
gdhI have no knowledge of PASCAL never mind the GNU flavour12:02
czerti have pascal on windows12:03
czertbut i cannot get pascal to work on linux12:03
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czertbtw i am first time at this irc chat12:03
czerthere are those who has linux-kubuntu?12:04
czertkubuntu users12:04
gdhIRC's great, nothing will happen for hours, then suddenly 10 conversations will start at once at huge speed...12:04
blueyedsometimes ;o)12:04
czertand are here any peoples who are so kind that they give advices?12:05
blueyedczert: just ask. don't ask to ask.12:05
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Blissexczert: consider reading these suggestions on how to ask questions: http://tinyurl.com/bz8v412:07
czerti add GNU pascal, it works but only if i type to console gpc-2.1-3.2 12:07
czertso i need to make some run file12:07
czertok thanx now i know how to ask questions12:09
czertbut i still dont know what to do with gnu pascal to work12:10
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blueyedczert: have you installed the "gpc" package. it will install the default gpc package and for sure create a "gpc" shortcut.12:10
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blueyed"sudo apt-get install gpc"12:10
rrichieif some of you are interested, i'm building all kde 3.5b1 packages for breezy12:11
czerti allredy done this12:11
czertbut now how to run it12:11
czertby typing in console gpc-2.1-3.212:11
blueyedtry entering "gpg" and press TAB.12:11
blueyedyou could create a alias or a simple bash script to wrap it, if there is no shortcut.12:12
dell500how do i extend my desktop to my other monitor (2 crts)12:12
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czertcan i make something to run it without console?12:12
czertlike turbo pascal in windows12:12
czertor is there any distribution of pascal that is similar as turbopascal and it works in kubuntu?12:13
gdhczert: apt-get install dosemu-freedos ?12:14
czertnow i dont understand12:14
czertcan you explain it?12:15
Blissexczert: there is sort of.12:15
blueyedczert: ah.. you're looking for an IDE?12:15
Blissexczert: yes... In general to answer questions like that do 'apt-cache search pascal' or with another keyword.12:16
czertblueyed thats something for me12:16
blueyedczert: sorry, no idea. You might want to try KDevelop.12:17
czertah shame12:18
czertbut thanx anyway12:18
czerthow to write source code there?12:20
czertin console?12:20
czerti still dont understand12:20
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czertwhen i type gpc-2.1-3.2 then it just show help and available commands 12:21
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blueyedczert: you would pass the filenames to compile I guess.12:24
blueyedYou would include gpc as compiler in your IDE (KDevelop/Eclipse/jEdit/scite/vi/whatever)12:25
czertblueyed where are you from? as you can see i am not very good in english12:25
blueyedczert: me neither, germany.12:26
czerti am from slovakia12:26
czertso what should i do?12:26
blueyedI'd use my beloved jEdit and try to plug gpc in there.12:27
czertwhat to do with that kdevelop/eclipse....12:27
blueyedinstall. Try KDevelop first. apt-get.12:28
blueyedDoes Ubuntu use it's own KDE packages? I would file a bug on bugs.kde.org to include Ubuntu/Kubuntu as "binary distribution" then, if it differs "enough" from Debian - what I think.12:28
czerti use debian packages12:28
blueyedin Kubuntu?12:28
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czertbecause kubuntu is based on debian, no?12:29
blueyedczert: the long question above was not related to your problem.12:29
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blueyedczert: yes, it's based on, but different/patched I believe.12:29
apokryphosczert: debian packages in kubuntu?12:30
apokryphosbad idea; they vary a lot now (it's recommended that you never really use marillat, for example)12:30
dell500how do i extend my desktop to my other monitor (2 crts)?12:30
blueyedapokryphos: so I'll file a bug on bugs.kde.org that they include Kubuntu/Ubuntu in the binary dist list, yes?12:30
czertso wich packages should i use?12:31
apokryphosblueyed: what?12:31
apokryphosczert: for what exactly?12:31
czerti need to get pascal in linux12:31
apokryphosif it's not in [k] ubuntu's repositories, it's better to compile, generally12:32
blueyedapokryphos: for filing bugs and saying what distribution you are using.12:32
czertand it will be great if i is something like turbopascal in windows12:32
apokryphosblueyed: just say Linux, and in the bug report mention Kubuntu 12:32
apokryphosdon't actually know why Kubuntu doesn't show up there yet12:33
blueyedapokryphos: sure, yes, exactly. I'll hint them.. :)12:33
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apokryphosit's not like Kubuntu is *that* new, or unpopular; weird that it's not there yet :P12:35
troyczert: there is a pascal->c converter that will let you compile (I think)12:35
czerttroy thanx but can you give me instrucitons how to install and run it12:36
czerti would be thankful12:36
troyczert: I'm not sure, haven't tried it in an age (since probably redhat 5 or such) -- the program is called 'p2c' though, if I recall12:40
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dell500can someone help me set up dual monitors? :)12:43
gdhoh that's nice12:44
gdh11.45 on friday night12:44
gdhI am a bit pished12:44
gdhand one of the main servers at work drops offthe network12:44
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rrichiehas anyone tried to build a .deb package of kdebindings?01:02
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RogueJediXThis might sound like a very dumb question but: I've been reading about Massachussets switching to OpenDocument format and I was wondering if KWord is capable of saving files in that format01:06
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NamShubi upgraded to 3.5beta1 but it messed my system up (nothing works anymore)01:12
NamShubI cant revert to 3.4.2...01:12
NamShub(removing the 3.5 entry from my sources.list dont work...)01:12
RogueJediXNamShub: Try installing Gnome, then switch to Gnome, then uninstall KDE 3.5 beta101:13
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NamShubRogueJediX: I tried uninstalling from the shell (without kde running)01:14
RogueJediXAnd no dice?01:14
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NamShubwell actually, the problem is i dont know how to "downgrade" heh01:14
RogueJediXWell, from the console, neither do I. Synaptic has that option, though01:14
NamShuboh, I should uninstall KDE completely and then reinstall..?01:15
NamShubwouldnt I lose my settings?01:15
RogueJediXDon't think so. They're stored in $HOME/.kde01:15
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apokryphosfrom removing kde you lose no settings, no01:18
apokryphosnever seen that downgrade option in synaptic though :/01:18
RogueJediXYeah, I might be wrong01:19
RogueJediXI've been using the console for quite some time now01:19
naliothRogueJediX: console cowboys are sexy01:19
NamShubbut how would I remove it01:20
NamShubI dont have kde nor kubuntu-desktop... I'm not gonna update every package by hand...01:20
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RogueJediXsudo apt-get remove kde-core? I think that's it. Better check with someone else, though01:21
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NamShubnot installed either01:22
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RogueJediXQuite frankly, I think I'm way over my head on this one, sorry :/01:24
RogueJediXI've never actually had to remove KDE01:25
kalenedraelWhoa, why are you removing KDE?01:26
RogueJediXkde-base. I have to write that down somewhere. Thanks, nalioth 01:26
naliothRogueJediX: it's kde-base or kdebase (/me has about 6 desktop manglers on his box)01:27
RogueJediXGood to know01:28
RogueJediXI assume it's the same for gnome and others as well?01:28
RogueJediXgnomebase, etc?01:28
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naliothRogueJediX: no01:29
naliothRogueJediX: synaptic will answer lots of your questions01:29
RogueJediXI should've figured x_x01:29
RogueJediXYeah, I just opened it01:30
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RogueJediXlibgnome looks like it could take a lot of things down with it01:31
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_blakewhat is the command to search repositories?  isnt it apt-cache-search?02:24
gdhapt-cache search02:24
_blakeah, thanks02:24
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_blakeman, i swear i could apt-cache search all day :)02:27
_blakei wish i would have known this a long time ago02:27
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=== _Foodcoman_ [n=berickso@c-24-20-116-33.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
nalioth_blake: it's easier with synaptic02:36
_Foodcoman_x-common giving most people problems with X11/fonts?02:37
naliothfoodcoman: yes, it can be overcome (at risk of breaking your box)02:38
_Foodcoman_nalioth: Thanks for the heads up.  Just be patient eh?02:38
naliothyes patience02:38
_blakenalioth, i just like the knosole :/02:38
nalioth_blake: the console is your friend02:39
_Foodcoman_nalioth: I have to say I have been really happy that upgrading day after day since the 5.10 preview hasnt hosed me!   =)02:39
_blakedoes anyone know how to setup a different default file manager?  Konqueror is causing some problems02:40
_blakeI looked throught the control panel but cant figure out how to make konqueror go away without uninstalling it02:40
nalioth_blake: there are several file manglers you can use, just remove konqueror from your kicker and put the icon/link for whatever you want in it's place02:41
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apokryphos_blake: what problems?02:42
_blakewhat do you use?02:42
apokryphosKonqueror is perfect :D02:42
_blakewell it crashes sometimes when i try to open my home directory02:42
apokryphos_blake: none others are even half as good  ;-)02:42
apokryphos_blake: hm02:42
apokryphosif you alt+f2 -> konqueror02:42
apokryphos(and run it directly like that).. do you get any crashes?02:43
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apokryphos(and make sure you're in browser not file-manager mode)02:43
_blakenope no crahes02:43
naliothapokryphos: it crashes on me, also02:43
_blakebut it happens every now and again02:43
naliothin both file-mangler and browser mode02:43
apokryphosnalioth: nope, it's all in your dreams.02:43
_blakeits the only program on my comp that crashes02:43
_blakebut its rare, so its not that big of a deal02:44
