spiral | is amaroK maintener connected here ? | 12:08 |
=== uc50_ic4more [n=robert@d36-69-80.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Riddell | spiral: me or \sh | 12:21 |
spiral | Riddell: so for information, 1.3.2 is out, & I didn't manage to backport it using 1.3.1 sources... | 12:22 |
spiral | this might be "funny" :-/ | 12:22 |
=== dave_ is now known as Glin|Jol | ||
Riddell | spiral: yeah, I just noticed the 1.3.2 | 12:22 |
Riddell | I'll take a look at packaging that and we can test it and see if mdz allows it into main | 12:23 |
spiral | Riddell: 1.3.1 was packaged just a few days ago :-/ | 12:23 |
spiral | Riddell: good luck :-) | 12:23 |
=== Luen [n=luen@81-203-36-205.user.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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spiral | 'bye everybody | 12:33 |
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chx | welcome back world | 12:36 |
chx | 30 minutes to reinstall OS | 12:37 |
chx | and seems almost all my stuff works | 12:37 |
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chx | no lynx by default? | 12:40 |
chx | LOL the US mirror is faster than the HU mirror | 12:41 |
chx | hilarious | 12:41 |
chx | YES! opera up and running. | 12:43 |
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duce | I have got a problem in installing kubuntu - anyone here? | 01:16 |
=== troy [n=troy@wnpgmb01dc2-28-41.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nalioth | duce: whats that? | 01:22 |
duce | My problem? | 01:22 |
duce | X starts and then nothing else is happening... | 01:23 |
duce | I get this black/white screen with curser (which I can move) and nothing else | 01:23 |
=== Phily2 [n=Phily@ip062.195-51-69.sogetel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Phily | Does this work | 01:25 |
duce | no | 01:25 |
duce | nothing else happens | 01:25 |
duce | KDE is not starting | 01:25 |
duce | and I can't "quit" X with Clrt+Alt+<-- | 01:26 |
duce | ctrl | 01:26 |
=== brouche [n=bc@cpe-24-90-94-112.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
duce | nalioth? | 01:27 |
godzero | give him a second, most people here do like 5 things at once | 01:28 |
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godzero | can you ctrl-alt-f1? | 01:30 |
nalioth | duce: have you tried another console? | 01:30 |
godzero | nalioth: are you part of the del/maint team, or one of us users? | 01:34 |
godzero | dev/maint | 01:34 |
nalioth | godzero: maintenance? | 01:35 |
godzero | package maintainer, or whatever the masters of the universe et.all. are | 01:36 |
=== Chambers- [n=Thom@pcp02906040pcs.roylok01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
duce | nalioth, yes. Can't change the console after starting the Server...seems the System "hangs" on this point :( | 01:40 |
duce | huray - works. Have to install the nvidia driver | 01:41 |
nalioth | duce: did you find a solution? | 01:42 |
nalioth | godzero: i'm not on the dev/maint team, no | 01:42 |
musashi | hi everyone | 01:43 |
duce | nalioth, yes - no 'nv' -> 'nvidia' - I have to install the nvidia driver | 01:43 |
nalioth | duce: let us know, if it doesnt, i have another suggestion | 01:43 |
=== chavo [n=chavo@141.sub-70-196-199.myvzw.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
duce | nalioth, works fine for me with the nvidia driver. Don't know why not with nv - with Gentoo it works also with nv | 01:44 |
nalioth | duce: nvidia hardware is a sore spot for lots of folks | 01:45 |
musashi | can anyone tell me whats the terminal command line to install a deb file? | 01:45 |
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nalioth | musashi: what deb is it? can you get it from the repos? | 01:46 |
musashi | nalioth: its cedega, and no | 01:46 |
=== chavo [n=chavo@141.sub-70-196-199.myvzw.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nalioth | musashi: "sudo dpkg -i filename.deb" | 01:46 |
musashi | thanks | 01:46 |
=== lotusleaf [n=lotuslea@unaffiliated/lotusleaf] has joined #kubuntu | ||
duce | nalioth, I am sorry - I am not very well in speaking nore writing english sore spot means "people don't touch this"? | 01:49 |
=== sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nalioth | duce: "sore spot" means that it causes one pain to touch, in other words, it is a pain in the rear | 01:50 |
=== Maneit [n=magnus@bl068a.studby.ntnu.no] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Maneit | What's the name of the currently unstable kubuntu version? | 01:50 |
=== Bicchi [n=AB@adsl-065-006-167-199.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jsubl2 | breezy | 01:51 |
=== GeeZ` [i=joeblow@cpe-66-24-49-82.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nalioth | duce: "sore spot" is maybe Schmerz in den Hinterteilen | 01:51 |
Maneit | Okay. And how would one go about to upgrade from Hoary og Breezy? | 01:52 |
Maneit | to* | 01:52 |
Maneit | Same as in debian? Just change the sources.lst? | 01:52 |
duce | I would use other Hardware - but I don't think ATI ist "better"... | 01:52 |
jsubl2 | yes | 01:52 |
Maneit | jsubl2: Just the names s/hoary/breezy/? | 01:52 |
jsubl2 | Maneit: yes but if you have backports enabled.. comment that out | 01:53 |
Maneit | jsubl2: in the sources.lst? | 01:53 |
jsubl2 | yeah | 01:53 |
jsubl2 | i forget the exact syntax.. backports or back-ports not sure | 01:54 |
Maneit | jsubl2: thanks :) | 01:54 |
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jsubl2 | kde side of breezy is very stable for me. ymmv | 01:54 |
chx | I loaded a directory of various files into noatun and the playlist went berserk: checks files in an infinite loop | 01:54 |
chx | any ideas? | 01:54 |
Maneit | jsubl2: 3.5 or 3.4? | 01:54 |
jsubl2 | 3.4.2 | 01:55 |
GeeZ` | anyone try installing the latest firefox 1.0.7, i get error of "./firefox-installer-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 01:55 |
GeeZ` | " | 01:55 |
jsubl2 | 3.5 is only beta1 | 01:55 |
Maneit | right :) | 01:55 |
Maneit | isn't it alpha1? | 01:55 |
lotusleaf | ff107 works for me | 01:55 |
jsubl2 | chx.. if there are any mp3 in there you will have to get that piece | 01:55 |
GeeZ` | well pooh | 01:55 |
GeeZ` | i get that error everytime | 01:55 |
chx | jsubl2: which piece..? i do not understand | 01:56 |
jsubl2 | chx i am looking for it | 01:56 |
GeeZ` | seeing how i have libstdc++.so.6 | 01:56 |
Maneit | and; is there a linux-image for kubuntu recommended for laptops? | 01:56 |
jsubl2 | chx https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats?action=show&redirect=mp3 | 01:56 |
jsubl2 | akode-mpeg - Play MP3s in Kubuntu | 01:57 |
jsubl2 | it is in the wiki link | 01:57 |
jsubl2 | Chx you will probably need the gstreamer stuff listed on that page also.. I am not sure if amarok uses the gstreamer or not.. but it can | 01:58 |
jsubl2 | chx: depends on how you have your preferences set | 01:59 |
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chx | I need libXm.so.3 . where to find that?? tried googling. tried faq. no cigar. | 02:17 |
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nalioth | chx: whatever in the world are you compiling? | 02:20 |
chx | nalioth: nah compiling running opera | 02:21 |
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nalioth | chx: opera the browser? | 02:22 |
chx | yes | 02:23 |
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nalioth | chx: there's source code for it? | 02:30 |
chx | nalioth: no | 02:30 |
chx | /usr/lib/opera/plugins/operamotifwrapper-3: error while loading shared libraries: libXm.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 02:31 |
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nalioth | chx: search apt for libXm | 02:33 |
chx | nalioth: it should be in libmotif3 just I do not find any deb with that name | 02:34 |
chx | probably I installed the wrong opera version | 02:34 |
jsubl2 | chx try the one with static libs or qt or somesuch | 02:35 |
=== godzero [n=godzero@c-24-118-30-116.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chx | something is not right. not even mplayer is available. | 02:36 |
chx | I enabled universe in adept | 02:36 |
jsubl2 | did you get the win32codecs | 02:36 |
nalioth | adept <HISSSSSSSS> | 02:36 |
jsubl2 | apt-cache search mozilla-mplayer usually works for me | 02:36 |
chx | nalioth: what's up? | 02:36 |
nalioth | adept has been rippin the guts out of folks' machines | 02:37 |
jsubl2 | why is the topic pushing adept.. i read what the software was about and did not think i needed it | 02:37 |
godzero | Wow, massive storm just rolled in... thought the power spike killed my computer.. took a few tries to get her back up | 02:37 |
jsubl2 | godzero: what part of the world you in | 02:38 |
godzero | minnesota... tornado country | 02:39 |
jsubl2 | well i am in texas.. our turn is coming this weekend. not on the coast tho | 02:39 |
nalioth | godzero: rita is coming to see me | 02:39 |
jsubl2 | nalioth: you in texas as well | 02:39 |
nalioth | houston | 02:39 |
godzero | I was looking at that a few minutes ago... when do you think it will hit? | 02:39 |
jsubl2 | ouch... you vacating | 02:40 |
jsubl2 | fri night sat am | 02:40 |
godzero | that's good way to mess up you friday night buzz | 02:40 |
chx | whom should I bother with adept notes? | 02:40 |
jsubl2 | no idea | 02:41 |
godzero | I noticed adept is on my computer... avoiding it like the plague | 02:42 |
chx | godzero: what's so wrong with the poor thing? | 02:44 |
chx | is there a way to list installed packages in the chronological order of their installation? | 02:44 |
godzero | It simply refused to turn back on | 02:46 |
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godzero | chx: you meen adept? | 02:47 |
chx | yes | 02:47 |
godzero | just the bits of buzz I hear about it makes me want to wait - | 02:48 |
godzero | and I'm on breezy... kinda an oximoron... I know | 02:49 |
godzero | kded is having a feild day with my cpu cycles since I powered it back up... wonder just wft that spike did | 02:51 |
=== philyco [n=sophie@ip062.195-51-69.sogetel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
philyco | so close to what | 02:52 |
Maneit | After upgrading from hoary to breezy, X.org won't start, I was using the ATI-drivers in hoary, how can I update them to work with breezy? | 02:53 |
=== philyco learning bitchX | ||
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godzero | mnaeit: the fglrx drivers gave me a hard time, but the stock ati ones worked | 02:57 |
godzero | is xorg.conf using ati or fglrx? | 02:57 |
Maneit | fglrx | 02:57 |
godzero | black screen? | 02:57 |
Maneit | X just dies | 02:58 |
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godzero | is your xorg, xorg-fglrx and linux-restricted-modules up to date? | 02:59 |
Maneit | Dunno, acctually helping a friend, and he rebooted | 02:59 |
godzero | the reason I ask, is the ones from a couple days ago simply didn't work | 03:00 |
nalioth | godzero: bug hunting season sucks | 03:00 |
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godzero | change oxrg.conf to use ati, that'll get 2d working.. then re-install xorg, xorg-fglrx, and resticted modules | 03:01 |
Maneit | why can't he just reinstall the stuff from console? :> | 03:02 |
godzero | packages: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-8-386, xorg-driver-fglrx, xserver-xorg | 03:05 |
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regeya | wheeee! | 03:07 |
jsubl2 | nalioth you vacating the houston area | 03:08 |
regeya | oh honey houston, houston means I'm one day closer to yooooooou.... | 03:08 |
regeya | okeydoke, where are the kipi plugins :P | 03:09 |
nalioth | jsubl2: why? | 03:09 |
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jsubl2 | they said on the news they were evacuating galveston and parts of houston.. just curiousx | 03:10 |
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bjv | Question. getting kubuntu out of the box.. 2 apps cant use my sound card at the same time? | 03:10 |
regeya | hm, why would galveston be antsy about a big hurricane... | 03:11 |
jsubl2 | seems odd they would only evacuating part of a town | 03:11 |
bjv | surely kubuntu comes with the right mixers or whatever to do this? | 03:11 |
regeya | well, calling houston a 'town'... | 03:11 |
nalioth | jsubl2: somce of the southern counties are having mandatory evacuation | 03:11 |
bjv | what output plugin/setting should i be using to get 2 applications to share my sound subsystem? | 03:12 |
nalioth | bjv: hoary or breezy? | 03:12 |
=== dave_ [i=bobo@cpe-66-108-244-133.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bjv | hoary with a lot of apt-get dist-upgrading. | 03:12 |
bjv | the disk was 5.04 though. | 03:12 |
jsubl2 | sound has always worked out of the box for me. | 03:13 |
bjv | with 2 applications? | 03:14 |
jsubl2 | not sure about that.. i normally just care about 1 | 03:14 |
bjv | yeah, i have a situation where i would like 3 | 03:14 |
jsubl2 | all kde apps | 03:15 |
bjv | no, xmms/wine/teamspeak | 03:16 |
bjv | even running xmms by itself supresses KDE and it's system noises, though. | 03:17 |
mustafu | XMMS and KDE play nice in my experience, at least | 03:17 |
bjv | ah ha! | 03:18 |
bjv | the arts pluggin i apt-got is working. | 03:18 |
bjv | alright, i guess ive got this licked. | 03:18 |
bjv | strange though. | 03:18 |
godzero | If you have a good soundcard, you wont have those probs, but like bjv.. I also only get audio from 1 program at a time | 03:20 |
bjv | ive just AC97 from my motherboard. | 03:20 |
godzero | yep | 03:20 |
=== Phily [n=phil@ip062.195-51-69.Sogetel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bjv | well, with aRts i can play 2 mp3s from 2 concurrent xmms | 03:21 |
godzero | I was hopefull thier standardizing on gstreamer would fix that.... | 03:21 |
bjv | eh, now i just need to figgure out how to get wine to use aRts :\ | 03:22 |
Phily | bjv: try artdsp wine | 03:24 |
Maneit | After upgrading from hoary to breezy X dies with the message: could not open default font "fixed"" <- how can I fix that? | 03:25 |
godzero | will artdsp wrap anything? | 03:26 |
regeya | sorry, didn't notace the [global] part | 03:27 |
