FatDarrel | XFreeMan, the Redhat/Fedora guys have that in their stock configs | 12:00 |
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lampshade | sometimes it is /dev/input/mice sometimes | 12:00 |
XFreeMan | FatDarrel, so what should i do | 12:00 |
FatDarrel | XFreeMan, you should have another pointer setting in your xorg.conf or something | 12:01 |
mkyb14 | it's not listed on bugzilla to report? | 12:01 |
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thoreauputic | mkyb14: no, you would create a bug report reffering to the package | 12:02 |
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XFreeMan | FatDarrel, ill look for it, thanks anyway | 12:02 |
Logtime | hi | 12:02 |
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thoreauputic | *referring | 12:02 |
dooglus | HerdsmanMarengo: I don't know! I used to put those lines in /etc/rc.local but I guess that wasn't on ubuntu 'cos it doesn't have that file. | 12:02 |
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HerdsmanMarengo | dang :/ | 12:02 |
FatDarrel | XFreeMan, check this # If the normal CorePointer mouse is not a USB mouse then this input device can be used in AlwaysCore mode to let youalso use USB mice at the same time. | 12:03 |
Logtime | someone have idea about this 5.1. When using the FTPS or HTTPS protocol, gFTP cannot connect if the remote server uses a self signed certificate. | 12:03 |
Logtime | You must add the public key of your self signed CA to your OpenSSL certs directory. On my Debian box, the OpenSSL certs are installed in /usr/lib/ssl/certs. | 12:03 |
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don824chan | I totally just installed limewire on my ubuntu. this is so awesome, now i don't have to worry about spyware, malware, viruses, etc... | 12:04 |
FatDarrel | XFreeMan, you have to have both sitting on /dev/input/mice and the first one is always in core mode then you can add a usb mouse to get it to work | 12:04 |
mkyb14 | ahh ok this is what i did, used another cdrom to install then plugged in a diff one on restart and it was because of that... so how does ubuntu not recognize new hardware like that | 12:04 |
dooglus | HerdsmanMarengo: you could do this: "sudo ln -s ../init.d/mystuff /etc/rc2.d/S99mystuff" and then make a script in /etc/init.d/mystuff which runs your stuff. | 12:04 |
FatDarrel | XFreeMan, I have two input mouse devices that's all take care :) | 12:05 |
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dooglus | HerdsmanMarengo: but there must be a more obvious way to do it. | 12:05 |
XFreeMan | FatDarrel, thanks | 12:05 |
thoreauputic | HerdsmanMarengo: if it's just a one-liner you can append it to /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh before the "exit" line | 12:06 |
dooglus | aah! that's where it is! :) | 12:06 |
TokenBad | well guess electricsheep will not install with kde | 12:06 |
thoreauputic | HerdsmanMarengo: of course if it's an X app that won't do anything... | 12:06 |
dooglus | thoreauputic: what does the colon do in front of the "exit 0" in that script? | 12:06 |
ninjafish | anyone have a Synaptics Touchpad? | 12:06 |
thoreauputic | dooglus: I don't know :) | 12:07 |
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HerdsmanMarengo | it's not x, so that'll work | 12:07 |
HerdsmanMarengo | thanks | 12:07 |
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thoreauputic | HerdsmanMarengo: OK :) You're welcome | 12:08 |
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dooglus | thoreauputic: it does nothing apparently | 12:08 |
up2zion22 | anyone who can help me install printer locally. i was able to use it last week but when i reinstalled again it wont work but work again but work with xp. i dont to go back to xp | 12:09 |
thoreauputic | dooglus: how did you establish that? (curious) | 12:09 |
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dooglus | thoreauputic: "man bash" (evil grin) | 12:09 |
dooglus | : [arguments] No effect; the command does nothing beyond expanding arguments and performing any specified redirections. A zero exit code is returned. | 12:09 |
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thoreauputic | dooglus: aha! hehehe | 12:09 |
Knelix | How do you pronounce Ubuntu again? | 12:10 |
Seveas | ooh boon too | 12:10 |
dooglus | ooo bun too | 12:10 |
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Seveas | no boon | 12:10 |
Knelix | OK. Good. Thanks. :-) | 12:10 |
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Seveas | all u's are pronouncede as oo like in moon | 12:10 |
dooglus | ooh | 12:10 |
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Knelix | I get it-- it's hard to write phonetically in English, but I get it. :-) | 12:11 |
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thechitowncubs | hey | 12:11 |
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Knelix | It's how it would be pronounced in spanish. | 12:11 |
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thechitowncubs | i'm using breezy and for some reason i keep rebooting or making it hibernate with a keyboard shortcut, i'm not sure exactly what shortcut it is though. Is there a default hibernate shortcut? | 12:11 |
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Knelix | And Gnome is Ga-Nome, right? | 12:12 |
Knelix | Is there a Gnome channel on this server, btw? | 12:12 |
nalioth | Knelix: unless you're a Texan, and then it's guh-nome | 12:12 |
Seveas | #gnome is on irc.gnome.org | 12:12 |
Knelix | Ah, ok. | 12:13 |
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dooglus | in most Bantu languages it would be syllabified like this: /u.bu.''tu/ (with a prenasalized t in the last syllable), whereas most English speakers will syllabify it like /u.bun.tu/. | 12:13 |
bluefoxicy | http://lkml.org/lkml/2005/9/20/270/index.html :> | 12:14 |
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Knelix | hmm. | 12:14 |
jdermer | is there another good aim client aside from gaim ? | 12:14 |
thoreauputic | dooglus: is '' a glottal stop? | 12:14 |
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funkyHat | jdermer, if you use KDE, Kopete | 12:15 |
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adjacent | jdermer: gaim seems to stay fairly up to date with protocol changes, etc. why switch? | 12:15 |
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typo | how do I get the nautilus spatial mode back in ubuntu? | 12:15 |
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vladuz976 | can someone help me with this error and look at it? http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2379 | 12:15 |
typo | breezy I mean | 12:15 |
dooglus | thoreauputic: I don't know. I copy/pasted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Ubuntu | 12:15 |
dooglus | and the '' thing wouldn't paste, so I typed two quotes instead. | 12:16 |
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thoreauputic | dooglus: ah OK :) | 12:16 |
drelle_work | is apt used as the update mgr for ubuntu? | 12:17 |
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adjacent | typo: Menu -> System Tools -> Config , apps->nautilus->preferences->no_ubuntu_spatial (unchecked) i think | 12:17 |
funkyHat | typo, applications > system tools > conf.... ok adjacent beat me | 12:17 |
adjacent | funkyHat: haha | 12:17 |
funkyHat | :D | 12:17 |
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nalioth | drelle_work: yes | 12:17 |
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thoreauputic | drelle_work: yes | 12:18 |
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drelle_work | thanx :) | 12:18 |
typo | adjacent: having to fiddle with gconf for this is ugly | 12:18 |
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adjacent | typo: for sure.... imho damn near every linux desktop is nasty. even X has serious limitations | 12:18 |
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drelle_work | anyone with experience with ibm tp t42... does ubuntu work out of the box?... wifi and all | 12:19 |
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p_jnco | hello | 12:19 |
adjacent | typo: dont use them... use ratpoison/screen on a framebuffer console | 12:19 |
p_jnco | is there a nic card for ubuntu that is totally plug and play compadible? | 12:19 |
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p_jnco | can someone recommend one? | 12:19 |
smott | realtek 8139? | 12:20 |
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typo | adjacent: I don't think those are for me | 12:20 |
djm62 | p_jnco: almost all of them? | 12:20 |
nalioth | p_jnco: see wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation for a list of supported hardware | 12:20 |
adjacent | p_jnco: anything but some of the oddball chipsets that use tulip should work out of the box fine | 12:20 |
adjacent | typo: me neither ;0 | 12:21 |
snausages | and my nic is a daamn tulip | 12:21 |
djm62 | p_jnco: http://www.leenooks.com/3 | 12:21 |
typo | ok, my breezy update seems to have gone fine | 12:21 |
typo | mono is broken though | 12:21 |
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p_jnco | i tried one last night | 12:22 |
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thoreauputic | dooglus: heh - the wiki page for ubuntu pronunciation starts to read like a slashdot comments page ;) Some people have no idea... | 12:23 |
catfox | hi all. i'm trying to get ssh working on my machine, but don't have another machine to test it with. | 12:23 |
alec_ | Does anybody know what other programs you can get with apt-get?? | 12:24 |
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catfox | locally i'm trying to connect using the external ip address, but i get "connection refused". any ideas whats wrong? | 12:24 |
thoreauputic | dooglus: I meant wikipedia of course | 12:24 |
djm62 | catfox: does work? | 12:24 |
Jowi | catfox: ssh | 12:24 |
shrike__ | catfox, pm me you ip userid and password =) | 12:24 |
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catfox | Jowi, djm62 127... works | 12:25 |
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Jowi | catfox: superb | 12:25 |
catfox | i've just set the router up, looks like its not right? | 12:25 |
djm62 | catfox: is it NAT? | 12:25 |
catfox | djm62, yeah | 12:25 |
thoreauputic | dooglus: "The wikipedia entry for 'python' should point at the programming language <--- how brain-dead can people be? | 12:25 |
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alexicon | halloo! | 12:26 |
djm62 | catfox: are you in the DMZ? | 12:26 |
Jowi | catfox: if you want to allow ssh connections from outside your lan, you must redirect port 22 to your ip address | 12:26 |
sylvan | I have a .deb file I want to install, how do I do it? | 12:26 |
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alexicon | dpkg -i mypackage.deb | 12:26 |
sylvan | thanks | 12:26 |
alexicon | can someone tell me the quickest way to get java on ubuntu? | 12:26 |
catfox | djm62, not sure what the DMZ is, sorry | 12:26 |
djm62 | catfox: or what Jowi said...DMZ is the sledgehammer solution | 12:26 |
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alec_ | Does anybody know what other programs you can get with apt-get?? | 12:26 |
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alexicon | loads alec_ | 12:26 |
transgress | alec_: apt-cache search * | 12:27 |
transgress | actually | 12:27 |
alec_ | thanks | 12:27 |
codenut | I would like to emulate a Java phone on ubuntu, any thoughts? | 12:27 |
transgress | it's too bad wildcards don't work with apt-cache | 12:27 |
alexicon | garrr ubuntuguide is still down... | 12:27 |
transgress | that'd be a fun way to flood it | 12:27 |
sylvan | alexicon, dbpkg not found! synaptic couldn't find it either =( | 12:27 |
djm62 | catfox: demilitarised zone...any inbound connections get forwarded to your computer (out of all the ones behind the NAT) | 12:27 |
sylvan | ah, misspelled =) | 12:27 |
alexicon | dpkg -i | 12:27 |
alexicon | hehe | 12:27 |
Jowi | djm62, catfox: DMZ is not needed. But can be tested temporarily if you have serious problem getting traffic. | 12:27 |
alec_ | transgress: Is there a list you can look at? | 12:27 |
Jowi | djm62: to redirect port 22, look for "virtual server" or "port redirection" in your router settings. | 12:28 |
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Jowi | djm62: different name for same thing on different routers. | 12:28 |
thoreauputic | alec_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/allpackages | 12:28 |
catfox | Jowi, i see. i'l have a go | 12:28 |
shrike__ | catfox, you might think about changing the default port to something other that 22 | 12:29 |
alec_ | thoreauputic: thanks a bunch | 12:29 |
alexicon | anyone?? java? any specific packages to get stuff going? or do i have to go to sun.com to get it | 12:29 |
thoreauputic | alec_: be prepared - it's a huge list | 12:29 |
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tritium | ubotu, tell alexicon about java | 12:29 |
erUSUL | !tell alexicon about java | 12:29 |
apokryphos | alec_: it's searchable though, so you can use that. | 12:29 |
catfox | hmm, still can't get access even with a dmz rule | 12:29 |
alexicon | heh | 12:29 |
apokryphos | alexicon: are you on hoary? | 12:30 |
catfox | 1ALLDMZANY192.168.1.100192.168.1.100Delete -- thats the rule i've added | 12:30 |
alexicon | cheers tritium | 12:30 |
alexicon | apokryphos: yes hoary | 12:30 |
tritium | :) | 12:30 |
alec_ | ok | 12:30 |
djm62 | catfox: where have you added it? | 12:30 |
apokryphos | alexicon: you will want to /msg ubotu sunjava ..then | 12:30 |
catfox | djm62, in my router config | 12:30 |
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apokryphos | The wiki should be updated (/me checks if it has been) | 12:31 |
Jowi | catfox: remove that rule and add only the port you need. | 12:31 |
alexicon | ta very much :) | 12:31 |
catfox | Jowi, ok | 12:31 |
ashzero | Hi all. | 12:31 |
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alexicon | ah nice one! cheers apokryphos! | 12:31 |
catfox | Jowi, djm62 now i have: 12ALLVirtual Server22192.168.1.100192.168.1.100 | 12:31 |
ashzero | Anyone know where to get a java backage for ubuntu ? | 12:32 |
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apokryphos | !sunjava | 12:32 |
ubotu | For Sun-Java debs add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list (for hoary) deb http://ubuntu.tower-net.de/ubuntu/ hoary java ; or go to seveas.ubuntulinux.nl (for Breezy) | 12:32 |
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p_jnco | hey guys | 12:32 |
p_jnco | quick noob question | 12:32 |
p_jnco | might even be yes or no | 12:32 |
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Jowi | catfox: what is the name for the first and second ip addresses? | 12:32 |
p_jnco | have a cablemodem with a usb port to give off internet | 12:32 |
p_jnco | will the usb work with ubuntu | 12:33 |
djm62 | p_jnco: what brand, and have you looked at the hardware wiki? | 12:33 |
djm62 | !hardware | 12:33 |
ubotu | hmm... hardware is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 12:33 |
dooglus | I asked earlier: "every time I boot, I see a message telling me that my MAC address is NULL in line 2 and that I should "correct or remove" that line. Any idea how to fix this?". After grepping through every file on my disk, I see that error message in the /sbin/ifrename binary... | 12:33 |
p_jnco | im there now, lemme check heh i ask questions before looking hold on | 12:33 |
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I_did_it_for_lov | heya | 12:33 |
ashzero | thanks ubotu | 12:34 |
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p_jnco | theres nothing on the site | 12:34 |
p_jnco | for cable modems | 12:34 |
p_jnco | they only make a driver for windows | 12:34 |
sylvan | anyone know what package I need to install in order to get libqt3c102-mt (opera needs it) | 12:34 |
p_jnco | u actually need a driver to make it work | 12:34 |
Jowi | Heya, I_did_it_for_lov . queen fan, are you? | 12:34 |
p_jnco | its proboly a real long shot | 12:34 |
guidouil | p_jnco, maibe you should just give it a try ;) | 12:34 |
I_did_it_for_lov | its actually harlequin | 12:34 |
alec_ | After I download a program from the terminal how do I run it?? | 12:34 |
I_did_it_for_lov | but i do like queen | 12:34 |
I_did_it_for_lov | :-) | 12:34 |
Jowi | I_did_it_for_lov: ah :) | 12:35 |
djm62 | p_jnco: usb modems can be nasty, but google with the model number and linux for more information | 12:35 |
dooglus | indeed. I can get the same error from the command line now: | 12:35 |
dooglus | chris@chrislap:/etc$ sudo /etc/init.d/ifrename restart | 12:35 |
dooglus | Error: Null MAC address (`00:00:00:00:00:00') at line 2 | 12:35 |
dooglus | Error: /etc/iftab line 2 ignored due to above errors. Please correct or remove this line. | 12:35 |
guidouil | alec_, name_of_the_program & | 12:35 |
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p_jnco | meh | 12:35 |
thechitowncubs | I like the new fade out from screensaver in breezy | 12:35 |
p_jnco | il just tell him get a nic card | 12:36 |
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apokryphos | thechitowncubs: I believe it's going to be taken out. | 12:36 |
alec_ | guidouil: i type the name of the program then... | 12:36 |
apokryphos | dooglus: not a good idea to paste in here. | 12:36 |
inan | hello guys | 12:36 |
lui | hello hello, my people | 12:36 |
inan | =D | 12:36 |
I_did_it_for_lov | how many use enlightenment? | 12:36 |
alec_ | guidouil: & | 12:36 |
guidouil | didsomeone try the LTSP stuff of breezy ? | 12:36 |
Jowi | alec_: chmod +x progname (to make it executable). then ./progname to run it usually... | 12:36 |
dooglus | apokryphos: I didn't. I typed that by hand. | 12:36 |
thechitowncubs | apokryphos, why in the world is that? | 12:36 |
thoreauputic | thechitowncubs: you can set a fade-in fade-out in xscreensaver too | 12:36 |
apokryphos | I_did_it_for_lov: not many; it's not even in any of the main repositories, unfortunately. | 12:36 |
guidouil | alec than & :) | 12:36 |
alec_ | let me try | 12:36 |
inan | can somebody help me with my nvidia driver | 12:36 |
inan | =D | 12:36 |
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phendrick | oops | 12:36 |
inan | thanx | 12:36 |
inan | =D | 12:36 |
apokryphos | dooglus: you'll have to excuse me if I don't believe you. | 12:36 |
thoreauputic | thechitowncubs: gnome-screensaver has some configurability problems | 12:37 |
apokryphos | thechitowncubs: it produces a lot of problems | 12:37 |
Jowi | I_did_it_for_lov: have e17 from CVS but are not using it much. bugs bugs bugs... | 12:37 |
alec_ | Jowi: i downloaded it from apt-get | 12:37 |
guidouil | sudo apt-get install nvidia | 12:37 |
typo | anyone else have mono broken in breezy or is it just me? | 12:37 |
dooglus | apokryphos: (well, not me, obviously, but my team of assistants did. I gave them one line each to type) | 12:37 |
phendrick | the ip's are: Local IP From Local IP To | 12:37 |
slack7384 | inan: what are you attempting to do with the nvidia driver? install/configure? | 12:37 |
Jowi | alec_: ah. then just type the program name. | 12:37 |
inan | breezy is out now? | 12:37 |
alec_ | ok | 12:37 |
inan | hmm | 12:37 |
alec_ | Not found | 12:37 |
guidouil | it's only a preview | 12:37 |
ashzero | thanks ubotu | 12:37 |
alec_ | Jowi: not found | 12:37 |
ashzero | Bye all | 12:37 |
test34 | inan, in development | 12:37 |
Jowi | alec_: what did you download? | 12:37 |
slack7384 | inan: breezy comes out october 13th | 12:37 |
lui | question, question: what problems can I expect if I turn to the unstable-breezy right now? | 12:37 |
djm62 | inan: breezy isn't out yet | 12:37 |
thechitowncubs | Alright, well can it be enabled even if it is taken out by default? | 12:37 |
alec_ | Jowi: lol acm | 12:37 |
guidouil | !breezy | 12:37 |
dooglus | inan: it's quite stable, but not finalised yet. | 12:37 |
alec_ | Jowi: i'm trying this apt-get thing out | 12:38 |
inan | djm62: ow.. ok | 12:38 |
thoreauputic | dooglus: is that the same team that typed the works of Shakespeare ? | 12:38 |
test34 | lui, I dont have any problems, but I started with a fresh install | 12:38 |
inan | slack7384: install ang configure | 12:38 |
dooglus | thoreauputic: they're not THAT old! | 12:38 |
inan | slack7384: ok.. i thought so | 12:38 |
Jowi | alec_: so type ac and press <tab> twice to see which application names that start with "ac" | 12:38 |
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alec_ | ok | 12:38 |
slack7384 | inan: have you dl the zipped package from nvidia? | 12:38 |
guidouil | did someone try the LTSP stuff of breezy ? | 12:38 |
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I_did_it_for_lov | Jowi, besides it doesn't support most stuff | 12:38 |
I_did_it_for_lov | lol | 12:38 |
inan | slack7384: yes i did | 12:38 |
test34 | guidouil, LTSP ? | 12:38 |
I_did_it_for_lov | borders still suck | 12:39 |
lui | test34, ok. anyone has turned to breezy from hoary? | 12:39 |
Tyller_Durden | someone runs fluxbos 0.9.14 on ubuntu? | 12:39 |
inan | slack7384: not in the respository | 12:39 |
alec_ | Jowi: accept aconnect acpi_available acpi_listen | 12:39 |
alec_ | accessdb acpi acpid activation-client | 12:39 |
I_did_it_for_lov | transparency is not supported | 12:39 |
slack7384 | inan: have you checked out http://ubuntuguide.org ? | 12:39 |
inan | slack7384: that i did.. =D | 12:39 |
guidouil | test34, if you don't know what it is, maibe you should'nt answer ;) | 12:39 |
apokryphos | !ubuntuguide | 12:39 |
lui | test34, breezy have the gnome 2.12? | 12:39 |
ubotu | [ubuntuguide] out of date, breaks PCs and doesn't explain anything. The official FAQ Guide, which is based on ubuntuguide will soon be the help menu in Breezy. For more information see !faq. | 12:39 |
inan | slack7384: that i didnt i mean.. | 12:39 |
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inan | slack7384: ill go check it ou | 12:39 |
inan | slack7384: ill go check it out | 12:39 |
Jowi | alec_: installing it now to test | 12:39 |
alec_ | ok | 12:39 |
phendrick | djm62, Jowi sorry i cut myself off (im catfox). | 12:39 |
dooglus | lui: I went from hoary to breezy | 12:39 |
tristanmike | !faq | 12:39 |
ubotu | faq is, like, The Ubuntu FAQ Guide: select System -> Help (in Breezy) | 12:40 |
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Tyller_Durden | I_did_it_for_lov, on flux? | 12:40 |
test34 | lui, yes I think so | 12:40 |
phendrick | djm62, Jowi the ip's are: Local IP From Local IP To | 12:40 |
slack7384 | inan: rats, the site is down <ubuntuguide.org> | 12:40 |
I_did_it_for_lov | Tyller_Durden, e17 | 12:40 |
dooglus | lui: it has 2.12 of gnome, yes. | 12:40 |
test34 | guidouil, what it is ? | 12:40 |
Jowi | alec_: sudo apt-get install acm (to install it). then "acm" in a terminal to start it. works | 12:40 |
I_did_it_for_lov | forgot about flux... gotta try it out again.. last time i did was about an year ago | 12:40 |
Tyller_Durden | I_did_it_for_lov, because is the release 0.9.12 | 12:40 |
I_did_it_for_lov | lol | 12:40 |
lui | dooglus, any problems yet? I'm thinking to turn now. | 12:40 |
test34 | it's not an answer, it's a question | 12:40 |
dooglus | lui: lots of problems, but none recently. | 12:40 |
Tyller_Durden | on 0..91-.13 | 12:40 |
I_did_it_for_lov | Tyller_Durden, of e17 ? its from the CVS ... | 12:40 |
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Tyller_Durden | and .9.14 us | 12:40 |
inan | slack7384: yeah.. the site is down | 12:40 |
inan | =D | 12:40 |
lui | test34, can you check please? | 12:41 |
test34 | guidouil, and stop repeating the same question over and over | 12:41 |
slack7384 | inan: Ok, then i'll give you directions manually, here we go............ | 12:41 |
Tyller_Durden | someone compile fluxbox 0.9.14 on ubuntu? | 12:41 |
dooglus | lui: text file icons on the desktop keep vanishing, non UTF-8 locales are missing, um, grep doesn't work well for UTF-8 locales. other than that I'm fine with breezy | 12:41 |
slack7384 | sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 12:41 |
thoreauputic | Tyller_Durden: yes | 12:41 |
slack7384 | cd /path/to/nvidia/installer | 12:41 |
slack7384 | sudo sh NVidia-Linux-x86-1.0-xxxx-yyyy.run | 12:41 |
slack7384 | sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start | 12:41 |
slack7384 | If it's your first time installing nVidia drivers, you may have to modify your X configuration according to the nVidia README. | 12:41 |
alec_ | thanks | 12:41 |
slack7384 | That's it. You should have working OpenGL graphics, preserved across reboots. <from ubuntulinux.com> | 12:41 |
inan | slack7384: i think we go pm | 12:41 |
guidouil | test34, LTSP is linux terminal server | 12:41 |
up2zion22 | is breezy advisable now? | 12:41 |
Tyller_Durden | thoreauputic, you have probles with libs? | 12:41 |
test34 | lui, yes 2.12 | 12:41 |
thoreauputic | slack7384: *don't* paste in here! | 12:41 |
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ginoo | damn now i gotta order new cds after breezy comes out | 12:42 |
apokryphos | up2zion22: still not technically stable, but many are running it. | 12:42 |
lui | dooglus, ok, thank you :) | 12:42 |
ginoo | and wait 3 months to get them | 12:42 |
slack7384 | thoreauputic: sorry :-( | 12:42 |
thoreauputic | Tyller_Durden: no - just install xlibs-dev | 12:42 |
alexicon | ahhh... so after getting my nvidia drivers applied i should be able to use my old xorg.conf | 12:42 |
nalioth | ginoo: why? | 12:42 |
lui | test34, thanks ;) | 12:42 |
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ginoo | nalioth: because I like the pretty pictures | 12:42 |
alexicon | you dont have to configure them any further than that do you? | 12:42 |
thechitowncubs | do any of you use epiphany? | 12:42 |
ginoo | ;) | 12:42 |
nalioth | ginoo: good reason | 12:42 |
up2zion22 | ginoo, tagaasa? | 12:42 |
inan | ok slack7384.. i go try it | 12:42 |
inan | =D | 12:42 |
Jowi | phendrick / catfox: no idea about that router settings. i would guess you are in the wrong setting. you are not redirecting from local to local. you should redirect from public (internet) to local.... | 12:42 |
Tyller_Durden | thoreauputic, fluxbox 0.9.14? | 12:42 |
thoreauputic | Tyller_Durden: I recommend you use checkinstall to make a deb as well | 12:42 |
inan | oi bisaya | 12:42 |
inan | =D | 12:42 |
inan | hahaha | 12:42 |
cyphase | up2zion2, it's still in beta, but if you can handle the occasional problem, it would be cool if you could test it | 12:42 |
ginoo | up2zion22: que? | 12:42 |
dooglus | when will the 'grumpy groundhog' be available? | 12:42 |
test34 | guidouil, prettry much like vnc | 12:42 |
thechitowncubs | Is there any way i can get epiphany to open external links in a new tab? | 12:43 |
thoreauputic | Tyller_Durden: yes 0.9.14 | 12:43 |
cyphase | report any bugs.. | 12:43 |
apokryphos | nalioth: it is an exaggeration, but the estimate is 4-6 weeks. Pretty long | 12:43 |
apokryphos | still, a free CD... | 12:43 |
up2zion22 | apokryphos, i cant print wahhhhh | 12:43 |
sadrul | hi. i am trying to upgrade firefox. i am trying with `apt-get upgrade mozilla-firefox' -- but it seems to want to do stuff with openoffice-stuff as well. i don't want to touch any openoffice-things. any clues? | 12:43 |
Tyller_Durden | thoreauputic, humm good ideia | 12:43 |
thoreauputic | Tyller_Durden: mine is from svn but the soource is on the site as well | 12:43 |
up2zion22 | ginoo, ngutana lang | 12:43 |
phendrick | Jowi, hmm it's strange. there's no way of selecting a local+public. only IP that i can input is: LAN IP Address | 12:43 |
dooglus | sadrul: did you try just 'firefox' (drop the mozilla bit) | 12:43 |
inan | up2zion22: bahhh.... taga asa ka bro? | 12:43 |
inan | ehe | 12:43 |
sadrul | dooglus: yep. the same result | 12:43 |
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Tyller_Durden | thoreauputic, im try make a .deb from the amsn 0.0.5 | 12:44 |
Tyller_Durden | thoreauputic, im try make a .deb from the amsn 0.9.5 | 12:44 |
Jowi | phendrick: better check the manual for your router. on my netgear i only put in port 22, to local address 192.168.0.something. click apply. that's it. | 12:44 |
up2zion22 | qc | 12:44 |
kev_ | erg, which repository gives you sun-j2re1.5? | 12:44 |
I_did_it_for_lov | Tyller_Durden, what is it called? the enlightenment file manager? | 12:44 |
dooglus | sadrul: try "sudo apt-get install firefox" | 12:44 |
dooglus | sadrul: instead of 'upgrade' | 12:44 |
inan | ginoo: mag download nalang ka sa site | 12:44 |
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Tyller_Durden | I_did_it_for_lov, ? | 12:44 |
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ginoo | inan STOP IT! | 12:45 |
inan | up2zion22: u bisaya? | 12:45 |
phendrick | Jowi, righto, i'll have a look around | 12:45 |
dooglus | sadrul: note that upgrade is used to install the newest versions of all packages | 12:45 |
up2zion22 | mao jud | 12:45 |
ginoo | inan: Ubuntu | 12:45 |
dooglus | currently installed on the system | 12:45 |
phendrick | thanks for the help! | 12:45 |
up2zion22 | u? | 12:45 |
dooglus | *all* packages - not the one you specify. | 12:45 |
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up2zion22 | hoary ka inan? | 12:45 |
Jowi | phendrick: i know some d-link routers have wierd naming for the services.... no prob and good luck | 12:45 |
inan | is breezy will be available to be download at site? | 12:45 |
inan | up2zion22 ubuntu | 12:45 |
inan | yeah.. hoary | 12:45 |
thoreauputic | guys, this is an english channel | 12:45 |
ginoo | seriously | 12:45 |
sadrul | dooglus: oh ok. `sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox' seems to be working. thanx a lot :) | 12:46 |
inan | sorry thoreauputic | 12:46 |
inan | =D | 12:46 |
up2zion22 | hoary or breezy? | 12:46 |
dooglus | sadrul: the problem is you used 'upgrade' which works on all packages, not the one(s) you specify | 12:46 |
ginoo | you guys are scaring me | 12:46 |
inan | im asking if breezy is gona be available for download at site.. but i think it will be | 12:46 |
inan | =D | 12:46 |
dooglus | inan: breezy will be available for download when it's released, yes. | 12:47 |
inan | ok | 12:47 |
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test34 | inan, yes, it already is as a beta | 12:47 |
dooglus | inan: breezy (in its current, unfinished state) is already available on the repositories. | 12:47 |
Tyller_Durden | im use brease here | 12:47 |
tritium | no more broken Tagalog please | 12:47 |
sadrul | dooglus: yeah, got it. so just `install' will upgrade the *single* package if/when necessary? | 12:47 |
inan | anyway, anybody have ever run MU online on ubuntu? | 12:47 |
Tyller_Durden | im use breezy here | 12:47 |
apokryphos | inan: pre-release is available now too of course | 12:47 |
dooglus | sadrul: yes. | 12:47 |
up2zion22 | you using hoary inan? | 12:47 |
sadrul | cool | 12:48 |
ginoo | im gonna download breezy now | 12:48 |
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inan | yeah.. hoary ATM | 12:48 |
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Tyller_Durden | ginoo, breeze its runing here for one week | 12:48 |
inan | but i will check for breezy in a min.. | 12:48 |
inan | =D | 12:48 |
ginoo | its due to be released soon | 12:48 |
Tyller_Durden | and i dont have any problem | 12:48 |
ginoo | yeah | 12:48 |
up2zion22 | ginoo, bis ka? | 12:48 |
ginoo | stop it! stop it! | 12:48 |
inan | this is my 1st time joining in this channel.. and i guess i am welcome | 12:48 |
inan | =D | 12:48 |
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inan | thnx | 12:49 |
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up2zion22 | Tyller_Durden, you have printer installed? | 12:49 |
Tyller_Durden | up2zion22, yes and scanner | 12:49 |
up2zion22 | and its doing well? | 12:49 |
inan | how bout webcam | 12:49 |
Tyller_Durden | hp psc 1315 all in one | 12:49 |
inan | this is mostly the problem | 12:49 |
Tyller_Durden | up2zion22, normal | 12:49 |
inan | most webcams dont have linux driver | 12:49 |
inan | most webcams dont have linux drivers =( | 12:49 |
up2zion22 | its driving me craZY | 12:50 |
up2zion22 | you tried webcam inan? | 12:50 |
Tyller_Durden | up2zion22, http://localhost:631 | 12:50 |
inan | not yet | 12:50 |
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inan | im still looking for drivers... | 12:50 |
up2zion22 | Tyller_Durden, i did that | 12:50 |
typo | is there any way to get the nautilus spatial behaviour of opening new windows on double-click without closing the parent? | 12:50 |
up2zion22 | where from inan? | 12:51 |
inan | butuan city | 12:51 |
inan | u? up2zion22 | 12:51 |
up2zion22 | it has connection error | 12:51 |
up2zion22 | but works fine with xp | 12:51 |
up2zion22 | inan qc | 12:51 |
inan | ow.. and ur bisaya? | 12:51 |
up2zion22 | lagi | 12:51 |
inan | <up2zion22> but works fine with xp <--- ? | 12:52 |
mjr | typo, gconftool-2 --set --type bool /apps/nautilus/preferences/no_ubuntu_spatial true | 12:52 |
inan | ow ok.. | 12:52 |
typo | mjr: that's for geting spatial, right? | 12:52 |
up2zion22 | my ubuntu wont work with printer but works with xp | 12:52 |
up2zion22 | but i hate my xp | 12:52 |
up2zion22 | i want to migrate | 12:52 |
shinu | is ubuntuguide down? | 12:52 |
mjr | typo, that's for disabling the closing of the old window by default | 12:52 |
Seveas | shinu, yes | 12:52 |
test34 | how can I remove the small icons next to the items in the Applications/Places/System menus ? | 12:52 |
typo | mjr: ah, cool, thanks | 12:52 |
inan | haha... XP have all the driver. | 12:53 |
shinu | Seveas: temporarily? | 12:53 |
Seveas | but since it's crap anyway it's not that bad :) | 12:53 |
inan | shinu: yeah it is down | 12:53 |
shinu | xD | 12:53 |
typo | perfect now | 12:53 |
mjr | typo, it's an ubuntu hack, but luckily can be thus tuned... | 12:53 |
shinu | but it had some good stuff to :/ | 12:53 |
ginoo | my laptop wireless is teh suck | 12:53 |
thoreauputic | Seveas: like the curate's egg, it is good in parts ;) | 12:53 |
up2zion22 | ubuntu has the driver too | 12:53 |
I_did_it_for_lov | which X do u guys prefer? | 12:53 |
typo | mjr: I know, and I don't like it | 12:53 |
up2zion22 | ubuntu is cool | 12:53 |
ginoo | xorg | 12:53 |
ginoo | cause everyone else is doing it | 12:53 |
ginoo | err | 12:54 |
up2zion22 | unsa man na si ginoo | 12:54 |
up2zion22 | bisya man siguro na | 12:54 |
ginoo | im gonna hurt you | 12:54 |
kev_ | erg, which repository gives you sun-j2re1.5 or java2-runtime? | 12:54 |
mjr | typo, yep, I think it was rather unadvisable to do it... Actually, I don't know if it's still that way in Breezy by default | 12:54 |
mjr | anyone? | 12:54 |
ginoo | and/or /msg you a pulp fiction quote | 12:54 |
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Seveas | up2zion22, stick to english in here | 12:54 |
bisdak | ok | 12:54 |
Seveas | I_did_it_for_lov, xfree is dead | 12:54 |
typo | mjr: ok, ok | 12:55 |
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typo | mjr: might be my old settings | 12:55 |
Seveas | all xfree devs are at x.org now | 12:55 |
mjr | typo, well, might, but I wasn't claiming that it wouldn't be default, just asking :) | 12:55 |
mjr | it would be nice if it'd been ditched (as a default, anyway), for breezy | 12:55 |
=== mjr makes a note of checking his breezy laptop | ||
alec_ | Does anybody know how to get 3D desktop to work?? | 12:56 |
test34 | http://secunia.com/advisories/16869/ - new firefox vulnerability | 12:57 |
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DVSoftware | i like that my breezy upgrades packages every few hours | 12:57 |
DVSoftware | i really like bleeding edge :D | 12:57 |
typo | does anyone have working mono or is it known to be broken in breezy now? | 12:57 |
apokryphos | cafuego: try doing a dict on ubotu for recursive; then wait. 8) | 12:57 |
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Seveas | 'extremly critical' is highly exaggerated on that one test34 | 12:57 |
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inan | how to update breezy? is it in the repo? | 12:58 |
inan | or u have to add it.. | 12:58 |
Seveas | inan, read the topic | 12:58 |
dooglus | typo, I have a working mono in breezy | 12:58 |
dooglus | typo: what doesn't work for you? | 12:58 |
test34 | Seveas, if you click on a link in your IRC client and it opens in firefox you are vulnerable.. I think its pretty critical | 12:58 |
typo | dooglus: any mono app | 12:58 |
pc22 | inan, Upgrading to breezy? http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes | 12:58 |
inan | ohh.. sorry.. i didnt read it | 12:58 |
dooglus | typo: I'm running 'blam' right now. | 12:58 |
inan | thanx pc22 | 12:58 |
Seveas | test34, only in very specially crafted urls you should recognize | 12:59 |
typo | dooglus: blam fails | 12:59 |
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chemisus | how can i download java using synaptic? | 12:59 |
Seveas | urls which are not possible in irc clients even | 12:59 |
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poningru | test34: also that is fixed in the nightlys | 12:59 |
dooglus | typo: not for me... I'm using the current breezy versions of everything on i386. | 12:59 |
test34 | Seveas, yes.. I dont know how they look those urls.. maybe you can see the commands in clear text | 12:59 |
typo | dooglus: http://pastebin.com/369462 | 01:00 |
typo | dooglus: me too | 01:00 |
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Seveas | test34, they would have to look loke http://foo.com/bar`hey a shell command here` | 01:00 |
typo | dooglus: looks like it can't find the system libraries | 01:00 |
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dooglus | typo: md5sum /usr/lib/mono/gac/glib-sharp/ ? | 01:02 |
lui | to turn to breezy I just have to change hoary for breezy in sources.list? am I right? | 01:02 |
Seveas | no | 01:02 |
typo | dooglus: 13c3bd2b853a8f6245492a0ba0e867c9 | 01:02 |
DVSoftware | lui | 01:02 |
DVSoftware | apt-get dist-upgrade after that | 01:02 |
Seveas | you should do an apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade too | 01:02 |
lui | yes? | 01:02 |
DVSoftware | yeah update first | 01:02 |
dooglus | 13c3bd2b853a8f6245492a0ba0e867c9 /usr/lib/mono/gac/glib-sharp/ here too | 01:02 |
Seveas | and read the notes on the url in the topic | 01:02 |
typo | dooglus: yep, looks the same | 01:02 |
lui | ok | 01:02 |
lui | yes of course :D | 01:03 |
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Leonik | anyway to install mysql without the hoary hedgehog cd? | 01:04 |
Leonik | i seem to have lost mine | 01:04 |
dooglus | typo: I don't know enough about mono to help. Do you know how to find out where it looks for things? | 01:04 |
typo | dooglus: looks like it can't find the System assembly | 01:04 |
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typo | dooglus: not really | 01:04 |
Seveas | Leonik, remove the cd line from sources.list | 01:04 |
inan | <slack7384> cd /path/to/nvidia/installer | 01:04 |
inan | <slack7384> sudo sh NVidia-Linux-x86-1.0-xxxx-yyyy.run | 01:04 |
inan | <slack7384> sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start | 01:04 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %inan!*@*] by Seveas | ||
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Leonik | where would i find that? | 01:05 |
Seveas | DON'T ever paste in here | 01:05 |
thechitowncubs | What is the w32codec called in breezy? | 01:05 |
dooglus | typo: I'll try 'strace' to see what files it opens. You should too. | 01:05 |
poningru | inan: dude thats why things like #flood and pastebin exist | 01:05 |
Seveas | thechitowncubs, w32codecs :) | 01:05 |
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Tyller_Durden | thechitowncubs, de apt dont take de w32codecs on breezy | 01:06 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb %thomerz!*@* %*!*@IGLD-84-228-53-199.inter.net.il %locomorto!*@* %Myk3!*@*] by Seveas | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bb %odatubuntu!*@* %*!*@] by Seveas | ||
Tyller_Durden | i have to make the download | 01:06 |
Leonik | seveas what's the "cd line"? | 01:06 |
Tyller_Durden | on the ftp | 01:06 |
Leonik | nm | 01:06 |
Leonik | nm | 01:06 |
Leonik | thanks!!!! | 01:06 |
thechitowncubs | Tyller_Durden, de apt dont take w32codecs on breezy??? what does that mean | 01:06 |
pc22 | Tyller_Durden, whats your printer? | 01:06 |
Seveas | Leonik, the one that has the cd info :) | 01:06 |
typo | dooglus: solved it | 01:07 |
dooglus | typo: oh, good. how? | 01:07 |
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Tyller_Durden | thechitowncubs, try make the download using the apt on ftp nerin | 01:07 |
typo | dooglus: I ran "apt-get install --reinstall mono-classlib-1.0" | 01:07 |
SpudDogg | im a n00b...PLEASE HELP!! | 01:07 |
Tyller_Durden | pc22, hp all in one psc1315 | 01:07 |
typo | dooglus: for some reason /usr/lib/mono/1.0/System.dll didn't exist although that package should contain it | 01:07 |
Seveas | !tell SpudDogg about ask | 01:07 |
dooglus | weird. bug in apt-get, or what? | 01:07 |
Leonik | whats a good tutorial on how to setup mysql | 01:07 |
thoreauputic | SpudDogg: shouting won't get you more attention of the kind you want | 01:07 |
Leonik | after you download it? | 01:08 |
Seveas | Leonik, try #mysql | 01:08 |
Leonik | good idea | 01:08 |
Seveas | it's way off-topic in here | 01:08 |
Leonik | yea i guess | 01:08 |
SpudDogg | ok...im a linux n00b. I'm trying to install an FTP server here in Ubuntu, but can't figure out how to install iut | 01:08 |
SpudDogg | it | 01:08 |
pc22 | Tyller_Durden, you hav a network? | 01:08 |
Seveas | SpudDogg, sudo aptitude install pure-ftpd pureadmin | 01:08 |
SpudDogg | ? | 01:09 |
SpudDogg | that doesnt mean anything to me | 01:09 |
thoreauputic | SpudDogg: "linux n00b" and "ftp server" probably should not appear in the same sentence | 01:09 |
Seveas | run that command in a terminal | 01:09 |
SpudDogg | lol | 01:09 |
Tyller_Durden | pc22, not | 01:09 |
SpudDogg | i see | 01:09 |
pc22 | only one pc? | 01:09 |
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dooglus | thoreauputic: it's quite possible to have been running an FTP server for years, but to be a linux noob. windows has ftp servers too you know... | 01:09 |
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Tyller_Durden | pc22, yes | 01:09 |
thoreauputic | dooglus: I did say "probably" :) | 01:10 |
thoreauputic | dooglus: point taken though ;) | 01:10 |
SpudDogg | ok, i ran that command...now how do i configure? | 01:10 |
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Seveas | launch pureadmin | 01:10 |
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SpudDogg | well, after running that, everything scrolled up the screen...but when i type "ls" i dont see anything there about pureadmin | 01:11 |
Seveas | SpudDogg, just type the command pureadmin | 01:11 |
sahak | Hello, gnome-app-install has 2 menu entries: one in Applications, and one in System/Administration. Is this intentional? | 01:11 |
jrjx | I just installed a new KUbuntu 5.04 Install i386 from the ISOs. | 01:12 |
jcohen85 | if i'm using an amd 64 3000+ chip with the 386 Ubuntu, should i use the 386 or 686 kernel? | 01:12 |
dooglus | SpudDogg: type "pureadmin" | 01:12 |
nalioth | jrjx: congrats | 01:12 |
Seveas | it should be somewhere in the menu too | 01:12 |
SpudDogg | "command not found" | 01:12 |
Seveas | jcohen85, 686 | 01:12 |
nalioth | jcohen85: ltns, bubba | 01:12 |
jrjx | I'm trying to update my list of known packages, using both the KDE GUI interface to apt-get and also command-line apt-get. | 01:12 |
SpudDogg | does it matter that im in some different directory? | 01:12 |
dooglus | type "sudo aptitude install pure-ftpd pureadmin" | 01:12 |
dooglus | then type "pureadmin" | 01:12 |
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Seveas | SpudDogg, then paste all the terminal output from the previous command on the pastebin | 01:12 |
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SpudDogg | pastebin? | 01:13 |
Seveas | pastebin is http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 01:13 |
SpudDogg | ahh | 01:13 |
SpudDogg | ok...im gonna do that now | 01:13 |
jcohen85 | Seveas, did I ask you about the kernel panic I was having in breezy before? Apparently it was an unknown bug and has been fixed since I posted my bug report. It affected quite a few other people too. | 01:13 |
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SpudDogg | so, should i make a new post, or type that in the search | 01:13 |
jrjx | In the command-line, I'm getting errors such as ... | 01:14 |
Seveas | new post | 01:14 |
jrjx | Err http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security/main Sources | 01:14 |
Seveas | all the output from the sudo aptitude ..... command | 01:14 |
jrjx | Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hoary/main Packages | 01:14 |
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jcohen85 | https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15707 is the bug report | 01:14 |
Leonik | anyone know what password is set for mysql when it is first installed? | 01:14 |
Leonik | using apt-get | 01:14 |
jrjx | and ... | 01:14 |
Seveas | username root | 01:14 |
Seveas | no password | 01:14 |
SpudDogg | ok...i have 1 more dumb question...i have figured out how to go up directories in the terminal. cd <dir> etc...but how do i go back down? | 01:14 |
jrjx | Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary-security/main/source/Sources.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 01:15 |
jrjx | Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 01:15 |
jrjx | Reading package lists... Done | 01:15 |
jrjx | W: Couldn't stat source package list http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hoary/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 01:15 |
Seveas | jrjx, apt-get update | 01:15 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %jrjx!*@*] by Seveas | ||
dooglus | SpudDogg: "cd .." | 01:15 |
Leonik | gives me access denied *cries* | 01:15 |
Seveas | AND NEVER paste in here | 01:15 |
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SpudDogg | ok...thank you | 01:15 |
pc22 | Seveas, when's ubuntuguide coming back? | 01:15 |
dooglus | SpudDogg: and you've got "up" and "down" confused. "/" is the top of the tree. "/home/spuddogg/a/b/c" is the bottom | 01:15 |
Seveas | jrjx, check your sources.list for duplicates and remove them, then do apt-get update. Then get some netiquette before showing up again | 01:15 |
Seveas | pc22, I hope it won't :) | 01:16 |
dooglus | SpudDogg: if you just "cd" on its own, it takes you home | 01:16 |
SpudDogg | ahh | 01:16 |
SpudDogg | hot it | 01:16 |
SpudDogg | got it | 01:16 |
SpudDogg | thanks | 01:16 |
dooglus | SpudDogg: "pwd" tells you where you are | 01:16 |
pc22 | Seveas, why not? | 01:16 |
Seveas | because it sucked | 01:16 |
SpudDogg | i did that "sudo aptitude install pure-ftpd pureadmin" again, and i see the errors : Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "pure-ftpd" | 01:17 |
SpudDogg | Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "pureadmin" | 01:17 |
thoreauputic | pc22: we spent hours in here trying to fix stuff that happened to people who followed it blindly | 01:17 |
Seveas | SpudDogg, aha1 | 01:17 |
Seveas | SpudDogg, enable universe then | 01:17 |
Seveas | !tell SpudDogg about sources | 01:17 |
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pc22 | ok | 01:17 |
Leonik | seveas when i type in mysql -u root -p and just hit enter at the password prompt i get access denied | 01:17 |
Seveas | Leonik, leave out the -p | 01:18 |
Leonik | i still get access denied | 01:18 |
Seveas | did you install mysql or mysql-server? | 01:18 |
Leonik | mysql server | 01:18 |
Seveas | odd | 01:19 |
Seveas | can you paste the complete output in a private char | 01:19 |
Seveas | chat* | 01:19 |
thechitowncubs | is there a channel for totem? | 01:20 |
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SpudDogg | i dont see anything in Synaptic called univers | 01:20 |
SpudDogg | univers | 01:20 |
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Seveas | SpudDogg, read what ubotu told you | 01:21 |
nybble | hmm... could someone with kernel experience help me in #ubuntu-wireless | 01:21 |
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btuan | s | 01:22 |
_zxsykco | I am reluctant to help as I have problems getting ndiswrapper to work.... | 01:22 |
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inan | . | 01:22 |
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ssdd65 | can i get the 2.6.x kernel sorce with out downloading it.... meaning is it on the cd...? | 01:22 |
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Seveas | ssdd65, no | 01:23 |
ssdd65 | damn | 01:23 |
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zyph | i have trouble using sound in games | 01:23 |
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pc22 | bye all | 01:25 |
inan | Seveas, i have newly installed ubuntu | 01:25 |
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inan | already added nvidia | 01:26 |
inan | do i have to download the package from nvidia.com? | 01:26 |
inan | driver i mean | 01:26 |
_n00blar_ | Quick question..what do I need to be able to view WMV files in xine? | 01:26 |
zyph | inan i had the same question | 01:26 |
zyph | but it's in synaptic | 01:26 |
thoreauputic | !tell inan about nvidia | 01:27 |
zyph | i have my accelerated 3d drivers working like a breeze | 01:27 |
erUSUL | _n00blar_: install w32codecs | 01:27 |
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inan | thanks... | 01:27 |
robotgeek | tell _n00blar_ about codecs | 01:27 |
zyph | np inan | 01:27 |
inan | my 1st time in this channel | 01:27 |
nootrope | i keep getting a shutdown error during installation of HH on a P2 that states that Critical temperature has been reached 127 C, a quick check inside the box reveals nothing hot at all, and pointing a fan at the open box during install doesn't prevent it. anyone know what's up? | 01:27 |
zyph | 2nd | 01:27 |
zyph | i have two sound cards, trying to get games to use them | 01:27 |
zyph | one or the other lol | 01:28 |
zyph | i come from slackware and kde, ubuntu is new to me | 01:28 |
_n00blar_ | erUSUL, can I use synaptic to get them? | 01:28 |
SpudDogg | im sorry about all the problems, but i followed the ubotu instructions, read the tutorial, and did every step. i still dont see any universe | 01:28 |
erUSUL | _n00blar_: yes they are in hoary-extras i think | 01:28 |
zyph | is breezy stable yet? | 01:28 |
thoreauputic | SpudDogg: did you reload/update ? | 01:29 |
erUSUL | zyph: no | 01:29 |
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SpudDogg | yes, i reloaded, but what do you mean by update? | 01:29 |
erUSUL | tell _n00blar_ about repos | 01:29 |
thoreauputic | SpudDogg: same thing really | 01:29 |
MatC | Hi folks... next question: I'm trying to get TV recording working from a tv card (878 based). I can see the picture fine in xawtv (image grab mode only, overlay doesn't work), but can't record with ffmpeg (it says it can't find the grab device). I've looked online and at the ffmpeg faq, but can't see anything... any ideas ? | 01:29 |
SpudDogg | ok, yes i did that | 01:29 |
SpudDogg | i even searched for universe, and found nothing | 01:29 |
thoreauputic | SpudDogg: if you did it right, you should see a whole lot more available packages | 01:30 |
zyph | Matc, what kind of card do you have? | 01:30 |
SpudDogg | ok, i'll run through again...brb | 01:30 |
MatC | Hauppage, 878 thingie | 01:30 |
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zyph | oh so it's an actual tv card | 01:30 |
MatC | yes | 01:30 |
zyph | lol i got a nvidia card with tv-in | 01:30 |
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zyph | i stopped trying to get that to work in linux 3 years ago | 01:31 |
MatC | nice :) | 01:31 |
MatC | haha# | 01:31 |
zyph | 4 distros later, i'd be amazed if ubuntu had an easy solution | 01:31 |
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MatC | it's bizarre enough getting those working in windows (I used to have similar, but gave my old vivo card away) | 01:32 |
zyph | the box was really misleading | 01:32 |
MatC | well xawtv works, and shows the image all fine..... so I think it's a software issue (aren't they all?) | 01:32 |
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nootrope | no takers on the Critical temperature reacher error? | 01:32 |
JuuL | hello, I'm having troubles with my PCI-X nvidia 6600 on my AMD64 I can't start X after installing ubuntu. I already searched the forums, but that doesn't work. Can anyone help me out please? | 01:32 |
zyph | all i can think of is the bttv driver | 01:32 |
MatC | could be... | 01:33 |
MatC | worth trying to upgrade it | 01:33 |
MatC | ? | 01:33 |
zyph | well i guess make sure you have the right driver? | 01:33 |
MatC | if it was the wrong driver, could it still work under xawtv ? | 01:33 |
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zyph | hmm... lemme think for a minute about something | 01:33 |
erUSUL | MatC: check for the devs if it says that the grab one does not exist maybe it actually does not exist... | 01:33 |
MatC | erUSUL: when I load xawtv I can see the tv picture just fine... so I assume it has the dev ok? | 01:34 |
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Fubarred | anyone give me a name for a C syntax highlighting editor for Ubuntu? | 01:35 |
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MatC | does kate have c highlighting? I can't remember | 01:35 |
test34 | Fubarred, vi ? | 01:36 |
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MatC | vi? has he been evil in a previous life? :) | 01:36 |
erUSUL | MatC: maybe it uses a different device for watchin tv and for recording my snd card exposes 4 devs | 01:36 |
fluvvell | hey guys, after I install k3b, how do I get it to appear on the menus? | 01:36 |
MatC | er4z0r: could be I guess...... how can I tell that? | 01:37 |
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test34 | how can I remove the small icons next to the items in the Applications/Places/System menus ? | 01:38 |
erUSUL | MatC: i do not have a tv card i can not tell for sure | 01:38 |
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Fubarred | test34, vi doesnt | 01:39 |
erUSUL | MatC: just a hint | 01:39 |
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JuuL | does anybody has had some problems with pci-x on amd64 also? | 01:39 |
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MatC | sure, thanks erUSUL... will look through it's devices or something | 01:39 |
Fubarred | C Syntax highlighting editor, anyone? | 01:39 |
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jrjx | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2387 | 01:40 |
cevizoglu | is there an easier way to switch wireless hubs than going to network settings -> properties -> network name? | 01:40 |
JuuL | i have bought my pc some months ago and i'm still getting it to work :s | 01:40 |
test34 | Fubarred, vim then | 01:40 |
cevizoglu | like perhaps a gui tool or a cli script? | 01:40 |
erUSUL | Fubarred: almost any unix editor has C highlight even nano can be teached to highlight c | 01:41 |
Miguel_Ross | does any body know about gnopernicus | 01:41 |
erUSUL | emacs, gvim, gedit, kate,.... | 01:41 |
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edoyape | msg #ubuntu register ferrari | 01:41 |
MatC | Fubarred: kate is included with kde (kubuntu), and is nice | 01:41 |
erUSUL | cevizoglu: try networkapplet | 01:41 |
enyc | nigu: not really -- accessibility-toolkit thing | 01:41 |
fluvvell | edoyape, you need a / | 01:42 |
edoyape | register ferrari | 01:42 |
SpudDogg | ok...i got it working now | 01:42 |
SpudDogg | thanks very much! | 01:42 |
enyc | nigu: exepct that iirc its not in usable-state ;p | 01:42 |
fluvvell | the / goes at the beginning | 01:42 |
edoyape | thnk | 01:42 |
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Miguel_Ross | yes you got it accessibility tool kit | 01:43 |
enyc | nigu: iirc its just not finished/working yet ;p | 01:43 |
inan | how to add wine? | 01:43 |
fluvvell | inan: apt-get install wine | 01:43 |
inan | no more source.list? | 01:44 |
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Miguel_Ross | because it doesn't apear that gnopernicus is include on the ubuntu distro | 01:44 |
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jmain | I can't get GDM to load my .xsession script. But startx from command line does. | 01:45 |
cevizoglu | erUSUL, how do I make netapplet present on startup? | 01:46 |
erUSUL | Miguel_Ross: i have it in my list... | 01:46 |
erUSUL | cevizoglu: add it to the panel. it will be there when you log in thre | 01:47 |
Miguel_Ross | onthe package cd | 01:47 |
Seveas | jmain, gdm does not use .xsession | 01:47 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Seveas] by Seveas | ||
Fubarred | im running gnome, is it advised against to install such KDE native apps like KATE ? | 01:47 |
SpudDogg | anyone here know much about pureadmin | 01:47 |
thoreauputic | jmain: choose the default system session in gdm | 01:47 |
SpudDogg | ? | 01:47 |
robotgeek | Fubarred: nope, go ahead and install them | 01:48 |
thoreauputic | Seveas: yes it does | 01:48 |
jmain | I am trying to lauch different apps in fluxbox on startup | 01:48 |
Seveas | thoreauputic, hmm | 01:48 |
mjr | Fubarred, not really, though you may get a better experience if a native Gnome app fills your needs | 01:48 |
Seveas | I stand corrected then | 01:48 |
erUSUL | Fubarred: use gedit then | 01:48 |
inan | can somebody help.. trying to add Wine | 01:48 |
inan | =D | 01:48 |
Fubarred | robotgeek, wont appear in menu/panel will it? | 01:48 |
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thoreauputic | Seveas: you just choose the system session .. default or whatever it's called | 01:48 |
robotgeek | Fubarred: it will appear | 01:48 |
cevizoglu | robotgeek, my wireless is working now.. I got a prism card :D | 01:49 |
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robotgeek | cevizoglu: awesome! | 01:50 |
SpudDogg | thoreauputic you still here? | 01:50 |
Fubarred | thanks guys, gedit will do the job just fine! | 01:50 |
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dooglus | Seveas: gdm DOES TOO use .xsession! | 01:51 |
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=== SpudDogg is really lost | ||
nalioth | SpudDogg: you dont need thoreauputic. what is up? | 01:51 |
=== nalioth hands SpudDogg a compass | ||
SpudDogg | im still having a problem with this pureadmin...i installed it and can run it, but cannot create any users | 01:52 |
=== cevizoglu hands SpudDogg some coffee | ||
tapox | Hey guys, every time I run Ubuntu Update Manager it's decided to yell at me. | 01:52 |
jmain | dooglus: how do you get it to run? | 01:52 |
tapox | "Your system has broken packages!" | 01:52 |
=== Pie [n=jimmy@dpc6744173141.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tapox | How do I un-break said package? | 01:52 |
Pie | how do i play .mp3 files with amaroK? | 01:53 |
funkyHat | install the packages it depends on tapox | 01:53 |
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SpudDogg | i get the error "There was an error when trying to create password file..." | 01:53 |
SpudDogg | any ideas? | 01:53 |
cevizoglu | tapox, if there is a package which won't install, you can remove it to enable the other packages to install | 01:53 |
tapox | ahh. | 01:54 |
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cevizoglu | tapox, that is just one possibility though, you will have to do some troubleshooting | 01:54 |
tapox | I figured it out. For some reason, even though it says it didn't install, Opera installed with its package problem. | 01:54 |
cevizoglu | tapox, like if you dist-upgraded, you might need to force the upgrade for some packages which have conflicts | 01:54 |
tapox | Speaking of which, are the qt packages in universe? | 01:54 |
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nalioth | SpudDogg: how are you attempting to do the password file thing? | 01:55 |
tapox | yeah, it's just the sole opera package cevisoglu. | 01:55 |
SpudDogg | when i click the "manage users" button, the error pops up | 01:55 |
dooglus | Seveas: I have the line "export myxsession=sourced" in my ~/.xsession, and I see the variable in every shell I start inside GNOME | 01:56 |
ksmurf | goodday all. | 01:56 |
nalioth | SpudDogg: what program is it again? | 01:56 |
SpudDogg | pureadmin | 01:56 |
zxsykco | Anyone have any idea why I get this | 01:56 |
dooglus | Seveas: aah. but that's probably because I have the line ". ~/.xsession | 01:56 |
zxsykco | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 01:56 |
zxsykco | gforge-sourceforge-transition: Depends: sourceforge but it is not installed or | 01:56 |
zxsykco | sourceforge-db-postgresql but it is not installable | 01:56 |
dooglus | " in my .gnomerc... | 01:56 |
ksmurf | if there a way to change my resolution in termianl? | 01:56 |
nalioth | SpudDogg: what does that do? | 01:56 |
nalioth | zxsykco: please do not paste in here | 01:56 |
zxsykco | I'm sorry. | 01:57 |
ksmurf | alot of my screen is unseen on startup ( laptop) | 01:57 |
zxsykco | I should've used #flood | 01:57 |
cevizoglu | ksmurf, have you tried changing your resolution? | 01:57 |
SpudDogg | well, im looking to install an FTP server...someone told me to use this | 01:57 |
nalioth | zxsykco: you'll need to use apt-get to build sourceforge-db-postgresql | 01:57 |
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nalioth | SpudDogg: did you get it from the ubuntu repos? | 01:57 |
SpudDogg | yes | 01:58 |
ksmurf | cevizoglu.... Yes I can in gnome but it doesn't help durning startup | 01:58 |
zxsykco | I tried apt-get -f install and it gives me the same error everytime. | 01:58 |
nalioth | SpudDogg: is there a website on how to use it? (sorry i'm clueless on the program itself) | 01:58 |
SpudDogg | lol...i have no idea... | 01:58 |
cevizoglu | ksmurf, does it help after startup? | 01:58 |
nalioth | zxsykco: you'll need to get apt-get to build the pkg for you | 01:58 |
=== BlueEagle [n=blueeagl@ti541210a080-0427.bb.online.no] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
nalioth | SpudDogg: uncle google is your friend | 01:58 |
=== SpudDogg drank his coffee...he needs more | ||
SpudDogg | i see that | 01:58 |
SpudDogg | im gonna work for a while | 01:58 |
SpudDogg | thanks man | 01:59 |
nalioth | SpudDogg: he who helps himself, and all that | 01:59 |
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SpudDogg | rgr that | 01:59 |
SpudDogg | thanks again man | 01:59 |
ksmurf | cevizoglu.... NO.... but I think I misunderstood you. Your talking bout changing it in grub right? | 01:59 |
=== Cossins [n=simon@x1-6-00-40-95-c0-05-d1.k458.webspeed.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zxsykco | Thank you Nalioth. | 01:59 |
Cossins | ok, i'm in deep shit! | 01:59 |
nalioth | zxsykco: are you familiar with that function? | 01:59 |
cevizoglu | ksmurf, no I'm talking about changing it in your preferences after startup | 01:59 |
nalioth | Cossins: language please, alligators works well in your sentence | 01:59 |
=== tenshiKur0 [n=tenshiKu@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fluvvell | err, Ive added k3b which works from terminal and from *Run Application, but it doesnt appear in menu anywhere - any ideas? | 02:00 |
Cossins | nalioth: alright, i'm in deep alligators... | 02:00 |
cevizoglu | ha ha ha ha | 02:00 |
Cossins | x.org continues to refuse to think about starting | 02:00 |
nalioth | fluvvell: use smeg | 02:00 |
BlueEagle | fluvvell: You might want to add it manually if it doesn't put itself there. | 02:00 |
ksmurf | cevizoglu...... there is no issue in X no matter what GUI I am using. Just in Console mode at startup | 02:00 |
zxsykco | Double thanks Nalioth! | 02:00 |
dooglus | I just removed a bunch of orphaned packages and now I can't run gnome-terminal any more. oops! | 02:00 |
Cossins | good ol' "could not open default font 'fixed'" | 02:00 |
dooglus | I guess it depends on something but doesn't declare its dependancy. | 02:00 |
BlueEagle | dooglus: Not so orphaned then. heh. | 02:01 |
zxsykco | Yes I can use man apt-get and I figured the rest out! | 02:01 |
fluvvell | nalioth: smeg ? | 02:01 |
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dooglus | BlueEagle: well, they were all orphans - and I still have the gnome-terminal program - it just doesn't work any more. | 02:01 |
zxsykco | Building now! | 02:01 |
cevizoglu | ksmurf, hmm.. not sure then | 02:01 |
zxsykco | Thank you! | 02:01 |
fluvvell | BlueEagle: Which menu editor to use? | 02:01 |
nalioth | zxsykco: lots of programs "are not installable" b/c they dont exist in binary form for your arch | 02:01 |
dooglus | BlueEagle: doesn't that mean there's an error in the dependancy tree somewhere? | 02:01 |
BlueEagle | zxsykco: Try aptitude instead of apt-get. It's got better tracking of dependencies, or so I've been told. | 02:01 |
BlueEagle | fluvvell: joe or gedit | 02:01 |
dooglus | luckily I kept a list of the packages I removed, so hopefully reinstalling them will fix the problem. | 02:02 |
dooglus | otherwise it's xterm for me for a while... | 02:02 |
cevizoglu | ksmurf, are you just interested in reading startup log? | 02:02 |
zxsykco | Ok, I will take a look BlueEagle. | 02:02 |
BlueEagle | dooglus: It means that it has got a dependancy but it isn't declared properly. | 02:02 |
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Cossins | even though xfonts-base is installed correctly, x.org doesn't find the 'fixed' font | 02:02 |
dooglus | BlueEagle: I'd call that a bug... | 02:02 |
cevizoglu | ksmurf, if so, try "dmesg" from the cli | 02:02 |
fluvvell | surely Gnome has a menu editor? | 02:02 |
nalioth | BlueEagle: we're using apt to build missing binaries | 02:02 |
dooglus | fluvvell: "smeg" | 02:02 |
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BlueEagle | dooglus: So would I. Now it's just a matter of tracking down the file and filing a bug report. | 02:02 |
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nalioth | !tell fluvvell about smeg | 02:02 |
dooglus | BlueEagle: that's exactly what I'm doing. | 02:02 |
zxsykco | I've installed every other development related and lib related packages with no problems, aside from gforge~. | 02:03 |
BlueEagle | dooglus: :) | 02:03 |
Cossins | i'm desperate here! | 02:03 |
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Cossins | I know I'm being a PITA right now, but this is annoying, and I have no idea where else to ask. | 02:03 |
dooglus | BlueEagle, do you recognise any of these as potential candidates to help narrow my search? : cpp-3.4 cupsys-bsd cupsys-client dpatch fluxbox fnlib-data foomatic-filters fortune-mod fortunes-min gcc-3.3 gcc-3.4 gftp-common gftp-gtk gnome-btdownload gnome-cups-manager gstreamer0.8-dv gstreamer0.8-hermes gstreamer0.8-plugin-apps gtk-smooth-themes iceme icepref icewm icewm-gnome-support icewm-themes ijsgimpprint java-package juk libdbus-glib-1-dev libfnlib0 | 02:03 |
cevizoglu | dooglus, you need to use pastebin | 02:04 |
dooglus | cevizoglu: isn't that only for pastes of over 4 lines? | 02:04 |
freeman08 | can anyone help me setting up my network... i already installed samba and nfs | 02:04 |
dooglus | cevizoglu: I only wrote a single line | 02:04 |
cevizoglu | dooglus, you're taking up 12 lines on my screen | 02:04 |
robotgeek | dooglus: your paste was over 4 lines :) | 02:04 |
=== Vespoli [n=Vespoli@pool-70-110-19-201.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tristanmike | 9 lines on mine | 02:04 |
dooglus | cevizoglu: I guess your IRC client is word-wrapping or something | 02:04 |
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Vespoli | :o | 02:05 |
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cevizoglu | dooglus, yes | 02:05 |
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Vespoli | how can I sudo apt-get blah blah but I don't belong to admin | 02:05 |
robotgeek | dooglus: yeah, it does. isn't that logical? | 02:05 |
Gobbla | im installing ubuntu on my laptop and the cd is broken... i have partionated some space, I have my ntfs partion left... the error occured when I started installing the base system... will it be OK to cancel the installation at this point? | 02:05 |
Vespoli | and I think I need to be a member of 'admin' | 02:05 |
Vespoli | but -- no exist! | 02:05 |
Vespoli | :P | 02:05 |
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nalioth | Gobbla: yes | 02:06 |
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Gobbla | positive? otherwise I could just burn another one tomorrow and plug it in instead... | 02:06 |
dooglus | robotgeek: the number of lines will depend on which point your client wraps the lines. I only typed one line. | 02:06 |
crystuferUbuntuP | How do I get to the settings for my sound card? | 02:06 |
Vespoli | ....... | 02:06 |
cevizoglu | dooglus, no need to argue, just use pastebin | 02:07 |
nalioth | Gobbla: unless you've gotten to the 'install boot loader' part, your windows should work fine | 02:07 |
makkk | is there a way to bypass the harddisk check that ubuntu does automatically every 30th boot? | 02:07 |
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nalioth | makkk: yes, but why would you want to? it's for your datas protection | 02:07 |
BlueEagle | dooglus: I'd start with the last two libs | 02:07 |
Seveas | makkk, read the manpage for tune2fs | 02:07 |
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Gobbla | nalioth: alright, ill take your word for it :) | 02:07 |
tristanmike | nalioth, how do you do the check manually? | 02:07 |
BlueEagle | dooglus: The ice suff you can rule out as they are a different wm. | 02:08 |
makkk | nalioth, i have a laptop, sometimes it does it at the worst time. I'd like it to do it at night or something | 02:08 |
dooglus | BlueEagle: right. | 02:08 |
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dooglus | I reinstalled the whole lot and it's working again. | 02:08 |
BlueEagle | dooglus: also fluxbox should have no impact on it. the fortune stuff is for fortunes. Nice, but hardly crucial. | 02:08 |
nalioth | makkk: dont restart at a "worst" time | 02:08 |
Gobbla | nalioth: oh fuck i forgot to tell you i have another dist already installed | 02:08 |
Gobbla | that i installed over | 02:08 |
nalioth | Gobbla: languange | 02:08 |
dooglus | what was funny was that this window itself (the IRC window) froze during the apt-get remove operation. | 02:08 |
Gobbla | now it just says GRUB in a black screen | 02:09 |
Gobbla | cant type anything | 02:09 |
dooglus | I had to kill the gnome-terminal it was running in. | 02:09 |
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BlueEagle | gobbla: usb keyboard? | 02:09 |
Gobbla | no | 02:09 |
Gobbla | laptop | 02:09 |
dooglus | and after reinstalling all the packages, gnome-terminal still wouldn't work until I restarted GNOME (logout and login) | 02:09 |
nalioth | Gobbla: you are out of business for the moment. you have two choices: you can rebuild your grub so windows loads, or get another install cd tomrrow and finish the install | 02:09 |
=== Morimando [n=Morimand@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cossins | hey Morimando! | 02:09 |
Gobbla | ok good | 02:10 |
Morimando | hey Cossins | 02:10 |
makkk | nalioth, ... that's not a very good solution, cant always control everything around me, i use my laptop for work, there are times i need to boot into windows, then back. I need a way to do it when I want to do it | 02:10 |
Gobbla | option nr 2 it is | 02:10 |
Cossins | Morimando: small world... | 02:10 |
=== Morimando has a little problem after upgrading to breezy | ||
Morimando | yeah it is | 02:10 |
=== Cossins too | ||
rubem | hello... | 02:10 |
Morimando | font path wrong? | 02:10 |
nalioth | makkk: read up on "tune2fs" and you decide how you want your system to run | 02:10 |
Gobbla | sry bout the lanugage nalioth just got a bit scared :) | 02:10 |
makkk | thanks | 02:10 |
rubem | are you reading thesse message? | 02:10 |
Gobbla | my network admin at school woulda killed me if i had f*t anything up | 02:10 |
rubem | thesse = this | 02:10 |
Cossins | Morimando: exactly! | 02:11 |
rubem | ? | 02:11 |
nalioth | makkk: keep in mind that fsck works better before the disk is mounted | 02:11 |
Morimando | K so i am not alone | 02:11 |
rubem | anyone? | 02:11 |
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robotgeek | !tell rubem about anyone | 02:11 |
nalioth | rubem: you are sending no priv msgs. your are unidentified | 02:11 |
Cossins | Morimando: maybe it's a gentoo-ubuntu migration thing? :-D | 02:11 |
cleaner345345 | german ? | 02:11 |
nalioth | cleaner345345: en #ubuntu-de | 02:11 |
makkk | nalioth, I'll keep in in mind. looks like i have some reading to do. i know nothing about this stuff | 02:11 |
cleaner345345 | thx | 02:11 |
Morimando | I migrated from Hoary ;) | 02:11 |
sorush20 | what is the best image viewer in Linux just similar to ACD | 02:11 |
Morimando | desk = Sourcemage, notebook = ubuntu | 02:12 |
rubem | hi | 02:12 |
robotgeek | sorush20: display | 02:12 |
Cossins | Morimando: yeah, i really migrated from warty (old install cd), so... :S | 02:12 |
nalioth | sorush20: there are dozens similar | 02:12 |
ksmurf | Let me clarify my issue.... If I drop to terminal My resolution is not correct without X. Is there somewhere to fix that? | 02:12 |
=== c0rrupt_ [n=joe@pool-70-16-55-189.syr.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_n00blar_ | Ok, I think the hoary-extras source that I have added to my source-list files doesn't have w32codecs...anyone know of a source that has them for sure? | 02:12 |
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rubem | i have irc :P | 02:12 |
erUSUL | sorush20: gthumb. gqview | 02:12 |
tritium | _n00blar_, it was removed | 02:12 |
robotgeek | _n00blar_: http://giannaros.org/tor/bt/ | 02:12 |
_n00blar_ | robotgeek, ty | 02:12 |
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rubem | does anybody knows fstab? | 02:13 |
ksmurf | n00blar.... they have been removed | 02:13 |
Morimando | so how exactly is this fixed? | 02:13 |
Seveas | _n00blar_, seveas.ubuntulinux.nl | 02:13 |
tritium | what about fstab, rubem ? | 02:13 |
rubem | /dev/hda7 /mnt/hda7 ntfs ro,user,auto,exec 0 0 | 02:13 |
ksmurf | rubem what do u need' | 02:13 |
Morimando | if we two got it, there must be more ;) | 02:13 |
Cossins | Morimando: haha, very funny... "fixed"... | 02:13 |
=== mjr_ is now known as mjr | ||
rubem | this should allow users to acess hda7? | 02:13 |
Seveas | rubem, add umask=0000 to that | 02:13 |
rubem | umask at the options? | 02:13 |
dooglus | ksmurf: I think you need to specify some "vga=" setting in your kernel parameters in grub or lilo | 02:13 |
nalioth | sorush20: gtksee | 02:13 |
Seveas | ro,user,auto,fmask=0333,dmask=0222 | 02:14 |
Seveas | that's the best | 02:14 |
erUSUL | rubem: ask | 02:14 |
=== robotgeek is now known as robotgeek_away | ||
Cossins | Morimando: i feel like shouting, but that would be impolite... nobody here listens to us! | 02:14 |
TokenBad | anyone know why apt-get will not install something and why it gives the error it gives? | 02:14 |
rubem | I'll try | 02:14 |
Morimando | Well.... | 02:14 |
crystuferUbuntuP | Seriously, how do I get my sound card working? | 02:14 |
c0rrupt_ | seveas when i boot /etc/init.d/networking start hangs or something.. but when i run it in a terminal it works fine.. any ideas why? | 02:14 |
_n00blar_ | I get 404 Not found from both sites | 02:14 |
Seveas | c0rrupt_, not at all | 02:14 |
_n00blar_ | when I run apt-get update | 02:14 |
c0rrupt_ | i wind up having to ctrl c | 02:15 |
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c0rrupt_ | or it takes 5 mins to boot | 02:15 |
Seveas | _n00blar_, http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ has it for sure, it's my own site :) | 02:15 |
ksmurf | dooglus..... you know where to get the vga values? | 02:15 |
Morimando | Anyone has an idea on why breezy fails to boot (saying font path is wrong)? | 02:15 |
robotgeek_away | _n00blar_: http://giannaros.org/tor/bt/ are torrent downloads | 02:15 |
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tritium | Morimando, breezy boots just fine | 02:15 |
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dooglus | ksmurf: try http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/archive/26/2004/03/4/152575 | 02:15 |
Seveas | Morimando, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 02:15 |
Morimando | tritium, not here, it doesn't ;) | 02:16 |
ksmurf | thanks | 02:16 |
Cossins | tritium: yeah, but X.org doesn't | 02:16 |
Morimando | Seveas, i'll try that... one moment. | 02:16 |
nalioth | tritium: sneaksin around again? | 02:16 |
cevizoglu | c0rrupt_, what network interface are you using? it has to be there on boot or it will take a long time | 02:16 |
Cossins | Seveas: doesn't do anything | 02:16 |
tritium | Cossins, yes it does. Don't talk in the absolute | 02:16 |
rubem | umask did not work, i'll try fmask and dmask | 02:16 |
Seveas | Cossins, thenn manually correct the fontpaths in there | 02:16 |
c0rrupt_ | ? | 02:16 |
tritium | nalioth, we are ;) | 02:16 |
c0rrupt_ | uh | 02:16 |
Cossins | Seveas: been there, done that - they couldn't be more corrent | 02:16 |
c0rrupt_ | wlna0 | 02:16 |
Cossins | correct | 02:16 |
c0rrupt_ | wlan0 | 02:16 |
crystuferUbuntuP | I can get my soundcard to work in damnsmalllinux, but not this version. What's up with that? | 02:16 |
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Cossins | tritium: don't focus on semantics when we might have a real problem (at least more than one of us do) | 02:17 |
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c0rrupt_ | hmm | 02:17 |
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c0rrupt_ | it is there though | 02:17 |
Morimando | dpkg-reconfigure only tells me that xserver-xorg is broken or incomplete | 02:17 |
c0rrupt_ | actually i think it might be the driver im using.. now that i think of it | 02:17 |
Seveas | Cossins, if your fontpaths are correct X wouldn't complain about them | 02:17 |
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c0rrupt_ | i should switch back to ndiswrapper | 02:18 |
cevizoglu | c0rrupt_, the cable or wireless hub is present on boot? | 02:18 |
c0rrupt_ | yea | 02:18 |
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rubem | hum. did not work... | 02:18 |
Seveas | Morimando, right, apt-get -f install && dpkg --configure --pending | 02:18 |
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Cossins | Seveas: apparently it would... I do know what I'm doing, you can have my xorg.conf if you like, but it would be a waste of your time. | 02:18 |
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rubem | fmask=0333,dmask=0222, this realy allow users to acess partitions? | 02:19 |
Seveas | rubem, first you need to unmont the partition then mount with these options | 02:19 |
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phlegm | Quick question for the gurus. I rebuilt the deb's for libtunepimp because they don't have mp3 support. Problem is that apt-get upgrade keeps replacing them. How do I tell apt- to leave them? I tried selecting the current version in synaptic and also locking them. No luck. | 02:19 |
Seveas | and you should forget about write access | 02:19 |
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nalioth | phlegm: see the wiki on "apt pinning" | 02:20 |
tritium | precisely | 02:20 |
vladuz976 | ubuntuguide is down. is there any other place where i can get info | 02:20 |
phlegm | nalioth: thnks | 02:20 |
c0rrupt_ | cevizoglu, ..? | 02:21 |
tritium | vladuz976, the wiki | 02:21 |
psusi | I installed the ubuntu kernel 2.6.12 package but when I try to make xconfig it says gcc-3.4 not found... can't you build the kernel with gcc 4? | 02:21 |
c0rrupt_ | could it be my driver | 02:21 |
_n00blar_ | Seveas, I'm getting 401 Unathenticated when i try to install w32codecs off your site | 02:21 |
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c0rrupt_ | im using a patched driver for injection purposes | 02:21 |
nalioth | vladuz976: wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | 02:21 |
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nalioth | _n00blar_: what do you want from seveas? the java and w32codecs are available as a torrent | 02:21 |
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vladuz976 | nalioth, thanks | 02:22 |
phlegm | vladuz976: google for the guide and then use the google cache. | 02:22 |
cevizoglu | c0rrupt_, if you're sure your network can be detected on boot, not sure why it's slow. I get the same problem when I've set to an interface that's not there | 02:22 |
Seveas | nalioth, I still give people access though ;) | 02:22 |
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rubem | i do what? | 02:22 |
Seveas | the restrictioin is just to keep my bandwidth under control :) | 02:22 |
vladuz976 | phlegm, good idea, thanks | 02:22 |
c0rrupt_ | set what to an interface thats not there.. | 02:22 |
Morimando | Cossins, made any progress? | 02:22 |
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Cossins | Morimando: nope | 02:22 |
rubem | mount /dev/hda7 /mnt/hda7 umask=0000 ? | 02:22 |
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Cossins | Morimando: i battled this for 2 days now | 02:22 |
tritium | vladuz976, phlegm the ubuntuguide is not advised anyway | 02:23 |
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dooglus | BlueEagle: well, I removed all those packages again, and this time gnome-terminal works. Huh??? | 02:23 |
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vladuz976 | tritium, why not? | 02:23 |
Cossins | Morimando: the worst thing is I have no idea at what level the error occurs | 02:23 |
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tritium | !ubuntuguide | 02:24 |
ubotu | well, ubuntuguide is out of date, breaks PCs and doesn't explain anything. The official FAQ Guide, which is based on ubuntuguide will soon be the help menu in Breezy. For more information see !faq. | 02:24 |
Morimando | don't ask me | 02:24 |
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vladuz976 | !faq | 02:24 |
ubotu | I heard faq is The Ubuntu FAQ Guide: select System -> Help (in Breezy) | 02:24 |
c0rrupt_ | cevizoglu, i think it might be my drivers.. im going to switch back to ndiswrapper real quick. | 02:24 |
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vladuz976 | tritium, well i am still on hoary | 02:25 |
rubem | can I "reload" the mounted file system from the fstab after umonting them? | 02:25 |
tritium | vladuz976, in the meantime, the UserDocumentation wiki page is _very_ useful | 02:25 |
Morimando | uhm i don't want to disappoint you Cossins but apparently reinstalling and THEN reconfiguring X worked | 02:25 |
vladuz976 | tritium, ok | 02:25 |
dooglus | Cossins: which version of ubuntu are you running? | 02:25 |
rubem | anyone???? | 02:25 |
Cossins | dooglus: breezy, latest repository update | 02:26 |
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dooglus | Cossins: could you pastebin your xorg.conF? | 02:26 |
rubem | ??? | 02:26 |
=== Vespoli [n=Vespoli@pool-70-110-19-201.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vespoli | how can I install a mp3 player ? | 02:26 |
Vespoli | what are some good mp3 players out there | 02:26 |
rubem | Vespoli: apt-get install xmms | 02:27 |
=== tritium laughs at nalioth's costume: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=761 | ||
nalioth | !tell Vespoli about mp3 | 02:27 |
Vespoli | xmms crashed last time I tried it | 02:27 |
Cossins | dooglus: i could - how do i do that in irssi? you know what, I think i'll just upload it to some server | 02:27 |
Vespoli | :'( | 02:27 |
rubem | hum | 02:27 |
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dooglus | Cossins: it's a website - you don't use the IRC client | 02:27 |
rubem | use a java mp3 player then | 02:27 |
Vespoli | OMG | 02:27 |
Vespoli | no java xD | 02:27 |
rubem | why? | 02:27 |
nalioth | tritium: that looks like my dog | 02:27 |
nalioth | tritium: for real | 02:27 |
dooglus | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 02:27 |
tritium | nalioth, oh yeah? | 02:27 |
rubem | You could use java webstart | 02:27 |
rubem | you may not even have to install | 02:28 |
Seveas | tritium, OMFGROFLOLPIMP :) | 02:28 |
nalioth | tritium: or maybe a precursor mascot mockup for "Stinky Skunk"??? | 02:28 |
Cossins | dooglus: http://www.simononline.dk/arkiv/xorg.conf | 02:28 |
Seveas | </aol> | 02:28 |
Vespoli | saying java is good because its multi-platform is like saying that anal sex is good because it works on all animals | 02:28 |
tritium | Vespoli, you can build your own java .deb from Sun's .bin, and make-jpkg from java-package | 02:28 |
x[BrB] x | i can't see my 2nd HHD on k3b | 02:28 |
tritium | Seveas, :) | 02:28 |
rubem | whell... | 02:28 |
rubem | wel... | 02:28 |
nalioth | Vespoli: you using breezy or hoary? | 02:28 |
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Vespoli | breezy | 02:28 |
Vespoli | 5.10 | 02:28 |
rubem | java is not good becouse is multi-plataform | 02:28 |
LincTeK | hey everyone is there a key to press when booting ubuntu to get to the command line before the graphical login screen ? | 02:28 |
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Vespoli | rubem, you're right | 02:28 |
rubem | is good beause their api | 02:28 |
dooglus | Cossins: did you try adding the local font server line? | 02:29 |
FatDarrel | LincTeK, yeah | 02:29 |
FatDarrel | CTRL-ALT-F1 | 02:29 |
Vespoli | its good because its so fuking sloooooow | 02:29 |
rubem | hahahah | 02:29 |
dooglus | Cossins: "FontPath"unix/:7100"# local font server" | 02:29 |
TokenBad | anyone know why apt-get will not install something and why it gives the error it gives? | 02:29 |
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rubem | java is not slow, you that have a slow computer :P | 02:29 |
rubem | just kidding | 02:29 |
dooglus | or rather, FontPath "unix/:7100" # local font server | 02:29 |
rubem | :P | 02:29 |
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cevizoglu | Vespoli, is that like saying that using windows is like ana... uh.. | 02:29 |
Cossins | dooglus: tried it... didn't make a difference | 02:29 |
LincTeK | thanks darrel | 02:29 |
rubem | try it, you will not regret | 02:29 |
LincTeK | i thought it was something like that | 02:30 |
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LincTeK | i busted breezy and need to fix it LOL | 02:30 |
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fossa | hey, i was following instructions to use ndiswrapper to get my wifi thing working. the last thing was to add the line 'ndiswrapper' to some kind of configuration file. what file was it? | 02:30 |
nalioth | Vespoli: you can get java here http://giannaros.org/tor/bt/ | 02:31 |
Seveas | fossa, /etc/modules | 02:31 |
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fossa | yeah! | 02:31 |
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x[BrB] x | i can't see my 2nd HHD on k3b | 02:31 |
Morimando | ah ndiswrapper.. need to look at that too.. | 02:31 |
=== tritium is still laughing at Vespoli's comment | ||
c0rrupt_ | well that didnt work | 02:31 |
rubem | mp3 player: http://www.javazoom.net/jlgui/jlgui.html | 02:31 |
djm62 | x[BrB] x: are you still here? what filesystem is on the disk? | 02:31 |
dooglus | Cossins: what do you see if you "ls /usr/share/X11/fonts"? | 02:31 |
Morimando | Maybe I won't, if Marvell WLAN is included somewhere in kernel | 02:32 |
rubem | well | 02:32 |
fossa | thanks! | 02:32 |
Seveas | tritium, | 02:32 |
Seveas | http://ubuntulinux.nl/quotes?minid=3 ;) | 02:32 |
x[BrB] x | just mp3 | 02:32 |
fossa | btw it didn'twork. my laptop wifi still doesn't work. | 02:32 |
x[BrB] x | :) | 02:32 |
psusi | ok, seriously now... what do you have to install to build the damn kernel? I would think that the kernel source package would install any needed dependencies, but no... things like string.h and unistd.h arne't anywhere to be found... also installed the gcc 3 package | 02:32 |
sells | tritium: hey Mike, what is up | 02:32 |
fossa | 'invalid driver' | 02:32 |
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locomorto | fossa: what card do you have? | 02:32 |
tritium | Cool, Seveas :) | 02:32 |
c0rrupt_ | any other ideas for networking start hang on boot? | 02:32 |
tritium | sells, hey dude. How are you? | 02:32 |
djm62 | x[BrB] x: when I said what filesystem...is it a linux filesystem? a windows XP one? NTFS or FAT? | 02:32 |
Cossins | dooglus: what i'm supposed to... encodings and misc | 02:32 |
rubem | anyone know what to put in the fstab do mount a ntfs partition and allow read only access for all users? | 02:32 |
fossa | intel pro bg2200 | 02:32 |
sells | tritium: good and you | 02:32 |
locomorto | fossa: and it doesn't work? | 02:33 |
rubem | is any brazilian here? | 02:33 |
sells | tritium: you back home now | 02:33 |
fossa | no | 02:33 |
locomorto | fossa: my one worked out of the box | 02:33 |
Seveas | rubem, #ubuntu-br | 02:33 |
cevizoglu | rubem, the ro in your stab is for read-only | 02:33 |
dooglus | Cossins: you don't see all 5? "100dpi 75dpi encodings misc Type1" ? | 02:33 |
_n00blar_ | Seveas, ty...I got the codecs :) | 02:33 |
fossa | w29n51 - invalid driver | 02:33 |
djm62 | x[BrB] x: can you access it in all your other programs? | 02:33 |
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nalioth | !tell rubem about ntfs | 02:33 |
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tritium | sells, fine, thanks. Yes, I'm home in NM. | 02:33 |
locomorto | fossa: I'm stumped really | 02:33 |
Cossins | dooglus: no, I haven't installed those now, because I just uninstalled everything X-related to see if it made a difference :-) | 02:33 |
locomorto | fossa: bitch to talioth | 02:34 |
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x[BrB] x | djw62i cant browse my 2nd hhd on my desktop but when i try to browse it using k3b... i cant see it | 02:34 |
rubem | can you give me a example of fstab | 02:34 |
sells | tritium: cool, nice to be graduated, I know | 02:34 |
=== locomorto xD | ||
fossa | i wish i knew of a file you could dcc me | 02:34 |
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x[BrB] x | djw62i can browse my 2nd hhd on my desktop but when i try to browse it using k3b... i cant see it | 02:34 |
fossa | my laptop is a dell latitude 610 | 02:34 |
slackermagic | hello everyone | 02:34 |
x[BrB] x | djw62 i can browse my 2nd hhd on my desktop but when i try to browse it using k3b... i cant see it | 02:34 |
slackermagic | I just have a quick question | 02:34 |
tritium | sells, indeed. Being back to work, well, that's not so great... | 02:34 |
=== ChillyWilly85 [i=ChillyWi@c-24-63-71-150.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
c0rrupt_ | does anyone here use captive-ntfs? | 02:34 |
djm62 | x[BrB] x: ok | 02:34 |
rubem | can you give me a example of fstab that allow users to access a read-only partition? | 02:34 |
sells | tritium: again, I know, now that I am gone form Colorado | 02:34 |
SuperQ | c0rrupt_: I've used it | 02:34 |
slackermagic | kde comes with ubuntu I suppose? | 02:34 |
ChillyWilly85 | hey guys...i've been trying all day...I keep trying to resize my NTFS partition during the install of Ubuntu, and it just won't work... | 02:35 |
slackermagic | or let's say ubuntu comes with kde? :P | 02:35 |
locomorto | slackermagic: in kubuntu | 02:35 |
djm62 | x[BrB] x: can you type "mount" in a terminal? | 02:35 |
c0rrupt_ | you have to patch the linux kernel to use it now right? | 02:35 |
Seveas | /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs ro,uid=dennis,gid=dennis,fmask=0333,dmask=0222 0 0 | 02:35 |
fossa | no, kde is extra | 02:35 |
tritium | Where are you now, sells? You haven't been around much lately. What's up? | 02:35 |
Seveas | 6-- rubem | 02:35 |
LincTeK | slacker can be installed | 02:35 |
slackermagic | ah ok just wanted to make sure | 02:35 |
sells | tritium: I am now in el paso, at Fort Bliss | 02:35 |
slackermagic | during the installation or afterwards that is? | 02:35 |
locomorto | slackermagic: you can install ubuntu and then install kubuntu-desktop | 02:35 |
sorush20 | will there is nothing as sofisticated as the acdsee | 02:35 |
rubem | i'll try seveas | 02:35 |
sorush20 | version 6 | 02:35 |
tritium | sells, oh, wow | 02:35 |
x[BrB] x | ok | 02:35 |
c0rrupt_ | superq? | 02:35 |
sells | tritium: been busy with my new j.o.b. | 02:35 |
djm62 | x[BrB] x: and find out from that where your second hdd is mounted | 02:35 |
c0rrupt_ | you have to patch the linux kernel to use it now right? | 02:35 |
fossa | brb | 02:35 |
sells | tritium: I have been here about 3 weeks | 02:35 |
locomorto | slackermagic: or you could just get kubuntu if you want kde | 02:35 |
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c0rrupt_ | thats a bitch if you have to compile kernel | 02:36 |
ChillyWilly85 | does anyone have any advice for me? | 02:36 |
djm62 | x[BrB] x: then you navigate to there in k3b (it doesn't have the gnome shortcuts, that's all) | 02:36 |
tritium | sells, good to see you again | 02:36 |
sells | tritium: thanks, same here | 02:36 |
ChillyWilly85 | is there such a thing as the partition being "locked" or something? | 02:36 |
raf | Hello. For some odd reason, xine (and other programs) is no longer playing my movies because the DivX plugin is missing... yet it is there. I tried to reinstall it but the shell prompts that it need not be installed since the current version is the latest one. I tried to restart my computer, but nothing. Anyone? | 02:36 |
sells | tritium: I am going back for my masters in January | 02:36 |
x[BrB] x | /dev/hda5 on /media/0 GB Disk (hda5) type vfat (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,fmask=0111,dmask=0000) | 02:36 |
Seveas | maybe it needs a newer divx then available raf | 02:36 |
slackermagic | locomorto: friend wants me to guide him how to set up linux, I think ubuntu is a great distro for him...has great community but I've personally never used it..so just trying to get some info before I guide him on that big step | 02:36 |
vladuz976 | tritium, on the wiki there is script that adds repos and installs codecs. but it's broken. do you know what repos i need to add and how? | 02:36 |
locomorto | slackermagic: set him up with gnome | 02:37 |
rubem | seveas: did not work :( | 02:37 |
Seveas | raf, which version of w32codecs do you have? | 02:37 |
locomorto | slackermagic: most of the nifty tools are only in gnome | 02:37 |
slackermagic | Kubuntu definetely comes with less packages preinstalled according to distrowatch | 02:37 |
tritium | vladuz976, what packages do you need? | 02:37 |
Seveas | rubem, i'm not surprised | 02:37 |
Maynoth | hey what do you guys think about autopackage.org | 02:37 |
phlegm | grrr apt pinning is not working. I did an apt-rebuild and installed the resulting packages. they have the same version as the online packages. Should this work? Package:libtunepimp-bin | 02:37 |
phlegm | Pin: version 0.3.0-2ubuntu7* | 02:37 |
phlegm | Pin-Priority: 100 | 02:37 |
djm62 | x[BrB] x: and if you go to /media in k3b? | 02:37 |
slackermagic | locomorto: I suppose I'll do that..worst case we can add KDE afterwards as well | 02:37 |
rubem | seveas: why ? | 02:37 |
Seveas | rubem, best thing to do: make sure you unmount the drive and run the script at the url ubuntu will give you | 02:37 |
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=== ssdd65 [n=tepus6@pool-151-204-94-160.delv.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | !tell rubem about ntfs | 02:37 |
vladuz976 | tritium, all the mp3 stuff | 02:37 |
locomorto | slackermagic: Wait till breezy comes out though | 02:37 |
Maynoth | I installed gaim using a .package and it was just as easy as a windows installer | 02:37 |
locomorto | slackermagic: Its coming out on oct 13 | 02:37 |
ChillyWilly85 | can anyone please help me with setting up my partitions so i can get linux installed? | 02:37 |
Seveas | Maynoth, and just as evil | 02:38 |
Seveas | you just messed up your system | 02:38 |
ssdd65 | are the pkgs for ubuntu really optimized for "all" archetcters? | 02:38 |
Maynoth | it worked perfect | 02:38 |
rubem | seveas: can I reaload the fstab info? | 02:38 |
Maynoth | no problems been a few weeks | 02:38 |
slackermagic | locomorto: thanks again and thanks LincTeK ;) | 02:38 |
Seveas | ruben mount -o remount -a | 02:38 |
tritium | vladuz976, did you see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats ? | 02:38 |
Riddell | slackermagic: the packages in kubuntu match those in ubuntu very closely | 02:38 |
Riddell | slackermagic: distrowatch doesn't list as many KDE packages is all | 02:38 |
x[BrB] x | djw62 bash: /media: is a directory | 02:38 |
x[BrB] x | patrick@Patrick:~$ /media in k3b | 02:38 |
=== DDR [n=DDR@pool-71-110-81-156.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Maynoth | I heard programs are going to be easier to install in breezy any truth to that??????????? | 02:39 |
tritium | Maynoth, but there's a gaim .deb | 02:39 |
TokenBad | anyone know why apt-get will not install something and why it gives the error it gives? | 02:39 |
Seveas | Maynoth, yes | 02:39 |
locomorto | Riddel: but gnome has lots of admin utils that kubuntu does not have | 02:39 |
ssdd65 | are the pkgs for ubuntu really optimized for "all" archetcters? | 02:39 |
vladuz976 | tritium, yes, i don't know how to set up the repo the script didn't finish and messed up my sources.list | 02:39 |
tritium | Maynoth, autopackage will be supported | 02:39 |
Riddell | locomorto: any specific examples? | 02:39 |
vladuz976 | tritium, can i see your sources.list for reference | 02:39 |
djm62 | x[BrB] x: hang on, I'll start k3b here | 02:39 |
Maynoth | i tried the .deb gaim 1.5 but it did not set up my icons for me | 02:39 |
vladuz976 | tritium, i also need the nvidia drivers | 02:39 |
locomorto | Riddell: boot, network-manager, update-manager | 02:39 |
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Maynoth | autopackage did | 02:40 |
Maynoth | 100% as easy as windows | 02:40 |
Maynoth | it was cool | 02:40 |
Riddell | locomorto: what does boot do? | 02:40 |
ssdd65 | are the pkgs for ubuntu really optimized for "all" archetcters? | 02:40 |
tritium | vladuz976, those are in restricted | 02:40 |
Seveas | ssdd65, no | 02:40 |
tritium | vladuz976, I'm running breezy | 02:40 |
=== SbCl3 [n=sbcl3@pcp0010580302pcs.coatsv01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
locomorto | Riddell: edits the grub .conf | 02:40 |
ssdd65 | y dose the gnome one read that it is? | 02:40 |
Riddell | locomorto: knetworkconf, and you'll be pleased to know I added adept package manager and updater to kubuntu-desktop some moments ago | 02:40 |
=== F_E [n=f_e@pD9535BFD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
djm62 | Maynoth: some of us don't want it to be as difficult as winders ;) seriously, choose a package management solution and go with it, but mixing them really isn't recommended | 02:40 |
Morimando | Cossins, did you completely reinstall xserver-xorg? | 02:40 |
vladuz976 | tritium, so how do i find out what repos to add | 02:41 |
locomorto | Riddell: adept is nice, I'll admit that | 02:41 |
Cossins | Morimando: yes... I tried everything in my power (afaik) | 02:41 |
Maynoth | Seveas: how does that work in breezy? How will it make installing programs easier? | 02:41 |
Riddell | locomorto: ok, grub editor is now a dapper goal :) | 02:41 |
tritium | vladuz976, I'm not sure what script you're referring to. There are instructions on the wiki for how to add repos yourself | 02:41 |
SbCl3 | having a problem...when i installed the mbr was on a hdd that i now want to take out. how do i install grub to the mbr of a different hdd? | 02:41 |
locomorto | Riddell: it just crashes alot | 02:41 |
rubem | Seveas | 02:41 |
Seveas | djm62, and autopackage is absolute <insert colorful curse here> :) | 02:41 |
Maynoth | it seems to work ok for me... has an unistall feature and everything | 02:41 |
locomorto | Riddell: network-tools is really nice as well | 02:41 |
Morimando | huh, but it sounded like the same error... and it was cured with the reinstalling and the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 02:41 |
Seveas | yeck, so evil | 02:41 |
Riddell | locomorto: have you reported any of the crashes? (it would be very useful if you could, bugs.kde.org is the place) | 02:41 |
Seveas | that's what apt is for | 02:41 |
rubem | Sevas: i umount all the partions, chaged fstab and gave the command you wrote, but did not work! | 02:41 |
x[BrB] x | djw62 got it thanks! | 02:41 |
djm62 | x[BrB] x: in k3b, you should see the "root" entry at the bottom. /media is a subentry in that | 02:42 |
ssdd65 | Seveas, y is it that the gnome one reads that it is? (im tryin to optimize my system) | 02:42 |
Seveas | when you use autopackage crud you are so messing up apt | 02:42 |
SbCl3 | anyone? | 02:42 |
SbCl3 | having a problem...when i installed the mbr was on a hdd that i now want to take out. how do i install grub to the mbr of a different hdd? | 02:42 |
djm62 | x[BrB] x: ah, too late...all good | 02:42 |
Seveas | ssdd65, please repeat that in english... | 02:42 |
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TokenBad | anyone know why apt-get will not install something and why it gives the error it gives? | 02:42 |
ChillyWilly85 | Can anyone help me: I can't get my NTFS partition to resize...and since it is the full size of my HDD I can't install linux...I want to keep the NTFS partition 'cause I still need things on it (music and such) | 02:42 |
tritium | TokenBad, please be more specific | 02:42 |
Seveas | TokenBad, not if you don't give the error | 02:42 |
ssdd65 | why is it that on the package page, gnome reads that it is optimized for "all" systems? | 02:42 |
x[BrB] x | djw62 is there a way i can rename of my 2nd hdd on my desktop? | 02:42 |
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locomorto | Riddell: I'm not saying kubuntu is bad, far from it | 02:43 |
locomorto | Riddell: I really like it | 02:43 |
Maynoth | But if it causes no problems how is it messing up apt... Am I missing something? | 02:43 |
Riddell | locomorto: I know, I'm just looking for feedback :) | 02:43 |
rlf | major apologies, guys. my router disconnected for some reason. So has anyone answered my above query? | 02:43 |
tritium | vladuz976, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 02:43 |
Seveas | ssdd65, which package and where do you read that? | 02:43 |
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djm62 | x[BrB] x: on your desktop, just right-click on the icon | 02:43 |
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cevizoglu | need to count the days till apple releases intel powerbook and I go to dual-boot heaven :D | 02:44 |
locomorto | Riddell: I will say this though, krusader is nice, and lipstick is a great choice | 02:44 |
djm62 | Maynoth: in the same way that an uninsulated live wire causes no problems...just don't touch it ;) | 02:44 |
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Tyller_Durden | i try install amsn 0.9.5 but he needs TkCximage | 02:44 |
Tyller_Durden | how i can install | 02:44 |
Seveas | djm62, :) | 02:44 |
locomorto | Riddell: ie I dislike using konqueror as a file broswer | 02:44 |
Seveas | Tyller_Durden, apt-get install amsn | 02:44 |
Seveas | just to drag in the deps) | 02:44 |
locomorto | Seveas: i thought amsn was broken in hoary? | 02:45 |
ssdd65 | Seveas, http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/gnome/gnome it says it on this page... | 02:45 |
Seveas | then remove it again and install the newer version | 02:45 |
Tyller_Durden | Seveas, i want de new amsn | 02:45 |
karimw786 | Hi all, I am having the hardest time getting mplayer to work on hoary | 02:45 |
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delltony | is there a shell command to mount a p2k phone? i know i can use moto4lin to access the phone in p2k mode but i wanted to create some dirs on the phone and don't appear to have that option in moto4lin | 02:45 |
Tyller_Durden | de apt have just the 0.9.4 | 02:45 |
Maynoth | anyone know what kernel breezy is gonna use | 02:45 |
Seveas | Tyller_Durden, read the later lines too | 02:45 |
leopard | Made it....a little late. | 02:45 |
locomorto | Seveas: I remember seeing a guide in the forums to install properly | 02:45 |
Maynoth | | 02:45 |
Seveas | Maynoth, 2.6.12 | 02:45 |
Maynoth | oh | 02:45 |
Tyller_Durden | i do this | 02:45 |
Seveas | ssdd65, where do you read optimized? | 02:45 |
leopard | lol it's the breezy kernel I'm running with updates | 02:45 |
x[BrB] x | djw62 its says i dont have permission | 02:46 |
leopard | 2.6.12-8 | 02:46 |
Seveas | the package is simply available on all supported architectures... | 02:46 |
djm62 | x[BrB] x: permission to do what? | 02:46 |
rlf | okay, so a few hours ago, xine was working alright and playing my movies and everything. All of a sudden, after trying to play another movie again, xine asked me to reinstall DivX codecs (and for another movie, Microsoft MPEG4 or something to that extent). I tried to reinstall all the packages, but it never worked and wouldn't show anything (albeit play the sound). What could have happened? | 02:46 |
x[BrB] x | djw62 i cant click the rename option | 02:46 |
ssdd65 | ooo nvm | 02:46 |
Seveas | rlf, you might need a newer w32codecs, which one do you have? | 02:46 |
c0rrupt_ | seveas does captive-ntfs work with the latest kernels? | 02:46 |
tritium | locomorto, what were you doing last night when you pinged all the ops? | 02:47 |
Seveas | c0rrupt_, ENOCLUE | 02:47 |
Maynoth | so anyone know what breezy is doing different to make application isntallation easier? | 02:47 |
karimw786 | I've tried using apt-get as suggested in the Unoffial Ubuntu Guide, but still I am having a tough time getting mplayer to work on hoary | 02:47 |
Seveas | tritium, probably being annoying | 02:47 |
c0rrupt_ | lol | 02:47 |
locomorto | rlf: Are you on hoary, and do you have marillat repo on? | 02:47 |
Seveas | he added crud to the bot too | 02:47 |
dbzdeath | Tyller_Durden: its really easy cd into the amsn directory(default msn from the cvs) and run ./configure and then run make ... if you get no errors your good to go | 02:47 |
tritium | Seveas, yeah, he refuses to answer me | 02:47 |
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djm62 | Maynoth: there is an application where you can search all available packages, and install them with a couple of clicks | 02:47 |
Seveas | :) | 02:47 |
Maynoth | ooh | 02:48 |
SbCl3 | having a problem...when i installed the mbr was on a hdd that i now want to take out. how do i install grub to the mbr of a different hdd? | 02:48 |
Maynoth | thats cool... | 02:48 |
tritium | heh | 02:48 |
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djm62 | Maynoth: it's called synaptic, and it's much easier than finding a package (which is kind of stone-age) manually | 02:48 |
Maynoth | I still think autopackage is gonna be the thing that puts linux on par with windows... | 02:48 |
Seveas | no f*ing way | 02:48 |
djm62 | Maynoth: that's what people here are afraid of | 02:48 |
Maynoth | I dont really like being tied to repositories | 02:49 |
SbCl3 | is /etc/init.d the file that controls what automatically loads at boot? | 02:49 |
Seveas | only in the hey-look-it'snow-even-easier-to-mess-up-things way... | 02:49 |
Maynoth | they never have current versions or the app i want | 02:49 |
djm62 | Maynoth: you don't like thousands of volunteers making sure your computer works? | 02:49 |
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tritium | SbCl3, that's a directory in which the initscripts can be found | 02:49 |
Seveas | Maynoth, ubuntu is *stable* not *bleeding-edge* | 02:49 |
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Tyller_Durden | dbzdeath, im using a .deb file | 02:49 |
Seveas | if you want bleeding edge, go for gentoo | 02:49 |
djm62 | Maynoth: if you want /bleeding edge/ you don't want ubuntu.... | 02:49 |
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c0rrupt_ | yea and must be linked from /etc/rc0-6.d | 02:50 |
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dooglus | Cossins: I just played about with my xorg.conf file and discovered that I don't even need the 'Section "Files"' part at all. | 02:50 |
Cossins | Seveas: breezy is more bleeding edge than gentoo, i'm coming directly from there - they are lightyears behind | 02:50 |
snausages | bleeding edge. got it. | 02:50 |
dooglus | Cossins: try removing the whole Section | 02:50 |
Cossins | dooglus: oh..! | 02:50 |
dbzdeath | Tyller_Durden: oh? ... i thought the latest version would be in the repositories(considering it is quite old) | 02:50 |
Cossins | hmm, let's try that | 02:50 |
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Maynoth | well more like I want to be able to install 3rd party software without being tied to a repository that may or may not have it | 02:50 |
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djm62 | Maynoth: but most people don't want bleeding edge, they want to use their computers | 02:50 |
Seveas | ColonelKernel, that'll last only for a few weeks | 02:50 |
cevizoglu | djm62, in distrowatch, almost all the packages are the same version as current in development | 02:50 |
dooglus | Cossins: of course, it might still be that you need to have the fonts that you've not installed. | 02:50 |
ngmlinux_ | How can I ping a host on a specific port? | 02:50 |
=== snausages counts how many times "bleeding edge" has been used | ||
c0rrupt_ | LOL^ | 02:50 |
djm62 | cevizoglu: why was that directed to me? | 02:50 |
Seveas | and from december to april all clueless bleeding-edge-wannabes will start whining about more recent versions | 02:51 |
JDahl | what do I need to setup Wifi under Breezy for the Atheros chipset? my wireless card is not listed under network connections | 02:51 |
c0rrupt_ | ngmlinux_, thats not how pings work | 02:51 |
Seveas | </bitter> | 02:51 |
dooglus | ngmlinux_: you can try telnetting to a particular port | 02:51 |
Maynoth | I like the freedom of being able to download software off a 3rd parties website and install it | 02:51 |
c0rrupt_ | you can connect to someone on a certain port .. use telnet or netcat | 02:51 |
snausages | Maynoth i kinda agree with you | 02:51 |
Maynoth | thats just me and 100,000,000 million others though | 02:51 |
cevizoglu | djm62, you said if you want bleeding edge you don't want ubuntu | 02:51 |
Maynoth | hehe | 02:51 |
dooglus | ngmlinux_: or use nmap | 02:51 |
ngmlinux_ | you can't "ping" | 02:51 |
Cossins | dooglus: I tried removing the Files section, which didn't make a difference - i'll try installing the missing fonts now | 02:51 |
c0rrupt_ | lmfao | 02:51 |
ngmlinux_ | or something like that? | 02:51 |
tritium | Maynoth, you exaggerate | 02:51 |
djm62 | Maynoth: which is a completely valid trade-off, it's just not what most people make | 02:51 |
