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P229spermite: so, unless you have /boot on its own partition, / should be ext312:00
_twitch_it does the CD part12:00
SeveasYou can mount it rw, but you can't actually write12:00
_twitch_then it does the next part12:00
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_twitch_and theni t happens12:00
aaron__alrighty, i installed 5.10, im on it, but its detecting the onboard sound card, not the sb live 24, can i get some help!12:00
_twitch_im on a 56k with a winmodem12:00
P229Seveas: I know :) but I've noticed some people insist upon using reiserfs12:00
[LethAL] Seveas, Oh... phew... no fscking things up then...12:00
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_twitch_and i told it i'd configure the network later12:00
Seveasaaron__, easiest: disable the onboard in the bios12:00
Scrawny1ok I'm d/ling it now thx Seveas :)12:00
stylus_2I need help with installation and audio stuff on ubuntu, someone please quiery me12:00
bluegene007i posted the problem in bugzilla and the result was fan is controlled by BIOS not OS because nothing available in /proc/acpi/fan but it's working normally in windows12:00
_twitch_i did the same with a friend's pc12:00
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crimsunWebLOCH: yes?12:00
_twitch_it went straight to the login.12:00
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WebLOCHcrimsun, i gots audiowoes again, bit different this time12:01
ubotuFor Sun-Java debs add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list (for hoary) deb http://ubuntu.tower-net.de/ubuntu/ hoary java  ; or go to seveas.ubuntulinux.nl (for Breezy)12:01
aaron__lol, i had a hell of a bad time installing 5.10, but its all good now, redid everything12:01
spermiteP229 what should /home be?12:01
P229Seveas: are there any plans for ubuntu to ship with selinux and have it enabled by default?12:01
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nxv_Seveas: i removed all with the name postgres: apt-get remove postgres* and then installed postgresql-7.412:01
marskaHey dude! I can't play mp3 files, why?12:01
SeveasP229, fortunately no direct plans12:01
WebLOCHcrimsun, got it running fine for about two days, now after rebooting ive noticed that I cant playback in xmms through "OSS" or "ALSA"12:01
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ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, mp3 is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support12:01
P229spermite: /home should be whatever you want it to be... I advise ext312:01
spermitei got 3 ext3 dont look right12:01
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crimsunWebLOCH: hoary or breezy?12:02
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WebLOCHcrimsun, hoary12:02
nxv_Seveas: didn't work no process listening at the right port no script to start it from /etc/init.d/12:02
P229spermite: huh?12:02
marskaP229, I always thought /home was where the heart was?12:02
crimsunWebLOCH: are you using an ~/.asoundrc or /etc/asound.conf?12:02
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tovella_twitch_: what does cycling the power do?12:02
WebLOCH crimsun, err dont really know to be honest, whats the diff12:02
SeveasI have postmaster listening at 543212:02
P229marska: I don't know about you, but my heart isn't formatted with any fs ;)12:02
[LethAL] LOL12:03
_twitch_cycling the power?12:03
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nxv_Seveas: something must be broken here, but what might be the reason12:03
bluegene007i posted the problem in bugzilla and the result was fan is controlled by BIOS not OS because nothing available in /proc/acpi/fan but it's working normally in windows should i wait for breezy final to be fixed12:03
Flintyany good resources for a Ubuntu n00b to read upon ?12:03
marskaP229, I guess if you format with NTFS, Microsoft owns your soul?12:03
Seveasdunno, run /etc/init.d/postgresql-7.4 manually12:03
crimsunWebLOCH: XMMS should work through the esound output, no?12:03
P229Seveas: heh, "fortunately?" I agree it can be a hellishly severe headache, but still :)12:03
Seveasmarska, lol :)12:03
[LethAL] Flinty, wiki.ubuntu.com12:03
linuxmonkeyhelp, im trying to compile the modules for rtl8180 and im getting *** No rule to make target `modules'.  Stop.   Can anyone help me, am I missing something12:03
spermite /boot - ext3 -- /home- ext3/  --and  /root ext3 does that matter?12:03
WebLOCHcrimsun, yeah it does12:03
tovella_twitch_: turn off the power at the switch, leave it off for 30 seconds or so, then turn the power back on, AKA "cold boot"12:04
teebonezspermite, no12:04
P229marska: perhaps /me shrugs12:04
DavidLeeRothwhat is the command for updating?12:04
[LethAL] linuxmonkey, use make, not make modules12:04
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nxv_Seveas: no runscript 4 postgres in /etc/init.d12:04
crimsunWebLOCH: is the esound output not up to snuff for you?12:04
_twitch_it goes to boot up12:04
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Seveasnxv_, hmm12:04
linuxmonkeylethal I did and get same error12:04
P229spermite: looks ok, I think12:04
_twitch_boots up12:04
_twitch_when its about to go into gnome12:04
_twitch_i get that screen.12:04
[LethAL] linuxmonkey, Is there a /ko file in the dir?12:04
_twitch_the live CD wont work either12:04
[LethAL] .ko*12:04
WebLOCHcrimsun, well its just the fact that the ALSA and OSS modules worked yesterday and notr today that leads me to feel something is wrong and needs sorting12:04
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_twitch_does the same thing.12:04
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karimw786can someone point me in the right direction: i have XP-Ubuntu dual boot, I would like to remove Ubuntu and go back to 100% XP.12:05
P229spermite: mine partitioning is as follows... /boot(ext3) /(ext3) /home(ext3)12:05
nxv_what is the cleanest installation 4 breezy? insert cd install ubuntu sever version switch sources.list to breezy and then install the rest?12:05
Seveasdennis@blackbird ~ $ dpkg -S /etc/init.d/postgresql-7.412:05
Seveaspostgresql-7.4: /etc/init.d/postgresql-7.412:05
linuxmonkeyyes there is 8180_26_private.ko12:05
P229karimw786: where did you install the grub bootloader?12:05
bam_boot into the windows recovery console12:05
crimsunWebLOCH: switch to the ALSA output and tell me the error you get12:05
Lie-Algebrahi, when mounting a cd/dvd recorder, do I have to use the option "ro" or the option "rw" in the fstab file?12:05
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spermiteP229 =0)12:05
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bam_then there is a command for restoring the mbr, google for it12:06
WebLOCHcrimsun, "Cant open audio"12:06
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Scrawny1so why do I get this line when I do an update for the java backport?12:06
[LethAL] linuxmonkey, try sudo insmod 8180_26_private.ko12:06
Scrawny1E: Malformed line 59 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist)12:06
crimsunWebLOCH: lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*12:06
[LethAL] linuxmonkey, don't kill me if it doesn't work12:06
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bam_this will kill any changes made to it12:06
karimw786P229: MBR is ewhere grub is installed12:06
P229bam_: if the windows bootloader in the MBR is still intact, he could toggle the boot flag on hd0,012:06
tovella_twitch_: sounds like there may be a video or a memory problem with your hardware.12:06
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bam_yea he could12:06
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linuxmonkeyi dont think it will ..lol12:06
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bam_but, this is prolly easier12:06
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tovella_twitch_: have you tried the memory test option?12:07
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bam_hek im just tring to get samba to work with my z12:07
_twitch_na, should i?12:07
Scrawny1Seveas can I pm ya' a min pls :)12:07
P229karimw786: yep, you'll need to startup into the windows recovery console... research fixmbr12:07
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Phr0stByteHow ca I test what ports are open and usable on my system ?12:07
bam_there ya go12:07
aaron__its detecting the card now, and all that, but still no sound coming out of it12:07
tovella_twitch_: try the recovery mode option, first.12:08
[LethAL] P229, karimw786 It's just fixmbr in the recovery console12:08
karimw786ok thanks P22912:08
WebLOCHcrimsun, sorry :(12:08
linuxmonkeyinsmod: error inserting '8180_26_private.ko': -1 Invalid module format12:08
_twitch_you think it might be the card?12:08
cuscoErr http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl ubuntu-seveas/breezy-extras w32codecs 1:20050412-0.0 401 Unathenticated12:08
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aaron__no, cause ive got windows on the same pc and it works great12:08
P229karimw786: whatever you do, don't kill ubuntu until you've done fixmbr12:08
WebLOCHcrimsun,   http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/252212:08
tovella_twitch_: perhaps12:08
P229karimw786: and have verified that you can get into windows without grub12:08
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[LethAL] linuxmonkey, which kernel you on (uname -r)12:08
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Scrawny1I'm almost tempted to go to breezy rite now12:09
linuxmonkeyhrmm hold a sec12:09
aaron__trust me its nice12:09
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P229[LethAL] : thanks... it's been so long (thank God!)12:09
concept10I just dist-upgraded from hoary to breezy and now it says it can config xserver. Suggestions anyone?12:09
tudormy usb key is automounted in read only, how can I change that?12:09
concept10*it cant12:09
[LethAL] P229, I've only been using Linux for 2 weeks12:09
aaron__so ive no clue what to do now, without sound and all12:09
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cuscoconcept10: what heppens on sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:10
[LethAL] linuxmonkey, Damn, I can't compile it for you12:10
concept10let me try that12:10
karimw786ok so just start windows in the recovery console, run fixmbr, then what?12:10
tovella_twitch_: cold boot the machine.  the grub menu list can be accessed using the escape key, when you see the prompt.  then you can select recovery mode.12:10
P229[LethAL] : so learning about fixmbr was a trial-by-error learning experience?12:10
concept10cusco I forgot, how do I get a new tty screen?12:10
[LethAL] linuxmonkey, try sudo aptitude build-essential linux-headers`uname -r`12:10
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[LethAL] P229, Nope, I've never had to fix it because of Linux12:10
_twitch_thanks tovella12:10
cuscoconcept10: alt + ctrl + F212:10
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_twitch_what should i be looking for in the memtest?12:11
cuscoF3 F412:11
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P229[LethAL] : good deal12:11
_twitch_and/or recovery mode/12:11
tudoranyone knows where the config is for the automount ?12:11
Plazmaman i need a swift kick ni my ass, i have my ubuntu cd sitting here and a free partion, but im to damn lazy to do anything about it12:11
barongasI'm having some issues mounting an iso, when I mount it it says wrong fs type, bad option, etc etc so I check dmesg | tail and it says VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev loop0. and Unable to identify CD-ROM format. I'm not sure where to start...12:11
tovella_twitch_: look for a login prompt.  we just want to isolate your problem from the the graphics stuff.12:11
[LethAL] Plazma, you fool... wait... Do I know you?12:11
_twitch_ok, i have to go re-install ubuntu12:12
P229barongas: you have to specify fs type12:12
concept10i never used bitchx before and cant scroll up cusco: what should I do again dpkg --reconfigure xserver?12:12
_twitch_ill be back in a bit, tovella.12:12
chavobarongas, sudo mount -o loop /path/to/iso /mnt/point12:12
tovella_twitch_: why, did you remove it, already?12:12
_twitch_i had to format12:12
=== Jan_ makes a mental note never, ever, EVER to run apt-get dist-update
barongasP229 I used mount -o loop -t iso9660 /iso /point12:12
_twitch_i didnt know i could use the windows recovery disc to remove grub from the MBR, it wouldnt load windows12:12
PlazmaLethal, no you don't know me12:12
concept10Jan_: heh12:12
_twitch_anyway, so yeah12:12
Jan_I'm NOT joking12:12
_twitch_imma go re-install12:12
chavoyou don't need the filesystem type12:12
cuscoconcept10: to scrool up would be alt+p (previoues) alt+n(next) it was sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:13
_twitch_ive tried installing twice12:13
[LethAL] Plazma, Ok... I just have plazma on msn ;)12:13
_twitch_same thing both times12:13
concept10Jan_: im about to make that note myself12:13
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chavobarongas, try it w/o filesystem type12:13
linuxmonkeyduh ok looks like i was missing some tools12:13
PlazmaLethal, well being as that is, want my msn?12:13
[LethAL] If you want, but PM me it ... don't want nasty people getting it12:13
Plazmammmm nuggets12:13
_twitch_could i get yoru msn or something?12:13
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tovellawhy does ubuntu seem to allow the first user name to hijack ownership of all the subsequently created user directories?  how can I stop this from occurring?12:14
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_twitch_ill be back.12:14
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P229barongas: did you try it without specifying fs type?12:14
barongaschavo I found the problem. Obviously these iso are special somehow. It's a playstation game and I think it might be a bin-file disguised as an iso12:14
P229did it work?12:14
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Concord_Dawnforums are down?12:15
khermanswhich is the right way to add a new user, useradd or adduser?12:15
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barongasIs there a way to make bins turn into isos without the cue-file?12:15
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P229khermans: useradd (adduser might work, too)12:15
khermansbarongas, bin2iso12:15
[pbC] Obsthi12:15
barongaskhermans sweet12:16
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drbrownhas anyone had any luck installing the ati proprietary driver?????12:16
crimsunWebLOCH: that's because esd is hogging the ALSA device12:16
WebLOCHcrimsun, hmm how did that happen?  how can i stop it? and all that sort of business12:16
khermansbarongas, http://users.andara.com/~doiron/bin2iso/12:16
Concord_Dawnforums are down?12:16
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crimsunWebLOCH: beats me, I don't use Hoary, and I don't know what you did.12:16
khermansbarongas,  bin2iso new.cue -c your.bin12:16
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Snoblowercan someone give me like... a private walkthrough on how to setup partitions? i don't have a clue what i'm doing and need some serious help.12:16
tudoranyone tried a usb hd? did it automount?12:17
crimsuntudor: yes, mine did12:17
linuxmonkeybah it still doesnt work, when i do make it gives me make[1] : *** No rule to make target `modules'.  Stop.12:17
MrLaminarhey everyone.12:17
tristanmikeSnoblower, http://www3.telus.net/linux4u/ubuntu.html12:17
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tudorcrimsun: what permissions did it have?12:17
crimsunlinuxmonkey: what in the world are you trying to do?12:17
WebLOCHcrimsun, okay thanks for the help anyway12:17
MrLaminari just upgraded hoary to breezy and have no sound, although xmms shows that it's playing12:17
barongaskhermans checking it out12:17
tudorcrimsun: was it read-only mounted?12:17
crimsunMrLaminar: cat /proc/asound/modules12:18
crimsuntudor: no, why?12:18
khermansbarongas, it is not in the repos12:18
MrLaminarcrimsun: 0 snd_cs46xx12:18
tudorcrimsun: 'couse my usb-key gets automounted in read-only mode12:18
WebLOCHcrimsun, just killed ESD and now all is sound again, thanks for assisting haha, ill try not to be so quick to ask next time12:18
crimsuntudor: did you modify /etc/fstab manually?12:18
Snoblowertristanmike, i have ubuntu right now, i need to figure out how to do it so that i can install windows xp12:18
WebLOCHAnyone have an intermediate to advance linux guide?  I think I'm ready for more reading12:19
tristanmikeSnoblower, you should always install XP first12:19
tristanmikeSnoblower, XP will rewrite the grub12:19
tudorcrimsun: no, there's nothing in the fstab about it12:19
crimsunWebLOCH: there are a variety of resources on the Web; try the Ubuntu wiki, O'Reilly's Web site, ...12:19
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Phr0stByteHow ca I test what ports are open and usable on my system ?12:19
Snoblowertristanmike, i did install it first, but i haven't got a clue what i'm doing so i accidentally installed ubuntu over windows xp :(12:19
concept10Jan_: did you get your system working?12:19
barongaskhermans the linux link on that page is broken :( I'll just google for it12:19
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MrLaminarshould i kill ESD too?!12:19
WebLOCHcrimsun, I've tried the ubuntu wiki, i mean more advanced as I think i have the basics down12:19
tristanmikeSnoblower, ahh, I see12:19
crimsunMrLaminar: paste the output from ''amixer'' onto paste.ubuntulinux.nl12:19
linuxmonkeycrimsun, check pm12:19
WebLOCHMrLaminar, don't kill anything lol12:19
chavoWebLOCH, man is man's best friend12:20
khermansbarongas, wget http://users.andara.com/~doiron/bin2iso/bin2iso19b.c && gcc -o bin2iso bin2iso19b.c && sudo mv bin2iso /usr/bin12:20
crimsunlinuxmonkey: do not pm me12:20
Snoblowertristanmike, can ya help a moron out?12:20
WebLOCHchavo,  yeah but man is only any good if you know WHAT you need to man12:20
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linuxmonkey ok what im trying to do is to get my wifi card to work.... its a stupid d-link dwl-610 and using realtek chipset, so with that said I downloaded the linux drivers and modified it as per instructions to my card model and then  try to compile it and get that error12:20
WebLOCHive just learned about lsof from crimsun, but if i hadnt just asked, id have no idea about it12:20
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tristanmikeSnoblower, how much space do you have?12:21
miguelalguien que este con deseo de charlar un poco12:21
Snoblowerer.. i dunno :(12:21
crimsunlinuxmonkey: I presume you installed build-essential and linux-headers-$(uname -r) via apt-get?12:21
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concept10gosh, I hope I dont have to reinstall12:21
Snoblower40GB maybe12:21
miguelMy Neme Is Miguel12:21
miguelI Living Santo domingo12:22
Seveasmiguel, #ubuntu-es for spanish12:22
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Snoblowertristanmike, 40GB i think, i'm not sure, i'm pretty new to the whole computer thing :)12:22
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concept10Jan_: you still here?12:22
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MrLaminarcrimsun, here's the paste: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/252312:22
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Darthhi all12:22
barongaskhermans: Hmmm it can't find io.h during the gcc part12:22
miguelseveas de donde eres12:23
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chavoHello miguel ,12:23
miguelhablas espao12:23
miguelhello chavo12:23
chavovivo en Florida12:23
tristanmikeSnoblower, I gotta go in a minute, but I suggest you start from scratch, installing XP first, just more learning for you, and select the size of the partiton you want XP to be during it's installer12:23
[LethAL] !es12:23
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.12:23
miguelHow are roy12:23
boxerboy29the updates from colony4-5 is in our updates no?12:23
DarthIs anybody an experienced Ubuntu user when it comes to running it on an Apple IBook?12:23
AR_MediaHello, I just tried to su - and it gave me this error, setgid: Operation no permitted.  ummm, what?12:23
crimsunMrLaminar: what happens if you mute 'Headphone'?12:23
SeveasAR_Media, sudo12:23
[LethAL] !tell AR_Media about root12:23
tristanmikeSnoblower, maybe like 10 gigs12:23
boxerboy29ar_media try sudo12:23
AR_MediaI tried sudo12:23
linuxmonkeycrimsun,  yes i have12:23
bzimageAR_Media, sudo <command to execute as root>12:24
MrLaminarcrimsun, nothing. still no sound12:24
DarthIs anybody an experienced Ubuntu user when it comes to running it on an Apple IBook?12:24
robinI had a really hard time getting w32codec installed, found a debian repository that had it and it worked great, thanks to those who tried to help12:24
AR_Mediait says....   sudo: must be setuid root12:24
SeveasAR_Media, then you messed something up badly12:24
tudorcrimsun: you have any idea how to change permissions on automountable drives?12:24
Rich43You still going on about sudo12:24
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khermansbarongas, instead try this one12:24
AR_MediaI didn't touch anything12:24
Rich43its the most basic command!12:24
crimsuntudor: do you mean files and directories on mounted partitions?12:25
[LethAL] Rich43, Get out... you know nothing about Ubuntu12:25
SeveasAR_Media, ls -al $(which sudo)12:25
Snoblowertristanmike, thanks12:25
Seveasput the output in a private chat12:25
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DarthCan anybody help me?12:25
AR_Mediawhich sudo?12:25
tristanmikeSnoblower, or 15 GB, if you have 15GB make linux 10 GB and have a 15 GB FAT drive to move files back and forth12:25
[LethAL] Rich43, you haven't even used it12:25
bzimageDarth, shoot12:25
linuxmonkeycrimsun, both those packages are installed12:25
tudorcrimsun: I mean when it automounts my usb-key it should do it in rw mode12:25
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MrLaminarcrimsun, still no sound...12:26
Snoblowertristanmike, any idea where i can get info about reinstalling windows xp, i tried earlier and screwed a lot of stuff up :(12:26
Darthbzimage: im trying to detect the wifi card I have in my Ibook but for some reason Ubuntu is not picking it up, Im using the LiveCD right now....12:26
crimsunMrLaminar: in a Terminal: sudo invoke-rc.d alsa force-unload && sudo rm /var/lib/alsa/asound.state && sudo modprobe snd-cs46xx12:26
tristanmikeSnoblower, that's how I did it, but it took me a few installs of XP and Ubuntu before I got it just right12:26
crimsunMrLaminar: then use the Volume Control or alsamixer to unmute Master and PCM12:26
tristanmikeSnoblower, what did it screw up?12:26
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moparfan90hello. does anyone know a irc channel for linux games?12:26
crimsunlinuxmonkey: is it necessary to pass the path of the kernel headers to configure or make?12:26
[LethAL] moparfan90, playing Windows games on Linux or actual Linux games?12:27
MrLaminarcrimsun, master and pcm are unmuted. trying out your command right now...12:27
Darthany ideas bzimage?12:27
Snoblowertristanmike, i chose boot from cd, then deleted everything off HD (I think) then it told me to insert OS "blue" disc, so i did, but it kept ejecting it as though it was the wrong disc12:27
[LethAL] moparfan90, /list12:27
[LethAL] ;)12:27
Snoblowertristanmike, the discs that i was given were burnt, so that might have something to do with it, i dunno12:27
tristanmikeOS "blue" ? do you have a Dell or something?12:27
Snobloweri got it real cheap =D12:28
DavidLeeRothi have a gateway 7510GX12:28
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tristanmikeSnoblower, did XP come with it?12:28
butcherbirdI would be interested to know if anyone is using a webcam that hoary/breezy automatically detected.  Checked wiki but so far not much on individual models12:28
MrLaminarcrimsun, here's the output: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/252412:28
barongaskhermans: Got it compiled nicely now. Just waiting to see wether it works or not12:28
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Snoblowertristanmike, xp was the original OS12:28
bzimagebutcherbird, yes i have12:28
khermansbarongas, it works :-)12:28
butcherbirdbzimage, know what model offhand?12:28
tovelladoes anyone know why does ubuntu seem to allow the first user to hijack ownership of all the subsequently created user directories?  how can I stop this from occurring?12:28
khermansbarongas, let me know though12:28
tristanmikeSnoblower, yes, but did your computer come with it preinstalled, or did you buy it, do you have the OS disks for your machine?12:28
barongaskhermans, correction: Wether my file is a real bin or whatever it is :)12:28
tudorbutcherbird: the philips toUcam pro works12:28
linuxmonkeycrimsun, im not sure in the make file there is KVER := $(shell uname -r)    KSRC := /lib/modules/$(KVER)/build    but there is no build folder there12:29
crimsunMrLaminar: then you need to log out of GNOME, log in via a console, and run that command12:29
tristanmikeSnoblower, or do you have a "real" copy of XP?12:29
Snoblowertristanmike, xp was on the computer when i got it, i have some discs that the guy who sold it to gave me, but like i said, they're burned12:29
khermansbarongas, you coud always just open it up in a hex editor to see what format it is in12:29
bzimagebutcherbird, not exactly... it's a philips pcvc 7something12:29
[LethAL] lmao... "real"12:29
crimsunlinuxmonkey: there will be a build/ dir if you have linux-headers-$(uname -r) installed12:29
ChrisTuckerwhen i try to get w32 codecs with multiverse, it gives this error: Package w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package. How do i correct this?12:29
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butcherbirdok thx guys.  Off to newegg =)12:30
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tristanmikeSnoblower, do you have an XP disc?12:30
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khermansbarongas, something like hexdump -C myfile.bin from cli, or use ghex2 to open it up in a GUI12:30
noodlegraphyHello - Short Question - Forums is down right now or I'd look it up -  Have 2k installed, going to install ubuntu on another partition from instal disk, Install disk says it will delete everthing...Assuming this isn't exactly true yes? - can install ubuntu on dif partition without hurting 2k partion - Or is there a trick to be aware of?12:30
Snoblowertristanmike, i believe so, yes12:30
tristanmikeSnoblower, and it's burned?12:30
crimsunChrisTucker: w32codecs is not in multiverse for Breezy; it's in debian-marillat12:30
silasjhey, I [apt-get distupgrade]  and now I can't start X!!!12:30
tovellaChrisTucker: i think i got w32codecs from backports12:30
Necrosan_can i go direct to breezy from a brand new 5.04 install12:30
barongaskhermans Cool. I'll experiment some with that. I've always been hexadecimally challenged but I'd like to try it on :)12:30
tristanmiketovella, they are gone from the Backports now12:30
tovellatristanmike: k12:31
Darthanybody runs Ubuntu on an Ibook?12:31
bzimageChris_Tucker, it's in none official repos... due to legal issues...12:31
khermanshex is like sex12:31
silasjany xorgconfig ? I can't locate...12:31
Snoblowertristanmike, yes, it's burned12:31
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durtChris Tucker, or you can get it from here: http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages12:31
linuxmonkeycrimsun, i had installed it using the add/remove programs in ubuntu, should i try re-installing or is there a better way of installing12:31
goo. o 0 ( http://mplayerhq.hu/homepage/design7/dload.html )12:31
ChrisTuckercrimsun: tovella, bzimage, it appears its in backports then12:31
tudorbutcherbird: pwc driver sources are in breezy for sure, it's easy to compile. I did it and the webcam works just fine.12:31
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barongaskhermans iso2bin worked like a dream :)12:31
Snoblowertristanmike, i actually have 3 discs, OS disc, applications, and drivers12:32
khermansbarongas, yeah i know :-)12:32
DavidLeeRothThere are a lot of celebrities in here tonight! Chris Tucker, David Lee Roth, wow!12:32
tristanmikeChris_Tucker, http://giannaros.org/tor/bt/ here is the w32codecs12:32
bzimageChrisTucker, no, there not in the backports or the official repositories of ubuntu..12:32
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crimsunlinuxmonkey: what did you install, linux-headers-$(uname -r)?12:32
tristanmikeSnowblower, and they are burned discs or factory?12:32
infoBhello. HELP needed12:32
[LethAL] !helpme12:32
ubotuIf you don't actually ask a question, we can not actually help you.12:32
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noodlegraphyHello - Short Question - Forums is down right now or I'd look it up -  Have 2k installed, going to install ubuntu on another partition from instal disk, Install disk says it will delete everthing...Assuming this isn't exactly true yes? - can install ubuntu on dif partition without hurting 2k partion - Or is there a trick to be aware of?12:33
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linuxmonkeyi had the uname output so i went in and installed the one that matched12:33
DavidLeeRothyeah, are we supposed to gather your problem via osmosis?12:33
infoBi want to install driver for graphics card12:33
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Snoblowertristanmike, they're burned12:33
DavidLeeRothMake/Model infob?12:33
[LethAL] infoB, I know about nvidia cards, but not about ATi12:33
infoBsis 65012:33
unkn0wn2uhey I can't get alsa to work as a normal non root user and when gnome starts it says something about hal failing12:33
linuxmonkeycrimsun, wich would be linux-headers-2.6.10-512:33
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DavidLeeRothyou could use a generic driver12:34
ChrisTuckerbzimage well i only have official repos, and this error came from that12:34
DavidLeeRothdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8612:34
supergrovernoodle: you should be fine. Just be careful to choose the right options with partitioning etc12:34
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ChrisTuckereeeewwwww torrents12:34
ChrisTuckereeeeeeeewwwww 13mb!12:34
MrLaminarhey crimsun, i logged out and ran the commands and it worked :) !!!12:34
DavidLeeRothim torrenting right now12:34
tristanmikeSnoblower, ok, I'm not familiar with manufacture disks like that, I've always used a Windows only CD, but it is ejecting itself?12:34
infoBfound sis_drv.0 on manufacteror's site12:34
MrLaminarhow do i make it permanent now?12:34
[LethAL] So am I12:34
linuxmonkeycrimsun, oh i reinstalled it and it worked12:34
infoB[LethAL] , don;t know how to use modprobe12:35
Snoblowertristanmike, yea, it keeps saying "Insert OS blue disc" and i do that, then it must think it's the wrong disc and it ejects12:35
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linuxmonkeycrimsun,  thank you very much man you are a life saver12:35
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noodlegraphySupergrover - kewl... I've got 7 partitions now...last one being 15 gig for ubuntu, and others fat32 so it can read/write to them...  Thanks12:35
tristanmikeSnoblower, have you tried the other disks?12:35
linuxmonkeythanx [LethAL]  too12:36
Snoblowertristanmike, yup12:36
MrLaminarcrimsun, how can i make this change permanent?12:36
ChrisTuckerok, where is/do i get, the torrent app in ubuntu?12:36
supergrovernoodlegraphy: noworries have fun12:36
StarterXHi, i am new on linux ,and i would like to install my printer (brother MFC 210c)  i have seen that brother released a driver for debian (similar to ubuntu i think)     but i dont know how to install a .deb  file ..any help ?12:36
[LethAL] No probalem linuxmonkey12:37
SeveasStarterX, sudo dpkg -i filename.deb12:37
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tristanmikeSnoblower, hmm, is there anyway you can get your hands on a copy of Windows?12:37
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StarterXSeveas,  is it possible that it wont work as long as i12:37
StarterXlive cd12:37
noodlegraphySupergrover - Rodger that - be time to start reading up the forums once there back online...  l8ter all12:37
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tristanmikeSnoblower, I have never seen an installation using disks like that, I'm sorry, so getting them to work is beyond me.12:38
Snoblowertristanmike, i dunno... but i'm pretty sure i have windows xp on the burned disc, i think i'm probably doing something wrong...12:38
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ChrisTuckerE: Couldn't find package gnome-bittorrent12:38
silasjrunning X now, thx!12:38
joetheoddHow do I install a .deb file?12:38
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SeveasStarterX, yes12:38
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ChrisTuckerdurt: E: Couldn't find package gnome-bittorrent12:38
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tristanmikeSnoblower, if you changed the BIOS to boot from disk then there isn't anything else I would imagine you could do wrong12:38
unkn0wn2udpkg -i debfile12:38
durtgnome-bittorrent should already be installed christucker, run it in a terminal12:38
[LethAL] ubotu, installdeb is open a terminal, cd into the folder with the deb package in it and type sudo dpkg -i filename.deb12:38
ubotuokay, [LethAL] 12:38
erUSULChrisTucker: it is already instaled by default12:38
tristanmikeSnoblower, sorry Ihave to go, good luck12:39
Snoblowerk, thanks12:39
[LethAL] That'll save us some typing12:39
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ChrisTuckerbash: gnome-bittorrent: command not found12:39
ubotuFor Sun-Java debs add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list (for hoary) deb http://ubuntu.tower-net.de/ubuntu/ hoary java  ; or go to seveas.ubuntulinux.nl (for Breezy)12:39
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[LethAL] Chris_Tucker, gnome-btdownload12:39
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ChrisTuckerdurt: erUSUL bash: gnome-bittorrent: command not found12:39
joetheoddHow do I install Sun's JRE on Warty?12:40
crimsununkn0wn2u: please elaborate12:40
ChrisTuckerthanks [LethAL] 12:40
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WebLOCHJava has been added to repos!?12:40
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concept10I just updated to breezy and cant startx I get this: no screens found ... Suggestions?12:40
durtoops, sorry christucker12:40
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[LethAL] joetheodd, I think it involves apt-get dist-upgrade :P12:40
erUSULChrisTucker: gnome-btdownload, Open nautilus and right click in the torrent12:40
satafterhwhen is 5.10 due out??12:40
joetheodd[LethAL] : Aw, please hug a 56ker =p12:40
[LethAL] October 13th12:40
ChrisTuckernautilus? no way, firefox :P12:41
[LethAL] joetheodd, shipit.ubuntu.com12:41
WebLOCHChris_Tucker, Firefox is decaying, try Opera12:41
[LethAL] Seveas, WAKE UP12:41
jbroomei get that a lot12:41
unkn0wn2ucrimsun, ok i go to gnome-volume-control and all i see is oss as non first user but my first user i created can select alsa12:41
joetheodd[LethAL] : Please hug a 56ker in a hurry =p12:41
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byeni agree...opera is he way to go12:41
durtopera - yes12:41
[LethAL] joetheodd, hehe...ok12:41
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badgirl1aoihfoaihoiahfoihfaiooifhaogfoafoaogfohafoifhififuhfaohfaogfogaogfohauohfouahuhofauhoauhohofuauhofhouafhoufahohaohoafofoaiofaaiofsioasiofaiofaohfhagfaoifaufoaifioaohfiaohfoianfaiohfioahufaoiahohfaoihfiahoiahfiohfaiosfiofasioufosufoddoidhsosusodiahufasohfsuhfuodsoaosfouhdodishsiofhusoshfudaoif ishhudhaod hushoaf suhsoihsfufouifsauosfuosohauofsfuouhffuoiodufouhsufdoauhofaouhfasouhfuodaouoosufsod12:41
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[LethAL] joetheodd, JRE is 20MB though...12:42
durtsuck me dry badgirl112:42
joetheodd[LethAL] : So basically I'm screwed until I download 200MB of stuff?12:42
ChrisTuckerWebLOCH: NEVEEEEER! firefox will suffice, i have used opera in the past12:42
boxerboy29was that a person or a bot?12:42
Seveasdurt, language...12:42
satafterhwhen 5.10 comes out will we be able just to upgrade so we dont have to reconfigure things ling video and tv out, it was alot of work lol12:42
[LethAL] joetheodd, java.com12:42
erUSULChrisTucker: you save the torrent in the hard-disc and then rightclick in it12:42
spermiteanyone in here have a debian install?12:42
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Seveasspermite, try #debian12:42
WebLOCHChris_Tucker, Yeah I used to love Firefox, but it's just going downhill, it seems to be getting worse by the week, a bit like Azureus, thats getting awful now too12:42
durtopera is free now christucker - no ad bar12:42
Seveassatafterh, you can even upgrade now12:42
[LethAL] spermite, although be warned the atmosphere may not be as nice12:42
unkn0wn2uanyone know of a mplayerplug-in that has the buttons and stuff on it12:42
Seveasdurt, free but still bad :)12:42
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WebLOCHSeveas, you think firefox is better than opera?12:43
crimsununkn0wn2u: that's pretty simple. The second user has to be added to the groups that the first user's in12:43
Seveasunkn0wn2u, the one in breezy has that12:43
durtbetter than firefox12:43
SeveasWebLOCH, yes12:43
crimsununkn0wn2u: for instance, audio, video, ...12:43
spermite[LethAL]  turst me i know12:43
durtgaleon is better than firefox too12:43
WebLOCHSeveas, but its slow and buggy12:43
Seveasoperas css support is worse than IE12:43
WebLOCHdurt, havent tried galeon12:43
MrLaminarcrimsun, how can i make the change you proposed permanent?12:43
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Seveasanyway - off-topic, let's not start a war12:43
boxerboy29i like firefox better than opera but neither work the way i like:(12:43
WebLOCHSeveas, from my experience in the office (web design office) opera is much better than IE12:43
durt!start a browser war12:43
ubotudillo  is way better than mozilla !12:43
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[LethAL] Nooo... stop the browser wars12:44
satafterh<Seveas> all the bugs are not worked out are they??12:44
Seveassatafterh, correct12:44
whyameyeIs there some sort of file manager which associates file extensions with applications?12:44
concept10I just updated to breezy and cant startx I get this: no screens found ... Suggestions?12:44
durtcan dillo do flash and java stuff?12:44
linuxmonkeywow im starting to think this will never work12:44
unkn0wn2ucrimsun, I have /dev/dsp all the way open but I wish there was a program that said alsa uses /dev/dsp /dev/mixer etc you know say what the devs are for12:44
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joetheodd[LethAL] : Do I want RPM or Self Extracting?12:44
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Seveasjoe_alf, the latter12:44
[LethAL] joetheodd, self-Ex12:44
Jan_well, we got this laptop to hibernate.12:44
WebLOCHdurt, me old sun, does Galeon support Mouse Gestures and Tabs ?12:44
joetheodddurt: lynx for the win, without a doubt.12:44
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joetheodd[LethAL]  and Seveas, thanks.12:45
durtyes webloch12:45
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[LethAL] No Problem12:45
concept10Seveas: any suggestions on how to fix xserver?12:45
dabaRYou know what I need?I need a welcome screen for when I sign into gnome.12:45
coarsesaltfirst time here.. fourth ubuntu install in three weeks, this the place to get help?12:45
Jan_Getting it to RECOVER from hibernation is another matter.12:45
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moparfan90how do you run a exucutabl in ubuntu? its a linux file? in console?12:45
WebLOCHdurt, does it have plugins for flash etc ?12:45
concept10Jan_: did you have any problems with x after upgrade to breezy?12:45
[LethAL] moparfan90, is the icon a diamond-like shape?12:45
dabaRAnd glasses12:45
durtwebloch, yeah its mozilla12:45
boxerboy29is there a java plug in for opera?12:46
durtjoetheodd, yay for lynx ;P12:46
dabaRcoarsesalt: with what?12:46
Jan_concept10: Not with X, but totem no longer works12:46
Jan_even as much as it ever did.12:46
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Jan_So basically it's borked.12:46
durtboxerboy29 - yes12:46
coarsesaltI'm trying to figure out how to play .rnx files and the ubuntuforums seem to be down12:46
Jan_and it won't RECOVER from hibernation, just ENTER it. :(12:46
[LethAL] moparfan90, if double-clicking it doesn't work, open a terminal, cd to the directory and type ./file12:46
[LethAL] Jan_, Same here on my desktop12:46
boxerboy29ok ty brb gonna look see if i cant get it12:46
memeiHow will I burn ubuntu.iso into a cd using cd-rw?12:46
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concept10I cant get x to start, CLI only :(  it says it cant find any screens, I have a big ass 22inch monitor here12:47
memeiI mean do I need to extract all those files?12:47
[LethAL] memei, right-click it in nautilus12:47
[LethAL] memei, Or are you on windows?12:47
dabaRcoarsesalt: .rnx? Never heard of that, what is it?12:47
joetheodd[LethAL] : Is ther any way to install the RPM? I already have that downloaded.12:47
memeiI'm in windows.12:47
moparfan90i got this:  ./racer: error while loading shared libraries: libfmod-3.61.so: cannot open shar ed object file: No such file or directory12:47
Noah0504I'm speaking to everyone from my nice, new, fresh install of Ubuntu.  My first step in making the Linux switch!12:47
Jan_How do I fix Totem, now?12:47
moparfan90what so i so?12:47
Jan_It's on about something to do with gstreamer.12:47
joetheodd[LethAL] : Rather, I have the Sun Solutions disk.12:47
[LethAL] joetheodd, yes, but no idea what the command is12:48
Jan_Noah0504: I was in that position about two hours ago. It's downhill from here on.12:48
coarsesaltgoes to real player, live audio feed with licensing on it12:48
bimberiNoah0504: OnYa! :)12:48
concept10dist-upgrade to breezy on sunday == failed experiment :)12:48
[LethAL] joetheodd, man alien might help12:48
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memeiI've alread ruined 2 cd's.12:49
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Snoblowerwhat's the command for me to get xfce 4?12:49
concept10Anyone know where Firefox sayves passwords?12:49
Jan_so doing a dist-upgrade broke Totem12:49
memei[LethAL] ?12:49
linuxmonkeycan anyone tell me what the matter is, i get a bunch of warnings ... see it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/252512:49
Jan_Hibernate doesn't work.12:49
[LethAL] Snoblower, open Synaptic and search for it12:49
Jan_I don't see what else can go wrong12:49
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StarterXjan- it CANT be thaT Bad12:49
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crimsunMrNaughty: sudo alsactl store12:50
[LethAL] memei, google for CDBurnerXP12:50
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oggahhow do I get wdm as my default loginmanager? (instead of xdm)12:50
Jan_StarterX: It'll hibernate, but not recover. Any clues?12:50
shekharcan someone help me with a booting problem in hoary?12:50
StarterXwell, never used hibernate..so12:50
[LethAL] shekhar, go on?12:50
coarsesaltdadaR: it's part of the sign in from http://account.real.com12:51
bimberishekhar: just describe the problem and if someone knows they'll try to help12:51
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whyameyeif I want the file manager to automatically choose the app to use based on the extension of the file, what would I call from the command line?12:51
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[LethAL] whyameye, right click the file and choose open with12:52
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shekhar[LethAL] , bimberi, my ubuntu starts up fine, but spends about 5 minutes on 'metacity window manager' when starting gnome12:52
AdmiralCrunchIs anyone else on Breezy having trouble with the latest ATI drivers?12:52
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[LethAL] shekhar, How fast is your CPU?12:52
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Janixhihi all12:52
oggahhow do I get wdm as my default loginmanager? (instead of xdm)..12:52
shekhar[LethAL] , bimberi, this is a brand new machine, 2.15 ghz12:52
HrdwrBoBgdm is the default12:53
Janixoh crap, it's the same channel"!12:53
whyameye[LethAL] : the problem is I need to tell OpenOffice what to execute when it doesn't understand the extension. I want to tell it to execute ubuntu's file manager, which already has associations with file extensions. But calling nautilus doesn't work.12:53
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oggahHrdwrBoB, yep.12:53
[LethAL] whyameye, I dunno12:53
Quinthiuswhyameye: you can set which app to open it with permanently by right clicking the file, go to properties, then in the "open with" tab you can set the default, and alternatives to show up12:53
oggahHrdwrBoB, ops, sry. nope. xdm is default now.12:53
HrdwrBoBwhyameye: gnome-open12:53
seliniumHi guys I install winetools from a walktrough in the forum, the forum is down at the mo. Apt and dpkg are unaware of the install. How do i get rid of it?12:53
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joetheoddI found out what I was doing wrong now. How do I add /usr/java/jre1.5.0_03/bin to the path to look for when you specify an executable?12:54
HrdwrBoBoggah: only if you installed it12:54
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HrdwrBoBoggah: uninstall xdm12:54
jpoehm, anyone remember the name of the desktop app that preloads parts of openoffice to make it open on the fly faster .. ?12:54
oggahgot both xdm and wdm installed. and xdm is default.12:54
marskaHello.. I'd like to install XFCE in place of Gnome and was wondering how I may successfully do this?12:54
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[LethAL] jpoe, apt-cache search openoffice start12:54
Noah0504Is it just me, or are the forums down?12:54
QuinthiusNoah0504: yes12:54
Seveasit's just your imagination ;(12:54
Noah0504Just checking ;)12:54
HrdwrBoBooqstart-gnome - OpenOffice.org QuickStarter applet for GNOME 212:54
KimahriSeveas: has my mute been lifted?12:54
joetheoddmarska: sudo apt-get install xfce12:55
dabaRKimahri: no12:55
HrdwrBoBKimahri: I would say so12:55
linuxmonkeyanyone tell me why im getting insmod: error inserting '8180_26_private.ko': -1 Invalid module format12:55
jpoe[LethAL] :  Did, maybe its just not in the breezy repos yet?12:55
marskajoetheodd: Will my programs and setting still be intact?12:55
bimberishekhar: i'm not sure what could cause that sorry12:55
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zone17Hi, I just tryied upgrading to 5.10 using breezy and apt-get dist-upgrade, everything broke.. now almost all software is removed, in my case it's better to do a clean install right?12:55
HrdwrBoBjpoe: could be12:55
Kimahrii'm not seeing it in the ban list... i was +b not +q12:55
joetheoddKimahri: Looks like it.12:55
WebLOCHIs it possible to remove Evolution without everything else getting screwed?12:55
whyameyeHrdwrBoB: Thank you! gnome-open does the trick!12:55
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dabaRzone17: you ahve no idea how3 glad I am to hear that.12:55
HrdwrBoBwhyameye: :) no worries12:55
Jan_zone17 exactly the same just happened to us12:55
butcherbirdmarska, just apt-get install xfce. when you login at bootup there is a 'sessions' button click it and xfce should be an option12:55
dabaRzone17: use console now till 5.1012:55
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seliniumjpoe: gnome or kde?12:55
HrdwrBoBWebLOCH: yes12:55
joetheoddmarska: They should be. When you get to the login screen, click session and change to XFce.12:55
Tiduslooks like it12:56
HrdwrBoBzone17: erm, what did you do?12:56
joetheoddmarska: I'm no expert, though.12:56
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WebLOCHHrdwrBoB, last time I tried it messed up some other mozilla apps12:56
HrdwrBoBzone17: depends on how much user data you have12:56
[LethAL] jpoe, it's in breezy's repos12:56
dabaRzone17: backports?12:56
StarterXWhy when i want to uninstall an app that was with the original install of ubuntu , it ask me to remove ,ubuntu desktop12:56
[LethAL] jpoe, universe12:56
Jan_GUYS! We just had exactly the same problem12:56
zone17I changed the sources.list, not using backports, did apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade12:56
[LethAL] StarterX, ubuntu-desktop doens't do anything12:56
WebLOCHDoes anyone know if ubuntu will ever come as a barebones system?12:56
joetheodd[LethAL] : How do I add /usr/java/jre1.5.0_03/bin to my path?12:56
seliniumHrdwrBoB, Was right, ooqstart12:56
QuinthiusStarterX: because "ubuntu-desktop" is the meta package that pulls in many other apps, it helps to keep upgrades in order and stuff12:56
dabaRzone17: and whats so broken?12:56
[LethAL] joetheodd, no idea12:56
bimberiWebLOCH: it has a 'server install' option...12:56
[LethAL] joetheodd, man path?12:56
StarterXahhh okay :12:57
coarsesaltWebLOCH: i've been telling the 'server install' is a barebones...12:57
WebLOCHbinberi, what does that install by default ?12:57
zone17I get lots of errors..12:57
coarsesaltis it not?12:57
shekhar[LethAL] , any idea what could be the problem? why does the window manager stick at bootup?12:57
WebLOCHAhh awesome, so I can just install what I want ?12:57
joetheoddDoes anyone know how to add /usr/java/jre1.5.0_03/bin to the path searched for executables?12:57
StarterX0 so i can screw evolution and things whitout loosing X, thats a plus :)12:57
Kimahri[LethAL] : which WM is it that's hanging?12:57
tovelladoes anyone know why ubuntu seems to allow the first user to hijack ownership of all the subsequently created user directories?  how can I stop this from occurring?12:57
[LethAL] Kimahri, shekhar's Metacity12:57
joetheodd[LethAL] : I'm trying to make it so that java (which is in there) is found when I type, say, java Main, from outside that folder12:57
zone17locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE12:57
dabaRzone17: good, I know how ot fix the *lots* of errors error.12:57
uboturumour has it, mp3 is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support12:57
[LethAL] joetheodd, I know, just not how to12:57
dabaRzone17: does it boot?12:58
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dabaRzone17: are y ou in there now?12:58
joetheodd[LethAL]  ok12:58
zone17and a LOT of other dabaR the list is to long, sorry, I know normally a copy/paste12:58
jpoe[LethAL] : Odd, not seeing it .. have universe/multiverse turn on too ..12:58
dabaRzone17: use teh pastebin.12:58
QuinthiusStarterX: yes, i would recommend installing ubuntu-desktop again periodically (which as a side-effect will pull in evolution again) to make sure you have proper packages installed and stuff12:58
zone17dabaR, yes I made it "go back" to hoary12:58
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bimberiWebLOCH: as i understand it, it will install the dependencies of the ubuntu-base package12:58
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Kimahrihm.... dunno bout metacity, but i know fluxbox hangs up due to xdb or something for a while, then it'll start12:58
dabaRzone17: hah, mind writing out a doc on something like that?12:58
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tod_konI need help getting my root access back12:59
boxerboy29do i need to install java to an opera file?12:59
SeveasStarterX, or create a dumy evolution with equivs12:59
WebLOCHbimberi, does that include GNOME and X ?12:59
bimberiWebLOCH: no12:59
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[LethAL] jpoe, update/reload?12:59
tod_konI chmodded /usr/ -R12:59
WebLOCHbimberi, apt-get ?12:59
tod_konAnd I have no more access :(12:59
jpoeyeah, nadda12:59
zone17dabaR :-), old time debian user, but I still lack all major software, I can't do an upgrade again12:59
Seveastod_kon, reinstall12:59
whyameyejoetheodd: does this help? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/history/35666812:59
bimberiWebLOCH: yes12:59
Seveasthis is not solvable12:59
tod_konWait, maybe I did chown /usr/ -R12:59
Seveaseven then a reinstall is simpler12:59
tod_konSeveas: Are you... serious?12:59
satafterhdo we need a fireee wall and/or virus software with linux?12:59
shekharKimahri, can you help? my ubuntu starts up fine, but sticks on metacity for about 5 minutes before gnome starts12:59
Noah0504Will amaroK work with Gnome?12:59
linuxmonkeyanyone here got a DLINK DWL-610 wifi card and got it to work in linux?01:00
WebLOCHbibis X and Gnome available over apt-gets01:00
zone17but ok, as long as other people are having similar problems01:00
tod_konWhat the hell... Screw that... I am not using Ubuntu then if that's what it takes01:00
Kimahrishekhar: it could be the same thing that's been plauging fluxbox for quite a while.01:00
Seveassatafterh, depends on how you use linux01:00
Seveastod_kon, it's your own stupid mistake01:00
[LethAL] tod_kon, you did it...01:00
Seveasdon't blame it on Ubuntu01:00
[LethAL] !lart tod_kon01:00
=== ubotu urinates on tod_kon
shekharKimahri, does it have anything to do with saved sessions? how do i clear my saved sessions?01:00
tod_konSeveas: Not really, I did that on purpose for I don't care about security on this partition01:00
zone17gonna do a clean install here, and NEVER use backports again :-), I am almost sure they have caused the problem due to some long forgotten backport install01:00
bimberiWebLOCH: yes you can install them via apt-get01:01
Kimahrishekhar: does it do this with every user, or just yours01:01
Seveastod_kon, even then it's your own stupid mistake01:01
satafterh <Seveas> what do you mean??01:01
WebLOCHbimberi, so it should be fairly painless?01:01
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tod_konMeh whatever01:01
tod_konWorst distro EVER01:01
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[LethAL] :(01:01
Quinthiusheh what an idiot01:01
bimberiWebLOCH: well yes, but what is your situation?01:01
[LethAL] I'm off now anyway01:01
[LethAL] Cya guys01:01
Kimahriubuntu's not the worst distro ever.... it's actually pretty good01:01
Quinthiusi dont see how any other distro would help him any better...01:01
Seveasyou don't often see them that stupid :)01:01
linuxmonkeyim going crazy, ubuntu see's my wifi card as a D-Link DWL-510 but still it wont work01:02
bimberiSeveas: :)01:02
Kimahrichmod -R /usr/ ?01:02
Seveasmust be the biggest idiot in weeks :)01:02
WebLOCH bimberi hoary installs loads of stuff with it, a lot of which i dont want, some of which I do, I would rather start with nothing and build up from there01:02
shekharKimahri, i only have one user, haven't tried with another... can i kill my saved sessions somehow and try?01:02
HrdwrBoBWebLOCH: so do a server nstall01:02
bimberiWebLOCH: then doing a server install and installing what you want with apt-get is the way to go :)01:02
WebLOCHHrdwrBoB, im new, i didnt realise it would do that01:02
Kimahrishekhar: you could, but i dunno how to kill them01:02
Kimahrishekhar: try it with another user first.01:02
dabaRlinuxmonkey: maybe its a she...01:03
linnerok ya'll..01:03
boxerboy29seveas i dont know im getting up there with him in the stupidity contest :(01:03
linnerI'm outta here... thank you so much for your help!  Everyone......................01:03
linuxmonkeydabaR,  lol yeah01:03
shekharcan someone also help me with evolution...01:03
coarsesaltfootball game... slowly ending... no audio to listen... last request before i give up and start working .RNX files anyone?01:03
whyameyeWhen ubuntu needs a critical update, I get a red circle in the task panel. If I didn't have a gui running, is there a way to know still if ubuntu needs a critical update?01:03
dabaRwhat is it?01:03
Seveasboxerboy29, neh, not likely01:03
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Kimahrishekhar: make another user and try it, and if it works right, then it's probably an issue with your saved session01:03
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Seveaswhatever it is, you probably didn't fuck up your system on purpose01:03
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boxerboy29not yet01:04
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linuxmonkeyi really need to get this working before i can continue, i got a few laptops with these card and cant afford to buy new ones atm01:04
Seveasthen what's the prob?01:04
flodinecan someone help me get back in gnome i got a xession error on breezy01:04
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boxerboy29java for firefox and java for opera are they the same java and only need to download once?01:04
WebLOCHbimberi, last question, what is the package name for X01:04
dabaRcoarsesalt: whats a .rnx file?01:04
HrdwrBoBwhyameye: run apt-get upgrade01:05
coarsesaltdadaR: it's a sign in file from real.com01:05
flodinesomeone plese help01:05
coarsesaltit's for streaming audio01:05
bimberiWebLOCH: xserver-xorg01:05
bimberiyw :01:05
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dabaRcoarsesalt: what are you doing with that?01:05
whyameyeHrdwrBoB, so if I had a server install and I just ran apt-get upgrade periodically, then no worries, basically?01:05
Seveasboxerboy29, I think so, don't know about opera01:05
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HrdwrBoBwhyameye: you'll also need to run apt-get update before it01:06
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HrdwrBoBbut yes01:06
linuxmonkeydoes anyone know the easyest way to get my DWL-610 wifi card working (except buying new ones)01:06
coarsesaltdadaR: I'm trying to listen to a football game from nfl.com...01:06
whyameyeHrdwrBoB: thanks! 2 for 2! :-)01:06
boxerboy29than that would mean i have to find a way to get it in opera too01:06
flodinei need help getting into my gnome01:06
Kimahriwhyameye: apt-get update before upgrade01:06
dabaRwell...did you try some realplayer download?01:06
Seveasboxerboy29, read the docs on opera.com :)01:06
Quinthiuswas w32codecs and sun-j2re1.5 ever added back to to the repositories?01:06
boxerboy29i was just reading them01:06
=== _twitch_ [i=twitch@AC84FF70.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
Quinthiusare they gone for good?01:06
coarsesaltdadaR: yes... i have realplaer installed, it works for everything else...01:07
_twitch_recovery mode works perfectly01:07
dabaRQuinthius: no, someone is hosting bittorrents, and ther eis a site you can get them from.01:07
QuinthiusdabaR: ahh ok01:07
dabaRQuinthius: thieves...01:07
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coarsesaltdadaR: I'll figure it out for next week i suppose01:07
SeveasQuinthius, breezy?01:07
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dabaRcoarsesalt: ok, have a nice evening. hah.01:07
QuinthiusSeveas: yah01:07
coarsesaltdadaR: lol. thanks muchly for that. I did the java install yesterday through SUN... pretty painless really01:08
=== santium [i=santium@pool-162-84-114-59.norf.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
flodinehow do i fix my xession for gnome anyone please01:08
vader1102hahaha I now have Breezy installed and running on my desktop pc, it is quite awesome01:08
santiumwhat is the apt-get package for all things required for compiling apps?01:08
santiumive installed gcc and make01:08
_jasonvader1102:  what would you say is the best addition in breeezy?01:08
WebLOCHdurt, ty galeon is nice01:08
bimberisantium: build-essential01:09
dabaRcoarsesalt: totally.01:09
vader1102no idea.... it ia good combo01:09
dabaRcoarsesalt: dabar.01:09
dabaRits an exotic animal01:09
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coarsesaltdabaR: no wonder i've been missing those...01:09
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dabaRIve been missing theem...01:09
dabaRIm in win32, defragging.01:10
gregwhat is the purpose of breezy-extras repos?01:10
dabaRgreg there are those?01:10
coarsesaltI'm doing a review of 'ease of use" of ubuntu for our podcast next week... any other 'goto' websites I should use other than the ubuntu wiki and ubuntuguide?01:11
Seveascoarsesalt, don't use ubuntuguide01:11
Seveasubuntuguide is crap01:11
=== B_166-ER-X [i=q@c207.134.29-121.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuwell, faq is The Ubuntu FAQ Guide: select System -> Help (in Breezy), or http://ubuntu-doc.ath.cx/gnome/faqi386/C/01:11
dabaRya, all these sites01:11
Seveasuse that one from the docteam01:11
shekharSeveas, i don't understand your dislike for ubuntuguide01:11
Quinthiushmm, it looks like mplayerhq.hu is the primary location of win32 codecs... are those the same as what was in the repo's?01:11
coarsesaltSeveas: me neither01:11
shekharanyway ubuntuguide.org is down now01:11
ubotuI guess ubuntuguide is out of date, breaks PCs and doesn't explain anything. The official FAQ Guide, which is based on ubuntuguide will soon be the help menu in Breezy. For more information see !faq.01:11
shekharubuntuguide has been very helpful to many people01:12
dabaRSeveas: tat looks good. did Burgundavia work on that?01:12
shekharactually http://ubuntuguide.org/ is back up again01:12
SeveasdabaR, the entire docteam did01:12
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Seveasshekhar, ah too bad :(01:12
dabaRIts likely a valuable doc.01:12
dabaRAnd breezy? much diff from Hoary?01:13
sudonimanybody have success installing daapd?01:13
B_166-ER-Xhm, What do i do to have the icons on my down (right)  workbar showing actually what program is open, instead of just greyish or blue squares ?   (talking about the desktop manager)01:13
shekharSeveas, ubuntuguide cuts the crap and helps people customise their system, it's a good launchpad into the forums and wiki for newbies to linux01:13
SeveasB_166-ER-X, get programs that define icons ;)01:13
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Seveasshekhar, ubuntuguide is crap and helps people breaking their systems01:13
dabaRshekhar: this room is better than that thing01:13
coarsesaltshkhar: and i'm looking for converts in the educational industry01:13
sudonimI am trying to use the latest .deb package because there is none for Ubuntu and it is telling me that it needs a newer version of libc601:14
dabaRthen you can know how bad it is01:14
SeveasI've spent countless hours in here helping people restoring ubuntuguide-inflicted damage01:14
oggahHow do I backporting Gaim 1.5? Right now I got 1.1.4 installed.01:14
oggahwant 1.501:14
coarsesaltdadaR: my peeps would be very intimidated by this room01:14
dabaRsudonim: and we dont care which package it is.01:14
coarsesaltdabaR: oops01:14
Seveascoarsesalt, for the educational industry you should also keep an eye on edubuntu01:14
shekharSeveas, i sympathise, but i have never broken my system with ubuntuguide instructions01:14
_twitch_hey guys, i have a radeon 7500... and a winmodem so i cant use apt-get01:14
Seveasshekhar, then you were lucky01:14
sudonimdabar: daapd01:14
_twitch_and gnome wont work01:14
B_166-ER-XSeveas,  my question is, because when i installed ubuntu, i didnt have theme, then i dont know what update maked them much biger and showin the program ...then probably another update just putted it back like before, also, when i run the ubuntu LIVE version, it shows the way i would want them01:14
_twitch_im pretty sure its a graphics card problem01:15
_twitch_recovery mode works fine01:15
coarsesaltSeveas: yeah... i installed it the day it came out, and have talked a bit with them... not really what I'm looking for right now...01:15
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SeveasB_166-ER-X, then get a theme that define icons for your apps ;)01:15
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coarsesaltSeveas: it's great. For techies. I don't need teachers to set up thin-clients... I just need them to keep their computers running with decent software that doesn't cost a fortune01:15
oggahRight now I got Gaim v1.1.4 installed. Want v1.5. How do I make this?01:16
bimberioggah: backports has a later version, might only be 1.4 tho01:17
Seveascoarsesalt, then it's just ubuntu :)01:17
ubotuAdd "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted" to /etc/apt/sources.list.  More info @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports01:17
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spermitecalling all debian users.01:17
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bimberioggah: on and if you do enable backports, disable them after you install (see /topic)01:17
Seveasspermite, #debian01:18
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pc3buenas tardes01:18
pc3hablan espaol?01:18
spermiteSeveas cant talk in there01:18
spermitewont let me01:18
bimberiwhat did you do?01:18
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B_166-ER-XSeveas,  then if i have to get a them to do this, WHy did i saw ubuntu do it by itself..01:18
Pickle_Weaselwhat's the command to install the VESA drivers?01:18
pc3what's speak spanish?01:19
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.01:19
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Pickle_WeaselHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.01:19
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Pickle_Weaselnvm someone did it already01:19
Pickle_Weaseli feel like an ass01:19
_jasonis it normal behavior for clipboard contents to disappear if I close the app I copied from?01:20
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Jan_how would I go about installing suspend2?01:20
bimberiPickle_Weasel: don't :)01:20
Jan_the website is super-confusing01:20
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_twitch_you speak spanish too?01:20
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PiercedH20I used ndiswrapper to install my windows driver for my Belkin Wireless G and the lights on my NIC have still not lit up.  What should my next step be?01:20
tmortonHow do I remove a root password once I've created one?01:20
Agrajagsudo passwd -l root01:21
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buzihello there01:21
hehelolHow compatible are debian repositries with ubuntu and vica versa?01:21
coarsesaltSeveas: that was the conclusion i came to after my edubuntu install... from all i've seen, ubuntu is a year away. Very close. But not quite.01:21
AdmiralCrunchIs anyone else on Breezy having trouble with the latest ATI drivers?01:21
pc3gracias Pickle_Weasel01:21
coarsesaltSeveas: I, however, love it!01:21
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Seveascoarsesalt, half a year ;)01:21
buzijust installed ubuntu, and was wondering how can I install vnc on it01:21
oggahwhat is a backport anyway? how do you define it01:22
coarsesaltSeveas: I'll hold you to that01:22
Seveasdevelopment in Ubuntu speeds up exponentially ;)01:22
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bimberiPickle_Weasel: i think the vesa drivers come installed and you can change the Driver line (in Section "Device") to "vesa" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:22
AdmiralCrunchbuzi, sudo apt-get install vnc01:22
boxerboy29is this still a registered only room?01:22
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Seveasand the next release is planned to be a big bang01:22
Seveasboxerboy29, not right now01:22
Seveasonly during spambot showers01:22
boxerboy29oh ok01:22
hehelolI heard that they werent entirely compatible01:22
coarsesaltSeveas: I was thinking the start of 2006-2007 academic. I'm hoping to tie it into webcasting, bloggin and podcasting using ubuntu as a multimedia platform as it gets more important for ed-people01:22
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buzithis is what I got:01:23
PiercedH20Any ndiswrapper gurus?01:23
boxerboy29dapper is gonna be a big hit?01:23
buziReading package lists... Done01:23
buziBuilding dependency tree... Done01:23
buziPackage vnc is not available, but is referred to by another package.01:23
buziThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or01:23
buziis only available from another source01:23
buziHowever the followingReading package lists... Done01:23
buziBuilding dependency tree... Done01:23
buziPackage vnc is not available, but is referred to by another package.01:23
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Jan_one question01:23
Seveascoarsesalt, by that time breezy+2 is not yet released, releases are always in october and april01:23
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Jan_why is it necessary to give FOUR commandline options to tar to make it unwrap an archive?01:24
Jan_and why are we using Tape ARchives anyway?01:24
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SeveasJan_, only 201:24
Seveastar xf filename01:24
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Seveasx for extract01:24
Seveasf for from this file01:24
evianI have two updates that refuse to install, mozilla-firefox, and mozilla-firefox-gnome-support. It seems they are complaining about overwriting files that already exist or something. I don't really understand the error messages.01:24
dabaRz for zip01:24
Seveasthat's only for tar.gz01:24
jbroomeevian: is firefox open while you're trying to update?01:24
StrogdabaR: gzip01:25
Seveasevian, /topic01:25
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Jan_"your kernel does not have any recent software suspend 2 support compiled in"01:25
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coarsesaltSeveas: breezy+1 is perfect, as I need to start convincing people at least by april to get them converted by september. I might even have to use breezy, which brings me back to why I need sites like ubuntu guide to show people "how easy it is"01:25
Jan_I know it has SOME support01:25
Jan_why can't I use what it has?01:25
evianno, jbroome, although it might have been the first time I tried it01:25
Seveascoarsesalt, did you look at the docteam website?01:25
kataklysmJan_: its become a linux standard for source archives,  it has strong compression... plus its easily identified apart from other OS compressed files like .zip  .rar  even though you sometimes find linux files compressed in zip / rar01:25
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Seveasubuntu-doc.ath.cx (temporary url tho)01:25
coarsesaltSeveas: nope. got a link?01:25
red_bloodwich is the best mule? amule? xmule?01:26
Jan_that's really not a good reason01:26
evianSeveas, oh ok thanks01:26
Seveascoarsesalt, http://doc.ubuntu.com/01:26
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Jan_"Linux: Blocking Progress at every possible step"01:26
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kataklysmred_blood: your asking a question that is only going to return opinions..01:26
Jan_To make it suspend I need to install, apparently, "software suspend 2"01:27
shanhello everyone01:27
StrogTar was originally for archiving to tape but people quickly realized that have archives on file would be good too01:27
Jan_Software suspend 2 doesn't work with the kernel I have01:27
Jan_apparently I have to recompile the kernel01:27
SeveasJan_, ubuntu kernels come with swsups01:27
Jan_To do this I need to download the source and unpack it (how?)01:27
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Jan_I also need to read something called "Kernel-HOWTO" which has been "removed for review"01:27
kataklysmJan_  apt-get install linux-headers01:28
Jan_Now can anyone understand why people dislike linux over windows01:28
SeveasJan_, nonsense, stop the pointless ranting01:28
coarsesaltSeveas: yeah. my point exactly actually unfortunately. The sun version is one update behind. Which is No Problem for me, but will be for what we like to call 'middle adopters'01:28
Jan_the hibernate script I have tells me my kernel is out of date01:28
kataklysmJan_: because they are spoiled by windows, and are lazy, they don't want something different if they have to relearn things....01:28
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Jan_even though I updated this install forty minutes ago01:28
Jan_my how fast linux moves01:29
Seveascoarsesalt, sun version?01:29
Jan_so what do I do01:29
SeveasJan_, hibernate script?01:29
Seveaswhich hibernate script?01:29
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Jan_the one I got from suspend2.net01:29
NecrosanSeveas: you told me ndiswrapper was on the 5.04 cd01:29
Necrosanit didnt install ndiswrapper01:29
SeveasJan_, that's your own error01:29
NecrosanSo tell me my friend, where is it?01:29
_twitch_anyone know how to install the vesa drivers?01:29
Seveasubuntu comes with suspend things01:30
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Jan_Seveas: that's what suspend2.net told me to do01:30
bobobokaI think I cant update anything..01:30
Jan_what'm I supposed to do, ignore the guy who wrote it?01:30
Jan_anyway, how do I fix it?01:30
SeveasJan_, why did you go there in the first place?01:30
shan\#join cebu01:30
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Jan_Someone told me to.01:30
Seveasgood point :/01:30
durtnecrosan - get the source from the ndiswrapper web site01:30
Jan_So anyway - what do I do?01:30
Seveasditch that script01:30
XTERM35Hello, could anyone tell me how to enable telnet into my ubuntu computer or if it is possible.01:31
Seveasand use ubuntu-provided things01:31
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Seveashint: select hibernate in the logout screen01:31
coarsesaltSeveas: sorry. Java. I suppose i should just sign in and fix it... I'm new to this really. Just gotten over the hump of really not knowing what I'm doing, to knowing enough to get myself into trouble01:31
kataklysmJan_: you should start looking for your packages on the repos 1st!  if you dont find them, look on the webpage for what dependencies are required by the package you are trying to install, then get all them from the repo first,  then follow the instructions that the webpage gives on how to install what your trying to do01:31
Jan_well the only thing I've seen is hibernate in the logout screen01:31
Jan_and that just crashes to black screen01:31
Jan_with the power running01:31
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Seveascoarsesalt, sun java is not legally distributable :)01:31
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Jan_someone also told me to "echo 3 > /proc/acpi/sleep"01:31
lokadinhey i got the new firefox and there is no font01:31
Jan_which does put it to sleep01:31
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bobobokawhen I try to upgrade/update/install, even without checking the internet (I can see on the modem that there is no traffic), I get a nothing new msg..01:31
Jan_but it won't recover from it.01:31
Jan_What next?01:31
StrogXTERM35: ssh insead. telnet is bad since it's easily hacked01:31
SeveasJan_, your suspend2 script would do exactly the same01:31
butcherbirdXTERM35, I believe you will have to apt-get telnetd.  Why not use ssh?01:31
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lokadini just get underscores instead of chracters :S or nothing at all01:31
Jan_Seveas: exactly the same as what01:31
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bimberiXTERM35: do you want to telnet to your ubuntu box?01:32
SeveasJan_, do you use ati/nvidia/atheros/ndiswrapper drivers?01:32
XTERM35ok thanks01:32
Jan_It has an nvidia graphics chip on it, but we didn't install the driver yet01:32
Necrosandurt: that doesnt help01:32
coarsesaltSeveas: cheers01:32
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Necrosanespecially when the damn laptop has no network connectivity01:32
Necrosanno internet whatsoever01:32
ubotumethinks ssh is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SSHHowto01:32
Necrosani was going on Seveas word, but he apparently was lying for some reason01:32
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SeveasNecrosan, ?01:32
Jan_So what next01:32
durtnecrosan - um your on the internet now apparently01:32
lokadinSeveas: is the new firefox version supposed to  be fontless?01:32
NecrosanThrough a mac.01:32
Nikopolboboboka, what is your problem exacltY?01:33
NecrosanThe laptop ONLY has wifi01:33
bobobokawhen I try to upgrade/update/install, even without checking the internet (I can see on the modem that there is no traffic), I get a nothing new msg..01:33
SeveasNecrosan, I was lying with what?01:33
Nikopolboboboka, yes I read that - so I assume you think there is new stuff to DL?01:33
Necrosanndiswrapper is NOT in a 5.04 install01:33
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Jan_Seveas, what do I do now?01:33
StrogNecrosan: Does it have usb and you have a usb drive?01:33
Jan_I'm COMPLETELY lost.01:33
SeveasJan_, if the hibernate thing does not work, your laptop is not yet fully supported, dcripts from other sites won't help01:33
durtnecreosan- its called ndisutils i think01:33
bobobokayes. the firefox i have is not 1.0.7 nor 1.0.601:33
Seveasjust don't use hibernate yet01:33
kataklysmJan_ is this your first linux install?01:33
bobobokaits the default that came with the dist01:33
Jan_Seveas: It's a laptop. It needs to hibernate. Not negotiable.01:34
SeveasNecrosan, it is01:34
Nikopolboboboka, ok - I assume you've setup the sources.list properly?01:34
Necrosanhes right01:34
SeveasJan_, then go back to windows.01:34
Jan_kataklsym7413: Third. We tried two other installs on here.01:34
bobobokahmm.. whats that?01:34
NecrosanJust was on the cd, not installed by default01:34
Nikopolok wait a mo01:34
Nikopolboboboka, sorry which version you under?01:34
Jan_Seveas: Huh? It's hibernate. There's about four different approaches. Any could work. What's the problem?01:34
kataklysmJan_: i'm not trying to point you away from ubuntu, but maybe you should learn with something a bit easier to configure01:34
bobobokaversion of what?01:34
Nikopolboboboka, Breezy, Hoary or Warty?01:35
SeveasJan_, a piece of hardware in your machine could screw it over01:35
zegeniewhy do I get "cannot talk to klauncher" when trying to run the kde3.5 beta packages?01:35
Jan_Well so far I've been told to get red hat because it's easiest to configure01:35
zegeniedoes anybody know?01:35
Jan_then someone said to get ubuntu because it was easiest to configure01:35
kataklysmJan_ redhat isnt the easiest01:35
Nikopolboboboka, ok01:35
Seveashave fun with that, you'll come screaming back ;)01:35
Jan_Look the thing is that NO MATTER WHAT YOU ARE RUNNING, someone will tell you to run something else.01:35
Jan_Clearly, that is NOT a solution.01:35
steelyi am trying to install snes9x and can't figure out how to do it through aptitude or synaptic01:35
Seveasbut seriously: hibernate is very new in linux01:35
Nikopolboboboka, http://ubuntuguide.org/01:35
Riddellzegenie: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1603001:35
Seveasit's not 100% supported on all machines01:35
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Jan_Seveas: Hibernate has been in laptops since there was laptops.01:35
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Nikopolboboboka, btw hoary is 5.0401:36
Jan_it is not new difficult or clever.01:36
SeveasNikopol, do not recommend ubuntuguide01:36
kataklysmJan_, if you want to configure easy you should probably go with mandrake or mandriva, but dont complain about the dependency hells you will go through when trying to install more software..01:36
Jan_What's the problem.01:36
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triggerhi everyone01:36
SeveasJan_, hardware, drivers, kernel modules01:36
NikopolSeveas, no?01:36
Seveasthere's so much that can screw things over01:36
Seveas!tell Nikopol about ubuntuguide01:36
bobobokao.k. what do I do with the url? read all of it's manuels?01:36
Nikopolboboboka, no01:36
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ram__sup everyone01:37
SeveasJan_, the easiest to do is use windows if that supports hibernate for your machine properly01:37
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WebLOCHWill breezy be running on 2.6.11 +01:37
Jan_well it came with windows on it01:37
=== [pbC] Obst [n=tom@p83.129.169.160.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasthe *best* to do is find out which kernel module gives you problems and report a bug :)01:37
kataklysmJan_: im not telling you to run something else, im telling you that maybe you should "try" something else, see if it works, different distros work different for different computers / users....01:37
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a_monkeywhat's a really nice open-source aim client01:37
kataklysmWebLOCH: yes01:37
Nikopolwhat you need to do is setup a file /etc/apt/sources.list01:37
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bimberiWebLOCH: 2.6.12 iirc01:37
Seveasbut since you're new to linux that may be too much to ask01:37
triggercan some one tell me how can i install programs using the cd, i uninstall firefox because i was crashing every time i open yahoo with segmentation fault and i want to install it back01:37
_jasonhow can I remove the hibernate option from my log out menu?01:37
Nikopolboboboka, what you need to do is setup a file /etc/apt/sources.list01:37
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Seveasa_monkey, gaim01:37
bimberia_monkey: gaim01:37
bobobokao.k. how?01:38
WebLOCHkataklsym7413, bimberi, so it should detect a little more of my hardware by default01:38
Jan_kataklsym: yeah, well, if I listened to every person who said that I'd be in a constant state of downloading distros.01:38
Jan_Clearly that's not going to solve the problem.01:38
Nikopolboboboka, I'll open a private msg windwo for me to help you ok?01:38
a_monkeygaim doesn't provide those little messages that notify you if the other person(s) is/are typing01:38
bimberia_monkey: i just knew you wouldn't like that answer :)01:38
[pbC] Obsta_monkey i think kopete is better than gaim01:38
_jasona_monkey:  it does01:38
zegeniethanks, Riddell01:38
zegeniebut is there any solution?01:38
_jasona_monkey:  little keyboard in the top right corner appears01:38
kataklysmWebLOCH: it depends on what hardware you have, it does detect more than the 2.4 kernel of course..01:38
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Quinthiusa_monkey: it doesnt give a message, but it makes a little icon in the upper right corner of the window..01:38
bimberiWebLOCH: yes, hopefully01:38
a_monkey_jason: i don't see them01:38
sevas_25hi crew01:38
a_monkeyQuinthius: oh01:38
SeveasJan_, if you want to try things, try fedora, ubuntu and opensuse. If neither of these can hibernate, no other one can. I think you're just being bitten by a bug in a kernel module that will one day (soon hopefully) be solved in either the suspend scripts or the module.01:39
|wwwhat do I use for setting up a VPN connection with ubuntu?01:39
Nikopolboboboka, you not reading the message I'm sending you?01:39
Seveas|ww, a vpn client :)01:39
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Jan_Seveas: I just don't understand why this is a problem.01:39
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bobobokayes I do01:39
_jasonanyone know how to remove hibernate as an option when you log out?01:39
Jan_Or even why this is STILL a problem.01:39
triggercan someoen tell me how can i install firefox back again? thank you in advance01:39
Jan_People have been hibernating computers for over a DECADE.01:39
bimberitrigger: see /topic01:39
Nikopolit's in a seperate tab01:40
WebLOCHkataklsym7413, Im running, but apparently there is support for most of my motherboards chipsets under 2.6.12, such as the SATA, HDA and Intel PCIe Gigabit LAN01:40
Rich43http://schleppingsquid.net/PSPHacking/ hahah some guy got windows 95 on a PSP01:40
|wwSeveas; heh thanks.. using BSD i'd usally make; make install; never used rpm's so i'm not sure what client to use01:40
Nikopolboboboka, it's in a seperate tab01:40
kataklysmJan_ if you can sudo lsmod and make sure the module is loaded that might help us to help you01:40
bobobokai'm answering you in the window...01:40
Jan_I mean - splutter - it's a LAPTOP ffs.01:40
SeveasJan_, please stop the fighting now, it won't help either01:40
bobobokait's like you don't see it01:40
butcherbirdJan_, using hoary or breezy? you could always try installing the other.  Maybe apt-get a different kernel. But Im pretty much a newb so take anyting I say with a grain of salt =)01:40
Jan_OK, OK, I'm just in a state of utter disbelief.01:40
=== sh0wtime [n=blah@67-136-101-214.dsl2.kgm.az.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jan_Seems like they spent their time drawing nice desktop images, not coding.01:40
poningruJan_: what kernel are you using?01:40
Seveasand you know that01:40
Jan_As far as I'm concerned if it doesn't support hibernate it is not a releasable operating system, and yet...01:41
kataklysmJan_: why dont you just reload windows,  i think thats the repsonse your waiting for01:41
WebLOCHJan_, why would you want hibernate?01:41
sh0wtimehi.. trying to add an airport card in ubuntu.  it detected it during installation but now it doesnt show up under network settings01:41
SeveasJan_, stop the fighting now, you're going way off topic and it doesn;t help01:41
triggerthank you bimberi01:41
bimberitrigger: yw :)01:41
bobobokaNikopol, I'm writing to you, but I think you can't see it01:41
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bobobokadon't know why01:41
poningruJan_: seriously dude making personal attacks on people who code for free is not going to get you anywhere01:41
Jan_WebLOCH: so I can carry it around in my bag without flattening the batteries.01:41
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|wwwhats the typical method of installing a new application  like compile source.. using rpms?01:41
Nikopolboboboka, you writing to me in the private msging?01:41
poningruJan_: it works for me01:41
Jan_Well, more to the point don't code for free! :)01:41
Seveas|ww, .deb files01:41
Seveasnot rpms01:41
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Seveasand you get them with apt :)01:42
poningruJan_: you sir are an idiot01:42
Jan_The thing is, I'd rather pay for it, and have it work.01:42
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Seveasponingru, don't attack people personally...01:42
sevas_25guy's ftpwho need FAM, can I use gamin instead01:42
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Nikopolboboboka, crap01:42
SeveasJan_, last warning to stop it now01:42
Nikopolboboboka, weird01:42
bobobokadon't know what's going on ...01:42
kataklysmJan_: if you know anything about open source you will realize that free code is much better than closed code that has no way to be modified for manipulation01:42
carrarroNeed advise, how to get a wireless router to work in Ubuntu 5.401:42
WebLOCHJan_, turn it off.01:42
Jan_Okay. Um, how do I uninstall totem?01:42
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SeveasJan_, are you running hoary or breezy?01:43
Jan_kataklsym: that's what I hear, but... at the end of the day it doesn't actually work. So. Er.01:43
Jan_Sev: Breezy.01:43
benplautJan_: sudo apt-get uninstall totem*01:43
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sh0wtimecarrarro:  funny i need advise on how to get my wifi card to show up01:43
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SeveasJan_, applications -> add applications01:43
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Seveasfind totem, unselect it01:43
kataklysmJan_: it would work at the end of the day if you would spend your time researching the problem rather than fussing and complaining about why it dont just work right out of the box....01:43
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Seveaskataklsym7413, you stop it too01:43
Jan_E: invalid operation uninstall01:43
ian_herehere me01:44
HrdwrBoBthat's remove01:44
benplautJan_: sudo apt-get remove totem*01:44
HrdwrBoBnot uninstalll01:44
Noah0504Will amaroK work under Gnome?01:44
Jan_kataklsym: Well, I went to the suspend2 site and tried to follow their instructions, but the instructions were broken in themselves.01:44
ian_herehu tsi01:44
kataklysmSeveas: what did i do?01:44
poningruubotu: tell sh0wtime about wireless01:44
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %Jan_!*@*] by Seveas
sh0wtimeplz do =)01:44
HrdwrBoBI never hibernate my laptop, it can sleep for 4-5 days01:44
chavoNoah0504, yes01:44
kataklysmJan_: thats why i told you to try to find your answer in the repositories01:44
carrarrosh0time: I went to system, networking and cliked on the icon and the cliked on properties to configure it01:44
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %kataklysm!*@*] by Seveas
ian_herehey u der wana talk to???01:45
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triggeramarok works well :)01:45
Noah0504Okay, just making sure.01:45
poningruNoah0504: yes01:45
Pickle_Weaselwhat is a good DVD player program?01:45
durtwhats wrong with just turning your laptop off?01:45
ian_herehi der01:45
Noah0504I didn't know if it had to have KDE to work.01:45
Pickle_Weaselgxine doesn't work properly for me01:45
durtpickle_weasle: vlc01:45
benplautSeveas: banned, but still in the room?01:45
|wwSeveas; okay where do i execute a apt command, i try apt-get install openvpn  in terminal ,i get permission denined, do i need to get root access or go someplace else01:45
poningruPickle_Weasel: vlc01:45
HrdwrBoBdurt: no need :)01:45
Pickle_Weaselvlc it is01:45
ian_hereany girl want to chat with?01:45
bimberi|ww: sudo apt-get ...01:45
Strogbenplaut: quieted not banned01:45
bobobokaNikopol, I already have that file, and it has these lines..01:45
Seveasbenplaut, freenode stupidness, it's a mute, not a ban01:45
sh0wtimecarrarro: mines not being detected, although it was detected during the installation01:45
ian_herehi bimberri01:45
Seveasian_here, wrong channel01:45
chavoNoah0504, it needs some kde stuff installed to run, but will run fine under any desktop01:45
Seveasian_here, this is a support channel01:46
poningruubotu: tell Pickle_Weasel about dvd01:46
poningrueh thats not a good answer01:46
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Nikopolboboboka, is it exactly the same as that?01:46
ian_herewhat support channel?01:46
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %kataklysm!*@*] by Seveas
bobobokaNikopol, well they are a bit diffrent01:46
sevas_25guy's need help with ftpwho command, need fam but I using gamin01:46
Seveasian_here, read the topic...01:46
Nikopolboboboka, ok well change them ;)01:46
poningruubotu: tell Pickle_Weasel about hoary-extras01:46
benplautian_here: this channel is for Ubuntu tech support only01:46
sevas_25somebody knows what I talking about01:46
poningruPickle_Weasel: do you have everything for dvd playback now?01:47
ian_herehey seveas01:47
carretthi everyone i'm trying to set up an ipod. i just transferred a bunch of songs and when i try to eject the ipod it says invalid argument...so i tried just disconnecting the ipod and now only some of the songs that i transferred show up in the menu....anyone can help?01:47
Seveassevas_25, gamin and fam are binary compatible, code needing fam should be able to work with gamin01:47
poningrulet me know if it doesnt work01:47
Pickle_Weaselyesyes =)01:47
ubotuNikopol: I don't know01:47
kataklysmSeveas: dont be throwing power around in here, i wasnt doing anything but trying to help, not trying to argue...01:47
Pickle_Weaselthank you01:47
ian_herehi carret01:47
ubotufrom memory, faq is The Ubuntu FAQ Guide: select System -> Help (in Breezy), or http://ubuntu-doc.ath.cx/gnome/faqi386/C/01:47
carrarrosh0time: that's odd. Does it apear in the list in transparent look, or does it not apear at all?01:47
ian_herewhats ur probllem there?01:47
bobobokabut I think they should be as they are - I have a hebrew version, so the urls leads to an il subdomain of ubuntu01:47
Seveaskataklysm, did you read the notices I sent you?01:47
sevas_25[seveas]  it don't01:47
kataklysmyes i did01:47
carrettian_here: hi.01:47
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ian_herehi carret01:47
carrarros0wtime: when you go to networking properties that is01:47
carrettTWO Ts01:47
sevas_25is for pure-ftp01:47
kataklysmand you called it an argument when i was simply pointing him in the right direction01:47
sevas_25I allready google  a lot01:48
kataklysmunlike most i dont care to help a newbie out01:48
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Seveaskataklsym7413, what's so hard about 'stop it now'01:48
sevas_25n acn't find the answer01:48
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %kataklysm!*@*] by Seveas
poningrusevas_25: whats the prob dude?01:48
sevas_25pure-ftpwho command need fam01:48
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bobobokaNikopol, ok. found the prob. the lines were commented01:48
