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str | hi | 12:18 |
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BlankB | sup? | 12:21 |
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`Nomad | Hi | 12:30 |
BlankB | sup? | 12:30 |
`Nomad | I'm looking for suggestion sof how to get an update of the files on our website..I have 99% of it down, with wget.. Is there a better way to get the differences as they are put up? I'm loking into curl now.. | 12:31 |
gdh | rsync | 12:31 |
ph8 | rsync? | 12:31 |
BlankB | yeah rsync | 12:31 |
gdh | that's precisely what rsync is for | 12:31 |
nalioth | `Nomad: wget with the -noclobber or -changed attributes only will do it | 12:32 |
`Nomad | shoot.. | 12:32 |
nalioth | either way | 12:32 |
`Nomad | thanks,., How coudk I forget | 12:32 |
`Nomad | man, spend 1 year away from UNIX and see what happens.. | 12:32 |
`Nomad | thanks guys | 12:32 |
`Nomad | and girls | 12:32 |
`Nomad | oh wait.. don't both machines need to be runnign rsync? | 12:33 |
gdh | yis | 12:34 |
gdh | and some compatible transport, usually ssh | 12:34 |
`Nomad | I need to bring down from a win2003 server :( | 12:34 |
`Nomad | wget -noclobber | 12:34 |
`Nomad | going to try it | 12:35 |
nalioth | `Nomad: if you read "wget --help" you'll get lots of cool settings | 12:35 |
gdh | just do an md5sum of both local + remote afterwards... | 12:35 |
nalioth | `Nomad: and i believe there is a setting for "only get changed-attribute-files" or something | 12:36 |
`Nomad | thanks | 12:36 |
nalioth | wget is also very handy for mirroring websites | 12:37 |
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Hydrogen | and getting your own copy of the internet! | 12:37 |
Hydrogen | wget -R --follow-links www.google.com | 12:37 |
Hydrogen | :P | 12:37 |
gdh | :) | 12:37 |
nalioth | `Nomad: yes, make sure you use -np (no parent) or you'll fill your HD quickly | 12:38 |
`Nomad | -np? what is the parnt in this case..? | 12:41 |
`Nomad | I'm looking at using this: wget --mirror -p -P ./backup_dir ftp://user:pass@mysite.com | 12:42 |
`Nomad | since I already have it down mostly, I shoudl add -nc | 12:43 |
`Nomad | ? | 12:43 |
nalioth | lemme look for the changed=attribute thing | 12:43 |
badbear | i've installed enlightenment, how could i integrate kde login with enlightenment? | 12:43 |
nalioth | `Nomad: is your ftp multilevel or flat? | 12:44 |
`Nomad | you mean folder depth? | 12:45 |
`Nomad | or multi-thread? | 12:45 |
nalioth | `Nomad: folder depth | 12:45 |
troy | hey, does anyone know the python module name that will make 'import gtk' not fail :) | 12:46 |
`Nomad | yes, goes deep enough | 12:46 |
troy | and what it's called in the breezy packages? | 12:46 |
nalioth | badbear: you should have a sessions menu to look at | 12:46 |
nalioth | `Nomad: then use -r (recursive) and -N (timestamp, newer files than local are only d/l) | 12:46 |
badbear | yes, but enlightenment doesn't appear | 12:46 |
nalioth | badbear: there is a forum article on that, but idk the URL | 12:47 |
nalioth | badbear: if you'll bear with me a second, i'll give ya the fix | 12:47 |
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badbear | don't worry, if u can help me | 12:47 |
badbear | i can wait | 12:47 |
badbear | tnks a lot | 12:47 |
`Nomad | yes. true | 12:49 |
nalioth | badbear: are you familiar with *nix? and the terminal? | 12:50 |
`Nomad | Yes, working beautifully, much faster :) | 12:50 |
`Nomad | Thanks a lot nalioth.. | 12:51 |
=== nalioth is a wget king.. .. .. | ||
`Nomad | lol | 12:51 |
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`Nomad | Thanks again, I'm off to rest my tired brain, been a long week :) | 12:52 |
badbear | nalioth, more or less? | 12:52 |
gdh | long week.. but it's only Tuesday.. | 12:52 |
badbear | some guy told me to stop kdm and the restart de enlightenment | 12:52 |
badbear | but i try to do what he said, and i couldn't do it | 12:52 |
str | Hi.. | 12:52 |
nalioth | badbear: ok. open READ ONLY /usr/share/xsessions/kde.desktop | 12:53 |
badbear | when i try enlightenment, it askes me for an X server, if i don't remember it well | 12:53 |
str | what was that site about installing breezy.... it said something about what to remove and stuff like that.. | 12:53 |
badbear | okey i'll do it | 12:53 |
str | anyone remembers that? | 12:53 |
nalioth | badbear: now open using sudo a new text editor | 12:53 |
str | thanks ubotu | 12:54 |
badbear | okey, i'ts already open | 12:55 |
badbear | but i don't anything like thata, just a property name and comment in different languages | 12:56 |
nalioth | badbear: copy the kde desktop first 4 lines into your new root text editor | 12:57 |
badbear | encoding, type, exec, tryexec? those ones? | 12:58 |
nalioth | from [desktop Entry] to include Exec= | 12:59 |
badbear | yes | 12:59 |
badbear | it's already copied | 12:59 |
nalioth | badbear: in your root text editor change the values from startkde, to 'enlightenment' | 01:00 |
badbear | it's done | 01:00 |
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badbear | where do i sabe it? in the same directory? | 01:00 |
nalioth | badbear: save it AS "enlightenment.desktop" in /usr/share/xsessions | 01:01 |
badbear | perfect | 01:01 |
badbear | that's all? | 01:02 |
nalioth | badbear: log out and see your new login option (under sessions) | 01:03 |
badbear | okey, i'm gonna try it right now | 01:03 |
badbear | i really appreciate u'r help an patience :P thnks | 01:03 |
=== blueyed [n=daniel@iD4CC0307.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chavo | nalioth, the kdm desktop files are in /usr/share/apps/kdm/sessions aren't they? | 01:05 |
nalioth | chavo: the sessions menu is tied into /usr/share/xsessions/ | 01:06 |
nalioth | chavo: from the login screen | 01:07 |
chavo | for kdm? | 01:07 |
nalioth | chavo: iow, i have no idea what you're talking about | 01:07 |
chavo | nvm | 01:07 |
nalioth | i'm only familiar with the login window sessions settings | 01:07 |
jsubl2 | kdmrc:# Default is "/usr/share/xsessions,/usr/share/apps/kdm/sessions" | 01:09 |
chavo | ahh ok | 01:10 |
chavo | I know it puts all of it's defaults into ,/usr/share/apps/kdm/sessions | 01:10 |
jsubl2 | i had no idea but figured it was in the kdmrc file | 01:10 |
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jsubl2 | so anyone read KDE 4 promises radical changes to the free desktop | 01:11 |