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rlf | locomorto, yes I am on hoary, and I am not sure what this repo is. Seveas, is there anyway to check my w32codecs version, because I have no idea how. But bear in mind that everything worked harmoniously a few hours ago, with no update whatsoever. | 02:51 |
Maynoth | lol | 02:51 |
Maynoth | yeah | 02:51 |
Seveas | Maynoth, by all means do, but don't come in here crying when you messed things up | 02:51 |
ngmlinux_ | dooglus, can you give me some syntax for that? | 02:51 |
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Maynoth | i won't... | 02:52 |
Seveas | rlf, dpkg -l w32codecs | 02:52 |
Seveas | latest version is ii w32codecs 20050412-0.0 win32 binary codecs | 02:52 |
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djm62 | Maynoth: you own a computer, you are free to use it however you want, but there's a trade off between getting something before it's been tested and integrated, and getting something reliable | 02:52 |
Maynoth | actually I messed up and had to reformat my partition with hoary using synaptic | 02:52 |
help | hello all | 02:52 |
cevizoglu | djm62, ubuntu always has a bleeding edge version - the level of bleeding-edge varies over the six month release period | 02:52 |
Maynoth | before i even knew about autopackage | 02:52 |
rlf | Seveas, 20050216-0.0 | 02:52 |
Cossins | dooglus: hmm, what packages contains the 100dpi and 75dpi fonts? | 02:52 |
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zxsykco | Ahoy! | 02:52 |
snausages | i agree with Maynoth. i wanted to get gaim 1.5 and was told that i'm "playing with disaster," which is kind of funny. can a simple IM client screw up everything? | 02:52 |
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JDahl | actually my Wifi popped up after a reboot... | 02:52 |
Seveas | rlf, then get the newest from seveas.ubuntulinux.nl :) | 02:52 |
djm62 | Maynoth: choose, but don't disparage other people's choice | 02:52 |
Maynoth | snausages | 02:52 |
tritium | Maynoth, that doesn't make sense | 02:52 |
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Maynoth | you can get the .package of gaim 1.5 and it worked great | 02:53 |
dooglus | Cossins: just a mo & I'll look. | 02:53 |
snausages | Maynoth i know that, but it's not in the hoary repo | 02:53 |
Maynoth | goto gaims website | 02:53 |
Maynoth | you can get the .package | 02:53 |
cevizoglu | Maynoth, huh? synaptic can reformat hard drives? | 02:53 |
snausages | i already got it | 02:53 |
Maynoth | and it installs like an EXE in windows | 02:53 |
djm62 | cevizoglu: it's not an ubuntu release, though....I've used sid, and I wouldn't present it as "debian" | 02:53 |
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help | to someone new to linux like myself... I could understand the idea of being turned off by backports... Although on Windows everything is basically a backport the last thing or one of the last I expected was to find out playing DVD's in A,merica was illegal... | 02:53 |
Seveas | Maynoth, don't recommend that to others since it's unsupportable. | 02:53 |
X3ndou | How do you unmount something on command line | 02:53 |
Cossins | X3ndou: umount <something> | 02:54 |
cevizoglu | djm62, what I mean is, breezy is the currently bleeding-edge version | 02:54 |
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X3ndou | .. ;P | 02:54 |
ngmlinux_ | anybody know some ping equivalent syntax to test if a port is open? | 02:54 |
rubem | Seveas: it worked! | 02:54 |
Seveas | It's perfectly fine if you want to mess up your system, but don't recommend it in here | 02:54 |
rubem | Seveas: mount /dev/hda7 -t ntfs /mnt/hda7 -o ro,user,umask=0000 | 02:54 |
dooglus | Cossins: xfonts-100dpi and xfonts-75dpi | 02:54 |
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Maynoth | you right click it and give it executable permissions and it installs no problem | 02:54 |
Cossins | dooglus: right - it says those are already installed, which I don't believe since they are not in /usr/share/X11/fonts | 02:54 |
tritium | Maynoth, synaptic could not have buggered up your system to where you needed to reformat | 02:54 |
cevizoglu | djm62, and in a few months when it's no longer bleeding edge, the next unstable version will be bleeding-edge | 02:54 |
x[BrB] x | djw62 Unable to handle the following files due to an unsupported format: | 02:54 |
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Maynoth | well i did | 02:54 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %Maynoth!*@*] by Seveas | ||
dooglus | Cossins: "apt-get --reinstall install <package>" | 02:54 |
c0rrupt_ | Lol | 02:54 |
dbzdeath | help: nuts it is illegal? then it must be illegal two times over here(Australia) | 02:55 |
Cossins | dooglus: yes | 02:55 |
tritium | Maynoth, yes _you_ did, but not synaptic | 02:55 |
hosler | Whats a good window manger for a laptop. I dont want to take up too much resources. | 02:55 |
ngmlinux_ | anybody know some ping equivalent syntax to test if a port is open? | 02:55 |
djm62 | cevizoglu: yeah, I know that, but it isn't an ubuntu release, and I would never recommend people who didn't know the ins-and-outs to install an unstable distro | 02:55 |
ngmlinux_ | gnome | 02:55 |
dooglus | Cossins: I had this problem when I moved from the hedgehog to the badger. | 02:55 |
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dooglus | Cossins: I think there may be a symlink somewhere messing things up, but I don't remember the details. | 02:55 |
ngmlinux_ | hosler, gnome less resources than kde | 02:55 |
Seveas | ngmlinux_, nmap | 02:56 |
c0rrupt_ | ngmlinux_, dont use ping to port scan.. there is no such thing | 02:56 |
c0rrupt_ | apt-get install nmap | 02:56 |
cevizoglu | djm62, yeah, unless they've got a machine they can afford to mess with | 02:56 |
dooglus | Cossins: run "ls -ld" on /usr/share, /usr/share/X11 and /usr/share/X11/fonts and check if any of the are symlinks | 02:56 |
djm62 | cevizoglu: well, people whose clue extends as far as "bigger version numbers are better", and who ask for help in #supportchannels | 02:56 |
rubem | thank you, everybody, for the help! | 02:56 |
rubem | exit | 02:56 |
cevizoglu | djm62, yeah | 02:56 |
Cossins | dooglus: still same problem | 02:56 |
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dooglus | Cossins: they shouldn't be | 02:56 |
rubem | ops, i am not at console :P | 02:56 |
cure | how do i register my name on this server? | 02:56 |
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djm62 | x[BrB] x: have you tried gnomebaker? it might work better on your system (you are using gnome on ubuntu, right?) | 02:57 |
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tritium | cure, /msg nickserv help | 02:57 |
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cure | thx | 02:57 |
x[BrB] x | djw62 yes | 02:57 |
Cossins | dooglus: none of them are | 02:57 |
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cevizoglu | djm62, yeah, my $0.02 is there has to be a specific technology they have to suffer over to merit using an unstable release | 02:57 |
ChillyWilly85 | Can anyone help me: I can't get my NTFS partition to resize...and since it is the full size of my HDD I can't install linux...I want to keep the NTFS partition 'cause I still need things on it (music and such) | 02:58 |
x[BrB] x | djw62 whre can i get gnomebaker | 02:58 |
ngmlinux_ | aha | 02:58 |
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c0rrupt_ | ngmlinux_, apt-get install nmap | 02:58 |
djm62 | x[BrB] x: sudo aptitude install gnomebaker | 02:58 |
ngmlinux_ | how can I open ports in ubuntu | 02:58 |
x[BrB] x | ok | 02:58 |
djm62 | x[BrB] x: it's free | 02:58 |
ngmlinux_ | c0rrupt_, i installed and used it already | 02:58 |
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Versed | via the router? | 02:58 |
c0rrupt_ | so what are you trying to do? | 02:58 |
vbgunz_ | not watching a DVD is exactly illegal but the codec on Linux I believe is... bottom line is Linux doesn't legally support DVD playback in America otherwise Linux would most likely ship with DVD playback already enabled... Just one of the things that bothered me | 02:58 |
ngmlinux_ | c0rrupt_, open up a port | 02:58 |
ngmlinux_ | a specific port | 02:58 |
c0rrupt_ | on your computer? | 02:58 |
ngmlinux_ | yes | 02:58 |
c0rrupt_ | just type | 02:59 |
rlf | mucho thanks, Seveas. it's downloading now. :) | 02:59 |
c0rrupt_ | nc -l -p theport | 02:59 |
vbgunz_ | sorry, got disconnected... thought maybe the last comment didn't get through... | 02:59 |
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vbgunz_ | sorry... | 02:59 |
ngmlinux_ | c0rrupt_, ok... | 02:59 |
djm62 | cevizoglu: I tend to agree...I did a nasty backport of electricsheep because the old version /didn't work/ (protocol change at the server). short of that, people think that versions matter more than they do | 02:59 |
c0rrupt_ | does kubuntu come with netcat? | 02:59 |
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ngmlinux_ | c0rrupt_, how long does that usually take? | 02:59 |
c0rrupt_ | ngmlinux_, if not just type apt-get install netcat | 02:59 |
Riddell | c0rrupt_: yes | 03:00 |
c0rrupt_ | oh ok | 03:00 |
c0rrupt_ | how long does what take | 03:00 |
c0rrupt_ | after you run the command the port is open.. | 03:00 |
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x[BrB] x | djw62 can i reinstall my gnome? | 03:00 |
c0rrupt_ | but i dont see the point just a listening port isning going to do anything | 03:00 |
inan_ | . | 03:00 |
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djm62 | cevizoglu: although, (and this should be on #ubutu-offtopic by now) there might need to be a policy about that and things like it (IMs spring to ming) | 03:00 |
c0rrupt_ | what exactly are you trying to do | 03:00 |
ngmlinux_ | c0rrupt_, but it never gave me my prompt back in the shell | 03:00 |
x[BrB] x | djw62 can i uninstall my gnome? | 03:00 |
inan_ | k | 03:00 |
c0rrupt_ | its because its running | 03:00 |
ngmlinux_ | c0rrupt_, like it's locked up or something | 03:00 |
djm62 | x[BrB] x: the whole desktop? | 03:00 |
c0rrupt_ | just type | 03:00 |
c0rrupt_ | ctrl + c | 03:00 |
c0rrupt_ | its not locked up its just idling | 03:00 |
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djm62 | x[BrB] x: of course you can...will you know what you're doing without it? | 03:01 |
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ngmlinux_ | c0rrupt_, i know how to break it, I just expected it would exit when done | 03:01 |
c0rrupt_ | done with what? | 03:01 |
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c0rrupt_ | it has to be running to keep the port open | 03:01 |
x[BrB] x | forget it :) | 03:01 |
x[BrB] x | hahaha | 03:01 |
dooglus | Cossins: I just tried removing everything from /usr/share/X11/fonts. it broke X. putting *just* misc back fixed it again for me. | 03:01 |
inan_ | help pls.. how to add wine? | 03:01 |
c0rrupt_ | its not daemonized or anything | 03:01 |
dooglus | Cossins: so what do you have in misc? | 03:01 |
c0rrupt_ | but what are you trying to do | 03:01 |
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ngmlinux_ | c0rrupt_, trying to open port 1024 | 03:02 |
Cossins | dooglus: a whole lot of pcf.gz files | 03:02 |
c0rrupt_ | ... | 03:02 |
c0rrupt_ | lmfao | 03:02 |
c0rrupt_ | why? | 03:02 |
Cossins | dooglus: interestingly, ls *fixed* says there is nothing... | 03:02 |
c0rrupt_ | found some leet hax on port 1024? | 03:02 |
c0rrupt_ | buahahaha | 03:02 |
ngmlinux_ | c0rrupt_, so that my machine can be accessed | 03:02 |
c0rrupt_ | you want it to be accessed just use ssh | 03:02 |
vbgunz_ | is anyone here on Breezy? I believe I have a problem specific to Breezy and would like someones input on it. For some reason every time I start up Ubuntu, every single drive and partition with information on it pops up in a Window on start up... Is this normal? It is a pain to close out 5+ windows on every boot... | 03:02 |
ngmlinux_ | c0rrupt_, i have a server that needs to talk to this machine on that port | 03:02 |
dooglus | Cossins: for me too. | 03:02 |
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c0rrupt_ | but just an open port wont do much | 03:03 |
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djm62 | x[BrB] x: I use gnomebaker to burn audio CDs, from both mp3 and ogg. You might also like it, and it's more part of your desktop than k3b | 03:03 |
c0rrupt_ | you can put anything it recieves into a text file | 03:03 |
karimw786 | anyone here able to get mplayer working on hoary?? | 03:03 |
dooglus | Cossins: "find /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc -type f | wc -l" ? | 03:03 |
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rlf | quit | 03:03 |
ngmlinux_ | c0rrupt_, i have applications written for both machines | 03:03 |
rubem | it's me again | 03:03 |
c0rrupt_ | type in nc -l -p 1024 -v >server.txt | 03:03 |
ngmlinux_ | c0rrupt_, what will that command do? | 03:03 |
rubem | anyone can tell me if ubuntu has official apt repositories list? | 03:03 |
c0rrupt_ | that will open up a port | 03:03 |
ngmlinux_ | c0rrupt_, does that open the port? | 03:03 |
tritium | dooglus, why would you remove those? | 03:03 |
c0rrupt_ | and when someone connects to it | 03:04 |
ngmlinux_ | c0rrupt_, ok i'll try | 03:04 |
dooglus | tritium: sorry? | 03:04 |
c0rrupt_ | all the data that is recieved | 03:04 |
x[BrB] x | djw62 aside from k3b are there other softwarer that are user friendly?? | 03:04 |
Cossins | dooglus: 171 | 03:04 |
c0rrupt_ | is thrown into server.txt | 03:04 |
dooglus | Cossins: 172 here ! | 03:04 |
tritium | dooglus, everything under /usr/share/X11/fonts | 03:04 |
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ngmlinux_ | i don't want to through data into server.txt | 03:04 |
zblach | why is ubuntu soooo sloww? | 03:04 |
ngmlinux_ | i just want the port open | 03:04 |
djm62 | x[BrB] x: as I said, I like gnomebaker | 03:04 |
x[BrB] x | djw62 have you tried nerolinux? | 03:04 |
Cossins | dooglus: soo!! | 03:04 |
c0rrupt_ | nc -l -p 1024 opens the port just fine | 03:04 |
tritium | zblach, what are you talking about? | 03:04 |
x[BrB] x | oic | 03:04 |
dooglus | tritium: I'm trying to help Cossins. was checking which fonts are needed for X to start. | 03:04 |
ngmlinux_ | c0rrupt_, it never finishes | 03:04 |
c0rrupt_ | ,,, | 03:05 |
djm62 | x[BrB] x: nope, I have some software which works, and I like, and I'm happy to stick with it | 03:05 |
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c0rrupt_ | ngmlinux_, there is no such thing as "finishes" | 03:05 |
ngmlinux_ | c0rrupt_, never exits | 03:05 |
ngmlinux_ | to the shell | 03:05 |
c0rrupt_ | its wont | 03:05 |
c0rrupt_ | until someone connects | 03:05 |
zblach | tritium, all the sudden, my computer is really slow in ubuntu | 03:05 |
c0rrupt_ | and then disconnects.. | 03:05 |
vbgunz_ | just looked up nero linux... looks ok | 03:05 |
c0rrupt_ | watch | 03:05 |
dooglus | Cossins: reinstall xfonts-base | 03:05 |
c0rrupt_ | fire up another konsole | 03:05 |
c0rrupt_ | or w/e ur using | 03:05 |
djm62 | I think it's a thin wrapper around something Free | 03:05 |
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djm62 | (nerolinux) | 03:05 |
c0rrupt_ | and type.. nc localhost -v 1024 | 03:06 |
tritium | zblach, since when? What changed since you perceived it to be faster? | 03:06 |
Cossins | dooglus: still 171 | 03:06 |
vbgunz_ | hey zblach... are you on Breezy? Is your processor usage up to 100%? | 03:06 |
c0rrupt_ | and it connects to the open port | 03:06 |
ngmlinux_ | c0rrupt_, oh, i see | 03:06 |
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nybble | nero...eh... | 03:06 |
ngmlinux_ | c0rrupt_, but i want to leave that port open | 03:06 |
zblach | tritium, it just seems to be getting slower. i haven't used it all weekend, and now that I am, it seems slow. | 03:06 |
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vbgunz_ | the other day I found Breezy to be constantly using 100%... I had to kill the update manager that was running in the background... | 03:06 |
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zblach | vbgunz, i'm using hoary | 03:07 |
ngmlinux_ | c0rrupt_, 24/7 | 03:07 |
c0rrupt_ | well | 03:07 |
c0rrupt_ | you can | 03:07 |
c0rrupt_ | you need another version of netcat | 03:07 |
x[BrB] x | djw62 does it burn fast?? | 03:07 |
nybble | vbgunz_ i havent notized that problem | 03:07 |
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ngmlinux_ | c0rrupt_, why is it closed in the first place? | 03:07 |
c0rrupt_ | and you can use -L to make it re-open the port after disconnect | 03:07 |
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c0rrupt_ | why is that port closed? | 03:07 |
ngmlinux_ | c0rrupt_, yes | 03:07 |
c0rrupt_ | because no service is running on that port.. | 03:07 |
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dba | gud day peps! | 03:07 |
c0rrupt_ | ports just dont open yourself.. | 03:07 |
dooglus | Cossins: "ls -ld /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/misc" ? | 03:07 |
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djm62 | x[BrB] x: eh, it has variable speeds, I haven't experimented (CDRs cost money) | 03:07 |
c0rrupt_ | you shoudl read about basic networking | 03:07 |
ngmlinux_ | c0rrupt_, unless it's firewalled it hoguht they're all left open? | 03:08 |
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c0rrupt_ | no | 03:08 |
c0rrupt_ | the opposite | 03:08 |
Cossins | dooglus: yes, it's there, nothing in it though | 03:08 |
c0rrupt_ | they are all closed, unless a process opens it | 03:08 |
c0rrupt_ | for communication over tcp or udp etc | 03:08 |
=== Gh0sT [n=niggerne@pool-141-154-11-131.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | dooglus: I wondered if that was the extra 1 I had... maybe I made that useless directory myself... | 03:08 |
dooglus | talking to myself? that was meant for Cossins | 03:09 |
x[BrB] x | djw62 so how long does you burn your cd? | 03:09 |
Cossins | :-D | 03:09 |
Morimando | Cossins shall i tar my /fonts folder and upload it for you? ;) | 03:09 |
v|nce | i had my ubuntu intalled and i changed my monitor from samsung i changed it with likom and now i got problem with my screen resolution.. | 03:09 |
djm62 | x[BrB] x: erm, 10min | 03:09 |
Cossins | Morimando: no, yours is as useless as mine ;-) | 03:09 |
v|nce | i need help | 03:09 |
x[BrB] x | thats fast | 03:09 |
Gh0sT | im haveing a problem here, i just re installed ubuntu, i've changed my repositories for ubuntuguide.org but its not finding the sun-j2re1.5 package | 03:09 |
Morimando | why? it starts :) | 03:09 |
bur[n] er_ | anyone else try opera with any success or breezy? the .deb put out by opera doesn't actually work in breezy | 03:09 |
vbgunz_ | yup, the other day my Ubuntu was sluggish... because I have the system monitor on one of my panels I noticed the processor was up constantly at 100%. I fixed it by killing the update manager running in the back... | 03:09 |
dooglus | Cossins: in misc, "ls -l encodings.dir fonts.alias fonts.dir" | 03:10 |
=== devios2 [n=devios2@pool-70-106-105-46.pskn.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | Cossins: do you have all 3 of those? | 03:10 |
vbgunz_ | anyone here start up Ubuntu and is welcomed by 5+ popups of partitions, dvd drives etc? | 03:10 |
djm62 | x[BrB] x: I was going to experiment with optimising, because I've seen it done faster. but basically I'm not very interested in it: if I can burn mix CDs to take to parties, I'm happy | 03:10 |
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vbgunz_ | I really dislike it already... | 03:10 |
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__learner__ | hello | 03:10 |
Cossins | dooglus: nope, no fonts.alias | 03:10 |
dooglus | Cossins: that might be your problem: | 03:11 |
ngmlinux_ | c0rrupt_, ok i got it | 03:11 |
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vbgunz_ | brb | 03:11 |
dooglus | $ grep fixed fonts.alias | head -1 | 03:11 |
dooglus | fixed -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1 | 03:11 |
=== lexhider [n=lexhider@winax25-a166.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
x[BrB] x | djw62 does it really takes time to load those mp3?? im using gnomebaker | 03:11 |
__learner__ | Do you konw How can I install UBUNTU using USB mouse and Keyboard? Instalation program doesnt seem to recognize it. | 03:11 |
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c0rrupt_ | k | 03:11 |
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david3 | hello | 03:11 |
dooglus | Cossins: I don't know how that file got there - it's not in any package as far as I can tell. | 03:12 |
Cossins | dooglus: how to generate a fonts.alias? | 03:12 |
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djm62 | x[BrB] x: I think that part depends on CPU | 03:12 |
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dooglus | Cossins: got an email address? I'll email you mine if you like. you can pm me it | 03:12 |
__learner__ | I bought new Keyboard and mouse, now ubuntu locks the system, I cant reinstall it because keys dont work on install program... | 03:12 |
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v|nce | i had my ubuntu intalled and i changed my monitor from samsung i changed it with likom and now i got problem with my screen resolution.. i need help.. | 03:12 |
Gh0sT | im haveing a problem here, i just re installed ubuntu, i've changed my repositories for ubuntuguide.org but its not finding the sun-j2re1.5 package | 03:12 |
lexhider | any reason why rhythmbox won't play any files in breezy? | 03:12 |
cleaner345345 | #ubuntu_de | 03:12 |
Cossins | yeah, i'm new to this non-gui irssi thing, how to pm in raw irc? ;-) | 03:12 |
sproingie | i've never had a problem installing with a usb kb | 03:12 |
cleaner345345 | join #ubuntu-de | 03:13 |
benplaut | anyone having problems with gnome-panel, possibly connected to the latest update? | 03:13 |
sproingie | maybe your usb controller is flakey | 03:13 |
david3 | can anyone tell me how to upgrade the firmware for a cd-burner if the only available format is an exe file? | 03:13 |
djm62 | !java | 03:13 |
=== lee_ [n=lee@67-42-194-6.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | To install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java or, for Sun's Java, ask me about !sunjava | 03:13 |
Gh0sT | !sunjava | 03:13 |
ubotu | For Sun-Java debs add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list (for hoary) deb http://ubuntu.tower-net.de/ubuntu/ hoary java ; or go to seveas.ubuntulinux.nl (for Breezy) | 03:13 |
__learner__ | !usb | 03:13 |
ubotu | __learner__: No idea | 03:13 |
david3 | Gh0sT, just wait a day or two | 03:13 |
Morimando | Cossins, /msg nickname test :p | 03:13 |
sproingie | david3: since it likely uses the windows driver interfaces in that exe file, you run it under windows | 03:14 |
__learner__ | !install | 03:14 |
ubotu | somebody said install was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation | 03:14 |
Cossins | thx :) | 03:14 |
Morimando | change windows with /window <number> | 03:14 |
cleaner345345 | german irc cahnnel?_ | 03:14 |
Morimando | I needed to use irssi, two, when I was installing sourcemage ;) | 03:14 |
djm62 | __learner__: you want to be googling the keyboard model to see if anyone else has had problems (although it sounds bizarre to me) | 03:14 |
Morimando | two => too | 03:14 |
x[BrB] x | djw62 does it have a filters?? | 03:14 |
david3 | Gh0sT, that package is kinda sketchy, i've had the same problem | 03:14 |
djm62 | x[BrB] x: I don't know what you mean... | 03:15 |
Gh0sT | v** (gedit:20096): WARNING **: failed request with status 1030 | 03:15 |
alec_ | Anybody know if cedega is the only way to play Steam games?? | 03:15 |
nybble | alec_ i'm pretty sure | 03:15 |
alec_ | dammit | 03:15 |
__learner__ | alec_ no, you can also play stem under windows. \o/ | 03:15 |
x[BrB] x | filters like in nero burning rom | 03:15 |
chavo | alec_, well there's windows also | 03:15 |
alec_ | lol | 03:15 |
djm62 | Gh0sT: there's a link off the main java wiki page which explains how to install java using make-jpkg | 03:15 |
x[BrB] x | you can normalized the sounds | 03:15 |
david3 | sproingie, any pointers if i'm avoiding windows like the plauge? | 03:16 |
nybble | alec_ if you get it and try it, let me know | 03:16 |
sproingie | david3: yes. don't upgrade the firmware | 03:16 |
david3 | ha | 03:16 |
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nybble | benplaut: i've not had any problems with gnome-panel | 03:16 |
sproingie | david3: there is no running that from linux. forget about wine | 03:16 |
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rino0nte | Good night from Mexico | 03:16 |
benplaut | bleh | 03:17 |
djm62 | x[BrB] x: I've never used that (or indeed normalised sounds). | 03:17 |
cleaner345345 | german irc cahnnel ubuntu? | 03:17 |
nybble | night rino0nte | 03:17 |
benplaut | i'm seriously on the verge of switching to KDE | 03:17 |
rino0nte | Have a install problem, can some one help me please | 03:17 |
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nybble | lol | 03:17 |
rino0nte | just need guideance | 03:17 |
zblach | how is breezy atm? | 03:17 |
x[BrB] x | djw62 thanks | 03:17 |
nybble | its quite cool | 03:17 |
tritium | cleaner345345, #ubuntu-de | 03:17 |
x[BrB] x | :) | 03:17 |
benplaut | every f*ing time i reinstall, it's because of Gnome's stupid panel | 03:17 |
JDahl | david3, some diehard open-source fanatics keep bootable freedos CDs around for BIOS upgrades etc. | 03:17 |
kataklsym | is ubuntu a pretty powerful linux os? or is it just a beginner os? | 03:17 |
nybble | ...note the pun | 03:17 |
djm62 | kataklsym: both really | 03:17 |
rino0nte | kataklysm: debian+fedora | 03:17 |
DansFloyd | what driver should i get for my ATI graphic card? x86_64? or x86? | 03:18 |
david3 | JDahl, what's freedos? | 03:18 |
JDahl | david3, take a wild guess... | 03:18 |
rino0nte | Have a install problem, can some one help me please, just need guideance | 03:18 |
tritium | rino0nte, fedora? | 03:18 |
nybble | david3: its dos, but its free! | 03:18 |
kataklsym | debian power with fedora ease? | 03:18 |
Gh0sT | W: Couldn't stat source package list http://ubuntu.tower-net.de hoary/java Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu.tower-net.de_ubuntu_dists_hoary_java_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 03:18 |
kataklsym | or what? | 03:18 |
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kataklsym | those arent really comparable to me | 03:18 |
kataklsym | heh | 03:18 |
david3 | JDahl, i was just a second too late ;) | 03:18 |
rino0nte | kataklysm: that ... | 03:18 |
kataklsym | so its just as good as debian? | 03:19 |
JDahl | david3, but smart-arseness aside, you should be able to setup a freedos boot CD for occasions like this | 03:19 |
rino0nte | Guys, I have installed ubuntu but my keyboard is useless in graphical mode, only the numberrrs in the keypad and the mouse works, have no problem with text mode, any clue? | 03:19 |
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nybble | kataklsym: yes, and in some respects better | 03:19 |
__learner__ | many people with the same error | 03:19 |
__learner__ | what coukld that be? | 03:19 |
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kataklsym | i have 5.10 breezy on CD, im currently using RHEL4 on here, was thinking about changing over, because i have been having some unknown problems | 03:19 |
djm62 | __learner__: when you googled it? try clicking on the links | 03:20 |
rino0nte | Guys, I have installed ubuntu but my keyboard is useless in graphical mode, only the numberrrs in the keypad and the mouse works, have no problem with text mode, any clue? | 03:20 |
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david3 | JDahl, my real problem is that a particular drive isn't loading the linux kernel, swapping out for a different drive fixed the problem--i'm wondering if a firmware upgrade with fix the problem for real | 03:20 |
kataklsym | i just never really could figure out if ubuntu was one of those OS that was on Suse, Linspire level | 03:20 |
kataklsym | lol | 03:20 |
__learner__ | djm62: only people relating the same problem no solution at all. | 03:20 |
benplaut | hrm | 03:20 |
djm62 | kataklsym: making random changes in response to unknown problems might not be the best idea... | 03:20 |
benplaut | i wonder if KDE is really that bad... | 03:20 |
rino0nte | Come on, just a fkng clue | 03:20 |
kataklsym | i dont have the urge to mess with gentoo either, and i dont like how debian is so backdated | 03:20 |
benplaut | i haven't used it in so long | 03:20 |
kataklsym | djm62, its not random changes | 03:21 |
kataklsym | i have used RHEL since version 2 | 03:21 |
__learner__ | but most people have this problem on macs. | 03:21 |
kataklsym | and used all versions of Fedora Core | 03:21 |
kataklsym | and used RH since 3.0 | 03:21 |
kataklsym | so im not changing | 03:21 |
kataklsym | im just kinda tired of RH | 03:21 |
rino0nte | Guys, I have installed ubuntu but my keyboard is useless in graphical mode, only the numberrrs in the keypad and the mouse works, have no problem with text mode, any clue? | 03:21 |
rino0nte | Pleasssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | 03:21 |
tritium | kataklsym, you like that Enter key, don't you? | 03:21 |
djm62 | __learner__: it could just be a Problem Keyboard...under uk law, you could return it, YMMV | 03:21 |
kataklsym | and this problem i have no one can answer what it is, so i thought i would get out of the RPM based distros | 03:21 |
kataklsym | lol | 03:21 |
rino0nte | Can't find anything googling... | 03:21 |
__learner__ | it works ok nder Xp... | 03:22 |
rino0nte | This is my last resource, (PAPA ROACH) | 03:22 |
lee_ | I know this is going to be a dumb question, but how do I install a .deb package I have localy in ubuntu? | 03:22 |
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__learner__ | lee_ sudo dpkg -i packagename | 03:22 |
tritium | lee_, sudo dpkg -i <foo.deb> | 03:22 |
djm62 | kataklsym: unless it's an rpm error, it might be duplicated in ubuntu. OTOH ubuntu is a good and free distro, and you're unlikely to be upset by switching from rpm to apt...IMHO | 03:23 |
lee_ | __learner__, Thanks, I was unable to find that one in the wiki | 03:23 |
SpudDogg | anyone know if there's a good mp3 player built into ubuntu? | 03:23 |
__learner__ | you are welcome | 03:23 |
rino0nte | __learner__: help please | 03:23 |
Madpilot | SpudDogg: install the codecs, and Totem or any other app will play mp3 | 03:23 |
nalioth | !tell SpudDogg about mp3 | 03:23 |
SpudDogg | thank you! | 03:24 |
djm62 | SpudDogg: you need to enable mp3 support (patent issues), then anything you like | 03:24 |
=== ironwolf [n=ironwolf@c-67-188-204-176.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gh0sT | uh whats the cmd to install a .deb file | 03:24 |
JDahl | !tell JDahl about mp3 | 03:24 |
=== xavi [n=xavi@147.Red-81-38-165.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
__learner__ | whats the problem rino0nte | 03:24 |
kataklsym | djm62: i think it probably is an rpm problem, because i have had to compile a few apps i use from source that didnt have .spec files with the gzip file... thats one thing i hate bout rpm based distros, is how some things u just cant find an rpm, and if u put it on from source it causes dependency splits.. i hate that | 03:24 |
tritium | Gh0sT, scroll up a few lines ;) | 03:24 |
Madpilot | Gh0sT: "sudo dpkg -i <foo.deb>" | 03:24 |
Gh0sT | hah | 03:24 |
Gh0sT | ty | 03:24 |
=== WASSSSSSSSSSSSSU [n=chatzill@h116.43.28.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rino0nte | __learner__: I have installed ubuntu but my keyboard is useless in graphical mode, only the numberrrs in the keypad and the mouse works, have no problem with text mode, any clue? | 03:25 |
nalioth | WASSSSSSSSSSSSSU: please have mercy on us | 03:25 |
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tritium | no kidding, WASSSSSSSSSSSSSU | 03:25 |
kataklsym | what window managers does ubuntu install ?? does it put enlightenment or fvwm? | 03:25 |
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nalioth | kataklsym: gnome by default | 03:25 |
tritium | gnome is default | 03:25 |
nalioth | kataklsym: all window manglers are available | 03:25 |
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benplaut | WASSSSSSSSSSSSSU, take a hint? | 03:26 |
kataklsym | installable from the cd? or on the repos? | 03:26 |
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benplaut | repos | 03:26 |
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BROKEN_LADDER | if anyone's interested, i found a way to get a free "virtual phone number" where you can receive faxes that will be sent to you as pdf's, and voice messages that will be emailed to you. | 03:26 |
=== crimsun [n=crimsun@pdpc/supporter/silver/crimsun] has joined #ubuntu | ||
__learner__ | try running debconf | 03:26 |
__learner__ | inj text mode | 03:26 |
djm62 | kataklsym: if you start installing from source, you will probably cause dependency problems eventually. otoh I do think debian (which feeds ubuntu, as well as vice-versa) has the biggest selection of packages around | 03:26 |
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tritium | Hi crimsun | 03:26 |
dooglus | we worked out Cossins' problem : he was missing /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.alias - that file defines the real name of font 'foxed' | 03:26 |
dooglus | 'fixed' | 03:26 |
basttrax | hey everyoen | 03:26 |
=== Cossins [n=simon@x1-6-00-40-95-c0-05-d1.k458.webspeed.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kataklsym | alright thats cool ya all | 03:26 |
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basttrax | I need some help :( | 03:26 |
kataklsym | i appreciate it | 03:27 |
Cossins | 3C | 03:27 |
kataklsym | i will install it here in a few | 03:27 |
Cossins | blah! | 03:27 |
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kataklsym | as soon as i backup my stuff thats 10 years old | 03:27 |
__learner__ | sudo debconf, it worked for me at other time | 03:27 |
basttrax | can anyone help me? | 03:27 |
kataklsym | thanks!!! | 03:27 |
rino0nte | __learner__: tnx a lot | 03:27 |
tchmnky | Can anyone tell me the file with the login prompt text in it? The "Ubuntu Hoary Hedgehog 5.04 \h \t" file? | 03:27 |
Gh0sT | how do you extract a self extracting .bin file | 03:27 |
tchmnky | Can't remember where it is. | 03:27 |
Cossins | dooglus: everything is fucked up, I can't switch pages in irssi | 03:27 |
rino0nte | __learner__: I'll check | 03:27 |
basttrax | hello? | 03:27 |
tritium | Cossins, please don't use that kind of language | 03:27 |
dooglus | Cossins: I don't think you're allowed to say 'fuck' in here | 03:27 |
sjg | tchmnky: I believe that is /etc/issue | 03:27 |
zorba64 | Gh0sT: ./ | 03:27 |
basttrax | can anyone help me update my ubuntu? | 03:27 |
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jcohen85 | wow- breezy gets a lot of updates. I updated 128 packages this afternoon (after last updating yesterday). I then returned to my computer 2 hours later and found 28 more updates! | 03:28 |
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crimsun | it's /etc/issue | 03:28 |
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nybble | ttyl y'all | 03:28 |
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jeff303 | anyone have luck installing Adobe Acrobat Reader? | 03:28 |
tchmnky | sjg, that's what I thought. Appears not to change after killing getty. | 03:28 |
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zaigham | not yet | 03:28 |
basttrax | I need to upgrade from version 4.10 to 5.10... anyone? | 03:28 |
Gh0sT | ./ ? | 03:28 |
Gh0sT | doesnt work | 03:28 |
Gh0sT | like | 03:28 |
sjg | tchmnky: /shrug no idea | 03:28 |
Gh0sT | ./blah.bin | 03:28 |
v|nce | i had my ubuntu intalled and i changed my monitor from samsung i changed it with likom and now i got problem with my screen resolution.. i need help.. | 03:29 |
tritium | basttrax, see the topic | 03:29 |
=== Cossins [n=simon@x1-6-00-40-95-c0-05-d1.k458.webspeed.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | jeff303: evince in breezy doesn't suffice? | 03:29 |
Gh0sT | cuz that doesnt work | 03:29 |
zorba64 | Gh0sT: try sh nameoffile.bin | 03:29 |
dooglus | Cossins: does control-n work? | 03:29 |
Madpilot | !tell v|nce about fixres | 03:29 |
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basttrax | i read the page, but i'm having some problems | 03:29 |
Cossins | dooglus: I'm alright now | 03:29 |
jeff303 | crimsun: I haven't tried it... still on Hoary | 03:29 |
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tchmnky | sjg - nevermind. I'm being dumb. The previous text of /etc/issue was left at the top of the screen - the new /etc/issue contents followed afterwards. I guess killing getty doesn't blank the tty. | 03:29 |
Phuzion | Hey, how can I be allowed to copy a file to /var/www in KDE if I'm not logged in as root? | 03:29 |
jeff303 | crimsun: but the ones I've tried (xpdf, gpdf, etc) I don't care for since I can't do smooth-scrolling bet. pages | 03:29 |
kataklsym | Well i guess im gonna install ubuntu on here now!, wish me luck everyone :D | 03:29 |
zorba64 | Gh0sT: you may have to chmod +x nameoffile.bin first | 03:30 |
Phuzion | kataklsym, have fun! | 03:30 |
freeman08 | how can i add a network printer? | 03:30 |
kataklsym | I'll try! | 03:30 |
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freeman08 | can anyone help me please | 03:31 |
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david3 | JDahl, did you get that last message from a few minutes ago? | 03:31 |
tritium | freeman08, did you go to System->Administration->Printing? | 03:31 |
Phuzion | !wiki network printer | 03:31 |
=== vis` [n=crap@c-67-169-198-162.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gh0sT | ok i unpacked it, now theres a folder with everything in it, where do i go from there? i cant confiure or make it | 03:32 |
Phuzion | !wiki printer | 03:32 |
SpudDogg | ok, here's a dumb question, and sorry if this is profanity around here...Is there anything Windows can do that Ubuntu cannot? | 03:32 |
JDahl | david3, Was it the one where you asked if a firmware update would fix your disk problems? I don't know if it would... | 03:32 |
freeman08 | i cant find the other computers at my network... all i see is the windows computer | 03:32 |
Madpilot | SpudDogg: get viruses... | 03:32 |
Cossins | SpudDogg: run Photoshop and games without a buggy emulation layer - else, no | 03:32 |
SpudDogg | LOL | 03:32 |
vis` | haha | 03:32 |
Phuzion | SpudDogg. Yes, run Office, and crash 20 times in one day. | 03:32 |
tritium | freeman08, did you enable browsing/ | 03:33 |
tritium | ? | 03:33 |
SpudDogg | HAHA...i take it you fellas hate windows | 03:33 |
freeman08 | yup | 03:33 |
Phuzion | No me gusta Windows. | 03:33 |
nalioth | SpudDogg: i'm the resident windows hater | 03:33 |
holycow | Phuzion, rofl | 03:33 |
Madpilot | SpudDogg: not hate, I just don't have any need to run it anymore... | 03:33 |
fossa | hi i have a basic question. how do i make the files that are on my desktop actually show up on the desktop? | 03:33 |
freeman08 | tritium... is that for windows? | 03:33 |
david3 | JDahl, that was the one...i'll try it out and let you know | 03:33 |
Phuzion | Hey, how can I be allowed to copy a file to /var/www in KDE if I'm not logged in as root? | 03:33 |
holycow | SpudDogg, not hate, its just liberating to know your not getting screwed over and over and over and over again | 03:33 |
tritium | freeman08, for cups | 03:34 |
JDahl | if I want w32codecs on Breezy, do I get it from breezy-extra? | 03:34 |
freeman08 | i enabled it on samba... (indows) | 03:34 |
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SpudDogg | Madpilot: don't you ever get tired of command line installations? | 03:34 |
david3 | JDahl, i'm trying the floppy version of FreeDOS | 03:34 |
holycow | SpudDogg, freedom from proprietary garbage is nice, here you are responsible for your self, thats always liberating | 03:34 |
freeman08 | where can i find configuration for cups? | 03:34 |
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Phuzion | SpudDogg, I don't get tired of it, it's actually a challenge. | 03:34 |
holycow | SpudDogg, its faster | 03:34 |
JDahl | david3, yes, it's actually handy, isn't it? | 03:34 |
SpudDogg | Phuzion, you got that right | 03:34 |
Madpilot | SpudDogg: installing Ubuntu itself was no harder than installing Windows, easier, actually. App installs via Synaptic are even easier... | 03:34 |
tritium | freeman08, the part you need to find network printers is the browsing which you already enabled | 03:35 |
jeff303 | forgetting Adobe Reader for a moment, does anyone know of a pdf reader for Ubuntu which allows "smooth scrolling" across pages? | 03:35 |
SpudDogg | Madpilot, i can't seem to get some things to work... | 03:35 |
tritium | jeff303, not that I know of. | 03:35 |
SpudDogg | even with that synaptic | 03:35 |
Phuzion | Doesn't xpdf do that/ | 03:35 |
Phuzion | ? | 03:35 |
Madpilot | SpudDogg: do you have all the repos enabled? | 03:35 |
Gh0sT | where can i get j2sdk1.4 and java2-compiler | 03:35 |
Madpilot | jeff303: Evince? | 03:35 |
vis` | linux/ubunto noob = me. I've been doing some searches on how to set up my internet connection. I had a wireless adapter, but that was not supported. So now I've got my ethernet running directly to the router, and would just like to get online. All the searches I've done come up with wireless directions | 03:35 |
david3 | JDahl, yes and thanks for the tip | 03:35 |
vis` | I just need direct ethernet help | 03:35 |
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jeff303 | Madpilot: tried evince | 03:36 |
holycow | SpudDogg, most things that newbs cannot get to work is usually a lack of skills on the part of the user | 03:36 |
jeff303 | tritium: if It does, I don't know how | 03:36 |
Phuzion | vis' reboot with your ethernet plugged in. | 03:36 |
sjg | !restrictedformats | 03:36 |
ubotu | restrictedformats is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or 'codecs' | 03:36 |
SpudDogg | Madpilot, yes, i do...however it seems as though installing things via synaptic doesnt put them in the menus...that would kick ass | 03:36 |
SpudDogg | there is still command line to configure | 03:36 |
holycow | SpudDogg, thats because gnome has a new menu system | 03:36 |
holycow | SpudDogg, not all apps have migrated | 03:36 |
Madpilot | SpudDogg: a lot of stuff still lacks the .desktop files that install it into the menus... that'll come eventually | 03:36 |
SpudDogg | oh ok... | 03:37 |
holycow | SpudDogg, this isn't windows, if you find things that do not add links in menus, help the projects add that functionality | 03:37 |
sproingie | i find those menus to get so crowded that they're worthless. goes for windows and linux bothh | 03:37 |
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Phuzion | Can someone help me out here, I'm trying to copy some files from my desktop to /var/www for my server, and I was wondering how I would go about doing so, since it says I lack privelages | 03:37 |
SpudDogg | holycow, what do you mean? | 03:37 |
c0rrupt_ | oh.. how can i use wpa with linux | 03:37 |
sproingie | who ever thought that one big cascading menu was a good way to organize software | 03:37 |
c0rrupt_ | and iwconfig | 03:37 |
jeff303 | Phuzion: sudo cp | 03:37 |
Gh0sT | where can i download j2sdk1.4 and java2-compiler | 03:37 |
=== sproingie .oO( apple ) | ||
Phuzion | Thanks. | 03:37 |
holycow | SpudDogg, well welcome to open source, here you are responsible for helping out wherever you can | 03:38 |
tritium | c0rrupt_, wpasupplicant | 03:38 |
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SpudDogg | holycow, i am NOT a programmer...is that what you mean? | 03:38 |
Madpilot | SpudDogg: .desktop fiels aren't hard to write - they're just text files | 03:38 |
Madpilot | *files, even... | 03:38 |
Phuzion | Does anyone here just use root terminal rather than sudo for everything? | 03:38 |
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tristanmike | SpudDogg, you can use "smeg" to put things in the menus | 03:38 |
holycow | SpudDogg, the difference tends to be: on windows if you buy it you can expect things and complain about it, here its free it's borderline offensive to have the same expectations particularly when no research has been done | 03:38 |
SpudDogg | Madpilot, I dont know what a .desktop file is | 03:38 |
tritium | Gh0sT, please don't repeat | 03:38 |
cevizoglu | Phuzion, sometimes, yes. It's called sudo -s | 03:38 |
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Phuzion | What does that do? | 03:39 |
holycow | SpudDogg, thats exactly what i'm saying, it comes down to not complaining about charitable work of others but pitching in | 03:39 |
tritium | Phuzion, try sudo -i | 03:39 |
cevizoglu | Phuzion, it emulates root | 03:39 |
david3 | JDahl, i got FreeDOS up on the machine, but when I started the firmware upgrade exe, it says "This program cannot be run in DOS mode." Back to square one | 03:39 |
Phuzion | I have root terminal already though, so I just throw my password in, and boom, root access. | 03:39 |
jeff303 | Phuzion: you can do a man sudo to see all the options and what they do | 03:39 |
Gh0sT | sorry i figured no one saw it | 03:39 |
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vis` | i've rebooted..i'm just not sure how to set up the ethernet connection from here. still can't find it in searches. shows device eth0 but says it's not configured. what exactly would I need to run to configure it | 03:39 |
JDahl | david3, :/ | 03:40 |
cevizoglu | Phuzion, sudo -s is easier when you realize you're going to need to run as root for a while in the middle of working | 03:40 |
tristanmike | Phuzion, it's not best to run via the "root terminal", bad habits can develop | 03:40 |
holycow | SpudDogg, if you can't code thats fine, everyone helps out in their own way, some file bug reports, others do graphics, some write help files, etc. | 03:40 |
SpudDogg | holycow, LOL, i wasnt complaining...i was just asking questions. it just seems that to use most programs you have to know a lot of commads and tags, etc...i;m new to linux and dont know them yet. I am sorry if i came accross frustrated or offensive | 03:40 |
holycow | SpudDogg, welcome to linux :) | 03:40 |
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fossa | how do i create a link to a folder to appear on the desktop? | 03:40 |
Gh0sT | hrm | 03:40 |
holycow | SpudDogg, no worries, hard to infer much from textual communication :) | 03:40 |
Madpilot | SpudDogg: well, welcome to the Light Side, then... ;) | 03:40 |
holycow | i'm hoping to round out the big picture philosophical differences | 03:41 |
jeff303 | fossa: using Nautilus you can highlight a folder, right click, "Create link", then move that link to Desktop | 03:41 |
jeff303 | fossa: at least that's what I did | 03:41 |
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cevizoglu | SpudDogg, you'll find a lot of those commands help you get work done much more quickly than a GUI | 03:41 |
holycow | SpudDogg, windows users often come to linux with the wrong expectations because simply they know nothing else, and thats okay | 03:41 |
holycow | SpudDogg, what cevizoglu is true. command line a whole hell of a lot of times is just faster. its weird but true. | 03:42 |
vis` | that's exactly where I'm at ^ | 03:42 |
=== afaik [n=jcarr@216-138-43-178.adams.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
afaik | some of you may call me insane, while others may call me obtuse, I don't care because it is my laptop anyway. chmod -R 777 / | 03:42 |
tristanmike | holycow, and because they've been manipulated | 03:42 |
=== bur[n] er [n=burner@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vis` | I opened ubuntu and I'm clicking things going "work. work. work." and nothing. haha. I have a lot of learning to do | 03:42 |
sjg | Anyone out there use konquerer for a web browser and it seems much slower than mozilla or firefox to you? | 03:42 |
SpudDogg | holycow, for example, WTF does "sudo" mean in a command line? also, its hard to memorize all the tags while "unzipping" a .gz, for example -zvf...i have no idea what that means | 03:42 |
afaik | some of you may scream "security, security!" While others snicker, "hahahaah... idiot" | 03:42 |
tristanmike | afaik, lol | 03:42 |
holycow | tristanmike, indeed, it's not obvious until you have switched cults. indeed. | 03:42 |
SpudDogg | if i did, im sure this would be much easier, you know? | 03:42 |
fossa | ok, nautilus | 03:42 |
cevizoglu | afaik, congrats, you just hammered your system beyond recognition | 03:42 |
Phuzion | Alright, I'm confused, mv and cp both got me on their syntax | 03:42 |
holycow | SpudDogg, well yeah there is stuff to learn. but allow me to argue the opposite | 03:43 |
afaik | it's not like it's an application server, and it's not as if I know chmod -R 777 / is a bad thing | 03:43 |
sproingie | cevizoglu: i think he just wants to rub everyone's face in it. whoopee | 03:43 |
SpudDogg | holycow, sure! | 03:43 |
=== DansFloyd [n=DansFloy@user-12l252r.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tristanmike | holycow, even if you know, you're so engossed that, like you said, you don't know of any other solution. Except mac maybe, but let's not go there. | 03:43 |
cevizoglu | afaik, you have varied permissions for a reason | 03:43 |
jeff303 | Phuzion: what about the syntax | 03:43 |
Phuzion | do I so "sudo cp filename_to_copy.tar.gz /directory/to/copy/to/"? | 03:43 |
holycow | SpudDogg, the reason most windows machines are infected with spyware is because ms has trained you to believe that it is okay to be an ignorant moron when using a computer | 03:43 |
sproingie | afaik: good for you. glad you don't make typos | 03:43 |
x[BrB] x | djw62 in using back office can i assign a folder where all the files will be save on a folder i assigned? | 03:43 |
afaik | cevizoglu, I know, and I don't care. My laptop is for horseplay anyhow | 03:43 |
jeff303 | Phuzion: you need to specify a filename on the destination end too | 03:43 |
Phuzion | Oh, thanks. | 03:43 |
holycow | SpudDogg, the truth of the matter is some training is required, some understanding of concepts and problem solving is MANDATORY when using computers | 03:43 |
=== Gh0sT [n=niggerne@pool-141-154-11-131.bos.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
sproingie | holycow: a lot of spyware is drive-by downloads exploiting holes in IE, and some of it gets bundled with other apps. insulting everyone who uses the machine doesn't really make you any smarter | 03:44 |
holycow | SpudDogg, consider linux your skills upgrade that you and everyone should of recieved before being given access to a computer | 03:44 |
arkanes | is there a simple way to convince X.org that I'm capable of better than 1024x768 resolution, or do I need to hack on the config file by hand? | 03:44 |
SpudDogg | holycow, is there a well thought out, n00b level tutorial or linux basics i can read somewhere? i do beleive that would help me a lot | 03:44 |
holycow | sproingie, true but if the user has some basic skills, they would be able to surmise that using firefox or something else, or turning off activex would resolve the issue. we both know users of windows machiens that have very clean installs for yearas | 03:44 |
Madpilot | !tell SpudDogg about docs | 03:45 |
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acktifujit | so who ownes one of those dyson vaccumms? | 03:45 |
Phuzion | There is a roadmap from Windows to Linux somewhere, but I've never checked it out. | 03:45 |
tristanmike | SpudDogg, I like this one http://www.linuxcommand.org/ | 03:45 |
Madpilot | !tell SpudDogg about cli | 03:45 |
Phuzion | I ought to though. | 03:45 |
jeff303 | SpudDogg: you can find hundreds, just google linux tutorial, and read articles on Wikipedia for general information about the community of Linux, etc | 03:45 |
holycow | SpudDogg, well, you are looking for linux 101 i guess? i konw of no such thing. you will need to acquire it through osmosis for the time being. | 03:45 |
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dooglus | so... Cossins was unable to start X because he was missing /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.alias | 03:45 |
tritium | yeah, you mentioned that | 03:45 |
holycow | SpudDogg, its a very good idea infact, i've thought about that for a while | 03:45 |
dooglus | I think in turn that was because he was also missing /etc/X11/fonts/misc/xfonts-base.alias | 03:45 |
dooglus | /etc/X11/fonts/misc/xfonts-base.alias is part of package xfonts-base, which I had him reinstall, but he was still missing the file afterwards. | 03:46 |
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dooglus | how can installing a package omit installing one of the files in the package? | 03:46 |
SpudDogg | holycow, thats what i've been trying lately...im getting around that way for now, and am very happy with ubuntu, but more knowledge quickly would come in handy | 03:46 |
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sproingie | holycow: it goes a bit deeper than just techie paranoia. people actually trust a lot of the companies that make the software they install, like screensavers and games and so forth | 03:47 |
jeff303 | SpudDogg: if you don't already use google heavily, or some other search engine, it's a must to learn something like Linux | 03:47 |
!lilo:*! Hi all. There's a new hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico.... it's being tracked in ##rita .... it's coming through Florida and seems aimed at Texas. Discussion and tracking in ##rita . | 03:47 | |
holycow | SpudDogg, its a hard question. we have a hard time working on this stuff (I am sponsoring development on an opne source web framework for example), that writing linux 101 tuts is hard done | 03:47 |
!lilo:*! Whoops, I think I must be tired. Bit redundant there. | 03:47 | |
jeff303 | SpudDogg: if you get an error message, try putting it verbatim into Google, chances are someone else had the exact same problem and posted about it | 03:47 |
sproingie | holycow: human nature to be more trusting of the party on the other end of a voluntary transaction, and not think they'll shove spyware onto your machine in the process | 03:48 |
holycow | sproingie, indeed! | 03:48 |
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SpudDogg | oh, thats another think...it seems that there arent a lot of games available for linux, for example HL and HL2 | 03:48 |
holycow | sproingie, lol, the funny thing is they are more trusting of spyware than say something like open office | 03:48 |
holycow | >_< | 03:48 |
cevizoglu | SpudDogg, they're available through cedega | 03:48 |
arkais | hi | 03:48 |
jeff303 | SpudDogg: if you're feeling amibition, some people have got those games to run on Linux | 03:48 |
JDahl | does anyone know where to get w32codecs for Breezy? | 03:48 |
jeff303 | SpudDogg: using Cedega | 03:48 |
dooglus | if linux ever gets a reasonable desktop marketshare you can be sure that spyware will start to turn up in downloads. | 03:48 |
tristanmike | sproingie, exactly, even video game manufactures include it, people think, why would they give me spyware? | 03:49 |
holycow | SpudDogg, yeah what cevizoglu said. the problem is that games cost a lot of money to dev, and publishers need a paying audience now. | 03:49 |
c0rrupt_ | !chipset | 03:49 |
ubotu | No idea, c0rrupt_ | 03:49 |
SpudDogg | LOL, you should see me here...im taking notes lol | 03:49 |
holycow | a few games are natively published on win, osx and lin | 03:49 |
brownie17 | is there a copy or clone of flash for linux? | 03:49 |
Gobbla | !root | 03:49 |
ubotu | it has been said that root is disabled in Ubuntu, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 03:49 |
holycow | doom3 for example | 03:49 |
c0rrupt_ | does anyone know the page with all wireless cards and their chipsets?? | 03:49 |
tritium | brownie17, yes | 03:49 |
c0rrupt_ | !wireless | 03:49 |
ubotu | it has been said that wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards | 03:49 |
sproingie | brownie17: flash runs fine on linux | 03:49 |
dooglus | brownie17: flash, yes; shockwave, no | 03:49 |
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tristanmike | SpudDogg, most "ID" games run for all OS's if I'm not mistaken | 03:50 |
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cafuego_ | sproingie/dooglius: only on i386. | 03:50 |
arkais | i want install SDL but when i do the ./autogen.sh, says one error, line 11 aclocal, command not found, what can i do? | 03:50 |
sproingie | 32 bit linux anyway. still no flash for my konq. not that this disturbs me | 03:50 |
tritium | arkais, you don't want to install the .deb package? | 03:50 |
sproingie | arkais: apt-get install autoconf automake | 03:50 |
SpudDogg | is there a good web site around for periphial drivers, such as ATI video cards? | 03:50 |
cafuego_ | Such a bourgeois arch. Yuck. | 03:50 |
vis` | can anybody walk me through an ethernet connection setup? I'm brand new to ubuntu/linux. in networking it says eht0 is not configured. I did gnome-nettool in terminal and the only device listed is loopback interface (lo) with no add button. - . - *CONFUSED NOOB ALERT!!* | 03:50 |
vis` | and I've already rebooted | 03:51 |
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tristanmike | SpudDogg, if you're going to get video, then nVidia is the choice for Linux | 03:51 |
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cafuego_ | !tell SpudDogg -about ati | 03:51 |
sproingie | vis`: sounds like it doesn't detect your card. what kind of ethernet is it? | 03:51 |
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vis` | cable directly to linksys router | 03:51 |
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vis` | oh..one sec | 03:51 |
brownie17 | tritium, i don't mean a player, i mean like the flash suite, to create flash animations | 03:51 |
sproingie | vis`: so it's the one on your motherboard? what brand of computer is it? | 03:51 |
cevizoglu | vis`, there's no configuration required normally for ethernet unless your nic isn't supported | 03:52 |
fadumpt | !tell fadumpt about ssh | 03:52 |
SpudDogg | ok...thanks so much everyone for your time. are you fellas #ubuntu regulars? will you be around often for help and advice? | 03:52 |
vis` | i have an msi motherboard with onboard ether | 03:52 |
bagawk | I added the restricted repost ass described in RestrictedFormats in the wiki, but I see no gstreamer-mad for mp3 support. What is wrong? | 03:52 |
bagawk | s/ass/as | 03:52 |
arkanes | brownie17: there is an OSS flash compiler, but as far as I know nothing like the whole studio/IDE package | 03:52 |
sproingie | vis`: what model of msi? they should all be supported tho | 03:52 |
cafuego_ | SpudDogg: if not, someone else will be here. | 03:52 |
Gobbla | !dc++ | 03:52 |
sproingie | in fact ubuntu's better support for forcedeth is one reason i ended up installing ubuntu | 03:52 |
SpudDogg | cafeugo_: ok, cool | 03:52 |
=== cafuego_ meh's | ||
arkais | thx sproingie | 03:53 |
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vis` | sproingie , 865pe neo-2 series | 03:53 |
brownie17 | arkanes, umm... when you say compiler, do you mean it just converts the FLA files to a SWF file? or do you mean the full program? | 03:53 |
vis` | only a year old | 03:53 |
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arkanes | brownie17: I'm not really sure, I'm not a flash guy, but my understanding is that it converts ActionScript/FLA files into a SWF movie, yes | 03:54 |
holycow | arkais, there is flash4lin but its actually not even alpha | 03:54 |
Deekin | Evening all | 03:54 |
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holycow | the programmer just doesn't have enough support for it | 03:54 |
holycow | there was another flash ide project i ran into on sourceforge, you may want to search there | 03:54 |
Phuzion | Does anyone here know about MySQL, and phpMyAdmin? | 03:54 |
brownie17 | arkanes, ok, what is it called? | 03:55 |
holycow | but basically your only choice is macromedia for now | 03:55 |
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brownie17 | holycow, search fourceforge for flash you say? thanks | 03:55 |
sproingie | vis`: should be an intel pro ethernet. not sure why it's not being recognized. does it show up if you type 'ifconfig -a' ? | 03:55 |
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nalioth | WASSSSSSSSSSSSSU: please, dude | 03:55 |
vis` | sproingie: let me check. one sec | 03:55 |
nalioth | WASSSSSSSSSSSSSU: cut us some slack | 03:55 |
holycow | oh that was meant for brownie, haha ! sorry arkais | 03:56 |
holycow | :) | 03:56 |
holycow | brownie17, yes :) | 03:56 |
benplaut | i have a feeling WASSSSSSSSSSSSSU is doing it to annoy us | 03:56 |
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vis` | sproingie: what exactly am I looking for | 03:56 |
qt2 | time to clean my keyboard. <.< >.> | 03:56 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o tritium] by tritium | ||
sproingie | vis`: you're looking for eth0 | 03:57 |
holycow | brownie17, http://f4l.sourceforge.net/ | 03:57 |
holycow | thats one | 03:57 |
jeff303 | Phuzion: what about it, exactly? | 03:57 |
brownie17 | thanx holycow | 03:57 |
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holycow | de nada | 03:57 |
vis` | sproingie: it shows eth0, "link encap: ethernet hardware:" yada yada | 03:57 |
arkais | np holycow | 03:57 |
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sproingie | vis`: so it's being detected, good | 03:57 |
fadumpt | !tell fadumpt about x forwarding | 03:57 |
lakcaj | !tell fadumpt about sshx | 03:58 |
sproingie | vis`: cat /etc/network/interfaces and look for a line that starts with 'iface eth0' ... does it show anything? | 03:58 |
lakcaj | nm, thought I was still in #debian :) | 03:58 |
fadumpt | !tell fadumpt about sshx | 03:58 |
lakcaj | fadumpt, give me a sec | 03:58 |
fadumpt | :( | 03:58 |
fadumpt | won't give me a link | 03:58 |
fadumpt | okay | 03:58 |
brownie17 | holycow, so i download the debian package? then how do i install it? | 03:59 |
fadumpt | sorry | 03:59 |
lakcaj | fadumpt, Enable X11Forwarding **on the server** (/etc/ssh/sshd_config) and install xauth (in xbase-clients) on both the client and the server. Then you can use ssh -X on the client side. Ssh will run xauth and set the DISPLAY variable automatically. Neither xhost, nor X tcp support are necessary. Hint: ssh -X root@localhost, or http://www.linuks.mine.nu/windows/sshx.html | 03:59 |
arkanes | vis`: does it show up in the gnome networking control panel? | 03:59 |
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holycow | brownie17, you probably haveto compile f4l, i don't think it has a debian package | 03:59 |
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holycow | if it does dl it and do dpkg -i package.deb | 03:59 |
lakcaj | fadumpt, that is for debian, but it should work the same for you. | 03:59 |
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fadumpt | thanks lakcaj | 03:59 |
fadumpt | :) | 03:59 |
lakcaj | np, hope it works ok for you. | 03:59 |
brownie17 | holycow, there is a file with a .deb extension for download | 03:59 |
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holycow | brownie17, thats it *nod* | 03:59 |
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vis` | sproingie: can't get to that dir for some reason. In the network settings it shows modem connection and ethernet connection..but says "ethernet interface eth0 is not configured" | 04:00 |
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brownie17 | holycow, i don't know how to install the package | 04:00 |
sproingie | vis`: i'd guess it's dhcp ... is your router set up with dhcp? | 04:01 |
arkanes | vis`: if you select it and hit the properties button, you should be able to activate it | 04:01 |
holycow | download it to your desktop, we will run you through it | 04:01 |
vis` | sproingie: sorry..had cat as part of the dir...yes it shows map eth0 | 04:01 |
holycow | et us know when you got it | 04:01 |
arkanes | vis`: I had to do that when I installed mine because the installer won't set the interface up if your network is down when you install | 04:01 |
brownie17 | holycow, i got it on my desktop | 04:01 |
sproingie | vis`: not looking for map eth0, looking for iface eth0 ... anything there? | 04:01 |
Sonny_Wertzik | Does anybody know of an app that lets you change the color,font and transparency of dropdown menus in gnome? | 04:01 |
vis` | sproingie in properties all I can click is "this device is configured"..but I'm not sure how to get all that info manually | 04:01 |
=== Maynoth [n=chatzill@h116.43.28.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | open up your cli from apps/system/terminal | 04:01 |
holycow | then cd ~/Desktop | 04:02 |
brownie17 | Sonny_Wertzik, i don't think it is that customisable | 04:02 |
holycow | are you there? | 04:02 |
nalioth | Maynoth: welcome | 04:02 |
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sproingie | vis`: i'm a kde user, i have no idea about the GUI apps you're using to check this stuff | 04:02 |
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brownie17 | holycow, cli? you mena a terminal window? | 04:02 |
holycow | yep | 04:02 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | brownie17, are youi sure? | 04:02 |
vis` | sproingie all i've got in cat is iface lo inet loopback and auto lo | 04:02 |
brownie17 | Sonny_Wertzik, nope :) | 04:02 |
sproingie | vis`: we're looking to see if there's a config | 04:02 |
Sonny_Wertzik | brownie17, hehehehe | 04:02 |
sproingie | vis`: aha. sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces | 04:02 |
sproingie | vis`: then add this to the end: iface eth0 inet dhcp | 04:03 |
brownie17 | holycow, i am on desktop | 04:03 |
holycow | do ls, you will get a list of files | 04:03 |
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holycow | then do dpkg -i packagename.deb | 04:03 |
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holycow | that should hopefully install it | 04:03 |
sproingie | vis`: there's almost certainly a pointy clicky way to do this, i just have no idea what it is :) | 04:03 |
vis` | sproingie: k buddy..now I'm in to edit that file. haha point and click is sooooooooooooo windows ;) ;) I'm here to learn | 04:04 |
holycow | brownie17, oops, i mean sudo dpkg -i package.deb | 04:04 |
holycow | heh | 04:04 |
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sproingie | vis`: ok, add that line to the end: iface eth0 inet dhcp | 04:04 |
brownie17 | holycow, http://freshmeat.net/articles/view/1640/ | 04:04 |
brownie17 | holycow, oops | 04:04 |
Sonny_Wertzik | Does anybody know of an app that lets you change the color,font and transparency of dropdown menus in gnome? Grey menus and pastels are killing me. | 04:04 |
brownie17 | holycow, dpkg: status database area is locked by another process | 04:04 |
sproingie | vis`: save, then sudo ifup eth0 | 04:04 |
holycow | brownie17, it means you have something else installing | 04:05 |
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holycow | or your synaptic installer is open | 04:05 |
holycow | close it | 04:05 |
brownie17 | holycow, i have synaotic open | 04:05 |
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brownie17 | holycow, it's doing something now | 04:05 |
holycow | close it, try dpkg again | 04:05 |
brownie17 | holycow, i got some errors, i am going to paste bin it to you | 04:06 |
holycow | k | 04:06 |
Sonny_Wertzik | OK then.....hows that new KDE?.....hehehehehe | 04:06 |
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fr500 | hello | 04:06 |
vis` | sproingie...you...rock | 04:07 |
brownie17 | holycow, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2390 | 04:07 |
sproingie | vis`: that work? | 04:07 |
vis` | so will this auto config everytime I boot now? Or will I have to hunt you down :p | 04:07 |
holycow | brownie17, that deb package was compiled for debian unstable | 04:07 |
sproingie | vis`: it should ... i think. i'm not clear on how it knows which interfaces to auto-up on boot | 04:07 |
holycow | current ubuntu does not have those libraries | 04:07 |
brownie17 | holycow, unstable? eh? what that mean? | 04:07 |
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holycow | but breezy should | 04:07 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@h116.43.28.71.ip.alltel.net] by tritium | ||
sproingie | vis`: otherwise, if you need to start it manually, just type 'ifup eth0' | 04:08 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o tritium] by tritium | ||
holycow | wait until oct 5 for breezy to release, then try to install this | 04:08 |
fossa | in xfce, i don't have a menu for all my appsand stuff. how do i make it show? | 04:08 |
fr500 | do you have idea weredo u have idea were are the sticky notes data stored? my computer broke, and i need some info i have there, i have my disk hookep up but i don't know were to look for that | 04:08 |
brownie17 | holycow, argh, everytime i want to do something everyone tells me i need breezy | 04:08 |
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tritium | Maynoth2, vulgar language in a query is not any nicer | 04:08 |
vis` | sproingie will do. thanks a lot for the help and the time. :) take care | 04:08 |
=== Milk_ [n=amshake@12-221-205-99.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | brownie17, your getting too far ahead of the development curve | 04:08 |
Milk_ | can anyone help me with an nvidia driver install error? | 04:08 |
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sproingie | vis`: np. glad to help :) | 04:08 |
brownie17 | holycow, what does that mean? | 04:08 |
holycow | brownie17, relax a bit, these people do these projects for fun, sometimes thats how it works | 04:08 |
=== shadeofgrey [n=shadeofg@user-11200ev.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shadeofgrey | hi guys | 04:09 |
brownie17 | holycow, yeah i guess you're right | 04:09 |
shadeofgrey | i just finished updating to the newest breezy stuff... | 04:09 |
fr500 | brownie17, what are you trying to install? | 04:09 |
brownie17 | flash4linux | 04:09 |
holycow | is there a factoid on ubotu about debian versions and ubuntu dev cycle? | 04:09 |
fr500 | oh | 04:09 |
holycow | i think we need a diagram to explain this | 04:09 |
arkanes | breezy is elegent and serene, like a zen monk dancing Swan Lake | 04:09 |
holycow | brownie17, its too much typing to explain right now, i'm tired :) | 04:09 |
holycow | ehe | 04:09 |
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shadeofgrey | i was just wondering -- how is it that i launch a full disk check -- is there a graphical utility for that? if not whats the commandline for it? | 04:10 |
sproingie | i think a zen monk dancing swan lake would be awful clunky | 04:10 |
brownie17 | holycow, :) ok | 04:10 |
holycow | brownie17, the short answer is, don't install breezy now, wait for it to release in october. | 04:10 |
sproingie | actually i guess he'd just sit there and tell you that he's dancing | 04:10 |
shadeofgrey | i want to verify all my file indexes and just set ubuntu to check out both my Hdd's -- sectors and all to make sure everything is cool | 04:10 |
brownie17 | holycow, yeah theres not way im installing a beta | 04:10 |
inan_ | how to enable 3D nvidia video cards? | 04:10 |
arkanes | sproingie: exactly, but in a spiritual and philosphical way :P | 04:10 |
nalioth | brownie17: i would stop where you are. f4l is very alpha software | 04:10 |
shadeofgrey | inan_ : apt-get install nvidia-glx | 04:10 |
arkanes | inan_: install the nvidia packages via synaptic | 04:10 |
Madpilot | !tell inan_ about nvidia | 04:10 |
brownie17 | holycow, i am allready getting enugh inexplicable errors with an alpha | 04:11 |
inan_ | ok thnx | 04:11 |
holycow | brownie17, update frequently :) | 04:11 |
fr500 | brownie17, is it for kde? | 04:11 |
!lilo:*! Hi all. For discussion of Rita, probably should switch over to ##hurricane , since there are already people there.... | 04:12 | |
brownie17 | nalioth: i don't know if you will be able to answer this at all, but when i ordered my cd's about 1 month ago, they said 4-6 weeks. wil they just wait and give me breezy? or will i have to wait for that aswell? | 04:12 |
brownie17 | fr500, no, gnome | 04:12 |
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nalioth | brownie17: you'll probably get hoary | 04:12 |
brownie17 | nalioth, darn | 04:12 |
nalioth | brownie17: i dont think you're gonna get f4l running at this stage of it's developement | 04:13 |
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holycow | brownie17, it actually doesn't matter | 04:14 |
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untwaa | halooo | 04:14 |
holycow | just apt-get dist-upgrade when breezy releases | 04:14 |
daloydoy | good day everyone | 04:14 |
untwaa | ano po mayron dto? | 04:14 |
daloydoy | how can i create an alias for my eth0 device? | 04:14 |
Phuzion | Hey, I'm setting up the config file for phpMyAdmin, and I think I need root access to get the server to work properly, so how do I go about giving it root? | 04:14 |
daloydoy | untwaa??? taga saan ka? | 04:14 |
untwaa | do this ubunto can support webcam? | 04:14 |
fr500 | untwaa, depends on the cam | 04:15 |
shadeofgrey | hey guys | 04:15 |
untwaa | daloydoy: frm cagayan de oro po kaw po? | 04:15 |
fr500 | untwaa, it's ubuntu by the way | 04:15 |
shadeofgrey | whats the command in ubuntu thats the equivelant to chkdssk? | 04:15 |
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sproingie | !tell Phuzion about root | 04:15 |
jeff303 | shadeofgrey: I think e2fsck | 04:15 |
inan_ | how to configure nvidia video card? | 04:15 |
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fr500 | shadeofgrey, efsck i think but it wont work on mounted units | 04:15 |
inan_ | it is installed now | 04:15 |
jeff303 | shareofgrey: or just fsck | 04:15 |
inan_ | like running direct3d | 04:16 |
inan_ | or somethin | 04:16 |
jeff303 | shadeofgrey: the only way I could do it was by using a bootable CD to run since you can't do it on mounted drives | 04:16 |
fr500 | inan, you can try glxgears | 04:16 |
untwaa | fr500: our webcam is sa genius cam. do it that brand can support? | 04:16 |
inan_ | how fr500 | 04:16 |
fr500 | inan, maybe tuxracer | 04:16 |
sproingie | opengl screensaver is a good test | 04:16 |
arkanes | inan_: when you start into X, you'll see the nvidia logo if you're using the glx drivers | 04:16 |
fr500 | inan, open a terminal and type glxgears | 04:16 |
inan_ | ok thanx | 04:16 |
inan_ | i do it now | 04:17 |
fr500 | untwaa, what is your normal language? | 04:17 |
inan_ | bahhh | 04:17 |
inan_ | pinoy? | 04:17 |
untwaa | awssssssss | 04:17 |
arkanes | inan_: when you installed the package, it should have popped up a window with instructions on how to turn the glx drivers off and on | 04:17 |
afaik | We find error | 04:17 |
sproingie | glxinfo | grep direct | 04:17 |
afaik | in Ubuntu | 04:17 |
bob2 | come on people | 04:17 |
fr500 | untwaa, it's not just brand dependant, model dependant too | 04:17 |
daloydoy | anyone help ubuntu network config... alias eth port | 04:17 |
afaik | terminal won't start in KDE | 04:17 |
afaik | we want to know why | 04:17 |
fr500 | daloydoy, just ask and wait | 04:17 |
durt | its time to learn english folks | 04:17 |
daloydoy | fr500: sorry.. im very eager | 04:18 |
Deekin | *chuckle* | 04:18 |
afaik | durt, but we find bug! | 04:18 |
untwaa | fr500: sori im nt really familiar on it.... | 04:18 |
afaik | in the Ubuntu! | 04:18 |
fr500 | durt, did you get to make GTK1 apps look better? | 04:18 |
sproingie | durt: there's a billion chinese that say it's time to learn their language | 04:18 |
bob2 | afaik: then report it on launchpad.net | 04:18 |
durt | screw those chinamen | 04:18 |
daloydoy | untwaa: pls check pm | 04:18 |
inan_ | command not found in terminal :glxgrea | 04:18 |
bob2 | durt: er, code of conduct, thanks | 04:18 |
Deekin | everyone should speak in binary | 04:18 |
inan_ | glxgear | 04:18 |
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brownie17 | i just crank a whole tin of condesced milk | 04:18 |
sproingie | durt: i prefer the women. either way it could take a long time | 04:18 |
bob2 | inan_: yes, it's glxgears, and not actully useful | 04:18 |
brownie17 | drank* | 04:18 |
fr500 | inan, glxgears | 04:19 |
inan_ | ow its running now | 04:19 |
inan_ | but my starcraft still slow | 04:19 |
inan_ | =( | 04:19 |
sproingie | like i've been saying: glxgears just proves mesa works. if you want to know if your 3d card is being used, type glxinfo | grep direct | 04:19 |
brownie17 | inan, can you get starcaft for linux/ | 04:19 |
durt | the chinese dont have women | 04:19 |
afaik | bob2, but we find bug! | 04:19 |
inan_ | its starcraft for windows | 04:19 |
afaik | IN THE UBUNTU | 04:19 |
fr500 | or you can test with a 3d game, if tuxracer runs smooth it'll do | 04:19 |
arkanes | you can usually tell from the performance if you're using nvidia or software, though | 04:19 |
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inan_ | ok | 04:20 |
bob2 | afaik: please stop it, or you'll have to leave | 04:20 |
=== afaik grins, walks of snickering | ||
brownie17 | inan_, wiht wine? | 04:20 |
sproingie | arkanes: and you can tell for sure with glxinfo | 04:20 |
arkanes | inan_: glxinfo, and look at the first few lines | 04:20 |
inan_ | yes brownie | 04:20 |
bob2 | inan_: glxgears is not a benchmarking tool, and I'm pretty sure starcraft does not use GL, anyway | 04:20 |
inan_ | ok | 04:20 |
jeff303 | inan_: starcraft doesn't use OpenGL | 04:20 |
inan_ | jeff303, and why it is slow? | 04:20 |
afaik | how can I get Halo2 running on ubuntu | 04:20 |
arkanes | wines direct3D implementation does, though | 04:20 |
jeff303 | inan_: I'm not sure exactly what nVidia gives you in the way of drivers | 04:20 |
brownie17 | afaik, you can't unless there is a linux version | 04:21 |
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sproingie | starcraft doesn't use direct3d either | 04:21 |
jeff303 | inan_: but the main reason it's slow is probably just because it's being emulated | 04:21 |
inan_ | ahhh... | 04:21 |
=== dabar [n=dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-184-169.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sproingie | starcraft is perfectly zippy in linux. wine is simply a very cantankerous thing | 04:21 |
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jeff303 | sproingie: how can that be...? | 04:21 |
arkanes | sproingie: it wouldn't be using direct3d, but I'm almost certain it uses directshow | 04:21 |
jeff303 | sproingie how else can you play it | 04:21 |
inan_ | wines direct3D implementation does, though <-- how? | 04:21 |
sproingie | jeff303: under an obscure OS called windows | 04:22 |
jeff303 | sproingie: oh yeah I heard of that once ;) | 04:22 |
inan_ | arkanes wines direct3D implementation does, though <-- how | 04:22 |
arkanes | inan_: wine implements much of direct3D via openGL | 04:22 |
brownie17 | hey everyone!, i just drank a full can of condensced milk!!!!! how good am i? | 04:22 |
sproingie | brownie17: good for you | 04:23 |
Deekin | shhhh | 04:23 |
jeff303 | inan_: wine's implementation of Directshow is probably not as good as Cedega's | 04:23 |
nalioth | brownie17: you'll soon be plump for the oven if you keep that up | 04:23 |
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sproingie | someone's gonna get lactose poisoning in 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... now | 04:23 |
inan_ | haha | 04:23 |
inan_ | =) | 04:23 |
brownie17 | nalioth, hahahah. i've always wanted to do that, ever since i was a kid. i have the metabolism of an echidna though, so i won't get fat | 04:23 |
brownie17 | sproingie, argh my gut!!1 | 04:23 |
inan_ | jeff303 inan_: wine's implementation of Directshow is probably not as good as Cedega's | 04:23 |
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inan_ | hmm | 04:24 |
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inan_ | i think this is about configuration.. | 04:24 |
Qalimas | hello all | 04:24 |
brownie17 | Qalimas, greetings | 04:24 |
inan_ | but the problem is, i dont know which to configure | 04:24 |
inan_ | =( | 04:24 |
inan_ | wine is install, my video card is install, and starcraft still running slow (grafix) | 04:24 |
inan_ | =( | 04:25 |
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arkanes | inan_: if you didn't restart X after installing the nvidia-glx packages, you aren't using acceleration yet | 04:25 |
=== holycow hands brownie17 evaporated milk | ||
inan_ | i alreadt did restart | 04:25 |
holycow | TRY THAT! | 04:25 |
brownie17 | inan_, was your version of starcraft legal? did it work well? is there any specific instructions? or just hit go? what about the regestration entries? | 04:25 |
holycow | :) | 04:25 |
arkanes | inan_: if you did restart X, and you didn't see the nvidia logo, then you aren't using them | 04:25 |
inan_ | its ok.. | 04:25 |
pumpey_you | hi | 04:25 |
brownie17 | holycow, dont temp me, i feel sick allready! | 04:25 |
inan_ | nothings wron with the game | 04:25 |
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inan_ | i saw the LOGO... | 04:25 |
jeff303 | has anyone tried running games under Windows under VMWare? | 04:25 |
pumpey_you | cagayan de oro | 04:26 |
arkanes | jeff303: doesn't work worth a darn | 04:26 |
inan_ | oi pinoy | 04:26 |
inan_ | haha | 04:26 |
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chavo | jeff303, yes, windows solitare rocks! | 04:26 |
jeff303 | arkanes: ok good to know, I missed out on a free VMWare workstation and almost kicked myself | 04:26 |
arkanes | jeff303: well, nothing 3d anyway, the vmware emulated video card is some lousy 10 year old 2d thing | 04:26 |
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inan_ | wa | 04:26 |
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brownie17 | everyone go buy a new motherboard and a set of SLI cards now | 04:26 |
inan_ | has anybody manage to run MU online on linux? | 04:27 |
jakson1 | ai tem alguem ai que possa me ajudar aqui | 04:27 |
brownie17 | btw, does sli work with linux? | 04:27 |
nalioth | !es | 04:27 |
pumpey_you | kjkk | 04:27 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 04:27 |
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inan_ | i have but still the grafix is slow... | 04:27 |
pumpey_you | hi hilo | 04:27 |
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bob2 | nalioth: portueguese (.br ;) | 04:27 |
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nalioth | bob2: i'm not too good at deciphering .br from .es | 04:28 |
sproingie | wouldn't that be pt? | 04:28 |
g0rd0n | hello! i have a problem with breezy | 04:28 |
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Qalimas | Has anyone successfully setup LTSP on Breezy? | 04:28 |
sproingie | br is the country, pt is still the language | 04:28 |
jerry | hello, could someone tell me how to install nvidia driver | 04:28 |
bob2 | nalioth: I mean the hostname :) | 04:28 |
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bob2 | jerry: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:28 |
g0rd0n | i installed the breezy preview for amd64, everything worked fine, it then upgraded about 300 packages via internet... and upon reboot the network doesnt work anymore:( | 04:28 |
nalioth | bob2: i did miss that bit of info | 04:28 |
jerry | thanks bob | 04:29 |
g0rd0n | the network cards are being detected, but i have no network and no clue how to get it back | 04:29 |
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g0rd0n | i reinstalled breezy but still got the same problem after upgrading the packages | 04:29 |
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alec_ | Does anybody know why my wine isn't working, I have the newest one? | 04:29 |
theblue | How do I add more resolutions to the properties menu? | 04:30 |
arkanes | g0rd0n: did you try enabling them in using the control panel applet? | 04:30 |
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brownie17 | does anybody know why no-one is replying to me in the german room? | 04:30 |
bob2 | dude | 04:30 |
g0rd0n | arkais: yes, nothing happens | 04:30 |
g0rd0n | it hangs | 04:30 |
bob2 | volunteers | 04:30 |
alec_ | maybe they dont speak german | 04:30 |
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g0rd0n | i also tried ifdown / ifup, but nothing happens there too... | 04:31 |
brownie17 | alec_, good thinking! i'll try french | 04:31 |
alec_ | brownie17: you know french?!?! | 04:31 |
brownie17 | i do speak a bit of german though, seriously. and i spoke it and they didn't reply | 04:31 |
alec_ | brownie17: and german?!?! | 04:31 |
=== ablyss [n=ablyss@68-190-35-8.dhcp.gwnt.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brownie17 | alec_, german yes, french no | 04:31 |
alec_ | brownie17: and english?!?! | 04:31 |
alec_ | lol | 04:31 |
nalioth | brownie17: what is the matter with where you are now? | 04:31 |
cristobal | hello | 04:31 |
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brownie17 | nalioth, the people here have too much nose hair :) | 04:31 |
sproingie | alec_: he's gone into the channel spouting "ich spreche keine deutsch" and whatnot | 04:31 |
brownie17 | hahaha | 04:32 |
alec_ | lol | 04:32 |
arkanes | g0rd0n: out of my expertise, I'm afraid, but it sounds like a driver or perhaps hardware problem | 04:32 |
acktifujit | brownie17, how did you know | 04:32 |
brownie17 | god im funny. that means i do not pseak german | 04:32 |
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alec_ | Can anybody help me with wine | 04:32 |
brownie17 | acktifujit, i am watching you with my little spy cams and shit :) | 04:32 |
alec_ | it doesnt work | 04:32 |
acktifujit | pop the cork | 04:32 |
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kataklysm | well i'm getting ubuntu installed on my other box, i dont know if it will work right though.. if i change the way my IDE drives are oriented to the motherboard, will it mess up how my linux install runs? | 04:32 |
bob2 | kataklysm: ...yes | 04:33 |
bob2 | it will make it unbootable | 04:33 |
g0rd0n | arkanes: not hardware, i'm running windows and everything works fine :) the problem arises after i upgrade breezy's packages, on a fresh install however it works | 04:33 |
chat1410 | this may be a really really stupid question (if it is, after you gimme a link, you can flame me) | 04:33 |
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chat1410 | how can i mount other drives in ubuntu? | 04:33 |
g0rd0n | perhaps some fuckup in the kernel package? | 04:33 |
brownie17 | alec_, what program are you trying to run through it? | 04:33 |
bob2 | alec_: you need to be a lot more specific, no one can possibly anser your question | 04:33 |
AngryParsley | hmm... I'm having some trouble installing mplayer on breezy | 04:33 |
nalioth | !tell chat1410 about ntfs | 04:33 |
arkanes | g0rd0n: thats what it sounds like to me | 04:33 |
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alec_ | brownie17: any program doesnt work | 04:33 |
nalioth | chat1410: check msgs, please | 04:33 |
g0rd0n | i noticed the kernel got upgraded | 04:33 |
AngryParsley | I can select it to be installed in the package manager, but it has some dependencies that can't be fulfilled | 04:33 |
brownie17 | alec_ does it give an error? | 04:33 |
chat1410 | kk, thanks | 04:33 |
bob2 | alec_: tell us what version, what you're trying to run, and whether appdb.codeweavers.com says it should work or not | 04:33 |
alec_ | brownie17: yes | 04:33 |
AngryParsley | such as "Depends: libdirectfb-0.9-22 but it is not installable" | 04:34 |
Phuzion | !wiki mysql | 04:34 |
bob2 | AngryParsley: paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to #flood | 04:34 |
alec_ | it says on the website that it might not work | 04:34 |
AngryParsley | bob2: ok, hold on | 04:34 |
brownie17 | alec_, what error? | 04:34 |
alec_ | should i get older version | 04:34 |
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kataklysm | bob2: so if i change it from slave to master, it wont boot? even if i dont have another drive? see ubuntu installer wouldnt detect my hd with the jp on cableselect, so i changed the pin, it detected it, but as slave, so if i change that pin back over to cs after install or to pri, it wont work? | 04:34 |
kataklysm | bob2: its dev hdb | 04:34 |
Phuzion | Hey, does someone know what the package is called that has apache, PHP, and MySQL bundled together? | 04:34 |
bob2 | kataklysm: get a boot cd | 04:34 |
Phuzion | Not LAMP | 04:34 |
fr500 | inan, didi you get it to work? | 04:34 |
cristobal | hi kataklysm | 04:34 |
alec_ | brownie17: ummm | 04:34 |
bob2 | Phuzion: there isn't one | 04:34 |
alec_ | brownie17: lemme try something | 04:35 |
kataklysm | cristobal: hi | 04:35 |
bob2 | Phuzion: sudo aptitude install libapache2-mod-php4 apahce2 php4-mysql mysql-server | 04:35 |
userver | Hello to all | 04:35 |
fr500 | inan, i'm pretty sure you can get cedega from the cvs (i did it once) | 04:35 |
userver | somebody can help me about the sscanner? | 04:35 |
cristobal | i from chile | 04:35 |
cristobal | and you | 04:35 |
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fr500 | crimsun, Ecuaodr | 04:35 |
fr500 | Ecuador | 04:35 |
kataklysm | umm im from US | 04:35 |
userver | Cristobal.. are you from Chile southamerica? | 04:35 |
kataklysm | bob2: why did u say get a boot cd? | 04:35 |
cristobal | yes | 04:36 |
bob2 | kataklysm: so you can fix it when it fails to boot | 04:36 |
fr500 | cristobal, Ecuador | 04:36 |
bob2 | cristobal: userver try #ubuntu-es | 04:36 |
AngryParsley | bob2: pasted | 04:36 |
alec_ | brownie17: it says | 04:36 |
kataklysm | bob2: if i just change it from hdb to hda it should boot though right?, but will the OS see things different when it changes? | 04:36 |
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steven_ | hey gusy i have a question i just installed ubuntu, and hotplug gave me two errors with pciehp and shpchp | 04:36 |
fr500 | bob2, this place is better :p | 04:36 |
userver | Cristobal and what city? | 04:36 |
alec_ | brownie17: wine has exited with a faliure status of 1. | 04:36 |
cristobal | valdivia why? | 04:36 |
brownie17 | alec_, why do you need it? | 04:36 |
bob2 | steven_: ignore it | 04:36 |
bob2 | fr500: this place is for ubuntu support, not random discussion | 04:36 |
alec_ | brownie17: wine is still devlopement software, so there can be many explanations for this problem | 04:36 |
bob2 | kataklysm: if you say so | 04:36 |
userver | bob2 and how can i use that #ubuntu-es | 04:37 |
alec_ | brownie17: because i need to open this modeling program | 04:37 |
steven_ | modprobe:Fatal:error inserting pciehp shpchp | 04:37 |
fr500 | bob2, it's still better for that, if you can speak english works just as good or better | 04:37 |
bob2 | steven_: ignore it | 04:37 |
alec_ | brownie17: i cant do it in linux | 04:37 |
userver | Cristobal.. Just i ask.. I am from Linares je je je | 04:37 |
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AngryParsley | bob2: so did I forget to add a source? | 04:37 |
alec_ | brownie17: i had it in windows | 04:37 |
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bob2 | fr500: so, stay on-topic if you're going to talk in here | 04:37 |
kataklysm | bob2: i will just see what happens when install gets done.. i dont know why it didnt detect my hd with CS, the bios did, and rhel always did.. didnt make much sense | 04:37 |
cristobal | ok | 04:37 |
fr500 | ok | 04:37 |
cristobal | userver se me hace dficil escribir en ingls | 04:37 |
steven_ | i am from Ecuador | 04:37 |
brownie17 | alec_, sorry, but i don't think linux is for you then. i can't help you, i and short of the wine support team, i don't think anyone can. | 04:37 |
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fr500 | steven_, me too | 04:37 |
bob2 | come on folks | 04:38 |
cristobal | pero algo intentaremos | 04:38 |
i0h- | Hi, i just installed ubuntu.. but i never had to type in the root pass in the installation :/ | 04:38 |
bob2 | seriously | 04:38 |
userver | Cristobal.. alguien me dijo que pobara en #ubuntu-es.. como hago eso? | 04:38 |
bob2 | !+es | 04:38 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 04:38 |
userver | Cristobal.. a mi tambien .. | 04:38 |
alec_ | brownie17: what | 04:38 |
cristobal | no s | 04:38 |
bob2 | AngryParsley: looks ok | 04:38 |
cristobal | que edad tienes | 04:38 |
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alec_ | brownie17: i meant if my version is corrupt since its not complete | 04:38 |
transgress | hey i just ran dist-upgrade and it's trying to remove OOo2... wtf? | 04:38 |
transgress | and ubuntu-desktop | 04:38 |
bob2 | transgress: don't use dist-upgrade | 04:38 |
arkanes | i0h-: ubuntu installs root with a random/unused password, it's intended that you use sudo for anything | 04:39 |
brownie17 | maybe, did you get it from the ubuntu repos? | 04:39 |
transgress | bob2: oh okay. use upgrade? | 04:39 |
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i0h- | arkanes, ? | 04:39 |
kataklysm | when you want to upgrade the dist, use the cd or other media, dont do it through a packaging system, its been known to break several several systems! | 04:39 |
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bob2 | transgress: or aptitude; dist-upgrade and upgrade do different things | 04:39 |
untwaa | do this linux (ubunto) can run games? | 04:39 |
bob2 | kataklysm: please don't spread lies | 04:39 |
fr500 | untwaa, yes | 04:39 |
Madpilot | !tell i0h- about root | 04:39 |
ssdd65 | help! i just installed a new kernel but while loading it says that module <mychipset> is in use... | 04:39 |
ssdd65 | how can i fix this? | 04:39 |
kataklysm | what? | 04:39 |
kataklysm | thats not a lie | 04:40 |
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bob2 | kataklysm: if it doesn't work, file a serious bug immediately | 04:40 |
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userver | bob2.. I don't know about the irc.. How can i join in #ubuntu-es.. I don't have that in the servers list | 04:40 |
bob2 | kataklysm: it has worked for thousands of other people | 04:40 |
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bob2 | userver: /j #ubuntu-es | 04:40 |
AngryParsley | bob2: so, how can I fulfill those dependencies? find some debs and use dpkg to install them manually? | 04:40 |
cristobal | userver ests ah? | 04:40 |
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userver | Cristobal aqui estoy | 04:40 |
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untwaa | fr500: online games or local games??? | 04:40 |
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=== Chipzz [i=chipzz@noa.ulyssis.student.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ironuckles | Hello, all. | 04:41 |
alec_ | can anybody show me the second to newest wine version(not the alpha) | 04:41 |
kataklysm | bob2: it probably has worked for a lot of people, it also has messed a lot of people up, why not just install from boot instead of while your in the OS? | 04:41 |
fr500 | untwaa, all kinds of games, just like windows, but running windows games is something dirrerent | 04:41 |
Chipzz | anyone can tell me which app this is: http://madpenguin.org/images/reviews/ubuntu510/hwsnd.jpg ? | 04:41 |
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brownie17 | alec_, why do you not want to use the alpha? | 04:41 |
bob2 | kataklysm: wtf | 04:41 |
arkanes | breezy seems to be in rather a state of flux, I've been told to upgrade dbus 4 times in 2 days :P | 04:41 |
ssdd65 | help! i just installed a new kernel but while loading it says that module <mychipset> is in use... howw can i fix this? | 04:41 |
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alec_ | brownie17: it deosn't work!! | 04:41 |
bob2 | kataklysm: if people have issues THEY NEED TO FILE BUGS | 04:41 |
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bob2 | not whinge on the forums or IRC | 04:41 |
steven_ | how can i configure eth1 | 04:41 |
ironuckles | I'm trying to get my external video to work with my laptop so I can show a presentation on a projector... Can someone point me in the right direction? | 04:41 |
Madpilot | untwaa: both America's Army & Enemy Territory have linux-native free versions | 04:41 |
fr500 | Chipzz, it's in apps, Ubuntu device database | 04:41 |
bob2 | ssdd65: and what kernel is that? | 04:42 |
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admin4 | hi | 04:42 |
bob2 | kataklysm: upgrading with aptitude while the system is running is completely supported, and the only sane way to upgrade a system | 04:42 |
bob2 | this is not redhat | 04:42 |
kataklysm | bob2: well from just about any debian / gentoo forum or room i have ever been on, they do not recommend doing a dist-upgrade from within x | 04:42 |
Chipzz | fr500: I don't have a clean install, I upgraded from hoary | 04:42 |
alec_ | brownie17: i use sudo apt-get install wine | 04:42 |
alec_ | brownie17: that doesnt work | 04:42 |
=== fossa [n=nate@cpe-065-190-116-006.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | kataklysm: forums and rooms, indeed. those peopel are clueless. | 04:42 |
fr500 | Chipzz, so? | 04:42 |
brownie17 | alec_, what does it say? | 04:42 |
kataklysm | ok everyone do a dist-upgrade then | 04:43 |
kataklysm | see how many systems get broken | 04:43 |
bob2 | kataklysm: no | 04:43 |
kataklysm | lol | 04:43 |
ironuckles | Do I need xinerama to display onto an external monitor from my laptop? | 04:43 |
bob2 | kataklysm: wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes | 04:43 |
Madpilot | alec_: do you have the Universe/Multiverse repos enabled? | 04:43 |
alec_ | brownie17: it installs but then when i try to use it | 04:43 |
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alec_ | yes | 04:43 |
bob2 | kataklysm: if it actually breaks for people, they need to file bugs instead of whinging on forus | 04:43 |
Chipzz | fr500: so, after installing hoary, I nuked some packages, which in turn nuked some meta packages | 04:43 |
ssdd65 | it is the 2.6.11-k7-smp kernel.... | 04:43 |
brownie17 | bob2, what is dist-upgrade | 04:43 |
bob2 | whinging on forums is utterly useless | 04:43 |
alec_ | brownie17: it says error code 1 | 04:43 |
fr500 | Chipzz, hmmm | 04:43 |
alec_ | brownie17: on every program | 04:43 |
bob2 | ssdd65: so, uninstall it, it's useless and broken | 04:43 |
Chipzz | ie I don't get all the packages a fresh install would give you | 04:43 |
kataklysm | ok if you say so | 04:43 |
brownie17 | alec_, how many have you tried? | 04:43 |
bob2 | brownie17: it's an apt-get command that tries to upgrade your system | 04:43 |
esac | i was just wondering why ubuntu is so damn cool. and i came to the realization that it still is only 1 cd to get going unlike others ill leave unnamed | 04:44 |
brownie17 | bob2, why is it dangerous? | 04:44 |
bob2 | brownie17: it's not | 04:44 |
alec_ | brownie17: about 7 | 04:44 |
ironuckles | How do I configure an external monitor on my laptop? | 04:44 |
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Chipzz | esac: maybe because by default it sticks to gnome and doesn't install kde? | 04:44 |
ssdd65 | bob2, it dosnt have somthing to so with the 686-smp kernel also being installed? | 04:44 |
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brownie17 | alec_, can't help you, sorry | 04:44 |
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bob2 | esac: redhat's the only OS I know of that really needs more than one CD | 04:44 |
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sproingie | kataklysm: i dist-upgraded hoary to breezy from within x, and that did major stuff with x. worked fine. theoretically it could kill off x and stop mid-upgrade, but i've never seen it happen | 04:44 |
alec_ | brownie17: why? | 04:44 |
bob2 | ssdd65: I don't know, but 2.6.11 in hoary is broken, do not use it | 04:44 |
steven_ | how can i configure a network interface, can somebody help me? | 04:44 |
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Chipzz | esac: only using one toolkit (ok that's a lie :P) saves on space | 04:44 |
brownie17 | bob2, then why did kataklysm say "see how many systems get broken"? | 04:44 |
ssdd65 | oooo | 04:44 |
alec_ | brownie17: can i manually download it | 04:44 |
esac | bob2 : i just downloaded suse 10 on 5 cd's | 04:44 |
ssdd65 | thanks | 04:44 |
bob2 | haha | 04:45 |
alec_ | brownie17: im at source forge, but i dont know which one to use | 04:45 |
steven_ | fr500, dude where do you live? | 04:45 |
brownie17 | alec_, there will probably be a tar.gz on their website, or a script | 04:45 |
alec_ | brownie17: SUSE, red hat | 04:45 |
bob2 | brownie17: because kataklysm has been reading web forums inhabited by people who don't know what they are doing, apparently | 04:45 |
alec_ | brownie17: free bsd, mandrake | 04:45 |
brownie17 | alec_, sorry, i am a newbie myself pretty much, ask someone else | 04:45 |
dabar | esac, ther eis also 14 debian CDs, but you can get all the packages through apt, so you need only one, or even the net boot cd, or eevn a floppy I think. | 04:45 |
jrattner1 | Where should i look for information on whether to see if the wireless card for my laptop will work or not? | 04:45 |
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esac | isn't mandrive 4 cd's as well ? | 04:45 |
brownie17 | bob2, ok :) | 04:45 |
bob2 | jrattner1: does it use a broadcom chipset? | 04:46 |
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alec_ | brownie17: thanks anyway | 04:46 |
ironuckles | Does anyone use Ubuntu on a laptop? | 04:46 |
jrattner1 | bob2, yes its an hp laptop | 04:46 |
fr500 | steven_, quito | 04:46 |
jeff303 | ironuckles: yep, right now | 04:46 |
alec_ | bob2: can you help me> | 04:46 |
bob2 | jrattner1: then you're screwed unless you use ndiswrapper | 04:46 |
transgress | i'd give bob2's right hand for an updated firefox package... | 04:46 |
jrattner1 | ironuckles, i do | 04:46 |
sproingie | dabar: linuxhardware.net is good | 04:46 |
steven_ | fr500, thats cool i am from riobamba | 04:46 |
bob2 | alec_: you don't seem to be asking answerable questions | 04:46 |
arkanes | most distros can be installed off a single CD, but Fedora is retarded and spreads the base package across multiple CDs, even though they'd all fit on one | 04:46 |
jrattner1 | bob2, what is ndiswrapper | 04:46 |
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esac | anybody know if the battery/laptop support is better in breezy ? | 04:46 |
sproingie | dabar: me i just google for the hardware name and stick "linux" after it | 04:46 |
fr500 | steven_, keep it on topic here | 04:46 |
bob2 | esac: yes | 04:46 |
dabar | sproingie: whats love got to do with it? | 04:46 |
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bob2 | jrattner1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetUpNdiswrapper | 04:47 |
ironuckles | jeff303, do you use an external monitor with your laptop? | 04:47 |
alec_ | bob2: well i figured out that i dont know which one to pick, SUSE, red hat, free bsd. mandrake | 04:47 |
jrattner1 | esac, ubuntu is the only distro i could install on my laptop | 04:47 |
jeff303 | ironuckles: nope, sorry | 04:47 |
jrattner1 | i tried so many | 04:47 |
alec_ | bob2: im at source forge | 04:47 |
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ironuckles | k | 04:47 |
brownie17 | sproingie, http://www.google.com/linux is a linux based search engine powered by google | 04:47 |
jrattner1 | i love it now though | 04:47 |
fr500 | esac, hoary is great in my laptop | 04:47 |
bob2 | ironuckles: it's entirely chipset-dependent | 04:47 |
transgress | jrattner1: if ubuntu installed, others should installed... | 04:47 |
esac | fr500 : same here, but i can always hope for perfection | 04:47 |
frogger_ | anybody know what's going on in https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=14316 ? | 04:47 |
bob2 | alec_: what on earth are you doing? | 04:47 |
sproingie | dabar: i misdirected those for some reason | 04:47 |
transgress | jrattner1: what happened with the others? | 04:47 |
alec_ | bob2: the package for wine | 04:47 |
untwaa | we've tried to put some games on it but it doest run.... what should i do? | 04:47 |
alec_ | bob2: what base | 04:47 |
tristanmike | bob2, your a machine guy(i assume you're a guy) :) | 04:47 |
bob2 | alec_: wine is in ubuntu already | 04:47 |
ironuckles | bob2, okay, so is there a wiki page i should know about for this? | 04:47 |
frogger_ | i can't run lilo for some reason | 04:47 |
bob2 | untwaa: www.transgaming.com | 04:48 |
=== sproingie had a braino | ||
untwaa | if it ubunto can run games? | 04:48 |
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alec_ | bob2: where? | 04:48 |
bob2 | alec_: in universe | 04:48 |
esac | bob2 : that's nice to hear, i was hoping for some nice laptop improvements. im downloading it now | 04:48 |
bob2 | untwaa: www.transgaming.com | 04:48 |
alec_ | bob2: that doesnt work | 04:48 |
bob2 | esac: do report bugs! | 04:48 |
megamanx2005 | anyone here had gaim 1.5 autopackage cause a problem on their hoary install? | 04:48 |
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alec_ | bob2: the version is too new | 04:48 |
esac | im finally taking the plunge and ridding my laptop of windows | 04:48 |
bob2 | megamanx2005: talk to whoever made the autopackage | 04:48 |
sproingie | yay | 04:48 |
Phuzion | Hey, does anyone know if it is possible to set up my machine as a mailserver? | 04:48 |
esac | bob2 : gladly .. whats the url for bug reporting ? | 04:48 |
bob2 | Phuzion: sure it is | 04:48 |
alec_ | bob2: at the website it said there are problems they need to fix | 04:48 |
jrattner1 | transgress, they would all lockup during the install, i suspected ACPI problems but after spending a month with SuSE customer support I gave up | 04:48 |
Phuzion | bob2: What packages would I need? | 04:49 |
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=== sproingie will be sticking dragonflybsd on his laptop should he ever dig it out of the closet | ||
bob2 | Phuzion: if you're on residental dsl or cable, tho, you probably can';t receive mail | 04:49 |
brownie17 | esac: :) no will be whne you realise you need windows for someting really important, and ubuntu will stop working :) | 04:49 |
fr500 | Phuzion, there are many alternattives, i like huulaserver | 04:49 |
bob2 | esac: bugzilla.ubuntu.com | 04:49 |
megamanx2005 | my bud said he got banned for saying it caused no problems on his hoary install | 04:49 |
megamanx2005 | any truth to that.. everyone has always been nice to me in here | 04:49 |
esac | brownie17 : vmware/qemu | 04:49 |
jrattner1 | transgress, I also have a 1440x900 display which was giving installers trouble | 04:49 |
daloydoy | anyone successful viewing movie here? | 04:49 |
fr500 | Phuzion, if you have a public IP and unfiltered ports it will work | 04:49 |
fr500 | daloydoy, explain better | 04:49 |
nalioth | megamanx2005: which bud is that? | 04:49 |
bob2 | megamanx2005: your friend appears to be an idiot | 04:49 |
Phuzion | So, since I'm on Adelphia, probably not, right? | 04:49 |
brownie17 | megamanx2005, he probably swore, i get in trouble for that all the time in here :( | 04:49 |
megamanx2005 | maynoth | 04:49 |
bob2 | nalioth: waaaassup | 04:49 |
bob2 | daloydoy: /msg ubotu restricted | 04:50 |
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megamanx2005 | he im'ed me on gaim about it | 04:50 |
megamanx2005 | LOL | 04:50 |
bob2 | Phuzion: what's your ip? | 04:50 |
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bob2 | Phuzion: (we can check) | 04:50 |
inan_ | how to add wine? | 04:50 |
Phuzion | | 04:50 |
nalioth | megamanx2005: maynoth appears to have been troublesome for some time in here today | 04:50 |
thekopeman | i need help | 04:50 |
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inan_ | =D | 04:50 |
inan_ | how to add wine? | 04:50 |
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thekopeman | how do i install realplayer? | 04:50 |
daloydoy | fr500: im using totem-xine got it working but no audio | 04:50 |
bob2 | inan_: /msg ubotu repositories | 04:51 |
bob2 | inan_: it's in universe | 04:51 |
bob2 | thekopeman: /msg ubotu restricted | 04:51 |
inan_ | ok | 04:51 |
nalioth | megamanx2005: usually bans are lifted every 24 hours (providing the op CAN"T remember why he banned that particular person) | 04:51 |
fr500 | inan, wine is not very fast for games, it should be in synaptic after adding the repositories | 04:51 |
brownie17 | nalioth, hahah | 04:51 |
amittp | Hi, I am having problem viewing Video Streams using mplayer-plugin in firefox, anyone have same problem? | 04:51 |
nalioth | megamanx2005: that's a hint | 04:51 |
bob2 | Phuzion: looks like it's blocked | 04:51 |
jrattner1 | I cant wait for the new release | 04:51 |
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inan_ | fr500 inan, wine is not very fast for games, it should be in synaptic after adding the repositories <-- how can i make my games faster? | 04:52 |
jrattner1 | linux is so sick | 04:52 |
jrattner1 | : ) | 04:52 |
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bob2 | Phuzion: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix" would be the command to tell postfix to listen on the external interface | 04:52 |
=== Knelix [n=Knelix@c-67-191-67-171.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
steven_ | hey how can i make a script to run at boot time | 04:52 |
brownie17 | nalioth, the worst thing that happened to me when i frist started using ubuntu was this: i had some error, and i was completely frustrated about it, i came on here, and someone told me to paste them the ouput of some file, and i did (but i didn't use pastebin). i got banned. i had no idea about pastebin and i wasn't given a second chance. | 04:52 |
thekopeman | how do i install realplayer? | 04:52 |
fr500 | inan, for windows games, you would need cedega but it's comercial, if it's worth it or not depends on if you succedd and how much u play | 04:52 |
bz0b | hey Nakkel | 04:52 |
bz0b | nalioth** | 04:53 |
brownie17 | steven_ put it in the startup folder | 04:53 |
nalioth | brownie17: the /topic meets everyone who joins | 04:53 |
nalioth | bz0b: howdy | 04:53 |
ORiON2012 | fr500: It's not unless you play a select few games | 04:53 |
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fr500 | ORiON2012, many games work for me | 04:53 |
dabar | thekopeman: at this point, the question is really how do I use IRC. What client are you using? | 04:53 |
Phuzion | bob2, I have a router on my system though, so it may be that. | 04:53 |
bz0b | nalioth: I am very sorry for my actions of last night, please don't allow my actions from last night to judge who i really am | 04:53 |
brownie17 | nalioth, yeah, but i somehow never read it, too big and jagony for me :) | 04:53 |
alexandros | does anyone a photo managing software that works with the Olympus D-540? | 04:53 |
thekopeman | x-chat | 04:53 |
inan_ | fr500, so wine is useless to games..? | 04:54 |
=== chemisus [n=chemisus@pcp09463696pcs.ctftmy01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabar | alexandros: have you plugged the camera into the computer? | 04:54 |