bjv | it's actually the cvs build of transgamings pos software. | 03:27 |
regeya | also didn't notice what channel. double 'doh | 03:28 |
bjv | im reading their faqs on aRts now.. | 03:28 |
regeya | there should be an arts driver for wine...oh, transgaming. dunno, then. | 03:28 |
chx | how could I tell apt that libqt3c102-mt is now libqt3-mt ? | 03:29 |
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bjv | yeah, i gave 'artsdsp cvscedega unrealtournament.exe' a shot, but no dice. :( | 03:29 |
pc22 | whats the ---->> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently?? | 03:29 |
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jsubl2 | pc22: i believe that would be the ip of the computer you would like to mount the share from | 03:31 |
regeya | confirmed: with mainstream wine, there is an aRts sound module. don't know about transgaming still. | 03:31 |
=== regeya has arts disabled, personally | ||
pc22 | jsubl2, but im on dhcp. isnt ipadd changing in dhcp? | 03:31 |
godzero | is your router | 03:31 |
pc22 | ok | 03:32 |
pc22 | thanks will try | 03:32 |
jsubl2 | godzero: did you read the doc he posted | 03:32 |
jsubl2 | Network computer's IP: | 03:32 |
pc22 | jsubl2, isnt ip dynamic on dhcp? | 03:33 |
godzero | I don't think they should have used as an example, 192.168.0.x would have been less confusing | 03:34 |
jsubl2 | pc22: at work with properly configured about everything probably.. home on a small dhcp/router probably not | 03:34 |
jsubl2 | if you can ping the target computer by name... just use that otherwise... use the ip or put it in your /etc/hosts file | 03:35 |
=== Bicchi [n=AB@adsl-065-006-167-199.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
godzero | pc22: if the computer you're trying to share is windows, the ip addr can be found with the command ipconfig (inwindows box) | 03:36 |
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=== ToyMan2 [n=stuq@user-12lcqia.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pc22 | ok now | 03:38 |
Riddell | http://kubuntu.org/~jr/amarok/ amarok 1.3.2 testers wanted | 03:38 |
pc22 | now the problem is it wont allow me to login | 03:38 |
jsubl2 | cool.. Riddell you have one | 03:38 |
pc22 | im on windows accessing ubuntu. it wont allow me to access | 03:39 |
nalioth | Riddell: there are no ppc builds there | 03:39 |
jsubl2 | fast site | 03:39 |
Riddell | nalioth: I don't have a ppc | 03:39 |
pc22 | godzero, what i want to share is ubuntupc | 03:40 |
pc22 | godzero, what i want to share is ubuntupc , im on windows accessing ubuntu. it wont allow me to access | 03:40 |
pc22 | asking me a password. ive used the password but still no access\ | 03:41 |
jsubl2 | Riddell: is that for hoary or breezy | 03:41 |
Riddell | jsubl2: breezy | 03:41 |
jsubl2 | cool | 03:41 |
=== Riddell beds | ||
nalioth | Riddell: will the diff and the dsc work for me? | 03:42 |
Riddell | nalioth: yes, you can build it yourself | 03:42 |
nalioth | just gotta scrounge up the source code | 03:43 |
Riddell | same URL | 03:43 |
godzero | pc22: you have to configure who can access via samba | 03:43 |
pc22 | where is that? and how? | 03:44 |
jsubl2 | Riddell: i get a depends error -- amarok depends on kdelibs4c2 (>= 4:3.4.91); however: Version of kdelibs4c2 on system is 4:3.4.2-0ubuntu4. | 03:45 |
nalioth | jsubl2: use a hammer | 03:46 |
nalioth | jsubl2: heh heh | 03:46 |
=== sproingie [i=foobar@64-121-2-59.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jsubl2 | i used a hammer but did not have an engine for sound.. so i apt-get -f install and fixed it | 03:48 |
godzero | pc22: kdesu kcontrol... look for file sharing... bit of a pain sometimes | 03:48 |
regeya | holy crap. I forgot how awesome kde apps were. it's like I've moved up from playskool to something designed for adults. | 03:49 |
jsubl2 | so amarok is now playing | 03:49 |
=== GeeZ` [i=joeblow@cpe-66-24-49-82.stny.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
sproingie | will x86-64 builds of kde 3.5 be available through the same repos? | 03:51 |
regeya | specifically, I grabbed digikam and kipi-plugins from an unofficial source. rawk. | 03:51 |
jsubl2 | i love the new random mix playlist in amarok | 03:51 |
regeya | I dare anyone to try to print 3x5" prints from arbitrary files in gThumb. I dare ya. | 03:52 |
regeya | dare ya to do the same in gnome-photo-printer. | 03:52 |
jsubl2 | i use digikam.. | 03:52 |
=== regeya is full of love, sorry for the raving, I'll soon stop | ||
sproingie | i'll settle for having aspect ratios in digikam's crop | 03:52 |
bjv | alsa, how do you check what 'version' is installed? | 03:52 |
regeya | heh. | 03:52 |
bjv | i see many separate packages with the name alsa. :\ | 03:52 |
sproingie | i'm tired of having my wine install eat itself, but picasa's the only photo app i can stomach | 03:53 |
regeya | heh. | 03:53 |
=== curious_kitt [n=kat@ppp40.dial-up.uoc.gr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
regeya | oh, look. gem is updating its index for the second time in a 'gem update' | 03:53 |
regeya | grr, | 03:53 |
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kairu0 | hey | 03:58 |
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=== utta [n=utta@c-24-128-224-224.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Phily | Any hotplug experts here I've got a question about kde and automounting usb cams, memory... | 04:04 |
Phily | When pluging in a cameara or usb thumb drive appears on the desktop, but when clicking on in I get an error message | 04:05 |
Phily | browing in media folder I have no problem reading files of it | 04:06 |
Phily | This is the only thing stopping my girlfriend from using kubuntu | 04:06 |
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sproingie | what error message is that? | 04:10 |
Toma- | how do u set the gtk engine with kubuntu? | 04:10 |
godzero | ../media/sda1 does not exist? | 04:11 |
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godzero | I just tried it too, hrmmm | 04:11 |
sproingie | hm. i remember getting that sometime back | 04:14 |
sproingie | i just made a link from media: to my desktop and kept it there | 04:14 |
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Phily | I can't belevie this I,ve been banned from xchat | 04:33 |
godzero | just now trying adept updater, I like the expandable info | 04:35 |
Phily | I'm no irc guru how to i get unbanned because some smart pants abused his pwer | 04:38 |
nalioth | Phily: banned in #xchat? | 04:39 |
Phily | yep from #xhat channel | 04:40 |
jsubl2 | Riddell: i noticed you put up the gstreamer engine for the new amarok version.. it is working well for me... | 04:41 |
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_blake | trying to install unixODBC | 04:44 |
_blake | checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths or run configure with --enable-gui=no! | 04:44 |
Phily | _blake: install x developpement package | 04:44 |
=== Octane [n=octane@dsl092-100-149.nyc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_blake | cant find in kynaptic | 04:45 |
Phily | try apt-get | 04:46 |
_blake | apt-get install x development package? | 04:46 |
_blake | ah x protocol dev files | 04:48 |
Phily | _blake: apt-get install xlibs-dev | 04:49 |
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Phily | _blake: don't forget sudo | 04:50 |
_blake | heh | 04:50 |
_blake | yea i found it in the pkg manager | 04:50 |
_blake | 39 files required to install | 04:50 |
_blake | need this to run a market analysis program | 04:51 |
Phily | can u list them at #paste | 04:51 |
Phily | _blake: are you compiling the program | 04:51 |
_blake | yes | 04:52 |
nalioth | _blake: what market analysis program is that? | 04:53 |
Phily | _blake: I'm interested also | 04:54 |
=== goose_boy [n=arehman@cpe-24-193-236-131.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
goose_boy | hey how to i run the kde setup wizard again? | 04:55 |
_blake | MAS | 04:55 |
nalioth | _blake: is that in the repos? | 04:56 |
goose_boy | the setup wizard? | 04:56 |
goose_boy | how do i run that | 04:56 |
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_blake | i dont think so | 04:58 |
_blake | didnt try though | 04:58 |
_blake | try here for more info http://eiffel-mas.sourceforge.net/ | 04:58 |
_blake | you need libodbc.so.1 | 04:58 |
goose_boy | how to i run the kde setup wizard again? | 04:59 |
goose_boy | doesnt anyone know? | 04:59 |
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_blake | finally finished configuring odbc, now compiling | 05:11 |
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op | are there any wisiwyg html editors for linux that i can use? | 05:17 |
KingBahamut | nvu | 05:18 |
nalioth | op: several, besides nvu. quanta, screem (i think it's wysiwyg) | 05:19 |
nalioth | op: mozilla/seamonkey composer | 05:19 |
seth_k | Quanta's wysiwyg is pretty bad | 05:22 |
seth_k | and composer == nvu | 05:22 |
_blake | any favs? | 05:23 |
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nalioth | seth_k: c'mon man, seamonkey composer is the shizzle, lol | 05:24 |
seth_k | nalioth, I'm just saying it's the same app as Nvu | 05:25 |
seth_k | Nvu is just standalone | 05:25 |
_blake | i am going back to the dark-side | 05:26 |
_blake | ive decided to buy an old laptop and throw M$ on it | 05:26 |
_blake | for macromedia stuff alone | 05:26 |
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op | okay i have downloaded seamonkey and it is saying that i need glib and the gtk installed on my system any way i can get those easily? | 05:38 |
nalioth | op: use kynaptic | 05:38 |
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nalioth | op: what you are looking for ends in -dev | 05:39 |
Phily | I love vnc | 05:39 |
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op | nalioth what do you mean wha i am looking for ends in -dev? | 05:40 |
op | i am so new at this | 05:40 |
nalioth | op: use the search feature in kynaptic to look for those files, pick those files and the ones with the same name ending in -dev | 05:42 |
op | okay thanks | 05:42 |
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pc11 | hello | 05:43 |
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kianziack | hello | 05:43 |
kianziack | any one need help | 05:43 |
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kianziack | hell0o | 05:44 |
kianziack | argh | 05:44 |
kianziack | need help | 05:44 |
nalioth | kianziack: ask your question | 05:44 |
kianziack | any one form kde here | 05:45 |
kianziack | any one form kde here | 05:45 |
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kianziack | argh | 05:46 |
kianziack | Nalioth | 05:46 |
kianziack | are form KDE? | 05:47 |
kianziack | are you | 05:47 |
nalioth | kianziack: if you dont ask your question, nobody can answer you | 05:47 |
kianziack | ohh ok | 05:47 |
kianziack | i'm having problem with my yahoo messenger | 05:47 |
kianziack | i cant put my password | 05:48 |
kianziack | is that a bug or what | 05:48 |
nalioth | kianziack: i'm not personally familiar with yahoo messenger on linux | 05:49 |
kianziack | wahh | 05:49 |
kianziack | what os do you have | 05:49 |
nalioth | kianziack: i run ubuntu, but dont run yahoo messenger | 05:50 |
kianziack | ohh i see | 05:50 |
kianziack | heyy | 05:50 |
kianziack | do you run games on your ubuntu? | 05:50 |
kianziack | i mean what games do you have on your pc? | 05:51 |
kianziack | coz im having trouble installing online games | 05:51 |
kianziack | any one | 05:51 |
godzero | what onlinegame(s)? | 05:52 |
kianziack | like khan online | 05:53 |
godzero | I run a few from main & universe | 05:53 |
godzero | never heard of it | 05:53 |
kianziack | what it universe? | 05:53 |
kianziack | do you have url of that games? | 05:54 |
kianziack | is that an onlinhe games to? | 05:54 |
godzero | universe is a server full of all kinds of programs for ubuntu, even games | 05:54 |
kianziack | ohh i see | 05:54 |
kianziack | 2d i think | 05:55 |
godzero | most are 2d | 05:55 |
kianziack | do i have to use cedega on that or wineX? | 05:55 |
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godzero | no, I stay away from windows software | 05:55 |
kianziack | why | 05:56 |
godzero | no use for it | 05:56 |
Lichte | I'm trying to install 3.5 beta 1 and kdelibs-data barfs because of some kttsd package; any way I can get past this ?? | 05:56 |
Lichte | everything else installed just fine | 05:56 |
godzero | have you tried linuxgames.com? | 05:56 |
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Lichte | I can't remove kttsd either | 05:56 |
Lichte | and apt-get -f install *still* barfs | 05:57 |
kianziack | i try but i love that games | 05:57 |
godzero | can you post a link so I can see what game yu're talking about? | 05:57 |
kianziack | wait | 05:57 |
kianziack | who me ^_^ | 05:57 |
godzero | ;) | 05:57 |
godzero | litchte: where is everyone apt-getting 3.5 beta 1 | 05:58 |
Lichte | godzero: deb http://kubuntu.org/kde35beta1 breezy main | 05:59 |
Lichte | godzero: there is a web site for 3.5beta1 at kubuntu.org | 05:59 |
regeya | breezy == unstable, hth | 05:59 |
godzero | I'm running breezy | 06:00 |
Lichte | 3.5 isn't in breezy | 06:00 |
kianziack | how about kubuntu | 06:00 |
Lichte | you can use 3.5 in hoary too | 06:00 |
godzero | kianziack: I'm running kubuntu breezy badger.. the next version of kubuntu comming out | 06:00 |
kianziack | godzero: do you know how to install cedega? | 06:01 |
Lichte | read the web site, they have 3.5beta1 for both Hoary and Breezy | 06:01 |
Lichte | so, how can I force the installation of kdelibs-data ??? | 06:02 |
kianziack | Lichte: do you have URL? | 06:02 |
Lichte | kianziack: kubuntu.org | 06:02 |
Lichte | kianziack: there is a link to 3.5beta1 in the upper right hand corner | 06:03 |
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godzero | kianziack: iirc cedega is a propeteary addon to wine.. I think it has a pretty automatic installer | 06:03 |
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kianziack | uhm i'm a new user of kubuntu and im having trouble installing with my games | 06:04 |