sevas_25but  gamin  is installed01:48
Nikopolboboboka, aha - so is it installing now?01:49
Seveassevas_25, and you really really don't want to go back to dam - trust me on that one01:49
seliniumHi guys I install winetools from a walktrough in the forum, the forum is down at the mo. Apt and dpkg are unaware of the install. How do i get rid of it?01:49
bobobokaNikopol, yeah, i did the update. should I now close everything and do the upgrade?01:49
Seveasselinium, did you install them with apt-get?01:49
poningruselinium: how did you 'install it'01:49
Nikopolboboboka, yeah01:49
poningruselinium: did you compile it?01:49
Nikopolapt-get update01:49
Nikopolapt-get upgraed01:50
sevas_25[Seveas]  to install FAM need to uninstall so many things, n u right , I don't wanna do that01:50
bobobokak. and one more question - how do I install vnc?01:50
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Nikopolboboboka, apt-get upgrade01:50
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seliniumIf i could get access to the forums I could find out! :) Shall I just wait til they are back up?01:50
ubotublunted: NO SPEAKE ENLISH!01:50
Nikopolboboboka, now Firefox should install01:50
blunted!updating fstab01:50
ubotublunted: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?01:50
bobobokadon't you mean sudo apt-get upgrade01:50
Nikopolboboboka, yes01:50
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ubotufrom memory, grub is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows, or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting01:50
poningruselinium: sure01:50
=== Nikopol needs to check my brain more
bobobokaNikopol: o.k. and one more question, how do I install VNC ?01:51
butcherbirdselinium, you might try the google cache01:51
sevas_25[poningru] 01:51
Nikopolboboboka, erm wait a mo01:51
poningrusevas_25: whats up?01:51
ian_herehi want to tal;k to?01:51
ian_herehey there01:51
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seliniumponingru, I installed wine from the cvs, so i might of installed that as well... Cant remember!01:51
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seliniumbutcherbird, how do i do that?01:51
sevas_25I was talking to U01:51
Nikopolboboboka, sudo apt-get install vncviewer01:51
sevas_25do u read what I said ??01:51
poningrusevas_25: oh sorry01:51
Nikopolboboboka, I think01:51
ian_herehi selenium!!!01:51
bluntedi have another hard drive on this computer01:51
sevas_25no problem01:51
bobobokai mean the server01:51
Nikopolboboboka, ok01:52
guesthi, newbie here01:52
abalonehello, I've just installed a printer, but the test page is not appearing correctly on the printed page, I have adjusted the paper type but it is still appearing shifted. Please advise01:52
bluntedhow do i make it show up in my Places / Computer window01:52
butcherbirdsearch with google see if you can find link to page there should be a smaller 'cache' link just below01:52
poningruso you are trying to use fam?01:52
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seliniumian_here, hi. if you are not here for ubuntu support, please leave.01:52
joetheoddAlt+F4 is a killer.01:52
Nikopolboboboka, checking01:52
sevas_25pure-ftpd need FAM01:52
joetheoddI thought I was rid of it when I switched to Linux =p01:52
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sevas_25but  gamin is  installed01:52
poningrusevas_25: ic01:52
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Nikopolboboboka, same with vncserver01:53
sevas_25to go back to FAM need to uninstall  GDM n some many things01:53
AdmiralCrunchIs anyone else on Breezy having trouble with the latest ATI drivers?01:53
bobobokaNikopol: thank you very much!01:53
denn_how do you view quicktime movies in firefox?01:53
Seveassevas_25, how are you so sure it needs fam, never heard of that...01:53
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Nikopolboboboka, glad to help01:53
bobobokaNikopol: you helped me very much!01:53
Nikopolboboboka, no problemo01:53
ubotu[restricted]  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats01:53
bobobokanow i'm a bit less newbie in this linux thing...01:53
bobobokaI'll guess you'll be seeing me here soon...01:53
sevas_25[Seveas]  need it for  ftpwho command01:53
Nikopolboboboka, well that makes me feel good :)01:53
seliniumdenn_ read the restricted formats link01:54
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Nikopolboboboka, contact me if you need anything else01:54
abaloneCan anyone help me with printer configuration?01:54
poningrusevas_25: ic01:54
bobobokanow I'm gonna upgrade01:54
bobobokaba bye01:54
Nikopolboboboka, bye01:54
sevas_25[pomimgru]  ic ??01:54
sevas_25[poningru]  sorry01:54
poningrusevas_25: hold on still checking01:54
cccany tips on a simple beginners ftp-server with a gui, preferably?01:55
abaloneCUPS printer configuration. My printed test page looks great, but the borders are not in the correct place and consequently the entire test page is not printed. I need to figure out why the letter sized print is starting about 2 inches down and maybe .5 an inch to the left where it shoudl be01:55
sevas_25[poningru]  TNX01:55
sh0wtimewhats the name/location of the wifi config file01:55
poningrusevas_25: what commands in pureftp require gamin?01:55
Seveassevas_25, pure-ftpwho works fine with gamin here01:55
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sevas_25ftpwho requires FAM01:55
bluntedhow do i get to my other hard drive within ubuntu01:55
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HrdwrBoBabalone: have you selected the exact printer?01:55
sevas_25fam monitoring  files sharing01:56
bobertShould Ubuntu autodetect if I insert a USB flashdrive?01:56
abaloneHrdwrBoB, yes01:56
HrdwrBoBbobert: yes01:56
boberthow would I remidy it if it does not?01:56
poningrusevas_25: hmm ic01:56
abaloneHrdwrBoB, I downloaded the ppd from linuxprinting01:56
snausagesw32codecs has no installation candidate ;\01:56
azteechhi everyone ... new Ubuntu user ... am having problem with Gaim getting connected to my Yahoo account... when I attempt to signon, it just hangs at approx the 50% mark, all it says is connecting ... when it times out, message I get is "<username> has been disconnected. followed by date string and Unable to connect." Gives me the reconnect or close option. If I attempt to reconnect, I keep receiving the same disconnect message. network set up01:56
azteech- DSL modem, connected to linksys 10/100 hub, with 10/100 nic card, using static ip. Any ideas how to get Gaim to work correctly?01:56
joetheoddIs there anything I can do to be upgraded to hoary or breezy without downloading all the 230MB of stuff?01:56
sevas_25[Seveas]  mm, damn01:56
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ubotublunted: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?01:56
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Seveassevas_25, how did you install pure-ftpd?01:56
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Seveasjoetheodd, order a breezy cd :)01:57
ubotublunted: Did you get hit by a windmill?01:57
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butcherbirdccc, if you need a gui you might try apt-getting pureadmin, looks like a front end to pure-ftpd01:57
sevas_25./configure --with-everything01:57
poningruSeveas: I think its only for certain commands that pureftp requires FAM01:57
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joetheoddSeveas: Anything else =p01:57
Seveassevas_25, that's stupid01:57
joetheoddSeveas: Already did that, heh01:57
poningrusevas_25: why not try apt?01:57
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Seveasyou should install it from the repositories with synaptic01:57
sevas_25why ???01:57
boberthow would I get Ubuntu to recognize my flashdrive?01:57
C_J_ProWhat is up with the forums?01:57
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sevas_25I read the document01:57
SeveasC_J_Pro, maintenance01:57
cccbutcherbird: thanks!01:57
sevas_25ohhh I see01:57
Seveassevas_25, in Ubuntu you don't comile manually01:58
Seveasyou install from repositories01:58
Seveasso things WORK01:58
sevas_25I know01:58
dino_is it possible to configure breezy for wpa encrypted wireless?01:58
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sevas_25but  in apt-get  is 1.90 , n  I download the 1.20 version01:58
Seveasdino_, yes, but not easy, there's some info on wiki.ubuntu.com/WPAHowto01:58
SpudDogganyone know why every time i restart my computer, i cannot log back into Ubuntu, even though i KNOW im typing the right password?01:58
SeveasSpudDogg, caps lock on?01:58
SpudDoggnope, not that01:58
sevas_25[Seveas]  going to uninstall, n install from apt-get01:59
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poningrusevas_25: that would be a good idea01:59
sevas_25tell u what happen in a second01:59
sevas_25thanx guy's01:59
dino_i tried apt-get install wpasupplicant, but it does not find it...is it wpasupplicant or some other name?01:59
Seveasit's wpasupplicant01:59
Seveasbut you need universe enabled02:00
abaloneHrdwrBoB, is it possible this is simply a problem with the test page? I'm printing some text to see02:00
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gremidhi, can someone tell me how to change the default text editor in gnome?02:00
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Seveasgreg, sudo update-alternatives --config gnome-text-editor02:01
red_bloodpeople... for use mldonkey i must to download mldonkey-server? and then mldonkey-gui?02:01
gremidSeveas, thanks02:02
=== deadcat [n=deadcat@netblock-66-245-218-230.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu
C_J_Proanyone here know how I can customize the live cd so I can disable net.eth0 and add in a shell script to run when GNOME starts?02:02
gremidSeveas, greg is ok ;-)02:02
rasherIs there a simple way to make the udev/hal/gnome-volume-manager magic that happens when I insert a usb-storage device (mp3 player) mount the drive with the 'sync' option?02:02
Seveasrasher, iirc that it a compile-time option, but let me check02:03
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azteechanyone have any idea(s) about the gaim problem outlined abouve?02:03
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SpudDoggcan someone help me with setting up an FTP server?02:07
sevas_25ftp name ??02:07
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SpudDoggthe one thats built into ubuntu02:07
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sevas_25name ????02:07
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SpudDoggthats it02:08
Seveasthere's no ftp server built into ubuntu02:08
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sevas_25the easy way 4 me was GUI02:08
sevas_25but  u need to compile02:08
SpudDoggpureadmin...thats it02:08
sevas_25is the GUI02:08
SpudDoggcan you walk me through htat?02:08
sevas_25just install pureadmin02:09
sevas_25is  easy02:09
SpudDogginstall that in the "repositories" right?02:09
sevas_25no no02:09
crakrjakwhere is a listing of packages that comes with ubuntu?02:09
eyequeueFilename: pool/universe/p/pureadmin/pureadmin_0.1.11-1_i386.deb02:09
crakrjaks/comes/is available/02:09
Seveassevas_25, pureadmin is in the repos....02:09
Seveascrakrjak, packages.ubuntu.com02:10
sevas_25[Seveas]  danm02:10
crakrjakthanks much02:10
eyequeueSpudDogg:  if you want that, you02:10
sevas_25I getting old02:10
SpudDoggSeveas, i installed pureadmin...how do i configure?02:10
eyequeue'll need universe02:10
marcellusIs ubuntuforums.org down?02:10
Seveasmarcellus, yes, maintenance02:10
BlankBdoes anyone know where I can get a deb of cinelerra 2.0?02:10
_jasonmarcellus:  maintenance02:10
SeveasSpudDogg, ask sevas_25 he know more about it then I do02:10
azteechanyone have problems with gaim not getting connected to yahoo when 1st running it?02:11
sevas_25[Seveas]  U know a lot, trust me02:11
SpudDoggSeveas, ok...thanks02:11
=== carrett [n=carrett@c-67-161-2-8.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SpudDoggsevas_25, think you can help me here?02:11
tomek_can some one help me?02:11
carretthi. when i try to eject my ipod i get "eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument" ... what can i do to fix that?02:11
tomek_im running ubuntu 5.1002:11
evianSeveas, I followed the instructions at http://tinyurl.com/8cv9q . I did have backports in my repository list and I removed it. But whereas before firefox was actually working, and it was only the update manager that was complaining about not being able to update firefox related packages, now firefox doesn't launch at all. I'm wondering if perhaps I need to delete some debs out of my cache before re-installing?02:11
sevas_25[spuddogg]  I guess02:11
sevas_25[spuddogg]  just install from synaptic02:12
SpudDoggsevas_25, ehh, if not thats cool02:12
SpudDoggi did that02:12
Seveasevian, upgrading firefox worked though?02:12
tomek_and it says it could not find svga and x02:12
SpudDogghow do i open it?02:12
evianno problems reported, right02:12
sevas_25now start  pureadmin02:12
Seveasevian, killall firefox-bin02:12
Seveasand try starting it again02:12
sevas_25just write that in console02:13
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evianThanks Seveas you genius you02:13
Gobblaevian, after a reboot it worked for me02:13
sevas_25[spuddogg]  shell >>  pureadmin02:13
evianthanks gobbla I see now that would have done it too02:14
SpudDoggsevas_25, i get an error "There was an error when tryting to create password file..."02:14
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sevas_25letme see02:14
i387dh3hi all..02:14
SeveasGobbla, a reboot is also a way to kill all stray firefox processes :)02:15
Seveasanyhow, off to bed02:15
Seveas'night all02:15
SpudDoggahh, ok02:15
GobblaSeveas, yeah :)02:15
sh0wtimejust installed ubunutu but when i reboot i lose my settings?02:15
SpudDogghow do i log in with root access?02:15
eviangood night Seveas, thanks again02:15
Gobblash0wtime, like what?02:15
SeveasSpudDogg, sudo pureadmin02:15
sh0wtimeSpud: sudo passwd root02:15
i387dh3my ubuntu's automount is suddenly not working.. can anyone help please..02:15
Seveassh0wtime, VERY bad idea02:15
flodineis there a date for breezy yet02:15
Seveasdo not suggest that to newbies02:16
sevas_25[spuddogg]  figureit out all ready ???02:16
sh0wtimeGobbla: my root password02:16
steve407Hello from Florida.  I'm new to Ubuntu and have a question.  I am running Ubuntu Live distro on Mac G4.  Works great!  However I managed to lock my self out.  Had to reboot.  What is default password for Live distro when no users set up?02:16
Seveasflodine, oct 1302:16
Gobblash0wtime, what do you mean?02:16
Seveassteve407, it's a bug02:16
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Seveasit should not ask for a password02:16
ubotuNikopol: Did you get hit by a windmill?02:16
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steve407Ah.  Not my fault?  Makes me feel better already!  ;-)02:16
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SpudDoggsevas_25, no, this still isnt working...i get the error02:16
rasherSeveas: What's the verdict on the mount-magic sync/async thing?02:16
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Tallia1[UbuntU] hi guys.. i need some help, i'm trying to install winXP on my kubuntu machine with vmware but i have this problem: even if i had specified the /media/hdc (my cdrom device) to be mounted on the virtual machine boot, in the first moment every kind of booting (HD, floppy, cdrom) is skipped and the network booting is started... what could i do? (the cdrom is shown mounted in the bottom-left corner)02:17
sh0wtimeGobbla: i installed ubuntu.. and changed the root password.. but when i reset it it boots up. (takes a while) and my root account isnt activated anymore02:17
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cccsevas_25, SpudDogg: i'm just trying out pureadmin/pureftpd myself for the first time. can't do anything in pureadmin, when i choose "manage users" and "create user file" it says 'no such file/dir'. running as sudo. it's not as noob-friendly as i was hoping :-)02:17
Seveasrasher, compile-time02:17
Seveasand now i'm really gone02:17
SpudDoggccc, my problem exactly02:17
steve407Thanks for the info Seveas.  Appreciate it.02:17
ubotump3 is probably read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support02:17
evianwhat is pureadmin?02:17
abaloneI need help setting up a printer under ubuntu, currently it is not printing correctly for the page size02:18
sevas_25ccc  is a little confussing  the first time02:18
cccevian: a gui for pureftpd (ftp-server)02:18
ubotuNikopol: I don't know02:18
sh0wtimeGobbla: basicly my root password change was lost after the reset.. why would this happen?02:18
ubotuit has been said that irc is Internet Relay Chat. It is a virtual network with servers allowing connections from clients where many people connect and chat with each other related to Linux or even sex.02:18
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Gobblash0wtime, well wouldnt know since i dont have a root password..02:18
abaloneHrdwrBoB, I suppose it is possible that this ppd is not for this exact printer although the linuxprinting page says it is the exact printer, what would you advise in that situation?02:18
cccsevas_25: word. but i can't figure out where to go from here.02:18
HrdwrBoBabalone: you might have to hack up the ppd02:19
HrdwrBoBabalone: the ppd sets your margins and locations02:19
SpudDoggsevas_25, do i need to run/install pureftpd before pureadmin?02:19
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sevas_25[ccc]  we need to read more n install later :S02:19
sevas_25[spuddog]  yes02:19
cccsevas_25: amen :)02:19
sevas_25pure-ftpd  synaptic02:19
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ubotuAdd "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted" to /etc/apt/sources.list.  More info @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports02:20
rasherDang, so I will *have* to unmount my mp3 player to make sure everything's updated. Simply yanking it won't work. Voe is me.02:20
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sevas_25[ccc]   I was using pure-ftp in SUSE, now  move to  ubuntu02:20
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@69.177.209.* *!*@81.213.* *!*@86.34* *!*@86.104*] by Seveas
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sevas_25tookme a while to  make it run smootly02:21
ubotu[extras]  For extra repositories, check out http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96902:21
seliniumYou've been busy Seveas :)02:21
Seveasyeah ban list was full02:21
Seveasand a fool needed to be added02:21
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=== kataklysm was kicked off #ubuntu by Seveas (get out fool, you were banned before)
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Noah0504Sorry to ask, what I'm sure are stupid questions, but if I use EasyUbuntu to install some plugins and codecs, will those be lost or will they affect anything when I upgrade to Breezy when it's released?02:21
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Seveastoo bad i actually spent time talking to him before realizing he has been banned before02:22
seliniumwhat was kataklsym's problem, He really didn't know when to let go02:22
Earthenanyone know how to make Adobe use the fonts it can't find Arial.bold font02:22
evianSeveas, was that Jan_ ? he was obnoxious02:22
Seveasselinium, I was the 3rd to ban him, this time his provider (DHCP) is banned02:22
Seveasevian, no, not Jan_, that idiot kataklysm02:22
SeveasJan_ was just getting desperate (for a good reason)02:23
evianok (Sorry Jan_)02:23
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sevas_26come back02:24
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evianNoah,0504, I'm  not sure the answer, but I think everything will work out all right with those plug-ins and upgrading02:24
Seveasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah cafuego_ is here02:24
Seveasnow it's really time to go to bed02:24
robotgeekme not able to install gstreamer-plugins, why is that?02:24
MachineScrewcan some one tell me if there is a fix to X not loading on boot up02:24
Seveashih bob2 :)02:24
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Earthencould some one help with getting adobe to work with fonts02:25
sinfernomy firefox wont upgrade because i locked it a while ago... i forgot how to unlock it02:25
Seveasaustrialia/NZ is waking up I guess :)02:25
SpudDoggsevas_25, i have installed pureadmin and pure-ftpd.  when i type "sudo pureadmin" i still get the error "There was an error when trying to create the password file [] .  The error reported was 'No such file or directory'"02:25
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cafuego_Seveas: Especially since it's already 10:30 am here. Sheesh, IRC Monkey.02:25
Seveascafuego, *g*02:25
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Saint[anyone]  I am hoping for quick advise:  I would like to set up a LAMP server for ,my own education, I am not experienced with Linux much at all:  Is UBUNTU easy to install things like an SQKL Server to?  Is there a more "Out of the Box" distro I should start with?02:25
Seveasyou take over from here, it's been a busy evening :)02:25
MachineScrewits Breezy02:25
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=== cafuego_ is busy washing his hair
seliniumSaint, yes there is a real easy walkthrough in the wiki. I'll find it for ya02:25
evianSaint, yeah its easy02:25
bob2Saint: "SQKL"? sql?02:26
Scrawny1seveas gimme the url for java again02:26
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Saint[selenium]  AWSOME!  Thanks Selenium :)02:26
bob2MachineScrew: whether it's fixable or not depends on what the actual problem iss02:26
SpudDoggsevas_26, i have installed pureadmin and pure-ftpd.  when i type "sudo pureadmin" i still get the error "There was an error when trying to create the password file [] .  The error reported was 'No such file or directory'"02:26
NequeoHeya... Are there known problems with any of the reps at the moment?02:26
bob2MachineScrew: did it work before you went to breezy02:26
sinfernomy firefox wont upgrade because i locked it a while ago... i forgot how to unlock it02:26
evianScrawny its on the wiki02:26
crimsunNequeo: no, they're working02:26
NequeoI'm getting gzip errors...02:26
bob2Scrawny1: wiki.ubuntu.com/Java02:26
Bad_Magiccan anyone help me get mplayer working? it locks up whenever i try to load a file (totem works)02:26
seliniumSaint, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP there you go, it really is that simple! :)02:26
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Tallia1[UbuntU] hi guys.. i need some help, i'm trying to install winXP on my kubuntu machine with vmware but i have this problem: even if i had specified the /media/hdc (my cdrom device) to be mounted on the virtual machine boot, in the first moment every kind of booting (HD, floppy, cdrom) is skipped and the network booting is started... what could i do? (the cdrom is shown mounted in the bottom-left corner)02:26
Nequeogzip: stdin: not in gzip format02:27
SpudDogg!tell SpudDogg about FTP02:27
SaintThanks again!  Cya ;)02:27
Tallia1[UbuntU] could someone  help me?02:27
Scrawny1do I look like I care about some fucking wiki02:27
bob2MachineScrew: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg', just accept all the ansswers, then 'sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart'.02:27
_jasonBad_Magic: have you changed the sound to ESD?02:27
_twitch_oh man have i had a time02:27
_twitch_i did a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:27
seliniumSaint, any probs PM me02:27
bob2Nequeo: that's usually due to being stuck behind a broken proxy02:27
Bad_Magic_jason: yup02:27
evianScrawnyl: I don't know but you sound like a jerk02:27
_twitch_cause xserver wasnt working02:27
_twitch_i reconfiguerd it 50 different ways02:28
cafuego_Scrawny1: Sounds like you don't WANT help.02:28
_twitch_kept getting an error message when xserver boots up02:28
bob2Tallia1[UbuntU] : that ounds more like a vmware question; try their paid support or mailing list02:28
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_jasonBad_Magic: locks up with every type of file?02:28
bob2_twitch_: if it didnt work automatically, please do file bugs02:28
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NequeoHrm... Would that be related to the fact that I can't access the forums at the moment, either?02:28
_twitch_"I wasnt able to start xserver, probably becuause it was set up incorrectly"02:28
Bad_Magic_jason: yup02:28
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_jasonBad_Magic: so codecs are all installed... no ideas, maybe someone with more knowledge can help, sry02:28
steelywhy is java useful?02:29
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sinfernomy firefox wont upgrade because i locked it a while ago... i forgot how to unlock it02:29
SpudDoggccc, i figured out the problem with mine02:29
SpudDoggccc, let me know if you need any help02:29
ubotuI heard mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto.  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106102:29
bob2sinferno: depends how you locked it02:29
sinfernobob2, gah, i forgot how02:29
cccSpudDogg: speak and i shall listen :)02:29
bob2sinferno: synaptic, dpkg and aptitude all have different mehotds02:29
Nequeobob2: I'm not running any Proxy here on site... but our ISP uses squid.02:29
sinfernobob2, i did it because i installed a bunch of codecs for firefox02:29
bob2Nequeo: does using a different ubuntu mirror "fix" it?02:29
cccSpudDogg: pm02:29
Scrawny1listen w/e you clowns sent me too wasn't what wanted02:30
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Nequeobob2: In the process of trying...02:30
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bob2Scrawny1: er, watch your attitude there02:30
sinfernoScrawny1, www.google.com02:30
Scrawny1fuck off Bob02:30
cafuego_Scrawny: Not clever.02:31
Nequeobob2: Are the forums really down though?02:31
sevas_25spuddog>>> I reading02:31
sinfernoScrawny1, if you cant appreciate free live tech support then go search google02:31
Jan_I now have the nvidia driver.02:31
kwixtedsay fellows, just installed colony 5.  Do you think I should allow the update or wait a while.  Normally I would check ubuntuforums, but they appear to be down right now.02:31
Jan_First it asked for something called cc02:31
sinfernoScrawny1, stop complaining douche02:31
Bad_Magicwell that was easy... any idea why my color is fricking borked?02:31
Jan_so I said "apt=get install gcc" and it satisfied that02:31
Scrawny1go fuck yourselves02:31
Jan_then it wanted "make"02:31
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Jan_So, I installed that.02:31
cafuego_Scrawny1: If the wiki isn't providing you with sueful info, let us know so we cna amend it.02:31
Jan_NOw it wants kernel source tree. Which I can't find out how to satisfy.02:31
joetheoddScrawny1: language.02:32
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bob2Nequeo: I don't know02:32
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cafuego_joetheodd: 't was english02:32
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bob2Jan_: why are you trying to compile the nvidia module at all?02:32
Jan_I'm not, I'm running the .run file02:32
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bob2Jan_: why?02:32
Earthensomeone help me with font problems?02:32
Jan_It can't find a kernel interface, or something.02:32
Nequeobob2: No worries... I just heard someone else complaining about it. Switching to the American rep solved the problem.02:32
joetheoddcafuego_: I meant "watch your language"02:32
Jan_Because this laptop has nvidia graphics hardwarE?02:32
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bob2Jan_: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:32
cafuego_Jan_ Why don't you just use the prepackaged ubuntu driver?02:32
_jasonBad_Magic:  what turned out to be the problem?02:32
Jan_cafuego: I have a prepackaged ubuntu driver?02:33
Jan_How do I use it? Am I using it?02:33
bob2Nequeo: were you using archive.ubuntu.com before?02:33
SpudDoggccc, you need to go to "edit -> preferences -> external" and hover over the "Default Password File" box, and enter the location it gives you there02:33
bob2Jan_: read the url I just gave you02:33
Nequeobob2: Was using au.archive.ubuntu.com02:33
cafuego_Jan_: Yep, it's in 'linux-restricted-modules-KERNELVERSION'02:33
Jan_And if I am using it, why is DVD playback sluggish in exactly the same way it was under red hat before we installed the nvidia driver?02:33
SpudDoggccc, but i still cant start my server...i can now add users though :)02:33
Jan_It's in what?02:33
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cafuego_Jan_: because dvd playback is not a function of gfx card.02:33
Bad_Magic_jason: the audio setting was changed in /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf but not in the gui02:33
bob2Jan_:  wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:33
durtnvidia-glx jan_02:33
bob2Jan_: read that page, it explains it all02:34
bob2Nequeo: au.archive.ubuntu.com points at the same server as archive.ubuntu.com, so that does sound a bit like the proxy was caching something it shouldn't02:34
Jan_durt: What? What are you talking about, and in what context?02:34
ColonelKernel-mm patches dont seem to give any benefit02:34
MachineScrewIt worked thanks02:34
Bad_Magic_jason: any idea how to get the video to stretch to the size of the window?02:35
durtjan_: apt-get install nvidia-glx02:35
cafuego_Jan_:  if DVD playback is chpooy, the driver most likely has problems moving data fast enough. That cna nomally be tuned by enabling DMA on the drive with 'hdparm'.02:35
Jan_Seveas: Look, I'm really not trying to be antagonistic here, but I am not a software engineer and people just keep throwing random alphanumerics at me. Seriously. No offence meant. OK?02:35
SpudDogganyone know why in pureadmin my "Start Server" is greyed out and unclickable?02:35
Nequeobob2: You know... I never thought to check that. But I feels robbed, now. I wants my Ozzie archive!02:35
_jasonBad_Magic:  I believe mine does it when I drag the window automatically02:35
bob2Nequeo: hehe02:35
steelydoes anyone know what packages allow ubuntu's multimedia to play mpegs?02:35
Bad_Magic_jason: care to pm me what you have selected under the video tab?02:35
bob2Nequeo: mirror.isp.net.au has a mirror, as does internode (but that's only available to internode customers)02:36
Nequeobob2: Normally I would just wait for things to fix themselves... they always have before. But I want to try out the kernel sooner rather than later.02:36
bob2steely: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats02:36
Nequeobob2: Having problems with 100% CPU usage from Xorg whenever I'm moving windows, or even just scrolling around.02:36
ColonelKernelNequeo, thats normal02:36
JDahlIsn't it a little gentooish of Debian to only distribute a source package of openafs-client and let user build kernel modules from it? I know it's easy to do, but I havent seen that approach used in Debian before02:36
SpudDoggbob2, you seem to be pretty good with this OS...do you know anything about pureadmin?02:37
HrdwrBoBJDahl: could be a licensing problem02:37
JDahlHrdwrBoB, it's not02:37
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NequeoNot like this, it's not... Everything feels 'sticky' and 'slow'02:37
bob2JDahl: including modules for it means rebuilding it for every single kernel-image uploade02:37
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abaloneHrdwrBoB, any suggestions on achieving this margin setup?02:37
bob2Nequeo: are you using Composite?02:37
HrdwrBoBabalone: sorry I'm not sure, I've never done it only know that's how you do it02:37
bob2SpudDogg: I've never used pureftpd; I'd just use proftpd or vsftpd.02:37
SpudDoggbob2, do either of those have a GUI?02:38
Nequeobob2: I never installed it...02:38
bob2SpudDogg: doubt it02:38
bob2Nequeo: dunno then, sorry02:38
SpudDoggbob2, ok man, thanks02:38
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abaloneanyone in here setup a printer before? :P02:38
Nequeobob2: No worries. No-one knows! :) I think it's a motherboard issue, personally.02:38
Nequeobob2: I had the same problem in Hoary when I switched motherboards, without doing a reinstall.02:39
Nequeobob2: But now Breezy does it, even with a clean install. Whereas a clean install of Hoary fixed it.02:39
fadumptany chance I can get someones Breezy Badger /dev/dsp?02:39
clynch@anyone:  Has anyone found any support to connection via an IPsec connection to a Watchguard firewall?02:39
ColonelKernelthats so weird, ubuntu still reverses the DNS servers my router gives02:39
bob2fadumpt: er, you want the contents of their /dev/dsp?02:39
fadumptyeah, like the whole dsp02:40
bob2fadumpt: that's not how it works, sorry02:40
fadumptnot how it works?02:40
bob2fadumpt: reading from that file gives you audio data from their microphone02:40
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Jan_Attempting to follow the instructions to install the nvidia driver results in the error "e: couldn't find package nvidia-glx-config"02:40
fadumptnot understanding you02:40
WebLOCH!tell WebLOCH about w32codecs02:40
bob2clynch: Watchguard requires non-standard ipsec settings?02:40
bob2JDahl: read it again02:40
cccSpudDogg: nice, thanks02:41
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JDahlbob2, read what?02:41
ColonelKernelcan anyone tell me why Ubuntu puts my dns servers in reverse order? no other distro/OS does this...02:41
bob2fadumpt: /dev/dsp is their soundcard.  writing data to it makes sound come out the speakers. reading from it reads audi ofrom the microphone02:41
Nequeobob2: Thanks for the help. Cheers,02:41
bob2Nequeo: np02:41
clynchbob2:  Not quite.  The Win32 software is based off of the SafeNet IPSec software.  Also, one can use FreeSwan to create a gateway-to-gateway tunnel.02:41
SpudDoggccc, you have a chat client?02:41
Jan_nv logo02:41
clynchbob2:  I'm looking for a roaving user VPN client for Ubuntu02:42
fadumptbob2, so I deleted my /dev/dsp, isn't someone else's more or less the same"?02:42
bob2clynch: so what's the issue with connecting to this firewall, compared to any other ipsec destination?02:42
liz4rdi just installed ubuntu 5.04, was it a smart move for me to right away change the sources.list to breezy and do a dist-upgrade???02:42
bob2fadumpt: that was dumb02:42
bob2fadumpt: but it will be recreated on reboot02:42
fadumptyeah well, *most* things in any OS reinstall themselves02:42
fadumptsee, okay, rebot02:42
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cccSpudDogg: join #pureadmin for a sec02:43
Jan_NV driver didn't help playback02:43
bob2fadumpt: sudo mknod /dev/dsp c 14 302:43
Jan_what was that DMA thing02:43
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sevas_25[ccc] 02:43
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liz4rdany answers? :P02:44
sevas_25is working now ??02:44
mark_im hot now02:44
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cccsevas_25: working? no02:45
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andrewski_can anyone help?  i'm having trouble finding the available resolutions for a monitor.  google and the manufacturer's pages were no help, and i'm stuck in 640x480 now. :-/02:45
greedybdoes Ubuntu have an HCL like list of supported hardware?02:46
bimberiliz4rd: breezy is in pre-release, but you should be OK.  Hoary is fine though02:46
Jan_I am having problems with DVD playback stuttering.02:46
Jan_Someone mentioned DMA on the DVD drive.02:46
Jan_Can anyone point me in the right direction?02:46
bob2greedyb: "everything you'd find in a desktop or laptop aside from wireless cards with Free drivers"02:46
bob2Jan_: searching the wiki for DMA gave no results?02:46
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liz4rdbimberi, but do you think i should of did a dist-upgrade before doing it with breezy repos? or will thebreezy one automaticly update and install everything02:46
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greedybwell I'm about to buy a network card for multiple operating systems..... FreeBSD,Ubuntu and Gentoo02:47
Rich43I have NetBSD :)02:47
bimberiliz4rd: what you did should be fine and result in a current breezy snapshot02:47
bob2Jan_: for instance, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA02:47
Jan_bob2: which wiki02:47
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Jan_THAT wiki.02:47
bob2greedyb: as in ethernet? intel cards seem to work very well02:47
PiercedH20Any ndiswrapper gurus in here?02:48
greedybD-Link DFE-530TX+02:48
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bob2PiercedH20: best to just ask your question02:48
PiercedH20ok bob202:48
bob2greedyb: that's cabled ethernet, right?02:48
liz4rdbimberi, Alright thank you02:48
Jan_how do I know which hd number my DVD ROM is02:48
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greedybit uses the realtek drivers for freebsd02:48
bimberiliz4rd: yw :)02:48
usuarioke ondas02:49
PiercedH20I installed the driver for my Belkin Wireless G NIC using ndiswrapper, but the lights on the NIC still do not come on.  What should my next step be?02:49
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bob2greedyb: yeah, should work fine02:49
greedybok cool02:49
ColonelKernelyeah, -mm didnt help things out at all02:49
ColonelKernelit even gave a very slight performance decrease from 2.6.14-rc202:50
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renjiiquestion: if i need to compile something from source, how would it affect the apps installed using apt-get?02:50
renjiiwould it break?02:50
oasicki hava had a problem upgradin ubuntu with te backports repositories02:50
durtPiercedH20: you might have to remove some module (ie, i had to rmmod acx_pci because my card has an acx chipset)02:50
bimberirenjii: you should uninstall (apt-get remove) first02:51
PiercedH20durt: do you have a website with some walk-throughs?02:51
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PiercedH20IM a linux newbie :(02:51
lenojeenohow do I burn ubuntu.iso into a cd?02:51
sinfernoim having trouble updating firefox in aptitude under mozilla-firefox (= 1.0.7-0ubuntu0.1) it says UNSATISFIED02:52
Rich43Nero if on windows02:52
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bob2renjii: no, it'll be fine, just make sure you install things in /usr/local when compiling from source02:52
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bob2sinferno: paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to #flood02:52
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durtpiercedh20: try here: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Main_Page02:52
PiercedH20thanks durt02:53
lenojeenoRich43: I've already tried that, but that copies the file "ubuntu.iso" into cd02:53
Jan_How do I figure out which device my DVD-ROM is?02:53
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Jan_sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc solved the DVD problem02:55
Rich43Start nero smart start02:55
Rich43Go to copy and backup02:55
_jasonIf I have compiled a pkg can another user isntall it or does he need the libraries and such I sued to compile it?02:55
Rich43Click burn image to disc02:55
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bob2go backports, it's your birthday02:55
lenojeenolet me see02:55
renjiibob2 - wouldnt autoconfig find the environment variables by default? or would i have problems if, say if apt-get has some dependencies installed elsewhere-...what i want to know is whether apt-get provides tools like gentoo's emerge-tools that would allow me to find where dependencies are, which files belongs to which packages and so forth02:55
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bob2sinferno: answer is in the channel /topic02:56
oasickbob2. i have that problem too02:56
bob2renjii: yes, of  course apt has that02:56
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oasickbut i cant open a web page because my firefox don't works...02:56
renjiialrighty- wil look up the man then.02:56
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sinfernobob2, thanks02:56
bob2renjii: apt is going to utterly ignore things you compile from source, unless it's carefully told otherwise, tho02:56
sinfernobob2, gah firefox wont work so i can see it lol02:57
renjiiah yes...- any chances of it leading to dependency hell?02:57
bob2situations where it's useful to recompile libraries or other things that packages Depend on are very rare, tho02:57
bob2renjii: no, apt will ignore it entirly02:57
bob2renjii: keep compiled things in /usr/local/ and you'll be fine02:57
renjiibob2 - thanks.02:57
lenojeenoRich43: I already did that but that copies the whole file "ubunto.iso" into cd.02:57
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zone17Hi, how do I change the default font in gaim and xchat? It's very very small.03:00
zone17I know it has to do with gtk2, but I can't remember where its done03:01
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bimberizone17: Settings -> Preferences in xchat03:01
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zone17its in kde03:01
zone17the default font03:01
norhtedhi, does anyone know how to install texi2pdf?03:01
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bob2zone17: switch2 fro mthe gtk-theme-switch might help03:01
seliniumwhere are the channel logs kept?03:02
zone17in breezy the old control panel is gone, I don't know where to set it up in the new03:02
chupalohi everyone03:02
bob2sinferno: people.ubuntu.com/~irclogs/03:02
norhtedhow can i install texi2pdf to my ubuntu?03:03
chupalonew to ubuntu and want to know if there is a way to install it on a pc without cdrom using FTP?03:03
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seliniumbob2: not any more they're not!03:03
norhtedSeveas, are you reading this?03:04
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bimberiselinium: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs03:04
seliniumcheers bimberi03:05
bimberiselinium: yw :)03:05
bob2selinium: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/03:05
steelyhas anyone had any experience with kaudiocreator?03:05
bob2chupalo: can your machine boot using pxe?03:05
seliniumbob2, bimberi got there first!03:05
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bimberii wake up earlier :P03:05
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Buddha|I'm running the Ubuntu 5.10 prerelease live-cd on a 2004 iBook, and I can't ctrl-click.  Is there a fix for this?03:06
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chupalowhat is pxe?03:08
moparfan90does anyone know a free game that has ood graphics and is like grand turismo or need for spped underground????03:08
moparfan90pixel maybe03:08
Topslakrpxe is a network boot protocol03:08
HrdwrBoBPreboot eXecution Environment03:09
chupaloyes is can boot from the network but I don't have any server sw?03:09
neighborleemoparfan90, you can seach synaptic for that pattern , that or hop over to happypenguin.org and have a glance...there are a few but I dont believe at that level of complexity...03:09
=== kev_ [n=kev@node-2870.tor.pppoe.execulink.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob2chupalo: then you need another unix machien you can run a dhcp and tftp server on03:09
kev_i just did an upgrade (which upgraded the kernel and parts of xorg) and now use of the nvidia kernel module (to power an nvidia video card) is not working. any suggestions?03:10
bob2chupalo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/LocalNet03:10
chupaloThe problem is that I don't own another Linux/unix PC.03:10
chupaloIs there any way to do it using a m$-xp?03:11
HrdwrBoBbut I doubt people on here know03:11
nybblehello all03:11
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Kimahrikev_: install build-essential , gcc, and g++, then download the nvidia driver pack from nvidia03:12
Kimahrikev_: once you unpack it, it'll build the kernel modules for that running kernel... oh, and it also requires the kernel source package for the kernel that you're running03:12
bob2kev_: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto, follow it again03:12
bob2Kimahri: no, it requires the kernel headers, not the sourcew03:13
jonnyroIs there a graphical PPTP client for linux?03:13
jonnyroI want to connect to a VPN03:13
kev_Kimahri: in the past i've been able to use the restricted modules pack. is there an issue with it and the latest -k7 kernel?03:13
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sambagirli did the upgrade to breezy but it did not do anything as far as i know. i did full procedure but nothing saying breezy anywhere03:13
Kimahribob2: it's always required a working .config in the kernel source folder for me03:14
Kimahrikev_: if it's in the restricted modules pack, chances are that it's not built for the kernel you're running03:14
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neighborleechupalo, no idea if this is what you need but I found this: http://pxes.sourceforge.net/howtos/ms_only_environment/03:14
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kev_Kimahri: what makes you say that? i'm using the latest -k7 kernel image from the standard repository.03:15
Jan_Is there somewhere constructive I could bitch about the issues with hibernating this Toshiba laptop03:15
kev_Kimahri: are there known issues with the restricted modules?03:15
signbarnsambagirl: do you get the groovy boot screen?03:15
Jambonok random question. I'm in different channel and I want to set myself as an op. how do I do that?03:15
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sambagirlreally? a groovy boot screen?03:15
Kimahrikev_: i wouldn't know... i've always just downloaded the nvidia driver pack and installed it by hand.03:15
bob2Kimahri: yes, and the source packages contain no .config files in the tree; nor the built headers03:15
kev_Kimahri: k. i'll give that a try. thanks!03:15
bob2Jan_: bugzilla.ubuntu.com03:15
moparfan90i was trying to run a exacutable and got this:03:15
moparfan90./vdrift: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_image-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:16
signbarnerr a splash screen instead of the normal white-on-black03:16
sambagirlmaybe i should try again.03:16
linuxmonkeyhelp , each time i try to load some modules for my wifi card and i get.. insmod: error inserting 'open8180.o': -1 Invalid module format03:16
Kimahribob2: that's why you .config and build it yourself :)03:16
moparfan90what do i do03:16
Jan_bob2: It's not really a bug.03:16
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bob2Jan_: not suspending = bug03:16
signbarnsambagirl: i did a fresh install, so i'm not sure how to get everything. did you follow a guide to upgrading?03:16
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Jan_I'm not sure whether it's trying to suspend or hibernate03:16
Jan_and I'm not even sure whether there's an important difference, but I think there is03:17
Jan_As you see, I'm really not qualified to write the bug up.03:17
Jambonbob2: it's not a bug, it's a feature!03:17
joetheoddsignbarn: You're looking for a way to upgrade your distro? apt-get dist-upgrade03:17
=== signbarn smiles
signbarnnaw, i'm good.03:17
bob2Jan_: then explain how you started the process03:17
moparfan90hello. i was trying to run a execuatable and got this: "./vdrift: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_image-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"   what can i do to make this work???03:18
Jan_all I did was hit "hibernate" in the logout menu and it blackscreened with the power on.03:18
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Jan_Had to hard rebot.03:18
Bad_MagicJan_: it takes a minute to dump ram to disk... try giving it a minute first03:18
signbarnjoetheodd: does a dist-upgrade give you the groovy boot splash screen thingy?03:18
Jan_Then tried "echo 3 > /proc/acpi/sleep" which appeared to make it sleep - the glowing power light started up.03:18
Arkainiumis there a nice utility for editing start up services and cron jobs?03:18
Jan_But it won't recover from that either.03:18
joetheoddsignbarn: No clue. I'm on 56k and never tried it =p03:19
Jambonbob2: how do I set op status in a channel that doesn't have any ops?03:19
eyequeueArkainium:  i like vim03:19
Kimahrimoparfan90: apt-get install libsdl and it should give you the libs03:19
sambagirlyes i changed some gtext file and stuff.03:19
Arkainiumeyequeue, lol03:19
bob2Jan_: how long did you leave it after selecting hibernate?03:19
Jan_that's all I know03:19
sambagirlsome list thing03:19
kev_arkanium: check out bum (i think). check ubuntuguide.org03:19
bob2Jambon: /msg chanserv op #channel03:19
sambagirldid some ast gets and stuff03:19
joetheoddsignbarn: It upgrades all the files to that included in the new distro, which I asume would have the new boot screen.03:19
linuxmonkeyanyone here know how to get wifi cards working???03:19
Jan_bob2: Long enough. There was no HD activity anyway.03:19
bob2linuxmonkey: be less vague03:19
linuxmonkeycause each time i try to load some modules for my wifi card and i get.. insmod: error inserting 'open8180.o': -1 Invalid module format03:19
bob2Jan_: how long? 10 minutes?03:19
bob2linuxmonkey: that's not a proper driver03:20
Jan_Two or three, probably.03:20
Kimahrisomebody was saying to not use ubuntuguide... to use the wiki instead03:20
bob2Jan_: then give it ten minutes and see if it works03:20
ubotugrub is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows, or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting03:20
linuxmonkeywhat do u mean bob203:20
Jan_Trying now.03:20
Jan_There is a small amount of HD activity after it blackscreens03:20
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Jan_then nothing.03:20
Jan_It clearly isn't doing anything03:20
bob2Jan_: after ediing /etc/default/acpi-support to say USE_DPMS=False03:20
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bob2Jan_: no, I dont htink that's clear at all03:20
Jan_OK, I can try that.03:21
bob2linuxmonkey: drivers for the 2.6 kernel do not have the .o extension03:21
bob2linuxmonkey: where did you get that file from?03:21
Jan_I'm comparing this to the known good config under windows, where it would rattle and click for about fifteen seconds after closing the lid.03:21
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sambagirli expecting new cd's for distribution here will it have breezy?03:21
linuxmonkeybob2,  its made for Linux 2.6.X, so what should i do03:21
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linuxmonkeybob2, i got it from realtek03:21
Kimahrilinuxmonkey: is it a wifi driver?03:21
Kimahrilinuxmonkey: what driver is it?03:22
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Jan_bob2: OK, is that long enough?03:22
jasmuzWhat do you guys recommend for a server....Ubuntu or Knoppix for a Wifi server?03:22
linuxmonkeyfor a D-Link DWL-61003:22
signbarnsambagirl: when did you order them?03:22
bob2Jan_: no03:22
=== Jan_ sticks her ear against the laptop
bob2jasmuz: anything but knoppix03:22
sambagirlumm not sure now about maybe a week ago?03:22
Jan_Really. It's as off as it gets without the power light going out.03:23
csthepoethow do you become su on ubuntu?03:23
Hendrici got a problem with FIREFOX not displaying flash... how can i remove the flash plugin so that it prompts me to install the plugin again?03:23
jasmuzbob2, why?03:23
sambagirlwhat is knoppix?03:23
Jan_I don't think the platter is even spinning.03:23
eyequeuesambagirl:  if you order them now, yes, if you recieve them now but ordered in the past, hoary03:23
bob2linuxmonkey: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetUpNdiswrapper03:23
jasmuzsambagirl, its another Distribution03:23
sambagirlok thanks03:23
Kimahrilinuxmonkey: either 'modprobe /path/to/module/file.ko' or you can use some combination of ndiswrapper and the windows driver03:23
Hendrici removed firefox then installed it back but still it has the same error03:23
bob2jasmuz: because it's not designed for actual use, and it has no security support03:23
Hendricpls help me03:23
bob2Hendric: "same error"03:23
Jan_If the BIOS thought it was asleep, the power light would pulsate in orange, too, which it doesn't do.03:23
naliothsambagirl: www.knoppix.org  <<<<it's the great granddaddy of all LiveCds03:24
bob2Hendric: you know no one else can see your screen, right? paste the ufll error and your /etc/apt/sources.list to #flood03:24
linuxmonkeyI know for a fact that the realtek driver for the 8180 with the device id and ven id works and I cant use ndiswrapper eighter for what i need it for03:24
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bob2Jan_: no ,that's not at all what hibernate does03:24
bob2Jan_: it writes all ram to disk and then powers off entirely; ie no lights will be on at all03:24
jasmuzthanks bob2 ...nevertheless its going to be a personal server...tight security isnt going to be needed...its just going to share my internet via Wifi to the building03:24
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zone17Hi, I have just installed the package j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin, looking at a web site with java makes firefox crash, how can I solve this asap03:24
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Jan_bob2: That's the thought.03:25
Jan_I think that's "hibernate"03:25
bob2jasmuz: ubuntu then03:25
Jan_whereas the glowing light thing is "suspend"03:25
bob2Jan_: yes03:25
Jan_or "sleep"03:25
bob2Jan_: right03:25
linner!tell me about backports03:25
Jan_OK, the power light is still on.03:25
bob2Jan_: hibernate doesn't use the bios or anything, and should work on basically any hardware03:25
Hendricbob2: it doesn't give any error... the flash movie is just blank.. when i right click  on it... it says "Move not loaded"... and this happened after tweaking the plugins...03:25
Jan_Still no joy.03:25
bob2Jan_: did you do the DPMS thing I suggested?03:25
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Bad_Magiccan anyone help me get a splash screen working with grub?03:25
Jan_No, I'd already hit the button before you said.03:25
eyequeuelinner:  you can /msg ubotu backports, too03:25
KimahriJan_: hibernate works on my old pmmx-150 IBM thinkpad which has no power management to speak of03:25
linnernalioth, hello :)03:25
jasmuzbob2, do you know about any ncurses bittorrent client?03:25
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Jan_I shall restart it and try that.03:25
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Jan_Really, it would have worked by now.03:26
linnereyequeue, what's the difference?03:26
ubotuAdd "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted" to /etc/apt/sources.list.  More info @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports03:26
Kimahrijasmuz: btdownloadcurse.spy03:26
bob2jasmuz: bittornado is nice03:26
bob2Jan_: not neccessarily03:26
Hendricbob2: i only want to resfresh firefox so that if i view a flash site... it asks me to install the plugin again...03:26
linnereyequeue, I thought that's what I did.03:26
poningrutry rufus people03:26
Kimahribtdownloadcurses.py from the bittornado package03:26
eyequeuelinner:  channel traffic vs private03:26
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poningruis Jan_ the idiot back?03:26
linneroh okay03:26
sambagirlknoppix is all in german03:26
bimberiponingru: for goodness sake...03:26
Jan_bob2: remind me what DPMS thing you suggested :)03:26
Hendricbob2: it doesn't give any error... the flash movie is just blank.. when i right click  on it... it says "Move not loaded"... and this happened after tweaking the plugins...03:27
eyequeuelinner:  btw, see /topic heh    bp is not popular these days :)03:27
zone17I have just installed the package j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin, looking at a web site with java makes firefox crashes, how to deal with that?03:27
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seliniumWhat the colony release all about?03:27
bob211:20:49           bob2 | Jan_: after ediing /etc/default/acpi-support to say USE_DPMS=False03:27
poningrubimberi: -> #ubuntu-offtopic03:27
eyequeueselinium:  a prerelease of breezy03:27
bimberiponingru: already there :)03:27
linuxmonkeyKimahri, that didnt work and I cant use ndis wrapper as it does not support many of the apps i need and when i try to load .ko i get the same error03:27
Jan_I don't quite know what I'm doing with the "echo 3 > /proc/acpi/sleep" thing03:27
Jan_but it seems to half work03:27
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Jan_which may also be a bug03:27
seliniumeyequeue, I thought we already had one of those?03:27
Stranjohlw ppl03:27
bob2Jan_: you don't need to run that at all03:28
eyequeueselinium:  5 of those, i believe :)03:28
jasmuzcheck you all later03:28
bob2Jan_: /etc/acpi/sleep.sh is what you'd run to suspend to ram from the command line03:28
Hendriccan anyone help me here? i want to refresh firefox plugins so that it will ask me again to install plugin if i view a flash site.....03:28
Jan_well that's different to what it appears to be trying to do when I "hibernate" it03:28
seliniumeyequeue, lol03:28
bob2Jan_: yes, sleep != hibernate03:28
StranjoI've upgraded my ubuntu hoary to breezy, and the Xorg dont works anymore03:28
Jan_I guess ideally both should work03:28
bob2Stranjo: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:28
poningruHendric: do you have flash plugin?03:28
bob2Jan_: indeed...you should only be running /etc/acpi/sleep.sh or /etc/acpi/hibnerate.sh, tho03:29
Hendrici installed it and tweaked something...03:29
seliniumeyequeue, i think i can wait a couple of weeks for the release! A few more people will know what to do with the bugs aswell!03:29
poningruHendric: how did you install?03:29
Hendricit can't view flash objects anymore...03:29
poningruand what did you tweak?03:29
Jan_bob2: false or False?03:29
eyequeueselinium:  ideally they will be less too03:29
Hendricit installed with ubuntu...03:29
Stranjothanks bob2 :)03:29
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bob2Jan_: don't think it matters, but I have "false"03:29
Hendricso i want it refreshed so that it will ask me again if i view a flash site03:30
poningruHendric: you mean apt?03:30
sh0wtimemy wifi finally got detected with the live cd but i cant ping www sites.. do i have to do anything other then ifdown if up eth1?03:30
linuxmonkeybob2, does ndiswrapper support scanning?03:30
Jan_one ominous thing03:30
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poningruHendric: how did you install it?03:30
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bob2linuxmonkey: don't know03:31
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Hendricponingru: it was installed when i installed ubuntu03:31
Jan_when I grep'd dmesg for "swsusp" it came up with two complaints about some partition not being correctly formatted03:31
Bad_Magiccan anyone help me get a splash screen working with grub?03:31
Jan_now that makes sense to me based on what I know about how hibernate is supposed to work03:31
poningruHendric: thats not possible03:31
Jan_but it could be misreading something I guess.03:31
bob2Jan_: every time it boots, it checks the swap partition to see if it hibernated last time; if so, it resumes, if not, it continues03:31
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Jan_I think this laptop suspended to a file under windows anyway03:31
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Hendrichow can it be impossible?? ubuntu came with firefox right???03:31
bob2Bad_Magic: which bit of the grub documentation is confusing you?03:31
bob2Jan_: linux can suspend to a swap partition or file, but since you already have a prtition, that's less hassle...03:32
Hendricthen i installed flash plugin by viewing a flashsite then clicked "install misssing plugin"03:32
Bad_Magicbob2: basically it comes out all garbled when I try to boot03:32
eyequeuesh0wtime:  can you ping
Jan_bob2: OK, I changed that file. Do I need to reboot, or should I try hibernating again right now?03:32
linuxmonkeybob2, so just to make sure, a 2.4.X driver wouldnt workin in 2.6 right, cause thats the other driver they have and im almost out of options03:32
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sh0wtimeeye:  lemme see.. brb03:32
bob2Bad_Magic: sure it's in the exact right format?03:32
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Bad_Magicbob2: splashimage (hd0,1)/grub/splashimages/biosplash.xpm.gz    <--- thats the file in my menu.lst03:32
bob2linuxmonkey: correct03:32
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Bad_Magicbob2: i downloaded it from the repo03:33
=== Jan_ thinks bob2 is being very helpful, and offers him half her cookie
bob2Jan_: you can hibernate now03:33
bob2heh, cookies for breakfast03:33
Cube-nesshey.. ar the nvidia drivers working in breezy yet? i ave been running old kernel/nvidia-glx becasue as of last week, i coulnt get it to work03:33
Jan_Some text on screen03:33
Jan_"stopping devices03:33
Jan_"freeing memory"03:33
Jan_but otherwise much the same result.03:33
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linuxmonkeyim wondering why a 2.6.X module is saying invalid module format03:33
bob2Jan_: what's the last thing on the screen now?03:34
Jan_It's blanked03:34
Bad_Magicbob2: maybe i fixed it since last time... brb03:34
Jan_but we think it was "freeing memory"03:34
bob2linuxmonkey: if it ends in .o, it's not a 2.6 module03:34
bimberibob2: what about the vegemite toast?03:34
linuxmonkeyno the one im trying now is ko03:34
bob2bimberi: that involves going to the kitchen ;)03:34
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Jan_Just so you know, this is a reasonably new install of Breezy which we did an apt-get dist-upgrade on earlier03:34
sh0wtimeeyequeue: host unreachable03:34
Jan_which broke a ton of stuff03:34
bimberibob2: ha!03:34
Jan_so if there are faults, it may be down to that03:34
bob2linuxmonkey: you'll get that error if it wasn't built for your exact kernel too, I think03:34
naliothJan_: breezy will be kinda up and down til oct 1303:35
bob2Jan_: hm, odd03:35
eyequeuesh0wtime:  okay, we determined it's not a resolver issue, it's a routing issue03:35
bob2Jan_: did it power the machine down, or just blank the screen and then keep running without hitting the disk?03:35
TraceGreenHello, Can i edit registry of Windows in linux if i using wine? suppose windows filesystem is ntfs.03:35
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JDahlTraceGreen, not likely03:36
eyequeuesh0wtime:  can you ping any of the hosts on your lan via ip address? perhaps03:36
bob2TraceGreen: not really03:36
linuxmonkeyok i guess ill try ndiswrapper again03:36
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bob2TraceGreen: there are various dodgy hacks, but none are as simple as rebooting ;)03:36
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Cannablissthis an easy install?03:36
TraceGreenbob2, if Windows filesystem is fat32, so, edit it in wine is ok, is it?03:36
damadoxavi estas ahi03:37
Cannablissformat and pop the disc in?03:37
bob2TraceGreen: yup03:37
TraceGreenbob2, thanks!03:37
bob2Cannabliss: the installer walks you through the partitioning03:37
sh0wtimeeyequeue:  cant ping the other machine on my network either which is (router is when i try to connect it says connection refused03:37
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cevizogluthe sound on my laptop's speakers is just a whisper at full volume.  is there a way to fix this?  I'm on breezy03:37
eyequeuesh0wtime:  'sudo route'03:38
eyequeuesh0wtime:  do you have a default route?03:38
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Jan_bob2: It hasn't even turned the fans off this time.03:38
sh0wtimeeyequeue: 1 sec.. had to reset03:38
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eyequeuesh0wtime:  np03:38
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Jan_What should I do now?03:38
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bob2Jan_: it blanked but didn't shut down? did it print more stuff than last time? is the hard disk light on?03:39
naliothJan_: keep updating regularly03:39
Jan_Power light on, hard disk light off, nothing on screen.03:39
bob2Jan_: no hard disk activity at all?03:39
Jan_We're not sure whether it printed more stuff.03:39
naliothJan_: file or check the existence of a bug bugzilla.ubuntu.com03:39
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Jan_A small amount of HD activity immediately after selecting "hibernate"03:40
eyequeuecevizoglu:  two values you may want to increase, master and pcm03:40
Jan_for 2-3 seconds03:40
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Jan_Power light still on. Still no HD activity.03:40
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Bad_Magicbob2: no luck03:41
spermitexsession needed?03:41
eyequeuecevizoglu:  sudo alsamixer, if you don't have easy gui access to them03:41
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azteechtook the plunge two days ago and got rid of M$ .. on this computer .. installed the pre-release of Ubuntu 5.10 ... are there other themes/desktops that can be installed beside the stock ones that come with 5.10? if so, where can they be obtained from?03:41
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bob2Jan_: ok, that just sounds like a bug then03:41
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Bad_Magicbob2: can you point me towards a splash that you know is valid so i can check if its that?03:41
Jan_bob2: Bummer.03:41
jake18wats UR asl03:41
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=== f00li5h meows
bimberiubotu tell azteech about themes03:41
eyequeuejake18:  american sign language?  on irc?03:42
matiuI want to package my python program, which doesn't have a make file. What can I use instead of dh_make?03:42
Jan_Does anyone care about this bug, or would I be wasting my time reporting it03:42
bob2Jan_: if yo ucould file a bug on bugzilla.ubuntu.com that includes /var/log/dmesg, the fact you used /etc/acip/hibernate.sh and what you saw on the screen (oh, and the laptop model and such), that would be really cool03:42
bob2Jan_: people care a lot about laptop not working03:42
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matiuAre there any other tutorials for creating debs that don't assume you have a makefile?03:42
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Jan_Having it suspend to RAM would be even better03:42
Jan_as that's how it was usually used under windows.03:42
seliniumWell time for bed, Good night all.03:42
Jan_but I understand that's much trickier.03:42
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csthepoethello everyone03:43
TraceGreenHello, when i start "wine regedit" in linux, it shows some info, but i don't mount my windows system  yet, why does it have such info which seems my windows system has mounted?03:43
MachineScrewhello all03:43
jake18hello all03:43
bob2Jan_: "sudo /etc/acpi/sleep.sh" doesn't work?03:43
eyequeueJan_:  i don't know which laptop you have, but yes, getting hibernate and suspecd working is something valuable03:43
bob2TraceGreen: wine has it's own fake registry, aiui03:43
Jan_bob2: Hang on. I'll tell you.03:43
MachineScrewwhy dosn't my battery monitor work ?03:44
Jan_eyequeue: It's a Toshiba Satellite SP10-304 rev 22.1803:44
bob2MachineScrew: does running "acpi -V" in a terminal give you reasonable-looking values?03:44
Jan_Very similar to models your laptop testing team have had success with03:44
TraceGreenbob2, is the fake registry the same with my real registry if i mount my windows system?03:44
bob2TraceGreen: no03:44
eyequeueJan_:  mine differs, so i'm no help, but i'm sure that one is common enough to be worth diagnosing/fixing03:44
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TraceGreenbob2, so, do you mean i just edit my fake registry in linux?03:45
MachineScrewbut the GNOME batt mon don't work03:45
boxerboy29hi buttons03:45
MachineScrewdidn't work in Horay eather03:45
Cube-nessanybody know? nvidia + 3d in latest breezy updates?03:45
Buttonshi boxer03:45
bob2TraceGreen: I don't know how you'd point regedit at the real one03:45
Jan_Cube-ness: I have a working nvidia driver on this lappy...03:45
MachineScrewI have a recent laptop as well03:45
bob2TraceGreen: I'd guess editing the wine config would be enough03:45
bob2Jan_: ah03:45
TraceGreenbob2, thanks!!03:45
Cube-nessJan_, glx and all?03:45
bob2Jan_: with the binary drivers?03:45
_jasonJan_:  what does the hibernate do when you try it... I ahven't tried it on mine03:46
Cube-nesslike i said, i tried last week and it didnt work03:46
MachineScrewso how about the damn battery monitor03:46
Jan_bob2: uh, no, I tried, but they asked for complicated things I couldn't give it (kernel source tree?)03:46
Jan__jason: Locks it up with a black screen. It seems to half try to do it.03:46
bob2Jan_: ah, ok, thought that might have been related to the suspend issue03:46
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MachineScrewnever been able to get it to work slower Linux distros get it to work03:47
_jasonJan_:  doesn't mess anything up right?  just need to rebooot... if not I'll give it a try03:47
Jan_we only installed them so the 3D screensavers wouldn't suck so bad :)03:47
Jan__jason it's a hard reset, hold down the power button job03:47
eyequeuejake18:  do you have a question about ubuntu?03:47
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bob2MachineScrew: it's worth filing a bug on bugzilla.ubuntu.com03:47
_jasonJan_:  oh ok03:47
_jasonnight everybody03:47
Jan_bob2: sleep.sh just echoes out a load of stuff, doesn't seem to do anything03:48
MachineScrewya It is I have wanted to03:48
coarsesaltcurrent issue - mplayer has stopped responding. Tried sudo killall mpalyer - it says mplayer:no process killed... anything else i can try?03:48
Jan_lots of "declare -x" stuff03:48
linnerhey ya'll... i might have done this wrong... in order to get mplayer I have to add mutiverse and universe to my sources list right?03:48
MachineScrewjust never knew where03:48
boxerboy29i filed a bug but they never commented on it :(03:48
bimberilinner: yes03:48
boxerboy29linner yes03:48
eyequeuelinner:  then "update" yes03:48
bob2Jan_: when did you install this?03:48
Jan_ah. "/usr/share/acpi-support/power-funcs line 11 /proc//environ No such file or directory"03:48
linnereyequeue, maybe that's why i'm not getting mplayer though synaptic03:48
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Jan_bob2: Earlier today03:49
sh0wtimeeyequeue: i did sudo route.  what do i look for?03:49
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bob2Jan_: hrm, I had that exact problem03:49
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boxerboy29linner: mplayer is in the multiuniverse sources03:49
eyequeuelinner:  in synaptic, "reload"03:49
linnerboxerboy29, ok03:49
Jan_someone else told me to "echo 3 > /etc/acpi/sleep"03:49
linnereyequeue, got it03:49
azteechtks, bimberi03:49
Jan_which seemed to try to work03:49
Ainvarevening all... I have a short and quick question. How can I reinstall the ipw2200 drivers from the ubuntu breezy repos? Is there a specific package I need to use or reinstall?03:49
eyequeuesh0wtime:  the last line typically will indicate a default route03:49
boxerboy29:) i learned something today :)03:49
linnernope still isn't doin' it03:49
linneror getting what i need it to get anyway03:50
bob2Ainvar: why do you want to reinstall them?03:50
linnerboxerboy29, how are you dear?03:50
bimberiazteech: yw :)03:50
boxerboy29linner i good thank you and your self?03:50
linnerboxerboy29, oh quite dandy  :)03:50
Ainvarcause I need to, since for some reason when i recompiled them from scratch and then rm'd a dir in my downloads folder my wifi is no longer useable on my laptop03:50
sh0wtimeeyequeue: first line under destination:  under it "default"03:50
Ainvarwas working till I removed the directory03:51
Jan_bob2: further suggestions?03:51
boxerboy29linner: in synaptic try search on mplayer see if it brings up what your looking for03:51
bob2Ainvar: er, don't ever do that again03:51
linnerthat's what I did03:51
jake18 heloo03:51
Ainvarwell I know this now :)03:51
linnerboxerboy29, it only gives me one option which isn't mplayer03:51
boxerboy29buttons: how are you dear?03:51
bob2Ainvar: sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-$(uname -r)03:51
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eyequeuesh0wtime:  okay, that indicates outbound packets should be roted through (your router, probably)03:51
Buttonsboxer im fine ty03:51
Cube-nessi still dont know if i got an answer.. are the nvidia nonfree drivers in the breezy repos yet?03:51
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coarsesaltack. lost in the crowd of mplayer fun. one more try. mplayer not responding. tried killall. no response. where do I go from here?03:52
Jan_ACPI -V gives useful info :)03:52
eyequeuesh0wtime:  scratch what i just said03:52
bob2coarsesalt: "not respsonding"?03:52
sh0wtimeeyequeue:  well my router is set at so what do i need to change03:52
boxerboy29linner : yoou have universe and multi set?03:52
bob2coarsesalt: does ps aux show it's running at all?03:52
eyequeuesh0wtime:  after the word default, an ip address should exist.  that's your default gateway03:52
bob2Jan_: no, sorry; I'd definitely file a bug about hibernate not working, tho, it works for pretty much everyone now03:52
linnerboxerboy29, i thought that's what i just did in nano03:52
linnerhow do i bring up that file again?03:52
Ainvarbob2 after this is done and I reboot will I need to do anything more?03:52
eyequeuesh0wtime:  "default ........"03:53
boxerboy29i dont knwo nano03:53
coarsesaltbob2: two tabs on the bottom. They will move back and forth, but I can't close them or use them03:53
boxerboy29ive only used it once03:53
Jan_bob2: but sleep is more tricky?03:53
linnernever mind03:53
linneri found out how03:53
Jan_I'd have to open a new bugzilla account03:53
Jan_will anyone mind, I mean, I'm not really qualified to complain about software03:53
sh0wtimeeyequeue: right thats what i put in network cnofig but i still cant ping anything? do i have to restart services someone first?03:53
alwatwhat;s the default root password03:53
eyequeueJan_:  you're qualified :)  you use it and find problems :)03:53
bob2Ainvar: shouldn't need to03:53
bob2Ainvar: you don't even need to reboot, strictly speaking03:54
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coarsesaltbob2: I beat it quite hard, i had real player, totem and mplayer trying to start things at the same time. I'm just wondering if I have an alternative to rebooting.03:54
bob2Jan_: if you include the stuff I mentioned, it will be a useful bug report, yes ;)03:54
matiuCan anyone point me to a packaging tutorial that doesn't assume I have a make file?03:54
eyequeuesh0wtime:  presuming your gateway is configured to accept from you (which seems likely) then i'm out of ideas, sorry03:54
bob2coarsesalt: ps aux | grep mplayer03:54
Jan_bob2: remind me03:54
Ainvarok well it is reinstalled03:54
bob2coarsesalt: what does that print?03:54
bimberialwat: there isn't one - http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo03:54
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sh0wtimeok tnx eyequeue.. argg03:54
bob211:42:17           bob2 | Jan_: if yo ucould file a bug on bugzilla.ubuntu.com that includes /var/log/dmesg, the fact you used /etc/acip/hibernate.sh and what you saw on the screen (oh, and the laptop model and such), that would be really cool03:54
AinvarI turned off the wifi using my fn key and then turned it back on03:54
linnerboxerboy29, i just ad multiverse wherever i see universe right?03:55
zaphar_pssh0wtime: whats not working?03:55
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bob2matiu: www.debian.org/devel, new maintainer's guide03:55
boxerboy29linner: no :(03:55
Jan_Is the sleep.sh thing a different issue?03:55
eyequeuezaphar_ps:  he can't ping out, even via ip03:55
linnerboxerboy29, oh... :I03:55
bob2matiu: if mentions a makefile, but only because most software has one; you just need to build the software in the build target, and move everything to the right place in the install one03:55
linnerboxerboy29, how might one do it?03:55
Ainvarok the driver is loaded but it is now complaing about the firmware is Unable to load ucode03:55
zaphar_pshe on the same box he's chatting to us with?03:55
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boxerboy29linner: i got mine off that ubuntuguide that ieveryone hates03:55
sh0wtimeeyequeue: one last q.. would i have to restart network services?03:56
Bad_Magicso... still cant get the splashimage to work in grub =\03:56
linnerboxerboy29, is it this link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports03:56
coarsesaltbob2: bunch of stuff i don't understand... I saw someone get shredded for copy and pasting earlier... how should i tell you about it? It does include the .TPB file I tried to watch. First Bunuel film. very odd movie.03:56
eyequeuesh0wtime:  you should not have to, but you can try03:56
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boxerboy29linner nooooooooooo backports03:56
linnerboxerboy29, oh?03:56
bob2coarsesalt: #flood03:56
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Ainvarhmm but the firmware is there :903:56
Ainvarvery strage03:56
linnerboxerboy29, it told me to add this:  deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted03:56
=== Jan_ pours extra hot water into the bowl and puts her feet in
Jan_Ahh :)03:56
=== linner has breezy though
sh0wtimeeyequeue:  how do i do it in ubuntu?03:57
boxerboy29linner ppl keep saying backports bad they will mess your computer up03:57
bolivarI'm trying to install 5.10.  The installer appears to have a resize tool, but when I choose this options nothing happens.  The manual on the CD doesn't mention it from what I can see.  Does the CD have a resize tool or am I seeing things?03:57
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Jan_bob2: The bugzilla wants a "package"03:57
linneroh ... well then why in crap is it in the guide!03:57
Jan_what do I put?03:57
bob2Jan_: linux or kernel, I forget03:57
eyequeuesh0wtime:  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart, should work03:57
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bob2bolivar: hit enter on the ntfs partition, and it should give you an option to resize it03:58
Buttonsoh my im so confused03:58
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linnerboxerboy29, tell me how to get mplayer then... that's all i wanna do03:58
sh0wtimeeyequeue k tnx again03:58
coarsesaltbob2: #flood - What is an overabundance of wetness? Alex - I'll take natural disasters for 400 please (what does this mean?)  :)03:58
eyequeuesh0wtime:  good luck03:58
bob2coarsesalt: heh, show us the output there03:58
MirussaI thought it was the mirrormax backports that were bad not the offical ones03:58
FhaeToni need some help please03:58
C_J_Proanyone here know when the forums should be back up?03:58
Bad_MagicCan anyone help me get a splashimage going in grub?03:58
Jan_how do I get a definitive "which version am I running" report?03:58
boxerboy29anyone have site for multiuniverse sources?03:58
bolivarbob2: When I choose the resize option I don't get any options.  Should I select another option to resize?03:59
Toma-anyone know how to import the gnome menu to kde?03:59
eyequeueC_J_Pro:  down for maintenence, i would guess a few hours03:59
liz4rdhello everyone. i was doing a dist-upgrade to breezy and when ever it gets to scroolkeeper (what ever that is) i get this long error --> http://pastebin.ca/23904 any ideas03:59
bob2bolivar: hm, I don't know, sorry03:59
=== Falstius [n=airen@bgp997741bgs.nanarb01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2Jan_: "uname -r" will print the kernel version03:59
Jan_Is that what I should put in this report?03:59
eyequeueJan_:  for a given package: "dpkg -l packagename" should list a version number03:59
boxerboy29linner: plz hold03:59
linner boxerboy29 no woories04:00
Jan_I mean, what about the version of Ubuntu? I don't know which package this refers to04:00
FhaeTonI am unsuccessful installing unbunt04:00
bob2coarsesalt: sudo pkill gmplayer04:00
thehil How do I link C library with C++ code?04:00
cevizoglueyequeue, thanks, alsamixer did the trick04:00
bob2Jan_: hm, good point; you're using ubuntu 5.10, tho04:00
eyequeuecevizoglu:  glad to hear it04:00
boxerboy29linner can you im me please04:00
Jan_I did an update earlier this evening04:00
bob2thehil: same way you link C code to a C library04:00
Jan_does that make a difference?04:00
bob2thehil: assuming the code is C++-safe04:00
linnerboxerboy29:  sure04:00
Bad_Magicbob2: any help with that splashimage?04:00
bob2Jan_: it's worth mentiong that you installed yesterday (or whenever) and upgraded tonight04:01
bob2Bad_Magic: I've never used it, soryrr04:01
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coarsesaltbob2: thanks for that. I'll track down the explanation for why that works.04:01
=== eyequeue wonders why we don't have an /etc/ubuntu_version
teeniebob: i allready installed my java.. tnx04:01
MachineScrewis there a way i can add a cron job to run acpi -V every second04:01
eyequeueMachineScrew:  cron jobs have a granularity of one minute, but even that is not advised04:02
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teeniewhere i can find a windows xp theme for ubuntu?04:02
MachineScrewok I need my battery monitor to update04:02
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MachineScrewhow would I get it to do that04:02
bob2coarsesalt: the program you ran was called gmplayer, not mplayer04:02
eyequeueMachineScrew:  i'm not the one to ask :(04:03
MachineScrewbob2 is there an easy way to get the batt mon to work04:03
bob2MachineScrew: filing a bug would be the simplest way04:04
MachineScrewi did04:04
MachineScrewit still don't work04:04
teeniewhere i can find a windows xp theme for ubuntu?04:04
bimberiteenie: great question! i don't know but you might find something here ...04:04
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bimberiubotu tell teenie about themes04:04
=== FaithX [n=FaithX@202-6-145-116.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Jan_bob2: Should I put the problem with "sleep.sh" in the same report?04:04
csthepoethey how do you become a super user on ubuntu? is it the same as fedora?04:05
Jan_It strikes me that's an entirely different issue.04:05
cafuego_teenie: kubuntu-desktop would contain a few no doubt.04:05
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eyequeuecsthepoet:  typically "sudo foo" runs foo as root04:05
cafuego_!tell csthepoet -about root04:05
teeniei alredy visit all the site for that theme..but i am trying to find right now is a windows look like04:05
bob2Jan_: I think it's a seperate problem, yeah04:05
csthepoeteyequeue, thanks i just finished installing ubuntu04:05
bimberiteenie: ah, ok :|04:05
FaithXDoes anyone have 3 Netconnect card up and running in AU that could lend some help?04:06
cafuego_teenie: If you're after a windows look-aline, KDE is your best bet. (IT even crashes like windows ;-)04:06
bimberilol cafuego_04:06
eyequeuecsthepoet:  we tend to avoid using root expect when necessary, for security reasons, but the bot should have told you how to enable it if you really need04:06
cafuego_teenie: It will be a HUGE download though (like windows)04:06
eyequeuecsthepoet:  s/expect/except/04:06
teenieand where i can find that?04:06
csthepoeteyequeue, well like to download a program like in yum don't i do it as root?04:06
cafuego_FaithX: Is that one of them roaming wireless pcmcia cards?04:06
eyequeuecsthepoet: yum is what?  like dpkg?04:07
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zaphar_pscsthepoet: you can use sudo04:07
coarsesaltbob2: yes. not sure why its gmplayer, but those commands you sent are obviously the key to figuring that stuff out... thanks.04:07
FaithXcafuego, yes it is04:07
SpudDogg!tell SpudDogg about pure-ftpd04:07
csthepoeteyequeue, no idea haha i'm pretty new to linux as it is, like if you want to download a program in ubuntu do youdo it in terminal?04:07
cafuego_FaithX: I obly ever played with one for about 15 mins....04:07
teeniehow about plug-ins in vcd file?04:07
eyequeuecsthepoet: whatever admin type programs you want for ubuntu are probably already installed :)  but system > admin > synaptic may be what you want :)04:07
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SpudDogg!tell SpudDogg about pureadmin04:08
teeniecause until now i cannot play my vcd in my ubuntu04:08
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csthepoeteyequeue, yea i checked that out too04:08
cafuego_FaithX; But I got ppp to connect at least (if not move actual data)04:08
eyequeuecsthepoet:  that's the menu path to the gui app :)  in console you can do it also though04:08
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FaithXcsthepoet, well it all looks pretty good... it seems to do nearly all the work by itself...04:08
eyequeuecsthepoet:  "sudo apt-get install packagename"04:08
cycomhey, how can I change vlc to be the default media player04:08
csthepoeteyequeue, great thanks04:08
bimberiubotu tell cycom about defaultapp04:09
FaithXnow I just need to figure howto route ppp through /dev/modem without any auth etc.04:09
eyequeuecsthepoet:  "sudo" there means "do the following as if i was root"04:09
cafuego_FaithX: Check the first post at that utl, see if there's any additional info on google.04:09
Jan_bob2: How's this: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1634404:09
csthepoeteyequeue, k that makes sense04:09
eyequeuecsthepoet:  it will ask you for your *user* password (not root password)04:09
SpudDogganyone here good with pure-ftpd and pureadmin?04:09
eyequeuecsthepoet:  only the first-created user has sudo access by default04:09
cycombimberi: that's all well and good, but what if I want to change it without having a file of that type handy?04:10
csthepoeteyequeue, so i type sudo to go into root?04:10
=== _rb_ [n=dave@219-88-74-28.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
bimbericycom: ah, you've got me there sorry :|04:10
_rb_heyas, where do i get vcdimanager ?04:11
eyequeuecsthepoet:  um, sudo is typically used on a per-command basis ... the command to change to another user (such as root) is "su"04:11
_rb_( for making video cd's inb k3b04:11
HrdwrBoBeyequeue: sudo -s gives you a root shell04:11
Ainvarok I have reinstall the kernel like I was told toget the ipw2200 drivers back, I have verified that the files for the firmware, drivers, and also the ieee80211 are there04:11
eyequeueHrdwrBoB:  true04:11
_rb_cept su is disabled in a default install of ubuntu04:11
Jan_Do people also care about sleep not working?04:11
HrdwrBoBJan_: sleep works for me04:11
csthepoeteyequeue, that's what i though now when typing su it asks you for a password, isn't that the password you use to log into ubuntu?04:11
AinvarI also did a dmesg looking for all three and everything is working except for the firmware04:11
HrdwrBoBJan_: file a bug about it04:12
Ainvarany others ideas before I reboot?04:12
Jan_I would do but really04:12
eyequeueJan_:  yes, though it isn't usually viewed as being as critical04:12
Jan_is it worth it04:12
Jan_It's just that it seems to HALF work.04:12
_rb_anyone on the vcdi thing ?04:12
HrdwrBoBpossibly not04:12
zaphar_ps_rb_: it takes about 2 seconds to enable it04:12
=== betaguygzt [n=betaguyg@lnngmibas01-pool4-a101.lnngmi.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jan_Which is a pisser because... you know. Poeple have already done the work, it'd be nice if it was functional.04:12
betaguygzthello everyone04:12
eyequeuecsthepoet:  su - otheruser, if you have a few users set up, heh .... "sudo -s" will get you that root shell you want, as HrdwrBoB mentioned04:12
betaguygztwhat happened to the ubuntu forums ?04:12
HrdwrBoBJan_: file it anyway04:12
AinvarI would love for my suspend and hybernate to work on my dell i6000d but I know there are still issues with it04:13
eyequeuebetaguygzt:  maintenence04:13
betaguygztok good04:13
betaguygztty muchly04:13
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csthepoeteyequeue, and how could i get that password or set it up04:13
betaguygztsecond dumb question04:13
linuxmonkeybob2,  just wanted to let you know thanks :)04:13
betaguygztare the repositories going to be back up soon?04:13
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Jan_did I do a decent job on that last bug report?04:14
HrdwrBoBI bought my laptop specifically because I knew it was supported :)04:14
Jan_I don't want to crap it up04:14
HrdwrBoBJan_: looks good to me04:14
betaguygztI got a friend of mine trying outUbuntu and I needed to update his machine04:14
HrdwrBoBJan_: if more info is needed, it'll be asked04:14
eyequeuecsthepoet:  there is not one, this is for your protection.   set one up by "sudo -s" (now you're root) then "passwd" (as root) to set root's password04:14
csthepoeteyequeue, wait never mind seei'm trying to compare this all to fedora04:14
linuxmonkeybob2, i am now speaking to you from a wifi connection, hopefully my apps will work but atleast I got wifi04:14
eyequeuecsthepoet:  yeah, typically i'd say ask this in a week, after getting used to using sudo in ubuntu :)04:14
Jan_OK, next glitch.04:14
betaguygztanyway, thanks everyone. cheers!04:15
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Jan_I installed gxine because totem was being crappy playing DVDs.04:15
Jan_It works, but it doesn't seem to handle mp3.04:15
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csthepoeteyequeue, see that's another thing my best friend who set up linux for me did all this stuff and i didn't see it so now i'm actually learning04:15
_rb_anyone had success with creating vcd's in k3b ?04:15
eyequeuecsthepoet:  set the root password if youi like, but do try to do things TheUbuntuWay a bit if you can, we think it's safer :)04:15
=== hari` [n=hari`@ip68-9-30-215.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jan_Gxine displays correct info about the mp3, but the progress bar and timer increment way too fast04:16
Jan_and no sound is generated04:16
eyequeuecsthepoet:  learning (imo) is always good, even the hard way :/04:16
Jan_DVD playback works fine, for reference.04:16
hari`How do you go about working around dumb version number naming problems like this?  "Depends: libgcc1 (>= 1:4.0.0-7) but 1:4.0-0pre6ubuntu7 is to be installed"04:16
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eyequeuecsthepoet:  i like browsing /usr/share/doc/* for it though, a bit safer :)04:16
izak30can someone help me with sound issues with a thinkpad 600e, i need alsa config or something, and i need to load a module which doesn't appear to be installed04:17
zaphar_psanyone know how to stop konqueror from opening everything up in a tab?04:17
bob2linuxmonkey: yay04:17
csthepoeteyequeue, so now if i want to look for a program how would i do that in root?04:17
=== jerry [n=jerry@cpe-66-27-204-255.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jan_WAV files play OK...04:17
Jan_why no mp3?04:17
Jan_does it need a separate codec or something?04:17
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eyequeuecsthepoet:  i'd do it as user, to find a program for "foo" i'd type "apt-cache search foo | less"04:18
alexandroshello, can someone help get video when I play wvx files right now I only get audio no matter what I use04:18
=== Bicchi [n=chatzill@adsl-065-006-167-199.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
f00li5hzaphar_ps: it's under settings - configure konqueror04:18
eyequeuecsthepoet:  in gui, you can use the search feature of synaptic, but i'm a commandline junkie04:18
f00li5hin behaboiur04:18
bob2Jan_: looks great, thanks!04:18
Jan_just out of interest, why are YOU thanking me? :)04:18
csthepoeteyequeue, yea i'm the same i think you get better results that way04:19
hari`Anyone have a source that fixes this?  "Depends: libgcc1 (>= 1:4.0.0-7) but 1:4.0-0pre6ubuntu7 is to be installed"04:19
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bob2Jan_: by filing a good bug like that, it means it can be fixed for everyone else with your hardware04:19
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eyequeuecsthepoet:  apt-cache search will get you a list off apps, if one looks interesting, apt-cache show packagename | less04:20
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bob2hari`: don't install Debian .debs on ubuntu04:20
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bimberiJan_: doing good bug reports is a valuable part of the Free Software community :)04:20
Jan_how community minded of you :)04:20
=== Jan_ used to complain on software for a living, so...