chemisus | join #sql | 04:54 |
brownie17 | bz0b, you are going to hell. :) | 04:54 |
transgress | well | 04:54 |
bz0b | alexandros: no, i have the one for the Canon Rebel XT though | 04:54 |
fr500 | inan, not really | 04:54 |
transgress | some games work with wine | 04:54 |
Madpilot | alexandros: try gThumb | 04:54 |
ORiON2012 | fr500: only the standard fare work for me | 04:54 |
inan_ | in terms of grafix | 04:54 |
bz0b | brownie17: :P | 04:54 |
thekopeman | dabar: x-chat | 04:54 |
dooglus | bob2: why did you tell transgress not to use dist-upgrade? | 04:54 |
dabar | thekopeman: do you see a tab about the top, or the bottom for ubotu? | 04:54 |
transgress | Warcraft3 works with wine | 04:54 |
thekopeman | yes | 04:54 |
nalioth | bz0b: what was last night? | 04:54 |
bob2 | dooglus: because it was causing problems which aptitude would fix | 04:54 |
thekopeman | dabar: yes | 04:54 |
Deekin | Im gonna guess WoW does not :) | 04:54 |
dabar | thekopeman: go raed the pages he referenced, and his text. | 04:54 |
sproingie | lots of games work with wine, and quite well | 04:54 |
inan_ | Warcraft is same with starcraft | 04:54 |
sproingie | Deekin: wow works just fine under wine | 04:54 |
transgress | Deekin: you're good at guessing | 04:54 |
arkanes | WoW works fine under wine | 04:54 |
megamanx2005 | back | 04:54 |
=== ironwolf [n=ironwolf@c-67-188-204-176.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bz0b | nalioth: just out of curiosity, how bad was I? honestly i don't remember anything that I said, except for I came on IRC | 04:54 |
brownie17 | transgress, seriously!? that's advanced as for wine! i get some REALLY old games that don't even allow you to uyse the keyboard in them | 04:54 |
arkanes | well, almost fine, call it 98% | 04:55 |
dooglus | bob2: then you suggested following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes, which recommends dist-upgrade... | 04:55 |
inan_ | and the grafix? | 04:55 |
sproingie | old games are the ones that tend to have problems under wine | 04:55 |
alexandros | on thankns, I tried gtkam but it does not support this model | 04:55 |
nalioth | bz0b: who was what? (iow, shhhhhhh) | 04:55 |
bz0b | nalioth: I just remmeber like this one girl or soemthing | 04:55 |
megamanx2005 | well I wanted to test his theory... mostly because I don't believe him.. | 04:55 |
bob2 | dooglus: to the same person? | 04:55 |
transgress | brownie17: yeah google warcraft 3 linux wine or something along those lines | 04:55 |
bz0b | nalioth: :P | 04:55 |
Deekin | im not sure who to believe now hehe | 04:55 |
transgress | brownie17: but you have to remove the videos... they hang | 04:55 |
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inan_ | ok | 04:55 |
nalioth | megamanx2005: what theory are you testing? | 04:55 |
Deekin | ill make a good guess that it works fine under wine | 04:55 |
dooglus | dooglus: perhaps not. I don't think you addressed the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes URL to anyone | 04:55 |
arkanes | Deekin: I'm on WoW right now | 04:55 |
Phuzion | Alright, I need some help here from someone who knows Linkys routers. | 04:55 |
thekopeman | dabar: i did, but i still dont get it.... | 04:55 |
Deekin | really? | 04:55 |
megamanx2005 | I for the record have been running gaim 1.5 (.package) on hoary since the .packaage was released | 04:55 |
dooglus | bob2: oh, my bad. you did. | 04:55 |
Deekin | under Wine? | 04:55 |
megamanx2005 | no problems... running all updates | 04:55 |
arkanes | Deekin: using stock wine from the repository, no work required | 04:55 |
transgress | arkanes: WoW with wine? | 04:55 |
scoove | Phuzioni... what kind of prob? | 04:55 |
dabar | thekopeman: what part? | 04:55 |
Deekin | wow - thats awesome to hear! | 04:56 |
brownie17 | bz0b, you got adhd or something? forgetting what you said sounds pretty bad. maytbe you should get that checed out | 04:56 |
jeff303 | those of you running WC3, are you using Cedega or Wine? | 04:56 |
arkanes | I installed the nvidia drivers, of course, and reniced it to 19 to help with the sound stutter | 04:56 |
ORiON2012 | jeff303: Cedega | 04:56 |
Phuzion | Is it possible to run an IRCd from my machine with 6667 as the port, and port forward it on the router? | 04:56 |
bz0b | brownie17: I was under the influence | 04:56 |
=== vladuz976 [n=vladuz97@pool-71-106-208-30.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Deekin | im almost done wiping my windowz box clean - tomorrow im installing ubuntu and we'll see from there :) | 04:56 |
=== fabiorizzo [n=fabioriz@201-1-73-19.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AngryParsley | so... I'm still having problems trying to install mplayer on breezy | 04:56 |
=== alec_ [n=alec@adsl-68-124-16-228.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | bz0b: -offtopic please with you and brownie17 | 04:56 |
bob2 | Phuzion: yes | 04:56 |
vladuz976 | how do i install jre 1.5 in hoary? | 04:56 |
bz0b | kk | 04:56 |
Deekin | i look forward to Wow On Nix then :) | 04:56 |
AngryParsley | it requires packages that it can't find | 04:56 |
thekopeman | dabar: im really new to linux, so the whole system is alien to me... | 04:56 |
fabiorizzo | hi | 04:56 |
=== fossa [n=nate@cpe-065-190-116-006.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vladuz976 | jre is not in the repository anymore | 04:56 |
Phuzion | bob2, could you check to see if they block incoming requests on 6667, or is that not possible? | 04:56 |
dabar | thekopeman: do you know how to install things? | 04:56 |
AngryParsley | so I must be missing a repository or something | 04:56 |
scoove | Phuzion: should be... haven't tried 6667 but even a wide dst-nat port redirection should work. can u do that? | 04:57 |
arkanes | Deekin: framerate is slightly worse than under windows, maybe 10-20% slower | 04:57 |
scoove | lock down the host on everything else tho | 04:57 |
Phuzion | scoove, dst-nat = lingo =confusion. | 04:57 |
brownie17 | nalioth, hahah forgive me. (*bows*) | 04:57 |
dabar | thekopeman: things being software, programs... | 04:57 |
Deekin | i can live with that easily | 04:57 |
thekopeman | dabar: a little, but reealplayer is in a .bin file and all the posts i found tont help | 04:57 |
scoove | phuzion: sorry, linksys supports a mode where you redirect all traffic for your outside public IP to an inside host. | 04:57 |
=== misfit_toy [n=guy@cpe-70-112-252-226.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Deekin | i just started a guy in emeral dream and am missing him hehe | 04:58 |
Phuzion | I see. | 04:58 |
Phuzion | So, how would I go about doing this? | 04:58 |
dooglus | bz0b: do you want a log of what you said last night? | 04:58 |
AngryParsley | vladuz976: yeah, why isn't jre in the repository any more? it's kind of important | 04:58 |
scoove | phuzion: destination nat is what it's called, but i'm trying to remember linksys's name for that. what router? | 04:58 |
dabar | thekopeman: realplayer is a package in the hoary-extras repository, it seems. | 04:58 |
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bz0b | dooglus: hmm, maybe not, i prefer to not have it remembered :-) | 04:58 |
Phuzion | WRT54G | 04:58 |
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bz0b | dooglus: but lets not stay off topic now | 04:58 |
thekopeman | dabar: i guess.... | 04:58 |
marcin_ant | hi all | 04:58 |
dabar | thekopeman: read the bottom of the addingrepositorieshowto page to see what you need to do. | 04:58 |
marcin_ant | I got pretty strange problem | 04:58 |
nalioth | marcin_ant: tell us | 04:59 |
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scoove | phuzion: awesome. not to sidetrack u but openwrt is fantastic. openwrt.org | 04:59 |
marcin_ant | I use ubuntu breezy and I wanted to build some package | 04:59 |
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scoove | phuzion: not sure if you want to invest in learning curve, but i use it and love it | 04:59 |
jrattner1 | bob2, how can i find out which windows driver I need for my wireless card? | 04:59 |
dooglus | bz0b: if you get curious ever, it's here: http://s89213869.onlinehome.us/bzob.txt | 04:59 |
ORiON2012 | AngryParsley: licensing issues | 04:59 |
Phuzion | What is it, port forwarding or something? | 04:59 |
marcin_ant | the thing is that I found in dpkg-architecture output | 04:59 |
alexandros | Madpilot: gthumb did not work | 04:59 |
scoove | phuzion: no, it's a replacement open source OS for the WRT54G | 04:59 |
JDahl | are there changes in audio between Hoary and Breezy e.g. in which sound server to use? My audio seems to be working, e.g., I can get a BELL sound from a terminal, but otherwise all playback seems muted | 04:59 |
fabiorizzo | hi everyone | 05:00 |
marcin_ant | that my machine is..... DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE=i486-linux-gnu | 05:00 |
ColonelKernel | dooglus, he does this silly routine every day, claiming he was intoxicated when he was just trolling. He's best left on ignore | 05:00 |
Phuzion | Oh, it's not even my router, I don't want to do something like that. | 05:00 |
scoove | phuzion: totally wild. i use it a lot for kismet drones to sniff out people messing with my wifi networks | 05:00 |
AngryParsley | ORiON2012: so is that why some mplayer dependencies aren't around either? | 05:00 |
=== cody [n=cody@c-67-171-195-109.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabar | thekopeman: you will be adding an outside repository, so that part of the repos page applies to you, and the Repository line will be the line on the bottom of the repos wiki page. try, and ask for more help when you get stuck. | 05:00 |
dooglus | ColonelKernel: oh, i see. | 05:00 |
marcin_ant | while my CPU is Athlon | 05:00 |
ORiON2012 | AngryParsley: good question | 05:00 |
scoove | phuzion: oh, no - notif it's not yours! | 05:00 |
fabiorizzo | i try to ping localhost, and i receive the message that not found | 05:00 |
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fabiorizzo | how i fix this? | 05:00 |
dooglus | ColonelKernel: isn't that a bit sad? | 05:00 |
marcin_ant | nalioth, any idea? | 05:00 |
=== Colloid [n=asdf@CPE002078caf3a7-CM024350004110.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ORiON2012 | AngryParsley: and yes | 05:00 |
ColonelKernel | dooglus, a bit, yes :D | 05:00 |
AngryParsley | because I'd love to install mplayer, but the package manager can't find 3 dependencies | 05:00 |
Colloid | redhat is better than ubuntu, discuss. | 05:00 |
alexandros | Madpilot: gthumb I got the follwing error, An error occurred in the io-library ('Unsupported operation'): Camera is supported by USB Storage driver. | 05:00 |
ORiON2012 | AngryParsley: you can get w32codecs from marillat I believe | 05:01 |
Burgundavia | AngryParsley, hoary-extras is a better place for w32codecs | 05:01 |
AngryParsley | ORiON2012: no, I can't even install just mplayer | 05:01 |
scoove | phuzion: try this link - http://www.practicallynetworked.com/support/linksys_router_help_pg4.htm | 05:01 |
AngryParsley | Burgundavia: but I'm using weezy | 05:01 |
Fyawerx | there was a post on the forum for a mirror repository for w32codecs | 05:01 |
nalioth | marcin_ant: i'm not too familiar with dpkg building things | 05:01 |
Fyawerx | for hoary at least | 05:01 |
nalioth | marcin_ant: i usually cheat and use "checkinstall" instead of "make install" (not official debs, but enough for system maintenance) | 05:01 |
Fyawerx | ooh, is mirrormax back up? | 05:02 |
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Burgundavia | AngryParsley, hoary-extras shoudl work. and mplayer is in multiverse | 05:02 |
AngryParsley | Burgundavia: yes, but not all of its dependencies are | 05:02 |
ORiON2012 | AngryParsley: mplayer works and installs fine for me on breezy | 05:02 |
Burgundavia | AngryParsley, what is missing? | 05:02 |
=== IeAeuaMS [n=ybnaokte@ip68-8-242-204.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AngryParsley | for example: Depends: libdirectfb-0.9-22 but it is not installable | 05:02 |
thekopeman | dabar: i know i sound like a noob, but when i was messing around with my user group, i made it non administator... | 05:02 |
Fyawerx | the backport repositories were down for a day or two, looks like its back up now | 05:02 |
AngryParsley | I'll paste it in #flood | 05:02 |
dooglus | so bob2, when would you suggest 'dist-upgrade' and when 'aptitude' to upgrade from hoary to breezy? | 05:02 |
scoove | Colloid: redhat > ubuntu? i'm a 1993 linux user, distros incl: SLS, Slackware, Redhat, Debian and now Gentoo. considering Ubuntu. Left Redhat due to inflexibility with embedded and very customized builds | 05:02 |
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arkanes | any idea how I convince X that I'm capable of more than 1024x768 resolution? | 05:02 |
Madpilot | alexandros: hmm.. in that case you might be able to mount it as a drive - but mounting drives is something I haven't done yet... | 05:03 |
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dabar | thekopeman: do you have any account that is administrative? | 05:03 |
dooglus | scoove: I used to use SLS too. it came on 31 floppies as I remember... | 05:03 |
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AngryParsley | so anyway, I need to know where to find those packages | 05:03 |
thekopeman | only the ones that are defalt... | 05:03 |
Burgundavia | AngryParsley, works for me? can you post your sources.list in flood? | 05:03 |
AngryParsley | yeah | 05:03 |
scoove | dooglus: 31 floppies.. and you had to have two packs because one floppy would always be bad! hahaha | 05:03 |
fabiorizzo | how i change the order to find dns name? like /etc/hosts ? | 05:03 |
dabar | thekopeman: do you have a user name that is administrator? | 05:04 |
AngryParsley | deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ - Preview i386 (20050908)] / breezy main restricted | 05:04 |
AngryParsley | deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted | 05:04 |
AngryParsley | ## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the | 05:04 |
AngryParsley | ## distribution. | 05:04 |
AngryParsley | deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-updates main restricted | 05:04 |
AngryParsley | deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-updates main restricted | 05:04 |
AngryParsley | ## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe' | 05:04 |
fabiorizzo | my ubuntu can't see the /etc/hosts | 05:04 |
AngryParsley | ## repository. | 05:04 |
AngryParsley | ## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu | 05:04 |
thekopeman | admin i think | 05:04 |
cody | anyone know how to install windows programs on linux? | 05:04 |
AngryParsley | ## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to | 05:04 |
AngryParsley | ## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in | 05:04 |
ORiON2012 | AngryParsley: easy | 05:04 |
AngryParsley | ## universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security | 05:04 |
=== Topslakr [n=Topslakr@24-54-42-180.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scoove | dns name in /etc/resolv.conf (should be standard) | 05:04 |
AngryParsley | ## team. | 05:04 |
AngryParsley | deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe restricted multiverse | 05:04 |
jrattner1 | Where can I get windows wireless drivers to use with ndiswrappers | 05:04 |
AngryParsley | deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe | 05:04 |
AngryParsley | deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security main restricted | 05:04 |
cody | d | 05:04 |
AngryParsley | deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security main restricted | 05:04 |
misfit_toy | AngryParsley, wget ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb | 05:04 |
misfit_toy | sudo dpkg -i ./w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb | 05:04 |
dooglus | lol AngryParsley. | 05:04 |
AngryParsley | deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security universe | 05:04 |
AngryParsley | # deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security universe | 05:04 |
cody | R0ar | 05:04 |
cody | r0ar | 05:04 |
Madpilot | !tell AngryParsley about paste | 05:04 |
cody | cool | 05:04 |
ORiON2012 | AngryParsley: was that fun? | 05:04 |
dooglus | is that really necessary? | 05:04 |
AngryParsley | ORiON2012: yes | 05:04 |
cody | !trivia | 05:04 |
ubotu | cody: I don't know | 05:04 |
cody | o | 05:04 |
cody | sorry | 05:04 |
=== afaik [n=jcarr@216-138-43-178.adams.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cody | :P | 05:04 |
scoove | yikes... this ch is fast! | 05:04 |
afaik | is apache 2 broken in the latest repo? | 05:05 |
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AngryParsley | misfit_toy: I'd love to grab the win32 codecs, but I need to install mplayer first | 05:05 |
Cody | i r cody | 05:05 |
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ORiON2012 | afaik: runs fine for me | 05:05 |
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AngryParsley | oh shit | 05:05 |
AngryParsley | I pasted in #ubuntu | 05:05 |
dabar | AngryParsley: I hope you know what you did was a big annoyance. | 05:05 |
afaik | let me update and reinstall | 05:05 |
misfit_toy | AngryParsley, sudo apt-get install gstreamer | 05:05 |
Cody | I R CODY | 05:05 |
Burgundavia | AngryParsley, can you try that in #flood now? | 05:05 |
thekopeman | dabar: does that mean i have to reinstall linux? | 05:05 |
AngryParsley | dabar: sorry, I thought I had #flood in focus | 05:05 |
dabar | Cody: are you ok? | 05:05 |
afaik | it was working fine before, now suddenly it just hangs | 05:05 |
Toma- | with k3b, if i copy a dvd, i get errors at a specific part of the dvd and stops copying... this because of copy procetion/encryption and whatever? | 05:05 |
dabar | thekopeman: no, linux is rarely reinstalled. | 05:06 |
misfit_toy | AngryParsley, sudo apt-get install gstreamer* in fact | 05:06 |
afaik | I need apache realy bad... | 05:06 |
Topslakr | is there an official release date for the stable breezy? | 05:06 |
ORiON2012 | Toma-: is the disk scratched? | 05:06 |
Cody | How do i install a new theme? | 05:06 |
nimra | hello, i'm running the Ubuntu live CD, can anyone tell me the root password please, thank toy | 05:06 |
dooglus | Topslakr: 13/10 I think | 05:06 |
=== misfit_toy bails | ||
Cody | do i need gtk? | 05:06 |
thekopeman | dabar: how in the hell am i supposed to fix this? | 05:06 |
Toma- | ORiON2012: nope... but its a cheap copy | 05:06 |
Topslakr | thx dooglus, where did u read that? I can't find it anywhere | 05:06 |
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Toma- | it plays fine tho | 05:06 |
Madpilot | nimra: no such thing. use sudo instead | 05:06 |
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dooglus | Topslakr: I saw it in wikipedia today | 05:06 |
nimra | thank you | 05:07 |
Topslakr | :) thx | 05:07 |
AngryParsley | ok, I used paste to make http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2391 | 05:07 |
dooglus | Topslakr: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Linux#Releases | 05:07 |
Kataklsym | i got my ubuntu install finished, seems pretty damn fast actually | 05:07 |
ORiON2012 | Toma-: what's the exact error? (msg or flood pls) | 05:07 |
Burgundavia | AngryParsley, try commenting out the cd and trying again | 05:07 |
Toma- | error reading sector 302190 | 05:07 |
=== benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-66-8-184-56.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabar | thekopeman: usually, there is an admin group in ubuntu hoary installs. otherwise, you will be adding your user to sudoers file. You of course need to be root, so you will reboot, and boot into safe mode, or recovery mode is what I think it is called. Then, hopefully, all you will need to do is adduser thekopeman admin. Otherwise, you will add yourself to the sudoers file. What editor do you know how to use(command line one)? | 05:07 |
Toma- | something liek that | 05:07 |
Toma- | *like | 05:08 |
benplaut | will a sudo aptitude uninstall kubuntu-desktop get rid of all it installed? | 05:08 |
AngryParsley | Burgundavia: I don't have the CD in my drive, is that neccessary? | 05:08 |
ORiON2012 | Toma-: then I'd make sure the disk isn't damaged and that wherever the temp data is stored isn't filling up | 05:08 |
thekopeman | dabar: like termainal? | 05:08 |
afaik | goddamn it... I did an apt-get install over it, ran apache2ctl restart, and the fucker still hangs | 05:08 |
=== afaik weeps | ||
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Toma- | rightio | 05:08 |
thekopeman | dabar: or like a text editor | 05:08 |
afaik | problem only ssems to be fixed temporarily if I reboot | 05:09 |
Burgundavia | AngryParsley, oh wait, your sources.list is messed | 05:09 |
inan_ | how to installa patches.. : d3d9patch.2005-04-28-2.diff | 05:09 |
Phuzion | scoove, so, what exactly is it called when I set up my external IP address to forward to a certain port on my network? | 05:09 |
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dabar | thekopeman: yes, the trerminal is a.k.a. command line. a text only text editor, so, other than gedit. | 05:09 |
dooglus | Phuzion: that's called port-forwarding. | 05:09 |
inan_ | how to installa patches.. ex: d3d9patch.2005-04-28-2.diff | 05:09 |
thekopeman | dabar: i know enough to get by... | 05:09 |
afaik | wtf | 05:10 |
afaik | goddamn it | 05:10 |
Phuzion | So, if I wanna port forward to 6667, I would do TCP 6667 connections, right? | 05:10 |
dabar | thekopeman: of which editor? vi, nano, emacs? | 05:10 |
untwaa | do this ubunto LINUX can supports for cafe time? | 05:10 |
=== AngryParsley_ [n=AngryPar@ool-457619d7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | Phuzion: you can forward TCP port 6667 or UDP port 6667. what's it for? | 05:10 |
inan_ | untwaa where u from? | 05:10 |
thekopeman | dabar: none. im very new... | 05:10 |
alec_ | Can anybody help me make wine work, my version is 20050310????? | 05:10 |
dooglus | Phuzion: if it's for an IRC server, that's TCP | 05:10 |
Kataklsym | damn, should there be like 100 updates available for breezy when i just got it installed? | 05:10 |
=== fabiorizzo [n=fabioriz@201-1-73-19.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
dooglus | Kataklsym: sure. | 05:11 |
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AngryParsley | ugh | 05:11 |
untwaa | inan_ untwaa where u from?: cagayan | 05:11 |
Kataklsym | dooglus: its like every package on here though | 05:11 |
=== holy_cow [n=a@S0106000fb51e6051.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | Kataklsym: I updated about 6 hours ago, and there are another 21 updates ready already. | 05:11 |
hosler | Im looking to buy a laptop to run linux. I will use this laptop for school, programming, and some gaming. Any suggestions? | 05:11 |
dabar | thekopeman: well...let me see. | 05:11 |
dooglus | Kataklsym: probably. breezy changes a lot. what did you install? | 05:11 |
nimra | umm, i'm kinda new and i tried to mount my NTFS sda1 to a root folder /win but i cant access it | 05:11 |
arkanes | hosler: linuxcertified.com | 05:11 |
inan_ | untwaa, ok | 05:11 |
bob2 | hosler: something from ibm | 05:12 |
hosler | askanes: took a look at it allready | 05:12 |
inan_ | how to installa patches.. ex: d3d9patch.2005-04-28-2.diff | 05:12 |
hosler | bob2: ok | 05:12 |
dabar | How can I list existing, or check whether a specific group exists on my system? | 05:12 |
bob2 | inan_: #winehq | 05:12 |
dooglus | Kataklsym: all the xorg packages got updated today, and openoffice.org too | 05:12 |
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inan_ | thnx bob2 | 05:12 |
arkanes | nimra: you need to add a umask when you mount it, otherwise it will only be accessible by root | 05:12 |
untwaa | inan_: were you from? | 05:12 |
=== poningru [n=poningru@n128-227-58-120.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Phuzion | Does someone want to see if I got this IRC working right? | 05:12 |
made2bgentle | discreetbai | 05:12 |
ORiON2012 | big kubuntu update yesterday | 05:12 |
inan_ | untwaa, butuan city | 05:12 |
bob2 | dabar: getent group blah | 05:12 |
Kataklsym | dooglus: that makes sense then | 05:13 |
arkanes | dooglus: and dbus, no less than 3 times :P | 05:13 |
Kataklsym | what is the path to icon files besides the default gnome on ubuntu gets, like the normal firefox icon, where is that? | 05:13 |
untwaa | i cnt go with irc undernet server.... how can i connect to irc undernet?? | 05:13 |
ORiON2012 | Kataklsym: /usr/share/pixmaps has a lot | 05:14 |
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made2bgentle | hi | 05:14 |
made2bgentle | kinsay d tawo dnhi | 05:14 |
made2bgentle | chat ta | 05:14 |
untwaa | hahaha mao mao chat chat dyud | 05:14 |
dooglus | I just ran "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop". It wants to install 116 new packages, and download 158Mb of archives... | 05:14 |
untwaa | i cnt go with irc undernet server.... how can i connect to irc undernet?? | 05:14 |
Phuzion | You may be G-lined | 05:14 |
dabar | thekopeman: getent group admin in a terminal please. | 05:14 |
drsynackuator | i can connect to undernet just fine | 05:14 |
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made2bgentle | me eithere | 05:15 |
made2bgentle | kinda confuse | 05:15 |
made2bgentle | na | 05:15 |
bob2 | come on folks | 05:15 |
untwaa | hmmmm | 05:15 |
bob2 | English and on-topic | 05:15 |
Kataklsym | ORiON2012: it doesnt have the standard firefox icon though | 05:15 |
untwaa | wat should i do? | 05:15 |
drsynackuator | bob2 i swear sometimes you're a bot | 05:15 |
ORiON2012 | Kataklsym: could always locate firefox.png | 05:15 |
dabar | he is actually a very knowledgeable person when it comes to IRC tech support. drsynackuator. | 05:16 |
arkanes | Kataklsym: firefoxes default icon is in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/chrome/icons/default | 05:16 |
thekopeman | dabar: ok, what did that do? | 05:16 |
=== alex323 [i=alex@ool-4573a0a2.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alex323 | hey all | 05:16 |
Phuzion | Can I ask some people to beta test my server? | 05:16 |
dabar | what did it do, you tell me, thekopeman. | 05:16 |
alex323 | I recently tried to upgrade to breezy from horay | 05:16 |
dabar | any output at all? thekopeman? | 05:16 |
alex323 | I edited sources.list and apt-get updated | 05:17 |
alex323 | But 288 packages are being kept back | 05:17 |
alex323 | any ideas? | 05:17 |
Phuzion | I just want to see if the server works from outside IP ranges | 05:17 |
thekopeman | dabar: yes,"admin:x:109:" | 05:17 |
bob2 | alex323: use aptitude | 05:17 |
inan_ | i think my proble is wine | 05:17 |
inan_ | =D | 05:17 |
inan_ | thanks bob2 | 05:17 |
dooglus | bob2: why aptitude and not dist-upgrade? | 05:17 |
inan_ | problem | 05:17 |
Kataklsym | arkanes: im talking about the icon that is of the fox on fire, not the boring lil globe | 05:17 |
bob2 | dooglus: because it lets you unbreak dependencies more easily | 05:17 |
bob2 | dooglus: e.g. it will show you why things are held back, and you can perhaps remove one packege to allow those 288 to be upgraded | 05:18 |
dooglus | bob2: ok... | 05:18 |
arkanes | Kataklsym: I don't have the fox on fire icon anywhere in my install | 05:18 |
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ORiON2012 | Kataklsym: that is the default | 05:18 |
arkanes | Kataklsym: but I'm sure you could grab it from the mozilla website somewhere, bearing in mind that it's trademarked | 05:19 |
dooglus | arkanes: I think it's because the image isn't 'free' | 05:19 |
arkanes | dooglus: no doubt | 05:19 |
alex323 | a ha! | 05:19 |
bob2 | mozilla.org forbids ubuntu from using the proper logo | 05:19 |
alex323 | apt-get dist-upgrade did the trick! | 05:19 |
bob2 | oh, yeah, that too | 05:19 |
bob2 | upgrade isnn't very useful for going between releases | 05:20 |
alexandros | Madpilot: Thank you for your assistance | 05:20 |
Toma- | bob2: really? | 05:20 |
dabar | thekopeman: rebootstrap:)( restart the computer), then boot into safe mode. That will get you to a console, command line. In there, type in adduser thekopeman admin(replace thekopeman with your user name on that computer) then rebootstrap:) again, and boot into normal ubuntu. Then you will have an administrative account. Once you do, you will add an Outside repository, as shown at https://wiki.ubuntu.com//AddingRepositoriesHowto. For t | 05:20 |
ORiON2012 | Toma-: dist-upgrade | 05:20 |
Toma- | what? | 05:20 |
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bob2 | Toma-: upgrade only upgrades packages ie move every installed package to the latest version. dist-upgrade does the same thing, but will install and remove other things to do so | 05:20 |
vladuz976 | can someone tell me why i get this with synaptic: "Depends: transcode but it is not installable" | 05:21 |
thekopeman | dabar whats rebootstrap? | 05:21 |
Toma- | i knew that... i was asking aout the mozilla thing | 05:21 |
bob2 | Toma-: e.g. ubuntu-desktop can't be "upgrade"'d because it Depends on...openoffice version 97 or something, so dist-upgrade would install openoffice 97, too | 05:21 |
ORiON2012 | Toma-: oh | 05:21 |
bob2 | oh | 05:21 |
dabar | its in brackets after the first time I use it - restart the computer, I am just using a funny term:) thekopeman. | 05:21 |
Toma- | ;) | 05:21 |
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arkanes | any idea who the Ubuntu wxPython maintainer is? The packages are laid out differently than the stock wxPython ones and none of the seem to have the demo | 05:22 |
thekopeman | dabar: ill be back i guess, i hope this works.... | 05:22 |
dabar | bob2: do you know there is a script on the forums for changing the fx logo? | 05:22 |
dabar | thekopeman: remember what you have to do. | 05:22 |
jrattner1 | How do you find files with gogogle | 05:22 |
jrattner1 | 05:22 | |
MatC | what files? | 05:22 |
dabar | thekopeman: it does work, just depends on whether you get it rifght. | 05:22 |
jrattner1 | MatC, like drivers | 05:22 |
MatC | type "drivers download" | 05:22 |
thekopeman | dabar: good point.... | 05:23 |
ORiON2012 | arkanes: apt-cache show <pkg> | 05:23 |
bob2 | dabar: fx logo? | 05:23 |
dooglus | If called with two non-option arguments, adduser will add an | 05:23 |
dooglus | existing user to an existing group. | 05:23 |
bob2 | jrattner1: that's a bad idea | 05:23 |
bob2 | jrattner1: for ubuntu, anyway | 05:23 |
dabar | ff bob2, fx is firefox afaik. | 05:23 |
bob2 | oh, ok | 05:23 |
dabar | did you know? | 05:23 |
MatC | night all | 05:23 |
jrattner1 | bob2, where can I find the drivers bcmwl5a.inf and bcmwl5a for ndiswrappers? | 05:23 |
arkanes | ORiON2012: thanks | 05:24 |
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jrattner1 | bcmwl5a.sys | 05:24 |
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cevizoglu | jrattner1, from your hardware vendor | 05:24 |
=== Licker [i=FireStre@cm-207-192-201-33.stjoseph.mo.npgco.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | jrattner1: from wherever you got your laptop | 05:24 |
bob2 | dabar: no, don't read the forums | 05:24 |
jrattner1 | bob2, would it be on the CD? because i can only find bcmwl5a.inf on the windows filesystem not bcmwl5a.sys | 05:25 |
Licker | whats the command to install PHP4-MySQL? i tried apt-get install php4-mysql but it tried to get it off the CD. | 05:25 |
dabar | bob2: there is a script for setting up the proper logo. very simple to use. | 05:25 |
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dooglus | there's a firefox icon here: http://img245.echo.cx/img245/3401/mozicon1282nz.png | 05:26 |
scoove | Phuzion: sorry... just got back. had 2 say goodnite to kids | 05:26 |
wapuru | hello | 05:26 |
untwaa | panget mo ka baboy si macmackoy kokie | 05:26 |
chemisus | how can one get the java run time installed using synaptics? | 05:26 |
bob2 | untwaa: please stop it | 05:26 |
nalioth | !ph | 05:26 |
scoove | oops... missed him. oh well! | 05:26 |
ubotu | nalioth: I don't know, could you explain it? | 05:26 |
dabar | bob2: changes the Apps>Internet icon, and even the one you get in the window list in gnome-panel, pretty neat. I dont use fx, howevder. | 05:26 |
bob2 | Licker: that's because apti is configured to use the cd | 05:26 |
Licker | how do i change it? | 05:26 |
bob2 | Licker: remove it from /etc/apt/sources.list if you don't want it to | 05:26 |
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vladuz976 | anybody know why transcode is not in apt? | 05:26 |
SlicerDicer | how much diskspace does the base install take of ubuntu? | 05:27 |
untwaa | (+_+)(+_+)(+_+) | 05:27 |
Licker | ohh.. ok thanx bob2 | 05:27 |
untwaa | ljk | 05:27 |
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nalioth | untwaa: be civil please | 05:27 |
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brownie17 | what is the d\ifference between ending a process and killing it | 05:27 |
bob2 | vladuz976: because it failed to biuld | 05:27 |
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untwaa | sywywyywy\ | 05:27 |
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brownie17 | untwaa: mind your friggen language | 05:27 |
brownie17 | bob2: did you ban him or kick him? | 05:28 |
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nalioth | brownie17: ending means "gracefully" (saves configs, etc). killing is stopping it in it's tracks | 05:28 |
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vladuz976 | bob2, i need it for dvd::rip | 05:28 |
bob2 | untwaa: removed fro mthe channel | 05:28 |
nalioth | untwaa: be civil please | 05:28 |
bob2 | vladuz976: ok | 05:28 |
brownie17 | nalioth, thanks | 05:28 |
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pp_ | somebody here is working with breezy w/ a french canadian keyboard? | 05:28 |
untwaa | sorry for that my young brother do it | 05:28 |
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bob2 | untwaa: next time it will be a ban | 05:28 |
vladuz976 | bob2, how do you know it failed? have you tried? | 05:28 |
nybble | hmm | 05:29 |
untwaa | im sorry | 05:29 |
brownie17 | untwaa, sure boy, sure. you are going to hell | 05:29 |
nybble | h264 on linux.... possible? | 05:29 |
nybble | watching h264 | 05:29 |
nalioth | brownie17: be civil | 05:29 |
bob2 | vladuz976: no, no | 05:29 |
brownie17 | nalioth, :) | 05:29 |
javs | hello | 05:29 |
nalioth | nybble: of course. i use it | 05:29 |
siucdude | good evening everyone i have a challange tonigh | 05:29 |
nybble | well, what do i have to use nalioth... | 05:29 |
vladuz976 | bob2, so how do you know? | 05:29 |
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nybble | i've never gotten h264 to work on even MacOSX | 05:29 |
nybble | ffs | 05:29 |
nybble | err.. | 05:29 |
nybble | for fudge sakes | 05:29 |
nybble | oki, | 05:29 |
siucdude | has enyone seen this before "/var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another proces" | 05:29 |
untwaa | its my younger brother a 5 yrs old age.......... sorry for that he doesnt knw what he doing | 05:30 |
bob2 | vladuz976: dvdrip is installable in breezy, tho, as is transcode | 05:30 |
dabar | siucdude: what gives you that error? | 05:30 |
nybble | me, nalioth? | 05:30 |
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arkanes | siucdude: it means more than one app at a time is trying to install packages | 05:30 |
thekopeman | dabar: i feel really stupid for asking but how do i reboot into safemode? | 05:30 |
siucdude | apt-get upgrade or synaptic | 05:30 |
vladuz976 | bob2, so should i upgrade to breezy then? | 05:30 |
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inan_ | how about webcams? | 05:30 |
nalioth | thekopeman: choose "rescue" at the grub prompt | 05:30 |
bz0b | yummy | 05:30 |
vladuz976 | bob2, but that is still unstable, huh? how usable is it? | 05:30 |
siucdude | i only use sudo apt-get upgrade | 05:30 |
inan_ | can somebody help how to install webcam? | 05:30 |
dabar | thekopeman: while rebooting, you are asked what to boot into, right? | 05:31 |
bob2 | vladuz976: depends if you an deal with somethings being broken or no | 05:31 |
arkanes | siucdude: you've got an orphaned apt-get process, most likely | 05:31 |
thekopeman | dabar: so i press 'esc'? | 05:31 |
bob2 | I wouldn't use it if you care about binary drivers | 05:31 |
=== KanRiNiN [n=frenchja@pcp05303277pcs.wanarb01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vladuz976 | bob2, well not really. will it be fixes until oct? | 05:31 |
bob2 | vladuz976: hm? | 05:31 |
inan_ | can somebody help how to install webcam? | 05:31 |
siucdude | arkanes: ?what is orphaned | 05:31 |
vladuz976 | bob2, isn't the release in early october | 05:31 |
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dabar | thekopeman: I dont use hoary install, I upgrade warty to hoary, so it may be diff here. If it asks to press escape to go to grub menu, then yes. | 05:32 |
userver | bob2 I try in the ubuntu es.. But nobody can help me.. Do you know how can i install the scaner. Is "all in one".. Printer can work, but scanner no.. | 05:32 |
KanRiNiN | Hey, anybody in here familiar with Ethereal? do I need another program besides ethereal? I try to quickstart it and keep getting errors | 05:32 |
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KanRiNiN | I can't get Kismet to work either | 05:32 |
thekopeman | ok, here i go again..... | 05:32 |
dabar | siucdude: close synaptic, and try aptitude again, or apt-get | 05:32 |
=== goose_boy [n=arehman@cpe-24-193-236-131.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
goose_boy | hello | 05:32 |
goose_boy | excuse me, what do i have to add to my sources file for mplayer and the likes? | 05:32 |
bob2 | vladuz976: yes | 05:32 |
goose_boy | i thought it was all in the universe | 05:32 |
=== robitaille [n=robitail@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | !tell goose_boy about restricted | 05:33 |
goose_boy | but synaptic doesnt find it | 05:33 |
siucdude | arkanes: i did that i closed everything and then tried only apt-get upgrade and it still gave me that error i even reinstalled apt | 05:33 |
Leoandru | !rules | 05:33 |
ubotu | Leoandru: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! | 05:33 |
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bob2 | goose_boy: no, multiverse | 05:33 |
nybble | hey, is this round of breezy updates safe? | 05:33 |
bob2 | userver: try the user list | 05:33 |
bob2 | Kataklsym: ethereal is all you need if you want a protocol analyser | 05:33 |
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goose_boy | bob2, multiverse? | 05:33 |
bob2 | yes | 05:33 |
goose_boy | so, ow do i add that | 05:33 |
brownie17 | bob2, how do i add repsonses to ubotu for when it doesn't understand the question? :) | 05:33 |
dooglus | there was a nick collision for "KanRiNiN"? how unlucky is THAT? | 05:33 |
arkanes | siucdude: how did you reinstall apt if apt didn't work? | 05:33 |
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dabar | siucdude: sudo killall apt-get ; sudo killall aptitude; sudo killall synaptic; sudo killall dpkg | 05:34 |
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bob2 | goose_boy: /msg ubotu repositories | 05:34 |
bob2 | brownie17: I think it's hard-coded | 05:34 |
=== RiNiN [n=frenchja@pcp05303277pcs.wanarb01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
siucdude | arkanes: downloaded the file apt 'new one' and did sudo dpkg -i | 05:34 |
dabar | dooglus: he retook his nick from another login, or so. | 05:34 |
cevizoglu | bob2: no it isn't | 05:34 |
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siucdude | dabar: what next | 05:34 |
made2bgentle | hello pipol | 05:35 |
made2bgentle | kinsay tawo dnhi | 05:35 |
dabar | try now. siucdude | 05:35 |
bob2 | made2bgentle: english, only. | 05:35 |
dabar | made2bgentle: this channel likes to talk in english. | 05:35 |
cevizoglu | you would say !foo is bar | 05:35 |
made2bgentle | ah ok | 05:35 |
goose_boy | so use the mirrormax stuff? | 05:35 |
made2bgentle | so | 05:35 |
goose_boy | ubuntu-backports? | 05:35 |
goose_boy | use that repository? | 05:35 |
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made2bgentle | any one frm phils | 05:35 |
siucdude | dabar: when i killall i got no process killed | 05:36 |
scoove | ?: why ubuntu vs. unstable debian? i've read distrowatch review and don't quite like gnome's instability. clean, concise installs are desirable. how is ubuntu's stability? | 05:36 |
steven_ | how can i make a script to be run at boot time | 05:36 |
siucdude | dabar: and now i got the same error | 05:36 |
Kataklsym | dpkg -i package.deb will install a debian package right? | 05:36 |
scoove | steven: if ubuntu like most *nix's, rc.local can run local script | 05:36 |
dabar | siucdude: thats all I can think of. | 05:36 |
dooglus | steven_: call it from /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh | 05:36 |
scoove | dooglus: no rc.local, eh? | 05:37 |
dooglus | scoove: we don't have rc.local | 05:37 |
scoove | yikes... another distro to learn. sigh | 05:37 |
=== YankDownUnder [n=stephen@mandriva/channel-support/YankDownUnder] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Licker | bob2: What is the command to get to the sources list? | 05:37 |
dooglus | scoove: I only learnt that a few hours ago too - I was also trying to 'locate rc.local' | 05:37 |
steven_ | scoove should i just put my script in rc.local folder? | 05:37 |
nalioth | !ph | 05:38 |
ubotu | somebody said ph was tagalog is spoken in #ubuntu-ph | 05:38 |
dooglus | steven_: call it from /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh | 05:38 |
bob2 | made2bgentle: #ubuntu-ph | 05:38 |
bob2 | Licker: it's a text file, you edit it | 05:38 |
YankDownUnder | What's the best means by which to disable the graphical login so that I can just login via console (runlevel 3) ?? | 05:38 |
scoove | steven - listen to dooglus | 05:38 |
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siucdude | dabar: is there any way to find out which process is runing config.dat and kill that | 05:38 |
Licker | yea how would I find it to edit it then? | 05:38 |
dooglus | YankDownUnder: remove 'gdm' from runlevel 2 | 05:38 |
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YankDownUnder | dooglus: Ta mate | 05:38 |
scoove | better advice than mine | 05:38 |
thekopeman | dabar: now i feel just plain stupid.... | 05:38 |
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bob2 | Licker: /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:39 |
steven_ | dooglus: do i need to vi bootmisc.sh? | 05:39 |
Christophe971 | eternally this file :) | 05:39 |
goose_boy | what mplayer should i use for an xp athelon system? | 05:40 |
goose_boy | 686? | 05:40 |
YankDownUnder | trevorr: Did you port GRAMPS for ubuntu yet? | 05:40 |
scoove | steven: that's a minor pet peeve of mine... having started on ultrix, everyone wants to put conf files in their own unique place. solaris, hp/ux, openbsd, etc. | 05:40 |
Kataklsym | i want to install xmms, but it says libgtk1.2 and libglib1.2 not installed, i just installed breezy, don't i have newer packages than those? | 05:40 |
Licker | oh crap dumb question | 05:40 |
Christophe971 | goose_boy> mplayer sux | 05:40 |
trevorr | I don't have to, Don already did that | 05:40 |
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dabar | thekopeman: if so, it means I did not explain well enough. | 05:40 |
bob2 | Kataklsym: er, xmms is in ubuntu | 05:40 |
goose_boy | Christophe971, i didnt ask if it sucks | 05:40 |
goose_boy | also what kernel should i use? | 05:40 |
Christophe971 | goose_boy> okay | 05:40 |
goose_boy | also the 686? | 05:40 |
Kataklsym | bob2: hmm its not on here anywhere | 05:40 |
Christophe971 | i guess so | 05:41 |
arkanes | Kataklsym: xmms uses gtk1.2 and afaik has never been rewritten to use gtk2.x | 05:41 |
thekopeman | dabar: u explainded it great, but im just plain stupid.... | 05:41 |
dooglus | steven_: yup | 05:41 |
dooglus | steven_: "sudo vi bootmisc.sh" | 05:41 |
Christophe971 | but if i'm not crazy, the mplayer pkg is bugged | 05:41 |
bob2 | Kataklsym: /msg ubotu repositories | 05:41 |
dooglus | steven_: you need to do it as root, see? | 05:41 |
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dabar | thekopeman: I think not. OK, enough of the intro. What happened? | 05:41 |
goose_boy | so do i want the 686 versions? | 05:41 |
Christophe971 | "bugged" i don't know if it's the right english for that | 05:41 |
Christophe971 | goose_boy, yes man | 05:41 |
Kataklsym | bob2: why do i not have xmms? | 05:42 |
thekopeman | dabar: i got to the grub> but i forgot the rest, | 05:42 |
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steven_ | dooglus: whats should i write if the script is called firewall-new and its located in /root/examples/ | 05:42 |
bob2 | Kataklsym: what? | 05:42 |
dabar | thekopeman: you got a prompt saying grub>? | 05:42 |
Christophe971 | damn | 05:42 |
dooglus | steven_: put "/root/examples/firewall-new" right at the end. | 05:42 |
Licker | once there do i just uncomment the lines or delete something? | 05:42 |
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Kataklsym | bob2: you said that ubuntu had xmms in it, why doesnt breezy? | 05:42 |
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dooglus | steven_: I think it's ok to put it after the ": exit 0" line | 05:43 |
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thekopeman | dabar: yea or something like it | 05:43 |
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bob2 | Kataklsym: wtf | 05:43 |
bob2 | Kataklsym: it does | 05:43 |
bob2 | Kataklsym: /msg ubotu repositories | 05:43 |
cfh_dev | What package(s) do I install to get Gnome? I'm currently running KDE. | 05:43 |
Kataklsym | well where the hell is it? | 05:43 |
bob2 | Kataklsym: you didn't tell apt that you want to use unsupported software yet | 05:43 |
Christophe971 | there's a man which worked on (it's his "function here") the quebec kbd package | 05:43 |
bob2 | cfh_dev: ubuntu-desktop | 05:43 |
cfh_dev | bob2: thanks | 05:43 |
crimsun | Kataklsym: it's in main. It's not installed by default for good reason: a suitable alternative is installed. | 05:43 |
Christophe971 | and the man who work on his integration through breezy don't respond | 05:43 |
steven_ | dooglus: ok thanks | 05:43 |
Christophe971 | i thinks it'llnot be integred ton breezy | 05:44 |
dooglus | steven_: make sure the script has execute permission: "chmod 755 /root/examples/firewall-new" | 05:44 |
dabar | thekopeman: that is in fact not where you were going. go to http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl that is what we use to paste text. then, in a terminal, do: cat /boot/grub/menu.lst . then, paste the output to the paste site. | 05:44 |
Christophe971 | that will make a lot of bordel | 05:44 |
racoon97 | Christophe971> lol | 05:44 |
steven_ | dooglus | 05:44 |
steven_ | yes it has | 05:44 |
dooglus | xmms is in main in breezy | 05:44 |
goose_boy | excuse me when i try to install software it asks me to insert the disk | 05:44 |
goose_boy | i press cancel | 05:44 |
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GuidoBob | Quequeg: Hola. You snog grappling Montoya :P | 05:45 |
cfh_dev | bob2: is there a way to remove the kde stuff if I decide to keep gnome? | 05:45 |
goose_boy | and i get this... W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gtk+1.2/libgtk1.2-common_1.2.10-17_all.deb | 05:45 |
bob2 | cfh_dev: debfoster, I guess | 05:45 |
bob2 | cfh_dev: use aptitude in future | 05:45 |
inan_ | how to add this | 05:46 |
inan_ | winetools: | 05:46 |
inan_ | Depends: xdialog but it is not installable | 05:46 |
inan_ | Depends: gtk-smooth-themes but it is not installable | 05:46 |
cfh_dev | bob2: I'm using synaptic. Do I just have to pick out the right packages to get kde off the drive or can I remove kubuntu-desktop? | 05:46 |
GuidoBob | b2s: Savings-account's camera belongs to spotty oven!!! | 05:46 |
bob2 | cfh_dev: removing it won't help | 05:46 |
crimsun | inan_: do you have universe enabled? | 05:46 |
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GuidoBob | BROKEN_LADDER: Hola. Prove to me that you don't excrete delightful gobstoppers?! | 05:46 |
steven_ | i just installed apache2 but it doesnt want to start | 05:46 |
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inan_ | how to enable universe? at source.list? | 05:46 |
steven_ | what should i do? | 05:46 |
inan_ | crimsun, how to enable universe? at source.list? | 05:47 |
bob2 | inan_: /msg ubotu repositories | 05:47 |
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goose_boy | does anyon eknow why it is doing that? | 05:47 |
Christophe971 | steven_> uninstall and compile a cute apache 1.3 (with php and mysql compiled too) | 05:47 |
cfh_dev | bob2: is aptitude like synaptic? | 05:47 |
bob2 | goose_boy: if you don't want to use the cd, don't configure apt to use it | 05:47 |
ORiON2012 | goose_boy: It's looking for it on the CD | 05:47 |
bob2 | cfh_dev: similar idea, but curses | 05:47 |
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steven_ | Christophe971: and how should i do that? | 05:47 |
thekopeman | dabar: can u explain that again? | 05:47 |
ORiON2012 | goose_boy: comment out the CD line from /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:48 |
Christophe971 | steven_> you don't know how to compile ? | 05:48 |
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Christophe971 | steven_> first install build-essentials (sudo apt-get install build-essentials) | 05:48 |
steven_ | then? | 05:48 |
Christophe971 | steven_> then download apache 1.33 sources and make fun | 05:48 |
racoon97 | Christophe971> sudo apt-get install build-essential | 05:48 |
bob2 | wtf | 05:48 |
Christophe971 | steven_> just read the readme and INSTALL into it | 05:48 |
racoon97 | no ? | 05:49 |
Christophe971 | racoon97> yes thanks | 05:49 |
bob2 | Christophe971: why are you advising steven_ to do this? | 05:49 |
Christophe971 | without the s at the end | 05:49 |
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Christophe971 | bob2> because | 05:49 |
bob2 | steven_: explain what "doesn't start" actually means | 05:49 |
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Christophe971 | bob2> apachectl graceful ? | 05:49 |
Christophe971 | :) | 05:49 |
steven_ | bob2: /etc/init.d/apache2 start does not do anything | 05:49 |
bob2 | steven_: did you install the apache2 package? | 05:50 |
Christophe971 | steven_> try it in sudo mode | 05:50 |
thekopeman | dabar: what? | 05:50 |
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dabar | sec | 05:50 |
Christophe971 | racoon97> the first WHAT ! | 05:50 |
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racoon97 | Christophe971> the first smiley | 05:51 |
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steven_ | i did it as root but id doesnt work, i already installed the apache2 package, everything is there but it just doesnt work | 05:51 |
dabar | thekopeman: cat is a command used to list a file. it is used in a terminal. cat /boot/grub/menu.lst will list your boot menu configuration file into the terminal you type the command into. http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl is a web site we use to paste large amounts of text so the person we are speaking to sees the output of commands. Do not paste in the channel. | 05:51 |
Christophe971 | racoon97> yes damned, i haven't make attention | 05:51 |
inan_ | Depends: xdialog but it is not installable <--- hows this? | 05:51 |
Christophe971 | didn't | 05:51 |
thekopeman | dabar: i got it pasted, now what? | 05:51 |
bob2 | steven_: dude | 05:51 |
dabar | thekopeman: now I read it. | 05:52 |
bob2 | steven_: you're not being helpful | 05:52 |
Christophe971 | steven_> try http://localhost:8080 | 05:52 |
bob2 | steven_: what do your logs say? | 05:52 |
bob2 | steven_: is it running already? | 05:52 |
thekopeman | dabar: kk | 05:52 |
Christophe971 | bob2> i guess it first configured in 8080 port | 05:52 |
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Deekin | Tanaris | 05:52 |
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ORiON2012 | Christophe971: um, no | 05:52 |
Christophe971 | no ? | 05:52 |
Christophe971 | mistake so | 05:52 |
Christophe971 | a compiled apache is first configured with this port | 05:53 |
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ORiON2012 | Christophe971: default apache2 packages go on 80 like the rest of the apache2 packages out there for other distros | 05:53 |
steven_ | its running now | 05:53 |
Christophe971 | ORiON2012, oki | 05:53 |
racoon97 | I think so | 05:53 |
Christophe971 | steven_> how didi you do | 05:53 |
Christophe971 | did* | 05:53 |
dabar | thekopeman: see, at the bottom of that file, there are three entries. right under the ####EndDefaultOptions## line. The title line is what you should see when you boot. so three title lines, with those titles from that file. the second one is the recovery option, do you think you can boot into that now? | 05:53 |
omp | This APT has Super Cow Powers. | 05:53 |
omp | =o | 05:53 |
Christophe971 | lol omp | 05:54 |
racoon97 | Christophe971> when you install a second apache maybe | 05:54 |
omp | what's up with that being in the apt-get --help? :) | 05:54 |
thekopeman | dabar: the recovery mode? | 05:54 |
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dabar | thekopeman: yes. Do you remember seeing those three options? ubuntu, ubuntu recovery, and ubuntu memtest? | 05:55 |
steven_ | Christophe971: i removed and installed it againg | 05:55 |
steven_ | *again | 05:55 |
Christophe971 | steven_> damn | 05:55 |
thekopeman | dabar: yes i do, and yes i can boot into thoes | 05:55 |
Christophe971 | racoon97> no no, it's like that, don't matter, you haven't the l3t sk1llz | 05:55 |
Christophe971 | l33t sk1llz i mean | 05:56 |
Christophe971 | fo sho' | 05:56 |
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dabar | thekopeman: you should boot into the recovery mode. | 05:57 |
thekopeman | dabar: ok sounds good, here i go again.... | 05:57 |
qt2 | done cleaning my keyboard... that was... eventful... <.<; | 05:57 |
dabar | omp: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=easter+eggs+super+cow+powers&btnG=Search | 05:57 |
ORiON2012 | qt2: crusties fuzzies and lots of skin? | 05:57 |
qt2 | no skin, but hair :D | 05:58 |
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akin_to | hi, anyone can help me how to start developing software under ubuntu? | 05:59 |
omp | dabar, hehe thanks :) | 05:59 |
qt2 | @ ORiON2012... :D | 05:59 |
bob2 | akin_to: in what language? | 05:59 |
arkanes | akin_to: .... the same way you'd start developing on any other platform? | 05:59 |
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Christophe971 | dewa | 06:00 |
dabar | omp: its just a "joke" no real meaning, afaik. | 06:00 |
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akin_to | after I install ubuntu, i cant find a developement application... | 06:00 |
akin_to | bob2 wat application will I use.. or should i install another application? | 06:01 |
ORiON2012 | akin_to: there's lots of those, what language were you looking for an IDE in? | 06:01 |
bob2 | akin_to: a "development application"? what language and toolkit do you want to use? | 06:01 |
freeman_08 | akin to.... u filipino | 06:01 |
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akin_to | yes im a filipino, and currently im using visual studio products | 06:02 |
bob2 | holy god | 06:02 |
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:bob2] : Filipino? #ubuntu-ph | Official Ubuntu Help channel | Documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | Use paste.ubuntulinux.nl for pasting | Channel logs: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ | General chatter: #ubuntu-offtopic | Found a bug? report it: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ | Upgrading to breezy? http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes | ||
freeman_08 | taga san ka? | 06:02 |
ORiON2012 | lol | 06:02 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:bob2] : Prefer Tagalog? #ubuntu-ph | Official Ubuntu Help channel | Documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | Use paste.ubuntulinux.nl for pasting | Channel logs: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ | General chatter: #ubuntu-offtopic | Found a bug? report it: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ | Upgrading to breezy? http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes | ||
dabar | bob2: no. | 06:02 |
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dabar | bob2: somewhat better. | 06:02 |
qt2 | breezy hit stable or something? | 06:03 |
akin_to | dami ba pilipino dito? | 06:03 |
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freeman_08 | not sure | 06:03 |
freeman_08 | any filipinos around? | 06:03 |
akin_to | im from makati.. | 06:03 |
freeman_08 | me sa lb | 06:03 |
bob2 | freeman_08: #ubuntu-ph | 06:03 |
freeman_08 | ic | 06:03 |
bob2 | freeman_08: english in here. if you prefer tagalg, #ubuntu-ph | 06:03 |
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akin_to | freeman_08 can u help me? | 06:03 |
jrattner1 | Yes wireless is working | 06:04 |
akin_to | should i install QT? | 06:04 |
freeman_08 | newbie me... | 06:04 |
goose_boy | thanks | 06:05 |
akin_to | any1 can give me an idea? | 06:05 |
bob2 | akin_to: you need to be more specific about what you hope to do | 06:05 |
cevizoglu | akin_to, which language? | 06:05 |
ORiON2012 | akin_to: It's like asking, "I want to write text, what application should I install?" | 06:06 |
freeman_08 | bob2 do u know how i could see the computers in my network... i cnt share them | 06:06 |
dabar | akin_to: if you are developing software, you will be using a programming language. check out mono http://www.mono-project.com/Main_Page for .net similar stuff. Tell us what prog language you would like to use, and we will have a programing/development environment for you. | 06:06 |
dabar | I hate the grammar in that sentence. | 06:06 |
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akin_to | ok, how bout C language... or Java | 06:07 |
thekopeman | dabar: would it be wrong to say that ur awsome..... | 06:07 |
dabar | thekopeman: very much so. | 06:07 |
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thekopeman | dabar: ur awsome, now what do i do now? | 06:07 |
dabar | akin_to: heard of eclipse? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EclipseIDE that is for Java. | 06:07 |
ORiON2012 | akin_to: for Java, Eclipse is nice, for C I just use vim | 06:07 |
cevizoglu | akin_to, personally I use make and gcc for builds, and vim for editing | 06:07 |
freeman_08 | para san ung eclipse? | 06:08 |
freeman_08 | akin to.. me network na ba mga pc mo? | 06:08 |
akin_to | thanks Orion2012 and also dabar | 06:08 |
bob2 | freeman_08: english please | 06:08 |
zer0` | theres a C plugin for eclipse | 06:08 |
freeman_08 | sorry | 06:08 |
bob2 | freeman_08: if you prefer tagalog, try #ubuntu-ph | 06:08 |
dabar | thekopeman: well, to test, first of all, try opening your package manager, synaptic. It will ask for a password, so type in yours. If you get to synaptic(the password is accepted) you added yourself to the admin group. | 06:08 |
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freeman_08 | i thought i was in #ubuntu-ph | 06:08 |
freeman_08 | sorry | 06:08 |
akin_to | yup, iv already setup a network freeman_08 | 06:09 |
thekopeman | dabar: it didnt ask but im in | 06:09 |
dabar | thekopeman: it did not ask for a password? | 06:09 |
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dabar | thekopeman: did you start any other applications that asked for a password since you rebooted? | 06:09 |
ORiON2012 | thekopeman: it may have been cached | 06:09 |
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thekopeman | dabar: yes, i went to users and groups | 06:10 |
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akin_to | is there any counter part of VB? | 06:10 |
thekopeman | dabar: thats what i figured | 06:10 |
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megamanx2005 | I have a question for the room | 06:11 |
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cevizoglu | akin_to, I would recommend python or ruby instead | 06:11 |
cevizoglu | akin_to, or php | 06:11 |
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ORiON2012 | akin_to: you can try Mono, which is a .NET implementation, but there is no exact VB equivalent | 06:11 |
akin_to | where can I get ruby or python installer cevizoglu? | 06:12 |
megamanx2005 | 2 part; has anyone heard of autpackage(windows type installer for linux, with unistall) and if so have they ever seen an instance where it has caused any problems? | 06:12 |
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freeman_08 | anyone who could help me in filesharing? | 06:12 |
cevizoglu | akin_to, they're already there in ubuntu | 06:12 |
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freeman_08 | i cant see the other computers | 06:12 |
dabar | thekopeman: ok, that is why. You did add yourself, good. Now, you want to add a repository to synaptic. an outside one. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto shows how that is done. WHen you get to the Repository line part, use the Hoary Extras repository line from the bottom of the same, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto, page. | 06:12 |
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bob2 | megamanx2005: #autopackage | 06:13 |
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akin_to | Where can I find them? cevizoglu | 06:13 |
bob2 | also, it's a channel, not a room | 06:13 |
cevizoglu | from your command-line | 06:13 |
dr_willis | :) | 06:13 |
subterrific | anyone using ion3? | 06:13 |
Rhea | wala ko kasabot! | 06:13 |
dr_willis | subterrific, tried it for like 20 min... :P | 06:13 |
dabar | Rhea: tagalog? | 06:14 |
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akin_to | cevizoglu... any suggestion where can I find some instructions on how to activate ruby from command line? | 06:14 |
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Rhea | ambot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 06:15 |
akin_to | hi Rhea | 06:15 |
cevizoglu | akin_to, google for getting started with ruby | 06:15 |
hussam | anybody's familiar with repairing grub? | 06:15 |
Rhea | hello!!!!!!!!! | 06:15 |
cevizoglu | akin_to, or intro to ruby | 06:15 |
dabar | hussam, like what? | 06:15 |
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flabby | how does one open a .deb file? | 06:16 |
akin_to | tnx cevizoglu | 06:16 |
dabar | flabby: where did you get the deb file? | 06:16 |
ORiON2012 | flabby: use dpkg-deb for manipulating them | 06:17 |
cevizoglu | akin_to, you can also ask more specific questions on #ruby and #bash channels | 06:17 |
freeman_08 | Rhea! | 06:17 |
Huey | does anyone know how to configure the quick-back and quick-forward functions on certain touchpad mice? I'd like to move this function to the top of the mousepad instead of the bottom | 06:17 |
Huey | so i can use the bottom of the mousepad for horizontal scroll | 06:17 |
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krawek | hi | 06:18 |
dabar | yo | 06:18 |
thekopeman | dabar: ok done, now what? | 06:18 |
krawek | I have a problem with ooffice2 | 06:18 |
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dabar | thekopeman: no hit the reload button in synaptic, then search for realplayer | 06:19 |
krawek | /usr/lib/openoffice2/program/javaldx: error while loading shared libraries: libz.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 06:19 |
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thekopeman | dabar: what do u mean by search? | 06:20 |
brownie17 | if i install the g-streamer thing for realplayer, will i be able to veiw the plugin object thingers on websites that use realplayer? | 06:20 |
dabar | in synaptic, there is a search button. or scroll down the list till you find realplayer, thekopeman | 06:20 |
flabby | how does one install java. the don't appear in the repo | 06:21 |
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Apotheoticsheep | Hey | 06:21 |
SuperQ | hi | 06:21 |
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ORiON2012 | brownie17: Not sure about realplayer but there is a mozilla plugin for helixplayer to view real media content | 06:21 |
dabar | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome under java, flabby. | 06:21 |
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Apotheoticsheep | Installed ubuntu a few days ago, was screwing around with the root access and users, and now I am unable to login with my other account | 06:22 |
thekopeman | dabar: nope didnt find it... | 06:22 |
Apotheoticsheep | If I had not created another account, what would/should I do? | 06:22 |
dabar | thekopeman: tell Apotheoticsheep what he should do. | 06:22 |
thekopeman | dabar: ok | 06:22 |
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ORiON2012 | Apotheoticsheep: root it? | 06:23 |
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ApotheoticSheep | You must understand, that I am still a newbie to this subject | 06:23 |
ApotheoticSheep | So I wont understand 1 word commands | 06:23 |
ApotheoticSheep | ;-) | 06:23 |
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ApotheoticSheep | root it == ?! | 06:23 |
qt2 | meh, know any good IDE's for linux? | 06:23 |
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dabar | thekopeman: oh, so, you can not log in at all? | 06:23 |
brownie17 | ORiON2012, how big is it? | 06:24 |
ORiON2012 | ApotheoticSheep: was joking anyway, if you don't know (remember) the passwords then II think you may be screwed | 06:24 |
tristanmike | Can anyone please tell me what is the "getty" process is? | 06:24 |
ORiON2012 | brownie17: I don't know | 06:24 |
ApotheoticSheep | Well, I'm on another account, in which I "can" log in. | 06:24 |
brownie17 | ORiON2012, ok | 06:24 |
dabar | thekopeman: please open a terminal, and type in aptitude search realplayer | 06:24 |
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qt2 | ApotheoticSheep: err, use the recovery mode option in the grub menu and correct it? | 06:24 |
hussam_ | dabar: I get disconnected. is the something wrong with irc.freenode.net servers? | 06:25 |
cevizoglu | qt2: imho, the command-line makes the best ide | 06:25 |
ApotheoticSheep | Hmm.. used recovery mode | 06:25 |
flabby | does anybody know what happened to ubuntuguide.org? It's been offline for a while :( | 06:25 |
ApotheoticSheep | gave me a command line | 06:25 |
ApotheoticSheep | Wasnt sure what to do with it | 06:25 |
dabar | ApotheoticSheep: and you can not log in with the other account in a terminal? | 06:25 |
ApotheoticSheep | So I pressed ctrl-d to get into the login screen | 06:25 |
ApotheoticSheep | Have not tried | 06:25 |
tristanmike | flabby, they're changing servers, will be down a few days | 06:26 |
qt2 | cevizoglu: i'm wierd, i like programs to program in :E | 06:26 |
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thekopeman | Apotheoticsheep: reboot, hit the 'esc key' and choose recovery mode, when the command line comes up type"adduser 'your user name' admin" | 06:26 |
brownie17 | tristanmike, how do you know? | 06:26 |
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NiklasH_work | has anyone else got problems with kopete and msn in ubuntu? it crashes on me... | 06:26 |
cevizoglu | qt2: what does that mean? | 06:26 |
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ApotheoticSheep | No utmp entry. You must exec "login" from the lowest level "sh" | 06:26 |
tristanmike | brownie17, it was on the forums.... | 06:26 |
dabar | ApotheoticSheep: please try that, open a terminal, and type in su otherUser | 06:26 |
thekopeman | rabar: i got nothing | 06:26 |
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brownie17 | tristanmike, ok | 06:26 |
ApotheoticSheep | I just typed "login aj" which is my account username. | 06:27 |
tristanmike | flabby, you can always try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | 06:27 |
qt2 | cevizoglu: stuff like kdevelip, anjuta, eclipse... | 06:27 |
dabar | thekopeman: please paste to the paste web site output of cat /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:27 |
ApotheoticSheep | Yeah, I can login from there | 06:27 |
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flabby | thanks for the help guys | 06:27 |
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dabar | ApotheoticSheep: ok, well, where can you not log in with aj? through the login screen? what happens? | 06:28 |
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dabar | welcome | 06:28 |
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ApotheoticSheep | Through the login screen, I get the message my last session lasted for 10 seconds | 06:28 |
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cevizoglu | qt2, after using IDEs for 18 years, I've gotten a lot more done using the command-line and make/vim instead for the last four years | 06:28 |
ApotheoticSheep | then gives me an error log and brings me back to the login screen | 06:29 |
brownie17 | they should make winamp for linux | 06:29 |
sudonim | anyone know what happened to ubuntuguide.org? | 06:29 |
ApotheoticSheep | sudonim, server went down. | 06:29 |
qt2 | cevizoglu: well, i'm a noob, and i'm not very comfortable with he command line yet. | 06:29 |
Agrajag | brownie17: they did with winamp3, it failed miserably | 06:29 |
dabar | aha. Ok, well, you should say this right away. ok, well, in that terminal, that you are logged in as aj at the moment(atm) type in sudo rm -r /tmp/* | 06:29 |
brownie17 | sudonim, tristanmike tells me it is down | 06:29 |
brownie17 | sudonim, will be back ina a few days, changing servers | 06:29 |
sudonim | cool | 06:30 |
brownie17 | Agrajag, what was wrong with it? was it free? | 06:30 |
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ApotheoticSheep | ok... didnt do anything | 06:30 |
Agrajag | no, it was a piece of garbage | 06:30 |
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dabar | ApotheoticSheep: that last post is for you^ | 06:30 |
Agrajag | winamp3 was pretty much a complete failure | 06:30 |
tristanmike | sudonim, in the meantime, why you don't try you luck here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | 06:30 |
ApotheoticSheep | I typed it | 06:30 |
dabar | ApotheoticSheep: log out, and log in as aj. it will likely work now. | 06:30 |
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cesarin | hello | 06:30 |
ApotheoticSheep | ok, holdy | 06:30 |
cesarin | <-- noob on ubuntu | 06:30 |
dabar | ApotheoticSheep: or just opena new login, to try. | 06:30 |
cesarin | just installed today | 06:31 |
sudonim | tristanmike: thanks! | 06:31 |
thekopeman | dabar: i pasted it | 06:31 |
tristanmike | yup, yup | 06:31 |
leopard | Anyone got a Samsunf ml-1610 working on Breezy? Stupid "Linux install" CD wants a root account, won't take sudo. | 06:31 |
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cesarin | for this big chan, its surely quiet | 06:32 |
dr_willis | Moo! | 06:32 |
cevizoglu | cesarin, hardly | 06:32 |
ORiON2012 | all IRC chans are quiet for me | 06:32 |
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thekopeman | cesarin: it is in waves.... | 06:32 |
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cesarin | orion: been on some on undernet, and cant say they're quiet :P | 06:32 |
dr_willis | you typed /ignore all again. :P | 06:32 |
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tristanmike | Can anyone please tell me what is the "getty" process is and what causes its occurance? :) | 06:33 |
tristanmike | I've got 6 going on | 06:33 |
brownie17 | can somebody please help me install realplayer? | 06:33 |
cesarin | <-- is just a bit worried because his ubuntu device manager shows a bunch of "unknow devices" | 06:33 |
cevizoglu | tristanmike, try "man getty" | 06:33 |
ORiON2012 | cesarin: was just joking, y'know, IRC doesn't actually make noise... | 06:33 |
cesarin | and still no idea how to install RPM's :P | 06:33 |
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tristanmike | cevizoglu, reading it, too cryptic | 06:33 |
Agrajag | tristanmike: hit ctrl+alt+f1 through f6 and you'll see. ctrl+alt+f7 will get you back to X | 06:33 |
ApotheoticSheep | dabar, no go | 06:33 |
^^Maldita^^ | !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 06:33 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, ^^Maldita^^ | 06:33 |
ApotheoticSheep | Gave me the same error log | 06:33 |
ApotheoticSheep | Somthing about unable to create a gnome directory | 06:34 |
ApotheoticSheep | And my (root) file is not listed? | 06:34 |
Agrajag | tristanmike: it lets you log into a console session | 06:34 |
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Psychic | i'm having some issues | 06:34 |
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Psychic | trying to install some CPAN modules | 06:34 |
cesarin | btw, anyone knows how to make all buttons of a Micro$oft intellimouse explorer 3 to work? | 06:34 |
dabar | ApotheoticSheep: you need to sudo chmod 777 for the /tmp directory, as aj, so in a terminal, log in as aj, and then sudo chmod 777 /tmp | 06:34 |
tristanmike | Agrajag, oh, has it always been there? | 06:34 |
brownie17 | i am having a little bit of trouble installing realplayer. can somebody help me? | 06:34 |
cesarin | No idea how to make the button of "back" and " return" to work | 06:35 |
dabar | thekopeman: add other repos as well. remove the backports one, I told you wrong, sorry, realplayer is in multiverse. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto has insttructions, and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components has related information. | 06:35 |
Psychic | i'm trying to install some CPAN modules that aren't in apt, and it's not really working | 06:35 |
Agrajag | yes | 06:35 |
Psychic | i keep getting makefile errors | 06:35 |
nalioth | Psychic: have you installed the cpan perl module? | 06:35 |
tristanmike | Agrajag, oh, never noticed them all before, sorry for waisting your time. | 06:35 |
Psychic | uh... | 06:35 |
Psychic | how would I check? | 06:36 |
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nalioth | Psychic: search synaptic for "cpan" | 06:36 |
cesarin | there should be a noob's room for ubuntu for classic stupid questions like mine :P | 06:36 |
nalioth | Psychic: once you get the cpan module installed, it will install any further modules from cpan.org | 06:36 |
=== Strife [n=mike@rrcs-24-173-73-254.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ApotheoticSheep | ok | 06:37 |
Strife | does anyone have much experience with Octave? | 06:37 |
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Strife | wait | 06:37 |
ApotheoticSheep | so I typed "sudo chmod 777 /tmp/*" | 06:37 |
Strife | this should be in -offtopic... | 06:37 |
ApotheoticSheep | wait | 06:37 |
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ApotheoticSheep | hold on | 06:37 |
snausages | whats the difference between the desktop environment and a window manager | 06:37 |
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Jessa | any1 teach me how to use cedega | 06:37 |
dabar | thekopeman: make sure yuo remove the backports, that is crucial. the /etc/apt/sources file has a list of repositories you have enabled. You can even edit that file directly. If you were to do that, you would need to run sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list in a terminal. then you could erase what is there and paste what is shown here: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 into the file, save, close, and reload in synaptic, then you will be able | 06:37 |
Jessa | for ubuntu | 06:37 |
ApotheoticSheep | ok nvm good | 06:37 |
dabar | #cedega? | 06:37 |
dabar | brb | 06:38 |
ApotheoticSheep | tmp chmodded to 777 | 06:38 |
cesarin | cls | 06:38 |
cesarin | anyone know show to force the frecuency of the monitor to 90 Hz in Ubuntu? | 06:38 |
Psychic | can I get apt-cache search to tell me whether packages are installed or not? | 06:38 |
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ApotheoticSheep | dabar? | 06:38 |
ApotheoticSheep | h | 06:39 |
ApotheoticSheep | hi | 06:39 |
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Jessa | xD | 06:39 |
uklondon | exec -o uname -a && uptime &&df -h | egrep "(hda1|hda3|hda5)" | 06:39 |
Jessa | any1 here using cedega? | 06:39 |
vnc_is_sexy | Linux ubuntu 2.6.10-5-386 #1 Thu Sep 8 06:18:41 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux | 06:39 |
vnc_is_sexy | 05:39:36 up 1 day, 3:22, 3 users, load average: 0.53, 0.47, 0.45 | 06:39 |
vnc_is_sexy | /dev/hda1 18G 2.3G 15G 14% / | 06:39 |
ApotheoticSheep | Jessa, join #cedega | 06:39 |
ApotheoticSheep | " /j #cedega" | 06:40 |
Jessa | no people answer me | 06:40 |
Jessa | xD | 06:40 |
tristanmike | vnc_is_sexy, please use pastebin | 06:40 |
vnc_is_sexy | heh | 06:40 |
cevizoglu | !tell Jessa about anyone | 06:40 |
vnc_is_sexy | sorry had to test out ..that command | 06:40 |
vnc_is_sexy | ./exec -o uname -a && uptime &&df -h | egrep "(hda1|hda3|hda5)" | 06:40 |
=== cesarin struggles triying to change the %$%$ frecuency of hismonitor | ||
uklondon | but guess you people dont like that im elaving | 06:40 |
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dr_willis | weee | 06:41 |
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ApotheoticSheep | dabar? | 06:41 |
dr_willis | Hmm. dont suppose thers any luck with an ATIx200m mobility/laptop - and flgrx is there? :P | 06:41 |
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ApotheoticSheep | DABAR! | 06:41 |
Psychic | Writing Makefile for Math::Bezier | 06:41 |
Psychic | -- NOT OK | 06:41 |
haslguitar | hello. does anyone know of a help channel for government? | 06:41 |
Psychic | what does that mean? | 06:41 |
dr_willis | i guess i can try. i | 06:41 |
KanRiNiN | Hey guys. I'm testing out the strength of my friend's wireless KEY. I've found his mac address and am logging packets on his router, but I don't have an IP. Is there anyway to generate a lot of traffic? LIke pinging the router w/o an ip? | 06:41 |
Psychic | during a cpan -i Math::Bezier | 06:41 |
cesarin | <-- Is triying to learn how to install RPMS atm :P | 06:42 |
haslguitar | i'm a college student and need some help explaining applicability when it comes to federalism | 06:42 |
cafuego_ | Psychic: Don't use cpan! use 'dh-make-perl'! | 06:42 |
=== vladuz976 [n=vladuz97@pool-71-106-208-30.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vladuz976 | in which configuration file is the PATH statement | 06:42 |
i0h- | why isnt the debian apt-get sources added? | 06:42 |
cafuego_ | cesarin: As in learning to not install them? | 06:42 |
Psychic | cafuego_: do i need to apt that? | 06:42 |
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thekopeman | dabar: now what? | 06:42 |
ApotheoticSheep | I have to go now. | 06:42 |
cafuego_ | i0h-: Because you're runnign ubuntu, which is not debian? | 06:42 |
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cafuego_ | Psychic: yes. it's a suite of scripts that converst CPAN archives to .deb files fot you. | 06:43 |
dr_willis | vladuz976, you could set it in a per user basis in their .bashrc, or system wide in /etc/profile i think | 06:43 |
=== Hoodster [n=alan@londonderry-cuda1-67-22-254-99.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Psychic | would you mind telling me WHICH apt package, please? | 06:43 |
i0h- | cafuego, what if the ubuntu sources can't give me the things i need? | 06:43 |
cafuego_ | dh-make-perl? | 06:43 |
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cesarin | anyone here uses ATI radeon 9800 pro with ubuntu? | 06:43 |
dabar | thekopeman: show me your sources.list file again. | 06:43 |
dr_willis | cesarin, i have in the past. | 06:43 |
cafuego_ | i0h-: Then you enable the corerct repositories. you STILL do not add debian soruces, which will destroy your installation. | 06:44 |
cesarin | dr_willis: by any chance.. can you give me a hand | 06:44 |
cafuego_ | !info dh-make-perl | 06:44 |
ubotu | dh-make-perl: (Create debian packages from perl modules), section universe/devel, is optional. Version: 0.12 (hoary), Packaged size: 19 kB, Installed size: 100 kB | 06:44 |
thekopeman | dabar: i used the one u gave me.... | 06:44 |
i0h- | cafuego, ok | 06:44 |
cesarin | cafuego: you dont got it... I'm a total newbie, and triying to learn TO install some stuff | 06:44 |
dr_willis | cesarin, all i did was follow the ubuntu guide/wiki - took me 3 min. | 06:44 |
cesarin | I just fresh installed 2 hours ago | 06:44 |
dr_willis | !ati | 06:44 |
ubotu | ati is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx | 06:44 |
cesarin | I think ill give it a look | 06:44 |
Jessa | can i pm anyone know about ubuntu | 06:44 |
cafuego_ | cesarin: Start Synaptic, pick software, install. Do under NO circumstance install an RPM. | 06:44 |
cesarin | ty ubotu | 06:44 |
dr_willis | Jessa, huh? | 06:44 |
ORiON2012 | cesarin: the wiki is an excellent resources and has a lengthy article about graphics cards | 06:45 |
cesarin | cafuego: and if the software is not show in the synaptic? | 06:45 |
cevizoglu | Jessa, ask your question please | 06:45 |
ORiON2012 | cesarin: you should pay attention to "fglrx" in partticular | 06:45 |
=== FurrySaint [i=FurrySai@pcp04227848pcs.calhun01.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabar | thekopeman: then reload synaptic, and install realplayer | 06:45 |
Madpilot | Jessa: best to ask your question here in channel, it'll get better help... | 06:45 |
thekopeman | kk | 06:45 |
cesarin | k thank you ORiON2012 | 06:45 |
cesarin | ill give it a look, brb | 06:45 |
cafuego_ | cesarin; Then you fix the repositories. You don't go and intentionally break things. | 06:45 |
FurrySaint | Wow. Popular place. >_>; | 06:45 |
Jessa | i dunno how to install that cedega | 06:45 |
Jessa | im newbie | 06:45 |
dr_willis | read the cedega install docs at their homepage yet? | 06:46 |
vladuz976 | dr_willis, i can't find the path statement in .bashrc | 06:46 |
cafuego_ | Jessa: Don't they give you documentation when you buy it? | 06:46 |
dr_willis | vladuz976, then make one and set it how ya want. | 06:46 |
Jessa | i want to get it for free | 06:46 |
Jessa | :P | 06:46 |
ORiON2012 | Jessa: It's not free | 06:46 |
cesarin | cafuego: do I have to restart the OS to install the stuff I chosed to install in the Synapsi thingie? | 06:46 |
cafuego_ | Jessa: This is not a warez channel. | 06:46 |
FurrySaint | Question: How 'newbie friendly' is Ubuntu? Because I know not Linux. | 06:46 |
Jessa | but if u know to compile they said | 06:46 |
dr_willis | Jessa, the cvs version is free.. but its worth paying for the official version. | 06:46 |
ORiON2012 | Jessa: do it illegally, or try the cvs, or pay for it | 06:46 |
vladuz976 | dr_willis, well somewhere there must be one. how else is it set then | 06:46 |
Jessa | but lucky i dunno | 06:46 |
cafuego_ | cesarin: Not normally | 06:46 |
cesarin | Furrysaint: im total noob here.. so Learning:> | 06:46 |
Madpilot | FurrySaint: fairly newbie friendly | 06:47 |
FurrySaint | Heh. | 06:47 |
cevizoglu | !tell Jessa about cedega | 06:47 |
dr_willis | vladuz976, its set in the /etc/profile I think. or some other file in /etc/ use grep and find it. | 06:47 |
cesarin | I can say the sinap thingie makes it very easy o_O | 06:47 |
Psychic | cafuego_: what's the syntax? dh-make-perl --install --cpan Some::Module? | 06:47 |
cafuego_ | Psychic: I think so, yes. Lemme check. | 06:47 |
cesarin | brb ladies and gentlemen, gotta follow the instructions for running the ATI drivers | 06:47 |
dr_willis | vladuz976, OR you could set it in .bashrc or .bash_profile, or some other places | 06:47 |
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Jessa | thnx | 06:47 |
cevizoglu | Jessa, you should read what ubotu sent you | 06:47 |
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Jessa | ^^ | 06:47 |
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cafuego_ | Psychic: dh-make-perl --build --cpan Module::Name | 06:48 |
cafuego_ | "dpkg-deb: building package `libmath-bezier-perl' in `../libmath-bezier-perl_0.01-1_all.deb'." | 06:48 |
Jessa | so using cedega i can install games also programs that are in windows? | 06:48 |
cafuego_ | Psychic: Then simply dpkg -i | 06:48 |
=== Kilter [n=sw@S010600134614f91b.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FurrySaint | Hm. All righty. Thanks. | 06:49 |
dr_willis | Jessa, SOME games may work.. | 06:49 |
Jessa | some? | 06:49 |
Jessa | btw | 06:49 |
ORiON2012 | Jessa: cedega is not recommended for general programs, use wine for that | 06:49 |
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Kilter | I have an atheros wifi and I want to set it up to work with a wireless router using wpa psk. can someone point me to where to start? | 06:49 |
Jessa | any wine website guide? | 06:49 |
Jessa | :P | 06:50 |
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ORiON2012 | Jessa: http://www.transgaming.com/searchgame.php | 06:50 |
cafuego_ | google is your friend | 06:50 |
ORiON2012 | Jessa: yo can check if its supported | 06:50 |
=== kiran__ [n=kiran@ua-dip0.nat.okstate.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dr_willis | Google is all our friends. | 06:50 |
dr_willis | "All our base are belong to google" | 06:50 |
Jessa | i hate windows | 06:50 |
Jessa | xD | 06:50 |
=== Orborde [n=orborde@shrv-c-148.resnet.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jessa | my pc rentals got closed | 06:50 |
ORiON2012 | !tell Jessa about wine | 06:50 |
Jessa | :P | 06:50 |
cesarin | Ok I think i have my first little problem there | 06:50 |
Kilter | knowing what to ask google, now that's getting hard | 06:50 |
cafuego_ | !verbose | 06:50 |
ubotu | cafuego_ is too verbose. | 06:50 |
Orborde | How do I verify whether I have the JRE installed? | 06:51 |
cafuego_ | lying bot | 06:51 |
dr_willis | java -version | 06:51 |
dr_willis | perhaps Orborde | 06:51 |
Orborde | I installed the free version from the Hoary repos. | 06:51 |
cesarin | in the synapt thing, I have installed the XORG-driver-fglrx | 06:51 |
Psychic | i don't get it, Jessa are you trying to look cool by insisting you hate windows? | 06:51 |
zorba64 | !wine | 06:51 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer used by linux to let it run [some] windows programs. To install a recent version, go through the tutorial at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29996 ; for more info and apps that work with it, see http://www.winehq.org | 06:51 |
cafuego_ | Orborde: There is no free java | 06:51 |
cesarin | but after using the command | 06:51 |
cafuego_ | Orborde: Did you mean the prepackaged sun jre? | 06:51 |
cesarin | on the wiki | 06:51 |
Psychic | free as in beer sure | 06:51 |
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cesarin | it gives me a " Reading package lists... DONE" | 06:52 |
dabar | thekopeman: tell me its installed. | 06:52 |
KanRiNiN | Hey, is it possible to use my wireless card to connect to a network, but still use my eth0 as my main net connection? | 06:52 |
cesarin | then.. " Building dependency tree... DONE" | 06:52 |
cafuego_ | Beer isn't free ;-) | 06:52 |
BROKEN_LADDER | i'm sure people ask this all the time, but when is breezy expected? | 06:52 |
Orborde | cafuego_: Not totally sure. I downloaded the GCJ one. I guess I got the wrong thing? | 06:52 |
cafuego_ | October 13. | 06:52 |
brownie17 | BROKEN_LADDER, october | 06:52 |
Kataklsym | alright, now whats wrong if i installed flash, macromedia's website shows the test box fine, but a diff site, loads the frame of a box, but nothing inside it?? is it a problem with my flash installation? or is it a problem on the other end?? | 06:52 |
cesarin | then "E: cannot find the package xorg-driver-fglrx | 06:52 |
BROKEN_LADDER | brownie17 you're not the guy who ran fema are you? | 06:52 |
dr_willis | cesarin, what verison of ubuntu yiou using? | 06:52 |
cafuego_ | Orborde: Oh, the GNU runtime. Your mileage may vary on that, it isn't able to run any of my Java apps :-( | 06:53 |
KanRiNiN | ideas on dual networking, using one as main? Question listed above. | 06:53 |
Jessa | any1 tried linspire? | 06:53 |
cesarin | dr_willis: downloaded the latest CD x 64 from ubuntu yesterday | 06:53 |
cesarin | I supose its the 5.10 | 06:53 |
Orborde | cafuego_: Okay, how do I get the Sun JRE? | 06:53 |
cesarin | how do I find the real version? | 06:53 |
cafuego_ | Orborde: If you want a sun one, you'll need to downlaod it from sun.com, then convert it using make-jpkg. (See wiki.ubuntu.com/Java) | 06:53 |
brownie17 | BROKEN_LADDER, what is fema? and no. | 06:53 |
dr_willis | cesarin, the 64 bit versioon of Warty? 5.10 ya mean? | 06:53 |
cesarin | 5.10 must be | 06:53 |
dr_willis | no clue if flgrx works under 64bit version :P | 06:54 |
cafuego_ | !info xorg-driver-fglrx | 06:54 |
ubotu | xorg-driver-fglrx: (Video driver for ATI graphics accelerators), section restricted/misc, is optional. Version: 6.8.0-8.8.25-0ubuntu11 (hoary), Packaged size: 3110 kB, Installed size: 9940 kB | 06:54 |
dr_willis | I dont bother with 64bit right now. | 06:54 |
cafuego_ | dr_willis: Apaprnetly it does these days. I'm not sure how well, though. | 06:54 |
tristanmike | brownie17, fema? you mean "The Federal Emergency Managment Agency? | 06:54 |
cesarin | dr_willis: well ATI as been offering the 64 bit driver since a few | 06:54 |
=== cafuego_ runs 64bit, but has nvidia and doesn't WANT flash. | ||
cesarin | and for linux, but not sure if its compatible with ubuntu | 06:55 |
cesarin | it just says "for linux" | 06:55 |
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cesarin | the file is a .run file tought... | 06:55 |
dr_willis | cesarin, ive learned to not trust ati very far :P lol | 06:55 |
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cesarin | dr_willis: well my ati hasnt failed in the 4 years I've been using it | 06:55 |
ToMcAt | ;p | 06:55 |
cesarin | a 9800 pro from hercules :> | 06:55 |
=== concept10 [n=concept1@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ORiON2012 | cafuego, flash needs to burn up in a gas fire | 06:55 |
tristanmike | dr_willis, I must say I haven't been very impressed with Ati either | 06:55 |
BROKEN_LADDER | BROKEN_LADDER federal emergency management administration | 06:55 |
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BROKEN_LADDER | er.. bra1nf00d | 06:56 |
BROKEN_LADDER | er brownie17 | 06:56 |
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ToMcAt | :p | 06:56 |
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cafuego_ | ORiON2012: And then drawn, quartered, shot and hanged. | 06:56 |
tristanmike | BROKEN_LADDER, isnt' it Agency, not Administration? | 06:56 |
cesarin | tristan: but you cant deny some ATI may have 5-10% less performance than Nvidia ones, but they dont eat 5X times the energy and are 2-3X louder :P | 06:56 |
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flabby | how do i fix a broken package vi synaptic? | 06:56 |
flabby | *via | 06:56 |
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cesarin | <-- still remembers the beautiful "LAW MOWER" first version of the FX Ultra :P | 06:56 |
cafuego_ | cesarin: There should be an fglrx package in the 'restricted' repository. | 06:56 |
BROKEN_LADDER | tristanmike whatever | 06:57 |
cesarin | cafuego_, let me try to find it, give me a minute | 06:57 |
BROKEN_LADDER | tristanmike point is they failed miserably because of that guy bush called brownie | 06:57 |
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tristanmike | BROKEN_LADDER, I'm just curious, and yes, damn brownie | 06:57 |
Orborde | cafuego_: I'm confused. Hurray. | 06:57 |
tristanmike | ;) | 06:57 |
cesarin | I dont see any "restricted" in the default root directory of my file system | 06:58 |
cesarin | should it be in any "lib" directory? | 06:58 |
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cesarin | like "linux-restricted-modules" ? | 06:58 |
ToMcAt | ;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p(+b) | 06:58 |
cesarin | brb, toilet | 06:58 |
thekopeman | dabar: dabar: the settings are installed, but the program it self is not... | 06:59 |
tristanmike | well, that was uncalled for | 06:59 |
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cesarin | there back | 07:00 |
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=== Mag_AFK [i=Magilla@dsl-202-72-176-189.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thekopeman | dabar: my question now is, how do i run a .bin file? | 07:00 |
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ORiON2012 | !tell cesarin about repositories | 07:00 |
Mag_AFK | What is the best way to get wine onto ubuntu? | 07:00 |
dr_willis | apt-get install wine | 07:00 |
dr_willis | :P | 07:00 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
vladuz976 | dr_willis, so what do i add to .bashrc to add a dir | 07:01 |
cesarin | ok, gotta find that, thakns orion | 07:01 |
dr_willis | vladuz976, bash fundamentals = your path is set by the PATH enviromental variable. | 07:01 |
nalioth | vladuz976: in a terminal type "touch .bashrc" in the directory you want it in | 07:01 |
nalioth | vladuz976: woops | 07:02 |
nalioth | vladuz976: i misread your question | 07:02 |
nalioth | vladuz976: you want to add to your $PATH | 07:02 |
dabar | thekopeman: just before I tell you that. tell me what aptitude search realplayer in a terminal does. | 07:02 |
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cesarin | ok im on "repositories" | 07:02 |
dr_willis | bash tutorial --> http://www.start-linux.com/articles/article_69.php | 07:02 |
vladuz976 | nalioth, so how do i add a dir to my path? | 07:02 |
Orborde | cafuego_: So what is this complicated jpkg dance doing? | 07:02 |
cafuego_ | cesarin: Repository, not directory on filesystem. | 07:02 |
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=== Draucon [n=Draucon@dialup-free-80.nmsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kataklsym | does anyone here know why Xine will show my video but no audio in an avi file?? | 07:03 |
bob2 | perhaps you didn't tell it to use esd | 07:03 |
bob2 | or you forgot to kill esd | 07:03 |
cesarin | now a whole load of files are advailiable | 07:03 |
dr_willis | Kataklsym, coul;d be it dont have the codec for the format of the audio. | 07:03 |
nalioth | vladuz976: i always drag out the text editor | 07:03 |
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cesarin | cafuego: im already there, got confused at first | 07:03 |
thekopeman | dabar: this is what i get'i realplayer - realplayer(installer)' | 07:03 |
cafuego_ | Orborde: the make-jpkg command extracts the .run file and compresses the contents into a .deb, whcih you cna then install and (more importantly) uninstall via the normal package system. No unmanaged files running loose :-) | 07:03 |
Magilla | dr_willis: E: Package wine has no installation candidate | 07:03 |
Orborde | cafuego_: Ah. Genius! | 07:04 |
dr_willis | Magilla, check the ubuntu wiki/forume. and perhaps add a repo that has the package | 07:04 |
cafuego_ | Aye. | 07:04 |
vladuz976 | nalioth, yeah but i don't know what file to open and what to edit | 07:04 |
Kataklsym | dr_willis: where do i get the codecs for it? when i installed xine on my other dist it worked out of the box, so i need to know what to do for this one :s | 07:04 |
dr_willis | Kataklsym, same video file? | 07:04 |
cesarin | cafuego_, theres a whole load of "updates" and other "origins" | 07:04 |
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dabar | thekopeman: .bin files are executable files. however, before you run an executable file, you have to give it executable permissions. in a terminal, you would chmod +x file.bin. in nautilus(the file manage window) you would right click on the file, and select properties. then, you go to permissions tab, and check off executable by owner. THen double click the file, or in a terminal, ./file.bin and enter. | 07:04 |
cevizoglu | how do I add gvim to my gnome menu? | 07:05 |
dabar | thekopeman: however, realplayer is now installed. | 07:05 |
ORiON2012 | vladuz976: PATH=$PATH:/dir/you/want/to/add | 07:05 |
dr_willis | yea - dont run a .bin by double clicking. | 07:05 |
bob2 | Kataklsym: pkill esd, try again | 07:05 |
dabar | thekopeman: are you trying to view online movies in a browser? | 07:05 |
nalioth | vladuz976: open a new terminal, and type "gedit .bashrc" | 07:05 |
xuniluser | HELP: how do i mount a drive with "OnTrackDM6" filesystem ID? | 07:05 |
ORiON2012 | vladuz976: add a :. to the end of that | 07:05 |
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Orborde | cafuego_: Thanks a bunch. | 07:05 |
bob2 | xuniluser: is it some broken-arse promise raid file system? | 07:05 |
Kataklsym | yea same video file worked in rhel with xine, but now i installed xine in ubuntu, and i get a prompt saying unsupported codec mpeg 2/3 continue anyway, i choose yes and it plays the video, but no sound | 07:05 |
cafuego_ | xuniluser: My first guess would be "not". | 07:05 |
dr_willis | egads - adding the current dir to your path. :P ick. Lol. | 07:05 |
thekopeman | no, try to play mp3's | 07:05 |
cesarin | ok cafuego_ : now what do I do now? | 07:05 |
cafuego_ | cesarin: Did you install the restricted modules and fglrx? | 07:06 |
Kataklsym | mp3s play fine in xmms | 07:06 |
xuniluser | cafuego: but my personal files are located there.... i just removed my windoze.... | 07:06 |
cesarin | no, let me see if I can find them | 07:06 |
xuniluser | bob2: no idea.... | 07:06 |
cafuego_ | xuniluser: Was it raid? | 07:06 |
vladuz976 | nalioth, so what ORiON2012 just said goes at the bottom of .bashrc ? don't i need "export" in there? | 07:06 |
bob2 | xuniluser: you don't know where the disk came from? | 07:06 |
xuniluser | cafuego: when this box was delivered it was already partinioned | 07:06 |
xuniluser | bob2: it was already partitioned when it came here | 07:07 |
cafuego_ | xuniluser: What sort of disk controller does 'psic' say you have? | 07:07 |
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cafuego_ | xuniluser: um, 'lspci' | 07:07 |
nalioth | vladuz976: yes, the paths in your PATH line are seperated by : | 07:07 |
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thekopeman | dabar: im lost | 07:07 |
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cesarin | ok, updating sources of the package gestor synaptic | 07:07 |
cesarin | cafuego_, I supose I have to enable all sources? | 07:07 |
nalioth | vladuz976: so at the end of the PATH line that is there, put a :/new/path/for/vladuuz976 | 07:07 |
bob2 | xuniluser: and they gave you no information about what it was or where it came from? | 07:07 |
dr_willis | path example ----> http://linux.org.mt/article/terminal#N104F3 | 07:08 |
dabar | thekopeman: why are you getting realplayer? | 07:08 |
vladuz976 | nalioth, oh ok, i'll try that then | 07:08 |
cafuego_ | cesarin: That would help, yes. | 07:08 |
xuniluser | cafuego_: how can i know that info? what command will i envoke? | 07:08 |
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thekopeman | dabar: to play songs that i have on another computer... | 07:08 |
xuniluser | bob2: none... but my hd is seagate | 07:08 |
cafuego_ | xuniluser: 'lspci' | 07:08 |
cesarin | ok im done | 07:08 |
cesarin | all enabled | 07:08 |
dabar | thekopeman: what file format are they in? .what? | 07:08 |
Kataklsym | no one knows why xine isnt playing my audio for an avi? if its codecs, where do i get those?? | 07:08 |
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bob2 | Kataklsym: did you do what I said or not? | 07:08 |
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thekopeman | dabar: .mp3 | 07:08 |
cafuego_ | xuniluser: bob2 suspects WIndows was using some proprietary software raid system. | 07:09 |
Kataklsym | bob2: yes i did | 07:09 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
cesarin | ok, this thing now told me there are new patches advailiable | 07:09 |
cesarin | and im now installing them | 07:09 |
dabar | thekopeman: dont use realplayer in linux for that. ask ubotu about mp3 | 07:09 |
cesarin | holy shit!!!!1, 322 files to download @ 112 KB/s | 07:09 |
xuniluser | cafuego_: IDE Interface : Intel Corp. 82801AA | 07:09 |
cafuego_ | xuniluser: In which case your only hope is to reinstall Windows, backup the files, then wipe WIndows. | 07:09 |
cesarin | 34m to download :P | 07:09 |
cafuego_ | cesarin: You on breezy or something? | 07:09 |
xuniluser | cafuego_: ok thanks.... i'll try | 07:10 |
xuniluser | bob2: thanks | 07:10 |
cesarin | cafuego_, : like I said, I downloaded the latest CD x64 version from ubuntu's site yesterday | 07:10 |
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cafuego_ | xuniluser: make SURE to not have windows reformat the disk when installing! | 07:10 |
cesarin | not sure wich version was it x_X | 07:10 |
dr_willis | Kataklsym, the erroe message sort of said you needed a codec.. now WHAT codec is the issue. | 07:10 |
cafuego_ | cesarin: yeah, breezy gets a new version of X every day. | 07:10 |
xuniluser | bob2: is there other programs like mount that can do the job? | 07:10 |
xuniluser | cafuego_: ok | 07:10 |
cesarin | cafuego_, : then downloading a new "X" may be not at all good? | 07:11 |
flabby | when is breezy coming out? | 07:11 |
jbroome | 10/13ish | 07:11 |
cafuego_ | cesarin: Well, the new one would ideally contain less bug then the old one. | 07:11 |
cesarin | damn, that means I installed a beta version of ubuntu? :P | 07:11 |
dr_willis | give or take 100 years. :P | 07:11 |
thekopeman | dabar: i asked, does it take awhile to answer? | 07:11 |
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cafuego_ | cesarin: Yes, the website does quite clearly state that :-P | 07:11 |
dr_willis | im using warty right now. ;P | 07:11 |
dr_willis | cesarin, release canadate/ :P | 07:11 |
cesarin | cafuego_, : not in the 64 version if I remember correctly | 07:11 |
cesarin | it didnt said RC-1 in the x64 version x_X | 07:12 |
cafuego_ | cesarin: Yes it does, when you go to download the ISO. | 07:12 |
cesarin | well who cares, its already done :P | 07:12 |
dr_willis | it said Breezy = everyone knows that breezy is that way :P | 07:12 |
cesarin | dr_willis: not everyone... ;) | 07:12 |
=== cafuego_ needs a fresh coffee and to clean the bbq | ||
cesarin | I bet 100% of noobs dont know what "BREEZY" even is :P | 07:12 |
Kataklsym | dr_willis: it says mpeg layer 2/3, i just installed avi-mad-plugin and libavifile, still no sound in xine | 07:13 |
dr_willis | next will be Grilbeling Gariaffs | 07:13 |
Kilter | my wireless will get an address if my lan is plugged in, but not when I unplug it. thoughts? | 07:13 |
jbroome | i had tortilla soup for dinner. i am indeed breezy | 07:13 |
cesarin | they must think its a new weirdo on the "the unrreal life" of MTV | 07:13 |
thekopeman | what is a good program to play mp3's? | 07:13 |
cesarin | or what was the name? :o | 07:13 |
ORiON2012 | jbroome: hehe | 07:13 |
dr_willis | Mamboing Moles. | 07:13 |
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dr_willis | well nuight all | 07:13 |
cesarin | gods kids, dont blame tortillas | 07:13 |
cesarin | <-- is Mexican | 07:13 |
cesarin | Dr_Willis went to stalk that gal of "SIN CITY", I presume? :P | 07:14 |
xuniluser | Hey! Anyone using SmartPhone? how do you connect it with Linux? | 07:14 |
xuniluser | Can multisync do that? | 07:14 |
jbroome | xuniluser: pocketpc or palmos? | 07:14 |
omp | breezy is still quite buggy =X | 07:15 |
xuniluser | jbroome: smartphone.... it's like pocketpc because they're both from Micro$oft | 07:15 |
[Chameleon] | xuniluser: multisync is pretty basic. | 07:15 |
dabar | thekopeman: make sure you are registered. /msg nickserv help register | 07:15 |
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xuniluser | [Chameleon] : what do you suggest? | 07:15 |
[Chameleon] | xuniluser: the pa1mOne Treo series are also considered smartphones and do not run Windows. | 07:15 |
dabar | thekopeman: I am off now, good luck. | 07:16 |
[Chameleon] | xuniluser: I don't know anything about PocketPCs with Linux. | 07:16 |
=== [Chameleon] was never dumb enough to buy one | ||
xuniluser | [Chameleon] : But the name of the OS is SmartPhone 2003/2004 | 07:16 |
[Chameleon] | xuniluser: marketing mojo | 07:16 |
[Chameleon] | xuniluser: that's just M$ doing their "Embrace & Extend" move. | 07:17 |
jbroome | i haven't researched pocketpc and linux interaction. seems like it would be painful | 07:17 |
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xuniluser | [Chameleon] : whatever,,,, but can these link with Linux? | 07:17 |
vladuz976 | anybody know what IPC is? | 07:17 |
[Chameleon] | to try and capture the market with mind-share. | 07:17 |
thekopeman | dabar: bye and thank you | 07:17 |
[Chameleon] | xuniluser: hell if I know. Frankly I don't care. sorry. | 07:17 |
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cesarin | btw guys, anyone knows how to enable the extra buttons of a microsoft intellimouse explorer 3? | 07:17 |
xuniluser | [Chameleon] : np | 07:17 |
cycom | any thougts as to why my wireless interface would struggle for an identity? It can't decide whether or not it's eth0 or eth1, and my wired is either eth2 or eth0 | 07:17 |
cesarin | oops, sorry for bold x_X | 07:17 |
cycom | I got disconnected before I got an answer | 07:17 |
cycom | stupid cable maintinence | 07:18 |
xuniluser | Anyone experienced linking PocketPC cellphones with Linux? | 07:18 |
=== Agrajag [n=Agrajag@66-215-172-61.dhcp.snbr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
concept10 | Raise your hand if you have updated to breezy succesfully | 07:18 |
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=== cesarin doesnt | ||
=== cesarin is atm :P | ||
cesarin | 167 of 322 x_X | 07:18 |
[Chameleon] | concept10: I'm running breezy. I backed up my /home and installed fresh. Works great. | 07:18 |
=== Magilla attempts to withdraw cash from cesarin | ||
=== cesarin slaps Magilla around a bit with a large shark | ||
ORiON2012 | Magilla: share the wealth | 07:19 |
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cesarin | dont even dare.. :O | 07:19 |
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nimakine | moido | 07:19 |
cesarin | ORiON2012, not many $$$ sadly :P | 07:19 |
concept10 | [Chameleon] : did you install it over Hoary ? (dist-upgrade) | 07:19 |
Magilla | ORiON2012: he keeps saying "insufficiant funds" | 07:19 |
ORiON2012 | cheapskate :P | 07:20 |
cesarin | I supose not many here knows about the intellimouse series | 07:20 |
Magilla | lol | 07:20 |
cesarin | ORiON2012, : I dont trust in banks ;) | 07:20 |
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ORiON2012 | nope, only fancy features I have is a scroll wheel | 07:20 |
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thekopeman | anyone know what programs i can play mp3's on? | 07:20 |
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cesarin | thepokeman I know | 07:20 |
cesarin | go buy an iPOD :P | 07:20 |
narkceh | hello. could someone tell address where is help to install java? | 07:20 |
ORiON2012 | thekopeman: any that play mp3s? | 07:21 |
esac | inside breezy ! is there a discussion channel ? | 07:21 |
tristanmike | cesarin, down with banks | 07:21 |
[Chameleon] | concept10: no, that's what I'm saying. It's best if you don't upgrade, at least not until it's final. I learned that long ago with Red Hat. | 07:21 |
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[Chameleon] | concept10: a very smart thing to do is to make a separate /home partition... That way you can always nuke your OS and keep your user data. | 07:21 |
=== Zaphod_ is now known as Agrajag | ||
cesarin | [Chameleon] , Im suffering that :P | 07:21 |
ORiON2012 | thekopeman: Rhythmbox is the default music player, you can use xmms, beep media player, amarok, juk, the list goes on and on | 07:21 |
cesarin | 201 out of 322, yay! | 07:22 |
ORiON2012 | thekopeman: muine is cool | 07:22 |
thekopeman | orion2012: fine, a good/great mp3 player, jackass | 07:22 |
ian_ | can rhythmbox edit ID3 tags yet? | 07:22 |
ORiON2012 | ian_ in beezy yeah | 07:22 |
Madpilot | thekopeman: when you install the right codecs, nearly anything in Ubuntu can play mp3 for you | 07:22 |
cesarin | wow thepokeman as issues | 07:22 |
esac | when installing breezy during the first "boot" during installation, i got a FAILURE with t_kernel_font. anybody else see this? how can i provide more info ? | 07:22 |
ORiON2012 | thekopeman: it's a matter of preference | 07:23 |
cesarin | esac, : got the same too, but it did install properly I supose | 07:23 |
zorba64 | !java | 07:23 |
ubotu | To install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java or, for Sun's Java, ask me about !sunjava | 07:23 |
ORiON2012 | thekopeman: like asking what good food is | 07:23 |
Burgundavia | esac, likely a badly burned disc | 07:23 |
concept10 | [Chameleon] : I know what you mean with /home, I always do that myself... I just want to know if there is a breezy install disk or did you use dist-upgrade | 07:23 |
cesarin | !sunjava | 07:23 |
ubotu | For Sun-Java debs add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list (for hoary) deb http://ubuntu.tower-net.de/ubuntu/ hoary java ; or go to seveas.ubuntulinux.nl (for Breezy) | 07:23 |
ian_ | ORiON2012: hey! not all of us can afford the steep upgrade price! | 07:23 |
zorba64 | !sunjava | 07:23 |
esac | Burgundavia, that is possible, the CD i burned it to was badly scratched | 07:23 |
thekopeman | orion2012: ok, fine, how do i install codecs? | 07:24 |
jbroome | !codecs | 07:24 |
ubotu | hmm... codecs is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 07:24 |
=== cesarin had a perfect CD burn and still had that "X" in the font | ||
ORiON2012 | I love that bot | 07:24 |
=== cesarin smooche shis PLEXTOR p712A | ||
=== Orborde [n=orborde@shrv-c-148.resnet.purdue.edu] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
jbroome | ORiON2012: me too. and the dpkg bot on #debian | 07:25 |
cesarin | its mine... my .. precious... | 07:25 |
=== garyc [n=garyc@adsl-68-92-158-47.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cesarin | btw.. does doom 3 run way faster on ubuntu than in micro$oft Winblow$ ? | 07:25 |
thekopeman | i fuckin hate that stupid bot | 07:25 |
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cafuego_ | dpkg and ubotu are twins ;-) | 07:25 |
=== Somada141 [n=somada14@x-mwaves6.ee.duth.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jbroome | aww | 07:25 |
cesarin | thepokeman as issues, I repeat | 07:25 |
[Chameleon] | concept10: I downloaded a nightly CD ISO. | 07:25 |
[Chameleon] | concept10: you can find it with google. | 07:25 |
cafuego_ | cesarin: nah, they run as fast as the gfx card can handle... which is identical if you have an nvidia card. | 07:26 |
Somada141 | is there a similar channel like this for other Lonux distributions? | 07:26 |
ORiON2012 | cesarin: not really, at least from my experience, seems about the same, but I haven't benchmarked anything | 07:26 |
cafuego_ | Somada141: For some, yes. | 07:26 |
Somada141 | is there one for mandriva | 07:26 |
Somada141 | ? | 07:26 |
