
kikoso tomorrow morning12:03
carlosI will wake up early tomorrow12:03
carlosso that should work too12:03
carloskiko, thank you very much!12:04
carlosgood night!12:04
=== camilotelles [n=Camilo@20132139198.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #launchpad
Seveasdoes malone offer other output formats beside html?12:21
Seveasor is such a feature planned?12:21
kikoSeveas, mail?12:22
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: Fix up duration of build job in progress, correct trivial bug in builder-index page template. r=salgado (patch-2499: daniel.silverstone@canonical.com)12:23
Seveasno, xml :)12:23
Seveassomething like bugzillas xml would help12:23
SeveasI'm porting the supybot bug reporting plugin to malone, but currently the plan is to have a massive regex to filter out the info12:23
Seveasis such a thing available/planned/not considered yet/may be considered?12:24
bradbsomewhere between planned and not considered, i think :)12:25
Seveasok :)12:25
bradbwe'll do XML and RSS feeds like everybody else, i'm sure. not a priority atm though.12:26
Seveasthen i'll hope the output format of malone does not change too heavily too often 12:26
Seveasthanks for the info bradb 12:26
ajmitchbradb: xml-rpc interface will be for all functionality of malone, correct?12:26
bradbSeveas: the emails might still change pretty significantly. well, so might the web UI.12:26
Seveask, then I/#ubuntu-desktop will have to live with the fact that the plugin will break once in a while :)12:27
bradbajmitch: too early to say, but my guess would be probably, more or less12:27
bradbSeveas: yeah, sorry, it's possible that it could hurt. after ubuntu main has been on it for 6 months or a year, things will become more predictable. right now, there's just a whole lot of guessing about how people might use the UI, so it's hard to say what will be adjusted still.12:29
Seveasbradb, that's ok, it was no complaint. It's great to see launchpad getting shape, now if only the hackergotchis would work :)12:32
bradbSeveas: perms problem, you mean?12:32
SeveasI can edit it for a team I created, but not my own12:33
SeveasThere are some other issues I collected, I'll file them in malone (if not there yet) tomoorow-ish12:35
bradbSeveas: if you're interested in the hackergotchi problem, you might want to subscribe to bug #250112:37
kikobradb, what are null bugtasks, again?12:56
kikobradb, matsubara has a fix, the test has just been a bit involved to run12:57
bradbkiko: a bugtask for which no actual bugtask exists (so that you can, e.g., view a bug in a context in which it's not yet been reported.)12:57
kikobradb, a bug without a bugtask in the context being currently viewed. ah, ok.12:58
bradbi.e. it's a null object implementation of IBugTask12:58
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=salgado]  make upstream tasks be wiki-mode (patch-2500: brad.bollenbach@canonical.com)01:10
kikosalgado, https://launchpad.net/errors/showEntry.html?id=1127776181.690.43161196276101:11
=== salgado quickly clicks on the link
kikothis was a person who followed a link from email01:12
salgadothis was a person who found the +login page on shipit01:12
kikolook at the referrer01:13
salgadokiko, he found the +login page and then tried to register on there01:13
kikohow did he get there from the referer?01:15
bradblater dudes01:15
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salgadokiko, if you reach the +login page and try to register there, the email sent to you will have a link to https://shipit.ubuntu.com/token/<whatever>, because the application_url on that page is https://shipit.ubuntu.com01:17
salgado(I mean, if you reach the +login page on https://shipit.ubuntu.com/)01:17
salgadoif you follow the link to launchpad.net/+login and register there, everything will be fine01:18
kikosalgado, how did the guy find the +login link? it should be pretty easy, we're getting dozens of these in production.01:19
salgadoI have no idea, but this is why we overwrote all that error pages for shipit01:20
salgadoto make sure people won't get a link to the +login page if something goes wrong or they don't have permission01:20
kikothere must be a straightforward way..01:21
kikosalgado, just fyi -- even googlebot is finding it.01:22
kikoactually, false.01:22
salgadowe need to talk to SteveA and find a way to disable it in shipit01:22
kiko<canonical.launchpad.systemhomes.ShipItApplication object at 0x2a9f142650>, name: u','01:22
kikoNotFound: Object: <canonical.launchpad.systemhomes.ShipItApplication object at 0x2a9f142650>, name: u'robots.txt'01:22
kikointeresting, eh? a single comma.01:22
kikosalgado, here's an interesting one.01:25
kikosalgado, if you are logged in but don't log out, logging in again doesn't fail.01:25
kiko(even if you enter an invalid name and pass)01:25
salgadokiko, how do I get the login page if I'm already logged in?01:27
kikosalgado, use the back button?01:28
salgadokiko, well, I guess that's because the form-processing code identifies you're already logged in and do not process the form01:32
kikoah, right, perhaps.01:32
kikodoes anyone know when staging last refreshed?01:33
salgadono idea01:34
kikoa staging that is a week old is pretty useless01:35
kikojamesh, ping?01:37
lifelessjbailey: ping01:41
jbaileylifeless: pong01:43
lifelessjamesh: ping01:44
lifelessjbailey: unping01:44
jbaileylifeless: unpong01:44
ajmitchjbailey: you need to change your name, I think01:44
jbaileyajmitch: True.  I hear "Andrew" is a good one.01:45
jbaileyWouldn't that just make #chug confusing?01:45
ajmitchnot at all01:45
jbaileyOh good.01:46
jbaileyI'm glad you've settled that. =)01:46
jameshkiko/lifeless: yeah?02:22
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=== Kinnison updates dogfood
kikojamesh, could you commit my patch attached to bug https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/2540 -- ?03:08
jameshkiko: sure.03:19
jameshkiko: once we can dump hoary, we can use the system gettext03:19
jameshwhich should make these sort of problems a non-issue03:20
Kinnisonnight all03:26
=== Kinnison beds
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: Make sure slave passes /dev/null as stdin to the subprocess. Rev launchpad-buildd to v7. r=spiv (patch-2501: daniel.silverstone@canonical.com)03:33
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--production--1.34: Cherry pick patch-2493 into production 1.34 (patch-7: rocketfuel@canonical.com, christian.reis@canonical.com)04:06
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Improve script exception output and fix noisy log test (patch-2502: stuart.bishop@canonical.com)04:54
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dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--production--1.34: Cherry pick patch-2502 into production 1.34 (patch-8: stuart.bishop@canonical.com, rocketfuel@canonical.com)05:35
jdubjamesh: ping05:36
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Add indexes to the ShipIt tables (patch-2503: stuart.bishop@canonical.com)06:26
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/pygettextpo--devel--0: [trivial]  disable csharp bindings in included gettext-tools package.  Fixes bug 2540 (patch-7: james.henstridge@canonical.com)06:56
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dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--production--1.34: Cherry pick patch-2503 into production 1.34 (patch-9: stuart.bishop@canonical.com, rocketfuel@canonical.com)07:26
=== stub starts the weekly upgrade
stubspiv: Can you poke the librarian to see if it survived the database outage?08:03
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spivstub: Ok.08:05
spivstub: Seems ok.08:07
stubCool ;)08:07
stubsabdfl: Have you seen the new bounty? https://launchpad.net/bounties/chquite08:08
ajmitchgetting a system error now trying to view assigned bugs08:12
ajmitchurl is https://launchpad.net/people/motu/+assignedbugs08:12
stubajmitch: ta. I can fix that08:14
stubajmitch: fixed08:17
ajmitchquick work :)08:18
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SeveasHey, the 'tabs are a few pixels off' bug got fixed last night :)08:25
ajmitchother ui oddities seem to have been introduced :)08:28
ajmitchmalone uses a different from address for bug emails now? (submitters address)08:37
moyogohey where do i go to translate launchpad itself?08:38
sivangmoyogo: I think this is not yet available, but discussions are going to take place on that - stay tuned, this should come up sometime close. (anybody correct me if I'm wrong)08:39
moyogosivang: there's version 7 in multiverse but it's broken08:53
moyogosivang: i guess i'll have to use evince...08:53
sivangmoyogo: huh? version of launchpad ?08:53
jameshI don't think we've looked at setting up the i18n for Launchpad yet08:59
jameshsome parts of the code have strings marked, and other parts don't08:59
sivangjamesh: ah, so there's i18n data in multiverse for launchapd ?09:04
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jameshsivang: not to my knowledge.09:07
sivangjamesh: k, that's what I thought09:09
=== Treenaks [n=martijn@messy.foodfight.org] has joined #launchpad
TreenaksI'm getting mail ("Your mail to Launchpad-bugs awaits moderation") when filing bugs in malone09:16
ajmitchTreenaks: yes, seems the from address for malone bugs has changed :)09:18
Treenaksajmitch: it also breaks people with SPF on their From: domains09:19
bob2Treenaks: SPF doesn't have anything to do with From:09:19
Treenaksbob2: MAIL FROM: then09:19
bob2presumably LP uses it's own envelop-sender09:19
Treenaksbob2: it changed, yes09:20
Treenaksbob2: new behaviour breaks RFC 2821 section 3.1009:20
bob2that is messed up09:22
Treenaksbob2: already filed a bug09:22
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stubBjornT: ping09:49
BjornThi stub 09:56
stubYou broke the bugs mailing list ;)09:56
BjornTnope, bradb did :)09:57
stubOr should I say, the changes to bugmail (set reply-to: rather than munging from:) breaks mailman - I've had to open the list.09:57
stubBut I think this is mailman's problem rather than Malones09:58