godzero | just "sudo apt-get wine" then look for a wine channel or message board | 06:04 |
Lichte | anyone know who to get apt-get to force an install ? | 06:05 |
Lichte | s/who/how | 06:05 |
nalioth | Lichte: open a terminal and type "man apt-get" | 06:05 |
godzero | are alot of people having trouble apt-getting 3.5? | 06:06 |
Lichte | nalioth: I have | 06:06 |
Lichte | gee, I wonder why I came here | 06:06 |
kianziack | i having trouble apt-getting | 06:07 |
nalioth | Lichte: i usually use dpkg to force installations | 06:07 |
godzero | kianziack: hve you used apt-get before? | 06:08 |
kianziack | actually this is my first time | 06:08 |
godzero | ok | 06:08 |
kianziack | using kubuntu | 06:08 |
godzero | yep | 06:08 |
kianziack | my problem is install games | 06:09 |
kianziack | from xp | 06:09 |
godzero | first let me tellyou what apt-get does: it can update your software, and install software for you. | 06:09 |
kianziack | o i see | 06:10 |
kianziack | how about compiler? | 06:10 |
godzero | first wee gotta tell it where to get software | 06:10 |
nalioth | kianziack: for compiling, install "build-essential" | 06:10 |
godzero | it's already compiled for you | 06:10 |
Lichte | nalioth: I don't see any option in dpkg man page that seems to force an install, what command do you use with dpkg ? | 06:10 |
kianziack | what's build-essential? | 06:10 |
godzero | it's software that lets you compile | 06:11 |
kianziack | is that a package of gcc | 06:11 |
nalioth | Lichte: at the risk ok killing my system, i use "dpkg -i --force<options> filename.deb | 06:11 |
nalioth | Lichte: try dpkg --force-help for more info | 06:11 |
Lichte | hmm, maybe confilcts | 06:11 |
Lichte | conflicts | 06:11 |
kianziack | yah howbout the dependencies? | 06:12 |
kianziack | using dpkg | 06:12 |
Lichte | nalioth: well, I know this won't kill my system | 06:12 |
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@203-59-196-127.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Lichte | nalioth: apt-get won't install a package because of a stupid .png file in kttds | 06:12 |
=== fatejudger [n=fatejudg@c-67-169-87-144.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
godzero | kianziack: I want you to open a console (alt-f2, konsole) then type "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" | 06:13 |
Lichte | nalioth: and apt won't let me remove kttds either | 06:13 |
godzero | kianziack: once the text editor is open, I want you to look for the lies that start with "# deb", remove the "#" and " " so they read "deb..." | 06:15 |
Lichte | no one else is using 3.5beta1 ? | 06:15 |
kianziack | anybody here who has successfully installed khan for cedega? | 06:15 |
nalioth | Lichte: simple solution. locate package in /var/cache/apt/archive and use dpkg to force it | 06:15 |
Lichte | nalioth: that's what I'm trying to do :) | 06:15 |
nalioth | Lichte: forcing dpkg can break your box | 06:15 |
Lichte | nalioth: I understand that | 06:16 |
Lichte | nalioth: I can live without accessability stuff | 06:16 |
nalioth | Lichte: if you're only overwriting a png, then go ahead | 06:17 |
Lichte | nalioth: I am | 06:17 |
Lichte | I'm surprised no one else has run into this problem | 06:17 |
Lichte | am I an early adopter of the 3.5 packages ? | 06:17 |
godzero | lichte: it would seem so | 06:18 |
Lichte | ;) | 06:18 |
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Lichte | ah, --force-all looks good | 06:20 |
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Lichte | there we go | 06:21 |
Lichte | that put it to it | 06:21 |
godzero | I'm interested to see how this works out | 06:21 |
kianziack | godzero: what's next? | 06:21 |
kianziack | godzero: i allready earsed it | 06:22 |
godzero | kianziack: so the lines read "deb http:..."? | 06:22 |
godzero | press control-o | 06:22 |
godzero | press enter | 06:22 |
godzero | press control-x | 06:22 |
godzero | now once out of the editor, type "sudo apt-get install wine" | 06:23 |
godzero | no, before that | 06:23 |
godzero | type | 06:23 |
Lichte | brb | 06:24 |
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kianziack | godzero: yes | 06:24 |
godzero | "sudo apt-get update", then "sudo apt-get install wine" | 06:24 |
kianziack | godzero: | 06:25 |
kianziack | wine is no longer available in apt-get | 06:25 |
godzero | ? | 06:26 |
godzero | I see it in breezy | 06:26 |
kianziack | do i need to edit the sources.lst file? | 06:26 |
Toma- | cedega = <3 | 06:27 |
kianziack | sources.list i mean | 06:27 |
godzero | yes | 06:27 |
godzero | I showed you up there ^^^^ | 06:27 |
godzero | kianziack: I want you to open a console (alt-f2, konsole) then type "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" | 06:27 |
godzero | kianziack: once the text editor is open, I want you to look for the lies that start with "# deb", remove the "#" and " " so they read "deb..." | 06:27 |
godzero | press control-o | 06:28 |
godzero | press enter | 06:28 |
godzero | press control-x | 06:28 |
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kianziack | errr | 06:29 |
godzero | lichte: how's it looking? | 06:29 |
Lichte | godzero: great! I'm back in 3.5 sweetness | 06:29 |
godzero | lichte: I might have to do that | 06:30 |
kianziack | godzero: wahh i i just remove the "deb" | 06:30 |
Lichte | I was using the svn trunk ebuilds in Gentoo before trying Kubuntu, and I *hated* going back to 3.4.x | 06:30 |
kianziack | godzero: i wont work anymore | 06:30 |
godzero | kianziack: just remove the # and the space before deb | 06:30 |
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godzero | there's like 6-8 of them | 06:30 |
kianziack | godzero: ok wait | 06:31 |
Lichte | I'm very excited to see the kubuntu guys so active with uptodate packages for kde | 06:32 |
Lichte | even if one of the packages has to be shoe-horned into the system ;) | 06:33 |
Lichte | nalioth: thanks for your help | 06:33 |
godzero | did you just rm that png? | 06:33 |
Lichte | godzero: no, I used dpkg to force things | 06:33 |
nalioth | Lichte: np | 06:33 |
godzero | oh, ya.. --force-al | 06:33 |
Lichte | yes | 06:33 |
Toma- | Lichte: u talking about kde 3.5? | 06:34 |
nalioth | godzero: it doesnt matter if he rm'd it, dpkg still knows it doesnt belong there (the new one) | 06:34 |
Lichte | Toma-: yes | 06:34 |
Toma- | is it awesome? | 06:34 |
Lichte | Toma-: yes, it is | 06:34 |
godzero | I was only 1/2 watching, I thought the png was there from 3.4 | 06:34 |
Lichte | Toma-: I've been using 3.5 for some time now; when I was using gentoo I had the svn ebuilds | 06:35 |
Lichte | godzero: the png is from kttsd | 06:35 |
kianziack | godzero: be back have to go for lunch | 06:35 |
Toma- | how very hardcore of you :) | 06:35 |
Lichte | lol | 06:35 |
Johnny- | !winpartition | 06:35 |
ubotu | Johnny-: Syntax error in line 1 | 06:35 |
Johnny- | !windowspartitions | 06:35 |
ubotu | NO SPEAKE ENLISH!, Johnny- | 06:35 |
Johnny- | !windowspartition | 06:35 |
ubotu | Johnny-: I don't know | 06:35 |
Johnny- | Argh | 06:35 |
Lichte | well, I wanted to do some hacking on the code, so svn is a must have | 06:35 |
Johnny- | What was the command? | 06:35 |
godzero | nice bot | 06:36 |
Johnny- | !windows partition | 06:36 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, Johnny- | 06:36 |
Johnny- | !windows partitions | 06:36 |
ubotu | Johnny-: Did you get hit by a windmill? | 06:36 |
nalioth | !windowsdrives | 06:36 |
ubotu | windowsdrives is, like, totally, Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows partions mount automatically | 06:36 |
Johnny- | That's the one | 06:37 |
Johnny- | :) | 06:37 |
godzero | I can't do that dave.... | 06:38 |
Lichte | now I've got some configuring to do | 06:40 |
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winslow | Haldo | 06:41 |
winslow | I can't set the resolution any higher than 640*480! | 06:41 |
nalioth | !tell winslow about resolution | 06:43 |
winslow | I even tried adding it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf. | 06:43 |
Lichte | winslow: did you add it to the beginning of the line ? | 06:44 |
winslow | Yes | 06:44 |
Lichte | did you try ctrl+alt++ ? | 06:45 |
winslow | Well, I added it and pressed CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE. | 06:45 |
godzero | my fglrx driver wouldn't do most resolutions 'till I added hand crafted mode lines | 06:45 |
winslow | OK | 06:45 |
winslow | I'll try ^ALT+. | 06:45 |
winslow | G2G | 06:45 |
Lichte | you can cycle through your resolutions with ctrl alt + | 06:45 |
Lichte | godzero: what is the fglrx driver for ? | 06:46 |
godzero | ati 3d | 06:46 |
godzero | well, nvidia too i think | 06:46 |
Lichte | I have an ATI 7500 pci card, can I use that driver ? | 06:46 |
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godzero | not sure if it goes back that far | 06:47 |
Lichte | probably not | 06:47 |
godzero | I think 8500 + | 06:47 |
Lichte | ok | 06:47 |
Lichte | oh, heres a question for everyone; I can ftp on the command line to my isp account, but if I use ANY graphical ftp client or konqueror, it fails; my isp is using proftpd; any ideas ?? | 06:49 |
Lichte | quanta fails; everything fails | 06:49 |
godzero | I just looked, yep, 7500 and better | 06:50 |
Lichte | godzero: oh?? | 06:50 |
godzero | no, mistype 8500 | 06:50 |
Lichte | gah! | 06:50 |
godzero | sorry | 06:50 |
Lichte | you lifted my up, and then dashed me on the rocks! :P | 06:50 |
godzero | man, I'm sorry. Didn't meen to do that to you | 06:51 |
Lichte | lol | 06:51 |
Lichte | I was just thinking that my hardware is still kick ass | 06:51 |
Lichte | but no | 06:52 |
Lichte | I need to find some adblock filters | 06:56 |
godzero | lichte: on the proftp subject.. no, I don't know any gui that does non plaintext authentication | 06:56 |
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nalioth | Lichte: go to uncle google and type "floppymoose adblock" | 06:58 |
Lichte | nalioth: good idea | 06:58 |
Lichte | godzero: so proftpd doesn't allow gui clients ?? | 06:59 |
nalioth | Lichte: excellent idea, wait til you see floppymooses page and the links he has | 06:59 |
Lichte | nalioth: oh? I can't wait | 06:59 |
Lichte | godzero: oh, I see what you mean | 06:59 |
Lichte | I think | 07:00 |
nalioth | Lichte: do you use a hosts file? | 07:00 |
Lichte | my ISP allows plaintext | 07:00 |
godzero | backspace (x50) lol, k | 07:00 |
Lichte | nalioth: yes | 07:00 |
Lichte | godzero: lol | 07:00 |
Lichte | godzero: sorry 'bout that | 07:00 |
godzero | the only reason that _I_ can think of that proftp would not allow client X is authentication method... or some gui clients do a lot of "open"s | 07:02 |
godzero | to populate the display | 07:03 |
Lichte | hmmmm | 07:03 |
Lichte | yes | 07:03 |
Lichte | I'll check the authentication methods then | 07:03 |
Lichte | that's a good place to start | 07:03 |
Lichte | ok, I'm finished configuring, now I'll checkout nalioth's adblock page | 07:07 |
Lichte | hmmm, this is a css file | 07:13 |
Lichte | will konqueror import that, or should I just have konqueror use that css file as the default css file ? | 07:14 |
Lichte | when I say import, I mean the adblock filter section in konqueror | 07:14 |
nalioth | Lichte: konquerer will use it from its place in ~/.mozilla/chrome/bleh | 07:14 |
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nalioth | Lichte: choose custom css in konq, and browse to the mozilla directory | 07:15 |
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lwells | hi all | 07:16 |
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Lichte | nalioth: ok | 07:16 |
Larry | i have a question about screen saver | 07:17 |
Lichte | nalioth: woah, I had konq import it in the adblock section, and it blocks everything | 07:17 |
nalioth | Lichte: it sure is nice, too | 07:17 |
Larry | How can you set it so that the screen turns off after awhile | 07:17 |
nalioth | Lichte: if you read the bottom of the floppymoose page, it has an extra code snippet to keep flash from loading (until you tell it to) | 07:18 |
Lichte | nalioth: I saw that | 07:18 |
nalioth | Larry: in the power settings of your screen saver properties | 07:18 |
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nalioth | Lichte: it works well | 07:18 |
Larry | ok | 07:18 |
Lichte | nalioth: I'm going to try it out | 07:18 |
Lichte | shit, this thing is adblocking and I didn't import any rules! | 07:19 |
Lichte | wow | 07:19 |
nalioth | Lichte: pretty slick, eh? | 07:19 |
Lichte | nalioth: very! | 07:19 |
nalioth | Lichte: between this and a good hosts file, you'll rarely be bothered by ads again | 07:19 |
godzero | how does it do on those css (or whatever they are) fake popups? | 07:20 |
Lichte | :D | 07:21 |
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chx | oooh even sshfs is there in breezy! whom should I congratulate? | 07:21 |
nalioth | godzero: you have to try it, it will kill damn near every bothersome thing you'll come across | 07:22 |
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kianziack | any one using cedega here? | 07:23 |
godzero | uncle google won't tell me about "floppymouse adblock" | 07:25 |
chavo | nalioth, I've been using a custom css adblocker in konq for a long time | 07:25 |
godzero | moose | 07:26 |
chavo | but 3.5 has it's own adblocker | 07:26 |
godzero | ah | 07:26 |
nalioth | Lichte: send godzero the URL for floppymoose, please | 07:26 |
chavo | with right click integration, etc. | 07:26 |
chx | also, the mplayer in breezy is _working_ while the one in Hoary simply does not :( | 07:28 |
godzero | I found the css | 07:29 |
godzero | doesn't seem to help, I set it as konqueror's default css, but I don't see any differencce | 07:30 |
nalioth | godzero: you will | 07:31 |
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Lichte | godzero: floppymouse.com | 07:31 |
nalioth | Lichte: floppymoose, buddy | 07:34 |
nalioth | moose | 07:34 |
nalioth | moose | 07:34 |
godzero | I have javascript set to smart.. so I don't have popup problems, and I don't mind banners... but those fake popups bug me | 07:34 |
godzero | lol, I read it as mouse at first too | 07:35 |
