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jdub | when creating a new project -> is the description ever shown without the summary? | 03:03 |
jdub | i don't want to repeat stuff in the description, because it looks silly on the overview page | 03:04 |
jdub | but there is so much info to fill in | 03:04 |
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zyga | hello | 10:57 |
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MrLaminar | hey everyone | 11:18 |
MrLaminar | i want to start translating gaim-1.4.0 in hoary to greek. can anyone tell me how to import the .po file from the mostly-complete hoary release? | 11:19 |
MrLaminar | oops... i meant to say i want to translate the breezy release | 11:19 |
mdke | MrLaminar, translation is done in the rosetta online system, you can go to http://launchpad.net/rosetta and start translating the package you wish to translate! | 11:23 |
MrLaminar | thanks, i know | 11:25 |
MrLaminar | my question is the following: | 11:25 |
MrLaminar | gaim in hoary has been partly translated to modern greek. in rosetta there was no template for gaim-1.4.0 in breezy | 11:26 |
mdke | right | 11:26 |
MrLaminar | so, i exported the po file from the hoary release and uploaded it to the breezy release, so that the existing string translations will be overtaken | 11:26 |
MrLaminar | is that right, or did i just mess up the template? :-/ | 11:27 |
mdke | you can't have messed it up i don't think | 11:27 |
mdke | but the greek template appears to be empty | 11:27 |
MrLaminar | for the breezy release, it's empty | 11:28 |
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mdke | yes | 11:28 |
MrLaminar | however, some strings were translated in the previous release | 11:29 |
mdke | MrLaminar, they will appear as suggestions in the breezy template i think | 11:29 |
MrLaminar | ahhh ok! thanks! | 11:29 |
mdke | or they should... | 11:29 |
MrLaminar | another question: how are these .po's rolled back to the original projects? | 11:29 |
MrLaminar | and how are contributors credited? i can't code much, but i can contribute by translating | 11:30 |
mdke | i don't think that they are, you have to do it manually | 11:30 |
mdke | but i'm not sure | 11:30 |
MrLaminar | what about the contributor credits? | 11:31 |
mdke | no idea | 11:34 |
mdke | many templates have a translator-credits voice | 11:34 |
mdke | this isn't handled properly by rosetta yet | 11:35 |
mdke | but eventually it will be | 11:35 |
MrLaminar | ok | 11:35 |
MrLaminar | thx | 11:35 |
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zyga | mdke: maybe you know this: let's say a domain 'foo' has a msgid of 'bar', that msgid has three suggestions 'le bar' 'du bar' and 'la bar' | 12:45 |
zyga | mdke: let's say I upload a po file that translates 'bar' as 'le bar' | 12:45 |
zyga | mdke: which becomes the effective translation? | 12:46 |
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eruin | https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy/+sources/gdm/+pots/gdm/nb/+translate | 01:05 |
eruin | can anyone view that? | 01:05 |
eruin | I get alot of errors like that with the nb locale ;/ | 01:06 |
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mdke | zyga, don't know sorry | 03:50 |
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zorglub | what does that mean when bazaar import says "test failed" ? | 07:04 |
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rejden | hello, have one questions ;) done translations are here https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy/+lang/ and if you enter any language you see all the translated documents and who translated them, but the person who did it isn't listable (like his email adress and such) i was wandering if there is any list of "clickable" people for current language | 07:34 |
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Keybuk | in Python, if I have a hex number, how do I make that an int? | 09:47 |
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zyga | Keybuk: you have a string right? | 10:13 |
zyga | Keybuk: how about int("0xFF", 16) | 10:14 |
Keybuk | ahhh, of course | 10:25 |
Keybuk | forgot about the second argument | 10:25 |
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