
ajmitchthere's plenty of that in universe :)12:04
ajmitchhow about those apps that aren't part of the desktop, but are like f-spot, beagle, etc?12:05
ograheh, the announcement produced a incredible long thread...12:06
dholbachi guess it'll grow a BIGBIGBIG list12:06
dholbachogra: goswin's law12:06
ograunfortuantely not about the announcement :)12:06
ajmitchogra: of course not12:06
ograhumans are silly :)12:07
dholbachgodwins law...12:07
dholbachhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwins_Law :)12:07
ajmitchcan someone ship me some spare time?12:08
=== ogra looks....
ograsorry... got none over here12:10
ajmitchsurely dholbach will have some to spare12:13
dholbachof course12:13
dholbachi'm just sitting around... bored, with too much time12:13
ajmitchthat's a shame12:14
=== ajmitch wants to spare a week or two to get selinux beaten into shape for UBZ
slomodholbach: can you please look at mosml? i splitted it now... so when you're ok with it i can upload :)12:15
dholbachhow long will you still be here?12:16
slomodholbach: one hour maybe12:16
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ajmitchsilly me, i forgot to upload my wx 2.6 fix to smooth upgrades from hoary12:17
dholbachslomo: it's not up yet, is it?12:19
slomomaybe at 00:2012:20
slomoi uploaded it 3 minutes ago... so maybe i just missed the cronjob12:20
slomoand i tested the package with this split and everything works... the stuff in /usr/lib seems to be all needed12:21
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=== ajmitch sighs
slomodholbach: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=65912:27
=== ajmitch wonders if it's worth fixing zope-ldap
ajmitchconsidering its last upstream release was in 200012:28
ajmitchand it's orphaned in debian12:28
=== slomo [n=slomo@customer14.arcomf.wlan.tdcmobil.dk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachslomo: advocated, made a note to it12:45
bmontyajmitch: thats a good point, shouldn't there be a policy on how long universe will support non-developed packages?? especially if they never had a 1.0 release!12:46
=== slomo [n=slomo@customer14.arcomf.wlan.tdcmobil.dk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachslomo: advocated, made a note to it12:47
ajmitchbmonty: this is one for me to discuss with the zope team :)12:47
ajmitchbut it's something we have to talk about12:48
ajmitchmaybe at the next MOTU meeting12:48
ajmitchor UBZ12:48
slomodholbach: the dependencies are that way for other -dev and -doc packages too ;)12:48
slomodholbach: uploaded12:48
bmontyyeah, right now I just use the common sense test....how long has the package been unmaintained, and is it important, or is the functionality provided better by some other package12:48
dholbachslomo: the versioned dependencies :)12:49
dholbachbut it's ok12:49
slomodholbach: this mosml (= ${Source-Version}) ?12:49
bmontyoff topic question: is anyone using a "single sign-on" solution on their network (i.e. kerberos, NIS), I'm looking to implement one and I'm interested in hearing recommendations12:49
slomodholbach: that's afaik standard for such packages12:50
dholbachslomo: and the -doc package depended on the -dev package?12:50
slomodholbach: ok, so now we have perfect sml support ;)12:51
slomodholbach: the doc package doesn't make sense without the dev package12:51
ajmitchbmonty: for zope, we have to consider if the packages work with the supported zope versions (2.7, 2.8)12:51
dholbachslomo: i sometimes install doc packages just to be able to have a proper look at them12:51
dholbachslomo: but that's your choice12:52
slomodholbach: hmm... so maybe a recommend is better?12:52
bmontyajmitch: I agree with that...I'm not a zope expert, but what if ldap is something that nobody uses with zope, should universe continue to support it?12:52
dholbachslomo: yeah, i think so12:52
dholbachslomo: but it's OK the way it is12:52
slomohm, next upload :)12:53
Nafalloslomo: -doc on the client when I'm configuring the server most often :-).12:53
dholbachgood night everybody12:57
slomogn8 :)12:57
slomogood night everybody12:58
mbreitnight everybody12:58
phlaegelanybody around who works on php4 packages?12:59
slomo_the_ php4 packages or just some php4 packages?12:59
tsenginfinity doesnt want them01:00
phlaegelwho would? ;-)01:00
tsengnot me01:00
tsengi ported to php501:00
slomohmm... he told me to not touch the php4 packages without asking him ;)01:00
phlaegelI just need it for mythweb01:00
tsengslomo: oh01:01
tsengphlaegel: it cant work with 5?01:01
phlaegeldunno, it depends on 401:01
slomowell... good night ;)01:01
tsengmost stuff should depend on 4 | 5 now if we can01:01
tsengplease submit debdiffs01:01
phlaegelok, it seems to work on php501:14
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phlaegelok, how would I make a debdiff for this (I'm new to packaging, but would like to learn)01:32
phlaegelI've installed debdiff and wdiff and that works01:32
phlaegelbut I'm not sure how the dependencies should work01:33
\shdebdiff package_old.dsc package_new.dsc > <name of diff>01:33
\shbut officially I'm sleeping01:33
\shapt-file (2.0.7ubuntu5) breezy; urgency=low01:34
\sh .01:34
\sh     The "Don't read eMail after you woke up" Fix01:34
\sh   * Fixed a spelling typo (see Malone #2502)01:34
=== Arrogance [n=aks@ottawa-hs-209-217-119-36.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitch\sh: impressive :)01:40
\shit is *eg*01:40
\shback to sleep...my nightmare doesn't come back I think01:46
crimsunnight, sh01:47
Riddellonce I've uploaded a package how can I remove it from revu?02:12
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ajmitchhello bddebian03:06
bddebianHeya ajmitch03:06
=== abarbaccia [n=abarbacc@69-162-20-65.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
abarbacciahey is anybody here in control of the mythtv-themes package03:09
LathiatWhats up with it03:09
ajmitchhi Lathiat03:11
ajmitchLathiat: got avahi?03:11
abarbacciaLathiat, its not there!03:16
abarbacciaits referenced but not there - one of those ya know - but its needed because i only have 2 of my themes now that i upgraded03:16
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abarbacciacan someone create that package and upload it?03:24
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abarbacciaor if somenoe wants to tell me how to i would love to help out03:25
Lathiatabarbaccia: Does it exist in debian?03:27
abarbacciaum, not sure - probably does03:28
abarbacciai mean, the package depends on nothing03:28
abarbacciait just moves folders into appropriate places03:28
abarbacciano changing files or anything03:28
abarbacciait just needs to be there to get the other 5 themes03:28
LathiatYou mean, the themes are there but they are in the wrong spot?03:29
abarbacciabefore the themes were all in the main package03:32
abarbacciathey took them out to save space and made a theme package03:32
abarbacciawhich has the majority of them03:32
abarbacciain the main package it only has like 203:32
abarbacciathe other 5 official ones are in this theme package03:32
ajmitchLathiat: mdz' package probably has them03:32
ajmitchif I can recall the url for his packages :)03:33
ajmitchok, google worked03:33
abarbacciai mean, it should be in the official repos right?03:33
abarbacciai hate that repo03:33
ajmitchlooks like we can grab it03:33
abarbacciawell, we can take that one package03:33
ajmitchabarbaccia: get over it :P03:33
abarbacciabut he has stuff in there thats  all wrong03:33
ajmitchhe's the debian packager03:34
abarbacciawell, you can tell him he compiled the transcode daemon without transcode on his system and i answer emails all the time from my site about "why isnt it working"03:34
ajmitchwhat do you think is wrong there?03:34
=== jaldhar [n=jaldhar@pcp09354977pcs.jersyc01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
abarbaccialets just grab the package - i like sticking to official ubuntu repos03:35
abarbacciajust a lil pet peeve of mine03:35
ajmitchconsidering he's one of the main ubuntu developers..03:35
