | ||
phil__ | godzero: running gentoo and keeping up to date involves that your cpu main load is gcc all the time at 50% (if you use a nice nice value) | 03:55 |
godzero | I got a celeron. nothing is blisteringly fast - even gentoo | 03:55 |
slackbob | i would only go back to gento if i got 64bit dual core that would show more advantages on self compiled software | 03:56 |
Tonio- | godzero: well in any case I don't see the real diffrence between "emerge" and "apt-build source" | 03:56 |
godzero | I compiled KDE once.. was like 1.5 days | 03:56 |
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slackbob | how large is the apt system anyway? | 03:57 |
Tonio- | if someone has an explanation I would liketo know..... I keep fighting with gentoo users that there is no difference, but well "gentoo is the only" one for them | 03:57 |
boulala | hi | 03:57 |
Tonio- | gentoo users are closer to bsd addicts that to "normal" linux users, that's all I know ;) | 03:57 |
slackbob | haha | 03:57 |
fatejudger | omg, my eyes! | 03:57 |
fatejudger | what is this adept thing? | 03:58 |
fatejudger | it's horrible... | 03:58 |
slackbob | i loved slackware because i could muck around in the files and no gui would get angry | 03:58 |
phil__ | Tonio-: When you spend 10 days compling your system u just don't want to go back to anything because you can't justify waitsting so much time | 03:58 |
fatejudger | slackware has old crappy packages | 03:58 |
fatejudger | that's why I switched to Kubuntu | 03:58 |
Tonio- | phil_ hahaha that's exactly that ;) They have to convince themselves that they have done the good choice ;) | 03:59 |
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slackbob | yes, i do miss dependency checking | 03:59 |
krawek | hi | 03:59 |
krawek | I have a problem with breezy | 03:59 |
slackbob | i once tried to compile somthing that apeared to need itself as a dependency | 03:59 |
krawek | dpkg: error al procesar /var/cache/apt/archives/language-pack-kde-es-base_20050907_all.deb (--unpack): | 04:00 |
krawek | intentando sobreescribir `/usr/share/locale-langpack/es/LC_MESSAGES/kaffeine.m | 04:00 |
phil__ | slackbob: whwre you compiling MAKE | 04:00 |
Tonio- | krawek: what kind ? | 04:00 |
phil__ | slackbob: using MAKE | 04:00 |
slackbob | no, i think it was beta software | 04:00 |
godzero | slackbob: it's called gcc | 04:00 |
boulala | i have a probleme | 04:00 |
boulala | problem * | 04:00 |
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phil__ | boulala: we have all problems we will try to help | 04:01 |
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krawek | how to reconfigure "debconf interface"? | 04:01 |
boulala | i can connect on IRC, FTP but not on HTTP (with firefox for example) | 04:01 |
boulala | but, ping works, lwp-request works and not lynx :( | 04:01 |
fatejudger | I need to get this crappy adept program off of my computer | 04:01 |
fatejudger | I need it to go back to normal | 04:01 |
Tonio- | fatejudger: it is not crapy, it is beta software ;) | 04:02 |
phil__ | boulala: probably dns issue | 04:02 |
Tonio- | that's the difference ;) | 04:02 |
boulala | but with wget, ping or lwp-request, http works | 04:03 |
phil__ | boulala: have you set firefox to use a proxy server | 04:03 |
godzero | ping works? | 04:03 |
boulala | yeap it works | 04:03 |
boulala | i'm not using a proxy server | 04:03 |
Tonio- | krawek: sudo dpkg-reconfigure language-pack-kde-es-base | 04:04 |
phil__ | boulala: have u tried other web browser | 04:04 |
Tonio- | krawek: did you try this ? | 04:04 |
boulala | konqueror and lynx | 04:04 |
boulala | same problem | 04:04 |
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boulala | sometimes with konqueror, i can get google homepage, but it's hard | 04:05 |
krawek | debconf: no se pudo inicializar la interfaz: Kde | 04:05 |
fatejudger | Tonio-: beta software, bah | 04:05 |
krawek | Tonio-: how to reconfigure debconf interface? | 04:05 |
fatejudger | Tonio-: that doesn't excuse its crappy UI | 04:05 |
Tonio- | don't know :) | 04:05 |
phil__ | boulala: do you time out ? | 04:05 |
boulala | no, no response... and i wait /( | 04:05 |
boulala | :/ | 04:05 |
Tonio- | sudo dpkg-reconfigure debconf ? | 04:05 |
boulala | my modem is a Bewan USB ST | 04:06 |
phil__ | boulala: firefox konqueror will time out if it cant reach a domaine | 04:06 |
boulala | sure but it doesn't | 04:06 |
Tonio- | crappy ? I find it correct concerning the UI | 04:06 |
krawek | tonio-: /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: debconf is broken or not fully installed | 04:06 |
boulala | is there a french channel ? | 04:07 |
Tonio- | krawek: synaptic -> reinstall that package :) | 04:07 |
Tonio- | boulala: I'm french :) | 04:07 |
boulala | cool ^^ | 04:07 |
phil__ | Tonio-: b | 04:07 |
phil__ | Tonio-: Bonjour | 04:07 |
krawek | tonio: /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: language-pack-kde-es-base is not installed | 04:07 |
phil__ | boulala: Comment ca va bouboule | 04:07 |
boulala | lol ca va ca va | 04:08 |
Tonio- | phil_ salut, euh, tu pense que ca pas poser de probleme de causer en francais ici ? ca risque d'etre mal vuje pense :) | 04:08 |
nalioth | krawek: install the package it's calling for | 04:08 |
phil__ | Tonio-: Je crois que oui | 04:08 |
Tonio- | so let's go in english ;) | 04:08 |
boulala | yeap | 04:08 |
boulala | so | 04:08 |
phil__ | Tonio-: What je ne understand pas | 04:08 |
Tonio- | ah boulala you can help me ;) | 04:08 |
nalioth | monsieurs, si'l vous plait en #ubuntu-fr | 04:08 |
Tonio- | are you with breezy adn up to date ? | 04:09 |
slackbob | ok, everyone, you convinced me. im heading to kubuntu | 04:09 |
Tonio- | nalioth: I was telling him in french that talking in french was certainly not correct here | 04:09 |
phil__ | Nakkel: there is like 3 people in unbuntu-fr | 04:09 |
boulala | i have breezy | 04:09 |
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boulala | pppd 2.4.3 | 04:09 |
nalioth | Tonio-: just a gentle reminder of ubuntu's language channels | 04:10 |
krawek | wait me please... | 04:10 |
phil__ | boulala: Buy yourself a router and all your trouble will go away | 04:10 |
Tonio- | boulala: I have a problem with ^ key, breezy and up to date, I can't write ^e correctly..... can you confirm this ? | 04:10 |
Tonio- | ^etre m^eme | 04:10 |
boulala | up to date, maybe... this is the last distro ^^ | 04:11 |
Tonio- | boulala: it was working fine before last today's xorg update... | 04:11 |
phil__ | Tonio-: no problem here if u use kde you can setup your keyboard in the control panel | 04:11 |
phil__ | Tonio-: are you from france or canada because keyboards layout change from both countries | 04:11 |
nalioth | Tonio-: it will correct itself in the next update(s) | 04:11 |
phil__ | Tonio-: I think my xorg is up to date and have no problem | 04:12 |
fatejudger | I can't install synaptic again | 04:12 |
fatejudger | it says I have a dependency problem | 04:12 |
Tonio- | phil_ france, and I tried, but that's a bit specific and there is no kde configuration for this | 04:12 |
fatejudger | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 04:12 |
fatejudger | python-apt: Depends: libapt-pkg-libc6.3-5-3.9 | 04:12 |
fatejudger | E: Broken packages | 04:12 |
musashiden | this is weird | 04:12 |
Tonio- | nalioth: I hope so but I just wanted a confirmation that it was a problem with xorg and not my configuration :) | 04:13 |
musashiden | Please enter the installation path of the Mozilla, Netscape, | 04:13 |
musashiden | or Opera browser (i.e., /usr/lib/mozilla): | 04:13 |
nalioth | fatejudger: so install it | 04:13 |
musashiden | but when i enter it, it says this: WARNING: /home/adrian/install_flash_player_7_linux/usr/lib/kde3 is not a directory. | 04:13 |
phil__ | Tonio-: let me go check on my desktop | 04:13 |
fatejudger | nalioth: it doesn't let me | 04:13 |
fatejudger | nalioth: it says that package is up to date | 04:13 |
musashiden | any help? | 04:13 |
phil__ | Tonio-: give 3 minutes | 04:13 |
nalioth | musashiden: are you entering with proper syntax? "/usr/lib/mozilla" | 04:14 |
delltony | anyone know if its possible to mount a p2k phone in linux? | 04:14 |
Tonio- | k thanks phil_ | 04:14 |
delltony | i know it shows up as /dev/ttyACM0 | 04:14 |
phil__ | Tonio-: works fine look | 04:14 |
nalioth | fatejudger: open a terminal | 04:14 |
fatejudger | nalioth: I did | 04:14 |
nalioth | fatejudger: and type "sudo apt-get -f install" | 04:14 |
fatejudger | nalioth: I'm trying to use apt-get to install it | 04:15 |
phil__ | Tonio-: I'm using canada french | 04:15 |
musashiden | nalioth: yes | 04:15 |
Tonio- | phil did you reboot since last xorg update ? | 04:15 |
phil__ | Tonio-: yep | 04:15 |
Tonio- | shit lol ;) | 04:15 |
Tonio- | any idea on the way to correct the issue ? | 04:15 |
phil__ | Tonio-: are you from france | 04:15 |
Tonio- | yep | 04:15 |
phil__ | Tonio-: well i'm using canadain config | 04:15 |
fatejudger | nalioth: ok, what did that do? | 04:15 |
phil__ | Tonio-: not the same has yours | 04:15 |
Tonio- | ah, there is certainly a difference in the keymapping | 04:16 |
nalioth | fatejudger: you were watching the output. what DID it do? | 04:16 |
phil__ | Tonio-: Yes their is a difference | 04:16 |
Tonio- | okay so this is not a good test, I'll wait a few days, that is not very handicaping | 04:16 |
phil__ | Tonio-: set your keyboard layout and press shift-(key to right of p) than e it will work | 04:16 |
Tonio- | phil_: thanks | 04:16 |
fatejudger | nalioth: I can pastebin it | 04:16 |
fatejudger | nalioth: it's only a few lines long | 04:16 |
fatejudger | nalioth: but it isn't really anything useful | 04:17 |
nalioth | fatejudger: did it run w/o errors? | 04:17 |
fatejudger | nalioth: well yeah | 04:17 |
fatejudger | nalioth: but it says that apt is the newest version | 04:17 |
fatejudger | nalioth: and doesn't install the package | 04:17 |
nalioth | fatejudger: what package? | 04:17 |
fatejudger | Note, selecting apt instead of libapt-pkg-libc6.3-5-3.9 | 04:17 |
fatejudger | apt is already the newest version. | 04:17 |
nalioth | fatejudger: where are you getting that libapt package? | 04:18 |
fatejudger | nalioth: that's what it says to install when I try to apt-get synaptic | 04:18 |
musashiden | um, whats the address of the folder where konqueror is? | 04:18 |
godzero | breezy update is pretty busy. a package every few(10-20) minutes today | 04:18 |
fatejudger | nalioth: synaptic: Depends: libapt-pkg-libc6.3-5-3.9 | 04:19 |
nalioth | fatejudger: paste me your /etc/sources.list (in a pastebin, not here) | 04:19 |
fatejudger | nalioth: that would be the output when I try and apt-get synaptic | 04:19 |
fatejudger | nalioth: yeah | 04:19 |
fatejudger | nalioth: ok | 04:19 |
fatejudger | nalioth: sorry it took me so long, I've been trying to comment and uncomment out some sources to see if I could get it working | 04:23 |
fatejudger | nalioth: | 04:23 |
nalioth | fatejudger: comment all unofficial repos out until you get your synaptic back | 04:24 |
nalioth | installing the libapt file you keep pasting will most likely hose your box | 04:24 |
fatejudger | nalioth: ? | 04:25 |
nalioth | fatejudger: comment out the non official repos, reload your apt db and insatll synaptic | 04:25 |
fatejudger | nalioth: nothing | 04:28 |
fatejudger | nalioth: I did apt-get upgrade | 04:28 |
fatejudger | nalioth: and then tried to reinstall synaptic | 04:28 |
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douglas | checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation! ??? | 04:32 |
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nalioth | douglas: install "libqt3-dev" | 04:33 |
Kheldoron | hey! | 04:33 |
Kheldoron | can any one here help me whit a few things.. just installed kubuntu for the first time :) | 04:33 |
fatejudger | nalioth: I can't install kynaptic either | 04:33 |
fatejudger | Kheldoron: well go ahead and explain your problem | 04:34 |
nalioth | fatejudger: you have major problems, my friend | 04:34 |
fatejudger | nalioth: yeah, I figured that one out | 04:34 |
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fatejudger | nalioth: and all I did was install adept! | 04:34 |
nalioth | fatejudger: that one thing will do it | 04:34 |
fatejudger | this could happen to anyone | 04:34 |
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Kheldoron | ok.. first.. i havent got enough access to do some stuff i want to.. is there like defualt admin and password? | 04:35 |
Kheldoron | cause i haven entered any | 04:35 |
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nalioth | fatejudger: which is why we advise not using non official repos (if you HAVE to have it, compile it from source) | 04:35 |
fatejudger | Kheldoron: it should have prompted you for a password during install | 04:35 |
nalioth | !tell Kheldoron about root | 04:35 |
Kheldoron | only for my user account.. | 04:35 |
nalioth | fatejudger: not here, root is disabled | 04:35 |
nalioth | Kheldoron: read what ubotu sent you, please | 04:35 |
fatejudger | nalioth: I thought it prompted you to enter a password | 04:36 |
fatejudger | nalioth: for sudo | 04:36 |
Kheldoron | thank you! | 04:36 |
nalioth | fatejudger: only for your user account | 04:36 |
fatejudger | nalioth: yeah, that's what I mean | 04:36 |
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sproingie | adept is laughing at me | 04:37 |
sproingie | adept: connecting processClick har har | 04:37 |
sproingie | adept: connecting processClick har har | 04:37 |
fatejudger | sproingie: adept is laughing at us all | 04:37 |
fatejudger | sproingie: I tried uninstalling it | 04:38 |
fatejudger | sproingie: and it punished me | 04:38 |
fatejudger | sproingie: never again will I be able to use a GUI based package manager | 04:38 |
sproingie | ouch | 04:38 |
nalioth | fatejudger: it's not that bad | 04:38 |
fatejudger | nalioth: hey, I liked synaptic | 04:38 |
sproingie | just reinstall the gui package manager that's broken | 04:38 |
fatejudger | nalioth: apt-get blows | 04:38 |
fatejudger | sproingie: lol, that would be the FIRST thing I tried to do | 04:38 |
nalioth | sproingie: read ^^^^ fatejudger can't | 04:38 |
fatejudger | sproingie: if you have any insight into the problem | 04:39 |
fatejudger | sproingie: it would be greatly appriciated | 04:39 |
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sproingie | fatejudger: sadly i don't | 04:39 |
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=== sproingie uses aptitude pretty much exclusively | ||
sproingie | nalioth: he should be able to reinstall it via apt-get, no? | 04:39 |
sproingie | or was that hosed too? | 04:39 |
Fyawerx | aptitude i think is nicer than apt-get, you can uninstall dependencies cant you | 04:40 |
nalioth | sproingie: he's bodgered his machine with unofficial packages and he can't back out gracefully | 04:40 |
fatejudger | sproingie: I've been trying to install it via apt-get this whole time | 04:40 |
fatejudger | nalioth: oh cmon | 04:40 |
fatejudger | nalioth: unofficial packages? | 04:40 |
nalioth | sproingie: nor can he install any gui pkg mangler frontends | 04:40 |
nalioth | fatejudger: /msg ubotu sources | 04:41 |
sproingie | nalioth: it's unofficial? hm, i thought i only had official repos in mine. | 04:41 |
nalioth | fatejudger: if it aint on that list, it's not official | 04:41 |
fatejudger | nalioth: that was probably the first unofficial package I've installed besides wine | 04:41 |
nalioth | fatejudger: it only takes one | 04:41 |
fatejudger | nalioth: well wine didn't do it | 04:41 |
sproingie | or was this some bleeding edge version of adept? | 04:41 |
Fyawerx | adept installed fine for me when i did it, it uninstalled apt-get and synaptic i believe tho | 04:41 |
fatejudger | nalioth: why would it prevent me from install a legit package? | 04:41 |
sproingie | wine won't do it because it doesn't interface with the package management system itself | 04:41 |
Fyawerx | because it installs newer dependices that apt-get cant use i think | 04:42 |
fatejudger | Fyawerx: yeah, it uninstalls synaptic | 04:42 |
nalioth | fatejudger: because you have pkgs installed that wont let the official pkgs work | 04:42 |
fatejudger | nalioth: so basically it's apt-get or adept | 04:42 |
Fyawerx | or aptitude, or synaptic/k | 04:42 |
nalioth | fatejudger: you can always remove every gui item you have | 04:42 |
fatejudger | Fyawerx: I can't get kynaptic or synaptic to work again | 04:43 |
Fyawerx | can you reinstall over your current system with the install disc (not to you, general question i mean) | 04:43 |
fatejudger | they need to have an undo function in apt-get | 04:43 |
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nalioth | Fyawerx: no. once you've updated with apt, your cd is obsolete | 04:43 |
nalioth | fatejudger: i have an idea | 04:43 |
Fyawerx | i mean to not lose data | 04:43 |
Kheldoron | well u see the reason why i need to log in as root/admin is that i have like 30 gig, on a partition that i cant mount.. Any ideas? | 04:43 |
fatejudger | nalioth: what? | 04:43 |
nalioth | fatejudger: it may totally break your box | 04:43 |
Fyawerx | can you just reinstall the base system and then reupdate? | 04:44 |
nalioth | Fyawerx: if he wants to back up his $HOMEDIR | 04:44 |
douglas | libqt3-dev does not seem to be a packaged | 04:44 |
nalioth | fatejudger: go to and d/l the synaptic deb for your arch | 04:44 |
nalioth | douglas: search in synaptic for "libqt3" and install the -dev part | 04:45 |
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nalioth | !info libqt3-dev | 04:45 |
ubotu | libqt3-dev: (Qt development files), section libdevel, is optional. Version: 3:3.3.3-7ubuntu3 (hoary), Packaged size: 37 kB, Installed size: 128 kB | 04:45 |
godzero | kheidoron: ? | 04:45 |
godzero | khelderon: sudo mount | 04:46 |
Kheldoron | what? | 04:46 |
Kheldoron | oh.. can i use that as a command? | 04:46 |
fatejudger | nalioth: this is probably a stupid question, since I probably can't | 04:46 |
godzero | yep | 04:46 |
fatejudger | nalioth: but can I download apt from | 04:46 |
fatejudger | nalioth: and uninstall/reinstall on my system? | 04:47 |
nalioth | fatejudger: i just asked you to go get it. read above please | 04:47 |
Kheldoron | cool.. let me try that | 04:47 |
vis` | I currently have a dual boot windows/ubuntu set up. I am brand new to linux and would like to try out a couple more distros. If I wanted to install kubuntu/suse over ubuntu (completely get rid of ubuntu) and try those out, without destroying the dual boot or that easily done? | 04:47 |
nalioth | vis`: pssst, kubuntu is ubuntu, only with kde (install "kubuntu-desktop") | 04:48 |
godzero | vis`: ya.. when it gets to the partion part of install, just write over the ubuntu | 04:48 |
Kheldoron | godzero: still dosent appera.. | 04:48 |
fatejudger | nalioth: I'm talking about downloading apt, not synaptic | 04:48 |
nalioth | godzero: please | 04:48 |
fatejudger | nalioth: I'll try the synaptic thing first though | 04:48 |
vis` | nalioth yea I know..I've never seen/tried kde..didn't know if I needed to do full kubuntu install for that | 04:49 |
nalioth | vis`: installing "kubuntu-desktop" in ubuntu isnt that much | 04:50 |
Kheldoron | godzero what would such a partition be called do you think? hda? or some nuber after? | 04:50 |
