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Sonny_Wertzik | someuser, it be more than just ctrl alt bkspace | 12:00 |
RMeist | ctrl alt f11 perhaps? | 12:00 |
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B_166-ER-X | kemik , still having the same error message :\ | 12:01 |
Sonny_Wertzik | RMeist, is that a guess? | 12:01 |
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brunna | oi | 12:01 |
B_166-ER-X | Your $HOME/.dmrc file has incorrect permissions and is being ignored. This prevents the default session and language from | 12:01 |
B_166-ER-X | being saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. | 12:01 |
mattlacey | someuser: ctrl+alt+backspace will restart the x server | 12:01 |
RMeist | Sonny_Wertzik: I recall such a keyb combi with f11 or f11 and indeed bckspc | 12:01 |
someuser | i got nothing to loos, so i give it a tray :) | 12:01 |
RMeist | Sonny_Wertzik: f12 | 12:01 |
brunna | oi | 12:01 |
RMeist | ey brunna :) | 12:01 |
someuser | oh i see, i'll tray. | 12:01 |
brunna | td bom? | 12:02 |
Sonny_Wertzik | heh | 12:02 |
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snorks | Day changed to 27 Sep 2005 | 12:02 |
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B_166-ER-X | help? | 12:02 |
RMeist | help | 12:02 |
eyez_ | can I use winamp in Ubuntu? or there is another good media player program i can get | 12:02 |
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snorks | eyez_: xmms looks like winamp | 12:03 |
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RMeist | xmms is ok | 12:03 |
robertj | eyez: xmms = winamp, rhythmbox = itunes | 12:03 |
eyez_ | snorks, where can i get it? | 12:03 |
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rambo3 | apt? | 12:03 |
Kovecses | apt-get install xmms | 12:03 |
snorks | eyez_: apt-cache search xmms | 12:03 |
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snorks | eyez_: and then get xmms and the plugins you see fit | 12:03 |
Kovecses | apt-get install xmms-skins too | 12:03 |
robertj | eyez: use synaptic pack manager from the system menu | 12:03 |
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snorks | eyez_: most likely xmms-esd (or xmms-esound) something like that | 12:04 |
Kovecses | hey guys im getting .......Mounting Local Filesystems......failed at boot? | 12:04 |
mattlacey | eyez: amaroK is my fave, but you have to download a lot of kde stuff :P | 12:04 |
brunna | algum fla portugues??? | 12:04 |
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Nameless12 | i NEED some more help, i have edited my xorg.conf AGAIN and ubuntu loads, but the 15" lcd turns off and then turns back on as ubuntu loads, after it turns back on its stuck in clone mode. can someone help me this is sooo shitting me off i have my xorg.conf on paste bin at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2566 | 12:05 |
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HAMM3R | Any ideas on how i can get mbmon to be able to run by a non-root users. (no sudo either) ? | 12:05 |
kbfx|Nookie^ | is it legal to sell original ubuntu cd which you can recive on ubuntu:s homepage on a page similar to ebay___ | 12:05 |
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snorks | kbfx|Nookie^: kinda ruins the whole point. pls dont, and pls tell whoevery ou know to not do it | 12:06 |
Diskgrind | Since Ubuntu is free of charge.. why try to sell it?? | 12:06 |
snorks | kbfx|Nookie^: about legal issues, i dont know | 12:06 |
chavo | yes, it's legal | 12:06 |
spermite | i screwed my computer up by typing the wrong command in. the command was rm -r /home/devin/usr/src.. is there a way i can fix this????? | 12:06 |
ompaul | Diskgrind, how do you mean sell? | 12:06 |
dfeed | Hey everyone. I've screwed up my system and was wondering if anyone could help me get things working again... I've accidentally broken my /etc/fstab file. It mounts my root system as read only, so I can't change it back. What's the best way to sort this out? | 12:06 |
kbfx|Nookie^ | snorks: i saw it today on this page one sec... hee takes about 6 dollar for a cd | 12:06 |
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Diskgrind | He mentioned trying to sell it on ebay or soemthing,... | 12:06 |
kbfx|Nookie^ | http://www.tradera.com/search/imp.aspx?search=ubuntu&catid=&county=0&l_desc= | 12:06 |
azeem | hi | 12:07 |
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snorks | kbfx|Nookie^: if he spends those 6 dollars on porto, i wouldn't mind it a bit :) | 12:07 |
specialbuddy | does anyone know how to install superkaramba? | 12:07 |
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kbfx|Nookie^ | yeah but the porto is 1 dollar | 12:07 |
funkyHat | dfeed, stick a live cd in, boot, mount the filesystem, and change it | 12:07 |
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ompaul | Diskgrind, if you want disks of it you are entitled to pay for it | 12:07 |
snorks | spermite: that sounds very bad | 12:07 |
rambo3 | if its gnome and ubuntu use gdesklets | 12:07 |
Seveas | dfeed, sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/your_root | 12:07 |
Diskgrind | ok | 12:07 |
funkyHat | haha | 12:07 |
Diskgrind | what ever.. floats his boat | 12:07 |
backslash83 | guys a stupid question, i always recompiled vanilla kernel, how do i apply ubuntu patches? | 12:07 |
funkyHat | or do that | 12:07 |
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rambo3 | instead of karamnba | 12:07 |
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specialbuddy | well no one is in the kubuntu room so I want to use karamba | 12:08 |
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azeem | The automatic Shared Folder/SMB system seems to require a password from remote users, can I disable that somehow? | 12:08 |
whyameye | I have a DVD stuck in my drive. It won | 12:08 |
dfeed | Seveas: That sounds good. I'll give it a try. Thanks. | 12:08 |
whyameye | 't mount and I can't get it to eject. | 12:08 |
P229 | kbfx|Nookie^: technically, no, unless you fail to supply the source code | 12:08 |
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snorks | azeem: there hsould be something in smb.conf that defines that | 12:09 |
P229 | kbfx|Nookie^: but IANAL. furthermore, that would be a really scuzzy thing to do | 12:09 |
RMeist | niice | 12:09 |
bettong_BOFH | is there a bench mark test for computers that use ubuntu? | 12:09 |
brunna | por favor.....algum pode me explicar como eu vo pra um canal?? | 12:09 |
ompaul | spermite, if you really want to recover files in there you could look for the 'coroner toolkit' | 12:09 |
Nameless12 | i NEED some more help, i have edited my xorg.conf AGAIN and ubuntu loads, but the 15" lcd turns off and then turns back on as ubuntu loads, after it turns back on its stuck in clone mode. can someone help me this is sooo shitting me off i have my xorg.conf on paste bin at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2566 | 12:09 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, what vid card do you have? | 12:10 |
azeem | snorks: hrm | 12:10 |
brunna | algum fla portuguesss???? | 12:10 |
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ompaul | bettong_BOFH, we are the bench test and we say its better | 12:10 |
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Toba | W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.10/linux-image-2.6.10-5-386_2.6.10-34.6_i386.deb | 12:10 |
Toba | Error reading from server. Remote end closed connection [IP: 80] | 12:10 |
jamey3 | does anyone here have experience with dansguardian?? | 12:10 |
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bettong_BOFH | lol | 12:10 |
Toba | wtf is that? | 12:10 |
cevizoglu | GNeRaL: selam | 12:10 |
Toba | do I have a dead repository? | 12:10 |
bettong_BOFH | i mean for hardware | 12:10 |
=== thatguy [n=delaney@mctnnbsa31w-142166118053.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bettong_BOFH | that ubuntu runs | 12:10 |
snorks | azeem: maybe public = yes, guest ok = yes | 12:10 |
thatguy | !about w32codecs | 12:10 |
ubotu | thatguy: I don't know, could you explain it? | 12:10 |
Nameless12 | Kovecses, i have a x800pro agp | 12:10 |
thatguy | whas the trigger again? | 12:11 |
bettong_BOFH | i KNOW ubuntu scores 1000% outta a possible score of 100 | 12:11 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | whyameye: stick a paperclip in the small hole on the front. | 12:11 |
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Kovecses | debian | 12:11 |
Kovecses | baby | 12:11 |
Toba | "!tell me about", th | 12:11 |
spermite | ompaul well its a fresh install didnt have many files just want to be able to fix this where i can log back on to kde, right now its saying " could not read network connection list. //DCOPserver_debian_0 | 12:11 |
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Toba | *thatguy | 12:11 |
jamey3 | does anyone here have experience with dansguardian?? | 12:11 |
Nameless12 | Kovecses, if you check the xorg file at | 12:11 |
Nameless12 | deb http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2566 thats got ALL the info | 12:11 |
Toba | !tell thatguy about w32codecs | 12:11 |
thatguy | rad | 12:11 |
thatguy | thanks | 12:11 |
Toba | np | 12:11 |
whyameye | FlyingSquirrel32: so I won't damage the drive if it is still trying to read the DVD (and making a terrible grinding sound) while I force the eject? | 12:11 |
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ompaul | spermite, how does this relate to your deleted files? | 12:12 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | brunna: espanol? | 12:12 |
=== bettong_BOFH senses another BOFH in the room | ||
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spermite | ompaul not sure, i guess it deleted everything | 12:12 |
=== ompaul reaches for the 2*4 before bettong_BOFH says anything | ||
Kovecses | Nameless12, first of all..... you have two driver section | 12:13 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | whyameye: no garrenties, but if it's grinding, turn the computer off first. | 12:13 |
backslash83 | does the linux-sources package have ubuntu patches already applied? | 12:13 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, first of all..... you have two driver sections | 12:13 |
bettong_BOFH | lol | 12:13 |
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Nameless12 | Kovecses, ?? i do, gimmie a sec to check that | 12:13 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, did you follow the instructions on ubuntu? | 12:13 |
ompaul | spermite, if you did as you said I strongly suggest you reinstall and stay away from rm -r for a long time :) | 12:13 |
whyameye | FlyingSquirrel32: yeah maybe the best plan is to just turn the power switch off. I can't shut down because the mount process won't die, even with kill -9... | 12:13 |
Toba | ompaul: lol | 12:13 |
Toba | rm -r is not your friend | 12:13 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, you have driver "ati" driver "fglrx" right after one enother | 12:14 |
Nameless12 | Kovecses, wait a sec let me check this 1st, i followed a combination of various instructions | 12:14 |
bettong_BOFH | sudo rm- r is | 12:14 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | whyameye: go for it... | 12:14 |
nxv_ | is there a special skype package for breezy? i downloaded the deb package but cant install: it says skype depends on libqt3c102-mt (>= 3:; | 12:14 |
Toba | if you hate yourself and want to erase your hard drive, you can always do /exec rm -rf / in irssi or xchat :) | 12:14 |
Nameless12 | Kovecses, i got help to fix my video card off a guy here to do with fglrx, he fixed it. im not on 5.04 im on 5.10 preview and yeah | 12:14 |
bettong_BOFH | lol | 12:14 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, fglrx is the way to go if you have an ati card | 12:14 |
ompaul | Toba, lets leave that alone before someone tries to do it and then comes in crying | 12:14 |
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bettong_BOFH | hey does anyone know how to turn off v-sync in ubuntu? | 12:15 |
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bettong_BOFH | useing a nvidia card | 12:15 |
someuser | wohooo i'm back & it's working :} !!!! | 12:15 |
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Toba | ompaul: heh, yeah but I said specifically that it was a bad thing to do | 12:15 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | someuser, cool! | 12:15 |
snorks | i executed a command that was written in here in this channel, and now my system wont shut down. im using irssi | 12:15 |
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Nameless12 | Kovecses, Driver "ati"Driver "fglrx" so i change ati to fglrx and reboot? | 12:15 |
ompaul | Toba, that never stopped anyone before | 12:15 |
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eyez_ | When trying to configure my xmms i get an error configure:2398: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH any one can help what that means? | 12:15 |
spiral_shell | how do I restart ubuntu from the commandline? | 12:15 |
ompaul | bettong_BOFH, no idea | 12:15 |
coz | Hello all | 12:15 |
bettong_BOFH | damn | 12:16 |
someuser | :) now i get good refresh rate :} | 12:16 |
Toba | ompaul: quite true! | 12:16 |
coz | I am going to ask you guys something about ubuntu breezy] | 12:16 |
RMeist | someuser: kill -1 l:P nooo:) reboot | 12:16 |
bettong_BOFH | v-sync is slowing down my game | 12:16 |
Sonny_Wertzik | someuser, i gues the site i found ur monitor specs on was legit | 12:16 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | nxv_: did you try to download that package? | 12:16 |
coz | I have been trying to get this OS to play dvd's with no results | 12:16 |
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Kovecses | Nameless12, no .. it should just read...... Driver "fglrx" | 12:16 |
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coz | does nayone have suggestions/solutions? | 12:16 |
someuser | it's good ! | 12:16 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, you have two driver lines | 12:16 |
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Nameless12 | oops yeah fixed that | 12:16 |
ompaul | spiral_shell, can you give more detail what you are trying to achieve | 12:16 |
someuser | 10q once agin :) | 12:16 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | search libqt3c102-mt in Google, take the first link and scroll down to "Download libqt3c102-mt" | 12:17 |
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Nameless12 | Kovecses, brb after reboot (if i have more probs) | 12:17 |
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spiral_shell | ompaul I am trying to restart the OS.. | 12:17 |
someuser | can i bother you with another quiestion :) | 12:17 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | nxv_ ^That was for you | 12:17 |
dfeed | Awesome, that worked. | 12:17 |
Sonny_Wertzik | someuser, u should be able to pick different resolutions in screen resolutions under system-preferences | 12:17 |
thoreauputic | spiral_shell: you mean reboot? | 12:17 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | someuser, sure | 12:17 |
spiral_shell | ompaul it seems as though there is runaway process.. webserver is very slow | 12:18 |
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spiral_shell | thoreauputic yes | 12:18 |
someuser | yes, i can, but dont need to, coz it's selected 85Hz on tiself | 12:18 |
Ryouga | anyone else having problems with the colony 5 livecd? | 12:18 |
eyez_ | When trying to configure my xmms i get an error configure:2398: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH any one can help what that means? | 12:18 |
thoreauputic | spiral_shell: sudo shutdown -r now | 12:18 |
ompaul | spiral_shell, sudo shutdown -r now | 12:18 |
Ryouga | I can't get X to load correctly anywhere | 12:18 |
thoreauputic | ompaul: :) | 12:18 |
Sonny_Wertzik | someuser, whats the other question? | 12:18 |
NiCKeL | im new to linux (complete noob) and installed ubuntu in hope of gaining knowledge, i did the install it went good ran updates on the net and it went good rebooted and now my net is gone | 12:18 |
ompaul | touche | 12:18 |
spiral_shell | ompaul does that restart or shutdown? | 12:18 |
ompaul | restarts | 12:18 |
arkanes | eyez_: presumably, you don't have a C compiler installed, try installing GCC | 12:18 |
thoreauputic | spiral_shell: restart | 12:18 |
NiCKeL | i chekced th0 and it was not active so i actived it | 12:18 |
NiCKeL | but now my net still isnt up | 12:18 |
ompaul | spiral_shell, sudo shutdown -h now << shutdown | 12:18 |
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NiCKeL | how do i get it to work? | 12:18 |
someuser | i have add new lang' but don't know how to swich betwin them | 12:19 |
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spiral_shell | ompaul ok -r for restart -h for shutdown | 12:19 |
Sonny_Wertzik | someuser, what lang? | 12:19 |
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someuser | hebrew :) | 12:19 |
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thoreauputic | spiral_shell: yup | 12:19 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | someuser, hmmm....1 sec ok? | 12:19 |
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someuser | np :) | 12:19 |
dfeed | So, I've just resized my Windows partition and created a new ext3 filesystem in the space that created. What do I need to add to fstab to load that filesystem so I can use it for stuff? | 12:19 |
Nameless12 | Kovecses, im back, well ubuntu still works fine. But its STILL not in dual monitors. 1 monitor is in clone mode :( | 12:20 |
=== boxerboy [n=boxerboy@adsl-144-177-44.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
someuser | take all the time you need | 12:20 |
NiCKeL | how do i renew my ip address? | 12:20 |
NiCKeL | ifconfig | 12:20 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, paste the xorg.conf again | 12:20 |
NiCKeL | i know views it | 12:20 |
NiCKeL | but i dunno how to renew | 12:20 |
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ThePyromaniac | anyone know why i have so many broken icons in my breezy installation? also, why do my toolbars always rest to their default locations. | 12:21 |
Nameless12 | Kovecses, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2567 | 12:21 |
boxerboy | its a lil late for me to ask this now but i couldnt boot to ubuntu after i guess touching something in mandriva was there a way i could have fixed that other than reinstalling? | 12:21 |
RMeist | ow whell | 12:22 |
Sonny_Wertzik | someuser, u there? | 12:22 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | NiCKeL: I'm checking... | 12:22 |
someuser | yes | 12:22 |
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NiCKeL | thanks FlyingSquirrel32 | 12:22 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | someuser, do you need to switch the keyboard to hebrew? | 12:22 |
someuser | yes.. | 12:22 |
someuser | is there a shortcut | 12:22 |
Diskgrind | I would like help regarding installing a printer? | 12:22 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, both of your screens are pointing to the same place in xorg.conf thats why it is cloned | 12:23 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | NiCKeL: I think the easiest way is: "ifdown eth0" and then "ifup eth0" | 12:23 |
Sonny_Wertzik | someuser, ok if you right click on the icon panel that slides in and out??? u know the 1 i mean? | 12:23 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | NiCKeL: Of course that assumes the interface is called eth0, but that's the norm. | 12:23 |
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Nameless12 | Kovecses, do you mean to the same device??? but its all on the same video card, x800 has 2 plugs in the back of it | 12:23 |
someuser | i think i do | 12:24 |
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stian | isnt the ubuntu kernel compiled for HIGHMEMORY? | 12:24 |
NiCKeL | i dont understand it was working untill i rebooted | 12:24 |
someuser | the lower taskbar? where the trash bin is? | 12:24 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, yes i understand its on the same card......but the display listed in the device section is 2:0:0 ... so your card thinks there is only one monitor | 12:24 |
Sonny_Wertzik | someuser, heh or any what u would call the taskbar in windows...u know now? | 12:24 |
someuser | :) | 12:24 |
someuser | Properties? | 12:25 |
stian | what is the name for the tcl package? | 12:25 |
Sonny_Wertzik | someuser, ya right click a blank area and select add panel | 12:25 |
Nameless12 | Kovecses, just a sec im gona look at someone elses config on a forum, (he has a radeon card too) | 12:25 |
Kovecses | !find tcl | 12:25 |
someuser | keboard indicator? :( | 12:25 |
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Diskgrind | Can some one give me help about installing a printer? | 12:25 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | NiCKeL: Let me know how it goes. | 12:25 |
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someuser | GOT IT ! :} | 12:25 |
Sonny_Wertzik | some there is a keyboard selector in there ..it sets a little icon u can click back and fourth to english i think | 12:26 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | someuser, never tried it tho | 12:26 |
eyez_ | I want to get the newest grafik driver for my Gforce from nvidia home page. but i am not sure what version of linux i got (there are 3 of them to choice from on the site) | 12:26 |
someuser | its working :} | 12:26 |
someuser | ? | 12:26 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, i think if you.... apt-get install fglrxcontrol you can set up dual screens with a nice gui | 12:26 |
Sonny_Wertzik | someuser, can u use it for what u want to do? | 12:26 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | Diskgrind: I'm not too good, but since no one else is volunteering, I guess I'll try | 12:26 |
NiCKeL | nah i cant get net working | 12:26 |
NiCKeL | i dunno why | 12:26 |
someuser | this was hebrew, did you see it? | 12:26 |
NiCKeL | it was working | 12:26 |
NiCKeL | damnit | 12:26 |
NiCKeL | =/ | 12:26 |
ompaul | yes | 12:26 |
Diskgrind | Ok thanks | 12:27 |
ompaul | someuser, yes | 12:27 |
Sonny_Wertzik | someuser, ya cool | 12:27 |
Nameless12 | Kovecses, i installed that but i got no shortcut | 12:27 |
someuser | :) | 12:27 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | NiCKeL: are you using a static address or DHCP? | 12:27 |
Diskgrind | I have an HPdeskjet 5550 and found no linux drivers on there site | 12:27 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, in the term type fglrxconfig | 12:27 |
Sonny_Wertzik | someuser, ya im jewish too | 12:27 |
ompaul | someuser, no idea what it was | 12:27 |
azeem | not here | 12:27 |
azeem | 00:22 < someuser> 1m!- Sp [n=sparrow@] has quit ["Leaving"] | 12:27 |
azeem | wants to remove winesetuptk... | 12:27 |
someuser | cool, i'm on a rol tuday L) | 12:27 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, new to linux? | 12:27 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | NiCKeL: at home or in the office? | 12:27 |
NiCKeL | home box | 12:27 |
someuser | that was "Hebrew" | 12:27 |
NiCKeL | it was working until i rebooted so i dunno wats wrong | 12:27 |
jjazz | Diskgrind: Did you look up your printer on linuxprinting.org? | 12:27 |
Sonny_Wertzik | brb...my g-friend calling me | 12:27 |
Nameless12 | Kovecses, nameless1@ubuntu:/etc/X11$ fglrxcontrol | 12:27 |
Nameless12 | bash: fglrxcontrol: command not found | 12:27 |
RMeist | wow | 12:28 |
Diskgrind | I will try that right now.. ty | 12:28 |
Diskgrind | I am very new to this. and want to learn | 12:28 |
Nameless12 | Kovecses, i just double checked, fglrx-control IS installed | 12:28 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, sudo updatedb.............then locate fglrxconfig | 12:28 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | Diskgrind: Is it color? | 12:28 |
jjazz | Diskgrind: Well, linuxprinting.org is the place to start. And the CUPS documentation. | 12:28 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, oh then type fglrx-control | 12:28 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | NiCKeL: do other pc's on the net work? | 12:28 |
P229 | is there an easy way to change the sound scheme? | 12:28 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, thats the name of it | 12:28 |
NiCKeL | yeah | 12:28 |
NiCKeL | this one | 12:29 |
NiCKeL | right next to it running windows | 12:29 |
Nameless12 | Kovecses, still not working | 12:29 |
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Diskgrind | yes | 12:29 |
Diskgrind | ty | 12:29 |
someuser | do you know of a way to change keboard layout with a shortcut? | 12:29 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, sudo updatedb then locate fglrx-control | 12:29 |
someuser | like in win alt+shift or ctrl+shift? | 12:29 |
eyez_ | what Linux driver must i choise when want to download new driver for my Gforce card? | 12:30 |
eyez_ | there like 4-5 i can choice from | 12:30 |
Sonny_Wertzik | ok im back | 12:30 |
boxerboy | wb sonny | 12:30 |
NiCKeL | the ip ifconfig shows it | 12:30 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | ty | 12:30 |
boxerboy | yw | 12:30 |
NiCKeL | its sposed to be a 192.168.*.* | 12:30 |
someuser | sonny | 12:30 |
marcellus | Option "XkbOptions" "grp:alt_shift_toggle" | 12:30 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | Diskgrind: Go to the menu and click on System>Administration>Printing | 12:30 |
someuser | do you know of a way to change keboard layout with a shortcut? | 12:30 |
Sonny_Wertzik | ya? | 12:30 |
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Nameless12 | Kovecses, i got no exe equivilent for it, there is a fglrx-control, but its in a /usr/share/doc dir (and it wont run) | 12:31 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | NiCKeL: Sorry, trying to help 2 a t a time... Is it DHCP? | 12:31 |
marcellus | ..although it doesn't work for me at the moment (or for the last month or so) | 12:31 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, then you dont have the package | 12:31 |
Sonny_Wertzik | umm i thought that little icon does it....right click on it an choose propeties | 12:31 |
stian | configure: error: Unable to find Tcl directory or Tcl package is not tcl-dev..... what can i do? | 12:31 |
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Kovecses | Nameless12, and linux has no exe files | 12:31 |
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someuser | i'm there | 12:32 |
Nameless12 | Kovecses, i know that thats why i said equivilent | 12:32 |
Sonny_Wertzik | see if you can find some way of doing it | 12:32 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | Diskgrind:Click on New Printer | 12:32 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, ahh yes | 12:32 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | Diskgrind: is it USB? | 12:32 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, its not installed | 12:32 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, it cant be | 12:32 |
ompaul | someuser, there is an applet called keyboard indicator pop that on your panel | 12:32 |
Demian___ | any else have problems with the firefox update? | 12:32 |
someuser | layout options? | 12:32 |
Diskgrind | I missed the one before that ,, I signed out accedentally | 12:32 |
marcellus | someuser: Option "XkbOptions" "grp:alt_shift_toggle" in your X config | 12:32 |
Diskgrind | yes | 12:32 |
Demian___ | and ofcourse | 12:32 |
Demian___ | good morning | 12:32 |
Nameless12 | Kovecses, its ticked in synaptic, it could be a bug. im using 5.10 preview | 12:32 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, could be a bug | 12:32 |
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Kovecses | Nameless12, why not just use hoary? | 12:32 |
Jan_ | hihi all | 12:32 |
Sonny_Wertzik | system-preferences0keyboard | 12:32 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | NiCKeL: That's the loopback, ignore that... No eth0 ?? | 12:32 |
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Jan_ | They cared about the bug I put in! | 12:32 |
Jan_ | Someone replied to it :) | 12:33 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, or better yet debian | 12:33 |
Sonny_Wertzik | system-preferences-keyboard | 12:33 |
Jan_ | It is now "assigned", whatever that means. | 12:33 |
someuser | i do not have soch a panel there | 12:33 |
someuser | sach* | 12:33 |
Sonny_Wertzik | u must | 12:33 |
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Diskgrind | flyingsquirrel can we chat? | 12:33 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | Diskgrind: It makes it easier for me to see your responses if you put my name in it. Thanks | 12:33 |
Nameless12 | Kovecses, becuase i wanted to get dual monitors working and i figured this would have "new" drivers and the hoary does not autoload my harddrive controler hardrives on boot, altho i can still mount them after boot on 5.04 | 12:33 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | Diskgrind: Go to the menu and click on System>Administration>Printing | 12:33 |
someuser | but i do have, "use keboard LED to show alternative group. | 12:33 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | Diskgrind:Click on New Printer | 12:33 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | Diskgrind: is it USB? | 12:34 |
Diskgrind | yes | 12:34 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, umm..... n00b | 12:34 |
someuser | i tray to assgin it to capslock & other, but it dossent change layout | 12:34 |
Diskgrind | Im sorry I missed the printer Icon the first look around... | 12:34 |
Sonny_Wertzik | main menu panel system-preferences-keyboard | 12:34 |
NiCKeL | okay when i do: ifconfig eth0 up i get SIOCCSFLAGS: permission denied -- if i do it as root it should work right? and whats the default root pass w/ ubuntu | 12:34 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | Where it says Printer Port: select USB Printer #1 | 12:34 |
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Nameless12 | Kovecses, yes, i am a noob to xorg.conf files, big deal | 12:35 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | what version of ubuntu are u using? hoary? | 12:35 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | Diskgrind: Make sure Local Printer is selected above | 12:35 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | Diskgrind: and next | 12:35 |
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Kovecses | Nameless12, being a noob isnt a bad thing at all...... but your going about things all wrong | 12:35 |
someuser | me? | 12:35 |
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dooglus | is there a program which can pop up a notice when I receive new gmail? | 12:35 |
Sonny_Wertzik | someuser, ya u | 12:35 |
Diskgrind | FlyingSquirrel32 I have it .. and it works now.. wow great!!!!!! | 12:35 |
Bad_Magic | !apache2 | 12:35 |
ubotu | Bad_Magic: Are you smoking crack? | 12:35 |
dooglus | ie. google email notifications | 12:35 |
Bad_Magic | yes | 12:35 |
Bad_Magic | !apache | 12:35 |
ubotu | well, apache is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP or, for Ubuntu server information, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/installation-custom | 12:35 |
someuser | i think 5.10 | 12:35 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | oh heh breezy | 12:36 |
=== ompaul begs the ops to take Jan_'s voice away | ||
FlyingSquirrel32 | NiCKeL: The password is the same as the password that you created for your user | 12:36 |
Diskgrind | I over looked some things.. I will be more carefull. | 12:36 |
scottt | hi. im able to heard sound when gdm loads, but System->prefs->sound shows no cards in the list, and sound doesnt work once im in the desktop. im using breezy. is there a fix? | 12:36 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | Diskgrind: Great!! | 12:36 |
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someuser | whats breezy?:} | 12:36 |
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Kovecses | Nameless12, what harddrive controller do you have? | 12:36 |
NiCKeL | wats the default ubuntu root pass? | 12:36 |
Nameless12 | Kovecses, actually from what i have READ the kernel that comes with this version actually has support for "newer" hardware. Not to mention that the thing about my harddrives is true..... | 12:36 |
Diskgrind | does that rock or what.... it was already ready to go I just had to apply driver | 12:36 |
scottt | i have been through nearly every help guide i can find on this topic | 12:36 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | its the new version of ubuntu | 12:36 |
lucky | hey guys. I'm trying to install Ubuntu to a SAta drive and i get a weird error where the Partitioner window just shows ???? ???? | 12:36 |
dooglus | someuser: breezy is the next version of ubuntu, due out in october. | 12:36 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | NiCKeL: Try sudo ifconfig | 12:36 |
ompaul | !tell NiCKeL about root | 12:36 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | NiCKeL: Te same as for the user you created | 12:36 |
Nameless12 | Kovecses, i tried to get help here for the harddrive controler thing and the guys gave up | 12:36 |
someuser | 5.10 is breezy ? | 12:37 |
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dooglus | does anyone have a gmail notifier working in ubuntu? | 12:37 |
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Kovecses | Nameless12, you can use the same kernel in hoary | 12:37 |
dooglus | someuser: yes. | 12:37 |
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Nameless12 | Kovecses, it loaded the drivers for the controler AFTER it had tried to load the harddrives | 12:37 |
someuser | oh, ok :) | 12:37 |
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Bruninha | oi | 12:37 |
dooglus | "breezy badger" to give it its full name | 12:37 |
Sonny_Wertzik | look in one of the main menus for KEYBOARD i found it and it look like u can set hotkeys | 12:37 |
Demian___ | I've got some issues with my firefox update | 12:37 |
Diskgrind | FlyingSquirrel32. how do I make your name come out red for you??? | 12:37 |
Demian___ | I get an error | 12:37 |
Diskgrind | do I type it first.. or what.. | 12:37 |
=== SpaceBass [n=local@c-24-125-184-203.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Demian___ | and can't start firefox again | 12:37 |
SpaceBass | hey folks... trying 5.4 for the first time... impressed but having problems with apt-get | 12:38 |
scottt | !ff fix | 12:38 |
someuser | i'm there | 12:38 |
ubotu | ff fix is, like, sudo dpkg --purge --force-depends firefox firefox-gnome-support ; sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox mozilla-firefox-gnome-support | 12:38 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | Diskgrind just by including it in the line like you did above. Are you using xchat? | 12:38 |
SpaceBass | it tells me samba is the latest but I dont have winbind install | 12:38 |
scottt | Demian___: also, killall firefox-bin | 12:38 |
someuser | it's the same es before | 12:38 |
Diskgrind | yes | 12:38 |
Diskgrind | Im new to this . | 12:38 |
SpaceBass | and cannot find krb5-usr... | 12:38 |
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Demian___ | thnx | 12:38 |
Sonny_Wertzik | hmm i dont know then but 1 sec | 12:38 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | Diskgrind: This is with your name.... | 12:38 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | And this is without. | 12:38 |
Nameless12 | Kovecses, seeing as you know so much about this, seeing as im such a noob then how about you just edit my xorg.conf and put it on "paste bin", it would be quicker than you telling me what type | 12:38 |
someuser | do you want me to send you a screen capture of it? | 12:38 |
Diskgrind | is it case sensitive? | 12:39 |
SpaceBass | does all that mean I need to add debian or other repisitories? | 12:39 |
P229 | is there a way to change the sound scheme without individually changing each event? | 12:39 |
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Diskgrind | flyingsquirrel32 is it case sensitive.. | 12:39 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | diskgrind: don't know how's this? | 12:39 |
P229 | installable sound themes, maybe? | 12:39 |
Diskgrind | it is not... | 12:39 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, i have no idea how your hardware is set up....But i do know that you only have one display device set up | 12:39 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | Diskgrind: no. | 12:39 |
Diskgrind | cool thanks for the teaching... | 12:39 |
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bimberi | SpaceBass: there's a krb5-user package in ubuntu's "universe" repository | 12:39 |
bimberi | ubotu tell spacebass about repositories | 12:40 |
Sonny_Wertzik | someuser, look at this link it probably in there http://ubuntuguide.org/ | 12:40 |
lucky | so, should i look elsewhere? | 12:40 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | NiCKeL: I lost you... I've gotta go now... | 12:40 |
lucky | :/ | 12:40 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, why does it seem like your pissed at me? im only trying to help | 12:40 |
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SpaceBass | bimberi, I'm used to an rpm based distro so new to apg-get in general... thanks for the tips | 12:40 |
Diskgrind | flyingsquirrel32 I appreciate your help!!!1 | 12:40 |
someuser | ok, i will 10x | 12:40 |
henk | is there a docker applet for gnome ? or do i just use kdocker? | 12:40 |
Sonny_Wertzik | sure | 12:40 |
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bimberi | SpaceBass: np :) - did ubotu /msg you? - i think i stuffed that up | 12:40 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | Diskgrind: I was in your shoes a few months back ;) | 12:40 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | Bye all... | 12:40 |
SpaceBass | bimberi, yeah, got a msg... reading the howto now | 12:41 |
bimberi | SpaceBass: k :) | 12:41 |
Nameless12 | Kovecses, i dont get pissed at you, treating you like a moron, yes. Calling people noobs for not setting up a xorg.conf file....... its not the kinda thing anyone gets on their 1st time. And if you meant noob for installing the preview release, i had good reason and yeah | 12:41 |
nxv_ | FlyingSquirrel32: i am not user if i get the same link as u from google first? would u mind giving me the direct link | 12:41 |
Sonny_Wertzik | i forgot why i came in here in the first place hehehehe | 12:41 |
Nameless12 | Kovecses, anyway. it doesnt matter, off to edit my xorg | 12:41 |
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marcellus | Nameless12: have you tried googling for something like "xorg dual head" maybe adding your card too | 12:41 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, fuck off | 12:42 |
SpaceBass | bimberi, can I add standard debian repisitories or only ubuntu ones? | 12:42 |
scottt | Nameless12: are you using xinerama? | 12:42 |
bimberi | SpaceBass: only ubuntu ones | 12:42 |
Nameless12 | Kovecses, "you asked for it" and i was trying to be nice about it, dont resort to swearing you moron | 12:42 |
thoreauputic | Kovecses: read the Code of COnduct please | 12:42 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o thoreauputic] by ChanServ | ||
SpaceBass | gotcha... thanks... | 12:42 |
=== cafuego_ wakes up and stares at Kovecses | ||
SpaceBass | 2nd question: anyone using winbind with ubuntu? | 12:43 |
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thoreauputic | Nameless12: , Kovecses chill please | 12:43 |
Nameless12 | scottt, yeah i am check my config http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2567 but i think koves is right about why its not working (that being its only got 1 device) | 12:43 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, this is what i get for trying to help! and only if you LISTENED | 12:43 |
=== Digo_RP [n=rodrigo@200-153-196-210.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Digo_RP | guys | 12:43 |
Digo_RP | lo all | 12:43 |
thoreauputic | Kovecses: last warning | 12:43 |
Kovecses | Nameless12, why come in here for help if you refuse to take advice | 12:43 |
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Nameless12 | Kovecses, i never refused to take advice, altho you slowed me down as i was constantly replying to you | 12:43 |
cafuego_ | Digo_RP: bom dia | 12:44 |
Digo_RP | please, how do I put my ubuntu to start in text mode multiuser ??? | 12:44 |
Digo_RP | and not gui? | 12:44 |
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Digo_RP | on other dist. we change the inittab to 3 | 12:44 |
cafuego_ | Digo_RP: You cna disable gdm. The easiest way is by installing and running 'rcconf'. | 12:44 |
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scottt | Nameless12: is that a multi head card? | 12:44 |
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Kovecses | Nameless12, try using a real distro not some girly ubuntu | 12:44 |
chavo | Digo_RP, change it to 5 | 12:44 |
Digo_RP | chage it to 5 ? | 12:45 |
Digo_RP | hum... | 12:45 |
SpaceBass | bimberi, thanks... that page from ubotu had exactly what I needed... first time using synaptic too... very nice | 12:45 |
Nameless12 | scottt, yes it is | 12:45 |
someuser | OK, got it ! :) it's Ctrl+Alt+alt *-) | 12:45 |
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bimberi | SpaceBass: you won't look back :) | 12:45 |
Digo_RP | the default on my ubuntu is -> id:2:initdefault: | 12:45 |
cafuego_ | Digo_RP: No, don't change it to 5. Run rcconf, disable gdm. | 12:45 |
cafuego_ | Digo_RP: Coz gdm will still start in runlevel 5. | 12:45 |
someuser | sonny you here | 12:45 |
Nameless12 | scottt, i think i know the proble, i need to make 2 devices with different identifiers i think | 12:46 |
chavo | doesn't start for me in runlevel 5 | 12:46 |
scottt | Nameless12: thats what i was going to say =) | 12:46 |
SpaceBass | bimberi, well that remains to be seen... thinking of becoming a covert from windows xp.... tried REHL and Fedore off and on... not on to ubuntu and liking it so far | 12:46 |
bimberi | Digo_RP: or the kludge-y way is "sudo rm /etc/rc*.d/S*gdm" | 12:46 |
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Nameless12 | scottt, the identifier can be anything right? | 12:46 |
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Digo_RP | then I can run startx ? | 12:46 |
cafuego_ | Digo_RP: yes. | 12:46 |
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ksmurf | well my wifi is back.....lol. Breezy loses the internal card and finds it 3 reboots l8r...... Any way am I missing updates or are there just no as many going towards the full release? | 12:46 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | someuser, ok kool | 12:47 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | i was havin a smoke | 12:47 |
bimberi | cafuego_: i felt i was augmenting :) | 12:47 |
someuser | one more *-) or i'm pushing my lock? :) | 12:47 |
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scottt | Nameless12: yes. make one for busid PCI:1:0:0 and antoher for PCI:1:0:1 iirc | 12:47 |
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eyez_ | I need to install an easy c compiler. what is a good choice for new user? | 12:47 |
cafuego_ | eyez_: There is only gcc. | 12:47 |
arkanes | I'm having some trouble burning CDs, I get an error telling me to put a blank CD in the drive even though theres one in there, any ideas? | 12:47 |
someuser | hmm.. me to | 12:47 |
Sonny_Wertzik | someuser, shoot | 12:48 |
hajiki | is there something special i need to do to get kde apps to play sound when using gnome? | 12:48 |
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bimberi | SpaceBass: good to hear, lots of learning (and maybe even fun) to be had | 12:48 |
thoreauputic | eyez_: install build-essential | 12:48 |
someuser | ok, how can i save my current session settings for next boot? | 12:48 |
cafuego_ | hajiki: Run the kde control center and set the sound service to 'esd'. | 12:48 |
Nameless12 | scottt, can you check it for me http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2568 | 12:48 |
Sonny_Wertzik | when u log out it asks you with a check box at the top | 12:48 |
hajiki | cafuego, thanks | 12:48 |
SpaceBass | anyone using Active directory for authentication? or kerberos? | 12:49 |
someuser | on other live-cd's ther is en option that saves a small file, end then load's it aoutomaticly | 12:49 |
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scottt | Nameless12: looks good | 12:49 |
Bad_Magic | can anyone tell me how to change the default folder for apache2 to server to say ~/www instead of /var/www? | 12:49 |
Sonny_Wertzik | i dont know if it will work with a live cd | 12:49 |
someuser | yah, will it save bookmarks & all ? | 12:49 |
Sonny_Wertzik | dony know | 12:49 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | dont know | 12:49 |
scottt | anyone know why i would hear sounds when gdm loads, but not when the desktop shows? volume controls says no cards could be found... | 12:49 |
Nameless12 | scottt, time to test :S this seems too good to be true, i bet it wont work lol. Thanx for the help | 12:49 |
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jjazz | Nameless12: can your Radeon card to merged framebuffers? | 12:49 |
Sonny_Wertzik | just load it for real hehehehehehe | 12:49 |
someuser | on other live-cd thre was en save settings script | 12:49 |
Sonny_Wertzik | its good | 12:49 |
jjazz | Nameless12: s/to/do/ | 12:50 |
refdoc100 | Hi, any idea how to get MOL 0.9.71 going on ubuntu breezy? | 12:50 |
=== Jrwa [n=jacobo@44.Red-80-35-84.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jrwa | hi there | 12:50 |
Bad_Magic | !apache | 12:50 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, apache is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP or, for Ubuntu server information, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/installation-custom | 12:50 |
Nameless12 | jjazz, i dont know what the frame buffer thing u are refering to is | 12:50 |
cafuego_ | Bad_Magic: If you want it to be ~www for all users, load and config mod_userdir | 12:50 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | i never really messed with the live cd at all sorry | 12:50 |
Nameless12 | jjazz, and whats the s/to/do/ ? | 12:50 |
Digo_RP | bye guys tnx a lot | 12:50 |
Digo_RP | cya | 12:50 |
cafuego_ | Bad_Magic: If it's to be for just the one site, edit DocumentRoot in the default sites-available config. | 12:50 |
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someuser | ok, no problem i'll tray et the website. | 12:50 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | kool | 12:51 |
Jrwa | I'm getting "fatal IO error 104" on my X. Is that a breezy issue, or should I worry about my config? | 12:51 |
jjazz | Nameless12: Each screen gets a framebuffer. There's two ways to use both screens. One is to have two screen definitions. The other is to merge the two screens into one frame buffer and treat them as one big screen. | 12:51 |
cafuego_ | Bad_Magic: The userdir means stuff like http://locahost/~user/ will work and point at ~/www | 12:51 |
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jjazz | Nameless12: The advantage to that is easier setup (and some say speed). The disadvantage is that both screens must operate at the same resolution. | 12:51 |
cafuego_ | the framebuffer is also much slower then non-fb X. | 12:52 |
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jjazz | Nameless12: I have a Radeon card that has a merged framebuffer option. I don't know if your model has it. You might want to Google MergedFB with your radeon card's model. | 12:52 |
Nameless12 | jjazz, i got that working on fedora AGES AND AGES AGO on my old computer with a 9700pro, (diff vid card). i didnt like it tho, it was really annoying i like it how it is in windows | 12:52 |
Sonny_Wertzik | gtg....take care all ! | 12:52 |
jjazz | cafuego: I've been told merged fbs are faster, but I don't know which is the case. | 12:53 |
Nameless12 | jjazz, i hated it how it didnt "snap" to the window | 12:53 |
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someuser | you too sonny | 12:53 |
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cafuego_ | jjazz: Hmm, I've not used that. The difference between normal X and Xfb is quite dramatic though. | 12:53 |
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jjazz | cafuego: Good to know. Thanks. | 12:54 |
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cafuego_ | jjazz: Mind you, that may be only the case for certain video cards. (MIne was amatrox at the time). | 12:54 |
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jjazz | Nameless12: I'm using Ubuntu with merged fb's and it does some snapping to each individual screen, but I don't know exactly what you're looking for. | 12:54 |
brownie17 | so.... will there be a newer version of gnome in breezy badger? | 12:54 |
jjazz | cafuego: Yeah, I imagine a lot of these issues are hardware-specific. | 12:54 |
cafuego_ | brownie17: 2.12, yes. | 12:54 |
someuser | i'll tray save settings on the live CD, bye all | 12:55 |
refdoc100 | Hi, any idea how to get MOL 0.9.71 going on ubuntu breezy? | 12:55 |
ompaul | cafuego_, where be the logs of the channel | 12:55 |
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cafuego_ | refdoc100: What OSX version you want to run in it? | 12:55 |
Nameless12 | jjazz, im looking for how it is in windows, i want to be able to fullscreen movies and such and have them snap to JUST THAT MONITOR. If it works how you are describing that sounds good | 12:55 |
cafuego_ | ompaul: Umm... www.ubuntu.de or something | 12:55 |
cafuego_ | !logs | 12:55 |
ubotu | Channel Logs are at: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ | 12:55 |
cafuego_ | Well, OR that :- | 12:55 |
refdoc100 | cafuego : 10.3 | 12:55 |
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ompaul | cafuego, :) thanks | 12:55 |
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cafuego_ | refdoc100: Ok, that should be fine. There's a MOL HOWTO page on wiki.ubuntu.com - it's straightforward. | 12:56 |
CarmenSandiego | Hello Seveas and cafuego!!! :) | 12:56 |
CarmenSandiego | Is it a good idea to install Firefox instead of using Konqueror? | 12:56 |
cafuego_ | Coz it ain't working with Tiger :-( | 12:56 |
cafuego_ | CarmenSandiego: if you prefer firefox, sure. | 12:56 |
jjazz | Nameless12: It's been a while since I used Windows, but I can tell you that when I hit the 'Maximize Window' button on this Ubuntu/Gnome box, it maximizes to just this screen. | 12:56 |
refdoc100 | cafuego - thanks, but the HOWTO is for 9.70. 71 is required to get the airport extreme card working... | 12:56 |
Jrwa | so I've just upgraded my laptop, and I'm getting "fatal IO error 104" on my X. Is that a breezy issue, or should I worry about my config? | 12:56 |
marcellus | Nameless12: I don't know if this works for ATI, but it might give you an idea. http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Dual_Monitors Especially the non-TwinView config. | 12:57 |
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eyez_ | well, get gcc installed will take some time. I am a new user. and it needs to be configured first, then buildet.. and then installed? are there a simple version of it? | 12:57 |
Bad_Magic | whats the chmod command to do rwxr--r-- ? | 12:57 |
cafuego_ | refdoc100: I didn't think airport would work *at all* | 12:57 |
Bad_Magic | chmod 911 file? | 12:57 |
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bimberi | Bad_Magic: chmod 744 | 12:58 |
cafuego_ | eyez_: You should not be compiling and building packages from source on Ubuntu. Especially not gcc. | 12:58 |
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Bad_Magic | thanks | 12:58 |
Bad_Magic | hex makes my brain hurt today | 12:58 |
jjazz | eyez_: do 'sudo apt-get install build-essential' at the commandline | 12:58 |
bimberi | Bad_Magic: yw and lol :) | 12:58 |
cafuego_ | eyez_: Run 'synaptic', search for 'gcc' and install a version. | 12:58 |
scottt | why would cards shpwing up in aplay -l, not show up in gnome volume control? isnt the volume control supposed to use alsa if its slected in multimedia systems selector? | 12:58 |
Nameless12 | marcellus, jjazz, im off to reboot. ill be back if it doesnt work, thanx for the help. l8tr | 12:59 |
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jjazz | Wait. Why are you rebooting? | 12:59 |
scottt | heh. too late =) | 12:59 |
holycow | like trained monkeys | 12:59 |
holycow | it never fails | 12:59 |
marcellus | heh | 12:59 |
jjazz | Windows has trained people to reboot. It's such an odd tick. | 12:59 |
cafuego_ | eyez_: By compiling and installing non-packaged software, you WILL destroy the package system and create problems down the line. | 01:00 |
stian | how do i get the tcl/tk package? | 01:00 |
abarbaccia | hey all - i'm in breezy - and i sintalled build-essential but i'm getting this error: /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.12/scripts/gcc-version.sh: line 11: gcc-3.4: command not found | 01:00 |
abarbaccia | /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.12/scripts/gcc-version.sh: line 12: gcc-3.4: command not found | 01:00 |
abarbaccia | HOSTCC scripts/basic/fixdep | 01:00 |
abarbaccia | /bin/sh: gcc-3.4: command not found | 01:00 |
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abarbaccia | sorry about the multi liner | 01:00 |
cafuego_ | hey ho, new beagle :-) | 01:00 |
eyez_ | cafuego, ok, thank you for the warning | 01:00 |
refdoc100 | cafuego - yes there ius very interesting solution for AE on the Gentoo pages, but it requirees 0.9.71... | 01:00 |
cafuego_ | abarbaccia: sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4 | 01:00 |
joetheodd | Hey, how do I set my resolution above the maximum in the GNOME resolution tool..thing? | 01:01 |
abarbaccia | cafuego, got it, but shouldnt that be included in build-essential | 01:01 |
cafuego_ | abarbaccia: No, build-essential is for userpsace compilation, and that's done with gcc 4 on breezy. | 01:01 |
holycow | joetheodd, yes, but you need to also add the proper vertical and horizontal refresh rates for the model of your monitor in your /etc/x11/xorg.conf file | 01:01 |
joetheodd | oh poop holycow | 01:01 |
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brownie17 | MadpilotPPC, someone should teach ubotu to mention ALSO when asked about ESD | 01:02 |
brownie17 | MadpilotPPC, ALSA* | 01:02 |
cafuego_ | refdoc100: Hmm. Best bet is to create yourself a mol apckage with the source deb from Ubuntu and the 0.9.71 tarball. use the debian/ build scripts in the Ubuntu source to build an updated tarball | 01:02 |
scottt | brownie17: then teach him =) | 01:02 |
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brownie17 | scottt, apathy is my greatest bottleneck for action. alright. ill do it | 01:03 |
refdoc100 | Cafuego - thanks Never done this but will try. I will come back if failing.. | 01:03 |
eyez_ | damn its takes time to get used to this sytem. what about Antivirus, what is the good one for Ubuntu? | 01:03 |
scottt | eyez_: clamav, but you probably dont need it | 01:03 |
cafuego_ | refdoc100: it's normally fairly easy; just be sure you update the version number in debian/changelog | 01:04 |
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cafuego_ | eyez_: You don't need antivirus unless you for instance handle mail for WIndows machines. | 01:04 |
eyez_ | ok | 01:05 |
nootrope | howdy. so, i've managed to boot up using the live disk and it has found my wireless access point, but it won't connect to the internet. | 01:05 |
nootrope | do i need to add anything to the route table? | 01:05 |
scottt | were you dhcped an address? | 01:05 |
nootrope | how can i check. an ifconfig only shows the router IP, i think | 01:06 |
brownie17 | scottt, bugger, what was the command to teach him something new? | 01:06 |
cafuego_ | ifconfig will ONLY show YOUR ip. | 01:06 |
cafuego_ | !brownie17 is forgetful | 01:06 |
ubotu | cafuego_: okay | 01:06 |
RMeist | !st | 01:07 |
ubotu | RMeist: Are you smoking crack? | 01:07 |
brownie17 | hahahaha | 01:07 |
scottt | nootrope: ifconfig should show the ip you were given if it worked. otherwise dhclient -k eth0;dhclient eth0 | 01:07 |
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cafuego_ | !forget brownie17 | 01:07 |
ubotu | i forgot brownie17, cafuego_ | 01:07 |
brownie17 | !esd is, like, Enlightened Sound Daemon. By using a sound server to access your sound device, multiple applications can connect to the server at once and all make noise simultaneously. To use ALSA as an alternative see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063 or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063 | 01:07 |
ubotu | brownie17: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about | 01:07 |
brownie17 | cafuego, why did it do that? | 01:07 |
RMeist | !todo | 01:07 |
ubotu | RMeist: I give up, what is it? | 01:07 |
RMeist | !help | 01:07 |
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Kovecses | hmm | 01:07 |
nootrope | scottt: ifconfig -a shows eth1 with an IP belonging to my airport. i'll try the other command. thanks | 01:07 |
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cafuego_ | brownie17: maybe it doesn't like your ", like, " (it inserts those itself). | 01:08 |
brownie17 | cafuego, why isn't it working? it is saying it doesn't know what i am talking about | 01:08 |
scottt | nootrope: uh. ok | 01:08 |
brownie17 | cafuego, ok | 01:08 |
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brownie17 | !esd is Enlightened Sound Daemon. By using a sound server to access your sound device, multiple applications can connect to the server at once and all make noise simultaneously. To use ALSA as an alternative see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063 or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063 | 01:08 |
ubotu | okay, brownie17 | 01:08 |
cafuego_ | !esd is the Enlightened Sound Daemon. By using a sound server to access your sound device, multiple applications can connect to the server at once and all make noise simultaneously. To use ALSA as an alternative see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063 or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063 | 01:08 |
ubotu | ...but esd is already something else... | 01:08 |
cafuego_ | d'oh :-) | 01:08 |
nootrope | scottt: uh? you saying that because i'm missing something. | 01:08 |
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brownie17 | cafuego, haha sorry | 01:09 |
brownie17 | cafuego, does it sound accurate to you? | 01:09 |
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eyez_ | how is the game support for Linux. or this is just not a game system? | 01:09 |
Bruninha | oi | 01:10 |
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=== RMeist & | ||
jjazz | eyez_: It's not a game system, but with Cedega, you can run Win games | 01:10 |
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brownie17 | eyez_, pretty good. there are alternatives for most windows games, some that run on linux, and emulators that will run some | 01:10 |
jjazz | eyez_: Frankly, most people who are into cutting-edge games, keep a Windows partition. | 01:10 |
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brownie17 | eyez_, but if you are a serious gamer, and nothing else, then i doubt you would think linux a suitable alternative. maybe you should use both? | 01:11 |
eyez_ | jjazz, ok. well i am only thinking of WoW | 01:11 |
chris__ | #ubuntu-love | 01:11 |
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jjazz | eyez_: I'm a gamer, so I couldn't tell you anything about Wow. | 01:11 |
rob^ | heh | 01:11 |
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Bruninha | hi | 01:12 |
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funkyHat | is there any sort of timescale for composite and other smart rendered things to be completed? | 01:12 |
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eyez_ | Well i got both right now. but were just thinking if its posible to play some of the popular games in linux. but looks like i just need to try some and find out | 01:12 |
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maurycy | any ideas how to configure wireless pcmcia card on ubuntu? i've installed wireless and ndiswrapper-utils packages and have installed my driver. although lspci and iwconfig lists my interface, i can't set up my network connection. also, lights on the card are turned off. | 01:13 |
cevizoglu | eyez_: Doom3 | 01:13 |
SpaceBass | any reason why ping times on my LAN from ubuntu would be miserable while the same box running XP is fine? | 01:13 |
brownie17 | eyez_, doom3 works, unreal 05... cna think of any others but there are heaps | 01:13 |
maurycy | it's dlink dwl-650+, airplus g+ | 01:13 |
cafuego_ | funkyHat: inevitable heat death of the universe? | 01:13 |
eyez_ | ok, thanks for the help | 01:13 |
tristanmike | eyez_, Americas Army is free | 01:13 |
hajiki | maurycy, did you load the ndiswrapper kernel module? | 01:13 |
funkyHat | hahaha | 01:13 |
brownie17 | !esd | 01:13 |
tristanmike | eyez_, same with Enemy Territory | 01:13 |
cafuego_ | maurycy: *maybe* with ndiswrapper or acx_100, but most likely your best bet is to buy a card that's better supported. | 01:14 |
brownie17 | cafuego, what is to stop losers tell ubotu to say rude things when asked questions? | 01:14 |
rob^ | if your wondering what windows games you can play with wine/cedega emulation on Linux, see http://cedegawiki.sweetleafstudios.com/index.php?title=Main_Page | 01:14 |
nootrope | scottt: seems that eth1 is showing the IP DHCPed by my wireless router | 01:14 |
rob^ | there is also #cedega-wiki | 01:15 |
maurycy | hajiki: strange, i've added modprobe ndiswrapper to /etc/netwok/interfaces, but i was not loaded. just loaded. still doesn't work. | 01:15 |
nootrope | scottt: but i still can't ping anything | 01:15 |
scottt | nootrope: good, then you should be on the internet if your router is working properly | 01:15 |
nootrope | ok | 01:15 |
scottt | nootrope: not even the router that gave you an ip? | 01:15 |
cafuego_ | brownie17: nothing. | 01:15 |
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cafuego_ | brownie17: Then again, there is nothing to stop ops banning them for doing that and removing what they added. | 01:15 |
hajiki | maurycy, you would add 'ndiswrapper' to /etc/modules not /etc/network/interfaces | 01:15 |
rob^ | apparetly WOW works | 01:16 |
nootrope | scottt: i'll try the router. | 01:16 |
=== ScislaC [n=scislac@ip70-190-208-208.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego_ | brownie17: And this the anarchy kinda works... | 01:16 |
maurycy | cafuego_: i have also dlink 610. :) but i think that this card works ok, i just can't set up. | 01:16 |
cafuego_ | thus | 01:16 |
hajiki | maurycy, after thats done you would use "ndiswrapper -i /path/to/windows/criver" to install the driver | 01:16 |
cafuego_ | maurycy: the 650+ is *satan*. I have one with identical chipset, which will not work under Linux, no matter what. | 01:16 |
maurycy | hajiki: did it aleady. ndiswrapper -l returns my gplus | 01:16 |
hajiki | maurycy, after that you should be able to use the gnome network config tool to set it up | 01:16 |
nootrope | scottt: router iis ponging back | 01:17 |
rob^ | !cedega | 01:17 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, cedega is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega | 01:17 |
nootrope | scottt: but i can't ping, say, yahoo.com | 01:17 |
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maurycy | hajiki: after that lights on the card are still turned off. :) | 01:17 |
brownie17 | cafuego, haha good. so i won't get in trouble for adding that ALSA thing to ESD? | 01:17 |
nootrope | scottt: DNS problem? | 01:17 |
scottt | nootrope: then you have a problem with the router... or bad dns resolvers | 01:17 |
rob^ | ubotu no cedega is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega and for a list of working games see http://cedegawiki.sweetleafstudios.com/index.php?title=Main_Page | 01:17 |
ubotu | rob^: okay | 01:17 |
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scottt | nootrope: this is not really an #ubuntu issue and its been covered 3135475349023406734 times on google. look there | 01:17 |
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hajiki | marcellus, so you just loaded the module with no errors? do you see anything in var/log/messages | 01:18 |
nootrope | scottt: i'm IRCing through the same router from a OS X computer | 01:18 |
maurycy | cafuego_: any experiences with 210? i have only these two cards. | 01:18 |
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scottt | nootrope: google how to debug network issues linux | 01:18 |
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nootrope | scottt: i don't know if it's ubuntu or not. i figure it's just clulessness on my part about linux in general. thanks for the pointer. i'll take it from here. i appreciate your help. | 01:19 |
maurycy | hajiki: any hints? and what do you mean as gnome config tool? gnome-nettool? | 01:19 |
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hajiki | maurycy, yeah thats what i meant | 01:19 |
hajiki | maurycy, check your logs in /var/log for errors, /var/log/messages maybe | 01:19 |
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zcat | Hey, so I fired up an Ubuntu5.10 livecd the other day. Anybody know why it would detect my software RAID1 and 5 devices just fine, but not RAID0? | 01:20 |
maurycy | hajiki: a lot of: Sep 27 01:19:55 localhost kernel: [4298001.330000] printk: 19 messages suppressed. | 01:20 |
maurycy | hajiki: wait, i'll paste rest of | 01:20 |
=== Draucon [n=Draucon@dialup-free-9.NMSU.Edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
someuser | hi all | 01:20 |
hajiki | marcellus, er... i meant anything relevant regarding your driver problem with ndiswrapper | 01:20 |
hajiki | marcellus, sorry wrong person | 01:20 |
someuser | can somone plz help with tex editing? | 01:20 |
maurycy | yeah, i understna | 01:21 |
maurycy | understand :) | 01:21 |
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someuser | can somone help with tex editing premissions? | 01:21 |
someuser | plz | 01:21 |
hajiki | maurycy pm me | 01:21 |
brownie17 | someuser, what is the problem? | 01:21 |
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someuser | hi, i'm traing to edit the xorg.cfg, but with text editor i have Read premmisions only | 01:22 |
someuser | somone have shown me a way with sudo command but i dont remember it | 01:22 |
zcat | someuser, heh. text, not TEX | 01:23 |
funkyHat | sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:23 |
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someuser | woops :) sry | 01:23 |
brownie17 | someuser, if you are sure you know what you are doing in there (it's quite dangerous) and you've made a backup, use the "sudo" command before the command in terminal | 01:23 |
zcat | someuser, and when you really know what you're doing: "sudo su -" | 01:23 |
maurycy | hajiki: http://pastebin.com/375191 | 01:23 |
maurycy | hajiki: dunno if it's enough | 01:23 |
brownie17 | zcat, maybe that's a little ahead of him | 01:23 |
scottt | zcat: sudo -s is probably better than sudo su - | 01:23 |
zcat | ah well, back to fedora. [k] ubuntu's still my 2nd fav distro. :) | 01:23 |
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maurycy | hajiki: that's all i have in /var/log/messages seeming related to wireless stuff | 01:24 |
funkyHat | zcat, c really know what i'm doing, i still use sudo | 01:24 |
someuser | all i want it to edit the Screen refreshrates | 01:24 |
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funkyHat | *i | 01:24 |
joetheodd | zcat, whats the su and s arguments do? | 01:24 |
donald | anyone know how to start mozilla firefox | 01:24 |
cevizoglu | joetheodd: su is switch user | 01:24 |
someuser | i did it before , but do not remember how to open xorg.conf with write premmitions | 01:24 |
=== ReadingGuy [n=john@pcp0012235075pcs.elztwn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
funkyHat | click the icon for it | 01:24 |
funkyHat | ;) | 01:24 |
donald | it doesent seem to be listed under the internet file | 01:24 |
brownie17 | someuser, i think there may be away to do that without editing the xorg.conf directly. have you tried all tools in the menus? | 01:24 |
someuser | i did but got only Read Premmisions | 01:25 |
=== henk [n=henk@cp11902-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
someuser | yes | 01:25 |
brownie17 | someuser, there is way from the menus | 01:25 |
joetheodd | Oh, I have my box set up so I can use su instead of sudo su. | 01:25 |
brownie17 | someuser, go system -> prefs -> screen res | 01:25 |
joetheodd | What I did is sudo passwd root | 01:25 |
donald | funkyhat there is no icon for it | 01:25 |
joetheodd | =p | 01:25 |
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funkyHat | donald, alt+F2 and then firefox should work | 01:25 |
someuser | look, in the menu there is only en 60Hz option, i did fix it with the help of sonny & it workd fine | 01:26 |
joetheodd | Not very secure at all, but hey | 01:26 |
mduran | hi | 01:26 |
funkyHat | or create a launcher that points to firefox | 01:26 |
scottt | joetheodd: haha. way to circumvent the security measures ubuntu ships with ;) | 01:26 |
someuser | i just don't remember how to open the file with write provliges | 01:26 |
mduran | i need show mouse on screen | 01:26 |
someuser | it was sudo xorg.conf somthing.... | 01:26 |
donald | funkyhat got a message | 01:27 |
donald | Details: There is no default action associated with this location. | 01:27 |
funkyHat | scottt, it's not so much a security feature as an idiot-proof feature :) | 01:27 |
henk | how do i configure my logitech keyboard's special keys ? like 'email' 'next' 'play' etc | 01:27 |
joetheodd | scottt: It was more annoying than helpful, to tell the truth, but I have a windows box as a DMZ, so I'm clearly not paranoid about security (no offense indended to anyone here) | 01:27 |
brownie17 | sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:27 |
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maurycy | hajiki: http://pastebin.com/375195 | 01:27 |
brownie17 | someuser, sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:27 |
HrdwrBoB | henk system-> preferences->keyboard shortcuts | 01:27 |
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war-totem | can someoen tell me if its possible to read hotmail emails from mutt with hotway installed? | 01:27 |
joetheodd | funkyHat: haha | 01:27 |
someuser | yah tahts the one | 01:27 |
HrdwrBoB | war-totem: extremely unlikely | 01:27 |
brownie17 | someuser, but if it isn't available from the tool in gnome menu, then maybe your screen can't display it. maybe. i think | 01:27 |
maurycy | hajiki: obviouslly dhcp on the router is configured and works perfectly with windows. | 01:27 |
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joetheodd | Anyhow, downloading WINE from CVS (thanks whoever gave me that link!), so I'm out | 01:28 |
scottt | id really appreciate some help with my sound card if anyone has a moment. it may be a bug, but i dont want to waste anyones time if it isnt. alsamixer shows my card, but gnomes volume control cant, so no sound in my desktop... | 01:28 |
war-totem | HrdwrBoB, is there any way to access hotmail from mutt? | 01:28 |
ksmurf | hey are there no updates in the last 2 days or am I missing something? | 01:28 |
funkyHat | donald, what version of ubuntu are you running? | 01:28 |
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crimsun | ksmurf: you're missing something. | 01:28 |
hajiki | maurycy, wait, so your lights are on or off? | 01:28 |
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someuser | 10q !! | 01:28 |
maurycy | haich: off | 01:28 |
ksmurf | crimsun....... doh. did the repo get changed? | 01:28 |
brownie17 | ksmurf, there was a kernel update. | 01:29 |
crimsun | ksmurf: no, why? | 01:29 |
donald | ver 5.0. | 01:29 |
donald | sorry 5.0.4 | 01:29 |
maurycy | haich: no matter what apps are doing, lights are still turned off. | 01:29 |
=== FhaeTon [n=FhaeTon@adsl-68-72-87-211.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hajiki | does your access point need a WEP key? | 01:29 |
jamuraa | I just installed Breezy on a Dell Inspirion 4100 and there seems to be no pcmcia support at all, is this a common problem with a solution? | 01:29 |
ksmurf | my sources.list hasn't changed except for adding merriat.... and I have no updates for breezy. | 01:29 |
maurycy | hajiki: no. | 01:29 |
maurycy | haich: sorry, wrong person :) | 01:30 |
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FhaeTon | I have a 64bit system and want to know which Ubuntu install would be best | 01:30 |
HrdwrBoB | FhaeTon: it depends | 01:30 |
HrdwrBoB | FhaeTon: I run a 32 bit install on my 64bit system because it's easier | 01:30 |
ksmurf | jamuraa I don't know about dell but acer works great except for battery level | 01:30 |
FhaeTon | im running SLI 7800 gts and want to run raid0 | 01:31 |
HrdwrBoB | SLI isn't supported - yet | 01:31 |
brownie17 | HrdwrBoB, what differences are there? wouldn't they be basically the same? | 01:31 |
HrdwrBoB | brownie17: yes and no | 01:31 |
HrdwrBoB | brownie17: things like cedega, flash, etc | 01:31 |
FireCat | FhaeTon: I have an AMD64 and the only thing I've gotten to work right so far is Ubuntu Breezy Preview | 01:31 |
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brownie17 | HrdwrBoB, ohhhh | 01:31 |
FhaeTon | oh | 01:31 |
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hajiki | pcmcia works fine for me on breezy | 01:32 |
HrdwrBoB | FhaeTon: my recommendation would be to use the i386 breezy install | 01:32 |
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FhaeTon | what supports SLI | 01:32 |
afaik | When I try to start a terminal, the scrollbar is white and blank with no arrows and the screen is black and completely blank | 01:32 |
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afaik | WHY!? | 01:32 |
someuser | hi all, enyone knows wht's ubuntu "SU" password is ? | 01:32 |
FhaeTon | i386 supports sli | 01:32 |
afaik | I CANNAE TYPE!! | 01:32 |
HrdwrBoB | FhaeTon: neither currently, but when the 8xxx drivers come out (soon) they will | 01:32 |
maurycy | hajiki: cafuego_ said that might be dlink 650+ problem. i'll try dlink 610 tomorrow or buy other card. | 01:32 |
h08817 | someuser: you mean sudo? | 01:32 |
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cevizoglu | jamuraa: what is the name of the pcmcia hardware in your dell? | 01:32 |
thoreauputic | !tell someuser about root | 01:32 |
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afaik | why did the ubuntu break my shit!? | 01:32 |
brownie17 | afaik, is it a proper error, or a font and colour error? | 01:32 |
hajiki | maurycy, oh ok... good luck | 01:32 |
someuser | i mean su (i think) :) | 01:32 |
ksmurf | someruser use sudo su | 01:32 |
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afaik | brownie17, it is unresponsive | 01:33 |
afaik | it worked 10 minutes ago | 01:33 |
brownie17 | try typing a commmand and pressing enter, see if it works even though it doesnt show up. like gedit | 01:33 |
maurycy | hajiki: thanks :) | 01:33 |
afaik | I start a new one, and it does nothing | 01:33 |
brownie17 | afaik, what have you done in that time? | 01:33 |
FhaeTon | damn | 01:33 |
hajiki | np | 01:33 |
afaik | it sits there, opens up, and the screen is blank and I cannot type | 01:33 |
someuser | ? | 01:33 |
FireCat | FhaeTon: I'm using Raid 0 across three sata drives | 01:33 |
afaik | beats me... my system is acting up | 01:33 |
ReadingGuy | anyone know how to set up a logitech trackman wheel so that the wheel will act as double click as it does in Windows | 01:33 |
afaik | I tried to watch a movie in xine, it keeps freezing badly after the 4th frame | 01:33 |
afaik | I will ctrl+f1 and kill some processes | 01:34 |
brownie17 | afaik,restart | 01:34 |
afaik | ctrl+alt+f1 | 01:34 |
afaik | no | 01:34 |
someuser | ok, got it thenx, one more... | 01:34 |
afaik | I cannot restart | 01:34 |
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afaik | I have something important happening | 01:34 |
brownie17 | afaik, ok? | 01:34 |
brownie17 | afaik, ok | 01:34 |
FhaeTon | noice | 01:34 |
FhaeTon | how do u have it set up | 01:34 |
someuser | how can i save my current settings runing from a Live-CD? | 01:34 |
FhaeTon | toh sata | 01:34 |
afaik | sides, linux shouldnt need to restart | 01:34 |
_eyez | What Linux do i choce when trying to download newest Driver for Gforce? | 01:34 |
HrdwrBoB | FhaeTon: in the installer | 01:34 |
FhaeTon | i don't have sata drives | 01:34 |
brownie17 | _eyez, what are the option | 01:35 |
FhaeTon | I have 2 uata 133 hitachi drives | 01:35 |
jamuraa | cevizoglu: hmm never mind, it is just not loading the wireless driver I guess? the wireless card I have plugged in is showing up on lspci | 01:35 |
ksmurf | anyone have an idea why I have no screen when i cntl-alt-f1 to f5? I have x np | 01:35 |
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ksmurf | using breezy | 01:35 |
HrdwrBoB | FhaeTon: you can setup and install onto raid from the installer | 01:35 |
afaik | should I kill /sbin/getty? | 01:35 |
jamuraa | cevizoglu: the pcmcia is texas instruments pci1420 though | 01:35 |
afaik | what is getty? | 01:35 |
someuser | enyone knows how can i save my current settings runing from a Live-CD on next boot? | 01:35 |
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cevizoglu | jamuraa: ah, ok. I'm about to buy a dell maybe so I was getting worried there | 01:35 |
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FhaeTon | Ii have them hooked up as master one to the primary and the other to the secondary | 01:35 |
rob^ | _eyez, IA32 unless you have another platform | 01:36 |
_eyez | Linux IA32 , Linux amd64/em64t and linux IA64 and freeBSD | 01:36 |
eviltaco | Hi first off, I got my Ubuntu CDs today and am VERY happy. | 01:36 |
someuser | is someone free to help... | 01:36 |
rob^ | most likely | 01:36 |
_eyez | rob^, ok thx. no i am using the normal system | 01:36 |
brownie17 | someuser, umm. why do you want to do that? | 01:36 |
eviltaco | But then I have a question, is there a java installer that is already premade to work with Ubuntu, so I don't have to make one? | 01:36 |
someuser | to use my prefrencces on next boot... | 01:36 |
rob^ | _eyez, you do know the nvidia drivers are packaged in ubuntu? | 01:37 |
brownie17 | someuser, the nature of livecd is that you don't save your settings, therefore guaranteeing it will work next time | 01:37 |
henk | HrdwrBoB, is there a tool that will let me define my own keyboard shortcuts? i want to bind some applications to keys that are not in the list of keyboard shortcuts | 01:37 |
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scottt | !java | 01:37 |
ubotu | I guess java is to install Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 01:37 |
Zeroblitzt | uh oh. I hit a snag when trying to install Breezy | 01:37 |
Zeroblitzt | now I'm afraid to restart my computer | 01:37 |
someuser | thre is en option on other Live-CD i have trayed | 01:37 |
FireCat | Is anyone else running AMD64 smp Breezy that can confirm that Module.symvers | 01:37 |
FireCat | is missing out of linux-headers | 01:37 |
someuser | thre is en option on other Live-CD i have trayed!!!!! | 01:37 |
ksmurf | Is there a good rss agrarator for gnome that will handle podcasts? | 01:37 |
scottt | !java | 01:37 |
ubotu | [java] to install Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 01:37 |
someuser | and further more the system aoutoloads it on boot | 01:37 |
scottt | damn it. sorry | 01:37 |
_eyez | rob^, the newest once? | 01:37 |
thoreauputic | someuser: the option you want is currently missing on Ubuntu live CDs | 01:38 |
brownie17 | someuser, well why do you want to? if you want your settings saved, intall ubuntu | 01:38 |
eviltaco | "Package j2re1.4 has no installation candidate | 01:38 |
eviltaco | " what does that mean? | 01:38 |
rob^ | _eyez, the one on the nvidia site is most likely the latest one | 01:38 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: you are kind of missing the point here :) | 01:38 |
_eyez | rob^, ok, cool thx | 01:38 |
someuser | i do not want to install enything, issent it the butee of LIVE_CD??? | 01:38 |
ksmurf | wvil it means there is no sun java in the repos anymore | 01:38 |
rob^ | eviltaco, you need to enable the repositories | 01:38 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic, i am? explain please? | 01:38 |
rob^ | eviltaco, and do it as per restrictedformats | 01:38 |
=== pestilence [n=pestilen@ppp-70-225-168-97.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scottt | someuser: no. thats not the beauty of a live-cd | 01:39 |
pestilence | help! thunderbird won't start | 01:39 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: various people use live CDs as a kind of portable linux: they like to keep their personal settings etc | 01:39 |
scottt | someuser: the point is to use _very_ generic settings so it will work everytime, then configure from there | 01:39 |
pestilence | it doesn't give any real errors on the command line, it just hangs | 01:39 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic, oh ok | 01:39 |
ksmurf | Is there a good rss agrarator for gnome that will handle podcasts? I have tried bashpodder.... | 01:39 |
scottt | pestilence | 01:39 |
scottt | !ff fix | 01:39 |
ubotu | from memory, ff fix is sudo dpkg --purge --force-depends firefox firefox-gnome-support ; sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox mozilla-firefox-gnome-support | 01:39 |
eviltaco | rob^ I'm in the SPM, what package should I enable? | 01:39 |
someuser | well for me it is, the reason whay i don't installig it it's that Linux Takes over my boot, & i HATE IT! | 01:39 |
pestilence | and if i do "mv .mozilla-thunderbird .mozilla-thunderbird-old" it doesn't help | 01:40 |
scottt | pestilence: then killall firefox-bin and try starting again | 01:40 |
someuser | *install | 01:40 |
pestilence | scottt: was this caused by a recent dist-upgrade? | 01:40 |
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rob^ | !nvidia | 01:40 |
ubotu | somebody said nvidia was at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 01:40 |
ksmurf | someuser you can choose other os as the default | 01:40 |
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thoreauputic | someuser: "takes over" ? What do you mean? grub gives a choice of OS... | 01:40 |
someuser | yes, but i wish to use MS boot Loader & not Linuxm is there a way to do so? | 01:41 |
rob^ | ubotu tell eviltaco about java | 01:41 |
scottt | pestilence: it was caused by you using backports and upgrade together, probably | 01:41 |
someuser | Linux,* | 01:41 |
thoreauputic | someuser: there is, but why? | 01:41 |
d2dchat | what program do you use to write cds? | 01:41 |
someuser | i hate changes :P | 01:41 |
thoreauputic | someuser: grub is much easier to install and use, and more powerful | 01:41 |
ksmurf | Anyone? Is there a good rss agrarator that will handle podcasts in gnome?? | 01:41 |
brownie17 | someuser, then why linux :) | 01:41 |
rob^ | d2dchat, gnomebaker | 01:41 |
cevizoglu | someuser: do you mean you want windows to be default? it's editable | 01:42 |
rob^ | d2dchat, or k3b | 01:42 |
someuser | once i installed Mndrake & cursed the moment it took control of my boot loading :} | 01:42 |
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pestilence | scottt: they are already the newest version, and firefox and firefox-gnome-support were not installed | 01:42 |
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someuser | no,no | 01:42 |
pestilence | scottt: i'm not using backports. | 01:42 |
scottt | pestilence: you must have another problem then | 01:42 |
someuser | i want to see in the Windows Multiboot option the Linux os, is it possible? | 01:42 |
scottt | =) | 01:42 |
d2dchat | rob^, ty:) | 01:42 |
pestilence | anybody else know why thunderbird all of a sudden stopped working? | 01:42 |
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rob^ | np | 01:42 |
thoreauputic | someuser: this sounds like a personal problem of yours - I suggest counselling *grin* | 01:43 |
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someuser | "I suggest counselling *grin*" ??ahh? | 01:43 |
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FireCat | someuser: No, microsoft doesn't understand other filesystems | 01:43 |
snausages | someuser he's making fun of yo ubecause you wanna use windows | 01:43 |
cevizoglu | someuser: microsoft doesn't want you to boot linux, that option will never be there | 01:43 |
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thoreauputic | someuser: but seriously, if you want to do that , google "windows ntloader linux" or similar | 01:44 |
=== pestilence is not normally this impatient, sorry if somebody is typing a reply as i quit | ||
rob^ | whatever.. | 01:44 |
someuser | it's ok, i allsow gonna use OSX 1.4 i hope it's less funy :P | 01:44 |
cevizoglu | pestilence: the.. oh nevermind | 01:44 |
thoreauputic | snausages: no I wasn't making fun of that - just his need to have windows control his dual boot :) | 01:45 |
=== rob^ wonders if someuser is just trolling | ||
=== auk [n=scott@h-69-3-179-55.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
someuser | ok, so is there a GUI & easy way to make win deafolt sys? | 01:45 |
someuser | rob, i'm not. | 01:45 |
qt2 | damnit. brb, reboot. | 01:45 |
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cevizoglu | someuser: not that I know of but it's pretty easy to make windows the default boot | 01:45 |
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_eyez | what porgram can i use for waching films with (divx, avi) | 01:46 |
someuser | enyway, installing Linux on my HD is to Obligating for me. i just want to have fun with it. :} | 01:46 |
someuser | and to tray es meny Live-OS that i can. | 01:46 |
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someuser | ty, enyway. | 01:47 |
=== cevizoglu thinks livecd's suck | ||
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brownie17 | cevizoglu, i only use it for fixing shit when ubotu is broke | 01:47 |
brownie17 | cevizoglu, ubuntu* | 01:48 |
=== hyperactivecrond [n=chris@adsl-69-212-156-128.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hyperactivecrond | !mp3 | 01:48 |
ubotu | methinks mp3 is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support | 01:48 |
someuser | no, live-cd it grate!!! & it's the reason i use ubuntu now !!! | 01:48 |
rob^ | no no, ubotu is often broke | 01:48 |
cevizoglu | brownie17: you can also use safemode for that | 01:48 |
rob^ | :) | 01:48 |
cevizoglu | brownie17: at least some times | 01:48 |
hyperactivecrond | ugh where can I install mp3 support in Breezy | 01:48 |
brownie17 | cevizoglu, mkay | 01:48 |
thoreauputic | someuser: http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=windows+ntloader+linux&btnG=Google+Search&meta= | 01:48 |
hyperactivecrond | someuser, do u have 2k or XP? | 01:48 |
someuser | xp | 01:49 |
hyperactivecrond | use grub | 01:49 |
hyperactivecrond | it works fine | 01:49 |
thoreauputic | !tell hyperactivecrond about mp3 | 01:49 |
someuser | i hate grube | 01:49 |
hyperactivecrond | use lilo then | 01:49 |
selinium | hi thoreauputic :) | 01:49 |
someuser | OK, let's say that i will install ubuntu on my HD..... | 01:49 |
=== smur [n=smurf@CPE-65-29-0-141.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_eyez | what porgram can i use for waching films with (divx, avi) | 01:50 |
thoreauputic | someuser: I gave you a whole page of google links on this subject | 01:50 |
afaik | xine | 01:50 |
afaik | or mplayer | 01:50 |
brownie17 | _eyez, vlc is good | 01:50 |
marcellus | _eyez: xine, mplayer, totem, vlc, etc.. | 01:50 |
someuser | is there a good way to uninstal it end get the MS bootloader without reformating? | 01:50 |
hyperactivecrond | !tell _eyez about divx | 01:50 |
someuser | i'm reading ty. | 01:50 |
_eyez | thanks guys | 01:51 |
=== AngryParsley is now known as Redwolf23 | ||
someuser | But, is there a good way to uninstal it end get the MS bootloader without reformating? | 01:51 |
thoreauputic | someuser: questions about the windows bootloader are kind of off-topic here | 01:51 |
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smur | I really hate to ask, but how do I mount and read/write to a secondary ntfs drive? | 01:51 |
rubem | hi there... | 01:51 |
someuser | now dont be childish.. | 01:51 |
=== rikai [n=rikai@pool-71-241-195-125.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
smur | I edited fstab | 01:51 |
rubem | What player is a good player for play .mov videos? | 01:51 |
thoreauputic | smur: write to ntfs isn't supported in linux | 01:51 |
rikai | rubem, vlc | 01:51 |
hyperactivecrond | thoreauputic, with capture it is | 01:52 |
rob^ | captiiventfs? | 01:52 |
afaik | xine and mplayer work well | 01:52 |
thoreauputic | smur: at least not without experimental additions | 01:52 |
hyperactivecrond | s/capture/captiventfs | 01:52 |
afaik | rubem, you'll need the codecs though | 01:52 |
thoreauputic | hyperactivecrond: yes I know | 01:52 |
smur | I was afraid of that | 01:52 |
afaik | they are in multi-verse I think | 01:52 |
butcherbird | someuser, fdisk /mbr or fixmbr something like that in windows | 01:52 |
afaik | or sid | 01:52 |
afaik | :) | 01:52 |
hyperactivecrond | someuser, recovery console | 01:52 |
smur | I can READ ntfs though? | 01:52 |
hyperactivecrond | from win cd | 01:52 |
hyperactivecrond | smur: yes | 01:52 |
someuser | ok!, and how do i delete the files ? | 01:52 |
rubem | afaik, rikal, even in this vlc I'll need the codecs? | 01:53 |
h08817 | delete what files? | 01:53 |
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butcherbird | rubem, vlc you wont need codecs | 01:53 |
smur | Okay, well, then I just add an "ro" to the options line in fstab, then mount it? I can just copy everything | 01:53 |
someuser | i mean after ih'v don it, how cen i remuve ubuntu os files afterwood? | 01:53 |
rubem | thank you, let's apt-get :) | 01:53 |
afaik | bur[n] er, I thought you did? | 01:53 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o thoreauputic] by ChanServ | ||
rikai | someuser, format the partition. | 01:54 |
rikai | someuser, the partition that had ubuntu on it that is. | 01:54 |
rubem | which are the best apt repositories? | 01:54 |
selinium | !repos | 01:54 |
ubotu | rumour has it, repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 01:54 |
rubem | I use mirrors.kernel.org | 01:54 |
h08817 | someuser: you can use fdisk to format it but make sure you remove the non-dos partition | 01:54 |
=== t432 [i=1001@82-36-40-125.cable.ubr04.smal.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | rubem: don't use debian repos, please | 01:54 |
afaik | I'm a command line commando | 01:55 |
selinium | rubem, use ^^^^ | 01:55 |
someuser | ok, so i need to make a new partition for ubuntu and then murg it with win prt'?! | 01:55 |
t432 | Whats wrong with slackware people? | 01:55 |
afaik | and I was curious, how can I watch movies from the CLI? | 01:55 |
rubem | thoreauputic, why? Ubuntu isn't debian based? | 01:55 |
hyperactivecrond | rubem, you can screw stuff up if you do so | 01:55 |
afaik | rubem, switch to debian sid repositories and do a dist-upgrade | 01:55 |
selinium | rubem, based yes, debian no | 01:55 |
smur | hyperactivecrond: okay, I should just add an "ro" option to fstab, then mount and copy everything? | 01:55 |
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t432 | Ubuntu is debian based | 01:55 |
smur | I just need the music off the drive and such | 01:55 |
thoreauputic | rubem: it is, but it's based on a snapshot of sid - it is normally out of sync with ubuntu | 01:56 |
hyperactivecrond | smur: options = ro,uid=smur | 01:56 |
hyperactivecrond | smur=ur username | 01:56 |
afaik | I done it before... it "upgraded" my ubuntu box to a debian box :) | 01:56 |
rubem | sorry, hyperactivecrond, I did not get it... | 01:56 |
rikai | http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/375207 <- can someone tell me how to fix this problem? | 01:56 |
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afaik | "Fourth Level, passed!" | 01:56 |
afaik | I kid, I kid :) | 01:56 |
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rubem | hum, my system could crash? | 01:56 |
smur | hyperactivecrond: thankyou very much | 01:56 |
afaik | it could | 01:56 |
afaik | or it could be better | 01:56 |
hyperactivecrond | np | 01:56 |
selinium | rubem you can break your box yes | 01:56 |
thoreauputic | rubem: your package management can get totally stuffed up | 01:56 |
someuser | you see it's to mouch hard work - Live-CD is so Easy!!!! | 01:56 |
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rubem | ow... I hate free software lack of padronization... | 01:57 |
hyperactivecrond | rubem, think using windows 3.1 packages under XP | 01:57 |
afaik | well, I dont see how he would break his box doing a dist-upgrade to Debian Sid | 01:57 |
hyperactivecrond | s/3.1/2.0 | 01:57 |
afaik | it would turn his box into debian | 01:57 |
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afaik | thats all | 01:57 |
rubem | good point. hyperactivecrond | 01:57 |
hyperactivecrond | afaik, you try that and tell us how it works out. | 01:57 |
Nikopol | afaik, yeah so as we said break it ;) | 01:57 |
thoreauputic | afaik: gcc4 (if from breezy) for one example | 01:58 |
rubem | so, do you recomend thesse: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 only? | 01:58 |
afaik | gcc4 is in experimental | 01:58 |
afaik | not sid | 01:58 |
Nikopol | there's a huge gulf between debian and ubuntu at the mo no? | 01:58 |
thoreauputic | afaik: exactly | 01:58 |
afaik | so I stand by my words | 01:58 |
afaik | his box will not break | 01:58 |
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rikai | someuser, it's jsut as hard to uninstall windows. :P | 01:58 |
thoreauputic | afaik: breeezy uses gcc4, sid doesn't | 01:58 |
crimsun | Nikopol: "huge"? Not nearly as huge as one might think. | 01:58 |
rubem | hyperactivecrond, do you recomendo to use these only: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 01:58 |
rubem | ? | 01:58 |
someuser | so tell me ther is no way to isnatll ubuntu and renuve it without reformating & reinstalling WIndows ?! | 01:59 |
afaik | oh breezy | 01:59 |
=== Flying-Penguin [n=flyingpe@pool-71-103-164-11.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
afaik | my bad | 01:59 |
Nikopol | crimsun, regarding the packages they're not too compatible at the mo no? | 01:59 |
someuser | remuve* | 01:59 |
afaik | I thought it was an expression | 01:59 |
crimsun | Nikopol: they're nearly always source-compatibel. | 01:59 |
crimsun | compatible, rather | 01:59 |
Nikopol | crimsun, true | 01:59 |
hyperactivecrond | rikai, mkreiserfs /dev/hda1? :( | 01:59 |
hyperactivecrond | oops :) | 01:59 |
Flying-Penguin | HOLY CRAP | 01:59 |
rikai | hyperactivecrond, lol. | 01:59 |
selinium | afaik: It's not a good idea to confuse people about the repos! :) | 01:59 |
Nikopol | crimsun, not really that big on the face of things | 01:59 |
afaik | what is the flying spaghetti monster | 01:59 |
hyperactivecrond | rubem: not under breezy | 01:59 |
HrdwrBoB | afaik: google will tell you | 02:00 |
hyperactivecrond | but for hoary they're the derault | 02:00 |
Nikopol | afaik, his box may not break but could become a pain in the ass to use | 02:00 |
JairunCaloth | If I compiled my video drivers and I get this update with the new headers and image, am I going to have to recompile my drivers? | 02:00 |
HrdwrBoB | I was touched by his noodly appendage | 02:00 |
rohal | hi i have been using ubuntu from a month now.......doing grt....but wht u ppl feel about gentoo??? | 02:00 |
hyperactivecrond | We're on a highway to hell... WE're on a highway to hell... | 02:00 |
butcherbird | someuser, look at partition magic to free up space for a new partition | 02:00 |
hyperactivecrond | rohal, trollfood | 02:00 |
hyperactivecrond | or flamefuel | 02:00 |
Nikopol | rohal, you kidding yeah? | 02:00 |
afaik | grt? | 02:00 |
Nikopol | great I assume | 02:01 |
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Nikopol | or gr8 | 02:01 |
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hyperactivecrond | but rohal imho gentoo's fast b/c everythings from source. | 02:01 |
afaik | rohal, check the bans in #gentoo and you will see my feelings on it | 02:01 |
hyperactivecrond | but hard to use | 02:01 |
someuser | its just to much fuss for me!!! that's whay i use Live-CD only! | 02:01 |
rohal | Nikopol: how would u rate that gentoo?? | 02:01 |
afaik | hyperactivecrond, a lie | 02:01 |
thoreauputic | rohal: distro discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic | 02:01 |
afaik | I ran gentoo on a box for 6 months | 02:01 |
cevizoglu | rohal: don't feel anything about gentoo... what does it matter? | 02:01 |
hyperactivecrond | afaik, i've been banend too , thx astinus | 02:01 |
hyperactivecrond | but as rockinnerd | 02:01 |
afaik | I noticed no speed increase. and yes, I used all the "optimization flags" | 02:01 |
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afaik | Gentoo being "faster" is a myth | 02:02 |
someuser | i hade very bad expiriens with Mandrake Dual Boot & just wish ubuntu hade a save settings script, like OTHER LIVE_CD DO! | 02:02 |
rikai | hyperactivecrond, ubuntu runs more speedily than gentoo for me :o | 02:02 |
Nikopol | rohal, have used it before but really felt the emerge times were not really worth the potential improvement | 02:02 |
hyperactivecrond | cool | 02:02 |
thoreauputic | guys, gentoo discussions >> #ubuntu-offtopic | 02:02 |
afaik | after all, there's nothing "fast" about spending 40 hours compiling kde | 02:02 |
rohal | its distro watch rating is way down...as compared to ubuntu....why so...i thought its a popoular & fast distro | 02:02 |
Nikopol | ok sorry :( | 02:02 |
afaik | when I can apt-get it in 5 minutes | 02:02 |
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hyperactivecrond | afaik, the binaries are fast too i think | 02:02 |
rikai | someuser, err, you could always make one. :D | 02:02 |
afaik | rohal, again, gentoo being fast is a myth | 02:02 |
afaik | prove me wrong | 02:02 |
someuser | how? | 02:03 |
afaik | s/fast/faster | 02:03 |
rohal | Nikopol: so u prefer ubuntu over gentoo....i have seen guys finally settling on gentoo after moving around on many distros.... | 02:03 |
someuser | whait, isent there a save iso command ?? | 02:03 |
Nikopol | rohal, sure | 02:03 |
thoreauputic | afaik: please, you have been asked: #ubuntu-offtopic for gento/distro discussions | 02:03 |
hyperactivecrond | rohal, that's them. | 02:03 |
someuser | i'll settle for that | 02:03 |
rikai | rohal, did they try ubuntu? :P | 02:03 |
sudonim | anybody using evolution to connect to exchange 2003? | 02:03 |
JairunCaloth | I've heard people say that they like gentoo because of the customizability, but it's a pain in the arse to setup | 02:04 |
afaik | rohal, I have tried genteww, Dredian, Red Crap, Womandrake, and suckware, before I finally found my home with FreeBSD | 02:04 |
rohal | Nikopol: atleast they have tried debian.. | 02:04 |
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afaik | anyway, I am done on this topic | 02:04 |
Nikopol | rohal, I won't talk about it here | 02:04 |
rubem | hey guys, you helped a lot, but can anyone say me which are the bests apt repos for ubuntu? | 02:04 |
rikai | can someone tell me how to fix this problem when upgrading packages? -> http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/375207 | 02:04 |
Nikopol | am in the other channel | 02:04 |
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afaik | but will rohal follow? | 02:04 |
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rohal | Nikopol: iwill | 02:04 |
JairunCaloth | If I get this kernel patch, am I going to have to recompile my video drivers? | 02:05 |
someuser | thre shuld be a way to make en ISO from the current Live-CD that's loaded to the machine, rghite???? | 02:05 |
rohal | Nilkopol: where will u be comfortable to talk abt this??? | 02:05 |
=== sudonim [n=colin@cpe-67-10-94-132.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nikopol | rohal, sure | 02:05 |
deadcat | is zd1211 in ubuntu or plans to be in ubuntu? | 02:05 |
someuser | somone?> | 02:05 |
Nikopol | rohal, #ubuntu-offtopic | 02:05 |
hyperactivecrond | someuser, chill | 02:05 |
crimsun | deadcat: "zd1211"? | 02:06 |
someuser | k | 02:06 |
sudonim | Anybody using evolution w/ Exchange? | 02:06 |
rubem | is there a portage implementatiob for ubuntu? | 02:06 |
crimsun | no. | 02:06 |
bimberi | ubotu tell rikai about ff fix | 02:06 |
rubem | :( | 02:06 |
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deadcat | crimsun: wireless usb driver | 02:06 |
hyperactivecrond | !tell rikai about ff fix | 02:06 |
hyperactivecrond | woops | 02:07 |
rikai | lol, thanks guys. ;) | 02:07 |
=== bimberi notches up another win :) | ||
rikai | why does that do that anyway? | 02:07 |
bimberi | rikai: sorts out an issue with backports | 02:08 |
selinium | tell rubem about repos | 02:08 |
rikai | bimberi, ah, so it's backports causing the issues | 02:08 |
bimberi | rikai: this time yes :) | 02:08 |
hyperactivecrond | !tell rubem about repos | 02:08 |
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selinium | hyperactivecrond, cheers! | 02:09 |
=== Fighting_Falcon [n=gentoo@201-27-71-62.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hyperactivecrond | lol | 02:09 |
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=== giuliano [n=giuliano@cm-net-poa-C8B02E12.dynamic.brdterra.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rikai | "mv: cannot stat `/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/defaults.ini': No such file or directory" <- i'm assuming that's an error i can ignore...? ;) | 02:09 |
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bimberi | rikai: hm, not sure, not much alternative tho | 02:10 |
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rikai | indeedy. | 02:10 |
intuit_ | woot! | 02:11 |
intuit_ | jk | 02:11 |
=== cafuego_ brrr's | ||
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afaik | rohal wont come to #ubuntu-offtopic, because he wants to troll in #ubuntu | 02:13 |
war-totem | HrdwrBoB, do you know how to specify a color for a specific email? | 02:13 |
=== Falstius [n=airen@bgp997741bgs.nanarb01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Dethread [n=Dethread@24-205-238-53.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Falstius | what happened to azureus, its not in the repositories anymore? | 02:14 |
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HrdwrBoB | war-totem: no | 02:14 |
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war-totem | HrdwrBoB, ok tx | 02:15 |
rikai | Falstius, it is. | 02:15 |
=== someuser [n=someuser@85-64-146-109.barak-online.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sdali | Anyone understand why iptables would show "accept all, anywhere,anywhere" for my input chain? http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2569 Doesn't this mean that I'm basically not running a firewall? | 02:15 |
someuser | eureka ! ! ! | 02:15 |
crimsun | sdali: by default Ubuntu does nothing with iptables+netfilter | 02:16 |
someuser | "how to build a customized Ubuntu LiveCD based on the new Live CD infrastructure" :} GOT IT !!! | 02:16 |
rob_p | sdali: Yup! | 02:16 |
rikai | hm, time to reboot now. | 02:16 |
someuser | :p :p | 02:16 |
Falstius | rikai: I get this: Package azureus is not available, but is referred to by another package. Blah Blah Blah. | 02:16 |
=== kb7ypf [n=kb7ypf@ip24-255-3-66.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
someuser | i'm cheel'd ;) | 02:16 |
rikai | Falstius, strange, i installed it a few minutes ago | 02:16 |
kb7ypf | so did I | 02:16 |
sdali | crimsun: Then how in the heck did it get enabled, with somewhat intelligent entries if ubuntu didn't do it? | 02:16 |
Falstius | I'm running AMD64 .. maybe it is blocking it | 02:17 |
rikai | Falstius, try closing synaptic, opening a terminal and typing apt-get update | 02:17 |
rikai | oh, that might be it. | 02:17 |
rikai | i'm not very familiar with amd64 issues yet. :P | 02:17 |
rikai | anywho, reboot time. | 02:17 |
kb7ypf | what is this? Just installed Ubuntu and playing around :-) | 02:17 |
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livewire_ | hi all | 02:17 |
kb7ypf | hello | 02:18 |
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jroes | 19:17 -!- livewire_ [n=lala@CPE-70-92-186-187.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | 02:18 |
crimsun | sdali: what got enabled? | 02:18 |
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livewire_ | Im back in the linux thing after a 2 year hiatus | 02:18 |
rikai | kb7ypf, xchat is an irc client, #ubuntu is an irchelp channel for ubuntu, ubuntu is a linux distrobution. | 02:18 |
sdali | crimsun: /var/log/messages shows it like this: | 02:18 |
sdali | Sep 22 08:25:48 localhost kernel: ip_tables: (C) 2000-2002 Netfilter core team | 02:18 |
sdali | Sep 22 08:25:48 localhost kernel: ip_conntrack version 2.1 (6143 buckets, 49144 max) - 336 bytes per conntrack | 02:18 |
max | bitte? | 02:18 |
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livewire_ | and of course I have hardware that doesn't work | 02:18 |
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=== cafuego_ [n=cafuego_@ppp65-202.lns1.mel2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | sdali: that means there's kernel support for it enabled. That doesn't mean a firewall is ACTIVE. | 02:18 |
max | lol, got highlight :D | 02:18 |
kb7ypf | rikai: thanks for the information.. Help is something I could use. | 02:18 |
livewire_ | anyone have a soundblaster audigy 4 (non-pro) working? | 02:18 |
d2dchat | how do i mount my cdrom drive? | 02:19 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o thoreauputic] by thoreauputic | ||
=== cafuego_ stabs breezy | ||
d2dchat | for some reason the cd writer doesnt recognize it | 02:19 |
d2dchat | BUT | 02:19 |
d2dchat | it does? | 02:19 |
d2dchat | lol | 02:19 |
rob_p | sdali: According to your paste, it looks like something has indeed manipulated the filtering tables... | 02:19 |
d2dchat | it found it but it's not mounted? | 02:19 |
sdali | crimsun: iptables shows my DNS servers, both of my eth interfaces, and it appears that it has also looked at the static routes I have setup. | 02:19 |
kb7ypf | Question: why does "wine" run some win98 programs and not others? | 02:19 |
test34- | d2dchat, mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /mount/point - might work | 02:20 |
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crimsun | sdali: huh? | 02:20 |
sdali | crimsun: shorewall isn't enabled, and firestarter was never configured. | 02:20 |
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crimsun | sdali: I have no idea what you're asking | 02:21 |
crimsun | sdali: there is no firewall configured by default. If you want one enabled, you have to install one and configure it, then activate it. | 02:21 |
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sdali | crimsun: "iptables -L " shows that something has considered my "setup" (interfaces, DNS, static routes) and it has made the entries in the iptables (kernel). So, if ubuntu didn't do that for me, then ... ? | 02:22 |
someuser | bye | 02:22 |
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sdali | crimsun: I guess I need to look closer to see if firestarter did it for me. | 02:23 |
rob_p | sdali: crimsun is correct in his statement. However, it looks like you do indeed have something installed that is configuring at least a minimal set of packet filtering rules. I'd check your runlevel dir for any symbolic links to any of the firewall configuration apps you have installed. | 02:23 |
riddlebox | is anyone using a WPC54G wireless card? | 02:23 |
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Paradoxx | can some1 explain to me how to install a .deb? | 02:23 |
shinu | anyone know if the Orinoco Gold Combocard is linux compatible? | 02:23 |
crimsun | Paradoxx: sudo dpkg -i foo.deb | 02:23 |
sdali | rob_p: Yep. I think so too. THanks. | 02:23 |
rob_p | np | 02:23 |
afaik | rohal, you can fuck off with the trolling | 02:23 |
Paradoxx | crimsun: and then what? | 02:24 |
tristanmike | afaik, and you can watch the language | 02:24 |
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tristanmike | afaik, please :) | 02:24 |
rubem | where can i get the .mov codec for totem ???? | 02:24 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o thoreauputic] by thoreauputic | ||
Nameless12 | im back, and still having problems. i have reinstalled ubuntu this time version 5.04 i have redone my xorg.conf when ubuntu loads my 2nd monitor "powers down" and goes on stand by, i am confused anyway here is the xorg file http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2570 | 02:24 |
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rubem | where can i get the .mov codec for totem ???? | 02:25 |
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rubem | anyone???? | 02:25 |
Nikopol | is that not in the w32codecs? | 02:26 |
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Nameless12 | rubem, there is a good tutorial for that at www.ubuntuguide.org (it has all the codecs listed there and there is a repositarys list there if you need it) | 02:26 |
=== transparentdream [n=transpar@c-67-176-67-90.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rohal | afaik: any probs?? | 02:26 |
transparentdream | Why won;t my wireless work> It says it's active but i cant connect to the internet | 02:26 |
=== Etkinson [n=matan@modemcable016.58-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sdali | rob_p: Check my understanding here - who or whatever configured the firewall for me added an entry that says "ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere". This says to me that I'm wide open, but today when a colleague of mine tried to VNC into my ubuntu box, he was not allowed (due to the firewall). Does that accept all anywhere,anywhere open it up to the world or not? | 02:26 |
Paradoxx | crimsun: ty much dude | 02:26 |
crimsun | deadcat: support for the zd1211 was added to Breezy's kernel on Tue, 28 Jun 2005 14:33:25 +0200 | 02:27 |
Nikopol | rubem, what you under? | 02:27 |
rob_p | sdali: one sec... let me review your paste again... | 02:27 |
bettong_BOFH | has anyone tryed to install skype in breezy? | 02:27 |
crimsun | deadcat: see linux-source-2.6.12 (2.6.12-3.2) | 02:27 |
bettong_BOFH | i'm running into a dependancy problem | 02:27 |
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sdali | rob_p: I left out all of the other personally identifiable parts. | 02:27 |
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rubem | Nikopol Ubuntu 5.04 | 02:28 |
Etkinson | anyone here ever tried gentoo? | 02:28 |
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bettong_BOFH | yes i have | 02:28 |
bettong_BOFH | it's not worth it | 02:28 |
Etkinson | for how long? | 02:28 |
bettong_BOFH | not for a run of the mill user | 02:28 |
Nikopol | rubem, yeah it should be in the w32codecs | 02:28 |
rob_p | sdali: Yes. It would appear to be the case with the entry that reads, "ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere." | 02:29 |
bettong_BOFH | for about the 4 hours it took to compile it | 02:29 |
Etkinson | i'm thinking about trying gentoo to increase my knowledge of linux... | 02:29 |
=== transparentdream [n=transpar@c-67-176-67-90.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nikopol | rubem, you've set up the extra repositories? | 02:29 |
Agrajag | That won't increase your knowledge of anything | 02:29 |
bettong_BOFH | well if ya want to go ahead | 02:29 |
adjacent | Etkinson: why not use a harder binary distro? | 02:29 |
Etkinson | :) | 02:29 |
bettong_BOFH | it will just piss you off in the end | 02:29 |
Agrajag | it'll increase the time you spend staring blankly at gcc output | 02:29 |
rubem | Nikopol, what extra repos? | 02:29 |
Etkinson | i'm not an average user; i have alot of motivation to learn when it comes to linux. | 02:29 |
transparentdream | Hey, is there a way to remote connect to a friend's computer to help them like in Wondows? | 02:30 |
Nikopol | rubem, have you edited the /etc/apt/sources.list file | 02:30 |
WhiteRabbit | gentoo does teach patience | 02:30 |
Agrajag | gentoo really won't teach you anything. If you want to learn everything, in depth, do LFS | 02:30 |
bettong_BOFH | well then go ahead all i have to say is it wasen't my flavor | 02:30 |
=== ColonelKernel [i=ishai@24-205-124-191.dhcp.hspr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rubem | Nikopol, i have seted up some extra repos, dont know if it is the repos you are thinking | 02:30 |
Nikopol | rubem, that's where you add the extra repos | 02:30 |
=== qt2 [n=qt2@pool-71-241-195-125.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sdali | rob_p: check this: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2571 | 02:30 |
rubem | Nikopol yes | 02:30 |
Agrajag | all gentoo teaches you is how to read the instructions they give you, step by step | 02:30 |
adjacent | Etkinson: use debian or slackware. id suggest slackware if you really want to learn. you will lose your dependence on a package manager | 02:30 |
