
=== herzi [n=herzi@d011254.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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sebest_anyone using beagle?12:56
sebest_it seems to need a lot of memory...12:56
sebest_sebest   14786 27.4 40.3 378832 208092 pts/1   Sl   00:21   9:47 mono-beagled --debug /usr/lib/beagle/BeagleDaemon.exe --bg12:56
sebest_running for only 30 minutes12:57
slomoyes beagle eats memory ;)12:58
ograbut it stops after it has indexed everything (after a running a week or so) :)01:00
ograthen it only needs space for the delta01:00
sebest_in a week?! lol, i must go buying extra ram and hotplug it!01:02
Burgundaviasebest_, it is getting better01:05
sebest_Burgundavia with beagle?01:05
sebest_i mean with 0.101:05
Burgundaviasebest_, beagle is getting less memory hungry01:06
havocare there any plans to allow package selection during install?01:07
havocajmitch: hola01:07
ajmitchhavoc: no01:08
ajmitchwhy complicate the install?01:08
havocajmitch: if you allowed package selection during install then you could customize and save an install for many systems01:08
havocit can't be automated right now01:08
havocat least not as far as I know01:08
ajmitchthere's stuff to do that now01:08
ograthere is kickstart01:09
havocwhich makes ubuntu wholey unsuitable for large shops01:09
havocogra: what's that?01:09
ograyou dont know redhats kickstart for mass deployments ?01:09
havocoh, it's a redhat thing01:09
havocI've been using mandrake01:09
havocwhich allows you to save the package selection, settings, etc.. for doing mass rollouts01:10
havocbut I'm trying to switch my whole business over to debian and ubuntu01:10
ograkickstart hooks into the installer01:10
havocso I'm just trying to find equivalent procedures for what I already do01:11
ograyuo can do your customized config and deploy it everywhere01:11
havocbut I still have to install gnome, then install KDE afterwards?01:11
havoc(I use that as one example)01:12
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havocFirefly rules01:17
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=== bddebian [n=bddebian@pcp08717033pcs.phnixv01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianHey folks02:40
bddebianHeya ajmitch02:41
phlaegelpida looks pretty neat... thanks to whoever packaged it02:51
bddebianJesus, does anything build anymore :'-(03:00
=== arzajac [n=arzajac@modemcable201.119-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
arzajacflashplugin-nonfree recommends gsfonts-x11. flashplayer-mozilla does not.  This package is needed to let flash display fonts.  Can it be made a depends?03:07
arzajacFor both packages?03:08
=== _jaldhar [n=jaldhar@pcp09354977pcs.jersyc01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== lamont curses mpg123's continued ftbfs
=== tritium [n=michael@pcp0011975002pcs.sandia01.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== ajmitch notes that flashplay-mozilla was fixed by infinity, according to breezy-changes
=== _jaldhar is now known as jaldhar
lamontiz possible that mpg123 now builds...03:42
lamontiz needs-build atm03:43
lamontand -20 still has bogus dpkg invocations03:43
lamontg'night all03:47
bddebianDamn it's quiet in here04:33
=== jond [n=jon@ppp-67-126-215-184.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jondmediawiki in breezy has dependency issues04:38
jondwhich is in universe04:38
jondhttp://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help_talk:Diff according to this site 1.4.x of mediawiki can't use version 5.0.4 of php but that is exactly what it depends on04:39
jondeither mediawiki needs to be upgraded or php needs to be downgraded04:40
bddebianDid you check the changelog?  Maybe someone fixed it?04:40
jondwhere can I find the changelog?04:40
jondI will look04:40
bddebianYou can look on packages.ubuntu.com or apt-get source :-)04:41
jondwell I recently apt-get update if thats what you mean04:42
jondi'll do it again just in case04:43
bddebianNo, I mean you can download the source with "apt-get source mediawiki", then look at the changelog :-)04:43
=== ajmitch would bug ogra about it :)
bddebianHey ajmitch, you bored? :-)04:45
jondhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/web/mediawiki I am looking here and it is still version php5 and actually it looks like someone changed it to depend on that in august04:46
ajmitchbddebian: no04:46
ajmitchjond: file a bug in malone about it04:47
jondajmitch, ok04:47
=== LaserJock [n=LaserJoc@ppp-69-227-156-246.dsl.renocs.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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bddebianHeya tritium05:10
tritiumHi bddebian.05:10
bddebianHow's life?05:10
tritiumNot bad.  I was getting ready to throw my harmony remote out the window a minute ago05:12
bddebianThere's about 3 or 4 packages I'd like to throw out the window :-)05:12
=== tritium opens the window
