=== specialbuddy [n=matt@rvr36nbar249.nmu.edu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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specialbuddy | can anyone help me out with superkaramba | 12:04 |
specialbuddy | ? | 12:04 |
specialbuddy | isn anyone even here | 12:06 |
PiRX[lv] | specialbuddy, whazup? | 12:07 |
Drakeson | konqueror behaves strange for me. in icon view mode it shows long-names icons in a larger space. if it is intended I don't like it. is it possible to turn it off? | 12:07 |
specialbuddy | do you know how to install superkaramba | 12:08 |
PiRX[lv] | apt-get install superkaramba? | 12:08 |
specialbuddy | I can try that | 12:09 |
chavo | Drakeson, go to Settings -> Configure Konqueror | 12:09 |
chavo | Then click on the Appearance icon, you can change the amount of lines of text that show up | 12:09 |
specialbuddy | I don't think that will work because I downloaded a .tar file | 12:10 |
PiRX[lv] | specialbuddy, don't be afraid of apt-get superpowers... you didn't have to download .tar file | 12:10 |
PiRX[lv] | apt-get will download precompiled binary for you | 12:10 |
specialbuddy | that won't work because it's not on synaptic | 12:10 |
PiRX[lv] | hmm, i remember (or think so) i apt-get superkaramba for myself | 12:11 |
PiRX[lv] | <-- will check | 12:11 |
chavo | specialbuddy, have you added univers and multivers repositories? | 12:11 |
Drakeson | it's there | 12:11 |
chavo | yeah, it's probably not in main though | 12:11 |
specialbuddy | I'm pretty sure I did | 12:12 |
chavo | !repositories | 12:12 |
ubotu | from memory, repositories is at at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) | 12:12 |
chavo | specialbuddy, I see it in apt-cache search | 12:12 |
specialbuddy | whats that mean | 12:13 |
chavo | so make sure you're repositories are set as per the page above | 12:13 |
chavo | specialbuddy, apt-get is set up with only one repository by default | 12:13 |
specialbuddy | well I think I did that | 12:14 |
chavo | but there are thousands of packages available | 12:14 |
Drakeson | what is multiverse? | 12:14 |
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chavo | specialbuddy, something's missing, because superkaramba shoes up here | 12:14 |
specialbuddy | ok | 12:14 |
specialbuddy | maybe I didn't do it because I had to reimage my computer | 12:15 |
chavo | it's in universe | 12:15 |
Drakeson | specialbuddy: what is the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list ? | 12:15 |
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specialbuddy | yeah | 12:16 |
specialbuddy | thanks for reminding me to do that | 12:17 |
specialbuddy | because I forgot to do that because I just installed it over again the other day | 12:17 |
specialbuddy | I had to install it again because I had to install server 2003 for a class | 12:17 |
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specialbuddy | awesome | 12:19 |
specialbuddy | thanks chavo, drakeson | 12:20 |
chavo | no problem | 12:20 |
specialbuddy | is it easy to use | 12:20 |
specialbuddy | I need to take a linux class or buy a book because I like linux so much and I want to know more so that I can make more out of it. | 12:25 |
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slow-tv | n8 | 12:31 |
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antoine | hello to everybody! | 12:35 |
antoine | i have a question about kubuntu | 12:36 |
specialbuddy | whats the question | 12:36 |
antoine | in ubuntu, there is a little icon to tell the user an update is available | 12:37 |
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antoine | is there the same in kubuntu ? | 12:37 |
antoine | I can't find it | 12:37 |
specialbuddy | I think so | 12:37 |
specialbuddy | see if you need updates | 12:38 |
specialbuddy | utilities ->update manager | 12:38 |
specialbuddy | actually | 12:39 |
specialbuddy | I don't think it does because I just did that and I had 5 updates to do | 12:39 |
antoine | ok... | 12:39 |
specialbuddy | I don't think there is something like that | 12:40 |
specialbuddy | you might have to download kynaptic I think | 12:40 |
specialbuddy | or it's named something like that | 12:40 |
specialbuddy | it's just like synaptic | 12:40 |
antoine | yes i have both, synaptic and kynaptik | 12:41 |
specialbuddy | yeah | 12:41 |
specialbuddy | I have both too | 12:41 |
antoine | synaptic seems better | 12:42 |
specialbuddy | try asking someone in the ubuntu room because I'm kinda new to this and I'm not sure if there is a way to make it so that it tells you about updates | 12:42 |
antoine | ok, I can see "upgradable" in kynaptic | 12:42 |
antoine | ok, I'm not on ubuntu room ? | 12:43 |
antoine | sorry | 12:43 |
antoine | ok | 12:43 |
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specialbuddy | antoine | 12:45 |
specialbuddy | try downloading 'upgrade-system' | 12:45 |
specialbuddy | maybe that will work | 12:45 |
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CarmenSandiego | Is it a good idea to install Firefox instead of using Konqueror? | 12:54 |
Rogue_Jedi_X | It's a matter of taste, really | 12:55 |
Rogue_Jedi_X | Either is good | 12:55 |
CarmenSandiego | Rogue_Jedi, do I install firefox using Knaptic or directly from the website? | 12:57 |
CarmenSandiego | :S | 12:57 |
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antoine | hello again! | 01:02 |
antoine | before KDE crashed, I had a volume icon on my desktop menu | 01:03 |
seaLne | kmix | 01:03 |
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antoine | i cannot find it anymore | 01:03 |
seaLne | run kmix | 01:03 |
antoine | ok, thanks ! | 01:03 |
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hajiki | whats a good cd ripping app? | 01:10 |
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lunitik | hajiki: KAudioCreator is installed by default... | 01:14 |
hajiki | thanks | 01:14 |
specialbuddy | has anyone here used the DynBar for Karamba? | 01:15 |
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Kaiba | I need some major help folks | 01:25 |
Lars_G | ohhhhh, aaahhhhhh | 01:26 |
Kaiba | how do I install MPlayer so I can watch WMV? | 01:26 |
crimsun | install the version in multiverse | 01:26 |
Kaiba | multiverse? sorry this is my first time on this OS | 01:27 |
crimsun | !tell Kaiba about repos | 01:27 |
Kaiba | I have kynaptic | 01:29 |
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antoine | do somebody has tried to install the new version of Skype ? | 01:31 |
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Kaiba | how do I do it using kynaptic? | 01:35 |
Lars_G | antoine: I did but I forgot how I did it. | 01:42 |
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=== Boil Points to the amazingly high crap-o-meter's reading. | ||
=== Boil 0 2 4 6 8 10 | ||
=== Boil / | ||
=== Boil / | ||
=== Boil crap-o-meter | ||
Boil | w00t | 01:58 |
=== jdef [i=jdefreit@cuscon3300.tstt.net.tt] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Boil | extracting a 1.91GB rar file on my athlon 64bit 3500+ (overclocked to 2.6GHz from 2.2 with one crappy 512 stick of ram in (ram timings down to 3-3-3-8)) and it's extracting about 1% every 2 seconds | 02:02 |
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jdef | is apollon in the breezy repositories? | 02:07 |
jdef | don't worry found the FAQ | 02:08 |
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`Nomad | Hi.. I need help with apt-get, or rather dpakg maybe.. Lately, anytime I install something I get the following message: | 02:15 |
`Nomad | Problem executing scripts DPkg::Post-Invoke 'dzhandle restart-pending-instances' | 02:15 |
=== Kaiba [n=kaiba@69-165-70-198.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
Kaiba | MPlayer Mozilla Plugin is not working right :( | 02:16 |
Kaiba | I hear the Audio but don't see the Video | 02:16 |
Kaiba | all I see is the web address | 02:17 |
Boil | `Nomad, I had the same problem. It's just a case of waiting, and pestering people on here. | 02:17 |
Boil | I would have gone for debian, but it didn't recognise my lan card | 02:17 |
Boil | so I have to wait to use linux | 02:17 |
Boil | instead, I'm stuck with Windows (Oh the joy!) | 02:17 |
Boil | I can't even boot linux, because I used it on a friends computer, and I can't change the resolution because of the errors with apt-get | 02:18 |
Boil | and my IDE HDD is being all screwy | 02:18 |
Kaiba | can anyone help me? | 02:18 |
Boil | Sorry ... not me :( | 02:19 |
`Nomad | Sounds like you need codecs Kaiba | 02:20 |
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Kaiba | how do I install them Nomad? | 02:21 |
Kaiba | I have the multiverse thing | 02:21 |
Kaiba | this is my first day with this OS | 02:21 |
`Nomad | dunno, it,s been a while.. Maybe google for mplayer codecs | 02:21 |
`Nomad | let me see | 02:21 |
`Nomad | brb | 02:21 |
Kaiba | I have the "all" but I dunno how to install a tar.gz or whatever it is | 02:22 |
`Nomad | oh.. | 02:22 |
`Nomad | copy th etar.gz where you want to expangd it, it's a compressed file | 02:22 |
Kaiba | thats it? | 02:23 |
`Nomad | are you in gui mode or at the prompt? | 02:23 |
Kaiba | ...... | 02:23 |
Kaiba | GUI | 02:23 |
`Nomad | ok, then right click and pick the "extract to folder_name" option | 02:24 |
Kaiba | k then where? | 02:25 |
Kaiba | no clue where it is at | 02:25 |
`Nomad | Sorry, I,ve had a very long day.. What do you mean you don't know where it is at& | 02:28 |
jdef | can someone assist me with installing vm tools in a kubuntu guest OS | 02:28 |
Kaiba | I don't know where to uncompress them to | 02:28 |
`Nomad | ok, try this.. | 02:29 |
`Nomad | double-click to open that file | 02:29 |
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Kaiba | k | 02:30 |
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Kaiba | opens with Ark | 02:31 |
`Nomad | good | 02:31 |
`Nomad | just like winzip | 02:31 |
`Nomad | now highlight all the files and select extract | 02:32 |
Kaiba | ok | 02:32 |
`Nomad | When given the choice, select Desktop and create a new folder there to unzip in | 02:32 |
`Nomad | it shoudl all be available righ tthere in that Ark interface | 02:32 |
Kaiba | I chose to extract to folder I created | 02:33 |
`Nomad | good | 02:33 |
Drakeson | have you got a problem with gmail recently guys? | 02:33 |
`Nomad | Drakeson: nope , like what? Oh wait, I may be missing some emails | 02:33 |
god-zero | Drakeson: not that I've noticed | 02:34 |
Drakeson | I cannot download my recent emails. through kmail/thunderbird/... | 02:34 |
`Nomad | but I suspect my boss simply forgot to send them anyway | 02:34 |
`Nomad | oh mine works well then, it's my main account these days | 02:34 |
god-zero | oh, I used the web interface | 02:34 |
`Nomad | I use kontact and thunderbord | 02:35 |
Drakeson | web interface works well, | 02:35 |
`Nomad | bird :) | 02:35 |
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Drakeson | so it seems to be only me :( | 02:35 |
`Nomad | coudl be | 02:36 |
Drakeson | when I got to settings in web interface and enable the pop, kmail downloads all my emails, | 02:36 |
Drakeson | but after that if I send anything to myself kmail doesn't download it | 02:36 |
Drakeson | it seems like it is a one time download for me!!! | 02:36 |
`Nomad | humm.. weird | 02:37 |
Drakeson | am I missing something? is it just that pop-setting in the web interface I must set or there are other things? | 02:38 |
`Nomad | no, but you do have to set the ports to what they say | 02:38 |
`Nomad | Ithink.. | 02:38 |
`Nomad | it's been a while | 02:38 |
Kaiba | it won't let me make the Codecs folder in usr/lib | 02:38 |
`Nomad | no, you'd need to eb roo tfor that | 02:38 |
`Nomad | kaiba I meant | 02:38 |
Kaiba | ok bbiab | 02:39 |
`Nomad | bbiab? be back in a b? | 02:39 |
god-zero | I think he read reboot | 02:39 |
`Nomad | oops | 02:39 |
god-zero | lol | 02:39 |
`Nomad | shit.. I am sooo tired, long day | 02:39 |
`Nomad | trouble with a website hosted on Windows where I have no control, had to wait.,, and wait,, | 02:40 |
`Nomad | wow, I made a remot PC reboot by the power of my typo | 02:40 |
god-zero | chat sever do you use to remote control a window box? | 02:41 |
god-zero | ^^^what server/client ....windows box? | 02:42 |
`Nomad | oh it,s at my future ex-job, they migrated th esite to win2003 | 02:42 |
`Nomad | last weekend | 02:42 |
god-zero | Krdc? | 02:42 |
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`Nomad | and I don't remote control it, it's at the fingertips of the ISP guy :) | 02:43 |
eduardo | buenas :) | 02:43 |
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god-zero | I've been meening to try some Krdc mojo on my ex's windowsME machine (her new bowfriend constantly borkes it up with warez) | 02:45 |
`Nomad | k | 02:45 |
`Nomad | damn new bf.. | 02:45 |
god-zero | sorry, my keyboard is at an odd angle, can't seem to find the right keys | 02:45 |
=== CarmenSandiego [n=CarmenSa@209-223-48-216-dsl.oplnk.net] has joined #KUBUNTU | ||
god-zero | I go there every couple days with a knoppix disc in hand to fix all the probs. | 02:47 |
CarmenSandiego | How would I add an HP OfficeJet 7410 All-in-One in KUbuntu? | 02:47 |
`Nomad | god: LOL | 02:48 |
`Nomad | try a crowbar | 02:48 |
CarmenSandiego | `Nomad, huh? | 02:48 |
`Nomad | Carmen huh? Where in the world are you? | 02:49 |
CarmenSandiego | `Nomad, how will that even work? ;) | 02:49 |
god-zero | he was laughing at/with me | 02:49 |
`Nomad | I,m too tired, I lost track.. what& | 02:49 |
`Nomad | oh I see.. | 02:49 |
`Nomad | LOL | 02:49 |
`Nomad | not for your printer no | 02:49 |
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god-zero | I'm now familiar with that peice of hardware | 02:50 |
CarmenSandiego | `Nomad, http://www.google.com/search?q=Where%20in%20the%20world%20is%20Carmen%20Sandiego&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 . ;) | 02:50 |
CarmenSandiego | `Nomad, the first option. :) | 02:51 |
god-zero | "try a crowbar"... lol.. poor carmen's thinking we're-none-to-friendly | 02:51 |
`Nomad | LOL | 02:51 |
`Nomad | Though, I've had many HPs where a crowbar WOULD hav ebeen the best thing | 02:51 |
jdef | how do I setup a shared folder in kubuntu guest? | 02:51 |
god-zero | you meen over samba? | 02:52 |
jdef | I installed kubuntu as a guest OS in vmware | 02:53 |
jdef | I setup shared folder which should be accessible under /mnt/hgfs | 02:53 |
jdef | however it isn't do I need to edit the fstab | 02:54 |
`Nomad | Carm: familiar with this webste? http://www.linuxprinting.org//forums.cgi?group=linuxprinting.hp.general | 02:54 |
CarmenSandiego | Let me see. :S | 02:54 |
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CarmenSandiego | `Nomad, yes. | 02:55 |
CarmenSandiego | `Nomad, it works with Ubuntu(GNOME). | 02:55 |
