=== blueyed [n=daniel@iD4CC0292.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
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zyga | hello | 12:16 |
=== lamont fixes linux-meta for ia64/hppa | ||
=== chris38-home2 [i=Christia@LSt-Amand-152-31-21-96.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
zenwhen | what the hell | 12:48 |
zenwhen | why isnt java in any of the repos now | 12:48 |
zenwhen | shit | 12:48 |
zenwhen | the backports java is gone | 12:48 |
zenwhen | i choose to reinstall today and ill be damned if every single thing that amkes ubuntu easier to set up has gone to shit | 12:49 |
=== poningru [n=poningru@n128-227-13-72.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
spacey | zenwhen, its really easy to build your own java package | 01:00 |
zenwhen | not by these instructions it isnt | 01:02 |
zenwhen | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaPackageBuildNewVersions | 01:02 |
zenwhen | what the fuck is an esac | 01:02 |
zenwhen | Now add between this part and the "esac" following new lines: | 01:02 |
zenwhen | thats not instruction | 01:02 |
mjr | it's "case" backwards | 01:02 |
mjr | don't ask | 01:03 |
zenwhen | whats it telling me to do | 01:03 |
spacey | apt-get install java-package | 01:03 |
zenwhen | ive doen that | 01:03 |
spacey | make-jpkg thejava.binfilefromjava.sun.com | 01:03 |
spacey | thats all for me | 01:03 |
zenwhen | so this article is wrong? | 01:04 |
spacey | it worked for me with just those two commands | 01:05 |
spacey | got it from the wiki | 01:05 |
spacey | but can't find it now | 01:05 |
=== spacey to sleep | ||
spacey | goodnight | 01:06 |
zenwhen | spacey, | 01:07 |
zenwhen | thanks | 01:07 |
zenwhen | that worked | 01:07 |
=== carstenh [n=carstenh@p54A6316F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
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slomo | zenwhen: or you can use blackdown jdk which is in multiverse... we are simply not allowed to distribute the sun jdk so blame sun for these problems ;) | 01:26 |
zenwhen | I wasnt blaming anyone | 01:28 |
zenwhen | i was pissed in egneral | 01:28 |
zenwhen | general* | 01:28 |
zenwhen | and I just relaized I am in ubuntu devel. | 01:29 |
zenwhen | and am sooo sorry. | 01:29 |
slomo | no need to worry | 01:31 |
crimsun | I fear we're going to have to do something about /var/lib/alsa/asound.state when dist-upgrading Hoary->Breezy | 01:32 |
crimsun | Quite a few people are being bitten by changing mixer element names between major ALSA releases (e.g., 1.0.6 in Hoary to 1.0.9 in Breezy), so their sound mysteriously "doesn't work" | 01:33 |
crimsun | Unloading the ALSA modules, removing /var/lib/alsa/asound.state, and reloading the ALSA modules resolves the issue | 01:34 |
slomo | crimsun: what about converting the names to the new ones in postinst? | 01:34 |
zenwhen | I tried to dist upgrade today and everything exploded. (X wouldt start)Clean installed and my Audigy, though totally configured didn't produce sound. | 01:35 |
zenwhen | I really want to run Breezy soon. | 01:35 |
crimsun | slomo: converting the names can be messy, because the current settings for "Element X" may behave differently in the newer ALSA for "Element newX" | 01:36 |
crimsun | slomo: for instance, the whole External Amplifier conditionally needs to be muted in newer ALSA for certain AC'97-based codecs deal | 01:37 |
slomo | crimsun: sounds problematic... hmm... can you detect whether asound.state is from an old version? removing it while updating from an older version may be a solution but probably not the best :/ | 01:38 |
crimsun | zenwhen: and I won't even begin to delve into the Audigy legacy | 01:38 |
zenwhen | Oh? | 01:39 |
zenwhen | Any idea whats breaking it? | 01:39 |
crimsun | slomo: it's possible (we can check amixer's return code), but that seems suboptimal. Going to think about this tonight. | 01:40 |
crimsun | zenwhen: semantics changed between ALSA 1.0.6, 1.0.8, and 1.0.9 fairly majorly. | 01:40 |
zenwhen | Oh | 01:41 |
slomo | hm nice... the python update yesterday broke some stuff :( | 01:41 |
zenwhen | at least its a known bug :) | 01:42 |
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jdub | mjg59: ping | 02:56 |
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=== lamont wonders why linux-meta binaries don't seem to have shown up yet. | ||
tseng | lamont: ive not seen mythmusic, from early this morning, yet | 03:07 |
=== lamont realizes what happened. | ||