bob2and what bimberi said04:20
hari`bob2, I'm trying to install an ubuntu deb, but it must be some breezy thing without announcing it.04:20
eyequeueJan_:  caring enough to write a good bug report is a commendable activity :)  we all win then04:20
=== bob2 hates getting "omg it doesn't work" bugs
bob2hari`: where is it from?04:20
Amaranthare the forums down?04:20
Jan_How fast can I expect a response to that? Weeks? Months?04:21
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linuxmonkeybob2, you know of any wifi linux tools, like netstunbler is for windows04:21
Jan_'cos basically, we'll be hanging on for a fix.04:21
bob2linuxmonkey: kismet04:21
eyequeueAmaranth:  maint04:21
izak30kismet for wifi04:21
Jan_it's going to be a pain not to have it working04:21
hari`bob2, cinelerra is the package, and the website gave the source line for ubuntu, but didn't say hoary or breezy or anything.04:21
csthepoeteyequeue, ok so let's say i want to search for mplayer then i type  apt-cache search mplayer?04:21
izak30airsnort and airsniff as well for wifi linux monkey04:21
Jan_ew, cinelerra04:21
BicchiIs there a way to get a software that is in Breezy without having to upgrade to Breezy first? For now I am still using Hoary.04:21
bob2!+info libgcc1 hoary04:21
ubotulibgcc1: (GCC support library), section libs, is required. Version: 1:4.0-0pre6ubuntu7 (hoary), Packaged size: 79 kB, Installed size: 160 kB04:22
izak30can someone help me with sound issues with a thinkpad 600e, i need alsa config or something, and i need to load a module which doesn't appear to be installed04:22
bob2hari`: even breezy doesn't have that libgcc1 version04:22
eyequeuecsthepoet:  that will get you the packages that list mplayer in their longdescripions, yes04:22
Jan_OK, next problem. Why no mp3?04:22
Jan_I want my MTV goddammit04:22
bob2csthepoet: note that mplayer is not available with the default sources.list config04:22
bob2Jan_: totem can't play them by default, but gxine certainly should be able to04:22
eyequeuecsthepoet:  then if you see one you like (called mplayer-586 let's say) apt-cache show mplayer-58604:22
hari`bob2, guess they're on crack; seems that a lot of people hit it for several media-related programs, if google is any indication.04:22
AmaranthBicchi: you can see if the packages are in backports04:22
csthepoeteyequeue, ok perfect thanks04:23
Jan_bob2: it seems to try04:23
bob2!+info cinelerra breezy04:23
ubotuPackage 'cinelerra' does not exist.04:23
Jan_Plus I'd like to associate them with gxine04:23
BicchiAmaranth: i have backports enabled and i couldn't find it.04:23
eyequeuecsthepoet:  apt-cache show should give you more details about a package than you want :)04:23
phil_if i'm running an athlon machine whihc kernel is better i686 or k704:23
Jan_at the moment you have to launch it manuallyt04:23
AmaranthBicchi: Then it probably isn't available.04:23
Buddha|!+info openbox breezy04:23
ubotuopenbox: (standards compliant, fast, light-weight, extensible window manager), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 3.2-7 (breezy), Packaged size: 192 kB, Installed size: 916 kB04:23
bob2phil_: k704:23
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cafuego_phil_: k704:23
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BicchiAmaranth: yeah but is there a way to still get it using apt-get. like to force it to download and install04:24
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csthepoeteyequeue, is nothing shows up then it means that their isnt any applications with that name?04:24
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phil_bob2: what the kernel is compiled with some 3d now features?04:24
eyequeuecsthepoet:  nothing with your *current* sources.list entries04:24
AmaranthBicchi: Like hand editing configuration files?04:24
B_166-ER-Xis there a way to run starcraft on ubuntu..other than with Wine (wich is really slow) ?04:24
bob2phil_: that's a bit of a red herring, but k7 would04:24
=== capiCrimm [n=admin@CPE-65-31-169-86.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotumethinks cedega is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega04:25
cafuego_B_166-ER-X: No.04:25
rob^B_166-ER-X, try that04:25
capiCrimmwhere is the sudo file?04:25
phil_bob2: what should i use to benchmark04:25
csthepoeteyequeue, ok is ubuntu the only linux system youhave used?04:25
eyequeuecsthepoet:  no04:25
cafuego_B_166-ER-X: Note that cedega is just a version of wine.04:25
BicchiAmaranth: I'll just get the sources then. its about the same degree of dificulty04:25
eyequeuecapiCrimm:  you probably want /etc/sudoers04:25
rob^yes, but for games04:25
csthepoeteyequeue, which ones have you tried?04:25
eyequeuecsthepoet:  debian and slackware04:25
bob2phil_: benchmark what? the kernel?04:25
AmaranthBicchi: man apt_preferences04:25
csthepoeteyequeue, you like ubuntu best?04:25
eyequeuecsthepoet:  so far, yes :)04:25
phil_bob2: yep04:26
BicchiAmaranth: ok thanks04:26
bob2phil_: I don't know of anything for that04:26
cafuego_Why would you benchmark the kernel?04:26
eyequeuecsthepoet:  yggdrasil was fun, in it's time, heh04:26
bob2I'm not even really sure what you mean04:26
csthepoeteyequeue, ubuntu seems easier or more like their is less stuff to deal with04:26
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Jan_xine tries to play some mp3s04:26
Jan_doesn't even try on others04:26
linuxmonkeybob2, guess i'll hqave to fork out some $ to buy a card that will work with kismet and others without using ndiswrapper04:26
phil_cafuego: to see the difference between i686 and k7 kernel on the same machine04:26
eyequeuecsthepoet:  less stuff unless you like to poke under the hood, then you can still do that.  best of both worlds04:26
csthepoeteyequeue, i got used to fedora but i was having a prob with it and my laptop04:27
cafuego_phil_: Negligable.04:27
bob2linuxmonkey: my ipw2100 works fine with it, as do all prism-based cards04:27
rob^just use bmp/xmms/rhythmbox etc for mp3s04:27
bob2linuxmonkey: I gather ipw2200 works fine, too04:27
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eyequeuebob2:  ipw2200 here, no complaints04:27
phil_cafuego: thanks04:27
janne_Newbiehi....i have some problem...04:27
linuxmonkeyyea, ndiswrapper sucks, its usefull to get u online on wifi but u can do squat with it04:27
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bob2eyequeue: do you have many of the "firmware lockup, restarting" errors?04:27
B_166-ER-X.wmv file that i know works are not playing, even if i have the wvm support (on mplayer)04:28
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StrogJan_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats <-- scroll down for mp304:28
janne_NewbieI just updatet my ubuntu and it tried to update firefox packages.....but it didnt succeed...04:28
bob2janne_Newbie: you're using backports?04:28
eyequeuebob2:  i had them with an earlier kernel, i recall, and seem to have some issues with suspend to disk inconsistently that i never tracked down04:28
rob^Strog, looks like ubotu is out of date, I just got through rewriting that page04:28
bob2janne_Newbie: read the channel /topic04:28
bob2eyequeue: ah, right04:29
eyequeuebob2:  and to ram never worked, heh04:29
bob2like ipw2100 a year ago then :)04:29
Jan_Strog: I've been looking at that04:29
Jan_but it's not helpful04:29
Strogand you installed k3b-mp3?04:29
rob^bob2, that topic is a little bit over the top04:30
janne_Newbiek....but now firefox dont let me go internet at all....tries to load but thats it...04:30
Jan_But this seems to assume I'm using Totem.04:30
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Jan_I would be using Totem if it worked.04:30
bob2rob^: yeah, I don't know who set it04:30
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StrogJan_: It installs the codec with it04:30
eyequeue--- Topic for #ubuntu set by Seveas at Sun Sep 25 16:18:37 200504:30
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:bob2] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | Colony 5 is out: http://tinyurl.com/85dry | Upgrading to breezy? http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes | Use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl for pasting | Found a bug? http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com | Firefox problems? -> see http://tinyurl.com/8cv9q and be careful when using backports in future
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o bob2] by bob2
Jan_all it mentions is mp3 ripping and encoding04:31
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Jan_I don't want to do either04:31
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rob^I just rewrote restrictedformats using the unofficial backports to get w32codecs and others04:31
nihi1sti cazzi!04:31
rob^currently its the best method04:31
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cafuego_Unofficial backports? Is that at all a good idea?04:31
Jan_Christ it's 23 megs?04:31
Amaranthrob^: Except that iirc the unofficial backports doesn't have w32codecs and java anymore.04:31
rob^cafuego, know of a better way?04:32
janne_Newbieis it bad to get rid of firefox? and install it again....?04:32
bob2it's way way way way way way way simpler for people to just get the w32codecs deb and install it with dpkg04:32
eyequeuejanne_Newbie:  that tinyurl mentioned in the /topic will walk you through it safely04:32
rob^java doesn't use backports on that page anyway, as for w32codecs that must be new04:32
cafuego_rob^: Not offhand, but unofficial backports leads to pain and users asking how to fix shit here ;-)04:32
paulproteusbob2: My friends would much rather use Synaptic than a terminal.04:33
janne_Newbiei cant use any urls bec my firefox dont go internet....bec i updated ubuntu...04:33
rob^cafuego, have a read of the page, it explains exactly what to do04:33
Jan_I'm confused. As regards flash "there is no free implementation"04:33
StrogJan_: Sorry about that. Guess it was talking decoding in the context of k3b. I can play mp3 just fine on my breezy install but it's ppc and I'm not sure if there's something different04:33
rob^ie remove it when done04:33
eyequeuejanne_Newbie:  apt-get install lynx :)04:33
janne_Newbiesomething went wrong in firefox...04:33
cafuego_paulproteus: if the syanptic way potentially causes breakage where dpkjg does nopt, they should get over themselves.04:33
janne_Newbielets try04:33
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darkbutterflyedit your source list04:33
Strogeyequeue: nah, links2 so you can use links -g. :)04:33
ksmurfIs there a way to autenticate other repo's for sources.list?04:33
nihi1ahoooo 'mbariii!!04:34
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nihi1macchi spacchiufai?04:34
eyequeueksmurf:  apt-key?04:34
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bob2paulproteus: yeah04:34
ksmurfayequeue.... apt-key?04:34
bob2crappy situation, I guess04:34
Jan_Yay, there's an iTMS replacement for linux!04:34
GregAscheis there a way to have two clocks displayed in the date and time corner?04:34
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janne_Newbiethanks for that....i come back soon...i think..=)04:34
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eyequeueksmurf:  man apt-key should give details04:34
ksmurfk thanks04:35
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=== Orborde reads the topic
cafuego_Yuckly i386-only info04:36
OrbordeIs something wrong with the Ubuntu forums?04:36
khermanswho needs help?04:36
eyequeueOrbman:  maintenence04:36
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khermansOrborde, yes it is down on and off04:36
wthannaI have just installed Enlightenment 16. It does not show up as a "session" option to login to. What do I need to do?04:36
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VoXany idea when vlc is going to be available for amd64 in breezy?04:36
khermansVoX, i had it installed04:36
janne_Newbiewhat was that lynx...............?04:36
khermansVoX, it should be there04:37
janne_Newbiei just installed it and i get my firefox back....(?)04:37
darkbutterflyi need some help getting my sound to work in breezy04:37
darkbutterflyit didn't work in hoary either.04:37
VoXkhermans: it's there, with 5 unresolvable dependencies04:37
eyequeuejanne_Newbie:  an alternative web browser, works in console (if your x dies)04:37
OrbordeIs there any way I can run a 64-bit kernel but a mostly 32-bit environment?04:37
khermansVoX, what are they?04:37
nihi1a text-based web browser janne_Newbie04:37
OrbordeI want to set up 32-bit Ubuntu because everything works in 32-bit.04:37
drogohOrborde, I highly doubt it.04:37
darkbutterflyi have a gateway solo 2500, and the sound card is a neomagic 25604:37
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VoXOrborde: run the 64-bit kernel and chroot the 32bit things you need to run04:38
OrbordeBut I want to leave open the possibility of setting up a 64-bit chroot or something later.04:38
khermansOrborde, 640bit is aproblem because of closed source04:38
nihi1siti puppi!04:38
darkbutterflycan anyone help me?04:38
[klined] how do i send files to other windows users in gaim, it fails each time04:38
janne_Newbiebut why it made my firefox work properly? Before that fox didnt launch....04:38
cafuego_Orborde: You can't. it only works the other way around.04:38
Jan_gxine says "error loading library qtml.dll"04:38
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khermansdarkbutterfly, do you get any errors?04:38
Jan_I thought DLLs were a Windows thing04:38
eyequeue[klined] :  one protocol worked, one didnt ... try aim or yahoo04:38
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Orbordecafuego_: I'm thinking of a 64-bit kernel, but everything else is 32-bit.04:38
khermansdarkbutterfly, what is this a laptop, ibook, desktop PC, etc?04:38
MachineScrewany one who wants to upgrade to breezy04:38
eyequeue[klined] :  then try the other04:39
darkbutterflynot when i do a modprobe, but when i do alsamixer, it says no sound device04:39
janne_Newbieok....but thanks for that lynx info.....04:39
darkbutterflyit's a laptop04:39
NecrosanWhat is Colony 5?04:39
khermansOrborde, ask yourself why you need 64-bits first04:39
janne_Newbiebye all!!!04:39
StrogJan_: They arer. It's using the windows codecs to play quicktime04:39
Orbordecafuego_: Right now I have a 64-bit kernel and userspace, with a 32bit chroot set up for Firefox and whatnot to work.04:39
NecrosanWhat's the diff between this & regular ubuntu breezy?04:39
[klined] eyeque: you mean have them log onto yahoo?04:39
nihi1addio coglioni!!!04:39
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eyequeueNecrosan:  fifth prerelease version04:39
cafuego_Orborde: Yes. 64bit can run 32bit. 32bit can NOT run 64bit.04:39
VoXkhermans: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/252704:39
khermansOrborde, is having 0.00005 better speed in very few applications worht the user headache?04:39
Necrosanoh fuck04:40
NecrosanI downloaded the regular 5.10 from the homepage04:40
eyequeueNecrosan:  each cd is a snapshot, breezy is presently a dynamic target04:40
Necrosancan i update &  be just as advanced?04:40
cafuego_khermans: There is no user headache. Flash is shit, so not missed, same for java applets.04:40
Orbordecafuego_: So set up a 32-bit apps/etc. files and just run a 64-bit kernel.04:40
Jan_gxine seems to play absolutely anything EXCEPT mp304:40
[klined] java applets are great04:40
khermansVoX, do you have the additional repos added?04:40
Jan_including AVIs with mp3 soundtracks04:40
Orbordecafuego_: Not everyone agrees with that.04:40
drogohCurious, does the Hoary DVD image have no kernel support for SATA?04:40
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cafuego_Orborde: In theory the 32bit apps cna run under the 64bit system.04:40
rob^ok, I removed backports from RestrictedFormats, but had to keep a way to get w32codecs04:40
khermanscafuego, yes there is, dont lie04:40
darkbutterflyalsa says it's supported, and it's also supported by oss.  but i have to use commercial oss drivers, and i don't like doing that.04:40
khermanscafuego, i ran 64-but many times04:40
greganyone know where a howto for firefox 1.5beta on breezy is?04:40
cafuego_khermans: No, there aren't.04:40
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rob^and added information on the decss installer in ubuntu04:40
VoXkhermans: define "additional repos"04:40
eyequeueNecrosan:  i recommend just trying that, then doing an upgrade online with it04:41
Jan_OK, I installed that mp3 thing04:41
Jan_and still no playback.04:41
Jan_Any more suggestions?04:41
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khermanscafuego, what if I am a Java programmer or java consumer?04:41
bob2greg: download binary tarball from mozilla.org. untar in your home dir.  run the firefox binary.04:41
OrbordeWhat repo is ndiswrapper in?04:41
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MachineScrewso is there an easy way to get w32codecs in breezy04:41
eyequeueNecrosan: unless you're planning on distributing multiple copies of the image or something04:41
rob^MachineScrew, kind of04:41
rob^check out:04:41
khermansVoX, in your sourcs.list file04:41
darkbutterflyis anybody gonna help me with the sound here?04:41
bur[n] eranyone know how to get the rounded corners to be transparent instead of writing a rectangle in metacity??04:41
cafuego_khermans: Java applications work fine.04:41
ubotucodecs is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats04:41
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gregbob2, complains about error while loading shared libraries: libmozjs.so04:42
VoXkhermans: yes, i meant /which/ additional repos? :)04:42
khermanscafuego, no they dont -- the 64-bit JVM crashes all the time04:42
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wthannaCan someone tell me why, after installing E1604:42
bob2greg: is that file i nthe tarball?04:42
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glynI accidentally removed the trash from the panel how do I get it back?04:42
cafuego_khermans: All Java applications I use work _fine_.04:42
khermanscafuego, try a 64-bit JVM in extended usage04:42
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bob2glyn: right click, add applet, select it04:42
rob^Amaranth, the java section is from the FAQ Guide04:42
Orbordekhermans: I've never had the 64-bit JVM crash, but hey.04:42
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rob^slightly reworded04:42
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Hikaru79Are Ubuntu Forums down right now or is it just me?04:43
khermansOrborde, try running eclipse04:43
gregbob2, uhh yeah. the tarball is fine. checked md504:43
Amaranthrob^: *shudder*04:43
DonLHere I am back in Warty after a failed upgrade from Hoary to Breezy04:43
rob^Amaranth, ?04:43
cafuego_There is no eclipse in amd64 breezy.04:43
Orbordekhermans: What is eclipse?04:43
bob2greg: the file is in the tarball?04:43
glynwhere do I rightclick?04:43
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bob2glyn: on the panel04:43
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trigger_phis it advisable to import true type fonts from a windows system?04:43
bob2trigger_ph: if you want to04:43
phil_How do you guys follow the current conversation so much chatter in here shall we not create sub-channels like #ubuntu-media #ubuntu-installing ....04:44
Hikaru79trigger_ph, look into msttcorefonts04:44
cafuego_Well, not one that can actually install.04:44
khermansVoX, use the "main restricted universe multiverse" reops04:44
glynthat's not working04:44
Hikaru79phil_, you get used to it, honest :P04:44
Amaranthrob^: http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/log.php04:44
=== Jan_ rocks out
khermanscafuego, how do you run the Adobe Acrobat product in 64-bit?04:44
phil_Hikaru79: My kids do this to me asking 25 questions a sec I can't use to this04:44
glynthere is just preferences help about remove from panel and lock to panel04:44
fungkuCan I get some help obtaining an IP address with dhcp (using wireless network)?04:44
cafuego_khermans: I run Evince.04:44
rob^Amaranth, we never used java from backports04:44
khermanscafuego, and how do you view encrypted PDFs?04:45
cafuego_khermans: i have no need for proprietary software.04:45
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Amaranthrob^: They removed w32codecs too.04:45
Orbordephil_: Directing your comments helps.04:45
cafuego_khermans: I decrypt them first.04:45
trigger_phbob2: ubuntu seems to have pre-classified all true type fonts into corresponding directories, unlike windows, whch places all of them in one04:45
bob2phil_: because then you'd split the available helpers 8 ways04:45
khermanscafuego, you may not, but other users will04:45
rob^Amaranth, yep, fixed that one up04:45
bob2phil_: and there are already not enough04:45
khermanscafuego, how many people know how to do that04:45
eyequeuedoesn't evince handle encrypted pdfs04:45
[klined] hm04:45
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phil_bob2: U do make a point04:45
[klined] aim for linux can't even send stuff to people with aim04:45
glyncan someone help me get my trash can back on the panel?04:45
Hikaru79phil_, in that case, the forums and mailing lists give quality support at a slower pace.04:45
Orbordefungku: What's your problem? DHCP is supposed to do it automatically.04:45
glynoh wait04:45
bob2trigger_ph: yeah, doesn't really matter, tho04:45
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glynI was clicking on something else04:45
[klined] lol04:45
bob2glyn: you need to click on the actual panel04:45
glynwrong spot04:45
bob2glyn: not on an applet04:45
fungkuI've got wireless working if i define an IP address, but I want to obtain it from my router, which doesn't work.04:46
fungkuI'm not sure why04:46
trigger_phbob2: great..thanks again!04:46
eyequeueglyn:  you have a mouse?  right-click on the panel04:46
khermansOrborde, eclipse is a Java-based IDE04:46
bob2trigger_ph: ~/.fonts/ is simplest if you habve only a single user04:46
Hikaru79Are Ubuntu Forums down right now or is it just me?04:46
Jan_Lots of my MP3s crash gxine04:46
bob2fungku: does it work for other machines04:46
cafuego_khermans: With *breezy* software there is no problem on amd64. if you mix in 3rd party shit, god knows what kind of problems you get.04:46
bob2Hikaru79: down04:46
eyequeueglyn:  press the plus to add04:46
OrbordeHikaru79: Yes.04:46
fungkubob2: yes04:46
Hikaru79bob2, thanks :( Was worried about that.04:46
[klined] bob2: you would be my hero if you told me what program could send stuff to people with aim04:46
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khermanscafuego, yes -- the problem is that people need these applications04:46
eyequeueglyn:  select the trash can04:46
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cafuego_khermans: In 80% of cases people only *think* they need them.04:46
khermanscafuego, i agree with you that we should all push for OSS, but in the mean time, there are no alternatives on other platforms04:47
Jan_No VLC binaries for Ubuntu.04:47
Orbordecafuego_: Example?04:47
Jan_Should I use the Debian ones?04:47
cafuego_khermans: .. and get extremely defensive when you tell them there's a different way of doing things.04:47
DonLseems like lots of people are running breezy. Took me about 3 hours to make sure I had it all, but something's missing. No X04:47
=== iiapiiuhm [n=ojuaytop@d213-103-198-150.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu
fungkuI have 2 windows machines which obtain an IP address with dhcp fine04:47
bob2[klined] : gaim, presumably04:47
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khermanscafuego, hehe that is true04:47
fungkubut ubunto won't for some reason04:47
khermanscafuego, because they realize they have wasted a lot of time04:47
[klined] bob2: you'd think so aye? lol, no luck man04:47
fungkuubuntu, even04:47
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bur[n] erawww... nevermind my earlier comment about rounded corners... it seems the other modules for xorg.conf do a lot of good stuff :)04:47
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bob2[klined] : where no luck = ?04:47
trigger_phbob2: ok i don't have ~/.fonts yet, so i'll just mkdir one?04:48
eyequeuebob2:  i think gaim handles it for yahoo, but fails for the aim protocol04:48
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bob2fungku: is it MAC-locked?04:48
bob2eyequeue: ah04:48
[klined] bob2: gaim has no luck sending/receiving with my buddy04:48
Orbordecafuego_: Demanding that people change applications as well only adds to trouble.04:48
bob2[klined] : maybe pork would work, I don't know04:48
cafuego_Orborde: Sugegsting, not demanding. New cheese is good.04:48
Jan_"open with" doesn't seem to work too well04:48
bob2trigger_ph: yes04:48
[klined] bob2: what if I'm jewish?04:48
Orborde[klined] : Are either of you behind a NAT? That supposedly causes problems.04:48
[klined] my firewall is disabled04:48
fungkubob2: I turned mac-address locking off for my wireless access point, but I haven't checked the router...04:48
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Orbordecafuego_: The problem is helping them get alternatives.04:48
khermansVoX, http://www.nanocrew.net/?p=12904:48
eyequeuebob2:  typically an aim user has already installed yahoo messenger too :)04:48
Orbordecafuego_: Or rather, find out that they exist.04:49
[klined] what ports does aim use? never had a problem in windows with it, so I assume my router is set up right for it04:49
satafterhI just downloaded the latest version of zsnes but cant find install instructions can some one help??04:49
cafuego_Orborde: That can be hard when peple say "Fuck off, I want to fix things in  away that won't work"04:49
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[klined] satafterh: if it's the source ./configure;make;make install04:49
bob2eyequeue: hah04:49
khermanscafuego, linux is not for the masses04:49
bob2satafterh: what's wrong with zsnes in ubuntu?04:49
khermanscafuego, ... in its current state04:50
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Orborde[klined] : AIM uses 5190 a lot, I think.04:50
DonLsatafterh, if you get it from the Ubuntu repositories like I did, it should just work04:50
cafuego_khermans: That depends, the masses generally want web, mail and office. All of those work fine.04:50
Jan_Probably more than half of my mp3s crash gxine04:50
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[klined] Orborde: I think that's to connec to the main chat server04:50
Jan_maybe I just have a lot of busted mp3s, but yikes...04:50
cafuego_khermans: In most cases BETTER then on say Windows.04:50
Jan_is there a better alternative?04:50
satafterh<[klined] > it ran very slow for me04:50
Orborde[klined] : Yeah. Guess that doesn't help much.04:50
wthannacan anyone tell me how to make Enlightenment show up as a session option when i login to ubuntu breezy.. installed thru synaptic, but does not show as an option on login04:50
khermanscafuego, hehe, and if they can't click on that popup that says "Install Flash", they are screwed04:50
eyequeuecafuego:  especially in massachusetts :)04:50
trigger_phbob2: thanks. i'm importing now, will let u know the moment gimp sees them. :)04:51
khermanscafuego, and what about all the windows-specific codecs for video?04:51
cafuego_khermans: Well, considering they'll be using a Dell, they'll be in ia32, so flash will work fine, shit though it is.04:51
MachineScrewcan any one here help darkbutterfly04:51
bob2trigger_ph: heh, np04:51
=== Linux_whore [n=java_cod@64-185-187-233.block2.gvtc.com] has joined #ubuntu
khermanscafuego, what about streaming video on news sites?  A normal user gets flusterd on lknux04:51
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khermanscafuego, streaming video probably turns away many people once they think they are comfortable in linux04:52
Orbordecafuego: Yeah; right up until you do something nonstandard, Linux is fine.04:52
MachineScrewshe has a problem with NeoMagic 256 sound card04:52
cafuego_khermans: Joe BLow doesn't look at streaming video. he sends mail and types letters in Word.04:52
=== darkbutterfly [n=darkbutt@ip68-225-114-187.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
khermanscafuego, you are dead wrong04:52
cafuego_khermans: but that's an altogether different story.04:52
=== bur[n] er agrees with khermans
MachineScrewcome on dang it04:52
khermanscafuego, look at the stats for Real Networks sales04:52
[klined] satafterh: hmm, not sure man04:52
rob^grr, khermans check out restrictedformats on the wiki04:52
Orbordecafuego_: What if he's clicking around CNN news and it says, "View our report on this disaster, live!", and he clicks it.04:52
[klined] cafuego: yea they do!04:52
|wwwhats a good text editor that does syntax highlighting04:52
eyequeueyeah, streaming video seems common on news sites these days04:52
cafuego_khermans: No, i'm not wrong.04:52
=== WebLOCH [n=baris@82-34-95-143.cable.ubr05.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeuelww vim04:53
Jan_VLC for GTK doesn't support dropping files.04:53
Jan_That's cruddy.04:53
bob2|ww: I quite like emacs; you might like gedit if you've recently come from windows04:53
khermansrob^, it doesnt have to do with restricted formats, RealPlayer does ALL formats -- even OSS ones04:53
=== darkbutterfly needs some help with my soundcard
Orbordecafuego_: In windows, it magically works. In Linux, you have to go look up a tutorial, apt-get 5 things.04:53
cafuego_eyequeue: just because it's there doesn't mean people actually click it (or visit those sites).04:53
=== VoX [n=vox@c211-28-44-168.sunsh1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
mazzabrhi folds. I need to recovery a destroyed grub mbr.04:53
|wwbob2; emacs have duel view editing?04:53
mazzabrwindows has destroyed it, and now I need to recover.04:53
rob^khermans, well install it then and stop complaining04:53
eyequeuecafuego:  i see it commonly in with students and teachers here04:53
cafuego_eyequeue; They are *not* Joe Blow.04:54
Jan_OK well I@m going to slee04:54
darkbutterflycan anyone help me with my sound card?  it's a neomagic 256 on a gateway solo 2500 laptop, and it's not being detected.04:54
Jan_night all04:54
Jan_and thanks!04:54
=== Jan_ waves
bob2|ww: I don't know what that is, but yes04:54
bob2Jan_: adios04:54
WebLOCHhey guys, is totem meant to be able to playback AVI and MPG files?04:54
Orbordecafuego_: You do have to remember: YOU are a Linux user. YOU ARE NOT THE MASSES.04:54
VoXkhermans: what was your responce to the repos? my cable dropped out :(04:54
Linux_whorewhere can i get gaim1.5 for ubuntu? the source wont compile on here and the gaim website does not have gaim for ubuntu. also synatic does not have the newest version.04:54
=== SpudDogg [n=SpudDogg@69-165-176-242.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
mazzabrdarkbutterfly, try alsamixer04:54
cafuego_Orborde: I help the masses with their intenet woes, I _do_ know what I'm talking about.04:54
darkbutterflyi'm using ubuntu breezy, just upgraded from hoary, and it didn't work under that, either.04:54
darkbutterflyi did.04:54
Madpilot!tell WebLOCH about restricted04:54
mazzabrdarkbutterfly, probably the volume at alsamixer is low04:54
=== Paradoxx [n=matthewm@port0182-acw-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #Ubuntu
MadpilotWebLOCH: Totem can - see the msg ubotu just sent you for details04:55
WebLOCHMadpilot, I know about restricted formats, im just asking if totem should04:55
rob^Linux_whore, some times you need to use debian packages for things04:55
darkbutterflyno, it says there is no sound card.04:55
eyequeuedarkbutterfly:  sudo alsamixer04:55
=== rob^ slaps his naughty hand
mazzabrdarkbutterfly, sorry then, that was the default answer.04:55
Paradoxxfinally, i'm back..04:55
MadpilotWebLOCH: my Totem install can...04:55
WebLOCHMadpilot, in that case is there a way to configure totem so that it sees the extra codecs because currently it refuses to play additional formats04:55
Paradoxxlo all04:55
mazzabrdarkbutterfly, was the sound working util then?04:55
eyequeuedarkbutterfly:  nm04:55
darkbutterflyno, it wasn't.04:55
MadpilotWebLOCH: not sure of the details, sorry. have a 2nd look at that wiki page04:55
nomasteryodadarkbutterfly, this is the channel where the ubuntu experts live...04:55
eagleyeWhat do you reccommend for installing java04:56
WebLOCHMadpilot, will do04:56
rob^ubotu tell eagleye about java04:56
OrbordeWhere do I get ndiswrapper?04:56
wthannaanyone running E16?04:56
mazzabrdarkbutterfly, you shouldn't have moved to unstable before being sure that your hardware is compatible.04:56
=== timbo_ [n=timbo@68-113-210-229.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Linux_whorerob^ i understand, but where do i get the debian packages?04:56
Madpilotlater, all04:56
drogohOrborde, Google ndiswrapper04:56
Orbordeapt-get install ndiswrapper-utils says "Can't find package"04:56
MachineScrewapt-get install ndiswrapper-utils04:56
darkbutterflyalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory04:56
Paradoxxwhat do you all recommend for burning dvds?04:57
MachineScrewok opp04:57
darkbutterflythat's the error i got04:57
Paradoxxlike to watch in a dvd player04:57
rob^ubotu no java is to install Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:57
uboturob^: okay04:57
nomasteryodamazzabr, here old system works fine with breezy.... since it did not even work with hoary. not an issue there04:57
leopardOrorde: you probably have to edit your /etc/apt/sources.list04:57
rob^Linux_whore, on their site?04:57
bimberiOrborde: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetUpNdiswrapper04:57
darkbutterflyto install java, you can go to applications under breezy04:57
darkbutterflyyou go to add application04:58
=== digiturtle [n=chris@adsl-67-126-141-163.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
digiturtlehello all04:58
csthepoethey what's the installation command for ubuntu?04:58
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BlueLotusNot sure if this is the right channel for this, but my apache server is telling me that there is no such function as mysql_connect(); although I have used this script on a different server and it worked fine.  Anyone know how I can properly configure my apache2 server on ubuntu?04:58
Linux_whorerob^ no i tried that04:59
darkbutterflythen click the arrow for internet, click more options, then you look until you see the java icon thingy, then you click the box, and it will ask you to add repository, click add, then you can install after that by clicking apply04:59
drogohThe Hoary DVD image, it isn't SATA aware is it?04:59
bimbericsthepoet: apt-get ?04:59
JDahlcsthepoet, beginners should try "synaptic" first04:59
BlueLotusdrogoh, why?04:59
JDahlcsthepoet, it's in the menus04:59
digiturtleIs there an issue with ATI cards? Can't get anything but 640x48004:59
bimbericsthepoet: system -> admin -> synaptic04:59
BlueLotusI've installed hoary non-dvd on a sata and it's worked fine, drogoh04:59
rob^Linux_whore, you could download the rpm then convert into deb with alien04:59
drogohBecause I have SATA and it acts like it doesn't have SATA support in the kernel.05:00
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leopardBlueLotus: you're missing the mysql module for apache05:00
darkbutterflyi've already loaded snd-nm256 which is the module for it, but i can't find anything about it unless i go into the bios05:00
digiturtleI believe that it shows the SATA drive as being a SCSI drive05:00
JDahldrogoh, it should be, but SATA is troublesome.05:00
virtualchow to enable my direct rendering?05:00
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drogohJDahl, I know it is.05:00
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leopardBlueLotus: do you have mysql installed?05:00
JDahldrogoh, Hoary should support I mean. Sometimes changing BIOS settings can help05:01
BlueLotusleopard, yes I do.05:01
bimberidigiturtle: hopefully something at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto will help you05:01
Linux_whorerob^ does it matter which distro the rpm is for?05:01
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rob^Linux_whore, get whatever is the latest one05:01
drogohI peeped around in the modules and saw a few SATA controller modules but that was it.05:01
lokadinsay how come, even though i have completly removed all synaptics mouse input device sections in xorg it sitll works?05:01
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BlueEagledrogoh: I've got SATA and it's working perfectly. Which controller have you got there?05:02
BlueLotusleopard, how do I verify that?05:02
drogohA while back I had tried Gentoo for kicks and the generic kernel supported everything just fine.05:02
JDahldrogoh, even Warty supports SATA05:02
csthepoetbimberi, yea i got that but i need to install the newer version of firefox05:02
leopardBlueLotus: dpkg -l | grep libapache2-mod-auth-mysql05:02
csthepoetbimberi, would it be there?05:02
leopardBlueLotus: if it turns up nothing install libapache2-mod-auth-mysql05:02
JDahldrogoh, Debian had serious SATA problems around 1-1.5 years back05:02
leopardand restart apache205:02
drogohBlueEagle, Sec.  Don't have the exact model on hand but it's Intel.05:02
eyequeuelibapache2-mod-auth-mysql - Apache 2 module for MySQL authentication05:02
digiturtleany idea with the low resolutions and how to configure it for 1280X102405:02
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Linux_whorerob^ nevermind i found autopackage05:03
=== drogoh stabs the Intel motherboard.
=== lokadin [n=loki@209-161-211-155.dsl.look.ca] has joined #ubuntu
bimbericsthepoet: yes, 1.0.7 is available via synaptic05:03
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rob^has anyone had any success with the j2re1.4 blackdown java package in multiverse?05:03
lokadincan anyone hear me?05:03
digiturtleI can hear your lokadin05:03
rob^Linux_whore, yeah that will work too05:03
lokadinor am i unregistreted?05:03
lokadindigiturtle, thanks05:03
bimberilokadin: no, but we can see what you're typing :P05:03
Linux_whorewill x86 package work on a i386 system?05:03
=== bimberi is a pedant
virtualci run glxinfo and i says direct rendering = no; how to make it yes? what to install?05:03
BlueEaglelokadin: I can't hear you, but I can read what you're typing. :)05:03
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Canadeancan anyone tell me how to install a driver to run my Yukon gigabit adapter05:04
Cannablisswhen i try to boot from cd with the installer i can not use my usb keyboard05:04
drogohLinux_whore, i386 is x8605:04
Cannablissis there anyway i could?05:04
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leopardBlueEagle: did libapache2-mod-auth-mysql do it?05:04
lokadinso does anyone know why my synaptics mouse is still enabled05:04
BlueEagleleopard: do what?05:04
digiturtleno idea lokadin05:04
=== BiggieSmalls [n=BiggieSm@cpe-24-168-28-113.si.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
leopardBlueEagle: did installing libapache2-mod-auth-mysql solve your connect problem?05:05
drogohBlueEagle, Windows is telling me Intel 82801 GR/GH for the SATA controller.05:05
BlueLotusleopard dpkg -l does not turn it up, although apt-get install says its allready the latest version.  Should I restart?05:05
BlueEagleleopard: I didn't have any connection problems.05:05
Linux_whoremy p key does not work after i made some keyboard shortcuts. is there anyway to fix that or undo changes or set them back to default?05:05
Linux_whoresome other keys also do not work05:05
BlueEagledrogoh: Hmm.. not familiar with that controller. What does google say?05:05
Cannablisshello could anyone help me with being able to start the install with a usb keyboard05:05
leopardBlueEagle: sorry that was BlueLotus05:06
Canadeancan anyone tell me how to install a driver to run my Yukon gigabit adapter05:06
BiggieSmallscould anyone help me getting the nvidia-glx driver to work in breezy?05:06
csthepoetbimberi, how do i get the new version there? i don't see it05:06
drogohBlueEagle, Not much, just a couple of Dell forum posts (it is a Dell).05:06
eyequeueBlueLotus:  are you sure it's not php that needs to talk to mysql?05:06
BlueLotusleopard, I was unable to apt-get libapache2, because it said it was allready installed05:06
eyequeueBlueLotus:  php4-mysql - MySQL module for php405:06
leopardBlueLotus: just apache /etc/init.d/apache2 restart05:06
Paradoxxhow can i burn some avi files to run in my dvd player?05:06
drogohAh hell, sec.05:07
BlueLotuseyequeue thankyou05:07
JDahlBiggieSmalls, you are probably better waiting with that until Breezy is released05:07
drogohHad an extra space in there.05:07
bimbericsthepoet: what version do you see?05:07
eyequeueBlueLotus:  np05:07
JDahls/better/better off05:07
BlueEagledrogoh: Ehh.. Are you sure about that chip? As far as I can tell Intel 82801 is a sensor chip on the I2C bus.05:07
BiggieSmallsJDahl: u mean breezy final?05:07
bimbericsthepoet: btw the package is mozilla-firefox05:07
leopardBlueLotus: yep, what eyequeue said should help if the other doesn't05:07
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drogohThe board is a 945...05:08
JDahlBiggieSmalls, yes, at least for Hoary the restricted drivers were the last thing to get ironed out05:08
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BlueEagledrogoh: Never mind that. It appears to be a bridge chip or something. (?)05:08
puffSo, more fun with my disappearing wireless...05:08
drogohThat's the generic number for stuff on the board, apparently.05:08
leopardWell folks...my last day of dialup --- I hope!05:08
=== HiNvYoei [n=ojuaytop@d213-103-198-150.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeueBlueLotus:  most of mt db-using webapps under apache2 here are in php05:08
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BiggieSmallsJDahl: oh ok thanks man, i know this might be a popular question but is there a ETA on when Breezy final will be released?05:08
JDahlBiggieSmalls, mid october, I believe05:09
=== hosler [n=h0sl3r@cpe-68-206-129-175.jam.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThe guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade05:09
eyequeueBiggieSmalls:  oct 1305:09
csthepoetbimberi, 1.0.205:09
BiggieSmallsthanks guys05:09
trigger_phbob2: i see the new fonts on gimp! hehe thanks!05:09
bimbericsthepoet: what ubuntu version are you running?05:09
eyequeueBiggieSmalls:  hoary was a few days  late though05:09
hoslerWill nautilus make an audo cd or will it just burn my audo files to the cd and make it a data cd?05:09
csthepoetbimberi, 5.0405:09
=== MrPockets [n=alex@CPE-69-23-87-53.new.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
BlueLotusleopard, eyequeue, neither php4 or php 5 are apearing under apt-cache search php05:10
puff ipw-2.2-bss.fw load failed: Reason -205:10
drogohI know the Linux kernel has support for my SATA controller but I don't think the Hoary DVD image has it enabled, for some reason or another.05:10
bolivarWhat is the screen called during start up that has the bar running left to right.  I must change that thing.  The brown is killing me.05:10
=== IceDrag0nLX [n=jason@dpc674417188.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== caustictwin [n=caustict@ppp-68-21-129-249.dsl.euclwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
leopardBlueLotus: you want the php4-mysql package05:10
IceDrag0nLXI've got another question05:10
virtualci run glxinfo and i says direct rendering = no; how to make it yes? what to install?05:10
RafeBreezy was the only one I found that worked right on a Toshiba laptop THANKS05:10
BlueLotusleopard, eyequeue i mean the php4-mysql *05:10
IceDrag0nLXIs there a ubuntu terminal bible/manual05:10
eyequeueBlueLotus:  weird ... 5 is in breezy, but 4 was in hoary i thought05:10
BlueEagledrogoh: did either of the ICH5R or ICH6R modules work?05:10
leopardBlueLotus: have you edited your /etc/apt/sources yet?05:10
hoslerWill nautilus make an audo cd or will it just burn my audo files to the cd and make it a data cd?05:10
caustictwinI have a toshiba laptop question05:10
BlueLotusleopard, nope05:10
caustictwinI guess i dl's breezy badger05:10
hoslercastictwin: hit me05:10
bimbericsthepoet: paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file to a pastebin (such as http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl)05:11
BlueLotuseyequeue, i have the php4 module... just not the php4-mysql05:11
=== phil__ [n=phil@ip062.195-51-69.sogetel.net] has joined #ubuntu
caustictwinI have a belkin wireless g pcmcia card05:11
hoslercaustictwin: what is your question?05:11
bob2trigger_ph: np05:11
leopardBlueLotus: /etc/apt/sources.list I mean... use Synaptic and add the new repositories.05:11
caustictwinhow do I get ubuntu to recognize it?05:11
bimberihosler: i don't think nautilus does audio cds05:11
eyequeueFilename: pool/universe/p/php4/php4-mysql_4.4.0-2_i386.deb05:11
eyequeueFilename: pool/universe/p/php4-universe/php4-mysql_4.3.10-10ubuntu3_i386.deb05:11
digiturtleDepends on the chipset Cactus05:11
drogohBlueEagle, Honest, SATA is a little uncharted for me and red flags flew up when the installer didn't detect anything...05:11
bimberihosler: gnomebaker perhaps05:11
ArkainiumI can get my laptop to suspend/resume with no problems the first time.  If I try agian though, it locks up when trying to resume.  Why would it work the first time and not subsequent times?05:11
hoslercaustictwin: huh? I have a toshiba laptop and ubuntu works great for me05:11
eyequeueBlueLotus:  i guess you need universe now05:11
=== nalioth [n=Apple@pdpc/supporter/bronze/nalioth] has joined #ubuntu
caustictwinright, this is my wireless card05:12
Cannablisshello could anyone help me with being able to start the install with a usb keyboard05:12
caustictwinthe laptop is fine05:12
WebLOCHis there anyway of installing the gnome browser component without the actual browser and composer?05:12
caustictwinbut I don't want to be hardwired05:12
drogohSo I didn't try every possible thing that could have been tried (most of which I'm unsure of)05:12
Linux_whorei must of found a bug in ubuntu05:12
BlueLotusleopard, eyequeue, how do I do what you are talking about on my server?05:12
csthepoetbimberi, where do i find the  /etc/apt/sources.list?05:12
durtwhat kind of tosh laptops do yall have05:12
hoslercaustictwin: use the network-admin command05:12
csthepoetbimberi, is that in my computer?05:12
hoslerdurt: satellite A1005:12
BlueEagledrogoh: Well, it might be that they are simply not supported. :/05:12
caustictwinin device manager it isn't regocnized05:12
bimbericsthepoet: yes05:12
leopardBlueLotus: do you know how to use vi?05:12
eyequeueubotu:  tell BlueLotus about repositories05:12
csthepoetbimberi, oh ok05:12
BlueLotusleonel, slightly05:12
drogohBlueEagle, How so?  Gentoo Riceburner supported it out of the box.05:13
BlueLotuseyequeue, thankyou.05:13
JDahlCannabliss, the install CD doesn't recognize your USB keyboard? That's a bug you should make sure goes to one of the developers05:13
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leopardJust remove the comments in /etc/apt/sources.list and do an apt-get update before doing another apt-cache search05:13
Cannablissok i will try to inform them05:13
caustictwinanyone know how I could get this belkin wireless card to work in ubuntu?05:13
hoslercaustictwin: does it not show the card in the network-admin?05:14
NecrosanCannabliss: just plug the keyboard in and turn it on.. it should just work.05:14
leopardfm, freaking magic! lol05:14
Necrosanhe needs ndiswrapper05:14
puffSucceeded in resuming from hibernate on saturday, but the wifi wasn't working.  Couldn't find it from the shell level, but System/Admin/Network showed it there, but unconfigured it.  Configured it by setting the network to be the local hotspot and telling it to use DHCP, then activated it.05:14
drogohAlas, putting Linux on this computer wouldn't be such a pain in the ass if I only had two things.05:14
hoslercaustictwin: dont know then. maybe go to manufacturer site and look for drivers05:14
puffSucceeded again saturday evening, but wifi was completely gone, not showing up in the network admin applet.  Did modprobe ipw2200, no errors but no results.  Did modprobe -r ipw2200, modprobe ipw2200, now it shows up in the network applet again, unconfigured.05:14
=== joetheodd [n=joe@AC99D1B5.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
drogohOne, blank CD-RWs and two, a cat5 to the router.05:15
csthepoetbimberi, there you go05:15
caustictwinthere are no such thing05:15
puffAlso, I noticed that this time around, fn-f12 to hibernate does not work, though it worked in the previous install.05:15
leopardAnyone worked with AUI?05:15
BlueLotuseyequeue, leopard , I appreciate all the help.  It works. thanks.05:16
BlueEagledrogoh: Well, if you can lsmod it and get the module needed things would be easier.05:16
leopardBlueLotus: good stuff.05:16
eyequeueBlueLotus:  glad to hear it05:16
eyequeueBlueLotus:  btw browse your package list now that you have universe, it's huge heh05:17
bimbericsthepoet: ah, ok, you need to uncomment all the lines starting with "deb http" (ie. remove the '#'), then "sudo apt-get update"05:18
drogohBlueEagle, It would but I have no way of actually getting Gentoo booted on here.05:18
Linux_whoremy p key does not work after i made some keyboard shortcuts. is there anyway to fix that or undo changes or set them back to default? some other keys also do not workhow can i fix ubuntu i guess i will reinstall it again noone here knows05:18
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drogoh(unless I go and roll my own ISO from the universal CD)05:18
bimbericsthepoet: this assumes the box has internet connectivity05:18
BlueEagledrogoh: The minimal iso should suffice tbh.05:18
leopardeyequeue: have you got mdb databases working with Apache? Noticed a user at work was trying to upload one and it doesn't connect. I install ODBC drivers, but AFAIK the rest of it rests on the user having to make the database ODBC ready, nothing else I can do that I know of.05:19
OrbordeLinux_whore: Try undoing all the changes you made to keyboard shortcuts.05:19
eyequeueLinux_whore:  where did you make them?05:19
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drogohBut I still have a predicament of having but a single DVD+RW to my possession.05:19
bimberiLinux_whore: sorry i don't know the answer, but it must really iss you off :)05:19
csthepoetbimberi, hmm i don't understand how to do the first part with the #05:19
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=== Noah0504 [n=noah@66-141-90-76.ded.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Noah0504Does anyone know of a SoulSeek client for Linux?05:19
bimbericsthepoet: in a terminal type "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"05:19
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eyequeueleopard:  no, i've only used http auth with apache205:20
drogohNoah0504, Nicotine, I think...05:20
caustictwinso, can anyone help me get this belkin wireless g card to work in ubuntu?05:20
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eyequeuecsthepoet:  in vim, press the del key while over it05:20
Noah0504drogoh: Thanks.05:20
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drogohcaustictwin, Well you've probably already been told you need ndiswrapper.05:20
leopardeye: good call on the php4-mysql. Time for sleep...only one more day with dialup... ;-)05:21
Linux_whorei have tried undoing the changes. i went to System>preferences>keyboard shortcuts05:21
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eyequeuecsthepoet:  in vim, :wq to write changes and quit05:21
caustictwinno, actually, I have not05:21
caustictwinwhat is ndiswrapper05:21
drogohcaustictwin, No? Hm.05:21
eyequeueleopard:  see you here all speedy like manana :)05:21
drogohWell it's a Belkin card so you'll definitely need ndiswrapper.05:21
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caustictwinis that in the standard apt repository?05:21
drogohI think it's in universe, I can't quite remember off hand.05:22
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eyequeueFilename: pool/main/n/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper-utils_0.12+1.0rc2-1_i386.deb05:22
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Noah0504drogoh: Do you know if Nicotine is in the universe repository?05:23
drogohpackages.ubuntu.com :p05:23
lokadinsay it keeps telling me that it logs me into the failsafe gnome version05:23
eyequeueyou need the utils package plus the kernel modules05:23
puffHm, this site:  http://aaltonen.us/archive/2005/03/02/ubuntu-linux-on-the-ibm-thinkpad-t42/05:23
eagleyeHow do you open a bin file05:23
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Cannablissmy usb keyboard definitely does not work on the installer05:23
csthepoetbimberi, and do i delete all the #?05:23
eyequeueeagleye:  /usr/bin/file on it05:23
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puffThough written for a t42, not a t43, seems to suggest that I need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add a reusme option.05:23
eyequeueeagleye:  then tell us what kind it is05:23
eagleyereal player05:24
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alex_798712i'm having trouble with my xorg.conf after upgrading my kernel05:24
bimbericsthepoet: no just on the lines beginning with "# deb http" - there's 5 of the05:24
alex_798712can someone help?05:24
Noah0504Thanks.  It is, that will make things easy!05:24
naliothalex_798712: we need more info05:24
caustictwincannot find ndiswrapper05:24
drogohcaustictwin, Well since you probably know the model of your card, go here to see if you're supported: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/List05:24
alex_798712i ran the update05:24
alex_798712when i reboot the x server failed05:25
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drogohcaustictwin, ndiswrapper-utils05:25
eyequeueubotu:  te;; caustictwin about ndiswrapper05:25
ubotueyequeue: I don't know, could you explain it?05:25
alex_798712so i grabbed the nvidia driver off nvida's site05:25
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eyequeueubotu:  tell caustictwin about ndiswrapper05:25
alex_798712ran the installer05:25
alex_798712but i don't have the kernel sources05:25
csthepoetbimberi, ok did that now save?05:25
alex_798712so i can't create a custom module05:25
bimbericsthepoet: yes05:25
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naliothalex_798712: the nvidia drivers available using synaptic didnt work?05:25
csthepoetok done05:25
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caustictwindrogoh, thanks05:25
alex_798712how would i retreive them?05:25
alex_798712apt-get ...?05:26
bimbericsthepoet: then hit reload in synaptic05:26
alex_798712i don't have any gui05:26
lokadinso okay, well besides that my xorg.conf seems to have no relationship to my Xsession, and my firefox doesn't support characters, i was wondering how in the world i can make gdm stop complaining that it can't find the default GNOME session05:26
alex_798712only command line05:26
nalioth!tell alex_798712 about apt05:26
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SuperNinjaKittyi dont want to cause an argument but i wonder what are the advantages of running Ubuntu over Debian05:26
jrattner1Package kdebluetooth has no available version, but exists in the database?05:26
julioI need help connecting to my Home Network05:26
naliothSuperNinjaKitty: US05:27
eyequeuealex_798712:  sudo apt-get install linux-image-`uname -r`05:27
jrattner1Anyone ever seen that synaptic error05:27
drogohSuperNinjaKitty, As my friend kassetra told me once before, "Ubuntu is Debian done right".05:27
csthepoetbimberi, i got an error entering synaptic05:27
lokadini dono, i think my ubuntu is evolving all on it's own05:27
drogohNow I don't know what aspect she meant.05:27
eyequeuealex_798712:  sudo apt-get install linux-source-`uname -r`05:27
bimbericsthepoet: that's ok, just hit reload05:27
lokadinit has configuration files stored in the middle of nowhere, in non existant parts of the computer05:27
lokadinmy mouse is working without any sections in the xorg.conf,05:28
jrattner1Can i use a deb package KDE Bluetooth, with ubuntu? cause the package isnt available via synaptic?05:28
bimbericsthepoet: that was because synaptic noticed that the sources.list was different to what it remembered05:28
alex_798712that will build the kernel tree?05:28
WebLOCHAnyone here used Rhythmbox?05:28
lokadini just wanna kill myself because ubuntu is soo depressinng05:28
naliothjrattner1: it'd be better to compile it yourself05:28
eyequeuealex_798712:  you may need to unpack it still05:28
jrattner1nalioth, you think i should compile it from source?05:28
WebLOCHlokadin, ubuntu is fun! shurrup, whats your trouble?05:29
drogohlokadin, Then go to Gentoo, troll. ;/05:29
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naliothWebLOCH: rhythmbox is the default player05:29
eyequeuealex_798712:  may be a tarball under /usr/src05:29
SuperNinjaKittydrogoh how do you mean?05:29
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csthepoetbimberi, wow now i see alot of new things05:29
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naliothjrattner1: some debian packages can break your ubuntu, so compiling the item you want from source is a better alternative05:29
WebLOCHnalioth, mine was not, however it would seem it doesnt seem to work at the moment although other audio does05:29
eagleyehere it is>RealPlayer10GOLD.bin: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 8 0386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, dynamically linked (uses shared lib s), not stripped05:29
alex_798712then i would try the nividia installer again?05:29
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lokadindrogoh, i have gentoo :( but on my laptop for school i don't think i can waste my time with compiling things, if i could make a hybrid that would be nice05:29
=== BOOMSHOT [n=richard@cpe-65-27-203-174.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
drogohSuperNinjaKitty, Like I said, I'm not sure.  I believe she meant the political crusade that people go through with Debian proper.05:29
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naliothWebLOCH: it's named 'Music Player' for some reason05:29
BOOMSHOTsup Everyone!05:29
bimbericsthepoet: yes, you were looking at just what's on the install cd05:30
eyequeueeagleye:  it wants you to run it ...              ./filename.bin05:30
drogohlokadin, Then do a LFS if you want something more exciting than Gentoo or Ubuntu.05:30
WebLOCHnalioth, ahh that might be why!  even so, it does not seem to playback audio, it gives an error message05:30
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csthepoetbimberi, ahh ok hey maybe you can help me in one more thing05:30
eyequeueeagleye:  chmod +x filename.bin ;  ./filename.bin05:30
drogohI don't have the patience for LFS or I'd have done at least three.05:30
csthepoetbimberi, if you don't mind05:30
SuperNinjaKittydrogoh fair enough05:30
Noah0504I'm following the instructions in the Ubuntu Guide to add the universe repository so I can install Nicotine.  It looks like it's also adding others besides just the universe...Is that okay?05:30
eagleyethank you. i will try05:30
naliothWebLOCH: sound problems plague ubuntu, have you been to what ubotu is gonna send you?05:30
tristanmikehi eagleye05:30
bimberibimberi: sure, fire away05:30
jrattner1where are X includes in ubuntu?05:31
eagleyehey whats up05:31
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WebLOCHnalioth, I have sound working fine, i think its a rhythmbox/gstreamer problem05:31
bimbericsthepoet: sure fire away05:31
BOOMSHOTNewbie here - I broke Mozilla-firefox & can't seem to reinstall using apt-get nor Synaptic...helllppp05:31
naliothjrattner1: you should install xlibs-dev05:31
bimberiD'Oh - i haven't done that for a while05:31
jrattner1nalioth, sounds good05:31
tristanmikeeagleye, nadda05:31
BOOMSHOTCan someone help?05:31
SuperNinjaKittydrogoh one thing i have seen that ubuntu does have that is very well done is the user guide05:31
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naliothWebLOCH: give the URL a glance, you may see something05:31
lokadindrogoh, no, no i want something that will be easy to work worth05:31
drogohNoah0504, If you're trying to be a GPL purist, no.  If you're not a GPL fanatic, yes.05:31
bimberiBOOMSHOT: see /topic05:31
WebLOCHnalioth, will do05:31
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drogohlokadin, VLOS, Fedora, CentOS. :p05:31
naliothBOOMSHOT: do you use synaptic or console apt-get?05:31
caustictwinso far, I really like breeezy badger05:31
MadpilotPPChi all05:32
caustictwinit looks nice05:32
Noah0504drogoh: Well, in that case, I guess I'll be adding them! haha05:32
caustictwinlooks like some time was spent on the gui05:32
lokadindrogoh, but they aren't easy to work with :( you have to find rpm05:32
naliothMadpilotPPC: PPC?05:32
csthepoetbimberi, i have ubuntu installed on one partition and fedora on another, but everytime i restart grub only loads ubuntu, how could i load fedora05:32
lokadindrogoh, with gentoo you have to compile05:32
=== drogoh smacks lokadin with the trollstick.
BOOMSHOTnalioth: I tried both ... saying unmet dependencies but wont install them05:32
drogohYou've got scripts.05:32
drogohQuit trolling.05:32
MadpilotPPCnalioth, housesitting for a friend, using his G4 w/ Ubuntu... ;)05:32
evil_khey, im new to linux & ubuntu, can i play mp3s from an ntfs hd?05:32
WebLOCHnalioth, doesnt seem to be related at all05:32
lokadindrogoh, and with ubuntu the configuration files don't relate to the applications05:32
jrattner1nalioth, Any other libs you think i should install05:32
naliothBOOMSHOT: use one and completely remove your problem programs05:33
cafuego_MadpilotPPC: Well well.05:33
drogohYou've got yum with RH and friends, emerge, porthole with Gentoo.05:33
bimbericsthepoet: you mean that there is no optoin for Fedora in the grub menu?05:33
citrosackquestion:  when i plug in my jump drive it automatically mounts it at sdb1  ALTHO i don't want it to mount automatically.... how can i prevents this with out disabaling hotplug?05:33
csthepoetbimberi, yea05:33
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lokadindrogoh, hmmm i guess your right, gentoo would be a better option05:33
BOOMSHOTnalioth: give me a suggested command 4 instance for mozilla-firefox05:33
drogohSuperNinjaKitty, One thing I've noticed about the Ubuntu project is that it seems to be gearing itself at being developed for users and not developers.05:33
lokadindrogoh, :) thanks i'll get the install underway then05:33
cafuego_citrosack: There's an option to not auto-mount removable drives in the prefs somewhere05:33
BOOMSHOTin apt-get05:33
BOOMSHOTnewbie here05:34
naliothBOOMSHOT: "sudo apt-get remove --purge mozilla-firefox"05:34
drogohThat seems to be one of the downfalls of other distributions.05:34
citrosackcafuego_: thanks but i want my ipod to mount automatically..05:34
SuperNinjaKittydrogoh i have given away probably 30 ubuntu cds05:34
jrattner1nalioth, its says it cant find QT which is installed (headers and libraries)05:34
eyequeuecitrosack:  you have me curious, why don't you want it mounted?05:34
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bimbericsthepoet: ok, a bit tricky for me that one,  you'll need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to include information for booting Fedora,  however what you need to put in is beyond me05:34
cafuego_citrosack: Then you'll have to put up with other removable drives automounting too.05:35
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naliothjrattner1: you've installed the QT dev libs?05:35
citrosackcafuego_: theres got to be a better way then that05:35
jrattner1nalioth, no not the dev, i assumed i didnt need them05:35
bimbericsthepoet: others here might know, or maybe google05:35
cafuego_citrosack: Howso?05:35
csthepoetbimberi, ok and where do i do that?05:35
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cafuego_citrosack: How is the system supposed to distinguish them without mounting them first?05:35
naliothjrattner1: for compiling your own things, you need -dev packages05:35
thechrisi'm attempting to install ubuntu off of an older cd.  i think it is "horay"05:36
drogohDuring my short experience with this particular distribution, it seems to be positioning itself as one of the most user oriented Linux distributions out there...05:36
thechrisbut the install fails05:36
puffthechris: hoary.05:36
thechris"some packages failed to install"05:36
bimbericsthepoet: to edit the file would be "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"05:36
drogohNow if only that pesky hardware detection thing can be dealt with.05:36
Crys_WinHehe. Hoary.05:36
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citrosackcafuego_: well 'cat /proc/scsi  tells you what the device is     fstab and mtab are used for mounting and determining variables such as read only and whatnot   i am sure theres got to be a way05:37
thechrisit didn't specify what files though, and X11 won't start because apparently there is no xserver installed...05:37
drogohAh well, it's a young project as of yet.  I suspect those things will be ironed out in releases to come.05:37
csthepoetbimberi, do i do that in root?05:37
evil_khow can i play a dvd?05:37
SuperNinjaKittydrogoh i have very basic hardware so most anything installs fine :)05:37
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thechrisi'm out of CDRs, so i can't get a different version05:37
bimbericsthepoet: normal user is fine (sudo handles the root access)05:37
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cafuego_citrosack: I doubt it, none that I know of anyway that can be set easily in a preferences file somewhere. maybe udev can handle it, but udev config is voodoo!05:37
eyequeuethechris:  you can try 'sudo apt-get install x-window-system-core'05:37
drogohSuperNinjaKitty, Then you have the ones with the newer and sometimes more obscure hardware like me.05:37
nalioth!tell evil_k about restricted05:38
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drogohLinux distributions are *really* hit and miss with this particular hardware.05:38
citrosackdoes ubuntu use udev?05:38
cafuego_citrosack: yes05:38
BOOMSHOTnalioth: I did what u typed: said not there to remove05:38
csthepoetbimberi, ok thank i'll find out the rest05:38
WebLOCH what is the Gnome Media package for?05:38
naliothBOOMSHOT: interesting05:38
csthepoetbimberi, thank you so much for everything, you've been a great help05:38
bimbericsthepoet: np - good luck :)05:39
BOOMSHOTnalioth: try install mozilla-firefox said: Depends: firefox but it is not installable05:39
naliothBOOMSHOT: are your repos official or are you installing from somewhere else?05:39
citrosackcafuego_: whats the difference between udev and the "norm"05:39
cafuego_citrosack: udev *is* the norm.05:39
csthepoetbimberi, you to in whatever you may need haha05:40
citrosack  maybe for ubuntu  but not so in gentoo or slackware or others that i have used05:40
jrattner1Whats the difference between Kubuntu and installing KDE for ubuntu05:40
BOOMSHOTwhen I unistalled mozilla-firefox it also uninstalled gnome support, yelp, ubuntu-desktop etc05:40
drogohcitrosack, Erm...05:40
naliothBOOMSHOT: can you copy and paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to the address ubotu just sent you?05:40
bimbericsthepoet: thanks! :)05:40
cafuego_citrosack: if they run recent 2.6 kernels, they ought to be using it. perhapsd configured differtnly.05:40
drogohudev is the normal with 2.605:40
SuperNinjaKittyjrattner none that i know of05:40
drogohdevfs is highly depreciated/obsolete.05:40
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SuperNinjaKittycept of course you'll have gnome too05:41
cafuego_If they don't use it, that would explain why they suck ;-)05:41
naliothjrattner1: they are the same05:41
eyequeuedep-rec-a-ted :)05:41
WebLOCHeyequeue, sounds java-esque to me05:41
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Linux_whorei have another harddrive not hooked up yet. how could i make it a ext3 fs and use it as extra space or mount it to /home? is there software for this i can use from ubuntu?05:41
jrattner1nalioth, so when it says i need KDE headers, i assume it means kde-dev05:41
citrosackwell anyways  i spose i can just right a script that will auto mount my ipod and i will just disable everything else05:41
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liableahh, thats betterer..05:42
alex_798712got it05:42
alex_798712thank you05:42
naliothjrattner1: if you open synaptic, and search for -dev, you can see some of the things you need05:42
naliothjrattner1: it wont hurt to have anything you see there installed05:42
jrattner1nalioth, sounds good05:42
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drogoheyequeue, I always entitle myself to one stray character every so often, more so when I'm tired.05:43
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jrattner1nalioth, I cant wait to be able to hook up my phone to my laptop and stuff05:43
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naliothjrattner1: bluetooth is kewl05:43
eyequeuedrogoh:  i am a lousy typist, just give myself one pedantic comment every so often, heh05:43
jrattner1nalioth, then I will have no need to use windows ever again, as long as I can sync my calendar from my phone to some program in KDE05:43
bdunnI am wanting to check out Ubuntu (use Gentoo now).  Is there something seriously wrong with ubuntuforums.org?05:44
IceDrag0nLXIs there a manual/bible/guide to using the terminal?05:44
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naliothjrattner1: we could all wish to be free05:44
nalioth!tell IceDrag0nLX about cli05:44
IceDrag0nLXI have an rpm file that I am unable to install, and I how do I run executables?05:44
eyequeueIceDrag0nLX:  /usr/share/doc/bash-doc/ perhaps?05:44
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bimberibdunn: apparently down atm05:44
naliothIceDrag0nLX: is the program unavailbe using ubuntu repos?05:44
jsubl2IceDrag0nLX: http://www.linuxcommand.org/05:44
BOOMSHOTnalioth: i pasted it in #flood05:44
bdunnbimberi: I've never been able to reach it.  Is it down a lot?05:45
BOOMSHOTI changed to a official mirror because of connectivity issues last night05:45
jrattner1nalioth, any ideas about syncing the calendar05:45
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drogoheyequeue, I should be ashamed of myself for typing that every time I type it.05:45
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bimberibdunn: not really, although a few times of late05:45
naliothjrattner1: i dont own a bt celly, sorry05:45
eyequeueIceDrag0nLX:  ubuntu is .deb-based, not .rpm-based, try finding a .deb instead (man alien) ... running can be ./foo05:45
bimberihi thoreauputic!05:45
evil_ki cant get into ubuntuforums.org either05:45
drogohIf you knew my line of work, you'd see the irony.05:45
drogohevil_k, It's down.05:45
thoreauputichi bimberi :)05:45
eyequeuedrogoh:  heh05:45
DavidLeeRothHi, i am building a computer and i have a problem picking a case. The PC will run ubuntu linux exclusively. I am picking parts compatible for Vista though.05:45
IceDrag0nLXWhere do I get Java?05:46
Noah0504I added all of the extra repositories, but when I search for nicotine in Synaptic, I get no results.05:46
drogohDavidLeeRoth, Big spender...05:46
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IceDrag0nLXWell, I got the Uplink demo, it comes in a tar.gz, so I extract it and there's the uplink executable05:46
IceDrag0nLXhow would I run that?05:46
nalioth!tell IceDrag0nLX about java05:46
IceDrag0nLXDouble clicking gives me an error05:46
BOOMSHOTnalioth: i pasted sources.list in #flood05:46
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eyequeueIceDrag0nLX:  no idea what it is ... ./filenamehere as an example05:47
ksmurfsorry to bother you.... but how do you add a non standard repository to be trusted?  I gpg the key from a keyserver but now how do I add that to synapitic?05:47
breakthestateurl or other resource for apt-getting mplayer on ubuntu?05:47
nalioth!tell ksmurf about repos05:47
eyequeueksmurf:  man apt-key ... i think it's sudo apt-key add whatever05:47
IceDrag0nLXeyequeue, it says permission denied, and I ran it as root and the account it belongs too05:47
drogohStupid Freenode.05:47
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eyequeueIceDrag0nLX:  did you chmod +x filename, first?05:48
IceDrag0nLXOy, will I be able to use cedega on ubuntu?05:48
eyequeueIceDrag0nLX: try that05:48
IceDrag0nLXI will05:48
drogohWhy oh why did they have to go and screw with hybrid?05:48
eyequeueIceDrag0nLX: i sure hope this thing is safe to run, no guarantees if it's not, heh05:48
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drogohHyperion sucks the choad.05:48
IceDrag0nLXeyequeue, it is05:48
eagleyeHey, tristanmike, private msg me.. if you can..05:48
ksmurfeyequeue I read tah man page and tried but it is looking for a file not a url05:49
IceDrag0nLXBut, I noticed ubuntu doesnt support 3d acceleration, does that mean I will be unable to use cedega?05:49
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Noah0504If I install the mad package, will that allow MP3 playback in amaroK?05:49
tritiumIceDrag0nLX, what do you mean ubuntu doesn't support 3D acceleration?05:49
MadpilotPPCIceDrag0nLX, which 3d card do you have?05:49
DavidLeeRothi am getting the MACH SPEED VIPER mobo ATX AMD64 edition, but i am having a hard time finding a case that fits it05:49
tristanmikeeagleye, close your dialog with me05:50
eyequeueksmurf:  okay, cool, here's how to get a file, okay?  gpg --armor --export (keyidgoeshere) > foo.asc ; sudo apt-key add foo.asc05:50
DavidLeeRothanyone help please?05:50
eagleyei did05:50
IceDrag0nLXMadpilotPPC, GeForce 4 ti 470005:50
IceDrag0nLXruns games great in windows05:50
evil_ki can see the files on my ntfs drive, but can i read them? (xmms locks up when i try to play mp3s)05:50
DavidLeeRothI am getting a 9600tx 256 ded ram for vista05:50
eyequeueksmurf:  if it's not obvious, that puts an ascii-armored version of the key in foo.asc05:50
IceDrag0nLXShould be gettinging a 7800 GT in SLi soon05:50
ksmurfeyequeue thanks05:50
eyequeueksmurf:  np05:50
tritiumIceDrag0nLX, there'05:51
IceDrag0nLXevil_k, works fine for me05:51
tritiums nvidia support in ubuntu05:51
puffi'm having some problems with my wireless hardware, eth1 didn't show up in ifconfig, but when I ran the System/Admin/Networking applet, it showed up there, but grayed out and "unconfigured".  Once i configured it (selecting a network, telling it to use dhcp) it ungrayed and i could activate it.05:51
evil_kis there a patch or anything?05:51
puffHow would/should i have looked for this at the shell prompt?05:51
tristanmikeeagleye, I'm doing it, I don't know what's going on05:51
IceDrag0nLX./uplink: relocation error: ./uplink: undefined symbol: __glutRoot05:52
IceDrag0nLX <-- error I got when I chmodded +x then ran it './uplink'05:52
breakthestatehas your wireless hardware worked in the past?05:52
DavidLeeRothdoes anyone here have experience with PC building?05:52
=== breakthestate forgot to say i was asking puff
IceDrag0nLXDavidLeeRoth, I do05:52
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puffGoddamn it, I'm *using* the wireless right now, but when I just reloaded the network applet, it shows as "unconfigured" again.05:52
tritiumpuff, interfaces are configured in /etc/network/interfaces05:52
puffbreakthestate: Yeah, it worked fine.05:52
breakthestatepuff, when you run ifconfig does wlan0 show up?05:53
MadpilotPPC!tell IceDrag0nLX about nvidia05:53
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puffno, but eth1 shows up - now.05:54
tritiumpuff, configure it in /etc/network/interfaces05:54
DavidLeeRothicedragonlx, are you there?05:54
pufftritium: nothing in /etc/network/interfaces mentions eth1.05:54
puffwhat should the line look like?05:55
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tritiumpuff, man interfaces for some good documentation.  I'll give you a quick example too.05:55
tritiumpuff, auto eth105:55
tritiumiface eth1 inet dhcp05:55
breakthestatepuff, iface wlan0 inet dhcp05:56
breakthestateok, beat me, he he05:56
breakthestateexcept eth1 like he said05:56
breakthestatestupid me05:56
puffHm, should i use wlan0 or eth1?  it defaulted to eth1.05:56
eyequeueuse what it used :)05:56
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breakthestatei say just use what works05:56
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naliothpuff: eth1 is the default name for your wireless05:56
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breakthestateanyone here use mplayer for ubuntu?05:57
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DavidLeeRothcan anyone here help me with a mobo/atx case issue05:57
ksmurfeyequeue that's exactly what I needed.... Thanks05:57
naliothDavidLeeRoth: if you give us some info, yes05:57
eyequeueksmurf:  glad to05:57
Crys_WinDavidLeeRoth: what's the issue?05:57
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Crys_WinDavidLeeRoth: What form-factor is your motherboard?05:58
evil_kis there a reason im not getting audio from any media players?05:58
DavidLeeRothOk, i am buiding my own pc to have the sys req for vista - 256ded mem video card, cpu, etc05:58
puffOkay, so add those lines and then do i need to /etc/init.d/networking reload05:58
DavidLeeRothi am buying this mobo05:58
azteechhave really slow internet connection happening with ubuntu 5.10 .... believe it is due to ipv6 being enabled. how can I turn off/disable ipv6 in breezy (pre)05:58
breakthestateevil: do you get audio from other things?05:58
DavidLeeRothand i am having a hard time finding an ATX case to fit it05:58
sdaliHas anyone successfully upgraded libc6 to 2.3.2.ds1-21? If so, please tell me where you got it, and how you installed it.05:59
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evil_ki hear ubuntu's sound effects05:59
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DavidLeeRothit has a weird nic/usb layout05:59
breakthestateevil - try running alsaconf in a terminal and see what happens05:59
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DavidLeeRothbut this mobo is the greatest for price and because its compatible with linux05:59
DavidLeeRothit will run linux exclusively05:59
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iverson0881any timeframe for when the forums will be back up?05:59
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DavidLeeRothand MAYBE VISTA in the futur05:59
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DavidLeeRothcan anyone help?06:00
naliothDavidLeeRoth: that mobo should be fine (if and when vista actually releases)06:00
tritiumbreakthestate, there is no alsaconf06:00
Linux_whorethis is too long for here goto http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36704106:00
breakthestateokay, thx, i'm going to stop giving advice06:00
evil_ki get "alsaconf: command not found"06:00
breakthestateactually, i'm really sry06:00
crimsunsdali: do not mess with libc6 if you don't know darned well what you're doing.06:00
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breakthestatei need to realize ubuntu is quite diff than other linux distros06:00
DavidLeeRothbecause its the best breakthestate06:01
tritiumit's fairly similar to debian06:01
crimsunbreakthestate: alsaconf was removed, like tritium said, because it's a horribly maintained, insecure application.06:01
WebLOCHcrimsun, you got the madphat sound skills, i saw your name on the wiki yo.06:01
vladuz976i was trying to post to the forum but that website is down. can someone here help me with sound and usb in breezy?06:01
sdalicrimsum: I _don't_ know what I'm doing. :) I want to install transcode, but it needs the updated libc606:01
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Crys_WinDavidLeeRoth: I see the motherboard. What's the problem exactly?06:01
naliothDavidLeeRoth: atx case06:01
breakthestateyeah, i know, but most of the other debian-based distros i've tried had things work that work in debian06:01
breakthestatei know ubuntu is better06:01
breakthestatejust different06:01
crimsunsdali: transcode is in breezy/multiverse06:01
breakthestatecrimsun: what does ubuntu use?06:02
crimsunsdali: don't even think about trying to fudge libc6 into your Ubuntu system06:02
breakthestatein place of alsaconf?06:02
sdalicrimsun: but it tells me that it needs the updated libc606:02
paulproteusDo any of you use a download accelerator program?06:02
crimsunbreakthestate: udev+hotplug06:02
paulproteusWhen I'm at university, it'd be nice to have a program that could look for mirrors of a file and download from as many sources as possible.06:02
paulproteusEven if I had to give it a list of mirrors, downloading from multiple sources could be a win, I think.06:02
crimsunsdali: you should test breezy, then, since transcode is in breezy/multiverse06:03
evil_kbreakthestate:  "alsaconf: command not found"06:03
Crys_WinDavidLeeRoth: I don't see any reason it wouldn't fit. Have you actually got it and been trying it in cases?06:03
breakthestateevil I'm sry i was giving advice based on my experience with other linux distros06:03
evil_koh ok06:03
sdalicrimsun: Here's a duh question for you. Can I use Breezy "ports" if I've got Hoary loaded?06:03
evil_ki got a dvd playing in totem, but no sound06:03
kevin06Sound sucks. It's overrated anyway. :-P06:04
breakthestateevil_k: have you double clicked the volume icon in the upper right06:04
breakthestatei had to turn up the PCM meter on mine?06:04
B_166-ER-Xis it REALLY dangerous (like, loose all data on the Nux HD)  to upgrade to breezy ?06:04
crimsunsdali: there are backports for hoary based on breezy packages. I don't recommend them generally.06:04
paulproteusB_166-ER-X: No.'06:04
naliothDavidLeeRoth: atx case with big mondo power supply06:04
evil_kits all maxed out06:04
naliothB_166-ER-X: turning on your box could do that06:04
B_166-ER-Xnever happened tought06:05
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sdalicrimsun: Thanks for the help.06:05
tritiumnalioth, is your power restored yet?06:06
Crys_WinDavidLeeRoth: You need to check that other window. I typed to you.06:06
breakthestateevil_k: i don't know what to say, i'm new to the ubuntu distro06:06
naliothtritium: nope.06:06
evil_kin new to linux completely06:07
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evil_kat least i know dos06:07
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WebLOCHis evil06:09
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eyequeueB_166-ER-X:  many of us are on breezy now06:09
evil_khey i think i found something on it06:10
eyequeueB_166-ER-X:  the closer to the release date (oct 13) the safer, generally06:10
durtthats not very nice webloch :P06:10
karanwhen i press / to search in a big html document, it just puts a lot of load on the cpu06:10
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naliothWebLOCH: keep your petrol in -offtopic, please06:10
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WebLOCHdurt, im not allowed to express my views on firefox in an amusing fashion?  No humour allowed?06:10
jrattner1Anyone here familiar with bluetooth and kdebluetooth06:10
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durti was trying to be sarcastic webloch06:11
WebLOCHdurt, ahh sorry06:11
sdaliCan anyone tell me why it's not recommended to build from source when using Ubuntu? I built libssh2 from source, and I came to this channel and was told that it wasn't wise to have done that. I don't understand why it is a bad idea, and in general it seems kind of limiting to have to wait for someone to port software to Ubuntu if I want to use it. Can anyone clear this up for me?06:11
WebLOCHdurt, its late, im tired, im poor at the interpretation :(06:11
durtyeah its midnight now and i crashed xfce im out06:11
IceDrag0nLXwtf do I keep getting a permission denied when I try to ./ a file06:11
thoreauputicWebLOCH: all contrary views will be ruthlessly censored! Toe the Ubuntu line! We have ways! *grin*06:12
eyequeuehumour definitely can sometimes fail to translate well in online communication, lets all just smile for a sec :)06:12
WebLOCHdoes KDE have any benefits over Gnome?06:12
thechrissdali: its generally best to use packages from your distro.  that way the package manager knows you have it and can update it if needed06:12
IceDrag0nLXok good now06:12
WebLOCHthoreauputic, haha, I blieve you, ill come quiet :(06:12
=== thoreauputic smiles tightly with evil intent
eyequeueWebLOCH:  i perfer the other, but .... similarity to ms-feel?  might be handy for some06:12
naliothWebLOCH: personal preference only06:12
naliothWebLOCH: there are dozens of DMs available. try them all, use what appeals to you06:13
WebLOCHhmm gnome seems to be running quite nicely, im interested in trying KDE, but i dont want to download an entire distribution to try it06:13
eyequeueWebLOCH:  keep in mind i prefer gnome myself <salt grain>06:13
sdalithechris: yes, but that basically says don't use any software that isn't in the distro.06:13
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sdaliand that seems to tie my hands.06:13
WebLOCHnalioth, eyequeue, aside from gnome and kde, is there anything that compares in the gdm world?06:13
thoreauputicWebLOCH: you can install kubuntu-desktop06:13
eyequeueWebLOCH:  bum a livecd of kubuntu or knoppix from a friend?06:14
naliothWebLOCH: try enlightenment06:14
thechrissdali: libssh isn't in ubuntu?06:14
tritiumsdali, what do you need that you can't find in ubuntu?06:14
caustictwindoes build-essentials come natively with breezy badger?06:14
WebLOCHeyequeue, my friends, run Windows ME :P06:14
WebLOCHnalioth, ty ill look it up06:14
tritiumcaustictwin, build-essential can be installed in breezy06:14
thoreauputiccaustictwin:  build-essential - and it should be on the cd ready to install06:14
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eyequeueWebLOCH:  and you call them friends? ;)  j/k06:14
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sdalithechris: libssh2 wasn't at the revision that I needed (if I remember correctly)06:14
thechrissdali: you can compile stuff yourself, but then it becomes your responsibility to keep it up to date and make sure it doens't overwrite files from other pacakges.06:14
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azteechcan anyone tell me if there is a breezy 686 kernel available for a athlon xp based system, and, if so, is it available from apt-get?06:15
thechrissdali: did you try all the "repositories"06:15
WebLOCHeyequeue, not really, they abandoned me, but they are the closest thing i have to friends06:15
sdalitritium: I need libc6 so I can load transcode.06:15
IceDrag0nLXsh script06:15
IceDrag0nLXhow do I run them06:15
tritiumsdali, surely you have libc606:15
IceDrag0nLXI tried bash filenamehere.sh06:15
Crys_WinDavidLeeRoth: Man, if you really wanna know the answer you show it wierd.06:15
IceDrag0nLXAND bash filenamehere06:15
eyequeueazteech:  i think you want the -k7 for that06:15
sdalitritium: Not at the correct version for transcode.06:16
tritiumazteech, and yes, it's available from the repositories06:16
B_166-ER-Xis upgrading to breezy as simple as https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade?highlight=%28breezy%2906:16
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tritiumsdali, "correct" may not be a good choice of words06:16
DShepherdHow do I make the background in my gnome-terminal window in ubuntu transparent06:16
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naliothB_166-ER-X: yes it is06:17
thoreauputicB_166-ER-X: yes06:17
eyequeueIceDrag0nLX:  first, are you sure it's a bash script?06:17
tritiumDShepherd, edit the profile06:17
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sdalitritium: How about "at a revision that will allow synaptic to load transcode"?06:17
IceDrag0nLXeyequeue,  yes06:17
IceDrag0nLXit says sh06:17
DShepherdtritium: Where do I find the profile?06:17
IceDrag0nLXI checked the file and it had #!/bin/bash06:17
eyequeueIceDrag0nLX:  head -1 foo.sh06:18
tritiumDShepherd, Edit->Current Profile06:18
azteechtks eyequeue and tritium06:18
tritiumsdali, you might consider breezy06:18
sdalithechris: I tried all of the repos that I know of.06:18
eyequeueIceDrag0nLX:  k.  chmod +x foo.sh ; ./foo.sh06:18
DShepherdtritium: Thanks06:18
eyequeueazteech:  np06:18
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julienhello all06:19
sdalitritium: That's a whole new ball of wax. I was on FC4, and it felt like I could build and install whatever SW I needed. I'm feeling knid of manacled with Ubuntu now.06:19
julienanyone know how to launch sh file at boot before X ?06:19
naliothsdali: you can build and install anything you like. use "checkinstall" instead of "make install"06:20
tritiumsdali, you can build whatever you need.  Just be able to maintain your own system.06:20
sdalitritium: DOes that mean giving up on synaptic and apt-get?06:20
caustictwinwhere would one look to find the mac address of their computer?06:20
caustictwinis that in network-admin?06:20
naliothsdali: if you use "checkinstall" instead of 'make install' apt will still work well06:20
sdalinalioth: I hadn't heard of that option, but will look it up.06:20
tritiumsdali, no, not in general.  Just make sure what you install doesn't overwrite system files, just like in any other distro, including rpm-based ones.06:21
IceDrag0nLXeyequeue, every time I chmod it says file cannot be located06:21
thechrissdali: nothings changed, in FC4 its still not a good idea to build your own packages.06:21
IceDrag0nLXI made sure the file is there06:21
IceDrag0nLXI know it is there06:21
eyequeueIceDrag0nLX:  is it in your current directory?  home directory?06:21
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IceDrag0nLXoh damn06:21
IceDrag0nLXit works06:21
evil_kwell i got mp3s working06:21
eyequeueIceDrag0nLX:  okay06:21
julienplease ....anyone ?06:21
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tritiumsdali, it's not about limiting your options.  It's about what configurations we can support here.  Please feel free to do as you please.  Just understand we can't alsways help out when things go wrong after intstalling your own stuff.06:22
eyequeuejulien:  you could create an /etc/init.d/whatever to run at a lower priority06:22
sdaliI guess I've got some experimenting to do. I'm sure I'll overwrite some files, and end up back here asking for help. :)06:22
nalioth!tell julien about repeat06:22
eyequeuejulien:  man update-rc.d for details on how, if interested06:23
julieninvoke before every start of X Server:06:23
julien./i8xx_patch 30 1280 76806:23
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julieni need to start that before X06:23
capiCrimmI'm having some troubles with apt-get http://pastebin.com/37434806:23
julienso i made sh put on /etc/init.d06:24
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julienbut it seem start X before my script06:24
tritiumjulien, please follow eyequeue's guidance06:24
eyequeuejulien:  you could create an /etc/init.d/pre-x at priority 1206:25
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sdalicapiCrimm: You're having libc6 problems too I see.06:25
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julieni done the update-rc.d06:25
eyequeuejulien:  (gdm is 13)06:25
nAmSbReH`how do i start wine.....06:25
julienyou could create an /etc/init.d/pre-x at priority 12 ???06:25
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sdalinAmSbReH`: firs you start with the cheese, not wine. ;)06:26
eyequeuejulien:  write it, then use update-rc.d to put it at 1206:26
nAmSbReH`i have finished istalling wine how do i start it?06:26
julieneye can i PM u ?06:26
capiCrimmsdali, you too? find any fixess?06:26
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sdaliNope, It was suggested that I don't mess with libc6.06:26
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crimsungeez, how do you guys into these horrible situations with libc6?06:27
tritiummessing with libc6 is among the riskiest things you could do06:27
crimsunget into06:27
nAmSbReH`c'mon man help me.... how do start wine?06:27
crimsuncapiCrimm: apt-cache policy libmysqlclient14-dev06:27
firestor1Howdy. When I search for 'mythtv' in synaptic it shows the latest version as 0.17. The MythTV website shows the current version to be 0.18.1-r2. How can I install the latest version? Are my sources wrong?06:27
naliothnAmSbReH`: open a terminal and type 'wine /path/to/windows/bloat.exe'06:27
crimsunfirestor1: the latest version is in breezy06:27
firestor1crimsun: okay I must be set up for hoary then....how do I change to breezy?06:28
bediwho can i find breezy backport repositories... or a sources.list... tkz!06:28
nalioth!tell firestor1 about upgrade2breezy06:28
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capiCrimmcrimsum, you wanted the runoff? http://pastebin.com/37435306:29
padmawanfirestor1: read /topic06:29
cafuego_bedi: Breezy isn't stable, so no backports.06:29
firestor1padmawan, nalioth, crimsun: thanks :)06:29
crimsuncapiCrimm: ugh, the reason should be pretty obvious to you.06:30
bimberibedi: sample breezy sources.list - http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/232506:30
B_166-ER-Xin synaptic is http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu, and  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ the same thing ???06:30
evil_k!tell evil_k about upgrade2breezy06:30
firestor1How dangerous is it to run Breezy instead of Hoary in your experiences?06:30
padmawanfirestor1: it's a little bit slow during startup06:31
thoreauputicB_166-ER-X: yes, in fact I think they point at the same server (haven't actually checked that)06:31
naliothfirestor1: if you depend on your machine for your livelihood, wait until oct 1306:31
capiCrimmcrimsum, I'm not seeing it? :/06:31
eyequeuefirestor1:  the closer to the release date (oct 13) the safer, generally06:31
nAmSbReH`when i install wine this appears.....E: Unable to find a source package for wine ... what does tgis means?06:31
firestor1eyequeue: so on oct 13 it will be considered stable then?06:32
B_166-ER-XAny1 one breezy have a  http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu source ?06:32
crimsuncapiCrimm: whenever you use external (non-Ubuntu) repositories, don't be surprised when things will not install06:32
naliothfirestor1: yes it will06:32
tristanmikefirestor1, that's the date as of now06:32
eyequeuefirestor1:  that's the current release date, though hoary was a few days late06:32
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Arkainiumdamn.  what are some possible reasons why I can't suspend/resume more than once?  It makes no sense.06:33
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signbarnwhat's a good RSS/Atom aggregator?06:33
tristanmikeeagleye, are you getting my messages?06:33
tritiumArkainium, did you forget to use the new coversheet with your TPS report?06:33
capiCrimmcrimsum, that doesn't explain why (a) it worked before and (b) mysqlclient12-dev shoots simmilar errors. http://pastebin.com/37435606:33
linnertritium: my favorite movie!06:33
eyequeueB_166-ER-X:  deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted universe multiverse06:33
nAmSbReH`when i type this command <apt-get --build source wine> this appears.....E: Unable to find a source package for wine ... what does tgis means?06:33
tritiumhey linner :)06:33
linnertritium: i have an office space quote as a ring tone :)O06:34
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eyequeueB_166-ER-X:  us and ca are apparently the same host, substitute06:34
linnerhey tritium06:34
tritiumlinner, no way.  Which one?06:34
linnerthe one about how humans are not supposed to be crammed into little cubes etc06:34
linnerI have three actually06:35
B_166-ER-Xok thx06:35
IceDrag0nLXIf I want somthing in the launch menu06:35
tritiumArkainium, are you using breezy?06:35
IceDrag0nLXwhere does it go?06:35
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linner"Um, yeah... this is Bill Lump.... ahhhhhhhh yeah... this is Bill...... " the answering machine quote06:35
Arkainiumtritium, hoary.06:35
crimsuncapiCrimm: uh, why doesn't it explain it? You're trying to install packages from a repository external to Ubuntu's. Ubuntu doesn't control that repository, someone else does. Someone else compiled those packages against versions that aren't in Ubuntu.06:35
linnerArkainium: hey there06:35
cafebabyhell here06:35
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Arkainiumlinner, hey06:35
tritiumAnd what happens when you try to suspend more than once?06:36
=== DavidLeeRoth cant find a good pc case to match his mobo
firestor1Does Breezy have a linux kernel image for 2.6.13 or 2.6.12?06:36
linnernalioth: hey there :)06:36
crimsunfirestor1: 2.6.1206:36
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Arkainiumtritium, it suspends fine.  when i resume the second time, it locks up.06:36
tritiumDavidLeeRoth, perhaps spandex to match your outfit06:36
linnerArkainium: I'm having the same problem... do you have an ATI card?06:36
DavidLeeRotho you guys, i was in a band06:36
DavidLeeRothwe had some hits06:36
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Crys_WinUbuntu runs wicked slow on my ppc. Is there something better?06:37
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=== DavidLeeRoth "Might as well jump!"