abarbacciai apprecaite his work a lot - its just funny03:36
abarbacciai knew that was the repo u were talking about03:36
abarbacciai run a site on getting mythtv running on ubuntu03:36
abarbacciaand people ALWAYS email me about that - and in the site i tell them that's what's wrong and why to stick to the sources i outlined03:37
abarbacciabut they dont listen03:37
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=== ajmitch notes that transcode is in multiverse for breezy - stuff that depends on it should be in there too
bddebianajmitch: I thought you didn't do any of this stuff?? ;-P03:49
ajmitchbddebian: I don't03:49
ajmitchI just lurk on irc & be a nuisance03:50
ajmitchyou didn't think I was actually useful, did you?03:52
bddebianI don't think, I KNOW :-)03:52
ajmitchyou know that I'm not? you'd be right there ;)03:53
bddebianNO, I KNOW that you ARE!  beeatch03:55
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bmontyanyone here?04:51
bddebianNope :-)04:52
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bmontyI've got a debdiff on #2518, but check out the comment on the page where you can change the bug status04:54
bmontybddebian: can you check out the debdiff?05:07
bddebianbmonty: Sure give me sec05:11
bddebianbmonty: OK.05:12
bddebianOh, wait05:14
bddebianYou mean from siretart about uploading with another bugfix?05:14
bmontybddebian: yeah, but I can't find the other bug05:15
bddebianHave you pinged him?  Or checked the current changelog? :-)05:16
bmontysiretart is marked away, but I can check the changelog05:16
bmontyhe did two uploads on 25 Sep to fix gcc 4.0 and python dependencies....I would guess he forgot about the desktop file05:18
bddebianAye, kinda looks that way :-)05:18
bmontyI'll probably have another one in a couple minutes.....05:25
bddebianbmonty: OK.  I probably won't be able to upload until morning though05:26
bmontyno problem...the other one will be #738, I'm testing the package with a desktop file right now05:27
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bmontybddebian: #2518 and #738 have debdiffs ready for upload05:44
bmontynight everyone05:50
bddebianGnight bmonty Good work05:58
xerxasbood night06:12
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ajmitchmorning \sh07:58
ajmitchmore apt-file fixes to do? :)07:58
\shlol..no..just woke up..07:59
ajmitchwell the last comment was that you should use wget, not curl :)07:59
\shand got my first flash when I saw the new kernel and infinities fixes to libetpan which I don't understand07:59
\shajmitch: which is now the default and it pulls in the right deps08:00
ajmitchok good08:00
\shthe last comment of the reporter was because of a spelling typo of "prefere" instead of the correct "prefer"08:03
\shok..I think it's time to have a shower now and leaving for office08:03
=== ajmitch has just returned from office :)
\shthe magic of TZs in our world08:04
=== robitaille [n=robitail@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shcu a bit later from work :)08:05
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ajmitchI wonder why my bug comment seems to be held for moderation now?08:36
ajmitchI guess malone has changed the from address now08:36
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sivangmorning siretart09:09
ajmitchhi siretart09:13
siretarthi folks! :)09:13
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ajmitchwb \sh09:32
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ajmitch\sh: ready for another day of work^Wbreezy hacking? :)09:35
Treenaksajmitch: where can I get a job like that? :)09:36
ajmitchTreenaks: ask \sh  ;)09:36
Treenaks\sh: ^^09:36
\shwhat's the request?09:39
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@lns01-1605.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretarthi ivoks09:41
ajmitch\sh: a job that lets us work on ubuntu all day long :)09:41
ajmitchhi ivoks09:41
\shajmitch: hehehe :)09:41
ivoksso, everybody knows..09:41
\shajmitch: not all day long ;) as you saw yesterday :)09:41
ajmitchivoks: we know?09:41
=== ivoks is working on gdeb and gnome-apt
ivoksto use sudo, instead su09:41
ivoksinstead of su09:42
ivoksargh... it's still morning :)09:42
\shgnome-apt? gksu ?09:42
\shdesktop file?09:42
\sheeks...I have to call the tax department :(09:43
ivoksit creates functions inside program09:43
ajmitch\sh: they want everything you own?09:44
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\shajmitch: sure ;)09:48
ajmitchwell that's the purpose of tax departments ;)09:48
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ajmitchsomeone saying they asked 'many times' in here for something to be synced, which hasn't been released yet?09:49
jsgotangcobad bad MOTU09:49
ivoksi can't do this :)09:50
jsgotangcoOT: does anyone have a clue how may ports BSD has09:51
ajmitch\sh: you are listed as having tested gcfilms?09:54
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\shajmitch: can be..I don't remeber ;)09:55
ajmitch\sh: you didn't ask for a sync of it? ;)09:55
\shajmitch: no not that I know of...09:55
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ajmitch\sh: I see it's been on that page for almost 2 months09:55
ajmitchno wonder he wrote to ubuntu-devel about it :)09:56
\shajmitch: who?09:56
ajmitchinfinito, I think09:56
\shajmitch: wait09:56
\shgcfilms had issues when I would be synced from debian...I tested it and it failed to build...I told infinito about this09:57
ajmitchah ok09:57
\shafter that I didn't care about it anymore09:57
\shwell..u know my age and the other work09:57
ajmitchyes, we can't help the elderly ;)09:57
\shI have to make a mind-note to remind elmo to NEW libetpan309:57
\shwhich replaces libetpan109:57
ajmitchtomboy is quite good09:58
\shajmitch: yeah using it..quite slow somehow09:58
ajmitchyou just need a dual-core box :)09:58
\shajmitch: oh yes...please send me one ;)09:58
infinitoexcuse me... you were talking about gcfilms09:59
=== ajmitch would like to get a dual-core box before sending one to \sh :)
ajmitchinfinito: we ewre09:59
ajmitchwere, that is..10:00
=== ajmitch hits keyboard
infinitoi filled to MOTUToSync entry 'cause \sh told me problems we're solved with latest update (5.3)10:00
infinitobut that was on july10:00
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=== siretart just tries to build gcfilms in breezy
infinito5.2 was missing a build-dep on debian/control, it's fixed now (in fact in july)10:01
\shI told you it has problems...10:01
\shbut did i told you the problems were fixed? oh man...I'm old and mentally sick ;)10:01
infinito\sh: yes, you told me to fill te MOTUToSync entry with ++10:02
zygamorning :)10:02
\shinfinito: sorry about it...I will put it on my list of syncs for today, ok?10:02
infinito\sh: thank you very much10:02
ajmitchit'd need resynced once 6.0 was out anyway :)10:02
ajmitchassuming that you get it released in the next week or so10:03
\shinfinito: you are whitelisted?10:03
infinito\sh: whitelisted? umm, dont know... maybe not10:03
siretartinfinito: can you please comment on http://tiber.tauware.de/10:04
\shinfinito: wiki.ubuntu.com/Uploads <- section about whitelisting yourself for breezy changes10:04
siretartinfinito: can you please comment on http://tiber.tauware.de/~siretart/gcfilms.buildlog10:04
ajmitchhm, doesn't look good :)10:05
\shsiretart: oergs10:05
=== ajmitch gets the same in pbuilder here
ajmitchsiretart: btw I think LVM snapshots for the builds could be good :)10:05
\shinfinito: and your realname I need10:06
\shI mean it's just postponed the sync10:06
infinito\sh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdolfoGonzalez10:07
siretartajmitch: sure, that was suggested on debian-devel I think, too ;)10:07
ajmitchsiretart: sure10:07
ajmitchsiretart: I saw people talking about it in #d-d today also10:08
siretartoh. :)10:08
ajmitchand I know the pbuilder author was considering support for it10:08
=== \sh is frightend to join #d-d
ajmitch\sh: hah10:08
\shmarkuman: ping did u upload your key to the keyservers?10:09
ajmitchno CoC to maintain the peace there ;)10:09