Hydrogen | yea | 01:11 |
jsubl2 | some pretty cool look stuff. the comments at osnews have some screenies links buried in there | 01:12 |
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Drakeson | how can I enable svn:// protocol in konqueror? | 01:48 |
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Tm_T | :/ | 03:29 |
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Fiyawerx | hey guys, what mp3 players do you prefer? looking for a good one | 03:32 |
=== Hobbsee [n=sarah@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
crimsun | software? amarok. totem-xine. xfmedia. | 03:33 |
crimsun | try amarok. | 03:33 |
Fiyawerx | hmm, anyone have an issue where their sound id super quiet up to about 80%? | 03:36 |
Fiyawerx | at 80 it sounds about normal | 03:36 |
crimsun | some chipsets need 'External Amplifier' unmuted, others need it muted. | 03:37 |
crimsun | it's a real mess | 03:37 |
jsubl2 | for mp3 support you have to install akode-mpeg i believe.. then try amork | 03:37 |
Fiyawerx | i can hear it, just sounds quiet, hmm | 03:37 |
Fiyawerx | ah i think its the PCM setting under mixer | 03:37 |
Fiyawerx | it was down real low | 03:37 |
crimsun | yeah, you need to adjust both PCM and Master on most chipsets | 03:38 |
crimsun | make sure Master is lower than 80% usually | 03:38 |
Fiyawerx | yep, that did it, awesome | 03:38 |
crimsun | err | 03:38 |
crimsun | PCM is less than 80% | 03:38 |
Fiyawerx | pcm around 60, master around 50, and amarok around 50 and it sounds fine for me :) | 03:39 |
Tm_T | I'm stuck in console :p | 03:39 |
Fiyawerx | hmm, anyone know of an easy way to get my laptop volume buttons to control the real volume? | 03:39 |
Hobbsee | Tm_T: why? console's fun! | 03:39 |
Fiyawerx | btw, breezy is working great on my latitude laptop | 03:40 |
Tm_T | yeah | 03:40 |
Tm_T | =) | 03:40 |
Hobbsee | why are you stuck in the console? | 03:40 |
Tm_T | well, in boot, X is started... and closed | 03:41 |
Tm_T | no errors in log | 03:41 |
Hobbsee | darn...and startx or sudo startx doesnt work? | 03:41 |
Fiyawerx | ah hmm looks like i need to map my keyboard keys | 03:42 |
Tm_T | propably neither | 03:42 |
Tm_T | aaaah! | 03:42 |
Hobbsee | after that, i'd have no clue, and scream and run away | 03:42 |
Tm_T | found error | 03:42 |
Tm_T | font path is fucked | 03:43 |
Hobbsee | fun...change the font path? | 03:44 |
Tm_T | symlink | 03:44 |
Tm_T | just need to know what :p | 03:45 |
Tm_T | I think I'll get it | 03:45 |
Tm_T | looks like it's common problem | 03:45 |
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Fiyawerx | oh, sweet, win shortcuts work with amarok when its minimized | 03:46 |
cyne | how do i get amaroK to catalog music on my samba share? | 03:47 |
cyne | Fiyawerx: what do you mean? | 03:47 |
jmg | anyone see a bug in lilo/udev? | 03:50 |
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jmg | device-mapper ioctl cmd 12 failed: No such device or address | 03:50 |
jmg | Fatal: device-mapper: dm_task_run(DM_DEVICE_TABLE) failed | 03:50 |
StR | Hi ! | 03:51 |
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StR_breezy_kde3 | I'm having problems with kdm.. | 03:51 |
StR_breezy_kde3 | it does not start after /etc/init.d/kdm restart | 03:52 |
StR_breezy_kde3 | it dies without any comments... | 03:52 |
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jmg | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2600 | 03:54 |
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Tm_T | :/ | 04:09 |
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StR | Hi again all! | 04:10 |
Hobbsee | hi StR | 04:11 |
Phily | hi StR r u from Germany | 04:12 |
Fiyawerx | hmm, thats neat | 04:12 |
Fiyawerx | running a gnome session on one console and kde in another | 04:12 |
Phily | Fiyawerx: do u have a screen shot | 04:12 |
StR | Phily: nope... from Guatemala | 04:12 |
=== StR thinks not many people know where Guatemala is... | ||
Fiyawerx | Phily: maybe i said that wrong, i meant it like, ctrl-alt-f7 is my kde desktop, but if i hit ctrl-alt-f8 its my gnome desktop | 04:13 |
StR | Phily: aber ich spreche deutch... ein bischen... | 04:13 |
Phily | Fiyawerx: ok does opengl work on bith x screen | 04:13 |
Phily | StR: nope Francais ou English | 04:13 |
Fiyawerx | Phily: no clue | 04:14 |
StR | Phily: ohh.. sorry | 04:14 |
StR | so.... anyone here has already seen usplahs? | 04:14 |
StR | usplash? | 04:14 |
Fiyawerx | brb | 04:14 |
Phily | Fiyawerx: Where di you learn german if u r from Guatemala | 04:14 |
Fiyawerx | I'm not | 04:14 |
Fiyawerx | that was someone else | 04:14 |
Fiyawerx | I'm from upstate NY | 04:14 |
Phily | StR: : Where di you learn german if u r from Guatemala | 04:15 |
Phily | oops tab too quickly | 04:15 |
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StR | Phily: in the German school here in Guatemala | 04:15 |
StR | Phily: thanks for asking ;) | 04:15 |
Phily | StR: makes sense | 04:16 |
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Phily | Fiya_Brb: Want to see something weird i'm running xp and cygwin xorg logged into my linux main box and running vnc to my xp boox! | 04:18 |
Phily | Fiya_Brb: How to make good use of a network (actually useless) | 04:19 |
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god-zero | Phily: Don't do that, the computer gods frown on using a linux box as a lowly loop back device | 04:26 |
Phily | god-zero: I was experimenting | 04:27 |
Tm_T | :/ | 04:32 |
Tm_T | ok, please help me :p | 04:32 |
Tm_T | it's F*ing font issue with breezy&xorg | 04:32 |
StR | anyone has allready seen the usplash? | 04:33 |
god-zero | Tm_T: I don't know how to help, but I'm running breezy... can I post a .conf or something for you? | 04:35 |
Tm_T | nah | 04:36 |
Tm_T | hmm, I don't have xfs?! | 04:36 |
StR | god-zero: have you seen breezy? | 04:36 |
Tm_T | strange | 04:36 |
Tm_T | god-zero: thanks anyway | 04:37 |
Phily | no breezy for my stable system! | 04:37 |
god-zero | running kubuntu breezy kde3.5 Beta1 | 04:37 |
Phily | god-zero: any major change in kde3.5 | 04:38 |
god-zero | yes, but video is a prob, if you overlay anything other that the mouse over a window the thing comes to a screaching halt | 04:39 |
Tm_T | god-zero: you got that font prob? | 04:40 |
god-zero | mostly nice ease of use tweeks, no real big changes | 04:40 |