crimsuncapiCrimm: in other words, purge your non-Ubuntu mysql packages, remove the non-Ubuntu repo, update, and reinstall the mysql packages you want.06:37
cafuego_Crys_Win: What ppc is it?06:37
Arkainiumlinner, resume works fine for me.  Just not when I do it more than once.  :)06:37
HrdwrBoBcrimsun: yes, an x86 ;)06:37
eyequeueCrys_Win:  typically, more ram06:37
linnerArkainium: :)06:37
Arkainiumlinner, I'm using the radeon dri driver, not fglrx.06:37
firestor1crimsun: is it possible to use the 2.6.12 kernel image with my hoary install? I'm on 2.6.11 and it has some kernel-related problems I think06:37
cafuego_Crys_Win: It runs fine on a 350MHz iMac (grape) with 192Mb ram here06:38
crimsunHrdwrBoB: Crys_Win?06:38
linneroh okay... I was about to give you the same schpeel ;)06:38
HrdwrBoBcrimsun: er yeah06:38
tritiumArkainium, hard?  Can't do any diagnostics?06:38
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cafuego_Crys_Win: Ditto on a 1.4GHz Mac mini with 1Gb RAM06:38
capiCrimmsecurity.ubuntu.com and us.archive.ubuntu.com are outside of  ubuntu's control?06:38
juliensudo update-rc.d -f i8xx.sh defaults 1206:38
julien System startup links for /etc/init.d/i8xx.sh already exist.06:38
crimsunfirestor1: does Hoary's 2.6.10 not work?06:38
Crys_WinSorry, it's a first line Imac.06:38
julienhow to force it ?06:38
crimsuncapiCrimm: no, the other one.06:38
cafuego_Crys_Win: How much ram does it have?06:38
cafebabymac-mini < 3G is crap06:38
Arkainiumtritium, keyboard becomes unresponsive.  let me check syslog though06:38
cafebabylow e/p06:39
Crys_WinSomething wrong with it though, cuz it don't have the flap for me to add ram.06:39
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firestor1crimsun: it may but I'd like to try 2.6.12 if it is easy enough to do06:39
cafuego_Crys_Win: No flap? Howso? (We're talking blueberry, right?)06:39
crimsunfirestor1: it's much easier to use Hoary's 2.6.10 if you're running Hoary.06:39
sdaliArkainium: I just tried it, and it works for me.06:39
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evil_kwhy dont i know the root pw on this thing?06:39
Crys_Wincafuego_, I think it has something like 64 or 12806:39
tritiumevil_k, because if you didn't set one, there's not one06:40
evil_kor am i not supposed to login as root06:40
Crys_WinNo, cafuego_ We're talking bondi.06:40
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tritium!tell evil_k about rootsudo06:40
thoreauputic!tell evil_k about root06:40
firestor1crimsun: okay I will do that. Just out of interest, how could I have used it with Hoary? Because there may be a need in the future to install testing version of package X while having stable version of all other packages06:40
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crimsunfirestor1: you dist-upgrade to breezy.06:40
eyequeuejulien:  sudo update-rc.d -f i8xx.sh remove ; sudo update-rc.d -f i8xx.sh start 12 2 3 4 5 . stop 12 2 3 4 5 .06:40
=== bimberi decodes not to spam evil_k regarding rootsudo
cafuego_Crys_Win: 64 is the default on those, I think.  yes, 64 or 128 is a tad on the low side for Ubuntu with Gnome. Give something like say fluxbox or openbox  try, they use FAR less ram and should be far more responsive.06:41
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julienthx eye06:41
signbarnwhy can i not find the j2re1.5 in breezy repositories?06:41
firestor1crimsun: so it is an all-or-nothing approach then?06:41
eyequeuejulien:  presuiming you want it to stop at 12, that's up to you06:41
grigoraI am experiencing my ssh sessions getting a timeout through a Linksys router/switch, it takes a few seconds for the connection to revive, is anyone experiencing similar behavior? thanks06:41
capiCrimmcrimsum, if I delete the dotdeb archieves I still get an error with the ubunte archieve packages http://pastebin.com/37435806:41
cafuego_signbarn: Coz it's not in there?06:41
Crys_Wincafuego_ can I install that from synaptic?06:41
crimsunfirestor1: you can download the appropriate linux-* debs, and install them.06:41
=== thoreauputic decides to spam bimberi with typos
cafuego_Crys_Win: Yep.06:41
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crimsunfirestor1: of course you're on your own if you do that06:42
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cafuego_Crys_Win: Soemthing that needs a bit more ram, but is also a bit more integrated, would be xfce4.06:42
signbarncafuego_: it just seems strange to me that the version would go _down_ in breezy06:42
eyequeuejulien:  read /etc/init.d/skeleton for an example06:42
killapophi All. where can I find a log of the bootup sequence?06:42
crimsuncapiCrimm: did you update after you removed the dotdeb repo?06:42
firestor1crimsun: okay so I'd use dpkg to do that and it would break upgrades of that package using synaptic?06:42
bimberithoreauputic: no more needed thanks (geez it took a while to type and check this :P )06:42
cafuego_signbarn: No, you're mistaken. The java 1.5 in hoary was *illegal* and should have never been in the repositories.06:42
Crys_Wincafuego_ will it just start up in blackbox next boot, or iwll it give me a chance to pick?06:42
julienoki eye i wil read06:43
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signbarncafuego_: fair enough06:43
=== Haxor is now known as Breeeeee
cafuego_Crys_Win: It will come up with gdm (just log out, no reboot required). Then pick 'blackbox' from the Sessions menu.06:43
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crimsunfirestor1: that package then would ever be updated automatically, because security updates would always be versioned lower.06:43
juliensudo update-rc.d -f i8xx.sh start 12 2 3 4 5 . stop 12 2 3 4 5 update-rc.d: error: expected runlevel [0-9S]  (did you forget "." ?)06:43
crimsunwould never06:43
thoreauputicbimberi: heheh - would you like a copy of the Oxford Dictionary? bigger than Unix manuals and more useful ;)06:43
eyequeuejulien:  sudo update-rc.d -f i8xx.sh remove ; sudo update-rc.d -f i8xx.sh start 12 2 3 4 5 . stop 12 2 3 4 5 . <-- see the trailing dot06:43
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Crys_Wincafuego_ Thanks. I really like my bblean. Thnk I'll like openbox or fluxbox too?06:44
cafuego_Crys_Win: I'm used to Gnome, can't make up your mind for you ;-)06:44
Breeeeeei shared my linux folders using SMB.. but my windows PC cannot browse it since it asks for a password.. and im sure i didn't put any password over the folder... can anyone help??06:44
bratscheHow do I start up my Ubuntu without X?  Is there a grub command I can use?06:44
DavidLeeRothcan anyone help me find a case06:44
bimberithoreauputic: ha, no the Macquarie does nicely thanks :)06:44
Arkainiumtritium, I notice in my acpid log that cardctl is ending with a seg fault when prepare.sh is called. but like I said, I can suspend just fine.06:44
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crimsunbratsche: search the wiki for instructions to start without gdm06:44
julienoki ! i forgot one DOT06:44
signbarnanyone know if i get the j2sdk if i need the j2re? or does the j2sdk cover that?06:44
bratschecrimsun: Thanks.06:44
Crys_WinDavidLeeRoth:  look me in the face as I say this.06:44
eyequeuebratsche:  remove the symlink to gdm in one runlevel and use that one06:44
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NiLzwhat's colony?06:44
cafuego_Crys_Win: Ack, 32Mb is the default, actually.06:44
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thoreauputicbimberi: bah - the Macquarie is a terrible dictionary IMO :(06:44
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crimsunNiLz: a breezy milestone06:45
eyequeuebratsche:  this presumes you want it just occasionally06:45
IceDrag0nLX./uplink: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:45
IceDrag0nLX <-- wtf?06:45
bratscheeyequeue: I can't remove any symlinks right now.06:45
NiLzcrimsun: is it a final release?06:45
sdaligrigora: Try editing /etc/ssh/ssh_config, and set ConnectTimeout 0.06:45
firestor1crimsun: sorry, I misunderstood your last message. Security updates would happen automatically because version number is lower than what is really installed, resulting in a downgrade of version number..correct?06:45
Breeeeeei shared my linux folders using SMB.. but my windows PC cannot browse it since it asks for a password.. and im sure i didn't put any password over the folder... can anyone help??06:45
bratscheeyequeue: My xorg.conf file is hosed or something, and when I startup the system into X everything freezes and I can't use keyboard input.06:45
crimsunNiLz: no, it's a milestone on the road to the final release06:45
julieni reboot and test06:45
julienthx all speciall eye06:45
julienu rocks !06:45
naliothBreeeeee: use the password for your linux account06:45
concept10I need help -- I upgraded to breezy last night and xserver will not start - it says it cannot find any screens .. any suggestions?06:46
NiLzcrimsun: I see, thanx06:46
cafuego_Crys_Win: I'd have a search on google, see how to open it and add ram, if you can get your hands on some. (SDRAM is dirt cheap)06:46
nAmSbReH`If you want to make sure that apt-get will install the WineHQ wine package instead of the Debian wine package (which usually has the same version), then add something like the following entry to /etc/apt/preferences  > what does this means?06:46
eyequeuebratsche:  bbot to "recovery mode" from the grub menu06:46
Crys_WinDavidLeeRoth: If you've never built a computer, you haven't come across this, but in my experience, the plate in the back comes off and a new one comes with your mobo.06:46
Crys_WinDavidLeeRoth: does that solve the problem?06:46
nAmSbReH`If you want to make sure that apt-get will install the WineHQ wine package instead of the Debian wine package (which usually has the same version), then add something like the following entry to /etc/apt/preferences  > what does this means?06:46
bratscheeyequeue: I'm searching the wiki for "recovery mode" and I don't see it.  What's the command?06:46
DavidLeeRothi didnt see a plate coming with the mobo06:47
DavidLeeRothim not a retard and i have built them befor06:47
Crys_Wincafuego_: I did that. BTW, it's sodimm for imacs.06:47
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DavidLeeRothusually they just work06:47
eyequeuebratsche:  okay, when you first boot into grub, you know the menu?  usually the second item is recovery mode06:47
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bratscheeyequeue: Okay, I'll search for it.  Thanks.06:47
eyequeuebratsche:  np06:47
nAmSbReH`If you want to make sure that apt-get will install the WineHQ wine package instead of the Debian wine package (which usually has the same version), then add something like the following entry to /etc/apt/preferences  > what does this means?06:47
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naliothnAmSbReH`: /msg ubotu repeat06:48
Crys_WinDavidLeeRoth: I'm not calling you dumb, dude, chill. I'm just trying to help. There are screws and it comes off, and the plate comes with the mobo. Somebody back me up please?06:48
cafuego_Crys_Win: yeah, just saw. I've got a rev C I think,  that just eats whever the Pentium 3 here had.06:48
tritiumnAmSbReH`, isn't that fairly self-explanatory, honestly?  What more can be said?06:48
DavidLeeRothi am looking to see if the mobo comes with a plate06:48
=== cafuego_ has since moved it to the B&W G3 anyway
eyequeueDavidLeeRoth:  he's straight with you, reread, no animosity either06:48
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DavidLeeRothhttp://www.machspeed.com/v64_939agp.htm is the mobo i am buying06:48
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eyequeueCrys_Win:  he?  or she?  sorry, if a shee06:49
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Crys_WinIt's cool. He. You can't get offended about that onlne.06:49
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spermiteI'm trying to rememeber how to force a package to overwrite, give me a hand06:49
julieneye u rocks !! i love u !! now im in 1280x768 on my japanese laptop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!06:50
julienu the best !06:50
eyequeuejulien:  cool06:50
linnersorry guys06:50
=== tritium pats eyequeue on the back
eyequeuespermite:  i'd use " sudo apt-get --reinstall install foo"06:50
Jeeziscan someone tell me what i repo i should add to my sources.list so i can download the w32codecs package06:50
crimsunJeezis: I just answered that.06:50
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Jeeziscrimsun: ah, just saw, thanks06:50
julieneye what is /etc/init.d/skeleton ?06:50
Crys_WinDavidLeeRoth: My mobo has a very similar plate. Also wouldn't go into the stock plate, but asus sent me a nice custom fit one in the box.06:51
julienhow use it ?06:51
naliothnickrud: you varmint! where you been?06:51
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nickrudcalifornia, thank you06:51
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eyequeuejulien:  an example file, to base your hand-written /etc/init.d/* files upon06:51
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DavidLeeRothi hate my life06:51
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naliothnickrud: cali? rita wasnt that bad06:51
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eyequeuejulien:  sudo cp /etc/init.d/skeleton /etc/init.d/mynewfile and then edit mynewfile06:52
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nickrudfofl, no06:52
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julieni see06:52
julieni just newbies on linux only 2 week ...learning......but i learn quick and fast06:52
julienthanks for your support ...06:53
eyequeuejulien: well, what you did is rather advanced for a newbie, you're doing well06:53
Crys_WinDavidLeeRoth: Don't hate your life. That case and that motherboard will work I think. That's gonna be a badass box. Do you have a gfx card picked out yet?06:53
yellowroseHi! I'm having problems playing a VCD movie with music.dat file but no problem with DVD movies. What am I suppose to do? Totem could not determine type of stream06:53
julienthanks eye06:53
julieni try to dont ask ppl util im stuck06:53
DavidLeeRothyeah, a 9600TX 256 dedicated ram06:53
julienand the french channel was not able to anwser me06:54
eyequeuejulien: poking into man pages can make you an expert faster too :)06:54
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DavidLeeRothi havent picked out a screen yet because I am waiting for those HD screens06:54
julienyes u right06:54
julieni will try to use more man06:54
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Crys_WinDavidLeeRoth: Fooken sweet. What are you gonna do with such a hardcore setup on linux. That's not a programmers box. You got wine and cedega in mind? A little bang bang? Some rpg?06:54
julienim so happy, after long time fighting im on 1280x76806:55
julienthats rocks06:55
Crys_Winjulien: Congrats.06:55
DavidLeeRothI would kill to program. I am not a hardcore gamer, but i will dual boot Vista/Ubuntu with ubuntu being my main man06:55
B_166-ER-Xnow :  if the install cd of Hoary takes a full cd.... and the update by terminal to breezy makes me install 266 megs,   there IS more data on the breezy version...so,  where does the overdata go ? is there jstue 250 megs or so that will sleep on my hd ? or will it jsut erase old data as well06:55
DavidLeeRothand vmware will run, so i will have access to linux on windows, and vice versa06:56
Crys_WinDavidLeeRoth: What's vista? Never heard of that one. (simultaneously googling it.)06:56
eyequeueDavidLeeRoth:  /usr/share/doc/diveinto/python/  is a nice place to start programming06:56
DavidLeeRothi want c06:56
DavidLeeRothor c++06:56
eyequeueDavidLeeRoth: oops  /usr/share/doc/diveintopython/  is a nice place to start programming06:56
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eyequeuelots of c tutorials online06:56
DavidLeeRothi have a 300 page booklet on it in pdf06:56
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DavidLeeRothbut i want a tutor06:57
snausageshow do i add 32-bit colors? do i edit xorg.conf? actually i tried that but i screwed up something and had to reinstall for the 19873865th time06:57
DavidLeeRothi know an aussie who is quite patient06:57
Crys_WinDavidLeeRoth: Holy crap! A windows I know nothing about!!!06:57
MadpilotPPCCrys_Win, it's the new name for Longhorn, that's all06:57
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DavidLeeRothdude, duck and cover because the crap is hitting the fan on this one06:57
julienbye all now 7h00am and not sleep yet !! but screen fix, ist worth it !!06:57
snausagesCrys_Win, your acting is very bad. =)06:57
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DavidLeeRothits a resource whore06:58
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kevogodWhat's a windows?06:58
eyequeuesnausages:  cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.safe, edit, test., cp backwards if it's broken06:58
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DavidLeeRothsnausages, I love the 80's. I was in a band in the 80's once.06:58
damnhilHow do I tune my hard disk using hdparm?06:58
eyequeuebye julien06:58
bob2DavidLeeRoth: language, please06:58
kevogodWindowey Windows06:58
snausageseyequeue i tried restoring it from a live cd boot and it was still screwed up06:58
Crys_WinDavidLeeRoth: Christ, what is it? Dude, what is vista? The website is vague and with only mild promise of getting less so.06:59
eyequeuesnausages:  i guess a reinstall isn't painful if you'06:59
eyequeuere recently installed06:59
snausageseyequeue yeah, i just hate doing it over and over06:59
snausagesi lost valuable time06:59
DavidLeeRothcrys, it will require great power (3.00ghz above, 256ded vid mem, 1 gig ram recommended, 2 is better, a monitor that ISNT EVEN MADE YET)06:59
eyequeueCrys_Win:  offtopic here, but vista is the codename for what used to be longhorn, ms's next os release06:59
thoreauputicCrys_Win: Various Improvements Similar To Apple07:00
DavidLeeRothits insane07:00
Crys_Winah!!!!! windows xp and Mac os mated!!!07:00
DavidLeeRothits a joke07:00
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bob2Windows seems kinda off-topic here, folks.07:00
wthannaI have recently installed Enlightenment E16 using synaptic, but it does not show as an option when I login. Can someone tell me what I might need to do to make this happen?07:00
DavidLeeRothand it will come out in 7 diff versions, this is sink or float for MS07:00
Crys_WinI wanna play with it!!!07:00
transgress_didn't you guys read that longhorn is broken?07:01
kevogodIt is not sink or float. As long as Dell and etc. bundle it, they are safe.07:01
transgress_MS said so themselves... and that they are chunking a massive amount of code07:01
Crys_WinDavidLeeRoth: With tech specs like that, it is sink.07:01
eyequeue#ubuntu-offtopic does exist, for those interested :)07:01
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Orbordetransgress_: Yeah...they said that about..2 years ago?07:01
wbeck85hey, uh, what happened to ubuntuforums.org?07:01
Orbordetransgress_: And they have since fixed it.07:01
eyequeuewbeck85:  maintenence07:01
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adjacentoh shit. update ubuntu only to find it breaks firefox...07:01
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Crys_WinLinux just needs a good gui and some more wizards and it's gonna kill.07:01
eyequeueadjacent:  /topic07:02
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OrbordeCrys_Win: And it needs to work out of the box.07:02
kevogodNo, Linux does not need any of that. They need to be prepackaged with a Dell or HP computer.07:02
bob2adjacent: sure it's not because you're using backports?07:02
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transgress_Orborde: you're wrong.  this is recent.07:02
naliothadjacent: disable backports07:02
Orbordetransgress_: Link?07:02
adjacentbob2: im sure it is07:02
DavidLeeRothlinux needs developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers,07:02
DavidLeeRothI love this company!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!07:02
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transgress_http://www.smartofficenews.com.au/Computing/Platforms_And_Applications?article=/Computing/Platforms%20And%20Applications/News/E5T7U6H8 Orborde07:02
eyequeueDavidLeeRoth:  lol07:02
thoreauputicDavidLeeRoth: rofl07:03
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o tritium] by tritium
adjacentDavidLeeRoth: linux needs less developers... it needs more project managers07:03
crimsunuh what? fewer developers? Are you nuts? ;)07:03
DShepherdwill breexy be shipping the latest version of gaim07:03
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adjacenti guess you havent found out yet that 95% of software out there is crap07:03
crimsunDShepherd: the latest at the time of freeze, yes07:03
tritium!info gaim breezy07:03
ubotugaim: (multi-protocol instant messaging client), section net, is optional. Version: 1:1.5.0-1ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 814 kB, Installed size: 2148 kB07:03
crimsunadjacent: and adding management infrastructure will HELP that?07:03
=== crimsun chuckles
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Orbordetransgress_: Oh, yeah. The WSJ article. Thing is, they are apparently fixing it to the max.07:04
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supergroveradjacent: yeah yeah07:04
transgress_Orborde: like they did all the other releases right?07:04
=== thoreauputic votes for more PHBs
Crys_Winif aqua was ported to linux, you'd have the games and the free. Too bad it'd never happen.07:04
=== tritium throws more money at the problem
adjacentheh. im big on formal training... whatever07:04
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Orbordetransgress_: All that happened was that their old methodology finally broke down, and now they're adopting a more modern approach that is indeed likely to be more efficient.07:04
kevogodWhen I try to install Opera 8.5 shared on Breezy, I receive a dependency error telling me that I need libqt3c102-mt. The wiki says that libqt3-mt is Breezy's equivalent, but how do I get Opera to install properly?07:05
DavidLeeRothhttp://hardware.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/08/27/1928243&tid=184&tid=173&tid=143&tid=1 (Linux Laptop)07:05
GrannyTuxwhat up with ubuntu forum it down as well07:05
Orbordetransgress_: The breakdown happened something like a year ago, I think; they're been on this ever since.07:05
eyequeueGrannyTux:  ntenence07:05
eyequeueGrannyTux:  maint07:05
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Crys_WinWhy is it that every time windows says more efficient it means I have to upgrade my system to run it?07:05
transgress_Orborde: i think you've been reading future news again.07:05
Orbordetransgress_: I may have misread.07:05
drogohSlashdot is evil. :(07:06
thoreauputicCrys_Win: you have to look at it from their viewpoint ;)07:06
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crimsunadjacent: formal training or not, adding more infrastructure to the mess is NOT the way to proceed.07:06
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Orbordetransgress_: But I thought they'd been working on reorganizing for about a year; it just became public now.07:06
Crys_Winthoreauputic: This is gonna be good.07:07
transgress_eh doesn't matter.  i don't think i'll be using any of the 8 versions of vista07:07
nAmSbReH`what is the best version for wine in ubuntu07:07
transgress_the one in apt probably nAmSbReH`07:07
bob2nAmSbReH`: depends what you're doing07:07
Orbordetransgress_: 'On Aug. 27, 2004, Microsoft said it would ship Longhorn in the second half of 2006 -- at least a year late -- and that Mr. Gates's WinFS advance wouldn't be part of the system. The day before in Microsoft's auditorium, Mr. Allchin had announced to hundreds of Windows engineers that they would "reset" Longhorn using a clean base of code that had been developed for a version of Windows on corporate server computers.'07:07
nAmSbReH`i wanna play warcraft?07:07
tritiumonly you can answer that, nAmSbReH`07:07
wbeck85I would say, Cedega?07:08
bob2nAmSbReH`: which version of warcraft?07:08
transgress_nAmSbReH`: which warcraft?07:08
=== thoreauputic thinks MS are busy designing flying chairs that kill Google
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=== transgress_ agrees with thoreauputic
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transgress_nAmSbReH`: no... like world of warcraft or wc3, wc2, etc?07:08
naliothmicrosoft talk in #ubuntu-offtopic please. plenty of room there07:08
nAmSbReH`frozen throne....07:08
transgress_nAmSbReH`: that can run in wine... but you gotta remove the video files... google wine linux warcraft 307:09
OrbordenAmSbReH`: That's Warcraft III07:09
Crys_WinI think that MS periodically makes windows "more efficient" so that I will have to buy a new computer. Then, maybe I'll need a new os, so right back to windows.07:09
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xuniluserdoes ubuntu  support serial devices like mouse?07:09
transgress_but for best playability you will want cedega nAmSbReH`07:09
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bob2xuniluser: sure07:10
nAmSbReH`where can i get cedega?07:10
Crys_Winnalioth: Sorry. I'll knock it off.07:10
signbarnyeah i bought cedega -- definitely worth it.07:10
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WebLOCHDoes anyone know of a decent linux version of the MacOS bar ?07:10
bob2nAmSbReH`: you can buy it on www.transgaming.com07:10
Crys_WinI can't buy software. Between upgrading my computer, and college I can't afford it.07:10
transgress_nAmSbReH`: emphasis on buy07:10
naliothWebLOCH: try superkaramba, gdesklets or adesklets07:11
xuniluserbob2: one of my colleagues cant use his serial mouse(COM1), and also she can't change the resolution of her screen, (stuck up with 640x480)07:11
transgress_Crys_Win: which is where linux comes in for the win07:11
WebLOCHty nalioth07:11
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signbarn$5 bucks/month (min 3 months), so $15 at the least07:11
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transgress_xuniluser: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:11
bob2xuniluser: you need to manually configure X to use a serial mouse07:11
bob2xuniluser: the other issue is unrelated; http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:12
transgress_xuniluser: is this a very old computer?07:12
xunilusertransgress_: thanks...07:12
Crys_Wintransgress Yeah, until you get to running games and then you have to pay again.07:12
nAmSbReH`im from the phil and i don't have a credit card are there any options where i can get it for free?07:12
kevogodWhen I try to install Opera 8.5 shared on Breezy, I receive a dependency error telling me that I need libqt3c102-mt. The wiki says that libqt3-mt is Breezy's equivalent, but how do I get Opera to install properly?07:12
bob2nAmSbReH`: no07:12
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transgress_Crys_Win: you don't have to.  you can keep using cedega and not pay the subscription07:12
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xunilusertransgress_ not so old, (Pentium 3)07:12
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bob2kevogod: get the static version07:12
transgress_Crys_Win: the subscription just allows you to get updates to it.07:12
DavidLeeRothmost mobo's have the usb right next to nic07:12
WebLOCHwhat is cedega, i hear a lot about it in here07:12
GrannyTuxanybody ever tey ubuntu on a p2 300mhz07:13
Crys_Wintransgress_ Yes, but then it goes out of date.07:13
DavidLeeRothwhy do the cases i am looking at dont07:13
tritiumnAmSbReH`, don't ask about getting software that costs $ for free!07:13
=== transgress_ can't install opera... no amd64 version of k7 version... and the 386 makes it wanna install the 386 kernel... but i prefer ff 1.5b myself
bob2WebLOCH: www.transgaming.com07:13
thoreauputicGrannyTux: pentium 200mmx, 64MB RAM07:13
bob2transgress_: are you joking?07:13
transgress_Crys_Win: but it doesn't matter if the games you are wanting to play work.  it only matters when trying to play the newest games added07:13
signbarnWebLOCH: cedega is transgaming's version of wine aimed at gaming -- am i correct?07:13
kevogodWhat you do is, go to Wal-Mart or some other evil corporation and then get a bag. Fill the bag with a bunch of goodies. Then run.07:13
transgress_bob2: i swear it did it.07:13
drogohCedega == WineX == Wine friendly DirectX07:13
GrannyTuxwhat window manger did you use07:14
thoreauputicGrannyTux: but it runs fluxbox, not GNOME07:14
Crys_Winthoreauputic: What are you running on there?07:14
naliothkevogod: not appropriate07:14
transgress_bob2: it'll run... but it keeps trying to install another kernel with i upgrade07:14
drogohReverse the words on the last one.07:14
eyequeuekevogod:  during a hurricane?07:14
transgress_*when i upgrade07:14
thoreauputicCrys_Win: Hoary, server install lus fluxbox etc07:14
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bob2transgress_: get the static tarball version07:14
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Crys_Winthoreauputic: Look anything like damnsmalllinux?07:14
wbeck85nAmSbReH: http://www.transgaming.com/sources.php07:14
signbarnright, i ran WoW fine on cedega -- better than on Windows even (with the -opengl option)07:15
transgress_bob2: yeah i suppose.  it's a nice browser... especially w/o adds... but i think i'll stick with ff... thanks for the suggestion though.07:15
GrannyTuxanything i should look out for what about xfce07:15
thoreauputicCrys_Win: much better, really07:15
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Crys_Winthoreauputic: Better than dsl?07:15
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thoreauputicCrys_Win: more flexiblity with packages etc07:15
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Crys_WinThat's it. I'm installing fluxbox tommorrow.07:15
=== nickrud imagines bob2 grinding his teeth
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Crys_WinOh, and I can't get my ubuntu installed boot loader to run windows.07:16
WebLOCHnalioth, gdesklets appears to be sensors and similar useless functions, cant find a launch bar07:16
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naliothWebLOCH: among those things i mentioned, you will find what you seek07:16
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Myrtti/me likes gdesklets07:16
adjacentim having a hard time googling this since firefox is out... can i tell apt to opverwrite the conflicting files in firefox, with those in mozilla-firefox dummy package?07:16
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bob2adjacent: what are you doing?07:17
WebLOCHnalioth, cheers ill keep lookin07:17
nAmSbReH`do linspire have cedega in them?07:17
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adjacentall backports are out of my sources, just main and universe/multiverse07:17
Crys_WinWebLOCH: Is a gnome panel with transparency and several launchers not good enough?07:17
transgress_i must say... i like windows idea of just removing the menu bar.07:17
bob2adjacent: what are you doing?07:17
Hendrichow can i restrict other users from removing panels on my GNOME menus... can i restrict it to root only? (removing)07:17
adjacentbob2: trying to fix firefox since i think a backport ate it07:17
naliothadjacent: stop using backports07:17
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bob2nAmSbReH`: not in their free version07:17
bob2adjacent: that's not really answering my question07:17
signbarnmAmSbReH`: i heard they were teaming up, but i think it's a preview of cedega -- after which you'd need to subscribe for updates still.07:17
transgress_Hendric: give them a separate account07:17
adjacentnalioth: a bit late, but they are out07:17
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Crys_Wintransgress_ What menu bar?07:18
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WebLOCHCrys_Win, mine doesnt appear to be transparent I assume i need composition manager for that ?07:18
bob2adjacent: are you upgrading to breezy? getting hoary-security updates?07:18
signbarnah, i am corrected :-)07:18
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naliothadjacent: remove your firefox with --purge07:18
transgress_Crys_Win: the ones on all windows... the file, help, etc...07:18
adjacentbob2: i am running apt-get upgrade07:18
Hendrictransgress: it has a separate account..but they keep on removing their panels.. i want to restrict it...07:18
adjacentnalioth: will purge remove profiles?07:18
bob2adjacent: just paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to #flood then07:18
bob2adjacent: no07:18
transgress_Hendric: restrict their panels?  why?07:18
Crys_WinWebLOCH: You can make it transparent. click the properties.07:18
nAmSbReH`i have an installer it just arrived yesterday..... can i use the linspire cedega on ubunut... is it the same?07:18
adjacentbob2: why do i need to paste them? its just main, multiverse, universe07:19
adjacentand security of course07:19
bob2adjacent: because you failed to answer my question07:19
Hendricso dat they won't be able to remove menus by accidentally rightclicking and removing the panels07:19
Hendrici'm using ubuntu on my net cafe thats why07:19
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transgress_Hendric: ah i see... but no i don't really know of a way to do that.  1 button mouse maybe?07:19
WebLOCHCrys_Win, I guess you are right, still  not very  appealing to the eye07:19
nAmSbReH`i have an installer of linspire it just arrived yesterday..... can i use the linspire cedega on ubunut... is it the same?07:20
bob2nAmSbReH`: please don't repeat07:20
cafuego_Hendric: pam_mkhomedir with sane defaults in /etc/skel perhaps; just trash the homedir when a user logs out.07:20
Crys_WinOkay. Just thought that might help in the mean time. I have seen a real nice one. I don't know where the person found it. good luck.07:20
nAmSbReH`can i use it?07:20
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cafuego_nAmSbReH`: Have you tried yet and gotten stuck?07:21
Hendriccafuego: would you rephrase i can't get it07:21
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nAmSbReH`what do u mean?07:21
adjacentbob2: its all up there if you scroll. ill repaste if youd like thogh07:21
smotthm. my laptop gets really hot when running xscreensaver (just blank screen)07:21
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cafuego_Hendric: Just assume users will break stuff. Create default menu prefs and copy those prefs to /etc/skel. Then set up pam_mkhomedir, so that a new home directory is created (with defaults from /etc/skel) whenever a user logs in. When the suer logs out, delete their homedir.07:22
=== Necrosan [i=Necrosan@CPE-24-167-255-212.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob2adjacent: there's no menion of he nick "adjacent" in #flood in the past day07:22
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naliothsmott: instead of "blank screen" use the power settings to depower the panel07:23
adjacentbob2: there is probably no mention of adjacent in #flood ever07:23
adjacentbob2: but thanks anyway07:23
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transgress_bob2: are you confused?  i am07:23
bob2adjacent: anyway, nalioth's answer may or may not be dangerous, depending on what you're trying to do07:23
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Crys_WinOkay, I'm out.07:24
Crys_WinI'll see you all later.07:24
transgress_15% battery life here.  i'm about to be out lol07:24
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bob2that was why I was trying to find out what exactly you were doing07:24
=== Crys_Win [n=Christop@cpe-66-24-87-73.stny.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu []
adjacentbob2: just what i said.... restore firefox to a working state after an upgrade from backports07:24
bob2adjacent: dude07:25
adjacenti was about to purge it... should i not?07:25
bob215:18:09           bob2 | adjacent: are you upgrading to breezy? getting hoary-security updates?07:25
cafuego_Hendric: This will take some research and worm tos et up, but will save time once it's done.07:25
adjacentim running hoary.07:25
=== GrannyTux [n=rustina@d207-81-74-96.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
transgress_k time for me to go take this inside to plug in.  might be back in a bit.07:26
transgress_gonna go sit in the hottub07:26
smottnalioth: oh. that'll work too i guess07:26
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xuniluserI have an EPSON lx 300 printer and i'm having a hard time downloading driver... help!07:27
coszhello all07:27
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delltonyquestion i have an external harddrive (maxtor onetouch II ) on order i'm curious if it would work with ubuntu and if so how would one mount the drive? do i simply plug it in and type pmount or whatever? is there a wiki on this or a howto on the forums if so i can't seem to find it07:28
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=== coz [n=cosimo32@c-24-3-171-43.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cozHello again07:28
crimsundelltony: is it a USB HD?07:29
naliothdelltony: my firewire external mounts by itself07:29
cozI need a few suggestions about breezy if anyone can help!07:29
naliothcoz: ask, dont insinuate07:29
delltonyyeah its a usb 2.0 drive07:29
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cozI have been trying to get dvd to play and can't do it07:29
crimsunthen it'll mount by itself, and an icon will appear on your desktop, when you plug it in07:29
pittidelltony: just plugging it in should be enough; it's mounted automatically07:29
delltonyaww sweet07:30
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phizz-has anyone gotten a netgear wg111v2 usb adapter working under linux?07:30
delltonythats good to know can't wait till i get it a 300 gig drive to put all my programs and whatever on it07:30
cozcan anyone help with getting DVD's to play in breezy?07:30
delltonyone thing i really wish i could figure out and id be a 100 percent linux fan07:30
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naliothdelltony: you'll soon be wishing for a .5TB drive.. .. .. ..07:30
delltonywhy is it my system ALWAYS borks when it comes upgrade time07:31
delltonynalioth, your right :)07:31
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naliothdelltony: b/c you dont wait for breezy final to update?07:31
delltonyi like to stay current with the ubuntu builds but here is my problem. i set the thing up like i want with tweaks and so on get it looking all nice then i do a dist-upgrade and its by by linux :(07:31
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delltonywell actually in this case your right but in the last case no07:32
WebLOCHhmm found quite a nice one07:32
delltonywhen i went from warty to hoary i waited till the finaly release07:32
delltonyfinal even07:32
WebLOCHprobably wise dell50007:32
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delltonywell thats how i did it but it did not upgrade i got no x server and whatever07:33
transgress_woo got a strong enough signal to talk inside now07:33
cozLet me try agin. Can anyone help in getting DVD's to play in Breezy?07:33
transgress_still time for the hottub though.07:33
delltonyno really complaining just curious to why i can never upgrade :(07:33
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delltonycause its like i have to reinstall linux every 6 months07:33
thoreauputiccoz: you need to be far more specific about your problem07:33
naliothdelltony: waiting until the next version finals is a good thing07:34
cozI insert a dvd, Totem grabs it first and I get this error; "dvdnav_get_next_block" error07:34
delltonyi can't wait till the one that is going to give vista a run for its money started witha  d07:34
cmathesonhey is it lawful to ask about breezy in here? is x broken right now?07:34
delltonyi seen it in the newsletter07:34
cozWith vlc it just sits there and won't open the dvd07:34
tritiumgood night07:34
delltonyi would honestly love to see windows beat into the ground :) but anyway07:35
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delltonyi converted 3 guys at work to linux thanks to ubuntu's help :) add that to your success stories07:35
naliothwindows talk in #ubuntu-offtopic, please (fire extinguishers available)07:35
delltonymy boss and two other guys that work for us always come to me with computer problems constantly cause they go to websites and get all kinda hooked dlls and so forth and so on07:36
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delltonywell they look at me and go why does your computer never have problems :)07:37
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bob2Seveas: I'd be really really careful banning entire ISPs07:37
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delltonyi go well try ubuntu and see how you like it with a kde desktop if you are stuck on the windows look and they loved it i went from problems every day to havent' heard for them in 4 months07:38
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kemikdelltony:  maybe they've not managed to boot their computers ;)07:38
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delltonyhaha good one07:39
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[LethAL] lol07:39
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[LethAL] Goob job though if they have07:39
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delltonyi know one thing i love it always thought linux was something id always dream of cause i tried it long long time ago07:39
linlinHow can I restrict what host names connect to my ssh server07:40
zarkothhey there07:40
cozThe exact phrasing of the error is;; Error invoking "dvdnav_get_next_block"  Error reading NAV packet07:40
zarkothReal quick....KDE or Gnome?07:40
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delltonyi use KDE but i'm strange07:41
[LethAL] Gnome07:41
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=== seatouch brb
zarkothand how mahy of you have tried KDE ;)07:41
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bob2questions like that are kinda silly07:41
[LethAL] I have07:41
Amaranthzarkoth: Worst. Question. Ever.07:41
bob2try them both and see which YOU like07:41
zarkothis it?07:41
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bob2no one else can guess what you'd prefer07:41
[LethAL] !start a desktop environment war07:41
ubotuNot a clue, [LethAL] 07:41
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delltonytry fluxbox i like it too07:41
[LethAL] :/07:41
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zarkothI know, I'm asking them what they prefer, bob2, I think we discussed this....07:41
[LethAL] Ah well07:41
cozI have been trying for four days to get DVD's to play in Breezy. help would be great07:41
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kevogodKDE has its advantages. GNOME has more advantages.07:41
[LethAL] LOL07:42
desplesdahi everyone, i just tried to upgrade my breezy installation, and i appear to have lost dpkg in the process07:42
desplesdawhat can i do? :P07:42
kevogodThere, solid hard facts to ponder.07:42
thoreauputiclinlin:  /etc/hosts.allow  , /etc/hosts.deny , plus  iptables or firestarter07:42
Amaranthnext person to say KDE is better than GNOME or GNOME is better than KDE gets a stern talking to07:42
bob2coz: you followed the instructions on the wiki?07:42
bob2desplesda: it is very very hard to get dpkg removed07:42
julieni made a mistake with mkdir command and now all my file fom hda3 (fat32) is gone !!! :(07:42
[LethAL] Amaranth... what about "Xfce pwns all"? ;-)07:42
thoreauputicAmaranth: fluxbox is better than xfce :P07:42
cozNovice here so go easy on directions07:42
desplesdabob2:  yes, i know, but i just ran an update and it failed07:43
bob2desplesda: apt actually makes you type out "Yes, I know I'm about to break my system." or so07:43
delltonywell i like gnome till they made the menu thing hard as crap to edit (hoary) i ended up having to write a gtk application to change menus by making .desktop files and i got tired of it so thats why i switched07:43
bob2desplesda: so paste the error to #flood07:43
julienis there a unerase command in linux ?07:43
bob2julien: no07:43
kevogoddell500, Um, ever heard of Smeg?07:43
julienall gone for ever ??07:43
kevogoderr I mean delltony07:43
naliothjulien: there is not07:43
juliennothing to do ?07:43
delltonykevogod, no can't say that i have07:43
ubotufrom memory, smeg is a Simple Menu Editor for GNOME. Get it at http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg/ or from backports.07:43
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bob2julien: more or less07:44
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delltonyaww cool07:44
kevogoddelltony: It is a menu editor that is included by default with Breezy and installable on Hoary.07:44
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thoreauputicAmaranth: advertising is off-topic *grin*07:44
bob2desplesda: uh07:44
julienoh my goood !!!07:44
desplesdabob2:  yeah07:44
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bob2desplesda: apt doesn't remove dpkg without making you beg07:44
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DavidLeeRoththanks you guys for helping me with my mobo situation07:44
bob2desplesda: you said yes to it?07:44
DavidLeeRothi appreciate it07:44
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desplesdano, all i did was my usual update via update-notifier07:44
WebLOCHanbd icons07:44
adjacentjust posted to #flood, someone mind looking at this error?07:45
Amaranthdesplesda: you have to type a full english sentance at least once07:45
WebLOCHand pretty07:45
DavidLeeRothi now can build an expensive pc for 80007:45
WebLOCHI love you ubuntu07:45
bob2adjacent: that command isn't going to do anything useful07:45
Amaranthdesplesda: Something like "Yes, I know what I'm doing"07:45
delltonycool well i might have to switch back to gnome then one quick question if i want to do that whats the easy way to do it? i installed from the kubuntu cd07:45
DavidLeeRothim the happiest dude alieve07:45
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kevogodAn expensive PC is not relative.07:45
bob2adjacent: paste the output of "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"07:45
cozOK! let me put it another way. I use XP Pro, Mac OSx, BeOs, and now Ubuntu Breezy. I love BeOs but the only hoding me back from switching to Ubuntu is the DVD p;ayback issue07:45
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delltonymy guess would be install an application that has gnome depends07:45
chris86wmhey guys07:45
Amaranthdelltony: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:45
bigfoot1guys, give me opinion. Should I try to use Powerpoint 2003 in an unknown language, or should I download/use English version of a free powerpoint alternative?07:45
delltonyaww ok07:45
desplesdabob2:  so, basically, the system is quite thoroughly broken07:45
naliothdelltony: choose at the login screen (see sessions)07:45
linlinthoreauputic if i add a host to that, will it automatically block all other hosts?07:45
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Amaranthdelltony: then sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop if you want to get rid of it completely07:45
bigfoot1what's the best free alternative to powerpoint?07:45
bob2desplesda: I'd be really really really really surprised if apt removed dpkg07:45
kevogodbigfoot1, Impress07:45
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Amaranthbigfoot1: OpenOffice.org Impress07:46
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bob2desplesda: "grep dpkg /var/log/dpkg.log"07:46
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bigfoot1kevogod, is impress about as good as powerpoint 2003?07:46
cozSo what do I have to do to get these DVD's to Play in Breezy?07:46
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kevogodbigfoot1, Yes.07:46
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bob2adjacent: sudo dpkg --purge --force-depends firefox firefox-gnome-support; sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox mozilla-firefox-gnome-support07:46
bigfoot1kevogod, thanks. i'll get it right now. bye for now.07:46
thoreauputiclinlin: well, the info is in the man pages - basically host.allow allows the hosts you specify and none other07:46
chris86wmdoes anyone know how to reinstall the alsa-modules?07:46
delltonywell there are some kde apps that  i like like kb3 but i always did like gnome but i switched for the fact as i stated before. i will try it again :) thanks for the tip07:46
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Amaranthdesplesda: You typed in that sentence?07:47
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bob2chris86wm: how did they et removed?07:47
linlincan i use wildcards in that file?07:47
adjacentbob2: so... just what i was doing, but through dpkg instead of apt?07:47
DavidLeeRothnalioth, i fixed my problem07:47
desplesdaAmaranth:  no, i never did anything but an upgrade via update-notifier07:47
Amaranthdesplesda: When dpkg brings that up you should NEVER do it because you NEVER know what you are doing.07:47
chris86wmi did it, im stupid i know07:47
WebLOCHchris86wm, yeah after some problems of my own I have a vague idea07:47
bob2adjacent: ok...07:47
bigfoot1should i download the stable version of openoffice.org, or the beta version?07:47
thoreauputiclinlin: hosts.deny is checked, and normally you want it to deny everything07:47
bob2chris86wm: how did you delete them?07:47
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cozI love XP Pro!07:47
Amaranthdesplesda: This is true for basically everyone except the authors of dpkg and apt. ;)07:47
desplesdaAmaranth:  i was never shown anything, this never even took place on the command line07:47
Amaranthdesplesda: then dpkg can't be removed07:47
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delltonyoh one thing someone here might know is there something special that has to be done to get a p2k phone to mount? i know i can use moto4lin but is there not a shell command to mount the phone as a directory?07:47
chris86wmi removed them thinking that i could easily reinstall. i did this because my sound just stopped working07:48
cozI also love Spumoni07:48
desplesdai think that the dpkg package is still there, but the binary is missing07:48
bob2chris86wm: where "removed" them = random use of rm -r?07:48
bob2desplesda: do you have dpkg-deb?07:48
xuniluserwhere can i find the driver of epson lx300?07:48
naliothDavidLeeRoth: great to hear07:48
bob2xuniluser: ubuntu doesn't include one?07:48
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chris86wmbob2:went to synaptic, right clicked, marked for removal07:49
bigfoot1do you guys think it's better for me to download/use the beta version of openoffice.org, or should i stick with the stable version?07:49
delltonyanyone else getting this error on upgrading07:49
desplesdabob2:  it appears not07:49
delltonyErrors were encountered while processing:07:49
delltony /var/cache/apt/archives/x-common_1.08_all.deb07:49
bob2chris86wm: what package are you talking about?07:49
bob2delltony: /topic07:49
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pirredelltony: there must be some other error as well07:50
bob2delltony: ar? tar?07:50
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naliothdelltony: it's a common bug07:50
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WiFiTuxanyone has in idea on how to install a theme for firefox?07:50
delltonylet me look at the topic sorry abut that07:50
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dduckoIm trying to play a dvd in totme.. plays fine.. cept it sorta hicups everyonce in a while.07:50
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chris86wmbob2: alsa-modules-2.6.10-5-38607:50
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B_166-ER-Xlemme guesse, breezy dont have French language support ?07:50
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naliothB_166-ER-X: yes it will07:50
B_166-ER-Xbut not ..now07:51
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B_166-ER-Xi'm installing breezy and i get all those error related to LANG = "fr_CA.UTF-8"07:52
cozAny luck in playing DVD's in Ubuntu Breezy?07:52
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bob2coz: works fine for me07:52
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Sonny_WertzikAre there any RSS readers that scroll in the notification bar, and when they go by you can click them and it opens your browser?07:52
cozcan't get it to work07:52
bob2coz: I don't see where you explained your exact issue, tho07:52
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DavidLeeRothhow is hoary pronounced? Ive embarrased myself pronouncing it wrong lol07:53
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cozOK I put a DVD in the DVD player07:53
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WebLOCHnalioth, other than gDesklets and aDesklets what did you mention ?07:53
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bigfoot1is there any good reason to wait for the official release of breezy (and not get the version currently out now)?07:53
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cozFirst Totem opens up and give the error, error accessing "dvdnav_get_next_block" error reading NAV packet07:53
[LethAL] bigfoot1, only if you're new or using machines for production07:53
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bob2bigfoot1: if you can't deal with things being broken, don't use it yet07:54
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cozvlc does nothing but sit there07:54
chris86wmmay have to reinstall ubuntu :(07:54
bob2coz: don't use totem then07:54
Sonny_Wertzikbigfoot1, someone told me to wait until OCT 1107:54
bob2chris86wm: no, don't be silly07:54
naliothWebLOCH: superkaramba07:54
cozhave tried otrher apps as well07:54
naliothy'all be good07:54
cozsame problem07:54
[LethAL] Sonny_Wertzik, 13, not 11 ;)07:54
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bigfoot1are you guys saying then that the official version will have everything fixed?07:54
bob2coz: mplayer doesn't work?07:54
bob2bigfoot1: no07:54
cozI have reinstalled breezy five times already even low formatting disk each time07:54
bob2chris86wm: that package isn't actually in ubuntu07:54
cozStill NO dvd playback07:54
KnelixQ: I've been trying to insatll this driver: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_1.0-7676.html but the installer keeps telling me it can't find (g)cc, though it seems it is installed. How do I let it know where it is?07:54
bob2coz: er, reinstalling in the hope of fixing this is silly07:54
Sonny_Wertzikya the 13 hehe07:54
bob2and pointless07:54
chris86wmwhy cant i grab it in synaptic?07:55
bigfoot1bob2, i don't see the difference then between waiting for official version and using the one out now.07:55
bob2chris86wm: because it's not in ubuntu07:55
cozI know07:55
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bob2bigfoot1: ok then07:55
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cozI have even changed drives hoping it was just a conflick with the hardware07:55
bob2coz: mplayer didn't work?07:55
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chris86wmcan i get it from ne where?07:55
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bigfoot1bob2, but if you think i should know something that i don't, tell me.07:55
bob2chris86wm: it's not actually useful07:55
cozmplayer didn't work!07:55
bob2chris86wm: the ubuntu kernel includes alsa modules already07:56
chris86wmbob2: dont need it for sound?07:56
bob2coz: "didn't work" is not a useful description of the error mplayer gave you07:56
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delltonycoz, how about xine for dvd playback?07:56
bob2chris86wm: the ubuntu kernel includes sound drivers already07:56
cozIt gave no error it just didn't do anything07:56
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cozthe only app the gave an error was totem07:56
bob2coz: that sounds a lot more like you not running it correctly07:56
Jedrickwhats the difference between  ubuntu and kubuntu07:56
bob2coz: what command line did you give to mplayer?07:56
bob2Jedrick: one uses KDE, one uses GNOME07:57
cozNoveice here, I didn't07:57
bob2bigfoot1: presumably more bugs will be fixed by then07:57
chris86wmbob2: well since thats not a major problem how bout this.....sound was working for a month then stopped today when i ran 3 updates then restarted07:57
Sonny_WertzikAre there any RSS readers that scroll in the notification bar, and when they go by you can click them and it opens your browser?07:57
signbarnhey i just noticed slashdot links to a review of breezy :-) sorry if that's old news07:57
bob2coz: then don't say things like "mplayer didn't work", when in realiy you didn't try it07:57
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bob2coz: ok07:57
bob2chris86wm: ok07:57
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Jedrickbob2: whats the best thing to use GNOME or KDE?07:57
bob2chris86wm: go look at what you updated07:57
cozI really don't need to bne corrected in proper sintax I just need a solution07:57
bob2Jedrick: whatever you prefer07:57
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HrdwrBoBI use totem mostly07:58
HrdwrBoBmplayer sometimes07:58
chris86wmbob2: u can do that?07:58
Jedrickbob2: what you using then?07:58
bob2coz: then instead of saying "mplayer didn't work!", tell us what you tried07:58
bob2Jedrick: gnome07:58
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chris86wmi like gnome over kde07:58
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bob2chris86wm: /var/log/dpkg.log07:58
lorenzodJedrick, you're not really limited. Since they're all in the same repos, you can have both.07:58
cozI installed all the apps , one by one, to see if they would open up the dvd07:58
delltonyi have always like xine or kaffiene for my dvd playback but everyone has their own taste07:58
nightcrawlerhow do you make gnome your main thing, i installed kubuntu, and i wanna make gnome my default07:58
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cozof course none did07:58
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coznot even vlc which I would prefer over the others07:58
bob2coz: so, stop whinging07:59
bob2coz: and install mplayer07:59
MadpilotPPCis there no way to move tabs in XChat around, or specify order somehow?07:59
bob2coz: then come back07:59
bob2omg lolz!1107:59
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delltonybob looks like its gonna be a long night :)07:59
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Sonny_Wertzikheh im watching a movie on xine right now07:59
WebLOCHMadpilotPPC, yeah just open them in a specific order haha07:59
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cozprint is defininately NOT the best way to get a message across07:59
bob2coz: pkill esd ; mplayer -vo xv -ao oss dvd://107:59
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nightcrawlerhow do you make gnome the default?08:00
KnelixQ: I've been trying to insatll this driver: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_1.0-7676.html but the installer keeps telling me it can't find (g)cc, though it seems it is installed. How do I let it know where it is? Anyone?08:00
delltonySonny_Wertzik, did you enable dma its off by default08:00
randyhi 2 all08:00
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bob2coz: run that, then if it doesn't work, put the error on pastebin.ca08:00
chris86wmbob2: doesnt seem to be in /var/log/08:00
MadpilotPPCWebLOCH, heh. No, right now they're all alphabetical by channel name, which isn't that useful08:00
Sonny_Wertzikdelltony, was that u that helped me?...ya i got it to work08:00
B_166-ER-Xok, i have a serious problem here please ;  i would have lots to paste but i'm in the middle of a breezy update, and cannot open firefox  ; basically, theres a small bug at the end of my install that just...stopped it08:00
nightcrawlercan someone help me?08:00
delltonySonny_Wertzik, yeah it was glad to have helped08:01
randyanybody know how use ymesseger with voice08:01
bob2chris86wm: what does "dpkg -l libc6 | tail -n1" print out?08:01
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randyin ubuntu08:01
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delltonymy way of giving back to all the help this community has given me08:01
bob2B_166-ER-X: no one can possibly help you without seeing the error08:01
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cozcommand not found08:01
randypls I need help08:01
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delltonyfolks like bob2 man i couldn't live with linux with folks like him08:01
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bob2coz: so, you don't have mplayer installed at all08:01
delltonywithout even08:01
bob2coz: go install it and come back08:01
coznot now08:01
Sonny_Wertzikdelltony, thanx man i never woulda figured that 1 out on my own08:02
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cozand I found it difficult to find the darn thing when I did install it08:02
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chris86wmbob2: dpkg: unknown option -108:02
delltonySonny_Wertzik, yeah you would have08:02
delltonyjust would have taken time08:02
nightcrawleri dont know how to make gnome default or take off kubuntu08:02
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bob2chris86wm: l, not one08:02
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nightcrawlerhow do i uninstall kubuntu08:02
Sonny_Wertzikheh maybe but i couldnt find much info on it other than what i was already doing08:02
chris86wmbob2: huh lol08:02
CaiN_SAlol bob208:02
randyUbuntu Rocks08:03
CaiN_SAchris86wm, small case L08:03
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delltonySonny_Wertzik, well the thing is if you have a problem and you try to fix it yourself you end up learning a lot even if it doesn't fix it08:03
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delltonythen when you come to a help forum you can tell them exactly what you have tried and they will respect you for giving it a shot08:03
Sonny_Wertzikdelltony, ya thats true..sometime it take a few days tho hehehehe08:04
delltonyman you should have seen my trying to install gentoo haha08:04
B_166-ER-Xmy install of breezy stopped (i dont think it was finish...but unsure)  because of a bug (i had forgot to remove the Cd rom of hoary from the list of sources) i removed it in the sources, not apt-get update works well, but i dont know how to 'restart the install'08:04
delltonyfew days blah more like 2 weeks08:04
delltonythen when i install hoary hahah my monitor looked like a xmas tree08:05
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delltonymy xorg file was borked and the monitor would go bright then dark bright then dark haha08:05
B_166-ER-Xdo i jsut redo apt-dist upgrade ?08:05
bob2B_166-ER-X: your question is confusing08:06
Sonny_Wertzikdelltony, i tried it.....it woulda taken me 2 months for gentoo08:06
bob2B_166-ER-X: where you upgrading hoary or actually installing breezy?08:06
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chris86wmbob2: ii libc6 2.3.4.ds1-20ub GNU C Library: Shared Libraries and Timezone08:06
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B_166-ER-Xto breezy08:06
bob2B_166-ER-X: right08:06
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bob2B_166-ER-X: rerun dist-upgrade, yes08:06
delltonySonny_Wertzik, you ever played with usb over ip?08:06
Sonny_Wertzikdelltony, i like ubuntu alot...i wount be going back 2 windows as a main OS08:06
Sonny_Wertzikdelltony, nope08:07
WebLOCHAnyone else her have any idea about mac style dock bars for linux?08:07
delltonyyeah i ditched windows when warty came out08:07
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B_166-ER-Xdamn took like 2 hours,  ..nyway08:07
delltonyand now breezy and all the hotplugs and all oh my god i'm in love08:07
Sonny_Wertzikdelltony, heh i havent tried linux in a while but im pretty much blow away08:08
Jedrickey i juz finish downloading the iso, how to check if its not corrupt08:08
Sonny_Wertzikblown away hehe08:08
delltonyonly thing Breezy is lackin for me to to be totally in love is a set of boobs :)08:08
bimberiB_166-ER-X: it shouldn't restart any downloads, just restart where it left off08:08
chrisa86wmis breezy stable yet?08:08
bob2Jedrick: md5sum foo.iso08:08
bob2chris86wm: no08:08
bob2chris86wm: no release of ubuntu has that version of libc608:09
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aftertafdelltony> i'm sure you can get a pair of usb ones and make your life complete... ;)08:09
ce_maniezzzzleh kenal ga ?08:09
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chrisa86wmbob2: what does that mean?08:09
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bigfoot1i just got oo.o impress. are there some templates for those who want to do a "show and tell" on their photo album?08:09
bob2chrisa86wm: I don't know08:09
Sonny_Wertzikdelltony, i tried the live disk but it doesnt reallly do much for me on CD...i need to install it08:09
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bob2chrisa86wm: I'd guess you were trackign breezy but stopped upgrading a while a go08:10
chrisa86wmlet me paste it08:10
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bob2chrisa86wm: or tried to switch back to hoary at some point08:10
chrisa86wmbob2: ii  libc6          2.3.2.ds1-20ub GNU C Library: Shared libraries and Timezone08:10
delltonyyeah the live cd i only use it for rescue08:10
chrisa86wmi havent touched breezy, unless it was in an autoupdate08:10
delltonylets me get a shell and then i can fix my install most of the time08:10
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Sonny_Wertzikthe new boot screen is purdy tho08:10
bob2chrisa86wm: that's different to what you showed me before08:10
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Unitionis ubuntu any good ?08:10
chrisa86wmi typed that one manually, sry08:10
bob2Unition: try it and see08:10
bob2chrisa86wm: ah08:11
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chrisa86wmsry about hat08:11
Sonny_WertzikUnition, ya its good08:11
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Unitionim usually on dialup and im grabbing the live while im on highspeed08:11
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delltonyyeah one thing about the boot screen though is this if it runs into a a lag time on setting up the network the boot splash goes away08:11
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bob2Unition: note that you cannot install from the livecd08:11
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Unitiongoing to play with it at home.. does ubuntu include lots of goody's like wine and k3b or whatever that burn program is08:11
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Sonny_Wertzikmaybe thats one of those quirks that need to be fixed by oct. 1308:12
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xuniluserUnition: you need to apt-get that from the internet08:12
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Jedrickbob2: do i have to download the md5sum foo.iso?08:12
zarkothdoes anyone else's speakers make a very quiet humming noise any time they move their mouse?08:13
Unitionubuntu has good support for hardware ?08:13
Unitionincluding video ?08:13
delltonysomeone told me there is a hotplug for wifi now and i read up on it and for the life of me couldn't figure it out so is ndiswrapper still needed in breezy or not? cause its the only way i could get my wifi to work08:13
Sonny_WertzikUnition, what do u have?08:13
Unitionwindows xp08:13
bob2Jedrick: that's a command to run08:13
chrisa86wmbetter hardware support than windows in most situations08:13
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bob2Unition: yes08:13
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Unitionoh I have an ati video card08:13
bob2delltony: hotplug is orthogonal to ndiswrapper08:13
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bob2delltony: tho it could be possibly to make cards requiring ndiswrapper work automatically08:14
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Sonny_Wertzikdelltony, man that wifi stuff is beyond me ive never had it08:14
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delltonyso pardon my ignorance but your saying just continue to use ndiswrapper bob?08:14
Sonny_Wertzikya i think ati makes vid drivers08:14
zarkothI tried to get my wireless card to work with Ubuntu once....08:14
bob2delltony: unless a new driver for your card has appeared, yeah08:15
zarkothturns out I had exactly the wrong card for it08:15
MachineScrewhey can any one tell me how to get w32codecs libdvdcss208:15
delltonyok thanks08:15
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delltonySonny_Wertzik, i can't live without wifi08:15
zarkoth*ponders as he looks at the ethernet cord running up the wall*08:15
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delltonyhere in the states you can go to mcdonalds and use the net for free08:15
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Sonny_WertzikMachineScrew, are you trying to use them for xine08:15
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Jedrickbob2: where will i run the md5sum foo.iso?08:16
bigfoot1what's the chatroom adress for openoffice.org?08:16
bob2Jedrick: in the terminal08:16
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Sonny_WertzikMachineScrew, ya i just went through this08:16
delltonysudo apt-get install w32codecs should do the trick for you08:16
chrisa86wmbob2: any ideas?08:16
Sonny_WertzikMachineScrew, you need to get...one sec im looking at the stuff i d/l ed08:16
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bob2chrisa86wm: no08:16
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bob2I guess you havent' done the usual debugging stuff, and I don't have time to walk you through it, sorry08:17
romeoi need fe08:17
chrisa86wmits alright08:17
romeoneed f texmate08:17
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chrisa86wmsucks that the forums are down, i would check there08:17
MachineScrewhave you guys actualy tried to get this stuff08:17
MachineScrewthey aren't in the backports08:18
zarkothit does suck...I posted a question a lil bit ago....08:18
delltonywhat w32codecs?08:18
romeohi machine08:18
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zarkothgot it all worked out, i hope no one took time to answer it, lol08:18
delltonyi'm using it right now08:18
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=== linner|AWAY linner
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Sonny_WertzikMachineScrew, you need to compile this file get it on the xine site ... xine-lib-1.1.0.tar.gz08:18
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doonzHey guys has anyone had issues upgrading to firefox 1.07?08:18
KnelixHas anyone an idea of how to tell an installer where the (g)cc libraries/app are?08:18
Kimahridoonz: it's in the topic08:19
linner|AWAY!seen nalioth08:19
ubotunalioth <n=Apple@pdpc/supporter/bronze/nalioth> was last seen on IRC in channel #ubuntu, 24m 50s ago, saying: 'y'all be good'.08:19
MachineScrewwhy don't I just get the rpms and do alien on them08:19
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doonzthere it is08:19
=== doonz even read th topixc
Knelixromeo: Hello. :-)08:19
Jedrickbob2: man i really dont have any idea bout the md5sum foo.iso, can you help me out08:20
delltonyMachineScrew, if you do get the tar ball and do the .configure and make do a checkinstall instead of a make install that way it will make a deb and put it in synaptic for you :)08:20
linnerhi romeo and Knelix08:20
delltony26/yep love it/ wherever she takes me08:20
Sonny_WertzikMachineScrew, its not just llibdvdcss ...you need a ton of files that are in that pack..libdvdcss alone isnt enough08:20
Knelixromeo: This is a Linux chat room.08:20
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MachineScrewif I do alien -d libdvdcss08:20
Knelixromeo: If you want a general topic chat you should go elsewhere.08:20
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MachineScrewi should have those08:21
MachineScrewi have xine libs installed08:21
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Sonny_Wertziknot enough of them08:21
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Sonny_Wertzikits really easy08:21
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concept10whooooosh .... just installed breezy colony 4 and everything just works (tm) even processor scaling!08:21
Sonny_Wertzikyou can try what delltony just said but it didnt work that way for me08:22
maeconcept10, glad to hear :)08:22
Sonny_WertzikMachineScrew,  are you using xine 99.4?08:22
delltonylibdvdread3 - Simple foundation for reading DVDs08:22
delltonytype sudo apt-get install libdvdread308:22
concept10They should make some visual changes to the theme to let everyone know you have a 'fresh' update08:23
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bigfoot1using impress, is there a quick way to get a picture to fit on the screen at the best maximum size?08:23
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Jedrickey i juz finish downloading the iso, how to check if its not corrupt?08:23
concept10I wish I could import all of my settings from my old home folder08:23
joe_can someone help a newb?08:23
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linnerwhat is a recommended package for listening to podcasts08:24
MachineScrewI use totem-xine08:24
ubuntukinghello all08:24
KnelixIt bugs me that I can't even install a lousy NVIDA driver... <sigh>08:24
MachineScrewit uses 1.0.1 of the libs08:24
joe_can you all read me?08:24
Sonny_Wertzikoh...i thought you were using xine...not totem08:24
chrisa86wmwhen breezy comes out, can  i update to it or will i have to reinstall everything?08:24
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MachineScrewwell totem-xine08:24
linnerjoe_: yes08:24
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joe_thank god08:24
MachineScrewI don't like gstreamer08:24
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joe_i havea quick question08:25
MachineScrewpain in the but08:25
delltonyever used ogle?08:25
MachineScrewsouldn't be installed08:25
MachineScrewdon't like ogle08:25
linnerjoe_: I'll do my best to help you... I'm very VERY new08:25
ubuntukingbut i like vlc or totem bette08:25
doonzuh oh i think something is buggerd now. i tried installing firefox through terminal using the stuff provided by the topic url. Now it say starting firefox then it closes and thats it08:25
MachineScrewtotem works the best08:25
Sonny_WertzikMachineScrew, i would say go to xine site and look for totem-xine and find the lib pack that goes with it and install it08:25
joe_ample"i'm trying to changemy workgroup setting from workgroup to "exp08:25
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romeoWHRE ARE U KNELE08:25
Kimahrii prefer either GMplayer or Xine08:25
delltonyi hate totem but i guess it hates me too08:25
ubuntukinghave u ever tried vlc08:25
MachineScrewI have the lib pack08:26
delltonyi use xine,mplayer,vlc,ogle08:26
kataklysmtotem-xine is probably the best thhing to listen to podcast with if you dont like just plain Xine,  but you will want to install the libmad0 library as well08:26
MachineScrewI need the w32codecs08:26
Sonny_WertzikMachineScrew, then you can do your libdvdcss alien08:26
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MachineScrewok thanks08:26
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ubuntukingmachine i was just googling for those08:26
linnerjoe_: I'm not an expert on networking... I'll have to let someone else help you.  I'm deeply sorry.08:26
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joe_np thanks08:26
Sonny_Wertzikalien rules08:26
linnerjoe_: absolutely08:26
delltonyMachine i thought w32codecs was in hoary-backports08:26
MachineScrewactualy totem-xine is in the repos08:26
MachineScrewnot any more08:26
ubuntukinghoary backports is down08:27
MachineScrewit isn't08:27
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kataklysmlinner: who needs help with networking?08:27
delltonywell im using breezy so can't voice for hoary08:27
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linnerkataklysm: joe_08:27
MachineScrewI am using them08:27
linnerkataklysm: thank you08:27
KnelixHow can I modify files in Gnome as root?08:27
ubuntukingi am using breezy too08:27
kataklysmjoe_: what is going on08:27
ubuntukingbut i have the hoary backports activated08:27
ubuntukinglately there are not loading08:27
MachineScrewsame here08:27
joe_i can't seem to figure out how to change the default workgroup08:27
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joe_to a speicified one08:28
Sonny_Wertziki gotta go to bed....gnite all ...thx again delltony for the help08:28
kataklysmin samba?08:28
delltonywanting to change a workgroup on a file?08:28
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linnerjoe_: if you type the first few letters of the person's nick followed by a tab... it will complete the nick for you... then that person will be alerted you are trying to talk with them08:28
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MachineScrewextras don't work08:28
joe_ic thanks08:28
linnerjoe_: absolutely08:28
MachineScrewno they do08:28
delltonychown username:group <file> is how i always do it08:28
KnelixHmm... Not able to...08:28
MachineScrewok never mind08:28
MachineScrewon sec08:28
doonzuh oh i think something is buggerd now. i tried installing firefox through terminal using the stuff provided by the topic url. Now it say starting firefox then it closes and thats it08:28
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joe_kataklysm, i'm trying to change my default workgroup to somehting else08:29
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kataklysmjoe_: you call it a "workgroup" are you referring to the hostname / domain of your *nix install? or are you speaking of "workgroup" as in filesharing for compatability with windows machines?08:29
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linneraftertaf: hey dude :)08:29
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joe_kataklysm, i believe the second08:29
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linnermust have been something I said :)08:30
kataklysmjoe_: have you installed samba and swat?08:30
joe_kataklysm,  no i have not08:30
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azteechseeing how the formum is still down, does anyone know if disabling ipv6 still causes problems for ubuntu 5.10?08:30
kataklysmtry that joe_08:30
delltonygood night everyone08:30
joe_i will. thanks08:30
linnerdelltony: night08:30
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linnerwb aftertaf ::)08:30
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ubuntukingazteech, i don't think so08:31
zealotusi have a problem with my newly installed ubuntu. my mouse doesnt seem to work while im using ubuntu but if i use windows it works well. my mouse is ps2 by the way08:31
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bob2I wish people didn't lean so hard on the forum08:31
kataklysmyour welcome joe_08:31
benplauttrying to figure this out for a while... how do i make an image grayscale in gimp?08:31
linnerbob2: why?08:31
linnerbob2: that's what it's there for08:31
azteechbob2, I use google, quite readily, but, as you may note, googlereply mostly point to theforum08:32
=== trigger_ph is also fiddling with gimp and is lost trying to resize a text area...
bob2linner: because the forums people operate independantly of the rest of the ubuntu world08:32
bob2so you et duplication of work, and rumours turning into fact08:32
benplauttrigger_ph: i think they auto-form to the size of the font, and amount of text08:32
linnerbob2: understand you're point of view08:33
nickrudbenplaut, right click, image -> mode08:33
trigger_phbenplaut: so there's no way for me to constrain this?08:33
azteechbesides the forum, what would you recommend we use then (besides google searches)08:33
benplauttrigger_ph: i dunno...08:33
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bob2azteech: the wiki and the mailing list08:33
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benplautnickrud: heh... someone in #gimp answered at the same time :P08:33
linnerbob2: when you said the "forum" do you mean the IRC room?08:33
KnelixI cannot login as root in Gnome...08:34
trigger_phbenplaut: ok...thanks, i'll read some more..08:34
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nickruda common action in my work world :)08:34
linnerin case anyone's interested there' s a good Ubuntu group on Yahoo! groups08:34
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bob2linner: no, the web forums08:34
kataklysmanyone whats this weeks diggnation yet?08:34
linnerbob2: oh that's a different story08:35
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bob2and yahoo groups split the community up even more08:35
linnerkataklysm: I wish I could tell you....08:35
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linnerkataklysm: I love them and haven't been able to listen to them since I went *nix08:35
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kataklysmlinner: im gonna download it now i guess08:35
linnerkataklysm: how do you listen to them?08:35
kataklysmlinner: they have video now08:35
linneroh... :(08:36
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linnerI want back my podcasts...08:36
B_166-ER-Xwhat does the breezy upgrade is suposed to do when its finished ?08:36
linnerthe only thing i miss from windose08:36
kataklysmlinner: i watch diggnation, twit, thebroken, and systm08:36
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linnerkataklysm: TWiT.... I love them08:36
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linnerkataklysm: i listen to Leo on KFI every weekend ... cause I'm local08:36
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kataklysmlinner: you can watch them on your *nix.. just install xine-ui and download the avi files08:37
linnerkataklysm: so am I correct we cannot listen to podcasts?08:37
bimberiKnelix: don't do it if you can avoid it, but if you must - System -> Admin -> Login Screen Setup; Security tab08:37
kataklysmlinner: i watch them all the time08:37
nickrudB_166-ER-X, not much, until you log out and back in. You'll have new versions of your programs after that.08:37
linnerkataklysm: but it's a huge file huh?08:37
kataklysmlisten rather08:37
linnerkataklysm: when did TWiT go avi?08:37
kataklysmdepends on if you want video or audio08:37
linnerkataklysm: audio08:37
mojoHi.  is anyone on good with atp/dpkg errors?  I have two problems. One is that I getseveral dpkg "serious warning: file list file for package" blah errors that seems otherwise harmless.08:37
kataklysmhmm i think it was in august linner08:37
B_166-ER-Xso there is no way to know if its really finish until i reboot and see that it doest boot ? ;P08:37
linnerkataklysm: man... really?  odd... I've only been on this for a month08:38
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kataklysmlinner: everything you did in windows you can do on here ;)08:38
linnerkataklysm: so podcasting  can not be heard by itself?08:38
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linnerkataklysm: not watch DVD08:38
linnerat least that's what i understand08:38
kataklysmlinner: yea you can08:38
IRCMonkeyhey guys, looking for some help here08:38
kataklysmlinner: xine will playback anything as long as you install the libraries08:39
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linnerand i know i can't close my lid of my laptop with out it going into an unrecoverable sleep.... ATI driver prob08:39
nickrudB_166-ER-X, no, if the upgrade didn't tell you about any errors, then the install went well.08:39
linnerkataklysm: what is xine?08:39
CaiN_SAxine is a movie / dvd player08:39
kataklysmXine is a audio/video player for unix08:39
linneroh it is????08:39
linnerright on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!08:39
linnerI didn't know08:39
kataklysm*nix rather08:39
mojoSecond is an error processing two pkgs (firefox and gnome support for it) where it is failing to overwrite something in /var/cache/apt/archives/packagename/somethingorother when extracting the debs.08:39
kataklysmtotem will play anything xine will play if you install totem-xine08:40
linnerkataklysm: answer this for me... why the "*" before "nix"08:40
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IRCMonkeyi just tried running the 5.04 ubuntu live cd, i recieved an error about my video hardware not being supported (i think) anybody able to help me here?08:40
nickrudthe kernel upgrade, now that I think about it, I don't have any opinion on. I have my own menu.lst.08:40
kataklysmlinner, its just a way of abreviation for different types of unix based systems08:40
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linneroh okay08:40
marc`whats wrong with the random in Mplayer?08:40
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bob2ubotu: ff fix is sudo dpkg --purge --force-depends firefox firefox-gnome-support ; sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox mozilla-firefox-gnome-support08:40
ubotuokay, bob208:40
kataklysm*nix refers to bsd/linux/solaris/unix etc08:40
linnerIRCMonkey: what kind of card do you have?08:40
bob2mojo: ^^08:40
IRCMonkeyeVGA 5400 PCI08:41
bob2mojo: assuming that yu're getting it while updating from hoary-security after having used firefox backports08:41
Knelixbimberi: Well that did something, but not what I wanted... <sigh>.. thanks, anyway.08:41
linnerIRCMonkey: I caution you I don't have a lot of experience.  But I will do my best to help.08:41
IRCMonkeythanks, better than nothing08:41
linnerIRCMonkey: Did you check the site for hardware compatibility?08:41
mojothanks bob trying that now08:41
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bimberiKnelix: oh, you're welcome (i think) :)08:41
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IRCMonkeyyes, it referred me to x.org08:42
linnerIRCMonkey: what did they say?08:42
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mojobob2: thanks!  that helped.08:42
Knelixbimberi: Just not my night... I should go to bed, but I'm not tired... trying to fiddle with this system is getting me frustrated tonight...08:42
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linnerwb aftertaf08:43
IRCMonkeylinnear, for all i can tell, i have to install something, *.tar files i think...08:43
kataklysmIRCMonkey: thats weird that it said your card isnt supported, maybe you could get away with using the VESA driver, or SVGA generic08:43
linnerIRCMonkey: ok that is a compressed file08:43
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linnerkataklysm: i just had to do that... but i can't remember how to walk him through that... can you help?08:43
IRCMonkeynever heard of .tar, does winrar support it?08:43
kataklysmIRCMonkey: i'd say its a compressed module08:43
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linnerIRCMonkey: winrar is a windows decompresser08:44
ekimushi, anyone knows of tools to create compressed fs in other OSs (bsd) the linux binary compatibility won't work because it's a kernel module...08:44
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mojobob2: I am now upgraded.  Do you know anything about the .list files that dpkg keeps complaining about on every install now?  Things seem to work but the warnings are given as "serious"...08:44
kataklysmIRCMonkey: winrar does open tar files in windows, but in linux u can use the tar command or use File Roller08:44
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IRCMonkeyok, i dont know much if anything about linux systems though, i was hoping i could bumble by with the gui08:45
bob2mojo: you'd need to show us the whole error08:45
kataklysmIRCMonkey,  you wont get the driver installed from the GUI08:45
mojookay how about a snip, since it repeats for several packages (no floods, eh? :)08:45
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linnerIRCMonkey: you'll have to use terminal to install it08:45
kataklysmIRCMonkey: you will need to learn the common linux commands anyway, might as well get a good start ;)08:45
mojodpkg: serious warning: files list file for package `docbook-dsssl' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed.08:46
mojodpkg: serious warning: files list file for package `xaw3dg' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed.08:46
linnerkataklysm: where do you get them?08:46
mojoand so on08:46
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MadpilotPPC!tell IRCMonkey about cli08:46
IRCMonkeyso, should i try install the drivers from windows and then try to reboot into ubuntu again08:46
nickrudIRCMonkey, File Roller is also known as Archive Manger, you can find it under Applications->Accessories08:46
bob2mojo: that means someone poked where they shouldn't, or you have disk corruption08:46
kataklysmlinner: get what?08:46
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linnerkataklysm: a guide for basic unix commands08:46
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linnerIRCMonkey: NO!08:46
IRCMonkeyok then08:46
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kataklysmIRCMonkey: you cant install drivers for linux from windows, they are independant of each other08:47
linnerIRCMonkey: you need to install them in the Ubuntu boot08:47
mojodisk corruption, eh?  can I check the root fs manually or have to boot another root?08:47
IRCMonkeycould you refer me to a guide of common linux commands08:47
MadpilotPPC!tell linner about cli08:47
MadpilotPPCIRCMonkey, see the msg ubotu just sent you08:47
jacki can't  upgrade mozilla-firefox08:47
linnerMadpilotPPC: you rock... thank you :)08:47
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anna_can someone tell me why my usb flash drive is not appearing it the "computeR" window? it's light is on08:47
ubuntukingger breezy clo 508:47
mojobob2: if i fix disk corruption (assuming i have it), will it be better or do I have to replacesome files08:47
ekimusmojo: root filesystem checking is best to do offline (with a live cd) in case you have to correct serious errors (man fsck is your friend here)08:47
bob2mojo: you can run debsums to see what the damag is like08:47
IRCMonkeypilot, ok, what am i lookng for?08:48
kataklysmIRCMonkey: most likely you will need to install the linux-headers for the kernel, download build-essential  then you will probably have to just compile the driver, and modprobe it into the kernel.. its really not hard to do at all08:48
ekimusmojo: but it can be done online08:48
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MadpilotPPClinner, np08:48
lasindi[lappy] Hi all, I just installed Ubuntu on my laptop and I have to say, I'm very impressed. One thing I'm wondering about is that Emacs appears too large. Is there a way to shrink it down?08:48
mojoso like sudo fsck / will work?08:48
ekimuslasindi[lappy] : what did you install to get emacs?08:48
MadpilotPPCIRCMonkey, I had ubotu send you a message a few minutes ago. it's got two good Linux command line intro URLs in it...08:49
bob2you want to run debsums, not fsck08:49
IRCMonkeyim probably gonna have to try this tomarrow, sounds like i need to get some bacground info before another attempt, thanks for your help though08:49
bob2lasindi[lappy] : the fonts? the window size?08:49
IRCMonkeythanks pilot08:49
ekimusbob2: what's debsums? he was talking about fs corruption?08:49
lasindi[lappy] ekimus, I used Synaptic08:49
mojocommand not found, find won't find it...  no debsums08:49
lasindi[lappy] bob2, both08:49
kataklysmIRCMonkey just come back when you need more help :D08:49
aftertafhi linner :) wb yourself ;)08:49
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IRCMonkeythat wont be too far into the future kata08:50
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ekimuslasindi[lappy] : i meant what was the package name? (btw. have you used linux before just to make out the level of experience)08:50
IRCMonkeythanks again guys08:50
mojoekimus: the dpkg error could be from disk corruption08:50
kataklysmIRCMonkey there is nothing wrong with that08:50
bob2lasindi[lappy] : with X resources, or shift-left-click on the main portion of the window08:50
kataklysmno prob IRCMonkey08:50
joerghas anyone got experiences with skype on ubuntu? mine is extremely slow.08:50
bob2lasindi[lappy] : for thwe window, metacity should remember the size for you08:50
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lasindi[lappy] ekimus, I'm new to Ubuntu, but I've been using Slackware for a while now.08:50
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mojoapt-getting debsums...08:50
Mr-FalkorI cant install the nvidia drivers,.. I`ve tryed the nvidia-glx package, and the official drivers(yes I have the kernel source/headers),.. but then I got this error: Unable to load module nvidia.ko !08:51
linnerkataklysm: i had to step away ... is IRCMonkey ok with his drivers now?08:51
bob2Mr-Falkor: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto08:51
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lasindi[lappy] ekimus, the package is emacs21.08:52
kataklysmlinner, he said he was going to wait until tomorrow08:52
Mr-Falkorbob2, thank you, but one problem -- cant find the  linux-restricted-modules for my kernel08:52
jacki can't  upgrade mozilla-firefox! and now i can't use the firefox!08:52
linnerkataklysm: i hope he isn't too scared away08:52
kataklysmlinner, he was going to read up on the commands08:52
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linnerkataklysm: i think that's excellent... something i'm going to do too08:52
bob2Mr-Falkor: please don't tell me you're using 2.6.1108:53
lasindi[lappy] bob2, how do I use metacity to fix the size?08:53
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Mr-Falkorbob2, im using 2.6.12-9-38608:53
kataklysmlinner, play around with the commands just dont try nothing that will mess things up heh08:53
bob2jack: .msg ubuntuking ff fix08:53
Mr-Falkorbob2, but I can only find it for 2.6.12-8-38608:53
kataklysmlinner, the only way to learn is to practice what you have read08:53
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linnerkataklysm: oh I'm not going to play with them... i'm going to scan over them and then use them when i need something before i come to the chat room08:53
mojobob2: debsums is cranking away...  has a few FAILEDs but I guess I'll have to grep it for the pertinent list08:53
ekimuslasindi[lappy] : ubuntu tries for a lots of packages to include as much as possible to make it convenient for non-linux users. in debian-based distros you can use dpkg -L <name of package> to list the files in there. maybe you should have a into that. there's a good possibility that the maintainers included some convenience features that take up space08:53
bob2Mr-Falkor: according to packages.ubuntu.com, it exists08:53
bob2Mr-Falkor: sudo apt-get update, maybe?08:54
bob2mojo: yup, exactly08:54
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jackbob: sorry, what's means?08:54
ekimusdamn are there any project to create faster hard disks? i really get sick that i have to wait for IO to finish...08:55
lasindi[lappy] ekimus, why would that fix the size of emacs?08:55
lasindi[lappy] oh wait08:55
bob2jack: /msg ubuntuking ff fix08:55
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bob2ubuntuking: please choose a less annoying nick08:55
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bob2jack: /msg ubotu ff fix08:55
lasindi[lappy] ekimus, sorry, I meant the size of Emacs in terms of screen real estate.08:55
MadpilotPPCekimus, you could cough up for one of those 10,000rpm HDDs...08:55
bob2jack: the bot will tell you how to fix it08:55
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khermansbob2, you know anything about the resize partition option in the new Breezy install being broken?08:56
lasindi[lappy] ekimus, not RAM or hard drive space. ;)08:56
linnerMadpilotPPC: what PPC are you using?08:56
ekimuslasindi[lappy] : oh.....got you wrong on that sorry. dunno i usually use it fullscreen in a term over ssh :)08:56
khermansseems like it just hangs before it gets to resizing the NTFS08:56
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bob2khermans: no08:57
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bob2khermans: if it's not working for you, please do file a bug08:57
khermansbob2, i have seen it on two machines now -- but never seen it work so dont know if it is a bug08:57
khermansit comes up as /part08:57
lasindi[lappy] ekimus, ok, thanks anyway08:57
bob2how long did you wait?08:57
khermansprobably at least an hour08:58
MadpilotPPClinner, a friend's G4 - I'm housesitting for two weeks...08:58
linnerMadpilotPPC: does PPC stand for POWERpc or POCKETpc with *nix08:58
Mr-FalkorI think it is working now08:58
Mr-Falkorthank you guys:)08:58
khermansand the partition was fine, so it didnt start doing anything and fail08:58
MadpilotPPClinner, Power08:58
linnerMadpilotPPC: oh okay... i think that answer it fo rme08:58
linnerMadpilotPPC: got it08:58
bob2khermans: sounds like a bug then08:58
khermansbob2, hrmm guess ill file it08:58
khermansbob2, have you seen it work?08:58
mojolinner: u hear about pocket with embedded linux and linuxdevices.com (methinks)08:58
linnerMojo yes I think so08:59
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bob2khermans: no, but I know it does for other people08:59
bob2e.g. tritium08:59
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khermanshe had NTFS, not FAT ?08:59
linnermojo i can't remember if HP is coming out with one in 2007?  Have you heard that too?08:59
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mojolinmaster: not up on it, sry09:00
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mojo^^^  linner09:00
linneroh okay09:00
mojoyeah lin-tab, linn-tab :))09:00
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linnermojo you got it09:00
dikadikahello i will be installing ubuntu soon and was wondering would it be easier to install the version i have 5.04 and upgrade or to download the new version 5.10 ?09:01
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vladuz976how can i uninstall all games and change default applictaion for let's say email?09:01
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mojobob2: wow debsums takes a miiiiiinute to run, huh.  still cranking..09:01
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mojobob2: the stdout must be goin to the textfile, cuz i still get these "no md5sums for blah" errors to console.  stderr i suppose09:02
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mojobob2: woah, dun.  brb after grep09:03
waseemhey how do i install jgrasp on my computer?09:03
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khermansbob2, seems to be an issue09:03
khermansbob2, https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1635409:03
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carretthi. i just used gtkpod to load a bunch of songs onto my ipod. now that i've disconnected (safely), the ipod says that it's full, but that it only has 256 songs (should have 2000+)...any clues as to why?09:04
chxhi. i have severe problems with skype. I even tried the static linked against qt version. I type skype, press enter and dang nothing happens . there are no 'stuck' skype processes09:04
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chxby 'nothing' i mean it just stands there , does not end , does not run09:04
HrdwrBoBcarrett: could be full of other files09:04
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carrettHrdwrBoB: I converted it to fat32 before transferring songs...so it was wiped clean09:05
mojobob2: 29 lines of output from "grep FAILED" of dsout.txt09:05
linnerhey ya'll how do I change the increase in delay for pressing another key on the keyboard09:05
khermansbob2, the bug says the installer failed on both amd64 and i386 install ISOs for Breezy ... the partitioner was causing the hang -- but I ran into both times on my own laptops.  Neither one worked ... very strange -- wonder if this is a laptop-only issue09:05
jackphilbob2: sorry, message who? im the guy upgrade firefox09:05
mojobob2: ps u r kind, take ur time09:06
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onkarshindeCan I expect Firefox 1.5 beta to be present in Breezy universe?09:08
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B_166-ER-Xjust running under ,y nez upgrqde fro, breewy; guess zhqts the proble,::09:08
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linneronkarshinde: I doubt it.09:08
linneronkarshinde: I'm looking for it too.09:09
mojolinner: sry not sure how either.  you said "increase" in delay?  i don't get it anyway, sry09:09
onkarshindelinner: I hope it makes to universe at the time of breezy final.09:09
B_166-ER-Xhelp 609:09
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linnermojo hard to explain let me try though.................... i'm on a laptop and if i don't take my finger off IMMEDIATELY it keeps typing that same character09:09
linneronkarshinde: i do too09:09
linneronkarshinde: i'm using it on the windows side and love it09:10
mojolinner: oh, you mean the key-repeat delay.  that MAY be a bios setting, even.09:10
Digisis it a bug? in vlc, shortcut keys doesnt work?09:10
linnerYES :)09:10
linnermojo i don't think so...09:10
linnerDigis: are you speaking to me?09:10
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mojolinner: if my ffox was working just now I could point u to an article that talks about how keys are processed in linux and x09:10
Digislinner, not with you, with everybody09:11
linnerDigis: ok09:11
linnermojo ok.. i'll google it and find out09:11
linnermojo thought it might be a quick fix09:11
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onkarshindeDo i need to do 'dpkg --reconfigure xorg' after I add an AGP card to my machine? Or can I directly connect the monitor to it and Ubuntu will take care of everything?09:11
mojolinner: good luck.  I know that there is some confusion cuz the kernel maps keys, then x re-maps them itself09:12
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linnermojo oh?09:12
mojolinner: but n e way gl09:12
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linnermojo huh?09:12
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B_166-ER-Xhzo do i chqnge the keyboqrd 66609:12
mojolinner: kernel makes keycode from raw data stream on kebd input.  x takes keycodes, and makes its own mappings of them.  i didn't read article yet, had it saved.09:12
MadpilotPPCis it possible to get the extra buttons on Logitech mice working?09:13
mojo^^ in my bookmarks09:13
brownie17can someone tell me how i edit the right click menu with KDE?i want to put a terminal command in it09:13
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linnerMojo ahh ok09:13
poningruMadpilotPPC: dude if you find out let me know09:13
linnerlet me google it09:13
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mojohmm... maybe i'll bbiaf09:13
B_166-ER-Xhoo can i change ,y .keyboard. ; it.s f__ up09:13
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onkarshindeDo i need to do 'dpkg --reconfigure xorg' after I add an AGP card to my machine? Or can I directly connect the monitor to it and Ubuntu will take care of everything?09:14
mojobob2: i will be stepping out, but will return shortly.09:14
MadpilotPPCponingru, heh. that's not encouraging, but I'll ask google - too bad the Ubuntu forums are down...09:14
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poningruyeah what happend there?09:15
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gratarianAre the ubuntuforums being updated?09:15
MadpilotPPCponingru, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntellimouseMousemanBackForwardButtons09:15
Seveasthey said maintenance09:15
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B_166-ER-Xbob2; please :: hoz can i change my language under breexy   609:16
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deadcatzd1211 in ubuntu source yet?09:16
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SeveasB_166-ER-X, system -> admin -> language selector09:16
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kataklysmhmm what plays .mov files??   i thought xine or totem-xine did09:17
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poningrumaddler: awesome thanks09:17
kataklysmi downloaded a .mov and it crashes xine and totem both09:17
B_166-ER-XSeveas; i dont have it ~09:17
poningruMadpilotPPC: ^^^09:17
kataklysmis their another library to play .mov files?09:18
MadpilotPPCponingru, got that... ;) isn't tab-complete fun sometimes?09:18
poningruMadpilotPPC: hehe :)09:18
deFryskB_166-ER-X, did you upgrade fron hoary ?09:18
khermanskataklysm, vlc is the best media player IMHO09:18
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smottwhich module do i load for apm?09:18
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onkarshindekataklysm: .mov means quicktime movie. I never had problem with vlc to play such files.09:18
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kataklysmok ill try vlc09:19
deFryskB_166-ER-X, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and look again09:19
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mojolinner: okay let me see if i can find that 4 u now.. ffox is back up for me...09:19
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B_166-ER-X' ,egs ; qrr09:19
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=== transgress_ is sad... no vlc in breezy.