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`Nomad | Well it should with Kubuntu too | 02:55 |
CarmenSandiego | I don't know about this though. | 02:55 |
specialbuddy | how do I update superkaramba | 02:55 |
`Nomad | Any error in particular? | 02:56 |
god-zero | I should get to know vmware.... or the open source vm.. not sure if you do that through tcp/ip interface | 02:56 |
`Nomad | brb | 02:56 |
CarmenSandiego | `Nomad and the rest of the channel. | 02:57 |
CarmenSandiego | Unable to start child print process. The KDE print server (kdeprintd) could not be contacted. Check that this server is running. | 02:57 |
CarmenSandiego | Unable to start child print process. The KDE print server (kdeprintd) could not be contacted. Check that this server is running. | 02:57 |
specialbuddy | does anyone know how to update superkaramba? | 02:57 |
god-zero | do you meen the plugins or the binary? | 02:58 |
`Nomad | Carm: My drivers show up to 7400 , not 7410, but it must be the same | 02:58 |
`Nomad | oh I see. ok | 02:58 |
CarmenSandiego | http://pastebin.com/375242 | 02:58 |
specialbuddy | god-zero, were you talking to me? | 02:58 |
CarmenSandiego | `Nomad, that is the error message. | 02:58 |
god-zero | specialbuddy: yes | 02:59 |
CarmenSandiego | Hello specialbuddy!!! :) | 02:59 |
specialbuddy | I installed from synaptic but it's out of date and I want the newest version | 03:00 |
specialbuddy | so I downloaded a .tar file | 03:00 |
god-zero | you'll haveto compile that | 03:01 |
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TokenBad | I typed xkill and clicked on my panel by mistake.... | 03:01 |
TokenBad | how can I get that back now | 03:01 |
CarmenSandiego | By the way, how do I start the KDE Media Manager? | 03:01 |
Drakeson | TokenBad: try kicker in run command | 03:02 |
specialbuddy | god-zero, how do I do that exactly | 03:02 |
`Nomad | sorry, phone | 03:03 |
CarmenSandiego | By the way, how do I start the KDE Media Manager? | 03:03 |
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jmg | hey all | 03:04 |
jmg | any sites/chat rooms for kubuntu on laptops? | 03:04 |
jmg | having weird stuff with suspend to ram | 03:04 |
specialbuddy | linuxonlaptops I think | 03:04 |
TokenBad | thanks Drakeson that worked | 03:05 |
CarmenSandiego | Drakeson, can you help me? | 03:05 |
Drakeson | whats up? | 03:06 |
god-zero | specialbuddy: you'll need build-esentials (the compiler, and support files), then read the readme in the tar (it's a compressed folder, uncompress it), you'll likely hace to install several -devel files... best not to compile unless you studie it first | 03:06 |
specialbuddy | k | 03:06 |
Drakeson | CarmenSandiego: what's the problem? | 03:07 |
CarmenSandiego | How would I add an HP OfficeJet 7410 All-in-One in KUbuntu? | 03:07 |
god-zero | breezy has a newer one | 03:07 |
jmg | hmm | 03:07 |
CarmenSandiego | http://pastebin.com/375242 | 03:07 |
specialbuddy | god-zero, yeah I tried and then I had a hard time doing the make and make install thing | 03:07 |
CarmenSandiego | That is my error message. | 03:07 |
=== Drakeson clicks | ||
=== CarmenSandiego pats Drakeson on the back. | ||
god-zero | that's whwere the -devel files come into play... like if it fails mumbling about kde, for instance, you would apt-get install kde-devel or whatever | 03:09 |
god-zero | they tell the compiler how to use those librarys | 03:09 |
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god-zero | -dev/-devel stands for developer/development | 03:10 |
specialbuddy | god-zero, I don't really know what you are talking about. I just wanted a new version but I can't get it from synaptic | 03:11 |
=== Drakeson smiles, but he couldn't figure out what's the problem :( | ||
=== CarmenSandiego tells Drakeson its okay. | ||
god-zero | you should wait till a binary comes out. | 03:11 |
`Nomad | sorry, have to go, good luck Carmen | 03:11 |
CarmenSandiego | Drakeson, it's okay. | 03:11 |
specialbuddy | god-zero, does that happen often | 03:12 |
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god-zero | yes. Probably (in this case) you'll get it when you switch to breezy. Breezy'll be "done" the 13th of october. There will be instructions of how to upgrade. | 03:15 |
specialbuddy | breezy is going to be done that soon? and will I have to reinstall or can I just update the version of ubuntu that I have now | 03:17 |
sproingie | specialbuddy: you can just change the sources.list and do a dist-upgrade | 03:17 |
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god-zero | It's just a matter of editing sources.list, replacing "hoary" with "breezy", and typing "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 03:18 |
sproingie | specialbuddy: if you're mildly adventurous, you can do it now. most of the updates to breezy these days are pretty boring | 03:18 |
sproingie | no huge changes going on, so if it doesn't break right away, it'll probably be ok | 03:18 |
god-zero | I'm on breezy now.. works well enough. Additionally I'm using kde3.5 beta1... that's not ready for primetime. | 03:19 |
=== sproingie realizes now the downside of running a 64 bit distro. no games. | ||
sproingie | everything works in 32 bit chroot except opengl hw accel. oops. | 03:20 |
specialbuddy | I just want the new version of karamba | 03:20 |
specialbuddy | and I'm on a laptop so what should I get so that I can tell how much battery life I have | 03:20 |
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sproingie | should be built in to kde | 03:21 |
specialbuddy | oh | 03:21 |
specialbuddy | can't seem to find it | 03:21 |
=== sproingie has yet to find an actually useful superkaramba/dashboard applet | ||
=== said [n=said@adsl-75-189-192-81.adsl.iam.net.ma] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sproingie | i could use a clock that showed a configurable list of times in various timezones on mouseover, but i dont think i want a shiny floating one taking 16 megs of RAM to run | 03:22 |
specialbuddy | where is the power meter for this kubuntu | 03:24 |
specialbuddy | my laptop is about to die | 03:24 |
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jmg | can i configure wpa from kde? | 03:25 |
jmg | specialbuddy: klaptop | 03:26 |
specialbuddy | thanks jmg | 03:26 |
jmg | np | 03:28 |
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specialbuddy | so if I update to breezy, I can get the new version of superkaramba | 03:31 |
=== john [n=john@ool-44c63ce7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
god-zero | jmg: kdesu kcontrol, internet &networking, wireless network, use encryption/configure | 03:31 |
john | whats the name of that file that makes GNOME apps look good in KDE? you can use GNOME themes with programs like GAIM and FireFox... | 03:32 |
john | its something with gtk in the name | 03:32 |
god-zero | not sure if it's wep or wpa.. my card's not working rightnow | 03:32 |
jmg | god-zero: only does wep | 03:34 |
=== CarmenSandiego [n=CarmenSa@209-223-48-216-dsl.oplnk.net] has left #KUBUNTU ["Kopete] | ||
_jdef | where can I get an updated version of sources.list for breezy | 03:35 |
thoreauputic | !sources | 03:36 |
ubotu | sources is probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) | 03:36 |
lunitik | _jdef: just change instances of hoary to breezy and dist-upgrade | 03:36 |
=== _Ein_ [n=dustin@tark-d-132.resnet.purdue.edu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
god-zero | jmg: kinda figured that :( thought of that right after the first post | 03:39 |
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chx | is there a wiki where I could a very hardly found tip? Ie. you can run skype if you alien the mandriva rpm | 03:39 |
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navyn | whenever i log into kubuntu, it tells me that it cannot talk to klauncher? Anybody ever seen this? | 03:41 |
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god-zero | john: gtk2-engines-gtk-qt | 03:42 |
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navyn | can anybody help me? | 03:43 |
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god-zero | navyn: yes I've seen it.. no, I can't remember how I fixed it. :( | 03:45 |
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god-zero | I'll try to remember | 03:45 |
Bicchi | What is the difference from booting into: "Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.10-5-amd64-generic Default" and "Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.10-5-amd64-generic" | 03:45 |
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specialbuddy | is there anything like kooldock that's better? | 03:46 |
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navyn | god-zero, thanks i would appreciate any help i could get | 03:48 |
god-zero | navyn: I remember having a bad file permission. Maybe check /chown the dot files in /home/username | 03:48 |
god-zero | not 100% sure that was the issue, it wes a long time ago | 03:49 |
navyn | god-zero, i've deleted the entire .kde folder and log back in, it still says that | 03:49 |
=== Foodcoman [n=berickso@c-24-20-116-33.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
god-zero | I'd go back to the login screen, do a console login (will kill x), login, statrx... exit x... look at any errors refering to files in /home/username | 03:51 |
god-zero | statrx->startx | 03:51 |
navyn | i will give that a try | 03:51 |
=== god-zero crosses fingers | ||
Foodcoman | Greetings | 03:52 |
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=== Foodcoman x's his fingers for navvyn | ||
Foodcoman | Hey god-zero, you familiar with Zoneinfo and timezone? | 03:53 |
god-zero | yes | 03:54 |
chx | i can't log in into wiki.ubuntu.com despite I am logged in to launchpad so i know my display name 'karoly negyesi' and my password | 03:55 |
chx | any ideas? | 03:55 |
Foodcoman | My time was perfect for my timezone with default breezy install. I check the adjust time automatically and everything slammed to UTC. | 03:57 |
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juniorzone | How do I start kicker? | 03:58 |
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Foodcoman | I can set of Los Angles, but that is only for KDE, data at the console shows UTC. | 03:58 |
Ubel | kicker ? | 03:58 |
Ubel | in terminal :) | 03:58 |
juniorzone | The KDE panel (kicker) could not load the main panel due to a problem with your installation. | 03:58 |
Phily | anyone can help i've just installed k7 kernel and now can't use nvidia drivers from reposotory! | 03:58 |
Foodcoman | date in terminal. =) | 03:58 |
juniorzone | Ubel, that is my error. :S | 03:59 |
juniorzone | !kicker | 03:59 |
ubotu | juniorzone: What? | 03:59 |
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juniorzone | !Botsnacke | 03:59 |
ubotu | thanks juniorzone :) | 03:59 |
juniorzone | !theme | 03:59 |
ubotu | juniorzone: Are you on ritalin? | 03:59 |
juniorzone | !Ubotu | 04:00 |
ubotu | Thaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my brain on http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 04:00 |
juniorzone | Ubel? | 04:00 |
Ubel | What? | 04:00 |
juniorzone | Are you still here? | 04:00 |
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Ubel | you can't run kicker from terminal | 04:00 |
Ubel | yes | 04:00 |
Ubel | put the rest of kde comes up? | 04:01 |
juniorzone | Ubel, no. | 04:01 |
juniorzone | Ubel, kicker does not start, but the rest of KDE starts. | 04:01 |
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Ubel | what happens if you start a terminal and type kicker there? | 04:01 |
=== Hobbsee [n=sarah@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
juniorzone | Ubel, same error. | 04:01 |
=== juniorzone is now known as Blah0 | ||
Ubel | and the error is? :) | 04:02 |
Blah0 | The KDE panel (kicker) could not load the main panel due to a problem with your installation. | 04:02 |
Blah0 | Ubel, that is the error. :( | 04:02 |
god-zero | foodcoman: sudo tzconfig | 04:02 |
Ubel | weird | 04:03 |
Blah0 | Ubel, also, it was working today, until I tried to install a theme. | 04:03 |
Ubel | what theme? | 04:03 |
Blah0 | I guess I should have told you that in the first place. | 04:03 |
Foodcoman | god-zero: Thank You. | 04:04 |
Blah0 | Ubel, kde_xp. (Don't even ask why) ;) | 04:04 |
Ubel | I guess you could remove your configure files and restart | 04:04 |
Ubel | hehehheh | 04:04 |
specialbuddy | is there anyway to set up the middle button on my laptop to allow scrolling? | 04:04 |
Blah0 | Ubel, how would I remove the configure files? | 04:05 |
Ubel | you could remove the whole .kde folder in your home directory | 04:05 |
Ubel | or | 04:05 |
Ubel | .kde/share/apps/kicker | 04:05 |
Blah0 | [Confirmed.] | 04:06 |
specialbuddy | anyone know how to enable scrolling? | 04:06 |
Foodcoman | god-zero: Worked like a charm. Thank you again! | 04:06 |
god-zero | np | 04:06 |
Blah0 | Ubel, then restart? | 04:07 |
kianziack | why my msn didnt work? any one? | 04:08 |
Ubel | well | 04:08 |
Ubel | just try to run kicker from the console | 04:08 |
specialbuddy | can anyone help me with the scrolling on my computer | 04:08 |
Ubel | or konsole :) | 04:08 |
Ubel | specialbuddy: meaning? | 04:08 |
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kianziack | opss what did i do | 04:09 |
Blah0 | Ubel, same problem. :( | 04:09 |
god-zero | specialbuddy: that depends on the driver for your touchpad. Not enough info. | 04:10 |
specialbuddy | well my middle button works but I want to use it for scrolling on a window | 04:10 |
specialbuddy | on xp, when I hold it down I can scroll | 04:10 |
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specialbuddy | I can't do that with this | 04:10 |
Ubel | I have no idea what that XP theme does | 04:10 |
Ubel | sorry specialbuddy I have never used anything like that | 04:10 |
Ubel | so I don't know how | 04:10 |
specialbuddy | not the xp theme | 04:11 |
Ubel | Blah0: Url for that xp theme? | 04:11 |
specialbuddy | on windows xp | 04:11 |
god-zero | specialbuddy: is ther a wheel, or is it a section of the pad, or what? | 04:11 |
Blah0 | themes.kde.org | 04:11 |
Hobbsee | oh...yes, i know what you mean - it's on the right hand side of the touchpad, generally on dell laptops | 04:11 |
specialbuddy | it's just a button that I hold on the laptop and I can scroll by using the little mouse button | 04:11 |
Hobbsee | or not lol | 04:12 |
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Blah0 | Hello Hobbsee!!! :) | 04:12 |
specialbuddy | yeah | 04:12 |
Hobbsee | hello Blah0 | 04:12 |
specialbuddy | it's pretty much a third mouse button but you can hold it down and scroll | 04:12 |
Ubel | I can't find it Blah0 | 04:12 |
Ubel | http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=29551&PHPSESSID=3082c808e3e03aab00ec0a2e73a90fcb this one or? | 04:13 |