lamont | added missing packages for ia64/hppa ---> NEW. sparc hasn't uploaded yet | 03:07 |
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dhonn | hey i just noticed i has a new file on my computer its abi-2.6.12-9-k7 what is it? | 06:17 |
dhonn | nvermind | 06:23 |
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zenwhen | This question may have been asked a million time, but is there a reason that DMA isnt enabled by default on optical drives? | 07:01 |
zenwhen | times* | 07:01 |
Amaranth | zenwhen: it doesn't work with some drives | 07:03 |
Amaranth | as in, those drives will refuse to work | 07:03 |
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=== TheMuso [n=luke@dsl-202-173-132-131.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
robitaille | humm...I'm getting a connection refused when I try to access http://archive.ubuntu.com/ anyone else can confirm this? | 07:42 |
Aegir | Does the same thing here robitaille | 07:43 |
Aegir | Bollocks, archive.ubuntu.com refusing connections is going to make synaptic real fun, oh well. | 07:50 |
robitaille | Aegir, maybe switch to another repository from another country? | 07:51 |
Aegir | Yeah, but thats efffort. | 07:51 |
robitaille | but ca, us, and uk all point to the same broken one... | 07:52 |
Aegir | Hmm | 07:52 |
Aegir | I'm actually on the Australian one atm, and thats refusing aswell by the looks of things | 07:53 |
bob2 | which is also the same as ca, us and uk | 07:53 |
robitaille | so is there any country-specific repository left? | 07:54 |
Aegir | Ohwell, I'll just strike installing wine off my list of things to do today. No big deal. | 07:54 |
tseng | there is a list of non-canonical mirrors on the wiki | 08:09 |
tseng | at universities and such | 08:09 |
=== tseng uses two meanings of canonical in one sentence for bonus cheese | ||
tseng | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive | 08:10 |
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Yagisan | G'day - who do I bother with ltsp questions ? | 08:25 |
robitaille | Yagisan, have you tried the channel #ltsp ? | 08:27 |
Yagisan | robitaille: yeah - but it was more questions on Ubuntu's implementation | 08:28 |
Yagisan | robitaille: hmm - it seems like I can set up the ltsp server without the ltsp-server package - nevermind | 08:31 |
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robitaille | so who can access archive.ubuntu.com? a lot of question on #ubuntu about the fact that it has been down for the last hour | 08:53 |
robitaille | as in system admin access to the machine... | 08:53 |
jsgotangco | hmm i guess the whole world can't update at the moment then | 08:54 |
robitaille | unless you use a mirror | 08:55 |
tritium | robitaille, there's been a note in the topic, and bob2 added another one | 08:55 |
bob2 | hrm, oops, didn't notice that there, sorry | 08:56 |
robitaille | tritium, but people never read the topics :) | 08:57 |
tritium | bob2, no need to apologize. robitaille makes a good point :) | 08:57 |
tseng | robitaille: if they cant read the topic, you cant be arsed to go around trying to get them more info | 08:58 |
bob2 | when did it stop responding? | 08:58 |
tseng | or something. | 08:58 |
robitaille | bob2, at least for one hour | 08:58 |
=== hunger [n=hunger@p54A618F3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
jdub | yo robitaille | 09:03 |
robitaille | hello jdub | 09:03 |
robitaille | always find strange to be told good morning when I'm about to go to bed :) | 09:04 |
jdub | heh | 09:04 |
tseng | hi jdub | 09:04 |
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zyga | hello | 10:57 |
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mdke | any eta on archive.u.c coming back? | 11:22 |
Treenaks | RSN | 11:24 |
siretart | security.ubuntu.com should be even more important.. | 11:24 |
Treenaks | what happened then? | 11:24 |
mdke | what is RSN? | 11:24 |
siretart | really soon now | 11:24 |
mdke | ah great | 11:25 |
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\sh | morning gentlemen | 11:56 |
=== OculusAquilae is away: away | ||
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mdke | Treenaks, RSN? :p | 12:32 |
\sh | is someone working to fix the webserver? ,-) | 12:35 |
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eruin | anyone have anything to do with aspell here? | 12:39 |
eruin | I'm trying to translate it for breezy, and I'm wondering what this is and how/where it is set/configured: common/config.cpp : consider run-together words legal | 12:42 |