stub(because I now have no way of saying 'let through emails from malone but hold everything else)09:58
stubI might send a use case to Barry09:59
=== carlos [n=carlos@243.Red-83-47-24.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad
BjornTstub: can't mailman look at reply-to instead? or some other header?09:59
stubBjornT: Nope ;) It would be a simple change through. But currently, it can't.10:00
stubOr at least I can't find it10:00
=== zyga [n=zyga@2-mi2-1.acn.waw.pl] has joined #launchpad
carlosSteveA, I need a fast review to cherrypick into production before Stub leaves today. It's related to language packs10:02
zygahello carlos :)10:02
carloszyga, morning10:02
jameshstub: in the mailman admin interface, go to "privacy options -> spam filters"10:03
stubjamesh: I can't see how to use that though10:04
jameshstub: you should be able to configure mailman to accept messages that match an arbitrary header using header_filter_rules10:04
stubjamesh: I need to say 'let through anything with this', but the spam filters say 'block anything with this'10:04
SteveAcarlos: go for it10:04
stubjamesh: oh! I see10:04
jameshstub: really? on the gnome installation, it has a box where you can enter a regexp, and a set of radio buttons (defer, hold, reject, discard, accept)10:05
carlosSteveA, carlos.perello@canonical.com--2004/launchpad--devel--010:05
stubYes - I didn't notice the radio buttons10:05
stubjamesh: They are regexps?10:06
jameshstub: the text beside the textarea says "Spam Filter Regexp:"10:06
SteveAcarlos: was that the bug about missing translations?  that sometimes the date isn't updated?10:08
carlosSteveA, right, translators update pofile outside Rosetta10:09
BjornTstub: how do i create a new dbuser for process-mail.py to use?10:09
carlosand the revision date is not updated10:09
carlosso Rosetta ignores that 10:09
stubBjornT: Add the relevant section to security.cfg, then somewhere in schema.xml to make it configurable10:09
SteveAso rosetta ignores the new translations because rosetta depends (currently) on the revision date in the po file10:09
carlosSteveA, right10:10
carlosSteveA, I just relaxed it a bit and if the revision date is the same we have in our database we accept it 10:10
SteveAi see10:11
SteveAwhat happens if the revision date is a lot in the future?10:11
SteveAdoes that stop new translations from occuring?10:11
carloswe changed our db schema a couple of months ago so reimporting a pofile with the same data will not produce that we lose data 10:11
carlosSteveA, yes10:11
BjornTstub: ok, thanks10:12
=== sabdfl [n=mark@wbs-146-138-47.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #launchpad
SteveAcarlos: is that fixed in this patch i'm reviewing?10:13
carlosSteveA, yeah, that's the point behind that patch10:14
SteveAbaz is still working on it10:15
carlosSteveA, it has also the karma change you cherrypicked last week10:15
SteveAok, great10:16
carlosbut it's missing the update you did10:16
carlosI'm getting the production branch to apply that change too10:16
SteveAi sure hope bzr comes along soon... baz is getting unbearably slow10:16
stubBjornT: I'll turn off that deprecation warning on production10:19
BjornTstub: cool. i'll fix it anyway since i already started10:20
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=== carlos -> breakfast
jameshSteveA: I think I've got the test suite warning issues sorted -- they weren't due to out-of-process tests10:31
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SteveAjamesh: really?  what was it?10:34
SteveAis there a tree i can look at?10:34
jameshSteveA: haven't mirrored the changes yet10:37
jameshSteveA: the logging module contains internal state (the configuration of the loggers), and some of the tests were reconfiguring the logger10:37
jameshso running individual tests wouldn't cause the bug, but running them in sequence would10:38
SteveAwe could do with a way of registering subsystems to have their state checked and/or cleared between tests.10:39
SteveAthere is something like this for zope3 tests, but i think it is rather messy10:39
SteveAthis could be done with a root-level event subscriber, very simply10:39
ddaalifeless: svn import is crap10:39
ddaasamba (on hoover) and videolan-vlc (on roomba) repeatedly fail with out of memory :(10:40
ddaalifeless: need your help about how to diagnose fix the leak10:41
ddaaShort of  a better idea, I'll try implementing some form of batched fetching (based on svn co) in the hope that it would reduce the problem, but without any proof beforehand that it would.10:42
jameshSteveA: for doctests, I wonder if it would be better to configure the logging subsystem to send messages to stdout10:43
jameshso that people would need to account for the messages in their tests10:43
SteveAjamesh: yes, i think that would be good.10:43
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stubjamesh: I fixed some test noise from the librarianformatter tests - log messages were bubbling up to the root logger.10:47
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jameshstub: I found the doctests in scripts/logger.py were one of the culprits -- they left the root logger configured with the LibrarianFormatter handler attached10:49
stubjamesh: yes. I've landed a fix that just set 'propagate=False' on the custom logger10:50
stubso that might conflict with your work10:50
jameshstub: nope.  I didn't find any problems with those tests (I did check if they were one of the culprits10:51
stubjamesh: erm... yer. the doctests in scripts/logger.py are the ones I mean. The propagate=False fix means you don't have to mess with the root logger.10:56
stub(at least the noise I fixed didn't)10:57
jameshstub: the tests in the docstrings for logger_options() and logger() were the ones that were messing with the root logger.10:58
jameshstub: my other fix was to configure the root logger again in FunctionalTestSetup.setUp()10:59
stubYou configure it to raise an exception if used ;) ?10:59
stubProbably too much code to fix if you did that...11:00
jameshit was already being configured to put all the log messages in a StringIO instance11:00
stuboh... never knew that ;)11:00
jameshif you don't call close() on a logging handler, it never gets freed until you call logging.shutdown()11:06
SteveAcarlos: you have new mail (in fact, two new mails, seeing as i forgot to attach the review the first time)11:08
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=== sivang wonders if there is already or is planned a todo list tracker for lanchapd. if not would be keen on suggesting that as a BOF
sabdflcarlos: so, do we not bring Universe packages into Rosetta?11:27
SteveAsivang: the spec tracker is a bit like that.11:28
=== sivang looks
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carlosSteveA, ok, thanks11:35
SteveAcarlos: what's the answer to what mark asked above?11:35
ddaaSteveA: maybe you can help, do you have any general strategy to help tracking memory leaks in python, that are likely to originate from an extension module?11:36
SteveAddaa: like, C code?11:36
ddaaC++ actually, but yeah11:36
SteveAhere's what i do11:36
SteveA1. get a debug build of python11:37
SteveAthat's more than just symbols, it has extra code in to track memory usage / garbage / etc.11:37
SteveA2. build your extension against that python11:37
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SteveA3. run the test suite using the options to run it in a loop, and output object counts after each cycle11:38
SteveA4. narrow down the set of tests you need to run in a cycle while still seeing certain objects increase in number11:38
SteveA5. write your own test to make it even more minimal11:38
SteveA6. scrutinize this minimal code path to check for problems in the extension code along that path11:39
=== ddaa points out that the extension code is essentially libsvn...
ddaathat sounds very cumbersome11:39
SteveA7. give up and ask jamesh to look at, because he's proved himself very good and finding such problems   ;-)11:39
SteveAddaa: it's fiddly, but it uses divide-and-conquor to get the job done11:40
BjornTis there a way to connect with a specific dbuser in a doctest?11:40
ddaaso, I guess the first step is running the test suite in a loop and checking that memory usage grows, right?11:40
SteveAddaa: yes, or a subset of the test suite11:42
ddaayeah, of course11:43
Kinnisonspiv: Twisted does longest-prefix-first matching when resolving a request for a server which has an object attached to /foo/ and one attached to /, yes?11:43
SteveAthere are specific options to help with this in the zope test runner11:43
SteveAlook at launchpad's test.py perhaps11:43
ddaaSteveA: well, cscvs is not zope stuff :)11:43
ddaabut I think I get the idea11:43
spivKinnison: you mean twisted.web?  No.11:45
spivIt does it pretty much the same way as Zope: path segment by path segment.11:45
ddaaSteveA: is there a python functionality to monitor memory usage process-wise (i.e. the leak might be in C++ structures that the gc is not aware of)?11:45
spivAt least, with the default Resources it does.  You could implement all sorts of crazy stuff if you really wanted ;)11:45
Kinnisonspiv: so it does shortest-first?11:45
SteveAddaa: i don't know.  ask jamesh.11:46
spivKinnison: The question doesn't really make sense.11:46
Kinnisonokay, allow me to give you context11:46
stubBjornT: setup = LaunchpadTestSetup(); setup.dbuser = 'foo'; setup.setUp(); .......; setup.tearDown()11:46
ddaajamesh: is there a python functionality to monitor memory usage process-wise?11:46
Kinnisonthe buildd slave has an XMLRPC interface on /11:46
SteveAKinnison: it treats it as a hierarchy, not as an opaque string11:46
KinnisonI want to add a simple HTTP interface to the filecache on /filecache/11:46
spivKinnison: For a path /a/b/c, it'll do root.getChild('a'), then do .getChild('b') on the result of that, and so on.11:46
stubBjornT: That should also work with other subclasses, like LaunchpadZopelessTestSetup. LaunchpadFunctionalTestSetup will be problematic though.11:47
spivAnd whereever that stops, it calls render.11:47