specialbuddy | I guess no one knows what I'm talking about | 04:13 |
Ubel | Changelog: | 04:13 |
Ubel | I found an error in the install script. Instead of replacing my files on the host, I just added the fixed install.sh script. If you use the included script and find that your kicker doesn't work, don't fear. Just rename /usr/share/apps/kicker_ORIG back to "kicker" and all will be fixed. Sorry I didn't catch it sooner | 04:13 |
Ubel | Blah0 :) | 04:13 |
Bicchi | What is the difference from booting into: "Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.10-5-amd64-generic Default" and "Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.10-5-amd64-generic" | 04:14 |
god-zero | I Think I know what yu're talking about, but it's not a button, it's a section of the touchpad, just sectioned off by a piece of plastic | 04:14 |
specialbuddy | it's not a touchpad | 04:14 |
specialbuddy | I hate touchpads | 04:15 |
god-zero | ? no, hrmmm | 04:15 |
Hobbsee | a little button in the middle of the keyboard, used for moving your mouse around? | 04:15 |
Hobbsee | that's the only other thing I can think of that you're meaning | 04:15 |
specialbuddy | I have a little mouse button like most older laptops and a left and right mouse button and in the center is a button you hold down to scroll | 04:15 |
Hobbsee | ah...does the centre button paste instead? | 04:16 |
specialbuddy | yes, I have the little thing in the center to move the mouse around but there is another button I hold down to scroll | 04:16 |
specialbuddy | I know the center button works but I want to know if I can make it scroll | 04:16 |
specialbuddy | like it does on windows xp | 04:16 |
Blah0 | Ubel, I am here. | 04:17 |
Blah0 | How do I rename a file with root. | 04:17 |
Blah0 | Ubel, sorry I am un-registered. :( | 04:17 |
Blah0 | I cannot talk to you. :( | 04:17 |
Blah0 | Sorry #KUbuntu. | 04:18 |
Hobbsee | Blah0: kdesu konqueror | 04:18 |
Ubel | sudo mv /usr/share/apps/kicker /usr/share/apps/kicker_xp | 04:18 |
Hobbsee | then go to the file and change it | 04:18 |
Ubel | sudo mv /usr/share/apps/kicker_ORIG /usr/share/apps/kicker | 04:18 |
god-zero | Is there a way to assign a hot key to scroll? That's the only way I can think of doing it... but it's involved | 04:18 |
Ubel | yeah or use kdesu konqueror | 04:18 |
Hobbsee | should be | 04:18 |
Ubel | well that's the url the guy gives | 04:18 |
specialbuddy | yeah | 04:19 |
specialbuddy | I'm not sure if I know how to set up a hotkey to do that | 04:19 |
Hobbsee | if you're going to use a hotkey, why not use page down to scroll? I know it's a stupid question :P | 04:20 |
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god-zero | specialbuddy: in linux/xwindows, middle button is asigned to paste, so I'm not sure it can be done | 04:21 |
specialbuddy | it can be done because I have a dual-boot with windows xp and that's how it is | 04:22 |
god-zero | I meen in linux | 04:22 |
specialbuddy | I hold it down and if I move the mouse up, it scrolls up, etc. | 04:22 |
god-zero | in windows middle button = nothing | 04:22 |
Blah0 | Thank God!!! :) This works!!! Thank you Ubel, Hobbsee, and #KUBUNTU. :) | 04:22 |
god-zero | so a driver assined mb=scroll | 04:22 |
Hobbsee | no problems Blah0 :) | 04:23 |
god-zero | but in linux mb is already used | 04:23 |
specialbuddy | I wonder if this can be done | 04:24 |
lunitik | Anyone know where Kubuntu puts Kopetes emoticons.xml? | 04:24 |
specialbuddy | because it's nice feature when you don't have a mouse with a scroll wheel | 04:24 |
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god-zero | shift uparrow and shift downarrow work | 04:25 |
jonorn | uff that install script is pretty badly done | 04:25 |
specialbuddy | yeah but you don't have to move your hand doing it the way I was doing it before with windows xp | 04:26 |
specialbuddy | I'm lazy | 04:26 |
specialbuddy | :) | 04:26 |
god-zero | lol | 04:26 |
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specialbuddy | maybe I will figure it out one of these days | 04:26 |
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god-zero | I understand. too bad laptops don't have extra buttons near the pad for scroll up/down/left/right | 04:28 |
pazzport | anyone know how to 'reenable' the session restore in kubuntu? | 04:28 |
Hobbsee | lunitik: /usr/share/emoticons/Default/emoticons.xml is the only file being found so far - it doesnt look to be in the kopete folder... | 04:29 |
god-zero | pazzport: | 04:29 |
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god-zero | system settings, users, session manager | 04:29 |
Hobbsee | lunitik: hold that thought | 04:29 |
lunitik | Hobbsee: thats it... dpkg -L kopete doesn't list it though... strange.... | 04:29 |
Hobbsee | lunitik: /home/user/.kde/share/emoticons/ | 04:29 |
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Hobbsee | there's an emoticons.xml in that folder too | 04:30 |
pazzport | ? | 04:30 |
pazzport | Thanks - simple but I couldn't find it | 04:30 |
chx | libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable :( how could I enable? | 04:30 |
chx | E: Package libdvdcss has no installation candidate | 04:30 |
chx | I am out of ideas | 04:30 |
god-zero | pazzport: Kmenu, System settings. click user accounts, click session manager | 04:31 |
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god-zero | chx: it _was_ in the repos, not anymore... google for the deb | 04:32 |
lwells | How do i get the "tool tips" to show up when i hover over an icon | 04:33 |
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Hobbsee | lwells: kcontrol, desktop, panels, appearance tab, tick the top 2 boxes | 04:34 |
chx | god-zero: /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh is the answer. googled out :) | 04:35 |
god-zero | chx: ya, you're right. cool | 04:36 |
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pazzport | Thanks god-zero for the help | 04:41 |
Hobbsee | i'm so tempted to upgrade to breezy again... | 04:42 |
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_jdef | anyone here uses kmldonkey | 04:50 |
Foodcoman | Breezy is really nice! I would'nt go back to hoary now! =D Nice job! | 04:52 |
Hobbsee | mmm...tempting... | 04:53 |
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jdef | hi and goodnight | 05:06 |
jdef | nalioth can I bother you | 05:07 |
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nalioth | jdef: by all means | 05:18 |
nalioth | jdef: keep in mind that i may not answer immediately, as i'm just now getting back into my house from rita | 05:18 |
nalioth | and setting up my compters | 05:18 |
jdef | nalioth: were you badly affected | 05:19 |
nalioth | if you call pullin a 5 computer array (complete with all networking) and moving it affected, yes | 05:20 |
jdef | nalioth : well not to bad then you're alive and you have a home to come back too | 05:21 |
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marndt | Hi everyone...what's the recommended repository for hoary multiverse? | 05:25 |
marndt | by the way, I'm running Kubuntu... | 05:26 |
nalioth | marndt: the one you mentioned. hoary multiverse | 05:29 |
nalioth | jdef: yes my trailer is still in one piece | 05:29 |
nalioth | jdef: did you have a question? | 05:29 |
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jdef | you familiar with vmware | 05:34 |
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neotrophy | I have a problem with KDM. When I log in, it starts a brings up a blank, grey X session, then drops back to the login prompt. GDM work fine (execpt that it doesn't seem to be able to remember my last session type) | 05:40 |
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nalioth | jdef: did you have a question? | 05:40 |
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PiRX[lv] | !calc repository | 05:49 |
ubotu | PiRX[lv] : Are you on ritalin? | 05:49 |
nalioth | PiRX[lv] : what are you looking for? | 05:50 |
PiRX[lv] | just for repositories | 05:50 |
PiRX[lv] | in case there are some which haven't in my sources.list | 05:50 |
PiRX[lv] | i'm kinda software junkie :) | 05:50 |
Hobbsee | well, depends what you are looking for, as to which repositories to recommend... | 05:51 |
PiRX[lv] | actualy i'm going to upgrade hoary to breezy | 05:51 |
PiRX[lv] | probably lookin forward for KDE3.5b1 | 05:51 |
neotrophy | I have a problem with KDM. When I log in, it starts a brings up a blank, grey X session, then drops back to the login prompt. GDM work fine (execpt that it doesn't seem to be able to remember my last session type). Anyone got any ideas? | 05:51 |
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nalioth | !tell PiRX[lv] about sources | 05:52 |
=== _michael is now known as MrSifty|lappy | ||
nalioth | PiRX[lv] : if you're using breezy, dont enable extras or backports | 05:52 |
MrSifty|lappy | hey | 05:52 |
PiRX[lv] | naolith thnx | 05:52 |
MrSifty|lappy | what is the default root password? | 05:52 |
nalioth | !tell MrSifty|lappy about root | 05:53 |
neotrophy | There is no root password by default | 05:53 |
MrSifty|lappy | oh? | 05:53 |
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nalioth | MrSifty|lappy: read your ubotu msg | 05:53 |
MrSifty|lappy | how do I do that? | 05:54 |
neotrophy | !me neotrophy about root | 05:54 |
ubotu | neotrophy: I don't know | 05:54 |
neotrophy | !tell neotrophy about root | 05:54 |
MrSifty|lappy | oh, duh | 05:54 |
MrSifty|lappy | I see | 05:55 |
neotrophy | So no-one got any clues what could be goign on with kdm? | 05:55 |
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Bicchi | my usb pen drive is not been detected what can i do to troubleshoot it? | 06:04 |
god-zero | I got quake 3 arena working! :) I was afraid the frame rate would be bad under linux, but it's about the same. | 06:05 |
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god-zero | nalioth: still got all your stuff? | 06:12 |
=== jdef [i=jdefreit@cuscon3784.tstt.net.tt] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | i'm about to update to breezy - if i have the kde 3.5 repositories enabled, do i also need the 3.4.2 repositories enabled? | 06:14 |
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god-zero | just add the lines, don't delete/comment out any | 06:15 |
nalioth | god-zero: yes i do, and am slowly getting it back together | 06:16 |
Hobbsee | deb http://kubuntu.org/breezy-kde342/ breezy-updates main | 06:16 |
Hobbsee | deb http://kubuntu.org/kde35beta1 breezy main | 06:16 |
Hobbsee | the current line is that | 06:16 |
Hobbsee | well, without the breezy's in the first line | 06:17 |
=== Chambers_ [n=Thom@pcp02906040pcs.roylok01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
god-zero | hobbsee: dist-upgrade? ya, then comment out the 3.4.2 | 06:17 |
Hobbsee | ok, cool | 06:17 |
Hobbsee | and what about the 3.5? | 06:17 |
nalioth | Hobbsee: leave the 3.5 if you feel like living on the edge | 06:18 |
Hobbsee | excellent - i do, it's awesome | 06:18 |
Hobbsee | i'm already using 3.5 now, so... | 06:18 |
nalioth | Hobbsee: standard repos have more polished 3.4.2 kde available | 06:18 |
Hobbsee | right | 06:18 |
=== satafterh [n=robin@fctnnbsc15w-156034072203.nb.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | upgrading... | 06:20 |
satafterh | anyone know a program to convert divx to dvd | 06:22 |
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MrShifty|lappy | does anyone know of a tutorial for configuring Mac keyboards to work with KDE? I.e. the eject button, volume, etc... | 06:28 |
nalioth | MrShifty|lappy: my mac keyboard works fine o-o-t-b | 06:29 |
MrShifty|lappy | do you have a desktop or an ibook? | 06:29 |
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=== ToyMan [n=stuq@user-12lcqia.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== lunitik wonders how you can have 0 users? | ||
BlankB | !User Guide | 06:34 |
ubotu | BlankB: Are you smoking crack? | 06:34 |
lunitik | !guide | 06:35 |
ubotu | lunitik: What? | 06:35 |
nalioth | BlankB: what are you looking for? | 06:35 |
lunitik | !botsmack | 06:35 |
ubotu | I don't know, lunitik | 06:35 |
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lunitik | !ubuntuguide | 06:37 |
ubotu | [ubuntuguide] out of date, breaks PCs and doesn't explain anything. The official FAQ Guide, which is based on ubuntuguide will soon be the help menu in Breezy. For more information see !faq. | 06:37 |
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=== Chambers_ [n=Thom@pcp02906040pcs.roylok01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | !faq | 07:10 |
ubotu | rumour has it, faq is The Ubuntu FAQ Guide: select System -> Help (in Breezy), or http://ubuntu-doc.ath.cx/gnome/faqi386/C/ | 07:10 |
=== Dhraakellian [n=ntryon@cpe-66-67-53-29.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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=== eiko [n=eiko@ip68-225-251-189.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
eiko | hello everyone | 07:21 |
eiko | anyone know how i can see my windows partition in kubuntu? | 07:21 |
thoreauputic | !mountwindows | 07:22 |
ubotu | rumour has it, mountwindows is Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partions mount automatically | 07:22 |
thoreauputic | eiko: ^^^ | 07:22 |
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eiko | cool | 07:23 |
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eiko | is it easy to do? | 07:23 |
eiko | ill i see is programing code | 07:24 |
nalioth | eiko: what are you wanting to know? | 07:24 |
eiko | oh well ill find another way | 07:24 |
thoreauputic | silly person - left before we could tell him how to run a script... | 07:25 |
=== atty [n=lllll@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
atty | i have download jdk-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.bin. anybody can teach me how to install it? | 07:27 |
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nalioth | atty: breezy or hoary? | 07:28 |
atty | hoary i think | 07:28 |
atty | just download kubuntu 5.04 | 07:28 |
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nalioth | atty: then open a terminal where your file is, and type ./filename.bin | 07:30 |
nalioth | atty: it will probably complain, so use sudo in front of the comand | 07:30 |
atty | sudo: filename.bin: command not found | 07:31 |
thoreauputic | atty: *cough* substitute the name of your file | 07:32 |
nalioth | atty: use the name of the file you want to install (i'm not typing it out for you) | 07:32 |
atty | ohh | 07:32 |
atty | ok ok | 07:32 |
=== brownie17 [n=fraser@static-203-87-6-82.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
brownie17 | hey everyone | 07:32 |
nalioth | brownie17: howdy | 07:33 |
brownie17 | nalioth, this place is pretty quit. i didn't even know it existe | 07:33 |
brownie17 | d | 07:33 |