godzero | kheldoron: create a directory where you want to mount it to then sudo /dev/hdX /path/to/mount/point | 04:51 |
godzero | sudo mount /dev/hdX /path/to/mount/point | 04:51 |
godzero | what does it show up as right now? | 04:52 |
Kheldoron | must specify the file system type? | 04:52 |
vis` | godzero and nal thanks for the help. | 04:52 |
godzero | sometimes | 04:53 |
fatejudger | nalioth: ok, I have a plan, why don't I dpkg -r apt and then reinstall the package? | 04:53 |
godzero | what format is the drive? linux, ntfs.. | 04:53 |
Kheldoron | i dont think it got formatted.. so i bet its still windows.. | 04:54 |
nalioth | fatejudger: you can try that (make sure you have the deb available | 04:54 |
godzero | do you want to format it first? | 04:54 |
Kheldoron | why not :) | 04:54 |
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godzero | well first, gotta know where it is... | 04:55 |
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Kheldoron | well in dev i find one hda1 (wich is mounted) and one hda | 04:56 |
Kheldoron | so i guess its the hda... | 04:56 |
vis` | nalioth: i used sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop as I found in a tutorial and I get "reding package lists..done. Building dependency tree..done. E: Couldn't find package kubuntu-desktop. what am I missing | 04:56 |
godzero | no hda is your harddrive, hda1 is prolly your boot partition | 04:56 |
vis` | *reading | 04:56 |
Kheldoron | so how do i find the other one? | 04:56 |
nalioth | vis`: really? that's unusual | 04:56 |
godzero | a second drive would usually be hdb | 04:56 |
Kheldoron | i made 2 partitions.. | 04:56 |
nalioth | vis`: you ARE using ubuntu right now, right? | 04:57 |
vis` | nalioth correct | 04:57 |
Kheldoron | but its still the same drive.. just another partition | 04:57 |
godzero | hda2?> | 04:57 |
Kheldoron | shouldnt it be hda2? | 04:57 |
Kheldoron | mabey | 04:57 |
fatejudger | nalioth: Yes! It worked! | 04:57 |
nalioth | vis`: open synaptic an search for kubuntu | 04:57 |
Kheldoron | but i cant find no hda2 in dev.. | 04:58 |
godzero | there is no /ved/hda2 or hda5? | 04:58 |
nalioth | fatejudger: lets get synaptic in now | 04:58 |
Kheldoron | hda, hda1 and hda.. | 04:58 |
Kheldoron | no.. hdc was the last one | 04:59 |
Kheldoron | no hda2 or 5 | 04:59 |
godzero | hdc is prolly you cdrom/dvd | 04:59 |
fatejudger | nalioth: I already apt-got synaptic | 04:59 |
fatejudger | nalioth: that's why I said it worked | 04:59 |
Kheldoron | mabey i didnt get the partitoning right? | 04:59 |
godzero | k, so it's not formated | 04:59 |
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godzero | it's ok | 04:59 |
vis` | nalioth i'd love to..but I literally don't know what that is. I define the word NOOB for linux. this is my first distro | 05:00 |
godzero | just wanted to se if it was formated | 05:00 |
nalioth | fatejudger: great! now remember, official repos or compiled from source works best | 05:00 |
Kheldoron | aha.. ok.. | 05:00 |
nalioth | !tell vis` about synaptic | 05:00 |
Kheldoron | can i do that now? | 05:00 |
godzero | apt-get qtparted | 05:00 |
godzero | apt-get install qtparted | 05:01 |
fatejudger | nalioth: thanks a bunch | 05:01 |
fatejudger | nalioth: I had totally forgotten about dpkg | 05:01 |
fatejudger | nalioth: didn't think of it until you mentioned it | 05:01 |
Kheldoron | should i type both? | 05:01 |
godzero | kheldoron: got it? | 05:02 |
nalioth | fatejudger: cool | 05:02 |
godzero | no last one | 05:02 |
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godzero | my bad | 05:02 |
nalioth | fatejudger: if you need help compiling things, i'm around most all the time | 05:02 |
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Kheldoron | access denied.. | 05:02 |
Kheldoron | sudo? | 05:02 |
godzero | yep | 05:02 |
vis` | nalioth not one thing for kubuntu in syn | 05:03 |
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othomas | hi all | 05:03 |
Kheldoron | could not find package qtparted | 05:03 |
fatejudger | nalioth: I usually compile things with checkinstall no problem | 05:03 |
godzero | should be in universe | 05:03 |
fatejudger | nalioth: I wanted to ask you though, is it safe to use multiverse? | 05:04 |
Kheldoron | huh? | 05:04 |
fatejudger | nalioth: or would you consider that bad as well | 05:04 |
godzero | have you added universe to sources.list? | 05:04 |
nalioth | vis`: that is really really weird | 05:04 |
Kheldoron | don think so.. | 05:04 |
nalioth | !info qtparted | 05:04 |
ubotu | qtparted: (A parted frontend using QT), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 0.4.4-3ubuntu2 (hoary), Packaged size: 197 kB, Installed size: 724 kB | 05:04 |
Kheldoron | beginner :) | 05:04 |
vis` | nalioth i guess so. it's a fresh install. like 2 weeks changes made to system | 05:04 |
vis` | :( | 05:04 |
nalioth | fatejudger: yes, uni and multi are great. be wary of backports (hoary) and extras | 05:05 |
godzero | k ... edit /etc/sources.list uncomment the universe part. | 05:05 |
fatejudger | nalioth: ok thanks | 05:05 |
nalioth | Kheldoron: qtparted is in universe | 05:05 |
nalioth | !tell Kheldoron about repos | 05:05 |
nalioth | Kheldoron: hoary ubuntu? | 05:05 |
godzero | sudo nano /etc/sources.list | 05:06 |
jsubl2 | sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:06 |
fatejudger | nalioth: when I upgrade with universe and multiverse uncommented it asks me to upgrade a whole range of KDE packages | 05:06 |
godzero | yep sorry, i always forget /apt/ | 05:06 |
fatejudger | nalioth: why aren't those part of the main repository? | 05:07 |
nalioth | fatejudger: great! | 05:08 |
Kheldoron | so how much should i uncomment? | 05:08 |
nalioth | fatejudger: legalities | 05:08 |
fatejudger | nalioth: legalities? | 05:08 |
nalioth | fatejudger: yes, licence restrictions, etc | 05:09 |
godzero | just the 2 line that start # deb... end in ....universe | 05:10 |
Kheldoron | cool | 05:10 |
Kheldoron | and to save? just exit? | 05:10 |
godzero | save first | 05:10 |
godzero | ctrl o | 05:10 |
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Kheldoron | and now? the previous part? | 05:11 |
godzero | sudo apt-get update | 05:11 |
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Kheldoron | hey somethings doing something :) | 05:11 |
Kheldoron | done.. | 05:12 |
godzero | yep, reading in the new files | 05:12 |
godzero | sudo apt-get install qtparted | 05:12 |
Kheldoron | u are really good at this :) | 05:12 |
godzero | I learn from these other guys | 05:13 |
Kheldoron | hehe.. i hope i will too one day :) | 05:13 |
Kheldoron | next? | 05:13 |
godzero | alt-f2 | 05:13 |
godzero | kdesu qtparted | 05:13 |
Kheldoron | extended partition right? | 05:14 |
godzero | ya | 05:14 |
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Kheldoron | then just mount it? | 05:15 |
godzero | no, you gotta make a new home for it | 05:15 |
nalioth | Kheldoron: if you make an extended part, you'll have to put a logical drive inside | 05:15 |
Kheldoron | so i should have done a primary? | 05:16 |
godzero | pick a spot, like /media/newpartion | 05:16 |
godzero | no | 05:16 |
godzero | extended is fine | 05:16 |
Kheldoron | ok.. should i mount it to media/newpartion? | 05:17 |
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godzero | mount it where you want... just make a brand new folder for it | 05:17 |
nalioth | Kheldoron: linux is only limited by your knowledge (unlike a certain MS OS) | 05:18 |
godzero | like example.. goto /media right click, new folder | 05:18 |
nalioth | Kheldoron: i personally have all my mounted HDs in /mnt | 05:18 |
Kheldoron | ok.. just tell me what to type.. its getting late here.. im getting stupid :) | 05:18 |
hydrogen | incorrect | 05:18 |
nalioth | Kheldoron: it's your personal prefs | 05:18 |
hydrogen | linux is limited by a lot more than your knowledge | 05:19 |
nalioth | hydrogen: really? | 05:19 |
godzero | my hdds are in mnt, cds and thumbdrives in media | 05:19 |
hydrogen | aye | 05:19 |
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nalioth | hydrogen: i've not come close to realizing all that can be done with linux on my boxen | 05:20 |
hydrogen | correct, but there are still limits | 05:20 |
nalioth | hydrogen: there are limits to the universe | 05:20 |
hydrogen | and most of the stuff you can do on linux can be done on windows too, just requires more inguity | 05:20 |
godzero | kheldoron: go in konqueror... navigate where you want it right click (pick new folder) name it what you want | 05:20 |
hydrogen | and limits right now include desktop usability, unless you are gonna pull the "you can just modify the code" arguement | 05:21 |
fatejudger | nalioth: many of the things you can do on windows, you can't do on linux | 05:21 |
fatejudger | nalioth: hardware support in Windows is unmatched by any other OS | 05:21 |
hydrogen | nahg | 05:21 |
hydrogen | that I disagree on | 05:21 |
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fatejudger | hydrogen: how so? | 05:21 |
hydrogen | try getting windows run on a SGI Octane 2 | 05:21 |
hydrogen | :P | 05:22 |
nalioth | let's continue in #kubuntu-offtopic, please (i'll be glad to debate there) | 05:22 |
fatejudger | hydrogen: take for example many video cards | 05:22 |
hydrogen | fatejudger: you are looking at one archeticture, there are many more that linux supports that windows doe snot | 05:22 |
Kheldoron | yes.. then? | 05:22 |
hydrogen | anyways, bed | 05:22 |
godzero | kheldoron: picked a spot yet? | 05:22 |
fatejudger | hydrogen: give me a break | 05:22 |
godzero | ok | 05:22 |
fatejudger | hydrogen: almost the entire ATI line is designed for Windows | 05:22 |
hydrogen | yep | 05:22 |
hydrogen | thats still only a small fraction | 05:23 |
fatejudger | hydrogen: a small fraction? | 05:23 |
fatejudger | hydrogen: that's almost half of the mainstream video cards | 05:23 |
hydrogen | alpha.. sparc.. mips.. sh... s390... all sorts of archetictures that are _not_ supported AT ALL under windows | 05:23 |
fatejudger | hydrogen: NVidia is really the only major player supporting OpenGL and Linux | 05:23 |
hydrogen | oh, and ppc | 05:23 |
godzero | now sudo mount /dev/hd4 /path/to/the folder/yoou/just/made | 05:23 |
hydrogen | ati is supported under linux | 05:23 |
hydrogen | by ati | 05:23 |
hydrogen | maybe not as well | 05:23 |
hydrogen | but it is | 05:23 |
fatejudger | barely | 05:23 |
hydrogen | please | 05:23 |
hydrogen | I'm running fine on an ati | 05:24 |
fatejudger | hydrogen: Nvidia is the one with all the OpenGL support | 05:24 |
hydrogen | I'm gone | 05:24 |
hydrogen | bed | 05:24 |
fatejudger | hydrogen: bah | 05:24 |
godzero | sudo mount /dev/hda4 /path/to/directory | 05:24 |
othomas | niters hydrogen | 05:24 |
Kheldoron | it shows like a help thingy | 05:25 |
godzero | ? | 05:26 |
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godzero | what do you meen by help thingy? | 05:27 |
Kheldoron | copy pasted to you | 05:28 |
Kheldoron | ok.. so that was illeagl.. | 05:28 |
Kheldoron | it tells me all the lables and flags that i can use with the comand | 05:28 |
Kheldoron | if you type mount -h it should appear | 05:29 |
godzero | ok | 05:29 |
godzero | um, what did the new partiton get named? | 05:30 |
godzero | hda4? | 05:30 |
Kheldoron | hda2.. but the logic partition seems to be named hda-1 | 05:31 |
godzero | is ther a /dev/hda2? | 05:31 |
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Kheldoron | not that i can find.. no | 05:33 |
godzero | any /dev/hdaX where X>1? | 05:33 |
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Kheldoron | lol.. no | 05:34 |
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jmg | hey all | 05:35 |
jmg | is it 'safe' to upgrade to breezy at the moment? | 05:35 |
godzero | hrm.. I think it should have showed up.. | 05:35 |
godzero | you ran qtparted, formated the extra space right? | 05:36 |
nalioth | jmg: it wont be 'safe' til oct 13 | 05:36 |
nalioth | jmg: but it isnt to bad atm | 05:36 |
Kheldoron | it says filesystem is free? shouldnt it be lite ext or something? | 05:36 |
godzero | yes | 05:36 |
Kheldoron | not formated.. | 05:37 |
godzero | ext3 is best for this | 05:37 |
Kheldoron | abd status is hidden in qtparted | 05:37 |
Kheldoron | not abd.. and.. | 05:38 |
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jmg | nalioth: ill try the livecd before i upgrade | 05:39 |
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godzero | k, in qtparted... click /dev/hda.. then at the top right right click the epty part of the drie, select format | 05:39 |
nalioth | jmg: no need to jump on the bandwagon cuz everyone else is | 05:39 |
regeya | bandwagon? | 05:40 |
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Kheldoron | cant... its shaded | 05:40 |
Kheldoron | can only choose property | 05:41 |
regeya | kubuntu is absolutely astounding. despite having the no-root hacks and whatnot, it's user-friendly *and* largely unadulterated. take that, major desktop distros. </fanboy> | 05:42 |
godzero | no create? | 05:42 |
Kheldoron | nope | 05:43 |
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Kheldoron | unclickable | 05:43 |
bpuccio | just want to confirm -- is there any advantage whatsoever to installing Ubuntu (with GNOME) then installing the kubuntu-desktop package and removing all the GNOME stuff, as opposed to just straight installing kubuntu? | 05:44 |
godzero | when you left click on it.. what hilghts? | 05:44 |
nalioth | bpuccio: the size isnt that much different having both gnome and kde | 05:44 |
Kheldoron | when i left click what? the partition? | 05:45 |
godzero | yes | 05:45 |
Kheldoron | nothing except the little box.. | 05:46 |
godzero | does a line in the tree below it hilight? | 05:46 |
godzero | k | 05:46 |
bpuccio | nalioth: yes, I realize that, its just someone was telling me that to do a clean install, they download Ubuntu with GNOME, install kubuntu-desktop, then remove all the GNOME stuff, they don't just download the kubuntu CD, I was wondering if doing this resulted in something different | 05:46 |
bpuccio | thank you though, nalioth | 05:46 |
godzero | othompson: do you have to reboot after a qtparted? | 05:47 |
godzero | othomas or nalioth | 05:47 |
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nalioth | bpuccio: not much different at (if anything) | 05:48 |
godzero | oh, menu bar : device | udo | 05:49 |
godzero | undo | 05:49 |
Kheldoron | ok.. | 05:50 |
godzero | did that un lock it | 05:50 |
Kheldoron | now i can create again atleast | 05:50 |
godzero | right click format the divice | commit | 05:51 |
Kheldoron | still cant format.. dont i need to create one again? | 05:51 |
godzero | sure | 05:52 |
godzero | it's so hard to do gui over a text chat | 05:52 |
Kheldoron | yeah i know.. but i really appretiate it.. | 05:53 |
godzero | I'm just sorry it's going slow | 05:53 |
Kheldoron | when i choose extended partition i can no longer choose partition type.. | 05:53 |
Kheldoron | better slow than nothing :) | 05:54 |
Kheldoron | is that ok.. the partition typ.. or should i do a primary anyhow? | 05:54 |
Kheldoron | my english is a bit off to so that helps slowing down the process ,) | 05:55 |
godzero | I think you may need to reboot in between steps, not sure | 05:56 |
nalioth | there is no need to reboot, ever | 05:56 |
godzero | primary is best | 05:56 |
godzero | nalioth: can you help a bit? | 05:56 |
Kheldoron | ok.. and label? does that mather? | 05:57 |
godzero | no | 05:57 |
nalioth | godzero: with the partitioning opeations? | 05:57 |
Kheldoron | still can format! | 05:57 |
godzero | ya | 05:57 |
godzero | you can? | 05:57 |
nalioth | Kheldoron: what language do you speak? | 05:57 |
Kheldoron | swedish | 05:58 |
godzero | format ext3 | 05:58 |
Kheldoron | cant format, and cant get ext3 on partition type.. only ext2 | 05:58 |
godzero | ext2 ok, the 3 is just journaling | 05:59 |
Kheldoron | k... but i still cant format.. | 05:59 |
nalioth | hang on a minute guys | 05:59 |
Kheldoron | ait | 06:00 |
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godzero | nalioth: he's trying to format a second partion on hda | 06:00 |
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nalioth | Kheldoron: what is the partition name (something like /dev/hda1) | 06:01 |
godzero | the fat that hda1 is mounted is what's holding up the writes to mft | 06:01 |
Kheldoron | nailoth: /dev/hda2 | 06:01 |
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nalioth | Kheldoron: in a terminal, type "sudo tune2fs -j /dev/hda2" | 06:02 |
Kheldoron | cant find file or dir | 06:03 |
Bicchi | I know that this is an out channel question but i am a kubuntu user and i allready have gnome installed but it does not want to start. how can i use synaptic to reinstall gnome? | 06:03 |
godzero | "/dev/hda2" doesn't exist yet | 06:03 |
nalioth | Kheldoron: in the terminal type "sudo fdisk -l" and paste it into a pastebin, please | 06:03 |
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nalioth | Bicchi: you are selecting it from the login sessions menu? | 06:04 |
godzero | were trying to make/format free space on hda ->hda2 | 06:04 |
nalioth | godzero: yes i've been watching | 06:04 |
Kheldoron | Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System | 06:04 |
Kheldoron | /dev/hda1 1 1216 9767488+ 83 Linux | 06:04 |
Bicchi | nalioth: i have gnome installed and i have used it before but it does not want to start. i would like to reinstall it. | 06:04 |
Bicchi | nalioth: i would like to know what is the command that i need to type in apt-get that would reinstall gnome. i guess thats my question | 06:05 |
nalioth | Bicchi: "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" | 06:06 |
nalioth | Kheldoron: is that all of the output? | 06:06 |
Kheldoron | nailoth: yepp | 06:06 |
nalioth | Kheldoron: you have no /dev/hda2 | 06:06 |
Kheldoron | nope | 06:06 |
Bicchi | nalioth: but like i said its allreday installed | 06:06 |
nalioth | Bicchi: i answered your question | 06:07 |
Bicchi | nalioth: that does not rebuild the system | 06:07 |
Bicchi | let me ask it a different way. How do i remove gnome from my computerrr? | 06:08 |
nalioth | Bicchi: it should, if packages are missing | 06:08 |
Bicchi | nalioth: no packages are missing | 06:08 |
nalioth | Bicchi: do you have synaptic/kynaptic? | 06:08 |
Bicchi | yes | 06:08 |
nalioth | Bicchi: if packages are missing, installing "ubuntu-desktop" will replace them | 06:08 |
Bicchi | no packages are missing. i was changing one of the themes in gnome and the system crashed now gnome would not start | 06:09 |
nalioth | Bicchi: use synaptic/kynaptic and remove the gnome-core stuff | 06:11 |
nalioth | Kheldoron: can you type "sudo cfdisk /dev/hda" in a terminal? and let me know if you see "free space" | 06:12 |
godzero | Khelderon: If what I think is going on is correct.. you'll have to do it from ou tside the sytem because hda1 is mounted, locking the master tartion table | 06:13 |
godzero | partition | 06:13 |
Kheldoron | yes.. freespace | 06:13 |
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othomas | should tell the free space though | 06:13 |
nalioth | Kheldoron: how much free space? | 06:14 |
Kheldoron | 30 gig.. the same as i tried to partition | 06:14 |
Kheldoron | so its like godzero said? | 06:14 |