j^ | are there plans to work on something like Conary[http://wiki.conary.com/] but using arch + deb + xyz? | 12:47 |
=== OculusAquilae is back. | ||
=== Natja [n=Natja@245-218.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
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\sh | hey madduck | 01:21 |
siretart | hey, archive is back! | 01:48 |
\sh | wow | 01:50 |
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=== Cimmerian [n=crom@] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Znarl | I restarted archive. | 02:06 |
siretart | thanks, Znarl! | 02:08 |
=== TheMuso [n=luke@dsl-202-173-132-131.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
\sh | Znarl: fantastic :) | 02:12 |
jdub | mjg59: so, i checked my bios, and IR is enabled on COM2 | 02:14 |
mjg59 | jdub: Hrmph. | 02:15 |
mjg59 | jdub: Can you do cat /sys/bus/pnp/devices/*/pnp and stick it up somewhere? | 02:15 |
jdub | you mean */id ? | 02:15 |
mjg59 | Yeah | 02:16 |
jdub | pasted | 02:17 |
=== jdub wonders if it's the same as what his email ages ago had | ||
jdub | hmm | 02:17 |
mjg59 | jdub: Yeah, your IR has vanished for some reason | 02:19 |
=== mjg59 expresses confusion | ||
jdub | i wonder if that was when i booted without the dock | 02:19 |
jdub | i will try that :-) | 02:19 |
=== jdub wonders if the DSDT mucks with the dock | ||
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\sh | whois jdong | 02:22 |
\sh | kick jdong | 02:22 |
\sh | grmpf | 02:23 |
jdub | hmm. | 02:24 |
jdub | that didn't work. | 02:25 |
zenwhen | hey | 02:25 |
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tseng | Robot101: have you considered netdev-random or audioentropyd? | 02:47 |
tseng | Robot101: the first is a kernel patch to supply entropy from network traffic, second from ambient noise on a cheap microphone | 02:48 |
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pitti | Hi | 03:24 |
\sh | moins pitti | 03:26 |
bddebian | Heya pitti | 03:27 |
infinity | Hye pitti. | 03:28 |
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=== ogra [n=ogra@p5089FCEC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
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ogra | mjg59, around ? | 03:58 |
pitti | Hi ogra | 04:00 |
ogra | hey pitti | 04:00 |
pitti | anyone from the backports team here? | 04:00 |
ogra | hahaha | 04:00 |
=== pitti curses at "firefox" in hoary | ||
ogra | pitti, seen my discussion on the ubuntu-de ML ? | 04:01 |
=== ogra is going mad slowly | ||
pitti | ogra: just replied | 04:01 |
ogra | ah, thanks :) | 04:01 |
=== ogra clicks send/recieve :) | ||
pitti | ogra: do you happen to know a contact address for the backports team? | 04:02 |
ogra | jdong | 04:02 |
ogra | i'll look up his mail adress | 04:02 |
pitti | email? | 04:02 |
mdke | you could try the Mailing List? | 04:02 |
ogra | <john.dong@gmail.com> | 04:02 |
pitti | mdke: that would be nice, is there ubuntu-backports@u.c? | 04:05 |
pitti | ogra: thanks | 04:05 |
mdke | pitti, something like that | 04:05 |
ogra | pitti, yup | 04:05 |
mdke | pitti, @lists | 04:05 |
bddebian | elmo: ping? | 04:08 |
mjg59 | ogra: Hi | 04:12 |
\sh | grmpfl .. wront my 2cents to -de ML | 04:13 |
\sh | wrote even | 04:13 |
ogra | mjg59, should gnome-screensaver work with acpi or did you postpone the work until dapper ? i have a bug about it and would like to make it a enhancement for dapper | 04:13 |
mjg59 | gnome-screensaver should work with acpi. | 04:15 |
mjg59 | But, well. | 04:15 |
mjg59 | The basic problem is that gnome-screensaver --deactivate unlocks the screen | 04:15 |
mjg59 | Whereas xscreensaver-command -deactivate pops up the password dialog | 04:15 |
=== hunger [n=hunger@p54A63E2A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
jdub | good bug | 04:17 |
bddebian | heh | 04:18 |
ogra | mjg59, i wont waste time with it now, and i guess you will neiher... lets make it a enhancement :) | 04:19 |
\sh | hmm..reiserfs s*cks | 04:19 |
ogra | jdub, since i'm working on marks changes for gnome screensaver now, "switch account" or "switch user" ? how shall i call the button | 04:20 |
mdke | so in Breezy is suspend going to come back to a password prompt or just a blank screen (ogra, mjg59)? | 04:20 |
ogra | s/gnome screensaver/xscreensaver/ indeed | 04:20 |
mjg59 | mdke: A password prompt (assuming we switch back to xscreensaver) | 04:20 |
ogra | we already did | 04:20 |