Tm_T | had | 04:40 |
Tm_T | anyway | 04:40 |
god-zero | no font prob, but x gives some non-show-stopping errors | 04:40 |
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Tm_T | have to say, strange | 04:41 |
Hobbsee | 3.5's nice - i like being able to drag and drop windows on differnet virtual desktops | 04:41 |
god-zero | the pager is where I thought it should have been a year ago. iconified windows, drag-n-drop, nice popup list | 04:42 |
god-zero | has anybody used kat yet? | 04:42 |
Phily | god-zero: kat or kate | 04:43 |
jsubl2 | how about adept | 04:43 |
Phily | god-zero: i'll be back | 04:43 |
god-zero | kat, like beagle desktop search | 04:43 |
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god-zero | adept's ugly as sin. | 04:44 |
jsubl2 | beats kynaptic | 04:44 |
jsubl2 | imho | 04:44 |
Phily | sypnaptic is nice | 04:45 |
god-zero | synaptic's still my choice once it's customized... but kde intigration would be nice | 04:45 |
jsubl2 | yeah with gtk overhead | 04:45 |
Tm_T | god-zero: hmm how about your xorg.conf? use pastebin :) | 04:45 |
Tm_T | my choice is apt | 04:46 |
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Phily | jsubl2: system speed with gtk is never an issue for me | 04:46 |
jsubl2 | i like a consistent look and feel.. not about speed | 04:47 |
Tm_T | I like easy and powerful use | 04:47 |
sproingie | nothing yet beats aptitude | 04:47 |
Tm_T | apt! | 04:47 |
god-zero | Tm_t: ignore the commented lines http://pastebin.com/376444 | 04:47 |
Tm_T | god-zero: I will ;) | 04:48 |
jsubl2 | aptitude.. isn't that the curses based version | 04:48 |
sproingie | yep | 04:48 |
god-zero | trying to get window compositing on my ati | 04:48 |
jsubl2 | after the install all i normally do is search anyway... so adept is working and improvement over kynaptic | 04:48 |
Tm_T | god-zero: well, I've been playing with xorg.conf too much :p | 04:48 |
jsubl2 | for me | 04:48 |
sproingie | may be curses but it's still more flexible and powerful than synaptic | 04:48 |
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jsubl2 | i don't mind using apt... but never use aptitude | 04:49 |
sproingie | biggest flaw aptitude has is it can't search descriptions | 04:49 |
sproingie | but for navigating through dependencies, it's terrific | 04:49 |
Tm_T | god-zero: font section is the issue here now, sometings fucked | 04:50 |
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jsubl2 | course that is the great thing about this distro... a tool for each preference :) | 04:51 |
god-zero | Tm_t: ya, I read your earlier posts. | 04:51 |
cyne | i'm trying to install flash player for Konqueror -- the installer is asking me where the Konqueror directory is.. what do i do? | 04:51 |
jsubl2 | cyne: you can put it anywhere.. then in the konq plugins section you just tell it where you put it | 04:52 |
cyne | jsubl2: thanks! | 04:52 |
jsubl2 | as a matter of fact.. i put it in .mozilla/flash cause i did not want konq to use any of the other ns plugins | 04:53 |
nalioth | cyne: install it for mozilla, then point konq at it | 04:53 |
nalioth | cyne: that way all your browsers present and future can use it | 04:53 |
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jsubl2 | some ns plugins seem to cause konq to crash.. for instance i have terrible luck with realplayer 10 plugins crashing konq | 04:55 |
cyne | i tried to put it anywhere like /home/cyne but it doesn't work | 04:56 |
cyne | it says that it's not a valid installation directory | 04:56 |
jsubl2 | put it in /usr/lib/mozzilla-firefox | 04:57 |
jsubl2 | put it in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox | 04:57 |
=== Octane [n=octane@dsl092-100-149.nyc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jsubl2 | i like to watch videos off of cnn.com and konq seems picky. but if careful the site does work | 04:58 |
cyne | i tried that | 04:58 |
cyne | it says WARNING: Please enter a valid installation path. | 04:59 |
cyne | maybe the latest flash is very picky | 04:59 |
jsubl2 | what version | 04:59 |
jsubl2 | i have installed version 7 | 05:00 |
cyne | | 05:00 |
cyne | May 2004 | 05:00 |
nalioth | cyne: try /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ | 05:00 |
cyne | ok | 05:00 |
nalioth | cyne: if put there, every gecko browser on your system will use it | 05:00 |
jsubl2 | mkdir -p ~/.mozilla/plugins then install it there | 05:00 |
jsubl2 | nalioth is right | 05:01 |
jsubl2 | as always | 05:01 |
jsubl2 | mkdir -p /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ | 05:01 |
jsubl2 | sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ | 05:01 |
nalioth | jsubl2: not always, i just sit on my hands when they want to type wrong stuff | 05:01 |
jsubl2 | lol | 05:01 |
jsubl2 | i always forget with a straight kubuntu install which of those dirs exist | 05:02 |
nalioth | jsubl2: nothing is convenient | 05:03 |
jsubl2 | i do use kubuntu.. that way i get a nice kde without installing all of the gnome shit | 05:03 |
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cyne | hmmm so jsubl2 | 05:04 |
jsubl2 | kde preserved some of the old nix things that were popular with us old nix bigots like me | 05:04 |
jsubl2 | sooooooooooo cyne | 05:04 |
cyne | do you mean /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins or /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins | 05:04 |
nalioth | jsubl2: i use the best tool for the job | 05:05 |
jsubl2 | either | 05:05 |
jsubl2 | me too | 05:05 |
nalioth | cyne: mozilla | 05:05 |
cyne | because i tried mozilla-firefox and it brings up the same error | 05:05 |
cyne | i will try the other one | 05:05 |
jsubl2 | but... i normally use kde apps as the front end | 05:05 |
nalioth | all gecko browsers will read the /mozilla/plugins dir | 05:05 |
cyne | nic | 05:05 |
cyne | nice | 05:05 |
jsubl2 | occasionally i do use firefox.. that is a gtk app and real occasionally gaim | 05:05 |
nalioth | jsubl2: i'd be happy with console only | 05:05 |
jsubl2 | not me | 05:06 |
nalioth | firefox imho sux, i use galeon and kazehakase | 05:06 |
jsubl2 | will have to check out kazehakase | 05:06 |
=== jsubl2 wanders off to freshmeat.net | ||
cyne | hmmm guys it still doesn't work `:/ | 05:06 |
cyne | bring up the same error | 05:07 |
nalioth | jsubl2: wander to your kynaptic | 05:07 |
jsubl2 | did you dl the gz file | 05:07 |
