
lamontRiddell: ^^12:09
Riddelllamont: all compiler errors or are some dep wait on another?12:23
lamontthat's grep -l 'internal compiler' logs/*12:24
lamontif the version is current, it's busted12:25
lamontoh, and the log can be found on buildd.mmjgroup.com/buildLogs in the correct place12:30
=== lamont notes that kdeedu is now 67% and 1 hour into the build... gonna consider getting cranky if it fails.
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elvirolohi all01:34
elvirolothe lack of mp3 support for musicbrainz is rather annoying ... why not make a version of the library with mp3 enabled available in universe ?01:34
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Riddellkoffice 1.4.2 tested needed:  deb http://kubuntu.org/koffice142 {hoary,breezy} main04:28
OculusAquilaek I'll test them04:56
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jpatrickThey're working here04:57
Riddelljpatrick: hoary or breezy?04:57
Riddellgroovy, thanks04:57
Riddellneed a hoary tester now04:58
jpatrickI think I prefered the old logo04:58
Riddelljpatrick: which old logo?04:59
jpatrickThe old KOffice Workspace one05:00
Riddellit's never had one before05:00
jpatrickit was a little lighter05:00
jpatrickWhere are Krita's docs?05:04
OculusAquilaeok runs on breezy05:05
OculusAquilaeno hoary box here :-)05:05
Riddelljpatrick: good question05:06
=== verwilst [n=verwilst@dD5E0095A.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
verwilstanybody else has troubles playing movies/sounds with breezy?05:11
verwilstkaffeine always says "No URI handler implemented for 'file-name-here.avi/wmv/...'"05:12
verwilstand then shuts down05:12
verwilstxine plays the files, but without sound05:12
verwilstit says "unsupported codec : Audio Codec: MPEG Layer 2/3"05:13
verwilstany ideas? :$05:13
verwilstit really sucks :p05:13
Riddellverwilst: you need to install the gstreamer mpeg plugins05:13
verwilsti'm not using gstreamer?05:15
verwilstamarok-xine doesn't play mp3 either05:15
jpatrickIt's Breezy's default engine afaik05:15
jpatrickpackage is gstreamer0.8-mad05:16
verwilstjust installed gstreamer0.8-plugins05:16
verwilstlemme try05:17
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verwilstok, that fixes one part05:22
verwilstnow for the other: "Can't init Video Driver 'xvimagesink' - trying another one..."05:22
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verwilstverwilst@Fluffy:~$ gst-register-0.8 | grep xvimage05:34
verwilstAdded plugin xvimagesink with 1 feature.05:34
verwilstso it's in05:34
verwilstbut it can't init it..05:34
jpatrickIf only ALSA saw my sound card05:35
verwilstthis is the same thing05:36
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elvirolowill the administrator-mode bug be fixed in the final release of breezy ?05:50
jpatrickIt's an upstream (?) bug05:50
elviroloah, I see ...05:50
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verwilstcould i disable arts?05:54
verwilstcedega nags about it :p05:54
verwilstcs is nicer with sound :p05:54
Riddellverwilst: cedega?  cs?05:55
jpatrickCedega = Wine for Games05:55
jpatrickNo idea what cs could mean...05:56
\shcs == counter strike05:56
verwilstit rules :d06:09
verwilstcs : source that is06:09
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OculusAquilaeIs it normal that kde shows the fonts on smaller screens (same resolution) bigger?08:23
OculusAquilaeon breezy, all other apps are as normal08:24
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JReRiddell: there are some 3.5 packages to port on amd64?08:59
RiddellJRe: sure, all of them09:17
JReRiddell: where are the sources ?09:18
RiddellJRe: same place as the binaries09:19
Riddelluse deb-src in the apt/sources.list line09:20
JReRiddell: ok thanks!09:20
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seth_k|lappyRiddell, what's going to go in the empty middle space on the new Kubuntu splash? (which looks great)09:46
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