ogra | additionally there was expressed interst by some very huge worldwide organizations i cant talk about at this stage | 12:05 |
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Gand | hi all | 12:18 |
Gand | I get an error while updating system! | 12:19 |
ogra | hi | 12:19 |
ogra | oh | 12:19 |
ogra | what is it about ? | 12:19 |
Gand | E: /var/cache/apt/archives/x-common_1.08_all.deb: | 12:19 |
ogra | ah, known error | 12:19 |
ogra | its from ubuntu... | 12:20 |
Gand | can't write over /usr/lib/X11/fonts | 12:20 |
Gand | :( | 12:20 |
Gand | is a way to solve? | 12:20 |
ogra | try: sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/x-common_1.08_all.deb | 12:20 |
ogra | it will be fixed during the next days | 12:20 |
Gand | well I've just don sudo | 12:21 |
Gand | x-common configured | 12:22 |
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gand_ | hi sorry I've closed xchat | 12:27 |
gand_ | now update is running thaks | 12:27 |
gand_ | I'm working remotely with vnc | 12:28 |
gand_ | the fact is that gnome now has only one desktop | 12:28 |
gand_ | thaks =thanks :) | 12:30 |
ogra | what do you mean wit "only one desktop" ? | 12:30 |
gand_ | only one virtual desktop,, only one square bottom right instead of four | 12:30 |
gand_ | near the bin | 12:31 |
ogra | yup | 12:31 |
gand_ | I hope after upgrade it will be solved | 12:31 |
gand_ | I install edubuntu yesterday and I've not problem during update | 12:32 |
ogra | great | 12:32 |
gand_ | I've reinstalled ubuntu today and I get the above errors | 12:32 |
ogra | you can adjust the number of desktops with gconf-editor | 12:32 |
ogra | just go to /apps/metacity/general and set the number of workspaces as you like | 12:33 |
gand_ | sorry, gconf-editor, where is it? | 12:33 |
ogra | applications->system tools->configuration editor | 12:34 |
ogra | or run it from a terminal... | 12:34 |
gand_ | I'm gui evangelist :) | 12:34 |
ogra | the key you have to change is called num_workspaces | 12:35 |
gand_ | tks now I do | 12:35 |
gand_ | FYI I've installed Italian locale | 12:35 |
gand_ | all menus are in italian exept for the main bar: Applocations/Places/System is written in english | 12:36 |
ogra | use the language selector, select italian and log out/in again | 12:37 |
ogra | it is in system->system settings | 12:38 |
gand_ | number workspace is already set to 4 :) | 12:38 |
gand_ | well now my system is uptodate :) I restart | 12:39 |
ogra | oki | 12:39 |
bdoin | perhaps it's not the same need for south africa but an ONG requested us to customize it for africa | 12:41 |
bdoin | I mean, replacing european objects, images, by typical african one | 12:42 |
gand_ | hi with language selector I can download also english and switch sistem from italian to english and viceversa? | 12:42 |
ogra | yup | 12:42 |
bdoin | I am not sure but there is not many localized educational software in many african country. | 12:42 |
gand_ | nice :) | 12:42 |
ogra | bdoin, not really... but most countries are french or english anyway | 12:43 |
bdoin | we can have a REAL advantage over any proprietary software is we provide an edu app that look like it was done 'at home' | 12:43 |
ogra | yup | 12:43 |
ogra | thats why we also have a DVD now with 90 languages... | 12:44 |
bdoin | I am not talking about the translation but the real content | 12:44 |
ogra | ah yes, thats bit tricky if you make a distro... if you provide a CD the space mostly gets used by applications, no place for extra content | 12:45 |
bdoin | for example, we should use african colors, african fruits, houses, .. | 12:45 |
ogra | i'd love to distribute mediawiki on the CD (our security team decided against it sadly) and put a wikipedia DVD aside | 12:45 |
bdoin | you are thinking distribution but there is way to manage that. | 12:46 |
ogra | not an a CD | 12:46 |
ogra | s/an/on | 12:46 |
bdoin | in gcompris we have themes but we could have 'styles' like africa, asia, .. | 12:46 |