apokryphosnalioth: I know, random Konqueror crashes have been an issue for some02:44
apokryphosvery annoying, and very hard to debug02:44
_blakeyes, and the KDE crash handler is very depressing to see02:44
_Foodcoman_apokryphos: any way to edit the list in katapult to remove an item?02:47
_blakenalioth, where is my 'kicker'?02:47
_blakeor what rather02:48
_Foodcoman__blake: Like windows Quick launch.02:48
nalioth_blake: the kicker is the bar at the bottom with all your icons in it02:48
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apokryphos_Foodcoman_: only an item, or a category (i.e. bookmarks?)02:49
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_blakeso how would i remove konqueror from my kicker?02:49
apokryphoskicker is the kde panel02:49
apokryphosto remove an item from it, right-click02:49
_Foodcoman_apokryphos: example I mistyped pptp-config ---> should have been pptpconfig... Now I would like to dump pptp-config.02:50
apokryphos_Foodcoman_: only an item, at the moment -- nope (unfortunately)02:51
nalioth_blake: right click on it02:51
_Foodcoman_Not important really, just curious!02:51
naliothboy oh boy, it is gettin wild here02:51
_Foodcoman_Thank you.02:51
naliothwelcome to fall, eh? (yesterday was the official first day of fall here)02:51
_Foodcoman_Everyone wants features!    =)   They should test for the bugs eh?  02:52
_blakeeh... i feel like an idiot...  right click / remove items... but no knqueror02:53
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_blakewelcome back02:54
naliothpower dropped offline here02:54
_blakenalioth, i feel like an idiot...  right click / remove items... but no knqueror02:54
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nalioth_blake: the one that looks like a house02:55
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_blakeI think i may have removed that a while back02:55
nalioth_blake: any executable can be linked into your kicker02:56
nalioth_blake: if you apt-cache search for 'file manglers' <<<<joke you'll be shown quite a few02:56
naliothbut apokryphos is right. none are as polished as konqueror02:57
_blakeok, i will mess with it02:57
_blakemaybe if i upgraded to breezy...02:57
naliothmaybe. but i think it's just a konqueror bug02:58
jsubl2nalioth: you still in houston02:59
naliothjsubl2: yes, i'm still sittin in my trailer02:59
jsubl2trailer sounds a little risky even for the north side of houston.  was watchin cnn03:00
_blakeif i upgraded to breezy, would i have to reinstall vidcard drivers ?03:00
nalioth_blake: not sure. it should use the ones you have03:00
naliothjsubl2: i'm not stayin, believe me03:01
jsubl2wise move03:01
_blakebecause it was an absolute nightmare to configure my radeon03:01
_blakehow far inward is rita supposed to go before bleeding off?03:07
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alexandrosanyone had success installing realplayer from a deb package?03:13
jmghey guys whats wrong with kate in breezy?03:18
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jmgcommunication error kate probably crashed03:19
apokryphosjmg: are you trying to sudo kate or something?03:20
jmgapokryphos: i did try (used to work)03:20
jmgbut now i cant run kate at all03:20
jmgeven without sudo03:20
apokryphosyou shouldn't ever do that03:20
jmgwhat about when i need to edit a file as root03:20
apokryphosyou can muck up your settings (as probably happened in this case)03:20
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ubotuUse kdesu to run applications with root priveleges, when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions and the config files.03:21
jmgoh ok03:21
jmgkdesu huh03:21
jdefwhen is final release of kubuntu due out?03:21
apokryphosoct 1303:22
apokryphosjmg: ls -l ~/.kde/share/config/katerc    ...gives?03:22
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jmgapokryphos: -rw-------  1 tom tom 44 2005-09-23 12:08 /home/tom/.kde/share/config/katerc03:27
apokryphoshm, seems ok03:27
jmgyeah im paging thorugh the strace output trying to see what happened03:28
jmgill run it under gdb03:28
jmgoh man03:28
jmgno info whatsoever03:28
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jmghmm however03:30
jmg-rw-------  1 root root 26986 2005-09-24 13:02 katesyntaxhighlightingrc03:30
apokryphosone of the problems of root running ;)03:30
apokryphosI gotta shoot off to bed, but just chown your whole ~, should make it alright03:30
jmgapokryphos: suggestion - kubuntu should alias su kdesu03:31
jmgfor konsole sessions at least03:31
jmgto prevent such silly stuff03:31
jmgsudo su03:31
jmgalias sudo kdesu :)03:31
apokryphosnah, because you don't want kdesu for non-gui stuff03:31
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apokryphosbut I can't explain anymore; off with me :D03:32
jdefstats p03:32
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sproingiebloody hell what is it with the chain of dependencies.  in order to have kde, i have to have programs like ico and xbiff03:34
sproingiesince they're part of xbase-clients, which kdm depends on.  piles of crap i'll never use03:34
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god-zerooops: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/x-common_1.08_all.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/X11/fonts', which is also in package xfonts-base03:40
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god-zeroanyone else run into that?03:40
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_Foodcoman_Most are getting it.  Patience.03:43
_Foodcoman_The cure may be worse than wait.03:43
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god-zeroas long as upstream knows03:47
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_blakeError opening pcap: bind: Network is down03:51
_blakei cant get around this error 03:51
_blakelibpcap is installed, all module dependenices are there03:52
_blakeany ideas?03:52
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jsubl2god-zero: this prolly aint the right thing to do but i forced it in.  has seem to cause any problems03:55
jsubl2has not seemed to rather03:55
hydrogenhaving comp hang while upgrading kernel = an adventurte03:55
jsubl2god-zero: i think it was an errror in the package..  seemed to be having  trouble updating 1 file03:56
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god-zerojsubl2: ya.. looked minor, prolly duplicate files in x-common/x-files base04:10
jsubl2that is what i thought04:11
jsubl2i could not wait i got kopete out of svn04:11
Jeezisi have a question about kde 3.504:12
Jeezisit's really unstable for me, could it be because i'm using a 686 kernel?04:12
jsubl2what part is unstable04:13
god-zeroI'm on 686 with 3.5 b1... It's definately beta04:13
jsubl2god-zero: yeah but do you think it is unstable.04:14
god-zeroprolly not the 686... 04:14
god-zerounstable: problems with multimedia04:14
god-zeroalot of little things that aren't comming to me04:14
god-zerobut no x lockups04:14
jsubl2i think it is mostly stable.  I have had minor multimedia issues04:15
jsubl2i have not spent the time to try to nail them down to a clear definition04:15
Jeezisok, so the fact that i'm running a 686 kernel isn;t the problem?04:15
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jsubl2i used it all day at work and did not notice any hiccups04:16
god-zeroI haven't booted into 386, buy I haven't seem any kernel looking problems04:16
Jeezisit just randomly freezes and such04:17
jsubl2the whole screen or 1 app04:17
jsubl2what video card04:17
Jeezisany thoughts on what it could be04:17
god-zerovideo seems to cause extreem strain04:17
Jeezisati radeon 320m igp rs20004:17
god-zeroati 9200se04:17
jsubl2ouch.. pass me.  i use nvidia04:17
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sproingiewill there be kde 3.5 repositories for amd64 anytime soon?04:18
god-zero3d has been ok though04:19
jsubl2no lockups04:19
jsubl2Jeezis: laptop?04:19
jsubl2Jeezis: is it an option to try like the vesa 2d drivers or is 3d a must have04:20
Jeezisbut i havent' had any problems with 3.4.204:20
Jeezis3d is a must :-p must play enemy territory04:20
jsubl2same X and video driver configuration04:20
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jsubl2yeah i understand.. there was a thread on the breezy forum about ati drivers.  since i am nvidia guy did not read it04:21
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god-zerosproingie: no word yet on non-x86-3204:22
jsubl2Jeezis: yeah i am not a big gamer so i only run 2d 04:22
regeya_eep.  kontact is sig11'ing after it starts up kmail.  yet kmail runs fine outside of kontact.04:23
regeya_and I left xchat aqua running at work again.  grr.04:23
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regeya_jsubl2: yep.04:24
jsubl2yeah i use that too.04:24
regeya_os x at work, kubuntu at home.04:24
jsubl2beats the hell out of win at work04:25
sproingiewin wouldn't be so bad for me if it didn't have such a slow filesystem and process model04:25
jsubl2i use kubuntu at work.. i am a rebel04:26
regeyawin can be ok...if you perform a few dozen reg tweaks04:26
regeyaand disable indexing...and disable the theming engine...and...and...and...and...04:26
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regeyaI lie.  It's still a resource hog.04:26
jsubl2and don't use it on the network or it willlllllllllll get infected04:26
sproingieits filesystem and process model is so heavyweight, that you'll never make them acceptably fast04:27
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aikon#join sucre04:27
sproingiemost of it has to do with security.  every process has to go through about eighty billion initialization routines04:27
sproingiefile access is similar04:27
jsubl2if i have to research a windows bug.. i fire up firefox on my linux box and head msn and think yeah scan this baby04:27
regeyais it possible to download utilities from microsoft's website from firefox?  I don't use windows enough to know how, if it's possible.04:28
sproingiei do it all the time04:28
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sproingiems's site is becoming pretty browser-agnostic these days04:28
hydrogenthe windows update is still a nocando04:29
sproingiewell that's a control04:29
regeyaI keep getting some sort of genuine-advantage b.s. for things, even powertoys04:29
panickedthumba lot of crap needs that Windows Genuine Advantage stuff to work04:29
sproingiei wonder if it would work if you used the activex host plugin for mozilla04:29
panickedthumbI've heard there's a way you can even get your Linux box to pass the WGA04:29
=== regeya gets embarrassed...hadn't thought of that.