esac | is epiphany in any way better than firefox ? | 07:26 |
=== otie [n=ottietav@kanto.cc.jyu.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bluefoxicy | <Bluefox> stat / | 07:26 |
bluefoxicy | <@kitty> File: `/' | 07:26 |
cafuego_ | No idea, their website should mention it if they have one. | 07:26 |
bluefoxicy | <@kitty> Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x) Uid: ( 110/ hpojlp) Gid: ( 7/ lp) | 07:26 |
otie | morning | 07:26 |
cesarin | cafuego_, : like I said, I got an ATI :P | 07:26 |
Somada141 | ok i'll look into that | 07:26 |
jbroome | Somada141: shockingly called #mandriva | 07:27 |
bluefoxicy | . . . his / is owned by hpojlp:lp o_O wtf | 07:27 |
cafuego_ | cesarin: The Linux will be half as fast probably. | 07:27 |
bluefoxicy | mine is root:root | 07:27 |
cesarin | wondering, is there a way to install counter strike into Ubuntu? | 07:27 |
ORiON2012 | esac: it has tab grouping which is cool, but no real search bar, which isn't | 07:27 |
cesarin | I mean if they did with doom3... | 07:27 |
cesarin | cafuego_, : you're serious? o_O | 07:27 |
cesarin | or you just being a fanboy of nvidia? :P | 07:27 |
cafuego_ | cesarin: yes, fglrx is a fairly crap product, as drivers go. | 07:27 |
ORiON2012 | cesarin: CS:S works with Cedega | 07:27 |
otie | I've got a n00bish question; I've just installed Ubuntu and I'm in Gnome, but I can't set the screen resolution (the only option is 600x480) | 07:27 |
thekopeman | cesarin: u dont have to be a jackass | 07:27 |
ORiON2012 | cesarin: doesn't run natively though | 07:27 |
cesarin | I supose cedega is a windows emulator? :P | 07:28 |
cafuego_ | cesarin: No, not a fanboy. just did my research BEFORE I bought the hardware, seeing as I wanted to run Linux only. | 07:28 |
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cesarin | thepokeman: im not the one whos bitching about everything you know :P | 07:28 |
ORiON2012 | cesarin: Cedega people hate when you call it an emulator, but it is of sorts, yes | 07:28 |
Somada141 | jbroome : in which server? | 07:28 |
jbroome | this one | 07:28 |
jbroome | freenode | 07:28 |
cesarin | ic... | 07:28 |
cesarin | but I supose its not very stable? | 07:28 |
Somada141 | ok | 07:28 |
bluefoxicy | hummmmmmmm | 07:29 |
cafuego_ | Mind you, back then ati had NO 64bit drivers, so the choice was fairly easy anyway. | 07:29 |
bluefoxicy | kitty misplaced a chown command | 07:29 |
esac | i have a synaptics touchpad on my laptop, i noticed that it is ALOT more sensitive to clicking. has anybody else seen this ? | 07:29 |
=== cesarin suddenly shudders remembering when he had windows 98 SE :P | ||
=== Jessa is now known as cutiegurl | ||
bluefoxicy | does anyone know how to correct file ownership? | 07:29 |
ORiON2012 | cesarin: for the games it officially supports, it works great, Steam is one of them | 07:29 |
bluefoxicy | for installed files like / /etc /lib etc | 07:29 |
thekopeman | cesarin: well excuse me, if my preferance is windowsxp, and i haven't got used to the new system yet.... | 07:29 |
cesarin | cafuego_, : using 64 bit ubuntu too? | 07:29 |
cafuego_ | cesarin: Yes | 07:29 |
narkceh | thank you | 07:29 |
cesarin | thepokeman: Im atm on ubuntu, but I come from windows XP | 07:29 |
cesarin | so.. :P | 07:29 |
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cafuego_ | bluefoxicy: I believe there's a tool that does the chanking against a file... | 07:30 |
cafuego_ | deFrysk probably knows | 07:30 |
Kataklsym | i installed all kinds of mpeg support and avi support from the repos, xine still wont play this avi file, and i know it works, cuz i watched it in my rhel install several times.. i get an error says unsupported codec mpeg layer 2/3. i installed mpeg and avi support, i dont get whats up with it | 07:30 |
otie | chmod? | 07:30 |
cesarin | ORiON2012, : I might try to get that one, and maybe play CS source in ubuntu | 07:30 |
bluefoxicy | cafuego: might be a good idea to make a baseline security tool | 07:30 |
deFrysk | morning cafuego | 07:30 |
cesarin | Kataklsym, remember there are some very stinky codecs | 07:30 |
bluefoxicy | cafuego: that does that and a few other things | 07:30 |
cesarin | like they claim to be hable to reproduce all "XVID and DIVX" | 07:30 |
deFrysk | cafuego, know what ? | 07:30 |
cesarin | but they do horribly | 07:30 |
cafuego_ | Then again, maybe not, maybe I'm thinking of openbsd. | 07:30 |
cesarin | I've had some packages of codecs that said to run everything, I had to uninstall them and install better files | 07:31 |
cafuego_ | deFrysk: Tool that checks permissions of files against the value stored in the package file. | 07:31 |
Kataklsym | cesarin: but xine says that that it cant find the codec to something that it should play.. what do i do now? | 07:31 |
deFrysk | cafuego, no clue | 07:31 |
cesarin | katak: maybe you need a diferent file | 07:31 |
cesarin | wich detects the codec | 07:32 |
cesarin | like GSPOT for windows | 07:32 |
cesarin | not sure if theres something similar for ubuntu | 07:32 |
deFrysk | cafuego, never a clue at this hour anyway ;p | 07:32 |
cesarin | but that program works fine to detect the codecs | 07:32 |
=== cafuego_ pours you a fresh espresso | ||
=== yahalom [n=amichai@bzq-218-221-173.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
garyc | hey fellow ubuntus - cd burner cyberdrive cw068d wont burn cds - any ideas?? | 07:32 |
Kataklsym | well its saying mpeg layer 2/3 | 07:32 |
deFrysk | cheers :) | 07:32 |
Licker | Anyone know what this means? >> W: Couldn't stat source package list http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hoary/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 07:32 |
garyc | used Naulilus - K3b - Gnomebaker - cd never burns | 07:32 |
ferdi | Katakllysm, install all format...best way | 07:32 |
cesarin | and micro$oft winblow$'s "media center" had same problems triying to find certain codects too :P | 07:32 |
yahalom | hey guys. my xserver crashed. cannot find core devices. can someone help me pls? | 07:32 |
Kataklsym | but i can listen to mp3, i can view the video, but i can hear the sound in the avi, i can see the movie fine, but no sound | 07:33 |
yahalom | it worked great till this morning | 07:33 |
thekopeman | cesarin: but let me guess that ur some 40yr old guy still living with his parents, and i happen to be a 16yr old kid, and by all standards is a windows xp geek... | 07:33 |
cesarin | thepokeman: Dont get it personally, but im not even 1/2 that age :P | 07:33 |
cesarin | so stop pointing others and if you dont like ubuntu or dont want to learn, then I have no clue what are you doing here.. | 07:33 |
deFrysk | geek with closed source ? how does one do that ? | 07:33 |
yahalom | anyone? | 07:33 |
cesarin | and pokeman, you sure show your age.. ;) | 07:34 |
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ferdi | goto /www.ubuntulinux/wiki/RestrictedFormats....steps for all formats are there | 07:34 |
cesarin | 271 out of 322, these are a bit heavier than the first ones :O | 07:34 |
ORiON2012 | Kataklsym: libmad? not sure what xine uses | 07:34 |
Huey | does anyone have any experience with the linksys pcmcia->pci adapter? | 07:34 |
cafuego_ | cesarin: Most kids here show their age. | 07:34 |
Huey | lspci shows the adapter exists, but not what i have plugged in | 07:34 |
thekopeman | cesarin: well, i probly do, but after football, and school, and work, i dont think you have room to talk | 07:34 |
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bluefoxicy | i'm smarter than most kids here. | 07:34 |
cesarin | well they need to learn the amazing skill of BEING PATIENT | 07:35 |
ferdi | not doing that is even heavier for newer ones | 07:35 |
deFrysk | mine is 45 | 07:35 |
jbroome | cesarin: how do i do that? | 07:35 |
garyc | cd burner cyberdrive cw068d wont burn cds - used Naulilus - K3b - Gnomebaker - cd never burns | 07:35 |
deFrysk | and it shows! | 07:35 |
=== Alister [n=kas@132.137.tog.dsl.tmb.ru] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kataklsym | hmm i didnt try running xine from terminal and looking at the output | 07:35 |
cesarin | thepokeman: well sadly, you're only talking atm, so thats plenty of time :P | 07:35 |
jbroome | huh? how do I be patient? :) | 07:35 |
Kataklsym | that might help | 07:35 |
cesarin | jbroome, : do what? o_O | 07:35 |
cafuego_ | cesarin: Yeah, that normally happens after turning 30, when you realise it all doesn't matter. | 07:35 |
cesarin | jbroome, well, you have to .. hmm... like... | 07:35 |
bluefoxicy | cesarin: Patience is for idiots who have time to stand around and pick their nose; businessmen need you to meet your deadlines 5 weeks before they're posted! | 07:35 |
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cesarin | f*ck, just come to Mexico :P | 07:35 |
jbroome | cesarin: how? how? how? | 07:35 |
garyc | yahalom did you restart the xserver deamon | 07:35 |
cesarin | living with horrible bank services ,helps a lot :P | 07:36 |
cesarin | ohh, and governament full of burocracy too :P | 07:36 |
Kataklsym | nope it didnt help any at all | 07:36 |
bluefoxicy | cesarin: I love deadlines | 07:36 |
cafuego_ | cesarin: I would, but that would imply flying via the US, which I won't do. | 07:36 |
bluefoxicy | cesarin: Especially the sound they make whooshing b y. | 07:36 |
yahalom | garyc: i reconfigured it even | 07:36 |
cesarin | bluefoxicy, : you're making me horny dear.. | 07:36 |
cesarin | jk lol | 07:36 |
brownie17 | bitch | 07:36 |
garyc | yagalom - if you can't restart xserver you may have to just restart the system | 07:36 |
yahalom | garyc: i did that | 07:36 |
=== Demantik [n=demantik@d220-236-96-121.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thekopeman | cesarian: ok, im better now, getting pissed off is a great way to go to sleep, so later bitch | 07:37 |
garyc | yahalom you reconfiged - maybe that caused it | 07:37 |
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Demantik | My brothers pc using ubuntu64, cpu spikes....???? | 07:37 |
yahalom | garyc: nope. it crashed before. it crashed after last nights upate | 07:37 |
cesarin | damn, I think I will go search if theres someone who can help me with the mouse thing.. since its slow to move mouse to click "back" button over and over :P | 07:37 |
cesarin | well Im a winner!! :P | 07:37 |
cesarin | the kid got pissed by just facts :P | 07:38 |
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Dalik | firefox 1.0.7 was just released, and I have 1.0.6 I have installed, and I want it now, should I uninstall through apt-get then install from source or will that mess with the deb package system later on? | 07:38 |
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garyc | yahalom can you revert back to the previous version | 07:38 |
cesarin | 1.0.7 out?? jesus.. I have to patch my winblose version too o_O | 07:38 |
Demantik | anybody ? | 07:38 |
yahalom | garyc: to hoary? i'm on breezy. | 07:38 |
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yahalom | garyc: or u mean the previous config? | 07:38 |
cesarin | brrr, the breeze is amazing.. lots of ppl with breezy lately :P | 07:38 |
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garyc | yahalom no just the xserver package back to the version before the budate | 07:39 |
garyc | that's update | 07:39 |
jbroome | i'm running the 1.5 beta and it's been fine | 07:40 |
cesarin | cafuego_, : I supose after installing the ATI driver for Ubuntu, I will be hable to change the frecuency of my monitor? | 07:40 |
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cesarin | because It hurts to have it @ 60 Hz x_X | 07:40 |
cafuego_ | cesarin: No idea, never used fglrx. | 07:40 |
cesarin | damn, Its "locked" to 60 Hz atm.. | 07:40 |
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cafuego_ | Dalik: Have a look at wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall | 07:40 |
garyc | hey ???????? cd burner cyberdrive cw068d wont burn cds - used Naulilus - K3b - Gnomebaker - cd never burns | 07:40 |
phrizer | 60hz makes your eyes bleed :( | 07:40 |
garyc | any ideas | 07:41 |
cesarin | phrizer: yeah, in my winbloze I use it at 90 hz | 07:41 |
garyc | cd burner cyberdrive cw068d wont burn cds - used Naulilus - K3b - Gnomebaker - cd never burns | 07:41 |
deFrysk | cesarin, make sure the monitor horizontal and vertical freq's are correct in xorg.conf , then it should be possible | 07:41 |
phrizer | cesarin, look in your xorg conf? | 07:41 |
cesarin | how to edit that xorg.conf? | 07:41 |
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cesarin | remember im a total noob in UBuntu | 07:41 |
=== tga [n=tga@S0106000f66aeaf64.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
garyc | phrizer I'm using 85 hz and my eyes are still bleeding | 07:42 |
deFrysk | too early for mee , my eyes are still tearing and its not (yet) from what I see here | 07:42 |
=== tga uses 60 Hz | ||
=== deFrysk 85 hz | ||
=== nalioth has direct optic implant | ||
cesarin | nalioth: you fail :P | 07:43 |
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deFrysk | on 1400x1050 | 07:43 |
tga | go for a neuronal implant, optics are so last century | 07:43 |
cesarin | well, anyone help me to edit the freq on the conf? | 07:43 |
garyc | cd burner cyberdrive cw068d wont burn cds - used Naulilus - K3b - Gnomebaker - cd never burns | 07:43 |
nalioth | cesarin: have you been to the wiki? | 07:43 |
phrizer | garyc, heh heh | 07:43 |
kathy | algie habla espaol? | 07:43 |
nalioth | !es | 07:43 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 07:43 |
deFrysk | cesarin, first look in xorg.conf if it recognized your monitor | 07:44 |
cesarin | gary: no idea, im using Plextor one | 07:44 |
cesarin | and where is that? :P | 07:44 |
cesarin | y yo hablo espa.... | 07:44 |
cesarin | nevermind.. | 07:44 |
deFrysk | cesarin, cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 07:44 |
nalioth | !tell cesarin about resolution | 07:44 |
deFrysk | cesarin, do what ubuntu send you (even better) | 07:44 |
=== Kilter [n=sw@S01060040055202c1.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deFrysk | ubotu that is | 07:45 |
ubotu | deFrysk: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! | 07:45 |
garyc | cesarin do you have gnome desktop | 07:45 |
cesarin | yes I do garyc | 07:45 |
=== Magilla [i=Magilla@dsl-202-72-176-189.wa.westnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
cesarin | and ty nalioth | 07:45 |
garyc | cesarin do system - preferences - screen resolution | 07:45 |
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cesarin | ok thanks, will check it in a few | 07:46 |
cesarin | and I did there but the 60Hz is locked | 07:46 |
cesarin | same as resolution | 07:46 |
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xwacker1 | hi everyone | 07:46 |
cesarin | <-- installing patches | 07:46 |
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garyc | cesarin your monitor or screen may only support that res. | 07:47 |
xwacker1 | do somebody help me intalling a fileserver? | 07:47 |
cesarin | gary: nope | 07:47 |
cesarin | its a G75+ | 07:47 |
poningru | how do I watch .tiff files? | 07:47 |
cesarin | supports 120 Hz @ 800 x 600 | 07:47 |
poningru | err see | 07:47 |
cesarin | 90 Hz @ 1024 x 724 | 07:47 |
esac | where is bob2, he is always so helpful ! :) | 07:47 |
cesarin | and up to 1600 x 1200 if im right | 07:47 |
garyc | cesarin I use 1024x768 85 hz - it it smooth | 07:48 |
nalioth | poningru: tiff is a picture, not a video | 07:48 |
poningru | right | 07:48 |
cesarin | gary: like I said, the 60 Hz is locked | 07:48 |
cesarin | and I want to change it manually | 07:48 |
garyc | cesatin thats it is smooth | 07:48 |
poningru | how can you see it in firefox? | 07:48 |
poningru | I need a plugin | 07:49 |
nalioth | poningru: if you have libtiff installed, i would think most viewers would see it | 07:49 |
poningru | nalioth: right but firefox is for some reason not using it | 07:49 |
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nalioth | poningru: my opinion is: ff is good for nothing | 07:50 |
cesarin | ok installed all patches | 07:50 |
poningru | I am going to post the link in #offtopic, can you help me extract the image from the embed? | 07:50 |
cesarin | gonna use the options | 07:50 |
garyc | cesarin is your default box checked. If so try unchecking it. | 07:51 |
akin_to | hello question command for executing ruby | 07:51 |
cesarin | nope, its not cheked | 07:51 |
garyc | cesarin i don't know?? | 07:52 |
cutiegurl | is rpm work with ubuntu? | 07:52 |
cutiegurl | .rpm? | 07:52 |
ferdi | do this dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg | 07:52 |
cutiegurl | me? | 07:52 |
garyc | cd burner cyberdrive cw068d wont burn cds - used Naulilus - K3b - Gnomebaker - cd never burns | 07:53 |
garyc | anybody | 07:53 |
Demantik | anybody know why cpu usage spikes on ubuntu 64 ? | 07:53 |
=== ORiON2012 [n=orion@cpe-70-117-0-232.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
garyc | cd burner cyberdrive cw068d wont burn cds - used Naulilus - K3b - Gnomebaker - cd never burns | 07:54 |
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ORiON2012 | Kataklsym: glad you got it working | 07:54 |
garyc | anybody | 07:54 |
ORiON2012 | Kataklsym: how's that for a delayed response? | 07:54 |
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garyc | what's the best ftp server for ubuntu???????? | 07:55 |
garyc | what's the best ftp server for ubuntu???????? | 07:55 |
ORiON2012 | garyc: the best? don't know, but ProFTPD is very good | 07:55 |
Kataklsym | lol | 07:56 |
dbl_ | why is i can log in to the destop? | 07:56 |
garyc | ORiON2012 Is it in the synaptic manager | 07:56 |
Kataklsym | thanks ORiON2012 | 07:56 |
ORiON2012 | garyc: yes | 07:56 |
dabar | cutiegurl: they can work, yes. Howver, you should install things through the synaptic package manager. What rpm are you looking at? | 07:56 |
esac | does anybody know how to modify the synaptics touch pad sensitivity ? it works fine in windows but in linux its always "seeing" clicks when i just move the mouse around (its not focus follows mouse) | 07:57 |
garyc | ORiON2012 Thanks I'll give it a try | 07:57 |
ORiON2012 | garyc: easy to setup too, see /etc/proftpd.conf | 07:57 |
ORiON2012 | garyc: and http://www.proftpd.org/ | 07:57 |
GhostFreeman | hey backports people | 07:58 |
dbl_ | my computer stop in dos and asking for login and password then when i input it will becom like this "dantoy@Station12:$ | 07:58 |
GhostFreeman | New Firefox is out, get to it | 07:58 |
garyc | ORiON2012 I take it the conf file has explain comments and all????? | 07:58 |
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ORiON2012 | garyc: yes, for simple setups all the info you need is commented in the conf | 07:58 |
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Demantik | anybody know why cpu usage spikes on ubuntu 64 ? | 07:59 |
esac | GhostFreeman: i've heard the backports people are hardly around | 07:59 |
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garyc | ORiON2012 will goto the site proftpd.org | 07:59 |
GhostFreeman | well I guess that answered my own question | 07:59 |
=== omp gasps | ||
omp | ubuntu forums are full of people who don't even know how to spell ubuntu :X | 07:59 |
garyc | ORiON2012 any idea why my cd burner wont burn | 08:00 |
ORiON2012 | Demantik: spikes? is it a certain process? | 08:00 |
Kataklsym | damn, i wish someone woulda told me what i was missing out on when i was using RHEL | 08:00 |
garyc | ORiON2012 cd burner cyberdrive cw068d wont burn cds - used Naulilus - K3b - Gnomebaker - cd never burns | 08:00 |
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Kataklsym | ubuntu rocks! | 08:00 |
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ORiON2012 | garyc: no, I'd need a specific error to help | 08:00 |
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GhostFreeman | yeah, Gentoo is awesome | 08:00 |
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GhostFreeman | wait...where did that come from | 08:00 |
ORiON2012 | GhostFreeman: lol | 08:00 |
Demantik | ORiON2012 - nope...the mouse even moves slow because of it...it goes fine, then u open a program like firefox...whilst its loading, the whole pc runs very slowly..but once the prog is open, it generally goes fine. | 08:00 |
bmecoli- | hey what was that script that mounted FAT drives? | 08:01 |
bmecoli- | I forget | 08:01 |
cesarin | fux im completely lost | 08:01 |
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ferdi | why script? edit /etc/fstab | 08:01 |
ORiON2012 | Demantik: in a term you can run "top" and it will by default) list running processes sorted by their CPU usage | 08:01 |
garyc | ORiON2012 doesn't give an error. it makes the image and goes off to do the burn - the light never comes on and it never comes back | 08:01 |
omp | GhostFreeman: lol | 08:01 |
benplaut | nybble: please turn of the away/back script | 08:01 |
omp | GhostFreeman: the truth is, it is awesome :) | 08:01 |
nybble | already did | 08:01 |
nybble | it wasnt on an hour ago | 08:02 |
garyc | ORiON2012 I have to force quit the app | 08:02 |
bmecoli- | ferdi, I'm not leet anough? | 08:02 |
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nalioth | nybble: not in here please | 08:02 |
tristanmike | Why is it when I run the "uptime" command in the terminal it says there are 2 users, could someone please explain why this is? | 08:02 |
ORiON2012 | garyc: not sure then | 08:02 |
nalioth | tristanmike: there are many users on your linux box | 08:02 |
Demantik | ORiON2012 - yeah, if u just sit on the desktop doing nothing, cpu usage is fine...but any program u run it seems, the cpu usage goes up to like 99% while its loading and everything goes slow for a while, and then corrects itself. | 08:02 |
GhostFreeman | running ssh? | 08:02 |
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nalioth | tristanmike: many automated users, one human | 08:02 |
GhostFreeman | it does that if someone is hooked up on ssh | 08:02 |
garyc | ORiON2012 me neither | 08:02 |
bmecoli- | ferdi, point me to a tutorial and I would be glas to | 08:02 |
tristanmike | nalioth, ok, what's an automated user? | 08:03 |
nalioth | tristanmike: if you have clamav installed and run the clamd, it's a user | 08:03 |
GhostFreeman | if you were being hacked, you would notice your entire filesystem *dissapearing* | 08:03 |
ORiON2012 | Demantik: that's certainly not normal behavior, but I have no idea | 08:03 |
dabar | nalioth: it's not during the uptime, there were x users? | 08:03 |
garyc | ORiON2012 worked fine under windows just before I dumped it and put ubuntu | 08:03 |
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dabar | oh, no its not. | 08:03 |
Demantik | ORiON2012 - Yeah..i havent been able to find any reason for it :( | 08:03 |
ORiON2012 | GhostFreeman: thought the point was to NOT be detected | 08:03 |
nalioth | tristanmike: it's quite common to have multiple "users" shown (they are system daemons) | 08:03 |
dabar | tristanmike: type in w in a terminal for the real answer. | 08:04 |
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GhostFreeman | and? I can't control my system from my powerbook downstairs? | 08:04 |
GhostFreeman | you people aren't fun :( | 08:04 |
tristanmike | nalioth, do you know how I can check what the 2 "users" are? | 08:04 |
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dabar | tristanmike: ^ | 08:04 |
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nalioth | tristanmike: i'm not that advanced, sorry. i just know it's common | 08:04 |
esac | using breezy, don't see amaroK in synaptic, any ideas how to add it ? | 08:05 |
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dabar | tristanmike: and I told you above. | 08:05 |
tristanmike | nalioth, that's ok, thanks very much | 08:05 |
nalioth | tristanmike: on my box right now i show 17 users in my uptime output | 08:05 |
dabar | nalioth: try w shows all users. | 08:05 |
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tristanmike | dabar, your crazy :s | 08:05 |
dabar | even who | 08:05 |
esac | n/m .. add/remove programs has it | 08:05 |
nalioth | dabar: w where? in what? | 08:05 |
tristanmike | nalioth, in the terminal | 08:06 |
dabar | who|w are the two commands that show who is logged in. in the terminal, off course. | 08:06 |
nalioth | w | 08:06 |
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nalioth | wow 17 of me | 08:06 |
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ORiON2012 | dabar: users too :) | 08:06 |
mojo | is it hard to set up internet connection sharing with ubuntu? (i have 5.04 plus backports) | 08:07 |
tristanmike | but what does this mean? If, lets say, my system were comprimised, wouldn't that be me anyway? | 08:07 |
poningru | guys if I wget some image where will that be downloaded to? | 08:07 |
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bmecoli- | damnit I can't edit fstab right for fucks sake will someone please help me and post the location of the script ;/ | 08:07 |
ORiON2012 | poningru: your current directory unless otherwise specified | 08:08 |
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ORiON2012 | poningru: "man wget" for more info | 08:08 |
bmecoli- | !fstab | 08:08 |
ubotu | bmecoli-: Bugger all, i dunno | 08:08 |
landotter | poningru: to your home directory in a new terminal. | 08:08 |
bmecoli- | damnit | 08:08 |
dabar | Mojo: depends on your network setup. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/forum/hardware/InternetConectionSharing?highlight=%28connection%29%7C%28sharing%29 to start | 08:08 |
bmecoli- | it's !something! | 08:08 |
bmecoli- | aagh! | 08:08 |
=== bmecoli- grumbles | ||
tristanmike | bmecoli-, i think /etc/fstab is what your looking for? | 08:08 |
tristanmike | bmecoli-, and watch the language please :) | 08:09 |
bmecoli- | tristanmike, no there's a ubuntu script that will do it for you | 08:09 |
Kataklsym | where do i change to enlightenment once i have it installed? i installed it, now how do i switch to that wm? | 08:09 |
tristanmike | bmecoli-, oh, sorry | 08:09 |
ORiON2012 | Kataklsym: your login manager should have a "session" type button to select it | 08:09 |
Kataklsym | ok | 08:10 |
ORiON2012 | Kataklsym: *session manager | 08:10 |
Kataklsym | no way to change on the fly? | 08:10 |
bmecoli- | !ntfs | 08:10 |
macintoshr | anyone had fun with the new breezy update? | 08:10 |
TokenBad | anyone know why apt-get will not install something and why it gives the error it gives? | 08:10 |
bmecoli- | yes that worked! | 08:10 |
dabar | Mojo, actually, to start, remove backports, comment them out, and then update your package list. then install dnsmasq and ipmasq | 08:10 |
ORiON2012 | Kataklsym: sure you can run it in GNOME, would probably look pretty silly | 08:10 |
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ferdi | TokenBad edit and open the /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:11 |
ORiON2012 | Kataklsym: in the same sense that you can run something like gnome-panel in E | 08:11 |
cesarin | ok guys, I have modified my Xorg.conf.. | 08:11 |
cesarin | do I have to restart my os? | 08:11 |
TokenBad | ferdi, its finding the package | 08:11 |
TokenBad | but its erroring out on the package installed | 08:11 |
tristanmike | bmecoli-, it just struck me, I remember what you're looking for, I think... http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab | 08:11 |
ekimus | cesarin: no just logout so you get back to gdm hit ctrl+alt+backspace, and you're done (that just restarts the x server) | 08:12 |
ferdi | TokenBad, what exactly is the prob? | 08:12 |
mojo | dabar: thx... i'll check that page. i have MSI Athalon64 board w/ 2 gigabit ports and a 3com 10/100 card (pci) in the box. Broadband cable is on the 3com interface and want to share the net with roommate (has win xp). wish me luck... should be fun. bbl with questions if stuck. | 08:12 |
ekimus | cesarin: loging out isn't even necessary but it's nice to allow your application to shutdown gracefully | 08:12 |
cesarin | ok | 08:12 |
TokenBad | I tried sudo apt-get install electricsheep | 08:12 |
TokenBad | and it gave an error when it got to where it went to install it | 08:13 |
dabar | mojo, wish you luck:) | 08:13 |
ferdi | TokenBad, did you install anything else with apt-get before this? | 08:13 |
TokenBad | saying it couldn't overwrite some electricsheep file..cause it was part of xscreensaver or something | 08:13 |
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TokenBad | ferdi, yes | 08:13 |
ferdi | Try aptitude | 08:14 |
bmecoli- | tristanmike, yesh found it by typing !ntfs | 08:14 |
bmecoli- | it sees it now, but I'm going in fstab to see how it did it | 08:14 |
tristanmike | bmecoli-, ahh, two slow | 08:14 |
mojo | dabar: thx.. caught info about ipmasq and dnsmasq, investigating those. u rock. | 08:14 |
xuniluser | Is there a much better app than wine? | 08:15 |
poningru | thanks guys | 08:15 |
TokenBad | ferdi I can paste the error on the paste site..if you want to see | 08:15 |
bmecoli- | /dev/hdb1 /media/0\040GB\040Disk\040(hdb1) vfat rw,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 0 | 08:15 |
bmecoli- | damn, more complex than what I put heh | 08:15 |
ferdi | Pl do not....not allowed | 08:15 |
bmecoli- | and I put fat instead of vfat | 08:15 |
TokenBad | ferdi, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2400 thats the error message | 08:15 |
ferdi | Sorry, beynd me... | 08:16 |
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TokenBad | yeah no one seems to know why | 08:16 |
ferdi | TokenBad, u can update apt itself.. | 08:17 |
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TokenBad | I did apt-get update | 08:17 |
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TokenBad | I did apt-get install --force-yes electricsheep and all that | 08:17 |
ORiON2012 | TokenBad: if you really want it you'll need to download the deb and dpkg -i --force-overwrite, but that's never advisable (you're not supposed to force overwrites) | 08:17 |
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ORiON2012 | TokenBad: cannot be held responsible yadda yadda | 08:18 |
ferdi | TokenBad, then one possibility is the required server is not listed in your /etc/apt/sources.list..check out | 08:18 |
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nalioth | TokenBad: do you have the electricsheep deb in your homedir? | 08:19 |
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TokenBad | I have tried both from the deb file and from apt-get | 08:19 |
ORiON2012 | with --force-overwrite? | 08:19 |
nalioth | TokenBad: do you have the deb in your homedir? | 08:19 |
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TokenBad | nalioth, yes | 08:19 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
TokenBad | hey it gave a new error this time | 08:20 |
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TokenBad | using the force-overwrite | 08:20 |
=== ColonelKernel hangs himself over the inability to get 2.6.13+ vanilla kernels to work with ubuntu | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by nalioth | ||
ORiON2012 | TokenBad: pls paste in #flood | 08:20 |
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TokenBad | it didn't give that error before | 08:21 |
benplaut | nalioth: bots again? | 08:21 |
ORiON2012 | TokenBad: apt-get install curl xloadimage | 08:21 |
ORiON2012 | TokenBad: then try again | 08:21 |
nalioth | benplaut: now they'r nickchanging | 08:21 |
benplaut | oof | 08:21 |
tristanmike | TokenBad, check here http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43718 | 08:21 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
TokenBad | ORiON2012, it worked now | 08:22 |
TokenBad | no errors on install | 08:22 |
nalioth | benplaut: i hate nickchanging | 08:22 |
nalioth | TokenBad: did you follow what i sent? | 08:22 |
TokenBad | nalioth, ORiON2012 already told me to do that | 08:22 |
TokenBad | which I did | 08:22 |
nalioth | TokenBad: good! | 08:22 |
TokenBad | and it gave the new errors | 08:22 |
TokenBad | which I posted in flood to ORiON2012 | 08:22 |
TokenBad | and then using the new commands he gave me..and then retrying it worked | 08:22 |
TokenBad | that was first time ever got that kind of error | 08:23 |
dabar | mojo: I have ip sharing using it right now, my friend that came over is using it on my iBook right now...it involves a bit of setup... | 08:23 |
ORiON2012 | TokenBad: electricsheep is pretty effin' sweet but it eats a lot of resources for me | 08:23 |
TokenBad | ORiON2012, thanks so much... | 08:23 |
ColonelKernel | hey does ubuntu 5.10 come with a 2.6.13 kernel? or will it be I mean? | 08:23 |
TokenBad | yeah its great | 08:23 |
ORiON2012 | TokenBad: no problem | 08:23 |
TokenBad | how much you have in resources? | 08:23 |
TokenBad | and how much it eat? | 08:23 |
ORiON2012 | ColonelKernel: I *think* they're sticking to .12 for the release | 08:23 |
ORiON2012 | TokenBad: my heatsink fan never stopped screaming so I stopped using it | 08:24 |
ColonelKernel | damnit!!! | 08:24 |
ColonelKernel | everything in ubuntu totally rocks except for that | 08:24 |
TokenBad | heheh...well I got 1 gig of ram and 2.7 proc running at 2.1ghz..so... | 08:24 |
TokenBad | hope thats enough | 08:24 |
ColonelKernel | TokenBad, why underclocking? | 08:25 |
ORiON2012 | ColonelKernel: I'm sure there will be updates though... ? | 08:25 |
TokenBad | ColonelKernel, I don't... | 08:25 |
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TokenBad | its just what it runs at... | 08:25 |
TokenBad | for some reason | 08:25 |
ColonelKernel | TokenBad, is it a mobile processor or something? | 08:25 |
TokenBad | its a amd 2.7+ running at 2.1 | 08:25 |
ColonelKernel | ahh | 08:25 |
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tristanmike | Good Night, thanx for the help all! | 08:26 |
TokenBad | not like that means anything to me | 08:26 |
TokenBad | heheh | 08:26 |
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ColonelKernel | thats normal - the actual speed of the CPU is less than the rated speed on it - Ive got an amd 2500+ it runs at 1813 | 08:26 |
TokenBad | yep | 08:26 |
ColonelKernel | thats because the AMD cpu's can do a lot more with a lot less | 08:26 |
TokenBad | I tried overclocking once...in windows..but didn't have much luck so gave up on it | 08:27 |
TokenBad | heheh | 08:27 |
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ColonelKernel | my 2500+ keeps up with my intel 2.6 no problem | 08:27 |
ColonelKernel | everything but stuff that HT takes advantage of anyhow | 08:27 |
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ColonelKernel | the 2.6 beats the pants off of the amd for video compression and compilation of thangs | 08:28 |
TokenBad | well think I am going to fix something to eat and get to bed...got long day tomorrow and just got back from hospital right before got on here | 08:28 |
ColonelKernel | and unfortunately I get a lot better videos off of winxp than I do off of linux | 08:28 |
ColonelKernel | just from the interface | 08:28 |
FatDarrel | ColonelKernel, do you kow why ? | 08:28 |
TokenBad | I couldn't find anything to do converting from one movie format to another on linux... | 08:28 |
FatDarrel | ColonelKernel, you can always change the priority rating and that shoudl help | 08:28 |
ColonelKernel | FatDarrel, because I dont know the command line options are to use in linux | 08:29 |
FatDarrel | If i ship out a pc do i have to take out the memory and/or pci cards ? | 08:29 |
FatDarrel | ColonelKernel, oh ok | 08:29 |
ColonelKernel | and in windows I just have to check a few boxes | 08:29 |
jconner | what is the best way to update the OS | 08:29 |
Hylas | Is it possible to run games on an ntfs partition with cedega? | 08:29 |
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ferdi | Yes correct--see how it is in commandline mplayer | 08:29 |
TokenBad | FatDarrel, I would advise it... | 08:29 |
TokenBad | unless you want to be like my friend | 08:29 |
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ORiON2012 | jconner: update releases (hoary -> breezy) or just software in general? | 08:30 |
ferdi | ColonelKarnel, try mplayer...you will be forced to change your opinion | 08:30 |
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chavo | Hylas, it usually doesn't work | 08:30 |
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ColonelKernel | ferdi, mplayer is aplayer, not a compressor | 08:30 |
Hylas | Yeah? I'm getting error 21 :( | 08:30 |
ORiON2012 | Hylas: there is no effective and safe way to write to NTFS, so no | 08:30 |
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Hylas | fat32 all the way then :) | 08:31 |
TokenBad | ColonelKernel, actually using a program with mplayer it is supposed to do compression...but I didn't have much luck with it | 08:31 |
chavo | yeah fat32 works fine | 08:31 |
jconner | excuse my noobness | 08:31 |
AngryParsley | chavo: unless you have a really big hard drive | 08:31 |
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ColonelKernel | TokenBad, i'd be stoked if I could just use xmpeg with linux | 08:31 |
W_DraGoN | fux.. my x got ruined | 08:32 |
ferdi | ColonelKernel, sorry but I think you need encoder isn't it? | 08:32 |
TokenBad | let me see if I can remember the program ColonelKernel | 08:32 |
W_DraGoN | hey cafuego_, give me a hand man | 08:32 |
ColonelKernel | ferdi, mencoder yeah | 08:32 |
jconner | i suppose i want to go from hoary to breezy | 08:32 |
chavo | AngryParsley, I've got 2 250Gbs here | 08:32 |
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ferdi | So mencoder is all that powerful.. | 08:32 |
W_DraGoN | it refused to boot and while reloading gnome it says "failed to start the X server ( your graphical interface ), its not set properly | 08:32 |
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AngryParsley | chavo: yeah, and your cluster size must be massive | 08:32 |
W_DraGoN | the error inside the log says " no screens found" | 08:32 |
ColonelKernel | but i'd have to know the command line options, which are going to be atrocious , while in linux its a couple of boxes checked and im done | 08:32 |
chavo | well no I didn't say 250Gb partition | 08:32 |
ORiON2012 | jconner: Breezy is the upcomming (read in development and therefore unstable) release of Ubuntu | 08:32 |
AngryParsley | chavo: oh | 08:32 |
AngryParsley | well I like big partitions | 08:33 |
AngryParsley | and I can not lie | 08:33 |
AngryParsley | all you other brother's can't deny... (etc) | 08:33 |
TokenBad | ColonelKernel, it was called mencoder | 08:33 |
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ORiON2012 | when a girls walks in... | 08:33 |
W_DraGoN | ORiON2012: help? | 08:33 |
W_DraGoN | im cesarin | 08:33 |
ColonelKernel | is there any place anywhere where I can beg the developers to hook up a howto on how to use 2.6.13+ vanilla kernels on ubuntu? | 08:33 |
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ColonelKernel | TokenBad, yeah - bummers for me | 08:33 |
Cesarin | <-- changed the frecuency manually and it then refused to reload | 08:34 |
jconner | how about performance. right now i have the default install off the 5.04 cd | 08:34 |
ColonelKernel | I am not competant enought to do good video compression with command line | 08:34 |
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TokenBad | I tried reading the site but couldn't get the hang of it either | 08:34 |
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ferdi | Cesarin, will it not destroy your Vsync settings? | 08:34 |
Cesarin | ferdi? o_O | 08:35 |
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Cesarin | my error again.. " failed to start the X server ( yoour graphical interface ) its not set correctly. | 08:35 |
aejhay | eelo | 08:35 |
ORiON2012 | Cesarin: in a terminal you need to "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE | less" and tell me what it says | 08:35 |
aejhay | borng | 08:35 |
Cesarin | then inside the log it says "no screens found" | 08:35 |
ORiON2012 | Cesarin: in #flood | 08:35 |
ferdi | Cesarin, yes i mean meddling with the Freq is not recommended..by HW manufacturer | 08:36 |
Cesarin | ORiON2012: im on winbloze | 08:36 |
ORiON2012 | Cesarin: scroll up and look for lines that start with "EE" | 08:36 |
Cesarin | so unless you have a plugin for winbloze to access a linux partition.. | 08:36 |
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Cesarin | ORiON2012: problem is, I cant even load gnome, thus I dont know how to tell you the information or even send you the log | 08:37 |
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Promit | hey guys, I have PHP 4 and I want to enable GD2 | 08:37 |
Promit | how do I do that? | 08:37 |
Lichte | I've been using Breezy for a month with no problems, I just now updated though and now X and Alsa are broken | 08:37 |
ORiON2012 | jconner: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowTo for all about software upgrading/removal/installation | 08:38 |
[Chameleon] | Cesarin: /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 08:38 |
=== ironwolf [n=ironwolf@c-67-188-204-176.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ORiON2012 | Cesarin: if you can't get X you need to type that command in a tty | 08:38 |
ORiON2012 | Cesarin: CTRL+ALT+F1 | 08:38 |
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Lichte | can anyone get X to work ?? | 08:38 |
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Cesarin | should I write absolutely everything it says? its a whole bunch of stuff | 08:39 |
Cesarin | I seen the logs.. >_< | 08:39 |
oolon | Lichte, startx | 08:39 |
Cesarin | anyway the log clearly says " no screen founds" | 08:39 |
inan_ | X is working? | 08:39 |
Lichte | oolon: it's broken | 08:39 |
inan_ | hehe | 08:39 |
ferdi | Cesarin, try dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg | 08:39 |
ORiON2012 | Cesarin: that grep EE will filter out everything else | 08:39 |
Lichte | no, X isn't working | 08:39 |
Cesarin | ok ok wait a minute... | 08:39 |
Cesarin | you're all flooding me with commands, wich one is the correct one | 08:39 |
ORiON2012 | ferdi: he's trying to get fglrx working, so no | 08:39 |
Lichte | oolon: read my previous statement | 08:39 |
inan_ | make him work | 08:39 |
inan_ | did u pay him? | 08:39 |
inan_ | joke | 08:40 |
Cesarin | ORiON2012: havent even activated fglrx | 08:40 |
inan_ | =D | 08:40 |
inan_ | anyway.. | 08:40 |
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inan_ | is wine usually runs slower than windows? | 08:40 |
ORiON2012 | Cesarin: that's probably the source of the error though, you don't want to erase all your configs | 08:40 |
Cesarin | ORiON2012: I just used the trick of cafuego_ to set my monitor frecuency | 08:40 |
ferdi | ORiON2012, Ohh..I didn't get that. | 08:40 |
Lichte | has anyone upgraded Breezy in the past hour ?? | 08:40 |
Cesarin | lichte: I just did | 08:40 |
Lichte | Cesarin: is it working ? | 08:40 |
ORiON2012 | Cesarin: oh, then listen to ferdi | 08:40 |
bob2 | Lichte: best to just ask your real question | 08:40 |
Lichte | bob2: I thought I did | 08:41 |
ORiON2012 | Cesarin: that'll set everything back to normal | 08:41 |
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Cesarin | ok holdf on, let me write what ferdi said | 08:41 |
ORiON2012 | Cesarin: and you can go from there | 08:41 |
bob2 | Lichte: you have no follow up question to that? | 08:41 |
Lichte | bob2: if I had a mouse, I'd paste it again | 08:41 |
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Cesarin | ok, after I do that command of reconfigure, should it all auto detect everything? | 08:41 |
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Cesarin | problem is I want it to detect my G75f+ from viewsonic | 08:42 |
ORiON2012 | Cesarin: that'll put everything back to defaults | 08:42 |
Cesarin | ok then | 08:42 |
oolon | does dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg work Lichte | 08:42 |
Cesarin | that would do | 08:42 |
Lichte | oolon: the xorg.conf is fine | 08:42 |
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Lichte | oolon: the problem is that X can't find the mouse | 08:42 |
Cesarin | will try in a few | 08:42 |
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Lichte | oolon: there is no /dev/input/mice or /dev/psaux | 08:42 |
ORiON2012 | who's oolon? | 08:43 |
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Lichte | oolon: I JUST upgraded Breezy and now those devices are missing | 08:43 |
=== Kataklsym [n=deathbyk@h197.161.140.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kataklsym | whats the equivalent to the make command in linux? | 08:44 |
ORiON2012 | Lichte: if you're referring to me, I was speaking to Cesarin, not you, bob2 was trying to help you out | 08:44 |
Kataklsym | i mean ubuntu, not linux | 08:44 |
Kataklsym | lol | 08:44 |
Lichte | ORiON2012: no, I was answering oolon | 08:44 |
dabar | it is also make, Kataklsym | 08:44 |
ORiON2012 | Lichte: oh, sorry | 08:44 |
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Lichte | ORiON2012: oolon asked me if I'd reconfigured X, so I told him that xorg.conf is just fine | 08:44 |
Kataklsym | dabar: i get command not found when i try make | 08:45 |
=== ColonelKernel slashes his wrists himself over the inability to get 2.6.13+ vanilla kernels to work with ubuntu | ||
Kataklsym | root@ubuntu:/tmp/webcam# make | 08:45 |
Kataklsym | bash: make: command not found | 08:45 |
ColonelKernel | pardon my lack of proper grammar there | 08:45 |
scragnoff | hi guys is it possible to install directx, asides from using winex | 08:45 |
ORiON2012 | Kataklsym: apt-get it | 08:46 |
Lichte | ok, lets try this: how can I get /dev/input/mice back ? | 08:46 |
ferdi | Cesarin, no,...just choose your option in the select place..rest are auto. | 08:46 |
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dabar | Kataklsym: why are you root, and what are you compiling. | 08:46 |
Cesarin | okey thanks ferdi | 08:46 |
=== oolon is still running hoary | ||
Cesarin | I will do it in a few | 08:46 |
=== dabar is too | ||
Cesarin | im atm inside my "porn" doze :P | 08:47 |
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dabar | Cesarin: too much info | 08:47 |
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Cesarin | I know :P | 08:47 |
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qt2 | bah, damn xorg.conf... | 08:48 |
qt2 | my side button on the right is right clicking, and the side button on the left is middle clicking... x_x; | 08:49 |
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Cesarin | ok, to do that I go!! | 08:49 |
Lichte | Cesarin: is X working after your upgrade ? | 08:49 |
qt2 | ny idea how i fix that? | 08:49 |
Cesarin | lichte: had no clue, Im having troubles configuring my monitor | 08:49 |
qt2 | *any | 08:49 |
Cesarin | let me reset my configuration and ill tell you | 08:50 |
Lichte | Cesarin: k | 08:50 |
Cesarin | but I dont think it was the update's fault | 08:50 |
Cesarin | but my own stupidty, maybe I added something that didnt belong in the configuration file | 08:50 |
Lichte | Cesarin: my system was running just fine until I updated | 08:50 |
ORiON2012 | Lichte: so the device does not exist? | 08:51 |
Lichte | ORiON2012: nope | 08:51 |
Lichte | ORiON2012: it did before I did the upgrade | 08:51 |
ORiON2012 | Lichte: try lsmod | grep mouse | 08:51 |
Lichte | ORiON2012: mousedev | 08:51 |
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ORiON2012 | Lichte: hmmm | 08:51 |
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ORiON2012 | Lichte: /dev/input/mice, right? what kind of mouse? | 08:52 |
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Kataklsym | hmm what does this mean? | 08:52 |
Kataklsym | root@ubuntu:/tmp/webcam# make | 08:52 |
Kataklsym | Building SPCA5XX driver for 2.5/2.6 kernel. | 08:52 |
Kataklsym | Remember: you must have read/write access to your kernel source tree. | 08:52 |
Kataklsym | make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build SUBDIRS=/tmp/webcam CC=cc modules | 08:52 |
Kataklsym | make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.12-8-386/build: No such file or directory. Stop. | 08:52 |
Kataklsym | make: *** [default] Error 2 | 08:52 |
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Lichte | ORiON2012: I have a USB mouse, it's uhci | 08:52 |
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bob2 | Kataklsym: that error seems pretty clear | 08:53 |
Kataklsym | yes i know | 08:53 |
bob2 | Kataklsym: make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.12-8-386/build: No such file or directory. Stop. | 08:53 |
bob2 | Kataklsym: sudo aptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 08:53 |
Kataklsym | but i dont have that directory | 08:53 |
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ORiON2012 | Lichte: is it listed with lsusb? | 08:54 |
Lichte | ORiON2012: yes | 08:54 |
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Lichte | ORiON2012: and all the usb modules are loaded | 08:54 |
dabar | Kataklsym: it means use http://paste.ubuntulilnux.nl to paste large amounts of text, and dont flood the channel. | 08:54 |
Kataklsym | im sorry | 08:54 |
dabar | I want action, not sadness:) meaning, dont do it, dont feel sad. | 08:55 |
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ORiON2012 | Lichte: do any mouse# devices exist in /dev/input? | 08:55 |
Lichte | ORiON2012: there is no /dev/input | 08:55 |
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Lichte | ORiON2012: it's gone | 08:56 |
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Kataklsym | gosh what else did ubuntu install leave out | 08:56 |
Kataklsym | now i need cc | 08:56 |
Kataklsym | what package is it in | 08:56 |
bob2 | Kataklsym: no, install build-essential | 08:56 |
=== purple [n=~@cpe-66-69-205-250.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kataklsym | bob2: what do u mean? | 08:57 |
bob2 | Kataklsym: install the package "build-essental" | 08:57 |
Kataklsym | oh | 08:57 |
ORiON2012 | Lichte: erm... | 08:57 |
nalioth | Kataklsym: for cc install "build-essential" | 08:57 |
ORiON2012 | take it away bob2 | 08:57 |
bob2 | gcc by itself is not very useful | 08:57 |
oli | im a linux novice, can someone help me out, need to setup cable net but have no clue where to start | 08:57 |
bob2 | ORiON2012: you sound like pete tong | 08:57 |
ORiON2012 | bob2: it's all gone ...? | 08:58 |
dabar | why pete tong? | 08:58 |
Kataklsym | i'll eventually get the hang of this new distro | 08:58 |
Kataklsym | heh | 08:58 |
Kataklsym | thanks to all u for the help | 08:58 |
Kataklsym | :D | 08:58 |
dabar | $20 | 08:58 |
dabar | :P | 08:58 |
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W_DraGoN | bah | 08:58 |
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Cesarin | "command reconfigure needs root" | 08:59 |
purple | Read this bob2 http://www.majalah.com/ | 08:59 |
Cesarin | I loged out from my normal username, and used my default pass for root, it didnt worked..wtf is going on? :/ | 08:59 |
ORiON2012 | Cesarin: sudo <the command> | 08:59 |
oli | no internet help, oh well, more fun to figure it out the hard way, take care eveyr one | 08:59 |
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Cesarin | orion: then it was just sudo dpkg bla bla bla bla ? | 08:59 |
purple | exit | 08:59 |
purple | quit | 08:59 |
purple | buy | 08:59 |
ORiON2012 | Cesarin: yeah | 08:59 |
Cesarin | arggggh x_X | 08:59 |
=== Cesarin pokes ferdi | ||
Cesarin | why you didnt tell me that lol :P | 09:00 |
Cesarin | <-- perfeccionist and always writes as others says it | 09:00 |
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ORiON2012 | Cesarin: anytime anything needs root try sudo | 09:00 |
Cesarin | okey, thanks again | 09:00 |
concept10 | what linux based software is best for creating corporate logos (vector based) | 09:00 |
bob2 | dabar: he hosts a radio show on BBC and says things like "taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake it away" and "turrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrn it up!" | 09:00 |
Cesarin | bbl | 09:00 |
bob2 | concept10: inkscape is nice | 09:00 |
Cesarin | (again) :P | 09:00 |
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Cesarin | btw ORiON2012: you know why ubuntu loads VERY SLOW? | 09:00 |
Cesarin | specially the network devices? | 09:00 |
Cesarin | when it "initializing network devices" takes almost a sec | 09:01 |
Cesarin | a minute I mean | 09:01 |
ORiON2012 | Cesarin: no | 09:01 |
Cesarin | seems it doesnt like my onboard "marvel YUKON" | 09:01 |
concept10 | bob2: I will try that, gimp is too difficult to create a logo with IMO | 09:01 |
Cesarin | from my asus mobo | 09:01 |
Licker | Question: When installing packages does it matter where they are installed too? | 09:02 |
ORiON2012 | Licker: depends if you care or not... | 09:02 |
bob2 | Licker: dpkg/apt/synaptic/whatever always install packages to the same root location | 09:02 |
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Licker | ohh bob2 is still here | 09:03 |
Licker | :p | 09:03 |
Lichte | ORiON2012: do I need to reconfigure udev ? | 09:03 |
ferdi | Cesarin, the thing is do that in ubuntu safemode | 09:03 |
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ORiON2012 | Lichte: dunno | 09:04 |
Lichte | hmmmm | 09:04 |
holy_cow | mythtv rocks | 09:04 |
Lichte | so, I'm the only one to upgrade and then lose the mouse and alsa ? | 09:04 |
ORiON2012 | holy_cow: yes it does | 09:04 |
holy_cow | best piece of oss software geared for consumers | 09:04 |
holy_cow | ORiON2012, ^5 :) | 09:04 |
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inan_ | hmm | 09:05 |
Licker | Bob2: so if everything has been auto instyalling into /etc/ i should just keep it that way? | 09:05 |
inan_ | GTA runs on linux? | 09:05 |
holy_cow | it's so solid performing too | 09:05 |
holy_cow | no glitches | 09:05 |
holy_cow | no crashes | 09:05 |
inan_ | GTA vice city runs on linux? | 09:05 |
=== citrus [n=citrus@ip68-6-87-26.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
citrus | how do i upgrade to breezy guys? | 09:06 |
ORiON2012 | inan_: with Cedega | 09:06 |
catfox | anyone know if i can use an adblock extension in epiphany? | 09:06 |
Licker | ORiON2012: whats Cedega | 09:06 |
dabar | citrus: breezy is still not released. | 09:06 |
ORiON2012 | !tell Licker about cedega | 09:07 |
Licker | o.O | 09:07 |
bob2 | Licker: er | 09:07 |
bob2 | Licker: what do you mean by "everything"? | 09:07 |
bob2 | Licker: crap you install from source should be in /usr/local/ | 09:07 |
inan_ | ORiON2012, how bout wine? | 09:07 |
Licker | well. when i apt-get install programs they all went to /etc/ dir | 09:07 |
ORiON2012 | inan_: CD-Protection doesn't work with wine | 09:07 |
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Licker | LAMP | 09:08 |
dabar | citrus, thus it is unstable. on another note... /topic | 09:08 |
inan_ | where can we get free Cedega? | 09:08 |
inan_ | =D | 09:08 |
qt2 | is breezy transitioning to stable now or something, btw? | 09:08 |
ColonelKernel | yeah without tmpfs and devfs ubuntu aint gonna work right | 09:08 |
ORiON2012 | inan_: from CVS, but protection doesn't work there either | 09:08 |
qt2 | inan_: just get wine cvs :/ | 09:08 |
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inan_ | i have done with CVS | 09:09 |
bob2 | Licker: where "LAMP" is? | 09:09 |
inan_ | vs checkout: Updating wine/tsx11 | 09:09 |
inan_ | cvs checkout: Updating wine/unicode | 09:09 |
inan_ | cvs checkout: Updating wine/win32 | 09:09 |
inan_ | cvs checkout: Updating wine/windows | 09:09 |
inan_ | cvs checkout: Updating wine/windows/ttydrv | 09:09 |
inan_ | cvs checkout: Updating wine/windows/x11drv | 09:09 |
inan_ | now i dont know what to do next | 09:09 |
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inan_ | =) | 09:09 |
Licker | it was installed in /etc/ dir | 09:09 |
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ORiON2012 | inan_: winehq.org | 09:09 |
qt2 | inan_: http://www.winehq.org/ | 09:09 |
ORiON2012 | inan_: or #winehq | 09:09 |
inan_ | vitamin is gone | 09:09 |
inan_ | no one answers | 09:09 |
inan_ | =) | 09:09 |
dabar | inan_: use paste.ubuntulinux.nl to paste. dont paste here, it makes my text scroll off the screen | 09:09 |
Licker | LAMP - Linux,Apache,PHP,MySql | 09:10 |
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Viking667 | Good evening, all. Is anyone here using Speech interface? I've tried getting it to run, but no luck. | 09:10 |
ORiON2012 | inan_: websites provide answers too | 09:10 |
esac | does gnome have the transparency integration like KDE does ? | 09:10 |
inan_ | ok thankx | 09:10 |
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inan_ | http://www.winehq.org/site/cvs <-- here i think | 09:10 |
inan_ | =D | 09:10 |
inan_ | brb | 09:10 |
ORiON2012 | esac: you can set panel transparency | 09:10 |
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bob2 | so | 09:10 |
bob2 | compiling wine = #winehq's problem, not ours | 09:11 |
garyc | just installed wu-ftpd - I am at a complete loss. It is not in any of the menus. How is it accessed and setup | 09:11 |
dabar | garyc: are you installing a ftp server? | 09:11 |
ORiON2012 | garyc: it's a server, runs as a daemon or through xinetd | 09:11 |
zxsykco | Didn't have any problems compiling wine.. | 09:11 |
garyc | is there a gui or is it all command line stuff | 09:11 |
bob2 | garyc: it's a daemon, it has no gui or use interface of any kind | 09:11 |
garyc | dabar I want to setup an ftp server | 09:12 |
dabar | bob2: funny you would say that. | 09:12 |
dabar | use interface, or user interface? | 09:12 |
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Viking667 | hrm. okay. | 09:12 |
dabar | garyc: and, what, its not working? | 09:12 |
scragnoff | hi can anyone help me install directx in ubuntu, if at all possible | 09:12 |
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bob2 | dabar: er, user | 09:13 |
bob2 | scragnoff: to do what? | 09:13 |
PlutoPrime | garyc, if you want gui, look into webmin. it's a web interface for all sorts of server services including ftp.. I know it has a frontend for vsftp and proftp not sure wu-ftp | 09:13 |
ORiON2012 | garyc: I know proftpd has a gui called gproftpd, not sure as to wuftpd | 09:13 |
dabar | garyc: I mean, you cant login using ftp to your computer? | 09:13 |
garyc | dabar I installed it using synaptic - now what | 09:13 |
scragnoff | hi bob, to launch games | 09:13 |
scragnoff | hi bob2, to launch games | 09:13 |
bob2 | scragnoff: www.transgaming.com | 09:13 |
ORiON2012 | lol | 09:13 |
PlutoPrime | garyc, all your linux box users have access to their home dir now using their linux account | 09:13 |
=== snd [n=h@pool-151-205-108-205.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scragnoff | thx bob2 | 09:14 |
Lichte | garyc: ftp localhost | 09:14 |
ORiON2012 | wine/cedega is such a popular subject in #wine... errr #ubuntu | 09:14 |
snd | just wondering, locally i can su to root, but via ssh, i cant su, is it because the user needs to be in a certain group? | 09:14 |
PlutoPrime | garyc, you can change ports and other settings by editing the config file | 09:14 |
=== Viking667 finally got DRI to work, only, running gnubik crashes my X server, and locks the computer console. I have to ssh in to reboot. Still, the screensavers look neat now. | ||
snd | i never seen it be allowed locally but not remotely like that | 09:14 |
dabar | bob2: a daemon, server in particular, ftp, or ssh, or apache, obviously has to have a user interface to be useful, right? | 09:14 |
Viking667 | But I guess that's the only program that makes grief. | 09:14 |
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dabar | garyc: now open a terminal, and ftp localhost | 09:15 |
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PlutoPrime | snd, when you are connecting remotely you can't type "su" as username | 09:15 |
bob2 | snd: su doesn't work at all in a default ubuntu setup, so the problem is related to howver you enabled it | 09:15 |
PlutoPrime | you have to first login as a normal user | 09:15 |
bob2 | dabar: well, their UI is whatever network service they present, I guess | 09:15 |
snd | i tried sudo remotely too | 09:15 |
snd | is that blocked out by default too? | 09:15 |
Viking667 | bob2, it doesn't? I got it working with one command. | 09:15 |
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dabar | bob2: ya, that is what I meant, good. | 09:15 |
esac | hey bob2, running from breezy now :) | 09:15 |
Viking667 | esac, any trouble so far? | 09:16 |
dabar | garyc: over a network, a ftp server is a bad idea. it does not use any encryption, not even for your password. use sftp, as in vsftpd, that is a sftp server. | 09:16 |
bob2 | Viking667: yes | 09:16 |
bob2 | esac: no problems? | 09:16 |
garyc | dabar I will open a term window - my goal is to have an ftp site on the web that can be use to send files back and forth | 09:16 |
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esac | bob2 : my synaptics touch pad is way too touchy, and i can't figure out how to change it | 09:17 |
PlutoPrime | garyc, I also recommend vsftp | 09:17 |
Viking667 | bob2, I got sudo to create me a password on the root account, so that I can do the stuff I have to do as root, ... | 09:17 |
esac | bob2 : i put my thumb on the touch pad just to move the mouse and it immediately registers a click. didn't do this in hoary | 09:17 |
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bob2 | Viking667: yes | 09:18 |
esac | anybody know how to set it up so i can just ping all of my windows machines on my network by name instead of having to setup a hosts entry for each one ? | 09:18 |
bob2 | esac: ah | 09:18 |
ORiON2012 | bot city | 09:18 |
Lichte | esac: do a broadcast ping | 09:18 |
Viking667 | lol. Right. I've got to go rub someone's feet. Be back soon. | 09:18 |
garyc | PlutoPrime I looked in the synaptic manager and just picked one. I want some people to be able to upload and download to my box. It is really a learning experience | 09:18 |
esac | Lichte : how is that ? | 09:18 |
dabar | Viking667: too much information. | 09:19 |
Lichte | esac: ping -b | 09:19 |
esac | Lichte : thats the first thing i tried, but it didnt work | 09:19 |
esac | Lichte : i can ping by ip just fine tho | 09:19 |
gorodek | hi all, i'm new to ubuntu and have a question about performance problems with latest ati driver and gnome. | 09:19 |
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Lichte | esac: and then give the broadcast address | 09:19 |
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gorodek | when running glxgears i got 100% cpu load and moving/resizing windows leads to the same | 09:20 |
dabar | garyc: good, you can now learn that sftp is a better idea than ftp. what OS are your friends using? | 09:20 |
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dabar | garyc: do you use a router? | 09:20 |
esac | Lichte : that's great and all, i just get replies from every system on the network. I want to be able to terminal server into one of them by name | 09:20 |
Lichte | esac: your broadcast address should end in .255 | 09:20 |
er4z0r | re | 09:20 |
garyc | PlutoPrime - does vsftp allow people to use cuteftp or wsftp to put and get file on the server | 09:20 |
xploz | z/msg nickserv identify a | 09:20 |
ORiON2012 | gorodek: using software rendering will do that | 09:20 |
xploz | z/msg nickserv identify a13579z | 09:20 |
ORiON2012 | xploz: m'kay | 09:20 |
garyc | davar most use windows. one uses linux | 09:21 |
ORiON2012 | xploz: shout prob change htat pass now | 09:21 |
er4z0r | *g* | 09:21 |
qt2 | ...so is it safe to upgrade to breezy now? | 09:21 |
garyc | dabar most use windows. one uses linux | 09:21 |
Lichte | esac: then you need to setup hosts | 09:21 |
xploz | yep ! buet it's not the good one, sorry | 09:21 |
gorodek | ORiON2012, i'm currently using "direct rendering: yes" (glxinfo), what have to be changed? | 09:21 |
dabar | garyc: the linux friend use gnome? do you have a router? | 09:21 |
garyc | dabar yes. I have a sbcglobal dsl router | 09:22 |
esac | Lichte : there has got to be a way with samba | 09:22 |
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garyc | dabar right now no ports are forwarded | 09:22 |
dabar | garyc: you may have to set up port forwarding. | 09:22 |
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ORiON2012 | gorodek: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 09:23 |
gorodek | ORiON2012, thx i will have look | 09:23 |
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Lichte | qt2: I've been using it for a month with no problem, but I just upgraded and it's broken now | 09:24 |
garyc | dabar can people upload files to a folder once it is setup _ and can I set up a username and password | 09:24 |
bob2 | qt2: if you have to ask, no | 09:24 |
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_rhythm | hi | 09:24 |
qt2 | bob2, Lichte: ah, i assumd it was pretty stable considering the preview release news on the site... :/ | 09:25 |
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_rhythm | hi | 09:25 |
garyc | davar also is vsftp is synaptic manager | 09:25 |
Lichte | qt2: it has been, until tonight | 09:25 |
bob2 | qt2: it's quite stable for a development version | 09:25 |
_rhythm | hi | 09:25 |
garyc | dabar also is vsftp in synaptic manager | 09:25 |
ORiON2012 | garyc: yes, and most FTP servers use the system users to auth against by default, you can use virtual user setups too though | 09:26 |
dabar | garyc: to do that, you should read the manual of the router, and it may be available online. also, I believe the cuteftp and wsftp(being that they are not total crap programs) can be set up for sftp. and you shoudl definitely consider sftp. to make users for them to log in with sftp, just make users for them, as you would for a user of your computer. They will then have a /home/username folder, and can write to it. All other folders, t | 09:26 |
bbcs08 | hi | 09:26 |
dabar | garyc: go tell me whether it is there. | 09:26 |
inan_ | hi pud | 09:26 |
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qt2 | dabar: as fasr as partfowardin on his router goes, http://www.portforward.com/ is rather informative :P | 09:27 |
xploz | so.... sorry 4 the pass on chan... | 09:27 |
dabar | garyc: synaptic package manager pulls packages from a list of repositories that you set up for it. the file for that is /etc/apt/sources.list. it can be edited using synaptic. http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 09:27 |
ORiON2012 | xploz: no need to apologize | 09:27 |
yahalom | hey guys. i have no volume. I get the error: no volume control elements and/or devices found | 09:27 |
yahalom | Sound worked great last night | 09:28 |
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yahalom | i had an issue wher emy xorg crashed and i found that my mouse had changed from /dev/inpunt/mice to /dev/input/mouse0 | 09:28 |
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yahalom | so maybe something similar? device renamed by updates? | 09:28 |
Lichte | yahalom: I have the same two issues | 09:28 |
Lichte | yahalom: I have no /dev/input at all now though | 09:29 |
dabar | yahalom: is esd running? | 09:29 |
qt2 | now, onto my slightly more mundane question, how the hell do i fix my side mose buttons in my xorg.conf? :E | 09:29 |
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Lichte | yahalom: my sound also doesn't work | 09:29 |
yahalom | umm | 09:29 |
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yahalom | Lichte: what do u have in /dev/input? | 09:29 |
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ORiON2012 | qt2: google is our master, http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=46 | 09:30 |
Lichte | yahalom: there is no /dev/input | 09:30 |
yahalom | dabar: let me see, wait how do i check? | 09:30 |
Madpilot | qt2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ManyButtonsMouseHowto | 09:30 |
ferdi | Lichte, are you using ESD/ | 09:30 |
Lichte | yahalom: it's gone | 09:30 |
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Lichte | ferdi: nope | 09:30 |
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Lichte | ferdi: I'm getting Alsa errors | 09:30 |
dabar | yahalom: try to start it: esd in a terminal | 09:30 |
Lichte | ferdi: on boot | 09:30 |
yahalom | Lichte: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 09:30 |
ferdi | For a change try esd in place of ALSA | 09:30 |
yahalom | then see if it add something | 09:30 |
Lichte | yahalom: xorg.conf is fine! | 09:30 |
yahalom | ferdi: in my case i cant even enter the properties | 09:31 |
dabar | ferdi: how many sound issues have you fixed so far? | 09:31 |
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yahalom | dabar: how should i check if esd is on? by killall esd? | 09:31 |
dabar | yahalom: ^ | 09:31 |
Lichte | ferdi: none of the programs on my box use esd | 09:32 |
yahalom | sorry | 09:32 |
dabar | ferdi: I ask cause you say using esd instead of alsa, where it is actually using esd on top of alsa, afaik. | 09:32 |
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ORiON2012 | yahalom: ps -A | grep esd... or that | 09:32 |
yahalom | ORiON2012: thanx | 09:32 |
yahalom | dabar: ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:802:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave | 09:33 |
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garyc | dabar i went to terminal and put in ftp localhost. It logged in. I don't know what I would from there except view file in my home dir | 09:33 |
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ORiON2012 | Amaranth: as in THE Amaranth? | 09:33 |
bbcs08 | haller | 09:33 |
Amaranth | sure | 09:33 |
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bbcs08 | what | 09:33 |
Amaranth | Which one do you mean? | 09:34 |
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poofyhair | yo | 09:34 |
roroutesky | hello to all! | 09:34 |
roroutesky | mga pinoy ba nandito? | 09:34 |
bbcs08 | i mean how r u? | 09:34 |
bbcs08 | yap | 09:34 |
garyc | dabar it looks to be working | 09:34 |
esac | i ran upgrade on breezy like the upgrade-monitor told me to. after restarting my computer, X doesn't come back up, complains it can't find my mouse (/dev/psaux or /dev/input/mice). I checked, those devices are missing. any help appreciated! | 09:34 |
ORiON2012 | Amaranth: the icon master | 09:34 |
roroutesky | can someone help me in here!? | 09:34 |
Amaranth | Oh, then no. :) | 09:34 |
bbcs08 | you | 09:34 |
roroutesky | hello! | 09:34 |
yahalom | esac: join the club | 09:34 |
Lichte | esac: no kidding ;) | 09:34 |
bbcs08 | sure | 09:34 |
Amaranth | Dang, and here I thought I had a fairly unique nick. | 09:34 |
poofyhair | ESac: what kind of mouse? | 09:34 |
ORiON2012 | Amaranth: smeg? ... no? | 09:34 |
esac | poofyhair: synaptics touchpad | 09:35 |
yahalom | esac_: nothing in /dev/input | 09:35 |
yahalom | ? | 09:35 |
ferdi | Lichte, first try to change from within...say xmms output pluggin settings, if works then systemwide | 09:35 |
ferdi | dabar, mine only...was exactly th case...if wrong...sorry | 09:35 |
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Amaranth | Yeah, that's me. | 09:35 |
ORiON2012 | Amaranth: sweet | 09:35 |
esac | yahalom: /dev/input doesn't even exist | 09:35 |
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dabar | ferdi: no need to be sorry | 09:35 |
roroutesky | hello... can somebody help me install Wine? im a newbie in Linux | 09:35 |
Lichte | ferdi: it barfs on boot | 09:35 |
garyc | dabar I thought I'm supposed to forward port 21 is that right | 09:35 |
heatxsink | anyone else having problems with the X server suddenly not finding their touchpad or mouse? | 09:35 |
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ORiON2012 | Amaranth: thanks for it by the way | 09:35 |
Amaranth | ORiON2012: Glad to help. | 09:35 |
roroutesky | pls! pls! pls??? | 09:35 |
Lichte | esac: didn't you see me asking about all this earlier ? | 09:35 |
poofyhair | Esac: I fixed same problem with this faq: | 09:35 |
Amaranth | I just hope it works, since my only computer access is currently windows only | 09:35 |
poofyhair | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65471 | 09:36 |
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fek | moin | 09:36 |
dabar | garyc: your ftpd, the server, waits for somene to log in. you can log in through command line, as you just did, or you could log in using a gui ftp client. install gftp and then use that program to log in. command line ftp works so that you type in help in the ftp>prompt, and go from there. | 09:36 |
poofyhair | It also worked by just doing hte comment out part of that thread | 09:36 |
Lichte | poofyhair: is it a long fix ? | 09:36 |
poofyhair | no | 09:36 |
ukj | heh, my ibook touchpad doesn't work either | 09:37 |
heatxsink | esac: did you just upgrade ? | 09:37 |
ukj | but i suspect it's a linux problem cos it doesn't work under gentoo either | 09:37 |
yahalom | poofyhair: u mean the mouse right? | 09:37 |
heatxsink | esac: I'm having that same exact problem | 09:37 |
dabar | garyc: yes, the ftp port is 21. also, you can log in as localhost from your computer. your friends need to know the router's IP address. http://www.dnsstuff.com/ will tell you that in the top right(there are off course other ways to find out.) | 09:37 |
Lichte | poofyhair: is it something you could share with those of us with no X or a mouse or a web browser ? | 09:37 |
poofyhair | yep | 09:37 |
yahalom | ok | 09:37 |
esac | heatxsink: i did a clean install of Breezy, and it worked. then i upgraded, and it stopped working | 09:37 |
yahalom | anyone filed a bug yet? | 09:37 |
poofyhair | thats how I fixed it | 09:37 |
roroutesky | can someone help me in here? | 09:37 |
poofyhair | it sucked | 09:37 |
rockin_stan | g'morning | 09:37 |
heatxsink | nods | 09:37 |
roroutesky | can someone please help me? | 09:37 |
roroutesky | anyone? | 09:37 |
heatxsink | that last upgrade of X stuff huh? | 09:37 |
dabar | roroutesky: . | 09:37 |
yahalom | just ask man | 09:38 |
esac | Lichte: what do you mean no web browser ? sudo apt-get install links | 09:38 |
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roroutesky | how can i install wine? | 09:38 |
heatxsink | esac: that last upgrade of X stuff huh? | 09:38 |
crimsun | udev is currently very broken in Breezy | 09:38 |
yahalom | sudo apt-get install wine | 09:38 |
roroutesky | dabar, pls pm me. i need help! | 09:38 |
crimsun | you need to revert to ubuntu12 | 09:38 |
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ORiON2012 | !tell roroutesky about wine | 09:38 |
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roroutesky | yahalom, can't seem to make it work | 09:38 |
Proteque | ais there any way to make runconfig or something like that? | 09:38 |
kezza491 | gday with ldconfig would any one know how i can add my wx libarys in to it? | 09:38 |
Proteque | when compiling a kernel | 09:38 |
yahalom | crimsun: revert to ubuntu12? | 09:38 |
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roroutesky | is it that simple? i would just have to type those words? | 09:38 |
esac | crimsun: how does one revert .. is there a "sudo apt-get revert ubuntu12" command ? | 09:38 |
yahalom | roroutesky: have all the xtra repos? | 09:39 |
yahalom | roroutesky: yes | 09:39 |
ORiON2012 | don't make me ubotu you again :-P | 09:39 |
roroutesky | how do i get it? i've just downloaded Wine-2005803.tar.gz | 09:39 |
garyc | dabar then port 21 is forwarded to the ip address (local net 192.168.1.xx) of the linux box - right????? | 09:39 |
roroutesky | don't know how to make it work | 09:39 |
dabar | garyc: exactly. | 09:39 |
yahalom | roroutesky: man. open terminal. type sudo apt-get install wine | 09:39 |
roroutesky | where to type those words | 09:39 |
esac | is there a bug filed on this mouse issue ? | 09:39 |
dabar | crimsun: many ppl in the channel atm have issues with sound. | 09:39 |
roroutesky | ok... wait.. i'll try it | 09:40 |
yahalom | roroutesky: in terminal | 09:40 |
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:crimsun] : Prefer Tagalog? #ubuntu-ph | http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15932 | Official Ubuntu Help channel | Documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | Use paste.ubuntulinux.nl for pasting | Channel logs: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ | General chatter: #ubuntu-offtopic | Found a bug? report it: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ | Upgrading to breezy? http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes | ||
bob2 | forwarding ftp in is non-trivial | 09:40 |
heatxsink | esac: so your /dev/input has gone away too right? | 09:40 |
crimsun | esac: see topic | 09:40 |
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roroutesky | this came up: | 09:40 |
esac | heatxsink: correct | 09:40 |
dabar | bob2: how so? | 09:41 |
heatxsink | i'm thinking that update edited some boot up file that defines the /dev/input stuff | 09:41 |
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roroutesky | it has this message: E: Package wine has no installation candidate | 09:41 |
roroutesky | what's that? | 09:41 |
esac | crimsun: using irssi so i dont know what the topic was so i dont know what you added that i might want to look at .. bug 15932 ? | 09:41 |
crimsun | heatxsink: it's as the bugzilla report noted in the topic suggests | 09:41 |
garyc | dabar I forgot how to log on to my 2wire router. I have the instructions somewhere or I can call the 800 support tech and they will help. | 09:41 |
crimsun | esac: yes. | 09:41 |
dabar | roroutesky: are you reading messages from ubotu? | 09:41 |
bob2 | dabar: it uses two ports, one of which the client picks | 09:41 |
bob2 | er | 09:41 |
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roroutesky | wats dat? | 09:42 |
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dabar | garyc: read the manual is my suggestion on that point. | 09:42 |
yahalom | roroutesky: u need the xtra repos | 09:42 |
yahalom | roroutesky: check out ubuntuguide.org | 09:42 |
roroutesky | how do i get those? | 09:42 |
dabar | roroutesky: what program are you using for IRC? | 09:42 |
roroutesky | it can't be accessed | 09:42 |
dabar | yahalom: please do not recommend repos from ubuntuguide. | 09:42 |
roroutesky | im using xchat | 09:42 |
garyc | dabar but first I might take out wu-ftpd and put in vsftp instead | 09:42 |
heatxsink | oh man | 09:43 |
dabar | roroutesky: does it say ubotu anywhere in the xchat window? | 09:43 |
heatxsink | awesome | 09:43 |
heatxsink | and no fixes | 09:43 |
yahalom | dabar: why not? i've been using them since warty. no probs. | 09:43 |
esac | crimsun: ok so the answer is to downgrade udev .. how do i do that ? | 09:43 |
dabar | yahalom: they have open backports. | 09:43 |
ORiON2012 | I swear I'll do it again | 09:43 |
heatxsink | search for udev? | 09:43 |
crimsun | esac: sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/udev_0.060-1ubuntu12_i386.deb | 09:43 |
yahalom | dabar: or right. so dont use the backports :) | 09:43 |
garyc | dabar will I still be able to forward the router and get my users in using that package?? | 09:43 |
heatxsink | apt-get revert udev | 09:44 |
heatxsink | ? | 09:44 |
heatxsink | it's a package | 09:44 |
esac | crimsun: thank you very much, appreciated | 09:44 |
dabar | ORiON2012: he does not yet know what ubotu is doing | 09:44 |
roroutesky | yup | 09:44 |
crimsun | heatxsink: see the command I just posted | 09:44 |
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dabar | roroutesky: click on it, and read what he sent you. | 09:44 |
ORiON2012 | dabar: just having a little fun :) | 09:44 |
roroutesky | ah, ok | 09:44 |
crimsun | dabar: who's having audio problems? | 09:44 |
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roroutesky | tanx. get back to you later! | 09:44 |
yahalom | crimsun: me | 09:44 |
heatxsink | crimsun: thanks! | 09:44 |
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crimsun | yahalom: sound chipset? | 09:45 |
yahalom | crimsun: and Lichte | 09:45 |
crimsun | Lichte: sound chipset? | 09:45 |
tear | If my device manager can find a disk via my raid card, how do I mount the partition (HDA2) so a folder under /home? | 09:45 |
Lichte | crimsun: I think this will get fixed with udev revert | 09:45 |
yahalom | crimsun: umm. i think nvidia or something. it worked till last night. today i get. no volume control elements and/or devices found. ESD isnt running. | 09:45 |
esac | crimsun : 1ubuntu12 doesn't exist in /var/cache/apt/archives :( | 09:46 |
yahalom | crimsun: when i try to start it i get: ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:802:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave | 09:46 |
crimsun | yahalom: / Lichte: if you're running current Breezy, downgrade udev. | 09:46 |
ORiON2012 | crimsun: any idea how many chipsets are affected? | 09:46 |
heatxsink | esac: that worked for me | 09:46 |
Lichte | I don't have any versions of udev in my archives | 09:46 |
yahalom | crimsun: as above, yes? | 09:46 |
crimsun | esac: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/u/udev/udev_0.060-1ubuntu12_i386.deb | 09:46 |
esac | heatxsink: probably cause you upgrade at one point to 1ubuntu12, where as i just did a clean install tonight ? | 09:47 |
heatxsink | wget that | 09:47 |
esac | crimsun: thanks again | 09:47 |
Madpilot | does anyone know where Enemy Territory keeps it's .desktop file? I'd like to modify it to suit Ubuntu's menus a bit better... | 09:47 |
yahalom | crimsun: sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/udev_0.060-1ubuntu12_i386.deb and thats it? | 09:47 |
esac | crimsun : sucks that i can't cut/paste without a mouse :) | 09:47 |
heatxsink | nods | 09:47 |
=== mrchicago [n=mrchicag@dsl-66-59-124-127.rtr0.blnt.tn.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
heatxsink | type it brother | 09:47 |
mrchicago | ello | 09:47 |
mrchicago | all | 09:47 |
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crimsun | yahalom: presuming the path is valid, yes, else you need to wget the URL I just pasted | 09:47 |
ORiON2012 | Madpilot: locate enemyterritory.desktop? or something to that effect | 09:47 |
crimsun | ORiON2012: the udev issue? | 09:47 |
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yahalom | crimsun: ok i'll try | 09:48 |
ORiON2012 | crimsun: yeah, been quite a few in here tonight | 09:48 |
heatxsink | wow | 09:48 |
heatxsink | amazing | 09:48 |
heatxsink | thanks guys | 09:48 |
heatxsink | now I can get back to coding | 09:48 |
heatxsink | :-) | 09:48 |
crimsun | ORiON2012: everyone running ubuntu13 is affected. That's why I posted it in the topic. | 09:48 |
giovann | how to use a command of automount ? | 09:48 |
ORiON2012 | crimsun: oh | 09:48 |
dabar | giovann: automount what? | 09:48 |
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Lichte | ok, now to reboot | 09:49 |
esac | brb, lets see if downgrading works :) | 09:49 |
yahalom | crimsun: does it require a reboot? | 09:49 |
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Lichte | thanks crimsun ! | 09:49 |
mrchicago | dont know if ill upgrade to breezy | 09:49 |
giovann | yup | 09:49 |
mrchicago | whats new in it | 09:49 |
crimsun | yahalom: at least a udev restart | 09:49 |
dabar | mrchicago: dont till its released. | 09:49 |
yahalom | Lichte: it works? | 09:49 |
giovann | i want to automount my floppydisk | 09:49 |
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dabar | giovann: it should afaik, if you are running gnome. | 09:49 |
Lichte | yahalom: yes! | 09:50 |
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esac | it worked, thanks crimsun | 09:50 |
crimsun | np | 09:50 |
dabar | excellent | 09:50 |
yahalom | crimsun: so i should wait with further upgrades now? or it wonts affect the udev again like this? | 09:50 |
esac | yahalom: sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart , sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 09:50 |
Lichte | Alsa is fixed now too | 09:50 |
=== dabar chuckles | ||
mrchicago | will dvdstylist be include in repo | 09:50 |
yahalom | Lichte: sound too? | 09:50 |
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Lichte | yahalom: yes! | 09:50 |
Lichte | :D | 09:51 |
ORiON2012 | adn the crowd goes wild... | 09:51 |
yahalom | Lichte: OK! lets see. | 09:51 |
yahalom | lol | 09:51 |
yahalom | never realise how much influnce ubuntu has | 09:51 |
mrchicago | why dont the guys like scan freshmeat to build a repository | 09:51 |
dabar | esac: use sudo invoke-rc.d daemonName restart | 09:51 |
yahalom | liek coffee in the morning | 09:51 |
garyc | dabar I type help at the local host prompt. It asked for password and I put my password in. It didn't like it and put me to an ftp prompt | 09:51 |
alexandros | can someone please tell me how to compile a source that comes as a debian package (.deb)? | 09:52 |
crimsun | yahalom: you'll want to wait til ubuntu14 shows up. It should be fixed shortly. | 09:52 |
garyc | dabar do you know the password for this | 09:52 |
yahalom | crimsun: ok man thanx | 09:52 |
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crimsun | mrchicago: what guys? | 09:52 |
Lichte | yahalom: any luck ? | 09:52 |
dabar | user name should be your user name, and password your password. ftp localhost is the command to get it started | 09:52 |
qt2 | is there a way to reload the xorg.conf without restarting x? | 09:53 |
=== dabar laughs at ORiON2012's post | ||
qt2 | or a way to suspend an x window, and resume it after restarting x? | 09:53 |
mrchicago | the guys that put together ubuntu | 09:53 |
esac | ok, back to my earlier question. how can i configure linux so i can ping/connect to my windows boxes by name without setting up hosts | 09:53 |
inan_ | i have run the GTA vice city, and this is the error | 09:53 |
inan_ | X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) | 09:53 |
inan_ | Major opcode of failed request: 1 (X_CreateWindow) | 09:53 |
inan_ | Serial number of failed request: 20 | 09:53 |
inan_ | Current serial number in output stream: 27 | 09:53 |
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dabar | inan_: what did I say about pasting? | 09:54 |
crimsun | mrchicago: what packages are missing? | 09:54 |
inan_ | ok sorry | 09:54 |
ORiON2012 | and about wine in general... | 09:54 |
mrchicago | id like to have a way to install dvdstylist | 09:54 |
esac | inan_ anything more than 2 lines you shouldn't paste .. and 2 lines you should do once every 10 minutes :) | 09:54 |
mrchicago | for one | 09:54 |
mrchicago | i keep getting an error | 09:54 |
giovann | any one hre kn ow how to automount ? | 09:54 |
dabar | mrchicago: I like fresh meat. but only after it is heat-processed. | 09:55 |
crimsun | mrchicago: it's not possible for us to package every single application in existence | 09:55 |
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mrchicago | i know | 09:55 |
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dabar | giovann: does your floppy not automount when you put it in? | 09:55 |
crimsun | mrchicago: if you'd like to help maintain it, please see the MOTU Web pages | 09:55 |
mrchicago | but there isnt dvd creation stuff | 09:55 |
mrchicago | that i can use | 09:55 |
mrchicago | ok | 09:55 |
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esac | i'd just like to say that if it weren't for ubuntu, i still wouldn't like linux | 09:56 |
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mrchicago | whats the url for it | 09:57 |
Seveas | wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | 09:57 |
dabar | wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | 09:57 |
mrchicago | ah esac ive used mandrake for years | 09:57 |
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yahalom | ok confimed. udev fixed the sound issue too | 09:58 |
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yahalom | crimsun: thanx | 09:58 |
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esac | mrchicago: i've tried nearly every distro out there and never stuck with it, because there just isn't that polish. ubuntu is the first time that i've felt that at least the wax is being applied | 09:58 |
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garyc | dabar: Is there a manual on the ftp commands I got when i typed help at the prompt | 09:58 |
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yahalom | esac: thats moving :) | 09:59 |
dabar | likely, info ftp | 09:59 |
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yahalom | esac: i agree btw | 09:59 |
dabar | garyc: info ftp in a terminal, if you did not catch that. | 09:59 |
garyc | dabar: thanks | 10:00 |
dabar | @39 | 10:00 |
dabar | $34 | 10:00 |
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mrchicago | there is a debv package for it | 10:01 |
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Eproxus | Hi, is there someone here who can give me some help on the latest Breezy update? | 10:01 |
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dabar | Eproxus: /topic has a URL that may help, sound? | 10:01 |
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agabus | i want multi-media codecs on breeze anyone help? give me a link? | 10:02 |
Eproxus | dabar: Will check it out, thanks. | 10:02 |
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giovann | dabar yes my floppy not automount when i put it this | 10:02 |
xuniluser | HELP: How do I add network printers in Ubuntu? | 10:02 |
Seveas | agabus, www.mplayerhq.hu | 10:02 |
freeman_08 | help on computer sharing please | 10:02 |
freeman_08 | i cant see other ubuntu computers in my network | 10:03 |
Seveas | xuniluser, system -> admin -> printers; add printer; network printer | 10:03 |
=== dabar shares his computer with everyone on #ubuntu | ||
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dabar | freeman_08: can you ping them? | 10:03 |
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freeman_08 | i dont even knw what their ip address is | 10:04 |
nicxz | Latest Breezy update caused X to not find my mouse (fixed with /etc/init.d/udev restart ) but also no wireless (intel 2200bg) . anyone have an idea how to fix this? | 10:04 |
xuniluser | Seveas: i tried adding a network printer but it did not work. | 10:04 |
freeman_08 | ubuntu installed it | 10:04 |
poofyhair | what do yall think of Easy Ubuntu? | 10:04 |
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dabar | freeman_08: ifconfig tells you the ip address of a cvomputer | 10:04 |
xuniluser | Seveas: what should i put in the "URI:" | 10:04 |
freeman_08 | tnx | 10:05 |
freeman_08 | but i have internet connection on each computers | 10:05 |
Seveas | \\ip.address.of.machine\printer_share_name | 10:05 |
dabar | freeman_08: do uit on each then | 10:05 |
freeman_08 | i just want to see other pc's just like in network neighborhood | 10:05 |
dabar | you have to add them likely | 10:06 |
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Lichte | freeman_08: if you're using KDE you can start lisa on all of them and then browse them in konqueror | 10:06 |
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Lichte | freeman_08: I'm not sure what all the setup involves | 10:07 |
nsomniac | random question ... can anyone think of a proggie like ACDsee under windows for linux that will slideshow a directory ? | 10:07 |
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freeman_08 | eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:E0:00:34:27:B2 | 10:07 |
freeman_08 | inet addr: Bcast: Mask: | 10:07 |
freeman_08 | inet6 addr: fe80::2e0:ff:fe34:27b2/64 Scope:Link | 10:07 |
freeman_08 | UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 | 10:07 |
freeman_08 | RX packets:3746 errors:3 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:3 | 10:07 |
freeman_08 | TX packets:3054 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 | 10:07 |
freeman_08 | collisions:39 txqueuelen:1000 | 10:07 |
freeman_08 | RX bytes:2297939 (2.1 MiB) TX bytes:486283 (474.8 KiB) | 10:07 |
freeman_08 | wheres my ip add here/ | 10:07 |
yahalom | crimsun: any idea why fglrx doesnt work anymore? is it a bug? | 10:08 |
dabar | freeman_08: dont flood http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 10:08 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %freeman_08!*@*] by Seveas | ||
crimsun | freeman_08: inet addr: | 10:08 |
Seveas | damn you. | 10:08 |
dabar | inet addr: | 10:08 |
yahalom | lol | 10:08 |
dabar | Seveas: heh, damn him? | 10:08 |
Lichte | nsomniac: gwenview | 10:08 |
nsomniac | LOL | 10:08 |
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nsomniac | Lichte thanks | 10:08 |
crimsun | yahalom: sorry, I'm not an fglrx user. Please search bugzilla. | 10:08 |
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yahalom | crimsun: ok. tx | 10:09 |
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Lichte | nsomniac: :) | 10:09 |
esac | anybody know where to find libnss_wins ? | 10:09 |
esac | can't find it in synaptic or apt-cache | 10:09 |
kezza491 | howdy i got wx installed but when i try and run any python scripts that have wx it says that it cant import it any help welcome | 10:09 |
=== GrannyTux [n=rustina@d207-81-69-216.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | kezza491: hoary or breezy, and which version of wxwindows/wxwidgets? | 10:10 |
kezza491 | umm i got widgets and i think i am on | 10:10 |
kezza491 | ubuntoo dont know the deb name | 10:11 |
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nicxz | kezza491: do a ' cat /etc/issue' to see what you're on | 10:11 |
crimsun | kezza491: lsb_release -a|grep ^Release | 10:11 |
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kezza491 | 5.04 | 10:12 |
kezza491 | cat /etc/issue | 10:12 |
kezza491 | woops | 10:12 |
nicxz | :) | 10:12 |
kezza491 | Hoary Hedgehog | 10:12 |
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crimsun | kezza491: then you need to install libwxgtk2.5.3-python | 10:13 |
Seveas | winbind: lib/libnss_wins.so.2 | 10:13 |
Seveas | esac, | 10:13 |
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esac | Seveas: nod already figured it out, thanks :) | 10:13 |
=== dabar waves good night to all in the channel | ||
dabar | and beyond | 10:14 |
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ORiON2012 | 'night | 10:14 |
GrannyTux | anybody know if 64bit java is out yet | 10:14 |
rockin_stan | anybody has Kgpg running in ubuntu? | 10:14 |
mirak | hi | 10:14 |
kezza491 | know where i can download and compile that? | 10:14 |
crimsun | GrannyTux: yes, Sun, IBM, and Blackdown each provide kits | 10:14 |
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mirak | I am looking for a web newsreader client. I found postman, is that the only one around ? | 10:14 |
GrannyTux | kool thx | 10:14 |
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GrannyTux | what about the pluging forr flash | 10:15 |
konfuzed | I was just mulling over a bunch of things and was seeing the great system security simplification of locking out the root user from even having a password to log in with. | 10:15 |
ORiON2012 | mirak: graphical? | 10:15 |
GrannyTux | i here some probs with media play | 10:15 |
xuniluser | Is there a way for me to retrieve lost files in a USB flash drive? | 10:15 |
konfuzed | how is that done anyway | 10:15 |
poofyhair | xuniluser: lost? | 10:15 |
pitti | konfuzed: use "sudo" | 10:16 |
Madpilot | !tell konfuzed about root | 10:16 |
mirak | ORiON2012 web based | 10:16 |
mirak | ORiON2012 kind of like what google offers | 10:16 |
yahalom | how do i split an avi movie into two cds? | 10:16 |
konfuzed | anyone know of ..................... splendid | 10:16 |
dabar | GrannyTux: what probs with media play? | 10:16 |
duffman25 | Hi, I have an amd64 with breezy. Today's updates have broken my packages. I had to uninstall ubuntu-desktop & I can't reinstall it since it says openoffice.org2 & openoffice.org2-gnome is not installable, on my other 386 machine everything went fine. Any ideas? | 10:16 |
xuniluser | poofyhair: I plugged it in a windows box and copied some files into it, double checked in my linux(ubuntu) box and they're all there. Then after installing Mandrake, when i checked it, they're gone! | 10:17 |
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Cossins | xuniluser: was the device plugged in during mandrake installation? | 10:17 |
linner | hello everyone | 10:17 |
linner | :) | 10:17 |
GrannyTux | i had probs to went back to 32 bit | 10:17 |
xuniluser | Cossins: nope... | 10:17 |
dabar | hey, linner. same linner from the forums? | 10:17 |
poofyhair | xuniluser: did you unmount the pen drive in Ubuntu? | 10:18 |
linner | dabar yep :) | 10:18 |
Cossins | xuniluser: ok... you are sure you didn't accidentally format it? | 10:18 |
dabar | ok, good. | 10:18 |
mrchicago | ugh | 10:18 |
linner | dabar, how are you? | 10:18 |
xuniluser | Cossins: the orig files are still there, only the newly saved files were lost | 10:18 |
duffman25 | Hi, I have an amd64 with breezy. Today's updates have broken my packages. I had to uninstall ubuntu-desktop & I can't reinstall it since it says openoffice.org2 & openoffice.org2-gnome is not installable, on my other 386 machine everything went fine. Any ideas? | 10:18 |
Cossins | xuniluser: oh... weird... | 10:18 |
Inf3ctedfx | Hello ppl, I'm trying to mount my slave HDD with has an NTFS file use to be my windows slave HDD, in my fstab I have like this: dev/hdb /media/slave ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 0 | 10:18 |
Inf3ctedfx | , how can I mount it? | 10:18 |
xuniluser | poofyhair: of course | 10:18 |
GrannyTux | i want to try 64 bit again but i think you have to be careful mixing and matching 32 and 64 bit programs | 10:18 |
poofyhair | xunilusesr: didn't mean to insult. | 10:18 |
Cossins | Inf3ctedfx: mount /media/slave ?? also, you need an / before dev | 10:19 |
GrannyTux | there is some infor in the forums on doing this | 10:19 |
Inf3ctedfx | I'm trying to use the command: mount /dev/hdb /media/slave | 10:19 |
xuniluser | Inf3ctedfx: mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb /media/slave | 10:19 |
poofyhair | xunilusesr: have you only tied in mandrake? | 10:19 |
linner | what do ya'll recommend for burning ISOs? | 10:19 |
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poofyhair | rtied | 10:19 |
poofyhair | tried | 10:19 |
poofyhair | darn | 10:19 |
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Inf3ctedfx | ok Cossins and xuniluser , let me try that one | 10:19 |
linner | i'm trying to make a CD for my laptop of 5.04 | 10:19 |
Viking667 | right. It's probably time I left. Night, all. | 10:19 |
Cossins | linner: cdrecord, but maybe i'm just old-school... | 10:19 |
xuniluser | poofyhair: tried that also in ubuntu | 10:19 |
linner | i've been trying all day... and the only thing I can get on there is Mepis... which I hate | 10:19 |
duffman25 | anyone here uses amd64 breezy? | 10:20 |
linner | Cossins, cdrecord? does that come with the package? | 10:20 |
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linner | duffman25, that's what i'm trying to get on my laptop | 10:20 |
sartek | hi | 10:20 |
konfuzed | You can use sudo -i to initialize a full root environment. I suppose that's inherrent within sudo but doesnt that re-enable the same security issues for which root is disabled ??? | 10:20 |
linner | sartek, hello | 10:20 |
Cossins | linner: it should, it's a command line app | 10:20 |
Inf3ctedfx | look guys this is the message that I have: root@ubuntu:/etc# mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb /media/slave/ | 10:20 |
Inf3ctedfx | mount: /dev/hdb already mounted or /media/slave/ busy | 10:20 |
linner | command line.. oh no... :) | 10:20 |
duffman25 | linner: I have broken packages with today's updates | 10:20 |
kezza491 | hmm that dont make sence i have already installed wxPython-src-2.6 the lastest version of wx and python still dose not see it | 10:20 |
Cossins | linner: if you want nice and easy gui, use k3b | 10:20 |
linner | Cossins, oh thank you! | 10:20 |
Cossins | linner: np :) | 10:21 |
linner | duffman25, yeah i'm havin all kinds of probs too | 10:21 |
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GrannyTux | gnomebaker is not to bad either | 10:21 |
Inf3ctedfx | it said is already mounted and busy... | 10:21 |
GrannyTux | as a front end | 10:21 |
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duffman25 | linner: if using gnome install gnomebaker | 10:21 |
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linner | duffman25, yeah I have gnome | 10:21 |
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xuniluser | Inf3ctedfx: so it is already mounted so u dnt need to mount it | 10:21 |
poofyhair | graveman is better than gnomebaker | 10:21 |
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Inf3ctedfx | so how can I access to that SLAVE? xuniluser ? | 10:21 |
linner | poofyhair, is graveman gui? | 10:21 |
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poofyhair | yep | 10:22 |
linner | poofyhair, what makes it better? | 10:22 |
poofyhair | Nice GUI | 10:22 |
xuniluser | Inf3dtedfx: go to /media/slave | 10:22 |
Inf3ctedfx | ok hold on xuniluser | 10:22 |
konfuzed | ok so I read some more and my inquiries are very informed | 10:22 |
konfuzed | ;^) | 10:22 |
poofyhair | And of course K3B is the best burning program | 10:22 |
Inf3ctedfx | I'm already there but it wont show me anything | 10:22 |
poofyhair | Ever I say | 10:22 |
linner | k3b is? | 10:22 |
mrchicago | sheesh | 10:22 |
Inf3ctedfx | look xunil : root@ubuntu:/# cd /media/slave/ | 10:23 |
Inf3ctedfx | root@ubuntu:/media/slave# ls | 10:23 |
Inf3ctedfx | root@ubuntu:/media/slave# | 10:23 |
alletann33 | hi everybody | 10:23 |
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sartek | now i am installed ubuntu and i was surprised (really) when the x start automatticaly (no errors or something) but only 800x600. now i download the updates & after xorgconfig.. | 10:23 |
poofyhair | Yep, but its a KDE program. So you have to install some libs with it | 10:23 |
poofyhair | its what I use | 10:23 |
konfuzed | wow that may have been the shortest turn around on useful feedback review ever | 10:23 |
linner | poofyhair, yeah I can't use it.. I have gnome | 10:23 |
poofyhair | isntall it in synaptic and then | 10:23 |
linner | thanks though | 10:23 |
poofyhair | I have gnome too | 10:23 |
konfuzed | ;^) thanks ;^) | 10:23 |
mrchicago | Please check that wx-config is in path, the directory | 10:23 |
poofyhair | I still use K3B | 10:23 |
mrchicago | where wxWidgets libraries are installed (returned by | 10:23 |
mrchicago | 'wx-config --libs' command) is in LD_LIBRARY_PATH or | 10:23 |
mrchicago | equivalent variable and wxWidgets is version 2.4.2 or above. | 10:23 |
linner | oh you do? | 10:23 |
poofyhair | yep | 10:23 |
mrchicago | i keep getting that | 10:23 |
linner | I thought you couldn't use KDE stuff with GNOME | 10:23 |
poofyhair | its the best, why not | 10:23 |
poofyhair | you can | 10:23 |
linner | and visa versa | 10:23 |
Cossins | linner: of course you can | 10:23 |
poofyhair | they just don't "mesh" | 10:23 |
mrchicago | and wxWidgets isnt in the repo | 10:23 |
Inf3ctedfx | so waht do u think i'm doing wrong xuniluser ? | 10:24 |
poofyhair | they look a little different and you have to install KDE libs | 10:24 |
Cossins | linner: they run perfectly together | 10:24 |
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poofyhair | I think it works GREAT | 10:24 |
linner | Cossins, oh you can? | 10:24 |
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poofyhair | here is what to do: | 10:24 |
alletann33 | anyone | 10:24 |
linner | Cossins, man am I outta the loop | 10:24 |
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linner | it tells me that it won't install the libs | 10:24 |
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linner | when i click on it through synaptic | 10:24 |
poofyhair | hi alletann33 | 10:24 |
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Cossins | linner: huh? strange | 10:24 |
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linner | Cossins, I know | 10:24 |
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linner | I've come across this before | 10:25 |
poofyhair | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/K3BHowto?highlight=%28k3b%29 | 10:25 |
Cossins | linner: else, use gnomebaker or something for which you already have the libs | 10:25 |
poofyhair | hey linner | 10:25 |
linner | yeah poofyhair | 10:25 |
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poofyhair | I started that page one day for a time like this | 10:25 |
linner | Cossins, ok... | 10:25 |
sartek | can u tell me some tipps & tricks?:) | 10:25 |
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xuniluser | HELP: In a pure linux network, how do workstations access shared resources from other workstations? | 10:25 |
GrannyTux | hey graveman looks kool does it auto convert mp3 to wav for audio cd s? | 10:25 |
=== anele [n=anele@myw-stp-196-34-112-119.sentechsa.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linner | poofyhair, I'm lost | 10:26 |
poofyhair | grannytux: yeah | 10:26 |
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GrannyTux | or at least have the back in command line for that | 10:26 |
poofyhair | linner: where are you lost | 10:26 |
anele | hi | 10:26 |
Inf3ctedfx | doesn anyone knows.. how can I access to my slave HDD?? I already mount the HDD but when I try to access ther it said is busy.. any sugestions?? | 10:26 |
er4z0r | does anyone know a good tutorial on installing a Tomcat server on Ubuntu? | 10:26 |
linner | poofyhair, at what you said | 10:26 |
GrannyTux | kool | 10:26 |
anele | i need help | 10:26 |
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poofyhair | look at this link: | 10:26 |
anele | i'm new | 10:26 |
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poofyhair | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/K3BHowto?highlight=%28k3b%29 | 10:26 |
linner | welcome anele | 10:26 |
er4z0r | anele: just ask :) | 10:26 |
linner | poofyhair, thanks let me go see it | 10:26 |
Tomcat_ | er4z0r: There are howtos on the ubuntuforums | 10:27 |
anele | i just started using ubuntu, and cant figure out how to set up a LAN | 10:27 |
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er4z0r | Tomcat_: duh, I only searched the wiki | 10:27 |
er4z0r | Tomcat_: thanks | 10:27 |
anele | i have 6 users connected onto internet and local LAN hub via windows gaTEWAY | 10:27 |
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after8 | is there another place apart from fstab where partitions are mounted. | 10:28 |
poofyhair | no | 10:28 |
er4z0r | anele: What do you want to accomplish? | 10:28 |
poofyhair | why? | 10:28 |
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poofyhair | got a problem? | 10:29 |
after8 | i sort of frbed up with /etc and now it is mounted without being in fstab: i see it twice in mtab | 10:29 |
er4z0r | anele: what function does you Ubuntu-Box have in the net? | 10:29 |
sPYder--- | i need help | 10:29 |
sPYder--- | i dont know how to install even a yahoo messenger | 10:29 |
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Uruclef | hi all! | 10:29 |
poofyhair | spyder: you don't really need yahoo messenger | 10:29 |
sPYder--- | why | 10:29 |
poofyhair | the installed program "gaim" can do that | 10:29 |
sPYder--- | wow | 10:29 |
crimsun | anele: please don't "scream" | 10:30 |
after8 | sPYder---> install synaptic: type sudo apt-get install synaptic.... you can install loads with that ;) | 10:30 |
poofyhair | if you want, there is a Linux yahoo messenger, but it lacks the features of gaim | 10:30 |
Uruclef | I have a problem with gdesklets.. can someone help me plesae? | 10:30 |
poofyhair | I love gdesklets- what | 10:30 |
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anele | Sorry man my capa were on I didnt notice | 10:30 |
Uruclef | well | 10:30 |
er4z0r | anele: by telling me what exactly want ;) | 10:30 |
er4z0r | anele: just net acces with your Ubuntu-box? | 10:31 |
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giovann | how to use automount? and what is the command ? | 10:31 |
poofyhair | Can I help with gdesklet problem? | 10:31 |
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sPYder--- | poofyhair ty | 10:31 |
poofyhair | no problem | 10:31 |
anele | I have never used Ubuntu b 4 I just started y/day and now I want to setup a network | 10:31 |
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after8 | giovann> you need the filesystems setup in /etc/fstab and autmount should do it itself. | 10:31 |
anele | where by users can share info | 10:31 |
Uruclef | poofyhair, query please :) | 10:31 |
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sPYder--- | poofyhair what OS u using? | 10:32 |
poofyhair | Breezy | 10:32 |
poofyhair | How do I query? | 10:32 |
Uruclef | hmm well | 10:32 |
Uruclef | I queried you | 10:32 |
Uruclef | you should an icon flashing :D | 10:32 |
poofyhair | I don't | 10:33 |
poofyhair | darn | 10:33 |
linner | poofyhair, i did what the wiki said... i have my little icon up at the right panel but now it doesn't launch | 10:33 |
sPYder--- | is there a big difference with breezy from 5.04? | 10:33 |
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linner | poofyhair, weird | 10:33 |
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poofyhair | did you use gksudo? | 10:33 |
linner | yes | 10:33 |
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er4z0r | anele: ok. are you logged into your ubuntu? | 10:33 |
linner | logged in | 10:33 |
linner | and then nothing happened | 10:33 |
after8 | hi lnner ;) | 10:33 |
poofyhair | spyder: a few. it will be worth the upgrade when released | 10:33 |
Uruclef | poofyhair | 10:33 |
poofyhair | yep | 10:33 |
Uruclef | I'll tell you my problem here, ok? :) | 10:33 |
linner | after8, how the heck are you man!!! | 10:33 |
poofyhair | ok | 10:33 |
er4z0r | anele: btw. is it GNOME or KDE you are using? | 10:33 |
bob2 | sPYder---: better hardware support, general new shineyness | 10:34 |
sPYder--- | yeah if it is released :D i will upgrade | 10:34 |
ompaul | well theres fun - gdm blew up :) | 10:34 |
anele | Yes I am logged on | 10:34 |
Uruclef | I have Ubuntu 5.04 na dinstalled gdesklets | 10:34 |
Uruclef | when I run one | 10:34 |
mrchicago | man what is with the error with setiathome | 10:34 |
after8 | linner> hehe fine.... as long as my proxy stops dieing on me!!! | 10:34 |
Uruclef | all I get is an empty window | 10:34 |
poofyhair | linner: it takes a while for me the first time | 10:34 |
GrannyTux | ok its been a couple of centuries since i used irc what the keyboard shortcut for msg someone | 10:34 |
Uruclef | with nothing on it | 10:34 |
giovann | lyndon@Station18:~$ /etc/fstab | 10:34 |
giovann | bash: /etc/fstab: Permission denied | 10:34 |
garyc_ | dabar goto other window | 10:34 |
sPYder--- | these is my first days of linux | 10:34 |
linner | after8, your proxy is dieing? | 10:34 |
poofyhair | linner: like over a minute- I have fast machine. All next time it faster | 10:34 |
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sPYder--- | :D | 10:34 |
linner | poofyhair, oh okay | 10:34 |
linner | poofyhair, i'll just wait somemore | 10:34 |