nalioth | godzero: you may still have "fake popups" but i've found the css and hosts file pretty much pulls the carpet out of most of that trash | 07:35 |
=== nalioth is shocked when he has to use an unprotected system at the amount of ads and trash on each web page | ||
Lichte | sorry | 07:37 |
Lichte | yes, floppymoose.com | 07:37 |
Lichte | well, I'm using both the css file and the adblock in konqi | 07:38 |
Lichte | I'm about ready to put it to the test, Yahoo ;) | 07:38 |
nalioth | Lichte: www.msnbc.com is good too as is www.wired.com | 07:39 |
Lichte | ok | 07:39 |
Lichte | wow, it's stopped yahoo cold | 07:39 |
Lichte | no flash crap either | 07:39 |
nalioth | Lichte: but you can click on the flash to play it | 07:39 |
Lichte | I get a click box to start the flash stuff if I want it | 07:39 |
Lichte | very nice | 07:40 |
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Lichte | oh wait, that click box is another konqi feature | 07:40 |
Lichte | msnbc.com is clean | 07:43 |
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chx | if I remove kubuntu-desktop package, will anything break? | 07:46 |
Lichte | oh wait, the biggest test I know of is weather.com | 07:46 |
Lichte | and foxnews.com | 07:46 |
Lichte | those have a ton of flash and ads | 07:46 |
Lichte | ah, but now they are both clean :) | 07:46 |
Lichte | hmm, looks like I might get some of the remnants of Rita next week | 07:48 |
godzero | about installing 3.5 beta 1... how do I import the pgp keys? | 07:48 |
Lichte | godzero: dl it from the kubuntu.org web site | 07:48 |
Lichte | godzero: http://kubuntu.org/kubuntu-packages-jriddell-key.gpg | 07:49 |
Lichte | then run apt-keys on that file | 07:49 |
godzero | duh.. right as i hit enter i saw the key | 07:49 |
Lichte | sudo apt-key add kubuntu-packages-jriddell-key.gpg | 07:50 |
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Lichte | then you'll be good to go | 07:50 |
nalioth | chx: no. but make sure kubuntu-desktop is installed when you dist-upgrade next | 07:51 |
nalioth | godzero: importing gpg keys is not essential | 07:51 |
godzero | I know.. but i hate the wanings every time i update | 07:52 |
chx | nalioth: so, I can remove things like kaffeine I do notl like now but when I dist-upgrade next I need to put it back? I won't bother then :) | 07:52 |
Lichte | it wouldn't let me upgrade without importing the key | 07:52 |
nalioth | chx: well, 'kubuntu-desktop' is a metapackage | 07:53 |
Lichte | I never use kubuntu-desktop; I just apt-get install kde | 07:53 |
chx | nalioth: wel, I am just learning what is a metapackage :) | 07:53 |
Lichte | I never use kubuntu-desktop because of the horrid kaffeine and openoffice | 07:53 |
chx | Lichte: I need ooimpress to write invoices. Got a better way? | 07:54 |
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chx | not impress | 07:54 |
chx | doh | 07:54 |
chx | calc | 07:54 |
Lichte | chx: I was just saying that kubuntu-desktop brings it in by default | 07:54 |
Lichte | it shouldn't do that, you can always apt-get openoffice | 07:55 |
Lichte | chx: is Kugar the same thing ? | 07:55 |
Lichte | oh, calc ? | 07:57 |
Lichte | I'm not sure | 07:57 |
godzero | restarting x | 07:57 |
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Lichte | godzero: wb | 08:00 |
Lichte | godzero: well ? | 08:00 |
godzero | that was too easy | 08:01 |
godzero | i'm scared | 08:01 |
Lichte | lol | 08:01 |
godzero | little tweek here and there | 08:01 |
Lichte | godzero: did you have to force the install of kdelibs-data ? | 08:01 |
godzero | I like the pager, finally has thumbnales on the kicker | 08:02 |
godzero | no | 08:02 |
Lichte | yeah | 08:02 |
godzero | the upgrade was 100% smooth | 08:02 |
Lichte | hmmm, I wonder why I'm the only one with kdelibs-data and kttds problems | 08:02 |
Lichte | do you have kttds on your rig ? | 08:03 |
godzero | we prolly have different add-on packages installed | 08:03 |
godzero | I don't know | 08:03 |
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godzero | how do I know if I have kttsd | 08:03 |
aftertaf | morning | 08:04 |
Lichte | um, you can try apt-cache show kttsd | 08:04 |
Lichte | howdy aftertaf | 08:04 |
aftertaf | ;) | 08:04 |
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godzero | oops I ctrl-alt-esc -ed the desktop | 08:07 |
godzero | brb | 08:07 |
Lichte | d'oh! | 08:07 |
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godzero | no, ktts isn't installed | 08:10 |
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Lichte | godzero: I see | 08:10 |
Lichte | that would explain it | 08:11 |
Lichte | wb aftertaf | 08:11 |
aftertaf | lol Lichte cheers ;) | 08:12 |
Lichte | woah! Hover your mouse pointer over the clock, godzero | 08:12 |
godzero | ya, i saw | 08:12 |
Lichte | :D | 08:12 |
aftertaf | anyone know how to setup kdm to display a list of userswhen you have the usetheme flag set to true??? | 08:13 |
Lichte | aftertaf: I noticed that it doesn't work too | 08:13 |
aftertaf | hmmm. i have disables themes for now..... | 08:13 |
Lichte | most curious | 08:13 |
aftertaf | a bug i tell ya a bug | 08:14 |
Lichte | could very well be | 08:14 |
=== aftertaf squashes bugs (real ones) | ||
godzero | I couldn't get it to work ounder hoary, I thought I messed up | 08:15 |
godzero | under | 08:15 |
aftertaf | godzero: wazzat, kdm ? | 08:17 |
godzero | ya, kdm themes | 08:18 |
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Larry | hi all | 08:22 |
godzero | litchte: If you hover over the kicker's pager, it lists the windows | 08:24 |
godzero | nice | 08:24 |
nalioth | godzero: what is the URL for the fancy new kde? | 08:26 |
godzero | screenies or debs? | 08:26 |
aftertaf | you wanting to try 3.5 nalioth ? | 08:26 |
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Lichte | godzero: wow, nice | 08:27 |
godzero | deb setup http://kubuntu.org/kde-35beta1.php | 08:27 |
godzero | *for hoary or breezy | 08:28 |
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damnhil | how do I enable spell check in KDE? | 08:29 |
Lichte | damnhil: kcontrol -> KDE components -> Spell Checker | 08:30 |
moj0rising | damnhil: on what application? | 08:30 |
nalioth | aftertaf: yes i am | 08:30 |
moj0rising | ah. never mind. | 08:31 |
aftertaf | nalioth: nice one..... you may have given me the courage to try too.... ;) the packages are for ppc too? | 08:31 |
damnhil | Lichte, how do I configure it? aspell or ispell? | 08:31 |
Lichte | damnhil: I use aspell, it seems to be the standard | 08:32 |
Lichte | damnhil: make sure it's installed; it should be though, kubuntu installs it by defaults | 08:32 |
damnhil | Lichte, do u have dictionary=aspell default, encoding=US-ASCII, Client=Aspell there? | 08:33 |
Lichte | damnhil: I have default, but you can set it to whatever you like | 08:33 |
Lichte | damnhil: sometimes I set it to british english | 08:33 |
Lichte | as I prefer their spelling | 08:33 |
Lichte | maybe I'll invent my own spelling and create a lichte-en aspell plugin | 08:34 |
Lichte | something along the lines of ebonics | 08:35 |
godzero | 3.5 beta 1 is onlt 386 right now | 08:36 |
nalioth | godzero: well that sucks hard, i run ppc | 08:36 |
nalioth | ppc users are always denied the candy | 08:37 |
aftertaf | nalioth: not enough of you around , noone to create the packages.... | 08:37 |
godzero | I wonder how lonk untill they compile for ppc or x86-64 | 08:37 |
nalioth | aftertaf: is the source on that page? | 08:38 |
aftertaf | nope, youll have to get on to Riddell for that... | 08:40 |
Lichte | if you compile and install from the source .deb, can you set the compiler flags, etc. ?? | 08:42 |
morrow | is there any (KDE) Tool in kubuntu for automatic network detection? | 08:42 |
Lichte | morrow: does lisa do that ? | 08:42 |
Lichte | I know lisa lets you browse a network, but I've never used it | 08:42 |
morrow | lisa is just a network browser.. i'm searching for something like the "whereami" package to autoset some settings based on Wlan SSID, DHCP addresses, etc | 08:43 |
Lichte | I see | 08:44 |
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Lichte | ah, the newest superkaramba is in 3.5beta1 too | 08:47 |
Lichte | I can finally try the new themes that are out | 08:47 |
seaLne | anyone seen this problem with debootstrap (on sarge): | 08:51 |
seaLne | brewster# rm -rf breezy-chroot/ | 08:51 |
seaLne | brewster# debootstrap breezy ./breezy-chroot ftp://mirror.cis.strath.ac.uk/ubuntu | 08:51 |
seaLne | /usr/sbin/debootstrap: line 3: finddebs_style: command not found | 08:51 |
seaLne | err ignore the rm :) | 08:51 |
damnhil | I have to manually spell check in kmail. Autospell checking works well in kword . Why is that? | 08:51 |
damnhil | I guess Chinese version has problems with spell checking. | 08:51 |
nalioth | Lichte: you'll have to decant the source i believe | 08:51 |
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Lichte | nalioth: ok | 08:52 |
kianziack | hello Lichte | 08:53 |
Lichte | hiya kianziack | 08:53 |
kianziack | Lichte: what games do you have on your pc | 08:53 |
Lichte | kianziack: I have none right now | 08:54 |
Lichte | kianziack: I'll install Railroad Tycoon II soon though | 08:54 |
kianziack | Lichte: using cedega? | 08:55 |
kianziack | or it work on kubuntu | 08:55 |
Lichte | kianziack: oh no, it's a native linux game | 08:55 |
Lichte | kianziack: it's a Loki port | 08:55 |
kianziack | Lichte: hmm i have no idea about thath games | 08:55 |
kianziack | Lichte: can i have the url plz | 08:55 |
Lichte | I think Loki is out of business now | 08:55 |
kianziack | Lichte: is that an rpg games? | 08:56 |
Lichte | kianziack: it's a train sim | 08:56 |
kianziack | Lichte: oh i see | 08:56 |
kianziack | Lichte: have you try installing cedega? | 08:56 |
Lichte | kianziack: nope; my machine won't play any modern games; it's too old | 08:57 |
godzero | kde 3.5 B1: Somethings don't work: hover over system monitor doesn't tool tip, terminal sessions menu doesn't work.. some other little "yep this is beta" problems | 08:58 |
Lichte | interesting | 08:58 |
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Lichte | aftertaf: connection problems ?\ | 08:58 |
damnhil | just let any chinese users know that the spelling in KDE control center must be set to Dictionary=English(United States of America), Encoding=UTF-8, Client=ASPELL. Restart any program such as kopete to see the effects | 08:59 |
aftertaf | Lichte: poxy proxy strikes again.... | 08:59 |
Lichte | aftertaf: bummage | 08:59 |
aftertaf | 1 week since i notified them of a pb. | 08:59 |
aftertaf | Lichte: arse, even!! :) | 09:00 |
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Lichte | lol | 09:00 |
pc11 | im back | 09:00 |
pc11 | i was disconnected | 09:00 |
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Lichte | wb kianziack | 09:00 |
kianziack | ^_^ | 09:00 |
kianziack | where are we ? | 09:00 |
kianziack | hmm | 09:00 |
kianziack | ohh | 09:00 |
Lichte | in cyberspace | 09:00 |
kianziack | Lichte: have you try installing cedega? | 09:01 |
aftertaf | lol | 09:01 |
kianziack | hi! aftertaf | 09:01 |
Lichte | kianziack: nope; my machine won't play any modern games; it's too old | 09:01 |
kianziack | Lichte: ohh i see | 09:01 |
aftertaf | hi kianziack :) | 09:01 |
kianziack | Lichte: i love playing online games like gunzduel but i hate billgates | 09:02 |
Lichte | kianziack: I play MUDs for online fun | 09:02 |
kianziack | Lichte: so i install kubuntu | 09:02 |
kianziack | Lichte: then now im having trouble installing with cedega | 09:02 |
Lichte | kianziack: I see | 09:03 |
Lichte | I tried wine once | 09:03 |
Lichte | I think I got Deus Ex to start up | 09:03 |
Lichte | didn't try to play it though | 09:03 |
kianziack | Lichte: you can visit the site www.gunzduel.com if you dont have idea | 09:03 |
kianziack | Lichte: why | 09:03 |
Lichte | kianziack: ok, thanks | 09:03 |
aftertaf | i got harry potter working in cedega once.... (mule version ;)) | 09:04 |
Lichte | kianziack: Deus Ex won't play well on windows on this hardware, I didn't want to try it in an emulator | 09:04 |
kianziack | Lichte: ohh sorry | 09:04 |
kianziack | Lichte: its http://gunzonline.com/ | 09:04 |
kianziack | Lichte: ^_^ | 09:04 |
Lichte | kianziack: ok | 09:05 |
kianziack | Lichte: the microsft team just came to my cafe and warn me for using xp os | 09:05 |
Lichte | kianziack: it looks interesting | 09:05 |
kianziack | Lichte: it was a fun game | 09:06 |
Lichte | kianziack: were the xp installs without proper licensing ? | 09:06 |
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kianziack | Lichte: yeah | 09:06 |
kianziack | ^_^ | 09:06 |
Lichte | kianziack: you should have given them a good pistol whipping | 09:07 |
kianziack | >_< | 09:07 |
aftertaf | i can try installing kde 3.5 in a chroot, right? if i install xserver on it too... ? | 09:08 |
Lichte | aftertaf: you don't have kubuntu on your box ? | 09:08 |
godzero | I have such a #%@#$ for microsoft, I wont even use wine as to not give programmers a reason to use thier tools | 09:08 |
kianziack | Lichte: have you try this game http://www.xilero.net/download.php | 09:08 |
Lichte | godzero: I don't blame you | 09:08 |
kianziack | godzero: hello are you familiar with this game http://www.xilero.net/download.php? | 09:09 |
Lichte | kianziack: no, I've never even heard of it | 09:09 |
aftertaf | Lichte: yes i do..... :) | 09:09 |
kianziack | Lichte: how old are you? | 09:09 |
aftertaf | have kde | 09:09 |
Lichte | I've been out of touch with games since "Commander Keen" and "Wolfenstien" | 09:10 |
Lichte | kianziack: I'm 40 | 09:10 |
kianziack | Lichte so what you ups to? | 09:10 |
kianziack | Lichte: wew im 27 | 09:10 |
kianziack | Lichte: and still love playing | 09:10 |
kianziack | ^_^ | 09:10 |
Lichte | kianziack: I hate fps games; I like the 2d side scrollers | 09:11 |
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Lichte | kianziack: I also like rpg and simulations | 09:11 |
kianziack | Lichte: then you gonna like http://www.xilero.net/download.php <--- this game | 09:11 |
Lichte | kianziack: I'm looking at it now | 09:11 |
godzero | no, never seen it... but I am a RPG fan. I especially like the final fantasy games | 09:11 |
