
=== kerinin [n=kerinin@cpe-24-28-66-169.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #edubuntu
kerinini'm interested in setting up a classroom full of computers in an underprivileged international school (to be used for ESL) - can anyone point me to some resources?  my current approach is to put edubuntu on a server and connect 20+ monitors/keyboards as X hosts to the central host.  my goal is to get as many terminals installed as cheaply as possible.   12:37
magnonwell, edubuntu is surely a good start :-)12:53
magnonclients can probably be found from businesses who want to get rid of old machines, they save money by giving them away to you12:55
magnonthe server seems to be harder to find "for free", so that's often an investment12:56
magnonwrong channel :p01:21
magnonpolitics don't belong here01:22
=== magnon apologises
kerininthanks guys!01:25
magnonkerinin: just drop by any time if you need help01:26
magnoneuropean daytime is best though I guess :P01:26
kerininright now i'm trying to find used thin clients, apparently a company called wyse used to make them, and you can get them for about 10USD01:26
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mpm2hello all; I've been following the edubuntu project and am interested in making it happen in my classroom; I'm a 2nd grade teacher and currently have about 15 machines in my class, most of which are running Ubuntu (Hoary).  Are most of you developers or teachers or ??  should I join the mailing list or is it very technical?  The Edubuntu Testing page says after install to "try netboot" on one of your clients... How do I set up cl05:10
mpm2kind of a windy hello!  I thought I might just say hello, but better to get to the heart of my questions :-)05:10
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xuniluserso silenet here...07:09
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jsgotangcoxuniluser, its not so silent after all then :)07:40
xuniluserjsgotangco: ok... but passive... anyways, when will be the official release of ubuntu07:47
jsgotangcooct. 1307:52
xuniluserhmmmmm ok... 2 weeks to go. hehehehe.... we badly needed edubuntu and were praying that it will answer our needs in the laboratory07:53
xuniluserwe are removing all windows in our university...07:54
jsgotangcohave you tried the preview/daily build?08:22
xuniluserhmmm not yet... i do it08:23
jsgotangcoby getting the preview/daily build, you'll have an idea how it works08:24
highvoltagejsgotangco: is it true that oct 13 is mdz's birthday?08:27
jsgotangcohighvoltage, no idea, sure is great if its his birthday that day08:28
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JaneWyes mdz's birthday is Oct 13 ;)09:02
=== Zaheer [n=zahedoll@wbs-146-145-185.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
Zaheerhello, hello :)09:18
Seveas/msg chanserv access #ubuntu list09:18
Seveasodd, the '/' is a command :)09:19
Zaheercan anyone tell what exactly is in language-pack-kde-en-base and how big it is... cause my install has been sitting there for last 20mins or so just installing that package..09:22
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poningruSeveas: dude you put something infront of the /09:54
poningru /09:54
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JaneWogra: ping10:49
ograJaneW, pong10:49
JaneWogra: did you see mdz's e-mail to me? I guess the LOTR patch is a moot point now...10:50
ograJaneW, it always was :) flint just didnt get it :)10:50
JaneWogra: I have several more e-mails from flint, but I think it's best to let him dig his own hole here...10:50
ograJaneW, and sorry, but sabdfl set my new highes prio to xscreensaver again...10:51
ogra^^^ have to finish this first :/10:51
JaneWogra: ok so g-s-s is out then?10:51
ograsince more than a week, but xss needs heavy (time consuming) changes10:51
JaneWmore than a week?10:52
ogra(the two buttons on the right are a mess to implement)10:52
JaneWoh wait was x the new one sabdfl wanted?10:52
JaneWso sabdfl doesn;t want to revert then?10:52
ograerr, quite exactly after the TB meeting... not exactly a week10:52
JaneWok I'm confussed10:53
ograsabdfl just wants the lock dialog to look like that, he doesnt care which screensaver app we use10:53
JaneWGnome was the new one, but we have reverted BACK to x right?10:53
ograthe problem is, gss doesnt work righ yet10:53
shagaI'm trying something here at work, on lame windows machine. could someone from us try to connect to this? ftp://shag.ath.cx10:53
ograand xss is missing the lock dialog10:53
JaneWok, I'm with you10:53
JaneWogra: how hard is it to get in?10:54
ograi hope it takes me less then a week :(10:54
ograits really hard to get something into code that is written to prevent *any* addition10:54