rob_p | sdali: You could try manually flushing all the chains and resetting the default policies back to ACCEPT for all built-in chains. Then have your friend try VNC again. | 02:30 |
bettong_BOFH | i got frustrated with it and said screw it | 02:30 |
Nikopol | erm I'll open a dialogue with you so I can see what you have | 02:30 |
bettong_BOFH | and the next os i tryed was ubuntu | 02:30 |
sdali | rob_p: I know that works | 02:30 |
Nameless12 | rubem, there is a good tutorial for that at www.ubuntuguide.org (it has all the codecs listed there and there is a repositarys list there if you need it) | 02:30 |
Etkinson | i have tried suse, slackware and redhat but i feel blocked with all the major distros from learning | 02:30 |
Nameless12 | rubem, oops wrong paste | 02:30 |
rubem | ok, i'll try it | 02:30 |
bettong_BOFH | and i haven't tryed anything esle | 02:30 |
Etkinson | except slakware though.. but it didnt real work for me. | 02:30 |
Nameless12 | im back, and still having problems. i have reinstalled ubuntu this time version 5.04 i have redone my xorg.conf when ubuntu loads my 2nd monitor "powers down" and goes on stand by, i am confused anyway here is the xorg file http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2570 | 02:30 |
Etkinson | i'm with ubuntu for 3 months now.. | 02:31 |
riddlebox | Etkinson:do you have wireless? | 02:31 |
Etkinson | so for how long do u have ubuntu bettong_BOFH | 02:31 |
bettong_BOFH | it works outta the box and is better than win xp could ever hope to be | 02:31 |
transparentdream | Is there a pcAnywhere like program for Ubuntu? | 02:31 |
sdali | rob_p: If line 9 of my pastebin says it's open, then why didn't vnc work? | 02:31 |
bettong_BOFH | i have been running ubuntu for almost 9 monthes now | 02:31 |
Etkinson | cool | 02:32 |
adjacent | transparentdream: whats pc anywhere? remote desktop? | 02:32 |
WhiteRabbit | transparentdream, ssh | 02:32 |
Etkinson | since the previous ver i understand? | 02:32 |
Nikopol | afaik, I talkd to rohal | 02:32 |
transparentdream | adjacent, yes, remote desktop | 02:32 |
Nikopol | he was fine | 02:32 |
WhiteRabbit | transparentdream, Although You may want FreeNX | 02:32 |
Nikopol | not a troll | 02:32 |
adjacent | transparentdream: whats the matter with remote desktop then? | 02:32 |
transparentdream | ...Where is it? | 02:32 |
afaik | Nikopol, "plz tll me why freebsd is grt!?" isn't trolling? | 02:32 |
bettong_BOFH | i think that ubuntu has a really good chance to compete with windows | 02:32 |
afaik | heheheh | 02:33 |
dooglus | adjacent: system -> preferences -> remote desktop | 02:33 |
Nikopol | afaik, well from my talk with him he wasn't | 02:33 |
transparentdream | ....i found it.. | 02:33 |
deadcat | crimsun: zd1211 is a 3rd party software. not in the source | 02:33 |
Etkinson | ahh tell you the truth i dont give a damn about the popularity of any distro.. | 02:33 |
Nikopol | afaik, he was more curious about what makes a distro good | 02:33 |
adjacent | dooglus: i know | 02:33 |
cevizoglu | bettong_BOFH: a chance? that's like saying you will consider considering if you're going to think about competing | 02:33 |
Etkinson | i think that noone should give a damn. | 02:33 |
bettong_BOFH | cevizoglu: huh? | 02:33 |
Etkinson | that's what is so good about opensource, we don't need to worry about these things. | 02:33 |
dooglus | adjacent: oh, ok. i meant to tell transparentdream I guess | 02:33 |
afaik | yeah I know.. his numerous messages to me I didn't respond to kept saying stuff like "Wht makes a distro grt? I think it is speed, like gentoo" | 02:34 |
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afaik | lol | 02:34 |
rob_p | sdali: Seems like it should allow pretty much everything. Either way, it's pretty clear that it's interfering somehow if flushing it fixes things. I don't have an answer for you at the moment as to why though. | 02:34 |
Nikopol | afaik, he doesn't use Gentoo apparatnly | 02:34 |
crimsun | deadcat: erm, no: linux-image-2.6.12-9-686: /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-686/kernel/drivers/usb/net/zd1211/zd1211.ko | 02:34 |
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afaik | weird | 02:34 |
sdali | rob_p: Thanks anyway. I'll continue to play and learn. | 02:34 |
Etkinson | whee ha many ppl here! | 02:34 |
bettong_BOFH | i have not had 1 problem that was worth dumping ubuntu over | 02:34 |
crimsun | deadcat: like I said, read the changelog to see that Chuck Short applied it | 02:35 |
dooglus | anyone know what on earth is going on with bug 1148? It looks like the fixes have been removed, but I can't see any reason given for their removal | 02:35 |
Paradoxx | any1 know where i can learn to use vi editor | 02:35 |
=== piercedh20 [n=mp3serv@68-191-209-204.dhcp.dntn.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shekhar | Seveas, hi, thanks for your help earlier today, i have upgraded to breezy | 02:35 |
adjacent | Paradoxx: vimtutor | 02:35 |
sdali | vim.org | 02:35 |
Nikopol | afaik, hey I thought he was windinf us up at the beginnign too ;) | 02:35 |
Nameless12 | im back, and still having problems. i have reinstalled ubuntu this time version 5.04 i have redone my xorg.conf when ubuntu loads my 2nd monitor "powers down" and goes on stand by, i am confused anyway here is the xorg file http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2570 | 02:35 |
piercedh20 | Is it ok to paste my error message in the channel? (3lines) | 02:35 |
rob_p | sdali: And you're sure it's on the INPUT chain? | 02:35 |
Nikopol | afaik, I think just the mere mention of Gentoo sets off my alarm bells for flamebait | 02:35 |
sdali | Abba-solutely | 02:35 |
Paradoxx | adjacent: whats that? | 02:35 |
dooglus | piercedh20: you'll probably get shouted at if you do | 02:36 |
dooglus | !pastebin | 02:36 |
piercedh20 | Ok, then I won't :) | 02:36 |
ubotu | [pastebin] a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 02:36 |
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Nikopol | piercedh20, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 02:36 |
sdali | piercedh20: Do it, do it, do it. | 02:36 |
chazman | I'm going to get straight to the point since I'm sure I don't have anything to talk about that will interest you all. =P - There are two things that I cannot really find an answer to on the Ubuntu website. The first is if I can actually use (read - try to learn) SELinux in Ubuntu and the second is if I can use an accelerated GL X server. I want the GL server because even with a properly installed ATI driver, gnome really runs | 02:36 |
chazman | like crap | 02:36 |
piercedh20 | lol | 02:36 |
sdali | 3 line, come on. | 02:36 |
sdali | lines | 02:36 |
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Nikopol | hey I won't shout | 02:37 |
Nikopol | depends how long the lines are I guess! | 02:37 |
JDahl | chazman, that's nonsense. You dont need optimized drivers for X or Gnome | 02:37 |
sdali | piercedh20: Do it, do it, do it. Take the risk. | 02:37 |
adjacent | Nikopol: probably as long as the lines in the "shortest perl program" | 02:37 |
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Nikopol | adjacent, mmm ;) | 02:37 |
cevizoglu | it's ok to wonder which distro is better for those that don't feel like installing both, but not here.. offtopic maybe | 02:37 |
chazman | JDahl, something is causing the GUI to run slower than Vista Beta 1 does | 02:38 |
shekhar | can someone help me restore the default system font from hoary in breezy? | 02:38 |
rubem | anyone know how to make wine play sounds? | 02:38 |
dooglus | adjacent: the shortest perl program is empty: perl -e '' | 02:38 |
chazman | Mandrive is the only distro I've tried where the GUI doesn't make me want to kill | 02:38 |
chazman | driva* | 02:38 |
dooglus | chazman: in ubuntu you can xkill | 02:38 |
JDahl | chazman, installing proprietary ATI wont affect ordinary desktop use | 02:38 |
Etkinson | in gentoo, is it realy like compiling everything from scracth? | 02:39 |
piercedh20 | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2572 <--can someone please help me w/ this RPM issue | 02:39 |
piercedh20 | Not gonna do it sdali ;) | 02:39 |
adjacent | dooglus: its a reference to perl golf | 02:39 |
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chazman | JDhal | 02:39 |
chazman | I know | 02:39 |
sdali | piercedh20: I did 9 lines last night, and only got one snide remark. ;) | 02:39 |
Nikopol | piercedh20, you trying to install the rpm straight? | 02:39 |
chazman | All I really gained was correct 3D Acceleration | 02:39 |
piercedh20 | yeah, with rpm, -i <filename> | 02:39 |
chazman | Not that I'll use it in Linux... | 02:39 |
piercedh20 | er RPM -i <filename> | 02:39 |
Nikopol | piercedh20, no that won't work | 02:39 |
piercedh20 | oh | 02:39 |
=== spindley [n=spindley@S01060050ba5be146.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nikopol | piercedh20, apt-get install alien | 02:40 |
robertj | fuse got accepted into vanilla right? | 02:40 |
piercedh20 | Im a linux newbie, so please teach me | 02:40 |
piercedh20 | ok | 02:40 |
Nikopol | piercedh20, alien the.rpm | 02:40 |
Nikopol | then you have a deb piercedh20 | 02:40 |
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thoreauputic | piercedh20: the error message tells you what to do :) | 02:40 |
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Etkinson | bettong_BOFH: do you realy have to compile everything from scratch in gentoo? | 02:40 |
rubem | anyone can tell me how to run cracked StarCraft on wine???? | 02:40 |
thoreauputic | piercedh20: alien foo.deb | 02:40 |
sdali | Nikopol: After you "alien" it, then what do you ddo with the .deb? | 02:40 |
thoreauputic | oops | 02:40 |
bettong_BOFH | yea thats the way it works | 02:40 |
dooglus | piercedh20: you're running "rpm"? | 02:40 |
deadcat | crimsun: ok let me check the ppc kernel (= | 02:40 |
chazman | Private messages blocked...please register - mmmmno | 02:40 |
bettong_BOFH | very time consumeing | 02:40 |
thoreauputic | alien foo.rpm | 02:40 |
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bettong_BOFH | and it dosen't come with a GUI | 02:41 |
piercedh20 | ok | 02:41 |
=== Trixsey|Laptop [i=shus_@c-279072d5.012-2011-73746f31.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nikopol | piercedh20, dpkg -i the.deb | 02:41 |
dooglus | piercedh20: you're running "rpm"? | 02:41 |
piercedh20 | Yes | 02:41 |
Nikopol | piercedh20, put a sudo before it | 02:41 |
Etkinson | bettong_BOFH: so you also compile gcc? heck, you compile the assembler too?! | 02:41 |
Trixsey|Laptop | Anyone here got time to help me with some java? | 02:41 |
thoreauputic | piercedh20: why are you using an rpm? | 02:41 |
Nikopol | sudo dpkg -i the.deb piercedh20 | 02:41 |
bettong_BOFH | yup | 02:41 |
Nikopol | actually maybe I should have asked that too | 02:41 |
Etkinson | bettong_BOFH: ?! you're sure?! | 02:41 |
piercedh20 | thereauputic, b/c I couldnt get the uncompressed tar.gz to work | 02:42 |
chazman | So what should I do to try and speed the GUI up? Or is it pretty much running as well as it ever will? (XP 3000+, Radeon X800 Pro) | 02:42 |
bettong_BOFH | as far as i know i had to | 02:42 |
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@203-59-213-145.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | piercedh20: what are you installing? | 02:42 |
piercedh20 | AIM | 02:42 |
bettong_BOFH | but when i tryed gentoo i was so new to linux i diden't fully understand what it was | 02:42 |
shekhar | could someone help me with some minor issues in breezy | 02:42 |
cafuego_ | You know the precompiled kernel is bloated when a 250Mb / isn't enough to have two of them installed. | 02:42 |
Nikopol | piercedh20, AIM? | 02:42 |
piercedh20 | Yes :P | 02:42 |
bettong_BOFH | all i know is that it involved way to many commands for my taste | 02:42 |
thoreauputic | piercedh20: erm - gaim does aim and is already installed | 02:42 |
Paradoxx | ok, i'm looking at a file, now in vi, how do i find out where it is stored? | 02:42 |
piercedh20 | um...hmm | 02:42 |
Nikopol | piercedh20, as what thoreau said | 02:42 |
Etkinson | bettong_BOFH: because i read a bit in the gentoo website, and they say they do have their packaging system. you compile the packages, but still, you don't start completely from scratch as i understood from their website.. | 02:42 |
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Nikopol | piercedh20, just do apt-get install gaim | 02:43 |
bettong_BOFH | that may very well be | 02:43 |
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bettong_BOFH | i really don't know | 02:43 |
piercedh20 | ok | 02:43 |
thoreauputic | piercedh20: also - use synaptic package manager to install stuff | 02:43 |
Etkinson | mm | 02:43 |
Agrajag | yes, yes you do. You start from a livecd and build EVERYTHING on your system from their package manager | 02:43 |
bettong_BOFH | i have been using ubuntu ever sence | 02:43 |
piercedh20 | I did, but it didnt come up when I searched for it | 02:43 |
JDahl | chazman, what's not running well under Gnome? I am running gnome on 1GHz/256MB machine without problems | 02:43 |
Etkinson | Agrajag: you tried it ? | 02:43 |
thoreauputic | piercedh20: gaim is installed by default | 02:43 |
cafuego_ | chazman: get a card that doesn't require the fglrx driver (ie: nvidia). That'll speed 3D up by a factor 2. | 02:43 |
Agrajag | gentoo? I used it for almost a year | 02:43 |
Nikopol | piercedh20, it may already be installed | 02:43 |
Agrajag | I got sick of it | 02:43 |
Paradoxx | how do i find out where a file i am looking at in vi is stored? | 02:44 |
Etkinson | Agrajag: y did u stop? | 02:44 |
cevizoglu | bettong_BOFH: I installed Gentoo over virtual pc once. it took three weeks to compile KDE | 02:44 |
chazman | The Gnome GUI itself just feels sluggish. Kinda like running Windows XP without a video driver installed. For example, when I move a window around the screen tears. | 02:44 |
piercedh20 | Yes, it said it was already installed | 02:44 |
Agrajag | now I use ubuntu so that I don't have to wait hours on end to update anything | 02:44 |
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piercedh20 | But I dont see it on my applications | 02:44 |
bettong_BOFH | holy crap :-O | 02:44 |
piercedh20 | I feel sooo dumb | 02:44 |
Nikopol | piercedh20, mmm | 02:44 |
maurycy | how to uninstall openoffice? after dpkg -l | grep openoffice | grep '^ii' | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs apt-get -y remove, ubuntu still enforces me to install openoffice. | 02:44 |
shekhar | can someone help me with some minor issues in breezy | 02:44 |
Nikopol | app > internet > GAIM | 02:44 |
piercedh20 | omg I found it | 02:44 |
piercedh20 | So sorry | 02:44 |
=== piercedh20 blushes | ||
Nikopol | piercedh20, hey no problemo | 02:45 |
thoreauputic | piercedh20: no worries :) | 02:45 |
=== Kensey [n=kensey@065.100-113-64.ftth.swbr.surewest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
piercedh20 | ok | 02:45 |
piercedh20 | whew | 02:45 |
Paradoxx | how do i find out where a file i'm looking at in vim is stored | 02:45 |
Nikopol | well you know how to use alien now ;) | 02:45 |
piercedh20 | Yup =) | 02:45 |
thoreauputic | !tell piercedh20 about docs | 02:45 |
Etkinson | Agrajag: from you experience, would you recommend gentoo as a way to, lets say, "be smarter" linux-ly? | 02:45 |
Nikopol | so it wasn't all a wasted :) | 02:45 |
=== signbarn [n=zack@adsl-158-217-54.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chazman | Plus, can anyone suggest some IRCds besides Unreal? I want choices in case I get too pissed at Unreal =P | 02:45 |
cafuego_ | maurycy: COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l | grep openoffice | grep '^ii' | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs apt-get -y remove | 02:45 |
cevizoglu | Paradoxx: :!pwd | 02:45 |
Kensey | hey AstralJava, I got my wireless card working just now! | 02:45 |
cafuego_ | maurycy Note the 'COLUMNS=200' | 02:45 |
thoreauputic | piercedh20: browse the page ubotu sent you in pm | 02:45 |
piercedh20 | danke | 02:45 |
Agrajag | Etkinson: no, not at all | 02:45 |
Kensey | with the Ralink Linux drivers | 02:45 |
piercedh20 | will do | 02:45 |
chazman | crap | 02:46 |
cafuego_ | chazman: apt-cache search ircd | 02:46 |
=== chazman is now known as Chazman | ||
Agrajag | You do everything according to step-by-step instructions from their website, which tell you what to do, but not why you're doing it. | 02:46 |
Agrajag | Install linux from scratch if you really want to learn how everything works together | 02:46 |
maurycy | cafuego_: no diff. i uninstalled it already, but i've played with kubuntu and am trying to get back to ubuntu-desktop. unfortunatelly i have in home slow gprs bandwith and i can't download a bunch of openoffice packages. | 02:46 |
cafuego_ | Agrajag: That's the thing about gentoo, there is no "why" ;-) | 02:46 |
maurycy | cafuego_: i tried to do the pasted previously command, ubuntu uninstalled openoffice, but still after apt-get install ubuntu-desktop tries to download all these openoffice packages. | 02:46 |
Agrajag | cafuego: yeah, couldn't stand it after a while | 02:46 |
cafuego_ | maurycy: Uh, ubuntu-desktop includes openoffice | 02:46 |
Agrajag | when I heard about ubuntu, back about last august, I moved to it and neevr changed | 02:47 |
dooglus | Paradoxx: what does control-g show you? | 02:47 |
maurycy | cafuego_: i is it possible to install ubuntu-desktop excluding openoffice? or go back to ubuntu without downloading OOo? | 02:47 |
sdali | Paradoxx: It is in your current directory, isn't it? | 02:47 |
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maurycy | s/i is/is/ | 02:47 |
Falstius | ubuntu seems to be about the oposite of Gentoo (I run both) | 02:47 |
Chazman | cafuego_ chazman: get a card that doesn't require the fglrx driver (ie: nvidia). That'll speed 3D up by a factor 2. | 02:47 |
_jason | FaithX: which do you prefer | 02:47 |
cafuego_ | maurycy: no, becase 'ubuntu-desktop' depends on OOo, it will always try to install it. | 02:47 |
dooglus | Paradoxx: hit control g. if that doesn't show an absolute pathname, do :!pwd to see which directory you're in | 02:47 |
Chazman | As much as I don't like nVidia, I seriously considered that while forcing the ATI driver in. | 02:47 |
_jason | Falstius: which do you prefer? | 02:48 |
cafuego_ | maurycy: You cna of course install all the packages by hand. | 02:48 |
maurycy | cafuego_: sure. any method to return to pure ubuntu without downloading openoffice? | 02:48 |
maurycy | cafuego_: woah, great. | 02:48 |
=== Nikopol off to bed! night all | ||
cafuego_ | maurycy: apt-cache show ubuntu-desktop (see list, parse) | 02:48 |
Falstius | _jason: depends on what I'm doing. Ubuntu is generally easier, but I've got a very specialized Gentoo setup which I can do things in quickly | 02:48 |
thoreauputic | guys, for the second time in an hour - you are welcome to discuss gento in #ubuntu-offtopic | 02:48 |
cafuego_ | thoreauputic: Just add a wordkick mate | 02:48 |
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Diskgrind | Can I have some help with Themes? | 02:48 |
signbarn | i'm getting some problems on my Hoary box when I try to update: mozilla-firefox and mozilla-firefox-gnome-support aren't playing nice | 02:49 |
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piercedh20 | Do any of the linux cd burning sw package convert mp3s to cda for home audio use? | 02:49 |
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Agrajag | maurycy: yould try this: in synaptic, tell it to install ubuntu-desktop, it should select all the gnome stuff. Then deselect ubuntu-desktop and all the openoffice stuff | 02:49 |
Agrajag | and install | 02:49 |
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Diskgrind | with the Ubuntu, do I look for GTK 1x or 2x or what??? | 02:49 |
Agrajag | er, s/yould/you could/ | 02:49 |
maurycy | Agrajag: i can't run gnome, so i assume that synaptic won't run | 02:49 |
Chazman | Also, I hear that you can use Windows components in conjunction with Wine to gain better compatibility. Has anyone tried this? | 02:49 |
Agrajag | huh? you don't even have GTK? | 02:50 |
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Chazman | I can't part with Windows (FLStudio, some games) until I get an alternative that will do the job | 02:50 |
Agrajag | you could try the same in aptitude or whatever other frontend to apt you have | 02:50 |
spermite | i hate to bring this up in here, but i can't log on to #debian, but i was wondering how should i partition a 80 gig. just " /boot /sawp and /root or "/boot /sawp /root / home? | 02:50 |
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Diskgrind | well then what theme types should I look for to use with Ubuntu? | 02:50 |
Agrajag | or you could do the ugly work yourself, find out what ubuntu-desktop installs and install all of it yourself, minus OO.o | 02:50 |
Trixsey|Laptop | Anyone got time to help me with a little Java program? | 02:50 |
Chazman | I would also like to talk about other stuff instead of just asking questions. Problem is that I don't know what the heck you all talk about... | 02:51 |
maurycy | Agrajag: exactly. ;> dunno how i did it, but in fact i don't have any wm at the moment. but that's not the problem, i'm playing with apt-get without any frontends and just seems to download packages I wish | 02:51 |
Agrajag | ouch, well aptitude just uses the console, with ncurses | 02:51 |
Trixsey|Laptop | Anyone got time to help me with a little Java program? I'm getting a bunch of error messages and I dont know how to fix em! If anyone would be kind enough to help and tell me why my solution is wrong.. I'd love that | 02:51 |
Agrajag | try installing aptitude and playing with that maybe | 02:51 |
maurycy | Agrajag: (oh, in fact i know how i did it, i just apt-get removed all evolutions packages not taking too much care of depends ;>) | 02:52 |
maurycy | Agrajag: thanks for hints anyway | 02:52 |
spermite | ... waiting for feeback..? | 02:52 |
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thoreauputic | Trixsey|Laptop: don't repeat, please | 02:53 |
Diskgrind | Can anyone give me help on what kinds of packages to look for when installing themes for Ubuntu? | 02:53 |
Trixsey|Laptop | I didnt repeat.. I improved :p | 02:53 |
spermite | i hate to bring this up in here, but i can't log on to #debian, but i was wondering how should i partition a 80 gig. just " /boot /sawp and /root or "/boot /sawp /root / home? | 02:53 |
locomorto | Agrajag: can't you install ubuntu-desktop | 02:53 |
locomorto | Agrajag: and then unistall that AND openoffice.org? | 02:54 |
thoreauputic | spermite: separate /home is a good idea | 02:54 |
Agrajag | locomorto: he doesn't want to download openoffice. | 02:54 |
locomorto | Agrajag: ic | 02:54 |
Chazman | I always just give Linux installs / and swap partitions. I'd probably give a /home as well when I actually deploy a server. | 02:54 |
Etkinson | i wonder what does the community think about kde now? | 02:54 |
thoreauputic | spermite: /boot isn't really necessary | 02:54 |
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Chazman | KDE | 02:55 |
|ww | i am still trying to find a decent text editor that will syntax highlight more than just either one source/markup at a time | 02:55 |
Chazman | hah | 02:55 |
Etkinson | i understand that qt is completely gpled now so there is legally no differece with gnome? | 02:55 |
locomorto | Etkinson: #kubuntu | 02:55 |
maurycy | lw-afk: Vim!!! | 02:55 |
Chazman | Gnome is slow to me, imagine how I feel in KDE <3 | 02:55 |
maurycy | |ww: Vim!!! | 02:55 |
TokenBad | I typed xkill and by mistake clicked on the desktop thing at the bottom of my screen..so now its gone..how can I get that back so can pick switch between windows? | 02:55 |
|ww | i might try Vim | 02:55 |
|ww | lol | 02:55 |
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thoreauputic | TokenBad: make a new panel, right click, add applets | 02:55 |
DaSkreech | is there a way to convert a powerpoint presentation to flash? | 02:55 |
Agrajag | a separate /home is always a good idea, you neevr have to worry about it when installing a new distro or if you need to re-install everything | 02:55 |
spermite | thoreauputic , dont understand what u mean by separate /home. | 02:55 |
tag | Anyone use at76c503a or wlan-atmeldriver ? | 02:55 |
dooglus | TokenBad: you still have a panel at the top? | 02:56 |
dooglus | TokenBad: if so, right-click on some empty space on it and "new panel" | 02:56 |
thoreauputic | spermite: a separate partition for /home ? | 02:56 |
Etkinson | i don't talk about performance or features. just the license issue. | 02:56 |
TokenBad | no...no panels at all | 02:56 |
Etkinson | i mean, there is no difference comparing how 'free' the two are, right? | 02:56 |
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dooglus | TokenBad: run "gnome-panel" then I think | 02:56 |
spermite | thoreauputic yes, so ur saying make a separate partition for /home correct? | 02:57 |
thoreauputic | TokenBad: then type gnome-panel | 02:57 |
Agrajag | Etkinson: I believe qt for linux is QPL, not GPL. I could be wrong. | 02:57 |
DaSkreech | is there a way to convert a powerpoint presentation to flash without running it through Openoffice | 02:57 |
maurycy | Agrajag: ok, installed everything. i had all packages, excluding OOo, in the cache, so was quick | 02:57 |
Agrajag | maurycy: oh good | 02:57 |
Chazman | Oh! The other question I had when I came in. Is SELinux even available to Ubuntu right now? All I can find on the site are articles on what SE Linux is and who maintains it, but no "Yes, you can use it now" stuff | 02:57 |
thoreauputic | spermite: if you want to preserve /home across installations, yes | 02:57 |
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spermite | =0( i just want normalness | 02:57 |
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maurycy | btw. is there any method to clean up /etc? i'd like to remove configuration files, which belong to removed packages. | 02:58 |
Etkinson | Agrajag: i read that since version 2.2, trolltec released a license option for their Qt, GPL. so now developers chose between QPL and GPL when using their Qt | 02:58 |
Paradoxx | has any1 here used the linux version to peer gaurdian? | 02:58 |
thoreauputic | spermite: define "normalness" | 02:58 |
Agrajag | oh ok | 02:58 |
fmasi | hi i have some files a frend send me (from win) and when i see them in linux some of the caracter are displaid as ? and at the end of the file name ther is "(invalid encoding)". Whi do I have that ??? | 02:58 |
tritium | maurycy, purge packages (not just remove them) to clean out their config files as well | 02:58 |
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TokenBad | I am in KDE | 02:58 |
misfit_toy | does anyone else see the issue where the CPU suddenly hit's 99% and stays there? I swear it has to be a gnome issue, cause I've seen it in both hoary and breezy too | 02:58 |
maurycy | tritium: yeah, but i have removed them already. what to do now? :) | 02:58 |
thoreauputic | spermite: BTW your nick should be changed - some people will find it offensive | 02:58 |
tritium | maurycy, purge them as well now. | 02:59 |
spermite | thoreauputic where everything is running smooth and having no hazzle | 02:59 |
Chazman | Aw, there goes my idea to change my nick to fartbomb *runs* | 02:59 |
thoreauputic | Chazman: heh :) | 02:59 |
maurycy | tritium: oh, thanks, works :) | 03:00 |
TokenBad | thoreauputic, I run kde | 03:00 |
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thoreauputic | misfit_toy: run " top " in a terminal and see what's eating your CPU | 03:00 |
Noobster | alright | 03:00 |
misfit_toy | thoreauputic, that's the problem, it doesn't point it out... | 03:00 |
Etkinson | The issue (or part of the issue) of Qt was that if you wanted to sell your Qt-based product without releasing code, you had to buy Qt from Trolltec. But GPLing doesn't make much difference, you still have to release the code. | 03:00 |
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cafuego_ | misfit_toy: only on amd64 and with 'gam_server' eating as much ram as it can. | 03:00 |
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thoreauputic | TokenBad: ah - try #kubuntu ? | 03:01 |
tritium | maurycy, :) | 03:01 |
misfit_toy | cafuego, yes it's gam_server I bet | 03:01 |
Etkinson | I don't speak for myself when I say that I want to keep code for myself (I'm like 'may the code be with you') | 03:01 |
dooglus | cafuego_: I've had that gam_server bug with the 386 kernel too | 03:01 |
misfit_toy | cafuego, but this is a laptop, no amd64 | 03:01 |
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=== Chazman tries the mentioned top command | ||
DaSkreech | is there a way to convert a powerpoint presentation to flash without running it through Openoffice | 03:01 |
dooglus | misfit_toy: what process it at the top of 'top's list? | 03:01 |
=== misfit_toy remembers having this issue on FC3 and FC4 both, and it was gam_server | ||
Chazman | I am such a n00b in this OS | 03:02 |
misfit_toy | dooglus, it's not happening right now, it did earlier, but the top of top's list was changing, there was no cpu hog listed | 03:02 |
misfit_toy | it's like even top doesn't know what the process is | 03:02 |
cafuego_ | Chazman: You're not running gen*, this is the biggest step forward you'll ever make | 03:02 |
dooglus | misfit_toy: that is very odd. whenever I see the CPU maxed out, it's either the gamin bug or the grep bug | 03:02 |
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Chazman | =P | 03:02 |
cafuego_ | misfit_toy: hit '>' and sort by memory usage. | 03:02 |
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deadcat | anyone using wireless usb card with zd1211 driver? | 03:03 |
misfit_toy | cafuego, I'll do that next time it happens, thanks | 03:03 |
Chazman | The first Linux distro I ever tried to run was slackware. I don't ever plan on doing that again. | 03:03 |
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cafuego_ | Chazman: it's not that bad. Mind you, back when I staretd it was the *only* distro ;-) | 03:03 |
=== cafuego_ still has a slack 3.0 machine | ||
dooglus | cafuego_: I was running the SLS distro before slackware was announced | 03:04 |
Chazman | O_o | 03:04 |
Chazman | Damn | 03:04 |
cafuego_ | libc5 is your friend | 03:04 |
Chazman | I'm just trying to get used to another OS. =P | 03:04 |
=== aero [n=aero@toronto-HSE-ppp4189648.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego_ | dooglus: We didn't have PCs at that point, only 68020 macs :-( | 03:04 |
=== thoreauputic props himself on his walking frame and hobbles to his pdp-11 | ||
aero | hi | 03:04 |
Chazman | I'd probably get better much faster if I had a real reason to even use Linux right now | 03:04 |
aero | ubuntu rox | 03:05 |
aero | im running it now | 03:05 |
aero | that's all, bye :P | 03:05 |
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Chazman | So far, I like Ubuntu more than any of the others I've tried | 03:05 |
misfit_toy | thoreauputic, maybe I'm the only one here who knows what that is...heheh | 03:05 |
cafuego_ | Well, I say :-( but those macs kicked butt, with their GUI :-) | 03:05 |
thoreauputic | misfit_toy: ;-) | 03:05 |
dooglus | cafuego_: I was running SLS on a 486-33. | 03:05 |
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Chazman | I liked SuSE, but that was way too freaking big | 03:05 |
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misfit_toy | thoreauputic, I was clustering Vaxen back in the day | 03:06 |
=== Chazman feels so dwarfed. | ||
Chazman | I didn't get a real computer until 1998 =/ | 03:06 |
dooglus | http://www.slackware.com/announce/1.0.php is the slackware announcement | 03:06 |
cafuego_ | dooglus: At uni we had labs full of Macs, not intel boxen. We ran a BSD variety called MachTen concurrently under MacOS | 03:06 |
dooglus | wasn't linux intel only in those days? | 03:06 |
misfit_toy | VAX was still a great super mini | 03:07 |
misfit_toy | oops, was/is | 03:07 |
cafuego_ | dooglus: By the time they got PCs, they were DX2/66-es, which we plonked SLack on, to run a distributed NFS farm as warez server :-) | 03:07 |
misfit_toy | I know of some that haven't rebooted in over 10 years | 03:07 |
cafuego_ | dooglus: yep | 03:07 |
misfit_toy | of course then M$ stole Dave Cutler away from Digital and VMS died and NT was born | 03:07 |
afaik | VAX was a vaccume cleaner | 03:07 |
Chazman | Aw, Warez is wrong. You should NEVER illegally download applications *quietly hides the huge mountain of CDs next to his computer* | 03:07 |
misfit_toy | <hiccup> | 03:07 |
Chazman | =P | 03:07 |
afaik | written by M$ | 03:07 |
dooglus | the first time I ever saw the word 'UNIX' was in a VAX manual | 03:08 |
afaik | er, build by M$ | 03:08 |
=== Carpe_Libertatem [i=user@ip68-229-254-250.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
misfit_toy | dooglus, :) | 03:08 |
afaik | The first time I eer saw the word UNIX was in the Micrsoft Unix System Adminstrator's handbook | 03:08 |
HrdwrBoB | haha | 03:08 |
dooglus | I didn't know what it meant, of course. It was some mysterious alternative to VMS | 03:08 |
misfit_toy | my old ex job has a VAX that hasn't been rebooted since I left 9 years ago. | 03:08 |
Carpe_Libertatem | I have a question. Is there a way I can see the outgoing ports that are open in Ubuntu? | 03:08 |
afaik | it was called "The Blue Book" by the hacker/phreaker communities | 03:08 |
HrdwrBoB | Carpe_Libertatem:netstat -a | 03:09 |
Chazman | Microsoft UNIX. There's something you'll never see today | 03:09 |
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Carpe_Libertatem | HrdwrBoB: doesn't that only show ports that are in use? | 03:09 |
afaik | which then went own to use what they learned from the blue book to inent the company the GNU | 03:09 |
afaik | and they made a killing from the initial stock offering and retired | 03:09 |
afaik | er, IPO | 03:09 |
HrdwrBoB | Carpe_Libertatem: er | 03:09 |
misfit_toy | Carpe_Libertatem, you mean you want to scan your system and see what ports are open? | 03:09 |
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HrdwrBoB | Carpe_Libertatem: outgoing ports are only open if they are in use | 03:10 |
HrdwrBoB | do you mean incoming? | 03:10 |
Carpe_Libertatem | misfit_toy: Yes, for outgoing connections, ie, which ports I can connect to on other machines. | 03:10 |
Chazman | eek. I need to firewall this machine | 03:10 |
afaik | Microsoft UNIX was well known and well respected for it's customibility... usually the user would get so frustrated they'd tape a fax paper over their monitor and redraw their desktop as they saw fit | 03:10 |
HrdwrBoB | Carpe_Libertatem: there is no 'firewall' | 03:10 |
HrdwrBoB | Carpe_Libertatem: you can connect to anything | 03:10 |
cafuego_ | Chazman: Yes, but then again, we were poor students and couldn't afford anything back in '94 ;-) | 03:10 |
Carpe_Libertatem | HrdwrBoB: There is on these machines :-P | 03:10 |
HrdwrBoB | Carpe_Libertatem: well them you have added it | 03:10 |
misfit_toy | Carpe_Libertatem, iptraf is a good tool to look at network traffic/ports/etc... | 03:11 |
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HrdwrBoB | and by the same token you should be able to view it | 03:11 |
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Chazman | cafuego: Well, thanks to Bush, that still applies today. =P | 03:11 |
Carpe_Libertatem | HrdwrBoB: I didn't, someone else did. :-P | 03:11 |
afaik | Microsoft Unix was well know for the secure built in firewall and it's inability to be infected by viruses, long a problem with the more widely used OS of the time called Linux | 03:11 |
robertj | is fuse in the breezy kernel? | 03:11 |
HrdwrBoB | Carpe_Libertatem: then talk to them | 03:11 |
Carpe_Libertatem | misfit_toy: iptraf, eh? That can scan ports that can potentially be used even if they're not in use? | 03:11 |
HrdwrBoB | Carpe_Libertatem: no, it can't | 03:12 |
misfit_toy | Carpe_Libertatem, it does a ton of stuff, I can't recall what though | 03:12 |
cafuego_ | Chazman: yes, I have a slightly different view on it myself. I find try-before-you-buy or warez-for-non-commercial use acceptable. | 03:12 |
afaik | Linux finally went under though in 1988 when Linux Incorporated was forced to close it's doors over large debts, bankruptcy, and accusations of scheming plots by its top management | 03:12 |
Carpe_Libertatem | HrdwrBoB: Is there an program that can? | 03:12 |
Carpe_Libertatem | any* | 03:12 |
misfit_toy | Carpe_Libertatem, you should hit the gibson research page and have it scan you | 03:12 |
Carpe_Libertatem | misfit_toy: that will scan for incoming ports | 03:12 |
HrdwrBoB | Carpe_Libertatem: you really don't understand what you are playing with | 03:12 |
afaik | Although these days some say linux is coming back, distributed through may pirated copies transmitted over warez channels | 03:12 |
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dooglus | robertj: $ grep CONFIG_FUSE /boot/config-2.6.12-9-686 | 03:12 |
dooglus | CONFIG_FUSE=m | 03:12 |
Carpe_Libertatem | HrdwrBoB: I don't? | 03:12 |
HrdwrBoB | Carpe_Libertatem: you need to do more research on how connections work | 03:12 |
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Chazman | cafuego_: I was just messing with you =P I don't mind warez at all for try-before-you-buy purposes. In some cases I just don't mind warez at all. | 03:12 |
HrdwrBoB | Carpe_Libertatem: in order to make a connection on a port externally there has to be something listening | 03:13 |
Carpe_Libertatem | HrdwrBoB: Right. | 03:13 |
dooglus | robertj: I guess that's a "yes, as a module" | 03:13 |
HrdwrBoB | you can't magically tell what ports or services have been firewalled | 03:13 |
afaik | Chazman, warez the warez, d00dz? | 03:13 |
Chazman | lawl | 03:13 |
misfit_toy | Carpe_Libertatem, https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2 | 03:13 |
HrdwrBoB | because the firewall can do *anything* it wants to your packets | 03:13 |
robertj | dooglus: is the modue packagd? | 03:13 |
HrdwrBoB | though you most likely want 'nmap' | 03:13 |
cafuego_ | Chazman: I have an issue with epope, using warez to make a living. notable exception being WIndows. Such shit shouldn't be paid for ;-) | 03:13 |
afaik | I suffered 3rd degree burns from my firewall... let the user beware | 03:13 |
Chazman | <3 | 03:13 |
Carpe_Libertatem | Ok, I guess I'll have to setup a machine with a huge range of ports open. | 03:14 |
misfit_toy | HrdwrBoB, I wasn't going to throw nmap to someone that doesn't know what they're doing, but oh well! lol | 03:14 |
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Chazman | I don't support buying Microsoft products or anything backed by the MP/RIAA | 03:14 |
Chazman | If you want it that badly, pirate it. Just don't support them | 03:14 |
HrdwrBoB | Carpe_Libertatem: that's *not* the way to do it | 03:14 |
misfit_toy | sheesh | 03:14 |
Carpe_Libertatem | Why not? | 03:14 |
HrdwrBoB | Carpe_Libertatem: you really need to understand what you're doing | 03:14 |
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tritium | Chazman, that's not appropriate here | 03:14 |
misfit_toy | Carpe_Libertatem, what are you trying to accomplish? | 03:14 |
Chazman | k | 03:14 |
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dooglus | robertj: yes. | 03:15 |
misfit_toy | Carpe_Libertatem, if you want a box with a ton of ports open then just install XP | 03:15 |
Carpe_Libertatem | misfit_toy: I want to see what outgoing ports are open on a certain machine as a security test. | 03:15 |
robertj | dooglus: hrmm | 03:15 |
dooglus | robertj: although: $ apt-file search 686/kernel/fs/fuse/fuse.ko linux-image-2.6.12-8-686: lib/modules/2.6.12-8-686/kernel/fs/fuse/fuse.ko | 03:15 |
thoreauputic | Carpe_Libertatem: unless a service is running, the port won't be relevant or "open" | 03:15 |
misfit_toy | Carpe_Libertatem, you don't understand... ingoing/outgoing.... | 03:15 |
dooglus | robertj: that makes it look like it's not in the most recent kernel... | 03:15 |
dooglus | (2.6.12-9) | 03:15 |
thoreauputic | Carpe_Libertatem: I think as others have said, you are confused | 03:16 |
Carpe_Libertatem | misfit_toy: What do you call it, then, if I want to see if someone can use port 5198 to login to a remote AIM server? | 03:16 |
joetheodd | Hey, who runs the bot? | 03:16 |
tristanmike | the bot runs the bot | 03:16 |
Chazman | Oh I love what google has become. I search for a Linux firewall and get nothing but garbage returns. Same story with everything... | 03:16 |
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Burandiro | hi | 03:17 |
Chazman | Howdy | 03:17 |
misfit_toy | Carpe_Libertatem, "someone" on "what" running what OS, with what permissions, etc... | 03:17 |
tristanmike | or a little elf shoved in a drawer somewhere typing responses for everyone 24-7, no actually it's a staff of elves | 03:17 |
tritium | joetheodd, cafuego | 03:17 |
test34- | Chazman, I get some revelant results | 03:17 |
joetheodd | cafuego, are you there? | 03:17 |
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Chazman | Firestarter | 03:17 |
pax | Vint Cerf works at google now, forget 'the search engine' Chazman | 03:17 |
Chazman | Lovely name | 03:17 |
Carpe_Libertatem | misfit_toy: It's the firewall that is SUPPOSED to be blocking it. I want to VERIFY :-P | 03:17 |
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vader1102 | Chazman, have you tried "linux firewall" | 03:18 |
Chazman | Vint Cerf....oooook | 03:18 |
=== BROKEN_LADDER [n=bal@adsl-69-227-57-228.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chazman | that's exactly what I typed it | 03:18 |
BROKEN_LADDER | how can i find the device name for my digital camera? | 03:18 |
joetheodd | If it wouldn't be too much trouble, someone might want to add http://www.javaop.com/uploads/guest/winecvs.html to the bot under wine. | 03:18 |
misfit_toy | Carpe_Libertatem, then try to telnet to that port on the AIM server | 03:18 |
afaik | http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Steve_Ballmer | 03:18 |
Carpe_Libertatem | misfit_toy: It's not that one port. | 03:18 |
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Burandiro | Como vai | 03:18 |
Chazman | I found one called Firestarter that looks to be worth a try | 03:18 |
vader1102 | I got some decent returns | 03:18 |
misfit_toy | Carpe_Libertatem, please read up on basic networking. | 03:19 |
tritium | probably not, joetheodd | 03:19 |
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Burandiro | how are you | 03:19 |
Carpe_Libertatem | misfit_toy: Thanks a lot. :-P | 03:20 |
Burandiro | wellingtonbcastro@hotmail.com | 03:20 |
Chazman | We strongly believe that your job is to make the high level security policy decisions and ours is to take care of the underlying details. This is a departure from your typical Linux firewall, which has traditionally required arcane implementation specific knowledge | 03:20 |
Chazman | <3 | 03:20 |
BROKEN_LADDER | hotmail!? | 03:20 |
BROKEN_LADDER | can someone tell me how to find out what the device name is for an item that i can see in lsusb? | 03:20 |
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Chazman | Hey! Don't dis hotmail. It's an excellent spam dump =P | 03:21 |
Chazman | However, I use Yahoo for that | 03:21 |
HrdwrBoB | BROKEN_LADDER: google for the device ID | 03:21 |
misfit_toy | Carpe_Libertatem, I'm not trying to blow you off, but you really don't seem to understand how things work and it would take all night to figure out what in the world you're doing. | 03:21 |
Carpe_Libertatem | misfit_toy: What do you think I do not understand? Would my idea of pinging a range of ports on a machine with open ports not work? | 03:22 |
BROKEN_LADDER | HrdwrBoB bizarre. | 03:22 |
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HrdwrBoB | BROKEN_LADDER: no, not even remotely bizarre | 03:22 |
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HrdwrBoB | Carpe_Libertatem: ping is icmp and doesn't use ports | 03:22 |
Chazman | Off I go to accidently crash the system | 03:22 |
misfit_toy | Carpe_Libertatem, pinging ports? | 03:22 |
BROKEN_LADDER | HrdwrBoB your telling me that i can plug a device in, and it can be assigned a node, but there's no way to see which nodes are assigned to which devices on my system? | 03:22 |
HrdwrBoB | Carpe_Libertatem: and if you are testing a specific range, then yes | 03:22 |
BROKEN_LADDER | HrdwrBoB that's bizarre. | 03:22 |
Carpe_Libertatem | misfit_toy: yes, say, nmap -p range mycomputerip | 03:23 |
thoreauputic | Carpe_Libertatem: perhaps the problem is the way you ask questions - it isn't clear what you mean | 03:23 |
dooglus | Carpe_Libertatem: you can use whatever outgoing ports you like. | 03:23 |
HrdwrBoB | BROKEN_LADDER: oooh, the device file in /dev | 03:23 |
rob_p | misfit_toy: I think he wants to test the egress filtering of his firewall to make sure it's doing it's job. At least that's what I gather. | 03:23 |
HrdwrBoB | BROKEN_LADDER: not the actual device name | 03:23 |
dooglus | Carpe_Libertatem: it's incoming ports that are the security risk | 03:23 |
Burandiro | tem algum Brasileiro | 03:23 |
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HrdwrBoB | Carpe_Libertatem: outgoing port filtering is mostly annoying and pointless | 03:23 |
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dooglus | Carpe_Libertatem: you don't ping ports... | 03:23 |
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BROKEN_LADDER | HrdwrBoB yeah, that's what i mean. | 03:24 |
rob_p | BurgerMann: Vc pode encontrar Brasileiros em #ubuntu-br eu acho... | 03:24 |
BROKEN_LADDER | HrdwrBoB Bus 002 Device 003: ID 04a9:30f9 Canon, Inc. | 03:24 |
Carpe_Libertatem | dooglus: Scan? :-P | 03:24 |
HrdwrBoB | BROKEN_LADDER: look in dmesg | 03:24 |
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dooglus | Carpe_Libertatem: you can scan ports, yeah | 03:24 |
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dooglus | Carpe_Libertatem: port scanning tells you which ports a box is listening on | 03:25 |
BROKEN_LADDER | HrdwrBoB i did look in dmesg. | 03:25 |
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dooglus | Carpe_Libertatem: you probably don't want your box to be listening on any ports, generally, unless it's acting as a server | 03:25 |
chris__ | hi everbody... | 03:25 |
dooglus | hi chris__ | 03:25 |
rob_p | BurgerMann: Ignore me... the user that was intended for abruptly left before I could hit enter! | 03:25 |
=== chris__ is a ubuntu newbie :), but has some debian experience | ||
Carpe_Libertatem | dooglus: I know, but I want to see which ports I can access from a machine with filitered outgoing ports. | 03:25 |
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Carpe_Libertatem | I'd just run it on a live CD. | 03:26 |
HrdwrBoB | BROKEN_LADDER: if you have a standard ubuntu system it should automatically load and mount | 03:26 |
Carpe_Libertatem | So my system wouldn't get messed-up. | 03:26 |
BROKEN_LADDER | usb 2-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 4 | 03:26 |
BROKEN_LADDER | i havy hoary. | 03:26 |
BROKEN_LADDER | where would it load an mount? | 03:26 |
thoreauputic | chris__: if you know debian, you won't have any trouble with Ubuntu | 03:26 |
chris__ | i read that the w32codecs are actually not available from the hoary-extras sources | 03:26 |
HrdwrBoB | BROKEN_LADDER: it would mount under /media | 03:26 |
oli | I jsut re-installed ubuntu hoary, and i have some passwords/account problem , at first login screen after install, it seemed like my username did not exist, i went in consol to check it, indeed it wasnt here, ltough i created it at the install... i then Re-created it, so i can logon as user, but once in gnome i cannot sudo anything it says : 'username' is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. | 03:26 |
HrdwrBoB | BROKEN_LADDER: the device is most likely /dev/sda1 | 03:26 |
thoreauputic | chris__: correct - they were pulled for legal reasons | 03:26 |
dooglus | Carpe_Libertatem: you don't get to specify which outgoing port gets used. if you want to connect to port 80 on a remote machine (the http port), it doesn't use port 80 on your box to make the connection | 03:27 |
chris__ | okay... i also read i should ask here for some "links" ;) | 03:27 |
oli | herlpp | 03:27 |
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BROKEN_LADDER | bob: /dev/s* = scd0 sg0 shm/ snd/ sndstat sr0 stderr stdin stdout | 03:27 |
esac | slightly offtopic. anybody know of a setting anywhere where if i have firefox open and i go to open firefox again, it just pops up the already running instance ? | 03:27 |
HrdwrBoB | BROKEN_LADDER: then it doesn't | 03:27 |
thoreauputic | !tell chris__ about w32codecs | 03:28 |
HrdwrBoB | BROKEN_LADDER: what is it | 03:28 |
BROKEN_LADDER | a canon digital camera. | 03:28 |
dooglus | !tell me about w32codecs too | 03:28 |
Falstius | how about playing realmedia files (with AMD64)? | 03:28 |
dooglus | !tell me about w32codecs | 03:28 |
oli | I really need help here | 03:28 |
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tristanmike | !tell tristanmike about w32codes | 03:28 |
=== thoreauputic hands tristanmike a "c" | ||
tristanmike | !tell tristanmike about w32codecs | 03:29 |
renjii | isnt that clearly explained at www.ubuntuguide.org ? | 03:29 |
BROKEN_LADDER | HrdwrBoB i'm sad. | 03:29 |
tristanmike | thoreauputic, thank you ;) | 03:29 |
thoreauputic | BTW /msg ubotu <foo> works | 03:29 |
chris__ | is it? I'll have a look | 03:29 |
esac | guys, please /msg ubotu w32codecs ... or any other keyword | 03:29 |
Falstius | oli, edit the sudoers file .. did you set a root password or is there another account? | 03:29 |
renjii | http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#codecs | 03:29 |
tristanmike | !tell renjii about ubuntuguide | 03:29 |
BROKEN_LADDER | HrdwrBoB do you have any other advice? | 03:30 |
chris__ | that info is out of date i fear | 03:30 |
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thoreauputic | renjii: please don't recommend ubuntuguide any more - it's out of date nad we have to deal with the consequences | 03:30 |
HrdwrBoB | BROKEN_LADDER: paste the dmesg output onto pastebin | 03:30 |
renjii | thoreauputic - my mistake. | 03:30 |
oli | Falstius i have a root password, and a user account created in the consol at startup... when i try to sudo it just dont work as i said, i dont know why, its a fresh install, shouldnt be bugs in here | 03:30 |
BROKEN_LADDER | HrdwrBoB how about #flood | 03:30 |
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tristanmike | Like WTF is my firefox broken??? | 03:30 |
HrdwrBoB | how about pastebin | 03:31 |
d2dchat | how do i get photoshop to run on linux? | 03:31 |
d2dchat | off of my windows hd? | 03:31 |
thoreauputic | chris__: the info the bot gave you? Should be OK I think | 03:31 |
BROKEN_LADDER | HrdwrBoB here it is: usb 2-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 4 <newine> usb 2-2: USB disconnect, address 4 | 03:31 |
HrdwrBoB | d2dchat: you don't, in general | 03:31 |
Falstius | oli, vi /etc/sudoers and add your name there (you can copy the line for root and just replace root with your name) | 03:31 |
dooglus | oli: can you log in as root from a vc? | 03:31 |
d2dchat | HrdwrBoB, haha, i heard you could | 03:31 |
sproingie | d2dchat: direct off your windows hd? not going to happen. you can install it under wine | 03:31 |
d2dchat | sproingie, I have an illegal copy, do you think i could run the iso on linux and install it? | 03:31 |
d2dchat | lol | 03:31 |
HrdwrBoB | d2dchat: you probably can, but in most cases The GIMP will suffice | 03:31 |
d2dchat | HrdwrBoB, I dont like the gimp | 03:32 |
chris__ | thoreauputic: mh i guessed that !tell is some kind of command, but i didn't get a bot message about w32codecs | 03:32 |
HrdwrBoB | d2dchat: why | 03:32 |
sproingie | d2dchat: i imagine your warezed copy will do fine on linux as well | 03:32 |
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d2dchat | HrdwrBoB, not familiar with it | 03:32 |
thoreauputic | chris__: should be in your pm /msg window | 03:32 |
HrdwrBoB | so you dismiss it offhand? | 03:32 |
d2dchat | HrdwrBoB, Ive spent housr on it and cant do what i can do in ps | 03:32 |
chris__ | !tell chris__ about w32codecs | 03:32 |
d2dchat | HrdwrBoB, no, i honestly tried for a long time lol | 03:33 |
HrdwrBoB | heh | 03:33 |
d2dchat | HrdwrBoB, I can just do a lot more with PS | 03:33 |
oli | Dooglus when i Sudo -s after the password it keeps saying 'username' is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. | 03:33 |
HrdwrBoB | d2dchat: did you pay for PS? | 03:33 |
d2dchat | HrdwrBoB, I really wanted to use GIMP as a replacement | 03:33 |
chris__ | ok lets find that windows in "x-chat" (first time i use that) | 03:33 |
dooglus | oli: try logging in as root from a vc. | 03:33 |
BROKEN_LADDER | HrdwrBoB did those two lines tell you anything? | 03:33 |
sproingie | HrdwrBoB: he just said he warezed it | 03:33 |
dooglus | virtual console | 03:33 |
d2dchat | HrdwrBoB, read my convo with sproingie ;) | 03:33 |
chris__ | got it | 03:33 |
HrdwrBoB | spo0nman: ah | 03:33 |
oli | what do you mean by 'vc' | 03:33 |
dooglus | virtual console | 03:33 |
HrdwrBoB | d2dchat: then you don't get help with it :) | 03:33 |
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d2dchat | HrdwrBoB, hehehe | 03:33 |
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Falstius | I didn't pay for ubuntu ;) | 03:34 |
oli | and Falstiux , i cannot edit it, its refused | 03:34 |
HrdwrBoB | it's not fair to compare a very expensive product you (effectively) stole | 03:34 |
dooglus | hold control and alt and press F1. do alt-f7 to get back to GNOME | 03:34 |
d2dchat | Falstius, Indeed!:) | 03:34 |
HrdwrBoB | and a freely available product you have and can use legitimately | 03:34 |
oli | dooglus, yes from there i can log on as rot | 03:34 |
d2dchat | HrdwrBoB, I really wanted GIMP to be a replacement for Photoshop, but at the moment its not | 03:34 |
oli | root | 03:34 |
Falstius | oli, it is write protected. In vi you would save it with :wq! | 03:34 |
misfit_toy | ubuntu is free??? damn, that guy on the corner said I was getting a good deal at half XP prices | 03:34 |
HrdwrBoB | d2dchat: in some ways it is and in some ways it isn't | 03:34 |
dooglus | oli: as your user, in a terminal, type "groups". what do you see? | 03:34 |
tristanmike | misfit_toy, lol | 03:34 |
HrdwrBoB | misfit_toy: yes, and I've made a MINT | 03:34 |
sproingie | HrdwrBoB: software-wise, it's a reasonable comparison. i just don't find gimp very stable, but i run it on win32 | 03:35 |
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=== misfit_toy chases down HrdwrBoB | ||
Falstius | in other programs .. chmod +w /etc/sudoers | 03:35 |
oli | dooglus , juste my username | 03:35 |
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Falstius | then chmod -w when finished. | 03:35 |
d2dchat | HrdwrBoB, When it is, I can be legal;) | 03:35 |
misfit_toy | *gimme my money back* oh wait, I like it enough to pay anyway | 03:35 |
dooglus | oli, so in a VC, as root, run "adduser oli adm" | 03:35 |
dooglus | and "adduser oli admin" | 03:35 |
HrdwrBoB | sproingie: yeah I don't bother with win32 for applications, but it fits the bill in linux | 03:35 |
dooglus | to add yourself to the admin groups | 03:35 |
BROKEN_LADDER | HrdwrBoB ?? | 03:36 |
sproingie | HrdwrBoB: i know little enough about graphics production that i'm equally lost in gimp and ps | 03:36 |
d2dchat | HrdwrBoB, PS is the only program I would consider running from windows to linux | 03:36 |
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misfit_toy | sproingie, if you are used to photoshop you might like 'gimp-shop', its a plugin that changes all the gimp menus to match photoshop | 03:36 |
HrdwrBoB | BROKEN_LADDER: that shows you connected it and disconnected it | 03:36 |
d2dchat | misfit_toy, does it also change the layer modifications? | 03:36 |
HrdwrBoB | BROKEN_LADDER: that's all | 03:36 |
=== sdali [n=FrankM@68-189-44-38.dhcp.rdng.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BROKEN_LADDER | HrdwrBoB that's all that's in dmesg about it. | 03:36 |
d2dchat | misfit_toy, I like how photoshop lets you modify each layer's attributs | 03:36 |
misfit_toy | d2dchat, just the menus as far as I know | 03:36 |
=== Entranced [n=Entrance@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
d2dchat | misfit_toy, bummer:( | 03:37 |
BROKEN_LADDER | doh! | 03:37 |
BROKEN_LADDER | sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 40x/40x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray | 03:37 |
misfit_toy | d2dchat, give it a shot and tell us ;) | 03:37 |
=== WhiteRabbit steals misfit_toy's cigar | ||
d2dchat | haha ok, hold on | 03:37 |
misfit_toy | dammit that WhiteRabbit has followed me here! | 03:37 |
misfit_toy | heheh | 03:37 |
HrdwrBoB | BROKEN_LADDER: paste the whole of dmesg and I will tell you | 03:37 |
WhiteRabbit | I was here first! | 03:37 |
WhiteRabbit | lol | 03:37 |
=== misfit_toy takes all the absince from WhiteRabbit 's house | ||
misfit_toy | absinth | 03:37 |
sdali | rob_p, crimsun: Firestarter had configured the firewall for me. Thanks again for the help. | 03:37 |
WhiteRabbit | hey now hey hey | 03:37 |
misfit_toy | sheesh | 03:37 |
misfit_toy | lol | 03:38 |
WhiteRabbit | give it back | 03:38 |
misfit_toy | gimme that cigar | 03:38 |
WhiteRabbit | trade you a cigar for that sexy bottle of green | 03:38 |
misfit_toy | truce/trade | 03:38 |
rob_p | sdali: Cool! Glad you figured it out! | 03:38 |
_jason | If I want to setup SSH on ubuntu should I setup the firewall? | 03:38 |
=== thoreauputic hands out absinthe and cigars all round | ||
=== RuffianSoldier [i=user@cpe-24-209-106-36.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
misfit_toy | WhiteRabbit, so you be's running ubuntu now? | 03:38 |
Entranced | hey all... I'm running breezy and I wanted to get web clips/moves to play in firefox.. I have installed mplayer and the plugin for mozilla as well.. the thing is where are the w32codecs ? | 03:38 |
WhiteRabbit | _jason, na just give out public access! | 03:38 |
d2dchat | misfit_toy, cant find gimp-shop | 03:39 |
_jason | WhiteRabbit: lol... | 03:39 |
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d2dchat | misfit_toy, in spm | 03:39 |
_jason | WhiteRabbit: won't the password be enough? | 03:39 |
_jason | !tell Entranced about restricted | 03:39 |
=== navyn [n=navyn@dsl668.wk.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xuniluser | i have a problem with acroread. have you guys experienced it also. i thinks there's an error in the .deb | 03:39 |
rob_p | _jason: probably not necessary since you'll just be turning around and opening that port. The exception would be if you want to limit incoming connections to a particular IP address or range, etc. | 03:39 |
=== tambaqui [n=patricia@200-208-62-73-mns.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
misfit_toy | d2dchat, yeah you'll have to install it http://freshmeat.net/projects/gimpshop/ | 03:39 |
_jason | rob_p: I see, thanks | 03:40 |
misfit_toy | http://plasticbugs.com/index.php?p=241 | 03:40 |
Entranced | thnx _jason | 03:40 |
navyn | is there a kubuntu room? | 03:40 |
=== emerson [n=emerson@cpc2-pool4-6-0-cust146.sot3.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WhiteRabbit | _jason, also setup Protocol 2 & PermitRootLogin no & StrictModes yes & PasswordAuthentication yes & PermitEmptyPasswords no & X11Forwarding no If no freenx :( & PrintMotd no | 03:40 |
thoreauputic | navyn: yup | 03:40 |
=== war-totem [n=lightbri@CPE0040052e5c4c-CM0f1029953548.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== misfit_toy heads out for the cigar that WhiteRabbit missed, biab. | ||
thoreauputic | navyn: /join #kubuntu | 03:40 |
WhiteRabbit | _jason, it's upto who you're protecting your box from | 03:40 |
navyn | thanks! | 03:40 |
WhiteRabbit | misfit_toy, I broke off a nibble to chew on | 03:40 |
WhiteRabbit | yummy | 03:40 |
_jason | WhiteRabbit: yeah, I guess it's better to setup the firewall... it won't hurt any | 03:41 |
misfit_toy | oh great | 03:41 |
misfit_toy | ;p | 03:41 |
BROKEN_LADDER | HrdwrBoB http://pastebin.com/375275 <-- thank you. | 03:41 |
misfit_toy | biab, after cutting the end of this stogie | 03:41 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o thoreauputic] by thoreauputic | ||
=== Bicchi [n=AB@adsl-065-006-167-199.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
navyn | nobody is talking in that room | 03:42 |
d2dchat | misfit_toy, which shoul di get? rpm or tar? | 03:42 |
jorgp3 | anyone else getting unsolved symbols issue with 2.6.12-9 breezy kernel when trying to load madwifi driver? | 03:42 |
=== scottb [n=scottb@S01060004e298aa37.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oli | dooglus, i did adduser oli adm, but for adduser oli admin, its saying that the 'admin' group does not exist | 03:43 |
navyn | can anyone in this room, help me with a kubuntu issue, or is this just for ubuntu? | 03:43 |
Bicchi | What is the difference from booting into: "Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.10-5-amd64-generic Default" and "Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.10-5-amd64-generic" | 03:43 |
thoreauputic | navyn: just state the problem clearly - if someone can help they will | 03:43 |
=== aftertaf [n=david@sara2lee.agns.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oli | i cannot login as root from Gnome, please help :| | 03:44 |
navyn | whenever i log into kde, i get an error saying Cannot start process, cannot talk to klauncher | 03:45 |
bimberi | oli: do you need to? use sudo for superuser access | 03:45 |
thoreauputic | oli: are you running hoary? ( 5.04) | 03:45 |
navyn | nobody in kubuntu is talking | 03:45 |
thoreauputic | navyn: you haven't waited long :) | 03:45 |
oli | yes ; hoary, and i mean by that that SUDO doesnt work | 03:45 |
brad[] | navyn: Go ahead and ask here - what's the issue you're having? | 03:45 |
navyn | no i mean no one is talking at all in the whole room | 03:45 |
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navyn | whenever i log into kde, i get an error saying Cannot start process, cannot talk to klauncher | 03:46 |
thoreauputic | navyn: as I said , you only waited a few minutes | 03:46 |
bimberi | oli: ignore me, just scrolled back and read up :) | 03:46 |
oli | bimberi ??? | 03:46 |
=== SpaceBass [n=SpaceBas@c-24-125-184-203.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
navyn | usually someone is at least saying something. | 03:46 |
=== delltony [n=delltony@c-24-99-11-118.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oli | didnt see nothing from u beside using sudo, wich wont work (hence my problem) | 03:46 |
thoreauputic | navyn: *sigh* patience grasshopper | 03:46 |
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SpaceBass | are there any other decent exchange clients besides evoloution? | 03:47 |
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tag | what's the name of that kernel module that lets you load windows wnet drivers? | 03:47 |
tambaqui | :) | 03:47 |
brad[] | SpaceBass: No | 03:47 |
SpaceBass | damn | 03:47 |
SpaceBass | thats my killer app... | 03:47 |
=== jorgp2 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial-113.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Paradoxx [n=matthewm@port0182-acw-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
SpaceBass | that and itunes, which looks like it might run under codewevers | 03:48 |
brad[] | SpaceBass: Mine too ;) It working for you? | 03:48 |
delltony | hi question my aunt i set up ppp for her on hoary a while back and for the life of me i forgot how i did it and well needless to say she gets no dialtone anyone have any knowledge of the "grannynet" dialup and maybe know what command to type for i have forgotten :( i thought it was pppconfig to configure it and like ppd to dial or something to that effect | 03:48 |
macintoshr | how do i make an lss file for a boot graphic? | 03:48 |
bimberi | oli: i meant i wasn't up to date with your issues because i'd been away from my irc client for a while - so ignore that reply | 03:48 |
SpaceBass | brad[] : :) just cannot fiind anything better than outlook, despite its faults... | 03:48 |
oli | ok | 03:48 |
thoreauputic | delltony: sudo pppconfig to configure - pon/poff for connections | 03:48 |
=== benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-70-95-146-177.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brad[] | SpaceBass: Yeah Outlook is quite nice. I'm looking forward to crossover office 5 which will be able to run the latest version of it, although Evolution is improving version by version | 03:49 |
SpaceBass | brad[] : been trying a new distro a day and so far liking ubutnu... but I havent tried the codewevers thing on it yet... it did work on fedora core 4 though | 03:49 |
oli | i Still need help : i need to be able to logon in SUDO ... :| please | 03:49 |
delltony | ok so its pon <bellsouth> or whatever right? | 03:49 |
rob_p | tag: could it be ndiswrapper? | 03:49 |
thoreauputic | delltony: make sure th euser is in the dip and dialout groups | 03:50 |
=== jorge_ [n=jorge@200-232-226-224.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SpaceBass | yeah, crossover office 5 might be the key for me... evoloution is an admirable effort and similar to entourage on os x... but still not 100% there | 03:50 |
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brad[] | SpaceBass: Let me know if you get Evo+Exchange working in Ubuntu, I had some trouble with it | 03:50 |
oli | or else i'll just reinstall it and hopes it wont do that 2 times.. | 03:50 |
bimberi | oli: do you have root access? | 03:50 |
delltony | yeah it should have already been setup her power went out and she restarted and got this issue | 03:50 |
dooglus | oli: this is solvable... just a second... | 03:50 |
oli | bimberi, only in Vc | 03:50 |
thoreauputic | delltony: if you defined the provider, yes | 03:50 |
SpaceBass | brad[] : I got it to check and send mail no problem... no calenders or contacts thought | 03:50 |
bimberi | oli: Vc? | 03:50 |
delltony | i was thinking some kinda module needed to be probed cause its a winmodem | 03:50 |
dooglus | oli: as root, look at /etc/sudoers | 03:50 |
oli | 'consol terminal' | 03:50 |
bimberi | ah | 03:50 |
brad[] | SpaceBass: Hrm | 03:50 |
oli | ok | 03:50 |
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SpaceBass | brad[] : what problems were you having? | 03:51 |
thoreauputic | delltony: ah a winmodem :(( | 03:51 |
=== SpudDogg [n=SpudDogg@69-165-176-242.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | oli: don't you see something like this at the end: | 03:51 |
dooglus | # Members of the admin group may gain root privileges | 03:51 |
dooglus | %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL | 03:51 |
dooglus | ? | 03:51 |
=== Foodcoman [n=berickso@c-24-20-116-33.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== foampeace [n=inthenow@CPE0080c8c208e3-CM000a739a3c57.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SpudDogg | anyone know the package i need to install to play mp3s? | 03:51 |
brad[] | SpaceBass: If I configure it through the Exchange connector it just locks up Evolution | 03:51 |
delltony | yeah i got hosed all around on that but she needed a pc and i just set it up with hoary and said be done with it :) | 03:51 |
=== DigitalFox [n=DigitalF@68-118-240-62.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
SpaceBass | my new challenge is joining my active directory domain... and then getting nautlius to work with kerberos | 03:51 |
foampeace | is there some kind of impulse tracker in the repositories? | 03:51 |
thoreauputic | !tell SpudDogg about mp3 | 03:51 |
SpaceBass | brad[] : odd... using an ssl cert with your exchange server? IE https? | 03:51 |
delltony | i'm guessing i need to run dmesg or whatever on it and see what the modem is | 03:52 |
FhaeTon | amazing I have this great machines and no brains to get the install working | 03:52 |
delltony | and them modprobe it if needed | 03:52 |
BROKEN_LADDER | HrdwrBoB did that dmesg help? | 03:52 |
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oli | dooglus when i try to access etc/sudoers i have a 'permission denied' even as root | 03:52 |
BROKEN_LADDER | anyone in here ever get a canon digital camera working in ubuntu? | 03:52 |
delltony | i thought i had set it up to do all that but i guess not :( anyway thats for the pon poff ill give it a shot | 03:52 |
=== helix_ [n=helix@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HrdwrBoB | BROKEN_LADDER: ok looking now | 03:52 |
dooglus | oli, no, really? root doesn't get 'permission denied'! | 03:52 |
thoreauputic | delltony: http://linmodems.org and get the script and pray a lot to $DEITY | 03:52 |
=== maurycy [i=maurycy@alechin.abstrakcja.pl] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
BROKEN_LADDER | HrdwrBoB thanks dude. | 03:52 |
dooglus | oli: you sure you're root? | 03:52 |
delltony | haha | 03:52 |
brad[] | SpaceBass: Using SSL yes | 03:52 |
bimberi | oli: what about the "visudo" command (as root) | 03:53 |
SpaceBass | brad[] : self signed cert? | 03:53 |
Falstius | sudoers doesn't have write set for anyone, even root | 03:53 |
brad[] | SpaceBass: I narrowed it down to GAL issues; using a newer version of the connector it's working great | 03:53 |
oli | yeap i'm sure, double checked. | 03:53 |
HrdwrBoB | BROKEN_LADDER: is there something wrong with your hotplug? | 03:53 |
SpaceBass | brad[] : oh, thats good then.... | 03:53 |
BROKEN_LADDER | HrdwrBoB uh...i dunno. how would i check? | 03:53 |
delltony | yeah i have been using kpp for the longest and it worked fine i honestly think it didn't initialize or something | 03:53 |
dooglus | Falstius: firstly, he's trying to read it, and secondly, root doesn't need write permission to write to files | 03:53 |
brad[] | SpaceBass: Unfortunately I can't upgrade the connector in Ubuntu without great pains :( | 03:53 |
delltony | and being i'm not at her house its hard to say whats wrong with it | 03:53 |
SpaceBass | brad[] : tried synaptic or apt-get? | 03:54 |
oli | bimberi ; visudo does open something | 03:54 |
SpaceBass | thats how I did it with 5.4 today | 03:54 |
delltony | anyway thank | 03:54 |
brad[] | SpaceBass: What version did it pull in? | 03:54 |
=== Hioei [n=yrjoeiaz@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HrdwrBoB | BROKEN_LADDER: try loading usb-storage and sd_mod modules | 03:54 |
SpudDogg | thoreauputic, there was 1 package I had to install before...do you happen to know what it is? | 03:54 |
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SpaceBass | id have to check and I'm booted into xp on that box now... but it said it was the latest | 03:54 |
dooglus | oli: you're looking for the line which begins with a '%' | 03:54 |
brad[] | oh hrmm ok | 03:54 |
SpaceBass | using ubuntu repositiories | 03:54 |
=== lgc [n=lgc@calmecac.depvis.unam.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SpaceBass | speaking of apt-get will a distro-upgrade take 5.4 to 5.10? | 03:55 |
thoreauputic | SpudDogg: to play mp3 in music player (rhtyhmbox) - install gstreamer0.8-mad | 03:55 |
sproingie | what was 5.4? warty? | 03:55 |
dooglus | SpaceBass: yes. | 03:55 |
SpudDogg | ahh...thanks | 03:55 |
oli | I dont have any line starting with % | 03:55 |
SpaceBass | sproingie: great, thanks! | 03:55 |
bimberi | oli: is yours a hoary install or an upgrade from warty? | 03:55 |
sproingie | SpaceBass: thank dooglus | 03:55 |
bimberi | sproingie: 5.04 is hoary | 03:55 |
oli | install from a fresh printed cd.. | 03:55 |
SpaceBass | anyone joined ubuntu to a active directory domain? | 03:55 |
dooglus | oli: which CD? | 03:55 |
bimberi | oli: k | 03:56 |
SpaceBass | oops... thanksed the wrong person... thanks dooglus | 03:56 |
sproingie | bimberi: ah. funny thing about debian and ubuntu both, i never even think of version numbers | 03:56 |
bimberi | sproingie: you too :) | 03:56 |
dooglus | SpaceBass: all you need to do is edit /etc/apt/sources.list, replace 'hoary' with 'breezy' and do a dist-upgrade | 03:56 |
lgc | Hello all from Mexico! Will anyone direct me to the Breezy Install Page? (I got the ISO images. Now what?) | 03:56 |
fadumpt | load the disc into your system and go at it :) | 03:57 |
BROKEN_LADDER | HrdwrBoB okay i looaded those modules successfully. | 03:57 |
sproingie | lgc: burn the image, stick the cd in your drive, reboot | 03:57 |
oli | i just re-installed it, because the breezy preview ***ed all my things , but now i need to retweak my linux...and its kinda hard without sudo (..) | 03:57 |
=== we0 [n=weo@p5499EDBC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lgc | Thanks, fadumpt and sproingie , but nothing happens that way! | 03:57 |
fadumpt | set your mobo bios | 03:57 |
dooglus | oli: so in the VC, run "visudo" and stick a new line at the end, saying: | 03:57 |
=== D1 [n=damian@pool-71-104-105-237.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fadumpt | press Del or F1 at boot up | 03:58 |
lgc | How is that? | 03:58 |
fadumpt | get into your BIOS and set it to boot from CDROM first, then hard drive | 03:58 |
sproingie | lgc: if you stick the cd in the drive and show the contents, how many files are on it? | 03:58 |
dooglus | oli: %adm ALL=(ALL) ALL | 03:58 |
thoreauputic | lgc: did you burn the ISO as an image? | 03:58 |
dooglus | oli: that means "let everyone in the 'adm' group do anything" | 03:58 |
=== scanwinder [n=scanwind@CPE-60-224-192-21.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | sproingie: great minds ;) | 03:58 |
lgc | sproingie, it has somewhere around 1700 files. | 03:58 |
sproingie | thoreauputic: just the most frequent burn problem i think | 03:58 |
=== Xenguy [n=gnu@206-248-157-67.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oli | i have 'root ALL=(ALL) ALL' at the end for now | 03:59 |
thoreauputic | sproingie: yes | 03:59 |
fadumpt | lgc, you probably have to tell it to boot from CDROM first | 03:59 |
lgc | sproingie, the BIOS is set up to boot from CD. | 03:59 |
dooglus | oli: that means root's allowed to run sudo... not too helpful. | 03:59 |
fadumpt | it's probably bypassing your cdrom and booting from your hard drive | 03:59 |
sproingie | thoreauputic: i think cd burning programs should detect when you're burning a single .iso as a data project and pop up a big warning asking if that's what you *really* want | 03:59 |
fadumpt | oh | 03:59 |
dooglus | oli: add the line I told you too | 03:59 |
oli | ok | 03:59 |
sproingie | lgc: and it doesn't boot? did you verify the burn? | 03:59 |
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scanwinder | what processes need to be loaded for OSS(open sound system) to work? | 03:59 |
thoreauputic | sproingie: it is mostly a Windows problem afaics | 03:59 |
lgc | How can I the verify the burn, sproingie? | 04:00 |
oli | trivial question : but how do i save and quit ? (in visudo) | 04:00 |
dooglus | oli: it's written at the bottom of the screen | 04:00 |
dooglus | ^O is write, ^X is exit | 04:00 |
dooglus | ^ is control... | 04:01 |
sproingie | lgc: md5sum verification should be a feature of the burning program. if it's not apparent, it might not support it | 04:01 |
thoreauputic | oli: ctrl-x , say yes | 04:01 |
=== Hobbsee [n=sarah@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== pschulz01 [n=pschulz0@eth6067.sa.adsl.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lgc | I made the burn with the program included with Hoary. | 04:02 |
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sproingie | lgc: most good burning programs will show the sum when you stick the disc in. just compare that against the one that's on the CD. if they don't match, you burnt a coaster | 04:02 |
hondje | anyone running breezy want to test something for me | 04:02 |
Entranced | Any ideas why the movie clips start playing and then stop very shortly after ? | 04:02 |
Entranced | in Firefox | 04:02 |
=== SuperNinjaKitty [n=chuck@c-24-11-81-82.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
dooglus | oli: incidentally, you can use "su" to become root in a terminal window, since you have a root password... | 04:02 |
oli | ok... seems to work, though when i sudo -s in terminal under my username, it switch to root without asking for password | 04:02 |
pschulz01 | I'm looking to mount USB drive under Hoary. It doesn't com up automatically. | 04:03 |
sproingie | oli: if you did a sudo recently it won't ask again for a while | 04:03 |
BROKEN_LADDER | HrdwrBoB after loading those modules, what should i do? | 04:03 |
dooglus | oli: it remembers your password for <some> minutes | 04:03 |
oli | ok.. | 04:03 |
=== shane24 [n=shane24@CPE-72-128-84-192.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oli | never saw that in my last install... nyway | 04:03 |
=== afaik [n=jcarr@216-138-43-178.adams.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oli | thankx a lot.. | 04:03 |
afaik | I have a lot of processes of /usr/lib/gconf2/gconfd-2 14 running | 04:03 |
afaik | wtf is it? | 04:03 |
dooglus | no problem. lucky you set a root password, eh? | 04:03 |
afaik | can I kill it? | 04:03 |
hondje | in gcalctool, can someone tell me what it returns for 7.25x10^-11 / 1x10^5 ? | 04:04 |
pschulz01 | messages in /var/log/messages show that it's been detected. | 04:04 |
=== vladuz976 [n=vladuz97@pool-71-106-208-30.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shane24 | how do I kill the X server so I can install Nvidia drivers? | 04:04 |
hondje | I get the wrong answer, but want a confirmation before I file a bug in breezy | 04:04 |
dooglus | shane24: you don't need to. | 04:04 |
afaik | shane24, ps ax |grep X | 04:04 |
afaik | kill the process | 04:04 |
sproingie | hondje: what answer do you get? | 04:04 |
afaik | nice it as they say | 04:04 |
vladuz976 | can i just update to breezy by changing all "hoary" in sourcel.list to "breezy"? what about the backports entry? | 04:04 |
=== sproingie has kubuntu, no gcalctool for him | ||
hondje | 7.25x10^-6 | 04:04 |
shane24 | dooglus, why do I not need to? | 04:04 |
dooglus | shane24: apparently you just install the drivers and restart X | 04:05 |
hondje | when it's clearly 10^-16 | 04:05 |
thoreauputic | !tell shane24 about nvidia | 04:05 |
=== snausages [n=snausage@212-108.200-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oli | dooglus, indeed, even more that my main username wasnt there existing when i tried to loggon the first time, gotta love IRSSI for help. | 04:05 |
=== Phily [n=phil@ip062.195-51-69.sogetel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lgc | sproingie, pardon my candidness, but is there a command you know to verify the md5 sum from the disk? | 04:05 |
BROKEN_LADDER | anyone know how to get a digital camera to be mounted in ubuntu? | 04:05 |
bimberi | vladuz976: there aren't any breezy backports afaik, comment the line out for now | 04:05 |
sproingie | hondje: did you parenthesize 1x10^5? | 04:05 |
=== snausages [n=snausage@212-108.200-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BROKEN_LADDER | i don't know what /dev/ entry it has. | 04:05 |
dooglus | hondje: how are you entering that calculation? | 04:05 |
pschulz01 | How do I find out what device to use to mount it? Messages says... localhost kernel: scsi5 : SCSI emulation fo... | 04:06 |
vladuz976 | BROKEN_LADDER, dmesg find out where it is it think /dev/sda or something then mount that to a dir | 04:06 |
sproingie | hondje: otherwise you probably divided by 1 and multiplied by 10^5 | 04:06 |
afaik | can I kill gconfd? | 04:06 |
afaik | what is it's purpose? there is no man page for it | 04:06 |
BROKEN_LADDER | vladuz976 dmesg will tell me that? | 04:06 |
dooglus | hondje: using scientific view? | 04:06 |
pschulz01 | Sep 27 11:18:02 localhost and ...kernel: usb 4-5: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 6 | 04:06 |
afaik | it is mystereous | 04:06 |
hondje | sproingie: yeah, that's what it is | 04:06 |
afaik | tell me! | 04:06 |
=== hou5ton [n=hou5ton@n14-99-152-206.tranquility.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hondje | I wouldn't have thought I needed to () the denom. | 04:06 |
BROKEN_LADDER | vladuz976 it just says: usb 2-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 7 | 04:06 |
vladuz976 | BROKEN_LADDER, really? | 04:07 |
thoreauputic | afaik: gconfd - would you guess gnome configuration daemon ? | 04:07 |
hondje | dooglus: yeah, sproingie was on that one :) | 04:07 |
=== hondje should someday make his own calculator app | ||
afaik | can I kill ut | 04:07 |
afaik | there are 10 processes of it running | 04:07 |
scottb | anyone know the proper install setup for ruby? i keep getting errors when trying to setup ruby-gems | 04:07 |
BROKEN_LADDER | vladuz976 uh..yeah really. | 04:08 |
vladuz976 | BROKEN_LADDER, is it connected | 04:08 |
vladuz976 | ? | 04:08 |
hondje | thanks, guys :) | 04:08 |
BROKEN_LADDER | of course. | 04:08 |
=== wrabbit01 [n=wrabbit0@220-245-149-106-vic-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | hondje: try 1*10^2/1*10^2 | 04:08 |
BROKEN_LADDER | vladuz976 dmesg clearly says it's connected. lsusb shows it. | 04:08 |
dooglus | hondje: I get 10,000 | 04:08 |
thoreauputic | afaik: why do you want to kill it ?? | 04:08 |
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dooglus | hondje: it's doing (1*10^2/1)*10^2, isn't it | 04:09 |
xuniluser | What download accelerators do you guys use? | 04:09 |
hondje | dooglus: exactly...isn't that dumb? I should file a bug on that anyway | 04:09 |
sproingie | afaik: you can probably kill the hung gconfd processes. there's probably a parent process, use pstree to see if there is. don't kill that one | 04:09 |
vladuz976 | anybody else here know how to connect the digi cam? isnt' there something in gnome for it? | 04:09 |
dooglus | hondje: I think it's probably kind of right... depending on what you think 'exp' should do... | 04:09 |
=== sproingie has seen lots of people asking about hung gconfd's but no answers yet | ||
dooglus | hondje: * and / have equal precedence, like in C, and the group left to right. | 04:10 |
hondje | gnome-volume-manager-gthumb %h for the camera | 04:10 |
pschulz01 | When I plug in a USB flask disk it comes up.. whan I plug in USB HDD it doesn't. | 04:10 |
dooglus | so a*b/c*d means ((a*b)/c)*d | 04:10 |
BROKEN_LADDER | vladuz976 isn't there a way to look ut a usb device in the list and probe it to find out which device node it is using? | 04:10 |
hondje | dooglus: yeah, but it should know when you're using exp what you're wanting | 04:10 |
NiCKeL | AHAHAHA | 04:10 |
NiCKeL | thats a good nickname | 04:10 |
NiCKeL | dooglus | 04:10 |
BROKEN_LADDER | please forgive my dear aunt sally | 04:10 |
hondje | What did you aunt do? | 04:11 |
_jason | hondje: but then if you wanted the nonexponent expression you'd have to put the parantheses even though normally you don't need them :) | 04:11 |
BROKEN_LADDER | hondje it's a mnemonic device that relates to order of operations in math. | 04:11 |
afaik | sproingie, you... you.. you tricked me! | 04:11 |
pschulz01 | BROKEN_LADDER: there should be, but how? | 04:11 |
hondje | ah | 04:11 |
afaik | I killed the gconfd processes and my stystem crashed! | 04:11 |
BROKEN_LADDER | parentheses f? multiplication division add subtract | 04:11 |
hondje | I should know that, I'm the guy with math equations tattooed on himself | 04:11 |
_jason | BROKEN_LADDER: please excuse! | 04:11 |
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rob_p | BROKEN_LADDER: Perhaps something like, "tail -n 50 /var/log/syslog" will give you some useful info regarding your usb device. | 04:12 |
BROKEN_LADDER | _jason yeah! that's it. | 04:12 |
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BROKEN_LADDER | order of operations is, of course, arbitrary. | 04:12 |
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afaik | BROKEN_LADDER, I said it before and I'll say it again... your nick is damn annoying | 04:12 |
_jason | hondje: what math equations do you have tattooed? | 04:12 |
BROKEN_LADDER | afaik i think it's beautiful. | 04:13 |
=== DaSkreech [n=Me@port0006-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lgc | sproingie, I burnt the CD as an ISO image and the program did issue a warning that I didn't quite understood. about the disk only containing CD images. | 04:13 |
=== ninjakarl [n=ninjakar@99.cust2.wa.dsl.ozemail.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
s3[mn] rain | I see the ubuntu repositories only have php 4.4.0 for apache2, I was wondering where it installs php to so that I can put 4.0.4 in there for testing | 04:13 |
ninjakarl | Greetings all. I need some help if you would be willing to oblige. | 04:13 |
pschulz01 | BROKEN_LADDER: When I plug in my USB key, I get a '/dev/sda1' device created which is owned by root.plugdev | 04:13 |
=== AnkhWeasel [n=Weasel@203-59-172-186.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | ninjakarl - on what? | 04:13 |
hondje | _jason: just added eulers identity last night, e^i*pi + 1 = 0, heisenburgs uncertainty priciple, F = d/dt p, and adding E^2 = (mc^2)^2 + (pc)^2 tonight | 04:13 |
=== farion [n=farion@p54A3D17D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pschulz01 | BROKEN_LADDER: This device is not created when the USB Harddrive is used. | 04:14 |
farion | #lc | 04:14 |
ninjakarl | Belking network Card: f5d6020z ver. 3000. I need to find some drivers for it before I switch over today. | 04:14 |
BROKEN_LADDER | pschulz01 hmm.. | 04:14 |
=== Agrajag- [n=filip@c211-30-4-5.artrmn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BROKEN_LADDER | pschulz01 i get that with my dap actually. /dev/sda1 | 04:14 |
=== redline [n=redline@d36-101-146.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | hondje: do fermat's little theorem | 04:15 |
hondje | _jason: oh, that'd be a nice touch | 04:15 |
BROKEN_LADDER | pschulz01 i'm going to reboot just for the heck of it. i plugged the camera in before i had loaded usb_storage and sd_mod so that could have done something. who knows.. | 04:15 |
hondje | I'm aiming at having the whole left inner calf done with equations, but I can't accept just any ol' thing :) | 04:15 |
pschulz01 | BROKEN_LADDER: I'm going to plug in the USB HDD, create the 'sda1' device (maj 8, min 1) and see if I can mount via that. | 04:15 |
Agrajag- | g'day. what might be stopping this working: "xhost +; DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 xterm" - i get "xterm Xt error: Can't open display: localhost:0.0" | 04:15 |
=== davix_ [n=lama@85-64-146-117.barak-online.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ninjakarl | brb | 04:15 |
Agrajag- | doing DISPLAY=:0.0 xterm works though | 04:16 |
=== blahrus [i=npiw@12-223-185-205.client.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
caleb_ | breezy - anybody know what mono package contains gdk-x11-2.0? | 04:16 |
DaSkreech | Ubuntu sucks for Dialup | 04:16 |
hondje | oh, maybe his last theorem | 04:16 |
=== drbombay43 [n=drbombay@ppp-69-239-114-144.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bicchi | What is the difference from booting into: "Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.10-5-amd64-generic Default" and "Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.10-5-amd64-generic" | 04:16 |
AnkhWeasel | Say that I have a Windows XP / Ubuntu dual boot. Say that I uninstalled 5.04, looking to reinstall with 5.10 - cleaned out the old partitions with a full erase, and then, after burning 5.10 to disk, rebooted after setting my computer to make new partitions. GRUB loads. With errors. My partitions haven't been written, and I therefore can't boot into XP. I'm on the Live CD now. | 04:16 |
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ninjakarl | Anybody? Belkin NIC f5d6020z ver. 3000 drivers? | 04:17 |
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SpaceBass | AnkhWeasel: can you use fdisk and make the xp partition bootable? | 04:17 |
pschulz01 | BROKEN_LADDER: No luck... mount: sda1 is not a valid block device | 04:17 |
=== mrimbert suggests Hlder's inequality for hondje's next tattoo | ||
DaSkreech | it doesn't have an obvious way ti dial up or disconnect | 04:18 |
=== hondje isn't familiar with that one | ||
AnkhWeasel | Fdisk from like, DOS? | 04:18 |
SpaceBass | AnkhWeasel: or from linux :) | 04:18 |
mrimbert | measure theory | 04:18 |
=== Herbal_child [n=herbalch@68-168-3-7.miamfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SpaceBass | its on the live CD or should be | 04:18 |
AnkhWeasel | Swanktastic. I was just looking for that. :) | 04:18 |
hondje | oh hey! Swartz-Cauchy! | 04:19 |
SpaceBass | AnkhWeasel: do you get grub or anything when you boot to the hd? | 04:19 |
Herbal_child | can someone tell me why i see .gov sources in apt-get? ftp://mirror.mcs.anl.gov | 04:19 |
delltony | alright one of two things either firefox is borked on me or java is. i'm shooting more toward java cause when i go to the java test page after installing java firefox simply closes out on me anyone else have this issue and a solution? | 04:19 |
AnkhWeasel | It gets GRUB, all error'd up. | 04:19 |
blahrus | delltony, run firefox from the command line and get some errors for us :) | 04:19 |
AnkhWeasel | Doesn't get to the point of listing my OSs. | 04:20 |
Herbal_child | ftp://mirror.mcs.anl.gov ? | 04:20 |
delltony | aww good point will do | 04:20 |
=== qt2 [n=qt2@pool-71-241-195-125.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SpaceBass | AnkhWeasel: guess its looking for /boot/grub which is gone so menu.list is gone and thus no listing of os | 04:20 |
=== hosler [n=h0sl3r@AC948DF1.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hondje | mrimbert: that's pretty weird stuff, man | 04:20 |
mrimbert | :) | 04:20 |
SpaceBass | AnkhWeasel: get a windows or dos boot disc and run fdisk /mbr | 04:20 |
SpaceBass | that will get your windows back | 04:20 |
delltony | alrirght let me paste this to pastebin | 04:20 |
hosler | I need help with PEAR. I installed pear onto my webhosting using the go-pear.php script, but now when I require DB.php my pages all turn up blank. Does anyone know how to fix this? | 04:21 |
delltony | brb | 04:21 |
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AnkhWeasel | Righto, thanks. Will it let me clear off GRUB? | 04:21 |
SpaceBass | AnkhWeasel: fdisk/mbr (one word) will clear the master boot record and thus remove grub all togather | 04:21 |
lgc | Does anyone know what is the 5.10-preview-installl-template? | 04:21 |
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mrimbert | lgc, what do you mean? | 04:21 |
=== ro0t [n=jjjjjjjj@CPE-65-31-196-27.neb.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SpaceBass | assuming your windows is still on the first partition on the drive | 04:22 |
AnkhWeasel | Alright. Thanks a lot, mate. | 04:22 |
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SpaceBass | np, goood luck | 04:22 |
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=== B_166-Er-X is now known as B_166-ER-X | ||
lgc | mrimbert, I downloaded the preview-install template together with the Breezy ISO images and now I don't know what to do with them (since the disk doesn't boot) | 04:22 |
mrimbert | lgc, template? | 04:23 |
lgc | It's on the file list from the download site. | 04:23 |
s3[mn] rain | for apache2 I have php in "/usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp4.so", can I change libphp4.so to whatever version of php 4 i want? | 04:23 |
mrimbert | lgc, all you need is the .iso. Not sure what the template is that you're referring to | 04:23 |
lgc | mrimbert, That is the problem. The file is being "offered | 04:24 |
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hosler | I need help with PEAR. I installed pear onto my webhosting using the go-pear.php script, but now when I require DB.php my pages all turn up blank. Does anyone know how to fix this? | 04:24 |
SpaceBass | AnkhWeasel: where in Au? | 04:24 |
AnkhWeasel | West Aus. | 04:24 |
Hobbsee | another aussie hey? | 04:24 |
lgc | together with the ISO image, but no explanation is to be found about it, mrimbert . | 04:24 |
mrimbert | lgc, just get the .iso | 04:25 |
AnkhWeasel | Damn right. | 04:25 |
Hobbsee | greetings from nsw | 04:25 |
scottb | hosler: there is more configuration you need to do to the php.ini file in order to get pear working | 04:25 |
scottb | php needs to know where to look for the pear libraries | 04:25 |
=== SpaceBass spent some time in NSW last year... actualy been researching moving there | ||
lgc | If it doesn't boot, how can I make it boot, mrimbert ? | 04:25 |
hondje | okay, that's enough linear algebra for one night, must not google what mrimbert says again ;-) | 04:25 |
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AnkhWeasel | From where, SpaceBass? | 04:25 |
hondje | wikipedia will get you lost | 04:25 |
SpaceBass | USA | 04:25 |
=== hondje almost was sucked in :( | ||
Hobbsee | spacebass: it's fun, do it | 04:25 |
mrimbert | lgc, make sure the md5sum is correct before you burn it | 04:25 |
hosler | scottb: like what. Can I have a local php.ini configuration file? | 04:26 |
delltony | error with firefox ---> http://rafb.net/paste/results/HWPr6N56.html | 04:26 |
mrimbert | hondje, measure theory, dude, not lin. alg. ;) | 04:26 |
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=== someuser [n=someuser@85-65-144-123.barak-online.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AnkhWeasel | So, just to check - erasing the MBR doesn't kill my XP install? | 04:26 |
=== BROKEN_LADDER [n=bal@adsl-69-227-57-228.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
someuser | helo all | 04:26 |
BROKEN_LADDER | i can't get my digital camera to get a /dev entry. :( | 04:26 |
scottb | ah, i take it you're in a shared hosting environment...you don't have access to the php.ini file right? | 04:26 |
BROKEN_LADDER | even though it's listed in lsusb. | 04:27 |
lgc | mrimbert, it seems the utility included in Hoary doesnt do the checksum. Do you know how to make it in a different way? On the terminal, maybe? | 04:27 |
Kyral | AnkhWeasel, it will... | 04:27 |
Kyral | installing GRUB there won't | 04:27 |
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mrimbert | lgc, you should have the md5sum command | 04:27 |
SpaceBass | AnkhWeasel: nope, it restores the windows bootloader and erases grub, but leaves your partitions intact | 04:27 |
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AnkhWeasel | Alrighty. | 04:27 |
SpaceBass | remember fdisk/mbr not just fdisk | 04:27 |
AnkhWeasel | Heh, yeah. :) | 04:28 |
SpaceBass | no arguments after that, c: is implied and will only work on c | 04:28 |
scottb | hosler: read this, it may help: http://builder.com.com/5100-6371-5163311.html | 04:28 |
s3[mn] rain | for apache2 I have php in "/usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp4.so", can I change libphp4.so to whatever version of php 4 i want? | 04:28 |
lgc | mrimbert, you are right. The command exists. Will the right syntax be md5sum /cdrom0 or something like that? | 04:29 |
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BROKEN_LADDER | are there some digital cameras that don't act as a usb mass storage device?? | 04:29 |
mrimbert | lgc, md5um <foo.iso> | 04:30 |
mrimbert | BROKEN_LADDER, yes | 04:30 |
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DaSkreech | Which should be required for a Granny distro :) | 04:30 |
hondje | BROKEN_LADDER: Mine doesn't. Having troubles with your? | 04:30 |
lgc | mrimbert, I'm working on that... | 04:30 |
BROKEN_LADDER | hondje oh my god, i just took it for granted that it would do that. | 04:31 |
afaik | what is pickup used for? | 04:31 |
hondje | Under system -> preferences -> removable drives and media, do you have 'gnome-volume-manager-gthumb %h' in there? That's what I have for camera, and it magically detects it | 04:31 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o mrimbert] by ChanServ | ||
afaik | I have a bunch of these processes running:pickup -l -t fifo -u -c | 04:31 |
xuniluser | i have a problem with acroread. have you guys experienced it also? i thinks there's an error in the .deb from where i was getting it using apt-get | 04:31 |
hondje | BROKEN_LADDER: heh, happened to me once too, since everything else I have that's USB is read that way ;) | 04:31 |
pschulz01 | BROKEN_LADDER: The USB HDD looks to be a problem with the disk itself. | 04:31 |
=== walde [n=walde@iD4CC05DD.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
delltony | anyone have an idea on that java error? | 04:32 |
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BROKEN_LADDER | pschulz01 with the actual camera? | 04:32 |
=== Sionide [n=sphinx@commonstarling1.hornet.uea.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== BROKEN_LADDER puts the sd card into his computer. | ||
pschulz01 | BROKEN_LADDER: Soorry.. this is with the HDD, not camera. | 04:33 |
BROKEN_LADDER | i don't have a usb hdd. | 04:33 |
BROKEN_LADDER | well, i have a usb drive for flash memory cards | 04:33 |
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=== JoeC [n=Joe@cpe-65-24-30-40.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lgc | mrimbert, my machine is taking quite a while on that... | 04:33 |
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=== Toma- [n=lin4me@203-59-184-156.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
someuser | is there en ms program emulator on subuntu? | 04:33 |
mrimbert | lgc, to compute the md5sum? okay. | 04:34 |
Toma- | someuser: wine | 04:34 |
lgc | mrimbert, yes. | 04:34 |
pschulz01 | Anyone else here seen screwy behaviour with USB Drives? It's a laptop in a USB caddy. First impression I have is that the caddy is expecting a FAT filesystem on the drive. | 04:34 |
BROKEN_LADDER | pschulz01 what did the problem appear to be with the hdd. | 04:34 |
lgc | mrimbert, it fia | 04:34 |
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mrimbert | fia? | 04:35 |
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lgc | mrimbert, it finally ended with a "buffer read error"! Damn! | 04:35 |
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esac | does anybody know how/if i can use gensplash_initramfs in ubuntu to generate a cool fbsplash screen ? | 04:35 |
trix | it is possible to upgrade untu to kubuntu? | 04:35 |
pschulz01 | Plug in, didn't initally mount.. for some reason it mounts now, but all the file names are 'gibberish' and I am getting 'invalid access to FAT' errors in /var/log/messages. | 04:35 |
trix | ubuntu to kubuntu | 04:36 |
mrimbert | trix, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 04:36 |
BROKEN_LADDER | if i have a usb flash card reader, what device name would it likely get? | 04:36 |
mrimbert | lgc, I've never seen that happen before. | 04:36 |
chx | BROKEN_LADDER: dmesg | 04:36 |
=== dale3 [n=dale3@ppp-70-251-251-106.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
B_166-ER-X | why is the time in the corner of Gnome and the time in the System--Administratio--Time and date , are not the same ?? | 04:36 |
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lgc | mrimbert, I did the same with the file on the hard disk and it throws some big hex number. | 04:37 |
mrimbert | lgc, that's the checksum | 04:37 |
pschulz01 | The USB drive has a Breezy install on it (installed directly on a laptop). The plan was to modify GRUB/fstab to allow it to be booted from USB. | 04:37 |
pschulz01 | but alas the hardware has failed me. | 04:38 |
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HrdwrBoB | pschulz01: you can do it | 04:38 |
=== _john [n=john@ool-44c63ce7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HrdwrBoB | you need to put a delay in the boot sequence | 04:38 |
_john | whats the name of that java package? | 04:38 |
lgc | mrimbert, I am doing it on the /cdrom/ubuntu-5.10-preview-install-i386.iso. Just to make sure... | 04:38 |
_john | the one in synaptic | 04:38 |
=== darklogic [n=knoppix@c-24-128-11-204.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_john | that allows you to use the runtime environment | 04:39 |
mrimbert | lgc, how did it end up there? | 04:39 |
lady_annie19 | hello | 04:39 |
pschulz01 | HrdwrBoB: Can Breezy be installed on a FAT filesystem as root? | 04:39 |
HrdwrBoB | er | 04:39 |
HrdwrBoB | no | 04:39 |
=== aftertaf_ [n=david@sara2lee.agns.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mrimbert | lgc, you want to download the .iso, and then burn it to CD. Don't create a data CD from the .iso, which is what is sounds like you did. | 04:39 |
lgc | mrimbert, it's still in the makings... | 04:39 |
delltony | hmm looks like someone else had my error but no solution yet http://archives.free.net.ph/message/20050917.071444.716f5c45.en.html | 04:40 |
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=== FhaeTon [n=FhaeTon@adsl-68-72-87-211.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pschulz01 | Has anyone see USB devices that only support FAT? I suspect my IPod has this problem. | 04:40 |
mrimbert | lgc, sounds like you're burning it incorrectly | 04:40 |
lgc | mrimbert, I am not sure of what I did. I just downloaded to the HD and then burnt the CD. Is this wrong? | 04:40 |
atty | hi | 04:40 |
jsubl2 | delltony: might need to try a newer version of java | 04:40 |
=== boxerboy29 [n=boxerboy@adsl-144-177-44.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
darklogic | i just installed hoary and on booting it freezes (black screen) trying to start the gnome display manager | 04:40 |
darklogic | anyone have a suggestion? | 04:41 |
mrimbert | lgc, are you using nautilus to do that? | 04:41 |
lgc | mrimbert, is there any parameter I have to tweak? | 04:41 |
atty | how to do command to run dpkg package a ? | 04:41 |
lgc | mrimbert, natilus, indeed. | 04:41 |
FhaeTon | before I waist my money which should I buy SATA or SATA150 and is the such thing as SATA2 drive? | 04:41 |
delltony | yeah ill download the bin from java's page and try that i guess | 04:41 |
pschulz01 | Hmm.. I can't seen any way out of this one.. by for now. | 04:41 |
trix | mrimbert: hw about upgrading from cd without internet connection? | 04:41 |
lgc | mrimbert, I ended up again with an md5sum error for the cdrom file. | 04:41 |
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FhaeTon | http://www.answers.com/topic/serial-ata | 04:42 |
mrimbert | lgc, run the md5sum on the downloaded .iso image, wherever you saved it | 04:42 |
atty | E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. <-- how to do this? | 04:42 |
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mrimbert | trix, upgrading an hoary install with a breezy CD? Yes, it can be done. | 04:42 |
BROKEN_LADDER | oh my god! kde as this camera program that supports my camera. i can just import my photos in gthumb!! yayyyyyy | 04:42 |
mrimbert | atty, sudo dpkg --configure -a | 04:42 |
=== scanwinder [n=scanwind@CPE-60-224-192-21.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
B_166-ER-X | Why does it says E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another proc ess using it?, when i try to apt-get update ?? | 04:42 |
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lgc | mrimbert, I just did that and got the big hex number I mentioned | 04:42 |
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Sonny_Wertzik | Anybody get a new header update for hoary recently? and have your alsa drivers crash? | 04:43 |
mrimbert | lgc, good, compare it to what it's supposed to be | 04:43 |
trigger | hi everyone, can someone please tell me if there is a guide on how to install the ati drivers in ubuntu, i have an ati 9600, and i need the 3d to work | 04:43 |
mrimbert | !tell trigger about ati | 04:43 |
B_166-ER-X | oh | 04:43 |
B_166-ER-X | its ok | 04:43 |
lgc | mrimbert, let me check the download page... | 04:43 |
mrimbert | lgc, right | 04:44 |
=== dooglus_ [n=dooglus@r2m7.chello.upc.cz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | how can I ask 'gam_server' to restart? | 04:44 |
darklogic | can anyone tell me why my new hoary install freezes on boot? | 04:45 |
toxicle | hi guys ... i'm dual booting windows and ubuntu | 04:45 |
Hobbsee | hi toxicle | 04:45 |
toxicle | i have grub as the bootloader | 04:45 |
darklogic | this is a bit frustrating | 04:45 |
Sonny_Wertzik | anyone even hear about someone having problems after installing the laterset kernel update? | 04:45 |
dooglus | darklogic: sounds like a problem with the X setup. | 04:45 |
toxicle | now i need to reinstall windows | 04:45 |
mrimbert | darklogic, more details please. That's obviously not what it does for the majority of people, or it would have been a big deal. | 04:45 |
lgc | mrimbert, I seems it downloaded OK. | 04:45 |
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toxicle | how to i fix grub without reinstalling ubuntu ? | 04:45 |
mrimbert | lgc, good. You're just burning a data CD, which is not what you want to do | 04:45 |
Hobbsee | toxicle: as in, you've lost windows, or grub is entirely dead? | 04:46 |
darklogic | i installled hoary, everything went fine afaik, and on first boot it freezes (black screen) shortly after the message "starting gnome display manager" | 04:46 |
=== difeta [n=difeta@c-67-170-40-240.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
toxicle | Hobbsee: nah ... everything works fine now | 04:46 |
Hobbsee | toxicle: cool :) | 04:46 |
toxicle | Hobbsee: I plan to reinstall windows | 04:46 |
toxicle | when i do .. it will take over grub | 04:46 |
mrimbert | darklogic, can you switch to a virtual console? | 04:46 |
lgc | mrimbert, then what settings do I have to use (is there any?) | 04:46 |
darklogic | mrimbert, nope. completely frozen | 04:47 |
DaSkreech | Th update notification seems to ebe broken | 04:47 |
difeta | I've upgraded to ubuntu and I'm running an nvidia card, when i try to startx I get an error that says caught singal 11. The log does not have any extra information. Any ideas? | 04:47 |
=== _john [n=john@ool-44c63ce7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | the | 04:47 |
mrimbert | lgc, use nautilus. right-click on the .iso, and select "Write to disc" | 04:47 |
mrimbert | difeta, did you configure xorg to use nvidia? | 04:47 |
_john | hey. for some reason, j2re can't be found in synaptic. I have the extra repositories, does anyone know what the problem might be> | 04:47 |
difeta | mrimbert yep the same way I always have. In fact I'm using the same x.org file I was using in hoary | 04:48 |
toxicle | http://ubuntuforums.o | 04:48 |
ro0t | _john, hit update | 04:49 |
jroes | due to the massive lack of binaries for amd64, is it best to just stick to a 32bit install? | 04:49 |
adjacent | difeta: what kernel? | 04:49 |
mrimbert | difeta, so you when through the process described on the wiki BinaryDriverHowto page? | 04:49 |
_john | ro0t: apt-get update? | 04:49 |
_john | oh | 04:49 |
_john | oh never mind | 04:49 |
_john | i got it | 04:49 |
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difeta | adjacent 2.6.12-9 | 04:50 |
lgc | mrimbert, I get this panel that says: write disk to (a chooser): CDRW/DVD or file image. Then write options: Maximum possible, etc. | 04:50 |
mrimbert | darklogic, totally frozen, eh? Can you check /var/log/Xorg.0.log after booting into rescue mode? | 04:50 |
difeta | mrimbert nope. | 04:50 |
B_166-ER-X | why is amule not listed in synaptic or Apt-get ??? | 04:50 |
adjacent | difeta: apt-get install linux-modules-restricted-2.6.12-9 | 04:50 |
adjacent | difeta: then go into xorg.conf and change /usr/lib/X11/fonts/blah to /usr/share/X11/fonts/blah | 04:51 |
dooglus | B_166-ER-X: amule is in the 'universe' section. you need to add that. | 04:51 |
=== Zaphod_ [n=Agrajag@66-215-172-61.dhcp.snbr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | !tell B_166-ER-X about repositories | 04:51 |
adjacent | difeta: and you may need to change your keyboard driver name from keyboard to kbd | 04:51 |
mrimbert | !tell difeta about nvidia | 04:51 |
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mrimbert | difeta, please follow the procedures as specified in the URL ubotu sent you | 04:51 |
adjacent | difeta: i assume you are in the same position i was earlier. using nvidia driver, dist-upgrade to breezy, and xorg wont start up | 04:52 |
difeta | adjacent thats right | 04:52 |
difeta | mrimbert thanks | 04:52 |
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adjacent | difeta: if you check those things i told you it should come up nicely | 04:52 |
mrimbert | lgc, go ahead and give that a try | 04:53 |
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darklogic | mrimbert, nothing obvious in there, shall i send it to you? | 04:53 |
adjacent | difeta: and you may want to change firefox fonts to bitstream fonts because they look nasty otherwise | 04:53 |
lgc | mrimbert, I already tried both options: CDRW/DVD and image file on two disks, and none seems to work (which means I wasted two disks). | 04:53 |
lightstar | hi all..just upgraded 2 breezy n i was wondering if there is any way 2 remove evolution completely? | 04:53 |
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mrimbert | lgc, it's for one CD | 04:53 |
mrimbert | darklogic, you can paste it on pastebin if you want | 04:54 |
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atty | thanks mrimbert. now i can update my ubuntu software updated | 04:54 |
difeta | adjacent none of that worked. Whats wierd is I can use the vesa or nv driver. But not the nvidia driver | 04:54 |
mrimbert | yo nalioth | 04:54 |
mrimbert | atty, nice | 04:55 |
darklogic | mrimbert, http://pastebin.com/375308 | 04:55 |
lgc | mrimbert, what I mean is that I already exhausted the two recording options, to no avail. | 04:55 |
adjacent | do you have the 2.6.12-9 restricted modules? | 04:55 |
=== |ww [n=ww@c-67-185-57-5.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
someuser | helo, can somone assit me? | 04:55 |
nalioth | hello mr. in-disguise | 04:55 |
mrimbert | lgc, sounds like you're doing something wrong. | 04:55 |
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lgc | mrimbert, any clue? | 04:56 |
|ww | so what would cause the connect to server ftp client not connect, but connecting via ftp on a command line works fine.. basic ftp port 21 yada yada | 04:56 |
Hobbsee | someuser: what's youre question? | 04:56 |
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mrimbert | lgc, as I said, you download the .iso, right-click, and select "Write to disc". It's less the 650MB, so it fits on 1 CD | 04:56 |
someuser | hi, if i do install ubuntu on my hd and i want to uninstal it in time, | 04:56 |
mrimbert | nalioth, hardly a disguise to use my real name ;) | 04:56 |
someuser | can i do so without damaging win | 04:56 |
difeta | adjacent yes, I have the proper restriced modules | 04:57 |
Hobbsee | someuser: as in, dual boot | 04:57 |
someuser | ir i will have to reformat the entire hd, and reinstall win | 04:57 |
trix | mrimbert: have u tried turbo linux? | 04:57 |
adjacent | difeta: if there is nothing in /var/log/Xorg.0.log im stumped too. sorry | 04:57 |
mrimbert | trix, nope | 04:57 |
trix | have u heard? | 04:57 |
lgc | mrimbert, that's what I've done. There's no space left for messing around in the disk... | 04:57 |
=== Draucon [n=Draucon@dialup-free-278.nmsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
someuser | yes, i hade a bad expiriance with dualboot with mandrake | 04:58 |
Hobbsee | somuser: depends if you install the win and linux side by side or not - if they are side by side, you should be able to uninstall it | 04:58 |
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wrabbit01 | someuser, as far as I know, you can do dualboot. I've just burnt Ubuntu live and am running it right now. It's damn good. I've gotta figure out how to dual boot myself. | 04:58 |
trix | i have a turbo linux here and im trying to install | 04:58 |
mrimbert | darklogic, you do have an Intel i8xx chipset? | 04:58 |
Hobbsee | dualbooting is fine - that's what this is | 04:58 |
os2mac | can someone walk me through configuring a wlan adapter in ubuntu? | 04:58 |
Hobbsee | install windows first though | 04:58 |
darklogic | mrimbert, yes onboard. but my monitor is plugged into my pci geforce4 | 04:58 |
someuser | i get the dual boot thing, but my qwestion is diffirent | 04:58 |
|ww | my ftp client will connect just never show files.. is there passive mode i can set me ftp client up with | 04:59 |
mrimbert | someuser, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo | 04:59 |
someuser | if i chuse to remuve ubunutu *regardless how good it is) | 04:59 |
Hobbsee | yes, you can get rid of it, you'll have to overwrite the MBR though if you isntall it | 04:59 |
wrabbit01 | cheers mrimbert... that helps me aswell | 04:59 |
Hobbsee | and if i remember correctly, that windows dual boot wiki is terrible | 04:59 |
someuser | will i gonna need to reformat the hd, end reinstall win? | 04:59 |
difeta | adjacent when i attempt to startx I see an nvidia logo, but the X log says something like. "agpgart: Putting AGP V3 device at 0000:01:00.0 into 4x mode" | 04:59 |
mrimbert | darklogic, ah, that's why. Can you disable your i8xx in the BIOS? | 04:59 |
difeta | adjacent thats the last line. | 04:59 |
dooglus | how do I build software using the -dbg version of libglib? | 04:59 |
Arkainium | Seems like hal introduces more problems than it solves. :P | 05:00 |
darklogic | mrimbert, not that i know of | 05:00 |
os2mac | can someone help with wlan on ubuntu? | 05:00 |
dooglus | is it a ./configure option? or do I edit a /etc/... file? or what? | 05:00 |
Hobbsee | well, there's a better one, anyway | 05:00 |
mrimbert | wrabbit01, :) | 05:00 |