sproingiei never get WGA prompts, and i just downloaded some powertoys recently04:30
regeyaseriously, I got a WGA prompt trying to get, of all things, tweakui.04:30
sproingiei think they may have shut wga off for now04:30
regeyaas of today?  this was about 24 hours ago.04:31
sproingieafter they realized how bad it was at validating server-side.  like, not at all04:31
sproingiehuh, nope, was a few weeks ago that i last downloaded stuff04:31
=== regeya goes back to trying to figure out wtf is up with kontact
regeyahooray, fixed.04:41
regeyafor some reason kontact-embedded-kmail and the old config file weren't happy with each other (have been running mainline ubuntu for a few months :-} )04:43
jmghow can i detect my modem? which serial port etc04:43
jmgtom@manticore:~$ sudo chown -R tom:tom .kde04:43
jmgtom@manticore:~$ sudo chown -R tom:tom .kderc04:43
jmgtom@manticore:~$ kate04:43
jmgkate: ERROR: Communication problem with kate, it probably crashed.04:43
jmgerrr sorry04:43
jmgdidnt mean to paste04:43
jmgi actually fixed that problem04:44
jmg0000:00:1f.6 Modem: Intel Corp. 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Modem Controller (rev 03)04:44
jmgcomes up in lspci04:44
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lwellshi all04:53
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lwellshow you doing gd04:54
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lwellsgz i mean04:55
god-zerook, tieres after cleaning up after the tornados04:55
lwellsyou in Kansas04:55
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NeoFaxAnyone having problems with KDM in breezy?04:56
bur[n] erMN == where I grew up04:57
bur[n] eranyone familiar with going from debian unstabel to breezy?04:57
NeoFaxI get "No profile found for user 'terry'.04:57
bur[n] eri'm getting libxft2 errors http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/247704:58
god-zeroNeoFax: ahve you ever been able to login?04:59
NeoFaxgod-zero: Only with gdm, never with KDM.04:59
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NeoFaxI have read all of the Xsession files, but nothing states looking for a profile.05:00
god-zeroso you _do_ have a /home/terry?05:00
NeoFaxgod-zero: Yes05:00
NeoFaxHowever, I do not have a /home/terry/.xsession(.Xsession)05:00
god-zeroneither do I... so that's not a prob05:03
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god-zeroNeoFax: what kde package did you install?05:08
NeoFaxFor kdm?05:08
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NeoFaxHow can I check that via the command line?05:09
god-zeromost I was wondering... you went from ubuntu, added kubuntu-desktop?05:10
god-zeroor did you instak kubuntu from cd?05:11
NeoFaxYes, and I have dist-upgraded everyday since05:11
NeoFaxUbuntu then apt-got kubuntu-desktop05:11
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regeyawow.  aptitude wants to remove kubuntu-desktop.  methinks I shall wait to upgrade for a while.05:16
NeoFaxregeya: That's no problem as it is a meta package05:17
NeoFaxAs long as no other KDE packages get removed, it's fine05:17
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regeyawell, true...hm.05:18
god-zeroNeoFax: every thught I had was a dead end05:19
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NeoFaxgod-zero: Thanks!  I submitted a bug to kubuntu's bugzilla05:20
_Foodcoman_A buddy of mine is thinking of installing Kubuntu, 1 drive, 1 partition, plenty of free space!  Easy?05:23
_Foodcoman_I have always had an extra drive.05:23
dell500i'm trying to mount a USB hard drive, how do i do that?05:26
dell500i found it05:26
god-zerofoodcoman: yes, I found it pretty easy... no dual boot here, but I here there's no real trouble there05:28
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_Foodcoman_Thanks god-zero!05:34
lunitikRiddell: oh... you asked whether other things work... I just tried to run things via the run dialogue... _nothing_ will run...05:39
lunitik(tried to run 'konqueror', and 'konsole' neither worked)05:39
_Foodcoman_lunitik: funky mine sure does work.05:40
_Foodcoman_Alt+f2 and type it in????  hrrmmm.05:40
lunitik_Foodcoman_: 3.5beta1 fresh install (no previous kde) ... confirmed by Riddell and others.05:43
lunitik_Foodcoman_: you'll notice I said 'run dialogue'... which is what alt+f2 brings up...05:43
lunitikI'm also not getting a kwin instance...05:44
eddrexexcuse me, anybody know if kdelibs is broken in the breezy packages for kde3.5b1?05:46
eddrexi did a fresh install of breezy, from an ubuntu cd05:47
eddrexthen added universe, metaverse, and the 3.5b1 repos and installed kubuntu-desktop05:48
eddrexafter that kde desktop won't start, with "klauncher can't contact something or other"05:49
eddrexoh, nm.05:50
eddrexread history :)05:50
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god-zerolunitik: I ran into some bugs in 3.5b1... but no run dialogue... that's gotta hurt06:02
_Foodcoman_lunitik: Missed that sorry!06:10
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cdemwellI'm having the damnedest time with a new kubuntu install, I hope someone here might be able to help me:06:41
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cdemwellAll users - but steve - can properly edit the k menu06:41
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cdemwellapplications appear in the k menu when they are installed for everyone but steve06:41
cdemwellkmenuedit works for everyone but steve, as does kappfinder06:41
cdemwellI've tried deleting and re-adding steve as a user... no dice!06:41
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cdemwell(hi, roak )06:42
cdemwellany thoughts?06:42
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roakhi too06:42
roakh r u?06:42
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cdemwellI'm not doing all that well because I have a problem.06:42
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cdemwellI'm trying to find someone who might be able to help06:42
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jarkom11hi there!06:43
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jarkom28nice to all06:43
jarkom28asdasaklifksf sdhasdna;sdja sdhsandsd06:43
jarkom28adssodjd awdasndn wdniosdasd dndasds asdsadoo dsosd06:44
jarkom27wah mumet06:44
roakpd norak smua06:44
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jarkom29Om jhon, how are you....06:44
jarkom28ada orang disana...? any body labs..?06:44
jarkom31hei jarkom2406:44
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jarkomjarkom 24?06:44
jarkom30oi juga06:45
jarkom28buat para kodoker mania..06:45
jarkom30jhom...om jhon06:45
jarkom31opo ponakan] 06:45
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jarkom28join in suse party please .... ::: 06:45
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jarkom15T T06:45
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jarkom28suse  party is free bro..06:46
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roakpie kabare?06:46
roakpie kabare smua?06:46
jarkom28kabare sopo..?06:46
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roakselesai jam piro iki?06:46
jarkom30minta uang om..06:46
jarkom31sorry ye06:46
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roakwis ora betah....;p06:46
jarkom29minta roti Om...06:46
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H_MANminta roti !!!06:47
jarkom31yo karepmu ra betah06:47
jarkom28roti isi opo..?06:47
jarkom30ih...oh pelit....masa ama ponakan pelit06:47
roakmasih ada snack ga ya06:47
H_MANroti isi duit06:47
jarkom31ntar kalo dah punya uang06:47
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jarkom30rotinya tambah donk om....06:47
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jarkom31makan donk06:47
jarkom28ngantuk ama cekak ..06:47
H_MANpesen Pizza aja!06:47
jarkom28okey siap anter 06:47
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OmAlo semua06:48
roakpanezzz.....ga ada accc06:48
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jarkom28klo panas psang ac aja06:48
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HHHACnya blom beli06:48
jarkom28alo om..06:48
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gendarom dah ganti nama06:49
^_^halo Om gendar............06:49
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jarkom28buat apa komp lab gadein aja buat beli ac06:49
OmCariKenalankenalan yuk06:49
moosapa ya?06:49
yohngapain kamu06:49
jarkom28om..om..tantenya mana..?06:49
^_^boleh kenalan ga Om gendar............06:49
gendariya betul, panas ni06:49
HHHOm cari perawan?06:49
gendarmau berapa06:49
jarkom28mari jual kompt atma rame206:49
OmCariKenalanudah jadi duren ni06:49
gendarhus, emange pitik06:49
OmCariKenalanmakanya mau cari tanba06:50
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jarkom28om..masa da lp ama tnt...kan msh ready06:50
jarkom25hallo siska06:50
jarkom28mari bobol lap atma masa digembok..06:50
gendariyo yo06:50
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gendarhalo 2406:51
HHHwin or nothing06:51
jarkom28masa mo main bola hrs manjet pagar..06:51
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gendarhalo jarkom2406:51
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gendarhalo jarkom 2306:51
OmCariKenalan<jarkom28> om..masa da lp ama tnt...kan msh ready --> ya kan butuh kehangatan06:51
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jarkom28kehangatan pke api unggun aja biar panas06:52
^_^roak... roak..........06:52
djokohallo jarkom1606:52
djokohalo siska06:52
gendardjoko thole06:52
jarkom28nanya apa ya...? cara hecker donk..06:52
roakdani wong solo06:52
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herrahalo siska06:52
HHHapa djoko?06:52
gendarkoyo sapi06:52
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^_^halo jarkom......06:53
moomoo disini....06:53
roakdani jelekzzzzz06:53
HHHhalo herra06:53
gendarada apa moo06:53
HHHhalo siska06:53
HHHhalo semua!!06:53
gendarhalo juga06:53
herrahalo juga HHH06:53
jarkom28mari pulang..marilah pulang...06:53
gendarmari mari06:53
roakdani jelekzzzzz06:53
roakdani jelekzzzzz06:53
OmCariKenalanyang namanya siska....kenalan yiuk06:54
herrapulang yuk.. suiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii06:54
^_^Om... Om......06:54
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roakjam 12 pul y, dani jelekzzz06:54
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jarkom28om..om kpn kwn nya..06:54
^_^sampe selesai wae06:54
gendarkwn opo?06:54
roakjam 12 pul y, dani jelekzzz, ayolah06:54
herrahalo jarkom1106:55
^_^ga ah...06:55
roakjam 12 pul y, dani jelekzzz, roak gantengzzzz jarang ngajak206:55
OmCariKenalanhalo siska...kok somse sih06:55
^_^halo jarkom11 :)06:55
roakjam 12 pul y, dani jelekzzz, roak gantengzzzz jarang ngajak2 orang jelekzz06:55
=== herra is now known as jarkom1
moojepitz ga ada ya??06:55
roakjam 12 pul y, dani jelekzzz, roak gantengzzzz jarang ngajak2 orang jelekzzz pul.06:56
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jarkom1jepitz dah pulang06:56
gendarjepitz apa?06:56
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jarkom31Haloo Om.....06:56
gendarsandal ya??06:56
jarkom28 ice..dingin donk.06:56
gendaropo 3106:56
gendarkurang n tu06:56
roakjam 12 pul y, dani jelekzzz, roak gantengzzzz jarang ngajak2 orang jelekzzz pul.06:56
moopinter ya??06:56
OmCariKenalanSiska...ada acara nda nanti malam06:57
jarkom1moo sapa??06:57
jarkom28apa dok...td mlm burn ampe jam brp..?06:57
gendarjam 106:57
moojarkom1 = herra to?06:57
jarkom1herra sapa ya??06:57
jarkom1ngaku moo sapa??06:57
digi_iceeh mas jarkom 28, perhatikan donk sama workshopnya.06:57
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jarkom1haloo jarkom1106:58
jarkom28iya mas ice dingin..06:58
jarkom1haloo michi06:58
roakjam 12 pul y, dani jelekzzz, roak gantengzzzz jarang ngajak2 orang jelekzzz pul.06:58
OmCariKenalanhalo ponakan06:58
jarkom1halo michi06:58
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jarkom1ngomong apa sich mas nya??06:59
michiopo he06:59
roakemang enakz dicuekin06:59
OmCariKenalanhalo jarkom 1106:59
roakemang enakz dicuekin..06:59
jarkom1yo opo?06:59
roakjarkom11 jual mahal tuchzzzz06:59
jarkom1he he emang enak dcuekin06:59
OmCariKenalannamanya juga usaha07:00
roaksama2 dicuekins koq07:00
digital_iceehem... perhatikan ya!!07:00
roakom ga malu, udah tua koq masih cr kenalan07:00
jarkom1klo brani langsung kenalan donk!07:00
roakanda benar07:00
gendarkokiya donk07:01
roakcoba bri contoh07:01
jarkom28sinchan apa ice..07:01
OmCariKenalanhalo jarkom 1107:01
OmCariKenalanhalo jarkom 1107:01
roakemang enakz dicuekin..07:01
roakemang enakz dicuekinzzzzz........07:02
jarkom1jarkom26 sok merhatiin07:02
roakanda benar07:02