=== Amaranth [n=travis@unaffiliated/amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tritiumbddebian, I'm watching the NMSU football game.  Tonight is the first official radio broadcast of a football game in Navaho.05:20
bddebianHmm, interesting.  You speak Navaho?05:21
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ajmitch_yay for overheating05:25
bddebianAm I exciting you again ajmitch_ ?? ;-P05:26
ajmitch_hah funny05:27
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ajmitchhi \sh09:30
\shajmitch: I'll send an email to elmo tomorrow for some syncs, and clamav will be updated then as well...but for dapper, we  should consider a move to main for this piece of software09:32
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@lns01-0908.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitch\sh: even then it'll need constant engine updates09:40
ajmitchsomething to BOF :)09:40
ivoksah, getting ready for canada? :)09:41
ajmitchdebian has its volatile archive now, or at least soon :)09:41
ivoksdid anyone worked with dh_python?09:41
ivokswell, it goes in build or install? :)09:41
ivoksinstall, i gues09:41
ivoksso, what else beside ${python:Depends} should I do?09:42
ivoksi substitutes that with nothing09:42
ajmitchpass the right parameters to dh_python :)09:43
ivoksit needs paramateres? :/09:44
ajmitchand make sure you're calling it in the right place09:44
ajmitchyou have read the manpage, right?09:44
=== Valandil [n=chrys@dsl-084-056-119-103.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== ivoks is still under impression of last game on european champ. in basketball
\shwhere is mez?10:15
\shwhere is jdong?10:15
StrikeForcecan someone point me to where I need to log to find the log of why I get errors on shutting down?10:16
StrikeForceits not showing up under /var/log/messages10:16
crimsunthe console output or the kernel ring buffer?10:17
StrikeForceconsole output10:17
StrikeForceas I shutdown one program generates an error10:17
StrikeForcein the console outside of X10:17
crimsunafaik that's not logged10:17
StrikeForcegotta learn how to write faster then :(10:17
StrikeForceI think its hal though10:17
StrikeForceit comes up with an error10:17
StrikeForcefoudn it /etc/dbus-1/event.d/20hal: line 50: kill: (7295) - No such process10:20
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pkernajmitch: Thanks for your efforts to bring Gobby into breezy. :D11:38
ajmitchpkern: sorry, was going to notify you when it happened :)11:38
pkernajmitch: ;)11:39
ajmitchhow goes utnubu?11:39
ajmitchyou've tagged the remaining RFP/ITP bugs?11:39
\shdoes anybody know if this jdong is coming to ubz?11:40
ajmitch\sh: I haven't heard, but mez is11:40
siretartmorning, folks!11:40
pkernajmitch: I tagged all which were on the missing packages list.11:40
ajmitchmorning siretart11:40
siretarthi ajmitch11:40
siretartmorning \sh,  are there remaining questions about revu?11:40
pkernajmitch: I hope to get started with Utnubu as soon as I have got more time again. I'm too busy with school currently to backport Ubuntu packages to Debian11:41
=== ajmitch needs some more music to listen to
pkernajmitch: We should start to write scripts similar to yours for semi-automatic syncing ;)11:41
\shsiretart: I had problems with recovering the password for one user without a signed key ;)11:41
ajmitchpkern: sure11:41
ajmitchpkern: we'll be putting our scripts on the server that hosts revu11:41
pkernajmitch: They aren't /yet/ publically available, right?11:42
siretart\sh: password recovery should work after his first accepted upload11:42
ajmitchpkern: anything I've written is a bit messy, as it was hacked up for my own use :)11:42
\shsiretart: well...he uploaded already many packages...11:42
siretartthen password recovery should work11:42
pkernajmitch: (:11:42
ajmitchpkern: what sort of things are you looking for?11:42
\shsiretart: I tried password recovery from commandline and it told me: no signed key ;)11:43
\shsiretart: I wanted to give this guy comment functionality for his own packages11:43
ajmitchthe missing packages one I'm planning to rewrite & use grep-dctrl & a bit of shell11:43
=== ajmitch is on the utnubu-discuss list if you're wanting to coordinate there
pkernajmitch: Well, Utnubu is about letting Ubuntu maintaining the packages. So we need something semi-automatic which merges our little build-dependency changes into the latest Ubuntu update to the package. Currently we have only one package under the hood of ut11:45
pkernutnubu, and that one is manually managed by nomeata11:45
ajmitchso a ubuntu->debian MoM11:45
pkernWould be nice (:11:46
\shpkern: ask scott ;)11:46
siretartkeybuk told me that the mom functionality will be part of HCT11:46
siretartthe hypothetical changeset tool.11:46
=== ajmitch would have loved to have seen more people maintaining in debian instead of solely in ubuntu