nalioth | Kheldoron: Kheldoron use your arrow keys and highlight the free space | 06:15 |
Kheldoron | then new? | 06:15 |
nalioth | Kheldoron: yes | 06:16 |
Kheldoron | primary or logical? | 06:16 |
nalioth | Kheldoron: primary | 06:17 |
godzero | either should be ok, primary slightly better | 06:17 |
Kheldoron | k.. done | 06:18 |
Kheldoron | quit? or is there more to be done here? | 06:18 |
nalioth | Kheldoron: you must select "write" | 06:18 |
Kheldoron | now all of a sudden hda1 lost its bootable flag.. | 06:19 |
Kheldoron | toggle it back? | 06:20 |
nalioth | Kheldoron: not necessary with grub | 06:20 |
Kheldoron | ok.. cool.. | 06:20 |
Kheldoron | so then quit? | 06:20 |
nalioth | you should see 2 partitions now | 06:20 |
godzero | cfdisk is great! I didn't know about it | 06:20 |
Kheldoron | yepp one linux ext 3 and one linux | 06:21 |
godzero | Now I know why I come here | 06:21 |
nalioth | Kheldoron: you can quit now | 06:21 |
nalioth | godzero: you want to know something funny? | 06:21 |
godzero | k | 06:21 |
nalioth | i usually help in #ubuntu | 06:21 |
Kheldoron | ok.. next? | 06:21 |
godzero | kheldoron: remember that folder you made? | 06:22 |
nalioth | Kheldoron: in the terminal type "sudo tune2fs -j /dev/hda2" | 06:22 |
Kheldoron | yeah | 06:22 |
nalioth | godzero: wait a minute | 06:22 |
godzero | yep | 06:22 |
Kheldoron | should i exit qtparted? | 06:22 |
godzero | yes | 06:22 |
Kheldoron | and type? | 06:22 |
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nalioth | Kheldoron: yes, the command i just posted | 06:23 |
Kheldoron | still does not exist | 06:23 |
godzero | ok, that command turned you ext2 to a ext3 | 06:24 |
nalioth | godzero: something is fishy | 06:24 |
Kheldoron | well mabey it should have.. but it still cant find hda2 | 06:25 |
nalioth | Kheldoron: type in the terminal "sudo fdisk -l" please and see what you've got | 06:25 |
Kheldoron | now ie got 2 linux systems.. | 06:25 |
Kheldoron | seems right there | 06:26 |
Kheldoron | need to format before i can see it? | 06:26 |
nalioth | Kheldoron: you are formatted | 06:26 |
nalioth | Kheldoron: what is the address for the 2nd linux? | 06:26 |
Kheldoron | well i cant see it | 06:26 |
othomas | Kheldoron, try a reboot and see if it picks up the new drive | 06:27 |
godzero | under device | 06:27 |
Kheldoron | ok.. be right back then | 06:28 |
nalioth | reboot isnt necessary | 06:28 |
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nalioth | language barriers suck | 06:28 |
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othomas | yup, but adding a device is a chore too..had to add sda1 to get my usb drive going | 06:28 |
hussam_ | anybody here good with reparing grub? | 06:29 |
nalioth | hussam_: i have a link for you | 06:29 |
nalioth | hussam_: | 06:29 |
nalioth | hussam_: it will show you how to repair grub | 06:29 |
hussam_ | I already read that and I have a Linux live cd but I don't know how to translate the hd(0,0) stuff to my case. | 06:30 |
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othomas | hi K_K | 06:31 |
nalioth | hussam_: open a terminal and type "sudo fdisk -l" | 06:31 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hi othomas :) | 06:31 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hi nalioth | 06:32 |
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kheldoron | k back.. now lets see | 06:32 |
hussam_ | nalioth: I'm at work now and not near my computer. | 06:32 |
othomas | wb kheldoron | 06:32 |
kheldoron | woohoo! i can see it in dev now :D | 06:33 |
othomas | oh good, nalioth and godzero got you on ur way | 06:33 |
kheldoron | o yes they did | 06:34 |
Tonio- | nalioth: rebooted safely ;) a big thank you for your help :) | 06:34 |
hussam_ | nalioth: will a simple /sbin/grub-install /dev/hda fix it? | 06:34 |
nalioth | hussam: i'm sorry i dont run a grub able machine | 06:35 |
nalioth | i run macintosh | 06:35 |
nalioth | hussam: the wiki has good instructions | 06:35 |
kheldoron | so if i want to be able to access it from "storage media" ? how do i do that? | 06:35 |
godzero | sudo mount /dev/hda2 /media/newfoldername | 06:36 |
kheldoron | is that really the same media as the one in the menu? | 06:38 |
godzero | media:/ = /media | 06:38 |
kheldoron | cool | 06:38 |
godzero | so if you were to make a folder /media/sparedrive, you would want to sudo mount /dev/hda2 /media/sparedrive | 06:40 |
kheldoron | how do i delete a dir? | 06:40 |
othomas | kheldoron, /media/sparedrive is the mount point for yout new drive | 06:40 |
nalioth | godzero: next lesson: the fstab | 06:41 |
godzero | yep | 06:41 |
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godzero | gui: right ckick menu, cli: rm | 06:41 |
kheldoron | "you must specify the filesystem type" | 06:42 |
nalioth | godzero: perhaps you should set up the fstab first | 06:42 |
nalioth | godzero: mounting will be easier after that | 06:43 |
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ttyS0 | hello. i've some old packages of kubuntu-desktop. where can i get order of installing dependend packages? | 06:44 |
godzero | sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda /medai.... | 06:44 |
ttyS0 | d'oh. disconnected. i've some old packages of kubuntu-desktop. where can i get order of installing dependend packages? | 06:44 |
godzero | Kheldoron: do you want it to auto mount with every boot? | 06:45 |
nalioth | ttyS0: in a terminal type "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" | 06:45 |
nalioth | godzero: duh | 06:45 |
kheldoron | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda2, | 06:45 |
kheldoron | missing codepage or other error | 06:45 |
kheldoron | In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try | 06:45 |
kheldoron | dmesg | tail or so | 06:45 |
kheldoron | the trouble never ends! | 06:45 |
ttyS0 | nalioth, it will download all new packages, right? | 06:46 |
godzero | nalioth: he do convert to ext3 right? | 06:46 |
godzero | did | 06:46 |
nalioth | godzero: he has an ext3 partition i believe | 06:47 |
nalioth | godzero: enlighten kheldoron about his fstab | 06:47 |
kheldoron | no that didn work.. remember.. i tried that before i reeboted | 06:47 |
kheldoron | how did i do it ext3? | 06:48 |
ttyS0 | so there's not any place where order of packages can be found? | 06:48 |
kheldoron | fs2 -l or something | 06:48 |
kheldoron | probably have to do it know when the drive works :D | 06:49 |
nalioth | kheldoron: type in a terminal "sudo fdisk -l" and see what you have there | 06:50 |
godzero | how do we verify ext2/3? | 06:50 |
kheldoron | Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System | 06:50 |
kheldoron | /dev/hda1 1 1216 9767488+ 83 Linux | 06:50 |
kheldoron | /dev/hda2 1217 4864 29302560 83 Linux | 06:50 |
kheldoron | but i havent made it ext3 yet.. i didnt work before the reeboot.. so what was it? | 06:51 |
godzero | ok | 06:51 |
nalioth | kheldoron: type "sudo tune2fs -j /dev/hda2" | 06:51 |
godzero | it's still ext2... sudo tune2fs -j /dev/hda2 | 06:51 |
kheldoron | bad magic nuber in superblock.. | 06:52 |
kheldoron | this is so starting to anoy me... | 06:52 |
godzero | lol | 06:52 |
nalioth | kheldoron: i suggest you find a friend at the local uni to help you | 06:52 |
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kheldoron | i afraid thats gonna be a problem.. small windows city | 06:53 |
kheldoron | come on, were so close.. dont give up now :) | 06:53 |
godzero | sudo mount -t ext2 /dev/hda2 /media/yourfolder | 06:53 |
nalioth | kheldoron: i'm not going to continue with the weird errors you're telling us | 06:54 |
nalioth | y'all have fun | 06:54 |
godzero | see if it lets you | 06:54 |
kheldoron | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda2, | 06:54 |
kheldoron | missing codepage or other error | 06:54 |
kheldoron | In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try | 06:54 |
kheldoron | dmesg | tail or so | 06:54 |
kheldoron | i always get wierd errors.. with everything i do.. | 06:55 |
godzero | that one again. reformat it with sudo cfdisk again | 06:55 |
godzero | something didn't write out | 06:56 |
nalioth | godzero: no | 06:57 |
nalioth | godzero: it's written | 06:57 |
nalioth | godzero: y'all need to get the proper command sequence to mount it | 06:57 |
kheldoron | didnt help.. how about trying to fromat with qtparter? | 06:58 |
godzero | qtparted.. it's worth a shot I guess. I'm trying to remember what messes with the magic number | 06:59 |
godzero | i'm gunna ask uncle google.. brb | 07:00 |
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kheldoron | as soon as i exit qtparted it went back to unknown instead of ext3 | 07:01 |
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ws01 | omg | 07:01 |
ws01 | weeeeeeeeeeeee | 07:01 |
kheldoron | what is an active partition? | 07:01 |
kheldoron | u know.. set active | 07:01 |
othomas | your boot partition is considered the active one | 07:02 |
kheldoron | ok.. we don want to change that | 07:02 |
othomas | nope | 07:02 |
othomas | what did you call it in your media dir kheldoron | 07:04 |
nalioth | active partitions are not necessary with grub | 07:04 |
kheldoron | Media heh | 07:04 |
godzero | can't find any good info on magic numbers.. but IIRC... it only IDs the format type | 07:04 |
othomas | try sudo mount /dev/hda2 /media/media | 07:05 |
godzero | you don't meen /media? | 07:05 |
kheldoron | hehe.. qtparted bugged out :) | 07:05 |
othomas | godzero, he called the new drive "media" in there | 07:06 |
kheldoron | "must specify the file system type" | 07:06 |
nalioth | godzero: listen to me. make his fstab. | 07:06 |
godzero | k | 07:06 |
othomas | so something is hosed ubuntu is good about recognizing file systems | 07:06 |
kheldoron | its like it doesnt save the type.. | 07:07 |
godzero | I wanted to see if we could mount first, but we'll do that | 07:07 |
kheldoron | what ever i format it in it always says unknown when i get back in qtparted.. | 07:07 |
othomas | change the /media/media dir to /media/hda2 dir | 07:08 |
godzero | kheldoron: lets set up fstab.. sudo nano /etc/fstab... add a line "/dev/hda2 /media/media ext3 defaults 0 2" | 07:08 |
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othomas | two media directories may be confusing the issue | 07:09 |
godzero | othomas: I wouldn't think so, but I've heard of stranger things | 07:10 |
kheldoron | ok.. so ive donw the fstab.. save and quit? | 07:11 |
godzero | save = ctrl o | 07:11 |
godzero | then enter | 07:11 |
godzero | exit = ctrl x | 07:12 |
kheldoron | im way ahead of you.. heh | 07:12 |
kheldoron | and then? | 07:12 |
nalioth | kheldoron: now you should be able to just type "sudo mount /dev/hda2" | 07:12 |
godzero | mount -a | 07:12 |
nalioth | godzero: -a? | 07:13 |
godzero | either way | 07:13 |
godzero | mount all | 07:13 |
othomas | -a =auto | 07:13 |
othomas | hahaha | 07:13 |
nalioth | auto wrecks things | 07:13 |
othomas | uhhuh | 07:13 |
godzero | oh | 07:13 |
kheldoron | ok.. same as ususal.. | 07:13 |
nalioth | kheldoron: there is something we're not getting here | 07:14 |
godzero | magic number? | 07:14 |
kheldoron | im pretty convinced that we should focus on the formatting here.. | 07:14 |
kheldoron | i think thats the problem | 07:14 |
kheldoron | yeah.. in wonderland | 07:14 |
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hater2win | hey guys, i just set up my computer for "fish" and "ssh" capabilities, i was wondering, how can i limit specific users to only their assigned /home/username/ folder????? | 07:15 |
kheldoron | ok.. so now it has appeard in the media storage... but now it says that only root can mount it.. | 07:17 |
othomas | headway at last | 07:17 |
godzero | if you were to reboot, the root /init envoronment should mount it | 07:20 |
kheldoron | ok.. brb then | 07:20 |
hater2win | anybody? | 07:20 |
othomas | hater2win, set privilages on each home directory to the specific user | 07:21 |
godzero | hater2win: not w/o heave chmod | 07:21 |
godzero | heavy | 07:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | isnt there something in /etc/ for that? | 07:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | some security files? | 07:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | anyway, brb | 07:22 |
hater2win | Kamping_Kaiser! lol | 07:22 |
othomas | you can use konqueror to do it.. | 07:22 |
hater2win | well, see, i have a friend that i use fish to send files back n forth | 07:22 |
hater2win | but i dont want him getting in my /media/ folder | 07:22 |
hater2win | to check out my shit | 07:22 |
othomas | lol | 07:22 |
godzero | I had it under mandrake.. and a cron job that checked 'em all | 07:22 |
hater2win | i just want to restrict axss to just his specific /home folder | 07:23 |
othomas | just set yours to owner all priv, others none | 07:23 |
_exec | is there now other change to keep the user in his home? | 07:24 |
_exec | *chance | 07:24 |
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othomas | denie access to the root directory | 07:25 |
kheldoron | noope.. | 07:25 |
hater2win | how othomas ? | 07:25 |
kheldoron | godzero: still i think we need to focus on the formatting | 07:25 |
godzero | yep | 07:25 |
kheldoron | so except from qtparted.. where else can i do it? | 07:26 |
godzero | I'm pretty out of ideas | 07:26 |
godzero | I only ran into magic number once | 07:26 |
kheldoron | thats pretty bad.. :( | 07:26 |
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asechris | hi | 07:26 |
godzero | 1 thing i can think of | 07:26 |
kheldoron | anything.. | 07:26 |
godzero | use knoppix to format hda2 | 07:27 |
kheldoron | how? | 07:27 |
kheldoron | silly name.. :) | 07:27 |
othomas | _exec, to keep all from exploring will require a lot of work..they need to have execute on many programs..restricting "home" is usually good enough | 07:27 |
godzero | download & burn the iso to a cd rom, use the commands you seen here | 07:27 |
asechris | Hi 'all. Total newbie here .. looking for some help to install Firefox on my KUBUNTU system (Trying to get off my Redmond Dependancy)... Can anyone please PM me ? | 07:28 |
kheldoron | so knoppix is a boot cd? | 07:28 |
godzero | kh: yep | 07:28 |
kheldoron | doh | 07:28 |
_exec | k | 07:28 |
_exec | thx | 07:28 |
hater2win | asechris: type this in the command line sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox | 07:28 |
nalioth | asechris: we can help you in the channel | 07:29 |
kheldoron | its 7:29 am here now.. | 07:29 |
asechris | Thanks hater2win. (the terminal window?) | 07:29 |
=== kheldoron yawn | ||
godzero | 1230 here | 07:29 |
asechris | ok, thanks guys (& Gals ...) | 07:29 |
nalioth | asechris: as we help you, we help others who see how we help you | 07:29 |
hater2win | sudo tells your b0x that you want to perform an action as root. apt-get is telling it to get a specific package from a repository, install mozilla-firefox tells it what program to find and install | 07:29 |
kheldoron | lucky bastard! | 07:29 |
godzero | brain going mushy | 07:29 |
asechris | terrific. | 07:29 |
hater2win | asechris: yes, in the terminal window | 07:29 |
kheldoron | what are you complaining about? i havent slept yet.. | 07:30 |
asechris | I tried to D/L the binaries & then I used ARK to extrac them into my ASECHRIS directory.... but I am lost after that | 07:30 |
godzero | lol | 07:30 |
godzero | now I don't feel so bad... | 07:30 |
othomas | _exec, if they know user names they can jump you may need to go deeper in the user directories to prevent exploring those | 07:30 |
kheldoron | i do | 07:30 |
kheldoron | :'( | 07:30 |
_exec | othomas: they can't ;) | 07:30 |
asechris | so would I just goto my directory & use an 'install' command? | 07:30 |
othomas | kk | 07:31 |
hater2win | depends | 07:31 |
hater2win | when you use apt-get | 07:31 |
_exec | if u give /media chmod 700... no one without owner can'T jump in a deeper dir | 07:31 |
hater2win | you are basically getting a file from a repository | 07:31 |
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nalioth | asechris: it doesnt matter where you are in a terminal | 07:31 |
hater2win | and this repository has ".deb" packages | 07:31 |
hater2win | thats what it installs | 07:31 |
othomas | kk | 07:31 |
nalioth | asechris: for easier installations, use kynaptic | 07:31 |
hater2win | so sometimes, you can download debian (.deb) packages off the net in diff places and install those | 07:31 |
kheldoron | anyone got a good divx player for kubuntu? | 07:32 |
_exec | so see you guys gonna to school .( | 07:32 |
pc11 | anyone knows how to make online games with gameguard work? | 07:32 |
asechris | ok, BRB going to try some of these great suggestions. ( At least I can get onto IRC !! ) | 07:32 |
godzero | kh: I use kaffiene + ffmpg | 07:32 |
hater2win | lol, l8r asechris | 07:32 |
othomas | cya _exec | 07:32 |
nalioth | asechris: it is not advised to install debs from off the web (although sometimes it can be done without breaking your kubuntu) | 07:33 |
hater2win | nalioth: how can i restrict a user's access to ONLY the /home/userName folder? | 07:34 |
godzero | kh: | 07:34 |
kheldoron | ffmpg? | 07:34 |
godzero | kh: let me look up the right name... | 07:35 |
kheldoron | sorry.. i think i died for a moment.. ,) | 07:35 |
kheldoron | thanks | 07:35 |
nalioth | hater2win: yes | 07:35 |
hater2win | nalioth: how? | 07:35 |
nalioth | hater2win: set the permissions so only the owner(s) can get into their data | 07:36 |
godzero | kh:ffmpeg | 07:37 |
asechris | OK, got it installed using sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox. It said it was installing something for GNOME. I am using KUBUNTU and it seems to be working. Is it the same version ? | 07:37 |
nalioth | hater2win: owners include "root/system" "hater2win" "hater2win'smother" | 07:37 |
nalioth | asechris: same version | 07:37 |
asechris | Kewl.. Thanks tons. | 07:37 |
kheldoron | ok.. you know where i can get it? | 07:38 |
asechris | Now if I can figure out how to get to my MP3's on the NTFS partition I'll be laughing !! | 07:38 |
godzero | kh: kubuntu live should handle the formating too | 07:38 |
kheldoron | whats that? | 07:38 |
kheldoron | the live cd? | 07:38 |
nalioth | !tell asechris about ntfs | 07:38 |
=== othomas installs beer and thinks, now we having FUN! | ||
godzero | kh: synaptic/kynaptic.. search for ffmpeg, grab all | 07:39 |
asechris | Thanks nalioth !!! Back in a bit !!! | 07:39 |
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nalioth | asechris: you can read the linked file in a text editor for instructions | 07:39 |
hater2win | nalioth: so do i change the permissions to / | 07:40 |
hater2win | or on the user's folder | 07:40 |
godzero | brb | 07:40 |
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nalioth | hater2win: you do your homework on the numbers and what they mean, and you set no-read no-write no execute on directories you dont non owners into (make sure you allow owners into their directories) | 07:41 |
hater2win | i see i see | 07:41 |
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nalioth | hater2win: keep track of what you do, so you can undo it | 07:41 |
nalioth | hater2win: and test each step of the way | 07:42 |
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hater2win | nalioth: ty ty | 07:42 |
nalioth | hater2win: wrong permissions will make your box unusable | 07:42 |