poningrutransgress: ?09:21
deFrysktransgress, vls = in breezy09:21
poningrusure there is09:21
transgress_needed deps aren't there poningru09:21
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mojolinner: what i found was https://wiki.ubuntu.com//MultimediaKeys but it may not help..  read at "in depth" heading maybe.  but i saw something else too i thought...09:23
mypapitSeveas, who's that +b?09:23
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transgress_anyone know if an inotify capable kernel will be coming... particularly to breezy?09:24
Seveasit already has come to breezy a long time ago :)09:24
transgress_Seveas: oh really?  i see.  i thought it wasn't in until kernel .13?09:25
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Seveasapparently it's there already09:27
transgress_Seveas: neato.  now... i should probably reformat my lappy to ext3 so i can take more advantage of beagle lol09:27
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mojolinner: try the console command kbdrate (man kbdrate)09:29
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wijnandwhen i login, i always get warnings that some elements of my panel have "quit unexpectedly", with the option to reload them... seeing as these are recurring messages, i was wondering if anyone knows this issue and if there is a way to fix it09:29
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mojolinner: or look into the man pages on xset, as it may be in x09:29
wijnand(gnome panel, that is ;))09:29
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Seveaswijnand, don't hit the reload button09:29
Seveasjust add them back manually09:29
wijnandSeveas: ahh nice touch.. thanks09:29
Carpe_LibertatemDoes anyone know if there's a 5.10 version of Ubuntuguide.org available yet?09:29
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SeveasCarpe_Libertatem, ubuntuguide sucks09:30
Seveaslook at the wiki and at doc.ubuntu.com for *good* information09:30
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | Colony 5 is out: http://tinyurl.com/85dry | Upgrading to breezy? http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Userdocumentation - http://doc.ubuntu.com | Use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl for pasting | Found a bug? http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com
jsgotangcoSeveas, doc.ubuntu.com is very much WIP docs, but since we still don't have help.ubuntu.com it'll do i guess09:32
KuolioSeveas: i dont get why you flame so much against ubuntuguide, as it is accurate and has good/quick instructions for various tweaks etc.09:32
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jsgotangcoKuolio, sure, but half of it is crack as well09:32
Kuolioit doesn't explain so much as wiki does, wich in my book is a good thing ;)09:33
chris__i have hpb2; apache2; and mysql. how do i setup phpbb2? all i get is a test screen09:33
jsgotangcoKuolio, the ubuntuguide is actually forked for 5.1009:33
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ubotumethinks ubuntuguide is out of date, breaks PCs and doesn't explain anything. The official FAQ Guide, which is based on ubuntuguide will soon be the help menu in Breezy. For more information see !faq.09:33
mojoHOW DO i force ubuntu to check the root for integrity (besides booting 30 times)?09:34
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ompaulmojo, shutdown -F now09:34
wijnandmojo: fsck?09:34
ompaulmojo, sudo shutdown -F now09:34
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mojothe -F will force the check?09:34
ompaulnext boot09:34
ubotu[faq]  The Ubuntu FAQ Guide: select System -> Help (in Breezy), or http://ubuntu-doc.ath.cx/gnome/faqi386/C/09:35
mojookay bbl thanks09:35
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obontuhow do i tell ubuntu to turn off my display after 10 mins? (not standby)09:36
ompaulwow no one wants colony  today - there I am seeding at less than 1k ps09:36
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transgress_okay how about this one i can't seem to fix... i have a laptop... touchpad has a scroll wheel sort of thingy.  but it won't work.  and i can't disable tapping.  it actually looks like it isn't loading as a touchpad but a ps/2 mouse.  any clues?09:36
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=== ompaul pokes aftertaf with a sick of bread and a nice morning coffee
robbkiddobontu: Try the Advanced tab in Screensaver config.09:36
obontuyou mean where it says off?09:37
ompaulohh dear s/sick/stick09:37
aftertafsick of bread? had too much toast ;)09:37
gremidhi! anyone using an alternative way of managing network profiles (especially wifi profiles) instead of the gnome-system-tools?09:37
obontui thought it meant the whole computer09:37
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obontunot just the display09:37
B_166-ER-Xok;;; noz i have the language selector::: but hoa can i change azerty  to qwerty09:37
aftertafhi again [linner] 09:37
[linner] aftertaf:  I was just msg you :)09:37
robbkiddobontu: Are you running Breezy?  I'm not sure what the display looks like on the Hog.09:37
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SeveasB_166-ER-X, system -> preferences -> keyboard something09:37
obontuwill it turn it off completely or can i wake it up by pressing a key or moving my mouse?09:37
obontuno i'm not09:37
obontui don't wanna a preview09:38
[linner] aftertaf:  I've seen you join then leave... join then leave.. what's going on?09:38
SeveasB_166-ER-X, for a system-wide change: edit xorg.conf09:38
obontui'm running hog09:38
ompaulB_166-ER-X, use * and <> as delimiters not every one is using the same irc client and they all don't behave the same09:38
MachineScrewok any one need help09:38
aftertaf[linner] :  u get my pm?09:38
robbkiddobontu: Is the setting in a nice box labeled Monitor Power Management?09:38
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[linner] yeah09:38
ompaulMachineScrew, just answer questions :) don't ask can you help09:38
robbkiddDisplay Power Managment, even.09:38
[linner] i'm msging you now09:38
robbkiddobontu: Then it's just talking about the monitor.09:38
obontuah silly me09:39
=== ompaul clears a hole in the pool for MachineScrew to jump right in
MachineScrew[linner]  whats up09:39
indypendeHi all!09:39
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[linner] Machine)09:39
[linner] MachineScrew:  hey there09:40
MachineScrewya what up09:40
obontui tried to compile the new x-chat version, but it said i was missing perl, and i could find that package09:40
B_166-ER-XSeveas; my xorg:conf is empty is it normal09:40
obontuwhat's the name of it?09:40
[linner] MachineScrew:  you said hey to me earlier so I was saying "hey" back :)09:41
MachineScrewany one know about the pached orinoco_cs drivers for Breezy09:41
indypendewhy i can't connect to the forum?09:41
SeveasB_166-ER-X, /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:41
ompaulobontu, why do you *need* the latest x-chat?09:41
obontucuz someone said it fixes some serious bug09:42
obontui'm using 2.4.3 as we speak09:42
MachineScrewxchat-gnome has a nice interface09:42
obontuand i want 2.4.509:42
Seveaswhich bug?09:42
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obontui dunno09:42
Seveasthen why fix it/believe it?09:42
obontuanyhow, nm that09:42
ompaulobontu, we do mind that09:42
B_166-ER-Xi still dont know what to change in this::09:42
obontui'll find out09:42
obontuhow do i use the win32codecs to play wmv and such in linux?09:43
obontui tried copying them to the dirs09:43
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obontubut totem won't play wmvs :(09:43
[Wiebel] breezy slashdotted ;)09:43
Tomcat_obontu: Install the w32codecs package. :o09:43
MachineScrewobontu: get totem-xine09:43
kemikuse a real player.. (vlc / mplayer)09:43
transgress_obontu: sudo aptitude install totem-xine09:43
MachineScrewobontu: first09:43
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MachineScrewobontu: then go here http://cambuca.ldhs.cetuc.puc-rio.br/xine/09:44
A-starhi everyone09:44
[linner] A-star:  hello09:44
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ompaulobontu, your missing the point, if there is a bug then the ubuntu version should be fixed, that is how distros stay stable, not by everyone running in a million different directions, and no two people running the same version09:44
MachineScrewobontu: download w32codec and libdvdcss rpms09:44
obontui tried to compile mplayer, wasn't taht succuessful09:44
transgress_so no one would know why my alps touchpad isn't loading?09:45
OrbordeWhen on Earth are the forums going to return to life?09:45
MachineScrewobontu: mplayer sucks leave it alone09:45
obontuompaul it's not in ubuntu, it's in xchat09:45
ompaulobontu, all that compiling is bad for you there is a version of mplayer for Ubuntu09:45
obontuso they say09:45
MachineScrewobontu: ya09:45
[linner] Orborde:  I use Yahoo! groups (ubuntulinux) for forums09:45
Tomcat_ompaul: That almost sounded like a Microsoft Marketing message. :P09:45
MachineScrewobontu: i use totem-xine09:45
MachineScrewobontu: its easyer to configure09:46
MachineScrewobontu: and hell looks better09:46
MachineScrewobontu: compile only if you need to09:46
ompaulTomcat_, no it if you manage a package then compile away, but randomly compiling packages when you don't have to is a bit too much like a waste of effort09:46
MachineScrewobontu: now once you get the rpms09:47
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obontushouldi get this one?09:47
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CaiN_SAnetwork-admin <-- with what package does it come ?09:47
MachineScrewobontu: do sudo alien  -d nameof.rpm09:47
Tomcat_ompaul: Well, I agree that it's too hard for some people and so they shouldn't do it, but if somebody wants his own version of an application, why not? That's in part what makes Linux beautiful. :>09:47
MachineScrewobontu: if you want dvd play back09:47
ompaulTomcat_, you can't run a production environment like that :)09:48
obontuhow do i get rid of my mplayer compo and all that?09:48
FaithXwhich is the default manner for firewalling in ubuntu?09:48
MachineScrewobontu: make shure you did a sudo apt-get install totem-xine09:48
obontujust delete the dir on my desktop?09:48
obontui did09:48
MachineScrewobontu: ya09:48
obontuok thanx09:48
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kemikobontu:  "make deinstall"09:48
MachineScrewobontu: did you install from source ?09:48
kemikor uninstall or make clean etc09:49
MachineScrewobontu: ys make deinstall09:49
[linner] MachineScrew:  so to understand this correctly, to watch movies i have to install something besides mplayer?09:49
vinboyhow do i know wat port a program is listening to?09:49
MachineScrewobontu: or somthing likr that09:49
robbkiddFaithX: No firewall, but no services listen on anything other than loopback by default.09:49
kemik[linner] :  mplayer or vlc are the best players ;)09:49
transgress_linmaster: i rarely use mplayer09:49
transgress_err [linner] 09:49
[linner] kemik:  ok great... thank you :)09:49
[linner] transgress:  what?09:49
MachineScrew[linner]  vlc is a good web player09:49
ompaulSeveas, got a mo?09:49
[linner] MachineScrew:  better than mplayer?09:50
MachineScrew[linner]  totem-xine kicks as09:50
kemikMachineScrew:  vlc is a good anything-player09:50
transgress_[linner] : yes09:50
kemiki personally hate Totem09:50
MachineScrewsmaller and faster09:50
kemiksince it sucks09:50
transgress_i dig totem since i went to breezy09:50
kemikmaybe it's better in breezy09:50
[linner] MachineScrew:  ok... understood... I'll go get it now...09:50
=== robbkidd hasn't gotten totem to work. mplayer was pretty easy.
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transgress_although the browser plugin usually won't play videos the external will... it'll stop like first frame09:50
[Wiebel] totem stil has flaws09:50
MachineScrewtotem works only if you have totem-xine09:50
xuniluserHow do i activate and deactivate services (daemons) in  Ubuntu?09:50
MachineScrewtotem-gstreamer sucks moldering assholes09:51
kemikyeah. totem-xine and it's still bad09:51
[Wiebel] www.zoomin.tv has movies totem-xine can't handle09:51
[linner] MachineScrew:  what's the difference between totem, mplayer and vlc09:51
kemikthis is the bash-totem-day09:51
[linner] kemik:  I've never had any lock with totem.... so there ya' go09:51
[Wiebel] zoomin uses a playlist with 2 movies09:51
MachineScrewgnome interface for totem09:51
[Wiebel] 1st is a commercial09:51
robbkiddxuniluser: System -> Administration -> Services09:51
[Wiebel] 2ndt is the actual movie09:51
MachineScrewnever got mplayer to work in any distro09:51
[Wiebel] but afther playing the commercials totem stops09:51
[Wiebel] apt-get install mplayerplug-in09:52
MachineScrewfor as long as I heard of it09:52
[Wiebel] works like a charm09:52
robbkiddYuh. What Wiebel said.09:52
[linner] hmm.. it works fine in Breezy for me... onmy desktop ... haven't tried on the lappy yet09:52
[Wiebel] after that09:52
transgress_mplayer worked awesome for me in gentoo... that's about it09:52
[Wiebel] cd /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins09:52
[Wiebel] rm libtotem*09:52
MachineScrewtotem-xine plays the new Quicktime 7 file09:52
[linner] really? and dvds... and streaming audio??????????????09:52
kemikMachineScrew:  doesnt mplayer play those aswell ?09:53
kemik[linner] :  mplayer plays dvds and streaming audio/video aswell09:53
xuniluserrobbkid: there's no Services in Administration09:53
[linner] kemik:  ok.... so I can listen to podcasts by mPlayer oo?09:53
transgress_i prefer totem-xine to mplayer in ubuntu... never could get mplayer to play dvd's09:53
MachineScrewbut streaming audio I use  Rhythom box09:53
[linner] ok09:53
[linner] wow... so much info09:53
obontui got this folder on my desktop09:53
MachineScrewsame here09:54
obontuand i can't get rid of it09:54
obontuit says i don't have permissions09:54
robbkiddxuniluser: You're using Hoary Hedgehog or Breezy Badger?09:54
MachineScrewyou have mc09:54
[linner] well he11 i'll have to see if it will play through mplayer on mine09:54
[linner] kemik:  something i need to install though right?09:54
[linner] kemik:  like a plugin?09:54
xuniluserrobbkidd: Hoary09:54
transgress_mmm systm... good.09:56
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transgress_i downloaded the newest diggnation mp3 earlier... probably gonna listen to it and sleep09:56
robbkiddrobbkidd: Ah. You're stuck with using a command line utility, installing a program called BUM (of which I have no experience) or upgrade to the Breezy pre-release (which I thought was quite fun and am happy with).09:56
[linner] transgress:  i soooooooooooooooo want my diggnation and TWiT back..............09:56
robbkiddJeez. I'm talking to myself.09:56
OrbordeSo I mounted a Windows share using mount -t smb, and tried to edit a file with gedit. Gedit went OMFG I R TEH CRASHZ0R. Any ideas?09:56
OrbordeWhere can I file a bug report?09:56
MachineScrewI got them fine with Totem-xine09:57
transgress_[linner] : telling you... grab totem-xine... it'll run.09:57
[linner] transgress:  i haven't listened to systn yet09:57
obontuhmm i ran those alien -d on w32codec and dvdcss09:57
obontuand that's it?09:57
[linner] transgress:  ok09:57
transgress_i just grabbed w32codecs from marillat myself.09:57
[linner] transgress:  i don't nkow what that is09:57
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MachineScrewno now dpkg -i w32codec and the same for dvdcss09:57
xuniluserrobbkidd: can i install it with Hoary?09:57
transgress_it's a repo... and that was directed at obontu09:57
[linner] oh okay09:58
[linner] how do i get it?09:58
[linner] adn what does it do?09:58
obontuwhat do i do with those deb packages?09:58
transgress_[linner] : you use it to grab w32codecs... then you disable it... and you google it to get it09:58
MachineScrewobontu: sudo dpkg -i thename.deb09:58
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[linner] transgress:  no no no i mean what do w32codecs do?09:58
transgress_[linner] : helps programs play things like wmv and xvid09:59
MachineScrewthey alow you to play quick time nonDRMed wmas09:59
[linner] transgress:  ok... i just want audio... not video so do I need it?09:59
obontui get errors with ilbdvdcss :(09:59
MachineScrewavi's divx09:59
MachineScrewthinks like that09:59
MachineScrewwhat where the errors10:00
obontudpkg: error processing libdvdcss_1.2.8-3_i386.deb (--install):10:00
obontu trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libdvdcss.so.2.0.7', which is also in package libdvdcss210:00
obontudpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)10:00
obontuErrors were encountered while processing:10:00
obontu libdvdcss_1.2.8-3_i386.deb10:00
obontusorry for spam10:00
transgress_btw for those interested... diggnation 13 got released today on mp310:00
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robbkiddxuniluser: Yep. Some instructions are in the topic.10:00
[linner] transgress:  you're makin' me jealous now10:00
transgress_[linner] : lots of things will play an mp3... out of the box10:00
MachineScrewok dude you have libdvdcss210:01
MachineScrewdon't wory about it10:01
obontunow how do i run that player?10:01
obontusame as always?10:01
MachineScrewya just go to totem10:01
aftertafobontu:   dont paste here please ;) youll get shouted at:)10:01
MachineScrewapps > sound & vid10:01
[linner] ok10:01
kemikor even muted10:01
MachineScrewhe did say sorry10:02
obontuit works!10:02
MachineScrewno prob10:02
aftertafMachineScrew:  ;) true...10:02
xuniluserrobbkidd: ok...10:02
obontubut now i have another problem10:02
obontui have no audio in the player10:02
MachineScrewwhats that10:02
obontubut i got audio when i try to play mp3s10:03
transgress_obontu: what kind of sound card?10:03
MachineScrewoh hmm10:03
MachineScrewthats odd10:03
obontui think it's just a fucked up movie10:03
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[linner] oh ya'll this is terrible10:03
obontuwell, i tried installing wine, but not luck10:04
MachineScrewgo here and download an episode h264 http://revision3.com/systm10:04
[linner] transgress:  that is just awfully!10:04
OrbordeI think one of my panel applets crashed. How do I kill/reset it?10:04
FaithXWhat do I need to be able to compile X apps on ubuntu?10:04
transgress_[linner] : what is?10:04
MachineScrewthen chose h26410:04
ompaulFaithX, which apps?10:05
[linner] the audio is sooooooooooooooooo garbled10:05
transgress_[linner] : what player?10:05
[linner] transgress:  totem10:05
transgress_[linner] : totem-xine?10:05
kemiktotem ofcourse10:05
kemiksince its crap ;)10:05
=== transgress_ has no problems with totem-xine
MachineScrewno totem-xine is better he has totem-gstreamer10:05
=== robbkidd curses libdvdcss
[linner] transgress:  yes10:05
MachineScrewgod damn it10:05
[linner] MachineScrew:  are you talking about me?10:06
transgress_[linner] : you're sure?  what does dpkg -l | grep totem-gstreamer say?10:06
MachineScrewyes you have totem10:06
[linner] hold on a sec let me look10:06
FaithXompaul, I want to compile wine10:06
obontuinstall h264 the same way i installed w32?10:06
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[linner] MachineScrew:  I'm a she............ :)10:06
MachineScrewoh sory10:06
transgress_eww linux chick10:06
obontularege or small?10:06
transgress_that was a good eww10:06
MachineScrewwell any way it will only show up as totem10:07
kemikon internet, you can be anything you like10:07
MachineScrewyou need to do sudo apt-get install totem-xine10:07
kemikim not gonna believe it til i have real-solid proof ;)10:07
MachineScrewobontu depends10:07
MachineScrewobontu its a video by the way10:07
obontuwhat is it?10:07
obontui got it10:07
[linner] transgress: rc  totem-gstreamer                       1.2.0-0ubuntu3                       A simple media player for the Gnome desktop10:08
transgress_they are so drunk in this diggnation10:08
transgress_[linner] : you don't have totem-xine10:08
transgress_[linner] : sudo aptitude install totem-xine10:08
obontuhow do i install wine?10:08
[linner] ok10:08
transgress_same way you install everything obontu10:08
transgress_obontu: sudo aptitude install wine10:08
ompaulFaithX, it is in the universe repositry10:08
MachineScrewno sudo apt-get install totem-xine10:08
MachineScrewthat would be fine10:08
[linner] let me go see agin10:08
transgress_aptitude is better to use than apt-get10:08
[linner] again10:08
MachineScrewsame thign10:09
obontuget a debian pack of it ?10:09
MachineScrewsynaptic is better10:09
transgress_not really.  aptitude keeps track of shit so you don't have to go and use deborphan10:09
kemiksay what ?10:09
MachineScrewso dose synaptic10:09
ompaulFaithX, so you can install it with sudo apt-get install wine10:09
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kemikapt-get and aptitude and synaptic is basically the same10:09
transgress_MachineScrew: since when?10:09
MachineScrewit always has for me ?10:10
transgress_kemik: no they aren't.  aptitude keeps track of what packages get installed when you use it.10:10
transgress_MachineScrew: it'll remove unneeded deps?10:10
kemiktransgress:  and so do apt-get and synaptic aswell10:10
MachineScrewbut then I don't have boken appd10:10
kemiktransgress:  aptitude/synaptic are just frontends10:10
MachineScrewi don't uninstall much but ya10:10
=== transgress_ runs apt-get remove something random.
MachineScrewremove completly10:10
MachineScrewthat removes the deps10:11
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MachineScrewya they are front ends10:11
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MachineScrewtotem is just a front end to the xine and gstreamer libs10:12
transgress_ah i see.10:12
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MachineScrewmplayer is the whole shabang10:12
transgress_didn't know that remove completely... but i've been told more than once to use aptitude10:12
bam_anyone found a cure for the zaurus hdd being mounted like 8x10:12
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Tomcat_ompaul Tomcat_, you can't run a production environment like that :) <--- That's probably a good argument :>10:12
ColonelKernelmplayer rules.10:12
MachineScrewwell I have been told kde is better than GNOME10:12
weijie90ya right10:13
transgress_MachineScrew: but it is.10:13
MachineScrewI have been told mplayer rules10:13
SeveasMachineScrew, that's an eternal holy war :)10:13
bam_i like gnome, whats the advantage of kde?10:13
MachineScrewwrong on both fronts10:13
transgress_bam_: it gives you money for crack10:13
kemikbam_:  stick with what you like10:13
lorenzodbam_, personal taste.10:13
weijie90MachineScrew: try both and u will see which one u like10:13
weijie90the ubuntu forums are down right?10:13
lorenzodI prefer Gnome, but there are others who like KDE.10:13
MachineScrewif I want a Fisher Price looking OS i would run WinXP10:13
bam_gotta wait until breezy has the bugs worked out10:13
B_166-ER-Xi have been able to reconfigure my kb, but at each reboot, i have a message sayin that my $home/.dmrc file have incorrect persomision, that it should be owned by user with permission 644 or something like this10:14
ColonelKernelLinux p4ht 2.6.14-rc2 #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Sep 23 03:17:41 PDT 2005 i686 GNU/Linux <-- oh yeah, I got it Seveas - even if I cant use LVM or evms anymore ( i dont think I used them anyhow)10:14
lorenzodWhichever helps you get the job done..10:14
MachineScrewI did mplayer and KDE10:14
MachineScrewhated them both10:14
bam_i would use xfce but no desktop icons, gotta have that area10:14
MachineScrewthough I do like amorok10:14
kemikMachineScrew:  the gui-mplayer ? or CLI -mplayer?10:14
weijie90me too10:14
obontuwill there be a way to upgrade instead of re-installing breezy when it's released?10:14
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MachineScrewand k3b10:14
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kemikobontu:  of course10:14
ompaulTomcat_, my definition of production is very broad, it is non development10:14
bam_i just use beep10:14
kemikobontu:  add breezy and "dist-upgrade"10:14
MachineScrewthe gui mplayer10:14
weijie90desktop icons are essential.. and a file manager too10:14
LickerDoes anyone got some time to help me in Securing MySQL10:14
obontuadd breezy?10:15
MachineScrewmplayer just never works10:15
kemikobontu:  breezy repositories in sources.list10:15
MachineScrewfor me10:15
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bam_well it has rox for a file mgr10:15
weijie90will enlightment 17 have desktop icons?10:15
ompaulobontu,  that was the short version10:15
MachineScrewe17 is a desktop shell10:15
obontuwell we'll see when it's released10:15
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bam_istnt e17 a little heavy on resources?10:15
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transgress_herm... this guy who left his wifi open needs a better router... so as i can get better speed in this hotel room.10:16
MachineScrewhell no10:16
weijie90no desktop icons? thats a shame.. so much hype and no desktop icons10:16
MachineScrewits fast as fuck10:16
benplautbam_: quite the opposite10:16
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abhayksbam_ e17 is lighter than KDE10:16
bam_hmmm really10:16
shekharhello i am having problems instaling acrobat reader10:16
robbkiddFocking hell.  I've installed libdvdcss2 and totem-xine still is not happy.10:16
bam_like xfce?10:16
MachineScrewya and looks better10:16
ompaul!tell obontu about upgrade10:16
Lickerhow do I setup a Secure MySQL?10:16
benplautbam_: e17 is lighter than IceWM10:16
bam_thats light10:16
mojoe17 is enlightenment's latest, right?  (as i come in late)10:16
transgress_when there is a package for e17 i may try it10:17
MachineScreware you using breezy ?10:17
robbkiddMachineScrew: Yers?10:17
ompaulobontu, that is how you do it but change warty for hoary and hoary for breezy and it works10:17
benplautbam_: oh, and use XFE instead of Rox... it's alot more full-featured10:17
robbkiddMachineScrew: Yepper.10:17
transgress_yes i am10:17
OrbordeWhat is enlightenment?10:17
ompaulobontu, but warned it is still development10:17
obontui know10:17
mojoenlightenment window manager, right?10:17
obontui was just checking10:17
bam_im just playing with xfce right now10:17
benplautOrborde: a really cool eye-candy happy lightweight sub-DE10:17
MachineScrewrobbkidd: i am in it to i have installed it and works fine10:17
obontui'm waiting for the stable version10:17
bam_so far gnome is fine10:17
ompaulOrbman, a bloated window manager with lots of eye candy and a load for your CPU to do10:18
MachineScrewrobbkidd: then again I whent to a site for the rpms and did alien -d on them10:18
transgress_gnome can help eat up my lappy battery10:18
bam_except for the mounting my z hdd 8x10:18
abhayksOrborde its the e17 WM we are taking about10:18
robbkiddMachineScrew: Oookay. Having snagged the libdvdcss-1.2.8 deb from backports, what else do I do?10:18
Seveasrobbkidd, throw it out :)10:18
benplautompaul: umm... sorry sir, but you're waaaay off10:18
Lickercan anyone tell me how to setup a Secure MySQL?10:18
Seveasbetter get libdvdcss210:18
robbkiddDid install locations for libdvdcss2 change between hoary and breezy?10:18
MachineScrewrobbkidd: thats odd the still have them there10:18
Lickeron Ubuntu10:18
robbkiddSeveas: Then the conversion of an RPM is the way to do it?10:19
SeveasLicker, apt-get install mysql-serv, change default password10:19
Seveasrobbkidd, eww no10:19
MachineScrewrobbkidd: I am not shure libdvdcss2 isn't in breezy10:19
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LickerSeveas: I have it installed how do i change the pass?10:19
Seveasrobbkidd, get a .deb from seveas.ubuntulinux.nl10:19
transgress_MachineScrew: wouldn't be in the normal repos... not free software10:19
MachineScrewrobbkidd: not in the backports10:19
robbkiddSeveas: Alrightie.10:19
Seveastransgress_, it is10:19
MachineScrewi have all the backports10:19
Seveasand it's even legal10:20
MachineScrewevery thing10:20
transgress_Seveas: in normal repos?  wow.10:20
Seveasbut people tend to think it's not10:20
Seveastransgress_, no I mean it is free software :)10:20
ompaulbenplaut, hmm10:20
transgress_Seveas: it was my understanding it was only legal if you owned a copy of windows10:20
MachineScrewit should be10:20
OrbordeCrap. I think something desktoppy crashed.10:20
MachineScrewno it isn't10:20
OrbordeMy desktop won't show.10:20
MachineScrewits free10:20
Seveaslibdvdcss needs no windows bits10:20
OrbordeWhat do I do?10:20
aftertafhehe windows and own in the same sentence ;)10:20
benplautompaul: wait a sec... are you, by chance, a Openbox or CLI junkie?10:21
shekharSeveas, hello, can you help me out with installing adobe acrobat reader?10:21
Seveasw1nd0wz 0wnz y00 :p10:21
Seveasshekhar, sure10:21
transgress_Seveas: you wouldn't know why my touchpad is loading a ps/2 mouse would you?10:21
benplautban Seveas! :P10:21
shekharSeveas, i have installed via apt-get but it doesn't launch10:21
Seveastransgress_, check xorg.conf10:21
mojoaftertaf: so own should read license?10:21
aftertafSeveas:  h4x0r ru13z10:21
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Seveasshekhar, installed from where?10:21
shekharSeveas, synaptic10:21
robbkiddSeveas: Downloaded libdvdcss2_1.2.9-0.yaddayadda from your site.  Installed it.  Totem still doesn't know it's there.10:21
ompaulbenplaut, well when I am not using gnome cli :)10:21
transgress_Seveas: did.  the touchpad section fails in my log, then it loads as a ps/2 mouse.10:21
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Seveasshekhar, i mean: which repository...10:22
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ompaulbenplaut, most of the time I use a few terminals and I'm happy10:22
aftertafmojo:  no idea.....10:22
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shekharSeveas, not sure, i have universe and multiverse in my sources.list... how do i find out? it is version 5 something10:22
aftertafeverybody can own/pwn windows.....10:22
Seveasshekhar, ghe, throw it out :)10:22
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shekharSeveas, what? i removed it and re-installed but it still don't work10:23
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Seveasno, just remove it10:23
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xuniluserIs this correct: mount smb:// /mnt/Repository/ ?10:23
Seveasacrobat 5 is crappy10:23
LickerSeveas: whats the command to set a new PW?10:23
SeveasI'll PM you a repository which has the latest10:24
Lickeri ment the whole command line for pw change to mysql10:25
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SeveasLicker, mysql -u root10:26
Seveasand then CHANGE PASSWORD something;10:26
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Lickerso change password *mypass*  ?10:28
Area_Manneed a little help here10:28
Lickeror is there a command that stands for that?10:28
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Area_Manjust installed breezy badger and can't seem to get cpan to install anything. keep getting make errors.10:29
Area_Maneven as root10:29
obontui installed thundebird with synaptic and it works, but it doesn't have an icon10:29
rejdeni have some problems contacting info@shipit.ubuntu.com, is the adress correct?10:30
limguohong91I have a question too? I was trying using Firefox to access my ftp but it don't seem to work. Is there any problem for Ubuntu to access ftp?10:30
LickerArea_Man: its prob trying to reach for the E: drive or CD-Rom.. mine was doing that10:30
Lickeri had to change my config.ini file10:30
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Dalikanyone got experience with email servers ?10:31
bob2rejden: is that what it says on shipit.ubuntu.com?10:31
bob2Dalik: best to just ask your question10:31
Dalik Please be advise that we block remote port 25 (Email), 8010:31
Dalik(http websites) and 161 (SNMP)10:31
DalikYou will have to look at using our mail server as a relay for your mail server.10:31
Dalikie use ours as the outgoing server.10:31
LickerSeveas: how do i test to see if the PW was reset in Mysql?10:31
DalikI got this from am email and I want to setup my own email server.  I dont need help setting it up but what are my options here?10:32
Lickerhello bob2 im back. :p10:32
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bob2Dalik: that has very little affect on you10:32
DalikI am a bit confused but my guess is I wont be able to get email from the internet10:32
Dalikbut I can sent email fine10:32
bob2Dalik: just configure postfix to use your isp as a relay host10:32
bob2Dalik: no, their email states the opposite10:33
LickerDalik: http://wanderingbarque.com/howtos/mailserver/mailserver.html  <--thats a good good Doc10:33
Dalikbecause port 80 is blocked and I had to use ssl to get around it, so I thought I couldnt recieve email directly10:33
Dalikok thnx10:33
Lickerbob2:  how do i test to see if the PW was reset in Mysql?10:33
bob2Licker: try logging in?10:33
Seveasit's so simple :)10:34
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bob2Dalik: well, they may be blocking port 80 in, but that email does not say that10:34
SeveasLicker, sorry, got a phonecall :)10:34
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Lickerbob2: how? never used a server in Linux. Only in stupid @$$ WIN POS OS!!!  :p  im learning lil by lil10:34
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bob2Licker: why did you reset it if you're never going to login?10:35
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Lickerbob2: neede to change it from default10:35
daejavuneed some help with codecs !!10:35
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Lickerwas reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP and it told me to make it secure10:35
daejavuhow can i run ".3gp" files on me system !  they are from my cell phone !10:36
bob2Licker: you mean you just changed the root password so passers by can't login?10:36
bob2Licker: right10:36
kemikdaejavu:  mplayer will play them10:36
bob2daejavu: what does "file blah.3gp" say they are?10:36
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LickerI did..  mysql -u root10:36
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Lickerso yes10:36
kemikbob2:  its a weird cellphone-video format10:36
rejdenbob2, i thought so10:36
rejdenbob2, second i check10:37
Dalikthnx for the help10:37
bob2Licker: then just login with 'mysql -u root -p localhost'10:37
kemik.3gp: ISO Media, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP (H.263/AMR)10:37
CryptidPlease tell me what all files i need for my Gdesklets to work properly without any problem i couldnt get much help from the gdesklets official site please help me10:37
bob2Cryptid: there's no need to ask your question like that10:37
bob2and it doesn't really encourage people to try to help10:37
daejavubob2, its saying cannot find codec for audio :S10:37
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bob2Cryptid: install gdesklets should be plenty enough to run it10:37
daejavukemik,  its saying cannot find codec for audio :S10:37
bob2daejavu: mplayer does?10:37
rejdenbob2, the webpage has changed10:37
rejdenbob2, anyway the mail come back10:38
bob2rejden: ah10:38
bob2rejden: with what error?10:38
daejavubob2, yup10:38
rejdenbob2, second10:38
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kemikdaejavu:  hmm-- donno.. the 3gp file i got is w/o sound10:39
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daejavukemik, xine plays them ?  i found that a bit better then mplayer ..10:40
Cryptidbob2, i installed gdesklets and the data files from synaptic and but when i try to apply the stater bar or ne other desklets i only find a black dot on the screen instead of the starter bar i was told that each desklet need diffrent files for it to function properly is it true and i also read on some site that the data file provided in synaptic are out of date and do not function properly10:41
kemikdaejavu:  dont know.. i never use it .. i use vlc/mplayer10:41
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rejdenbob2, i somehow deleted it but it was undelivered return to sender (account doesn't exists) as far as i remember10:41
Lickerbob2: it says error 1045: acess denied for user10:42
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daejavukemik, noprob .. thanks for the help :)10:42
Lickeris there a way to check what the PW is to make sure i changed it?10:42
ompaulBelutz, were do you get a menu from in enlightenment?10:42
ompaulBelutz, one with apps?10:43
obontui just installed some stuff from synaptic10:43
bob2Cryptid: dude, english please, that means not using 300 word sentences ;)10:43
obontubut it won't show my "application" menu why?10:43
bob2rejden: try again, cutting and pasting fro mthe website10:43
bob2Licker: no, it's stored hashed10:43
bob2Cryptid: did you run gdesklets and then add the applets you care about?10:43
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Cryptidbob2, yes10:44
Belutzompaul: i don't use enlightenment :)10:44
bob2Cryptid: and they don't show up?10:44
Lickerbob2: so what do I do? lolz. can i just change it again since im root? if so what was the command?10:44
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rejdenbob2, actually the ordering from website now work i was just curious about changing the order directly because we need more cds10:45
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bob2Licker: you can't change it if you don't know the password10:45
bob2not without breaking into it, anyway10:45
bob2rejden: cool10:45
Cryptidbob2, no they sort of show up below the mouse pointer but when i place them on the desktop they disapprear and only a black spot remains on the screen10:45
bob2Cryptid: is there a bug in the BTS?10:45
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Lickerbob2: what is the default pass for a fresh mqsql install?10:46
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Cryptidbob2, i dont know10:46
bob2Licker: nothing10:46
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bob2a blank string10:47
bob2hitting enter10:47
obontui just installed a package10:47
obontuand it won't appear on my menu10:47
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TTilusobontu: maybe the package doesn't have menuentry?10:48
TTilusobontu: what did you install10:48
bob2ompaul: only thing in main tend to get added there10:48
bob2er, obontu10:48
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obontusupertux and avidemux210:48
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TTilusobontu: menuentry = stuff which, when added, makes thingies appear to menu10:49
mamelukehi there... i have some problems with the configuration of a dhcpd... somebody has time to give tipps for 5 minutes?10:49
obontuso where should it be then? :(10:49
Cryptidbob2, do u use gdesklets ?10:49
TTilusobontu: dunno10:49
TTilusobontu: what did you install?10:49
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obontusupertux and avidemux210:49
ompaulmameluke, why not say what your problems are, we may know the answers, this asking to ask is a tad unproductive10:50
root_what is the code for updating a dist?10:50
TTilusobontu: if you can't find 'em try adding entries yourself10:50
mamelukeompaul, it doesn't works :P10:50
Lickerbob2: after i try to login it just goes to -> whats that mean?10:50
TTilusobontu: it's not all that hard10:50
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bob2Licker: that you logged in10:51
bob2Licker: that's the mysql command prompt10:52
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Lickerso that means my pass didnt work if it didnt ask me for a pass?10:52
mamelukeompaul, dhcp says: dhcpd: No subnet declaration for eth1 (
Lickerpass change*10:52
brownie17the update manager is telling me i need to update my kernel, and it is giving me the new version (hoary -  i386). is it dangerous to update it if i don't know what i am doing? anyone?10:52
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aftertafbrownie17:  normally, no..... what processor do you have?10:53
brownie17aftertaf, a celeron 2.4ghz10:53
brownie17aftertaf, why might it sometimes be?10:53
aftertafok.   you can get the linux-686 package then...10:53
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brownie17aftertaf, well just the one from update manager? i won't do it unless it is completely mandatory if i have to do it manually10:54
brownie17aftertaf, and do i have to... (dare i say it?) restart afterwards?10:55
aftertafand you can have the updates to the kernel too.....10:55
aftertafbrownie17:  for a kernel update, yep10:55
brownie17aftertaf, thanks. do i have to update imeediatley10:55
dikadikaare the ubuntu forums currently down?10:55
aftertafbrownie17:  nope.... you dont have to. but it is advised.10:56
aftertafbrownie17:  what gfx card and drivers do you use?10:56
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brownie17aftertaf, just the standard inbuilt drivers, and a radeon ve/7000 series10:57
brownie17aftertaf, 32meg10:57
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aftertafok brownie17 np ;)    if you get the 686 kernel package installed and boot from it, it is optimiosed for your processor... the i386 is a generic, works on all kernel10:57
Kuoliouh, forums still down? or is it just me..10:58
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aftertafand if you install a new kernel it becomes available at boot time in grub, so if you boot on it and have a pb, you can just reboot back to the original ;)10:58
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aftertafhi twibbler :)10:59
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brownie17aftertaf, aaahh ok. that's phenominal. can i dual boot the 686 also?10:59
twibbleraftertaf: how are you ....10:59
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aftertafbrownie17:  it isnt dual boot.... but you can choose from different kernels... you can even build your own!!!!11:00
aftertaftwibbler:  fine, for a monday with a shit proxy ;)11:00
aftertafand yourself?11:00
twibbleraftertaf: are the old crappy proxy bits ..... Me upgraded to breezy on Friday then spent 5 hours fixing the xserver ...11:01
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after_cigtwibbler:  hehe, its a good learning process, tinkering and repairing linux :)11:01
dooglusdoes http://www.wordcount.org/main.php crash firefox for anyone else?11:01
ohphrackudumb question: howto list all currently install packages at commandline11:01
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brownie17aftertaf, that was really just a way to say it. but cool. building your own kernel would just be compiling someone elses code with special additions? or do you mean regular people actualy re-write it on occasion!?11:01
after_cigdooglus:  checking11:01
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twibblerafter_cig: not when the only reason is the default fixed font isn't defined correctly ...11:02
dooglusafter_cig: make sure you don't mind losing tab contents first...11:02
dooglusafter_cig: it makes all my tabs vanish.11:02
after_cigdooglus:  hehe.. opened ok. i have noscript plugin on.11:03
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RadBelgianhello, I'm new here, I'm trying to find out how to listen to mp3's on ubuntu. Can someone give me a tip on where to start?11:03
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after_cigtwibbler:  yeah... i heard about that one too..... i panicked and got it working, beginners luck, quite fast with xfs reinstalled11:03
dooglusafter_cig: "noscript plugin"?11:04
after_cigRadBelgian:  look in your multimedia menu on start menu.11:04
brownie17dooglus, no, i am using 1.0.711:04
after_cigdooglus:  yep... its an extension . blocks all javascript11:04
twibblerafter_cig: resinstalled wverything still had to find the bits to edit .... it was a bit like magic roundabout ... and is it me or is breezy faster than hoary ...11:04
dooglusafter_cig: oh, i see.  this is a 'flash' page.  i guess if you don't run flash then it won't crash11:04
Lickerbob2: what was that command to set a pass for mysql?11:04
AnkhWeaselI'm going to assume this is me being a newbie, but - is the J2SE plug-in for FireFox repository accessible?11:04
bob2Licker: didn't you get it off a webpage?11:04
Lickerhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/default-privileges.html <--was looking at that.. i didnt understand it though11:05
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after_cigdooglus:  works 4 me11:05
twibblerLicker: install the mysql addons and use mysql_setpermission ... youll like it ...11:05
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dooglusafter_cig: what if you click 'next word' in the top right corner about 7 times?11:06
twibblergeek: are you having a identity crisis ..... :)11:06
dooglusafaik: for me it steps forward one word at a time, and crashes, usually around word 7.11:06
RadBelgianhelp msg11:06
Lickertwibble: what addons? Im still newish to Linux. someone told me to lose WIN and go LIN  :p  So im doing taht.11:06
twibblerLicker: very good idea ... hold on I find out the actual bits you need to install ...11:07
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hansi_xpxp is not the root of all evil11:07
Lickeryes it is11:07
Lickermy XP machines sux nuts11:07
brownie17Licker, don't do it if you are a newbie to lin. keep win too. it is pretty difficult to learn, and if you don't have a backup, you could easily stuff your syste11:07
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Lickeri have 3 PCs Brownie1711:08
hansi_xpsometimes you need to use xp11:08
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Lickerjust swaped my server one out11:08
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Lickertwibbler: thanx dude11:08
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mrchicagohey how can i submit programs i wrote myself to unbuntu11:08
siimowhy is forums down? server upgrading to breezy? :-S11:08
=== AnkhWeasel is still learning how to install programs. Heh.
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Seveasmrchicago, wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU11:09
seliniumhansi_xp, why? I haven't booted m$ for 6 months.. And i dont have a rally slow machine running other peoples software just to stop it from being hijacked if I switch it on!11:09
bam_the only thing i need xp for is my vb programming for my work11:10
ohphrackuhowto list all currently install packages? apt-cache options*foo11:10
bam_oh and ubuntu wont recognize my zen micro11:10
AnkhWeaselHow do you install J2SE for Firefox?11:11
RadBelgianCan I ask a quick question, which music player do you guys use to listen to mp3's?11:11
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bam_for music11:11
hansi_xpselinium: i like xp and linux11:11
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bam_apt-cache search java11:11
gorillaRadBelgian, an ipod11:11
LickerI do however need to put Putty on my WIN machine11:11
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skranglehello, where can I direct n00b questions?11:12
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dooglusskrangle: here.11:12
mrchicagowhat i have done is write a program to adjust the gamma brightness on monitor11:12
skrangleok, fantastic :)11:12
kairu0release the n00bieness!11:12
mrchicagoand a desktop internetsearch tool11:12
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seliniumhansi_xp, Its fine, there is too many subscribers to invalidate it, but you have to admit it has some pretty serious flaws, starting with cost!11:12
skrangleis it possible to install from a usb storage device, since my laptop cdrom is fried11:13
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AnkhWeaselThanks, bam...still don't have it.11:13
[Wiebel] anyone where ever tried to get mplayerplug-in working in opera?11:13
kairu0[Wiebel] , i'd like to know too11:14
[Wiebel] so do I :>11:14
[Wiebel] I can get it loaded11:14
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[Wiebel] but it won't work11:14
[Wiebel] no errors11:14
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hansi_xpselinium: yeah it does cost, but there is no such thing as a free lunch!11:14
Seveashmm, lunch :)11:15
Lickerits 4am here.. breakfest. Mmmmm11:15
seliniumhansi_xp, :) Welcome to the darkside anyway! :)11:15
ompaulSeveas, early lunch :)11:15
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skranglehow do i install ubuntu from a usb storage device, or where can i find documentation on this ?11:15
Lickeraww.. u scared the XP lover away...11:16
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AnkhWeaselShould just have to set your BIOS to boot from a USB drive..11:16
=== Licker cries
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zygawhat has happened to the cloop-src11:16
zygathat's the package that allows one to build cloop-module11:16
shekharhello can someone help me with evolution, it keeps crashing...11:16
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skrangleAnkhWeasel yeah but can i just copy over the installcd to the usbdrive for it to boot, or .. ?11:18
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kairu0[Wiebel] , i just got it working11:18
[Wiebel] how?11:18
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kairu0[Wiebel] , i copied mozplugger.so to my ~/.opera folder11:18
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[Wiebel] mozplugger?11:18
[Wiebel] hmmz11:18
AnkhWeaselI'd ..guess so, sk.11:19
kairu0[Wiebel] , i also had configured my mozplugger in advance to work with Totem11:19
[Wiebel] it works inline?11:19
kairu0[Wiebel] , yes11:19
AnkhWeaselBleh. So has anyone got J2SE working in Firefox?11:19
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[Wiebel] AnkhWeasel: sure, works out of the box11:20
indypendewht forums are down?11:20
[Wiebel] wht sucks :)11:20
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smottis there some way i can make linux password prompts more bsd-like (i.e. if i type the wrong password i want to be able to retry without waiting a few seconds)11:20
AnkhWeaselYou mean like, the Ubuntu repositories online, Wiebel?11:20
skranglesome other question, as a first time ubuntu and linux user, would you recommend the 5.04 or 5.10 release11:20
smottskrangle: 5.1011:21
indypendewhy forums are down?11:21
[Wiebel] AnkhWeasel: que?11:21
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AnkhWeaselIt's just..my Firefox can't actually _find_ the install for it, man.11:21
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shekharSeveas, can you tell me why evolution crashes so frequently? or is it just my installation?11:23
kairu0skrangle, 5.10 still has some bugs but its better in your case11:23
gorillashekhar, your installation.. perhasp lack of memory.11:24
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shekhargorilla, i have 1.5 gb ram!11:24
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ph8hi all11:24
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ph8is there a log of the last packages installed anywhere?11:24
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[Wiebel] AnkhWeasel: i have it working after installing breezy11:25
gorillashekhar, oh.. I have 1 gig and haven't had evolution crash yet.11:25
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AnkhWeaselSo I should probably upgrade to 5.10.11:25
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concept10Anyone know how to recover my saved passwords from Firefox?  I just installed breezy and I have a prior backup of my /home directory11:25
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shekhargorilla, evolution repeatedly crashing on me, and my installation is less than a week old11:26
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seliniumconcept10 it is on the mozilla site11:26
concept10selinium, okay, thanks11:26
[Wiebel] kairu0: can't get it tow work here11:26
dooglusph8: I don't know if there's a log, but if you look /var/cache/apt/archives you'll see the cached packages. "ls -ltr" in there will kind of be like a log11:26
[Wiebel] just seeing a black screen11:26
[Wiebel] kairu0: where did you test?11:26
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seliniumconcept10, basically, it kept in the /home/user/.mozilla-thunderbird folder but look up backup thunderbird..11:27
dooglusph8: oh, also I just spotted /var/log/dpkg.log - that's what you're after.11:27
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ryni-Qhow can I mount a second hdd in UBUNTU11:28
Mr-Falkormy nVidia drivers works now :)11:28
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AnkhWeaselHope this works. Back in a bit.11:29
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lorenzodryni-Q mount /dev/<harddisk> /some/mount/point ??11:29
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concept10is there a .deb for realplayer anywhere?11:29
Mr-FalkorI dont mean to be an asshole,.. but -- I think that gnome is a little bit booring (the other window managers too),.. I need something that not looks like a "toon", something refreshing11:30
ryni-Q10x lorenzod11:30
aftertafdooglus:  seems to work ok.....11:30
aftertafconcept10:  helix11:30
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concept10aftertaf, helix and realplayer are not the same.11:30
ph8thanks a lot dooglus11:31
ph8Breezy Badger is out?11:31
Seveasoct. 1311:31
ph8soon then :d11:31
ph8soon then :d11:31
aftertafconcept10:  true, but helix supports rp.11:31
ph8:p caps11:31
Mr-FalkorI have breezy11:31
m0r0nWhere can I search for repositories to get PHP5?11:31
aftertafMr-Falkor:  you have a 'beta' version11:31
dooglusph8: breezy is due on Oct 13th11:31
ohphrackuive noticed a few synaptic bugs in breezy11:32
ph8so will dist-upgrade install breezy?11:32
aftertafMr-Falkor:  dont worry, you have problems, you ask and you bugreport11:32
aftertafph8:  if you change repos yes11:32
ph8i see11:32
ubotuThe guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade11:32
Mr-Falkoraftertaf, So I can do a apt-get dist-upgrade the oct 13 ?11:32
concept10ohphracku, like what?11:32
ohphrackuthey probably have been reported11:32
frankkhey people, is ubuntuforums.org down?11:32
aftertafMr-Falkor:  yep... (and before too11:32
Mr-FalkorI love apt-get11:33
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aftertafohphracku:  maybe, but reporting gets more weight on them, and confirmed bugs that are hanging aroud11:33
concept10anyone know a good tutorial for making .debs?  should I just use checkinstall?11:33
Casanovai get the following error when i run make11:33
aftertafMr-Falkor:  apt-get moo :)11:33
Casanovamake: LIBTOOL@: Command not found11:33
Casanovamake: *** [appmap]  Error 12711:33
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aftertafCasanova:  dont paste.11:33
ph8I don't have a dkpg.log11:33
Casanovadoes some know why11:33
Mr-Falkoraftertaf, the beta seems very stable :)11:33
ph8* pkg11:33
doogluswhen breezy boots, do the kernel messages have some huge timestamp on them now, instead of starting from zero like they used to?11:33
Casanovaaftertaf, just 2 lines?11:33
aftertafok. phew sorry Casanova  :)11:33
ph8i got it using apt-get if it makes a difference11:34
aftertafppl start like that and sometimes fill the screen ;)11:34
dooglusI see lines like this: [4294675.502000]  hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found11:34
doogluslike the kernel has been up for 4.2 million seconds11:34
aftertafMr-Falkor:  depends which day..... but yeah, its getting there11:34
Casanovais aftertaf a bot?11:34
dooglus/var/log/dpkg.log ph8?11:34
Mr-Falkoraftertaf, jepp :)11:35
ph8not there11:35
aftertafnope, i'm just bored and so hanging around :)11:35
dooglusbreezy, ph8?11:35
ph8i've tried it the other way but got an unexpected result11:35
ohphrackuok when selecting the different package sections in synaptic often/somtimes the section will be empty then you come bak to it and it'll show the packages in that group.11:35
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Casanovawell anyway can some one help me with my problem?11:35
dooglusmaybe it's new in breezy ph811:35
ph8I was trying to install a java Dev Environment so i can use BlueJ (which i'll use at uni)11:35
aftertafloooooooool Casanova thx man ;)11:35
ph8so i tried the free-java-sdk package11:35
ph8which also installed a load of other stuff11:35
dooglusCasanova: what are you trying to make?11:35
Belutzaftertaf is a bot... a living ubuntu bot :D11:36
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ph8the VM it provides is crap so i want to try sun's .bin now11:36
AnkhWeaselWoah. It has to download 500MB of stuff. >_<11:36
aftertafCasanova:  you get that whatever you try to make?11:36
ph8but apt-get remove free-java-sdk only removes that package11:36
ph8not all the bumpf it installed with it11:36
dooglusaftertaf: that's not possible, I don't think11:36
ph8the idea of which bugs me11:36
Casanovadooglus, a small program called appmap part of a project called LDTP11:36
Casanovaaftertaf, ??11:36
ph8do you see my dilemma?11:36
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dooglusCasanova: URL?11:36
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Casanovadooglus, i have it on mail11:37
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dooglusCasanova: ugh.  it's going to be hard to debug then11:37
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concept10I dont understand this.  Im on breezy, I try to install 'build-essential' and it says its going to install gcc-3.3-base, I thought breezy was using gcc 4.0...?11:37
aftertafhehe.... everyone went to comedy school in here i see ;)11:38
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skrangleanyone know how to install ubuntu from usbdrive?11:38
ph8dooglus: Do you see what i mean11:38
aftertafconcept10:  maybe a dependancy of build-essential?11:38
mrchicagoheh, ill submit it to freshmeat11:38
concept10aftertaf, yes, I guess so..11:38
dooglusph8: sed: -e expression #1, char 9: unterminated `s' command11:39
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aftertafconcept10:  guess not:    gcc (>= 4:4.0), g++ (>= 4:4.0) in dependencies..... wierd11:39
concept10aftertaf, is breezy based mostly on sid?11:39
twibbler!tell Licker about repositories11:40
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dooglusph8: I use "debfoster" to make sure all the associated junk gets removed.11:40
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aftertafconcept10:  afaik, the ubuntu team snapshot sid every 6 months when they start new development....11:40
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aftertafconcept10:  i read it somewhere...... but could be wrong11:41
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twibblera quick ? how do I restart the cups system without rebooting ?....11:41
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dooglusph8: first time you run it, it will ask you a lot of questions about which packages you want to keep, but after that, it's very useful11:41
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Seveastwibbler, /etc/init.d/cupsys restart11:41
dooglussudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart11:41
HiddenWolfSeveas, sudo!11:42
aftertaftwibbler:  many mysteries and happiness is to be found in the /etc/init.d folder of godness11:42
mrchicagoim submitting to freshemat11:42
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twibblerSeveas: aftertaf: thank you I reverted to unix i had ./etc/init.d/cupsys and it didn't work ....11:43
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Seveasaftertaf, the real godness is in /etc/sudoers11:44
Seveasa configfile that requires you to understand BNF :|11:44
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aftertafSeveas:  i hate this keyb too. everytime i type good it only listens on one O11:45
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ubotuaftertaf: I give up, what is it?11:45
Seveasman sudoers11:45
ph8i'll try debfoster11:45
Seveasit'll freak you out unless you have an MSc in comp.sci. :)11:46
Tomcat_debfoster looks interesting...11:46
aftertafi have an mcse in babylon-ness11:46
Tomcat_Better than my deborphan hacks... :o11:46
Seveasdebfoster is 'tha bomb'11:46
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aftertafi imagine you with a cap turned half backwards when you talk like that ;)11:46
daloydoyhello people11:46
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Seveasaftertaf, caps don't fit on http://kaarsemaker.net/images/hackergotchi.jpg :p11:47
concept10Anyone recently started using Opera?  its nice but it doesnt render some pages properly.  i.e. the ubuntu site11:47
ph8dooglus: after this initial questioning, do i have to use it as a wrapper to install/remove stuff or such?11:48
Seveasoperas CSS support sucks11:48
ph8or is it something i run occasionally11:48
aftertafyeah Seveas, seen it ;)    u sure youre not a bot :p11:48
SeveasI tend to say it's worse than IE, but it's a little better11:48
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daloydoyhow can i load startup scripts in ubuntu? like rc.local in rh11:48
aftertafanyone got a flash plugin for lynx?11:48
marcellusHow do I change the keyboard layout? My nice setup of being able to switch between english and swedish (grp:alt_shift_toggle) was broken when I upgraded to Xorg :/11:48
aftertafdaloydoy:  /etc/init.d/11:48
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concept10Seveas, the CSS may suck, but I must admit that it is very quick11:49
Seveasdaloydoy, put them in init.d and create links from the appropriate runlevels11:49
Seveasconcept10, only because it links everything static11:49
Seveasyou can make all of ubuntu that quick11:49
Crys_UbuPCHey. You guys were right. Ubuntu runs faster with BlackBox.11:49
Seveasit would just require a 'few' more gigs of HD space11:49
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Crys_UbuPCNow how do I configure it?11:49
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Seveasand a whole lot more downloading on upgrades11:50
Crys_UbuPCWhat I mean is: Is there a default ubuntu menu.rc I can download?11:50
concept10I wish I could find this website were someone posted how gnome 2.12 cairo should look compares to how it looks now.11:51
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dooglusph8: you can use debfoster to install and remove packages instead of using apt-get11:52
dooglusph8: but you don't have to.  you can just use it every now and then to prune junk11:52
ph8nice indeed11:53
ph8just cleared up the afore mentioned gunk11:53
aftertafSeveas:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BNF :)11:53
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dooglusph8: that was quick.  when I ran it for the first time it asked me over 100 questions.11:53
ph8i think it asked me about 7011:54
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dooglusph8: you can use "sudo debfoster java" to install java, and "sudo debfoster java-" to uninstall it11:54
ph8i see11:55
dooglus(where 'java' is a package name)11:55
ph8but it appears a good development java VM isn't packaged with ubuntu11:55
ph8if what i've just downloaded is anything to go by11:55
ph8therefore i'll try the sun .bin later today11:55
dooglussun java is non-free, so it's not packaged with ubuntu11:55
darksatanicph8: When you do, use the java-package package.11:56
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ph8oh my bad11:56
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ph8whuzzat then?11:56
dooglusjava-package takes Sun's .bin and turns it into a .deb package so you can install and uninstall it cleanly11:57
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ph8can't find a man entry though, what's the cmd?11:58
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LudolfKann hier irgendjemand Deutsch?11:58
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dooglusph8: it's a package you need to install11:59
ph8i've got the package11:59
ph8but it creates a binary to run on the .bin?11:59
dooglusdpkg -L java-package will list its contents11:59
ph8ah, who knew! :p11:59
ph8so make-jpkg sunfile.bin12:00
ph8then dkpg the .deb12:00
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ph8thanks for that, it's probably saved me loads of time12:00
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dooglus16:21 < Seveas> gautham: for java: download the .bin file from java.sun.com, apt-get install java-package, chmod +x [the .bin file] , make-jpkg [the bin file] , dpkg -i [the generated .deb file] 12:00
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dooglus^-- that's how I've seen it explained in the past by a resident expert12:01
A-starstill no news about the forums?12:01
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ph8what's going on with the forums?12:01
dooglusdown, innum12:01
ph8thought they were 'testing functionality' though?12:01
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Seveasdooglus, !sunjava has the more reasonable version of that ;)12:04
sobersabrehi. i am using breezy. there's qt dependency of skype , and the packlage is in "broken" state12:04
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sobersabrehow do I make it not to be broken ?12:04
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sobersabreit runs ok, but it is in the broken state12:04
concept10omg, all of my apps in System > Preferences are gone.  I think this is because of the gnome-desktop metapackage being removed12:04
sobersabreit is package names incompatibility12:04
concept10sobersabre, I just tried the same, couldnt get it installed myself12:05
Seveassobersabre, it's an error from the skype developers12:05
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sobersabreSeveas, so have they been notified ?12:05
SeveasYou shoukd be able to hack up the deb to make it work12:05
sobersabrethey should know the qt package name for breezy12:05
obontuubuntu won't save my resoultion12:05
hopsingI seem to have happened in on the tail end of a discussion of the same problem I'm having - namely, loading in a jre. The instructions in the Unofficial Ubuntu guide don't wuite make it and I'm too green with Linux to figure it out. Any quick instruction for rookie?12:05
sobersabreSeveas, what do I change ?12:05
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sobersabreisn't the deb signed ?12:05
obontueven though i got "default" ticked12:06
obontui'm using 1024*76812:06
Seveashopsing, ubuntuguide.org is bad12:06
Seveashopsing, breezy or hoary?12:06
elkbuntuobontu: what sort of video card?12:06
obontuand i restart my machine it goes back to 1280*102412:06
obontugeforce 4 mx12:06
Seveassobersabre, unsigned debs can be installed too ;)12:06
hopsingHmm. so far has been pretty good just not on jre12:06
concept10this sucks, I cant remove rhythmbox without removing gnome-desktop12:06
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Seveaslemme see if I can hack it up, where can I download the deb?12:06
sobersabreSeveas,  so what do I edit ?12:06
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elkbuntuobontu when you restary your machine, do you go thru shut down and check 'save session'?12:07
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desplesdahi, i've got a crazy problem with what appears to be an accidental removal of dpkg12:07
obontui don't think i never did "save session"12:07
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elkbuntuobontu: try that12:07
obontuah right!12:07
obontusave current setup!12:07
obontui will12:07
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Seveassobersabre, where can I download the skype deb?12:08
hopsingSeveas, you look like you've got your hands full - can you point me to a better source that Ubunto unoffical?12:08
elkbuntubtw, i take it im not the only person having issues with ubuntuforums?12:08
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sobersabreSeveas, SKYPE.COM :)12:08
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Seveashopsing, breezy or hoary?12:08
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hopsingSeveas - hoary12:08
sobersabreSeveas, i am editing something...12:08
SeveasI;m lazy, was hoping for a nice direct link ;)12:08
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Seveashopsing, grab a .deb file from ubuntu.tower-net.de/ubuntu/12:09
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hopsingSeveas - ok thanks12:09
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obontuit didn't help12:11
jitaanyone knows of warty-release?12:11
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jitawhen it releases?12:11
obontui still got that 1280x1024 when i restarted12:11
elkbuntuyou do have other options in the resolution though, right?12:11
kemikjita:  warty was release almost a year ago12:11
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obontui have save default12:11
obontuand it's tagged12:12
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jitadamn ok thanx kemik12:12
obontumaybe i can change it via some text file or something?12:12
bzimagejita, october 200412:12
kemikjita:  breezy will be released on oct 1312:12
obontuchange the default res?12:12
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elkbuntuim no expert on the xorg.conf file, maybe someone else here is12:12
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sobersabreSeveas, how do i extract the contents of a deb into current directory ?12:12
bzimagejita, hoary was released in april 200512:12
sobersabretar doesn't help...12:13
elkbuntuobontu, do you have an ubuntu live cd?12:13
elkbuntuor just the install one?12:13
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obontuinstall one12:14
obontui'm ubuntu as my main os12:14
obontuand only os12:14
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limguohong91Do i need any Anti-virus for Ubuntu?12:15
bimberisobersabre: you can use the Archive Manager (Apps -> Accessories)12:15
bzimagesobersabre, check: http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2001/07/msg00645.html12:15
kemiklimguohong91:  the odds of getting a virus is reaaaaally slim12:15
bzimage(cli based)12:15
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tudorhow come the clamav is outdated in breezy?12:15
limguohong91I see12:15
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elkbuntuobontu: well, if you have the bandwidth, download the live cd and see if it runs the resolution right. if it does, copy the file xorg.conf to a USB drive or a floppy, and then take the live cd out and copy the xorg.conf from the usb or floppy and see if it helps12:16
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obontucan't i just edit thta file?12:16
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elkbuntusure, but i have no idea what part to edit, let alone what to edit it to12:17
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ubotuNikopol: Not a clue12:17
seliniumlimguohong91, The way that ubuntu does not have access to the root, means even if you did somehow manage to get a virus, Which is soooo unlikely, it will only effect the user not the root operating system12:17
kemikok. so i'm a bit lost here.. downloaded a GDM theme from gnome-looks.org.. am i not supposed to "install it" via System>>Prefs>Theme ?12:18
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elkbuntuobontu: do you know anyone who has a live cd with preferably gnome desktop?12:18
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obontuwell i have this dir which i can't delete from my desktop, it has a lock on it12:18
elkbuntupresuming that's the desktop you're running12:18
bzimagekemik, no.. you need to use the gdm manager for that12:18
obontuhow can i delete it?12:18
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bzimage(to configure gdm)12:18
elkbuntuwhat's it called obontu?12:18
obontui don't even know any other ppl running linux beside me around here12:18
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obontuthose were mplayer codecs i d/led12:19
elkbuntudo you have a cd in your cd drive?12:19
obontubut i don't use mplayer anymore12:19
bzimageit's called gdmsetup12:19
kemikbzimage:  ok. ty.. i though it was the same...  =)12:19
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obontuit says i don't have permission to it12:19
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limguohong91I have been seeing that peopel can install Icons, how do i do it?12:19
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obontuhow do i remove dirs in console?12:20
seliniumobontu: a couple of ways, either run gksudo nautilus to get a root file browser and do it through there, or sudo rm -r /root/to/folder. But if you are new to linux use the former12:20
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jezI'm currently logged onto an Ununtu live Linux install, and was wondering if i could use it to partition a drive on this machine.  Is this possible?12:20
mindmediclimaunion, go to art.gnome.org, open your the theme settings, and drag the download link into the theme manager...12:20
seliniumobontu, Are you new to linux?12:20
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obontui used redhat before12:21
obontubut that was like 4-5 years ago12:21
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obontuso you might say i'm new yeah12:21
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seliniumuse gksudo nautilus to delete it, you won't make any horrific mistakes :)12:21
seliniumin a term12:21
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obontuit says12:22
obontunautilus:7450): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:12:22
obontuAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.12:22
elkbuntuignore that12:22
elkbuntuit should still open it12:22
obontuwhen i open my desktop dir12:22
obontui see nothing on it12:22
obontuthough there is a dir on it12:22
elkbuntuthat'd be nothing to do with the gnome warning12:23
seliniumobontu, that is because it is the root desktop goto /home/user/desktop12:23
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seliniumobonto: using gksudo has made the pc believe you are the root12:23
elkbuntuwhere the word user is your user's name of course12:23
obontugotcha thanx12:23
obontunow i got files in my trash i can't delete12:23
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obontuthey say i don't have permission12:24
ppineHello, how do i check and make sure my system is using the latest/best drivers available for my hardware ?12:24
seliniumok, in /home/user click view/show hidden. go to .trash and delete those12:24
seliniumnot the folder, the contents12:25
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ubotuI guess root is disabled in Ubuntu, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo12:25
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seliniumobontu, do you understand the sudo stuff?12:26
=== buz wonders if there is phpize in the breezy repositories?