kianziack | Lichte: you name it | 09:11 |
kianziack | Lichte: but i cant find the online finbal fantasy i been waiting for that | 09:12 |
Lichte | kianziack: this is a windows game | 09:12 |
kianziack | Lichte: but i cant find the online final fantasy i been waiting for that | 09:12 |
Lichte | kianziack: I didn't know there was an online final fantasy | 09:13 |
godzero | ff11 | 09:13 |
Lichte | what did you guys think of Baulders Gate ? | 09:13 |
godzero | great | 09:13 |
Lichte | yeah, I liked it too | 09:14 |
kianziack | what's the url | 09:14 |
Lichte | I have no idea | 09:14 |
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Lichte | wb aftertaf | 09:14 |
godzero | pool of radiance on the c=64 & amiga got me into pc rpging | 09:14 |
kianziack | Lichte: godzero what are you up to | 09:16 |
kianziack | i mean your job | 09:16 |
godzero | I played the playstation 2 version of baulder's gate like 20 times thru | 09:16 |
godzero | I desighn robotics | 09:16 |
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godzero | industrial automation, that is | 09:17 |
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Lichte | I only tried the PC version | 09:18 |
Chousuke | If you ever feel like going back to windows, remember: http://www.students.tut.fi/~oranenj/screwed.png | 09:18 |
godzero | hey, how'd you get a screen shot of my system? d##n hackers... | 09:19 |
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kianziack | Chousuke: | 09:21 |
gautam | hi all! | 09:21 |
kianziack | hi gautam | 09:22 |
Lichte | howdy gautam | 09:22 |
gautam | how do i check which KDE version i've installed? | 09:22 |
Lichte | gautam: you can click on help -> about kde in most apps | 09:23 |
Lichte | gautam: or you can type something like "apt-cache show kdelibs" on a command line | 09:23 |
gautam | ahh thanks! - I'd recently upgraded all packages and was wondering whether i had picked up the 3.5 beta | 09:23 |
gautam | where can i see a list of changes in the new beta? | 09:24 |
Lichte | probably at kde.org | 09:24 |
aftertaf | gautam: kde3.5 isnt in the main repos yet | 09:24 |
gautam | i can't seem to find any change log at the upgrade page | 09:24 |
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Lichte | kianziack: I'm dl'ing the Gunz trailers | 09:25 |
Lichte | kianziack: to see what all the fuss is about | 09:25 |
kianziack | Lichte: try it | 09:25 |
Lichte | kianziack: is it a windows app too ? | 09:26 |
kianziack | Lichte: yeah | 09:26 |
kianziack | Lichte: you need cedega to play it | 09:26 |
Lichte | well, I won't be playing that then | 09:26 |
kianziack | Lichte: do you know where you can download cedega? | 09:27 |
Lichte | kianziack: no, sorry | 09:27 |
Lichte | kianziack: you'll have to google for it | 09:27 |
kianziack | ill give you the URL | 09:27 |
Lichte | kianziack: hit the alt+F2, and type gg: cedega | 09:27 |
kianziack | Lichte: its www.mininova.com | 09:28 |
kianziack | ^_^ | 09:28 |
Lichte | ah, ok | 09:28 |
kianziack | look for cedega and point2play | 09:28 |
=== Chambers- [n=Thom@pcp02906040pcs.roylok01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Lichte | well, I installed a superkaramba theme, and it won't work | 09:36 |
kianziack | Lichte: let me see | 09:37 |
kianziack | Lichte: do you the print screen | 09:37 |
Lichte | kianziack: there's nothing there | 09:37 |
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kianziack | ^_^ | 09:38 |
after8 | pffffffff | 09:39 |
after8 | re | 09:39 |
Lichte | well, it's time to go | 09:40 |
Lichte | laters all | 09:40 |
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The_Vox | anybody tried the kde 3.5 beta yet? | 10:23 |
=== sveri [n=sveri@p54B9107E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
`TUX` | yes | 10:23 |
`TUX` | it's good stable and fast | 10:23 |
The_Vox | `TUX`: how long have you been runing it? | 10:24 |
`TUX` | 30 h | 10:24 |
The_Vox | good enough for me, time to edit sources.list :) | 10:25 |
The_Vox | thanks :) | 10:25 |
`TUX` | give it a try | 10:27 |
`TUX` | ;) | 10:27 |
=== ma [n=ma@host91-179.pool8255.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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The_Vox | `TUX`: did you get any dependancy failures while updating? | 10:32 |
`TUX` | yes | 10:32 |
`TUX` | just one | 10:33 |
The_Vox | libc6? | 10:33 |
`TUX` | no | 10:33 |
`TUX` | kddts | 10:33 |
`TUX` | is inside some other pack now | 10:33 |
The_Vox | uhm...I'm getting about 8 packages that depend on libc6 2.3.4-1 and won't install...mmm | 10:34 |
`TUX` | i am using breezy | 10:35 |
`TUX` | not hoary | 10:35 |
=== _stefan [n=stefan@p54ABE5EC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_stefan | Hello all :-) | 10:35 |
_stefan | I just installed xmame and kxmame | 10:36 |
_stefan | have roms and wnat to atrt a gemae | 10:36 |
_stefan | want to start a game | 10:36 |
_stefan | the game is up | 10:36 |
The_Vox | `TUX`: ah! that explains it | 10:36 |
_stefan | but how can I start the game | 10:37 |
_stefan | Which command? | 10:37 |
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_stefan | Someone has a hint or know it? | 10:37 |
The_Vox | k, here goes nothing...let's hope this works...going back to old versions can become a PITA lol! | 10:37 |
The_Vox | _stefan: no clue at all | 10:37 |
_stefan | hmmm | 10:37 |
_stefan | you know. the game is up and you have the message insert coin | 10:38 |
_stefan | there must be a command to start | 10:38 |
_stefan | cant find ahint what it could be | 10:38 |
jeh | i see that hoary has had new x.org packages for a while | 10:40 |
jeh | i wonder it updating will break my manually installed nvidia drivers | 10:41 |
jeh | "if" | 10:41 |
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jeh | not that recompiling them is any big task, takes a minute to reinstall :) | 10:41 |
nikkia | jeh, istr it breaks the GLX stuff at least | 10:42 |
nikkia | (installs a different glx library, i think) | 10:43 |
jeh | ok, i don't use that really | 10:43 |
nikkia | can't remember if it needs a reinstall of the nvidia drivers or not | 10:43 |
jeh | i mostly meant wether the same driver will still start | 10:43 |
jeh | i can do it anyway, just to be sure | 10:43 |
jeh | oh well, i actually can't... | 10:44 |
jeh | i do this remotely from work, and i need to reboot the machine first to get it to boot into 2.6.11 (2.6.10 currently). and changing the kernel will require a reinstall | 10:44 |
jeh | don't want to reboot remotely | 10:45 |
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henk | I've put the konsole menu (terminal sessions) on my panel. With this i can quickly select konsole sessions that i want to start. There are some system sessions in it by deefault (a python session, root session etc etc) i don't want to see those, i just want to see mine. How do i configure it so that the system default sessions are not in my list | 10:57 |
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eastwest | hi | 11:02 |
aftertaf | hi :) | 11:02 |
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=== `TUX` [n=princosc@ppp-217-133-31-196.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has left #kubuntu ["Hello,] | ||
klutzini | Hi... my first time using irc.... | 11:02 |
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nalioth | howdy klutzini | 11:05 |
klutzini | hi.... just trying to figure out irc after it took me 3 weeks to find out how to register my name!!!! | 11:06 |
nalioth | klutzini: welcome | 11:06 |
klutzini | I have a question though...... | 11:06 |
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nalioth | klutzini: ask away | 11:08 |
klutzini | how do i watch dvd's? can I use xine? | 11:08 |
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=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=Karl@ppp241-137.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nalioth | !tell klutzini about restricted | 11:09 |
aftertaf | lu Kamping_Kaiser :) | 11:11 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hi aftertaf :) how are you? | 11:11 |
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aftertaf | cool. though in need of tobacco products and caffeine :) | 11:13 |
aftertaf | /s/caffeine/Kaffeine <--- this IS kubuntu ;) | 11:13 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol. geek ;) | 11:13 |
aftertaf | hehe | 11:13 |
aftertaf | g33k | 11:13 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol again | 11:13 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser faints at 230 emails | ||
aftertaf | less lol ;) | 11:14 |
=== aftertaf fans Kamping_Kaiser with a printed copy of man squid | ||
=== Kamping_Kaiser hopes aftertaf doesnt drop the man pages... its heavy stuff :/ | ||
aftertaf | lol | 11:16 |
=== nikkia likes her man pages printed and put in nice orange binders :P | ||
nikkia | but then, we're back to that DEC fascination again :) | 11:21 |
=== Noffielouff [n=fsd@h12n1fls32o1010.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | heh | 11:21 |
Noffielouff | hi! im using kubuntu live-cd but i need root password. What is the default root password? | 11:22 |
nikkia | gah, i wish they'd fix that in gimp | 11:22 |
nikkia | Kamping_Kaiser: do you ever use gimp much ? | 11:22 |
nikkia | Kamping_Kaiser: and if so, ever noticed that if you switch to another desktop, occasionally you'll see layer images getting moved about while not on the desktop gimp is on ? | 11:23 |
nikkia | i think its the preview images for the layers getting updated, but its really annoying seeing small image chunks float over your desktop for a split second :) | 11:24 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nikkia: i dont use it much yet, no. im about to start i hope :) | 11:24 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol. | 11:24 |
Kamping_Kaiser | havent used layers yet | 11:24 |
nikkia | Kamping_Kaiser: they just appear, move up a bit, then vanish | 11:24 |
nikkia | it has to be a bug in the librarys gimp uses for drawing things moving, not honouring the fact its on a different desktop | 11:24 |
Kamping_Kaiser | heh. classic | 11:25 |
nikkia | oh s*** | 11:25 |
nikkia | i never converted this set of sprites to my ruby script sprite placer :( | 11:25 |
nalioth | morning nikkia | 11:26 |
nikkia | morning nalioth | 11:26 |
Kamping_Kaiser | heh | 11:27 |
=== nalioth is sittin in houston with every relative he's got callin to see what he's gonna do | ||
nikkia | nalioth: buy a shotgun, and steal a shopping cart, in preperation :P | 11:28 |
nalioth | nikkia: i'm halfway there already, lol | 11:29 |
=== nikkia wonders if 'this is it' re: what john titor claimed :) | ||
nikkia | (i actually started wondering if it was the start of it, when louisiana happened tho :) | 11:31 |
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nalioth | nikkia: nola had it comin, it was a matter of "when" | 11:33 |
nikkia | nalioth: same can be said for houston, tbh :P | 11:33 |
nalioth | nikkia: houston isnt below sea level | 11:34 |
aftertaf | hang in there nalioth .... fingers crossed, man. | 11:34 |
nikkia | nalioth: no, but still | 11:34 |
nalioth | houston is also inland a little bit further than nola | 11:35 |
nikkia | nalioth: tbh, i'd be more worried about galveston | 11:35 |
nalioth | galveston has been officially closed since yesterday | 11:35 |
nalioth | mandatory evacuations in some of the coastal counties | 11:36 |
nikkia | nalioth: yeah, but its 'what happens when...' with galveston | 11:36 |
nalioth | yes galveston is prime for a cleansing | 11:36 |
nikkia | there's still a bit of heavy industry there, and a lot of stuff you don't really want leaking into the ocean under a storm surge | 11:36 |
nalioth | nikkia: true | 11:36 |
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Noffielouff | hi! im trying to run live-cd on my laptop and i can hear kde start but i don't see anything.. my screen i black! i have tryed with 3 different lice-cd:s but it is always same fault | 11:49 |
Noffielouff | any there who have some ideas? | 11:49 |
twix | hi | 11:50 |
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twixhi | hi | 11:53 |
twixhi | hjhjhjhjh | 11:53 |
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nalioth | Noffielouff: is your screen functional? | 11:55 |
Noffielouff | yes it is | 11:56 |
Noffielouff | it's brand new laptop | 11:57 |
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nalioth | Noffielouff: then that's the reason why | 11:57 |
Noffielouff | nalioth: my graphic card is from intel for some reason | 11:57 |
nalioth | Noffielouff: linux' achilles heels is new hardware | 11:57 |
=== star06 is now known as Silly_girl | ||
nalioth | Noffielouff: an old lappy, would work just fine | 11:57 |
nalioth | Noffielouff: but new hardware just isnt supported very well (the older it gets, the more support under linux) | 11:58 |
Noffielouff | nalioth: ahh... maybe there is support in the new kernel... when i was i xorg i saw that my graphic card was detected | 11:58 |
nalioth | Noffielouff: are you using breezy (or trying?) | 12:00 |
Noffielouff | i think it's breeezy | 12:04 |
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root | holas | 12:24 |
nalioth | howdy | 12:24 |
root | hi | 12:24 |
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root | holas | 12:26 |
root | hiii | 12:26 |
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DocTomoe | You are so about to get ignored at my client, root ;) | 12:27 |
root__ | hello | 12:27 |
root__ | alguien en espaol? | 12:27 |
DocTomoe | root__ #kubuntu-es | 12:28 |
root__ | thanks | 12:29 |
root__ | DocTomoe | 12:29 |
DocTomoe | no problem | 12:29 |
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DocTomoe | is there a problem with the beta1-Release advertised above? for some reason, my machine refuses to upgrade kdelibs... | 12:57 |
Tm_T | hmm | 12:57 |
DocTomoe | I am still tracing the problem, however. maybe it is my fault. | 12:58 |
DocTomoe | ah, here: kdelibs tries to overwrite some icons that are originated from package ktts | 12:59 |
DocTomoe | never heard of this package ... | 12:59 |
nikkia | hmmm, still no reply to my software equivalent of 'whatchu talking about willis?' to a customer :P | 01:00 |