kheldoron | godzero: im so tired here man that i dont know what im thinking.. i have to hit the sack.. ill talk to you later! | 07:43 |
othomas | take care kheldoron | 07:44 |
asechris | OK.. totally Learning here tonight !! You guys rock ! | 07:45 |
kheldoron | thanks for all your help guys! u are great! | 07:45 |
asechris | I can now mount the NTFT partition & see all my MP3's. Can anyone suggest a good player ? | 07:45 |
othomas | lol | 07:45 |
othomas | amarok is ok | 07:46 |
asechris | (Damn I feel needy..... I hate being a newbie) | 07:46 |
nalioth | asechris: there are many to choose, you'll probably need the software to play them | 07:46 |
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asechris | oops | 07:46 |
othomas | wb asechris | 07:46 |
asechris | Thanks.... | 07:46 |
othomas | amarok is ok | 07:47 |
nalioth | !tell asechris about restricted | 07:47 |
othomas | lol | 07:47 |
asechris | amarok tells me it can't play MP3s unless I have a different engine | 07:47 |
othomas | oh, needs the xine engine..xmms does well too | 07:48 |
nalioth | asechris: read what ubotu has sent you | 07:48 |
godzero | kh: later | 07:48 |
kheldoron | peace out! | 07:48 |
asechris | just got the info from ubotu .. Thanks.. I'll go through it | 07:48 |
godzero | I never had any friend with linux.. I had linux for 1/2 year before I learned about repositories.. was compiling every thing... then when I did find out, I felt like a moron. | 07:50 |
othomas | godzero, awwww, hope you fell better now | 07:51 |
godzero | a little | 07:51 |
othomas | feel too | 07:51 |
othomas | oh good | 07:51 |
godzero | I'm up to "special" now | 07:51 |
othomas | lol | 07:52 |
othomas | me3 | 07:52 |
Tm_T | haha | 07:53 |
othomas | hi Tm_T | 07:54 |
Tm_T | hi kids | 07:55 |
Tm_T | :) | 07:55 |
othomas | heh | 07:55 |
Tm_T | bah, I need caffeine! | 07:55 |
godzero | I need beer | 07:55 |
othomas | lol | 07:55 |
othomas | apt-get re-install beer | 07:56 |
Tm_T | godzero: well, it doesn't make _you_ look good... | 07:56 |
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othomas | later K_away | 07:56 |
Kaiser_away | later mate | 07:56 |
Tm_T | Kaiser_away: tsadaam! | 07:56 |
Kaiser_away | :) hi Tm_T hows it? | 07:57 |
godzero | what you saying, I'm "special" and ugly? | 07:57 |
Tm_T | oh, you finally realised it? :o | 07:57 |
Tm_T | ;---P | 07:57 |
othomas | lol | 07:57 |
Tm_T | ok, coffee -> | 07:57 |
othomas | oops | 07:57 |
=== nybble_ZzZ is away: I'm busy | ||
othomas | wb nybble | 08:00 |
godzero | what does it meen to run "nice", just lower priority? | 08:00 |
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=== othomas thinks was a bit longer | ||
nybble | why thankyou, it was a brief trip...but i got shirts for everyone | 08:01 |
nybble | *hands them out* | 08:01 |
othomas | hahahaha | 08:01 |
othomas | mine says "support your orleans dis-possesed" | 08:03 |
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nybble | lol | 08:07 |
othomas | press ALT_F4 for a free avatar | 08:08 |
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othomas | OMG..ALT-F4 works here toooo | 08:13 |
othomas | thought it was just a windoze thing | 08:13 |
godzero | lol | 08:14 |
=== othomas thinks maybe 2am is late all take care.. | ||
nalioth | othomas: lots of windows keys shortcuts work | 08:15 |
nalioth | othomas: try em | 08:15 |
othomas | godzero, no more beer install | 08:15 |
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grifter17 | hiiiiiiiiiiiii | 08:16 |
othomas | hi grifter17 | 08:16 |
grifter17 | im a newbie user of linux | 08:17 |
grifter17 | will some one pls teach me | 08:17 |
grifter17 | im really having problems | 08:17 |
grifter17 | linux guru pls help | 08:17 |
Tm_T | err | 08:17 |
othomas | with what? | 08:18 |
Tm_T | just spit it out | 08:18 |
othomas | lol | 08:18 |
Tm_T | and there's no gurus | 08:18 |
Tm_T | just old farts and young geeks | 08:18 |
Tm_T | (and married men with pron) | 08:18 |
othomas | grifter17, ? | 08:18 |
grifter17 | im having a hard time how to install programs in my new linux kubuntu | 08:19 |
othomas | tried synaptic? | 08:20 |
grifter17 | i just installed this last nyt | 08:20 |
grifter17 | i want to put yahoo messenger but i dunno haw | 08:21 |
grifter17 | how | 08:21 |
othomas | don't you have Gaim? | 08:22 |
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boy | kj | 09:14 |
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biBOY | ello peepz | 09:20 |
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pc11 | hello | 09:37 |
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kianziack | hello | 09:38 |
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morrow | Your kernel was built with "gcc" version "3.4.5", while you are trying to use | 09:55 |
morrow | "/usr/bin/gcc" version "4.0.2". This configuration is not supported and VMware | 09:55 |
morrow | Workstation cannot work in such configuration. | 09:55 |
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rockin_stan | anybody has Kgpg running in kubuntu? | 10:13 |
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after8 | morning all | 10:27 |
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amadeus | where is | 10:36 |
kakalto | uhm lol | 10:44 |
rockin_stan | amadeus, down atm | 10:44 |
kakalto | that makes more senso | 10:44 |
kakalto | *sense | 10:44 |
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phazeman | i have 2 questions. 1. what is the way to see the installed packages list (and find for somehting instaqlled) with the apt ? 2. is there any way to update the whole distro with apt like i can do with urpmi ? thanks in advance | 10:50 |
jeh | dpkg -l | 10:50 |
jeh | for the first | 10:50 |
phazeman | thanks ! | 10:51 |
Tm_T | sources.list is the key for second | 10:51 |
jeh | do you wish to update a hoary to breezy or just get the newest packages for your current version? | 10:51 |
phazeman | jeh: i thought to try out the breezy but i don't want to reinstall everything | 10:51 |
phazeman | just run the apt-get update && upgrade | 10:52 |
phazeman | is it possible ? | 10:52 |
Tm_T | phazeman: yes, after you modified your sources.list | 10:52 |
jeh | check sources.list to point it to breezy | 10:52 |
phazeman | ok... going to hunt for some info | 10:52 |
phazeman | thanks muc | 10:52 |
phazeman | much* | 10:52 |
jeh | then apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:52 |
phazeman | is there any known page that list the sources ? something like easy urpmi ? | 10:53 |
Tm_T | hmm, what about replacing all "hoary" parts with "breezy" ? | 10:53 |
Tm_T | I think it'll do the trick | 10:54 |
phazeman | ahhhh | 10:54 |
jeh | can't be that easy | 10:54 |
phazeman | thanks.. going to tray that | 10:54 |
phazeman | try* | 10:54 |
phazeman | jeh: why not ? lets try :) | 10:54 |
Tm_T | haha | 10:54 |
jeh | please be my guinea pig :) | 10:54 |
jeh | oink! oink! | 10:54 |
Tm_T | jeh: well, apt is easy | 10:54 |
phazeman | did any of you see this article ? | 10:55 |
jeh | Tm_T: i was more thinking about that something would break. i know that apt is easy | 10:55 |
phazeman | i just wonder if thats that easy as they say to do.... | 10:55 |
Tm_T | jeh: breaking things... fun \o/ | 10:55 |
phazeman | jeh: i don't mind to break the system.... | 10:55 |
phazeman | it's fun :) | 10:55 |
after8 | phazeman> page listing sources? yes | 10:55 |
phazeman | much more fun is to fix the broke... | 10:55 |
jeh | fun for the whole family when daddy curses at the computer :) | 10:55 |
after8 | !repositories | 10:55 |
ubotu | methinks repositories is at at A list of official repositories can be found at (Hoary) or (Breezy) | 10:55 |
phazeman | thanks after8 | 10:56 |
Tm_T | =) | 10:56 |
Tm_T | ubotu: !wtf | 10:56 |
ubotu | Tm_T: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! | 10:56 |
phazeman | jeh: LOL | 10:56 |
Tm_T | ubotu: !perkele | 10:56 |
ubotu | Tm_T: Do they come in packets of five? | 10:56 |
phazeman | heh | 10:56 |
Tm_T | ubotu: sure | 10:56 |
ubotu | Tm_T: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 10:56 |
Tm_T | ubotu: well, it MUST be | 10:56 |
ubotu | Tm_T: Did you get hit by a windmill? | 10:56 |
jeh | Tm_T: don't think it groks finnish... | 10:56 |
Tm_T | jeh: me neither, but "good" way to spent couple minutes | 10:57 |
Tm_T | spend | 10:57 |
jeh | of course :) | 10:57 |
Tm_T | ubotu: moron | 10:57 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, Tm_T | 10:57 |
Tm_T | as I said... | 10:57 |
jeh | phazeman: is it broken already? | 10:58 |
phazeman | jeh: what ? | 10:58 |
phazeman | what broken > | 10:58 |
phazeman | ? | 10:58 |
Tm_T | I'm not | 10:59 |
jeh | phazeman: your breezy update | 10:59 |
phazeman | jeh: i didn't start it yel lol | 11:00 |
phazeman | i'm still in the consideration state | 11:00 |
jeh | heh | 11:00 |
after8 | phazeman> break it ;) ! !! !! | 11:00 |
after8 | if you know how to repair, that is. | 11:00 |
phazeman | hehe | 11:00 |
jeh | putting peer pressure on poor phazeman | 11:00 |
phazeman | actually.. i'm a mandriva person... but i don't mind to play :) | 11:01 |
phazeman | hehe | 11:01 |
Tm_T | bah, I can't see any reasons why it'll break anything | 11:01 |
morrow | hmmmmmm xfonts-terminus installs to a wrong location :/ | 11:02 |
jeh | nah, it shouldn't break anything. but the emphasis is on the word "shouldn't" | 11:02 |
after8 | jeh> a new PPP protocol? | 11:02 |
after8 | PPPP even ;) | 11:02 |
jeh | heh | 11:02 |
phazeman | actually i think i will not upgrade | 11:03 |
phazeman | since i already have what i need | 11:03 |
phazeman | and, anyway, i have to wait until my download finish | 11:03 |
phazeman | :)))) | 11:03 |
Tm_T | =) | 11:03 |
phazeman | but it's good to know how | 11:03 |
phazeman | why would i upgrade if i have all the functionality already ? | 11:04 |
phazeman | did any of you look into the link i gave about the server install ? | 11:04 |
phazeman | | 11:04 |
phazeman | i just wonder if it's any good | 11:04 |
phazeman | ha ? | 11:05 |
jeh | well, i don't run an isp so i have no idea | 11:06 |
phazeman | i think it's a cool thing to build your home server when you are a newb and this is what you want your linux machine to be | 11:09 |
phazeman | but it's me | 11:09 |
after8 | phazeman> loooots of ppl share your opinion, for it is a fine one ;) | 11:10 |
phazeman | after8: i didn't try it yet but definatly think to do so the next week | 11:10 |
phazeman | if it all works as it says it is - definataly great thing | 11:10 |
after8 | it works, with a bit of | 11:12 |
after8 | sweat, but thats how we learn... and remember uncle google ;) | 11:12 |
lonewolff | hmm, is something majorly broken in the lastest packages in breezy? i installed the newer packages earlier on my Mac and my x86 laptop, the mac is fine but the laptop doesnt load X anymore | 11:16 |
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timlinux | is there any plan to fix firefox so that it uses kde style file dialogs? The gnome file dialog drives me up the frigging wall... | 11:26 |
shogouki | there is an ugly hack | 11:26 |
timlinux | I spose I could use konqi with the moz engine....if thats still possible... | 11:27 |
timlinux | shogouki: ugly hacks are fine | 11:27 |
aftertaf | lonewolff> check if xfs is installed | 11:27 |
timlinux | shogouki: do you have a url? | 11:27 |
aftertaf | X failed on 3 pcs for me.... | 11:27 |
shogouki | | 11:27 |
timlinux | thanks! | 11:28 |
Tm_T | hummmm | 11:29 |
lonewolff | hmm, it appears there are problems when inserting quite a few modules | 11:32 |
nikkia | lonewolff: reported by hotplug? that's 'normal' | 11:33 |
lonewolff | and lots of cpufreq: change failed with new_state 1 and result 0 | 11:33 |
aftertaf | i have hotplug pbs too | 11:34 |
lonewolff | its very weird, everything was working fine, updates today, now i have no wireless, no X, when i goto f7 (the tty where x should be) they keyboard stops working | 11:35 |
lonewolff | (at least the mac updated alright otherwise i'd have major problems) | 11:36 |
aftertaf | lonewolff> try reconfing xorg & install xfs | 11:38 |
lonewolff | aftertaf: tried that | 11:39 |
lonewolff | startx gives a message about there being no core pointers | 11:39 |
aftertaf | you too? | 11:39 |
aftertaf | try: Option "Device" "/dev/psaux" | 11:39 |
aftertaf | on mouse section instead of input/mice | 11:40 |
lonewolff | im using psaux atm | 11:40 |
aftertaf | erf! | 11:40 |
lonewolff | /dev/psaux doesnt exist, which may pose a problem | 11:40 |
lonewolff | (but it existed before this update) | 11:41 |
lonewolff | neither /dev/input/mice or /dev/psaux exist | 11:42 |
lonewolff | methinks something is broked | 11:43 |
aftertaf | me 2!!! | 11:43 |
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=== lonewolff reinstalls, at least i know Hoary works | ||
aftertaf | lonewolff> you under 64 bit by any chance??? | 11:55 |
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sveri | hi, i have a soundcard (sb audigy) and | 12:17 |
sveri | a tv controller (bt878) in my computer, how can i tell arts or kde that the primary sound controller should be my sb audigy and not the tv controller sound card? | 12:18 |
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ca5s4va | hallo everyone ... | 12:18 |
ca5s4va | is there any ubuntu repository that provide libdvdcss and/or win32codec ??? | 12:20 |
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nikkia | morning apokryphos | 12:31 |
nikkia | thought you had enrollment today? | 12:31 |
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chx | it's soooooo great that Kubuntu desktop now rotates as it should. | 12:31 |
apokryphos | nikkia: allo -- I did; went and came back already :D. | 12:32 |
apokryphos | nikkia: pretty speedy process. You're talking to an official King's student now 8) | 12:32 |
nikkia | apokryphos: wow, that was quick | 12:32 |
apokryphos | nikkia: only stuff I really got today was ID card, email etc, computer logons. Gotta wait tomorrow for timetables, course registration etc | 12:33 |
apokryphos | which will cost me another 4.70! Gah. London Underground. | 12:33 |
nikkia | apokryphos: still, used to take me an hour or two | 12:33 |
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nikkia | and that was when i was already ON campus, and not travelling back and forth :) | 12:33 |
apokryphos | nikkia: I was surprised with the ID card. The lady barely took my picture and it came out all ready | 12:34 |
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lonewolff | aftertaf: no its i386, but im back on hoary now and all is well | 12:39 |
aftertaf | oki.. cool. | 12:39 |
aftertaf | sth not right with the x package... a lot of ppl having same pb. | 12:39 |
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Tonio- | hi everyone | 12:47 |
aftertaf | lonewolff> there is a workaround for the pb... | 12:47 |
aftertaf | udev not creating some devices..... | 12:47 |
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lonewolff | aftertaf: oh? got a url? | 12:48 |
aftertaf | | 12:49 |
aftertaf | /etc/init.d/udev restart | 12:49 |
aftertaf | /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 12:49 |
aftertaf | makes it work temporarily | 12:49 |
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aftertaf | a workaround, but not yet bugfixed. | 12:49 |
lonewolff | ah ic | 12:50 |
lonewolff | im just upgrading the laptop again now, so i will give it a try | 12:53 |
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Cyberjames | hello... | 12:55 |
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chx | hibernate? you mean, next spring Kubuntu will be able to hibernate straight from KDE desktop? | 12:56 |
Cyberjames | hello. how can I share my printer on network? anyone has appreciated idea? | 12:57 |
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aftertaf | hi Cyberjames | 12:58 |
aftertaf | ive no idea, never ever done.... | 12:58 |
aftertaf | is it installed locally to begin with? | 12:58 |
Cyberjames | aftertaf: yeah | 12:59 |
Cyberjames | aftertaf: I want to share it on my other PC.. how? | 12:59 |
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aftertaf | ok. open up your print manager | 01:02 |
aftertaf | system;settings, printers | 01:02 |
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Cyberjames | aftertaf, and then? | 01:03 |
aftertaf | do you see your local printer? | 01:04 |
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Cyberjames | aftertaf, no | 01:04 |
Cyberjames | aftertaf, it looks disable button... | 01:04 |
aftertaf | ah, then it isnt installed locally then... | 01:04 |
tucoz | Hi, sorry for the newbie question, but... I am looking for a osx-style theme for my kubuntu hoary install but get scared by the install processes in | 01:05 |
Cyberjames | aftertaf, but I can able to print/./.. | 01:05 |
aftertaf | in kde? | 01:05 |
tucoz | So I thought that there might be some unoffical theme packages available through apt-get | 01:05 |
aftertaf | see the print server part? you need to go in there and set it up as a print server | 01:07 |
aftertaf | i'm sort of guessing cs i've never used that before. | 01:07 |
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Cyberjames | how to configure cups? | 01:07 |
aftertaf | that i dont know.... try uncle google | 01:08 |
Cyberjames | lol | 01:08 |
tucoz | Not really scared, but I do not really understand the internals of kde so is there something that may break by installing for install baghira | 01:08 |
tucoz | s/install/instance | 01:09 |
aftertaf | tucoz> no idea..... | 01:09 |
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tucoz | aftertaf: :) ok | 01:10 |
aftertaf | though you can play around alot with themes and stuff.... | 01:11 |
tucoz | yes, I know. But a lot of the themes in kdelook does not come in 'theme-packages'. It seems that you have to install by doing some sudo work | 01:12 |
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apokryphos | for styles and window decorations; for other things, nope. | 01:13 |
tucoz | ok. I think I'll just download a theme and read the README then :) | 01:13 |
apokryphos | (in theory you don't even need sudo for those, if you compile the style/windec and install it user-side somewhere) | 01:13 |
aftertaf | tucoz> ohh the kde lok site.. true... | 01:14 |
apokryphos | tucoz: it's better to just individually pick what you want from styles, windecs etc and investigate | 01:14 |
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aftertaf | apokryphos> isnt there a new tool in kde soon that can d/l the themes directly? | 01:15 |
tucoz | apokryphos, probably. Just like the apt-get way, to install stuff with a bang | 01:15 |
apokryphos | aftertaf: KNewStuff, but it's hard to implement with styles/windecs (which require compiling); even icons won't have knewstuff for kde 3.5, unfortunately. | 01:15 |
apokryphos | tucoz: some styles and icons are available from apt; you could try some of those. | 01:16 |
tucoz | yes, I have found a few. Like the kde-themes(or whatever it was called) for instance | 01:16 |
apokryphos | cool | 01:16 |
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aftertaf | apokryphos> it can grab new wallpaper tho (even if only about 15 of em ;) ) | 01:17 |
jeh | yesterday in the dot there was a mention about some guy packaging themese & stuff | 01:17 |