darklogic | mrimbert, my bios doesn't give me a whole lot of flexibility | 05:00 |
Hobbsee | someuser: no | 05:00 |
mrimbert | darklogic, well, xorg is currently configured to use it | 05:00 |
Hobbsee | someuser: do you have your windows cd's anyway? | 05:00 |
someuser | so i will be able to remuve it without damaging windows? | 05:00 |
boxerboy29 | by the way the site that you guys tell me is bad is back up and running on same address | 05:01 |
someuser | i want to evoid completly the need to reinstal win, if i want to uninstal ubuntu | 05:01 |
difeta | adjacent I'd like to jsut reinstall the whole dang thing. But for some reason cdrecord wont work either | 05:01 |
darklogic | mrimbert, figures. so should i switch my monitor to that vga port and change it to use the geforce then? and how? | 05:01 |
adjacent | difeta: looks like a bug. possibly downgrade udev | 05:01 |
Hobbsee | someuser: yes, you should be able to remove it | 05:01 |
someuser | is this possible? (without damaging partitions or windows)? | 05:01 |
difeta | adjacent in cdrecord? | 05:01 |
bimberi | os2mac: hopefully this might help - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto | 05:02 |
os2mac | going there now | 05:02 |
mrimbert | darklogic, if you want to use the geforce, you'll need to follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, and see if that works. | 05:02 |
=== sdali [n=FrankM@68-189-44-38.dhcp.rdng.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | someuser: yes. if you install grub to the mbr, then you'll have to use fdisk if you ever want to get rid of it, which is off the windows cd's | 05:02 |
nmstryoda | holy crud batman.. 74 new updates on breezy... cool | 05:02 |
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mrimbert | darklogic, you may have to be sure to specify the Bus ID, since you can't disable your i8xx | 05:02 |
esac | how can i add my own initramfs (fbsplash) to an ubuntu kernel ? | 05:02 |
mrimbert | esac, probably you'll be the first to try | 05:03 |
someuser | after uing fdisk-mbr will my windows work es normally? | 05:03 |
sdali | Does anyone know how to enable sftp and ssh servers in Ubuntu? | 05:03 |
nmstryoda | !ssh | 05:03 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, ssh is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SSHHowto | 05:03 |
Hobbsee | someuser: yes, but check google before you do it, so you get the right command | 05:03 |
mrimbert | sdali, install openssh-server | 05:03 |
sdali | Thanks! | 05:03 |
Hobbsee | !mbr | 05:03 |
ubotu | Bugger all, i dunno, Hobbsee | 05:03 |
Hobbsee | hehe...right...pity | 05:03 |
sdali | !ssh | 05:03 |
Hobbsee | !dualboot | 05:03 |
ubotu | it has been said that dualboot is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo | 05:04 |
adjacent | difeta: im not sure. but it sounds like hotplug or udev is having a problem.... | 05:04 |
nmstryoda | !grub | 05:04 |
ubotu | [grub] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows, or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting | 05:04 |
Hobbsee | ah...that's the one i wanted! | 05:04 |
someuser | ok. ty. i will ( i'm asking becos i hade a nghitmear dooing it with Mandrake) | 05:04 |
nmstryoda | welcom Hobbsee | 05:04 |
difeta | adjacent Then I'll boot into knoppix, burn the cd and reinstall this bad boy. I suspect m cutomization have cased problems | 05:04 |
darklogic | mrimbert, okay thanks for your help | 05:04 |
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darklogic | see you all soon | 05:04 |
Hobbsee | someuser: it shouldnt be terribly hard | 05:04 |
trix | mrimbert: i try to install my kubuntu cd in my ubuntu but my hoary is ristricted.. | 05:04 |
mrimbert | !botabuse | 05:04 |
ubotu | You can play with me on #debian-bots without being banned. | 05:04 |
adjacent | difeta: good luck | 05:04 |
nmstryoda | LOL | 05:04 |
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someuser | ok, thanks for helping | 05:04 |
Hobbsee | no problems | 05:05 |
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B_166-ER-X | Why is my time no set correctly even if it is in the system config ?? | 05:05 |
mrimbert | someuser, I gave you that URL a long time ago... | 05:05 |
sdali | mrimbert: I've already got it installed, and "man openssh-server" is no help. How do I turn it on? | 05:05 |
someuser | one more qwestion, how much disk space will ubuntu take? | 05:05 |
=== joel_ [n=joel@ool-45773a99.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nmstryoda | B_166-ER-X, is it set to Universal standard time? | 05:05 |
mrimbert | sdali, it's started after install. | 05:05 |
JDahl | someuser, around 2GB | 05:05 |
joel_ | hey does anyone know how to get java running on ubuntu? | 05:05 |
nmstryoda | !java | 05:05 |
ubotu | well, java is to install Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 05:05 |
gowee | ! java | 05:06 |
ubotu | rumour has it, java is to install Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 05:06 |
nmstryoda | !blackdownjava | 05:06 |
ubotu | nmstryoda: I don't know, could you explain it? | 05:06 |
atty | can ubuntu have xmice inviroment ? | 05:06 |
joel_ | are these robots? | 05:06 |
=== mrimbert is now known as tritium | ||
signbarn | okay, here's my error message: Gnome-WARNING **: Accessibility: failed to find module 'libatk-bridge' which is needed to make this application accessible | 05:06 |
nmstryoda | joel_, ubotu is | 05:06 |
Hobbsee | joel_: ubotu is a robot, yes | 05:06 |
gowee | ! plugins | 05:06 |
ubotu | gowee: No idea | 05:06 |
someuser | ok, thanks, i think i'm gooing to install it (after reading link) now that i'm shure i can uninstal it saftly | 05:06 |
B_166-ER-X | nmstryoda nope, but i did it i think and it dont change anything | 05:06 |
joel_ | o ok | 05:06 |
gowee | ! plugins | 05:06 |
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nmstryoda | B_166-ER-X, you on wireless?.. | 05:07 |
someuser | that is with no damage to my current os | 05:07 |
lgc | mrimbert, I've been md5summing again with the first copy of the ISO image: It ended again with an error! So both copies are damaged. Could it be the software or my drive? My machine is almost brand new and I'd never burnt a CD on it. | 05:07 |
B_166-ER-X | nope | 05:07 |
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nmstryoda | dhcp? | 05:07 |
B_166-ER-X | ??? | 05:07 |
nmstryoda | ... i.e. does the Ubuntu timeserver sync action fail on bootup? | 05:07 |
tritium | lgc, then you need to download it again | 05:07 |
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B_166-ER-X | i dont know | 05:08 |
tritium | nmstryoda, if your network interface isn't up yet, which is common for wireless interfaces | 05:08 |
lgc | tritium, The checksum for the download was right. | 05:08 |
joel_ | anyone know how to get java running? i downloaded the java file but when i double click it it says it cannot open the file | 05:08 |
=== sampah [n=dilo@c-67-171-76-109.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | lgc, yeah, I saw ;) | 05:08 |
nmstryoda | right... but B_166-ER-X isn't on wirelesss.. .but time is off | 05:08 |
dabaR | joel_: where did you get the file? | 05:08 |
sdali | mrimbert: Thanks. | 05:09 |
tritium | lgc, actually, you said it gave you an error | 05:09 |
tritium | sdali, sure :) | 05:09 |
lgc | tritium, do you mean I have to download again in spite of that? | 05:09 |
=== neotrophy [n=neotroph@220-253-101-38.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
B_166-ER-X | its actually like 23:00 here but my gnome time says 3:05 am | 05:09 |
tritium | lgc, if you checked the md5sum of the .iso that you downloaded, and it gave you an error, then yes. | 05:09 |
atty | how can i view my windowxp partition? winxp install under fat32 but i can't see the partition | 05:09 |
|ww | any suggest a good ftp client for ubuntu? | 05:10 |
lgc | tritium, the CD file does have an error, but not the originally downloaded file. | 05:10 |
Hobbsee | atty: www.ubuntuguide.org | 05:10 |
tritium | lgc, the file should never have been burned to CD in the first place | 05:10 |
bimberi | ubotu tell atty about windowsdrives | 05:10 |
lgc | tritium, what instead? | 05:10 |
bimberi | |ww: nautilus | 05:10 |
trix | its possible to view other cam in gaim? | 05:10 |
tritium | !tell Hobbsee about ubuntuguide | 05:10 |
bimberi | |ww: Places -> Connect to Server | 05:11 |
DaSkreech | Can I apt install e17? | 05:11 |
=== Chambers_ [n=Thom@pcp02906040pcs.roylok01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | lgc, we've gone over this already | 05:11 |
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joel_ | java | 05:11 |
Hobbsee | !ubuntuguide | 05:11 |
ubotu | from memory, ubuntuguide is out of date, breaks PCs and doesn't explain anything. The official FAQ Guide, which is based on ubuntuguide will soon be the help menu in Breezy. For more information see !faq. | 05:11 |
joel_ | anyone know how to get it working | 05:11 |
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bimberi | joel_: did you follow the directions on the wiki? | 05:11 |
|ww | bimberi: Places -> connect to server wont work for one of my ftp servers don't know why.. i can ftp via a command line | 05:11 |
s3[mn] rain | Probably a newbie question, but how can I extract the contents of an rpm so I can get one file out of it? | 05:11 |
joel_ | what is the wiki | 05:11 |
joel_ | sorry I'm new to this | 05:11 |
tritium | joel_, the best method is to use make-jpkg (in java-package) to build your own .deb from Sun's .bin | 05:12 |
|ww | bimberi: I have other working ftp clients.. i dont know if its a transfer mode problem.. the ftp server on my production webbox (proftpd) seems to work with everything else | 05:12 |
=== vedat [n=serhat_g@sunax5-a208.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
I-ninja | how can i fucking play windows games on ubuntu | 05:12 |
lgc | tritium, are you mrimbert? He explained how to BURN the iso file to CD. Now you say it should NOT be done. What can be done instead? | 05:12 |
bimberi | |ww: hm, ok, perhaps gftp then | 05:12 |
trix | tritium: hw to view other cam? wat will i anstall? | 05:12 |
|ww | bimberi: it seems to connect.. but not display any folders or documents till it finally times out | 05:12 |
I-ninja | iam so fucking frustrated | 05:12 |
tritium | I-ninja, watch your language please | 05:13 |
I-ninja | sorry | 05:13 |
trix | i-ninja.. use wine | 05:13 |
I-ninja | but iam so frustrated | 05:13 |
joel_ | yea me too | 05:13 |
trix | www.winehq.com | 05:13 |
I-ninja | wer | 05:13 |
bimberi | joel_: are you running hoary? | 05:13 |
trix | www.winehq.com | 05:13 |
I-ninja | i already visited the site | 05:13 |
joel_ | im on ubuntu | 05:13 |
trix | use mandriva | 05:13 |
Hobbsee | atty: even though it says the ubuntuguide is stuffed, it does have the information you want, under windows section | 05:13 |
joel_ | this is my first time using this | 05:13 |
joel_ | i just installed it | 05:13 |
I-ninja | i dont know wer can i get wine | 05:14 |
trix | www.winehq.com | 05:14 |
bimberi | joel_: from a pressed CD? | 05:14 |
I-ninja | no i cant get wine from the site | 05:14 |
joel_ | from a cd yes | 05:14 |
tritium | joel_, go here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and click on "5. Java" | 05:14 |
tritium | follow the method involving java-package | 05:14 |
nmstryoda | I-ninja, sudo apt-get install wine | 05:14 |
joel_ | thanks ill try that | 05:14 |
os2mac | well that just sucks. | 05:14 |
atty | bit complecated to set as ubotu show | 05:14 |
=== KALKTI [n=vi{r}us@sunax5-a208.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lgc | tritium, just tell me if I am doing wrong in burning the iso file to CD. | 05:15 |
os2mac | why is it that I can't find a distro that does both my wlan card and my video. | 05:15 |
os2mac | ubuntu gets the video correct but I have to use the ndiswrapper for my wlan card and it's not supported in the live distro of ubuntu | 05:15 |
I-ninja | arg | 05:15 |
tritium | lgc, I told you to right-click and choose "Write to CD" | 05:15 |
nmstryoda | os2mac, blame the Mfgs of the network cards | 05:16 |
I-ninja | ubuntu is so hard | 05:16 |
nmstryoda | and MS | 05:16 |
I-ninja | i tought it was easy | 05:16 |
=== vedat [n=serhat_g@sunax5-a208.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
os2mac | this is Dell/Broadcom | 05:16 |
=== KALKTI [n=vi{r}us@sunax5-a208.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
I-ninja | i might well get installed fedora core 3 | 05:16 |
tritium | I-ninja, it's one of the easiest distros | 05:16 |
nmstryoda | os2mac, yes | 05:16 |
=== nigdeli_A [n=vi{r}us@sunax5-a208.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
I-ninja | its more easy than ubuntu | 05:16 |
=== slicslak [n=slicslak@S0106000f66e13f97.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nmstryoda | I have that too os2mac | 05:16 |
os2mac | should be a widely available driver. | 05:16 |
nmstryoda | I-ninja, to each his own | 05:16 |
I-ninja | its hard to install from ubuntu | 05:16 |
os2mac | nms do you have a wlan card that works in the live distro of ubuntu? | 05:17 |
=== x_o1 [n=cdawson@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
I-ninja | i cant install yahoo messenger | 05:17 |
=== ionrock [n=ionrock@pool-71-240-196-25.alt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
I-ninja | i cant install wine | 05:17 |
I-ninja | dam it | 05:17 |
atty | y dont u use gaim? | 05:17 |
drogoh | Use Gaim. | 05:17 |
nmstryoda | os2mac, proprietary drivers have that problem... none want's to release the code for the driver... thus you havea ndiswrapper | 05:17 |
tritium | I-ninja, there's gaim. But you can install both of those. | 05:17 |
lgc | that's what I did, tritium-mrimbert! I swear! I just need your clue as to what -apart from choosing the wrong option, which is not the case- could have gone wrong. | 05:17 |
I-ninja | atleast in fedora i can install those two | 05:17 |
drogoh | You don't need Yahoo's messenger. | 05:17 |
nmstryoda | I-ninja, why not? | 05:17 |
I-ninja | even tho i cant run such programs | 05:17 |
tritium | lgc, there should not be those options | 05:17 |
atty | just because of yahoo messenger u say ubuntu not good? | 05:17 |
tritium | lgc, it should just start burning the CD to disc | 05:17 |
atty | i did use fedora core 3 before | 05:17 |
I-ninja | iam so frustrated i cant play games on linuc | 05:17 |
I-ninja | linux | 05:17 |
x_o1 | Can anyone tell me why I am currently able to chat here, but my network-admin displays "Disconnected" in the status field. I've tried to deactivate and activate, but nothing helps. | 05:17 |
nmstryoda | I-ninja, are you using sudo apt-get install wine?? | 05:18 |
I-ninja | yah\ | 05:18 |
drogoh | I-ninja, Go buy Cedega. | 05:18 |
nmstryoda | I-ninja, what is the error? | 05:18 |
atty | lol | 05:18 |
nmstryoda | if long paste on #flood | 05:18 |
tritium | I-ninja, why can't you install the winehq.com ones? There are complete instructions on their website | 05:18 |
=== nigdeli_A [n=vi{r}us@sunax5-a208.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
I-ninja | i cant hardly follow the instruction | 05:19 |
I-ninja | it says i go to synatic package | 05:19 |
nmstryoda | ok | 05:19 |
nmstryoda | so did you try that? | 05:19 |
tritium | I-ninja, and? | 05:19 |
lgc | tritium, I can click on "record to CD", indeed, and use the default CDRW (as opposed to "image file") option. And then choose to eject the disc after finishing the burn. | 05:19 |
tritium | lgc, did you not try that? | 05:20 |
I-ninja | and repositories | 05:20 |
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tritium | I-ninja, yeah, follow those instructions. | 05:20 |
lgc | Yes. With equally wrong results, tritium | 05:20 |
dabaR | rome was not buiilt in a day | 05:20 |
I-ninja | but it displays different from the one they show on site | 05:20 |
I-ninja | very different | 05:20 |
tritium | lgc, in what way? | 05:21 |
I-ninja | when i run | 05:21 |
=== jernux [n=jernux@pool-71-105-226-244.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
nmstryoda | I-ninja, you have to add them... not really much different... just that there are like 17k + packages to choose from on Ubuntu | 05:21 |
I-ninja | sudo apt-get install wine | 05:21 |
I-ninja | i got this msg | 05:21 |
drogoh | pastebin.com | 05:21 |
I-ninja | root@ubuntu:/home/user# sudo apt-get install wine | 05:21 |
I-ninja | Reading package lists... Done | 05:21 |
I-ninja | Building dependency tree... Done | 05:21 |
I-ninja | You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these: | 05:21 |
I-ninja | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 05:21 |
I-ninja | ymessenger: Depends: libgdk-pixbuf2 (>= 0.13.0) but it is not going to be installed | 05:21 |
I-ninja | Depends: libglib1.2 (>= 1.2.0) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libgtk1.2 (>= 1.2.0) but it is not going to be installed | 05:21 |
I-ninja | Depends: libssl0.9.6 but it is not going to be installed | 05:21 |
dabaR | yay paste | 05:21 |
drogoh | Damn it. | 05:21 |
I-ninja | E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution). | 05:21 |
=== aftertaf_ [n=david@sara2lee.agns.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jbroome | !flood | 05:21 |
ubotu | it has been said that flood is for pasting, please use http://pastebin.com , http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or #flood here on freenode. | 05:21 |
=== goodtimes [n=goodtime@host-12-152-82-100.orbitelcom.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
s3[mn] rain | what the heck is a .cpio file? | 05:22 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@] by tritium | ||
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lgc | tritium, in both options, "CDRW" and "image file", I ended up with a nice, glistering and useless Breezy CD. | 05:22 |
calc | s3[mn] rain: man cpio | 05:22 |
s3[mn] rain | !! .... | 05:22 |
ubotu | No idea, s3[mn] rain | 05:22 |
nmstryoda | i warned him... lol | 05:22 |
tritium | lgc, try burning at a slower speed. | 05:23 |
=== allisfree [i=allisfre@] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
tritium | I-ninja, don't paste in here please. | 05:23 |
calc | s3[mn] rain: its similar to a tar archive | 05:23 |
calc | used by rpm, etc | 05:23 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %*!*@] by tritium | ||
I-ninja | ? | 05:24 |
I-ninja | waaaaaaaaaaaaa | 05:24 |
dabaR | just dont paste | 05:24 |
allisfree | strange thing. i enabled the "caps lock", but when i hit the key "e" | 05:24 |
lgc | tritium, now you're talking! Thanks! I'll leave that for tomorrow, since I'm running very low on batt. "Adios" from Mexico! | 05:24 |
allisfree | it still lower, | 05:24 |
tritium | lgc, adios from Nuevo Mexico | 05:24 |
I-ninja | i hate ubuntu | 05:25 |
drogoh | It hates you too. | 05:25 |
I-ninja | its giving me a hard time | 05:25 |
dabaR | I-ninja: so? | 05:25 |
I-ninja | i cant install | 05:25 |
I-ninja | eeeeeeeeeeer | 05:25 |
I-ninja | lots of error | 05:25 |
nmstryoda | I-ninja, it's different... and takes a little effort to learn what to do | 05:25 |
I-ninja | blah blah | 05:25 |
dabaR | I-ninja: I think one of the main probs you have is you wanna run, and you cant even walk yet. | 05:25 |
dabaR | I-ninja: guive it some time | 05:25 |
drogoh | It hates you because you can't listen to suggestions. | 05:25 |
nmstryoda | you need to edit your repositories to reflect what you really need | 05:25 |
I-ninja | how | 05:25 |
nmstryoda | drogoh, well said | 05:25 |
nmstryoda | !repos | 05:25 |
ubotu | I heard repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 05:25 |
I-ninja | waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 05:26 |
nmstryoda | try that for starters | 05:26 |
jroes | oh my gosh | 05:26 |
I-ninja | no! | 05:26 |
jroes | please | 05:26 |
jroes | kick him | 05:26 |
jroes | :( | 05:26 |
drogoh | I-ninja, Suck it up. This isn't Windows. | 05:26 |
I-ninja | i dont need that, all i want is to play my favorite games on linux | 05:26 |
I-ninja | thats all i need | 05:26 |
tritium | I-ninja, please don't flood the channel with that | 05:26 |
I-ninja | i dont need to study | 05:26 |
drogoh | Ya know... | 05:26 |
dabaR | I-ninja: alternatively, open synaptic, cilck on settings, then repos. In there, click the add button, check off all bozxes,. and say ok, then yes, and thats it. | 05:26 |
drogoh | You need to learn. | 05:26 |
=== cody_ [n=bratsche@fl-boca-cuda2-c1a-148.pbc.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | I-ninja, don't expect anything in life to come that easily. | 05:27 |
=== MarkShark [n=mk@69-160-148-76.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
allisfree | strange thing. i enabled the "caps lock", but when i hit the key "e", it still lower in console. other key seems correct | 05:27 |
drogoh | Even though Ubuntu is one of the most user-friendly distributions out there, you actually need to think about your actions. | 05:27 |
s3[mn] rain | whenever I try and extract a cpio file it just gets stuck and doesnt do anything | 05:27 |
=== flugh [n=jim@pool-70-22-51-173.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jroes | I-ninja: with the attitude you're taking to Linux, it is unlikely that you will ever get to "play your favorite games in linux." in fact, with just that attitude in life in general you are never going to get anything you want. | 05:28 |
drogoh | In my opinion, gaming is one of the most annoying things to even mess with (commercial games, that is) | 05:28 |
=== anthony [n=anthony@HSE-Toronto-ppp297047.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | drogoh, agreed | 05:28 |
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dabaR | I never help ppl that wanna play games. | 05:28 |
drogoh | Loki had a good thing but Scott Draeker was a douche. | 05:28 |
dabaR | just cause I dont do it myself, and dont know what to do. | 05:28 |
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=== boxerboy29 [n=boxerboy@adsl-144-177-44.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
drogoh | So now we have UT2004 and Doom 3. :p | 05:28 |
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=== ksmurf [n=ksmurf@S0106000c76ba0623.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | I-ninja, just be thankful you have time to play games in the first place | 05:29 |
=== Blue1k [n=karl@S010600e018fc33a3.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
drogoh | Amen to that. | 05:29 |
=== qt2 [n=qt2@pool-71-241-195-125.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MarkShark | Debian/Ubuntu package question: Is there an easy to compare a package to what you have installed, to detect configuration file changes, for example? | 05:29 |
drogoh | It's 23:30 and I'm still working. | 05:29 |
nmstryoda | tritium, here here | 05:29 |
=== qt2 sighs. | ||
=== qt2 is slightly annoyed at these random segfaults he cant track down. | ||
Blue1k | question about compiling...getting a weird error during make | 05:30 |
drogoh | qt2, Hardware. :p | 05:30 |
qt2 | err, strke slightly, i meant extremly. | 05:30 |
nmstryoda | qt2, have you updated? | 05:30 |
ksmurf | !java | 05:30 |
ubotu | methinks java is to install Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 05:30 |
I-ninja | what is APT? | 05:30 |
=== bettong_BOFH [n=kisain_p@24-177-148-2.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["i'm] | ||
nmstryoda | !apt | 05:30 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, apt is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/ or http://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals#apt-howto | 05:30 |
=== robitaille [n=robitail@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | advanced package tool | 05:30 |
I-ninja | what am i gonna type on APT | 05:30 |
Blue1k | can anyone decipher this error: error: unknown register name %mm0 in asm | 05:30 |
drogoh | You're going to type man apt first. | 05:30 |
_jason | qt2: firefox? | 05:30 |
drogoh | ;/ | 05:30 |
tritium | Blue1k, what is it? | 05:30 |
=== Mizutsuki [n=Hydro_Ma@adsl-69-107-56-230.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
qt2 | drogoh: what hardware would you think would be causing that? everything seems to be working fine to me, and up till recently has been smooth sailing. | 05:31 |
nmstryoda | I-ninja, try info apt | 05:31 |
Blue1k | compiling gimpshop | 05:31 |
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qt2 | nmstryoda: update in what sense? | 05:31 |
allisfree | strange thing. i enabled the "caps lock", but when i hit the key "e", it still lower in console. other key seems correct | 05:31 |
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sproingie | Blue1k: ouch. what kind of CPU do you have? | 05:31 |
qt2 | _jason: among other apps, yes. | 05:31 |
jroes | Blue1k: sounds like you're compiling on the wrong arch | 05:31 |
nmstryoda | qt2, as in you using breezy or hoary? | 05:31 |
Blue1k | AMD XP 2700 | 05:31 |
=== dunja [n=dunja@c-24-15-233-31.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
drogoh | qt2, "random segfaults" always lead me towards memory, unless it's something mojo bad wrong in libc. | 05:31 |
nmstryoda | qt2, and updating to latest patches... | 05:31 |
sproingie | Blue1k: try adding -march=k7 to your CFLAGS | 05:31 |
dunja | ?ello, is anyone else having problems updating to firefox | 05:31 |
nmstryoda | drogoh, or overheating chips... like video | 05:31 |
Mizutsuki | I have a hardware issue, I'm trying to get a wifi card working on my laptop, I'm a linux newb, it's a D-link DWL-G650, can anyone help? | 05:32 |
Blue1k | ya I've never had this before...I just compiled avidemux fine | 05:32 |
_jason | dunja: what kind of problems? | 05:32 |
I-ninja | waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 05:32 |
drogoh | nmstryoda, True. | 05:32 |
drogoh | I-ninja, Die. | 05:32 |
tritium | I-ninja, please stop. | 05:32 |
dabaR | 15146314537 183/topic | 05:32 |
dabaR | oops | 05:32 |
dunja | _jason: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/mozilla-firefox_1.0.7-0ubuntu0.1_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/var/lib/mozilla-firefox/extensions.d/00classic', which is also in package firefox | 05:32 |
dunja | E: /var/cache/apt/archives/mozilla-firefox-gnome-support_1.0.7-0ubuntu0.1_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/components/libmozgnome.so', which is also in package firefox-gnome-support | 05:32 |
I-ninja | i cant install wine | 05:32 |
tritium | drogoh, too harsh, dude. Please be nice. | 05:32 |
Blue1k | march or mach | 05:32 |
tritium | dunja, no pasting please | 05:32 |
sproingie | Blue1k: actually the cflags might not do it. it could be the compile making bad CPU assumptions | 05:32 |
drogoh | Sorry. :) | 05:32 |
=== jroes commends tritium for his patience | ||
I-ninja | what am i gonna put oN APT!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 05:32 |
dunja | sorry | 05:32 |
I-ninja | i click on add | 05:32 |
I-ninja | i click on custom | 05:32 |
qt2 | nmstryoda: hoary, and yes, i'm up to date. | 05:32 |
thrice` | I-ninja, don't be retarded | 05:32 |
Blue1k | ahh...how come for gimpshop and not another source? | 05:32 |
I-ninja | now asked me for APT | 05:32 |
tritium | thanks, jroes | 05:32 |
nmstryoda | drogoh, i had that happen playing bzflag... oops, game... but cooling fan died on the video card... replaced with static heat pipe... all better now | 05:32 |
_jason | dunja: killall firefox-bin | 05:32 |
I-ninja | what the | 05:32 |
sproingie | Blue1k: does it give you a source line in a .c file or a .S file? | 05:33 |
dabaR | I-ninja: you went off road a little | 05:33 |
I-ninja | this is so frustrating | 05:33 |
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dabaR | I-ninja: You dont want custom. | 05:33 |
thrice` | I-ninja, 3 people pointed you in the direction | 05:33 |
dunja | thanks _jason, i'll try it now | 05:33 |
qt2 | drogoh: hm, well, i've tried differnet memory, might applications segfault if another app is using say, far too much of hte cpu or memory? | 05:33 |
Mizutsuki | jesus, this place is too full, can I get someone who knows ubuntu to PM with me? | 05:33 |
thoreauputic | !tell I-ninja about docs | 05:33 |
thrice` | linux won't spoon feed...learn some things yourself | 05:33 |
Blue1k | .c | 05:33 |
nmstryoda | I-ninja, do you read or just copy/paste everything you say? | 05:33 |
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thoreauputic | I-ninja: time to do some reading | 05:33 |
nmstryoda | rpm spoiled children | 05:33 |
drogoh | qt2, The only reason they would segfault would be if it OOM'd. | 05:34 |
_jason | dunja: it should work... to be on the safe side I personally removed all the firefox packages and reinstalled them... (make sure you get gnome-desktop back too bnecause that is removed) | 05:34 |
tritium | Mizutsuki, please ask your question in the channel. That will maximize the probability of you getting a good answer anyway. | 05:34 |
dunja | _jason, it did not work, same error. i tried restarting the compiter too | 05:34 |
sproingie | Blue1k: sounds like they hardwired some asm into the c file that isn't for your arch. make sure you have the right sources. could check the .c file and see if it's #ifdef'd properly | 05:34 |
Mizutsuki | tritium - I did, and was ignored | 05:34 |
nmstryoda | Mizutsuki, ask again | 05:34 |
=== specialbuddy [n=matt@24-177-146-9.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
drogoh | Mizutsuki, Wait for a break in the waves and cast your line again. | 05:34 |
sproingie | Blue1k: only way to know for sure is to pull up that .c file and see if there's inline asm | 05:34 |
allisfree | strange thing. i enabled the "caps lock", but when i hit the key "e", it still lower in console. other key seems correct | 05:34 |
drogoh | I did that last night. | 05:34 |
_jason | dunja: after you kill te process you should be able to start firefox | 05:34 |
qt2 | drogoh: OOM'd? | 05:35 |
Mizutsuki | I'm trying to instal a D-link DWL-G650 wifi PCMCIA card, and it isn't working, I'm a newb... | 05:35 |
drogoh | qt2, Out of memory. | 05:35 |
_jason | dunja: if you want to reinstall then you need to remove your firefox packages and then reinstall them | 05:35 |
jroes | qt2: out of memory | 05:35 |
=== Falstius [n=airen@bgp997741bgs.nanarb01.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Mizutsuki | can anyone help? | 05:35 |
sudonim | I am looking in the package manager for snes emulators - what is the difference between gsnes9x and snes9express. gsnes9x has a gnome front end and snes9express has a gtk+ front end. Which is better? | 05:35 |
Blue1k | the full error is this: | 05:35 |
bimberi | Mizutsuki: check to see if your card (and possibly instructions) is listed here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards | 05:35 |
Blue1k | gimp-composite-mmx.c:94: error: unknown register name %mm0 in asm | 05:35 |
MarkShark | Mizutsuki: What has happened so far? | 05:35 |
thoreauputic | Mizutsuki: try telling us what you did, and what error messages you have | 05:35 |
dunja | _jason, but it won't let me update to 1.07 and it won't even open | 05:35 |
I-ninja | zzzzzzzzzzzz | 05:35 |
Mizutsuki | bimberi - it is, but I don't understand the instructions | 05:35 |
allisfree | you don't have the problem? | 05:35 |
tritium | I-ninja, stop pasting that nonsense | 05:35 |
qt2 | ah, i see... well, running a game in wine and doing other stuff at the same time seems to be the main time stuff segfaults ^.^; | 05:35 |
nmstryoda | _jason, dunja you might have bad chrome folder/extension... deleteing profile or starting Firefox with new clean profile might help | 05:35 |
specialbuddy | how do I play .mov files on firefox | 05:36 |
nmstryoda | firefox -ProfileManager | 05:36 |
Mizutsuki | thoreau - no, no errors, it just doesn't work | 05:36 |
=== ^BaTu_HaN^ [n=kravat@mebax13-b076.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dunja | _jason, sorry i am very very new at this, how can i do this? or how can i delete all firefox packages? | 05:36 |
specialbuddy | how do I play .mov files on firefox? | 05:36 |
thoreauputic | I-ninja: rather soon the ops patinece with you will rub out | 05:36 |
sproingie | Blue1k: i dunno gas's nasty syntax, but i'm guessing that's a mmx register. which SHOULD work on your cpu, but maybe it wants different syntax for it? | 05:36 |
Blue1k | I compiled this source fine in hoary..can't do it in breezy though | 05:36 |
nmstryoda | !tell specialbuddy about mplayer | 05:36 |
specialbuddy | k | 05:36 |
Mizutsuki | thoreau - though I have no idea how to install hardware in linux... I'm a complete newb | 05:36 |
=== Kjes [n=kjes@ti231110a080-1648.bb.online.no] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
nmstryoda | !tell about repos | 05:36 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@CPE00207800049a-CM023030001446.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sproingie | Blue1k: this might be one of those times where a precompiled binary is good to start with | 05:36 |
_jason | dunja pm | 05:36 |
nmstryoda | !tell about specialbuddy about repos | 05:36 |
nmstryoda | !tell specialbuddy about repos | 05:37 |
nmstryoda | !repos | 05:37 |
ubotu | repos is, like, totally, at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 05:37 |
nmstryoda | dang it | 05:37 |
Blue1k | ya true enough...I'll look for a deb | 05:37 |
drogoh | Mizutsuki, Have you tried ndiswrapper? | 05:37 |
nmstryoda | specialbuddy, look at that too. | 05:37 |
I-ninja | Ubuntu is easy when u just wanna surf and chat but the installation method sucks! big time! debian installation suck!, ill rather have a distro who only use RPM its easy | 05:37 |
=== Rotund [n=joe@d19-85.rb.lax.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Blue1k | weird thing is I just did it in Hoary :( | 05:37 |
Mizutsuki | dragoh - what's that? | 05:37 |
Blue1k | Breezy hates me | 05:37 |
specialbuddy | I know how to do that | 05:37 |
=== dooglus__ [n=dooglus@r2m7.chello.upc.cz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
drogoh | I-ninja, It's only because you don't want to read. | 05:37 |
qt2 | drogoh: how would i check to see if something is OOMing? | 05:37 |
nmstryoda | Blue-Box, nah.. it doesn't | 05:37 |
dabaR | I-ninja: stop saying things like that if you want help. | 05:37 |
Blue1k | oh..question | 05:37 |
ksmurf | well installing java that way is not hard at all, if I can do it.... | 05:37 |
thoreauputic | Mizutsuki: try tab completing nicknames - I only saw your last post by accident | 05:37 |
specialbuddy | I want to know why I can't see .mov on firefox | 05:37 |
drogoh | qt2, Watch top. | 05:38 |
drogoh | (for one) | 05:38 |
nmstryoda | Blue1k, it's just still in development | 05:38 |
ksmurf | do you have it linked? | 05:38 |
Blue1k | can I use the deb package I made in hoary for gimpshop in breeazy | 05:38 |
drogoh | And watch /var/log/messages too. | 05:38 |
tritium | I-ninja, rpm is inferior | 05:38 |
Blue1k | ya I know | 05:38 |
nmstryoda | specialbuddy, you need the restricted formats | 05:38 |
sproingie | tritium: let's not feed the trolls | 05:38 |
Mizutsuki | thoreauputic - I think it's an issue in that there isn't a device in the /dev/ but I could be wrong | 05:38 |
specialbuddy | what does that mean? | 05:38 |
=== jtan325 [n=jtan325@c-24-22-163-23.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MadpilotPPC | I-ninja, Synaptic is hard to use? Really? | 05:38 |
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Mizutsuki | thoreauputic - the thing is that it looks like the drivers are in the kernal or whatever | 05:38 |
tritium | sproingie, indeed ;) | 05:38 |
I-ninja | yajh very hard | 05:38 |
drogoh | MadpilotPPC, Pah, he wants people to spoon feed him. | 05:39 |
I-ninja | cant understand how can i install wine out of it | 05:39 |
nmstryoda | specialbuddy, look at that repository link above | 05:39 |
I-ninja | so HARD! BIG TIME | 05:39 |
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=== ubuntu is now known as Carolyn | ||
=== nicotin [n=eureka@200-127-2-216.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
I-ninja | dam it | 05:39 |
Carolyn | Hey | 05:39 |
Mizutsuki | this channel is maddeningly overfull | 05:39 |
nmstryoda | !restrictedformats | 05:39 |
ubotu | restrictedformats is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or 'codecs' | 05:39 |
nicotin | hi | 05:39 |
Blue1k | bad to use the deb I made in hoary for breezy? | 05:39 |
Carolyn | how are you guys doin? | 05:39 |
nmstryoda | specialbuddy, see taht | 05:39 |
tritium | I-ninja, last warning, really | 05:39 |
thoreauputic | Mizutsuki: if you can find out the driver/ module name you can do "sudo modprobe <modulename> " to install it | 05:39 |
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nmstryoda | Carolyn, hello ... busy | 05:39 |
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nmstryoda | =) | 05:39 |
Mizutsuki | thoreauputic - I don't know what any of that means | 05:40 |
MarkShark | Bluekl: Breezy is using a whole new version of gcc that is very new. That | 05:40 |
dabaR | I-ninja: to get help here, you need to know what exactly you want. Not for example, I want to play windows games. Not eevn I want to install wine. You need to ask questions like, where is wine? Universe. How can I enable Universe? It is shown here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto . | 05:40 |
nmstryoda | ok thanks dabaR | 05:40 |
I-ninja | tritium just tell me how do u install and play games on ur Ubuntu no more dam sites that u gave to me | 05:40 |
allisfree | strange thing. i enabled the "caps lock", but when i hit the key "e", it still lower in console. other key seems correct | 05:40 |
specialbuddy | I already added repositories | 05:40 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@] by tritium | ||
_jason | dunja: still there? | 05:40 |
Blue1k | ya I know..I installed 3.4 as well | 05:40 |
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MarkShark | Bluekl: For that reason, it's not that surprising that it would work in Hoary, but not Breezy. | 05:40 |
drogoh | Hm. | 05:40 |
qt2 | well, no sign of OOMs... | 05:40 |
nicotin | someone speak spanish? | 05:40 |
nmstryoda | tritium, thanks | 05:41 |
tritium | I-ninja, don't be insistent and rude. You need to read the help we give you. | 05:41 |
Blue1k | I guess I could try my package in breezy and see what happens | 05:41 |
tritium | If you can't help yourself, we can't help you either. | 05:41 |
sdali | Does anyone know if I can copy my cached packages to another Ubuntu box, and edit the sources.list file so it won't have to re-download them from the internet? | 05:41 |
nmstryoda | !tell nicotin es | 05:41 |
drogoh | The ndiswrapper list shows the DWL-G650 as supported. | 05:41 |
=== Sonny_Wertzik [n=Sonny_We@ip24-250-11-28.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hikaru79 | How can I create my own mime-type? I have a bunch of .sgf files which I am sick of Ubuntu being convinced that it is just a plain text file, and opening them with gedit. How can I setup a new MIME type, anyone? | 05:41 |
thoreauputic | !es | 05:41 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 05:41 |
Mizutsuki | drogoh - yeah, that's what's confusing me... it's not working | 05:41 |
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Hikaru79 | !mime | 05:41 |
ubotu | Hikaru79: Are you smoking crack? | 05:41 |
Blue1k | thanks guys...I'll try my deb and see if it works | 05:41 |
sdali | And BTW, where are the cached pkgs kept? | 05:41 |
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drogoh | Ah, hm. | 05:41 |
MarkShark | sdali: I've never tried it, but I think it would work. | 05:41 |
tritium | /var/cache/apt/archives, sdali | 05:41 |
narg | sdali: apt-cache? :p | 05:42 |
sdali | thnks | 05:42 |
Carolyn | I just got the 5.10 version of UBUNTU | 05:42 |
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specialbuddy | I just want to know how to see .mov files on firefox | 05:42 |
dabaR | woohoo...:-/ | 05:42 |
sdali | I'll man apt-cache. Thx | 05:42 |
nmstryoda | Carolyn, as in downloaded? | 05:42 |
tritium | Carolyn, a pre-release, actually | 05:42 |
Carolyn | mailed I'm checkin it out | 05:42 |
nmstryoda | cool | 05:42 |
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nmstryoda | Breezy is pretty nice | 05:42 |
Carolyn | this is a pre release? | 05:42 |
allisfree | Someone? | 05:42 |
nmstryoda | er, yes | 05:42 |
Sonny_Wertzik | anoyine know where i can get some new GRUB boot screens besides gnome-look | 05:42 |
jbroome | yes | 05:42 |
nalioth | Carolyn: until oct 13, yes | 05:42 |
dabaR | Carolyn: are you sure you got a 5.10 in the mail? | 05:42 |
specialbuddy | what's the difference between breezy and the one now | 05:43 |
Carolyn | yeah I"m pretty sure I got it in the mail | 05:43 |
tritium | breezy is the new one, specialbuddy | 05:43 |
tritium | Carolyn, breezy has not mailed to anyone | 05:43 |
specialbuddy | I know that, tritium | 05:43 |
thrice` | Carolyn, impossible =] | 05:43 |
Carolyn | I opened the package :) | 05:43 |
specialbuddy | I just want to know what's special about it | 05:43 |
=== thom_ [n=thom@ip70-187-209-40.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
allisfree | tritium: strange thing. i enabled the "caps lock", but when i hit the key "e", it still lower in console. other key seems correct | 05:43 |
Carolyn | somehow it is | 05:43 |
nmstryoda | Carolyn, what color is the packaging? | 05:43 |
tritium | gnome 2.12, for starters, specialbuddy | 05:43 |
=== WebLOCH [n=baris@82-34-95-143.cable.ubr05.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WebLOCH | allo | 05:43 |
tritium | allisfree, that's just crazy, dude | 05:44 |
specialbuddy | what else | 05:44 |
dabaR | hey | 05:44 |
nmstryoda | WebLOCH, heyya | 05:44 |
thom_ | hello | 05:44 |
Carolyn | the intel one is red with five clothed people | 05:44 |
thoreauputic | Carolyn: did you order from another supplier or through Ubuntu itself? | 05:44 |
Blue1k | anyone from Vancouver area..me and Rule are putting together a release party or night out | 05:44 |
nmstryoda | ah, 5.04... Hoary | 05:44 |
Carolyn | the AMD one is yellow with the same five clothed people | 05:44 |
thom_ | can someone offer me a tip | 05:44 |
=== Hobbsee [n=sarah@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Carolyn | Ubuntu itself | 05:44 |
calc | thom_: don't take candy from strangers :) | 05:44 |
thoreauputic | Carolyn: sounds like 5.04 | 05:44 |
thrice` | thom_, not if you don't ask a question | 05:44 |
nmstryoda | right... discs are red for i386 | 05:44 |
Carolyn | ohhhhh | 05:44 |
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Carolyn | my bad it is | 05:44 |
Carolyn | :/ | 05:44 |
nmstryoda | np | 05:44 |
Sonny_Wertzik | Clothed hehehehe | 05:44 |
thoreauputic | Carolyn: OK | 05:44 |
specialbuddy | where can I read about the changes in breezy | 05:45 |
dooglus | allisfree: if you run a "vi" in the console, and type stuff with capslock on, save the file, then view it in gnome, is the 'e' still small? | 05:45 |
Carolyn | I was thinking of the article I read on Slashdot early this morning about Ubuntu 5.10 | 05:45 |
specialbuddy | and how can I watch .mov files with firefox | 05:45 |
nmstryoda | Carolyn, easy upgrade though to pre-release breezy | 05:45 |
=== tritium should setup a LoCo in New Mexico | ||
Carolyn | I hope they send me that too! | 05:45 |
thom_ | i got colony cd 5 installed | 05:45 |
dabaR | specialbuddy: read the forums on the diffs. | 05:45 |
dooglus | specialbuddy: nothing much changed | 05:45 |
hjk57 | i tried the upgrade, and wasn't too happy | 05:45 |
nmstryoda | Carolyn, you have to place order for that | 05:45 |
specialbuddy | ok | 05:45 |
thom_ | notebook with nvidia works great | 05:45 |
hjk57 | fresh install of breezy was much better for me | 05:45 |
Carolyn | oh more orders for it? | 05:45 |
Carolyn | cool | 05:45 |
nmstryoda | thom_, yea | 05:45 |
nmstryoda | yup | 05:45 |
specialbuddy | does mandriva use .rpm | 05:45 |
thoreauputic | tritium: I thought people from New Mexico were loco anyway ? /me runs | 05:46 |
linner | nalioth: tritium: aftertaf: thoreauputic: hey guys :) | 05:46 |
tritium | dooglus, there are lots of improvements | 05:46 |
nmstryoda | specialbuddy, yes | 05:46 |
dabaR | does specialbuddy use google? | 05:46 |
thoreauputic | hi linner :) | 05:46 |
Blue1k | yes to mandriva | 05:46 |
linner | :) | 05:46 |
neotrophy | I have a problem with KDM. When I log in, it starts a brings up a blank, grey X session, then drops back to the login prompt. GDM work fine (execpt that it doesn't seem to be able to remember my last session type) | 05:46 |
thom_ | i installed the special packages which gave me older kernel headers as dependencies i think | 05:46 |
=== tritium smacks thoreauputic | ||
nmstryoda | linner, any luck? | 05:46 |
Sonny_Wertzik | anoyine know where i can get some new GRUB boot screens besides gnome-look? | 05:46 |
dooglus | tritium: yes, but nothing major. | 05:46 |
allisfree | no, i can input upcase E with shift+e | 05:46 |
linner | that wasn't very nice tritium | 05:46 |
linner | :) | 05:46 |
Carolyn | Ah well | 05:46 |
dooglus | the biggest thing you'll notice probably is that office apps take about twice as long to start up | 05:46 |
=== thoreauputic is suitably apologetic to tritium | ||
tritium | dooglus, laptop support is quite improved, dooglus | 05:46 |
thom_ | how can i best get the older kernel out of grub and out of src/ | 05:46 |
tritium | thoreauputic, heh :) | 05:46 |
thoreauputic | :) | 05:47 |
Carolyn | I am still in the process of dual booting Windows with Fedora core 4 | 05:47 |
nmstryoda | dooglus, really? mine are faster now with latest patches in breezy | 05:47 |
WebLOCH | Sonny_Wertzik, how are you applying them? | 05:47 |
specialbuddy | why is .rpm so easy | 05:47 |
dooglus | tritium: is it? I ran hoary and breezy on the same laptop and they're both fine, tritium | 05:47 |
tritium | thoreauputic, by the way, you might have a point ;) | 05:47 |
dooglus | nmstryoda: I don't run them often. | 05:47 |
=== neotrophy recently switched from Mandriva... Much happier on ubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | tritium: really? i didnt notice it when i upgraded, then came back | 05:47 |
nmstryoda | k | 05:47 |
thrice` | which udev does ubuntu plan to ship with ? | 05:47 |
thoreauputic | tritium: hahah :D | 05:47 |
thom_ | hoary would not install ever on my vaio | 05:47 |
tritium | dooglus, Hobbsee, yes | 05:47 |
Sonny_Wertzik | WebLOCH, im not sure what u mean? | 05:47 |
nmstryoda | well breezy is sweet on my 2 laptops | 05:47 |
thrice` | 070 is acting weird | 05:47 |
nmstryoda | new and old tech | 05:47 |
Mizutsuki | I was wondering if there was anyway that ubuntu supports my laptop's s-video out? | 05:47 |
thom_ | but breezy works real good | 05:47 |
WebLOCH | Sonny_Wertzik, how are you applying the splash screens, Upower? Splashy? | 05:48 |
Hobbsee | triium: guess you've given me a reason to upgrade then... | 05:48 |
Blue1k | breezy works fine on my widescreen Compaq | 05:48 |
Carolyn | well | 05:48 |
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rob^ | WebLOCH, just theme usplash | 05:48 |
Carolyn | I am excited about it anyhow | 05:48 |
tritium | Hobbsee, cool | 05:48 |
nmstryoda | Mizutsuki, does it have a nice video card?... my ATI on my old dell works | 05:48 |
=== Sivasta_Negezer [i=92881@168-NAT.s-man.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Blue1k | ok..my gimpshop deb I made in hoary kicks ass in breezy | 05:48 |
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Carolyn | I was hoping there would be more stuff on this Ubuntu disc | 05:48 |
Sonny_Wertzik | WebLOCH, um ...i guess while all the drivers and stuff are loading | 05:48 |
Hobbsee | shoot...how do it do that with the debs of openoffice beta 130? | 05:48 |
Blue1k | problem solved | 05:48 |
thom_ | anyone: can synaptic remove the older kernel from grub and the file ?? | 05:48 |
=== bfgrem [n=bfallik@c-66-30-11-142.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | can i remove them? | 05:48 |
nmstryoda | Blue-Box, is it better than Gimp? | 05:48 |
dooglus | specialbuddy: this page is good for seeing what's new in breezy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyGoals?highlight=%28breezy%29 | 05:48 |
rob^ | Carolyn, as it is the cd is full up | 05:48 |
nmstryoda | or just new face? | 05:48 |
WebLOCH | rob^, yeah i installed it a few days ago | 05:48 |
Sonny_Wertzik | WebLOCH, is that what splashy means? | 05:49 |
Mizutsuki | nmstryoda - not sure, it's an IBM thinkpad T22 | 05:49 |
=== adamh [n=adam@modemcable015.203-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rob^ | nmstryoda, just a nre face | 05:49 |
JonnyRo | Is there any specific reason why there are 352 updates waiting after a fresh install of breezy? is there a new CD out that already has the updates? | 05:49 |
WebLOCH | rob^, but I changed kernel and now I cant find it/install i | 05:49 |
rob^ | new even.. | 05:49 |
Blue1k | not better just has the interface of Photoshop | 05:49 |
nmstryoda | rob^, cool | 05:49 |
thoreauputic | !tell Carolyn about synaptic | 05:49 |
Carolyn | rob, live CD | 05:49 |
specialbuddy | thanx, dooglus | 05:49 |
calc | JonnyRo: breezy isn't released yet | 05:49 |
adamh | I don't have color ink. How can I print a PDF in grayscale, even though my printer (Canon S520) is color? | 05:49 |
=== transparentdream [n=transpar@c-67-176-67-90.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | !tell Carolyn about docs | 05:49 |
Blue1k | JonnyRo its because its in dev | 05:49 |
Strog | JonnyRo: breezy is a moving target. The CD is a snapshot | 05:49 |
calc | JonnyRo: the colony's are just snapshots | 05:49 |
nmstryoda | lol | 05:49 |
Strog | heh | 05:49 |
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transparentdream | How do I use Remote Desktop? Trying to connect to another computer, but don;t know how to work it | 05:49 |
=== vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lawman | whats everone think of ubuntu? Just loaded it | 05:50 |
neotrophy | adamh: S520 is a bitch to get working well. | 05:50 |
thrice` | hrm...breezy is using some ollld stuff | 05:50 |
thrice` | i hope it updates udev | 05:50 |
nmstryoda | !remotedesktop | 05:50 |
ubotu | NO SPEAKE ENLISH!, nmstryoda | 05:50 |
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thrice` | and grub | 05:50 |
tritium | lawman, it rocks! | 05:50 |
nmstryoda | grrr | 05:50 |
adamh | neotrophy: It works perfectly for me, except I don't actually *have* color ink :P | 05:50 |
Carolyn | I like the Intro music to Ubuntu | 05:50 |
JonnyRo | are there nightly snapshots out? | 05:50 |
=== kraker [n=kraker@pool-71-101-222-76.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lawman | Im loving it too......wireless rocks!! | 05:50 |
adamh | Could ghostscript perhaps convert a colour PDF to grayscale? | 05:50 |
rob^ | transparentdream, System -> Preferences -> Remote desktpo | 05:50 |
JonnyRo | either way, in the short term i'll set up a proxy, so i can not have to download these updates for every machine | 05:50 |
adamh | (It's late, I need to just print this and sleep) | 05:50 |
rob^ | pfft my typing sucks today | 05:50 |
Blue1k | if anyone wants to try gimpshop I can send it to you...it works for me in hoary and breezy...so much nicer than standard gimp | 05:50 |
thrice` | JonnyRo, well, snapshot 5 was JUST out (like today or yesterday) | 05:50 |
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neotrophy | adamh: so long as you don't mind 600x600dpi resolution | 05:50 |
thrice` | the RC's are soon to come | 05:50 |
thom_ | Carolyn: what music? | 05:51 |
dabaR | annoying scrolling channel | 05:51 |
transparentdream | rob^, my friend and i's thing says the same thing | 05:51 |
JonnyRo | thrice`, thanks, i'll download the new ISO, this cd is from about 4 days ago | 05:51 |
linner | rob^ : are you the same rob that I spoke to this morning? | 05:51 |
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rob^ | linner, probably.. | 05:51 |
thrice` | JonnyRo, if you've got it installed, just update | 05:51 |
=== billytwowilly [n=chris@S0106000c413a2c0c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linner | rob^: do you recognize my nick? | 05:51 |
Blue1k | ya..update works fine | 05:51 |
rob^ | transparentdream, you have to enable it first | 05:51 |
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dooglus | does anyone know how to build libraries? | 05:51 |
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calc | JonnyRo: i have 66 updated packages from just today on my machine (upgraded yesterday too) | 05:51 |
bacon | id like to see it bluelk | 05:51 |
linner | rob^: we talked about my system clock all haywire... | 05:51 |
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neotrophy | I have a problem with KDM. When I log in, it starts a brings up a blank, grey X session, then drops back to the login prompt. GDM work fine (execpt that it doesn't seem to be able to remember my last session type). Anyone got any ideas? | 05:52 |
Sonny_Wertzik | WebLOCH, ya still there? | 05:52 |
JonnyRo | calc, thrice` , will do | 05:52 |
transparentdream | rob^, it is enabled | 05:52 |
tritium | linner, Burgundavia is having that problem too | 05:52 |
specialbuddy | can you play .mov files on ubuntu | 05:52 |
Blue1k | sure..I'll upload it to my webspace...PM me for the link | 05:52 |
JonnyRo | OpenOffice 2 is a nice addition | 05:52 |
linner | tritium: really? mine's still not working right | 05:52 |
JonnyRo | any news on the Totem sound issues? | 05:52 |
calc | specialbuddy: totem-xine can play just about anything | 05:52 |
JonnyRo | did that get resolved in this release? | 05:52 |
calc | totem-gstreamer is more limited in what it can play | 05:52 |
thoreauputic | !tell specialbuddy about restricted | 05:52 |
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transparentdream | rob^, how do I actualy ececute the remote desktop program? | 05:53 |
rob^ | transparentdream, then use Applications -> Internet -> Terminal server client | 05:53 |
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specialbuddy | k | 05:53 |
thoreauputic | tritium: I saw it long ago as a kid :) | 05:53 |
thechris | so, installed ubuntu today. gdm crashes... | 05:53 |
thechris | any easy fix | 05:53 |
tritium | thoreauputic, you've been here? cool! | 05:53 |
transparentdream | rob^, thanks! but what do I do now... | 05:53 |
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thoreauputic | tritium: I'd like to ski Taos though ;) | 05:53 |
Blue1k | reinstall it thechris... | 05:54 |
tritium | thoreauputic, well, you're always welcome :) | 05:54 |
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thoreauputic | tritium: hottest chili I ever tasted *grin* | 05:54 |
dabaR | Blue1k: you know this will help? | 05:54 |
tritium | thoreauputic, definitely :) | 05:54 |
rob^ | transparentdream, just stick in the ip address, a username and password and any other details you need then click connect | 05:54 |
Blue1k | eh? | 05:54 |
adamh | How can I convert a PDF to grayscale? | 05:54 |
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Arkainium | tritium, the problem was HAL. I think it introduces more problems than it solves. :/ | 05:54 |
thechris | Blue1k: its a fresh install | 05:54 |
dabaR | Blue1k: have you tried this before? do you hyave any reason to believe it will work? | 05:54 |
Blue1k | yes | 05:54 |
tritium | Arkainium, no kidding? Not hdc? | 05:54 |
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transparentdream | rob^, does the ip address go in computer name? what username and password should i use? What should my friend do on his computer to accept the connection? | 05:55 |
Blue1k | I had the same thing and instead of troubleshooting I reinstalled..worked | 05:55 |
Blue1k | did you check MD5 | 05:55 |
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dabaR | Blue1k: really? ok. | 05:55 |
vinboy | what other fancy things can I do with ubuntu? | 05:55 |
JonnyRo | tritium, where you from? | 05:55 |
JonnyRo | tritium, i grew up in Pena blanca, NM | 05:55 |
tritium | JonnyRo, Albuquerque | 05:55 |
JonnyRo | between santa fe and albuquerque | 05:55 |
Arkainium | tritium, apparently HAL is polling hdc too early and that's what's causing the interrupt. Who knows? :P But by disabling hal, everything works flawlessly. | 05:55 |
linner | tritium: how did the other time problem get resolved? | 05:55 |
tritium | Cool, JonnyRo :) | 05:56 |
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JonnyRo | tritium, i went to saint pius high school, class '99 | 05:56 |
drogoh | vinboy, You can play Global Thermonuclear War. | 05:56 |
Blue1k | dabar..may have a corrupted install | 05:56 |
tritium | linner, not sure that it did. | 05:56 |
linner | crap | 05:56 |
rob^ | transparentdream, yes, and use a username/password from the remote system | 05:56 |
vinboy | drogoh, really? where can i get it | 05:56 |
dabaR | thechris: whats the graphics card? | 05:56 |
tritium | JonnyRo, no way. I did too, class of 1992 | 05:56 |
transparentdream | ok thank you rob^! | 05:56 |
rob^ | np | 05:56 |
drogoh | vinboy, Your local arms cache. | 05:56 |
drogoh | ;/ | 05:56 |
drogoh | vinboy, Seriously, world domination is possible with Linux. | 05:57 |
thechris | dabaR: nvidia 6800 | 05:57 |
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adamh | ah, found it: pdf2ps -sDEVICE=psgray -r300 input.pdf | 05:57 |
drogoh | You only need two things: /bin/tcsh and /usr/bin/perl | 05:57 |
Blue1k | food time... | 05:57 |
dabaR | thechris: how does gdm crash? do you ever get to the part where you type a user name? | 05:57 |
atty | how to install sun-j2re1.5? | 05:58 |
rob^ | !java | 05:58 |
ubotu | java is probably to install Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 05:58 |
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bacon | atty -> The package misteriously disappeared from backports repository it seems | 05:58 |
transparentdream | rob^, should i just put the ip address or some extenstion too? | 05:58 |
dabaR | atty: do you have a file on your computer called that? | 05:58 |
rob^ | just the ip | 05:58 |
thechris | dabaR: i can log in, but gnome never loads (it crashed) | 05:58 |
atty | nope | 05:58 |
bacon | i can give you a manuel way to install the jre | 05:58 |
thechris | dabaR: and if i click anything it crashes | 05:58 |
thechris | dabaR: the keyboard stops responding but the mouse still works | 05:59 |
dabaR | thechris: so you get that little message box saying it crashed in less than 1- secs? | 05:59 |
rob^ | the manual way to install java is on that page | 05:59 |
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atty | i did try try sudo apt-get install sun-j2re1.5 | 05:59 |
ShagWill | hi | 05:59 |
transparentdream | ok | 05:59 |
atty | but say coldn't find package | 05:59 |
ShagWill | does ubuntu is bootable from a firewire disk on a mac ? | 05:59 |
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dabaR | atty: it is not installable through synaptic atm, unless you have some weird repiository enabled. read that page to see what you can find. | 05:59 |
thoreauputic | !tell atty about sunjava | 05:59 |
thechris | dabaR: nope | 05:59 |
sudonim | ShagWill: It should be :) | 06:00 |
eagleye | anyone know how to run a .asf streaming video | 06:00 |
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thoreauputic | !sunjava | 06:00 |
sudonim | ShagWill: Do you know how to tell the mac to boot from a firewire drive? | 06:00 |
ubotu | For Sun-Java debs add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list (for hoary) deb http://ubuntu.tower-net.de/ubuntu/ hoary java ; or go to seveas.ubuntulinux.nl (for Breezy) | 06:00 |
rob^ | have a look at the page and see for yourself.. | 06:00 |
dabaR | thechris: what, the gdm screen shows up, asking you for user name and password, right? | 06:00 |
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esac | what can i install to play pcm-coded .wav files ? i tried installing every gstreamer plugin with no luck, and aplay doesnt play them either | 06:00 |
ShagWill | sudonim: I just tried with Gentoo distro but I'm having difficulties | 06:00 |
Bicchi | i have a usb pen drive that doesn't want to mount. i even think its not even been detected at all. how do i troubleshoot it? | 06:00 |
sudonim | ShagWill: I believe you have to hold down Apple-T when the computer is booting up. | 06:00 |
rob^ | ouch, Seveas shouldn't be offering his own packages for things | 06:01 |
atty | brb | 06:01 |
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atty | want to try ubotu style | 06:01 |
ShagWill | sudonim: it will boot as a firewire slave mode | 06:01 |
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transparentdream | rob^, why isn;t it working? Do i need special ports disabled in my firewall? | 06:01 |
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linner | !ndiswrapper | 06:01 |
ubotu | methinks ndiswrapper is a way to support Windows wirless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetUpNdiswrapper | 06:01 |
thechris | dabaR: yes. i get gdm up. but clicking anything, or loging in will cause a crash | 06:01 |
rob^ | transparentdream, could be any number of things like that | 06:01 |
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eagleye | Does anyone know how to run a .asf streaming video, Can anyone help | 06:02 |
rob^ | transparentdream, just play around with the settings | 06:02 |
dabaR | thechris: what does the crash do, any error messages? | 06:02 |
bacon | btw anybody knows why the jre packages are gone? | 06:02 |
tritium | legal reasons | 06:03 |
drogoh | eagleye, mplayer plugin? | 06:03 |
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chris__ | i have a blitzz wireless super g router that works fine in windows, but i cannot connect to gaim or x-chat in ubuntu can anyone help ? | 06:03 |
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thechris | dabaR: when i tried to set session to "gnome" the option "gnome" stayed pressed in. and then it was like moving the mouse over a screenshot -- couldn't click anything and kbd didn't respond, not even capslock | 06:03 |
whyameye | eagleeye, does totem-xine play them? | 06:04 |
sudonim | ShagWill: doing a quick google search looks like you need YaBoot | 06:04 |
rob^ | !java | 06:04 |
ubotu | from memory, java is to install Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 06:04 |
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esac | what can i install to play pcm-coded .wav files ? i tried installing every gstreamer plugin with no luck, and aplay doesnt play them either | 06:05 |
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rob^ | ubotu no java is to install Java see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-55315677ab8f9890825549fa2ecebdde4bc68087 | 06:05 |
ubotu | okay, rob^ | 06:05 |
capiCrimm | What is my .emacs file(where can i find it)? | 06:05 |
rob^ | !sunjava | 06:06 |
ubotu | For Sun-Java debs add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list (for hoary) deb http://ubuntu.tower-net.de/ubuntu/ hoary java ; or go to seveas.ubuntulinux.nl (for Breezy) | 06:06 |
rob^ | ubotu no sunjava is for instructions on installing Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 06:06 |
ubotu | okay, rob^ | 06:06 |
dabaR | capiCrimm: a .something file is usually a config file of some sort. they are also known as hidden files, and nautilus, or even ls in a terminal does not show them. how often do you use a teminal? | 06:07 |
dabaR | rob^: dont do that | 06:07 |
dabaR | rob^: or, better, why did you do that? | 06:07 |
rob^ | because its more correct | 06:07 |
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dabaR | says you. | 06:08 |
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capiCrimm | dabaR, I'm fine with a terminal. I'm just not sure what they want by .emacs, I'massuming something in /etc/emacs*? | 06:08 |
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predius_ | can anyone help me setting up a dual head on xorg? | 06:08 |
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rob^ | you shouldn't tell people to install unofficial debian packages | 06:08 |
dabaR | now we have two things same name | 06:08 |
hari` | So /usr/share/dict/words points to a dangling alternatives symlink. Is there a proper dpkg fix, or just bang some illicit copy into the right spot? | 06:08 |
whyameye | capiCrimm, I would have guessed that .emacs would be in your home directory. | 06:09 |
rob^ | you should be pointing people to the correct reference on the wiki | 06:09 |
transparentdream | What's a very easy remote desktop application to use besides ubuntu's?? | 06:09 |
dabaR | capiCrimm: open a temrinal, use ls -a and see whether you have a .emacs there | 06:09 |
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dabaR | rob^: ok. | 06:09 |
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rob^ | pretty simple really dabaR | 06:09 |
whyameye | capiCrimm: type ls -al in your home directory and see if it is there... | 06:10 |
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capiCrimm | dabaR, not in /etc or /home, I did a locate found a few files w/ .emacs extension but no .emacs file? | 06:10 |
thom_ | hey where are the kernels located? | 06:10 |
eagleye | Does anyone know how to run a .aspx streaming video, Can anyone help | 06:11 |
dabaR | capiCrimm: where did you get this? this maybe a preference file for emacs...like, you wont have a .exrc file in your ~, but if you make one, vi will use it. | 06:11 |
capiCrimm | thom_, http://kernel.org/ | 06:11 |
whyameye | it would be in /home/capiCrimm (or whatever your username on your box is), or the shortcut is ~. So type cd ~ , then type ls -al. | 06:11 |
thom_ | i mean in file system? | 06:11 |
thom_ | i need to remove it | 06:11 |
dabaR | hehe | 06:11 |
dabaR | thom_: youre gona remove your kernel? | 06:11 |
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thom_ | yep | 06:11 |
dabaR | do you know what a kernel does? | 06:12 |
hari` | whyameye: capiCrimm: (ls -ld ~/.emacs*) | 06:12 |
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thom_ | i run without them | 06:12 |
jedi | what is the best way to install jdk 1.5 on breezy? | 06:12 |
rob^ | ubotu tell jedi about java | 06:12 |
tritium | jedi, use the force | 06:12 |
thom_ | i got the newer one there so there are 2 | 06:12 |
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dabaR | a kernel is the part of your operating system that interfaces with your shell, and with the hardware. you have to use one. anyhow, when you boot, it will ask you which of the installed kernels you want to boot. | 06:13 |
thom_ | at least grub lists 2 version numbers | 06:13 |
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capiCrimm | hari` no such file, dabdaR so just make a .emacs file? following... | 06:13 |
capiCrimm | http://www.hpcf.upr.edu/~humberto/cgi-bin/blosxom.cgi the SLIME part | 06:13 |
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thom_ | well im on breezy and i did the nvidia upgrade. | 06:13 |
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hari` | capiCrimm, you don't NEED a .emacs file, but if someone's suggesting things to go in one, then you can create one. | 06:13 |
thom_ | the latest kernel is broken with that | 06:14 |
jedi | cheers rob^ | 06:14 |
vladuz976 | anybody here know how i can use Xnest i get the error that server is already running on display 0 | 06:14 |
dabaR | capiCrimm: what editor do you like? gedit is fine? | 06:14 |
hari` | capiCrimm, best way to learn emacs is to CAREFULLY READ the text that shows up when you start emacs. | 06:14 |
dabaR | vladuz976: how are you trying to use it? do you use gnome? | 06:14 |
hari` | So /usr/share/dict/words points to a dangling alternatives symlink. I've googled other complaints about this, but no proper fix. Is there a proper dpkg fix, or just bang some illicit copy into the right spot? | 06:14 |
vladuz976 | dabaR, dabaR i am in gnome now yes, and i started from the terminal | 06:15 |
capiCrimm | dabaR, I'm normally a vim guy, just wanted to know if .emacs was what I thought it was. Thanks. | 06:15 |
dabaR | vladuz976: you have installed xnest? | 06:15 |
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vladuz976 | dabaR, yes | 06:15 |
vladuz976 | dabaR, just installed it | 06:15 |
dabaR | vladuz976: Apps>System TOols>New login in nested window | 06:15 |
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dooglus | hari`: breezy? hoary? | 06:16 |
dabaR | vladuz976: || gdmflexiserver --xnest | 06:16 |
thom_ | dabaR: i installed nvidia upgrade with synaptics not apt. It downloaded an earlier kernel dependency | 06:16 |
hari` | dooglus, hoary. | 06:16 |
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dooglus | hari`: I don't know then, sorry. | 06:17 |
thom_ | on breezy here | 06:17 |
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vladuz976 | dabaR, and then how can i use gdb to debug? i am trying to find out what's going on with my other wm | 06:17 |
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thom_ | i cant seem to find the kernels. isnt it usr/src/linux | 06:17 |
dabaR | vladuz976: this is something very diff from your initial question, ask the channel. | 06:17 |
nibblesmx | can anyone tell me how can i change the bootsplash in breezy? | 06:18 |
dooglus | thom_: the kernel SOURCE would be in /usr/src if you installed it, but you don't have to | 06:18 |
thom_ | well i kind of do. | 06:18 |
vladuz976 | anybody know how i can use gdb and Xnest to debug my other wm? | 06:18 |
dooglus | ok, so install it | 06:18 |
thom_ | i got 2 different versions in there | 06:18 |
thom_ | im just cleaning | 06:18 |
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thom_ | only one works with nvidia | 06:19 |
dabaR | thom_: you are cute....but thats wrong! | 06:19 |
dooglus | usually /usr/src/linux is a symbolic link | 06:19 |
thom_ | what? | 06:19 |
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dabaR | hehe, thats a 2 stupid dogs reference. | 06:19 |
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dabaR | I got my first glasses today. | 06:19 |
bacon | The HD spindown time on laptop battery mode is 12 seconds... does anybody agree with me it's way too quick? | 06:20 |
dabaR | I am not sure yet whether I se better, or worse with them. | 06:20 |
thom_ | i have 6 entries in grub | 06:20 |
hari` | dooglus, to what does your breezy /usr/share/dict/words point? | 06:20 |
dabaR | thom_: wanna see mine? | 06:20 |
thom_ | 4 for kernels. | 06:20 |
dooglus | /usr/share/dict/words -> /etc/dictionaries-common/words | 06:20 |
hari` | bacon, not if you turn off amode writes. | 06:20 |
dooglus | hari`: and /etc/dictionaries-common/words -> /usr/share/dict/british-english | 06:21 |
thom_ | its just that i am using one xorg.conf correct? | 06:21 |
hari` | Hrm. | 06:21 |
hari` | dooglus, thanks. | 06:21 |
dooglus | hari`: and -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 906950 2004-06-20 05:23 /usr/share/dict/british-english | 06:21 |
satafterh | anyone know a program to convert divx to dvd | 06:21 |
hari` | Yeah, as expected. How can I tell what .deb created a given file? | 06:21 |
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dooglus | hari`: apt-file search <particular file> | 06:22 |
thom_ | im on 2.6.12-9-386 | 06:22 |
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thom_ | with nvidia packages | 06:22 |
bimberi | hari`: or use the contents search on http://packages.ubuntu.com | 06:22 |
thom_ | its srewed up | 06:22 |
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hari` | dooglus, heh, it doesn't consider apt-file to be important enough to install by default? | 06:23 |
thom_ | The upgrade is for the older kernel so i had to compile it myself | 06:23 |
dooglus | hari`: no. | 06:23 |
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dooglus | hari`: once you've installed it, do a "sudo apt-file update" to download the information it needs | 06:24 |
hari` | dooglus, ugh. this is the kind of stuff where I think rpm was simpler. But thanks for your help learning apt. | 06:25 |
thom_ | at least badger installed correctly | 06:25 |
dooglus | you're welcome hari` little secret: I have "rpm style" aliases for all of these... for example, alias urpmf='apt-file search' | 06:26 |
thom_ | pcmcia for notebooks is fixed somewhat | 06:26 |
=== hari` nods to dooglus. | ||
chemisus | well | 06:27 |
chemisus | im guessing its googles 7th birthday today heh | 06:27 |
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Hobbsee | chemisus: yep, looks like it | 06:27 |
whyameye | Firefox keeps mysteriously disappearing while I am browsing. I'm in Firefox, and I hit the back button and suddenly it is gone. Is this a known bug? | 06:28 |
hari` | dooglus, if I wanted to remove dictionaries-common and reinstall it (hoping it would notice my now-specified locale), how would I do that? I can't just -r due to dependencies. | 06:28 |
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dooglus | apt notices your locale? | 06:29 |
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hari` | If I read the complaints from various google whine sources, it looks like the problem arose because hoary installs stuff without actually establishing the locale until later. | 06:30 |
hari` | dooglus, thus, your alternative is british-english, but mine would be something else. | 06:30 |
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dooglus | hari`: can't you just install language-pack-?? | 06:31 |
dooglus | (where ?? is your locale) | 06:31 |
hari` | I dunno, what is yours? en_GB? | 06:31 |
dooglus | language-pack-cs and language-pack-en | 06:31 |
dooglus | alias urpmq='apt-cache search' | 06:32 |
Dr_Willis | :) | 06:32 |
hari` | What would give you british-english, then? | 06:32 |
dooglus | i think it's in the dependancies | 06:32 |
hari` | As I'd want american-english (en-us). | 06:32 |
hari` | language-pack-en is already the newest version. | 06:32 |
dooglus | get language-pack-en and I think that gets you both british and american. | 06:33 |
dooglus | oh. | 06:33 |
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chris__ | why is it that after approx. 24 hours my dns is restto192.168.1.1 | 06:33 |
BlankB | !beginners guide | 06:33 |
ubotu | BlankB: I don't know, could you explain it? | 06:33 |
BlankB | !guide | 06:33 |
ubotu | I don't know, BlankB | 06:33 |
dooglus | so install 'wamerican'? | 06:33 |
cafuego_ | chris__: Are you overwriting resolv.conf manually? | 06:33 |
cafuego_ | wamerican contains incorrect spellings of words, don't use it. | 06:34 |
chris__ | no | 06:34 |
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cafuego_ | chris__: Using dhcp? | 06:34 |
calc | cafuego_: wbritish does too :) | 06:34 |
BlankB | !User Guide | 06:34 |
ubotu | BlankB: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! | 06:34 |
chris__ | yes | 06:34 |
hari` | BlankB, try /msg ? | 06:34 |
BlankB | 8) | 06:34 |
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cafuego_ | chris__: Then I imagine the lease is renewed after 24 hours and the dhcp server tells you amchine to sue as DNS. | 06:34 |
tristanmike | BlankB, what is it you're looking for? | 06:35 |
hari` | dooglus, okay, that gave the american-english file, and fixed the symlink. Thanks. | 06:35 |
bacon | *tells your machine to use* that is | 06:35 |
calc | cafuego_: if that is the case he can edit the dhcp conf file to override what he is being sent (afaicr) | 06:35 |
chris__ | i can surf the web but i cannot connect to gaim or x-chat without manually putting back the dns numbers | 06:35 |
dooglus | but according to cafuego_, it's got some misspellings. | 06:35 |
cafuego_ | calc: Either that or edit resolv.conf and chattr +i it | 06:35 |
calc | dooglus: british and american english do not spell words the same | 06:35 |
BlankB | sorry...was just looking to see ubuntu had the equiv for gnome like kde has on the "KDE user guide" | 06:35 |
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calc | cafuego_: yea | 06:36 |
dooglus | calc: I know! | 06:36 |
eagleye | Does anyone know how to run a .aspx streaming video, Can anyone help | 06:36 |
dooglus | calc: was that the point? you shouldn't use wamerican 'cos it misses the 'u' out of 'colour'? | 06:36 |
cafuego_ | dooglus: Yes, it sues 'z' where it should be using 's' - that sort of error. makes the people who used it to spell-check look a bit simple. | 06:36 |
calc | iirc it was because british english evolved and american english did not (or at least is the case for some of the differences) | 06:36 |
nalioth | eagleye: Microsoft Streaming Server | 06:36 |
tristanmike | BlankB, what is the KDE user guide? | 06:36 |
calc | dooglus: probably ;) | 06:36 |
dooglus | cafuego_: not simple, just american | 06:36 |
cafuego_ | dooglus: That's what I said. | 06:36 |
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hari` | <cafuego_> dooglus: Yes, it sues [sic] 'z' where it should be using 's' - that sort of error. makes the people who used it to spell-check look a bit simple. | 06:36 |
hari` | ;) | 06:37 |
chris__ | what lease are you talking about | 06:37 |
dooglus | heh | 06:37 |
BlankB | tristanmike: Its like an overview of how to do everything. Kinda like a beginners guide to the gui. | 06:37 |
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dooglus | I'm English, and the missing 'u' in 'colour' and other such stuff annoyz me too. | 06:37 |
tristanmike | BlankB, do you have a website that I can look at? | 06:37 |
cafuego_ | chris__: The dhcp lease. When the dhcp server gives you an address, that's called a lease. They expire after a set amount of time. | 06:37 |
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matrix | look who's back (H) | 06:37 |
cafuego_ | dooglus: other zuch ztuff? | 06:37 |
dooglus | yez | 06:38 |
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calc | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_and_British_English_differences | 06:38 |
BlankB | tristanmike: http://docs.kde.org/development/en/kdebase/userguide/index.html | 06:38 |
chris__ | but in windows i dont have this problem | 06:38 |
=== cafuego_ vindt engels toch al inflexibel en onelegant | ||
dooglus | the absense of adverbs affects me particular bad. | 06:38 |
calc | dooglus: fwiw color in american english isn't pronounced with a u either | 06:38 |
=== cafuego_ thwaps calc. | ||
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cafuego_ | calc: it IS in english, not in american english. | 06:39 |
dooglus | I was glad to see Locke correcting Kate in Lost last week when she used an adjective in place of an adverb. | 06:39 |
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tristanmike | BlankB, maybe this is the equivalent http://www.gnome.org/learn/ | 06:39 |
calc | The -ise forms became more widespread in British English under 19th-century French influence, partly displacing the older -ize | 06:39 |
Dr_Willis | "Lollies, Lollies, Lollies, get your adverbs here..." | 06:40 |
calc | seems britian disliked the colonies splitting away so changed their language ;) | 06:40 |
calc | without changing the name, heh | 06:40 |
BlankB | tristanmike: thanks. That is exactly what I was looking for. | 06:40 |
cafuego_ | No, they just didn't stagnate. Languages ALWAYS change. | 06:41 |
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tristanmike | BlankB, ;) I have to say thanx too cause I really like that KDE page too. | 06:41 |
elkbuntu | oh come on people, if we were to try and satisfy everyone's linguistic fetishes in this channel, every time we say something, it'd take an hour to write up in all the languages and dialects within the languages. it's ridiculous... | 06:41 |
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matrix | ok where's the file manager in ubuntu ? | 06:42 |
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dooglus | matrix: in the 'places' menu. | 06:42 |
dooglus | places -> computer, for example | 06:42 |
tristanmike | or System tools | 06:42 |
tristanmike | matrix, * | 06:42 |
matrix | kk ty | 06:42 |
tristanmike | matrix, Applications-->System Tools-->File Browser | 06:42 |
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matrix | now tell me how to create a dir for my windows partition so i can mount it there :) | 06:43 |
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dooglus | tristanmike: I wouldn't get too used to using that menu entry :) | 06:43 |
_jason | anyone know how to make the applets in gnome have a transparent background? I make the panel transparent but the applets are still opaque. | 06:43 |
elkbuntu | you forgot the magic words, matrix | 06:43 |
matrix | O.o | 06:43 |
matrix | please | 06:43 |
matrix | O.o | 06:43 |
matrix | nvm i did it in console | 06:43 |
dooglus | matrix: make a directory anywhere you like | 06:43 |
matrix | already did it in console ^^^ | 06:44 |
matrix | :) | 06:44 |
matrix | can u tell me how to mount my other hdd ? | 06:44 |
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=== calc likes the way british call numbers, eg milliard ;) | ||
dooglus | calc: we don't. | 06:44 |
atty | sorry guys..... i still can't install java using my terminal... | 06:44 |
atty | any comment? | 06:45 |
hari` | atty: # this is a comment | 06:45 |
_jason | atty: add the repo and use synaptic? | 06:45 |
jbroome | atty: ; is also a comment | 06:45 |
dooglus | we mostly use the american system, but traditionally 10^12 is a billion, 10^9 is a thousand million and 10^6 is a million. no milliard anywhere | 06:45 |
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atty | add the repo? how? | 06:45 |
dooglus | !tell atty about java | 06:46 |
_jason | dooglus: its not as bad as the 80 in french | 06:46 |
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dooglus | "4 twenties"? | 06:46 |
_jason | dooglus: yeah... makes no sense to me | 06:46 |
helfire | !tell helfire about java | 06:46 |
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matrix | ok i got a prob :| | 06:47 |
dooglus | another one? | 06:48 |
matrix | why am i not root in my own system :| | 06:48 |
thrice` | ok | 06:48 |
whyameye | every time Firefox runs the mplayer plugin, Firefox crashes when I leave the page. Should I remove mplayer? | 06:48 |
dooglus | tell matrix about root | 06:48 |
protokol__ | somehow my gnome broke, is there a way to reinstall it from the liveCD without a reformat? | 06:48 |
dooglus | !tell matrix about root | 06:48 |
mae | has anyone tried banshee music player? | 06:48 |
thoreauputic | matrix: sudo -i | 06:48 |
Myrtti | matrix: why on earth should you be root? | 06:48 |
protokol__ | gdm locks up with a black screen | 06:48 |
matrix | cause its says i have to be so i can mount my drive | 06:48 |
thrice` | sudo mount | 06:48 |
thoreauputic | Myrtti: God complex ;-) | 06:48 |
matrix | matrix@ool-45774c8b:/root$ mount -t vfat32 /dev/hdd/Windows | 06:48 |
matrix | mount: only root can do that | 06:48 |
matrix | see ? | 06:48 |
dooglus | matrix: so "sudo mount" | 06:49 |
thoreauputic | matrix: sudo mount -t blah blah | 06:49 |
Dr_Willis | Hmm your mount command is wrong i think. | 06:49 |
whyameye | matrix: type 'sudo' in front of whatever you wish to do. | 06:49 |
Stalwart | use google, Luke! | 06:49 |
elkbuntu | open the root terminal and put in your password | 06:49 |
dooglus | matrix: when it asks for the password, put yours | 06:49 |
MadpilotPPC | matrix, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive | 06:49 |
matrix | um when i open the terminal it doesn't ask for my pass | 06:49 |
thoreauputic | matrix: *cough* >>>> sudo | 06:50 |
nalioth | matrix: why would it? | 06:50 |
matrix | elkbuntu open the root terminal and put in your password | 06:50 |
elkbuntu | look in the applications menu, in system tools, up about 4 or 5 | 06:50 |
thoreauputic | matrix: if you *must* have a root shell, type sudo -i | 06:50 |
MadpilotPPC | matrix, use the regular terminal, not the root term | 06:50 |
protokol__ | i dont know what i did, i just installed some fonts | 06:51 |
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elkbuntu | why not madpilotPPC, it's the same thing, just without having to type the word sudo | 06:51 |
protokol__ | i reverted everything i know i changed | 06:51 |
matrix | i'm using the terminal from applications---system tools---terminal | 06:51 |
vladuz976 | is rsync a good way to make system backups, or is there another way? | 06:51 |
whyameye | can I setup firefox to use xine instead of mplayer? | 06:51 |
elkbuntu | matrix look up about 4 or so in that menu | 06:51 |
MadpilotPPC | elkbuntu, root term can get you in more trouble than sudo... | 06:51 |
elkbuntu | no more than typing sudo before everything you do, will | 06:52 |
chris__ | how can i play msn videos in ubuntu | 06:52 |
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MadpilotPPC | elkbuntu, but at least you actually have to type sudo every time... | 06:53 |
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elkbuntu | it doesnt make it any safer, just 4 characters + password length longer | 06:53 |
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atty | any short cut for installing jaya..... :D | 06:53 |
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_jason | atty: did you add find the repo? | 06:54 |
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whyameye | vladuz976: I like rsync. | 06:54 |
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atty | how to add jason? i'm new in ubuntu or linux | 06:55 |
vladuz976 | whyameye, how do you backup the entire system with it? so i won't get /proc and stuff like that's on my cdrom in the backup? | 06:55 |
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_jason | atty: you want the java JRE right? | 06:55 |
matrix | whats "fstype" ? | 06:56 |
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atty | yup.. i need to install limewire | 06:56 |
bratsche | Hi guys. How do I determine what package owns a given file? | 06:56 |
_jason | atty: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:56 |
matrix | The command is `mount [-t fstype] something somewhere'. | 06:56 |
matrix | ??? | 06:56 |
dooglus | bratsche: apt-file search | 06:56 |
FaithX | how do I start an app as root in gnome? | 06:56 |
dooglus | bratsche: or use http://packages.ubuntu.com/ | 06:56 |
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hari` | bratsche, (sudo apt-get install apt-file) (sudo apt-file update) (sudo apt-search /my/filename) | 06:57 |
thrice` | matrix, of course; sudo mount <dev your are mounting> <where you are mounting it> | 06:57 |
hari` | Thanks to dooglus for that. | 06:57 |
thrice` | FaithX, sudo app | 06:57 |
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Wilf | i have a 333mhz AMD K6-2 64MB ram machine here, however it is running _wayyyy_ too slow, even for it's specs, ubuntu doesn't detect how much ram or the cpu in device manager, any way i can fix this?> | 06:57 |
atty | the list are empty | 06:57 |
dooglus | hari`: are you a LISP programmer? | 06:57 |
_jason | that's empty? | 06:57 |
whyameye | vladuz976: I've only used it to copy my home directory. | 06:57 |
atty | yup | 06:57 |
FaithX | thrice`, yup, but it doesn't ask for a passwd... do I need some sudo X application? | 06:57 |
hari` | dooglus, no, but I use parens because they're a no-op if a newbie accidentally c&p including them, unlike quotes. | 06:57 |
atty | sudo gedit /etc/apt/source.list | 06:58 |
_jason | when you run synaptic manager does it find packages? | 06:58 |
atty | <-- this are the command i type in terminal | 06:58 |
_jason | atty: sources* with an s | 06:58 |
atty | synaptic manager................ yes | 06:58 |
matrix | but, idk the letter of my hdd i wanna mount cause it umm..doesn't show on the system :| | 06:58 |
hari` | dooglus, I used to help out a lot in #anotherdistronewbiechannel ;) | 06:58 |
dooglus | hari`: you should put semicolons between them still | 06:58 |
dooglus | hari`: otherwise the copy/paste won't work | 06:58 |
FaithX | ok gksu | 06:58 |
atty | ok | 06:58 |
atty | now i can see | 06:58 |
atty | what should i do next | 06:59 |
bratsche | hari`: It won't install. Says it depends on libapt-pkg-perl, but it is not going to be installed. The next line says E: Broken packages. | 06:59 |
hari` | dooglus, considered it, but with sudo, what's the syntax to do more than one? sudo (a;b;c) or just sudo a;b;c ? | 06:59 |
_jason | atty: add "deb http://ubuntu.tower-net.de/ubuntu/ hoary java" with out the quotes on the last line | 06:59 |
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atty | i can paste it anywhere? | 06:59 |
_jason | atty: make a new line at the bottom and paste it there | 06:59 |
dooglus | hari`: unforunately, sudo sh -c "a; b; c" | 06:59 |
hari` | "on the last line" seems kinda specific | 07:00 |
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hari` | dooglus, ick, and the whole (sudo sh -) is ick too. ;) | 07:00 |
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bratsche | Does anyone know what package owns /etc/X11/xorg.conf? That's what I'm trying to find. | 07:01 |
henriquemaia | hello, I have just upgraded to breezy and now my keyboard (pt) is not working right. Does anyone knows a tip to solve this~ | 07:01 |
dooglus | hari`: ok, how about echo "a; b; c" | sudo sh | 07:01 |
atty | deb http://ubuntu.tower-net.de/ubuntu/ hoary java | 07:01 |
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atty | ok i do this | 07:01 |
henriquemaia | ? | 07:01 |
pepsi | hi | 07:01 |
atty | below ##Backports | 07:01 |
pepsi | my load average is 7 | 07:01 |
drogoh | Just sudo -s, yoh. | 07:01 |
pepsi | but it doesnt feel like it | 07:01 |
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bob2 | bratsche: why? | 07:01 |
_jason | atty: sure just make sure its on its own line | 07:01 |
hari` | dooglus, traditionally, before the "get rid of root" days, the idea of allowing sudo to run anything like a shell was horrific. | 07:01 |
bob2 | if you deleted it, then you need to say so | 07:01 |
atty | yup | 07:02 |
atty | ownline | 07:02 |
drogoh | pepsi, Load averages don't exactly mean "the system is to its knees". | 07:02 |
bratsche | bob2: Because I want to get the original copy of that file. | 07:02 |
atty | can i paste here? | 07:02 |
hari` | No. | 07:02 |
drogoh | atty, pastebin.com | 07:02 |
bob2 | bratsche: there is no original copy | 07:02 |
drogoh | You're welcome. | 07:02 |
Myrtti | absolutely not | 07:02 |
dooglus | hari`: in my last job I wasn't trusted with root access to the NIS master | 07:02 |
bob2 | bratsche: it's generated by debconf | 07:02 |
bratsche | bob2: Then how do I just regenerate it? | 07:02 |
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bob2 | bratsche: what happened to it? | 07:02 |
_jason | atty: save it and go back to terminal | 07:02 |
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dooglus | hari`: but I was trusted with "sudo vi" access... | 07:02 |
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atty | done | 07:02 |
atty | save it | 07:02 |
_jason | atty: sudo apt-get update | 07:02 |
dooglus | hari`: from vi you can type :!sh to get a shell... | 07:03 |
hari` | dooglus, uh huh, and vi :!shell ... | 07:03 |
=== hari` nods. | ||
pepsi | drogoh, but im not doing anything.. the load average has been high for days now | 07:03 |
sobersabre | hi | 07:03 |
bratsche | bob2: I don't know, but X says now that it can't find the 'fixed' font. I noticed a lot of warnings during startup about font directories not existing. | 07:03 |
nalioth | in anyone has an inclination to just fire off a /msg <whomever> bleh, please type /msg ubotu msg FIRST | 07:03 |
dooglus | bright sysadmin there, huh? | 07:03 |
drogoh | pepsi, Anything odd showing up in top? | 07:03 |
pepsi | no | 07:03 |
bratsche | bob2: So basically, X won't startup and I'm trying to figure out how to fix it. | 07:03 |
hari` | Well, time to sleep. | 07:03 |
sobersabre | is kernel 2.6.12 the version of breezy? won't breezy have something newer ? | 07:03 |
bratsche | Good night hari | 07:03 |
bob2 | bratsche: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, perhaps | 07:03 |
bob2 | bratsche: I'd start by reading the log file, tho | 07:03 |
bob2 | sobersabre: yes, no | 07:03 |
bratsche | bob2: Okay, thanks. | 07:03 |
sobersabre | ok | 07:04 |
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hari` | 07:04 | |
|ww | anyway to turn off the passive transfer for Places -> Connect to server gftp keeps crashing | 07:04 |
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atty | jason..... finish update... what next | 07:04 |
HrdwrBoB | hari`: english only please | 07:04 |
_jason | atty: run synaptic and search for java, JRE should be available | 07:04 |
atty | nihon go desu ka? hari? | 07:04 |
atty | ok | 07:04 |
hari` | HrdwrBoB, no worries, just saying good night. :P | 07:04 |
hari` | atty, learning. | 07:05 |
drogoh | Pleasing the Engrish? | 07:05 |
atty | i will close my terminal | 07:05 |
=== hari` waves. | ||
nalioth | drogoh: that is so uncalled for | 07:05 |
drogoh | ;/ | 07:05 |
drogoh | At least I'm not ripping on hyperion, even though I want to. | 07:06 |
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pepsi | drogoh, vmware-vmx wont die | 07:07 |
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drogoh | pepsi, Hm. Not even a SIGKILL? | 07:07 |
matrix | ok my hdd doesn't show under sudo mount :S | 07:07 |
pepsi | nope | 07:07 |
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drogoh | Interesting. | 07:07 |
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sobersabre | and why not 2.6.13 ? | 07:07 |
atty | jason... i'm in synaptic package manager? how to search | 07:07 |
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sobersabre | bob2, why not 13 ? | 07:08 |
_jason | atty: search button | 07:08 |
drogoh | VMware sucks, might need to single user. | 07:08 |
_jason | atty: see it? | 07:08 |
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bratsche | bob2: Thanks, that seems to have fixed it. | 07:08 |
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pepsi | drogoh, what would that entail? id have to logoff, i might as well just restart | 07:09 |
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drogoh | May as well. | 07:09 |
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atty | wait ason | 07:09 |
pepsi | i wouldnt have much of a problem with it, but its using 35% of my ram :) | 07:09 |
atty | i should type java? jason? | 07:09 |
drogoh | I typically send a machine into single user if I have a runaway process like that to see if it'll still flop around afterwards. | 07:10 |
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_jason | atty: try j2re | 07:10 |
brownie17 | i want to plug in a cound source through the "line in" on my sound card, but it is not playing through my speakers. who can help me? | 07:10 |
brownie17 | sound* | 07:10 |
atty | not in the list for j2re | 07:11 |
_jason | atty: anything for java? | 07:11 |
MadpilotPPC | atty, you running breezy? | 07:11 |
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atty | java2-common | 07:11 |
MadpilotPPC | 5.10? | 07:11 |
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brownie17 | who can help me? | 07:11 |
drogoh | Hm, yay. | 07:11 |
atty | java2html | 07:11 |
drogoh | Dovecot is fixed. ;/ | 07:11 |
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brownie17 | MadpilotPPC, what do you know about sound? | 07:12 |
atty | goshh............... i dont know breezy or what | 07:12 |
atty | but i'm running under kubuntu right now | 07:12 |
atty | should i go to ubuntu desktop? | 07:12 |
MadpilotPPC | brownie17, mine works, on this machine and my home box. Aside from that, not a lot... sorry... | 07:12 |
Hobbsee | atty: no, either will work | 07:12 |
hjk57 | would package list need to be refreshed first? | 07:12 |
ksmurf | I have a flakey wifi card (internal) on an acer 2312lci. It is seen in lspci but only works half the time. I was thinking it was the madwifi drivers but my g650 dlink card is picked up right away. could someone help me tshoot it. I have ruled out a hardware failure because my wife's does exactly the same thing | 07:12 |
brownie17 | MadpilotPPC, haha ok | 07:12 |
atty | k | 07:12 |
brownie17 | who knows much about sound and the like? | 07:13 |
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atty | so next step? | 07:13 |
_jason | atty: thats where i got j2re a few days ago... i thought it would still be there... | 07:13 |
bob2 | ksmurf: "only works half the time"? | 07:13 |
bob2 | brownie17: best to just ask your question | 07:13 |
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brownie17 | bob2, i want to make my "line in" jack on my pc work, but it just isn't doing anything. | 07:14 |
B_166-ER-X | i have xmms and, technically, mp3 support installed, but xmms wont play any mp3, what could it be ? | 07:14 |
atty | i press reload................. still no j2re | 07:14 |
ksmurf | yes.... sometime it works upon reboot.... sometime it does not. Athreos based. | 07:14 |
cndrr | so, i just installed breezy, and everytime i try to activate the eth0, the system totally crashes and burns | 07:14 |
ksmurf | it has never failed while in mid work only on reboots | 07:14 |
atty | during installation.............. i use kubuntu 5.04 hoary. is it ok? | 07:14 |
ksmurf | I'm using breezy' | 07:14 |
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Hobbsee | atty: right, so you're on hoary, and not breezy | 07:15 |
atty | how to now breezy or bla bla bla? | 07:15 |
bob2 | ksmurf: you need to define "works" | 07:15 |
brownie17 | bob2, is there a place i get go for sound-specific help? | 07:15 |
atty | know* | 07:15 |
cndrr | is there any type of log file that might be generated when the network config thing crashes? | 07:15 |
bob2 | brownie17: is it unmuted? | 07:15 |
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B_166-ER-X | i have xmms and, technically, mp3 support installed, but xmms wont play any mp3, what could it be ? | 07:15 |
brownie17 | bob2, um... other sound works. do i have to unmute the line in plug specifically? how? | 07:15 |
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ksmurf | bob2 It is operational and picked up with ifconfig and iwconfig.... | 07:15 |
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bob2 | ksmurf: ignore them | 07:16 |
ksmurf | right now it is not. | 07:16 |
ksmurf | k | 07:16 |
bob2 | ksmurf: what does dmesg say the times when it's not working? | 07:16 |
_jason | atty: sorry then the package must have been removed... follow: http://ubuntu-doc.ath.cx/gnome/faqi386/C/ch03s02.html | 07:16 |
bob2 | ksmurf: does loading the module manually work? | 07:16 |
bob2 | brownie17: yes, with whatever mixer you normally use; alsamixer is a good choice | 07:16 |
ksmurf | it's not working right now so I'll dmesg | 07:16 |
bob2 | B_166-ER-X: xmms doesn't know or care if you have "mp3 support installed" | 07:16 |
atty | ok jason | 07:16 |
atty | it ok | 07:16 |
bob2 | B_166-ER-X: did you yrll it to use esound for sound output? | 07:16 |
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ksmurf | the mods are loaded.... the dlink works of the same mods | 07:17 |
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dooglus | bob2: do you know how I can compile myself a libglib2? I get the source like this: apt-get source libglib2.0-0 - and then what? | 07:17 |
pc22 | how do in install win apps thru wine? | 07:17 |
brownie17 | bob2, if i send you a screenshot of alsamixer, can you tell me which one is line in, and how to unmute it? | 07:17 |
bob2 | dooglus: I can think of no possible reason for doing that | 07:17 |
bob2 | brownie17: just unmute them all | 07:17 |
bob2 | brownie17: M | 07:17 |
bob2 | dooglus: what is your goal? | 07:17 |
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brownie17 | bob2, how do i unmute it? | 07:18 |
B_166-ER-X | bob2 , i think you will have to be more explicit /tell me what to look for... | 07:18 |
bob2 | 15:17:44 bob2 | brownie17: M | 07:18 |
dooglus | bob2: I want to get the source available, all unpacked and patched, so that the line number information gdb tells me matches the sources | 07:18 |
bob2 | B_166-ER-X: go to preferences. select output. pick esound. | 07:18 |
brownie17 | bob2: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2573 | 07:18 |
ksmurf | http://pastebin.com/375406 bob2.... | 07:18 |
bob2 | dooglus: apt-cache show libglib2.0-0-dbg | 07:19 |
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dooglus | !paste | 07:19 |
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ubotu | paste is, like, please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text | 07:19 |
xuniluser | How do i get the driver of a printer from a different distro? | 07:19 |
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brownie17 | bob2, well i unmuted everything in there, and now it still isn't playing. the line in has owrked with winxp before | 07:19 |
cndrr | is there any type of log file that might be generated when the network config thing crashes? | 07:19 |
bob2 | brownie17: anything with "M" on it is muted | 07:19 |
WebLOCH | Its official, Ubuntu is bad for your health | 07:19 |
B_166-ER-X | bob2, ok, have selected esound closed and restart, still doesnt work | 07:19 |
ksmurf | I have already tried noacpi loading | 07:19 |
bob2 | cndrr: no, just don't bother using it | 07:19 |
MadpilotPPC | xuniluser, try linuxprinting.irg | 07:20 |
bob2 | B_166-ER-X: "doesnt work" is not a useful description of the problem | 07:20 |
dooglus | bob2: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2574 | 07:20 |
MadpilotPPC | gah... that's .org, obviously... | 07:20 |
bob2 | xuniluser: you're sure ubuntu doesn't include support for it? | 07:20 |
henriquemaia | hello, I have just upgraded to breezy and now my keyboard (pt) is not working right. Does anyone knows a tip to solve this? | 07:20 |
dooglus | bob2: that's a binary, the -dbg library | 07:20 |
bob2 | dooglus: yes, I know, I was telling you to install and use it | 07:20 |
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dooglus | bob2: I have done, but I need the source code to debug it | 07:20 |
B_166-ER-X | bob2, well, it shows the same things than before : wich is, 3 choice why it could possibly not work | 07:20 |
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bob2 | dooglus: that's an issue of configuring your debugger to look at the unpacked source code | 07:21 |
bob2 | B_166-ER-X: does sound work at all? | 07:21 |
dooglus | bob2: right. my question is, how do I unpack the source code? | 07:21 |
B_166-ER-X | how do i test that... | 07:21 |
xuniluser | bob2: yes... EPSON-LX300 | 07:21 |
|ww | what ftp software runs the Places -> Connect To Server -> ftp | 07:21 |
brownie17 | bob2, well nearly everything is unmuted | 07:21 |
|ww | i need to reconfigure the passive transfer to not | 07:21 |
bob2 | dooglus: apt-get source libglib2.0 | 07:21 |
bob2 | brownie17: "nearly" | 07:22 |
xuniluser | bob2: but its available in Asianux and Redhat | 07:22 |
dooglus | bob2: that gives me some patch files and a tar.gz file | 07:22 |
bob2 | B_166-ER-X: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp | 07:22 |
brownie17 | bob2, things that weren't related, like the 20 decimanl boost for mike and stuff | 07:22 |
bob2 | dooglus: no it doesn't, look again (it unpackaed it already) | 07:22 |
dooglus | bob2: I reckon there must be some next step to extract the tarballs and apply the patches | 07:22 |
B_166-ER-X | bob2, yes i hear it | 07:22 |
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bob2 | B_166-ER-X: "pkill esd", tell xmms to use oss again | 07:22 |
dooglus | bob2: it unpacked one tarball, but it contained another. | 07:23 |
dooglus | namely ./upstream/tarballs/000_glib-2.8.1.tar.gz | 07:23 |
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ksmurf | bob2 all the dmesg errors are about BAT1 my battery level.... | 07:23 |
PR3DLAND | hello | 07:23 |
bob2 | dooglus: you'll have to read debian/rules (which is a makefile) to see what target unpacks that | 07:23 |
bob2 | ksmurf: that is quite messed up | 07:23 |
B_166-ER-X | bob2, what do you mean by 'oss' | 07:23 |
bob2 | nevermind | 07:23 |
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WebLOCH | haha | 07:24 |
dooglus | bob2: ok thanks. that's what I was missing. "rules" is a funny name for a Makefile! | 07:24 |
WebLOCH | B_166-ER-X, what he wants you to do is load XMMS, and go to preferences | 07:24 |
B_166-ER-X | yeas, thats the easy part | 07:24 |
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WebLOCH | B_166-ER-X, and by OSS he meant change the Output plugin, to OSS instead of whatever is set now | 07:25 |
B_166-ER-X | yep, saw it.... done it, still doing the same error 'cannot play audio file' | 07:25 |
esac | i am making my own kernel and i compiled in intel pro wireless support (ipw2200). during boot it fails to insert the firmware and the card fails to start. any idea ? | 07:25 |
WebLOCH | okay | 07:25 |
WebLOCH | hmm | 07:25 |
atty | i did download jdk-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.bin. can anybody teach me how to install? | 07:25 |
vladuz976 | how can i change the default editor to vim? | 07:26 |
WebLOCH | B_166-ER-X, do me a favour and priv msg me and give me the output of "lsof /dev/snd/*" | 07:26 |
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duken | helow | 07:26 |
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duken | i have upgrade my system | 07:26 |
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duken | but a can problem with firefox | 07:26 |
matrix | whats the best version of gimp ? | 07:26 |
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duken | firefox cannot to upgrade | 07:27 |
Mizutsuki | I got a very strange thing when I did dmesg, it's related to my not working wifi PCMCIA card, anyone know what to do? | 07:27 |
Mizutsuki | PCI: Enabling device 0000:06:00.0 (0000 -> 0002) | 07:27 |
Mizutsuki | ACPI: PCI interrupt 0000:06:00.0[A] -> GSI (level, low) -> IRQ 11 | 07:27 |
Mizutsuki | ath%d: unable to attach hardware; HAL status 13 | 07:27 |
Mizutsuki | ACPI: PCI interrupt 0000:06:00.0[A] -> GSI (level, low) -> IRQ 11 | 07:27 |
WebLOCH | B_166-ER-X, are you there? Im happy to help but I want to do it sooner rather than later | 07:27 |
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WebLOCH | Mizutsuki, dont paste in here | 07:27 |
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brownie17 | Mizutsuki, paste bin | 07:27 |
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matrix | best version of gimp ? | 07:27 |
B_166-ER-X | duken, jsut go with synaptic : search for firefox, and unistall Firefox and Firefox-gnome support | 07:27 |
B_166-ER-X | when its done ,reinstall it | 07:27 |
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B_166-ER-X | Webloch, well the command jsut dont do anything | 07:28 |
nalioth | matrix: version of gimp? | 07:28 |
|ww | anyone know where to edit the places -> connect to server -> ftp client settings | 07:28 |
matrix | u never heard of gimp ? | 07:28 |
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WebLOCH | B_166-ER-X, well if you dont tell me, how will I know? | 07:28 |
WebLOCH | B_166-ER-X, try "aplay -l" | 07:28 |
brownie17 | matrix, he has heard of gimp. he has to of | 07:28 |
cafuego_ | matrix: What makes you think there are multiple versions to choose from? | 07:28 |
thoreauputic | matrix: "best version of gimp" is an odd thing to ask | 07:28 |
brownie17 | have* | 07:28 |
esac | why is it that when i turn hinting to None, it looks better than full ? | 07:28 |
B_166-ER-X | wtf aplay: device_list:200: no soundcards found... | 07:28 |
MadpilotPPC | matrix, the GIMP is included in Ubuntu by default... | 07:28 |
ghostdog | where can i get plugins or codec to play wmv files and avi ? | 07:28 |
nalioth | matrix: are you addressing me? if so, please preface my nick before your texts | 07:28 |
WebLOCH | B_166-ER-X, yeah i thought as much | 07:29 |
MadpilotPPC | !tell ghostdog about restricted | 07:29 |
nalioth | ghostdog: breezy or hoary? | 07:29 |
WebLOCH | B_166-ER-X, you running breezy or hoary? | 07:29 |
B_166-ER-X | hoary | 07:29 |
cyphase | duken, you still having problems with firefox? | 07:29 |
matrix | um ok | 07:29 |
B_166-ER-X | fresh install from printed cd. | 07:29 |
duken | cycom, | 07:29 |
duken | cyphase, yes | 07:29 |
matrix | thought there was more then one version of gimp | 07:29 |
cyphase | lol | 07:29 |
WebLOCH | B_166-ER-X, okay good, we can probably get your sound running then | 07:29 |
cafuego_ | matrix: sudo apt-get insall gim; gimp -> voila. | 07:29 |
duken | can't to remove too | 07:29 |
duken | :( | 07:29 |
PR3DLAND | any 1 got hoary login in to a samba PDC? | 07:29 |
cyphase | duken, lets go to a private | 07:29 |
cyphase | so as not to crowd the channel | 07:30 |
nalioth | matrix: there is a "gimpshop" version of the gimp available. pardon my confusion with your very general question | 07:30 |
duken | whats wrong with firefox 1.0.7 ? :( | 07:30 |
PR3DLAND | *hoary to login* | 07:30 |
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cyphase | private chat* | 07:30 |
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matrix | nalioth, no worries | 07:30 |
atty | jason r u there? can u assist me how to install jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin | 07:30 |
tritium | atty, did you install java-package? | 07:30 |
thoreauputic | duken: ff 1.0.7 is not the problem - backports probably are your problem | 07:30 |
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cyphase | duken, go to the private chat i started | 07:31 |
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nalioth | atty: your question has been answered in #kubuntu | 07:31 |
atty | yup | 07:31 |
WebLOCH | B_166-ER-X, tell me when you can be bothered, and we will sort out your sound | 07:31 |
tritium | atty, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#java <-- all you need to know | 07:31 |
ksmurf | I have a flakey wifi card (internal) on an acer 2312lci. It is seen in lspci but only works half the time. I was thinking it was the madwifi drivers but my g650 dlink card is picked up right away. could someone help me tshoot it. I have ruled out a hardware failure because my wife's does exactly the same thing | 07:31 |
ksmurf | I have already tried noacpi loading | 07:31 |
tritium | ksmurf, have you tried taking the laptop into the bathroom? ;) | 07:32 |
B_166-ER-X | webLoch , now would be a good time.. | 07:32 |
ksmurf | lol Hey tritium | 07:32 |
WebLOCH | B_166-ER-X, I tried messaging you was assuming you were ignoring the messages | 07:32 |
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tritium | ksmurf, heh. Where was that again? A hotel? | 07:32 |
B_166-ER-X | Webloch, and i have talkingot you as well in private | 07:32 |
cyphase | duken, you still there? | 07:32 |
B_166-ER-X | thats weird | 07:32 |
ksmurf | Yes..... I only take it to the bedroom at home | 07:32 |
Myrtti | have you registered your nicks | 07:33 |
B_166-ER-X | WebLOCH can you see this? | 07:33 |
B_166-ER-X | B_166-ER-X YES | 07:33 |
duken | cyphase, i has benn msg you | 07:33 |
WebLOCH | B_166-ER-X, for some reason I cannot see your private messages | 07:33 |
ksmurf | i know i know too much unfo | 07:33 |
B_166-ER-X | looks like this server doesnt like privates | 07:33 |
cyphase | i don't see any messages from you.. | 07:33 |
cyphase | anyway | 07:33 |
Myrtti | you can't send private messages if you haven't registered your nicks | 07:33 |
B_166-ER-X | arr | 07:33 |
WebLOCH | Ahh I have | 07:33 |
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cyphase | duken, copy this to a terminal and run.. | 07:33 |
cyphase | sudo apt-get -y remove firefox firefox-gnome-support mozilla-firefox mozilla-firefox-gnome-support; sudo apt-get -y install mozilla-firefox mozilla-firefox-gnome-support; killall firefox-bin firefox | 07:33 |
WebLOCH | B_166-ER-X, register your nick | 07:33 |
Myrtti | have you logged in? | 07:33 |
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Myrtti | anyway | 07:33 |
duken | i try | 07:33 |
cyphase | k | 07:33 |
B_166-ER-X | i'm usually un undernet, never done this , just how do i ..? | 07:33 |
cyphase | then tell me if it works | 07:34 |
ghostdog | nalioth : im using hoary | 07:34 |
WebLOCH | B_166-ER-X, /ns register <chosen password> | 07:34 |
B_166-ER-X | ok | 07:34 |
WebLOCH | B_166-ER-X, then after it is registered, whenever you come here, us /ns identify <passwoer> | 07:34 |
nalioth | ghostdog: have fun http://www.giannaros.org/public/hoarydebs/ | 07:34 |
B_166-ER-X | nice | 07:34 |
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maxbern | hello guys | 07:34 |
maxbern | How can i install Mp3 music? | 07:35 |
ksmurf | install? | 07:35 |
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maxbern | yes | 07:35 |
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maxbern | or how to play mp3 in ubuntu | 07:35 |
ray | xmms will play mp3's if you install the correct plugin | 07:35 |
brownie17 | maxbern, is english your primary language? | 07:35 |
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maxbern | english brownie17 | 07:36 |
ray | use the synaptic package manager to search for it | 07:36 |
blahrus | maxbern, please use beep media player | 07:36 |
brownie17 | maxbern, ok | 07:36 |
Myrtti | !mp3 | 07:36 |
maxbern | where can i find them? | 07:36 |
ubotu | hmm... mp3 is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support | 07:36 |
blahrus | max, much better :) | 07:36 |
cndrr | ok, whats the quickest way to turn a fresh install into a NAT router? | 07:36 |
=== tritium waves good night | ||
brownie17 | blahrus, you mean maxbern? | 07:36 |
duken | cyphase, i'm still download now | 07:36 |
blahrus | yea sorry :) | 07:36 |
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ray | im off - gota go to work - laters! | 07:36 |
ksmurf | anyone? | 07:37 |
maxbern | help me im newbie for linux | 07:37 |
maxbern | i have ubuntu installed here | 07:37 |