siretartit is vaporware up to now, and hasn't been advertised or annouced.11:47
ajmitchit's quite dependant on launchpad11:47
pkernajmitch: Same here. But I don't think that this would happen. Getting all to deal with Debian sponsors... (Well, Utnubu Devs would be available for this task...)11:47
ajmitchand is switching to using bzr for branching11:47
ajmitchpkern: it's ok for some of us who can upload :)11:48
pkernajmitch: It was about the non-DDs. (:11:48
ajmitchand we'll have some who'll get their package uploaded but go MIA11:49
ajmitchI think it'll be more important during dapper's cycle11:49
pkernajmitch: Do you think the maintainers care about Debian when they're targetting Ubuntu? (This probably sounds too harsh, sorry |:)11:49
ajmitchpkern: often they don't care beyond what they use, imho11:49
pkernajmitch: I thought the same...11:50
ajmitchnot really a harsh question11:50
pkernajmitch: Even in my social net I sense much hostility against Debian because it's "too old" and "sucks for C++ developers". They like Ubuntu more but don't understand they both need to coexist.11:50
ajmitchI don't get the 'sucks for c++ developers'11:51
=== siretart don't get it either
ajmitchsince we got the pain of g++ 4.0 transition a couple of months before debian started11:51
Treenaksajmitch: c++-developers-who-consider-MSVC-to-be-c++?11:51
siretartthe compilers are mostly in sync in both debian and ubuntu, thanks to doko11:52
ajmitchthe MOTU team during breezy has been more of a firefighting team, trying to get everything in shape11:52
ajmitchfor dapper I think we'll see more new stuff11:52
pkernTreenaks: Nope, C++ developers who don't get the problem with binary packages because they're mostly using Gentoo.11:52
pkernajmitch: 8 months of C++ transition is evil.11:52
Treenakspkern: UGRGRHHR11:52
pkernajmitch: Or how long is it?11:52
pkernajmitch: Nothing flowing into testing etc.11:53
Treenakspkern: for Debian it's normal, because there's the NMU taboo11:53
ajmitchpkern: we're pretty much done with C++ transition here11:53
siretartpkern: what does gentoo feature to c++ devs what debian doesn't?11:53
pkernTreenaks: It's leaved for the transitions.11:53
ajmitchsiretart: everything gets built at once, no long dependency chains that get broken by renamed packages/incompat ABI11:53
Treenakspkern: then it can be done in a few days11:53
Treenakspkern: except on m68k11:53
pkernTreenaks: Everybody could do 0-day NMUs during the BSPs, and I think 2-day NMUs for transition issues over the whole time.11:53
ajmitchTreenaks: you really think that it could be a few days?11:54
pkernTreenaks: The problem is more the "all dependencies need to be built on all architecture before you compile more"11:54
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Treenaksajmitch: yes, 2 weeks max11:54
ajmitchthere are some deep dependencies there11:54
pkernTreenaks: Which needs days per package11:54
ajmitchTreenaks: it takes longer than that for some single packages11:55
ajmitchthis is C++, people write broken code11:55
pkernsiretart: They just don't get the problem that we need something like an ABI transition. Ignorant people are out there. Gentoo also features newer version of libraries much, much sooner.11:55
siretartwell, the c++ transition is mostly complete, so the time of the big transition is over, afai understand..11:55
pkernajmitch: Look at packages like sigc++ which do not enter testing ):11:55
=== ajmitch sees that one of his packages has never entered testing
ajmitchpkern: I think we'll try & discuss some solutions for getting our work into debian at UBZ12:02
pefsiretart: hello12:12
pkernajmitch: Would be nice. Please report the results to utnubu then (:12:14
ajmitchpkern: certainly12:17
pefsiretart: what is the problem in GLUTransiton with boson-base ? not yet uploaded ?12:18
siretartpef: The last time I looked at it, it failed to build12:19
pefsiretart: ohh ok :)12:20
=== Yagisan [n=jamie@60-240-38-8.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretartpef: looking at http://bugs.debian.org/boson-base, I don't have much hope with it :(12:22
Cimmerianis it possible for opera to end up in multiverse?12:24
siretartCimmerian: depends on the distribution term, did you check them/12:24
pefsiretart: ok, will look12:25
siretartpef: looking at the maintainer record, I suspect the maintainer lost interest in the package :(12:26
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pefsiretart: so why he didn't orphans the package .12:28
siretartpef: ask him via email. perhaps lack of time/interesst12:31
pefsiretart: I try to build it, and I have different error that the error on bugs.debian, error with Arts library12:40
pefand you ? ;)12:40
=== vrln [n=vrln@a80-186-14-196.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu
vrlnis there a chance something can still be upgraded before universe is frozen?12:43