nikkia | (they complained that my software should follow a sequence of events, to which i had to reply 'umm, that's exactly what it does now! stfu, kthx!' | 01:01 |
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=== DocTomoe sometimes hate package management systems -.- | ||
DocTomoe | is there no way to *force* apt-get to upgrade, even if this overwrites other packages icons? | 01:05 |
nalioth | DocTomoe: usually (at risk of system breakage) you would use dpkg to force it | 01:05 |
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DocTomoe | well, sometimes you only have to choose between satan and lucifer ... :| | 01:11 |
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_rolf | Hi! | 01:22 |
=== JRe [n=jre@pai34-2-82-226-199-36.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_rolf | This might have been asked before... Why is the 3.5b1 kde stuff incomplete? (e.g. kdepim, kdemultimedia missing) | 01:23 |
Kamping_Kaiser | its beta i suppose | 01:24 |
nalioth | _rolf: you answered your own question | 01:28 |
nalioth | Why is the 3.5b1 kde stuff incomplete? <<<< _rolf the "b" in the version number means "beta" | 01:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i keep reading that name 'rofl'. it sucks :/ | 01:30 |
_rolf | nalioth: I know that it is a beta release. But the kde.org source packages are complete, and kubuntu is mentioned on the same page. So one might come to the conclusion, that the kubuntu packages are based on the kde.org 3.5b1 source packages... | 01:31 |
_rolf | Kamping_Kaiser: I will yell at my parents, the next time I see them. :) | 01:31 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol :) thanks | 01:31 |
=== _rolf is now known as zapp | ||
nalioth | _rolf: those are kubuntu pkgs | 01:31 |
nalioth | they are beta pkgs. more will come | 01:31 |
zapp | nalioth: Thanks, that's all I wanted to know. No offense intended. | 01:32 |
zapp | Are you interested in some bug reports or shall I fill a bugzilla report? | 01:34 |
=== Octane [n=octane@dsl092-100-149.nyc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nalioth | zapp: by all means, fill bugzilla up (or confirm) | 01:35 |
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elvirolo | hi all | 01:58 |
elvirolo | are there any plans about making packages for _all_ of kde 3.5 beta 1 ? | 01:59 |
Tm_Kopete | ask from #kubuntu-devel? | 02:00 |
Tm_Kopete | I bet they can help :) | 02:00 |
apokryphos | elvirolo: it probably won't happen | 02:00 |
apokryphos | (A few more packs might though) | 02:01 |
elvirolo | ok thanks :) | 02:01 |
elvirolo | Tm_Kopete, i shall :) | 02:02 |
Tm_Kopete | hmm, error when updating... | 02:07 |
Tm_Kopete | well well well :p | 02:07 |
Tm_Kopete | let's see if I got this working now | 02:08 |
Tm_Kopete | Tm_T: hoii veli | 02:08 |
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=== _luca is now known as Luca` | ||
=== Luca` [n=luca@pD950554E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
=== JabberWokky [n=evan@69-162-59-13.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] | ||
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=== nikkia yawns | ||
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nalioth | nikkia: my mayor just issued an evacuation order | 02:28 |
nalioth | nikkia: he's an idiot | 02:28 |
nikkia | nalioth: because he left it so late? or? | 02:28 |
nalioth | he's just an idiot | 02:29 |
nikkia | ah, ok | 02:29 |
nalioth | most politicians are | 02:29 |
nikkia | btw, you don't want the image i had when you said 'my mayor' :P | 02:29 |
nalioth | probably not | 02:29 |
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=== Luca` [n=luca@pD950554E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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=== apokryphos waves to nalioth and nikkia. Goodafternoon :) | ||
=== _admin is now known as zyzy_admin | ||
nikkia | apokryphos: afternoon | 02:31 |
apokryphos | nikkia: went to the Uni today to meet "fellow mathematicians". Some great people :D. Gonna have fun | 02:31 |
nikkia | apokryphos: don't you think you should be, like, getting that PC fixed? | 02:32 |
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apokryphos | only two other people doing Philosophy and Maths combination; must be the two cleverest people on the course | 02:32 |
apokryphos | nikkia: I found out most people have moved in a few days ago already! | 02:32 |
apokryphos | nikkia: well, what can I do, really? :) | 02:32 |
nikkia | yeah, i usually moved into halls early | 02:32 |
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nikkia | apokryphos: erm, take it to the shop? | 02:32 |
=== _admin is now known as _zyzy | ||
_zyzy | hi | 02:33 |
=== `TUX` [n=princosc@ppp-217-133-31-196.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
apokryphos | nikkia: I haven't been able to any of these days; my dad's been busy (I've only got a provisional, remember). | 02:33 |
nikkia | apokryphos: ah | 02:33 |
apokryphos | looks like I won't have one for the first few days at least in Uni | 02:33 |
nikkia | still, i suppose its not like you're hundreds of miles from home at uni | 02:33 |
_zyzy | hi stef | 02:34 |
nikkia | in my day, you'd not be allowed in halls, we had to live > 25miles from the uni, or have evidence that we didn't live with our parents normally | 02:34 |
apokryphos | it takes me half an hour to get to Temple! Remind me again why I'm not staying at home ;-) | 02:34 |
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apokryphos | I'm a true weirdo | 02:34 |
nikkia | apokryphos: i dunno, i knew people at uni that travelled over twice that every day and stayed at their parents | 02:34 |
nikkia | of course, they had little choice :) | 02:34 |
apokryphos | nikkia: no, I mean... half an hour is absolutely nothing! Many people from my school travelled twice that to get there too | 02:35 |
nikkia | apokryphos: exactly, thats what i meant | 02:35 |
apokryphos | like I said, a true weirdo | 02:35 |
nikkia | apokryphos: i mean, ffs, i used to *walk* for longer than that from the house i rented at uni :P | 02:36 |
apokryphos | I wanna move in nowww, now; lot of people there already have loadsa flatmates :-O | 02:36 |
apokryphos | hah | 02:36 |
nikkia | it was a 40 minute walk, which was hell at 5am when you were completely ratted :P | 02:36 |
nalioth | flatmates are overrated | 02:36 |
apokryphos | I wonder how long it takes me to walk to strand (all my lectures are there, I found out). | 02:37 |
nalioth | apokryphos: it'll take until you get there | 02:37 |
nikkia | gah | 02:37 |
nikkia | the spanish people want a software release today, but i'm still waiting for them to translate some text :( | 02:38 |
apokryphos | nikkia: what, you don't know Spanish too? | 02:38 |
nikkia | no | 02:38 |
nikkia | apokryphos: it makes writing spanish software 'fun' | 02:38 |
apokryphos | nikkia: guessing on what's what? ;-) | 02:39 |
nalioth | nikkia: too bad i'm not closer, i could help you with the spanish | 02:39 |
Johnny- | Nice, I downloaded 5.10 Preview and the grub is messed up i think | 02:39 |
Johnny- | I cant boot after install | 02:39 |
mornfall | what | 02:39 |
nalioth | of course, the spaniards wouldnt know what i was talking about | 02:39 |
nikkia | nalioth: you'll know mexican spanish, i suspect | 02:39 |
mornfall | nalioth: adept has been what? | 02:39 |
apokryphos | Johnny-: the preview is pretty dang dated | 02:39 |
nalioth | nikkia: i speak worse than that | 02:39 |
nikkia | they already had a go at us about some of the audio samples being by someone with a south american spanish dialect :P | 02:39 |
Johnny- | Hope i can fix this :( | 02:39 |
Johnny- | I cant lose windows! | 02:40 |
nalioth | mornfall: was a couple folks in here earlier complainin how adept did somthing akin to takin a dump in their boxen | 02:40 |
nalioth | Johnny-: its all good friend | 02:40 |
nalioth | Johnny-: ease up | 02:40 |
apokryphos | Johnny-: for GRUB errors, it's worth mentioning it in #ubuntu (since it's not kde-related) | 02:40 |
nalioth | if grub is all ya gotta worry about.. .. .. | 02:40 |
nalioth | apokryphos: i've got a fix for him | 02:40 |
mornfall | nalioth: anything more exact? | 02:40 |
Johnny- | I think the problem is in grub | 02:40 |
apokryphos | nalioth: shoot | 02:40 |
mornfall | nalioth: or just fud? | 02:41 |
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apokryphos | Johnny-: explain the error, please | 02:41 |
nalioth | Johnny-: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 02:41 |
Johnny- | Its in my Windows language, "Virhe ladattaessa kyttjrjestelm" but in english it would be something like: "Error loading operating system" | 02:41 |
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nalioth | Johnny-: follow the URL i posted, it'll fix you up | 02:42 |
Johnny- | I'm installing now Kubuntu 5.04, that worked before | 02:43 |
apokryphos | Johnny-: to get to Breezy it's better to do a straight dist-upgrade, by the way. Zillions more fixes. | 02:44 |
Johnny- | Yeah...hope this works | 02:44 |
Johnny- | It s-ata harddrive by the way...does it matter? | 02:45 |
Johnny- | *It's | 02:45 |
nalioth | Johnny-: nope | 02:45 |
apokryphos | Nope | 02:45 |
Johnny- | Phiuh | 02:45 |
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apokryphos | Johnny-: make sure you select for GRUB to install on the MBR | 02:45 |
Johnny- | Yeah, i did | 02:46 |
Johnny- | And it found mine XP installation | 02:46 |
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apokryphos | right | 02:46 |
nalioth | Johnny-: you know. it might be better for you to chroot into the ubuntu you have now on the machine, and dist-upgrade | 02:46 |
Johnny- | Hmmm...what? :D | 02:47 |
Johnny- | I'm installing Kubuntu 5.04 now...ill perhaps do dist-upgrade | 02:47 |
nalioth | breezy has better more modern stuff | 02:47 |
Johnny- | Breezy did not boot at all...i cant get even to the recovery | 02:48 |
hussam | how do I clean my system from un-needed library packages. I have lot of library packages which used to be dependencies for programs I don't have anymore. | 02:49 |
apokryphos | deborphan | 02:49 |
apokryphos | and for more, you can use debfoster | 02:49 |
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hussam | apokryphos: bash: deborphan: command not found | 02:50 |
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apokryphos | hussam: idea! Install it :) | 02:50 |
hussam | apokryphos: opps sorry :) | 02:51 |
Johnny- | Booting...hope it works :( | 02:51 |
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Johnny- | It doesnt! | 02:51 |
Johnny- | What do i do now?!! | 02:51 |
nalioth | Johnny-: hmmm | 02:51 |
Johnny- | Im near panic | 02:51 |
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nalioth | Johnny-: scroll up a bit | 02:52 |
Johnny- | Should i fixmbr from windows cd? | 02:52 |
Johnny- | You mean the link? | 02:52 |
nalioth | Johnny-: nope. do you have a windows boot disk? | 02:52 |
Johnny- | I do | 02:52 |
Johnny- | But no s-ata drivers on floppy | 02:52 |
Johnny- | Hang on... | 02:52 |
Johnny- | I found the problem! | 02:53 |
Johnny- | I had enabled in BIOS "Boot Sector Virus Protection" | 02:53 |
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Johnny- | Stupid me... | 02:54 |
apokryphos | =) | 02:54 |
Johnny- | Because of that Kubuntu couldnt write to MBR anything | 02:54 |
Johnny- | One more install... :D | 02:55 |
nalioth | and probably ubuntu b4 it | 02:55 |
nalioth | Johnny-: wait | 02:55 |
Johnny- | ? | 02:55 |
nalioth | Johnny-: the URL i posted will save you some time, if you wish to do it | 02:55 |
nalioth | either way | 02:55 |
Johnny- | I dont have LiveCd :( | 02:55 |
Johnny- | I'll reinstall | 02:56 |
Johnny- | Should I install 5.04 or 5.10? | 02:56 |
nalioth | Johnny-: 5.04 | 02:56 |
nalioth | Johnny-: then dist-upgrade | 02:56 |
Johnny- | Ok | 02:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | on the 13th | 02:56 |
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Tm_T | hummm | 02:59 |
hussam | apokryphos: http://pastebin.com/370862 any of these is too citical to remove? | 02:59 |
apokryphos | hussam: those look like obsolete packs (some, anyway). Nothing critical | 03:00 |
hussam | apokryphos: what about xlibs-data ? it's part of xorg | 03:05 |
=== apokryphos doesn't have it | ||
nikkia | hussam: i think xlibs-data was moved into a different package | 03:05 |
hussam | ok thanks guys. I'll remove them now | 03:06 |
nikkia | can't say for sure about ubuntu, but my debian-unstable box at work thru it out with the switch to xorg | 03:06 |
Johnny- | Doesn't work... | 03:07 |
Johnny- | Im going nuts | 03:07 |
nalioth | Johnny-: find a windows boot cd, preferably from win98 | 03:08 |
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nikkia | nalioth: if its XP, you can just repair the boot sector from the XP install CD | 03:08 |
nalioth | Johnny-: go to bootdisk.com and get you an win98 floppy image with fdisk with it | 03:08 |
Johnny- | fixmbr command? | 03:08 |
=== nalioth is old skewl | ||
nikkia | Johnny-: i think so, there's a second command too, fixboot perhaps, but usually just fixing the mbr is enough | 03:09 |
Johnny- | Yep, thats the one | 03:09 |
Johnny- | Ill try only mbr... | 03:09 |
Johnny- | But what the damn can do this, i dont get it | 03:10 |
nikkia | Johnny-: of course, after you do that, grub won't appear probably, so you'll want to then reapply grub to the boot sector again :) | 03:10 |
Johnny- | Main thing is that i NEED to get to Windows! | 03:10 |
nikkia | personally, i keep my grub and xp boot sectors on different drives, makes it easier, but i haven't had a bootable XP system for about 4 weeks since i put a new drive in and grub got confused :) | 03:11 |
nalioth | Johnny-: so fix your mbr and keep it windows | 03:11 |
nalioth | Johnny-: you can always use "grub-floppy" and use it to boot your linux | 03:11 |
nikkia | Johnny-: you can also use a grub boot cd to boot into linux as needed | 03:11 |
Johnny- | How did i get to the recovery console? | 03:12 |
Johnny- | Can't remember... | 03:12 |