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maxbern | i need to play mp3 songs | 07:37 |
MadpilotPPC | !tell maxbern about mp3 | 07:37 |
maxbern | where can i get the drivers | 07:37 |
nalioth | ksmurf: instead of wasting bandwidth with "anyone?" can you ask your bloody question? | 07:37 |
nalioth | !tell maxbern about restricted | 07:37 |
MadpilotPPC | maxbern, see the msg ubotu just sent you, plase | 07:37 |
MadpilotPPC | *please | 07:37 |
|ww | is there a functional ftp client on ubuntu?? | 07:38 |
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cyphase | duken, ok | 07:38 |
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|ww | gftp crashes do to a uTIMe problem.. connect to server is passive and my ftp server doesnt like it | 07:38 |
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shray | ubuntu is the devil! | 07:38 |
nalioth | |ww: several | 07:38 |
|ww | really flustrating how this is such a neat little program and it doesn't even have a decent ftp client | 07:38 |
maxbern | ok ok ok | 07:38 |
Toma- | shray: no ur. | 07:38 |
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ray | there are shed loads of ftp clients in the synapse??? | 07:39 |
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ray | more than you can shake a stick at | 07:39 |
cafuego_ | shray: It's not. I am. | 07:39 |
MadpilotPPC | |ww, Nautilus (the file manager) can do a lot of FTP stuff | 07:39 |
|ww | i get to upload like 2 files and gftp crashes like windows | 07:39 |
nalioth | !tell |ww about synaptic | 07:39 |
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ray | right, now i must go... bye | 07:39 |
nalioth | |ww: read all that ubotu has sent you and help yourself | 07:39 |
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esac | has anybody had issues with ATI driver? i installed xorg-fglrx-driver or whatever, set xorg.conf to use fglrx, and X started fine, but there is no way it is an accelerated driver | 07:40 |
selinium | !ati | 07:40 |
ubotu | from memory, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx | 07:40 |
ksmurf | sorry . I have a flakey card that is internal on my acer laptop 2312lci. I don't think it is the hardware because my wifes has the same problem. it is athros based and the mods are loaded. lspci picks it up dmesg only has error about acpi and my batt. my dlink650 works and uses the same driver. any ideas | 07:40 |
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maxbern | what is website certyified by Unknown Authorities do i need to acept permanently or temporarily | 07:40 |
ksmurf | I'm using breezy | 07:40 |
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MadpilotPPC | max, if you're talking about the ubuntu site, just accept permanently | 07:41 |
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din | gn | 07:41 |
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capiCrimm | what packages do I need to use decompress .rar files? | 07:42 |
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dooglus | |ww: still having problems with gftp? | 07:42 |
dooglus | |ww: 'cos you can turn passive off | 07:43 |
matrix | ok i can't mount my hdd :s | 07:43 |
bimberi | capiCrimm: have you tried the Archive Manager (Apps -> Accessories). Otherwise unrar or unrar-nonfree | 07:43 |
cafuego_ | or you cna fix the ftp server, so passive ftp works. | 07:43 |
dooglus | ftp menu, options, ftp tab, 'passive transfers' | 07:43 |
MadpilotPPC | capiCrimm, search Synaptic for rar | 07:43 |
cafuego_ | it's normally as easy as allowing RELATED packets on the firewall and loading ip_conntrack_ftp | 07:43 |
SlicerDicer- | does anybody know about avidemux and ubuntu? | 07:44 |
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WebLOCH | I think the hardest thing about the transition from windows to linux | 07:44 |
WebLOCH | Is that the Yes/No/Cancel buttons are swapped over | 07:44 |
WebLOCH | So whenever I instinctively click "no" im actually clicking yes. | 07:45 |
ksmurf | what other info would you like nalioth? | 07:45 |
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brownie17 | WebLOCH, agreed | 07:45 |
|ww | dooglus; i turned passive off with gftp.. i need to turn passive off on the connect to server so i can ftp with the file browser | 07:45 |
ghostdog | madpilotPPC: therea an error couldn't be verified because the public key is not available | 07:46 |
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WebLOCH | brownie17, :D | 07:46 |
BLUE_ICE | what does this mean? | 07:47 |
BLUE_ICE | can i paste here? | 07:47 |
brownie17 | no | 07:47 |
brownie17 | use pastebin | 07:47 |
brownie17 | !pastebin | 07:47 |
ubotu | it has been said that pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 07:47 |
BLUE_ICE | what is that? | 07:47 |
BLUE_ICE | i will paste there? | 07:48 |
elkbuntu | go to the url and see | 07:48 |
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dooglus | |ww: gftp is nothing to do with the browser, I don't think. | 07:48 |
brownie17 | BLUE_ICE, you paste it there, and psate the URL of the weibsite in here | 07:48 |
dooglus | |ww: I was browsing FTP sites with nautilus before I even installed gftp | 07:48 |
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BLUE_ICE | how can i sent those files? | 07:49 |
dooglus | BLUE_ICE: whatever you do, don't paste any screenshots in here! | 07:49 |
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brownie17 | BLUE_ICE, you can also send those through pastebin, there is an attachtment dialouge | 07:50 |
BLUE_ICE | its not an screen shots its an error | 07:50 |
brownie17 | BLUE_ICE, the error text once paste into pastebin can be given to him through the url. | 07:50 |
dooglus | BLUE_ICE: paste it in the paste site | 07:50 |
BLUE_ICE | i was following this sudo apt-get update | 07:51 |
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BLUE_ICE | that is done | 07:51 |
BLUE_ICE | but on the next command theres an error | 07:51 |
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BLUE_ICE | what does this mean ? Package totem-xine is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 07:51 |
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brownie17 | everyone go to #newpeople !!!!! | 07:52 |
cyclotron6 | hey can anyone help me with a ndiswrapper issue | 07:52 |
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thoreauputic | BLUE_ICE: it means your sources are misconfigured | 07:52 |
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dooglus | brownie17: what about the oldpeople? should they go too? | 07:52 |
cyclotron6 | the kernal module wont ins mod | 07:52 |
thoreauputic | !tell BLUE_ICE about sources | 07:52 |
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selinium | hi thoreauputic :) | 07:52 |
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thoreauputic | hi selinium :) | 07:53 |
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helpme | help me! not able to boot into ubuntu! Error 16: Inconsistent filsystem structure!! | 07:53 |
brownie17 | dooglus, if they have lisences, and my permission. why? are you old!?!?!?! | 07:53 |
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dooglus | I'm quite old | 07:53 |
selinium | Hi all, i installed winetools using 'sudo sh install.sh' How do i now uninstall it? | 07:53 |
brownie17 | cool | 07:53 |
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@83-131-135-39.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
=== matrix needs to mount a hard drive but nothing i read is helping | ||
cafuego_ | helpme: Boot from install or LiveCD, fix the filesystem using fsck. | 07:53 |
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brownie17 | seveas, say i am op in a channel, and i want to know how to make myself op again everytime i come back, how do i do that? | 07:53 |
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dooglus | matrix: what's the problem? | 07:54 |
cafuego_ | selinium: Find out which files got installed, remove them by hand. | 07:54 |
helpme | im in kanotix live cd now......how to fix filesystem.....im a newbie:( | 07:54 |
helpme | guide me plz | 07:54 |
matrix | dooglus, i need to mount my hard drive but idk how | 07:54 |
nalioth | selinium: why did you do that? and not use synaptic? | 07:54 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: you read the documentation for your IRC client ;) | 07:54 |
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Passion | hi~ | 07:54 |
selinium | cafuego, cool! cheers | 07:54 |
nalioth | brownie17: you do not need to do so in here | 07:54 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic, great idea | 07:54 |
dooglus | matrix: do you know the harddrive's device? | 07:54 |
matrix | :| | 07:55 |
BLUE_ICE | thoreauputic, where can i found those sources? in my cd's? | 07:55 |
dooglus | /dev/hda1 or whatever? | 07:55 |
matrix | dooglus, u lost me there | 07:55 |
capiCrimm | bimberi, I have unrar, but it doesn't seem to work. It seems to be dying on valid packages. | 07:55 |
thoreauputic | BLUE_ICE: the URL ubotu pm'ed you tells you | 07:55 |
helpme | help me! not able to boot into ubuntu! Error 16: Inconsistent filsystem structure!! | 07:55 |
crimsun | capiCrimm: you need unrar-nonfree from multiverse, probably | 07:55 |
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nalioth | !tell helpme about repeat | 07:55 |
thoreauputic | helpme: stop being annoying, please | 07:55 |
bimberi | capiCrimm: yes - wot crimsun sed :) | 07:55 |
helpme | cafuego: plz guide me:( | 07:56 |
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dooglus | matrix: run "sudo fdisk /dev/hda", type p, hit return, type q, hit return. don't type other things to fdisk, you can cause damage | 07:56 |
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dooglus | matrix: that will list the partitions on /dev/hda - do you see the drive you want to mount | 07:56 |
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matrix | dooglus, it only shows the partitions on the current drive i'm using, i need to mount another hdd cause it has all my files on it | 07:57 |
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dooglus | matrix: try /dev/hdb ? | 07:58 |
Passion | I'm using laptop Samsung X05, but it fall down sleep mode and then when it is resumed, it lost prior birhtness. Adjustment keys of brightness don't work too. What shall i do.. :'( | 07:58 |
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dooglus | (I'm guessing now - I've only got one harddrive) | 07:58 |
capiCrimm | bimberi, did that and it still doesn't work. Where can I get an archieve to test on. Maybe mines corrupt. :\ | 07:58 |
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matrix | dooglus, bash: /dev/hdb: Permission denied | 07:58 |
bimberi | dooglus: "sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda" is safer ;) | 07:58 |
cyclotron6 | anyone know why modprode ndiswrapper would be an "Operation Not Permitted" when it insmods? | 07:58 |
dooglus | bimberi: right. | 07:59 |
dooglus | matrix: is this an IDE drive? | 07:59 |
bimberi | capiCrimm: i don't know sorry, google might | 07:59 |
matrix | dooglus, yep | 07:59 |
dooglus | matrix: when you saw "permission denied", did you use sudo? | 07:59 |
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cyclotron6 | im running 5.10 preview | 07:59 |
dooglus | matrix: ie. "sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb" | 07:59 |
wrabbit01 | Heya all... mind if I ask a newbie question? | 08:00 |
crimsun | wrabbit01: go ahead | 08:00 |
dooglus | !ask | 08:00 |
nalioth | wrabbit01: ask | 08:00 |
ghostdog | nalioth : therea an error couldn't be verified because the public key is not available what should i do ? | 08:00 |
matrix | dooglus, i found it i think: /dev/hdb1 * 1 2438 19583203+ c W95 FAT32 (LBA) | 08:00 |
thoreauputic | !+ask | 08:00 |
ubotu | somebody said ask was Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model, outputs of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl is important. Better questions more frequently yield better answer. Keeping the question in one line makes it easier to read. See also http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html. | 08:00 |
crimsun | ghostdog: wiki.ubuntu.com/AptAuthenticationInstructionsForHoary | 08:00 |
thoreauputic | that factoid is way too long... | 08:00 |
BLUE_ICE | brownie17, your just playing for your ops instead helping some people needs help | 08:00 |
dooglus | matrix: ok. so it's /dev/hdb1 - it's a FAT32 drive right? | 08:01 |
wrabbit01 | Just installed Ubuntu after loving the live CD. I've installed it on drive C and have windows XP installed on drive D. I was under the impression that there would be an option before bootup to choose which OS I wanted to load. | 08:01 |
BLUE_ICE | do not abuse your power brownie17 | 08:01 |
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=== bimberi suggests thoreauputic ban himself for that | ||
matrix | dooglus, yeah it is | 08:01 |
bimberi | :) | 08:01 |
wrabbit01 | ...but that's not happening. I'm in ubuntu now | 08:01 |
thoreauputic | bimberi: indeed | 08:01 |
=== New2Linux [n=Danial@cpe-065-190-180-034.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brownie17 | BLUE_ICE, it wasn't a support channel, it was just stuffing around. you didn't ask for help | 08:01 |
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yen | hi | 08:01 |
BLUE_ICE | i was asking for help you know that | 08:01 |
nalioth | ghostdog: are you using unofficial repos? | 08:01 |
dooglus | matrix: "sudo vi /etc/fstab" and add a new line: | 08:01 |
dooglus | /dev/hdb1 /mnt/fat vfat noauto,user,umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,uid=1000,codepage=850 0 0 | 08:01 |
wrabbit01 | Is there an easy way to get this working? | 08:01 |
BLUE_ICE | you should tell that that was for your stuff i shouldnt join there | 08:02 |
yen | hi | 08:02 |
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thoreauputic | BLUE_ICE: if you want to have a personal argument, please take it elsewhere | 08:02 |
dooglus | matrix: then "sudo mkdir -p /mnt/fat" and "sudo mount /mnt/fat" | 08:02 |
=== ironwolf [n=ironwolf@c-67-188-204-176.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brownie17 | BLUE_ICE, don't be so serious | 08:02 |
matrix | dooglus, add all this /dev/hdb1 /mnt/fat vfat noauto,user,umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,uid=1000,codepage=850 0 0 ? | 08:02 |
ghostdog | nalioth : i tried using the command that was on the wiki after i run the instructions it gave me that error | 08:03 |
dooglus | sure | 08:03 |
dooglus | it's all one line | 08:03 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: same goes for you | 08:03 |
BLUE_ICE | sorry thoreauputic | 08:03 |
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dooglus | matrix: I don't know if all those options are needed, or outdated, but they worked for me last time I saw my external harddrive | 08:03 |
kevin06 | We all know that Ubuntu sticks to it's FOSS committment, and because of that, lacks in the Multimedia department. What distro has the best Multimedia support OOTB? | 08:03 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic, *salutes* | 08:03 |
yen | hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | 08:03 |
wrabbit01 | So can anybody help out this particular newbie? I'd really appreciate it. | 08:04 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic, user doc does not tell me whta command for ops is | 08:04 |
dooglus | matrix: it's important to copy it quite right - don't add spaces after the commas, for instance | 08:04 |
nalioth | yen: may we help you? | 08:04 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: spring to attention when you do that *grin* | 08:04 |
crimsun | kevin06: probably Planet CCRMA | 08:04 |
aftertaf | wrabbit01: it is possible, just need to modify grub | 08:04 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: /msg chanserv help | 08:04 |
aftertaf | sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 08:05 |
yen | hi nalioth | 08:05 |
dooglus | gedit comes as standard? | 08:05 |
crimsun | yes | 08:05 |
thoreauputic | dooglus: yup | 08:05 |
bimberi | dooglus: yes | 08:05 |
dooglus | ok, ok! :) | 08:05 |
=== robitaille [n=robitail@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== bimberi came in a distant third :( | ||
matrix | dooglus, umm...i already made a directory for it called windows :| | 08:05 |
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yen | any body here from phil? | 08:06 |
jerico | kaw | 08:06 |
=== thoreauputic gives bimberi a bronze medal | ||
nalioth | yen: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic, please | 08:06 |
jerico | ur frm phil | 08:06 |
yen | wakuku | 08:06 |
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dooglus | matrix: doesn't matter - replace /mnt/fat everywhere with your path | 08:06 |
pc22 | how do in install win apps thru wine? | 08:06 |
yen | ano yan? | 08:06 |
dwerf | i previously installed breezy, and now synaptic wants to update 245 items - is that correct? | 08:06 |
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pc22 | hi yen | 08:06 |
nalioth | tagolog in #ubuntu-ph, please | 08:06 |
yen | hi | 08:06 |
=== bimberi checks it by biting it - mmmm chocolate | ||
pc22 | what do u want? | 08:07 |
crimsun | dwerf: that sounds reasonable | 08:07 |
yen | elow | 08:07 |
thoreauputic | yen: english please | 08:07 |
yen | asl mo pc22? | 08:07 |
Cardoe | Where do you guys keep your patches against upstream sources? | 08:07 |
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=== Yvonne [n=justme@cn-sdm-cr02-1437.dial.kabelfoon.nl] has left #ubuntu ["] | ||
dwerf | crimsun > that is exiting than... | 08:07 |
wrabbit01 | aftertaf, could you please point me in the right direction? I'm new to computers let alone linux so I'm a little confused at the moment. | 08:07 |
nalioth | yen: this is not a chat channel | 08:07 |
Cardoe | some kind of CVS I assume | 08:07 |
New2Linux | Hi - I am nwe to linux and as of now runing Ubuntu from its Live CD just to check it out and I know I will be needing lot of help ;( | 08:07 |
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yen | ah ok | 08:07 |
yen | sorry | 08:07 |
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crimsun | Cardoe: diff.gz in CC.archive.ubuntu.com | 08:07 |
nalioth | tagalog in #ubuntu-ph, if you desire | 08:07 |
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nalioth | New2Linux: welcome | 08:08 |
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matrix | dooglus, after i add sudo vi /etc/fstab, it says "Interrupt: Hit ENTER or type command to continue | 08:08 |
matrix | " | 08:08 |
crimsun | Cardoe: for instance, us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/{main,universe,multiverse}/ | 08:08 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
yen | #ubuntu-ph | 08:08 |
New2Linux | what will happen when I install the UBUNTU, will I still ahve access to my files in Windows folder (probably not) ??? | 08:08 |
linner | greetings and salutations :) | 08:08 |
matrix | linner, wb :) | 08:08 |
thoreauputic | yen: /join #ubuntu-ph | 08:08 |
yen | ok | 08:08 |
dooglus | matrix: is there an editor you know how to use? gedit perhaps? | 08:08 |
crimsun | New2Linux: absolutely, you will. | 08:09 |
linner | matrix: why thank you :) | 08:09 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o thoreauputic] by thoreauputic | ||
cyphase | New2linux, as long as you don't install over Windows :) | 08:09 |
nalioth | New2Linux: you can read your windows files (if you set up properly) | 08:09 |
cyphase | so don't ;) | 08:09 |
matrix | dooglus, why no i don't <- new to linux :| | 08:09 |
bimberi | New2Linux: read access definitely | 08:09 |
wrabbit01 | Can anybody help me with getting this OS option/grub modification thing going? | 08:09 |
dooglus | matrix: ok. gedit will be easier then. | 08:09 |
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WebLOCH | New2Linux, You can even run some windows programs with a little know-how and configuration | 08:09 |
WebLOCH | wb aftertaf | 08:09 |
dooglus | kill the vi one. | 08:09 |
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linner | matrix: how are ya'? | 08:09 |
Cardoe | crimsun: just finding the debs there | 08:10 |
aftertaf | boing | 08:10 |
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linner | aftertaf: hey dude :) | 08:10 |
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Cardoe | crimsun: looking for what actually goes into building those debs | 08:10 |
matrix | linner, good still looking for help from u j33t jedi's :) | 08:10 |
crimsun | Cardoe: wherever there's a deb on the official repo, there's a corresponding orig.tar.gz + diff.gz | 08:10 |
crimsun | Cardoe: our changes are in diff.gz | 08:10 |
aftertaf | hi linner :) | 08:10 |
linner | matrix: help from me?? I'll try dude :) | 08:10 |
linner | aftertaf: how are you sweetie? | 08:11 |
New2Linux | thaks - no I will be installing on a seprate partitio - rather i say on 2nd hard drive - also does it have to be installed on primary partition | 08:11 |
Cardoe | crimsun: ok. Guess the package I was looking for doesn't have orig and diff | 08:11 |
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thoreauputic | linner: try not - there is no try! Do only! | 08:11 |
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matrix | linner, u helped the other night but, dooglus is helping me tonight :o | 08:11 |
crimsun | Cardoe: what package? | 08:11 |
thoreauputic | linner: </yoda> | 08:11 |
nalioth | New2Linux: it can go anywhere. only the bootloader needs the primary HD | 08:11 |
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linner | thoreauputic: dude... a woman can only do what she can do ;) jedi or not | 08:11 |
linner | :) | 08:11 |
sweetdevil | elow..pipzzzzz | 08:11 |
aftertaf | linner: hehe, sweetie, that's nice :) fine!! and yourself? | 08:11 |
wrabbit01 | :( | 08:12 |
linner | aftertaf: eh, same ole same ole :) | 08:12 |
Cardoe | crimsun: actually there was a copy of it in universe that didn't have it.. but the copy in main has it. | 08:12 |
B_166-ER-X | whats the command to identify to the nickserver ?? | 08:12 |
crimsun | Cardoe: then the package was promoted from universe to main | 08:12 |
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moyogo | any idea why acroread is broken on breezy? | 08:12 |
BLUE_ICE | thoreauputic, can i pvt you? | 08:12 |
thoreauputic | linner: ah well ... at least you are forsaking the Dark Side ;) | 08:12 |
crimsun | moyogo: evince doesn't suffice? | 08:12 |
=== linner doesn't do the dark side :) | ||
B_166-ER-X | Webloch | 08:12 |
=== linner laughs | ||
sweetdevil | hav u guyzz notice mah cuznn nmed clark??? | 08:12 |
sambagirl | why i not receiving wallops? | 08:12 |
sweetdevil | la lng?? | 08:12 |
linner | you guys are crazy | 08:12 |
yen | hi | 08:13 |
thoreauputic | BLUE_ICE: what's the problem? Keep it in channel if possible | 08:13 |
BLUE_ICE | W: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> | 08:13 |
BLUE_ICE | W: GPG error: http://ph.archive.ubuntu.com hoary-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> | 08:13 |
WebLOCH | B_166-ER-X, hey | 08:13 |
crimsun | sambagirl: from the server ops? Is your client set +w? | 08:13 |
cafuego_ | sambagirl: probably missing umode +w | 08:13 |
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matrix | linner, mount -t vfat32 /dev/hdb1/Windows eh eh? | 08:13 |
nalioth | BLUE_ICE: please dont do that here | 08:13 |
thoreauputic | BLUE_ICE: erm | 08:13 |
dooglus | /msg nickserv ident seymourbutts | 08:13 |
sambagirl | umm lteme try again. | 08:13 |
cafuego_ | sweetdevil: English please | 08:13 |
thoreauputic | BLUE_ICE: read the topic please | 08:13 |
sambagirl | sorry for stupid quesiton | 08:13 |
linner | matrix: i actually think you mean did i remove my thumbdrive before rebooting? :) | 08:13 |
nalioth | tagalog in #ubuntu-ph | 08:13 |
matrix | :| | 08:13 |
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matrix | rofl :p | 08:14 |
BLUE_ICE | wew | 08:14 |
cafuego_ | and l33tspeak in /disco | 08:14 |
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B_166-ER-X | WebLoch what was that command for nickserver or something like this ? ;P | 08:14 |
matrix | dooglus, mount -t vfat32 /dev/hdb1/Windows eh eh ? | 08:14 |
matrix | rofl :d | 08:14 |
sambagirl | sambagirl sets mode +w sambagirl | 08:14 |
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WebLOCH | "/ns identify passwd" | 08:14 |
=== linner laughs my butt off | ||
linner | hehehehe | 08:14 |
B_166-ER-X | ah | 08:14 |
sambagirl | yep is right ohwell. | 08:14 |
dooglus | matrix: no. edit /etc/fstab like I said, then just "sudo mount /mnt/windows" | 08:14 |
sambagirl | chao | 08:14 |
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dooglus | matrix: actually, where did you make that windows directory? | 08:14 |
BLUE_ICE | hard to install mp3 | 08:14 |
=== cafuego_ thinks you better stay away from my butt | ||
sweetdevil | elow.. | 08:15 |
matrix | dooglus, places--home--folder--Windows | 08:15 |
matrix | *home folder | 08:15 |
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jerico | thf | 08:15 |
calamari | hi | 08:15 |
jerico | hi | 08:15 |
dooglus | matrix: what's your username? | 08:15 |
matrix | dooglus, matrix | 08:16 |
matrix | (H) | 08:16 |
calamari | is there a top-like program that can tell me which programs are using the hard drive most? | 08:16 |
dooglus | so, the mount point is /home/matrix/Windows | 08:16 |
dooglus | and the device is /dev/hdb1 | 08:16 |
concept10 | !java | 08:16 |
ubotu | methinks java is to install both 1.4 and Sun Java see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#java | 08:16 |
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matrix | dooglus, ok can u put all that in one line for me there big man :-) | 08:17 |
dooglus | do "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" and put a line into fstab like the one I pasted earlier, but with /home/matrix/ - oh ffs! | 08:17 |
B_166-ER-X | could someone help me with a soundcard being here, but no showing problem ? | 08:17 |
dooglus | /dev/hdb1 /home/matrix/Windows vfat noauto,user,umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,uid=1000,codepage=850 0 0 | 08:17 |
dooglus | (make sure that Windows really does have a capital W - it matters) | 08:17 |
BLUE_ICE | i can see now that linux is not a friendly users | 08:18 |
BLUE_ICE | :P | 08:18 |
=== thoreauputic awards dooglus the spoonfeeding award for the day | ||
B_166-ER-X | crimson , could you help me on this one ? | 08:18 |
thoreauputic | ;-) | 08:18 |
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matrix | dooglus, do i hit new then save it as...? | 08:18 |
B_166-ER-X | crimsun | 08:18 |
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B_166-ER-X | that is | 08:18 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: what's the issue? | 08:18 |
concept10 | Is the w32codecs, j2re and mozilla flashplayer packages in the breezy repos? | 08:18 |
concept10 | *are | 08:18 |
BLUE_ICE | Guys how can i share my printer from Windows to Linux? | 08:19 |
thoreauputic | matrix: do a *little* bit of thinking | 08:19 |
crimsun | concept10: the last one (flashplugin-nonfree) is in multiverse | 08:19 |
B_166-ER-X | Crimsun , a soundcard wich is 'here' but no showing...and xmms not playing mp3 (as probably a result of soundcard prob..) | 08:19 |
concept10 | crimsun, they changed the names of the packages? | 08:19 |
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crimsun | concept10: there are a couple. That's the name of the first one that popped into my mind. | 08:19 |
BLUE_ICE | No one? | 08:20 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: lspci -v|grep -i audio | 08:20 |
dooglus | matrix: no 'new', just 'save' | 08:20 |
B_166-ER-X | 0000:00:0d.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev 07) | 08:20 |
nalioth | concept10: no, but i can point you to java and codecs | 08:20 |
=== aftertaf [n=david@sara2lee.agns.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
matrix | dooglus, kk then what :) | 08:20 |
linner | wb aftertaf | 08:20 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: cat /proc/asound/modules | 08:20 |
thoreauputic | !tell BLUE_ICE about docs | 08:20 |
aftertaf | i am a really good advert for a certain model of proxy ;) | 08:21 |
B_166-ER-X | crimsun , 0 snd_emu10k1 | 08:21 |
aftertaf | thx linner | 08:21 |
cafuego_ | B_166-ER-X: is xmms set up to use the 'esound' or 'esd' output module? | 08:21 |
dooglus | you got more than just my one line in there, right? | 08:21 |
B_166-ER-X | i tried them all. | 08:21 |
New2Linux | cyphase / nyaloth thanks... i am very rusty using IRC sorry if i did't catch your words or name | 08:21 |
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pc22 | where can i find my repositories list? | 08:21 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: paste the output from amixer onto paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 08:21 |
cafuego_ | There is no need to try all, esd is the one you need. | 08:21 |
linner | aftertaf: why sure! | 08:21 |
dooglus | /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:21 |
pc22 | thanks | 08:21 |
thoreauputic | pc22: /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:21 |
pc22 | thanks | 08:21 |
dooglus | matrix: try 'mount Windows' | 08:22 |
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cyphase | New2Linux, not at all | 08:22 |
cyphase | and it's nalioth ;) | 08:23 |
B_166-ER-X | crimsun http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2575 | 08:23 |
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B_166-ER-X | i dont have esd | 08:23 |
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nalioth | cyphase: yes it is (tab completion will come in time, i'm sure) | 08:23 |
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New2Linux | so right now if I can not access my HD is because I am using the Live CD or simply runing everything from the CD ??? | 08:24 |
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esac | anybody know how to open .sit files (from macosx) in linux ? | 08:24 |
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matrix | mount: can't find /home/matrix/Windows in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 08:24 |
matrix | fuck it i give up :s | 08:24 |
nalioth | esac: you cannot | 08:24 |
nalioth | matrix: language, please | 08:24 |
matrix | O.o mybad | 08:24 |
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wrabbit01 | I didn't realise how daunting linux is before I installed. Can anybody please help me get this grub OS menu working? | 08:24 |
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nalioth | esac: open them on a mac, and then tar them up on the mac or xfer | 08:24 |
aftertaf | esac: i found a unarch program for that once..... but limited functionality | 08:24 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: in a Terminal, please execute: amixer sset 'SB Live Analog/Digital Output Jack' on | 08:25 |
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dooglus | matrix: "sudo gedit /etc/fstab". what do you see? | 08:25 |
esac | nalioth: don't suppose you have a mac just lying around i could send you a link ? :) | 08:25 |
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nalioth | esac: i have several macs "lying around" | 08:26 |
B_166-ER-X | crimsun v | 08:26 |
B_166-ER-X | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2576 | 08:26 |
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matrix | dooglus, i see #/dev/hdb1 /home/matrix/Windows vfat noauto,user,umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,uid=1000,codepage=850 0 0 | 08:26 |
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dooglus | you have a # in front of it? | 08:26 |
matrix | yeah | 08:26 |
dooglus | you don't want a # in front of it. that means 'comment' | 08:27 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/* | 08:27 |
matrix | O.o | 08:27 |
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dooglus | do you see other lines too? | 08:27 |
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B_166-ER-X | does nothing, crimsun | 08:27 |
cyphase | does synaptic do automatic updates? | 08:27 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: can you hear anything when you run the following? aplay /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav | 08:28 |
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cyphase | i can't remember off the top of my head | 08:28 |
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nalioth | cyphase: yes it does | 08:28 |
B_166-ER-X | ALSA lib confmisc.c:550:(snd_determine_driver) could not open control for card 0 | 08:28 |
B_166-ER-X | ALSA lib conf.c:3463:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: Permission denied | 08:28 |
B_166-ER-X | ALSA lib confmisc.c:387:(snd_func_concat) error evaluating strings | 08:28 |
B_166-ER-X | ect..ect.. | 08:28 |
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nalioth | B_166-ER-X: please dont do that | 08:28 |
matrix | dooglus, i typed "mount windows" but it went back to "matrix@ool-45774c8b:~$" | 08:28 |
BlueEagle | b_166-er-x: are you in the audio group? | 08:28 |
nalioth | B_166-ER-X: there is #flood and pastebins galore | 08:28 |
dooglus | matrix: so look in the file browser | 08:28 |
B_166-ER-X | yeah i know sorry. | 08:28 |
esac | nalioth: http://images.apple.com/applescript/itunes/itunes-scripts.OSX.sit .. if you get a chance id appreciate it. | 08:28 |
cyphase | laioth, i mean it downloads everything in the background without anything being shown to the user | 08:28 |
dooglus | your Windows directory should be full of stuff now | 08:29 |
cyphase | nalioth* | 08:29 |
matrix | dooglus, ty u alot buddy :D | 08:29 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: these errors are on a default Ubuntu Hoary install? | 08:29 |
nalioth | cyphase: mine unfortunately does it in front of me | 08:29 |
dooglus | matrix: do you still have all the old stuff in /etc/fstab? | 08:29 |
dooglus | matrix: 'cos you need it. your system won't boot if you've messed it up | 08:29 |
B_166-ER-X | crimsun yeas | 08:29 |
B_166-ER-X | printed cd.. | 08:29 |
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cyphase | nalioth, i guess that's a no.. | 08:30 |
cyphase | :) | 08:30 |
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BLUE_ICE | can you feel the love tonigt it is where we are | 08:30 |
garyc | hey folks I just installed vsftpd and I need a kick start document that shows me how to setup users and access | 08:30 |
matrix | dooglus, u mean the # or all the other stuff that was there ? | 08:30 |
dooglus | all the other stuff | 08:30 |
matrix | yeah its still there | 08:30 |
dooglus | line /dev/hda1 / ... and such like | 08:30 |
B_166-ER-X | says right here 'ubuntu 5.04 for apple cmp' | 08:30 |
B_166-ER-X | jokking.. | 08:30 |
matrix | dooglus, all i did was add the new line and hit save | 08:30 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: like BlueEagle asked, are you in the audio group? groups|grep audio | 08:30 |
dooglus | matrix: ok. the # worried me. where'd that come from? | 08:31 |
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matrix | dooglus, it was a blank spot with the # already there | 08:31 |
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B_166-ER-X | crimsun , i dont see what you mean by audio group | 08:31 |
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nmstryoda | wow! so what does launchpad-integration do for me... new package in the breezy hourly patches... | 08:31 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: type the command I stated after I asked the question. | 08:31 |
nmstryoda | i know what launchpad is... btw | 08:31 |
garyc | hey folks I just installed vsftpd and I need a kick start document that shows me how to setup users and access | 08:31 |
B_166-ER-X | just did. does nothing | 08:31 |
BLUE_ICE | :) | 08:31 |
dooglus | matrix: oh, ok. you should find that you don't need to do anything next time you boot. Windows will just always contain your windows drive | 08:32 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: then you're not using your default user, I don't think. Is this user the second or third you've added? | 08:32 |
tga | howdy. does anyone know a nice serif font that contains East European chars? I'm looking at Gentium so far but it has no bold | 08:32 |
BooZee | hey all! how can I download codecs to my box ? | 08:32 |
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matrix | dooglus, so this is the only time i will have to do that ? | 08:32 |
aftertaf | so linner you a happy bunny with your laptop now right? | 08:32 |
tga | !tell BooZee about codecs | 08:32 |
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garyc | who can help me on vsftp | 08:32 |
esac | and to head off the next question | 08:32 |
linner | aftertaf: yeah I'm fairly happy with the lappy :) | 08:32 |
esac | !tell BooZee about w32codecs | 08:32 |
cafuego_ | tga: 'apt-cache search ttf' should give you heaps. | 08:32 |
linner | aftertaf: of course it has some issues with the time and the wireless connection but other than that it rocks! | 08:33 |
dooglus | matrix: oh, I'm lying to you. if you want it to be automatically mounted, you'll need to get rid of the "noauto" bit of the line you added (and the following comma) | 08:33 |
B_166-ER-X | crimsun, ah, i did have problem with user...at my first boot the setted user didnt want to logon, i had to create another one, but the user created at the install was not showing up anywhere .. | 08:33 |
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crimsun | B_166-ER-X: so you need to add that user to the audio group, log out, and log back in | 08:33 |
linner | aftertaf: can't quite figure out the ndiswrapper but i'm determined to do it............. | 08:33 |
matrix | dooglus, just take out the "noauto and the comma" ? and save it ? | 08:34 |
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cafuego_ | nmstryoda: Nothing I suspect, as '/usr/bin/launchpad-integration' returns an error. | 08:34 |
linner | aftertaf: did you get your proxy stuff worked out? | 08:34 |
B_166-ER-X | crimsun, i have just my main user listed in users and groups. | 08:34 |
nmstryoda | cafuego, nothing just yet... | 08:34 |
aftertaf | linner: time issues? | 08:34 |
dooglus | matrix: yeah | 08:34 |
matrix | dooglus: so /dev/hdb1 /home/matrix/Windows vfat user,umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,uid=1000,codepage=850 0 0 | 08:34 |
linner | yeah for some reason when i boot up my clock doesn't sync with the server... | 08:35 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: you need your current user to be in the audio group if you want him to have access to the sound device | 08:35 |
dooglus | looks ok | 08:35 |
linner | aftertaf: right now it's 42 minutes fast | 08:35 |
aftertaf | linner: nope, nothing i can do.... st00pid corporate proxy needs microwaving | 08:35 |
matrix | kk thanks alot man | 08:35 |
dooglus | matrix, try rebooting to be sure | 08:35 |
=== linner offers a microwave free of charge to aftertaf | ||
linner | :) | 08:35 |
aftertaf | linner: clock thing no prob..... does your net connection come alive on boot or not? | 08:35 |
B_166-ER-X | crimsun, i only have one user if i look in the users and group :| | 08:35 |
matrix | :o | 08:35 |
linner | yes... | 08:35 |
cafuego_ | linner: sudo apt-get install ntp-simple | 08:35 |
nmstryoda | hey, linner, et al ... the difference between Linux users and windows... just occured to me.. We will try something until it works or it kills us... windows users just accept what is given to them and live with it. | 08:35 |
nmstryoda | linner, you will get it working | 08:35 |
New2Linux | so right now if I can not access my HD is because I am using the Live CD or simply runing everything from the CD ??? | 08:35 |
linner | nmstryoda: you got that right :) | 08:35 |
aftertaf | cafuego: ntp is in init.d anyway..... | 08:36 |
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linner | nmstryoda: if i can work on my laptop for 16 hours a day for 7 days until it's up and running ubuntu, i can do ANYTHING :) | 08:36 |
cafuego_ | aftertaf: Yes, but that only runs once. | 08:36 |
fluor_ | how do i run 32bit programs on 64-bit ubuntu? s there another way than chroot? | 08:36 |
linner | cafuego: really?\ | 08:36 |
cafuego_ | aftertaf: and ntp-simple is a daemon. | 08:36 |
linner | cafuego: let me give it a shot | 08:36 |
aftertaf | linner: does your net connection start on boot or not? | 08:36 |
nmstryoda | linner, lol | 08:36 |
fluor_ | first i have to log in, then su, then sudo bash to root, then chroot /chroot | 08:36 |
dooglus | nmstryoda: have you not seen the number of unfixed bugs in the ubuntu bugzilla? | 08:36 |
nmstryoda | true | 08:36 |
linner | aftertaf: yes it does | 08:36 |
nmstryoda | oh yea | 08:36 |
=== linner will be right back | ||
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: not a big deal. You need to add your current user to the audio group. | 08:36 |
nalioth | New2Linux: you can access your HD if you follow the wiki | 08:36 |
nmstryoda | but i love it anyway | 08:36 |
B_166-ER-X | damn, the terminal shows a double of my user | 08:36 |
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nmstryoda | breezy is good stuff | 08:36 |
B_166-ER-X | here is the problem | 08:36 |
=== linner is back | ||
garyc | hey folks - I just installed vsftpd and I need a kick start document that shows me how to setup users_list enable/deny etc. | 08:36 |
linner | nmstryoda: LOL | 08:36 |
cafuego_ | Although I suspect ntp-simple in hoary is very broken; it seems to not be able to keep the mac mini on time. | 08:37 |
aftertaf | linner: ok.... then you can change the time it runs to put it after the net up connection script | 08:37 |
nalioth | esac: you still here? | 08:37 |
linner | oh??? | 08:37 |
aftertaf | cafuego: hehe... she can just change the init.d order for ntp; put it after net up script | 08:37 |
=== ubuntuking [n=root@ppp-70-227-4-183.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aftertaf | linner: hehe yep | 08:37 |
linner | aftertaf: cafuego suggested something else | 08:37 |
ubuntuking | hello all | 08:37 |
B_166-ER-X | so, i do i remove a user by terminal ? | 08:37 |
cafuego_ | linner: you could add an "up /usr/sbin/ntpdate pool.ntp.org" stanza in interfaces too. | 08:37 |
esac | nalioth: yeah unfortunately im behind a nat router, and i forget what ports to open for dcc | 08:37 |
matrix | hrm...now i need a great media player like "vlc player" that will paly all my movies and music without requiring any additional codecs | 08:37 |
linner | aftertaf: he suggested sudo apt-get install ntp-simple | 08:38 |
garyc | hey folks - I just installed vsftpd and I need a kick start document that shows me how to setup users_list enable/deny etc. | 08:38 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: why would you remove a user? | 08:38 |
nalioth | esac: any ideas on how to xfer in other methods? | 08:38 |
linner | cafuego: let me give what you suggested a shot... | 08:38 |
linner | hold on a sec | 08:38 |
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aftertaf | linner: yep, but seems its a bit buggy, and you dont need to have 2 things installed for one task. | 08:38 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: your entire problem stems from the fact that your _current_ user isn't in the audio group | 08:38 |
B_166-ER-X | crimsun, oli@Nabuchadnesar:~$ users | 08:38 |
B_166-ER-X | oli oli | 08:38 |
B_166-ER-X | doubles.. | 08:38 |
aftertaf | linner: your chcice though... long live freedom of choice :) | 08:38 |
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cafuego_ | linner: it's up to you. ntp-simple runs as daemon, 24/4 and will correct the clock when it starts to skew. ntpdate only runs once, at bootup. | 08:38 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: that means you're logged in multiple times | 08:38 |
esac | nalioth: i'll brb, then it should work :) | 08:38 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: for instance (don't paste here), look at the output from ''w'' | 08:39 |
linner | cafuego: oh okay | 08:39 |
B_166-ER-X | i dont see how though | 08:39 |
brownie17 | everyone go to #newpeople it is great, they have punch and pie. free | 08:39 |
linner | aftertaf: you're right...............god love choice! | 08:39 |
=== cafuego_ runs ntp-simple on one box and 'ntpdate' via cron once an hour on another one | ||
dooglus | free hat? | 08:39 |
garyc | hey folks - I just installed vsftpd and I need a kick start document that shows me how to setup users_list enable/deny etc. | 08:39 |
linner | cafuego: i'd love to do that.............. | 08:39 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: advertising is deprecated ;) | 08:39 |
cafuego_ | Although if it loses TOO much time, it could run only once every two hours ;-) | 08:40 |
=== linner will give cafuego a shot... be right back | ||
B_166-ER-X | crimsun, yep 2 time me, and one is a session manager | 08:40 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic, its what now? | 08:40 |
New2Linux | Okay dumb question - how do you pronounce Wiki - is it liek Wy Ki or wicki | 08:40 |
B_166-ER-X | but i dont see how that happened | 08:40 |
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garyc | hey folks - I just installed vsftpd and I need a kick start document that shows me how to setup users_list enable/deny etc. | 08:40 |
linner | cafuego: why does it lose time at all? | 08:40 |
sivang | hi all | 08:40 |
nalioth | brownie17: not advised to advertise | 08:40 |
linner | cafuego: aftertaf I would think this would be a simple enough problem to completely avoid on a *nix box | 08:40 |
cafuego_ | linner: Normally because it gets confused about clock ticks on a cpu that can switch clock speed. | 08:40 |
crimsun | garyc: please consult the examples in /usr/share/doc/vsftpd/EXAMPLE/ | 08:40 |
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sivang | I have an Ubuntu VMWare Workstation server, I came this morning and saw it reached kernel panic | 08:40 |
garyc | sivang hey can you help with vsftp | 08:40 |
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sivang | where would I find logs to attache to a possible bug report? | 08:40 |
linner | cafuego: and thus the reason it dials out to the net for the time? | 08:41 |
garyc | crimsun thanks | 08:41 |
cafuego_ | linner: And cheap system clocks tend to mess up as well. | 08:41 |
sivang | garyc: what seems to be the problem? | 08:41 |
crimsun | sivang: what sort of logs? | 08:41 |
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sivang | crimsun: klogd :) | 08:41 |
B_166-ER-X | my whole problem is in fact that i'm not logged as the session manager.. | 08:41 |
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cafuego_ | linner: Well, if you tell it to do so, yes. | 08:41 |
garyc | hey folks - I just installed vsftpd and I need a kick start document that shows me how to setup users_list enable/deny etc. | 08:41 |
esac | nalioth: can you try again please ? | 08:41 |
linner | cafuego: i thought it did it by default | 08:41 |
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sivang | crimsun: I want to have the logs of this, this HOry box just oopsed with kernel panic and it seems important | 08:41 |
cafuego_ | linner: yes, but only once. | 08:41 |
garyc | sivang: I just installed vsftpd and I need a kick start document that shows me how to setup users_list enable/deny etc. | 08:41 |
linner | oh at the start up | 08:41 |
linner | cafuego: but if i tell to in GNOME to check periodically it doesn't? | 08:42 |
cafuego_ | linner: AFter it does that, the clock will probably skew again, but it wouldn't by default update the time again until the next bootup. | 08:42 |
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sivang | crimsun: I can just reboot now, but I guess that's loosing the valuable log data no ? | 08:42 |
B_166-ER-X | crimsun , so is there a way that i unlog on this username and log for real on the x-session manager user ? | 08:42 |
nalioth | linner: you can always have a cronjob for hte time | 08:42 |
cafuego_ | linner: Not sure about Gnome doing it, i override that one by hand. | 08:42 |
odb_ | does anyone know if the RTL8180 wireless card is supports out of the box with ubuntu? | 08:42 |
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garyc | sinang I was just told to look in /usr/share/doc/vsftpd/example if I can find that | 08:42 |
linner | cafuego: and with sudo apt-get install ntp-simple ... that cures it+ | 08:42 |
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wrabbit01 | Hey everybody.... I'm editing Grub to display windows XP in the menu but I'm stuck at a point. I've found a way to do it but from what I'm reading, it assumes that the location of windows is /dev/hdal when in actual fact, it is hdcl. This confuses matters as the rest of the instructions only follow the path of hdcl. Does that makes sense? | 08:42 |
linner | nalioth: i have no idea what or how to use a chronjob | 08:43 |
odb_ | and can I install anything for the debien packages to ubuntu? | 08:43 |
crimsun | sivang: OOPS info will be in /var/log/syslog | 08:43 |
sweetdevil | elow....pipzzzzzzzzzzz | 08:43 |
cafuego_ | nalioth: You can't both cron and ntp-simple though. Whines about socket in use. | 08:43 |
linner | cafuego: ok... let me give it a shot | 08:43 |
sweetdevil | gsgdfhgdfhgf | 08:43 |
sivang | crimsun: ok, and it doesn't get clean when rebooting right? | 08:43 |
B_166-ER-X | man, it would have been muchhh faster to just format and reinstall, ;| | 08:43 |
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crimsun | sivang: /var/log/kern.log as well | 08:43 |
crimsun | sivang: correc | 08:43 |
crimsun | t | 08:43 |
esac | sigh forget it | 08:43 |
aftertaf | boing...... | 08:43 |
sivang | crimsun: ok, now to reboot it :) | 08:43 |
nalioth | linner: it's easy | 08:43 |
B_166-ER-X | so is there a way that i unlog on this username and log for real on the x-session manager user ? or do i really have to reinstall ? | 08:43 |
cafuego_ | linner: sudo crontab -e; */30 * * * * /usr/sbin/ntpdate pool.ntp.org; save | 08:43 |
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aftertaf | linner: we opened a can of worms there sweetie ;) | 08:44 |
linner | cafuego: it already says i have the latest version | 08:44 |
cafuego_ | linner: that would run ntpdate on the hour and on the half hour | 08:44 |
garyc | sivang I was just told to look in /usr/share/doc/vsftpd/example if I can find that | 08:44 |
wrabbit01 | As you can see, I'm following the instructions on how to add windows from here... http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#addwindowsentrygrubmenu | 08:44 |
linner | cafuego: what does that do? | 08:44 |
linner | oh okay | 08:44 |
cafuego_ | linner: Then ntp-simple is indeed broken on hoary. | 08:44 |
wrabbit01 | Please help. I'm almost there. I can smell it. I just need some assistance! | 08:44 |
linner | aftertaf: I thinkt that I have... | 08:44 |
=== linner didn't mean to | ||
sivang | garyc: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1371.html | 08:44 |
sivang | garyc: see if that helps | 08:44 |
=== linner is running breezy | ||
cafuego_ | .. and on breezy :-) | 08:44 |
aftertaf | linner: or when it desynchs you can just type this once: sudo /etc/init.d/ntp restart | 08:44 |
aftertaf | doh | 08:45 |
cafuego_ | aftertaf: That completely defeats the purpose of having it to begin with, though. | 08:45 |
aftertaf | sudo /etc/init.d/ntpdate restart | 08:45 |
windows_ate_my_b | anyone else have problems after installing nvidia drivers..sometimes it hangs or just wont shut down.. | 08:45 |
linner | aftertaf: so many solutions... how do i know which one to choose? | 08:45 |
aftertaf | cafuego: at least shell be on time though ;) | 08:45 |
nalioth | esac: you having success? | 08:45 |
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crimsun | B_166-ER-X: I don't understand what you're asking | 08:45 |
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apsync | hi, how can I know the temperature of my processor in linux? | 08:45 |
=== linner is very confused............. | ||
linner | :) | 08:45 |
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aftertaf | linner: depends on what you want to do and how much it matters | 08:46 |
BooZee | I've downloaded http://giannaros.org/public/hoarydebs/w32codecs_1%253a20050216-0.0_i386.deb. what do I do with it? | 08:46 |
BooZee | how can I open it? | 08:46 |
nalioth | linner: confusion is cured by education | 08:46 |
aftertaf | linner: type the cmd i just gave you, it will synch your pc for now | 08:46 |
=== furic [n=furic@c211-30-120-238.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
esac | nalioth: naw that's ok .. thanks though. i made this computer full dmz, so i don't know why it isnt working | 08:46 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: can you sudo -s ? | 08:46 |
linner | aftertaf: i just want my clock to tell me the time when i want to know it | 08:46 |
nalioth | BooZee: open a terminal where the file is | 08:46 |
thoreauputic | BooZee: sudo dpkg -i <nameoffile.deb> | 08:46 |
linner | nalioth: and this is very true........... | 08:46 |
linner | aftertaf: ok..... ignore what cafuego told me? | 08:46 |
cafuego_ | nalioth: or euthanasia | 08:46 |
apsync | hi, how can I know the temperature of my processor in linux? | 08:46 |
B_166-ER-X | yes | 08:46 |
aftertaf | hehe linner type away then.... your clock shouldnt lose the plot so much after ;) | 08:46 |
nalioth | esac: c'mon dude, i've converted it to .tbz for you | 08:46 |
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cafuego_ | apsync: use the 'lm-sensors' modules and package. | 08:47 |
linner | aftertaf: okey dokey :) | 08:47 |
nalioth | apsync: /msg ubotu repeat | 08:47 |
B_166-ER-X | crimsun , i have 2 user of my username logged in, and one is a x-session manager, and its not my current user. how to i delete my current one and log on the right one.. thats my question | 08:47 |
aftertaf | sudo /etc/init.d/ntpdate restart | 08:47 |
apsync | ok thank you | 08:47 |
garyc | crimsun: I am in the /usr/share/doc/vsftpd/EXAMPLE/ folder is it the readme?????? | 08:47 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: just log out of GNOME | 08:47 |
linner | aftertaf: okey dokey! | 08:47 |
crimsun | garyc: there are tons of examples in that folder | 08:47 |
esac | nalioth: i just don't want to keep asking you to try and try again for the next hour and waste your time, i appreciate the help but my inability to configure my dang router is screwing things up :( | 08:47 |
linner | aftertaf: how many times do i need to do that? | 08:47 |
linner | aftertaf: may I PM you? | 08:48 |
nalioth | esac: do you know of other xmssion methods? | 08:48 |
aftertaf | linner: once, to synch... and after your clock should stay more or less ok. | 08:48 |
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furic | Are there any irc clients, gtk based, which dont such as much as xchat? idealy a gtk konversation which didn't crash every 5 minutes? | 08:48 |
esac | nalioth: ftp, http .. but im not running either right now, if you are running one we could transfer easy enough | 08:48 |
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nalioth | furic: ditch the gui, use irssi | 08:49 |
crimsun | furic: mozilla-chatzilla? | 08:49 |
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matrix | media players ? | 08:49 |
thoreauputic | furic: xchat crashes? I've never seen that here... | 08:49 |
garyc | crimsun I see folders for virtual users and such - I just want to allow but restrict users to there home folder | 08:49 |
furic | i would also like to not dedicate a quarter of my systems memory to a client? | 08:49 |
crimsun | furic: there's also gaim | 08:49 |
furic | No xchat doesn't crash, konversation crashes | 08:49 |
B_166-ER-X | crimsun, i think i did make THE error : i just checked, and i'm still with 2 user, i think i have 2 same username with the same pass as well | 08:50 |
furic | xchat just has a dodgy interface and no integration with anything in particular | 08:50 |
nalioth | thoreauputic: you know of anywhere you can put files to xfer to folks? | 08:50 |
nalioth | furic: use kvirc | 08:50 |
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crimsun | garyc: have you tried searching Google? | 08:50 |
furic | gaim is your answer? makes me want to just go and write my own client | 08:50 |
linner | cafuego: may i PM you? | 08:50 |
thoreauputic | nalioth: I don't understand the question | 08:50 |
thoreauputic | nalioth: do you mean a server where files can be put? | 08:51 |
nalioth | thoreauputic: a user in here has asked for a .sit to be opened. i have repkgd it in .tbz and he cannot recx dcc | 08:51 |
jerico | hi people | 08:51 |
furic | No go on kvirc, depends on kdelibs, everything that uses kdelibs is horribly unstable on my system | 08:51 |
jerico | wer is frm phil here | 08:51 |
dooglus | so I see I've got 4 ntp packages installed - is that too many? ntp, ntp-server, ntp-simple, ntpdate | 08:51 |
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thoreauputic | nalioth: do you have a webserver you can upload it to? | 08:51 |
B_166-ER-X | crimsun :| | 08:51 |
nalioth | jerico: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic please | 08:51 |
nalioth | thoreauputic: i do not | 08:51 |
jerico | i dont know hw to use it | 08:52 |
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jerico | bby | 08:52 |
=== WebLOCH is now known as WeBlOcH | ||
furic | And i would prefer to avoid the uglyness of qt | 08:52 |
crimsun | furic: tried lostirc? | 08:52 |
nalioth | tagalog in #ubuntu-ph | 08:52 |
Knelix | guys... How can I move a file to root in Nautilus?... It continues telling me I don't have permission. | 08:52 |
garyc | crismsun yes, I got a small doc there but it lacks the detail I need. I don't even know the command to restart vsftpd | 08:52 |
matrix | anything that works on desbian will work on ubuntu am i correct ? | 08:52 |
crimsun | garyc: sudo invoke-rc.d vsftpd restart | 08:52 |
topie | hi | 08:52 |
nalioth | Knelix: "sudo" | 08:52 |
jerico | any body here | 08:52 |
thoreauputic | nalioth: how big is it? Does he have a gmail account or something? | 08:52 |
B_166-ER-X | if i cannot get any help here i'll reinstall | 08:52 |
topie | cnt u b my cht met | 08:52 |
Knelix | nalioth: How in the gui? | 08:52 |
furic | crimsun, Nope, i'll give it a go | 08:53 |
dooglus | furic: irssi is the answer | 08:53 |
furic | dooglus, NO! | 08:53 |
nalioth | jerico: topie: in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-ph, please | 08:53 |
garyc | crismsun do I need sudo if i am in the root term | 08:53 |
topie | hi | 08:53 |
jerico | y | 08:53 |
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nalioth | Knelix: good question gui | 08:53 |
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crimsun | furic: are you using Hoary or Breezy? | 08:53 |
topie | hllo, cnt u b my cht met | 08:53 |
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furic | Hoary | 08:53 |
hgmgm | waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 08:53 |
Seveas | topie, speak proper english in here and stay on topic | 08:53 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %hgmgm!*@*] by Seveas | ||
pepsi | if i run another xserver by doing X -- :1, how do i run stuff in there? | 08:53 |
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crimsun | B_166-ER-X: why not just log out and log back in? | 08:53 |
jerico | i need water | 08:54 |
dooglus | furic: you can run irssi in a konsole. best of both worlds! | 08:54 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by nalioth | ||
furic | dooglus, NO! | 08:54 |
furic | dooglus, And why the heck would i use konsole? in gnome? | 08:54 |
B_166-ER-X | crimsun, i DID this, but i think i have 2 username wich are the same, and setted with the same passwords, so it logs 2 at a time | 08:54 |
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furic | I specifically asked for gtk based clients so i could avoid kde's instability | 08:54 |
garyc | crismsun do I need sudo if i am in the root term | 08:54 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: no, that's _normal_ | 08:54 |
Knelix | nalioth: On Mac OS X I would just change the permission or "authenticate" myself... In Natiulus/Gnome I'm not sure... I've tried running as root using the utility provided, but it always gives me an error. | 08:54 |
crimsun | garyc: no | 08:54 |
thoreauputic | furic: *cough* you can run irssi in any terminal emulator | 08:54 |
sweet_naughty | care to chat!??pvt me!!!! now!!!! | 08:54 |
sweet_naughty | care to chat!??pvt me!!!! now!!!! | 08:55 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %sweet_naughty!*@*] by Seveas | ||
furic | its like running linux in cygwin to get the best of both worlds, no software and instability | 08:55 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by nalioth | ||
B_166-ER-X | well i did log out and came back and its the same thing.. | 08:55 |
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furic | I know, i still like my clients to know what a pixel is | 08:55 |
garyc | crismsun what is xinetd | 08:55 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: right, that's normal. Can you use sudo? | 08:55 |
Seveas | nalioth, op-hopper ;) | 08:55 |
nalioth | Knelix: unfortunatly, giving gnome things root powers is not good, and i dont know of any way in the gui to do it | 08:55 |
B_166-ER-X | yes | 08:55 |
B_166-ER-X | i'm sudo now | 08:55 |
thoreauputic | furic: where did you get the attitude? Can I have some too ? | 08:55 |
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crimsun | garyc: the man page answers that :) | 08:55 |
B_166-ER-X | so ? | 08:56 |
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nalioth | Seveas: you beat me to it | 08:56 |
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Knelix | nalioth: :-/ | 08:56 |
garyc | crismsun Thanks!! what's a man page | 08:56 |
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nalioth | Knelix: use the terminal, it's easier and safer (gnome with root is not nice) | 08:56 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: sudo adduser $USER audio | 08:56 |
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furic | I got it from xchat's crazy interface making me offend an ircop on a network, twice, and konversation crashing every half hour or so, along with every other kde app | 08:56 |
nalioth | furic: irssi has no interface | 08:57 |
B_166-ER-X | adduser: Le groupe audio existe dj. | 08:57 |
crimsun | I should update lostirc in breezy/universe | 08:57 |
nalioth | furic: it's console only | 08:57 |
jerico | dri sa 1st gate sa 2nd pc | 08:57 |
furic | Thats exactly the problem | 08:57 |
Arkainium | I remember using a utility that let me visually change which init scripts to run at specific run levels... anyone know the name of the program I'm talking about? | 08:57 |
B_166-ER-X | already exist, for english unilingual | 08:57 |
Knelix | nalioth: Can you recommend a good unix command reference online (that tells you how to copy/move files, do things in CLI)? | 08:57 |
nalioth | jerico: please english in here. tagalog in #ubuntu-ph | 08:57 |
furic | I wan't a stable, easy interface, and the best answer is no interface at all aparently | 08:57 |
nalioth | !tell Knelix about cli | 08:57 |
crimsun | furic: did you try lostirc? | 08:57 |
furic | I just apted it in, giving it a go... | 08:58 |
thoreauputic | furic: chatzilla is decent, but a bit limited | 08:58 |
garyc | crismsun Thanks! bye the way, what's a man page | 08:58 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb %sweet_naughty!*@* %hgmgm!*@* %*!*@ %limguohong91!*@*] by Seveas | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bb %DewDude!*@* %OculusAquilae!*@*] by Seveas | ||
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newlady | [;.;[ | 08:58 |
BLUE_ICE | wew | 08:58 |
Knelix | nalioth: Thanks. :-) | 08:58 |
crimsun | garyc: it's a manual page describing usage and semantics of the program/library | 08:58 |
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furic | chatzilla may be decent, but i have better things to do with my ram | 08:58 |
MadpilotPPC | garyc, try "man man" on a command prompt to find out | 08:58 |
apsync | how do I use lm-sensors ? | 08:58 |
B_166-ER-X | crimsun, its just saying that the group already exist. | 08:58 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: which command did you execute? | 08:59 |
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B_166-ER-X | adduser $USER audio | 08:59 |
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thoreauputic | furic: OK I have better things to do than listen to opinionated rants i guess | 08:59 |
MadpilotPPC | apsync, search the Ubuntu forums, there is a howto there that works | 08:59 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@81.215.* *!*@83.103.* *!*@213.91.* *!*@193.239.*] by Seveas | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@*dynamicIP.rima-tde.net *!*@82.114* *!*@81.12.* *!*@*bih.net.ba] by Seveas | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@*.iam.net.ma *!*zurna*@* *zurna*!*@* *!*@adsl-71-132-154-85.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] by Seveas | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@ACBA46A5.ipt.aol.com *!*@203.160.169.* *!*@ *!*n=jhkall*@219.95.84.*] by Seveas | ||
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: adduser oli audio | 08:59 |
niceguy | hi | 09:00 |
B_166-ER-X | jsut the % | 09:00 |
B_166-ER-X | arr | 09:00 |
B_166-ER-X | ok | 09:00 |
niceguy | cn u b my cht met | 09:00 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: good, now log out and back in, and you should be able to hear sounds | 09:00 |
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niceguy | not | 09:00 |
niceguy | ok | 09:00 |
nalioth | niceguy: not in here, join #ubuntu-offtopic | 09:00 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@] by Seveas | ||
brownie17 | seveas, do you even remember why any of those guys got banned? | 09:00 |
nalioth | brownie17: yes we do | 09:01 |
Seveas | brownie17, for the most | 09:01 |
garyc | crismsun would I type man vsftpd | 09:01 |
crimsun | garyc: yes | 09:01 |
brownie17 | nalioth, Seveas ok. | 09:01 |
furic | lostirc seems nice | 09:01 |
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apsync | hi, how do I use lm-sensors ? | 09:01 |
Arkainium | so on one knows what I'm talking about? it's like an ncurses interface to update-rc.d | 09:01 |
brownie17 | Seveas, nalioth this is just suggestion, and i am not telling you how to do your job, but maybe you should ban less liberally, and just kick more often. but you don't have to listen to me | 09:01 |
crimsun | Arkainium: there's a graphical one- BUM | 09:01 |
thoreauputic | Arkainium: rcconf | 09:01 |
B_166-ER-X | crimsun, never considered for a 'GOD' job somewhere ? :) thankx a lot .. | 09:02 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: np | 09:02 |
garyc | crismsun can it be printed out | 09:02 |
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Seveas | brownie17, some bans in there are actually not bans, just +q (mutes) | 09:02 |
crimsun | garyc: sure, you can enscript it or whatnot | 09:02 |
nalioth | brownie17: in #ubuntu-offtopic, please | 09:02 |
B_166-ER-X | took me 4 hours to get audio running..arr :) | 09:02 |
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B_166-ER-X | now onto video output...hehe | 09:02 |
nalioth | B_166-ER-X: you're doing well, took me 2 days | 09:02 |
B_166-ER-X | nalioth : its my 2nd time doing it | 09:02 |
B_166-ER-X | haha | 09:02 |
matrix | O.o | 09:03 |
brownie17 | Seveas, ok | 09:03 |
Arkainium | thoreauputic, is that in universe? | 09:03 |
CaiN_SA | how do i change the usplash image ? | 09:03 |
garyc | crismsun wow great. what ever that means. Sorry but I am very new. | 09:03 |
thoreauputic | !info rcconf | 09:03 |
ubotu | rcconf: (Debian Runlevel configuration tool), section universe/admin, is optional. Version: 1.11 (hoary), Packaged size: 16 kB, Installed size: 112 kB | 09:03 |
Seveas | CaiN_SA, not. | 09:03 |
CaiN_SA | Seveas, ???? | 09:03 |
thoreauputic | Arkainium: aparently | 09:03 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
matrix | nalioth, how do i access my /etc/apt/sources.list ? | 09:03 |
Arkainium | thoreauputic, thanks. that's what I was looking for. :) | 09:03 |
CaiN_SA | i want to change it i dont like the one thats in atm | 09:03 |
thoreauputic | Arkainium: yw :) | 09:03 |
nalioth | matrix: using the terminal, type "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" | 09:03 |
Seveas | CaiN_SA, you can't, unless you recompile the package | 09:04 |
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Arkainium | :q | 09:04 |
cx22 | hello again guys! | 09:04 |
Arkainium | hey, this isn't vi! :P | 09:04 |
cx22 | can someone help me in installing Samba? im a newbie in Ubuntu and i don't know how | 09:04 |
Seveas | lol | 09:04 |
thoreauputic | Arkainium: rofl | 09:04 |
crimsun | garyc: I think the man page for vsftpd seems fairly concise | 09:04 |
cx22 | what do i have to type? | 09:04 |
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Seveas | there is an irc plugin for vi ;) | 09:04 |
matrix | nalioth, i want to add this how do i? deb http://download.videolan.org/pub/videolan/debian sarge main | 09:04 |
crimsun | garyc: for instance, the chroot_local_user directive | 09:04 |
pc22 | how do i unlock a file? | 09:05 |
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nalioth | matrix: that is not a good idea, you may break your ubuntu | 09:05 |
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brownie17 | pc22, what do you mean, unlock? | 09:05 |
pc22 | chmod | 09:05 |
cx22 | hello, can somebody help me? | 09:05 |
nalioth | matrix: what is wrong with vlc in the repos? | 09:05 |
thoreauputic | matrix: use the vlc in ubuntu | 09:05 |
Seveas | pc22, by closing the application that locks it | 09:05 |
CaiN_SA | Seveas, thats stupid | 09:05 |
Seveas | cx22, breezy? | 09:05 |
nalioth | cx22: if you ask something | 09:05 |
cx22 | hoary | 09:05 |
Seveas | CaiN_SA, no it's not. | 09:05 |
brownie17 | pc22, don't know | 09:05 |
CaiN_SA | thats why bootsplash is kewl :/ | 09:05 |
matrix | nalioth, well i need a good media player that has all codecs and is there one in ubuntu ? | 09:05 |
cx22 | Ubuntu 5.04 | 09:05 |
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nalioth | matrix: yes there is | 09:05 |
Seveas | cx22, upgrade to breezy, it's 1000x easier there ;) | 09:05 |
nalioth | !tell matrix about sources | 09:05 |
CaiN_SA | Seveas, it is stupid. | 09:06 |
cx22 | is that Ubuntu 5.10? | 09:06 |
Seveas | cx22, yes | 09:06 |
nalioth | matrix: if you enable universe and multiverse, you'll find all sorts of neat things | 09:06 |
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Seveas | CaiN_SA, not if you know what you are talking about | 09:06 |
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cx22 | i though the official release for that is on October? | 09:06 |
ricky | hi everybody | 09:06 |
CaiN_SA | Seveas, why is dynamic swapping of images stupid ? | 09:06 |
pc22 | Seveas, its an apps from xp that i want to install using wine | 09:06 |
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Seveas | cx22, correct, but it's working already :) | 09:06 |
matrix | nalioth, i did enable it the other night | 09:07 |
cx22 | can i run Yahoo Messenger there? | 09:07 |
Seveas | CaiN_SA, look at how usplash works and you'll see why | 09:07 |
nalioth | !tell matrix about synaptic | 09:07 |
Seveas | cx22, gaim does yahoo just fine | 09:07 |
cx22 | and other Online Games like Ragnarok, MU Online and others? | 09:07 |
Knelix | Urg | 09:07 |
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ricky | i need help with usplash, i've leave the item vga=791 on commandline of menu.lst for grub, and now i've the text-line of init process, but it's possible to have a graphial image like a bootsplash on other distro ??? | 09:08 |
cx22 | i've been planning to switch into Ubuntu for my net cafe. what Linux distro would you suggest? | 09:08 |
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cx22 | i've been testing Ubuntu 5.04 if i can manage to install all the games that i've been playing here in windows | 09:08 |
Seveas | ricky, that's a part of usplash that does not work yet (and minf you: usplash is not bootsplash) | 09:08 |
Knelix | I keep on getting "unable to find the development tool 'cc' in your path... make sure you have 'gcc' package installed" from the NVIDIA driver installer.... even though I moved it to root. I searched and found gcc, why isn't the driver finding it? | 09:08 |
nalioth | cx22: you'll get a more informed answer if you ask in #freenode | 09:08 |
Seveas | !nvidia | 09:09 |
ubotu | [nvidia] at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 09:09 |
nalioth | Knelix: install "build-essential" | 09:09 |
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garyc | crismsun how do I get out of man man. (so i can go into man vsftpd) | 09:09 |
Seveas | Knelix, don't use nvidia.com crud, Ubuntu ships those drives in a better way | 09:09 |
ricky | Seveas, tks, and is possible to install bootsplash on ubuntu breezy ??? | 09:09 |
crimsun | garyc: 'q' | 09:09 |
Seveas | garyc, q | 09:09 |
Seveas | ricky, yes | 09:09 |
Skid | morning | 09:10 |
ricky | and it work fine ??? i need to remove usplash ??? | 09:10 |
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Knelix | Seveas: I just want the ******* card to work.... I'm going to erase and re-install when the stable release gets here anyway, and the Ubuntu drivers should work by then I would hope. | 09:10 |
Knelix | nalioth: Looking into it. | 09:11 |
TH33V1LR351D3N7 | how do I get rid of all this brown? | 09:11 |
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MadpilotPPC | TH33V1LR351D3N7, change the theme... | 09:12 |
bimberi | lol - question of the day! | 09:12 |
MadpilotPPC | !+themes | 09:12 |
ubotu | themes is, like, totally, at http://art.ubuntu.com - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/57/ - http://www.guistyles.com | 09:12 |
Knelix | TH33V1LR351D3N7: lol! Just change your prefs in Gnome... | 09:12 |
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Knelix | TH33V1LR351D3N7: I know what you mean, btw! :-P | 09:12 |
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MadpilotPPC | I've de-browned my home machine too... | 09:13 |
criminy | Is there a 'make world | 09:13 |
TH33V1LR351D3N7 | yeah, I've got rid of the theme already but what about the login screen etc | 09:13 |
criminy | eh, Is there a 'make world' for ubuntu? | 09:13 |
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tga | criminy, what's a make world? | 09:13 |
Seveas | TH33V1LR351D3N7, there are themes for that too | 09:13 |
Seveas | criminy, forget gentoo | 09:13 |
nalioth | criminy: ask uncle google about 'apt-build | 09:13 |
Skid | hehe gentoo bod? | 09:13 |
MadpilotPPC | TH33V1LR351D3N7, you can change all those themes too | 09:13 |
thoreauputic | criminy: yes, invoke-rc.d $DEITY <j/k> | 09:13 |
trs | hey, just installed Ubuntu on my comp and love it so far, but I'm stuck at 640x480 60Hz. The change resolution option won't offer any other choices. Thoughts? | 09:13 |
criminy | I don't use gentoo =P | 09:13 |
RiverRat | Is there a ubuntu CVS server that is different than debians that has all the patches that ubuntu has applied in it. | 09:13 |
Seveas | this is Ubuntu | 09:13 |
TH33V1LR351D3N7 | cool how do you change that | 09:13 |
nalioth | trs: /msg ubotu fixres | 09:14 |
onkarshinde | I have added a new ATI Radeon 7000 AGP card to my machine. Do i need to install any special packages to take advantage of the card? Do i need to do any special configuration? | 09:14 |
Skid | criminy: have a look at the man pages for apt, apt-get & apt-cache | 09:14 |
Seveas | TH33V1LR351D3N7, art.gnome.org/faq.php | 09:14 |
Skid | and feel the love :] | 09:14 |
trs | k, what'd that do? | 09:14 |
TH33V1LR351D3N7 | thanks | 09:14 |
thoreauputic | !nickometer TH33V1LR351D3N7 | 09:14 |
ubotu | 'TH33V1LR351D3N7' is 99.9738% lame, thoreauputic | 09:14 |
criminy | Never used debian..use archlinux. I assume the ubuntu CD I have isn't build for i686 | 09:14 |
thoreauputic | i thought so... | 09:14 |
criminy | built, I mean | 09:14 |
sobersabre | guys. if i want to add additional glibc to the system. | 09:14 |
bimberi | r. o. f. l. | 09:14 |
Seveas | criminy, which cd? | 09:14 |
nalioth | criminy: there are several kernels available | 09:15 |
MadpilotPPC | thoreauputic, wth is the nickometer? :) | 09:15 |
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Seveas | sobersabre, no you don't | 09:15 |
criminy | I mean the entire system | 09:15 |
sobersabre | Seveas, yes I do. | 09:15 |
nalioth | sobersabre: then you'll have a nice doorstop | 09:15 |
Seveas | sobersabre, why on earth? | 09:15 |
onkarshinde | Can someone help me? | 09:15 |
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sobersabre | Seveas, don't be so |square| ;-) | 09:15 |
Seveas | i'm not :) | 09:16 |
fluor_ | how do i run 32bit programs on 64-bit ubuntu? s there another way than chroot? | 09:16 |
fluor_ | first i have to log in, then su, then sudo bash to root, then chroot /chroot | 09:16 |
=== catfox [n=phendric@host86-133-158-112.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | having 2 glibcs will give you hell :) | 09:16 |
criminy | eh. Can't find the cd | 09:16 |
sobersabre | assume you have a dynamically linked, old binary only application. | 09:16 |
sobersabre | and you don't want to run a RH system. | 09:16 |
catfox | hi all. does anyone know if the philips goGear mp3 player will work with linux? | 09:16 |
Seveas | get a new version ;) | 09:16 |
sobersabre | especially old RH system | 09:16 |
criminy | ah. "Version 5.04 for intel x86" | 09:16 |
sobersabre | Seveas, new version of what ? | 09:16 |
Seveas | criminy, that's the correct one | 09:17 |
catfox | or should i get an ipod nano? :) | 09:17 |
Seveas | sobersabre, of the application | 09:17 |
sobersabre | the company that wrote the app is... hmm... in /dev/null | 09:17 |
criminy | Yeah, but is it compiled for i386,486,etc? | 09:17 |
sobersabre | it is not a small app. | 09:17 |
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sobersabre | Seveas, now, BACK to my question. | 09:17 |
onkarshinde | Can anyone help me? I have added a new ATI Radeon 7000 AGP card to my machine. Do i need to install any special packages to take advantage of the card? Do i need to do any special configuration? | 09:17 |
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sobersabre | got the source of glibc. | 09:18 |
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MadpilotPPC | !tell onkarshinde about ati | 09:18 |
sobersabre | do i need anything except it ? any deps ? | 09:18 |
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HaNazir | anyone else here having sound issues with gaim? | 09:19 |
nalioth | sobersabre: if you compile and install a new version of glibc, you might as well compile and install the rest of your box | 09:19 |
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Seveas | sobersabre, no just glibc will probably work | 09:19 |
thoreauputic | MadpilotPPC: /msg ubotu wtf | 09:19 |
sobersabre | nalioth, i need the other, old version of glibc somewhere in /usr/local | 09:19 |
thoreauputic | ;-) | 09:19 |
Seveas | make sure you ./confihure it to /usr/local/something | 09:19 |
=== Seveas gtg | ||
HaNazir | anyone else here having sound issues with gaim? | 09:19 |
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nalioth | sobersabre: whatever. just do as seveas said and make sure it is in /usr/local/ when you are done | 09:20 |
linner | HaNazir: nope.. i use it all the time | 09:20 |
RiverRat | Is there a ubuntu CVS server that is different than debians that has all the patches that ubuntu has applied in it. | 09:20 |
nalioth | RiverRat: not to my knowledge | 09:20 |
HaNazir | linner: breezy?? | 09:20 |
linner | HaNazir: yes :) | 09:20 |
RiverRat | thanks nalioth | 09:20 |
sobersabre | HaNazir, no problems with gaim. | 09:20 |
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MadpilotPPC | thoreauputic, someone has been teaching that poor bot dirty words... | 09:20 |
MadpilotPPC | ;) | 09:20 |
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linner | HaNazir: are you having sound problems in other apps? | 09:21 |
cafuego_ | !gentoo | 09:21 |
ubotu | cafuego_: Do they come in packets of five? | 09:21 |
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cafuego_ | MadpilotPPC: Nah, he doesn't know dirty words. | 09:21 |
kemik | ubotu: is doing dirtytalk ? | 09:21 |
ubotu | kemik: I haven't a clue | 09:21 |
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thoreauputic | kemik: not really | 09:21 |
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Knelix | nalioth: Why can't I ever find anything (I'm looking for) in the App Install app? Is there anywhere else I should be looking? I could not find "build-essential" there. | 09:21 |
=== drbombay43 [n=drbombay@ppp-69-239-114-144.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kemik | bummer.. im a sucker for cyberbotsex | 09:21 |
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nalioth | !tell Knelix about synaptic | 09:22 |
linner | kemik: that's kinda sad dude | 09:22 |
linner | ;) | 09:22 |
Viking667 | anyone had any luck running the latest flightgear (a flight simulator) on hoary+some updated packages? | 09:22 |
MadpilotPPC | linner, more than "kinda", I'd say... | 09:22 |
linner | MadpilotPPC: well that's what i was thinking but i didn't want to be so harsh | 09:22 |
linner | ) | 09:22 |
=== ColonelKernel [i=ishai@24-205-124-191.dhcp.hspr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== thoreauputic awards linner the Ubuntu award for tact | ||
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=== linner accepts graciously | ||
linner | :) | 09:23 |
thoreauputic | ;) | 09:23 |
joel_ | how do I get java running on ubuntu??? | 09:23 |
kemik | linner: im in therapy for it ... mom caught me in the act | 09:23 |
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kemik | !java | 09:24 |
ubotu | methinks java is to install both 1.4 and Sun Java see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#java | 09:24 |
mischa | hi all | 09:24 |
linner | kemik: if i knew you better, i'd really go there...... but i'm a "nice" girl so I won't :) | 09:24 |
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drbombay43 | need help, when I run; sudo modprobe ndiswrapper , get error message (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-686/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted, some one please help | 09:24 |
mischa | question: how do i stop the irritating sound when login in on gnome on ubuntu? | 09:24 |
kemik | hehe no worries.. im just bs'ing :) | 09:24 |
=== linner figured so :) | ||
crimsun | mischa: disable sound events | 09:25 |
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kandinski | hey, is it ok if I just upgrade from hoary to breezy by changing the lines on my sources.list? | 09:25 |
=== thoreauputic issues renice -10 linner | ||
thoreauputic | ;-) | 09:25 |
Ash | kandinski: it worked for me | 09:25 |
mischa | crimsun, where? | 09:25 |
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linner | hehehehehe | 09:25 |
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Knelix | nalioth: I was getting confused between synaptic and the Gnome App installer... I thought they were one on the same. | 09:25 |
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kandinski | s/hoary/breezy/ and then apt-get upgrade; apt-get update then | 09:25 |
nalioth | kandinski: that is what your system is designed to do | 09:25 |
kandinski | ta Ash | 09:25 |
=== Pluk [n=Pluk@12-68-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linner | aftertaf: you back? | 09:26 |
kemik | mischa: system->prefs->sounds | 09:26 |
Viking667 | ewk. that'd take some grunt. | 09:26 |
Ash | kandinski: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade | 09:26 |
mischa | kemik, tanx | 09:26 |
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joel_ | Building dependency tree... Done | 09:26 |
joel_ | E: Couldn't find package j2re1.4 | 09:26 |
joel_ | " | 09:26 |
garyc | crismsun you still there | 09:26 |
nalioth | joel_: enought with the caps | 09:26 |
crimsun | garyc: somewhat, I'm debugging something atm. What's up? | 09:26 |
garyc | crismsun you still there?? | 09:26 |
nalioth | joel_: hoary or breezy? | 09:27 |
joel_ | hoary | 09:27 |
=== HeavyD [n=ds@ti131310a080-12601.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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garyc | crismsun would you mind testing my ftp site | 09:27 |
aftertaf | hehe boing | 09:27 |
crimsun | garyc: work blocks it, sorry | 09:27 |
linner | :) | 09:27 |
dex | hi | 09:27 |
wezzer | !breezy | 09:28 |
ubotu | The guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 09:28 |
=== thoreauputic plugs his ears in case of further onslaughts from joel_ | ||
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garyc | linner would you mind testing my ftp server | 09:28 |
kemik | joel_: follow the Sun Java method then ? | 09:28 |
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linner | garyc: sure | 09:28 |
linner | same as before? | 09:28 |
Knelix | nalioth: Now it's giving me a different error... "Unable to find kernel sources... make sure you have installed the kernel source files for your kernel..... you may specify the kernel source path with the '---kernel--source-path' commandline option" | 09:28 |
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joel_ | onslaughts?what? | 09:29 |
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Knelix | !kernel source | 09:29 |
ubotu | Knelix: I don't know | 09:29 |
garyc | linner just use anonymous | 09:29 |
linner | ok... i'll try .. give me a sec | 09:29 |
nalioth | joel_: get your java from here http://www.giannaros.org/public/hoarydebs/ | 09:29 |
thoreauputic | joel_: glad to see you removed the gum from your caps key :) | 09:29 |
linner | garyc: connection refused | 09:29 |
=== kamstrup [n=kamstrup@kamstrup.imf.au.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
joel_ | heh, you people got something against caps? | 09:30 |
aftertaf | linner == website beta tester ;) | 09:30 |
thoreauputic | joel_: yes | 09:30 |
aftertaf | joel_: caps == shouting | 09:30 |
garyc | linner any idea why? | 09:30 |
linner | aftertaf: why yep :) | 09:30 |
linner | garyc: | 09:30 |
nalioth | Knelix: use synaptic and install your kernel sources | 09:30 |
=== schmitzt [n=schmitzt@URZ-DHCP-109.fernuni-hagen.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linner | garyc: let me try it agian | 09:30 |
linner | again | 09:30 |
kemik | Knelix: think you need linux-headers-($uname -r) | 09:30 |
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linner | garyc: let me try somthing else hold on a sec | 09:31 |
garyc | linner it is just an empty folder | 09:31 |
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joel_ | ok nalioth thanks for the link | 09:31 |
linner | garyc: may i pm you? | 09:31 |
joel_ | i downloaded the file and opened it and i have | 09:31 |
schmitzt | did anyone ever use openct to import certificates in applications like evolution? I don't know how to "mount" my aladdin etoken | 09:31 |
garyc | linner if you get in try to upload something | 09:32 |
nalioth | joel_: no pasting in here | 09:32 |
kemik | linux-headers-$(uname -r) of course | 09:32 |
Knelix | nalioth: What would that include-- All results or just a package? | 09:32 |
garyc | linner what's pm | 09:32 |
linner | private message | 09:32 |
joel_ | control.tar.gz, data.tar.gz, debian-binary | 09:32 |
joel_ | is ther any way i should install it? | 09:32 |
kemik | Knelix: apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 09:32 |
=== Ohmer [n=Homer@ip216-239-83-178.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
garyc | linner yes | 09:32 |
nalioth | whats the apt-get command to install kernel headers? | 09:32 |
crimsun | apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 09:32 |
=== Knelix2 [n=Knelix2@c-67-191-67-171.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | Knelix: i'm not sure on how to do some things easily | 09:32 |
kemik | guess im being ignored today | 09:32 |
nalioth | Knelix: see what crimsun said above | 09:33 |
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kamstrup | is anybody else having X trouble? | 09:33 |
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aftertaf | kamstrup: what type? what is your pb? | 09:33 |
thoreauputic | garyc: your ftp server is working | 09:33 |
nalioth | kemik: i ignore everything but lines with my nick in front of em | 09:33 |
kamstrup | I mean; X wont start | 09:33 |
linner | thoreauputic: so it's my end? | 09:33 |
thoreauputic | garyc: I connected on port 21 | 09:33 |
aftertaf | kamstrup: breezy? | 09:33 |
kamstrup | yes | 09:33 |
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kamstrup | just updated 10 mins ago | 09:33 |
aftertaf | ok.... what is the exact error message? | 09:33 |
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linner | thoreauputic: i tried it in gFTP too and i get connected | 09:34 |
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linner | i mean disconnected | 09:34 |
kamstrup | aftertaf: there's no error messages | 09:34 |
kemik | nalioth: you didnt ignore crimsun ;) hehe | 09:34 |
aftertaf | kamstrup: if need to paste, paste PM.... and try just startx | 09:34 |
kamstrup | aftertaf: not even in /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 09:34 |
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thoreauputic | linner: possibly an authentication thing - it seems to connect OK | 09:34 |
Viking667 | ahhh well. Night, all. | 09:34 |
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Knelix2 | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavail able) | 09:34 |
Knelix2 | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another proc ess using it? | 09:34 |
nalioth | kemik: roughly 90% of this text goes right by me | 09:34 |
garyc | thereauputic hey upload a file so I can see if it's there | 09:34 |
linner | thoreauputic: must be ... I'm just glad it works properly | 09:34 |
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aftertaf | kamstrup: even when you startx? | 09:35 |
Knelix2 | <Sigh> | 09:35 |
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nalioth | Knelix: close all synaptic and apt instanaces | 09:35 |
kamstrup | aftertaf: yes | 09:35 |
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user_ | how to dual boot ubuntu and windows xp? | 09:35 |
linner | now this is buggin me.... need to try it again | 09:35 |
kemik | user_: install ubuntu and it's automagic | 09:35 |
user_ | what will i install firsttt? | 09:35 |
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aftertaf | kamstrup: weird..... try apt-get install xfs, and dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 09:35 |
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garyc | linner does you firewall stop you?? | 09:35 |
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B_166-ER-X | I would need a hand to install my nvidia driver properly, i THINK i did it, but i'm not habing the splash screen at boot so i am doubting | 09:35 |
linner | garyc: i don't think so | 09:35 |
linner | garyc: let me try something else | 09:36 |
nalioth | user_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo | 09:36 |
linner | hold on a sec | 09:36 |
aftertaf | kamstrup: and also change X driver to vesa, to eliminate card problems | 09:36 |
kamstrup | aftertaf: I've just reconfigured xserver-xorg a few times... I'll try xfs... | 09:36 |
tristanmike | Knelix, close synaptic | 09:36 |
aftertaf | kamstrup: and apt-get -f install, too | 09:36 |
tristanmike | Knelix2, * | 09:36 |
kamstrup | aftertaf: I'm not sure my card is able to use vesa... It's a Voodoo Banshee | 09:36 |
=== unimatrix9 [n=leslie@dsl103-25.fastxdsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unimatrix9 | hi there | 09:36 |
nalioth | kamstrup: VESA runs on ANY card | 09:37 |
aftertaf | kamstrup: vesa is vga mode for all | 09:37 |
aftertaf | hi unimatrix9 | 09:37 |
linner | Connected to | 09:37 |
linner | Disconnecting from site | 09:37 |
linner | Waiting 30 seconds until trying to connect again | 09:37 |
garyc | thereauputic I thought it was supposed to be port 20 - I need to look at the conf file again | 09:37 |
unimatrix9 | there is no livecd for edubuntu? | 09:37 |
linner | gary i sent you a PM | 09:37 |
kamstrup | nalioth: Yes, I though so too... Until I tried this box :-D | 09:37 |
nalioth | linner: | 09:37 |
linner | nalioth: yes sir | 09:37 |
garyc | thereauputic did you see my banner Welcome to Gary's ftp | 09:37 |
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aftertaf | paste not, | 09:37 |
nalioth | linner: pasting goes in #flood or a pastebin | 09:37 |
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linner | nalioth: oh crap... i thought i was pming him i'm sorry | 09:38 |
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=== nalioth waits for the sweet whispers | ||
user_ | kimek: what if i installed first is ubuntu? it is possible to runnn windows and ubuntu in dual? | 09:38 |
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Knelix | kemik, crimsun, tristanmike, nalioth: No you're not being ignored, kemik :-) Thanks... that part seems to have worked at least. :-) | 09:38 |
nalioth | user_: then you'll need to repair your grub after you install window | 09:38 |
=== linner pouts. :( | ||
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user_ | ok | 09:38 |
=== HaNazir [n=yahalom@1-18-132-169.idt.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
user_ | tnx!! | 09:38 |
=== aftertaf gives linner a waffle | ||
garyc | linner I thought it was supposed to be port 20 | 09:39 |
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linner | aftertaf: why thank you | 09:39 |
garyc | thereauputic did you see my banner Welcome to Gary's ftp | 09:39 |
linner | garyc: obviously i'm absolutely no use to you... i'm very sorry | 09:39 |
aftertaf | garyc: i saw your apache page, then again i cant ftp so i httpd | 09:40 |
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thoreauputic | garyc: no, it connects, but it disconnects immediately I try to do an "ls" | 09:40 |
aftertaf | linner: dont worry, you'll be useful to somebody, i'm sure ;) | 09:40 |
user_ | how about kubuntu-desktop? what will it change to my ubunnntu? | 09:40 |
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thoreauputic | garyc: I used lftp and login anonymous | 09:40 |
aftertaf | user_: youll have kde happinessa t your disposal | 09:40 |
fluor_ | how do i run 32bit programs on 64-bit ubuntu? s there another way than chroot? first i have to log in, then su, then sudo bash to root, then chroot /chroot | 09:40 |
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=== duende_ is now known as duende | ||
nalioth | user_: nothing. but will give you a new login option (under 'sessions') | 09:40 |
kamstrup | aftertaf, nalioth: oh, wait. my .xsession-errors is totally flooded... | 09:41 |
user_ | ok | 09:41 |
Knelix | Ugh... It still failed... something about different compiler versions... Seriously, I don't think it's worth the trouble to install... | 09:41 |
linner | aftertaf: you're sweet........ i really didn't mean that as a sympathy thing................ i just didn't want garyc to be discouraged.. he's had problems with his server before | 09:41 |
=== kamstrup is looking at .xsession-errors | ||
=== nalioth points kamstrup to a pastebin | ||
aftertaf | kamstrup: ahaaaaa :) | 09:41 |
=== IceDC571 [n=chris@ppp-69-238-229-249.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
duende | help: for some reason, i am unable to ping "localhost" or "" thus, its causing havoc on services. any suggestions? | 09:41 |
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Skid | maybe you need to enable loopback | 09:41 |
=== aftertaf just talks away and hopes his proxy doesnt seize again | ||
user_ | hooow aboout apt getting plugins for dvd? mp3's and video? | 09:42 |
aftertaf | duende: restart networking, see if you get lo in ifconfig | 09:42 |
user_ | where can i get that? | 09:42 |
duende | Skid, you mean in 'interfaces'? it seems to be enabled. i tried re-starting networking | 09:42 |
aftertaf | user_: enable multiverse | 09:42 |
user_ | ic | 09:42 |
duende | aftertaf, lo is in ifconfig | 09:42 |
thoreauputic | !tell user_ about restricted | 09:42 |
Skid | duende: /etc/network/interfaces | 09:42 |
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Skid | in that file, is htere: auth lo | 09:42 |
aftertaf | duende: ahhh... check hosts then | 09:42 |
Skid | and | 09:42 |
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duende | Skid, yip, it appears to be setup properly | 09:42 |
Skid | iface lo inet loopback | 09:42 |
Skid | hm | 09:42 |
=== Dalkus [n=David@81-86-159-34.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
garyc | linner I used wu-ftpd and it worked great but the users could see each others folder and I wanted them to see only their home | 09:42 |
Skid | ifconfig doesn't shwo any localhost? | 09:42 |
duende | aftertaf, hosts has " localhost.localdomain localhost orestes" | 09:42 |
garyc | linner so I switched to vsftpd | 09:43 |
duende | Skid, ifconfig show's 'lo' entry | 09:43 |
aftertaf | duende: firewall woes? | 09:43 |
linner | garyc: oh okay | 09:43 |
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linner | garyc: i was using gftp ... changed to port 20 and im getting the same message | 09:43 |
Skid | and when you ping it just sits there? | 09:43 |
duende | aftertaf, i flused iptables rules, i didn't think i had any set anyways, but to be safe i flushed them, still nothing | 09:43 |
duende | Skid, yeah, just sits there | 09:43 |
Skid | what about ? | 09:43 |
nalioth | linner: ftp is on port 21 | 09:43 |
duende | Skid, same thing | 09:43 |
nalioth | linner: sftp on port 22 | 09:44 |
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duende | aftertaf, should showup in ifconfig under the lo entry? | 09:44 |
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linner | nalioth: i must have misunderstood what he typed ... let me scroll up | 09:44 |
Skid | duende: and you've /etc/init.d/networking restart 'ed already? | 09:44 |
Skid | lo Link encap:Local Loopback | 09:44 |
Skid | inet addr: Mask: | 09:44 |
Skid | inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host | 09:44 |
garyc | linner the ip might have change on the linux box let me check | 09:44 |
duende | aha | 09:44 |
MadpilotPPC | do FF extensions not work on Linux PPC machines? | 09:44 |
kemik | dont paste Skid | 09:44 |
thoreauputic | linner: no you didn't - he configured for port 20 | 09:44 |
linner | nalioth: this is what he told me garyc linner I thought it was supposed to be port 20 | 09:44 |
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linner | thoreauputic: thanks. :) | 09:44 |
duende | Skid, lo only shows the inet6 line, not the inet addr: line | 09:44 |
linner | garyc: ok | 09:44 |
thoreauputic | linner: which is odd ;) | 09:44 |
duende | that's the problem then | 09:44 |
nalioth | Skid: read the /topic please (re pasting) | 09:45 |
linner | thoreauputic: hehehehe | 09:45 |
Skid | yes yes, I thought i removed the crlf, but obv not :) | 09:45 |
kemik | duende: paste your /etc/network/interfaces on pastebin | 09:45 |
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duende | kemik, k | 09:45 |
kemik | duende: and "ifconfig lo" | 09:45 |
aftertaf | duende: yes it should.... | 09:45 |
=== ORiON [n=orion@cpe-70-117-0-232.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
indypende | Someone have experienced som "connecion limit" problem whit ftp on NVU? | 09:46 |
thoreauputic | garyc: are you still running it on port 20 ? | 09:46 |
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duende | kemik, http://pastebin.com/375480 | 09:46 |
garyc | linner I looked at vsftpd.conf and it is set to port 20 - checking router port forwarding | 09:46 |
linner | garyc: ok | 09:46 |
kemik | duende: and "sudo ifconfig lo" | 09:46 |
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duende | ok, i did a ifconfig lo down and a 'ifconfig lo up' and it works now | 09:47 |
duende | weird | 09:47 |
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duende | well, not weird that it works now, but weird that it loaded without the loop ip | 09:47 |
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kemik | duende: yeah, and your etc/network/interfaces looks correct-ish | 09:48 |
duende | -ish? | 09:48 |
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kemik | well it looks correct | 09:48 |
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kemik | duende: if you have trouble again you know what todo | 09:48 |
kemik | but, there should be some better way to handle thi | 09:48 |
kemik | this | 09:48 |
duende | kemik, i just recently switched from static ip to dhcp, but i noticed accross the last reboot that dhcp didn't start automatically and i had to run dhclient manually | 09:49 |
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duende | maybe that has something to do with it | 09:49 |
linner | garyc: i checked again............. still no love | 09:49 |
kemik | could maybe be... | 09:49 |
ekimrebyc | Any advices against using ubuntu as a server platform? | 09:49 |
kemik | but i dont know really | 09:49 |
kemik | gtg | 09:49 |
linner | garyc: but that may not mean anything because gFTP keeps freezing | 09:49 |
duende | actually, nevermind | 09:49 |
duende | i remember now, that was because my cable fell out of the nic :P | 09:49 |
kemik | ;) | 09:49 |
kemik | hehe | 09:49 |
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duende | it's almost 5:20a here | 09:50 |
duende | heh | 09:50 |
bzimage | ekimrebyc, generally no.. but depends on the use of the server | 09:50 |
kemik | ekimrebyc: not afaik... someone's said it makes a perfect server | 09:50 |
thoreauputic | linner: gftp appears to be distinctly unwell on breezy :/ | 09:50 |
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thoreauputic | linner: judging by people's complaints... | 09:50 |
duende | kemik, aftertaf, Skid: thanks for the help | 09:50 |
kemik | np | 09:50 |
linner | thoreauputic: oh okay.... can you suggest temporary replacement? | 09:50 |
ekimrebyc | bzimage, kemik , i wanna use the easy install, and create my own add-on install system , to have a server up and running in under 60min. | 09:51 |
thoreauputic | linner: umm - I tend to use the cli for ftp - nautilus can do ftp though | 09:51 |
linner | thoreauputic: what's nautilus? | 09:51 |
thoreauputic | linner: ftp://foo.bar.com in the location bar of the file manager (called nautilus) | 09:52 |
bzimage | ekimrebyc, you should be fine with ubuntu | 09:52 |
linner | thoreauputic: oh okay | 09:52 |
ekimrebyc | originaly i made it with Gentoo | 09:52 |
schmitzt | does anyone use certificates stored on etokens or smartcards in evolution? I don't know how to configure that | 09:52 |
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thoreauputic | linner: the graphical gnome file manager | 09:52 |
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nalioth | linner: kftpgrabber | 09:52 |
Skid | sorted? | 09:52 |
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ekimrebyc | but they just moved httpd.conf 3 times within the last 3 montsh | 09:52 |
nalioth | Skid: british for "fixed up" | 09:52 |
Skid | nalioth: I'm british | 09:52 |
Skid | :) | 09:52 |
bzimage | ekimrebyc, although i would go Debian | 09:52 |
linner | nalioth: oh ok........ thank you! :) | 09:52 |
Skid | I was refering to duende as in are you sorted :P | 09:52 |
bzimage | (the mother of ubuntu | 09:52 |
bzimage | ) | 09:52 |
ekimrebyc | bzimage, yea but debian dosnt have a click-installer | 09:53 |
bzimage | so? | 09:53 |
ekimrebyc | i need that to be able to guide dumb users trough a install | 09:53 |
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nalioth | Skid: i'm Texan (thick headed lout am I) | 09:53 |
bzimage | servers should be cli based.. not X | 09:53 |
duende | Skid, yip, everything seems to be working now | 09:53 |
Skid | hehe | 09:53 |
Skid | duende: what was the problem, I had to dash AFK for a few mins | 09:53 |
ekimrebyc | bzimage, i fully agree :) | 09:53 |
ekimrebyc | but my costumers dosnt | 09:53 |
bzimage | make a web frontend then | 09:53 |
bzimage | ;) | 09:53 |
bzimage | (only within lan) | 09:54 |
duende | Skid, not sure what caused it, but wasn't listed in the lo entry in ifconfig, so i ran 'ifconfig lo down' and 'ifconfig lo up' and it works now | 09:54 |
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kamstrup | aftertaf, nalioth: I solved it... /etc/init.d/xprint HAS to be executable, or else X bails out. | 09:54 |
Skid | ah | 09:54 |
Skid | :) | 09:54 |
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nalioth | kamstrup: good beans! | 09:54 |
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ekimrebyc | bzimage, actually i consider to disable the X interface in ubuntu once my server add-on installations is done | 09:54 |
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kamstrup | nalioth: :-D | 09:54 |
ekimrebyc | bzimage, that would make sense | 09:54 |
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kamstrup | cheers! | 09:54 |
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SlicerDicer | anybody having issues with breezy and nvidia kernel not working? | 09:55 |
SlicerDicer | I updated and now I cannot load nvidia drivers :/ | 09:55 |
bzimage | SlicerDicer, no.. working fine here | 09:55 |
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SlicerDicer | modprobe nvidia says module nvidia not found :/ | 09:56 |
SlicerDicer | its not working at all :/ | 09:56 |
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fek | hi | 09:56 |
bzimage | hi | 09:56 |
fek | is mozilla-firefox broken? | 09:56 |
bzimage | no | 09:56 |
fek | dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/mozilla-firefox_1.0.7-0ubuntu0.1_i386.deb (--unpack): | 09:56 |
fek | trying to overwrite `/var/lib/mozilla-firefox/extensions.d/00classic', which is also in package firefox | 09:56 |
fek | dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe) | 09:57 |
fek | don't understand what broke | 09:57 |
SlicerDicer | dont spam in here use the pastebin as in topic please | 09:57 |
fek | +n | 09:57 |
nalioth | fek: it's broken if you use backports | 09:57 |
fek | i am using only ubuntu ports | 09:57 |
Belutz_zzz | fet, if you use backports then it's broken | 09:57 |
fek | erm, i hope so | 09:57 |
fek | one moment | 09:57 |
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SlicerDicer | anybody feel up to helping me figure out this nvidia problem? | 09:57 |
bzimage | do not use backports on breezy | 09:57 |
fek | SlicerDicer: that was only 3 lines! | 09:57 |
SlicerDicer | fek: so? its still spam | 09:58 |
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nalioth | fek: it's considered impolite to paste more than 2 | 09:58 |
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qt2 | brb. | 09:58 |
fek | oh, i am using backports *ditsch* | 09:58 |
SlicerDicer- | well crap... this is really suck... | 09:58 |
SlicerDicer- | I have tried differnet kernels and what not this is not working with nvidia drivers | 09:58 |
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garyc | linner don't ask me why but my router is port forwarding port 21 how do I set vsftp to port 21 | 09:59 |
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nalioth | garyc: it should by default use 21 | 09:59 |
kamstrup | aahhh back in X :-D | 09:59 |
bzimage | garyc, the default ftp connection port is 21 | 09:59 |
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linner | garyc: i can guarantee you these guys will know a lot more about this topic than I | 10:00 |
SlicerDicer- | ok I updated my computer and once I updated it nvidia driver seemed to vanish... I dont know what to do I try to modprobe it's gone... I tried to use a newer kernel and restricted modules and it still does not work I am totally lost as to what to do | 10:00 |
garyc | linner my vsftpd.conf says port 20=yes | 10:00 |
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garyc | linner Maybe I need to set it to no | 10:00 |
linner | garyc: i understand it's supposed to be set, by default, to port 21 | 10:01 |
linner | garyc: knowing that, i would say "no" | 10:01 |
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linner | garyc: i mean yes..............set it to "no" | 10:01 |
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aftertaf | duende: no pb man ;) | 10:01 |
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garyc | linner I commented out the port 20 = yes line and restarted ftp | 10:02 |
garyc | linner try now | 10:02 |
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linner | garyc: ok | 10:02 |
thoreauputic | hmm.. lostirc is kind of a claytons gui... | 10:02 |
SlicerDicer- | does nobody know about nvidia drivers and able to help me? | 10:02 |
bzimage | garyc, 20 is needed... it's the data port | 10:02 |
bzimage | ftp uses 2 ports | 10:03 |
CaiN_SA | say from console i run : startx xterm, how do i let xterm auto start in fullscreen ? | 10:03 |
bzimage | 21 and 20 (by default) | 10:03 |
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bzimage | port 21 = connection / authentication | 10:03 |
lostirc | CaiN_SA: --geometry I think (see man xterm) | 10:03 |
linner | garyc: hold on a sec.............. gFTP is freezing again........... i have to download another FTP program | 10:04 |
bzimage | port 20 = data transmitting/receiving | 10:04 |
CaiN_SA | lol lostirc , but what if the app is not xterm ? say firefox ? | 10:04 |
CaiN_SA | lol | 10:04 |
garyc | thereauputic give my ftp a try | 10:04 |
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lostirc | CaiN_SA: well, most apps respect the -geometry flag | 10:04 |
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bzimage | garyc, that wont work.. | 10:05 |
bzimage | (i guess) | 10:05 |
SlicerDicer- | nvidia drivers? help? anybody? I will type out the problem when I find somebody who is willing to help me | 10:05 |
garyc | bzimage I better put it back the way it was | 10:05 |
thoreauputic | garyc: same | 10:05 |
fek | nalioth: now i got the mozilla-firefox packages from security.ubuntu,com and it's still broken | 10:06 |
ekimrebyc | is it posible to install ubuntu on two mirror-raided harddisks? | 10:06 |
ekimrebyc | Just give me yes or no...i dont need the guide :) | 10:06 |
nalioth | ekimrebyc: yes it is | 10:06 |
ekimrebyc | thank you | 10:06 |
garyc | bzimage the router automaticaly sets up port 21 as the ftp port and it worked on wu-ftpd | 10:06 |
nalioth | fek: "sudo apt-get -f install" | 10:06 |
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thoreauputic | fek: killall firefox.bin might help | 10:07 |
fek | uarghs | 10:07 |
fek | why is this proces srunning!? | 10:07 |
kamstrup | Does anybody have experience with Voodoo Banshee cards vs. DRI ? | 10:07 |
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SlicerDicer- | kamstrup, good luck I am having a hard time getting help with a very common nvidia driver :P | 10:08 |
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aftertaf | SlicerDicer-: type away... i have nvidia happiness on my pc ;) | 10:08 |
fek | got it | 10:08 |
fek | thanks thoreauputic | 10:08 |
SlicerDicer- | aftertaf, I updated my system and nvidia driver has vanished as in the module | 10:08 |
SlicerDicer- | aftertaf, I modprobe it and its not there | 10:09 |
thoreauputic | fek: aha! | 10:09 |
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thoreauputic | fek: so it's OK now? | 10:09 |
fek | yes | 10:09 |
thoreauputic | :) | 10:09 |
fek | i did i complete apt-get install --reinstall over the packages | 10:09 |
SlicerDicer- | aftertaf, I have installed newer versions of nvidia modules that depended on new kernels and still no dice | 10:09 |
fek | thoreauputic: but still confusing, why this process was running | 10:09 |
SlicerDicer- | aftertaf, I really dont know what to do I am getting pretty damn frustrated here... its not easy when things go crazy lol | 10:10 |
aftertaf | SlicerDicer-: breezy or hoary? | 10:10 |
SlicerDicer- | aftertaf, breezy | 10:10 |
thoreauputic | fek: left overs from previous attempts I guess | 10:10 |
aftertaf | SlicerDicer-: ok. did you have the nvidia ubutu package or the NVIDIA.run driver? | 10:10 |
bzimage | garyc, is your router a linux box? | 10:10 |
SlicerDicer- | aftertaf, ubuntu packages | 10:11 |
SlicerDicer- | aftertaf, when I try to do it myself the system explodes | 10:11 |
garyc | bzimage no it is an sbc/dsl router | 10:11 |
SlicerDicer- | aftertaf, well look where I am I cant be much worse than now though haha | 10:11 |
bzimage | hmm... | 10:11 |
garyc | bzimage now vsftpd is not restarting | 10:12 |
aftertaf | SlicerDicer-: have you ever used the nvidia.run official drivers? | 10:12 |
SlicerDicer- | aftertaf, the last update seemed to break 32bit support for linux native games as opengl libs could not be found... now its totally broken | 10:12 |
SlicerDicer- | aftertaf, of course I have | 10:12 |
garyc | bzimage which one of these listen statements should be set to yes | 10:12 |
aftertaf | SlicerDicer-: if so, run it again with --uninstall as an option | 10:12 |
SlicerDicer- | aftertaf, not on ubuntu though cause everytime I did they blow up in my face | 10:12 |
bzimage | garyc, the default should be ok | 10:12 |
SlicerDicer- | aftertaf, I havent used the nvidia drivers from nvidia I used the ubuntu ones so that does not apply | 10:13 |