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vrlnthe gtkpod version is a bit too old for at least some revisions of ipod mini12:43
vrlnand it should be fixed in the latest release (0.94, ubuntu has 0.93)12:43
vrlnhttp://packages.debian.org/unstable/sound/gtkpod <-- unstable has 0.94 packaged12:43
siretartpef: I don't remember. If you really want to get it fixed, check if there is a new upstream version and try that12:44
siretartpef: and contact the maintainer12:44
pefsiretart: ok :)12:45
vrlnI'll try the debian package to see if it works (according to one forum it should fix it)12:45
siretartvrln: only if the new version fixes important bugs12:45
siretartvrln: check the changelog/diff12:46
vrlnsiretart: just tried it - I can confirm that the ubuntu 0.93 gtkpod does not work at all with a second revision ipod mini12:47
vrlnthe debian unstable version works - just read the itunesdb12:47
vrlnbut I'll search for the changelog, it should be there12:47
siretartvrln: how can you be sure that it don't introduce new bugs?12:47
vrlnsiretart: I can't :)12:48
vrln BUGFIX: Some iTunesDB files written by iTunes could not be read because of an error in the parse code (gtkpod would attempt to read beyond the end of the file).12:48
vrlnBUGFIX: Fixed compatibility issue with new firmware 3.1 and iTunes 4.9 (only 256 tracks were shown on the iPod, iTunes removed the majority of the tracks from the iPod). Podcasts are still not supported, however, and will be lost when handled by gtkpod.12:48
vrlnbut it does contain the critical bugfix12:48
siretartvrln: we will have the package in dapper then12:48
vrlnhttp://www.gtkpod.org/news.html <-- it does indeed have a few new features12:49
vrlnyeah, the package from debian works fine in ubuntu (the dependencies seem to be the same), I just thought I'd let you know12:49
ajmitchsiretart: this might be a case for breaking freeze, if the breezy package is useless on a lot of hardware12:50
\shsiretart: check this http://www.ubuntuusers.de/viewtopic.php?t=1193212:50
siretarthttp://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=317701 is the bug12:51
siretartand it is important *grin*12:51
siretart\sh: there seem to be 2 maybe unrelated probles12:52
tsengafter confirming the issue12:52
siretarthi tseng!12:52
\shsiretart: well...they installed 1.0.6 from backports and now i think there is a new update from ubuntu12:52
tsenghi siretart12:52
siretartshadoi: yeah, known issue :(12:53
\shwe should have a talk with jdong ;)12:53
siretartajmitch: after reconsidering, the gtkpod update might really be a good idea12:53
siretartneed to go, will anyone request a sync from elmo?12:53
\shsiretart: yes...doing it12:54
\shI make a list with all syncs12:54
siretartwe have MOTUToSync12:54
\shsiretart: but I'm writing a mail to elmo ;) that he can do his job next week ;)12:54
\shsiretart: I have more packages ;)12:54
=== shackan [n=shackan@host175-93.pool871.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== ajmitch feels like watching some classic Peter Jackson films :)
=== \sh just eats
\shand watching people breaking their systems12:57
=== tseng installs colony 5
=== ajmitch needs to grab colony 5 for testing
=== \sh is waiting for an install iso with 2.6.12-9.18
\shbecause I just reinstalled windows on this r200...and I need to test 1. sk98lin and 2. resizing01:00
vrlnsiretart: thanks by the way, this is really what I'd call listening to user-feedback :)01:01
=== terrex [n=terrex@84-122-83-29.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
pkernWhy is 1. the powerpc kernel broken with xfs and 2. lilo broken with root on LVM (it worked two times just fine, but now it refuses to write a new mbr)01:09
pkern(broken with root on xfs anyway |:)01:10
\shgoing to visit my son..laters dude01:15
=== j^ [n=j@gw.bootlab.org] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StrikeForceevolution broken in breezy?01:20
=== slomo [n=slomo@p5487FF77.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StrikeForcenm desktop icon read evolution-2.2 instead of 2.401:21
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slomojbailey: ping?01:22
tsengfabbio fixed mythplugins :)01:28
Yagisancolony 5 is out ?01:31
=== herzi [n=herzi@d011254.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Yagisan should test it in vmware 5 for jbailey
=== AstralJava [n=jaska@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Riddellwhat's the best way to make libtunepimp/musicbrainz pacakges that compile against libmad?02:08
Riddellso that people can use them as alternatives against existing ones?02:08
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slomoRiddell: i would make packages which provide and conflict with the packages without mad support02:09
=== j^ [n=j@gw.bootlab.org] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Riddellslomo: from the same source or different sources?02:10