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sPYder--- | and i think that i will like it | 10:34 |
anele | Gnome | 10:34 |
garyc_ | dabar you there | 10:34 |
sPYder--- | how to PM users? | 10:35 |
after8 | giovann> gksudo gedit /etc/fstab | 10:35 |
giovann | ok | 10:35 |
poofyhair | uruclef: what desklet did you install | 10:35 |
after8 | linner> yep.... keeps dropping out and i get kicked :/ | 10:35 |
Madpilot | GrannyTux: /msg <nick> <blather> | 10:35 |
poofyhair | did you isntall the "gdesklets-data" pacakge? | 10:35 |
Uruclef | I don't remember | 10:35 |
Uruclef | but I tried many | 10:35 |
linner | after8, that sux! | 10:35 |
Uruclef | it's not a single desklet problem | 10:35 |
oO[NOVA] Oo | i would just like to inform everyone i have the flu. thanks you. ps; why is it so hard to get smb mounts working properly in /etc/fstab ? | 10:35 |
Cossins | anyone remember the solution to the key-press-changes-X-resolution-problem? | 10:35 |
poofyhair | then its a python problem | 10:35 |
giovann | # /etc/fstab: static file system information. | 10:35 |
giovann | # | 10:35 |
giovann | # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> | 10:35 |
giovann | proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 | 10:35 |
giovann | /dev/hda1 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1 | 10:35 |
giovann | /dev/hda5 none swap sw 0 0 | 10:35 |
giovann | /dev/hdb /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 ro,user,noauto 0 0 | 10:35 |
giovann | /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto 0 0 | 10:35 |
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poofyhair | have you doen things to your python? | 10:36 |
er4z0r | anele: good. go to the system menu and try to find network | 10:36 |
Uruclef | me? not at all | 10:36 |
linner | poofyhair, it's still not loading | 10:36 |
Uruclef | I just installed it :) | 10:36 |
mrchicago | ksetiathome isnt installing either | 10:36 |
poofyhair | spyder- I hope you use the forum too | 10:36 |
Uruclef | when I installed the rest of my sistem | 10:36 |
poofyhair | good | 10:36 |
poofyhair | use those desklets | 10:36 |
after8 | giovann> dont paste... use pastebin or #flood channel | 10:36 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %giovann!*@*] by Seveas | ||
after8 | !pastebin | 10:36 |
ubotu | [pastebin] a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 10:36 |
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Seveas | what's up with the net today | 10:36 |
Seveas | no one has any netiquette? | 10:37 |
Uruclef | well | 10:37 |
poofyhair | linner: is K3B running? put hte command "top" in a terminal | 10:37 |
Uruclef | they don'ty run | 10:37 |
after8 | Seveas> :D | 10:37 |
Uruclef | I simply get an empty window | 10:37 |
poofyhair | just a blank? | 10:37 |
Uruclef | yep | 10:37 |
Uruclef | with e X and nothing more | 10:37 |
konfuzed | is there another bot to tell me about getting ubuntu to upgrade my buddies lame windoz box to a dual boot ubuntu system that mounts also mounts his windoz partition under ext3fs and samba ? ;^) | 10:37 |
poofyhair | in gnome? | 10:37 |
after8 | linner you having pbs with k3b? | 10:37 |
linner | poofyhair, I don't see it | 10:37 |
poofyhair | dern | 10:37 |
linner | after8, yeah totally | 10:37 |
sjg | Anyone running breezy experiencing sound issues recently after updating ? | 10:37 |
Uruclef | sure | 10:37 |
Uruclef | byt | 10:37 |
Uruclef | yhere is more | 10:37 |
poofyhair | hmmmm | 10:37 |
Cossins | netiquette... how 90's... | 10:37 |
er4z0r | anele: still there? | 10:38 |
ompaul | Seveas: they were all trained by im clients, no irc concepts invoked and caps the order of the day | 10:38 |
mrchicago | think i got dvd styler to work | 10:38 |
mrchicago | i hope | 10:38 |
poofyhair | try just the command "k3b" | 10:38 |
Uruclef | mm | 10:38 |
sjg | i.e. No sound card configured. | 10:38 |
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Uruclef | I'm in win now | 10:38 |
Seveas | ompaul, it's still september | 10:38 |
Uruclef | I reboot | 10:38 |
Seveas | </bitter> | 10:38 |
after8 | bad.... k3b is cool. yeah, try it in console, see if u get an error message | 10:38 |
Uruclef | wait a minute :) | 10:38 |
Uruclef | thanks | 10:38 |
ghostdog | i heard u can use GMAIL account as a virtual hard disk ? can we use that here in UBUNTU? | 10:38 |
Uruclef | I'll be back in a minute | 10:38 |
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ompaul | Seveas: this I know :) | 10:38 |
linner | after8, I decided I liked ubuntu on the desktop and decided to format my laptop and put ubuntu on there ... didn't work... | 10:38 |
poofyhair | did I help at all? | 10:38 |
Cossins | ghostdog: no, it's illegal | 10:38 |
after8 | linner> hehe it will though, dont worry, youre at the right place | 10:39 |
thenuke | virtual harddisk.. I would like to use gmail as filesystem too even if it is illegal | 10:39 |
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linner | after8, so i redownloaded it on my linux box and am trying to burn and ISO so I can try another install | 10:39 |
linner | after8, I know... you guys rocks... | 10:39 |
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Cossins | i'd like to rob a bank, but it's illegal, so i dont ;-) | 10:39 |
W_DraGoN | for the love of god | 10:39 |
after8 | Cossins> lol | 10:39 |
W_DraGoN | okey guys, the X is filled with errors, I dont know what to do | 10:39 |
poofyhair | you can right click ISOs and gnome will burn them itself | 10:39 |
ghostdog | NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO | 10:39 |
W_DraGoN | I tried to reconfigure it various times, but says the same | 10:39 |
after8 | W_DraGoN> breezy? | 10:39 |
W_DraGoN | after8: yeah | 10:39 |
Cossins | X.org is generally f'ed up in breezy | 10:39 |
W_DraGoN | it worked flawless by the CD | 10:39 |
after8 | tried sudo apt-get install xfs ????? | 10:40 |
Cossins | I mean really REALLY b0rken!! | 10:40 |
W_DraGoN | installed the patches and moved manually the frecuency of my monitor ( since it was locked to 60 Hz, and my monitor can rank up to 90 Hz ) | 10:40 |
thenuke | Cossins: robbery is a bit different kind of thing you know :) | 10:40 |
W_DraGoN | then it BROKEN | 10:40 |
Seveas | ColonelKernel, bullshit | 10:40 |
garyc_ | poofyhair: I have tried K3b - gnomebaker - Nautilus the cd just wont burn. It gives no error. just hangs any idea | 10:40 |
Seveas | X.org works fine | 10:40 |
=== Magilla [i=Magilla@dsl-202-72-176-189.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cossins | thenuke: yes, the crime is different, but the concept is the same... | 10:40 |
thenuke | blah | 10:40 |
after8 | xfs doesnt seem to install properly when upping to breezy (3 machines same pb) | 10:40 |
poofyhair | is DMA on? | 10:40 |
W_DraGoN | well any ideas? | 10:40 |
ColonelKernel | ?? | 10:40 |
W_DraGoN | let me give you guys the errors | 10:40 |
Cossins | Seveas: obviously, not for everybody - "works for me" is not an excuse for bad debs... | 10:40 |
konfuzed | ok I found the find page on the wiki and answered my questions | 10:40 |
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konfuzed | this is just a little too effective | 10:41 |
after8 | W_DraGoN> installed xfs? what is the error? if large, paste to pastebin | 10:41 |
W_DraGoN | Ill shortcut since the other errores were just... not fatal | 10:41 |
konfuzed | ;^) | 10:41 |
Seveas | Cossins, not knowing how to configure it properly is not an excuse for blaming it on the devs | 10:41 |
poofyhair | look at this link: | 10:41 |
W_DraGoN | "errors from kbb comp are not fatal for xserver" | 10:41 |
W_DraGoN | then.. | 10:41 |
thenuke | I dont like it when ppl think that every crime is Crime and so forth you shall never ever do ANYTHING that is illegal somehow, even if it is not a crime but braking some contract of gmail :) | 10:41 |
poofyhair | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA?highlight=%28dma%29 | 10:41 |
W_DraGoN | "no core pointer" | 10:41 |
garyc_ | poofyhair: It is a cw068d cyberdrive cdr 36x | 10:41 |
W_DraGoN | "fatal server error, failed to initialize core devices" | 10:41 |
garyc_ | poofyhair: I have tried K3b - gnomebaker - Nautilus the cd just wont burn. It gives no error. just hangs any idea | 10:41 |
poofyhair | try to turn DMA on | 10:41 |
Magilla | mplayer doesn't show up in Synaptic, but it's on the packages.ubuntu.com site. Is there a reason for this? | 10:41 |
enyc | /last | 10:41 |
after8 | W_DraGoN> mouse problem.... paste you xorg.conf to pastebin if you can..... | 10:41 |
W_DraGoN | im on winbloze, since I dont know what else to do | 10:41 |
W_DraGoN | after8: I tried moving it over an dover and over, and reconfiguring it doesnt work | 10:41 |
oO[NOVA] Oo | god is real, unless defined an integer. | 10:42 |
poofyhair | he dragon | 10:42 |
Madpilot | Magilla: do you have the Universe/Multiverse repos enabled? | 10:42 |
W_DraGoN | it worked flawless when install clean from CD | 10:42 |
=== Uruclef [n=uruclef@host12-99.pool8254.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Uruclef | here I am! | 10:42 |
after8 | Magilla> enable multiverse? | 10:42 |
poofyhair | I had same problem | 10:42 |
W_DraGoN | but failed since patch x_X | 10:42 |
poofyhair | what mouse do you have? | 10:42 |
Uruclef | poofyhair, which command should I run? | 10:42 |
W_DraGoN | let me copy the line of the mouse | 10:42 |
Cossins | Seveas: right... and stfu'ing would be appropriate for you right now - I have a pretty good idea how to configure X, and if I hadn't, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg would have done it for me. Alas, it didn't. | 10:42 |
linner | poofyhair, i'm just going to let synaptic install gnomebaker | 10:42 |
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after8 | W_DraGoN> its a glitch and you can iron it out..... | 10:42 |
W_DraGoN | "configure mouse, cannot open input device" preinit failed for input device " configure mouse" | 10:42 |
linner | after8, did you get your question answered? | 10:42 |
thenuke | ghostdog: http://richard.jones.name/google-hacks/gmail-filesystem/gmail-filesystem.html | 10:42 |
W_DraGoN | ok, tips? since im a total noob to linux :P | 10:42 |
Seveas | Cossins, you'd better stfu yourself instead of pointless ranting | 10:42 |
W_DraGoN | installed today | 10:42 |
poofyhair | uruclef: I would run "top" | 10:42 |
Magilla | I have all the repositories enabled | 10:42 |
W_DraGoN | and burned yesterday | 10:42 |
poofyhair | then start the gdesklets thing | 10:43 |
oO[NOVA] Oo | W_DraGoN: ouch | 10:43 |
after8 | W_DraGoN> search google for ext2fsfor windows, that way you can access your xorg.conf from zindope | 10:43 |
Uruclef | and then? :) | 10:43 |
W_DraGoN | oO[NOVA] Oo: yeah, had the stupidity to install the breezy version | 10:43 |
W_DraGoN | insteath of a stable one :P | 10:43 |
Cossins | Seveas: I know several people coming from a hardcore gentoo background who are unable to make X.org work atm, and believe me - we had our share of X.org problems with gentoo | 10:43 |
after8 | linner> dunno.... the fstab one about /etc ? nope | 10:43 |
W_DraGoN | after8: going | 10:43 |
Seveas | Cossins, gentoo isn't ubuntu. | 10:43 |
poofyhair | uruclef: see if "python" starts to eat up all the CPU | 10:43 |
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Cossins | Seveas: I'm not ranting, you are dismissing real bugs as user stupidity, which in this case is as wrong as it gets | 10:43 |
after8 | W_DraGoN> breezy will be fine soon, and you get to learn some stuff while you're at it ;) | 10:44 |
poofyhair | dragon: I fixed with this guide personally: | 10:44 |
oO[NOVA] Oo | W_DraGoN: i was referring to the burned word | 10:44 |
Seveas | Cossins, if it's a bug, file it | 10:44 |
linner | after8, oh lord... I so wish I could help ..... :( | 10:44 |
poofyhair | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65471 | 10:44 |
Seveas | don't come ranting in here. | 10:44 |
W_DraGoN | after8: I hope :P | 10:44 |
after8 | linner> heheh no matter, it works, i'm happy :D | 10:44 |
W_DraGoN | oO[NOVA] Oo: lmao, I mean burning CD | 10:44 |
W_DraGoN | after8: is this the program? http://e2fsprogs.sourceforge.net/ext2.html <-- | 10:44 |
linner | after8, have you tried installing breezy on a laptop? | 10:44 |
garyc_ | poofyhair: hey poofyhair do you have a second to test my ftp server I just set up | 10:44 |
poofyhair | ok | 10:44 |
Cossins | Seveas: i can't, because I have no reliable error output, no explanations, no steps to reproduce | 10:44 |
Uruclef | poofyhair, I forgot I had uninstalled it | 10:44 |
after8 | linner> breezy upgrade from hoary yes.. i type on it in X as we speak ;) | 10:44 |
Uruclef | I'll reinstall and tell you :) | 10:44 |
after8 | W_DraGoN> looking | 10:44 |
Cossins | Seveas: a bug report would be as useful as a software patent | 10:45 |
linner | after8, on a mac or a win machine? | 10:45 |
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=== W_DraGoN pets his winnie 3000+ | ||
poofyhair | uruclef: if not superkaramba is quite portable! | 10:45 |
W_DraGoN | wanted to use linux to use the "marvelous" 64 bit world.. | 10:45 |
W_DraGoN | and so bad.. IM NOT HAPPY :P | 10:45 |
Magilla | if I download the deb packages, what is the best way to install them? | 10:45 |
W_DraGoN | so far I mean | 10:45 |
after8 | W_DraGoN> you will.... dont worry ;) | 10:45 |
poofyhair | oh.... | 10:45 |
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linner | after8, I've got a compaq v2000z and i'm having such a hard time... the only install I can get going is mepis... and I hate it! | 10:45 |
after8 | Magilla> dpkg -i .deb | 10:45 |
poofyhair | you use the 64 bot one | 10:45 |
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Seveas | No reliable output? what happend to all the fontpath errors you were complaining about? No steps to reproduce? You said it always fails when satrting... | 10:45 |
Uruclef | supercaramba? what is it? sorry, I'm a new :/ | 10:45 |
enyc | magi: generally, dont download debs, use 'apt-get' or synaptic to install then | 10:45 |
catfox | morning all | 10:46 |
after8 | hehe linner because of hardware issues? | 10:46 |
W_DraGoN | Wish they could do a "translation" engine to make linux read and write from NTFS and viceversa :P | 10:46 |
enyc | magi: howeve,r you CAN 'sudo dpkg -i [filename] .deb' | 10:46 |
after8 | W_DraGoN> this one ---> http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2fsd | 10:46 |
W_DraGoN | its annoying to have to boot from one side, zip them, mail them and ten receive from other place ;P | 10:46 |
linner | after8, haven't a clue... kubuntu gets all the way to the login screen then freezes | 10:46 |
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linner | after8, ubuntu simply won't let me do anything because a part of it "fails" | 10:46 |
poofyhair | dragon: thats MSes fault | 10:46 |
W_DraGoN | after8: I supose just ext2fsd? | 10:46 |
after8 | linner> no eror message? it installs ok, reboots then crashes on login screen? | 10:46 |
W_DraGoN | poofyhair: considering how bullcrap bill gates is | 10:46 |
enyc | w_drag: there is a win32 driver for reading ext2/3.. there is a linux driver for reading NTFS | 10:46 |
W_DraGoN | all the problems of the world are MS related :P | 10:47 |
Magilla | enyc: neither synaptic or apt-get can see the packages | 10:47 |
after8 | W_DraGoN> yep... install and you can see your linnux drivers :) | 10:47 |
W_DraGoN | MS = will eat all competitors | 10:47 |
W_DraGoN | if not force them abnkrupt :P | 10:47 |
enyc | magi: are the packages in any repositories? | 10:47 |
W_DraGoN | bank rupt even | 10:47 |
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garyc | poofyhair: are you getting this | 10:47 |
ompaul | enyc: yes | 10:47 |
poofyhair | uruclef: look here: | 10:47 |
Cossins | Seveas: yes, but it turned out that problem was in the .deb - the fonts.alias file didn't get installed, because for some reason dpkg didn't extract the part of the deb which was supposed to go into /etc | 10:47 |
linner | after8, honestly, it was 3 installs ago and I can't remember the exact error... but yeah... it reboots fine, then crashes at the login screen | 10:47 |
poofyhair | http://freshmeat.net/projects/superkaramba/ | 10:47 |
ompaul | W_DraGoN: stop trolling | 10:47 |
W_DraGoN | I dont know why I read "repositories" as "supositories" lol | 10:47 |
after8 | !tell Magilla about repositories | 10:47 |
poofyhair | garyc: no | 10:47 |
W_DraGoN | Im trolling? o_O | 10:47 |
Uruclef | poofyhair: let's see | 10:47 |
enyc | magi: like, where did you get these pkgs from anyway? | 10:47 |
W_DraGoN | this guy must be a noob if he thinks im trolling | 10:47 |
catfox | is there a way of pinging a machine for n hours? - i need to get a total number of dropped packets from a server for the end of the day | 10:47 |
Cossins | Seveas: completely unrelated to the problem, it isn't X.org that is broken, it's the .debs | 10:47 |
after8 | W_DraGoN> : <beavis> huh huh huh hu huh >/beavis> | 10:47 |
garyc | poofyhair: do you have a second to test my ftp server | 10:48 |
linner | after8, what's trolling? | 10:48 |
Seveas | Cossins, if dpkg didn't extract a part of the deb (which I find highly unlikely), file a bug against it | 10:48 |
after8 | Cossins> in breezy???? | 10:48 |
poofyhair | yeah...but I suck at IRC | 10:48 |
Uruclef | poofyhair: but it's for KDE.. I don't like it :/ | 10:48 |
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Cossins | Seveas: "highly unlikely"... will you please? | 10:48 |
Cossins | after8: yes | 10:48 |
poofyhair | so how do I get link? | 10:48 |
linner | phazeman, welcome | 10:48 |
after8 | linner> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll | 10:48 |
Cossins | Seveas: I had to open the deb in mc and copy the files manually | 10:48 |
W_DraGoN | after8: okey, downloading | 10:48 |
Seveas | Cossins, sure... | 10:48 |
=== linner forgets to check wiki | ||
after8 | Cossins> yeah, it is a bit sticky on upgrade... but is isn't stable yet..... | 10:49 |
ompaul | W_DraGoN: in my books - suggesting that the crud from marketing hell will eat or beat all is trolling, and invites people like me to tell people like you to get real | 10:49 |
linner | after8, thanks :) | 10:49 |
W_DraGoN | after8: I never knew that getting annoyed at Bill gates was "trolling" :P | 10:49 |
Cossins | Seveas: yeah, with that attitude you are surely going to fix those bugs... | 10:49 |
poofyhair | uruclef: I'm a big gdesklets and superkramba user (gnome desktop) and I can tell you that even if you get them to work gdesklets eat up RAM and are buggy. Superkaramba eats RAM, but its less buggy | 10:49 |
sPYder--- | i need help with software installation... ie. wine | 10:49 |
Seveas | Cossins, neither is your attitude helping. | 10:49 |
poofyhair | if gdesklets don't work, don't be scared of KDE stuff. | 10:49 |
W_DraGoN | ompaul: time to upgrade your books, we're not in the 19XX's | 10:49 |
=== after8 is not included in the trolling debate....... ;) | ||
catfox | any ideas about that, pls? | 10:49 |
garyc | linner: do you have a second to check my ftp server | 10:49 |
after8 | non ubuntu help discussions can be had on #ubuntu-offtopic......... | 10:50 |
poofyhair | spyder: what do you need in particular? | 10:50 |
linner | garyc, um... I can try... you'll have to tell me what you'd like me to do though | 10:50 |
Cossins | Seveas: the problem here is that we have a real problem, and some admin thinks it's because his users are stupid | 10:50 |
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Uruclef | poofyhair: ok! Anyway, python runs. But I still get empty window, or no window at all. I'll try superkaramba, if it runs on gnome. | 10:50 |
phazeman | hi linner | 10:50 |
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linner | :) | 10:50 |
catfox | or will ping just keep running until i kill it? | 10:50 |
poofyhair | it does | 10:50 |
garyc | linner try just try anonymous | 10:50 |
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linner | pl | 10:51 |
W_DraGoN | after8: okey I think its installed now | 10:51 |
linner | oops | 10:51 |
linner | ok wait one garyc | 10:51 |
W_DraGoN | now.. what do I do? | 10:51 |
after8 | W_DraGoN> ok, find your xorg.conf file in /etx/X11 and paste it to pastebin | 10:51 |
linner | garyc, it says the connection is refused | 10:51 |
poofyhair | spyder: look at this link: | 10:51 |
poofyhair | http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html | 10:51 |
sartek | can sombody tell me what is the method to patch a file with patch.diff? | 10:51 |
poofyhair | its better to use Linux osftware taen mess with WINE if you can | 10:51 |
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Uruclef | poofyhair: ok, I'll try it. But i think I'll need some help, anyway :D | 10:51 |
Seveas | sartek, patch -p0 < patch.diff | 10:52 |
garyc | linner im opening a tab to you | 10:52 |
linner | garyc, actually i'm sorry i used the wrong protocol | 10:52 |
Cossins | dooglus managed to help me narrow the problem down to the debs involved, last night | 10:52 |
poofyhair | superkaramba is in synaptic! | 10:52 |
sartek | thx | 10:52 |
linner | garyc, it gives me a username and pass... tried anonymous and then it demanded a pass | 10:52 |
after8 | poofyhair> not a very up to date version tho. | 10:52 |
poofyhair | ok. | 10:52 |
W_DraGoN | ok give me a hand after8 | 10:52 |
poofyhair | then here is my personal one: | 10:52 |
poofyhair | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33183 | 10:53 |
linner | garyc, what password do you want me to use? | 10:53 |
=== after8 applauds W_DraGoN ;) | ||
garyc | linner use yur email as user and anonymous as the pass | 10:53 |
W_DraGoN | not for that.. pervert ;P | 10:53 |
=== linner laughs at after8 | ||
linner | garyc, ok | 10:53 |
sPYder--- | poofy... i want to install wine... but i dont know how... i have hard time understanding the installation steps | 10:53 |
linner | garyc, nope ... login incorrect | 10:53 |
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Seveas | sPYder---, apt-get install wine | 10:54 |
linner | garyc, alert... 530... incorrect login | 10:54 |
garyc | linner if that dont work go to the tab i open to you next to ubuntu down at the bottom of your screen | 10:54 |
after8 | W_DraGoN> ok.... you found the file yet? | 10:54 |
Kimahri | Seveas: ping | 10:54 |
Uruclef | poofyhair: I installed it. How do I start it? I can't see it in the menu. | 10:54 |
sPYder--- | but how? is there a newbie channel here for ubuntu? im scared asking newbie questions here | 10:54 |
Seveas | Kimahri, pong | 10:54 |
linner | garyc, there is not another tab | 10:54 |
poofyhair | spyder: use synaptic | 10:54 |
W_DraGoN | after, you're not receiving any private messages? | 10:54 |
linner | just #ubuntu | 10:55 |
poofyhair | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto?highlight=%28synaptic%29 | 10:55 |
Kimahri | Seveas: i'm trying to download the nxclient off of your server, but i'm getting '401 unauthenticated' | 10:55 |
W_DraGoN | sPYder---: im a total noob, dont worry too much | 10:55 |
W_DraGoN | just fire away | 10:55 |
garyc | ok try agora for the user and agoramin as the pass | 10:55 |
linner | ok | 10:55 |
Seveas | Kimahri, planning to use it on breezy? | 10:55 |
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W_DraGoN | after8 : I sent you some Pms, I supose you didnt received them? | 10:55 |
garyc | linner: ok try agora for the user and agoramin as the pass | 10:55 |
poofyhair | uruclef: type the word in the "run" box | 10:55 |
Kimahri | Seveas: i have a hoary box and one breezy tester | 10:55 |
sPYder--- | the easiest for me to install is the ubuntu OS itself T_T | 10:55 |
poofyhair | superkaramba | 10:56 |
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after8 | W_DraGoN> ahh nope...... proxy power :/ | 10:56 |
sPYder--- | but not its software T_T\ | 10:56 |
rigel | is there some file i can look at to determine optimal putty settings to connect to y ubuntu box | 10:56 |
poofyhair | spyder: did you see my link? | 10:56 |
rigel | i know its not an ubu-specific question | 10:56 |
after8 | W_DraGoN> it your nick registered? | 10:56 |
Magilla | where do I put sources.list? | 10:56 |
W_DraGoN | duuuh | 10:56 |
garyc | linner did you get that | 10:56 |
Seveas | Kimahri, for hoary, download the one from nomachine.com, for breezy you need mine (includes a patched path to xauth) | 10:56 |
after8 | s/it/is | 10:56 |
W_DraGoN | after8: nope | 10:56 |
linner | garyc, i'm in | 10:56 |
W_DraGoN | aaand... | 10:56 |
Uruclef | poofyhair: ok thanks :) | 10:56 |
W_DraGoN | let me cut & paste what I told you | 10:56 |
sPYder--- | what is the official forum site here? | 10:56 |
Kimahri | Seveas: for some reason, the one from nomachine wont work | 10:56 |
poofyhair | no problem | 10:56 |
W_DraGoN | <W_DraGoN> Im confused, should I "Mount" the drive? | 10:56 |
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W_DraGoN | <W_DraGoN> I Got 2 hdds | 10:57 |
W_DraGoN | <W_DraGoN> one of 80 Gigs for main windows, and other of 250 Gigs pratitioned in 3 ( 200 Gig for windows base files, 30 Gigs for linux and 1 gig for "share" | 10:57 |
after8 | W_DraGoN> ok, in #flood | 10:57 |
W_DraGoN | k | 10:57 |
Seveas | Kimahri, mine won't work on hpary due to that patch. | 10:57 |
poofyhair | installing software in Breezy is SOOOOOOOO easy | 10:57 |
poofyhair | now | 10:57 |
garyc | linner: excellent this is the first time I have ever setup an ftp server | 10:57 |
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linner | garyc, congrats! | 10:57 |
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linner | you done good kid | 10:57 |
Kimahri | Seveas: which one do i get? the .deb version? | 10:57 |
W_DraGoN | YAY!!! *leechs gary's bandwitch* | 10:57 |
Seveas | Kimahri, yes | 10:57 |
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=== linner slaps W_DraGoN... be nice to your neighbors! | ||
linner | :) | 10:58 |
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garyc | linner: do you mind uploading a file jsut as a test | 10:58 |
linner | sure | 10:58 |
linner | give me a second | 10:58 |
=== W_DraGoN slaps linner back... He's not my enightbor :P | ||
=== anele [n=anele@myw-stp-196-34-113-181.sentechsa.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linner | garyc, no probs at all | 10:58 |
xuniluser | Help: How do i access shared resources from other Linux machines? | 10:58 |
linner | garyc, you're all good! | 10:58 |
W_DraGoN | you know, after struggling with ubuntu at @60 Hz mode of monitor settings, Im still dizzy :P | 10:59 |
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W_DraGoN | rarely, had to reinstall my winbloze drivers too :P | 10:59 |
=== enyc runs at 1152x864 in 100hz | ||
garyc | linner did you up load a file. what name? | 10:59 |
Seveas | xuniluser, places->connect to server | 10:59 |
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W_DraGoN | im at 90 Hz atm | 10:59 |
W_DraGoN | <-- Viewsonic G75f+ | 10:59 |
Uruclef | poofyhair: it seems to run! thank you a lot :) | 10:59 |
W_DraGoN | small, but works :> | 10:59 |
poofyhair | no problem | 11:00 |
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W_DraGoN | *rubs rubs his monitor* my.. precious.... | 11:00 |
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linner | garyc, hold on a sec | 11:00 |
linner | garyc, .esd_auth | 11:00 |
dff | can you get firfox beta thru apt? | 11:00 |
=== enyc has a gateway-vx900 and a sony gdm-4011p and... a loooooad of monitors [!!!] far too many... how silly <g> | ||
Seveas | dff, no | 11:00 |
Magilla | where do I find the sources.list file? | 11:00 |
linner | garyc, it was small and I thought I could give you immediate feedback | 11:01 |
dff | ok | 11:01 |
Seveas | /etc/apt/sources.list | 11:01 |
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Magilla | thanks | 11:01 |
W_DraGoN | enyc: can we be friends? :P | 11:01 |
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poofyhair | I miss ubuntuguide | 11:01 |
W_DraGoN | I'll steal your monitors, while we friendily talk :D | 11:01 |
linner | garyc, I have closed the FTP connections | 11:01 |
sPYder--- | poof teach me to install wine plzzzz | 11:01 |
Seveas | poofyhair, :| | 11:01 |
linner | oops connection | 11:01 |
Seveas | what's to miss... | 11:01 |
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poofyhair | I good sources.list | 11:02 |
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poofyhair | A | 11:02 |
linner | hey ya'll what's the command to "refresh a panel" | 11:02 |
garyc | linner thats funny I dont see a file named .esd_auth in your folder | 11:02 |
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Seveas | !sources | 11:02 |
ubotu | methinks sources is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) | 11:02 |
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poofyhair | and a good fstab line | 11:02 |
Seveas | ^-- poofyhair | 11:02 |
linner | so that the install I just did will show up | 11:02 |
Seveas | fstab lines for what? | 11:02 |
linner | garyc, let me check my download folder | 11:02 |
W_DraGoN | Anyone here knows how to use the program ext2fsd ? | 11:02 |
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poofyhair | bah | 11:02 |
poofyhair | who cares about official repos at first | 11:02 |
W_DraGoN | fux.. 4:00 am in the morninig x_X | 11:02 |
after8 | linner> gnome or kde? | 11:02 |
poofyhair | the gold is in the backports extras | 11:02 |
linner | garyc, hmm... you're right... I don't have the file | 11:02 |
Seveas | rofl | 11:02 |
Seveas | the dirt too | 11:02 |
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poofyhair | true | 11:03 |
linner | garyc, it showed it was downloading this is weird | 11:03 |
linner | after8, gnome | 11:03 |
Seveas | and these repos are included in those lists | 11:03 |
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Seveas | just not enabled by default (which is good) | 11:03 |
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garyc | linner I meant to upload from you up to the site | 11:03 |
linner | oh... upload? | 11:03 |
linner | garyc, hmmm... i was just using firefox | 11:03 |
poofyhair | Its cool | 11:04 |
linner | garyc, let me open an ftp program ... just a minute | 11:04 |
poofyhair | don't need the guide as much | 11:04 |
Uruclef | ok guys | 11:04 |
Uruclef | I leave | 11:04 |
Uruclef | bye all! | 11:04 |
garyc | linner do you have an ftp client | 11:04 |
garyc | linner oops ok | 11:04 |
linner | garyc, yeah i sure do | 11:04 |
linner | garyc, wait one | 11:04 |
poofyhair | not with this: | 11:04 |
poofyhair | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66563 | 11:04 |
poofyhair | I use that instead of guide now | 11:04 |
after8 | linner> restart X...... or run it in a shell. | 11:04 |
poofyhair | long live unofficial Ubuntu | 11:04 |
linner | garyc, give me the stats | 11:05 |
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linner | after8, what is restart x | 11:05 |
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linner | garyc, i need the ftp address | 11:05 |
poofyhair | linner: hit alt+ctrl+backspace at same time | 11:05 |
garyc | linner agora - agoramin | 11:05 |
Seveas | poofyhair, ewwwwwww that looks like awful crud | 11:05 |
after8 | linner> it restartq the graphic server (X)... | 11:05 |
linner | poofyhair, thanks | 11:05 |
garyc | linner | 11:05 |
linner | garyc, thanks | 11:05 |
poofyhair | looks aren't the best. | 11:05 |
poofyhair | waht it can do with clicks is amazing | 11:06 |
Kimahri | linner: that's the bad way of restarting X. back out to a console (ctrl+alt+f1), then type 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart' | 11:06 |
sPYder--- | how would i know if the software was installed??????? | 11:06 |
Seveas | hmm, at least you can select what it should do | 11:06 |
Seveas | so it's not all bad | 11:06 |
linner | garyc, see if you see a nin-ticket.jpg on your desktop | 11:06 |
linner | Kimahri, oh okay... i didn't know what x is... | 11:06 |
poofyhair | plus the creator is really bright | 11:06 |
linner | thank you! | 11:06 |
garyc | linner yes I do!!! | 11:07 |
garyc | linner it works!! | 11:07 |
sPYder--- | poofy how would i know if the software was installed??????? | 11:07 |
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sPYder--- | where to see the icon? | 11:07 |
poofyhair | if WINE was installed? | 11:07 |
sPYder--- | yes | 11:07 |
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after8 | linner: Nine Inch Nails? :DDDDDDDDDDD | 11:08 |
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poofyhair | well.....for most oyu look in the panel | 11:08 |
linner | well that was fun... i didn't know it was going to crap out everything | 11:08 |
poofyhair | in the applications place | 11:08 |
linner | after8, yep! | 11:08 |
poofyhair | I think with WINE too | 11:08 |
poofyhair | menu | 11:08 |
linner | after8, sellin' it on ebay | 11:08 |
poofyhair | not place | 11:08 |
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Seveas | poofyhair, bug found in Automatix :) | 11:08 |
Seveas | several bugs even | 11:08 |
linner | poofyhair, but it worked... thank you! i have my gnome baker showing up now | 11:08 |
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poofyhair | seveas: email him if you can about it | 11:09 |
poofyhair | very new project, so it would help a lot | 11:09 |
poofyhair | of PM whatever | 11:09 |
Seveas | I don't use forums | 11:09 |
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Seveas | so you happen to know his address? | 11:09 |
poofyhair | how about email? | 11:09 |
after8 | linner> whens the concert??? | 11:09 |
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boknoy_jr | unsaon man ni nako? | 11:09 |
Kimahri | Seveas: i'm still having issues starting the nx client. i'm getting a nice big error screaming at me that some libstdc++ file is missing | 11:10 |
mrchicago | anyone know of any good deb repos | 11:10 |
boknoy_jr | dli ko kabalo mo add ug lain nag software? | 11:10 |
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mrchicago | i can add in /etc/apt/sources.lst | 11:10 |
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poofyhair | greyrod@gmail.com | 11:10 |
poofyhair | is his email | 11:10 |
linner | 10/1 | 11:10 |
linner | sorry.. after8 it's on 10/1 | 11:10 |
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boknoy_jr | oi tabang mo beh | 11:10 |
after8 | shame you aint going..... | 11:10 |
boknoy_jr | tabang mo diha | 11:10 |
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linner | after8, why? | 11:10 |
after8 | boknoy_jr> what language is that? | 11:11 |
linner | after8, i have to go out of town... can't make it | 11:11 |
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VictoR | bisaya | 11:11 |
Seveas | Kimahri, right, install libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 | 11:11 |
linner | after8, that's exactly what I was thinking | 11:11 |
boknoy_jr | yes | 11:11 |
boknoy_jr | bisaya | 11:11 |
after8 | linner> shame!!! | 11:11 |
=== after8 likes NIN | ||
boknoy_jr | victor tabang diha | 11:11 |
oO[NOVA] Oo | know of a recommended bittorrent client on ubuntu, aside from the simple bittornado client? i need something with a nice list of files being downloaded, not one window per download | 11:11 |
Seveas | boknoy_jr, stick to english in here | 11:11 |
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linner | after8, dude it's for work :( | 11:11 |
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linner | after8, wanna go??? | 11:11 |
linner | :) | 11:11 |
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gfunckers | pastilan dolor | 11:11 |
gsuveg | re | 11:11 |
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poofyhair | azeurus | 11:11 |
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gfunckers | boknoy_jr, marosing hahah na ban | 11:12 |
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Seveas | gfunckers, english please.. | 11:12 |
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gfunckers | ops | 11:12 |
sPYder--- | how to access root?? | 11:12 |
gfunckers | sorry | 11:12 |
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after8 | hehe | 11:12 |
after8 | ouch | 11:12 |
oO[NOVA] Oo | poofyhair: oh.. azureus, you mean? | 11:12 |
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Seveas | sPYder---, sudo | 11:12 |
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Seveas | !sudo | 11:12 |
ubotu | I heard sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 11:12 |
gfunckers | boknoy_jr, go to #ubuntu-ph for filipino like me | 11:12 |
poofyhair | yeah | 11:12 |
Delgul_at_work | Hey... is there *any* reason why a debmirror sync would be refused on security.ubuntu.com? I can browse it with firefox, but get a connection refused when using debmirror. I also had this all of a sudden with nl.archive.ubuntu.com. I switched that one to de.archive.ubuntu.com and all is fine there now! This can not be a coincidence.... | 11:12 |
linner | YEA!!!!!!! I'm burning my first IS0 in Linux.. :) | 11:12 |
linner | poofyhair, thank you so much for your help! | 11:13 |
poofyhair | no problem | 11:13 |
linner | poofyhair, had to go with gnomebaker but it works just fine | 11:13 |
linner | poofyhair, to me a burner is a burner | 11:13 |
poofyhair | good deal | 11:13 |
poofyhair | me too | 11:13 |
poofyhair | I use K3B cause it works | 11:13 |
Kimahri | linner: easy way to do this from command line: apt-get install cdrecord, then 'cdrecord dev=/dev/hd<??> /path/to/iso/file' | 11:13 |
poofyhair | use what works | 11:13 |
linner | Kimahri, gosh where did you learn all the commands???? | 11:13 |
after8 | i like k3b cos it has done mp3 to audio since i started on linux (newbieland) | 11:14 |
linner | poofyhair, so far it looks like baker is working just fine... i'll let you know after the ISO has burned ... rather baked | 11:14 |
gsuveg | for dualhead i need enable xinerama module in xorg ? | 11:14 |
after8 | linner> lol... | 11:14 |
Kimahri | linner: my main workstation runs Gentoo, so i had to learn some cli stuff to install it | 11:14 |
linner | after8, are you still in France? | 11:14 |
after8 | linner> yep.... | 11:14 |
poofyhair | gsuveg: what video card do oyu have? | 11:15 |
linner | Kimahri, ahhh.... okay... i'm just a wannabe at this point... i need all the gui stuff first ... then will learn the commands | 11:15 |
linner | after8, when is the company closing? | 11:15 |
gsuveg | poofyhair: i810 in my notebook | 11:15 |
Kimahri | Seveas: you are a god. it runs now, but somebody should put up a nice BIG warning that says that 'package libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 is a required dependency' or something | 11:15 |
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linner | after8, you didn't tell me if you installed ubuntu on a PC or a MAC | 11:16 |
oO[NOVA] Oo | god is real unless declared an integer | 11:16 |
poofyhair | best dual monitor document on web for Linux: | 11:16 |
poofyhair | http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Dual_Monitors | 11:16 |
poofyhair | all works good in Ubuntu | 11:16 |
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gsuveg | poofyhair: thansk a lot | 11:16 |
gsuveg | poofyhair: if not clear, can i ask? | 11:16 |
linner | poofyhair, I like your nic :) | 11:16 |
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poofyhair | thanks | 11:17 |
dff | I downloaded this theme | 11:17 |
oO[NOVA] Oo | yes, i like your network card too, poofyhair. | 11:17 |
dff | http://ardchoille.org/themes/gdm/southwest.tar.gz | 11:17 |
linner | poofyhair, sure | 11:17 |
poofyhair | on the forums is "poofyhairguy" | 11:17 |
dff | but the theme manager wouldn't install it? | 11:17 |
gsuveg | poofyhair: it need works right ? | 11:17 |
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poofyhair | sure | 11:17 |
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gsuveg | now the 'clone' is works | 11:17 |
after8 | linner> never touched a mac in my life...... and 31st january, date confirmed yesterday | 11:17 |
W_DraGoN | hey guys, one question to anyone answers it | 11:17 |
W_DraGoN | where are the "erorr logs" of X11 ? | 11:17 |
W_DraGoN | error even | 11:17 |
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ronalde | pitti: could you explain how upstream translations get integrated in to the language packages? (I'm a member of the DutchTeam) | 11:18 |
poofyhair | gsuveg: look at the use xinerama part | 11:18 |
dff | Seveas: is there a place i can get a deb of firefox beta? | 11:18 |
dff | or apt repo | 11:18 |
pitti | ronalde: right now they have to be updated in the source package first | 11:18 |
pitti | ronalde: later you can throw them into Rosetta | 11:18 |
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pitti | ronalde: I will build new language packs soon anyway | 11:19 |
linner | after8, really??? oh wow.... macs are the bomb... but linux is slowly becoming my OS of choice.... | 11:19 |
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derk | do ubunto (LINUX) can support for games?? | 11:19 |
linner | after8, oh great... right after Christmas... | 11:19 |
poofyhair | dff: you don't need it | 11:19 |
NilXu | BlueEagle: are you on>? | 11:19 |
linner | after8, what version of ubuntu did you install? | 11:19 |
ronalde | pitti: so now i should update the my upstream translations manually in Rosetta? | 11:19 |
poofyhair | dff: just use the normal file | 11:19 |
derk | do ubunto (LINUX) can support for games?? | 11:20 |
pitti | ronalde: either that, or update the source package; the latter will always work | 11:20 |
W_DraGoN | after8: you got all the info you needed? | 11:20 |
poofyhair | derK: wht games? | 11:20 |
pitti | ronalde: but if they are upstream, why not just do a new release and ask us to package it? | 11:20 |
poofyhair | http://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-1.5b1&os=linux&lang=en-US | 11:20 |
derk | poofyhair: for local games and online games? | 11:20 |
ronalde | pitti: i'll have to ask the upstream-maintainer? | 11:21 |
dff | poofyhair: um sorry explai | 11:21 |
poofyhair | derK: well...it can play Linux games liek that. Its can't play Windows games like that. | 11:21 |
poofyhair | dff: look at my last link | 11:21 |
pitti | ronalde: oh, I thought you are an upstream for a package; of course you can also send the translations directly to him | 11:21 |
dff | :) | 11:21 |
pitti | ronalde: but uploading them into Rosetta is easiest for now | 11:21 |
NilXu | is requiring a bios flash reason enough to report a bug? | 11:22 |
poofyhair | just unzip it anywhere in home, and click on "firefox" in the folder | 11:22 |
poofyhair | and tell it to "run" | 11:22 |
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derk | how run the games??? we've try to install but it dosent run | 11:22 |
ronalde | pitti: thanx ... already filed a bug in Malone though ... should I clear it? | 11:22 |
W_DraGoN | duuohhh, I think he crashed? | 11:22 |
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dealt | hello | 11:22 |
zxsykco | Ahoy! | 11:22 |
poofyhair | I must sleep | 11:23 |
poofyhair | nite | 11:23 |
pitti | ronalde: not necessary, adding the translations to the source package is a good idea anyway | 11:23 |
dealt | how can i know what package does libtag_c.so.0 belongs? | 11:23 |
W_DraGoN | noite poofy | 11:23 |
derk | so with the web cam... can we use on it?? with yahoo msgr?? | 11:23 |
Jhair | dealt: dpkg -S lib... | 11:23 |
elad` | I have one HDD, the Ubuntu 5.04 ISO on it, and a floppy drive. Can I work with this to get it installed side by side with WinXP? | 11:23 |
W_DraGoN | anyone can tell me in wich directory the X11 stores its "error logs" of when it starts? | 11:23 |
NilXu | dealt: hi | 11:23 |
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W_DraGoN | elad: I would use "partition magic" to resize your NTFS drive size | 11:23 |
aftertaf | W_DraGoN> /var/log/xorg.n.log | 11:23 |
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aftertaf | boing!!! | 11:23 |
derk | do anyone can answer my questions? | 11:24 |
W_DraGoN | ty aftertaff | 11:24 |
grisings | cake | 11:24 |
grisings | ups | 11:24 |
elad` | W_DraGoN, ok, and then? | 11:24 |
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cake | morning ppl | 11:24 |
NilXu | is requiring a bios flash reason enough to report a bug? dont everybody answer at once | 11:24 |
cake | i just installed the 5.10 pr release on my laptop | 11:24 |
ronalde | pitti: what about the ubuntu additions to gnome which don't have(?) public sources and aren't in Rosetta (like 'update-manager')? | 11:24 |
cake | works great so far | 11:24 |
W_DraGoN | elad: then resize to give an empty partition at least 10GB for your linux | 11:24 |
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aftertaf | W_DraGoN> can be done with gparted too......;) | 11:25 |
W_DraGoN | then install linux directly from the cd? :P | 11:25 |
W_DraGoN | aftertaf: well I go for what I know, and since im a winbloze user, then partition magic is my key :P | 11:25 |
elad` | W_DraGoN, the installing a CD without being able to burn it to a CD is the part I'm uncertain of. How do I do that? | 11:25 |
cake | just wondering though, where can i find a complete repositories list for this version? | 11:25 |
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aftertaf | W_DraGoN> totally ;) i used gparted first time 2 days ago ;) | 11:25 |
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W_DraGoN | you cant burn a cd? o_O | 11:25 |
aftertaf | !tell cake about repositories | 11:25 |
W_DraGoN | I repeat, I swear every time I see "repositories" , I read it as "supositories" :P | 11:26 |
dealt | Jhair: thanks | 11:26 |
W_DraGoN | Ie, anal pills :P | 11:26 |
elad` | I don't have a burner available. | 11:26 |
W_DraGoN | elad`: then honestly, I dont know x_X | 11:26 |
W_DraGoN | I know there are other forms of installin | 11:26 |
dealt | NilXu: yep? | 11:26 |
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W_DraGoN | but im a noob of linux myself | 11:26 |
elad` | Can anyone else help? | 11:26 |
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rejden | W_DraGoN, that's a good start ;) | 11:26 |
JOSEPH | HI | 11:26 |
NilXu | dealt: ? | 11:27 |
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nation | i cant apt-get install any packet? | 11:27 |
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cake | perfect :) | 11:27 |
JOSEPH | HI | 11:27 |
pitti | ronalde: hmm, if they are not in rosetta, that's a bug | 11:27 |
cake | thc aftertaf | 11:27 |
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cake | thx* | 11:27 |
aftertaf | JOSEPH> need help? just ask | 11:27 |
cake | ;) | 11:27 |
deFrysk | elad`, I believe its possible to install first debian with floppie and then upgrade it online to ubuntu | 11:27 |
aftertaf | ;) cake | 11:27 |
nation | how can i apt vlc? | 11:28 |
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pitti | ronalde: I ask carlos about it | 11:28 |
concept10 | Has anyone installed the new free version of Opera? I just did and recieved some Java error: There is a problem with the order of loading Xt and | 11:28 |
concept10 | Java. If Xt is loaded before libawt (part of Java), | 11:28 |
concept10 | Java will crash when it tries to access the screen | 11:28 |
W_DraGoN | rejden: good start of what? :P | 11:28 |
concept10 | whoops | 11:28 |
aftertaf | nation> apt-get install vlc | 11:28 |
ronalde | pitti: i'll try to make a list | 11:28 |
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concept10 | any suggestions? | 11:28 |
JOSEPH | KOGHY | 11:29 |
W_DraGoN | concept10: burn java with fire ;P | 11:29 |
aftertaf | concept10> apart from starting a browser war, nope ;) | 11:29 |
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W_DraGoN | jk lol | 11:29 |
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nation | yes i did that but sources.list whitch servers i write there | 11:29 |
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JOSEPH | qmosta kaung mga pilipino | 11:29 |
JOSEPH | may pilipino ba d2 | 11:29 |
elad` | deFrysk, what about another way? | 11:29 |
sPYder--- | joseph | 11:29 |
carlos | ronalde, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy/+sources/update-notifier/+pots/update-notifier | 11:30 |
carlos | ronalde, it's there.... | 11:30 |
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sPYder--- | join #ubuntu-ph | 11:30 |
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JOSEPH | hi spyder | 11:30 |
pitti | ronalde: carlos just told me that it is there | 11:30 |
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W_DraGoN | fux, im falling asleep x_X | 11:30 |
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concept10 | aftertaf: ive been using firefox/thunderbird for the longest. I think I want to have everything in one window.. | 11:30 |
W_DraGoN | quick.. pillow! :P | 11:31 |
W_DraGoN | since I touched firefox, I havent left it to be honest | 11:31 |
W_DraGoN | only use IE when its need for "propietary " style websites | 11:31 |
ronalde | pitti: ok ... ubuntu's world is a fast world indeed! I'll continue to try the other packages... thanks! | 11:31 |
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ronalde | carlos: thanks | 11:32 |
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er4z0r | what do the number in the linknames in rc.<something> mean? | 11:33 |
JOSEPH | iam loking for a girl becouse i have no gf | 11:33 |
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er4z0r | JOSEPH: then your ok with linux | 11:33 |
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JOSEPH | yes | 11:33 |
W_DraGoN | troll anyone? :P | 11:33 |
mrchicago | arent we all | 11:33 |
er4z0r | ;) | 11:33 |
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Seveas | W_DraGoN: Please keep the code of conduct in mind when chatting here. You can find it at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct | 11:34 |
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W_DraGoN | wow, you cant even do jokes? :/ | 11:34 |
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David_W | hello all | 11:35 |
JOSEPH | h3llow 2 | 11:35 |
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Seveas | W_DraGoN, this is a serious support channel, for general chatter you'd better use #ubuntu-offtopic | 11:36 |
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W_DraGoN | maybe you should read the general text that is typed here... because quite a few is offtopic | 11:37 |
W_DraGoN | not only me | 11:37 |
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W_DraGoN | brb gotta configure that, ftertaff helping me | 11:37 |
JOSEPH | fuck you tongmaster | 11:38 |
JOSEPH | joke only | 11:38 |
ronalde | pitti: "Administrator help needed. gnome-app-install has not yet been setup for translation through Rosetta." | 11:38 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %JOSEPH!*@*] by Seveas | ||
pitti | carlos: ^ ?? | 11:38 |
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carlos | ronalde, URL? | 11:39 |
conrad_ | hi, am i registered or not? | 11:39 |
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ronalde | carlos: https://launchpad.net/products/gnome-app-install/+translations | 11:39 |
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conrad_ | am confused :~( | 11:39 |
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Seveas | conrad_, you're not identified to services. | 11:40 |
conrad_ | damn, i just don't know how to do it | 11:40 |
conrad_ | i clicked on the register with nick site | 11:40 |
Seveas | /msg nickserv help register | 11:40 |
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conrad_ | i apologize for my incompetence | 11:40 |
twibbler | morning all ... where can I download the ubuntu source code ?.. | 11:40 |
carlos | ronalde, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy/+sources/gnome-app-install/+pots/gnome-app-install | 11:40 |
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conrad_ | where do i type that? | 11:41 |
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Seveas | the same place as you type the text to send | 11:41 |
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conrad_ | ? | 11:41 |
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conrad_ | here? | 11:41 |
Seveas | yes | 11:41 |
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carlos | ronalde, you should look at the distros URL | 11:42 |
ronalde | carlos: ok | 11:42 |
W_DraGoN | ok, time to bed, good night all!! | 11:42 |
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conrad_ | REGISTER | 11:42 |
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Seveas | conrad_, /msg nickserv register a_password_here | 11:43 |
gsuveg | anyone use i810+dualhead ? | 11:44 |
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conrad_ | have i done it? | 11:45 |
Seveas | yes | 11:45 |
aftertaf | Seveas> a few ppl have mentioned bugs with X.... no corepointer anymore. | 11:45 |
conrad_ | God have mercy | 11:45 |
Seveas | remember that password carefully and set it as server password in your IRC client | 11:45 |
conrad_ | Thx Seveas | 11:45 |
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conrad_ | where do i find that please? | 11:46 |
Kimahri | Seveas: thanks for pointing me in the right direction on getting the nx client working | 11:46 |
Seveas | Kimahri, np | 11:46 |
Seveas | I'm fixing the deb package now :) | 11:46 |
onkarshinde | Has anyone used IBM's JRE on linux? How is it's performance as compared to Sun's JRE? | 11:46 |
David_W | yes ihave | 11:47 |
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Kimahri | Seveas: to make it depend on that libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 file? | 11:47 |
Seveas | yup | 11:47 |
Kimahri | cool | 11:47 |
conrad_ | can i ask a couple questions? | 11:47 |
Seveas | sure | 11:47 |
David_W | yes | 11:47 |
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Kimahri | conrad_: don't ask to ask lol... just do it | 11:47 |
onkarshinde | David_W: Was that an answer to my question? | 11:47 |
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David_W | yes i have used the ibm on suse | 11:48 |
David_W | 9.3 | 11:48 |
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conrad_ | can i, or how can i save all my data, to transfer bookmarks etc to new fresh breezy install | 11:48 |
onkarshinde | David_W: How is performance? | 11:48 |
David_W | it dose seem to be slightly faster on that system | 11:48 |
conrad_ | ok, kimahri, i'm a shy newbie, i'll get the hang of it | 11:48 |
wym | left | 11:49 |
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Seveas | conrad_, are you running hoary now? | 11:49 |
conrad_ | yes | 11:49 |
onkarshinde | conrad_: Do you need to do fresh install? you can upgrade from hoary to breezy. | 11:49 |
conrad_ | and i want to install new | 11:49 |
Seveas | then don't do a fresh install | 11:49 |
David_W | but i have'nt done any real benchmarks | 11:49 |
Seveas | just upgrade :) | 11:49 |
conrad_ | i heard it is better to do a fresh install - some people have had problems with upgrade | 11:49 |
Seveas | nonsense | 11:49 |
onkarshinde | David_W: Thanks anyway. I will try on Ubuntu. | 11:50 |
David_W | yes you can upgrade thats the beauty of apt | 11:50 |
conrad_ | nonsense : ) | 11:50 |
Seveas | unless they messed up their hoary systems themself, upgrades are fine. | 11:50 |
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Seveas | my systems are warty upgraded to hoary upgraded to breezy.. | 11:50 |
conrad_ | well, and this is part of the second question, i also want to create a dual boot | 11:50 |
Seveas | anyway, gotta go | 11:50 |
Seveas | cya | 11:50 |
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onkarshinde | conrad_: Do you have dual boot already? | 11:51 |
conrad_ | i have dedicated all 80gig to Ubuntu, which is unnecessarily extravagant | 11:51 |
conrad_ | no | 11:51 |
conrad_ | and i want to have one stable distro and one to learn and experiment on | 11:51 |
conrad_ | that is why i also thought a fresh install would allow me to create a dual-boot | 11:52 |
onkarshinde | conrad_: Have you allocated a single 80GB partition to Ubuntu? | 11:52 |
conrad_ | yes | 11:52 |
Kimahri | conrad_: that shouldn't be too awful hard to do | 11:52 |
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Kimahri | conrad_: but since you're gonna have to repartition the drive, then yes, you're ognna have to freshinstall it | 11:53 |
David_W | you should have at least 3 partitions | 11:53 |
conrad_ | that is what i thought | 11:53 |
conrad_ | but i want to bring bookmarks and emails over to fresh install | 11:53 |
David_W | d | 11:54 |
conrad_ | David: 3 partitions? you mean 1 swap and two /home | 11:54 |
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Kimahri | conrad_: my partition table setup on my gentoo workstation is weird, but that's because it also has windows on it. hda1 is 40G NTFS, hda2 is 100M /boot (reiserfs), hda3 is 40G / (reiserfs), and hda5 is a 1G swap. /home can be shared | 11:54 |
David_W | oh wait my bad | 11:54 |
David_W | your doin dual boot | 11:54 |
David_W | huh | 11:54 |
onkarshinde | conrad_: all your bookmarks and personal settings rest in /home/username folder. So if you can take backup of that it will be good. | 11:55 |
conrad_ | kimahri: how do i save email addresses and bookmarks | 11:55 |
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luz | hi | 11:55 |
xuniluser | Anyone using GUI based programming tool in Linux? What's the best? | 11:55 |
David_W | are u using firefox | 11:55 |
David_W | just use the export tool if you are | 11:55 |
conrad_ | onkarshinde: great and how do i back up | 11:55 |
Kimahri | conrad_: use gnome's file roller to backup your /home/<user> directory, then just unpack it when you get the new system up | 11:56 |
onkarshinde | xuniluser: for what kind of programming? | 11:56 |
=== brownie17 [n=fraser@static-203-87-6-82.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
conrad_ | firefox, epiphany and opera | 11:56 |
brownie17 | how do i stop totem trying to play a dvd everytime i put it in? | 11:56 |
conrad_ | gnome file roller? where please | 11:56 |
Kimahri | brownie17: open gnome-volume-manager and untick the 'autoplay DVD' checkbox (or similar) | 11:56 |
David_W | i hate that so i switch to xine | 11:56 |
ulaas | System->Prefs->Removoable DEvice and Media | 11:56 |
Kimahri | conrad_: you might have to intsall it | 11:56 |
xuniluser | onkarshinde: C,C++, etc. which uses Visual-like environment like MonoDevelop and KDevelop. Are there other apps like these? | 11:57 |
onkarshinde | brownie17: System->Preferences->Removable Media | 11:57 |
Kimahri | install * (i can't type today | 11:57 |
conrad_ | ah...: ) | 11:57 |
ulaas | Any ideas on bug 15434? | 11:57 |
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conrad_ | Kimahri: what is the name; i typed fileroller in synaptic/search | 11:58 |
onkarshinde | xuniluser: I heard Anjuta is good. Just a good project manager and you can use make from inside it. | 11:58 |
Kimahri | conrad_: i don't know exactly | 11:58 |
Kimahri | conrad_: apt-get install ark... it's the same kind of program | 11:58 |
onkarshinde | xuniluser: It is available under universe. | 11:58 |
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kikisawaa | halooo | 11:58 |
Kimahri | hello kikisawaa | 11:58 |
luz | hello | 11:58 |
conrad_ | and with ark i can save /home/directories? | 11:58 |
Kimahri | conrad_: you can backup anything that you can access | 11:59 |
xuniluser | onkarshinde: ok thanks :) | 11:59 |
kikisawaa | paano po ba mag landscape sa office dto sa ubunto linux??? | 11:59 |
onkarshinde | conrad_: fileroller is installed by default. If you right click on a folder you can see 'add to archive' | 11:59 |
conrad_ | yes, believe it or not i have never backed anything up. | 11:59 |
conrad_ | So it is a new learning curve | 11:59 |
Kimahri | kikisawaa: and in english? | 11:59 |
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dealt | hi! quick q: how to graphical grub? | 11:59 |
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David_W | meaning? | 12:00 |
onkarshinde | conrad_: Backup is just making a copy for saftey. You can choose to compress the data for less space requirement. | 12:00 |
kikisawaa | i want to use landscape for my doc. wer could i find it??? | 12:00 |
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David_W | oh never mind i got cha | 12:00 |
Kimahri | kikisawaa: let me look | 12:00 |
onkarshinde | dealt: Quick questions won't get you quick answers. Ecplain in detail. | 12:00 |
kikisawaa | ok thnx | 12:00 |
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dealt | onkarshinde: i mean how can i use graphics/images/themes in grub? | 12:01 |
sn0n | hey guys... anyone else having this mouse problem when updating breezy ? | 12:01 |
David_W | when he boots there is no graphical frambuffer screen | 12:01 |
onkarshinde | kikisawaa: Must be somewhere in Applications->System Tools->Printing where you modify printing preferences. | 12:01 |
sn0n | X wont start /dev/input/mice = dont exist | 12:01 |
kikisawaa | Kimahri: didto you find it??? | 12:01 |
David_W | so howto do custom themes and all that | 12:01 |
digger3 | sn0n: I have more problems with the latest updates, no X, no wireless, etc | 12:02 |
kikisawaa | wer i could find page set up??? | 12:02 |
Kimahri | kikisawaa: file - Printer Settings - Properties | 12:02 |
digger3 | sn0n: does X also complain about not being able to load the agp module? | 12:02 |
Kimahri | kikisawaa: on OpenOffice it's under File -> Printer Settings -> Properties | 12:02 |
aftertaf | Someone needs to file a bug here...... latest X updates problem on breezy. | 12:02 |
onkarshinde | dealt: grub only supports 16 colour splash (xpm) images. for that you will need to add 'splashimages=pathtosomexpm.gz' to /boot/grub/menu.lst | 12:02 |
sn0n | digger3: no? | 12:03 |
aftertaf | you all have messages about "corepointer"? | 12:03 |
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sn0n | digger3: as far as i can tell.. mouse is borked | 12:03 |
conrad_ | thank you kimahri and onkarshinde - i will go and try | 12:03 |
aftertaf | /input/mice or /psaux | 12:03 |
sn0n | same here aftertaf | 12:03 |
aftertaf | same error..... | 12:03 |
assistants | hello | 12:03 |
conrad_ | bye | 12:03 |
assistants | hi | 12:03 |
aftertaf | i dont have the rror but ive spoke to 3 ppl this morning already who do have it. | 12:03 |
assistants | fffff | 12:03 |
onkarshinde | kikisawaa: Did you find the Printing tool? Page setup can be found in properties of printer. | 12:04 |
sn0n | i dont know how to fix it :-( | 12:04 |
sn0n | i'll just man up and console for a few.. ;-) | 12:04 |
aftertaf | sn0n> me neither best idea i think. | 12:04 |
kikisawaa | wait | 12:04 |
sn0n | LoL | 12:04 |
kikisawaa | were i cn find it? | 12:04 |
sn0n | wise man say, if X dont work, dont use X. | 12:04 |
sn0n | ;-) | 12:04 |
kikisawaa | i cnt find it | 12:04 |
digger3 | The firmware for my ipw2200 is missing since today as well, anyone with similar issues? or advice on how to get it? | 12:05 |
=== sn0n wonders off.. freeing up a lil desktop space with no mouse.. ;-) | ||
onkarshinde | kikisawaa: Look Into Applications->System Tools or System->Preferences. You should find something related to printer. | 12:05 |
aftertaf | sn0n> totally. if not X then bitchX ;) | 12:05 |
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Hendric | hi.. how can i remove a menu entry... the uninstaller did not remove the menu that the application added.... im using Gnome | 12:09 |
kikisawaa | i've gone through with applications > system tools > but i cnt find related to printer | 12:09 |
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onkarshinde | kikisawaa: How about System->Administration? | 12:11 |
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thesaltydog | what's happening with latest update of dbus?? My Xorg server won't start anymore.. | 12:13 |
Kimahri | yay... at least now the freenx system works for me. but now all i need to do is fina a laptop with a screen larger than 800x600 and i'll be set | 12:13 |
thesaltydog | it says: failded to initialize core devices.. | 12:13 |
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crispin | thesaltydog: downgrade udev back to -ubuntu12 | 12:14 |
thesaltydog | realyy?? | 12:14 |
thesaltydog | really? | 12:14 |
crispin | see the bug in the topic | 12:14 |
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thesaltydog | ok...thanks. | 12:14 |
kikisawaa | ok i find it already the printer then what should i do next? how can i do landscape? | 12:15 |
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onkarshinde | kikisawaa: right click on the printer and select properties | 12:15 |
dreamstar | hi guys, just a question for u. i updated the 5.10 10 minutes ago with the latest updates and the x now doesn't work anymore. anyone with the same problem? | 12:15 |
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aboyousif | hi all | 12:16 |
David_W | seems to be happening to several people | 12:16 |
dreamstar | d'oh! | 12:16 |
crispin | dreamstar: downgrade udev to -ubuntu12 (see the bug in the topic) | 12:16 |
dreamstar | crispin so i have to access via console and give which command? | 12:17 |
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David_W | unless your a tester or fairly experienced user then stay with the stable releases | 12:17 |
kikisawaa | i've right click and it shows add | 12:17 |
kikisawaa | i've right click and it shows +add | 12:18 |
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guest_ | hello | 12:19 |
sn0n | hey all... :-p | 12:19 |
dreamstar | sorry can u tell me where is the topic exactly? | 12:19 |
sn0n | try /topic | 12:19 |
sn0n | ;-) | 12:19 |
=== BockBilbo [n=Bock@eu85-84-43-70.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sn0n | im sorry.. smart ass answer.. but tis the correct one.. ;-) | 12:19 |
guest_ | anyone here | 12:20 |
onkarshinde | kikisawaa: Have you configured the printer? | 12:20 |
BockBilbo | hello | 12:20 |
dreamstar | i mean the topic about the bug concerning the x prob | 12:20 |
BockBilbo | can anyone tell me if the apt servers are working ok? | 12:20 |
David_W | yes read the channel topic | 12:20 |
dreamstar | ok thx | 12:20 |
onkarshinde | guest_: we all are here. State your question without wasting to more lines in hello and hi. | 12:20 |
David_W | it points you to the proper resources | 12:20 |
Grant_ | BockBilbo: all seem to work for me | 12:21 |
David_W | np | 12:21 |
guest_ | uuhm | 12:21 |
BockBilbo | Grant_, dont know why, but when i update the apt db, the connection with the server slows down until it stops downloading data | 12:21 |
BockBilbo | :S | 12:21 |
kikisawaa | i was nt able to connect my printer now.... coz i dnt nkowhow to network it .. hehehe | 12:21 |
BockBilbo | really wierd | 12:21 |
David_W | yeah darn line wasters... jk ;-] | 12:21 |
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akjgaga | asl | 12:22 |
onkarshinde | kikisawaa: which printer? | 12:22 |
David_W | podcastalley.com rules! | 12:22 |
akjgaga | lolz | 12:22 |
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kikisawaa | my printer here | 12:23 |
BockBilbo | it must be an issue with my isp | 12:23 |
BockBilbo | thanks for everything | 12:23 |
BockBilbo | bye! | 12:23 |
onkarshinde | kikisawaa: I mean printer manufacture and model? | 12:24 |
dreamstar | guys i'm looking in bugzilla but i dunno the exact name of the bug, can u tell me pls? | 12:24 |
kikisawaa | fist thing i must do first landscape for my document w/c ive done.... | 12:24 |
akjgaga | heheheh | 12:24 |
akjgaga | wla ni | 12:24 |
kikisawaa | onkarshinde kikisawaa: I mean printer manufacture and model?>>>> my printer is epson c45 | 12:24 |
David_W | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes | 12:24 |
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[Wiebel] | hmz | 12:25 |
dreamstar | thx ^^ | 12:25 |
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oyayi | hi | 12:25 |
[Wiebel] | after update breezy it seems that ipw2200 is broken | 12:25 |
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[Wiebel] | updating | 12:25 |
sn0n | brezyupgradenotes read: its unstable, dont complain when it brakes. | 12:25 |
[Wiebel] | anyone else having this problem? | 12:25 |
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thesaltydog | Xorg problem? | 12:26 |
[Wiebel] | no | 12:26 |
[Wiebel] | ipw | 12:26 |
[Wiebel] | xorg i figured out | 12:26 |
[Wiebel] | udev issue | 12:26 |
thesaltydog | yes | 12:26 |
Hendric | how can i install the mozilla activeX plugin??? i tried it by viewing a website that requires it..then tries to download but ended up with ERROR 202.. pls help | 12:26 |
sn0n | [Wiebel] : how'd you fix | 12:26 |
[Wiebel] | not | 12:26 |
[Wiebel] | wel fix | 12:26 |
oyayi | grabe. its my first time to use this mric though i know that it has existed a long time ago. could someone with goof heart help me with this... like how to send a private message | 12:26 |
[Wiebel] | if X is startert u can do /etc/init.d/udev restart | 12:26 |
[Wiebel] | and it's fixed | 12:26 |
sn0n | x wont start | 12:26 |
kikisawaa | helloo? you still there?? | 12:27 |
[Wiebel] | i know | 12:27 |
Hendric | oyayi... right click mo lang ang user then open dialog window | 12:27 |
[Wiebel] | restart and it will | 12:27 |
[Wiebel] | or | 12:27 |
thesaltydog | is it fixed forever or just for the current session? | 12:27 |
[Wiebel] | use /dev/input/mouse1 | 12:27 |
[Wiebel] | using /dev/input/mouse1 wil fix it forever | 12:27 |
sn0n | sec | 12:27 |
kikisawaa | onkarshinde: what should i do nxt? | 12:27 |
[Wiebel] | but anyone here using an ipw2200? | 12:27 |
sn0n | [Wiebel] : that dont even exist ;-) | 12:27 |
[Wiebel] | sn0n: what ? | 12:27 |
thesaltydog | I'm using ipw2100 on lap | 12:27 |
[Wiebel] | thesaltydog: breezy? | 12:27 |
thesaltydog | yep | 12:28 |
onkarshinde | kikisawaa: Have you configured your printer? | 12:28 |
guest_ | waz up | 12:28 |
sn0n | i did the udev thing.. and mouse still isnt found | 12:28 |
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[Wiebel] | thesaltydog: when have you updated breezy ? | 12:28 |
[Wiebel] | last time | 12:28 |
HaNazir | sn0n: i did it and it worked. what exactly did u do? | 12:28 |
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thesaltydog | 2 days ago. I don't have the laptop with me. Some news? | 12:29 |
aurax | how can i kill a tty session from ssh | 12:29 |
sn0n | i typed /etc/init.d/udev restart | 12:29 |
sn0n | then startx | 12:29 |
[Wiebel] | thesaltydog: after updating this morning ipw2200 seems broken | 12:29 |
sn0n | and bling.. no workie | 12:29 |
thesaltydog | sn0n, kill >pidnumber> | 12:29 |
HaNazir | sn0n: nope | 12:29 |
HaNazir | sn0n: u did the wrong udev thing | 12:29 |
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thesaltydog | Wiebel, bad news... | 12:29 |
kikisawaa | my printer is still connected from microsoft and my stations are linux | 12:30 |
sn0n | then what should i do ? | 12:30 |
HaNazir | sn0n: try sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/udev_0.060-1ubuntu12_i386.deb | 12:30 |
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thesaltydog | Wiebel, I cannot ttry until this afternoon. | 12:30 |
sn0n | k sec | 12:30 |
[Wiebel] | thesaltydog: that's ok :) | 12:30 |
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oyayi | nakakalito pala ito | 12:31 |
oyayi | anyway, haller mga friends | 12:31 |
sjj | Hi, I have recently upgraded from warty to hoarty, and my wireless has stopped working (even when I boot my old warty kernel). (This is a laptop with an intel pro wireless 2200), now when booting I get: ipw2200: Fatal error, Ipw2200: Status: 0x0000000100, Config: 00000142 | 12:31 |
sn0n | ok.. back on the older udev | 12:31 |
akjgaga | hahaha | 12:31 |
kikisawaa | im concern about were i could change my office from landscape set up and direct print from stations to the server | 12:31 |
guest_ | oyayi hi | 12:31 |
sn0n | now ? | 12:31 |
sn0n | lol | 12:31 |
oyayi | hello | 12:31 |
kikisawaa | my concern about were i could change my office from landscape set up and direct print from stations to the server | 12:31 |
HaNazir | sn0n: now sudo killall udev then sudo udev, or just reboot | 12:31 |
sn0n | kk | 12:32 |
oyayi | di ko talaga alam mric na ito. too foreign for someone who only knows yahoo | 12:32 |
HaNazir | lol | 12:32 |
HaNazir | windows has brainwashed us to reboot with ease | 12:32 |
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sjj | Anyone else seen this issue when upgrading ubuntu? | 12:33 |
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juste | hei | 12:33 |
HaNazir | sjj: which issue? | 12:33 |
oyayi | hey guest, could you teach me how to send a private message to lets say to you. please | 12:33 |
sjj | HaNazir: see my previous message | 12:33 |
onkarshinde | kikisawaa: Do you mean your printer is connected to server which has windows and you want to print from workstation which is on linux? | 12:33 |
apokryphos | oyayi: /msg <username> | 12:33 |
juste | anyone having problems with X after update on Breezy? | 12:33 |
gsuveg | how can i pactch kernel with ubuntu patch ? im installed linux-kernel-sourcer and ubuntu pacht | 12:33 |
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juste | I get "No core pointer" error | 12:34 |
HaNazir | sjj: sorry beyond me | 12:34 |
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sveri | hi, i have a sb audigy soundcard and a sound controller on my tv card (both pci) when i start my computer the modules for tv sound are loaded, but the one for my sb audigy won't load, i can load it after booting, but then my first sound card is the one from the tv controller, how can i load the audigy before the sound from the tv controller? | 12:34 |
onkarshinde | juste: read the topic of channel. There is a bug mentioned. | 12:34 |
HaNazir | juste: no x? | 12:34 |
HaNazir | juste: ls /dev/input plz | 12:34 |
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kikisawaa | onkarshinde kikisawaa: Do you mean your printer is connected to server which has windows and you want to print from workstation which is on linux? >>>>> yha if it do..??? but somehow i cnt still find the landscape. | 12:35 |
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juste | HaNazir: heh, it's gone | 12:35 |
HaNazir | what is this xhosa? | 12:35 |
kikisawaa | for the offce doc. | 12:35 |
gsuveg | ah | 12:35 |
gsuveg | where can i find the generic kernel .config file ? | 12:35 |
HaNazir | juste: sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/udev_0.060-1ubuntu12_i386.deb | 12:35 |
gsuveg | what in ubuntu is ? | 12:35 |
onkarshinde | kikisawaa: Are you currently able to print from linux box to the printer? | 12:35 |
stevep | hi, is there an irc channel for php? | 12:36 |
apokryphos | stevep: yes; ##php | 12:36 |
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stevep | thank a lot | 12:36 |
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kikisawaa | nope | 12:36 |
HaNazir | juste: done? | 12:37 |
juste | HaNazir: thanks! | 12:37 |
kikisawaa | ive done saving the file from the linux through floopy and open it from my server and print | 12:37 |
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HaNazir | juste: thank crimsun | 12:37 |
HaNazir | :) | 12:37 |
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kikisawaa | but now my customer ask how to landscape his done>? | 12:38 |
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kikisawaa | what should i do? about it?> | 12:38 |
onkarshinde | kikisawaa: Beyond my knowledge. | 12:38 |
kikisawaa | i cant find page set up to change for ladscape | 12:38 |
kikisawaa | =( | 12:38 |
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apsync | what is a good newsreader program? | 12:39 |
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talios | apsync, usenet or blog news? | 12:40 |
apsync | usenet | 12:40 |
kikisawaa | how about the portraite to landscape??? you know about it? | 12:40 |
kikisawaa | or vise versa | 12:40 |
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talios | apsync, both thunderbird and evolution "support" usenet, but for a full-on usenet client, pan is gnome based (great for large binary download/decodes), otherwise slrn for console | 12:41 |
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apsync | ah ok thank you, gonna give pan a try | 12:41 |
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onkarshinde | kikisawaa: I don't know hoe to share printers on networks. | 12:41 |
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kikisawaa | its ok for sharing........ only for the page set up? for landscape?? | 12:42 |
apsync | talios, can I get/install pan with a command in terminal (eg; get-apt install pan) ? | 12:43 |
talios | should be able to - I'm just apt-get'ing it now actually | 12:44 |
talios | from the main repo | 12:44 |
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onkarshinde | kikisawaa: perhaps you are asking wrong question in wrong manner. So I can't understand your situation at all. Anyway, I have to go. | 12:44 |
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apsync | hmmm | 12:45 |
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apsync | cool works, | 12:45 |
P-NuT | Hi all, When is Breezy going to be officially released? | 12:45 |
Belutz | P-NuT: October 13th | 12:46 |
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aftertaf | does the workaround for missing core pointer work for those that have the problem? | 12:46 |
goo_ | How can I actually search for stuff with Beagle? | 12:46 |
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spanglesontoast | can thunderbird pick up sendmail? | 12:47 |
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rob^ | anyone have a COMPAQ PRESARIO M2217AP laptop and know how good it works with Ubuntu? | 12:49 |
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goo_ | aha. The program to do searches with beagle is called best ... | 12:49 |
goo_ | dpkg -L beagle is my friend | 12:50 |
rob^ | goo_, yes, it rocks | 12:50 |
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BockBilbo | hello again | 12:50 |
concept10 | rob^: have you tried to use a live cd? You will have a hard time finding someone with the same laptop in the channel unless its popular | 12:50 |
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rob^ | concept10, yeah i'm going to take one in with me tomorrow | 12:51 |
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BockBilbo | can anyone tell me if WEP is enabled in the ipw2200 module build in in breezy? | 12:51 |
rob^ | its a cheapie, I thought I might try my luck | 12:51 |
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juste | hm.. downgrading udev helped, but still remains another problem | 12:54 |
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juste | x starts, but no other program | 12:54 |
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juste | i get an initial x screen | 12:54 |
langals | Has anyone had experience with using the speex codec with asterisk on ubuntu? | 12:54 |
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juste | gnome-session doesn't start | 12:54 |
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xy77 | juste.. it helped for me to stop udev, remove it from rc.d, start it and add it to rc.d (see ubuntuforums.org); restart was necessary | 12:55 |
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juste | .xsession-errors show | 12:55 |
juste | /etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup... | 12:55 |
juste | _IceTransTransNoListen: unable to find transport: tcp | 12:55 |
juste | _IceTransmkdir: ERROR: euid != 0,directory /dev/X will not be created. | 12:55 |
juste | _IceTransmkdir: ERROR: Cannot create /dev/X | 12:55 |
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juste | I bet this is something different than udev | 12:56 |
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xy77 | juste: did you try to shutdown gdm and startx as root? | 12:56 |
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juste | restarted gdm a couple of times | 12:57 |
juste | even rebooted my pc | 12:57 |
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BockBilbo | :S | 12:57 |
aftertaf | juste> cant create /dev/X is a symptom of the udev bug..... | 12:57 |
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juste | hm.. | 12:57 |
Cyberjames | hello. how can I share my printer on network? anyone has appreciated idea? | 12:58 |
juste | damn, but I've downgraded it | 12:58 |
jsdp | how can i install yahoo messenger | 12:58 |
juste | why is it still complaining | 12:58 |
juste | ah.. it works now | 12:58 |
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aftertaf | juste> was a bug in older version too.... hmmm | 12:59 |
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juste | heh, it's funny to fix X failures on a girlfriends laptop over ssh | 01:01 |
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juste | all this was based on hers comments :) | 01:01 |
juste | thanks a lot, guys! ;) | 01:01 |
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aftertaf | nice one juste :) | 01:03 |
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debris | I've got a small problem with my soundcard in Ubuntu. It might just be muted but when I look at the volumesettings there's nothing wrong there.. someone gave me a command a while ago that fixed it, dunno what it was though. I didn't change any setting I just got it installed. You've got any idea of how to fix it? | 01:07 |
=== David_WI [n=David_WI@cpe-66-87-4-181.ut.sprintbbd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aftertaf | debris> is aumix installed? | 01:08 |
aftertaf | is the card recognised? | 01:08 |
debris | Yep | 01:09 |
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aftertaf | card recognised.... ok. but no sound whatso...? | 01:10 |
aftertaf | install aumix and see if pcm or master are muted or at 0% volume | 01:10 |
smott | turn on the speakers | 01:10 |
edsel | please help how to install yahoo messeger with ubuntu. im a newbie | 01:10 |
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David_WI | use gaim | 01:10 |
aftertaf | edsel> you canuse gaim, it is y! commpatibme | 01:10 |
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billy|idle | debris: What exactly does it mean, you didn'T change anything but just got it installed? Installed what? | 01:11 |
edsel | what is gaim | 01:11 |
sveri | hi, how can i permit my ubuntu to load certain modules at the boot sequence? | 01:11 |
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David_WI | apt-get install gaim | 01:11 |
jero_ | hi | 01:11 |
edsel | how do i install gaim | 01:11 |
billy|idle | edsel: look two lines above :) | 01:12 |
apokryphos | It's already installed | 01:12 |
David_WI | http://gaim.sourceforge.net/ | 01:12 |
aftertaf | sveri> add them to /etc/modules | 01:12 |
debris | I DID turn on the speakers.. and the card is recognised but no sound | 01:12 |
aftertaf | debris> gnome or kde? | 01:12 |
debris | gnome | 01:12 |
edsel | where can i find apt-get gaim in my new installed ubuntu | 01:12 |
sveri | aftertaf: hm, i thought modules in the /etc/modules file will be loaded? | 01:12 |
aftertaf | debris> try xmms... and change sound engine between alsa, esd, oss etc... see if all are the same | 01:13 |
aftertaf | "hi, how can i permit" | 01:13 |
David_WI | look at your drop down menu | 01:13 |
David_WI | edsl | 01:13 |
aftertaf | ^^^ what you wanted, no? | 01:13 |
aftertaf | sveri> to stop them, add to blacklist. | 01:13 |
aftertaf | /etc/hotplug/blasklist | 01:13 |
sveri | aftertaf: oh fuck, i wanted to stop them beeing loaded, sry, my mistake | 01:13 |
sveri | ok, thank you | 01:13 |
aftertaf | no pb | 01:14 |
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jero_ | I have a problem getting my mx518 mouse working with all 10 buttons within cedega. - So far I managed to disable "cruise control" and make all 10 buttons (including the 2 cruise control buttons) to work within ubuntu for normal apps. I used xvkbd and xbindkeys to let the 2 cruis control buttons and the apps selection button just print a,b,c on the screen when pushed just to test if they work. | 01:15 |
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jero_ | hm | 01:15 |
jero_ | whats the max text lenght allowed in this chat? | 01:16 |
nightswim | 3 inches | 01:16 |
sudeep | hi apeli, how u doing? | 01:16 |
debris | Somewhere near 360 huh? | 01:16 |
aftertaf | !paste | 01:16 |
ubotu | methinks paste is please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text | 01:16 |
aftertaf | ^^ero | 01:16 |
aftertaf | jero :/ | 01:16 |
prometoys | join #ppc | 01:16 |
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jero_ | anyway, when entering cedega, xbindkey --config shows me that xbindkeys isnt accepting any input of the mouse from within cedega. It just doesnt see the buttons presed, hence cant execute the appropriate code. Does anyone know how to fix that? | 01:18 |
langals | join #asterisk | 01:19 |
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punkrockmcduck | I broke my badger | 01:19 |
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ompaul | punkrockmcduck, read the topic there is a bug in badger smashing X into small pieces | 01:21 |
jero_ | also, i am trying to compile the xorg 6.8.2 sdk for ubuntu, but it wont compile properly. are there any binaries out there ? | 01:21 |
punkrockmcduck | yeah | 01:21 |
punkrockmcduck | that's pretty much what i just did :P | 01:21 |
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punkrockmcduck | should I just reinstall? | 01:22 |
punkrockmcduck | and not...er...dist-upgrade like the thing told me to? | 01:22 |
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pablob | is it safe to upgrade from hoary to breeze now? | 01:23 |
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kemik | no | 01:23 |
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pablob | kemik: any known problems? | 01:23 |
aftertaf | punkrockmcduck> no need to reinstall..... | 01:23 |
=== reiki is in that Zen place where patience will allow him to wait till Breezy is released :) | ||
jasp | i had mandrake b4...was easy to use...ubuntu has me pulling my hair out :( | 01:24 |
aftertaf | punkrockmcduck> read bottom of link for a workaround | 01:24 |
punkrockmcduck | it really won't hurt me if i do, I just installed it on this machine anyway | 01:24 |
jasp | <<<noob here | 01:24 |
aftertaf | jasp> why is that? | 01:24 |
jero_ | <<< breezy user | 01:24 |
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aftertaf | reiki> now now....... | 01:24 |
aftertaf | ;) | 01:24 |
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reiki | and it just now dawned on me that if I'm going to go to work... I should probably wear clothing | 01:24 |
jasp | well i like to use my box from xdcmp...it logs in but nothing happens | 01:24 |
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Alex1 | hi | 01:25 |
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jasp | so i goota use old monitor and stuff | 01:25 |
reiki | hahaha | 01:25 |
aftertaf | reiki> does help, yes.. if you want to continue going | 01:25 |
kemik | why not just wait 3 weeks ;) | 01:25 |
jero_ | i would like some more support for not paying a dime pls | 01:25 |
aftertaf | kemik> ive been on it for 2 weeks already. | 01:25 |
Alex1 | someone know what's appen to ubuntuguide.org? | 01:25 |
yao | who can tell me how to install the xmms,i can't install according the unbutu | 01:25 |
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aftertaf | yao> sudo apt-get install xmms | 01:26 |
chrissturm | why is gnome screensaver removed again in todays update? | 01:26 |
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aftertaf | chrissturm> broken dependencies maybe..... might be back in an hour | 01:26 |
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pablob | kemik: my coworker's ubuntu installation just hanged-up, so i was looking how to fix it. but only this hang in 4 months. | 01:26 |
yao | but it let me update,and i do it,and it tell me again with some problem,again,again | 01:27 |
aftertaf | pablob> what hangs? | 01:27 |
aftertaf | yao> 'some problem' doenst help us help you. paste the error to #flood channel | 01:27 |
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pablob | aftertaf: I dunno. no logs. nothing. only this USB mouse saying sthg about interrupt returning -84 status every minute or so | 01:28 |
yao | okay,and thanks first :) | 01:28 |
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aftertaf | pablob> not on breezy? | 01:28 |
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pablob | aftertaf: hoary | 01:28 |
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kemik | pablob: and it hangs during install of breezy or hoary ? | 01:28 |
yao | yao@yao:~$ sudo apt-get install xmms | 01:29 |
yao | Reading package lists... Done | 01:29 |
yao | Building dependency tree... Done | 01:29 |
yao | Package xmms is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 01:29 |
yao | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 01:29 |
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yao | is only available from another source | 01:29 |
kemik | you really should supply more info | 01:29 |
yao | W: Couldn't stat source package list ftp://ftp.nerim.net stable/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.nerim.net_debian-marillat_dists_stable_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 01:29 |
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yao | W: Couldn't stat source package list ftp://ftp.nerim.net unstable/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.nerim.net_debian-marillat_dists_unstable_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 01:29 |
kemik | yao: DONT PASTE | 01:29 |
aftertaf | ok. has the pc been updated with sec.patches, fixex & stuff | 01:29 |
yao | W: Couldn't stat source package list ftp://ftp.nerim.net testing/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.nerim.net_debian-marillat_dists_testing_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 01:29 |
yao | W: Couldn't stat source package list http://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net warty-backports/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net_ubuntu_dists_warty-backports_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 01:29 |
aftertaf | yao> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 01:29 |
aftertaf | yao> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 01:29 |
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yao | W: Couldn't stat source package list http://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net warty-backports/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net_ubuntu_dists_warty-backports_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 01:29 |
yao | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 01:29 |
yao | E: Package xmms has no installation candidate | 01:29 |
yao | sorry | 01:29 |
kemik | !pastebin | 01:29 |
ubotu | somebody said pastebin was a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 01:29 |
kemik | USE it | 01:29 |
aftertaf | yao> 'some problem' doenst help us help you. paste the error to #flood channel | 01:29 |
aftertaf | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | 01:29 |
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pablob | no no. it hanged after 4 months of using it almost daily | 01:29 |
kemik | pablob: and now it cant boot ? | 01:30 |
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jero_ | ................. | 01:30 |
aftertaf | pablob> try apt-get update + upgrade? | 01:30 |
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aftertaf | yao> you need to enable some more repositories | 01:30 |
nhay | hi | 01:30 |
aftertaf | !tell yao about repositories | 01:30 |
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pablob | it can boot, but I want to prevent another hang. but well, I can wait | 01:30 |
kemik | yao: and have you added debian repositories? your system may (and likely will) break if you use debian repos. | 01:31 |
pablob | and it is up-to-date | 01:31 |
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kemik | one hangup in 4months is nothing to get excited about ;) | 01:31 |
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jero_ | is there anyone in here who got all 10 buttons of mx510&518 (INCLUDING the cruise control buttons) to work within breezy or hoary? | 01:31 |
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kemik | but id wait til breezy is stable.. since they're bugfixing and stuff right now | 01:31 |
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jero_ | The tutorial on the forum about getting all 10 buttons to work is misleading. all it does is getting 7 buttons to work | 01:31 |
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jero_ | yet its put on sticky | 01:32 |
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pablob | my coworker was all happy saying how linux is the same thing as windows | 01:32 |
jero_ | no mention about how to dissable the cruise control at all, which means that max 8 buttons will work | 01:32 |
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pablob | just wanted to prove him wrong :) | 01:32 |
kemik | pablob: heh.. well it's not the same as windows | 01:32 |
kemik | windows will degrade over time | 01:32 |
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kemik | M$ even acknowledged it | 01:32 |
yao | and i do it | 01:33 |
jero_ | well, linux lacks lots of software windows has. | 01:33 |
pablob | kemik: he, I use to reinstall debian once a year just for fun :) | 01:33 |
kemik | pablob: but really.. having a fight over which is the best OS is rather non-constructive.. they have different pro's and con's | 01:33 |
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David_WI | linux lacks nothing | 01:33 |
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grinchy | hey all | 01:34 |
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aftertaf | David_WI> hehe!!!!! | 01:34 |
kemik | pablob: well thats for fun... windows forces you to do it every year for stability/performance | 01:34 |
pablob | jero_: like clippy and antivirus sw | 01:34 |
jero_ | David - Sure, if you want to do propaganda then yes | 01:34 |
jasp | can u run std windows games eg cs source etc from linux? | 01:34 |
David_WI | no prop | 01:34 |
aftertaf | jero_> | 01:34 |
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jero_ | like Map&Guide for example | 01:34 |
David_WI | just facts | 01:34 |
aftertaf | !equivalents | 01:34 |
ubotu | [equivalents] A decent list of linux equivalents and analogues can be found here: http://linuxshop.ru/linuxbegin/win-lin-soft-en/table.shtml#1 | 01:34 |
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grinchy | I was just wondering -- and i know it's not the best place to ask but i don't know here else to go -- but has anyone ever heard of a sceptre wireless card and it's compatibility with ubuntu? | 01:34 |
jero_ | or like Babylon translator | 01:34 |
kemik | i guess David_WI hasnt been outside for a long time :P | 01:35 |
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David_WI | yeah its raining | 01:35 |
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David_WI | and cold | 01:35 |
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pablob | well windows lacks a lot of sw linux has as well :) | 01:35 |
athlon | why should we argue about it, use whichever you like | 01:36 |
athlon | use whichever OS* | 01:36 |
jero_ | there are just tons of software you simply wont find in linux... and the fact that people have to tweak around just to make their mouse work properly within linux will get only freaks to linux and not the average user | 01:36 |
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aftertaf | pablob> its probably hardware then...... | 01:36 |
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athlon | jero_, same thing, I wanna run KDE / Gnome under Windows for example | 01:36 |
dealt | hi | 01:36 |
David_WI | cause microsoft litarally makes peoples digital lives hell | 01:36 |
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grinchy | very true jero_ | 01:36 |
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jasp | just added that page ubotu...ill check it out | 01:36 |
dealt | wat's the dreamweaver counterpart in ubuntu? | 01:36 |
aftertaf | athlon> totally..... | 01:37 |
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gsuveg | anybody can send me a default kernel config for hoary ? | 01:37 |
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aftertaf | dealt> nvu | 01:37 |
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aftertaf | gsuveg> you have one in /boot | 01:37 |
dealt | aftertaf: nvu? | 01:38 |
David_WI | since when dose the mouse not work in any reputable distro | 01:38 |
gsuveg | aftertaf: ah. sry | 01:38 |
aftertaf | gsuveg> no pb...... we're all learning | 01:38 |
HaNazir | David_WI: ??? | 01:38 |
jero_ | David - mx510 mouse exists since more than 1 year now. Yet at best you ll get 7 keys supported within games | 01:39 |
=== aftertaf meditates on the learning process of life... ommmmmmmmm [kernel panic] | ||
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jero_ | David - And even for those 7 keys, you have to go and visit some forums about how to enable them, which are full of incomplete and false information | 01:39 |
David_WI | ok no need to argue | 01:39 |
David_WI | dose not matter | 01:39 |
gsuveg | and what link the build in lib ? | 01:39 |
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gsuveg | src/linux ? | 01:40 |
Sionide | if you dual-boot your ubuntu machine with windows nt/2k/xp check out http://www.fs-driver.org/ for a brilliant piece of software | 01:40 |
aftertaf | gsuveg> dont understand your Qu.. man | 01:40 |
gsuveg | aftertaf: i want compite i810 driver from intel, and make file need a lib/modules/.../build | 01:41 |
aftertaf | Sionide> dont know if id trust that 200% though....... | 01:41 |
gsuveg | and i havent this dir or file, its symlink to /usr/src/linux ? or ? | 01:41 |
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Sionide | aftertaf, i tried it- it works really well.. | 01:42 |
aftertaf | gsuveg> the sound driver? it should already be there... type lsmod and llok for it | 01:42 |
gsuveg | aftertaf: no. the dualhead driver for i855 | 01:42 |
Sionide | gsuveg, you're trying to do dual monitors on the i810 ? | 01:42 |
gsuveg | Sionide: yes! | 01:43 |
Sionide | hmm i have that driver on my laptop | 01:43 |
gsuveg | cool | 01:43 |
gsuveg | please send it to me | 01:43 |
Sionide | the best i got was the CRT mon plugged in doing a really tiny resolution | 01:43 |
Sionide | err i dunno how | 01:44 |
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Sionide | i can give you my xorg.conf file for it :s | 01:44 |
gsuveg | Sionide: send me this file ;) | 01:44 |
aftertaf | Sionide> i'd still be worried about borking up my drive;.... but then again i do believe you... | 01:44 |
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coax | is it possible to edit what's in the "places" menu in gnome? | 01:44 |
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dealt | there's this theread that ive read in the forums, something about linux-i686 package..i cant find the topic now | 01:46 |
aftertaf | Sionide> then again, if you mess everything up while in linux, you can modify a fileor two from within m$ if you arent a hot linux shooter.... so, yeah, thumbs up! | 01:46 |
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aftertaf | dealt> what about it? | 01:46 |
dealt | aftertaf: it tells there that if im on i686 platform, i should install it | 01:46 |
jero_ | Does anyone know where to find the xorg 6.8.2 SDK for breezy or hoary or knows how to compile without errors from source? | 01:46 |
dealt | aftertaf: i forgot the package name | 01:47 |
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yao | oh,my god! i can't resolve it | 01:47 |
Sionide | gsuveg, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2405 <<// | 01:47 |
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aftertaf | dealt> ok.... its called linux-686 i think. look in synaptic. it installs the kernel optimies for your intel proc. | 01:48 |
David_WI | jero_ are you missing any requirments | 01:48 |
David_WI | packages | 01:48 |
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aftertaf | yao> take a deep breath and let us know what is going on..... | 01:48 |
gsuveg | Sionide: lemme check | 01:48 |
jero_ | well, i installed flex and bisson it was moaning about | 01:48 |
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jero_ | still got errors | 01:49 |
David_WI | read all the provided docs | 01:49 |
David_WI | ? | 01:49 |
jero_ | pswsemantics.c:(.text+0xaf5): undefined reference to `yylineno' | 01:49 |
jero_ | pswsemantics.c:(.text+0xafb): undefined reference to `ErrIntro' | 01:49 |
jero_ | yylineno is related to flex | 01:49 |
dealt | aftertaf: old-school linuxers dont recommend kernel updates through package mgt, is this ok? | 01:49 |
jero_ | if i read all the provided docs i might be reading for 1 week and maybe the solution to it isnt in there | 01:50 |
aftertaf | dealt> it's the debian way :) | 01:50 |
jero_ | so i am such a jack and rather ask in here if anyone has done it | 01:50 |
David_WI | well not all docs ;-] | 01:50 |
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David_WI | what are you gonna work on | 01:50 |
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aftertaf | dealt> you can download source package and customise it if you want..... then make & all the rest. or you can use make kpkg and have a .deb ready & waiting :) | 01:51 |
David_WI | specifically | 01:51 |
jero_ | nothing, i just need the SDK to install the "real" evdev driver which in turn might allow me to get all buttons to work | 01:51 |
David_WI | oh the mouse thing :-P | 01:51 |
dealt | aftertaf: geez, i cant seem to remove the floppy install way back the ol' slackware days :) | 01:52 |
dealt | aftertaf: anyway, i assume this package will 'detect' my devices? | 01:52 |
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kairu0 | hey al | 01:52 |
gamjah | hello, can anybody give me the /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:52 |
kairu0 | l | 01:52 |
kairu0 | for what> | 01:52 |
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ompaul | whats the apt command to download all outstanding packages but not install them | 01:53 |
David_WI | (:-] | 01:53 |
aftertaf | dealt> it is a small kernel with most stuff enabled in modules, from what i heard | 01:53 |
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aftertaf | ompaul> you dont have super cow powers? | 01:53 |
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aftertaf | ompaul> apt-get moo | 01:53 |
David_WI | "outstanding"? | 01:53 |
ompaul | aftertaf, only on other days | 01:53 |
aftertaf | ompaul> apt-get --help ;) | 01:53 |
ompaul | :) | 01:53 |
dealt | aftertaf: will it require a shutdown -r? | 01:53 |
aftertaf | dealt> not unless you want to boot on it ;) | 01:54 |
dealt | aftertaf: how about bluetooth? hmmm, wat's the debian way to use it? | 01:55 |
aftertaf | never bluetoothed yet, linux or m$ | 01:55 |
daveH | anyone know where amarok 1.3 is hiding? I thought they were breaking the freeze to include it? | 01:56 |
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aftertaf | daveH> in breezy they have... i have it | 01:57 |
aftertaf | i hink | 01:57 |
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nathan_ | I just switched from Mandrake. I'm pretty happy so far | 01:58 |
kairu0 | nathan_, what makes you happy? | 01:59 |
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David_WI | if $tired { /sbin/shutdown now } | 01:59 |
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David_WI | later all | 01:59 |
nathan_ | Things that didn't work properly work now :) | 01:59 |
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nathan_ | particularly jack and alsa | 01:59 |
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kairu0 | i see | 02:00 |
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ompaul | anyone for a +r for a few minutes | 02:01 |
aftertaf | bot? | 02:01 |
nathan_ | The only thing that I can't get working is a flash player on my AMD64 system | 02:01 |
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ompaul | thanks :) | 02:01 |
Sionide | what does that do? | 02:02 |
aftertaf | Sionide> protection from thedark side ;) | 02:02 |
bob2 | only people who have identified to nickserv can join the channel | 02:03 |
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bob2 | which cuts out spambots people who can't read the #ubuntu-unregged topic | 02:03 |
nathan_ | Is there a reasonably simple way to install a 32 bit mozilla or firefox on an AMD64 ubuntu (breezy) system? Then I could use Macromedia's player | 02:03 |
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bob2 | did you try the mozilla.org tarball binary? | 02:04 |
nathan_ | lol... no | 02:04 |
nathan_ | probably should have been the first thing | 02:04 |
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catfox | where do I set my ssh keepalive settings in ubuntu? i'm connecting to a server but it times out too quickly | 02:04 |
dooglus | ubotu: tell me about repositories | 02:05 |
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bob2 | nathan_: it may well work | 02:05 |
Whistler | help | 02:05 |
=== nathan_ slaps his forehead for not thinking of the obvious.... then goes to grab the mozilla.org binary | ||
bob2 | nathan_: if you have ia32-libs installed | 02:05 |
dhonn | Sound doesnt work all of the sudden after an apt-get upgrade. I also get this error "The volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured." Whats up? i even did a gst-register | 02:05 |
Whistler | exit | 02:05 |
bob2 | Whistler: surely you've been coming here long enough to know that you need to ask a question... | 02:05 |
aftertaf | lol | 02:05 |
aftertaf | he has been kidnapped and cant type... that is his problem... (maybe) | 02:06 |
aftertaf | and he was w00t | 02:06 |
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jero_ | where would i search for if i wanted to find out if a Xorg SDK package for debian exists? | 02:09 |
jero_ | is there any search engine on the net for such? | 02:09 |
nathan_ | bob2, I think I have ia32libs installed... I'll check that too. Thanks | 02:09 |
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bob2 | nathan_: there's another ia32-libs package you might need, but I forget the fullname | 02:10 |
bob2 | jero_: like xlibs-dev? | 02:10 |
bob2 | or you mean a driver sdk? | 02:10 |
jero_ | checking for valid Xorg SDK... configure: error: Unable to find xf86Version.h under NONE/lib/Server/include and NONE/lib/Server/xc/include - i mean that which helps fix this problem | 02:10 |
ctr | how does one edit the bootloader stuff and change the default boot item ? | 02:11 |
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jero_ | trying to compile the evdev driver | 02:11 |
aftertaf | -dev then..... | 02:11 |
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aftertaf | ctr> /boot/grub/menu.lst | 02:11 |
mark__ | ctr /boot/grub/menu.lst -- change default boot number | 02:11 |
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ctr | once that is done, how do I update the bootloader ? run grub ? | 02:11 |
bob2 | jero_: xlibs-dev | 02:11 |
bob2 | ctr: update-grub | 02:11 |
ctr | thanks | 02:12 |
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jero_ | ok thanks, i ll try that | 02:12 |
jero_ | brb | 02:12 |
aftertaf | is dansguardian a good web content filter? | 02:12 |
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jero_ | bob2 - i just found out i already installed xlibs-dev on my system | 02:15 |
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scanwinder | how does one scan for channels for Xawtv? | 02:16 |
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jero_ | bob2 - What i am trying to achive is to make all 10 buttons of a mx518. For this you have to disable the two cruise control buttons via a patched version of lmctl which is already hard to find. | 02:19 |
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HaNazir | aftertaf: yes | 02:20 |
HaNazir | aftertaf: just a pain to configure | 02:20 |
jero_ | bob2 - So after doing that and using kvkbd and xbindkeys i was able to get all 10 buttons to output something within the terminal. llike the cruise control buttons output "a" and "b" as characters... | 02:20 |
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Whistler | hello everybody | 02:21 |
jero_ | bob2: However, xbindkeys running in demon mode, doesnt see any input from within the cedega windows. The daemon simply doesnt see when i push button 10 on my mouse | 02:21 |
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dealt | hi | 02:21 |
Whistler | i use breezy and today i updated and now x wont start | 02:21 |
Whistler | is there any way of setting xorg.conf to default? | 02:22 |
jero_ | xev was the app i used to check for that | 02:22 |
dealt | i do want to install both php4 and php5, i wish to switch from between the from time to time | 02:22 |
dealt | wat package should i consider? thanks | 02:22 |
Whistler | so anybody can help me with restoring xorg.conf to defaults? | 02:23 |
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jero_ | bob2 - you there still? | 02:23 |
brownie17 | how do i add more radio stations to rhythmbox? | 02:23 |
scanwinder | how do i clear apt's cache? | 02:24 |
maradong | scanwinder, sudo apt-get clean | 02:24 |
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bob2 | jero_: yes | 02:24 |
nathan_ | :( firefox install bombs out with a bunch of errors about locale support and pango | 02:25 |
jero_ | bob2 - great.. | 02:25 |
scanwinder | im getting an error E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room | 02:25 |
scanwinder | how do i fix that | 02:25 |
scanwinder | clearing the cache didnt fix it | 02:25 |
maradong | scanwinder, hm | 02:25 |
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brownie17 | can anybody tell me, how do i add more radio stations to rhythmbox? | 02:26 |
scanwinder | maradong: whats hm mean? | 02:26 |
maradong | scanwinder, try setting the apt cache higher | 02:26 |
maradong | scanwinder, that I am trying to think of a way to cure this ;-) | 02:26 |
maradong | scanwinder, sudo touch /etc/apt/apt.conf | 02:27 |
brownie17 | scanwinder, as is hmmmmm, i am thinking. (also may include stroking chin) | 02:27 |
maradong | scanwinder, sudo vim /etc/apt/apt.conf | 02:27 |
brownie17 | is anybody familiar with rhythmbox? | 02:27 |
maradong | scanwinder, and enter: APT::Cache-Limit "64000000"; | 02:28 |
maradong | scanwinder, save and exit, than try an apt-get update | 02:28 |
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ompaul | brownie17, at this stage you should know to ask the question and see who answers, the ide of familiar may be - I turn it on for some and other may say I code it - so ask a specific question and see what happens | 02:29 |
scanwinder | maradong, yeah, ive done that, works now...thanks | 02:29 |
maradong | scanwinder, you're most welcome | 02:29 |