jezI'm currently logged onto an Ununtu live Linux install, and was wondering if i could use it to partition a drive on this machine.  Is this possible?12:26
ubotuI heard sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo12:26
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buzjez: if qtparted is installed, yes12:26
obontuis the trash icon supposed to look full all the time?12:26
buzoh no wait12:26
buzthis is ubuntu ;)12:26
kemikobontu:  not if the trash is empty12:26
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obontuit looks full12:26
jezbuz: the HD doesnt seem to be currently mounted tho12:26
ubotucat: Are you smoking crack?12:26
obontubut it says12:26
obontu0 items12:26
ubotuit has been said that hoary is a word that means grey or ancient.  Shakespeare made a joke about it in his play Romeo and Juliet12:27
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buzjez: you cant partition mounted drives anyhow ;)12:27
obontuwhen i click it the title shows a empty trash12:27
Crys_UbuPCHoly crap! kde is gorgeous!12:27
ubotuphp is, like, totally, in the package libapache2-mod-php4 (apache) or php4-cli (command line)12:27
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seliniumobontu: the reason why you couldn't delete things is because you didn't have the authority. Using sudo will give you the auth. But be careful when deleting, sometimes there is no way back.12:27
ubotubuz: Not a clue12:27
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jezbuz: yeah but im wondering whether it lets you even see the drive12:27
jezbecause it creates this virtual memory FS12:27
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buzyes it does12:27
obontubut the icon in my "taskbar"(?)| shows it full12:27
buzit lives in /dev/hd*12:27
elkbuntuive been told enlightenment is like pure crack12:28
Crys_UbuPCIt's like a pretty more functional version of gnome.12:28
buzas always ;)12:28
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Skidwhat about xfce ? ;p12:28
obontuthere it's fine now12:28
Crys_UbuPCenlightenment looks wonderful, but it doesn't auto-configure.12:28
seliniumobontu, cool12:28
catCrys_UbuPC, nope it doesn't12:28
cattry using fluxbox,12:28
elkbuntuenlightenment is still only young, though12:29
elkbuntumain reason i havent tried it yet, i dont want my poor little p2 ubuntu box to OD12:29
Crys_UbuPCI tried blackbox. It looks just bad on linux. Plus the menu is ungood.12:29
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catCrys_UbuPC, dude it doesn't the theme just looks crappy12:29
Crys_UbuPCThey say it is faster than gnome.12:29
elkbuntuanything could be faster than gnome12:30
obontui installed 2 apps from synaptic12:30
obontubut i can't find them12:30
Crys_UbuPCcat I can't install a new theme without the bro@ms in the menu.12:30
elkbuntubut, gnome is reliable12:30
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elkbuntutried and tru12:30
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obontuthey're not in the "Applications" menu12:30
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obontuwhere can i find them?12:30
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RuaraidhDoes anybody know how I can uninstall the proprietary ati driver?12:30
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Ruaraidhany help much apprec.12:30
elkbuntuobontu: go to 'run application' and type in the program names12:31
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Crys_UbuPCelkbuntu, Okay, well it's nice looking have you seen the screenshots?12:31
obontuare svg icons?12:31
obontui mean , are SVG files icons?12:31
elkbuntuscreenshots of which?12:31
obontuah kewl12:32
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obontuhow do i add them to my "Application Menu"?12:32
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RuaraidhBefore I installed, I was at 1280*1024 res, now 1024*80012:32
elkbuntuif you want a desktop icon, obontu, right click desktop, click 'create launcher' then type in the name in the command box12:32
avinoamI set alt+shift to switch languages in KDE and it doesn't work. Anyone know why?12:32
obontui want to add them to the application menu12:32
obontucan i?12:32
elkbuntunot sure12:33
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elkbuntulemme test12:33
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Crys_UbuPCcat got a clue for me as to how I should get blackbox up and running without hours of config?12:33
RuaraidhDoes anyone know how?12:33
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RuaraidhAm I just being clueless?12:33
ubotumethinks ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx12:33
Crys_UbuPCWhoo! I really like this manager. It's cute.12:33
Ruaraidhthanks loads!12:33
elkbuntui dont know obontu, but you can add them to the task bar with the firefox, evolution and gnome help icons12:34
gorillaRuaraidh, more likely noones sure what how is..12:34
elkbuntujust drag the icno from the desktop to there and it'll clone itself there12:34
obontuah ok thanx12:34
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Crys_UbuPCcat, I've seen fluxbox. dsl uses it as default. Runs fast. Runs  pretty.12:35
seliniumobontu, sudo apt-get install smeg     to edit your menus12:35
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seliniumobontu, honest! :)12:36
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humulusanybody havin' a celeron M cpu? is that right that it does not support cpu throttling?12:36
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slb33|awayanyone know when the forum will be back up?12:36
avinoam I set alt+shift to switch languages in KDE and it doesn't work. Anyone know why?12:36
obontuok just did12:37
obontunow what?12:37
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avinoami'm trying to toggle between english and hebrew12:37
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seliniumobontu, application/system tools/ smeg menu editor12:37
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obontuok thanx12:39
obontuit worked12:39
obontunow i only need 2 more things..12:39
obontuwhat's a good mp3 player?12:39
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seliniumobontu, if you type user nicks, it beeps them when you post something. If you start to type the name and press tab it will auto-complete it.12:40
obontui know12:40
ubotusomebody said mp3 was read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support12:40
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seliniumubuntu tell obontu about mp312:41
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jkwAnyone know a good guide to get vlc working? I've been trying to complie the sources without luck.12:41
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avinoamanyone with experience with switching keyboard layouts?12:41
seliniumobontu, what was the second?12:41
jezhad to restart, didnt know the default Ubuntu live password12:41
obontucan you help me install IE via wine?12:41
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jkwIE? :O12:41
jkwWhy curse the computer like that?12:42
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jkw(If you mean Internet Explorer)12:42
seliniumaarrgh, you can help me when you have found out! I botched an install and still need to remove it!12:42
vagamenteHi all... is there any CANON PIXMA IP3000 user??????????12:42
obontui am12:42
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obontui really don't want to12:42
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obontubut my gf needs it12:42
obontuso i have no choice12:42
seliniumjkw: if you do web development it is a necissary evil12:43
jkwvagamente, Loose some questionmarks.12:43
obontui don't feel like dual-booting with windows12:43
catobontu, what's wrong?12:43
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jezif your gf needs IE, time to find a new gf12:43
aftertafobontu:  search ieview wine in google i found a good howto on that once.12:43
obontuok, what's a good mp3 player?12:43
jkwselinium, I do some webdev yes. What is your point with evilness?12:43
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vagamenteHi all... is there any CANON PIXMA IP3000 user???12:44
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obontumaybe there's a web browser which can display some stupid IE loving webpages correctly?12:44
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Red_Bulletcan anybody help me in cedega emulator12:44
jkwobontu, You don't surf on sites like that. ;-)12:44
ubotuit has been said that cedega is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega12:44
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rob^jkw, have you checked that out?12:45
seliniumjkw: as ie doesn't comform to W3standards you need to check everything in IE. bas%^*ds12:45
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obontui understand completely12:45
obontui hate IE too12:45
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Red_Bulletbut i wan't to ask people because i can understatnd peoples better12:45
obontubut i promised her i'll help her, she likes some webpages who won't display properly in FF12:46
jezHow can I resize partitions using Ubuntu live?12:46
jezinstall Windows.12:46
elkbuntuobontu: Opera is nicer with IE-specific pages than firefox is, you can use it free if you put up with some google ads... or dare i say, find a key12:46
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obontua. it's free now12:46
obontub. it doesn't support hebrew correctly12:46
obontuforget that12:46
aftertafobontu:  http://ieview.mozdev.org/12:46
elkbuntuopera is not free now12:46
obontuwhat's a good mp3 player12:46
jkwselinium, Program after w3 and let the ones using IE see a ugly page.12:46
obontuit is12:46
obontuno ads12:46
avinoamobontu you israeli?12:46
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jkwrob^, Checked what out?12:46
seliniumjkw: sadly that would be 90% of the veiwer.12:47
elkbuntuthere was about a 48 hour period where they had free, but that's over now12:47
obontuyes avinoam12:47
obontubut i'm not using kde12:47
gorillaopera is now nag-free :-)12:47
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Dangermouseit is free12:47
avinoamobontu, me too12:47
Dangermousewww.opera.com :)12:47
obontui can see12:47
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catwho said it was free/12:47
KriposIm a totaly newbie and need some help booting and installing ubuntu. Im currently running winxp, and I have burned ubuntu into a cd. but i cant boot from it. it just says "Cd-error". what can I do?12:47
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catopera isn't free12:47
Seveaselkbuntu, since a few days it's free forever12:47
avinoamobontu, you using kde?12:47
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elkbuntuwow, nice12:47
catKripos, burn it again12:47
rob^jkw, sorry I meant Red_Bullet12:47
DangermouseIt is free god damn it. go to www.opera.com12:47
obontunope avinoam12:47
catDangermouse, it's not12:48
Kriposcat, Iv burned it twice.12:48
cat!info opera12:48
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Seveasbut it's as bad as it is free ;)12:48
catubotu Package 'opera' does not exist.12:48
ubotucat: Are you smoking crack?12:48
jkwselinium, Well, if you ain't going to do it after the standards, then why care who sees the site as it should look?12:48
aftertaf________definition of free ? ________12:48
elkbuntui just checked cat, it is free... wow12:48
avinoamKripos, perhaps it's a faulty download?12:48
Dangermouseok free as in no ads..12:48
Seveasaftertaf, in this case -- gratis12:48
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Seveasnot free software12:48
jkwGratis r gott.12:48
aftertafSeveas:  yep... not free in open source free.12:48
avinoamKripos, did you do a md5sum check?12:49
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Seveasand not free as in bug-free :)12:49
Kriposavinoam, hmm, doesnt seems so, downloaded it from ubuntu.com and everything worked fine and no damage on the .iso image. hmm12:49
aftertafi cant get it to install, keeps going on about libqt3c-mt12:49
elkbuntufree as in cost free though, and for most people that's sufficient12:49
aftertafelkbuntu:  exactly ;)12:49
Dangermouseok if you're going to be anal over terminology, that's your prerogative ;)12:49
Seveasaftertaf, I have a patched deb12:49
seliniumSeveas, have you any idea when the forums willl be back online?12:49
aftertafSeveas:  :)12:49
Seveaswell for opera, the debian etch version will do12:49
Kriposwhich file does it actually boot from, from the cd?12:49
avinoamKripos, did you check md5sum?12:49
rdel hu12:49
Seveasselinium, no idea, I never use the forums12:49
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elkbuntujust because the GPL exists, doesnt mean you have to snob anything that isnt GPL12:50
Seveastoo much idiots on there ;)12:50
Kriposavinoam, I will now.12:50
aftertafSeveas:  the sid one i got is no good, you got a url??12:50
avinoamKripos, you burnt it as an ISO?12:50
Seveaselkbuntu, I don't snob non-free things12:50
KriposIt is unpacked ;)12:50
Seveasopera is just bad.12:50
avinoamKripos, or did you copy the iso file onto the CD?12:50
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Seveasaftertaf, debian *etch*12:50
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aftertafi want to try it for its irc client, with the proxy pbs i keep having12:50
aftertafoki Seveas ;)12:51
seliniumSeveas: Found that out the hardway. I followed a walktrough on installing wine and winetools through cvs, Now I cant get rid of winetools.12:51
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Kriposavinoam, I recorded it as a image, and I got all the files and dirs such as ".disk", "install" etc on the cd12:51
elkbuntualas, if you're in my industry (web development) then you cant just avoid it cos it's not exactly what everyone likes... there are alot of opera lovers out there12:51
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Seveasnow who was talking about skyoe before my connection died?12:51
Seveasskype even...12:51
seliniumSeveas, aftertaf12:51
seliniumi beleive12:51
seliniumI have the same prob12:52
elkbuntupersonally, i prefer opera to firefox because it's faster. firefox is getting quite weighed down with mods and plugins and stuff12:52
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aftertafhi junig12:52
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Seveascorrected skype deb: seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/~skype/skype_1.2.0.17-1_i386.deb12:52
avinoamKripos, i'm guessing faulty DL, but the md5sum will tell you that12:52
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catamadeus, hello12:52
Jono{}Hey got a newb q for ya. Whats the root pw on the live cd?12:52
SeveasJono{}, there is no root password12:53
catJono{}, do this sudo -s12:53
nigesudo passwd12:53
Seveascat, better do sudo -i12:53
nigethen put in a new password12:53
seliniumelkbuntu, the beauty of FF is that you can speed it up by altering the about:config12:53
Seveasnige, bad advice12:53
Kriposavinoam, I will check the image with MD5Sum now12:53
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seliniumSeveas, Cheers12:53
Jono{}oh sweet thanks guys...12:53
aftertafselinium:  really?  explain ;)12:53
Seveasbettter teach people to use sudo then to set a root password12:53
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obontuis xmms the best mp3 player for ubuntu?12:53
catobontu, try totem12:54
Jono{}whats the diff between su and sudo ? same thing i thought?12:54
catit's cool12:54
nigewhy seveas?12:54
obontui dunno12:54
dooglusopera is as free as internet explorer12:54
Seveasnige, because the ubuntu way is sudo12:54
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dooglusie. not at all12:54
seliniumobontu, xmms or BMP but it is a choice thing12:54
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nigethat was a sudo :)12:54
Seveasdooglus, and almost as buggy too :)12:54
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obontuwhat's bmp?12:54
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Seveasobontu, beep-media-player12:54
seliniumobontu, beep-media-player12:54
dooglusSeveas: didn't you hear?  firefox is more buggy than IE ;)12:54
seliniumSeveas, you're just too quick!12:55
Seveasdooglus, compare the level of risk of all bugs and IE wins again12:55
Red_Bulletplease help me cedega don't knows started processes in linux i can't start counter-strike with cheatind death and diablo with maphack12:55
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seliniumaftertaf, WHat do you want to know... PM?12:55
aftertafoki selinium ;)12:55
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dooglusSeveas: "IE wins again"?  surely some mistake!12:56
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bzimageSeveas, ?12:56
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obontui d/led beep12:56
nigethe better way would be to disable the root account and remove ubuntu user fromthe sudoers list :P12:56
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Seveasdooglus, i mean IE wins the contest fro buggiest browser ;)12:56
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obontubut it won't play mp3s12:56
obontudo i need to d/l a mp3 codec?12:56
Seveasobontu: To make xmms or beep-media-player actually play things, change the audio output plugin to eSound12:56
aftertafobontu:  check you sound levels and output engine12:57
bzimageSeveas, most bugs in FF are non critical.. the ones in IE are12:57
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bzimagefurthermore.. FW update more frequently (bigfixes)12:57
pinoyskullu guys got news when the forum will be accessible?12:57
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Seveasbzimage, I know that very well, I hate IE12:57
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Seveasread my line carefully ;)12:57
Seveas--> i mean IE wins the contest for buggiest browser ;)12:57
bzimageooh hehehe12:57
bzimagegoing to dast...12:57
bzimagemy bad12:58
obontustill won't play12:58
aftertafobontu:  what is the error message?12:58
obontuno error12:58
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obontujust won't play12:58
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obontuand totem say it has no plugin to deal with mp312:58
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Seveasobontu, up for a little test?12:59
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obontuok sure12:59
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Seveasobontu, do you have multiverse enabled?12:59
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zygacould someone tell me how to regenerate /etc/inittab01:00
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zygaI broke mine by accident01:00
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obontui have no idea what it is01:00
zygaI'm running from the install cd, chtrooted01:00
nigeanyone got tvtime to work?01:00
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aftertafis this a bot attack?01:00
Seveasobontu, paste the file /etc/apt/sources.list on $paste01:00
Seveasobontu, paste the file /etc/apt/sources.list on $paste01:01
supergrovernige: yep01:01
Seveaspaste.ubuntulinux.nl that is01:01
Seveas(it should be an aotu-replace in my client)01:01
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Skideheh irssi plugin?:)01:01
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obontusay what sevas?01:01
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Seveasobontu, execute this command in a terminal: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.kist01:01
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nigei have a bt878 but it always says no signal01:02
Skidpaste the results from your souces file at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl01:02
Seveasand paste the contents of that file on http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl01:02
nigeI have it hoked upto an arial but nothing01:02
obontuok just did01:02
obontuit's empty01:02
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Skidthe file?01:02
silasjobontu tell me about repos01:02
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shinuobontu:  sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list01:02
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silasjops... who is the bot here?01:03
supergrovernige: dunno. I have a winfast2000 xp or something. Works ok. Different chipset i think .. cs88?01:03
nigeahh okay01:03
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Skidobontu: on ubuntuguide.org you can find some sources template - but dont use the backports stuff at the bottom01:03
zygaokay a simple question01:03
nigeyits supposed to work and i know the recepition down here if fine01:03
nigebut it dont work :S01:03
bimberisilasj: ubotu :)01:03
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zygacould anyone *please* post their /etc/inittab anywhere on the net?01:03
shinuSkid: are backports bad?01:03
supergrovernige: plenty of info on their website I seem to recall01:03
silasjbimberi, ah good, thx01:03
obontui think i did you the backports01:03
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silasjubotu tell me about repos01:03
Skidshinu: no, but check topic regarding the firefox update mate01:03
nigenothing about no signal though01:03
nigefrom what i read01:03
obontuwhat do you want me to tell you?01:04
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supergrovernige: I'd check to see that the correct module is loaded01:04
^AnK^!ping me01:04
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH!, ^AnK^01:04
zygaagain, could anyone *please* post their /etc/inittab anywhere on the net?01:04
irvincat /etc/inittab01:04
Skidzyga: yep give me a tick01:04
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nigesupergrover: how would i do that01:04
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zygaSkid: thanks :-)01:05
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obontudo i need an mp3 codec?01:05
shinuSkid: where?01:05
supergrovernige: hehe. lsmod is the command to list the loaded modules. But you need to know what module to look for for your particular chipset.01:05
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Skidzyga: check pm01:05
nigeahh okay01:05
Seveasok, sorry 'bout spontaneous leaving01:06
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Seveashad to restart something :)01:06
Skidshinu: erm, hold on lemme check me logs01:06
nigesupergrover, I know the chipset is bt87801:06
obontudo i need to install a mp3 plugin to listen to mp3s?01:06
nigei got that from dmesg :)01:06
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nigebttv is loaded01:06
Seveasobontu, still there?01:06
nigebt878 is loaded01:06
bimberizyga: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2532 (sry Skid, should have said i was doing it)01:06
sexcopter8000mhello there, is there a channel for OOo queries?01:06
Skidshinu: pm'd you from my lastlog01:07
zygabimberi: thanks01:07
zygaokay I'm good now01:07
Seveasobontu, great, did you get sources.list pasted already?01:07
supergrovernige: ok, thats good. But sadly I dont think I could help more.01:07
shinuok i see01:07
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obontuwhat do i do with it?01:07
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nigethats fine01:08
Seveasput the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list on that site01:08
nigei think found something01:08
nige my problem01:08
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nigebttv0: using:  *** UNKNOWN/GENERIC ***  [card=0,autodetected] 01:08
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obontui don't get it01:08
irvinhow do i create a copy of a folder in Applications menu to the desktop?01:08
shinuSkid: ah.. my friend had this problem and i had to fix it, though i didnt seem to have anything wrong when upgrading...01:08
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Skidobontu: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list01:09
Skidselect all01:09
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seliniumSeveas, will deleting all of winetools uninstall it?01:09
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Skidcopy to clipboard01:09
Seveasobontu, ok, then we'll go the absolute-easy-just-follow-the-commans route :)01:09
Skidthen paste in paste.ubuntulinux.nl01:09
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Seveasobontu, can i talk to you in private?01:09
Skidshinu: ah, okie01:09
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obontuwhere is says text?01:09
Skidjust something i caught a glimpse of01:09
jpfarias_hey, is anyone fixing the x-common-1.0.8 package?01:09
Seveasjpfarias_, why?01:09
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shinuSkid: but maybe at that time there was something wrong with my backports entries so maybe thats why :P01:10
jpfarias_Seveas, it is broken since last week01:10
obontujust did01:10
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supergroverdonesn't sound so good. From memory there are certain parameters that determine the card.01:10
jpfarias_Seveas, it has a file which conflicts with other x packages01:10
Seveasjpfarias_, upgrade dpkg01:10
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Seveasand it'll work01:10
Skidshinu: ahh :)01:10
jpfarias_Seveas, ok, I'll try it01:10
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obontuyes please sevas01:11
mwdownshello. :)01:11
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mwdownsis the ubuntu forums site down?01:11
Seveasobontu, ok, do this: sudo aptitude install mplayer-586 beep-media-player gstreamer0.8-mad01:11
Seveasmwdowns, yes01:11
obontujust did01:12
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obontuhmm i also don't have audio in games, but i do have it in movies01:12
mwdownsok, cool...well, not cool that it's down, cool that it's not just me01:12
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aftertaflol mwdowns :)01:14
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mwdownsgot a question about the command line: how can i figure out what version of programs i have installed?  and how can i figure out what versions are availible from apt?01:14
zygathanks guys, you've saved a lot of my time and sanity01:14
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bimberizyga: np :)01:15
Waxzyga, What was up with your inittab?01:15
zygaWax: I'm remastering a kiosk-like distro based on knoppix01:15
zygaWax: I accidently installed the inittab in my own /, outside of chroot01:16
mwdownsby the way...to any developers or folks responsible for breezy that are here...nice job so far...been having a good time with the rc of breezy01:16
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bimberimwdowns: dpkg -l <package>   <--- gives the installed version01:16
Jono{}I can't install XMMS .. says W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/glib1.2/libglib1.2_1.2.10-10_i386.deb01:16
Jono{}  404 Not Found [IP: 80] 01:16
Jono{}Any ideas pls?01:16
Crys_UbuPC Hey, does ubuntu need to be started specifically in alsa mode to correctly run the alsa sound drivers?01:16
aftertafmwdowns:  and sometimes command --version shows you too01:16
SeveasJono{}, sudo apt-get update01:17
zygaJono{}: the servers were down recently01:17
Jono{}ah ok thnx again01:17
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mwdownscool...thanks bimberi and aftertaf01:17
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erertung jam luli01:18
erershume haker a01:18
zygaCrys_UbuPC: no01:18
Seveaserer, stick to english in here please01:18
zygaCrys_UbuPC: it should just work01:18
Crys_UbuPCSo I don't need to pass the alsa option to the kernel at boot time?01:18
Crys_UbuPCAnyone here using an audigy2zs?01:19
zygaCrys_UbuPC: you shouldn't need to01:19
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bimberimwdowns: apt-cache show <package> | grep Version will show you the version(s) available for install (can be >1 if it's in >1 repositories)01:19
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Crys_UbuPCI'm gonna check out the forums If anyone knows how to get sound going on an audigy sound card lemme know.01:20
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seliniumSeveas, Couldn't find that Skype deb01:20
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mwdownsalright, bimberi.  thanks01:20
shinudoes getting linux-source-2.6.10-2.6.10 mean im downloading the latest kernel's source automatically?01:20
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zygashinu: no, linux-source is for that01:20
AnkhWeaselSelinium: http://frankandjacq.com/ubuntuguide/skype_1.2.0.11-1_i386.deb01:20
mwdownsanother question: been having a hard time getting azureus working in breezy...is that cause the apt-cache shows that the version available is for hoary?01:21
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Seveasselinium, seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/~dennis/skype_1.2.0.17-1_i386.deb01:22
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SeveasAnkhWeasel, that's an old version01:23
SeveasVERY old even01:23
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seliniumSeveas, Cheers01:23
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obontuhow do i uinstall deb packages?01:24
bimberiobontu: sudo dpkg -i whatever.deb01:24
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obontumy bad01:25
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bimberiobontu: sudo apt-get remove <package>01:25
bimberiobontu: yw :)01:26
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shinuim trying to compile a realtek driver for my wireless card and i get this : Makefile:8: /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/build/.config: No such file or directory01:26
shinuhow can i fix it?01:26
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Seveasshinu, apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)01:27
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shinui see, thanks Seveas01:27
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Skidi thoink you may have to setup a symlink too, as i had an issue with an awn-8030 once01:27
Skidthat was looking for build, which wasn't there :)01:27
xuniluserHow do I mount a partition with an ID of "OnTrackDM6"01:27
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BigMadWolfhi all ! i have just installed breezy preview on my laptop asus a6va and ubuntu freezes on "starting hotplug subsystem". it doesn't freeze if i unable my soundcard realtek  alc880 (snd-intel-hda) in the bios. Can i use my sound card on breezy ? it worked fine on hoary.01:31
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aftertafBigMadWolf:  hmmm. report it as a bug. hotplug did same for me but with a usb modem.01:32
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
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Jono{}why do my mp3s sound crap? :) in XMMS sb live 5.101:33
seliniumSeveas: it is winging about libqt3-mt is not available, I have libqt3-mt-dev installed.01:33
Seveasselinium, breezy?01:33
seliniumnope hoary01:33
obontuhow do i delete files?01:33
obontuin console?01:33
shinuobontu: rm01:33
Seveasah, then the real skype one should work01:33
shinuobontu: man rm for more info :)01:34
seliniumSeveas: it doesnt lol.01:34
Seveasselinium, do me a favor: dpkg -l libqt* > private msg01:34
spolai have a problem with my printer, it's a canon bjc 4200: when i try to print something it prints like the top 3 pixels and then it stops. what should i try?01:34
BigMadWolfok aftertaf this bug is already on bugzilla i saw it yesterday, but i cant acces it today :(01:35
BigMadWolfthx aftertaf01:35
BigMadWolfwhat is Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) Colony CD 5 ?01:35
Seveasthe last breezy beta01:35
BigMadWolfi have the preview version01:35
obontuplease help, i can't install win32 codecs01:35
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BigMadWolfwhat's the difference ?01:35
obontui copied them as they are like some webpage suggested01:36
obontuand now i deleted them all and i'm trying to dpkg the package and it won't let me01:36
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BigMadWolfthe last release is colony 5 or preview ? what is the more stable version ?01:37
shinuobontu: did you run: dpkg -i filename?01:37
obontuit wont let me01:37
shinuobontu: sudo blablabla :)01:37
obontuit says01:37
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obontuno not like that01:37
obontuit's root terminal01:37
shinusorry :P01:38
obontudpkg: error processing w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb (--install):01:38
obontu trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/win32/acelpdec.ax', which is also in package w32codec01:38
obontudpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)01:38
obontuErrors were encountered while processing:01:38
obontu w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb01:38
obontuit's ok01:38
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obontubut i deleted everything in that dir01:38
obontuit's empty now01:38
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obontumaybe there are some hidden files?01:38
cathi dealt01:38
dealtin installing j2sdk in hoary, do i need to setup my $CLASSPATH?01:38
shinuobontu: try uninstalling w32codec01:39
catsudo apt-get install w32codec01:39
obontuhow can i UNinstall?01:40
aftertafon end of wat cat said01:40
shinuobontu: apt-get remove w32codec01:40
aftertafapt-get --help01:40
obontuok now i got them installed01:41
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Crys_UbuPCThis is useless. I can't find out what to do.01:41
obontubut still01:41
obontui can't play mp3s01:41
aftertafCrys_UbuPC:  whats the pb?01:41
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obontuit says i'm missing a plugin01:42
shinuobontu: you dont need w32codecs to paly mp3s...01:42
aftertafobontu:  try with another player... try with mpg321, see if sound works and your system can handle mp3s01:42
shinuw32codecs is for video i think01:42
obontui tried totem01:42
Angel-SLwhen i install Ubuntu it doesnt detect the network card01:42
obontuand bmp01:42
obontuthey don't play01:42
Crys_UbuPCAudigy 2 zs won't put out sound under linux. DSL doesn' have a problem with it though, and it's using the alsa drivers.01:42
obontuand i also get no audio in games01:42
obontubut i can hear audio in movie clips01:43
BigMadWolfthe latest release is colony 5 or preview ? what is the stablest version ?01:43
Angel-SLbut KUbuntu does01:43
aftertafobontu:  what software for audio & video do you use?01:43
Crys_UbuPCaftertaf: That was for you.01:43
obontui use totem player for video01:43
aftertafCrys_UbuPC:  erf.... wanting to be helpful, but letting you down, sorry...... no idea01:43
obontuand bmp for audio01:43
aftertafcan totem read music/mp3?01:44
aftertafinstalled gstreamer packages?01:44
obontubut it can play movie audio01:44
shinuobontu: try xmms01:44
obontui did01:44
obontuit hangs when i try to play mp3s01:44
obontuand i don't like it01:44
deFrysktotem can read also mp3 afaIk01:44
Crys_UbuPCaftertaf: I know. The wiki had a couple of okay ideas, but none worked.01:44
aftertafyou did , what. xmms?    thats an engine pb then01:44
obontui think i did01:44
obontuhow do i install it again?01:44
obontui'll try01:44
aftertafobontu:  kick up synaptic and install gstreamer alsa stuff01:44
aftertafCrys_UbuPC:  tough one... is it supported ok in alsa?01:45
joetheoddHow can I figure out what distro version I'm running?01:45
shinu/sbin/wlanctl-ng <== what package should i get to have those commands?01:45
obontuthe green squares are the things i already installed right?01:45
shinuim trying to run airsnort01:45
ph8I discovered i hadn't included multiverse etc01:46
aftertafobontu:  looool ;) yes:)01:46
ph8and i've just run my first update01:46
obontuso i got most of them installed01:46
ph8it says 'these packages can't be authenticated!'01:46
ph8big problem?01:46
Crys_UbuPCaftertaf: Yeah. the alsa autoinstall under damnsmall linux recognizes it first try.01:46
ph8it also wants to upgrade gcc4, is that likely to break things?01:46
shinuph8: nah, i just press 'yes' :P01:46
aftertafCrys_UbuPC:  hmmm. what module does it use?01:46
obontuwhat do i do? :(01:46
shinuobontu: http://ubuntuguide.org/#codecs01:47
Angel-SLjoetheodd: gcc --version01:47
aftertafobontu:  have you changed output engines on beep?01:47
=== hansi_xp [n=hansi@CPE-60-231-234-66.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
obontuto waht?01:47
ubotuI guess ubuntuguide is out of date, breaks PCs and doesn't explain anything. The official FAQ Guide, which is based on ubuntuguide will soon be the help menu in Breezy. For more information see !faq.01:47
ubotuit has been said that codecs is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats01:47
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shinuwell... i still like ubuntuguide :P01:48
rob^obontu, use http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats instead of ubuntuguide01:48
shinuvery good for beginners like me...01:48
rob^shinu, you will like the faq guide then, for now don't use ubuntuguide, use the wiki01:49
Crys_UbuPCaftertaf: I'm not sure what you mean about modules.01:49
shinurob^: sure, i try yo use all of them, but ubuntuguide was the first thing i heard about and had quite some usefull things01:49
Seveasshinu, ubuntuguide is bad, doc.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com are much better01:49
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Crys_UbuPCall the wiki docs say to check a box that I checked.01:49
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Seveasshinu, yeah, ubuntuguide has useful things to screw over your system...01:50
=== shinu visits that page
aftertafCrys_UbuPC:  ok... when a soundcard is used in linux, there is a module for it (like a driver)01:50
rob^Seveas, doc.u.c is only a place for previews and shouldn't be used by people01:50
shinui see01:50
aftertaflike most things in linux either hardcoded in kernel or compiled asa module and inserted as needed.  DSL will have inserted a module to.....01:51
rob^Seveas, it will be help.u.c that will contain static bug free (hopefully!) docs01:51
tudoranyone managed to install the UNICORN driver for the USB adsl modem?01:51
Seveasrob^, even now d.u.c is more helpful than crappy ubuntuguide :)01:52
Crys_UbuPCaftertaf: So we're not talking about alsa or oss anymore, are we?01:52
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tudorI tried to compile it but I have errors01:52
Dogtixapologies if this is an faq atm ... is there a mirror for unbuntuforums? seems to have been down for days01:53
rob^Seveas, heh yeah, problem is that is sometimes broken as a script pulls the previews out of svn automatically01:53
aftertafCrys_UbuPC:  yes, sort of... alsao is part of the kernel now, and it should have kernel modules for all types of sound cards...    DSL will have used one and if you can boot into DSL and type lsmod in console, youmight find the name of it.....    what does lspci tell you about your card?01:53
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rob^Seveas, although we are in string freeze at the moment, so things should be pretty stable there for a while01:54
Crys_UbuPCWhat's ispci?01:55
aftertafsmall L ;)01:55
ph8Seveas: IN your directions for converting .bin java install files to .deb's should I run make-jpkg with fakeroot or as root?01:55
aftertaftype it in console ;)01:55
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Seveasph8, make-jpkg will refuse to run when you're root :)01:55
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aftertafLSPCI   but in small leters.01:55
catCrys_UbuPC: u mean lspci01:55
ph8oh, it said 'you must run as root or use fakeroot' i assumed fakeroot, was just checking01:55
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Seveasand the breezy make-jpkg runs fakeroot automatically, so you can use just 'make-jpkg'01:55
A-starso what is the latest news aboutthe forums?01:56
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Skidwhats up with the forums?01:56
ph8Unpacking sun-j2sdk1.5 (from sun-j2sdk1.5_1.5.0+update05_i386.deb)01:56
ph8reckon i'll still need to install something so firefox can run java applets?01:56
Dogtixservers are down, have been for the past couple days01:56
ph8if this is a/the development environment01:56
Red_Bullethow to start win4lin01:57
shinugotta run, thanks a lot for the help! :)01:57
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=== keikoz bjour tlm
henkI'm not too happy with printing under linux. it looks crappy. I was wondering if there was a way to share the printer connected onto the linux box to the windows network so that i could print directly to that printer from windows (using the propietary driver installed on the windows box) does samba enable me to do that? or does printing still go though cups that way ?01:58
A-starit's a shame they are down, really mis them :(01:58
Crys_UbuPC0000:00:0a.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy (rev 04)01:58
Crys_UbuPC0000:00:0a.1 Input device controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy MIDI/Game port (re                  v 04)01:58
Crys_UbuPC0000:00:0a.2 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Creative Labs SB Audigy FireWire Port (rev 04                  )01:58
Crys_UbuPCWhops, sorry.01:58
Crys_UbuPCI thought that would only be one line.01:59
Skidhm, i wonder how much bandwidth the forums use01:59
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Skidactually, i wonder how to become a mirror02:00
=== Skid trawls the site
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Crys_UbuPCaftertaf: I put it into the window for when you are ready to look at it.02:02
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henkwhat are these colonies ?02:03
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CaiN_SAtheir are basicly release candidates02:03
henkhmm funny naming scheme02:03
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ubotuw32codecs is a set of codecs for popular audio/video formats (wmv etc). Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hory), or http://tinyurl.com/87ofx (Breezy). 64-bit? See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5439902:04
cathey how can i subcribe to the ubuntu mail list?02:05
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rob^cat, lists.ubuntu.com02:05
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rob^wow w32codecs is icky icky poo02:07
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boxerboy29cat: go to ubuntu.com and sign up (its either com or org i cant remember)02:07
Seveasrob^, it sure is :)02:07
staggerhi! i'm using gentoo and am interested in one of your acpi scripts. could someone please nopaste ( http://rafb.net/paste ) the /etc/acpi/ script for the laptop lid?02:07
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staggeri'd very much appreciate that02:08
supergrovercan anyone tell me why unofficial backports thrived but when it became official it withered away?02:08
onkarshindeWhat all formats are supported by w32codecs?02:09
rob^supergrover, because most people only used it for legally dodgy things like w32codecs02:09
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rob^and the maintainers seem to have lost intrest02:09
rob^and breezy is about to be released02:09
supergroverrob^: but it seperated into extras and backports02:09
supergroverrob^: breezy, yes, one good reason.02:10
rob^breezy makes all the backports pretty useless02:10
rob^there will be a breezy backports if they find the time after release though02:10
supergroverrob^: true. But will it get healthy again? Some official people seem to be down on it. It seems.02:10
ompaulstagger, #ubuntu-offtopic02:11
staggeryou should even be able to do "grep -R chvt /etc/acpi/" to find the right file.02:11
staggerompaul: ok02:11
rob^supergrover, only time will tell I guess02:11
=== cat is reading the Debian Gnu Linux 3.1 bible
Seveasstagger, the lid script does a chvt 12 on lid close :)02:11
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Dogtixcat, does it have a section on s/w raid? ;)02:11
catyes it does02:12
Seveasstagger, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/253502:12
Crys_UbuPCaftertaf: You still there?02:12
twibblerhas anybody installed skype under breezy ... having an install error with a no longer supported lib module .02:12
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aftertafyep.... Crys_UbuPC02:12
onkarshindeDO i need to reconfigure xorg after adding an AGP card to my system. Or will Ubuntu do it automaticlly at next boot?02:12
Dogtixany recommended settings for 'today' sized arrays? (like 4x320G)02:12
staggerSeveas: thanks a lot!02:12
cattwibbler: Seveas has the packaged02:12
catask him for the packaged02:12
aftertaftwibbler:  ^^^^02:12
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tudortwibbler: skype works on my breezy02:12
Crys_UbuPCDid you get that printout you asked for you?02:12
rob^twibbler, does this work: http://doc.ubuntu.com/gnome/faqi386/C/ch03s06.html#id315452602:12
aftertafCrys_UbuPC:  nope.... /msg me it02:13
catdamn rob^ you'r good02:13
rob^heh thanks02:13
twibblerlooks like a known problem ..... hehehehehehehe02:13
catrob^: bob2?02:13
rob^cat, no02:13
catoh ic02:13
catrob weir =)02:14
rob^I maintain that doc I gave twibbler a link to02:14
catoh nice,02:14
Seveasstagger, http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/~dennis/acpi.tar <-- complete /etc/acpi and /usr/share/acpi-support02:14
onkarshindebob2: rob^: Can you please answer my question?02:14
staggerSeveas: :d02:14
staggerSeveas: :D02:14
twibblerrob^: just downloading and installing now .....02:14
rob^twibbler, great02:14
catdamn sid was acting out yesterday02:15
bob2onkarshinde: no02:15
bob2also, yes02:15
Seveasrob^, ewwwww02:15
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onkarshindeCan anyone else answer this. Do i need to reconfigure xorg after adding an AGP card to my system. Or will Ubuntu do it automaticlly at next boot?02:15
Crys_UbuPCwill linux automatically detect and use a graphics card?02:15
Seveasthat faq entry downloads a bad version of skype02:15
onkarshindebob2: What do you mean?02:15
rob^Seveas, grr it used to work02:15
Seveasrob^, change that url to the official one please02:15
catonkarshinde: it will automaticly at next boot02:15
rob^Seveas, what is it?02:15
Seveasit's set to franlnjacq.com somethimg02:16
twibblerSeveas: where do I download from ?.........02:16
Crys_UbuPCLike use the gpu and the  memory?02:16
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aftertafCrys_UbuPC:  depends on the card and if drivers are installed.02:16
Seveastwibbler, hoary or breezy?02:16
twibblerSeveas: Breezy02:17
boxerboy29seveas: that is the same site that the guide is on now too02:17
niksieHi all, I'm a debian user, and a company I do consulting for occasionally wants to set up a ubuntu server, I'm rather unfamiliar with Ubuntu, and am wondering if it makes a good choice for a server..02:17
onkarshindeaftertaf: What if card is ATI Radeon 700002:17
aftertafNiklasH_work:  yes... :)02:17
Seveastwibbler, seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/~dennis/skype_1.2.0.17-1_i386.deb02:17
Seveasboxerboy29, ubuntuguide sucks. especially because of this kinf of crud02:17
aftertafCrys_UbuPC:  onkarshinde:  dunno..... itll work but you'll need to change xorg.conf file and check that driversa re installed02:18
boxerboy29i understand but some ppl swear by it others cant stand it and i only use it for the multi souces02:18
twibblerrob^: thats the link I had the problems with ....02:18
Crys_UbuPCI don't know how to do that, but I'm going to bed.02:18
Crys_UbuPCI'll see you all later.02:19
rob^aww get buggered..02:19
rob^it was working before string freeze :(02:19
Crys_UbuPCStill with no sound. I'm gonna reboot into windows and fall asleep listening to music.02:19
Seveasboxerboy29, especially the sources are crud too02:19
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Seveasbackports are excellent in screwing over your system02:19
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Seveasand -extras is alwyays out of date02:19
boxerboy29i got rid of the backports02:20
twibblerrob^ requires libqt3c102-mt on breezy libqt3-mt ....02:20
niksieIs Ubuntu meant for servers at all, or is it a mostly workstation distro?02:20
hypn0is usb support a work in progress, i need to get an asdl modem, and judging from webcam, it doesnt look too stable, so probaly work work well with usb :-/02:20
catniksie: servers also02:20
Seveasniksie, ubuntu works fine on servers02:20
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aftertafniksie:  base install is for servers...... it can do what you want otherwise02:20
catubuntu is the best ever,02:20
catreally nice02:21
twibblerniksie: we have ubuntu samba server running.. very nice ....02:21
aftertafhypn0:  usb is sort of stable.... whats the trouble?02:21
boxerboy29im just waiting for the menu guide for breezy02:21
cathypn0: so hotplug is acting out?02:21
rob^menu guide?02:21
twibblerthank you all skype now installed ........02:21
niksieI was thinking I might set up a ubuntu server, and leave it to some other guys to maintain it, since its maintenance is supposed to be simpler than debian..02:21
hypn0aftertaf, video sometimes works sometime doesnt :-) i'm not too bothered, cause next version will fix it hopefully02:22
hypn0seems to be related to wether webcam is connected at startup :-)02:22
cathypn0: damn02:23
catso when the usb act out do /etc/init.d/hotplug restart;02:23
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jezUbuntu live doesn't come with gcc?! argh...02:23
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dealthi, i followed the j2sdk installation guide on sun's site. but when i ran a java program, im having a 'Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: test/hello' error02:24
hypn0ok, will try that cat02:24
aftertafhotplug gonna be deprecated soon anyway iirc02:24
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ubotuI guess java is to install Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats02:25
cat!iloveubuntu (:02:26
ubotucat: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about02:26
jez'whereis gcc02:26
jezgcc: '02:26
catjez: do sudo apt-get install gcc02:26
aftertaf!info gcc02:26
ubotugcc: (The GNU C compiler), section devel, is standard. Version: 4:3.3.5-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 4 kB, Installed size: 64 kB02:26
dealti do have both j2re and j2sdk02:27
ompauljez, apt-get install buildessentials02:27
jezamazing that you should have to do that...02:27
jezE: Couldn't find package buildessentials02:27
catjez:  apt-get install gcc02:27
catthat's it02:27
ompauljez, apt-get install build-essentials02:27
catwhat do you mean no02:27
Seveasnot essentials02:28
ompaulSeveas, kick me02:28
aftertafompaul:  run the brain script again dude02:28
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
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Seveaswb :)02:29
ompaulthanks :)02:29
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Seveas] by Seveas
catdamn dash is really good02:29
ompaulaftertaf, thats what it was02:29
twibblerjust a comment... Is breezy really this much beter than hoary ....02:29
jpfarias_how do I install python-pylib?02:29
catjpfarias_: apt-get install02:29
aftertaftwibbler:  oh yeah baby :)02:30
jpfarias_cat: it gives an error02:30
aftertafjpfarias_:  sudo apt-get install02:30
boxerboy29breezy mainly is more up to date02:30
catwhat error?02:30
ompaultwibbler, that is a question, it is better, and I like it more, would you notice, maybe, can you afford it not work for you? if not stick with hoary02:30
ompaulsudo is missing02:30
twibbleraftertaf: I am really impressed now it is all running ....02:30
jpfarias_cat: it tries to compile a .py file it should not02:30
twibblerompaul: sorry ... I write software I cant phrase english ....02:31
jpfarias_cat: it is a buggy .py file, which is part of the examples of py.test02:31
catjpfarias_: don't know dude02:31
ompaulthe command is :sudo apt-get install python-pylib02:31
jpfarias_ompaul, it doesn't works02:32
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aftertafand kde 3.5 is swish like a curtain rail02:32
jpfarias_ompaul, as I said to cat, it tries to compile a .py file it should not compile02:32
aftertaffunky cold medina pager 'n' all02:32
catgnome sucks02:32
ompauljpfarias_, what error does it give?02:32
Seveascat, this is not the place fro gnome-kde wars02:33
catthe home trash icons doesn't appear on gnome02:33
twibblercat: gnome rocks (or at least it will when I have copied the Led Zep over from laptop)...02:33
catthat's why mr Seveas02:33
jpfarias_ompaul, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/253602:33
cati think you'r really helpfull Seveas keep it up dude02:33
Seveascat trash: bottom right corner   home: places -> home02:34
xunilusermy acrobat reader wont work....02:34
catyeah saw it02:34
ompauljpfarias_, that error comes from   python2.4-pylib02:34
xuniluseri just apt-get install acroread02:34
Seveasmuch nicer then taking space on the desktop :)02:34
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jpfarias_ompaul, yep, python-pylib is a dummy package02:35
jpfarias_ompaul, it just installs the correct version for the corresponding python version02:35
jpfarias_ompaul, in my case, python2.4-pylib02:36
ompauljpfarias_, I got the same error (in english) [when I tried to install it]  and states that the file it tries to run is not python - time to get a python coder to fix it perhaps :)  [me not one] 02:36
jpfarias_ompaul, that's not the problem02:37
ompauljpfarias_, ok02:37
jpfarias_ompaul, that file is really not a python code02:37
jpfarias_ompaul, it is an example to show how the py.test works on non valid .py programs02:37
ompauljpfarias_, reading the detail now02:38
cathey if i forget my username password what can i do?02:39
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Seveasor reboot into recovery mode :)02:39
jpfarias_cat, you can boot with ubuntu CD02:39
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aftertaftoo fast!!!02:39
jpfarias_cat: open a shell02:39
jpfarias_cat: and chroot into your environment02:39
ompaulcat, reboot, press escape, type "passwd username" reboot02:40
Seveasjpfarias_, that's what rescue mode is for02:40
Seveasno need for fiddling with chroot02:40
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jpfarias_Seveas, hehe, I did not know the rescue mode....02:40
jpfarias_Seveas, my ubuntu never failed me ;-)02:41
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AnkhWeaselHeh, manual upgrade to 5.10 turned out a bit messy for me. ;)02:41
WhistlerAnkhWeasel i reccomend you to do a fresh install02:41
seliniumCheers, Seaveas, all installed now!02:42
Whistleri had few bugs with update from hoary02:42
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AnkhWeaselHelp and About? :P02:42
ompauljpfarias_, are you running breezy? did you update this morning?02:42
seliniumCheers, Seveas, all installed now!02:42
jpfarias_Seveas, do you know if it is possible to install a python package without compiling .py file to .pyc02:42
AnkhWeaselI checked about to see if it showed the new version...messy. ;)02:42
jpfarias_ompaul, yep02:42
ompauljpfarias_, I wonder if it broke it02:42
SeveasWhistler, neh, even failed dist-upgrades can be solved02:42
SeveasAnkhWeasel, what's the status now?02:42
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jpfarias_ompaul, I dunno, just tried to install it today02:43
ompauljpfarias_, I have to go for a couple of hours biab02:43
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WhistlerSeveas i know but i did a fresh install and i am happy :)02:44
catfoxhow hard do you think it would be to rebuild an ubuntu install cd, but remove a load of apps, and add some?02:44
Seveashard, given that the process is not well-documented02:45
henkif i use samba to share my lpt printer. And i print from windows connected to the same network. does printing go directly using the drivers installed on windows or does cups capture this and do the printjob with linux drivers ?02:46
AnkhWeaselSeveas - this all happened 'cause I wanted J2SE in Firefox. :P02:46
AnkhWeaselThat, and 'cause I'm a newbie at this game.02:47
AnkhWeaselEssentially, the repository at ubuntuguide couldn't be found, nothing I downloaded from the Sun site helped, and someone who, sadly, I can't remember the name of in IRC mentioned that it worked fine for them "out of the box" in 5.10.02:47
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BlueEagleHow many hours before GMT is EST?02:48
xTinaBlueEagle: 502:48
xTinacatfox: what are you trying to accomplish?02:49
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nerdy2Blue-Box, it's still EDT though02:51
jezWTF is this about02:52
jez"configure: error: *** libparted >= 1.6.0 development files not installed.02:52
jezPlease install first (e.g. run "apt-get install parted-devel" on Ark Linux) ***02:52
jezparted-devel isn't found02:52
boxerboy29jez: you using ark linux?02:52
nerdy2run apt-get install libparted1.6-dev02:53
nerdy2for breezy02:53
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jezhmm, seems to work02:53
jeznot documented thoguh02:53
twibbler? ... what is a good video player ... to play mpegs .... as totem keeps crashing ...02:54
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henktwibbler, i use mplayer02:54
deFrysktwibbler, try totem-xine02:54
havocmplayer and xine are the two good ones02:54
alisherSeveas: I just have seen your testing repository, have a question02:54
twibblerthank you .... both ...02:54
nygmahaving a small problem, my screen just goes white while surfing using firefox often (i'm on hoary)...any idea why ?02:54
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waeli have an installation question for ubuntu 5.04 (x86-32 bits)02:55
Seveasalisher, ask away02:55
henkbtw if i install ubuntu and want to get KDE instead of gnome whould that replace gnome? or whould i end up with a situation that lets me choose between to two ?02:55
havochenk: you can choose02:56
alisherwill it work, I thought w32codecs disappeared from repositories02:56
boxerboy29kubuntu is kde version of ubuntu02:56
Seveasalisher, only if you have a repository with w32codecs enabled02:56
boxerboy29u can get kubuntu desktop from synaptic02:56
alisheraha, I think marillat is the only one has it so far?02:56
havocfor 5.10 preview KDE is in main02:56
Skidkde is the darkside !02:56
havocKDE is for people who want to use KDE02:57
Seveasalisher, there are a few others02:57
havocis KDE not in main for hoary?02:57
=== Skid guesses its the wrong tim eof the month
Seveasit is02:57
alisherand you mentioned authentication02:58
waelwhen i try to install ubuntu, i can get to the base system install phase but then the cd keeps spinning and no progress in installtion, the cd is ok (pressed cd coz i used it to install ubuntu on another cd and it went fine)02:58
boxerboy29i wont use kde on ubuntu i have madriva 2006 and fc4 if i want kde02:58
=== jpfarias_ is now known as jpfarias
AnkhWeaselHas anyone here been able to install JRE for Firefox lately? I'll stop bugging people about this after now. :/02:58
SeveasKDE has been in main since early in the hoary development cycle02:58
SeveasAnkhWeasel, sure, just get a deb02:58
havocSeveas: cool, I was just curious02:58
=== AnkhWeasel smiles. That's what I've been looking for, mate.
henkhavoc, well i haven't desided yet. So if i grab the installer from the 'colony 5' for ubuntu i can install kde as well? try them out both02:58
havocSeveas: it doesn't really matter now02:58
havochenk: I'd guess so02:59
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henkhavoc, nice02:59
havochenk: I just installed the breezy preview and KDE02:59
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boxerboy29i installed colony 3 and hoping that with the normal updates im up to colony 502:59
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alisherSeveas: the link to the Skype package you gave today seems not to work, is it still there03:00
alisherThe requested URL /~skype/skype_1.2.0.17-1_i386.deb was not found on this server03:01
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Seveasthat's correct, the url was never like that :)03:01
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waelcouldn't be that my Benq CD writer isn't compatible to install ubuntu from it?03:02
alisherthe url i pasted was: seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/~skype/skype_1.2.0.17-1_i386.deb03:02
boxerboy29skype=voice over chat program?03:05
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AnkhWeaselPretty much, yeah.03:05
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AnkhWeaselAh, I'll try this some other time...Thanks for the help, Seveas.03:06
dazjorzhellloo :)03:06
brrrtdoes anyone know when ubutuforums.org will be back up agaiin?03:06
boxerboy29ty ive heard alot of ppl wanting it just never understood what it was03:06
boxerboy29brrrt: are you using breezy?03:06
hutgyrrive just downloaded BitchX as a tar.gz file. How do I install this?03:06
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boxerboy29breezy is adding a guide to menu03:07
Seveashutgyrr, you throw it away03:07
Skidtar zxvf bitchx-filename.tar.gz03:07
Skidthen read the install file03:07
Seveashutgyrr, and you do apt-get install bitchx03:07
dazjorzhutgyrr: BirtchX ? Usually with .tar.gz files, you unpack, then use some commands, or use the manual...03:07
nightswimand then you start it up03:07
nightswimthen you quit it and install irssi03:07
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boxerboy29isnt bitch-x in synaptic?03:07
Skidnightswim: lol you tookthe words out my mouth03:07
Seveasboxerboy29, it is03:07
dazjorzSeveas: did you unban me ?03:07
dazjorzSeveas: who did ?03:08
boxerboy29this may sound stupid but if there why download it?03:08
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Seveasboxerboy29, maybe hutgyrr does not yet know the power of apt :)03:08
boxerboy29seveas could be true03:08
Skidboxerboy29: heh not everyone uses packages (or dists that support package mangement, i.e. apt) - so they install from the source03:08
Skidorrrr, their uber geeks ;)03:09
hutgyrrSeveas, I do but the bitchx package is unavailable03:09
catfoxxTina, (sorry for the delay) - i want a custom installer to have a distro with zope + plone + a python ide out of the box03:09
Seveashutgyrr, you might need to enable universe03:09
Seveas!tell hutgyrr about sources03:09
boxerboy29im still mad as hell at bitch-x anyway03:09
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waelsorry to nag abt it but it drives me crazy,when i try to install ubuntu, i can get to the base system install phase but then the cd keeps spinning and no progress in installtion, the cd is ok (it is a pressed cd coz and i used it to install ubuntu on another pc and it went fine)03:09
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ph8Seveas: Do you mind if I pm quickly?03:10
Seveaswael, maybe the drive is dirty?03:10
Seveasph8, not at all03:10
waelseveas, i used live cd and it booted fine, the drive is clean, the cd also.. it is a benq cdrw writer, could be incompatible with ubuntu?03:12
boxerboy29wael: did you try another pressed cd?03:12
waelboxerboy29 yes i tried 3 already !03:12
waelthey worked fine with my other pc and laptop03:13
boxerboy29wael i oreded 10 tried 4 till i found a good one :(03:13
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azathothhey folks. i'm using a cruddy old geforce 256 (an elsa synergy force) which ubuntu recognises but refuses to push the resolution above 1024x768. it has 32mb ram and i run it in 1280x1024 in winxo perfectly.03:15
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waelOops, something new came up now when trying to install: Unable to load some Modules The unavailable modules are ide-mod (Linix IDE driver), ide-probe-mod (Linux IDE probe driver), ide-detect (Linux IDE detector), ide-floppy (linux IDE floppy)? hmmm this is new03:16
azathothi swiped an rpm of the linux drivers and used alien to make it a deb one. i then install it, but how do i change drivers to the proper one?03:16
azathothi want to get my res up :)03:16
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mirakI am looking for a good webmail03:17
mirakI use squirrelmail usually, but it's broken03:17
waelmirak try horde03:17
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mirakwael I know that one too, but it's too heavy03:18
boxerboy29try thunderbird03:19
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mirakit's not a webmail03:19
juniper05im trying to mount a windows share called temp storage. This is the command im issuing mount -t smbfs // storage/ -o username=etcetc03:19
aftertafazathoth:  wont nvidia legacy do it?03:20
Strogjuniper05: There's a space in the name?03:20
juniper05it wont work though, ive also tried /temp\ storage/03:20
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boxerboy29isnt squirrelmail the same as thunderbird or kmail wher eits used to check you email accounts?03:20
Strogwhat error do you get, juniper05 ?03:20
juniper05hold on03:20
azathothaftertaf: yeah, i was chatting to a buddy of mine and i think we got it fixed now...03:20
azathoththanks though03:21
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waelmirak neomail maybe neomail03:21
obontui can't play mp3s03:21
obontucan someone help please?03:21
Strogboxerboy29: squirrelmail is webbased and the others are local clients03:21
alisherSeveas: could you pls give me a correct url to your Skype package03:21
boxerboy29oh oko03:21
obontuand i think i got it all installed03:21
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aftertafobontu:  well done ;)03:22
aftertaferf i didnt read all sorry :)03:22
aftertafobontu:  did you try a command like mp3 player like mpg123?03:22
juniper05its saying 8442: tree connect failed: ERRDOS - ERRnosuchshare (You specified an invalid share name)03:22
juniper05SMB connection failed03:22
juniper05when i use /temp\ storage/03:22
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havocjuniper05: try quoting it03:22
havocjuniper05: it can't find the share at that machine03:23
chrissturmhmm, gnome panel eats all my cpu. anyone else seeing that?03:23
obontuwhere can i find mpg123?03:23
elkbuntuso does anyone know what's up with the repositories and the forums?03:23
Seveasalindeman, I just moved it, my repository update script is still running03:24
Seveaselkbuntu, forums -> maintenance03:24
havocjuniper05: you can also try adding debug=2 after the username arg03:24
juniper05double quotes or single?03:24
Seveasrepositiries -> are fine03:24
havocjuniper05: double, "03:24
elkbuntui had to change repos to ftp to work yesterday03:24
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aftertafobontu:  apt-get ;)03:25
havocjuniper05: mount -t smbfs "// storage/" -o username=etcetc// storage/ -o username=etcetc,debug=203:25
toranis it just me, or is the universe/multiverse arthive.ubuntu.com repo down?03:25
toranI can't seem to update to it03:25
alishertoran: arthive?03:25
Seveasit's just you :)03:25
obontuit says03:25
obontuCan't find a suitable libao driver.03:25
elkbuntutoran have you tried changing the repos to ftp rather than http?03:25
toranhmm, I'll try that03:25
elkbuntuif one doesnt work the other might03:25
Seveashtto works fine too03:26
alisherthey were down a day ago or so, now they are fine03:26
Seveashttp even :)03:26
juniper05why have you username and share address specified twice03:26
elkbuntuit cant hurt for him to try at least03:26
havocjuniper05: bad paste03:26
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aftertafobontu:  msg me the ful error03:26
chrissturmseveas: the ips resolve to different hosts for different people. yesteday the at mirror was down, changing it to de worked03:26
havocjuniper05: you also need to specify where to mount it03:26
Seveasalisher, http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/03:27
toranwhen I do apt-get update, it says "waiting for headers", and doesn't do anything after getting a bunch of my stuff03:27
alisherSeveas: thk you03:27
Seveasin breezy-extras03:27
elkbuntuseveas when do they expect the forums back up?03:27
aftertaftoran:  have you changed your sources.llist?03:27
toranit was working03:27
havocok, time for meeting, bbl03:27
toranbut then it stopped03:27
juniper05damn, thats not working03:28
toranhttp://pastebin.com/374609 <----- that is my sources.list03:28
aftertaftoran:  looking03:29
deFrysksilly backports again03:29
juniper05if there windows shares should I specify the backslash rather than forward slash?03:30
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toranI got it working03:30
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toranI changed some addresses to different mirrors03:30
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aftertafwhat is the command to test the soundcard? asound -r or sth lmike that... the system returns wat soundcard you have installed....03:32
[koji] help problems with updating firefox i have no browser right now03:32
elkbuntudownload Opera!03:33
WebLOCHaftertaf, aplay -l03:33
aftertaf[koji] :  you have nautilus, konqueror epiphany, lynx.....03:33
=== elkbuntu ducks seveas' wrath
aftertafhehe cheers :)03:33
aftertafasound -r. d'uhhhhhh03:33
[koji] anyone encountered issues with current firefox update?03:34
WebLOCHaftertaf, you having trouble?03:34
elkbuntuthe ubuntu firefox stuff never wants to update for me03:34
alisherin hoary?03:34
trans_errI'm updating to breezy but getting bzip errors when I apt-get update03:34
[koji] i did update but never completed with errors now firefox install is hose03:34
aftertafhehe not me..... but having trouble thinkning, yes!03:35
trans_erranyone else having the same problem?03:35
aftertaftry apt-get -f install03:35
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alisherwhich error did you get? cannot be upgraded, use smart-upgrade?03:35
elkbuntuif you were asking me alisher, yes, hoary03:35
WebLOCHtrans_err, ive bene in here a few days now, no-one has complained of that03:35
[koji] alisher: may need to paste it here03:36
boxerboy29i keep hearing about smart update what is it and where do i find it?03:36
WebLOCHelkbuntu, a few people have complained about the firefox updates, make sure you have all the repos added and if all else fails, install from a binary03:36
rob^whats the error firefox is giving you?03:36
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alisheri had it with hoary03:36
[koji] Preparing to replace mozilla-firefox 1.0.6-1ubuntu1~5.04ubp1 (using .../mozilla-firefox_1.0.7-0ubuntu0.1_i386.deb) ...03:36
[koji] Unpacking replacement mozilla-firefox ...03:36
[koji] dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/mozilla-firefox_1.0.7-0ubuntu0.1_i386.deb (--unpack):03:36
[koji] trying to overwrite `/var/lib/mozilla-firefox/extensions.d/00classic', which is also in package firefox03:36
[koji] dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)03:36
elkbuntuwebloch, ive got the repos listed on the ubuntuguides site03:36
alisheri just removed firefox and installed again03:36
[koji] sorry for the flood03:36
WebLOCHelkbuntu, pastebin it for me so i can compare to mine03:37
alisheri had the same error03:37
rob^[koji] , remove the unofficial backports from your sources.list03:37
alisherbut after removing/reinstalling was fine03:37
elkbunturemind me of the path please? i usually edit thru synaptic, less ways to stuff it up03:37
rob^[koji] , then remove firefox using apt-get, then install it again03:38
WebLOCHty lol03:38
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WebLOCH[koki]   i believe "dpkg clean" will attempt to kill all the Debs you have cached, which may help also03:39
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alisheralso i think i fixed this with firefox by opening synaptic and choosing fix brocken packages03:39
WebLOCH[koji] ,  i believe "dpkg clean" will attempt to kill all the Debs you have cached, which may help also03:39
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alisherand then apply03:39
rob^the problem is that the unofficial backports breaks systems03:39
rob^that is just one of the minor problems with it03:39
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nadrojif i apt-got gaim would there be a /src directory in the gaim folder?03:39
[koji] removing firefox removes plenty of dependencies im afraid03:40
AnkhWeasel"fakeroot make-jpkg --full-name "<Your name>" --email "<Your email>" jdk-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin" - Why would it want my full name and email?03:40
aftertafnadroj:  apt-source03:40
elkbuntui think ive got a few others than the guides, cant remember ... http://pastebin.com/37461703:40
rob^[koji] , let it, then install firefox again03:40
rob^you will get them all back03:40
chrissturmkoji: you can just reinstall it with synaptic03:40
=== [Jonne] [n=chatzill@ip-213-49-56-14.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu
elkbuntuis it worth sticking with the ubuntu firefox or is it better to swap it for the real deal?03:41
alisherwill remove just ubuntu-desktop, firefox-gnome-support and yelp, you can install them after again03:41
nadrojaftertaf, thanks!03:41
aftertafelkbuntu:  it is the same thing irc03:41
WebLOCHelkbuntu, try Galeon03:41
aftertafnadroj:  :)03:41
=== Earthen [n=Earthen@dpc67143122098.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
aftertafor the one where the fat lady sings03:41
[Jonne] Ubuntu won't recognise my monitor through the DVI port03:42
elkbuntuits one im yet to get, so far my collection is, ff, opera, ephiphany, elinks, lynx...03:42
[Jonne] what should I try?03:42
WebLOCHelkbuntu,  all looks fine to me, dunno buddy03:42
WebLOCHelkbuntu, dont forget galeon!03:42
elkbuntuim a web developer, browsers are part of the deal03:42
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aftertafbrb, x restart for kde3.5 beta tesing03:42
Earthenafter taking the upgreade for firefox 1.0.7 I can now only run firefox as root from the terminal03:43
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WebLOCHelkbuntu, surely any that use a specific engine (ie. Gecko) you only need one of?03:43
Earthencould some one heklp with this please03:43
elkbuntunope, unfortunately, they all vary03:43
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rob^Earthen, just use the firefox package in the Ubuntu repos03:43
WebLOCHbetter add mozilla browser ytjem03:43
WebLOCHand IE03:43
Earthenrob^, I did I think03:44
La_PaRCahey guys, how would I go about setting up an ldap server on my machine?03:44
elkbuntui have IE and mozilla package on my windows system03:44
elkbuntuyou cant be a web designer without windows unfortunately :(03:44
WebLOCHThats a lie03:44
WebLOCHWhy cant you ?03:44
sterwillWhat's the difference between the backports at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu and at http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/?  Are they two unrelated projects that just happen to use the name "hoary-backports" for their distributions?03:44
elkbuntuwine IE renders different to native IE03:44
rob^sterwill, one is official one isn't03:44
elkbuntuvery slightly, but enough03:44
WebLOCHdoes it ?03:45
rob^sterwill, one breaks systems one doesn't03:45
juniper05is there a command to view all shares on the LAN?03:45
WebLOCHI guess its plausible03:45
rob^sterwill, in short only use the archive.u.c one03:45
WebLOCHWhy dont you JUST develop for good browserS?03:45
sterwillrob^, I've used them both now and no packages have broken my system.03:45
La_PaRCahey guys, how would I go about setting up an ldap server on my machine?03:45
=== SuperNinjaKitty [n=chuck@c-24-11-81-82.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Earthenrob^, I updated useing the Ubuntu package manager03:46
elkbuntubecause i cant take over the world and outlaw IE, or i would :D03:46
rob^sterwill, it is only a matter of time03:46
sterwillrob^, How so?03:46
elkbuntuif i could develop just for firefox, i'd be so so happy03:46
boxerboy29sterwill: if it hasnt done it are you willing to wait til youve done something important with it and have to lose the info?03:46
rob^sterwill, scroll up for an account on broken firefox for one thing03:46
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SuperNinjaKittywhat are the ways to access IRC?03:46
WebLOCHrunning xchat :P03:47
sterwillboxerboy29, No, I have systems to test updates before they're deployed to production servers.03:47
Knorrieor irssi03:47
boxerboy29xchat bitchx and 35 other ones03:47
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obontuplease help03:47
boxerboy29oh ok03:47
obontumy nvidia sound card won't work properly03:47
WebLOCHO_o nvida make sound cards?03:47
boxerboy29i even have a shell based irc cleint03:47
WebLOCHi need to learn to use VI03:48
sterwillrob^, I'm only using them on servers, so I wouldn't have come across those problems.  I've been using the clamav backports from the unofficial backports for a while.03:48
WebLOCHbut im too lazy03:48
elkbuntui was thinking the exact same thing, webLOCH03:48
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elkbuntuabout the cards03:48
AnkhWeaselIncidentally, what's with the "make-jpkg" command?03:48
obontuon board03:48
WebLOCHSeems a bit odd03:48
rob^sterwill, you would be better off getting it from the official backports03:48
obontu **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****03:48
obontuobontu card 0: nForce2 [NVidia nForce2] , device 0: Intel ICH [NVidia nForce2] 03:48
obontuobontu   Subdevices: 1/103:48
obontuobontu   Subdevice #0: subdevice #003:48
obontuobontu card 0: nForce2 [NVidia nForce2] , device 2: Intel ICH - IEC958 [NVidia nForce2 - IEC958] 03:48
obontuobontu   Subdevices: 1/103:48
obontuobontu   Subdevice #0: subdevice #003:48
WebLOCHAnkWeasel, I wondered that, I assume that its make-java package03:48
Knorriehow can I install a xpi extension in Mozilla Thunderbird? Do I need to do that as root?03:49
=== vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
sterwillrob^, That's what I came to ask about.  I think I'll switch.03:49
vinboywhy is dma not enabled by default?03:49
WebLOCHobontu dont paste in here03:49
La_PaRCaboxerboy29, try irssi03:49
rob^sterwill, in breezy at least clamav is in universe03:49
=== AnkhWeasel is in fact wondering what's with the make command at all, WebLOCH.
sterwillrob^, I'm using hoary on all these machines now.  0.86.2-5~hoary1 is in hoary-backports.03:50
AnkhWeaselOkay, so it changes it to a .deb. Excellent. ...How? :P03:50
boxerboy29la_parca thank you i will ty03:50
robotgeekWebLOCH: check out vim-tutor in a terminal03:50
sterwillWhich is new enough for me.03:50
WebLOCHAnkhWeasel, I dont know, but i know its specific to the java binary, it wont work on other binaries03:50
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elkbuntuas is aegis, rob03:51
rob^sterwill, 0.83-2ubuntu1 is in horay universe03:51
WebLOCHAnkhWeasel, there are other tools that do similar things to any binary of course or other packages, like "alien"03:51
WebLOCHty robotgeek03:51
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jezare there any decent GUI partition programs that I can install on Ubuntu Linux without installing about a billion dependencies first??03:51
WebLOCHAnkhWeasel, make just contains rules for compiling etc, then it compiles whatever needs to be compiled, runs any scripts that need running03:52
rob^jez, gparted/qtparted are the best03:52
AnkhWeaselWeb: It comes up with "/usr/bin/fakeroot: line 150: make-jpkg: command not found"03:52
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WebLOCHpaste what you entered03:52
WebLOCHor privmsg me with it03:52
rob^jez, either way if you want gui partitioning then you need to install a few dependancies03:53
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AnkhWeasel" fakeroot make-jpkg --full-name "edited name for IRC" --email "edited@gmail.com" jdk-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.bin""03:53
rob^AnkhWeasel, you need to install make-jpkg03:53
WebLOCHnah its installed03:53
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Belutzis there any app for converting wma into mp3 in ubuntu?03:54
WebLOCHoh i see03:54
WebLOCHAnkhWeasel, just try fakeroot make-jpg "filenamehere"03:54
WebLOCHAnkhWeasel, just try fakeroot make-jpkg "filenamehere"   < sorry that03:54
WebLOCHbut use the binary name03:54
jezcan qtparted resize partitions?03:54
AnkhWeaselSame error, mate.03:55
rob^jez, yep03:55
WebLOCHi guess rob is right then03:55
=== Seveas [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
AnkhWeaselHey, Seveas. :)03:55
rob^AnkhWeasel, sudo apt-get install java-package03:55
jezrob: but i have to install a ton of stuff before i can get it03:56
WebLOCHmy apologies rob^03:56
jezwhy isnt there an apt-get package for qtparted?03:56
rob^WebLOCH, np03:56
AnkhWeasel"E: Couldn't find package java-package"03:56
rob^AnkhWeasel, you need to enable the extra repos03:56
uboturepos is probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96903:57
AnkhWeaselAh, that'll be a handy list.03:57
ubotuWebLOCH: No idea03:58
WebLOCHlies ubotu, lies03:58
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=== AnkhWeasel added the repos earlier tonight.
rob^AnkhWeasel, you couldn't have otherwise you would have java-package available to you03:59
jezcan i install Qt via apt-get?03:59
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jezor does it need compil;ing?03:59
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rob^jez, no via apt-get03:59
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jezso, why can i install that via apt-get04:01
jezbut not qtparted??04:01
hutgyrrhow do you log out of a channel in bitchx04:01
jeztry /part04:01
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rob^jez, qtparted is in universe04:01
Red_Bullethow can i configure a cedega emulator04:01
boxerboy29i just installed a few different irc chat clients and not a damn one of them show up in any menu do i need to restart x?04:01
jezyou mean i COULD have isntalled it via apt-get?04:01
ubotucedega is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega04:01
jezive wasted hours04:01
ubotuLa_PaRCa: I don't know, could you explain it?04:01
AnkhWeaselThat is one handy, handy Wiki.04:01
elkbuntuoh gawd... im finally getting around to doing the uninstall firefox and reinstall... it took out the dependancies, but now it's not redoing them? can someone do me a favour and mark firefox for removal and tell me what the dependancies were?04:02
Red_Bulletno i can't found anything about setting in transgaming.org04:02
AnkhWeaselJez, I feel the exact same way. I think I need to reinstall Ubuntu. :P04:02
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Red_Bullethelp me04:02
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Red_Bulletare you have a configured cedega ?04:02
WebLOCHAnkhWeasel, if you do, use the server install, and then install everything manually04:02
rob^Red_Bullet, sorry you have to be clearer04:02
pontIs there any good guides for installing Java on ubunut04:02
ubotumethinks java is to install Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:03
Red_Bulletwhy ? i don't understand you04:03
pont!tell java04:03
rob^Red_Bullet, follow this guide: http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=4504:03
WebLOCHhaha thats it04:03
WebLOCHhmm its KDE time04:03
Earthenelkbuntu, I think i have the same problem04:04
rob^elkbuntu, just do: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:04
Earthenelkbuntu, but can you start firefox as root04:05
elkbuntuearthen i havent put it back on my system yet, so, no04:05
Earthenelkbuntu, O I'm stuck as well, can only load firefox as root from command line04:05
djjasonis anyone here familiar with lufs04:06
rob^djjason, only that its a pain04:06
wickedpuppyboxerboy29, my xchat is in menu04:06
rob^djjason, and there hasn't been much work on it lately04:07
djjasonrob^, hmm really....it hasnt been that much of a pain on my end04:07
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rob^djjason, depends, what were you trying to do with it?04:07
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djjasonrob^, just mounting a remote machine04:07
d2dchatwho do i use wine to open photoshop on my windows hard drive?04:08
rob^djjason, what via?04:08
djjasonrob^, ssh04:08
rob^djjason, yeah that will work without lufs04:09
d2dchatfirst off, what should i install to get wine?04:09
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djjasonrob^, really04:09
ElkOSubuntuforums are down?04:09
ponthmm I don't just want the JRE tho :)04:09
ElkOSk, thx04:09
rob^djjason, just go to Places -> Connect to server04:09
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Earthenrob^, I did what you sugested to elkbuntu and it installd yelp but did not fix my problem04:10
djjasonrob^, oh ok...did not know that...will I be able to mount the same thing on startup or will I always have to do that04:10
jezhow do i get qtparted via apt-get then?04:10
rob^Earthen, did you remove the unofficial repos from your sources.list, then do an apt-get update?04:10
elkbuntuearthen, uninstall firefox completely again, and try again04:10
Knorrieis there a Thunderbird 1.5beta package available for ubuntu?04:11
AnkhWeaselE: Package j2re1.4 has no installation candidate04:11
Earthenrob^, I did update and i remove the backports from the list04:11
AnkhWeaselGettin' closer...04:11
Knorrieor can I build it myself?04:11
rob^djjason, not sure, been a while since I've bothered with it :)04:11
Earthenelkbuntu, i did a remove and reinstall and it did the same04:11
rob^Earthen, do another update04:12
Earthenrob^, what repo's should i leave in there04:12
rob^Earthen, anything with ubuntu.com in it04:12
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EarthenOK that is what I did, I will try it again revmove update and reinstall04:13
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annodhey can anyone see this?04:14
La_PaRCaUm... whats a good ldap gui browser?04:14
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rob^La_PaRCa, http://sourceforge.net/projects/gqclient04:15
rob^La_PaRCa, theres a nicer one but I forget the name04:15
WebLOCHapt-get has one MASSIVE failing04:15
La_PaRCarob^, something that might be in the repos?04:16
rob^WebLOCH, human interaction?04:16
WebLOCHrob^, pretty much04:16
elkbuntulol rob04:16
jezAnyone know how I can use apt-get to get qtparted?04:16
elkbuntuthats one failing computers in general have04:16
WebLOCHrob^, it lets a retard like me close the window and end what its doing, again and again and again04:16
rob^jez: sudo apt-get install qtparted04:16
jezpackage doesnt exist.04:16
Seveas!info qtparted04:17
WebLOCHsudo apt-get self-labotomize04:17
rob^ubotu tell jez about repos04:17
ubotuqtparted: (A parted frontend using QT), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 0.4.4-3ubuntu2 (hoary), Packaged size: 197 kB, Installed size: 724 kB04:17
Seveasenable universe04:17
rob^jez, add the repos from the wiki url ubotu just gave you04:17
WebLOCHmaybe someone should write a brief enable script04:17
Earthenrob^, I just did a remove and it removed: mozilla-firefox,mozilla-firefox-dom-inspector, mozilla-firefox-gnome-support, ubuntu-desktop, yelp,04:17
WebLOCHso you can just type04:17
Earthenrob^, taht lok right to you04:17
WebLOCHrepo universe enable04:17
WebLOCHand such04:17
rob^Earthen, I suppose :)04:18
SeveasEarthen, looks fine, just disable backports first and install ubuntu-desktop again later04:18
=== boxerboy29 [n=boxerboy@adsl-144-177-44.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
La_PaRCarob^, thanks for the gq thing, found it on the repos04:18
rob^La_PaRCa, np04:18
La_PaRCa!info gq04:18
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ubotugq: (GTK-based LDAP client), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 1.0beta1-2 (hoary), Packaged size: 194 kB, Installed size: 584 kB04:18
=== DarkOrigin [i=ponduag@w00p.dk] has joined #ubuntu
hutgyrrwhats the command to see all the shares on my LAN?04:18
annodanyone help me out real quick04:18
EarthenSeveas, rob^ , ok will try the reinstall now04:18
WebLOCHsudo lan showall my04:18
djjasonrob^, ok I think that what you suggested will work just fine for me...04:18
La_PaRCaWonder why ubuntu doesnt  have a openldap packaged in the repos04:19
djjasonrob^, thanks alot04:19
rob^djjason, ok sounds good04:19
Seveas!info slapd04:19
hutgyrris it smbclient -b. This asks for a passwd i dont have each time I try to run it04:19
ubotuslapd: (OpenLDAP server (slapd)), section net, is optional. Version: 2.1.30-3ubuntu3 (hoary), Packaged size: 956 kB, Installed size: 2676 kB04:19
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Seveas^-- La_PaRCa04:19
rob^I was just about to say that04:20
WebLOCHIm such an idiot04:20
=== GoRoDeK [n=gorodek@p5083EAFA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
DarkOriginHmm, what is colony? (regarding the tinyurl.com in topic)04:20
boxerboy29how do i access the irc clients i just installed?04:20
La_PaRCaSeveas, dang int04:20
WebLOCHboxerboy29, check out your menu04:20
rob^DarkOrigin, kind of like a preview release04:20
boxerboy29they are not there04:20
La_PaRCaSeveas, well, havent done make install just yet04:20
jjazzboxerboy29:  What clients are they?04:20
DarkOriginhmm, okay, so not different from the other preview release on the site?04:21
boxerboy29bitchx,ircii, and more i dont remember names off hand04:21
rob^DarkOrigin, no04:21
DarkOriginAh, okay. Confused me because it's not the same page :) Thanks .04:21
=== annod [n=Andrew@cpe-69-207-46-143.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
La_PaRCaboxerboy29, open a terminal and type irssi there04:21
boxerboy29the only one that attached to menu was ayttm04:21
WebLOCHlets see if thisallworked04:21
jjazzboxerboy29:  just start them from the commandline04:21
annodcan anyone help real quick?04:21
rob^annod, just ask04:22
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EarthenSeveas, I disable backports and and removed all downloaded cache files04:22
annodnevermind, you ust answered my ?04:22
boxerboy29i typed bitchx at command line and it was invald04:22
Seveasboxerboy29, apt-get install bitchx04:23
DarkOriginthe ubuntu site says that Hardware support has greatly improved in 5.10 , among that is laptop mode and hotkeys on laptops - Does anyone have a list of these improvements (was going to look on the forums, but they seem down) ?04:23
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bob2I'd just not bother using bitchx04:23
boxerboy29now it wants to work04:23
bob2it's not worth the trouble04:24
bob2DarkOrigin: the forums are unlikely to have usrful documentation on that topic04:24
bob2DarkOrigin: the wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam page is likely to be more useful04:24
rob^I'm a xchat gui whore myself04:24
=== WebLOCH [n=baris@82-34-95-143.cable.ubr05.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
DarkOriginAh, great, thank you.04:24
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WebLOCHi just installed KDE04:25
WebLOCHhow the hell do i run it ?04:25
rob^WebLOCH, select it when you log in04:25
WebLOCHrob^, wasnt given the option04:25
rob^WebLOCH, you won't, you have to change it before you log in04:26
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WebLOCHalso, everytime ubuntu updates itself it duplicates the kernels listed in grub :P04:26
WebLOCHrob^, how can i select it before i am prompted to ?04:26
bob2use aptitude04:26
bob2then that won't happen04:26
rob^WebLOCH, there is a menu on the login screen04:26
WebLOCHrob^, ill logout AND LOOK04:27
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WebLOCHsorry for caps04:27
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rob^yeah might be an idea..04:27
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DarkOriginBah, my laptop hasn't been tested completely yet. I'm off to install the preview then, might as well test it while I'm at it.04:28
=== WebLOCH [n=baris@82-34-95-143.cable.ubr05.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
meezHello, can anyone direct me to any easy ways to point to a group of screenshots and turn them into an avi (game movie making stuff)? I can't seem to find anything fitting :\04:28
WebLOCHim not sureif i like it or not04:28
EarthenSeveas, rob^ , I did what you say but i'm still in the same situation can only load firefox from root04:28
bob2meez: mencoder can04:28
meezthanks, ill try it04:29
rob^Earthen, might be some odd premissions problem04:29
Earthenrob^, that is what I was thinking how would i solve that04:30
bipolarHow do I rename a printer? I've got a printer that uses the postscript driver and I can't seem to figure out how to rename it from "Postscript-Printer" to something more useful.04:30
rob^Earthen, hmm.. painfully I suppose04:31
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Earthenrob^, I was so afraide you were gonna say something like that! :(04:31
jezOK, how do I install qtparted via synaptic package manager?04:31
jezin Ubuntu04:31
rob^I guess thats what you get for using the dodgy backports :)04:32
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bob2jez: wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto04:32
Earthenrob^, I don't like the idea of running firefox as root all the time04:32
WebLOCHI think im done with kde04:32
rob^jez, just search for it04:32
jezthere isnt a qtparted package :-(((04:32
rob^jez, you need to enable universe04:32
butcherbirdKDE blech...04:32
WebLOCHbutcherbird, yeaqh im about to go uninstall it04:33
bob2jez: yes, there is04:33
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SeveasEarthen, killall firefox-bin04:34
adjacentEarthen: is firefox running?04:34
adjacentSeveas beat me to it04:35
rob^I assumed it wasn't04:35
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Seveasi assume it is, happend to quite a few people already that there was a firefox ghost left04:37
tuskerninihi there... assume you are talking about the firefox update issues04:37
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larsrohdinjoin /xfce04:38
ElohiteAngelSo there are more people than I who got into problems when updating firefox?04:38
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rob^Seveas, thats odd, it shouldn't stop you running another copy of it04:38
larsrohdinElohiteAngel, yep me too04:38
SeveasElohiteAngel, all backports victims04:39
tuskerninihas anyone found a solution for the firefox update? I see the supprot server is down04:39
Seveas!ff fix04:39
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, ff fix is sudo dpkg --purge --force-depends firefox firefox-gnome-support ; sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox mozilla-firefox-gnome-support04:39
rob^backports, I gues that explains it04:39
rob^eww what a kludge04:39
tuskerniniwill do04:39
=== WebLOCH [n=baris@82-34-95-143.cable.ubr05.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
WebLOCHHey guys, its safe for me to remove unused kernels right ?04:40
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bipolarI can't find out any way to change a printers name. At this rate I'm going to have three printers all with the same name.04:42
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ElohiteAngelubotu. Woohoo! Thanks it works!04:43
bob2rob^: less evil than --force-overwrite, tho04:43
rob^bob2, true04:44
rob^bob2, I still hate forcing things with apt-get04:44
tuskerniniwow... thank you ... it looks like it worked...04:44
sskkI'm about to get on the Ubuntu train... Would you recommend I go for the 5.10 pre-release, or the safe 5.04 release... It's just for my desktop...?04:44
rob^depends on your experience with Linux04:45
elkbuntuor whether you're likely to stuff around and break things anyway ;)04:45
tuskernininope... talked to fast.. did not work here...04:45
tuskerninigotta go.. latr04:45
La_PaRCaum... how do I import from LDIF to slapd?04:45
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sskkI have quite some experience with Linux, and usually breaks stuff, elkbuntu... So I guess, you recommend 5.10 then..04:46
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Jowihello everyone04:46
elkbuntui do anyway04:46
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elkbuntuif you're going to break stuff, you might as well break new stuff04:47
=== WebLOCH [n=baris@82-34-95-143.cable.ubr05.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
WebLOCH!tell WebLOCH about splashy04:47
WebLOCHI cant find the official site for splashy04:47
rob^what is splashy?04:47
WebLOCHI thought ubotu may have learned it over time04:47
WebLOCHSplash screen for boot up sequence04:47
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rob^WebLOCH, breezy has one04:47
WebLOCHi believe it will be included in Breezy final04:48
WebLOCHwell thats it04:48
jezi'm using Ubuntu live, yet my hard disk still seems to be in 'busy' status04:48
jezcan i just unmount it without a problem?04:48
WebLOCHrob^, i cant find it in the repos04:48
JairunCalothCan someone help me out, I broke X some how04:48
rob^WebLOCH, its there, just sudo apt-get install uspash04:48
Jowibtw, how is Ubuntu on mac-mini? thinking about getting one...04:48
WebLOCHrob^,  couldnt find package04:48
rob^oops I ment usplash04:49
JowiJairunCaloth: what happens?04:49
WebLOCHrob^,  thats what i typed :P04:49
hutgyrrwell, ive tried everything out there for mounting the Windows share. However, I keep getting the same error... tree connect failed: ERRDOS - ERRnosuchshare (You specified an invalid share name)04:49
rob^well, I've got it :)04:49
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rob^but then, I'm using breezy04:50
hutgyrrwith mount -t smbfs -o username=user,password=passs //\ filesystem/ /mnt/oldserverwork04:50
ElkOShutgyrr: what command are you using?04:50
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hutgyrralso tried "// filesystem/"04:50
hutgyrrand //\040filesystem/04:51
rob^hutgyrr, have you tried Places -> Network servers?04:51
WebLOCHhmm rob^ doesnt  matter found binaries, thanks tho04:51
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JairunCalothJowi: I'm getting this error **(gnome-session:7570) warning: Unable to read ICEauthority file04:51
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JowiJairunCaloth: did you by any chance run Nautilus as root?04:51
JairunCalothJowi: k3b was giving me that same error before I shutdown last night, after I ran k3b as root trying to get it to burn a file04:52
=== boxerboy29 [n=boxerboy@adsl-144-177-44.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
hutgyrri get a passwd box up when I go the GUI asking me for a password with user administartor that I cant change04:52
jezIs there a way to get Ubuntu live to work without using a hard drive for Linux swap space?04:52
JowiJairunCaloth: try to see if the lock exist in /var/lock.04:53
hutgyrrso I cant login through there either04:53
boxerboy29ok what is this debian list i have in gnome now?04:53
JowiJairunCaloth: alco check if .ICEauthority is in your homedir04:53
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rob^hutgyrr, sound like an issue with your network04:53
hutgyrrits not04:54
lunatechif you install anything from the multiverse repository, i think you get theat menu boxerboy2904:54
rob^hutgyrr, you are trying to login using the current user of your linux box04:54
rob^not the user of the windows box04:54
hutgyrrrob: not from  the cl04:54
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boxerboy29lunatech ty all the irc cleints i installed are listed there so i was wondering04:54
djjasondoes anyone know how I can recursively delete directories that have a certain name04:55
JairunCalothjowi: I"m not sure what you mean by see if the lock exists and .ICEauthority is present in my home04:55
rob^hutgyrr, just create a user with the same user name on your windows box, or set it up correctly to allow anyone to view the shares04:55
Jowidjjason: rm -r somename (alt: rm -rf somename)04:55
hussamIs ubuntu.com down? I can't access archive.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com or anything .ubuntu.com04:56
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hutgyrreveryone can use the share with the correct username and password which I am specifying on the command line04:56
rob^hussam, no problems here04:56
hutgyrrThe error is NOSUCHSHARE04:56
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hutgyrrthough it is there04:56
djjasonJowi, thanks04:56
JowiJairunCaloth: ls -la .ICEauthority. the file should have these: -rw----------04:56
rob^well I guess you might have the share name wrong or somthing04:56
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ElkOShutgyrr: are the permissions on the NT box's share correct?04:57
JowiJairunCaloth: and it should be owned by the user - not root04:57
hutgyrryes, i was accessing it fine on Friday04:57
JairunCalothjowi: root stole my file!04:57
kemikthieving account :|04:58
kemikit stole your precious04:58
JowiJairunCaloth: that's what i thought. chown yourusername:yourusername .ICEauthority04:58
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JairunCalothchown that's the name of that command04:58
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Jowilo mcscruff04:58
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mlopeshow to I move a revision to HEAD?04:59
faenAnyone have the updated ubuntusetup.sh I posted in the forums?04:59
mcscruffplease can someone help me recompile my kernel04:59
mlopessorry wrong chan :P04:59
bob2mcscruff: why?04:59
rob^faen, don't use it04:59
faenI could really use it :P04:59
mlopesbut if anyone knows it would be nice (subversion)04:59
aladdsmcscruff, have you got the kernel source??04:59
rob^faen, don't run scripts from strange places you don't understand04:59
bob2mcscruff: using vmware has nothing to do with recompiling your kernel04:59
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bob2don't be silly05:00
aladdscd to it's folder05:00
bob2aladds: please don't hand out bad advice05:00
faenrob^, I took an existing script and re-did it, I understand it perfectly05:00
mcscruffi will paste05:00
aladdsbob2 sorry05:00
bob2mcscruff: sudo aptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential05:00
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ElkOShutgyrr: does the share show when you do smbclient -L server -U user?05:00
mcscruffbob, i have doen that05:00
bob2mcscruff: and?05:00
rob^faen, I would just look at restricted formats on the wiki05:00
jezI need help here - I have Ubuntu Linux (live version) running, as well as Qtparted, but I can't change partitions on the main hard drive because it's saying /dev/sda2 is in use.  is there some way I can stop it being in use?05:00
rob^its been updated05:00
bob2jez: sudo umount /dev/sda205:01
mcscruffbob2, whats the site to paste to and i will show you what vmware says05:01
aladdsjez: umount it05:01
faenrob^, I know fully well how to update/admin my system the script makes it go quite a bit faster05:01
bob2mcscruff: paste it into the #flood channel05:01
Jowijeffisageek: unmount the disk you want to change05:01
ndlovutried posting earlier but I think there was an error. Sorry if I'm repeating05:01
JairunCalothjowi: what's the command to give me RW access to the file right now it's ---------T05:01
Jowijeffisageek: it was ment for jez :)05:01
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ndlovuI want to print multiple pages per sheet, anyone know how?05:01
mcscruffbob2 i pated05:01
ndlovuassume mpage is the key, but not altogether sure how to incorporate it in an x environment05:02
JowiJairunCaloth: chmod o+rw filename should do it05:02
bob2mcscruff: that also has nothing to do with recompiling your kernel05:02
Seveasndlovu, print to a psfile05:02
rob^faen, well if your happy then go for it05:02
Seveascat psfile | mpage -4 | lpr05:02
bob2mcscruff: sudo aptitutde install gcc-3.4 ; CC=gcc-3.4 ./vmware-config.pl05:02
ndlovuSeveas, is there some way to automate the process so it always prints that way?05:02
JairunCalothI'm still getting the same error05:03
jezbob2: /dev/sda2 isn't mounted, yet it is still being used by Ubuntu05:03
jezit's a Linux swap partition05:03
JowiJairunCaloth: and user:user is owner of the file?05:03
jezis there some way I can get Ubuntu live not to use the hard drive at all, even for swap??05:04
bob2jez: does "swapon -s" show it being in use?05:04
JairunCalothjowi: yes05:04
jezbob2: yes05:04
JowiJairunCaloth: well, i think that .ICEauthority only links to a bunch of stuff in /tmp/....05:04
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bob2jez: then swapoff it05:04
yanchengi came across the linux header and saw some interesting, "do { something } while (0)"05:05
JairunCalothjowi: gnome is telling me it can't start because it can't read it05:05
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yanchengmay i know why they need to have a do{}while(0) block ??05:05
JowiSeveas, bob2: any ideas about the .ICEauthority? is it safe to remove (will it be recreated?) or should /tmp be cleared instead?05:05
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SeveasJowi, remove both :)05:06
Seveas(well, not /tmp itself, but the contents)05:06
segehow do I switch from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 in Ubuntu 5.04?05:07
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JowiJairunCaloth: Seveas has spoken :)05:07
Seveassege, why go back in time?05:07
segeSeveas: i love the past ;)05:07
kemiksege:  dpkg-reconfigure locales perhaps--05:08
jeznow it's showing /dev/sda as readonly!  arghhhh!05:08
segekemik: thanks.05:08
jezwhy the hell is it readonly?05:08
Seveassege, in that case apt-get install timemachine linux-image-0.0.1 ;)05:08
Seveasand dpkg-reconfigure locales05:08
segeSeveas: hehe =)05:08
JairunCalothis there a quick way to empty out /tmp without having to delete each file one at a time?05:08
bob2jez: if anything is in use there, resizing is not going to be possible05:08
SeveasJairunCaloth, rm -rf /tmp/*05:08
faenrm -rf *05:08
bob2neither of those will work05:08
jezbob2: but why would the device status be readonly?05:09
bob2since the things you care about in /tmp are dot-files05:09
kemiksudo rm -rf /tmp05:09
Seveasnot all :)05:09
Seveaskemik, that's the worst way05:09
aladdssudo rm -rf / :p05:09
SeveasJairunCaloth, rm -rf /tmp/* /tmp/.*05:09
faenrm -rf * $HOME05:09
Seveasas NORMAL user05:09
Jowikemik: no use deleting the tmp all together ;)05:09
Seveasnot as root05:09
kemikSeveas:  but i could do it as such, and then "sudo mkdir /tmp"  ;)05:09
AnkhWeasel"No matching plugin was found."05:10
Seveaskemik, and then obviously forgetting the stick bit...05:10
rob^night all05:10
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AnkhWeaselSleep well.05:10
kemikuh yeah :|05:10
hussamrob^: my other computer can access archive.ubuntu.com ( though firefox ) but my Linux computer cannot.05:10
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JairunCalothThanks jowi and everyone else :) gnome is starting again. As you can probably tell, I'm pretty lost in command line mode :)05:10
rob^hussam, sounds like a network problem05:10
rikvaDoes anyone know of a howto/tutorial for softwaresuspend (hibernate) on Ubuntu?05:10
AnkhWeaselAre you Aussie, rob^?05:11
JowiJairunCaloth: np. practice makes perfect05:11
rob^AnkhWeasel, yeah05:11
AnkhWeaselWest Aussie?05:11
rob^nah, queenslander05:11
bob2rikva: step 1) sudo /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh05:11
faenrikva, there was a few tutorials on the forums but since it's down google may help05:11
hussamrob^: any idea how I can fix it? My other computer has windows XP.05:11
AnkhWeaselAh. Right-o, then. :)05:11
bob2rikva: step 2) all done05:11
rob^hussam, set up networking properly05:11
rob^anyway, good night :)05:11
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JairunCalothah good ol x chat05:12
rikvabob2: it doesn't turn off.05:12
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rikvafaen: all the google hits point to the forums :)05:12
JowiUbuntu + mac-mini = good idea?05:12
faenrikva, any of them cached?05:12
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aladdsuse macosx on a macmini05:12
aladdsthats what it's for05:12
rikvafaen: good idea.05:12
=== concept10 [n=concept1@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jezi think i may have just horked /dev/sda05:13
rikvabob2: now my pc crashed :|05:13
jezi cant see anything on there that's mounted currently, but it's coming up as readonly05:13
bob2rikva: then you've found a bug, please report it05:13
jezthis is fucking lame05:13
Jowialadds: not really answering my question since I want the ubuntu goodies and GPL software in a teeny-weenie box.05:13
bob2jez: language05:14
aladdswell i dunno about ubuntu, but Yellow Dawg works very well on macs05:14
aladds(wrong place to say that :!)05:14
aladdssorry guys05:14
JairunCalothnow I get to tackle the real problem of the day, why the heck my dvd burner is turning out coasters05:14
aladdsmy mac would run ubuntu if i had partitioned the hd before filling it with osx05:14
Jowialadds: yeah, but no debian repos for YD. asaik it is red-hat/fedora?05:14
kemikJairunCaloth:  can be nasty.. my burner toasts all my cds in Windows, but works flawlessly in ubuntu.. really weird05:15
aladdsJowi: it's basically a port of Red-hat to the ppc05:15
blekosok may i suggest something?05:15
aladdsit uses yum05:15
blekosi just discover the vlc player which comes with codecs etc...05:15
blekosi was using xine but not luck05:15
aladdstry ubuntu, it'd probab;ly be quite good05:15
blekosso u can suggest, next time someone asks about codecs etc,  u only need to ad:)05:16
=== faen cracks fingers
blekosthe extra depos.05:16
ndlovuany ideas how to send pdf files straight to the printer from the command-line?05:16
faeni'm sick of doing debian net-installs ;/05:16
kemikblekos:  there are alot of totem-fans in here :/05:16
wickedpuppywhy ubuntu uses init level 2 for desktop + network ??/ i would have thought 5 is it05:16
JairunCalothwhat is a good dvd burner program?05:17
Jowialadds: i have had too much rpm failures in the past. i am not going back :) Anyway, i think i might give it a go. no reason it shouldn't work with the ppc version but just in case i wanted to ask.05:17
JowiJairunCaloth: i use graveman. k3b is good as well.05:17
kemikblekos:  and dont ask me why ppl are struggling with totem when there are excelent programs liks VLC and mplayer out there ;)05:17
faeni've never been a fan of totem.. i've always liked xine/mplayer05:17
blekostomem, sorry to say has caused me a LOt of troubles05:17
JairunCalothk3b has been giving me nothing but headaches05:17
blekostotem, was lagging in DVDs, would be anschronus with xvid...05:17
digitizefaen: same05:18
blekosit makes u think :)05:18
blekosshould i toss it now or l8r?05:18
aladdsJowi: if thats the case, i hear it works well05:18
faenI wouldn't wait to toss it, it's taking up valuable space :P05:18
JowiJairunCaloth: well, graveman should contain all you need. hasn't failed me ye.05:18
=== Jowi nods at aladds
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faenany ideas as to when the forums will be back up?05:19
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aladdsJowi: i've only run it on one new world mac, my ibook, and that was from the livecd and X11 didnt work05:19
blekoshahah just visited a site and warns me of spyware...05:21
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faenbah, I gotta restart x05:22
blekosanybody got any idea how can i back up my ubuntu??05:22
Jowialadds: ah. well, i've done some research and X.org seems to work fine on the mac-mini but sound could be a hassle atm. there is a sounddriver for it but it is pretty new and not really implemented yet in the kernel that Ubuntu uses, without a patch.05:22
blekoshow i can image it?05:23
jezok, now Qtparted seems to be resizing a partition.  but it's taking AGES, like over an hour.  i dont get why05:23
jezi mean, it just needs to change the size of the partition in the allocation table, doesnt it?05:23
aladdsit;s moving your old data to somewhere there is no data05:23
=== Nwood [i=st@dyn3-82-128-187-211.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu
La_PaRCajez, um, if the disk was fragmented, it needs to defrag05:23
FaithXis there a firewall script for ubuntu?05:23
jezwell even so05:23
jezdefragging shouldnt take over an hour05:24
kemikFaithX:  firestarter05:24
_jasonhow can I defrag in Ubuntu?05:24
blekostry firestarter05:24
Jowiblekos: http://www.sysresccd.org/ rescue cd with partitioning and "ghost"imaging05:24
blekosbut u do not really need one05:24
FaithXblekos, do not need one?05:24
blekosyes, unless u r running a server05:24
blekosthat's the beaty of linux05:25
sproingiewhat's the name of the app that sets the cpu architecture, i.e. when i want my amd64 to lie and say it's i386?05:25
FaithXblekos, are you suggesting running a pc on the net without a firewall?05:25
hutgyrri currently have many users connected to a server. How can I see what machines are connected currently? If the clients are copying data to the server is it possible for me to see how man gigs its copied over?05:25
blekoslol yes & no05:25
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FaithXblekos, that is madness05:26
blekosr u afraid of a port scan?05:26
JowiFaithX: blekos is right. if you're behind a router and only forwards the ports you need. Ubuntu is not listening to any ports by default so no firewall needed.05:26
ElkOShutgyrr: for the rx/tx data, take a look at vnstat05:27
FaithXJowi, now your are talking behind a nat device05:27
JowiFaithX: correct05:27
concept10what is the mozilla flashplayer package called, i forgot, cant find it05:27
FaithXI am talking plug computer into the internet05:27
sproingieJowi: that's specious advice.  the moment one installs useful services like sshd, it's listening05:27
AnkhWeaselFinally got JRE working in Firefox.05:27
FaithXconcept10, apt-cache search flash | grep moz05:28
mypapitAngryParsley, what's Swanktastic?05:28
Jowisproingie: that's why i said "by default"05:28
blekosno matter, i am using firestarter ;)05:28
butcherbirdcan someone tell me exactly what netork-admin actually does when activating a device?  I would like to be able to do that myself from the command line without gui. ifconfig eth0 up doesnt work.05:28
sproingieJowi: X also listens on arbitrary ports05:28
JowiFaithX: if you're not behind a router I would myself install firestarter05:28
concept10FaithX, heh05:28
butcherbirdby itself05:28
goobutcherbird: ifup eth0   should give you more response.05:29
Jowisproingie: X is not accepting non-local connections by default.05:29
=== aladds looks at his ubuntu pc to see that the breezy update is nearly done
Jowisproingie: although gdm can be setup to accept it05:29
concept10I wonder if this is a different package (on breezy)05:29
FaithXare we not hardened Linux users?05:29
=== sproingie ended up turning off pam in sshd to stop the stupid brute force ssh attacks
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concept10GPL flash? what happened to the old mozilla-flashplayer plugin?05:30
sproingiei found the iptables tricks are brittle, and unportable to boot05:30
=== Atarax [n=laouser@p5491AF7A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
sproingiebut they really should be part of ubuntu's ssh config05:31
FaithXconcept10, flashplayer-mozilla05:31
hutgyrrthanks ElkOS. Is there anywhay to break it down to individual IP's rather than just the NIC05:31
aladdsis there anything i should do after updating all the packages to make hoary into breezy?05:32
FaithXconcept10, but you will need universe or multivers05:32
AtaraxHi! My firefox seems to not be able to handle .jnlp files correctly. When there is a link for java web start with this kind of file then it just opens a new firefox window and asks it should open the file with firefox, if I say ok it opens another window and asks again. This goes on and on.05:32
AtaraxHow can I make firefox handle java web start correctly?05:32
concept10FaithX, are you on breezy?05:32
ElkOShutgyrr: what kind of service do you want to monitor?05:33
bob2Atarax: that sounds more like your web server is misconfigured05:33
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Ataraxbob2, I am very new to linux. Could you point me in the right direction how I could fix my problem?05:33
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bob2not really05:34
rikvaWhat are the advantages of a Ubuntu-patched kernel vs the vanilla kernel?05:34
Ataraxwait, web SERVER?05:34
Ataraxwhy server?05:34
bob2talk to whoever develops "java web start", whatever that is05:34
bob2rikva: a bajillion bug fixes and new features05:34
AtaraxI am just talking of .jnlp files05:34
FaithXconcept10, how to tell05:34
FaithXI am new to ubuntu05:35
aladdsi just did the recommended thing and am reconfiguring x1105:35
bob2Atarax: it's pretty unlikely to be firefox's fault05:35
aladdsbut the 3dfx driver isn;t there05:35
aladdswhat's tdfx?05:35
concept10FaithX, nevermind, you will know if youre on breezy05:35
AtaraxI see.05:35
FaithXconcept10, howso?05:35
concept10FaithX, because breezy isnt officially released yet, you have to go out of your way (not really) to install05:36
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FaithXconcept10, deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe05:37
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concept10im disappointed that I couldnt do a succesful dist-upgrade to breezy05:39
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concept10but the install cd works without a hitch05:39
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bob2concept10: you presumably reported bugs, yes?05:39
aladdsconcept10: did you use the breezy or breezy-update apt source?05:39
aladdsor the cd?05:39
Earthenconcept10, to upgrade all I have to do is change the repo's to the breezy one's ?05:40
aladdsi had to use breezy not breezy-update05:40
concept10Earthen, not recommended05:40
Oetziis there a full apt source for all software under breezy or must I include alt hoary sources in my apt sourcelist?05:40
=== damnhil [n=h@dsl-12-160-163-238.elltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
Earthenconcept10, O why not?05:40
concept10aladds, I used the colony 4 cd05:40
Jowithere is a wiki for breezy upgrade if you look at the /topic05:40
bob2Oetzi: eh? breezy contains everything hoary did.05:40
Seveas!tell Oetzi about sources05:40
bob2Oetzi: if you're refering to unsupported sources like backports, then YHL, HAND05:40
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concept10bob2, I couldnt get xserver to start05:40
aladdswell it seems to be booting05:40
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aladdsit has a bootsplash!!!05:40
ubuntugeekubuntuforums.org is backup.. sorry for the downtime the technician doing the hardware upgrade plugged it back into the wrong network..05:41
bob2concept10: and after you ran 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg', it still failed to work?05:41
aladdsi like05:41
sanderhow can I easy install mplayer for ubuntu?05:41
Seveasapt-get install mplayer-58605:41
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AnkhWeaselWhat's the best multimedia player for Ubuntu?05:41
SeveasAnkhWeasel, mpg32105:41
concept10bob2, yep.  It kept telling me 'cannot find any screens'05:41
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Seveas(read: everyone will say something else)05:41
digitizeSeveas: really you prefer mpg321?05:41
bob2concept10: which bug report did you post your log to?05:41
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bob2AnkhWeasel: silly question; what's the best spread for toast?05:42
Seveasdigitize, you spoke a bit too soon ;)05:42
JowiI use "play" works great05:42
digitizeSeveas: :)05:42
AnkhWeaselYeah, I figured. I was just checking.05:42
blekosVlc by far05:42
Seveasbob2, peanut butter!05:42
Oetzidoes anyone have experience with a Marvel Gigabit-LAN-card under ubuntu05:42
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AnkhWeaselAs long as I don't ask "Which is better, KDE or GNOME?", right?05:42
blekosit comes with the codecs05:42
bob2vegemite, duh05:42
concept10bob2, I didnt.. sorry, I just went ahead and used the colony 4 install cd.  I cant stand being on windows long05:42
hyperzidsorry.. I was asking about mplayer two sec ago..05:42
digitizeblekos: so does just about every other *nix player05:42
digitizewith no dshow layer05:42
digitizethey have to05:42
hyperzidanyone know how to install it.. with apt-get?05:42
blekosjust about...05:42
ElkOShutgyrr: still here?05:42
digitizehyperzid: apt-get install mplayer-58605:43
hutgyrrim using the copy command to copy a directory (cr -R). Theres 2 directorys - One is users emails, to copy this im enclosing it 'users emails'. The next directory is MARY'S EMAILS  ...05:43
concept10bob2, but I havent had any problems with the regular install.05:43
blekosvlc just plays things right...05:43
blekosbetter than xine05:43
AnkhWeaselI hate to say this, but it's dead serious - I had some Vegemite that expired 3 years ago, yesterday.05:43
digitizeblekos: i've never experienced problems with xine05:43
Seveasmplayer has the most features05:43
AnkhWeasel...It tasted totally, totally normal.05:43
JowiAnkhWeasel: totem-xine can do all i need it to. including mp3/ogg/flac, DVD with subtitles, xvid, divx, mpeg... etc...05:43
hutgyrrHow can i enclose this w/out it closing the file name after the Y and before the M???05:43
digitizeand vlc is heavily based upon mplayer, so is xine05:43
blekosi had mayb it was something with my system/conf05:43
zAo^breezy slow performance already solved?05:43
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elkbuntuankhweasel: what do you expect from something so salty05:44
ElkOShutgyrr: escape the ' like \'05:44
concept10Breezy also correctly configured processor scaling on my laptop right-out-the-box. something I have been trying to do unsuccesfully for the last year05:44
AnkhWeasel...Salt? >.>05:44
=== {cYanide} [i=moominpa@dsl-88-109-53-67.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveashutgyrr, use <tab> completion...05:44
mof_hello all05:44
hutgyrroh ok, thanks again05:44
elkbuntuyou think you'd be able to live in such a salt concentration?05:44
wickedpuppyOetzi, if you are not sure, use livecd and find out05:44
{cYanide}erm yesturday i updated a few things using the inbuilt update feature, and now my usb modem isnt working05:44
{cYanide}it was working fine before05:44
aladdsi canp;t wait for my breezy cds to arrive now05:45
Seveasaladds, you'll have to :)05:45
aladdsi know05:45
aladdsi like using the livecds at school ;)05:45
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aladdsi got three people using ubuntu full time because of the cds i handed out05:46
Jowi{cYanide}: what do you mean by it isn't working? did you try to unplug+plug+configure it again with pppoeconf?05:46
{cYanide}well its not "booting"05:46
{cYanide}the driver seems to have borked,  (eagle drivers) eaglestat says its waiting for drivers, but nothing ever happens now, ive tried unplugging and all that05:47
=== Jowi ponders
concept10Breezy is so good, I want to slap someone05:47
hyperzidI cant find mplayer in hoary... but it exists in breezy05:47
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hyperziddigitize, where can I get mplayer for hoary?05:47
aladdsconcept10: agreed05:47
digitizehyperzid: it's there05:47
ElkOSconcept10: what's so great about it compared to hoary?05:48
Seveasconcept10, noted :) http://ubuntulinux.nl/quotes?maxid=505:48
hyperziddigitize, any special mirror I need to add to my sources list?05:48
digitizei'm not too sure which repository it'd be on05:48
hyperziddigitize, I tried to search for it.. but no luck so far.05:48
concept10Seveas, lmao05:48
digitizehyperzid: http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories05:48
digitizeadd those repositories05:48
Skidlol @ the anal sex quote05:49
bob2please don't do that05:49
SeveasNO hyperzid05:49
SeveasDO NOT05:49
hyperzidwhy's that?05:49
Seveas!tell digitize about ubuntuguide05:49
bob2digitize: just read wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:49
Seveashyperzid, they'll seriously screw you over05:49
bob2digitize: mplayer is in the multiverse repository05:49
digitizeah ok, sorry for the bad advice then05:49
concept10ElkOS, superior hardware detection, fast install, new packages, gnome 2.12, so on and so forth05:49
bob2they won't screw you in general05:49
hyperzidcan anyone tell me which line I need to add then?05:49
bob2using them without knowing what you're doing is a terrible idea, tho05:50
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Seveasbob2, it has backports on by default05:50
hyperzidit will just screw me if i'm unlucky?05:50
Seveaswe've seen enough screups with that the last days05:50
aladdshmm, since upgrading to breezy, i've noticed that "enter your password" boxes have no borded05:50
bob2hyperzid: it will screw you if you run things like 'apt-get dist-upgrade'05:50
bob2aladds: they should lock the whole screen05:50
bob2no, backports05:51
Kernel-Krisim having problems inserting the ndiswrapper module into the kernel.......says that the operation isnt permitted.....and im root05:51
hyperzidyeah.. sure.. thats terrible..05:51
aladdsbob2: they might, i've not tried to do anything though05:51
Kernel-Krisanyone have the same problems or know how to fix05:51
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concept10aladds, ive noticed that too...i thought it was this killer theme i just got05:52
SeveasKernel-Kris: To get ndiswrapper to work, install linux-686 (intel CPU) or linux-k7 (AMD)05:52
aladdsconcept10, lol05:52
Kernel-KrisSeveas: why isnt that on the ubuntu forums anywhere05:53
hutgyrrim looking for a system similiar to retrospect backup software for windows. Is there anything out there05:53
concept10I promise, this theme is soooooo nice, if Ubuntu added this as default, userbase will go up 15%05:53
aladdswhat theme?05:53
concept10matter of fact, im going to suggest it05:54
SeveasKernel-Kris, because the forums aren't the best source of info perhaps...05:54
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tombshi ppl05:54
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Kernel-KrisSeveas: me and google have spent the last 7 hours together....and nothing.....well in english to help05:54
concept10aladds, http://www.gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=26980&file1=26980-1.png&file2=26980-2.png&file3=&name=Water+Vapor&PHPSESSID=e8e3a5b210229edb44d2f64033159d3305:54
=== xota saluda!