\shajmitch: well...I think some mainainers of debian don't like me10:09
siretart\sh: it's a quite busy channel. imo way more busy than #u-devel10:09
ajmitch\sh: quite probably10:10
ajmitch\sh: MOTUs do quick fixes :)10:10
\shwell...anyways..brb cause of real life work :)10:10
ajmitchok :)10:10
infinitosiretart: the problem it's that we have a _ugly_ hack on install script to check permissions before installing10:12
infinitosiretart: if you don't have permission to write on /tmp, the .png file wont get installed, so the build fails10:12
infinitoi think10:12
infinitobut i got a question, why it works on debian (sid and etch) and doesn't work on ubuntu?10:13
ivoksi give up10:15
ajmitchinfinito: sorry, but it doesn't work on sid for me either10:15
ajmitchinfinito: although my sid is a chroot setup10:16
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ajmitchinfinito: which could possibly be what is causing it (it would cause it to break on buildds as well)10:16
infinitoajmitch: maybe (just maybe) in buildds, user have no permission to write in /usr/share/pixmaps, which i think is the problem10:17
ajmitchinfinito: umm10:17
ajmitchpackages should *never* install stuff into /usr10:18
ajmitchwhen building10:18
ivoksbad packaging, bad... :/10:18
infinitothe install script just checks for permission there, but doesn't install anything, i think10:18
ajmitchthat's why makefiles respect DESTDIR & install there10:18
ajmitch       copy 'share/gcfilms/icons/gcfilms_logo128.png', '/usr/share/pixmaps/gcfilms.png'10:19
ajmitch                if (-w '/usr/share/pixmaps');10:19
infinitoour install script, not the debian packaging10:19
ajmitchthat's your install script10:19
ajmitchwhich the debian packaging uses10:19
infinitowe just wanted a clean way to add the .desktop file for the application, if you have permissions, the .desktop file will be installed10:20
infinitobut maybe we should remove that...10:21
ivoksinfinito: $(prefix)10:21
ivoksyou should use $(prefix)/share/pixmaps/10:21
ivoksif someone wants to install it in /opt10:21
ivoksyou can't put anything outside /opt10:21
ivoksthat's why building fails on every debian system10:22
ajmitchit would succeed if you built as root10:22
ivoksyes :/10:22
ajmitchthis is why building as root is unsafe :)10:22
ivoksbut it wouldn't install where I want10:23
ajmitcha simple misplaced rm in a makefile could be very dangerous :)10:23
infinitoi know10:23
siretartinfinito: debian allows binary uploads. in ubuntu, we only have sourceful uploads. and we cannot include/update your package if it does not build10:23
ivokspida has transparent icon :/10:24
infinitoi just thought adding a .desktop file to /usr/share/applications was good to the final user, but i was wrong10:24
siretartinfinito: this is gernerally a good idea, but better let this do the packaging scripts10:25
infinitosiretart: i know, but our .tar.gz was downloaded more times that the pkgd versions, so we wanted people to have an easy way to access gcfilms when it was installed10:26
siretartinfinito: this is not a problem. The packaging script can patch this call out and replace it with a 'safe' call/version10:26
=== ajmitch thinks we should 'talk' to the debian packager ;)
infinitosiretart: anyway, i thought the debian packager had fixed those problems....10:28
\shinfinito: the right way to install your .desktop file or your png should be in your makefile like this: $(INSTALL) share/gcfilms/icons/gcfilms_logo128.png $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/gcfilms/icons/gcfilms_logo128.png10:28
ajmitchinfinito: no, there's a release-critical bug in debian about this as well10:28
\sh$(INSTALL) share/applications/gcfilms.desktop $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)share/applications/gcfilms.desktop10:29
ajmitch\sh: it's a perl script, rather than make10:29
\shajmitch: eeks10:29
\shajmitch: perl packages are honoring DESTDIR with MakeMaker or what the bloody module is named ;)10:30
infinitoummm, anyway, if you don't have permission to write at /usr/sshare/pixmaps, the script wont fail10:30
\shinfinito: which is wrong...10:30
\shinfinito: when I'm installing into another $(PREFIX) there is no /usr/10:31
\shinfinito: installing a package means, via root normally when "root" is installing it systemwide10:31
\shinfinito: installing the package as user means: no systemwide, no root, no permissions for /usr/10:31
infinitook, what we do is, if you're allowed to write at /usr/share/applications, then the .desktop file goes there10:32
\shand this is no debian packaging bug..:)10:32
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infinitoif not, the .desktop file goes to ~/.local/sahre/applications10:32
\shinfinito: when you compile gnome or kde looking for .desktop files in /opt/bla/foo/desktopfiles ?10:32
\shinfinito: how are you fulfilling this request10:32
ajmitchinfinito: the install script really should honour prefix10:32
infinitoyes, i see, i'm gonna change it and commit it to cvs10:33
\shok...datacenter work...bbl10:34
ivoksbut the worst thing about debian's #32622910:34
ivoksis that packages says everything is ok :)10:35
ivoksi'll send him an email10:36
infinitoso.... what is the best way to fix it?10:37
siretartinfinito: make your install script honor $DESTDIR10:39
infinitoummm, i think it fails not for the .desktop and .png installing...10:39
infinitoit fails when checking permissions on $PREFIX10:39
ajmitchhah nice, zope upstream is using rosetta for translations :)10:40
siretartperhaps it is a confusing error message that the specified dir does not exist (yet)?10:40
siretartin this case a mkdir would help10:40
siretartperhaps calling install -D helps, too10:40
infinitowe do this:10:41
infinitoeval 'mkpath $dir' if (! -e $dir);10:41
infinito    if (-w $dir && !$@)10:41
infinitoand there build fails10:42
infinitonot sure why...10:42
=== siretart no perl guru
=== infinito neither ;)
markumansiretart, i have send you an email because revu, but the mail arrived at sebastian d. (slomo?)?10:43
infinitobuildds try to install on /tmp/buildd/gcfilms-5.3/debian/gcfilms/usr, and it should have write perms there, so dont know what's happening10:44
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dholbachanyone wants to investigate if it's worth getting a new mergeant in? Malone 2383?10:45
ivoksif it's a year old...10:48
ivoksand builds/works ok...10:48
ajmitchdholbach: how many libs would it pull in?10:48
ajmitchivoks: new package, not the one in debian10:48
dholbachi think it want libgnomedb and libgda10:48
dholbachwhich are in main10:48
ajmitchthey're the right version?10:48
dholbachso we'll have to have a look what is possible10:48
dholbachthere was an announce of 1.99 or something10:49
ajmitchmergeant 0.62 is latest10:49
dholbachthey'll hit 2.0 soon (the libs)10:49
dholbachlibgda / libgnomedb10:49
=== ajmitch is fetching mergeant source now
ajmitchdholbach: yes, but they're frozen in main :)10:49
ajmitchPKG_CHECK_MODULES(MERGEANT, libgnomedb-2.0 >= 1.3.90 \ libgda-2.0 >= 1.3.90 \10:50
dholbachyeah, so we have to check10:50
ajmitchwe have 1.2.110:50
ajmitchso you'd have to give a *great* reason for upgrading those :)10:51
ajmitcheven though gnome has a general uvf exception, I think caution is good :)10:51
ajmitchalthough the only rdepends in breezy is mergeant10:51
dholbachthen why is it in main?10:52
ajmitchlibgda2-3 has far more rdepends10:52
kokehumm, I was checking the changelog and I've find a patch from me that I can't remember :)10:52
ajmitchhey koke10:53
dholbachkoke, nice to see you10:53
ajmitchdholbach: including libgnome-cil, so if you break mono stuff you'll get the wrath of the mono team ;)10:53
dholbachi see10:53
dholbachGDA BREAKAGE! :)10:53
=== ajmitch sends tseng & slomo after dholbach
ivoksmeld: Depends: python (< 2.4)10:54
ivoksold one doesn't work10:55
ivoksnew one depends on <2.4 :)10:55
ajmitchivoks: new one being the one in sid?10:55
ajmitchthen of course it'll have that depend :)10:55
ivokscan we repackage it to depend on python2.3?10:56