linner | garyc: i'm very sorry... but i need to do some research before i get another ftp client........ i'll be happy to help you again once i get a new client....gftp isn't working well on my system | 10:13 |
bzimage | is you box onwich vsftpd runs a dedicated box? or a workstation | 10:13 |
SlicerDicer- | aftertaf, may I private message you please? | 10:14 |
aftertaf | yep no pb... | 10:14 |
bzimage | if it is a dedicated box, i would go for a DMZ solution. | 10:14 |
garyc | linner Thanks sir you are awesome | 10:14 |
linner | garyc: no problem............ and by the way, I'm a girl ;) | 10:15 |
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thoreauputic | linner: did you try using nautilus? It does a reasonable job for basic ftp | 10:15 |
thoreauputic | very basic... | 10:16 |
linner | thoreauputic: I really don't know what nautilus is... | 10:16 |
bzimage | or the plain ftp command | 10:16 |
bzimage | ;) | 10:16 |
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=== duende waits as linner gets about a billion private messages from guys in the channel | ||
ekimrebyc | thoreauputic, yea unless you have folders with numeric names :) | 10:16 |
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bzimage | linner, nautilus is the filemanager for Gnome | 10:16 |
thoreauputic | linner: it's the thing you see when you open up you home dir :) | 10:16 |
=== linner cowers at that thought | ||
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linner | oh okay | 10:16 |
thoreauputic | or "computer" etc | 10:16 |
bzimage | konqueror is the same thing on KDE | 10:17 |
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thoreauputic | linner: ctrl-l to get a location input field | 10:17 |
linner | thoreauputic: I don't get an "address" line with that | 10:17 |
pablo_ | hi, someone here use xawtv? | 10:17 |
linner | thoreauputic: oh oh oh cool | 10:17 |
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linner | ok | 10:17 |
thoreauputic | linner: I anticipated... :) | 10:17 |
linner | thoreauputic: you're good man :) | 10:17 |
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Mizutsuki | is the new ubuntu preview ready enough for a complete newb to go at it, or are there still lots of errors? | 10:17 |
duende | Mizutsuki, works well for me | 10:18 |
nalioth | Mizutsuki: you only have 10 days to wait for the final | 10:18 |
bzimage | Mizutsuki, the preview version is ok | 10:18 |
thoreauputic | linner: little do you know .... <evil grin> | 10:18 |
duende | both in server/client deployments | 10:18 |
crimsun | preview+daily updates should work fine. | 10:18 |
garyc | linner Why thank-ye Mam | 10:18 |
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Guyver3 | how do I go from windows xp to ubuntu, without dual boot? | 10:18 |
duende | yes, you heard me, i'm using breezy for my server :) | 10:18 |
linner | thoreauputic: y) | 10:18 |
linner | crap | 10:18 |
linner | thoreauputic: you crack me up | 10:18 |
Mizutsuki | ok, thanks | 10:18 |
linner | garyc: np :) | 10:18 |
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=== ColonelKernel demands an official release of breezy right now this minute | ||
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duende | ColonelKernel, your nick hurts my head | 10:19 |
duende | i say it out loud and get confused | 10:19 |
aftertaf | lool duende | 10:19 |
=== thoreauputic gives ColonelKernel exactly what he asked for - but with an EULA and spyware | ||
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bzimage | Guyver3, well to really leave windows.. you should use the cd of ubuntu and fire it up.. then partition your drive(s) so it only uses Linux.. then install | 10:19 |
bzimage | ;) | 10:19 |
maxbern | There were no decoders found to handle the stream in file "file:///home/maxbern/Downloads/Lito%20Camo%20-%20Wowowee.mp3", you might need to install the corresponding plugins | 10:19 |
MadpilotPPC | duende, English is a wonderful language, isn't it? ;) | 10:19 |
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duende | MadpilotPPC, i'm glad it's my first language | 10:20 |
maxbern | what decodes do i need to install? | 10:20 |
MadpilotPPC | !tell maxbern about mp3 | 10:20 |
Guyver3 | are you talking about the live cd? | 10:20 |
aftertaf | is nvidia drivers stuff broken in breezy for 64bit? | 10:20 |
maxbern | Guyver3, nope on the filesystem copied from windows | 10:20 |
bzimage | Guyver3, the normal cd | 10:21 |
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Guyver3 | ok | 10:21 |
IceDC571 | wow.. i just discovered sherlock today, never knew it existed | 10:21 |
bzimage | guerby, i would go for breezy preview cd | 10:21 |
maxbern | how do i do that Guyver3 | 10:21 |
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bzimage | IceDC571, that guy is dead | 10:22 |
bzimage | ;) | 10:22 |
Guyver3 | are you asking me something that you already know maxbern? | 10:22 |
schmitzt | does anyone have experiences with openct? I don't know how to mount my etoken | 10:22 |
matrix | question, where do the themes install ? | 10:22 |
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bzimage | matrix, which themes | 10:23 |
bzimage | ? | 10:23 |
matrix | blackbox | 10:23 |
bzimage | (gdm, gnome etc etc) | 10:23 |
bzimage | ok.. | 10:23 |
bzimage | dunno.. don't use it | 10:23 |
bzimage | (i) | 10:23 |
IceDC571 | how is sherlock dead? | 10:23 |
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matrix | what about extra gnome themes? | 10:23 |
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IceDC571 | oh wait im stupid | 10:23 |
bzimage | dunno either.. i'm using kde | 10:23 |
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IceDC571 | i thought i was in the os x channel | 10:23 |
Guyver3 | I've never been on linux before. How would I install my vid card, sound card, etc drivers? | 10:23 |
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bzimage | IceDC571, hehehe, but still that Holmes dude is dead | 10:24 |
bzimage | ;) | 10:24 |
maxbern | Guyver3, i did not know how do to it tell me | 10:24 |
meer | guys anybody plss help me with my eth0 plsss | 10:24 |
MadpilotPPC | Guyver3, sound card should be detected on install; vid card needs drivers, usually | 10:24 |
Guyver3 | do I have to use some program called WINE to emulate a windows app? | 10:24 |
bzimage | meer, what's the problem | 10:24 |
bzimage | (that way we can offer help) | 10:24 |
_mindspin | ;-) | 10:24 |
thoreauputic | bzimage: strictly speaking the "Holmes dude" never existed | 10:25 |
bzimage | thoreauputic, i know... | 10:25 |
bzimage | ;) | 10:25 |
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thoreauputic | :D | 10:25 |
bzimage | but does IceDC571 know that? | 10:25 |
bzimage | :P | 10:25 |
nalioth | IceDC571: try ##apple | 10:25 |
thoreauputic | he does now :) | 10:25 |
meer | my eth0 card worked really fine but after installing few packages and KDE last night i jus switched off and slept but when i tried login today its no more working | 10:25 |
IceDC571 | yeah i know now.. | 10:25 |
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meer | thanks bzimage | 10:25 |
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IceDC571 | i want to get breezy on my ibook, does airport wireless work at all? | 10:26 |
thoreauputic | IceDC571: google Arthur Conan-Doyle ;) | 10:26 |
_mindspin | meer: what do you get when you type ifconfig on commandline? | 10:26 |
meer | the led in eth0 also is not lit.. so now am using a usb card jus to log in | 10:26 |
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meer | and at the start up system stays for a long time trying to configure network interfaces | 10:27 |
thoreauputic | IceDC571: no - complain to theBroadcom people | 10:27 |
ompaul | mornin thoreauputic :) | 10:27 |
thoreauputic | IceDC571: unless its not Airport Extreme.. | 10:27 |
_mindspin | meer: what do you get when you type ifconfig on commandline? | 10:27 |
thoreauputic | hi ompaul :) | 10:27 |
nalioth | IceDC571: choose a USB wifi stick wisely, cuz broadcom continues to suck | 10:28 |
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ompaul | nalioth: welcome back | 10:28 |
=== linner has broadcom | ||
IceDC571 | nalioth: any reccomendations? | 10:28 |
linner | :( | 10:28 |
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fluor_ | how do i run 32bit programs on 64-bit ubuntu? s there another way than chroot? first i have to log in, then su, then sudo bash to root, then chroot /chroot | 10:28 |
Skywind | Does anyone know how to modify the color of screen that displayed before gnome-splash(after gdm login)? thx~ | 10:28 |
thoreauputic | linner: some of the Broadcom stuff works on i386 with ndiswrapper I believe | 10:29 |
=== linner is hoping....... | ||
garyc | thereauputic give my ftp a try | 10:29 |
linner | though i have a Turion64.... i had to use the i386 install... we'll see | 10:29 |
thoreauputic | garyc: OK | 10:29 |
IceDC571 | how bout bluetooth, does that work on breezy? | 10:29 |
meer | do u wan me to past the stuff here | 10:29 |
bzimage | fluor_, doing 64bit installs is allways a dumb thing if you tent to use non 64bit stuff... | 10:29 |
nalioth | IceDC571: netgear ma111 b model | 10:29 |
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linner | garyc: if you type just a few characters and then "tab" it will auto complete the nick for you | 10:30 |
nalioth | meer: no do not paste here | 10:30 |
meer | its my first time using this irc | 10:30 |
=== Ohmer [n=Homer@ip216-239-83-178.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | meer: read the /topic about pasting | 10:30 |
_mindspin | no, try pastebin or #flood | 10:30 |
garyc | linner what do you mean | 10:30 |
fluor_ | bzimage: it's a gameserver (it's 32-bit) but some ADDONS i have use 64-bit! so i need 64bit | 10:30 |
ompaul | !tell meer about pastebin | 10:30 |
kemik | ga<TAB> | 10:30 |
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linner | garyc: when you're typing to someone specific in the channel, begin your post with the first few names and then hit the tab button | 10:30 |
linner | it will automatically complete that person's nickname for you | 10:31 |
houpy | hello everybody | 10:31 |
garyc | linner, oh you mean lin.. then tab | 10:31 |
kemik | s/names/letters linner ;) | 10:31 |
bzimage | fluor_, recompile the 32 bit thing.. | 10:31 |
linner | garyc: it avoids mistyping the name's spelling | 10:31 |
linner | garyc: yes | 10:31 |
linner | :) | 10:31 |
Guyver3 | hey how would I burn a .gi file? | 10:31 |
thoreauputic | garyc: "delaying before reconnect" etc | 10:31 |
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kemik | Guyver3: .gi ? never heard of.. supposed to be what? | 10:31 |
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Guyver3 | I only know 1 program that does and it's a windows program called "sonic record now" | 10:31 |
fluor_ | bzimage: its a binary. it's counter-strike | 10:31 |
Guyver3 | global image | 10:32 |
Licker | anyone know how to add scripts in IRC? | 10:32 |
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linner | wb aftertaf | 10:32 |
Guyver3 | umm something with | 10:32 |
kemik | fluor_: i'd recommend you to use "sudo -i" instead of "sudo bash" | 10:33 |
Guyver3 | . /load command | 10:33 |
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meer | thanks for pastebin | 10:33 |
ompaul | meer: use it well | 10:33 |
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somone | helo, someone avilble | 10:34 |
fluor_ | bzimage: it's a gameserver (it's 32-bit) but some ADDONS i have use 64-bit! so i need 64bit. i need other admins to also connect, using their own ssh account. i do not want to give them root | 10:34 |
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Ng | fluor_: have a look at dchroot | 10:34 |
somone | can somone help (about installing ubuntu) ? | 10:35 |
Guyver3 | oh yeah I know /load -rs locationof.mrcfile should work for adding scripts on irc | 10:35 |
Ng | somone: ask your question, if someone can answer, they will | 10:35 |
kemik | somone: just ask your *real* question | 10:35 |
elkbuntu | somone: you asking yourself? | 10:35 |
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somone | ok | 10:36 |
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meer | _mindspin: can u plss help me out with it.. | 10:36 |
somone | i understand the ubuntu need about 3gb freespace, but when i tray to instal, it's usk's for et list 9GB? | 10:36 |
Guyver3 | umm I've never tried linux before and I'm just wondering if I'm supposed to switch ntfs into something else before installing linux :S? | 10:37 |
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_mindspin | meer: first i need to know the url of pastebin (where you pasted the result) | 10:37 |
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makkk | Guyver3, FAT would be much better | 10:37 |
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meer | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2580 | 10:37 |
makkk | with ntfs, its hard to write to it (if not impossible) | 10:37 |
meer | thnks | 10:38 |
niah | hi | 10:38 |
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Knelix | Question: How I "properly" (as opposed to "improperly") terminate a process (like folding@home) running in the terminal? | 10:38 |
Guyver3 | but with FAT it won't handle files bigger than 4 gb | 10:38 |
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somone | i understand the ubuntu need about 3gb freespace, but when i tray to instal, it's usk's for et list 9GB?? | 10:38 |
makkk | Guyver3, do you want to dual boot? | 10:38 |
tommi^ | Guyver3: if you are really going to make the switch, I suggest that you do backup of all your files and then just overwrite everything on your harddrive so that you are installing ext3 | 10:38 |
somone | i use FAT32 | 10:38 |
nalioth | Knelix: the polite way for a terminal app is "q" or "ctrl-c" | 10:38 |
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_mindspin | meer: eth1 is the usb device? | 10:39 |
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Knelix | nalioth: Okay. Thanks. | 10:39 |
meer | yeah | 10:39 |
meer | thats what i am using now | 10:39 |
meer | the other one doesnt work at all | 10:39 |
Guyver3 | ext3 ok I'll keep that in mind | 10:39 |
makkk | somone, does that include every single package possible? | 10:39 |
somone | can someone help in a privert channel (i cant understand if you are speeking with me or not) :} | 10:40 |
kemik | Guyver3: only use FAT if you gonna dualboot | 10:40 |
kemik | Guyver3: ext3 for "linux" | 10:40 |
garyc | thereauputic I took out vsftp and put in proftp now give my ftp a try | 10:40 |
Guyver3 | no I'm planning for single boot | 10:40 |
makkk | that seems like way too much space | 10:40 |
_mindspin | you are sure, that eth0 fits into the socket? (because you mentioned there is no LED light) | 10:40 |
kemik | Guyver3: go for ext then | 10:40 |
kemik | no reason using a crappy FS such as Fat/Fat32 | 10:40 |
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kemik | gtg | 10:40 |
Guyver3 | so no one here know any program that burns .gi images? | 10:41 |
thoreauputic | garyc: hey - tab complete with thore <tab> - I nearly missed that one :) | 10:41 |
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tommi^ | Guyver3: yeah, ext3 installs as default with ubuntu and pretty much with every linux distro. Just remember to do backups and check that they are valid. | 10:41 |
meer | _mindspin: if eth0 works fine there is a led which lights with connectivity but now its not lighting also. but whn i log in windows its working | 10:41 |
_mindspin | ic | 10:41 |
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_mindspin | what chipset is it? | 10:41 |
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matrix | whats the default font size ? | 10:41 |
_mindspin | i.e. which network card | 10:41 |
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garyc | thoreauputic, oooh I have been misspelling your name all this time | 10:42 |
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tommi^ | Guyver3: what are .gi images? | 10:42 |
meer | oops how to check that, which networkl card | 10:42 |
thoreauputic | garyc: login failed this time - anonymous ? | 10:42 |
garyc | thoreauputic, I put in proftp but i dont know if it does anonymous | 10:42 |
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thoreauputic | ah | 10:42 |
nalioth | garyc: check your config | 10:42 |
_mindspin | open the box and have a look? ;-) | 10:42 |
thoreauputic | well it tried :) | 10:42 |
garyc | thoreauputic, try agora and agoramin | 10:43 |
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thoreauputic | garyc: agoramin as pass? | 10:43 |
garyc | thoreauputic, yes | 10:43 |
meer | its realtec semiconductor. a builtin card | 10:43 |
somone | can someone help me pleez? | 10:43 |
thoreauputic | k | 10:43 |
_mindspin | realtec should work fine | 10:43 |
Guyver3 | it's a stupid format that some pirated games use, it's kinda new stands for global images made by sonic Record Now on the windows platform | 10:43 |
somone | me? | 10:43 |
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meer | yeah it worked very fine but now not working | 10:43 |
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garyc | thoreauputic, what directories does it allow you to see | 10:44 |
meer | last night when i shutdown also it was working but today it didnt | 10:44 |
elkbuntu | does anyone know a fix for ubuntu not seeing/mounting IDE floppy drives? | 10:44 |
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thoreauputic | garyc: Login failed: 530 Login incorrect | 10:44 |
meer | previously also this happened so i jus installed ubuntu again. i guess thats not a solutioin | 10:44 |
_mindspin | try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 10:44 |
elkbuntu | in hoary | 10:44 |
meer | :) | 10:44 |
=== happinees [n=chapman_@mebax16-b241.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | garyc: hang on I'll retry | 10:44 |
Guyver3 | http://www.ubuntuguide.org/ maybe this might help elkbuntu | 10:44 |
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garyc | thoreauputic, should be agora then agoramin | 10:45 |
thoreauputic | yup | 10:45 |
meer | i think all these happens during the booting up thing of the base | 10:45 |
garyc | thoreauputic, what directories does it allow you to see | 10:45 |
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thoreauputic | garyc: wait please | 10:45 |
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meer | if i use that command will i loose this connection now | 10:45 |
meer | ? | 10:45 |
tommi^ | elkbuntu: how do you not see them? Nautilus doesn't display them in computer: ? | 10:46 |
duende | quick question, is ubuntu's version numbering based on year.month ? | 10:46 |
_mindspin | meer: whats in /etc/network/ifaces ? | 10:46 |
Seveas | !tell Guyver3 about ubuntuguide | 10:46 |
elkbuntu | tommi^, just wont mount | 10:46 |
_mindspin | interfaces | 10:46 |
elkbuntu | tommi^, i can see it in the 'my computer' thing | 10:46 |
garyc | linner, I still have a private open to you | 10:46 |
somone | enyone | 10:46 |
thoreauputic | garyc: /home/agora <--- working | 10:47 |
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linner | garyc: beg your pardon? | 10:47 |
tommi^ | elkbuntu: what error message you get when trying to mount? | 10:47 |
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garyc | linner, do you want me to close it | 10:47 |
makkk | somone, i messaged you | 10:47 |
linner | garyc: yes please | 10:47 |
Guyver3 | WINE is a linux program that emulates windows programs right? | 10:47 |
nalioth | somone: ask a question. "anyone?" is very non productive | 10:47 |
=== julo [n=julien@AToulouse-151-1-43-95.w83-203.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linner | garyc: i wont' be able to access it for you tonight | 10:47 |
julo | hi | 10:47 |
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Seveas | Guyver3, it implements parts of the windows api | 10:47 |
Seveas | it mulates nohing | 10:47 |
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Seveas | and my keyboard misses keys apparently :) | 10:48 |
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thoreauputic | garyc: I can see the home dir including dot files etc | 10:48 |
tommi^ | Guyver3: Wine Isn't a Windows Emulator = WINE | 10:48 |
Guyver3 | heh | 10:48 |
_eyez | what program can I use insted of eMule? | 10:48 |
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garyc | linner, that ok i am closing the | 10:48 |
julo | Could anyone tell me why flash and java plugins aren't installed by default in Ubuntu, even though they can be legally distributed ? | 10:48 |
somone | when i tray to instal, it's usk's for et list 9GB?? | 10:48 |
linner | garyc: understood | 10:48 |
somone | whay so much GB? | 10:48 |
concept10 | julo, they cant be legally distributed | 10:48 |
meer | mindspin: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2581 | 10:48 |
thoreauputic | garyc: seems to be working fine | 10:48 |
elkbuntu | omfg *note to self* do not just reach over to linux box and try insert a floppy, there's a floppy-sized gap just above the CD drive it can slip into | 10:48 |
elkbuntu | almost lost the floppy into the depths of the box lol | 10:49 |
somone | is ubuntu nned 9GB of freespace? | 10:49 |
garyc | thoreauputic, does it let you up directory and can you see clemire or cydanderwon | 10:49 |
makkk | somone, is that the size of the partition? | 10:49 |
elkbuntu | somone no | 10:49 |
nalioth | elkbuntu: horrors. you might have to open it and vacuum it out | 10:49 |
garyc | thoreauputic, does it let you up directory and can you see clemire or cydanderson | 10:49 |
thoreauputic | garyc: hang on | 10:49 |
makkk | somone, ubuntu is not that large | 10:49 |
nalioth | somone: only if you install the WHOLE thing | 10:49 |
_mindspin | meer: you have dhcp running? | 10:49 |
elkbuntu | nalioth, surprisingly it's quite clean. i only built it recently | 10:49 |
thoreauputic | garyc: yup | 10:49 |
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somone | ubuntu install that i need et list 9GB, & wont let me select lower, whay? | 10:50 |
makkk | nalioth, would it make 9GBs? | 10:50 |
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somone | tell* | 10:50 |
garyc | thoreauputic, also a garyc dir | 10:50 |
thoreauputic | garyc: 6 dirs including ftp | 10:50 |
meer | that is for the network? i am using dhcp configuration for eth1 | 10:50 |
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nalioth | makkk: if you installed all of uni and multi, yes | 10:50 |
meer | is it that dhcp? | 10:50 |
thoreauputic | yes I can see that - I'll try vd | 10:50 |
thoreauputic | hah | 10:50 |
thoreauputic | *cd | 10:50 |
garyc | thoreauputic, I wonder if proftp can limit this | 10:50 |
_mindspin | you have the nics bound to dhcp | 10:50 |
nalioth | thoreauputic: is there something you're not telling us? ;) | 10:51 |
thoreauputic | garyc: I'm in your home dir! mwuhahahaha! | 10:51 |
makkk | somone, are you sure that this is not simply the size of the partition that ubuntu will be installed to? | 10:51 |
julo | concept10: they are, according to Reinhard Tartler on ubuntu-devel mailing list... | 10:51 |
meer | _mindspin: oops cant undertand that | 10:51 |
elkbuntu | tommi^, 'Unable to mount the volume. There is probably no media in the device.' then show more details reveals 'mount: /dev/fd0 is not a valid block device' | 10:51 |
garyc | thoreauputic, i know vsftpd claims it can restrict people to only their own home dir | 10:51 |
thoreauputic | garyc: don't worry, I promise not to tell ;)) | 10:51 |
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somone | but i'm not askd how meny expentions do i wish to install, i shuse the deafolt settings... | 10:52 |
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somone | i chuse * | 10:52 |
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somone | i just press Enter & folow the instructions. | 10:52 |
garyc | thoreauputic, try to make dir or upload I think it will tell you that you don't have permission | 10:52 |
thoreauputic | garyc: sorry I logged out :( | 10:53 |
thoreauputic | garyc: I expect you are right | 10:53 |
garyc | thoreauputic, do you mind trying it | 10:53 |
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somone | ? | 10:53 |
makkk | somone, i've installed the default several times, its not that large | 10:53 |
_mindspin | :meer do you see the priv.msg? | 10:54 |
garyc | you should be able to write to agora and make dir there only | 10:54 |
makkk | are you installing the english verions? | 10:54 |
makkk | version | 10:54 |
=== AnkhWeasel [n=Weasel@203-59-172-186.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
somone | ok, then i will tray agin... and comback to say how did it go | 10:54 |
somone | i'm using 5.10 | 10:54 |
Knelix | Well guys-- I think it's (past) time to call it quits for tonight. Thanks for all your help, as usual. 'night. :-) | 10:54 |
AnkhWeasel | Well, that was a fun day. | 10:54 |
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AnkhWeasel | Had to reinstall both Windows and Ubuntu. >.> | 10:54 |
elkbuntu | ubuntuguide.org only lists the word 'floppy' once :| | 10:55 |
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makkk | hm... I can only speak for 5.04, but still 5.10 should not be that large, that's unreasonable | 10:55 |
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bzimage | elkbuntu, in 2005 that's common | 10:55 |
bzimage | :P | 10:55 |
somone | that's what i was thinking, I'll give it another go. | 10:55 |
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somone | bye for now, and ty for the help. | 10:55 |
elkbuntu | yes bzimage ... but it helps not in finding how to make an IDE floppy drive mount :| | 10:55 |
makkk | np | 10:55 |
bzimage | elkbuntu, ubuntuguide is not recommended | 10:56 |
bzimage | (in the first place) | 10:56 |
AnkhWeasel | Whyever not? | 10:56 |
elkbuntu | bzimage, at times it is quite useful | 10:56 |
elkbuntu | bzimage, such as to suggest firewall software | 10:57 |
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elkbuntu | bzimage etc | 10:57 |
thoreauputic | garyc: I can upload to agora | 10:57 |
AnkhWeasel | Sure, a bunch of it's outdated... | 10:57 |
bzimage | elkbuntu, wel.. suggestion of firewall software? --> search with synaptic | 10:57 |
bzimage | read the discriptions.. and install | 10:57 |
bzimage | :P | 10:57 |
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trix | where is the terminal in kubuntu desktop? | 10:58 |
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elkbuntu | bzimage, just because you find something with synaptic, doesnt mean it's good. by reading resources such as ubuntuguide, you find what the popular ones are | 10:58 |
trix | where is the terminal in kubuntu desktop? | 10:58 |
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bzimage | trix: utility---> terminal | 10:58 |
thoreauputic | garyc: I can also upload to garyc, unfortunately :( I can delete as well | 10:58 |
bzimage | trix: run command ----> konsole | 10:59 |
elkbuntu | bzimage as far as i know, synaptic doesnt give human opinion | 10:59 |
thoreauputic | garyc: I uploaded and then deleted | 10:59 |
trix | tnx | 10:59 |
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trix | what is differnt between ubuntu and kubuntu? | 10:59 |
bzimage | elkbuntu, well.. not quite correct.. it's the opinion of the creator of ubuntuguide | 10:59 |
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bzimage | not wich is the most popular | 11:00 |
bzimage | ;) | 11:00 |
thoreauputic | garyc: if you look in garyc you will see a thoreauputic directory, too | 11:00 |
bzimage | trix, ubuntu uses Gnome desktop as default.. where Kubuntu uses KDE as default.. | 11:00 |
bzimage | trix, but from within ubuntu, one could install KDE too | 11:00 |
bzimage | :) | 11:01 |
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thoreauputic | garyc: looks like you need more configuration... | 11:01 |
nalioth | bzimage: not ubuntu from within kubuntu? | 11:01 |
bzimage | nalioth, well.. yeah sure... | 11:01 |
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trix | i see | 11:01 |
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bzimage | it's both ways | 11:01 |
bzimage | :) | 11:01 |
bzimage | repos are repos | 11:01 |
bzimage | hehe | 11:01 |
trix | it is possible to install online games like ragnarok here? | 11:02 |
bzimage | trix, so it doesn't matter really... | 11:02 |
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bzimage | trix, don't know that game.. but i am confident you can | 11:02 |
bzimage | :) | 11:02 |
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bzimage | wb linner | 11:04 |
linner | bzimage: why thank you! :) | 11:04 |
bzimage | :) | 11:05 |
meer | anybody plss how to reinstall the network driver | 11:05 |
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_mindspin | meer: did you edit the /etc/networking/interfaces file as I told you? | 11:06 |
ladyfei | hi | 11:06 |
ladyfei | asl polz | 11:06 |
ladyfei | serx | 11:06 |
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nalioth | ladyfei: not in here, please. in #ubuntu-offtopic | 11:06 |
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=== bzimage wonders what serx is? | ||
Licker | anyone know how to make a IRC script to counter Slaps etc? | 11:08 |
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bzimage | Licker, google and find | 11:08 |
bzimage | :) | 11:08 |
thoreauputic | ok time to go... | 11:08 |
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=== thoreauputic waves goodbye | ||
Licker | what would i lok up? IRC scripts? | 11:08 |
=== bzimage waves back | ||
bzimage | Licker, such queries | 11:09 |
bzimage | yeah | 11:09 |
nalioth | Licker: start at your clients homepage | 11:09 |
bzimage | irc + slaps +script or something | 11:09 |
fredforfaen | anyone here that has experience with burning dvd's over 6X? | 11:10 |
bzimage | nalioth, good one :) | 11:10 |
meer | anybody plss how to reinstall the network driver | 11:10 |
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barosl | is there any program that can capture xvideo output? | 11:11 |
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Ng | barosl: for a screenshot? or you actually want to capture that video data? | 11:11 |
concept10 | I love the way gnome 2.12 flashes the application on the taskbar but doesnt bring it into focus | 11:12 |
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barosl | Ng, for a screenshot. i want to capture mplayer of the desktop not using vo=x11 | 11:12 |
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Ng | barosl: you probably want to point a camera at your monitor then ;/ | 11:13 |
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barosl | Ng, oops | 11:13 |
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bobot | help! anyone used epson lx300 printer in ubuntu? Where can we find a driver? | 11:15 |
weijie90 | hi | 11:15 |
weijie90 | http://www.linux-printing.com | 11:15 |
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cef | if only there was some useful graphical snmp utils.. spose I'll just have to write one (or get someone to write one).. *sigh* | 11:16 |
meerkat | heh, lx300 ... blast from the past ;) | 11:17 |
weijie90 | bobot: ops, its www.linuxprinting.com | 11:17 |
ompaul | bobot, there are many docs on google I think you choose 24 pin and it works | 11:18 |
trix | what is wine? | 11:18 |
linner | trix: wine stands for windows emulator | 11:18 |
ompaul | bobot, it is a 24 pin dot matrix if I recall correctly | 11:18 |
bobot | weijie90: thanks! i'll try it.. | 11:18 |
linner | trix: it will run a limited amt of windows based programs | 11:18 |
=== xota saluda! | ||
weijie90 | no its "wine is not an emulator" | 11:18 |
catfox | linner, stande for: wine is not an emulater | 11:18 |
weijie90 | like "gnu's not unix" | 11:18 |
linner | it's not????? | 11:19 |
bzimage | hehehe | 11:19 |
ompaul | weijie90, are you sure about gnu? | 11:19 |
linner | that's what i was told | 11:19 |
weijie90 | ya its not | 11:19 |
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linner | okey dokey | 11:19 |
weijie90 | u were bluffed... its a myth | 11:19 |
catfox | its a re-implementation of the windows api | 11:19 |
bobot | ompaul: i'll tyr it | 11:19 |
weijie90 | an emulator would work better | 11:19 |
Chousuke | WINE is actually ambiguous | 11:19 |
bzimage | WINE gets you drunk | 11:19 |
bzimage | :) | 11:19 |
Chousuke | weijie90: but it would be slower :P | 11:19 |
linner | oh... i thought WIN stood for windows and E stood for emulator... that's how it was explained to me | 11:20 |
Chousuke | and wine does do some emulation. | 11:20 |
weijie90 | but program support is complete | 11:20 |
weijie90 | haha... nice one | 11:20 |
linner | trix: i hope we're not confusing you more with our banter | 11:20 |
Chousuke | linner: Then it would be WinE | 11:20 |
Chousuke | or WE. | 11:20 |
linner | Chousuke: symantics | 11:20 |
Chousuke | :P | 11:20 |
Chousuke | WE are the borg. | 11:20 |
bzimage | Chousuke, or MsE (Microsoft Emulator) | 11:21 |
bobot | weijie90: its www.linuxprinting.org | 11:21 |
=== linner just shakes her head :) | ||
weijie90 | oh sorry | 11:21 |
linner | trix: bottom line it runs a very limited amount of windows programs | 11:21 |
catfox | which mp3 player would you recommend for linux, anyone? | 11:21 |
weijie90 | rythmbox | 11:21 |
catfox | sorry, i meant hardware player | 11:21 |
Chousuke | bzimage: Nah | 11:21 |
Chousuke | it doesn't emulate an Evil Gian Corporation (TM) | 11:22 |
Chousuke | Giant* | 11:22 |
ompaul | bobot, go for it, tell us how you get on, maybe even write it up on the website and we get the bot to point to it | 11:22 |
weijie90 | any one... as long as it has a normal usb flash drive | 11:22 |
renjii | so anyone want to tell me whats wrong with w32 codecs? i got xine/w32 codecs installed and none of the codecs seem to work- | 11:22 |
bzimage | linner, although.. if i read the mission statement on codeweavers.. wine should support all standard windows apps soon | 11:22 |
weijie90 | ubuntu should be able to detect it plug-and-play | 11:22 |
nalioth | renjii: what platform are you running them on? | 11:22 |
linner | bzimage: great..... so what would be the difference then between wine and crossover office? | 11:22 |
catfox | might get an iaudio m10 | 11:22 |
nalioth | linner: xover office has support attached | 11:23 |
bzimage | linner, crossover is Wine with some addons.. (for configuring it, and installing software on it) | 11:23 |
Chousuke | crossover is cool. | 11:23 |
weijie90 | but u have to pay to use it. | 11:23 |
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Chousuke | yeh. | 11:23 |
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bzimage | yep.. but not expensive though.. 35 dollar | 11:23 |
linner | thank you :) | 11:23 |
weijie90 | haha.... | 11:23 |
meerkat | linner: crossover makes wine a little more user friendly ... | 11:23 |
Chousuke | a little :P | 11:24 |
bzimage | www.codeweavers.com -> crossover | 11:24 |
bzimage | :) | 11:24 |
linner | oh okay | 11:24 |
_mindspin | does anyone here use crossover with lotus organizer ? | 11:24 |
=== linner steps back and hides behind the experts :) | ||
ompaul | wow a scrolling piece of text in web browser had my cpu up at 100% | 11:24 |
linner | hehehhe | 11:24 |
Chousuke | It doesn't necessarily support as many programs though. | 11:24 |
Chousuke | especially games. | 11:24 |
weijie90 | some people dont have a credit card... and 35 US dollars is like 50 singapore dollars... not what a student like me can afford | 11:24 |
bzimage | for gaming use cedega | 11:24 |
linner | thirty five bucks is cheap to be able to not have to dual boot | 11:24 |
Chousuke | but for the programs it supports, it supports them better than wine. | 11:24 |
renjii | nalioth - ah, thats the problem....am helping someone run it on a standalone machine... on ubuntu of course. | 11:24 |
weijie90 | cedega costs too | 11:24 |
Chousuke | bzimage: Not necessarily. | 11:24 |
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Chousuke | Depends on which games you play. | 11:25 |
bzimage | Chousuke, no.. your right, smartass ;) | 11:25 |
nalioth | renjii: amd64, ppc, or x86? | 11:25 |
Chousuke | Older games work fine with wine. | 11:25 |
onkarshinde | Does ATI binary driver supports ATI Radeon 7000? | 11:25 |
Chousuke | no need. | 11:25 |
renjii | d'oh. x86 | 11:25 |
bzimage | Chousuke, true...... | 11:25 |
Chousuke | you don't need the binary drivers. | 11:25 |
onkarshinde | Do i need something else to take advantage of ATI 700? | 11:25 |
Chousuke | you already have 3d | 11:25 |
Chousuke | no. | 11:25 |
trix | linner: how can i install wine? | 11:25 |
linner | trix: have you used synaptic before? | 11:26 |
onkarshinde | Chousuke: My glxgears output shows 286FPS | 11:26 |
weijie90 | search google to get to its homepage | 11:26 |
ColonelKernel | anyone familiar with xmame? | 11:26 |
Chousuke | onkarshinde: are you using the radeon driver on X? | 11:26 |
bzimage | trix: wich distro? | 11:26 |
weijie90 | go to the documentation and follow its instructions | 11:26 |
Chousuke | it has 3d support. :) | 11:26 |
bzimage | lols.. sorry.. ubuntu.. my bad.. (so many linux channels open) | 11:26 |
linner | trix: i would definitely go to their web site and find out if your program is supported first.... | 11:26 |
cef | there are also things like vmware or Win4Lin Pro.. but they all cost | 11:26 |
onkarshinde | Chousuke: I havern't installed any extra package yet. I just added this card to my existing system and did a dpkg-reconfigure | 11:27 |
weijie90 | qemu with the acceleration module is free | 11:27 |
bzimage | cef, but there are also free ones.. like qemu | 11:27 |
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linner | trix: google codeweavers | 11:27 |
Chousuke | onkarshinde: you need none. | 11:27 |
cef | weijie90: very true.. | 11:27 |
Chousuke | onkarshinde: just select the radeon driver for X | 11:27 |
bzimage | trix: www.codeweavers.com | 11:27 |
cef | still from what I've seen, very slow | 11:27 |
linner | bzimage: exactly | 11:27 |
bzimage | trix: www.winehq.com | 11:27 |
onkarshinde | Chousuke: Then why 286 FPS? | 11:27 |
Chousuke | Dunno. | 11:27 |
onkarshinde | I mean output of glxgears | 11:28 |
weijie90 | it works ok too.. im using it to install windoze xp,, but its slow | 11:28 |
onkarshinde | Anyone else specilized in ATI Radeon? | 11:28 |
Chousuke | Maybe the card just sucks. | 11:28 |
bzimage | ATI and linux are NO match | 11:28 |
Chousuke | bzimage: wrong. | 11:28 |
bzimage | RIGHT | 11:28 |
bzimage | :) | 11:28 |
Chousuke | bzimage: older atis work | 11:28 |
Chousuke | he has a 7000 :P | 11:28 |
bzimage | hmm... | 11:28 |
bzimage | dang! | 11:28 |
bzimage | :P | 11:28 |
meerkat | best thing is just to leave all the just MS apps behind and moveover .... | 11:29 |
Chousuke | something's just funky with his config. | 11:29 |
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onkarshinde | Is Radeon 7000 an old card? | 11:29 |
weijie90 | yes | 11:29 |
Chousuke | anything pre-9500 is | 11:29 |
cef | meerkat: unfortunately sometimes you don't have that option | 11:29 |
bzimage | oh well.. i dislike ati on linux.. driver is crappy | 11:29 |
bzimage | nvidia rules | 11:29 |
onkarshinde | Do I need to add to xorg.conf? | 11:29 |
bzimage | good drives | 11:29 |
Chousuke | and soon there'll be support for r300 too! | 11:29 |
bzimage | +r | 11:29 |
meerkat | cef: true. | 11:29 |
cef | bzimage: now that they've gotten most of the bugs and stack faults out of them *grin* | 11:30 |
Chousuke | which means radeons up to 9800 and some x??? too | 11:30 |
bzimage | cef, ? | 11:30 |
Kuolio | wow, this is great! | 11:30 |
bzimage | nvidia just works | 11:30 |
Kuolio | just updated my breezy, and powernowd started to work! | 11:30 |
bzimage | ati is trial and error | 11:30 |
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larsrohdin | Hi, is anyone here good at xfce4? the #xfce was kind of dead... | 11:31 |
=== onkarshinde thinks Wish I knew that before buying the card. | ||
weijie90 | xfce? | 11:31 |
cef | bzimage: before about 2.6.8, they had a huge amount of stack overrun issues in the nvidia driver.. 4k stacks in the kernel got nvidia off their butts | 11:31 |
weijie90 | i hated it | 11:31 |
trix | what is breezy? | 11:31 |
Chousuke | xfce4 is wonderful | 11:31 |
weijie90 | its the latest version of ubuntu | 11:31 |
onkarshinde | !breezy | 11:31 |
ubotu | The guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 11:31 |
bzimage | cef, ooh yeah.. your correct | 11:31 |
weijie90 | but its not official | 11:31 |
larsrohdin | yeah I really like it | 11:31 |
bzimage | but nowadays it works good | 11:31 |
weijie90 | no desktop icons in xfce! | 11:32 |
larsrohdin | is it possible to make aliases for commands in xfrun? Like an alias in .bashrc? | 11:32 |
cef | breezy works fine fo rme now | 11:32 |
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bzimage | larsrohdin, sure | 11:32 |
larsrohdin | bzimage, how then? | 11:32 |
bzimage | haha.. good one | 11:32 |
bzimage | :) | 11:32 |
=== bzimage shuts up | ||
weijie90 | and xfce doesnt have enough toolbar icons | 11:33 |
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larsrohdin | aaawwww | 11:33 |
henk | how do i tell gdeslets to start when i log in? of any program for that matter | 11:33 |
weijie90 | hi henk | 11:33 |
bzimage | larsrohdin, it should be possible | 11:33 |
henk | hi weijie90 | 11:34 |
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bzimage | Nog een Nederlander | 11:34 |
bzimage | :) | 11:34 |
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bzimage | hallo Henk | 11:34 |
bzimage | :) | 11:34 |
weijie90 | hi boxerboy29 | 11:34 |
cef | bzimage: 2.6.12 and the nvidia driver seems a very stable combo so far | 11:34 |
weijie90 | hi twibbler | 11:34 |
henk | hehe tja linux is hot in nl | 11:34 |
nalioth | henk: System > preferences > sessions | 11:34 |
boxerboy29 | hi weijie90 | 11:34 |
twibbler | weijie90: morning ..... | 11:34 |
bzimage | cef, yep | 11:34 |
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henk | nalioth, ah nice thnx | 11:35 |
nightswim | ?? acroread | 11:35 |
nightswim | acroread? | 11:35 |
nightswim | how does that bot work again | 11:35 |
nightswim | ?acroread | 11:35 |
bzimage | !acroread | 11:36 |
ubotu | from memory, acroread is wget http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/deb/adobereader-enu_7.0.1-2_i386.deb && sudo dpkg -i adobereader-enu_7.0.1-2_i386.deb | 11:36 |
bzimage | there | 11:36 |
bzimage | :) | 11:36 |
nightswim | aah! | 11:36 |
weijie90 | im installing windows xp in qemu... im seeing messages like "Windows XP helps make sure your computer "just works""... how ironic... | 11:36 |
nightswim | thanks | 11:36 |
bzimage | np | 11:36 |
bobot | ompaul: thanks ompaul, but i'm not yet good in linux... but i'l try though. i din't make it with 24 pins... | 11:36 |
twibbler | weijie90: isnt that a contradiction in terms .... | 11:36 |
weijie90 | yup | 11:36 |
weijie90 | lol | 11:36 |
bzimage | twibbler, lol | 11:37 |
nightswim | now let's hope that link will work | 11:37 |
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boxerboy29 | just works=lowest standard??????????? | 11:37 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %brownie17!*@*] by Seveas | ||
Seveas | !forget !brownie17 | 11:37 |
ubotu | Seveas: i forgot !brownie17 | 11:37 |
weijie90 | nice one | 11:37 |
nightswim | it seems to be dead from over here | 11:37 |
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weijie90 | whats the most popular form of broadband modems? (USB/cable/network/etc?) | 11:39 |
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bzimage | weijie90, depends on the country | 11:39 |
nightswim | does someone in here perhaps have that file :> | 11:39 |
bzimage | ;) | 11:39 |
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nightswim | Seveas: seveas.ubuntulinux.nl does not seem to be working | 11:40 |
nightswim | well, http'ing to it at least | 11:41 |
bzimage | nightswim, its in the repos | 11:41 |
ompaul | larsrohdin, for alias edit .bashrc | 11:41 |
ompaul | file put in an entry like this >> shortcut='command -options' << | 11:41 |
nightswim | bzimage, which one? :) | 11:42 |
bzimage | ehmm. dunno.. i have all official repos enabled | 11:42 |
bzimage | (universe, multiverse and such) | 11:42 |
ompaul | how the hell am I doing that - putting in line breaks in xchat without intention | 11:42 |
=== bzimage is using 5.10 preview.. | ||
weijie90 | bzImage: what about in the us? | 11:43 |
nalioth | nightswim: what did you want from seveas.ubuntubleh, ? | 11:43 |
bzimage | weijie90, i guess cable | 11:43 |
nightswim | nalioth: adobereader-enu_7.0.1-2_i386.deb | 11:43 |
bzimage | its in the repos | 11:43 |
bzimage | ;) | 11:43 |
bzimage | somewhere | 11:43 |
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bzimage | dunno wich one | 11:43 |
bzimage | though | 11:43 |
nalioth | nightswim: ah, that isnt easily availabe as some of his other things are | 11:44 |
jo_e | I get the following error messages when trying to upgrade or install firefox | 11:44 |
jo_e | E: /var/cache/apt/archives/mozilla-firefox_1.0.7-0ubuntu0.1_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/var/lib/mozilla-firefox/extensions.d/00classic', which is also in package firefox | 11:44 |
jo_e | E: /var/cache/apt/archives/mozilla-firefox-gnome-support_1.0.7-0ubuntu0.1_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/components/libmozgnome.so', which is also in package firefox-gnome-support | 11:44 |
nightswim | acroread_5.10-0.2_i386.deb sounds reasonable too | 11:44 |
bzimage | jo_e, no copy paste in here! | 11:44 |
nalioth | jo_e: read the /topic please | 11:44 |
bzimage | nightswim, why would you use such an old version | 11:45 |
nalioth | jo_e: it is very impolite to paste in chat channels | 11:45 |
jo_e | bzimage, I have no web browser | 11:45 |
nightswim | I dont know, I just would like any version really | 11:45 |
jo_e | since firefox is not working | 11:45 |
jo_e | well, I will leave then. | 11:45 |
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bzimage | pff.. weird | 11:45 |
bzimage | quickly offended | 11:46 |
bzimage | :S | 11:46 |
deFrysk | :D | 11:46 |
boxerboy29 | took that a lil closer to home than maybe he should have | 11:46 |
garyc | bzimage, hey do you know how to limit the ftp users to their own home dir | 11:46 |
weijie90 | bzImage: hmm... does ubuntu have plug and play support for that? if it does, thats great... | 11:46 |
garyc | bzimage, I am on proftp now and it is working | 11:47 |
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boxerboy29 | galeion should work on its own from synaptic? | 11:47 |
garyc | bzimage, one user can see the other users home dir including mine | 11:47 |
weijie90 | he must be root! | 11:48 |
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nalioth | boxerboy29: once you install galeon via synaptic, it will work fine | 11:48 |
boxerboy29 | yeah i kinda figured it should | 11:48 |
=== vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bzimage | in proftpd you need to use DefaultRoot ~ | 11:49 |
bzimage | to jail users | 11:49 |
boxerboy29 | mine starts to try to load than says screw you boxerboy i dont like you and poof gone | 11:49 |
garyc | bzimage, maybe it's a matter of user config in the system itself and directory permissions | 11:49 |
garyc | bzimage, hey there it is - jail users - how do I do that | 11:50 |
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boxerboy29 | i even added kubuntu desktop thinking maybe it was a kde web browser and still no luck | 11:50 |
bzimage | garyc, set DefaultRoot path to ~ in the config | 11:50 |
garyc | bzimage, do I set it in the proftp.conf file | 11:51 |
bzimage | yes | 11:51 |
bzimage | then restart proftpd | 11:51 |
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garyc | bzimage, is restart invoke-rc.d proftpd restart | 11:52 |
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garyc | bzimage, do I have the syntax right | 11:53 |
bzimage | garyc, sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd restart | 11:53 |
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boxerboy29 | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2582 thats the error im getting | 11:53 |
boxerboy29 | when i try to run it from command line | 11:54 |
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bzimage | garyc, but your command does the same... | 11:55 |
bzimage | '_ | 11:55 |
bzimage | :) | 11:55 |
hansi_xp | :D | 11:55 |
bzimage | although i prefer mine.. because there are more distro's... wich do not have invoke-rc.d | 11:56 |
bzimage | that way you can move arround on many distros | 11:56 |
bzimage | :) | 11:56 |
henk | hey does gnome have a terminal-session dropdown menu thingy? (like konsole has for kde?) | 11:56 |
bzimage | henk, why not use konsole then? | 11:58 |
bzimage | :P | 11:58 |
linner | hey guys.. I'm outta here.... wanted to say thank you so very much for the wonderful education.... I love talkin' with ya'll. | 11:58 |
boxerboy29 | linner bye | 11:58 |
garyc | bzimage, I don't see a "DefaultRoot path" statement that is commented out - can I type it in at the end of the file | 11:58 |
linner | boxerboy29: night dearl | 11:58 |
linner | dear even | 11:58 |
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henk | bzimage, i know just wondering if gnome had something similar. there are some things about konsole i dont like so maybe there is an alternative | 11:59 |
bzimage | garyc, i would enter it just above the anonymous part | 11:59 |
bzimage | (beginning of that block) | 11:59 |
boxerboy29 | anyone have a clue what javapluginfactory5 is and how do i get it if apt-get wont get it | 12:00 |
garyc | bzimage, is it DefaultRoot path = ~ or do I have to type set Default....etc | 12:00 |
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bzimage | garyc, DefaultRoot ~ | 12:00 |
bzimage | not = | 12:00 |
garyc | bzimage, that's it -- just DefaultRoot ~ | 12:01 |
bzimage | right | 12:01 |
bzimage | :) | 12:01 |
jack- | proftpd? | 12:01 |
bzimage | jack-, yes | 12:01 |
jack- | you dont need to set defaulroot | 12:01 |
garyc | bzimage, one moment | 12:01 |
bzimage | jack: jailing users | 12:02 |
jack- | only if you want a chrooted environment | 12:02 |
jack- | ..yeah | 12:02 |
bzimage | :) | 12:02 |
jack- | just be aware that ~ will equal /root | 12:02 |
jack- | since proftpd doesnt change its uid when a user logs in | 12:03 |
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bzimage | root shouldn't be able to use ftp at all | 12:03 |
bzimage | (as login user) | 12:03 |
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jack- | thats not the issue | 12:03 |
jack- | proftpd itself runs as root or not | 12:03 |
bzimage | what do you mean then? | 12:03 |
bzimage | ooh.. that.. | 12:03 |
bzimage | ;) | 12:03 |
jack- | better specify an absolute path | 12:04 |
henk | or use vsftpd which is very fast and acctualy tries to be secure :) | 12:04 |
bzimage | jack-, i run many proftpds.. with root ~ | 12:04 |
bzimage | no problems so far.. | 12:04 |
bzimage | all jailed nicely | 12:04 |
daejavu | guyz how can i backup all the stuff i get downloaded from Synaptic ? | 12:04 |
jack- | ok then, tj might have changed it from 1.2.9 to .10 | 12:04 |
bzimage | (but running as proftpd.proftpd) | 12:04 |
beruic | I'm pretty new to Ubuntu (and linux), can anybody help me? | 12:05 |
deFrysk | !tell beruic about ask | 12:05 |
bzimage | compiled it myself... | 12:05 |
aftertaf | daejavu: why would you want to???? but it is in /var/cache/apt | 12:05 |
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daejavu | aftertaf, i was thinking if it is possible to backup all of that so that in case i do a reinstall on the whole OS i can just use the backup to reinstall the packages i downloaded | 12:06 |
beruic | I have just installed a maschine with a cd, and afterwards I added an extra harddisk. Why can't I see that harddisk? | 12:06 |
jack- | because you didnt mount it | 12:06 |
jack- | d'oh | 12:06 |
beruic | How do I do that? | 12:06 |
bzimage | jack-, come on.. be nice... | 12:06 |
bzimage | :) | 12:06 |
garyc | bzimage, I put that in just after all the anonymous stuff, which is all turned off by the way | 12:07 |
jack- | mkdir /mnt/mydrive && mount /dev/partitionname /mnt/mydrive | 12:07 |
jack- | as root | 12:07 |
bzimage | (no offensive "d'oh" things) | 12:07 |
beruic | I'm totally noob in the linux-world... | 12:07 |
daejavu | aftertaf, anyidea how to do that ? | 12:07 |
nalioth | beruic: there are plenty of useful things at wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | 12:07 |
garyc | bzimage, is there a file called welcome.msg in which I can place my welcome text | 12:07 |
beruic | thx | 12:07 |
jack- | read your /etc/fstab file | 12:08 |
jack- | and add the new drive accordingly | 12:08 |
jack- | then it will be automounted with the rest at boot time | 12:08 |
aftertaf | daejavu: duno if that would work. but you can get a list of all installed pkgs | 12:08 |
concept10 | is there a way to use evince as a firefox plugin? | 12:08 |
bzimage | garyc, yes there is | 12:08 |
aftertaf | for that purpose | 12:08 |
daejavu | humm sounds ok .. how do i do that ? | 12:08 |
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garyc | bzimage, I can't find it | 12:08 |
bzimage | create one | 12:09 |
garyc | bzimage, I looked in etc | 12:09 |
bzimage | ;) | 12:09 |
daejavu | aftertaf, humm sounds ok .. how do i do that ? | 12:09 |
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garyc | bzimage, should it go in /etc | 12:09 |
aftertaf | daejavu: i dont actually know.... :/ i remember s/one mentioning it once | 12:09 |
daejavu | okie dokie .. | 12:10 |
henk | is it possible to define keyboard-shortcuts using more than 1 key? the keyboard shotcuts tool doesn't appear to let me define thing like ctrl+alt+F12 etc | 12:10 |
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aftertaf | but aska round. someone will know ;) | 12:12 |
daejavu | anyone knows how to get list of downloaded packages from Synaptic ? | 12:14 |
vinboy | hi | 12:14 |
vinboy | my Software update manaager says there is a new linux-image | 12:14 |
vinboy | should I update it? | 12:14 |
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vinboy | i have seen some ppl run into problem after updatiing | 12:15 |
nalioth | vinboy: people run into problems from turning their machines off | 12:15 |
cafuego_ | you on breezy? | 12:15 |
daejavu | wow .. is it my net or this place just went Quite all of the suden .. lolz | 12:15 |
vinboy | nalioth, what do u mean? | 12:16 |
nalioth | vinboy: are you using breezy? | 12:16 |
vinboy | nalioth, nope.. i'm using hoary | 12:17 |
cafuego_ | vinboy: You should be fine, then. | 12:17 |
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vinboy | oh.. ok | 12:18 |
vinboy | so.. i'll go update | 12:18 |
vinboy | and blame u on disaster :D | 12:18 |
dducko | I was wondering if someone might know a program I can use. | 12:18 |
dducko | I am in a gaming group and a server is hosted on a remote computer | 12:18 |
cafuego_ | blame as much as you like I have indemity insurance | 12:18 |
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dducko | its a dynamic ip, and it seems its changed.. and the person that has it is fast asleep for several more hours | 12:18 |
dducko | is there a port scanner I can use to scan.. Basicly class b address.. just need to check 1 port | 12:19 |
cafuego_ | dducko: nmap | 12:19 |
ompaul | vinboy, take the same attitude with MS and see where it gets you | 12:20 |
dducko | thanks | 12:20 |
cafuego_ | dducko: When said guy wakes up, tell him about dyndns. | 12:20 |
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henk | dducko, you want to scan an intire range of ips on a ISP network to find what IP that box got ? hope they have a lousy abuse departmen | 12:20 |
dducko | yeah.. its been mentioned before.. | 12:20 |
cafuego_ | henk: most do <heh> | 12:20 |
dducko | i can shorten to oh.. about 5k addresses.. instead of 70K | 12:21 |
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henk | cafuego, heh | 12:21 |
cafuego_ | Hmm, suddenly Evolution has started threading | 12:22 |
ompaul | dducko, you may end up with no bandwidthread your isps aup before you do such a beastie | 12:23 |
=== crimsun [n=crimsun@pdpc/supporter/silver/crimsun] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | dducko, bandwidth read | 12:24 |
talios | hey crimsun | 12:24 |
crimsun | hey talios | 12:24 |
=== talios hrms at beagl. | ||
cafuego_ | talios: it's broken. | 12:25 |
cafuego_ | talios: 0.0.13 was fine, 0.1.0 is dead. | 12:25 |
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talios | cafuego, I'm more hmm'ing cause I've never really used it - but I always note than the first time I do a search it tells me the daemon isn't running. I guess theres some "run on login" setting somewhere? | 12:26 |
cafuego_ | talios: yes, except that doesn't work at the moment. System -> Prefs -> Search & Indexing | 12:27 |
hutgyrr | im trying to use cp -R to copy a folder over the network. It sin the format user's files. 'user\'s files' doesn't work though. What should I use? | 12:27 |
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henk | is it poissble to define shotkut combinations with the windows key on the keyboard? or is that only possible to do with alt and ctrl ? | 12:29 |
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debugger | hello | 12:30 |
henk | seems like a waste to treat that button als a non-special key | 12:30 |
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Ng | henk: should be | 12:34 |
Ng | although it may well behave like anormal key, not a shift/alt type key | 12:35 |
Ng | that's pretty stupid :/ | 12:35 |
henk | NG it appears so | 12:35 |
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=== Crys_UbuPC [n=crystufe@cpe-66-24-87-73.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Crys_UbuPC | Hey, all. | 12:37 |
Crys_UbuPC | How do I start up into enlightenment? | 12:38 |
beruic | Hello. I really neew some help to mount a drive. I'm totally lost... | 12:38 |
Crys_UbuPC | Have you ever done one before? | 12:38 |
beruic | N | 12:39 |
beruic | No | 12:39 |
Crys_UbuPC | Ever used the terminal? | 12:39 |
RMeist | :) | 12:39 |
beruic | No | 12:39 |
Crys_UbuPC | Okay. Ready to learn? | 12:39 |
beruic | Well, not much that is :) | 12:39 |
beruic | Yep | 12:39 |
Crys_UbuPC | Oh. Well open that up. | 12:39 |
beruic | But i would prefer som gui | 12:39 |
Crys_UbuPC | what kind of drive, btw? | 12:39 |
beruic | Done | 12:39 |
beruic | Harddisk | 12:40 |
Crys_UbuPC | I don't know the gui way to do it. | 12:40 |
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locomorto | beruic: theres a forum guide to enlightenment | 12:40 |
locomorto | beruic: hold on | 12:40 |
beruic | Secondary IDE master | 12:40 |
Crys_UbuPC | locomorto, That was for me. | 12:40 |
beruic | k | 12:40 |
locomorto | oh nvm | 12:40 |
=== locomorto hits head | ||
Crys_UbuPC | beruic Is it the third hard drive? | 12:40 |
beruic | Yep | 12:40 |
beruic | hdc | 12:40 |
locomorto | stop asking questions then :P | 12:40 |
Crys_UbuPC | Do you know what partition you wanted on it? | 12:41 |
Crys_UbuPC | mkdir /media/hdc1 | 12:41 |
beruic | I think it has an FAT32 on it now | 12:41 |
Crys_UbuPC | Okay, but I meant the partition number. | 12:41 |
beruic | What's that? | 12:42 |
bzimage | i have a problem, anyone who can help me? | 12:42 |
beruic | Dir made... | 12:42 |
bzimage | *don't answer, it's a joke* | 12:42 |
henk | bzimage, heh | 12:42 |
bzimage | :P | 12:42 |
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deFrysk | bzimage, asl ? | 12:42 |
deFrysk | ;p | 12:42 |
Crys_UbuPC | mount -t vfat /dev/hdc1 /media/hdc1 | 12:42 |
Crys_UbuPC | I think. | 12:43 |
bzimage | ghehe | 12:43 |
locomorto | here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=972&d=1114754670 | 12:43 |
locomorto | or: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30525 and get the attachment | 12:43 |
jack- | i dont have a problem, but i'm bored..can anyone help? :< | 12:43 |
beruic | It did something... | 12:43 |
Crys_UbuPC | cd /media/hdc1 | 12:44 |
bzimage | jack-, NO | 12:44 |
henk | jack help me find out how i use the windows-key as a special key like alt and ctrl so i can use it to create shotcut key combinations | 12:44 |
bzimage | :P | 12:44 |
Crys_UbuPC | dir | 12:44 |
deFrysk | beruic, see if there is an icon appeared on your desktop | 12:44 |
henk | :P | 12:44 |
gmjonker | Hi all. I have an Ubuntu/Grub problem. I installed Ubuntu on a Windows machine and now Grub freezes with error 21. Now what? | 12:44 |
jack- | sigh | 12:44 |
Crys_UbuPC | If it worked you should see stuff. | 12:44 |
bzimage | jack.. yes.. use windows | 12:44 |
bzimage | :P | 12:44 |
beruic | none | 12:44 |
deFrysk | thats your new drive opened | 12:44 |
jack- | omfg | 12:44 |
=== bzimage hides | ||
locomorto | Crys_UbuPC: or you can from da login screen go sessions | 12:44 |
jack- | bzimage, you're evil ;) | 12:44 |
locomorto | Crys_UbuPC: and choose you WM/DE | 12:44 |
beruic | nothing | 12:44 |
bzimage | *mumbles* i know | 12:44 |
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smott | when my laptop comes back from hibernation, eth0 is gone. what's up? | 12:45 |
deFrysk | beruic, go with filemanager to the mounted driive | 12:45 |
beruic | I'd wish I could run that program which I used under the installation... | 12:45 |
Crys_UbuPC | locomorto, Oh, was that link up there for me? Why thank you. | 12:45 |
jack- | qtparted? | 12:45 |
deFrysk | see if it works | 12:45 |
beruic | Can't find it | 12:45 |
bzimage | smott, using dhcp? | 12:46 |
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Crys_UbuPC | beruic So dir didn't do it? | 12:46 |
jack- | beruic: sudo apt-get install qtparted | 12:46 |
farion | hi - I updated to breezy and now every program say something like "locale not supported by Xlib" | 12:46 |
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beruic | Installing... | 12:46 |
deFrysk | farion, will automagically be fixed when upgrade is done | 12:46 |
hutgyrr | is there a command line dvd burner? | 12:46 |
bzimage | dvddao | 12:47 |
bzimage | or someting | 12:47 |
jack- | cdrecord-prodvd | 12:47 |
bzimage | h | 12:47 |
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RMeist | burncd -F -f /dev/acd0c -e -s max format dvd+rw data dvdrw | 12:47 |
smott | bzimage: no, static | 12:47 |
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avinoam | Anyone know how to view a docbook document? | 12:47 |
farion | locales are outdated then? because of language-selector? | 12:47 |
bzimage | smott, sudo ifup eth0 | 12:47 |
RMeist | cdrdao write --driver generic-mmc --device "1,0,0" --eject --overburn $1 | 12:48 |
hutgyrr | any available thru apt-get? | 12:48 |
jack- | most of them | 12:48 |
Crys_UbuPC | beruic, Sorry my way didn't help. Once you learn the way it becomes quite easy. | 12:48 |
jack- | only cdrecord-prodvd requires you to google+download via http | 12:48 |
beruic | ok | 12:48 |
beruic | k | 12:48 |
smott | bzimage: eth0 gets replaced by eth1 (wireless), and the old card disappears completely | 12:48 |
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bzimage | RMeist, well.. nice.. but most of us don't want to use these LONG commands | 12:48 |
nalioth | hutgyrr: ask uncle google about "bashburn" | 12:48 |
bzimage | :P | 12:48 |
beruic | I hope so :) | 12:48 |
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RMeist | bzimage: *click*click*:) | 12:49 |
beruic | Installation done! | 12:49 |
smott | bzimage: something about eth0 not being able to be mapped reliably | 12:49 |
Crys_UbuPC | yay! | 12:49 |
DagaZ | anyone here using madwifi in hoary? | 12:49 |
=== Yvonne [n=justme@cn-sdm-cr02-1437.dial.kabelfoon.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
beruic | Wht then? | 12:49 |
hutgyrr | cant find package cdrecord-prodvd | 12:50 |
nalioth | hutgyrr: prodvd is not free | 12:50 |
jack- | <jack-> only cdrecord-prodvd requires you to google+download via http | 12:50 |
jack- | its free | 12:50 |
bzimage | tralalalaaaa | 12:50 |
nalioth | hutgyrr: you have to hunt it down on the web | 12:50 |
jack- | but not in the repos | 12:50 |
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farion | how to activate usplash in breezy? | 12:50 |
nalioth | jack-: have you read the license for it? | 12:50 |
jack- | yes | 12:51 |
hutgyrr | oh, ok | 12:51 |
jack- | free for home use etc | 12:51 |
nalioth | jack-: not free as in beer | 12:51 |
jack- | only commercial use requires you to license it | 12:51 |
nalioth | bleh | 12:51 |
nalioth | it' | 12:51 |
nalioth | s not FOSS | 12:51 |
jack- | but almost :p | 12:51 |
=== Blissex [i=pcg@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
=== nalioth doesnt like "almost" if he wants to write an improvement and goes to jail instead | ||
beruic | Think the drive is mounted and there now, but why doesnt it show in the Machine? | 12:52 |
jack- | you dont get the source anyway nalioth | 12:52 |
jack- | so..no need to worry | 12:52 |
jack- | my advice was targeted to an user who just wants to burn | 12:52 |
=== helloyo [n=alex@c220-239-14-166.belrs4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DagaZ | anyone got madwifi working in hoary?? | 12:55 |
helloyo | my server (which shares internet over dhcp) went down and came back up, but my other ubuntu box isn't connecting, at boot up says something like "temporary name server"* | 12:56 |
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helloyo | so how do i get my internet connection to reconfigure? | 12:56 |
hutgyrr | mmmh, well all I want to do is backup data onto DVD's, making two copies of each disk. whats the easiest solution | 12:56 |
Angel-SL | hi | 12:57 |
Angel-SL | whats the path for System>Administration>Printers? | 12:57 |
talios | is there anything to record swf based screencasts in breezy? I don't see vnc2swf (which i've used before) and vaguely remember some funky gnome base applet/application that did a similar thing? | 12:57 |
=== Crys_UbuPC [n=crystufe@cpe-66-24-87-73.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DagaZ | helloyo: what does the file /etc/network/interfaces say? | 12:58 |
helloyo | DagaZ, i'll run upstairs and check, brb | 12:58 |
aftertaf | lol | 12:58 |
bzimage | omg | 12:59 |
bzimage | :P | 12:59 |
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helloyo | DagaZ, "inet eth0 something dhcp" was the last line, anything i should be looking for? | 01:00 |
=== bzimage is guessing he will lose weight during this session | ||
bzimage | :P | 01:00 |
Angel-SL | hello | 01:00 |
bzimage | hello | 01:00 |
DagaZ | helloyo: if everything is ok in there run sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 01:01 |
helloyo | DagaZ, looking at that file on this computer, its the same | 01:01 |
helloyo | DagaZ, will do, thankyoU! | 01:01 |
Angel-SL | Hello??? whats the path for System -> Administration -> Printers | 01:02 |
=== kamstrup [n=kamstrup@0x3e42da90.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Angel-SL | Hello??? whats the path for System -> Administration -> Printers | 01:04 |
nalioth | Angel-SL: if anyone knows, they'll answer | 01:04 |
DagaZ | I want to remove linux-restricted-modules with synaptic.. but when I do that it wants to remove the kernel as well.. which doesn't sound very good to me ;-) | 01:06 |
bzimage | Angel-SL, what exactly do you want.. | 01:06 |
Angel-SL | nvm i got it | 01:06 |
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helloyo | DagaZ, no luck, didn't change anything, i can remember having this problem a month or so ago, but i am having a complete mental blank at how i fixed it | 01:06 |
bzimage | there is a menu editor in gnome.. use that to see the details for it | 01:07 |
DagaZ | helloyo: have u tried setting a static ip? | 01:07 |
helloyo | no, where would i do that? | 01:08 |
=== jpfarias [n=jpfarias@proxy.gerencia.ufrn.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
helloyo | DagaZ, or is there a way i can ask for a new ip from the dhcp servfer? | 01:08 |
jpfarias | hi! | 01:08 |
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fluor_ | bzimage: it's a gameserver (it's 32-bit) but some ADDONS i have use 64-bit! so i need 64bit. i need other admins to also connect, using their own ssh account. i do not want to give them root | 01:10 |
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bzimage | fluor_, why repeating? | 01:11 |
bzimage | :P | 01:11 |
helloyo | how do i get ubuntu to reconfigure my internet connection? (havent changed it, just server went down, and now ubuntu is stumped) | 01:12 |
CaiN_SA | reboot | 01:12 |
fluor_ | i want a better solution than chroot | 01:12 |
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bzimage | fluor_, don't know a good solution atm | 01:13 |
bzimage | sry | 01:13 |
helloyo | CaiN_SA, not working, says something like "Temporary error" | 01:13 |
fluor_ | bah | 01:13 |
fluor_ | dont say i have to install windows :) | 01:13 |
bzimage | fluor_, ehmm...... | 01:14 |
bzimage | fluor_, it's a solution... | 01:14 |
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helloyo | i dont know if these days i ask harder questions, but i remember irc being much more helpful | 01:15 |
Myrtti | !pastebin | 01:16 |
ubotu | [pastebin] a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 01:16 |
=== Chase is now known as Chase|off | ||
DagaZ | helloyo: I agree with u.. but at the moment I am trying to fix my netgear wg311t that has stopped working | 01:16 |
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henk | Hmm how do i remove the incons of mounted drives from my desktop? i want to keep them mounted but just no shown on the destop. If it appears in the 'places' dropdown it's good enough | 01:16 |
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arkanes | !tell arkanes about win32codecs | 01:23 |
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obontu | hey, can someone please tell me how to install my nforce2 in ubuntu? | 01:24 |
obontu | my soundcard isn't working properly | 01:24 |
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Seagate | !tell me about ntfs | 01:34 |
Seagate | !tell me about ntfs | 01:34 |
dbzdeath | !tell Seagate about ntfs | 01:34 |
foampeace | do tell do tell | 01:35 |
locomorto | helloyo: power cycle your modem | 01:35 |
locomorto | !tell foampeace about manners | 01:35 |
dbzdeath | haha | 01:35 |
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dbzdeath | !tell dbzdeath about manners | 01:35 |
dbzdeath | awww | 01:35 |
dbzdeath | man now i'll never learn manners | 01:36 |
foampeace | how is mr manners? | 01:36 |
locomorto | manners is not the art of appeasing locomorto | 01:36 |
locomorto | !tell dbzdeath about manners | 01:36 |
foampeace | me and mr manners had a bath last week he was all soapy and bubbly | 01:36 |
locomorto | ooops | 01:37 |
locomorto | hold on | 01:37 |
dbzdeath | hahaha | 01:37 |
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dbzdeath | foampeace: if your a guy... thats disturbing :P | 01:37 |
Nikopol | !sendmail | 01:37 |
ubotu | NO SPEAKE ENLISH!, Nikopol | 01:37 |
locomorto | bah | 01:37 |
Nikopol | mmm | 01:38 |
dbzdeath | !uboto | 01:38 |
ubotu | No idea, dbzdeath | 01:38 |
Skid | !beer | 01:38 |
ubotu | parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, Skid | 01:38 |
Skid | heh | 01:38 |
locomorto | <item> is <what you want ubotu to say> | 01:38 |
dbzdeath | haha | 01:38 |
locomorto | ching | 01:38 |
locomorto | Anyway, a little tip for those who run cedega | 01:39 |
dbzdeath | man its so silent here | 01:39 |
dbzdeath | i got a tip! make sure you have joilet extensions built into your kernel :P | 01:39 |
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locomorto | cull powernowd (sudo killall powernowd) if your having trouble with speed issues in HL2/CS:S or any other source game | 01:40 |
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locomorto | It seams to be a problem with the way linux reports the speed of the processor | 01:40 |
locomorto | As in windows says the full speed, and linux says the speed its currently running at (think CPU scaling) | 01:41 |
locomorto | Also having multiple CPUs also seems to elicit the same problem (in windows as well) | 01:41 |
=== locomorto is now known as locomorto|gamin | ||
dbzdeath | ha | 01:41 |
Crys_UbuPC | Okay, so enlightenment looks a lot like not good. | 01:41 |
dbzdeath | well what do you know | 01:41 |
dbzdeath | i like xfce :D | 01:42 |
Crys_UbuPC | Is this cruddiness normal? | 01:42 |
locomorto|gamin | Crys: most people use it to replace metacity | 01:42 |
locomorto|gamin | Crys: And I agree (mostly) | 01:42 |
locomorto|gamin | Crys: I think its mainly the themes | 01:42 |
Crys_UbuPC | It is like an amped up blackbox. | 01:43 |
locomorto|gamin | Crys: If your looking for speed go openbox+panel of your choice or XFCE | 01:43 |
=== henk [n=henk@cp11902-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dbzdeath | so how many of you guys don't use gnome? | 01:45 |
hutgyrr | is there a page i can go to, that shows all the apps available through apt-get? | 01:45 |
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dbzdeath | hutgyrr: there is... somewhere | 01:45 |
Nikopol | !postfix | 01:46 |
ubotu | Nikopol: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 01:46 |
bimberi | hutgyrr: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ | 01:46 |
dbzdeath | ya there you go | 01:46 |
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ekimrebyc | how do i install php with mysql support here? | 01:47 |
nalioth | ekimrebyc: you've landed in spambot gaol | 01:48 |
nalioth | ekimrebyc: read the /topic and free yourself | 01:48 |
dbzdeath | apt-get install php4-mysql(or php5-mysql if you want it) | 01:48 |
henk | what is the ubuntu/gnome way of managing and controlling samba (shares) | 01:49 |
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bimberi | henk: System -> Admin -> Shared Folders | 01:49 |
ekimrebyc | dbzdeath, that package is not in the repository | 01:50 |
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henk | bimberi, is there a slightly more advanced way to do it ? (share printers, use passwords etc) | 01:51 |
hussam | guys, I need help. I can't access archive.ubuntu.com or ubuntulinux.org or kubuntu.org. I called my ISP and they tried opening those sites and it worked on their PCs, but all those sites time out on my PC | 01:52 |
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farion | how can i use bootsplash with breezy? | 01:53 |
bimberi | henk: not that i know of sorry, printer sharing is via cups btw | 01:53 |
=== AMDXP [n=vegeta@user-0vvd9gc.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | farion: i believe the program you want is called "splashy" | 01:53 |
dbzdeath | ekimrebyc: php4-mysql and php5-mysql are both there for me on breezy amd64 | 01:55 |
Nikopol | anyone know how to increase the attachment size that Postfix will accept? | 01:55 |
bimberi | henk: some info on printer sharing -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=print&titlesearch=Titles | 01:55 |
Nikopol | couldn't find an entry in main.cf | 01:55 |
dbzdeath | !tell Nikopol about postfix | 01:55 |
dbzdeath | haha aww | 01:56 |
Nikopol | nope nada! tried it before | 01:56 |
Nikopol | dbzdeath, thanks for trying though :) | 01:56 |
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AMDXP | man finally i got my ubuntu box running | 01:59 |
aftertaf | :) AMDXP | 01:59 |
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aftertaf | silly question: what happens if on oct 13th the breezy packs arent stable? | 02:00 |
drogoh | They say "oops, another week". | 02:00 |
aftertaf | hehe. :) | 02:00 |
bimberi | oh ye of little faith | 02:01 |
AMDXP | aftertaf: =) is right | 02:01 |
aftertaf | bimberi: just on the offchance..... they release bugfixes anyway. otherwise hoary would be the same at april ;) | 02:01 |
=== mwright1night [n=mwright1@203-214-29-30.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aftertaf | does anyone know how to sovle the timezone pb wetween linux and xp? I dualboot at home and one or the other is always on the wrong time... | 02:02 |
trix | how to install kubuntu cd in ubuntu w/out internet connection? | 02:02 |
mwright1night | Hi all, quick question, is ubuntu breezy final release going to wait for oo2 | 02:02 |
bimberi | aftertaf: yeah, although it's good to know when you hand someone a pressed CD that it's good to go | 02:02 |
aftertaf | bimberi: my thoughts were mosre with the cd ;) | 02:03 |
farion | nalioth: how to get splash - apt-file doesn't find anything | 02:03 |
trix | how to install kubuntu cd in ubuntu w/out internet connection? | 02:03 |
farion | 'splashy | 02:03 |
trix | how to install kubuntu cd in ubuntu w/out internet connection? | 02:03 |
trix | how to install kubuntu cd in ubuntu w/out internet connection? | 02:03 |
aftertaf | trix: dont repeat..... | 02:03 |
drogoh | Only once is enough. | 02:03 |
=== tsw isnt use to distro updates this often, long time debian user :) | ||
bimberi | mwright1night: i strongly doubt it | 02:03 |
aftertaf | trix: you put in te cd, you boot, you install it. where is the actual pb? | 02:04 |
nalioth | farion: get breezy | 02:04 |
mwright1night | THey're pretty slow, but ubuntu along with oo, is some of the coolest things happening to Linux | 02:04 |
farion | nalioth: have breezy | 02:04 |
mwright1night | breezy isn't released is it? not until the 13th? | 02:04 |
drogoh | tsw, But it isn't Debian's fault updates are 10 releases behind mainstream. :p | 02:04 |
aftertaf | trix: do you have the cd to install with? | 02:04 |
trix | what is pb? | 02:04 |
nalioth | farion: then i'm not sure, i thought splashy was part of breezy | 02:04 |
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bimberi | mwright1night: i'm sure the backporters will be on the case though :) | 02:04 |
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tsw | drogoh: true :) | 02:04 |
drogoh | <3 political cruft | 02:05 |
farion | nalioth:usplash is part of breezy, but i didnt get i work. and my old bootsplashprogressbar isnt running, because i cant patch the new sysv-rc-files | 02:05 |
aftertaf | trix: pb = problem. | 02:05 |
Skid | aftertaf: install ntp, and sync with a decent clock | 02:05 |
Skid | ntpdate | 02:05 |
aftertaf | Skid: it synchs on linux ok.... but then when i boot win it it 2hrs behind. | 02:06 |
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aftertaf | Skid: i then synch win and linux is out of date.... | 02:06 |
Skid | well, sync your clock on XP ? :P | 02:06 |
Skid | maybe your cmos battery is about to keel over and die? :o | 02:06 |
Skid | nah, try syncing in XP | 02:06 |
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Skid | i dont know why it'd do that, but that may help | 02:07 |
aftertaf | Skid: linux does it auto.... but i have to synch each time on xp... seems its sth to do with utc | 02:07 |
drogoh | Just throw tardis2000 on the Windows side. | 02:07 |
aftertaf | Skid: when i sync in xp, then ubuntu is 2 hrs fast | 02:07 |
bimberi | aftertaf: sounds like linux thinks the h/w clock is on GMT, whereas XP assumes its local (not sure how to fix it though) | 02:07 |
drogoh | Peep at the CMOS too... | 02:07 |
aftertaf | drogoh: hehe ok... bimberi exact ;) | 02:07 |
AMDXP | do i have to mount my other hard drives? | 02:07 |
aftertaf | i am on gmt +1 | 02:08 |
AMDXP | they dont just automount | 02:08 |
=== umberleigh [n=umberlei@host86-139-236-130.range86-139.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aftertaf | AMDXP: nope | 02:08 |
aftertaf | !mount | 02:08 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive. For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives | 02:08 |
Illuv | Question: I want to find all domains that contain a specific hostname within my /usr/namedb/primary directory...is this possible with a specific find command, or do I need to script for this? | 02:08 |
bimberi | aftertaf: but on DST atm? | 02:08 |
aftertaf | yep... so +2 atm | 02:08 |
umberleigh | hi, i'm having a problem playing audio CDs - i can't mount them and KsCD and amaroK can't seem to read them. any ideas? | 02:09 |
aftertaf | i know fdisk is a solution.... but i can't :/ | 02:09 |
mwright1night | anyone here know how to setup a RAID 0 + 1, I have created /dev/md0 (striping over 3 disks) and /dev/md1 (striping over 3 disks) | 02:09 |
bimberi | aftertaf: fdisk!?! | 02:09 |
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aftertaf | umberleigh: cant mount them? does mount give you a reason? | 02:09 |
mwright1night | how do I create /dev/md2 which is a RAID 1 that consists on /dev/md0 + /dev/md1 | 02:09 |
aftertaf | bimberi: yeah, on the xp partition ;) | 02:09 |
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umberleigh | aftertaf: mount: I could not determine the filesystem type, and none was specified | 02:10 |
bimberi | aftertaf: lol | 02:10 |
AMDXP | ok after: i will figure it out | 02:10 |
AMDXP | aftertaf: i will figure it out thanks | 02:10 |
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aftertaf | AMDXP: ok. that link will get you going, but if you get stuck, ask | 02:10 |
aftertaf | umberleigh: do you have a /cdrom entry in etc/fstab ? | 02:11 |
umberleigh | aftertaf: /dev/hda /media/dvd-ram auto user,noauto 0 0 <-- this is the relevant line in my fstab file | 02:11 |
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aftertaf | /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 ro,user,noauto 0 0 in mine | 02:12 |
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aftertaf | hmm. umberleigh could be the auto part in the filesystem.... tried putting udf,iso9660 ? | 02:13 |
dseher | Hello, *nix newcomer, very tired, possibly overlooked something, need help- | 02:13 |
aftertaf | with it being dvd and not cd, maybe s/one else knws better? | 02:13 |
larsrohdin | Is anyone here good at xfce? | 02:13 |
umberleigh | aftertaf: /cdrom is symlinked to /media/cdrom, which in turn is symlinked to /media/dvd-ram, btw | 02:14 |
=== scenestar [n=scenesta@c3eea3950.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aftertaf | larsrohdin: me, nope... sorry | 02:14 |
scenestar | can someone explain to me | 02:14 |
scenestar | why ubuntu crashes when i wish to view a video | 02:14 |
dseher | Went to packet manager, followed the guide on the wiki to enable mp3 support, tried to reload, and get a error: W: GPG error: ftp://ftp.nerim.net etch Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 07DC563D1F41B907 | 02:14 |
Skid | dseher: perhaps if you ask your question, someone will be able to answer it | 02:14 |
Skid | oops, sorry my bad | 02:14 |
umberleigh | aftertaf: that's what i had before and it wasn't working. i'll flip it back to check if i'm getting the same error. | 02:14 |
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dseher | Now now, you know things take time to type. | 02:14 |
nalioth | dseher: nerim will break your box | 02:14 |
aftertaf | dseher: :) | 02:14 |
Skid | :P | 02:14 |
scenestar | hey\ | 02:15 |
scenestar | why does media support suck so bad | 02:15 |
Skid | scenestar: generally | 02:15 |
larsrohdin | does anyone know if it is possible to set an alias for a command in xfrun in xfce? Like an alias in bashrc? | 02:15 |
aftertaf | dseher: true, that isnt an official repos. | 02:15 |
Skid | its impaitient users | 02:15 |
Skid | (sp, argh.) | 02:15 |
Skid | :p | 02:15 |
the_watchtower | who can help with proftp | 02:15 |
scenestar | Skid : this is awfull | 02:15 |
scenestar | nearly as bad as windows | 02:15 |
aftertaf | scenestar: have you got all the codecs n stuff? | 02:15 |
scenestar | yeah | 02:15 |
onkarshinde | Are DRI drivers already included in hoary? I want to use ATI Radeon 7000 AGP card. | 02:16 |
scenestar | its a standard dvd | 02:16 |
Skid | have you taken the time to read the wiki/forums? | 02:16 |
scenestar | on vlc player | 02:16 |
aftertaf | scenestar: have you tested different files? | 02:16 |
scenestar | indeed | 02:16 |
nalioth | the_watchtower: welcome | 02:16 |
scenestar | yup | 02:16 |
Skid | dseher: personally, im not sure, I take it there's no key, so it can't be verified, butI've installed unverified packages before fine | 02:16 |
the_watchtower | nalioth, thankyou | 02:16 |
scenestar | i properly mounted the dvd | 02:16 |
scenestar | so its not the drive | 02:16 |
ompaul | scenestar, because of a thing called with WIPO and their restrictive practice promotion | 02:16 |
the_watchtower | nalioth, you are here also | 02:16 |
Skid | mp3 support to what, why not just install xmms thinking about it? | 02:16 |
=== bimberi points aftertaf to "hwclock" command with the --local option and file /etc/adjtime but isn't sure how it all works :) | ||
scenestar | well listen up | 02:16 |
scenestar | im not out here to take omg its their drm | 02:17 |
the_watchtower | who can help with proftp | 02:17 |
aftertaf | bimberi: thx.... will have a look at that ;) | 02:17 |
scenestar | cause thats just plain easy | 02:17 |
bimberi | aftertaf: oops, that's --localtime | 02:17 |
onkarshinde | Are DRI drivers already included in hoary? I want to use ATI Radeon 7000 AGP card. | 02:17 |
bimberi | aftertaf: yw :) | 02:17 |
henk | bimberi, i've set up cups for my printer on ltp1 and everything seems to be OK, even networking is running fine.. only thing is it does not print... : / the logs say nothing out of the ordinary. any thoughts on how i should debug what's going wrong ? | 02:17 |
scenestar | goddammit | 02:18 |
nalioth | the_watchtower: just ask your question | 02:18 |
scenestar | there isnt a single distro that just works out of the box | 02:18 |
aftertaf | scenestar: do you have libdvdcss installed? | 02:18 |
dseher | Skid: It's 7am coming off an all-nighter, and I have little clue what the hell I'm talking about when it comes to linux in general :P | 02:18 |
Skid | heh | 02:19 |
scenestar | aftertaf : thank you | 02:19 |
Skid | you just wanting to play mp3's? | 02:19 |
umberleigh | aftertaf: i'm getting a different error message, see http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2583 | 02:19 |
=== nalioth is now known as nalioth_zZz | ||
bimberi | henk: did you set the cups port to listen on all interfaces? | 02:19 |
the_watchtower | nalioth, I want to setup a message in welcome.msg so people see it when they log on to my ftp server | 02:19 |
bimberi | henk: and restart cupsys | 02:19 |
henk | bimberi, it's not the networking part that is not workin. its the local part.. the testpage is not comming out either | 02:19 |
the_watchtower | who can help with proftp | 02:20 |
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bimberi | henk: ah, k, hm | 02:20 |
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aftertaf | scenestar: think its that.... but not found in repos.... :/ id enable universe & multiverse and install a few extras for dvd... | 02:20 |
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the_watchtower | who can help with proftp | 02:21 |
the_watchtower | who can help with proftp | 02:21 |
Skid | the_watchtower: ask then? | 02:21 |
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YattaMaX | hi all | 02:21 |
aftertaf | the_watchtower: what is your pb with it? | 02:21 |
aftertaf | hi:) | 02:21 |
Skid | and people will frown on your for repeating | 02:21 |
=== aftertaf frowns..... but i'm bored at work too... | ||
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YattaMaX | I have any question on customization of Live CD | 02:21 |
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the_watchtower | how do i setup welcome.msg refered to in the conf file | 02:22 |
YattaMaX | anyone can help me ? | 02:22 |
hansi_xp | talk dude | 02:22 |
nalioth_zZz | YattaMaX: just ask the room your question | 02:22 |
scenestar | aftertaf : i have it installed | 02:22 |
scenestar | so that wasnt the issue | 02:22 |
the_watchtower | skid, how do i setup welcome.msg refered to in the conf file | 02:22 |
YattaMaX | well ..... | 02:22 |
hansi_xp | ? | 02:23 |
bimberi | henk: only thing i can think of is to verify that you used "Parallel Port #1" in the Printer Admin dialogs | 02:23 |
whyameye | is there a way to get some playback controls in the mplayer plugin for filefox? | 02:23 |
ompaul | !tell YattaMaX about ask | 02:23 |
whyameye | barring that, is there a way to switch to another plugin for video, say totem-xine? | 02:23 |
hansi_xp | whyameye: that's a good question dude | 02:23 |
the_watchtower | aftertaf, hey the conf file says Displaylogin welcome.msg but I can't find the file to edit it | 02:23 |
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aftertaf | the_watchtower: what is the file called? | 02:24 |
whyameye | hansi_xp: it's bad enough that mplayer plugin crashes firefox... | 02:24 |
YattaMaX | I can make a very simple live cd, where the user don't have anythings question on boot | 02:24 |
aftertaf | scenestar: hmmm. have you enabled multiverse in sources? | 02:24 |
the_watchtower | proftpd.conf | 02:24 |
the_watchtower | aftertaf, proftpd.conf | 02:24 |
hansi_xp | whyameye: did you try the mplayer channel? | 02:24 |
aftertaf | ok. is that a file you can find? | 02:25 |
YattaMaX | My user is blind | 02:25 |
the_watchtower | aftertaf, it's for setting up the welcome banner when people login to ftp | 02:25 |
aftertaf | yep the_watchtower .. have you done a search for that file? | 02:26 |
YattaMaX | -> where I modify for personalization the boot of live cd ? | 02:26 |
the_watchtower | aftertaf, welcome.msg does not exist on the system | 02:27 |
YattaMaX | carefully I want remove the screen resolution question on boot | 02:27 |
the_watchtower | aftertaf, if I create it where does it go -- /etc maybe\ | 02:27 |
scenestar | aftertaf : offcourse i do | 02:28 |
scenestar | which btw is one of the silliest ideas ever | 02:28 |
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scenestar | a universe | 02:28 |
whyameye | hansi_xp: no I didn't. Is it #mplayer? | 02:28 |
YattaMaX | anyone can help me ? | 02:28 |
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hansi_xp | whyameye: yep. | 02:29 |
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BurgerMann | Hi. I'm installing Ubuntu on a server. When I boot, and type server, for server installation... will X be installed? or do I have to live with only a shell? | 02:29 |
havoc | BurgerMann: no XD, I believe | 02:29 |
havoc | -D | 02:29 |
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ompaul | BurgerMann, only a shell - if you want to install X after that apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 02:29 |
the_watchtower | aftertaf, did you get lost | 02:30 |
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havoc | BurgerMann: the only difference between the default and 'server' installs is the desktop environment | 02:30 |
BurgerMann | havoc & ompaul: okay. thx :) | 02:30 |
scenestar | hmmm | 02:30 |
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scenestar | i noticed that sevrer is fscheck on amy laptop | 02:31 |
scenestar | full install is so much better | 02:31 |
the_watchtower | aftertaf, the proftpd.conf file refers to welcome.msg as the place to put the welcome banner when people login | 02:31 |
BurgerMann | ohh this is so sweet! :p | 02:31 |
BurgerMann | always a thrill to install a linux distro :P | 02:31 |
the_watchtower | aftertaf, what directory should this file be in | 02:31 |
BurgerMann | Oops forgot to plug the network adapter in | 02:32 |
ryanakca | does anyone know of a good HOWTO for getting a mail server up and running^ | 02:32 |
BurgerMann | some server with no network adapter :S | 02:33 |
YattaMaX | I can customizating the Ubuntu Live CD for a blind user, therefore I have to limit the question on boot.....carefully the screen resolution question on boot. anyone can help me ? | 02:33 |
havoc | ryanakca: depends on what server you're running | 02:33 |
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ryanakca | havoc: courier & postfix, if possible, or cyrus and postfix | 02:33 |
havoc | ryanakca: then: http://www.postfix.org/docs.html | 02:33 |
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dade` | hi | 02:34 |
dade` | what is needed to have the "suspend to disk" function in gnome logout ? | 02:35 |
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Seveas | gnome :) | 02:35 |
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Seveas | and gdm | 02:35 |
dade` | i built my own kernel WITH the swsusp support | 02:35 |
dade` | i have gnome and gdm. | 02:35 |
aftertaf | the_watchtower: check here..... ive never used it myself http://www.proftpd.org/docs/example-conf.html | 02:35 |
YattaMaX | I have to customizating the Ubuntu Live CD for a *blind* user, therefore I have to limit any question on boot.....carefully the screen resolution question on boot. anyone can help me ? | 02:35 |
miltos01 | hi ppl-:) | 02:35 |
Seveas | hm, dunno about custom kernels... | 02:36 |
selinium | YattaMaX, Set the box to auto loigin after 10 secs | 02:36 |
aftertaf | its a live cd.... | 02:36 |
the_watchtower | aftertaf, i read that site until my eyes are bleeding - it refers to welcome.msg 1000s of times but never answers the question | 02:37 |
miltos01 | I've got devolo microlink usb adapter to connect to internet and unfortunately the installation drivers for linux do not work...pls help | 02:37 |
selinium | YattaMaX, Sytem/Admin/Login Screen setup | 02:37 |
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aftertaf | erf :/ | 02:37 |
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Canadean | hello | 02:38 |
hansi_xp | hello | 02:38 |
bimberi | the_watchtower: try putting it in the same directory as the config file - there should be a sample one at /usr/share/doc/proftpd/examples/welcome.msg | 02:38 |
selinium | YattaMaX, Have you got that? | 02:38 |
miltos01 | pls any help??? | 02:38 |
the_watchtower | bimberi, checking | 02:39 |
YattaMaX | selenium: ok , this is the default on GDM live cd | 02:39 |
YattaMaX | selenium: ok , this is the default on GDM live cd | 02:39 |
Canadean | can anyone tell me (in lamens terms) how to install a driver... I have a Marvell Yukon Gigabit Eternet adaptor on my motherboard and it isn't recognised... | 02:39 |
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YattaMaX | selnium: where ? | 02:39 |
selinium | miltos01, Give people a chance. | 02:39 |
Canadean | I am now in windows | 02:39 |
hutgyrr | ive just installed bacula with apt-get and it installed lots of other things with it also. eg. sqlite, baula-director. How can I remove all these? | 02:40 |
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YattaMaX | selnium: On live cd, the auto login is ok :/ | 02:40 |
Canadean | anyone... | 02:40 |
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hansi_xp | hello | 02:40 |
miltos01 | <selinium> thanks for you reply | 02:40 |
ryanakca | is there a way to install php5 using apt? | 02:41 |
ryanakca | I mean mysql5 using apt | 02:41 |
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selinium | YattaMax: I am not sure about Live CD | 02:41 |
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senaque | does anyone know if 5.10 fixes the 5.04 bug related to software raid / md / udev race condition? | 02:42 |
aftertaf | hutgyrr: with apt-get remove package, or with debfoster, or synaptic...depends on you... | 02:42 |
YattaMaX | selenium: trusty :) , at the moment , my Live CD login automatically on GDM | 02:42 |
miltos01 | Here is the location for usb devolo microlink driver for anyone who will try to help me http://download.devolo.biz/webcms/1124872910_dlan-linux-package-2.0.tar.gz ...thnaks anyway | 02:42 |
conb | Hi, I have a question regarding hibernate: On my laptop (Dell M70), when I hibernate everything seems to work properly and the machine goes down. When I hit the power button to resume, on bootup I see messages when initialised swap saying that it's found software suspend 2 data in the swapspace so it reinits the swap and boots as normal rather than resuming from that suspend data. do I need to give a parameter to the kernel on bootup to get it to res | 02:43 |
conb | ume? | 02:43 |
YattaMaX | selenium: the problem is FIRST that starting "X session" or GDM | 02:43 |
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selinium | miltos01, If i remember there is a free telephone help with the devolo products. Have asked them? | 02:43 |
hutgyrr | yeah used synaptic because with apt-get remove --purge bacula it just removed the server I think | 02:43 |
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the_watchtower | bimberi, wait a minute does it go in /etc or is the welcome.msg file accessed from down in the example folder?? | 02:44 |
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YattaMaX | can I customizing procedure of boot of a LiveCD ? | 02:45 |
YattaMaX | (Ubuntu LIve CD :) ) | 02:45 |
the_watchtower | bimberi, I found the example, where should it be saved after I edit it | 02:45 |
hutgyrr | http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/utils/dvd+rw-tools does this burn dvds? | 02:46 |
bimberi | the_watchtower: /etc (if that's where the conf file is) - i am guessing though, i don't use it | 02:46 |
=== Wipe-Out [n=rickblee@f112045.upc-f.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sionide | asdfff | 02:46 |
Wipe-Out | hey | 02:46 |
Sionide | firefox just broke when i tried to upgrade to 1.0.7 :s | 02:46 |
miltos01 | <selinium> not yet but i will try | 02:46 |
Wipe-Out | that sux dude | 02:46 |
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bimberi | !ff fix | 02:46 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, ff fix is sudo dpkg --purge --force-depends firefox firefox-gnome-support ; sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox mozilla-firefox-gnome-support | 02:46 |
aftertaf | Sionide: hmm works for me man... | 02:47 |
Wipe-Out | can any of you help me? i've got some issues installing the ndiswrapper | 02:47 |
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Sionide | ah | 02:47 |
selinium | miltos01, I'll keep looking | 02:47 |
selinium | :) | 02:47 |
Sionide | thanks bimberi that looks useful, one sec | 02:47 |
aftertaf | but im on kde ;) | 02:47 |
Canadean | anyone know how to install the driver for the Marvell Yukon Gigabit adapter, or any drivers in general... | 02:47 |
=== Serv|nokia [n=Nokia@84-50-51-150-dsl.est.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Wipe-Out | can any of you help me? i've got some issues installing the ndiswrapper | 02:47 |
Canadean | I've just started using linux... | 02:47 |
YattaMaX | I have to customizating the Ubuntu Live CD for a *blind* user, therefore I have to limit any question on boot (FIRST that X or GDM starting) .....carefully the screen resolution question on boot. anyone can help me ? | 02:47 |
twibbler | Wipe-Out can help installing drivers into ndiswrapper .... | 02:48 |
Wipe-Out | when i type: sudo make | 02:48 |
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Wipe-Out | i'm having some issues with it | 02:48 |
Serv|nokia | hello can somebody help me whit that: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2584 ? | 02:48 |
Wipe-Out | kant seem to get "make" to work :S | 02:48 |
Serv|nokia | Wipe-out: sudo apt-get install make? | 02:48 |
Wipe-Out | you got to be kidding me | 02:49 |
Wipe-Out | realy? | 02:49 |
Serv|nokia | try it and try then | 02:49 |
Sionide | bimberi, didn't work, it still wont start up properly | 02:49 |
Serv|nokia | hello can somebody help me whit that: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2584 ? | 02:49 |
ompaul | Wipe-Out, sudo apt-get install build-essential | 02:49 |
Wipe-Out | okay thx guys | 02:49 |
Sionide | i just see "starting firefox" then it disappears and firefox doesn't start | 02:49 |
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miltos01 | thanks <selinium> I suspect that sth with their KERNELDIR paramaters is wrong...anyway. I'' give them a call | 02:49 |
Wipe-Out | and then i'll be able to do sudo make? | 02:50 |
deFrysk | Serv|nokia, sudo apt-get install build-essential | 02:50 |
ompaul | !tell Sionide about ff fix | 02:50 |
selinium | miltos01, :) good luck | 02:50 |
Sionide | ompaul, i just did that and it's still broken | 02:50 |
Sionide | !ff fix | 02:50 |
ubotu | well, ff fix is sudo dpkg --purge --force-depends firefox firefox-gnome-support ; sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox mozilla-firefox-gnome-support | 02:50 |
Sionide | didn't work ^^^ | 02:50 |
selinium | !tell selinium about ndiswrapper | 02:50 |
Serv|nokia | deFrysk dosent help it same error | 02:50 |
Sionide | !ndiswrapper | 02:50 |
ubotu | ndiswrapper is, like, totally, a way to support Windows wirless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetUpNdiswrapper | 02:50 |
ompaul | Sionide, have you got backports installed | 02:50 |
Wipe-Out | okay brb let you all know if it helped | 02:50 |
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Sionide | ompaul, yes | 02:51 |
deFrysk | Sionide, get rid of that | 02:51 |
ompaul | Sionide, is that where your firefox came from? | 02:51 |
Sionide | erm most likely | 02:51 |
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Sionide | take out backports? :s | 02:51 |
ompaul | Sionide, you know thats what I would do :) | 02:51 |
deFrysk | Sionide, remove it spit on it and bury it | 02:51 |
Sionide | bah | 02:52 |
Whistler | how should i play avi file?Totem-xine says there is no plugin | 02:52 |
Sionide | ok | 02:52 |
the_watchtower | bimberi, lets give it a try -- can you login to my ftp server | 02:52 |
ompaul | Sionide, guess what you do after that :) !ff fix :) | 02:53 |
Sionide | aye | 02:53 |
ompaul | Sionide, don't forget to apt-get update afterwards | 02:54 |
selinium | miltos01, you can see if this will shed any light... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SmartLinkModemDriverHowTo/FromSource?highlight=%28usb%29%7C%28modem%29 | 02:54 |
Sionide | dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove firefox which isn't installed. | 02:54 |
Serv|nokia | hello can somebody help me whit that: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2584 ? | 02:54 |
Sionide | dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove firefox-gnome-support which isn't installed. | 02:54 |
bimberi | the_watchtower: sure, ip same as you're irc-ing from? | 02:54 |
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the_watchtower | bimberi, | 02:54 |
ompaul | !tell Sionide about paste | 02:54 |
the_watchtower | bimberi, user=agora pass=agoramin | 02:54 |
Sionide | whaaa | 02:54 |
Sionide | that wasn't large amounts of text, it was 2 lines.. | 02:55 |
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ompaul | Sionide, I felt you might do more, its not your day :) here have a virtual cuppa | 02:55 |
Sionide | heh nah it's not | 02:56 |
Sionide | ok | 02:56 |
bimberi | the_watchtower: ok to /msg you? | 02:56 |
the_watchtower | bimberi, yes | 02:56 |
YattaMaX | how to modify the *boot procedure* of the Ubuntu Live CD | 02:56 |
miltos01 | <selinium> this is not a modem this is an ethernet adapter connecte directly to router via electricity... | 02:56 |
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YattaMaX | how to modify the *boot procedure* of the Ubuntu Live CD ? | 02:56 |
Whistler | http://pastebin.com/375643 whats wrong with this ? | 02:56 |
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Angel-SL | how do i reconfigure X? | 02:56 |
Sionide | ompaul, it's still not starting up :s | 02:56 |
Whistler | Angel-SL sudo dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg | 02:56 |
robertj | heya all. Any suggestions on how best to build the fuse-module from src so the upgrade to breezy goes as well as is possible? | 02:56 |
Whistler | or smt like that | 02:57 |
ompaul | Sionide, try to start it in a terminal firefox and see if it gives some useful info | 02:57 |
Whistler | http://pastebin.com/375643 whats wrong with this ? | 02:57 |
Whistler | i am on breezy | 02:57 |
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Angel-SL | no | 02:57 |
Sionide | ompaul, nope, just skips to the next line | 02:57 |
Sionide | and does nothing | 02:57 |
Sionide | :s | 02:57 |
Sionide | argghh | 02:58 |
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rico_eberle | hi | 02:58 |
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Whistler | anybody can help me? | 02:58 |
Angel-SL | hello? how do i reconfigure X? | 02:58 |
ompaul | Sionide, how used to computers are you? | 02:58 |
hansi_xp | whuz up | 02:58 |
ompaul | Sionide, not your windows type either | 02:58 |
Sionide | ompaul, not too bad | 02:58 |
Angel-SL | Hello!? | 02:59 |
ompaul | Sionide, let me introduce you to 'strace firefox' | 02:59 |
aftertaf | Angel-SL: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 02:59 |
Angel-SL | how do i reconfigure X?!?!?! | 02:59 |
YattaMaX | Angel-SL: http://www.google.it/search?hl=it&q=ubuntu+reconfigure+x&btnG=Cerca+con+Google&meta= | 02:59 |
Angel-SL | thanks, aftertaf | 02:59 |
Angel-SL | YattaMaX, ugh | 02:59 |
Whistler | http://pastebin.com/375643 whats wrong with this ? I am on breezy | 02:59 |
rico_eberle | and be sure that you are aware of ur refresh rate form the monitor | 03:00 |
Sionide | ompaul, augh, what did that do? | 03:00 |
ompaul | it follows _every_ step of the program as it tries to run | 03:00 |
YattaMaX | [QUESTION] : how to modify the *boot procedure* of the Ubuntu Live CD ? | 03:01 |
aftertaf | Whistler: breezy no longer has w32codecs. | 03:01 |
Whistler | aftertaf so what should i do? | 03:01 |
aftertaf | !w32codecs | 03:01 |
ubotu | w32codecs is a set of codecs for popular audio/video formats (wmv etc). Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hory), or http://tinyurl.com/87ofx (Breezy). 64-bit? See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54399 | 03:01 |
ompaul | Sionide, maybe not for today, is the package now showing as installed? | 03:01 |
aftertaf | Whistler: ^^^^^^^^^ | 03:01 |
Whistler | thx a lot | 03:01 |
Whistler | :) | 03:01 |
aftertaf | :) | 03:01 |
YattaMaX | [QUESTION] : how to modify the *boot procedure* of the Ubuntu Live CD ? | 03:02 |
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concept10 | aftertaf, what happened to the w32 codecs? | 03:03 |
the_watchtower | bimberi, you still there | 03:03 |
bimberi | yeah :) | 03:04 |
YattaMaX | [QUESTION] : how to modify the *boot procedure* of the Ubuntu Live CD ? | 03:04 |
bimberi | it took me a while but i was able to mkdir and upload :) | 03:05 |
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Sionide | ompaul, agh gonna have to go i'll try sort it out later on | 03:06 |
Sionide | bleerghh | 03:06 |
Sionide | back laters | 03:06 |
selinium | miltos01, Oh one of those! they say that you can use any system. Do you have a windows box? | 03:06 |
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Serv|nokia | hello can somebody help me whit that: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2584 ? | 03:07 |
selinium | !w32codecs | 03:07 |
ubotu | w32codecs is a set of codecs for popular audio/video formats (wmv etc). Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hory), or http://tinyurl.com/87ofx (Breezy). 64-bit? See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54399 | 03:07 |
selinium | concept10, ^^^^^^ | 03:07 |
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mjr | hmh, were I editing, I'd s/popular/proprietary/ :) | 03:08 |
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=== alisher [n=alex@vp191238.nt.uac64.hknet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | Serv|nokia: to me it looks like you are compiling some3thing you shoudl not. | 03:09 |
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selinium | miltos01, ? | 03:09 |
=== rrezende [n=arakno@200165016097.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Hobbsee [n=sarah@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | Serv|nokia: as well, seems like you did not read the instructions. | 03:10 |
=== vbgunz [n=vbgunz@uslec-66-255-127-2.cust.uslec.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vbgunz | hello everyone! | 03:10 |
vbgunz | anyone alive? | 03:11 |
Skid | nope | 03:11 |
selinium | not me | 03:11 |
=== Skid lies back down in his grave | ||
vbgunz | :P | 03:11 |
vbgunz | what is the difference between sudo and gksudo? | 03:12 |
Hobbsee | hehe...nope, definetly not alive here | 03:12 |
the_watchtower | good morning folks | 03:12 |
vbgunz | room seems to be real slow today... I never seen it like this before | 03:13 |
vbgunz | good morning | 03:13 |
aftertaf | concept10: legal issues :) | 03:13 |
=== gUssY [i=gussss@r200-40-238-85-dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
the_watchtower | vbgunz, do you have a monent to login to my ftp server | 03:13 |
aftertaf | vbgunz: difference is, one handles the correct way of runnug x apps in a console, other doesnt | 03:13 |
Hobbsee | evening all :P | 03:13 |
aftertaf | afternon :D | 03:13 |
the_watchtower | vbgunz, i am testing some changes | 03:13 |
Hobbsee | which one is the correct way of running x apps? | 03:14 |
vbgunz | the_watchtower: why? | 03:14 |
vbgunz | oh | 03:14 |
=== aRJAy [n=aRJAy@adsl-130-112.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aftertaf | Hobbsee: gksudo... if you need to run an x app as root | 03:14 |
Hobbsee | right | 03:14 |
the_watchtower | vbgunz, I want to see if the welcome.msg file is showing as a banner when you log in | 03:14 |
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aRJAy | Why Ubuntu ? | 03:15 |
vbgunz | do I have an ftp client? | 03:15 |
selinium | miltos01, I would like to get it working.. My inlaws have got some, I want to be able to use them. | 03:15 |
ryanakca | why do I get this message when I try to run gedit: http://rafb.net/paste/results/Wikkx249.html | 03:15 |
selinium | aRJAy, in what sense? Why the name or the OS? | 03:15 |
aRJAy | selinium: Why the OS instead of other distributions? | 03:16 |
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the_watchtower | vbgunz, any ftpclient will do goto user=agora pass=agoramin | 03:16 |
the_watchtower | It should welcome you by name, give the time and tell you that you may upload or download | 03:16 |
=== vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
selinium | aRJAy, Easy to run/update 6 month release schedule. Fantastic community | 03:16 |
vinboy | hi | 03:17 |
vbgunz | I used Firefox to login... no, banner :( | 03:17 |
vinboy | does anyone know of a good editor?? support php etc | 03:17 |
vbgunz | I should use a client other than Firefox to see the banner? | 03:17 |
aRJAy | selinium: 6 month release? how do you mean? | 03:17 |
vbgunz | SciTE | 03:17 |
vbgunz | just a preference | 03:17 |
dabaR | aRJAy: we mean www.ubuntu.com | 03:17 |
aRJAy | selinium: what's it based on ? | 03:17 |
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the_watchtower | vbgunz, does firefox not show the banner - I don't know | 03:18 |
selinium | vinboy: what kind of editor do you want? something like dreamweaver or something to hand code with? | 03:18 |
selinium | aRJAy, debian | 03:18 |
the_watchtower | vbgunz, do you have gftp | 03:18 |
vbgunz | the_watchtower: I just logged in and saw folders and files... no welcome or anything of the such... | 03:18 |
hutgyrr | im after installing a new dvd drive in my computer, using the slave cable. What will the device name be? | 03:18 |
aRJAy | selinium: So, is it a fork of sorts? | 03:18 |
=== hmrocha [n=hmrocha@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hmrocha | hello | 03:18 |
the_watchtower | vbgu awe poo | 03:19 |
hmrocha | i want to install the portuguese dictionary for openoffice | 03:19 |
mjr | hutgyrr, if primary slave, hdb. If secondary, hdd. | 03:19 |
az[a] zel | bah, kernel update b0rked my grub, so I had to hand fix :/ but now I know grub commands and how to do this fix, so no drama in the future :) but not good.... | 03:19 |
aftertaf | aRJAy: goto ubuntu homepage, good intro to what,why; how ... ;) | 03:19 |
hmrocha | do you know what packages have the dictionaries? | 03:19 |
vbgunz | if I were in Windows I would definitely be to log in with FileZilla but I don't have it set up | 03:19 |
the_watchtower | I don't understand this welcome.msg file | 03:19 |
vinboy | selinium, either will do... | 03:19 |
hutgyrr | thanks mjr | 03:19 |
vbgunz | the_watchtower: Does Ubuntu come with a ftp client? | 03:19 |
aRJAy | aftertaf: on there now.. looking about at the same time.. | 03:19 |
selinium | aRJAy, of sorts, but it has a very strong development team. there is a new release out on the 13th Oct, and we can expect a new release 6 months on from that. | 03:19 |
Serv|nokia | dabaR: what you can say about that: cannot execute binary file | 03:19 |
mjr | vbgunz, you can open ftp urls straight with Nautilus | 03:20 |
miltos01 | <selinium> ok | 03:20 |
vbgunz | mjr: yeah? | 03:20 |
mjr | vbgunz, if you prefer, there's gftp and many others available too | 03:20 |
selinium | vinboy, I am a php developer and I use bluefish, if you want the dreamweaver thing try nvu | 03:20 |
the_watchtower | vbgunz, I think you have a choice of a few using the synaptic manager | 03:20 |
vbgunz | mjr: actually just trying to help the_watchtower right now | 03:20 |
mjr | oh, okay :) | 03:21 |
vbgunz | i'll try nautilus, thanks mjr! | 03:21 |
dabaR | Serv|nokia: I can say that you are 1) doing something you should not, nmost likely. 2) you are not reading the instructions on how to do it. | 03:21 |
mjr | well, either of you, you can connect to a [ftp] server from the locations menu in the top bar | 03:21 |