nalioth | cyne: are you using sudo? | 05:07 |
nalioth | to make the directory? | 05:07 |
=== fatejudger [n=fatejudg@c-67-169-87-144.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
cyne | yes | 05:07 |
cyne | and i ran the flash installer with sudo | 05:07 |
fatejudger | I can't seem to boot up Xserver anymore | 05:08 |
fatejudger | it's so bad, I have to use bitchX | 05:08 |
jsubl2 | i normally just tar gzip it and copy the two files I need *flash* gets them | 05:08 |
fatejudger | apparently the problem has to do with fonts | 05:08 |
fatejudger | I'm not quite sure what happened, but it was working fine the other day | 05:08 |
nalioth | fatejudger: use irssi instead (until you get it fixed) | 05:08 |
jsubl2 | nalioth: i like my browser to do streaming video | 05:08 |
fatejudger | I think it might have been the update I did | 05:08 |
cyne | jsubl2: http://pastebin.com/376453 | 05:09 |
fatejudger | I did update with the Universe and Multiverse repositories enabled | 05:09 |
cyne | oh i see | 05:09 |
cyne | fjark the files are already compiled | 05:09 |
fatejudger | has anyone else had this problem? | 05:10 |
jsubl2 | cyne: sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/mozilla --- at the prompt enter your password | 05:10 |
jsubl2 | then run it again | 05:10 |
fatejudger | or even tried updating with universe and multiverse repositories enabled? | 05:10 |
nalioth | fatejudger: what error does it give? | 05:10 |
fatejudger | well, I don't exactly remember, I can only run one program at a time now | 05:11 |
fatejudger | it had to do with fonts | 05:11 |
fatejudger | I guess I could start up mirc on my other computer | 05:11 |
fatejudger | and try starting up X | 05:11 |
fatejudger | but I couldn't copy and paste the error | 05:11 |
fatejudger | unless | 05:11 |
badbear | someone used umbrello??? | 05:11 |
fatejudger | I could use samba to transfer the log file over the network | 05:11 |
fatejudger | let me do that | 05:12 |
nalioth | fatejudger: may i tell you about "gnu screen" and the fact that you have 8 logins to use | 05:13 |
fatejudger | nalioth: ? | 05:13 |
cyne | jsubl2: it works now thanks :) all i did was extract the plugins and copy them to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins and rescan for plugins in konqueror | 05:13 |
cyne | :D | 05:13 |
cyne | bbl | 05:13 |
nalioth | fatejudger: hit ctrl-alt.f3 and login | 05:14 |
god-zero | fatejudger: Tm_t isa in the same x-font boat | 05:14 |
nalioth | voila another terminal | 05:14 |
Phily | nalioth: with not use ctrl-alt f2 f3 f4 do get more consoles | 05:14 |
Phily | nalioth: why not use ctrl-alt f2 f3 f4 do get more consoles | 05:14 |
nalioth | Phily: i'im sorry i mistyped | 05:15 |
badbear | someone used umbrello??? | 05:15 |
nalioth | but i thought that's what i meant | 05:15 |
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fatejudger1 | ok, I'm on my other computer now | 05:15 |
Phily | nalioth: sorry I was ritting to fatejudger | 05:15 |
fatejudger1 | http://pastebin.com/376457 | 05:16 |
fatejudger1 | here is my error | 05:16 |
Phily | fatejudger1: : use ctrl-alt f2 f3 f4 do get more consoles | 05:16 |
fatejudger | oh, that's cool | 05:17 |
fatejudger | when I use the command line, it's generally in X | 05:17 |
fatejudger | so I can open new tabs | 05:18 |
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Phily | fatejudger: ok did you update the kernel? | 05:20 |
nalioth | fatejudger: go back to your stricken box | 05:20 |
fatejudger | I'm on the linux box right now | 05:20 |
fatejudger | I've been using the ctrl-alt thing | 05:21 |
nalioth | fatejudger: and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and select the VESA driver | 05:21 |
fatejudger | can I copy and paste? | 05:21 |
Phily | fatejudger: try this in the console | 05:21 |
Phily | nalioth: noits nvidia driver issue | 05:21 |
nalioth | Phily: fix him up, my method will if yours will not | 05:22 |
fatejudger | I installed an Nvidia driver though | 05:22 |
fatejudger | won't this mess it up? | 05:22 |
Phily | fatejudger: install nvidia driver thru website | 05:22 |
fatejudger | so after this, I'll have to reinstall the driver? | 05:23 |
Phily | fatejudger: everytime you update the kernel you need to reinstall the drivers ethir using nvdia driver or apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-kernelversion | 05:24 |
fatejudger | well I don't even know if I changed the kernel? | 05:24 |
fatejudger | I thought you couldn't do that in synaptic | 05:24 |
fatejudger | and that's all I use | 05:24 |
fatejudger | well | 05:24 |
fatejudger | I do use apt-get on occasion | 05:24 |
fatejudger | but I know I updated with synaptic | 05:24 |
Phily | fatejudger: but for some reson the restriccted module do not update | 05:24 |
Phily | than you get linking error with nvidia kernel module | 05:25 |
Phily | so reinstall nvdia drover | 05:25 |
nalioth | fatejudger: when you update, your kernel updates | 05:25 |
nalioth | fatejudger: if an update is available | 05:26 |
fatejudger | wouldn't it best then to download the nvidia driver on my other computer, samba it over to this one, and run the Nvidia installer? | 05:26 |
Phily | fatejudger: nalioth you can flag the restricted module to auto update so this does not happen again | 05:26 |
nalioth | fatejudger: fresh is always best (usually) | 05:26 |
fatejudger | so I should get the driver and install it that way instead of the autodetect? | 05:27 |
nalioth | fatejudger: as Phily offers, use the file and the directions from the nvidia site | 05:27 |
Phily | nalioth: the problem from nvidia site is that u need kernel sorce installed | 05:28 |
fatejudger | ok, how do I close the autodetection program then? | 05:28 |
Phily | fatejudger: just use the one from reposotory | 05:29 |
fatejudger | use the kernel source from the repository? | 05:29 |
fatejudger | or a driver? | 05:29 |
Phily | fatejudger: do cat /proc/version | 05:29 |
Phily | and i<ll tell u wich to install | 05:29 |
nalioth | fatejudger: esc through it and dont save | 05:29 |
fatejudger | Phily: 2.6.10-5-386 | 05:30 |
fatejudger | Phily: anything else? | 05:30 |
Phily | fatejudger: type apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.10-5-386 | 05:30 |
Phily | fatejudger: is it working | 05:31 |
Phily | nalioth: did u install breezzzzzzy | 05:32 |
fatejudger | it couldn't find that package | 05:33 |