ajmitchwe repackage it to depend on python (>= 2.4), python (<< 2.5)10:56
ajmitchonce it is tested to work ok on 2.410:56
ivoksah, ok10:57
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ajmitchivoks: no open bugs in gnome bugzilla about failure with 2.4, so it should be safe10:58
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ivoksok, this needs only sync from debian11:01
ivoksbut it has the same bug :/11:01
ivoks*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0xb798cd80 ***11:02
ajmitchyay for upstream bugs11:04
ivoksbut this bug is easy to spot11:04
ivoksjust start new, open source and - crash11:04
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ivokshttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+sources/rhythmbox-applet/+bug/2564 - hm11:08
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infinitosiretart: so there's no way to get gcfilms on ubuntu right now, right?11:13
ajmitchinfinito: currently it's not in the archive11:14
siretartinfinito: sure it is11:16
siretartinfinito: we need a fixed package, then we can upload11:16
ivoksor we could fix package ? :)11:16
infinitosiretart: so how can we do it?11:16
ivoksoh LOL!11:21
ivokscheck this out11:21
ivoksudo chmod 646 /etc/X11/Xsession.d/74custom-scim_startup11:21
ivokswtf? 646? :))11:21
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infinitosiretart: how can i set up a build env like yours to try to see what is the problem with gcfilms install script?11:33
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ivoksfakeroot dpkg-buildpackage11:36
siretartinfinito: I tried it in a pbuilder11:36
ivoksdpkg-buildpackage shoud generate error too, since you run it as a user11:36
siretartinfinito: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto for instructions how to setup11:36
infinitoit's kinda strange 'cause it fails to check write perms on --prefix11:37
siretartbtw, does anyone know what happened to pbuilder-uml?11:44
siretartsome docs are referring to a package called pbuilder-uml, but I cannot find it :(11:44
dholbachuml stuff was removed, because it didnt'  work at all11:45
dholbachthat was before hoary release11:45
ajmitchdholbach: #ubuntu-desktop looks like it could be useful :)11:45
sivangpbuilder under uml, cool :)11:45
ivoksthat's it...11:53
ivoksno more bugfixing today :)11:53
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crimsunogra, I'm heading to bed soon, but please ping elmo regarding promoting libpostproc-dev (src:ffmpeg) from multiverse to universe, which would allow me to drastically reduce vlc's diff.gz12:27
ograsleep well12:27
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dholbachi suppose i'll make universe-bugs non-moderated12:41
dholbachpeople are already replying to bugs via mail and regarding the new mail header of malone bugs, that seems to make more sense12:42
dholbachhope we don't ge tspammed12:42
ajmitchwe will12:42
\shhmmm...are those reports via mail going back to LP?12:42
dholbach\sh: yes12:42
dholbachand i don't want to be flooded in "approve mail a,b,c" requests12:43
dholbachajmitch: spam mail?12:43
dholbach#2505 is such an example12:43
ajmitchdholbach: I'd say so - it's a fact of life on the net :)12:43
\shogra: read a comment to http://linux.blogweb.de/archives/107-Please-shutdown-.....html12:44
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ogra\sh, go ! offer decss!12:45
\shogra: no I won't :) but now they're complaining...but even Thomas Janssen saw the problems now after upgrading to breezy ,-)12:47
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siretarta similar discussion is on -devel (mailinglist)01:02
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siretartpackage has version 20050207. whats the correct ubuntu1 version?01:22
siretart20050207ubuntu1? or 20050207.ubuntu1?01:23
siretartjust wanted to be sure01:23
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ArneCasI am looking for a virtual package that has all the dependecies to develop a GTK+ application. Ideally it would install gcc, gtk2-devel, make, libtool, pkg-config by selecting a single package. Is such a thing available?01:26
infinitoim trying to set a breezy pbuilder, but it fails with update-notifier error, can anyone tell me howto fix this?01:26
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siretartArneCas: `aptitude install build-essential gnome-devel` would be my first try01:33
ArneCassiretart: someone at ubuntu-desktop said this seems to be a debian package that might depend on the wrong version of gnome01:34
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sistpotyhi folks01:37
siretarthuhu sistpoty01:45
sistpotyhi siretart01:45
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sistpotyhi ivoks02:00
ivoks\sh: i see you are having nice converstaion with Pete :)02:00
ivoks\sh: and over 400 hits! wow! it's even on http://www.nitwitz.be/ :))02:00
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ivoksdid anyone tried ipod with breezy?02:12
bmontysiretart: are you still working on the lyx package? I added a debdiff to #2518 that adds the missing desktop files.02:14
siretartbmonty: lyx is missing /usr/bin/lyx currently02:14
dholbachoh nice :-)02:14
siretartbmonty: I'm waiting for this bug to be fixed, too, and upload a fixed package along with your .desktop file02:14
bmontysiretart: you get lyx-qt and lyx-xforms02:14
siretartbmonty: sorry?02:15
bmontysiretart: depending on which package you install you get lyx-qt or lyx-xforms as the binary02:15
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siretartbmonty: yes. and /usr/bin/lyx should be an link to /etc/alternatives/lyx which itself links to /usr/bin/lyx-qt or -xforms02:17
siretartbmonty: which is missing currently. bug against debian already filed, I wait for response on the debian side02:17
bmontymakes sense to me :)02:17
siretartbmonty: short: I did not forget you and lyx ;)02:17
bmontyjust wanted to make sure you new the debdiff was there so effort wasn't duplicated02:18
bmontygotta go...time for work02:18
siretartbmonty: just make sure the malone bug has the latest file02:18
siretartI'll take it from there02:18
persiaI've a question about Malone bugs: there are a couple bugs with the same solution, but different reported problems.  Should they be marked as duplicates, or left separate (only one package needs adjustment)?02:22
siretartjust make a comment mentioning that02:22
persiaAlready done: just that someone closed one of them without applying the fix, so I thought I'd ask whether consolidation made sense.  Thanks.02:23
ivoksdholbach: trolltech video is... OMG :)02:34
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sebestivoks, which video?02:47
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ivokslol, firefox crashed02:50
ivokssebest: sec...02:50
ivokssebest: http://www.trolltech.com/video/qt4dance.html02:51
sebestivoks: thanx02:51
ivoksbe aware02:51
ivoksthis guys burned out :))02:51
sebestyou also have a lot of crash with firefox?02:52
ivoksno, this is firt one02:52
sebestfor me it crashes really often since 2 weeks02:52
ivoksi don't use any extensions02:53
sebestit seems to be related to the video plugin mplayer or totem02:53
ivoksand do the qt4 dance :))02:53
ivokssebest: this one was related to totem02:54
ivokssebest: i clicked on mpeg, it started totem plugin02:54
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ivoksi hit back and it crashed02:54
sebesti'm using mplayer-plugin, and also some crash02:54
xerxasHi everyone02:55
xerxascan I reopen a fixed bug in malone ?02:55
ivoksxerxas: sure02:56
xerxasivoks: don't find where02:56
ivoksxerxas: wich bug?02:57
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xerxasivoks: 253002:59
xerxasivoks: I made bad work02:59
xerxasI reported a simple bug , that had a simple fix, but it breaks others things :)02:59
xerxasdidn't tested enough, but found some patch which fixes it in gentoo.03:00
havocivoks: heh, I have the same LCD as the guy in the video03:00
ivokshavoc: :)03:00
ivokshavoc: but checkout the dance :)03:00