stubBjornT: Although if this is for process-email.py, you might want to use the subprocess module to invoke the actual script so that is tested too (see the test_update_stats.py for example)11:48
spivKinnison: The short answer is: root.putChild('filecache', static.File('blah/blah/filecache'))11:48
=== Kinnison is not a very twisted person
spivKinnison: Whatever resource you're passing to server.Site11:49
=== Kinnison looks at buildd-slave.tac
BjornTstub: setup = LaunchpadTestSetup(); setup.dbuser = 'foo'; still makes the test pass11:50
spivKinnison: Hmm, XML-RPC is a bit funny, because some clients will hit "http://foo/RPC2" when you tell them the server is at "http://foo/RPC2".11:51
spivKinnison: Let me do a quick patch for you.11:51
stubBjornT: Does your test do initZopeless itself? If so, you need to change that to initZopeless(dbuser=foo)11:51
BjornTstub: using subprocess isn't an option here, since I need to look at the email notifications (i guess i could use subprocess for some tests, and call the function directly for some)11:52
BjornTstub: it did use the normal setup. i change it to do what you suggested, but it seems like the dbuser is ignored11:52
stubBjornT: How does your test get a connection? Or is it using LaunchpadZopelessTestSetup?11:57
Kinnisonspiv: what will your patch do?11:57
spivKinnison: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileLVyrWj.html11:58
spivEr, I should have said, 'hit "http://foo/RPC2" when you tell them the server is at "http://foo/"'11:59
Kinnisonthat's a static file *root* yes?11:59
spivKinnison: Right.11:59
Kinnisonthanks dude11:59
spiv(Or a single file.  It's happy either way)12:00
BjornTstub: it's currently using LaunchpadTestSetup, since it needs to look at the email notifications. is there any way of using LaunchpadZopelessTestSetup and have the sent email end up in test_emails?12:01
Kinnisonspiv: was it you who told me to use SafeConfigParser instead of ConfigParser?12:02
BjornTstub: (the test also needs to use the same security policy as the web app)12:02
spivKinnison: Possibly.  I told someone to use it :)12:02
Kinnisonprobably me :-)12:02
=== Kinnison will change buildd-slave.tac to use SafeConfigParser while he's in there
stubBjornT: Hmm... that is working by accident I think. If you need to use the Z3 email stuff, that would require using LaunchpadFunctionalTestSetup to load the component architecture. And there is no way to change the user connected as in that case.12:03
jameshddaa: nothing really accurate (there was a google summer of code project to product a memory profiler, but I don't know the status)12:04
stub(working by accident because the CA is never actually torn down, which causes problems :-( )12:04
spivjamesh, ddaa: You can apparently make valgrind work with Python.12:05
ddaajamesh: I just mean something to answer simple question like "How much VM does this python eat?"12:05
jameshddaa: one trick you can use is the fact that instances of heap allocated classes (i.e. ones not defined in C extension modules) hold a reference to their class12:05
jameshddaa: poke around in /proc/$pid/status?12:05
BjornTstub: don't all system documentation tests use LaunchpadTestSetup by default?12:06
stubBjornT: I don't think we have any suitable fixtures for what you need at the moment. 12:06
spivddaa: In theory the resource module can do stuff like htat.12:06
ddaajamesh: I think that would do the trick. I'm interesting in monitoring all process memory usage including what the GC does not know about12:06
spivddaa: I haven't usedit, though.12:06
stubBjornT: They use LaunchpadTestSetup and FunctionalDocFileSuite combined, which pretty much duplicates LaunchpadFunctionalTestSetup.12:06
jameshddaa: it'll be quite inaccurate though -- address space isn't returned to the system except for large allocations, so you'll be looking at the high water mark12:07
ddaajamesh: I just want to confirm that "running that code causes a memory leak, somehow, somewhere"12:08
jameshddaa: okay.  it might be enough for that kind of thing.12:08
ddaaTHEN I can start talking gc and figure out what kind of leak that is12:08
spivddaa: If you do want to interrogate the gc, http://twistedmatrix.com/users/spiv/countrefs.py may help.12:09
ddaaspiv: thanks12:09
Kinnisonspiv: does static.File() provide content-length headers properly?12:09
spivKinnison: Yes.12:09
ddaamh, no twisted crack in that, good12:09
Kinnisonspiv: cool, ta12:10
spivddaa: Hah :)12:10
BjornTstub: hmm, i'll look into if i change change my test, otherwise i'll wait with changing the dbuser of process-mail until you implement such a text fixture ;)12:10
=== stub reads scrollback to work out when he volunteered
carlosSteveA, the answer to mark's question is: Rosetta is importing universe translations but we don't have language packs for universe so the translations will not reach the archive unless the developer in charge of that package adds it by hand12:16
SteveAare the MOTU aware of this?12:16
ajmitchnot that I'm aware of12:18
ajmitchat least we didn't expect to have langpacks for universe12:18
Kinnisonwhat module has the routine for joining bits of urls together?12:20
SteveAi mean, are the MOTU aware of how they can get translations out of rosetta for use in the packages?12:22
ajmitchSteveA: unless it's written up somewhere, I doubt that we are12:22
carlosSteveA, I think so, but not 100% sure12:23
carloswe had some mails changed with pitti and sabdfl some weeks ago about this12:23
carlosbut nothing more12:23
Kinnisonaha, urlparse.urljoin, nm12:24
Kinnisonspiv: Given I have two file handles (well, one file, one urllib) what is the accepted way of pumping the contents of slave_file into out_file ?12:25
SteveAajmitch, carlos, jordi: i think you guys need to talk about using rosetta for Universe sometime12:26
carlosajmitch, We cannot use current language packs or they will grow a lot12:27
ajmitchsomething to talk about at UBZ12:27
carlosajmitch, jordi I'm a bit busy atm....12:27
Kinnisonstevea: Given I have two file handles (well, one file, one urllib) what is the accepted way of pumping the contents of slave_file into out_file ?12:27
=== Kinnison asks steve too :-)
carlosajmitch, if it can wait, then yes, better at UBZ12:27
ajmitchcarlos: of course, the universe translations need to be separate12:27
ajmitchdepends if we want to try & get them into breezy12:27
carlosajmitch, in the mean time, the only solution I see is to get all translations from Rosetta and add them as a patch to the package12:28
ajmitchwhich will be a lot of work if there's many translations, I think12:28
ajmitchwe can try for some key universe apps12:29
ajmitchis there a quick guide for getting the translations out for a package?12:29
ajmitchs/out/out of rosetta/12:30
carlosajmitch, every sourcepackage has an export/download link that let's you get a tarball with all translations12:30
ajmitchsounds easy enough for us then12:31
ajmitchif the source packages are imported for universe & translated12:31
Kinnisonspiv, SteveA: never mind, I've stolen the loop from the librarian uploader12:32
ajmitchddaa: how often are source imports processed for a product?12:34
ddaaajmitch: syncs are done every day, initial imports are done whenever I come around to it.12:35
ddaaif a syncing branch appears out of date, I'm the right person to complain to. There are many failed syncs but I just do not have the resources to fix them.12:35
ddaaIf you want an import done in reliable way, ask me. I'll tell you if I hit a roadblock.12:36
ddaa(or when it's done)12:36
ajmitchddaa: right, gnuenterprise is sitting on testing - initial import failed a couple of weeks ago & svn url has changed since then12:36
ddaaI'll have a look right now.12:36
ajmitchhm, svn might still be a little broken upstream12:37
ddaawhat do you mean, actually?12:37
ajmitchgnu enterprise server shifted recently, I can't recall if anon svn is working correctly yet12:38
ajmitchI'll ask you about it when I know it is :)12:38
ddaaajmitch: product description: I'm a bit puzzled12:38
ddaayou say that it's a meta-project, but you say there is a RCS to import12:38
ddaathat's contradictory12:38
ddaaGNOME, Mozilla are meta-projects, they do not have  a single RCS to import, they have several products instead12:39
ajmitchok, the project has tools & a number of subprojects in the same svn12:39
ddaasuch meta-projects are "projects" in launchpad parlance, specific projects that actually release something are products12:39
Kinnisonelmo, lifeless: Any chance one of you can tickle pqm ?12:40
ddaagnue/trunk ?12:40
=== ddaa is confused
ddaaajmitch: you mean that for release management, security fixes etc, gnue is a single product?12:41
ajmitchthere are a number of packages that get released with different versions12:41
ajmitchso I'd say not then12:41
ddaaso, how does the gnue/trunk relate to those packages?12:41
ajmitcheach of them are in a directory under there12:42
ddaaajmitch: are you a bit familiar with arch/bazaar?12:42
ajmitcha bit12:42
ajmitchI've mainly been using bzr12:42
ddaasame difference12:43
=== ddaa rolls a cig
ddaaajmitch: I hope I'm not annoying you by appearing nitpicky12:43
ajmitchnot at all12:44
=== ajmitch is picky enough with others :)
ddaabah, their SVN instruction page is broken...12:44
ajmitcheverything was recently shifted in the last week12:44
ddaaYou can browse the subversion tree online.  -> 404 with a python traceback12:45
ddaaajmitch: I have the impression that either:12:45
ajmitchthis was the first new product I did, to learn how it goes12:46
ddaa1. the actually trees to import are gnue/trunk/<something>12:46
ddaaor 2. the gnue release process is a bit broken12:46
ajmitchimporting separate trees & having separate products for each tool is better12:46
ddaaI mean, either the svn repo hosts several essentially distinct projects, that are packaged independently, and should be imported separatedly, or it does not.12:47
ajmitchthey are separately released & packaged12:48
ddaaa problem could be for example if the build system relies on stuff at the root, or whatever12:48
=== ajmitch is the debian packager for them