fatejudger | that wouldn't be source would it? | 05:33 |
nalioth | Phily: i have it on one of my macs | 05:33 |
jsubl2 | i have kubuntu breezy | 05:33 |
Phily | its their do first apt-get update | 05:33 |
Phily | nalioth: their is ppc version wow | 05:33 |
fatejudger | I did update | 05:33 |
fatejudger | just a few minutes ago | 05:33 |
fatejudger | but I do have sources commented out | 05:34 |
fatejudger | I only have binaries enabled | 05:34 |
Phily | fatejudger: its their i<m sure | 05:34 |
fatejudger | well is it a binary or source? | 05:34 |
Phily | binary | 05:34 |
fatejudger | well that's strange | 05:34 |
fatejudger | because I did update | 05:34 |
fatejudger | and it couldn't find it | 05:34 |
Phily | do apt-cache search linux-restricted | 05:35 |
fatejudger | nm, mistype | 05:35 |
Phily | and tell if its theis | 05:35 |
fatejudger | it says it can't install it, it's already the latest version | 05:35 |
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fatejudger | can I force an update? | 05:36 |
Phily | ok can you do apt-get install nvidial-glx | 05:36 |
Phily | oops nvidia-glx | 05:36 |
fatejudger | what does that do? | 05:37 |
Phily | fatejudger: make sure latest glx driver is installedf | 05:37 |
fatejudger | I already have the Nvidia driver on my computer now, maybe I should just install that | 05:37 |
Phily | fatejudger: no not from nvidia site | 05:37 |
fatejudger | why not?\ | 05:38 |
nalioth | fatejudger: you did error out on loading glx | 05:38 |
Phily | fatejudger: because u need kernel source (about 50 megs) | 05:38 |
fatejudger | so? | 05:38 |
Phily | nalioth: yep | 05:38 |
fatejudger | that'll take me two minutes | 05:38 |
fatejudger | maybe | 05:38 |
Phily | fatejudger: the latest driver 1776 are buggy on some systems | 05:39 |
Phily | from nvidia site | 05:39 |
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Phily | fatejudger: so is this working | 05:42 |
fatejudger | nooo, what happened? | 05:42 |
fatejudger | my fonts | 05:43 |
fatejudger | they're damaged.... | 05:43 |
fatejudger | they're bold | 05:43 |
fatejudger | and big | 05:43 |
fatejudger | and my screen is misaligned now | 05:43 |
fatejudger | what the hell is going on? | 05:43 |
fatejudger | oh I see | 05:44 |
fatejudger | it didn't load it properly | 05:44 |
fatejudger | failed to load GLX extension | 05:44 |
nalioth | fatejudger: give it a whack to adjust the sync, lol | 05:44 |
fatejudger | lol | 05:44 |
fatejudger | well the reason it isn't work now is because the drivers aren't | 05:45 |
fatejudger | it's using some default display thing | 05:45 |
fatejudger | maybe I should just use the driver from the website | 05:45 |
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fatejudger | how do I apt-get the linux sources? | 05:45 |
regeya | lol. | 05:45 |
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Phily | fatejudger: do u have a big harddrive | 05:45 |
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fatejudger | 30 gig | 05:46 |
Phily | fatejudger: just install everything LOL apt-get install everything | 05:46 |
fatejudger | Phily: yeah right | 05:46 |
Phily | fatejudger: give me a remote shell account and ill fix it | 05:46 |
fatejudger | Phily: like I want all of that clutter | 05:46 |
nalioth | fatejudger: the version you are running, install the headers for it | 05:46 |
jsubl2 | yeah one for me too | 05:47 |
fatejudger | what is the name of the source then? | 05:47 |
fatejudger | linux-headers? | 05:47 |
Phily | nalioth: u need more than headers for nvidia drivers and i dont know why | 05:47 |
nalioth | fatejudger: kernel headers something | 05:47 |
fatejudger | ok well | 05:47 |
fatejudger | how do I install the whole damn thing? | 05:47 |
nalioth | fatejudger: kernel sources | 05:47 |
fatejudger | it couldn't find a package called kernel-sources | 05:49 |
jsubl2 | why compile why not install linux-restricted modules for the kernel | 05:49 |
fatejudger | jsub12: they're already install, that's why | 05:49 |
jsubl2 | it works for me.. i have nvidia-legacy card gf2 | 05:49 |
Phily | jsubl2: its already installed but for some reason he does not want do install nvidia-glx | 05:49 |
jsubl2 | odd | 05:50 |
Phily | fatejudger: linux-headers-386 | 05:50 |
jsubl2 | good luck | 05:50 |
fatejudger | Phily: I already installed nvidia-glx | 05:50 |
fatejudger | and it didn't work | 05:50 |
jsubl2 | do you have the legacy card or newer one | 05:50 |
jsubl2 | adept tells | 05:50 |
fatejudger | umm, GeForce 4 | 05:50 |
Phily | fatejudger: remove them and reinstall worked for me | 05:50 |
jsubl2 | newer | 05:50 |
jsubl2 | i think | 05:51 |
fatejudger | well, maybe by your standards | 05:51 |
fatejudger | this thing is ancient | 05:51 |
Phily | fatejudger: for kernel source kernel-tree | 05:51 |
jsubl2 | legacy is -- These XFree86 4.x/X.Org binary drivers provide optimized hardware acceleration of OpenGL applications via a direct-rendering X Server and supports the TNT, TNT2, TNT Ultra, GeForce, and GeForce2 chipsets. AGP, TV-out and flat panel displays are also supported. | 05:51 |
fatejudger | there is no "kernel-tree" | 05:51 |
jsubl2 | this is breezy and adept tho | 05:52 |
Phily | fatejudger: for kernel source linux-tree | 05:52 |
Phily | sorry | 05:52 |
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jsubl2 | i would rather have a nvidia legacy card than a current ati one tho... 4 sure | 05:53 |
Phily | jsubl2: me too | 05:54 |
MaTaKs | what's better ubuntu or kubuntu | 05:54 |
jsubl2 | you like gnome or kde... cause that is the diff | 05:54 |
nalioth | MaTaKs: whats better cadillac or lincoln? mercedes or bmw? | 05:54 |
jsubl2 | both use the same base | 05:54 |
nalioth | MaTaKs: it's all personal preference | 05:54 |
Phily | nalioth: GM !! just kidding | 05:55 |
Phily | nalioth: I choose the last two in the list | 05:55 |
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fatejudger | it says that no precompiled kernel interface couldn't be found | 05:56 |
fatejudger | it wants to try and find one online | 05:56 |
fatejudger | is that my kernel sources? | 05:56 |
Phily | fatejudger: I told you you need to compile one so you need the source | 05:56 |
Phily | fatejudger: I told you you need to compile one so you need the sourc | 05:56 |
Phily | fatejudger: I told you you need to compile one so you need the sourc | 05:56 |