selinium | miltos01, you have got the usb version... If you had the cat5 version I would say set up the boxes on that, then just plug in ubuntu. | 03:21 |
the_watchtower | vbgunz, does the welcome.msg file go in /etc | 03:21 |
kemik | mjr: nautilus supports SSL ? | 03:21 |
mjr | kemik, dunno if it supports it with ftp | 03:22 |
hutgyrr | what is the command to unmount a dvd | 03:22 |
=== nerp [n=om@cpe-066-057-204-044.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kemik | doesnt seem like it :| | 03:22 |
vbgunz | the_watchtower: not sure... Nautilus is taking forever with it | 03:22 |
kemik | hutgyrr: umount /dev/dvd | 03:22 |
vbgunz | Nautilus cannot display "ftp://ftp/". | 03:22 |
vbgunz | ahhh | 03:22 |
kemik | vbgunz: malformed adress | 03:22 |
aRJAy | selinium: but what about security updates inbetween the 6 months? | 03:22 |
=== Wipe-Out [n=rickblee@f112045.upc-f.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
the_watchtower | vbgunz, that's my next problem -- my burner wont burn cds | 03:23 |
selinium | miltos01, did you get any joy from devolo? | 03:23 |
Wipe-Out | hey i'm back | 03:23 |
hutgyrr | kemik: It says that it seems the device is mounted multiple times | 03:23 |
kemik | vbgunz: | 03:23 |
Wipe-Out | still having issues | 03:23 |
selinium | aRJAy, sent direct to your pc, An icon warns you of downloads/patches | 03:23 |
DagaZ | anyone got madwifi working in hoary?? | 03:23 |
Wipe-Out | need to get my Wlna to work, i'm sick an tiered of windows | 03:23 |
kemik | hutgyrr: doesnt sound good | 03:23 |
vinboy | thanks selinium | 03:23 |
selinium | vinboy, np :) | 03:24 |
Wipe-Out | subzero@Boss:~/ndiswrapper-1.3rc1$ sudo make install | 03:24 |
Wipe-Out | make -C driver install | 03:24 |
Wipe-Out | make[1] : Entering directory `/home/subzero/ndiswrapper-1.3rc1/driver' | 03:24 |
Wipe-Out | make -C /lib/modules/2.6.12-8-386/build SUBDIRS=/home/subzero/ndiswrapper-1.3rc1/driver \ | 03:24 |
Wipe-Out | DRIVER_VERSION=1.3rc1 \ | 03:24 |
Wipe-Out | UTILS_VERSION=1.2 modules | 03:24 |
the_watchtower | vbgunz, I know the hardware is good tried k3b Nautilus and gnomebaker | 03:24 |
Wipe-Out | /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.12-8-386/scripts/gcc-version.sh: line 11: gcc-3.4: command not found | 03:24 |
Wipe-Out | /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.12-8-386/scripts/gcc-version.sh: line 12: gcc-3.4: command not found | 03:24 |
Wipe-Out | make[2] : gcc-3.4: Command not found | 03:24 |
kemik | Wipe-Out: DONT PASTE IN HERE | 03:24 |
Wipe-Out | make[2] : Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.12-8-386' | 03:24 |
umberleigh | hey, can anyone recommend a mass-tagging program for music files that uses musicbrainz? | 03:24 |
Wipe-Out | CC [M] /home/subzero/ndiswrapper-1.3rc1/driver/hal.o | 03:24 |
selinium | Wipe-Out, DONT PASTE IN HERE | 03:24 |
Wipe-Out | /bin/sh: gcc-3.4: command not found | 03:24 |
kemik | Wipe-Out: read topic | 03:24 |
vbgunz | kemik, Nautilus has been acting horribly today after an update... trust me, I got to the address in firefox in one shot... I try nautilus and am being treated as if I am a dummy... | 03:24 |
Wipe-Out | make[3] : *** [/home/subzero/ndiswrapper-1.3rc1/driver/hal.o] Error 127 | 03:24 |
Wipe-Out | make[2] : *** [_module_/home/subzero/ndiswrapper-1.3rc1/driver] Error 2 | 03:24 |
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Wipe-Out | make[2] : Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.12-8-386' | 03:24 |
Wipe-Out | make[1] : *** [default] Error 2 | 03:24 |
Wipe-Out | make[1] : Leaving directory `/home/subzero/ndiswrapper-1.3rc1/driver' | 03:24 |
kemik | moron | 03:24 |
Wipe-Out | make: *** [install] Error 2 | 03:24 |
Wipe-Out | subzero@Boss:~/ndiswrapper-1.3rc1$ | 03:24 |
selinium | Wipe-Out, DONT PASTE IN HERE | 03:24 |
Wipe-Out | does anybody know what to do here with error2 | 03:24 |
selinium | Wipe-Out, DONT PASTE IN HERE | 03:24 |
Wipe-Out | sorry | 03:24 |
=== intuit1tion [n=intuit@cpe-66-87-4-181.ut.sprintbbd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
selinium | !pastebin | 03:24 |
ubotu | I guess pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 03:24 |
Wipe-Out | oi i said i was sorry | 03:24 |
kemik | Wipe-Out: make a habit of *reading topics* | 03:24 |
mjr | DagaZ, madwifi comes in hoary by default, and yes, it works for me. It's in the linux-restricted-modules package corresponding to your kernel. | 03:25 |
the_watchtower | Wipe-Out, can you open a seperate message tab | 03:25 |
selinium | Wipe-Out, If any of the ops were looking you would have been booted | 03:25 |
=== Hobbsee [n=sarah@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vbgunz | the_watchtower: sorry, I cannot use Nautilus to browse your FTP site... it's not working for me :( | 03:25 |
Wipe-Out | i know i was wrong no lay of it please | 03:25 |
DagaZ | mjr: It finds the card in the device-manager but it doesn't show in the network | 03:25 |
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=== DouZe [n=DouZe@37.10.99-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DagaZ | mjr: it used to work for me too until I reinstalled the machine the other day.. | 03:26 |
Wipe-Out | what do you mean watchtower? | 03:26 |
kemik | Wipe-Out: a guess is you need "build-essential" and "linux-headers-$(uname -r)" | 03:26 |
the_watchtower | vbgunz, my problem is i can't go out and back in through my fire wall | 03:26 |
vbgunz | Wipe-Out: next time paste the entire encyclopedia Britannica please... I need a copy :P | 03:26 |
=== DouZe [n=DouZe@37.10.99-84.rev.gaoland.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
selinium | Wipe-Out, Not attacking you, just trying to let you know. | 03:26 |
selinium | :) | 03:26 |
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Wipe-Out | i know allready | 03:26 |
dabaR | hah | 03:27 |
Wipe-Out | i might be blond but i'm not stupid... not smart eighter | 03:27 |
the_watchtower | vbgunz, maybe I can test locally from another machine on the network -- they are win xp | 03:27 |
dabaR | Wipe-Out: are you frustrated? | 03:27 |
Wipe-Out | hell yes | 03:27 |
=== yunusyb [n=yunusyb@ss2.magnet-i.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | I can tell:) its ok, it will either work, or not. | 03:27 |
Wipe-Out | can;t seem to get the ndis wrapper installed | 03:28 |
dabaR | what have you followed? | 03:28 |
vbgunz | the_watchtower: I am going to log out of Ubuntu in a while and log into Windows XP in a bit | 03:28 |
kemik | Wipe-Out: read what i wrote ?? | 03:28 |
=== selinium passes Wipe-Out a margarita. | ||
benkong2 | is anyone aware of a fix for dangling symlinks to openoffice2 man pages? I get a cron error about "/etc/cron.daily/man-db: | 03:28 |
benkong2 | mandb: warning: /usr/share/man/man1/ooffice2.1.gz is a dangling symlink" | 03:28 |
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vbgunz | im sending you a private message | 03:28 |
hutgyrr | if im using a GUI, does that automount a cd and if so, to where? | 03:28 |
kemik | !tell Wipe-Out about ndiswrapper | 03:28 |
the_watchtower | vbgunz, you got any idea why my burner doesn't work | 03:28 |
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umberleigh | hey, can anyone recommend a mass-tagging program for music files that uses musicbrainz? | 03:28 |
kemik | umberleigh: easytag | 03:29 |
muep | !tell muep about ubuntu | 03:29 |
the_watchtower | vbgunz, yea I'm going over to the other machine too | 03:29 |
Wipe-Out | kemik i did that allready | 03:29 |
kemik | umberleigh: oh. musicbrainz? dunno what that is.. easytag is for mp3 | 03:29 |
kemik | Wipe-Out: follow the link from ubotu | 03:29 |
Wipe-Out | now where's that margarita | 03:29 |
vbgunz | the_watchtower: no idea... I made only one burn and that was through drag and drop through Nautilus | 03:29 |
wickedpuppy | anyone knows how to get into phpmyadmin after installing ? | 03:29 |
wickedpuppy | its not in my var/www | 03:29 |
dabaR | Wipe-Out: you need to tell us that, otherwise, we cant know what to tell you to do. What did you do so far? | 03:29 |
Wipe-Out | kemik: what link? | 03:30 |
vbgunz | the_watchtower: put me on your buddy list for private chat | 03:30 |
kemik | Wipe-Out: in pm from ubotu | 03:30 |
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Wipe-Out | d'oh new at mIRC as well i feel so n00bish | 03:31 |
dabaR | just learn | 03:32 |
DarkOrigin | Hey people, would I be able to install the preview of 5.10 (Colony 5) and then update it to the final once it arrives ? | 03:32 |
Hobbsee | DarkOrigin: yes, that's the idea | 03:32 |
dabaR | DarkOrigin: that would be the idea. | 03:32 |
DarkOrigin | I mean, it's just packages right, nothing major underlying thingy? | 03:32 |
nerp | DarkOrigin, yes | 03:32 |
DarkOrigin | goodie | 03:32 |
deFrysk | DarkOrigin, that is the idea ;p | 03:32 |
benkong2 | wickedpuppy; I did a www/myserver.org/phpadmin | 03:32 |
DarkOrigin | so, it's the idea that I can update later? :) | 03:32 |
DarkOrigin | hehe, thanks guys/girls. | 03:32 |
nerp | DarkOrigin, yes, easily | 03:32 |
benkong2 | wickedpuppy; sorry that's www.yourserver.org/phpmyadmin | 03:32 |
=== Jack_B [n=pauln@adsl-2-112.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deFrysk | DarkOrigin, thats is also an idea but the idea it that it can be done now too | 03:33 |
Jack_B | hey guys | 03:33 |
benkong2 | anyone know how to fix this? "mandb: warning: /usr/share/man/man1/ooffice2.1.gz is a dangling symlink" | 03:33 |
=== Quinthius [n=james@ip68-103-73-17.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_B | do you know where i can get w32codecs? it seems that backports has removed it due to legality problems | 03:33 |
=== sudonim [n=colin@cpe-67-10-94-132.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alisher | www.google.com | 03:34 |
nerp | !w32 | 03:34 |
dabaR | true | 03:34 |
ubotu | Syntax error in line 1, nerp | 03:34 |
=== wrabbit01 [n=wrabbit0@220-245-149-106-vic-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nerp | !win32 | 03:34 |
ubotu | No idea, nerp | 03:34 |
az[a] zel | anyone know the best place to get star trek stuff, that ship internationally? (I'm looking at starstore.com atm) | 03:34 |
nerp | !win32codec | 03:34 |
ubotu | nerp: Syntax error in line 1 | 03:34 |
az[a] zel | sorry wrong channel | 03:34 |
Wipe-Out | guys i need ndis to work other wise no i-net on linux :( | 03:34 |
dabaR | :) | 03:34 |
Wipe-Out | i want to get rid of windows so badly :s | 03:34 |
=== Nikopol is now known as Nikopol_away | ||
dabaR | Wipe-Out: you need to tell us what you have tried. in one post. so we know what to do. | 03:35 |
alisher | maybe "ubuntu w32codecs" | 03:35 |
wrabbit01 | Yay! It all works now. I've just finished installing ubuntu and it rules. Maybe one day I won't have to run dual boot with XP. | 03:35 |
Jack_B | i've gotten rid of XP altogether, never again will i touch it | 03:35 |
Wipe-Out | well i installed make,build-essential and gcc and i'm still getting Error 2 when i try to do sudo make | 03:35 |
wrabbit01 | So cheers to those that pointed me in the right direction earlier. | 03:36 |
sudonim | wrabbit01: install VMware then you can run windows if u need to | 03:36 |
alisher | good approach, since i installed ubuntu 6mths ago, no a single win boot | 03:36 |
dabaR | alisher: I always go with nerim w32 codecs | 03:36 |
wrabbit01 | via Ubuntu sudonim? | 03:36 |
dabaR | or, marillat rathert. thje w32 codedcs packagfe is the same | 03:36 |
alisher | me too, marillat one | 03:36 |
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=== groovehunter [n=flo@dsl-084-056-010-253.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
groovehunter | hi all | 03:37 |
Wipe-Out | who works with ndiswrapper? | 03:37 |
Jack_B | how powerful is python when compared to other programming languages and what is it used mainly for? | 03:37 |
dabaR | Wipe-Out: are you following a instructions document of some sort? | 03:37 |
dabaR | an | 03:37 |
groovehunter | did a regular 5.04 install, now i have gnome desktop, i just want konqueror, but cant find it in synaptic | 03:37 |
Jack_B | like can you actually make a game using python? | 03:37 |
nerp | Jack_B, moderatley powerfull but becoming defunct and useless with newer technologies | 03:38 |
wrabbit01 | As far as I know, it's basically java with a hint of C++ with perks. Or so I've been told. | 03:38 |
sudonim | wrabbit: there is no package for it in synaptic. You can download from tucows: http://www.tucows.com/get/397828_147412 | 03:38 |
alisher | what for konqueror in gnome? | 03:38 |
groovehunter | could you tell me the pkg name? | 03:38 |
butcherbird | Jack_B, yes | 03:38 |
Jack_B | nerp: more powerful than say, C++? | 03:38 |
alisher | it will install lot of KDE stuff you dont need | 03:38 |
nerp | not even close | 03:38 |
sudonim | wrabbit and then I believe if you look hard enough there is a serial number online for it | 03:38 |
Jack_B | ok | 03:38 |
wrabbit01 | Cheers sudonim, I'll look into it. One step at a time though eh. ;) I'm as newbie as they come. | 03:38 |
Sonderblade | will ubuntu 5.10 include gnome 2.12? | 03:38 |
dabaR | Jack_B: most of gnome I believe is in python. it is used much for guis...go read somewhere, this is not a good place. | 03:38 |
nerp | Sonderblade, it does | 03:38 |
Jack_B | dabar: roger that | 03:39 |
Sonderblade | dabaR: gnome is mostly c | 03:39 |
=== nerp is on gnome 2.12 now | ||
dabaR | there is a #python | 03:39 |
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alisher | "konqueror" | 03:39 |
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dabaR | Sonderblade: the guis? | 03:39 |
butcherbird | #python not very active mostly | 03:39 |
Sonderblade | nerp: thanks | 03:39 |
nerp | being a fluxbox user religiously i'm surprised to be using gnome | 03:39 |
sudonim | wrabbit01: it is definitely not the next step if you've never installed linux before, but it definitely works in ubuntu and there are some good instructions on how to do it | 03:39 |
Wipe-Out | dabaR: can you help me? | 03:39 |
nerp | i've used flux for like 3-4 years now | 03:39 |
groovehunter | my 2nd question: I assume openssh-server is installed by default isnt it? | 03:40 |
Sonderblade | dabaR: nothing of the gnome core is python, but many gnome apps are coded in python | 03:40 |
dabaR | Wipe-Out: likely not. what document are you following for instructions? | 03:40 |
butcherbird | groovehunter, you have to apt-get openssh-server | 03:40 |
groovehunter | how can i start it? i am used to init script in /etc/init.d | 03:40 |
dabaR | Sonderblade: thats what I mean, the adduser gui, and what not. | 03:40 |
Wipe-Out | just some how to form a dutch site | 03:40 |
=== limguohong91 [n=limguoho@cm250.gamma220.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wrabbit01 | sudonim: I'll get to it eventually. Hopefully, in the coming months I'll have no use for XP. I'll just need to run specific programs. 3DS Max etc for Uni. | 03:40 |
limguohong91 | I cannot play .wma file on totem player , it needs plugin what shoudl i do? | 03:40 |
nerp | groovehunter, sshd or service sshd start | 03:41 |
Jack_B | get w32codecs | 03:41 |
groovehunter | butcherbird, i see. just curious: why isnt it installed? it's an important tool right? | 03:41 |
Sonderblade | dabaR: that app is probably ubuntu specific | 03:41 |
nerp | groovehunter, do you want the client or the daemon? | 03:41 |
limguohong91 | w32codecs? | 03:41 |
wrabbit01 | I play the odd game now and then aswell but I've heard that wine handles that well | 03:41 |
Jack_B | get them here: http://tinyurl.com/bwomt | 03:41 |
dabaR | Wipe-Out: look at the official ndiswrapper howto from the wiki. the wiki is wiki.ubuntu.com and it has a search function, and you should search for ndiswrapper | 03:41 |
limguohong91 | Thanks :) | 03:41 |
Jack_B | np limguo | 03:41 |
butcherbird | groovehunter, ubuntu by default tends to just install desktop end stuff. | 03:41 |
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groovehunter | butcherbird, i see | 03:42 |
=== cantrel29 [n=james@81-178-20-101.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
butcherbird | groovehunter, you have the clients but not server apps | 03:42 |
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wrabbit01 | 356 updates takes a while to dl and install. :P | 03:42 |
Wipe-Out | dabaR: thx i'll hope this works, it's doing my head in | 03:43 |
dabaR | Sonderblade: you are right, I expressed myself wrongly. I meant that most of the apps that are partt of the ubuntu desktop, the ones under system>admin, and so are in python, thanks. | 03:43 |
larsrohdin | hi, does anyone know a "time" program... a clock, that can show several timezones at the same time? | 03:43 |
dabaR | Wipe-Out: just give it time. | 03:43 |
alisher | wrabbit01: have a cup of coffee ... ot two;) | 03:43 |
=== aitor [n=aitor@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aitor | hi | 03:44 |
cantrel29 | i am running ubuntu on vmware and it seems to be running with a screenresolution of 600x800 with no other options. how do I run x config? | 03:44 |
wrabbit01 | alisher: Already put the kettle on. ;P | 03:44 |
groovehunter | nerp, both, but daemon is more important. what's the clients pkg name? openssh i guess? | 03:44 |
=== JonnyRo [n=jonnyro@monorad.raydiance-inc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nerp | groovehunter, opensynaptic and search for openssh | 03:45 |
JonnyRo | Is there any way to record the output of an rdesktop session? | 03:45 |
nerp | it'll list both | 03:45 |
aitor | I'm trying to play matroska video files. | 03:45 |
nerp | select, dl and you're set | 03:45 |
dabaR | cantrel29: is it that yo want a higher resolution? | 03:45 |
cantrel29 | dabaR: yes | 03:45 |
nerp | open synaptic, rather | 03:45 |
aitor | In mkv homepage, advice use mplayer | 03:45 |
alisher | aitor: does it work?? | 03:45 |
aitor | no | 03:45 |
aitor | i haven soud | 03:46 |
aitor | i haven sound | 03:46 |
alisher | which player do u use? | 03:46 |
Jack_B | so how should i go about installing w32codecs.deb? | 03:46 |
dabaR | cantrel29: the configuration of the xserver is done so that you run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. it may not fix this. that is why you should follow what ubotu will send you in private. | 03:46 |
aitor | mplayer | 03:46 |
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aitor | vlc nothing | 03:46 |
alisher | I think gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg | 03:46 |
aitor | totem-xine only sound no video | 03:46 |
alisher | supports this | 03:46 |
alisher | but not sure if mplayer uses it | 03:47 |
=== Astinus [i=iBook@freenode/staff/gentoo.astinus] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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dabaR | Jack_B: .deb files are installed as so: sudo dpkg -i file.deb, enter | 03:47 |
=== Pickle_Weasel [n=w00f@pool-71-100-133-107.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_B | ok | 03:47 |
Wipe-Out | ok brb i guess gonna try it again | 03:48 |
aitor | using ffplay, the media player of ffmpeg | 03:48 |
dabaR | Jack_B: this is ina terminal, and you have to browse to the folder the file is in, or include the appropriate file path...like, sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/downloadFolder/file.deb | 03:48 |
Jack_B | thanks dabaR | 03:48 |
dabaR | aitor: do you have sound at all on your computer? | 03:48 |
aitor | i have no sound | 03:48 |
aitor | yes | 03:49 |
nerp | aitor, master volume on? | 03:49 |
aitor | of course | 03:49 |
dabaR | at all on the computer? eevn when you are logging in, there are no sounds? | 03:49 |
=== No1Viking [i=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nerp | err | 03:49 |
=== nerp goes out for a smoke | ||
aitor | Kernel: Linux Nx5000 2.6.12-9-686 #1 Thu Sep 22 20:33:15 UTC 2005 i686 | 03:50 |
aitor | Config options: 0 | 03:50 |
aitor | Installed drivers: | 03:50 |
aitor | Type 10: ALSA emulation | 03:50 |
aitor | Card config: | 03:50 |
aitor | Intel 82801DB-ICH4 with AD1981B at 0x90600000, irq 17 | 03:50 |
aitor | Audio devices: | 03:50 |
=== dabaR puts peer pressure on people to smoke | ||
aitor | 0: Intel 82801DB-ICH4 (DUPLEX) | 03:50 |
aitor | Synth devices: NOT ENABLED IN CONFIG | 03:50 |
aitor | Midi devices: NOT ENABLED IN CONFIG | 03:50 |
aitor | Timers: | 03:50 |
aitor | 7: system timer | 03:50 |
aitor | Mixers: | 03:50 |
aitor | 0: Analog Devices AD1981B | 03:50 |
aitor | ummm, there is sound | 03:50 |
dabaR | aitor: we need you to not paste any more in the channel. Please use the proper pasting methods | 03:50 |
aitor | in mplayer i get a sound, but is only noise | 03:51 |
dabaR | so, you have sound coming out the speakers? | 03:51 |
aitor | ok, sorry | 03:51 |
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Jack_B | dabaR, after installing w32codecs, will Mplayer play wma's automatically? | 03:51 |
aitor | yes | 03:51 |
dabaR | Jack_B: afaik | 03:51 |
=== fanskapet [n=fanskape@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_B | dabaR, well it doesn't seem to be working for me | 03:52 |
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=== fredforfaen [n=Morrari@216-134-9.0502.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aitor | i have sound, i use mplayer, vlc and all players listed after | 03:52 |
dabaR | Jack_B: get a whip. | 03:52 |
dabaR | aitor: well, what is the file name? | 03:52 |
Jack_B | hehehe ok | 03:52 |
dabaR | or at l;east extension. | 03:52 |
conb | Hi, do you need to pass the kernel any special arguments to get it to resume after a suspend to disk? | 03:52 |
aitor | Swordfish.mkv | 03:52 |
dabaR | Jack_B: thats what ppl say when yopu tell them: It's not working. | 03:53 |
groovehunter | ok thx guys for now nerp butcherbird , i hope my father will manage that on his own hehe (it's his box), cya! | 03:53 |
dabaR | aitor: you know this file is possible to play? | 03:53 |
=== groovehunter [n=flo@dsl-084-056-010-253.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
nerp | np | 03:53 |
aitor | i have another file | 03:54 |
aitor | and the same results | 03:54 |
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dabaR | aitor: what do you have installed? the ubuntu mplayer from universe? | 03:54 |
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fredforfaen | anyone here that has experience with burning dvds faster than 6x? | 03:55 |
=== fanskapet [n=fanskape@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aitor | yes, breezy repository, im testing the colony 5 | 03:55 |
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Serv|nokia | hello can somebody help me whit that: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2554 ? | 03:55 |
dabaR | Serv|nokia: its supposed to be an executable? | 03:56 |
Serv|nokia | yes | 03:56 |
dabaR | aitor: ok, well, should have told me. | 03:56 |
Serv|nokia | whit that program i can download files what i need for gameserver | 03:56 |
dabaR | aitor: so I can say, I dont feel like doing this | 03:56 |
Serv|nokia | ./steam -command update -game cstrike -dir /home/oxid | 03:56 |
fredforfaen | anyone? | 03:56 |
Serv|nokia | but i cant get it run | 03:56 |
dabaR | Serv|nokia: well...you will then need to make it executable. | 03:56 |
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=== jMCg [n=jmcg@chello080108015143.6.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | Serv|nokia: chmod +x steam | 03:57 |
Serv|nokia | yesterday it was working for about 1h? | 03:57 |
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jMCg | morning | 03:57 |
Serv|nokia | dabaR i has set chmod +x | 03:57 |
aitor | what? | 03:57 |
Serv|nokia | i downloaded some ia32-lib something like that | 03:57 |
Serv|nokia | then i get it work and now it dosent work again | 03:57 |
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alisher | gruessgott | 03:57 |
=== No1Viking [i=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
syntaxx | i formatted my xp. and my boot loader is gone.. is there a way that i can boot my linux or is there any smaller files that i need to download if i loss my cd? | 03:57 |
dabaR | Serv|nokia: look at your ls, it clearly shows the file is not executable, along with showing root is the owner and group for the file. | 03:58 |
Serv|nokia | dabaR: i user 64bit system ubuntu | 03:58 |
dabaR | -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7836330 2005-08-23 00:32 steam | 03:58 |
dabaR | does anyone agree with him that the file is executable? | 03:58 |
Serv|nokia | dabaR: its old whit that line now its: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7640 2005-04-08 00:04 steam | 03:58 |
jMCg | uhm.. im searching for a package, which as far as i know only ubuntu has: it's for intel chipset laptops, for switching between the modes of the gfx card | 03:58 |
nerp | no | 03:58 |
Outlier | Does anyone know where you set the default video app in firefox / gnome / hoary ? The system keeps trying to use totem. | 03:58 |
=== abdada_ [n=aaa@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nerp | sudo chown user:user file | 03:59 |
Serv|nokia | when i type sh steam -> steam: steam: cannot execute binary file | 03:59 |
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nerp | then chmod a+x file | 03:59 |
Serv|nokia | when i type ./steam -> Segmentation fault | 03:59 |
Pickle_Weasel | ..steam works without wine/cedega? =O | 03:59 |
Serv|nokia | wine/cedega? | 04:00 |
dabaR | is steam a windows application? | 04:00 |
snorks | yes | 04:00 |
nerp | wine and cedega are emulators, cedega is the next gen of wine | 04:00 |
gorilla | Pickle_Weasel, no it doesn't... Serv|nokia: you need to install win or cedega which are emulators. | 04:00 |
snorks | Wine Is Not an Emulator | 04:00 |
Serv|nokia | sudo apt-get install cedega ? | 04:00 |
Pickle_Weasel | if he's speaking of the steam i think he is, then steam is an updates for windows games like counter-strike and half life | 04:01 |
dabaR | no, cedega cost $, wine is in universe. | 04:01 |
nerp | no, cedega isn't free | 04:01 |
Serv|nokia | ouly shit | 04:01 |
abdada_ | i am having trouble starting xwindows on my acer travelmate. it appears the vide may be setup incorrectly. does anyone have any experience with this? | 04:01 |
nerp | wine you can get for free | 04:01 |
Serv|nokia | i get it work | 04:01 |
Serv|nokia | :d | 04:01 |
Serv|nokia | i most use non-root | 04:01 |
Serv|nokia | user | 04:01 |
dabaR | heh | 04:01 |
Serv|nokia | dam it | 04:01 |
Serv|nokia | so little probla m | 04:02 |
=== jhaa [n=juha@dsl-aur5-kb8.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | abdada_: what graphics card? | 04:02 |
Serv|nokia | and i was thinking about it 15h | 04:02 |
Serv|nokia | :( | 04:02 |
=== Falstius [n=airen@bgp997741bgs.nanarb01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | Serv|nokia: good. | 04:02 |
Serv|nokia | yeah :d | 04:02 |
nerp | bah, i'm in the process of restoring my music libraries, this is going to take all day | 04:02 |
=== PlanarPlatypus [n=alucard@cpc3-cove3-5-1-cust39.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Serv|nokia | how stupyd can i be | 04:02 |
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dabaR | Serv|nokia: not stupid, just not following the ubuntu way of sudo:P | 04:04 |
Pickle_Weasel | sudo is such a pain sometimes -_- | 04:04 |
Serv|nokia | dabaR: mby yes i was using last time gentoo | 04:04 |
abdada_ | dabaR: ATI radeon x700 | 04:04 |
Serv|nokia | but the ubuntu look better for my eyes | 04:04 |
Serv|nokia | :p | 04:04 |
=== Hobbsee [n=sarah@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nerp | Pickle_Weasel, why? | 04:05 |
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Pickle_Weasel | because you can't log in as root, this causes a few problems which aren't impossible to fix, but take longer =\ | 04:05 |
Pickle_Weasel | such as copying files, or deleting files, etc...you either have to do it through console, or sudo nautilus | 04:06 |
havoc | Pickle_Weasel: you can log in as root, just set a root passwd | 04:06 |
Pickle_Weasel | >.> | 04:06 |
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nerp | Pickle_Weasel, add a line to your sudoers file to not require password, just sudo command.. | 04:06 |
=== rosros_ [n=rr@host13-233.pool8175.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brainball | you dont even have to set a root password just do a sudo su | 04:07 |
havoc | brainball: heh, that too :) | 04:07 |
havoc | Pickle_Weasel: see, many options :) | 04:07 |
Pickle_Weasel | i've yet to switch over to ubuntu, i just can't leave the familiarity of windows behind quite yet >.> | 04:08 |
rosros_ | ... | 04:08 |
Pickle_Weasel | have a dual boot set up, learning more with every login | 04:08 |
=== leonel [n=leonel@dsl-201-129-165-137.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | Pickle_Weasel: are you finding that windows annoys you each time you go there as well? | 04:09 |
Pickle_Weasel | oh god yes >.> | 04:09 |
nerp | i haven't used windows in years, unless i'm at a friends house or whatever | 04:09 |
nerp | it's incredibly annoying | 04:09 |
Pickle_Weasel | after a linux session i log into windows and find myself screaming at the PC, something like "OPEN!" or "COME ON!, FASTER!" | 04:10 |
=== Amaranth [n=travis@unaffiliated/amaranth] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | it is...it's not too bad for gaming though | 04:10 |
Hobbsee | LOL | 04:10 |
Hobbsee | or "dont crash the entire OS with one program!" | 04:10 |
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=== havoc has to use windows | ||
jack- | question..is there any way to get the gnome-vfs stuff working in a terminal too? | 04:10 |
nerp | most of the time that I come in contact with windows it's to fix peoples spyware, software or hardware probs | 04:10 |
Pickle_Weasel | aye, that's another thing, the games i play work in linux, for the most part, i got doom III working, and UT2k4 | 04:10 |
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Hobbsee | or "you mean to say that you cant do at least 3 things at once?" | 04:10 |
havoc | or at least keep a win32 workstation arround | 04:10 |
Pickle_Weasel | as soon as i get CSS working i will have no reason for windows | 04:10 |
Pickle_Weasel | but i've yet to do that | 04:10 |
Jack_B | gaming on linux is dismal | 04:10 |
Pickle_Weasel | as cedega and wine tend to..not work | 04:10 |
Jack_B | you need wine for most | 04:11 |
havoc | bah, games | 04:11 |
brainball | more and more starts to work with cedega though | 04:11 |
Hobbsee | sims 2 doesnt work on linux...otherwise i'd be windows free | 04:11 |
jack- | vmware is nicer btw | 04:11 |
Ng | not for games | 04:11 |
Hobbsee | doesnt work with cedega either, apparently | 04:11 |
havoc | brainball: what is cedega? | 04:11 |
Ng | vmware is useless for games | 04:11 |
Hobbsee | !cedega | 04:11 |
ubotu | help for cedega is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega and for a list of working games see http://cedegawiki.sweetleafstudios.com/index.php?title=Main_Page | 04:11 |
Ng | CS:S works in cedega though and that's all that matters ;) | 04:11 |
jack- | oh | 04:11 |
brainball | www.transgaming.com | 04:11 |
Hobbsee | lol | 04:11 |
nerp | i'd like to see novalogic games like black hawk down and joint ops work with linux, i'd be super happy then | 04:12 |
Hobbsee | all the first person shooters work, yeah | 04:12 |
havoc | ah, the new WineX? | 04:12 |
Pickle_Weasel | last week i got DSL, and was finally able to get linux online, so i thought "alright! let's get this going" | 04:12 |
Hobbsee | pity i dont play them most of the time! | 04:12 |
nerp | heck i might even go buy a new box just because | 04:12 |
nerp | hehe | 04:12 |
Pickle_Weasel | and i find myISP banned from this channel.. | 04:12 |
Falstius | I'm trying to find some good hardware monitoring software for ubuntu (along the lines of speedfan) ... any suggestions? I've got an nforce4 board. | 04:12 |
jjazz | havoc: Cedega is Wine plus some proprietary code that tries to make certain games work on Linux boxes. | 04:12 |
Pickle_Weasel | because some asshole got it banned apparently =\ | 04:12 |
havoc | Falstius: lm-sensors | 04:12 |
havoc | jjazz: cool | 04:12 |
Hobbsee | i hate that, how they ban by isp | 04:12 |
Pickle_Weasel | so now i have a lot of things going in windows which i can't drop and go to linux, otherwise i'd be in ubuntu right now | 04:12 |
Hobbsee | seems a bit silly | 04:12 |
Hobbsee | what things keep you there? | 04:12 |
Falstius | havoc, other than lm-senors. Or atleast a better front-end for it | 04:12 |
Pickle_Weasel | well Hobbsee, otherwise the ban can be evaded | 04:12 |
jjazz | havoc: Yes. They also make crossover office, which is the same thing for Windows productivity apps, like Word, Excel and Outlook. | 04:12 |
Hobbsee | true | 04:13 |
havoc | jjazz: yeah, I just hadn't heard of cedega before | 04:13 |
Pickle_Weasel | i'm willing to take an undeserved week ban for the safety of the channel | 04:13 |
Hobbsee | true | 04:13 |
Hobbsee | the advantages of being in australia - hardly anyone else uses this isp, even though it's common here | 04:13 |
ryanakca | is it possible to install php5 instead and have the instructions of this howto still working: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_5.04_p5 ? | 04:14 |
=== Nwood [i=st@dyn3-82-128-187-179.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pickle_Weasel | i have a few minor problems with linux...for example i've gotten accustomed to running pretty much everything through irc | 04:14 |
Pickle_Weasel | opening websites and such | 04:14 |
=== sproingie [i=foobar@64-121-2-59.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pickle_Weasel | /google, /url http://www...etc | 04:14 |
jack- | so? use irssi | 04:15 |
jack- | all you want is there | 04:15 |
nerp | indeed | 04:15 |
Pickle_Weasel | i set that up in XChat, but with my limited programming skills i messed it up somehow | 04:15 |
jack- | xchat too btw | 04:15 |
nerp | minus gui | 04:15 |
Pickle_Weasel | and i can open one firefox window at a time | 04:15 |
havoc | Pickle_Weasel: xchat is better in linux | 04:15 |
Jack_B | what's the command to list process ids? | 04:15 |
jack- | ps | 04:15 |
Strog | Mmmm irssi | 04:15 |
havoc | Jack_B: ps | 04:15 |
Pickle_Weasel | havoc, i haven't tried it anywhere but linux | 04:15 |
Jack_B | k | 04:15 |
Pickle_Weasel | i want my mIRC in linux though =( | 04:15 |
jack- | lol | 04:15 |
havoc | ah | 04:15 |
Pickle_Weasel | i know mIRC well, and i have it doing what i want | 04:15 |
jack- | go back to windows, dude ;) | 04:15 |
brainball | pff who needs mirc | 04:16 |
nerp | mIRC is completely annoying | 04:16 |
Pickle_Weasel | i don't see how mIRC is annoying =\ | 04:16 |
havoc | xchat is better (btu I use irssi) | 04:16 |
Falstius | people who use mIRC tend to be annoying though ... | 04:17 |
Pickle_Weasel | bah, bittorrent in linux annoys me | 04:17 |
nerp | havoc, I disagree, irssi is much more powerful, less buggy and faster | 04:17 |
Pickle_Weasel | it seems to continue my download, i need to find the .torrent file each time | 04:17 |
jack- | yeah falstius, its only 80% of irc | 04:17 |
havoc | nerp: I meant xchat is better than mIRC | 04:17 |
jack- | so i guess you're right :P | 04:17 |
nerp | oh, yes agreed there | 04:17 |
Falstius | jack-: atleast 80% of irc is annoying. | 04:17 |
jack- | just what i'm saying ;) | 04:17 |
havoc | too bad irssi is an all but dead project | 04:17 |
=== Answer [n=qna@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Answer | Hello #ubuntu | 04:18 |
jack- | havoc, huh | 04:18 |
nerp | havoc, irssi is NOT dead | 04:18 |
jack- | you see any need for further improvements? i dont | 04:18 |
ryanakca | I know there is libapache-mod-php5.0, but where do I get it for libapache2? installed with apt | 04:18 |
havoc | nerp: when was the last release? | 04:18 |
jack- | its damn stable and has shitloads of features, i wasnt missing anything yet | 04:18 |
Answer | Question: from the LiveCD, how can I set a password or su root ? | 04:18 |
nerp | small additions are made | 04:18 |
nerp | they're working on a RC now | 04:18 |
dabaR | Answer: why would you want to? | 04:18 |
jack- | answer, you dont | 04:18 |
Pickle_Weasel | i need to figure out how to launch firefox with a /command in XChat | 04:18 |
jack- | but you could try sudo su - | 04:19 |
Pickle_Weasel | more than one instance of firefox, that is | 04:19 |
havoc | jack-: yes, there is need, there are many bugs that have been fixed in the daily builds, but no release that gets packaged in distros | 04:19 |
Answer | dabaR: I need to run some things as root, not sudo | 04:19 |
Answer | jack-: Thanks, "sudo su -" | 04:19 |
dabaR | sudo bash works too. | 04:19 |
alisher | Pickle: /url | 04:19 |
jjazz | Pickle_Weasel: check /tmp. The .torrent might be there. | 04:19 |
Pickle_Weasel | that's not a valid XChat command =\ | 04:19 |
mikhail^ | why does the wiki take too long to update? | 04:19 |
Falstius | if you eject from the GUI there needs to be something that notifies people when a usb device is finished unmounting | 04:19 |
Pickle_Weasel | jjazz, that's not a problem, i adapted and now save the .torrents to my desktop, it just annoys me that i can't open bittorrent and it continue my downloads by itself | 04:20 |
Pickle_Weasel | like it does in windows | 04:20 |
ryanakca | anyone have an idea on how I could install libapache2-mod-php5.0 with apt? Will libapache-mod-php5 work on apache2? | 04:20 |
Serv|nokia | how to get work php4 and mysql? | 04:21 |
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@83-131-128-39.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Serv|nokia | mysql is working but php module mysql | 04:21 |
alisher | Pickle_Weasel: does bittornado do it? | 04:21 |
=== GoRoDeK [n=gorodek@p5083E5D5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pickle_Weasel | i don't know, i've never used anything but bittorrent | 04:21 |
Falstius | Pickle_Weasel: azureus is nice (and the same in windows and linux) | 04:22 |
nerp | bittornado seems to be a bit more forgiving | 04:22 |
Pickle_Weasel | azureus seems a bit too..i don't know, too many bells and whistles | 04:22 |
Pickle_Weasel | i tried it once in windows and removed it because there was no reason for it | 04:22 |
Pickle_Weasel | since bittorrent worked fine | 04:22 |
Pickle_Weasel | but i should try it in ubuntu | 04:22 |
Pickle_Weasel | i'll be messing with ubuntu later today when my downloads finish in..6 hours >.> | 04:23 |
=== ThJ [n=1002@djpolar.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Falstius | it seems to be removed for AMD64 archs though :( | 04:23 |
ThJ | hi, is joe available for ubuntu? can't seem to find it with apt-get/apt-cache | 04:23 |
Serv|nokia | dabaR: E: Couldn't find package php4-mysql | 04:24 |
Pickle_Weasel | AMD64 is still x86.. | 04:24 |
Pickle_Weasel | just with 64bit extensions | 04:24 |
Pickle_Weasel | you can run an i386 kernel on AMD64 | 04:24 |
alisher | joe is in Universe or Multiverse | 04:24 |
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ThJ | alisher: ah, so i just uncomment those? | 04:24 |
Falstius | yeah, but I'm not | 04:24 |
alisher | yes | 04:24 |
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=== jim_uk [i=jim13255@ACD66E23.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pickle_Weasel | if you decide to stray from i386, then learn to compile =P | 04:25 |
alisher | Universe | 04:25 |
ThJ | that wroked :) | 04:25 |
ThJ | thanks guys | 04:25 |
ThJ | lol... it -worked- | 04:25 |
=== fanskapet [n=fanskape@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Falstius | I know how to compile, but thats not the point | 04:26 |
ThJ | fanskapet? hahah... i'm not going to say what that is in norwegian. | 04:26 |
=== WhiteRabbit [n=3am@unaffiliated/whiterabbit] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Falstius | azureus is a pain to compile anyway | 04:26 |
gorilla | Pickle_Weasel, an i386 kernel on a amd64 sounds terrible :-/ | 04:26 |
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Pickle_Weasel | gorilla, but it works! | 04:26 |
ThJ | well, bye | 04:26 |
gorilla | Pickle_Weasel, true :-) | 04:26 |
jim_uk | i am trying to install ubuntu on a old laptop before installing it on my desktop. When i try to load the disk it enters low memory mode and prompts me to create a swap space asap. How do i go about doing this so i can install it on my machine? | 04:27 |
=== Pickle_Weasel scratches noggin | ||
nerp | jim_uk, how old is the laptop, how much mem? | 04:27 |
Pickle_Weasel | um, the installer is usually pretty self-explanatory | 04:27 |
Pickle_Weasel | =\ | 04:27 |
sproingie | gorilla: if you want to run games, you're going to want an i386 kernel | 04:27 |
=== Deserir [n=green_dr@226gis182.gulftel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sproingie | gorilla: since you won't get any 3d accel in emulation | 04:28 |
=== patterson [i=yaddayad@user-2ivfj61.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Falstius | jim, do you know what swap space is? | 04:28 |
gorilla | sproingie, depends on the game that you are wanting to run ;-) | 04:28 |
=== sproingie uses a 386 chroot, but doesn't really play any games these days, that's what the playstation is for | ||
=== fanskapet [n=fanskape@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pickle_Weasel | aye, the PC game market is kind of in a dry season right now | 04:29 |
jim_uk | not really i think it is a partition of the hard drive used to act like extra mem | 04:29 |
Pickle_Weasel | but CSS keeps me entertained | 04:29 |
=== kent [n=kent@h55d210.delphi.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sproingie | i'm always a couple years behind in games anyway. cheaper that way | 04:29 |
Pickle_Weasel | i just need CSS working in ibuntu >.> | 04:29 |
Pickle_Weasel | haha, cheaper indeed | 04:29 |
kent | Is there any free player/codec for Ubuntu breezy that will let me play realaudio? | 04:29 |
fanskapet | did i get a quote as quit-message!? | 04:29 |
Pickle_Weasel | the steam account i use is my pal's | 04:29 |
hutgyrr | how can I find out the group ID of a file or folder? | 04:29 |
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=== sproingie is still waiting for *&%!#! God of War to come down in price | ||
havoc | hutgyrr: ls | 04:30 |
Pickle_Weasel | i just started playing CSS last week, he played a lot but now he's on tour with his band, so i offered to keep it warm for him | 04:30 |
=== Answer [n=qna@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
havoc | hutgyrr: ls -la <dir/file> | 04:30 |
Answer | Question: alternative to GAIM for instant messaging? | 04:30 |
Ng | kent: mplayer/ffmpeg probably can, or you can install the official linux Real Player client | 04:30 |
alisher | kent: totem-xine | 04:31 |
=== Pickle_Weasel huggles totem-xine | ||
Pickle_Weasel | gxine is a pretty spiffy player | 04:31 |
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havoc | hutgyrr: sorry, 'ls -ln <dir/file>' for numeric IDs | 04:31 |
hutgyrr | so lets say it says root in the third column and root in the fourth. Does this mean root is group and owner? | 04:31 |
Pickle_Weasel | does pretty much anything if you set it up right | 04:31 |
kent | Ng, realplayer is not free :( | 04:31 |
hutgyrr | oh yeah | 04:31 |
hutgyrr | get it now | 04:31 |
havoc | hutgyrr: yes | 04:32 |
Falstius | jim_uk: exactly, you need to create a partition for it when you install ubuntu | 04:32 |
Ng | kent: they do a free (as in beer) player, but yeah it;'s not Free (as in speech) | 04:32 |
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kent | alindeman, I tried totem-xine and it did not work. I dont want to install the w32codecs, since they are probably ilegal.. :( | 04:32 |
Falstius | you can create it later, but then you need to have unpartitioned space on the hd. | 04:32 |
havoc | hutgyrr: 'man ls' for more options | 04:32 |
dooglus | where do you guys get free beer? | 04:32 |
Pickle_Weasel | !RestrictedFormats | 04:32 |
ubotu | hmm... restrictedformats is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or 'codecs' | 04:32 |
kent | alisher, I tried totem-xine and it did not work. I dont want to install the w32codecs, since they are probably ilegal.. :( | 04:32 |
Answer | alternative to gaim ? | 04:32 |
hutgyrr | how can I change a folder and all files in it too a new group. chgrp ? | 04:32 |
=== fanskapet [n=fanskape@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nerp | kent, they are not illegal | 04:32 |
Falstius | dooglus: my uncles. | 04:32 |
Pickle_Weasel | ^look at what ubotu said >.> | 04:32 |
havoc | hutgyrr: yes | 04:32 |
dooglus | do you mean the recipe for making beer is free? | 04:32 |
nerp | dooglus, there is opensource beer now | 04:33 |
jack- | hutgyrr: chown | 04:33 |
jim_uk | I think i need to create it before i try to install ubuntu | 04:33 |
Pickle_Weasel | if you have the right repository all you need to do is apt-get install realplayer | 04:33 |
hutgyrr | chown dirname and then the number, is it? | 04:33 |
Pickle_Weasel | simple as can be | 04:33 |
gorilla | nerp, yes the beer is free but the bottle is not :-) | 04:33 |
dooglus | Pickle_Weasel: doesn't realplayer suck though? | 04:33 |
alisher | is it illegal, if you have a licensed WinXP to install w32codecs? | 04:33 |
Pickle_Weasel | indeed it does! | 04:33 |
ccc | anyone familiar with pure-ftpd and care to help me out? | 04:33 |
havoc | hutgyrr: chown -R user.group dir | 04:33 |
jim_uk | do i just run fdisk then create an extended partition? | 04:33 |
nerp | alisher, no | 04:33 |
Pickle_Weasel | which is why i do not use it, i am just trying to help someone who does | 04:33 |
alisher | kent: you have XP, right?> | 04:34 |
dooglus | friends don't let friends install realplayer | 04:34 |
jack- | havoc: wrong, should be user:group | 04:34 |
Pickle_Weasel | dooglus, right you are | 04:34 |
kent | alisher, No, I run Ubuntu, I dont have windows. | 04:34 |
havoc | jack-: user.group is what I always use and it works | 04:34 |
jack- | weirdness | 04:34 |
jack- | ok | 04:34 |
alisher | then it may be illegal for you | 04:35 |
Falstius | jim_uk: you can do it in the installer, just create a 500 mb partition and choose the swap format. | 04:35 |
havoc | jack-: it probably recognizes many seperators | 04:35 |
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Pickle_Weasel | or you can just wipe everything, or resize an existing partition and tell it to "automatically redistribute free space" | 04:35 |
jack- | looks like it :) | 04:35 |
Falstius | havoc: the : is correct, the others are "obselete" | 04:35 |
Falstius | but it still supports 'em. | 04:36 |
havoc | Falstius: I figured it was something like that | 04:36 |
Falstius | you can use a , too but it might yell at you. | 04:36 |
havoc | ':' is better anyway | 04:36 |
Pickle_Weasel | i want my torrents to finish so i can boot into ubuntu ;_; | 04:36 |
havoc | Pickle_Weasel: restart them in linux | 04:36 |
Pickle_Weasel | i don't want to restart a 3 gig torrent that's at 96% >.> | 04:37 |
=== eliphas_ [n=eliphas_@host-84-9-255-148.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pickle_Weasel | i just need to waste time | 04:37 |
jack- | one of the drawbacks with p2p downloads..no resume :P | 04:37 |
Pickle_Weasel | ...? | 04:37 |
havoc | jack-: you can resume a torrent | 04:38 |
dooglus | Pickle_Weasel: you can resume torrents - no need to restart | 04:38 |
=== Pickle_Weasel slaps jack- | ||
Pickle_Weasel | you can resume! | 04:38 |
dooglus | it's hard *not* to resume, in fact | 04:38 |
Pickle_Weasel | dooglus, but it's a pain to get them to resume in linux | 04:38 |
havoc | doh, I meant 'resume', not 'restart' | 04:38 |
Pickle_Weasel | and dooglus, i was talking about this earlier | 04:38 |
=== gilv [n=egil@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pickle_Weasel | in linux, bittorrent is gaying it up | 04:38 |
dooglus | Pickle_Weasel: it is? why? all you do is make sure the data is in place and it'll resume | 04:38 |
Pickle_Weasel | it needs the .torrent file each time | 04:38 |
jack- | ok, nice | 04:38 |
havoc | Pickle_Weasel: you jsut restart the torrent and BT figures it out, no pain at all | 04:38 |
dooglus | did you just say "gaying it up"??? | 04:38 |
Pickle_Weasel | no >.> | 04:39 |
eliphas_ | in linux torrent works fine | 04:39 |
dooglus | heh | 04:39 |
Pickle_Weasel | yes the torrents work fine | 04:39 |
dooglus | out of the two, I would say that Windows was the gayer operating system. | 04:39 |
Pickle_Weasel | but like i said earlier, i need the .torrent file to resume | 04:39 |
havoc | Pickle_Weasel: of course you do | 04:39 |
havoc | so save the file | 04:39 |
eliphas_ | of course you do | 04:39 |
Pickle_Weasel | well, that's a bit frustrating | 04:40 |
havoc | just save the file | 04:40 |
eliphas_ | why that's just normal | 04:40 |
Pickle_Weasel | you see, in windows, i open the .torrent once, and that's it! i'm done with it! | 04:40 |
Pickle_Weasel | next time i open bittorrent it's already in there, downloading | 04:40 |
Pickle_Weasel | in linux it's a pain to open each .torrent every time when i have say..17 of them | 04:40 |
eliphas_ | no next time you open azureus or what ever | 04:40 |
eliphas_ | soft you use | 04:40 |
Pickle_Weasel | as opposed to clicking one thing i need to click 17 | 04:40 |
eliphas_ | you azureus or qtorrent | 04:41 |
eliphas_ | use | 04:41 |
=== fanskapet [n=fanskape@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pickle_Weasel | bittorrent | 04:41 |
Pickle_Weasel | or.. "gnometorrent" | 04:41 |
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eliphas_ | hopeless | 04:41 |
Pickle_Weasel | me? | 04:42 |
Pickle_Weasel | because i'm annoyed with having to do more work than needed? | 04:42 |
Pickle_Weasel | this makes me hopeless? | 04:42 |
Pickle_Weasel | i fail to see the logic in that | 04:42 |
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=== hyphenated [n=caleb@210-86-117-208.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alisher | bittorrnado allows resuming, i guess | 04:45 |
alisher | bittornado-gui | 04:45 |
Pickle_Weasel | i've only tried bittorrent, i will try others today | 04:46 |
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alisher | BitTornado is the next generation bittorrent client built on | 04:46 |
alisher | the original BitTorrent. It does | 04:46 |
alisher | everything the original bittorrent does, plus more... | 04:46 |
Pickle_Weasel | sounds spiffy | 04:46 |
alisher | i tried bittornado-gui long time ago, but remember it supported resuming | 04:47 |
Pickle_Weasel | it's all still bittornado | 04:47 |
Pickle_Weasel | bittornado-gui is the interface | 04:48 |
Pickle_Weasel | gives you pretty buttons to click =P | 04:48 |
Pickle_Weasel | rather than typing it out in the terminal | 04:48 |
=== Zalbor [n=Zalbor@athe530-u123.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alisher | they are all bittorent clients | 04:49 |
Pickle_Weasel | anyway, i'm afk as of now | 04:49 |
Pickle_Weasel | i know, yes | 04:49 |
=== RustyJames [i=miomeinm@dsl-082-082-077-166.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pickle_Weasel | afk >.> shower time | 04:49 |
alisher | anyway, you just need to sudo apt-get install bittornado-gui | 04:49 |
alisher | it will install backend automatically | 04:49 |
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alisher | and all dependencies | 04:49 |
Zalbor | I don't have any sound in x-chat or KDE apps, while in gnome it works. I don't really care about KDE, but I need sound in xchat. They told me to try "killall esd" and it worked, but if I do this nothing else has sound. Any ideas? | 04:50 |
=== athlon [n=athlon@174pc.wohnheimg.uni-frankfurt.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hussam | after upgrading to breezy, /bin/lsmod.modutils is now a dead link, what should I do? | 04:50 |
=== linuxmonkey [n=linuxmon@CPE0013102d9479-CM00080dae3a80.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alisher | or bittorent-gui | 04:51 |
=== linuxmonkey [n=linuxmon@CPE0013102d9479-CM00080dae3a80.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jack- | how can i find out the connection specs of my ethernet card? 10/100mbit, duplex and stuff? in bsd, ifconfig tells..cant find anything in ubuntu's ifconfig output | 04:52 |
linuxmonkey | Has any one had anyproblems installing realplayer | 04:52 |
alisher | which problem | 04:52 |
=== Raptoid [n=Raptoid@unaffiliated/raptoid] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linuxmonkey | like not launching once its installed | 04:52 |
Raptoid | selamlar. | 04:53 |
alisher | it is because of the sound server | 04:53 |
alisher | System->Preferences->Sound | 04:54 |
alisher | switch off sounds for events | 04:54 |
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Jack_B | how do i save a vi file? | 04:56 |
ElkOS | :wq or ZZ | 04:56 |
Zalbor | :w | 04:56 |
Jack_B | thanks | 04:57 |
Zalbor | :wq is to quit right after saving | 04:57 |
ElkOS | yehyeh | 04:57 |
ElkOS | ;) | 04:57 |
jack- | how can i find out the connection specs of my ethernet card? 10/100mbit, duplex and stuff? in bsd, ifconfig tells..cant find anything in ubuntu's ifconfig output | 04:57 |
alisher | linuxmonkey: or you have to read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55069 | 04:57 |
jack- | plz..any hint | 04:58 |
sproingie | jack-: ifconfig eth0 | 04:59 |
Zalbor | I don't have any sound in x-chat or KDE apps, while in gnome it works. I don't really care about KDE, but I need sound in xchat. They told me to try "killall esd" and it worked, but if I do this nothing else has sound. Any ideas? | 04:59 |
Strog | sproingie: That doesn't show speed, duplex, etc. | 04:59 |
jack- | yep :< | 04:59 |
sproingie | jack-: oddly enough, it doesnt tell me either. what a bummer. might be in dmesg | 04:59 |
Strog | jack-: Those things can be set with ethtool | 05:00 |
sproingie | i could swear i use it on another linux to get that info, must be ubuntu's version | 05:00 |
jack- | not even in dmesg | 05:01 |
Strog | sudo ethtool eth0 | 05:01 |
jack- | ethtool? thx! | 05:01 |
=== boxerboy29 [n=boxerboy@adsl-144-177-44.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Strog | jack-: which bsd? | 05:01 |
Strog | :) | 05:01 |
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jack- | darwin.. | 05:02 |
jack- | but you know what | 05:02 |
jack- | ethtool eth0 says no data available | 05:02 |
jack- | damn | 05:02 |
jim_uk | can any of you recommend another linux that will run on a laptop with low resources? | 05:02 |
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Strog | You did with with root priveleges, right? | 05:02 |
jack- | sure | 05:02 |
=== yunusyb [n=yunusyb@ss2.magnet-i.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sproingie | jim_uk: how low are we talking about here | 05:03 |
jack- | what now..strog, is there anything else? | 05:03 |
Strog | I'm hooked up via wireless but it tells me all the supported modes for my card. I'm on PPC but that shouldn't matter. | 05:03 |
jack- | weirdness | 05:04 |
=== shtron [n=shtron@85-64-123-91.barak-online.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
YattaMaX | [QUESTION] : how to modify the *boot procedure* of the Ubuntu Live CD ? | 05:04 |
YattaMaX | I have to customizating the Ubuntu Live CD for a *blind* user, therefore I have to limit any question on boot (FIRST that X or GDM starting) .....carefully the screen resolution question on boot. anyone can help me ? | 05:04 |
jim_uk | 2gb hd not sure on memory its a toshiba sattilite pro quite old | 05:04 |
meerkat | jim_uk: any dist will do ... gentoo is cool if you would like to build something really slim, all depends on what you want to do. | 05:04 |
hutgyrr | when using chown on a folder, lets say I want to change it to 777. What flag do I specicy to make sure that everything underneath it is 777 aswell? | 05:05 |
Strog | jack-: Check the manpage. There's quite a few options for it. I'm used to BSD myself but ubuntu supports my powerbook better so I'll use what works. :) | 05:05 |
havoc | hutgyrr: -R | 05:05 |
sproingie | meerkat: i wouldn't inflict the build times or space of gentoo on an old laptop | 05:05 |
Serv|nokia | dabaR: E: Couldn't find package php4-mysql | 05:05 |
hutgyrr | thanks | 05:05 |
=== SmittysWorking [n=SmittysW@static-66-173-248-123.t1.cavtel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sproingie | jim_uk: freebsd might be a good choice | 05:06 |
jim_uk | i have a look cheers | 05:06 |
meerkat | sproingie: well there is binaries out there ... no need to build everything. | 05:06 |
sproingie | meerkat: if you need to customize it to slim it down, you probably will need to do a lot of building | 05:06 |
SmittysWorking | Morning all... I just installed Ubuntu over a previous windows box. I am a first time user. I sucessfully installed and logged in, but Gnome isnt starting. All I see is a blank brown screen, a pointer and no HD activity. | 05:06 |
meerkat | sproingie: true. | 05:07 |
=== EasilyOdd [n=EO@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nerp | bah what should my mp3 files be chmodded to | 05:07 |
nerp | 644? | 05:07 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: try 'CTRL-ALT-F1' | 05:07 |
sproingie | i still have a gentoo living in a chroot on this ubuntu box, using uclibc instead of glibc | 05:07 |
sproingie | never really use it though | 05:07 |
SmittysWorking | CTRL-ALT-F1 brought me to a login prompt | 05:08 |
=== fanskapet [n=fanskape@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linuxmonkey | alisher, thanx going to restart to see if it works, should i completely reboot or just restart x | 05:09 |
SmittysWorking | I logged in at the promt and I now see michael@Smitty-LAPTOP:~$ | 05:09 |
sproingie | isn't gnome supposed to have all kinds of accessability for blind users? | 05:09 |
gilv | what's the difference betwen ubuntu and edubuntu ? | 05:09 |
sproingie | gilv: edubuntu comes with more educational software | 05:10 |
=== silasj [n=silas@200-171-31-61.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
meerkat | sproingie: heh, after days of compileing ... old jim_uk will have a fast dist ;) | 05:10 |
gilv | sproingie: how can i install those softwares ? | 05:10 |
=== FaithX [n=FaithX@202-6-145-116.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
meerkat | sproingie: on gentoo that is .. | 05:11 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: what you need now is to generate a proper X (the GUI server) config, which evidently did not quite work when you installed. | 05:11 |
ogra | gilv, edubuntu is by default a single classroom thin client server environment | 05:11 |
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SmittysWorking | Blissex, could you walk me through that? | 05:11 |
gilv | sproingie: what do you mean ? | 05:11 |
gilv | ogra | 05:11 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: I am looking at finding you a nice HOWTO in the Ubuntu Wiki | 05:11 |
ogra | gilv, but the CD has also a workstation option ... since it is developed inside ubuntu, you can install edubuntu-desktop on top of ubuntu to get a workstation setup | 05:11 |
Blissex | !X11 | 05:11 |
ubotu | Not a clue, Blissex | 05:12 |
Blissex | !xorg.conf | 05:12 |
ubotu | Blissex: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 05:12 |
Blissex | !X config | 05:12 |
ubotu | Blissex: I give up, what is it? | 05:12 |
ph8 | gah | 05:12 |
ph8 | anyone installed the ATI proprietary drivers? | 05:12 |
sproingie | gilv: i havent seen much difference between regular and edubuntu, but edubuntu is kind of new. their website probably has more info | 05:12 |
ogra | gilv, btw, you can also join #edubuntu ;) | 05:12 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex, thank you so much in advance! | 05:13 |
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zone17 | Hi, is it just me or does this company site make firefox crash? http://www.cinciwebstyle.com/ in my case it crashes all the time, even sometimes freezes the entire desktop. | 05:13 |
zooko | I upgraded a few packages -- gcc-4.0 related -- to breezy yesterday and my apache-ssl stopped working. | 05:14 |
zooko | I guess I should try downgrading those back to hoary... | 05:14 |
Ng | zone17: it's probably the stupid plugin they have ;) | 05:14 |
Slarti- | yup, crashes firefox | 05:14 |
zone17 | ok thanks :-) | 05:14 |
ph8 | ah forget that question, can i dist-upgrade to breezy now or will that cause loads of problems? | 05:14 |
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boxerboy29 | mine didnt crash going to that site | 05:15 |
sproingie | ph8: if this is with respect to the ATI drivers, they work fine on breezy | 05:15 |
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Slarti- | mine did | 05:15 |
zone17 | boxerboy29, what version do you have? | 05:15 |
sproingie | ph8: otherwise, depends on what you're running. see zooko's problem for instance | 05:15 |
ph8 | can i dist-upgrade to breezy now or will that cause loads of problems? | 05:15 |
ph8 | i have an X300 | 05:15 |
ph8 | 128mb mobility radeon | 05:15 |
Slarti- | 1.0.7 here | 05:15 |
boxerboy29 | 1.0.7 here too | 05:15 |
ph8 | if it works fine on breezy i'm not gonna waste time messing around on hoary to get it going | 05:15 |
=== OculusAquilae [n=bastian@p548D3792.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slarti- | version from breezy | 05:15 |
ph8 | so can i get breezy? | 05:15 |
zone17 | Ok same here, mine crashes every time | 05:15 |
meerkat | zone17: works fine ... seem like there is a little java applet embedded somewhere ... | 05:16 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: try to see if this looks good to you: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 05:16 |
sproingie | ph8: works fine for me, but mobility radeons are known to be a real pita with those drivers. i have a plain jane 9800 | 05:16 |
ph8 | ok | 05:16 |
Slarti- | probably java bombing out | 05:16 |
ph8 | probably best if i get breezy anyway? | 05:16 |
Slarti- | takes firefox with it | 05:16 |
boxerboy29 | breezy seems to have most bugs worked out already but final release is in like 2 weeks | 05:16 |
ph8 | Is it just a case of changing hoary/ to breezy/ in my sources list? | 05:16 |
sproingie | ph8: it'll be a pain either way, may as well just do it once | 05:16 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: that should ask you a number of simple questions about your card and monitor. | 05:17 |
sproingie | ph8: change hoary to breezy, then apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:17 |
boxerboy29 | ph8: dist-upgrade would be easier | 05:17 |
SmittysWorking | ok | 05:17 |
boxerboy29 | ohhhhhhhhh you have to do both | 05:17 |
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ph8 | ty | 05:17 |
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SmittysWorking | Blissex, when I created the machine, it didnt ask me for a password for the Superuser... | 05:18 |
SmittysWorking | Just for my own account | 05:18 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: but 'sudo' should just work. | 05:18 |
SmittysWorking | It asked me for a password | 05:19 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: try the same password as the user... | 05:19 |
SmittysWorking | Wqait... im an idiot... Didnt relogin! | 05:19 |
SmittysWorking | *blush* | 05:19 |
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nerp | it wont | 05:21 |
groovehunter | onqueror: Depends: kdelibs4 (>= 4:3.4.0) but it is not going to be installed | 05:22 |
ph8 | are there extra sources for breezy? | 05:22 |
groovehunter | how can i "konquer" this situation? | 05:22 |
ph8 | Failed to fetch http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/dists/breezy-backports/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found? | 05:22 |
nerp | groovehunter, apt-get build-deps konqueror | 05:23 |
boxerboy29 | ph8: get rid of back ports is what i was told for a month | 05:23 |
groovehunter | nerp, E: Invalid operation build-deps | 05:23 |
boxerboy29 | ph8: do you have universe sources set? | 05:23 |
nerp | groovehunter, apt-get build-dep konqueror | 05:24 |
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groovehunter | E: Unable to find a source package for kdebase | 05:24 |
sproingie | kdebase is a meta package | 05:24 |
groovehunter | sources.list issue? | 05:24 |
nerp | apt-get update | 05:25 |
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groovehunter | ok updated successfully , but still same error for build-dep | 05:26 |
ph8 | yes boxer | 05:26 |
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Hoxzer | what would be good ftp client for ubuntu? | 05:26 |
zygis | hi, anyone have laptop Fn+sound buttons b0rked after yesterdays updates? | 05:26 |
sproingie | Hoxzer: i'm partial to konqueror's built in one | 05:27 |
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boxerboy29 | ph8: if you decide to keep the backports which is not recommended they need to be hoary not breezy | 05:28 |
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gerarcone | hi to all! | 05:28 |
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rafael2k | hi there | 05:28 |
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Hoxzer | spro: built in? | 05:28 |
gerarcone | i have a question about C++ compiling in Linux | 05:28 |
gerarcone | i've used only Dev-C++ under Windows | 05:28 |
boxerboy29 | ph8: no back port for breezy yet. the sources can stay breezy but backports cant | 05:29 |
ph8 | k | 05:29 |
ph8 | no probs | 05:29 |
rafael2k | anyone knows if is possible to commit translation patchs (pt_BR) for ubuntu breezy? | 05:29 |
groovehunter | sproingie, what you say doesnt really help... i know what a metapkg is, but why cant apt-get handle my input | 05:29 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: Same problem. I get to the Ubuntu splash screen, I log in and it accepts it. But Im now looking at a brown screen with a pointer, no GUI. | 05:29 |
gerarcone | and i'm wondering if writing a text-file and compiling it with gpp will be the same thing | 05:29 |
rafael2k | <= ubuntu newbie | 05:29 |
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ph8 | SmittysWorking: new installation? | 05:29 |
SmittysWorking | Yes, New Installation. | 05:29 |
ph8 | hmm | 05:30 |
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gerarcone | nobody uses cpp? | 05:30 |
boxerboy29 | smittysworking: that brown screen say ubuntu at top kinda relecting off screen? | 05:30 |
ph8 | unless this is a common thing i don't know about i'd hop to the terminal, run an update/upgrade and try a reboot | 05:30 |
ph8 | gerarcone: gcc? | 05:30 |
gerarcone | ph8, sorry | 05:30 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: you probably chose the ''emergency login''. | 05:30 |
sproingie | groovehunter: no one created a source package for the meta package with its own depends. i'm not a big fan of how apt does sources | 05:30 |
=== gerarcone is very inexpert | ||
SmittysWorking | Boxerboy: No. Plain brown back ground with a pointer. | 05:30 |
Renski | gerarcone: is that a yes? | 05:31 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: you should have said that you were able to log into the GUI. | 05:31 |
Renski | I use gcc | 05:31 |
SmittysWorking | Im sorry Blissex... | 05:31 |
gerarcone | Renski, ok, do you ever used Dev-C++? | 05:31 |
Renski | nope | 05:31 |
boxerboy29 | gcc and g++ should both compile c++ programs | 05:31 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: however, press 'CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE' and when the login happens again, there is a menu that allows you to choose the flavour of GUI. | 05:31 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: which choices does it display? | 05:31 |
Renski | I use gcc g++ and borland c++ bulder 6 | 05:32 |
groovehunter | sproingie, now i understand - thx for explanation! :) | 05:32 |
SmittysWorking | Last, 1. Default System Session, 2. GNOME, Failsafe Gnome, Failsafe Terminal | 05:32 |
gerarcone | Renski, so all the work under graphical interface? | 05:32 |
groovehunter | hmm... how can i install konqueror via remote shell?? | 05:32 |
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sproingie | groovehunter: i think the assumption is if you're going to build kde from sources, you're probably going to use one of the svn branches | 05:33 |
gerarcone | boxerboy29, how should i compile simple c++ programs? | 05:33 |
boxerboy29 | for c i use gcc but i havent gotten as far as c++ yet :( but gcc should compile c++ | 05:33 |
Renski | gerarcone: err, no | 05:33 |
groovehunter | sproingie, svn ? | 05:33 |
Renski | gerarcone: g++ file.cpp -o outputname | 05:33 |
hutgyrr | would there be abything available to split a main folder into more folders so that each one could fit on a dvd | 05:33 |
sproingie | boxerboy29: gcc will compile c++ all right, but it will die horribly linking it. use g++ | 05:33 |
gerarcone | Renski, and if i include in the file some libreries, like stdlib? | 05:34 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex, I have selected to session into GNOME, but the GUI isnt appearing, just the brown background and white pointer. | 05:34 |
sproingie | groovehunter: subversion. cvs clone, but slightly better | 05:34 |
groovehunter | ok | 05:34 |
YattaMaX | [QUESTION] : how to modify the *boot procedure* of the Ubuntu Live CD ? (please write my nick in the answer....otherwise I don't notate them) | 05:34 |
YattaMaX | I have to customizating the Ubuntu Live CD for a *blind* user, therefore I have to limit any question on boot (FIRST that X or GDM starting) .....carefully the screen resolution question on boot. anyone can help me ? | 05:34 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: I have asked you to list which options you get in that list. Perhaps you haven't actually instralled GNOME | 05:34 |
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Blissex | SmittysWorking: so you may need to log in with another option to fix that. | 05:35 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: "Last", "Default System Session", "GNOME", "Failsafe Gnome", "Failsafe Terminal" | 05:35 |
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Blissex | SmittysWorking: try "Failsafe Gnome" and if that does not work, "Failsafer Terminal", and let me know | 05:36 |
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trans_err | Anyone know what would be involved in dd'ing the CD iso to my extra hard drive? | 05:36 |
trans_err | (I ran out of blanks) | 05:37 |
SmittysWorking | ok... "Failsafe GNOME" gives the same result as regular "GNOME". "Failsafe Terminal" gives me the same brown background, but opens a terminal window over it. | 05:37 |
Blissex | trans_err: nothing, just do it. | 05:37 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: that indicated you have not installed GNOME... | 05:37 |
sproingie | trans_err: dd should give you a perfectly good .iso image | 05:37 |
jroes | so anyone know how to set up Cairo and cool stuff on ubuntu? | 05:37 |
trans_err | Blissex: any idea what the offset should be or just DD the entire iso? | 05:37 |
trans_err | sproingie: I want to copy the ISO to a hard disk | 05:38 |
trans_err | and boot off of it | 05:38 |
Blissex | trans_err: 'cp /dev/cdrom /filestem/file.iso' | 05:38 |
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Strog | cool stuff | 05:38 |
Blissex | trans_err: booting from that ISO is less easy... | 05:38 |
sproingie | trans_err: so do it. dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/path/to/file.iso | 05:38 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: Im sorry to keep being such a bother. How can i reinstall GNOME from the Ubuntu disc? | 05:38 |
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sproingie | trans_err: and unless you have a really amazing bios, you're not going to get to boot off it | 05:38 |
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Blissex | SmittysWorking: yes sure. | 05:38 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: wait a sec. | 05:38 |
trans_err | Haha I don't think you guys get it-- I have the ISO-- I want to copy the contents to a hard disk and boot off of it | 05:39 |
boxerboy29 | cant he just sudo apt-get install gnome now? | 05:39 |
Blissex | boxerboy29: yes, indeed | 05:39 |
SmittysWorking | ok | 05:39 |
boxerboy29 | i wanna see if it tells him its already there :( | 05:39 |
Blissex | boxerboy29: problem is, I cant remember if the install put the CD/DVD as a source in '/etc/apt/sources.list' | 05:39 |
trans_err | Is that even possible-- I seem to remember having a usb jump that did mini installs of debian.... | 05:39 |
sproingie | trans_err: you don't. iso images don't work that way. maybe a livecd if you fiddle with the bootloader | 05:40 |
cas | Hi, I've a problem with setting up a nfs server. I think I found the problem, but now the solution :) | 05:40 |
boxerboy29 | good point | 05:40 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: what does 'grep cdrom /etc/apt/sources.list' say? | 05:40 |
cas | When I mount the partition on my client I get the error: "failed, reason given by server: Permission denied" Now when I check "/proc/fs/nfs/exports" | 05:40 |
cas | I don't see my export I've set in /etc/exports. Is this normal? | 05:40 |
Strog | trans_err: You could dd the image to the harddrive but it will wipe the hard drive and create an iso sized partition | 05:40 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: *sigh* Package gnome is not available | 05:40 |
trans_err | Strog: which is what I want to do | 05:40 |
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Strog | It the iso on the same drive you want to blow away? | 05:40 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: thats not necessarily the right name... | 05:40 |
trans_err | Strog: would I be able to boot off that? | 05:40 |
trans_err | Strog: of course not | 05:40 |
SmittysWorking | Blisex: Ahhso. | 05:41 |
Strog | probably would work fine since it had a bootsector on it | 05:41 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: so what does 'grep cdrom: /etc/apt/sources.list' say? | 05:41 |
trans_err | Strog: I'll give it a try | 05:41 |
sproingie | Strog: i doubt it. the geometry is totally different | 05:41 |
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Strog | kinda of the long away around compared to burning a cd | 05:41 |
Strog | since when does linux care about geometry? :) | 05:42 |
trans_err | Strog: Not when you're a poor college student with a serious lack of cdrs | 05:42 |
sproingie | Strog: your bios cares | 05:42 |
MrManu | hi, will 5.10 support automatic removal of unused dependencies? | 05:42 |
Strog | but extra hard drives | 05:42 |
boxerboy29 | its 100% easier to run to store spend 3.00 on a blank cd and burn it no? | 05:42 |
sproingie | trans_err: they cost like fifty cents at kinkos | 05:42 |
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trans_err | I'd have to catch a bus :? | 05:42 |
trans_err | :/ | 05:42 |
Blissex | MrManu: you can do that now by installing the right package. But it is a bit dangerous. | 05:42 |
deFrysk | MrManu, use deborphian for removal of obsolete packages | 05:42 |
Strog | ubunutu will send you a CD free if you request it | 05:42 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: "deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.04 _Hoary Hedgehog_ Release i386 (20050407)] / hoary main restricted" | 05:42 |
trans_err | Strog: not a breezy one :D I have plenty of hoary cds | 05:43 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: well, you are lucky. | 05:43 |
sproingie | trans_err: you could install hoary and dist-upgrade | 05:43 |
boxerboy29 | they start shipping breezy after the 13th | 05:43 |
bipolar | Seveas, is the downage at seveas.ubuntulinux.nl expected or did something bad happen? | 05:43 |
MrManu | already tried deborphan, its ok....but automatic <-- removal would be fine :) | 05:43 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: And I am lucky because? | 05:43 |
trans_err | sproingie: yeah-- I want a clean install though | 05:43 |
trans_err | sproingie: things have been a little hairy lately | 05:43 |
Quinthius | MrManu: doubt it, it doesnt so far... but you can remove them manually. can even make a filder in synaptic to display them.. | 05:43 |
thehil | What does "October 30th" time "Fall back" mean? | 05:43 |
Quinthius | filter* | 05:43 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: the install has put the right pointer to the CD in the list of places where to find packages. So it won't try to download them from the web. | 05:44 |
sproingie | trans_err: you get a colony cd and you're still going to be dist-upgrading nearly everything anyway | 05:44 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: wait a sec for the right package name. | 05:44 |
MrManu | in synaptic? how can i do so? :) | 05:44 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: Ok... | 05:44 |
trans_err | sproingie: you guys have no sense of adventure | 05:44 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: in the meantime you can do for your amusement 'sudo apt-cache search ubuntu' | 05:44 |
sproingie | trans_err: i run breezy myself. it's not even adventurous at this point | 05:44 |
Quinthius | MrManu: automatic wouldn't be very good. some independent packages would get removed... | 05:44 |
trans_err | sproingie: the adventure is in booting of my hard disk cd | 05:45 |
MrManu | well there could be a *do not remove* list ;-) | 05:45 |
trans_err | hopefully i'll be back | 05:45 |
boxerboy29 | thehil: can you give more info on where u see that? | 05:45 |
sproingie | trans_err: it would certainly be an adventure making it work. a livecd might be able to do it. definitely nothing else. | 05:45 |
B_166-ER-X | what is a 'colony' cd ? i thought it was agame :| | 05:45 |
sproingie | trans_err: at any rate it's well beyond the knowledge of anyone on the channel | 05:45 |
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Blissex | SmittysWorking: well, you can now do 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' I guess. | 05:45 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: Here goes nothing! | 05:46 |
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boxerboy29 | colony im thinking is another word for beta | 05:46 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: what do you mean with goes nothing | 05:46 |
sproingie | B_166-ER-X: colony is the name of the breezy build that's burned to cd for beta testing. colony is the aggregate word for badgers, i.e. a colony of badgers | 05:46 |
MrManu | well I will restart my pc and try out the synaptic feature :), seems as i have to update before, installed breezy a while ago....anyway thanks | 05:46 |
B_166-ER-X | uh | 05:46 |
B_166-ER-X | okk | 05:46 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex, I said "Here Goes nothing!" | 05:46 |
B_166-ER-X | that explain, thankx.. | 05:47 |
sproingie | B_166-ER-X: which is why they called it the array build last time, a group of hedgehogs is an array | 05:47 |
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Quinthius | MrManu: or, a lot easier and safer, is to just remove them manually :P | 05:47 |
Quinthius | MrManu: in synaptic go to settings -> filters | 05:47 |
Quinthius | MrManu: create new filter, name it "orphaned" or something, and uncheck all except Orphaned in the filter options | 05:47 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: ubuntu-dektop is already the newest version | 05:47 |
Quinthius | MrManu: then you can view orphaned packages by going to Custom -> Orphaned | 05:47 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: thats highly unlikely.... | 05:47 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: uhm. | 05:47 |
Blissex | are you still in the terminal window? | 05:47 |
MrManu | ah, stupid that i did not chech that :) | 05:47 |
B_166-ER-X | sproingie, i speak french first, although almost bilingual, i never thought about this.. | 05:47 |
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SmittysWorking | Blissex: I am | 05:47 |
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Blissex | SmittysWorking: what error message happens if you say 'gnome-session' Enter | 05:48 |
sproingie | B_166-ER-X: animal group names makes for some really interesting trivia | 05:48 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: thats the command to start GNOME from scratch | 05:48 |
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SmittysWorking | Blissex: SESSION_MANAGER=local/Smitty-LAPTOP:/tmp.ICE-unix/7336 | 05:49 |
sproingie | B_166-ER-X: like a group of ravens is called a "conspiracy of ravens" | 05:49 |
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manuk | I've a problem with a ps2 mouse trat doesn't work. Anyone can help me? | 05:49 |
itamar | hi; what's the breezy release date? | 05:49 |
boxerboy29 | oct 13 | 05:49 |
itamar | thanks | 05:50 |
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boxerboy29 | yw | 05:50 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: and after that it should just start... | 05:50 |
B_166-ER-X | ubuntu 7.30 groovy raven 'download the conspiracy cd' | 05:50 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: It is just hanging | 05:50 |
B_166-ER-X | uh | 05:50 |
sproingie | how about "ravishing raven" | 05:50 |
boxerboy29 | ubuntu is nowhere near 7.3 | 05:50 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: thats very odd. Kill it with CTRL_C | 05:51 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: Killed it | 05:51 |
deFrysk | would be 07.04 then | 05:51 |
deFrysk | in 1.5 jrs | 05:52 |
sproingie | i think mark has the next dozen names plotted out most likely | 05:52 |
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B_166-ER-X | hahaha | 05:52 |
Renski | After breezy I think we should have 'mellow mushroom' | 05:52 |
gerarcone | Renski, what is the system("PAUSE") command under Linux? | 05:52 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: now try 'ping localhost' what does do? | 05:52 |
boxerboy29 | dapper debian is after breezy | 05:52 |
sproingie | dapper drake | 05:53 |
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boxerboy29 | sorry drake not debian | 05:53 |
Renski | gerarcone: as far as im aware, that would do nothing at all | 05:53 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: It is pinging itself sucessfully. | 05:53 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: bizarre, so its not a network problem. | 05:54 |
Renski | The system command is a little like typing something on the command line. For example you could do system("cp blah.txt blah2.txt"); | 05:54 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: at least not an obvious one. | 05:54 |
B_166-ER-X | diaper drake. brrr | 05:54 |
Renski | but there is no such command as 'PAUSE' | 05:54 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: so now try 'gnome-panel' as a command. | 05:54 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: I love being Non-Traditional. | 05:54 |
gerarcone | Renski, what command should i use instead of system("PAUSE") nothing? o_O | 05:54 |
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Renski | well, what are you trying to do? | 05:55 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: bash: gnome-panel: command not found | 05:55 |
Cryptid | bob2, i am unable to find Java in synaptic i need sun-j2sdk and Java2-runtime torun azureus but when i try installing it it says that these dependencies are not installable what do i do and where do i gets these files from | 05:55 |
sproingie | Renski: if you want to pause for a certain time, try sleep. this should already be in c or perl, whatever you're using | 05:55 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: there is then something really wrong, because thats an essential part of GNOME, and if you have 'ubuntu-desktop' up to date it should be installed. | 05:55 |
sproingie | Renski: otherwise you can invoke it from the shell with system("sleep x") where x is the time in seconds you want to sleep | 05:55 |
gerarcone | Renski, simply i'm trying to pause the program until someone presses a key | 05:55 |
Renski | sproingie: I code C++ almost every day, im trying to help gerarcone | 05:55 |
=== fanskapet [n=fanskape@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SmittysWorking | Blissex: Should I do a complete reinstall from a difrferent Ubuntu disc? | 05:56 |
sproingie | Renski: sorry :) | 05:56 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: it could be that the CD you installed from is faulty, and you did not notice CD read errors during install. | 05:56 |
boxerboy29 | smittysworking: is this hoary or breezy? | 05:56 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: ideally yes, a complete reinstall, after checking that the CD checksum is good. | 05:56 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: Good thing I ordered 10 copies! | 05:56 |
Renski | sproingie: ah | 05:56 |
Cryptid | I am unable to install azureus synaptic says the Java2 run time and sun j2sdk dependency files are not installable | 05:56 |
sproingie | Renski: sounds like his problem is the standard unix faq of "where's conio.h and readkey?" .... little more involved :) | 05:56 |
Renski | lol yah | 05:56 |
Renski | *yeah | 05:56 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: however, let's try another little experiment. | 05:56 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: ok | 05:56 |
sproingie | ok, gotta go | 05:57 |
=== sproingie & | ||
gerarcone | Renski, no solution for that? | 05:57 |
Renski | gerarcone: on windows, id use getch(); | 05:57 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: we can try to quickly install XFCE4 which is similar to GNOME but smaller and see if that works. | 05:57 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: Ah, in the meantime do | 05:57 |
Renski | gerarcone: however I cant remember how to do that in linux | 05:57 |
Renski | ask in #c++ | 05:57 |
gerarcone | Renski, ok, thanks for your help! | 05:58 |
gerarcone | Renski, :) | 05:58 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: Ah, in the meantime do 'debsums -a' and see if gives some obvious error messages | 05:58 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: actually wait a second. | 05:58 |
groovehunter | basic apt-get question: can i add a debian instable source in sources-list? | 05:58 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: waiting... | 05:59 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: do this more specifically: 'debsums gnome-panel' | 05:59 |
groovehunter | to have sources for kde | 05:59 |
Blissex | groovehunter: why? Use the Kubuntu sources... | 05:59 |
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SmittysWorking | Blissex: bash: debsums: command not found | 05:59 |
deFrysk | md5sum | 05:59 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: 'apt-get install debsums' | 05:59 |
groovehunter | Blissex, what pkg? kubuntu-desktop ? | 05:59 |
Blissex | groovehunter: for example... | 06:00 |
groovehunter | wasnt found | 06:00 |
Blissex | groovehunter: but add the right sources. Look at Kubuntu.org | 06:00 |
groovehunter | i already ran update | 06:00 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: debsums not available | 06:00 |
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Blissex | SmittysWorking: what does 'apt-get update' do? | 06:00 |
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hutgyrr | for doing fairly large backups can I get a multi array dvd burner and get ubuntu to route the info to each burner seperately. Some pointers would be of great help | 06:01 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: E: could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied) | 06:01 |
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boxerboy29 | sudo | 06:01 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: sorry, do all these 'apt' commands with 'sudo' at the beginning, I forgot about that. | 06:01 |
SmittysWorking | Forgot the sudo | 06:01 |
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Blissex | SmittysWorking: actually | 06:02 |
SmittysWorking | hold on | 06:02 |
dooglus | I just rebooted after the most recent breezy kernel update and found that nothing would boot apart from windows! | 06:02 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: 'sudo /bin/bash' and then you are in, no need to 'sudo' again. | 06:02 |
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SmittysWorking | Blissex: Ran update. | 06:02 |
hutgyrr | what does sudo /bin/bash do? | 06:02 |
boxerboy29 | i never tried that i always sudo -i | 06:02 |
dooglus | blueyed: just sudo -i is enough | 06:02 |
hutgyrr | is that not the same as su root? | 06:03 |
dooglus | hutgyrr: no. to "su root" you need the root password | 06:03 |
boxerboy29 | sudo and su are pretty much same | 06:03 |
hutgyrr | and for dudo u need the root passwd too | 06:03 |
dooglus | boxerboy29: that's not true at all | 06:03 |
rockin_stan | boxerboy29, ?? | 06:03 |
B_166-ER-X | dooglus, did something similar here, my home dir was not accesible, i just..reinstalled hoary, telling me that i just understood the meaning of 'unstable' | 06:03 |
dooglus | hutgyrr: for "sudo" you use your own password | 06:03 |
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hutgyrr | your own passwd for spruser privs? | 06:04 |
dooglus | hutgyrr: if you're in the admin group, yes | 06:04 |
hutgyrr | oh | 06:04 |
groovehunter | Blissex, ok now, i had to uncomment the archive line in sources.list | 06:04 |
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boxerboy29 | other than password and meaning of the letters what differs? | 06:04 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: I ran the update | 06:04 |
dooglus | hutgyrr: it makes things more accountable. you can tell which user messed things up, whereas if a bunch of admins all share the root password, you can't | 06:04 |
Seveas | bipolar, it's expectted, i didn't switch it on yet today ;) | 06:04 |
hutgyrr | mmmm | 06:04 |
dooglus | boxerboy29: sudo is very configurable. you can tell it "let boxerboy run apt-get as root, and let dooglus run shutdown as root, but nothing else" | 06:05 |
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B_166-ER-X | boxerboy29, well, if you install something in sudo, it will install it with root privilege, preventing a user to screw it up later | 06:05 |
hutgyrr | but if you are in the admin grp and you sudo with your own passwd do you have the same privs as root? | 06:05 |
=== any [n=any@fac34-3-82-231-24-63.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
any | hi | 06:05 |
Blissex | groovehunter: good. | 06:05 |
dooglus | hutgyrr: yes | 06:05 |
B_166-ER-X | and many things require a sudo or root access to install | 06:05 |
Blissex | groovehunter: you can mix in the Debian sources, but it is dangerous. | 06:05 |
nerp | i'm starving | 06:05 |
nerp | need food | 06:05 |
boxerboy29 | i thought you could do that with su on other distros | 06:05 |
nxv_ | i just installed from cd secound time. server. get grub error 18 when booting ;( gave ubuntu whole disc to part itselfe. | 06:05 |
linuxmonkey | does breezy have many bugs at this point? | 06:05 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: so now do the 'apt-get install debsums' | 06:06 |
any | how can I get my ubuntu version id (colony 4/5) ? | 06:06 |
nerp | linuxmonkey, no, not really | 06:06 |
dooglus | linuxmonkey: yes, hundreds I'd guess | 06:06 |
linuxmonkey | lmao | 06:06 |
hutgyrr | so what adv does it have apart from making the system more accountable? | 06:06 |
dooglus | linuxmonkey: but a lot less than hoary | 06:06 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: Tried that. Still says that "Package debsums is not available, but is referred to by another package" | 06:06 |
nerp | personally I have had next to no probs with breezy at all | 06:06 |
=== fanskapet [n=fanskape@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linuxmonkey | I had heard that nvidia drivers were having a problem on breezy is that true | 06:07 |
dooglus | nerp: you're not try hard enough then :) | 06:07 |
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nerp | dooglus, i've been pounding on this thing for a couple of weeks now.. no major burps | 06:07 |
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Blissex | SmittysWorking: thats slighly odd. However, lets try another one. | 06:07 |
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hutgyrr | what are the main differences between ubuntu and debian? | 06:07 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: 'dpkg -L gnome-panel' | 06:07 |
dooglus | nerp: did you try the keyboard indicator? that thing is seriously broken | 06:08 |
nerp | dooglus, nope, never tried it.. | 06:08 |
nerp | now you have my gears turning | 06:08 |
linuxmonkey | ok my major concern ..is it easyer to upgrade to breezy or to fresh install? | 06:08 |
dooglus | nerp: grep still uses quadradic time in UTF8 locales | 06:08 |
nerp | i'm a glutton for punishment | 06:08 |
nerp | hehe | 06:08 |
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Blissex | SmittysWorking: as to 'dpkg -L gnome-panel' just say if it lists about a dozen files. | 06:08 |
nerp | linuxmonkey, from what warty or hoary or? | 06:08 |
Blissex | nerp: Gentoo user? | 06:08 |
boxerboy29 | personally i would go fresh that way if something happens u have cd to fall back on | 06:09 |
nerp | Blissex, not anymore | 06:09 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: Came up with a large list of files... ie: /usr/lib/gnome-panel/clock-applet, /usr/lib/gnome-panel/fish-applet-2 | 06:09 |
linuxmonkey | how do I find out, im new to ubuntu, i used to use linux way back when | 06:10 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: what number does 'dpkg -L gnome-panel | wc -l' prints? | 06:10 |
nerp | i've tried most of the major distros out there.. mdk, debian, slack, gentoo, vlos, mepis and others but since I was inducted on mdk 7.0 I tended to stick with them, until I could no longer stand their politics | 06:10 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: BTW, the names you have reported are mostly OK. | 06:10 |
dooglus | nerp: how did you like their IRC channel? | 06:10 |
nerp | i eventually found happiness with debian but got sick of doing net installs.. so ubuntu was the closest option for ease of install & the like | 06:11 |
nerp | dooglus, splotchy at best | 06:11 |
nerp | sometimes it was good other times crap | 06:11 |
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rico_eberle | this one has still the best irc channel :) | 06:11 |
nerp | and that's another thing about ubuntu, both IRC and wiki/forums support is pretty good | 06:11 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: Same list but 2 additions: Package wc is not installed, package -l is not installed | 06:11 |
nerp | debian support is snobbish | 06:12 |
nerp | suse support is ok but feels so limited | 06:12 |
boxerboy29 | i have yet found an irc channel for other distros that help as much as here | 06:12 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: with a pipe in the middle.... | 06:12 |
linuxmonkey | nerp, i think im using hoardy | 06:12 |
rico_eberle | a lot of l33dz in there... at least they think they are :D | 06:12 |
nerp | the other appeal of deb/ubuntu is the wide range of packages in comparison to most distros | 06:12 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: 'dpkg -L gnome-panel | wc -l' | 06:12 |
SmittysWorking | Whoops... Looked like a backslash | 06:12 |
=== ^DodGeR^ [n=^DodGeR^@rrba-146-121-149.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SmittysWorking | Blissex: 28 | 06:13 |
^DodGeR^ | has anyone managed to get e17 working on ubuntu ? | 06:13 |
nerp | mandriva is totally annoying about keeping up to date with packages unless there is a security issue with the current one | 06:13 |
nerp | otherwise you have to 'join the club' and pay | 06:13 |
boxerboy29 | i havent gotten a mandriva update in wekks for 2006 cooker | 06:14 |
d2dchat | what do i need to enable me to open Adobe Illustrator files in Gimp? | 06:14 |
nerp | or compile and install from source, which I don't mind | 06:14 |
=== Serv|nokia [n=Nokia@84-50-51-150-dsl.est.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Serv|nokia | hello | 06:14 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: sounds good. Now 'dpkg -L gnome-panel | xargs ls -d' and in partricular look for errors. It should like the same names with their size in KB. | 06:14 |
nerp | boxerboy29, impossible.. I have cooker installed now | 06:14 |
boxerboy29 | right now im thinking of a replacement for mandriva | 06:14 |
nerp | have you done urpmi.update -a? | 06:14 |
boxerboy29 | no i went threw their updater | 06:14 |
Serv|nokia | can somebody help me whit that: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2587 ? | 06:14 |
nerp | err, do urpmi.update -a | 06:15 |
boxerboy29 | cause i tried urpmi update and nothing | 06:15 |
nerp | err, and what sources are you using for media? | 06:15 |
boxerboy29 | i will next time im in there | 06:15 |
=== slibs [n=anacron@a84-230-92-235.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boxerboy29 | i went to easyrpm site and got all the sources | 06:15 |
slibs | hello guys | 06:15 |
slibs | can you tell me what is "tarball" | 06:15 |
nerp | k | 06:15 |
nerp | slibs, it's a compressed file | 06:16 |
slibs | oh | 06:16 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: All I got was the same list, but now had the ".gz" extensions. | 06:16 |
nerp | similar to a zip or the like | 06:16 |
d2dchat | slibs, tar --help | 06:16 |
linuxmonkey | i just wished that my wifi card worked in native mode without having to use ndiswrapper.. it worked in Fedora Core 3 when I tested it out but when i compile the driver modules and try to insert them i get a module format error, yet the module is 2.6.X..lol | 06:16 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: thats ridiculous. | 06:16 |
boxerboy29 | ill be back im gonna try that | 06:16 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: what happens if you do '/usr/bin/gnome-panel' | 06:16 |
d2dchat | i generally use tar -zxvf filename to extract files | 06:17 |
d2dchat | (I think thats the right order) | 06:17 |
Blissex | linuxmonkey: buy a different card.... | 06:17 |
=== vbgunz [n=vbgunz@uslec-66-255-127-2.cust.uslec.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Serv|nokia | can somebody help me whit that: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2587 ? | 06:17 |
nerp | d2dchat, yeah that'll work | 06:17 |
vbgunz | can someone help me out with GPG? | 06:17 |
vbgunz | where do I begin? | 06:17 |
nerp | Serv|nokia, hang on | 06:17 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: o_O The GUI finally woke up... but I have several Red X graphics on the application bars. | 06:17 |
nerp | google gpg there is a tutorial on the site | 06:18 |
d2dchat | nerp, I think i switched the vf once and it didnt work lol | 06:18 |
linuxmonkey | yea I know Blissex , it all comes down to money and i'm moving in a few days so i'll be broke for a few months | 06:18 |
vbgunz | I know how to use it on Windows but I am unsure of how to go about installing it... | 06:18 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: particularly where the "Desktop" button sould be on the lower bar. | 06:18 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: dont worry about that. Why did not work when you just said 'gnome-panel'? | 06:18 |
=== FlyingSquirrel32 [n=FlyingSq@exchange2.dglaw.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
d2dchat | does anyone know how to get The GIMP to open Adobe Illustrator files? | 06:18 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: that is not the full GUI, it is just the panel, and is missing really importnat stuff. | 06:18 |
vbgunz | nerp: thanks was thinking of that... it's just I am already in synapic and thought I ask... I just have a bunch of options | 06:18 |
d2dchat | otherwise I have to try to get all my shit working on WINE AHH | 06:18 |
nerp | d2dchat, plugins | 06:19 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: now kill it again with CTRL-C | 06:19 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | How do I print a list of my emails in evolution? | 06:19 |
d2dchat | nerp, where? I looked in the spm | 06:19 |
vbgunz | nerp: I'll do that, thanks | 06:19 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: Hold on | 06:19 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: and restart it properly with '/usr/bin/gnome-session' | 06:19 |
d2dchat | FlyingSquirrel32, lol, i swear you've had that question FOREVER | 06:19 |
nerp | d2dchat, ftp.gimp.org i believe has a pub dir of plugins | 06:19 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | What is a good windows emulator? | 06:19 |
vbgunz | vmware | 06:19 |
vbgunz | good emulator | 06:19 |
nerp | Serv|nokia, sudo apt-get update then try again | 06:20 |
gpd | /wc | 06:20 |
vbgunz | vmware has a price but when compared to qemu, it's most likely worth it... I tried QEMU but believe it is far off | 06:20 |
rico_eberle | I used to work with dreamweaver mx - is there something similar in ubuntu (didn't use the wysiwyg-interface)? | 06:20 |
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linuxmonkey | vmware is the best however get ready to pay a nice chunk of change for it | 06:20 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | d2dchat: Sorry, just hoping someone new might be around. Besides, It's not like it's really a hard one :) | 06:20 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: (gnome-panel:7382): Glib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion 'object->ref_count >0' failed | 06:20 |
Serv|nokia | nerp: http://www.ubuntu-forum.de/artikel/17/3/Apache--PHP--MySQL-installieren.html <-- i used this | 06:20 |
Serv|nokia | get it work | 06:20 |
nerp | Serv|nokia, sudo apt-get update then try again | 06:20 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: dont worry, that kind of think happens all the time. | 06:20 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: have killed 'gnome-panel' and started '/usr/bin/gnome-session'? | 06:21 |
d2dchat | FlyingSquirrel32, have you tried File->Print? | 06:21 |
=== rob_p [n=rob@cust-ipadvanced-dynnat-232130.d-star-eutelsat.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SmittysWorking | Blissex: After using /usr/bin/gnome-session it hangs again | 06:21 |
d2dchat | when you're in your mailbox? | 06:21 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | d2dchat: Only prints a single e-mail. | 06:21 |
nerp | i'll brb | 06:21 |
d2dchat | FlyingSquirrel32, even if you dont select anything? | 06:21 |
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linuxmonkey | FlyingSquirrel32, sometimes you can get a trial of VMWARE so check em out to see how you like it, i purchased it and have no regrets | 06:21 |
vbgunz | nerp: all I found about GPG on the WIKI resembling what I need is how to create a key... I knew that :( What I need to know is that when in Synaptic, searching for GPG and getting a few hits back... what *exactly* do I install? | 06:22 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: I am pretty sure that you have to reinstall. But the real issue is: ''what went wrong?'' because if it happens again on resinstall it is nbot good. | 06:22 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: kill it again... | 06:22 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: Killed again. | 06:22 |
rico_eberle | I used to work with dreamweaver mx - is there something similar in ubuntu (didn't use the wysiwyg-interface)? | 06:22 |
vbgunz | vmware is the best I found without a doubt | 06:22 |
vbgunz | trial last 45 days | 06:22 |
bipolar | Seveas, cool :) are any of those packages going into breezy officialy? If not, I'd like to mirror them localy for me and friends. :) | 06:22 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: I shall simply reinstall it... | 06:22 |
d2dchat | FlyingSquirrel32, try this... | 06:22 |
d2dchat | FlyingSquirrel32, click on one email | 06:22 |
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d2dchat | FlyingSquirrel32, then do ctrl+a | 06:23 |
Answer | Hello #ubuntu | 06:23 |
d2dchat | FlyingSquirrel32, then try to print | 06:23 |
vbgunz | I wish to use GPG and GPA | 06:23 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: yes, but what if your CD is broken or your memory is bad -- it is better to know what went wrong. | 06:23 |
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Blissex | SmittysWorking: try now 'apt-get install xfce' and tell me what happens. | 06:23 |
Answer | Can I change my windowsXP partition type to fat32? Will that help ubuntu partition some free space? | 06:23 |
linuxmonkey | ok guys im about to undertake the install of breezy by updating , any words of advice or wisdom, | 06:23 |
d2dchat | FlyingSquirrel32, hmm, that isnt working for me lol, it might just be eating up RAM or it just doesnt like that | 06:23 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | d2dchat: It wont let you print like that. | 06:23 |
vbgunz | Answer: I dont believe you can just change your systems file type... interesting question though | 06:24 |
Seveas | bipolar, probably not, but feel free to mirror | 06:24 |
Blissex | Answer: no, XP can only boot from NTFS. | 06:24 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: Couldnt find package xfce | 06:24 |
vbgunz | Blissex: you sure? | 06:24 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | d2dchat: It was disabled for me. | 06:24 |
vbgunz | I remember installing XP onto fat and it worked fine for me | 06:24 |
Blissex | vbgunz: yes... | 06:24 |
Answer | But the ubuntu install partitioning cannot get free space, even tho htere is free space... :/ | 06:24 |
Blissex | vbgunz: MS Windows 2000 can boot from FAT32, XP cannot. | 06:24 |
vbgunz | the only thing I regretted about putting XP onto a fat partition was it blew up in size | 06:25 |
d2dchat | FlyingSquirrel32, yea, hold on, trying something | 06:25 |
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Answer | Blissex: Can I make XP defragment into contiguous space at the beginning of the partition? | 06:25 |
nerp | mm much better | 06:25 |
nerp | i was dying of thirst | 06:25 |
umberleigh | Blissex: erm, i don't think so. i dual boot ubuntu/winXP, and XP is on a fat32 partition | 06:25 |
Blissex | Answer: yes. There are several partition resizers that do exactly that. Takes forever though. | 06:25 |
linuxmonkey | Blissex, ive booted xp from fat32 before, now mind you I did upgrade to ntfs a few months later | 06:25 |
d2dchat | FlyingSquirrel32, well.. this worked but it shows all of the headers | 06:26 |
d2dchat | FlyingSquirrel32, if you ctrl+a | 06:26 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: It couldnt find xfce. | 06:26 |
Blissex | linuxmonkey: then perhaps it is possible but not supported. I am surprised though. | 06:26 |
Answer | umberleigh: Did you setup the partition to be fat32 from the beginning? | 06:26 |
d2dchat | FlyingSquirrel32, then you right click on any email | 06:26 |
=== Wipe-Out [n=rickblee@f112045.upc-f.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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d2dchat | FlyingSquirrel32, click Save | 06:26 |
umberleigh | Answer: yup | 06:26 |
Wipe-Out | and the pater is back | 06:26 |
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Wipe-Out | paster | 06:26 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: try the same with 'apt-get install fvwm' | 06:26 |
d2dchat | FlyingSquirrel32, find a directory | 06:26 |
vbgunz | me too " a few days later" XP becomes far to big on a fat partition | 06:26 |
d2dchat | FlyingSquirrel32, save it in that directory (dont forget to name it) | 06:26 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: Same result. | 06:27 |
nerp | yeah | 06:27 |
Wipe-Out | guys i've got issues installing gcc | 06:27 |
nerp | fat is evil | 06:27 |
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d2dchat | FlyingSquirrel32, navigate to the file in the file manager, then open it, it will show u all the emails, but with the headers, and i think you can print them from there | 06:27 |
vbgunz | Wipe-Out: there are a few GCC programs I believe | 06:27 |
nerp | vbgunz, i'm sorry what did you need to do again | 06:27 |
Wipe-Out | installed it but afterwards it can't be found by make | 06:27 |
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d2dchat | FlyingSquirrel32, it aint pretty tho;) | 06:27 |
nerp | with GPG | 06:27 |
vbgunz | I know some commands with GPG on command line | 06:27 |
linuxmonkey | yes Ms doesnt support it per say, hehehe i'm ms certified and hate ms....hence why im coming back to linux | 06:27 |
Answer | So, I have this Dell preinstalled with WinXP and NTFS, how can I get some free space for ubuntu? | 06:27 |
abarbaccia | whats the difference from apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade | 06:27 |
vbgunz | nerp: the wiki talks only about those commands | 06:27 |
d2dchat | but if you're being audited by the government | 06:28 |
umberleigh | nerp: i know, no proper file permissions, but at least i can write to fat32 from linux | 06:28 |
vbgunz | nerp: I am using synaptic and only need to know which packages do I have to install to use GPG | 06:28 |
nerp | Answer, a prtitioning tool | 06:28 |
Wipe-Out | vbgunz: i just did apt-get install gcc | 06:28 |
=== xerxas [n=xerxas@165.98.98-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
d2dchat | FlyingSquirrel32, but if you're being audited by the government, it might be just the thing;) | 06:28 |
vbgunz | nerp: do I just install GPG? | 06:28 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: uhm, hard to think of anything else. | 06:28 |
Wipe-Out | that should be enough | 06:28 |
bipolar | Seveas, should I just wget it all or setup rsync or something? | 06:28 |
nerp | oh, yes | 06:28 |
linuxmonkey | Answer easy...use something like norton partition magic | 06:28 |
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SmittysWorking | Blissex: Its oky. Im going to reinstall using a different Ubuntu disc. | 06:28 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: perhaps the best thing is just to reinstall from a different CD. | 06:28 |
Answer | linuxmonkey: ok, can you email it to me hehe | 06:28 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: indeed. | 06:28 |
=== Vixus [n=vixus@82-41-122-60.cable.ubr01.glen.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xerxas | I have generated a gpg key, what should I do with it ? | 06:28 |
Vixus | hey | 06:28 |
xerxas | tell it to zyga ? | 06:28 |
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Vixus | where does rhythmbox store library info? I need to clear my library. | 06:29 |
nerp | xerxas, that's not typically a supported topic here | 06:29 |
Blissex | SmittysWorking: pay particular attention to any installation error messages. | 06:29 |
linuxmonkey | Answer, unfortunatly its not free but u should be able to get a fully functional trial from their website | 06:29 |
SmittysWorking | Blissex: OK | 06:29 |
nerp | i recommend reading the docs on how to use it | 06:29 |
vbgunz | Wipe-Out: if you use synaptic theres more than just GCC as I remember... for example when I was installing vmware on Ubuntu it asked for GCC... I installed it but it refused to use it... I then used Synaptic and found theres more than one version... when I installed the later version of GCC... vmware used it without problems | 06:29 |
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vbgunz | nerp: thanks | 06:29 |
d2dchat | how come the latest stable release of GIMP is 2.2.8 but the latest ubuntu release is 2.2.2? | 06:29 |
nerp | vbgunz, no prob | 06:29 |
d2dchat | why is it so slow?? | 06:29 |
xerxas | nerp: I need to give my gpg key to ubuntu to have the upload right to the revu | 06:29 |
Answer | linuxmonkey: all the trials let you pretend to make changes but they won't execute | 06:29 |
twibbler | I have a bug in openoffice under breezy.... the mailmerge fails ... anyideas where to get help from ?. | 06:30 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | d2dchat: No, that just won't do. | 06:30 |
xerxas | nerp: I think it's not really off topic here | 06:30 |
Wipe-Out | so anybody got an idea, i just installed gcc and tryed to do sudo make, and it tells me it can;t find gcc, how come? | 06:30 |
Answer | Wipe-Out: locate gcc | 06:30 |
d2dchat | FlyingSquirrel32, sorry:( like i said, it would be good for a government audit hehe | 06:30 |
ompaul | d2dchat, this has to do with where breezy badger forked from, debian sid april | 06:30 |
linuxmonkey | oh I guess they changed the way their trials work, all I can suggest then is to buy it or find a friend that has it and lets you use it | 06:30 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | d2dchat: This functionality should definitly be there... I guess I'll suggest it to them and start programming... | 06:30 |
nerp | xerxas, you're asking how to use gpg, yes it is off topic here, if it had to do with installing the package or some ubuntu problem then it would be on topic | 06:30 |
Seveas | Wipe-Out, sudo make is a bad idea | 06:30 |
Seveas | make should always be run as normal user | 06:31 |
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Vixus | aaany ideas? | 06:31 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | d2dchat: I'll keep that in mind when I'm audited...I'm mean if... ahem... | 06:31 |
Seveas | and first you should try to find a .deb with the software you want | 06:31 |
Wipe-Out | i need to install ndiswrapper | 06:31 |
d2dchat | ompaul, how often do they update the distros? | 06:31 |
Seveas | Wipe-Out, don't compile that | 06:31 |
d2dchat | FlyingSquirrel32, ;) | 06:31 |
Seveas | it comes with ubuntu | 06:31 |
xerxas | nerp: sorry, i thought I was on #ubuntu-motu | 06:31 |