mjg59 | ogra: When? | 04:20 |
infinity | A week ago? | 04:20 |
ogra | last week | 04:20 |
jdub | ogra: well, i think it makes sense to use the same language everything else does at the moment - "switch user..." | 04:21 |
mjg59 | Ah, so we did | 04:21 |
mjg59 | I thought we were waiting for Mark to get back? | 04:21 |
ogra | jdub, ok | 04:21 |
mdke | ogra, gnome-screensaver hasn't be removed though, and the current behaviour is a blank screen | 04:21 |
mdke | be/been | 04:21 |
jdub | mjg59: mdz made the change very quickly after the meetnig, i assume he spoke to mark | 04:21 |
ogra | mjg59, he made the final call... its just that i have to rewrite the lock screen completely :) | 04:21 |
mjg59 | Ah, ok | 04:21 |
mdke | so gnome-screensaver is going to be removed? | 04:22 |
mdke | at the moment my computer is coming back to a blank screen after suspend | 04:22 |
mjg59 | mdke: It'll be fixed | 04:22 |
mdke | great | 04:22 |
mdke | ok it's #16297 | 04:23 |
ogra | mdke, gnome-screensaver is in universe :) | 04:23 |
=== jdub is doing a windows install on his dell laptop to compare. | ||
mdke | ogra, i don't mind, but it's on my computer after a default breezy install | 04:24 |
jdub | *SO MUCH TEH SUCK* | 04:24 |
mdke | heh | 04:24 |
bddebian | heh | 04:24 |
mjg59 | mdke: ubuntu-desktop no longer depends on it | 04:24 |
jdub | the only network device supported by the install out of the box is firewire | 04:24 |
mjg59 | jdub: What hardware? | 04:24 |
jdub | no drivers for any of the other major hardware | 04:24 |
jdub | mjg59: Dell X300 | 04:24 |
mjg59 | jdub: Uhm. | 04:24 |
mjg59 | That really shouldn't be the case | 04:25 |
jdub | you have to stick in the other dell CD and go through a smegridden driver install process | 04:25 |
mjg59 | Oh, Windows? Ha | 04:25 |
=== OculusAquilae is away: there :-) | ||
mdke | yeah windows does that | 04:25 |
=== OculusAquilae is back. | ||
mjg59 | OculusAquilae: Please don't set your away status publically | 04:25 |
jdub | somehow, they didn't even manage to get the OEM install CD right | 04:25 |
mdke | mjg59, so if ubuntu-desktop no longer depends on it, how does it get removed? | 04:25 |
jdub | that said, at least i'm getting firmware updates and stuff :| | 04:25 |
OculusAquilae | mjg59: ok | 04:26 |
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mjg59 | mdke: xscreensaver probably ought to conflict with it, but doesn't seem to | 04:26 |
mjg59 | ogra: ? | 04:26 |
mjg59 | ^ | 04:27 |
mdke | i guess people might want both | 04:28 |
ogra | mjg59, Keybuk firbid me to do that, the Conflicts field isnt for such cases he says, see #16128 | 04:28 |
ogra | s/firbid/forbid | 04:28 |
mdke | however i think a way should be figured out in order to remove it from people default breezy systems | 04:28 |
mdke | people/people's | 04:28 |
ogra | (brware, its rather a novel than a bug) | 04:28 |
Keybuk | that's right; such a conflict would prevent people who have gss installed from upgrading ubuntu-desktop | 04:29 |
Keybuk | Conflicts != Breaks | 04:29 |
ogra | :) | 04:29 |
tseng | Keybuk: i have a dpkg question, btw | 04:29 |
mdke | Keybuk, so is there any solution to get gss removed from people's systems? | 04:29 |
Keybuk | mdke: no, none | 04:29 |
Keybuk | other than ask them to | 04:29 |
Keybuk | or remove it from the archive and replace it with an empty package | 04:29 |
ogra | mdke, the same as with polypaudio in hoary | 04:29 |
tseng | Keybuk: mono-assemblies-base became mono-classlib-1.0, so m-c-1 Replaces m-a-b | 04:30 |
Keybuk | tseng: sure, any time | 04:30 |
ogra | (manual remove) | 04:30 |
Keybuk | tseng: right? | 04:30 |
tseng | Keybuk: but, symlinks dont get replaced properly | 04:30 |
mdke | ah that sucks | 04:30 |
ogra | yup | 04:30 |
ogra | about time to fix dpkg :) | 04:30 |
Keybuk | tseng: what doesn't get replaced? | 04:30 |
mdke | ogra, ok that seems like a good candidate for releasenotes | 04:30 |
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ogra | really ? | 04:31 |
tseng | Keybuk: it seems like symlinks from m-a-b get removed and not replaced by m-c-1 on hoary->breezy update | 04:31 |
Keybuk | tseng: are the symlinks in both packages, or created by maintainer scripts? | 04:31 |
tseng | Keybuk: created | 04:31 |
mdke | ogra, sure, it is a known issue which is not going to be fixed right? | 04:31 |
Keybuk | tseng: then it's not a dpkg problem -- it's a bug in the maintainer scripts | 04:31 |
ogra | it is fixed for all upgrades after last week and for all new installs | 04:31 |