jarkom1michi sok merhatiin juga07:02
roakkasihan yg di dpn ga ada yg perhatiin....07:03
moomoo kembalii....07:03
gendarkembali kemana07:03
jarkom1moo sapa??07:03
roaksibuk char smua07:03
roaksibuk chat smua07:03
gendariya nih07:03
jarkom1char ato chat??07:03
digital_icejarkom28 = angkatan baru ga ikut inisiasi07:03
jarkom1salah tulis ya..07:03
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roakgara2 mikirin jarkom1107:03
digital_icejarkom28 sok serius....07:03
OmKerenNihalo semua07:03
moomoo...   mooo........07:03
jarkom1Om tambah keren aja07:04
jarkom28hidup chat..chat msh hidup07:04
digital_icejarkom28 ANEH......07:04
roakno comment07:04
moo\m 1 2 307:04
jarkom1aneh apanya?07:04
kinfoi don't understand.07:04
jarkom28aaaa ngatuk..07:05
roakme too07:05
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gendarmoo tu knp kok nulise aneh207:05
moosuka suka moo07:05
gendarmbuh stress07:05
roakstill waiting07:05
gendarwaiting for?07:06
jarkom28ntar mlm ada bola ngk..?07:06
roakfor women07:06
=== OmKerenNih is now known as TanteCariMahasis
digital_icejarkom28 aneh......07:06
TanteCariMahasishalo co2 ganteng07:06
kubuntuHalo tante...07:06
jarkom1skrg Om jadi Tante207:06
TanteCariMahasisiya nih07:07
roaktante cocok sama omcarikenalan07:07
TanteCariMahasisndak laku07:07
kubuntupulanh kemana?07:07
gendaryup panas07:07
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TanteCariMahasisdia ndak tau kemana07:07
roakno porn oi07:07
gendarmbuh streess07:07
xx\nick xx07:07
jarkom1ngapain xx??07:07
jarkom28slasa main bola 2002 vs 2004 tf only07:07
xxawas jang nyebelin lagi07:07
gendarhus has hus hus wae emange pitek07:08
jarkom1xx ngomong apa sich??07:08
roakok boz banten07:08
digital_icejarkom28 aneh teruzz neeeh......07:08
jarkom28xx ngk jentel07:08
jarkom1dmana maen bolanya??07:08
TanteCariMahasis<xx> \nick xx --> mas....kelebihan spaci07:08
xxntar malem jln-jln07:08
gendarwooo roak ki banten to07:08
roakjarkom29 is maniak07:08
roakjarkom28 is maniak jg07:08
jarkom1to xx: ajak donk!!07:09
mooyuhuuu... lagi pada ngapain07:09
kubuntulg chating...07:09
TanteCariMahasisxx -> ayo...boleh deh07:09
xxya..ya ngajak ntar mlm jln2 yu07:09
jarkom1dmana maen bolanya??07:09
kubuntusadar, wes tuo....07:09
roaktante mau donk07:09
jarkom1ga mau.......07:09
jarkom28di lap seturan 07:09
jarkom28siap2 aja ...07:09
jarkom1mang di seturan ada lapangan??07:10
roaktante godain kta donkzzzz07:10
gendarok jarkom 2807:10
jarkom28tante..jd maen bola ngk..?07:10
gendarwah jarkom 1 ndeso07:10
roakkapan maen bola j28?07:11
TanteCariMahasisPengumuman co angkatan 02 yang keren selasa maen bola tanding ama angkatan 0407:11
roaktak kira nanti07:11
jarkom28oke ditunggu hari slasa jgn ampe ngk dtng ya..07:11
jarkom1udah dtulis SELASA07:11
jarkom28iya slasa pgi07:11
kubuntuada fasilitas antar jemput ga...07:11
=== roak is now known as Juventus
jarkom1selasa pagi emang ga kul07:12
gendarnaek badak07:12
jarkom28ada via sampan lewat selokan07:12
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TanteCariMahasisada nanti tak jemput dengan BMW ku de07:12
gendarjuventus loyo07:12
juventusenak aja07:12
gendartante girang07:12
juventusjalan sana07:12
jarkom28juve keok..07:12
juventusmilan yg keoq07:12
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jarkom28milan keok tp inter ngk ya..07:13
gendarinter keok pool07:13
jarkom28tp di champion ngk bro..07:14
TanteCariMahasisnanti tak beri tenaga extra untuk menang de 07:14
Bicchiis there a reason why firefox does not update its extentions. i am talking about upgrades that have been posted months ago?07:14
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gendarmbuh edian07:16
gendarkeluaran pakem07:16
TanteCariMahasishalo om jhon...kok diam sih07:16
roaktante godain kta donkzzzz07:16
moopada serius ya???07:17
TanteCariMahasishalo roak.....07:17
TanteCariMahasispa kabar ni07:17
roakhalo tante07:17
TanteCariMahasisasl donk :p07:18
roak 21m perjaka07:18
gendaryg bener perjaka07:18
TanteCariMahasiswah aku seneng bagian terakhirnya07:18
roakasl tante07:19
roakasl tante plz07:19
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TanteCariMahasis25 f 07:20
TanteCariMahasisasli mana roak07:20
roakasli indo korea tant07:21
gendari'll be back07:22
TanteCariMahasisasli india campur papua07:22
gendarasta la vista beibeh07:22
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gendarpembicarane cedal07:24
TanteCariMahasispasswordnya donk07:24
roakno pass tante07:24
moomoo moo07:25
moomoo is here!!07:25
gendarngopy dari hongkong07:25
gendarpassword aja gak ada07:25
jarkom28dari babarsari kali07:25
gendarojo ngenyek07:26
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gendarwhere r u moo07:26
moomoo is here07:27
gendarwahts up07:27
gendarwhats up07:27
gendarkmn smua neh07:27
TanteCariMahasisoiiiiiiiii antri 07:27
xxcape nih pulang yu07:28
jarkom1lagi pada sibuk07:28
moosiska pake nick apa yaa??07:28
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xxaduh..ga dong07:31
gendarpembicarane megang2 tali maksude apa07:32
jarkom1xmss atau sms07:33
mooapa aja terserah d07:33
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gendarterserah apanya07:33
roakmoo ga boleh gtu07:34
mooslamet doi.....07:34
gendarmbuh setress07:35
roakmari pulang07:35
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jarkom1doi dah pulang07:36
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xxngapain nanyain doi mau ikut07:36
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jarkom1xx jelek07:37
xxehm..gitu ya07:38
jarkom1gitu apanya07:38
gendarweleh weleh07:38
xxya gpp jg07:38
jarkom1no porn here07:39
gendarmbuh lagi setress biarkanlah07:39
gendarmoo kok malah ketawa tawa07:40
xxjam 2 plg aja yu07:40
jarkom1moo pasti seneng yg begituan07:40
jarkom1mang ampe jam brp sich??07:40
xxga tau tapi aku dah laper bgt07:40
DCMAKAN SIANG..........................07:40
moomoo ga suka ya07:41
gendarwashington dc07:41
moowashington  ac dc07:41
jarkom1mang sisdig07:42
DCMAKAN SIANG..........................07:42
DCMAKAN SIANG..........................07:42
DCMAKAN SIANG..........................07:42
DCMAKAN SIANG..........................07:42
xxih...nyebelin ga nyambung07:42
xxGA TAU07:43
jarkom1gitu ya??07:43
jarkom1tau netiket ngga sich??kan ga bole nulis pake huruf besar smua07:43
xxbiarin kan tandanya aku marah07:44
jarkom1Eehm..gitu ya07:44
xxtrus apa nabrak dong07:45
gendarjarkom 1 sok sok-an07:45
xxga..mangnya si raja jahat07:45
jarkom1gendar sopo??07:46
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xxpulang yu07:47
xxkok jahat bgt07:47
gendarbanyak yg pulang07:47
jarkom1knapa mbak??07:47
xxlaper,pusing nih....07:48
xxawas ya dicuekin07:49
xxaduh..aku ga kuat nih cape bgt07:50
mootidur aja07:51
gendaryup bobok aja07:52
moofile apa yang didownload??07:54
xxlagi apa kok aku dicukin07:54
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Chameleon22can anyone recomend a nice webapp to organise/keep track of music CD's 07:55
gendarada rev di situ07:55
mooxx ngomong ma sapa yaa?07:55
mooudah download kok07:56
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gendarxx aneh tu07:56
gendarkalian ngapain07:56
jarkom1HHH = herry sutojo ya??07:57
jarkom1moo sapa??07:57
Chameleon22ummm since when has this beome a spanish channel?07:57
moomoo is moo07:58
Bicchiwhats the best way to get flash on firefox (amd64). easiest way that is.07:58
HHHhua hahaha08:02
jarkom1aku ngomong moo koq yg jwb HHH?08:02
mootau tuu08:03
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gendardah selesai belum sih08:04
HHHkayaknya belom tuh08:04
gendarlha skrg ngapain ni08:05
jarkom1apa HHH??08:05
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jarkom15moo connect lagii08:05
dell500how do i burn a dvd that I ripped?08:05
gendarloh moo ganti nama ya08:06
gendarwith dvd burner men08:06
dell500um, ok08:07
dell500i got that08:07
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gendarmoo lg stress08:09
mooiya. moo stress08:09
moopanas si08:10
mooangin cepoi cepoi nya ga ada08:10
mooAngin Cepoi-cepoi nya ga ada08:10
mooudah selesai ya??08:12
mooyahhh..... ga bisa maen lagi d08:12
gendarGW PULANG NEH08:15
moobyeeeeee all peoplee08:15
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_dustin_the gcc command does not work in kubuntu for me09:23
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karla humble test09:24
blekoshello pple09:24
blekosi use gnome but also installed kde... cause I like... 09:25
blekosnow i have to join 2 channels ;)09:25
_dustin_the gcc command isn't working for me09:26
blekoshave u any idea y the shortcut keys for changing kbd layout do not work for kde but work for gnome??09:26
zorba64_dustin_: make sure you have build-essential installed09:34
_dustin_sweet, thanks zobra09:36
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_Ein_once i compile a program and try to run it, nothing appears09:45
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neotrophy_Anyone here tried running the Composite X11 extension with an nvidia card?10:06
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neotrophy_How do I stop Konqueror poping up a new window every time I insert a cdrom or a removable drive (or any media)?10:16
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=== spiral [n=spiral@laf31-2-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
spiraldoes anyone here know how I could test kopete & kdepim from kde 3.5beta1, in breezy ?10:20
edulixmaybe there are already kde 3.5b1 klik packages I dunno10:21
edulixor you could just install kde 3.5b1 overriding your actual kde 3.x installation, but I feel that's exactly what you don't want to do :P10:22
spiraledulix: let's say that if I had .debs for this, I would try, but I don't want to recompile it over my kde10:23
edulixthere are debs for kde 3.5b110:23
edulix(see the topic)10:23
spiraledulix: yeah, but they don't include kdepim & kdenetwork10:24
edulixat least for x86 hehe10:24
edulixoh really ?10:24
spiralit's just kdebase & some small stuff10:24
edulixthat's strange...10:24
spiraledulix: I've already installed it without any problem, but I wish I could also use the other software10:24
edulixspiral: BTW how stable is kde 3.5b1?10:26
neotrophy_is kdnssd in kde-network in 3.5b1 build with zeroconf support?10:26
spiraledulix: really stable for me, I didn't face any bug for the moment10:26
edulixand you can still use old kopete right?10:26
spiraledulix: yeah I do...10:27
edulixok, then maybe I'll install it ;-)10:27
spiralI just wanted to see the improvements in newest version... :-P10:27
edulixhehe me too10:27
spiraledulix: it works fine for me on two computers10:27
edulixdo you use mac os like top menu ?10:28
edulixI want to know how does it work in kde3.5..10:28
spiraledulix: I don't use this on kde, just in macos... but I can try to enable it & tell you if I have a problem10:28
edulixI have some icons in in the right side of that menu, but they are shifted to the right when an app have many menus10:29
spiraledulix: this works fine10:29
spiraledulix: I don't have icons in this menu though10:29
edulixand that's fine, it's desired so that you can see all the menus10:29
neotrophy_How do I stop Konqueror poping up a new window every time I insert a cdrom or a removable drive (or any media)?10:30
spiralneotrophy_: kde 3.5b1 ?10:30
edulixbut the problem with kde 3.4.2 (but not in 3.4.0) is that when you go to another app with fewer menus, the cions don't come back to their initial positions10:30
spiraledulix: I don't know, maybe could you give it a try ?10:30
neotrophy_spiral:  nah, 3.4.210:31
edulixspiral: try to drag and drop an icon to the top menu and then open an app that needs that space so it will shift the icon to the right10:31
spiralneotrophy_: 3.5b1 comes with a configuration tool for this I think, but I don't know for 3.4.210:31
edulixthen come back to previous app and tell me if the icon recovers the position, please :)10:31
spiraledulix: I'll try10:31
spiraljust have to find an app that needs so much menus10:32
edulixdrag the icon near the end of the konversation menus10:32
neotrophy_well it's got to be somewhere, otherwise kubuntu wouldn't be set up to do it :)10:32
edulixthen launch konqueror hehe10:32
edulixor kate10:33
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spiraledulix: it came back10:34
edulixoh then I'll install kde 3.5b110:35
edulixthanks for the info ;)10:35
spiraledulix: good luck10:35
edulixnow it's time to go, see ya later10:35
spiraledulix: 'bye10:35
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neotrophy_spiral: Do you know how you'd stop media:/ opening automatically under 3.5b1?10:46
ubotuTm_T: Not a clue10:46
Tm_Tgot it anyway10:48