slomoRiddell: different source probably... the packages without mad support are in main?02:11
=== shackan [n=shackan@host88-79.pool8261.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
slomoand libmad is in main or universe?02:11
Riddellit's in main02:11
slomowhy is it compiled without mad support then?02:12
Riddellbecause the packages are on the kubuntu CDs and we can't have mad on the CDs02:12
jbaileyslomo: I'm here for a couple minutes then I'm away again.  'sup?02:13
slomook... but you can make them in the same source in that case02:13
RiddellI suspect it would be pretty fiddly to make them from the same sources02:13
slomothen make them from different source ;) wouldn't hurt imho02:13
slomojbailey: did you already read my newest comment to the ppc initramfs bug?02:14
jbaileyslomo: Nope.02:14
slomojbailey: kamion had the same problem when using xfs with colony 5... with ext3 it worked02:14
slomojbailey: on ppc02:14
jbaileyI'll poke him about it then and see if he can give me one of each initramfs to see what's different.02:15
slomothanks... i can do it next weekend when he don't have enough free time02:16
jbaileyWell, Kamion sort of spends his life reinstalling Ubuntu02:17
jbaileySo if he's going to do a cycle anyway, I'll get it from him.02:17
jbaileyOther than that, I have an extra ppc box here I can do a format on.02:17
jbaileyIt's just not wired up to a monitor atm.02:17
slomook... sounds good ;)02:18
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slomohi bddebian :)02:51
slomobddebian: want to look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=562 ?02:51
bddebianHeya slomo02:52
bddebianslomo: You don't need reviews do you? :-)02:53
slomobddebian: only one review ;)02:54
slomobddebian: will you do? ;)03:01
bddebianYep, sorry, just waiting for my machine to finish an update03:01
slomono need to be sorry :P03:03
siretartslomo: still not revu-built? ;)03:03
siretartre, btw03:03
slomosiretart: no... to many other things to do atm :( for example i'll be in denmark next week... but they have wlan everywhere ;)03:04
siretartslomo: oh03:04
slomosiretart: i'll be there: http://www.jaoo.org03:04
tseng anyone know how to debug why a usb2 device is running at 1.0 speeds03:05
tsengon a usb2 port..03:05
slomotseng: no idea03:06
bddebianslomo: You want me to build it on tiber, is that what you want?03:06
slomobddebian: no... i want you to review the package and give me a vote when it's ok ;)03:06
Yagisantseng: did it connect to the ehci driver ?03:06
bddebianslomo: But don't you already have upload rights? :-)03:07
tseng[4294889.641000]  usb 1-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address03:07
tsengYagisan: i guess not.03:07
slomobddebian: sure... but it is a NEW package03:07
=== bddebian is confused
bddebianslomo: Oohh, gotcha03:07
siretartslomo: w00t. sounds grat :)03:07
=== chrissturm [n=chris@85-124-174-71.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Yagisantseng: try mod probing ehci_hcd and hotplug the device again03:09
tsengYagisan: trying exactly that :P03:09
Yagisantseng: I'm a slow typist03:09
=== Yagisan wishes he had voice control
tsenghm that might be a bit faster03:11
tsengbut nothing crazy03:11
tseng[4600023.412000]  usb 1-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 803:11
tsengi guess it really isnt usb2 or something03:13
Yagisantseng: nope is only 12Mbps usb103:13
tsengthe ports i mean.03:13
tsengon my motherboard03:13
Yagisantseng: how old is the m/b ?03:14
tsengmaybe 2 years tops03:14
tsengand it was high end03:14
Yagisantseng: what chipset ?03:14
tsengintel something or other03:15
Yagisantseng: try this http://support.intel.com/support/motherboards/desktop/sb/CS-009024.htm03:17
Yagisantseng: it seems usb2 isn't enabled by default for some intel boards and perhaps non-intel as well03:18
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bddebianOK, I really have to start keeping my machine more up to date.  This 200-300 packages stuff sucks :-)03:19
chrissturmwhats the command to update a source deb to a newer version? i have the sourcedeb to mkvtoolnix 1.5.5 and i would like to make a deb for mkvtoolnix 1.5.6 with it. i think it was something debxxx -S03:21
slomochrissturm: uupdate or uscan... depending on whether there is a watchfile03:22
chrissturmslomo: what is a watchfile? is this documented somewhere?03:23
slomochrissturm: does debian/watch exist?03:23
slomothen download the new upstream tarball and run uupdate on it03:24
chrissturmcool, thx03:24
chrissturmdoes that work with a bz2 compressed tarball?03:24
slomotest it03:25
=== terrex [n=terrex@84-122-83-29.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
chrissturmnow i get uupdate: could not find diffs from version 1.5.5-1 to apply!03:27