brownie17 | ompaul, i did, no-one answered. and i know you will say that no-one knows, but somone is bound to, and repeatedly asking has helped me in the past | 02:30 |
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ompaul | brownie17, ask something specific like - How do I do foo with bar | 02:31 |
brownie17 | ompaul, i did, read up | 02:31 |
maradong | scanwinder, actually 64 MB is somewhat large. try setting it to 32000000 if it still works with that setting ( and it really should work ;)) than leave it at 32000000 (which is still huge) | 02:31 |
ompaul | brownie17, :) | 02:31 |
brownie17 | ompaul, i said can anybody tell me how to add radio stations to rhythmbox | 02:31 |
nathan_ | brownie17, you want to add a station? what's wrong with ctrl + i? | 02:31 |
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dealt | wat's the chkconfig equivalent in ubuntu? | 02:32 |
hexion | hello | 02:32 |
brownie17 | nathan_, ctrl+i? hat's that supposed to do? | 02:32 |
hexion | does anybody know how to save the gnome-terminal size between sesions? | 02:32 |
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nathan_ | brownie17, adds and internet radio station (Same as music -> add internet radio station) | 02:33 |
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aftertaf | repost nathan_ ;) | 02:33 |
nathan_ | brownie17, adds and internet radio station (Same as music -> add internet radio station) | 02:34 |
hexion | does anybody know how to save the gnome-terminal size between sesions? | 02:34 |
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brownie17 | nathan_, but where do i find the station? i need a location! | 02:34 |
SweetDreams | hello guys, i am new to ubuntu, have installed ubuntu but now i am facing a problem and cannot start ubuntu. x-session-manager tells me : error while loading shared libraries: libesd.so.0 cannot open shared object file: Error 40 does anybody know what to do for this? (i am online thx to the livecd) | 02:34 |
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lukoko | libesd.so.0 is one of sound server libraries | 02:35 |
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aftertaf | SweetDreams> does X start, can you login? | 02:35 |
rooks08 | hello | 02:35 |
HaNazir | linu(xx) | 02:35 |
nathan_ | brownie17, I guess you just have to find a URL of whatever station it is. | 02:35 |
lukoko | so would you say what sound card do you have? | 02:35 |
brownie17 | nathan_, OH REALLY!?!?!?! | 02:36 |
ompaul | brownie17, so you question is not about rythmbox but how to find online radiostations, now if only there was a way to search the internet ;-) | 02:36 |
rooks08 | why is does my shared folders configuration crash everytime i open it | 02:36 |
brownie17 | nathan_, note sarcasm | 02:36 |
nathan_ | I don't know if there's a list of stations for it, sorry | 02:36 |
nlogax | brownie17 I just pasted a link to an MP3 stream straight in | 02:36 |
brownie17 | ompaul, haha ok | 02:36 |
brownie17 | nlogax, yep | 02:36 |
aftertaf | ompaul> i see your sarcasm plugin sucessfully loaded then? | 02:36 |
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brownie17 | ompaul, what would it be called? mp3 stream? | 02:36 |
ompaul | aftertaf, well I did type it laughing | 02:37 |
nlogax | brownie17 - go to somafm.com | 02:37 |
fdr | Hi! I would like to install spellchecker support in Evolution for some other languages... How do I do that? Thanks! | 02:37 |
SweetDreams | aftertaf ubuntu asks me for username and pass, i give them and then it tells me : Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds. If you have ... try logging in with one of the failsafe sessions to see if you can fix the problem | 02:37 |
snorks | www.philosomatika.com | 02:37 |
ompaul | brownie17, or ogg stream | 02:37 |
rooks08 | why is does my shared folders configuration crash everytime i open it? | 02:37 |
ompaul | brownie17, or rm stream | 02:37 |
nathan_ | brownie17, google is your friend... try http://www.radio-locator.com/ | 02:37 |
sPYder_CdO | i have downloaded opera.deb... what will i do next to install? | 02:37 |
aftertaf | SweetDreams> ahh gnome does that. | 02:38 |
aftertaf | try kde | 02:38 |
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markus | How do i change monitor frequency rate to 85Hz? The option is not available in the list :( | 02:38 |
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nathan_ | brownie17, a google search for "internet radio station" turns up heaps of hits | 02:39 |
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SweetDreams | some days ago i could still log on to ubuntu but i wrote in terminal sth like sudo ln -fs /usr/lib/libesd.so.1 /usr/lib/libesd.so.0 or sth like that and from then on ubuntu wouldnt start | 02:39 |
aftertaf | SweetDreams> why did you do that? | 02:40 |
aftertaf | SweetDreams> try kde of xfce, see if they load ok. | 02:40 |
aftertaf | you may have to apt-get. | 02:40 |
SweetDreams | because i was trying to fix some soundcards probs | 02:40 |
SweetDreams | how do i try kde? | 02:41 |
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nathan_ | ok... I've got the firefox installer from mozilla.org but it quits with a bunch of errors to do with locales and pango, starting... (firefox-installer-bin:28181): Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by Xlib | 02:41 |
aftertaf | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 02:41 |
lukoko | SweetDreams, why dont uoy just delete symlink that you have created? | 02:41 |
Whistler | i need to change refresh rate which line i should edit HorizSync or VertRefresh? | 02:41 |
SweetDreams | lukoko how to do that? i am kinda of a big noob as far as ubuntu (and linux in general) is concerned | 02:42 |
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Karhuton | Breezy works nicely enough? | 02:43 |
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Whistler | Karhuton yep | 02:43 |
nathan_ | it's working pretty well here | 02:43 |
Whistler | Karhuton bugs are appearing time to time but its ok | 02:43 |
Whistler | i am using it now | 02:43 |
Whistler | :) | 02:43 |
Whistler | i need to change my monitors refresh rate, which line i should edit HorizSync or VertRefresh? | 02:44 |
markus | me too! | 02:44 |
SweetDreams | what i am trying to do is start with failsafe in terminal mode and fix the prob there so that i can start my ubuntu :P but dont know what to write there | 02:44 |
kairu0 | any other breezy users have update-manager crash on them lately? | 02:44 |
nathan_ | Whistler, from memory it's not quite that simple. | 02:44 |
Whistler | nathan_ ? | 02:44 |
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apokryphos | ubotu: tell SweetDreams about kde | 02:45 |
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nathan_ | Whistler, you (at least used to) have to know the ranges of both for the monitor that you're using | 02:46 |
elad` | Say, does MS-DOS also have something like bash's multiple logins, and the ability to "minimize" jobs? | 02:46 |
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Karhuton | elad`, No, not really. | 02:47 |
elad` | Because this is fucking awesome, I just can't stop obsessing over it. | 02:47 |
elad` | It's been two days now, I think. | 02:47 |
nathan_ | Whistler, Although, looking at my xorg.conf, I think that HorizSync is the one that you want | 02:47 |
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spafbnerf | elad` it has this thing called windows v 1 thru 3 ? ;) | 02:48 |
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elad` | A question though - when I minimize a job like that, say IRSSI, how long until it gets disconnected from the server? | 02:48 |
spafbnerf | and a similar free effort called SEAL... and another similar something i forget wot it was called.... | 02:48 |
elad` | I mean, when I halt it, not when I bg it. | 02:48 |
Karhuton | elad`, use screen | 02:48 |
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elad` | What? | 02:48 |
Karhuton | elad`, then it runs in the background forever | 02:48 |
Karhuton | Install a program (and package) called screen | 02:49 |
markus | not forever, not tested enough yet. | 02:49 |
Whistler | i have changed xorg.conf so now i should reboot for changes to take effect? | 02:49 |
elad` | I guess I have screen, since I can run it in the background. | 02:49 |
Karhuton | elad`, do you mean ctrl+z? | 02:49 |
elad` | yes | 02:49 |
Karhuton | It's not screening | 02:49 |
elad` | How do I pass it to the background with first halting it (ctrl-z), then bg-ing it. | 02:50 |
Karhuton | It's freeze :) | 02:50 |
spafbnerf | OpenGEM, is the other DOS GUI... (www.freedos.org) | 02:50 |
Karhuton | Oh | 02:50 |
elad` | *? | 02:50 |
Whistler | i have changed xorg.conf so now i should reboot for changes to take effect? | 02:50 |
Karhuton | elad`, use the 'screen' program | 02:50 |
nxv_ | start ist with | 02:50 |
nxv_ | command & | 02:50 |
Karhuton | A lot more handy | 02:50 |
=== Grant_ [n=orbman@85-210-24-65.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nathan_ | Whistler, you should just be able to restart X. logout and select restart X server if you're using gdm/kdm (or press ctrl + alt + backspace, if you don't mind losing your session) | 02:50 |
elad` | What if I don't want to start it bg-ed, rather pass it to the bg after using it for a while? | 02:50 |
lukoko | Whistler, your monitor refresh rate is acounted from H and V rate by the formula, however why dont you change refresh rate thru gnome scren resoliution? | 02:51 |
nxv_ | elad`: screen would be a way | 02:51 |
nxv_ | start it with | 02:51 |
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aftertaf | elad`> screen needs to be run first. | 02:51 |
nxv_ | screen command | 02:51 |
aftertaf | type 'screen' | 02:51 |
nxv_ | ctrl-a ctrl-d | 02:51 |
nxv_ | tetaches the session | 02:51 |
nathan_ | Whistler, that's a really good move (gnome screeen resolution) | 02:51 |
nxv_ | sets it to the background in your words | 02:51 |
Whistler | lukoko first i do not use gnome | 02:51 |
Whistler | i use xfce | 02:51 |
nxv_ | and screen -r -d reattaches it | 02:51 |
aftertaf | and http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2004/07/06/unix_gems.html | 02:52 |
nxv_ | it there is only one | 02:52 |
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Whistler | and it display settings show me only 75hz | 02:52 |
nxv_ | if u have several screens | 02:52 |
nxv_ | u get them displayed | 02:52 |
nxv_ | with screen -list | 02:52 |
markus | lukoko: I want to change frequency but 85Hz option is not there, what can i do? | 02:52 |
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nxv_ | then use screen -r nbr_of_screen | 02:52 |
nxv_ | to reattach | 02:52 |
aftertaf | screen rox. | 02:52 |
aftertaf | it pwns even :) | 02:52 |
yao | i install the scim,and i can't input the chinese,then i $dpkg -l ,it's display ii scim 1.2.2-0+SVN3ho Smart Common Input Method platform | 02:52 |
yao | ii scim-fcitx 3.1.1-2hoary1 Free Chinese Input Toy for SCIM | 02:52 |
elad` | ctrl-d closed it | 02:52 |
aftertaf | l33tspeak :D | 02:52 |
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aftertaf | elad`> now type screen -r | 02:53 |
Karhuton | elad`, it doesn't close. It's in the background | 02:53 |
reiki_work | I just found out that Opera has removed the ad banner and licensing fees. It's now a free browser...totally. And I know nothing about ti | 02:53 |
reiki_work | ti=it | 02:53 |
lukoko | markus, are uyou shure there should be such option? | 02:53 |
aftertaf | elad`> or type screen -x | 02:53 |
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Whistler | cool it worked | 02:53 |
spafbnerf | it's all "l33tspeak" to me | 02:53 |
aftertaf | reiki_work> yep..... | 02:53 |
yao | it's ok? | 02:53 |
Whistler | now i have 85hz | 02:53 |
nlogax | elad` - and DesqView too | 02:53 |
markus | lukoko: yep, always used 1024x768 @ 85Hz. | 02:53 |
spafbnerf | AEHEAHEAHAH AEAHAH haaah ..... | 02:53 |
nxv_ | elad`: screen -r -d will bring it back and screen -list will show u all ure screens | 02:53 |
nxv_ | as i wrote | 02:53 |
yao | aftertaf help me | 02:53 |
nxv_ | have fun starting screens in screens | 02:53 |
elad` | Type where? I'm in IRSSI | 02:53 |
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aftertaf | elad`> do Ctl A then Ctl C | 02:54 |
aftertaf | add a new screen :) | 02:54 |
StrikeForce | has anyone had there desktop freeze in ubuntu | 02:54 |
nathan_ | Whistler, you were lucky :) | 02:54 |
StrikeForce | like non responsive? | 02:54 |
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elad` | aftertaf: That closed it. | 02:54 |
aftertaf | elad`> nope! | 02:54 |
StrikeForce | everything still operates as per normal just no desktop | 02:54 |
elad` | The jobs menu is empty. | 02:54 |
aftertaf | do ctl A then Ctl P | 02:54 |
Whistler | nathan_ thx for help | 02:55 |
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aftertaf | erf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 02:55 |
elad` | What do you know... so, how do I find out which screens I have? | 02:55 |
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Whistler | another question how do i make glxgears show fps? | 02:55 |
aftertaf | elad`> CTL A then just C / P | 02:55 |
Whistler | i am on breezy | 02:55 |
sophtpaw | hi a question about backingup | 02:55 |
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StrikeForce | in console Whistler type glxgears | 02:55 |
Knorrie_ | lo | 02:55 |
Grant_ | Whistler: run it from a console it should show | 02:55 |
aftertaf | elad`> http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2004/07/06/unix_gems.html read that | 02:55 |
bob2 | Whistler: it's deprecated and pointless | 02:55 |
Knorrie_ | Failed to fetch http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/o/openoffice.org-debian-files/openoffice.org-debian-files_1.1.4-3+2ubuntu4_all.deb 404 Not Found [IP: 80] | 02:55 |
sophtpaw | i found a useful 'how-to' that helped me learn how to backup the computer | 02:55 |
Whistler | bob2 why pointless? | 02:56 |
sophtpaw | but since i'm doing a fresh install i don't need that, am i right? | 02:56 |
Knorrie_ | I just did a breezy install | 02:56 |
bob2 | Knorrie_: update then try again | 02:56 |
bob2 | Whistler: because it's not a useful benchmarking tool | 02:56 |
Knorrie_ | bob2: yes I did update | 02:56 |
aftertaf | Knorrie> its a bit rocky to get to breezy..... | 02:56 |
Knorrie_ | :P | 02:56 |
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sophtpaw | hi, can someone help me briefly with a question? | 02:56 |
aftertaf | sometimes you have to reupdate and sidt-upgrade/upgrade more than once | 02:56 |
sophtpaw | a backup question | 02:56 |
=== Knorrie_ likes Rocky things | ||
aftertaf | sophtpaw> backing up can always be useful. it depends what, and why... | 02:57 |
reiki_work | sophtpaw: ask the question | 02:57 |
Knorrie_ | I'll try another mirrpor first | 02:57 |
Knorrie_ | s/mirrpor/mirror/ | 02:57 |
Whistler | everybody heard good news about opera? | 02:57 |
aftertaf | Knorrie> which are u on? | 02:57 |
Knorrie_ | nl.archive.ubuntu.com | 02:57 |
aftertaf | Whistler> yep... | 02:57 |
aftertaf | Knorrie> ok... i was on fr. i just went archive directly | 02:57 |
sophtpaw | i backed up my whole computer but that is irrelevant if i'm doing a fresh install anyways, right? | 02:57 |
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elad` | What's Fink? | 02:58 |
cycom | Hooray for Synaptic Smart Upgrade! | 02:58 |
cycom | anyhow. | 02:58 |
nathan_ | does opera take mozilla plugins? Maybe it can solve my 32 bit browser problems | 02:58 |
aftertaf | lol cycom | 02:58 |
Whistler | maybe opera will be included in later realeses of ubuntu? | 02:58 |
sophtpaw | however, i do want to bring my photoalbum, bookmarks emails and docs | 02:58 |
sophtpaw | do i just back up /home ? | 02:58 |
Knorrie_ | aftertaf: i'm editing sources.list now to try another mirrir | 02:58 |
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sophtpaw | or /home/username ? | 02:58 |
Whistler | nathan_ opera cant use extensions of firefox | 02:58 |
Whistler | as far as i know | 02:58 |
cycom | aftertaf: you'd be cheering too if your graphics suddenly didn't work on a fresh install (despite working before), having to switch to vesa, using synaptic, and suddenly having them work with the old driver! | 02:59 |
cycom | well, an upgraded driver. | 02:59 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: /home/username should hold all the data of ur user | 02:59 |
aftertaf | cycom> it happens when you surf the breeze dude ;) | 02:59 |
mdeboer | sophtpaw: well, all your user data is in /home/username, so if you did not modify your system in any way, yes, that should be enough | 02:59 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: as long as u don't run a local imap or database | 02:59 |
nathan_ | elad`, fink is a debian repository of packages for OS X | 02:59 |
sophtpaw | i don't | 02:59 |
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mdeboer | sohptpaw: note that it is even possible to leave your /home intact when you do a fresh install | 03:00 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: than saving /home is a good idear, should save most of ur configs too | 03:00 |
mdeboer | sophtpaw that is | 03:00 |
aftertaf | saving /etc too right? | 03:00 |
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nathan_ | so it's sort of like a distro (like ubuntu) that runs on top of OS X | 03:00 |
aftertaf | why do i have 2 /etc mounted, both on hdb6, in mtab, and none in fstab ? | 03:00 |
sophtpaw | so i don't backup / | 03:00 |
elad` | Where is .screenrc in Ubuntu? | 03:01 |
Knorrie_ | elad`: /etc/screenrc ? | 03:01 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: nope / ist your whole system | 03:01 |
aftertaf | elad`> hehe its hidden. | 03:01 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: unnecessary as u would store all ur old packages | 03:01 |
sophtpaw | burn to cd then in new instal open /home/username | 03:01 |
matucha | what can i do if i can ping to my ISP, but cant ping at any other ip? | 03:01 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: did u make changes to /etc to configure some services? | 03:01 |
Knorrie_ | aftertaf: i'm upgrading with --fix-missing now | 03:01 |
sophtpaw | ok, i'm the uber-newbie so i need reassurance and confirmation | 03:02 |
aftertaf | no it isnt hidden... my mistake! | 03:02 |
Knorrie_ | sophtpaw: yeah, you can do it! | 03:02 |
mdeboer | sophtpaw: do you have /home on a seperate partition? | 03:02 |
sophtpaw | nxv: i'm sure i did | 03:02 |
goo_ | uhm. I just booted with linux-image-2.6.12-8-686 and now my /dev/dsp and /dev/sound/ is gone. What went wrong? | 03:02 |
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sophtpaw | Knorrie: thx : ) | 03:02 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: then store /etc its all about system config files | 03:02 |
aftertaf | goo_> bug file areport | 03:02 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: but don't just copy back after reinstallation | 03:02 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: just use it to compare config | 03:02 |
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sophtpaw | geez | 03:02 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: if a service doesn't work the way u expect | 03:03 |
mdeboer | sophtpaw: do you have /home on a seperate partition? | 03:03 |
sophtpaw | i want my previous bookmarking for opera and firefox and epiphany | 03:03 |
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sophtpaw | no | 03:03 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: thats all in ur home dir | 03:03 |
mdeboer | sophtpaw: that is all in /home/username | 03:03 |
sophtpaw | yes | 03:03 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: most under .application name like .mozilla for firefox | 03:03 |
sophtpaw | i only have two partitions | 03:03 |
sophtpaw | swap and /home | 03:03 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: u must have swap and / | 03:04 |
mdeboer | sophtpaw: swap and / is suppose | 03:04 |
sophtpaw | yes | 03:04 |
aftertaf | elad`> you copy /etc/screenrc to ~/.screenrc to have a user config for screen, the original is the system wide config | 03:04 |
elad` | How do I see whether screen is running or not, if it's not under the jobs menu? And, does it run independently for each login window? | 03:04 |
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nxv_ | do u have an external usb disc? | 03:04 |
mdeboer | sophtpaw: do you have a lot of data in /home? | 03:04 |
sophtpaw | agues, not that much | 03:05 |
goo_ | Aha. Maybe I should actually START udev... d'oh | 03:05 |
sophtpaw | as i say, bookmarking | 03:05 |
nxv_ | elad`: if u want to find a prog running: ps aux | grep screen | 03:05 |
mdeboer | sophtpaw: du -s /home/ | 03:05 |
sophtpaw | photoalbum | 03:05 |
nxv_ | for example | 03:05 |
sophtpaw | emails | 03:05 |
mdeboer | or better: du -sH /home | 03:05 |
nxv_ | du -sh /home/username | 03:05 |
nxv_ | mdeboer: :) | 03:05 |
mdeboer | :-) | 03:05 |
sophtpaw | 1.6 gb | 03:06 |
aftertaf | goo_> yep. the bug means asa workaround you can do that... | 03:06 |
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elad` | Thanks. Is there a difference between -aux and aux? | 03:06 |
nxv_ | elad`: afaik no, try it | 03:06 |
mdeboer | sophtpaw: hm, that's quite a lot. it won't fit on a cd... | 03:06 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: what about external harddrive or other computer on the network? | 03:07 |
sophtpaw | oh, if i compres with Bzip2 ? | 03:07 |
nxv_ | or dvd burner? | 03:07 |
nxv_ | bzip2 needs a lot of time | 03:07 |
sophtpaw | nope no dvd burner | 03:07 |
mdeboer | sophtpaw: i sometimes do the following, in order to preserve /home and do a fresh install | 03:07 |
sophtpaw | yes | 03:07 |
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zyga | hello | 03:07 |
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sophtpaw | </listening> | 03:07 |
zyga | I've just upgraded hoary to breezy | 03:08 |
mdeboer | sophtpaw: run the livecd (it can also be done with the install cd, but with the livecd will be easier), and mount your harddisk. | 03:08 |
sophtpaw | don't have live cd | 03:08 |
zyga | and my /dev was totally screwed | 03:08 |
nxv_ | i preferre gzip as it is mutch faster and in the end the amount of space needen wasn't such a difference | 03:08 |
=== hypn0 [n=chatzill@host62-41-131-12.flexi-surf.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aftertaf | zyga see bug link in topic | 03:08 |
zyga | in the end I managed to get X working by using /dev/.static/dev... | 03:08 |
mdeboer | sophtpaw: delete all folders from your / , expect for /home | 03:08 |
zyga | hmm :-) | 03:08 |
aftertaf | zyga> and restart udev service | 03:08 |
elad` | What does tty# stand for? The different virtual login terminals? Is there another way to see whether screen is running, since this one might have me close the wrong instance of screen (to the wrong login). | 03:08 |
zyga | thanks :) | 03:08 |
aftertaf | zyga> there is a bug with udev in breezy.... :) | 03:08 |
aftertaf | no pb. | 03:08 |
mdeboer | sophtpaw: (if you have a lot of diskspace, you could also create a folder /old, and move everything there) | 03:09 |
sophtpaw | mdeboer: can i jsut back each individual application or package and burn to cd | 03:09 |
Knorrie_ | elad`: screen -list | 03:09 |
Knorrie_ | it will tell you if screen is attached of detached | 03:09 |
elad` | Knorrie, if screen isn't running, won't that initiate it? | 03:09 |
sophtpaw | like backup my photo album | 03:09 |
Knorrie_ | no | 03:09 |
Knorrie_ | it will say : no screen blah running | 03:09 |
mdeboer | sophtpaw: now, when you run the installer, during the disk partitioning phase, you can select the partition, but tell it not to erase anything | 03:09 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: if u backup on disc be shure not to agree to any disc partitioning during setup | 03:09 |
mdeboer | "keep existing data" i think | 03:09 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: u can tar gz ur home dir and etc | 03:10 |
elad` | I tried it in another login session, and it told me about the other two's screens. | 03:10 |
sophtpaw | yes | 03:10 |
mdeboer | sophtpaw: but if i where you, i'd make a backup anyway. it never hurst | 03:10 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: and use split to brake it into packages small enought for a cd | 03:10 |
mdeboer | hurts | 03:10 |
Knorrie_ | elad`: screen -r -D | 03:10 |
nathan_ | bleh... opera needs motif for plugins. Anyone got any idea how I can get a 32 bit lesstif installed on my system? | 03:10 |
Knorrie_ | elad`: that will attach a somewhere running screen | 03:10 |
nxv_ | tar or gzip it self might have a split option too | 03:10 |
elad` | ? | 03:10 |
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elad` | OK, fuck this, I'm going out for a new keyboard. | 03:11 |
sophtpaw | ok, thank you very much. My head is spinning but i'll go and try that | 03:11 |
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elad` | My hands are permanently damaged. | 03:11 |
zyga | aftertaf: hmm, restarting udev service seems to wait indefinitly | 03:11 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: backup is easy | 03:12 |
sophtpaw | nxv: : ( i know | 03:12 |
sophtpaw | : ) | 03:12 |
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sophtpaw | do you do it just from gui | 03:12 |
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sophtpaw | or better from command line | 03:12 |
sophtpaw | home folder | 03:12 |
aftertaf | ahhh. zyga that i dunno about..... | 03:12 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: tar cvzf /tmp/username.tar.gz /home/username | 03:13 |
sophtpaw | right-click on home and click on archive? | 03:13 |
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zyga | aftertaf: and that udev bug you mentioned is related to what? | 03:13 |
aftertaf | lol elad` | 03:13 |
zyga | aftertaf: what does it cause? | 03:13 |
aftertaf | zyga> a lot of /dev devices not created on boot time... | 03:13 |
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sophtpaw | not tar cvpzf backup.tgz? | 03:13 |
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gsuveg | dualhead is working | 03:14 |
sophtpaw | nxv: do i need to become root? | 03:14 |
aftertaf | bug status: Status: RESOLVED | 03:14 |
zyga | aftertaf: so it's just a bad day to upgrade to breezy I guess... | 03:14 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: u can give it any way u want | 03:14 |
aftertaf | get updating people :) | 03:14 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: no need to get root, as u should be able to read all in ur own homedir | 03:14 |
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nxv_ | sophtpaw: and everybody can write to /tmp | 03:14 |
aftertaf | oh no... its not resolved, its a duplicate of an older problem... | 03:15 |
sophtpaw | nxv: what is the difference between tar cvzf and tar cvpzf ? | 03:15 |
nxv_ | split -b 700m backup.tgz should split it | 03:15 |
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abbot45 | im having problems with my mp3 player. 4/5 times when i connect it and try to copy music to it it tells me i dont have write permissions for the folder. but when i check the permissions im the owner and I do. | 03:15 |
nxv_ | and u can go burning | 03:15 |
aftertaf | see this link or the udev problem... | 03:16 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: p keeps privilages, user own and rights | 03:16 |
aftertaf | http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=12915#c72 | 03:16 |
aftertaf | abbot45> is it a fat mounted drive? | 03:16 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: useful switch | 03:16 |
abbot45 | aftertaf, it may be. | 03:17 |
abbot45 | aftertaf, its an Archos Gmini 400 which is Linux based, so it may not be FAT. | 03:17 |
sophtpaw | nxv: and i can carry my 'stuff' over to any other GNU/Linux os? | 03:18 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: c= create v=verbose z=gzipd compression f= filename | 03:18 |
sophtpaw | ah, thank you for explaining the acronym | 03:18 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: if u use the same mail cliente browser etc yes | 03:18 |
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sophtpaw | : ) | 03:18 |
abbot45 | it used to not do this. getting annoying having an mp3 player but not being able to put stuff on it. | 03:19 |
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qt2 | i really wish breezy was rather stable, i feel like mass-upgrading :E | 03:19 |
qt2 | stable as in the sense of not possibly breaking on me :3 | 03:19 |
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aftertaf | abbot45> check fstab to see what fs it has, or even justtype mount ;) | 03:20 |
sophtpaw | nxv: its done. I can now find it in Home Folder. I go to K3B to burn a copy and i'm set | 03:20 |
aftertaf | zyga> try udating again, seems to have been fixed now. | 03:21 |
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zyga | aftertaf: ok | 03:21 |
abbot45 | fstab? | 03:21 |
aftertaf | qt2> hehe russian roulette? | 03:21 |
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aftertaf | abbot45> the file that mounts your filestsyems | 03:21 |
qt2 | aftertaf: indeed. | 03:21 |
aftertaf | /etc/fstab | 03:21 |
qt2 | aftertaf: i enjoy the feeling knowing i'm running EXTREMLY new things <.<; | 03:21 |
aftertaf | qt2> works fine for me... though true that a new update can bring in a new bug and break it..... | 03:22 |
aftertaf | qt2> though that way we contribute to the (r)evolution :D | 03:22 |
abbot45 | aftertaf, where would that be? | 03:22 |
er4z0r | does anyone know how to get subversion running by System V --> through init.d script? | 03:22 |
qt2 | aftertaf: well, i was gonna update last night, but people were were saying there was some major breakage last night :/ | 03:22 |
sophtpaw | nxv: why does it have a lock icon over the file? | 03:22 |
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nxv_ | sophtpaw: where du u have the lock? | 03:23 |
sophtpaw | When i opend Home Folder to see if i could see the tared file | 03:24 |
Knorrie_ | errr... opera depends on libqt3c102-mt; however: Package libqt3c102-mt is not installed. | 03:24 |
sophtpaw | on the file | 03:24 |
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sophtpaw | but i didn't tar from root | 03:24 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: u didnt use /tmp | 03:24 |
nxv_ | ? | 03:24 |
sophtpaw | so shouldn't have or requre special priviledgees | 03:24 |
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Knorrie_ | However the following packages replace it: libqt3-mt | 03:24 |
sophtpaw | no, just the command you gave me | 03:25 |
Knorrie_ | I installed libqt3-mt but opera still wants to see libqt3c102-mt | 03:25 |
nxv_ | but u put ur taer into ur homedir? | 03:25 |
vu_ | Anybody know what's the best free XviD encoding software available for Linux? | 03:25 |
Knorrie_ | can I fake that package or so? | 03:25 |
nxv_ | tar creates the file as the user u run it. and this user owns the file | 03:26 |
aftertaf | vu_> try mencoder... | 03:26 |
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brenner | Knorrie: er, try installing libqt3c102-mt | 03:26 |
vu_ | aftertaf, DOes it run also on OSX? | 03:26 |
Whistler | Knorrie_ | 03:26 |
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Whistler | Knorrie_ you should use another package | 03:27 |
aftertaf | vu_> if you can find it in a repos for osX, then try it, bever sed! | 03:27 |
sophtpaw | nxv: did you copy me? | 03:27 |
aftertaf | never used! | 03:27 |
Knorrie_ | Whistler: E: Package libqt3c102-mt has no installation candidate (I'm on breezy) | 03:27 |
Whistler | Knorrie_ just a sec | 03:27 |
Knorrie_ | Whistler: another opera package? | 03:27 |
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Knorrie_ | Whistler: this was the only that was available for ubuntu so I thought let's try it | 03:27 |
vu_ | Thanx | 03:28 |
Whistler | Knorrie_ ftp://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/linux/850/final/en/i386/shared/opera_8.50-20050916.6-shared-qt_en_etch_i386.deb | 03:28 |
Whistler | use this one | 03:28 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: don't know if i got all ur lines. had a call | 03:28 |
Whistler | Knorrie_ i had same prob this morning :) | 03:28 |
Knorrie_ | Whistler: thanks!! i'll try | 03:29 |
sophtpaw | np | 03:29 |
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Whistler | np | 03:29 |
sophtpaw | i was answering your question about /etc | 03:29 |
sophtpaw | no i only copied your command | 03:29 |
sophtpaw | i don't know what the lock over the file is | 03:29 |
Knorrie_ | Whistler: yeah, that works | 03:29 |
sophtpaw | but it's burning anyways, nearly done | 03:30 |
sophtpaw | K3B is magic : ) | 03:30 |
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nxv_ | sophtpaw: i am a little confused, as u say u did run my commands and u have ur files in ur home dir, while i would have created the backup in /tmp | 03:30 |
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nxv_ | sophtpaw: i wouldn't create a file in dir i am just backing up | 03:31 |
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Kinnison | Hi, I want to upgrade to breezy (from hoary) but apt-get dist-upgrade wants to remove ubuntu-desktop, workrave, tomboy, and a bunch of mozilla things | 03:31 |
Kinnison | what is the recommended upgrade path? | 03:31 |
clem_yeats | can someone advise me a good book about Ubuntu ? | 03:31 |
Whistler | clem_yeats i havent saw any books on ubuntu | 03:32 |
nxv_ | clem_yeats: no don't know one. would preferre web resources | 03:32 |
clem_yeats | any online book otherwise ? | 03:32 |
er4z0r | ok i'll do it with inetd. Another question: I want to configure serveral services to run as a non-root user (tomcat, svnserve) | 03:32 |
sophtpaw | nxv: i c | 03:32 |
sophtpaw | have i burned that disc for nothing? | 03:32 |
nxv_ | clem_yeats: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation as mentioned in the channel topic | 03:32 |
clem_yeats | I'm particularly interested in learning about repos and distributions/universes.. | 03:33 |
er4z0r | I have created these users, but how can I prevent anybody from login in with these usernames? | 03:33 |
Whistler | grr not again, my cpu usage is 100% then i scroll web page. | 03:33 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: what have u burned? the split file or did it fit on a disc after taring? | 03:33 |
Whistler | anyone having this on breezy? | 03:33 |
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sophtpaw | i put the command you gave and burned it using k3b unto cd | 03:33 |
nxv_ | Whistler: i have just upgraded to breezy and using firefox i don't have this problem | 03:33 |
sophtpaw | /home/username i suppose | 03:33 |
nxv_ | Whistler: i only get 100%cpu from sum fu*** flash sites | 03:34 |
sophtpaw | nxv: tar cvzf /tmp/username.tar.gz /home/username | 03:34 |
autrata | So I installed swat and then the browser says: connection refused (901). Why? | 03:34 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: and u burned /tmp/username.tar.gz to the disc? | 03:35 |
sophtpaw | ah.... so it is in /tmp i see | 03:35 |
sophtpaw | yes | 03:35 |
nxv_ | if fits on the disc? | 03:35 |
sophtpaw | but i found it in homefolder | 03:35 |
brenner | ubotu: tell clem_yeats about components | 03:35 |
=== TiffOn [i=user@218.Red-217-126-197.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sophtpaw | i just gave the above command yougave | 03:35 |
brenner | ubotu: tell clem_yeats about repos | 03:35 |
sophtpaw | 2. went to k3b | 03:35 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: so u didn't use split | 03:36 |
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lesshaste | anyone use one of these cherry multimedia keyboards in linux? How would I setup support for it? | 03:36 |
sophtpaw | 3. copied backup.tgz | 03:36 |
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nxv_ | sophtpaw: should work, but there shouldn't be a copie in ur homefolder | 03:36 |
sophtpaw | i don't know what split is, but it didn't ask to split anything | 03:36 |
sophtpaw | so i presume it all fit on one cd | 03:36 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: perhaps it was from former tries | 03:36 |
sophtpaw | maybe a different backup from something earlier i was doing | 03:37 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: split was the command i gave u to break down a file into smaler parts, if it doesn't fit on a single cd | 03:37 |
sophtpaw | how can i verify | 03:37 |
brenner | lesshaste: searched the forum? | 03:37 |
nxv_ | just open the file u have on ur cd now with ur browser. i use koqueror 4 u it would be naughtilus | 03:37 |
lesshaste | no not yet | 03:37 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: i suggest kill the tar.gz file in ur /tmp | 03:38 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: recreate it, browse it with naughtilus to verify if it contains ur home folder, and to see how big it is | 03:38 |
sophtpaw | hmm...there is no tarfile in /etc | 03:38 |
=== ugo__ [n=ugo@CMU-161019.WV.CC.cmu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ugo__ | you | 03:39 |
sophtpaw | i mean no backup.tgz | 03:39 |
ugo__ | boys had better tell me what you did to todays update | 03:39 |
ugo__ | i cannot log into my own box in X | 03:39 |
ugo__ | and I have to join the foum using a BitchX client | 03:39 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: /tmp not /etc | 03:39 |
ugo__ | help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 03:39 |
aftertaf | check bug update ugo__ !!!! | 03:40 |
aftertaf | reupdate!!! | 03:40 |
autrata | udo: welcome to the command line. try apt-get update and rebbot. worked for me | 03:40 |
ugo__ | with what a text client? | 03:40 |
ugo__ | help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have a class in 20 mins and my assignment is due!!!!?!!! | 03:40 |
aftertaf | cli rules!!!! | 03:40 |
sophtpaw | nxv: ooops, yes there it is. Different name too. username.tar.gz | 03:40 |
aftertaf | reupdate!!!!!!! | 03:40 |
[Wiebel] | udev fixed? :) | 03:41 |
ugo__ | reupdate!!!!!!!? | 03:41 |
[Wiebel] | nice :> | 03:41 |
sophtpaw | thats what i should have burned to cd, right? | 03:41 |
[Wiebel] | what about ipw2200? :) | 03:41 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: thats the name u gave to it | 03:41 |
atha | just dist-upgraded to breezy and found out, that xutils has been split into smaller packages - any idea in which package gccmakedep is located now? | 03:41 |
ugo__ | aftertaf: come on man...im in some smelly shit here | 03:41 |
ugo__ | ! | 03:41 |
ubotu | ugo__: Are you on ritalin? | 03:41 |
sophtpaw | well, i don't know what the other backup in home folder was | 03:41 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: open it to check weather it contains the files u want to save, should be ur homedirectory if u used the correct username | 03:41 |
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ugo__ | well id be putting someone on ritalin if i cant lick this issue fast | 03:42 |
ugo__ | what do i do? | 03:42 |
nxv_ | ugo__: calm down if u expect help | 03:42 |
ugo__ | ok... | 03:42 |
autrata | ugo__: seriosly, do sudo apt-get update and then reboot | 03:42 |
nxv_ | ugo__: read what people like aftertaf advice u | 03:42 |
brenner | UdontKnow: autrata has given you the command to use | 03:42 |
sophtpaw | nxv: yes, homedirectory | 03:43 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: so u found all ur home dir in this tar.gz file? | 03:43 |
brenner | can we keep our home partitions when we cd-install breezy? | 03:44 |
ugo__ | yeah! im not mad guys....this is all amusing.... | 03:44 |
ugo__ | ive had a shitty morning.... | 03:44 |
aftertaf | ugo__> sorry, on the phone!!! | 03:44 |
sophtpaw | nxv: yes, and i see in k3b that it is 1.4gb | 03:44 |
aftertaf | my sister had a baby... | 03:44 |
sophtpaw | so please remind me how to split | 03:44 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: so u will have to use the split command to brake it down to 2 cds | 03:45 |
sophtpaw | please tell me again, nxv | 03:45 |
nxv_ | does k3b offer splitting files? | 03:45 |
sophtpaw | can k3b do it automatically? | 03:45 |
nxv_ | i am currently taking a lock at it | 03:45 |
sophtpaw | ahh...you're asking me also. Yes, i don't know | 03:45 |
sophtpaw | i can just click on burn and see | 03:46 |
nxv_ | i install k3b | 03:46 |
brenner | anyone have a synaptics touchpad? | 03:46 |
sophtpaw | ah, you don't use it | 03:46 |
aftertaf | yes!! | 03:46 |
[Wiebel] | brenner: yes | 03:46 |
[Wiebel] | alps | 03:46 |
[Wiebel] | actualy | 03:46 |
sophtpaw | nxv: what is your favorite burner then? | 03:46 |
lesshaste | hmm... I have changed the root password in a VT but I can't su - in an xterm.. any ideas?? | 03:46 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: didn't have it running since updating to breezy | 03:46 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: i preferre k3b too | 03:46 |
brenner | [Wiebel] : have some time to lend us a hand in configging? | 03:46 |
sophtpaw | ok | 03:47 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: ok installed | 03:47 |
[Wiebel] | brenner: ask me toninght | 03:47 |
[Wiebel] | like | 03:47 |
[Wiebel] | after 19:00 CEST | 03:47 |
[Wiebel] | then i'll paste you my X conf | 03:47 |
sophtpaw | nxv: well i have just downloaded breezy iso | 03:47 |
brenner | [Wiebel] : heh...it's 11pm here ... and i can't be bothered working out the time difference... | 03:47 |
autrata | does anyone use swat in breezy? | 03:48 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: it is not necessary to do a cd installation | 03:48 |
sophtpaw | then after backing up i will burn iso to disc and check out breezy myself | 03:48 |
[Wiebel] | its 15:48 here ;) | 03:48 |
sophtpaw | you mean simply upgrade? | 03:48 |
aftertaf | brenner> i have it, but i disabled for an external mouse. | 03:48 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: lets first back up ur data, always a good idear and then take the next step | 03:48 |
brenner | i just needed to know good values to slow down the cursor, and to enable touch-tapping...i get this weird focus-switch when i tap | 03:48 |
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brenner | aftertaf: configged it though? | 03:49 |
nathan_ | lesshaste, I tend to use "sudo su" then "su -" from there if I really want a root shell | 03:49 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: don't find a option in k3b on the first look so lets do splitting | 03:49 |
sophtpaw | ; ) one step at a time | 03:49 |
[Wiebel] | brenner: google some | 03:49 |
[Wiebel] | it pretty easy to find | 03:49 |
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aftertaf | ahhh ok. not for actually getting it instaled? ok | 03:49 |
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brenner | heh. righto | 03:49 |
sophtpaw | ok | 03:49 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: cd /tmp && split -b 700m username.tar.gz | 03:49 |
Whistler | where is xchat icon located? | 03:49 |
scanwinder | is there a command for apt-get to forcebly remove a package? | 03:49 |
aboyousif | hi, | 03:49 |
aftertaf | Whistler> internet | 03:49 |
brenner | aftertaf: no....i was impressed...mine was auto-detected.... | 03:49 |
aboyousif | where is the network file in debian? | 03:49 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: should result in files of max 700mb | 03:49 |
Whistler | aftertaf i need icon | 03:49 |
aftertaf | scanwinder> yes apt-get remove | 03:49 |
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aftertaf | brenner> me 2 ;) | 03:50 |
nathan_ | Whistler, /usr/share/pixmaps/xchat.png ? | 03:50 |
aftertaf | aboyousif> /etc/network/interfaces | 03:50 |
scanwinder | well im trying to remove a package called cron and apt-get remove isnt doing it | 03:50 |
ugo__ | whoever did this may the curse of 10000 ants in your anus be your destiny! | 03:50 |
brenner | aftertaf: my lspci output is ugly though....pretty much everything is an unknown device! | 03:50 |
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Ng | scanwinder: don't remove cron :) | 03:50 |
aftertaf | cron nooooooooooo! | 03:50 |
brenner | aftertaf: that's what i get for buying a compaq i guess.... :( | 03:50 |
ugo__ | im just joking ! but thanks guys...it worked | 03:50 |
aboyousif | thanks aftertaf | 03:50 |
aftertaf | cool ugo__ nice 2 know ;) | 03:50 |
Whistler | nathan_ thx a lot | 03:51 |
scanwinder | but i want to...its having problems and apt-get -f install wont fix the probs | 03:51 |
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Ng | you don't want to | 03:51 |
aftertaf | scanwinder> you shouldnt!!!! | 03:51 |
Ng | chances are you can fix apt without needing to | 03:51 |
sophtpaw | nxv: cli is just hanging | 03:51 |
scanwinder | how do i fix apt without problems then? | 03:52 |
scanwinder | wait, is cron important? should i somehow revert to the old version of it? how do i do that? | 03:52 |
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Ng | cron is pretty important yeah | 03:52 |
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zblach | hi | 03:53 |
Ng | scanwinder: what's the actual problem you're having that leads you to want to remove cron? | 03:53 |
zblach | anyone here code in vim? | 03:53 |
Ghotcom | is there a root passwd by default in ubuntu? | 03:53 |
Ghotcom | hi | 03:53 |
zblach | Ghotcom: no | 03:53 |
aftertaf | !root | 03:53 |
ubotu | it has been said that root is disabled in Ubuntu, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 03:53 |
goo_ | Ghotcom: do sudo su - | 03:53 |
aftertaf | ^^^^^^ Ghotcom | 03:53 |
goo_ | Ghotcom: then passwd | 03:53 |
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zblach | how can one do java syntax highlighting in vim? | 03:54 |
Ghotcom | what | 03:54 |
scanwinder | Ng: cronL applet not found | 03:54 |
zblach | ubotu, tell Ghotcom about root | 03:54 |
Ghotcom | goo_: what , a firend of me just installed ubuntu from cd | 03:54 |
nathan_ | will "dpkg -i <package>" abort if it would overwrite an existing file from another deb? | 03:54 |
scanwinder | Ng: dpkg: error processing cron (--configure) | 03:54 |
Ng | Ghotcom: ignore what goo_ said, read what ubotu said :) | 03:54 |
Ghotcom | goo_: i am assisting him by phone | 03:54 |
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Ghotcom | Ng: ok | 03:55 |
goo_ | Ghotcom: like ng says, ignore me and read what ubotu said. | 03:55 |
Whistler | how do i install flash for opera? | 03:55 |
Ghotcom | what does he has to type for adminsitration password then ? | 03:55 |
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aftertaf | Ghotcom> read ubotu's link | 03:55 |
Ng | Ghotcom: he doesn't, what is asking him for it? | 03:55 |
aftertaf | !sudo | 03:55 |
ubotu | sudo is, like, totally, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 03:55 |
brenner | it's HIS password | 03:55 |
Ng | scanwinder: are you running brezy? | 03:55 |
nathan_ | Whistler, download the macromedia installer, then copy libflashplayer.so to ~/lib/opera/plugins/ | 03:56 |
Ghotcom | Ng: the network admin | 03:56 |
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scanwinder | Ng: nope..........actually DSL........when i opened xchat, came into here....so tried askin here aswell as DSL channel....but there isnt many of them | 03:56 |
goo_ | and for the lovely windows feeling: stuff NOPASSWD: ALL into /etc/sudoers | 03:56 |
Ng | scanwinder: and are there more errors you could paste into a pastebin site for us to see? | 03:56 |
lesshaste | Whistler: just installl netscape-flash | 03:56 |
Ng | scanwinder: ah | 03:56 |
megamanx2005 | anyone here heard of autopackage (.package files) they install like exe's in windows have their own installers and unistallers set up icons etc | 03:57 |
Ng | Ghotcom: that'll be his password then, if he reads the requestor closely he'll notice it says "please enter your password" (my emphesis) | 03:57 |
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nathan_ | Whistler, lesshaste's thing will probably work too | 03:57 |
scanwinder | Ng: where/what's pastebin? | 03:57 |
aftertaf | !pastebin | 03:58 |
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ubotu | hmm... pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 03:58 |
vinboy | any good mp3 player for linux? | 03:58 |
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scanwinder | Ng: is there not a command to just revert to the old version of cron? | 03:58 |
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Ng | scanwinder: not easily, you might still have the old .deb in /var/cache/apt/archives | 03:59 |
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Juxella | hello | 03:59 |
Ng | vinboy: rhythmbox and beep seem to be the most popular atm | 04:00 |
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Ghotcom | Ng: yu can configur ubuntuuising en user passwd? | 04:00 |
Ng | Ghotcom: yes, you are supposed to :) | 04:00 |
Ghotcom | Ng: scuzz i am writing with one hand :p | 04:00 |
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vinboy | thank Ng | 04:01 |
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scanwinder | its not in /var/cache/apt/archives | 04:01 |
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Juxella | i have a question... im trying to compile a software package (omnet++) and runing ./configure allways breaks complaing about lacking math.h (-lm). I've double checked the system, i have math.h installed and if i run gcc test.c -lm (which includes math.h) everything works. | 04:01 |
Ng | scanwinder: then you might be able to find it on a DSL site maybe :/ | 04:02 |
Juxella | Does anybody have a solution for this problem? | 04:02 |
=== sophtpaw [n=conrad@82-35-53-84.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Juxella | How do i compile or tell the ./configure script where math.h is located. | 04:02 |
brenner | Juxella: installed build-essential? | 04:02 |
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vinboy | any good pdf reader? | 04:02 |
Tomcat_ | Juxella: Google for some parts of the error message... some libraries need special options on some distributions. | 04:02 |
sophtpaw | nvx: my keyboard froze | 04:02 |
Tomcat_ | vinboy: xpdf | 04:02 |
=== gerarcone [n=gerarcon@85-18-14-12.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ng | vinboy: evince | 04:03 |
sophtpaw | did ubuntu really crash? | 04:03 |
cas | Hi, I've problems installing Ubuntu warty one of my computers. I get the error initrd-tools cannot be installed while installing the base-system. | 04:03 |
Ghotcom | Ng: oki the netowrk seems to be enabled | 04:03 |
vinboy | thanks.. | 04:03 |
sophtpaw | :o | 04:03 |
vinboy | i tried xpdf, not that nice | 04:03 |
vinboy | i'll go try evince | 04:03 |
Tomcat_ | cas: Why are you not using hoary? :o | 04:03 |
Ng | xpdf is rubbish ;) | 04:03 |
funkyHat | vinboy, acrobat reader? | 04:03 |
vinboy | thank | 04:03 |
gerarcone | what is the difference between 686 and 386 kernel version in breezy? | 04:03 |
Tomcat_ | I love xpdf. | 04:03 |
Tomcat_ | Clean, just works. | 04:03 |
Ng | bleh | 04:03 |
Ng | it's ugly as sin | 04:03 |
vinboy | funkyHat, so they have acrobat reader for linux | 04:03 |
Ng | and older than that ;) | 04:03 |
Ghotcom | Ng: now where does he has to go for downloading packages ? | 04:03 |
Tomcat_ | gerarcone: 386 works anywhere, 686 is mostly higher Pentiums. | 04:03 |
cas | Tomcat_, I'm sorry it's breezy | 04:03 |
sophtpaw | nvx: still here? | 04:03 |
Ng | Ghotcom: System->Administration->Synaptic | 04:04 |
funkyHat | vinboy, yes, i couldn't tell you which repository it's in though, as mine seem to be broken at the moment | 04:04 |
funkyHat | :( | 04:04 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: what did u mean with cli hangs? | 04:04 |
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m1ked | hello | 04:04 |
Ghotcom | Ng: what s the use of Install/Uninstall ? | 04:04 |
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sophtpaw | nothing appeared to be happeneing | 04:04 |
Tomcat_ | Ng: Why does it have to look good? Beautyful UI only distracts from the horrible lecture slides I need to read. :) | 04:04 |
Ghotcom | Ng: at the top of the menu | 04:04 |
Ghotcom | ? | 04:04 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: when u did split? | 04:04 |
sophtpaw | then keyboard froze so i had to reboot | 04:04 |
Juxella | brenner: way to go, build-essential did the trick, thanx a lot | 04:04 |
sophtpaw | yes | 04:04 |
sophtpaw | lets try again | 04:04 |
sophtpaw | i had alot on my desktop | 04:04 |
Ng | Ghotcom: the Add/Remove Programs in Applications->System Tools? That's just a really simple interface for installing applications, synaptic lists way more stuff | 04:04 |
m1ked | guys i have a problem | 04:05 |
nxv_ | split just takes an input file like ur tar and copies in block of the maximum length u give to it 700m as in my example | 04:05 |
funkyHat | anyone else got broken repositories in breezy? :( it sucks, can't upgrade or install hardly anything | 04:05 |
m1ked | i installed ubuntu last night | 04:05 |
Ng | Ghotcom: if what he wants is in the Add/Remove Programs one then using that is fine too :) | 04:05 |
m1ked | and updated it | 04:05 |
m1ked | but i cant see my ntfs partitions | 04:05 |
Ghotcom | Ng: oki | 04:05 |
brenner | Juxella: no sweat | 04:05 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: should freez linux. do u have enough space on device? | 04:05 |
cas | It seems an error on amd systems, because a friend of mine has the same problem and I found simular problems on the internet. What could this be? Should I clear my disk better with a livecd or has this nothing to so with it? | 04:05 |
funkyHat | !tell m1ked about ntfs | 04:05 |
sophtpaw | what device? | 04:05 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: ur harddisc | 04:06 |
maradong | m1ked, well, did you mount them? :) | 04:06 |
brenner | Juxella: btw, if your installing from source ... a better method is using checkinstall | 04:06 |
sophtpaw | oh, yeah, 80 gb | 04:06 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: enought 4 the tar and the splittet files | 04:06 |
nxv_ | free? | 04:06 |
apokryphos | m1ked: after you've registered, you should use /msg nickserv identify password ...not the register command | 04:06 |
gerarcone | Tomcat_: i had a problem with hoary, the 386 version doesn't see all my RAM (so i upgraded to 686), but now that i'm running breezy (and i also have 386kernel) it seems to work... there is some reason to upgrade the kernel version? i have a P4 | 04:06 |
sophtpaw | nxv: dont worry my keyboard often freezes | 04:06 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: then u will have to try again. maybee ur /tmp was cleaned | 04:06 |
maradong | m1ked, hello? | 04:06 |
sophtpaw | no, minus (-) installation of ubuntu etc | 04:06 |
m1ked | guys | 04:07 |
sophtpaw | yes, lets try again | 04:07 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: but u shouldn't have reagular freezes without broken hardware | 04:07 |
m1ked | i have kernel 386 | 04:07 |
Juxella | brenner: well, now it broke down at tcl/tk requrement, i checked synaptic i have both installed? | 04:07 |
Whistler | nathan_ can you repear me where do i need to put that file for opera+flash | 04:07 |
m1ked | how do i upgrade to kernel k7 | 04:07 |
funkyHat | m1ked, did you get the message from ubotu? | 04:07 |
sophtpaw | ok | 04:07 |
Whistler | repeat | 04:07 |
m1ked | cause i got a barton | 04:07 |
Ghotcom | is GAIM installed by default ? | 04:07 |
m1ked | yes i did | 04:07 |
Ghotcom | Ng: ? | 04:07 |
Whistler | Ghotcomyep | 04:07 |
Whistler | Ghotcom yep | 04:07 |
Ghotcom | oki | 04:07 |
maradong | m1ked, wellwellwell ;-) | 04:07 |
m1ked | im reallllyyyy noooob | 04:07 |
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maradong | m1ked, open up a terminal | 04:07 |
Tomcat_ | gerarcone: Switching from 386 to 686 is not "upgrading"... no idea why that happened though. Maybe the P4 has some problems with the 386 kernel. | 04:07 |
m1ked | ok | 04:08 |
sophtpaw | nxv: i had alot on my desktop besides | 04:08 |
maradong | and type "df" without the "" obviously | 04:08 |
m1ked | k | 04:08 |
sophtpaw | nxv: please give me the split command again, if you will | 04:08 |
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maradong | tell me, are the ntfs partitions listed there? | 04:08 |
Ghotcom | Ng: if Synaptic works then I can assume the network is up ? | 04:08 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: split -b 700m file_to_split | 04:08 |
m1ked | im config is a k7 barton and 1 gig ram | 04:08 |
sophtpaw | do i cd /tmp first | 04:08 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: u can use another size if u have bigger cds | 04:08 |
sophtpaw | ? | 04:08 |
m1ked | i should use kernel k7 right? | 04:08 |
=== No1Viking [n=No1Vikin@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
funkyHat | maradong, m1ked could just follow the message ubotu gave him | 04:09 |
sophtpaw | no 700mb cds they are | 04:09 |
gerarcone | Tomcat_: i repeat, now it seems to work... do you think it would be useful to "switch"? | 04:09 |
funkyHat | !tell maradong about ntfs | 04:09 |
=== ccorkrum [n=ccorkrum@smtp.waltonsignage.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aleitner | will beagle 0.1.0 make it into breezy? | 04:09 |
m1ked | erm | 04:09 |
maradong | m1ked, theoratically, yes, you should be using a k7 | 04:09 |
sophtpaw | nxv: cd /tmp first? | 04:09 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: split just creates the files where u are. | 04:09 |
ccorkrum | can anyone tell me why most libs on debian based os's are chmod 644? | 04:09 |
maradong | funkyHat, oh, I didn't see a message of ubotu :) | 04:09 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: so now try to think where u want it and create it there | 04:10 |
funkyHat | :) | 04:10 |
sophtpaw | well it is in /tmp | 04:10 |
sophtpaw | so, cd /tmp split -b 700m file_to_split username.tar.gz ??? | 04:11 |
nxv_ | sophtpaw: i gave u the procedure several times and have now some work to do. so try to use it. its easy | 04:11 |
funkyHat | m1ked, to use the k7 kernel, install linux-k7 | 04:11 |
Whistler | is it possible to install Beaver using apt-get? | 04:11 |
funkyHat | m1ked, sudo apt-get install linux-k7 | 04:11 |
funkyHat | then restart | 04:11 |
=== bazh [n=bas@cust-02-D371.adsl.scarlet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sophtpaw | nvx: thx for your help. I just lost the command due to rebbooting can you just confirm my line before going | 04:11 |
nathan_ | Whistler, sorry, was afk... libflashplayer.so to ~/lib/opera/plugins/ | 04:11 |
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leagris | hi | 04:12 |
Whistler | ~/lib/opera/plugins/ means /home/lib/opera/plugins/ | 04:12 |
Whistler | ? | 04:12 |
Whistler | i dont know what does ~ mean | 04:12 |
bazh | hello...im having troubles with xorg under ubuntu...i just installed hoary and xorg is using around 20-40% cpu, i tried a few things, but doesnt help. Maybe someone knows more? | 04:12 |
funkyHat | :( my pastebin script is broken | 04:12 |
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Whistler | bazh you use breezy? | 04:13 |
goo_ | Whistler: ~ means $HOME | 04:13 |
leagris | Whistler, the two path are equivalent | 04:13 |
goo_ | Whistler: or /home/$USER if you like. | 04:13 |
bazh | Whistler: not that i know...what kind of program is it? | 04:13 |
bazh | let me see... | 04:13 |
nathan_ | Whistler, /home/<username>/lib/opera/plugins (~ is a shortcut to your home directory) | 04:13 |
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sophtpaw | nxv: well we were nearly there, never mind. Thx for your help anyways | 04:13 |
Knorrie_ | how can I find the correct driver for in xorg.conf when using a VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. 86c775/86c785 [Trio 64V2/DX or /GX] (rev 04) (prog-if 00 [VGA] ) | 04:13 |
bazh | Whistler: nope | 04:13 |
bazh | its a fresh install of ubuntu | 04:14 |
Whistler | bazh what is your ubuntu version? | 04:14 |
bazh | and it borked right away | 04:14 |
tucoz | Hi, I am trying to find the development packages for xorg, but I can't find them in synaptic | 04:14 |
bazh | like i said...hoary... | 04:14 |
Whistler | oh | 04:14 |
nathan_ | tucoz , x-window-system-dev is a meta package that will install all the files you need | 04:15 |
Whistler | nathan_ there is no lib folder in my home | 04:15 |
leagris | sophtpaw, I juste upgraded from Hoary to Breezy, and I can't find a working k3b package. Do you have any idea where I can get one ? | 04:15 |
nathan_ | hmmm | 04:15 |
=== A-star [n=Quinksta@cable-213-132-147-115.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
A-star | hi everyone | 04:15 |
funkyHat | anyone help me with this? http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2409 (beagle not starting up) | 04:15 |
sophtpaw | leagris: i'm not in breezy yet myself, sorry | 04:15 |
Ng | Ghotcom: that would seem reasonable, yes, unless it's getting packages from the CD, which it may try to do by default | 04:16 |
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sophtpaw | still trying to backup | 04:16 |
Ng | Ghotcom: get him to try some web pages or something? | 04:16 |
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leagris | :) good idea | 04:16 |
tucoz | nathan: ok. thanks. I'll try that | 04:16 |
A-star | How do I run a certain command during boot? | 04:16 |
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leagris | rc.local may be appropriate A-star | 04:16 |
Ungy | I have a question does anyone know why if Ubuntu is suppossed to stay up to date why Breezy's default mysql install is a 4.0x and not a 4.1x? | 04:16 |
funkyHat | A-star, it depends what stage of the boot you want it to be run | 04:16 |
jdermer | how do i uninstall something with apt-get ? | 04:17 |
Ungy | apt-get remove --purge | 04:17 |
Ungy | then package name | 04:17 |
Ungy | only use purge to get rid of config files | 04:17 |
tucoz | jdermer, or use synaptic | 04:17 |
A-star | it has to run after iptables starts up (using that with firestarter). any idea? | 04:18 |
megamanx2005 | anyone here like autopackge instead of apt-get or synaptic? | 04:18 |
nathan_ | Whistler, in preferences --> advanced --> content --> Plug-in options... what is your plug in path? | 04:18 |
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funkyHat | megamanx2005, no, autopackage is very nice when there is no deb available though | 04:18 |
Whistler | /usr/lib/opera/plugins:/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins:/usr/lib/netscape/plugins-libc6 | 04:18 |
leagris | someone already use Breezy here ? | 04:19 |
nathan_ | Whistler, then try putting it in /usr/lib/opera/plugins then | 04:19 |
Whistler | k | 04:19 |
=== krage [n=Andreas@214.84-48-67.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
A-star | the command is this "fetchipac -S" | 04:19 |
nathan_ | leagris, yeah | 04:19 |
ompaul | leagris, some to and some got bitten by the bug in the topic | 04:19 |
ompaul | leagris, some do that should read | 04:19 |
leagris | nathan_, I try to get k3b but can't find a ubuntu package for that | 04:19 |
leagris | did you installe k3b with breezy and how ? | 04:20 |
krage | I have just installed ubuntu, and am trying to reformat an NTFS disk to a ext2 and mount it | 04:20 |
Ungy | So Does anyone know why the default mysql-server and mysql-client are out of date? | 04:20 |
nathan_ | hmmm... I seem to have the package in my sources | 04:20 |
krage | but i think i do somthing wrong :( | 04:20 |
ompaul | leagris, its in main - so you should be able to get it no problem | 04:21 |
leagris | nathan_, is tha a ubuntu package ? | 04:21 |
chrissturm | whats the option for tar to use bz2? | 04:21 |
nathan_ | leagris, yes, it is | 04:21 |
ompaul | leagris, package name k3b | 04:21 |
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leagris | ompaul, would you share your source.list ? | 04:21 |
atha | chrissturm: -j | 04:22 |
ompaul | leagris, it is in main, the base of any source.list | 04:22 |
atha | or --bzip2 | 04:22 |
leagris | sorry ompaul, could not find it in main, weird | 04:22 |
ompaul | leagris deb http://ie.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted | 04:22 |
vinboy | is there any good download manager? | 04:23 |
ompaul | where ie can be where ever you are | 04:23 |
ompaul | vinboy, synaptic is good, system - administration - synaptic | 04:23 |
vinboy | ???? | 04:24 |
A-star | where can I find the file rc.local? | 04:24 |
brenner | ompaul: cheeky. :) | 04:24 |
ompaul | leagris, in a terminal >>sudo apt-get update<< | 04:24 |
brenner | vinboy: try downloader for x ... or learn wget syntax. | 04:24 |
ompaul | brenner, what dies he want | 04:24 |
leagris | ype, trying that now | 04:24 |
ompaul | brenner, what does he want | 04:24 |
brenner | ompaul: see above | 04:25 |
vinboy | ok thanks | 04:25 |
nathan_ | vinboy, I'm quite happy with KGet, but that's a kde thing | 04:25 |
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megamanx2005 | has anyone here had any exeperiance with .package autopackages? Did they mess your system up personally? | 04:25 |
leagris | 3b: | 04:25 |
leagris | Depends: dbus-1 (>=0.23.4) but it is not installable | 04:25 |
leagris | Depends: dbus-qt-1c2 (>=0.23.4) but it is not installable | 04:25 |
brenner | nathan_: is that a frontend to wget? | 04:25 |
ompaul | brenner, aahhhhhhh DOH! | 04:25 |
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brenner | ompaul: hehe | 04:26 |
nathan_ | brenner, no I don't think it is | 04:26 |
leagris | ompaul, the package k3b is not a ubuntu package in my list | 04:26 |
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dabar | megamanx2005: there is no such thing. It can mess up your system, or does not have to. It is fairly sound, the technology, however. Depending on what you install, it will or will not mess up your system. | 04:26 |
leagris | when trying to install it need conflicting dbus-1 packages and some more | 04:26 |
ompaul | leagris, paste your sources into paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 04:26 |
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tucoz | does anyone know in what package the kde headers are to be found? | 04:27 |
gregoria | We have a file server with two 250gb hard drives here in the office. Samba is set-up and sharing /home/test. Can I expand home test over the two drives transparently | 04:27 |
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ccorkrum | the answer to my question ( Shared libraries should not be installed executable, since the dynamic linker does not require this and trying to execute a shared library usually results in a core dump. ) | 04:27 |
ccorkrum | taken from the debian manual | 04:27 |
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jpfarias | hi! | 04:28 |
Ng | gregoria: you probably want to look at something called LVM, or you could do it with software RAID | 04:28 |
ccorkrum | guess it's just trying to figure out where to look | 04:28 |
megamanx2005 | i was just wondering if anyone had personally had an autopackge screw up their system | 04:28 |
nathan_ | tucoz, probably kde-devel | 04:28 |
gregoria | mmmh, i was recommended that before but someone else said it was dangerous to use | 04:28 |
dabar | megamanx2005: what did you install, what is broken? | 04:28 |
gregoria | is it easy to set-up | 04:28 |
dabar | megamanx2005: yes, someone has. | 04:29 |
leagris | ompaul, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/d2413 | 04:29 |
tucoz | nathan: probably :) | 04:29 |
tucoz | it was just so many kdebase, kde, and so on | 04:29 |
ompaul | leagris, caught it as you pasted it - have you an apt.conf? | 04:29 |
tritium | tucoz: narrow your search, then | 04:29 |
dabar | megamanx2005: you can put a kernel in an autopackage, and install a gentoo kernel onto your ubuntu system, which your system will not like. | 04:29 |
tucoz | yes, I found it | 04:29 |
Juxella | hello ppl. having some problems building source (./configure breaks with requesting tcl/tk libs) - this is the output: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2412 Does anybody know what to do? I have tcl8.4-dev and tk8.4-dev installed | 04:30 |
gregoria | whats the command to view what hard drives ubuntu can see? | 04:30 |
Juxella | am i missing some importatnt dependencies? | 04:30 |
leagris | not a single one ompaul | 04:30 |
Juxella | trying to install omnetpp | 04:30 |
leagris | some conf files in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d | 04:30 |
nathan_ | tucoz, yeah, I understand how it can get confusing. I like the debian/ubuntu fine grained package management most of the time, but when you're lookign for something in particular it can all be a bit too much | 04:31 |
TokenBad | if you have a file that needs to be compiled and you do the ./configure and then make..but there isn't a binarie..then what do you do? | 04:31 |
gregoria | as in the drives installed on my system? | 04:31 |
tritium | TokenBad: did it fail to compile? | 04:31 |
ompaul | leagris, ooch | 04:31 |
tucoz | yes, like with all the meta packages. My install went booom in terms of size just now. | 04:31 |
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TokenBad | no | 04:32 |
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nathan_ | gregoria, "mounts" will show you where all the drives are mounted | 04:32 |
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brenner | TokenBad: you do make install probably... | 04:32 |
dabar | gregoria: sudo fdisk -l | 04:32 |
leagris | ompaul, what about the apt.conf ? | 04:32 |
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tritium | TokenBad: you should look into using checkinstall if you're going to install that system-wide | 04:33 |
tucoz | nathan_: thanks for the help. compiling now. | 04:33 |
tritium | (since it's not under package management) | 04:33 |
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megamanx2005 | dialup dropped me | 04:33 |
TokenBad | I did make install it says something about no rule to make target install | 04:33 |
=== dabar thinks you should drop dialup:) jj, dialup is fine. | ||
TokenBad | and what is checkinstall? | 04:33 |
megamanx2005 | i was saying that autopackge of gaim 1.5.0 installed on hoary with no problems, it was awesome it set up my icons and gave me an uninstaller | 04:33 |
tritium | !checkinstall | 04:34 |
ubotu | well, checkinstall is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall | 04:34 |
tritium | yeah, you told us yesterday, megamanx2005 | 04:34 |
dabar | megamanx2005: dontg be greedy for application versions, and this wont happen. You are running an unstable version of Ubuntu, and then you installed an unstable version of an app. | 04:34 |
Ungy | !mysql | 04:34 |
ubotu | hmm... mysql is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP | 04:34 |
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jpfarias | my breezy install has become crazy! | 04:35 |
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jpfarias | I have no more /dev/psaux | 04:35 |
jpfarias | why did it disappear? | 04:35 |
dabar | megamanx2005: that is called a testing system, and should be on a separate partition from first of all your data, and secondly your main system. | 04:35 |
Faithful | Hey what's the latest version? | 04:35 |
tritium | of what? | 04:35 |
=== dabar was thinking the same. | ||
m1ked | how do i install cedega ? :P | 04:36 |
=== kezza491 [n=kezza491@c210-49-217-62.brasd1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabar | m1ked: they have a web site. | 04:36 |
leagris | m1ked, commercial or CVS ? | 04:36 |
kezza491 | i am trying to run Boa-constructor on my ubunto so i have gone ahead and downloaded and compiled and set up (i think) all the stuff that is requered but it still says it cant import wx any ideas? | 04:36 |
Faithful | tritium: am I in the ubuntu channel? | 04:36 |
dabar | m1ked: as well as a #. | 04:36 |
m1ked | i got it off torrent | 04:36 |
dabar | Faithful: yes, you are. | 04:36 |
tritium | Faithful: yep | 04:36 |
ompaul | leagris, you should not be getting conflicts with dbus - however given what happened with breezy last night where X died I would not advise anyone to do further updates unless they are able to recover from total system failures themselves - with an apt.conf you get to make breezy take the native package first before the others - so that in the event of a conflict you do not interfer with the installed software | 04:36 |
Faithful | Hey what's the latest version? | 04:36 |
tritium | of what? | 04:37 |
dabar | of ubuntu? | 04:37 |
ompaul | Faithful, of windows? | 04:37 |
Faithful | yes | 04:37 |
dabar | Faithful: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ | 04:37 |
=== ompaul rofl | ||
dabar | heh. | 04:37 |
leagris | ompaul, is tha timple to tell that in apt-conf or can you point me at some doc ? | 04:37 |
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tritium | Faithful: version 5.04, The Hoary Hedgehog | 04:38 |
dalamar | X dies after the upgrade last night? grreeat, guess im not rebooting ;p | 04:38 |
ompaul | Faithful, the latest ubuntu is 5.04 hoary release - the 5.10 version is in testing and around next month about the 13th | 04:38 |
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ompaul | dalamar, read the bug at the top of the screen | 04:38 |
dabar | Faithful: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ and http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=350378#post350378 | 04:39 |
jpfarias | does someone knows why /dev/psaux no more exists? | 04:39 |
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ompaul | leagris, hang about this box is less than 6 hours installed I will find one for here and pass it on, my syntax might be wrong otherwise | 04:40 |
leagris | oki ompaul | 04:40 |
Faithful | So I have a new new laptop I wont to chuck it on to test compatability | 04:40 |
Faithful | So wwhich would be the best berion | 04:41 |
shawarma | It says in the 5.04 release notes that "ubuntu now supports installation from USB devices"... Is it documented somewhere how to do that? | 04:41 |
ompaul | Faithful, try the live CD | 04:41 |
Faithful | My wife was hanging off my face so it made it hard to type | 04:41 |
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gregoria | funny i have a dell server: main disk is SCSI. I installed two SATA drives and when I activate them in BIOS, ubuntu starts to uncompress the kernel and then panics | 04:42 |
gregoria | How can I activate them and use them wth Ubuntu, the SCSI disk is connected with a RAID card | 04:43 |
brenner | Faithful: what brand? | 04:43 |
MaDsKiLLz | hmm | 04:43 |
MaDsKiLLz | im thinking of upgrading to breezy | 04:43 |
HaNazir | jpfarias: xorg crash? | 04:43 |
tritium | Faithful: laptop support is even better in the new version due out next month (breezy) | 04:43 |
jpfarias | HaNazir, yep | 04:43 |
MaDsKiLLz | has anyone here had problems upgrading to breezy | 04:43 |
leagris | thanks for you kind help ompaul anyway | 04:43 |
tritium | You might either wait about a month, or try a recent liveCD image | 04:43 |
MaDsKiLLz | i tried way back and had problems | 04:43 |
brenner | tritium: nice....cos my lspci output is 95% unknown devices, :-/ | 04:44 |
MaDsKiLLz | tritium, i installed using the preview cd and had no probs | 04:44 |
tritium | brenner: which laptop do you have? | 04:44 |
leagris | yesss, ompaul I found it | 04:44 |
tritium | MaDsKiLLz: cool :) | 04:44 |
MaDsKiLLz | but i dont wanna fsck up my current setup by just using apt to upgrade on this pc | 04:44 |
leagris | it seems the order of sources matter inside sources.list | 04:44 |
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tritium | leagris: why do you say that? | 04:44 |
leagris | now it list ubuntu packages, and a nice shiny k3b ubuntu :) | 04:44 |
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jpfarias | HaNazir, any tips? | 04:45 |
HaNazir | jpfarias: yes | 04:45 |
leagris | transgress, I could not find the unbuntu k3b package | 04:45 |
HaNazir | jpfarias: hang on a sec :) | 04:45 |
jpfarias | HaNazir, ok, thanks | 04:45 |
tritium | !info k3b | 04:45 |
brenner | tritium: compaq presario M2217AP .... i know...i should've went for the thinkpad | 04:45 |
ubotu | k3b: (K3b, a sophisticated KDE cd burning application), section otherosfs, is optional. Version: 0.11.23-0ubuntu3 (hoary), Packaged size: 2209 kB, Installed size: 4716 kB | 04:45 |
leagris | I juste moved the alternate sources after the ubuntu sources in the sources.list file | 04:45 |
leagris | tritium, | 04:45 |
tritium | brenner: search http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam, and see if anyone has info on your model | 04:46 |
nathan_ | !test | 04:46 |
ubotu | Working.... | 04:46 |
nathan_ | hmmm | 04:46 |
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brenner | tritium: afaik, they don't | 04:46 |
HaNazir | jpfarias: many users had this issue. i need to find the command. looking. | 04:46 |
brenner | but i'll check now | 04:46 |
tritium | ok | 04:46 |
jpfarias | HaNazir, it happened after this morning update | 04:47 |
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HaNazir | jpfarias: | 04:47 |
HaNazir | yes | 04:47 |
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tritium | jpfarias: are you using breezy? | 04:47 |
jpfarias | tritium, yep | 04:47 |
tritium | jpfarias: be patient. It'll be fixed shortly | 04:48 |
brenner | tritium: nope nothing...so does laptop support mainly have to do with the kernel? | 04:48 |
jpfarias | tritium, ah, ok | 04:48 |
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tritium | brenner: that's part of it, but there are other aspects | 04:48 |
dabar | jpfarias: the udev is broken. you can revert to 1ubuntu12 and it will work, right tritium? It is in the topic. | 04:49 |
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plato | is the very latest video4linux stuff going to be put into the next kernel? whatever is in 2.6.12-8 right now has broken cx88 drivers.. whatevers in the v4l cvs is good though | 04:49 |
brenner | tritium: care to elaborate? :) | 04:49 |
nathan_ | I've had quite a number of tricky little experiences getting ubuntu working (mostly based on my old Mandrake stuff). Where's the best place for me to share them? | 04:49 |
tritium | yes, dabar, I believe so | 04:49 |
tritium | brenner: | 04:50 |
jpfarias | gotta go | 04:50 |
tritium | http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15932 | 04:50 |
jpfarias | thanks guys | 04:50 |
twibbler | can anybody tell me how to install the ubuntu source code please. | 04:51 |
tritium | sorry, brenner, that was for jpfarias | 04:51 |
HaNazir | suck | 04:51 |
HaNazir | now i got it | 04:51 |
tritium | twibbler: with apt-get source | 04:51 |
Jhair | twibbler, what do you mean by "the ubuntu source code" | 04:51 |
brenner | tritium: heh...was wondering... | 04:51 |
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twibbler | tritium: thank you .... | 04:51 |
HaNazir | how do i leave a memo for someone? | 04:52 |
tritium | twibbler: you can download the source to any package with apt-get source | 04:52 |
twibbler | Jhair: I need to recompile the alsa driver to enable my sound card but need the source .. | 04:52 |
tritium | thanks, by the way, dabar | 04:52 |
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atha | udev_0.060-1ubuntu14 this version seems to work fine , ...13 had problems | 04:53 |
andril | hello all | 04:53 |
HaNazir | yes | 04:53 |
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HaNazir | so wait for 14 :) | 04:53 |
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avinoam | I have a question- I'm trying to install kmuddy and there are ubuntu versions of files that are not enough up to date | 04:53 |
ilba7r | !enlightenment | 04:53 |
ubotu | it has been said that enlightenment is at Enlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work; install: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46105 | 04:53 |
atha | wait? i already installed it | 04:53 |
Ungy | Why is mysql default package 4.0x and not 4.1x when 4.1x has been the released version of mysql even before Hoary came out | 04:53 |
HaNazir | atha: and ur xorg didnt crash? | 04:54 |
Jhair | twibbler, alsa drivers are part of the kernel AFAIK, it would be very rare if the ubuntu stock kernel doesn't provide the driver for your card as a module... | 04:54 |
atha | yep, worked fine after upgrading from 13 to 14 | 04:54 |
kenro | Is there something about Ubuntu's setup for sudo that prevents using gtksu? I cannot get it to accept my password. | 04:54 |
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twibbler | jhair: oh that it is.... and really annoying .... and begining to bug me ..... | 04:54 |
HaNazir | atha: ah so u fixed just by upgrading:) | 04:55 |
HaNazir | ? | 04:55 |
nathan_ | twibbler, you can install the alsa-source package | 04:55 |
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ompaul | leagris, create that file and put this in it - I am 99% certain that is correct >>APT::Default-Release "breezy"; | 04:55 |
ompaul | << | 04:55 |
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twibbler | nathan: thank you ... | 04:55 |
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avinoam | I even tried updating based on debian unstable files, but that's also problematic | 04:55 |
nathan_ | twibbler, the instruction on how to procede fromm there end up in /usr/share/doc/alsa-source/README.Debian | 04:56 |
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twibbler | Jhair: even tried breezy and doesnt support the card .. | 04:56 |
fredforfaen | is there a program i could use from cli to view my hardware and driver info? | 04:56 |
avinoam | anyone have an idea how i can get that package running? | 04:57 |
Jhair | twibbler, I agree with nathan_ suggestion, I haven't do it by myself but just grab de alsa-source sources and follow the instructions | 04:57 |
atha | HaNazir: yes, I got the ..13 working by making devices with MAKEDEV, and then when I got the xorg running, used the system tray application to upgrade the found udev | 04:57 |
Jhair | twibbler, BTW which card is it? | 04:57 |
brenner | avinoam: don't try installing debian stuff... | 04:57 |
twibbler | nathan: Jhair: looks like I can just reconfigure as I need to .... | 04:57 |
brenner | bad idea iirc | 04:57 |
leagris | ompaul, ok, doing it | 04:57 |
avinoam | brenner but it won't work without! | 04:57 |
avinoam | brenner it claims that the files i have aren't up to date enough | 04:58 |
fredforfaen | i have used infobash on kanotix , but i cant seem to find it in ubuntu | 04:58 |
twibbler | Jhair the sis5513 motherboard with an inbuilt card ... | 04:58 |
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misieq | hi there! | 04:58 |
ompaul | leagris, however I would abstain from doing any upgrade till the topic here changes | 04:58 |
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misieq | i'm wondering how can i join files in this way: | 04:58 |
kenro | avinoam: Are you trying to keep your system all-kde? | 04:58 |
misieq | line1_file1 line1_file2 | 04:58 |
avinoam | kenro i have gnome as well | 04:59 |
misieq | line2_file1 line2_file2 | 04:59 |
misieq | and so on... | 04:59 |
brenner | avinoam: yes but from what i've heard, installing debian stuff will cause breakage | 04:59 |
kenro | avinoam: Have you tried papaya? | 04:59 |
avinoam | kenro what is papaya? | 04:59 |
brenner | avinoam: what files in particular? | 04:59 |
leagris | ompaul, too late ;o) | 04:59 |
fredforfaen | anyone have a clue? | 04:59 |
kenro | avinoam: MUD client. | 04:59 |
avinoam | brenner i'm trying to install kmuddy which depends on libmxp0 | 05:00 |
avinoam | kenro no what is it? | 05:00 |
ompaul | leagris, don't reboot :-) | 05:00 |
nathan_ | twibbler, what's the card, btw... if it's an echoaudio card, there's some more stuff to do | 05:00 |
avinoam | oh sweet i will try that | 05:00 |
avinoam | kenro are you into muds? | 05:00 |
kenro | avinoam: gtk-based, scriptable, extensible, versatile MUD client. | 05:00 |
avinoam | kenro i'm dling it right now | 05:01 |
twibbler | nathan: Im not sure really should go and get the manual and find out ... but I have found a website which gives ins which I am trying to follow without success at the moment ... | 05:01 |
kenro | Is there something about Ubuntu's setup for sudo that prevents using gtksu? I cannot get it to accept my password. | 05:01 |
=== drunken-wallaby [n=drunken-@C-450.AHL.Uni-Linz.AC.AT] has joined #ubuntu | ||
drunken-wallaby | hi everyone... | 05:01 |
funkyHat | kenro, use gksudo | 05:01 |
reiki_work | kenro would gksudo work? | 05:01 |
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funkyHat | XD | 05:02 |
plato | gtksu wants root's passwords while gtksudo wants yours | 05:02 |
drunken-wallaby | i got a problem with a script i want to run via cron. when i run the script manually, it works fine. i added an entry to /etc/crontab and in /var/log/auth.log i see, that the cronthing runs every minute (as i wanted it). however, it seems that the script itself is not executed :( anyone got a hint where i should start looking? | 05:02 |
kenro | Never heard of gtk frontend to sudo. I'll check it. | 05:02 |
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reiki_work | kenro: it'll be gksudo ... not gtksudo if I recall correctly | 05:03 |
reiki_work | unless maybe either works... *shrug* | 05:03 |
kenro | funkyHat: Would this allow cmdline applet program launch? Or would I still be tied to vterm? | 05:03 |
kenro | reiki: okie | 05:03 |
fredforfaen | I want to view my hardvare and driver info....how do i do that.....i could use infobash (i think) in kanotix , is there a similar program i could use in ubuntu? | 05:03 |
amk-sep | am thinking about using ubuntu...i wanna know if all my debian packages will still work for ubuntu? | 05:04 |
Ng | fredforfaen: the device manager can show most hardware | 05:04 |
plato | fredforfaen, hal-device-manager? | 05:04 |
bob2 | amk-sep: no | 05:04 |
Ng | fredforfaen: System->Administration->Device Manager | 05:04 |
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Ungy | Does anyone know why Ubuntu's default mysql server is old an out of date on Breezy when it was released from Mysql ab before Hoary was even out? | 05:04 |
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bob2 | amk-sep: do not try to install .debs meant for debian on ubuntu | 05:04 |
bob2 | Ungy: mysql-server-4.1 | 05:04 |
kenro | reik:: Would this allow cmdline applet program launch? Or would I still be tied to vterm? | 05:04 |
fredforfaen | Ng ok thanx ill check it out , know of any cli programs? | 05:04 |
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kenro | reiki: Would this allow cmdline applet program launch? Or would I still be tied to vterm? | 05:04 |
Ng | fredforfaen: no, sorry | 05:04 |
fredforfaen | damn , infobash was good | 05:05 |
Ungy | bob2 I realize that but why is 4.1 not the standard | 05:05 |
Jhair | drunken-wallaby, does the script redirects its output to a log file? | 05:05 |
bob2 | Ungy: presumably it broke compatibilty in some way | 05:05 |
amk-sep | bob2: :(..this disappointed me :( | 05:05 |
bob2 | Ungy: surely the changelog mentions it | 05:05 |
plato | kenro, use plain sudo then | 05:05 |
Jhair | drunken-wallaby, so that you can check if the script is being run at all | 05:05 |
bob2 | amk-sep: why? it's like every other derivative of debian. | 05:05 |
Ungy | bob2 4.1 has a different password schema so all future packages should be written agains the new password type | 05:05 |
funkyHat | kenro, gksudo is mainly useful for making launchers, or using the run programs dialog | 05:06 |
kenro | plato: I don't wanna be stuck with having to page back to vterm to launch a program with root privs. | 05:06 |
Ungy | bob2 the inclusion of -old-passwords fixes the compatability problem | 05:06 |
amk-sep | bob2: does ubuntu have a similar number of packages like debian? | 05:07 |
fredforfaen | Ng that gave me a good view of my hardware , now i wanna se my driver status like nvidia , openGL and such.... | 05:07 |
bob2 | amk-sep: yes | 05:07 |
drunken-wallaby | jhair: aehm, within the script i create a screenshot, resize it and want to copy the file to my ftp server. however, when i manually run the script, everything works, when i wait for cron, nothing happens... | 05:07 |
Ungy | amk-sep, why not check their repositories and see if they have what you need more then likely they will | 05:07 |
kenro | funkyHat: So why would gksu be disabled? | 05:07 |
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thoreauputic | amk-sep: practically everythingin Debian is available inthe Ubuntu repos | 05:07 |
funkyHat | kenro, because su and gksu use the root password, which is disabled in ubuntu | 05:07 |
plato | kenro, just use gksudo instead.. gksu wants root's password which isnt set by default | 05:07 |
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funkyHat | in favour of sudo | 05:08 |
amk-sep | ok thank you all | 05:08 |
m1ked | i can;t mount my ntfs partitions | 05:08 |
Ungy | m1ked, man mount? | 05:08 |
m1ked | i upgraded to kernek k7 | 05:08 |
funkyHat | so you got one job done :) | 05:08 |
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m1ked | yes | 05:08 |
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m1ked | but in device manager | 05:08 |
kenro | funkyHat: Then, could I safely uninstall su and/or gksu? | 05:08 |
m1ked | processor is still unknown | 05:09 |
funkyHat | right, m1ked are you attempting to mount using the mount command, or fstab? | 05:09 |
m1ked | and i haev athlon k7 barton ... | 05:09 |
m1ked | i don;t know how to use them | 05:09 |
apokryphos | m1ked: I told you how to identify yourself already :). /msg nickserv identify PASSWORD | 05:09 |
funkyHat | i wouldn't worry about it not knowing what processor you hvae | 05:09 |
funkyHat | as long as it works | 05:09 |
Ungy | m1ked, did you follow the instructions under "man mount" | 05:09 |
Jhair | drunken-wallaby, it is a shell script (bash?). If yes, I would put "exec > $0.log 2>&1" (without quotes) as first instruction in the script and see if the log files is being generated (assuming the cron entry is right) | 05:09 |
m1ked | im trying | 05:10 |
m1ked | can i get the exact command ? :) | 05:10 |
funkyHat | /msg nickserv identify *yourpassword* | 05:10 |
drunken-wallaby | Jhair thanks, i'll try that now... | 05:10 |
fredforfaen | After ubuntu install i have a k7 kernel , and i got a Athlon 2400+ Xp ....why is that? | 05:10 |
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m1ked | it's ok | 05:10 |
kenro | funkyHat: Could I safely uninstall su and/or gksu? | 05:11 |
kenro | funkyHat: Prolly not su... | 05:11 |
esac | i am trying to install vmware in breezy and it complains that my kernel was compiled with gcc 3.4.5, but i have 4.0.2 installed. can i pickup a kernel compiled with 4.0.2 somewhere or do i have to compile it myself ? | 05:11 |
funkyHat | yes, i guess so, but they are pointless to remove, they are so small | 05:11 |
m1ked | can someone talk to m on private | 05:11 |
m1ked | to help e with my ntfs problem | 05:11 |
funkyHat | yes | 05:11 |
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brenner | fredforfaen: did you get an option to choose which kernel you wanted during install? | 05:12 |
elad` | So, before I go home and install Ubuntu as my primary OS, I need to know - will I have trouble with my Radeon 9800 and/or my internet connection (a VPN like thingie, with a password and a username provided by the ISP, not the telephone company)? | 05:12 |
bob2 | esac: install gcc-3.4, run it as "CC=gcc-3.4 /path/to/vmware-config.pl" | 05:12 |
gerarcone | hi, how can i use a gdm-theme downloaded from internet? | 05:12 |
fredforfaen | brenner no i didnt | 05:12 |
bob2 | esac: note that it *will* oops your kernel without any2any patches | 05:12 |
fredforfaen | brenner this is hoary | 05:12 |
kenro | funkyHat: Pointless to remove, pointless to leave in. Now I'm really "confused". | 05:12 |
bob2 | elad`: you need to do a lot more research into your internet connection | 05:13 |
esac | bob2: any2any patches ? | 05:13 |
elad` | I can provide specifics. | 05:13 |
elad` | What information should I look up? | 05:13 |
fissy | i'm running vmware 5.5 with a stock 686 kernel on breezy | 05:14 |
funkyHat | kenro, not necessarily pointless to leave in, you may decide you want to enable the root password at some point | 05:14 |
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funkyHat | but i see your point | 05:14 |
brenner | fredforfaen: and this is with an official i386 install cd? | 05:14 |
fredforfaen | the dvd brenner | 05:14 |
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esac | bob2 : would it be safer if i just compiled my kernel with 4.0.2 ? | 05:15 |
kenro | funkyHat: OK, so... What's the security concerns on "enabling root password"? | 05:15 |
fredforfaen | brenner it works and is pretty fast so im not complaining , but its wierd | 05:15 |
fissy | esac, I really doubt it | 05:15 |
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bob2 | esac: no | 05:15 |
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fissy | just install the gcc-3.4 binary and set CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4 | 05:15 |
bob2 | elad`: e.g. waht exactly it is | 05:15 |
elad` | Shit. Did I miss anything? | 05:15 |
fissy | as bob said | 05:15 |
funkyHat | kenro, for new users, more than one password to forget, plus root actions aren't logged, where sudo is logged | 05:15 |
bob2 | elad`: "vpn thing" is not very specific | 05:16 |
esac | bob2: btw, there seems to be a bug with breezy. i have a HT system, but it only installed a UP kernel. or is that the way it is supposed to be | 05:16 |
drunken-wallaby | Jhair where does this exec command redirect the logfile to? | 05:16 |
bob2 | esac: that's the way it is supposed to be | 05:16 |
brenner | fredforfaen: heh, been a while since my CD was shipped i guess....yeah, dunno...just install the linux-686 package and reboot and you've got your 686 kernel | 05:16 |
esac | fissy: but what are the any2any patches i need so i dont oops my kernel | 05:16 |
bob2 | esac: unless you're doing a netinstall | 05:16 |
bob2 | esac: install linux-686-smp | 05:16 |
fissy | esac, I don't know what he means either, but I don't have such patches | 05:16 |
fissy | esac, and it works fine here | 05:16 |
leopard | Is there a way to temporarily enable the root account? (not sudo) The Samsung Laser ML-1610 wants a root account to install the linux driver. | 05:16 |
fredforfaen | brenner i did that , and then i had to reinstall nvidia , did it manually and it borked my system | 05:16 |
esac | fissy: ok, thanks | 05:16 |
Jhair | drunken-wallaby, to $0.log, i.e a file with the name of your script and .log extension. | 05:16 |
bob2 | fissy: you're uing vmware 5 on 2.6.12? | 05:16 |
elad` | An ethernet card on my board is connected to an ADSL modem, B-Focus 312+. I manually initiate the connection each time I boot WinXP, and need to provide a username and password for the connection. | 05:17 |
bob2 | leopard: sudo paswd root ; sudo passwd -l root | 05:17 |
fissy | 5.5, and yes | 05:17 |
fredforfaen | brenner and i did it by the book | 05:17 |
fissy | bob2, ^ | 05:17 |
elad` | PPPoE, I believe. | 05:17 |
bob2 | elad`: that sounds like normal pppoe | 05:17 |
bob2 | elad`: right, that will work fine | 05:17 |
elad` | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ADSLPPPoE | 05:17 |
bob2 | fissy: hm, afaict it's just not compatible with kernels >=2.6.12 (from google) | 05:17 |
brenner | fredforfaen: which book'd that be? :) | 05:17 |
kenro | funky:logging is a good thing... IF you have regular multi-users. This is a situation I've been unable to bring to fruition. | 05:17 |
funkyHat | lol | 05:18 |
elad` | It will probably ask me a lot of question whose answers I won't know. Well, let's see if my regional Linux groups have put up a readable howto by now. | 05:18 |
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funkyHat | well, it's not my policy :P | 05:18 |
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funkyHat | i just use ubuntu :P | 05:18 |
bob2 | elad`: it asks about 5 questions, all of which are quite simple | 05:18 |
fredforfaen | brenner dont have the linke just here , but i did it but the unofficial ubuntu guide first , that didnt work , then i did it by a howto made for debian | 05:18 |
fissy | bob2, possibly mine is just working because i have a beta of 5.5 which has been fixed | 05:18 |
kenro | funkyh: And I just realized there are more than one funky one. | 05:19 |
bob2 | elad`: the only mildly complicated bit is partioning if you have existing things on your disk | 05:19 |
bob2 | fissy: ah, that must be it | 05:19 |
kenro | funkyHat: And I just realized there are more than one funky one. | 05:19 |
bob2 | fissy: is that generally available now? | 05:19 |
brenner | fredforfaen: double badness.... | 05:19 |
shawarma | Am I the only one who didn't get an e-mail from ShipIt when the ordering for Breezy CD's opened? | 05:19 |
funkyHat | more than one funky what? | 05:19 |
fissy | bob2, it's free to sign up for | 05:19 |
fredforfaen | brenner the last one borked the system , lotsa segment faults and stuff | 05:19 |
fissy | bob2, and publically free to sign up for | 05:19 |
funkyHat | no you aren't shawarma, should we have got emails? | 05:19 |
elad` | It's going to ask me for IP addresses I don't know and such. | 05:19 |
brenner | fredforfaen: doesn't surprise me...ubuntu is debian-based, but it's not debian | 05:19 |
bob2 | elad`: no it won't | 05:20 |
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fredforfaen | brenner yeah i guess i learned that to.... | 05:20 |
bob2 | fissy: right, thanks | 05:20 |
brenner | fredforfaen: and the wiki should be looked at before the guide | 05:20 |
leopard | bob2: huh, doesn't switch to root user. | 05:20 |
fissy | why does ubuntu's website use a certificate authority which they haven't installed in their browser?! | 05:20 |
shawarma | funkyHat: For a while shipit was closed, and instead there was a form where you could enter your e-mail if you wanted an e-mail when it opened again.. | 05:20 |
twibbler | nathan: I believe the driver is SigmaTel AC97 Audio Adapter | 05:20 |
bob2 | leopard: indeed | 05:20 |
fredforfaen | brenner aha | 05:20 |
fissy | and for that matter, why does a wiki need to use HTTPS?! | 05:20 |
elad` | I'll do the thing on vmware now and see what it asks, stand by to assist. | 05:20 |
bob2 | fissy: long tedious story | 05:20 |
funkyHat | shawarma, ahh | 05:20 |
fredforfaen | so what wiki should i use? | 05:20 |
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brenner | wiki.ubuntu.com | 05:21 |
drunken-wallaby | Jhair thx. after changing the script i've now several cron entries in /var/log/auth.log, however i can't find a log file even though i did an updatedb + locate myscript |grep log. | 05:21 |
brenner | !nvidia | 05:21 |
ubotu | well, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 05:21 |
brenner | fredforfaen: that page probably | 05:21 |
leagris | fissy, that would be nice indeed to have the certificate ready loaded in firefox, konqueror, mozilla.. builds | 05:21 |
bob2 | leopard: you'd switch to root at some point between enabling it and disabling it | 05:21 |
fissy | leagris, it's only a user preference isn't it? something to be set in /etc/skel ? | 05:21 |
leagris | th'ats not a big deal though | 05:22 |
fredforfaen | brenner ok thax | 05:22 |
fredforfaen | thanx* | 05:22 |
brenner | fredforfaen: no sweat | 05:22 |
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kahuna_ | Hi | 05:22 |
Jhair | -e | 05:22 |
kahuna_ | Where do I define static routes in ubuntu? | 05:22 |
Jhair | drunken-wallaby, strange the file should generated for sure, if the script is executed (does the log exists if you run the script manually?) | 05:22 |
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leagris | fissy, don't know where the certificate goes. If it is for a user profile it goes inside the wierd profile directory names, you can not set up this in /etc/skel | 05:23 |
apsync | hi, is there a program for linux where I can mount iso files? | 05:23 |
leagris | but you can put the certificate system wide inside the application main config dirs | 05:23 |
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nathan_ | apsync, yeah... mount :) | 05:24 |
funkyHat | :) | 05:24 |
apsync | :o | 05:24 |
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scenestar | hye | 05:24 |
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LasseL | apsync, mount -o loop file.iso | 05:24 |
fredforfaen | brenner is this a good kernel? linux-image-2.6.11-1-686 | 05:24 |
apsync | ok thank you, what does loop? | 05:24 |
scenestar | the kernel is awesome | 05:24 |
LasseL | you tell me :) | 05:25 |
fredforfaen | i heard that linux-image-2.6.11-1-686 is broken? | 05:25 |
fredforfaen | is that true? | 05:25 |
brenner | fredforfaen: yeah, not sure to tell you the truth | 05:25 |
fredforfaen | hmm | 05:25 |
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nathan_ | apsync, it mounts it as a "loopback device". Basically, not a real device (aas I understand it) | 05:25 |
scenestar | it worksfine | 05:25 |
apsync | oh Ok | 05:25 |
fredforfaen | scenestar you talking to me? | 05:25 |
scenestar | yeah | 05:25 |
apsync | and how do I unmount? | 05:25 |
fredforfaen | scenestar ok thanx ill try it , and then do the nvidia wiki thingy | 05:26 |
nathan_ | umount <mountpoint> | 05:26 |
LasseL | apsync, umount "/mountpoint" | 05:26 |
apsync | ok thank y ou | 05:26 |
scenestar | fredforfaen: it is a fact that a kernel upgrade is usually only recommended if necessary | 05:26 |
nalioth | fredforfaen: no it is not | 05:26 |
kenro | funkyHat: Point is, would it break sudo if I uninstall gksu? Prolly would screw it if I uninstall su, but can I prevent it from being invoked directly, as it seems blocked from authentication? | 05:26 |
nalioth | fredforfaen: odd number kernels are testing kernels 2.6.11 is testing 2.6.12 is stable | 05:27 |
LasseL | apsync, why it isn't available as an option when you rightclick an iso in nautilus is wierd to me though | 05:27 |
funkyHat | kenro, i should think you could alias su for sudo and gksu for gksudo | 05:27 |
drunken-wallaby | Jhair when i manually run the script, the log-file is generated in /usr/local/bin where i placed the script | 05:27 |
apsync | hmm | 05:27 |
elad` | What about if I normally connect by pptp? Right now I'm connected. How do I check the preferences of the connection that I'll later need to tell Ubuntu? | 05:27 |
brenner | nalioth: isn't breezy going to ship with .13? | 05:27 |
funkyHat | kenro, so they would just do the right thing instead of giving an error | 05:27 |
fissy | nalioth, that hasn't been true for probably a year now | 05:27 |
elad` | PPTP | 05:27 |
fredforfaen | nalioth this is better then?linux-image-2.6.10-5-686 | 05:27 |
LasseL | apsync, as in "they should have thought of that", not that your config is wierd | 05:27 |
fredforfaen | im confused..... | 05:27 |
fissy | or indeed ever | 05:28 |
fredforfaen | what 686 kernel should i go for? | 05:28 |
funkyHat | fredforfaen, what processor do you have? | 05:28 |
nalioth | fredforfaen: if you are using hoary, you are using the 2.6.10 | 05:28 |
kenro | funkyHat: I'll explore aliasing, then. And install gksudo. Thanks. | 05:28 |
ugo__ | so why is mine 2.6.12? | 05:29 |
nalioth | brenner: breezy has 2.6.12 shipping | 05:29 |
fredforfaen | funkyHat nalioth its a Athlon XP 2400 and yes im using hoary | 05:29 |
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funkyHat | kenro, gksudo should be installed by default... it's used by all the programs in system > administration | 05:29 |
ugo__ | ahh...im using breezy... | 05:29 |
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leagris | fissy, you can put ce cert8.db inside /etc/mozilla-firefox/profile/ | 05:29 |
fissy | I have a weird login problem: When i login the splash comes up and metacity loads, but nothing else for about 2 minutes, so i'm stuck staring at a splash screen. Any ideas? | 05:29 |
fissy | leagris, cool :) | 05:29 |
ugo__ | fissy: is your loopback device enabled? | 05:29 |
leagris | This may provide system wide certificates for mozilla. Not tested though | 05:29 |
fissy | ugo__, ? | 05:30 |
fredforfaen | nalioth funkyHat im currently on a k7 kernel...and that cant be right....can it? | 05:30 |
funkyHat | yes that is right | 05:30 |
brenner | fissy: does it resume, or freezes? | 05:30 |
nalioth | fredforfaen: you are alright with the k7 kernel | 05:31 |
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fredforfaen | oh ok | 05:31 |
fissy | brenner, it sits at the splash screen with nothing else for about 2 minutes and then after that the desktop suddenely starts loading as normal | 05:31 |
fredforfaen | nalioth so i shouldnt go for 686 , thought it gave me better preformace | 05:31 |
goo_ | fissy: I bet you have a DNS problem | 05:31 |
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nalioth | fredforfaen: it's your choice, you (as a human) aren't gonna see that much difference | 05:31 |
fissy | this is probably not ubuntu's fault as the home dir has come from an older install, but it would be nice to not have to delete all the dot files i have | 05:32 |
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brenner | fissy: i had the same issue, but mine hard froze...display driver was the cause | 05:32 |
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kenro | funkyHat: One possibility... When I invoke synaptic, I get an authentication dialog that succeeds in launching synaptic with root privs. When I try to launch filemanager with root privs, it fails to authenticate. This is due to two seperate athentication dialogs? | 05:32 |
twibbler | nathan: I have found a patch on the SIS site ..... | 05:32 |
fredforfaen | ok nalioth , thanx for the advice...i think the k7 kernel is pretty fast so ill guess ill stick to that | 05:32 |
fissy | goo_, i'm almost certain of that too, something is waiting to time out. Also if i start gnome-session manually it says it can't find localhost :s localhost is definitely in the hosts file though | 05:32 |
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goo_ | fissy: what happens if you click the splash screen? | 05:32 |
funkyHat | kenro, try executing gksudo nautilus | 05:32 |
fissy | brenner, no, i'm sure mine is not at all hardware related | 05:32 |
synic | anyone else having trouble with initramfs-tools ? | 05:32 |
freite | is there a howto for install without a cdrom (USBdrive or netboot)? | 05:33 |
fissy | goo_, it goes away, and I still have to wait two minutes, just without the splash | 05:33 |
goo_ | fissy: right. Sounds like the problem I have been having a few times. Always turned out to be a bad /etc/resolv.conf in my case. | 05:33 |
kenro | funkyHat: ehyep... synaptic uses gksudo... | 05:34 |
fissy | goo_, a formating error? | 05:34 |
funkyHat | yes | 05:34 |
goo_ | fissy: no. A non-responding nameserver entry :) | 05:34 |
goo_ | but i gtg | 05:34 |
brenner | freite: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation | 05:35 |
nalioth | freite: see the wiki.ubuntu.com/SmartBootHowto | 05:35 |
fredforfaen | and thanx to everybody here for good help...just one more thing sice i got your attention , is there a good program in ubuntu that does the same thing as infobash? | 05:35 |
freite | oki | 05:35 |
kenro | funkyHat: I think I'll just use launcher icons, and get rid of the cmdline applet. | 05:35 |
fissy | goo_, the nameserver is fine, i've tried it on different nameservers. Why would it be asking the nameserver whom localhost is anyway? | 05:35 |
ugo__ | fissy: i used to have a problem getting my boot right until i enabled my loopback device | 05:35 |
fissy | is ugo__ trying to be funny? | 05:35 |
ugo__ | fissy: no i am not fissy... | 05:36 |
funkyHat | kenro, doesn't using gksudo work from the command line applet? :S | 05:36 |
=== funkyHat tries it | ||
fissy | ugo__, sorry, I really don't understand what you're getting at | 05:36 |
ugo__ | fissy: let me explain | 05:36 |
kenro | funkyHat: Good point. | 05:36 |
kenro | funkyHat: Now I've started talking out my butt... | 05:36 |
ugo__ | fissy: if your computer has a hostname and the hostname is mapped to the loopback device | 05:36 |
drunken-wallaby | Jhair the entry in my /etc/crontab is as follows: "00-59/5 * * * * root myscript.sh". i added /usr/local/bin to the PATH-variable in /etc/crontab as well. hm, strange... | 05:37 |
ugo__ | fissy: and apparently my loopback device was not enabled on bootup | 05:37 |
funkyHat | lol, kenro, as long as you get what you wanted to do working. i was confused by what you were saying anyway :P | 05:37 |
nalioth | well this sucks | 05:37 |
ugo__ | fissy: my logins would not complete...it would merely pause there.... | 05:37 |
fissy | ugo__, I'm not sure how that could happen, but my lo is definitely there | 05:37 |
brenner | fredforfaen: what does it do exactly? | 05:37 |
fissy | inet addr: Mask: | 05:37 |
fissy | etc etc | 05:37 |
funkyHat | fredforfaen, what does infobash do? | 05:38 |
ugo__ | fissy: in older versions of gnome it would notify you that it couldnt find your computers hostname | 05:38 |
=== brenner stares at funkyHat | ||
=== funkyHat pokes brenner | ||
fissy | ugo__, yeah, i remember that used to happen | 05:38 |
fredforfaen | brenner displays kernel , hd , opengl driver , nvidia , ram and so on | 05:38 |
ugo__ | fissy: because i had some experience with that...i knew what to do | 05:38 |
kenro | funkyHat: The whole thing is I didn't know about gksudo, and would like to know if gksu can be safely uninstalled. | 05:38 |
ugo__ | fissy; just trying to help man | 05:38 |
brenner | fredforfaen: neat...what distro had it? | 05:38 |
fredforfaen | kanotix | 05:38 |
fissy | ugo__, sorry, i know :) | 05:38 |
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blekos | helllooooooooooooo world | 05:39 |
blekos | :)) | 05:39 |
scenestar | oi | 05:39 |
Herbal_Child | whats the fastest way to reformatt and external to fat? | 05:39 |
blekos | i am official an ubuntian !!! | 05:39 |
Herbal_Child | lol | 05:39 |
gregoria | so heres the full problem | 05:39 |
mindmedic | blekos, having a good day ey? | 05:39 |
fissy | ugo__, the hostname of my computer is shuttle, and shuttle is in /etc/hosts on the line beginning | 05:39 |
mindmedic | :) | 05:39 |
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fredforfaen | brenner kanotix | 05:39 |
blekos | just installed ubuntu | 05:39 |
scenestar | hmmmm | 05:39 |
scenestar | like it? | 05:39 |
blekos | had tried, mepis, mandriva2006, suse | 05:39 |
kenro | funkyHat: I'm also discovering I'm not as adept at written expression as I thought I was. | 05:40 |
blekos | yes & no | 05:40 |
scenestar | let me guess | 05:40 |
gregoria | its in the flood channel, can someone help me out | 05:40 |
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scenestar | you like the "it justs works way" | 05:40 |