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sedekiCan someone see if acx100 / acx_pci is in apt?11:33
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johanIf I have compiled mplayer from souce, but I want to remove it, as I forgot to add gui-support, what would I do?11:47
johanI guess not remove all files manually11:47
chavojohan, go to the source directory and run -> make uninstall11:50
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johanchavo: thanks11:56
chavono problem11:56
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johanso I will need to keep all my source folders to be able to uninstall the application later?11:59
meissnerI guess only the make,but not sure.12:00
johanonly the makefile?12:01
johanI guess I'll try with something. Any small applications to try on? That compiles fast.12:01
chavojohan, you can keep just the tarball around, and untar it if you want to uninstall12:04
johanbut then I will need to ./configure with the same settings, won't I+12:05
chavoyou'll have to run configure first, but that;s it12:05
johanGuess I will just make a little tarball directory in my home-folder then12:05
meissnerWhy dont use .deb packages to (un)install?12:06
johanI don't really know. I like seeing it compile.12:08
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johanHow do I make firefox look like the kde-applications, now it looks plain and..you know what I mean12:29
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Firetechjohan: try the "Plastikfox Crystal SVG" theme (Google for "mozillux")12:35
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Tipsy_Kaisertheres also some packages you can install, but i dont remember tehm12:36
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FiretechAnyone running KDE 3.5 beta1?12:37
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johanFiretech: I don't mean the firefox theme, but the overall look of it. All listboxes just look plain, and it doesn't look like for example konqueror. I tried installing gtk2 and qt, but they didn't work12:50
Firetechjohan: look around on www.kde-look.org. There are some mods to make firefox more kde-ish...12:51
Firetechof different quality, though...12:52
chavojohan, whay don't you use konqueror?12:53
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johanchavo: I don't like that it opens both local folders and webpages in the same window, and I haven't yet founda way to disable that12:58
johanand I like firefox12:58
Firetechjohan: you can set it not to open external links in a new window, but then you'll get all externally opened links in new windows.12:59
johanwhich is not what I want...01:00
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Firetechwhy aren't all the kde 3.5beta parts packaged? (just curious)01:30
Firetechespecially, why aren't  there any i18n packages?01:31
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elvirolohi all01:32
elvirolothe lack of mp3 support for musicbrainz is rather annoying ... why not make a version of the library with mp3 enabled availible in universe ?01:33
Firetechelvirolo: there is a guide in the ubuntu forums01:36
elviroloFiretech: ok thanks01:36
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_tobiashey guys, i have a problem with making a softlink. actually not with making him, but with keeping him alive after restarting my system. everytim i restart, the softlink does not exist anymore. i do the softlink with: ln -s /opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock, any suggestions?01:51
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nikkia_tobias: thats because the way the shutdown script runs, it deletes the /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock file, and is deleting the link, not the target02:00
nikkia_tobias: link the /var/run/mysqld  directory, instead of the .sock file, and it might work02:01
_tobiasnikkia: i asked the question in a other channel too, and they told me that bootclean.sh cleans everything out of the run directory02:02
_tobiasnikkia: so i have to creat an own script in init.d to create a link at boot time02:02
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buzis there a kde svn client02:04
mike23I want to use svn does not seem to be in packages?02:05
buzit is02:05
buzbut its called subversion there02:05
mike23exactly I using kubuntu no svn package konquor does not recognize svn protocol?02:06
mike23can I get the souce another way?02:07
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chavomike23, did you install subversion?02:13
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johanI don't know what I did, probloby removed wrong package, but now I can't launch kynaptic or kate.02:37
johanI can open kynaptic as root from console02:37
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Riddelljohan: what happens when you try?02:41
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johanRidell: It is in the taskbar, and I see its icon at the cursor for 10 seconds, then it just disappears02:50
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Edwinemy0w ppl :)03:21
Tipsy_Kaiserhi mate, sup?03:21
apokryphosTipsy_Kaiser: tipsy.. in the middle of the day? ;-)03:21
Edwinem:) found myself having a question and thouhgt: let's hop into this channel :p03:21
apokryphossure =)03:21
Tipsy_Kaiserapokryphos: its 22:51 here03:21
Tipsy_KaiserEdwinem: have a shot :)] 03:22
apokryphosok, you're excused then :P03:22
Edwinemi wonder is there like a possibility to do a net-install of kubuntu?03:22
=== Tipsy_Kaiser is now known as Very
=== Very is now known as Very_Drunk_Kaise
Edwinemlol @ Very_Drunk_Kaise03:22
apokryphosYes, but possibly not in the way you're thinking03:22
ubotuit has been said that install is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation03:22
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Edwinemhm, i should change stuff on the DNS server?03:24
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Edwinemnot gonna work :P03:24
apokryphosseveral methods are listed there for installation03:24
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=== VeryDrunkKaiser realises being drunk is much funner then ir emembered
VeryDrunkKaiser* i remembered03:27
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=== VeryDrunkKaiser consumes 9th beer
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buzVeryDrunkKaiser: best not to be sober so long to forget about being drunk ;)03:28
VeryDrunkKaiserbuz. hi mate :) how are you?03:29
buzi was drunk last night ;)03:29
VeryDrunkKaiser*rotates in seate *03:29
VeryDrunkKaisercoo.l *hugs*03:29
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VeryDrunkKaiserhi bux03:30
VeryDrunkKaiserhwo are you?03:30
buzyou must indeed be very drunk03:30
VeryDrunkKaiser hell yes03:30
buzi finished my exams on thursday03:30
buzafter that i was drinking 03:30
VeryDrunkKaiser9 beers. wonerf if thers more in the fridge03:30
EdwinemKingBahamut: 9?03:31
Edwinemthen it's time for whisky03:31
Edwinemwhy did it say kingbahamut :P03:31
VeryDrunkKaiserhi Edwinem :O03:31
VeryDrunkKaiserEdwinem: i have no whisk03:32
VeryDrunkKaiseri only have dads beer03:32
Edwinemthat's a pitty03:32
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VeryDrunkKaiserbeb. getting more to drink03:33
Edwinemdo your thing03:33
freemanenwhat does error like configure.in:37: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_PATH_XML2 means?03:33
VeryDrunkKaiserhopefully this time i wont hit my toe onteh fucking chouchdh03:33
buzis that 0.5l beers? or 0.33l?03:33
VeryDrunkKaiserbuz, huh?03:33
Edwinem.33 :P03:33
buzi mean how much is in a can/bottle?03:33
VeryDrunkKaiserfreemanen: it didnt work03:33
Edwinemlol @ VeryDrunkKaiser03:34
Edwinembuz you're from suisse? :)03:34
VeryDrunkKaiserbuz: averagea bout 4.5 -> 4.903:34
VeryDrunkKaiserbrb. getting more03:34
Edwinemweird measure that is :P03:34
Edwinembring me one pls :)03:34
buzthat'd be pints then right?03:34
Edwinemwe'd call them that way maybe :P03:34
Edwinembut even germans wouldnt lol03:34
buzyeah i'm swiss03:35
VeryDrunkKaiserbuz, each stubby would be about 300ml, cant reald any more to tell :(03:36
buzmhh so that would be close to 3l?03:36
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illissiusquick question -- how much space does a fresh install of kubuntu hoary use, minus swap space? (and would this much also be enough for upgrading to breezy?)03:37
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VeryDrunkKaiserillissius: ~1.6GB03:37
illissiushmm, alright. so if I give it 2GB I should be fairly safe?03:38
jpatrickillissius: maybe03:38
jsubl2i would give it 4gb anyway03:39
VeryDrunkKaiserillissius: yenh, should be ok. morre is bettereer03:39
illissiusnot a 6.4GB disk dual-booted with windows, where I want to have as much space left for other stuff as I can03:40
illissiuss/not a/not on a03:40
hydrogen2G should be fine as long as you add very little03:40
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illissiusok, thanks03:41
illissiusI might deinstall oo.o, so that would give some more03:41
jpatrickillissius: not sure if you might be able to fit KDE 3.503:42
jpatrickyou might..03:43
Edwinemciao all03:43
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joaquinalguien me puede ayudar un poco con linux03:55
VeryDrunkKaiserenglish pls03:55
VeryDrunkKaiserim drunk, not multilingulal03:55
joaquinalguien habla espaol?03:55
joaquini need some help03:55
VeryDrunkKaisertry the spanish chan (see topic)03:56
joaquinhow y can navigate linux on a terminal03:56
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blackflagHello all :-)03:56
joaquinlike dos03:56
VeryDrunkKaiserhi blackflag03:56
VeryDrunkKaiserhi joaquin03:56
VeryDrunkKaiserim drunk. remember it03:56
blackflagI have a question about vnc03:56
VeryDrunkKaiserblackflag: 5then im no help03:57
blackflagI have a debian as my server and I want to do a remote administration via vnc03:57
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blackflagokay :-)03:57
VeryDrunkKaisersorry :)03:57
blackflagso I installed vnc4server on the server03:58
blackflagI can connect it when Ido a manually start with vnc4server at prompt03:58
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blackflagI raed in google that the server should start automtically when aclient tries to connect03:59
blackflagHere it dont do it!03:59
blackflagI searched a lot  can only find information for M$ !!!04:00
blackflagbad :-(04:00
VeryDrunkKaiser sosrry. still no help :(04:01
blackflagso can someone tell me how I make vnc4eserver start auto?04:01
VeryDrunkKaiserto drumk :(04:01
jpatrickjoaquin: www.linuxcommand.org04:01
Philyblackflag: why r u using vnc?  DO you wnat to connect on the lan or internet04:03
blackflagin the moment over the lan04:03
blackflagbut at later time i want a tunnel via ssh04:03
blackflagover the internet04:03
Philyblackflag: reponse time and lag time will be much better using an xclient04:03
blackflagcant find a good discription for such szenario's04:04
blackflagwhat for an cclient?04:04
Philyblackflag: xclient xwindows that work on the client machine can be windows XP OS2 anything04:04
Philyhave a look at Xwin-32 or cygwin04:05
Philyblackflag: open-gl even works on it!04:05
Philyblackflag: in hardware!04:05
blackflagbut I needa linux solution04:05
Philyblackflag: have a look at cygwin xorg04:06
blackflagServer: debian  | client: kubuntu or otrher04:06
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Philypanickedthumb: if your running on windows04:06
Philyblackflag: very easy then04:06
Philypanickedthumb: on client machine start a plain x:  in shell witre export DISPLAY=client.machine.ip:0.004:08
Philypanickedthumb: on client machine  xhost +client.machine.ip04:08
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Philyblackflag: made a mistake04:09
Philypanickedthumb: on client machine start a plain x:  in shell witre export DISPLAY=client.machine.ip:0.0 should be on server machine04:09
blackflagPhily: okay04:09
blackflagyou mean www.x.org?04:10
Philythan ssh into server and start what ever windows manager u want04:10
Philyblackflag: it can be whater ever xclient or server u are using04:10
Philymsg me for detail instruction04:10
Philytake 3 lines04:11
Philyto accomplish04:11
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Philyblackflag: DO you need instructions04:13
blackflaghow should I mail you?04:13
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Philyblackflag: don't mail me just priv msg 04:13
Philyblackflag: in irc04:13
blackflagsorry, thats new to me04:14
blackflagI have konversation here04:14
blackflagcan I do it with that program?04:14