tucoz | jeh: oh, really? cool | 01:17 |
apokryphos | aftertaf: yup; it's also implemented in Kopete, superkaramba and amaroK so far | 01:17 |
jeh | ok, that was apparently for debian, but maybe it works: | 01:18 |
tucoz | jeh: I'll check it out. | 01:18 |
jeh | someone is building kubuntu packages too | 01:19 |
tucoz | thanks for the help. got to go | 01:22 |
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incubii | breezy is lookin very nice | 01:27 |
aftertaf | incubii> hehe | 01:27 |
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aftertaf | it is yeah :D | 01:28 |
aftertaf | xept when X goes dead on you ;) | 01:28 |
incubii | any idea when we will get a kubuntu bootsplash though. the ubuntu one kinda ruins the moment | 01:28 |
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jeh | you boot too often | 01:28 |
incubii | im on a laptop | 01:29 |
incubii | and its gettin kinda old this whole rebooting thing :) | 01:30 |
jeh | sorry, couldn't resist | 01:31 |
aftertaf | lol incubii ..... ubuntu != gnome | 01:31 |
jeh | one day linux will work fine on laptops too so that one doesn't have to boot them either | 01:31 |
aftertaf | you can have both, whichever iso you grab ;) | 01:31 |
incubii | yeah i know aftertaf , but the officials only come as ubuntu :P | 01:31 |
jeh | aftertaf: no, quite the reverse. ubuntu has nothing to do with kde | 01:31 |
incubii | and i didnt have time to download kubuntu | 01:32 |
incubii | so i apt-get kubuntu-desktop | 01:32 |
aftertaf | jeh> yeah i know....... but you dont have to have gnome, you can just grab kde | 01:32 |
jeh | can you nuke the gnome stuff from an ubuntu? | 01:32 |
incubii | apt-get remove gnome* ? | 01:33 |
aftertaf | apart from the default gnome -vs- kde, ubuntu is kubuntu & vice versa..... | 01:33 |
jeh | ...without making the system more or less unusable? | 01:33 |
aftertaf | incubii> probably | 01:33 |
aftertaf | jeh> think so.... ubuntu depends neither on kde or gnome. | 01:33 |
jeh | on a fedora you can't really get rid of the gnome stuff | 01:33 |
aftertaf | ubuntu is in a debian world :) | 01:34 |
incubii | we do things the right way :P | 01:34 |
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aftertaf | incubii> yeahhhhhhhhh :) | 01:40 |
jeh | i should actually nuke this fedora | 01:41 |
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paines | hi | 01:43 |
aftertaf | hi | 01:44 |
aftertaf | Jeh probably yeah ;) | 01:45 |
aftertaf | redhat... :/ never got on with them | 01:45 |
paines | i am a bit pissed off about the situation for amd64. everytime kde releases something, the same minute (k)ubuntu packages are released for it too, but only for i386. I would like to help with that, like compiling and so on for amd64. | 01:45 |
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jeh | aftertaf: i inherited this machine at work with fedora already on it. i think when i get a quiet day i'll shove my hoary dvd to it | 01:46 |
chx | the big problem is, that my favourite mp3 player beep-media-player needs gnome :( | 01:46 |
jeh | chx: is it such a big problem then? | 01:46 |
aftertaf | chx> then install bmp and the other packages.... you can get by without having the whole gnome package | 01:46 |
aftertaf | paines> hmm. speak to apokryphos , maybe he can point you in the right direction. | 01:47 |
paines | aftertaf, okay. thank you very much | 01:47 |
paines | or maybe i should contact jon riddel directly | 01:48 |
chx | aftertaf: how could I remove what's not necessary? this is a wider question actually... apt-get now is not too snappy 'cos there are 100 000 files installed and I do not really have an idea how did I get that much since Hoary is out... | 01:48 |
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apokryphos | paines: help is certainly accepted :). Join #kubuntu-devel and let Riddell in there know | 01:48 |
paines | all right | 01:48 |
paines | :-) | 01:48 |
paines | thanks | 01:48 |
chx | deporphan lists only very few packages | 01:48 |
aftertaf | :) | 01:48 |
aftertaf | hehe | 01:48 |
apokryphos | paines: the main problem was that we plainly didn't have AMD64 people ready to compile. | 01:48 |
aftertaf | 100000 files or packages? | 01:49 |
paines | apokryphos, i thought about something like that | 01:49 |
chx | aftertaf: files | 01:49 |
aftertaf | thats maybe not a pb you know....... | 01:49 |
chx | (Reading database ... 102862 files and directories currently installed.) | 01:49 |
aftertaf | but go into synaptic/adept and search for gnome string in description, then remove all you see.... preview what it will remove and make sure nothing you want to keep has dependencies | 01:50 |
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chx | aftertaf: that's OK for gnome, but I doubt I need all the 1143 that got slipped on my system. I guess most are were used for compiling this or that but no longer needed :( | 01:50 |
chx | 1143 packages, that is | 01:51 |
chx | adept is for Breezy, isn't it? | 01:51 |
aftertaf | chx> hehe.... sort of, but you can get it in hoary too. | 01:51 |
aftertaf | need to add a special repository ;) | 01:51 |
chx | oh shit, firefox also depends on gnome stuff :( | 01:52 |
aftertaf | chx> yep... | 01:52 |
mornfall | just drop ffox, easy ;-) | 01:53 |
chx | mornfall: despite I am a registered Opera user for years, Firefox is still needed sometimes | 01:54 |
aftertaf | hehe mornfall | 01:54 |
aftertaf | purist ! | 01:54 |
aftertaf | chx> wine & IE is the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 01:54 |
aftertaf | hahahahahahaha | 01:54 |
aftertaf | </evil bill mode> | 01:54 |
mornfall | aftertaf: i don't use ffox unless forced | 01:54 |
chx | I am also a registered Crossover Office user and yes, I run IE sometimes | 01:54 |
mornfall | but then, i recently got rid of kmail :-) | 01:54 |
chx | mornfall: nod | 01:54 |
mornfall | mutt | 01:55 |
jeh | how good is adept? | 01:55 |
aftertaf | kmail? what link to firefox? | 01:55 |
mornfall | aftertaf: purism | 01:55 |
aftertaf | jeh> ask its mum ;) | 01:55 |
jeh | aftertaf: heh, i'm slightly blind :) | 01:55 |
mornfall | adept doesn't cook you a dinner yet | 01:55 |
aftertaf | lol mornfall | 01:56 |
jeh | mornfall: not even expected. coffee would be nice though | 01:56 |
aftertaf | you notice the edinting of deb http:// thing i mentioned? | 01:56 |
=== aftertaf wants a coffee | ||
mornfall | lemme try | 01:56 |
mornfall | aftertaf: you really need to file b.k.o entries ;-) | 01:56 |
aftertaf | i cant get my head round how to use that site..... makes me go all sweaty and afraid ;) | 01:57 |
mornfall | aftertaf: ur right | 01:57 |
mornfall | aftertaf: bugzilla sucks, but tough luck | 01:57 |
mornfall | sp++ | 01:58 |
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mornfall | O.o | 01:59 |
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mornfall | *frown* my head hurts | 02:00 |
aftertaf | lol | 02:01 |
mornfall | it ain't funny | 02:02 |
aftertaf | oh, for real? erf! | 02:02 |
aftertaf | not funny!!! | 02:02 |
mornfall | listening to Katatonia - Rainroom (0:04/6:31) | 02:03 |
aftertaf | whats the ting with kmail then? | 02:03 |
mornfall | kmail sucks | 02:03 |
mornfall | kinda | 02:03 |
mornfall | crashy and unreliable | 02:03 |
mornfall | and i hate unreliable soft | 02:03 |
chx | wow we are down to 95K files... | 02:04 |
chx | kmail-- | 02:04 |
chx | Opera M2++ | 02:04 |
chx | When I had about 1000 messages in a folder | 02:04 |
chx | really not mcuh | 02:04 |
chx | kmail and search became orthogonal :) | 02:04 |
chx | Opera M2 can deal with 100 000 mails in a folder and still do incremental search without any noticeable delays. | 02:05 |
mornfall | that's virtually impossible you know :) | 02:05 |
chx | mornfall: heard of databases :) ? | 02:05 |
mornfall | chx: yeah, but you need to do linear search here | 02:06 |
chx | hmmm | 02:06 |
chx | prefix tree I gues. | 02:06 |
mornfall | chx: and linear search on substrings is, well, linear search on substrings | 02:06 |
JabberWokky | Not if you index them as they come in. | 02:06 |
chx | yes, there is definitely an index | 02:06 |
mornfall | erm, what kind of index? if it only matches on words, it's useless | 02:07 |
mornfall | well | 02:07 |
mornfall | yeah, i guess you can do an index and match that index | 02:07 |
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JabberWokky | Yes. That's how most indexes work... like htdig or... uhh... Google. | 02:07 |
mornfall | JabberWokky: htdig and google only matches on words | 02:07 |
JabberWokky | (I'd assume) | 02:07 |
mornfall | that's _easy_ | 02:08 |
aftertaf | opera installs oracle 9i hidden version for mail searching ... hehe | 02:08 |
JabberWokky | mornfall: No, they can match on phrase. | 02:08 |
chx | of course Opera matches only words | 02:08 |
mornfall | JabberWokky: that's an easy extension of easy concept | 02:08 |
mornfall | i need _substrings_ | 02:08 |
chx | mornfall: there is a non-incremental search , too | 02:08 |
mornfall | chx: incremental search needs to work on substrings, too | 02:08 |
chx | mornfall: what's more you can make that search permanent... very convinient... no folders just filters | 02:09 |
JabberWokky | No it doesn't... not if the start falls at a word. | 02:09 |
chx | JabberWokky: exactly | 02:09 |
JabberWokky | Besides, there are other ways to index. | 02:09 |
mornfall | yeah, if you have an per-word index over message headers, you could do substring match on that and then make union over the matching words | 02:11 |
mornfall | question is, how big such an index becomes | 02:11 |
chx | opera quicksearch works on more than headers -- full text. | 02:12 |
chx | btw. is there a good algorithm to match 1000 search strings at once against a text? | 02:13 |
chx | I guess some preprocessing needs to be done and then it'll be blazing fast | 02:13 |
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othomas | hi all..:)...<waves> | 02:38 |
aftertaf | hi:) | 02:38 |
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othomas | another great day aftertaf | 02:41 |
othomas | lol | 02:41 |
Prodegy | Im tired | 02:41 |
Prodegy | Bout to go to work though | 02:41 |
Prodegy | Everyone have a good day | 02:42 |
othomas | u2 prodegy | 02:42 |
Prodegy | thanks mate | 02:42 |
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Riddell] : KDE 3.5 Beta 1 | Dapper ideas: | Kubuntu Breezy Preview | test adept (in Breezy): sudo apt-get install adept | Non-kde-related questions: #ubuntu as well | Nederlands #kubuntu-nl | Espaol #kubuntu-es | Deutsch #kubuntu-de| Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ | ||
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aftertaf | oh yeah..... seems 2 be a good day. | 02:48 |
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aftertaf | Riddell> 3.5 will be released for breezy sometime soon after the oct13 release? | 02:48 |
Riddell | aftertaf: KDE 3.5 doesn't have a release date but it'll be after breezy | 02:49 |
aftertaf | yeah i thought so.... it it stable enought to be tested out on breezy now? | 02:50 |
aftertaf | i know you would like testers though....and id be willing. | 02:50 |
MrFaber | Does anyone know how caching works with arts? | 02:50 |
MrFaber | Doesn't it desynchronize movies? | 02:51 |
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`Nomad | Hi all.. Any suggestion for a free IMAP mail account for use in a demo to my boss? | 02:58 |
aftertaf | tried free imap in uncle google? | 02:59 |
aftertaf | ;) | 02:59 |
aftertaf | (other way of saying, nope sorry!!!) | 03:00 |
othomas | kelly rippa is so skinny, her ribs show between her breasts | 03:01 |
`Nomad | oops.. Got one yes, fastmail. :) | 03:07 |
aftertaf | whois kelly rippa? | 03:07 |
othomas | she's host on regis and kelly | 03:07 |
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othomas | sorry inoticed cuz they talking about diets | 03:08 |
aftertaf | whatis regis & kelly? | 03:09 |
aftertaf | ribs between breasts? sounds like a barbecue ;) | 03:09 |
othomas | LOL | 03:09 |
aftertaf | any going spare ;) ? | 03:10 |
othomas | don't think so.she seems to save her ribs..hahah | 03:11 |
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Budda | i've downloaded following splashscreen : | 03:29 |
Budda | | 03:29 |
Budda | and theres a theme.rc in it but i can't see it with the kcontrolcenter someone has a idea what to do? | 03:30 |
aftertaf | nice | 03:31 |
Budda | yeah...but how can i use it? | 03:32 |
aftertaf | dunno. | 03:33 |
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morrow | Budda: just add the tar.gz which you downloaded | 03:34 |
buz | is kde 3.5beta safe for use? (still laughing about the code name, btw) | 03:34 |
aftertaf | copy to /usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes | 03:34 |
Budda | thanks | 03:35 |
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othomas | hi K_K | 03:39 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hi othomas. how are you? | 03:39 |
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morrow | Unpacking kanzler (from .../kanzler_18_09_2005.deb) ... | 03:43 |
morrow | dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of regierung: | 03:43 |
morrow | kanzler depends on mehrheit ; however: | 03:43 |
morrow | Package mehrheit is not installed. | 03:43 |
buz | ROTFL | 03:43 |
buz | package schrder conflicts with package merkel | 03:44 |
buz | both want to install data into kanzlersitz | 03:44 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser blinks. thats not english | ||
buz | they dont speak english in germany you know ;) | 03:44 |
Kamping_Kaiser | backward race ;) | 03:45 |
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morrow | not my fault that KDE's codename is kanzler :-) | 03:45 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 03:45 |
buz | as i say, kde is fsater than zee germans themselves ;) | 03:45 |
=== othomas loves it when mutual dependencies conflict with each other | ||
buz | but is kanzler useable? | 03:45 |
Budda_ | how can i change the size of the desktop icons? | 03:45 |
buz | or best left alone? | 03:45 |
slow-motion | hallo | 03:45 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol buz | 03:45 |
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buz | (well neither schrder nor merkel is really useable if you ask me. KDE for chancellor!) | 03:46 |
othomas | lol | 03:46 |
buz | but then both kde and gnome would get 35% and neither one could rule i guess | 03:47 |
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Budda_ | does nobody know how i can change the size of icons on the desktop? | 03:47 |
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aftertaf | loool morrow :) | 03:52 |
aftertaf | !start a chancellor war | 03:52 |
ubotu | aftertaf: Are you on ritalin? | 03:52 |
apokryphos | Budda: go to the control center | 03:52 |
aftertaf | oh it already started ;) | 03:52 |
apokryphos | Budda: appearance & themes -> icons | 03:53 |
buz | mhh somehow, ubotu isnt very friendly ;) | 03:57 |
othomas | lol | 03:57 |
buz | keeps telling people they are on drugs ;) | 03:57 |
Budda^AA | apokryphos, thx | 03:57 |
othomas | ask if he's a bot..<grin> | 03:57 |
Kamping_Kaiser | buz. its probably right :) | 03:57 |
buz | ubotu: are you a bot? | 03:58 |
ubotu | buz: I haven't a clue | 03:58 |
buz | that explains | 03:58 |
aftertaf | !bot | 03:58 |
ubotu | I'm a bot, I'm a bot. Set fire to me, I'll get hot. Reply to aftertaf? I think not. Bot, got, chicken... rhyming sucks. | 03:58 |
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buz | !ubotu | 03:58 |
ubotu | Thaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my brain on | 03:58 |
othomas | lol | 03:58 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol. love it | 03:59 |
Kamping_Kaiser | | 03:59 |
aftertaf | boing..... | 03:59 |
aftertaf | im outta here ;) | 03:59 |
buz | ok lets see if kanzler works ;) | 04:05 |
buz | i'll upgrade to breezy later this week any way | 04:05 |
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buz | ok, kde still comes up | 04:11 |
buz | but the window deco looks kinda weird | 04:11 |
buz | pager now displays contents, nice | 04:12 |
othomas | mmmmmmmmmmmmm | 04:12 |
buz | it still is plastik | 04:13 |
buz | but somehow, the buttons look quite edgy | 04:13 |
buz | might be intentional though | 04:13 |
buz | i think they were more rounded before | 04:13 |
buz | decoupled taskbar now has some animations | 04:14 |
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buz | i think it might have somehow done something to my fonts | 04:21 |
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buz | is replacing hoary by breezy in sources.list enough to update to breezy | 04:24 |
buz | (i have backups ;) | 04:24 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | then usual update and dist-upgrade yes | 04:25 |
buz | 906 upgraded, 357 newly installed, 44 to remove and 2 not upgraded. | 04:25 |
buz | After unpacking 453MB of additional disk space will be used. | 04:25 |
Juerd | buz: In general, yes. | 04:25 |
buz | is that normal? | 04:25 |
Kamping_Kaiser | sounds about right | 04:26 |
Juerd | It's possible your installation wasn't complete before | 04:26 |
buz | it probably was ;) | 04:26 |
ml-- | is it hard to get tv-out working properly? | 04:26 |
Juerd | ml--: Depends on much | 04:26 |
buz | the 2 not upgraded worries me somewhat | 04:26 |
Juerd | ml--: Best way to find out is to try | 04:26 |
Juerd | buz: You can do those manually afterwards if you like | 04:27 |
buz | ah well lets have it download the stuff | 04:27 |
buz | i'll be having holidays as of tomorrow | 04:27 |
ml-- | Juerd: can you point me to a tutorial? the ones ive found have been tied to the nvidia chipset. | 04:27 |
Juerd | ml--: No, sorry | 04:27 |
ml-- | Juerd: ok. ill keep looking. thanks. | 04:27 |
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Kejk_PL | Hello, Kubuntu will be relesed with stable 3.5 or with 3.4? | 04:34 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | 3.4 | 04:34 |
Kamping_Kaiser | 3.5 missed stable by about 2 weeks iirc | 04:35 |
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buz | we'll still get 3.5 first I'd say | 04:35 |
Kejk_PL | I found in wiki, that Kubuntu's autors will wait if 3.5 will be relesed soon after Ubuntu | 04:35 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | ok. | 04:36 |
Kamping_Kaiser | *shrug* doesnt matter to me :) | 04:36 |
morrow | 3.5 is still beta, so i would wait putting it into an stable release. :) | 04:37 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | hi thoreauputic | 04:39 |
thoreauputic | hi Kamping_Kaiser :) | 04:39 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :) how are you? | 04:39 |
Kejk_PL | I hope they release kubuntu soon, I'll install 3.5 from unoficial repo, but now I need next stable release :P | 04:39 |
buz | morrow: so far 3.5 works nicely | 04:39 |
buz | whereas sofar is the last 20min | 04:39 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Kejk_PL: soon is about 25 days :) | 04:40 |
Kejk_PL | in first day of October would be great :) | 04:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | not gonna happen | 04:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | try 13th :) | 04:41 |
Kejk_PL | */days | 04:41 |
DaSkreech | Dapper is the next release after Breezy? | 04:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yep | 04:41 |