ddaaor if commits are frequently made that spans several projects12:48
ddaaI'm just trying to grasp what is the model there, to find the best representation for it in launchpad.12:48
ddaaokay... so let's make them different products12:50
ajmitchgnue-common does have a script to setup wrapper scripts for all the tools, for running from an svn checkout12:50
ajmitchthat would be the only small complication12:50
ddaawhat are you using to build deb packages?12:50
ddaathe full checkout or partial checkouts?12:50
ajmitchusing released tarballs at the moment12:51
ajmitchthey use distutils, so releases can be made separately12:52
ddaaare the release tarballs are made essentially of partial checkouts?12:52
ddaaThe issue here is figuring out the right granularity for malone, rosetta, hct, etc. which all talk in term of source packages.12:53
ddaaajmitch: so, one project and multiple products?12:53
ajmitchby using just the directory for the tool12:53
ajmitchyes, I'd think so12:53
ddaaajmitch: BTW where is the SVN now, it looks like the web page is out date, so I cannot find it.12:54
ajmitchhttp://svn.gnuenterprise.org/gnue/trunk is current12:54
ddaayeah, totally partial checkouts :)12:55
=== ddaa grumbles at "creative" uses of svn
ajmitchsvn allows for plenty of creativity12:55
ddaaajmitch: I'll make you a gnuenterprise project, from the current product details, and assign the existing product to this project, then we can tweak the product to be a real product. You'll need my help to change its name to whatever you want it to be (e.g. gnue-appserver)12:58
ajmitchalright, thanks12:58
eruinhow do I report this? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy/+sources/gdm/+pots/gdm/nb/+translate01:00
eruin"this page and locale in particular constantly spits out system errors" ? :)01:00
SteveAjamesh: ping?01:01
ddaaajmitch: here it is, https://launchpad.net/projects/gnuenterprise/01:03
ddaaajmitch: start replacing the details for https://launchpad.net/products/gnuenterprise and I'll take on after that01:04
=== ddaa goes for lunch
segfaultis there any problem with LP?01:10
SteveAworking for me01:12
carlosstub, hi, I have a patchset to cherrypick into production01:12
SteveAare you seeing a problem?01:12
segfaultcan you try to access the main url? https://launchpad.net01:12
carlosstub, which branch is being used?01:12
segfaultSystem error here.01:12
eruinI get system error on main01:12
segfaultnot only me, then01:13
stubcarlos: launchpad--production--1.34. Just land it in launchpad--devel--0 and I'll pick it from there01:13
segfaulteven this url doesn't work https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy01:14
carlosstub, ok01:14
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zyga_why did karma got re-set recently?01:15
zyga_carlos: anyone?01:15
carloszyga_, because a bug I introduced, we added too much karma in some situations01:15
carlosand we were not able to remove only the bad one01:16
carlosso we choose to reset it now that it's fixed01:16
zyga_carlos: awww01:16
zyga_carlos: I lost all my translation karma and I'm a karma whore ;)01:16
carloszyga_, you know how to fix that.... do more translations!01:16
carloszyga_, anyway, all people had that "problem"01:17
carlosso you didn't lose any place in the karma ranking ;-)01:17
ajmitchcarlos: they did? I don't think I lost karma :)01:17
zyga_carlos: yeah, I'll prepend space to everything, upload, remove the space, upload,..., *PROFIT*01:17
carlosajmitch, only Rosetta's karma was removed01:17
carloszyga_, you are sooo evil sometimes....01:18
ajmitchcarlos: oh that's alright then :)01:18
zyga_carlos: I should be a manager01:18
carloszyga_, :-P01:20
carlosstub, merge request sent01:20
carlosstub, it includes to the patch that you cherry picked on Friday for the karma fix, so perhaps you will get a conflict01:20
stubcarlos: it will conflict then. 01:21
carlosstub, after that code is on production, we need to execute an UPDATE on production DB, will send you by email with the final patchset01:21
carlosstub, it's exactly the same patch so the conflict should be easy to solve01:21
stubok. 01:21
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segfaultcan anyone please restart LP?01:32
SteveAsegfault: why?01:34
segfaultgives a system error.01:34
SteveAcarlos: https://launchpad.net/errors/showEntry.html?id=1127820881.540.038300914977301:35
SteveAsegfault: that is strange.  it doesn't do so for me.01:35
SteveAcan you try again please?01:35
carlosSteveA, ?01:36
segfaulti tried, same error01:36
SteveAcarlos: /distros/ubuntu/breezy/+lang/fr01:36
spivSteveA: Hmm, I'm getting a system error from the front page!01:37
SteveAis giving SQLObjectMoreThanOneResultError: 2 rows retrieved by selectOneBy  errors01:37
SteveAspiv: hmm, same error01:37
spivFrom Expression: <PathExpr standard:'view/ubuntu_languages'> in root-portlet-rosetta.pt01:37
spiv, due to the same error...01:37
segfaultshouldn't it be nice to see the error dump?01:37
carlosSteveA, yeah, but I don't understand why...01:38
spivSteveA: Really quick hack would be to relax selectOneBy, I guess :/01:38
=== carlos looks at the code
SteveAspiv: having selectOneBy give the SQL query in the error would help01:38
spivSteveA: Hmm.01:38
SteveA Module canonical.launchpad.database.distrorelease, line 230, in getDistroReleaseLanguage01:39
SteveAthat's the thing01:39
SteveAi guess we have duplicate language ids01:39
SteveAor that query is wrong01:39
carloswe are missing a constraint there01:39
SteveAso, i expect people who see errors are those who have certain language settings in their browsers01:40
SteveAthat's why i can't see the error01:40
SteveAsegfault: thanks for reporting the problem.01:40
SteveAspiv: see the same thing on staging?01:41
segfaultno problem01:41
spivSteveA: Hmm, no, I don't.01:42
spivVery odd.01:42
ddaaajmitch: I'd like to make your imports, really... but I need your product description stuff before :)01:42
SteveAspiv: do you have read access to the production DB?01:42
lifelesshe does01:42
lifelessvia auth server01:42
spivAt least some bits of it.01:42
ajmitchddaa: sorry, been talking with gnue upstream :)01:42
spivAnd via the librarian.01:42
carlosstub, do you have a minute and we solve that missing constraint?01:42
lifelessmore can be enabled if needed01:42
spivI don't know if that gives me read access to all tables?01:42
lifelesscheck security.conf01:43
=== ddaa makes desperate gestures at lifeless
ajmitchddaa: discussing whether they could use malone as their bug tracker01:43
ddaawe'd certainly love that01:43
stubcarlos: sure01:43
ddaaajmitch: but your description suggest they're hardcore GNU, so the fact that Malone code is not released might be a problem.01:44
ajmitchddaa: gnu project, malone not free software.. so obstacles there01:44
ddaaajmitch: what I said :)01:44
ajmitchyou just typed faster :)01:44
ddaaMuch as I respect him, we surely do not want RMS to be out to get us because some GNU maintainers are depending on Launchpad.01:46
lifelessddaa: ?01:46
ajmitchlifeless: if a gnu project decided to use malone for its bug tracker01:46
ddaalifeless: svn import code is leaky, preventing import of samba on hoover. Out of memory. Same condition for vlc on roomba.01:46
ddaalifeless: any clue?01:46
lifelessddaa: is it an error in our code, or are we dosing the svn server ?01:48
ddaalocal OOM01:48
lifelesswhat rev # ?01:48
ddaaat least on hoover01:48
lifelesswell, pick a lower number, and use spivs object refcounting magic to print the refcounts01:48
lifelessiz possibly apache portable runtime leakage too, might want to valgrind a very small import01:49
ddaaon samba/hoover it's around 8-10k revisions, signal 6 or OSError01:49
ddaa(in os.fork)01:50
spivddaa: SIGABRT?  That's exciting :)01:50
ddaavideolan fails with OSError in os.fork at about 2-3k revisions01:51
ddaaspiv: I suspect it's OOM killer kiking in when other syncs run and want some memory01:51
ddaalifeless: what does the apache portable runtime have to do with that?01:52
ddaalifeless: I've been trying to loop the svn_oo test suite to see if I can reproduce the leak there, but on the second run I get plenty of failures with01:53
ddaaClientError: Unable to open an ra_local session to URL01:53
ddaaUnable to open repository 'file:///home/david/home/devel/canonical/cscvs/,,onefilereporo/modulefile101:53
ddaaI suspect your cached repo magic is brittle...01:54
carlossegfault, could you try it now?01:54
=== zyga_ is now known as zyga
segfaultcarlos: niiice. works. thanks!01:57
carlossegfault, stub fixed it, so say thanks to him01:59
carlosstub, thanks01:59
spivSteveA: want to review andrew.bennetts@canonical.com/sqlobject--selectOne-better-exception-message--0?  Try it with e.g. PYTHONPATH=lib python -c "from canonical.database.harness import *; EmailAddress.selectOneBy(personID=22)"02:04
SteveAspiv: about to go for lunch.  can you mail me a request to review, and i'll do it when i get back?02:04
spivSteveA: Sure.02:04
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carlospqm is stalled02:08
carloslifeless, ^^^02:08
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dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--production--1.34: Turn off initZopeless warnings (patch-10: stuart.bishop@canonical.com)02:17
salgadostub, around?02:26
ddaaOMG, svn_oo is such a fat pig! VmSize after svn_oo test suite iterations: 0: 130808 kB 1:  225244 kB 2: 319668 kB02:26
salgadostub, can we make everything under /shipit to not raise RequestExpired()?02:27
ddaait's not a leak, it's a torrent!02:27
SteveAsalgado: not really.  talk to me about it when i come back from lunch please.02:28
salgadoSteveA, sure02:28
stubsalgado: What isn't working?02:28
SteveAstub: go to sleep ;-p02:28
stubI can login to shipit and view my order02:29
salgadostub, some (all) queries to display pending/approved orders02:29
salgadoyes, for the users themselves it's not a problem. the problem is for Marilize02:29
stubsalgado: Can you confirm it is happening in the last few hours? I added a load of indexes to the shipit tables as part of the rollout02:30
salgadowell, I just tried it02:31