Philyblackflag: yep04:14
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Philywrite konversation /join #blackflag04:15
Philyblackflag: r u using konversation now04:16
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Riddellkoffice 1.4.2 tested needed:  deb http://kubuntu.org/koffice142 {hoary,breezy} main04:28
othernoobRiddell: which version of dvd+rw tools, cdrecord, cdrdao, k3b is in breezy?04:29
Riddellk3b 0.12.204:30
apokryphosothernoob: packages.ubuntu.com04:30
othernoobapokryphos: thanks.04:30
othernoobjust curious, is cdrecord-prodvd needed for burning at higher speeds than 4x? 04:33
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=== VeryDrunkKaiser strips and run sthrough chan nak3d
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SpudULikeI am still struggling with printing on my Kubunto 5.04 box.  Anyone here fancy chatting about it?04:54
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Ubelwuhu I am cool I am idling on kubuntu!05:02
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willieOK kubuntu N00b question alert!!!! How do I reconfigure the kernel? I need to get rid of rivfb support so I can get the Nvidia driver to compile  nicely05:12
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rymani need helo05:24
rymanlr HJLP!05:24
williewhats wrong?05:24
rymanMy kopete doesn't work! =/05:24
willieuse irssi then05:25
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rymanwhat's that?05:26
williea txt-based irc client05:26
jpatricka program05:26
Tm_Tirssi <305:26
=== Tm_T uses irssi, always irssi, and irssi only
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rymanaaah... i'm not good at this ^05:26
willienone of us were when we started05:27
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willieand Im still stuck on bits of it05:27
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rymanhehe okey.... =)05:27
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rymanand how do i get my other HD's?05:28
williewhat filesystems are on them?05:30
willieext3, reiserfs?05:30
rymanit's NTFS i think05:30
williesudo mount -t $filesystem /dev/whatever-ther-other-HD -is  /new-mount-point05:31
willieremember to mkdir /new-mount-point first05:31
williethe no of times Ive forgotten to do that :-)05:31
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Saw^could somebody help me a bit with getting my sounds to work? I've got SB 128 (snd_ens1371 module seems to be loaded)05:35
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ryman=/ doesn't work =/ unknowned filesystem it says05:36
williemount -t ntfs  blah..............?05:38
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jpatrickwillie: I think he needs a mount point05:40
willieI think he needs a FAQ :-)05:40
rymanyeah! were do i got FAQ?05:41
jpatrickryman & willie: http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/windows.html#hddmntman05:41
willie Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de/05:41
williemight be in Geerman though :-)05:41
rymanhehe thanx! bouth of u =)05:42
jpatrickI've pointed him to the right page05:42
willienice one thx05:42
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=== apokryphos cringes at thoughts of irssi in GUI
woddf2Where can I get XScreenSaver?05:43
apokryphoswoddf2: the repositories?05:44
jpatrickwoddf2: sudo apt-get install xscreensaver ?05:44
apokryphos!info xscreensaver05:44
ubotuxscreensaver: (Automatic screensaver for X), section x11, is optional. Version: 4.16-1ubuntu11 (hoary), Packaged size: 3034 kB, Installed size: 9172 kB05:44
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rymanI will be kac ;)05:47
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elvirolohi all05:51
libbenanyone wanna point me to AA download? only finds windows version on americasarmy's site05:51
jpatrickhello again05:51
jpatricklibben: what's AA?05:52
jpatrickTo me it's that car repair company05:52
libbenteh game05:53
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jpatricklibben: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AmericasArmy05:55
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=== SpudULike is away: I have people to do, things to be and stuff to, err, stuff. Away at the moment
libbenE: /var/cache/apt/archives/x-common_1.08_all.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/X11/fonts', which is also in package xfonts-base05:58
jpatricklibben: I get that05:58
libbenwhy do i get this problem when i mark all updates from installed? in synaptic?05:58
libbenjust ignore that or what?05:59
jpatricklibben: I didn't bother upgrading that package05:59
ubotux-common is currently broken in breezy, but to get around this you can sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/x-common*.deb05:59
spiralhmmm, does anyone know if somebody's going to package the whole kde 3.5b1 in breezy ?05:59
spiraland also if amarok 1.3.2 will be packaged ?05:59
apokryphosspiral: probably not, no06:00
jpatrickspiral: little by little :o06:00
libbenapokryphos: is this something that is needed ?06:00
apokryphosand there's a repo for amarok 1.3.2... /me runs off to get it06:00
libbenor can we just let it be until its fixed in aother update?06:00
apokryphoslibben: you can, yes06:00
spiralapokryphos: what is the depo ?06:01
libbenill let it be then06:01
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apokryphosspiral: http://kubuntu.org/~jr/amarok/06:01
spiralwhy won't kde 3.5beta be fully packaged ?06:01
apokryphosspiral: because (i) it's a beta, (ii) dear Jonathan has an awful lot of work with Breezy, (iii) there aren't packagers to package it =)06:02
spiralapokryphos: all right...06:02
othernoobmmh, cdrecord recognizes my dvdrw as 4x while it actually is a 8x, any way to fix this?06:02
spiralapokryphos: for amaroK, this isn't really a repo, isn't it ? just files that I can dpkg -i  ?06:03
apokryphosspiral: sorry, it's not, yes.06:03
spiralapokryphos: all right, then I've got to dpkg -i them ;-)06:03
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libbenanyone in here plays AA?06:08
libbenis there any players on 2.3 ?06:08
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jpatrickspiral: and KOffice 1.4.2 packages for Hoary and Breezy are in testing..06:09
johanwhy can't I remove like klatin and kalarm, programs I will never use, without removing the whole kde?06:09
spiraljpatrick: hmmm, nice... so they should be available via aptitude ?06:10
johanIs it a meta-package? what packages do I need for just plain kde then?06:10
jpatrickdeb http://kubuntu.org/koffice142 {hoary,breezy} main06:10
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jpatrickjohan: it's a metapackage kde06:10
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Saw^could somebody help me a bit with getting my sounds to work? I've got SB 128 (snd_ens1371 module seems to be loaded) and artsd running, but I can't get any sounds out. I've tried a few sound servers06:11
jpatrickspiral: we just need a Hoary tester06:11
jpatrickBreezy has worked so far06:11
spiraljpatrick: sorry, only have Breezy here06:11
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jpatrickseems everyone has gone to Breezy :/06:13
jpatrickwell the Breezy debs work :)06:14
libbenapokryphos: what was that x-common thing btw ?06:16
libbenwhat is it needed for?06:16
libbenthinking of forcing it to install with dpkg06:16
jpatrick!info x-common06:16
apokryphoslibben: it's to solve a problem with the current x-common package06:16
apokryphoslibben: /msg ubotu x-common06:16
libbenyeah but what is it?06:17
libbenhow to install it i got06:17
libbenbut what is it needed for06:17
johaninstalling americas arm y  as the filename tells me06:18
libbenjohan =) that line with aa was a pasting that went bad. shouldent been pasted at all =)06:19
libbenim talking about x-common06:19
libbenapokryphos: safe to say. its not bad by doing it manually?06:20
apokryphoslibben: doing what manually? Forcing the overwrite?06:21
johanlibben: oh, I see06:21
johandu r svensk eller?06:21
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johandu var mjligtvis inte han som hjlpte mig med ntverket p neowin06:21
libbenapokryphos: yes. doing the dpkg -force thing06:21
libbenjohan nope. 06:21
libbenvad har du problem med d?06:22
apokryphosno problem, yup; if you get that x-common error you should (atm), do it; you won't have a running X, really, without it06:22
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Ubeljette bra!06:23
Ubellaks, minnk, prumpa06:23
libbenyawns... later i will force a SU guy to help me with my quake3 problem.06:23
apokryphosjohan, Ubel: English only in here please06:24
UbelI was kidding06:24
Ubeldoesn't mean anything06:24
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lttropalHi, I'm using KAudioCreator to rip CDs and I've noticed that while encoding tracks is speedy, about 15s per song, ripping them seems to be taking much too long, about 90s per track.  I'm using a 52x read CD drive, is this normal?  What might be wrong?06:25
libbenyes it does... ur a lier.06:25
johanit means very good06:25
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blackflagHello all :-)06:34
blackflagI have a problem compiling knights06:34
blackflagwhen I do configure06:34
blackflag#flood checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!06:34
blackflagbut qt-devels are installed06:35
blackflagwhat is wrong?06:35
blackflagcan someone help?06:35
jpatrickblackflag: libqt3-mt is needed06:35
johan___blackflag: restarted after installing the qtdevels?06:35
blackflagI tried libqt3-mt , noo success06:35
johan___restart any try again06:35
blackflagno restart06:36
johan___you need to restart, at least I did06:36
blackflagoh, okay I'll it06:36
DarkMaulis there some one that could walk me trough the HDD setup06:36
johan___what are you trying to configure?06:36
johan___DarkMaul: maybe06:36
DarkMauli have 2 drives of 160 gig sata06:36
DarkMauli would like to have 1 drive of 320 gig06:37
jpatrickDarkMaul: you need to mount them?06:37
DarkMaullike fedora uses LVM06:37
DarkMauliam like installing kubuntu now06:37
johan___DarkMaul: mayme use one as / and antoher one as /home, /usr, /tmp and all those?06:37
DarkMaulbut i do not know how to set it up06:37
johan___during install, you will be promted as far as I know06:38
jpatrickDarkMaul: One - root filesystem ( / ) and a home partition ( /home )06:38
jpatrickand a swap partition around 1GB06:38
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DarkMaules and what about my second drive06:39
jpatrickroot should be around 10GBs and /home == 8GBs06:39
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Drakesonhow can I change date and time _TRUELY_ ?06:41
jpatrickDrakeson: System Settings06:41
DarkMaulhmm iam not getting it'06:41
DarkMaulit just leave one drive untouched06:42
DrakesonI have changed my date and time,06:42
Drakesonbut now something is strange!06:42
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jpatrickDarkMaul: you only need around 16GBs in total06:42
DarkMaulyeah but i have 320 gigs of harddrive06:43
DarkMaulwhere will that be06:43
Drakesonin the clock applet on the panel it is 12:42, but in a terminl, using date -R I get Sat, 24 Sep 2005 16:43:05 +000006:43
DarkMaulwhen i install fedor06:43
DarkMaulit gives me a LVM of 300 gig06:43
DarkMauli would like to have that on my Kubuntu06:44
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johan___DarkMaul: I think you can do LVM stuff during expert install06:44
jpatrickThere should be a 06:44
jpatrickLVM option06:44
DarkMaulbut how06:44
DarkMauli need some manuel06:44
johan___when you boot the cd, then you can press f1-f12 for help, read there06:45
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johan___DarkMaul: I googled a bit, if you have the 5.10 preview, then it should work fine06:45
blackflagokay Ijust rebooted06:45
johan___blackflag: now it should work06:46
blackflagno success with ./configure06:46
johan___still same problem?06:46
jpatrickblackflag: odd...06:46
DarkMauljohan, i have 5.1006:46
DarkMauli just dont get it06:46
johan___what are you trying to install? try downloading it from apt06:46
blackflagIm wondering that there should be areboot Iwas the meaning that there is no need06:47
jpatrickjohan___: not if it's superkaramba06:47
blackflagI try to install knights06:47
johan___DarkMaul: I remember seeing something about lvm when I did a expert install, in the parititoner06:47
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DarkMaulwrong button06:49
DarkMaulso simply there is noboy that wants ore knows how to setup a lvm06:51
johan___nope, but it should be in the installer06:51
=== SpudULike is back. Did you miss me?