nikkia | johnny, from the XP CD? isn't it when you're asked if you want to install XP, there is an option to start the recovery console ? | 03:12 |
Johnny- | But where? | 03:12 |
Johnny- | I see here the partition tables | 03:13 |
aftertaf | nikkia: not certain, depends on CDs... it OEM, then no... | 03:13 |
Johnny- | And luckily it seems that windows is fine... | 03:13 |
aftertaf | was on 2K but not always XP; | 03:13 |
Johnny- | This is Windows XP Pro SP2 | 03:13 |
hussam | is there a kde3/qt3 program similar to inkscape? | 03:17 |
hussam | apokryphos: do I need lvm10 or just lvm-common and lvm2 ? | 03:26 |
apokryphos | the Linux Volume Manager | 03:26 |
hussam | apokryphos: lvm10 is universe but lvm2 and lvm-common are main | 03:27 |
hussam | I have all three installed | 03:27 |
aftertaf | hussam: do you need any? | 03:27 |
apokryphos | you certainly can't remove lvm2 | 03:27 |
aftertaf | oh.. yes! | 03:28 |
apokryphos | and probably lvm-common; lvm10 -- don't know what it is. Check what depends on it | 03:28 |
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hussam | apokryphos: I'll just keep all three. | 03:29 |
hussam | apokryphos: do you have all 3 installed on your PC? | 03:30 |
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apokryphos | heh, gotta remember to not run it in chroot | 03:31 |
apokryphos | yeah, I have them all | 03:31 |
hussam | apokryphos | 03:32 |
hussam | sorry | 03:32 |
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hussam | ok thanks guys, I have to get to work | 03:32 |
cryos_ | Hi - is there anyone in here know about the new hal/dbus patches to kdebase-kio stuff in 3.4.2? | 03:33 |
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cryos_ | I am trying to apply them to the Gentoo 3.4.2 kioslaves - and it works really well with the new hal/dbus apart from the inability to mount devices. | 03:33 |
Chousuke | "It works really well, except it doesn't work at all" | 03:35 |
Chousuke | How nice. :) | 03:36 |
cryos_ | No - it shows new devices and removes them. i.e. the new devices are triggered. | 03:36 |
Chousuke | but you can't use them? | 03:36 |
cryos_ | So it does work partially, but mounting (which is a very important feature) does not work at all. | 03:36 |
Chousuke | Well, that's the same as it not working, but anyway. | 03:37 |
Chousuke | I intended it to be a joke. | 03:37 |
cryos_ | Not really - some of it is working, but a very important feature is not. | 03:37 |
cryos_ | Sorry I couldn't find anything of humourous value ;) | 03:39 |
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trilly | hi | 03:43 |
henk | hi are there any video tools out there that enable me to author a dvd from a few mpegs? i have the dvd compliant mpegs i just want te create menus and stuff | 03:43 |
nalioth | henk: dvdauthor | 03:44 |
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pips1 | testing umlauts: ... works for me... | 03:48 |
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hussam | I just noticed something. openoffice.org2 in breezy is missing the help system | 03:58 |
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winslow | I still can't change the resolution! | 03:59 |
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winslow | My resolution can still go no higher than 640*480! | 04:02 |
apokryphos | !resolution | 04:04 |
ubotu | I heard resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 04:04 |
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winslow | Do I have to restart X? | 04:14 |
winslow | I ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. | 04:14 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yes | 04:14 |
winslow | OK | 04:14 |
winslow | Thanks, if this works | 04:14 |
winslow | Oodbyegay | 04:14 |
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_zyzy | hi | 04:28 |
spiral | hi | 04:28 |
_zyzy | im new here | 04:28 |
_zyzy | actually a newbiue to ubuntu | 04:28 |
_zyzy | newbie* | 04:28 |
_zyzy | how is it here? | 04:29 |
thoreauputic | hi _zyzy | 04:29 |
_zyzy | hello thor | 04:29 |
_zyzy | how is it here? | 04:30 |
thoreauputic | quiet at the moment :) | 04:30 |
Kamping_Kaiser | im trying to deside if thats a good thing or a bad thing | 04:31 |
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_zyzy | what is? being in a quite room? | 04:31 |
_zyzy | yeah i see | 04:31 |
_zyzy | where are you from thor? | 04:32 |
_zyzy | coffee time | 04:34 |
_zyzy | #lad | 04:35 |
Kamping_Kaiser | jees. a 2mb gz file extracts into a 15mb text file :o | 04:36 |
morrow | is there any kubuntu usplash planned? | 04:38 |
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apokryphos | morrow: apparently there is, but I forget who's working on it | 04:39 |
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sladen | morrow: yes. done. | 04:40 |
apokryphos | sladen: oh? Is it in? | 04:41 |
sladen | morrow: http://www.paul.sladen.org/ubuntu/usplash/kubuntu-usplash/ FWIW. I think jbailey should have it in | 04:41 |
apokryphos | so dark? :D | 04:41 |
morrow | thanks :) | 04:41 |
apokryphos | Quite nice though :) | 04:42 |
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freemanen | Is it possible to use ispell for spellchecking in your own program? | 04:46 |
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_zyzy_ | hi | 04:57 |
nikkia | hmmm | 04:57 |
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thoreauputic | nikkia: do you know what advantages accrue from comiling a window manager with imlib support? ( fluxbox in my case) | 05:07 |
thoreauputic | *compiling | 05:07 |
thoreauputic | heh - "if any" | 05:07 |
nikkia | thoreauputic: caching of images | 05:07 |
thoreauputic | ah - so this would help speed? | 05:08 |
nikkia | thoreauputic: and theoretically, imlib can be network transparent, although i have no idea if it is, right now | 05:08 |
nikkia | thoreauputic: in theory, yes, depends on how the wm is written tho | 05:08 |
thoreauputic | nikkia: OK - I might try it then - I left that option out when compiling the latest fluxbox from svn. Thanks! | 05:09 |
Tm_T | hullo | 05:09 |
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[square] | hello | 05:22 |
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[square] | i tried to upgrade hoary to breezy, but when i do startx i have this error: | 05:24 |
[square] | xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/mice | 05:24 |
[square] | what can i do? | 05:24 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | [square] : try updateing. i think its been fixed | 05:26 |
[square] | i tried | 05:26 |
[square] | but is this a bug? | 05:27 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | [square] : yes it is, it should be fixed in the next few days at latest | 05:30 |
Tm_T | hmm hmm | 05:31 |
nikkia | argh!!! | 05:31 |
foodcoman | Good Morning. | 05:31 |
[square] | Kamping_Kaiser: can you say me the bug number (or link)? | 05:31 |
[square] | sorry for English :P | 05:31 |
nikkia | some idiot broke our company email server, just as i was about to email our customer and tell them the software is ready :( | 05:31 |
Kamping_Kaiser | [square] : sorry, no i cant. i just heard about it in my email | 05:32 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :( | 05:32 |
Kamping_Kaiser | how does one get files from a local host to a ftp server? send? | 05:32 |
morrow | look at the ubuntu bugtracker for udev pkg | 05:32 |
[square] | ah ok in bugzilla.ubuntu i have find nothing about it | 05:33 |
nikkia | Kamping_Kaiser: use konqueror :) | 05:33 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nikkia: im using ssh :) | 05:33 |
nikkia | Kamping_Kaiser: then ftp and use the command 'put' | 05:33 |
nikkia | or ncftp | 05:33 |
nikkia | or... or ... :) | 05:33 |
nikkia | lots of choices, basically | 05:33 |
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winslow | Haldo | 05:34 |
winslow | It broke my X server, therefore I had to reinstall. | 05:34 |
Kamping_Kaiser | thanks nikkia | 05:34 |
winslow | Does anyone have any other ways to fix it? | 05:35 |
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winslow | Where is that wiki page again? | 05:35 |
winslow | BRB | 05:35 |
winslow | Back | 05:36 |
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=== nikkia sends the email and lets the ravenous piranha that are the customers loose on her personal FTP server :/ | ||
foodcoman | Cool news. | 05:41 |
foodcoman | http://distrowatch.com/?newsid=02909#0 | 05:41 |
nikkia | yay, more pointless screenshots of an installer :) | 05:42 |
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=== winslow restarts Z | ||
winslow | I mean | 05:43 |
=== winslow restarts x | ||
=== winslow restarts X | ||
winslow | Thanks in advance | 05:44 |
winslow | Oodbyegay ^^ | 05:44 |
othernoob | which version of k3b will be in the final breezy release? | 05:44 |
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thehil | how do I find a function call in a bunch of *.so files? | 05:49 |
apokryphos | 3.5beta has actually made some pretty cool advances; not nearly as buggy as alpha (which seemed less stable to me than svn :P) | 05:51 |
apokryphos | good advances in kicker (the add applet is real nice, even if it is a little gnomy | 05:51 |
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apokryphos | though /me can't *believe* that Plastik windec doesn't have support for closing the window when you go maximum top-right of your monitor (say, when a window is maximised). Baghira implemented that aages ago (only thing I like about it) | 05:53 |
othernoob | apokryphos: are you familiar with dvd burner problems? | 05:53 |
seth_k|away | does Kubuntu have its own usplash? or is it just this brown one for both Ubuntu and Kubuntu... | 05:53 |
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apokryphos | seth_k|away: yeah, it has its own; not in yet though | 05:53 |
=== apokryphos goes off to get the link again | ||
seth_k|away | (the new KDM theme is pure love btw) | 05:53 |
seth_k | thanks apokryphos | 05:53 |
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buz | where does the kdm theme live? | 05:54 |
buz | oh stupid me | 05:54 |
buz | yes | 05:54 |
buz | saw it this morning | 05:54 |
buz | simply beautiful | 05:54 |
apokryphos | seth_k: http://www.paul.sladen.org/ubuntu/usplash/kubuntu-usplash/ | 05:54 |
buz | can we have such a theme for the whole of kde? | 05:55 |
buz | (vista before it's released muahaha) | 05:55 |
seth_k | haha | 05:55 |
seth_k | thanks apokryphos :) | 05:55 |
apokryphos | has the kdm theme changed? Which one to use was still being tossed up | 05:55 |
seth_k | dithers make me cry though :( | 05:55 |
seth_k | apokryphos, yes it changed again | 05:55 |
buz | apokryphos: looks kinda like vista | 05:55 |
seth_k | there was about a 3-day stretch of this dark dark blue one | 05:55 |
buz | only not quite as dark | 05:55 |
seth_k | then it changed to the current blue and silver, very shiny | 05:56 |
apokryphos | brb | 05:56 |
nikkia | buz, who on earth would WANT the vista look ? its just like 'XP, but black' woo | 05:56 |
buz | i dont think it sucks do bad | 05:56 |
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buz | the placement of the menu list sucks | 05:56 |
buz | tho | 05:56 |
buz | (vista look is no worse than that god awful metal on osx, for sure) | 05:57 |
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nikkia | heh, i gotta love how inept my webspace provider is, sometimes | 05:58 |
nikkia | 'Bandwidth allocation used: 3MB | 05:58 |
nikkia | hmm, so that 200MB upload, and 200MB download yesterday, and another 200MB upload today, and the 200MB download in progress simply don't count ? | 05:58 |
othernoob | anyone familiar with dvd burner problems? | 05:59 |
seth_k | the glass toolbars for vista are cool | 06:00 |
seth_k | better than crayolaXP | 06:00 |
=== apokryphos returns | ||
apokryphos | ok, now to see which kdm theme is being used | 06:02 |
seth_k | the purty one | 06:02 |
seth_k | :P | 06:02 |
jpatrick | apokryphos: I really like the new pager :) | 06:02 |
seth_k | will KDE 3.5 make it into Breezy? Or rather, will installing the beta debs mess me over? | 06:03 |
seth_k | first I saw yes it would, then no it wouldn't, then back and forth some more | 06:03 |
jpatrick | seth_k: no it shouldn't | 06:03 |
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thehil | how do I break from a for loop in bash script? | 06:04 |
pc22 | anyone familiar with swat? | 06:05 |
Kamping_Kaiser | done | 06:05 |
apokryphos | oh coool, it's the one I liked :D. Much better than the old Mandrake one | 06:05 |
apokryphos | jpatrick: yes, much better; but again, as nikkia said, you'd think something like this would've been in five years ago :P | 06:06 |
jpatrick | :P | 06:06 |
ajus | my screen goes blank instead of turn off.. when standby.. i'm using geforce mx.. how to fix it? | 06:06 |
nikkia | thehil: did you try 'help break' ? | 06:06 |
seth_k | themes are not very easy to change for KDM though | 06:06 |
seth_k | have to play with kdmrc | 06:07 |
apokryphos | seth_k: 3.5 is gonna be in for breezy, unfortunately | 06:07 |
thehil | thanks 'break' works | 06:07 |
thehil | nikkia, u r good! | 06:07 |
apokryphos | seth_k: but it won't mess anything up, when you upgrade to official it'll just leave 3.5 there | 06:07 |
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seth_k | apokryphos, yeah, just checking. Mostly because I wasn't sure 3.5 was going into Breezy. But if it is, it's all good. thanks | 06:07 |
apokryphos | seth_k: moodin engine has made it a lot easier | 06:08 |
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apokryphos | it won't be for Breezy official (but there's breezy repos for it of course) | 06:08 |
apokryphos | kdm themes must surely be easier than making styles/windecs -- what a mystery :D | 06:09 |
thehil | How can I link the shared library named 'compobj.dll.so' using the '-l' option in g++? | 06:09 |
seth_k | apokryphos, KDM themes themselves are very logical and pretty easy to make. It's letting endusers switch between themes that is annoying right now | 06:10 |
seth_k | editing configs = bad | 06:10 |
apokryphos | yup, exactly; no GUI for it | 06:11 |