stubsalgado: Otherwise we need to fix the screens so I know what the queries it is trying to do are02:31
stuberm... I mean I will need urls and such so I can determine what the queries are.02:31
stubOr just some tracebacks if they are included02:32
salgadostub, ShippingRequestSet.searchCustomRequests() and ShippingRequestSet.searchStandardRequests()02:32
stubI'm more interested in the sql02:33
salgadostub, there you'll see the sql02:33
=== Seveas [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #launchpad
salgadostub, the traceback I got in /errors doesn't have the SQL that caused the problem02:34
stubThe query in ShippingRequestSet.searchCustomRequests needs to be rewritten as a group by 02:35
stubas does the searchStandardRequests02:35
salgadohmmm. I have the feeling I don't know how to do that02:36
stubI'm trying to workout what ShippingRequestSet.sarchStandardRequests is actually trying to do? 02:40
salgadostub, we have some standard options of orders for people to choose. that method will query all orders whose number of CDs match the number of CDs of the standard options02:42
KinnisonIf anyone here fancies an easy review (and with tests this time -- wahey) take on my buildd-slave patch I just added to the general queue on PendingReviews02:44
stubThat doesn't explain the options (status, omit_cancelled, standard_type)02:44
salgadoyou can filter the list using these options02:45
stubAnd why do you want to return all custom requests, or all standard requests? Those lists are going to be huuuuge02:47
stubI guess you need a list of all pending (or at least the first few)02:49
salgadothat's what she does --she queries all pending requests, most of the time02:50
salgadosometimes she queries the approved ones, to make changes02:50
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Even spiv can get it wrong. rev launchpad-buildd to v8, ensure we pass .fileno() not the file object. (patch-2504: daniel.silverstone@canonical.com)02:50
salgadoanyway, today I was going to add more filter options so she can get useful results02:50
stubok. I think she will need them ;)02:51
salgadoyes, she will. there's a bug open on that02:51
stubsalgado: Are you batching the results?02:54
salgadostub, not yet02:54
stubsalgado: I think that is the problem then. The queries arn't actually that slow (I need to do some more complete tests though). But rendering a list of 2000 shipments in tal will take ages.02:55
salgadofor sure that's part of the problem, but I don't think that's the main cause02:56
salgadostub, can you query all orders with only 5 x86 CDs on production?02:56
stubCan you give me the SQL?02:57
segfaultwhen will the blue and purple strings be merged to the packages?02:57
salgadostub, nevermind. there must be thousands of orders with only 5 x86 CDs02:58
salgadostub, I tried searching for another standard option and got 670 results. works just fine02:59
stub4166 if my query is correct03:00
salgadoit probably is03:00
=== mpt [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
salgadothat was a bad example I choose03:00
=== Kinnison adds a custom shipit request
stubsalgado: ok. I now think the searchStandardRequests SQL is fine. I can add some indexes to help.03:05
salgadostub, and the searchCustomRequests is fine too? 03:07
salgadoI'm adding the batching already03:07
stubone at a time ;)03:08
mptstub: How do I convert the current.sql password field from a sampledata account into an actual password? Alternatively, is there a list somewhere of sampledata accounts and passwords? (the only ones I know are foo.bar and carlos)03:10
stubmpt: You can't reverse them. Ask here and maybe someone remembers.03:11
stubmpt: If there is a page test that uses them, the Authorization: line can be reversed03:11
mptok, so how do I do that?03:12
carlosmpt, I think all accounts have the password 'test'03:12
mptAuthorization: Basic amVmZi53YXVnaEB1YnVudHVsaW51eC5jb206dGVzdA==03:12
carlosat least daf, carlos, foo.bar and non-priv are using that one03:13
=== Kamion [n=cjwatson@83-216-156-196.colinw664.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #launchpad
stubsalgado: if shipit starts supporting more distroreleases or flavours, we will need to redo these indexes03:13
stubmpt: 'amVmZi53YXVnaEB1YnVudHVsaW51eC5jb206dGVzdA=='.decode('base64')03:14
KamionI'd like to report some Rosetta bugs, but https://launchpad.net/products/rosetta gives a system error03:14
salgadostub, no problem, I guess. we'll need to redo a lot of things to support that03:14
mptcarlos: jdub doesn't03:14
carlosmpt, just change it to test and fix any test that fails or look at those test to know the right password....03:15
SteveAthere's a list of accounts and passwords in the sampledata03:16
mptcarlos: Yes, I already asked how to get the password from the Authorization field03:16
carlosKamion, it works here...03:16
mptjdub's causing 4 test failures and I don't know why03:16
SteveAi think (although i haven't checked) that it is possible to use plaintext names and passwords03:16
SteveAand if not, i have a branch waiting to be merged for that03:16
Kamionoh, works fine now03:16
Kamionhow strange, it definitely failed earlier - oh well :)03:16
carlosKamion, from what I see seems like you got a timeout03:17
carlos RequestExpired: The current request has expired  03:17
KamionI'm using an HTTP proxy over a VPN, I guess it could be misbehaviour there03:18
mptstub: thankyou03:18
mpthuh, that does return "test", but trying that login doesn't work on localhost03:19
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stubsalgado: Even without the indexes, the queries are running fast. I can speed them up, but I don't think they are a significant part of the rendering time.03:24
BjornTSteveA: in our version of zope you can't use plaintext names and passwords, but you can in 3.103:24
SteveABjornT: thanks03:25
salgadostub, if the queries are running fast, then let's see if the batching solves the problem03:25
SteveABjornT: http://localhost:8086/distros/ubuntu/hoary/+sources/evolution/+bugs03:26
kiko-zzzsalgado, we need batching there -- definitely03:26
kiko-zzzand searching03:26
SteveAthat page looks very empty03:26
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kikohey ho03:26
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Fix kiko's easy-to-miss misspelling (patch-2505: daniel.silverstone@canonical.com)03:27
stubsalgado: So... should a shipment request change from being a custom request to a standard request if someone goes and changes the standard request definitions?03:28
kikoKinnison, what did I do now? :)03:28
stubsalgado: If not, we should be storing a 'standard' boolean in shippingrequest table, that would also make these queries trivial03:29
kiko<stub> salgado: So... should a shipment request change from being a custom request to a standard request if someone goes and changes the standard request definitions?03:29
kikostub, the answer is probably yes03:29
BjornTSteveA: yeah, thanks. i'll fix it03:29
kikosilbs and marilize are looking at the orders to decide which options should be standard03:29
carloskiko, hi, SteveA did the review this morning, so don't worry about that03:30
SteveAcprov: how's that sample data patch going?03:31
kikocarlos, rock03:31
kikothanks SteveA you saved my life03:31
cprovSteveA: testing locally, 10 mi03:31
SteveAthanks cprov 03:32
cprovSteveA: the addition of a sampledata key brakes some tests, repairing them03:33
SteveAprobably a good thing to add the sample data03:33
SteveAas it means more realistic code-paths are being tried03:33
stubsalgado: Anyway - I've sped up those queries by 33%. We can do more, but I wouldn't worry for now (test queries are running in around 0.25 seconds)03:35
salgadostub, that's great. I think we won't have more problems as soon as we have batching03:36
stubsalgado: ohh.... you shouldn't select a list of ids, and then do ShippingRequest.select('id in (%s)' % ids)03:37
stub. That is unnecessary and could give you problems.03:37
salgadostub, how can I do that, then?03:38
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salgadousing a temporary table?03:38
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stubsalgado: You should be able to do it using select and clauseTables03:38
SteveAcprov: sourcepackagerelease-index.pt.  what url can i go to in order to see it?03:39
stubsalgado: Although you might need to resort to using a view, as SQLObject will give you trouble otherwise03:40
cprovSteveA: distribution/distrorelease/+sources/sourcename/releaseversion .. I think03:40
cprovSteveA: it must be published in that distrorelease03:40
SteveAa specific URL in the sample data03:41
cprovSteveA: are you working in canonical_url for srcrelease ?03:41
SteveAno, although if there isn't on, i'll need to make one03:41
SteveAi want to see that page template rendered03:41
SteveAso i can adjust its menus03:41
salgadostub, I guess the view is the best thing to do. I'll probably do this today, as part of the work I'll do to improve the searches03:41
SteveAadn see the results03:41
stubsalgado: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/file2hWTGJ.html03:42
SteveAKinnison: how big is vegastrike-data ?03:43
stubvegastrike still fit on a CD last time I saw it...03:43
cprovSteveA: difficult to do, many moving parts involved, I wonder if we can do it properly in the sampledata and not mess up with publising history, but I think we have some 'wrong' stuff for hoary (mozilla or pmount) in the sampledata 03:46
SteveAcprov: we should be able to see all the page templates at URLs on localhost, based on the default contents of the sample data.  otherwise, it makes any problems really hard to debug, and it means we probably don't have page tests for these things.03:47
SteveAcprov: can you let me know when you have the signed coc sampledata mirrored, and i'll merge directly from your branch.  also, send it to pqm.  i just want it earlier.03:48
cprovSteveA: yes, I know 03:49
cprovSteveA: sure, test still wrong, more some minutes03:49
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=== bradb gets the first complaints coming in about Reply-To checking and mailman.