atty | i should type "sudo jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin ? am i right? | 07:33 |
nalioth | atty: no. "sudo ./jre_bleh-bleh.bin" | 07:33 |
atty | bash: /jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin: No such file or directory | 07:34 |
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thoreauputic | atty: you left out the dot | 07:35 |
thoreauputic | atty: ./ | 07:35 |
atty | ohh | 07:35 |
nalioth | !tell atty about cli | 07:35 |
nalioth | atty: ubotu has sent you a msg, please follow up with the info contained | 07:35 |
atty | i have to learn a lot | 07:35 |
atty | phewwwwwwwwwww | 07:36 |
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=== sadfsadfsdaf is now known as kianziack | ||
kianziack | hi! i have this problem | 07:37 |
atty | i did put the dot | 07:38 |
atty | still nothing | 07:38 |
kianziack | i already installed yaho messenger | 07:38 |
brownie17 | atty, it doesn't take too long, i have opnly been using ubuntu like 3 weeks. and allready i am starting to feel omfortable | 07:38 |
kianziack | what i want is to go chat room | 07:38 |
atty | bash: ./jdk-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.bin: No such file or directory | 07:38 |
atty | i new in linux command | 07:38 |
thoreauputic | atty: are you in the right directory? | 07:38 |
atty | sorry guys | 07:38 |
kianziack | is there a chat room for yahoomessenger | 07:38 |
atty | download it at the file at desktop | 07:39 |
thoreauputic | atty: cd ~/Desktop | 07:39 |
thoreauputic | atty: then reissue the command | 07:39 |
atty | ok | 07:39 |
atty | Permission Denied????? what happen? | 07:40 |
thoreauputic | atty: ls -l jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin <-- what does that say? | 07:41 |
atty | -rw-r--r-- 1 inul inul 48836045 2005-09-27 12:59 jdk-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.bin | 07:42 |
thoreauputic | atty: erm - that's not the file you were talking about before | 07:43 |
atty | ic | 07:43 |
thoreauputic | jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin <---that was the one you were talking about | 07:44 |
thoreauputic | atty: do you have 2 java files there? | 07:44 |
atty | wait | 07:44 |
atty | i check | 07:44 |
atty | yup | 07:45 |
atty | i have 2 | 07:45 |
thoreauputic | why? | 07:45 |
atty | i download it several time before | 07:45 |
atty | try to install it | 07:45 |
thoreauputic | *sigh* | 07:45 |
atty | :D | 07:45 |
thoreauputic | !tell atty about sunjava | 07:45 |
thoreauputic | atty: read what the bot sent you in pm | 07:46 |
atty | ok | 07:46 |
kianziack | argh!! | 07:46 |
=== nalioth [n=Apple@pdpc/supporter/bronze/nalioth] has joined #kubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | wb nalioth | 07:46 |
brownie17 | !brownie17 | 07:47 |
ubotu | I heard brownie17 is forgetful | 07:47 |
brownie17 | !forget brownie17 | 07:47 |
ubotu | brownie17: i forgot brownie17 | 07:47 |
kinfo | [brownie17] is not defined | 07:47 |
thoreauputic | haha | 07:47 |
brownie17 | :) | 07:47 |
brownie17 | whats kinfo? | 07:48 |
brownie17 | !kinfo | 07:48 |
ubotu | brownie17: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 07:48 |
brownie17 | hahahahaha | 07:48 |
brownie17 | that's classic | 07:48 |
brownie17 | whoever pgroammed ubotu is genius | 07:48 |
kianziack | <brownie17> whoever pgroammed ubotu is genius<---------- i cant go to chat room like the wondows do | 07:49 |
brownie17 | pardon? i don't understand! | 07:49 |
=== tenshiKur0 [n=tenshiKu@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kianziack | what i want is to go to chat room where i cant meet people | 07:50 |
kianziack | what i want is to go to chat room where i can meet people | 07:50 |
kianziack | new people | 07:50 |
nalioth | kianziack: you are on the wrong server | 07:50 |
kianziack | har har i am | 07:50 |
kianziack | i mean yahoo messegenr | 07:51 |
brownie17 | you can meet me | 07:51 |
kianziack | i mean yahoo messenger | 07:51 |
brownie17 | im kinda interesting... sometimes | 07:51 |
thoreauputic | kianziack: /join #newpeople ;-) | 07:51 |
kianziack | not you | 07:51 |
kianziack | not mirc | 07:51 |
brownie17 | i don't wear a wig if that helps you decide | 07:51 |
kianziack | yahoo messenger | 07:51 |
brownie17 | whats wrong with me | 07:51 |
kianziack | i want to use my web cam | 07:51 |
brownie17 | ahh | 07:52 |
kianziack | using yahoo messenger | 07:52 |
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kianziack | so this it, it means i have to use window if i want to look for chat room | 07:53 |
brownie17 | you could use wine to run yahoo messenger | 07:54 |
kianziack | co'z | 07:54 |
kianziack | u mean the window base? | 07:54 |
kianziack | is that you mean | 07:54 |
brownie17 | kianziack, yes | 07:55 |
brownie17 | !wine | 07:55 |
brownie17 | nalioth, soooorrry | 07:55 |
nalioth | kianziack: can you compile? | 07:55 |
kianziack | argh i dont know how to config this wine but ill try maybe with some help | 07:55 |
kianziack | ill try | 07:55 |
kianziack | im still noobv | 07:55 |
kianziack | you mean winhq? | 07:56 |
kianziack | hmm kynpatic will do i think | 07:57 |
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kianziack | i mean ill work with | 07:59 |
=== shogouki [n=nicolas@AMontpellier-251-1-34-245.w83-113.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
aftertaf__ | neotrophy: in console, try chmodding .ICEauthority fil to 777 | 08:01 |
aftertaf | mornin all :) | 08:01 |
kianziack | hehe wait | 08:02 |
kianziack | does any one know how to get wine and install | 08:02 |
kianziack | ^_^ | 08:02 |
nalioth | aftertaf: neotrophy the .ICEauthority can be safely deleted if it stops you from logging in | 08:02 |
crimsun | kianziack: enable universe and install wine | 08:02 |
nalioth | aftertaf: neotrophy: the .ICEauthority is regenerated with each session | 08:02 |
aftertaf | nalioth: oki.... knew chmodding worked, if rm ing it does too, even simpler ;) | 08:03 |
aftertaf | hi nalioth hows things? | 08:03 |
kianziack | crimsun: ok ill try | 08:03 |
kianziack | crimsun: tnx | 08:03 |
nalioth | aftertaf: ok | 08:04 |
aftertaf | nalioth: cool... had fingers crossed and eyes on the news reports :) | 08:05 |
nalioth | yes i'm fine now, ty | 08:05 |
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pc22 | how do in install win apps thru wine? | 08:09 |
=== xander [n=xander@cp69851-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
crimsun | wine /path/to/app.exe | 08:10 |
pc22 | thanks | 08:10 |
=== Hobbsee [n=sarah@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | hey all...my breezy installed screwed up badly, so i'm about to go back to hoary. My main question is: do i need to create a separate home partition? In the past I havent, but seeing as i'm about to redo kubuntu, i have the opportunity to now | 08:14 |
=== regeya [n=shane@adsl-sp3-cdale176.micgi.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | is it a good idea to create a separate /home partition? | 08:14 |
shogouki | yes | 08:15 |
Hobbsee | why? | 08:15 |
Hobbsee | and what file system should i use? | 08:15 |
shogouki | cause you can reinstall your system and keep all your app settings and accounts | 08:15 |
nalioth | Hobbsee: it keeps your data intact on the off chance your / goes to hell | 08:15 |
=== regeya nods in agreement | ||
nalioth | Hobbsee: although with *nix, you should never have to "reinstall" anything ever again | 08:16 |
Hobbsee | nalioth: should...yes, but there are sometimes PEBKAC problems that require reinstalls lol | 08:16 |
Hobbsee | or at least, that's the quickest way to fix them | 08:17 |
nalioth | Hobbsee: idk what a pebkac is | 08:17 |
Hobbsee | pebkac = problem exists between keyboard and chair :P | 08:17 |
nalioth | Hobbsee: but a homedir lessens the chance of catastrophic personal data loss | 08:17 |
Hobbsee | right | 08:17 |
Hobbsee | also | 08:17 |
Hobbsee | if i dont install all the programs that i originally had, and kept a home partition, while reinstalling | 08:17 |
Hobbsee | do i have to delete them or anything? | 08:18 |
Hobbsee | because the home partition seems to have all teh configuration settings | 08:18 |
Hobbsee | if that makes any sense at all... | 08:18 |
nalioth | Hobbsee: if you dont reinstall the programs you have configs for, the configs just take up space | 08:19 |
Hobbsee | right, so i could safely delete them? | 08:19 |
Hobbsee | the configs for the programs i dont use, that is | 08:20 |
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Hobbsee | ah well...off i go and reinstall - good thing i backed up my data on a separate computer before i did this, as konqueror crashes everytime i opened it now - it really isnt working lol | 08:21 |
Hobbsee | ! | 08:21 |
ubotu | Hobbsee: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 08:21 |
Hobbsee | now, where's that cd... | 08:21 |
nalioth | Hobbsee: they're your configs | 08:22 |
Hobbsee | *nods* | 08:22 |
kianziack | where can i get some cd of kubuntu | 08:23 |
kianziack | for free ^_^ | 08:23 |
Hobbsee | kianziack: as in to download it? | 08:23 |
aftertaf | kianziack: dl or order from kubuntu website | 08:24 |
kianziack | ahh ok | 08:24 |
kianziack | order | 08:24 |
Hobbsee | i dont think you can order kubuntu cd's | 08:24 |
Hobbsee | or you didnt use to | 08:24 |
kianziack | just asking ^_^ | 08:25 |
kianziack | is it possible to install the YM window base in linux using wine | 08:25 |
crimsun | the what? | 08:26 |
kianziack | have any one try it? | 08:26 |
Hobbsee | http://kubuntu.org/faq.php nope you cant order the kubuntu cd's | 08:26 |
crimsun | what is the "YM window base"? | 08:26 |
Hobbsee | got no idea | 08:26 |
kianziack | Yahoo messenger window base | 08:26 |
kianziack | not the unix | 08:26 |
kianziack | co'z the unix base didnt have the chatroom option | 08:27 |
kianziack | like the mirc do | 08:27 |
kianziack | argh... no one get the idea | 08:28 |
kianziack | and even my koppete didnt work | 08:29 |
Hobbsee | kopete doesnt seem to do group chats on yahoo | 08:29 |
Hobbsee | *thinks* - is there an alternate file browser to konqueror? | 08:31 |
kianziack | the msn didnt work to | 08:31 |
kianziack | there is | 08:31 |
Hobbsee | wha's ti called? | 08:31 |
kianziack | try firefox | 08:31 |
Hobbsee | nah, file browser, not web browser | 08:31 |
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kianziack | firefox for linux | 08:32 |
Hobbsee | already got firefox and oper | 08:32 |
kianziack | aws | 08:32 |
Hobbsee | *opera | 08:32 |
kianziack | i see | 08:32 |
Hobbsee | i'm looking to browse the files on my system | 08:32 |
shogouki | kq is the best file browser, why change ? | 08:32 |
kianziack | yeah i think so | 08:32 |
Hobbsee | because my breezy installation is very, very screwed, is what i'm on now, and konqueror is crashing every time i try to open it | 08:32 |
kianziack | what's the problem with that | 08:33 |
Hobbsee | i dont think it upgraded correctly | 08:33 |
Hobbsee | the entire OS, that is | 08:33 |
shogouki | Hobbsee: midnight commander -> mc | 08:33 |
Hobbsee | ok, cool, thanks | 08:34 |
shogouki | text mode thought | 08:34 |
Hobbsee | bleck | 08:34 |
Hobbsee | ah...i can use explore2fs under windows, i expect...off to try that... | 08:35 |
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=== DarkMaul [n=darkje@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DarkMaul | morning all | 09:17 |
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=== libben [n=libben@c80-216-84-228.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nalioth | howdy | 09:18 |
DarkMaul | where can i find a list of programs for kubuntu | 09:18 |
DarkMaul | cause iam sitting here with a nice disk | 09:19 |
nextek | hi | 09:19 |
DarkMaul | to start installing | 09:19 |
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=== `TUX` [n=princosc@ppp-217-133-31-196.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has left #kubuntu ["Hello,] | ||
nalioth | DarkMaul: packages.ubuntu.com | 09:19 |
nextek | hi | 09:20 |
nextek | 09:21 | |
nextek | hi | 09:21 |
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DarkMaul | nice | 09:21 |
DarkMaul | and how dos the normal installtion go | 09:21 |
DarkMaul | ? | 09:21 |
nalioth | DarkMaul: easily | 09:22 |
DarkMaul | well | 09:23 |
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DarkMaul | lets give it a change | 09:23 |
=== duende_ [n=duende@wiley-336-81143.roadrunner.nf.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DarkMaul | and is it save to install the breezy edition | 09:28 |
nalioth | DarkMaul: you can wait 10 days and install the final version | 09:28 |
DarkMaul | i figured it would be possible to upgrade to the full version | 09:29 |
nalioth | DarkMaul: it is | 09:29 |
DarkMaul | iam running on SUSE now | 09:30 |
DarkMaul | but it feels really buggy | 09:30 |
=== nalioth hates SUSE | ||
=== aftertaf likes kubuntu | ||
nalioth | it is so user-unfriendly | 09:31 |
=== brownie17 doesn't wear a toupee | ||
DarkMaul | lol | 09:31 |
DarkMaul | well will be back in a few hours | 09:33 |
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DarkMaul | well | 10:08 |
DarkMaul | that was pretty easy | 10:08 |
DarkMaul | but i believe there is no Dual CPU support | 10:08 |
nalioth | DarkMaul: there is: | 10:08 |
nalioth | DarkMaul: are you familiar with debian? | 10:08 |
DarkMaul | not at all | 10:09 |
nalioth | DarkMaul: and it's packaging system? | 10:09 |
nalioth | DarkMaul: open a konsole and type "uname -a" | 10:09 |
nalioth | DarkMaul: then K > Run Application > "kdesu kynaptic" | 10:09 |
DarkMaul | Linux linux 2.6.12-8-386 #1 Tue Aug 30 22:41:30 BST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux | 10:09 |
nalioth | DarkMaul: then look for the kernel that matches the output you got from uname -a | 10:10 |
DarkMaul | oww | 10:10 |
DarkMaul | okeej | 10:10 |
nalioth | DarkMaul: only fine the one with -smp in it | 10:10 |
DarkMaul | ty | 10:10 |
nalioth | it'll look like this (sort of) Linux dualg5 2.6.10-5-power4-smp #1 SMP Fri Sep 23 14:28:10 UTC 2005 ppc GNU/Linux | 10:10 |
DarkMaul | can i fuck something i i select the wrong package in kynaptic | 10:10 |
nalioth | DarkMaul: language please. and you can ask here or #ubuntu if you're not sure | 10:11 |
DarkMaul | uhmm iam running kubuntu | 10:11 |
nalioth | DarkMaul: (k)ubuntu are the same critter | 10:12 |
DarkMaul | okay | 10:13 |
DarkMaul | and can i install my nvidia also through kynaptic | 10:15 |
nalioth | DarkMaul: if you wish | 10:16 |
DarkMaul | well iam having some kind off linux culture shock | 10:16 |
nalioth | really? | 10:17 |
DarkMaul | i have been working with SUSE the last few days | 10:17 |
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DarkMaul | and this all seems verry different | 10:17 |
nalioth | DarkMaul: yes, freedom is scary to someone imprisoned all their life | 10:18 |
DarkMaul | lol | 10:19 |