tseng | Keybuk: i think they are foo.links, looking | 04:32 |
ogra | and for all people that didnt upgrade the week it wasnt in | 04:32 |
mdke | ogra, a lot of people upgraded at PR | 04:32 |
ogra | s/wasnt/was | 04:32 |
Keybuk | I think debian/*.links is a debhelper thing, so they should go into the package | 04:32 |
ogra | it wasnt in pr | 04:32 |
ogra | it entered afterwards | 04:32 |
mdke | ogra, that is the problem | 04:32 |
mdke | ogra, so everyone who dist-upgraded before it came in, has the issue | 04:33 |
ogra | nope | 04:33 |
mdke | assuming they do fairly regular upgrades | 04:33 |
ogra | everyone who upgraded *during* it was in | 04:33 |
tseng | Keybuk: its hard to tell much of anything on a clean breezy install, can i make myself a tracker bug and CC you? | 04:33 |
mdke | *sigh* | 04:33 |
tseng | Keybuk: so that you can hit me with a cluebat. | 04:33 |
bddebian | heh | 04:33 |
Keybuk | tseng: please ... I'll have more time to look when it's not Sunday :p | 04:34 |
mdke | ogra, everyone who upgraded to breezy before it came in, is likely to have upgraded *during* it was in, because most people upgrade their system on a regular basis | 04:34 |
tseng | Keybuk: great, thanks. | 04:34 |
ogra | mdke, anyway, it will affect people that should know what to do, but not the masses that upgrade on release, its a development version... i would put a note anywhere, but not in the official release notes | 04:35 |
tseng | Keybuk: what was your bugs email | 04:35 |
mdke | alright we can think about it | 04:35 |
Keybuk | scott-bugs@ubuntu.com | 04:36 |
Keybuk | if gss is so broken nobody in their right mind would want it, why don't we replace it with an empty package? | 04:39 |
mdke | +1 | 04:41 |
mdke | then bring it in for dapper | 04:41 |
ogra | Keybuk, because seb128 instists to have it in immediately in 3 weeks if dappr opens | 04:41 |
ogra | and i tend to agree with him | 04:41 |
ogra | since we want to have it ready for dapper release | 04:42 |
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jdub | and wjmccann is doing great stuff on it | 04:42 |
mdke | is there a problem with having it in in 3 weeks for dapper and not in Breezy? | 04:42 |
Keybuk | if it's in the archive, people are going to install it | 04:42 |
torkel | and it's not _that_ broken, it is only a bit imature... | 04:42 |
ogra | Keybuk, its in universe | 04:42 |
ogra | universe isnt even enabled in the default sources list | 04:43 |
Keybuk | sure, but people upgrading through breezy got it dragged in because it was in main for a while | 04:43 |
mdke | quite | 04:43 |
mdke | even if they don't have universe enabled | 04:43 |
mdke | they still have it | 04:43 |
ogra | torkel, i think there are some additional breakages we'll have to fix... GL seems not to work right on many systems | 04:43 |
ogra | while the same screensavers work flawless in xss | 04:44 |
torkel | ogra: yeah, there are some work needed to get it in good shape | 04:45 |
ogra | yup | 04:46 |
ogra | nd enhancements (i want the fade code in there before we ship it for example ;) ) | 04:46 |
jdub | mmm. fast gamma fading. | 04:47 |
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ogra | and the dbus problem needs a clean solution... | 04:47 |
pitti | Mithrandir: tbird 1.0.7 has been released, yay | 04:50 |
zyga | what has happened to the neet shadow in gksu? | 04:51 |
zyga | now the window (without chrome) looks really bad | 04:51 |
ogra | yes, it should have a border | 04:52 |
zyga | IMHO the shade was better | 04:52 |
=== ogra is glad the ugly 3 step fading is gone | ||
zyga | but I guess it was removed due to performace | 04:53 |
ogra | nope, due to ugliness | 04:53 |
ogra | the implementation is wrong | 04:53 |
ogra | it will look cool if it once uses the X servers compose extension | 04:53 |
tseng | i liked the fading ogra | 04:54 |
tseng | it was at least better than the gnome logout fade | 04:54 |
ogra | yes, thats odd too | 04:54 |
Mithrandir | pitti: excellent | 04:54 |
ogra | pitti, great, is there a backport of it :p | 04:54 |
zyga | I second tseng's opinion | 04:54 |
zyga | hmm guys - how about a pygtk gui with three buttons, install standard ubuntu gnome destktop packages (gnome-desktop), install yada yada kde (kubuntu-desktop) and quit? | 04:56 |
tseng | erm, why? | 04:57 |
Keybuk | it'd look even cooler if we replaced X with something a little less 18th century <g> | 04:57 |