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DaSkreech | What animal? | 04:42 |
DaSkreech | Dodo? :-) | 04:42 |
Kejk_PL | it is not for me in fact, but I don't want to installl preview version for my sisters - they won't cope with any bug :P | 04:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | DaSkreech: duck | 04:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | *drake | 04:42 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser bangs head on wall. i have to stop saying *duck* | ||
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=== DaSkreech liked the hog theme :-( | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | o_0 there was only one hog. not long to get to like it | 04:44 |
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DaSkreech | Ground hog | 04:44 |
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DaSkreech | Hedge hog | 04:44 |
DaSkreech | Wart hog | 04:45 |
Kamping_Kaiser | there was 'hoary hedgehog' and 'breezy badger' | 04:45 |
DaSkreech | Warty Warthog | 04:45 |
Kamping_Kaiser | and they are debating a 'grumpy groundhog' | 04:45 |
Kamping_Kaiser | true. my bad :/ | 04:45 |
DaSkreech | and breezy was to be Grumpy Ground hog | 04:45 |
DaSkreech | They switched it like two weeks before | 04:45 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | grumpy groundhog is being thought of to be ubuntus Sid | 04:46 |
=== DaSkreech needs to stop putting a space before hog | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 04:46 |
buz | i'm for humping ape | 04:46 |
DaSkreech | With Mono? | 04:46 |
Kamping_Kaiser | how about ubuntu 7.20, the Randy Geek release? | 04:46 |
DaSkreech | Comes with Sex? | 04:47 |
Kamping_Kaiser | would be good. | 04:47 |
DaSkreech | | 04:47 |
DaSkreech | df ==sf | 04:47 |
DaSkreech | Bah I know you are lazy | 04:47 |
DaSkreech | | 04:47 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol. yeh, i waited | 04:49 |
DaSkreech | Oh wait :) | 04:49 |
Kamping_Kaiser | | 04:49 |
DaSkreech | | 04:50 |
DaSkreech | Whoops :-) | 04:50 |
regeya | rock ooooooon! | 04:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | mmmm | 04:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | apt-get install sex | 04:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | depends: whois man finger | 04:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ;) | 04:51 |
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avinoam | I have a question- I'm trying to install kmuddy and there are ubuntu versions of files that are not enough up to date | 04:53 |
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DaSkreech | Kamping_Kaiser:Oh Right you don't know the meaning of Randy Geek | 04:54 |
DaSkreech | apt: updatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep, or super extractor, | 04:54 |
othomas | LOLOLOL | 04:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | DaSkreech: i didnt have time for that... geek :P | 04:55 |
avinoam | I even tried updating based on debian unstable files, but that's also problematic | 04:55 |
DaSkreech | That was the ad for SuperEXtractor :) | 04:55 |
=== othomas wonders what DaSkreech is thinking of to see all that | ||
=== Kamping_Kaiser blocks 'dirty' sites like sf/sex ;) | ||
othomas | lol | 04:56 |
Juerd | DaSkreech: yes is kind of infinite, though. | 04:56 |
nikkia | DaSkreech: the original unix 'sex' was funnier, those apt-get's just ruin the tempo | 04:56 |
avinoam | anyone have any idea how i can get that package running? | 04:56 |
DaSkreech | Juerd: I noticed | 04:56 |
nikkia | also, 30 year old unix jokes get tired :P | 04:57 |
DaSkreech | Yeah well they fit the Randy Geek theme | 04:57 |
othomas | pass on viagra, they say it causes blindness....hmmmmmmmmmmmm | 04:57 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser thinks his Randy Geek theme has support ;) | ||
othomas | lol | 04:58 |
nikkia | DaSkreech: i actually think implementing the DEC wombat is more in keeping with ubuntu style | 04:58 |
othomas | wombat was fun | 04:58 |
nikkia | othomas: pfft, don't pretend you know what i'm talking about, it doesn't work :P | 04:58 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 04:59 |
=== DaSkreech was just wondering what they heck you were talking about | ||
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DaSkreech | As In Alpha DEC? | 04:59 |
nikkia | 'wombat' == about 30-40 help pages about wombats, their eating, mating, and general habits, hidden deep with DEC's database software | 04:59 |
Kamping_Kaiser | rofl | 04:59 |
Kamping_Kaiser | the Wired Wombat... hm... | 05:00 |
nikkia | Kamping_Kaiser: the best line was 'Wombats: Eating They don't taste too good' | 05:00 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol. bloody dec | 05:01 |
nikkia | Kamping_Kaiser: and DEC's 'make' had the old 'make love' -> 'not war?' 'make war' -> not love?' responses | 05:02 |
Kamping_Kaiser | mmm. good old days :P | 05:02 |
othomas | nikkia, why do you think I have no experience with DEC vax's and microvax's | 05:03 |
nikkia | othomas: well, it was humourous, perhaps even funny, but i would be surprised to see anyone ever describe a help system as 'fun' | 05:04 |
othomas | fun is in a geeks vocabulary when dealing with problems..we live for solving it...:) | 05:05 |
othomas | is why your on a help channel...:) | 05:06 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | no, othomas, your here to laugh at new users ;) | 05:06 |
Kamping_Kaiser | HAHAHAHAH | 05:08 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i just found where 'terminal' has moved to | 05:08 |
Kamping_Kaiser | after how long using breezy? *slaps head* | 05:08 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser searches for root term now | ||
nikkia | Kamping_Kaiser: a small bungalow outside southend ? | 05:08 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nikkia: close | 05:09 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | o.+ | 05:17 |
Kamping_Kaiser | o_o | 05:17 |
Kamping_Kaiser | +.o | 05:17 |
Kamping_Kaiser | 0.o | 05:17 |
Kamping_Kaiser | o.0 | 05:17 |
Pyf | in ktorrent is there a way to see if your connecting to the tracker properly, so if your port forwarding is working? | 05:17 |
buz | how will the policy for oo2 be in breezy? | 05:20 |
buz | right now it's very up to date | 05:20 |
Kamping_Kaiser | later all. | 05:20 |
Kamping_Kaiser | have fun. good luck | 05:21 |
othomas | u2, sleep well | 05:21 |
=== nikkia laughs at her electricity bill | ||
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pcaro | quit | 05:25 |
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hussam | It's a reall pitty Breezy won't have kde 3.5 | 05:33 |
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=== apokryphos nods | ||
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LokeDK | Where can I choose alsa as sound server? | 05:35 |
hussam | It there any change that kde 3.5 can hit once it goes final? | 05:35 |
LokeDK | instead of arts | 05:35 |
buz | hussam: i doubt it | 05:36 |
buz | then again, i barely care | 05:36 |
hussam | buz: when is kde 3.5 due for release? | 05:36 |
buz | dunno, really | 05:36 |
buz | but it would have to be fast it's only beta 1 after all | 05:36 |
buz | works btw | 05:36 |
morrow | LokeDK: alsa is no sound server, its the interface to the card (aka driver) | 05:36 |
buz | Errors were encountered while processing: | 05:37 |
buz | /var/cache/apt/archives/openoffice.org2-common_1.9.129-0.1ubuntu1_all.deb | 05:37 |
thoreauputic | hussam: I heard kde 3.5 would be backported ASAP | 05:37 |
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buz | ok aside of that, breezy install went flawless save for the usual LOCALE complaints | 05:37 |
LokeDK | Okay what I meant.. but I prefer alsa than arts | 05:37 |
buz | kubuntu pride itself on being first with releasing binary kde updates | 05:37 |
buz | ok lets see if the updat eworked | 05:37 |
hussam | buz: Yeah I upgraded to breezy as well a week ago | 05:37 |
apokryphos | Beautiful KDE PDF docs: | 05:38 |
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thoreauputic | LokeDK: you may be confused - alsa is a sound architecture, artsd is a sound daemon like esound | 05:38 |
apokryphos | Eventually all of them will be available from a site (and there'll be an easy make file for them) | 05:38 |
thoreauputic | LokeDK: IOW, artsd uses alsa | 05:38 |
nikkia | thoreauputic: thats a gross oversimplification :) | 05:38 |
thoreauputic | nikkia: of course it is | 05:39 |
LokeDK | Okay I guess I have misunderstood something | 05:39 |
thoreauputic | :) | 05:39 |
nikkia | thoreauputic: weirdly, alsa *can* act as a sort of sound daemon | 05:39 |
thoreauputic | nikkia: KISS principle? | 05:39 |
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thoreauputic | nikkia: but if you can explain it more accurately, of course that would be preferable :) | 05:40 |
nikkia | thoreauputic: the problem is, there are two aspects of alsa, that are *usually* interconnected, but not necessarily so | 05:40 |
nikkia | there are the drivers, and the sound library (asound) | 05:40 |
thoreauputic | nikkia: OK that's interesting | 05:40 |
nikkia | the sound library doesn't actually have to use alsa as its back end | 05:40 |
nikkia | for example, and this is where its going to get weird... | 05:41 |
nikkia | i have alsa as my sound drivers, on top of that runs jack, then i have alsa configured to use jackplug as its output device | 05:41 |
nalioth | anybody had trouble with ppc networking with the last few updates? | 05:41 |
nikkia | that means programs that try to write to alsa for audio playback, play via jack, which plays via alsa :) | 05:41 |
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thoreauputic | nikkia: good luck walking hussam through that labyrinth - you've lost me now too :D | 05:42 |
hussam | thoreauputic: I'm not the one who asked about alsa | 05:42 |
thoreauputic | nikkia: sond on linux is a mystery wrapped in an enigma for me :) | 05:42 |
nalioth | my breezy test box is dead-in-the-water | 05:43 |
nikkia | thoreauputic: jack is the key, IMO | 05:43 |
thoreauputic | hussam: oops - sorry | 05:43 |
thoreauputic | hussam: I meant LokeDK of course | 05:43 |
nikkia | thoreauputic: the only limitation i have, with jack, is that i have to stop the jack server to run my (work) java apps with sound, because the lwjgl doesn't like being wrapped with any 'oss wrapper' for some reason | 05:43 |
hussam | thoreauputic: got that :) | 05:44 |
nalioth | can anyone see me? | 05:44 |
=== nikkia stares blindly at noatun | ||
nikkia | it just popped up a OSD with 'Lick your partners flac' :) | 05:44 |
regeya | o_O | 05:45 |
=== regeya uses amarok, so ok, heh | ||
nalioth | good morning everyone | 05:46 |
thoreauputic | morning nalioth :) | 05:46 |
DaSkreech | Hi nalioth | 05:46 |
nalioth | was wonderin if anyone could see me | 05:46 |
nikkia | eep | 05:46 |
thoreauputic | nalioth: I ccan confirm your virtual existence ;) | 05:46 |
nikkia | the korean versions of firefox binaries were infected with a linux virus! | 05:46 |
nalioth | bugzilla is down | 05:47 |
seth_k | nalioth, yeah, network and X both died on me after yesterday's update | 05:47 |
seth_k | (re: your question in u-devel) | 05:47 |
thoreauputic | nikkia: link? | 05:47 |
nalioth | seth_k: well then, that begs the question.. .. .. | 05:47 |
nikkia | thoreauputic: | 05:47 |
nalioth | thoreauputic: front page of /. | 05:47 |
=== thoreauputic realises he should google | ||
nikkia | thoreauputic: i imagine the distro specific builds were ok | 05:47 |
thoreauputic | ah /. OK | 05:47 |
thoreauputic | thank you both :) | 05:48 |
nalioth | seth_k: how does one recover from the network snafu? my x works fine on the ibook, just no network | 05:48 |
nikkia | before anyone says 'this is fine, don't run it as root' remember that you're actually supposed to run firefox and thunderbird as root *once* initially to seed the global profile stuff | 05:48 |
=== nalioth alreaday knows the answer to his own question | ||
nalioth | nikkia: really? i haven't run any member of the mozilla family as root in a long long time | 05:49 |
nikkia | nalioth: yep, its 'required' to setup stuff like the plugin registry | 05:50 |
thoreauputic | nalioth: presumably the apt install scripts run as root though - well , not presumably; they have to | 05:50 |
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nikkia | thoreauputic: they probably install a pre-seeded global profile | 05:50 |
thoreauputic | um.. dpkg | 05:50 |
nikkia | and i'm surprised, its actually a proper virus | 05:50 |
=== nalioth counts on his fingers when the optimum day would be to d/l a daily breezy image | ||
nikkia | as in old school 'attaches itself to other executables and spreads' stuff | 05:51 |
thoreauputic | nikkia: as you say, distro specific versions should avoid this issue | 05:51 |
nikkia | thoreauputic: yeah, i imagine most distros build from source | 05:51 |
thoreauputic | nikkia: and hopefully *look* at the source code... umm .. I wonder | 05:52 |
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sorush20 | guys where are the kde headers | 05:52 |
nxv_ | i update to breezy an now seem to have spellchecking activated in kopete and kmail. how can i switch the languages there? | 05:53 |
nalioth | sorush20: look in kynaptic for kde*-dev | 05:53 |
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apokryphos | nxv_: it checks what locales you're using, likely; check in systemsettings | 05:57 |
nxv_ | apokryphos: i switch between german and englisch but i use us als keyboard layout | 05:59 |
apokryphos | ok | 05:59 |
nxv_ | apokryphos: no way to have a switch like those for the keyboard layouts ? | 05:59 |
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apokryphos | nxv_: what switch does it have? Some keypress? | 06:03 |
nxv_ | apokryphos: its a switch in the taskbar, but a shortcut would be fine too | 06:04 |
apokryphos | nxv_: there doesn't seem to be one like that, nope | 06:05 |
apokryphos | it wouldn't be easily implemented though (apps would have to be restarted for it to take effect etc) | 06:05 |
nxv_ | a pity | 06:05 |
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nikkia | thats one of the advantages of having a system-wide spell check provider :/ | 06:06 |
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freemanen | Thar music player can you choose to kubuntu i don't like kaffeine? | 06:08 |
nalioth | freemanen: there are several music players to choose from | 06:09 |
nalioth | freemanen: use kynaptic and search | 06:09 |
freemanen | oki | 06:09 |
apokryphos | freemanen: amaroK and JuK are installed by default in Kubuntu | 06:10 |
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nxv_ | i looove amarok | 06:14 |
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buz | mhh that breezy update ain't quite right | 06:25 |
buz | after the first reboot, x wont come up | 06:25 |
buz | i figure out it has only installed about 100 out of 700 packages | 06:25 |
buz | apt-get -f dist-upgrade (runnin TWICE, first time choked on oo2, again) | 06:25 |
buz | fixed that | 06:25 |
buz | but then the real showstopper started | 06:26 |
buz | the newly installed kernel wont boot from my XFS root filessystem | 06:26 |
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elmago | hi guys is anyone familiar with winex? | 06:32 |
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elmago | i need some help plz | 06:32 |
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slow-motion | re | 06:51 |
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toma | will kde 3.5 beta1 be limited to the packages currently available or will the rest follow? | 06:58 |
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spiral | hi | 07:00 |
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chx | Any tried apt-get dist-upgrade to breezy preview? | 07:01 |
nalioth | chx: lots of us | 07:01 |
_andreas | works fine here | 07:02 |
_andreas | breezy is really nice | 07:02 |
_andreas | my last dist-upgrade brought me a shining new kdm | 07:02 |
chx | OK | 07:03 |
chx | Then... how do I do it? Looked at the breezy-preview page | 07:03 |
chx | I guess I need to change apt sources | 07:03 |
jjesse | chx: just edit your sources.lst and change references from hoary to breezy | 07:04 |
jjesse | chx: however there are no backports section last i heard | 07:04 |
_andreas | what's a backport | 07:04 |
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jjesse | things backported into hoary | 07:05 |
chx | geez | 07:05 |
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chx | that's deep. 593 Mbytes of packages? | 07:06 |
jjesse | for the upgrade? a little more for me | 07:06 |
jjesse | depends on how much you have installed i guess | 07:06 |
chx | sure | 07:07 |
chx | a new libc? | 07:07 |
=== chx fears a little. | ||
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spiral | hmmm, does anyone here know if breezy will come with KDE 3.5 or not ? | 07:08 |
chx | spiral: likely not. | 07:09 |
jjesse | Riddell: what version of kde will breezy be? | 07:09 |
nalioth | spiral: you living in the future? | 07:09 |
jjesse | isn't it 3.4.x or something like that? | 07:09 |
nalioth | jjesse: 3.4.2 currently | 07:09 |
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Riddell | jjesse: 3.4.2 | 07:12 |
jjesse | thanks Riddell | 07:12 |
Riddell | spiral: 3.5 will be out too late for breezy | 07:12 |
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spiral | Riddell: all right, thanks for the confirmation... We'll have to wait for the backports | 07:13 |
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toma | Riddell: will the beta1 packages be complete later on? | 07:14 |
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nalioth | backports will provide for your *blinG* addictions | 07:15 |
Riddell | toma: probably not I'm afraid but I'll do what I can | 07:15 |
toma | Riddell: ok, fair enough. | 07:16 |
chx | to my understanding, Debian Sid / Etch is undergoing something called a "C++ ABI transition". Some packages (konversation for eg.) are available for this new system only. Question is: Breezy is after or before this? | 07:16 |
Riddell | chx: breezy has completed that transition | 07:17 |
chx | cool. It's not that I have the slightest idea of what I am talking of, I just would like to get Konversation 0.18 from a deb and for that I am dist-upgrading now. | 07:17 |
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nikkia | chx, the transition is scarier than it sounds | 07:17 |
nikkia | it basically boils down to 'compile the OS and apps with gcc 4.0 instead of 3.3' | 07:18 |
Johnny- | Is the preview version how "preview", stable? | 07:18 |
nikkia | erm | 07:18 |
nikkia | i mean 'sounds scarier than it is' | 07:18 |
jjesse | Johnny-: I've had no problems with it | 07:18 |
nikkia | not sure how i managed to type the exact opposite | 07:18 |
chx | nikkia: you mean that Deb. and Ubuntu folks have recompiled _all_ stuff? | 07:18 |
Riddell | I got scared by it, I still get c++ transition nightmares sometimes | 07:18 |
nikkia | chx, i imagine so, it doesn't take long | 07:18 |
nikkia | chx, i'm running LFS, it took me about 2 days to build the base OS, and another 3-4 to get KDE, et al, compiled | 07:19 |