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backslash83hi all05:55
concept10the theme is subtle, but still great05:56
aladdswhere can i get it? (i've never had success with themes in the past)05:56
concept10they could brown it out05:56
axlconcept10: where du i download?05:56
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aladdswhat jvm do people recommend?05:57
concept10gimme sec05:57
blekosis there any other program similar 2 quanta?05:57
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concept10axl, aladds : theme --> http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=2698005:58
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concept10blekos, for web development?05:59
Jowiblekos: nvu is ok05:59
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AnkhWeaselAw, NTFS is read-only?05:59
=== cesarin [n=cesar@customer-201-133-186-30.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu
concept10Seveas, would it be a difficult task to get the developers to change the default theme?05:59
blekosi'm looking smg like dreamweaver...05:59
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martiiblekos: NVU05:59
martiiblekos: but there is no direct competitor to DW06:00
cesarinis there a way to see the programs running just like the control + alt + del of windows?06:00
blekoswhat is the site of nvu?06:00
Seveasconcept10, you would need to convince mark :)06:00
Seveaswhat's the theme you're proposing?06:00
bluesmooncesarin, maybe you want ps or top06:00
=== ironwolf [n=ironwolf@c-67-188-204-176.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
backslash83Guys, i just upgraded from hoary to breezy and i've got 2 issues: can't install mkvtoolnix (dependency problem) and some keys on my keyboard just don't work (IT layout). Can anyone help me?06:00
Seveascesarin, apps -> system tools -> system monitor06:01
AnkhWeaselHoly crap, random Firefox glitch..06:01
Jowiblekos: http://www.nvu.com/screenshots.html06:01
=== terrex [n=terrex@84-122-83-29.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
concept10Seveas, http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=26980    (It could be browned)  I promise this will increase user base, people like changes .. look == update to some new guys06:01
aladdshuh? i installed the theme and it said success, but it's not there06:01
Seveasconcept10, eeek, MS marketing alert ;)06:02
cesarinty Seveas06:02
AnkhWeaselWoah. This better work after a reboot..06:02
=== evian [n=dude@d149-67-55-168.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasconcept10, the font is ugly06:02
Seveasbut the rest is nice06:02
aladdsit says water vapour before install, does ir change?06:02
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concept10Seveas, heh. dont like?   You dont have to have that font06:03
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evianhi cool ubuntu people06:03
thierrylHello, I tried to make Rythmbox encoding mp3, even after installing gstreamer mp3 lib, it does not work and it does not seem to recognize mp3 files at all06:03
aladdsclearlooks loogs good06:03
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Seveasconcept10, btw, I doubt Ubuntu will drop clearlooks as default, especially since clearlooks is moving to cairo already06:03
evianis cairo a display postscript like engine?06:04
Kernel-KrisSeveas: i just installed the image and it still give me the same error ....do you have a doc of some sort or any more sugestions06:04
Seveasevian, it's a vector-drawing based render engine, it's used a lot in gnome2.12 already06:04
thierrylany news about gstreamer difficulties for the moment ?06:04
SeveasKernel-Kris, you need to reboot into it06:05
concept10Seveas, I recently red this article that shows how Cairo is really supposed to look.  Do you know what im talking about?06:05
aladdsoh man, i think i need to reinstall skype06:05
Kernel-KrisSeveas: i did, should i reinstall ndiswrapper06:05
adjacentis it safe to distupgrade from hoary to breezy yet?06:05
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aladdsadjacent: i did it just now and it worked06:05
aladdsbut YMMV06:05
adjacentof course =) any benefits immediately noticable?06:06
=== aimaz [n=swp1@i-83-67-17-205.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
aladdsyou get a bootsplash :D:D06:06
evianI was thinking to upgrade so I could get PHP5 without bothering to compile it (since I sorta want to upgrade anyway)06:06
adjacenti dont think ive rebooted since i installed ubuntu anyway06:06
adjacentits only been a month or two06:07
xerxasanyone on breezy here ?06:07
Seveasevian, php5 is available for hoary too06:07
Seveasxerxas, lots :)06:07
xerxasdoes anybody uses rhythmbox on breezy ?06:07
evianSeveas, oh ok I'll look again, I didn't see it06:07
xerxasrhythmbox 0.906:07
lorenzodBeen on Breezy since the day the Breezy repos opened..06:07
SeveasKernel-Kris, hmm, sudo modprobe ndiswrapper should work, if the windows drivers are installed06:07
thierrylyes on breezy right now06:08
blekosanyone knows the application on the bottom left corner of this wallpaper?06:08
thierrylAMD 6406:08
Seveasprobably a gdesklet06:09
Jowiprobably a part of gdesklets06:09
adjacentblekos: looks like a gdesklet widget06:09
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mof_blekos, its to hide windows06:09
ubotujava is, like, to install Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats06:09
aladdsOpenoffice.org 2!06:09
blekosthnx guys06:09
rikvaI want to compile my own vanilla kernel, but I _can't_ find the source on the kernel.org pub. Can anyone point me at linux-source-2.6.10.tar.bz2 ?06:10
=== Nikopol [n=Nikopol@i-195-137-15-67.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
blekosbtw, if I want to shut down my pc, and I want the windows to open as i had them when I restart it what should I do?06:11
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blekose.g a text editor, a few files etc06:11
Seveasblekos, tick 'save current session' when you logout06:11
evianblekos, isn't there a checkbox for that?06:11
ph8forums back yet?06:11
cyphasei just heard a mention on a radio station that they've switched to firefox and "a new operating system"06:11
evianoh yeah, what Seveas said06:11
bob2rikva: if the ubuntu kernel is missing something you need, please file a bug06:12
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blekosi c06:12
bob2blekos: you wouldn't shut down, you'd suspend-to-disk06:12
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evianthat's a different way (suspend)06:12
concept10Anyone know how to turn this on?  (Cairo) http://madpenguin.org/images/reviews/ubuntu510/compare-cairo.jpg06:12
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rikvaalisher: if that is the same, did they change the filenames and compression?06:13
adjacentaladds: did you just s/hoary/breezy in sources.list (no backports of course)06:13
bob2rikva: the kernel source in ubunt is significantly different to the one on kernel.org06:13
bob2concept10: if you're using breezy, you're using cairo06:13
concept10bob2, I understand that, but if you look at that shot, its a huge difference06:14
rikvabob2: I know, but even howto's on the ubuntu forums say that I need the linux-source* file06:14
aladdsadjacent: i attempted http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes but it failed, so without rebooting i changed the sources from breezy-update to breezy and it worked06:14
bob2rikva: I'd ignore any howto you found on the forums06:14
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bob2rikva: what are you trying to do?06:14
scenestaris there any package for automatic hardware recognition06:15
rikvabob2: compiling a vanilla kernel to get suspend2 working06:15
Kernel-Krisscenestar: please dont say that06:15
alisherrikva: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=all&file=pool%2Fmain%2Fl%2Flinux-source-2.6.10%2Flinux-source-2.6.10_2.6.10-34.6_all.deb&md5sum=475cd081d438cd0cef1263429cea99d2&arch=all&type=security06:15
bob2concept10: where do they say why they think it should look like the other window?06:15
bob2scenestar: you already have it...06:15
scenestarwhich would be/06:15
bob2rikva: if suspend-to-disk doesn't work for you in ubuntu, please file a bug so it can be fixed06:15
bob2scenestar: which would be lots of things, depending on what hardware you're talking about06:16
rikvaalisher: that isn't vanilla, or is it?06:16
bob2as awesome as uninformed ranting on irc is...06:16
drbombay43need help with ndiswrapper, when I run (FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-686-smp/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted), please help06:16
rikvabob2: it's no bug, the patch won't apply06:16
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bob2rikva: dude06:16
rikvabob2: it's a common problem06:16
scenestarwell, everything works properly, except for my dual display setup06:16
bob2rikva: the ubuntu kernel includes swsusp06:16
backslash83does apt-build work with ubuntu?06:16
scenestarcoffee killed my desktop06:16
bob2rikva: if it doesn't work for you, it's a bug, please report it06:16
Kernel-Krisdrbombay43: hey me too06:16
bob2backslash83: as well as it would work anywhere06:16
rikvabob2: ok, I will. But since when does the ubuntu kernel include the complete swsup2 patch?06:17
bob2rikva: never06:17
bob2rikva: swsusp != swsusp206:17
drbombay43any idea what the problem is?06:17
rikvabob2: But I want suspend206:17
bob2rikva: why?06:17
bob2rikva: does swsusp not work for you?06:17
concept10bob2, http://madpenguin.org/cms/?m=show&id=5145&page=2  scroll down a bit they talk about cairo, if you want to be bothered with it06:17
scenestarcan anyone give me a quick pointer with gdm/06:17
rikvabob2: i never used swsusp and I'm familiar with suspend206:17
backslash83uhm just tried an apt-build install gdesklets and didn't work..06:18
rikvabob2: I'll give swsusp a try then06:18
bob2rikva: to suspend to disk on ubuntu, sudo /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh06:18
bob2scenestar: you need to ask an actual question06:18
rikvabob2: that crashes my notebook06:18
bob2backslash83: why on earth would you rebuild the gdesklets package?06:18
bob2rikva: then that's a bug that should be fixed06:18
rikvabob2: okay06:19
scenestarbob2: i have a benq fp731 lcd screen hooked onto my extra display port06:19
scenestarit works fine druing boot06:19
backslash83because every time that i try the binary package it don't work -.-06:19
scenestarbut after gdm starts up it mess up06:19
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bob2backslash83: "don't work" is not a useful description of the problem06:19
bob2backslash83: and why do you think rebuilding the package would help?06:19
scenestari installed the proper nvidea drivers, but im having a hardtime configuring it06:19
rikvabob2: ehm, what is the difference between swsusp and software suspend 2, the swsusp site points to the suspend2 site06:19
scenestarshould i install a diffrent xwindow server06:20
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scenestaror just keep it the way it is06:20
Chousukerikva: swsusp2 is newer?06:20
bob2rikva: the latter is not as well tested and is shinier06:20
rikvaah k06:20
hemppaapt couldn't find adobe acrobat. how i should install it? im using breezy06:20
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backslash83bob2, because when i did that on gentoo it did work as intended ( every display that i needed worked) on debian/ubuntu never menaged to get that working06:20
aladdshemppa: get xpdf06:21
dracflamlochi, where are the module options specified in ubuntu?06:21
kemikhemppa:  acroread06:21
bob2backslash83: right, so you have no reason to believe rebuilding it would help06:21
bob2dracflamloc: /etc/modprobe.d/06:21
bob2backslash83: show us the actual error you get fro mthe ubuntu package, in #flood06:21
d2dchatcan using winetools advertisely affect my installation?06:21
ctp6360nothing like a shot of straight bourbon to wake yourself up!06:22
backslash83bob2, will give the package another try..06:22
cesarindo you consider the latest WINE release  to be stable?06:22
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d2dchatcesarin, im noting the fact that when i prompted spm to install the winetools stuff it said that it was "not authenticated"06:24
concept10im tired of these idiot comments people make about ubuntu, I should join the marketing team06:24
d2dchatubuntu was and is awesome:)06:25
cesarind2dchat,  I was just wondering , nothingto do regarding the wine tools06:25
d2dchati installed it seemlessly, fedora had troubles with my SATA hd.. isnt that weird?06:25
aladdsd2dchat, ubuntu will be awsome too06:25
d2dchataladds, haha, you mean MORE awesome?:)06:26
dracflamlocanyone know how to get a cogent EM100-FX fiber NIC to work?06:26
Xorlevd2dchat: Not really, every distro has better areas.06:26
aladdsd2dchat: exactly06:26
d2dchatXorlev, well support for SATA drives sold me:-P06:26
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d2dchatXorlev, considering SATA is a common thing in motherboards now..06:26
XorlevWas it FC4?06:26
bob2dracflamloc: does it have a Free linux driver?06:27
dracflamloci have no idea06:27
d2dchatno.. hehe06:27
aladdsXorlev: Frdora Core 406:27
bob2everything with a modern kernel supports SATA06:27
d2dchataladds, i knew what he meant:-P06:27
dracflamloccogent went out of business a while back06:27
d2dchatXorlev, FC3, but they insisted it would work06:27
XorlevFC just got worse from FC1.06:27
dracflamlocnever relased any windows nt/2k drivers so i'm trying to find new life for them in linux06:27
d2dchatXorlev, ah well if i tried FC2 maybe it would've worked?;)06:28
Xorlevd2dchat: No idea, but you shouldn't find out ;)06:28
XorlevUbuntu == awesome06:28
d2dchatXorlev, indeed;)06:28
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d2dchatI wonder, is it possible to run two boots at the same time?06:29
d2dchatone windows boot and one linux?06:29
XorlevI used to do it.06:29
ctp6360boot them split screen06:29
d2dchatI have a dual boot machine but06:29
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d2dchati dont know how to get windows running06:29
d2dchatand split screen06:29
d2dchatwith linux06:29
XorlevHmmm boot at same time06:29
d2dchatyea, how?06:29
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XorlevThat'd take some kind of software...no idea how.06:30
d2dchatlol, i have GRUB06:30
XorlevMisread your question.06:30
d2dchati dual boot Ubuntu/Windows all the time06:30
XorlevGRUB doesn't allow simultaineous boots.06:30
adjacentvmware gsx or esx server is probably the sexiest solution d2dchat.06:30
d2dchatyea, i want simulatneous bootage06:30
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La_PaRCad2dchat, you would need a vitualization layer06:31
XorlevIt'd probably crash anyways because of both trying to read/write and mount drives, etc.06:31
d2dchatif i have the windows hd mounted on linux, will it prevent me from mounting it on windows?06:31
La_PaRCad2dchat, or you can boot linux, and use something like vmware to boot windows06:31
XorlevVMware though works.06:31
adjacenta linux windows menage et tois06:32
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d2dchatlol, im trying to decide if i want that06:32
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d2dchatlinux is so fast06:32
d2dchatif windows comes in06:32
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adjacentwhy do you need windows at all?06:32
d2dchatand my mp3s;)06:32
d2dchati dont like GIMP06:32
Xorlevmp3s play fine on Linux06:32
FlyingSquirrel32how can I print a list of my emails in evolution?06:32
hutgyrrim quite a novice so would it is there something out there easier to set-up than iptables06:32
XorlevAnd you can run photoshop through crossover office.06:32
evianI just installed qemu last night and it worked as a "multiboot", although it may be slow for photoshop06:33
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bob2hutgyrr: why are you trying to setup firewalling at all then?06:33
d2dchatXorlev, I use xmms and play my mp3s off of my windows hd06:33
Xorlevhutgyrr: Use firestarter, simple GUI to iptables.06:33
evianbut its free06:33
d2dchatcrossover office?06:33
Xorlevd2dchat: I did that as well before killing Windows all\together.06:33
hutgyrrbob2: I dont know, do you?06:33
d2dchatXorlev, what is crossover officE?06:33
evianyeah I wouldn't bother with windows for that06:33
bob2hutgyrr: so juts leave it alone unless you have a real reason to set one up06:33
cesarinhey , do you guys think that the current release of WINE is stable?06:33
adjacentd2dchat: http://www.alexandern.com/Photoshop_on_Linux_(how_to).html06:33
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jemtGreetings. I'm looking for a graphical VT100 Terminal emulator which enables me to manage my Intel 510T switch. Does any of you know such a program? In Windows I use Hyper Terminal.06:34
d2dchatevian, haha thanks06:34
bob2jemt: minicom in an xterm06:34
adjacentjemt: uh. minicom?06:34
hutgyrryeah, suppose06:34
yunusybany tried running Xen on ubuntu06:34
jemtMinicom you say? Sounds interesting. 'll check it out. Thanks :)06:34
cesarinjemt,  TERMINAL SERVER?06:34
evianyunusyb I just downloaded the Xen live CD demo06:34
Chousukedo you need a separate program in an Xterm for that?06:34
evianhaven't burned it yet though06:35
yunusybhave some problem while booting06:35
jemtThanks, cesarin06:35
Chousukecan't you just set TERM=vt100?06:35
adjacentChousuke: yes, because you are connected througha  null modem cable06:35
evianyunusyb, although I could try it out inside qemu (haha)06:35
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jemtMinicom dosn't seem to be very GUI based06:36
adjacentjemt: vt100 isnt gui based either way, whats the difference?06:36
Chousukerun it in a GUI termianl06:36
Chousukethat's as GUI as you're going to get.06:36
jemtadjacent: Well, It's easier to set ie. baud rate06:36
evianyunusyb, why are you trying Xen, just for fun?06:36
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yunusybhave successfully ran on debian06:37
adjacentjemt: just hit ctrl a-z and set it up06:37
yunusybbut ubuntu is giving probs06:37
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evianyeah I'd like to see it work too, it should be cool once the new virtualized processors come out in 2006 like the AMD pacifica06:37
d2dchatwhat would be better, wine or cross over office?06:37
cesarindamn, noone has answered my question :/06:37
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war-totemive searched all over and cant figure out how to add my hotmail addresses to hotway06:37
war-totemanyone have any experiences with this?06:37
cesarinevian, virtualized processors??06:37
jemtHmm, now it says : "Device /dev/ttyS1 is locked"06:37
bob2cesarin: you could have just tried it by now, instead of asking over and over06:38
cesarinbob2: dude, I've "tried" stuff, to just get broken stuff ;)06:38
cesarinthats why I ask first :P06:38
evianwell I'm not speaking precisely... processors that support virtualization in hardware06:38
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FlyingSquirrel32How can I print a list of my emails from evolution?06:39
bob2cesarin: there's no possibly way that installing wine cvs into your home dir could break things06:39
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mindampwhich CD's shall i download if i want to be able to install without the internet?06:41
eviananyone use skype? does your sound work?06:41
mindampi.e. apache/mysql/gnome etc install without internet access?06:41
mindampjust the single install disc?06:41
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mindampor need i download the source disks as well?06:41
FlyingSquirrel32cesarin: the stability of wine depends on the software you are trying to use with wine, not with wine itself.06:41
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traskgot  a freind who just installed ubuntu.. he doesnt have his root pw.. how do we get that?06:41
cesarinFlyingSquirrel32,  good explanation06:41
bob2mindamp: source disks? where?06:42
adjacenttrask: you dont. use sudo and the userpasswd06:42
cesarinbtw, Im just triying to install games, so CEDEGA is more prefered than WINE?06:42
eviantrask, he doesn't have one, see the wiki etc.06:42
adjacenttrask: or sudo -s to get a root shell06:42
traskadjacent: ok tnx06:42
Orunitiacesarin yeah cedega will work better for games06:42
Orunitiacesarin you should check cedega's website for compatible games06:43
FlyingSquirrel32cesarin: absolutely. Which games?06:43
mindampwhat do i need to download if i want to do an offline install?06:43
cesarincounter strike source & stuff06:43
eviancesarin, cedega's old name was winex06:43
aladdsmindame: the install iso06:43
cesarinI supose CEDEGA is a comercial program, im just cheking the website06:43
eviansorta complementary06:43
evianyes, commercial06:43
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cesarinbut it can be installed into ubuntu?06:44
evianI imagine that's why they changed the name06:44
cesarinusing .deb package I supose?06:44
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FlyingSquirrel32cesarin: well, counter-strike will definitly work with cedega, haven't done it but I beleive it works very well.06:44
eviancesarin, think so06:44
eviancesarin, they have some sort of monthly updating service for cedega06:44
cesarinFlyingSquirrel32,  Might try my amule ;P06:45
abarbacciado breezy-extra repos exist yet?06:45
FlyingSquirrel32cesarin: You can join for a min. 3 months, pay $15 ($5 per month) and then quit.06:45
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eviandoes anyone use skype?06:45
cesarinFlyingSquirrel32,  problem is im not in the US, and my paypal stoped accepting credit cards from my bank :/06:45
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linuksoDoes anyone else have a problem with evolution in hoary? It won't accept unsigned certificates (imap) permanently...06:46
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eviancesarin, if you want to check it out, and you come across a linspire CD, they have it preinstalled (cedega), I think06:46
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cesarinevian,  and what is linspire ?06:47
jemt_Back. MiniCom is an excelent VT100 Terminal. But how do I disable Flow Control ?06:47
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jemt_I can setup baud rate, parity, data bits and stop bit. But not flow control06:47
eviana commercial debian based distribution with a lot of stuff pre-installed, although of course I prefer ubuntu06:47
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ChousukeLinspire runs as root by default.06:48
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cesarinevian, ic.. but since im not very professional into linux, I prefer something free I can uninstall, trash and do stuff :P06:48
adjacentjemt: ctrl-a-o, serial port setup06:48
evian(well its not really debian anymore)06:48
kemikChousuke:  that will mess up a few newbieusers im sure :)06:48
Chousukekemik: it's just more windowsy06:48
fredforfaenhave a prob here......as many of you know switch2 work very vell in ubuntu...but i havent got switch to work , i can choose the theme , and preveiw the theme but not enable it...any ideas?06:49
kemikChousuke:  even windows is moving away form using the Admin acct as default06:49
ChousukeQuite unsuccessfully, if you ask me :P06:49
ChousukeIt's easier, but idiotic.06:49
cesarinI dont know why I have the fears that microsoft will never stop eating other companie,s and thus ending in something similar to UMBRELLA corp06:49
Chousukerunning as admin that is.06:49
cesarincontrolling entire governaments :P06:49
evianyeah too bad Cedega isn't free, but I imagine it is an insane amount of work06:49
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kemikChousuke:  in windows, i'm always admin... there's no security inwindows anyway so idont care ;)06:50
kemikbut Vista seem to be embracing a whole new security-mindset06:50
Chousukekemik: MS only want to make you believe that.06:50
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Chousukeremember, they have the world's absolute best PR department.06:51
jemtHi again. How do I determine which serial port I'm using on my computer? If i execute 'dir /dev/tty*06:51
jemtHi again. How do I determine which serial port I'm using on my computer? If i execute 'dir /dev/tty*' I get a very long list of ports.06:52
SuperNinjaKittyChousuke c'mon Bill loves us and only wants what is best for us06:52
cesarinkemik: you're wrong.. in windows.. YOU're GOD :O06:52
adjacentkemik: by embracing a new mindset do you mean dumping old code and having to start fresh?06:52
cesarinexcept when the kernel plays as satan:P06:52
darksatanicjemt: Serial ports are ttyS*, which may cut things down a bit.06:52
jemtdarksatanic: There are still alot of them06:52
adjacentjemt: /dev/ttyS0 is com1, S1 is com2, etc06:52
jemtadjacent: Ok, cool. Thanks06:53
darksatanicTypically, ttyS0 and ttyS1 are the ones on the motherboard06:53
jemtdarksatanic: Ok, good. I'll try those06:53
kemikadjacent:  i very much doubt they've started from scratch ;)06:53
Chousukecesarin: So in realyty, your influence is pretty limited. :p06:53
adjacentkemik: do you read WSJ?06:54
kemikadjacent:  noe06:54
jemtWohoo, I got access to my Intel 510T switch. Thanks alot guys!06:54
adjacentkemik: go pick up a copy of last week's issue. =) allchin says they dropped everything and had to restart06:55
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kemikadjacent:  really? not re-using any code? that seems hardcore06:55
kemikofcourse... it's doable, especially with their resources i guess06:56
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cesarinkemik: the power of smutt is unstopable :O06:56
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phizz-has anyone managed to get the netgear wg111v2 (vend/prod:0846/6a00) working under linux?06:56
adjacentkemik: its all over the news now, you should google it. very interesting06:56
meezHello, can anyone direct me to any easy ways to point to a group of screenshots and turn them into an avi (game movie making stuff)? I can't seem to find anything fitting :\06:56
phizz-talking about vista?06:57
phizz-I read last night that they scraped everything and started over06:57
kemikadjacent:  ahh, read  of that article yesterday.. didnt notice they actually did scrap the code06:58
phizz-they are starting with a fresh base06:58
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The_Voxat least that's what they said :)06:59
traskisnt there a sshd default installed on ubuntu?.. and if not what alternative is there?06:59
phizz-and build onto that, instead of each team doing their own thing and then trying to compile it all together at the end06:59
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phizz-yeah, that's what they said anyway06:59
phizz-I'm still skeptical of vista06:59
SuperNinjaKittyphizz you should be07:00
phizz-I'm trying to go linux only but I can't get my wireless adapter working. apparently it's one of those that doesn't have a proper driver yet.07:00
The_Voxtrask: openssh is what comes with ubuntu, but I don't remember if it gets installed by default. As for alternatives...there's only two alternatives worth considering: openssh and the commercial ssh....and I wouldn't pay for the commercial version07:00
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Rockett18i dont think it is installed by default07:01
backslash83anyone experienced some problems with international keys with breezy?07:01
Rockett18pretty sure I had to install my openssh07:01
traskThe_Vox: ty.. think thats the line we needed :)07:01
SuperNinjaKittyphizz i wish i could help you with your wireless issue07:01
tritiumRockett18: if you mena the server, you're correct07:01
phizz-it's alright07:02
phizz-anyone used ndiswrapper before?07:02
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FlyingSquirrel32How can I print a list of my emails from evolution?07:04
Arkainiumtritium, remember I was telling you about not being able to suspend/resume more than once?07:05
tritiumArkainium: yes.07:06
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FlyingSquirrel32What is the smoothest way to upgrade my Warty machine to breezy?07:07
tritiumFlyingSquirrel32: see the topic07:07
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tritiumArkainium: do you have news or more details?07:07
FlyingSquirrel32tritium: Thanks.07:08
Arkainiumtritium, well, I think I narrowed it down to an ide problem.  I was getting hdc errors in my log when the system was locking up.  so I tried removing the modules for all the cd related stuff.  not I can suspend/resume fine but now if I try suspending on the THIRD time, I get hdc: lost interrupt, even though I don't have an hdc device because I removed the modules.  In other words, I have no clue.  :)07:08
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tritiumArkainium: that's unusual07:08
djfmis there a graphical utility to set applications to use for each file type ?07:09
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djfm*the apps07:09
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djfmI rightclicked and selected "open with other application" but I'd like to remove the entry created in the menu now07:10
Arkainiumtritium, and once I do start getting those hdc: lost interrupts scrolling down my screen, I can't do anything.  The system doesn't lock up or anything, because I can still change ttys, but I can't type anything.07:11
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rikvabob2: does swsusp support suspend-to-disk (and then shutting down, and when booting the kernel, the saved image loads)?07:11
meezKeep getting 'File not found: 'frameno.avi'' error whenever I try to encode with mencoder using a method defined in the manual, also, 'Exiting... (error parsing command line)'... any ideas? :\07:11
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kamiro87hello. does anyone know how to set up dual monitors in ubuntu?07:12
tritiumrikva: you can suspend-to-disk (hibernate)07:13
hou5tonkamiro87:  If you have the card I do in this laptop, it ain't happening.   ATI Mobility Radeon 970007:13
Nikopol_showerinAnyone got LIRC setup correctly?07:13
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Nikopolfor some reason the /dev/lirc isn't there07:14
Nikopolbut LIRC is working kind of07:14
=== linukso wonders if this is a good time for upgrading to breezy...
hou5tonkamiro87:  ATI's .... last time I checked as was trying to do it ....just aren't linux friendly .... certainly not for dual monitors07:15
Nikopollinmaster, not a bad time anywya07:15
Nikopoloops meant for linukso07:15
quintroman_i'm having trouble installing ubuntu on my compaq presario 2500, everything freezes as soon as i boot off of the disk.  any suggestions?07:15
bob2rikva: that's all it does, yes07:15
rikvatritium: I know :)07:15
tritiumrikva: then why did you ask?07:15
rikvabob2: okay07:16
ubotuNikopol: I haven't a clue07:16
Nikopol!infra red07:16
ubotuNikopol: Did you get hit by a windmill?07:16
ubotuNikopol: I give up, what is it?07:16
tritiumkamiro87: with nvidia, you can setup TwinView07:16
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linuksoNikopol: do you know if there is an official list of bugs in breezy?07:17
Nikopollinukso, I haven't come across it07:18
Nikopollinukso, you under Hoary now?07:18
linuksoNikopol: yes.07:18
rikvatritium: Sorry, I was confused07:18
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Nikopollinukso, actually if you're thinking of upgrading from Hoary to Breezy things can be rocky07:18
linuksoNikopol: but I run breezy on two other computer, but not on my laptop ...07:19
Nikopollinukso, I did a fresh re-install as it was slooooow07:19
linuksoNikopol: disp-upgrade on the other two machines haven't given me any problems.07:19
Nikopollinukso, ah - so you could sort it out if X.org does a runner on you ?07:19
Nikopollinukso, well there are still some minor bugs being ironed out07:19
=== linukso has been a gentooer :)
Nikopollinukso, hey you should be fine then ;)07:20
linuksoso xorg.conf is my friend :D07:20
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Nikopollinukso, you using NVIdia or ATI on the laptop?07:20
Nikopolshould be ok now07:21
cesarinhttp://www.tomshardware.com/game/20050922/lost_coast-05.html <-- why steam's server sometimes suck lol07:21
cesarinanyway laters :>07:21
Nikopollinukso, I filed quite a few bugs with the Nividia driver but now it seems sorted07:21
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Nikopollinukso, well it's worked on all the machines I've tried it on ;)07:22
meezhow to specify width/height with mencoder -ovc raw??07:22
lorenzodCould somebody tell me what the default icon theme for Breezy is?07:23
kamiro87anyone know how to set up 2 videocards in linux07:23
lorenzodThat is if you install ubuntu-desktop..07:23
=== linukso remembers all the trouble he had when was upgrading fc to early...
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linuksokamiro87: take a look at xinerama in the wiki07:24
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linuksoanyone here using evolution 2.2 and their own imap server?07:27
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lorenzodSpeaking of IMAP, anybody played around with Hula?07:28
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poningruubotu: xinerama07:31
ubotuponingru: I haven't a clue07:31
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MpiCan somebody explain me how to copy files to the write-protected Mozilla-Firefox folder? Im a newb, so please explain it in newb language :)07:36
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poningruMpi: go to applications07:36
deviosanyone know how to get streaming audio from krock2.com ? it's telling me windowze only07:36
ilangutanyone here a vegastrike player... need help setting things up07:36
poningrusystem tools07:36
Kernel-KrisMpi: or sudo cp source destination07:37
poningruMpi: click on Terminal07:37
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poningruMpi: type in sudo Nautilus07:37
Dr_WillisHmm why would the folder be write protected?07:37
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[LethAL] :|07:37
delvitplease why is 5.10 still have status of preview realease?07:38
poningrudelvit: because its not released yet07:38
[LethAL] delvit, because it's not finished07:38
Seveasnetsplit return :)07:38
poningruwait till oct 1307:38
Dr_Willisbecuse thats what it is.07:38
[LethAL] Dr_Willis, your answer wins ;)07:38
Rockett18hmmm nice split07:38
poningruMpi: you there yet?07:38
Dr_Willislast i looked - it was averagind about 100+mb of updates a day07:38
ilangutanyone succesfully running vegastrike on ubuntu?07:38
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delvitponingru, [LethAL]  : thank you07:39
Mpiponingru, Yes. So now I can 'write' as root...07:39
delvitwhat are the main unfinished parts?07:39
poningruMpi: yeah07:39
delvitis there a part vital to desktop system?07:39
Dr_Willisdelvit,  its all finished and works good... but theres issues at times.07:39
poningrudelvit: its all polish thats going on right now07:40
Dr_Willisim using 5.10 on my TUrion64 laptop - it works very well.07:40
delvitok ... like beta release07:40
poningrudelvit: right07:40
delvituhmm thank you07:40
Mpiponingru, Great! This wasnt as tough as I thought :D07:40
poningruMpi: hehe07:40
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Kernel-Krisguys i cant get ndiswrapper to work for anything07:40
Dr_Willisbut last week - some of the updates killed it.. then next batch of updates fixed it back.. :P07:40
zeke1can anybody help me with my network in ubuntu07:40
Mpiponingru, thanks07:40
[LethAL] zeke1, Wired or Wireless?07:40
poningruKernel-Kris: whats wrong?07:40
zeke1[LethAL] : wired07:41
poningruMpi: be extremely carefull07:41
Kernel-Krisponingru: when i go to insert the module i get operation not permitted07:41
poningrubecause you can mess up the system files this way07:41
[LethAL] zekel, then I'm not the person to talk to. I've never used one07:41
Jowizeke1: what's the problem?07:41
zeke1so anybody else good with networks in ubuntu07:41
ilangutanyone succesfully running vegastrike on ubuntu?07:41
poningruKernel-Kris: couple of questions how did you install the thing?07:41
zeke1Jowi: ubuntu cant even see my NIC's07:41
Mpiponingru, Yes I know. I just need to copy my old Firefox files to this one...07:42
poningruMpi: you dont need root for that07:42
Kernel-Krisponingru: compiled from source07:42
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zeke1Jowi: i have 2 onboard cards07:42
Jowizeke1: ouch. none of them?07:42
poningruKernel-Kris: dude just use apt07:42
Mpiponingru, Well it says I cant copy. Only the owner (root) can...07:42
Kernel-Krisponingru: tried that first07:42
zeke1Jowi: Nno but i had to remove hotplug to gewt ubuntu to boot07:42
poningruMpi: what did you try to copy?07:42
poningruMpi: was it the profile folder?07:43
poningruMpi: like .mozilla?07:43
delvithmm is there a 686 iso?07:43
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adjacentwell, breezy upgrade didnt go exactly as planned... Fatal server error: could not open default font 'fixed';07:43
poningruKernel-Kris: what happend when you did that?07:43
Jowizeke1: hotplug loads the nic drivers and configure them so you will have to load the modules manually07:43
delvitof  Breezy Badger?07:43
=== backslash83 [n=backslas@adsl-ull-100-136.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
adjacentthats after switching xorg.conf from nvidia to nv, because it whined about not having nvidia07:43
zeke1Jowi: yeah so any idea how i do that07:43
Mpiponingru, bookmarks etc from a .pcv (mozbackup)07:43
poningrudelvit: you are supposed to switch to that kernel from apt07:44
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poningruMpi: oh ic07:44
Kernel-Krisponingru: i get the driver installed and when i go to insert the module to the kernel i get the operation not permitted.........same when i compile it myself07:44
elmagohi guys07:44
Jowizeke1: you load the modules by putting them in /etc/modules07:44
delvitponingru: aha ok :)).  Any kernel compilation needed?07:44
poningruMpi: can you go to #firefox in irc.mozilla.org07:44
Jowizeke1: but you must, of course, know which modules your nics need.07:44
elmagoi want to add the breezy packets to my source list07:44
poningrudelvit: no just find the kernel package in synaptic07:44
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ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx07:45
delvitponingru: ah, pitty :)) thank you07:45
Mpiponingru, Yes. This, however, was a root/sude thing..:)07:45
zeke1Jowi: so what would i need to put in there....i have a realtek and a marvel 1GBit lan onboard on an nvidia nforce 407:45
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poningruMpi: try it but be careful07:45
poningruKernel-Kris: you sure you in root?07:45
poningruerr sudo?07:45
Mpiponingru, all though I do need to know how to get mozbackup to work on ubuntu some day07:45
Kernel-Krisponingru: yes07:45
elmagois there any risk of using them07:45
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Jowizeke1: depends on the realtek version. wait07:46
poningruelmago: I would use backports07:46
backslash83guys is there naything i can do to fix an error in XKB when i try to change layout of my keyboard? it work fine in console, but in X i cannot use any international key and alt gr07:46
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vladuz976where do i set the variable for my default editor?07:46
poningruKernel-Kris: hmm07:46
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poningruKernel-Kris: I remember couple of people having this prob07:47
elmagoi have already the backports07:47
zeke1Jowi: ok07:47
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poningrudont remember how the guy solved it07:47
Kernel-Krisponingru: ive spent many hours searching and cant find it anywhere07:47
poningruelmago: thats the breazy packages07:47
ElkOSvladuz976: export EDITOR=emacs ; alias emacs='emacs -nw'07:47
poningruKernel-Kris: hold on let me go look07:47
CentinelWhen I try to install nvidia graphic driver I get the message "Error: Nvidia driver must be run as root". How do I fix that? And note, Im a newbie so please answer so I understand ;)07:47
cowbudare there some 3rd party good java debs I have been searching left and right through the ubuntu pages and have only found broken links or old information07:47
Kernel-Krisponingru: thanks a million07:47
elmagooh thx07:48
cesarinhey guys, Im on breezy, you guys recommend me to install FGLRX over the default ATI driver?07:48
vladuz976ElkOS, that is only for this session, right?07:48
vladuz976ElkOS, what if i wanna change it for good07:49
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cesarinbecause the fglrx's howto on wiki says "ATI driver version 8.12.10 is available in breezy, which should fix this problem + have a decent performance improvement."07:49
poningruKernel-Kris: whats the error you are getting?07:49
adjacentubotu tell adjacent about nvidia07:49
ElkOSvladuz976: put that in /etc/profile07:49
poningruKernel-Kris: /msg it to me07:49
Kernel-Krisponingru: how do you do that?07:49
cesarinbut to be honest, running cheap FPS tests like glgears eats all my cpu, and just does random fps, from 5 fps, to 400 fps07:49
kemikcesarin:  dare i grab the breezy fglrx and run on hoary ?07:49
poningruwhen you tried to load ndiswrapper07:49
kemikcesarin:  must be a crappy cpu thne =)07:50
WhiteRabbitati drivers on linux blow07:50
poningruwhat steps did you take to install ndiswrapper?07:50
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WhiteRabbityou want decent rendering on linux *whispers* Nvidia!07:50
WhiteRabbitbtw ati makes nice hardware07:50
poningru!tell Kernel-Kris about wireless07:50
vladuz976ElkOS, put that line under "export PATH" in /etc/profile ?07:50
zeke1Jowi: so any idea what i should do yet07:50
Jowizeke1: you get a list of all the net modules by running: modprobe -l | grep net07:50
poningrumake sure you visit that site07:50
poningruKernel-Kris: make sure you follow that instructions07:51
poningruKernel-Kris: actually go here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto07:51
Jowizeke1: you must find out what modules you need for your hardware. i can not know that since I do not have your hardware :) check the output that you get from the last command and see if anything seems remotely close to what you want.07:51
zeke1Jowi: then how do i enter hese into /etc/module07:51
cesarinkemik:im on athlon 3000+ @ 2.25 Ghz07:52
ElkOSvladuz976: echo export EDITOR=emacs ; alias emacs='emacs -nw' | tee -a /etc/profile, or use your favorite editor to add that line, re-login and you're set :)07:52
cesarinso its not my computer07:52
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zeke1Jowi: or how di choose the ones i want and get it to work? :)07:52
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kemikcesarin:  then there's something wrong ... cus glxgears shouldnt be that erratic07:52
Jowizeke1: lets say you have realtek 8139too nic. just type in "8139too" last in your /etc/modules file07:52
cesarinkemik: thats what I wonder :P07:52
cesarinI might try the FGLRX drivers tought07:52
cesarinIm using atm the defualt Breezy's "ATI"07:53
cesarinso brb07:53
kemikyou need the fglrx07:53
zeke1ok cool thanks Jowi...will bw back have to reboot07:53
Dr_Willisi got the fglrx working on my COmpatq V2311 with X200 video  :P07:53
Jowizeke1: to see if that IS the one. you can try right now just by typing: modprobe 8139too07:53
Jowizeke1: no errors = success07:53
WhiteRabbitDr_Willis, I like how you said I got them working lol07:53
zeke1Jowi: i am in windows now...i am dual booting07:53
Jowizeke1: ah07:54
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Dr_WillisWhiteRabbit,  amazing too.. i just followed the wiki/guide. :P07:54
Dr_Willisi was even more amzzed that it DID work07:54
=== WhiteRabbit high fives Dr_Willis
zeke1Jowi: will be backs07:54
WhiteRabbitDr_Willis, only in Linux Land07:54
Dr_Willisthis laptop and linux does not get along.. but with 5.10 - its finially behaving.07:54
Dr_Willisi still need to test out the wireless however.07:54
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Dr_Willisif that works - then it will be about 95% working. -  a little apci issue here and there still.07:55
WhiteRabbitDr_Willis, some distros are just another cigarette but ubuntu is a cigar07:55
WhiteRabbitDr_Willis, thats why the defeat theme we choose brown07:55
WhiteRabbitfor the color of a fine cigar!07:56
renjiiWhiteRabbit - in which case, gentoo is the cigar rolled for castro by CUban Freedom fighters07:56
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WhiteRabbitrenjii, che che!07:56
Dr_Willisan official "Monica Brand Cigar"07:56
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Kernel-Krisponingru: ok when i do an iwconfig i get an eth1 with wireless extensions.......but there is no loaded driver07:57
poningruKernel-Kris: did you load the drivers?07:57
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KenseyWow, place is jumping.07:57
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Kenseyanybody here successfully using Ubuntu with a Ralink rt2500usb card, esp. using WPA-PSK?07:58
Plukas far as i know wpa_supplicant doesnt support ralink yet07:59
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Plukso your out of luck07:59
Kenseyis there any way to configure WPA without using wpa_supplicant?07:59
Kenseyeven if not, the wireless card is still useful to me when traveling -- our WLAN at work only uses WEP07:59
WhiteRabbitKensey, we are like the happy hour bar here 25/808:00
icewterr.. i just managed to destroy my .bash_profile , is there a way to get a default ubuntu .bash_profile somewhere with all the nice colours etc.?08:00
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WhiteRabbitKensey, before you ask leap year humor!08:00
adjacentim sorry if someone has answered this already, but im not sure how irssi handles scrolling =) xorg will not load nvidia after a breezy upgrade. switching back down to nv gives an error about not being able to open the default font 'fixed'08:00
Plukicewt, check the one in /etc/skel08:00
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Plukeuh /etc/skel.bashrc08:01
Plukmy typing sux! /etc/skel/.bashrc08:01
Kenseywhat I get is, the Windows 98 drivers don't see the card using NDISwrapper, the serialmonkey rt2500usb (rt2570) locks the system because it isn't preempt-safe, and the experimental rt2x00 driver that is supposed to be preempt-safe won't compile -- I think I'm missing something, but no idea what.08:01
Plukcopy that one and set the permissions right08:01
poningruKensey: there is the old waproamd but thats not recommended08:01
brlancerhow do I change the priorities of /etc/alternatives after they're set up?08:02
zAo^$ renice PID08:02
icewtPluk, there seems to be also .bash_profile, but .bashrc is the one to use?08:02
Kenseythey are both used icewt08:02
KenseyIIRC .bashrc calls .bash_profile08:03
Plukicewt, sorry .bash_profile i the one08:03
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icewtok. thanks to you both :)08:03
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=== Kensey just pulled up the Ubuntu live and install CDs last week, so far life is pretty good
ilangutanyone succesfully running vegastrike on ubuntu?08:04
KenseyI do wish there were a more realistic hard drive space estimate -- I have a 2.0 GB partition for Ubuntu and the default install choked and died after filling it up08:04
deviosanyone know how to get streaming audio from krock2.com ? it's telling me windowze only.  is there a way I can play this stuff with ubuntu?08:05
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KenseyI did a server install and apt-get'ed ubuntu-desktop or whatever and a couple other things, and that fully installed and left me about 500 MB free space08:05
cesarinwell it works now :o08:05
cesarinthanks for the help again :P08:05
=== cesarin runs to winbloze
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Kenseyoh, well it looks like you can't actually associate with rt2xoo yet anyway, so *that's* no good08:06
poningruilangut: dude how did you try to install vegastrike?08:06
poningrucompile or apt?08:06
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ilangutand the loki installer08:06
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zeke1Jowi: Hi i got one nic to work with modprobe...it was 8139too...how do i get the other one...its a mervel to work...i cant seem to find its device08:07
xukunhi all08:07
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Jowizeke1: what is the exact name of the card?08:07
poningruilangut: hmm08:08
ilangutponingru: it fails after a long loding time08:08
zeke1Jowi: Marvell 8053 Gigabit Ethernet controller08:08
Jowizeke1: hang on08:08
zeke1Jowi: cool08:08
Kenseyhm... Ralink linux drivers.08:09
poningruilangut: when you install using apt does it do the same thing?08:09
hyperzidhow do I get xmms to work with the esd deamon?08:09
poningrualso what vid card are you using?08:09
xukunI need to hear sound from my usb headset but instead it comes from my lapts boxes. Where can I change this?08:10
AstralJavaKensey: I've succesesfully compiled the rt2x00 drivers, but they're still somewhat flaky. At least were a month ago when I last tried them. This is a PCI card, though, not USB as you wanted.08:10
Jowizeke1: sk98lin seems to be the one08:10
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zeke1Jowi: ok after I've added these to /etc/module how do i set up the network and my adsl08:11
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Jowizeke1: wait, still doublechecking the Marvell nic08:11
zeke1Jowi: cool np08:11
KenseyAstralJava: I think I'm going to try the Ralink-supplied drivers, if they don't work I suppose I'll be recompiling my kernel with preempt disabled...08:11
ilangutyep... segmentation fault08:11
AstralJavaKensey: Would you mind posting to the Ubuntu-users mailing list about how it went?08:12
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AstralJavaKensey: There was another guy asking about those same cards as well, or at least cards that used the same chip.08:13
linnerhey ya'll08:13
ilanguti have a geforce4-mx40008:13
linnertell me something... why is my clock off everytime I reboot?08:13
Jowizeke1: seems like sk98lin is what you want but i am not 100% sure. modprobe sk98lin to see if you get any errors. is the dsl modem connected through usb or eth?08:13
linnerI mean REALLY off08:13
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pr0tocolsuuup everyone08:13
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=== Jowi bows to pr0tocol
xukuncan anybody please help with my new usb headset. sounds comes only from the boxes but not from the headset08:14
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KenseyAstral: I will probably do so later this week :)08:15
AstralJavalinner: Are minutes also off, or just hours? Are you utilizing a dual boot machine, and if so, is the other OS a Windows?08:15
AstralJavaKensey: Thanks a bunch!08:15
Kenseyyep, no trouble08:15
Kenseyso far I'm really liking Ubuntu08:15
pr0tocolhey guys, how can I completely remove gtk-qt engine?08:15
xukunwith cat /proc/asound/cards I see the headset but I,m not hearing any sound08:15
AstralJavaKensey: No wonder, I fell in love with it too during the first two hours. :)08:15
pr0tocolI removed KDE and all, but my gnome panels aren't using the GTK thingy08:16
havocis there a why to update gnome/kde menus after a package (e.g. xawtv) is installed?08:16
Kenseyit kinda reminds me of what Ximian used to look like back around 2000, as far as catering to the user, but without the hordes of gunk that cluttered up the configuration in Ximian08:16
Kenseythe other thing I didn't like about Ximian was how it took over a zillion packages -- once you had it, you couldn't really use the stock Debian archives any more08:17
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Kenseyhavoc: that's a tricky issue on any distro.  What do you want to do, just add a menu item manually, or have it added automatically?08:18
Jowizeke1: after the nics are ready try to run network-admin to set up the network. to set up the conneciton with your dsl you probably should run pppoeconf if you want to let linux handle the conneciton. if porrisble, set up the connection in the modem instead and connect it to one of the nics. that's a very general answer i'm afraid since i let my router do all the heavy lifting :)08:18
havocKensey: auto, I already know how to do it manually08:18
havocKensey: I want to know if there's something like mandrake's update-menus08:19
Jowiporrisble = possible08:19
havocwhich updates both gnome and kde menus based on installed packages08:19
havocif not it's no big deal08:19
linnerdoes anyone know about keeping the clock correct?08:20
havoclinner: use ntp?08:20
linnerwhat is ntp havoc08:20
havoclinner: Network Time Protocol08:20
havoclinner: you run ntpd to keep time synced08:20
linneri think so08:20
Kenseyit looks like updating menus requires action from the package08:20
havocKensey: ok, thanx08:21
Kenseyhttp://www.linuxjournal.com/article/8278 about 3-4 screens from the bottom08:21
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linnerit's in the "adjust time and date" right?08:22
Kensey"However, all of the packages in the Ubuntu base system are good about putting launchers in the menu, so the typical Ubuntu user does not need a menu editor.... If you want to use the universe packages, I suggest you set up the Debian menus. The universe packages may not add menu entries to the GNOME desktop menu, but they almost always add entries to the Debian menu."08:22
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linnerhavoc: i can't get hte adjust time date to come up08:22
havocKensey: that would explain it, xawtv is in universe08:22
Kenseythere you are then08:22
havoclinner: sorry, I can't be of help then :(08:23
linnerhavoc: ok... np08:23
Kenseysomebody should write a utility to update the GNOME menus from the Debian menus for Ubuntu :)08:23
apsynchi, about the ntfs script... http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab ... is what language is that written, bash?08:23
KyralIts called installing the menu package :P08:24
AstralJavalinner: What happens when you right-click on the clock and choose Adjust date & time ?08:24
havocKensey: any idea who I use "debian menus"?08:24
linnerAstralJava: absolutely nothing08:24
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Kyralhavoc install the package menu08:24
havocKyral: thanx :)08:24
butcherbirdapsync, bash yes08:24
Kenseywhat exactly does the menu package do?08:24
KyralCreates the "Debian" menu in the GNOME Menus08:25
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apsyncok thanks08:25
havocI'm using KDE actually08:25
Kenseyah, so it just gloms the Debian menu structure on as a GNOME menu.  cool.08:25
KyralI think it works in KDE as well08:25
uiwhy i cant hear any sound of flash in firefox?08:25
B_166-ER-Xi have been able to reconfigure my kb, but at each reboot, i have a message sayin that my $home/.dmrc file have incorrect persomision, that it should be owned by user with permission 644 or something like this08:25
AstralJavalinner: How about System - Administration - Time and date?08:25
akkYikes! I just tried to dist-upgrade, and suddenly hoary wants to remove almost every package I have08:25
Kenseyui: does your sound work at all?08:25
akkand install one package, linux-image-2.6.10-5-38608:25
linnerAstralJava:  click on the time and date and click "adjust time date", hear the sound and no window08:25
uikensey : yes it does08:25
akkI last upgraded a couple days ago and it was fine then.08:26
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havocnow if I could just get xawtv to *work* I'd be happy08:26
linnerAstralJava: let me see08:26
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rob_plinner:  have you tried synchronizing to an external time server from the command prompt?08:26
linnerrob_p: no huh uh08:26
uii can hear sounds of clips in firefox with mplayer plugin but i cant hear flash sounds08:27
linnerAstralJava: i got a window that said starting time and date and then noting08:27
rob_plinner:  Try this, "sudo ntpdate time.nist.gov"08:27
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zAo^how do i remove my gnome layout/theme settings?08:27
faenhmm, anyone have any clue as to a debian/ubuntu package equivalent to bash-completion on most other distros would be? I am use to tabbing for apps & whatnot and I don't wanna give that up08:28
linnerrob_p: yeah that worked... but my question is will it continue to work properly????08:28
akkIs there a way to find out why dist-upgrade suddenly wants to remove all my packages?08:28
linnerrob_p: or do I have to keep doing that?08:28
zAo^akk, tried apt-get -f dist-upgrade ?08:28
AstralJavalinner: Time is syncronized every time you boot up.08:28
uity.... :(08:28
AstralJavalinner: Or at least tried to...08:29
linnerAstralJava: not the last few times it hasn't08:29
rob_plinner:  you can have it do that automatically upon booting (but I think it should by default), or you can write a script... or you can setup ntp to run as a service.08:29
Kenseyhey ui08:29
akkzAo^: apt-get -f dist-upgrade wants to do the same thing as aptitude -- remove everything.08:29
Kenseyit looks like the flash player tries to direct sound to /dev/dsp08:29
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Kenseybut sometimes the actual sound device is /dev/dsp1 or something else08:30
linnerrob_p: i don't know how to do any of that08:30
rob_plinner:  Do you have any time servers listed in /etc/default/ntpdate?08:30
B_166-ER-Xi have been able to reconfigure my kb, but at each reboot, i have a message sayin that my $home/.dmrc file have incorrect persomision, that it should be owned by user with permission 644 or something like this, what whould i do08:30
Kenseydoes /dev/dsp exist on your system?08:30
linnerlet me see08:30
uilet me see08:30
rob_plinner:  You should have something like NTPSERVERS="pool.ntp.org"08:30
linnerrob_p: let me see08:30
thrice`chmod 644 /home/<you>/.dmrc ?08:30
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rob_plinner:  Oh, and you want to make sure it isn't commented out.08:31
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uikensey yes i got it08:31
linnerrob_p: may i pm you?08:31
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rob_plinner:  Once you set your clock, how fast does it drift?  Maybe you have a defunct rtc on you mb.  Yeah you can pm me.08:32
Kenseyhm.  dunno then.08:32
Kenseymaybe try going here: http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager.html08:33
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WhiteRabbitthe silence must stop!08:38
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ubotujava is, like, to install Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats08:38
henkhey i just installed 5.10 breezy, but i cannot seem to install mplayer. so i need some specific mirror? i did add universe and multiverse08:39
Jowii want to find duplicate files between two HDD. recursively from bash if possible. any ideas?08:39
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Xenguysorry, ww08:41
boxerboy29after playing with this pos i cant wait to be back in ubuntu where i kinda know what im doing :(08:41
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moparfan90hello all08:43
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Nghenk: check you put multiverse on enough repositories - it should be in there. There are several mplayer packages, so search for mplayer and pick the one that matches your cpu closest (probably mplayer-586 or mplayer-k6 if you have amd kit)08:44
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henkng i put the installler on advanced mode and that tells me that libavcodec2 is missing08:45
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boxerboy29sorry that y was posed to be in terminal08:45
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Nghenk: hmm, odd08:46
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Seveaswelcom in #ubuntu all ;)08:46
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VenumXcan anyone help me with a problem im having with installing something with 2 cd's08:46
test4324what the best way to install 20 indentical servers with ubuntu ?08:47
apsynchow can I find out the temperature of my cpu?08:47
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Jowii rephrase my question: "find" can find duplicate files. How do i use "find" to find duplicate files located in /home/user/docs/* by searching recursively a fat32 HDD?08:47
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Seveastest34, either a fai/automated ubuntu install setup or dd images08:48
akkIs there a way to get hoary to clean up its archives?08:48
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Seveasapt-get clean08:48
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test4324thanks Seveas08:48
havocJowi: 'find' is recursive by nature08:48
havocJowi: find <dir> <options>08:48
akk"clean up" as in "figure out what's really installed". It suddenly seems to think packages I've had for months are in state U or something.08:48
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akkiU  libglib2.0-0   2.8.1-1        The GLib library of C routines08:49
Kaos`mm-Eze|offif i dual boot, windows has a partitioned drive, with the windows stuff on ntfs, can ubuntu read that?08:49
Seveasyes Kaos`mm-Eze|off08:49
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Jowihavoc: so "find * /media/hda7/" should do it...08:49
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havocJowi: no, "find /media/hda7/"08:49
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Kaos`mm-Eze|offso where might i find whatever is on that hadd?08:50
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B_166-ER-XI just install breezy, and i have this error at the login screen : The configuration file contains an invalid command line for the login dialog, so running the default command.08:50
B_166-ER-XPlease fix your configuration , what should i do ?08:50
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SeveasKaos`mm-Eze|off, breezy?08:50
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test4324can dd images run on unix ?08:50
Jowihavoc: but will that compare files from "this directory" to files located in hda7?08:50
SeveasKaos`mm-Eze|off, i mean: which version of ubuntu do you use?08:50
Cream^^Have a problem when i mount a win partion in a folder it turns non accessable you got to have root or something to open it and see what's in it ? Someone know the solution on my prob?08:51
SeveasCream^^, add umask=0111 to the mount options08:51
anders__how do i install Nvidias drivers? i have to start up without X.. how do i do that?08:51
havocJowi: no, 'find' finds files, you'd have to use -e dirdiff or something08:51
ubotu[nvidia]  at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia08:51
Kaos`mm-Eze|offah, hoary08:51
SeveasKaos`mm-Eze|off: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partions mount automatically08:51
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Jowihavoc: ah, i c08:51
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B_166-ER-XSeveas, you surely already seen my problem eh ?        The configuration file contains an invalid command line for the login dialog, so running the default command.08:51
B_166-ER-XPlease fix your configuration08:51
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SeveasB_166-ER-X, actually I don't know what that error means08:52
Seveasat which point exactly do you get it?08:52
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RadBelgianby any chance, can someone tell me a good mp3 program?08:52
Cream^^Seveas : will text thank you08:52
SeveasRadBelgian, beep-media-player08:52
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B_166-ER-XSeveas, at the login screen,  and after i click ok, the login, and after the login comes : Your $HOME/.dmrc file has incorrect permissions and is being ignored. This prevents the default session and language from08:53
B_166-ER-Xbeing saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions.08:53
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Seveasthat explains08:53
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Seveasas your *normal* user, do this:08:53
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DiskgrindHello everyone!08:53
apsynchow can I find out the temperature of my cpu?08:53
Seveassudo chown $USER:$USER ~/.dmrc08:54
MikaTHi people. I have a D-Link DWL-650 PCMCIA WLAN card and Hoary installed on an old HP laptop. LiveCD seems to find the card but installed system not. lspci can't find the card. Could you please give some hints or links on how to proceed?08:54
Seveaschmod 644 ~/.dmrc08:54
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B_166-ER-Xdone,    so, i reboot and i come to tell you if it changed someting ;)08:54
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Seveasjust logout08:54
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seliniumapsync, You could use xsensors, if you have sensors onboard08:55
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CryptidHelp me configure starter Bar for Gdesklets!!!!!08:55
|wwany suggestions on a good mp3 player client?08:55
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B_166-ER-Xloggoout = cntl+alt+backspace ??08:55
Seveas|ww, beep-media-player08:55
concept10MikaT, theres instructions to configure that in the wiki08:55
SeveasB_166-ER-X, np, system -> logout08:55
|wwSeveas; as always Ty =)08:55
DiskgrindWhat is a Wiki?08:55
Keyfittercheck cpu temp?  go into your cmos utility08:55
Diskgrindweb page?08:56
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apsyncselinium, there was a command if I remember right, you know that?08:56
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concept10Diskgrind, webpage editable by anyone08:56
DiskgrindWhe looking for new themes, what is the best kind to look for at gnome-look.org?  GTK or what?08:56
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concept10Diskgrind, yes ... gtk08:57
Diskgrindthank you!!08:57
B_166-ER-XSeveas ... i still have the error, even though i did change the permission with your chmod command :\08:57
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hou5toni have installed Breezy ... will it automatically continue to update right into the final release for me?08:57
Diskgrindgood question.08:57
ompaulhou5ton, yes that is08:58
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hou5tonompaul:  thank you ...and that's great news.08:58
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Cody`Were the new kernel updates for hoary from backports?08:58
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SeveasB_166-ER-X, odd, then the error is incomplete08:58
foampeaceanyone played cube?08:58
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SeveasCody`, no, from hoary-security08:59
Cryptid>>>>>>>Help me configure starter Bar for Gdesklets!!!!!<<<<<<<<08:59
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SeveasCryptid: please stop repeating the same question. If someone knows, (s)he will answer. You can try posting on the mailing list too.08:59
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DiskgrindIs ther a MS Windows emulator that will let me run, apps, games in Ubuntu?08:59
concept10Cryptid, and do a search in the forum08:59
SeveasDiskgrind, why not find linux applications or use windows?08:59
test4324Disk: wine08:59
butcherbirdDiskgrind, in many cases wine will work09:00
B_166-ER-XSeveas so i dont have any options.   other than  keeping an boot screen error, going back to hoary (if its still possible)    or throwing my pc by the window :\ (or going on windows, wich is in many way the same thing)09:00
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zygisSeveas, probably Cryptid is just following the guidelines... http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/RTFM09:00
regaltanta gente!09:00
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Cryptidconcept10, i did serach in the forum i only found how to install gdesklets not how to configure the starter bar for gdesklets09:00
MikaTconcept10: thanks, but I could only find instructions for a case where card was visible to lspci. I'll start searching again, but if you got the link, I'll appreciate a lot...09:00
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DiskgrindI'd like to try and stay with and learn as much Linux as possible thats why I asked about it.  But thanks.. I do have a dual boot system.09:00
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saintHow do i redirect where Synaptic package manager looks?09:00
ompaul!tell saint about repos09:01
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saintindeed to tell09:01
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B_166-ER-XSeveas, for info : http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=12378     the first one at the top, the 'CODE:' its the exact error i get09:01
ompaulsaint, you got a message from ubotu read it :)09:01
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Cody`Seveas: thanks, wasn't sure as I had nuked an install with backports kernels before :P09:02
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concept10Cryptid, its somewhere... believe me someone has done it before.  Probably not currently in the channel though.  I havent myself.09:02
Cryptidconcept10, ok i will try searching again09:02
SeveasB_166-ER-X, paste your .dmrc on the pastebin09:02
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michani'm having trouble installing nvidia drivers.  when i run the installer it says the kernel was compiled with gcc 3.4, and i have gcc 4.0 installed.  my kernel version is 2.6.12-9.  can anyone help?09:03
henkis there some nicer alternative for gaim ? i mean eyecandy-wise09:04
Seveas!tell michan about nvidia09:04
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paniqhenk: kopete09:04
Seveashenk, some like amsn (i think it's uglier)09:04
paniqhenk: but gaim is really the best choice so far.09:04
Seveaskopete is kde, so you need all kde libs09:04
nerpgaim for the most part has served me the best09:04
Arkainiumis there a way to spare syslog from all the bootup spam?09:04
henkSeveas, since i'm totaly hooked on kbounce i have those allready :)09:05
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Rockett18amsn is brutally ugly - amsn 0.95 is looking promising though.. whole bunch of new features (webcam/audio/nudges etc).. But again it's st09:05
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Rockett18 tcl/tk09:05
Rockett18ill tcl/tk09:05
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Rockett18damn lag09:05
concept10MikaT, try that wiki page.  Im not sure about your card but it worked for me with pci09:06
boxerboy29the only problem with kopete is you cant enter aim rooms09:06
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deviosanyone know how to get streaming audio from krock2.com ? it's telling me windowze only.  is there a way I can play this stuff with ubuntu?09:07
masticatorwhat kind of stream is it?09:07
boxerboy29yay atleast that works09:07
daejavudevios, install mplayer and mozilla plugins for mplayer and enjoy09:07
henkif i choose to remove gaim the managers says it wants to remove ubuntu-desktop. is it 'just' a meta package or am i going to run into trouble in the future when things are added to ubuntu that i'll miss because of this?09:08
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B_166-ER-XSeveas...the file is empty, nothing09:08
daejavuproblem with synaptic .. can anyone spare a min for it plz ?09:09
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nerpdaejavu, can try09:09
Seveasremove the file :)09:09
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ubotuhmm... java is to install Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:09
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Seveashenk, if disk space isn't an issue, leave it installed09:09
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henkSeveas, ok. i'll just remove it from my menu than09:10
nerpthe java package in the breezy repos isn't the latest java btw09:10
daejavunerp, there seems tobe no problem with my internet connection but each time i download something from Synaptic it starts it and then pauses after a while and then says the package cannot be downloaded09:10
nerpdaejavu, that's odd09:10
daejavunerp, as if my net had dissconnected :S09:10
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daejavuaa nops .. i had FireStarter but its not on now ..  still its doing the same thign :S09:11
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B_166-ER-XSeveas : got it now, but there is only [Desktop] 09:11
B_166-ER-XSession=default  in the .dmrc file09:11
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daejavunerp, aa nops .. i had FireStarter but its not on now ..  still its doing the same thing :S09:11
=== nerp scratches head..