fatejudger | holy crap | 05:56 |
fatejudger | you don't need to say it three times | 05:56 |
fatejudger | I already tried your idea | 05:56 |
whoiam | fatejudger you are trying to isntall vmware ? | 05:56 |
fatejudger | it didn't work | 05:56 |
fatejudger | no, I'm trying to install a driver | 05:57 |
fatejudger | an nvidia driver | 05:57 |
fatejudger | because X broke | 05:57 |
Phily | fatejudger: did you install kernel source | 05:57 |
jsubl2 | edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change nvidia to nv | 05:57 |
whoiam | there is nvidia headers avil. from apt | 05:57 |
nalioth | fatejudger: hold one. lets get you a gui so you're more comforable | 05:57 |
whoiam | wait lemme search | 05:57 |
Phily | fatejudger: apt-get install linux-tree | 05:58 |
Phily | fatejudger: just give me shell account and i<ll fix it I just cant help you anymore | 05:58 |
whoiam | fatejudger: try this apt-get install nvidia-kernel-source | 05:58 |
whoiam | then try installing | 05:58 |
jsubl2 | give me one too | 05:58 |
jsubl2 | lol | 05:58 |
Phily | ok last resort but no 3D aceleration just chang in your xorg.conf nvidia for nv | 05:59 |
jsubl2 | :} | 05:59 |
jsubl2 | then use synaptic to sort it out | 05:59 |
whoiam | fatejudger: if it fail, tell me your kernel version (and by your I mean your computer) :p | 05:59 |
Phily | jsubl2: he cant run X | 05:59 |
jsubl2 | he can when he changes nvidia to nv in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 06:00 |
jsubl2 | nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf -- find nvidia change to nv -- save the file ---sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart | 06:01 |
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jsubl2 | sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf -- rather | 06:02 |
jsubl2 | nvidia is just up from the bottom of the file about 20 or so lines | 06:03 |
fatejudger | yeah, it's already in there | 06:03 |
fatejudger | I edited it awhile back | 06:03 |
fatejudger | do I need to restart my computer or can I start X? | 06:03 |
jsubl2 | sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart | 06:04 |
jsubl2 | kdm/gdm depending on kde/gnome pref | 06:04 |
fatejudger | I use KDE, can't stand gnome | 06:06 |
jsubl2 | we agree there | 06:06 |
fatejudger | gnome is shitty to develop in since it uses GTK | 06:06 |
fatejudger | and is ugly as hell | 06:06 |
fatejudger | QT is much better | 06:06 |
jsubl2 | preachin to the choir :) | 06:06 |
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jsubl2 | later all | 06:06 |
fatejudger | lol | 06:07 |
fatejudger | C++ is much better than C anyway | 06:07 |
whoiam | hey guys, how much time your computer take to boot in kubuntu ? | 06:08 |
Phily | whoiam: approx 2.534432342355 minutes | 06:08 |
fatejudger | Phily: wow, that seems like a pretty accurate number | 06:09 |
fatejudger | Phily: and it takes THAT long? | 06:09 |
whoiam | lol | 06:09 |
fatejudger | brb, booting into kde | 06:10 |
fatejudger | exit | 06:10 |
fatejudger | god damnit | 06:10 |
fatejudger | how do I close this program? | 06:10 |
fatejudger | umm, bitch | 06:10 |
fatejudger | x | 06:10 |
whoiam | Phily: it take around 1.6 min. on my 2.8~HT/1024 MB ram, and I'm thinking it's quite high | 06:10 |
fatejudger | whoiam: no, that'a about right | 06:10 |
fatejudger | you use KDE right? | 06:11 |
fatejudger | *that's | 06:11 |
Phily | fatejudger: to get to kdm approx 1 min to get kde running 2.5 min | 06:11 |
whoiam | yeah | 06:11 |
fatejudger | I mean think about it | 06:11 |
fatejudger | there's obviously going to be some delay between kdm booting | 06:11 |
fatejudger | and you logging in | 06:11 |
fatejudger | not only that, hotplug takes a long time to load | 06:11 |
fatejudger | plus any mounts | 06:11 |
whoiam | yeah, and I want to eliminate it :p | 06:11 |
fatejudger | not only that | 06:11 |
fatejudger | you never have to restart your computer | 06:11 |
fatejudger | so, you boot once in 1.5 minutes, that's a pretty damn good deal | 06:12 |
fatejudger | well, you have to restart to update the linux kernel | 06:12 |
fatejudger | but that's it | 06:12 |
whoiam | the thing which take most time is ntp service (why the hell I want to accurate my clock everytime my computer boot) | 06:12 |
fatejudger | are you serious? | 06:12 |
fatejudger | that's like .00001 seconds for me | 06:12 |
Phily | whoiam: than dont use ntp I don<t | 06:12 |
fatejudger | is your internet connection crappy? | 06:12 |
fatejudger | brb, booting into X | 06:13 |
fatejudger | oh wait, I haven't figured out how to exit | 06:13 |
whoiam | fatejudger no I have to login (on a webpage) to get internet access | 06:13 |
whoiam | fatejudger try quit | 06:13 |
whoiam | or q | 06:13 |
fatejudger | oh, that sucks | 06:13 |
fatejudger | college? | 06:13 |
fatejudger | q | 06:13 |
fatejudger | quit | 06:13 |
fatejudger1 | I | 06:14 |
fatejudger1 | I'm on here | 06:14 |
whoiam | how many of you running latest kde (or breezy) ? | 06:14 |
whoiam | fatejudger1: wb | 06:14 |
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nalioth | fatejudger1: use irssi | 06:14 |
whoiam | your machine seems, quite fast | 06:14 |
fatejudger1 | I'm on my windows box now | 06:15 |
fatejudger1 | I can't use irssi | 06:15 |
=== fatejudger [n=fatejudg@c-67-169-87-144.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fatejudger | back | 06:17 |
fatejudger | 1:15 to boot | 06:17 |
fatejudger | and that included this stupid Nvidia setup thing | 06:18 |
fatejudger | that had to load | 06:18 |
fatejudger | that took like 10 seconds | 06:18 |
whoiam | fatejudger: you can set it to now show that stupid nvidia logo | 06:19 |
fatejudger | whoiam: it wasn't the Nvidia logo that took time, it was some setup thing that it had to finish | 06:20 |
fatejudger | whoiam: it was weird | 06:20 |
Phily | why cant u use irssi | 06:21 |
Phily | whoiam: fatejudger is using solid state hard drive | 06:22 |
whoiam | lol | 06:22 |
whoiam | I'm wonderin how a solid state HDD look like :-0 | 06:23 |
nalioth | whoiam: gigabyte sells it | 06:23 |
Phily | for boot turn off cups fetchmail pickup | 06:23 |
nalioth | whoiam: it's a PCI card with slots for 2gb memory modules | 06:23 |
Phily | turn of hardwar detection | 06:23 |
whoiam | ok, | 06:24 |
nalioth | whoiam: it's got a 9volt battery to save data | 06:24 |