blekos | wow, it'been years since my last chat in irc :) | 05:40 |
gregoria | or would people mind if i pasted 17 lines in here | 05:40 |
scenestar | but you hate the "lsuerfriendlyness" | 05:40 |
blekos | short of scenestar | 05:40 |
ugo__ | fissy: k... | 05:40 |
vegiVamp | has anyone had success connecting kopete to google talk ? | 05:40 |
blekos | but I need help ... | 05:40 |
ugo__ | fissy: good luck then... | 05:40 |
funkyHat | kenro, lol. it's not an easy skill. although maybe the problem is that i'm just too dopey to understand :P | 05:40 |
fissy | ugo__, lol :'( | 05:41 |
gregoria | Ive a Dell Poweredge 800 with which I installed Ubuntu to the main disk that came with it, a 74gb SCSI. Its set-up for file serving etc. and all was working fine. This week I got 2 new 250gb SATA drives and installed them. I went into BIOS and enabled the new drives. Simple. Then saved changes and exited. Then everything was working fine at the startup until... and heres the log... | 05:41 |
gregoria | Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel. | 05:41 |
gregoria | etc. etc. | 05:41 |
gregoria | Then Starting Ubuntu | 05:41 |
gregoria | ata1: disabling port | 05:41 |
gregoria | sdb: asking for cache data failed | 05:41 |
mindmedic | blekos, nice you made it.. and judging your happiness it must have went well | 05:41 |
gregoria | sdb: assuming drive cache: write through | 05:41 |
gregoria | sdb: asking for cache data failed | 05:41 |
gregoria | sdb: assuming drive cache: write through | 05:41 |
gregoria | pivot_root: No such file or directory | 05:41 |
blekos | my repositorie seems not to work so the sound | 05:41 |
gregoria | /sbin/init: 428: cannot open dev/console: No such file | 05:41 |
wickedpuppy | vegiVamp, i use gaim and it woorks | 05:41 |
gregoria | Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! | 05:41 |
scenestar | gregoria | 05:41 |
gregoria | This is the error is from when i removed the first SATA drive from port0 to port 1 while having the 2nd drive in port2. The problem was more or less the same with the other port config. If I disable the SATA drives from BIOS it will boot into Ubuntu again, no problem. What could be wrong? | 05:41 |
funkyHat | kenro, tbh, if you try to uninstall gksu, and it doesn't moan about dependencies, then i'd say there's no problem at all | 05:41 |
blekos | well, mindmedic, I like the people and idea around it | 05:41 |
wickedpuppy | gregoria, pls don | 05:41 |
scenestar | DONT FLOOD | 05:41 |
DaSkreech | Can i upgrade the kernel for Ubuntu if the computer cannot boot? | 05:41 |
vegiVamp | wickedpuppy: tried that, too, didn't work either :-( | 05:41 |
kenro | funkyHat: okie | 05:41 |
wickedpuppy | gregoria, pls don't [aste | 05:41 |
gregoria | shit man sorry | 05:41 |
funkyHat | kenro, if there is, and it breaks your system, report it as a bug ;) | 05:41 |
gregoria | i pasted into flood first | 05:41 |
blekos | i'm thinking of becomin a full time linux user | 05:41 |
wickedpuppy | no kid vegiVamp ... i am using it right now | 05:41 |
vegiVamp | wickedpuppy: I believe you :-) | 05:42 |
scenestar | blekos: please do | 05:42 |
gregoria | i assume tho that many ppl in here knowing how to help may not be in the flood channel | 05:42 |
Myrios | DaSkreech: Yes, but only if you boot with a rescue disk or another distro | 05:42 |
blekos | ;) np scen | 05:42 |
wickedpuppy | but what error you got vegiVamp ? | 05:42 |
vegiVamp | wickedpuppy: what version of qca-tls are you running ? | 05:42 |
Myrios | DaSkreech: Like DamnSmall | 05:42 |
Laney | where does the live cd mount the hdd of the computer it's running on? | 05:42 |
scenestar | gregoria: if you act liek a jerk i have no intention of helping you anyways | 05:42 |
DaSkreech | Myrios: So I an use the Ubuntu install CD and do it? | 05:42 |
vegiVamp | wickedpuppy: There was an error authenticating with the server: Login failed with unknown reason. | 05:42 |
nalioth | my breezy test box is dead-in-the-water | 05:42 |
vegiVamp | very helpful :-) | 05:42 |
blekos | is it true that i can install allmost everything that's available for debian? | 05:42 |
wickedpuppy | vegiVamp, i am using latest updated breezy | 05:43 |
scenestar | blekos: yes | 05:43 |
vegiVamp | ah | 05:43 |
gregoria | scenestar: sorry, wont doo it again | 05:43 |
blekos | cool | 05:43 |
vegiVamp | I'll try installing that one then | 05:43 |
DaSkreech | Myrios: With Rescue Mode? | 05:43 |
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Myrios | DaSkreech: That's the general idea. | 05:43 |
nathan_ | Laney, I don't think the live CD mounts the host hardrive by default. If it did it would probably be in /media | 05:43 |
kenro | funkyHat: The following packages will be REMOVED: firestarter* gdm* gdm-themes* gksu* gnome-netstatus-applet* gnome-sudo* gnome-system-tools* gparted* | 05:43 |
wickedpuppy | vegiVamp, i don't even have qca-tls installed | 05:43 |
wickedpuppy | lol | 05:43 |
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kenro | funkyHat: Bah | 05:43 |
vegiVamp | hmm | 05:43 |
DaSkreech | Myrios: Apt-get install new-kernel-version? | 05:43 |
funkyHat | kenro, i wouldn't do that then ;) | 05:43 |
gregoria | can you help scenestar | 05:43 |
kenro | Indeed | 05:43 |
vegiVamp | ah, right, gaim :-) | 05:44 |
funkyHat | in fact, it's those packages that need fixing | 05:44 |
Myrios | DaSkreech: Yes. You'll need to mount your install partition and chroot into your installation first | 05:44 |
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funkyHat | they should depend on gksu OR gksudo | 05:44 |
DaSkreech | Myrios: Thanks | 05:44 |
Myrios | DaSkreech: After that it's plain sailing. | 05:44 |
Myrios | DaSkreech: No worries. | 05:44 |
blekos | ok my first prob is that I cannot see windows partitions... any ideas or commands - sorry but i am A Newbie (with capital "n") | 05:44 |
brenner | fredforfaen: you can use CLI commands for some of those...maybe search the repo for utilities? | 05:45 |
funkyHat | blekos: | 05:45 |
funkyHat | !ntfs | 05:45 |
ubotu | ntfs is probably the (N)(T) (F)ile(S)ystem, the filesystem normally used under Windows XP. To automatically mount your NTFS partition/s, you can use this utility: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab . It handles HFS+, NTFS and FAT32 partitions. | 05:45 |
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DaSkreech | Myrios: Will it give me the option to boot into the old kernel if things are horribly worng? | 05:45 |
funkyHat | blekos, go to that link (winmac_fstab),save it to your home directory, and follow the instructions in it | 05:45 |
DaSkreech | Though they are horribly wrong now :-( | 05:46 |
brenner | blekos: re the debian remark...DON'T use debian packages...use ubuntu ones. :) | 05:46 |
Myrios | DaSkreech: As a rule, apt overwrites the old image with the new one. | 05:46 |
Myrios | DaSkreech: Out of interest, what's the kernel that's causing you problems? | 05:46 |
DaSkreech | Myrios: can I avoid that?> With dpkg maybe? | 05:46 |
DaSkreech | Myrios: 2.6.10.-3 | 05:46 |
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stormie | how do i get help here with some boot problems after installing ubuntu? | 05:47 |
blekos | funky: what link... | 05:47 |
DaSkreech | It throws infinite logical block errors on boot | 05:47 |
DaSkreech | One for each block I think | 05:47 |
funkyHat | blekos, the one that ubotu said | 05:47 |
blekos | save to say that I like it here :) | 05:47 |
Myrios | DaSkreech: That's an interesting one. :S | 05:47 |
fredforfaen | brenner good idea | 05:47 |
blekos | ok | 05:47 |
DaSkreech | Myrios: Very. Installed 20 times so far. Did research and the only common thing I see with others getting the error is the kernel | 05:48 |
Myrios | DaSkreech: You should be able to install the new kernel image alongside the old but I confess I've never had to do it so I couldn't tell you how. | 05:48 |
DaSkreech | Myrios: Who could? | 05:48 |
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DaSkreech | Myrios: Forget I'll just over write and if it dies I'll run 21 | 05:48 |
Myrios | DaSkreech: k | 05:49 |
Myrios | DaSkreech: Good luck | 05:49 |
DaSkreech | Myrios: Thank you very much | 05:49 |
blekos | by the way, I'm for greece | 05:49 |
stormie | can someone help me with the following? ::: i havent been able to boot windows ever since installing ubuntu | 05:49 |
DaSkreech | blekos: I'm from the Caribbean :) | 05:49 |
vegiVamp | grmbl, no dice | 05:49 |
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blekos | :) | 05:49 |
vegiVamp | oh well | 05:49 |
creart | hi all, a question; is it possible to easely change the ubuntu load screen, the sandy colours to some blue'ish ones?! | 05:49 |
Myrios | How so stormie? | 05:49 |
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vegiVamp | creart: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop :-D | 05:50 |
DaSkreech | vegiVamp: Good one ;) | 05:50 |
funkyHat | heh | 05:50 |
=== DaSkreech waves | ||
stormie | when i try to boot from the grub boot loader menu, a screen flashes saying Grub Loading Stage 2, then goes back to the boot menu | 05:50 |
funkyHat | a neater way would be to choose a different gdm theme | 05:50 |
vegiVamp | funkyHat: spoilsport :-) | 05:50 |
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brenner | creart: define "load screen" | 05:51 |
Myrios | stormie: How is your system set up? Where does the windows partition reside? | 05:51 |
stormie | 1st hd, 1st partition | 05:51 |
funkyHat | yes, but you could be spoiling creart's day :P telling him do download 400MB of packages | 05:51 |
Myrios | stormie: And ubuntu? | 05:51 |
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creart | define "load screen"?? | 05:52 |
funkyHat | creart, system > administration > login screen setup | 05:52 |
stormie | i believe its hd(0,4) at least thats where its booted from when i look at /boot/grub/menu.lst | 05:52 |
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funkyHat | brenner, i'm pretty sure he means gdm | 05:52 |
funkyHat | :P | 05:52 |
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vegiVamp | doesn't everyone have 100mbit ? :-p | 05:52 |
stormie | i think i messed up the partitions, but i tried every partition on my hd for booting windows, 0,0 is the only 1 that gets me anywhere (the Grub Stage 2 Loading screen) | 05:52 |
funkyHat | vegiVamp, no, only me and you apparently. ;) | 05:53 |
creart | k, ill try it.. | 05:53 |
Myrios | stormie: Hmm. | 05:53 |
Myrios | stormie: You can boot into Ubuntu ok? | 05:53 |
stormie | yes | 05:53 |
brenner | funkyHat: he "could" mean the splash screen | 05:53 |
funkyHat | true | 05:53 |
funkyHat | he could also mean the _other_ splash screen | 05:53 |
brenner | or the bg during the splashscreen (which btw, i'd like to know how to chnage) :D | 05:54 |
Myrios | stormie: Perhaps try creating a rescue bootdisk | 05:54 |
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vegiVamp | see ? at least my solution would've fixed all splash screens :-) | 05:54 |
Myrios | stormie: And then clearing your master boot record. | 05:54 |
brenner | funkyHat: which would that be? i only know of the 2 :) | 05:54 |
sonojacker | hello friends | 05:54 |
Myrios | stormie: That *might* let you boot into windows, and if not you can still boot into Ubuntu. | 05:54 |
sonojacker | anyone having the udev problem (not creating the /dev/input/mice and other nodes) at bugs 12915 and 14226? | 05:55 |
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stormie | myrios: how do i create a rescue bootdisk/clear my master boot record :P | 05:55 |
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Myrios | stormie: The only issue may be that your Windows bootloader is hosed for some reason. | 05:55 |
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Myrios | stormie: :P | 05:55 |
funkyHat | brenner, yes, that's what i mean, there are two | 05:55 |
Myrios | stormie: One moment, I'll get some URLs for you. | 05:55 |
Herbal_Child | will ubuntu recognize NTFS partitions? | 05:55 |
stormie | ok thanks | 05:55 |
Herbal_Child | or must it be fat | 05:55 |
funkyHat | Herbal_Child, it will be able to read them, but not write to them | 05:55 |
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Herbal_Child | whats the easiest way i can format this external to fat...windows or linux | 05:56 |
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funkyHat | but it can read and write fat/fat32 perfectly fine | 05:56 |
brenner | isn't NTFS-write possible with one distro? forgot wchich... | 05:56 |
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funkyHat | Herbal_Child, either is easy | 05:56 |
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Herbal_Child | i know there is a command in linux but forgot what | 05:56 |
funkyHat | brenner, it's possible with any distro, with the right stuff installed, i don't think it's safe though | 05:56 |
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blekos | nice | 05:57 |
Herbal_Child | do you happen to know the command? it would be /sda | 05:57 |
twibbler | nathan: sorry to bother you but I found out which card ... it is a realtekALC655 | 05:57 |
brenner | funkyHat: ah ok.... just that i thought i read it had it set by default...it was one of those windows look-alike ones iirc | 05:57 |
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blekos | how is that and ubuntu does not have it pre-installed? | 05:57 |
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sonojacker | sorry... anyone having the udev problem (not creating the /dev/input/mice and other nodes) at bugs 12915 and 14226? | 05:58 |
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funkyHat | brenner, ah, in that case it's possible that they have some proprietary ntfs driver which supports writing | 05:58 |
Herbal_Child | funkyHat, ? | 05:58 |
ashzero | !sun | 05:58 |
ubotu | ashzero: I haven't a clue | 05:58 |
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ashzero | !sun java | 05:58 |
ubotu | ashzero: What? | 05:58 |
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brenner | funkyHat: yes, was probably the case | 05:58 |
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Myrios | stormie: Balls. Forgot Ubuntuguide was down. | 05:58 |
ashzero | !j2re | 05:59 |
ubotu | ashzero: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! | 05:59 |
brenner | !java | 05:59 |
ubotu | To install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java or, for Sun's Java, ask me about !sunjava | 05:59 |
funkyHat | Herbal_Child, do this: sudo apt-get install gparted | 05:59 |
ashzero | !java | 05:59 |
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Herbal_Child | awesome | 05:59 |
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Myrios | stormie: Okay. You can create a grub floppy by going to a terminal and typing sudo grub-floppy | 05:59 |
funkyHat | Herbal_Child, then use gparted to format the drive :) | 05:59 |
Herbal_Child | easier | 05:59 |
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Herbal_Child | :) | 05:59 |
Herbal_Child | ty | 05:59 |
funkyHat | np | 05:59 |
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stormie | hmm ok | 05:59 |
funkyHat | :) | 05:59 |
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terabytes | hello | 05:59 |
misterdiff | hey all. last time i used my laptop my battery ran out on me while in the process of working with firefox. i rebooted just now and when i try to launch firefox it says that its using another profile because firefox is already running on my machine, but its not. i suspect it's because my i did not go through the shutdown process last time. how can i fix this? | 06:00 |
Herbal_Child | whats with the .gov repo???? | 06:00 |
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Herbal_Child | that freaks me out | 06:00 |
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terabytes | is there an italian? | 06:00 |
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funkyHat | Herbal_Child, there is a .gov repo? | 06:00 |
Herbal_Child | ftp://mirror.mcs.anl.gov | 06:00 |
blekos | hi | 06:00 |
apsync | terabytes, in #ubuntu-it yes :) | 06:00 |
terabytes | ok | 06:01 |
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terabytes | thanks a lot | 06:01 |
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terabytes | bye | 06:01 |
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funkyHat | that's a bit scary... | 06:01 |
Jhair | drunken-wallaby, are you sure anacron isn't running | 06:01 |
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stormie | Myrios: when i run fdisk | 06:01 |
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Jhair | drunken-wallaby, I reproduced the problem of no log output and the problem was, anacron and cron were running | 06:02 |
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stormie | it shows me that the ntfs partition starts at 1276 instead of 1, is that a problem? | 06:02 |
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Jhair | drunken-wallaby, I stopped anacron and cron read the /etc/crontab file and the logs were there... | 06:02 |
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brenner | funkyHat: what is? italians? :) | 06:02 |
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funkyHat | no | 06:02 |
vladuz976 | what are the major bugs in breezy at the moment? i installed hoary today, but there is lots of stuff that has been taken out of the repositories for hoary it seems. breezy would be more convenient. | 06:02 |
brenner | s/is/are | 06:02 |
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funkyHat | .gov repos :P | 06:02 |
drunken-wallaby | Jhair ps -A|grep cron just shows cron and crontab and no anacron | 06:02 |
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Herbal_Child | wow EASY...gparted is awesome | 06:03 |
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funkyHat | :) | 06:04 |
gregoria | is it possible to set the kernel mount point manuallly | 06:04 |
Herbal_Child | MUCH better than some expensive commercial windows software | 06:04 |
drunken-wallaby | Jhair i just played around a bit and read in the log-file the following error; import: unable to open X server ( i use import to create a screenshot) | 06:04 |
gregoria | in the grub config or something | 06:04 |
gregoria | or how can I find out what disk the kernel is trying to load on | 06:04 |
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funkyHat | gregoria, yes, in the grub menu list file. /boot/grub/menu.lst | 06:05 |
gregoria | mmmh, it says (hd0,0) | 06:06 |
astritzh | I'm having problems with ipw2200 driver. It is complaingin about firmwae. The firmware files are in right place /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware/. I also tried echo 100 > /sys/class/firmware/timeout but it does not work. Any hint ? | 06:06 |
gregoria | and it works fine with just my SCSI disk | 06:06 |
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gregoria | since I installed the two new SATA drives it wont load. | 06:07 |
gregoria | Is there anything simple im not think of | 06:07 |
gregoria | *thinking | 06:07 |
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blekos | afk | 06:07 |
gregoria | with the SATA drives in it says uncompressing linux etc. | 06:09 |
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gregoria | so it can find the kernel anyway | 06:09 |
gregoria | whats causing the kernel panic | 06:09 |
thoreauputic | astritzh: try echo 100 | sudo tee /sys/class/firmware/timeout ( this is the problem with using echo with sudo, if that's what you tried) | 06:09 |
stormie | mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/winxp | 06:10 |
stormie | is that the right command for mounting an ntfs partition for reading on ubuntu? | 06:10 |
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boxerboy | hi everyone is this where we get to smack the writters of breezy? lol | 06:11 |
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gregoria | in menu.lst where it says /dev/sda1. Can this be modified to include hd0,0 | 06:12 |
gregoria | where it says root=/dev/sda1 i mean | 06:12 |
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funkyHat | boxerboy, no, it's more likely where they smack you | 06:12 |
funkyHat | ;) | 06:13 |
boxerboy | lol | 06:13 |
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boxerboy | well iv been crashing all damn morning | 06:13 |
stormie | mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/winxp | 06:13 |
stormie | is that the right command for mounting an ntfs partition for reading on ubuntu? | 06:13 |
boxerboy | and for once its not my fault | 06:13 |
Doncasper | its called unstable for a reason | 06:13 |
funkyHat | boxerboy, well. breezy has not been released yet | 06:13 |
ompaul | thoreauputic, it seems to me that there is need for another command like sudo that provides all that extra functionality (echo $1 | sudo tee foo) what ya think? | 06:13 |
nalioth | stormie: there's a nice script you can use /msg ubotu ntfs | 06:13 |
funkyHat | so you can't really complain ;) | 06:13 |
boxerboy | yeah i know and it worked great till this mornings updates | 06:13 |
funkyHat | please file bug reports :) | 06:13 |
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leagris | one question about this channel | 06:14 |
ompaul | thoreauputic, doh (echo $1 | sudo tee $2) what ya think? | 06:14 |
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leagris | what is the appropriate charset for user here ? | 06:14 |
nalioth | ompaul: you just confused the fire outta me (what do you think you've done to the new users?) | 06:14 |
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ompaul | nalioth, hmm | 06:14 |
leagris | If not specified, xchat use default system charset which is UTF-8 with ubuntu | 06:14 |
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ompaul | there is that | 06:14 |
atha | stormie: yes, and "-o ro" option mounts it read-only | 06:14 |
ompaul | sorry folks | 06:14 |
stormie | atha: is it even possible to write to ntfs from linux? | 06:15 |
astritzh | thoreauputic, I've tried again same problem | 06:15 |
astritzh | [4295682.280000] ipw2200: ipw-2.3-boot.fw load failed: Reason -2 | 06:15 |
astritzh | [4295682.280000] ipw2200: Unable to load firmware: 0xFFFFFFFE | 06:15 |
astritzh | [4295682.280000] ipw2200: failed to register network device | 06:15 |
astritzh | [4295682.285000] ACPI: PCI interrupt for device 0000:06:03.0 disabled | 06:15 |
astritzh | [4295682.285000] ipw2200: probe of 0000:06:03.0 failed with error -5 | 06:15 |
astritzh | this is the error I'm getting | 06:15 |
nalioth | astritzh: do NOT paste in here | 06:15 |
atha | stormie: i'm not sure about the current status of write-support | 06:15 |
nalioth | astritzh: read the /topic | 06:15 |
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astritzh | nalioth, srr | 06:15 |
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nalioth | stormie: writing to NTFS will lead to an all linux box | 06:16 |
ompaul | astritzh, Don't paste in here use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 06:16 |
stormie | ok | 06:16 |
brenner | nalioth: heh | 06:16 |
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stormie | nalioth: sry, how do i use that utility , im new to linux =\ | 06:16 |
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brenner | nalioth: yes, how does he/she use that.? :) | 06:17 |
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boxerboy | i dont know either | 06:17 |
leagris | later... | 06:17 |
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nalioth | stormie: you download it and read it in a text editor | 06:17 |
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nalioth | stormie: if you have further questions after that, please ask | 06:17 |
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brenner | whoops..thought he meant writing to NTFS. :) | 06:18 |
stormie | im reading it in the browser | 06:18 |
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nalioth | stormie: brenner: most shell scripts have instructions in them (they can be opened with a text editor) | 06:18 |
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stormie | indeed, thanks | 06:18 |
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joaquinz | hi, i cant play music with amarok-arts in kubuntu | 06:19 |
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joaquinz | the same problem with noatun.. i click play but it doesnt do anything... no errors, no messages ,nothing | 06:20 |
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stormie | nalioth: ok i ran the script, where do i see the ntfs partition now? | 06:21 |
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ompaul | Seveas, howya | 06:21 |
nalioth | Seveas: mornin | 06:21 |
nalioth | stormie: look in /media i believe | 06:21 |
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ompaul | its +r time | 06:22 |
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stormie | nalioth: it made a bunch of directories in it (65gb disk hda1, floppy0, cdrom0) but they are all empty | 06:23 |
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Seveas | haia haia | 06:23 |
Seveas | the X bug bit me today :) | 06:23 |
Seveas | and when I searched for the bugreport, Scott just solved it :D | 06:23 |
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linner | morning everyone | 06:23 |
nalioth | stormie: really? | 06:23 |
Seveas | 'evenin | 06:23 |
Seveas | wo sep 21 18:23:48 CEST 2005 | 06:23 |
linner | Seveas, that too | 06:23 |
linner | :) | 06:23 |
linner | wo | 06:24 |
linner | what is wo? | 06:24 |
stormie | nalioth: yes, when i ran the shell script it gave me the same msg it gives me when i tried using the mount command, where can i paste it? | 06:24 |
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linner | it's 9:24a here | 06:24 |
nalioth | i do not like the spambots and their nickchanging | 06:24 |
nalioth | !tell stormie about paste | 06:24 |
stormie | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/d2414 | 06:25 |
linner | ok ya'll... here's the problem... installed u 5.04 on my desktop smoothly and without any problems... tried to install ubuntu 5.1 and it hangs at the login screen... then formatted repartioned and installed Mepis without error... decided ok, let's try kubuntu as I hate mepis.. same thing... hangs at login screen... then i tried 5.04 and again, hangs at login screen | 06:25 |
linner | how can I make ubuntu work properly? | 06:26 |
brenner | linner: sounds like a display driver issue | 06:26 |
gregoria | mmmmh, would it be possible that I will have to recompile the kernel with SATA drivers | 06:26 |
linner | oh crap | 06:26 |
brenner | tried running with vesa? | 06:26 |
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linner | brenner, what is vesa | 06:26 |
brenner | linner: do you know how to use a console-mode editor? | 06:27 |
linner | brenner, not at all | 06:27 |
linner | but I can load it back up and get there if you'll help me ... of course, if you have the time or patience to do so | 06:27 |
nalioth | Seveas: why are some users gettin this error? http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/d2414 | 06:27 |
brenner | linner: er, try nano i guess: boot into recovery mode | 06:27 |
stormie | and heres what i get when i type dmesg | tail http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2415 | 06:27 |
linner | ok wait one... have to go get the laptop ... it's in another room | 06:28 |
nalioth | stormie: your NTFS is bodgered. you need to get into windows and run scandisk to repair it | 06:29 |
linner | brenner ok i have the gnu grub screen up now | 06:29 |
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linner | brenner, what is "NANO" | 06:29 |
nalioth | linner: choose rescue | 06:29 |
linner | there are two versions | 06:29 |
nalioth | linner: it's a console text editor | 06:29 |
linner | on is default and the other is not | 06:30 |
linner | nal | 06:30 |
Seveas | nalioth, they specified the wrong fs | 06:30 |
linner | nalioth, ok | 06:30 |
brenner | nalioth: you wanna take over? :) | 06:30 |
nalioth | linner: default rescue | 06:30 |
=== Seveas having dineer now -- bbl | ||
linner | ok | 06:30 |
nalioth | brenner: you're doin fine | 06:30 |
linner | got it... it's booting | 06:30 |
nalioth | Seveas: actually stormie posted the dmesg and the NTFS is scoarbled | 06:30 |
brenner | nalioth: i haven't got a word in yet... :D | 06:30 |
linner | brenner, nalioth ...am I too much of a problem? :) | 06:30 |
brenner | scoarbled, bodgered? | 06:30 |
linner | bodgered? | 06:31 |
brenner | linner: not at all..that's what we're in here for. :) | 06:31 |
ompaul | linner, broked | 06:31 |
linner | brenner, you guys have saved my a$$ a number of times so I am totally in debt to you all!! | 06:31 |
linner | :) | 06:31 |
linner | ompaul, ahhh | 06:31 |
linner | linuxspeak | 06:31 |
=== fooboy [n=fooboy@82-32-12-185.cable.ubr02.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linner | :) | 06:31 |
ompaul | linner, and if it is really bad it is borked | 06:31 |
brenner | linner: heh...nice to know someone else doesn't recognise those words | 06:31 |
=== nalioth just made up that word | ||
linner | ompaul, oh noted :) | 06:31 |
stormie | so is there any way to fix my ntfs? | 06:32 |
linner | brenner, yeah... thought it was cause I'm a newb | 06:32 |
linner | brenner, i'm at the root now | 06:32 |
brenner | linner: nah, nalioth's just crazy | 06:32 |
stormie | i dont care if i lose linux at this point, because this is a new install, i can just redo it | 06:32 |
linner | brenner, nice to know :) | 06:32 |
brenner | linner: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 06:32 |
linner | one moment | 06:32 |
stormie | my only concern is to save the files on the ntfs partition | 06:32 |
linner | i'm in brenner | 06:33 |
brenner | linner: then you need to scroll down to "Section "Device"" | 06:33 |
ompaul | stormie, you'd have to try to boot windows and see what it does | 06:33 |
nalioth | stormie: yes. boot into windows and run scandisk to repair it | 06:33 |
stormie | i cant boot windows | 06:33 |
linner | brenner, there is no scrolling here | 06:33 |
nalioth | stormie: ouch | 06:33 |
nalioth | stormie: how many computers do you have? | 06:33 |
hemppa | could someone tell me how to install java runtime environment to breezy? | 06:33 |
gregoria | maybe I cant you the SCSI as the primary drive. Maybe I must reinstall on the SATA and use that as my root filesystem. Could this be correct | 06:34 |
nalioth | linner: use your arrow keys | 06:34 |
brenner | linner: yeah, sorry, never used nano! thought it would be easy to use | 06:34 |
ompaul | !tell hemppa about java | 06:34 |
stormie | furthermore, when i try to get into the recovery console, my keyboard stops responding, and i have to reset my bios to get it working again lol | 06:34 |
linner | nalioth, i tried that ... nothing | 06:34 |
hemppa | thanks ompaul :) | 06:34 |
ompaul | stormie, lol is laughing out loud - are you really | 06:34 |
nalioth | linner: use the OTHER arrow keys (down arrow) | 06:34 |
=== gpm [n=gpm@c-67-161-2-8.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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stormie | my other machine is rather old | 06:34 |
nalioth | stormie: can it burn cds? | 06:34 |
=== anatole [n=anatole@dsl5400A024.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linner | nalioth, brenner i have a black and white screen with a blinking cursor and no body text then at the bottom i have a bunch of "^" commands | 06:35 |
hemppa | !sunjava | 06:35 |
ubotu | For Sun-Java debs add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list (for hoary) deb http://ubuntu.tower-net.de/ubuntu/ hoary java ; or go to seveas.ubuntulinux.nl (for Breezy) | 06:35 |
linner | nalioth, i tried that too | 06:35 |
stormie | yea | 06:35 |
nalioth | linner: then you've opened the wrong file | 06:35 |
brenner | linner: wrong command | 06:35 |
linner | nalioth i did? | 06:35 |
nalioth | linner: you have | 06:35 |
linner | but it says im in GNU nano | 06:35 |
brenner | linner: technically you're about to create the wrong file | 06:35 |
gpm | hi guys. i just installed breezy and i'm wondering how i can get mplayer? | 06:35 |
nalioth | brenner: give linner and absolute | 06:35 |
brenner | nalioth: i thought i did | 06:35 |
brenner | linner: exit | 06:36 |
linner | ok | 06:36 |
=== Centaur5 [n=fishman@68-187-79-237.dhcp.stgr.ut.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gregoria | apt-get install mplayer | 06:36 |
linner | i can type it nothing happns | 06:36 |
brenner | linner: then type exactly: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 06:36 |
linner | happens | 06:36 |
linner | i did but I'll try it again | 06:36 |
gregoria | sudo apt-get install mplayer | 06:36 |
nalioth | linner: ctrl-x | 06:36 |
brenner | linner: ^ means ctrl | 06:36 |
nalioth | there went the breezy box | 06:36 |
puff | Morning... I want to upgrade my Hoary install to Breezy. Is there a fast/easy upgrade route, or do I need to back up all my data, re-format the disk, install Breezy, then re-install all the packages I have? | 06:36 |
gpm | gregoria: there is no mplayer....i need something to add to sources.list | 06:37 |
linner | nalioth, thank you ! | 06:37 |
linner | ok i'm at the root | 06:37 |
linner | let me retype what you gave me | 06:37 |
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nalioth | !tell puff about upgrade2breezy | 06:37 |
gregoria | oh well then get the address of your nearest ftp server | 06:37 |
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linner | brenner, nalioth ok i'm back into the same file | 06:37 |
=== Fanskapet [n=din@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brenner | linner: i.e. empty? | 06:37 |
stormie | damn, installing linux ultimately owned my machine :P | 06:37 |
gpm | gregoria: and how do i find the nearest ftp server that has mplayer packaged for breezy? | 06:38 |
linner | brenner, yes | 06:38 |
brenner | linner: er, then you've typed it wrong again... | 06:38 |
nalioth | brenner: he hasnt had it made yet | 06:38 |
linner | brenner, I did???? | 06:38 |
brenner | linner: the 1s in X11 are ones | 06:38 |
stormie | im gonna head to class now, thanks for the help everyone | 06:38 |
nalioth | linner: you are fine | 06:38 |
brenner | not Ls | 06:38 |
boxerboy | mplayer is in synaptic no? | 06:38 |
gpm | no | 06:38 |
linner | sudo nano /etc/x11/xorg.conf | 06:38 |
linner | right? | 06:38 |
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brenner | nalioth: he hasn't? | 06:39 |
linner | nalioth, ok... that's what I entered | 06:39 |
=== dazzed [n=DazeD@host-216-78-49-7.ath.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gpm | it doesn't show up when i apt-cache search for it | 06:39 |
linner | let me type it again | 06:39 |
nalioth | brenner: if it isnt there, he probably hasnt gotten that far yet | 06:39 |
dazzed | y0 can someone help me with some networking problems | 06:39 |
nalioth | dazzed: if you ask a question | 06:39 |
fooboy | I have a ubuntu box on a KVM switch when i start ubuntu box without the KVM selecting the Ubunut box the screen rez is poor | 06:40 |
brenner | nalioth: gotten that far in what? | 06:40 |
linner | nalioth, brenner I typed it exactly the same way... still blank screen | 06:40 |
fooboy | how can i fix the screen REZ to a constant size | 06:40 |
linner | with gnu nano 1.2.4 loaded | 06:40 |
brenner | linner: ok, exit | 06:40 |
nalioth | brenner: i am probably not remembering right, but didn linner say he was installing? | 06:40 |
gregoria | well most universitys here archive all the latest linux software and distros | 06:40 |
dazzed | welll....i have my windows laptop setup to share the internet connnection...and the laptop can access the internet just fine...but my linux pc cant even ping the laptop ip | 06:40 |
linner | brenner | 06:40 |
linner | brenner, ok | 06:40 |
brenner | nalioth: iirc, he said he installed but the login screen freezes | 06:40 |
linner | nalioth, I'm a she... :) | 06:40 |
nalioth | dazzed: i think that is a windows question | 06:40 |
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brenner | linner: _have_ you installed? | 06:40 |
linner | brenner, yes exactly | 06:40 |
gpm | gregoria: could you be a little more specific as to HOW i would find such a server? | 06:41 |
linner | brenner, yes | 06:41 |
dazzed | nalioth, figured i want some help from smart people though | 06:41 |
brenner | linner: sorry about the gender... :) | 06:41 |
linner | brenner, that's ok :) | 06:41 |
nalioth | dazzed: it's been many years since i used windows | 06:41 |
linner | brenner, easy mistake since you can't see anyone :) | 06:41 |
brenner | linner: um....i guess you are missing your xorg.conf file | 06:41 |
=== Centaur5 [n=fishman@68-187-79-237.dhcp.stgr.ut.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dazzed | i just dont get why it wont fid the network | 06:41 |
dazzed | its there | 06:41 |
dazzed | its setup | 06:41 |
linner | brenner, oh... sounds bad | 06:41 |
dazzed | in the boot process it cant even configure network interfaces | 06:41 |
nalioth | linner: type "adduser test" <<<this will add a user named test to your box | 06:42 |
linner | brenner, how do I get it back? | 06:42 |
linner | nalioth, ok | 06:42 |
nalioth | dazzed: b/c windows sucks | 06:42 |
brenner | linner: reconfigure the xorg package i would assume | 06:42 |
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brenner | linner: but nalioth wants to say something i think | 06:42 |
linner | nalioth, i'm finished adding.. it was successful | 06:42 |
nalioth | brenner: we are seeing if it's a ~/ issue | 06:42 |
gregoria | gpm:try deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy -updates main restricted | 06:42 |
boxerboy | gpm: go to http://mplayerhq.hu | 06:42 |
linner | brenner, oh no... shoot.. I have no idea how to do that | 06:43 |
nalioth | linner: now log out and try to log into test (from the gui login) | 06:43 |
linner | ok | 06:43 |
linner | one moment | 06:43 |
=== osfameron can't find sunbird in ubuntu repositories | ||
gregoria | and then the same line under that with deb-src | 06:43 |
brenner | nalioth: how can she log out...she's in recovery mode... | 06:43 |
nalioth | osfameron: you'll have to build it from source | 06:43 |
nalioth | brenner: same way anyone logs out | 06:43 |
osfameron | nalioth: oh, really? | 06:43 |
linner | it's loading now | 06:43 |
osfameron | is that documented on wiki, or on the mozilla pages? | 06:44 |
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gregoria | gpm: You should set up apt correctly and then it will be easy to get whatever stuff u want | 06:44 |
brenner | ah | 06:44 |
nalioth | osfameron: build instructions are at the sunbird page | 06:44 |
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osfameron | nalioth: thanks | 06:44 |
fsmw | hi guys, i can't copy&paste in evolution on breezy, is annoying | 06:44 |
gpm | gregoria: i am trying to set up apt | 06:44 |
nalioth | fsmw: breezy is in a state of flux atm | 06:44 |
fsmw | nalioth, i know, is there a bug for this? | 06:45 |
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nalioth | fsmw: idk, you can check bugzilla.ubuntu.com | 06:45 |
gregoria | gpm: yes I know, i was just suggesting you put what I posted into sources.list rather than what boxerboy said (directing you to mplayer site) | 06:45 |
=== ashzero [n=ash@190.135.101-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linner | nalioth, i just logged in as test | 06:45 |
nalioth | linner are you looking at a desktop? | 06:45 |
linner | nalioth, now i'm waiting for the broken login sound | 06:45 |
linner | nalioth, no | 06:45 |
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linner | nalioth, and its hanging again | 06:46 |
nalioth | linner: we know it's nothing in your ~/ | 06:46 |
ashzero | Where can i get a java developpement kit package for amd 64 ? | 06:46 |
gpm | gregoria: i already have an archive.ubuntu.org line in sources.list | 06:46 |
linner | nalioth, it's a compaq v2000z... it's the ATI 200M... which I understand can be supported | 06:46 |
nalioth | linner: restart and get back into rescue mode | 06:46 |
linner | nalioth, ok | 06:46 |
gpm | gregoria: i don't think ubuntu packages mplayer officially. i need an external source | 06:46 |
brenner | linner: i have an M2217ap | 06:46 |
nalioth | linner: nah, brenner will fix you up | 06:46 |
brenner | linner: i had the exact same problem | 06:46 |
=== linner trusts brenner :) | ||
gregoria | ok maybe, have you sucessfully downloaded stuff with apt b4 | 06:47 |
linner | brenner, ok... it's loading now | 06:47 |
linner | brenner, did you have broken sound too? | 06:47 |
brenner | linner: somewhat...tell you the truth, i haven't really tested it | 06:48 |
linner | brenner, I noticed at the login screen the sound was very broken | 06:48 |
=== nalioth runs powerpc, he knows nothing about intel/amd hardware, lol | ||
linner | brenner, oh okay... do you have integrated wlan? | 06:48 |
brenner | linner: oh, it sort of cuts off halfway? | 06:48 |
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brenner | then yeah | 06:48 |
brenner | :) | 06:48 |
linner | brenner, yeah | 06:48 |
ashzero | Anyone know where i can get a java developpement kit package for amd 64 ? | 06:48 |
brenner | no, haven't got around to trying to see what's up with that | 06:48 |
linner | brenner, ok I'm at the root too | 06:48 |
nalioth | linner: one thing at a time | 06:49 |
linner | nalioth, yes sir ;) | 06:49 |
brenner | ok, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 06:49 |
linner | on sec | 06:49 |
=== ChrZZ [n=chrzz@216-214-146.0501.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xark | ashzero: You can download Java SDK from Sun (works with Ubuntu for AMD64). | 06:49 |
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brenner | that should give spit out an xorg.conf file | 06:49 |
linner | yes | 06:49 |
linner | it iddi | 06:49 |
linner | did | 06:49 |
ChrZZ | Is it a way to reinstall the wirelesspart in ubuntu? Thinking of the IPW2200-part. | 06:49 |
linner | autodetect video hardware? | 06:50 |
brenner | er, yeah. :) | 06:50 |
linner | ok | 06:50 |
fsmw | nalioth, is a known bug but appears as solved in evo 2.4.0 | 06:50 |
nalioth | linner: most of the settins will be fine to choose the default answer | 06:50 |
fsmw | i got that version on breezy but the problems still remains | 06:50 |
gpm | gregoria: yeah | 06:50 |
linner | ok | 06:50 |
xark | ashzero: I have been using it with Eclipse (mostly for C/C++, but Java development seems fine too). | 06:50 |
nalioth | fsmw: it may not be a evo problem, tho. breezy is undergoin major bugfixes atm | 06:50 |
=== leonel [n=leonel@dsl-201-129-165-219.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linner | nalioth what keyboard model do laptops have - pc104? | 06:51 |
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nalioth | linner: yup | 06:51 |
linner | nalioth, ok thanks | 06:51 |
xark | ashzero: Note that if you use Sun's JRE, then you probably want to make sure you uninstall any gcj packages from Ubuntu (they seem to conflict). | 06:51 |
leonel | hey what happened with the guy that was going to wear a Ubuntu t-shirt for 1 month ? | 06:51 |
pablo928 | does breezy have xproblems again? or is it just my computers? | 06:51 |
=== Hoxzer [n=niko@a80-186-132-239.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boxerboy | <<<having xproblems with breezy | 06:51 |
leonel | pablo928, no problems here | 06:52 |
Seveas | pablo928, the next-to-last udev causes X problems | 06:52 |
=== The_Ultimate_Fro [n=frog@6532233hfc55.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linner | nalioth, what about mouse port? i have a touch pad | 06:52 |
funkyHat | eek... todays update is running now... | 06:52 |
Seveas | so if X doesn't start, update again | 06:52 |
=== funkyHat wonders if he should cancel it to avoid all these problems people are having | ||
ashzero | xark, i'm looking for a .deb, but i don't think i can find it anywhere | 06:52 |
nalioth | linner: choose bleh/dev/mice | 06:52 |
Seveas | funkyHat, if you dist-upgrade now it's ok | 06:52 |
linner | nalioth, ok | 06:52 |
funkyHat | ok :) | 06:52 |
leonel | yea I did dist-upgrade | 06:52 |
boxerboy | for me if x doesnt start after reboot i cant do anything at all not type nor mouse | 06:52 |
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Seveas | boxerboy, lobin at the console, apt-get update, upt-get upgrade | 06:53 |
Seveas | there was a bug in udev up to the very last version | 06:53 |
ashzero | xark, what should i do with that ? ./j2eesdk-1_4_02_2005Q2-linux-ml.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 06:53 |
ChrZZ | Is it a way to reinstall the wireless part? Thinking of the IPW2200-part. Seems that something was installed when it shouldn't have when I tried to make and upgrade to new ipw2200-drivers from source. | 06:53 |
pablo928 | Seveas:i did a hard reboot this morning and had to update to gewt x to start. but i didn't see x updates listed | 06:53 |
markus | boxerboy: doesnt x start after one reboot after install? | 06:53 |
boxerboy | ok ill try it ty | 06:53 |
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ashzero | xark, just install libdtdc++ ? | 06:53 |
Seveas | pablo928, it's udev that was causing it | 06:53 |
boxerboy | nope not at all after reboot | 06:53 |
boxerboy | spits out like 20 font errors | 06:54 |
linner | brenner, it wants the video modes that x server should use | 06:54 |
linner | brenner, it won't let me "X" anything to selelct | 06:54 |
pablo928 | Seveas:ok thanks for the info | 06:54 |
Seveas | boxerboy, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg may help | 06:54 |
boxerboy | i did that | 06:54 |
brenner | linner: not quite sure what you mean, but just choose default if possible | 06:54 |
Seveas | ashzero, libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 - The GNU stdc++ library | 06:54 |
Seveas | you need that package | 06:54 |
ChrZZ | Feel like I'm talking do the def ;) | 06:54 |
markus | are you using preview 5.10? i get that same error after the first reboot. not on my laptop thought :) | 06:54 |
blekos | b2k | 06:54 |
linner | there isn't a default chosen... | 06:54 |
blekos | hello again ppl | 06:55 |
boxerboy | all the fonts are in there as they should be but on reboot it gives II deleting "whatever" fonts | 06:55 |
markus | blekos: hello, im ppl | 06:55 |
blekos | i've got a sound problem | 06:55 |
NetBugz | anyone know where to get drivers for epsonLX300+ printer?? | 06:55 |
linner | brenner, there is a # on the far right of the screen but no "X" mark next to the selection | 06:55 |
blekos | :P | 06:55 |
Centaur5 | Where can you download the newest kernel source for breezy? | 06:55 |
fredforfaen | will thhis g.card work with linux , and is it any good? http://www.pcutstyr.no/main.php3?PI=info&PNO=136706 | 06:55 |
brenner | linner: can you type? i think i kow what it wants | 06:55 |
blekos | i think there is a site www.drivers.com | 06:55 |
blekos | or something like that | 06:55 |
linner | brenner, yeah I have been for a little over 15 years :) | 06:55 |
Seveas | Centaur5, the linux-source-2.6.12 package | 06:56 |
boxerboy | google search brings up a few download spots i dont remember them off hand | 06:56 |
ashzero | Seveas, can u help me to find it, i've tried but there is not libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 for amd64 | 06:56 |
linner | brenner, but no it won't allow characters either | 06:56 |
Seveas | ashzero, might be a different package there... | 06:56 |
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leonel | Found it http://singe.rucus.net/blog/archives/484-Ubuntu-Shirt-Month.html | 06:56 |
brenner | linner: no, lol, yeah, i mean is it prompting you to type. :) | 06:56 |
linner | brenner, hehehe... no it isn't | 06:56 |
brenner | linner: er, so you can't do anything? :-/ | 06:56 |
linner | brenner, yeppers | 06:56 |
brenner | nalioth: any ideas? | 06:56 |
fredforfaen | anyone? | 06:57 |
linner | brenner, i hit enter and it threw me back to root with this: expr: non-numeric argument | 06:57 |
ChrZZ | Is it a way to reinstall the wireless part? Thinking of the IPW2200-part. Seems that something was installed when it shouldn't have when I tried to make and upgrade to new ipw2200-drivers from source. | 06:57 |
=== LaserLine [n=idanmash@85-64-165-88.barak-online.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blekos | anybody knows, i can that the cd is being played but cannot hear any sound... | 06:57 |
nalioth | linner: space bar | 06:57 |
LaserLine | hello all, anyone knows how to install a lexmark e232 laser printer in ubuntu ? | 06:57 |
linner | nalioth, i have to retype the command line and get back to there and then once I'm in the video mode, I should just hit space bar? | 06:58 |
Seveas | ChrZZ, apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-`uname -r` | 06:58 |
LaserLine | it has a debian/linspire driver deb file: http://downloads.lexmark.com/cgi-perl/downloads.cgi?ccs=229:1:0:448:0:0&emeaframe=&fileID=6083&searchLang=en | 06:58 |
nalioth | linner: the space bar toggles settings on and off (after you've used the arrow keys and tab for navigation) | 06:58 |
ChrZZ | Seveas, what does that do? Reinstalls everything, or just ipw2200? | 06:58 |
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linner | nalioth, ok... understood | 06:59 |
Seveas | it reinstalls kernel and modules | 06:59 |
linner | brenner, can you give me the command again? | 06:59 |
linner | brenner, i can't seem to find it easily when I scroll up | 06:59 |
brenner | dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 06:59 |
linner | thx | 06:59 |
LaserLine | Anyone could help ? | 06:59 |
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shining | ubuntu install cd can't resize ntfs partition, right? | 06:59 |
brenner | LaserLine: er, i wouldn't use the deb file | 07:00 |
shroom- | hello folks. i'm a beginner at linux and would like some help with installing ubuntu. | 07:00 |
Seveas | shining, it can | 07:00 |
spiral | hi | 07:00 |
brenner | LaserLine: do they provide it in any other format | 07:00 |
brenner | ? | 07:00 |
LaserLine | brenner, i know that's why i'm asking here | 07:00 |
shining | Seveas: really? nice :) | 07:00 |
blekos | hi | 07:00 |
ChrZZ | Seveas, and then reinstall? | 07:00 |
ChrZZ | *reboot | 07:00 |
Seveas | ChrZZ, might help if drivers are messed up | 07:00 |
LaserLine | brenner, the printer support pcl-6 emulation, so i suppos any pcl-6 driver would do, right ? | 07:00 |
fredforfaen | i need some advice on a graphics card...gonna shop for one soon....http://www.pcutstyr.no/main.php3?PI=info&PNO=136706 is this a good one for Ubuntu/linux? | 07:00 |
ChrZZ | Seveas, okey. thx. I'll try | 07:00 |
brenner | LaserLine: er, not sure about that sorry | 07:01 |
brenner | !hardware | 07:01 |
ubotu | [hardware] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 07:01 |
brenner | fredforfaen: maybe check there | 07:01 |
fredforfaen | ah thanx | 07:01 |
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shining | fredforfaen: nvidia are fine | 07:01 |
LaserLine | brenner, hound a site about it, a few weeks ago, was sure i bookmarked it, but now i can't find it.... | 07:01 |
nalioth | LaserLine: you should have the option to resize in the installer | 07:01 |
brenner | heh | 07:01 |
fredforfaen | any nvidia shining ? | 07:01 |
shining | fredforfaen: yes | 07:02 |
fredforfaen | cool | 07:02 |
linner | brenner, another error msg | 07:02 |
=== PlanarPlatypus [n=alucard@cpc3-cove3-5-1-cust39.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fredforfaen | so brand doesent really matter , just on performace ofcourse but brans name is ; what ever you want? | 07:02 |
LaserLine | nalioth resize ? | 07:02 |
brenner | linner: when? | 07:02 |
nalioth | Seveas: does the breezy installer offer resizing of NTFS? | 07:03 |
nalioth | linner: tell us please | 07:03 |
linner | xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customized configuration file backup in /etc/x11/xorg.conf .200509210327 | 07:03 |
Seveas | nalioth, afaik yes (never tried it though, i've dist-upgraded from hoary) | 07:03 |
LaserLine | nalioth what do you mean by "resize" ? | 07:03 |
linner | nalioth, i was :) | 07:03 |
shining | fredforfaen: the 5900 are nice | 07:03 |
brenner | shroom-: what questions do you have? | 07:03 |
brenner | LaserLine: nalioth has his wires crossed | 07:03 |
nalioth | LaserLine: is your hard drive full of windows right now? | 07:03 |
LaserLine | Anyone knows a good printer ? any one used the samsung ml-1740... | 07:03 |
shining | fredforfaen: hmm wait, are you going to play at all? | 07:04 |
shroom- | brenner; thanks for talking to me. well. i get an error-message during the installation of latest version of ubuntu. | 07:04 |
brenner | shroom-: nalioth means to be talking to you too. :) | 07:04 |
LaserLine | nalioth i don't need windwos :-) someone else asked the ntfs question... | 07:04 |
linner | brenner, nalioth it happens at the configuring xserver-xorg default color depth in bits screen | 07:04 |
fredforfaen | yep im gonna play TCE enemy territory and hopefully doom3 :) | 07:04 |
boxerboy | im doing apt-get upgrade and if X doesnt start this time i think i know the issue and it has to do with the ati drive 6.8.2-69 but just a guess right now | 07:04 |
fredforfaen | shining <--- | 07:04 |
LaserLine | For whom asked about the ntfs resizing, i recommend Acronis Disk Director 9 | 07:04 |
=== linner has an ATI device too | ||
brenner | linner: what happened? most people have default of 24 | 07:04 |
nalioth | LaserLine: sorry | 07:05 |
shining | fredforfaen: ho, then take at least the 5900 | 07:05 |
linner | brenner, that's what I chose | 07:05 |
shroom- | brenner; i manage to install the base unbuntu but while installing the extra packages everything gets red and i get an error-message. tried several times but doesn't get it to work. | 07:05 |
brenner | linner: and it exited? | 07:05 |
linner | yes | 07:05 |
=== krage [n=krage@214.84-48-67.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fredforfaen | shining ah ok....will doom3 run smoothly on that ? | 07:05 |
nalioth | shroom-: clicking "enter" doesnt get you past the errors? | 07:05 |
shining | fredforfaen: if you don't have cash for a 6800 or even a 7800 :) | 07:05 |
brenner | nalioth: any ideas? :) | 07:05 |
boxerboy | linner: is your aaaaaax starting after updates? | 07:05 |
shroom- | brinner; thinking of to try a older version of ubuntu. is that a good choise? | 07:05 |
linner | boxerboy, what's that? | 07:05 |
boxerboy | X | 07:05 |
nalioth | shroom-: hoary should work fine | 07:05 |
brenner | linner: does it say anything? or just exits? | 07:05 |
boxerboy | forget the aaaaaaaa | 07:05 |
shining | fredforfaen: it should be fine enough | 07:05 |
fredforfaen | shining hehe | 07:06 |
krage | I would like to put chmod to 777 for a folder and evry subfolder and file in it, is it a fast way to do it? | 07:06 |
fredforfaen | cool | 07:06 |
shining | fredforfaen: unless you have a slow cpu | 07:06 |
fredforfaen | im gonna check price on 5900 | 07:06 |
linner | I gave you the error msg above... let me cut and paste... one minute | 07:06 |
brenner | boxerboy: it freezes at splashscreen | 07:06 |
shroom- | nalioth; well. yes. i get past the errors.. but during the startup the system just hangs. | 07:06 |
linner | xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customized configuration file backup in /etc/x11/xorg.conf .200509210327 | 07:06 |
nalioth | linner: try this: go through the dpkg thing again and choose the VESA driver | 07:06 |
fredforfaen | shining Athlon 2400 (2,01 ghz) | 07:06 |
linner | nalioth, ok | 07:06 |
brenner | linner: aha...sorry...should've done all that using sudo i guess | 07:06 |
boxerboy | see i dont even get the splash i just get the black screen with the white writting | 07:06 |
linner | brenner, doing sudo? | 07:07 |
nalioth | brenner: i thought rescue mode was sudo'd | 07:07 |
osfameron | eeeek! sunbird build instructions are non-trivial | 07:07 |
brenner | i thought the root account had write privileges everywhere | 07:07 |
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blekos | how can i burn dvd in ubuntu? | 07:07 |
shroom- | nalioth; so i try an older version then. that could fix it. :) | 07:07 |
brenner | nalioth: me too | 07:07 |
boxerboy | linner:that warning is just saying you changed something | 07:07 |
nalioth | osfameron: welcome to the world of mozilla | 07:07 |
osfameron | they point to Mozilla build instructions, and appear to require much grokkage | 07:07 |
brenner | but isn't that what the error is saying? | 07:07 |
nalioth | shroom-: it wouldn't hurt | 07:07 |
shining | fredforfaen: well I think it should be fine. just don't expect constant 60 fps at 1600x1200 in higest settings :) | 07:07 |
osfameron | nalioth: yeah, looks like :-( I was hoping it would be nicely packaged as it's a "standalone" calendar | 07:07 |
brenner | linner: if boxerboy is right..then you're all done | 07:07 |
nalioth | osfameron: not really. it is lots of words, but after your read it , it's purty simple | 07:07 |
boxerboy | you get that when you config the xorg file | 07:07 |
fredforfaen | shining i c | 07:07 |
shroom- | nalioth; great. i hope it will work. | 07:07 |
linner | oh so just reboot brenner? | 07:07 |
brenner | boxerboy: good call. :) | 07:07 |
nalioth | osfameron: i believe it's a little too beta for that | 07:07 |
boxerboy | i just did it | 07:07 |
linner | boxerboy, cool :) | 07:07 |
fredforfaen | shining thanx a bunch | 07:07 |
boxerboy | ty | 07:07 |
brenner | linner: no, hang on | 07:08 |
linner | oh shoot | 07:08 |
nalioth | linner: no need | 07:08 |
linner | I just did | 07:08 |
linner | nalioth, crap! | 07:08 |
brenner | linner: now....nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 07:08 |
hippys | i have a ubuntu box sharing internet with two windows machines, can i send i message to one of the widnows boxes | 07:08 |
boxerboy | but that doesnt mean when you update it will work | 07:08 |
nalioth | linner: it's ok | 07:08 |
=== konfuzed [n=konfuzed@H129.C72.B0.tor.eicat.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fredforfaen | shining how much ram do i need? | 07:08 |
osfameron | nalioth: oh, fair enough - I'll assign some brainpower to it later on | 07:08 |
fredforfaen | shining i mean on the g.card? | 07:08 |
gregoria | I got it working at last. How can I see the new drives now. fdisk -l still only shows the SCSI | 07:08 |
nalioth | osfameron: have you built nvu? | 07:08 |
shroom- | and notice everything... i'm a huge beginner at linux. :-) | 07:08 |
shroom- | everyone* | 07:08 |
brenner | linner: we're gonna check if the driver is set to vesa, scroll down to the "device" section | 07:08 |
shining | fredforfaen: at least 128 I would think | 07:08 |
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linner | brenner, ok im loading recovery mode again | 07:09 |
fredforfaen | ok shining i have one with 128 here , not any in 256 | 07:09 |
boxerboy | linner: when you had the problem did you have multi universe repos set? | 07:09 |
linner | boxerboy, I haven't gotten that far... I can't login without it freezing | 07:09 |
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shining | fredforfaen: just fix you a max budget, then take the corresponding nvidia card :d | 07:09 |
osfameron | nalioth: nvu? I guess not :-( | 07:09 |
brenner | boxerboy: it's a driver issue...compaqs suck | 07:09 |
=== oO[NOVA] Oo [n=NovaFlas@sev.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linner | brenner, hey! I love my compaq | 07:10 |
boxerboy | im on a dell | 07:10 |
=== linner hates dell. :) | ||
boxerboy | and i am getting x issues | 07:10 |
=== fsmw loves dell | ||
nalioth | linner: be nice | 07:10 |
shining | fredforfaen: I don't think you want the very high end one though, coz ur cpu wouldnt follow | 07:10 |
fredforfaen | shining hehe i get ya :) | 07:10 |
=== brenner just has regrets about not going for a thinkpad | ||
hippys | can i have a xwindow session using ssh? i mean like vnc | 07:10 |
linner | nalioth, I was... they told me mine sucked! :) | 07:10 |
fredforfaen | ah good advice shining | 07:10 |
shining | fredforfaen: but they are out of price anyway :) | 07:10 |
brenner | linner: you'll find out later. :) | 07:10 |
linner | brenner, it's still a blank screen | 07:10 |
nalioth | manufacturere opinions can be discussed in #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:10 |
brenner | linner: where? are you in recovery mode? | 07:11 |
nalioth | linner: are you at the rescue mode? | 07:11 |
linner | brenner, nalioth yes | 07:11 |
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brenner | linner: how do you know if it's blank? :) | 07:11 |
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fredforfaen | what about MSI GeForce 6200 128MB DDR, HDTV AGP8X, NX6200AX-TD128, Tv-Out,DVI,Retail?? | 07:11 |
osfameron | nalioth: wasn't looking for an html editor - is that just as a comparison/intro for a generic build ? | 07:11 |
linner | brenner, I can't scroll down using any key | 07:11 |
fredforfaen | shining <--- | 07:11 |
linner | brenner, and there is nothing in the file ... same as it was before | 07:11 |
nalioth | osfameron: the build instructions are almost the same | 07:12 |
brenner | oh | 07:12 |
brenner | linner: cd /etc/X11 | 07:12 |
shining | fredforfaen: hmm not sure. | 07:12 |
osfameron | nalioth: thanks | 07:12 |
fredforfaen | its not as expensive as 5900 shining | 07:12 |
shining | fredforfaen: I would need to check a benchmark, so you could do that as well | 07:12 |
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shining | fredforfaen: ha I see | 07:12 |
nalioth | linner: i think its the VESA driver you need | 07:12 |
linner | brenner, no such file or directory | 07:12 |
shining | fredforfaen: then take the 5900 :d | 07:12 |
linner | nalioth, i think that's what brenner is trying to get loaded for me | 07:12 |
linner | brenner, correct me if I'm wrong... | 07:12 |
fredforfaen | hehe shining | 07:12 |
brenner | linner: er, did you do an expert install or something? | 07:13 |
fredforfaen | good advice you are giving me shining , thanx alot | 07:13 |
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brenner | why is your X11 dir missing? :-/ | 07:13 |
linner | brenner, nope... not ot my knowledge | 07:13 |
shining | fredforfaen: np | 07:13 |
linner | brenner, it says this: | 07:13 |
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linner | bash: cd: /etc/x11: no such file or directory | 07:13 |
sPYder--- | how to install a static filename.deb ????? | 07:13 |
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KingArthur | ok, I've finally gotten my comp back up. MASSIVE filesystem corruption (I have no idea why), but I had to ok hundreds of inode blah blah. Now, my battery indicator isn't reading my batt. Any idears? | 07:13 |
nalioth | brenner: linner is missing serious software | 07:13 |
boxerboy | im wondering if it is a driver issue can u just not upgrade the driver and leave old one? | 07:14 |
linner | nalioth, crap... | 07:14 |
brenner | nalioth: how did she manage that though? | 07:14 |
brenner | if she did the default install | 07:14 |
brenner | linner: this is hoary is it not? | 07:14 |
nalioth | linner: type "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" | 07:14 |
linner | brenner... all i did was download 5.04 and burn the ISO to CD... pop it in and go through the motions | 07:14 |
linner | nalioth, ok | 07:14 |
linner | brenner, i think so | 07:14 |
brenner | yes, 5.04 is hoary. | 07:14 |
nalioth | brenner: might've been a wonky cd | 07:14 |
sPYder--- | anyone plz answer me... T_T how to install a static filename.deb ??? | 07:15 |
fredforfaen | shining this is wierd 5900 is one of the most expensive of the g.cards overe here in norway..... | 07:15 |
brenner | linner: the ISO from the official site? | 07:15 |
shining | fredforfaen: how much? | 07:15 |
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linner | nalioth, ok so it's saying this: 0 upgarded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove, and 0 not upgraded | 07:15 |
fredforfaen | like 450-500 quid | 07:15 |
=== [FiDo] [n=Paul@blk-137-87-226.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linner | brenner, yes | 07:15 |
nalioth | sPYder---: uncle google will always answer you, if we do not | 07:15 |
shining | fredforfaen: sry I only know euro :d | 07:15 |
brenner | sPYder---: do you mean local? dpkg -i , but you should check the repos first | 07:16 |
nalioth | sPYder---: he who helps himself, and all that | 07:16 |
fredforfaen | ah ok..let me se shining | 07:16 |
[FiDo] | where can I find a list of repositories now that ubuntuguide.org is down | 07:16 |
brenner | !repos | 07:16 |
ubotu | repos is, like, at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 07:16 |
nalioth | [FiDo] : /msg ubotu sources | 07:16 |
[FiDo] | thanks | 07:16 |
=== linner is at the root now ... | ||
fredforfaen | shining 402 euro | 07:17 |
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shining | fredforfaen: omfg | 07:17 |
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fredforfaen | and thats with 128 ram shining | 07:18 |
shining | fredforfaen: I bought the 5900 xt 200 euros one year ago | 07:18 |
fredforfaen | what??? | 07:18 |
fredforfaen | damn | 07:18 |
shining | fredforfaen: 128 mb too | 07:18 |
linner | brenner, am I completely screwed or what? | 07:18 |
fredforfaen | damn thats harsh | 07:18 |
nalioth | linner: have you followed my last instructions? | 07:18 |
linner | yes | 07:19 |
shining | fredforfaen: take an other shop :) | 07:19 |
linner | nalioth, didn't you see my reply? | 07:19 |
fredforfaen | syeah i have to look around | 07:19 |
fredforfaen | shining | 07:19 |
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linner | nalioth, ok so it's saying this: 0 upgarded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove, and 0 not upgraded | 07:19 |
osfameron | nalioth: oh... apparently I downloaded a build. That's handy :-) | 07:19 |
fredforfaen | well thanx anyway , but 5500 will do the job for enemy territory wont it? | 07:19 |
nalioth | linner: sorry too many folks in here. do this; "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" | 07:19 |
linner | nalioth, no I understand trust me... I just wanted you to know I was still here :) | 07:20 |
shining | fredforfaen: et is very cpu dependent | 07:20 |
linner | nalioth, says it is the newest version | 07:20 |
=== twibbler [n=twibbler@dsl-80-41-121-205.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shining | fredforfaen: so you could take the 5500 , and then if its too slow, upgrade cpu :) | 07:21 |
nalioth | linner: did you choose the VESA driver? | 07:21 |
linner | nalioth, i didn't see anything for a vesa driver... | 07:21 |
linner | i'll do it again just in case I missed something | 07:21 |
nalioth | linner: ok. run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and when you get to the "driver" part, choose VESA | 07:21 |
=== haich [n=haich@149.Red-83-52-53.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
twibbler | can somebody help please I am trying to recompile the alsa driver... on the make I get modules disabled ... how do I enable them ?.. | 07:22 |
linner | nalioth, let me give it another whirl | 07:22 |
fredforfaen | shining hehe yeah...it runs smoothe with a 5200 in a 1150 amd proc..so it should run good on my athlon 2400 with 5500 and 256ram | 07:22 |
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rigel | can anyone help me figure out why my cron job alarm clock isnt working? | 07:24 |
rigel | i have it set up to run a shell script that invokes mp3blaster | 07:24 |
rigel | and it doesnt work | 07:24 |
brenner | linner: i'm off to bed...good luck! | 07:24 |
nalioth | rigel: is mp3blaster a console proggy? | 07:24 |
blekos | my sound does not work | 07:24 |
nalioth | brenner: what?!? | 07:24 |
blekos | any ideas | 07:24 |
blekos | ? | 07:24 |
rigel | nalioth: ncurses based, yes | 07:24 |
nalioth | blekos: we need more info than that | 07:25 |
linner | brenner, thank you!!!! | 07:25 |
brenner | nalioth: she's all yours. ;) | 07:25 |
blekos | haha | 07:25 |
blekos | yes u do | 07:25 |
blekos | i can see the sound icon, | 07:25 |
nalioth | rigel: and you've passed whatever command line inputs to it in the script? | 07:25 |
brenner | linner: i didn't really fix it. :) but you're in safe hands | 07:25 |
blekos | the cd players seems to play the cd... | 07:25 |
linner | brenner, no, but you did try your best and I so appreciate it :) | 07:25 |
blekos | tried to change the output device pc-speakers ,headphone etc... | 07:25 |
blekos | no luck | 07:25 |
brenner | no sweat... | 07:26 |
The_Ultimate_Fro | was the win32codecs removed from the apt-get list? is it recomended that i just manually install it from the mplayer website ? | 07:26 |
blekos | no sound comes out of the d@mn laptop :" | 07:26 |
shining | fredforfaen: ho yes, then fine :) | 07:26 |
blekos | :| | 07:26 |
linner | nalioth, to select the vesa driver all I need to do is scroll down to highlight and press enter right? | 07:26 |
linner | nalioth, I tried the space bar and nothing | 07:26 |
nalioth | linner: no, the space bar will select, deselect | 07:27 |
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=== zburns [n=zburns@ppp-70-226-27-137.dsl.toldoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shining | fredforfaen: it doesnt run smooth enough for me with a p4 3.2ghz and 5900xt, but I'm a bit exigent :d | 07:27 |
rigel | nalioth: yeah, the script runs fine by itself | 07:27 |
linner | nalioth, so just scroll down and hit enter? because when I try to use the space bar to select nothing happens | 07:27 |
nalioth | rigel: then it would seem to be an cron issue | 07:27 |
blekos | any ideas? | 07:27 |
zburns | I'm running Liferea (RSS Reader) and I've configured it to download enclosures but it doesn't. Anybody else experience this? | 07:27 |
nalioth | linner: that sounds bad when the spacebar doesnt toggle | 07:28 |
linner | nalioth, oh crap | 07:28 |
fredforfaen | shining i c ...hehe :P | 07:28 |
linner | i'm not given anywhere for it TO toggle | 07:28 |
nalioth | blekos: wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | 07:28 |
blekos | ok | 07:28 |
nalioth | linner: on the far left you should see a row of [ ] for an 'x' to go into | 07:28 |
linner | nalioth, there are no parentheses like last time... jsut a bunch of video card makers etc. | 07:28 |
linner | nalioth, no there isn't | 07:28 |
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=== elad` [i=UserID@DSL217-132-189-100.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
elad` | Recommend a good md5checksum checker. | 07:30 |
nalioth | elad`: you have one on your box now | 07:30 |
mad_pheonix | I'm having a problem with breezy installing gcc-4.0...it tells me that i have unmet dependencies of 4.0.1-4ubuntu8 | 07:30 |
=== LincTeK [n=Brent@69-212-232-195.ded.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
elad` | I'm on WinXP right now. I want to check the Ubuntu CD I've just downloaded. | 07:30 |
mad_pheonix | because i apparently only have 4.0.1-4ubuntu6 | 07:30 |
nalioth | elad`: visit www.freewarehome.com and search for one | 07:31 |
blekos | which program do u use for burning dvds? | 07:31 |
=== Kyaneos [n=kyaneos@112.Red-83-33-152.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | blekos: k3b | 07:31 |
blekos | it is not pre-installed right? | 07:31 |
mad_pheonix | has anybody been able to get gcc-4.0 installed on breezy? | 07:32 |
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fredforfaen | shining do i have to do any reinstalling of nvidia driver or anything when i put it in...i have a mx440 nvidia card currently | 07:32 |
LincTeK | im running breezy now | 07:32 |
shining | fredforfaen: I don't think so | 07:32 |
=== ppd [n=max@dsl-084-056-024-024.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
atha | gcc-4.0 - 4.0.1-4ubuntu8 The GNU C compiler installed here on breezy | 07:32 |
fredforfaen | it should with my current setup | 07:32 |
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shining | fredforfaen: yes it should work. nvidia drivers are the same for all cards (supported) | 07:33 |
LincTeK | 4:4.0.1-3 installed here | 07:33 |
fredforfaen | yeah i thought so....well i cant wait to get my new card :P | 07:33 |
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mad_pheonix | atha: did you just use apt-get for installing gcc? | 07:35 |
ppd | hello. is it possible to replace agpgart with nvidia_agp to get suspend to ram working with the nvidia driver | 07:35 |
ppd | ? | 07:35 |
shining | ppd: its possible to replace it, it doesnt mean it'll make suspend working | 07:35 |
fredforfaen | !nvidia | 07:35 |
ubotu | methinks nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 07:35 |
fredforfaen | !harware | 07:35 |
ubotu | fredforfaen: Did you get hit by a windmill? | 07:35 |
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fredforfaen | !hardware | 07:35 |
ubotu | hardware is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 07:35 |
atha | mad_pheonix: yes, i did the apt-get dist-upgrade after setting the sources to point at breezy and I think that was all | 07:36 |
boxerboy | here we go with the frigging errors | 07:36 |
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ppd | shining: but I read with it instead suspend should work | 07:36 |
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mad_pheonix | atha: okay, i think i accidently updated my apt sources.list for hoary sources | 07:36 |
freite | anyone know the best solution to fix radeon backlight on acpi suspend? | 07:36 |
boxerboy | what is an OIL: error? | 07:36 |
mad_pheonix | can i simply change "hoary" to "breezy" in my apt sources/ | 07:36 |
mad_pheonix | ? | 07:36 |
LincTeK | yes | 07:36 |
mad_pheonix | great, thanks | 07:36 |
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nalioth | !tell mad_pheonix about upgrade2breezy | 07:37 |
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=== OculusAquilae [n=bastian@p548D08A0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stazich | hi, can anyone guide me how to add universe/multiverse in synaptic? | 07:37 |
boxerboy | if im not mistaken for the lines that are there you should just beable to change hoary to breezy and leave backports set to hoary | 07:37 |
OculusAquilae | hi | 07:37 |
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Mustafa^^ | Hi! | 07:38 |
OculusAquilae | what's up with /dev/input/mice in breezy? After the last dist-upgrade X does not find it | 07:38 |
mad_pheonix | nalioth: thanks, that makes a lot of sense | 07:38 |
Centaur5 | I'm trying to compile a program but when running ./configure it says that gcc isn't installed although it is, how do I fix that? | 07:39 |
shining | OculusAquilae: is the device there? if its, cat it, and move your mouse | 07:39 |
krage | I have deleted my old NTFS filesystems on /dev/hdb and made an new primary partiton on it (/dev/hdb2) but how do i make a filesystem on it and mount it automaticly when the computer starts? | 07:39 |
Seveas | OculusAquilae, the very last finds it again | 07:39 |
boxerboy | stazich: if you go to the update manager and click onthe i think its properties button than click settings and check the empty boxes will give you universe but multi universe i think has to be done a different way | 07:39 |
nalioth | boxerboy: breezy has no backports | 07:39 |
OculusAquilae | Seveas: does it | 07:39 |
Seveas | yes | 07:39 |
Seveas | it has been fixed at 15:00 UTC today | 07:40 |
OculusAquilae | shining: no, no such device | 07:40 |
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OculusAquilae | in /dev | 07:40 |
emile | Centaur5: install gcc (sudo apt-get install gcc) | 07:40 |
shining | OculusAquilae: so the pb isnt x | 07:40 |
blekos | nalioth: i cannot even hear system's default sounds... | 07:40 |
nalioth | boxerboy: do not recommend backports for breezy until breezy has some | 07:40 |
blekos | it is not for mp3 etc | 07:40 |
boxerboy | i said dont change them | 07:40 |
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=== spiral [n=spiral@laf31-2-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sorush20 | what is a very good weather monitoring program | 07:40 |
blekos | i like Ubuntu, but it has a long way to go cmo | 07:40 |
blekos | comparing to f | 07:40 |
blekos | a | 07:40 |
blekos | few distros around | 07:41 |
shining | fedora? | 07:41 |
Seveas | sorush20, your eyes ; | 07:41 |
Seveas | ;) | 07:41 |
boxerboy | i said leave them as hoary | 07:41 |
=== gerarcone [n=gerarcon@85-18-14-12.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stazich | hi, can anyone guide me how to add universe/multiverse in synaptic? | 07:41 |
shining | blekos: ? | 07:41 |
Seveas | !tell stazich about sources | 07:42 |
=== _TomB [n=ownthebo@ACD7A105.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gerarcone | how can i change the background (brown) color under the splash screen at startup? | 07:42 |
gerarcone | i'm running breezy | 07:42 |
athlon | how to make firefox open xchat if I click on an irc:// link | 07:42 |
krage | I have deleted my old NTFS filesystems on /dev/hdb and made an new primary partiton on it (/dev/hdb2) but how do i make a filesystem on it and mount it automaticly when the computer starts? | 07:42 |
blekos | i think, as feel as concerned and some preconfigured aspects | 07:42 |
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emile | sorush20: there is one in your toolbar (click right, add to panel, weather forecast) | 07:43 |
nalioth | athlon: edit your mimetypes (ask uncle google how) | 07:43 |
OculusAquilae | Seveas: hm, no new updates | 07:43 |
blekos | i don't know if it's my idea or because everything is run for first time but a bit of slow isn't it? | 07:43 |
blekos | ex openoffice | 07:43 |
sorush20 | emile: I'm using kde | 07:43 |
emile | sorush20: sorry can't help you on that one | 07:43 |
boxerboy | /etc/gdm/XKeepsCrashing ... | 07:43 |
boxerboy | what the hell kind of file is that? | 07:43 |
sorush20 | any one here in here in Houston.. TX.. | 07:44 |
sorush20 | are you guys evacuating. | 07:44 |
nalioth | sorush20: yes, why? | 07:44 |
boxerboy | it said it installed that file | 07:44 |
athlon | nalioth, thanks | 07:44 |
Seveas | boxerboy, that is the script that is called when X keeps crashing | 07:44 |
sorush20 | nalioth: are you evacuating, because of the Hurricane Rita. | 07:44 |
goo_ | boxerboy: it's the shell script that is run if something is wrong with your xorg config. | 07:44 |
gerarcone | it is possible that the background of the splash-screen is not changeable? | 07:44 |
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boxerboy | ok thank you im gonna try to reboot it and see if same problem is there | 07:45 |
nalioth | sorush20: simple answer. no i am not. for further answers >>#ubuntu-offtopic | 07:45 |
LincTeK | !upgrade2breezy | 07:45 |
ubotu | The guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 07:45 |
OculusAquilae | still no /dev/input/mice | 07:46 |
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atha | upgrade (or downgrade) udev to ...ubuntu14 or ...ubuntu12 | 07:46 |
Flying-Penguin | anyone here have a 9 button mouse? | 07:46 |
goo_ | OculusAquilae: tried modprobe usbmouse and /etc/init.d/udev restart ? | 07:47 |
goo_ | atha: I have udev ubuntu13 and I have /dev/input/mice | 07:47 |
atha | "cd /dev && MAKEDEV input" worked for me as a temporary solution with the broken version | 07:47 |
OculusAquilae | goo_: thanks | 07:47 |
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rrichie | hi all | 07:49 |
rrichie | please will there be the rest of kde 3.5b1 packages for ubuntu ? | 07:49 |
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goo_ | oh, here is udev ubuntu14 as well. | 07:49 |
pythonscript | any experts on session manager can help me please | 07:49 |
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nalioth | pythonscript: ask your question | 07:50 |
goo_ | ...or it could be if the mirroring people could only update more than the package list.. | 07:50 |
pythonscript | thank you nalioth, I'm a new ubuntu user, I want to run my python script everytime I'm login | 07:51 |
pythonscript | I've succeed on create the python script running well on terminal | 07:51 |
nalioth | pythonscript: System > Preferences > Sessions | 07:51 |
pythonscript | already trying using etc/profile BASH but not working | 07:51 |
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pythonscript | already try add on session manager but not getting executed | 07:52 |
gerarcone | nobody can help me? | 07:52 |
pythonscript | got TRASH icon | 07:52 |
Behi | hi all | 07:52 |
Behi | does anybody know a fresh anonymous proxy server? | 07:52 |
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pythonscript | my script state is TRASH icon on Session Manager after login | 07:52 |
gerarcone | i now it is a stupid thing but is very ugly to see a black splash screen on a brown background! | 07:52 |
goo_ | Behi: what relevance does that have to Ubuntu ? | 07:52 |
nalioth | pythonscript: it wont go in your .bash* cuz then it's load every shell you opened | 07:52 |
=== scenestar [i=scenesta@c3eea3631.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scenestar | oi | 07:52 |
scenestar | where the hell is the winteools package? | 07:52 |
nalioth | pythonscript: i'm not sure where you'd put it | 07:52 |
Behi | goo_: it's an offtopic question | 07:53 |
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puff | nalioth: Thanks. | 07:53 |
pythonscript | nalioth in session manager there is TAB for adding program (if I didn't wrong it is the third tab) | 07:53 |
pythonscript | I'm add my script there | 07:53 |
pythonscript | add /home/user/client.py | 07:54 |
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blekos | how can I download and install k3b? | 07:54 |
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nalioth | !tell blekos about synaptic | 07:54 |
blekos | i c | 07:55 |
KING^^^ | hello all , what happened to www.ubuntuguide.org ? | 07:55 |
pythonscript | nalioth I'm also already use chmod a+x /home/user/client.py | 07:55 |
mad_pheonix | what is the best way to make j2re the default java target instead of gij? do most people use the alternatives command? | 07:55 |
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cycom | is it me, or is everything updating kinda slow... | 07:55 |
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nalioth | mad_pheonix: yes, the alternatives command will work | 07:55 |
Scognito | hi | 07:56 |
KING^^^ | hello all , what happened to www.ubuntuguide.org ? | 07:56 |
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mad_pheonix | nalioth: so i can just do alternatives --config java, or will i have to do an alternatives install j2re first? | 07:56 |
nalioth | mad_pheonix: you need more than one program to have an alternative | 07:56 |
adjacent | yeh, ubuntuguide.org is down | 07:56 |
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pythonscript | halo nalioth do you have any clue to my problem please ? | 07:57 |
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mad_pheonix | alright, thanks | 07:57 |
nalioth | pythonscript: sorry, i do not | 07:57 |
nalioth | !ubuntuguide | 07:57 |
ubotu | [ubuntuguide] out of date, breaks PCs and doesn't explain anything. The official FAQ Guide, which is based on ubuntuguide will soon be the help menu in Breezy. For more information see !faq. | 07:57 |
adjacent | that should be in the topic, btw. ubuntuguide.org is down, use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ intsead | 07:57 |
blekos | i can c nalioth is the guru around here ;) | 07:57 |
blekos | glad 2 have u nal | 07:57 |
pythonscript | any experts know much about Session Manager please ? | 07:57 |
nalioth | blekos: you need glasses, then, lol | 07:58 |
blekos | :)) | 07:58 |
nalioth | pythonscript: you do not need session mangler | 07:58 |
blekos | in fact I do wear glasses!!! | 07:58 |
nalioth | pythonscript: you need to ask how to start a program when the machine starts | 07:58 |
blekos | pytho ask nalioth lol | 07:58 |
pythonscript | that is it :) | 07:58 |
pythonscript | any experts do you know how to Start my Python script everytime I'm login ? | 07:59 |
adjacent | pythonscript: login to gnome, or to the terminal | 07:59 |
pythonscript | when I start ubuntu there is full screen ubuntu with white box asking for my name and password what was login is that ? | 08:00 |
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pythonscript | I think its gnome > | 08:00 |
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pythonscript | ? | 08:00 |
rikva | Hi all, may I ask why Eclipse isn't in the Hoary repositories? | 08:00 |
nalioth | adjacent: pythonscript wants to start his py script when the machine boots | 08:01 |
oO[NOVA] Oo | rikva: ofcourse you may. | 08:01 |
rikva | oO[NOVA] Oo: thanks | 08:01 |
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cycom | hey, am I crazy, or would it be bad to replace libgl-xorg with libgl-mesa, which can't do dri? | 08:01 |
rikva | Then, why isn't Eclipse in the Hoary repositories? | 08:02 |
pythonscript | rikva maybe you should activated the repositories | 08:02 |
adjacent | pythonscript: if you want it to start when the machine boots, put the script in /etc/init.d/ and use update-rc.conf to add the links in the the appropriate runlevels | 08:02 |
rikva | pythonscript: I have :) | 08:02 |
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OculusAquilae | goo_: problem is i must do "/etc/init.d/udev restart" after every reboot | 08:03 |
pythonscript | actually I want to start the script everytime login no only when boot, because I want the network functional first | 08:03 |
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pythonscript | rikva you already decomment the list file ? | 08:03 |
adjacent | pythonscript: you might want to read up on runlevels before you go any further, you are trying to do accomplish something the wrong way | 08:03 |
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rikva | pythonscript: yepp | 08:03 |
pythonscript | wow the wrong way ? where to read runlevels anyway ? | 08:04 |
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pythonscript | rikva sorry I don't know more :( but I do get firestarter only after decomenting | 08:05 |
cheesie | !java | 08:05 |
ubotu | To install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java or, for Sun's Java, ask me about !sunjava | 08:05 |
markus | !sun | 08:06 |
ubotu | markus: What? | 08:06 |
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rikva | I already have Java, I was just wondering why Eclipse isn't in the repositories :) I'll just download and try to compile it now | 08:06 |
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=== ggeller [n=ggeller@dsl017-112-040.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ggeller | http://tinyurl.com/7s856 | 08:06 |
ggeller | Can somebody explain why Ubuntu would freeze up on one out of four of my machines when Debian works just fine, thank you? | 08:06 |
adjacent | pythonscript: would ou install shit under the hood of your car without reading up on how a car starts? no. now RTFM | 08:06 |
AngryParsley | wtf is that sound that is made sometimes? it's like a siren sound or something | 08:06 |
AngryParsley | I thought I disabled sounds | 08:06 |
pythonscript | ofcourse not :) haha ok that is whats wrong | 08:07 |
=== pipoun [n=pipoun@dan75-1-81-57-18-87.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pythonscript | so adjacent where is things to read ? I'm absolutely newbie don't know much | 08:08 |
adjacent | pythonscript: http://www.tldp.org/ | 08:08 |
nalioth | pythonscript: you can come back in here in an hour or two and ask again | 08:09 |
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Cesarin | anyone can help me to fix the Mouse bug that started to happen since last night's of breezy updates? | 08:11 |
Cesarin | log says "no corepointer, fatal error, failed to initialize core devices" | 08:11 |
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pythonscript | adjacent : wow thank you I'm start eating the pizza you gave me :) | 08:12 |
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rikva | Does anyone know why ubuntuguide.org is down? Is it going to come back soon? | 08:13 |
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adjacent | pythonscript: have fun! you might feel silly once you figure out how things are put together | 08:13 |
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nalioth | rikva: use wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation instead | 08:13 |
emile | rikva: use the wiki | 08:13 |
pythonscript | I do feel that now :) | 08:13 |
rikva | I'm using the wiki now, just wondering... | 08:13 |
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ompaul | ggeller, that looks like some hardware issue ssh in while its alive and see how it goes, you say you want to use it as a server then I would install the server version of ubuntu - unless you need the screen and just see if it falls over, why not add a list of the hardware that is involved to the post - right down to mobo what pci is where - and theres a thing in the past some crazy things like the order of the PCI cards has caused me pain | 08:14 |
adjacent | rikva: ubuntuguide is on googles cache if you need it | 08:14 |
ompaul | !guide | 08:14 |
ubotu | parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, ompaul | 08:14 |
ompaul | !ubuntuguide | 08:14 |
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ubotu | [ubuntuguide] out of date, breaks PCs and doesn't explain anything. The official FAQ Guide, which is based on ubuntuguide will soon be the help menu in Breezy. For more information see !faq. | 08:14 |
DukGalNamu | spam bots? | 08:14 |
jbroome | nice | 08:14 |
Cesarin | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2403 <-- my conf and logs | 08:14 |
DukGalNamu | what program should i use to monitor my cups server and to manipulate current qued jobs? | 08:15 |
Cesarin | ompaul: maybe bios issues? o_O who knows.. | 08:15 |
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DaSkreech | what repos is libxine1c2 in? | 08:16 |
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DukGalNamu | what program is there to monitor my cups server?? | 08:17 |
pc22 | any here can play with ragnarok under ubuntu? | 08:17 |
adjacent | DukGalNamu: mrtg? | 08:18 |
DukGalNamu | adjacent: isn't there one installed already? | 08:18 |
=== DVSoftware [n=kvirc@dvsoftware.sks1.muni.cz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DukGalNamu | with base installation | 08:18 |
DVSoftware | hello people | 08:18 |
DukGalNamu | hello person | 08:19 |
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twoSharp | how are the possibilities of using hoary-extras on breezy? | 08:19 |
DVSoftware | i've bought guild wars today, and i've just noticed that my cedega won't work on breezy | 08:19 |
DaSkreech | Or how do you remove a package and the packages that depend on it? | 08:19 |
DVSoftware | :S | 08:19 |
blekos | is there a full version o ubuntu? meaning to have all packages... | 08:19 |
DaSkreech | blekos: Do you mean one with all the Linux software? | 08:19 |
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blekos | lol not offcourse | 08:19 |
DVSoftware | Could not load graphics driver 'x11drv' | 08:20 |
DaSkreech | blekos: Download the 21 CDs of Debian then apt-get install ubuntu desktop :) | 08:20 |
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DVSoftware | this is the error | 08:20 |
blekos | but for example I'm downloading k3b now | 08:20 |
blekos | unfortunately in greece not everybody has a lone or DSL | 08:20 |
blekos | i am a like one | 08:20 |
ggeller | ompaul: Is there a program I can run that will report that sort of hardware things? | 08:20 |
Cesarin | Anyone here having troubles with the mouse after updating breezy yesterday night? | 08:20 |
blekos | hahhahaha | 08:20 |
blekos | lol | 08:20 |
blekos | cool DaS I'll do so :p | 08:20 |
DaSkreech | That should pretty much set you straight ;) | 08:21 |
bam_ | hey stupid question, i downloaded a program in b2 format, whats the install for it via command line? | 08:21 |
DaSkreech | blekos: Course by the time you actually download them then they would all need updating ;) | 08:21 |
synic | a) it's probably bz2, and b) you should use apt insead. | 08:21 |
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bam_ | yea, but gdesklets from the repos is a little "buggy" | 08:22 |
blekos | lol :)) | 08:22 |
synic | what makes you think the tarball will be any different? | 08:22 |
nalioth | bam_: you mean bz2? | 08:22 |
DVSoftware | anyone knows how to fix cedega? | 08:22 |
Cesarin | why I feel ignored? :P | 08:22 |
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bam_ | pfft, newer version? | 08:23 |
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bam_ | :) | 08:23 |
funkyHat | :/ the new version of opera depends on 'libqt3c102-mt' | 08:23 |
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apokryphos | funkyHat: yes, it's stupid and annoying | 08:23 |
rikva | Ehm, Java has been taken out of Hoary for legal reasons, but it is in Breezy?? | 08:23 |
synic | rikva: no. | 08:23 |
apokryphos | funkyHat: since that pack is obsolete in breezy | 08:23 |
synic | bam_: http://linuxhelp.homeunix.com/tar | 08:23 |
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bam_ | :)" | 08:23 |
funkyHat | so i'll force it | 08:23 |
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mad_pheonix | has anybody managed to get w32codecs running with breezy? | 08:24 |
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nalioth | mad_pheonix: do you need w32codecs? | 08:24 |
apokryphos | funkyHat: you can force depends, but it'll probably break apt and it'll cry. I might just alter the depends and remake the .deb; I figure that would in theory work. | 08:24 |
mad_pheonix | nalioth: well i'd like to play wmv's | 08:24 |
rikva | synic: I think this page says it, or am I really really wrong? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java?highlight=%28java%29 | 08:24 |
funkyHat | meh | 08:25 |
funkyHat | that's shitty | 08:25 |
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nalioth | funkyHat: language please | 08:25 |
funkyHat | O:-) sorry | 08:25 |
Ainvar | yeah I think that is pretty bad about java myself | 08:25 |
synic | rikva: wow, it is in there. | 08:25 |
nalioth | mad_pheonix: get w32codecs here http://giannaros.org/tor/bt/ | 08:25 |
synic | blackdown. | 08:25 |
rikva | synic: I need the real sun thingy for school | 08:26 |
Ainvar | rikva make your own java deb | 08:26 |
Ainvar | really easy to do | 08:26 |
rikva | yepp. downloading now | 08:26 |
nalioth | rikva: breezy or hoary? | 08:26 |
Ainvar | so easy I could even do it :) | 08:26 |
rikva | nalioth: hoary | 08:26 |
nalioth | rikva: ok. i have links for java breezy pkgs | 08:27 |
Ainvar | finally got my work box up today with breezy on it | 08:27 |
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rikva | I'm waiting for breezy to be out of beta | 08:27 |
Ainvar | I forgot how bad intel video cards suck the big one | 08:27 |
apokryphos | nalioth: we have both, remember :) | 08:27 |
apokryphos | ubotu: tell rikva about sunjava | 08:28 |
nalioth | apokryphos: /me just woke up | 08:28 |
nalioth | apokryphos: and rikva is getting it already | 08:28 |
rikva | apokryphos: wow thanks | 08:28 |
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cr4sh_ | hey guyz | 08:28 |
funkyHat | apokryphos, what about just removing the line from the control file? | 08:29 |
cr4sh_ | can anyone tell me how to set up or run 3dwm-clock | 08:29 |
funkyHat | or would i need to edit the md5sums as well? | 08:29 |
cr4sh_ | or any other clock software i dont like the gnomes default clock look! | 08:29 |
funkyHat | if the package is obsolete, then i'd assume that opera would work without it | 08:29 |
apokryphos | funkyHat: it's replaced by another -- libqt3-mt | 08:29 |
Cesarin | cafuego_:by any chance you there? | 08:29 |
pc22 | my resolution is 640x480. how can i make 10**x7**. theres no option | 08:30 |
funkyHat | apokryphos, so tell it depend on one or the other | 08:30 |
funkyHat | ? | 08:30 |
nalioth | !tell pc22 about resolution | 08:30 |
jazzykay | pc22. modify your /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 08:30 |
apokryphos | funkyHat: yes, tell it to depend on the breezy one, I don't have time to do it right now though. | 08:30 |
pc22 | ok?? | 08:30 |
funkyHat | ok. thanks, i'm working on it | 08:30 |
pc22 | jazzykay, how is that? | 08:31 |
cr4sh_ | anyone please?? | 08:31 |
funkyHat | i just wanted to know if any other files would need changing, like the checksums | 08:31 |
pythonscript | adjacent : well maybe this is hardstuff for me, but I will try anyway :) still what is the purpose of session manager ? | 08:31 |
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apokryphos | funkyHat: not entirely sure, tbh. | 08:31 |
jazzykay | pc22: from the command line.. nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 08:32 |
funkyHat | ok, well i'll try it anyway :) | 08:32 |
pythonscript | because it is looks alot easier just to add link of my script there | 08:32 |
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pc22 | ok thanks | 08:32 |
Cesarin | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2403 <-- anyone can help me with this, since breezy update last night, X11 stoped working | 08:32 |
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jazzykay | pc22: look for a section called Screen and SubSection Display | 08:33 |
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jazzykay | pc22: change your modes to something like this Modes"1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480" | 08:33 |
pc22 | thanks its ok now | 08:33 |
jazzykay | cool | 08:34 |
pc22 | jazzykay, can i pm you? | 08:34 |
nalioth | pc22: you should read what ubotu send you | 08:34 |
jazzykay | sure | 08:34 |
jcohen85 | does anyone else notice that Breezy takes 10-15 seconds longer than hoary to start up? Before going to the splash screen there's a 15 second delay v. perhaps 5 seconds in hoary before it continued in the boot process | 08:34 |
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pc22 | nalioth, thanks | 08:34 |
Cesarin | jcohen: I get preety long delays on "setting network" thing on bootup | 08:35 |
jeansch | Cesarin, Cannot open device /dev/input/mice | 08:35 |
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Cesarin | jeansch: yeah that error | 08:35 |
Cesarin | yesterday a guy from france told me various people were suffering that since the patch for breezy | 08:35 |
charlesbc | I updated packages in Ubuntu Linux Preview 5.10, and now my nvidia driver doesn't seem to work on my video card anymore. Can anyone help? | 08:35 |
Cesarin | it was finewhen I installed it by CD | 08:35 |
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Cesarin | jeansch: so, any tips to fix that problem? | 08:36 |
Gobbla | GRUB loadin stage1.5. GRUB loading, please wait... Error 18 | 08:36 |
Gobbla | whats wrong? | 08:36 |
funkyHat | that worked apokryphos | 08:36 |
jcohen85 | Cesarin, i don't see that problem. My issue is that it takes 15 seconds to go from loading the kernel to the rest of the boot process which is signifigantly longer than it took in hoary | 08:36 |
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funkyHat | i'll upload the patched .deb somewhere if that would be helpful :) | 08:37 |
apokryphos | funkyHat: nice! Do you want to upload the fix and put it in ubotu's factoid | 08:37 |
apokryphos | funkyHat: yeah, that'll be cool. | 08:37 |
Cesarin | jcohen85: cant tell you to be honest, I'm a total noob, installed linux yesterday | 08:37 |
funkyHat | yeah, i'll inform ubotu as well | 08:37 |
Cesarin | been following instructions to make my monitor and my video card work well | 08:37 |
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Cesarin | but after the patches, everything went kaboom | 08:37 |
charlesbc | same here | 08:38 |
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indypende | someone had configured a creative webcam on breezy? | 08:38 |
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LaschW | Are there any clamav 0.87 deb's for Ubuntu? | 08:40 |
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nalioth | LaschW: you'll need to build clamav .87 for hoary | 08:41 |
indypende | LaschW, why don't you get it from synaptic | 08:41 |
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Gobbla | Try an update for your BIOS and/or move your boot partition to the front (or at least into the appropriate range). | 08:41 |
ep | will (is) the new free Opera web browser apt-gettable? | 08:41 |
nalioth | apokryphos: TOZuiu thanks you | 08:41 |
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Gobbla | how do i move the boot partition? | 08:41 |
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indypende | LaschW, or apt-cache search clamav | 08:41 |
LaschW | clamav 0.87 is not in brezy repository | 08:41 |
nalioth | indypende: .87 doesnt exist for hoary | 08:41 |
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charlesbc | where can I find an older version of the nvidia-glx? A version from at least two days ago, for example :P | 08:41 |
nalioth | LaschW: you'll need to build it, then | 08:42 |
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indypende | nalioth, sorry! | 08:42 |
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southside | YOO | 08:43 |
elad` | So, I now have Ubuntu installed on my other HDD, and it's working fine. But how do I set up a pptp connection? | 08:43 |
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blekos | i have donwload & installed a few files is there any way i can save them? | 08:43 |
rikva | apokryphos: the deb for hoary java works perfect, thanks! :) | 08:43 |
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blekos | they are already installed | 08:44 |
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mlopes | hi. how can I make 'route add default gw xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' permanent for eth0 ? | 08:44 |
apokryphos | rikva: cool :) | 08:44 |
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jeansch | mlopes, the gateway line on /etc/network/interfaces | 08:44 |
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mlopes | gateway ip | 08:45 |
mlopes | ? | 08:45 |
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jeansch | mlopes, yep | 08:45 |
mlopes | thks :-) | 08:45 |
klemens | hi | 08:45 |
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mlopes | let's see if it worked ok | 08:46 |
mlopes | shutdown -r now :P | 08:46 |
jeansch | no | 08:46 |
apokryphos | damn these bots 8) | 08:46 |
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djfm | hi! | 08:46 |
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djfm | is there something like hotmail popper for linux, which permits to check one's hotmail e-mail within evolution mail or so ? | 08:47 |
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DVSoftware | please help me | 08:47 |
DVSoftware | i'have bought a game, and i can't run it now | 08:48 |
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jeansch | djfm, apt-cache search hotmail | 08:49 |
thenuke | DVSoftware: oh how precise and smart question that was.. | 08:49 |
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DVSoftware | i have told my question few minutes ago | 08:49 |
DVSoftware | i have bought guild wars | 08:49 |
DVSoftware | and noticed that cedega won't run anymore | 08:49 |
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DVSoftware | i'm on 64bit breezy | 08:50 |
nalioth | djfm: hotpop? | 08:50 |
djfm | thx jeansch | 08:50 |
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DVSoftware | Could not load graphics driver 'x11drv' | 08:50 |
djfm | thx nalioth too | 08:50 |
El_Che | DVSoftware: boot from your windows partition and install the game | 08:50 |
DVSoftware | El_Che: that's not an option | 08:50 |
jazzykay | do you have the latest video drivers? | 08:51 |
DVSoftware | i don't have windows, and i don't plan installing it | 08:51 |
DVSoftware | jazzykay: i always install newest stuff | 08:51 |
jeansch | DVSoftware, you run it with wine ? | 08:51 |
DVSoftware | i think that drivers were upgraded automaticaly | 08:51 |
pythonscript | any expert know what is session manager is all about ? | 08:51 |
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DVSoftware | jeansch: cedega | 08:51 |
jeansch | DVSoftware, ah, i don't know that | 08:52 |
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DVSoftware | dri is ok | 08:53 |
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DVSoftware | but i don't know if 32bit support is ok | 08:53 |
nalioth | pythonscript: you do not need session mangler | 08:53 |
DVSoftware | how can i downgrade nvidia drivers? | 08:53 |
indypende | someone have configured a creative webcan on breezy? | 08:53 |
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DVSoftware | i have it in apt cache | 08:53 |
jeansch | DVSoftware, you should have too the old packages on /var/cache/apt/archives | 08:54 |
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DaSkreech | How can i find out which repository a package is in? | 08:55 |
pythonscript | nalioth oh :) I'm just asking what is session manager all about for :) | 08:55 |
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jeansch | DaSkreech, packages.ubuntu.com | 08:55 |
jeansch | DaSkreech, apt-cache policy _package_ | 08:55 |
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ep | I understand Opera is no longer adware. What's the license, is it free? Is is apt-gettable? | 08:58 |
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Cesarin | ok, Here I am.. anyone reads me? | 08:58 |
jeansch | Cesarin, yes | 08:59 |
^DodGeR^ | ello Cesarin | 08:59 |
Cesarin | wtf, my screen suddenly tusn invisiblthis text mode is weird | 08:59 |
apokryphos | ep: no license, but not open-source | 08:59 |
Cesarin | a lot parts are invisible | 08:59 |
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Cesarin | second console was? | 08:59 |
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Cesarin | you're talking to me? | 08:59 |
ApotheoticSheep | Hey, I need some help | 08:59 |
ApotheoticSheep | Had to go last night | 08:59 |
indypende | someone have configured a creative webcan on breezy? | 09:00 |
Cesarin | ok | 09:00 |
ApotheoticSheep | I am unable to login to my other user account in ubuntu | 09:00 |
Cesarin | im doing that | 09:00 |
Cesarin | let me do the command of dev/inut | 09:00 |
ApotheoticSheep | It gives me an unable to create directory error | 09:00 |
catfox | hi all. I was here last night but didn't get my problem resolved. i'm trying to access my system over ssh but can't | 09:00 |
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ApotheoticSheep | And I cant use the root terminal because it always asks for a password | 09:00 |
ApotheoticSheep | :-= | 09:00 |
Cesarin | btw, the command ls -al /dev/input gives me a "no directory" error | 09:00 |
catfox | i can ssh to, but not the external IP. i've set port forwarding on port 22 | 09:00 |
DaSkreech | jeansch: If I don't have the repository that _package_ is in would it know where to look? | 09:01 |
^DodGeR^ | enter your password ApotheoticSheep ? | 09:01 |
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KArhuton | I just installed breezy and X won't start because it can't find font 'fixed' | 09:01 |
Cesarin | "directory does not exist" | 09:01 |
hypn0 | if i ordered a hoary cds, will i automatically be sent breezy cds when its relaesed | 09:01 |
KArhuton | Installed = upgraded from Hoary | 09:01 |
jeansch | DaSkreech, packages.ubuntu.com | 09:01 |
ApotheoticSheep | ^DodGeR^, I entered this account password, and my other one | 09:01 |
ApotheoticSheep | says the password is wrong | 09:01 |
jeansch | Cesarin, that's odd | 09:01 |
^DodGeR^ | ugg | 09:01 |
DaSkreech | I just did and it said libs | 09:01 |
Cesarin | jean: tell me it | 09:01 |
Cesarin | btw, this x-chattext is broken, a lot of text is missing | 09:01 |
Cesarin | I supose Id have to use the dirty trick of winbloze | 09:02 |
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Cesarin | Ie, reinstalling everything from scratch | 09:02 |
nalioth | KArhuton: open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get -f install" | 09:02 |
Cesarin | karhuton: is that for me? | 09:02 |
ApotheoticSheep | I can get root access from the terminal though | 09:02 |
boxerboy29 | im thinking i registered this time? | 09:02 |
ApotheoticSheep | regular terminal | 09:02 |
jeansch | Cesarin, nop, but you can try dpkg --configure -a | 09:03 |
Cesarin | well anyone has any idea if why a lot of text is missing in x-chat? | 09:03 |
Cesarin | let me write that | 09:03 |
KArhuton | nalioth: didn't do anything | 09:03 |
Cesarin | then its dpkg --configure -a ? | 09:03 |
Cesarin | Im just confirming because x-chat is losing a lot of text | 09:03 |
Cesarin | like half text is black, some grey, other white, and other light grey | 09:03 |
Cesarin | sometimes my own text doesnt appear | 09:04 |
scenestar | ugh | 09:04 |
scenestar | hey6 | 09:04 |
jeansch | yes, that's that | 09:04 |
Cesarin | ok brb | 09:04 |
scenestar | how can i configure synaptic to open the "advanced" part by default? | 09:04 |
nalioth | KArhuton: breezy is currently in heavy bug smashing mode | 09:04 |
Cesarin | ok, done that, now what? | 09:04 |
nalioth | KArhuton: how often to you update your machine? | 09:05 |
jeansch | Cesarin, and what appened ? | 09:05 |
Cesarin | kar: I supose Id have to "update" my bugs? | 09:05 |
nalioth | boxerboy29: welcome | 09:05 |
Cesarin | jean: nothing, it loaded like any usual program that goes in background | 09:05 |
Cesarin | didnt worked at first, becase "no autorization" but then used sudo, and it seemed to load | 09:05 |
boxerboy29 | ty | 09:05 |
boxerboy29 | i think i did it | 09:06 |
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KArhuton | nalioth: I just did an update | 09:06 |
KArhuton | nalioth: Had used Hoary until that | 09:06 |
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Cesarin | jeansch: the ls command still doesnt seem to work | 09:06 |
jeansch | why ? | 09:07 |
Cesarin | and Iand text is missing on x-chat again x_X | 09:07 |
Cesarin | Icant read a lot | 09:07 |
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KArhuton | nalioth: I checked xorg.cfg and the directory of 'misc' fonts is full of font files | 09:07 |
KArhuton | xfonts-base is installed properly | 09:07 |
nalioth | KArhuton: breezy updates are approximately 100 per day, have you updated your machine in the last few hours? | 09:07 |
blekos | grr cannot understand... hmm... anybody has sound problems?? | 09:07 |
Cesarin | karhuton: yeah I did yesterday, then the problems started | 09:07 |
blekos | cannot hear anything at all, even system sounds... | 09:07 |
pauldaoust | blekos: many sound problems on weird hardware | 09:07 |
jeansch | Cesarin, apt-get install openssh-server | 09:08 |
blekos | not that weird | 09:08 |