zyga | clueless users could hit one button and get kubuntu | 04:57 |
\sh | zyga: hu? | 04:57 |
Keybuk | zyga: surely those kind of users are better served by the different CDs ? | 04:57 |
tseng | clueless users can download kubuntu iso in the first place | 04:57 |
\sh | zyga: don't tell me I'm clueless ,-) | 04:57 |
zyga | hmm | 04:57 |
zyga | \sh: I dont ;-) | 04:57 |
zyga | but clicking on one button is better than explaining apt-get or synaptic | 04:58 |
\sh | zyga: what about "http://go-ubuntu.net/" ? have a windows activeX control and is asking: "Do you want to install [ ] Ubuntu [ ] Kubuntu [ ] Xubuntu?" | 04:59 |
Keybuk | is there a user who can't drive synaptic and yet understands the difference between GNOME and KDE? | 04:59 |
zyga | \sh: go-ubuntu? :-) | 04:59 |
zyga | hmm | 04:59 |
zyga | Keybuk: YES! | 05:00 |
Keybuk | zyga: show me one | 05:00 |
Keybuk | understanding the difference between desktop environments to me suggests either | 05:00 |
Keybuk | 1) a level of clue | 05:00 |
Keybuk | 2) advice received from others | 05:00 |
Keybuk | 1 suggests they could handle synaptic | 05:00 |
zyga | Keybuk: I'm promoting ubuntu among my friends and believe me that at leas one does not understand packages or what they are but she prefers kubuntu and an easy way to get it (Apart from second CD) is nice IMHO | 05:00 |
Keybuk | 2 suggests the fact there's two CD options would be fine | 05:01 |
infinity | 3) Love of screenshot bling. | 05:01 |
Keybuk | zyga: why "apart from second CD" though? | 05:01 |
zyga | Keybuk: I gave them ubuntu cds | 05:01 |
zyga | (they are clueless users type) | 05:01 |
ogra | zyga, give them kubuntu CDs then :) | 05:01 |
Keybuk | I seriously don't think there's any way you could describe this app without relying on clue | 05:01 |
\sh | zyga: yes...something like the ximian people did before they were bought by novell..."go-ximian.org" ,-) | 05:01 |
zyga | one has recently asked me to install 'the windows program, linux program does not handle my boyfriends game' | 05:02 |
zyga | that's a quote ;-) | 05:02 |
zyga | \sh: interesting | 05:02 |
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zyga | \sh: err, no such domain | 05:03 |
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Keybuk | zyga: hasn't existed since Ximian Desktop got dropped | 05:03 |
zyga | BTW: how can one post at planet.ubuntu.com? | 05:05 |
jdub | zyga: if you're an ubuntu member, send me your rss feed | 05:05 |
jdub | (you/your plural) | 05:05 |
zyga | jdub: I'm not | 05:05 |
zyga | :/ | 05:05 |
zyga | working on it though :-) | 05:06 |
ogra | zyga, go ahead ! | 05:07 |
ogra | zyga, become a MOTU and build such a selection package for universe if you think it helps your users ... and then teach them to use synaptic to install this package ;) | 05:08 |
bddebian | Heh | 05:08 |
zyga | I feel a feedback loop building inside my brain | 05:09 |
zyga | hmm | 05:09 |
ogra | heh | 05:09 |
zyga | nevermind... I'll never work on one cd anyway | 05:10 |
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\sh | zyga: it's new and secret ;) no..it was just a joke ;) | 05:12 |
Keybuk | zyga: there's no python-gtk in kubuntu ... you'd have to have a qt version too <g> | 05:13 |
bddebian | ogra: Nice recruiting tactic btw ;-) | 05:13 |
ogra | heh | 05:13 |
\sh | zyga: Keybuk is right, the pygtk there is called pyqt and better pykde ;-) | 05:14 |
zyga | Keybuk: true | 05:14 |
zyga | Keybuk: the package could be called 'this-gui-looks-bad' ;-) | 05:14 |
Keybuk | and would it uninstall ubuntu-desktop if you installed kubuntu-desktop, and vice-versa? | 05:14 |
\sh | Keybuk: no | 05:14 |
zyga | hehe, exactly | 05:14 |
\sh | Keybuk: not as it works now ;) | 05:15 |
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Keybuk | so how would the user's session change? I'm not even sure that the xdm changes either | 05:15 |
\sh | Keybuk: but I can do a "Replaces: ubuntu-desktop\nConflicts:ubuntu-desktop" easily ;) | 05:15 |
Keybuk | \sh: I know where you live. | 05:15 |
\sh | Keybuk: without a session logout? never | 05:15 |
\sh | Keybuk: ah well...wanted to move to peru anyways ;) | 05:16 |
ajmitch | \sh: I've heard it's nice this time of year :) | 05:16 |
zyga | as far as crazy packages go, no-kde or no-gnome could be nice to get rid of all respective stuff | 05:16 |
\sh | ajmitch: and they want to push linux ;) | 05:16 |
Keybuk | zyga: it could have pretty screenshots of the default desktop environments ... and if it could have "xfce" and stuff added | 05:17 |