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slomojbailey: btw... the incomplete write message seems to be caused by xfs as well when i understood kamion right... maybe that's the point to look at... maybe yaboot loads more then just the initrd when it lies on xfs03:36
bddebianOK, WTF is up with my account on REVU??03:51
siretartbddebian: ?03:51
bddebianI can't login in anymore03:52
siretartdoes pw recovery work?03:52
bddebianThey all decrypt to None03:52
siretartthen you most probably used the wrong login name03:53
bddebianI have tried all three03:53
siretartalso this one? http://revu.tauware.de/lostpw.py?email=bddebian@comcast.net03:53
bddebianWeird, when I did a recover on that before it came back as none.. Hmm. Thx siretart03:57
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bddebianHoly crap, we're up to 527 bugs again.. :'-(04:00
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=== sebest__ [n=chatzill@Mix-Reims-105-1-142.w193-249.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
slomosebest: when can we expect a release of your avahi panel applet? or do you have objections against using current svn?04:15
slomosebest: and please make your licensing clear... LICENSE says GPL, some sources say LGPL... and afaik COPYING is the "standard" file to contain the license... autogen.sh gives some warning about it04:20
=== Snadder [i=sander@062016176209.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #ubuntu-motu
SnadderThe following packages have unmet dependencies:04:23
Snadder  smlnj: Depends: smlnj-runtime (>= 110.42-3) but it is not installable04:23
SnadderE: Broken packages04:24
Snadderbeen like this for some weeks atleast.04:24
Snadderanyone in here able to fix this?04:24
Treenakswhat is it?04:24
slomoSnadder: smlnj is completly broken... it's unlikely that we can fix it before the release04:24
Snaddersome error with the package "smlnj04:24
Snadderhum.. it works in debian04:25
Treenaksslomo: c++-breakage?04:25
slomoSnadder: it's also broken for debian... it's unbuildable atm because it needs itself for bootstrapping04:26
SnadderI installed it 4 days ago at my debian box04:26
TreenaksSnadder: installing != building04:27
TreenaksSnadder: ubuntu rebuilds everything, but apparently it can't be rebuilt (even in debian)04:27
slomoSnadder: yes, it's installable... but we can't build it anymore (and debian has older binaries on their ftps... the new ones doesn't build for them too iirc)04:27
Snadderah... understand04:27
Snadderany idea when the release will be?04:28
slomoSnadder: sadly the debian maintainer has no time to fix it somehow :(04:28
slomoSnadder: breezy? october 13th afaik04:28
bddebianWTF is up with Malone?04:29
Snadderok.. but why not build it from source?.. and not depend on debian?04:29
bddebianSnadder: It needs itself to build04:30
Snaddercross compile?04:30
SnadderI hardly doubt its not possible to compile the source package from theire website04:32
Snadderthis package have been around for ages04:32
bddebianSnadder: So go for it ;-)04:33
slomoSnadder: i have a working version for x86 and ppc here... but it's a really bad hack04:33
slomoSnadder: it uses the binaries you can get on their homepage to build itself again04:33
slomoSnadder: but imho this package is just broken upstream... it needs itself to build and they provide no easy way to get a bootstrap compiler04:35
slomobut as someone cares about this package i'll see whether i can upload my hack later...04:36
slomoi thought nobody cares because it was broken for ages04:36
Snadderabit sad.. since i've recommended ubuntu to some friends I got at school.. which needs to work with ml.. maybe they have to switch over to debian now04:37
Snadderah. ok04:37
slomowould mosml also work for you?04:37
Snadderif it works to run ml programs..04:37
Snadderlet me see04:38
slomothere is no package atm04:38
slomoi have one on my hdd ;)04:38
slomothe license is a bit suspect04:38
Snadderwhat kinda license?04:39
Snadderwhould it be possible to add it to ubuntu?04:40
slomoit is partly non-free04:40
slomoso it would be in multiverse04:40
SnadderO_o.. then it whould rock.. if you'd manage to add that package04:41
Snadderwell.. if it works just like smlnj tho.04:41
slomodo you have some time to test?04:41
chrissturmwhat kind of programminglanguage is ML?04:41
slomochrissturm: functional04:41
chrissturmlike erlang?04:42
Snadderlike lisp04:42
slomobut without that many brackets ;)04:42
tsengi like brackets04:42
tsengthats why i use tcl04:42
=== tseng hides
slomome too... but many people hate them ;)04:42
Snadderslomo, I got time.. but I first need to install ubuntu on my laptop04:42
slomoSnadder: ok... can you test the package today for me? otherwise it will be unlikely we get it into breezy as i'm in denmark next week04:43
Snaddersince I dont got it installed myself.. only some friends at school got it...04:43
Snadderyep. i'll do that04:43
=== Snadder fires up the install right away..