nerpI can read typos09:11
abarbacciadid the font locations from hoary to breezy move?09:11
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concept10How do I remove the evolution and rhythmbox packages in breezy without remove the gnome-desktop files?09:11
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seliniumIf i download something into mplayer, where does the temp file go?09:12
abarbacciaconcept10, gnome-desktop is a container package09:12
nerpdaejavu, have you done apt-get update?09:12
ubotuI guess bittorrent is at <reply> The BitTorrent FAQ is available at: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html09:12
daejavunerp, yup ... i even tried command line apt-get .. and it does the same thing ..09:12
nerpselinium, need to hide your porn tracks :P09:12
kevin06Other than GNOME and KDE, what Graphical Desktop Environments does Ubuntu package?09:12
concept10abarbaccia, I understand that but removing evolution or rhythmbox removes all of that stuff...........09:12
akkSeriously, something looks seriously horked in dist-upgrade. Has anyone here dist-upgraded in the past day?09:12
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nerpdaejavu, do : sudo apt-get update one more time09:13
concept10akk, I have.. not recommended IMHO09:13
[LethAL] kevin06, XFCE and Enlightenment are the only ones I can think of09:13
seliniumnerp: no i am running a music server and I want to see how easy it is to nick the tunes :)09:13
akkconcept10: Why?09:13
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daejavunerp, copy that .. lemme try again and lets c .. the current download just halted again :S09:13
akkconcept10: Maybe I should just wait a few days and things will straighten out?09:13
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concept10akk, I pulled down more than 1100 packages yesterday only to have a borked install.....09:14
kevin06[LethAL] , Thanks.09:14
nerpdaejavu, I have no clue really, sounds like something is wrong with your physical connection or you have a firewall router issue09:14
nerpfirewall or*09:14
akkconcept10: I should have asked: hoary, or breezy? This is hoary?09:14
shivyhya, I accidentaly grubbed my7 windows partition ....how can i reverse this09:14
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nerpconcept10, ick09:15
nerphow 'borked'?09:15
daejavunerp, maybe i need to put alternate repos or something ... like mirrors .. wheres the best place to get the best list of repositories for Hoary ?09:15
concept10akk, hedgehog to the badger09:15
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nerpdaejavu, there is a listing on the ubuntu site, google it09:15
ubotumethinks repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96909:15
akkconcept10: Oh, IC. My sources.list says hoary, so I shouldn't be getting much new stuff (and I'm not, it just wants to remove everything).09:15
concept10nerp, couldnt start x09:15
daejavunerp, i got mine from www.ubuntuguide.org09:16
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butcherbirdshivy, grub will not boot windows or ubuntu or what?09:16
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nerpthat'll work too09:16
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nerp!tell daejavu about repos09:16
concept10akk, are you trying to upgrade to breezy or perform hoary update?09:16
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nerpconcept10, did you do a basde install or default?09:16
nerpbase, rather09:16
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akkconcept10: I'm just trying to do a hoary update.09:16
SpaceBasshey folks... anyone tried installing 5.10 preview yet?09:17
Nameless12i just installed the ubuntu 5.10 preview, and did all the updates. Does this version of ubuntu have the latest video drivers for ATI  ?09:17
concept10nerp, huh?  you dont get that option.  thats debian09:17
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nerpSpaceBass, yes running it now09:17
saeedHello there09:17
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nerpconcept10, yes you do09:17
SpaceBassnerp run into any problems during the install with partitioning?09:17
concept10nerp, hmmm..ive never seen it before..even on hoary09:17
Cryptidconcept10, can u tell me atleast how to configure "Launcher Properties" i couldnt find any topic help on the forums09:17
nerpSpaceBass, none for me, flawless so far09:17
nerpconcept10, gotta read more ;P09:18
concept10nerp, ive seen it in debian09:18
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dalamarits in ubuntu at the very beginning of install09:18
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nerpwhen the intial prompt goes off you either hit enter or type 'server' for the different installs09:18
concept10nerp, I just keep pressing return until I get to the partition part :)09:18
nerpconcept10, thats why you don't see it09:18
concept10Cryptid, Launcher properties?09:18
concept10nerp, heh09:18
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nerpi need a smoke, brb09:19
SpaceBasswhen I tried to install both regular and expert, I got an ambigious screen that just said ??? partintion <go back>  <continue> and couldnt get past it09:19
SpaceBassI havewas planning on wiping out my redhat partition and useing it, but I cannot even get the partitioner to come up09:19
concept10The partition part of the install needs some work...09:19
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concept10Cryptid, what are you trying to do?09:19
daejavunerp, thanks for the time dude .. ill try the new list and c what happens :-)09:20
freebase`i have a fat32 disc mounted and its read only.. how can i change that?09:20
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concept10freebase`, what was your mount command?09:21
zone17Hi, how in the new KDE system settings do I set how different keys should react?09:21
SpaceBassif I install 5.4 and do a apt-get distro-upgrade ?09:21
Jowifreebase, make the entry in /etc/fstab look something like this: /dev/hda7       /media/data       vfat    defaults,umask=000        0       009:21
larsrohdinI've done something really bad here... I've made all the files on a disc executable... how can I make them not executable?09:21
SpaceBasswill that bring me up to 5.10?09:21
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henkhow can i get my "next" and "previous"  buttons to work on my logitech keyboard (the black wireless optical pro thingy) The volume wheel worked out of the box after selecting the keyboard09:21
zone17I want the "Print screen" key to call the screenshot program09:21
freebase`/dev/sdd5 /media/test vfat ro,auto,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=0000 0 009:21
Nameless12can someone help me get dual monitors working on ubuntu with my x800pro i have tried to get it to work for ages and ended up getting frustrated with it and going back to windows, so yeah... if anyone could take me thru step by step to avoid the frustration a 2nd time around that would be great09:21
Cryptidconcept10, when u right click on the desktop u get a new launcher option so i was wondering if u will tell me what that is and how to configure it coz even my gdeskler starter bar has the same option in it09:21
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concept10freebase`, change that ro to rw09:21
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freebase`concept10, ok thnx09:21
akkI guess nobody's updated hoary in the last day or two, then?09:22
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ramblingthey i just update hoary and now my system is messed up09:22
nerpakk, err whats wrong?09:22
concept10Cryptid, thats like creating a shortcut to a application09:22
nerpdefine 'messed up'09:22
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akknerp: It wants to remove practically every package on my system, but won't say why.09:23
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ramblingtwell it will only boot into command line09:23
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piercedh20Can anyone reccomend an easily installed mp3 player for Ubuntu?09:23
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ramblingtit gives me error messages about x not being able to start09:23
akknerp: and install one new package, linux-image-2.6.10-5-38609:23
concept10ramblingt, did you just upgrade to breezy?09:23
akkpiercedh20: I use xmms09:23
nerpakk, weird what cmd are you using?09:23
Cryptidconcept10, oh thats exactly what i have to do so can u help me make a shortcut for firefox and the rest i will try to do09:24
ramblingtno just a regular update09:24
piercedh20akk, I keep getting errors when I try to 'make install'09:24
nerppiercedh20, what errors?09:24
piercedh20on gamp09:24
ramblingtdid the update in synaptic09:24
piercedh20It says somnething like missing xml::parser for perl09:24
akknerp: aptitude -f dist-upgrade, apt-get -f dist-upgrade, or synaptic "fix broken"09:24
piercedh20thats on the configure09:24
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piercedh20I'll try xmms09:24
akknerp: I updated (with aptitude -f dist-upgrade) a day or two ago and it was fine then.09:25
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freebase`concept10, it didnt work :/09:25
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nerpakk, try without -f09:25
nerpdo apt-get update first though09:25
akknerp: Same thing without -f, I should have mentioned that.09:25
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akknerp: I did apt-get update and aptitude update both.09:26
concept10freebase`, umount and mount again09:26
nerpwow, strange09:26
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nerppiercedh20, anything else?09:26
concept10Cryptid, just create the launcher and use this to launch /usr/bin/firefox09:26
piercedh20akk: should xmms work with the deafult Ubuntu installation?09:26
nerppiercedh20, yes09:26
piercedh20ok nerp09:26
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piercedh20Ill be right back with the exact error :P09:27
nerppiercedh20, make sure you have the correct driver selected09:27
piercedh20nerp, Im a linux newbie. What do you mean the correct driver selected?09:27
nerpin prefs09:27
concept10freebase`, umount /media/test then mount it again with the rw09:27
ramblingtso after doing a update in synaptic I can't boot x and cpu is not recognized?09:27
nerpthere should be a driver slection for your sound card09:28
nerplike ens-1731 or something similar09:28
piercedh20Ok, I havent made it that far, I can't even compile it09:28
piercedh20BRB with error nerp09:28
hou5tonhey .... my wireless on Breezy worked right out of the box ..... now ... is there some "thingie" that goes up in the notification area that tells me what wireless connection points are around me, and what strenght they are?  I need that at some locations.09:28
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ramblingti didnt do a distro upgrade either just tried to update my system09:28
freebase`concept10, works now thanks mate09:28
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[LethAL] hou5ton, Right click your gnome-panel and click add to panel, then add Network Monitor09:29
jdermercan someone help me get 3d acceleration working ?09:29
[LethAL] hou5ton, Then make sure it monitors your wireless connection09:29
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concept10freebase`, np09:29
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hou5ton[LethAL] :  oh .. you know what .. i already had that up there, but didn't realize it would only monitor one type of connection at a time.09:30
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[LethAL] hou5ton, If you want a network manager for wireless, try wifi-manager09:30
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[LethAL] Hehe09:30
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ramblingthow can i tell what package i last updated was09:30
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concept10[LethAL] , is that the redhat network manager?09:31
hou5ton[LethAL] :  ok ... will wifi-manager be an additional monitoring system that will work right beside the other one?09:31
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Dalkusif I attach a usb mass storage device to my ubuntu box, where should I look to read the files?09:31
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[LethAL] concept10, no, I meant wifi-radar09:31
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[LethAL] hou5ton, no09:31
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[LethAL] hou5ton, If you set up profiles for all your locations, I think it will jump automatically09:32
[LethAL] hou5ton, However, I only have one location09:32
concept10Dalkus, unplug the device... and run/monitor tail -f /var/log/messages from terminal, plug the device back in and you shall see, but ubuntu should auto mount those on start09:33
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_jasonHoary question: how can I make panel applets transparent in gnome?  Making the panel transparent leaves the applets opaque.09:33
Dalkusconcept10, auto mount it where? :)09:33
piercedh20nerp: I get this error message when I typed './configure' - "configure: error: *** GLIB >= 1.2.2 not installed - please install first ***09:33
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henkhmm can i have xmms play mp3 whitout it sitting in the taskbar?09:33
concept10Dalkus, did you have the device plugged in at boot?09:33
zblachi kinda killed my ubuntu09:33
Dalkusconcept10, no09:34
ubuntuhey all, can someone help me out with getting grub back please?09:34
[LethAL] henk, move it to another virtual desktop instead09:34
[LethAL] ubuntu, What's wrong with it?09:34
nerppiercedh20, grab glib and also build-essential in synaptic, then also do updatedb then try to compile09:34
concept10Dalkus, well not auto mount, read above09:34
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piercedh20ok nerp09:34
Dalkusconcept10, the above gives me command not found09:34
puffHow would I check if my USB is working, without a USB device?09:34
zblachsee, i tried going to breezy, and it failed half-way09:34
ubuntuI had XP and ubuntu dual booting, then I reinstalled XP - which overwrote GRUB - at the moment I'm on a linux live CD, how can I get grub back?09:34
zblachnow i'm stuck with nothing09:34
puffI mean, bluetooth.09:34
concept10tail -f /var/log/messages09:34
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Dalkustail not found, either09:34
Dalkusshould I apt-get?09:35
puffI have built-in bluetooth in this laptop, I want to get a wireless keyboard.09:35
[LethAL] !tell ubuntu about grub09:35
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[LethAL] The second link ;)09:35
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puffBluetooth keyboard seems to make sense, less hardware to deal with in the laptop.09:35
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ubuntuah thanks09:35
concept10Dalkus, are you sure?09:35
zblachand now i'm getting this error with 'dist-upgrade':09:35
Dalkusah sorry typo :) concept1009:35
sky_monkey007hey all.  Could someone help me?  I'm trying to create a cron job using Webmin, but when I go to save it, or even create one in console, it tells me that root isn't allowed to use this program (cron).  What user should I run the job as?  It's a backup script for rdiff-backup.09:35
piercedh20nerp: it shows that glib is already installed09:35
daejavuhey anyone knows how to get the ".wma" media files running ...09:35
DalkusI get "disk at:" and a very long string of numbers concept1009:35
nerppiercedh20, have glib-dev09:36
daejavuin installed all codecs and nothign happens09:36
zblach"E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)09:36
akkIt looks like there's a problem with my libglib packages, and apt-get won't get them. Where can I download hoary packages using a browser, so I can install them with dpkg?09:36
sky_monkey007daejavu, download the w32codecs09:36
piercedh20nerp: I searched for glib and all matching entries are installed09:36
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nerpdo sudo updatedb09:36
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sky_monkey007I think they are listed in apt as w32codecsall09:36
nerpthen try09:36
[LethAL] akk, archive.ubuntu.com09:36
akkThanks, [LethAL] 09:36
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daejavusky_monkey007,  cool .. its downloading at the moment .. lets c what happens :D09:36
ubotuNo idea, nerp09:36
zblachhate being stuck in the prompt09:36
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macihm is there any way t change the pkgs architecutre without a complet reinstall from cd ?09:37
ubotuCheesie: I give up, what is it?09:37
ubotuCheesie: I don't know, could you explain it?09:37
ubotuCheesie: Did you get hit by a windmill?09:37
Cheesiehow can i get limewire09:37
nerpCheesie, use giFT09:37
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nerpit's better09:37
zblachCheesie: Gnutella09:37
Thorondorhighvoltage, i tried do ./configure some program, but i get an error: "checking for zlibVersion in -lz... no" "configure: error: *** zlib not found!" - how do I install zlib?09:37
nerpgiFT with apollon FE09:37
StroggiFT is great09:37
sky_monkey007Daejavu, make sure that there are files in /usr/lib/win32 after you install that.09:38
piercedh20nerp: I get this warning when I type 'sudo updatedb' : warning: updatedb: could not open database: /var/lib/slocate/slocate.db: No such file or directory09:38
Cheesiezblach- whats Gnutella?09:38
Nameless12i just installed the new ati drivers can someone tell me the command to run the "gears" program that tests if its working i forget what the command is09:38
nerppiercedh20, thats ok09:38
nerpit's there now09:38
piercedh20It is still working on it09:38
_jason!tell daejavu about restricted09:38
nerpdid you get the build-essential?09:38
concept10Dalkus, no messages?09:38
Cheesiezblach- whats Gnutella?09:38
zblachCheesie: limewire is a java front-end for gnutella09:38
michanmy nvidia drivers aren't.  after i install nvidia-glx and reboot, when it tries starting the xserver it just goes to a blank screen.  can anyone help?09:38
Dalkusconcept10, yeah I get a few details about what type of storage device it is... but I can't seem to find a location that I could read from?09:39
StrogIt's a client that runs on the gnutella network09:39
Cheesiekk zblach09:39
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renjiii hear those p2p networks are beting closed down09:39
piercedh20nerp,  Im installing build-essential now09:39
Cheesiezblach- how do i install it?09:39
nerpok, then do updatedb again09:39
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nerpthen compile should work now09:39
zblachCheesie: ask the damn bot. i'm stuck in the prompt atm.09:39
concept10Dalkus, post to #flood09:39
ubotuCheesie: Do they come in packets of five?09:39
piercedh20ok nerp09:39
Dalkusconcept10, ok - gotta join on the ubuntu box, a sec.09:39
ubotuCheesie: Do they come in packets of five?09:40
Cheesiezblach no09:40
nerpCheesie, use google09:40
zblach*sigh*, its somewhere in the ubuntu forums09:40
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piercedh20thanks nerp, brb09:40
Thorondorhello, i tried do ./configure some program, but i get an error: "checking for zlibVersion in -lz... no" "configure: error: *** zlib not found!" - how do I install zlib?09:40
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daejavu_jason, thanks for that one dude !09:40
[LethAL] Cheesie... you could open Synaptic and search09:40
nerppiercedh20, np09:40
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zblach[LethAL] : no he can'09:40
nerp[LethAL] , no that would be too easy09:40
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henkIn windows i used to have a thunderbird plugin that minimised thunderbird instead of shutting it down. It kept it running in the traybar. is there something like that for gnome?09:40
beticoalguien espaol?09:41
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zblachanyone wanna help me get gnome back?09:41
[LethAL] !es09:41
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.09:41
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nerpzblach, what'd you do?09:41
betico #ubuntu-es09:41
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zblachnerp, breezy dist-upgrade failed09:41
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Dalkconcept10, that give any clues? :)09:41
ramblingtused synaptic to upgrade packages 3 packages where selected used ctrl+alt+backspace to restart then system error message came up can not start x and processor unrecognized09:41
nerphmm, and gnome got buggered?09:41
zblachas did much else09:42
ubotudownload is, like, get Ubuntu LiveCD & install ISOs at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/download/ and if you need information on burning ISOs, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto09:42
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concept10Dalk, maybe /dev/sda(x)  (x) = partition  ........ do you have any partitons defined on that drive?09:42
zblach"E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"09:42
Dalkusconcept10, I don't think so - it's an mp3 player09:42
bobobokahello there09:42
zblachhey boboboka. welcome to ubuntu chat.09:42
bobobokawas wondering, how can I update my gaim ?09:42
bobobokahey zblach.09:43
concept10Dalkus, try to mount /dev/sda109:43
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Dalkusconcept10, do I need to mount those /dev/sda(1)09:43
Dalkusokay thanks09:43
delireboboboka: 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gaim' is the fast way.09:43
Dalkusconcept10, thanks! you got it! thanks alot :)09:43
eyezdkHello all09:44
delireboboboka: or just start up synaptic, update and then install gaim. there may not be a super recent version in the repository yet though.09:44
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ramblingti dont really know how to use command line and now that is all i have so how do I start to figure out what happened during the update to screwup x and why isn't my cpu recognized anymore09:44
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concept10Dalkus, no problem, just send me 14 GB of good muzak09:44
smottwhat command do i run to hibernate (as in the hibernate option in the gnome2 log-out menu) ?09:44
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bobobokait's not installing the newst ver09:44
eyezdkI have a question, Can I have a dual boot with Ubuntu (i have some games i want to keep, and dont know id they can run under linux)09:44
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bobobokathe gaim said that there is a newer ver09:44
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delireboboboka: it may not be in the ubuntu repository yet.. hmm.09:45
concept10eyezdk, yes09:45
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_jasoneyezdk:  yes, you can dual boot... i have xp and ubuntu on my laptop09:45
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KiraThe Ubuntu Install CD doesn't seem to work on my Toshiba Satellite A70. It boots, but then the screen goes to blank and stays like that.09:45
michancan anyone help me troubleshoot my nvidia drivers?  i just got a new card and installing nvidia-glx is just giving me a blank screen when loading X09:45
bobobokaso I just need to wait for it to be in the repository?09:46
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delireboboboka: well if you can stand waiting, i would. it might only be a week or so til it's packaged for ubuntu. otherwise remove game using synaptic and install it straight from a tarball, eg download it from their site.09:46
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KiraAny other way I can still install Ubuntu?09:46
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delireboboboka: s/game/gaim ;) my mistake.09:46
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concept10Kira, did you try to install Hoary or Breezy?09:46
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bobobokak. 10x. another question:09:46
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nerpKira, did you checksum the cd before you burned & tried to install?09:47
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eyezdkok, thx09:47
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delireKira: some CD's can be a bad burn and this can contribute to this outcome.09:47
bobobokamy ubuntu is half in my locale lang. how can I keep the support of ubuntu in my lang, but make it english?09:47
bobobokawhat windows will call "enabled"09:47
zblachhow can i revert to hoary?09:48
rickyhi everybody09:48
ChousukeBy serious hacking or a re-install09:48
nerpzblach, edit your sources to hoary repos and do the same as for upgrade to breezy09:48
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Chousukenerp: will not work.09:49
zblachnerp, where is the repo file?09:49
nerpChousuke, no?09:49
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delireboboboka: i use dpkg-reconfigure locales to do this, but it's not reccommended for you. there may be a way in Gnome to set the default locale.09:49
Chousukenerp: nope.09:49
nerphmm, why not?09:49
ChousukeDowngrading is not as easy.09:49
butcherbirdzblach, reinstall or keep breezy best bet09:49
zblachChousuke: i failed half way thorugh breezy09:49
ChousukeBecause apt will not downgrade.09:49
zblachand now i'm stuck in limbo09:49
Chousukezblach: oh, damn.09:49
delireanyone here running Gnome and know how/if boboboka can set his default locale in a GUI?09:50
ChousukeTry to solve it.09:50
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bobobokais it possible kde on ubuntu?09:50
zblachubotu, tell boboboka about kubuntu09:50
delireboboboka: yep, you can grab it all quite easily.09:50
nerpboboboka, i think when you login with gdm you have the option to select languages09:50
Chousukeubuntu has the same packages as kubuntu.09:50
bobobokai mean, is it possible to use kde instead of gnome?09:50
Chousukeand vice versa.09:50
concept10Language Selector?09:50
delireboboboka: yes.09:50
mumblesoh yeh , how easy is it to install a window manager on a server install ?09:50
Chousukeboboboka: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:50
nerpboboboka, yes09:50
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ChousukeEek, korean09:51
delireboboboka: see what concept10 said..09:51
mumblesso a gui instead of just the command line09:51
nerpmumbles, easy enough09:51
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mumblesany help documents out there?09:51
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[LethAL] Anyone have an idea why my top panel isn't responing, even after killing gnome-panel?09:51
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Chousukemumbles: sudo apt-get install name-of-wm09:51
concept10System > Prefs > Language Selector09:51
zblachwhat can I do about this: "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"09:51
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mumbleswhats the best? gnome ?09:51
nerpmumbles, there's a guide to debian net-installs on how to get x via apt, they should be nearly identical09:51
wernerI use gnome :)09:51
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butcherbirdboboboka, kde is evil.  you dont want to be evil do you?09:51
i3dmastervitual user for vsftpd is not working. anyone has this problem?09:51
wernerit's cool09:52
Chousukemumbles: not for a server.09:52
zblachmumbles: i like gnome, but its for different tastes09:52
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wernermy wlan doesn' t work on my ubuntu laptop :(09:52
tristanmikemumbles, that is strictly a matter of opinon, I use Gnome thou09:52
Chousukejust use something barebones for a server.09:52
Chousukelike fluxbox.09:52
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nerpfluxbox :D09:52
[LethAL] Or Openbox09:52
Chousukeor, if you hate yourself, TWM!09:52
mumblesive tried fluxbox09:52
[LethAL] Or Windowmaker09:52
[LethAL] etc etc09:52
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bobobokaconcept10 can you explain a bit more detailed please?09:52
henkhow can i get my "next" and "previous"  buttons to work on my logitech keyboard (the black wireless optical pro thingy) The volume wheel worked out of the box after selecting the keyboard09:52
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concept10dont use any wm on server...wastes resources09:52
mumblesi may just use gnome though... i know my way around09:53
Chousukewell, yes.09:53
ZeroblitztHow far along is Breezy?09:53
Chousukeyou can also run only an X-server09:53
nerpunless the server isn't all that important09:53
ChousukeZeroblitzt: soon here.09:53
zblach2 weeks from its official release09:53
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concept10boboboka, what are you atempting to do?09:53
mumblesnerp it isent09:53
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nerpmumbles, then try what you want09:53
nerpthere may be security issues though09:53
ZeroblitztI wonder if I should just upgrade now then?09:53
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zblachZeroblitzt: BE VERY CAREFUL09:54
werner/ctcp werner version << w00t you see? linux :D09:54
wernerubuntu !09:54
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[LethAL] Zeroblitzt, if you want, you can09:54
ZeroblitztWhy be very careful >_>?09:54
bobobokamy gui is half in my locale. I want to keep the support in it, but change the interface to eng. (what windows will call "enable")09:54
zblachZeroblitzt: I tried yesterday, it failed, and now i'm stuck in console09:54
mumbleswhen ive got my wireless setup thats my next option09:54
bobobokathis was ment for :concept1009:54
zblachand there's _nothing_ _anyone_ can do to help09:54
[LethAL] Zeroblitzt, I tried it a couple of weeks ago, it's still working09:54
Chousukezblach: you haven't provided anough info09:55
mattyJis the ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 a radeon r200?09:55
[LethAL] mumbles, Wireless and server is not clever09:55
concept10boboboka, I guess use System > Prefs > Language Selector09:55
nerpzblach, don't give up yet there may be people around later that can help09:55
[LethAL] s/and/09:55
zblachChousuke: i've spoken with a few other people. what else is there to say?09:55
ChousukemattyJ: You shouldn't need the binary drivers.09:55
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bobobokawhere is the System, concept10?09:55
Chousukezblach: what does it fail on?09:55
delirezblach: what's the problem?09:55
mumbles[LethAL]  its not at risk09:55
mumbleswell it wont be when ive secured teh wireless09:55
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mattyJChousuke: ya im just wondering what it is, i wanted to try xegl09:55
zblachfails on : sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:55
ZeroblitztThe only reason I want to upgrade now is because I can't get sound working. It was working fine ~3 weeks ago, then I used Ubuntu Update Manager and got an update, and sound wont work now09:55
[LethAL] mumbles, I'm not on about security09:56
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concept10boboboka, at top09:56
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Chousukezblach: which package?09:56
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[LethAL] mumbles, Reliability is my problem09:56
ZeroblitztMaybe I'll just go back to Windows for a week09:56
Chousukewhat error?09:56
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butcherbirdmumbles, "secured wireless" heh =)09:56
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[LethAL] airsnortd!09:56
zblachChousuke: doesn't say. all I get is this error msg:09:56
=== Chousuke imagines the horrors of Wireless USB on windows.
delirezblach: paste the output. why not apt-get upgrade instead? apt-get dist-upgrade can be dangerous unless from one whole stable version to another.09:56
zeke1can anybody help me to set up my network in ubuntu?09:56
[LethAL] Chousuke, I have Wireless USB09:57
zblach"E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"09:57
smottwhat's the command to hibernate?09:57
rickycan you help me ??? i've installed breezy colony 3 and i've upgrade it, but i want to know if is possible to use the bootsplash, like some of others distro ???09:57
Chousukezblach: after trying to install what package?09:57
delirezblach: post the full output on pastebin.com09:57
test4324seem likes ubuntu 5.0.10 does not support wireless keyboard09:57
[LethAL] ricky, sudo apt-get install usplash09:57
rickyand after ???09:57
[LethAL] ricky, It's a bit odd though, doesn't allways work09:57
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bobobokaconcept10: o.k. I entered the system - > prefs but I cant find the language selector09:57
[LethAL] ricky, You using grub or lilo?09:57
delirezeke1: what's up? is it a wireless network or a standard LAN cable network?09:58
Nameless12NEED HELP glears is giving me a error and it runs smooth for 2 seconds then goes to 1 fps nameless1@ubuntu:~$ glxgears09:58
Nameless12Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".09:58
zeke1delire: its wired09:58
concept10boboboka, oops try admin09:58
bobobokaconcept10: maybe it's in my locale lang. can you describe the icon of it?09:58
delireNameless12: running it in root?09:58
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zeke1delire: i had top maually insert the devices into /etc/modules09:58
[LethAL] ricky, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst as root and make sure the automagic kernels' first option has splash in it, but not vga09:58
zblachErrors when processing: postfix, mailx, mutt, lsb-core, lsb-graphics, lsb-cxx, lsb09:58
bobobokaconcept10: nope. not in admin09:58
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zeke1delire: because i had to disable hotplug to get ubuntu to boot09:59
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Nameless12Delire nope09:59
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delirezblach: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade. what does that do for you?09:59
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delirezeke1: ouch!09:59
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rickyok i try tks09:59
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Nameless12delire, nope its not in root09:59
concept10boboboka, system > administration > language selector09:59
zeke1delire: why?09:59
delirezeke1: what kind of network, wireless, or cable LAN?09:59
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zeke1delire: i have 2 onboard...one realtek and one marvel10:00
delireNameless12: 'glxinfo | grep direct'10:00
[pbC] Obstk/j #kde10:00
[pbC] Obstwhoops10:00
[pbC] Obst^10:00
bobobokaconcept10: I don't seem to have it. can that be?10:00
DiskgrindIve installed Ubuntu for the first time and now have a notifcation to have updates installed, should I let all 342 updates install all at once?10:00
delirezeke1: sudo iwconfig and paste the output for me in pastebin.com. then give me the link.10:00
wernerDiskgrind, why not?10:00
delirezeke1: are you currently online on that machine?10:01
concept10boboboka, oh that must be on breezy only10:01
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Nameless12delire, the results of that was   Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".10:01
Nameless12direct rendering: No10:01
Nameless12OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect10:01
DiskgrindI was just being careful10:01
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zeke1delire: ok but problem is im dual booting with windows so i have to reboot10:01
rickynow i go to the bed.. nite at all10:01
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delireNameless12: which gfx card?10:01
wernerlol I can't setup a wireless inet connection to :P10:02
wernerI tryed everyting10:02
wernerroot@linuxbak-werner:/home/werner/rt2500-1.1.0-b3/Module # iwconfig10:02
wernerlo        no wireless extensions.10:02
wernereth0      no wireless extensions.10:02
wernersit0      no wireless extensions.10:02
DiskgrindSo I will close all apss and let the updater install all updates.10:02
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zeke1delire: i am online with this machine but currently in windows10:02
delirewerner: which card?10:02
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wernerdelire, I don' t know.10:02
Nameless12delire, X800Pro AGP, i got it working (even tho it ran SOO DAMN SLOW compared to in windows, well i did that with 5.04) im on ubuntu preview with all updates + the new drivers for ati10:02
delirezeke1: right. can you reach the internet on that machine in Ubuntu?10:02
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bobobokaconcept10: so what can I do?10:02
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delirewerner: lspci | grep Net10:03
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zeke1delire: no thats the problem need to setup my network first!!10:03
werner0000:01:02:0 Ethernet controller: Linksys, A Division of Cisco Systems [AirConn]  INPROCOMM IPN 2220 Wireless LAN Adapter (rev 01)10:03
wernerthat one delire10:03
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zeke1delire: i can give you the device names etc? if u need that10:03
faenoops ;/10:03
henkhmm how do i enable my radeon 9200 as much as possible in gnome? i know the ati drivers are not much but i guess there should be something to be gained10:03
delireNameless12: right so you should have the driver loaded now.. did you use fglrx?10:03
concept10boboboka, not sure.. check the wiki10:03
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delirezeke1: ifconfig and then paste the output to pastebin.com and give me the URL.10:04
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ZeroblitztOK, I may as well try upgrading to breezy, because I'm just going to reinstall anyway10:04
zone17Hi, I updated yesterday to breezy and now I haven't got any sound what so ever, how to I try to solve this?10:04
ZeroblitztWish me luck10:04
zone17I have never had any sound problems before10:04
Nameless12delire, i didnt download it off www.ati.com, i got the drivers thru synaptic and i figured that it wouldnt need me to do that. Should i do it now, or am i right to not of done that?10:04
ubotu[sound]  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DebuggingSoundProblems/10:04
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wernerheej spam slower everybody :D10:04
delirezeke1: if you can't be bothered doing that for whatever reason.. 'ifup eth0'10:04
zeke1delire: ok then i have to reboot...will u still be here when i get back in 510:04
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delireNameless12: ok, let's find out what happened. 'sudo modprobe -l | grep fglrx'10:05
delirezeke1: probably10:05
Nameless12delire, /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/volatile/fglrx.ko10:05
zeke1delire: erm how am i gonna paste it in pastebin.com if i cant access the net from ubuntu10:06
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IceDrag0nLXI have a question about an install script10:06
IceDrag0nLXA file called onlink.install.sh10:06
dankinewas wondering if anyone could tell me what dpkg does? or point me somewhere that does10:06
delirezeke1: hehe ok. just try 'sudo ifup eth0'10:07
delirezeke1: see if you're online after that.10:07
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delireNameless12: lsmod | grep fglrx10:07
IceDrag0nLXI run it fine through root ' sudo sh ./onlink.install.sh '10:07
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IceDrag0nLXroot@icex:/home/jason/uplink # slocate -u libSDL_mixer-1.2.so.010:07
IceDrag0nLXroot@icex:/home/jason/uplink #10:07
IceDrag0nLXI get that damn error10:07
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delirezeke1: make sure the cable is plugged in ok?10:07
lllmanullldankine, dpkg stands for Debian package10:07
macihm is there any way t change the pkgs architecutre without a complet reinstall from cd ?10:07
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Nameless12delire, i entered that and nothing happend, was anything meant to be displayed?10:07
zeke1delire: ok well dont worry about that10:07
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vikashanybody can tell me10:08
lllmanullldankine, It manages the packages in Ubuntu (and Debian)10:08
dankineand so it installs from a .deb?10:08
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vikashi got console font failed10:08
IceDrag0nLX./onlink.sh: line 40: ./size: No such file or directory10:08
IceDrag0nLX./onlink.sh: line 42: [: -eq: unary operator expected10:08
IceDrag0nLXthat damn error10:08
vikashwhen v\booting10:08
IceDrag0nLXWhat does it mean?10:08
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delireNameless12: yes. you're fglrx driver isn't loaded. try 'sudo modprobe fglrx'.10:08
lllmanullldankine, Among other things, yes : dpkg -i name_of_the_package.deb10:08
protok0lhello all10:08
dankinebrilliant thankyou10:08
lllmanullldankine, This installs the package10:08
neighborleehmmm is anyone by chance seeing corrupt images in breezy using resierfs ? ...I just uploaded this  screenshot and its a working url yet it can't be displayed oddly enough:: http://www.heartseed.org/Screenshot.png10:08
lllmanullldankine, No problem10:08
=== Zeroblitzt does sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
protok0lim trying to install w32codecs and the repo "deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ testing main" seems to not work10:08
bobobokadoes anyone here knows how can I make my system' interface english, but keep the support in my locale lang?10:08
=== Zeroblitzt takes a deep breath
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Nameless12delire,  i did that and got no message after doing it10:09
IceDrag0nLXAny ideas?10:09
vikashi get that console font service failed while booting ubuntu10:09
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vikashcan anybody tell me10:09
vikashcan i install mplayer in ubuntu10:10
vikashhow can i play real files10:10
delireNameless12: that's a good sign - the fglrx (ati) driver is now loaded.. now tell me what happens if you 'cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep fglrx'10:10
freebase`how do i change a network card driver.. in the bootup it say 8139cp it not a 839c+ compartibel chip.. try 8139too driver instead10:10
Belutzvikash, yep10:10
vikashhi belutz10:10
vikashcan u help me10:10
Belutzvikash, what's the problem?10:10
Nameless12delire,  Driver          "ati"Driver "fglrx"10:10
Nameless12      (by the way glxgears still isnt working properly)10:10
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vikashwhen i boot ubuntu it shows that console font service failed10:11
delireNameless12: now restart X (have to do this after loading the new driver) and try glxgears.10:11
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Belutzvikash, are you on breezy?10:11
vikashi installed ubuntu 5.1010:11
Nameless12delire, ok, be back in 2min10:11
Belutzvikash, then you are using breezy, and i can't help you there, because i still on 5.0410:12
vikashok anyways thanx10:12
vikashbut how u play .mpg file10:12
Kyralwith VLC10:12
vikashwhich player do u use10:12
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Belutzvlc or mplayer or totem-xine10:13
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vikashwhere can i get it from?10:13
nerpanyone have any idea as to why I am getting an error while logging into one of my yahoo accounts when the other logs in fine.. getting "unknown error 24" (or 34) with text stating to try and login and the site to attempt to fix the problem, also the dialogue has a ab.login.yahoo.com/img/..*.jpg url10:13
vikashtotem player is not playing10:13
nerp(using gaim)10:13
vikashand .avi10:13
bobobokahelp needed on language issues10:13
Belutzvikash, you have to install totem-xine, not just totem10:13
shinuvikash: got the codecs?10:13
nerpboboboka, like 40 people told you already but you have not bothered to listen10:14
Belutzand yes of course the codevs10:14
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vikashtotem xine10:14
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vikashjust library10:14
delirenerp: boboboka is running breezy so the suggestions perhaps don't apply to him.10:14
vikashor ui also10:14
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vikashit's completely different from totem??10:14
ramblingturtlehello, i just updated hoary through synaptic and now i cant run firefox except through sudo anybody willing to help10:14
bobobokai'm running hoary (i think..)10:14
Belutztotem-xine is a ui, xine is the engine10:15
Nameless12delire, its working, can you help me on my dual monitors by the way :) i have tried previously HEAPS OF times with multiple distros it has always shited me off and you seem to know what u are doing, so if you dont mind?10:15
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bobobokaand i'm sorry if someone told me how do solve the prob, and I didn't see it and answer..10:15
bobobokai went to the wiki, but didn't find the help I needed10:15
bimberi!ff fix10:16
ubotuwell, ff fix is sudo dpkg --purge --force-depends firefox firefox-gnome-support ; sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox mozilla-firefox-gnome-support10:16
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vikashwhen i tried to install it shows an error that no c compiler is found10:16
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delireNameless12: well it's late here.. maybe tomorrow. in order for this to work next time, you simply need to ensure you've loaded the driver. so, edit /etc/modules to include the word fglrx.10:16
bimberiramblingturtle: try what ubotu just output10:16
Belutzvikash, install build-essential10:16
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vikashno c compiler found10:16
delireboboboka: you've done nothing wrong. sadly i can't help because i don't run gnome here.10:16
Nameless12delire, ok, maybe tomorrow. Thanx for the help :-)10:16
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Belutzvikash, install "build-essential"10:17
delireNameless12: no problem, edit that file though, else when you reboot you'll be back to square one.10:17
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vikashcan   u tell me url10:17
vikashwhere it can be found10:17
shinuvikash: apt-get it10:17
dumfanSo, I've just installed Ubuntu, what package do I need to listen to my MP3s?10:17
funkyHatvikash, sudo apt-get install build-essential10:17
delireboboboka: are you sure that System -> Preferences doesn't have a language selector?10:17
Nameless12delire, i already rebooted once remember??10:17
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Belutzvikash, from the terminal, sudo apt-get install build-essential10:17
tuskerniniubotu, i tried what you said with firefox, but it still just jumps on the bottom bar for a while and does not open...10:17
ubotuI'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about, tuskernini10:17
freebase`how do i change a network card driver?? in the bootup it say 8139cp it not a 839c+ compartibel chip.. try 8139too driver instead10:17
shinutuskernini: ubotu is a bot i think :)10:18
tuskerninii am talking about getting firefox to wirk10:18
Belutztuskernini, try killall firefox-bin and re run firefox10:18
bimberiubotu tell tuskernini about yourself10:18
vikashcan it play avi10:18
bobobokadelire: atleast not in english. and not the direct translation from english to my lang.10:18
delireNameless12: was that a reboot or just an X restart. anyway, just ensure that fglrx is in the "load these modules no matter what file" ..10:18
vikashwhat is sudo10:18
dumfanSo, I've just installed Ubuntu, what package do I need to listen to my MP3s? Can anybody please tell me this? I love ubuntu, but i really need to get it working10:18
bobobokadelire: can you describe the icon?10:18
Belutz!tell vikash about w32codecs10:18
ubotufrom memory, mp3 is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support10:18
vikashactually i have used red hat 910:18
Nameless12delire, it was a reboot, i dont know the command to just reboot x10:18
butcherbirddumfan, take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com10:19
shinuvikash: type in terminal : man sudo10:19
Nameless12delire, its already in the modules file10:19
delireboboboka: well i don't run gnome.. what is your native language?10:19
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delireNameless12: great..10:19
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Belutz!tell vikash about rootsudo10:19
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tuskerniniok thanks... but it does not work for me anyway...10:19
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vikashi am new to ubuntu10:19
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Belutztuskernini, what's the problem?10:19
NiLz!tell NiLz about rootsudo10:20
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tuskerninibelutz, i have the firefox upgrade problem...10:20
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zone17Hi, I can't get the sound working after upgrading to breezy, I have a sound blaster audigy card, is there a way to set it up manually?10:20
delireboboboka: hmm, that's a tough one. i can't attempt a translation.10:20
funkyHatNiLz, /msg ubotu rootsudo10:20
henkdelire, whould you be willing to help me out as well? i read your conversation with Nameless12. I want my radeon to work too, however it fails for me when i try to modprobe fglrx10:20
tuskerninii upgraded and firefox died..10:20
NiLzfunkyHat: ok :)10:20
delirehenk: paste the output of the failure in pastebin.com10:20
tuskerninidoes not want to start.. now i use epiphany10:20
=== minimec is here
Belutztuskernini, remove firefox package, install mozilla-firefox and mozilla-firefox-gnome-support10:20
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NiLzwhat users are added to sudo group by default10:20
henkdelire, my box says " operation not permitted"10:21
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funkyHatjust the one you added during install10:21
tuskerninii did it... twice already.. but i will do it again..10:21
chopnew to here10:21
delirehenk: 'sudo modprobe fglrx'10:21
bobobokadelire: what's written in the description of it? (when you move your mouse over it)10:21
NiLzfor instance if I add a new user, will it have permission to excecute sudo as well?10:21
funkyHatNiLz, no, unless you add it to the group 'admin'10:21
bimberiNiLz: no, only the user set up during install10:21
Belutztuskernini, ok, i'll wait10:21
henkdelire, i'm root10:21
delireboboboka: again, you'll need to ask others what it looks like. i don't run anything like gnome.10:21
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delireboboboka: is that all the output?10:21
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funkyHatwhich is an option in the graphical user manager10:21
puffWhen it says breezy will be released in octoboer, does that mean beginnning, end, somewhre in there?10:21
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Nameless12if anyone has any experiance with ati cards and \ or dual monitors can you help me out, i have just put my xorg.conf into the paste bin and would apreciate any help http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/254510:21
bobobokadelire: oh right..10:21
tuskerninii will do it with synaptics this time10:21
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delirehenk: sorry, is that all the output?10:22
butcherbirdpuff, 13th10:22
freebase`can anyone tell me how to switch a network card driver?10:22
bobobokaso anyone with gnome can help me for a sec?10:22
NiLzfunkyHat, bimberi thanx10:22
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puffbutcherbird: Ah,thanks.10:22
paniqi'm hoping to get a WG111 wireless USB adapter to work without ndiswrapper. any help is appreciated.10:22
delirefreebase`: modprobe -r <oldDriver>, modprobe <newDriver>10:22
funkyHatRC is the 3rd iirc10:22
tuskerninii had to remove yelp aswell..10:22
=== puff ponders waiting until 13th and living with the pain of only having half is ram, vs. risking upgrading to breezy now.
NiLzbtw, is it my system or is firefox laggy when opening multiply tabs? I have 1,3ghz athlon and 512mb ram10:22
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delirepuff: wise10:22
NiLzor is it gnome?10:22
Belutztuskernini, it's ok, you can reinstall it later10:22
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tuskerninibelutz, do i need it?10:23
puffdelire: Which one is?10:23
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freebase`delire, thx i'll try that10:23
Belutztuskernini, i don't know, but i don't10:23
NiLzlaggy = slow when switching between the tabs, tabs load slowly on my 10mbit connection10:23
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henkdelire, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/254610:23
NiLzor is there some nvidia tricks I don't know about10:23
delireNiLz: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/800410:23
vikashi searched it on google10:23
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puffNiLz: I noticed that, not so much slow as it seemed to hang for fraction of a second after I did alt-tab.10:23
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vikashshould i select totem xine for debian10:24
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Belutzvikash, you can install it from synaptic10:24
tuskerniniok, well see what happens... installing the two you mentioned10:24
delirehenk: lspci | grep VGA10:24
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Belutztuskernini, ok10:25
delirepuff: see the link i gave NiLz10:25
tuskerninibelutz, same problem.. just shows on the bar for a while and dissapears.. i will start it from the root terminal10:25
NiLzpuff: did you solve this issue anyhow?10:26
vikashactually  another synaptic is running10:26
delireNiLz: glxinfo | grep direct10:26
NiLzcause firefox seems to be faster in winxp10:26
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vikashdownloading updates10:26
delireNiLz: do you have gfx accelleration?10:26
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vikashso i will use it tommorow10:26
Belutzvikash, you can't have more than one package manager running10:26
NiLzdirect rendering: Yes10:26
tuskerninibelutz, well what do you know.. it starts from the terminal... but why?10:26
vikashbuletz may i know ur yahoo id10:26
henkdelire,  http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/254710:26
delireNiLz: good, just tune up firefox then. it's very fast here with those tweaks..10:26
vikashhow can i contact u10:26
Belutztuskernini, what did you type in the terminal?10:26
bimberiNiLz: This might help http://ubuntuguide.org/#loadwebsitefasterfirefox (one of the ubuntuguide tips that's pretty good)10:26
tuskerninino -stuff10:27
Belutzvikash, just ask for help in this channel :)10:27
=== bimberi braces for the !ubuntuguide cluebat onslaught
delirehenk: hmm, where did you get the driver?10:27
vikashya it's displaying so10:27
Belutztuskernini, now try "killall firefox-bin" and re run firefox10:27
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NiLzbimberi: yes have these added in my config already10:27
vikashi will do it tomorrow10:27
tuskerniniok.. will do10:27
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vikashif problem comes i will ask10:27
henkdelire, this is what colony5 /ubuntu 5.10 installed by default i have not done anything yet for the ati10:27
bimberiNiLz: k :|10:27
NiLzdelire: any other adjustments than those in ubuntuguide?10:27
vikashit's 2 am here in night10:27
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vikashgood night10:28
Wernerback :)10:28
Belutzvikash, it's 3:27 am in here :p10:28
delireNiLz: those ones look pretty good to me..10:28
bimberiNiLz: not known to me sorry10:28
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puffNiLz: No, not really, never got past the more serious problems:-).10:28
vikashin which country u r10:28
Belutzvikash, Indonesia10:28
deFryskvikash, 2 am is always @ night;p10:28
vikashwell i am in india10:28
delirehenk: hmm 'lsmod | grep fglrx'10:28
Belutzwell, a country of IT :)10:28
tuskerninibelutz, well what do you know.. it worked... what is the -bin for?10:28
XHKI just installed ubuntu, but when i move mouse, press a key the screen shakes weirdly :S10:28
vikashok anyways thanx10:29
vikashgood night10:29
Belutztuskernini, when firefox is running, it runs firefox-bin10:29
vikashi have classes from 8 am10:29
delirehenk: any output?10:29
Belutztuskernini, glad that it works :)10:29
XHKI just installed ubuntu, but when i move mouse or press a key the screen shakes weirdly :S Can someone help me, why does it do so?10:29
delirehenk: i have to go soon..10:29
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jjazzXHK:  Perhaps you need to adjust the frequency  in System->Preferences->Screen Resolution10:29
henkdelire, no output10:29
tuskerninicool, thank you whole hartedly.... belutz10:29
XHKok ty10:29
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Belutztuskernini, you're welcome10:29
delirehenk: hmm 'sudo depmod -ae'10:29
WernerDo someone know why my wlan card is nog detected by ubuntu in system -> beheer -> network ? :)10:30
henkdelire, no output10:30
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viktormy opera is segfaulting when i try to start it :((10:30
kemikWerner:  wlancards are a hassle10:30
viktoranyone else that had the same problem with the new opera?10:30
kemikWerner:  see if the manufacturer has drivers or use ndiswrapper10:30
delirehenk: i think you may have somehow installed the wrong fglrx driver. perhaps you are running xorg and the driver you have is for xfree86. try 'sudo modinfo fglrx'10:30
kemik!tell Werner about wireless10:30
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deFryskviktor, here it chrashes when it does a java-applet10:31
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tuskerninii just came back from work and i am glad to see that the forums are online again...10:31
zeke1delire: hey me again...ifconfig only puts out the LO: loopback interface and thats all10:31
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viktordeFrysk, i cant even start it P i just get some liberrors then it segfault10:31
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deFryskviktor, I use the static.deb10:32
tuskernini! tell tuskernini about wireless10:32
ubotutuskernini: NO SPEAKE ENLISH!10:32
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viktordeFrysk, oh ok thanks10:32
henkdelire, i have not installed anything special (yet) this is what came with ubuntu (just installed 1 hour ago)10:32
Belutznite guys10:32
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tuskernininete belutz10:32
viktoroh nice, a static.deb :)10:32
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logan001101new to here10:33
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zeke1delire: hey me again...ifconfig only puts out the LO: loopback interface and thats all10:33
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delirehenk: hmm can you 'lsmod | grep ati10:33
zeke1delire: after i run sudo ifup eth0...it says ignoring device....10:33
delirehenk: 'lsmod | grep ati'10:33
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delirezeke1: 'lspci | grep Net' for me again?10:34
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Wernerthere are only 3 cisco wlan cards supported in ubuntu? :(10:34
Wernerand not the one I have?10:34
jitadoes shipit will send cds to india. i am on limited bandwidth and could not afford to download the cds :(10:35
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Werner0000:01:02.0 Ethernet controller: Linksys, A Division of Cisco Systems [AirConn]  INPROCOMM IPN 2220 Wireless LAN Adapter (rev 01)10:36
Werner << why ubuntu don' t support that bitch of a wlan card? :P10:36
kemikWerner:  try ndiswrapper then10:36
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Wernerkemik, is that a commando in the terminal?10:36
kemikWerner:  read the wifi howto10:36
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tuskerniniwerner, probeer die ubuntu support blaaie10:37
henkdelire, kern.log says http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/255010:37
WernerI' m going to sleep now :)10:37
Wernertuskernini, cool idee :D10:37
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delirehenk: ok that could be an issue. 'sudo modprobe -r drm && sudo modprobe fglrx'10:38
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henkFATAL: Module drm is in use.10:38
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delirehenk: ok, well you'll have to leave X and do this. then go back into X again. have you used Linux before? it seems so..10:39
Ryougaokay, something's borked in the preview release livecd... when x starts it just throws garbage on the screen no matter what video modes I give it10:39
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Ryougausing a 6600GT10:40
henkdelire, yes i know linux pretty well, however this is my first time using it on the desktop. until know stritly servers10:40
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henkdelire i'll be back soon10:40
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delirehenk: right, well then you should be fine.. ;)10:40
logan001101any one know how to install warcraft on ubuntu10:40
concept10Anyone know what is the mplayer-plugin package on breezy?10:40
zeke1delire: 0000:02:00.0 Ethernet Controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd: Unknown device 4362 (rev 19)10:40
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Ryougaanyone have any ideas? I've tried changing video modes and whatnot, doesn't seem to help10:41
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Rambo3in what map on install CD is the kernel-image ?10:42
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zeke1delire:afteri do lspci | grep net this is what i get:  0000:02:00.0 Ethernet Controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd: Unknown device 4362 (rev 19)10:43
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logan001101anyone have a idea on my problem, i installed warcraft 3 in ubuntu but it require CD what can i do ????10:43
[LethAL] logan001101, Insert the CD10:44
logan001101the CD already in the cd rom10:44
[LethAL] logan001101, Put the Warcraft 3 CD in the computer10:44
logan001101i have already install cedega10:44
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GNeRaLwine = is legal ?10:45
oO[NOVA] Oo[LethAL] : in the computer? okay.. *breaks open PC, dumps CD on mainboard*10:45
GnonthgolGNeRaL: yes10:45
logan001101i cant find wine anywhere10:45
logan001101and my brother recommend me to install cedega10:45
[LethAL] LMAO@ oO[NOVA] Oo10:45
zeke1delire: u still there?10:45
nargWhere would the autodownloaded firefox extension be located? Im attempting to import it into konq, but I cant find it.10:46
logan001101what can i do now???10:46
[LethAL] Try both, cedega usually works better for games10:46
wolverianhey, this is a bit OT, but does anyone know a fix for screen's A^ F command not working properly (that is, fitting to a wrong size)10:46
logan001101i tried10:46
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logan001101i copy the war3 folder from window to the c_driver in cedega10:47
logan001101then cedega ...exe10:47
delirezeke1: yes, just10:47
logan001101but i still require a cd10:47
ohphrackuhey peeps where dose enemy-territory isntall too? what dir.10:47
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delirezeke1: can you lspci and paste it to a pastebin?10:47
logan001101i hv already crack war3.exe in windows10:47
delirezeke1: this is the only way i can help from here.10:47
[LethAL] logan001101, search on digitalconquest.ath.cx10:48
zeke1delire: i wrote it out for you10:48
adjacenti dist-upgraded to breezy today, after reboot xorg is broken. im using nvidia driver, but it says it couldnt find the module, so i installed linux-modules-restricted-2.6.12-9 and nvidia was found...10:48
tristanmikenarg, check ./mozilla10:48
delirezeke1: yes, i want to full output.10:48
henkdelire, i restarted and along the way managed to get fglrx inserted i think let me check10:48
delirezeke1: *the10:48
adjacenthowever i get pci parity errors on the console. so something is wrong10:48
tristanmikenarg, in your home folder that is10:48
adjacentand if i switch to nv, i get default font 'fixed' not found errors10:48
delirehenk: excellent. that pesky drm module wants to handle Direct Rendering Management for you.10:48
zeke1delire:afteri do delire: im not in ubuntu now do u really need all of it cause there is no way i can access the net from ubuntu10:48
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delirezeke1: shit i forgot, sorry.10:49
adjacentis this reparable by installing the correct packages, or am i screwed?10:49
logan001101sorry i miss the url :p10:49
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[LethAL] adjacent, I didn't think it was fatal10:49
henkdelire, yes i got that. anyway modprobe fglrx gives no output now so that seems ok10:49
delirezeke1: right, well i don't know that network card at all. all i can suggest is googling for it.10:49
piercedh20nerp: are you still here?10:49
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zeke1delire: np what else do u need to know10:49
[LethAL] logan001101, http://digitalconquest.ath.cx10:49
delirehenk: to test 'glxinfo'10:49
nargtristanmike: negative10:49
eviananybody know what the ubuntuguide is referring to when it says "How to configure sound to work properly in GNOME?"10:49
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[LethAL] !ubuntuguide10:49
adjacent[LethAL] : yeh. it gives me a fatal error10:49
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, ubuntuguide is out of date, breaks PCs and doesn't explain anything. The official FAQ Guide, which is based on ubuntuguide will soon be the help menu in Breezy. For more information see !faq.10:49
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zeke1delire: ok i hAVE A REALTEK ASWELL10:49
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sunshinehi can someone help me10:50
Hikaru79Nice new forum skin, guys! it looks prettiful :D10:50
piercedh20nerp: I still get the following error when trying ti compile xmms after doing your steps: configure: error: *** GLIB >= 1.2.2 not installed - please install first ***10:50
funkyHatsunshine, just ask10:50
delirezeke1: excellent, a good card. 'modprobe -l | grep rtl'10:50
sunshinei need to install java10:50
evianok LethAL10:50
sunshineim on breezy10:50
zeke1delire: if i modprobe 8139too it gives no errors10:50
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tristanmikenarg, you know how to find hidden folders10:50
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henkdelire, that gives a lof out ouput10:50
delirezeke1: you're in business. 'ifup eth0'10:50
sunshineI do not have w32codec on my computer10:50
henkwhat are you looking fir ?>10:50
ubotumethinks faq is The Ubuntu FAQ Guide: select System -> Help (in Breezy), or http://ubuntu-doc.ath.cx/gnome/faqi386/C/10:50
nerppiercedh20, weird10:50
piercedh20Very weird10:50
tristanmike!ubotu tell logan001101 about ubuntuguide10:50
[LethAL] logan001101, It's rubbish, just evian was talking about it10:50
nerpi haven't much ideas after that10:50
zeke1delire: it says no such devive10:50
piercedh20ok, thanks anyways10:50
funkyHatsunshine, install the package java-package through synaptic10:50
sunshineand when I read ubuntu wiki it said that breezy should have jre but it soesnt10:51
delirehenk: excellent. looking good. 'glxinfo | grep direct' (to find out if you have 'direct' or fast rendering.10:51
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delirezeke1: ifconfig10:51
logan001101what wrong with U10:51
piercedh20Can anyone else help me with the following error message during compile of xmms: configure: error: *** GLIB >= 1.2.2 not installed - please install first ***10:51
[LethAL] logan001101, Don't worry, ignore the ubuntuguide stuff10:51
JonnyRoIs there any way to read my e-mail stored in evolution remotely10:51
nargtristanmike: yes ;P10:51
zeke1delire: only the loopback interface is displayed10:51
henkdirect rendering: No10:51
henkOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect10:51
JonnyRovia mutt over ssh?10:51
evianLethal, the reason I asked is that sound in skype wasn't working right for me10:51
funkyHatsunshine, download the .bin of the jre from sun's website, and run it with make-jpkg (which is installed by java-package)10:51
logan001101the ubuntuguide doesnt work10:51
funkyHatthen install the .deb that that generates10:51
sunshineok java package is install what do I do now10:51
logan001101i tried some10:51
tristanmikenarg, ok, sorry to assume, what extention are you talking about?10:51
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delirezeke1: strange.. 'depmod -ae'10:52
logan001101even i cant install the w32codecs10:52
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[LethAL] !tell evian about skype10:52
delirehenk: ok, well we're getting there. 'depmod -ae'10:52
sunshinei've download i but how do I run it with makek dpkg10:52
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nargtristanmike: I was after flash, and I found it with slocate. Its in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/10:52
nargtristanmike: But thanks anyway ;)10:52
henkdelire, no output10:52
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funkyHatsunshine, make-jpkg *name of .bin file*10:52
delirehenk: can you now paste the full output of glxinfo to a terminal to me?10:52
[LethAL] logan001101, have you looked on that site yet?10:52
delirehenk: sorry, to a pastebin..10:53
logan001101i hv10:53
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tristanmikenarg, no prob, thanx for the info, i'll make a note for future reference :)10:53
kemikhmmmm how broken would my system be if i installl the ATI drivers from breezy into my Hoary system? !10:53
funkyHatsunshine, if it complains about root, then run it through sudo10:53
delirezeke1: so ifconfig shows no other devices..10:53
funkyHati can't remember if it does or not10:53
logan001101ubuntuguide.org right?10:53
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[LethAL] logan001101, no, http://digitalconquest.ath.cx10:53
Serv|nokia[23:41:27]  <Serv|nokia> can somebody help me whit that: /home/steam: /home/steam: cannot execute binary file10:53
Serv|nokia[23:41:36]  <Serv|nokia> root@box031:/home # file /home/steam10:53
Serv|nokia[23:41:36]  <Serv|nokia> /home/steam: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped10:53
Serv|nokia[23:41:55]  <intero> zerve_the_death: 0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV36 [GeForce FX 5700LE]  (rev a1)10:53
zeke1delire: i did remove hotplug in the beggining to actually boot into ubuntu...is this a problem10:53
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Serv|nokiacan somebody help me whit that?10:53
logan001101cant found it10:53
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[LethAL] Seveas, DON'T PASTE IN HERE10:53
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[LethAL] Serv|nokia*10:53
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delirezeke1: hmm it shouldn't be.. we are manually doing this here..10:53
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Serv|nokiates sorry but i need help whit that10:54
delirehenk: cheers10:54
kemikServ|nokia:  you should read the topic when entering a new channel10:54
funkyHatubotu, tell Serv|nokia about pastebin10:54
SeveasServ|nokia, that's no reason to paste10:54
logan001101some thing wrong lethal10:54
[LethAL] logan001101, What is?10:54
Seveaslots op people refuse to help if you do that10:54
darkwiseI wanna put xcdroast on my ubuntu box, whats the easiest way to go about it?10:54
kemikServ|nokia:  a general guideline to IRC10:54
logan001101i cant found the digitalconquest10:54
zeke1delire: ok so i added 8139too to /etc/modules and still nothing10:54
logan001101is it right url10:55
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Serv|nokiaeven google dosent help me whit that10:55
[LethAL] logan001101, I think it moved to http://cedegawiki.sweetleafstudios.com/index.php?title=Main_Page10:55
darkwiseBecause this burning software that came with ubuntu isn't working.10:55
henkdelire, glxgears became very slow btw10:55
darkwiseAnd I'm kinda pissed.10:55
Serv|nokiai have tryd it to get work for 7h10:55
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Serv|nokiaand i can't to it10:55
delirehenk: ok no problem, you need the rest of the ATI distribution of OpenGL. 'apt-cache search fglrx' and give me the list.10:55
delirehenk: yes it will be..10:55
kemikSeveas:  what you think of installing the breezy-fglrx package into hoary? doomed to break my system ?10:55
ubotuskype is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SkypeHowto/, or deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free10:55
logan001101oh man10:55
logan001101how can i copy from here?10:55
darkwiseI've noticed a couple pre-compiled programs that come on the install cd don't work out the box.10:56
sunshine2 things i've download jre but when i went to open it Could not open the file "/home/sunshine/Desktop/jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin"10:56
Serv|nokiaso nobody can't help me?10:56
darkwiseIts nerve-racking10:56
[LethAL] logan001101, What do you mean?10:56
kemiklogan001101:  which irc-client are you using ?10:56
logan001101it goes too fast10:56
delirezeke1: well what was the output from modprobe -l | grep rtl10:56
logan001101i lost the url10:56
Seveaskemik, doom it is :)10:56
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[LethAL] logan001101, Do you mid if I PM you?10:56
[LethAL] mind*10:56
sunshineand i try make jpkg and it said the file doesn't exist10:56
logan001101no pro10:56
delirehenk: cheers..10:56
kemikmmh. was sortof expecting that answer :/10:56
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logan001101ip logan101100110:56
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zeke1delire: ok im gonna have to check] 10:56
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logan001101IM logan10110010:56
logan001101IM logan101100110:57
darkwiseCan I get some help, or am I just spitting into the wind coming in here asking?10:57
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Serv|nokiacan somebody help me whit: cannot execute binary file or not?10:57
logan001101what is your IM?10:57
kemikServ|nokia:  paste your error on pastebin10:57
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[LethAL] logan001101, I just PM'ed you the url10:57
darkwiseI want help and you fags are trading im screen names. nice.10:57
logan001101PM, do you mean use Yahoo ?10:57
butcherbirddarkwise, sudo apt-get install xcdroast if thats what you want. or gnomebaker etc10:57
zeke1delire: what is rtl?10:57
[LethAL] logan001101, no10:57
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logan001101im a newbie10:58
Seveasdark, language,,,10:58
[LethAL] logan001101, Do you see a button that says [LethAL]  in red?10:58
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logan001101it yellow10:58
Serv|nokiakemik done and next?10:59
logan001101i mean your name is yello10:59
[LethAL] No, a button10:59
logan001101not red10:59
ceviz|laptophe had too much coffee10:59
kemikServ|nokia:  paste the URL here so we can see what you pasted10:59
sunshinethere only two option .bin or rpm.bin10:59
[LethAL] logan001101, down the bottom of the window10:59
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EpixHey. I want to set up a music system on Ubuntu. What software do you recomend for recording/mixing? What about MIDI? What hardware do you recomend for plugging in mics and instruments... And feel free to PM, I have more questions :P10:59
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logan001101im using the irsii10:59
=== lucky [n=lucky@CPE000625f49f20-CM0014045d1130.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
logan001101in terminal10:59
luckyhi guys, ubuntu won't install.10:59
luckywhen it gets to partitioning10:59
logan001101not xchat10:59
BlissexEpix: look at the aGNUla and CCRAM projects for ideas...10:59
luckyi just get the partition thing with ????? ????? in the window10:59
[LethAL] logan001101, Oh... which number are you on above where you type?10:59
BlissexEpix: look at the aGNUla and CCRMA projects for ideas...11:00
luckyand it just loops endlessly11:00
someuserhi can someone help me woth screen refresh rates?11:00
[LethAL] logan001101, probably 2 or 3, no?11:00
[LethAL] someuser, What's the problem11:00
shinu[LethAL] : wait a sec11:00
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logan001101it w11:00
shinuleonel: ill explain to him11:00
zeke1delire: im gonna have to use the marvell fro now...how can i find out what its device is on the net?11:00
logan001101it's 211:00
shinuleonel: sorry wrong name :P11:00
[LethAL] logan001101, press alt-311:00
someuseri'm getting only 60 Hz11:00
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shinu[LethAL] : ill explain to him :P11:00
[LethAL] someuser, hoary or breezy?11:00
Serv|nokiasomebody know something about: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/255411:00
[LethAL] shinu, thanks11:00
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kemikServ|nokia:  first off, it's owned by root and second the +x flag isnt set11:00
EpixBlissex: But, i want to use Ubuntu, not another distro11:00
delirehenk: sorry, phone. 'apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx' if that gives you problems you'll need to 'dpkg -i --force-overwrite xorg-driver-fglrx...deb'11:00
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Serv|nokiakemik i have set now the +x and same problem11:01
BlissexEpix: you can look at those to see what you can get and what other people rate as useful.11:01
kemikServ|nokia:  and it's supposed to be a binary executable ?11:01
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delirezeke1: google.com/linux and search for the name given in the lspci output. also look in the Supported Hardware pages in the ubuntu wiki.11:01
Serv|nokiakemik: yes11:01
EpixBlissex: ok, thanks. but i would also tike to talk to people about it11:01
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henkdelire, np running the install hang on11:01
someuseri do not know what you mean?11:01
Serv|nokiakemik: even hldsupdatetoo.bin dosent work same problem11:01
BlissexEpix: also look at this semi-commercial package for inspiration: http://www.ferventsoftware.com/ several people think it is the best integrated audio Linux/Debian/... based package they have seen.11:02
henkdelire,  done seems to have gone ok11:02
kemikServ|nokia:  "sudo chown youruser:youruser" and also "chmod a+x file"11:02
cevizogluhey guys, do you think the overall experience for someone on a budget with Ubuntu is better with a IBM/Lenovo 15" Thinkpad G 3ghz, or a 15" Powerbook 1.5ghz, same RAM and HD size, and the extra 2 lbs. doesn't matter11:02
delvitnight and thanx11:02
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Serv|nokiakemik: same problem cannot execute...11:03
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sunshinethere is only two optio .bin or rpm.bin what should I do now you said somethin about .deb11:03
[LethAL] someuser, what was your problem again, refresh rates?11:03
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delirehenk: ok. just a mo..11:03
someuserhi can someone help me woth screen refresh rates? (in privet plz, i can't keep up with text lines)11:03
Rev_Fryno no no!  Not Dapper Drake.  Wooly Wolverine11:03
[LethAL] someuser, I'll do it11:03
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Rev_FryDrake just blows the whole dang naming scheme11:04
ascanioqualche italiano in linea?11:04
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delirehenk: ls -l  /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so11:04
someusercan you come to privet11:04
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[LethAL] !it11:04
ubotu[LethAL] : Are you smoking crack?11:04
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Serv|nokiakemik: i'm using 64bit ubuntu11:04
Blissexascanio: forse...11:04
=== funkyHat shoots the skype people for dependencies issues
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funkyHat(same as the opera one from the other day as well)11:05
Blissexcevizoglu: those two seem pretty good. But consider the peripherals and battery life.11:05
delirefunkyHat: now that it's been bought by eBay, i don't expect too much from it in near future. i'm looking at kphone atm.11:05
ascaniociao Blissex, ho un problema potresti aiutarmi?11:05
sunshinefunky can you please help me?11:05
henkDelgul, ls: /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so: No such file or directory11:05
kemikServ|nokia:  not sure if that would be a problem.. perhaps it is...11:06
delirehenk: ls -l  /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so*11:06
Blissexdelire: KPHone.... AHAHAH. Also try KIAX.11:06
delirehenk: try that..11:06
funkyHatsunshine, sure, what's the problem?11:06
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funkyHatsorry i must have missed it11:06
delireBlissex: i haven't looked at either. is it good?11:06
Blissexdelire: KPhone and KIAX are the best freeware softphones probably, but they ain't that good.11:06
sunshinei trold ya i would likek to install java11:06
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+e atila_sendil!*@*] by Seveas
Blissexdelire: they sort of work, but not awesomely.11:06
zeke1delire: ok seems like the new kernel has support for it... 2.611:06
delireBlissex: what about this 'linphone'?11:06
EpixAnother question, how do i hook up a usb midi keyboard to Ubuntu. Its an evolution.11:06
kemikRev_Fry:  well, the ubuntu namingscheme sucks @$$11:06
henkdelire, that gives output some softlinks11:06
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Blissexdelire: much worse, at least the version I saw.11:06
delirehenk: excellent. what are the dates on those links?11:06
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Rev_Frykemik: perhaps.. but it was cute and consistent... now I'm left thinking of Mandrake.11:07
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funkyHatwell skype doesn't actually work here anyway, it would do if they would get round to bothering to use alsa11:07
delirezeke1: good work! good researching..11:07
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Blissexascanio: leggiti codeste note quanto a come fare domande costi`: http://tinyurl.com/bz8v411:07
someuserLethAL plz com back :}11:07
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Rev_FryWooly Wolverine.... Wonky Wolf.  Come on.. there's tons of them.. why dapper drake?  People are already saying "Gay Duck"11:07
kemikfunkyHat:  follow the "gandalf howto on sound" (esd+alsa)11:07
zeke1delire: so how do i get the new kernel and install???? :)11:07
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someuserLethAL plz com back :}11:07
Serv|nokiakemik: i have installed in other machine 32bit ubuntu and there it works11:08
funkyHatkemik, that's not the problem :P11:08
kemikfunkyHat:  then you'll get skype to work.. or wait for breezy, i think breezy has anohter soundsystem (hopefully a good one)11:08
Blissexdelire: KIAX seems better, but it is less finished than KPhone.11:08
snausagescan anyone help me install w32codecs? i added the backports to my repository and i still get " Package w32codecs has no installation candidate"11:08
delirehenk: hmm.. well what about 'ls -l /usr/lib/libGL.so*'11:08
henkdelire, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2556 to be exact11:08
kemikServ|nokia:  so let's blame the 64bit version then ;)11:08
funkyHatkemik, besides, skype only uses oss11:08
someuser...LethAL plz com back :}11:08
delirehenk: cheers..11:08
Blissexdelire: also KIAX uses the IAX2 protocol, which is easy on firewalls etc.11:08
=== Sonny_Wertzik [n=Sonny_We@ip24-250-11-28.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
funkyHatkemik, i am on breezy. looks like it's using esd to me ;). although i'm using polypaudio11:08
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sunshineanother question then how do i get my sound to work i can watch dvd and see the music payer workin but ican't hear i have test my speaker can anyone help11:08
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someuserhi can someone help me woth screen refresh rates? (in privet plz, i can't keep up with text lines)11:09
Serv|nokiakemik: you dont know how to fix it? its the most important file in the server11:09
delirehenk: a bit strange, but let's give it a shot. restart X and then glxinfo | grep direct.11:09
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kemikfunkyHat:  ahh ok.. well http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063 got skype and most other apps to work for me11:09
Blissexsunshine: follow the troubleshooting section of http://tinyurl.com/4ogk2 and consider switching to #ALSA11:09
delireBlissex: good point, very interesting..11:09
kemikServ|nokia:  nope, no idea.. i wouldn run the 64bit kernel ;)11:09
funkyHatsunshine, how much have you managed to do out of the things i said earlier? did you manage to build the .deb of the jdk using java-package?11:09
someuserhi can someone help me woth screen refresh rates? (in privet plz, i can't keep up with text lines)11:09
henkdelire, ok restarting X now11:10
Sonny_Wertzikcan someone tell me how to install the new jre files?11:10
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kemik(but then, that guide applies for hoary and not breezy)11:10
atila_sendilHello; anyone had problems with unending updates after installing backports ? it installs the packages again and again ...11:10
zeke1delire: so how do i get the new kernel and install???? :) if i cant access the net from ubuntu11:10
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Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, pick up da phone11:11
ppineHello, anyone a clue why i get "  i686-pc-linux-': machine not recognized." when doing a .configure11:11
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, at the bottom of screen there are tabs11:11
someuseryes, i can see 2 ubuntu & servers11:12
Serv|nokiadam i11:12
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Serv|nokianobody dosent know about it11:12
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Serv|nokiawho made this shit then ? :D11:12
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kemikServ|nokia:  try the forums11:12
henkdelire, still 'no' on direct rendering11:12
delirezeke1: sadly i have to go pretty soon and that's a big topic. for now though we should be able to get your realtek card up and running. was there any output from 'modprobe -l | grep rtl'? i was on the phone. rtl is often the first three letters of a rtl813911:12
EpixIs Ardour any good?11:12
delirehenk: a shame, but you're super close.11:12
delireEpix: yes11:12
henkdelire,  do i need to update my xorg.conf?11:12
Epixdelire: can i use it to pass sound through and out speakers?11:13
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Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, check bottoms tabs again11:13
zeke1delire: no it doesnt give me anything11:13
delirehenk: well you might want to try backing it up and then running fglrxconfig. if you can't be bothered poking around, you can just purge all teh fglrx packages from your machine and grab the full installer for linux from the ATI webpage. it really works..11:14
Serv|nokiadam it11:14
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delirezeke1: right.. hmm well i would talk to someone else in the know here. i have to eat dinner before midnight.11:14
Serv|nokiai hate linux :(11:14
delireEpix: yes.11:14
bimberiServ|nokia: try "chmod +x steam", then ./steam again11:14
delireServ|nokia: hehe11:14
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, u shold be seeing my name in a tab at the bottom11:14
Epixdelire: easier to use than cubase? :P11:15
Serv|nokiabimberi it dosent work11:15
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someuseri can se11:15
zeke1delire: cool thanks for the help11:15
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someuseri'm there11:15
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henkdelire, hmm ok11:15
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Serv|nokiamby its the kernel problem?11:15
delireEpix: no, it's more like pro-tools. it hasn't gone gold yet, but it's very good. see rosegarden, hydrogen, pure data also.11:15
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freebase`how do i shutdown X? im trying to install nvidia driver11:15
deviosdaejavu: did you actually test your solution "install mplayer and mozilla plugins for mplayer and enjoy" with the streaming audio link @ krock2.com?11:15
Serv|nokiakemik: can it be a kernel problem?11:16
delirezeke1: anytime, you're close to a solution and already patient. good on you.11:16
kemikServ|nokia:  i dont know.. if it's a 32bit application and you're running 64bit kernel then that may verywell be the error11:16
jakuis still possible to install w32codecs?11:16
puffHm, does ubuntu by default have some sort of ipchains or ipfilters to block (for example) accepting requests on port 80?11:16
delirehenk: https://support.ati.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=894&task=knowledge&folderID=2711:16
Serv|nokiaabout that :11:16
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser,  dont worry ill tell u what u need to know in the main era here11:16
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bimberiServ|nokia: so still "No such file or directory"11:17
funkyHatfreebase`, ctrl+alt+ f1-6 (7 is X). log in, and sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop11:17
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ubotuskype is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SkypeHowto/, or deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free11:17
kemikServ|nokia:  afaik the CPU itself can execute 32bit code, but im not sure how the 64bit kernel handles 32bit code.. never read about it11:17
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Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, what do u want to know 1st?11:17
freebase`funkyHat, thank you11:17
delirehenk: make sure you purge (dpkg -P <package>) all other fglrx installs on that machine and back up your xorg.conf before trying this installer out. just choose defaults when prompted.11:17
someuseri'm getting only 60Hz screen Refresh Rate & it's not comforteble on the eye's11:17
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someuseri have ASUS 8200 GeForce 3 Ti20011:18
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Serv|nokiakemik: i know11:18
Serv|nokiathe answer11:18
Serv|nokiafuck it11:18
delirehenk: once done, leave X 'sudo modprobe -r fglrx; sudo modprobe fglrx && startx' to check.11:18
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, ok did u try switching it in the system-preferences-screen resolution menu?11:18
Serv|nokiajust hate it and crash evrything11:18
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JonnyRosome angry people are operating in here today11:18
JonnyRousually like this?11:18
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Serv|nokiakemik: http://www.64bit-world.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-3952.html11:19
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someuseryes, but there is only one option - of 60Hz - no othe options. ( Ican't change)11:19
logan001101any one know link to point2play11:19
delireJonnyRo: no the three i've seen are having problem with third-party applications.11:19
someuserno other*11:19
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logan001101any one know link to point2play11:19
JonnyRodelire: i bet the evil face of ubuntuguide.org keeps popping up as well11:19
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, OK...fine...i forgot to ask are u using gnome or KDE?11:19
Serv|nokiakemik: mby i update to the lastest kernel?11:19
delirehenk, zeke1 ciao and good luck.11:20
Serv|nokiawhere i can get the latest kernel11:20
logan001101any one know link to point2play heeeeeellllllllppppppppppppp11:20
Serv|nokiai haven't done it :d11:20
JonnyRoit sortof takes away the benifit of debugging a common system if people go and change all the innerds11:20
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Sonny_Wertziksome ok cool...are u ready....11:20
adjacentmine isnt a 3rd party problem =( and it has me stumped also11:20
someuseroh and it's on a Live-CD11:20
zeke1can someon help me get my marvel net card to work? :)11:20
SQFreakDoes KDE work on the breezy preview?11:20
cevizogluSQFreak: yeah, on kubuntu11:20
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WhiteRabbithey it's CavalierBob!11:21
adjacentcan i go back to hoary with a dist-upgrade?11:21
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Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, ok u know where file browser is?11:21
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SQFreakcevizoglu: how can I add kubuntu repos to the breezy repos in the BreezyUpgradeNotes wiki entry?11:21
CavalierBobWhiteRabbit: Why yes, yes it is! :)11:21
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butcherbirdadjacent, nope :^)11:22
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BooZeehello. how do I use ssh ?11:22
funkyHatSQFreak, kubuntu is in the normal repositories11:22
adjacentdidnt think it was safe11:22
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someuserti's open.11:22
zeke1can someon help me get my marvel net card to work? :)11:22
butcherbirdBooZee, ssh server or client?11:22
JonnyRoBooZee: what are you trying to do with it?11:22
Serv|nokiakemik: what the  ia32-libs to?11:22
SQFreakfunkyHat: ah. thanks11:22
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WhiteRabbitCavalierBob, Hehe11:22
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Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, ok open it and back out /home/whatever and put ...   /etc/x1111:22
adjacentis the nvidia driver being broken a known bug that i overlooked?11:22
Serv|nokiakemik: fuck it i got it work11:22
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Serv|nokiadam im good11:22
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BooZeebutcherbird: server11:23
butcherbirdapt-get open-sshd believe thats right11:23
blamhow do I get identd working under ubuntu?11:23
SQFreakI'm ready to go with the upgrade. Any known major problems now (this system isn't mission-critical in linux; it's a dual boot anyway)11:23
Serv|nokiai just need to run apt-get install ia32-libs and i tryd it about 7h :D11:23
ubotuI guess openssh is see http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SSHHowto11:23
blamI'm using xchat11:23
delirehenk: i just though of something. 'cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep fglrx'11:23
someuseri'm there11:23
ubotunomasteryoda|w: No idea11:23
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delirehenk: (my dinner is five minutes late..)11:23
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henkdelire, i did the configure using fglxconfig11:23
zeke1anybody got the marvel network card working in ubuntu11:23
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, look for a file called xorg.conf11:23
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henki think its working now11:23
delirehenk: ok cool.. now fglrx is in the config ;)11:23
someusergot it11:23
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Sonny_Wertzikopen it11:24
delirehenk: so glxgears looks a little better?11:24
BooZeeo.k. 10x. and how/where can I download new themes for my ubuntu?11:24
Serv|nokiakemik: can you help me whit one thing=?11:24
BooZeemy fresh ubuntu?11:24
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Serv|nokiakemik: how to i set off the cdrom ask when i use apt-get install plapla ?11:24
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someuserok, opend11:24
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henkdelire, it looks ok, is there any way to see if any 'cool stuff' works now ?11:24
butcherbirdBooZee, art.gnome.org read the faq11:24
kemikServ|nokia:  remove the cdrom line from your /etc/apt/sources.list (prefix with #)11:24
JonnyRozeke1:  any luck with the card?11:25
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blamnomasteryoda|w: ?11:25
B_166-ER-XI have a problem here,  :  i have this message at the login screen on breezy preview ; Your $HOME/.dmrc file has incorrect permissions and is being ignored. This prevents the default session and language from11:25
B_166-ER-Xbeing saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. , but my user IS 777 , so can that be ?? what should i do ?11:25
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, ok scroll down till u see HorizSync30-12111:25
zeke1JonnyRo: no and u11:25
blamnomasteryoda|w: sorry I don't understand11:25
henkdelire, cause now glxgears looks like it did before i used fglrx (the 'old' drm module)11:25
BooZeeo.k. 10x again. one last question: what should I do for security on the new ubuntu?11:25
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, the vales will be diff then mine11:25
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blamB_166-ER-X: chmod 644 /home/username11:25
Serv|nokiakemik: thank you for your help11:26
blamB_166-ER-X: chmod 644 -R /home/username11:26
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, values will be diff than my11:26
someuseri found one "HorizSync28-51"11:26
kemikServ|nokia:  np11:26
Sonny_Wertzikok i dont know what monitor u have11:26
seliniumhow do i rename a file at the command line. When i try to use rename it keeps erroring11:26
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someuserMag 796FD11:26
kemikselinium:  use mv11:26
kemikselinium:  mv filename newfilename11:26
seliniumcheers kemik, of course! lol11:27
B_166-ER-Xblam, that didnt work..11:27
kemik(mv is actually move... but hey, it does the trick)11:27
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someusermy monitor will hendle up to 100Hz11:27
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Sonny_Wertziksomeuser,  ok you need to know th exact values for you monitor and put them in11:27
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BooZeewell actually, got another questions after that one..11:27
kemikselinium:  rename would work aswell, but it's a bit trickier syntax11:27
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser,  ok you need to know th exact values for you monitor and put them in  for both horizontal and vertical11:27
kemikgreat for mass-renaming tho.. if you know your regular-expressions11:27
Epixis legends the game going to be forever, or only for beta?11:28
someuserhow can i find thows values?11:28
kemikB_166-ER-X:  make sure tho "chown youruser file" and "chgrp yourgroup file"11:28
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kemikB_166-ER-X:  may have to do it with sudo depending on who owns the file from the get-go11:28
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Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, u will need to look at the specs from the manufactuer site11:28
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delirehenk: hmm i don't know what's up then. try the ati installer or look out for me tomorrow. late now.. good luck.11:28
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paniqcan anyone suggest an USB lan adapter that works with linux?11:28
paniq(without ndiswrapper)11:28
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, one sec ill look for u11:28
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blamB_166-ER-X: chown username:username -R /home/username - where username is *your* username11:29
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someuseri'm not shure i understand..11:29
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joetheoddIs there something I can type in a terminal to see what version of Ubuntu I'm using?11:29
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BooZeewhere and how can I find and install video codecs on my ubuntu? plus, what prog do I use to see movies?11:29
nicservus miteinander11:29
butcherbirdBooZee, pretty secure by default either by a router or you can run firestarter11:29
someuseris the value that's there now (28-51) is a representation of 60Hz ?11:29
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nickann mir von euch einer sagen wie ich meine internetverbindung teilen kann11:30
henkdelire hmm wierd my computer hung exept for the mouse cursor that was working evertthing else stoped11:30
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Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, ok i found them...ready11:30
ubotufrom memory, de is #ubuntu-de bitte.11:30
niccan anybody tell me how to share my internet connection with kubuntu?11:30
someuseryes plz11:30
Sonny_Wertzikhorizontal is 30-9611:31
alessandro_how can i configure my mouse protocol ImExPS/2?11:31
Sonny_Wertzikvertical is 50-16011:31
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kemiknic:  not sure if there are any nice "gui's" for that, perhaps firestarter can do the trick... or else i'd use Quicktables11:31
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kemiknic:  or do it the hardcore way and readup on iptables and make your own rules11:31
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B_166-ER-Xblam, uh, it was like the endingof 'lawnmower man' with all the Access denied ;)  'permission not granted' to a big list of files..11:31
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blamB_166-ER-X: add sudo to the start of teh line11:32
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mkyb14anyone here know where imagemagick install path is?  i am trying to install coppermine but cannot find the install path?11:32
someuseri cannot edit the file11:32
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B_166-ER-Xblam ok, then how do i know if the change took place well11:32
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Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, OK open a terminal11:33
kemikB_166-ER-X:  in your homedir type "ls -lha"11:33
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, type this exactly           cd /ect/x1111:33
kemikB_166-ER-X:  and you'll see owner and permissions11:33
fjevonhey, my laptop went into hibernate during an update and I think it corrupted firefox. Now it won't open. When I try to uninstall, I get the following "problems found on my system: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/mozilla-firefox_1.0.7-0ubuntu0.1_i386.deb:  trying to overwrite `/var/lib/mozilla-firefox/extensions.d/00classic', which is also in package firefox11:33
fjevonE: /var/cache/apt/archives/mozilla-firefox-gnome-support_1.0.7-0ubuntu0.1_i386.deb:  trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/components/libmozgnome.so', which is also in package firefox-gnome-support11:33
squirrelpimpanyone here knowing, when the dri version problem in Breezy is going to be fixed?11:33
cevizogluwhat is the resolution of a Dell Inspiron 6000 with WUXGA LCD screen?11:33
kemikfjevon:  dont paste in here11:33
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someuseri get " No such file or directory"11:34
kemikfjevon:  read the topic11:34
mkyb14anyone here know where imagemagick install path is?  i am trying to install coppermine but cannot find the install path?11:34
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dikhi to all11:34
B_166-ER-Xok, everything is set to my main user11:34
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B_166-ER-Xi'll close the session to see if it changed something11:34
nomasteryoda|wmkyb14, try which imagemagick11:34
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nomasteryoda|wmkyb14, maybe its not installed?11:34
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, my fault...   cd /etc11:34
someuserok, i'm there11:35
mkyb14no i just installed it11:35
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mkyb14sudo apt-get install imagemagick11:35
fjevon...how am I supposed to paste to a website when firefox doesn't work?11:35
nomasteryoda|wthe which command should list the directory it's in11:35
kemikfjevon:  #flood then11:35
alessandro_i am trying to install a mouse with protocol ImExPS/2 and the mouse is turned off. someone can help me?11:35
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Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, now    cd X1111:35
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mkyb14doesn't return anything11:35
eyez_Any one know af a program i can use to talk to ppl that are using MSN?11:35
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someusergot it11:36
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funkyHateyez_, gaim11:36
shinuofftopic: what wireless router would you recommend? (not a very expesive one though...)11:36
nomasteryoda|wmkyb14, try apropos imagemagick11:36
kemikfjevon:  see your PM11:36
funkyHatlook in 'internet' in 'applications'11:36
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eyez_ahh, ok. thanks11:36
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, now      gedit xorg.conf11:36
B_166-ER-Xnope, i'm still having Your $HOME/.dmrc file has incorrect permissions and is being ignored. This prevents the default session and language from11:36
B_166-ER-Xbeing saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. at start of the session11:36
IIdarkstarIIeyez_, gaim11:36
alessandro_i am trying to install a mouse with protocol ImExPS/2 and when i move the mouse, it is turned off. someone can help me?11:36
mkyb14says nothing approtriate11:36
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kemikfjevon:  and dont use backports when updating in the future... that will save you alot of headache11:37
mkyb14i just installed it.... uh is there a simplier way to install than the apt-get?11:37
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kemikmkyb14:  synaptic11:37
mkyb14ah yes11:37
someuserit's opend, but i think i have only Read Promission.11:37
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B_166-ER-Xblam , i didnt work :\11:37
kemiksomeuser:  sudo11:37
someuserdo i need to log es "SU"11:37
kemiksomeuser:  nah "sudo gedit file"11:38
kemikor "sudo youreditorofchoice filename"11:38
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, ok clos it go to terminal and type     sudo gedit xorg.conf11:38
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IIdarkstarIImkyb14, synaptic11:38
B_166-ER-Xi also happen to have this message at the login screen : Configuration is not correct11:38
B_166-ER-XThe configuration file contains an invalid command line for the login dialog, so running the default command.11:38
B_166-ER-XPlease fix your configuration11:38
someuserok, now i can change :)11:38
kemikB_166-ER-X:  always been broken?11:38
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, yes11:39
mkyb14ok i just used synaptic install.... and 'whereis and which' don't find the directory11:39
B_166-ER-Xkemik, well...since the upgrade to breezy, yes.11:39
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mkyb14heh i need to list the path so that coppermine knows whereit is11:39
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someuserok, i made the changes, & saved the file.11:39
kemiksomeuser:  tried  "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" think it should let you add displaysettings..11:39
funkyHat:( has anyone got beagle working in breezy?11:39
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vbgunz_hello everyone11:39
vbgunz_kemik whats up!11:40
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kemikvbgunz_:  not much.. staying up past my bedtime ;)11:40
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someuserI changed it & savet the file11:40
vbgunz_me too :)11:40
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, ok11:40
mkyb14?  that didn't work either i still can't find the imagemagick dir11:40
B_166-ER-Xi am really idea-less for this problem, i did try everything i know :\11:40
kemikB_166-ER-X:  well breezy is unstable so bugs are to be expected11:41
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, im not sure if u have to log out and in or reboot or what11:41
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vbgunz_be cool11:41
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B_166-ER-Xi KNOW that breezy is unstable, but i feel that this problem wont be just corected with updates eh..11:41
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, i did....when i first did it11:41
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kemikB_166-ER-X:  could be that you messed something up aswell... :|11:41
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B_166-ER-Xkemik, possible, but i really dont know.11:42
someuser i'm on live CD, how can i relogon?11:42
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B_166-ER-Xi had a few keyboard problem, fixed 'em thats all11:42
kemikB_166-ER-X:  try "sudo gdmsetup" and choose another loginsetup ... see if it fixes anything11:42
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someuserand is there a way to save it pemenently on the CD (or New CD)11:42
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, heh..i didnt see that u were on a live cd heh11:42
kemikB_166-ER-X:  if you dont have any to chose from, download from gnome-looks.org11:42
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joetheoddHow do I install curses?11:43
eyez_How, can i se the other HD in my Ubuntu. i have a drive with in NTSF format11:43
rambo3try saving on floppy or mounted USB11:43
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, maybe someone can tell you how to shut down xserver and turn it on again11:43
[LethAL] !tell eyez_ about ntfs11:43
kemikjoetheodd:  search for libcurses in synaptic11:43
kemikjoetheodd:  or just "curses"11:43
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eyez_ok, it will not format that drive if i use that tool?11:44
[LethAL] eyez_, no, it won't11:44
kemikjoetheodd:  you'll probably want libcurses-dev or something like that..11:44
eyez_ok, thank you11:44
[LethAL] eyez_, You won't be able to write to the drive though11:44
someusercan i tray to do this by killing the xserver procces?11:44
eyez_ok, but i can read from it.. copy from it and so on?11:44
[LethAL] eyez_, yes11:44
joetheoddkemik, I'm trying to compile a program written by a friend of mine on Slackware. He said I need to install 'curses'. Is that libcurses-dev that it needs?11:45
eyez_ok, thank you11:45
kemiksomeuser:  sure, kill the running xserver and start it again11:45
joetheoddkemik, I'm asuming it needs to import the curses headers.11:45
kemikjoetheodd:  could be libcurses-dev or ncurses11:45
kemikjoetheodd:  yes.. well you need some sort of -dev package.. id go for ncurses and libcurses11:45
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, dont forget to ask how to start it again11:45
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kemikjoetheodd:   i assume you've installed "build-essential"11:46
someuserok. but just to be sure, to start it i need SU privliges? and do i just type xserver?11:46
kemikuh, no dont think you need su to start X11:46
[LethAL] someuser, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start11:46
kemikbut i'm not 100 on thatone ;)11:46
[LethAL] restart*11:46
[LethAL] someuser, that is, if it works that way ;)11:46
someuserok, i thenk you for all the help, and to all, i'm gonna tray this now. 10q!11:47
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Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, good luck11:47
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someuser10q :)11:48
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kemiknever say "thanks" to "goodluck"11:48
kemikit jinxes it! :)11:48
gujeroohi there.11:48
joetheoddhaha kemik11:48
cyphaseInfo about why my blog might be offline for a few days (it's not traffic related) -> http://cyphase.homelinux.com/blog/2005/09/26/this-blog-might-be-offline-for-a-few-days/11:49
eyez_[LethAL] ,  cool. it woked. thx :)11:49
Nameless12I need some help, i have FINNALLY got my new xorg.conf to work and i thought i had it setup for dual monitors, but it looks the same as before. Altho the xorg.conf DOES LOAD WITH NO ERRORS anyway check out the xorg.conf at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2562 i NEED HELP, so someone ppzz help11:49
joetheoddDoes anyone know any good, step-by-step tutorials on compiling WINE? The version on the apt repositories is outdated and can't run the program I'm trying to use.11:49
[LethAL] Nameless12, there's a package, or a few for dualmon stuff11:50
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someuseri cannot see the xserver on the "top" proccess list11:50
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Nameless12[LethAL] , package?? what, im confused a package i have to install??? Whats the package name?11:50
[LethAL] Nameless12, I don't know, search for it11:51
butcherbirdwiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki11:51
=== Kovecses [n=ray@c-24-128-148-122.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nameless12someuser, i modified the default xorg file, all i did was add 1 monitor and edit the bit down the bottom. Whats the xserver thing i have to add to the config?11:51
kemikjoetheodd:  i think there's some stuff about compiling wine from the CVS.. google or try the wiki11:51
gujeroosomeuser, maybe cause its called Xorg?11:51
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joetheoddkemik, thanks11:51
Kovecseshey guys im getting .......Mounting Local Filesystems......failed    at boot?11:51
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, cant help on this 1 i cant remember the command line11:52
someusersory, n00b :P11:52
[LethAL] I'm off now peoples11:52
[LethAL] Cya all tommorow11:52
someuserok, 10x all i'm traying :)11:52
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kemikjoetheodd:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2999611:53
=== TPHD [n=tom@d51A5AC26.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
someuseri cannot kill xorgm i get "operation not permited" ?11:54
cevizogluanyone have good/bad experiences with ubuntu with the HP zd8000 notebook?11:54
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, cant help on this 1 i cant remember the command line11:54
someuseryou help'd me a lot, it's ok :)11:54
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=== GNeRaL iyi geceler
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, if it was a real install youd be good to reboot11:55
=== desti [n=desti@p509241C8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Ryougais there a known problem with the 6600GT? I can't get the livecd to work correctly11:55
someuseryes, but i got en idea, whay not edit the xll file on the ISO file, end then Burn it ?!!11:55
=== Guest1 is now known as sirjohn
=== sirjohn is now known as mumbles-other
Sonny_Wertziksomeuser, im sure someone in here know how to do it with the terminal11:56
someuserok i'll tray & ask11:56
funkyHatow, no dvorak left-hand in ubuntu anymore11:56
kemiksudo kill -9 PID11:56
kemikor sudo pkill -9 processname11:56
someuserdo somone know's the command to Kill xorg end start it agin ?11:57
mattlaceysomeuser: you could log out, then press ctrl+alt+backspace11:57
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Kovecseshey guys im getting .......Mounting Local Filesystems......failed    at boot?11:58
someusercan i do this from Live-CD?11:58
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gujeroook. just installed colony five and wanted to install some apps. but it won't let me. where do I have to tweak?11:58
someusermattlacey: can i do this from Live-CD?11:58
=== snorks [n=stig@118.80-202-234.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
mattlaceysomeuser: i'd imagine so, but i haven't used the livecd myself11:59
Nameless12can someone tell me the command to shutdown X so that i dont need to reboot to test my new xorg.conf ?11:59
someuserwhat dos ctrl+alt+backspace is for?11:59
snorksNameless12: ctrl+alt+backspace11:59
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