chx | nikkia: from what Riddell said, it does not sound like a garden party | 07:19 |
nikkia | chx, packaging new packages necessarily involves recompiling them anyway | 07:19 |
Johnny- | jjesse, good to know :) | 07:19 |
nikkia | chx, for 99% of the apps on the OS, it probably isn't an issue at all, you just recompile | 07:20 |
nikkia | chx, for that 1% that's where the mess is, if the compile fails because of a 4.0 change (and there are a few) then you have to patch it, or hope someone upstream already has | 07:20 |
chx | Johnny-: several people in this channel said to me that breezy preview is already OK | 07:20 |
Johnny- | chx, ok | 07:21 |
nikkia | chx, the hardest part of such a transition is actually probably organising the contributors to rebuild their packages, debian has more contributors than ubuntu, thus it will take longer for them | 07:21 |
chx | Johnny-: and quite frankly, just a month before release it needs to be nearly stable... | 07:21 |
spiral | ohhhhwww.... kdm launches but it then falls back to console, & I don't see it again with kde 3.5beta1... am I the only one ? | 07:21 |
Johnny- | Yep | 07:22 |
nalioth | chx: it is if you remember it's goin thru major bugfixes atm | 07:22 |
nikkia | chx, btw, in one sense an ABI transition can be a good thing | 07:24 |
nikkia | chx, it gives you a good excuse to sort out the no-longer-responding contributors from the general pack | 07:24 |
chx | oh yes | 07:25 |
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chx | I am a lead programmer of a much smaller project (Drupal CMS) and we learned that one of the good things in not keeping backwards compatibility is that non-maintained contributed modules will nicely not work :) | 07:26 |
Riddell | spiral: check /var/log/kdm.log | 07:27 |
godzero | I thought the 4.0 transistion would wind up pushing back breezy. A lot of unknowns when you switch ABIs | 07:27 |
spiral | Riddell: looks like he lost the mouse ? :-P | 07:27 |
Riddell | spiral: can you start X? | 07:27 |
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spiral | Riddell: it wants to use /dev/input/mice, & I don't have it ? :-P | 07:28 |
Riddell | spiral: could be the broken udev | 07:29 |
Riddell | what version of udev do you have? | 07:29 |
spiral | Riddell: 0.060-1ubuntu13 | 07:29 |
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rrichie | hi all | 07:30 |
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Riddell | spiral: that's the broken one, you want ubuntu14, try using the .gb mirror if it's not on your one | 07:30 |
spiral | Riddell: all right, I'll check this, thanks | 07:31 |
rrichie | i just installed kde 3.5beta 1 ubuntu packages but i don't have any more the bottom bar. Is there a command to make it appear? | 07:31 |
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Riddell | rrichie: kicker | 07:31 |
rrichie | riddell : it says it is already running | 07:32 |
toma | rrichie: did you restart kdm after updating? | 07:32 |
rrichie | yes | 07:32 |
chx | the wonders of the 'Net. The lead developer tells you off head that "you want ubuntu14". But of course. There are only a few thousand deb packages it's not a wonder he knows all versions. | 07:32 |
rrichie | i reseted my computer | 07:32 |
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toma | rrichie: is it in your ps ? | 07:33 |
Riddell | chx: I got hit with the udev problem earlier today :) | 07:33 |
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othomas | hi all | 07:33 |
Riddell | hello othomas | 07:33 |
spiral | Riddell: this might explain why my sound didn't work without doing snddevices at boot | 07:33 |
rrichie | ok i killed kicker but when i relaunch it the bar appear but disappear just after (seems it is outside the screen) | 07:33 |
othomas | :) | 07:33 |
toma | rrichie: which version of kicker is installed? | 07:34 |
rrichie | 3.4.91 | 07:35 |
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rrichie | do i need to delete my old kde settings ? | 07:35 |
rrichie | (~/.kde) ? | 07:35 |
chx | Riddell: but still, it's a warm and comfortable feeling to talk directly to someone who surely knows :) | 07:35 |
toma | rrichie: no, but you could try with a new user to see if it is the problem | 07:35 |
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OculusAquilae | hi | 07:36 |
Riddell | rrichie: can you cp ~/.kde/share/config/kickerrc somewhere, killall kicker, rm that rc file then start kicker again? | 07:36 |
othomas | hi OculusAquilae | 07:36 |
rrichie | ok let's try it | 07:36 |
rrichie | YES | 07:37 |
Riddell | rrichie: fixed? | 07:38 |
rrichie | yes | 07:38 |
rrichie | thank you very much for the help riddell | 07:38 |
Riddell | rrichie: can you put that nasty kickerrc file on a web server somewhere so I could take a look at it | 07:38 |
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rrichie | euh | 07:39 |
rrichie | where ? | 07:39 |
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Riddell | anywhere I can get it | 07:39 |
Riddell | or e-mail to | 07:39 |
rrichie | ok i'm mailing it | 07:40 |
apokryphos | Riddell: pastebins are good =) | 07:40 |
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rrichie | can i upload a file on pastebin ? | 07:40 |
apokryphos | rrichie: go to and paste it in there | 07:40 |
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rrichie | pasted in | 07:42 |
rrichie | | 07:43 |
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rrichie | is it ok ? | 07:44 |
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Riddell | rrichie: yep, seems to have worked | 07:44 |
rrichie | good :) | 07:44 |
rrichie | do you know if there will be the others kde 3.5b1 packages like kdenetwork ? | 07:45 |
rrichie | for ubuntu i mean | 07:45 |
Riddell | rrichie: you have AutoHidePanel=true | 07:46 |
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Riddell | that's why it was disappearing :) | 07:46 |
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toma | ;-) | 07:46 |
rrichie | no because when i put my mouse cursor on bottom it didn't come back | 07:46 |
Riddell | hmm, works fine for me | 07:47 |
rrichie | baah everything is ok for now :) | 07:47 |
rrichie | please will there be the rest of kde 3.5b1 packages for ubuntu ? | 07:49 |
toma | Riddell told me earlier that probably will not happen | 07:50 |
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rrichie | arggg | 07:50 |
buz | can anyone confirm or deny that breezy's kernel supports xfs? | 07:52 |
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Riddell | rrichie: upgrading to 3.5 I can confirm your problem | 07:52 |
rrichie | ahhh :) | 07:53 |
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othomas | lol | 07:54 |
toma | buz: grep -i xfs /boot/config-<kernel> | 07:54 |
buz | well i guess it has xfs. | 07:54 |
buz | xfs complains about the partition not being right but the old kernel boots just fine | 07:55 |
mcp_dk | can anyone recommend at easy to use FTP client for Kubuntu with a graphical interface | 07:55 |
toma | mcp_dk: konqueror? | 07:56 |
othomas | mozilla? | 07:56 |
buz | konqi ;) | 07:57 |
buz | mozilla aint a real client, it only supports downloads afaik | 07:57 |
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buz | is there a video player with native support for kioslaves? | 07:57 |
toma | buz: konqueror? | 07:58 |
toma | just kidding | 07:58 |
apokryphos | well, konqueror *can* embed videos :D | 07:58 |
buz | yes | 07:59 |
nalioth | kftpgrabber | 07:59 |
buz | but it's not entirely useful for that ;) | 07:59 |
mcp_dk | i need a client that will allow for uploads as well and that is good and stable. and preferrably also has a sitelist or something like that. Is konquror good as FTP client or does it simply also work as a FTP client ? | 08:00 |
apokryphos | mcp_dk: it's great as an ftp client | 08:00 |
apokryphos | mcp_dk: and, what would a sitelist do exactly? | 08:01 |
toma | mcp_dk: it is good. you can easily split your screen to see a traditional ftp layout and you can make favorites. | 08:01 |
buz | to konqi, ftp is just like any other kioslave it uses | 08:01 |
buz | so basically the same as locally | 08:02 |
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apokryphos | well, if I'm using GUI | 08:02 |
buz | mhh yeah fish and sftp are nice ;) | 08:04 |
buz | mpf | 08:05 |
buz | kat makes kded crash | 08:05 |
nalioth | mcp_dk: kftpgrabber | 08:05 |
apokryphos | I wonder if kbear is still being developed | 08:05 |
buz | htf do i get rid of kat | 08:05 |
apokryphos | buz: ctrl+alt+esc! | 08:06 |
buz | mhh that ended up killing kicker as well | 08:06 |
apokryphos | did you click on the kicker entry or something? :/ | 08:07 |
buz | might have done, thinking of it | 08:07 |
buz | in blind rage ;) | 08:07 |
apokryphos | still, I thought that was only ever set to kill one app/window, weird. | 08:07 |
apokryphos | hehe | 08:07 |
Riddell | rrichEating: | 08:08 |
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buz | mhh not giving kat anything to index helps ;) | 08:08 |
buz | it was in fact kat killing kded ;) | 08:08 |
apokryphos | kat's seemed really slow for me; might have to change options | 08:09 |
apokryphos | Ubuntu is actually the first distro I've had where the conventional gui find doesn't crash on opening | 08:09 |
buz | it seems pretty useless | 08:09 |
buz | at least until it get spotlight like integration | 08:09 |
buz | is kde 3.5 featurefrozen? | 08:10 |
Riddell | buz: it is | 08:10 |
jjesse | if i want to download the daily kubuntu build where do i go? | 08:10 |
buz | too bad | 08:10 |
apokryphos | locate/find/greps generally do the job for me. But a GUI find is useful for seeing-and-dragging | 08:10 |
buz | the pop up on the pager is really neat | 08:10 |
Riddell | buz: but the kat GUI is a throwaway | 08:10 |
apokryphos | jjesse: | 08:10 |
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buz | even neater would be the ability to click on individual apps ;) | 08:10 |
Riddell | jjesse: don't use todays | 08:10 |
Riddell | jjesse: today's CD build is boken | 08:11 |
jjesse | Riddell: ok i won't | 08:11 |
Riddell | jjesse: yesterday's was fine (but doesn't come with adept) | 08:11 |
jjesse | Riddell: that's what i wanted, see my email to you | 08:11 |
jjesse | Riddell: if i just do an apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade does it update it to include apdet then or should i want for another day? | 08:12 |
buz | now if i could figure out what's wrong with my kernel... | 08:12 |
Riddell | jjesse: yes in theory it should | 08:13 |
Riddell | although I just did that from hoary and it doesn't seem to have brought it in.. wonder why | 08:13 |
jjesse | Riddell: grin i guess the only way tto know is try it ? | 08:13 |
Riddell | apt-get install kubuntu-desktop does | 08:13 |
apokryphos | jjesse: did you not have kubuntu-desktop before dist-upgrading? | 08:14 |
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jjesse | apokryphos: i installed from the preview cd and it didn't include adept | 08:14 |
jjesse | so is the best way just to update or install it? | 08:14 |
buz | there might be something wrong with the postfix deb | 08:15 |
buz | it tries to start postfix without stopping it first? | 08:15 |
apokryphos | jjesse: it wasn't in back then, as far as I know; if you had k-d (before upgrading) though it should bring adept in anyway | 08:15 |
jjesse | checking | 08:16 |
buz | wow adept is neat | 08:16 |
buz | somewhat unconventional gui though | 08:16 |
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apokryphos | buz: good way of putting it; I just said it reminded me a little of html frames :P | 08:18 |
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pc22 | any here can play with ragnarok under ubuntu? | 08:18 |
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buz | mhh well the upper part is uhm special | 08:19 |
buz | especially those weird blue arrows | 08:20 |
buz | i understand what they're for | 08:20 |
buz | but good ui design it aint | 08:20 |
apokryphos | buz: you should let mornfall know what you think :) | 08:20 |
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buz | mhh i'm no usability whiz | 08:20 |
jjesse | i like this version a ton better then the alpha release of it | 08:21 |
buz | mhh amarok 1.3 wants to rescan my collection? will me nice settings be gone? | 08:21 |
buz | (maybe it wont crash all 3 tracks, if so, i'm happy ;) | 08:21 |
apokryphos | I think I preferred the design of the alpha, but not all the features of it. | 08:22 |
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buz | maybe if my screen wasnt 1600*1200 i had actually use for the arrows in adept ;) | 08:24 |
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mornfall | buz: some people have either small screens or like to keep more space for the package list etc... that's why the filters are collapsible | 08:25 |
buz | it just looks... unconventional | 08:26 |
mornfall | buz: i don't think it complicates their use as far as you ignore the arrows | 08:26 |
buz | that's true | 08:26 |
buz | the fact that you cant sort by attributes is more irritating | 08:26 |
mornfall | hmm, sort by attributes? | 08:26 |
mornfall | (sorting is completely not implemented atm, so that may be why :-)) | 08:26 |
buz | yeah say packages, installed.... by clicking column header ;) | 08:27 |
mornfall | well, that's not very useful is it? | 08:27 |
mornfall | maybe give an use-case :-) | 08:27 |
buz | well it's helpful if you know that something is installed | 08:27 |
buz | or not installed (say with a lot of *openoffice* packages) | 08:28 |
buz | oh and it reliably crashes when i try to install mozilla-mplayer | 08:28 |
mornfall | there's the status filter for that | 08:28 |
mornfall | buz: broken packages? | 08:28 |
buz | mhh dunno | 08:28 |
buz | doesnt even start it seems | 08:28 |
mornfall | buz: SIGABRT? | 08:28 |
buz | let's see what apt-get says | 08:28 |
buz | yeah apt says thepackage is broken | 08:29 |
buz | it cant find mplayer itself | 08:29 |
buz | which is kinda weird | 08:29 |
mornfall | i need to fix this broken packages snafu | 08:29 |
buz | yeah it might scare people ;) | 08:30 |
buz | but otherwise its above and beyond kynaptic and even beats synaptic | 08:31 |
buz | kudos | 08:31 |
mornfall | yay :-) | 08:32 |
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buz | now if i could figure out how to use katapult | 08:34 |
apokryphos | !katapult | 08:35 |
ubotu | Katapult is an application for KDE designed to provide faster access to applications, bookmarks and other items. Once you've installed it, alt+f2 ->katapult, then hit Alt+Space. | 08:35 |
=== apokryphos wonders why ubuntu starts hp printing daemons by default | ||
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rrichie | has anyone tried kopete from svn ? | 08:36 |
buz | mhh katapult is kinda daft | 08:36 |
buz | doesnt seem to want to use urls | 08:36 |
apokryphos | buz: good for bookmarks | 08:38 |
buz | i dont use bookmarks in konqi | 08:38 |
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buz | i think ill stick to the run applet then | 08:38 |
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buz | is there any chance to see firefox 1.5 in breezy? | 08:42 |
mornfall | buz: upstream version freeze | 08:42 |
buz | by means of supplementary repo like for kde maybe? | 08:43 |
mornfall | that's a different story | 08:43 |
=== buz thinks this whole patch backporting biz for firefox kinda weird | ||
buz | especially because firefox is pretty much self contained anyhow | 08:44 |
mornfall | hmh? | 08:44 |
buz | well instead of simply upgrading to the latest version, patches were backported to 1.0.2 for a while | 08:44 |
mornfall | buz: right, because only bugfixes are allowed -- since they have much smaller risk for regressions | 08:45 |
mornfall | pretty logical :) | 08:45 |
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buz | not so sure about that. backporting a bugfix would seem more risk than using an approved vendor release | 08:45 |
buz | (which they eventually did with 1.0.6 ;) | 08:46 |
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zAo^ | anyone useing kde 3.5 beta? | 08:53 |
buz | yes | 08:53 |
buz | works fine | 08:53 |
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buz | so far anyway | 08:53 |
zAo^ | any new features? | 08:53 |
buz | found some ui tweaks | 08:54 |
zAo^ | thats all? :$ | 08:54 |
rrichie | yes | 08:54 |
buz | like pager displaying icons of the stuff | 08:54 |
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mornfall | buz: that's been there for ages, just probably not default | 08:55 |
buz | mhh | 08:55 |
buz | tweaks to default settings then ;) | 08:55 |
spiral | does anyone here know wether kde 3.5beta1 apps will also make it to the kde 3.5beta1 repository ? | 08:58 |
toma | Riddell told me earlier that probably will not happen | 08:58 |
spiral | toma: sgnifff | 08:58 |
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buz | yeah amarok has played 5 tracks without crash | 09:00 |
buz | new record *EG* | 09:00 |
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godzero | breezy: celestia has no icon, and segfaults, stellaruim runs great, but no icon again | 09:09 |
godzero | I gotta start a list | 09:09 |
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jjesse | installing a new copy of kubuntu preview shouldn't it say Kubuntu configuration instead of Ubuntu Configuration | 09:11 |
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jjesse | and the start up splash screen shouldn't that be Kubuntu instead of ubuntu? | 09:16 |
nalioth | jjesse: breezy is under heavy developement | 09:17 |
buz | mhh heavy is wrong if there's already upstream freeze | 09:17 |
buz | it's under intense bug fixing ;) | 09:17 |
rrichie | when i click on Devices in configuration in kopete in kde3.5 it crashed saying :unable to resolve GL/GLX symbols - please check your GL library installation. | 09:17 |
jjesse | nalioth: i understand that | 09:17 |
godzero | Is kde 3.5 using gl tweeks? | 09:20 |
rrichie | don't know but it seems it does | 09:20 |
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buz | i think it uses plain xorg | 09:22 |
buz | cause i dont have gl configured ;) | 09:22 |
buz | let's see | 09:23 |
rrichie | buz : what version are you using ? | 09:23 |
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buz | 3.5b1 | 09:23 |
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rrichie | like me great :) | 09:23 |
buz | but kopete has no devices?? | 09:23 |
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rrichie | does it work for you ? | 09:23 |
rrichie | buz ? | 09:24 |
buz | what | 09:24 |
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rrichie | does click on the device menu make kopete crash ? | 09:25 |
buz | where0s that menu?? | 09:26 |
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rrichie | in configuration | 09:28 |
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krawek | hi | 09:28 |
buz | cant find it | 09:29 |
rrichie | ?? | 09:29 |
_StarScream | anyone here have an ibook? | 09:29 |
krawek | I have problems with sound in breezy | 09:29 |
_StarScream | krawek: you may need to be more helpful in your description | 09:30 |
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krawek | I does't have sound but the drivers are loaded | 09:31 |