whoiam | OIC | 06:24 |
Phily | nalioth: u could fit the latest kernel on their and propably most of kubuntu fast boot! | 06:24 |
Phily | nalioth: actucally now solid state drive use ide or serial ata | 06:25 |
nalioth | Phily: great. i'm discussing the gigabyte model | 06:25 |
whoiam | nalioth: I'm wondering what I would ask to my local computer store If I want that solid state HDD ? | 06:25 |
Phily | approx 2000 to 3000 $ now for military grade stuff | 06:26 |
nalioth | whoiam: doestn matter, you'd probably get a puzzled look | 06:26 |
Phily | whoiam: u get the question does intel make it can we order it from dell? | 06:27 |
whoiam | nalioth: how much it would cost me BTW | 06:27 |
nalioth | whoiam: dunno. go to gigabytes homepage and start lookin | 06:28 |
nalioth | whoiam: the cost is in the memory, gigabyte on sells the bare card | 06:28 |
whoiam | nalioth: I want to do that, but I'm d/l something which is eating all of my bandwidth :( thnx anyway | 06:29 |
=== whoiam want a higher internet connection | ||
fatejudger | my openGL screensavers don't work anymore | 06:32 |
fatejudger | what gives? | 06:32 |
nalioth | whoiam: it's around 150USD or less | 06:32 |
whoiam | nalioth: thnx :) | 06:33 |
whoiam | how many of you runing latest kde(3.4.9) | 06:33 |
whoiam | I upgrade last night and I'm pretty happy with it | 06:33 |
whoiam | it's much more faster than 3.4.2 | 06:34 |
fatejudger | I didn't know that 3.4.9 was availiable | 06:34 |
nalioth | whoiam: must be nice, binaries arent available for PPC yet | 06:34 |
god-zero | whoami: the most basic card is a couple hundred bucks, then you have to buy the DIMMs. They hold a max of 4 GB worth of DIMMs iirc. Not very practical. | 06:34 |
whoiam | nalioth: http://kubuntu.org/kde-35beta1.php | 06:34 |
whoiam | it's avil for 386 rightnow | 06:34 |
whoiam | god-zero: thnx for the information | 06:35 |
nalioth | whoiam: i run PPC | 06:35 |
whoiam | :( | 06:35 |
fatejudger | oh, it's a beta | 06:36 |
fatejudger | I like stable things | 06:36 |
fatejudger | anyway, how can I fix my screensavers? | 06:36 |
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god-zero | fatejudger: when I mess with my video driver (ati fglrx) it sometimes takes a reboot or two to get gl working right. A ctrl-alt-backspace doesn't always work | 06:38 |
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Phily | hey all who wants to test a shell account on my system | 06:51 |
fatejudger | I can | 06:52 |
fatejudger | you helped me out | 06:52 |
fatejudger | so I should help you out | 06:52 |
Phily | fatejudger: did u get my private msg | 06:53 |
fatejudger | yes | 06:54 |
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fatejudger | I'm having a little problem with my Nvidia driver | 08:03 |
fatejudger | every time I start up it says it's Nvidia is creating some kind of links | 08:03 |
fatejudger | TSL or something like that | 08:04 |
fatejudger | and then it says my processor doesn't support power saving | 08:04 |
fatejudger | and now my openGL screensavers don't work | 08:04 |
Hobbsee | fatejudger: for the openGL screensavers | 08:05 |
Hobbsee | do you have rss-glx installed? | 08:05 |
Hobbsee | and xscreensaver, and kscreensaver-xscreensaver (or is it the other way around) | 08:06 |
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aftertaf | morning.... | 08:08 |
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Hobbsee | afternoon aftertaf | 08:08 |
aftertaf | hehe... | 08:08 |
aftertaf | good [GetRelativeTime()] all | 08:09 |
Hobbsee | people clearly dont look out their window to see that its' afternoon lol :P | 08:09 |
aftertaf | its a non time f shitness and wet here ;) | 08:09 |
aftertaf | of | 08:09 |
Hobbsee | lol | 08:09 |
Hobbsee | wet...yuck...not here...glad i'm inside though | 08:10 |
aftertaf | damn ozzies... confusing us Yoorope eans :) | 08:10 |
Hobbsee | hehe yeah, and to confuse you more, we're in spring... | 08:10 |
aftertaf | omg!!!!!!!! | 08:11 |
aftertaf | :D | 08:11 |
aftertaf | boing!!! | 08:11 |
Hobbsee | :P...our entire purpose is to confuse you, didnt you know? | 08:12 |
aftertaf | i was beginning to gather..... :) tho didnt work for freddie flintoff ;) | 08:13 |
Hobbsee | freddie flintoff? | 08:13 |
aftertaf | once per 18 years, is ok ... you'll whup us next year like usual :) | 08:13 |
aftertaf | england's ashes hero :) | 08:13 |
Hobbsee | right | 08:13 |
Hobbsee | ah... | 08:13 |
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fatejudger | Hobbsee: rss-glx? | 08:16 |
fatejudger | Hobbsee: I have an Nvidia card | 08:17 |
fatejudger | Hobbsee: don't I need nvidia-glx? | 08:17 |
Hobbsee | fatejudger: got no idea about the nvidia card, but rss-glx is one of the programs you need to run the opengl screensavers, such as the solarwinds one | 08:18 |
Hobbsee | http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=1847746 is something you might want to look at - particularly the one about latest drivers | 08:19 |
Hobbsee | !nvidia | 08:19 |
ubotu | I guess nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 08:19 |
Hobbsee | or that | 08:19 |
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Hobbsee | fatejudger: rss in this case is meaning "really slick screensavers" | 08:20 |
fatejudger | yeah | 08:22 |
fatejudger | okay, let me restart then | 08:22 |
mornfall | sproingie: aptitude can search descriptions i think... with the mutt-like 'l'imit packages :) | 08:23 |
mornfall | sproingie: it's just like adept filters, just probably not too intuitive :-) | 08:23 |
mornfall | but then, i don't use aptitude UI all that much | 08:23 |
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fatejudger | well that didn't work out too well | 08:26 |
fatejudger | I restarted | 08:26 |
Hobbsee | what happened? | 08:26 |
Hobbsee | yeah | 08:26 |
fatejudger | and now it says I don't have a monitor | 08:27 |
Hobbsee | and? | 08:27 |
Hobbsee | what'd you do? | 08:27 |
fatejudger | I apt-got nvidia glx | 08:27 |
fatejudger | and then I enabled it | 08:27 |
fatejudger | and restarted | 08:27 |
cyne | why doesn't juK or amaroK play media over the network? | 08:27 |
fatejudger | cyne: it does, mount a drive | 08:27 |
fatejudger | now, back to my question | 08:27 |
cyne | how? can i do it through the gui? | 08:27 |
fatejudger | no, you can't | 08:28 |
cyne | :( | 08:28 |
fatejudger | !mount samba | 08:28 |