ograthe xss author sees it as a security feature that nothing can get added10:55
ograstealing time...10:55
JaneWwhy are you responsible for the screensaver stuff?10:55
ograbecause i cared for it since the end of warty, it was my entry point into ubuntu10:56
ogranobody knows the code as good as i do... sabdfl knows that10:56
ograi guess others would take twice as long to get into it10:57
ograits very hard to understand and written in a very odd way... additionally missing a lot of code comments10:58
JaneWhave you spoken to sabdfl at all recently?10:59
JaneWI need to get an answer on the edubuntu CD issue10:59
ograbut only about xss tuff10:59
JaneWi.e. are we or aren;t we going to press some for the launch...10:59
ograhe should be back from holiday today10:59
JaneWI think he will be in the CT offices tomorrow, I will see if I can catch him11:00
JaneWhe is apparently in CT11:00
JaneWI am at home today, so I am not sure if he is there...11:00
ograah, good11:00
ograhe'll be in #c if he is around i guess11:00
jsgotangcoogra, good luck i'll just bug you before the week ends11:01
JaneWogra: and edubuntu dev in general, did we get a good CD build for the w/e?11:02
ograi havent tested it yet, but it looks ok... (have the iso here, will do a test install today)11:03
JaneWwill we be ready for 13 Oct?11:03
jsgotangcoi tried the once last saturday and it installed fine11:04
ograJaneW, it gets a bit tight now, i didnt plan this much time for xss11:05
ograbut still doable...11:05
ograwe still have 12942, the progress reporting in the installer for ltsp installation is still missing and autogeneration if the dchp.conf file in ltsp isnt done yet (mdz knows) i had to spend my weekend with xss...11:06
ograthe dhcp stuff is trivial... but will need testing11:07
ograworst case we could go withoit the progress reporting, it just looks odd...11:07
JaneWprogess reporting?11:08
ogra12942 is a thing i guess i have to poke jbailey more about11:08
ograthe installer builds the ltsp environment in the first stage before first reboot11:09
ograit takes between 5 and 10 min11:09
ograthere is a progres bar, but that jumps to 50% after 2min and then to 100% at the very end...11:09
ograso users dont really see progress11:09
ograits cosmetic, but you could think that the install stopped...11:10
JaneWoic, yes could be confussing and frustrating11:10
jsgotangcounless they go to vt111:10
ograworst case i'll rip out the progress completely and just write on the screen please wait 10min until ltsp is done11:10
jsgotangcoor somewhere11:10
JaneWogra: that's could work11:10
jsgotangcovt4 i mean11:11
JaneWogra: just do that if there's no time to do something more elegant11:11
ograits not nice and its not what i want, but its a fallback11:11
JaneWogra: at least ppl know what to expect then, and what's going on11:11
jsgotangcowe can add it as a known issue11:11
ograoh and i need to fix some gcompris bugs, but thats done in an afternoon... nothing really time consuming11:12
=== ogra goes coding.... might be unresponsive today...
ograi dont go away :) 11:24
ograi'm just playing with screen locking so i'll see more of my locked screen than from xchat ;)11:25
jsgotangcothe aim is to make it look like g-s-s?11:32
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ograjsgotangco, yup11:45
ograwhich requires the full username and two additional buttons beside the cosmetic changes11:45
ograadding buttons isnt easy here.... (adding them is, but making them functional is a PITA)11:46
jsgotangcoickkk from what i've heard before x-s-s isn't really comment friendly11:46
ograsee my mockup from above11:46
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Zaheerhi can i ask a question about the gpl here?12:40
JaneWzaheer: ok12:42
Zaheerthanks :D12:43
Zaheerhere goes12:43
=== Seveas [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #edubuntu
ZaheerLets say for example i have written a piece of software that i12:44
Zaheerdistribute on a cd for a small fee, can i put any software released under12:44
Zaheergnu gpl on there aswell and still charge for my software. I am not12:44
Zaheercharging for the open source software but for my software only.12:44
Zaheer.. am i in any violation of the gpl at all???12:44
JaneWI am certainly no expert12:45
JaneWbut as I understand it OSS doesn;t have to be free of charge...12:45
Zaheeri realize that... although i dont want i feel it takes away the goodeness from oss12:46
Zaheerso i am in violation, could you explain in which way please.12:46
jsgotangcono you're not12:46
Zaheeroh :D12:46
jsgotangcoyou just sell your software right12:46
jsgotangcoit was writeen from scratch by you?12:47