xerxas | :) | 06:31 |
vbgunz | nerp: I just remembered why I cam here to ask about GPG... When I looked for GPG in synaptic everything but *GPG* came back... Should I just apt-get install GPG? | 06:31 |
Wipe-Out | i need it to get internet working on my friggin laptop | 06:31 |
d2dchat | FlyingSquirrel32, I would suggest you tell them to provide more saving options, like include headers, dont include headers, etc. | 06:31 |
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Seveas | Wipe-Out, wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetupNdiswrapper | 06:31 |
linuxmonkey | nerp, you still here | 06:32 |
Wipe-Out | tried it same result | 06:32 |
d2dchat | FlyingSquirrel32, the capability to do what you want is there, it is just as advanced as it needs to be | 06:32 |
Wipe-Out | how can i make sure gcc is found? | 06:32 |
nerp | yes i'm here.. | 06:32 |
Seveas | Wipe-Out, DON'T COMPILE IT | 06:32 |
nerp | hang tight in like 17 channels on 5 different nets | 06:32 |
nerp | messeges are backing up :P | 06:32 |
Seveas | apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils | 06:32 |
Wipe-Out | Seveas: why? | 06:33 |
vbgunz | xerxas: how do I install GPG? | 06:33 |
linuxmonkey | ok i got heardy and going to upgrade to breezy, any word of advice | 06:33 |
Seveas | Wipe-Out, read what I said: ubuntu comes with ndiswrapper | 06:33 |
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B_166-ER-X | i have installer bit-tornado but it doesnt show up anywwhere, and dont offer me to open torrents with it at download...help ? | 06:33 |
Answer | linuxmonkey: image your harddrive first for a backup :) | 06:33 |
Seveas | linuxmonkey, yeah, just do it :) | 06:33 |
Wipe-Out | yeah but 1.1 is more buggy then 1.3 | 06:33 |
nerp | vbgunz, i can't recall ecact package name, synaptic search in "descriptions and names " gpg hould have a result | 06:33 |
nerp | linuxmonkey, what was the question | 06:33 |
vbgunz | I just tried apt-get as i couldn't find GPG... "Package gpg is not available, but is referred to by another package." | 06:33 |
d2dchat | ompaul, I mean because updating using spm is nice and convient, but when they release things so slowly, its not good to rely on and i have to manually build/compile everything | 06:33 |
ompaul | d2dchat, wrong question, it is forked every six months, but ask yourself when will 2.2.8 or higher move into debian sid and get accepted as working with all sorts of stuff, then it will be in the ubuntu after that, you do realise that a x.x.x point increase is a very small change? | 06:33 |
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vbgunz | I don't want to experiment right now... I really want to be on point with it... | 06:34 |
xerxas | vbgunz: apt-get install gpg | 06:34 |
twoSharp | how to install vmware on breezy? | 06:34 |
ompaul | d2dchat, this is not a distro where you build everything, you may have mixed it up with gentoo | 06:34 |
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JloR | Does anyone know approximately how long resizing of a 40gb partition (where 7gb is used for WinXP) will take during the Ubuntu installation? | 06:34 |
linuxmonkey | nerp, im going to upgrade to breezy from hoardy, you got any word of advice, other than folling instructions on website | 06:34 |
rob_p | vbgunz: apt-get install gnupg | 06:34 |
d2dchat | ompaul, I've heard that Adobe Illustrator files work in 2.2.8 and not in 2.2.2 and i KNOW for a fact that RubyGems doesn't like the current version of Ruby released on spm | 06:34 |
ompaul | d2dchat, once you do that how to you keep your system bug free? | 06:34 |
vbgunz | xerxas: i just did that "sudo apt-get install gpg" Response was: "Package gpg is not available, but is referred to by another package." | 06:34 |
vbgunz | oh sorry | 06:34 |
nerp | linuxmonkey, if you have a fast connection I would grab the iso, burn and upgrade that way there may be a million packages to download via net.. upgrade could take ages | 06:34 |
ompaul | spm ? | 06:34 |
vbgunz | I didn't try "gnupg" | 06:35 |
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vbgunz | didn't think of that | 06:35 |
rob_p | :) | 06:35 |
Seveas | vbgunz, gpg is installed by default | 06:35 |
Wipe-Out | still guys if i want to compile stuff i'll need gcc to work so how can i make sure it's going to be found? | 06:35 |
B_166-ER-X | i have installer bit-tornado but it doesnt show up anywwhere, and dont offer me to open torrents with it at download...help ? | 06:35 |
d2dchat | ompaul, synaptic package manager | 06:35 |
Cryptid | Suggest software for improving desktop look like Gdesklets( since i know this sugesst some thing else which is good and works for sure) | 06:35 |
B_166-ER-X | installed. | 06:35 |
jjazz | Wipe-Out: apt-get install build-essential | 06:35 |
linuxmonkey | nerp, I did download the image however i'm out of cd-r's | 06:35 |
vbgunz | Seveas: haha, thanks and thanks rob_p... it is installed by default | 06:35 |
ompaul | d2dchat, why do you need such current things? | 06:35 |
Wipe-Out | jjazz: did that as well, didn;t work | 06:35 |
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nerp | linuxmonkey, go get some! | 06:36 |
Wipe-Out | i'm using 5.10 btw | 06:36 |
d2dchat | a client of mine sent me these pdfs and adobe illustrator files to base off of and extract images from for their website | 06:36 |
vbgunz | I have a question of opinion for GPG... whats a better GUI for GPG? CLI, GPA or Seahorse? | 06:36 |
Seveas | vbgunz, cli is the most powerful, seahorse is weird, gpa is ok | 06:36 |
dooglus | nerp: downloading the ISO is bound to be more of a download than upgrading just the packages he needs | 06:36 |
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d2dchat | ompaul, and not being about the use RubyGems on Ruby made it useless | 06:36 |
dooglus | nerp: the ISO includes some stuff he doesn't need | 06:36 |
JloR | Does anyone know approximately how long resizing of a 40gb partition (where 7gb is used for WinXP) will take during the Ubuntu installation? It's been 6 minutes since I last saw any sign of life from my Ubuntu install (the preview one).. And my PC just looks dead, no lights flickering, no activity on the CDrom drive, no nothing - but the blue screen from the installer.. How long can I expect to wait? | 06:36 |
linuxmonkey | nerp, I would but i'm broke, i'm moving in 3 days. lol | 06:36 |
bannerman | Can anyone help me with the proprietary ati drive on 5.10 preview? Everything seems to load fine, but fglrxinfo still shows Mesa | 06:36 |
jjazz | Wipe-Out: locate gcc | 06:36 |
Amaranth | vbgunz: I always used kgpg | 06:36 |
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jjazz | Wipe-Out: or do whereis gcc | 06:37 |
nerp | linuxmonkey, upgrade via the net then! | 06:37 |
d2dchat | ompaul, not able to* | 06:37 |
Wipe-Out | jjazz: and that will fix my command not found error? | 06:37 |
Seveas | !tell bannerman about ati | 06:37 |
jjazz | Wipe-Out: It should come back as /usr/bin/gcc | 06:37 |
Wipe-Out | i'm n00b don;t know how to set up a path | 06:37 |
jjazz | Wipe-Out: What happens when you do 'whereis gcc'? | 06:37 |
=== XHK [i=HKinks@84-50-138-250-dsl.rkv.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vbgunz | Amaranth: I understand kgpg is built for KDE... *but* I think I understand anything made for KDE could still work on GNOME and without much problem *or* is it simlpe recommended I get the GNOME support version? | 06:37 |
d2dchat | ompaul, i guess everything would be solved if i could get adobe PSCS2 running on ubuntu but Wine failed on me | 06:37 |
bannerman | Seveas: I've been through the howto about 5 times now, but thank you. | 06:38 |
Amaranth | vbgunz: it works fine in GNOME | 06:38 |
d2dchat | ompaul, (besides the ruby problem) | 06:38 |
Wipe-Out | jjazz: i'll have to try and reboot the system | 06:38 |
linuxmonkey | brb upgrading | 06:38 |
jjazz | Wipe-Out: why reboot? | 06:38 |
Seveas | vbgunz, just get gpa :) | 06:38 |
slibs | im trying to install latest fluxbox, should the process go like this "./configure" "make install" and "make", and then it should be installed and selectable from gdm? | 06:38 |
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Amaranth | vbgunz: it even minimizes to the notification area (system tray) | 06:38 |
Seveas | slibs, no | 06:38 |
xerxas | vbgunz: don't know, I running breezy here | 06:38 |
jjazz | slibs: The process should probably go apt-get install fluxbox ;) | 06:38 |
XHK | How to set up internet in ubuntu when i got dsl connection? | 06:38 |
xerxas | sorry | 06:38 |
slibs | jjazz: i wan't the latest version, not stable version | 06:39 |
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Wipe-Out | jjazz: multi boot system ubuntu is isnstalled on this laptop | 06:39 |
Wipe-Out | brb | 06:39 |
vbgunz | Seveas: I was thinking about GPA... Just thought I ask about KDE specialized apps... It's just still being new and amidst the silent desktop war... Well, I need to know if KDE apps work well in GNOME... thought I ask ;) | 06:39 |
XHK | How to set up internet in ubuntu when i got dsl connection? Please help me =/ | 06:39 |
slibs | Seveas: can you tell me what im missing? | 06:39 |
jjazz | slibs: You go on with your bad self, then. | 06:39 |
Seveas | vbgunz, they work, but your selling your soul to the devil if you use them ;) | 06:39 |
d2dchat | XHK, that should just be automatic:-P | 06:40 |
d2dchat | XHK, unless your ISP is down | 06:40 |
Seveas | slibs, you probably miss all the headers | 06:40 |
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XHK | hmn | 06:40 |
slibs | okay... | 06:40 |
Seveas | and given that you need to ask, you miss the knowledge to complete this successfully | 06:40 |
jjazz | vbgunz: You can run KDE apps in Gnome, but then you have the overhead of loading both Gnome and KDE libs. That's why most people stick to one or the other. | 06:40 |
dmacdonald111 | yes! registered! | 06:40 |
d2dchat | XHK, or your LAN cables arent connected properly or whatever | 06:40 |
JloR | Hmm, waiting on the 10th minute now - is it normal for a machine to stop working when resizing partitions during install? | 06:40 |
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slibs | Seveas: well then i just search a tutorial for this :/ | 06:40 |
vbgunz | jjazz: ahh, is that the truth? | 06:40 |
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Kuolio | XHK: do you have a pci-modem or external modem that is connected to your pc's network controller? | 06:41 |
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Kuolio | XHK: *dsl-modem that is | 06:41 |
ompaul | d2dchat, having a look at gems not something I have used - did a few lines in ruby once :) | 06:41 |
jjazz | vbgunz: No, it's a vicious pack of lies, but it sounded believable, didn't it? :P | 06:41 |
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d2dchat | ompaul, ;) its not really a practical language quite yet, but hopefully it will be soon | 06:41 |
Seveas | jjazz, rofl :) | 06:41 |
vbgunz | jjazz: haha yeah :P | 06:42 |
=== no_gatez_fan [n=patrick@cpe-069-132-008-089.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cryptid | !!!!!!!!!!!!Suggest software for improving desktop look like Gdesklets( since i know this sugesst some thing else which is good and works for sure)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 06:42 |
ubotu | Cryptid: what are you talking about? | 06:42 |
dmacdonald111 | so if I install ubuntu & gnome over mepis & gnome, will it keep my settings or would I need to copy these somewhere? | 06:42 |
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Seveas | Cryptid, drop the exclamation marks... | 06:42 |
JloR | Cryptid: XFCE4 | 06:42 |
Cryptid | JloR, is XFCE4 good | 06:42 |
Seveas | and be polite when you ask things... | 06:42 |
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JloR | It's the only window manager I'll ever use. | 06:43 |
=== Draucon [n=Draucon@dialup-free-48.NMSU.Edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JloR | bbl | 06:43 |
Cryptid | Seveas, sorry :-( | 06:43 |
B_166-ER-X | I want to know where is my bit tornado :| | 06:43 |
Cryptid | JloR, oh can u direct me to some screen shots | 06:43 |
Answer | Cryptid: Are you trying to ask how to customize your desktop? | 06:43 |
=== gnuLame [n=alain@aqu33-4-82-233-52-102.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cryptid | Answer, Yes | 06:43 |
vbgunz | I have just tried to "sudo apt-get install gpa"... instead of going straight for the net, i am being asked for my Breezy CD... How do I if I wish, avoid use of the CD and get it from the net? | 06:43 |
adl | Cryptid: (super)karamba maybe if you're using kde | 06:43 |
Cryptid | adl, i am using Gnome | 06:44 |
bannerman | Seavas: Would you be willing to look at my configs and logs on pastebin? Pretty sure I've got the pertinent information here: http://pastebin.ca/24041 | 06:44 |
jjazz | vbgunz: Remove the line referring to the CD from /etc/apt/sources.list. It should be the first line or two. | 06:44 |
adl | and gdesklets are no option? | 06:44 |
Strog | B_166-ER-X: Where did you last see it? :) | 06:44 |
vbgunz | jjazz: thanks! | 06:44 |
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jjazz | vbgunz: Then do apt-get update and retry your apt-get install. | 06:44 |
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Strog | I see bittornado on my breezy machine | 06:44 |
Cryptid | adl, i tried using it but half the desklets dont work (they are not translucent) & the starter Bar dosent work :-( | 06:45 |
vbgunz | jjazz: I am not doing that, I just wanted to know... I figure if I learn up to and no more (as there is no rush) just three Linux commands a day... by the end of the year 1,100 commands ;) | 06:45 |
jjazz | I've never really understood why people want transparent windows and widgets. Don't they make it harder to see things and thus make your desktop less functional? | 06:46 |
adl | Cryptid, i didnt work a lot with gdesklets, was just fooling around with them but decided that i dont want to use them ... | 06:46 |
ompaul | d2dchat, so your ruby question is almost hypothetical, well it looks to me like it is manual install and build, of those maybe you would like to manage the package building of them and provide debs for use with ubuntu | 06:46 |
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vbgunz | then I'll smoke somthing that'll blow all those braincells away so if you do the subtraction... I'll know about 43... | 06:46 |
vbgunz | thanks! | 06:46 |
adl | Cryptid, maybe gkrellm would do the job for you? | 06:46 |
Cryptid | adl, so u know ne program which will make my Ubuntu Look Better | 06:46 |
d2dchat | ompaul, yea, i had to manually install and build it.. and how would i go about doing that? because i wouldnt mind it;) | 06:47 |
Cryptid | adl , gkrellm wat is that | 06:47 |
adl | Cryptid, but also i dont know if its possible to get everything done with it | 06:47 |
B_166-ER-X | Strog, i installed it, but its not showing up anywhere | 06:47 |
vbgunz | Cryptid... Why not go to www.gnome-look.org and customize your Ubuntu starting there | 06:47 |
adl | Cryptid, afaik gkrellm is somewhat older than gdesklets ... but some of my friends dont want to use anything else | 06:47 |
=== RockyBurt [i=[U2FsdGV@rapier.serverzen.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Answer | B_166-ER-X : try the commands locate, whereis, find | 06:47 |
=== spayne [n=spayne@i-195-137-120-148.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vbgunz | then *or* go to www.gnome.org first and start there | 06:47 |
butcherbird | Cryptid, fluxbox makes ubuntu look pretty nice :p | 06:48 |
ompaul | d2dchat, nip into #ubuntu-desktop and say what you did and ask there, I am not much use to you, but I can see useful when it happens :) | 06:48 |
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RockyBurt | hm... has anyone noticed that the fonts on ubuntu 5.10 preview are not good out of the box? or is it just me? | 06:48 |
vbgunz | I made my Ubuntu look so sweet that I swore up and down and to everyone since I started playing with Ubuntu that i thought Linux would never look so good... | 06:48 |
=== keikoz bjour tous | ||
Cryptid | adl, did u use gkrellm and how much will u rate when compared to Gdesklets | 06:48 |
bipolar | Seveas, I cant find a way to browse the packages. I keep getting redirected to /index.html, and thats all wget can download. Is there a trick I can use to get a copy I can mirror? | 06:48 |
WhiteRabbit | keikoz, ihop? | 06:48 |
keikoz | sorry ? | 06:48 |
WhiteRabbit | yes you are | 06:48 |
=== infinito [n=infinito@75.Red-80-59-227.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
d2dchat | ompaul, haha | 06:48 |
ompaul | :) | 06:49 |
keikoz | ... | 06:49 |
B_166-ER-X | Strog , Answer ; the only time i can see that its there is by a ls -la | 06:49 |
Cryptid | Butcherbird, Flux box makes it look better than Gnome???can u direct me to some screenshots. | 06:49 |
adl | Cryptid, i think gdesklets is more powerful but i only spent one afternoon on this stuff ... | 06:49 |
Belutz | ompaul, are you coming to the meeting? | 06:49 |
bannerman | Can anyone help me? ATI driver, 5.10, seems to be working but still shows Mesa in fglrxinfo... I've spent about 10 hours on this, been through several howto's. Pastebin with logs and confs: http://pastebin.ca/24041 | 06:49 |
slibs | any tips for making mkv videos working?, im still stuck with them :) | 06:49 |
adl | Crypti, decided not to use it coz my desktop is never free to see anyway ;) | 06:49 |
ompaul | Belutz, no | 06:49 |
^DodGeR^ | has anyone managed to get e17 working on ubuntu ? there a howto or some such ? | 06:49 |
Cryptid | vbgunz, i tried every thing on the site and how i am tired ofthem all i have used almost all the themes and icon and skins on that site | 06:50 |
ompaul | Belutz, for the next couple of hours food then local FSF meeting | 06:50 |
Answer | B_166-ER-X: How did you install it exactly? | 06:50 |
Belutz | ^DodGeR^, there's a how to in the forum | 06:50 |
slibs | ^DodGeR^: yes the'r many in the forum | 06:50 |
Belutz | ompaul, what is FSF? | 06:50 |
butcherbird | Cryptid, I was mostly joking. black and flux take a little more work but I do prefer my desktop to gnome | 06:50 |
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B_166-ER-X | Answer ; synaptic | 06:50 |
^DodGeR^ | sweet thanks | 06:50 |
ompaul | free software foundation | 06:50 |
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adl | Cryptid, www.gkrellm.net | 06:50 |
Belutz | yup, gkrellm is good :D | 06:50 |
ompaul | d2dchat, actually there is a good page on doing that on the wiki.ubuntu.com site | 06:51 |
Answer | B_166-ER-X: Try removing and reinstalling, it should appear if you did it with Synaptic | 06:51 |
vbgunz | Cryptid: I made my Ubuntu look good to my taste... I thought it was very customizable... what is it about it you don't like? | 06:51 |
YattaMaX | [QUESTION] : how to modify the *boot procedure* of the Ubuntu Live CD ? (please reply me writing my nick in the answer or in private....thanks) | 06:51 |
YattaMaX | I have to customizating the Ubuntu Live CD for a *blind* user, therefore I have to limit any question on boot (FIRST that X or GDM starting) .....carefully the screen resolution question on boot. anyone can help me ? | 06:51 |
Belutz | ^DodGeR^, check this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=e70f685f411f8f06c777cfd308348df5&t=30525 | 06:51 |
=== annod [n=Andrew@cpe-69-207-46-143.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
d2dchat | ompaul, yea there are 30 ppl in the desktop channel, im not sure if they're awake | 06:51 |
dmacdonald111 | Belutz: I agree! I swear by gkrellm. Love all the skins too :) | 06:51 |
twoSharp | I get an error when installing vmware in breezy. it says kernel compiled with gcc 3.4.5 and i try to use 4.0.2... what can i do to fix it? | 06:51 |
butcherbird | Cryptid, the faq at art.gnome.org is a good place to start | 06:51 |
ompaul | d2dchat, ahh they could be in .au okay | 06:51 |
Cryptid | butcherbird, ok i will see that site | 06:52 |
vbgunz | YattaMaX: the live disc doesn't ask much | 06:52 |
ompaul | d2dchat, but in this kind of thing hang about for 30 mins see if you get a reply | 06:52 |
bipolar | twoSharp, use the CC veriable | 06:52 |
vbgunz | tell your buddy to hit enter three times... | 06:52 |
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B_166-ER-X | Answer ; still not showing up in menus or choice of programs to use | 06:52 |
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ompaul | d2dchat, lurking in channels is and having a look when you can is usual | 06:52 |
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annod | how much longer till the next version is officially released? | 06:52 |
bipolar | twoSharp, CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4 vmware-config or some such | 06:53 |
ompaul | d2dchat, lurking in channels is [usual] and having a look when you can is usual | 06:53 |
Answer | october 13th is the next release date | 06:53 |
d2dchat | ompaul, lol its like Chatmail? | 06:53 |
dooglus | annod: 16 days | 06:53 |
ompaul | d2dchat, don't know that | 06:53 |
=== pvanhoof [n=pvanhoof@d5153F60A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Strog | B_166-ER-X: I see btdownloadgui.bittornado in /usr/bin. Try that from a terminal | 06:54 |
Answer | B_166-ER-X: Can you launch the binary from the command line? | 06:54 |
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rosh | hello everyone | 06:54 |
YattaMaX | vbgunz: ? | 06:55 |
rosh | anyone know of a dc client for ubuntu? | 06:55 |
groovehunter | i installed kubuntu-desktop on a fresh ubuntu hoary via apt-get, set kdm as dm in the dialog. When i reboot will it start kde ? | 06:55 |
puff | Morning. | 06:55 |
d2dchat | ompaul, I made it up, like you msg and wait for a day for a response;) | 06:55 |
Cryptid | What is Metacity and what is Gtk ? | 06:55 |
vbgunz | YattaMaX: whatsup? | 06:55 |
puff | rosh: DHCP client? dhclient3? | 06:55 |
rosh | direct conect protocol I mean :) | 06:55 |
groovehunter | I cant test it, cause i did it for my via ssh | 06:55 |
rosh | connect* | 06:55 |
vbgunz | metaicity is the overall look I believe and GTk is the controls on forms | 06:55 |
Answer | B_166-ER-X: In Synaptic if you click on the package and look at the Properties you should be able to see all the files it installed | 06:55 |
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ompaul | d2dchat, ahh | 06:55 |
groovehunter | for my dad | 06:56 |
B_166-ER-X | hm | 06:56 |
YattaMaX | what do you want tell ? | 06:56 |
YattaMaX | vbgunz: what do you want tell ? | 06:56 |
twoSharp | bipolar should i write "CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4 vmware-config" in terminal? | 06:56 |
YattaMaX | (sorry, but my english is orrible) | 06:56 |
rosh | no such thing, huh? | 06:57 |
vbgunz | YattaMaX: I didn't want to tell anything... I did say earlier, that you probably shouldn't worry about removing those questions from the live CD... you can consider it a small test on there part to see if Linux is for them... if they can't handle those prompts (very easy *but* maybe not eye pleasing) linux might not be for them... | 06:57 |
bannerman | Is there a better channel with people who can help with driver problems? | 06:57 |
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[LethAL] | Drivers for what, bannerman | 06:58 |
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B_166-ER-X | it works en entering the full command : r:/usr/bin$ btdownloadgui.bittornado but its not in the menus anywhere | 06:58 |
bannerman | ATI drivers, on ubuntu 5.10 | 06:58 |
B_166-ER-X | not very useful | 06:58 |
vbgunz | Seveas: does GPA have a menu item? where would I select it from? I am currently using Alt+F2 | 06:58 |
[LethAL] | bannerman, Ah, I've never used ATi cards | 06:58 |
ompaul | !tell bannerman about ati | 06:59 |
ompaul | bannerman, see what ubotu sent you | 06:59 |
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bannerman | ompaul: thanks, I've been through both of those about 5 times now. | 06:59 |
vbgunz | is there anyway to encrypt the Ubuntu partition? | 06:59 |
=== annod [n=Andrew@cpe-69-207-46-143.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Answer | B_16-ER-X: Just right click on the menu and say "Add to PAnel" Custom Application Launcher, and point it to /usr/bin/btmaketorrentgui | 06:59 |
bipolar | twoSharp, the CC veriable should point to the version of gcc you want to use. | 06:59 |
bannerman | They're both pretty straight forward | 06:59 |
foampeace | vbgunz: why? | 06:59 |
Answer | B_166-ER-X: Just right click on the menu and say "Add to PAnel" Custom Application Launcher, and point it to /usr/bin/btmaketorrentgui | 06:59 |
foampeace | vbgunz: just interested | 07:00 |
scanwinder | is there a way to use an older version of a deb in apt.....i want to install an older version of font config and i cannot remove it first because of the other stuff it also removes | 07:00 |
ompaul | bannerman, I strongly suggest you complain to ati about not delivering good enough specs to the free software community so that good drivers can be written | 07:00 |
bannerman | ompaul: Sure, I'll do that. In the meantime, I'd really like to use ubuntu, and 3d hardware acceleration | 07:00 |
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vbgunz | foampeace... i don't live in heaven although I wish I did... if someone broke into my house and stole my PCs i wouldn't want then getting into my information... Just curious as I use to encrypt my whole disk with PGP desktop 9 but am trying to get away from that... Any alternatives for Ubuntu? | 07:01 |
foampeace | vbgunz: so others cant see the files? | 07:01 |
Answer | vbgunz: the government has a new technology that can read the data from any magnetic tape drive remotely, they don't even have to physically steal your pc anymore | 07:02 |
rosh | How do i correct the port used by BitTorrent? I mean which config file should i edit? | 07:02 |
ompaul | bannerman, what I have noticed is that most other people who get a look at that seem to have no problems is it possible that you should try a clean install with those drivers in hand and a print out of the page and see if that helps | 07:02 |
foampeace | Answer: hows that? | 07:02 |
=== LokeDK [i=loke@216-55-137-12.dedicated.abac.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== boxerboy29 [n=boxerboy@adsl-144-177-44.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Answer | foampeace: data-stealing-gammaray | 07:02 |
LokeDK | Isn't there going to be an update for gaim? 1.5.0 would be nice | 07:02 |
bannerman | ompaul: I've done exactly that. About 5 times. | 07:02 |
foampeace | Answer: hows that work? | 07:03 |
[LethAL] | LokeDK, It's allready in breezy | 07:03 |
vbgunz | Answer: I wasn't talking about the Government :) Just I do not trust my neighborhood and just if ever I had to lose my PC I don't mind as I made backups and hide them... I got nothing to hide, i just don't want my private information in the wrong hands | 07:03 |
vbgunz | ever... | 07:03 |
boxerboy29 | <<learnign why i love ubuntu so much | 07:03 |
rob_p | vbgunz: Many would call you paranoid... I think you' | 07:04 |
LokeDK | [LethAL] , For hoary then? Not gonna upgrade before it's stable | 07:04 |
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rob_p | vbgunz: ...oops! | 07:04 |
rob_p | vbgunz: I think you are wise! | 07:04 |
[LethAL] | LokeDK, you could download the deb file from the site and install it with dpkg... | 07:04 |
[LethAL] | LokeDK, Although 2 weeks isn't that long... | 07:04 |
ompaul | bannerman, what does this say >>grep ati /etc/X11/xorg.conf<< | 07:04 |
vbgunz | rop_p I have thousands of accounts on my PC... I don't need them falling into the wrong hands ever... you can and the world can say whatever they want... Is there a way to encrypt the information so no one could ever access it but me? | 07:05 |
Answer | How to ls for only directories? | 07:05 |
foampeace | vbgunz: what about ccrypt...dont ask me what it is | 07:05 |
ompaul | bannerman, only copy one line | 07:05 |
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LokeDK | Is breezy going to be released in two weeks [LethAL] ? thought it was.. uhm 23rd of October? | 07:05 |
boxerboy29 | it seems pretty much stable now but they cant say it is and im just meaning on my pc | 07:05 |
rob_p | vbgunz: Maybe you misunderstood me... I am agreeing with you! :-) | 07:05 |
ompaul | !breezy | 07:05 |
Answer | How to ls for only directories? | 07:05 |
ubotu | The guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 07:05 |
[LethAL] | LokeDK, 13th | 07:05 |
LokeDK | Oh okay | 07:06 |
vbgunz | rob_p: I am sorry :( It is just if I have to lose my pc I have no problem with it... I just cannot lose my life as I have digitized it... | 07:06 |
Answer | How to ls for only directories? | 07:06 |
LokeDK | guess I can wait then | 07:06 |
Mose` | yo | 07:06 |
ompaul | Answer, first ask once | 07:06 |
ompaul | Answer, second ls -l | 07:06 |
ompaul | Answer, second ls -d aorry | 07:06 |
foampeace | i cant find the quake3 arena point release for linux...where am i gonna find that | 07:06 |
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Answer | ompaul: ls -d does not show all the directories | 07:07 |
vbgunz | I just thought I ask... I just don't know where to begin and thought Linux being so security savvy would have an option like that built in... I just thought I ask... | 07:07 |
rob_p | vbgunz: You can encrypt the whole filesystem or just parts of it. The choice is up to you. Personally, I only encrypt my sensitive data and not the entire filesystem. | 07:07 |
boxerboy29 | lokedk: you can order the breezy cds now and they willl ship a pressed cd after it is released | 07:07 |
JDahl | vbgunz, maybe you should look at filesystems/fileservers with encryption (e.g., openAFS) | 07:07 |
LokeDK | boxerboy29, Ah cool... I'm gonna do that | 07:07 |
ompaul | Answer, are some of them symbolic links? | 07:07 |
Answer | ompaul: All of them must be :/ | 07:08 |
twoSharp | What package contains the C Headers? | 07:08 |
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JDahl | vbgunz, but a word of caution: it's going to take a long time to setup and understand | 07:08 |
ompaul | Answer, well try this first ls -ad | 07:08 |
LokeDK | Seems like there's a new ShipIt system, can I use my old login? | 07:08 |
boxerboy29 | i couldnt | 07:08 |
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vbgunz | rob_p, how then do you encrypt just your sensitive data ... not in a archive but sort of like on the fly off the fly encryption? | 07:09 |
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Answer | ompaul: the only thing it's showing me is . | 07:09 |
AstralJava | ompaul: Here's what i get: jaska@jjod600n:~$ ls -ad | 07:09 |
AstralJava | . | 07:09 |
zAo^ | breezy still slow? | 07:09 |
kamiro87 | hey. someone told me you can write to serial ports as if they where files. is this true and how would i do it? | 07:09 |
boxerboy29 | slow? | 07:09 |
kamiro87 | just echo to some file? | 07:09 |
vbgunz | JDahl: thanks but can I still use Breezy with those File systems? | 07:09 |
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twoSharp | bipolar: thanks but what package contains the c headers? | 07:09 |
AstralJava | ompaul: Sorry, meant to add another line break there... | 07:09 |
JDahl | vbgunz, yes | 07:09 |
zAo^ | boxerboy29, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=373585&posted=1 | 07:09 |
boxerboy29 | ty | 07:09 |
debugger | kamiro87, thats right. search for the "serial port howto" on google. | 07:09 |
boxerboy29 | ill look | 07:09 |
rob_p | vbgunz: http://koeln.ccc.de/archiv/drt/crypto/linux-disk.html | 07:10 |
kamiro87 | thankyou | 07:10 |
Dr_Willis | kamiro87, echo 'atdt123' > /dev/serialportyawanbt | 07:10 |
vbgunz | JDahl: I assume you mentioning it wouldn't be easy... I am guessing, it is not like setting up EXT3? | 07:10 |
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erchache | how i can put colors on vim to php syntax? | 07:10 |
Answer | I want the equivalent LS command for dir /ad in dos | 07:10 |
vbgunz | rob_p: thank you man! | 07:10 |
bipolar | twoSharp, kernel-headers I think. | 07:10 |
rob_p | vbgunz: no prob... good luck with it! | 07:10 |
twoSharp | bipolar: thanks =) | 07:10 |
zAo^ | Answer, what does dir /ad show you? read manual? man ls | 07:11 |
bipolar | twoSharp, linux-kernel-headers | 07:11 |
JDahl | vbgunz, not all... it's a fileserver you install on your machine; whether you have ext2, ext3, vfat32 or whatever doesnt matter | 07:11 |
Answer | zAo^: dir /ad shows only directories. I read the man page. | 07:11 |
ompaul | Answer, AstralJava the man page seems to be wrong hmm must look at this | 07:11 |
puff | Now that's odd... ubuntu just froze up on me... still had a video image of the desktop, but absolutely nothing I could do got any reaction, including trying to shift to the f1/f2/f3 terminals, and ctrl-alt-delete. Finally had to hold down the power button. | 07:11 |
zAo^ | Answer, ls -ld * | 07:11 |
Answer | puff: I think it's ctrl+alt+f1 on mine | 07:11 |
twoSharp | bipolar: i guessed so :) | 07:12 |
Answer | zAo^: ls -ld * shows all the contents. I only want directories | 07:12 |
=== mumbles [i=mumbles@cpc2-bror1-6-0-cust74.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vbgunz | JDahl: oh ok, thank you... I will look into all options as soon as I have migrated over completely... I should be doing it before hand but thought now be a good time to start looking into it... | 07:12 |
bannerman | ompaul: nothing, no ati | 07:12 |
mumbles | herm.. apt-gettign kde is bloady long | 07:12 |
bannerman | ompaul: I've compiled everything I can think of that is pertinent in a pastebin: http://pastebin.ca/24041 | 07:12 |
snorks | mumbles: you should try to emerge kde | 07:13 |
snorks | mumbles: that would be twice as long | 07:13 |
mumbles | :p | 07:13 |
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boxerboy29 | ive been using linuxquestions.org so much i forgot i was a member at ubuntuforums :( | 07:14 |
ompaul | bannerman, the second half of that page gives a lot of troubleshooting info anything from there? | 07:14 |
puff | Answer: Yeah, I tried ctrl-alt-f1, shift-ctrl-alt-f1, alt-shift-f1, etc. | 07:15 |
bannerman | ompaul: second half of which page? | 07:15 |
puff | Answer: I was pretty sure it was ctrl-alt-f1 when you're in X, but I tried the others just to be sure. I *hate* rebooting. | 07:15 |
ompaul | bannerman, the ati page | 07:15 |
jkrogh | The system fails to bring up the network after hibernation (breezy), which package should the bug be filed against? | 07:16 |
B_166-ER-X | F7 and F8 ? | 07:16 |
=== spiral [n=spiral@laf31-2-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
puff | jkrogh: swsusp, maybe? I've had similar issues, specifically with 802.11, not with wired. | 07:16 |
puff | jkrogh: I've found that modprobe -r ipw2200, modprobe ipw2200, typically brings it back. | 07:16 |
bannerman | grep ati /etc/X11/xorg.conf returns zero lines | 07:16 |
spiral | hi | 07:17 |
jkrogh | Both the wired and the wireless fails.. | 07:17 |
puff | BUT... the wireless (at that point) *still* doesn't show up in ifconfig output, I have to use the little networknig GUI applet. | 07:17 |
=== KasperTech [n=do@D40AD3EF.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
snorks | ctrl+alt+cursor left/right works | 07:17 |
bannerman | grp fglrx /etc/X11/xorg.conf returns Driver "fglrx" | 07:17 |
puff | Check dmesg? | 07:17 |
ompaul | bannerman, fglrxinfo into pastebin | 07:17 |
bannerman | http://pastebin.ca/24041 | 07:18 |
KasperTech | Hi. How well does Ubuntu run on a laptop (Zepto) ? | 07:18 |
njan | KasperTech, how long is a piece of string? | 07:18 |
d2dchat | when upgrading to breezy, do i need to change the top line to breezy too? the one about cdrom? | 07:18 |
njan | KasperTech, it depends on the laptop. | 07:18 |
njan | KasperTech, but as well as any other newish linux distro. | 07:18 |
KasperTech | njan: I see, if I could deliver some specs? | 07:18 |
puff | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/ThinkpadR52 | 07:18 |
KasperTech | Then it'd be easier to help me out, right. | 07:18 |
d2dchat | deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.04 _breezy Hedgehog_ - Release i386 (20050407)] / breezy main restricted | 07:19 |
d2dchat | that one^ | 07:19 |
puff | whoops, wrong URL I think; http://www.wahlau.org/so_far_so_good_but | 07:19 |
=== RuffianSoldier [i=user@cpe-24-209-106-36.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
d2dchat | make it 5.10 _breezy ? | 07:19 |
ompaul | bannerman, OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc. .... is what should be there that means your | 07:19 |
keikoz | do somebody knows what can do all that lines in my dmesg? : http://ubuntu-fr.pastebin.com/375930 | 07:19 |
Kuolio | breezy is working a lot better on my lappy then hoary ever has | 07:19 |
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puff | jkrogh: I'm pretty sure that swsusp is the package that does this stuff. | 07:19 |
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ompaul | bannerman, that means that the first part of the getting of the driver is not right | 07:19 |
puff | Kuolio: I'm looking forward to upgrading. | 07:19 |
bannerman | ompaul: I'm aware of that. No offense, but it seems that I know as much about this as the people here at te moment :( | 07:19 |
bannerman | ompaul: thanks a lot for your help though man | 07:20 |
ompaul | bannerman, well it means that the apt-get did not work | 07:20 |
Kuolio | today, for the 1st time ever, i got powernowd working \o/ | 07:20 |
bannerman | ompaul: the apt-get worked fine. | 07:20 |
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d2dchat | is there any documentation for upgrading from hoary to breezy? | 07:21 |
bannerman | ompaul: If you read down, you'll see in dmesg that the fglrx module is loaded, and in Xorg.0.log, the last fglrx line is "(II) fglrx(0): Direct rendering enabled" | 07:21 |
ompaul | d2dchat, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 07:22 |
d2dchat | ompaul, thanks | 07:22 |
godric | does anyone know of a php5 repository for ubuntu? | 07:22 |
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ompaul | bannerman, look at line 208 is that your hardware? | 07:23 |
sig | whats the name of that program in gnome that zips, tars, etc... files? | 07:23 |
sig | file roller? | 07:23 |
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bannerman | ompaul: No. I run an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro. | 07:24 |
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ompaul | bannerman, interesting Chipset: "RADEON 9800 PRO (R350 4E48)" (Chipset = 0x4e48) | 07:24 |
Belutz | godric, it's in backport, but you could wait until breezy is released | 07:24 |
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Dr_Willis | Breezy works good on my laptop.. warty dident work worth a dang. | 07:24 |
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bannerman | ompaul: Retail Radeon 9800 Pro fro newegg | 07:25 |
bannerman | ompaul: about two months old | 07:25 |
larsrohdin | Is anyone here good at xfce4? I cant get anyone to answer in #xfce... | 07:25 |
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BurgerMann | Is there installed a ssh server with the server type installation? | 07:25 |
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din | larsrohdin: what's the problem? | 07:25 |
BurgerMann | default I mean | 07:25 |
KasperTech | Screen: 15" XGA+ Quality Screen. Processor: Intel P-M 1,733GHz Sonoma. RAM: 512MB DDR400/ PC3200. Harddisk: 40 GB 5400 rpms. Keyboard layout: DK (Danish) Tastatur. Optical unit: DVD-RW Dual Layer DVD-Burner. DVD/Burner software: Nero Express and WinDVD 4 software OEM. Wireless Network: Intel PRO/Wireless 54Mbit. O/S: No O/S. Service: 2 years Waranty. Safety software: 450 Dages Internet security Bullguard. kr 8.995,00 (equal to: 1456,21 American | 07:25 |
KasperTech | Njan. | 07:25 |
Belutz | BurgerMann, no, you have to install it | 07:25 |
BurgerMann | Belutz: thx | 07:26 |
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larsrohdin | I was wondering if it is possible to set an alias for a command in xfrun? like the alias in bashrc... | 07:26 |
mumbles | i get an error when i install kde | 07:26 |
Belutz | KasperTech, are you advertising a notebook? | 07:26 |
Dr_Willis | larsrohdin, just make a little script that works the same as the alias - is one way | 07:26 |
mumbles | will try problem later | 07:26 |
din | larsrohdin: sure, that's easy | 07:26 |
din | symlink | 07:26 |
larsrohdin | Dr_Willis, a script file in /usr/bin? | 07:27 |
din | ln -s /usr/bin/command_to_run /usr/bin/yourcommandname | 07:27 |
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Dr_Willis | larsrohdin, well each user can have their own /home/user/bin :P may be nicer | 07:27 |
ompaul | bannerman, look at line three says mesa that is what is confusing me according to the wiki it should say ati | 07:27 |
bannerman | ompaul: Yes, that's true. Getting that to say ATI is my goal :-P | 07:27 |
d2dchat | i need help going over my sources.list file | 07:28 |
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Belutz | d2dchat, what's the problem? | 07:28 |
d2dchat | well, i dont know what is valid and what isnt | 07:28 |
larsrohdin | din, ok but if i want the command to be 'rox /mnt/share' for example, does ln -s /usr/bin/command_to_run /usr/bin/yourcommandname, work then? | 07:28 |
KasperTech | Belutz: No, I'm trying to find out if it's a good one to buy, when I wish to run Ubuntu on it (with everything working) | 07:28 |
d2dchat | Belutz, can i send u the file's contents? | 07:28 |
din | larsrohdin: nope, here's what to do | 07:29 |
Belutz | d2dchat, paste your sources.list into the pastebin | 07:29 |
d2dchat | wheres thata gain? | 07:29 |
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din | edit /usr/bin/roxshare, and put that command in it | 07:29 |
Belutz | d2dchat, /topic | 07:29 |
ompaul | bannerman, I take it you have actually run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop and killed off the module and done the install with the system not running X (I believe you have done but may as well rule it out) | 07:29 |
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eMBee | good evening | 07:29 |
din | larsrohdin: then chmod +x /usr/bin/roxshare | 07:29 |
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ompaul | eMBee, it is indeed :) | 07:29 |
Belutz | KasperTech, i use NEC versa m540, ubuntu running just fine, except the built in card reader | 07:29 |
din | larsrohdin: roxshare being whatever command you want | 07:29 |
bannerman | ompaul: Yeah, did that. A few times :) | 07:29 |
godric | Belutz: What is the line for php5 in backports? | 07:29 |
ompaul | bannerman, had to check | 07:30 |
Belutz | godric, let me check | 07:30 |
eMBee | anyone here still running warty, willing to help me verify a bug with the latest mozilla firefox security upgrade? | 07:30 |
larsrohdin | din, ok just a script then... I was hoping for a easier way though | 07:30 |
bannerman | ompaul: Yeah. Anything you can think of, I'll try. | 07:30 |
bannerman | ompaul: At least twice. | 07:30 |
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SmittysWorking | This is so screwed up! My brand new Ubuntu install is doing the same thing yet again. i am logging in to GNOME, but all I get is a brown screen with a pointer. | 07:30 |
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ompaul | bannerman, very strange, I wonder is it just too new a card with some fuzzy bit of the card mucking with dpkg's mind | 07:31 |
godric | Belutz: I'm following this howto: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_5.04_p5 .... php5 should work even though they are talking about install php4... Right? | 07:32 |
ompaul | bannerman, by any chance is there onboard video? | 07:32 |
bannerman | ompaul: This time through, I'm using the driver from ATI. I used alien to convert from rpm to deb and installed it. | 07:32 |
bannerman | ompaul: Yes, I do have onboard video. | 07:32 |
eMBee | there is an advanced setting: "hide the tab bar when only one website is open", when i deactivate that, firefox is acting extremly wierd after i restart it | 07:32 |
ompaul | bannerman, and it is turned off? | 07:32 |
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bannerman | ompaul: No. There's no option to disable it in the bios. | 07:32 |
SmittysWorking | Can anyone offer some advice as to why my GNOME isnt loading correctly? | 07:32 |
ompaul | bannerman, whaaaaaaaaaa | 07:33 |
adl | SmittysWorking, nope, sorry | 07:33 |
bannerman | ompaul: Let's hear it for Intel. | 07:33 |
ompaul | bannerman, lets not | 07:33 |
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adl | SmittysWorking, whats wrong with your gnome? | 07:33 |
Belutz | godric, i just check, there is no php5 in backports, let me check that link | 07:33 |
bannerman | However, I have checked, and my ATI card (according to lspci) is 1:00.0: 0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon R350 [Radeon 9800 Pro] | 07:34 |
SmittysWorking | adl: I just finished installing Ubuntu onto my Laptop. No error messages. I log in to the GUI and I am greeted with a blank brown screen and a pointer. No bars, nothing. | 07:34 |
ompaul | bannerman, okay find out if there is a new bios for that mobo so that you can flash it | 07:34 |
Belutz | godric, you could read this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44082&highlight=php5 | 07:34 |
rob_p | SmittysWorking: What do your system logs say? There might be some clues as to what is hanging. | 07:34 |
bannerman | ompaul: Brilliant. | 07:34 |
adl | SmittysWorking, can you switch to a normal terminal (like with ctrl + alt + f1)? | 07:34 |
ompaul | bannerman, I do not believe at this point it is the software .. | 07:34 |
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SmittysWorking | adl: Yes, I am looking at the regular terminal now. | 07:35 |
Belutz | ompaul, what's driver does bannerman use? | 07:35 |
bannerman | ompaul: Indirectly, software is involved :-P the card works fine with other distributions of Linux, and with Windows. | 07:35 |
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whyameye | I can't install the firefox dev files. I get Depends: mozilla-firefox (=1.0.2-0ubuntu5) but 1.0.7-0ubuntu0.1 is to be installed | 07:35 |
ompaul | bannerman, so thats one theory junked | 07:35 |
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Belutz | whyameye, have you installed firefox from backports? | 07:36 |
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ompaul | bannerman, which versions of linux? | 07:36 |
butcherbird | SmittysWorking, out of curiosity breezy or hoary? | 07:36 |
adl | SmittysWorking, strange things in /var/log/gdm/ maybe? | 07:36 |
ompaul | Belutz, http://pastebin.ca/24041 | 07:36 |
whyameye | Belutz, this is the version of Firefox that installed with the install CD. It looks from the Depends error like the dev code is older than the binary? | 07:36 |
Belutz | whyameye, i think from that error, you should upgrade to mozilla-firefox 1.0.7 first | 07:36 |
bannerman | Belutz: bannerman is currently attempting to use the latest proprietary driver from the ATI web site per the instructions at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx | 07:37 |
whyameye | Belutz: I *am* running 1.0.7. And the depends error confirms this. But the dev code that Synaptic is finding is apparently older, and this appears to be the problem. | 07:37 |
bannerman | ompaul: 2.6.12-9-386 | 07:37 |
Belutz | whyameye, have you try apt-get update? | 07:38 |
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ompaul | bannerman, no I meant, you sit the card works fine with other versions not that you are using breezy :) | 07:38 |
ompaul | bannerman, s/sit/said/ | 07:38 |
ompaul | bannerman, s/versions/distros/ | 07:39 |
Belutz | bannerman, are you on hoary/breezy ? | 07:39 |
whyameye | Belutz: geez. I should have tried that. Now it works! Thanks. | 07:39 |
bannerman | Belutz: breezy | 07:39 |
Belutz | whyameye, :) | 07:39 |
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Belutz | bannerman, hmm i haven't use breezy | 07:39 |
bannerman | Belutz: Should I switch to hoary? | 07:40 |
Belutz | bannerman, but anyhow, try to follow this step http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32495 | 07:40 |
godric | Belutz: I'm following this howto: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_5.04_p5 .... php5 should work even though they are talking about install php4... Right? | 07:40 |
whyameye | Belutz: So I am doing this to install the latest version of mplayer plug-in, as opposed to the 2.70 version on the repo. Is this dumb? Am I going to screw something up? | 07:41 |
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Belutz | godric, yes it talking about php4 | 07:41 |
`ph8 | Hello all | 07:41 |
brainsail | is there a boot floppy image for ubuntu? my laptop can't boot from CD | 07:41 |
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`ph8 | I've just finished my breezy upgrade and i don't have a kde/x desktop | 07:41 |
Belutz | godric, read this page to install php5 http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44082&highlight=php5 | 07:41 |
ompaul | bannerman, nothing for it but to hit the mailing list with a pastebin entry that contains all the steps you take and the output of same to do that do command | tee >> myrecord | 07:41 |
`ph8 | I'm a bit clueless as to where to start debugging it, i found it couldn't recognise fglrx (old config) and changed itb ack to 'ati' but i still get a blank screen after all the processes init then it just goes to terminal | 07:41 |
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godric | Belutz: I'm following a howto on installing a mail server. They say to install php4. I'm wondering if php5 would work. | 07:42 |
Belutz | whyameye, no it won't screw things up | 07:42 |
`ph8 | any and all help gratefully received :) | 07:42 |
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bannerman | ompaul: Ok. Thanks for your time and help. | 07:42 |
bannerman | Belutz: Ok, I'll try that. | 07:42 |
ompaul | bannerman, we try | 07:42 |
Belutz | godric, well, my advice is to use php4 at the moment | 07:42 |
godric | k< | 07:42 |
godric | thank-you | 07:42 |
Belutz | godric, when breezy is out, you could try it with php5 | 07:43 |
vbgunz | anyone here aware of a way to sign, encrypt, decrypt using GnuPG & GPA using *shortcut keys* while GPA is closed out? | 07:43 |
`ph8 | anyone? words of wisdom? | 07:43 |
vbgunz | ph8: what happened? | 07:43 |
`ph8 | i dist-upgraded | 07:43 |
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`ph8 | then i don't get a desktop on reboot | 07:44 |
vbgunz | ph8: I am sorry, I mean whats up | 07:44 |
butcherbird | brainsail, friend of mine used debian floppies to install ubuntu once but never done it myself... | 07:44 |
`ph8 | what's the command to start it manually? | 07:44 |
`ph8 | the whole x/kde desktop environment | 07:44 |
Belutz | ompaul, why everyone is using breezy? | 07:44 |
brainsail | butcherbird, thanks | 07:44 |
`ph8 | just so i cansee any errors | 07:44 |
vbgunz | maybe sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start | 07:44 |
`ph8 | kdm? | 07:44 |
vbgunz | oh you have KDE? | 07:44 |
`ph8 | i belive kdm is running | 07:44 |
`ph8 | but i have no desktop environment | 07:44 |
vbgunz | I am sorry bro, I never used KDE :( | 07:44 |
`ph8 | if i could multi task, i could tell you :p | 07:44 |
`ph8 | irssi dominates the terminal atm | 07:44 |
`ph8 | but i'm pretty sure kdm is running | 07:45 |
`ph8 | but where does it log errors to? | 07:45 |
vbgunz | you on Ubuntu or Kubuntu? | 07:45 |
`ph8 | how do i debug it? | 07:45 |
`ph8 | etc | 07:45 |
`ph8 | Kubuntu | 07:45 |
`ph8 | the only difference is the presence of kde right? | 07:45 |
vbgunz | Does Kubuntu have a room of their own? If they do you might be better off there? | 07:45 |
vbgunz | I am not sure if it is just KDE, I never used it and i am still new with Ubuntu :P | 07:46 |
`ph8 | I doubt it, since the two distributions are very close and all suppoted by ubuntu? | 07:46 |
vbgunz | I wish I could help more | 07:46 |
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boxerboy29 | #kubuntu i would think if they have one | 07:46 |
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vbgunz | ph8: I like your handle... I wish I could help | 07:46 |
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vbgunz | ph8 I don't even know the difference between gksudo and sudo... | 07:48 |
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boxerboy29 | next time i say im gonna try a different distro plz hurt me | 07:50 |
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thrthr | 'lo got some problems booting the live CD (Kubuntu) on a Laptop... anyone that care to help? | 07:50 |
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thrthr | Or well, getting in to X is the problem.. not the booting itself. | 07:50 |
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ozamosi | Silly question: where do I set the language that synaptic uses? | 07:51 |
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ozamosi | Oh! The documentation-wiki-link in the topic is wrong | 07:52 |
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JloR | Hehe, 1 hour and 18 minutes later.. Still nothing on the screen. I think my install has stalled. | 07:55 |
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thrthr | JloR: ;P | 07:55 |
JloR | Does anyone know approximately how long the resizing of a partition will take during the installation of Ubuntu Colony-5 (the preview) ? | 07:55 |
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thread | is it safe to upgrade to breezy? | 07:55 |
boxerboy29 | whats wrong with the wiki page? | 07:55 |
ozamosi | boxerboy29: is that for me? | 07:56 |
thread | or.. can I install gnome 2.12 on hoary? | 07:56 |
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boxerboy29 | the only thing i see thats not here is the backup command | 07:56 |
boxerboy29 | and multi universe (un supported) | 07:56 |
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JloR | Hmm, is there a manual way of performing the resize operation of the Installation ? | 07:57 |
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moomooboy | umm can someone tell me how to play .mov files? | 07:57 |
JloR | moomooboy: you need QuickTime. | 07:57 |
JloR | Or a plugin/codec that can handle quicktime movies. | 07:57 |
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boxerboy29 | yes if your going from hoary to breezy off hand this seems right | 07:58 |
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boxerboy29 | everything is pretty much the same in that file for hoary and breezy in every line it should be breezy instead of hoary but without mine open hard to say | 07:59 |
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JloR | Anyone know if there are known problems with the resize procedure of the installer in the preview (colony-5) ? | 07:59 |
J_P | hi all | 07:59 |
JloR | I'm on a console at the moment, so I can't look it up myself. | 07:59 |
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J_P | people, I am compileing one software and it say for me use : ./configure --with-mysql=<your MySQL root> --with-webdir=<your web directory> --with-cgidir=<your cgi directory>. OK, --with-webdir= is /var/ww, but what is dir --with-mysql= and --with-cgidir= ? | 08:00 |
boxerboy29 | ozmosi: please read the full page before upgrading | 08:01 |
JloR | the dir to you're MySQL server and you're CGI bin dir. I would think, isn't this covered in the README of the program? Or the INSTALL file. | 08:01 |
=== JloR is close to pulling out that darn Install CD and dropping it from 10th floor. | ||
ozamosi | boxerboy29: what..? | 08:02 |
JloR | The resize feature of the preview of 5.10 sounded awesome, but right now I don't give a hoot for it.. Doesn't work at all. | 08:02 |
J_P | JloR: ./configure --with-mysql=/usr/share/mysql/ --with-webdir=/var/www/ --with-cgidir=/usr/lib/cgi-bin/ ? | 08:03 |
boxerboy29 | the upgrade can cause problems due to it being in beta form so if you decide to upgrade back everything up first | 08:03 |
JloR | Maybe, I don't know the Ubuntu directory tree, I've been a Gentoo user so far (and redhat/debian/mandrake/suse..). | 08:03 |
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JloR | Sounds about right. | 08:03 |
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JloR | Anyone in here used the resize feature during the Install of Colony-5 (Preview of 5.10) ? | 08:04 |
boxerboy29 | nope i use colony 3 cd and i have muti hard drives resize isnt needed here | 08:05 |
boxerboy29 | for me anyway | 08:05 |
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JloR | Nah .. I can't have multiple harddrives tho' - I'm trying to install on a laptop. | 08:05 |
kent | Is there a way to take a screenshot from gdm? | 08:05 |
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boxerboy29 | mandrake/mandriva is going to become a curse word to me very soon | 08:05 |
boxerboy29 | yes | 08:06 |
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JloR | one and a half minute and it's been working on that resize thingy for one and a half hour... | 08:06 |
Ainvar | heh trying to install snort on ubuntu is a pain in the rear | 08:06 |
boxerboy29 | the i think its settings on top | 08:06 |
boxerboy29 | and you should see screen shot | 08:06 |
JloR | 30 seconds.. | 08:06 |
boxerboy29 | im not on my ubuntu right now | 08:07 |
rosh | Is there any way to change the port range used by Gnome BitTorrent? | 08:07 |
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JloR | There we go - worthless installer! one and a half hour of doing nothing.. That's pretty bad, even for an opensource project. I'll go back to pure windows till the official final 5.10 release is here. | 08:08 |
JloR | Hopefully it hasn't messed with my MBR yet.. | 08:08 |
Ainvar | JloR the resize feature worked fine on my laptop | 08:08 |
JloR | sure as .... didn't on mine.. How long did it take on yours? and what are the specs on it? | 08:09 |
Ainvar | it took about 25 minutes to resize my HD to give me 7gigs of freespace to install Ubuntu | 08:09 |
JloR | How did you do it ? | 08:09 |
Ainvar | dell i6000d | 08:09 |
Ainvar | used the guided menu | 08:09 |
Ainvar | and read the steps to do it | 08:09 |
ryanakca | has anyone here ever used ISPConfig? | 08:09 |
=== snausages [n=snausage@212-108.200-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JloR | Ainvar: I used that menu-point that said "resize the harddrive" .. Or something similar. That froze up on me. | 08:10 |
butcherbird | JloR, why not just use partition magic, not sure I'd trust a preview release to resize my hd | 08:10 |
JloR | is partition magic freeware ? | 08:10 |
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Ainvar | same software to resize the hd as on the hoary | 08:10 |
Ainvar | no its not | 08:10 |
=== BooZee [n=buzi@bzq-82-81-111-28.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BooZee | hello | 08:10 |
JloR | well, that's your answer then. | 08:10 |
boxerboy29 | its not cheapware either | 08:11 |
BooZee | i'm interested in antivirus for my ubuntu | 08:11 |
butcherbird | it is on isohunt :) | 08:11 |
selinium | BooZee, Why? | 08:11 |
boxerboy29 | lol | 08:11 |
rcalise | Has anyone had Flashplayer in firefox not render any text? I'm using Hoary. | 08:11 |
selinium | rcalise, Yes you need more fonts | 08:11 |
BooZee | selinium: safety? | 08:11 |
rcalise | selinium, thanks. | 08:11 |
boxerboy29 | from my understanding is that the viruses out for linux only attack email not files | 08:12 |
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selinium | BooZee, Are you sending files to a windows based machine? | 08:12 |
JloR | Ainvar: Would you mind spending a few minutes guiding me through - if I tell you what I can see on the menus of the installer? Just till I have a split harddrive... | 08:12 |
nerp | BooZee, linux is for the better part virus free.. | 08:12 |
Ainvar | JloR let me find a spare box to do the install | 08:12 |
Ainvar | hold on | 08:12 |
BooZee | oh.. so no antivirus needed you say? | 08:12 |
nerp | there have been only a handfull of 'worms' for linux in the time it's been on the planet | 08:12 |
nerp | you don't need virus scan | 08:13 |
JloR | Ah, would be lovely! | 08:13 |
=== occy [n=october@ip24-252-197-99.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rcalise | selinium, i assume they're available via Synaptic? | 08:13 |
selinium | BooZee, there is no need, the way that linux is structured the virus cannot gain access to your root. | 08:13 |
boxerboy29 | the 2 virus scans i had didnt work well they always asked me to update i did than 2 secs later ask me to update when i reopened it again | 08:13 |
selinium | rcalise, one mo | 08:13 |
nerp | BooZee, you can get and use a virus scan for linux.. but it's mostly pointless unless you run a mailserver and wanna scan for windows viruses to protect mail recipients | 08:13 |
boxerboy29 | so now no more virus scans for linux for me | 08:13 |
BooZee | oh. well o.k. than | 08:14 |
Ainvar | JloR booting up now | 08:14 |
BooZee | i have some more questions... how can I get a PGP key? | 08:14 |
nerp | you have to generate it | 08:14 |
JloR | Great.. I'm detecting hardware on my laptop. | 08:14 |
selinium | rcalise, pm? | 08:14 |
nerp | need to get gpg and then read the manual, gen your key and go | 08:14 |
rcalise | selinium, sure. | 08:15 |
BooZee | how do i get gpg? | 08:15 |
nerp | search for it in synaptic | 08:15 |
nerp | gnupgp | 08:15 |
JloR | Ainvar: Now I'm at the partitioning part. I can choose the first option which is "resize /part and use freed space" and erase the disk and manually edit partition table.. | 08:15 |
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lesshaste | can someone remind me how to mount an ntfs partition so any user can read it please? | 08:16 |
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Ainvar | hold on forgot to throw on usb hd to do this on | 08:16 |
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Ainvar | detecting hw now | 08:17 |
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JloR | Ah, sure thing. :) | 08:17 |
boxerboy29 | dont know sorry im hoping never to see ntfs file system again | 08:17 |
=== XHK [n=Hannes@84-50-133-108-dsl.rkv.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Belutz | !tell lesshaste about ntfs | 08:17 |
BurgerMann | Is there somehwere I can find the usual bash commands...? | 08:17 |
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BurgerMann | I'd like to pause the list, when I ls :s | 08:17 |
sorush20 | I can't run open office I've done ps aux but I can't see open office.. | 08:17 |
Belutz | BurgerMann, ls | more | 08:17 |
lesshaste | Belutz: thanks... I just want to be reminded where the umask=755 goes on the command line :) | 08:17 |
XHK | how can i change files permissions | 08:18 |
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Belutz | lesshaste, :D | 08:18 |
nerp | XHK, chmod | 08:18 |
BurgerMann | Belutz: yah.. thx. | 08:18 |
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=== xTina [n=xTina@p54A26ED3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BooZee | i see in synaptic that I have gnupg and gnupg2 | 08:19 |
BurgerMann | Where's the network configuration file for setting up local ips? | 08:19 |
nerp | BooZee, get the latest one | 08:19 |
BooZee | and how do I use it? | 08:19 |
nerp | XHK, don't pm me | 08:19 |
Belutz | BurgerMann, /etc/network/interface if it's what you mean | 08:19 |
nerp | BooZee, read the manual | 08:19 |
BooZee | o.k. | 08:20 |
XHK | nerp, what comes after chmod then? | 08:20 |
nerp | BooZee, this channel isn't for support of pgp it's for ubuntu | 08:20 |
erUSUL | BurgerMann: /etc/network/interfaces | 08:20 |
BurgerMann | Belutz: it was :) | 08:20 |
nerp | XHK, that depends on what you're trying to do | 08:20 |
henke | XHP, read 'man chmod' for detailed information. | 08:20 |
nerp | XHK, what is your goal? | 08:20 |
BurgerMann | sweeeet | 08:20 |
lesshaste | ok.. look :) Anyone could have just told me it is "-o umask 755" :) !! | 08:20 |
henke | bleh, that was meant for XHK. | 08:20 |
nerp | yeah, read man chmod too | 08:20 |
XHK | nerp, I cant change the text inside file and one file i cant even open | 08:21 |
ompaul | Belutz, sorry was away, those who can afford to have a system break on them, those who are willing to test the next in line version. those who need some new drivers and hardware support that is coming along, those who don't know the risks and get upset when it breaks. | 08:21 |
Belutz | lesshaste, because i never manually mount an NTFS drive :) | 08:21 |
nerp | XHK, do you own the files? | 08:21 |
Belutz | ompaul, i see hehehe... | 08:21 |
=== eMBee 's bug has been verified (http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=14390 | ||
lesshaste | Belutz: :) | 08:22 |
eMBee | back to work then... | 08:22 |
XHK | nerp, eem what u mean? | 08:22 |
Belutz | ompaul, i want to try breezy, but i still need my ubuntu for work, so maybe i just wait, and just help on the launchpad and rosetta :) | 08:22 |
XHK | nerp, i do have them, i just cant edit them | 08:22 |
nerp | XHK, well if you do not own the files you do not have permissions to edit them | 08:22 |
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nerp | XHK, what files are you trying to edit? | 08:22 |
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XHK | nerp, start-pppoe | 08:23 |
nerp | XHK, try sudo to edit the file | 08:23 |
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nerp | sudo gedit path/to/file | 08:23 |
ompaul | Belutz, such is the way of the world, on y 16 days left anyway, if I was you wait till the 17th day and download over torrent a CD of it in case the upgrade went wrong (it should not) burn that CD and then do a dist upgrade | 08:23 |
XHK | nerp, how? :P Im totally newb at linux | 08:24 |
=== gmjonker [n=toffegas@dsl-213-233-249-032.solcon.nl] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
nerp | i just told you | 08:24 |
=== lucaas [n=LMX@h112n14c1o1124.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BooZee | does gpg has a GUI interface? | 08:24 |
nerp | sudo gedit path/to/file | 08:24 |
Belutz | ompaul, yup, i will do that :) so are you in breezy now? | 08:24 |
nerp | BooZee, if there is a gui I have never used it | 08:24 |
ompaul | Belutz, yeap | 08:24 |
XHK | nerp, ok ill go try =/ | 08:24 |
ompaul | Belutz, but all I am seeing is the xchat screen :) | 08:24 |
Belutz | ompaul, is it good? what are the improvement over hoary? beside the gnome 2.12 | 08:25 |
Belutz | ompaul, lol | 08:25 |
=== mumbles is having problems installing a window manager onto a ubuntu instlall that has a ubuntu server | ||
boxerboy29 | hoary didnt have open office 2 beta did it? | 08:25 |
ompaul | Belutz, OO2 is an improvement, the menu has a few more nice things in it, | 08:26 |
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ompaul | boxerboy29, correct | 08:26 |
kent | Using breezy, how come I cant get a normal gdm loginscreen when using xnest with xdmcp enabled? I only get the gtk+ greatings.. | 08:26 |
Madeye | all repos down | 08:26 |
boxerboy29 | kent you can change that once you log in | 08:26 |
boxerboy29 | kent you can choose themed or gtk | 08:27 |
ompaul | Madeye, Get:10 ftp://ie.archive.ubuntu.com breezy Release [30.9kB] | 08:27 |
boxerboy29 | and with the lastest updates they put some nice ones in there | 08:27 |
kent | boxerboy29, so i start xnest, login, and from there change it to use themed? Why cant I do that from the account im already using? | 08:27 |
ompaul | right I must head off | 08:28 |
ompaul | cheers | 08:28 |
=== traveller [n=kenneth@220-245-129-11.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Belutz | ompaul, hmm... i have to tie my hands so i can't edit my sources.list lol | 08:28 |
=== fanskapet [n=fanskape@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boxerboy29 | not sure what xnest is but if you log into gnome u can | 08:28 |
BooZee | boxerboy29: hey, it's me - bobobobo from couple days ago | 08:29 |
boxerboy29 | hi how are u | 08:29 |
BooZee | boxerboy29: do you mind if i'll msg you? | 08:29 |
boxerboy29 | go ahead | 08:29 |
=== concept10 [n=concept1@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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puff | Is there a way I can get apt to download-but-not-install several packageS? | 08:30 |
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puff | e.g. I want them around for later, but I don't want them fully installed right now. | 08:30 |
=== ElkOS [n=Elko@cp34987-a.roose1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
concept10 | Anyone know why w32codecs were removed from breezy? | 08:30 |
Madeye | pubuntu, i think it's -d | 08:30 |
puff | apt-get -d, for download-only. Thanks. | 08:31 |
kent | boxerboy29, I could not even start the configurationprogram for gdm from within xnest :( | 08:31 |
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Belutz | concept10, maybe because it is considered illegal? | 08:32 |
ryanakca | What is the difference between RSA certificates and DSA certificates? | 08:32 |
puff | Whoops, I forgot I wanted to switch over to using aptitude only. | 08:32 |
puff | Is there any way I can tweak/alias apt-get to keep me from forgetting that? | 08:32 |
=== d2dchat [n=lance@pcp09228522pcs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
d2dchat | lol, i upgraded to breezy and now my gnome wont start | 08:33 |
d2dchat | does x have to be reconfigured? | 08:33 |
puff | So, I figured out what caused my laptop to freeze up, earlier. | 08:34 |
puff | Because it's repeatble. | 08:34 |
=== fanskapet [n=fanskape@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
puff | I started up rhythmbox/mplayer for the first time, and it asked me to locate my mp3s, and then it started to scan them, and then the system froze. | 08:34 |
=== vladuz976 [n=vladuz97@pool-71-106-208-30.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
d2dchat | can anyone help? | 08:34 |
puff | ctl-alt-f1/f2/f3/etc didn't work. ctl-alt-del didn't work. Soft power switch didn't work. Had to hold the power switch down and reboot. | 08:35 |
vladuz976 | anybody succeded with expert install of breezy? towards the end i always get that the cd in the drive is not an ubuntu cd. same with hoary | 08:35 |
d2dchat | i have problems starting up ubuntu can anyone help?? | 08:36 |
d2dchat | i just installed breezy | 08:36 |
d2dchat | and im stuck in console mode now | 08:36 |
=== QMario [n=qmario@cpe-68-201-249-213.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
QMario | Hello Amaranth!!! :) | 08:36 |
Seveas | d2dchat, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 08:36 |
QMario | Do you remember me? | 08:36 |
Amaranth | hi | 08:36 |
Amaranth | err, sort of | 08:37 |
QMario | You were the one that gave me the symbols. | 08:37 |
Amaranth | hehe, yeah | 08:37 |
QMario | You said, "I love Unicode!" | 08:37 |
=== hmrocha [n=hmrocha@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hmrocha | hello | 08:37 |
hmrocha | need some help please | 08:37 |
QMario | It's nice to hear from you again. :) | 08:37 |
hmrocha | what is the equivalent file to rc.local in debian? | 08:37 |
QMario | Hello Seveas!!! :) | 08:37 |
boxerboy29 | kent: what is xnest? | 08:38 |
Seveas | hmrocha, creating your own initscripts is : | 08:38 |
Seveas | :) | 08:38 |
Madeye | is archive.ubuntu.com down? | 08:38 |
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Seveas | not that I know | 08:38 |
whyameye | how can I restart ALSA? | 08:38 |
Seveas | Madeye, nope, working fine here | 08:38 |
kent | boxerboy29, it runs a X in a window. I need to take a screendump of the login-window, and this way was the only way i could think of.. | 08:39 |
hmrocha | my ubuntu doesn't have the file /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit | 08:39 |
Belutz | yay.... Seveas is in da house | 08:39 |
Answer | hmrocha: man update-rc.d | 08:39 |
=== d2dchat [n=lance@pcp09228522pcs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
d2dchat | i tried the dpkg-reconfigure command and it said my dpkg is broken | 08:39 |
Madeye | Seveas, Err http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy-updates/restricted Sources | 08:39 |
Madeye | Could not connect to archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (113 No route to host) [IP: 80] | 08:39 |
Seveas | hmrocha, that's because that's a non-standard file... | 08:39 |
hmrocha | Seveas, hmm, ok | 08:40 |
Seveas | stop thinking redhat :) | 08:40 |
boxerboy29 | kent im sorry im not real sure than | 08:40 |
=== xiaogil [n=egil@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | Madeye, somewhere on the route between you and the archive there's a problem | 08:40 |
d2dchat | how do i reinstall dpkg-reconfigure? | 08:40 |
kent | Any body who knows how to take a screenshot of gdm? | 08:40 |
Belutz | whyameye, try "sudo killall alsa" and then "sudo alsa &" | 08:40 |
Seveas | d2dchat, apt-get install --reinstall debconf | 08:41 |
Seveas | dang | 08:41 |
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[LethAL] | kent, Use XNest | 08:41 |
nerp | kent, Xnest -geometry 1024x768 :1 -query localhost & | 08:41 |
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nerp | or whatever your resolution is | 08:42 |
kib0 | excuse me, i have a little problem. when i try to login, my alphabetic keyboard is dead :S | 08:42 |
nerp | xnest has to be enabled tho | 08:42 |
whyameye | Belutz: actually I just tried "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa restart" which seemed to work. Is this in essence doing the same thing? | 08:42 |
Seveas | don't use xnest directly | 08:42 |
QMario | Seveas, are you a C++ programmer? | 08:42 |
Belutz | Seveas, is tracepath is the same with traceroute ? | 08:42 |
Seveas | The good way is: gdmflexiserver --xnest | 08:42 |
QMario | It seems that you are highly affiliated with Ubuntu. :) | 08:42 |
Seveas | Belutz, yes | 08:42 |
Belutz | whyameye, yes it's the same thing, and what you did is a better way than what i just told you :) | 08:42 |
Seveas | QMario, i like to stay as for from that language as I can | 08:43 |
kent | nerp, [LethAL] , I just tried using Xnest. But then I dont get a themed login, only the gtk+ greating :( (im using breezy) | 08:43 |
xiaogil | what soft on windows can i use to receive file via ssh from ubuntu ? | 08:43 |
Seveas | kent, gdmflexiserver --xnest | 08:43 |
[LethAL] | kent, set the login to themed for remote users | 08:43 |
jjazz | xiaogil: The putty website has an sftp program | 08:43 |
[LethAL] | Or that | 08:43 |
Seveas | xiaogil, winscp or pscp (the latter is from putty) | 08:43 |
QMario | Seveas, even though this is slightly off topic, what do you think is the best OOP language to learn? | 08:43 |
whyameye | Belutz: okay, thanks. BTW I think you were the one helping me with the mplayer plug-in install. It all worked out. I have 3.11 now in Firefox. Firefox still quits on me sometimes though... | 08:43 |
Seveas | QMario, python. If you wanna know more -> #ubuntu-offtopic | 08:44 |
Belutz | whyameye, firefox close unexpectedly? | 08:44 |
kent | Seveas, should I start gdm with that? gdm is started from the scripts, so im unsure where to put that line.. | 08:44 |
jjazz | QMario: Go for Perl! ;) | 08:44 |
=== lsuactiafner [n=noirrac@tpc-ip-nas-1-p223.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
whyameye | Belutz: yes it does. I thought it was related to the mplayer plugin. Now I am not sure. | 08:44 |
kent | Seveas, oh, nevermind. It works now. Thanks! :) | 08:44 |
Seveas | kent, just in a regular terminal when you're logged in :) | 08:44 |
butcherbird | QMario, another vote for python ;) | 08:44 |
Seveas | ah -- k :) | 08:44 |
kib0 | excuse me, i have a little problem. when i try to login, my alphabetic keyboard is dead :S | 08:45 |
kib0 | o_O | 08:45 |
QMario | Sorry, Seveas. :'( | 08:45 |
foampeace | http://artlung.com/smorgasborg/C_R_Y_P_T_O_N_O_M_I_C_O_N.shtml | 08:45 |
Belutz | whyameye, if you want to do some test, you could remove the mplayer plugin and test the firefox, if it's run fine, then it has something to do with the mplayer plugin | 08:45 |
whyameye | Belutz: that's a good idea. | 08:46 |
Belutz | whyameye, :) | 08:46 |
=== svu [n=svu@host-194-46-255-70.dsl-ie.utvinternet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boxerboy29 | lil off topic but is ubuntu written in c? | 08:47 |
[LethAL] | Parts of it probably are | 08:47 |
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[LethAL] | I doubt all of it is ;) | 08:48 |
whyameye | I imagine a good part of the Kernel is in C... | 08:48 |
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boxerboy29 | oh ok ty | 08:49 |
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=== Turicas [n=justen@200141087106.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Belutz | i thought it's written in english.... lol *just kidding* | 08:50 |
J_P | anyone here use ZONEMINDER ? | 08:50 |
=== deFrysk [n=deFrysk@i111223.upc-i.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
[LethAL] | Does anyone have any idea why the interface on my wireless adapter seems to disappear occasionally? It leaves me with it's drive and the only way I can find to get it back is to ureinstall the drivers in windows :S | 08:50 |
lesshaste | anyone got google earth to run in wine or anything else? :) | 08:50 |
=== thrice` [n=andrew@unaffiliated/Thr1cE] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | boxerboy29, 'Ubuntu' is written in zulu | 08:51 |
Seveas | the programs in Ubuntu are written in a large variety of programming languages | 08:51 |
JloR | No it's not.. It's writting in my irssi at the moment.. | 08:51 |
[LethAL] | LOL | 08:51 |
boxerboy29 | oh ok well thats not an option than :( | 08:51 |
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QMario | Seveas, Zulu? | 08:51 |
JloR | written* | 08:51 |
xiaogil | actually, i need a soft on windows which is same as gftp to transfer files via ssh | 08:51 |
Seveas | QMario, yes, zulu | 08:52 |
Seveas | xiaogil, winscp | 08:52 |
JloR | xiaogil: FTPRush | 08:52 |
xiaogil | ok, thanks | 08:52 |
DJ_Mirage | xiaogil, winscp | 08:52 |
Seveas | or any ftp program that does sftp | 08:52 |
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JloR | hehe | 08:52 |
DJ_Mirage | winscp pwns everything | 08:52 |
JloR | winscp is freeware, so use that. FTPRush is trial stuff. | 08:52 |
DJ_Mirage | http://winscp.net/eng/index.php | 08:52 |
BooZee | what's the diffrence between "apt-get update" and "apt-get dist-update" ? | 08:53 |
boxerboy29 | im learning C adn was hoping once i get better at it to write my own os but by what im seeing is i would have to learn a few laungauges | 08:53 |
=== XHK [n=Hannes@84-50-133-83-dsl.rkv.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DJ_Mirage | i guess you mean upgrade and dist-upgrade :? | 08:53 |
BooZee | yes | 08:53 |
smott | boxerboy29: haha :( | 08:53 |
DJ_Mirage | im not sure, anyone correct me if im wrong, but i think dist-upgrade is the safe method | 08:53 |
deFrysk | BooZee, dist-upgrade also installs replaces xtra packages if the deps require that , upgrade does not | 08:53 |
XHK | Omg, i tried to log into ubuntu but it said that my homedirectory doesent exist S: | 08:53 |
thrice` | dist-upgrade is safe | 08:54 |
boxerboy29 | it sounded like a good project to work on lol | 08:54 |
deFrysk | thrice`, dist-upgrade is not always safe\ | 08:54 |
XHK | do i have to reinstall ubuntu? | 08:54 |
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foampeace | should all software be free or just OS? | 08:54 |
thrice` | deFrysk, when wouldn't it be... ? | 08:54 |
kennethlove | XHK - what was the error? | 08:54 |
deFrysk | thrice`, lest say when x is broken ? | 08:54 |
DJ_Mirage | foampeace, let me add to that, should all beer be free, or only party-beer ? | 08:55 |
Seveas | foampeace, this is not an advocacy channel (#ubuntu-offtopic would be better) but imho free is the way to go | 08:55 |
tux-rox | foampeace, It should depend entirely on what the developer wants. | 08:55 |
XHK | kennethlove, dont remember exactly, but it said my homedirectory doesent exist enimore | 08:55 |
XHK | anymore | 08:55 |
kennethlove | XHK can you ssh into the box from another? | 08:55 |
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XHK | ssh? | 08:55 |
DJ_Mirage | mkdir XHK && chmod 745 XHK && chown XHK:XHK XHK | 08:56 |
kennethlove | XHK: what are you on right now? | 08:56 |
DJ_Mirage | should be fixed there | 08:56 |
XHK | windows | 08:56 |
JloR | I'm all for free software - but authors have the right to restrict the origin of the software to be from his webpage/company only. Source code can be open or not open, see if I care :) | 08:56 |
BooZee | when I start my comp, the ubuntu login screen shows up with another screen resolution than my resolution which I configured. after I log in, the resolution changes to mine. how can I prevent it? | 08:56 |
XHK | Dj_Mirage whats that? | 08:56 |
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XHK | Dj_Mirage, do i have to type it into terminal? | 08:57 |
[LethAL] | DJ_Mirage, that won't work, his username is different | 08:57 |
DJ_Mirage | XHK, its 3 commands, the first makes a directory with your username, the second sets the permissions accordingly, and the last sets the commands | 08:57 |
DJ_Mirage | ok | 08:57 |
d2dchat | my dpkg package is broken, how do i fix it?? | 08:57 |
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DJ_Mirage | and it should be done in /home as well :\ | 08:57 |
FrdPrefct | Hello. | 08:57 |
XHK | ok | 08:57 |
FrdPrefct | Anyone know the release date for breezy :) | 08:57 |
[LethAL] | 13th OCt | 08:57 |
XHK | ill go ttry | 08:57 |
d2dchat | it broken when trying to upgrade to breezy | 08:57 |
kennethlove | XHK: to use the commands DJ_Mirage gave you, you'll have to be logged into the box | 08:57 |
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d2dchat | FrdPrefct 2 weeks | 08:58 |
foampeace | [LethAL] : is that a friday? | 08:58 |
Seveas | foampeace, thirsday | 08:58 |
Seveas | iirx | 08:58 |
[LethAL] | Yeah, Thurs | 08:58 |
FrdPrefct | Cool. | 08:58 |
foampeace | heh | 08:58 |
FrdPrefct | Can't wait ;) | 08:58 |
FrdPrefct | Can anyone help me, or direct me on how to make deb packages? | 08:58 |
devios | what are the big new features for Breezy? | 08:58 |
d2dchat | FrdPrefct, well seeing that im trying to install breezy right now, i dont know lol | 08:58 |
JloR | I have to buy a few CDr-s for sure.. | 08:58 |
DJ_Mirage | kennethlove and XHK, more importantly you should do that with root privileges as well ;( | 08:58 |
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FrdPrefct | d2dchat: Running it on 2 of my machines at home... very nice | 08:59 |
d2dchat | FrdPrefct well when i tried, X stopped working and is broken, i dont know how to fix the pacakge | 08:59 |
kennethlove | DJ_Mirage: i'm not sure XHK can even get onto his box right now. | 08:59 |
FrdPrefct | d2dchat: Found a bug the other day while doing upgrades... wanted to update some xorg font stuff, but it thought it was in another package, and refused to move forward | 08:59 |
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XHK | Ill go try | 08:59 |
DJ_Mirage | kennethlove, then thats a problem =D | 08:59 |
FrdPrefct | figured i'd wait a couple days, and it'll be fixed. | 08:59 |
XHK | if it wont work ill reinstall | 09:00 |
kennethlove | yes it is. | 09:00 |
FrdPrefct | wasn't a show stopper at all | 09:00 |
d2dchat | FrdPrefct well I cant even access Gnome | 09:00 |
FrdPrefct | But, anyways, I wanna learn hwo to create deb packages | 09:00 |
FrdPrefct | Really? Wow | 09:00 |
xTina | FrdPrefct: You want to read up on the New Maintainer resources at debian.org | 09:00 |
FrdPrefct | cool | 09:00 |
d2dchat | FrdPrefct think you could help ?;) | 09:00 |
d2dchat | I need to get dpkg-reconfigure working | 09:00 |
JloR | d2dchat: you can't login to your box from the graphical screen, or in general? | 09:00 |
d2dchat | it broke | 09:00 |
FrdPrefct | checkinstall works, but it's not really what I want | 09:01 |
JloR | ah, nvm.. Wrong person.. Who couldn't log into their box ? | 09:01 |
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d2dchat | right, it skips GUI and goes straight to console | 09:01 |
[LethAL] | Could someone explain why I have a blank CD after burning it? | 09:01 |
xTina | FrdPrefct: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/index.en.html is a good start | 09:01 |
d2dchat | it said something about K not being default and so it wont use it or something | 09:01 |
jbroome | [LethAL] : my guess is that the burn didn't work | 09:01 |
JloR | Can't you set the default session at the login menu ? | 09:01 |
[LethAL] | jbroome, But why didn't it say anything? | 09:01 |
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d2dchat | yes, in console, but thats it | 09:01 |
d2dchat | X auto starts usually | 09:02 |
d2dchat | X broke | 09:02 |
d2dchat | so i need to fix it, but dpkg broke too! | 09:02 |
d2dchat | :( | 09:02 |
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moparfan90 | hello i am trying to run a exucutable and i get this : moparfan90@ubuntu:~/Desktop/vdrift-2005-09-01-bin$ ./vdrift | 09:02 |
moparfan90 | ./vdrift: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_image-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 09:02 |
devios | anyone make a wiki entry for upgrading to breezy without using the install media yet? | 09:02 |
moparfan90 | what should i do? | 09:02 |
JloR | :\ Does GDM work ? The ubuntu login screen thingy.. | 09:02 |
FrdPrefct | xTina: Yeah, already there, thanks | 09:02 |
[LethAL] | !tell devios about upgrade2breezy | 09:02 |
[LethAL] | You mean that? | 09:02 |
d2dchat | JloR lol, im in console mode.... | 09:02 |
FrdPrefct | Now if I can figure out a way to print everything out... | 09:02 |
JloR | Ah, so X doesn't start at all? I'm out of ideas then. | 09:03 |
DJ_Mirage | [LethAL] , does that command send pm or notice ? or isnt there something to tell yet ? | 09:03 |
kemik | moparfan90: try installing libsdl-dev | 09:03 |
d2dchat | haha, yes i was trying to explain the entire time;) | 09:03 |
JloR | I'm sorta slow :) | 09:03 |
moparfan90 | ok ill try | 09:03 |
[LethAL] | DJ_Mirage, pm | 09:03 |
d2dchat | JloR usually you can get X back up if you do dpkg-reconfigure | 09:03 |
DJ_Mirage | !tell DJ_Mirage about upgrade2breezy | 09:03 |
JloR | Also, I'm not used to X on linux.. | 09:03 |
JloR | okay. | 09:03 |
DJ_Mirage | okay thansk =D | 09:03 |
d2dchat | JloR but in this case dpkg-reconfigure is broken too:( | 09:03 |
[LethAL] | You could /msg ubotu upgrade2breezy instead ;) | 09:04 |
JloR | Yea, that's a problem then.. | 09:04 |
d2dchat | indeed | 09:04 |
JloR | can't you re-get it or something with apt-get? | 09:04 |
moparfan90 | kemik, it said that thats already installed???? | 09:04 |
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JloR | I'm from the Gentoo community, and we usually re-emerge if needed... | 09:04 |
d2dchat | JloR what is the command to get it? | 09:04 |
d2dchat | JloR as was i;) | 09:04 |
=== hemppa [n=hemppa@dsl-lprgw5ne54f9c2a6.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JloR | apt-get install <package> I suppose.. | 09:04 |
kemik | moparfan90: sounds weird... | 09:04 |
moparfan90 | i get the same thing if i try to install 3 other games also | 09:05 |
JloR | Never really used debian based distros - but ubuntu is nice for my laptop, and i need linux on it, so no choice :) | 09:05 |
kemik | somethings fubar | 09:05 |
devios | [LethAL] , thanks | 09:05 |
[LethAL] | Your face? | 09:05 |
[LethAL] | :D | 09:05 |
moparfan90 | seveas, can you help me please? i dont know what to do i get this error when try to run a exucuable : ./vdrift: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_image-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 09:06 |
DJ_Mirage | brb | 09:06 |
d2dchat | does anyone know if this is the right command to get X back up and running?: | 09:06 |
d2dchat | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? | 09:06 |
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JloR | By the way - does anyone know if it possible to install Ubuntu as a secondary OS ? So I use the bootmanager of winXP and are able to boot into either WinXP (on boot partition) or Ubuntu ? | 09:07 |
kemik | moparfan90: libsdl-image1.2-dev get that package | 09:07 |
moparfan90 | ok thanks | 09:07 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-r] by Seveas | ||
kemik | d2dchat: it could be. depends on what the error is | 09:07 |
d2dchat | JloR when you install ubuntu it will ask if you if you want to use GRUB as a multiboot system | 09:07 |
LasseL | I miss the "extract to folder" option of winzip when I right-click an archive in nautilus | 09:07 |
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JloR | Yea, but I have my winXP installed already. I wanted to install ubuntu as secondary system. | 09:07 |
d2dchat | kemik, it says xserver-xorg is broken or not fully installed | 09:08 |
JloR | So I wouldn't have to re-install my winXP and all the programs I have there. | 09:08 |
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d2dchat | JloR right, thats the point, you instert the ubuntu cd and it will install grub and dual boot | 09:08 |
devios | JloR, should detect winxp during setup and give you option to boot to winxp | 09:08 |
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JloR | Oh, okay.. Even though I let winXP reside on hda1 ? | 09:08 |
Belutz | LasseL, there's a script for it, you might want to take a look at http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net | 09:09 |
d2dchat | it would be nice have to have two hds for dual boot but i think you can make two partitions on one harddrive with different OS's, but im not sure | 09:09 |
LasseL | Belutz, thanks, I'll check it out | 09:09 |
devios | JloR, sure that there's an official guide for this somewhere, but http://www.zerocalm.com/2005/05/os-reinstallation-ms-windows-xp-and.html | 09:09 |
ega | Hi all... someone have problems with last 2.6.12-9-XXX kernels... if i install it in breezy i can start my machine, it show an error message like "ALERT! /dev/hde1 does not exist, dropping to a shell!"... and also print that some files are missing... | 09:09 |
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JloR | thanks devios.. I'll try and read that (I'm in console atm, on a server machine.. So I'm without GUI). | 09:09 |
ega | scuse... i can't | 09:10 |
devios | JloR, should render ok.... | 09:10 |
ega | and with 2.6.12-8-XXX works fine | 09:10 |
d2dchat | ahh no one knows my problem:( | 09:10 |
moparfan90 | i got this error now :Video mode set failed: Couldn't find matching GLX visual please help ,me | 09:10 |
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LasseL | Belutz, any one of them you like better? http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/cat-archiving.php ? | 09:10 |
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kemik | d2dchat: did you breezy-upgrade? | 09:11 |
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JloR | Yea, renders nicely. | 09:11 |
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kemik | moparfan90: GLX? got GL support on your videocard? good videocard drivers? | 09:11 |
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sunshine | severas ask you a question | 09:12 |
moparfan90 | i have a realy good video card dont know about the drivers | 09:12 |
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moparfan90 | nvidia GeFource FX 5200 | 09:12 |
JloR | But this person that wrote this guide is doing it on two harddrives, I only have one. | 09:12 |
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sunshine | seveas are u there | 09:12 |
Seveas | sunshine, yes | 09:12 |
ollie_ | Hi again 2 all. | 09:12 |
sunshine | why is before i could not get on here but now i can | 09:12 |
the_watchtower | hey folks | 09:13 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+r] by Seveas | ||
kemik | moparfan90: not a really-good card, but sure its fine :) i would recommend you to use the nvidiadrvers | 09:13 |
sunshine | before it ask me for my password | 09:13 |
kemik | !nvidia | 09:13 |
ubotu | rumour has it, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 09:13 |
sunshine | and now it just connect me through | 09:13 |
Seveas | sunshine, because during spambot showers we lock this channel | 09:13 |
d2dchat | kemik yes i tried to upgrade to breezy | 09:13 |
d2dchat | and thats whats giving me problems | 09:13 |
kemik | moparfan90: since i got an ati card, i cant support you on the nvidia install | 09:13 |
ringe | Hi, is NDISWRAPPER broken in breezy again? | 09:13 |
Seveas | only registered users can enter at such times | 09:13 |
the_watchtower | I am still trying to figure out welcome.msg used by proftp | 09:13 |
kemik | d2dchat: i answered you in pm... | 09:13 |
sunshine | so why did you cancel everyone out of the other channel | 09:13 |
sunshine | what is spambot | 09:14 |
kemik | sunshine: a bot that spams | 09:14 |
sunshine | ohhh | 09:14 |
d2dchat | kemik hehe i dont know how to check PM in bitchx;) | 09:14 |
kemik | sunshine: ie: a computer program designed to spam ppl on irc | 09:14 |
d2dchat | bitchx in console mode | 09:14 |
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Seveas | because it's a spambot trap, spambots are IRC robots that join a channel, send spam to everyone and leave | 09:14 |
kemik | d2dchat: there's no other mode in bx than console that i'm aware of ;) | 09:14 |
d2dchat | err lol, that last statement was reduntant | 09:14 |
d2dchat | i was about to say that | 09:14 |
d2dchat | hehe | 09:14 |
the_watchtower | ubotu, tell gary about welcome.msg | 09:14 |
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moparfan90 | ok | 09:14 |
d2dchat | kemik how do i check PMs? | 09:15 |
sunshine | ahh i see so this one is now safe to you cancel everyone out of the other on | 09:15 |
ega | Does someone knows about kernel issues?, please? | 09:15 |
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kemik | d2dchat: basically i told you that you either struggle with getting X to work (and i cant help, maybe someone else in here/the forums) or you install hoary and wait with breezy til it's stable =) | 09:15 |
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kemik | d2dchat: i never use bx.. for consolechat irssi is superio | 09:15 |
kemik | superior | 09:15 |
boxerboy29 | good morning linner | 09:15 |
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d2dchat | well i was wondeirng if you knew how to reinstall dpkg to get it working? | 09:15 |
sunshine | i still dont know my password how do I find out what iit is | 09:16 |
linner | boxerboy29: hey there :) Just turned afternoon here :) | 09:16 |
boxerboy29 | linner sorry was thinking 4 hrs :( | 09:16 |
the_watchtower | I am still trying to figure out welcome.msg used by proftp | 09:16 |
linner | boxerboy29: no worries :) | 09:16 |
boxerboy29 | :) | 09:16 |
kemik | d2dchat: nopes... but was it dpkg that was broken? or X ? | 09:17 |
linner | boxerboy29: let me ask you a very easy question... is that ok? | 09:17 |
the_watchtower | linner hey linner | 09:17 |
=== rebort [n=rob@bing65.cleveland-a.binghamton.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boxerboy29 | linner if its easy i can help | 09:17 |
boxerboy29 | lol | 09:17 |
linner | the_watchtower: hello :) | 09:17 |
rebort | can anyone look at ug 16479? | 09:17 |
the_watchtower | linner, I use to be garyc | 09:17 |
rebort | my b, f and p keys do not work (the keyoard shortcuts dialog sees them as | 09:17 |
rebort | X86AudioNext, X86Audiorev and X86Audiolay, resectively) | 09:17 |
linner | boxerboy29: what directory is the path to my inf-file (windows wireless-lan driver). | 09:17 |
thoreauputic | the_watchtower: did you get my /msg es re: ftp etc? | 09:18 |
linner | the_watchtower: oh okay... why the nick change? just 'cause? | 09:18 |
thoreauputic | yesterday | 09:18 |
d2dchat | OMG | 09:18 |
linner | thoreauputic: hello :) | 09:18 |
boxerboy29 | linner: you said easy :( no really i dont have aclue | 09:18 |
the_watchtower | linner, still trying to figure out welcome.msg use by proftp | 09:18 |
thoreauputic | hi linner :) | 09:18 |
d2dchat | DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO REINSTALL dpg-reconfige?? | 09:18 |
d2dchat | :( | 09:18 |
the_watchtower | linner you mean now | 09:18 |
linner | boxerboy29: at least you're honest :) | 09:18 |
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linner | the_watchtower: ah hah | 09:18 |
sunshine | i need my sound does anyone know how I can get it to work | 09:18 |
d2dchat | dpkg* | 09:19 |
the_watchtower | linner I guess not - will you give it to me again | 09:19 |
linner | the_watchtower: give what to you dear? | 09:19 |
boxerboy29 | linner sorry but i dont use windows nor do i use wireless | 09:20 |
=== thoreauputic wonders if the_watchtower has him on /ignore... | ||
linner | boxerboy29: no it's for linux.. I'm trying to install the ndiswrapper | 09:20 |
linner | boxerboy29: is ok though... seriously not a big deal | 09:20 |
the_watchtower | thoreauputic, I dont think I am getting the messeges | 09:20 |
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sunshine | does anyone know how to fix sound | 09:20 |
linner | the_watchtower: thoreauputic is looking to talk with you | 09:20 |
rebort | can anyone hel me with ug 16479 | 09:20 |
=== linner will be back in just a sec | ||
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BooZee | !ubutu | 09:21 |
ubotu | BooZee: Bugger all, i dunno | 09:21 |
=== linner is away: I'm busy | ||
BooZee | !ubutu help | 09:21 |
ubotu | BooZee: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 09:21 |
thoreauputic | the_watchtower: ah - I sent you several /msg es yesterday telling you the result of my ftp attempts to your server | 09:21 |
kemik | d2dchat: apt-get re-install dpkg | 09:21 |
d2dchat | hey ubotu, i thought you were a bot:-P | 09:21 |
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BooZee | !ubutu tell about gpg | 09:21 |
ubotu | BooZee: I give up, what is it? | 09:21 |
the_watchtower | thoreauputic, oh yesterday yes yes | 09:21 |
sunshine | does anyone know how to fix sound | 09:21 |
JloR | What's you guys thoughts on using LVM instead of extX as primary file system? | 09:22 |
kemik | --reinstall even | 09:22 |
j5y | i have a HD on 80 GB and want to install / and /home on seperate partitions, how big space should i set off to the / ? | 09:22 |
thoreauputic | OK - just checking becuse I had to leave :) | 09:22 |
whyameye | sunshine: what exactly is wrong with your sound? How have you tested it? | 09:22 |
the_watchtower | thoreauputic, I could not get vsftp to work so I put in proftp | 09:22 |
J_P | I install mysql via apt, i need identifies the root directory where you have installed MySQL, what is thi dir ? | 09:22 |
boxerboy29 | seveas: i was just asked a question that might be good if there was a fix | 09:22 |
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sunshine | i cant hear it | 09:22 |
BooZee | can someone here please answer some newbie's questions in private? | 09:23 |
the_watchtower | thoreauputic, now I have my users jailed in their home dir -- looks like root to them | 09:23 |
boxerboy29 | the log-in screen resolution is set to well high is there a way to change that to say a lower one? | 09:23 |
sunshine | ican see the dvd and see the cd playing but i cant hear it 've test my speakers they work fine | 09:23 |
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nerp | any of you people know of a tool or utility I can use to search a dir for duplicate files? (trying to search for duplicate mp3's in my music dir 20+GB) | 09:23 |
thoreauputic | the_watchtower: ah Ok - problem solved then! | 09:23 |
=== vrln [n=vrln@a80-186-47-29.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
whyameye | sunshine, do you get sound in any apps? | 09:23 |
sunshine | no thing | 09:23 |
=== catfox [n=Paul@host86-133-158-112.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vrln | anyone on breezy here (and in gnome)? Could someone check the binary name of the app that lets you edit the grub menu | 09:24 |
rebort | i cant use uuntu unless 16479 is resolved | 09:24 |
whyameye | sunshine if you type xmms in the terminal window, does it report any errors for sound? | 09:24 |
the_watchtower | thoreauputic, I am just trying to use the welcome banner. It is in a file called welcome.msg | 09:24 |
vrln | it's not bum (that's for the runlevels) | 09:24 |
foampeace | can someone explain this? what should i do? http://pastebin.com/376090 | 09:24 |
jMCg | re | 09:24 |
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jMCg | i'm still searching for i8bla-rotate | 09:24 |
catfox | this might be an annoying question, but can't see anything in the forum. but is anyone having troubles logging in to their system with breezy today? i try to log in but i go back to a command line | 09:24 |
sunshine | it bring up the xmms player and say message device hw:00 | 09:24 |
the_watchtower | thoreauputic, a line in the proftpd.conf refers to this file | 09:24 |
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the_watchtower | thoreauputic, do you use an ftp client or just firefoc | 09:25 |
the_watchtower | thor thats firefox | 09:25 |
jMCg | it's a which i so far have only seen for ubuntu -- for intel chipset based laptops -- to switch the vga output | 09:25 |
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teh_pwner | bout time -_- | 09:25 |
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thoreauputic | the_watchtower: I mostly use lftp - sometimes gftp if I feel lazy ;) | 09:26 |
the_watchtower | thoreauputic, do you use an ftp client or just firefox | 09:26 |
matrix | :| | 09:26 |
foampeace | should these errors be here? http://pastebin.com/376090 can i make them go away? | 09:26 |
thoreauputic | ^^^ | 09:26 |
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whyameye | sunshine, if you type cat /proc/asound/cards does it list your card? | 09:26 |
boxerboy29 | lmao at can i make them go away | 09:26 |
catfox | any ideas anyone? there's no way of logging into my system right now | 09:26 |
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d2dchat_ | what is the dpkg-reconfigure command again? | 09:26 |
matrix | ok anybody wanna tell me to setup my themes please :) | 09:26 |
foampeace | boxerboy29: what so funny? | 09:26 |
JloR | jMCg: I successfully used that hotkey on my intel based laptop (with the colony-5 preview LiveCD). | 09:26 |
the_watchtower | do you mind doing some more testing. I want to see if my banner is working | 09:26 |
boxerboy29 | hold on let me look at errors | 09:27 |
qt2 | ARGH! >_< | 09:27 |
matrix | ^_^ | 09:27 |
sunshine | yes it display 2 of them | 09:27 |
thoreauputic | the_watchtower: using FF ? | 09:27 |
d2dchat_ | I attempted this command: | 09:27 |
foampeace | boxerboy29: the modules are loaded...dont know what that error is though | 09:27 |
foampeace | those errors | 09:27 |
jMCg | JloR, it's not like i.. uhm.. *cough*.. it's just.. i don't wanna use ubuntu ._. | 09:27 |
qt2 | this really sucks.. | 09:27 |
JloR | hehe, oki | 09:27 |
rebort | ug 16479 is ad! | 09:27 |
foampeace | looks like the errors were a 2nd time after already being loaded | 09:28 |
JloR | which distro do you want to use then ? | 09:28 |
qt2 | as soon as somethin allocates a lot of memory, it segfaults ;;< | 09:28 |
jMCg | JloR, i'm quite satisfied with my current distro.. it's slim small and i relly love and hug it -- it's ArchLinux | 09:28 |
boxerboy29 | its says they exsist so i got the feeling they are loaded maybe wrong drivers? | 09:28 |
JloR | Ah, yea, I've heard good things about that. | 09:28 |
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jMCg | JloR, but i need this thing for presentations. | 09:28 |
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foampeace | would depmod -a work? | 09:28 |
Auxin | hi guys.. | 09:28 |
Auxin | i just installed breezy, where do i get skype for breezy? | 09:29 |
jjazz | jMCg: Why can't ArchLinux do presentations? | 09:29 |
boxerboy29 | dont know never had to use that command | 09:29 |
whyameye | sunshine, have you played with the multimedia systems selector in the system -> preferences menu? | 09:29 |
rebort | has anyone heard o anyone else with the keyoard issue (#16479) | 09:29 |
JloR | Same reason I'm putting Ubuntu on my laptop .. I need linux on it, and I need to output video on it as well (for TVs and so on).. Since I'm lazy as all he** I'll choose a distro that does that work for me. | 09:29 |
catfox | any ideas how i can try to fix my system if there's no way of logging in? | 09:29 |
d2dchat | Auxin lucky you, when i tried installing breezy, i ended up in console:-P | 09:29 |
Auxin | btw. how post-install *.debs? | 09:29 |
Auxin | thx d2dchat ;) | 09:29 |
the_watchtower | thoreauputic, no i believe we need to use a client. FF already doesn't show the banner | 09:29 |
JloR | I'm originally 100% Gentoo :) | 09:29 |
jjazz | jMCg: Ah... video. Yes. | 09:30 |
boxerboy29 | and im not real sure what it is but looks like a video card errors thats what made me think the wrong drivers | 09:30 |
the_watchtower | thoreauputic, the ip address is changed to | 09:30 |
sunshine | i've tryed testin but I cant hear anything when it is bein tested | 09:30 |
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jjazz | catfox: You can't log in at the command line? | 09:30 |
catfox | jjazz: nope. it just takes me back to the command line. | 09:30 |
qt2 | damnit! | 09:30 |
thoreauputic | the_watchtower: well, I don't think gftp would either - and of course lftp is command line so unless it's an ASCII banner... | 09:30 |
cevizoglu | is it possible to make a binary which runs on ppc ubuntu and i386 ubuntu? | 09:30 |
whyameye | sunshine, do you have 2 sound cards or something? Is it possible it is sending to the wrong one? | 09:30 |
jMCg | jjazz, when i press fn-F5 it screws my screen | 09:30 |
foampeace | boxerboy29: ok ill reboot and tell you is depmod -a worked | 09:30 |
jMCg | which does NOT look good in presentations. | 09:31 |
boxerboy29 | ok ty | 09:31 |
jjazz | catfox: You log in at the command line and it just logs you out? | 09:31 |
qt2 | i cant even play streaming video in firefox without it segfaulting. ;;< | 09:31 |
catfox | jjazz: yeah, just goes right back to a log in prompt | 09:31 |
jjazz | jMCg: But it's probably an improvement over many of the presentations I've suffered through. | 09:31 |
[A] ndy80 | hi | 09:31 |
sunshine | well based on the /proc/asound/cards i have a via and a yamaha | 09:31 |
Auxin | if i try to install a *.deb with dpkg -i he's giving me errors because of dependencies.. what to do? | 09:31 |
jMCg | jjazz, hehhehe :D | 09:31 |
sunshine | how do i fix it | 09:31 |
the_watchtower | thor got my sister on the other line please excuse me for a bit | 09:31 |
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jMCg | jjazz, anyways.. uhm.. my presentations are always fun :D | 09:31 |
the_watchtower | thoreauputic, got my sister on the other line please excuse me for a bit | 09:32 |
butcherbird | catfox, so..wrong password? | 09:32 |
=== SmittysWorking [n=SmittysW@static-66-173-248-123.t1.cavtel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jMCg | because i tend to be totally unprepared and do a lot of improvisation. | 09:32 |
[A] ndy80 | one question... a lot of packages I get that use qt, require this package "libqt3c102-mt". I'm using Ubuntu Breezy. Is there a common way to fix this thing? The version distribuited with breezy is not ok for these packages.... | 09:32 |
jjazz | catfox: That's weird. I've never seen such a thing. If you can't log in, you might have to fix whatever is wrong by booting with a live cd, mounting the disk and making changes that way. What those changes are, though, I leave in your hands. | 09:32 |
catfox | butcherbird: no. its the right password(doesn't give me an error) | 09:32 |
mik3 | hi guys, i'm trying to convirt a windows user to ubuntu, but she has dsl and no router (directly connected to the dsl modem, pppoe probably) is there software ported to ubuntu that deals with that? | 09:32 |
boxerboy29 | ive never seen libs with .ko at end only seen .so at end | 09:32 |
whyameye | sunshine, why don't you try typing esd -d hw:0 and if that doesn't make any sound, try esd -d hw:1 | 09:32 |
jjazz | butcherbird: Ha! You know, that's probably it. | 09:32 |
=== sdali [n=FrankM@68-189-44-38.dhcp.rdng.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SmittysWorking | Okay all you happy Ubuntu-ers... Ever come across a problem where if you insert a CD into a laptop drive, after either a few seconds of playing, or a few seconds of juicing the files, the entire computer freezes? | 09:33 |
=== draug_n [n=draug_n@3E6B5146.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boxerboy29 | the kernel update should keep the drivers for video card no? | 09:34 |
sunshine | using device hw:0 | 09:34 |
sunshine | esd: Esound sound daemon already running or stale UNIX socket | 09:34 |
sunshine | /tmp/.esd-1000/socket | 09:34 |
sunshine | This socket already exists indicating esd is already running. | 09:34 |
sunshine | Exiting... | 09:34 |
sunshine | sunshine@ubuntu:~$ esd -d hw:0 | 09:34 |
sunshine | esd: Esound sound daemon already running or stale UNIX socket | 09:34 |
sunshine | /tmp/.esd-1000/socket | 09:34 |
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whyameye | sunshine, type killall esd first, then | 09:34 |
sunshine | This socket already exists indicating esd is already running. | 09:34 |
sunshine | Exiting... | 09:34 |
jMCg | why is apt-get.org down :-/ | 09:34 |
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thoreauputic | sunshine: please read the topic - you shouldn't paste here | 09:35 |
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sunshine | sorry | 09:36 |
SmittysWorking | CD freezing the Laptop, anyone? | 09:36 |
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ccooke | SmittysWorking: in what circumstances? | 09:37 |
JloR | never heard of it.. | 09:37 |
Auxin | well just 1h42min for dist-upgrade :-P | 09:37 |
sunshine | i dont hear anything it said it usin device hw:0 | 09:37 |
sunshine | what am I suppose to hear | 09:37 |
SmittysWorking | Okay, I put the CD in. I open up the music player, I hit play. It plays for about 8 seconds and then the entire computer freezes. | 09:37 |
ccooke | Auxin: you'd be quicker doing a plain install :-) | 09:37 |
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Auxin | ccooke, y? i'm just upgrading new packages.. my install is plain ;) | 09:37 |
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whyameye | sunshine, kill that and try esd -d hw:1 | 09:38 |
MFen | real fast: what's the default python in badger? | 09:38 |
sunshine | i've tried that one as well still cant hear anything | 09:38 |
ccooke | SmittysWorking: that's really odd. Complete freeze - mouse, keyboard, everything? Can you get to the console with Ctrl-Alt-F1 ? | 09:38 |
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MFen | "python -V" would be the fastest way to check, if someone here is running it :) | 09:39 |
ccooke | Python 2.4.2c1 | 09:39 |
ccooke | :-) | 09:39 |
SmittysWorking | ccooke: It is a complete freeze. | 09:39 |
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slashzul | ls/quit | 09:39 |
evian | I just did a dist-upgrade to breezy. Looks cool except my desktop icons and in the browser are all the same piece of paper icon. Is this par for the course, or did I do something wrong? | 09:39 |
Xappe | try to change icon theme | 09:40 |
ccooke | SmittysWorking: right. Does it happen every time? | 09:40 |
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Auxin | evian, afair it was the same here last time i updated | 09:40 |
MFen | ccc_: mucho thanks. | 09:40 |
bam_ | hey, anyone know why my system wants to mount a external usb hdd like 8x? | 09:40 |
evian | Xappe, will try that | 09:40 |
evian | Auxin, thanks | 09:40 |
ccooke | bam_: ah, you too? | 09:40 |
ccooke | It does that with my Zaurus. | 09:41 |
bam_ | yes indeed | 09:41 |
SmittysWorking | Every time I put a CD in and attempt to access it. It isnt audio because Flash sounds and website sounds play fine... Im wondering if it is a hardware issue, or something about how Ubuntu recognizes the DVD drive. | 09:41 |
bam_ | same problem | 09:41 |
whyameye | sunshine, if you type esd --help and see what devices it lists. | 09:41 |
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ccc_ | MFen: don't thank me, thank ccooke | 09:41 |
ccc_ | :) | 09:41 |
Auxin | what about notebooks & ubuntu are they quite well working? | 09:41 |
Auxin | together.. | 09:41 |
ccooke | Auxin: It's been great on every one I've used | 09:41 |
sunshine | the same hw:0 via and hw:1 yamaha | 09:41 |
jjazz | Auxin: In my view, notebooks are the only reason to use Ubuntu | 09:41 |
=== ccooke is using it right now on his work laptop | ||
butcherbird | my toshiba laptop has worked perfectly | 09:42 |
j5y | what kind of file-system is to recommanded when installing hoary? | 09:42 |
Auxin | jjazz, y? | 09:42 |
SmittysWorking | Auxin: I have a Thinkpad 600x, and there is an issue with the irqpoll, but so far nothing horrible except for this CD freeze | 09:42 |
Auxin | ok SmittysWorking :) | 09:42 |
ccooke | SmittysWorking: Hmm. One thing you could try to do - it may gain us some insight into where the problem is | 09:42 |
SmittysWorking | ccooke: Fire away... | 09:42 |