havocfreaks :)03:01
xerxasivoks:  ?03:01
xerxasare you looking the bug ?03:01
ivoksxerxas: sec...03:01
ivoksxerxas: well, you didn't do anything :)03:02
ivoksxerxas: new version is in archive03:02
xerxasivoks: but new version breaks stuff03:03
xerxasif I load the plugin , it works03:03
ivoksxerxas: like what?03:03
xerxasthen I quit xchat-gnome03:03
xerxasrestart xchat-gnome03:03
xerxasbut I have a patch that fixes it03:03
ivoksreopen the bug03:03
xerxasthere is no status "reopened"03:03
xerxasor didn't found it03:03
ivoksclick on Ubuntu xchat-systray03:03
ivoksand change status to New03:04
xerxasnope :)03:04
xerxasjust segfault03:04
xerxasnot u03:04
xerxasivoks:  ok03:04
ivoksxerxas: and comment how this all happend03:05
ivoksi mean, crashing :)03:05
xerxasI have some diff that fixes it03:05
xerxasmust try before03:05
ivokswell, motu that uploads it should test it too03:06
xerxasnevermind, will get fixed03:08
xerxasI can't know who's the MOTU that fixed it ?03:08
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ivoksdholbach :)03:11
ivokssebest: did you saw the movie?03:13
sebestyeah :) funny movie!03:13
dholbachivoks, xerxas: what did i fix?03:22
xerxasdholbach: you fixed thet xchat-systray stuff ?03:28
xerxashi dholbach03:28
ivoksdholbach: you just uploaded new version03:28
ivoksdholbach: ales clar :)03:29
\shivoks: alles klar ,-)03:29
xerxasivoks: a new version of hat ?03:29
=== \sh needs definitly a new job
dholbachxerxas, ivoks: i never made an xchat-systray uploac03:29
xerxasdon't understand anything at all , nevermind03:30
ivoks\sh: thanks, it's been a while..03:30
dholbachxerxas, ivoks: you can have a look at /usr/share/doc/xchat-systray/changelog.Debian.gz for that03:30
\shivoks: nafallo uploaded the last xchat-systray03:30
ivoksdholbach: sorry, not you :)03:30
ivoksah, my mistake03:30
\shVon: Christian Bjlevik <nafallo@ubuntu.com>03:30
\shAntwort an: ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com03:30
\shAn: breezy-changes@lists.ubuntu.com03:30
\shBetreff: Accepted xchat-systray 2.4.5-2ubuntu1 (source)03:30
\shDatum: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 10:55:02 +0100 (BST)  (11:55 CEST)03:30
ivoksChristian Bjalevik03:31
xerxassaw it03:31
ivoksdholbach: i'm sorry03:31
dholbachdon't worry03:31
dholbachi just wanted to know, what i was supposed to have done :-p03:31
ajmitchdholbach: i will get you pwlib (libpt) fix in the morning, is that ok?03:32
dholbachajmitch: yeah03:32
dholbachajmitch: thank you03:32
ajmitchremind me about it then - it's compiling now ;)03:32
=== ajmitch is off to bed now
dholbachsleep tight :)03:33
ivoksajmitch: 'night03:33
\shI'm going shopping...buying linksys router....03:39
\shlater dudes until CC03:39
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ivoksah, i'll go now too..03:45
ivokssee you! bye03:45
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bddebianHeya gang03:54
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bddebianHeya havoc03:56
bddebianbmonty: You here?03:57
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bddebianWhy does the search function on Malone suck so bad?04:09
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mvowdm is broken (if someone is interessted). may only be a matter of fixing the init script04:28
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StrikeForcedholbach, ping04:37
StrikeForcedholbach, just to tell you debian will have a new version of istanbul soon04:39
bddebianmvo: Broken how?04:39
StrikeForcesomeone has just uploaded it to mentors looking for a sponsor04:39
StrikeForceand supposedly the bugs that are listed in the debian bug list are fixed. :)04:40
mvobddebian: it dosn't start a display manager when it's installed04:40
bddebianmvo: OK04:41
bddebianHeya \sh04:44
\shmoins barry :)04:44
=== \sh <--- lunch ;)
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bddebianbmonty: 738 and 2518 are uploaded so go ahead and close those bugs. :-)  Thanks.04:50
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ivoksinteresting idea for security messure04:57
ivoksnoexec on /home04:57
\shnoexec on /tmp is a must ;)04:58
ivoks\sh: NO!04:58
ivoksi see you never installed debian  :))04:58
\shivoks: YES if you run vulnerable php software ;)04:58
jamessan|worknoexec on /home is evil04:58
ivoksjamessan|work: no, that's good stuff :)04:58
bddebianHeya ivoks04:59
ivoks\sh: noexec on /tmp - no preinst, postinst, prerm or postrm04:59
\shivoks: this must be changed...04:59
ivoks\sh: all those scripts fail04:59
ivoks\sh: to what? /var/tmp? :)04:59
jamessan|workivoks: what about all the little scripts I write and throw in ~/bin ?04:59
\shdefault install of php says /tmp for http put/post uploads and this can be evil05:00
ivoksjamessan|work: i'm aware of that05:00
ivoksjamessan|work: and i look at my ~/bin05:00
ivoksjamessan|work: nothing :)05:00
ivoksjamessan|work: if they are scripts05:01
ivoksjamessan|work: perl my_script.pl05:01
ivoksbut don't exec them05:01
jamessan|workthat's a lot more typing for little convenience scripts05:01
ivoksjamessan|work: i know, that's why it's secure05:01
ivokstrojans/worms will come to linux05:02
ivoksand we need better security aproach05:02
ivoksif user can download file, run it, then he/she gets same thing as with windows05:03
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ivokskde4 promisses really great stuff05:05
jamessan|workthe better solution is to worry more about security when writing software, so there aren't as many bugs/exploits.  you can't train the average user to not look at every thing that gets sent to them and inconveniencing the users won't attract a user base05:05
ivoksyou don't need bug/exploit to start a rm -rf *05:06
ivoksyou need online shell script05:06
ivokslinux isn't like windows, users don't download executables and run it from home05:07
jamessan|workyes, and setting noexec doesn't prevent that from being run05:07
ivoksjamessan|work: it does05:07
ivoksjamessan|work: it requests that user runs sh delete.sh05:07
jamessan|workno, it just changes how it is run05:07
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ivokspeople will never write secure software05:08
ivokswe can't do that05:08
ivoksso we have to protect our selfs from our selfs05:08
jamessan|workyes, secure software can be developed, but people don't focus on security because it's not as glamorous as features X, Y, and Z05:09
ivoksi think noexec on home is unusuall idea that would be quite good to investigate05:09
markumanive got 3 questions to dput. :-/ first: http://paste.debian.net/2087 is the .dput.cf correct?05:09
ivoksjamessan|work: ah, but there is so much software05:09
ivoksjamessan|work: you can't expect everybody to follow some guidelines05:10
ivoksjamessan|work: and we can't go trough every single line of every source05:10
bddebianHeya slomo05:10
slomohi bddebian05:10
jamessan|workivoks: I can expect it. I just know that people won't.05:10
dholbachStrikeForce: oh cool - i'll have a look at that05:11
ivoksjamessan|work: that's the problem, people won't develope secure soft05:12
ivoksjamessan|work: so, we can say "eh.." or do something about it05:12
mvobddebian: the wdm problem looks like something more general. xdm dosn't start either05:13
mvo(but the init script pathes are still wrong)05:13
ivoksmarkuman: it's ok05:14
markumanivoks, ok thx. the 2nd question: "please only do signed uploads". how to sign an upload?05:14
bddebiandebuild -S -sa05:15
bddebianOr sign the changes after a build05:15
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markumanok thx.05:16
ivokscheckout new KDE stuff05:17
slomohi markuman... so you got your account now? ;)05:17
markumanand the 3rd question. i have to upload *.changes , *.diff *.dsc and the *.orig.tar.gz ?05:17
markumanslomo, i think yes ;-)05:18
slomomarkuman: dput on the changes will upload everything05:18
markumanok thx05:18