markumanis ubuntu using the debian-installer ?04:45
vrlnmarkuman: yup - a customized version I think though04:46
slomoSnadder: and for smlnj... seems to work still... so maybe i'll upload it later... but mosml feels better ;)04:47
Snaddercool.. thanks alot:)04:47
bddebianslomo: You ROCK!! :-)04:48
=== bddebian SUCKS :'-(
slomobddebian: you don't04:50
=== ogra [n=ogra@p5089CB60.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianslomo: I do. :-(  I have been fighting with gnat-gps and axiom for three days and they should be fairly simple fixes :-(04:50
slomoaxiom is evil afaik ;)04:51
slomoand gnat-gps was big04:51
bddebianI think the new axiom from Debian would be fine, it's just looking for the X libs and includes in the wrong places.  It defines /usr/X11R6/lib and /usr/include/X11R604:52
bddebianBut it takes FOREVER to build04:52
slomobddebian: ask Nafallo about his pbuilder ccache magic04:53
bddebianWell it specifies them in the Makefile but after changing all them, it blew up on tetex for some strange reason :-)04:54
slomoSnadder: ok, i can upload smlnj later... but it would be perfect if you can test my mosml package later :)04:55
bddebianslomo: Can you please take smlnj off the UnmetDeps list when you do? :-)04:55
slomobddebian: sure04:55
sebest__slomo: where?05:05
slomosebest__: look at the query ;)05:05
sebest__yes i should fix the licencing issue05:07
sebest__if i put only COPYING is it enought?05:08
slomosources and COPYING should be consistent... i.e. not GPL in COPYING and LGPL in sources05:09
slomobut otherwise... yes05:09
sebest__what is the difference between COPYING and LICENCE?05:14
slomono idea... but COPYING is the filename where the autotools look for the license05:15
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sebest__slomo: what are the implication of making a release now? will i be able to make a new version that can then also enter breezy, or is it freezed?05:20
slomosebest__: i could upload the package for review and we probably get it into breezy... there were enough people interested in it... but i could also package a svn snapshot05:21
sebest__for example if i branch 0.1 now, i will be able to make a 0.2 release in one week or so and have it reviewed also?05:24
sebest__or is review a slow process?05:24
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markumanwhat are you preffer to build deb packages? dh_make, pbuilder oder CDBS ?05:27
sebest__slomo i fix the licencing issue, if you think it's ok , i can tag 0.105:28
slomosebest__: depends... should be fairly fast as many people were interested in that applet ;)05:30
slomosebest__: but one week may be too late... but we'll see :)05:31
slomoYagisan: you used a lintian override?05:39
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Yagisanslomo: where ?05:42
YagisanI have them in various packages05:42
slomook, wait... maybe i've got it right now ;)05:43
sebest__slomo: could you test le last svn, and create a tar.gz using make dist? and if it is ok, i take it 0.105:43
slomoYagisan: hm no... how do you install it to the correct location?05:43
Yagisanslomo, just a sec05:44
slomosebest__: please give me the svn url again and i'll make it05:44
sebest__hello dholbach05:44
slomoSnadder: smlnj uploaded... please pray that it builds ;)05:44
slomohi dholbach05:44
Yagisanslomo: install -o root -g root -m 644 debian/deng-jdoom-pwad-2002ado.lintian debian/deng-jdoom-pwad-2002ado/usr/share/lintian/overrides/deng-jdoom-pwad-2002ado05:46
ograslomo, pray ?05:46
ogradidnt you testbuild it ?05:46
sebest__slomo: svn checkout svn://svn.0pointer.de/service-discovery-applet/trunk service-discovery-applet05:46
slomoogra: sure... it built fine here :) but i don't like this package...05:46
bddebianHeya dholbach05:46
slomosebest__: thanks05:47
Snadderslomo, i'm soon finnished with the install05:47
slomosebest__: licensing stuff is fine now... just release it and i'll take your tarball05:48
slomoYagisan: thanks05:49
sebest__slomo, you can issue ./bootstrap.sh && make dist05:49
Yagisanslomo: glad I could help05:49
sebest__it will create a tar.gz05:49
slomosebest__: yes i know... but then i have a tarball with other md5sum than yours later ;)05:50
sebest__i've nowhere to put it :s05:50
slomosebest__: ask Lathiat to host it for you somewhere ;)05:51
sebest__wait a second, i ask on #avahi05:51
bddebianHeya \sh05:51
slomoSnadder: i hope my mosml package is ready by then05:52
\shhey bddebian05:52
slomoSnadder: do you have some larger sml code?05:52
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=== \sh should sleep 1 1/2 hours...the soccer game with my little one was very exhausting ;)
=== sander [i=unknown@062016176209.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianOK, ghc-cvs in now also on my list of hated packages :-)06:01
sanderslomo, i'm snadder.. from my laptop.. with an ubuntu installation06:02
sandermlton didnt work out06:02
slomosander: ok... wait some seconds for the package ;)06:02
sanderops.. what was the name of the package again?06:02
slomobut it isn't on the ftps06:03
slomoyou can test mine and when it's ok i'll upload it for review ;)06:03
sanderwhere can I get it?06:03
sanderin 2 min my upgrade of security packages is done.. then i'll give it a shot06:11
slomoi hope it works ;)06:11
slomosmall stuff works for me06:11
=== littlepaul is now known as littlepaul_
sander mosml depends on libc6 (>= 2.3.4-1); however:06:19
sander  Version of libc6 on system is 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu14.06:19
sanderdid you had the other package as well?06:19
ograsander, thats ancient...06:19
markumandholbach, what are you preffer for building packages? dh_make, pbuild or CDBS ?06:19
ogra2.3.5-1ubuntu1 is the current libc6 version06:20