ogra | currently the distro takes 702 MB on the CD for powerpc... | 12:46 |
bdoin | the styles can be packaged on their own. | 12:47 |
ogra | thats the very edge | 12:47 |
ogra | the DVD will be different, but since we wont ship it, and third world countries cant be expected to have a internet connection to download a DVD, its not easy | 12:48 |
ogra | i already have a problem with the gcompris sounds packages, its quite hard to get them on the CD | 12:49 |
ogra | they are huge... its the nature of sound content... | 12:49 |
ogra | i'd love to have more content in the distro | 12:50 |
bdoin | 3-4MB/locale | 12:50 |
ogra | yup | 12:50 |
bdoin | I know, gcompris is a mess to package and it eat all the space ;) | 12:51 |
ogra | yup... i think we'll probably split the distro in the future... a basic CD for only th distro and a DVD wit distro and content... | 12:52 |
bdoin | that makes sense | 12:56 |
gand_ | aarggg I forget that now my restarted machine has the login screen and I can't connect via vnc LOL | 01:01 |
mpt | ogra: ship a printed Wikipedia instead :-) | 01:06 |
ogra | lol | 01:06 |
=== mpt leaves so as not to be the last out of the office | ||
ogra | i think the shipment costs would break the budget :) | 01:06 |
gand_ | it was so fast that I'll do some screenrecorder using vnc | 01:07 |
gand_ | I've tryed Istanbul, but framerate is too fast and cursor has a yellow halo around it, not yet usable in my opinion | 01:08 |
ogra | nope, thats why we dont install it by default yet | 01:10 |
ogra | but it will be ready eventually... | 01:10 |
gand_ | do you have a link to a fast guide on "how to install and configure apache?", I've read that edubuntu will/have CMS Mambo | 01:12 |
ogra | mambo ? nope | 01:13 |
gand_ | I'm interesting on how to set up a server with mambo or some other e-learning cms | 01:13 |
gand_ | opps | 01:13 |
ogra | moodle will be in the final version | 01:13 |
ogra | and schooltool | 01:13 |
gand_ | yes moodel sorry | 01:13 |
gand_ | 1.13 am here :) | 01:13 |
ogra | just install it from universe, its not yet in main... | 01:14 |
ogra | same time here ;) | 01:14 |
=== ogra waves from germany | ||
gand_ | will be easy to install and configure? I Know howw to do it with OSX and I like to learn and set up with edu/ubuntu | 01:14 |
ogra | moode installs fine with a default setup, look at www.moodle.org for docs | 01:15 |
gand_ | I know that I need apache/PHP/Mysql before | 01:15 |
ogra | nope, we use postgreql, thats way more secure... moodle installs in the webderver and has a easy webinterface to configure it | 01:16 |
ogra | webserver even | 01:16 |
gand_ | sorry I'm not afraid of moodle, but how to set up the server with postgree.... (moodle don't use php?) | 01:18 |
ogra | just install moodle, the rest is done automatiaclly | 01:19 |
ogra | no need to fiddle with stuff :) | 01:19 |
gand_ | nice, with synaptic package manager? | 01:19 |
ogra | postgres is in the edubuntu default install, it should already be there... apache as well... moodle will care for php and the rest if you install it... | 01:20 |
gand_ | I'll try next days and I'll do a screenrecord tutorial :) | 01:20 |
ogra | all you need to do is to do the web setup through the web interface | 01:20 |
ogra | in the final version it will be preinstalled, i'm just figting with some security issues that require a upgrade of the package | 01:21 |
gand_ | yes, but there are sometimes little but important passage, for example: how to start apache? with the command line apechectl start, I suppose? | 01:22 |
gand_ | on osx I need only a click in the sharing system preference panel | 01:23 |
gand_ | will ubuntu be as usable as OSX :) | 01:24 |
gand_ | http://www.freesmug.org/usex/ | 01:24 |
ogra | if you install apache, its started automatically | 01:25 |
gand_ | nice to know | 01:25 |
gand_ | there are often little important things that could be obvious when you know and are written in 1000 pages manual. | 01:27 |