KinnisonSteveA: between 150 and 250 megs, I forget exactly03:58
SteveAi'm suprised that didn't easily fit across xmlrpc03:58
SteveAit's not ideal, but should't have caused a barf03:58
Kinnisonit comes across, gets decoded, gets stringIOed, OOMs03:59
Kinnisonkiko: When you "cleaned up" you changed a 'binarypackagerelease' to a 'binarypackage' by mistake03:59
Kinnisonkiko: It's the kind of mistake I make too, it was just a debugging statement but I fixed it04:00
cprovSteveA: celso.providelo@canonical.com/launchpad--soyuyUI--0--patch-1504:00
cprovSteveA: should not product any conflicts, but I'm merging from RF now04:01
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: Reject onlly the pofiles that have dates older than last import and accept the ones that are equal or newer. Also, we give karma only to translations done inside Rosetta. r=SteveA (patch-2506: carlos.perello@canonical.com)04:02
SteveAthank you cprov 04:02
cprovSteveA: nop04:02
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SteveAcprov: will you look into that published release thing too?04:03
kikoKinnison, sorry -- and being a debug statement, tough to test, too :-(04:03
Kinnisonkiko: aye, s'okay, I spotted it while doing a publishing run and fix0red it04:03
kikoKinnison, perhaps using smaller functions the undefined name would come up in pyflakes04:03
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cprovSteveA: you should be able to see sourcepackagerelease-index in sampledata, I think04:03
Kinnisonkiko: perhaps.04:04
stubcarlos: That the patch that needs cherry picking?04:04
SteveAcprov: what URL ?04:04
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cprovSteveA: http://localhost:8086/distros/ubuntu/hoary/+sources/pmount for sourcepackage only, you are right, we can't see sourcepackagerelease yet04:06
SteveAokay.  i want to be able to get a URL where i can see that template, based on the sample data04:07
carlosstub, yeah, I just sent you an email04:07
carlosstub, if you could apply that before leaving...04:08
SteveAcarlos: https://launchpad.net/errors/showEntry.html?id=1127830161.350.07537813875204:10
SteveAjamesh: 04:10
carlosSteveA, it expired already04:13
SteveAcarlos: works for me04:15
carlosException traceback04:16
carlosThe specified log entry was not found. It may have expired.04:16
SteveAlook there carlos 04:16
cprovSteveA: today, I won't have time to do it, but woul be nice it you can submit a bug for it (it will be postponed probably until "basic test coverage for soyuz" task)04:17
kikoSteveA, carlos: I believe that bug is reported04:17
kikosearch for rosetta bugs containing newlines or unix04:17
SteveAkiko: any idea about this one? https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileXsuZBb.html04:18
carloskiko, yeah, you already reported it04:19
kikoSteveA, looking04:19
ddaaapparently, the svn_oo memory leak is scared away by valgrind...04:21
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ddaaSteveA: is it acceptable to run production services under valgrind to fix a memory leak?04:22
kikomatsubara, bug 1419 is a dupe of another already reported rosetta bug04:23
SteveAif elmo is happy with valgrind installed on a server, it gets the job done, and it doesn't piss on anyone's shoes, sure04:24
kikomatsubara, https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/90804:24
cprovSteveA: thanks for # 260304:24
=== ddaa looks at SteveA with a scared face
=== SteveA looks at ddaa's shoes
ddaaright... what did I expect from the guy who fixes bugs by running "python -O" :)04:24
SteveAi fully expect at least one of the three conditions to be false04:25
ddaait would get the job done, given 100x the hardware and a lot of time04:25
SteveAcprov: which user now has a signed Co04:25
SteveAcprov: which user now has a signed CoC?04:25
cprovSteveA: name1604:26
SteveAddaa: if you had 100x the hardware, the memory leak wouldn't matter04:26
SteveAthanks cprov 04:26
carlosSteveA, stub https://launchpad.net/errors/showEntry.html?id=1127831112.880.70258291624504:26
carloswe still get timeouts...04:26
cprovSteveA: is it enough ?04:26
SteveAcprov: hmm04:28
SteveAi still can't see a way to get a page that uses signedcodeofconduct-portlet-actions.pt04:29
SteveAmaybe it isn't used04:29
cprovSteveA: could be, mpt have modified some things after i land it04:29
SteveAi see a page where name16 has signed a CoC04:30
SteveAand a checkbox to deactivate it04:30
SteveAbut no page to actually get to the CoC itself04:30
cprovSteveA: /codeofconduct/console/04:31
SteveAwhat goes in the "from:" box?04:32
SteveAaha -- i have the page i need.  thanks.04:32
SteveAthat "From:" and the search form is confusing04:32
SteveAmaybe get mpt's opinion on it, and file a bug on how to improve it?04:33
cprovSteveA: again, AFAIK he already spend some time on it, but ok, it still needing his love, bug him, if there is something I must he will let me know  04:35
SteveAthe thing is, i found the "From:" form item confusing04:35
SteveAi tried to enter dates in there04:35
SteveAthen tried to leave it blank, expecting to get a batch of all the results04:36
SteveAthen tried name1604:36
cprovSteveA: a form help message would solve the issue, I see you point 04:38
mptWhat kind of data is supposed to go in there?04:39
mptI can fix it right now, I'm in [trivial]  mode04:48
cprovmpt: oh, sorry afk ... displayname or name, let me verify 04:50
cprovmpt: uses person fti04:52
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cprovmpt: the postgres word indexing, i.e, name, displayname, etc whatever they configure the indexing engine04:54
mptSo "Enter all or part of a person's name."04:55
kikoSteveA, that bug is also reported04:57
SteveAkiko: and assigned to jamesh?04:57
cprovmpt: yes, name16, foo, bar, Foo, Bar, etc work04:58
kikolet me find out04:58
kikoSteveA, I discovered there's a launchpad-cal product?04:58
cprovmpt: ahhh, '%' is everything04:59
mptcprov: and "" is also everything, I hope04:59
SteveA"" is nothing :-(04:59
mptthat's bad05:00
cprovmpt: no, as SteveA said "" is nothing 05:00
cprovmpt: do you want me to change it ?05:00
mptyes, I think it would be better if it worked like a filter05:01
mptso if you don't enter anything, you get everything05:01
cprovmpt: ok, will do it now as trivial 05:02
mptcprov: Does the search include e-mail addresses as well?05:03
cprovmpt: I'm not sure if the Person.fti includes person email, maybe salgado knows ?05:04
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salgadocprov, no, it doesn't05:04
salgadocprov, mpt, AFAICT we don't have any cross-table fti05:05
KinnisonSteveA: When you asked about vegastrike-data earlier, was that because you'd decided to take on my branch for review?05:06
cprovsalgado: yes, exactly ... thank you 05:06
SteveAKinnison: no05:06
KinnisonSteveA: *sob*05:07
KinnisonSteveA: Celso has a patch which I want in RF. It's a stop-gap measure until the uploader is in place. it's more than a few lines, but it'll be thrown away when the uploader is done. Can he merge it [trivial]  or rs=dsilvers ?05:08
SteveAKinnison: what modules does it touch?05:10
Kinnisonjust buildd master slave scanner IIRC05:10
kikoSteveA, jamesh: what do we do about the launchpad-cal product?05:12
kikoSteveA, https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad/+bug/216605:12
SteveAkiko: we should have two products: launchpad and rosetta05:12
SteveAwell, and shipit05:12
kikothere's many malone bugs05:13
kikoI think it deserves its own product05:13
SteveAKinnison: if the only files it touches are in that subsystem, then that's fine.05:13
KinnisonSteveA: which, [trivial]  or rs=dsilvers ?05:13
kikoSteveA, I'm going to assign that bug to neuman, it's an easy fix05:13
SteveAkiko: do we want end users to distingush between whether they're in malone code or in launchpad code?05:13
SteveAkiko: make sure it gets a test ;-)05:13
SteveAKinnison: rs=stevea05:14
kikoSteveA, the test is quite trivial -- just add to xx-notfound-traversals05:14
KinnisonSteveA: thanks05:14
kikoSteveA, I think bug reporters know if the bug occurred while tracking a bug, doing a translation, or using any other part launchpad05:15
kikoSteveA, until we get moving around products however it's going to be painful05:15
kikogneuman, you have bug 2166 too05:15
kikothanks bradb you're a star05:19
cprovSteveA: could you verify the review you did yesterday for me, I've improved the tests and added some librarian setup code for use when running the test alone05:21
SteveAanyone available to review some code?05:23
SteveAcprov: okay.  what do i need to look at?05:23
cprovSteveA: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileOXR1j8.html05:24
SteveAcprov: they look okay.  i can't really concentrate on them well, as i wrote too much code today already :-/  using 'assert' in doctests seems odd to me.05:27
cprovSteveA: assert is only used for things I can't be sure, like buildduration, datebuilt (timestamps) and buildlog (librarian alias)05:29
SteveAi don't know what you mean by "used for things I can't be sure"05:31
cprovSteveA: buildduration and datebuilt are timestamps, usually "NOW" how to check it ? i could use type, but it still being inside an assert 05:32
cprovSteveA: is it ok then ?05:34
cprovsalgado: have time for a 50 lines review to unblock mpt ?05:35
SteveAit looks okay to me, but i didn't look at it very deeply.  i think it is okay to merge, but you might want to ask salgado for a second look at it.05:35
cprovSteveA: fair enough, let's see if he has time ... thank you05:36
mptcprov: I'm not blocked, I'll just merge assuming that you also merge soon :-)05:36
mpt"Leave blank for a complete list."05:36
cprovmpt: ok, it was just a excuse to unblock myself ;) 4 trees with pending stuff, brain is screaming ...05:38
cprovsalgado: ping?05:39
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salgadocprov, where's the diff?05:40
cprovsalgado: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filenv7z3Z.html05:40
kikogneuman, when you send me code, please cite the bug number it fixes -- matsubara, thanks for including the bug #05:44
kikomatsubara, I decided that bug 1419 is not a dupe of 908, but only derived from it05:50
kikoI'll undupe05:50
kikomatsubara, when was the last time you merged from rocketfuel?05:53
kikoI think those links are disabled05:54
matsubarai merged friday05:54
matsubarabut the links wasn't disabled yet, cause steve was waiting for a revision05:55
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ddaaOMG... python-subversion memory management is... inexistent...05:55
kikomatsubara, ah05:56
matsubaraanyway, i re-enable it because it's working now and the page is self-explaining (steve was complaining about that) as you can see in the bug comments05:57
kikomatsubara, I think the latest code in RF has them disabled in browser code.05:57
kikobradb, SteveA: I got a bad conflict when star-merging -- can someone send me the current version of browser/bugtask.py?05:57
bradbkiko: the quickest would probably be to get $rocketfuel, because I'd have to do that too, to ensure I have the most recent05:58
bradband gets don't normally take long05:59
SteveAquicketst -- get on chinstrap05:59
mptgo go pqm05:59
SteveAssh it across05:59