jsgotangcobecuase if you pulled some sources from gpl'ed source, you're bound to the gpl as well12:47
Zaheeryes i am aware of that.12:47
jsgotangcowhy not just ship your own software separately?12:48
Zaheerlet me explain i have an apllication the writes out quotations to a text file and in order for the user to ship that text file in non editable format i thort i can distribute pdf-creator with my software to allow the user to print the quotes to a pdf.12:49
=== ogra [n=ogra@p5089DAE3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
Zaheeram still allowed to do that?01:00
=== Seveas [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #edubuntu
Zaheeris there a problem with the terminal services client in edubuntu?? everytime i connect to a TS and close the connection an error message pops up.01:58
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Zaheerthe error message : "NOT IMPLEMENTED : System pointer message 0x7f00"02:00
ograwhere do you get this message ? 02:02
Zaheerafter i closed the TS Session using the "x"02:12
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ograusing the x ??02:13
raouldukehi all.02:14
ograZaheer, you talk abut a ltsp client ??02:14
ograhi raoulduke 02:15
raouldukeso, anyone here using the preview release in an educational setting currently?02:17
ograraoulduke, jelkner uses it in a school already...02:17
raouldukejelkner isn't in the # right now, and I didn't want to be presumptuous and email him02:18
ograthe rest of users are rather testing in a lab environment02:18
raouldukebut if he were here, I'd want to talk to him.02:18
ograhe is in a US timezone and not around very often (since he's teacher and has work to do)02:18
raouldukeI'm about to be cursed with numerous machines of various manufacture and mhz and was told to put XP on them. I can't maintain a single install image for that, so I'm going edubuntu (already running ubuntu as a client around the school---)02:19
raouldukeI'm a US east coast teacher too.02:19
raouldukeperhaps I'll just email him then, and let him answer on his own time.02:19
ograah, great02:19
raouldukeI'm actually teaching one class using his ThinkCSpy book02:19
raoulduke(how to think like a computer scientist, python edition, co-authored by jeff elkner)02:19
ograi dont think you will disturb him if you mail him02:19
raouldukethanks ogra02:20
raouldukeI'll be back later. other nicks I use are vmarks and vincenzio- see those? it's still me.02:20
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ograif you got specific technical questions, feel free to poke me :)02:20
ograhmm, to late02:20
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ZaheerYagisan - thanks for your help on friday.. well to all those who made a contribution :)02:38
Zaheeralthough im still having difficulity installing the vmtools any ideas to get me going?02:38
YagisanZaheer: No worries03:08
YagisanI haven't got on on to vmtools yet - I just had two machines die :(03:08
Yagisanwhat specific feature of vmtools do you need ?03:10
Zaheerwell i cant install it .. i mount the cd but i cant run any scripts to start installing vmware normally there that install.pl script but its not there.03:12
Zaheerjust another question about the gpl :D if i may? i promise this will be the last.03:46
Zaheeror even better is the a chat room i can go to for information about the gpl?03:46
magnonjust ask away03:49
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magnonI know a fair bit, I'll answer as good as I can03:50
Zaheercool :) does the gpl infect other lics in a distribution? for example if i have a software packges that has lic1 and another with the gpl03:52
Zaheeris it  then required of me to release the software in lic1 under the gpl as well? 03:52
Zaheerthey both on the same cd?03:53
mptZaheer: no.03:54
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mptFor example, Ubuntu contains some software under the GPL and some under other licenses.03:55
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ograZaheer, if you take software thats under gpl and improve it, you are forced to release this work under gpl... but thats all03:56
ogra(if you consider releasing it)03:56
mptZaheer: see the last paragraph of section 2.03:56
Zaheerok 2secs :) ..going to read.04:00
ZaheerIn addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program04:01
Zaheerwith the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of04:01
Zaheera storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under04:01
Zaheerthe scope of this License.04:01
Zaheeraaahhh :D04:01
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jkroghogra: It there anything special about the kernel in the chroot-environment? Or is it the seme kernel that's used everywehre else? 04:01