ogra | like all servers in ubuntu it comes with a default setuo and just works :) | 01:27 |
gand_ | unfortunatly I don't know enought of ubuntu. I'll use your precious experience in the future as I ,with some other my collegues (teachers), have a project to set up and use e-learning platform on linux | 01:30 |
ogra | great, feel free to ask | 01:31 |
gand_ | thanks a lot, now bed ask to me :) | 01:32 |
gand_ | see you next | 01:32 |
ogra | bye | 01:32 |
gand_ | ciao | 01:32 |
gand_ | gute Nacht | 01:32 |
ogra | ciao | 01:33 |
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shaga | good morning janew | 10:35 |
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Yagisan | finally got a mostly working install in vmware now | 02:34 |
Yagisan | can boot from network card pxe | 02:34 |
Yagisan | or with pxe emulation from etherboot 5.4.1 | 02:34 |
shaga | :) | 02:37 |
Yagisan | now to bios mod my p2 to have etherboot | 02:38 |
Yagisan | the was a weird issue with nfs though | 02:38 |
Yagisan | it would timeout and sometimes need a new reboots of the client | 02:39 |
Yagisan | to actually boot | 02:39 |
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Yagisan | Am I correct in assuming I have to chroot into the ltsp to add/remove users ? | 03:31 |
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Yagisan | g'day ogra | 04:52 |
ogra | hi | 04:52 |
Yagisan | I was archiving some old data, and found something interesting | 04:53 |
Yagisan | back in 2004 - I did a project similar to edubuntu | 04:54 |
Yagisan | I found my teams documentaion | 04:54 |
Yagisan | interested in having a look ? | 04:55 |
ogra | sure :) | 04:55 |
Yagisan | http://eyagi.bpa.nu/~jamie/2004_06_29_Jamie_Jones_and_Mark_Poppitt_Major_Project__Dip_Network_Engineering_.pdf | 04:57 |
Yagisan | It was written for a windows bigot so in places it seems dumbed down | 04:59 |
Yagisan | but it might be useful | 04:59 |
=== Yagisan = Jamie Jones | ||
ogra | yup, i got that :) | 05:02 |
ogra | (sorry for being a bit unresposive today, i'm finishing the new screensaver dialog) | 05:03 |
Yagisan | heh - thats ok - I'm laggey with 100% cpu load (several colony 5 installs going off at once testing out vmware) | 05:05 |
ogra | heh | 05:05 |
Yagisan | will bug you shortly re edubuntu terminals and log ins | 05:06 |
ogra | ok | 05:07 |
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Yagisan | ogra: do you know whats wrong with the nfs server ? - sometimes I have to reset my | 05:36 |
Yagisan | terminal several times before it will boot | 05:36 |
ogra | several times ? | 05:36 |
ogra | that it doesnt work on first boot is a known bug... but i havent heard about several times yet | 05:37 |
Yagisan | yep - using the etherboot client. Most is 5 resets, usually only 1 or 2 is needed | 05:37 |
ogra | see 12942 | 05:37 |
Yagisan | hmm | 05:39 |
Yagisan | anyway back to my log in question | 05:39 |
Yagisan | as I'm having one of those days where all problems seem to be a pebkac error | 05:40 |
Yagisan | I thought I should double check | 05:40 |
Yagisan | after a default install - no users can log in from a terminal right ? | 05:41 |
Yagisan | I would need to chroot to /opt/ltsp/i386 and run adduser manually ? | 05:41 |
Yagisan | or did I miss the documentation | 05:42 |
ogra | err, nope | 05:44 |
ogra | there shoudlnt be any user in the chroot | 05:44 |
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ogra | the chroot is only for booting the thin client and for the X server... everything else (adding users etc) is done on the normal desktop on the server... | 05:45 |
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Yagisan | ogra: then I have a big problem. The user I added on the server can't log in from a terminal | 05:47 |
Yagisan | I'll add another user and see if the can log in | 05:47 |
Yagisan | s/the/they | 05:47 |
ogra | use the user admin tool to make sure the user is in the right groups | 05:48 |
ogra | (it has some predefined profiles) | 05:48 |