dholbachmarkuman: none of them exlude each other :)06:20
sanderogra, I installed 5.04.. from the original cd06:21
ograsander, err, we develop for breezy here :)06:21
=== sander is clueless.. didnt know that.. i'll do an upgrade
sandermaybe someone can post me the sources.list line.. to a mirror which gets updated at once..06:23
\shdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted universe multiverse06:23
sanderI dont have time to wait for this atm..06:25
sanderi'll test it later.. in some hours06:25
sanderneed to go out for a while.. upgrade is finnished in 20 min06:26
=== mbreit [n=mo@p54874ACE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
slomosander: ok06:27
mbreithi guys06:27
mbreitlamont: ping06:27
bddebianHeya mbreit06:27
mbreithey bddebian06:27
dcravenGah.. These package version numbering conventions make me crazy...06:27
Yagisangood night all06:35
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bddebian@#$%^&#$% ghc-cvs06:40
slomobddebian: don't worry... this package should be morgued anyway06:40
bddebianWell it still pisses me off :-)06:41
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bddebianWho is Corey Burger?07:32
ograbddebian, Burgundavia07:39
=== arzajac [n=arzajac@modemcable201.119-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
arzajacHello.  Flashplugin-nonfree recommends gsfont-x11 and flashplayer-mozilla does not even mentionit.  That package is neccessary to allow flash to show fonts.  Can it be a depends for both package?07:41
Treenaksarzajac: flash will show fonts without it07:41
Treenaksarzajac: it's just that most flash people don't bother to specify fallbacks07:41
Treenaksarzajac: and flash doesn't have a built-in list of those07:41
Treenaksbut that's what you get for non-free software07:41
arzajacSo how do you get flash to show fonts, then?  What do you mean by fallbacks?07:42
=== littlepaul_ is now known as littlepaul
bddebianogra: Ah, OK, thx07:45
arzajacI think I understand what you mean.  Fallbacks are dont aliases created by the person who wrote the flash applet.  Well, many flash sites are improperly made, then.  Installing gsfonts-x11 makes those sites work.  I do not think it has any repercussions anywhere else on one's desktop.07:45
arzajacI meant "font aliases" and not "dont aliases"07:46
bddebianBurgundavia: ping?07:46
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bddebianShit, gotta go.  Later gang07:50
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ivokshey ;)08:11
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UbuntuOneI guess everybody are working on fixing transitions08:45
dholbachherzi, markuman, mbreit, mitsuhiko, ogra, siretart, slomo and all you other lazy germans, could you please join #ubuntu-magazin?08:48
mitsuhikodholbach: jep08:48
slomodholbach: would be easier without the '?' :P08:48
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herzidholbach: yet another irc channel...08:54
dholbachherzi: just for a short time08:54
dholbachherzi: don't worry08:54
mitsuhiko\sh_away: when comming back join #ubuntu-magazin09:02
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sanderslomo, mosml works very nice..09:35
slomook... good :) now i only need someone else to review it and it will go up ;) smlnj compiled for x86 so you can install it maybe tomorrow09:37
sanderslomo, is it easy to fix that mosml package for hoary too?09:39
sanderI mean.. just the deb file09:40
slomoyou mean smlnj?09:40
=== sedak [n=fred@82-32-125-115.cable.ubr04.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sanderI mean that package I tried..09:41
sanderso my friends dont need to upgrade ubuntu09:41
sanderto get it working09:41
slomosander: i can make you a hoary version... but it won't be in hoary... hoary only gets updates for security problems09:41
sanderyep.. thats what I was thinking09:42
mbreitslomo: you could submit it to backports, hoary-extras...09:42
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sanderthat whould be even better09:42
slomombreit: ok, i'll talk to mez when he's back ;)09:43
slomosander: for the time beeing you'll get a hoary deb from me... just one minute please09:43
mbreitslomo: don't you have upload rights for backports yourself?09:43
sanderslomo, okok. thanks alot:)09:43
slomombreit: sure... but i don't know if they changed their policy for -extras etc... i know nothing about the backports status atm ;)09:44
=== mbreit wonders if the backports team is still active
sanderslomo, whould be cool of smlnj will be fixed before next ubuntu version.. but if mosml will be added.. then its np:)09:45
slomosander: smlnj is already fixed for ppc and x86... amd64 will not work because of braindead upstream ;)09:45
slomosander: and mosml will possibly be in breezy09:45
slomosander: the smlnj just need some time until they are on the ftps... seems like they're in binary NEW atm09:47
mbreitslomo: can we morgue smlnj on amd64?09:47
mbreiti don't think we should ship a non working package...09:47
slomombreit: why morgue? there is no smlnj for amd6409:47
mbreitslomo: bh... forget about that ;))09:48
=== lakin [n=lakin@dsl-hill-66-18-228-60-cgy.nucleus.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
slomombreit: but you'll get mosml when you really want to bother again with sml ;)09:48
mbreitslomo: i hope that i'll never need that again ;)09:49
=== UbuntuOne [n=UbuntuOn@83-131-251-195.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
slomosander: http://slomosnail.de/~slomo/mosml_2.01-0ubuntu1_i386.deb09:58
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dholbachgood night everybody, sleep tight11:52
havocno v4l in ubuntu's default kernel?11:59

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