kikofucking baz05:59
mptbradb: https://launchpad.net/products/malone/+bug/260806:00
bradbyeah, looks like somebody broke that06:00
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=BjornT]  support tracker cleanup; [trivial]  fix bug 1389 (patch-2507: mpt@canonical.com)06:01
kikompt, I just noticed the same 06:02
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mptI was just about to report a bug about a Malone notification having a malformed Reply-To header, then I realized the notification containing the malformed Reply-To header was notifying me that Bjorn had just reported the bug about the malformed Reply-To header06:06
kikocprov, ping?06:12
cprovkiko: pong06:13
kikocan I assign matsubara to bug 2609?06:13
SteveAmpt: you changed lib/canonical/launchpad/templates/ticket-portlet-actions.pt06:13
SteveAmpt: what did you change?06:14
cprovkiko: sure06:14
mptSteveA: from memory, it was just s/ticket/request/g06:15
SteveAokay, i have a diff of it06:16
SteveAi have totally converted that into menus06:16
mptwas I right? :-)06:16
SteveAyou did more than that06:16
SteveAbut i can change the menu06:16
mptok, sorry about that06:16
mptthat branch was started before the actions portlet nuking06:17
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kiko EmailAddressAlreadyTaken: The email address azam.r@rediffmail.com is already registered.  06:18
bradbdarn, system error assiging specs to milestones06:18
ddaamemory managemen by svn: freeing memory? hu? what for?06:19
=== ddaa cringes
bradbHow do I access the error logs for production? https://launchpad.net/errors gives me a 403.06:20
mptkiko: See, I'm not the only one!!06:22
mptbradb: Install the Launchpad client cert. in your browser06:22
kikobradb, doh. 06:22
ddaamaybe if I just fork cscvs for each revision that would make it possible to keep the leak in control...06:22
=== ddaa kicks svn
=== ddaa stabs svn
=== ddaa goes to piss off some people on #svn
bradbHey, cool, Safari in Tiger has "private browsing". Worry-free pr0n surfing.06:24
SteveAargh -- seeing &#8217; in page template source makes them much harder to read and understand06:25
SteveAworse than other things because they interrupt a word06:26
salgadokiko, ?06:27
kikohave you seen that error before?06:28
mptSteveA: Actually, I can fix that by specifying an encoding in main-template.pt06:30
mptsince we're serving XHTML-as-HTML06:30
SteveAdoes that mean that the files would no longer be ascii06:31
salgadokiko, I don't remember seeing it before06:31
bradbCan someone privmsg me the client cert password?06:31
mptSteveA: correct06:31
kikome neither06:31
SteveAmy point is, would it mean that ordinary programmers would not be able to type a consistent "'" ?06:31
SteveAno, don't do that06:31
SteveAi think apostrophes should be the "'" character in launchpad06:32
bradbkiko: Thanks06:32
kikoSteveA, why not use something like DPoT to convert?06:32
mptSteveA: No, it wouldn't mean that06:32
SteveAkiko: this stuff is coded directly into templates06:33
SteveAit makes them hard to read06:33
kikoSteveA, that I don't like very much either06:33
mptSo does all this <a href="..."> and <code> and <div> goop06:33
kikoSteveA, btw, is there a cookbook on working around "Constraint not satisfied"?06:33
SteveAthey don't occur in the middle of a word, mpt06:33
SteveAi don't object to "nice quotes" around a word06:34
SteveAbut, to interrupt a word in the middle is awful06:34
SteveAkiko: how do you get that?06:34
bradbHm, where are we at with fixing the problem with error logs, and getting a random error log when you visit launchpad.net/errors?06:35
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--production--1.34: [trivial]  production cherry picks (patch-11: carlos.perello@canonical.com, stuart.bishop@canonical.com, rocketfuel@canonical.com)06:35
kikoSteveA, matsubara gets it when uploading a larger hackergotchi than allowed.06:35
SteveAso, working as it was designed?06:36
kikoSteveA, yes, apart from the horrible error message06:36
kikoIIRC stub explained how to avoid that06:36
SteveAi'd have to research it.  i don't have the answer in front of me.  maybe BjornT knows.06:36
kikostub knows06:37
BjornTkiko: you should raise a LaunchpadValidationError in the validator06:37
kikosalgado, matsubara: is that easy to do for you?06:38
mptSteveA: When did you last land menus work?06:39
SteveAbjorn is reviewing the next lot now06:40
SteveAthis basically finishes the conversion06:40
mptSorry, I meant, when did you *last* land menus work, as in, did you get my fix for the Rosetta status legend06:41
mptsomeone's just reported a bug on it06:41
SteveAi have no idea what "Rosetta status legend" means06:42
SteveAbest thing to do is06:42
SteveA1. log into chinstrap06:42
SteveA2. baz get rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--006:42
mptSteveA: The stuff you merged from me yesterday included a change to rosetta-status-legend.pt06:42
SteveA3. look in the resulting tree to see if it is there06:43
salgadokiko, yes, that is. I'll guide matsubara to fix that06:43
SteveAi haven't had pqm merge things since yesterday06:43
kikothanks salgado -- you rock as usual06:43
SteveAeverything that was on your Menus branch today will be merged later today or early tomorrow06:43
SteveAmpt: i've just added a custom error page for requests timing out06:44
SteveAyou'll probably want to improve the text on it06:44
mptokie dokie06:44
SteveAbut the idea is to let people know that it is a different kind of error, and may well be transient, and also to let the developers know more quickly the nature of the problem.06:45
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SteveAddaa: ping06:59
ddaading dong06:59
SteveAapr_initialize() ; stuff ; apr_terminate()06:59
ddaamakes no difference06:59
SteveAtry that06:59
ddaathat's why I ommited it, it's not part of the minimal snippet :)07:00
SteveAcprov: the console stuff for signed cocs -- is it accessible by admins only?07:09
cprovSteveA: yes 07:09
kiko-fudbradb, please don't assign bugs to mark.07:30
bradbwho should it be assigned to?07:32
kikoanyone but him07:33
kikoI'll fix it07:33
kikodon't worry07:33
kikojust use that for future reference07:33
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Unpublishing a missing file should be a noop. (also fix silly typo in debug message in death row processor) (patch-2508: daniel.silverstone@canonical.com)07:42
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Kinnisonciao dudes07:47
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zygahow to add requests for enchancement?08:03
kikozyga, use malone, it's practically the same.08:04
zygahmm, isn't this the same thing *exactly*?08:05
kikothat's a good question08:11
kikomark has the idea that enhancement/feature requests are different than bugs08:12
kikoit may be that he's changed his mind now that he has a spec tracker08:12
bradbaw damn08:21
bradbmonster pqm queue of death, and now i see that i'm going to conflict with BjornT's patch08:21
bradbso, who wants to bounce pqm? :)08:23
kikopas moi08:23
mptbradb: Did you realize how many things would have broken if you *hadn't* set up a redirect for /malone/bugs/x? :-)08:25
bradbthere was no question about the redirect08:25
bradbit would have been just plain rude any other way08:26
mptShould the URLs included in e-mail notifications change now?08:26
mpt(and if so, to what?)08:26
bradbi'm not so sure08:26
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bradbmaybe to just /bugs/42 ;)08:27
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mptor bugs.launchpad.net/4208:28
bradbthat would be a lot harder08:28
bradbbecause it would imply that bugs.launchpad.net works08:28
bradbunfortunately, the bugmail address already gives that illusion :/08:29
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  change a .remove to .pop to fix strange pool bug (patch-2509: daniel.silverstone@canonical.com)08:30
mptwell, move the "bug" from after the @ to the start of the address, and drop the "s." ;-)08:31
bradbdilys: are you serious?08:31
kikoKinnison, with fixes?08:31
BjornTbradb: hmm, maybe your patch is better, i simply disabled the huge lists. did you make them batched, though? otherwise the new page probably will take too long to render.08:31
=== bradb wonders how that merge landed
bradbBjornT: no batching. batching hurts.08:31
bradbBjornT: i broke it into two reports though08:31
bradbbecause a "bugs on my software" thing is important to keep08:32
kikoBjornT, yeah, bradb's patch is nicer..08:33
bradbmpt: possibly. or i was thinking bug.42@... might be a slightly cleaner (looking) way to do it.08:35
bradbof course, *ideally*, i would love it if bugs.launchpad.net actually *did* work :)08:36
BjornTbradb, kiko: the number of bugs directly assigned to a user is fairly small, though. which means that the new page will cause a system error, just like +assignedbugs did. is that really what we want?08:36
bradbBjornT: i think so. currently, the "Assigned Bugs" report shows more than just assigned bugs, which seems confusing. we can tune the reports further, if needed.08:37
mpthooray for that08:38
kikoBjornT, I see your point -- he moved everything out of there, is that it?08:38
BjornTbradb: i agree that +assignedbugs should show only bugs assigned to the user. the question is, do we want to add a page which probably will cause a system error?08:38
bradbBjornT: no, but we want to have a page to view bugs on software you maintain. if it still causes a system error, we'll optimize it.08:39
BjornTkiko: yeah, he move the part that took long to render08:39
BjornTbradb: then i suggest, temporarily disable it, optimize it, enable it. how does that sound?08:39
bradbBjornT: why not see if it works first? :)08:40
bradbi suspect one of the nastier culprits on that page was the "bugs with shared interest" bit08:41
bradbe.g. i can render the +assignedbugs report when i'm not logged in, but when i login, that "bugs with shared interest" query gets run, and whoops, timeout error08:41
zygabradb: what is pqm?08:43
BjornTbradb: from my testing with sample data, viewing /people/bjornt/+assignedbugs shouldn't show that part. maybe i'm wrong, though.08:43
bradbBjornT: the query gets run if you're logged in08:43
mptzyga: Patch Queue Manager08:43
BjornTbradb: searching for bugs also takes longer while you're logged in, so it could be the query for private bugs that slow things down.08:44
mptzyga: It takes all the changes we're making to the Launchpad code, applies them in order, and for each one tells us if the change was applied successfully08:44
BjornTbradb: ouch, it shouldn't... but did you remove that part, or is that on the new page as well?08:44
bradbBjornT: it should. that's the way the tal:condition is setup. that bit is completely gone on my branch.08:45
bradb(the code behind the scenes is still there if we want to display that info somewhere else, but it doesn't seem to make sense on an "assigned bugs" report, nor on a "bugs on software i maintain" report.)08:46
BjornTbradb: when i said "shouldn't" i didn't mean according to the tal:condition, but according to common sense :)08:46
BjornTbradb: in fact, it isn't being run, only the view method is called which returns early08:48