jamessan|workivoks: that article really comes down to "Stupid users will do stupid things" and I say, let them do that and suffer the consequences.  You can't build foolproof software, because there will always be someone more foolish.  I've had a Windows system running for 5+ years without getting a single virus, worm, etc.05:21
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jamessan|workivoks: the types of users that are going to get into that trouble are the same ones that will complain they can't run programs they've downloaded into their home directory.05:22
ivoksjamessan|work: maybe05:24
ivoksanyway... see you05:30
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abarbacciahey all - a few things real quick - the package mythtv-themes is missing from the repositories, we can grab it from mdz's personal repositories and use that one - but it should be in the universe06:04
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abarbacciasecondly, theres an error somewhere in the mono packages or something because when using fspot it gives a mono error when trying to rotate06:05
abarbacciathe error is libmonoposixhelper.so06:06
slomowhat error?06:06
abarbacciahold on - i'll get it exact for you06:08
abarbacciareceived error "libmonoposixhelper.xo" when trying to rotate <filename>06:08
slomoabarbaccia: ok, should be a problem in f-spot then... hm best would be to file a bug against f-spot in malone06:10
tsengthat doesnt sound like the real error06:12
abarbacciaslomo, how do you know its an error with fspot not the mono packages06:12
tsengif it threw an exception it would have given at least several lines06:12
abarbacciai just ran it in the terminal, and it doesnt give any more extra output06:12
abarbacciayes it does hold on06:13
tsengits not even spelled right06:13
tsengso you just typed stuff in here instead of the real thing06:13
slomoabarbaccia: because the libmonoposixhelper.so seems to belong to f-spot... at least it doesn't belong to mono ;) so f-spot would be the best candidate06:13
tsengcan you please post it on pastebin.ca06:13
tsengslomo: um06:13
tsengslomo: it does belong to mono06:13
slomotseng: ?!06:14
tsengits libmono006:14
slomoah... wrong case ;) that's why i didn't find it...06:14
tsengyeah he retyped it06:14
tsengabarbaccia: did you just upgrade from hoary?06:14
tsengdo you have libmono0 installed at all06:15
abarbacciafresh install of breezy06:15
tsengf-spot doesnt depend on libmono006:15
tsengajmitch: ^06:15
abarbacciai do not have libmono0 installed06:15
tsenginstall it and it will work06:15
abarbacciawell, then the fspot package needs to be updated06:15
slomoabarbaccia: and for the future paste the complete error somewhere ;)06:16
tsengi dont appreciate the attitude06:16
tsengbut that is why i pinged ajmitch, the maintainer06:16
tsengto look at your issue06:16
abarbacciatseng, no attitude - just a statement06:16
abarbacciathank you though - another question - theres a package missing from the universe for mythtv06:19
abarbacciaits called mythtv-themes -> theres one compiled for debian already that we could grab that works and just put it in the universe from mdz's soucres06:19
slomoabarbaccia: when it's in mdz' personal repository he probably has a reason why he didn't upload it to universe (yet)06:19
ivoksum... mono just took 300MB :/06:20
slomoivoks: ram?06:20
abarbacciaslomo, i thought it was more on the lines of it was forgotten, because the transition to the new mythtv made the main package into a main package and a theme package06:20
ivoksslomo: yeah06:21
slomoivoks: beagle? ;)06:22
slomoabarbaccia: where's the package?06:22
ivoksslomo: could be06:22
ivoksslomo: happend after sharing folder over smb06:22
slomoivoks: sounds like beagle ;) how do you know that it was mono but not what package it really was?06:23
ivokscouse top showed mono took 30% RAM :)06:23
ivoksand my computer started swaping - it never did that before :)06:23
slomojust look at the ps aux output :P06:23
abarbacciaslomo, deb http://dijkstra.csh.rit.edu/~mdz/debian unstable mythtv06:23
slomoabarbaccia: hmm... probably just ask mdz about it06:25
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abarbacciai will one of these days...06:26
tsengmdz said he wants that stuff in universe06:26
tsengbut is probably too busy06:26
abarbacciawell, he got all the packages on there06:26
abarbacciaexcept that one06:26
abarbacciaand mythgame and mythphone06:26
tsengthats fine, did you test them?06:26
abarbacciaboth of which i think are pointless....06:26
slomotseng: then let's take a look at it and when we both think it's ok we can upload it...06:26
abarbacciai tested mythtv-themes06:26
abarbacciathat would be great!06:26
tsengas a rebuild on breezy?06:26
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xerxasI've generated my gpg key06:31
xerxaswhat should I do to upload it to ubuntu world ?06:32
bddebianxerxas: There is a place on Launchpad to put it06:32
slomoxerxas: and probably upload it to a public keyserver06:33
ivoksslomo: yep, beagle06:34
ivoksslomo: beagled and best are taking 22% of my RAM :)06:34
tsengbeagle sucks ram06:34
tsengnews at 1106:34
xerxasslomo: already upload to a public keyserver06:34
xerxashi slomo06:34
tsengivoks: its pretty well known06:34
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bddebianHeya mbreit06:35
ivokstseng: i know06:35
tsengivoks: indexing lots of large files is expensive06:35
mbreithi everyone, hey bddebian ;)06:35
ivokstseng: i was surprised to see swap over 300MB filled :)06:35
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markumanthe find and import function on launchpad dont work here: Sorry, a system error occurred06:36
bddebianmarkuman: I get the same error when doing text searches :-(06:36
ivoksit's time to join planet06:36
tsengim off for lunch06:37
bddebianbon apetite06:38
slomoivoks: good idea ;) i'll talk to jdub on friday about it06:38
ivoksi'll do that now :)06:39
slomoi'm too lazy ;)06:39
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arzajacAnyone here I can discuss flashplayer-nonfree with?06:53
xerxas_is there anyone who's using gpg on gmail ?06:54
slomoarzajac: what's the problem with it?06:54
xerxas_to decode gpg messages I need to access my mail via pop with a gpg enabled clients ?06:54
xerxas_or I can simply copy the content of the message ?06:54
arzajacMay sites do not have fonts properly set up.  The gsfonts-x11 fixes the problem, but it is only a reccommends.  Any chance of making it a depends?06:55
arzajac"Many sites' and not May sites....06:55
=== d2dchat [n=d2dchat@pcp09228522pcs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianAnyone have a clue on this:06:58
bddebian/usr/include/X11/Xlib.h:3575: error: syntax error before '_X_SENTINEL'06:58
dholbachwhat is before it?06:59
blueyedIs there a way to debug-enable a build when using debuild to create .debs from "apt-get source"'d source code?07:00
bddebianLooks like it's pulling bad headers to me07:00
bddebianblueyed: There should be a nostrip option07:00
dholbachblueyed: DebuggingProgramCrash on the wiki knows07:01
bddebiangcc -O3 -g -I/usr/X11R6/include -I../../include   -c -o Cache.o Cache.c07:01
bddebianIn file included from /usr/include/X11/Intrinsic.h:56,07:01
bddebian                 from /usr/include/X11/IntrinsicP.h:54,07:01
bddebian                 from Cache.c:28:07:01
dholbacherm in the code ( /usr/include/X11/Xlib.h) before it07:01
bddebianOh, hehe, sorry07:01
d2dchatwho manages the Ruby package?07:01
dholbachdont worry07:01
xerxas_woohoo , uploaded my gpg key07:02
xerxas_need to get it signed07:02
bddebianxerxas_: Nice07:02
xerxas_If i get it signed by a someone that made a lot of patch for gnome and have a signed key, is it enough?07:03
xerxas_this guy is vuntz07:03
xerxas_he is relatively known07:03
bddebianextern char *XSetOMValues(07:05
bddebian    XOM                 /* om */,07:05
bddebian    ...07:05
bddebian) _X_SENTINEL(0);07:05
xerxas_Nafallo: r u here ?07:05
dholbachbddebian: another missing header? you should search for the values in /usr/include07:05
bddebianIt's defined in XfunProto.h07:07
bddebianErr Xfuncproto.h07:07