Keybuk | could be a cute ap | 05:17 |
zyga | Keybuk: like 'hi user, select how you would like your desktop to look like' | 05:17 |
zyga | an after-install prompt | 05:17 |
zyga | hmm :-) | 05:17 |
Keybuk | it'd have to change the users default session, of course | 05:18 |
zyga | yes | 05:18 |
zyga | hmm :-) | 05:18 |
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Keybuk | cute project anyway | 05:18 |
bddebian | Why don't you all just install xpdm and be done with it | 05:18 |
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zyga | bddebian: I guess a small plugin infrastructure could be added ;) | 05:19 |
Keybuk | bddebian: not come across that one, screenshots? | 05:19 |
zyga | bddebian: you could add anything you want then | 05:19 |
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bddebian | Keybuk: http://www.xpde.com | 05:26 |
Keybuk | I actually quite like the XP greeter | 05:27 |
ogra | eek | 05:27 |
Keybuk | MS put a huge amount of user research into it | 05:28 |
bddebian | greeter? | 05:28 |
Keybuk | "welcome" screen | 05:28 |
ogra | but a fake XP environment on top of linux is odd... it generates expectations that the system works like XP | 05:28 |
Treenaks | bddebian: "Please click on your name" | 05:29 |
bob2 | haha | 05:29 |
ogra | (crashes filling up memory, getting slow) | 05:29 |
Keybuk | it works well, it's obvious what you have to do, it's used for both login and "unlock" -- it makes no need for the user to understand the difference between starting a new session or resuming an existing one, etc. | 05:29 |
Keybuk | they just click on their name, and enter their password | 05:29 |
Keybuk | it's cute | 05:29 |
ogra | (apart from looking like a bonboniere) | 05:29 |
bddebian | Ahhh | 05:30 |
jdub | Keybuk: hopefully we'll be able to pull that off for gss in dapper | 05:30 |
bob2 | that would be pimp | 05:31 |
Keybuk | can I put money now that if we finally get a face browser on the login screen, at least one person copies the face of one of the five-way ? :p | 05:31 |
Keybuk | I want to be the girl with the digitally edited pig-tails | 05:32 |
ogra | digitally edited pig tails ? | 05:34 |
Keybuk | ogra: you'll see :p | 05:34 |
ogra | heh :) | 05:34 |
=== ogra looks forward to have a Keybuk pic on every ubuntu greeter :) | ||
Keybuk | nah, I don't look good in pig-tails | 05:35 |
Keybuk | only jdub can pull that of | 05:35 |
ogra | lol | 05:36 |
ogra | depends how beardy he is... | 05:36 |
mjg59 | Is there a way to get a dump of my current xkb state? | 05:37 |
segfault | how's colony5? :) | 05:55 |
ogra | released | 05:56 |
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segfault | going to install it right now, and erase my reiser4 partition | 05:56 |
segfault | too buggy yet | 05:56 |
ogra | good move :) | 05:57 |
segfault | so, the language packs will fit in the 700mb live cd? | 05:57 |
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Chipzz | under what product is linux-image in bugzilla? | 06:16 |
pitti | Chipzz: just "linux" | 06:17 |
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jdub | mjg59: do you remember which bios version the X300 you tested with had? | 07:02 |
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spayne | has anyone managed to get Skype installed on Breezy? | 07:07 |
infinity | It's a QT app, isn't it? | 07:12 |
infinity | And most likely still built for the old C++ ABI. | 07:12 |
infinity | Their "completely static, including its own copy of QT" binary may be the way to go, until the provide one biult with g++-4.0 | 07:12 |
infinity | s/the provide/they provide/ | 07:12 |
mjg59 | jdub: I haven't had an X300 to test | 07:14 |
jdub | oh | 07:17 |
infinity | I have an X300 (on my T43). No idea what the video BIOS version is. | 07:18 |
mjg59 | infinity: Dell X300, rather than ATI one | 07:18 |
infinity | Oh, silly me. | 07:18 |
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torkel | spayne: the .deb should be installable. The newer deb ( depends on libqt3c102-mt which is not available in breezy | 07:22 |
spayne | i used the ubuntuguide one thanks | 07:22 |
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torkel | spayne: which one? | 07:23 |
spayne | http://frankandjacq.com/ubuntuguide/skype_1.2.0.11-1_i386.deb | 07:24 |
torkel | yeah found it | 07:24 |
Keybuk | hmm, is ethereal known-busted? | 07:27 |
ogra | not here (but probably not up to date) | 07:28 |