DarkMaul | nice way to formulate it | 10:19 |
DarkMaul | like glxgears is something that gives me a error on the cli | 10:19 |
nalioth | DarkMaul: does it run at all? | 10:20 |
DarkMaul | nope | 10:20 |
DarkMaul | Segmentation fault | 10:20 |
nalioth | DarkMaul: not surprising | 10:21 |
DarkMaul | omg | 10:21 |
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DarkMaul | well updating the kernel | 10:24 |
DarkMaul | Kernel Panic, meet General Failure | 10:24 |
nalioth | what kernel panicked on you? | 10:26 |
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DarkMaul | nothing yet, it was a joke that a good friend of mine allways made | 10:26 |
DarkMaul | well new kernel so ill be rebooting | 10:26 |
DarkMaul | brb | 10:26 |
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helpme | how do i install a new kdm? | 11:12 |
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CaiN_SA | k right | 11:32 |
CaiN_SA | i installed kde stuff for zulu | 11:32 |
CaiN_SA | but i cant use it | 11:32 |
CaiN_SA | why ? | 11:32 |
helpme | zulu? whats this? | 11:39 |
helpme | try in the #kanotix channel.....very friendly & helpful guys there.....as good kanotix is:) | 11:40 |
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hussam | seaLne: hi, are you still unable to get to kubuntu.org? I still can't | 11:41 |
seaLne | let me check | 11:42 |
seaLne | hmm can't traceroute maybe some idiot is firewalling icmp but i can access the website | 11:42 |
hussam | I can't access the website? what's the IP of the website? | 11:44 |
hussam | it says net timeout error in firefox | 11:45 |
hussam | seaLne: do you know the IP of kubuntu.org? | 11:46 |
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seaLne | kd@napier-01:~$ host kubuntu.org | 11:49 |
seaLne | kubuntu.org has address | 11:49 |
nalioth | hussam: open a terminal and type "host www.kubuntu.org" | 11:49 |
nalioth | seaLne: teach a man to fish, dude | 11:49 |
seaLne | nalioth: i did | 11:49 |
nalioth | seaLne: you gave him a fish | 11:49 |
seaLne | *and* showed how i caught it :P | 11:49 |
nalioth | seaLne: you'd be surprised how many folks dont even see the extraneous data | 11:50 |
hussam | still can't access any kubuntu.org or ubuntu.com site. no 82.211.81.xxx ubuntu site opens | 11:53 |
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hussam | I did sudo nscd -i hosts | 11:55 |
hussam | but still the same timeouts | 11:55 |
nalioth | hussam: servers do go down at times | 11:55 |
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hussam | nalioth: it's been like this here since saturday | 11:55 |
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=== nalioth knows nothing | ||
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hussam | I would really hate to have to look for another distro because of being unable to update though archive.ubuntu.com or kubuntu.org | 11:58 |
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hussam | because I really like kubuntu | 11:58 |
nalioth | hussam: is archive.ubuntu.com down? | 11:59 |
hussam | nalioth: on my PC, it looks like it is. but it works for everybody else | 12:00 |
nalioth | hussam: there are MANY mirrors of archive.ubuntu.com | 12:02 |
nalioth | hussam: try gb.archive or us.archvive or any of the ones listed in the wiki | 12:02 |
hussam | nalioth: but they are all or | 12:02 |
hussam | nalioth: I also can't access the wiki. sincei it is | 12:03 |
nalioth | hussam: if that's so, then there is a DNS problem | 12:03 |
nalioth | hussam: where are you? | 12:03 |
hussam | nalioth: In Lebanon, but all other non (k)ubuntu related sites load properly. | 12:04 |
nalioth | i suspect someone in the line doesnt like ubuntu | 12:04 |
nalioth | because if the whole domain is blocked.. .. .. | 12:05 |
hussam | lb.archive.ubuntu.com is also | 12:05 |
hussam | nalioth: my ISP is anti Linux lol | 12:05 |
nalioth | hussam: try this: put "archive.ubuntu.com" into google and click on the link it will give you | 12:05 |
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hussam | nalioth: it says connecting to archive.ubuntu.com in the status bar | 12:06 |
nalioth | hussam: ok click back and click on googles cache of it | 12:07 |
hussam | nalioth: it will stay like this for a while then it will Net time out | 12:07 |
hussam | nalioth: it opens the google cache page | 12:07 |
nalioth | hussam: when you click on googles cache of a.u.c? | 12:08 |
hussam | nalioth: yes, I can access the arhcive.ubuntu.com cached page | 12:08 |
nalioth | then you should call your ISP and ask why the domain is blocked | 12:08 |
nalioth | hussam: do you have a shell acount anywhere? | 12:09 |
hussam | nalioth: what's a shell account? | 12:09 |
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seaLne | hussam: in the meantime if are desperate for a package you could try using my mirror "deb ftp://mirror.cis.strath.ac.uk/ubuntu hoary main restricted universe multiverse" but you'd miss out on security stuff | 12:09 |
seaLne | hussam: a machine you can ssh to | 12:10 |
nalioth | hussam: something you might have from the uni | 12:10 |
aftertaf | hussam: that sucks, man.... :/ | 12:11 |
hussam | nalioth: I have an account on a Linux machine at the university but I'm at home now. | 12:11 |
nalioth | hussam: can you log in from home? | 12:11 |
hussam | nalioth: we have both Linux and windows at the university. No, I can't log in from home. they blocked that last year. | 12:12 |
hussam | seaLne: thanks for the mirror. it is working | 12:12 |
nalioth | hussam: if you can log in at uni and access a.u.c, then call your ISP and ask them why | 12:13 |
hussam | nalioth: ok | 12:14 |
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hussam | brb, I have to reboot | 12:21 |
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blackflag | hello all :-) | 12:35 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hi :) | 12:36 |
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liteinside04 | hello | 12:42 |
liteinside04 | i've been browsing d net since i installed kubuntu... | 12:43 |
liteinside04 | but somehow I don't see the answer regarding printer sharing... | 12:43 |
liteinside04 | I used kubuntu since monday but I cant print via network on my win98 puter... | 12:44 |
liteinside04 | any help?... | 12:44 |
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liteinside04 | hello... | 12:45 |
morrow | hmmm | 12:45 |
liteinside04 | I have my samba on... | 12:45 |
liteinside04 | do i need to turn on NFS? | 12:45 |
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liteinside04 | i can copy & paste to the shared document on win98.. | 12:46 |
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liteinside04 | but printing is a different thing... | 12:46 |
liteinside04 | hello... | 12:46 |
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liteinside04 | help pls... am a newbie in linux... | 12:47 |
Kamping_Kaiser | liteinside04: i cant help. i dont use samba bugger all | 12:47 |
Kamping_Kaiser | but be warned, win98 (in my experiance) is a pig to network with... | 12:47 |
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liteinside04 | yeah... | 12:49 |
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liteinside04 | i installed the printer on my puter where kubuntu is installed but i changed the printed color from black to red... | 12:52 |
liteinside04 | any problem with cups? | 12:52 |
liteinside04 | :) | 12:53 |
liteinside04 | buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........... | 12:53 |
liteinside04 | kaiser: what do you use for networking, file sharing? | 12:54 |
Kamping_Kaiser | liteinside04: at home i dont (well, i use ssh ....), and at work i have one XP box that is on a samba network | 12:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :/ | 12:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | some ppl. | 12:55 |
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Kinomees | how to change from 10mb half-duplex to 100mb full-duplex ? | 01:19 |
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Kinomees | my samba wont work unless i get it fixed | 01:20 |
aftertaf | lunitik: you around??? | 01:20 |
jeh_work | Kinomees: plug your system into a modern switch | 01:20 |
Kinomees | cant do that ... i connect to internet via XP box | 01:21 |
nalioth | Kinomees: then change your nics to modern ones | 01:31 |
Kinomees | ? | 01:32 |
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hussam | nalioth: I called my ISP and they said if kubuntu.org and archive.ubuntu.com work on their PCs | 01:43 |
hussam | nalioth: but they still time out on mine. | 01:43 |
nalioth | hussam: is your hosts file ok? | 01:46 |
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hussam | nalioth: /etc/hosts is intact. I even made the guy who answered the phone at the IPS office open kubuntu.org and read the first line and he did. | 01:48 |
hussam | sorry ISP* office | 01:48 |
nalioth | hussam: is your HOSTS default? | 01:48 |
nalioth | b/c you DO have a blockage somewhere | 01:49 |
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hussam | nalioth: yes /etc/hosts is the default one. | 01:49 |
nalioth | hussam: you'll need to ask someone with more knowledge than I | 01:50 |
nalioth | hussam: perhaps in #ubuntu | 01:50 |
hussam | nalioth: I'm currently using the ftp mirror that seaLne game me. | 01:51 |
nalioth | hussam: but that is not optimal, as he doesnt have security mirrors | 01:53 |
hussam | nalioth: ok, I'll look up another mirror | 01:53 |
hussam | nalioth: this one showed on google.com http://www.lv.kernel.org/mirrors/ubuntu/dists/ | 01:55 |
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hussam | nalioth: http://www.lv.kernel.org/mirrors/ubuntu/ looks like a good mirror. | 01:57 |
nalioth | hussam: you need to find the problems out | 02:01 |
nalioth | mirrors lag behind in their updates | 02:01 |
hussam | nalioth: I know that. but after my ISP said they have no idea why it worn't work for me, I'm a bit stumped. I guess I have to go to their office, explaing stuff on the phone doesn't always work | 02:03 |
nalioth | or ask someone on here who is knowledgable about such things | 02:04 |
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[square] | hi | 02:09 |
hussam | nalioth: I connect directly to the internet, but I can also use a proxy for connecting ( but it will work slowly) | 02:12 |
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hussam | nalioth: how would I use a proxy with apt-get ? | 02:12 |
hussam | nalioth: not systemwide since I normally don't need a proxy | 02:12 |
nalioth | hussam: another good question. have you tried "man apt-get" ? | 02:12 |
morrow | export http_proxy=http://host:port/ | 02:13 |
morrow | export ftp_proxy=$http_proxy | 02:13 |
hussam | morrow: I need it to forget export http_proxy=http://host:port/ after I close konsole. | 02:14 |
morrow | it does. | 02:14 |
hussam | morrow: excllent | 02:14 |
morrow | ENV variables are only for child processes, not for the parents. | 02:14 |
hussam | morrow: will this work if the proxy is an IP and not a full address? | 02:18 |
morrow | yes | 02:18 |
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hussam | morrow, nalioth_zZz: thanks you guys are brilliant | 02:21 |
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=== nalioth_zZz is just sleepy | ||
aftertaf | hussam: you can enable apt-get for a proxy permanently too, if need be... | 02:22 |
aftertaf | you create /etc/apt/apt.conf and add a special line: | 02:22 |
hussam | aftertaf: how? | 02:23 |
aftertaf | line being | Acquire::http::Proxy ""; | | 02:23 |
hussam | aftertaf: without the | , right? | 02:25 |
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nix101 | i tried copying files form my linux drive to my windows one and it says "operation not permitted" can someone help? | 02:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nix101: fat32 or ntfs | 02:29 |
nix101 | fat32 | 02:29 |
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nix101 | im a total newbie by the way, only had linux a week | 02:29 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lets try this | 02:30 |
Kamping_Kaiser | !fat32 | 02:30 |
ubotu | [fat32] http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab | 02:30 |
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nix101 | im gonna do a complete format and reinstal, i just need to move my data ott his other drive on fat32 for backup first | 02:31 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i dont remember off the top of my head. il just check it out | 02:31 |
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nix101 | ubotu how do i run that file? | 02:32 |
ubotu | nix101: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! | 02:32 |
nix101 | sorry | 02:33 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nix101: open konsole, and type 'sudo ./filename' | 02:33 |
Kamping_Kaiser | after downloading it to filename | 02:33 |
aftertaf | nix101: ubotu is a bot ;) | 02:33 |
=== nix101 embarised | ||
aftertaf | !bot | 02:33 |
ubotu | I'm a bot, I'm a bot. Set fire to me, I'll get hot. Reply to aftertaf? I think not. Bot, jot, chicken... rhyming sucks. | 02:33 |
aftertaf | dont be | 02:34 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lmao | 02:34 |
Tm_T | :/ | 02:34 |
=== Noffielouff [n=fsd@h12n1fls32o1010.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nxv__ | how can i get my irc pwd stored in konversation? | 02:35 |
Noffielouff | hi! Can someone tell me how to create a shotcut to /home/folder in kicker.. Can someone check uot in menu edit the command line for home button plz? | 02:35 |
nix101 | sudo: ./winmac_fstab: command not found | 02:36 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nix101: have you downloaded the file? | 02:36 |
nix101 | yea its in this folder too | 02:37 |
aftertaf | nxv__: in server options somewhere...... | 02:37 |
Kamping_Kaiser | then (i forgot a step :$) 'chmod 777 ./winmac_fstab && sudo ./winmac_fstab' | 02:37 |
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nxv__ | aftertaf: i only find the identity setup but there are only stars are displayed | 02:37 |
Noffielouff | anyone?? | 02:37 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Noffielouff: i cant | 02:38 |
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aftertaf | nxv__: secrecy mode :) thats normal | 02:38 |
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ep | join #c++ | 02:38 |
ep | nm | 02:38 |
aftertaf | Noffielouff: on the panel or in the start menu? | 02:38 |
Kamping_Kaiser | heh. | 02:39 |
Noffielouff | on the panel | 02:39 |
Noffielouff | in kde | 02:39 |
aftertaf | you can add one to the desktop, right? | 02:39 |
Noffielouff | yes... but i dont know what to write in menu editor when i create new shortcut... the commandline i dont know what to write there | 02:40 |