krawek | I update to breezy (yesterday) | 09:31 |
_StarScream | krawek: and it was working before breezy | 09:32 |
krawek | I don't know... | 09:32 |
_StarScream | is your card supported under linux? | 09:32 |
buz | _StarScream: yes but i run osx on it | 09:32 |
krawek | yes, in hoary works... | 09:33 |
krawek | the chipset is VIA | 09:33 |
_StarScream | krawek: well thats what i was asking before! Anyway, breezy isn't stable yet. | 09:33 |
buz | krawek: what board | 09:33 |
_StarScream | might be worth seeing if there is a known problem | 09:33 |
krawek | buz: asus | 09:34 |
buz | which one | 09:34 |
_StarScream | buz: k thanks but i was looking for someone running linux of some description on it | 09:34 |
buz | i got a asus k8v se which works fine on breezy | 09:34 |
_StarScream | buz: trying to speed up the graphics | 09:34 |
buz | that could be hard | 09:34 |
buz | i dont think theres binary ati drivers for ppc | 09:34 |
krawek | ?8v-deluxe | 09:34 |
buz | is it socket939 oder 754? | 09:35 |
krawek | 939 | 09:35 |
buz | that's the a8v | 09:35 |
buz | i had that until i killed it | 09:35 |
buz | worked under hoary | 09:35 |
buz | cant tell about breezy | 09:35 |
buz | i think it got realtek sound on it, though | 09:35 |
_StarScream | buz: yeh i realise that. Just not sure why i can run tuxracer without lag but switching desktops is fairly latent | 09:35 |
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buz | that is kinda weird, yes | 09:35 |
krawek | ok | 09:37 |
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Timmmm | Hi, how can I make kubuntu *not* load the prism54 module ever. It conflicts with ndiswrapper. On Gentoo I think there was an /etc/modules.ignore file or something but debian/kubuntu doesn't seem to have that. | 09:42 |
Timmmm | Question mark. | 09:43 |
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morrow | Timmmm: echo "prism54" > /etc/hotplug/blacklist.d/prism | 09:44 |
Juerd | Timmmm: Remove it from /etc/modules and add it to /etc/hotplug/blacklist | 09:44 |
Juerd | .d, right | 09:44 |
Timmmm | Ahh cool. Thanks | 09:44 |
Juerd | That new modular stuff still isn't reaching my brain. | 09:44 |
Juerd | Everything's .d nowadays. | 09:44 |
morrow | /nick morrow.d :-) | 09:44 |
Juerd | Juer.d :) | 09:45 |
Timmmm | Yeah crazy linux. Removes the useful file extensions and adds crazy pointless directory extensions. | 09:45 |
Juerd | Instead of changing package management to deal with portions of text files, the system is changed to deal with the package managers | 09:45 |
Timmmm | I blame lack of C++ | 09:46 |
Juerd | I really do miss the good old | 09:46 |
Juerd | # DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE | 09:46 |
Timmmm | And too much bash/sh/awk/sed/perl/etc | 09:46 |
Timmmm | heh | 09:46 |
Juerd | That in fact you weren't supposed to edit either, although it usually didn't mention that. | 09:46 |
toma | booting breezy now, fingers crossed. | 09:46 |
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Juerd | toma: Don't cross fingers. It makes typing hard. | 09:47 |
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chx | I have a serious problem | 09:50 |
chx | ls -l /usr/lib | 09:51 |
chx | total 0 | 09:51 |
libben | how can i list what is loaded ? | 09:51 |
chx | i can't even run apt to fix | 09:51 |
libben | daemons | 09:51 |
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chx | Help! It seems I nicely fucked up everything. Now I will need to reinstall OS that's fine how could I that so that my settings are not touched? | 09:58 |
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Mirussa | chx: How did you manage to delete all of that? | 09:59 |
rafa | hi! | 10:00 |
chx | Mirussa: I have ideas but should I make it public how fucking stupid I am? | 10:00 |
libben | I wanna remove useless daemons, like hprinting services... i dont have a printer. how do i remove them? | 10:00 |
libben | chx: yes =) | 10:00 |
chx | Mirussa: instead, please, help :) | 10:00 |
libben | just tell us what u did | 10:00 |
Mirussa | chx: I'm fairly new at all of this myself, so I'm just wondering so I know what to avoid so I don't get in the same mess myself.. because I'm likely to do stupid things myself | 10:01 |
libben | everyone is n00b at some point on everything they do | 10:01 |
=== chx admitts that he fsck'd a mounted filesystem. | ||
chx | at least my home dir in not on that FS. | 10:02 |
chx | so, how do we proceed? | 10:02 |
chx | nikkia: ping | 10:02 |
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chx | maybe the newly joined can help.. It seems I nicely fucked up everything. Now I will need to reinstall OS that's fine how could I that so that my settings are not touched? | 10:04 |
rikva|laptop | Hi all, I'm completely confused. I want to install w32codecs on Hoary, and I activated universe and multiverse but I can't find the package. I copied the sources.list from my desktop PC (that can find w32codecs) en reloaded, but I still can't find it. Any suggestions? | 10:04 |
Riddell | chx: if your /home is on a different partition just reinstall and set that partition to be /home without formatting it | 10:04 |
rafa | I use kubuntu, and I have problems with those windows where is an "administrators mode" button | 10:05 |
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libben | rafa its a known bug | 10:05 |
rafa | ok | 10:05 |
libben | think u can use | 10:05 |
libben | alt + F2 | 10:05 |
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libben | and type kdesu kcontrol | 10:05 |
rafa | ok | 10:05 |
rafa | thanks | 10:05 |
chx | Riddell: KDE settings are only saved under /home ? | 10:05 |
libben | think ull get to a menu where u can controll things | 10:05 |
rafa | do you know if it will be fixed for the next release of kde ?? or it is a kubuntu problem? | 10:06 |
chx | Riddell: and yes, i only fucked up / but not /home . | 10:06 |
libben | rafa: its a breezy problem | 10:06 |
rafa | ok, thanks libben | 10:06 |
libben | the problem is gonna be gone in the final breezy | 10:07 |
libben | I wanna remove useless daemons, like hprinting services... i dont have a printer. how do i remove them? and list what i have loaded | 10:07 |
apokryphos | chx: specific user configurations are in /home only, yes. | 10:07 |
rafa | libben you can use ksysV | 10:08 |
chx | apokryphos: huh, that's a bit cryptic. What I am going to loose? :( | 10:08 |
rikva|laptop | I also can't find w32codecs on -- is it gone? | 10:08 |
Riddell | chx: kde settings are saved in ~/.kde yes | 10:08 |
rafa | rikva, it is only to make sure, but did you do apt-get update after adding universe and multiverse ? | 10:09 |
toma | how do i activate that nice graphical boot thingie of breezy? | 10:09 |
apokryphos | chx: if you borked your /? A lot of stuff, but your kde specifics (mail, icon sets, backgrounds, shortcut commands, specific configs to apps etc) you'll have | 10:09 |
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rikva|laptop | rafa: yes i did | 10:10 |
chx | apokryphos: huh, that's reassuring. I think I'll save my modeline from X, too :) | 10:10 |
rafa | rikva: apt-cache search w32codecs tell something ? | 10:12 |
rikva|laptop | rafa: tried that, can't find anything. | 10:13 |
libben | isnt it in extras ? | 10:13 |
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rikva|laptop | I also activated extras | 10:13 |
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rikva|laptop | The weird thing is, I'm using the exact same sources file as my desktop PC, with w32codecs (installed a while ago) | 10:14 |
libben | rikva|laptop: is it a breezy? | 10:14 |
chx | next time I will put /var on a separate partition too | 10:14 |
rikva|laptop | libben: nope, both hoary | 10:14 |
libben | k | 10:15 |
chx | my poor mysql databases :( | 10:15 |
toma | |usplash | 10:15 |
libben | and u have made a apt-get update | 10:15 |
libben | and then a apt-cache search | 10:15 |
rikva|laptop | yes | 10:15 |
rikva|laptop | yes | 10:15 |
libben | beats me then | 10:15 |
libben | install it from a deb file then? | 10:15 |
rafa | rikva | 10:16 |
rikva|laptop | | 10:16 |
chx | could someone please send me (email or dcc) some magical binary with which I can burn a CD ? | 10:16 |
apokryphos | toma: you mean the ugly dark one? ;-) | 10:16 |
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toma | apokryphos: no that brown one? | 10:16 |
apokryphos | toma: sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image$(uname -r) | 10:17 |
apokryphos | yeah | 10:17 |
chx | please... | 10:17 |
libben | I wanna remove useless daemons, like hprinting services... i dont have a printer. how do i remove them? and list what i have loaded | 10:17 |
toma | apokryphos: thanks | 10:17 |
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apokryphos | toma: er, extra hyphen after the image | 10:17 |
chx | I only have a Warty live CD at hand | 10:17 |
chx | downloaded the Breezy preview ISO | 10:18 |
chx | but now what.. | 10:18 |
rafa | rikva: here is another repository with w32codecs | 10:18 |
rikva|laptop | rafa: I see, thanks | 10:18 |
chx | I think I need a static linked cdrdao. Please, please, pretty please! | 10:19 |
rikva|laptop | "You have searched for w32codecs in packages names and descriptions in all distributions, all sections, and all architectures (including subword matching)." Can't find that string. | 10:19 |
rikva|laptop | so it's not in my computer ^ | 10:19 |
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libben | I wanna remove useless daemons, like hprinting services... i dont have a printer. how do i remove them? and list what i have loaded | 10:20 |
chx | libben: /etc/rc2.d/ | 10:21 |
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libben | k | 10:24 |
libben | and then? | 10:24 |
libben | hmm | 10:24 |
adrianoc | please, i dont make ... mount -t vfat // /media/pub, what of it has made a mistake ? | 10:24 |
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chx | libben: remvoe those links you do not need | 10:25 |
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toma | apokryphos: hmm, somthing more sophisticated is needed I guess, but i can live with this, not really important | 10:26 |
rafa | rikva: the repository on that link dosen't work for me | 10:26 |
apokryphos | toma: I don't like it much. Looks like an embedded terminal | 10:26 |
apokryphos | (with different colours) | 10:26 |
rafa | but googling a little more .... , and yes, this contains w32codecs | 10:26 |
apokryphos | rafa: you've been looking for w32codecs? | 10:26 |
rafa | yes | 10:26 |
apokryphos | I have the link for it :) | 10:27 |
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toma | apokryphos: ah yes, true, but having to see the same textt over and over again, is not really sexy wither | 10:27 |
rikva|laptop | fyi, i'm not the only one with this prob. | 10:27 |
apokryphos | rafa: for hoary, | 10:27 |
toma | either | 10:27 |
m2evorah | Ok nice | 10:27 |
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rafa | thanks apokryphos | 10:27 |
libben | chx: well, cant see hpprinting services in there | 10:28 |
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libben | is rc2.d the right place ? | 10:28 |
rafa | liben, i have done alt+f2 and then kdesu kcontrol, but it doesn't activate the panels (administrators mode) | 10:28 |
libben | rafa: when u do it it will pop up and ask for ur user password | 10:28 |
libben | and get u to a control program | 10:28 |
libben | where ur supposed to be SU in . | 10:29 |
rafa | yes, liben, rc2.d is where all the links to the demons for runlevel 2 are | 10:29 |
libben | what are runlevel 2 ? | 10:29 |
rafa | liben, yes I am asked for passwd | 10:29 |
rafa | libben, in unix systems there are several runlevel, they are differents "configurations", (please don't kill me for this "definition" :) ) | 10:30 |
libben | well, it was a simple and good explenation | 10:31 |
libben | ur excused =) | 10:31 |
rafa | in kunbunt the default one is 2, runlevel 0 is usually single user mode, and 6 is for shutting down | 10:31 |
libben | so runlevel is the normal one ? when booted | 10:31 |
libben | so if i wanted to shutdown the box | 10:31 |
libben | i could enter start rc6.d | 10:31 |
libben | =) | 10:31 |
libben | the S20hotkey-setup i can remove? i dont have a laptop here | 10:32 |
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libben | S20pcmcia i can remove, still no laptop here. | 10:32 |
rafa | yes you can delete that link | 10:33 |
libben | those 2 u mean | 10:34 |
rafa | yes | 10:34 |
libben | but i cant see where the hpprinting service is. | 10:34 |
libben | grrr | 10:34 |
libben | by the way, if i just rm -rf those 2 files. | 10:34 |
libben | is that a proper way of doing it? | 10:34 |
rafa | how do you know that you have hpprinting ? | 10:34 |
rafa | rm is the way | 10:34 |
libben | cause when ubuntu starts it tells me in that fancy boot loading that hpprinting is loaded | 10:35 |
libben | and when i saw that i figured i wanted rid of it. | 10:35 |
rafa | perhaps it is in cups | 10:35 |
libben | cause i dont use printer | 10:35 |
libben | whats cups then | 10:35 |
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rafa | cups is something like common unix printing service | 10:36 |
libben | but before we go deep into that, its ok just rm the two files, and its a proper way of doing it. | 10:36 |
rafa | libben, just rm the links (they are not files) | 10:36 |
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rafa | you could use unlink too, but it is up to you | 10:37 |
libben | tell me the unlink way also | 10:37 |
libben | knew the rm way was the lazy way | 10:37 |
libben | wanna do the proper way | 10:37 |
rafa | sudo unlink name_of_the_link | 10:37 |
libben | and when i do that, it will be gone from the folder ? | 10:38 |
libben | cause its just a link in that folder | 10:38 |
libben | and not really a file. | 10:38 |
libben | well, its a file created by link | 10:38 |
libben | ? | 10:38 |
rafa | well I think it is a way of doing it, I don't think one is more proper than another | 10:38 |
rafa | in unix almost everything is a file, you see the link as a file | 10:39 |
rafa | but it is a link | 10:39 |
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rafa | when you rm it (or unlink) it will desapear from the directory but not the file that it points to | 10:40 |
libben | what more can i remove in that folder | 10:40 |
rafa | what do you have ? | 10:40 |
libben | synaptic will take care about that later =) | 10:40 |
libben | | 10:41 |
libben | thats my ls of rc2.d | 10:41 |
libben | my pc is just a p4 1.7 ghz. 5 years old. | 10:41 |
rafa | I don't know if synaptic is aware of the changes in runlevels dirs | 10:41 |
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libben | i was more thinking of uninstalling the hotkeysoftware also. | 10:42 |
libben | after ive unlinked it | 10:42 |
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libben | like hotkey-setup for instance. | 10:42 |
libben | its installed | 10:42 |
libben | and after ive unlinked it, i can also uninstall it. | 10:43 |
rafa | yes you can remove that too | 10:43 |
rafa | I think that hprinting is S19hplip | 10:43 |
rafa | if you don't use modem you can remove S14ppp | 10:43 |
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libben | just use nic's for my internet | 10:43 |
libben | no modem here. | 10:44 |
rafa | other one is S19cupsys this one is for cups | 10:44 |
libben | hmm | 10:44 |
libben | why not just complete removal in synaptic on hpprinting packages ? | 10:45 |
rafa | one thing, what we are doing du estart this runlevelosen't uninstall or remove the daemons only it won't load the next time yo | 10:45 |
libben | it should unlink it too | 10:45 |
rafa | yes, but I don't know in which package is hpprinting | 10:45 |
rafa | :D | 10:45 |
libben | hplip-ppds | 10:46 |
libben | for starter | 10:46 |
libben | i only searched for "printing" | 10:46 |
libben | and found som HP things | 10:46 |
libben | that all points to be printing daemons etc etc. | 10:46 |
rafa | if you don't need them remove them | 10:47 |
libben | kdeprint i can leave. cause of kde sake, but all that has HP in its name, i will uninstall completly | 10:47 |
libben | well, this box wont get a printer . | 10:47 |
libben | has it been without one in 5 years. | 10:47 |
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libben | ill think it wont be bothered with one later anyway | 10:47 |
`Nomad | I have a good one.. I need to find a dial-up router (physical, not a PC). :) Any idea? | 10:47 |
rafa | no ideas nomad, may be use an old pc as a router | 10:49 |
`Nomad | it's my thought too, but I have to leave it behind and they're very non-technical.. I wouldn't want to have to come back down here to reboot anything :) | 10:50 |
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`Nomad | still.. That's probably the best bet. No HD, just a floppy or CD like Freesco | 10:50 |
rafa | nomad, there are many linux distros to do routing and fix in a floppy | 10:51 |
libben | rafa: i should be good with removing all that has with printing to do. | 10:51 |
rafa | it souldn't be difficult to find one for you | 10:51 |
libben | use knoppix =) | 10:51 |
libben | is cups crucial to the system? its ok to remove all that printing software? | 10:52 |
`Nomad | thanks.. that's what I think I'll end up doing.. a physical router that does that is probably too expensive for them too | 10:54 |
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rafa | and old 386 would be enough, nomad | 10:55 |
rafa | I think you can remove all the printing software without problems | 10:56 |
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rafa | libben, where I can find more info about the administrators button bug ??? | 10:58 |
chx | i need to fool tar to chmod , that's --mode , but neither tar --mode 700 cf nor tar cf --mode 700 owrks | 10:59 |
rafa | well, I must leave | 11:01 |
rafa | see you | 11:01 |
chx | what's bus,id,lun for hdc? | 11:02 |
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chx | oh. scandev. nice cdrdao! | 11:04 |
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PiRX[lv] | i need prog to create image from web page (complete). Any suggestions? | 11:14 |
godzero | would pdf work, or do you want a png.... | 11:19 |
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spiral | hmmm, just a notice : amarok 1.3.2 out... :-P | 11:35 |
libben | amarok or kaffeine | 11:36 |
spiral | libben: amaroK | 11:37 |
libben | amarok only plays music right? | 11:37 |
libben | or does it do video also? | 11:37 |
spiral | libben: music only | 11:37 |
libben | k | 11:38 |
libben | then i dont need to stress it | 11:38 |
libben | just listen to shoutcasts servers anyway, and thats thru my xbox with xbmc | 11:38 |
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othernoob | could a firmware update of a dvd burner done in windows cause speed problems in linux? | 11:49 |
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MrFaber | Has anyone problems with the new breezy update? | 11:52 |
bazan | Hi my cups is down | 11:53 |
bazan | i mean i can't view the admin web page | 11:53 |
bazan | I'm under hoary is this a known issue? | 11:53 |
MrFaber | cu all | 11:58 |
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