MFen | ccc_: sorry. in that case, you suck. ccooke: thanks! :P | 09:42 |
jjazz | Auxin: The main advantage of Ubuntu for me is the hardware compatiblity, which is only really an issue for me on notebooks. | 09:42 |
Auxin | yeah | 09:42 |
ccooke | SmittysWorking: are you on breezy, hoary or warty? | 09:42 |
Auxin | i just wondering about myself today.. trying to install debian 3.1 ;) | 09:42 |
SmittysWorking | ccooke: Hoary | 09:43 |
ccooke | MFen: *laugh* | 09:43 |
whyameye | sunshine, is this a desktop machine? You have sound working in Windows or some other distro? | 09:43 |
jjazz | Auxin: Otherwise, I don't see that Ubuntu beats Debian. But that's just my own opinion. I run Ubuntu on finicky laptops. Debian on larger boxes. | 09:43 |
[LethAL] | How do I burn a CD from the command line again? | 09:43 |
ccooke | SmittysWorking: Okay. Then the console output should be on the first VT. Can you insert the CD, start it playing and then *immediately* press Ctrl-Alt-F1? | 09:43 |
mik3 | hi guys, i'm trying to convirt a windows user to ubuntu, but she has dsl and no router (directly connected to the dsl modem, pppoe probably) is there software ported to ubuntu that deals with that? | 09:43 |
Auxin | jjazz, ah ok | 09:43 |
ccooke | SmittysWorking: it might capture some extra debugging if it's the kernel crashing | 09:43 |
jjazz | mik3: apt-cache search pppoe | 09:44 |
Answer | mik3: you should be able to log in to the dsl modem admin page for example | 09:44 |
ccooke | SmittysWorking: for instance, you'd be more likely to see any sort of kernel panic that way | 09:44 |
sunshine | it is a desktop and no sound in windows | 09:45 |
sunshine | i cant hear anything the speakers are workin I tried them | 09:45 |
whyameye | sunshine, so you aren't getting sound from any OS on this machine? Then the problem could be anything, including hardware or a bad connection, or the volume control or... | 09:45 |
SmittysWorking | ccooke: I started playing it ant hit Ctrl+alt+f1... No kernal panic so far... | 09:45 |
mik3 | Answer : that's only if there is a router connected to it | 09:45 |
ccooke | SmittysWorking: right | 09:45 |
sunshine | i had sound when I was on windows | 09:45 |
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sunshine | xp but now I'm on ubuntu it doesn towrk | 09:46 |
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whyameye | sunshine, so when you said "no sound in windows" this was not correct? | 09:46 |
mik3 | hehe i feel bad for you people dealing with all the windows convertees | 09:46 |
SmittysWorking | Ahhhhhh..... | 09:46 |
SmittysWorking | ccooke: | 09:46 |
seife | sunshine: u wont get network stuff working, sound and other stuff working in ubuntu | 09:46 |
sunshine | sorry i had sound in windows xp | 09:46 |
SmittysWorking | ccooke: New development... | 09:46 |
bam_ | im a windows convertee | 09:46 |
ccooke | SmittysWorking: yeah? | 09:46 |
sorush20 | how do I make a html gallery .. how can I insert more than one picture into a ooo.org file at once.? | 09:46 |
Xappe | mik3: no, the dsl modem could have a router built in | 09:46 |
mik3 | bam_ : congratulations | 09:46 |
whyameye | sunshine, do you still have XP installed? | 09:46 |
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sunshine | everything is working in ubuntu but the sound | 09:47 |
SmittysWorking | ccooke: I play the CD and it is playing fine. When I go to adjust the volume up beside the clock it freezes the lappy. | 09:47 |
sorush20 | how do I make a html image gallery .. how can I insert more than one picture into a ooo.org file at once.? | 09:47 |
bam_ | its not soo bad | 09:47 |
ccooke | SmittysWorking: okay, that's interesting | 09:47 |
mik3 | Xappe : cool | 09:47 |
sunshine | no ubuntu replaced it | 09:47 |
boxerboy29 | i had that problem too sunshine found out that ubuntu and my onboard sound card didnt like eachother very much | 09:47 |
bam_ | i for instance only have a few issues | 09:47 |
bam_ | minor ones at that | 09:47 |
ccooke | boxerboy29: what's your onboard sound? | 09:47 |
sunshine | so what did you do? | 09:47 |
Skid | anyone got a k750i working with linux? :] | 09:47 |
boxerboy29 | i dont remember i went got a 20 soundblaster and now all is well | 09:48 |
ccooke | Skid: working how? | 09:48 |
SmittysWorking | I think we are all in the same boat with the sound cards being kludged in Ubuntu... | 09:48 |
ccooke | It Just Works on ubuntu (hoary and breezy_ | 09:48 |
boxerboy29 | i spent over a month trying to get it to work | 09:48 |
Skid | accessing the storage card | 09:48 |
ccooke | in the sense that I plug it in, and I get the stroage. | 09:48 |
Skid | hmmmmm | 09:48 |
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sunshine | but how boxer i need my music | 09:48 |
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Skid | where'd you access it? | 09:48 |
nerp | breezy need mp3riot packages | 09:48 |
Skid | doesn't show up anywhere for me | 09:48 |
ccooke | Skid: just plugged in the USB cable. | 09:48 |
Skid | ya, I've got it plugged in now, its charging off me lappy | 09:49 |
evian | yeah changing my theme fixed my icons | 09:49 |
whyameye | sunshine, what kind of VIA sound card is it i.e. model #? | 09:49 |
d2dchat | how do i bring a broken breezy back to hoary | 09:49 |
Skid | ccooke: did it pop up with some directory then? | 09:49 |
sunshine | (VIA 82C686A/B rev50 | 09:49 |
JloR | I've resized my NTFS partition using ntfsresize - I made it 30gb instead of 40gb. So now I should have 10gb for Ubuntu.. BUT, the installer can't see these 10gb.. Windows says the drive is now 30gb, but the installer can only see hda1 (40gb...) and I can't create more partitions in fdisk.. Can someone help me out? | 09:49 |
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ccooke | Skid: look for an icon on your desktop | 09:49 |
mik3 | So if someone who is converting from windows to ubuntu, relatively clueless, is going to run into a problem because ubuntu hoary doesn't package a pppoe application with it? | 09:49 |
Skid | nope, nothing htere | 09:49 |
Skid | do you have some USB utils installed? | 09:49 |
ccooke | standard install. | 09:49 |
Skid | hmm | 09:49 |
ccooke | have you had USB devices working before? | 09:50 |
Skid | yeah, I use a USB mouse | 09:50 |
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ccooke | SmittysWorking: hmm. does this only happen when playing the CD? | 09:50 |
boxerboy29 | mik3: all computers are differetn one person may have your problem but the next with relitivly same hardware would work great | 09:50 |
ccooke | SmittysWorking: and does a different CD player cause it? | 09:50 |
ccooke | Skid: USB storage? | 09:50 |
Skid | no | 09:51 |
ccooke | Skid: gimme a sec while I dig out my USB cable. | 09:51 |
Skid | just a mouse ;) | 09:51 |
Skid | thanks | 09:51 |
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sunshine | what sound card do you have boxer | 09:51 |
SmittysWorking | ccooke: When I play the CD and adjus tthe volume, i freezes. When I open the CD with Juicer and try to rip them, it freezes. | 09:51 |
d2dchat | how do i bring a broken breezy back to hoary | 09:51 |
boxerboy29 | i have a soundblaster if u give me a min ill look to be sure | 09:51 |
butcherbird | sunshine, hoary or breezy? | 09:51 |
=== bam_ agrees with mik3 about the win convertee's comment | ||
sunshine | breezy | 09:51 |
jjazz | mik3: As I told you earlier, apt-cache search pppoe | 09:51 |
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ccooke | Skid: Okay. Plug the K750i in. I get a popup "Import photos from device" | 09:52 |
Skid | how odd | 09:52 |
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Skid | I don't :) | 09:52 |
Skid | i'll replug it in | 09:52 |
ArneCas | mik3: pppoeconf | 09:52 |
bam_ | is it turned on? | 09:52 |
mathieudz | hi, is it safe yet to upgrade to breezy, or is it better to wait for the release? | 09:52 |
ccooke | skid: wait! | 09:52 |
yarddog | i have an audigy 2 sound card and its not working, ideas? | 09:52 |
butcherbird | sunshine, using onboard sound or do you have a sound card as well? | 09:52 |
sunshine | dcdchat you have to go to source list and change everywhere it said breezy to hoary | 09:52 |
mik3 | jjazz : when i installed ubuntu it didn't even have apt-cache on it | 09:52 |
d2dchat | sunshine what was the location again?> | 09:53 |
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sunshine | yamaha | 09:53 |
Skid | ah i see syslog events | 09:53 |
Skid | hm | 09:53 |
ccooke | before you do that, open a terminal and type "tail -0f /var/log/kern.log" | 09:53 |
Oetzi | hi | 09:53 |
whyameye | sunshine, you checked the volume with alsamixer? | 09:53 |
evian | mathieudz, I just upgraded, but I backed up everything first | 09:53 |
boxerboy29 | sunshine i dont have the box anymore but it was a target 20-30 dollar card | 09:53 |
jjazz | mik3: I've installed a few ubuntu boxes, and they all have apt-cache. I don't recall installing it myself. | 09:53 |
ccooke | SmittysWorking: Okay. This is probably a dodgy driver of some sort. What kernel are you running? | 09:53 |
sunshine | source list you have to access it though the terminal sudo gedit | 09:53 |
=== bayab00m [n=esr@i3ED6C9CC.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bayab00m | hi folks | 09:53 |
d2dchat | sunshine yes, where is it located | 09:53 |
mik3 | really, ok then i'll have them go ahead. as long as i can get them online that's all that matters | 09:54 |
ccooke | SmittysWorking: it *may* be dodgy hardware, but... that would be worse, so let's assume not :-) | 09:54 |
mik3 | lates | 09:54 |
Oetzi | can anyone tell me why aterm can't print oe,ae,ue | 09:54 |
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bayab00m | how can i stop ubuntu from locking the screen when closing the laptop? | 09:54 |
SmittysWorking | ccooke: kernel 2.6.10-5-386 | 09:54 |
Oetzi | xterm, eterm, gnome-terminal do perfect | 09:54 |
boxerboy29 | its a creative soundblaster 5.1live ls | 09:54 |
ccooke | Oh, yeah - anyone, is there an *accepted* *default* way of configuring network interfaces automatically on Ubuntu (hoary/breezy)? | 09:55 |
boxerboy29 | retail is about 30 i got it for 23 | 09:55 |
bayab00m | with closing i mean to shut the cover | 09:55 |
ccooke | There are a load of thing that'll do it, but they're all a pig to configure so I always write my own | 09:55 |
ArneCas | bayab00m: Your screen gets locked when your laptop is going to sleep? | 09:55 |
=== Fanskapet [n=din@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Oetzi | i have the following config breezy preview, locales de_DE@euro | 09:55 |
sunshine | the master is on 82 pcm is on 84 pc is on 87 the cd is on 84 | 09:55 |
D1 | I think he means the password login | 09:55 |
d2dchat | where is the source list? | 09:55 |
d2dchat | ./etc/sources.list? | 09:56 |
ccooke | SmittysWorking: Okay. Pretty solid kernel, then. | 09:56 |
D1 | xscreensaver locks the screen | 09:56 |
bayab00m | ArneCas, not going to sleep, but when i shut the cover and then open it back, the screen is locked and i have to insert password | 09:56 |
D1 | I actually like that feature. hehe | 09:56 |
Oetzi | i think it's a problem with fonts | 09:56 |
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ccooke | SmittysWorking: Can you do the Ctrl-Alt-F1 trick at all with any of the causes you know? | 09:56 |
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ccooke | Skid: seen anything? | 09:56 |
sunshine | dcd it is sudo gedit apt-get sources.list | 09:57 |
ArneCas | bayab00m: actually I am looking for this exact feature. On my system it does not get locked :-( Does it lock immediately? | 09:57 |
boxerboy29 | i hated having to log in after the screen saver kicked on | 09:57 |
d2dchat | sunshine i cant access it via gedit | 09:57 |
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SmittysWorking | ccooke: I will try again... | 09:57 |
ccooke | boxerboy29: you can disable screen locking in the screensaver preferences | 09:57 |
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nerp | d2dchat, stil in console mode? | 09:57 |
d2dchat | yes lol | 09:57 |
d2dchat | it suckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkssss | 09:57 |
boxerboy29 | yeah i found it 3 weeks later | 09:57 |
d2dchat | i just want breezy:( | 09:58 |
nerp | d2dchat, apt-get install pine | 09:58 |
nerp | then updatedb | 09:58 |
ccooke | d2dchat: so install it :-) | 09:58 |
d2dchat | but im going back to hoary | 09:58 |
d2dchat | cuz this sucks | 09:58 |
nerp | then pico /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:58 |
nerp | ctrl + x to save | 09:58 |
d2dchat | unless you ant to help me get breezy up | 09:58 |
d2dchat | nerp can u help? | 09:58 |
nerp | i'll try | 09:58 |
=== Kaetemi [n=kaetemi@d54C38B99.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
d2dchat | the problem is X wont start | 09:58 |
bayab00m | well now i purged xscreensaver, and when i close the cover and open it back then i'm not anymore in the xserver, i have to manually press alt-ctrl-f7 to come back to it | 09:58 |
Skid | CompBrain: i | 09:59 |
nerp | have you tried "startx"? | 09:59 |
boxerboy29 | d2dchat why not wait untill oct 13th to reinstall breezy thats when the stable release is set to appear | 09:59 |
Skid | ccooke: i see it create the /dev/ttyACM0/1 devices | 09:59 |
Skid | but nothing more | 09:59 |
ccooke | bayab00m: ah. gimme a sec, let me look. | 09:59 |
Skid | just googling now | 09:59 |
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ccooke | Skid: Right. it's not seeing any storage on your phone | 09:59 |
nerp | hist startx as a normal user | 09:59 |
nerp | err, hit rather | 09:59 |
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ccooke | Skid: out of interest... is the memory card properly plugged in? | 09:59 |
Kaetemi | hi all, does anyone know if it's possible to use samba or maybe another windows network thing to run on an ipx/netbeui thing? | 09:59 |
d2dchat | user not authorized to run x server | 10:00 |
d2dchat | aborting? | 10:00 |
nerp | sudo startx | 10:00 |
ccooke | Skid: I've noticed it's possible to close the cover with it slightly out | 10:00 |
boxerboy29 | bye all dinner trumps chat anyday | 10:00 |
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d2dchat | creating new authority file... | 10:00 |
d2dchat | server error. | 10:00 |
butcherbird | d2dchat, sudo gdm doesnt work? | 10:00 |
Skid | close the cover? | 10:00 |
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d2dchat | butcherbird im in console mode!! | 10:00 |
ccooke | Skid: the little rubber cover over the memory stick | 10:01 |
cnx | how can i set up adsl in ubuntu? | 10:01 |
butcherbird | d2dchat, yes? | 10:01 |
Skid | ah | 10:01 |
nerp | d2dchat, did you do "sudo startx" | 10:01 |
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Skid | i'll check | 10:01 |
d2dchat | nerp yes and it said: | 10:01 |
Skid | sorry didn;t see you what said above | 10:01 |
ccooke | Skid: if you open it, remove the memory card, then press it back in firmly until it clicks | 10:01 |
JloR | Muahaha, after 2-3 hours... I finally think I beat both winXP AND Ubuntu - I think I can install safely now, and dual boot. | 10:01 |
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d2dchat | server error | 10:01 |
Skid | yep definately in | 10:01 |
d2dchat | xinit: server error | 10:02 |
Skid | i'll google some more :) | 10:02 |
JloR | I'll be sooo happy with myself if I can actually dualboot safely and have two working systems within an hour or so.. Because that would mean I don't need the backup I took. | 10:02 |
ccooke | Skid: heh. | 10:02 |
ccooke | Skid: Want me to query you with what I get from dmesg? | 10:02 |
Skid | sure | 10:02 |
ccooke | show you what you *should* be seeing? | 10:02 |
Skid | thanks | 10:02 |
nerp | apt-get remove gdm | 10:02 |
nerp | then try to reinstall it? | 10:03 |
XHK | How can i set up adsl connection in ubuntu? | 10:03 |
d2dchat | nerp, i also tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and it said that it was either broken or something | 10:03 |
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d2dchat | nerp, will that break anything? | 10:03 |
nerp | hmm | 10:03 |
nerp | no, shouldnt | 10:03 |
XHK | How can i set up adsl connection in ubuntu? | 10:03 |
d2dchat | ok, then apt-get install gdm? | 10:04 |
[LethAL] | System, Administration, networking | 10:04 |
JloR | it ought to automaticly, if you have a router giving out DNS servers and IPs for your network. | 10:04 |
ArneCas | How do I get xscreensaver to lock the screen when I close the lid on an iBook? | 10:04 |
nerp | d2dchat, yes | 10:04 |
d2dchat | XHK's ISP uses PPPoe | 10:04 |
JloR | ah right, lethal has the easy way ;) | 10:04 |
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JloR | oki | 10:04 |
d2dchat | nerp now what? | 10:04 |
JloR | brb | 10:04 |
nerp | try reboot | 10:04 |
d2dchat | k | 10:04 |
SmittysWorking | ccooke: I am assuming it is something to do with the audio driver as the CD-ROM drive was used to install Ubuntu. I will have to look more into it later. Thanks! | 10:05 |
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sunshine | dvd its sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:06 |
ccooke | SmittysWorking: No problem. Sorry I couldn't be any more help. | 10:06 |
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XHK | Can someone help me then? | 10:06 |
sunshine | everyone stop helpin me | 10:06 |
barongas | Is there a way to reset my firefox and remove all installed plugins? I have been toying around with it and now it's acting up weirdly. apt-get removing it requires that I remove my entire ubuntu-desktop which would suck | 10:07 |
ccooke | barongas: yes, but it'll remove the entire profile | 10:07 |
nerp | barongas, rm -rf /path/to/firefox/plugins | 10:07 |
sunshine | can anyone help me fix my sound | 10:08 |
muep | barongas: remove all firefox-related in home dir | 10:08 |
ccooke | barongas: usually you really only want to remove the local stuff, though | 10:08 |
tristanmike | barongas, removing ubuntu-desktop isn't as bad as it sounds, just reinstall it back, it's not gonna remove your desktop as it would lead you to believe | 10:08 |
=== d2dchat [n=lance@pcp09228522pcs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
d2dchat | nerp! | 10:08 |
d2dchat | didnt work:( | 10:08 |
nerp | bah | 10:08 |
nerp | what is the error exactly | 10:08 |
d2dchat | i think its because i have so many missing dependencies? | 10:08 |
sunshine | dcd type this in terminal sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:09 |
d2dchat | maybe i missed a step? | 10:09 |
nerp | type startx | 10:09 |
ccooke | barongas: rm -rf ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default. Or, to be *much safer*, move it to another name. | 10:09 |
tristanmike | barongas, I've been running with out the ubuntu-desktop package for like 4 days without realizing it, and I just reinstalled it last night | 10:09 |
nerp | d2dchat, try apt-get build-dep gdm | 10:09 |
d2dchat | user not authorized to start x | 10:09 |
nerp | d2dchat, try apt-get build-dep gdm xorg etc | 10:09 |
barongas | Ok, thanks everyone. I think I'm going with the removing firefox stuff in my home dir but now that you say it I realize that removing desktop isn't that bad :) | 10:09 |
d2dchat | nerp, well the problem could be that i didnt install breezy right | 10:09 |
sunshine | dcd have u tried sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:09 |
d2dchat | nerp, i did all the source stuff | 10:09 |
nerp | huh? | 10:09 |
d2dchat | sunshine, gedit doesnt even work in console and i already edited the source file for breezy | 10:09 |
tristanmike | barongas, just after it removes it, search it in Synaptic and reinstall, and no prob. You may want to make sure the package "yelp" doesn't get uninstalled too | 10:10 |
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concept10 | offtopic: anyone heard of this site called allofmp3.com | 10:10 |
ccooke | barongas: (ubuntu-desktop is a virtual package that depends on all the other things you need to have an ubuntu desktop machine - it has no files, but installing it causes other things to be installed. When you remove one of the things that it installs, ubuntu-desktop is removed as well because it 'depends' on them) | 10:10 |
nerp | d2dchat, have you done apt-get update | 10:10 |
d2dchat | nerp, i changed the source file for breezy but there was an additional step on the wiki site it recommended that i tried to do that didnt work and they said it would ensure that breezy works | 10:10 |
sunshine | did you change all the word breezy to hoary and save it | 10:10 |
nerp | and then try apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:10 |
d2dchat | nerp, how do i know if i didnt?:) | 10:10 |
bayab00m | is there like a conf file or something where all the actions are listed that are done when the laptop-cover gets shut? | 10:10 |
=== kent [n=kent@h55d210.delphi.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tristanmike | concept10, #ubuntu-offtopic | 10:10 |
barongas | ccooke cool | 10:11 |
Tomcat_ | A friend was forced into the recovery console by fsck (harddisk crash or something). The recovery console needs a root password. I know how he can set it, I just want to know if this is a known problem. | 10:11 |
Oetzi | Can anyone help me with my problem | 10:11 |
nerp | do it now | 10:11 |
nerp | do apt-get update | 10:11 |
d2dchat | sunshine, yes and i rebooted, thats why im stuck in console;) | 10:11 |
sunshine | can anyone help lme with my sound | 10:11 |
nerp | then do apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:11 |
barongas | Everytime I log into this channel I learn so much, wether it's through helping someone or getting helped. Ace guys! | 10:11 |
d2dchat | nerp, k its workin | 10:11 |
Oetzi | fluxbox and aterm has problems with loading fonts | 10:11 |
concept10 | tristanmike, no | 10:11 |
sunshine | u didnt need to reboot you should sudo apt-get update once you saved it | 10:11 |
d2dchat | nerp, i think it upgraded, now what/ | 10:12 |
sunshine | can someone help me with my sound | 10:12 |
ccooke | sunshine: I've probably lost this in scrollback, sorry, but - have you had it working under linux before? | 10:12 |
=== orex [n=xero@cpe-66-66-38-218.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nerp | apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:12 |
d2dchat | sunshine i thought i did upgrade it | 10:12 |
barongas | Do I need to reinstall flash-plugins and those kinds of stuffs as well? | 10:12 |
d2dchat | nerp, it says the following packages have unmet dependencies: | 10:12 |
ccooke | barongas: not if you installed them through apt/synaptic | 10:13 |
d2dchat | lsb: depends: lsb-graphics but it is not installed. | 10:13 |
nerp | hit y | 10:13 |
sunshine | no i had it workin when I was on windows then I change to ubuntu and now it doesnt work | 10:13 |
nerp | to continue | 10:13 |
d2dchat | it wont let me | 10:13 |
ccooke | sunshine: okay. What's the card? | 10:13 |
orex | i just installed the preview release of breezy. i am getting this weird message at random times on the terminal. its as fillows: [4302887.247000] hub 1-0:1.0: overcurrent change on port 2 | 10:13 |
sunshine | i need it to work | 10:13 |
d2dchat | it just quit | 10:13 |
ccooke | sunshine: you're on hoary, aren't you? | 10:13 |
JloR | I know this might be a bit too early to celebrate, with me not having a complete ubuntu install yet and not being sure if my winXP is intact, but beer's on me! | 10:13 |
d2dchat | it said try to use apt-get -f install | 10:13 |
sunshine | well i have two cards one a via and one a yamaha | 10:13 |
nerp | ok do apt-get sb-graphics | 10:13 |
nerp | ok do apt-get lsb-graphics | 10:13 |
sunshine | no im on breezy | 10:13 |
ccooke | orex: one of your usb devices is requesting too much power | 10:13 |
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orex | ccooke: the only usb thing that i have is the mouse! | 10:14 |
ccooke | orex: plugged into any hubs? | 10:14 |
d2dchat | invalid operation lsb-graphics | 10:14 |
nerp | i can't believe all the people rebooting their machines for no good reason, the only time I ever reboot a linux box is on a kernel upgrade or in order to fix a major problem | 10:14 |
d2dchat | install lsb-graphics? | 10:14 |
nerp | d2dchat, yes | 10:14 |
orex | ccooke: nope. just a ms intelimouse. its an old celeron 533 but still | 10:14 |
sunshine | dcd do you authority on that computer | 10:14 |
d2dchat | nerp, it told me to reboot after upgrade to breezy;) | 10:15 |
test34- | nerp, yes but for some reason the ubuntu autoupdate tell you to reboot more often than that | 10:15 |
j-linux | I'm having trouble launching some programs... I can't find them on the menu and can't launch them in a terminal... if I type "whereis eterm" it just returns "eterm:" | 10:15 |
ccooke | sunshine: okay. what do you see in /proc/asound/cards ? | 10:15 |
nerp | d2dchat, yeah, new kernel in breezy | 10:15 |
nerp | no worries | 10:15 |
ccooke | sunshine: (please forgive me if I'm asking things you've already tried) | 10:15 |
tristanmike | nerp, you have to in windows, and I'd say 90% of us are ex-windows users | 10:15 |
=== mvo [n=egon@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
d2dchat | nerp, it gave me the same message, unmet dependencies | 10:15 |
d2dchat | err wait | 10:15 |
d2dchat | lsb-cxx | 10:15 |
d2dchat | do i have to install that too? | 10:16 |
BooZee | is switching from gnome to kde - problematic? | 10:16 |
ccooke | d2dchat: I'd suggest you try installing from scratch. | 10:16 |
d2dchat | ccooke, that would not be good, i have files on 5.04 | 10:16 |
ccooke | d2dchat: what files? | 10:16 |
d2dchat | and configuration | 10:16 |
ccooke | it's possible to save all of that | 10:16 |
d2dchat | important FTP stuff, emails, etc. | 10:16 |
mvo | how do I copy a audio cd in breezy? | 10:16 |
nerp | d2dchat, what packages are conflicting? | 10:16 |
JloR | Oh yea, my laptop just got 10 times as powerfull :) Both winXP and Ubuntu works like a charm. Was a pain to resize the partition holding winXP (I didn't have any GUI to read FAQs and docs in). But it works now! | 10:16 |
JloR | Thanks a bunch for not banning me when I asked stupid questions *hands out beers*. | 10:17 |
d2dchat | lsb, openoffice, | 10:17 |
nerp | d2dchat use apt-get build-dep for any missing deps | 10:17 |
d2dchat | thats all it says | 10:17 |
=== metalsand [i=Smith@dhcp-x198c-125.mobile.uci.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
d2dchat | so apt-get build-dep lsb? | 10:17 |
nerp | so do apt-get build-dep openoffice lsb etc etc next next | 10:17 |
metalsand | What's the command to scan for a network? | 10:17 |
metalsand | iwconfigh eth0 scanning | 10:17 |
metalsand | ? | 10:17 |
nerp | you can enter more than one | 10:17 |
ccooke | d2dchat: How much free space do you have, and what does du -s /home say? | 10:17 |
nerp | doesn't need to be just lsb the openoffice | 10:17 |
orex | i just did a breezy instal, and i did it w/out a nic card in it. afterwards i added the nic and it connects fine. the problem is it doesnt connect or try to connect when i startup. i have to do 'sudo ifconfig eth0 up' and then 'sudo dhclient eth0' everytime. is there any way to fix this so it works upon startup? | 10:17 |
Auxin | "just" 42 mins to go for dist-upgrade. :-/ | 10:18 |
nerp | can be apt-get build-dep prog1 prg2 prg3 prg4 etc | 10:18 |
j-linux | Is there a way to make the desktop background image change every 5 minutes? | 10:18 |
nerp | brb | 10:18 |
ccooke | d2dchat: if the answer to those is favourable, I can show you how to do a safe reinstall and lose nothing - and it'll probably be faster than fixing your system | 10:18 |
jMCg | j-linux, uhm.. cron job..? | 10:18 |
d2dchat | nerp, unabled to find source package for openoffice, so i just installed lsb first | 10:18 |
butcherbird | metalsand, you mean wireless network like 'iwlist ath0 scan' | 10:18 |
jMCg | no | 10:18 |
jMCg | uhm... | 10:18 |
sunshine | cc i see my two cards | 10:18 |
jMCg | that'd be very irritating.. | 10:18 |
ccooke | sunshine: right, so they're *detected* | 10:18 |
metalsand | buercherbird: I think that was he command | 10:18 |
j-linux | jMCg: ok... I don't know how to do that yet... "man cron" ... here goes... | 10:19 |
sunshine | yeah | 10:19 |
metalsand | it was iwlist. Doh. | 10:19 |
d2dchat | ccooke, if all else fails:) | 10:19 |
metalsand | Thanks | 10:19 |
butcherbird | =) | 10:19 |
j-linux | jMCg: thanks | 10:19 |
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Skid | ccooke: out of intrest are you running breezy? | 10:19 |
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ccooke | sunshine: ... what happens when you try to play audio? errors, or no sound? | 10:19 |
d2dchat | lol, it should show you in IRC if you're running breezy;) | 10:19 |
ccooke | Skid: since thursday. But I've had the phone nearly a month now. | 10:19 |
=== kill9 [n=kill9@c2-317-1.eno.dial.mweb.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
d2dchat | or forward you to the channel | 10:20 |
Skid | and it worked with hoary before? | 10:20 |
ccooke | Skid: and it worked find in hoary | 10:20 |
d2dchat | like #ubuntu-breezy, #ubuntu-hoary | 10:20 |
Skid | as I'm still on hoary, dont want to upgrade as when i did from warty -> hoary everything died :) | 10:20 |
Skid | hmm, thats so annoying :) | 10:20 |
ccooke | Skid: hey. does the phone work in windows? or on other systems? | 10:20 |
kill9 | hi all, using ubuntu 4.10 and when i start the partition manager it doesnt find the partitions that are already on the drive. it just wants to erase the entire disk | 10:20 |
d2dchat | yea, this was a pain in the ass upgrading to breezy today:( | 10:21 |
sunshine | just no sound | 10:21 |
nerp | k | 10:21 |
Skid | ccooke: yep | 10:21 |
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nerp | back & stuff | 10:21 |
Skid | windows is fine, tried it on my g/f's laptop a min ago | 10:21 |
d2dchat | nerp: | 10:21 |
ccooke | sunshine: okay. and the volume controls appear to work, but nothing? | 10:21 |
d2dchat | errors were encountered while processing: | 10:21 |
nerp | d2dchat, yeah | 10:21 |
d2dchat | postfix | 10:21 |
ccooke | sunshine: if so, I think I know your problem | 10:21 |
d2dchat | lsb-core | 10:21 |
sunshine | the volume is up | 10:21 |
sunshine | tell me | 10:21 |
d2dchat | E: sub process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 10:22 |
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ccooke | sunshine: Your volume control is probably pointing at the wrong mixer | 10:22 |
test34- | I wish xchat would save logs in different file everyday | 10:22 |
d2dchat | E: Failed to process build dependencies | 10:22 |
sunshine | how do you fix that | 10:22 |
nerp | hmm | 10:22 |
ccooke | sunshine: right click on the volume icon in the tray - click "open volume control" | 10:22 |
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sunshine | yeah it open | 10:22 |
ccooke | sunshine: oops, sorry. | 10:23 |
ccooke | sunshine: right click, click *preferences* | 10:23 |
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sunshine | ok preference is open | 10:23 |
yarddog | when i installed ubuntu it never had me set up a root password | 10:23 |
ccooke | sunshine: it'll give you a little dialog saying "select the device and track to control" | 10:23 |
d2dchat | nerp, yea its a toughy aint it | 10:23 |
d2dchat | lol | 10:23 |
nerp | d2dchat, yeah | 10:23 |
ccooke | sunshine: what's it saying now? | 10:23 |
sunshine | yeah that on the via | 10:23 |
nerp | hmm try apt-get install gnome | 10:23 |
barongas | yarddog: You wont really need it. You can set it with sudo though | 10:24 |
daverag | Can someone help me when I right-click to Share a Folder in Nautilus nothing happens, and if I open from System - Administration - Shared Folder it just crashes | 10:24 |
yarddog | how ? | 10:24 |
ccooke | sunshine: is the device correct? | 10:24 |
d2dchat | nerp: E: broken packages | 10:24 |
yarddog | barongas, apt wont work without it | 10:24 |
d2dchat | depends on: gnome-desktop-environment | 10:24 |
sunshine | yes | 10:24 |
ccooke | sunshine: okay. What does the lower field say? | 10:25 |
nerp | d2dchat, what sources are you using? | 10:25 |
test34- | !tell yarddog about sudo | 10:25 |
d2dchat | but it is not going to be installed | 10:25 |
d2dchat | hold on lemme pico it | 10:25 |
d2dchat | what was the url to the source file again? | 10:25 |
d2dchat | ./etc/sources.list? | 10:25 |
jjazz | d2dchat: /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:25 |
nerp | /etc/apt/source.list | 10:25 |
d2dchat | ty | 10:25 |
sunshine | master master mono headphons 3d centre pcm line in cd mic etc.... | 10:25 |
nerp | d2dchat, wget http://gawth.org/ub/sources.list | 10:26 |
ccooke | sunshine: what's selected, though? | 10:26 |
d2dchat | hmmmm | 10:26 |
sunshine | master | 10:26 |
d2dchat | ok hold on | 10:26 |
nerp | then mv that to /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:26 |
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d2dchat | k hold on | 10:26 |
ccooke | sunshine: okay. start something playing | 10:26 |
daverag | I was using 5.04 and Shared Folders wouldn't work, so I installed 5.10 and it still doesn't work | 10:26 |
ccooke | sunshine: then, right click on the volume icon and "open volume control" | 10:27 |
ccooke | sunshine: on that, click Edit->Preferences | 10:27 |
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ccooke | sunshine: and enable any disabled tracks | 10:27 |
jjazz | daverag: Is ubuntu's folder sharing a frontend for Samba? Maybe you could just install and/or config samba directly. | 10:27 |
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ccooke | sunshine: then, on the "playback" tab, increase any which are muted/very low | 10:27 |
d2dchat | nerp, ok now what? | 10:27 |
ccooke | sunshine: until you run out, or find one that does the trick :-) | 10:28 |
d2dchat | apt-get install gnome? or.. dpkg? | 10:28 |
daverag | jjazz: i already uninstalled-reinstalled doesn't work more, and I guess I could do it manually but I wonder why it doesn't work | 10:28 |
nerp | d2dchat, apt-get update if you have mv'd the sources i just gave you to /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:28 |
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jjazz | daverag: I don't know. It didn't work for me either. I never examined why it didn't work. I just went around it (because I needed printer sharing too). | 10:29 |
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orex | i just did a breezy instal, and i did it w/out a nic card in it. afterwards i added the nic and it connects fine. the problem is it doesnt connect or try to connect when i startup. i have to do 'sudo ifconfig eth0 up' and then 'sudo dhclient eth0' everytime. is there any way to fix this so it works upon startup? | 10:29 |
d2dchat | nerp, the source file is referencing a cdrom | 10:29 |
jjazz | daverag: Regardless, there are no good samba frontends, so it's not surprising to me that Ubuntu's isn't exactly painless. | 10:29 |
d2dchat | i did not create a breezy cdrom | 10:29 |
kill9 | noone know what could be wrong with the partition manager if its not picking up existing partitions, only the drive? | 10:29 |
daverag | jjazz; what's there as an alternative front-end for samba? | 10:30 |
d2dchat | nerp so its not picking up any of it, all the files said file not found | 10:30 |
jjazz | daverag: SWAT | 10:30 |
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sunshine | you've lost me ther eis nowhere for disable tracks in volume preference | 10:30 |
nerp | wait | 10:30 |
jjazz | daverag: It's web-based, and I don't know if Ubuntu has it packaged (since they already have a frontend for it) | 10:30 |
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ccooke | sunshine: okay | 10:30 |
jensb | I have a matrox g400 card which just works fine at 1024x768x24. When I set it to 1280x1024x24 (using xorgconfig or by editing xorg.conf), the X server refuses to start. I know my card supports that resolution (works in Windows). How can I find out what's the cause? | 10:30 |
ccooke | sunshine: Applications -> Sound and Video -> Volume Control | 10:31 |
ccooke | sunshine: On that, Edit -> Preferences | 10:31 |
jjazz | daverag: It's kinda junky. Googling a sample samba config and hand-editing it isn't painless, but it will probably get you what you want with more ease than trying to navigate Swat. | 10:31 |
nerp | d2dchat, ok see the top line : deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ - Preview i386 (20050908)] / breezy main restricted | 10:31 |
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ccooke | sunshine: that gives you a little window that says "Select tracks to be visible" | 10:31 |
nerp | make it: #deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ - Preview i386 (20050908)] / breezy main restricted | 10:31 |
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jjazz | daverag: Are you sharing with a win box or a linux box or both? | 10:31 |
d2dchat | nerp, with the comment? | 10:32 |
ccooke | sunshine: then a list of tracks with checkboxes next to them | 10:32 |
kev_ | i'm using ndiswrapper to support a netgear dwg111 usb-based wireless nic. things work fine. but if i use firefox to visit either a lot of sites concurrently or slashdot.org (don't know why it hates /.) the device freezes and i have to rmmod + modprobe ndiswrapper. | 10:32 |
ccooke | sunshine: make sure that each box is checked | 10:32 |
ccooke | sunshine: then click close | 10:32 |
nerp | yah put # infront of it | 10:32 |
nerp | then save | 10:32 |
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ccooke | sunshine: back in the volume control, make sure you've selected the "playback" tab | 10:32 |
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nerp | then do apt-get update | 10:32 |
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ccooke | sunshine: then, while something is trying to play, increase any volume controls that look to be muted or very low | 10:32 |
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d2dchat | nerp, ok that looked like it worked, i think | 10:33 |
d2dchat | nerp, now what? | 10:33 |
d2dchat | it hit a bunch of urls | 10:33 |
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marska | Howdy.. Install Ubuntu, partitions fine, but if I create a fat32 partition the install returns with an error. | 10:34 |
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nerp | try do apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:34 |
rodde76 | hi | 10:34 |
marska | Is there a way to create a fat32 partition from within Ubuntu? I don't have any other tools available | 10:34 |
orex | when is 5.10 to be released in final? | 10:34 |
ccooke | marska: yes. mkfs.vfat /dev/devicename | 10:34 |
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d2dchat | nerp, will i hav to reboot after this? | 10:35 |
ccooke | marska: you'll need to run it under sudo | 10:35 |
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BooZee | how do I switch from gnome to kde ? | 10:35 |
nerp | d2dchat, prolly | 10:35 |
nerp | is it running? | 10:35 |
sunshine | done everything you said still cant hear anything | 10:35 |
ccooke | BooZee: have you installed 'kubuntu-desktop' in synaptic? | 10:35 |
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BooZee | i installed kdesktop | 10:35 |
d2dchat | nerp, yes:) | 10:35 |
marska | ccooke, Thank you | 10:35 |
jjazz | BooZee: apt-get install kde | 10:35 |
d2dchat | nerp, its chuggin away | 10:35 |
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tear | How do I unmount a disk from my system? | 10:35 |
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amorph_ | does anyone knows what to do against sloppy audio-playback ? | 10:36 |
ccooke | sunshine: okay, that's odd. | 10:36 |
nerp | sweet | 10:36 |
BooZee | thats it? just "apt-get install kde" ? | 10:36 |
nerp | now cross your fingers | 10:36 |
d2dchat | nerp, HOPEFULLY this works | 10:36 |
d2dchat | lol | 10:36 |
d2dchat | indeed!:) | 10:36 |
nerp | lol, right | 10:36 |
sunshine | i know | 10:36 |
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d2dchat | nerp, also cross your toes | 10:36 |
orex | anybody knwo the apt-get command to isntall blackbox? b/c it doenst recognize apt-get intstall blackbox | 10:36 |
jjazz | BooZee: Wait. You already installed KDE? | 10:36 |
butcherbird | tear a cdrom? or partition? | 10:36 |
ccooke | sunshine: On the offchance, double and triple check that the cable is plugged into the right output | 10:36 |
BooZee | I checked the kdesktop in synaptic | 10:36 |
d2dchat | nerp, interestingly enough BitchX was like "reloading new version" or something | 10:36 |
jjazz | BooZee: And did it do the install? | 10:37 |
tear | butcherbird, Partition | 10:37 |
d2dchat | nerp, perhaps it installed a new version of BitchX? | 10:37 |
nerp | lol, right on | 10:37 |
marska | ccooke: Erm.. How do I format the freespace into a fat32 partition? My drive is located at /dev/hda but I have other partitions on the drive.. | 10:37 |
trin | hi guys | 10:37 |
sunshine | cheers it was in the wrong hole | 10:37 |
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ccooke | boozee: try installing kubuntu-desktop - it'll pull in everything that ubuntu think you should have | 10:37 |
orex | boozee: if you already installed kdesktop, then u have to change it when u log in. if u log out, and go to log back in there is a place where u can change the session. if kde is isntalled, u should be able to select it there | 10:37 |
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nerp | HOLY CRAP! I just found a ton of stuff I thought I had lost forever on a cd tucked away | 10:37 |
ccooke | sunshine: *laugh* it happens! | 10:37 |
sunshine | great sorted................. | 10:37 |
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BooZee | o.k. thanks! | 10:37 |
tear | butcherbird, I needed something from my XP partition | 10:37 |
sunshine | i been tryin to sort this out for so long | 10:37 |
BooZee | i'll try it | 10:37 |
ccooke | sunshine: *grin* | 10:38 |
whyameye | sunshine, it's not a Shuttle computer, is it? | 10:38 |
marska | Is the wiki down? | 10:38 |
evian | !tell me about skype again | 10:38 |
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trin | my ipod seems to be full, even though i only have one album on it.. any ideas? | 10:38 |
d2dchat | nerp, its still unpacking stuff, does that mean its got another step? | 10:38 |
evian | !skype | 10:38 |
ubotu | skype is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SkypeHowto/, or deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free | 10:38 |
orex | trin: u emptyed your trash? | 10:38 |
d2dchat | nerp, or does it unpack, then install? | 10:38 |
butcherbird | tear, umount /mnt/whatever, whatever dir you mounted it to | 10:38 |
ccooke | sunshine: at least you're not in our position - we spent a week at work trying to fix a problem that wasn't there because of a duplex mismatch *exactly* duplicating a software problem... | 10:38 |
sunshine | im just so used to it being in the red output and the back that i didnt think it might work in a another one | 10:39 |
nerp | unpack then install | 10:39 |
nybble | hey trin | 10:39 |
ccooke | sunshine: (a software problem we'd spent the previous week and a half fixing, too) | 10:39 |
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trin | hi nybble | 10:40 |
sunshine | im just glad i can listen to my music | 10:40 |
marska | Erm.. How do I format the freespace into a fat32 partition? My drive is located at /dev/hda but I have other partitions on the drive.. | 10:40 |
marska | Is the wiki down? | 10:40 |
ccooke | marska: Okay. | 10:40 |
sunshine | i think it had to do with all the volume not bein up as well | 10:40 |
ccooke | marska: do you already have a partition to use? | 10:40 |
tear | thanks butcherbird | 10:40 |
d2dchat | Errors occured while processing: | 10:40 |
marska | ccooke: No.. I have three partitions on the drive for Linux, and I want to format the remaining 13 gigs of free space into a fat32 partition | 10:41 |
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ccooke | marska: okay. Have you ever used fdisk? | 10:41 |
trin | orex; yes, empty trash | 10:41 |
nalioth | marska: use qtparted | 10:41 |
d2dchat | ./var/cache/apt/archives/firefox_1.0.7-0ubuntu15_i386.deb | 10:41 |
ccooke | nalioth: good point. | 10:41 |
Skid | ccooke: it seems that the phone needs some scsi drivers or somthing - any tips as to what I should install... ? | 10:41 |
marska | ccooke: Once upon a time.. Now all the numbers and tables seem scary and alien to me | 10:41 |
d2dchat | E: sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 10:41 |
butcherbird | tear, np if you need a command apropos is handy "apropos unmount" etc will list possible commands and their uses | 10:41 |
=== MrNaught [n=mrnaught@S01060013103e9ce9.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ccooke | marska: there are graphical tools for it now, anyway | 10:42 |
d2dchat | nerp, did you get all that? | 10:42 |
marska | ccooke: What package? | 10:42 |
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nerp | wow yeah | 10:42 |
puff | Ubuntu really oughta have a consolidated bugzilla, or something... | 10:42 |
nerp | hmm | 10:42 |
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nalioth | marska: qtparted | 10:42 |
ccooke | marska: gparted (for gnome) or qtparted (for kde) | 10:42 |
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marska | Ccooke; Unless you wouldn't mind walking me through the command line.. Its up already | 10:42 |
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bayab00m | hi folks | 10:42 |
ccooke | puff: consolidated how? | 10:42 |
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ccooke | marska: okay | 10:42 |
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ccooke | marska: that's easy, too | 10:42 |
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nerp | i would say apt-get remove dpkg but that will MESS EVERYthing up | 10:43 |
Dshepherd | hey I trying to install an ATI driver and I get this error: | 10:43 |
marska | ccooke: I'm at /dev/hda under fdisk | 10:43 |
Dshepherd | dpkg: error processing fglrx-6-8-0_8.16.20-2_i386.deb (--install): | 10:43 |
Dshepherd | trying to overwrite `/usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1.2', which is also in package xlibmesa-gl | 10:43 |
Dshepherd | dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe) | 10:43 |
Dshepherd | Errors were encountered while processing: | 10:43 |
Dshepherd | fglrx-6-8-0_8.16.20-2_i386.deb | 10:43 |
d2dchat | lol | 10:43 |
ccooke | marska: just type: | 10:43 |
rodde76 | r det nn frn sverige? | 10:43 |
ccooke | marska: n (for 'new partition') | 10:43 |
bayab00m | is there a tool in ubuntu similar to debian's modconf? | 10:43 |
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LasseL | rodde76, #ubuntu.se | 10:43 |
ccooke | marska: it'll ask for primary or logical parition | 10:43 |
bayab00m | i mean like a curses/gui tool for configuring kernel-modules | 10:43 |
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marska | Okay.. Its a primary | 10:43 |
ccooke | marska: okay | 10:44 |
Dshepherd | hey I trying to install an ATI driver and I get this error: | 10:44 |
d2dchat | nerp, why is dpkg cuttin up so bad? | 10:44 |
ccooke | marska: then just accept the defaults for start and end | 10:44 |
nerp | d2dchat, man I have no idea | 10:44 |
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ccooke | marska: done that? | 10:44 |
marska | ccooke: Done | 10:44 |
Dshepherd | dpkg: error processing fglrx-6-8-0_8.16.20-2_i386.deb (--install): | 10:44 |
Dshepherd | trying to overwrite `/usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1.2', which is also in package xlibmesa-gl | 10:44 |
Dshepherd | dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe) | 10:44 |
Dshepherd | Errors were encountered while processing: | 10:44 |
Dshepherd | fglrx-6-8-0_8.16.20-2_i386.deb | 10:44 |
nerp | d2dchat, thoreaputic might be able to help.. i'm out of ideas | 10:44 |
ccooke | marska: okay. you need to change the type of it, now | 10:44 |
Dshepherd | help! | 10:44 |
d2dchat | thoreaputic, is he a dev? | 10:44 |
Auxin | hey guys... how can i creat a Trash Icon for the Desktop? | 10:44 |
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ccooke | marska: type 't' | 10:45 |
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nalioth | Dshepherd: do not paste in here, it's rude | 10:45 |
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ccooke | marska: then the number of the partition you just made | 10:45 |
nerp | i just see him here quite a bit and he seems to be quite knowledgable | 10:45 |
nalioth | Dshepherd: use #flood or a pastebin (read the /topic) | 10:45 |
ccooke | marska: set the type to 'c' | 10:45 |
d2dchat | i dont see him | 10:45 |
d2dchat | lol | 10:45 |
Dshepherd | srry | 10:45 |
Auxin | hey guys... how can i creat a Trash Icon for the Desktop? | 10:45 |
marska | ccooke: Alright.. Done | 10:45 |
d2dchat | hey ccooke what were you suggesting to get a clean breezy install? | 10:46 |
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marska | ccooke: Argh.. Too easy. Thank you very much | 10:46 |
ccooke | d2dchat: gimme a sec | 10:46 |
d2dchat | 1 mississippi;) | 10:46 |
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ccooke | marska: when you write it, it'll tell you to reboot | 10:46 |
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ccooke | marska: since the kernel will still have the old table | 10:46 |
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ccooke | marska: just 'w' to write. | 10:46 |
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marska | ccooke: Alright... Done | 10:47 |
d2dchat | nerp thanks for the help | 10:47 |
ccooke | marska: reboot, then mkfs.vfat /dev/hdaX | 10:47 |
marska | ccooke: Okay.. Thank you | 10:47 |
nixiac | hello world. | 10:47 |
marska | That mounts the drive? | 10:47 |
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ccooke | marska: that'll format it. | 10:47 |
nerp | d2dchat, no prob sorry i couldn't do anything more | 10:47 |
ccooke | marska: are you in hoary or breezy? | 10:47 |
d2dchat | nerp, its ok you stuck with it well:) | 10:47 |
marska | ccooke: Warty | 10:47 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: okay, you can't boot to X, can you? | 10:47 |
marska | I need to upgrade | 10:47 |
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marska | Installed from an old disk | 10:47 |
ccooke | marska: okay. | 10:47 |
d2dchat | ccookie nope | 10:48 |
ccooke | marska: you want this to be mounted every time? | 10:48 |
d2dchat | ccooke nope* | 10:48 |
marska | ccooke: Yes | 10:48 |
ccooke | d2dchat: okay. I'll step you through it in a sec | 10:48 |
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d2dchat | ccooke ok:) ty | 10:48 |
ccooke | d2dchat: it's the same thing I did myself on Thursday | 10:48 |
gerarcone | hi, when i try to print some .pdf i see a lot of strange characters, why? | 10:48 |
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ccooke | marska: what's the partition number? | 10:48 |
d2dchat | ccooke, o yea i remember what that was;) | 10:48 |
d2dchat | ccooke:-P | 10:48 |
jyrgen | jallaballa | 10:48 |
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marska | ccooke: 4 | 10:49 |
ccooke | d2dchat: no, just letting you know it's simple - otherwise I couldn't do it ;-) | 10:49 |
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d2dchat | ccooke hehe i was just messin with you | 10:49 |
ccooke | marska: Right. reboot, then "sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/hda4" | 10:49 |
ccooke | marska: then finally: | 10:49 |
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ccooke | marska: sudo gedit /etc/fstab | 10:50 |
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puff | ccooke: Well, unless I'm misiunderstanding things, you have to use different buzillas if you're talking about ubuntu proper, or ubuntu universe, ubunttu multiverse, etc. While I understand quite well that the different package sources are managed by different people, I suspect that the vast majority of ubuntu's target audience aren't likely to cope with the confusion and haslse of using different bugzillas for each one. | 10:50 |
ccooke | marska: add to it "/dev/hda4 /mount/point/you/want vfat defaults 0 0" | 10:50 |
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Auxin | omg... i need a trash icon :-/ | 10:51 |
marska | ccooke: That will be read/write for all users? | 10:51 |
ccooke | marska: then, make the mount point (if you didn't already) | 10:51 |
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ccooke | marska: ah, in that case, change the 'defaults' bit to: | 10:51 |
joj | what-s up? | 10:51 |
joj | whazzzzzzza? | 10:51 |
d2dchat | ccooke, *zzzz*;) | 10:51 |
Skid | ahhh | 10:51 |
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Skid | ccooke: i think its because hald isn't running right. | 10:52 |
ccooke | d2dchat: du -s /home :-) | 10:52 |
butcherbird | Auxin, why? | 10:52 |
Skid | bastard :] | 10:52 |
puff | ccooke: For example, I've been dealing with some oddness with swsusp not reloading ipw2200, and after several weeks I've found some other folks on the web encountering the same problem, but I couldn't find anything about it in bugzilla (except the bug I entered). | 10:52 |
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Auxin | butcherbird, for cleaning the trash? | 10:52 |
d2dchat | ccooke lol, what does that do? | 10:52 |
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marska | puff: Your running a new centrino notebook? | 10:52 |
ccooke | d2dchat: tells me how much space /home is using | 10:52 |
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inthenow | is Augmented Reality going to take over at some point? | 10:52 |
butcherbird | Auxin, bah cd /home/Auxin/.Trash ;p | 10:52 |
ccooke | d2dchat: then do a df and tell me if a) home is listed or b) how much space is free on / | 10:52 |
d2dchat | 2492032 | 10:53 |
Auxin | butcherbird, why so complicated? | 10:53 |
Auxin | :-/ | 10:53 |
puff | marska: No, a new thinkpad. | 10:53 |
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butcherbird | Auxin, sorry Im not too familiar with gnome you should have an icon... | 10:53 |
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ccooke | marska: hmm. Try umask=000 | 10:53 |
ccooke | marska: instead of defaults. | 10:53 |
ccooke | marska: okay? | 10:53 |
Auxin | but there's no one ,) | 10:53 |
d2dchat | theres a lot available | 10:54 |
ccooke | marska: been a while since I played with vfat, so I'm trying to remember | 10:54 |
ccooke | d2dchat: good! | 10:54 |
cosmin | how can i change the refresh rate of the monitor (is editing xorg.conf enough ?) | 10:54 |
ccooke | d2dchat: what we need to do is get your /home onto a different partition to your root | 10:54 |
d2dchat | ccooke do you need an exact figure? | 10:54 |
puff | marska: If you're encountering this problem, so far the only fix I've found is to modprobe -r ipw2200, then modprobe ipw2200, then look in the networking GUI applet to configure and activate eth1. For some reason, it's not listed by ifconfig (wish I could figure out why). | 10:54 |
ccooke | d2dchat: then you can reinstall everything and you'll still have all your files. | 10:54 |
butcherbird | Auxin, you could always just put a "shortcut" to the location on the desktop. But I guess thats not an indeal fix | 10:55 |
d2dchat | ccooke oo sounds a lil bit tricky | 10:55 |
ccooke | d2dchat: just paste the available column | 10:55 |
marska | ccooke: Alright.. Thanks. One more thing, when I try to download a file to /home it says I don't have write permission (and that the partition is read only) | 10:55 |
butcherbird | ideal | 10:55 |
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Auxin | butcherbird, i think so 2 | 10:55 |
ccooke | d2dchat: that's right. | 10:55 |
ccooke | d2dchat: but easy enough | 10:55 |
ccooke | marska: yes. you only have write permission to your home directory | 10:55 |
ccooke | marska: which is in /home | 10:55 |
ccooke | marska: presumably /home/marska | 10:55 |
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d2dchat | ccooke so what do i do? | 10:56 |
marska | ccooke: So I can write files to /home/marska? | 10:56 |
Auxin | OH | 10:56 |
puff | Hm, I can't find the bug I submitted for swsusp/ipw2200, but I'm not sure I'm looking in the right tracker (I'm looking at the launchpad.net bug tracker right now). | 10:56 |
Auxin | there's the trash | 10:56 |
ccooke | d2dchat: first thing - do you have another computer available to back up files to? | 10:56 |
Auxin | *covers* | 10:56 |
marska | puff: I encountered something similiar with the ipw2100 driver | 10:56 |
ccooke | marska: yes. | 10:56 |
d2dchat | ccooke i have another hd | 10:56 |
ccooke | marska: assuming your user is marska | 10:56 |
puff | marska: Did you find any other resolution? | 10:56 |
ccooke | d2dchat: all the better, then | 10:56 |
marska | ccooke: I understand the gist of it, thank you | 10:56 |
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ccooke | marska: no problem | 10:56 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: is it mounted? | 10:57 |
puff | marska: I've seen clues that the key is to fix whatever script in swsusp, and make it modprobe -r ipw2200 when suspending. | 10:57 |
d2dchat | yes | 10:57 |
d2dchat | i think.. | 10:57 |
d2dchat | i had it automount on linux startup | 10:57 |
ccooke | d2dchat: right | 10:57 |
d2dchat | so i could access my windows files;) | 10:57 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: where's it mounted? | 10:57 |
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d2dchat | i think its hda1? | 10:57 |
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marska | puff: I went for the brute force approach, reinstalled the OS on my Centrino. There seemed to be some messup when I compiled the driver | 10:57 |
d2dchat | my sda1 is SATA? | 10:57 |
d2dchat | hda1 is regular? | 10:58 |
ccooke | d2dchat: okay. do me a favour? do a "df -h" and paste the result to me in a query? | 10:58 |
ccooke | d2dchat: sounds right. | 10:58 |
d2dchat | how do i paste it? | 10:58 |
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marska | puff: But I'm still having complications.. I just moved to a wifi pcmcia card | 10:58 |
puff | Right now, an even more painful problem is that when I try to use mplayer/rhythmbox (which worked fine on my last install), it freezes up the whole system. | 10:58 |
ccooke | d2dchat: hmm. bitchx. Never used that. | 10:59 |
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puff | marska: Try the "modprobe -r package/modprobe package" approach? | 10:59 |
ccooke | d2dchat: just select the text with your left mouse button | 10:59 |
marska | Puff: No.. Honestly don't want to | 10:59 |
d2dchat | ccooke hehe, in console.. | 10:59 |
ccooke | d2dchat: ahhh | 10:59 |
marska | Puff: I've gotten a connection to work and thats all I care about | 10:59 |
ccooke | d2dchat: that's easy, then | 10:59 |
ccooke | d2dchat: okay, get a console up. | 10:59 |
d2dchat | its been up;) | 10:59 |
puff | marska: Heh... I know the feeling. The main point is that it narrows down the problem. | 10:59 |
ccooke | d2dchat: :-) | 10:59 |
ccooke | d2dchat: are you talking on the same box? | 10:59 |
d2dchat | yes | 11:00 |
ccooke | d2dchat: right. | 11:00 |
puff | I.e. if that modprobe fix works, then you know the problem is that the wireless module isn't getting loaded. | 11:00 |
sorush20 | when I minimize the openoffice calc it pops up again.. don't know why/ help | 11:00 |
d2dchat | screen | 11:00 |
ccooke | d2dchat: yep | 11:00 |
puff | But I sympathize... I have work to do, myself. | 11:00 |
marska | Puff: I've found the ipw drivers very, very buggy and illsupported | 11:00 |
ccooke | d2dchat: okay, that makes it easier. I hate explaining screen over irc... | 11:00 |
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d2dchat | so whenever my ubuntu breaks i end up in console mode and use screen an db itchx;) | 11:00 |
d2dchat | im using screen right now | 11:00 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: go to the console window, press Ctrl-A Escape. That gets you to a select mode. Move the cursor to the start of the block you want to copy. | 11:01 |
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d2dchat | ccooke yea screen is a pain in the ass to explain | 11:01 |
ccooke | d2dchat: press space | 11:01 |
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marska | Puff: Not one real open source distro wants to touch them because they arn't OSS and both Intel and Realtek don't give a damn | 11:01 |
=== Auxin is excited for reboot... after dist-upgrade :D | ||
ccooke | d2dchat: move to the end, press space again to select | 11:01 |
Aleph_One | hi ppl.. i wondering about performance in breezy (i'm using the latest preview), will the final breezy have approx same performance? | 11:01 |
dooglus | my ubuntu broke today. i booted to the install cd and typed 'rescue' but 'screen' wouldn't run. | 11:01 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: go to the irc client and type: Ctrl-A ] | 11:01 |
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marska | Puff: I'd suggest moving to a PCMCIA card and avoiding anything Realtek on your next laptop purchase | 11:01 |
ccooke | d2dchat: to paste. | 11:01 |
arcanistherogue | is iit possible to install 2 .deb files at once? for some reason, apt-get cant find amarok in the repositories (with the backports put in), so im installing from the .deb files. I have to install amarok-arts and amarok both at once, as i get dependency errors whichever one i run. how do I install two at once? | 11:01 |
marska | Puff: I know that doesn't help... But no one cares | 11:02 |
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marska | Found that out the hard way | 11:02 |
jjazz | arcanistherogue: Do you mean apt-get or dpkg? | 11:02 |
puff | marska: Hm... is that specific to my hardware? | 11:02 |
nalioth | arcanistherogue: backports are dangerous things | 11:02 |
arcanistherogue | dpkg | 11:02 |
ccooke | marska: hmm. ipw2200 works fine on this laptop | 11:02 |
puff | marska: That is, am I locked into the ipw drivers because of the particular hardware built into my laptop? | 11:02 |
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puff | That kinda sucks... | 11:02 |
pragup | Can anyone tell me what is the difference between make and gmake and what should i do to install gmake on my system | 11:02 |
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jjazz | arcanistherogue: dpkg -i deb1.deb deb2.deb, I think. I usually do dpkg -i *.deb | 11:02 |
d2dchat | ccooke press what to paste? | 11:02 |
puff | ccooke: Well, the drivers seem to work, but I just can't ubuntu to remember to load them :-). | 11:02 |
arcanistherogue | k | 11:03 |
arcanistherogue | thanks alot | 11:03 |
jjazz | arcanistherogue: But where'd you get the .debs? | 11:03 |
ccooke | d2dchat: Ctrl-A close-square-bracket | 11:03 |
d2dchat | ccooke oooo | 11:03 |
d2dchat | ccooke hold on | 11:03 |
Oetzi | i think my problem is with the de_DE@euro locale | 11:03 |
d2dchat | Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on | 11:03 |
d2dchat | tmpfs 221M 0 221M 0% /dev/shm | 11:03 |
d2dchat | GodFather: `/.dev': No such file or directory | 11:03 |
d2dchat | none 5.0M 2.8M 2.3M 56% /dev | 11:03 |
dooglus | arcanistherogue: amarok doesn't depend on amarok-arts | 11:03 |
d2dchat | woops | 11:03 |
arcanistherogue | jjazz: packages.ubuntu.com | 11:03 |
dooglus | arcanistherogue: so install amarok first | 11:03 |
d2dchat | sry guys;) | 11:03 |
pragup | Can anyone tell me what is the difference between make and gmake and what should i do to install gmake on my system | 11:03 |
arcanistherogue | dooglus: thats what it said on install | 11:03 |
d2dchat | friggen console... | 11:03 |
fredforfaen | enybody else in here get errors when apt-get update? | 11:03 |
nalioth | pragup: install "build-essential" | 11:03 |
jjazz | arcanistherogue: dpkg -i *.deb will do fine. I'm just not sure why apt-get didn't work for you. But best of luck! | 11:04 |
marska | Puff: If your running Centrino, ya.. Why I have the PCMCIA card | 11:04 |
ccooke | fredforfaen: on breezy? | 11:04 |
fredforfaen | this is hoary | 11:04 |
Oetzi | i get the following error-msg "Warning: locale not supported by Xlib, locale set to C" when i start xterm | 11:04 |
fredforfaen | ccooke hoary | 11:04 |
arcanistherogue | well, i installed them both, but now i get an error that there is no Xlib protocol specified. I use xorg, how do i say this? | 11:04 |
Oetzi | can anyone help me? | 11:04 |
dooglus | Oetzi: it's a known bug. | 11:04 |
d2dchat | ccooke did you get all that? that only stuff that got messed up in that paste was /dev/sda1 and /dev/hda1 | 11:04 |
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Auxin | thats the deal... | 11:04 |
marska | !topic | 11:04 |
Oetzi | is there any solution | 11:04 |
ccooke | d2dchat: right. | 11:04 |
ccooke | d2dchat: that's typical :-) | 11:04 |
pragup | nalioth: oh, and what is the difference between make and gmake | 11:04 |
puff | marska: thinkpad t43p with a built-in Intel PRO/Wireless 2915ABG | 11:04 |
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dooglus | Oetzi: yes, but it hasn't been implemented yet. | 11:04 |
d2dchat | ccooke :) so you know my setup, what now? | 11:05 |
ccooke | d2dchat: okay, so you have them mounted. What's your windows drive mounted as | 11:05 |
ccooke | d2dchat: ? | 11:05 |
ccooke | d2dchat: ntfs or vfat? | 11:05 |
marska | Puff: Pentium M proc? | 11:05 |
ccooke | d2dchat: mount will tell you, if you forget | 11:05 |
nalioth | pragup: i have no idea | 11:05 |
d2dchat | ntfs is typical for winxp isnt it? | 11:05 |
Oetzi | but it had made it work under hoary on my old notebook | 11:05 |
bluefoxicy | OMG XD | 11:05 |
ccooke | d2dchat: yes. | 11:05 |
bluefoxicy | Xubuntu! | 11:05 |
bluefoxicy | XFCE4 | 11:05 |
fredforfaen | anybody else getting errors when apt-get updating? | 11:05 |
ccooke | d2dchat: unfortunately, linux can't write to that | 11:05 |
d2dchat | believe its ntfs, but how do i check? | 11:05 |
pragup | nalioth:ok thanx anyway | 11:05 |
ccooke | d2dchat: type "mount" | 11:05 |
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Auxin | BlueEagle, wtf? | 11:05 |
d2dchat | ccooke yea, i knew that | 11:05 |
Auxin | bluefoxicy, wtf.. | 11:05 |
puff | marska: Yeah. | 11:06 |
kemik | d2dchat: "sudo fdisk -l" | 11:06 |
bluefoxicy | Auxin: It's in the repos for breezy | 11:06 |
puff | marska: Yeah, pentium M. | 11:06 |
marska | Puff: Then your running Centrino | 11:06 |
bluefoxicy | Auxin: Ubuntu based on XFCE4 | 11:06 |
d2dchat | ccooke yea its ntfs:( | 11:06 |
arcanistherogue | fredforfaen: i thought i was the only one! | 11:06 |
Auxin | bluefoxicy, not really or? | 11:06 |
bluefoxicy | Auxin: really | 11:06 |
Oetzi | shit | 11:06 |
d2dchat | cock, balls | 11:06 |
arcanistherogue | fredforfaen: i had to reformat, and now i cant install anything | 11:06 |
d2dchat | lol | 11:06 |
marska | Puff: Intel bundles their pentium m's with the Centrino chipset | 11:06 |
dooglus | Oetzi: it was fine on hoary. it's a new bug for breezy. | 11:06 |
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Auxin | omg :-/ | 11:06 |
ccooke | d2dchat: okay, then | 11:06 |
dooglus | Oetzi: you can sign up here: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=13724 to get email when anything's done on the bug | 11:06 |
puff | http://pastebin.com/376207 | 11:06 |
d2dchat | ccooke so im screwed? | 11:06 |
ccooke | d2dchat: nope. | 11:06 |
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Oetzi | thx dooglus | 11:06 |
ccooke | d2dchat: not at all. | 11:06 |
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dooglus | Oetzi: set "LANG=C" before running an X app and you'll not see the warning, if that's any use... | 11:07 |
d2dchat | ccooke are we mkaing a new partition on the linux drive? | 11:07 |
dooglus | Oetzi: or use a UTF8 locale | 11:07 |
d2dchat | or a new one to the windows drive? | 11:07 |
ccooke | d2dchat: we will be. | 11:07 |
puff | marska: Damn. | 11:07 |
ccooke | d2dchat: first thing to do is see if there's any free space to use | 11:07 |
marska | Whats the Wiki page for the Breezy Upgrade? | 11:07 |
ccooke | d2dchat: sudo fdisk /dev/hda | 11:07 |
fredforfaen | arcanistherogue no i think this is a error caused by moven of some folders on a server | 11:07 |
kemik | marska: topic | 11:07 |
Skid | anyone have a cisco pcmcia aironet 350 ? | 11:07 |
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nalioth | !tell marska about upgrade2breezy | 11:08 |
Skid | if so - do you use eth1, or wifi0 ? | 11:08 |
marska | Thank you | 11:08 |
arcanistherogue | fredforfaen: yeah, it cant find amarok | 11:08 |
Skid | as wifi0 doesn't like me :p, but eth1 is fine | 11:08 |
ccooke | d2dchat: and type 'v' | 11:08 |
arcanistherogue | fredforfaen: or java runtime environment. i had to install using alien and an .rpm file. | 11:08 |
cesarin | help!!!, today's patch for ubuntu ATE my WindowsXP booting information! x_X | 11:08 |
fredforfaen | damn arcanistherogue | 11:08 |
dooglus | Oetzi: note comment #1 in that bug - someone found a workaround | 11:08 |
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cesarin | its now gone x_X | 11:08 |
fredforfaen | wait it out , it may be in order tomorrow | 11:08 |
d2dchat | 27278 | 11:08 |
mschering | Hi | 11:08 |
Skid | cesarin: sounds like you'll need to re-install grub into the MBR | 11:08 |
cosmin | cesarin you're scaring me , i'm updating it now ! | 11:08 |
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d2dchat | ccooke 27278 sectors unallocated | 11:09 |
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cesarin | Skid, how do I reinstall it? >_< | 11:09 |
dooglus | cesarin: it broke my lilo too | 11:09 |
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mschering | I am in the right place to ask a question about Breezy? | 11:09 |
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cesarin | I dont want to damage my enire partition | 11:09 |
Skid | searcht he forums mate, I dont know off the top of my head | 11:09 |
Skid | it wont touch your other partitions if you install it into the correct location ;) | 11:09 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: okay. bear with me just a minute, I need to check something | 11:09 |
cesarin | dooglus, any workaround to fix that? :( | 11:09 |
dooglus | cesarin: you using lilo or grub? | 11:09 |
jjazz | mschering: You can ask. No guarantees on answers tho. ;) | 11:09 |
butcherbird | cesarin, you are still able to boot to ubuntu? | 11:09 |
cesarin | grub 1.5 | 11:09 |
Auxin | << brb reboot | 11:09 |
d2dchat | ccooke k | 11:09 |
cesarin | butcherbird, yeah, but the windows XP partition is gone | 11:09 |
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Skid | *gone* ? | 11:10 |
ccooke | d2dchat: okay, good. | 11:10 |
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Skid | or do you mean there's no option on bootup? | 11:10 |
ccooke | d2dchat: let's see | 11:10 |
butcherbird | cesarin, /boot/grub/menu.list showing a windows partition? | 11:10 |
cesarin | butcherbird, the weird thing is, I now have REPETITIVE linux bootsups, Example, insteath of having only 2 kernerls 686, I now have 4 options | 11:10 |
ccooke | d2dchat: apt-get install ntfstools | 11:10 |
mschering | thanks jjazz, I have a problem with hdd activity. The led stays on | 11:10 |
dooglus | cesarin: I was using lilo. I rebooed to the install cd, typed 'rescue', edited lilo.conf and ran 'lilo'. I never managed to get grub working at all. | 11:10 |
ccooke | d2dchat: there's an ntfs partition resizing tool in there | 11:10 |
puff | Anybody know a good channel to ask about a rhythmbox problem? | 11:10 |
cesarin | butcherbird, nope, the "BOOT" menu on "X" shows only linux | 11:10 |
jjazz | mschering: I advise you to put a little piece of duct tape over the light. | 11:10 |
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cesarin | it even doesnt detect a "XP" or "windows" kind of partitions | 11:10 |
d2dchat | ccooke lol, E: unmet depencies!! | 11:10 |
ccooke | d2dchat: fun! | 11:11 |
mschering | no good, the drive gets hot | 11:11 |
mschering | even read topics saying the drive broke | 11:11 |
mschering | with breezy | 11:11 |
dooglus | mschering: search bugzilla, and if it's not already there, report it. bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ | 11:11 |
=== beefcake [n=beefcake@h81172146157.kund.kommunicera.umea.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
d2dchat | ccooke yea, thats what broke my ubuntu from the begining | 11:11 |
ccooke | d2dchat: okay | 11:11 |
cesarin | butcherbird, is there a way to add it manually on the boot of grub? | 11:11 |
butcherbird | cesarin, could you just add an entry for windows in menu.lst | 11:11 |
cesarin | or theres an autodetect thingie? | 11:11 |
mschering | bug is alredy filed by someone else | 11:12 |
cevizoglu | jjazz, that's ridiculous! electric tape works much better | 11:12 |
mschering | but nobody is answering | 11:12 |
cesarin | butcherbird, give me details man? never move grub in my whole life | 11:12 |
ccooke | d2dchat: which ext2resize - does that find anything? | 11:12 |
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mschering | event though a lot of people are having this poblem | 11:12 |
nalioth | cesarin: you may edit your grub menu.lst and update it | 11:12 |
gloria | is this chat line for the world smartest linux geeks?? I have it and don't know how to use it. | 11:12 |
d2dchat | ccooke nope. | 11:12 |
dooglus | mschering: is this it? https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=16251 | 11:12 |
cesarin | nalioth, yeah but where and how? :P | 11:12 |
jjazz | cevizoglu: You're right. My mistake. | 11:12 |
cesarin | I dont know what to add or what to move | 11:12 |
nalioth | gloria: ask a question | 11:12 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: okay | 11:13 |
beefcake | anyone who feels like helping me out with somethin? :) | 11:13 |
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cevizoglu | gloria, go to google and search for "getting started with linux" | 11:13 |
butcherbird | you'll have to google for an example of the text unless somone here can paste for you. Do you know the partition hda2 or whatever for windows? | 11:13 |
d2dchat | beefcake I would if i wasnt stuck in console;) | 11:13 |
gloria | thanks | 11:13 |
cesarin | nope, I got the windows XP on HDA1 | 11:13 |
mschering | yes thats it | 11:13 |
cevizoglu | gloria, then take your pick of the best results for learning linux | 11:13 |
cesarin | HDB is a NTF for my main files, I got 2 hdds | 11:13 |
nalioth | cesarin: you are probably fine. just browse file:///usr/share/docs/grub/ | 11:13 |
mschering | I' m afraid to use ubuntu now | 11:13 |
dooglus | mschering: you have a sony laptop too? | 11:13 |
d2dchat | beefcake but generally the trend is you're supposed to just ask the question, not ask if you can ask | 11:13 |
beefcake | I cant get in to change write protected documents, for example sources.list | 11:14 |
mschering | i' m afraid my hard drive will go bad | 11:14 |
d2dchat | beefcake or if anyone wants to help | 11:14 |
mschering | no | 11:14 |
mschering | I have a deskto | 11:14 |
mschering | asus p5gdc | 11:14 |
cesarin | one of 80 gigs ( main windows ) other of 250 Gigs, partitiones in 200 Gigs for windows, 30 gigs in linux 2 gigs for share, and 3 gigs for "trade fat32 for compatibility ) | 11:14 |
mschering | with SATA disk | 11:14 |
d2dchat | beefcake, open Root Terminal | 11:14 |
mschering | seems to be SATA related | 11:14 |
cevizoglu | gloria, oops, I meant search for: "getting started with ubuntu" my bad | 11:14 |
ccooke | d2dchat: which resize2fs? | 11:14 |
dooglus | mschering: why not add your story to that bug then? | 11:14 |
beefcake | its open :) | 11:14 |
d2dchat | beefcake then writing should be a piece of cake | 11:14 |
mschering | Yeah I will | 11:14 |
=== frachou [n=frachou@line-zh-114-18.adsl.econophone.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frachou | hi | 11:15 |
dooglus | mschering: the more information about the problem there is in the bug report, the better the chance of fixing it | 11:15 |
mschering | was hoping someone could tell me a quick fix here | 11:15 |
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mschering | I will add my story right now | 11:15 |
d2dchat | ccooke /sbin/resize2fs | 11:15 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: *excellent* | 11:15 |
ccooke | d2dchat: okay, here's what we do | 11:15 |
beefcake | d2dchat: whe i use the sudo command to get in to add extra repositories | 11:15 |
gloria | how can i get in touch with you if I need more help later on??? | 11:15 |
ccooke | d2dchat: first, you need to tell me how much is *used* by your root filesystem - the Size column of 'df -h /' | 11:15 |
=== QMario [n=qmario@cpe-68-201-249-213.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
d2dchat | sudo pico sources.list or sudo gedit sources.list | 11:16 |
ccooke | d2dchat: okay? | 11:16 |
nalioth | beefcake: be careful of nonofficial repos | 11:16 |
butcherbird | cesarin, one thing to remember with grub hda1 is hd0,0 grub starts at 0 not 1 other than that any example you find on google you could probably cut and paste | 11:16 |
mschering | but nobody here knows something about this problem? | 11:16 |
nalioth | gloria: just come on back in here | 11:16 |
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cesarin | nalioth, the readme doesnt contain info | 11:16 |
ccooke | d2dchat: sorry, the Used column | 11:16 |
d2dchat | ccooke so df -h ? | 11:16 |
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d2dchat | ccooke so df -h / ? | 11:16 |
ccooke | d2dchat: do a 'df -h /' | 11:16 |
nalioth | gloria: your irc client Xchat will bring you in here directly | 11:16 |
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nalioth | cesarin: open a terminal and type "man grub" | 11:16 |
QMario | Hello Seveas and thoreauputic!!! :) | 11:16 |
jjazz | mschering: All jokes aside, if somebody here knew about your problem and was inclined to respond, they would surely have done so by now. | 11:16 |
beefcake | nalioth: this is what I get when I do excatly as it says on the unoficial ubunti guide: sudo: gedit: command not found | 11:16 |
d2dchat | ccooke and from that what did you want? | 11:16 |
ccooke | d2dchat: and tell me the "Used" and "Available" columns | 11:16 |
nalioth | beefcake: the ubuntuguide WILL kill your system | 11:17 |
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beefcake | nooo? :) | 11:17 |
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nalioth | beefcake: no ifs, ands, or buts | 11:17 |
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nalioth | !tell beefcake about repos | 11:17 |
mschering | You' re right, thanks for answering though. I will add my comments to the bug report | 11:17 |
barongas | Hmmm, one of the issues my firefox had is still there... The contextual menues open in new tab and open in new window doesn't work | 11:17 |
d2dchat | Used 5.6 GBs Avail 63gb | 11:17 |
ccooke | d2dchat: great | 11:17 |
ccooke | d2dchat: that's pretty excellent | 11:17 |
cevizoglu | nalioth, I wish a had a nickel for every time someone here said ubuntuguide sux | 11:17 |
cesarin | nalioth, brownsing official's wiki of grub | 11:18 |
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d2dchat | ccooke ;) its a fairly new seagate hd | 11:18 |
amorph_ | does anyone knows what to do against sloppy audio-playback ? | 11:18 |
beefcake | nalioth: but I cant even mount my ntfs partition without being able to edit write protected files.. | 11:18 |
barongas | The reason I think is a plugin called tabbrowser, any idea on how to remove such a plugin from firefox? | 11:18 |
nalioth | cevizoglu: me too | 11:18 |
ccooke | d2dchat: okay, what we're going to do is reduce that down, and make a new partition for your home directory | 11:18 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: using the free space we create | 11:18 |
nalioth | !tell beefcake about ntfs | 11:18 |
d2dchat | ccooke ok | 11:18 |
ccooke | d2dchat: now, this will take a bit of time | 11:18 |
ccooke | d2dchat: but it's safe. | 11:18 |
d2dchat | beefcake you have linux installed on ntfs?? | 11:18 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: the steps we're going to use are: | 11:19 |
belhifet | how can i burn an .iso file in ubuntu>? | 11:19 |
beefcake | d2dchat: no no ext2... | 11:19 |
ccooke | d2dchat: 1) resize the filesystem on /dev/hda1 to 10G | 11:19 |
jjazz | belhifet: man cdrecord | 11:19 |
d2dchat | beefcake then what are you trying to edit using ntfs? sources.list is under ext2 | 11:19 |
ccooke | d2dchat: 2) resize the *partition* /dev/hda1 to 12G | 11:19 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: 3) create a new partition using the remaining space | 11:19 |
cesarin | nalioth, seems ubuntu's grub is not the same as the "oficial" grub, since it says they dont support booting windows, ? o_O | 11:19 |
beefcake | i just want to be able to read my win files, such as mp3 | 11:19 |
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=== cesarin is way more confused now | ||
d2dchat | ccooke once i back up the files, can i resize the partitions back? | 11:20 |
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cas | I've problems with my backports in breezy on a amd64. If i command out the default lines of change them to -staging it can't download the packagelist | 11:20 |
nalioth | belhifet: use k3b, gnomebaker or graveman | 11:20 |
d2dchat | beefcake then you need to mount your windows hard drive, unless you have one hd | 11:20 |
ccooke | d2dchat: 4) resize the filesystem in /dev/hda1 to fill the 12G parition | 11:20 |
d2dchat | beefcake how many harddrives? | 11:20 |
ccooke | d2dchat: you can, but you really should have /home on a different partition anyway | 11:20 |
nalioth | beefcake: use the file ubotu sent you, you can read your NTFS all you like | 11:20 |
beefcake | d2dchat: I got 1 hd | 11:20 |
d2dchat | ccooke whys that? | 11:20 |
cas | belhifet, I like k3b to burn cd's. Its easy, good but QT software | 11:21 |
ccooke | d2dchat: 12G is more than ubuntu is ever likely to need, and the rest will be your home directory, so the stuff you actually use | 11:21 |
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beefcake | d2dchat: I will see if it works :) | 11:21 |
dooglus | why have /home on a separate partition though? | 11:21 |
test34- | ccooke, why should you have a different partition for /home ? | 11:21 |
ccooke | d2dchat: also, it means even if something trashes your ubuntu partition, you're only a reinstall away from getting everything back | 11:21 |
beefcake | d2dchat: but why cant I edit write protected files? | 11:21 |
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belhifet | any that's already default? | 11:21 |
nalioth | dooglus: so you can reinstall totally w/o losing your personal data | 11:21 |
d2dchat | well if the hd is already mounted, there is a nother way to access the partition that im not familiar with | 11:21 |
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belhifet | program for burning isos | 11:21 |
d2dchat | because linux cant write to ntfs | 11:21 |
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belhifet | without needing to download one | 11:21 |
nalioth | beefcake: writing to NTFS will kill any ntfs data you have | 11:22 |
fredforfaen | anyone else having trouble with backports apt server? | 11:22 |
dooglus | nalioth: reinstall deletes /home otherwise? | 11:22 |
d2dchat | ccooke can i make the home partition bigger? | 11:22 |
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nalioth | beefcake: microsoft likes it that way | 11:22 |
ccooke | d2dchat: sure. | 11:22 |
nalioth | dooglus: if your /home is on the /, yes | 11:22 |
d2dchat | ccooke considering thats what ill be using.. but i use /var/www alot will that effect anything? | 11:22 |
fredforfaen | anyone pls? | 11:22 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: are you likely to put 12 gigs there? | 11:22 |
cas | belhifet, cdrecord is installed by default, man cdrecord | 11:22 |
d2dchat | ccooke i dunno, i like to downloa dmusic:) but then again most of that is on my windows machine | 11:23 |
beefcake | d2dchat: its ok, I dont want to write anything to the ntfs partitions, but I want to be able to write and edit files on ext2 | 11:23 |
linner | nalioth: may i pm you? | 11:23 |
ccooke | d2dchat: if you download music in ubuntu, it'll go into your home directory anyway | 11:23 |
d2dchat | beefcake you can do that .. just use gedit or some other editor | 11:23 |
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belhifet | cas:how do i run it as root? | 11:23 |
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nalioth | beefcake: read what ubotu sent you on ntfs, and you'll be fine | 11:24 |
nalioth | linner: yes | 11:24 |
d2dchat | ccooke right i was saying that i might want to conserve some space for /var/www for my website stuff too | 11:24 |
beefcake | yeg I tried that, but all I get is: sudo: gedit: command not found | 11:24 |
ccooke | d2dchat: right. Is it likely to get over 10 gigabytes? | 11:24 |
d2dchat | beefcake listen to nalioth, that will probably set you straight to play mp3s | 11:24 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: if so, pick a number. | 11:24 |
dooglus | beefcake: "sudo apt-get install gedit" | 11:24 |
fredforfaen | can anyone tell me if their backports repos work!?!? | 11:24 |
d2dchat | ccooke i think it shouldnt | 11:24 |
ccooke | d2dchat: right. Then 12G will be good enough | 11:24 |
linner | I'm having some problems setting up the ndiswrapper with my Broadcom wlan. | 11:24 |
linner | oops | 11:24 |
ccooke | d2dchat: okay. Ready? | 11:24 |
d2dchat | dooglus i thought gedit was a gnome standard? | 11:25 |
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d2dchat | ccooke *breaths* I dunno | 11:25 |
linner | sorry folks :) | 11:25 |
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d2dchat | ccooke ;) | 11:25 |
nalioth | fredforfaen: backports are not too functional atm | 11:25 |
ccooke | d2dchat: heh | 11:25 |
dooglus | d2dchat: apparently it is. but sounds like beefcake doesn't have it... | 11:25 |
beefcake | d2dchat: thank u very much :) | 11:25 |
=== elmago [n=elmago@dsl-084-061-136-202.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | ubuntu-desktop depends on gedit | 11:25 |
fredforfaen | nalioth got another apt source insted? | 11:25 |
d2dchat | d2dchat no prob, i dont think i did that much;) | 11:25 |
ccooke | d2dchat: I promise not to let you fry your system unless you try *very* hard. ;-) | 11:25 |
d2dchat | ccooke we should bet some money on it hehe | 11:25 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: heh | 11:25 |
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d2dchat | ccooke jk | 11:26 |
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d2dchat | ccooke alright, lets GO! | 11:26 |
ccooke | d2dchat: right | 11:26 |
dooglus | ccooke: I've had resizefs make a filesystem unusable before | 11:26 |
dooglus | ccooke: you sure it's 'safe'? | 11:26 |
d2dchat | dooglus shhhh | 11:26 |
dooglus | oh, ok. | 11:26 |
d2dchat | ccooke im shittin my pants right now | 11:26 |
d2dchat | ;) | 11:26 |
=== dooglus keeps his figers crossed | ||
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tga | anyone here using the last.fm player? | 11:26 |
ccooke | dooglus: it's never broken anything of mine | 11:26 |
beefcake | So, I will leave http://ubuntuguide.org/ alone for the time beeing.. | 11:26 |
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ccooke | dooglus: used it a few times | 11:26 |
dooglus | ccooke: that's ok then. | 11:26 |
ccooke | d2dchat: okay. the first thing to do is *make sure nothing is writing* | 11:27 |
dooglus | so long as it's worked like 3 times in a row, that proves it's fine :) | 11:27 |
belhifet | how do i run cdrecord as root? | 11:27 |
Oetzi | dooglus: so the fix doesn't work | 11:27 |
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nixiac | noob and I cannot see the two hard drive partitions that I did set up in Install of Ubuntu. They are a reiserfs and a ext3 , each of 68 Gb of sounds, Linux and BSD ISOs. Anyone know what I should do? They ARE in the device list and I put them as /mnt/srv and /mnt/opt during install. | 11:27 |
ccooke | d2dchat: unmount /dev/sda1 (it would be safe anyway,but there's no point taking silly risks) | 11:27 |
Oetzi | i fallback on POSIX for know and wait for a bugfix | 11:27 |
renjii | ack, i've borked the mplayer interface language. :S How do i reset it to eng? | 11:28 |
ccooke | d2dchat: and type: | 11:28 |
butcherbird | tga, looked at it a little never really used it | 11:28 |
ccooke | d2dchat: mount -o remount,ro / | 11:28 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: Does that work? | 11:28 |
tga | butcherbird, I'm trying to figure a way to change the theme of the static binary | 11:28 |
Spoilerhead | a question, is it posible to give a framebuffer console a background wallpaper without patching the kernel? | 11:28 |
ccooke | d2dchat: (if you have too much stuff running at the moment, it won't. That's fixable, though) | 11:28 |
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sinferno_ | hey im trying to install ubuntu on a fujistsu laptop with no floppy and no cd rom, it just has network connectivity | 11:28 |
LasseL | hm, what is the trick for executing some command on the result of another command? like ls *.rar | "dosomething on each rar" | 11:28 |
sinferno_ | is this even recommended? | 11:28 |
cesarin | hmm, most instructions to fix the problem only talks about "LILO" and not grub o_O | 11:29 |
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d2dchat | ccooke sry repeat | 11:29 |
d2dchat | ccooke my dad came in | 11:29 |
ccooke | d2dchat: okay | 11:29 |
ccooke | d2dchat: type this: | 11:29 |
ccooke | d2dchat: umount /dev/sda1 | 11:29 |
linner | hey guys.... forget the nevermind earlier.. I do still need help with the ndiswrapper for my broadcom wlan. I've been following the steps from this "howto": https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetUpNdiswrapper. I'm stuck on line 4. | 11:29 |
ccooke | d2dchat: mount -o remount,ro / | 11:29 |
d2dchat | ccooke had to minimize the text porn ;) jk | 11:29 |
sinferno_ | it has the image on the hard drive | 11:29 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: heh | 11:29 |
d2dchat | ccooke umount the hd i am on? | 11:30 |
gloria | how hard is it to get started with ubuntu on a scale from 1 to 10???????? any one. | 11:30 |
sinferno_ | anyone run linux on a fujitsu? | 11:30 |
sinferno_ | ever | 11:30 |
ccooke | d2dchat: ... I thought you said sda1 was the ntfs? | 11:30 |
nixiac | belhifet: you want to do the cdrecord -help and get the exact instructions/sequence and 'switches' for your system, right? | 11:30 |
beefcake | d2dchat: wow, that worked like a charm! thanks | 11:30 |
ccooke | d2dchat: okay, if I've got those mixed up, umount /dev/hda1 | 11:30 |
d2dchat | beefcake no prob! except i think some of the credit goes to other ppl too | 11:30 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: unmount the ntfs disk, anyway. | 11:30 |
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d2dchat | ccooke sda = SATA right? | 11:30 |
ccooke | d2dchat: then remount the root read-only | 11:30 |
linner | When I try to "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" i get another terminal line... thinking I should see an action of some sort from Linux | 11:30 |
ccooke | d2dchat: that's right. | 11:30 |
John2583 | I'm on a fresh 5.10 preview AMD 64 ubuntu install. Things are broken, GDM/X tries to load up X but monitor can't display that resolution. I have no root password set currently.. how do I get root so I can start trying to fix things? | 11:31 |
d2dchat | ok sda is linux | 11:31 |
ccooke | d2dchat: (sda = SCSI; SATA drives pretend to be scsi) | 11:31 |
nalioth | linner: no you've done right | 11:31 |
linner | i have? | 11:31 |
nalioth | linner: when you see nothing, you are done. | 11:31 |
d2dchat | ccooke ok, so umount /dev/hda1 | 11:31 |
linner | ok... | 11:31 |
ccooke | d2dchat: yes. | 11:31 |
nalioth | linner: you are fine | 11:31 |
linner | but then it's supposed to come up in the networking module right? | 11:31 |
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linner | because the only thing i see is an eth0 | 11:31 |
linner | shouldn't i see the wlan? | 11:31 |
cesarin | I think i fixed it, brb | 11:31 |
d2dchat | ccooke would've been funny if i unmounted sda;) | 11:31 |
Ninjew | John2583: Use 'sudo su' to get a root console | 11:32 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: I'd be impressed if you managed. | 11:32 |
John2583 | Ninjew: thanks | 11:32 |
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d2dchat | ccooke what was the remount thing? | 11:32 |
linner | nalioth: so i can configure the settings? | 11:32 |
ccooke | d2dchat: you need to set the root filesystem read-only. | 11:32 |
ccooke | d2dchat: mount -o remount,ro / | 11:32 |
Ninjew | John2583: np, that threw me for a loop the first time I installed ubuntu also | 11:32 |
ccooke | d2dchat: that way, you can be sure nothing will try to write to it and potentially fuck up the resizing. | 11:32 |
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d2dchat | mount / is busy | 11:32 |
nalioth | linner: heh, i only knew the answer to your "get a new prompt" question | 11:33 |
nixiac | gloria: Ubunto 5.04 install here, yesterday, after over a year of Knoppix... Gnome, instead of KDE! That is the only thing, except for some changes in the folder tree. "Where is my 68Gb of sounds, ISOs, supposed to be in ext3 format, /mnt/hda2 I installed as /mnt/opt"? | 11:33 |
ccooke | d2dchat: okay. That's because you have too much stuff. | 11:33 |
nalioth | ccooke: please with the lingo | 11:33 |
d2dchat | nalioth you mean the lang;) | 11:33 |
=== linner laughs :) | ||
ccooke | heh. | 11:33 |
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sinferno_ | lol | 11:33 |
d2dchat | nalioth it helped me understand better;) | 11:33 |
John2583 | Ninjew: hehe ya.. i was booted up on it and it wasn't working so i dropped to console and then realized i never had entered a root passwd yet | 11:33 |
nixiac | Sheesh, some folks quit after 10 seconds, when you are trying to get some info out to them! | 11:33 |
Exodus | Can someone help me with my fstab, i'm trying to mount a vfat partition with user being able to rwx on it but it seems users can only rwx on the directory it's mounted on and not any subdirectories of the partition. | 11:34 |
d2dchat | nalioth and honestly are there any 12 year olds in here? | 11:34 |
linner | if anyone has experience with the NDISWRAPPER and can help me configure it from here... I'd really, REALLY appreciate it :) | 11:34 |
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nalioth | !tell Exodus about windowsdrives | 11:34 |
RockyBurt | hrm, any pointers on getting regular wlan (no encryption) on ubuntu breezy badger? having a hard time with it | 11:34 |
d2dchat | ccooke so what do i do? | 11:34 |
Exodus | nalioth, thanks. | 11:34 |
ccooke | d2dchat: now, you're going to need to kill everything you can. The safest way to do that right now is to type "init 1" - this will probably kill you screen session, mind, and leave you with a single console. | 11:34 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: once you're there, run screen again | 11:35 |
d2dchat | ccooke noooo;) | 11:35 |
d2dchat | all i have is two screens, this one and an empty screen | 11:35 |
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=== Knelix walks in and sits at the Ubuntu table once again after to listen and drink up more Ubuntu talk. | ||
FlyingSquirrel32 | How can I tell which version of GTK I'm on? | 11:35 |
d2dchat | how is that too much? | 11:35 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: that's all the processes you can see | 11:35 |
ccooke | d2dchat: do a ps auwwx | less | 11:35 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: you'll have more | 11:35 |
RMeist | :) | 11:36 |
d2dchat | ccooke gotcha | 11:36 |
d2dchat | brb | 11:36 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: (anything with a name in [square brackets] is fine, it's a kernel thing. Everything else is a process still running | 11:36 |
nixiac | FlyingSquirrel32: Is that like gtk -r (like for lthe kernel is rname -r)? | 11:36 |
tonkar | hi all! somebody knows how can i give a normal user privileges to mount and to read partitions? | 11:36 |
d2dchat | ccooke the only thing not in brackets is | 11:37 |
d2dchat | dhclient3 | 11:37 |
ccooke | d2dchat: great | 11:37 |
ccooke | d2dchat: killall dhclient3 | 11:37 |
jjazz | tonkar: man fstab | 11:37 |
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dooglus | tonkar: normal users use 'sudo' to mount stuff, and they need to be in the 'admin' group to use sudo | 11:37 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: then try the remount | 11:37 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: mount -o remount,ro / | 11:37 |
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dooglus | tonkar: or use the "user" option in /etc/fstab for the partitions you want users to be able to mount | 11:37 |
d2dchat | ccooke still says its busy | 11:37 |
ccooke | d2dchat: hmm. is dhclient3 still running? | 11:38 |
dooglus | d2dchat: sudo fuser -c / | 11:38 |
d2dchat | yea | 11:38 |
ccooke | d2dchat: killall -9 dhclient3 | 11:38 |
d2dchat | dooglus what does that do? | 11:38 |
ccooke | d2dchat: (die! die!) | 11:38 |
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dooglus | d2dchat: shows processes using the / partitoin | 11:38 |
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tonkar | ok ..... i will try, but i don't want it with sudo | 11:38 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | nixiac: no, I donn't think that works... hrmmm. | 11:39 |
dooglus | ccooke: are you suggesting that d2dchat should resize his root partition while running linux from it? | 11:39 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | what version of gnome is on the breezy preview? | 11:39 |
dooglus | FlyingSquirrel32: 2.12 | 11:39 |
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jjazz | tonkar: I believe you want the 'user' option | 11:39 |
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fredforfaen | anybody else in here struggeling with the backports repos? | 11:40 |
misfit_toy | hey dooglus were you here yesterday when I asked that question about the cpu suddenly going to 99%? It was kded | 11:40 |
dooglus | kded? | 11:40 |
=== misfit_toy has no idea what kded is, yet... | ||
nalioth | fredforfaen: they are down or gone (i'm not sure which) | 11:40 |
Travis|H | hmm, I have breezy preview installed .. i was wondering if Azureus is broken currently .. or if it was taken out of the repositories .. or what the deal is | 11:40 |
dooglus | what's that? | 11:40 |
misfit_toy | yeah | 11:40 |
dooglus | aah. | 11:40 |
misfit_toy | no idea, yet | 11:40 |
tonkar | jjazz: yep, i have just done it, but i have now problems with permissions | 11:40 |
dooglus | sounds like it's KDE-ish? | 11:40 |
ccooke | dooglus: yes. It is safe, but only if you've made sure there's no disk activity. | 11:40 |
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ccooke | dooglus: hence remounting. | 11:41 |
d2dchat | uuuuuggggh | 11:41 |
d2dchat | im just gonna bring back hoary | 11:41 |
misfit_toy | dooglus, maybe kde daemon? | 11:41 |
tonkar | jjazz: chmod 777 /mnt ?? | 11:41 |
ccooke | d2dchat: okay. | 11:41 |
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fredforfaen | nalioth they are not gone , just moved...but i guess i have to wait untill it settles down | 11:41 |
d2dchat | ccooke do you know of a place i can wget the sources.list file for hoary? | 11:41 |
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thread | anyone else lost their synaptic touchpad after upgrading to breezy? | 11:41 |
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BooZee | i think something got scrued up in my transfer to KDE. | 11:41 |
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dooglus | misfit_toy: it comes as part of the kdelibs-bin package | 11:42 |
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dooglus | misfit_toy: you should be able to run "man kded" to see what it is | 11:42 |
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d2dchat | does anyone know of a location where i can wget the hoary sources.list file? | 11:42 |
misfit_toy | dooglus, and the funny thing is...I don't even run kde, I just have the libs installed for a few things like K3b, I run gnome!! | 11:42 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: the basic one is 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.org/ubuntu hoary main restricted universe multiverse' | 11:42 |
nalioth | d2dchat: check the wiki | 11:42 |
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dooglus | misfit_toy: I keep the KDE libs off my PC | 11:42 |
d2dchat | nalioth kinda stuck in console;) | 11:42 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: but you can find the default one on the wiki, I believe | 11:43 |
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d2dchat | can i just change all the breezy's to hoary's? | 11:43 |
ccooke | d2dchat: yes, you can. | 11:43 |
nalioth | d2dchat: use links, lynx or w3m | 11:43 |
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nalioth | d2dchat: you are not STUCK anywhere | 11:43 |
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Ninjew | I've got a question that I'm sure has been asked a billion times: I'm running amd64 warty, and its pretty damn fast, but architecture incompatabilities are giving me headaches -- is there a large performance increase with amd64 architecture over x86? | 11:43 |
misfit_toy | dooglus, I may do that if gnomebaker will do everything k3b will | 11:43 |
tonkar | mmm ..... dooglus, if i have problems with read permissions when i mount a partition with a normal user, what shpuld i do? chmod -R 777 /mnt is very slow | 11:44 |
nalioth | misfit_toy: it doesnt | 11:44 |
ccooke | dooglus: have you had trouble with it? | 11:44 |
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misfit_toy | nalioth, yeah, it didn't look that way to me either | 11:44 |
ccooke | gah. | 11:44 |
misfit_toy | kded triggers Sycoca database updates when needed | 11:44 |
nalioth | Ninjew: you'll be better off running a k7 or 686 kernel | 11:44 |
d2dchat | ok, i saved the sources.list file | 11:44 |
d2dchat | do i just apt-get update? | 11:45 |
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dooglus | ccooke: with that? | 11:45 |
misfit_toy | nalioth, what about graveman? | 11:45 |
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dooglus | ccooke: with WHAT, sorry? | 11:45 |
ccooke | dooglus: resizing partitions. | 11:45 |
ccooke | dooglus: yes | 11:45 |
misfit_toy | oh wait, I bet nerolinux does everything k3b does... | 11:45 |
nalioth | misfit_toy: it's even less featured | 11:45 |
dooglus | ccooke: once I lost a partition from resizing it, yes. | 11:45 |
d2dchat | do i just apt-get update now? | 11:45 |
Travis|H | I have some wackey hardware right now, It's a Asrock P4Dual-775 motherboard. It has a PCI-E and an AGP slot on the motherboard, and it seems to cause my AGP card (an nVidia ti4200) to crash Xorg when I use the nvidia driver, but the nv driver works just fine. My question is.. anyone ever heard of this .. or know of a way to get around the problem? (Windows XP happens to install the proper driver and the card works fine) | 11:45 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: yes. | 11:45 |
dooglus | ccooke: fortunately I had backed it up first | 11:45 |
nalioth | misfit_toy: nerolinux is not a good choice | 11:45 |
Ninjew | nalioth: oh well, I guess i'll switch if there really is no performance gain -- is there anyway to use apt-get to switch the architecture of all the packages I have? I doubt it | 11:45 |
misfit_toy | nalioth, because of GPL? | 11:45 |
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ccooke | dooglus: hmm. out of interest, had you remounted read-only? | 11:46 |
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ccooke | dooglus: and was it recent? | 11:46 |
nalioth | misfit_toy: i dont like commercial things | 11:46 |
bushk | Travis|H, i'd say it's not the hardware config, but rather your xorg config that's the problem. | 11:46 |
Travis|H | hmmmm | 11:46 |
d2dchat | ccooke whats after apt-get update? | 11:47 |
tonkar | =S ...., nobody knows what can i do if when i mount a partition with a normal user i have problems with permissions? | 11:47 |
Travis|H | i followed the ubuntuguide.org on installing the nvidia driver | 11:47 |
ccooke | I've used resize2fs about seven or eight times, all on the root fs. | 11:47 |
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misfit_toy | nalioth, I agree...tough decision though, having my cpu spike out of the blue or using nerolinux... | 11:47 |
Exodus | nalioth, can you help me with the problem i had earlier. | 11:47 |
ccooke | but only within the last six months. | 11:47 |
=== linner is away: have to take a shower... hopefully can revisit the WLAN problems when I get back. :) | ||
dooglus | ccooke: it must have been over a year ago, using Mandrakelinux | 11:47 |
bushk | Travis|H, i always just edit it manually. | 11:47 |
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nalioth | Exodus: what was that? | 11:47 |
ccooke | d2dchat: hmm. Try apt-get dist-upgrade | 11:47 |
JustinHH | hello | 11:47 |
Exodus | nalioth, it's a fat32 partition, but normal users can rwx just on some files... | 11:47 |
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Exodus | some random files they can't touch | 11:47 |
ccooke | d2dchat: you were halfway into an upgrade, yes? | 11:47 |
bushk | Travis|H, man xorg; man xorg.conf; vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf :) | 11:48 |
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ccooke | dooglus: hmm. Do you remember if you remounted read-only? | 11:48 |
Exodus | check this ls -l string | 11:48 |
Exodus | drwxrwxrwx 19 exodus exodus 16384 2005-09-11 00:12 Betty | 11:48 |
Travis|H | yea i've edited the /etc/X11/xorg.conf myself | 11:48 |
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nalioth | Exodus: did you run that script? | 11:48 |
Exodus | i try to move that file somewhere and it doesn't let me | 11:48 |
Travis|H | and it will boot when i have "nv" .. and fail when i use "nvidia" | 11:48 |
Exodus | nalioth, i did | 11:48 |
ccooke | d2dchat: ... you know, there's always a simpler answer. | 11:48 |
JustinHH | during a configuration this message appears <<Can not find the X libraries.>> what are these x libraries and what shoul i do | 11:48 |
dooglus | ccooke: it wasn't the root partition | 11:48 |
Exodus | nalioth, there are some files i can rwx but some other i can't, even having permissions. | 11:48 |
dooglus | ccooke: the system I was resizing wasn't mounted at all | 11:49 |
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ccooke | dooglus: okay, that's weird! | 11:49 |
Exodus | wierd. | 11:49 |
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bushk | Travis|H, those are just descriptors, maybe they point to the wrong place? if not, then it sounds like the `nvidia` is configured wrong. | 11:49 |
dooglus | ccooke: how do you get to remount re-only anyway? | 11:49 |
Travis|H | ya im gonna play with it some more .. ive screwed this install up pretty bad | 11:49 |
dooglus | ccooke: every process keeps the root filesystem open, doesn't it? | 11:49 |
d2dchat | ccooke well i just need something up | 11:49 |
wolverian | should xv be working in breezy? | 11:49 |
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Travis|H | i'm using the Preview Release of Breezy (and tried Hoary) both had the same thing happen .. so i've ruled out it being a breezy issue ....... | 11:50 |
nalioth | Exodus: not even using "sudo" to change the permissions? | 11:50 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: how does this grab you - tar up your home directory and anything else you want to save. Boot into windows. There's a windows ext2 driver... | 11:50 |
ccooke | d2dchat: which is easy to find, and works. | 11:50 |
Exodus | nalioth, yes, root can do what ever... | 11:50 |
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JustinHH | during a configuration this message appears <<Can not find the X libraries.>> what are these x libraries and what shoul i do??? | 11:50 |
Travis|H | my question is ... what is Colony? .. should i stick with trying to use the Preview Release or just get Colony 5? | 11:50 |
ccooke | d2dchat: one backup, without any risks. | 11:50 |
d2dchat | ccooke i might just wait in two weeks:( | 11:50 |
d2dchat | lol | 11:50 |
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d2dchat | and if im still having problems | 11:50 |
d2dchat | then ill tar it up | 11:50 |
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ccooke | d2dchat: is the dist-upgrade working? | 11:50 |
ccooke | d2dchat: you need to get everything back to the hoary version. | 11:51 |
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d2dchat | it didnt, so i used sudo apt-get -f install | 11:51 |
nalioth | Exodus: on a vfat partition, you shouldnt need permissions anyway, but you might try sudo to change the ones giving you diffeculties | 11:51 |
ccooke | dooglus: many things do. that's why you drop to init 1 | 11:51 |
d2dchat | then im gonna try apt-get dist_upgrade too | 11:51 |
d2dchat | dist-upgrade* | 11:51 |
dooglus | ccooke: if you drop to init 1, you lose your IRC connection... | 11:51 |
nalioth | JustinHH: install "xlibs-dev" | 11:51 |
ccooke | dooglus: kill everything you can, then remount the partition read-only | 11:51 |
ccooke | dooglus: you can start it up again :-) | 11:51 |
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dooglus | ccooke: so you may as well boot to a rescue disk - then you can resize the root partition without it being mounted | 11:52 |
ccooke | dooglus: oh, sure. | 11:52 |
JustinHH | where can i get "xlibs-dev"? | 11:52 |
d2dchat | hey guys, does apt-get -f install do the trick to bring it back ? | 11:52 |
d2dchat | because apt-get dist-updrade didnt work | 11:52 |
nalioth | !tell JustinHH about synaptic | 11:52 |
d2dchat | upgrade* | 11:52 |
dooglus | JustinHH: just "sudo apt-get install xlibs-dev" | 11:52 |
JustinHH | nalioth, : where can i get "xlibs-dev"? | 11:52 |
nalioth | d2dchat: wont hurt | 11:53 |
d2dchat | it told me to try apt-get -f install | 11:53 |
=== jorgp2 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial-224.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | JustinHH: read the love ubotu sent you | 11:53 |
d2dchat | nalioth well im just hoping it will be back to what i twas | 11:53 |
test34- | anyone got the intel i815 video chipset to work as fast as it should in X? | 11:53 |
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Exodus | nalioth, oh found the problem..heh, thanks for the help. | 11:53 |
JustinHH | Package xlibs-dev is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 11:54 |
dooglus | how much space does a hoary install take up? | 11:54 |
Travis|H | i have onboard i915 that i was considering trying if I can't get the accelerated nvidia driver to work | 11:54 |
dooglus | a desktop hoary install | 11:54 |
d2dchat | dooglus why how big is your hd? | 11:54 |
Exodus | it seems there is file permissions taking place on the partition..wierd. | 11:54 |
ccooke | dooglus: less than 2 gig | 11:54 |
dooglus | d2dchat: it's 40Gb, but it's partitioned into lots of small bits. windows, mandrake, breezy, um... | 11:54 |
=== moparfan90 [n=moparfan@ool-457a66fa.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
d2dchat | dooglus gotcha:) | 11:55 |
moparfan90 | hello. | 11:55 |
dooglus | I have a 3.7Gb partition with mandrake on it which I'm thinking can disappear. I've not used it for months | 11:55 |
nalioth | JustinHH: that doesnt sound right to me | 11:55 |
test34- | Travis|H, doesnt work very good for me.. was working fine in slackware before thought (xorg too) | 11:55 |
nixiac | FlyingSquirrel32: I just looked in my >system>Administration>SynapticPackage Manager, under> Graphics, and it shows what is installed! | 11:55 |
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moparfan90 | i need to install the correct drivers for my nvidia GeFource FX 5200 video card can someone help me one this please | 11:57 |
dooglus | JustinHH: what does "apt-cache policy xlibs-dev" show you against "Candidate:"? | 11:58 |
=== d2dchat [n=d2dchat@pcp09228522pcs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
d2dchat | jesus | 11:58 |
d2dchat | thank god its back | 11:58 |
d2dchat | lol | 11:58 |
uojo | estoy haciendo un script en bash shell i tengo ya esto:for i in $(cat /home/meri/Desktop/ASO/passwd | tr -s ' ' '+' | tr -s ',' '+'); do | 11:58 |
uojo | 11:58 | |
uojo | directori=$(echo $i | cut -d ':' -f 6) | 11:58 |
uojo | echo "directori:$directori" | 11:58 |
uojo | done | 11:58 |
darkheart | !es | 11:59 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 11:59 |
d2dchat | at least i know i can also revert back to hoary ;) | 11:59 |
=== adrianoc [n=adrianoc@c91187fe.bhz.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
uojo | como busco el $directori k me devuelvee en mi PC? | 11:59 |
ccooke | d2dchat: *grin* | 11:59 |
d2dchat | ok, well, guess i gotta wait 2 weeks for official breezy release;) | 12:00 |
nalioth | uojo: habla espanol? | 12:00 |
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