konsolebox | helo pips | 02:40 |
konsolebox | anybody here who use ym? | 02:40 |
aftertaf | add one to the desktop then drag it to the panel. | 02:40 |
Noffielouff | ahhh | 02:41 |
Noffielouff | i will try one sec | 02:41 |
aftertaf | hehe ;) | 02:41 |
=== aftertaf is a cat skinner | ||
=== aftertaf a polyvalent one | ||
Noffielouff | aftertaf: THANX m8 =) | 02:41 |
nxv__ | and ethereal says cant open display ?? | 02:41 |
=== aftertaf is a polyvalent cat skinner <-- i like that :) | ||
aftertaf | no pb Noffielouff | 02:41 |
nix101 | i can see my windows dirves now :) but when i typed"cp '/home/user/copy-me' '/media/0 GB Disk (hdb5)'" is says cp: omitting directory `/home/user/copy-me' | 02:42 |
aftertaf | cp -r | 02:42 |
aftertaf | recursive | 02:43 |
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nix101 | thats not working either, it only copied half the files | 02:45 |
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m0ns00n | Lag time?= | 02:46 |
aftertaf | cp -r '/home/user/copy-me/*' | 02:46 |
nix101 | cp: cannot create regular file `/media/0 GB Disk (hdb5)/copy-me/x': Permission denied | 02:46 |
aftertaf | sudo cp -r '/home/user/copy-me/*' | 02:46 |
aftertaf | ;) | 02:46 |
konsolebox | hey what's the diff doing su instead of sudo | 02:47 |
konsolebox | better results? | 02:47 |
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aftertaf | nope.... | 02:47 |
aftertaf | !sudo | 02:47 |
ubotu | sudo is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 02:47 |
aftertaf | !su | 02:47 |
ubotu | aftertaf: Bugger all, i dunno | 02:47 |
aftertaf | hehe | 02:48 |
aftertaf | su is where it asks you for the root pw, then you become root..... | 02:48 |
nix101 | im still getting errors | 02:48 |
aftertaf | sudo lets you run a cmd with root privileges, without borking the system | 02:48 |
aftertaf | nix101: go on.... | 02:48 |
konsolebox | ah | 02:49 |
nix101 | cp: cannot create regular file `/media/0 GB Disk (hdb5)/x': Invalid argument | 02:49 |
aftertaf | why /x at the end? | 02:49 |
nix101 | but ti did copy more of the fiels this time then last | 02:49 |
nix101 | thats to cover up my file name :p | 02:49 |
konsolebox | does it mean i must sudo instead of su when installing new packages | 02:49 |
crtr | how to install rar ? | 02:49 |
crtr | E: Package rar has no installation candidate | 02:49 |
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crtr | when i try with sudo | 02:49 |
crtr | with apt-get , sry | 02:50 |
aftertaf | !repositories | 02:50 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, repositories is at at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) | 02:50 |
aftertaf | crtr enable multiverse & universe...rar aint free | 02:50 |
aftertaf | nix101: cant help you if i cant see the actual command..... dont worry, i wont hax0r you ;) | 02:51 |
konsolebox | another question pls.. how do i get the kernel source? | 02:51 |
aftertaf | apt-get..... | 02:52 |
nix101 | nothing encriminating, im just a private person | 02:52 |
nix101 | cp: cannot create symbolic link `/media/0 GB Disk (hdb5)/jre1.5.0_04/lib/i386/server/libjsig.so': Operation not permitted | 02:52 |
konsolebox | linux-headers? | 02:52 |
nix101 | one fo many files | 02:52 |
konsolebox | are they enough? | 02:52 |
aftertaf | or synaptic.. | 02:52 |
konsolebox | how bout the whole package? linux-*.bz2??? | 02:52 |
aftertaf | konsolebox: depends what you want to do... | 02:52 |
konsolebox | i need to recompile the kernel.. my video card has conflicts with intelfb | 02:52 |
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aftertaf | konsolebox: look in synaptic at the linux- level of packages... | 02:53 |
aftertaf | konsolebox: cant you blacklist the intelfb module? | 02:53 |
konsolebox | where's that? | 02:53 |
konsolebox | it didn't work | 02:53 |
nix101 | i get the feeling im at a sivere disadvantage in linux by not knowing how to program | 02:53 |
konsolebox | where's the synaptic? | 02:53 |
helpme | help me! i cant access the kde theme manager in kde control center........i just set a new kdm theme...now im not able to change it | 02:53 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nix, no your not. (imo) | 02:53 |
aftertaf | nix101: hmmm possibly. i share your ds, then :) | 02:54 |
aftertaf | helpme: edit kdmrc or .kdmrc cant remember where it is.... | 02:54 |
helpme | aftertaf: what to edit there? | 02:54 |
=== Hobbsee [n=sarah@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
aftertaf | usetheme=false i think | 02:55 |
aftertaf | nix101: what helps is knowledge of console and of filesystem :) | 02:55 |
aftertaf | copy of sym link.... dunno what is wxrong, depends on what you're copying i imagine... | 02:56 |
aftertaf | konsolebox: sudo apt-get install synaptic | 02:56 |
konsolebox | ok | 02:56 |
aftertaf | apt-get to install it, sudo in front cos you need admin rights ;) | 02:57 |
konsolebox | ok.. u know i usually do 'apt-cache search . | grep blablablah' to find a package | 02:57 |
konsolebox | but i'll try | 02:57 |
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nxv_ | aftertaf: i found a way to get my pwd :) | 02:58 |
helpme | plz someone help me:( | 02:58 |
aftertaf | :) nxv_ cool | 02:58 |
aftertaf | helpme: usetheme=false i think | 02:58 |
nxv_ | aftertaf: ethereal ;) | 02:58 |
nxv_ | is there a neat simple texeditor like kate which stores files encrypted? or du i have pgp manual on commandline? | 02:59 |
LokeDK | does kde have a search tool? | 03:02 |
aftertaf | LokeDK: to search what? | 03:02 |
LokeDK | files | 03:02 |
aftertaf | start menu | 03:02 |
LokeDK | like gnome-search-tool | 03:02 |
aftertaf | find files/folders on menu | 03:02 |
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LokeDK | ah thanks.. can you give the app name? want to bind it to a keyboard shortcut | 03:03 |
aftertaf | right click the option on your menu....... youll find it ;) | 03:03 |
LokeDK | ah kfind.. thanks a lot :) | 03:03 |
helpme | any commands to chnage kdm? | 03:04 |
konsolebox | hmm.. stil dont know to do with the linux-headers-2.6.12-8-686 i installed T_T | 03:06 |
konsolebox | there are kernel-source-* but only up to 2.6.11.. no 2.6.12-8 | 03:07 |
LokeDK | * Reloading K Display Manager configuration... [fail] | 03:07 |
LokeDK | invoke-rc.d: initscript kdm, action "reload" failed. | 03:07 |
LokeDK | Another question.. I can't make kdm default .. login manager | 03:07 |
LokeDK | says that ^ | 03:07 |
konsolebox | found it : linux-source-2.6.12 ^^ | 03:08 |
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aftertaf | konsolebox: hehe | 03:12 |
aftertaf | LokeDK: tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm ? | 03:12 |
LokeDK | aftertaf: yeah.. it says that | 03:12 |
LokeDK | the same err msg | 03:13 |
helpme | help me! i cant access the kde theme manager in kde control center........i just set a new kdm theme...now im not able to change it | 03:14 |
Hobbsee | kdm theme is different from kde theme | 03:15 |
aftertaf | helpme: /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc | 03:15 |
helpme | aftertaf: what do i do to it? | 03:15 |
aftertaf | edit that file and look for usetheme flag.... | 03:15 |
aftertaf | i imagine.... | 03:16 |
helpme | aftertaf: found it....should i set it to false? | 03:17 |
Hobbsee | can we change the background kdm picture from that folder, to any image? | 03:17 |
aftertaf | yes helpme :) should do it... | 03:17 |
helpme | Hobbsee: yes u can | 03:17 |
Hobbsee | ooh nice! | 03:17 |
helpme | yah...i discovered this today itself......and was equally happy! | 03:18 |
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ubuntu | hi | 03:18 |
Hobbsee | :D | 03:18 |
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Hobbsee | hi ubuntu | 03:18 |
Hobbsee | i thought there was some long and complicated way you had to do it... | 03:19 |
helpme | aftertaf: what will i lose when i reboot? | 03:19 |
aftertaf | nothing normaly | 03:19 |
konsolebox | aftertaf: have u tried the frame buffer splash? | 03:20 |
Snoopotic_kbntu | every linux-live-cd i triec does not realize the correct monitor, I use... so it runs on 60mhz... thats braking my brain... ;( | 03:20 |
Snoopotic_kbntu | 60 hz | 03:20 |
aftertaf | konsolebox: the breezy bootup thing? yep. | 03:20 |
Snoopotic_kbntu | may I change it manually? | 03:20 |
aftertaf | Snoopotic_kbntu: /etc/X11/xorg.conf... but on live cd, not sure | 03:21 |
konsolebox | hmm.. i saw it in gentoo and it's kinda cool | 03:21 |
Hobbsee | ah ha! finally got it to open... | 03:21 |
konsolebox | but it's hard to config `[:p | 03:21 |
Hobbsee | off to test it... | 03:21 |
LokeDK | aftertaf: I can live with gdm.. no problem.. but seems like I'm the only one having the problem .. tried googling.. only found something on spanish lol | 03:22 |
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aftertaf | konsolebox: in breezy its automatic :) | 03:25 |
aftertaf | LokeDK: weird... | 03:25 |
LokeDK | indeed | 03:25 |
Hobbsee | :( sorta worked...oh well | 03:25 |
aftertaf | sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop|start do nothing? | 03:25 |
konsolebox | aftertaf: breezy eh.. i'll try that when i'm thru with my video card ^^ | 03:25 |
aftertaf | its stablish now...... but waiting is understandable | 03:26 |
Hobbsee | aftertaf: i rebooted the machine - was easier that wya....stayed with the new pic until i got to the login screen, then went to the default kubuntu login. Then, at the splash screen, it seems to have displayed the new image | 03:26 |
LokeDK | * Starting K Display Manager... [ ok ] | 03:27 |
LokeDK | But nothing happens though | 03:27 |
LokeDK | and stops says that it's not running | 03:27 |
LokeDK | stop* | 03:27 |
Hobbsee | heh...stablish...after i've already screwed my system with it this afternoon! | 03:27 |
Hobbsee | to be fair though, i did have better lack last time i tried | 03:27 |
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LokeDK | tried to reinstall kdm too | 03:28 |
Hobbsee | LokeDK: what's the problem? | 03:29 |
LokeDK | * Reloading K Display Manager configuration... [fail] | 03:30 |
LokeDK | [15:07:09] <LokeDK> invoke-rc.d: initscript kdm, action "reload" failed. | 03:30 |
LokeDK | kdm doesn't work | 03:30 |
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Hobbsee | then how did you log in? | 03:30 |
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LokeDK | gdm | 03:31 |
Hobbsee | of course | 03:31 |
Hobbsee | :p silly me | 03:31 |
LokeDK | :) | 03:31 |
LokeDK | brb it said no errmsg now at dpkg-reconfigure.. gonna see if it works.. brb | 03:32 |
Hobbsee | hmmm...this thing looks to be really stuffed... | 03:33 |
burepe | Can someone answer a question for me? I am using the Kubuntu Unofficial FAQ at http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/swmgmt.html#h2add . | 03:33 |
LokeDK | worked.. solution: Control Panel > Login Manager .. and that's it.. hmm | 03:34 |
Hobbsee | LokeDK: yay! | 03:34 |
LokeDK | kinda weird :) | 03:35 |
Hobbsee | heh...killall konqueror is effective | 03:35 |
burepe | Can someone answer a question for me? I am using the Kubuntu Unofficial FAQ at http://kudos.berlios. In the "How to add exra repositories" section it says to "Exit from Kate (or KWrite), saving the sources.list file (that I downloaded from the FAQ) in your working directory, then put it into effect as below: " Is the "working directory" where ever I want? | 03:35 |
LokeDK | Control Panel > Login Manager > Administrator Mode > "Loading..." keeps on doing that | 03:36 |
Hobbsee | ah well...off to kill this thing and reinstall it... | 03:38 |
burepe | It then asks me to do 2 commands. The first is "sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.`date +%y%m%d-%H%M` " I am confused because the first file and the second are the same location. Is the first one supposed to be where ever I have the file that I downloaded? Also, am I supposed to put the date in the date section? | 03:39 |
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Hobbsee | hey all :) | 04:04 |
Hobbsee | i'm back again | 04:04 |
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nikkia | burepe: they aren't the same location, look more carefully at the command... | 04:10 |
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nikkia | burepe: you'll see that the date command is surrounded by ``s, which tells the shell to execute the command enclosed, and use the result of it, so, the resulting location of the /etc/apt/sources.list.`date +.....` command will be something like /etc/apt/sources.list.20050927-1200 or something | 04:12 |
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burepe | ok thanks. So should run the commands as they are? | 04:15 |
nikkia | burepe: if you want, though you might want to spend some time reading the manpages for the commands used, so you get a feel for what is happening, rather than just blindly trusting someone else not to trash your system | 04:20 |
burepe | ok | 04:20 |
burepe | 22:35] <burepe> Can someone answer a question for me? I am using the Kubuntu Unofficial FAQ at http://kudos.berlios. In the "How to add exra repositories" section it says to "Exit from Kate (or KWrite), saving the sources.list file (that I downloaded from the FAQ) in your working directory, then put it into effect as below: " Is the "working directory" where ever I want? | 04:21 |
burepe | [22:36] <LokeDK> Control Panel > Login Manager > Administrator Mode > "Loading..." keeps on doing that | 04:21 |
burepe | [22:38] <Hobbsee> ah well...off to kill this thing and reinstall it... | 04:21 |
burepe | [22:38] *** Hobbsee has left this server. ("Konversation terminated!") | 04:21 |
burepe | [22:39] <burepe> It then asks me to do 2 commands. The first is "sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.`date +%y%m%d-%H%M` " I am confused because the first file and the second are the same location. Is the first one supposed to be where ever I have the file that I downloaded? Also, am I supposed to put the date in the date section? | 04:21 |
burepe | sorry | 04:21 |
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burepe | I understand basics like mv and the syntax | 04:22 |
=== sproingie uses that form of backup name so often he just has a one-liner script for it now | ||
pothead | oy,kaffiene doesn't play me mp3's today | 04:22 |
burepe | but I don't understand these two commands | 04:22 |
sproingie | burepe: the mv command is renaming the file, it's sticking the datestamp at the end | 04:22 |
burepe | I screwed up and did sudo mv /home/burepe/Desktop/etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.`date +%y%m%d-%H%M` | 04:23 |
Blissex | 'cp' has its own fairly tolerable backup options. | 04:23 |
burepe | I thought it was asking for the file I downloaded | 04:24 |
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sproingie | Blissex: gnu cp does at any rate | 04:24 |