DarkMaulif you know how to set up a lvm06:52
DarkMauljups then i missed you06:52
libbenff or konq?06:52
SpudULikeWhat GUI tools are there to help me admin the services that start running automatically at boot time?06:52
jpatricklibben: I like Konq06:52
SpudULikeI need to stop one of them from running.06:52
libbenused ff before or opera ?06:53
SpudULikeDarkMaul: Have you searched the wiki for lvm stuff. I'm sure I sawe something rather good on there.06:53
DarkMaulother idea06:54
DarkMauli have 2 drives06:54
DarkMaulof 160 gigs06:54
DarkMauland i want to use both drives06:55
DarkMaulread and write06:55
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SpudULikeIf your question is "Is LVM what I want?" then I'd say yes.06:58
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DarkMaulhehe i know that i want LVM, i just dont know how to set it up07:00
jpatrickDarkMaul: what verison do you have?07:00
SpudULikeDarkMaul: You have read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Multi-Disk-HOWTO.html07:01
SpudULikeHow do I stop the NFS service from running?07:01
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DarkMauluhmm, 5.10 previeuw07:02
jpatrickDarkMaul: It should have a LVM partition thingy07:05
jpatrickI saw it07:05
DarkMauli know it is there, i just dont know how to set it up07:05
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=== DarkMaul shrugs
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=== DarkMaul is a windows user that is willing to get on linux, but this we aint getting no where
jpatrickso don't use LVM07:18
DarkMaulfair enough07:18
DarkMaulbut how do i auto mount my second partion07:18
DarkMaulbecause when i do auto mount it leaves my second hdd untouched07:19
jpatrickIt should mount if it is set as 'Use partition'07:19
DarkMaulwell lets install my kubuntu first , then we will figure out how to unable the second drive07:19
jpatrickWhat partitions have you made?07:19
DarkMaulit did auto partition07:20
DarkMaul3 gig swAP ORE07:20
jpatrickmaybe we should manual07:21
jpatrickthen we'll know where what is07:21
DarkMaulare you able to help me trough the partioning07:21
jpatrickcan you go back to the partitioner?07:21
jpatrickare you there? (the partitioner)07:22
DarkMaulcheck pm07:23
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jpatrickDarkMaul: you there?07:26
DarkMaulyou want manueal partitions07:26
jpatrickI sent you a private message07:27
DarkMauldidnt get anything07:27
DarkMaulwell do it here07:27
DarkMaul'well what should i do07:28
jpatrickMake a new partition of 10GBs with a mount point of '/' and ext3 filesystem07:28
jpatrickor do you want to use the entire HD?07:29
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DarkMaulfull partition07:31
DarkMauloww i see it07:31
DarkMaulthere i can also make ny second disc07:31
jpatricknow make another partition of 9GBs, mount == /home and ext307:32
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DarkMaulwhat will this home dir do07:33
jpatrickthen a swap partition of lets say 2GBs07:33
jpatrickhome dir = your system settings and documents07:34
DarkMaulbut lets say when i install a few games07:34
DarkMaulthat directory will be full in a few minutes07:34
jpatrickokay 50GBs07:34
DarkMaulkeeej just a sec'07:35
jpatrickmake it as big as you want07:35
DarkMauland the second HDD07:36
jpatrickif you install the games in root you might want to make that bigger07:36
jpatrickNot sure about HD207:36
DarkMaulthe second drive thats my whole problem07:37
jpatrickmaybe root on the first HD and /home on the other07:37
jpatrickjust leave 2-3GBs for swap07:38
DarkMauliam getting like 4 ore 5 drives'07:38
DarkMaulthis is a pain07:39
DarkMauli don think kubuntu will be my distro07:39
DarkMauli think ill be getting back to Fedora07:39
jpatricklets just try this07:40
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jpatrickwhat do the 3 drives have07:41
DarkMaulnaah i dont want it all separated07:43
DarkMaulsorry but this is not what i want07:44
jpatrickso just make one root partition07:44
jpatrickbut it's good to have a separate /home partition if you reinstall/install another Linux distro07:45
jpatrickleave some space for a swap partition07:46
jpatrickand install away07:48
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DarkMaulkeej lets give it a shot07:49
jpatrickremember the swap07:50
jpatrickaround 3GBs07:50
DarkMaulbut what should i give the second HDD07:50
jpatrickyour /home07:51
DarkMaulso first drive07:52
DarkMaul3 gig swap07:52
DarkMaul157 root ??07:52
jpatrickif you want to use the whole thing07:53
jpatrickthe rest == /home07:55
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jpatrickmount point == /home :)07:55
DarkMauli let it auto set the drive07:55
DarkMaulit auto uses the whole drive07:55
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jpatrickwhen your done hit next07:56
DarkMaulit going now07:57
DarkMauldinner time07:58
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elvirolohi all08:22
elviroloi installed k3b-mp3 but k3b still won't deal with mp3's08:23
OculusAquilaeelvirolo: breezy or hoary?08:25
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elvirolowait, i'm trying to recompile it08:26
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OculusAquilaehave you installed mp3 support?08:26
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pointwoodanyone else had problems with upgrading to firefox 1.0.7?08:29
pointwoodusing apt-get08:29
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apokryphospointwood: quite a few have08:30
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apokryphosdisable backports, remove firefox, update your apt, then install firefox08:31
kurt_With the 3.5 beta I get the error "Could not start process cannot talk to klauncher."08:31
kurt_anyone know why?08:31
apokryphoskurt_: a known and annoying bug (with no apparent fix, afaik, at the moment)08:31
pointwoodapokryphos: is there a solution?08:31
apokryphospointwood: yes, the one I mentioned.08:32
kurt_apokryphos: thanks.08:32
pointwoodoh, sorry - missed that :)08:32
pointwoodthx :)08:32
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edulixmy system seems really broken;08:56
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edulixit's just apt problems08:56
jpatrickedulix: what did you do?08:56
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edulixapt-get -f install tries to remove 702mb of packages08:56
edulixjpatrick: the only problem is this:08:57
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edulixI'm using hoary08:58
edulixwhat happened is that I tried to install latest skype, but it needed a new version of libqt3c102-mt08:59
jpatrickdone: sudo apt-get remove skype?08:59
edulixwhat happened is that I tried to install latest skype, but it needed a new version of libqt3c102-mt, so I tried luck downloading the package from debian servers and tried an dpkg -i and it's broken now (it didn't get isntalled because of debian deps)09:00
edulixthe solution would be to "install" kubuntu suplied version libqt3c102-mt. in fact, it's already isntalled!09:00
jpatrickmaybe the already installed ones from Debian09:01
edulixno, it didn't get installed09:01
edulixit's just apt thinks it did. other times it has happened this to me but not so badly09:01
edulix(normally apt-get -f remove did the trick)09:02
edulixapt-cache show libqt3c102-mt says that I have (k)ubuntu version09:02
edulixI don't know then what's the problem then09:03
seth_k|lappyman, Breezy is not happy today... apt segfaults when I try to run it09:04
seth_k|lappyand thunderbird segfaults too -_-09:05
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edulixthe problem is that apt says "but version xx is to be installed". I want him to know that, in fact, it's NOT to be installed09:06
edulixhow to do that? :P09:06
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aseigoRiddell: ping?09:18
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Riddellaseigo: hi09:19
aseigoRiddell: did you build the 3.5 beta w/out debug symbols?09:19
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Riddellaseigo: same as normal packages, so yes09:19
ickehi, can anyone help me?09:20
aseigoRiddell: hum. that makes backtraces completely useless =(09:20
aseigoRiddell: and really defeats part of the purpose of having betas, doesn't it?09:20
Riddella fair point09:21
=== aseigo just got a bug report from a kubuntu user using the 3.5beta1 packages and the backtrace is, of course, not useful =(
aseigoperhaps future betas you could turn on debug? assuming that's not insanely time consuming for you tod o09:21
Riddellthere is kdelibs4c2-dbg09:21
Riddellfor the libraries09:22
ickei did a fresh install of the Kubuntu Breezy Preview, dual boot with Win XP Pro. Every thing worked but now there are two (+the recovery ones) GRUB entries for Kubuntu: vmlinuz-2.6.12-8-386 and vmlinuz-2.6.12-9-386, which should i use, do they use different settings, or just another kernel version? (I updated the kernel through Synaptic)09:22
Riddellaseigo: I'll look into it for future builds09:23
edulixicke: use the one you want :)09:23
aseigoRiddell: awesome.. thanks =)09:24
edulixicke: it's just that when updating the kernel version, the old entry is not replaced by the new one, but just the new one is added09:24
ickethx; edulix09:24
ickeill just comment the 2.6.12-8-386 one09:24
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edulixyeah that would do the trick :)09:25
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elvirolo_awayi tried following instructions from HOWTO's in the forums, but i still can't get k3b to handle mp3's09:29
elvirolo_awaycan anyone help me ?09:29
libbenwhats this ? 09:30
libbenYou may replace bluez's pin helper program with kbluepin; it is located in /usr/lib/kdebluetooth now09:30
libbencomes up when i restart09:30
libbenwhat its replacing?09:31
seth_k|lappyyou should replace bluez's pin helper with kbluepin in /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf09:32
seth_k|lappythat message is so you don't forget to do it09:32
edulixdoes kubuntu use prelink ? I haven't seen any prelinking in my system since time ago, maybe a prelink -afmR will make my system a little faster?09:32
libbenseth_k|lappy: so i do sudo nano hcid.conf and replace the line with kbluepin?09:34
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ickehow can i dl the w32codecs without apt-get?09:35
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libbenseth_k|lappy: 09:36
libben# PIN helper09:36
libbenpin_helper /usr/bin/bluez-pin;09:36
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elvirolo_awaysry i was disconnected ... so, any ideas ?09:36
libbenso ill just change that line to ?   pin_helper /usr/lib/kdebluetooth09:37