CarlK | so my $15 internet sharing box (NAT) wants to be DNS too, but cant resolve bugzilla.ubuntu.com. where do I set a static DNS IP? | 09:08 |
pauldaoust | blekos: do you have a volume control button in your top panel? | 09:08 |
Cesarin | I had installed linux breezy via CD yesterday and it worked fine, except that It didnt recognized my videocard and monitor | 09:08 |
boxerboy29 | i had issues with my onboard soundcard | 09:08 |
KArhuton | nalioth: I did an update just now and it only updated perl | 09:08 |
blekos | yes it is on | 09:08 |
pauldaoust | blekos: hum. | 09:08 |
Cesarin | the patches mthe patches let me to fix it, but then the mouse started | 09:08 |
blekos | and vol 92% | 09:08 |
CarlK | but it can find us.archive.ubuntu.com... wacky... | 09:08 |
pauldaoust | blekos: have you tried any command-line music players, like aplay or mpg321? | 09:08 |
Cesarin | brb | 09:08 |
nalioth | KArhuton: breezy is under heavy developement atm | 09:08 |
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blekos | nop | 09:08 |
blekos | i am nweb | 09:09 |
KArhuton | nalioth: Yeah, I asked here if it was "working" and got only positive responses | 09:09 |
blekos | what should i write :) | 09:09 |
pippijn|amd64 | hi all | 09:09 |
pippijn|amd64 | does anyone have an nvidia 6600GT with ubuntu? | 09:09 |
Cesarin | it gives me an error now | 09:09 |
KArhuton | nalioth: I'm gonna be back. Going to try something | 09:09 |
DaSkreech | jeansch: Sorry Me again. On the page http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=libxine1c2&searchon=names&subword=1&version=all&release=all how do I know which repository the package is in? | 09:09 |
pauldaoust | blekos: okay, try this one: aplay /usr/share/sounds/shutdown.wav | 09:09 |
Cesarin | "E:@ could not get the lock of var/cache/ | 09:09 |
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Cesarin | and then it says " cannot block downloaind directory" | 09:10 |
Cesarin | or something similar | 09:10 |
blekos | here is what i get | 09:10 |
pauldaoust | hey folks, I have a question. Well, two questions, actually. first is this: I manage computers for a school, and it's beastly trying to keep the kids from deleting panels. I know that I can either set a GConf key as mandatory, or write-protect the user's .gconf/apps/panels directory... any thoughts on which one is more proper/elegant? | 09:10 |
=== coax [n=coax@cpe.atm4-0-51319.0x50c6e0fe.naenxx5.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pauldaoust | problem with setting keys as mandatory is that every user' | 09:11 |
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Cesarin | jeansch: any ideas? | 09:11 |
pauldaoust | problem with setting keys as mandatory is that every users's panel now changes, and I don't want that. | 09:11 |
blekos | bla bla: signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 44100 Hz, Stero | 09:11 |
blekos | but I do not hear a thing | 09:11 |
Cesarin | maybe I just should wipe the partition and install again? :/ | 09:12 |
jeansch | Cesarin, apt-get install openssh-server | 09:12 |
Cesarin | jeansch: did that, gives me error | 09:12 |
blekos | HDA alsa mixer looks install -from the volume bar- | 09:12 |
pippijn|amd64 | hey.. does anyone have an nvidia 6600GT with ubuntu? | 09:12 |
coax | is there anyone who uses gDesklets? i get errors about LTVcpu LTVmemory etc... | 09:12 |
jeansch | ah | 09:12 |
pippijn|amd64 | nobody? | 09:12 |
pauldaoust | blekos: interesting. some sound cards need weird settings fiddled with. try the command alsamixer -- it's a command-line mixer proggie that shows some settings that the GNOME volume applet doesn't | 09:12 |
pauldaoust | pippijn|amd64: not over here | 09:12 |
pippijn|amd64 | ... | 09:12 |
ompaul | pauldaoust, I would take the more not give them the freedom | 09:12 |
pippijn|amd64 | ok | 09:12 |
DaSkreech | pauldaoust: can't you just chown on the panels? | 09:12 |
Cesarin | "could not open lock file" then a full directory is shown | 09:12 |
ompaul | pauldaoust, route - make it write protected | 09:13 |
Cesarin | then "cannot block the listing directory" | 09:13 |
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Cesarin | go figure, all just because of a mouse error :P | 09:13 |
jeansch | Cesarin, df | 09:13 |
Cesarin | Jeansch: I only cuold read "Cesarin, df" | 09:13 |
Cesarin | can you write everything again? | 09:13 |
jeansch | df | 09:13 |
blekos | hmmm | 09:13 |
pauldaoust | ompaul: thanks; I was wondering if that's bad gconf practice... but I'd seen it recommended before. And I still do want per-user control here; I don't want *my* panel changing to the mandatory setting too! | 09:13 |
coax | pippijn|amd64, what is the problem? | 09:13 |
atha | Cesarin: and you are running sudo apt-get... to ensure root privileges? | 09:14 |
Cesarin | just "df" ? | 09:14 |
jeansch | yes | 09:14 |
jeansch | df | 09:14 |
Cesarin | yeah | 09:14 |
pippijn|amd64 | I just want to know if it works with ubuntu | 09:14 |
pippijn|amd64 | the nvidia-glx | 09:14 |
pippijn|amd64 | it works with suse | 09:14 |
pippijn|amd64 | but suse still sucks | 09:14 |
Cesarin | with sudo, it loads a small % tab, but still says the same errors | 09:14 |
pauldaoust | DaSkreech: good idea... it occurs to me that, if I just did chmod 444, nobody woiuld be able to access it, even administrator (unless I change it as root, which would be a hassle) | 09:14 |
pauldaoust | DaSkreech: thanks for the sage advice :) | 09:14 |
jeansch | Cesarin, df / | 09:14 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o apokryphos] by apokryphos | ||
Cesarin | "could not get lock file <directory"[[B[[D recurse not advailaible | 09:14 |
ompaul | pauldaoust, controls users and what they can do, and have as much freedom as you can cope with :) | 09:14 |
boxerboy29 | is there a place to see xchat commands? | 09:15 |
Cesarin | now I only could read df/ | 09:15 |
jeansch | df / | 09:15 |
coax | pipoun, i use nvidia-glx and have no problems!! at all... | 09:15 |
Cesarin | just df / ? | 09:15 |
jeansch | yes | 09:15 |
jeansch | df / | 09:15 |
Cesarin | sorry but im getting pissed at x-chat and its missing text>_< | 09:15 |
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ApotheoticSheep | Back am I! | 09:15 |
pauldaoust | next question: hmmmm... what was my next question... | 09:15 |
pauldaoust | uh... | 09:15 |
boxerboy29 | i have bitch-x but hell if i know how to use that yet | 09:16 |
Cesarin | ok | 09:16 |
Cesarin | it says the following | 09:16 |
Cesarin | dev/ | 09:16 |
ApotheoticSheep | I get "GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager: | 09:16 |
ApotheoticSheep | Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed. | 09:16 |
ApotheoticSheep | " when I try running hte users-admin proggy from the terminal as root | 09:16 |
ompaul | Cesarin, if you think you are missing a command you can highlight it copy and paste - then the true text appears :) | 09:16 |
jeansch | ompaul, Cesarin use a text irc client, without mouse | 09:17 |
Cesarin | it says /dev/hhdb2 blocks 29314364 used 2247312 | 09:17 |
Cesarin | usage 9% | 09:17 |
Cesarin | mounted / | 09:17 |
ApotheoticSheep | :-= | 09:17 |
ApotheoticSheep | :-\ | 09:17 |
jeansch | ok | 09:17 |
Cesarin | jeansch: im using x-chat text | 09:17 |
ApotheoticSheep | Any help? | 09:17 |
Cesarin | and still see a lot of text missing | 09:17 |
ompaul | jeansch, sorry I did ircii for 8 years I am not going back :) | 09:17 |
gsuveg | Sionide: hello | 09:17 |
Cesarin | [A[A[A[A[A[A[B[B | 09:17 |
Cesarin | nope, I cant highligh | 09:17 |
Cesarin | [[Bclear | 09:17 |
Cesarin | clear | 09:17 |
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Cesarin | sorry for flood, text dissapeared suddenly | 09:18 |
blekos | ok here is the deal | 09:18 |
Cesarin | and nope, I cant highligh, mouse is not even working | 09:18 |
Cesarin | and im on x-chat text | 09:18 |
ApotheoticSheep | ? | 09:18 |
blekos | my card is HDA intel and the chip realtek | 09:18 |
nalioth | Cesarin: use irssi in a console | 09:18 |
jeansch | Cesarin, do you have a lot of data ? | 09:18 |
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Cesarin | jeansch: no, only 9% used of the hdd | 09:18 |
blekos | if from the volume panel go to to preferences and chose the chip to control the volume | 09:18 |
nalioth | Cesarin: go to www.irssi.org for a quick tutorial | 09:19 |
blekos | then the volume looks disabled | 09:19 |
jeansch | Cesarin, nop, personal datas ? | 09:19 |
Gobbla | hey guys I cant load grub I get error 18... how do I fix this? | 09:19 |
blekos | if I use the card -reasonable- | 09:19 |
blekos | sounds looks ok | 09:19 |
Cesarin | if you mejean: nope, just installed yesterday | 09:19 |
Cesarin | so its all clean | 09:19 |
Cesarin | I supose its time to destroy thep artition and reinstall again? | 09:19 |
jeansch | Cesarin, then, folow my thinks :) | 09:19 |
blekos | oopss | 09:19 |
blekos | i think i found something | 09:19 |
jeansch | Cesarin, sorry | 09:19 |
Cesarin | jean: fire away, Ill do what you mean | 09:20 |
Cesarin | what you say I mean | 09:20 |
blekos | FRIENDS | 09:20 |
=== [PG] _Sinnlos [n=sinnlos@217-68-167-72.cable.primacom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blekos | huston this Athens we've made contact... | 09:20 |
blekos | !!! | 09:20 |
jeansch | Cesarin, there is just a preview, of breezy here : http://xrl.us/hh4u | 09:20 |
ubotu | methinks ! is what you add before a sentence to talk to me | 09:20 |
[PG] _Sinnlos | knows anywhere anywhat about lirc ? | 09:20 |
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Cesarin | jean: preview for what? o_O | 09:20 |
jeansch | Cesarin, ubuntu 5.10 (breezy) | 09:21 |
Cesarin | yeah but why a preview? | 09:21 |
jeansch | Cesarin, that will get released the 5.10 | 09:21 |
jeansch | Cesarin, preview release | 09:21 |
Cesarin | jean: I downloaded the CD on the ubuntu's site YESTERDAY | 09:21 |
jeansch | jeansch, it's a funn breezy | 09:21 |
=== elad` [n=e@HFA62-0-165-176.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jeansch | Cesarin, ok | 09:22 |
Cesarin | it was the "breezy" | 09:22 |
Cesarin | and installedf it | 09:22 |
Cesarin | but like i said, it worked fine by the CD | 09:22 |
jeansch | Cesarin, breezy changes everydays | 09:22 |
Cesarin | until tuntil the patches | 09:22 |
DaSkreech | packages.ubuntu.com is not very helpful :-( | 09:22 |
elad` | I configured my modem for pppoe, but Ubuntu doesn't recognize it (I'm back on WinXP to ask you what to do). Help? | 09:22 |
Cesarin | I installed the patches it told me to download | 09:22 |
Cesarin | and BANG, restarted and now it doesnt detect my mouse | 09:22 |
pauldaoust | oh yeah! that was my second question: has anyone been trying Breezy on old hardware with modest specs, say, between 400 MHz and 800 MHz? I'm concerned about upgrading to GTK+ 2.8 with its new Cairo dependency, if the old machinery in this school will grind to a screeching halt. | 09:22 |
Cesarin | I just want to fix it. I supose its the only problem | 09:22 |
ompaul | elad`, what kind of modem is it? | 09:22 |
esac_ | is it difficult to get wireless working with WPA (windows radius server) ? | 09:22 |
Cesarin | isnt there another way? | 09:22 |
jeansch | Cesarin, ok, well, re-install it, and wait for the release before upgrade it | 09:22 |
elad` | B-Focus 312+ | 09:22 |
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elad` | Connected through ethernet. | 09:23 |
boxerboy29 | i am running breezy on a 450mhz 512 ram | 09:23 |
elad` | Shouldn't it be autorecognized? | 09:23 |
Cesarin | jean: I tought this was the "final" release lol, why you think I burned it? :P | 09:23 |
Cesarin | btw, will destroyint the partition of liunux damage the Grub boot thing? | 09:23 |
nalioth | Cesarin: final release is oct 13 | 09:23 |
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Cesarin | nalioth: yeah but didnt know that , at the time I burned it | 09:23 |
ApotheoticSheep | dabar, you here? | 09:23 |
elad` | Would it be autorecognized if I used PPPoA? | 09:23 |
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blekos | does anybody else hears "noise" from his speakers were they are on? | 09:23 |
blekos | correction | 09:24 |
elad` | Help? | 09:24 |
blekos | laptop speakers | 09:24 |
boxerboy29 | us beta users can upgrade to final right? or are we burning it again? | 09:24 |
Cesarin | ok jean: can you tell me a way to change the mouse thingies? or I do have to restart? | 09:24 |
Cesarin | reinstall I mean | 09:24 |
Cesarin | I cant believe just for a bad mouse detection i have to restart hehe :P | 09:24 |
Cesarin | some french guy told me I needed to change a lil command of the mice to another /dev directory | 09:24 |
atha | first link in the topic | 09:24 |
elad` | Do you people realise how much porn I had to delete to install Ubuntu? And now it won't recognize my net connection? | 09:25 |
esac_ | why do you have to restart ? | 09:25 |
Cesarin | *lol* @ porn | 09:25 |
boxerboy29 | atleast its not like winblows and u have to restart after adding something | 09:25 |
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Cesarin | reinstall I mean | 09:25 |
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Cesarin | btw, btw, how do I close this progrma? | 09:25 |
glDaher | I'm looking for an advice, I have just got my new box... amd64 with two monitors on a geforce 6800gt .. I used to install linux-686 <-- now would it be suitable? and second, what's the best way to get my twinview mode work correctly... and do I go for breezy or hoary... ? | 09:25 |
Cesarin | whats the command to close x-chat-text btw? | 09:26 |
nalioth | boxerboy29: you can upgrade | 09:26 |
boxerboy29 | what program? | 09:26 |
Cesarin | I think ill give irssi I think ill try irssi | 09:26 |
ompaul | elad`, if you have ethernet on your PC connected to Ethernet on the modem then it is not the modem it is your ethernet :) please try system - administration - networking | 09:26 |
nalioth | Cesarin: click the "x" at the top right corner | 09:26 |
blekos | when I play a cd then close it, and try to reloaded i get the message that cdda://dev/hdb is not available... | 09:26 |
nalioth | Cesarin: /quit | 09:26 |
Cesarin | nalioth. I repeat, im NOW ON W XINWODWS | 09:26 |
Cesarin | im on xchat-text | 09:26 |
blekos | i have to eject it and then insterted back...!!! | 09:26 |
elad` | ompaul, and do what in there? | 09:27 |
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ompaul | first up go there and second see if you can activate your ethernet card | 09:27 |
cesarin | okey, here I am with irssi | 09:27 |
cesarin | yay! I can read everything now! | 09:27 |
boxerboy29 | lol | 09:27 |
esac_ | cesarin : why aren't you in X ? | 09:27 |
cesarin | esac_: because X got destroyed by a mouse problem | 09:27 |
glDaher | nobody could advice me on that? | 09:28 |
cesarin | it keeps giving me fatal error | 09:28 |
ompaul | cesarin, running breezy? | 09:28 |
cesarin | "no core pointer" | 09:28 |
nalioth | breezy ate cesarin's X | 09:28 |
glDaher | I can give details on what I want, but.. pff | 09:28 |
cesarin | ompual: sadly yeah | 09:28 |
esac_ | cesarin : probably because it can't find your mouse. downgrade to udev 12 and then restart udev and restart gdm | 09:28 |
cesarin | like I said, it worked fine on my CD's version | 09:28 |
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cesarin | it didnt detected my videocard, so I updated everything like the program told me | 09:28 |
cesarin | then I restarted | 09:28 |
cesarin | and bang, it started giving me "no core point" errors | 09:28 |
esac_ | cesarin: yes that is your problem then | 09:28 |
cesarin | esac_: give me the full things I have to type, since im a noob | 09:29 |
cesarin | <-- installed linux yesterday too :P | 09:29 |
ompaul | cesarin, breezy is development - it will break - that is the way of development - it has to be this way so that bugs are fixed for release | 09:29 |
cesarin | ompaul: well I had the mistake of burning it, thinking it was the "stable" release | 09:29 |
ompaul | cesarin, for you stable is a better bet 5.04 | 09:29 |
atha | try "sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install udev" if the udev from your mirror is updated to the working version | 09:29 |
cesarin | ompaul: well yes | 09:30 |
ompaul | cesarin, well I suggest u get hoary and enjoy it :) | 09:30 |
cesarin | esac_: ok then that means theres no way to fix a mouse problem ? :P | 09:30 |
ompaul | cesarin, unless you like living on the edge :) | 09:30 |
=== ompaul goes to TV | ||
cesarin | ompaul:Im a man of action babe :P | 09:30 |
esac_ | cesarin : wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/u/udev/udev-udeb_0.060-1ubuntu12_i386.udeb | 09:30 |
cesarin | do i type that in console? | 09:30 |
atha | yes | 09:30 |
cesarin | ok give me a hand, I have to write that | 09:31 |
esac_ | cesarin : forgot that, i pasted the wrong link | 09:31 |
esac_ | cesarin: wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/u/udev/udev_0.060-1ubuntu12_i386.deb | 09:31 |
esac_ | dpkg -i udev_0.060-1ubuntu12_i386.deb | 09:31 |
esac_ | /etc/init.d/udev restart | 09:31 |
esac_ | /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 09:31 |
esac_ | do those 4 things | 09:31 |
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cesarin | btw esac: im on a 64 bit version of ubuntu | 09:32 |
cesarin | AMD athlon 64 | 09:32 |
cesarin | is that still the correct deb? | 09:32 |
DVSoftware | no | 09:32 |
esac_ | cesarin : just change i386 to amd64 then | 09:32 |
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cesarin | ok, writing | 09:33 |
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jrinkovs | who do I need to contact to become an official mirror | 09:33 |
Inf3ctedfx | Hello ppl, I have my fstab line to munt my slave HDD used to be windows slave hdd, and is like this: /dev/hdb /media/slave ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 0 | 09:33 |
Inf3ctedfx | when I try to mount it, it said is already mounted and busy | 09:33 |
cesarin | ok brb, doing that | 09:34 |
esac_ | Inf3ctedfx: did you try umount'ing it first .. are you sure its not already mounted ? | 09:34 |
blekos | hello again, how can ubuntu detect my usb modem? | 09:35 |
esac_ | blekos: plug it in, and if it is supported it will work | 09:35 |
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esac_ | blekos: dmesg to see if it recognized it | 09:35 |
blekos | hmm it is not supported then... | 09:36 |
blekos | dmesg? | 09:36 |
blekos | oops i get a bunch of hmm errors | 09:36 |
cesarin | ok it gives me a gnome error | 09:36 |
cesarin | it just trows me a "FAIL" when initializing it | 09:36 |
boxerboy29 | i feel kinda stupid for asking since it wasnt too long ago i did it but what is the change nickname command? | 09:36 |
cesarin | but everything else worked fine | 09:36 |
esac_ | cesarin: are you in X now ? | 09:36 |
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cesarin | boxerboy29: its /nick <yournewnick> | 09:36 |
cesarin | esac_: nope | 09:37 |
boxerboy29 | ty | 09:37 |
cesarin | I'm still in console | 09:37 |
cesarin | should I try running "X" ? | 09:37 |
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esac_ | cesarin: /etc/init.d/gdm restart should work if it is going to work | 09:37 |
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[PG] _Sinnlos | knows anywhere anywhat about lirc ? | 09:37 |
cesarin | like I said, it give sme a "FAIL" when initializing the gnome engine | 09:37 |
=== mad_pheonix [n=btimm@dyn-0-39.uwnet.wisc.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
esac_ | cesarin: what does /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE say ? | 09:37 |
cesarin | let me type everything just like it appears | 09:37 |
blekos | after the errors i got that usb2-1 new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 2 | 09:38 |
blekos | .... | 09:38 |
cesarin | esac_ : no idea, how do I see that | 09:38 |
mad_pheonix | does anybody have any experience with mono libs? i can't seem to find glade-sharp, glib-sharp, etc. in the apt repos | 09:38 |
tom___ | After an apt-get upgrade in breezy I find myself X-less. Has this been happening to others today? Can anyone help me get X back? (I've been using breezy for a few weeks now) | 09:38 |
esac_ | cesarin: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE | 09:38 |
cesarin | tom__ Im struggling the same atm | 09:38 |
tom___ | cesarin At least I'm not alone :) | 09:38 |
boxerboy | x windowless? | 09:38 |
esac_ | tom___: you i386 ? | 09:38 |
tom___ | esac_ Yup. | 09:38 |
=== moparfan90 [n=dsl@ool-457a66fa.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
moparfan90 | hello | 09:38 |
moparfan90 | long time no see | 09:38 |
boxerboy | i finally got my x windows back | 09:39 |
esac_ | sorry for the small paste, but tom___ : | 09:39 |
esac_ | wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/u/udev/udev_0.060-1ubuntu12_i386.deb | 09:39 |
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cesarin | weird | 09:39 |
esac_ | dpkg -i udev_0.060-1ubuntu12_i386.deb | 09:39 |
cesarin | esac_ is there a way to send you said log so you can examine it? | 09:39 |
esac_ | /etc/init.d/udev restart | 09:40 |
esac_ | /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 09:40 |
cesarin | because it gives me now weird graphic errors | 09:40 |
cesarin | like frecuencies too high while the driver's maximum seems ot be 110 | 09:40 |
boxerboy | who do i speak to to get a password reset? | 09:40 |
moparfan90 | is there a way to install ubuntu without gnome and gdm? | 09:40 |
esac_ | cesarin : sounds like a graphics driver issue, but sure, throw it on pastebin.com | 09:40 |
cesarin | esac_: cough.. I dont know how to do that witouth X running :P | 09:40 |
cesarin | <-- hardcore winbloze user | 09:41 |
tom___ | esac_ I'll give that a go. | 09:41 |
tom___ | esac_ Geez, I had to type fast -- I forgot to run a screen before starting up bitchx and don't know how to copy from this thing :) | 09:41 |
boxerboy | moparfan90: i dont think there is when i install it gnome is default and it doesnt let me choose packages | 09:41 |
nalioth | moparfan90: yes, choose server install, and choose the *dm of your choice | 09:41 |
moparfan90 | yeah i know i justed ubuntu for a long time | 09:41 |
moparfan90 | oo | 09:42 |
esac_ | tom___: alt rightarrow, alt leftarrow switches you to new sessions really quickly | 09:42 |
moparfan90 | sould i do that or try debian | 09:42 |
tom___ | esac_ Thanks! | 09:42 |
cesarin | tom___: using paper in rl to write everything lol | 09:42 |
boxerboy | malioth: server install lets you choose packages? | 09:42 |
esac_ | cesarin: lol, there has got to be an easier way :) | 09:42 |
cesarin | esac_: sadly, Im like in the old MS-DOS times | 09:42 |
=== TheRondom [n=andreas@mrbg-d9b96454.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | moparfan90: boxerboy: yes, server install only installs a console environment. you can then choose your window mangler, desktop mangler and whatnot | 09:43 |
boxerboy | oh cool | 09:43 |
cesarin | esac_: well any othr tips to upload that thing to paste, would be really apreciated | 09:43 |
moparfan90 | ok | 09:43 |
cesarin | unless you want me to leave linux and go to winbloze | 09:43 |
cesarin | to send you the file.. | 09:43 |
tom___ | cesarin Geez is that a threat? | 09:43 |
cesarin | tom__ : lol no | 09:44 |
boxerboy | just liek an old wise man said "why pay for something when you can get it free" | 09:44 |
cesarin | Im just a total noob to linux, so.. I dont know how to do things in linux so.. I still got winblze | 09:44 |
tom___ | cesarin: In my first linux install (yellowdog), the mouse was active in the terminal by default and selected/copied text easily. No such thing here. | 09:44 |
cesarin | boxerboy: unless YOU DONT KNOW how to install it :P | 09:44 |
nalioth | tom___: install gpm | 09:44 |
cesarin | tom__ thats my main problem, X ate my mouse and then witouth mouse, X doesnt work ;P | 09:45 |
nalioth | cesarin: isntall gpm | 09:45 |
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cesarin | command please? | 09:45 |
=== oO[NOVA] Oo [n=NovaFlas@sev.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tom___ | esac_ Alright! X is back! Thanks. | 09:45 |
El_Che | sudo apt-get install gpm | 09:45 |
tom___ | nalioth: Thanks for the tip. | 09:45 |
cesarin | ty | 09:45 |
cesarin | *writes in rl* | 09:45 |
boxerboy | lol true but alot of linux distros are pretty much intalling themselves :) | 09:45 |
=== elad` [n=elad@HFA62-0-165-176.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lsuactiafner | whats latest colony release? | 09:46 |
lsuactiafner | !colony | 09:46 |
ubotu | lsuactiafner: Wish i knew | 09:46 |
boxerboy | 4 last i heard | 09:46 |
cesarin | ok installed | 09:46 |
cesarin | but it gives me errors | 09:46 |
elad` | So, I'm connected and on Ubuntu, but I have to ping whatever server I want to use, then connect to its IP, not DNS (am I getting my thingies right?). Help? | 09:46 |
boxerboy | does ubuntu have rc1&2? | 09:46 |
cesarin | ok, no errors, mouse seems to be ok | 09:47 |
cesarin | but it says some kind of errors " no such file or directory" | 09:47 |
esac_ | elad`: translation "you are in linux and you are trying to connect to your windows boxes by name, but it doesn't work. if you do it by IP it works" .. is that right ? | 09:47 |
nalioth | boxerboy: not yet | 09:47 |
cesarin | ok nalioth: now what I should do? | 09:48 |
elad` | No. I'm on Ubuntu, and I need to "ping irc.freenode.net", and get an IP number to do /server <number> to if I want to have this conversation with you. | 09:48 |
boxerboy | oh ok | 09:48 |
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elad` | And Firefox only worked after I disabled some IPv6 thingie. | 09:48 |
elad` | Any ideas? | 09:48 |
cesarin | esac_: any other tips? | 09:48 |
nalioth | cesarin: anything you like | 09:48 |
cesarin | or should I definitively wipe breezy? :P | 09:48 |
=== FloK [n=detlef@dsl-084-056-049-180.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
esac_ | cesarin : wget to post the log somewhere ? | 09:48 |
=== regeya [n=shane@adsl-sp3-cdale176.micgi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boxerboy | breezy really isnt that bad | 09:49 |
cesarin | esac_: but I dont know how to go there to upload it x_X | 09:49 |
cesarin | isnt there a way to send you via here? :P | 09:49 |
=== jneves [n=jneves@bl4-182-74.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
esac_ | i love breezy | 09:49 |
FloK | hi all | 09:49 |
boxerboy | some minor things that need to be worked out but all in all its good | 09:49 |
=== apecat [n=apecat@ZKCIX.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
esac_ | cesarin: i dont know if i can accept dcc, but you can try .. /dcc send /var/log/Xorg.0.log (i believe) | 09:49 |
FloK | new install and everything fine out of the box :) great | 09:49 |
jneves | is there anything particular to make ubuntu work with ldap as authentication? my first attempt failed miserably and I wasn't able to find the problem... | 09:50 |
cesarin | ok, triying | 09:50 |
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FloK | internet via pppoe, started from pppoeconf and pon | 09:50 |
boxerboy | truthfully i dont really see much difference between 5.04 and 5.10 | 09:50 |
cesarin | did you received it esac_? | 09:50 |
esac_ | cesarin: /dcc send esac_ /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 09:50 |
creart | Anyone using danish keyboard layout with breeze?? | 09:50 |
cesarin | ok, retriying | 09:50 |
cesarin | there | 09:50 |
FloK | but now wondering how to go offline, poff says /usr/bin/poff: /bin/kill failed. None stopped. | 09:51 |
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FloK | ifconfig tells me ppp0 is still active | 09:51 |
Stormx2 | Yo | 09:51 |
elad` | Guys? | 09:51 |
lsuactiafner | how do i get edonkey to work? | 09:51 |
Stormx2 | How would I go about configuring my Creative webcam as a V4L device? | 09:51 |
CookedGryphon | i disconnect by unplugging the cable. | 09:51 |
esac_ | cesarin: try one more time | 09:51 |
cesarin | ok, triying | 09:51 |
jneves | FloK: killall pppd? | 09:51 |
=== irctonkar [n=tonkar@pc-30-233-207.san-damian4.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cesarin | there | 09:51 |
irctonkar | walla! :D | 09:52 |
Stormx2 | !v4l | 09:52 |
ubotu | Stormx2: Are you smoking crack? | 09:52 |
cesarin | jneves: murdereR! :P | 09:52 |
boxerboy | lmao | 09:52 |
elad` | irctonkar, Israeli? | 09:52 |
Stormx2 | !botsnack | 09:52 |
ubotu | thanks stormx2 :) | 09:52 |
irctonkar | =P, no ....., ircotonkar Chile ;) | 09:52 |
CookedGryphon | lol | 09:52 |
elad` | I need a local boy. | 09:52 |
Stormx2 | >_< | 09:52 |
elad` | linxu boy :/ | 09:52 |
cesarin | elad: pedo? :P | 09:52 |
cesarin | jk lol | 09:52 |
irctonkar | spanish? | 09:52 |
Stormx2 | Yo, anyone configured a webcam on ubuntu? | 09:53 |
cesarin | <-- Mexican :O | 09:53 |
CookedGryphon | elad`, ru sure ure int eh right type of chatroom? | 09:53 |
=== Hieronymus [n=jeroen@cp413115-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stormx2 | are you sure you are not leaning on your keyboard? | 09:53 |
Stormx2 | ^_^ | 09:53 |
esac_ | cesarin: the logfile you sent me still says that it couldn't find your mouse | 09:53 |
Hieronymus | Can someone help me with gpg and Evolution? | 09:53 |
irctonkar | cesarin: me entiendes? | 09:53 |
Ainvar | <--- Human ;) | 09:53 |
cesarin | aja, pero este canal no es para espaol | 09:53 |
cesarin | hay otro para espanol | 09:53 |
cesarin | esac_: then?... | 09:53 |
cesarin | its weird, I swear it worked fine before the patches | 09:53 |
=== entr0py [n=entropy@17.Red-83-43-196.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jneves | Hieronymus: yes | 09:54 |
irctonkar | a si? ...., ok, en ingles entonces, para practicarlo | 09:54 |
FloK | jneves, i could do that , but it's my dad's box and i want it user friendly | 09:54 |
cesarin | seems the new breezy doesnt like my usb powered Intellimouse Explorer v3 | 09:54 |
esac_ | cesarin: all i am seeing in that log file is "no core pointer" | 09:54 |
esac_ | cesarin: did you do the steps i said before ? | 09:54 |
FloK | so he can dial in again | 09:54 |
cesarin | esac_ all of them | 09:54 |
cesarin | some load just fine, others give warnings of missing files | 09:54 |
cesarin | but in general they install just fine | 09:54 |
apokryphos | !es | 09:54 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 09:54 |
jneves | FloK: define a timeout and set up dial-on-demand so he doesn't have to dial? ;) | 09:54 |
Hieronymus | jneves: can you tell me where I configure it (yes, stupid question). I already have made a key | 09:54 |
elad` | OK, different approach - how do I install pptp support? | 09:55 |
cesarin | let me redo everything | 09:55 |
Stormx2 | anyone set up webcam? | 09:55 |
Stormx2 | :< | 09:55 |
FloK | so just wanna ask if there's no x tool for pppoe in common install from cd 4/(05 ? | 09:55 |
CookedGryphon | FloK, if you want user friendly y not use the modem applet in gnome | 09:55 |
FloK | gnome is default here | 09:55 |
irctonkar | mmm ....., who can help me ?, yesterday i done security upgrades and today i can't access to my xserver, it launch me first the nvidia logo but it failed later | 09:56 |
CookedGryphon | FloK, jsut add to panel the modem monitor, u right click and then there's activate and disactivate options | 09:56 |
entr0py | Hi, it's normal to get only 300~ fps with intel 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics ? | 09:56 |
boxerboy | ok im getting the idea i need to enable multi universe to get java runtime for firefox | 09:56 |
gsuveg | entr0py: its in 3d ? | 09:56 |
FloK | CookedGryphon, trying | 09:56 |
nalioth | boxerboy: breezy? or hoary? | 09:56 |
boxerboy | breezy | 09:56 |
irctonkar | Fatal error: failed to initialize core devices | 09:56 |
esac_ | cesarin: wget http://pastebin.com/pastebin.php?dl=370297 chmod a+x 370297.txt ./370297.txt | 09:57 |
entr0py | gsuveg, sorry, in glxgears | 09:57 |
nalioth | boxerboy: get java here http://giannaros.org/tor/bt/ for breezy | 09:57 |
FloK | bye | 09:57 |
jneves | Hieronymus: wait I second, I have to translate the interface | 09:57 |
gsuveg | entr0py: you use sw 3d ? | 09:57 |
boxerboy | nalioth: ty i will try it | 09:57 |
moyogo | any body having problems with breezy's 2.6.13 kernels for k7? | 09:57 |
entr0py | gsuveg, i don't understand.. sorry :/ | 09:57 |
pc22 | Seveas, whens the final release of breezy? | 09:58 |
FloK | still here :) | 09:58 |
moyogo | I loose my mouse and soundcard when booting with it | 09:58 |
gsuveg | entr0py: me too ;) | 09:58 |
atha | irctonkar: try to install latest version of package udev | 09:58 |
nalioth | pc22: oct 13 | 09:58 |
FloK | the interface options are unset here on modem monitor property dialog CookedGryphon | 09:58 |
Hieronymus | jneves: What language do you use? | 09:58 |
jneves | Hieronymus: Edit -> Preferences -> Mail accounts -> choose one -> Security Tab -> first field is the key id | 09:58 |
gsuveg | entr0py: i dont know: for intel you have 3d driver ? | 09:58 |
atha | or then version ending with 12 | 09:58 |
jneves | Hieronymus: portuguese | 09:58 |
pc22 | thanks | 09:59 |
FloK | i could enter the data here even i put it already in pppoeconf | 09:59 |
irctonkar | atha: ok, i will try ... | 09:59 |
CookedGryphon | FloK, can't u set them | 09:59 |
FloK | i do | 09:59 |
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entr0py | gsuveg, no its a hoary default installation.. | 09:59 |
CookedGryphon | yeah set em | 09:59 |
irctonkar | atha: what is it? | 09:59 |
CookedGryphon | it sues a different file | 09:59 |
CookedGryphon | its like typing pon ppp0# | 09:59 |
pc22 | nalioth, i wonder why my printer fucks up with breezy. so for now i have to bear with hoary | 09:59 |
gsuveg | hoary>breezy dist upgrade works without crash, right ? | 09:59 |
FloK | what surprised me: pppoeconf connected to my ISP with only username and pw | 10:00 |
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FloK | didnt tell IP adress | 10:00 |
entr0py | gsuveg, in glxinfo "direct rendering: Yes" | 10:00 |
boxerboy | nalioth: i can get away with j2re? | 10:00 |
FloK | or DNS , nothing | 10:00 |
gsuveg | entr0py: ok, then you use imho software 3d ? | 10:00 |
elad` | Please help. | 10:00 |
CookedGryphon | flok? what do u mean? | 10:00 |
CookedGryphon | oh rite, mine doesn't need ip | 10:00 |
atha | irctonkar: deamon creating and removing certain devices under /dev | 10:00 |
irctonkar | atha: it didn't work | 10:00 |
CookedGryphon | didn't kno there were any that did | 10:00 |
CookedGryphon | it jstu does it automatically' | 10:00 |
irctonkar | atha: mmm ..... but wait | 10:01 |
elad` | pppoeconf doesn't recognize my netwrok connection, and you can see I AM connected. | 10:01 |
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Hieronymus | jneves: that's like the public key you get from gpg --fingerprint yourname, right? | 10:01 |
Cesarin | here I am | 10:01 |
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entr0py | gsuveg, :?? i only want to play some 3d game, the ""benchmark"" was with glxgears | 10:01 |
atha | did it install version ending with 14 or haven't you updated the package lists yet? | 10:01 |
Cesarin | esac_: thanks a lot man, it works now, but now it says again that a lot of patches are advailiable to install | 10:01 |
Cesarin | and I dont want to touch them for now :P | 10:01 |
=== libben [n=libben@c80-216-84-228.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
irctonkar | atha: yes, it instelled me the 14 version | 10:02 |
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gsuveg | entr0py: clear, you use sw 3d emulation, this isnt fast | 10:02 |
Cesarin | btw.. any way to return to the other consoles to turn off the programs I left running? | 10:02 |
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gerarcone | how can i open .svg files? | 10:02 |
jneves | Hieronymus: only the first part | 10:02 |
gerarcone | with gimp i can't | 10:02 |
libben | I wanna remove useless daemons, like hprinting services... i dont have a printer. how do i remove them? | 10:02 |
gsuveg | gerarcone: inkscape | 10:02 |
libben | and how do i list whats runned | 10:02 |
pc22 | nalioth, hwo do i edit my grub entry? | 10:02 |
entr0py | gsuveg, ok.. then? i must find a driver? or.. ? | 10:02 |
FloK | i guess kill failed cause i do poff as user ?? | 10:02 |
gerarcone | gsuveg: tx | 10:02 |
atha | irctonkar: try reloading "sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart" and "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" | 10:02 |
Hieronymus | jneves: 1024D/05BCB262 | 10:03 |
Hieronymus | jneves: that part? | 10:03 |
irctonkar | atha: ok | 10:03 |
FloK | i am not yet familiar with this strane no-root-user-in-ubuntu concept | 10:03 |
esac_ | Cesarin: just dont install udev | 10:03 |
jneves | Hieronymus: it's 05BCB262 | 10:03 |
gsuveg | entr0py: other card imho ;) | 10:03 |
=== Kyaneos [n=kyaneos@118.Red-83-40-141.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cesarin | esac_ : ok, tha tmight be the problem then? | 10:03 |
jneves | Hieronymus: that's your key id | 10:03 |
Cesarin | I was inspecting it and thikning the same | 10:03 |
CookedGryphon | flok could do yea | 10:03 |
entr0py | gsuveg, laptop.. :P | 10:03 |
elad` | How do I disable IPv6? | 10:03 |
FloK | how would i do this as root? | 10:04 |
esac_ | Cesarin: udev_0.060-1ubuntu13_*.deb is broken | 10:04 |
FloK | sudo poff # ? | 10:04 |
gsuveg | entr0py: then, dont play, work harder :D | 10:04 |
Cesarin | ic... | 10:04 |
irctonkar | atha: =D, beautiful .... it works ;) | 10:04 |
Hieronymus | jneves: shouldn't I enter the secret key id? | 10:04 |
atha | good to hear | 10:04 |
Cesarin | so you guys found out that it was the .deb file and not me? :P | 10:04 |
CookedGryphon | flok yeah | 10:04 |
entr0py | gsuveg, but working all day is boring.. :/ | 10:04 |
jneves | Hieronymus: no | 10:04 |
=== thinkle [n=Tom@pool-141-154-38-16.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
atha | Cesarin: it has been the problem for (almost) everyone | 10:05 |
gsuveg | entr0py: i have same laptop | 10:05 |
Cesarin | atha: well thankss for helping me! :D | 10:05 |
entr0py | gsuveg, joybook 2100e ? | 10:05 |
gsuveg | asus a3 | 10:05 |
irctonkar | atha: thanks a lot, bye | 10:05 |
entr0py | there is people that can play good 3d games with it | 10:05 |
gsuveg | how ? | 10:05 |
entr0py | i don't know .. :/ | 10:06 |
entr0py | they perhaps do some voodoo .. | 10:06 |
gsuveg | entr0py: lol, the et isnt bad game | 10:06 |
scenestar | hey | 10:06 |
entr0py | tomorrow i will try with windows.. to see if it is a problem of drivers | 10:06 |
anatole | hmmm, is there some other way i should use for installing extensions to firefox? | 10:07 |
scenestar | where did the winetools package go :( | 10:07 |
=== boxerboy29 [n=boxerboy@adsl-144-177-44.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cesarin | ok now the question is | 10:07 |
anatole | just clicking the link of the xpi kills ffx all the time | 10:07 |
Cesarin | is there something that can enable linux to read NTFS partitions? | 10:07 |
=== deFrysk [n=deFrysk@i111223.upc-i.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gsuveg | entr0py: i think with windows you can play in 3d, not insane fast, but playable | 10:07 |
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entr0py | gsuveg, but at least i will play quake 3.. with linux I CAN'T! | 10:08 |
gsuveg | entr0py: but i dont give my freedom for a play option in windows | 10:08 |
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Cesarin | brb guys, gotta shower :P | 10:08 |
Cesarin | im stinky x_X | 10:08 |
elad` | How do I prevent IPv6 from loading? | 10:08 |
=== elad` cries. | ||
=== jrattner1 [n=jrattner@uhartford216126.hartford.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boxerboy29 | do you install bittorrents the same way as regular downloads? | 10:10 |
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jrattner1 | diamonds | 10:11 |
=== comes [n=comes@c167246.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrattner1 | are forever | 10:11 |
lakin | So apparently x-chat joins this channel before my automated nick login takes place. This lands me in #ubuntu-unregged almost everytime, anyone know of a way to solve this? | 10:11 |
tristanmike | boxerboy29, which bt clien? | 10:11 |
jrattner1 | Does breezy have kde bluetooth framework? | 10:11 |
boxerboy29 | gnome | 10:12 |
Riddell | jrattner1: yes | 10:12 |
=== matthew_w [n=matthew@hlfxns01bbf-142068221016.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
matthew_w | For some reason, when I run smeg, it hangs and in the terminal it gives me a traceback, what does this mean? | 10:12 |
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tristanmike | boxerboy29, Gnome BitTorrent? | 10:13 |
boxerboy29 | tristanmike: yes | 10:13 |
tristanmike | boxerboy29, should be there by default, in Hoary right? | 10:13 |
boxerboy29 | tristanmike: breezy | 10:13 |
scenestar | woah | 10:13 |
tristanmike | boxerboy29, ahh, sorry, missed that | 10:14 |
scenestar | that was weird | 10:14 |
scenestar | i just pulled my utp cable and it still works | 10:14 |
scenestar | someone please ctcp ping me | 10:14 |
=== j-linux [n=j-linux@pcp647832pcs.mkethn01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boxerboy29 | tristanmike: i just got done downloading j2re and was wondering if i install that the same way as regular download | 10:14 |
thinkle | my wireless card appears to be on the out (it got a little bent and now I'm losing a good number of packets...) so I'm thinking of buying a new one. I googled a bit but couldn't find a list of of good wireless cards for ubuntu. Did I miss something obvious or is there no such list? | 10:14 |
tristanmike | boxerboy29, why don't you use Azureus? | 10:14 |
boxerboy29 | tristanmike: ummmm didnt know what it was | 10:15 |
j-linux | two questions: I accidentally deleted my gaim icon in the system tray on the top left. Is there any way to get it back? Also, I can | 10:15 |
tristanmike | boxerboy29, oh, as far as I'm concerned, it | 10:15 |
j-linux | sorry.. also I can't get KNotes to have some kind of control in the panel. | 10:15 |
tristanmike | boxerboy29, it's the shizznit | 10:15 |
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tristanmike | boxerboy29, check it out.... http://azureus.sourceforge.net/ | 10:16 |
j-linux | my KNotes just disappear | 10:17 |
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boxerboy29 | i will ty | 10:18 |
atha | elad`: try editing /etc/modprobe.d/aliases , comment line "alias net-pf-10 ipv6" or something, I'm not sure of the correct way | 10:19 |
atha | or change that alias into something else than ipv6 :) | 10:19 |
atha | that should prevent the ipv6 module from loading | 10:19 |
elad` | atha, some site said add "off" | 10:20 |
elad` | I'll be trying this momentarily. | 10:20 |
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raiden24 | anyone willing to give some quick advice on fwbuilder? | 10:21 |
raiden24 | I have have some quick questions | 10:21 |
deFrysk | raiden24, be quick then | 10:22 |
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=== Orbman [n=orbman@85-210-144-85.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
raiden24 | ok, I want to forward a public static IP to an internal IP address. | 10:22 |
boxerboy29 | ok what kida crap is this? | 10:22 |
raiden24 | just forward all traffic through my router | 10:22 |
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raiden24 | I have two IPs set on ETH0 | 10:23 |
raiden24 | in fwbuilder | 10:23 |
raiden24 | and when I do that | 10:23 |
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raiden24 | it does not work per the fwbuilder guide | 10:23 |
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boxerboy29 | 0 upgraded 0 newly installed,0 to remove and 4 not upgraded | 10:23 |
raiden24 | even with a global policy set for permissions | 10:23 |
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tristanmike | sorry about that boxerboy29, I lost my desktop there, it was weird | 10:23 |
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elad` | That didn't help. | 10:23 |
boxerboy29 | tristanmike: its ok just not liking this right now | 10:24 |
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atha | that's weird, it worked for me when I tried | 10:24 |
elad` | How about killing the ipv6 process? | 10:24 |
raiden24 | so I am confused | 10:25 |
boxerboy29 | ok apt-get install <packagename> isnt working | 10:25 |
timewave | I am new to using linux. I am trying to use ubuntu on a thinkpad 600e. I am having problems with sound and video. Anybody know about this? Also where do I access the command line from the desktop? | 10:25 |
raiden24 | timewave ctrl-alt f1 | 10:26 |
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creart | a question; in which directory do i find the X window files?? | 10:27 |
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boxerboy29 | ok back to basics here how do you install a .deb.torrent package | 10:28 |
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timewave | Can I use the sndconfig command in ubuntu? | 10:29 |
boxerboy29 | apt-get install doesnt wanna work with me tonight | 10:29 |
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El_Che | maybe you should be nice to her, not only when you want to use her :) | 10:29 |
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timewave | Can I list the available commands from the prompt. I am following instructions from IBM that says to use the sndconfig command. It says no such command. | 10:31 |
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deFrysk | boxerboy29, a .torren tfile needs to be downloaded with a bittorrent client | 10:32 |
worthawholebean | How can I burn a CloneCD image? (.ccd, .img, .cue) | 10:32 |
worthawholebean | er, not .cue .sub | 10:32 |
worthawholebean | instead | 10:32 |
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boxerboy29 | defrysk: its downloaded im trying to install it | 10:32 |
thenuke | timewave: please just say what your problem is | 10:32 |
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test34 | when I play movies with mplayer, it isnt smooth.. what can cause that ? | 10:33 |
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deFrysk | boxerboy29, what file are you trying to install ? | 10:33 |
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kemik | test34: alot of factors.. be more specific | 10:33 |
boxerboy29 | sun-j2re1.5 | 10:33 |
thenuke | timewave: and as you can see, there is not much happening here at the night, you propably should try again at the day time(gmt+2 in here) | 10:33 |
timewave | I need to use the sndconfig command to set up my sound card according to IBM. This command does not work. Is there another command I can use? | 10:33 |
kemik | test34: ie; what sort of movies, from HD, web, Cd .. etc etc etc etc | 10:34 |
deFrysk | boxerboy29, ever read the wiki on restricted formats ? | 10:34 |
CarlK | breezy fun: HP 812c printer, test page, the job is in the queue, nothing is happening. lsusb shows the printer. where should I look for blues clues? | 10:34 |
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boxerboy29 | defrysk: didnt know there was one | 10:34 |
deFrysk | !tell boxerboy29 about java | 10:34 |
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CarlK | !tell CarlK about printer diagnostic fun | 10:34 |
CarlK | dern bot... | 10:35 |
deFrysk | boxerboy29, read what ubotu send to you | 10:35 |
kitsch | I have a question about installing software. Most of the time ./configure doesn't work for me. I've tried to install several programs today, and checked the archives for README and INSTALL files first, but I get "bash: ./configure: No such file or directory". Note that it sometimes works. Anybody know what could be the problem? | 10:35 |
boxerboy29 | defrysk: i did im going to the page now | 10:35 |
test34 | kemik, from HD and it's an mpeg | 10:35 |
deFrysk | !tell boxerboy29 about sunjava | 10:35 |
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ThePyromaniac | hey guys, i have been doing some C++ programing at college (good old cout << "Hello World << endl;) and i want to continue at home | 10:36 |
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boxerboy29 | defrysk: so i do need multi universe sources added? | 10:37 |
test34 | kemik, it works fine in totem | 10:37 |
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ThePyromaniac | as i doubt there is a .NET suit (and frankly i dont want one) and idea how to get code compiled on linux? | 10:37 |
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thenuke | ThePyromaniac: go to librarary | 10:37 |
surfdue_ | yay breezy is out! | 10:37 |
ThePyromaniac | i tried a few examples | 10:37 |
ThePyromaniac | breezy is out?! :D | 10:37 |
surfdue_ | I didnt know, I thought it was our in october :) | 10:37 |
boxerboy29 | surfdue_: not yet | 10:37 |
surfdue_ | oh? | 10:37 |
surfdue_ | I ordered cds already? | 10:37 |
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test34 | kemik, so it's the codec ? | 10:37 |
surfdue_ | lol | 10:37 |
boxerboy29 | oct. 13th | 10:37 |
kemik | test34: then use totem ;) dont know what could be wrong | 10:37 |
surfdue_ | oh! | 10:37 |
CarlK | ThePyromaniac, mono is ditnet for linux | 10:37 |
darklogic | hi :) | 10:37 |
surfdue_ | my cds will be shipped when its released right? | 10:38 |
surfdue_ | not the preiview release? | 10:38 |
deFrysk | boxerboy29, ubotu send you also some info on sunjava and yes they need to be added | 10:38 |
kemik | test34: could be.. cant tell for sure... but a plain mpg should playback just fine in mplayer | 10:38 |
ThePyromaniac | carlk it have a build in compiler, or use gcc? | 10:38 |
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boxerboy29 | ok thank you i had a feeling they needed to be | 10:38 |
CarlK | ThePyromaniac, no clue. | 10:38 |
deFrysk | boxerboy29, read and bookmark this page : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | 10:38 |
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darklogic | i just added /home/darklogic to /etc/exports but i don't know what permissions need to be set for me to write to the directory remotely. can anyone help? | 10:39 |
CarlK | ThePyromaniac, all I can say is: if you want .net stuff, find out about "the mono project" | 10:39 |
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darklogic | i can read from it just fine | 10:39 |
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deFrysk | erm , a Mandrake ? | 10:39 |
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Madpilot | darklogic: what formatting is that drive using? | 10:40 |
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surfdue_ | does anyone have screenies of the new graphical install for breezy? | 10:40 |
boxerboy29 | defrysk: thank you | 10:40 |
darklogic | Madpilot, you mean the filesystem? | 10:41 |
deFrysk | surfdue_, same as in hoary afaIk | 10:41 |
ThePyromaniac | thanks carlk | 10:41 |
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surfdue_ | no! | 10:41 |
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surfdue_ | ther eis a new graphical isntall. | 10:41 |
deFrysk | surfdue_, no ? | 10:41 |
ThePyromaniac | just wrestling with amarok right now, getting it on gnome is fune, lol | 10:41 |
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surfdue_ | yes... | 10:41 |
Madpilot | darklogic: yes - if it's NTFS, you won't be able to write to it | 10:41 |
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deFrysk | surfdue_, is there now ? | 10:41 |
surfdue_ | hmm? | 10:41 |
darklogic | Madpilot, it is not ntfs. it's one of the linux filesystems. ext2 i think | 10:42 |
LaserLine | Hello All - Did all you hear that Opera became FREE Software ? | 10:42 |
Cesarin | yep we did | 10:42 |
vrln | free as in price, not as in open source | 10:42 |
Cesarin | well at least me | 10:42 |
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darklogic | Madpilot, and who the hell would have /home on an ntfs | 10:42 |
deFrysk | LaserLine, still closed source so no big deal | 10:42 |
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ThePyromaniac | does anyone reccomend upgrading to breezy yet? its not still TOO buggy right? ^^ | 10:42 |
LaserLine | It's closed source, but it's a good peace of software.... | 10:42 |
deFrysk | opera is crap anyway | 10:42 |
Madpilot | darklogic: heh, sorry, missed that it was your /home directory... anyway, have you checked the permissions of it? | 10:43 |
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LaserLine | Sun's Java Run-Time Environment is closed source, but most of us use it.... | 10:43 |
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deFrysk | LaserLine, java is also crap | 10:43 |
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LaserLine | deFrysk so what do you use ? | 10:43 |
darklogic | Madpilot, the permissions are 755. i think the problem is that my remote user isn't in the group | 10:43 |
mjr | LaserLine, still, most of us don't hype that Java is FREE ;) | 10:43 |
darklogic | Madpilot, if that makes sense | 10:44 |
jknife | is it normal for my keyboard to stop working in X after the upgrade? | 10:44 |
deFrysk | LaserLine, I use java cos there is no way around it but its still crap | 10:44 |
emile | btw is there a free as in source java runtime? | 10:44 |
LaserLine | mjr what 'bout flash (even though i hate flash sites) | 10:44 |
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Madpilot | darklogic: it does, sort of, and that's beyond my knowledge... sorry. | 10:44 |
deFrysk | but opera I can do without thank god | 10:44 |
darklogic | Madpilot, ok. thank you anyway | 10:44 |
apokryphos | LaserLine: why? They're cool and hip and nice ;-) | 10:44 |
surfdue_ | it was in their plans | 10:44 |
surfdue_ | somewhere | 10:44 |
Cesarin | !sunjava | 10:44 |
ubotu | For Sun-Java debs add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list (for hoary) deb http://ubuntu.tower-net.de/ubuntu/ hoary java ; or go to seveas.ubuntulinux.nl (for Breezy) | 10:44 |
LaserLine | deFrysk I think Opera is better then FF on low-end machines like mine. | 10:44 |
Madpilot | darklogic: np | 10:45 |
surfdue_ | !install | 10:45 |
ubotu | rumour has it, install is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation | 10:45 |
surfdue_ | !newbreezyinstall | 10:45 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, surfdue_ | 10:45 |
deFrysk | LaserLine, good for you then | 10:45 |
apokryphos | surfdue_: investigate in /msg | 10:45 |
mjr | LaserLine, well what about it? It's non-FREE too ;) | 10:45 |
deFrysk | !upgrade | 10:45 |
ubotu | One-line upgrade: sudo sed -e 's/warty/hoary/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:45 |
Madpilot | later, all. got to get to work... (blech...) | 10:45 |
LaserLine | deFrysk and it doesn't have that rendering bug with scroling java script text. CPU goes 100% ballistic... | 10:45 |
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deFrysk | LaserLine, good fot you ... | 10:46 |
Cesarin | anyone can tell me how to download the JAVA plugins for firefox? | 10:46 |
Cesarin | !flash | 10:46 |
ubotu | flash is, like, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 10:46 |
deFrysk | !tell Cesarin about sunjava | 10:46 |
apokryphos | Cesarin: /msg ubotu sunjava | 10:46 |
apokryphos | You get flash if you install flashplayer-mozilla from Multiverse, but that page will tell you that | 10:46 |
deFrysk | Cesarin, I think you got flooded privatly :D | 10:47 |
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LaserLine | deFrysk I tried using FF on www.ynet.co.il (it's like the Israeli CNN) and cpu goes 100%, tried it on a wide number of machines, even live cd and all have same effect... it has a scrolling java-scrip window on it, is it a gecko rendering error, because ephiphany gives same effect. Opera and Konquerer doesn't have that prolem..... | 10:48 |
deFrysk | LaserLine, good for you | 10:48 |
=== LaserLine thinks deFrysk has an attitude problem...... | ||
Cesarin | defrysk: im not that dumb, I did it already, and sends me to a webpage for breezy wich needs password to download the SUN's | 10:49 |
deFrysk | Cesarin, did what ? | 10:49 |
apokryphos | LaserLine: That's a bug, I know. Flash sites load better in 1.5beta1 it seems | 10:49 |
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Cesarin | deFrysk, used ubotu | 10:49 |
CarlK | where is /dev/usb in breezy? | 10:49 |
LaserLine | apokryphos Thanks for the answer. | 10:49 |
apokryphos | CarlK: /dev/sda | 10:49 |
deFrysk | Cesarin, paswd where ? | 10:50 |
Cesarin | defrysk : http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ <-- here | 10:50 |
CarlK | apokryphos, what about for printers? | 10:50 |
Cesarin | it asks when downloading the sun's java | 10:50 |
deFrysk | Cesarin, then dont use it | 10:50 |
Cesarin | .... | 10:50 |
Cesarin | how helpful | 10:50 |
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deFrysk | well I've never seen any pasword , an agreemant at most | 10:51 |
apokryphos | CarlK: what 'bout them, sorry? | 10:51 |
war-totem | anyone know of an alternate place to get the ubuntu guide? | 10:51 |
war-totem | its seems to be down | 10:51 |
Cesarin | well that site says clearly " if you need a password, contact me on irc" | 10:51 |
Cesarin | but it doesnt say when, or to who :P | 10:51 |
deFrysk | war-totem, happy to hear that | 10:51 |
apokryphos | CarlK: oh, what's their entry in /dev.. hm, not sure. | 10:51 |
Cesarin | when = where | 10:51 |
Cesarin | war-totem, wiki's ? | 10:51 |
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war-totem | ill check | 10:52 |
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Cesarin | I heard the unoficial guide of ubuntu went down because it was too... old | 10:52 |
deFrysk | war-totem, ubuntuguide is a poor resource | 10:52 |
Cesarin | as in outdated | 10:52 |
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nybble | yes, it is..... | 10:52 |
elad` | How do I make my refresh rate 100Hz? | 10:52 |
CarlK | apokryphos, i just hooked up a hp 812c, and the "props" says "status: printer not connected" and yet lsusb shows Bus 001 Device 005: ID 03f0:0304 Hewlett-Packard DeskJet 810c/812c | 10:52 |
war-totem | deFrysk, really? | 10:52 |
deFrysk | !ubuntuguide | 10:52 |
ubotu | [ubuntuguide] out of date, breaks PCs and doesn't explain anything. The official FAQ Guide, which is based on ubuntuguide will soon be the help menu in Breezy. For more information see !faq. | 10:52 |
war-totem | deFrysk, what would you recommend | 10:52 |
Seveas | ubuntuguide is not just outdated, it's crap :) | 10:52 |
war-totem | !ubuntuguide | 10:52 |
deFrysk | war-totem, even ubotu agrees with me | 10:52 |
war-totem | deFrysk, cant argue with the bot | 10:53 |
deFrysk | war-totem, the wiki | 10:53 |
deFrysk | war-totem, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation is your bible | 10:53 |
Cesarin | elad`: had the same problem, I had to edit the xorg conf filemanually | 10:53 |
war-totem | deFrysk, tx m8 | 10:54 |
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AlexanRO | how do you change hostname? i changed it and set and env variable old name is sticky | 10:54 |
Zel[LAN] | hehe, I came here only to find what my current IP is at home! | 10:54 |
emile | Zel[LAN] : ifconfig | 10:55 |
test34 | Zel[LAN] , http://whatismyip.com | 10:55 |
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sartek | hi | 10:56 |
elad` | Problem solved. | 10:56 |
elad` | Wait, no, sorry. | 10:56 |
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bipolar | gnucash is not a supported app under ubuntu, is it..... | 10:56 |
CarlK | how do I tell what usb port a printer is connected to? (or.. duh... how do I add a usb printer?) | 10:56 |
elad` | Cesarin, ok, where is it, and how should it be edited? | 10:56 |
tonkar | Zel[LAN] : www.whatismyip.org | 10:56 |
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Jacksparrow | Hi i get this problem after installing ubuntu: it hangs by "starting hotplug subsystem..." | 10:57 |
deFrysk | bipolar, it is in the repos | 10:57 |
Jacksparrow | can anybody help | 10:57 |
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test34 | Zel[LAN] , or just type "ip" in firefox address bar | 10:57 |
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elad` | Another question - how do I log into another user, without quiting this one, under GNOME? | 10:57 |
sartek | i installed on my comp ubuntu 5.0.4 and i cant install some packages from the net, i run 'apt-get update' aafter that 'apt get insatll valknut' but dont was in the database some help plz | 10:58 |
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@adsl-68-125-49-186.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | appplications -> system tools -> new login as different user | 10:58 |
Zel[LAN] | emile, test34 but I am not at home, which is why I didn't know my IP | 10:58 |
Seveas | !valknut | 10:58 |
ubotu | I heard valknut is a Direct Connect client, in Ubuntu the package containing Valknut is dcgui-qt | 10:58 |
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ompaul | bipolar - universe (it is on breezy and would think it was on hoary) | 10:58 |
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Jacksparrow | Hi i get this problem after installing ubuntu: it hangs by "starting hotplug subsystem..." | 10:58 |
test34 | Zel[LAN] , this website tells you your IP.. | 10:59 |
bipolar | umpaul, deFrysk, yes, but it doesn't have the little ubuntu icon next to it in synaptic. | 10:59 |
jmark | is it possible to install ubuntu on a 1.2g hard drive? | 10:59 |
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Seveas | not the default setup | 10:59 |
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deFrysk | bipolar, thats because its not in main | 10:59 |
bipolar | jmark, thats really cutting it close. | 10:59 |
ErikHK | How can I change that default brown theme to something more white/grey? :) | 10:59 |
Zel[LAN] | test34, I am at an internet cafe, I needed my home IP | 10:59 |
deFrysk | bipolar, should be safe to use tho | 10:59 |
sartek | "could not find package dcgui-gt' | 10:59 |
Seveas | !themes | 10:59 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, themes is at http://art.ubuntu.com - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/57/ - http://www.guistyles.com | 10:59 |
jmark | I have an old laptop that only has 1.2g of space | 10:59 |
Seveas | sartek, qt not gt | 10:59 |
sartek | g=q | 10:59 |
bipolar | deFrysk, I've got it installed, but there is a problem with it. It won't import qfx files. | 10:59 |
sartek | yes | 11:00 |
Seveas | then enable universe/multiverse | 11:00 |
zeke1 | Hi i get this problem after installing ubuntu: it hangs by "starting hotplug subsystem..." | 11:00 |
deFrysk | bipolar, not sure about that , sorry | 11:00 |
bipolar | deFrysk, looks like it's not calling libofx correctly. | 11:00 |
sartek | i know | 11:00 |
zeke1 | can anybody help me please | 11:00 |
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elad` | Seveas, how do I switch between them afterwards? | 11:00 |
ThePyromaniac | has anyone upgraded to breezy? | 11:00 |
test34 | zeke1, do you need hotplug ? | 11:00 |
dupuy9302 | salut les potes | 11:00 |
sartek | Seveas help me | 11:00 |
Seveas | elad`, <alt><f7> <alt><f8> | 11:00 |
zeke1 | test34: i dont know do I? | 11:01 |
dupuy9302 | qqun qui parle franAIS??? | 11:01 |
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deFrysk | !fr | 11:01 |
bipolar | deFrysk, also, the one in universe is 2 versions old. | 11:01 |
ubotu | hmm... fr is Va a #ubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais | 11:01 |
Seveas | !tell sartek about sources | 11:01 |
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elad` | Is there a limit to the number of such logins? | 11:01 |
test34 | dupuy9302, yes | 11:01 |
emile | zeke1: i had this once with an external usb disk connected, unplugging and rebooting solved problem | 11:01 |
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dupuy9302 | SALUT TEST | 11:01 |
sartek | thx | 11:01 |
zeke1 | emile: unplugging??? | 11:01 |
zeke1 | how i do that | 11:01 |
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deFrysk | err pull the plug ? | 11:02 |
zeke1 | cause i dont have usb hd | 11:02 |
dupuy9302 | bon les gars j'ai un probleme qui peut m'aider??? | 11:02 |
test34 | zeke1, do you need to plug devices (usb for example) while the computer is running ? | 11:02 |
Seveas | !fr | 11:02 |
ubotu | fr is, like, Va a #ubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais | 11:02 |
zeke1 | test34: erm no | 11:02 |
deFrysk | france is waking up hehe | 11:02 |
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phpgek | Anyone know how to get Ubuntu to boot up into prompt - and not in recovery or single mode... :( Installed it in "server" option in the boot option... but the login screen never appears... no X on the server | 11:03 |
Seveas | elad`, well, your system can handle a few, but you'll need quite a bit of memory to sustain more.. | 11:03 |
dupuy9302 | good night!!!! | 11:03 |
zeke1 | test34: i dont have any usb devices for start up | 11:03 |
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test34 | zeke1, then you could disable it | 11:03 |
Seveas | phpgek, 'server' mode installs no gui. | 11:03 |
bipolar | is there a way to tell who has responsibility for a package in ubuntu the way it is in debian? | 11:03 |
ThePyromaniac | if i install gcc 4 and gcc-4-base i can remove gcc and older versions, right? | 11:03 |
zeke1 | test34: ok so how do i disable hotplug? | 11:03 |
phpgek | Seveas... yes - but it doesnt seems to work | 11:03 |
Cesarin | !ntfs | 11:03 |
ubotu | ntfs is probably the (N)(T) (F)ile(S)ystem, the filesystem normally used under Windows XP. To automatically mount your NTFS partition/s, you can use this utility: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab . It handles HFS+, NTFS and FAT32 partitions. | 11:03 |
elad` | Fuck - my DNS preferences were just reset, for no apparent reason! | 11:03 |
phpgek | Seveas it hangs when i boot up :( the last message is kground | 11:03 |
phpgek | and nothing else | 11:03 |
phpgek | bot SSH, Apache etc. is starting up | 11:04 |
phpgek | nothing unusual in /var/log/messages | 11:04 |
Seveas | elad`, if you use dhcp, that controls /etc/resolv.conf too | 11:04 |
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Seveas | and watch your language | 11:04 |
zeke1 | test34: i have already installed everything and cant find an option to disabel hotplug...so how do i do it | 11:04 |
ompaul | elad`, terminals - you can set as many of them as you want check out /etc/inittab | 11:04 |
elad` | Seveas, what does that mean I should change? | 11:04 |
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ThePyromaniac | guys? it says i must remove shedloads of programs. should i ignore synaptic and remove old gcc's? | 11:04 |
Seveas | phpgek, can you be a bit more specific about the problem, I'm afraid I don't fully understand you | 11:04 |
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roberto_ | hi all | 11:05 |
Seveas | elad`, either teach dhclient not to request dns servers or use a static IP :) | 11:05 |
test34 | zekel, update-rc.d -f hotplug remove | 11:05 |
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roberto_ | jate a fa ncule | 11:05 |
ThePyromaniac | hello? ^^ | 11:05 |
phpgek | Seveas well.. when i boot up everything seems fine... it starts up everything i added to rc.d ... but then it hangs... there never appears a login prompt | 11:05 |
zeke1 | but how do i do that if i cant even boot into a treminal | 11:05 |
roberto_ | a chi? | 11:05 |
Seveas | roberto_, english in here please... | 11:05 |
phpgek | Seveas i tried to remove almost everything from rcX.d but it doesnt seems to work | 11:06 |
Seveas | phpgek, have you tried switching to a different VT? This may be caused by usplash | 11:06 |
test34 | zeke1, you could try to boot with the recovery kernel option at startup ? | 11:06 |
roberto_ | napoletano is an international allrounder language | 11:06 |
ThePyromaniac | somebody must know | 11:06 |
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zeke1 | test34: i did that as well and it still wants to load hotplug | 11:06 |
phpgek | Seveas humm nope - how do i do that ;) | 11:06 |
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Seveas | ThePyromaniac, whot does it tell you to remove? | 11:06 |
Seveas | phpgek, <alt><f2> | 11:06 |
Seveas | and switch back to VT1 with <alt><F1> | 11:07 |
roberto_ | by | 11:07 |
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elad` | Seveas, how do I teach dhclient that? | 11:07 |
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phpgek | Seveas ... humm i will try :) just need to boot the server up again :) | 11:07 |
ThePyromaniac | well if i try and remove gcc-3.4 it says remove EVERYTHING | 11:07 |
ThePyromaniac | all random game packages and apps i have | 11:07 |
zeke1 | test34: cant i access ubuntu with explore2fs and change some file to disable it | 11:07 |
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Seveas | elad`, /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf -- remove domain-name-servers from the request line and add a prepend: for your DNS (it has an example) | 11:08 |
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thinman | i have wrt54g wireless card with dell latitude laptop. How do i config on ubuntu 5.10 ? thanks | 11:08 |
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test34 | zeke1, can you delete files with explore2fs ? | 11:08 |
Seveas | ThePyromaniac, can you please paste the complete output on the pastebin | 11:08 |
zeke1 | test34: im not sure maybe? | 11:08 |
ThePyromaniac | my mistake seveas, 3.3-base wants everything gone, 3.4-base wants only ubuntu-gnome and firefox and 3.3 wants only gcc | 11:08 |
ThePyromaniac | well its in synaptic | 11:08 |
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ompaul | ThePyromaniac, please define everything - does it name one package or lots of packages pastes in paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 11:09 |
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Seveas | ThePyromaniac, try with apt-get | 11:09 |
ThePyromaniac | how do i remove in apt-get? :$ | 11:09 |
ThePyromaniac | lemme get, apt-get remove? | 11:09 |
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deFrysk | ThePyromaniac, apt-get remove <blah> | 11:09 |
zeke1 | test34: no dont look like it | 11:09 |
ThePyromaniac | heh, thanks | 11:09 |
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deFrysk | ThePyromaniac, first turn off synaptic | 11:09 |
test34 | zeke1, if you can, delete the hotplug file in /etc/rc2.d/ | 11:10 |
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thinman | i have wrt54g wireless card with dell latitude laptop. How do i config on ubuntu 5.10 ? thanks | 11:10 |
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ompaul | ThePyromaniac, to discover apt-get quickly just run apt-get on the command line - do not forget sudo :) | 11:10 |
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bipolar | thinman, is it a 2200 or 2300? | 11:10 |
test34 | zekel, maybe you can boot with the CD | 11:10 |
ThePyromaniac | indeed ompaul, i am doing this | 11:10 |
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test34 | zekel, but I dont know if that will load hotplug too | 11:10 |
ThePyromaniac | Package gcc-3.4 is not installed, so not removed | 11:10 |
ThePyromaniac | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded. | 11:10 |
ThePyromaniac | synaptic says it IS installed! | 11:11 |
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=== [PG] _Sinnlos-aWa is Away, Reason: ( das wurstbrot wir mit kse und OHNE butter serviert ) | Since: ( Wednesday, September 21, 2005. 20:58:05 ) Xlack v2.1 | ||
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zeke1 | test34: i tried that with the live cd and it still loads hotplug | 11:11 |
Zel[LAN] | how can I send an email from the console with an attachment. Do I need to have a mail server configured in the mail client to do this? | 11:11 |
thinman | bipolar: how do i check that ? | 11:12 |
ThePyromaniac | seveas, defrysk, ompaul apt-get says they arent installed but synaptic says they are. they being many versions of gcc | 11:12 |
ThePyromaniac | surely it cant be good having many versions installed. takes up space | 11:12 |
bipolar | thinman, run lspci and look for the wireless contoler. | 11:13 |
zeke1 | anybody know how to disble hotplug so i can actually boot into linux | 11:13 |
test34 | zeke1, try http://www.it.fht-esslingen.de/~zimmerma/software/ltools.htm | 11:13 |
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AlexanRO | how do you change hostname? i changed it and set and env variable old name is sticky | 11:14 |
zeke1 | test34: what is that | 11:14 |
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test34 | supposed to be able to write/delete from windows to an ext2 partition.. | 11:14 |
Seveas | The_Vox, dpkg -l 'gcc*' | 11:14 |
Seveas | ThePyromaniac* | 11:14 |
Seveas | and paste the output on the pastebin | 11:14 |
Seveas | AlexanRO, change /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts and reboot | 11:14 |
zeke1 | test34: ok after i instqall them what do i delete | 11:14 |
surfdue_ | heh | 11:14 |
ThePyromaniac | sorry for this huge post guys... | 11:14 |
esac_ | has anybody had issues with networking in breezy? i brought my laptop to work, plugged in eth0, it picked up a dhcp address. but it takes a LONG time to resolve any names when i ping them, and there is a long pause between packets. the packets themselves come back fast (1-4 ms) | 11:15 |
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ThePyromaniac | pn gcc <none> (no description available) | 11:15 |
ThePyromaniac | un gcc-2.95 <none> (no description available) | 11:15 |
ThePyromaniac | un gcc-3.2 <none> (no description available) | 11:15 |
ThePyromaniac | pn gcc-3.3 <none> (no description available) | 11:15 |
ThePyromaniac | ii gcc-3.3-base 3.3.5-8ubuntu2 The GNU Compiler Collection (base package) | 11:15 |
ThePyromaniac | un gcc-3.3-doc <none> (no description available) | 11:15 |
surfdue_ | ubuntu rules:) | 11:15 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %ThePyromaniac!*@*] by Seveas | ||
Seveas | ThePyromaniac, FOOL | 11:15 |
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test34 | zekel, file in /etc/rc2.d that has hotplug in the file name, there should be one | 11:15 |
Seveas | i said: on the pastebin | 11:15 |
surfdue_ | who knows anything about the new breezy graphical installer? | 11:15 |
thinman | bipolar: BCM4 802.11.b/g wireless LAN controller (rev 02) | 11:15 |
ompaul | !tell ThePyromaniac about pastebin | 11:15 |
elad` | Seveas, I had to reconnect. What did you say I should do to stop this problem from recurring? | 11:15 |
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bipolar | Seveas, do you have a script that bans automaticly? | 11:15 |
Seveas | bipolar, no | 11:15 |
bipolar | thinman, hmmm.... I don't know about that one. | 11:15 |
Seveas | I anticipated it :) | 11:15 |
shawarma | surfdue_: There's a graphical installer? Neat. | 11:15 |
bipolar | Seveas, heh... you're quick then | 11:15 |
surfdue_ | yea? | 11:16 |
AlexanRO | Seveas: ty =) | 11:16 |
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surfdue_ | i swear thats what i read in the notes a while ago | 11:16 |
surfdue_ | lol | 11:16 |
zeke1 | test34: no not in rc2.d but there is one in rc6.d | 11:16 |
thinman | bipolar: thanks | 11:16 |
QMario | Hello surfdue_!!! :) | 11:16 |
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surfdue_ | HI! | 11:16 |
zeke1 | test34: and rcS.d | 11:16 |
QMario | Hello bob2 and Seveas!!! :) | 11:16 |
ompaul | bipolar, he would not be Seveas if he did not know these things :) | 11:16 |
surfdue_ | who are you? | 11:16 |
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Seveas | oh no QMario is back | 11:16 |
=== Seveas runs | ||
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surfdue_ | lol | 11:16 |
Seveas | ; | 11:16 |
Seveas | ;) | 11:16 |
zeke1 | test34: and rc0.d | 11:16 |
test34 | zeke1, I think you can safely delete them | 11:16 |
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zeke1 | test34: all of them | 11:17 |
test34 | zekel yes | 11:17 |
bipolar | thinman, it might already be set up. what does iwconfig tell you? | 11:17 |
thinman | anyone knows any links how to set up wireless card ? | 11:17 |
QMario | Is it a smart idea to have more than one gcc or g++ compilers on your system? | 11:17 |
Seveas | !wifi | 11:17 |
ubotu | wifi is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto | 11:17 |
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Seveas | QMario, it's not a bad idea. It's only smart if you need them though :) | 11:17 |
elad` | # makes the entire line a comment. What makes just a single word? | 11:17 |
QMario | !C++ | 11:17 |
ompaul | QMario, that is like is a string long | 11:18 |
bipolar | QMario, it works fine. I have 3. one one is default though. you set the default with a symlink. | 11:18 |
test34 | zekel, and then try to reboot;) | 11:18 |
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thinman | bipolar: it does not seem like it | 11:18 |
Seveas | !c++ | 11:18 |
QMario | Bipolar, what is a symlink? | 11:18 |
QMario | Where is Ubotu? | 11:18 |
QMario | !Botsnack | 11:18 |
Seveas | in here | 11:18 |
ubotu | thanks qmario :) | 11:18 |
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bipolar | QMario, aka, a soft link. | 11:18 |
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Seveas | we found a bug/misfeature :) | 11:18 |
elad` | Seveas, I'll comment out "domain-name-servers" like you told me to (but how? I don't want to delete it). What was that other thing about prepend? | 11:18 |
QMario | Bipolor, how would I do that? | 11:18 |
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QMario | s/Bipolor/bipolar | 11:19 |
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Seveas | elad`, you need to delete it | 11:19 |
neighborlee | Seveas, oh really?..thats wonderful | 11:19 |
bipolar | QMario, try 'man ln' | 11:19 |
Seveas | and there is an example prepend: line just above it | 11:19 |
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elad` | The "prepend"? | 11:19 |
elad` | What does prepend mean? | 11:19 |
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Seveas | elad`, if you paste your dhclient.conf on the pastebin I can give better hints | 11:19 |
bipolar | QMario, a link is kinda like a windows shortcut, but on steroids | 11:19 |
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ompaul | elad`, in front of a main statement | 11:20 |
esac_ | elad`: pend before instead of pend after :) | 11:20 |
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bipolar | I gotta go guys. later | 11:20 |
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ThePyromaniac_ | hey im back ^^ | 11:20 |
ompaul | esac_, so what is depend? :-) | 11:20 |
ThePyromaniac_ | at least now i know about pastebin :D | 11:21 |
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phpgeek | Seveas you seems to know everything... why do i get failed on "Settings general console font" | 11:21 |
phpgeek | or something like that :D | 11:21 |
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ompaul | phpgeek, for values of $everything | 11:21 |
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Seveas | phpgeek, hoary/breezy? | 11:22 |
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phpgeek | Seveas breezy | 11:22 |
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Seveas | phpgeek, update it complete;y with ubuntu-desktop installed | 11:22 |
Cesarin | esac_: by any chance, what files do I have to get to install the flash plugins? | 11:22 |
Seveas | I had that same error last week | 11:22 |
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Cesarin | the instructions of the bot are a bit confusing | 11:23 |
Seveas | Cesarin, flashplayer-mozilla | 11:23 |
elad` | http://pastebin.com/370388 | 11:23 |
elad` | Seveas, | 11:23 |
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Cesarin | seveas: not for firefox? | 11:23 |
Seveas | Cesarin, that IS for firefox :) | 11:23 |
phpgeek | Seveas okay :) i will do... the ALT+F2 worked... thanks i worked with that the whole day... lol | 11:23 |
Cesarin | seveas: yeah but how I can install it? | 11:23 |
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test34 | when I try to uninstall some programs, it tells me it needs to uninstall ubuntu-desktop too ? will ubuntu stop working right after that ? | 11:23 |
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test34 | (with synaptic) | 11:23 |
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phpgeek | Anyway i dont want desktop :( | 11:24 |
Seveas | Cesarin, apt-get installs it | 11:24 |
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Seveas | elad`, http://pastebin.com/370390 | 11:24 |
Cesarin | so then apt-get flashplayer-mozilla ? | 11:24 |
mizmizou | zzzz | 11:24 |
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jbrouhard | ok | 11:24 |
Seveas | apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla | 11:24 |
mizmizou | slt | 11:24 |
jbrouhard | what's the default root password in ubuntu ? | 11:25 |
Seveas | have multiverse enabled | 11:25 |
Seveas | !tell jbrouhard about root | 11:25 |
Cesarin | k thanks | 11:25 |
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elad` | Seveas, thanks a bunch. Also - I have two DNS servers. What's the syntax for putting them both in there? | 11:25 |
jbrouhard | Thanks | 11:25 |
Cesarin | will do it once I finish updating my breezy | 11:25 |
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Seveas | elad`, i *though* prepend domain-name-servers: server1,server2; | 11:25 |
selinium | HI guys, I have lm-sensors in my init.d is this left over from a ill advised install of xsensors? :) | 11:25 |
selinium | HI Seveas | 11:25 |
TwistedFirestart | so who is upgrading to breezy now then? ^^ | 11:25 |
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Seveas | TwistedFirestart, I upgraded a week ago | 11:26 |
Cesarin | TwistedFirestart, sadly I did ;P | 11:26 |
Seveas | breezy is nice | 11:26 |
TwistedFirestart | good on you guys, i tried a little while back with colony 3 | 11:26 |
TwistedFirestart | would you say its more stable now? | 11:26 |
Seveas | dennis@blackbird $ apt-file search /etc/init.d/lm-sensors | 11:26 |
Seveas | lm-sensors: etc/init.d/lm-sensors | 11:26 |
Cesarin | btw, any tips to enable my mouse whell ? its a micro$oft intellimouse explorer | 11:26 |
Seveas | ^-- selinium | 11:27 |
Seveas | Cesarin, you need to tweek your xorg.conf | 11:27 |
Seveas | the forums have some explanations about it | 11:27 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Seveas] by Seveas | ||
Cesarin | seveas: will try that later thank you | 11:27 |
elad` | thought? | 11:27 |
TwistedFirestart | looks like i need a name change | 11:27 |
selinium | Seveas: yes i know, is this from the xsensors that i uninstalled? I am going to chmod -x it so it doesn't start. BUt i wanted to make sure that it was from xsensors. | 11:28 |
Seveas | it's not | 11:28 |
Seveas | it's from lm-sensors | 11:28 |
=== Falco [n=Falco@82-46-107-127.cable.ubr02.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cesarin | weird | 11:29 |
selinium | Seveas: WHat does lm-sensors do? | 11:29 |
Seveas | it's the backend for xsensors ;) | 11:29 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
Cesarin | "cannot find the package flashplayer-mozilla" | 11:29 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb %ThePyromaniac!*@* %JOSEPH!*@* %giovann!*@* %freeman_08!*@*] by Seveas | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %Maynoth!*@*] by Seveas | ||
selinium | Seveas: Aaaarrrgh! ty :) I will stich it off then! | 11:29 |
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selinium | switch* | 11:30 |
Seveas | you can apt-get purge lm-sensors too :) | 11:30 |
elad` | Seveas, as soon as I finished editing, the bug struck again. | 11:30 |
Seveas | or run debfoster regularly to keep your system clean | 11:30 |
Hoxzer | can I somehow setup any software to total full screen (no bars) in gnome? | 11:30 |
sartek | i cant set the resolution (1024x768) in my ubuntu help me | 11:30 |
Draucon | q time | 11:30 |
=== ThePyromaniac [n=ThePyrom@82-46-107-127.cable.ubr02.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AngryParsley | sartek: did you try going to system -> preferences -> screen resolution? | 11:31 |
sartek | yes | 11:31 |
Seveas | elad`, you need to restart the networking for it to become effective (easiest way: reboot or /etc/init.d/networking restart, you'll lose your net connection) | 11:31 |
boxerboy29 | is there an easy way to get realplayer plug in for mozilla without going to their plugins? | 11:31 |
AngryParsley | and what happened? | 11:31 |
Seveas | !tell sartek about resolution | 11:31 |
Seveas | Hoxzer, you can remove the bars :) | 11:31 |
sartek | but only 800x600 was the highest | 11:31 |
ginoo | YES | 11:31 |
ginoo | I LOVE BREEZY | 11:31 |
Cesarin | seveas: Got an error installing the mozilla thingie | 11:31 |
Cesarin | "cannot find the package flashplayer-mozilla" <--- | 11:31 |
ginoo | my wireless card is autodetected now | 11:31 |
selinium | Seveas, Are you using a different version of apt-get? THere is no purge... | 11:31 |
Hoxzer | Seveas: I cant remove the main bar | 11:31 |
ginoo | I LOVE ALL OF YOU | 11:31 |
Seveas | Cesarin, enable multiverse | 11:31 |
Seveas | !tell Cesarin about sources | 11:32 |
=== ubuntuking [n=sidy@csu-137-148-205-33.csuohio.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== ginoo is happy | ||
AngryParsley | ginoo: heh, I have some random USB wifi card sitting around | 11:32 |
AngryParsley | I think I'll hook it up and see what happens | 11:32 |
elad` | I did the restart thing, and I don't seem to have lost the connection. | 11:32 |
Christophe971 | ubuntuking> don't ask anyhting | 11:32 |
Seveas | selinium, excuse me, it's apt-get remove --purge (or aptitude purge) | 11:32 |
ginoo | AngryParsley: do it! | 11:32 |
Christophe971 | anything* | 11:32 |
Stormx2 | Hey | 11:32 |
Hoxzer | that one what is on bottom as default | 11:32 |
elad` | The DNS tab did get updated though, and this time, it got updated right. Thanks, Seveas | 11:32 |
AngryParsley | ok.... | 11:32 |
Stormx2 | does anyone have any idea of how to set up a creative webcam on ubuntu? | 11:32 |
Seveas | Christophe971, ? | 11:32 |
elad` | Next stop, fixing my refresh rate. | 11:33 |
Stormx2 | !webcam | 11:33 |
ubotu | I heard webcam is Support for webcams with messenger-like programs will be available in the next version of amsn (already in the CVS version) and with gaim-vv, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47841 and GQcam http://cse.unl.edu/~cluening/gqcam/ | 11:33 |
Christophe971 | don't mind ;) | 11:33 |
Cesarin | ok, doing that | 11:33 |
Cesarin | adding the multiniverse | 11:33 |
Seveas | Hoxzer, killall gnome-panel will do it ;) | 11:33 |
AngryParsley | oh my god, it loaded the proper modules | 11:33 |
ubuntuking | hello everyone | 11:33 |
AngryParsley | now I just need to set it up | 11:33 |
Hoxzer | Seveas: cool | 11:33 |
=== fonsken [n=fonsken@d54C32E81.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
elad` | How should I install radeon drivers? Manually, or apt-get them somehow? | 11:33 |
Christophe971 | Seveas> he's the king, i guess he already knows everythin' about ubuntu | 11:33 |
Hoxzer | Seveas: can I somehow remove it totaly? | 11:33 |
AngryParsley | I didn't even know a prism2_usb module existed | 11:33 |
Seveas | !tell elad` about ati | 11:33 |
Hoxzer | or make it not to start when xserver starts | 11:33 |
Seveas | Christophe971, ;) | 11:33 |
Seveas | Hoxzer, it's somewhere in /etc/Xsession.d | 11:34 |
Cesarin | nope seveas.. still cant find it | 11:34 |
boxerboy29 | if i download the realplayer installer from synaptic do i open the download with that? | 11:34 |
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Hoxzer | Seveas: thx just studying ubuntu | 11:34 |
funkyHat | does someone have a server where i can upload a patched opera deb to? my hosting company won't allow .deb downloads, and my internet connection is too slow to host it locally :P | 11:34 |
AngryParsley | haha, ifconfig wlan0 actually shows a device | 11:34 |
elad` | I'm on Hoary, not Warty (I'm on 5.04) | 11:34 |
Seveas | Cesarin, did you do an apt-get update after editing sources.list? | 11:34 |
elad` | oh, sorry | 11:34 |
elad` | scrolling down | 11:34 |
Seveas | funkyHat, what's the patch? | 11:34 |
ThePyromaniac | thats a bummer, with 3rd part repositories, should i leave them pointing to hoary? | 11:34 |
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funkyHat | changed the control file so that it installs on breezy | 11:35 |
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ginoo | AngryParsley: Praise the Lord! | 11:35 |
ThePyromaniac | because if i update the third party ones to breezy they get a 404 | 11:35 |
Cesarin | let me do it | 11:35 |
Cesarin | and seveas: im doing everything under X | 11:35 |
AngryParsley | ginoo: now the problem is my stupidity | 11:35 |
Seveas | funkyHat, opera.deb installed on my breezy system just fine.. :) | 11:35 |
Cesarin | using breezy's synaptic | 11:35 |
AngryParsley | I have no clue how to configure a wireless card | 11:35 |
AngryParsley | I just bought this thing for $4 | 11:35 |
funkyHat | Seveas, 8.5? | 11:35 |
ginoo | AngryParsley: Using ubuntu | 11:35 |
Seveas | Cesarin, in that case hit the reload button in synaptic :) | 11:35 |
ubuntu111 | hello this is moparfan90. im on ubuntu lve CD. if i do a server install and i want fluxbox what else do i need to install? | 11:35 |
AngryParsley | ginoo: no, I never got the thing working in windows either | 11:35 |
ginoo | haha | 11:36 |
ginoo | really | 11:36 |
ompaul | AngryParsley, is it a wavelan bronze? | 11:36 |
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Cesarin | Seveas, DID :P | 11:36 |
Seveas | funkyHat, the one from the round of free licenses from a few weeks ago | 11:36 |
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AngryParsley | ompaul: it's a syntax 400 usb | 11:36 |
AngryParsley | whatever that means | 11:36 |
funkyHat | Seveas, that's not the one i'm talking about :) | 11:36 |
ginoo | now the thing im wondering is | 11:36 |
Seveas | k :) | 11:36 |
AngryParsley | err syntax USB-400 | 11:36 |
ompaul | AngryParsley, emm no idea :) | 11:36 |
ubuntuking | when i try to install opera i get a libqt dependency error | 11:36 |
Seveas | submit a bug to the opera devs so they can fix it ;) | 11:36 |
ginoo | why am i getting 85% signal strength when im in the same room about 10 feet away from the router | 11:36 |
AngryParsley | ompaul: yeah, I just got it for the cost of tax thanks to a rebate | 11:36 |
ubuntu111 | seveas, hello. i want to install ubunut but with fluxbox and not gnome. how would i o this? | 11:37 |
ginoo | WITH an external 6dbi antenna | 11:37 |
Seveas | (mind you: I have a deb of nxclient where I hexedited the program to get rid of a bug ;)) | 11:37 |
selinium | Did you know that ubuntu has a full minutes worth of sleep during boot (on my ststem anyway) grep -r sleep /etc/init.d | 11:37 |
Seveas | ubuntu111, install with 'server' optioin and later install the x-window-system-core and fluxbox packages | 11:37 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Seveas] by Seveas | ||
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AngryParsley | ginoo: the only OS I got this wifi card working in was OSX | 11:38 |
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Seveas | ubuntuking, probably that's the error funkyHat just solved :) | 11:38 |
AngryParsley | I just used it for wardriving last summer | 11:38 |
ubuntu111 | i was doing this with debian and got alot of error with missing packages and undeted mouse will i get those errors with ubunut? | 11:38 |
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funkyHat | yes it is | 11:38 |
Seveas | ubuntu111, It worked fine on a system of mine... | 11:38 |
funkyHat | ubuntuking, i'm looking for somewhere to upload the patched deb | 11:38 |
sylvan | How do I add items to the desktop right-click menu? | 11:39 |
Seveas | funkyHat, how big is it? | 11:39 |
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funkyHat | 4MB | 11:39 |
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ubuntu111 | and all you instled was x-windows-server and fluxbox? thats all no other packages? | 11:39 |
malverian[work] | Are there any mirrors for ubuntuguide.org ? | 11:39 |
Seveas | funkyHat, I can put it on my repo | 11:39 |
funkyHat | ok | 11:39 |
=== harlekin [n=harlekin@p508E5ED9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
funkyHat | dcc send? | 11:39 |
Seveas | won't work | 11:39 |
Seveas | hang on a sec | 11:39 |
funkyHat | ok | 11:39 |
harlekin | hallo | 11:39 |
Cesarin | seveas: still cant find it *sobs* | 11:39 |
ompaul | !tell malverian[work] about faq | 11:40 |
cristian | quein me puede alludar a instalar el msn en mi ubuntu | 11:40 |
ubuntu111 | seveas, and all you instled was x-windows-server and fluxbox? thats all no other packages? | 11:40 |
Cesarin | did a search on synaptic too, and it doesnt show anything like "flashplayer" or similars | 11:40 |
harlekin | do anybody know when the new release of ubuntu is out | 11:40 |
ubuntuking | who solved the error and how | 11:40 |
SUICIDE_ | How are u? | 11:40 |
selinium | harlekin, 13th Oct | 11:40 |
ThePyromaniac | wow, an extra 442MB's for breezy! | 11:41 |
ubuntu111 | seveas, nevermind ill just use gnome then install flux box it easier | 11:41 |
sylvan | I may be stupid but I've looked around in every little text file I could find in all the (what I thought) relevant folders (.gconf, .gnome2 etc.) but I just can't find out where the items for the desktop right-click menu reside. Anyone know? | 11:41 |
ThePyromaniac | is there any tool to remove unused packages? or would that be impossible as nobody can know what is or is not being used? | 11:41 |
boxerboy29 | harlekin: october 13th | 11:41 |
Seveas | ubuntu111, it's easier indeed ;) | 11:41 |
harlekin | ok | 11:41 |
harlekin | thx | 11:41 |
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Seveas | ThePyromaniac, debfoster! | 11:42 |
harlekin | have anyone tested the preview | 11:42 |
Seveas | harlekin, breezy already rocks | 11:42 |
ubuntu111 | whats on breezze thats different from hoary? | 11:42 |
ThePyromaniac | brilliant, thanks again man | 11:42 |
=== frads [n=frads@cable-62-205-92-38.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frads | bonsoir | 11:42 |
zeke1 | whatis the default root password for ubuntu after installation | 11:42 |
Seveas | ubuntu111, quite a bit, most notably for end-users is gnome 2.12 | 11:42 |
Seveas | !tell zeke1 about root | 11:42 |
ubuntu111 | you set one | 11:42 |
ompaul | zeke1, there is none | 11:42 |
ubuntu111 | oo | 11:42 |
ubuntu111 | ok | 11:42 |
Stormx2 | Hey | 11:42 |
Seveas | ubuntu111, no, the ubuntu installer does not set one ;) | 11:43 |
ompaul | !tell zeke1 about root | 11:43 |
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ubuntu111 | can i fit it on a 700mb CD?? | 11:43 |
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zeke1 | ompaul: thats weird cause when i enter nothing i still cant log in | 11:43 |
Stormx2 | does anyone know how to get a creative webcam as a video4linux device? :( | 11:43 |
ompaul | !tell ubuntu111 about root | 11:43 |
frads | is there any channel in french for ubuntu on this server? | 11:43 |
Seveas | the ubuntu iso fits even on a 650mb cd | 11:43 |
harlekin | are you shure | 11:43 |
=== elad_ [n=elad@IGLD-80-230-97-197.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | #ubuntu-fr | 11:43 |
=== Cesarin grunmbles ad its impossible for him to find the Flash thing | ||
frads | thanks | 11:43 |
ubuntuking | seveas what about that patched opera | 11:43 |
sylvan | nobody knows? | 11:43 |
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harlekin | shuld i download it | 11:43 |
harlekin | ? | 11:43 |
Seveas | ubuntuking, funkyHat and I are working on it | 11:43 |
ubuntu111 | when you install ubuntu dont you pick a root password? | 11:43 |
harlekin | hm | 11:44 |
ompaul | zeke1, you set a username and password, you log in as that user then you use sudo as shown on the page that ubotu explains | 11:44 |
Seveas | ubuntu111, no | 11:44 |
Seveas | all sudo :) | 11:44 |
ubuntuking | k | 11:44 |
ubuntu111 | really wehn i installed i did i think | 11:44 |
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ubuntu111 | it was the same pw as my login | 11:44 |
ompaul | ubuntu111, read the page ubotu sent you | 11:44 |
ubuntu111 | oo | 11:44 |
Stormx2 | couldn't have >.< | 11:44 |
=== othernoob [n=othernoo@p54A2E8AA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zeke1 | ompaul: ok cause my x server wont start and im stuck in just normal terminal login | 11:44 |
elad_ | Seveas, "The resolution has changed now that I've logged in again after installing the driver, but now, when I try to change the resolution back, I get "Error: The X server does not support the XRandR extension. Runtime resolution changes to the display size are not available." | 11:44 |
Cesarin | I think ill ask later, since seveas is getting flooded by help reqwuests :P | 11:44 |
ompaul | zeke1, ahh | 11:44 |
Stormx2 | Creative webcam in V4L? Anyone? | 11:44 |
harlekin | cu | 11:45 |
ubuntu111 | you cant enable root? | 11:45 |
ompaul | zeke1, u using breezy? | 11:45 |
Air2k | Hi. what is the best way to install the package w32codecs? the repository ubuntu-backports doesn't contain that package anymore. | 11:45 |
ompaul | ubuntu111, you don't need to so you don't want to | 11:45 |
elad_ | Seveas, have I done something wrong, or is it a known bug, or... what? | 11:45 |
Stormx2 | :-( | 11:45 |
othernoob | could a firmware update of a dvd burner done in windows cause speed problems in linux? | 11:45 |
zeke1 | ompaul: and i get an error saying "Fatal error" no screens found...how would i fix that | 11:45 |
selinium | Has any one here tried InitNG for quicker boots? http://initng.thinktux.net | 11:45 |
Seveas | elad_, hrm, I'm no X expert sorry, but afaik you did nothing wrong and are simply missing something | 11:45 |
Cesarin | !mouse | 11:45 |
ubotu | Cesarin: Do they come in packets of five? | 11:45 |
zeke1 | amp: breezy??? | 11:45 |
Seveas | ubuntu111, sure you can, but it's not needed :) | 11:46 |
elad_ | Missing something? | 11:46 |
zeke1 | ompaul: breezy? | 11:46 |
Cesarin | elad_, yeah, instructions of how to modify the xoom.conf file :P | 11:46 |
ubuntu111 | im not new to linux i kinda know my way around ubuntu i just alway though you can become root.lol | 11:46 |
=== Milk_ [n=amshake@12-221-205-99.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | selinium, that's an ongoing discussion, basically the current version of initng is on crack and has some serious faws | 11:46 |
Seveas | flaws* | 11:46 |
Milk_ | howdy.. can someone help me get twinview setup? | 11:46 |
ompaul | zeke1, I will get you the info you need please wait a moment | 11:46 |
Seveas | ubuntu111, 'sudo -i' and you're root | 11:46 |
ubuntu111 | im moparfan90 im runnning on ubuntu live CD | 11:46 |
Seveas | root just has no password | 11:46 |
elad_ | xoom.conf? | 11:47 |
ubuntu111 | ooo | 11:47 |
Seveas | ubuntu111, ah :) | 11:47 |
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elad_ | This resolution is killing me. | 11:47 |
ThePyromaniac | darn, when compiling my lame C++ it says iostream not found. I know this is a very important library to have! | 11:47 |
ThePyromaniac | why is this happening? | 11:47 |
ubuntu111 | everyone here should remember me from all my stupit questions ;0 | 11:47 |
Cesarin | elad_ forget it, it seems you dont know too :P | 11:47 |
ubuntu111 | ;) | 11:47 |
Stormx2 | Creative webcam as a V4L device... does anyone know how?! | 11:47 |
Seveas | ThePyromaniac, put your code on the bin | 11:47 |
test34 | zeke1, did it work | 11:47 |
selinium | Seveas: Cheers, Is there any shavings i can make from the sleeps in init.d ? THere is a minutes worth on my machine. | 11:48 |
elad_ | Ech. What do I do about it now? | 11:48 |
ubuntu111 | ok going to install ubuntu | 11:48 |
zeke1 | i get an Fatal error" no scrteens found when x tries to load....how do i fix this | 11:48 |
ubuntu111 | bbl | 11:48 |
Seveas | selinium, if there are sleeps in init.d they have a reason :) | 11:48 |
zeke1 | i get an Fatal error" no scrteens found when x tries to load....how do i fix this | 11:48 |
Seveas | zeke1, fix your xorg.xonf :) | 11:48 |
boxerboy29 | ok heres what i got i downloaded realplayer10gold.bin now how do i instll it? | 11:48 |
Seveas | conf* | 11:48 |
zeke1 | screens* | 11:48 |
Seveas | !real | 11:48 |
Stormx2 | :-( Thanks for the no-help. I'm off to bed. Catcha later. | 11:48 |
ubotu | Seveas: I give up, what is it? | 11:48 |
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Cesarin | xorg.conf :P | 11:48 |
zeke1 | Seveas: what would i need to change? | 11:48 |
Seveas | boxerboy29, wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 11:48 |
Milk_ | does anyone have experiance with twinview and dual head geforce cards? | 11:48 |
selinium | Seveas: keymap.sh sleeps for ten seconds! | 11:49 |
Seveas | zeke1, dunno, depends on what's missing :) | 11:49 |
test34 | zeke1, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 11:49 |
Seveas | selinium, only if it finds errors :) | 11:49 |
kandinski | I am the guy that was installing ubuntu on a 550 mhz celeron with 64MB RAM. Useless. What happens if I decide to upgrade to 192 MB? Is that a good use of 30 euros? | 11:49 |
ThePyromaniac | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2419 | 11:49 |
zeke1 | test34: thanx again man | 11:49 |
kandinski | this is an Acer 210T laptop | 11:49 |
ompaul | zeke1, wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/u/udev/udev_0.060-1ubuntu12_i386.deb ; sudo dpkg -i udev_0.060-1ubuntu12_i386.deb ;sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart ;sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart :: only if someone in the channel agrees with me :) | 11:50 |
test34 | zeke1, your welcome | 11:50 |
ThePyromaniac | seveas it is just an example i grabbed from a site showing me the command method of compiling | 11:50 |
Seveas | ThePyromaniac, do you have libstdc++6-dev installed? | 11:50 |
=== harlekin [n=harlekin@p508E5ED9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
selinium | Seveas: Glad your about! I could tweak my machine to death in your absence! :D | 11:50 |
=== msfrank [n=msfrank@65-102-43-231.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | hehe | 11:51 |
=== Linner [n=Linner@pool-71-108-165-168.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ThePyromaniac | seveas i would like to check, but i have breezy downloading ^^ thanks for the suggestion and will try later. you have saved me about 60 times tonight | 11:51 |
Seveas | well, tweak all you want, I'm going to hibernate :) | 11:51 |
harlekin | hallo again | 11:51 |
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funkyHat | Seveas, how will people be able to access the opera deb from your repo? | 11:51 |
funkyHat | so i can tell ubotu | 11:52 |
harlekin | are there many difrences between ubuntu 5.04 | 11:52 |
harlekin | and 5.10 | 11:52 |
=== [LethAL] [i=absar@host86-134-68-123.range86-134.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | funkyHat, deb http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ ubuntu-seveas breezy-extras | 11:52 |
harlekin | ? | 11:52 |
Seveas | harlekin, of course | 11:52 |
[LethAL] | funkyHat, I'm on that bad bad OS :( | 11:52 |
funkyHat | thanks :) | 11:52 |
Seveas | harlekin, wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyGoals - www.gnome.org/~davyd/gnome-2-12 | 11:52 |
=== funkyHat pokes [LethAL] with a gate | ||
harlekin | in the new gnome which engine do they chose | 11:53 |
harlekin | ? | 11:53 |
harlekin | gtk | 11:53 |
Seveas | harlekin, gtk2.8 | 11:53 |
gt500k | Does anybody know of any 3D modeling programs for Ubuntu?? | 11:53 |
Linner | hey ya'll | 11:53 |
harlekin | oh | 11:53 |
harlekin | nice | 11:53 |
[LethAL] | funkyHat I forgot my wireless drivers and wiped most of my HDD... | 11:53 |
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ThePyromaniac | gt500k hang on i saw one in my mag | 11:53 |
elDuart1 | gt500k blender | 11:53 |
Linner | i'm curious... does anyone have a new laptop with integrated wlan using breezy? | 11:53 |
gt500k | ThePyromaniac: ok | 11:53 |
selinium | OK then, How about prelinking? anyone tried that? http://crast.us/james/articles/prelink.php | 11:53 |
thinman | does anyone get successed config wrt54g notebook with ubuntu ? | 11:53 |
shawarma | Linner: Yes. | 11:53 |
ThePyromaniac | gt500k VariCAD 2005 looks good :D | 11:53 |
Seveas | Linner, yes | 11:53 |
Linner | shawarma: what do you have? | 11:54 |
gt500k | ThePyromaniac cool, is that all by chance | 11:54 |
ThePyromaniac | gt500k oh, $300 nevermind | 11:54 |
=== karen is now known as Carlk | ||
gt500k | ThePyromaniac lol | 11:54 |
shawarma | Linner: Intel Pro Wireless 2200 or something. | 11:54 |
ThePyromaniac | ^^ | 11:54 |
gt500k | ThePyromaniac never mind | 11:54 |
Linner | Seveas: I saw you earlier. What kind of setup are you using? | 11:54 |
Carlk | /msg NickServ IDENTIFY goat | 11:54 |
=== poningru [n=poningru@n128-227-50-88.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | Linner, HP/Compaq nc6000 | 11:54 |
selinium | Carlk, Ooops! | 11:54 |
Carlk | aw dam.. there goes miy nic | 11:54 |
Seveas | Carlk, you might want to change that password... | 11:54 |
Linner | shawarma: ok... I'm using a broadcom 802.11b/g | 11:54 |
harlekin | is there a difference between 5.10 preview and the final release | 11:54 |
selinium | lol I think your safe here! | 11:54 |
Seveas | /msg nickserv set password new_pass | 11:54 |
=== Octane2 [n=dan@dsl092-100-149.nyc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gt500k | ThePyromaniac Any more? | 11:54 |
Linner | Seveas: ok so we're close I have a V2000Z | 11:54 |
shawarma | Linner: Yeah, you're probably going to need ndiswrappers for that one. | 11:54 |
harlekin | because i download the prev. now | 11:54 |
Seveas | Broadcom is evil | 11:55 |
Linner | shawarma: oh okay.. so it can be had | 11:55 |
Octane2 | hi all, quick question, every time i do "aptitude dist-upgrade" it tries to install Kopete (which I dont know since i get from svn). How do you stop this? | 11:55 |
thinman | any tips for setting up wireless card please ? | 11:55 |
Linner | Seveas: That 's what I've heard | 11:55 |
Carlk | good idea: Your password has been changed to [new_pass] ;) | 11:55 |
Linner | ok here's my main problem | 11:55 |
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Seveas | you will need ndiswrapper (and a good bit of luck) | 11:55 |
shawarma | Linner: Yes. I've done that very nic before with ndiswrapper. It's a bcm4306, right? | 11:55 |
h08817 | thinman: what kind is it | 11:55 |
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poningru | install fest | 11:55 |
thinman | wrt54g wireless card | 11:55 |
Linner | shawarma: i'm not sure... i think so... i wiped windows and I don't have a way to find out | 11:55 |
harlekin | is there a difference between 5.10 preview and the final release | 11:55 |
poningru | w00t | 11:55 |
harlekin | ? | 11:56 |
Linner | but here's something I need some help immediately with... | 11:56 |
Linner | just installed breezy | 11:56 |
Linner | and when I go to log in i get this: | 11:56 |
h08817 | !wireless | 11:56 |
ubotu | wireless is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards | 11:56 |
Carlk | ok, so I am on this breezy box... cuz it was handy when I needed a box. I just did an apt-get upgrade, and now /dev/input is gone, so X wont start till I ln /dev/,static/dev/input | 11:56 |
Linner | failed to start the x server (your graphical interface) it is likely that it is not set up correctly. | 11:56 |
copland | any ops floating around that are alive? | 11:56 |
shawarma | Linner: It probably is. It's quite easy to make it work. Check out the ndiswrapper page for more info. | 11:56 |
Linner | so I hit yes to diagnose the problem... | 11:56 |
h08817 | thinman: go there | 11:56 |
shawarma | Linner: When did you install? | 11:56 |
Linner | and then i don't see an error | 11:56 |
=== darko__ [n=dsf@ti211310a081-3829.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Linner | shawarma: just now | 11:57 |
=== priscilla [n=priscill@pc-95-136-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Carlk | which goes away when I reboot. anyone know how to fix my mesS? | 11:57 |
gt500k | What's the command to look in a file, using the terminal? | 11:57 |
Linner | just a bunch of config stuff | 11:57 |
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Linner | HELP! :) | 11:57 |
thinman | okes thanks all | 11:57 |
h08817 | thinman: and see what u find | 11:57 |
priscilla | hi to all1 | 11:57 |
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Carlk | help indeed. | 11:57 |
=== dtamas [n=dtamas@IP-115.c-211.TvNetWork.Hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shawarma | Linner: Ok. Earlier today there were some serious issues, but you really mean just now, then that's not it. | 11:57 |
Linner | shawarma: nah, i burned the iso a few days ago | 11:57 |
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Linner | and just literally installed it on my laptop | 11:58 |
ThePyromaniac | gtk500k Qcad, cycas, octree | 11:58 |
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shawarma | Carlk: Can you run apt-get update/upgrade from a prompt? | 11:58 |
Linner | so now i've got x server is now disabled | 11:58 |
Seveas | ok, who needed opera on breezy? | 11:58 |
copland | My friends current ip has been apparently banned from #ubuntu and he has never been in here, is there some way we could fix that | 11:58 |
Linner | restart gdm when it is configured correctly | 11:58 |
Linner | now I"m back to terminal | 11:58 |
funkyHat | [LethAL] , how on earth do you manage it? | 11:58 |
Linner | what can i do to fix this? | 11:58 |
Seveas | copland, what's his nick? | 11:58 |
=== matthew_w [n=matthew@hlfxns01bbf-142068221016.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | Linner, breezy? | 11:59 |
Linner | Seveas: yeah | 11:59 |
Linner | 5.10 | 11:59 |
priscilla | i've got a question. can I boot a window$ on a logical partition? | 11:59 |
thinman | Ubuntu does not support for wireless-G notebook adapter 2.4 GHZ :) | 11:59 |
shawarma | Linner: Check in /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 11:59 |
othernoob | could a firmware update of a dvd burner done in windows cause speed problems in linux? | 11:59 |
Linner | ok | 11:59 |
Seveas | Linner, run an apt-get upgrade, only the very last udev is correct | 11:59 |
h08817 | thinman: then does breezy? | 11:59 |
priscilla | I've got grub | 11:59 |
=== dell500 [n=dell500@12-216-244-28.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | the update was today around 15:00 UTC | 11:59 |
shawarma | Seveas: He JUSt installed it, so that's not it.. | 11:59 |
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