alvagorn | HI | 04:24 |
=== nikkia misses the old | ||
=== nikkia misses the old ;version syntax of VMS | ||
nikkia | wow, didn't realise that the \; in there had to be quoted :) | 04:24 |
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nikkia | gah, that time it didn't? grrrr | 04:25 |
sproingie | tho on solaris i rarely had to manually back up config files since we always used wrapper scripts that wrapped around sccs | 04:25 |
burepe | I am confused because I downloaded a file edited it and then the commands that the faq says to do have nothing to do whith the command I edited. Now I still have the edited sources.list on my desktop and I don't know what to do with it. | 04:25 |
sproingie | i really wish a linux distribution would use version control on /etc at least | 04:25 |
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sproingie | burepe: presumably it should be in /etc/apt, not your desktop? | 04:26 |
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burepe | The faq says to download 2 files to "your work area" and it says nothing about moving them. Could you take a look at this page and explain what they mean? http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/swmgmt.html#h2add | 04:29 |
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sproingie | working directory is the directory you're currently in. anyway those are some terribly written instructions | 04:31 |
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burepe | my sources.list file is empty now too | 04:32 |
burepe | I don't know what happened | 04:32 |
burepe | I was using the ubuntu unofficial faq a while ago and someone from this channel told me to use this one. I'm lost and I screwed my sources.list file | 04:33 |
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konsolebox | wer do i get mesa-common-dev? | 04:48 |
hussam | how do I know which package installed a certain file? | 04:48 |
nxv_ | is esvn brooken? cant open workdir | 04:49 |
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sproingie | burepe: afk ... you still having probs with sources.list? | 04:57 |
dajomu | anyone know how to resize a win2000 server partition? | 04:57 |
sproingie | dajomu: qtparted will do it | 04:58 |
dajomu | will it resize a ntfs partition? | 05:01 |
sproingie | yes | 05:02 |
dajomu | qtparted and gparted is the same utility right? | 05:02 |
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sproingie | they're both front ends to parted, yes | 05:03 |
sproingie | i tend to recommend the qt tool in the kde channel since you most likely have it | 05:04 |
dajomu | I tried that one on my laptop but is didnt work. do I need to download some addon or something? | 05:05 |
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sproingie | "didn't work" doesn't help me much | 05:08 |
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dajomu | sproingie - I unmounted the ntfs partition, but the option for resizing was still greyed out or not available. No error message | 05:10 |
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sproingie | do you have partitions mounted already on this disk? | 05:10 |
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sproingie | you probably need to do it from a boot disk | 05:11 |
sproingie | http://www.sysresccd.org/ | 05:11 |
sproingie | that comes with qtparted on it. just burn it, boot it, and run qtparted | 05:11 |
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dajomu | oki. thanks. I'll give it a try | 05:14 |
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slow-motion | hallo | 05:25 |
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whoiam | hello musashi | 06:00 |
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whoiam | anybody know how to I add GPG key for kde3.5 ? | 06:05 |
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Riddell | whoiam: gpg --import | 06:15 |
whoiam | Riddell: I fixed it :) thnx anyway | 06:15 |
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sebastian | I using kde as window mangager for Ubuntu, but my litle sister miss games, where are the KDE games I ask? | 06:21 |
Hydrogen | oddly enough, under the kdegames package | 06:22 |
Hydrogen | :P | 06:22 |
sebastian | Oh, I had to reaload the apt pakages info. Thanks anyway. :) | 06:22 |
foodcoman | =D | 06:22 |
=== Kaiba [n=ceo@69-165-70-198.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
Kaiba | how does one repair their network when you can't go into admintrator options and when you go in through root the settings don't save? | 06:26 |
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mzelem | hello, anyone know how to get mp3's playing? | 06:35 |
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wellso | hi there every1 | 06:38 |
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obontu | hey | 06:39 |
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mzelem | hello, anyone know how to get mp3's playing? | 06:39 |
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Riddell | mzelem: in which program? | 06:40 |
obontu | i'm using 1024x768 and whenever i restart ubuntu it switches back to 1024x1280 | 06:40 |
obontu | i tick "default" but it won't work | 06:40 |
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Riddell | mzelem: gstreamer0.8-mad for amarok and kaffeine, akode-mpeg for hoary | 06:40 |
mzelem | well, xmms, or amarok would be fine... | 06:40 |
wellso | how would i go about upgrading to breezy from hoary? | 06:41 |
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mzelem | I tried apt-get install gstream0.8-mad but it wouldn't find it | 06:41 |
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foodcoman | mzelem: Have you updated your repositories? | 06:44 |
foodcoman | http://kudos.berlios.de <--has a kubuntu guide that covers repositories for Hoary. | 06:45 |
mzelem | k... | 06:45 |
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foodcoman | mzelem: also maybe try Kynaptic or Synaptic for install, easier search. However that FAQ has some great help for command line also. | 06:47 |
mzelem | ok, thanks | 06:48 |
foodcoman | =) | 06:48 |
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mzelem | every time I try to open up Kynaptic, after it asks for the password it closes the program | 06:50 |
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foodcoman | Have you ever changed the sudo password? | 06:51 |
for1 | Is it possible to have different desktop environments on different Desktops Something like KDE on Desktop 1,GNOME on Desktop 2 Windowmaker on Desktop 3 etc. | 06:51 |
foodcoman | I use the same password as I do for my primary user. | 06:51 |
mzelem | yeah, me too | 06:52 |
mzelem | but if I type the wrong password then it tells me but if I type the right password it flips out | 06:52 |
foodcoman | for1: I havent a clue! Sorry, sounds tough though, alot to load. | 06:52 |
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foodcoman | mzelem: does sudo work in console? | 06:53 |
mzelem | um... dunno | 06:53 |
mzelem | I just switched from Suse... not sure exactly what sudo is... | 06:53 |
hydrogen | sudo allows you do use root commands as user | 06:54 |
hydrogen | its ubuntu's prefered way of doing things, instead of becoming root | 06:54 |
for1 | oh , u know what earlier when i was on A FC 2 system , the DE used to switch between KDE and GNOME e.g. i used to boot into kde session but after abt 5 minutes of login the DE changed back to gnome | 06:55 |
foodcoman | mzelem: http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/swmgmt.html#h2get Read the from command line section if Kynaptic giving you trouble. | 06:55 |
mzelem | oh... so su is frowned upon... | 06:55 |
foodcoman | for1: Havent seen that with Kubuntu/Ubuntu yet, my first install was Ubuntu with Gnome, then added KDE, no problems. | 06:56 |
foodcoman | mzelem: I think the approach is rather than a perm instance, its per command. | 06:56 |
mzelem | i see... | 06:57 |
foodcoman | a sudo -i does about the same as an SU, but I am sure some would suggest avoiding it. | 06:57 |
mzelem | well, running kynaptic from the commandline seems to have worked fine | 06:57 |
foodcoman | I am not sure I totally understand its benefits, but it is not restrictive. | 06:57 |
foodcoman | Anything you need root, use........ sudo command | 06:58 |
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foodcoman | Been having trouble browsing my windows network with Breezy. | 07:02 |
mzelem | well, still no gstreamer0.8-mad... but plenty of other gstreamer0.8* packages... | 07:02 |
foodcoman | Did you update your repos? | 07:02 |
mzelem | yeah... | 07:03 |
foodcoman | Have you tried xmms for playing MP3? | 07:03 |
mzelem | yeah, that didn't work | 07:03 |
foodcoman | hrmmm. | 07:03 |
mzelem | either that or it won't play mp3's over samba.... | 07:03 |
foodcoman | Odd, all the base installs worked great for me. | 07:04 |
foodcoman | Hahaha, at least your Samba is working, I cant get to my windows stuff, but I am playing with the beta, Probably me though. | 07:04 |
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mzelem | actually, I am still having issues with my samba... I had to find it some wierd way | 07:05 |
foodcoman | mzelem: have you been doing update(s) and upgrade(s) | 07:06 |
Mose` | yo | 07:06 |
mzelem | well, actually, I am on a completely fresh install right now, I just installed this this morning | 07:06 |
mzelem | it probably would be a good idea to update.... | 07:06 |
foodcoman | Hoary or the new Breezy? | 07:07 |
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foodcoman | sudo apt-get update <-- in console | 07:07 |
mzelem | the new one | 07:07 |
foodcoman | then | 07:07 |
foodcoman | sudo apt-get upgrade | 07:07 |
foodcoman | You might want to use different repos than the ones at Kudos. | 07:07 |
foodcoman | If you dont mind a direct message I will send them to you? | 07:08 |
mzelem | well, actually, I'm using whatever repos are set up by default | 07:08 |
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buz | is there any way to get temperature readings from an usb drive? | 07:09 |
buz | hddtemp says | 07:09 |
buz | /dev/sda: Maxtor 6L200P0: known drive, but it doesn't have a temperature sensor. | 07:09 |
foodcoman | buz: No clue! | 07:09 |
foodcoman | mzelem: Have you uncommented any of the lines? | 07:10 |
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mzelem | um... any of the lines where? | 07:10 |
foodcoman | in /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:11 |
mzelem | nope, haven't even looked at it... | 07:11 |
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foodcoman | that is the config file for all the repositories which are available to update and software. | 07:11 |
mzelem | ok... any suggestions on what I should do with that file? | 07:12 |
foodcoman | Mine might not be perfect like the guru's, but it I have like 17,000+ packages available for install and upgrade. | 07:12 |
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mzelem | cool... so how do I know which repositories I should be using? | 07:12 |
foodcoman | cant spam in forum, so no file posts, but I can message you direct? OK? | 07:13 |
mzelem | sure | 07:13 |
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Fraeon | Any Banshee users? | 07:15 |
foodcoman | Let me know when you have it all. | 07:16 |
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spiral | hi | 07:17 |
foodcoman | Hello spiral | 07:17 |
foodcoman | Fraeon: Never used it. | 07:17 |
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zAo^ | Fraeon, the music app you mean? | 07:21 |
Fraeon | Yeah. | 07:21 |
Fraeon | I never had luck with amaroK when syncing an ipod :P | 07:22 |
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Fraeon | Seems to work with Banshee but I have my own problems with it | 07:22 |
newcomer | if i copy /var/cache/apt/archives to a cd.....then do a fresh install...put the archives folder back in place....do apt-get <name of packages in folder>.....will it all get installed without internet? plz answer | 07:23 |
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bobesponja | does breezy comes with kdevlop or do I need to use universe package? | 07:26 |
newcomer | bobesponja: ive heard it doesn't | 07:26 |
newcomer | u can see it in the full package list also...aint there.....i say its a shame..that even kubuntu dvd should miss out on kdevelop | 07:27 |
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bobesponja | newcomer: yeah i was desappointed the dvd didnt come with neither digikam nor kdevelop | 07:29 |
bobesponja | as I didn't have the net, i downloaded the dvd before travelling | 07:29 |
bobesponja | :( | 07:29 |
bobesponja | newcomer: and how about the 3. preview? | 07:30 |
bobesponja | 3.5 | 07:30 |
bobesponja | do you know if it comes with kdevelop? | 07:30 |
newcomer | no....i couldnt find it in packages list at distrowatch | 07:32 |
newcomer | bobesponja: have u tried kanotix? | 07:32 |
newcomer | ive found it to be much better than kubuntu | 07:32 |
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`ph8 | ah h ello all | 07:46 |
`ph8 | was hoping this channel was here | 07:46 |
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`ph8 | I've just dist-upgraded to breezy and when i boot, after all the processes have started and [ok] 'd etc. I get a blank screen for maybe three seconds then i get thrown into the terminal | 07:47 |
orace| | :( | 07:47 |
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`ph8 | runlevel is 3 | 07:47 |
`ph8 | it was 2 | 07:47 |
`ph8 | which was odd | 07:47 |
orace| | that's plain mean :( | 07:47 |
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`ph8 | but how do i debug kde? | 07:47 |
`ph8 | anyone know where its error logs are etc? | 07:47 |
`ph8 | or is it X i need to be debugging? | 07:47 |
`ph8 | and i'm assuming i can't multi task in terminal only? i.e. i'll have to quit irssi to try this | 07:48 |
orace| | start with X, kde, kdm | 07:48 |
`ph8 | kdm is running | 07:48 |
`ph8 | which is odd | 07:48 |
`ph8 | surely? | 07:48 |
orace| | yes you can | 07:48 |
orace| | alt+F1 etc | 07:48 |
orace| | alt+F2 etc | 07:48 |
`ph8 | good call | 07:48 |
`ph8 | sec then | 07:48 |
orace| | gives you nwe virtual terminals | 07:48 |
orace| | new* | 07:48 |
`ph8 | mega | 07:48 |
`ph8 | who needs a desktop :p | 07:48 |
orace| | :) | 07:48 |
orace| | I don't know if/where kde and kdm logs | 07:49 |
orace| | try locate + grep | 07:49 |
orace| | I don't have access to my kubuntu lappy now | 07:49 |
orace| | :\ | 07:49 |
libben | http://hem.passagen.se/standby/bilder/DSC01009.JPG tooked this today when i was tailing his ass in 130 mph. and maxxed zoomed on my SE K750i mobile phone. | 07:50 |
`ph8 | fatal server error | 07:50 |