apokryphos | eventually I think it'll just become like splash screens | 06:11 |
apokryphos | ohh, another thing I need to check on kubuntu | 06:11 |
seth_k | that would be great | 06:11 |
seth_k | oh, when you said "won't be for Breezy official", was that 3.5 or moodin | 06:12 |
apokryphos | 3.5 won't be in the breezy official repos, but the breezy repo for 3.5 will still be there, I'm sure | 06:12 |
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apokryphos | Hm, now not sure if I should use taskbar v2 or not :P | 06:12 |
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nikkia | apokryphos: i use it, it annoys me sometimes, but doesn't seem to use much CPU | 06:13 |
nikkia | (it annoys me when my PC is already running slow, and i switch desktops, it takes ages for taskbar v2 to fade in the taskbar items) | 06:13 |
apokryphos | new 3.5 has transparency, but also has the same hover-on effect that quicklaunch in 3.4 had | 06:13 |
apokryphos | saw something nice SuSE menu had the other day.. they have a small entry (exactly like the one in systemsettings), where you can type, and it fades/grays out entries | 06:15 |
apokryphos | handy | 06:15 |
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apokryphos | aha, 3.5 kubuntu splash -- simple, quite nice :) | 06:16 |
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chakie | eric3 is broken for hoary. it segfaults | 06:25 |
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MasterC | hi | 06:35 |
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thechris | Is it still reccomended to install ubuntu and then attempt to apt-get KDE? | 06:36 |
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myth8y | Hi, i've got a probleme with my mouse, the control is inversed (sry for my english), but its really weird, when i try to go left, its first go left but just after go right, so praticly always stay at the same place... | 07:00 |
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MrFaber | cu all | 07:09 |
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elvirolo | hi al | 07:45 |
elvirolo | is anyone using KDE 3.5 beta here ? | 07:45 |
god-zero | yep | 07:46 |
elvirolo | god-zero: ok, does this work for you : kcontrol => internet & network => file sharing => superuser mode ? | 07:47 |
god-zero | that never worked, try alt-f2, "kdesu kcontrol" | 07:48 |
elvirolo | oh i see | 07:49 |
elvirolo | is there any plan on fixing that bug ? | 07:49 |
god-zero | it's the whole "no real root account" thing buggering it up. I believe a workaround is being planned | 07:50 |
god-zero | brb | 07:50 |
elvirolo | ok | 07:50 |
elvirolo | now it says NFS is not installed here | 07:51 |
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god-zero | i'm back | 07:57 |
elvirolo | ok | 07:57 |
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gurumeditationer | 'sup room | 07:57 |
god-zero | Another amiga fan! | 07:58 |
gurumeditationer | how is one supposed to connect to a network with kubuntu? there are no network tools | 07:58 |
gurumeditationer | how's it going god-zero :) | 07:58 |
god-zero | What kind of networking support do you want in kde? | 07:59 |
nikkia | god-zero: i don't believe the kcontrol bug is related to sudo at all | 07:59 |
elvirolo | gurumeditationer: network settings in kcontrol | 07:59 |
gurumeditationer | they are all ghosted out | 07:59 |
nikkia | god-zero: and you know WHY i don't think it is? because i have a root account on my LFS system, and it still does it | 07:59 |
elvirolo | but it's very crappy | 07:59 |
gurumeditationer | and clicking on admin mode does nothging | 07:59 |
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god-zero | nikkia: I also have a root account, and yes, it still doesn't work.. but I think the assumpition of no root caused certain methodes to be used that don't work. | 08:00 |
nikkia | god-zero: but you're missing the point, my home built kcontrol doesn't use sudo, it is compiled as is, it still fails, it is a bug in KDE not kubuntu, not the sudo method of [k] ubuntu | 08:01 |
god-zero | gurumeditation alt-f2 "sudo kcontrol" | 08:01 |
nikkia | no, never suggest sudo'ing GUI apps | 08:01 |
gurumeditationer | 'k I'll give that a shot | 08:01 |
nikkia | gurumeditationer: alt-f2 "kdesu kcontrol" | 08:02 |
god-zero | nikkia: hrm... not sudo, kdesu | 08:02 |
god-zero | sorry typed too fast, wasn't thinking | 08:02 |
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god-zero | nikkia: i was able to do it in other distros | 08:02 |
elvirolo | well superuser mode in kcontrol works here | 08:03 |
nikkia | god-zero: sudo? its a matter of luck | 08:03 |
god-zero | nikkia, no kcontrol admin mode | 08:03 |
nikkia | god-zero: sudo has a habit of touching things in /tmp as root, and thus you get root owned files that KDE needs to use, and can't | 08:03 |
nikkia | god-zero: it works 'sometimes' here, not always, the same appears to be true of other distros | 08:03 |
nikkia | god-zero: most likely its a timing bug with how kcontrol elevates its priviledges | 08:04 |
elvirolo | have bugs been filed for that ? | 08:05 |
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god-zero | sudo ramdom_gui_program fails alot too with X not giving a window... odd | 08:05 |
god-zero | elvirolo: I mentioned it to kubuntu-dev, they're quite aware if it | 08:06 |
elvirolo | ok | 08:06 |
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god-zero | nikkia: so it may boil down to a race condition? | 08:14 |
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slow-motion | hallo | 08:15 |
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_dick | is anyone here ?? | 08:23 |
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agustin | hola | 08:38 |
agustin | alguien conoce drupal? | 08:38 |
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bazan | es un systema para publicar novelas. no? | 08:40 |
agustin | no se todavia hasta donde lleva. Lo he instalado hoy. | 08:41 |
bazan | vale, animo y suerte ;) | 08:42 |
agustin | bueno,y alo tengo en castellano y he cambiado algun theme | 08:42 |
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elvirolo | hi all | 09:12 |
elvirolo | is anyone using amarok 1.3 here ? | 09:13 |
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OculusAquilae | yes | 09:18 |
OculusAquilae | elvirolo | 09:18 |
elvirolo | ah ok | 09:18 |
OculusAquilae | but on breezy | 09:18 |
elvirolo | i forgot what my question was | 09:18 |
OculusAquilae | :-) | 09:18 |
elvirolo | oh yeah | 09:18 |
elvirolo | do musicbrainz work for you ? | 09:18 |
OculusAquilae | not for mp3s | 09:19 |
elvirolo | ah ok | 09:19 |
OculusAquilae | its a known problem i think | 09:19 |
elvirolo | same for me, obviously | 09:19 |
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troy | is anyone able to use the superkaramba packages in breezy? | 09:21 |
OculusAquilae | troy: i use them | 09:21 |
OculusAquilae | and it works | 09:22 |
boogster | how stable is kde 3.5? | 09:23 |
slow-motion | i use them too and it works | 09:23 |
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troy | OculusAquilae: I get it crashing whenever I try to load a theme -- oh well, I can wait :) | 09:23 |
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_stefan | hello all | 09:24 |
_stefan | I want to install a joystick | 09:25 |
_stefan | I installed joystick and jscalibrator | 09:25 |
_stefan | getting the message that I have to create a device via MAKEDEV | 09:26 |
troy | do you need Karamba installed to use SuperKaramba perhaps? | 09:26 |
_stefan | but dont know how I should do this | 09:26 |
=== troy 's first time trying this thing | ||
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_stefan | MAKDEV /dev/js0 is not working | 09:26 |
OculusAquilae | troy: i don't think so. have you looked into bugzilla? | 09:26 |
troy | not yet, trying to see if I can figure anything here first - makes a better bug report :) | 09:27 |
_stefan | can someone help? | 09:27 |
OculusAquilae | troy: perhaps there is one already :-) | 09:28 |
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blueyed_ | When I attach my usb camera (canon ixus 700) dmesg just says: | 09:37 |
blueyed_ | Sep 22 21:28:01 localhost kernel: usb 2-10: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 4 | 09:37 |
blueyed_ | Sep 22 21:28:01 localhost usb.agent[9632] : libgphoto2: loaded successfully | 09:37 |
blueyed_ | Is there no auto-mounting with kubuntu? | 09:38 |
blueyed_ | I'm pretty sure ubuntu (gnome) does it.. | 09:38 |
_exec | sure there is a auto-mounting with kubuntu | 09:39 |
_exec | kubuntu shows, cd's usb-sticks and cameras on the kde desktop when u put it in to the slot ;) | 09:39 |
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blueyed_ | _exec: unfortunately not here. Might it be related to the usb device? Isn't the ixus 700 perhaps not a "real simple usb mass storage media"? It does not work with Gnome, too.. | 09:45 |
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eckhart | hi | 09:50 |
eckhart | i've some problem with hoary and kde 3.5beta1 packages | 09:50 |
eckhart | http://ewsoftware.de/temp/kopete.png | 09:50 |
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thomas | bonsoir a tous ! | 10:07 |
thomas | j'ai un gros souci ! | 10:07 |
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bazan | lequel? | 10:09 |
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Lichte | Hi all | 10:10 |
bazan | hi | 10:11 |
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rrichie | hi all | 10:23 |
rrichie | kubuntu breezy kde 3.5b1 packages says my problems with kded :( | 10:23 |
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=== Rhisc is now known as Chris | ||
=== Chris is now known as gamemaker | ||
=== gamemaker is now known as Risc | ||
=== Risc is now known as Rhisc | ||
Rhisc | hi | 11:08 |
Rhisc | I was wondering if someone could help me set up ati drivers | 11:08 |
=== Rhisc is a complete linux noob | ||
Rhisc | talkative cround here today | 11:10 |
claydoh | give it a bit, folks may be eating or sleeping :) | 11:11 |
claydoh | okee dokee | 11:11 |
=== Rhisc [n=chris@68-112-65-131.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Rhisc | anyone there? | 11:11 |
claydoh | yes, but I don't have ATi hardware | 11:12 |
Rhisc | oh | 11:13 |
claydoh | idle for a bit, maybe someone will chime in | 11:13 |
Rhisc | well how do I install debian packages? | 11:13 |
Rhisc | or anything for that matter | 11:13 |
claydoh | well for debs, its pretty simple | 11:13 |
claydoh | in a terminal type in "sudo dpkg -i foo.deb | 11:14 |
claydoh | or rather "sudo dpkg -i /the/full/path/to/your.deb" | 11:15 |
claydoh | if you are not in the same dir as the file | 11:15 |
Rhisc | ok | 11:15 |
claydoh | synaptic is a good gui tool for installing from the repositories, in Kubuntu we have kynaptic, but it is not as nice | 11:16 |
Rhisc | ah | 11:16 |
claydoh | but it does the job well | 11:16 |
=== laser_tk [n=laser@a84-231-249-47.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Rhisc | how do I see the file directories? | 11:16 |
Rhisc | nvm | 11:17 |
Rhisc | its in Konqueror? | 11:17 |
claydoh | if you click on the System menu iconm in your taskbar, that will open up the konqueror file browser in your home directory | 11:18 |
claydoh | you got it :) | 11:18 |
Rhisc | kewl | 11:19 |
Rhisc | ok do you know of a good place to grab deb packages, some sites dont have them for the bit processor | 11:20 |
claydoh | I would suggest using kynaptic/synaptic to browse the repositories, there are tons of stuff in there | 11:21 |
Rhisc | how do I open kynaptic? | 11:21 |
Rhisc | nvm | 11:22 |
Rhisc | found it | 11:22 |
Rhisc | sorry for all of the noob questions | 11:22 |
osh | I might have asked this before but how about upgrades to kubuntu? Will packages get upgraded or is this just done with new version (like breezy)? I'm talking about packages like openoffice, FF1.5, KDE3.5 and the like. Rather large packages. | 11:22 |
=== DocTomoe [n=martin@p54A91BDE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
claydoh | there are at least security fixes done between hoary and breezy, firefox 1.0.7 was just released in the repositories | 11:23 |
osh | I'm thinking more along the line of major upgrades, not just bugfixes and stuff. | 11:24 |
claydoh | as for kde3.5, well thats still beta, not sure when that will be part of Kubuntu | 11:24 |
gdh | KDE 3.5 is scheduled for late October - it will miss breezy for sure. | 11:25 |
osh | All the packages I suggested are major upgrades (sort of) of the applications that I use the most. | 11:25 |
=== slow-motion [n=xxx@p548DDA1B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
gdh | osh: 'new versions' only appear in releases of Kubuntu | 11:25 |
=== osh nods. | ||
claydoh | when breezy is officially released all you will have to do is update via synaptic/kynaptic or from apt (command-line0 | 11:25 |
osh | Thanks gdh. | 11:26 |
slow-motion | re | 11:26 |
Rhisc | how do you update kubuntu? | 11:26 |
`Nomad | claydoh: Is it really that simple, or is it better to do a frsh install? | 11:26 |
hydrogen | its simple | 11:27 |
hydrogen | just change your sources | 11:27 |
hydrogen | and apt-get distupgrade | 11:27 |
bazan | `Nomad: yes it is that simpl but it is'nt that risk less ;-) | 11:27 |
claydoh | well, I am running breezy and kde 3.5 beta updated from a "stock" kubub=ntu | 11:27 |
claydoh | kubuntu rather | 11:27 |
claydoh | no real issues for me, but ymmv :) | 11:28 |
`Nomad | Is Kubuntu a good option for a webserver/database, you know, the basic LAMP setup | 11:28 |
osh | I've been testing breezy and it does have openoffice2 in it but if breezy is released before openoffice2 is done then oo2 will not be in breezy at all? Or did I misunderstand something? OO2 will then end up in the version following breezy. | 11:28 |
chavo | I've been running kubuntu since the first betas, and updated to breezy. | 11:28 |
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gsuveg | re | 11:52 |
=== mk4evr [n=mk4evr@bfu4.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mk4evr | hi @LL | 11:54 |
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