bradbthe method always gets called when you're logged in, as best i can tell. i can see though that it short-circuits when current user == the person of the page being rendered08:51
BjornTbradb: so what do you think. should we go for your patch and see how it goes, or go with mine and fix it properly later?08:52
zygampt: hmm so you send a changeset to this PQM and it applies them in submission orted?08:52
zygaseems random :D08:52
mptwell, usually we don't conflict with each other, so it's not a problem08:53
zygahow big is the launchpad tree?08:53
mpt30,000 lines, iirc08:53
bradbBjornT: i'd kind of prefer to leave it in there, because then at least we can test it, e.g. on staging. i can probably fix it proper before the next prod rollout.08:54
zygathe largest project I've worked on has 48K lines08:54
bradbzyga: did the users like it?08:55
=== Hieronymus [n=jeroen@cp413115-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #launchpad
BjornTbradb: this patch should get cherry picked into production, it's not good to have pages that produce system errors08:55
zygabradb: its a very advanced linguistic search engine, all C08:55
zygathe GUI's are not counted into this08:55
zygabradb: the users love it, they don't have a choice ;=)08:56
zygabut anyway it was really nice, all the similar stuff was either close sourced or really insignificant08:56
zygaor both08:56
mptboom, firefox go bye bye08:58
HieronymusThe search function in Malone isn't working for me08:59
bradbBjornT: *shrug*. not sure what to tell you. both of our patches make the same change (it sounds like) to +assignedbugs. neither of our patches will guarantee that the system error goes away. mine keeps a +packagebugs page there too, so that we might at least start to see a pattern emerging of where the problem is. (don't forget that the privacy query gets run on both our +assignedbugs patches anyway.)09:01
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bradbkill it09:02
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bradbbaz rm plone.css; baz commit -s "buhbye"09:03
kikobradb, it's your day to do a drive-by review09:03
BjornTbradb: well +assignedbugs will contain a small number of bugs, so it shouldn't be a problem. how about if i leave my patch in pqm and get it cherry picked into production. you resolve the conflicts and resubmit your patch, which we can test on staging?09:03
kikoare you ready?09:03
bradbBjornT: yeah, that seems ok to me09:04
bradbkiko: sure09:04
BjornTbradb: cool09:05
kikobradb, it's for fixing that bug about the assignee widget javascript -- remind me of the number again?09:05
bradbkiko: cool. #2107.09:06
BjornTkiko: how's it going with my reviews?09:08
kikoBjornT, I'm going to start after fixing this, you should see how much more pull office people have for reviews :-P09:09
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bradbBjornT: thanks for filing the bug reports about the bug reports. btw, the report seems to have some attachment pollution in it. e.g. https://launchpad.net/products/malone/+bug/261409:13
bradbmaybe that's a known problem09:13
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kikobradb, sending diff off09:14
BjornTbradb: yeah, i should remove that one, it's quite trivial.09:15
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  fix temporary buildd result collector to accomplish with publisher, its a worarround before landing uploader properly. (patch-2510: celso.providelo@canonical.com)09:18
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kikobradb, received it?09:24
bradbkiko: yeah, just looking now09:25
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bradbkiko: can you make it select that specific radio button in onKeyPress radio event? (e.g. the one with id assign_to)09:31
kikousing getElementById()?09:32
kikobradb, sent another patch to fix a traversal issue I just found09:32
bradbalso, shouldn't it be on the onFocus event? e.g. onFocus="javascript: getElementById('assign_to').checked = true"09:33
kikoI don't think so09:35
bradbhm, actually, neither of those events seems to focus the correct radio button if you use "(Choose...)" to pick the assignee09:35
kikoI think I can work around that09:36
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kikoBjornT, how do I place an explicit semicolon in a tal:attributes string declaration?09:44
BjornTkiko: a quick google search told me to double the semicolon (;;)09:46
kikosorry :-(09:47
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=stevea]  Release DEPWAIT and CHROOTWAIT jobs in slavescanner, only block BUILDERFAIL ones (patch-2511: celso.providelo@canonical.com)09:53
bradbzope 3 is usually not very googlable09:53
kikothat's why I didn't try09:54
BjornTtrue. TAL isn't specific to zope 3, though, so it's easier to find information about that.09:56
bradbone other thing (sorry, was on phone there for a bit), but it looks like you removed a space above ISinglePopupView that leaves only one space between it and the previous class's method declaration. normally it's 2 blank lines between class definitions09:56
bradbsame with top-level function defs09:58
kikoperhaps I did09:59
kikobut that file is all busted anyway09:59
salgadokiko, let's review https://chinstrap.warthogs.hbd.com/~jamesh/pending-reviews/guilherme.salgado@canonical.com/launchpad--shipitng--1/filtered-diff together?10:00
kikolet me finish my patch for bradb10:01
=== bradb looks at the traversal patch
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bradbBjornT: hm, is it possible for the "name" passed to a traverser function to ever be None? that doesn't make sense to me.10:05
kikobradb, did you see the URL I provided in the summary?10:06
BjornTbradb: i don't think so. why do you ask?10:07
kikothat system error outs10:07
bradbBjornT: just curious, because kiko was putting checks against None in this traversal patch10:07
kikobecause if you don't, it blows up.10:08
bradbkiko: name isn't None in that case. name is +bug10:08
BjornTkiko: which URL? if it blows up, there should be a test causes None to be passed as the name.10:08
bradband then we try to consume the next path step inside the traverser to get the right bugtask to show10:09
kikobradb, really?10:09
kikothat's not what the traceback tells me.10:09
bradbthat's what _consume_next_step is all about10:09
kikoI think you're confused.10:09
=== lamont ponders what python function will take a uid number, and turn that into a name
kikobradb, https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad/+bug10:10
kiko    *  if nextstep.isdigit():10:10
kikoAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'isdigit'10:10
bradbright, nextstep, not name :)10:10
kikooh, sorry.10:10
kikothat was just me being extra-cautious :)10:10
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bradbkiko: also, the _traverse_plus_bug function you created has three args, but your callsites are only passing two10:13
bradbnot sure what "self" is all about10:13
kikoI nuked that, I was on crack10:13
bradbcan you send me a new version of that patch? this code is b0rked dude. :P10:14
kikoall I did was remove the self method10:14
bradbthen it's still broken10:14
bradbit's referring to "request" in that function, when request isn't defined10:15
kikoyes, bradb, with the obvious fixes10:15
kikoanything else?10:15
kikoI feel like invoking the BRUCE on you10:15
bradbyou mean you renamed "nextstep" to "request"?10:15
kikoyes, bradb, the obvious fixes (the patch hadn't been run)10:16
bradbkiko: you can remove the "name is not None" bit of that if statement, in case you hadn't already10:17
kikothe name will never be none, right?10:17
bradbaccording to BjornT and I, it wouldn't make sense. you can blame us later if we turn out to be wrong.10:17
bradbother than that, i'd add a check_not_found test for each +bug traversal in xx-notfound-traversals.txt10:18
kikowill do10:18
bradbp.s. PQM IS WAITING FOR YOU10:21
kikobradb, fixed the other issue with the JS patch10:21
bradbsweet. so, it'll work with Choose...?10:22
kikobradb, is PQM hung then?10:22
salgadono, it's not10:22
bradbkiko: no, i guess not. just taking astonishingly long.10:22
bradbthere are three hour old requests still in the queue10:23
salgadothe queue's been full all day10:23
asmodaikiko: you happy? :)10:24
kikoasmodai, you rock!10:24
asmodaikiko: hahaha10:24
asmodaikiko: you're welcome, hope it works out to something nice for you guys. ^^10:25
kikome too!10:25
asmodaiMichael is a cool guy to deal with, passionate about things, which you might've guessed from his email10:25
asmodaiNo idea on the pure business side of things though, he at least seems to be very concrete.10:25
kikoyeah, seems very sane10:26
kikoI need to talk to gabriel here to see who we can allocate to this10:26
asmodaiDone much on BSD yet?10:27
kikowe have two projects on openbsd10:28
asmodaiOh nice.10:28
asmodaiIf there's any issues I can help out with, just bellow. 10:29
kikothanks, you rock10:29
asmodaide nada10:30
=== asmodai is waiting for the day this code clean up is done so he can refactor. =\
asmodaikiko: And if stuff goes as it should you will wind up doing Ubuntu related coding too for them I guess ;)10:32
asmodaiIt's in your hands ;)10:32
=== BjornT -> bed
kikobradb, damn, I can't find out if the onkeypress() method is standard or not.10:45
bradbhm, it's mentioned here: http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-html40-970917/interact/forms.html#edef-INPUT but the wording isn't written in a way that clearly says to me "this is standard"10:50
bradbseems like a definite maybe10:50
kikobradb, AFAICS that refers to the event, which does exist and is standard10:52
sabdflmpt: ! you karma monster!11:07
mptWhat have I done?11:07
sabdfldude, you're like in the top 5 on LP!11:07
sabdflpretty awesome11:08
mptoh, right :-)11:08
mptfrom all my bug reporting, I guess11:08
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mptand the occasional fix doesn't hurt, either11:09
janimoping lifeless11:09
kikoI should get into translating11:09
kikoit gives you lots of karma11:09
kikobug work just doesn't pay off11:09
janimoping jblack11:10
mptyeah, I have 938 and jordi has, like, 985711:10
=== mpt pouts
janimoare any of the bazaar importer people here?11:10
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: Add batch navigation to the list of shipit orders. r=kiko (patch-2512: guilherme.salgado@canonical.com)11:11
salgadohey kiko, what about that code review?11:13
kikosalgado, almost there11:14
kikojanimo, hmm ddaa or jblack are the guys11:15
salgadokiko, are you reviewing it already?11:15
kikosalgado, no, finishing my patch11:15
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janimokiko, thanks is there a launchpad m-l?11:16
kikojanimo, you can file bugs on launchpad, and I can make sure they are fixed11:17
janimook thanks, I was about to ask about importing from external svn to baz but will get jblack tomorrow11:18
kikosure thing11:19
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jordiso much jealousy11:45
jordigood night folks11:45
sabdflspiv: ping12:01
sabdflnight kiko12:01
sabdfljordi: dude. #112:01
sabdfltaste it12:01

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