`ph8 | could not open default font 'fixed' | 07:50 |
`ph8 | x server's font paths might be misconfigured | 07:50 |
`ph8 | and or fonts may be installed locally and not configured correctly | 07:50 |
`ph8 | think i should remove xfonts-base and reinstall? | 07:50 |
`ph8 | or will that not do anything? | 07:50 |
`ph8 | dpkg --status xfonts-base says install ok | 07:51 |
`ph8 | brb trying a reboot, hold those thoughts! | 07:52 |
`ph8 | :) | 07:52 |
orace| | allright | 07:52 |
=== orace| holds | ||
libben | sorry,,, teh mph aint right was more about 110 mph. | 07:53 |
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ubuntu | algum brasileiro aqui ? | 07:57 |
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utter_ | a while back a kind soul helped with a ppc kdevelop problem... | 07:57 |
ubuntu | qual o comando para instalar o kubuntu no HD ? | 07:57 |
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utter_ | now I have another - kdevelop3 on Breezy PPC says it can't install | 07:58 |
ph8 | success! | 07:58 |
ph8 | thanks for help | 07:58 |
orace| | yay | 07:58 |
orace| | great pheight | 07:58 |
ph8 | hope it's not a fluke :p | 07:58 |
ph8 | Anything super cool about breezy i should know about? | 07:58 |
orace| | it shouldn't have happened though :+ | 07:58 |
orace| | yeah | 07:58 |
ph8 | not positive as to why it did | 07:58 |
ph8 | i installed xfs | 07:58 |
ph8 | which i think sorted it | 07:59 |
ph8 | should i have xfs on a desktop though? | 07:59 |
orace| | what's xfs | 07:59 |
ph8 | X Font Server | 07:59 |
orace| | isn't that the SGI filesystem? | 07:59 |
orace| | oh | 07:59 |
ph8 | i had a couple of errors while dist-upgrading | 07:59 |
ph8 | so maybe it happened then | 07:59 |
orace| | oh | 07:59 |
ph8 | firefox crashed it or somesuch | 07:59 |
utter_ | anyone using ppc Breezy? | 08:01 |
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elvirolo | hi all | 08:03 |
ph8 | ppc? | 08:03 |
elvirolo | is anyone using NFS ? | 08:03 |
utter_ | power PC | 08:03 |
utter_ | It's running on a Mac iBook | 08:03 |
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foodcoman | utter_: There are ones who do, just timing in the channel! | 08:05 |
slow-motion | <ph8> i had a couple of errors while dist-upgrading < *g* i read terrorrists | 08:06 |
ph8 | lol | 08:06 |
ph8 | they raided the house to get to my code, but they had to wait till breezy was finished | 08:06 |
slow-motion | lol | 08:06 |
ph8 | they've helicoptered away now :p | 08:06 |
seaLne | bah restarted my machine and konq crashes as soon as i start it | 08:06 |
Tm_T | ok | 08:06 |
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seaLne | elvirolo: what are you wanting to know about nfs? | 08:06 |
utter_ | foodcoman: cheers - someone helped me before but like a fool I upgraded ;) | 08:07 |
elvirolo | seaLne: well, i'd like to share files between my two ubuntu boxes | 08:07 |
seaLne | sounds like nfs would be fine | 08:08 |
elvirolo | seaLne: but the thing is ... NFS doesn't appear in the KDE dialog, only SAMBA | 08:11 |
seaLne | which dialog? | 08:11 |
elvirolo | so i was wondering what package i had to install | 08:11 |
seaLne | nfs-kernel-server | 08:11 |
elvirolo | kcontrol => network => file sharing | 08:12 |
seaLne | you then put lines such as "/path/to/export/ other.host(rw)" in /etc/exports | 08:12 |
elvirolo | ok thanks :) | 08:15 |
seaLne | to mount it on the other machine you'd do mount otherhost:/path/to/export /mnt or similar, you can also put it in /etc/fstab | 08:16 |
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elvirolo | ah it acts just like another partition | 08:17 |
elvirolo | i didn't know that, thanks :) | 08:17 |
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seaLne | elvirolo: yep | 08:18 |
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mzelem | anyone know how to get sound working on xmms and gaim at the same time (or any program for that matter) | 08:22 |
redtech`java | my laptop now freezes after loading the desktop after loading a series of updates. I am now booted into the recovery mode, is there anything I can check to get an idea of what problems I'm experiencing? | 08:23 |
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str | hi all | 08:37 |
str | I'm upgrading to breezy! | 08:37 |
str | nice new login | 08:37 |
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ttyS0 | sorry for lame question, but if i can run any apps on kdm startup? | 09:47 |
gdh | Anyone who can answer a question about linux-image version numbers? | 09:50 |
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_osh | gdh: just ask. if someone knows they'll tell you. | 09:51 |
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gdh | I've just been reading the changelog.Debian for 2.6.12-9.14 - the previous is 2.6.12-8.13 - why the bump of 8 -> 9? Why not 8.14, and what's with the '8' or '9' in the first place? | 09:51 |
gdh | heh :) | 09:51 |
gdh | GMTA =) | 09:51 |
_osh | gdh: I'm assuming it has something to do with the deb-package. Can't really tell what the 9 stands for though. Some bigger change perhaps. Someone in #debian might know. | 09:54 |
gdh | oki =) | 09:55 |
_osh | I do some rpm-packaging for a living, there I use the versioning number like softwareversionmajor.minor-rpmversion, where I update the rpmversion whenever I roll a new package. Say if I've done something wrong. | 09:57 |
_osh | I'm guessing they're doing something similar. | 09:57 |
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_jb | Hi | 10:00 |
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gdh | _osh: Oh I perfectly understand the 'package version number', just curious as to the 'major-minor' bumping :) | 10:11 |
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_carlos | Apa PEAAAAAAAAAAAA | 10:28 |
_carlos | Me pica la polla | 10:28 |
_carlos | Hi everybody | 10:29 |
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_carlos_ | Pos vale | 10:29 |
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_osh | Is there something similar to the windows "portfolio" functionality in kubuntu? Synching my laptop with my server in an easy way? | 10:40 |
_osh | I'm thinking gui here. I'm well aware of rsync but don't want to use it. | 10:41 |
_osh | I want something where I can just push a button and have both places in sync with eachother. | 10:41 |
libben | is there something wrong with my sources? cause i get alots of failing on many repos. http://pastebin.com/376172 my sources.. should i update it ? | 10:42 |
Riddell | libben: breezy needs constant apt-get update | 10:42 |
gdh | _osh: look for 'unison' - the UI is quite hideous last time I used it.. but it might be enough. | 10:43 |
_osh | gdh: Unison. Will have a look at that. Thanks a bunch. | 10:43 |
libben | Riddell: u mean the reload function in synaptic ? thats when i get the errors. | 10:44 |
libben | or errors | 10:44 |
libben | it tells me it fails on some repos | 10:44 |
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nalioth | libben: breezy is gonna fail until oct 13 | 10:45 |
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ph8 | i thought it was 23? | 10:45 |
nalioth | libben: why you need to update at least every day | 10:46 |
ph8 | i'm running breezy with no major issues atm | 10:46 |
ph8 | but it's only been up for 7 hours | 10:46 |
_osh | same here... | 10:46 |
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nalioth | i should say: apt-get updates may have some pkg failures until oct 13 (cuz they're being worked on) | 10:47 |
libben | now when i looked at wich repos failing, it was mainly the horay extras that failed | 10:47 |
libben | all other worked. | 10:47 |
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ph8 | why do you still have hoary extras on breezy? | 10:47 |
nalioth | libben: hoary extras are not for breezy | 10:47 |
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libben | nalioth: well i know =) but there aint extras for breezy | 10:48 |
libben | thats why im using horays for that | 10:48 |
nalioth | libben: not yet. let them finalize breezy first | 10:48 |
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nalioth | libben: i'd not use hoary anything on breezy | 10:49 |
alvarito | olaaa | 10:49 |
libben | well, i needed rar that could support 3.4 version | 10:49 |
libben | thats why | 10:49 |
libben | and it was in there | 10:49 |
libben | btw | 10:49 |
libben | http://hem.passagen.se/standby/bilder/DSC01009.JPG tooked this today when i was tailing his ass in 130 mph. and maxxed zoomed on my SE K750i mobile phone. | 10:49 |
libben | hmm... mph aint right, should be around 110~ mph | 10:50 |
nalioth | libben: just use kph | 10:50 |
libben | ok it was above 160 kph | 10:52 |
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libben | thought it was a funny plate. | 10:52 |
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orace| | cool | 10:53 |
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libben | gonna have linux26 on mine | 10:54 |
libben | so its more updated =) | 10:54 |
orace| | hehe | 10:54 |
noobietux | hello there | 10:59 |
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noobietux | i have a serious problem with konqueror : it keeps on crashing without being fully loaded. I tried an "apt-get install --reinstall konqueror" and then with all KDE & QT packages but nothing changed | 11:01 |
noobietux | i even installed KDE 3.5 but still the same problem | 11:02 |
Hydrogen | noobietux: rm -rf ~/.kde and try? | 11:02 |
noobietux | I have already tried | 11:03 |
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nalioth | noobietux: dont remove it, just rename it | 11:03 |
noobietux | well the only clue i have is that this problem happened after i deleted a konqueror.rc or else file in the ~.kde folder | 11:04 |
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aseigo | Hydrogen: ug. please don't recomend that to people.. | 11:05 |
aseigo | Hydrogen: since that will delete their bookmarks, calendars, contacts, etc, etc | 11:05 |
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Hydrogen | aseigo: and there is no way to know what exactly is the thing thats breaking it | 11:05 |
Hydrogen | of course, a mv would have been better | 11:05 |
aseigo | Hydrogen: there are a limited number of things it can be, though | 11:06 |
noobietux | oh it's ok it's the first thing i have done when seeing konqueror behaving abnormally | 11:06 |
aseigo | e.g. ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/* | 11:06 |
mrmarcel | hi | 11:06 |
aseigo | or ~/.kde/share/config/konquerorrc | 11:06 |
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aseigo | other possibilities, if that doesn't work, are things like the khtml settings, caches... | 11:07 |
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noobietux | the fact is that it behaves poorly after i have deleted those files | 11:07 |
aseigo | but since it happened when there was a deletion of konquerorrc, then i'm going to guess it's konq data specific | 11:07 |
noobietux | (sorry for my english) | 11:07 |
aseigo | noobietux: if you remove those files, then it uses the system wide ones. that would indeed be a problem =) | 11:07 |
aseigo | (if using the system wide configs are causing crashes, that is) | 11:08 |
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cyne | hi all :) | 11:09 |
noobietux | yes i think so but i am unable to locate those system wide settings | 11:09 |
noobietux | and i had "apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-default-settings" several times | 11:10 |
nalioth | noobietux: have you "apt-get remove --purge kdebase" | 11:10 |
nalioth | kubuntu-desktop wont remove anything | 11:11 |
noobietux | no, good idea nalioth i try this | 11:11 |
noobietux | yes i experienced reconfiguring metapackages is useless | 11:12 |
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noobietux | it didn't worked | 11:14 |
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cyne | Kubuntu rules! | 11:17 |
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noobietux | maybe i have a way to investigate : #187 0xb6a75280 in __malloc_initialize_hook () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 | 11:18 |
noobietux | from Krash handler | 11:19 |
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cyne | anyone know how to stop sound skipping? | 11:33 |
cyne | when playing mp3 etc | 11:33 |
kalenedrael | It may be a problem with the MP3. | 11:33 |
cyne | kalenedrael: nope because it even does it with the sound test in the System area | 11:34 |
kalenedrael | Check the CPU usage to see if there is anything anomalous. Sometimes the sound server likes to take up tons of CPU doing nothing. | 11:34 |
cyne | ok | 11:35 |
kalenedrael | I have a question of my own, actually. I run a 64-bit system, and I want to install a bunch of 32-bit libs so I can run 32-bit apps, because some apps don't play nice with 64-bit. | 11:35 |
kalenedrael | How do I do this? apt doesn't like it when I try to install 32-bit packages. | 11:36 |
nalioth | kalenedrael: in the long run, you'd be better running k7 or 686 kernel | 11:36 |
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kalenedrael | Hmm. | 11:36 |
kalenedrael | I dunno. | 11:36 |
kalenedrael | I like the 64-bit kernel. | 11:37 |
nalioth | kalenedrael: then you'll be in chroot hell tryin to get your 32bit stuff to run nicely | 11:39 |
cyne | kalenedrael: the artsd process is taking 153,000 in virtual memory and 20% of the CPU | 11:40 |
cyne | hmmmm | 11:40 |
cyne | that is a big sound process ? | 11:41 |
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Hydrogen | err, thats arts sucking away | 11:42 |
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cyne | ok i fixed it somehow | 11:44 |
cyne | by mucking around with KMix :) | 11:44 |
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noobietux | ok my problem with konqueror is fixed | 11:45 |
noobietux | i had to "apt-get remove --purge libkonq4" et then reinstall it | 11:45 |
nalioth | noobietux: great! | 11:46 |
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noobietux | thanks a lot for your help though | 11:46 |
noobietux | (rox filer was a pain in the neck for me) | 11:46 |
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noobietux | i hav a last question : does anyone knox hox to have to get back the usefull sidebar ? | 11:48 |
noobietux | s/hav/have | 11:49 |
nalioth | noobietux: F9 | 11:49 |
noobietux | s/knox/know & s/hox/how (sorry) | 11:49 |
noobietux | okay seems easy :) thanx | 11:49 |
=== str thougth noobietux was using some weird h4x0r l33t3 plugin | ||
noobietux | nope i just deleted konquerorrc because i couldn't find my sidebar | 11:51 |
kalenedrael | Hmm. | 11:52 |
str | noobietux: find .kde | grep konqueror -i | 11:52 |
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