ajmitch | Keybuk: capabilty module issue with latest kernel, iirc | 07:28 |
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ajmitch | ie the module stopped getting loaded by default for some reason | 07:28 |
=== ajmitch could be wrong about it breaking ethereal though | ||
ajmitch | http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=16178 has the details | 07:30 |
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Keybuk | fair enough | 07:31 |
=== Keybuk just uses tcpdump to capture for now | ||
ogra | Keybuk, why not modprobe capabilities ? | 07:32 |
Keybuk | ogra: cause already capturing <g> | 07:32 |
Keybuk | and ethereal can read tcpdump output | 07:32 |
ogra | heh | 07:33 |
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Keybuk | once I ruled out SSL (well, openssl went "meh?") I figured I'd just capture the network transmission of this thing | 07:34 |
Keybuk | and then read it later and look for patterns | 07:34 |
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Robot101 | tseng: it looks like a kernel bug (see a later comment) rather than an excessive entropy user | 08:36 |
Robot101 | tseng: it's a 2.4 SMP box | 08:36 |
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BenC | anyone know what creates /lib/modules/`uname -r`/volatile? | 09:15 |
jdub | BenC: linux-restricted-modules | 09:21 |
jdub | /etc/init.d/linux-restricted-modules-common / lrm-manager | 09:21 |
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BenC | thanks | 09:23 |
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dholbach | hi | 09:28 |
tritium | hi dholbach | 09:29 |
dholbach | tritium: hi michael, how are you? | 09:29 |
tritium | dholbach, fine, thanks. How are you, Daniel? | 09:30 |
dholbach | tritium: fine, i had a charming weekend :) | 09:30 |
tritium | awesome :) | 09:30 |
jdub | hey dholbach | 09:30 |
dholbach | jdub: hey jeff, how are YOU? | 09:31 |
jdub | rocking! | 09:31 |
jdub | you? | 09:31 |
Robot101 | woot woot woot | 09:32 |
dholbach | as i said, i had a charming weekend, so i'm particularly fine :) | 09:32 |
jdub | :-) | 09:33 |
dholbach | i'm still not used to blog regularly - else you'd all know, how the weekend was ;) | 09:34 |
tritium | dholbach, sounds like a weekend worth blogging about... | 09:36 |
dholbach | hmhmhmhmhm :) | 09:36 |
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Chipzz | BenC: if you want additional info on that bug, you can poke me here on irc too | 10:09 |
Chipzz | it's not very severe but it tends to leave a messy trail as you upgrade through kernels :/ | 10:09 |
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=== jdub needs better icons for the release categories | ||
=== maswan hands jdub better tacos for the release categories | ||
mxpxpod | does anyone use the quick-lounge applet? | 10:32 |
dholbach | i did... some months ago | 10:33 |
dholbach | anything wrong with it? | 10:33 |
mxpxpod | dholbach: if I install a package like gazpacho while it's in the panel and then I go to use the drop down menu of qla, it sigsev's | 10:33 |
dholbach | oh nice | 10:34 |
mxpxpod | dholbach: could you check this out | 10:35 |
dholbach | you couldn't catch a backtrace or something? the upstream guys would be delighted to hear about it, i'm sure | 10:35 |
mxpxpod | dholbach: I couldn't get one... it kept telling me the backtrace was corrupt | 10:35 |
dholbach | hrm | 10:35 |
mxpxpod | maybe I don't have all the dbg packages I need installed... dunno | 10:36 |
dholbach | the -dbg packages shouldn't be an issue | 10:41 |
dholbach | but my trace seems to be corrupt too | 10:41 |
dholbach | grm | 10:41 |
mxpxpod | dholbach: so, it does it to you as well? | 10:42 |
dholbach | mxpxpod: unfortunately so | 10:42 |
dholbach | mxpxpod: i'll open an upstream bug and tell you the bug number | 10:42 |
mxpxpod | dholbach: thanks | 10:42 |
dholbach | mxpxpod: -> query | 10:42 |
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phlaegel | infinity: ping | 10:49 |
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jdub | Kamion: http://www.flickr.com/photos/s1mpl3/46534041/ | 11:40 |
jdub | Kamion: pr0n! :-) | 11:40 |
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zyga | hi | 11:44 |
zyga | should any pygtk methods display gtk warnings? | 11:44 |
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dholbach | jdub: pr0n? :) | 11:54 |
Kamion | jdub: heh :) | 11:58 |
Kamion | rather random camera angles | 11:59 |
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