shaga | I haven't figured out yet what's that first 's' in that 's/the/they'.. | 05:50 |
ogra | it means substitute | 05:50 |
shaga | okay | 05:50 |
Yagisan | just did. What I get is the screen flashes 3 times then it bombs back out to the log in screen | 05:50 |
Yagisan | shaga: man sed :) | 05:51 |
shaga | :p | 05:51 |
ogra | Yagisan, enable the root account in the chroot (chroot /opt/ltsp/i386/ && passwd) | 05:51 |
ogra | then log in on console at the thin client and look at /var/log/ldm.log | 05:52 |
ogra | it should tell you whats wrong | 05:52 |
ogra | i suspect the ssh keys were not generated right from ltsp-build-client ... | 05:53 |
Yagisan | hmm | 05:57 |
ogra | didnt you say yesterday your /var/lib/tftpboot didnt contain a ltsp directory ? | 05:58 |
Yagisan | it did - the problem turned out to be the boot client yesterday | 06:02 |
Yagisan | a newer version allowed it to boot | 06:02 |
Yagisan | but it can't log in | 06:02 |
ogra | what doe sthe log say ? | 06:04 |
Yagisan | the log is on the thin client right ? | 06:04 |
Yagisan | because i don't see it on the server | 06:05 |
ogra | yup | 06:05 |
Yagisan | just as soon as I can pass ctrl-alt+f2 to the virtual machine I'll tell you | 06:05 |
=== Yagisan wishes he had more pc's | ||
ogra | you run the client in vmware o_O | 06:06 |
Yagisan | yeah (I lost several pc's due to lightning about 3 months ago and can't afford to replace them) | 06:08 |
Yagisan | a-ha did it | 06:09 |
Yagisan | "Host Key verification failed" | 06:09 |
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ogra | run ltsp-update-sshkeys on the server and try again (probably you need to reboot the client before) | 06:11 |
Yagisan | ok. Had a chance to skim the doc yet ? | 06:11 |
ogra | nope... i'll read it tonight... | 06:12 |
Yagisan | no worries | 06:12 |
Yagisan | I can log in :) | 06:15 |
ogra | sure :) | 06:17 |
ogra | somehow it looks like ltsp-build-clietn didnt run right in your install... did you have errors at install time ? | 06:17 |
Yagisan | not that I noticed | 06:17 |
ogra | strange... | 06:17 |
Yagisan | wow - no working mouse | 06:17 |
=== Yagisan should try a re-install | ||
ogra | because ltsp-update-sshkeys is run as the last command before gdm starts after install | 06:18 |
ogra | so there should be a valid key in the chroot... | 06:18 |
Yagisan | fixed - nomouse (psmouse module not loaded) | 06:22 |
ogra | oh, your install is outdated ;) its fixed in later versons of module-init-tools | 06:29 |
Yagisan | outdated is it ? | 06:31 |
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Yagisan | I just used your wonderful cd to install it | 06:32 |
Yagisan | anyway - tomorrow I'll do a new install and keep an eye out for any errors | 06:33 |
ogra | there was a bug in module-init-tools for about a week i guess you have one of the broken images... i didnt notice it because it only occurs in readonly filesystems | 06:33 |
Yagisan | if you have a newer iso now would be a good time to point me too it | 06:33 |
Yagisan | as it's 2:35am here and my wife is yelling at me to go to bed | 06:34 |
ogra | i havent tested todays, but i suppose its good, since its based on a colony release :) | 06:36 |
Yagisan | link to todays build would be nice - the one I'm looking at ( http://releases.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/5.10/ ) I already have | 06:43 |
ogra | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily/current/ | 06:45 |
ogra | or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily/20050924/ | 06:45 |
Yagisan | thanks ogra. any queries about my doc feel free to /msg me and I'll respond when I get up | 06:47 |
ogra | oki | 06:47 |
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shaga | has the cd image been updated much during last 4 days? | 07:25 |
ogra | there were some bug fixes... | 07:37 |
ogra | especially udev and linux-restricted-modules | 07:38 |
shaga | okay | 07:38 |
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