libbenis that right seth_k|lappy ?09:37
wwalterI'm trying to compile the wacom driver and its telling me it can't find the xorg SDK. I can't find any package that looks like an xorg sdk which one do i need to get09:37
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seth_k|lappylibben, yes09:43
seth_k|lappylibben, sorry about the d/c ;)09:43
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lunitikwwalter: x-dev more than likely...09:46
wwalterlunitik: thks but it didn't seem to work09:49
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RogueJediXCould someone help me with tweaking amaroK?09:52
libbenseth_k|lappy: is there a way of getting it running without a restart ?09:53
seth_k|lappylibben, sudo /etc/init.d/bluez-utils restart09:54
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libbenseth_k|lappy: is the line really right?09:56
libbenso whats supposed to happend?09:56
libbencause my bt icon is greyed09:57
seth_k|lappywell now you have to scan for a device09:57
libbenhow do i scan09:57
libbenright klick on it09:57
libbenand then do pairing ?09:57
seth_k|lappyI just sent a file from my phone and it paired automatically10:01
libbenlike that10:02
RogueJediXDoes anyone know why my amaroK takes 5 seconds or more reading the next song (and consenquently starts playing it at 0:05 or more)?10:03
BlissexRogueJediX: we are sorry, but all of our psychic advisors are busy on other lines...10:07
RogueJediXThis is really pissing me off. When it plays this way it sounds like it started playing midway10:09
BlissexRogueJediX: you might attempt to relate some more of the context, and whether you have done any investigation.10:09
BlissexRogueJediX: for example, whether you have been running 'vmstat 1' in a Konsole while the tragedy unfolds...10:09
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BlissexRogueJediX: and where the songs are stored on, and distribution, and KDE version, and what kind of HW it is running on.10:10
RogueJediXJust a sec10:10
RogueJediXDistribution: Kubuntu Hoary, amaroK: 1.2.3, KDE: 3.4.2, songs are stored on my harddrive in a hidden folder and my sound card is Muse XL10:12
othernoobRogueJediX: ever wondered what Settings may be?...what the greater meaning behind Configure Amarok could possibly be?10:13
othernoobRogueJediX: ever asked yourself what effect Crossfading could have on playback?10:14
RogueJediXIt's not set on crossfading10:14
RogueJediXIt's set on no crossfading and the gap+s been set to 2500 ms10:14
othernoobtried changing that?10:15
BlissexRogueJediX: 2500 is 2.5 seconds...10:15
RogueJediXYup, several times10:16
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RogueJediXBlissex: I know. Are you saying that the silence gap doesn't go into the next track?10:17
BlissexRogueJediX: to make othernoob's hitn more explicit: It is unlikely it is a performance problem, so it is more likely that that it is a config problem.10:17
RogueJediXBlissex: I don't think so. Whenever it's switching to the next track, I get a busy cursor for about 5 seconds, amaroK stops responding for a while and then it starts playing10:18
jrattner1When I boot ubuntu, I'm greated with a choice to boot either ubuntu or windows, is there any way that I could change the bootloader to something a little more aestetically pleasing, like with graphics?10:18
othernoobBlissex: have you tried it with no gap at all?10:19
BlissexRogueJediX: uhm very odd. Try running 'vmstat 1' or the 'System monitor' applet to see if CPU spikes during those 5 seconds.10:20
othernoobBlissex: i remember the aRts engine causing problems with crossfading..tried a different one?10:20
othernoobuh,, whoops..10:21
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RogueJediXBlissex: Nope, no spikes10:24
other|awayRogueJediX: did you try a different engine?10:24
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RogueJediXother|away: Just switched to xine, yeah. That seemed to do the trick, thanks.10:26
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other|awayyou're welcome10:28
johankubuntu on laptop is good 10:29
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seth_k|lappywhy does kubuntu-desktop depend on hpijs and hplip-base? I don't own an HP printer and don't want the thing running on boot <_<10:39
seth_k|lappyjrattner1, sure10:40
seth_k|lappyjrattner1, just install a GRUBsplash10:40
jrattner1seth_k|lappy, sounds good man10:40
jrattner1got one more question maybe you could help me with10:40
jrattner1how do i stop sendmail from sarting at boot timeWhen I boot my laptop, it gives me the choice whether to boot WIndows XP or linux.  This whole prompt set is in text mode.  Previously on SuSE their was a nice pretty GUI to do this instead of text mode.  Any one got10:40
jrattner1ignore that10:40
seth_k|lappyhere's the howto for splashes: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3034110:41
jrattner1how to i stop sendmail from starting at boot time10:41
seth_k|lappyand if you don't want sendmail, remove it10:41
jrattner1sounds good10:41
seth_k|lappyprobably you actually have postfix installed, not sendmail10:41
jrattner1thats it10:42
jrattner1seth_k|lappy, do I want to mark it for removal or COMPLETE removal?10:42
libbencomplete removes the files too10:43
seth_k|lappyno, complete removes configuration files too10:43
jrattner1so complete removal?10:43
seth_k|lappycomplete is fine10:43
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libbenand remove leaves the conf files.. but removes the program files10:43
libbenF*****k what a long time it takes to install AA 10:44
libben700 mb run file =)10:44
seth_k|lappydon't install AA... 2.3 is the latest for Linux and most of the servers are now 2.410:44
libbenhmm... i want to remove all printing things in this box. 10:44
libbendont own a printer and a printer shall never touch this box anyway10:44
libbenso i can complete remove cupsd?10:44
libbentouchpad daemon i can also remove. no laptop here10:45
libbenwhat more to remove .... hmm =)10:45
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eddrexdoes anyone have info on the kdeinit/kded problem?11:07
eddrexfresh install of ubuntu > add 3.5b1 repos > install kubuntu-desktop = kde won't start?11:08
Tm_Tno, but I finally got my webcam working in kopete11:08
Tm_Teddrex: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade11:09
eddrexTm_T: really?? msn? is it compiled into the 3.5b1 package?11:09
Tm_Teddrex: dunno11:09
Tm_Teddrex: I use svn ;)11:09
eddrexTm_T: tried. I removed the extra repos, removed everything in the kde cat, reinstalled with the stock breezy packages, still no kde!11:10
eddrexis there a more correct way to "roll back" extra repositories? like, "remove all packages which aren't available from a repos anymore"?11:11
othernoobTm_T: do you perhaps have a dvdrw?11:14
eddrexcan anybody point me to a self-serve resource for current kubuntu breezy bugs etc? i'm having trouble finding much11:14
Tm_Tothernoob: why?11:14
othernoobTm_T: am interested in someone elses output of cdrecord -prcap dev=/dev/hdX11:15
othernoobto compare it with mine11:15
othernooband figure out why cdrecord now thinks that my dvdrw is 4x instead of 8x11:15
othernoobit's quite annoying knowing that i can burn faster in windows :/11:16
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libbenothernoob: have u enabled dma on ur cd/dvd drive ?11:17
eddrexi know there is a known bug, I overheard foodcoman talking about it last night, but google doesn't know about it.11:17
othernooblibben: of course11:17
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eddrexok, I found the kubuntu-bugs list, so I'll stop whining11:34
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alexmichi all11:37
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mesutdoes anybody know how to find a flash player and java plugin for firefox on Ubuntu 64bit11:52
mesutCant run java applets and flash content on Kubuntu 64bit11:53
libbenXlib:  extension "XiG-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD" missing on display ":0.0".11:53
libbeni says this in konsol11:53
libbenand i run americas army11:53
libbenand its quite choppy11:53
libbenshould run better11:53
libbenhas it to do with the Xlib is missing ?11:53
alexmicXlib: extension "XiG-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD" missing on display ":0.0". in root or sudo commands?11:53
libbenjust in console when i minimize the game11:54
libbenim of to change resolution ingame. and it takes me to konsole11:54
libbenand it says that11:54
alexmichave you activated transludency and shadows -> composite options in xorg.conf?11:54
libbennot what i know of11:54
libbendefault values11:55
libbenso no11:55
libbenhavent activated that11:55
mesutdoes anyone use AMD64 version?11:56
libbenwhat to type for reconfiguring the glx thingy?11:56
rdw200169i do11:56
rdw200169flash will work only under a chroot type thing11:57
mesutdo you use firtefox?11:57
rdw200169i use it all11:57
libbenbtw, earlier when i typed glxgears i could see a value in console of fps...11:57
mesuthow can I get it to work11:57
libbennow i never gets any11:57
rdw200169so i did a chroot and installed firefox for 32bit and flash and then it worked11:57
libbenand the gears doesnt go in crazy speed sort of speak11:57
rdw200169i found a good howto in the ubuntu forums11:57
libbenbut quake3 runs good11:58
narglibben: Thats odd, does glxgears not get any fps, or just very few?11:58
mesutI will look for it too thanks11:58
chavolibben, looks like it's a problem with AA11:58
chavoI just looked on google11:58
rdw200169java worked fine in 64bit11:58
rdw200169i just got the original from sun microsystems11:59
alexmiclibben *apparently* the message says a graphic extension OR library OR soft is missing in your PC, i checked my apt-cache nothings results so maybe on the AA's site u could find it11:59
rdw200169and installed it myself11:59
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mesutwhich java plugin?11:59
libbenxlibs - X Window System client library transitional package12:00
rdw200169i think it was like this: i had to install all of java and inside one of the files was the plugin for mozilla firefox12:00
libbenthat i found in my apt-cache search12:00
mesutthey dont have a plugin for firefox12:00
rdw200169i moved that file into the firefox 32bit version plugin directory12:00
mesutif you use AMD64 versin12:00
mesutI see12:00
chavolibben, have you upgraded xorg since you installed your graphics drivers?12:01
rdw200169using the chroot 32bit version you can make it work12:01
rdw200169one day 64 bit ubuntu will be perfect when they figure out how to do the 32/64 compatibility layer like suse does ;)12:01

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