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SurakHello, I need assistance on making the way to multiverse to my conexant module package.07:15
SurakI suppose this is the correct place to ask it.07:15
dholbachbddebian: you might have to include that additionally (since the X stuff split up)07:17
bddebianWTF is a Makefile.conf?07:19
slomobddebian: maybe just a makefile with variables which gets included everywhere07:19
slomolook at it07:19
SurakThe package is fine, just needs to be reviewed by a MOTU.07:27
dholbachSurak: wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU is what you're looking for07:27
dholbachSurak: wiki.ubuntu.com/REVU is what you're looking for07:27
=== dholbach pipes innocently
bddebianslomo: It's wrong but when I change it, it has no affect.  Do I have to re-run autmoke or something?07:27
ograSurak, has it approval for redistribution from the license holder ?07:27
slomobddebian: depends on the package07:27
Surakogra: 1.   Permitted use. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted under the terms set forth herein.07:29
ograwhat are these terms ?07:29
ogracan you put up the license anywhere ?07:29
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ograits a requirement for universe that the redistribution through us is allowed07:30
SurakI already did, http://laa2.unifacs.br/preview/conexant/conexant-192/07:30
ograelmo will look vers deeply into it..07:30
SurakOps, http://laa2.unifacs.br/preview/conexant/conexant-192/LICENSE07:31
ogralooks good :) put it on revu ;)07:32
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bddebianWTF is /usr/X11/app-defaults ?07:34
ograhmm, shoudlt that be in /etc ?07:35
Surakogra: dholbach: thanks!07:35
ograbddebian, doesnt exist here07:36
dholbachSurak: for what? :)07:36
SurakFor answering me. I'm asking the same thing here for about a week in different times :-)07:36
dholbachyou should have pinged each and everyone on the channel list :-p07:37
bddebianogra: I know, for me either :-)07:38
SurakOne more week and maybe this would be the case!07:38
bddebianBut I have a configure blah --x-defaults=/etc/X11/app-defaults  ??07:38
ograbddebian, where did you see it ?07:38
bddebianogra: felt   debian/rules on configure07:39
dholbachSurak: if you have ideas for iumprovement of the MOTU documentation of the wiki, be sure to tell us about it07:39
dholbachSurak: it's always good to hear from somebody, who doesnt know all the places yet07:39
ograbddebian, --x-defaults=/etc/X11/app-defaults sounds ok... the package doesnt rspect this ?07:39
bddebianI don't know it FTBFSs and I'm just looking for problems :-)07:40
Surakdholbach: I reached a place completely different than those wiki entries when I was looking for information. Two minutes and I can tell you where07:40
bddebianogra: This is the line I'm trying to affect: gcc -O3 -g -I/usr/X11/include -I../../include   -c -o Cache.o Cache.c07:40
bddebianOhh, wait, it did fix it07:41
bddebianSame FTBFS though :-(07:41
bddebianOh, wrong path again...07:41
=== bddebian kicks himself
Surakdholbach: hm, the new member appointment.07:43
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dholbachSurak: which page is it?07:44
bddebianHmm, still b0rked07:45
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dholbachbddebian: missing build-depends?07:50
bddebiandholbach: NO, that _X_SENTINEL error07:50
bddebianOhh, yeah it could be but I don't know what07:50
dholbachyou include the header file, but it's not in the build-depends?07:50
bddebianAll the headers it fails on are there afaict07:50
dholbachwhat package is it?07:51
dholbachiwll have a look07:52
bddebianIt's probably something stupid that I am just missing07:52
dholbachmightbe not :-p07:52
Surakdholbach: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/processes/newmember/07:52
dholbachSurak: ah ok07:52
dholbachSurak: yeah, there's a bit of discrepancy, but http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU IS the starting point :)07:53
bddebianFsck, I'm getting nothing accomplished today either at work or with MOTU :'-(07:53
dholbachbddebian: you do, i got some malone mails from you07:53
dholbachbddebian: and you do a hell lot more than many other motus :)07:53
bddebianOhh, yeah07:53
=== bddebian has a goal to have bugs < 500 and all UnmetDeps cleaned
ograbddebian, wow07:54
bddebianOh and GL/GLU transistions07:54
ograyou deserve a golden medal if you make that...07:54
bddebianWell since the number of bugs keeps growing, I think I'm screwed ;-P07:55
ograif you make the other two goals i'd vote already for this medal :p07:57
bddebianWell everything left on UnmetDeps and GL/GLU are FTBFS as far as I know now.. :-(07:57
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bddebianWho is working on/with beagle?08:05
tsengnot me08:06
bddebianI think bug #1859 is bunk.  I don't see a build-dep for wv anything in beagle ??08:08
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bddebiantseng: Damnit, ogra says its YOU :-)08:24
ogratseng, who cares for beagle now ? if not you ?08:24
ograanyway, libwv2-dev is there08:24
bddebianYeah but it's not a build-dep08:25
tsengbeagle can use libwv08:25
tsengbut we dont build with it08:25
bddebianShould we?08:25
ograhmm, but i thought there was another package responsible for MS docs...08:26
tsengdo I care about searching MS docs on my linux box?08:26
tsengnot really08:26
tsengif someone wants to build and test it, great08:26
tsengi dont even have a copy of word08:26
ograwhat was the package schweeb did ?08:26
ograwasnt that for MS office stuff ?08:26
tsengis ppt or something08:26
ograi thought it was more general08:27
tsenglibgsf-1 - Structured File Library - runtime version08:27
tsengwhatever that means08:27
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ograyay for descriptive descriptions :p08:27
=== bddebian just ignores the bug I guess
tsengthis page says it all08:28
bddebianrbelem-amd64: Ahh, good can you test Wesnoth for me? ;-)08:28
tseng'libgsf' is a simple i/o library that can read and write common file types and handle structured formats that provide file-system-in-a-file semantics.08:28
tsengtbh i dont know what it does08:28
rbelem-amd64bddebian: yes =)08:28
rbelem-amd64bddebian: i bought this machine yesterday ;-)08:29
bddebianrbelem-amd64: Nice.  I want to get one :-)08:30
rbelem-amd64bddebian: i was without machine, one friend give me a amd-k6-ii 500 for some days, then he take it back 2 days ago08:33
rbelem-amd64bddebian: i was forced to buy this :(08:33
dholbachbddebian: sorry, no luck08:35
dholbachbddebian: but the debian maintainer should have a look around if there's a new upstream release08:35
dholbachthe code is VERY broken08:35
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bddebiandholbach: Well that doesn't help me clean up my list :-)08:35
bddebiandholbach: Thanks for taking the time to look08:35
dholbachif we could sync it, it would08:35
dholbachdon't worry08:35
rbelem-amd64bddebian: but now i'm happy, full of debt, but happy :)08:37
rbelem-amd64bddebian: i'll test Wesnoth now ;-)08:38
bddebiandholbach: No newer version on sourceforge :-(08:39
dholbachbddebian: cvs fixes?08:41
bddebianWhat do I look like a developer? :-)08:42
bddebianI don't understand how we can have all this broken code around :-(08:44
dholbachbddebian: that's a procedure we all have to go through08:45
dholbachtrust me08:45
\shnow the wlan test08:46
ograthe wlan test ?08:46
ogra\sh, you were at saturn ?08:46
\shi'm sorry only with windows first, and after that with a usb dongle under linux08:47
\shogra: yeah..but no linksys anymore in cologne08:47
\shnot at all saturns, no mediamarkts, no karstadt no nothing08:47
ograi know the feeling... thats how i ended up with all the wlan crap here08:47
\shyep...but this guy at saturn recognized me ;)08:47
\shhe's using ubuntu :)08:48
\shand he promised me to order a linksys wrt54-gs ;)08:48
\shwlan works...unsecured08:49
spaynei have a day off school tomorrow08:50
spayneso i want to have another bash at packaging08:50
bddebianspayne: Great08:50
\shok...wpa connect works as well with the to r20008:52