ograits absolutely the same...04:02
Zaheerthanks guys and/or girls.04:02
ograsee the ltsp-update-kernels script ;)04:02
ogra(its run by ltsp-build-client)04:02
Zaheerwhat makes edubuntu different from ubuntu?04:04
ograin fact you got three identical kernels on your system after install (at least in edubuntu)04:04
ograone in /boot, one in your tftpboot and one in /opt/ltsp04:04
shagaZaheer: ltsp-system, artwork, educational tools imho :p04:05
shagabut I'm sure I don't know it all04:05
shagainstallation as well04:05
ograZaheer, ltsp by default, edu apps, schooltool preinstalled, (moodle will follow up before release), artwork and a bunch of different defualt settings04:05
shagaa bit04:05
shagaogra: I didn't forget much from my experience then ;)04:06
ogranope :=04:06
ograin fact you'll get the same with a default breezy install to hich you add edubuntu-server and edubuntu-desktop04:07
Zaheerabout the artwork ... ITS REALLY COOL!!! i like the whole kiddie look although the firefox icon looks alot like the gimp :D04:08
ograZaheer, thanks :)04:08
JaneWogra:  I must switch to edubuntu soon...04:11
ograJaneW, do you have breezy already ? 04:12
JaneWogra: I haven't been brave enough yet *blush*04:12
JaneWogra: no I mostly use hoary04:12
JaneWI have an OLD (late June) ver of Breezy, but it has no sound04:12
JaneWother than that it is just like hoary04:12
ograJaneW, just update to breezy and put edubuntu-desktop on top... then you got the workstation version :)04:12
=== ogra guesses JaneW doesnt want to run a ltsp server on her laptop :)
JaneWogra: not really ;)04:13
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highvoltagehi ogra05:20
ograhi highvoltage 05:20
highvoltagedo you know if anyone has had problems using the lts.conf file?05:21
highvoltagei edited it at a school today, while playing with edubuntu from my laptop, and when i used a fairly standard lts.conf file, the clients' keyboards stops working just after ldm starts.05:22
highvoltage(sorry if that doesn't make sense- long day)05:22
shagaI haven't had a chance to use ltsp05:22
shagaactually I don't even know anything about it05:23
highvoltageeven with a very small lts.conf file, the keyboards freeze when ldm starts, and it doesn't seem that the resolutions/settings chage.05:23
shagaonly how to conf installtion of edubuntu05:23
ograhighvoltage, there was a mail in edubuntu-devel iirc it was fom rickfitz05:23
shagafor it05:23
ograhighvoltage, sorry, i havent got time this week to debug much, mark set xscreensaver to my highest proirity... that takes a lot of time05:25
highvoltageogra: no problemo.05:28
highvoltagei wish i could generate more time. i've never overcommitted myself as far as i've done right now. it's very scary.05:29
ograsame here... xscreensaver hacking wasnt on my schedule at all05:32
spaceypoor ogra, crappy screensaver stuff ;(05:37
ogranah, its fun i love to do it... its just that i havent got the time for such stuff at all05:38
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mptogra: Did you nuke the "Someone else" button?06:01
ogrampt, http://www.grawert.net/xss.html06:02
ograbut jdub pokes that i use "switch user"06:02
ograand it will take me ages to implement the other two buttons... its totally not in my time schedule, but sabdfl wont accept it without06:03
mptogra: wow, that's awesome06:03
mptoh, it's a mockup? :-)06:03
magnonogra: I agree with "Switch User"06:03
ograso after it took me this afternoon to shuffle around the existing elements, it will take me a week o implement the new buttons :/06:04
ogrampt, yup06:04
ograbut all existing pieces are in place now, i'm just starting to add new elements06:04
mptbtw, "Account" should end with "...", and "Ok" should be "OK" (or "Unlock")06:04
=== mpt heads off to class
ogrampt, i think i want a clear wording first what to use for the button...06:05
ogra(account or user)06:05
magnonogra: User is, imo, more correct06:05
ograelse i'll just call it switch... :p06:05
magnon"Account" isn't concrete06:05
magnonaccount is your bank account, computer account, mail account, etc.06:05
mptmagnon: It's less correct, because a single user can have multiple accounts06:06
magnon"User" is the person who sits at the keyboard06:06
ogramagnon, thats something i leave for my boss to decide...06:06
ograor for a discussion between jdub and mpt :)06:06
magnonogra: FYI, a translation to Norwegian with "User" would be totally correct06:06
magnonwhereas "Account" would be very abstract06:07
ograits not translateable anyway06:07
magnonoh :P06:08
ograthe code prevents loading of anything not contained in the code...06:08
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