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Tonio-hi everyone08:57
bddebianHeya Tonio-08:59
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bddebianrbelem: Did Wesnoth kill your machine? ;-P09:03
rbelembddebian: yes :(09:04
rbelembddebian: when the instalation process begin the machine freeze09:05
rbelembddebian: i'll try again09:05
bddebianSheesh, I swear every line of code with ncbi-tools6 has a warning :-)09:20
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bddebianYeah, I'm thinking I'm not going to meet my goals :'-(09:21
dholbachbddebian: shortly before the hoary release i realised that my own code wasnt that bad :)09:21
bddebiandholbach: ;-)09:21
dholbach(after having seen millions of bug logs)09:21
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bddebianHeya crimsun09:25
crimsunheya bddebian09:25
dholbachhey daniel09:25
crimsunhey daniel :-)09:25
bddebiancrimsun: Oh, hey, have you ever gotten anywhere with vlc?09:25
bddebianDoh I scared him away.. :-)09:26
spaynedholbach: what package is needed to get the debi command>09:27
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crimsun(I hate my connection)09:28
crimsunbddebian: yes, I have. It builds on i386 and ppc, still working on amd64.09:29
ogracrimsun, i havent seen elmo today yet...09:29
ograbut i guess he'll be around for the CC meeting in 30min09:29
crimsunbddebian: I'm trying to reduce the size of our diff.gz by using the -dev packages from ffmpeg, so we're waiting on libpostproc-dev to be promoted to universe09:30
crimsunogra: all right, thanks09:30
crimsunogra: it would be nice to ask for a sync of ffmpeg from Sid while we're at it, since the newer vlc b-ds on it09:31
ograbut dont we have a ffmpeg from marillat ?09:31
ogra(which has a epoch afaik)09:31
ograthat will generate probs i guess09:31
crimsunoh! so _that_'s why the 3: epoch exists...09:32
ograwe'll at least need to add the epoch to the debian package09:32
crimsunok, then we'll need to merge it in09:32
crimsunyeah, we can skip asking for a sync then. Thanks. :)09:32
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ograactually i dont even think the current package is from amrillat, but we once had one from there which brought the epoch in09:33
ogra(in warty i think)09:33
ograepochs are sooo evil !09:33
crimsunyes they are09:33
cevizogluthe same elf binary will work on ppc and i386, right?09:34
bddebianI was told I couldn't bring in ffmpeg2 ... :-)09:36
crimsunffmpeg2? :-)09:36
bddebianFrom Marillat09:39
bddebianSource package09:39
bddebianbuilds libavcodec209:39
=== crimsun scoots, will try to make it to CC. Later folks!
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@lns01-1663.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ivoksthis channel gets bigger every day :)09:45
ograthats its intention ;)09:51
markumanivoks, when i watched first time here, there were ~120 people i think...09:51
dholbachmarkuman: when i was here there was 1 guy, or two maybe :)09:52
ivoksi camed when here was maybe 15 people :)09:52
=== zyga does have some family photos if anyone is in a mood ;-)
markumanmy first packages is upload allready....09:52
zyga'here I am with other # friends'09:53
ivokslook... this is my first q with dholbach :)09:53
markumani hope it will be everything right with it09:53
dholbachyour first Q with me?:)09:53
ivoksquery :)09:53
rbelembddebian: now it worked well ;-)09:53
dholbachah :)09:53
ivoksdholbach: family photos :)09:53
ivoksmarkuman: what package?09:54
markumanivoks, xfce4-taskmanager09:54
rbelembddebian: nice game :)09:54
ivokswe didn't have that one before?09:54
markumanivoks, no. in debian packages wasnt it too09:55
ivoksah, great!09:55
bddebianrbelem: Uh oh, now I have you. ;-)  Thx for doing that09:55
ivokswe worked hard today09:55
ivoksit's time to play some network game09:55
markumanivoks, but ive build it only for amd64 :-/09:55
=== bddebian doesn't feel like he's worked hard :'-(
zyga'our first group-hug'? ;-)09:56
rbelembddebian: =)09:56
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bddebianHeading home, later gang10:26
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dholbachhi ajmitch10:51
\shevening ajmitch :)10:51
ajmitchdholbach: sorry, just got to add the Replaces line onto pwlib, will you be around for much longer? :)10:52
ajmitchhey \sh  :)10:52
=== ajmitch is glad he'll soon be in the same timezone as you all ;)
dholbachajmitch: a bit, yes :)10:53
dholbachajmitch: replaces? no conflicts on older version? (not sure)10:53
ajmitchit was just 1.8.7-1 that had symlinks in the wrong package10:54
ajmitchI've got the packages here to upgrade from10:54
ajmitchwill test soon :)10:54
ivoksah, time for bed11:03
ivokssee you guys...11:03
=== blueyed [n=daniel@iD4CC1235.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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dholbachhey zakame !11:08
zakamehello all11:08
dholbachyou're just right here - 2 weeks to fix the universe :)11:08
ograhi zakame11:09
zakameI hope I'm not too late11:09
zakameogra: hi! =)11:09
dholbachno, surely not11:09
ograits never to late to join MOTU ;)11:09
zakame:) I'm reading MOTUGettingIntoIt now... so, I gather that I start packaging first then I put these packages for review, like debian-mentors?11:13
dholbachzakame: wiki.ubuntu.com/REVU is for the review part11:15
dholbachzakame: we're currently working on wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUTodo and wiki.ubuntu.com/Transitions11:16
=== ajmitch wanders back in
dholbachthe big difference to the debian maintainer world is that we do team maintenance11:16
zakamedholbach: yes, I am looking at MOTUTodo right now11:16
dholbachso if you happen to have a fix for a problem, you're welcome to get it in :)11:16
zakamedholbach: cool!11:16
infinito\sh: excuse me... the gcfilms problem of this morning on debian seems to be fixed now11:20
=== Schpenke [n=Schpenke@c-67-162-255-225.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
infinitomaybe someone can try to sync it now....11:21
\shinfinito: we have to check it first...do it tomorrow...11:21
\shhave it on my todo11:21
infinito\sh: ok, thanks11:22
ajmitch'some patch for stupid pbuilders'? heh..11:22
ajmitchwhat an attitude :)11:22
infinitothe debian packager told me in his pbuilder there was no problem11:22
infinitohe wrote the changelog... ;)11:23
ajmitchyet everyone else can reproduce it :P11:23
zakamestupid pbuilders?!?11:23
infinitoi'm still not sure what was happening... we just disabled the write permissions check11:24
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=== bddebian [n=bddebian@pcp08717033pcs.phnixv01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
zakamehello bddebian11:53
bddebianHeya zakame11:53
dholbachbddebian: zakame is here to beat you in the upload statistics soon :)11:54
nybblei salute all of you. brave souls you are :D11:54
dholbachhey nybble11:55
nybblehello dholbach11:55
nybblewhats shakin?11:55
dholbachBUG TRIAGE :)11:55
bddebiandholbach: Oh yeah?11:55
bddebianHmm, I better get to work then eh? :-)11:56
ajmitchdholbach: schedule more bug days thx ;)11:56
bddebianYeah, we want < 500!!11:57
dholbachajmitch: everyday's a bug day11:57
ajmitchdholbach: I know, but some days are extra special11:57
dholbachyeah, like christmas :)11:57
ajmitchdholbach: it helps motivate people when you know that others are going to be around to help triage on a particular day11:58
dholbachwe hope to achieve a bit of it in the desktpTeam11:58
=== ajmitch has to get bug fixing asap
ajmitchotherwise my karma will slip & I will die :)11:59
bddebianIt does?  Who was there for the last one?11:59
=== bddebian ducks
ajmitchthey were all scared off by your smart comments :P12:00
ajmitchdholbach: so the desktop team needs some clear direction & leadership if it's going to succeed :)12:01
ajmitchdholbach: got a list of tasks that people can easily help out with?12:01
bddebianYou mean like the clear direction we all get?12:02

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