ubotu | fatejudger: Do they come in packets of five? | 08:28 |
Hobbsee | there's a network sound control in kcontrol | 08:28 |
Hobbsee | !mount | 08:28 |
ubotu | it has been said that mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive. For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives | 08:28 |
Hobbsee | !windowsdrives | 08:28 |
ubotu | rumour has it, windowsdrives is Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows partions mount automatically | 08:28 |
fatejudger | that's the wrong one | 08:28 |
fatejudger | you want the samba one | 08:28 |
Hobbsee | useful of it...exactly | 08:28 |
fatejudger | !samba | 08:28 |
ubotu | it has been said that samba is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently | 08:28 |
fatejudger | there it is | 08:28 |
Hobbsee | ah | 08:28 |
fatejudger | the second one | 08:28 |
god-zero | cyne: in the open file menu, enter as url | 08:28 |
fatejudger | so Hobbsee | 08:29 |
fatejudger | should I check my .conf or my log? | 08:29 |
Hobbsee | can you disable or remove nvidia glx? | 08:29 |
Hobbsee | i'd have no clue | 08:29 |
=== ice [n=ice@114.Red-213-96-147.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ice | good morning | 08:29 |
Hobbsee | i'm only running an intel integrated card, so i dont have to configure anything with it | 08:29 |
ice | where can i find boot.local file? | 08:29 |
Hobbsee | that should get you your monitor back | 08:29 |
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cyne | thanks! | 08:30 |
fatejudger | Hobbsee: what should get my monitor back? | 08:31 |
fatejudger | damn I hate this thing | 08:31 |
Hobbsee | fatejudger: i'm definetly not the person to ask about nvidia cards, i've only figured out how to make the openGL screensavers work thru trial and error | 08:31 |
Hobbsee | getting rid of the program you downloaded, maybe? | 08:32 |
fatejudger | well it backed up my xorg config | 08:32 |
fatejudger | i can try running the driver again | 08:32 |
Hobbsee | may as well try it | 08:32 |
god-zero | ice: I'm unaware of "boot.local", what are you trying to do? | 08:35 |
ice | i want made the firewall starts automatic when i reboot system. | 08:35 |
fatejudger | how do I ls page per page? | 08:35 |
fatejudger | like, how can I make it pause after each page | 08:35 |
ice | with more | 08:36 |
nalioth | ice: your firewall does start when the box boots | 08:36 |
ice | fatejudger | 08:36 |
nalioth | ice: use firestarted to configure your iptables | 08:36 |
ice | yes but i need know how desactive or active. I suse i use boot.local file to do this but in kubuntu dont exists this file | 08:37 |
fatejudger | ice: just stick it in a runlevel or something | 08:38 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | hi aftertaf | 08:39 |
god-zero | ice: to simplify what I do, I DMZ to (doesn't really exist), then asign eth0:0 to, so I can turn on/off firewall by turning on/off eth0:0 | 08:41 |
god-zero | but that makes use of my router | 08:41 |
=== fatejudger [n=fatejudg@c-67-169-87-144.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fatejudger | well that was really dumb | 08:41 |
fatejudger | it works now | 08:41 |
fatejudger | I think I know how though | 08:42 |
ice | yes god-zero but i want know how active too scripts and other services in the boot of machine | 08:42 |
Hobbsee | yay fatejudger | 08:42 |
fatejudger | I uninstalled nvidia-glx | 08:42 |
fatejudger | and then I installed the nvidia driver from their website | 08:42 |
fatejudger | last time I just installed over nvidia-glx | 08:42 |
fatejudger | but I think there was something screwy about that | 08:43 |
Hobbsee | ah right | 08:44 |
fatejudger | rss-glx screensavers don't work though | 08:44 |
fatejudger | that sucks | 08:44 |
Hobbsee | fatejudger | 08:44 |
Hobbsee | what packages with the word screensaver do you have installed? | 08:45 |
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aftertaf | re again :) | 08:46 |
Hobbsee | fatejudger: you need kscreensaver kscreensaver-xsaver xscreensaver xscreensaver-gl rss-glx | 08:47 |
Hobbsee | and any dependencies from them that are automatically found | 08:47 |
god-zero | ice: read the readmes in /usr/share/doc/sysv-rc | 08:48 |
ice | thanks | 08:48 |
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whoiam | can someone tell me how I install gcc-3.4.5 (I want to install vmware, it saying that my kernel is compiled with 3.4.5 and I have 4.0.4, so I would either install gcc3.4.5 or either recompile my kernel) | 08:53 |
nalioth | whoiam: it's in synaptic | 08:57 |
whoiam | 3.4.5 ? | 08:59 |
whoiam | lemme see, however, I want to do it with apt, I want to learn apt instead of synaptic :D | 08:59 |
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dreumah | hi | 09:05 |
Hobbsee | hi dreumah | 09:05 |
dreumah | i just got kubuntu through ubuntu and now my rio carbon doesnt work anymore | 09:05 |
Hobbsee | any error messages? | 09:06 |
dreumah | yes | 09:06 |
Hobbsee | paste them? | 09:06 |
nalioth | Hobbsee: not here please | 09:06 |
dreumah | one sec | 09:07 |
Hobbsee | nalioth: is flood the place they are supposed to go? | 09:07 |
Hobbsee | or somewhere else entirely i havent found yet? | 09:07 |
dreumah | when i try to delete something it says that creating folders is not part of the protocol and that it | 09:08 |
nalioth | Hobbsee: #flood (with prior intentions given) or a | 09:08 |
nalioth | !pastebin | 09:08 |
ubotu | somebody said pastebin was a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 09:08 |
Hobbsee | nalioth: cool, ok | 09:09 |
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seaLne | does anyone have a matrox g550 or similar dual head card? using the standard mga driver both heads were the same, when i changed to the matrox binary driver i now only get one head working, under sid it worked fine with dual heads, i've tried running the matroxset prog incase the card had forgoten the settings but it gives errors about "Cannot open /dev/fb1: No such file or directory" /dev/fb1 dosen't exist but fb0 does but specifying that i get "ioct | 09:15 |
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dech | How do i terminate an X server ? and restart it, i need to terminate to install my nvidia drivers | 09:17 |
jeh_work | dech: running kde? | 09:17 |
dech | Yep :) | 09:17 |
whoiam | dech: /etc/init.d/kdm stop | 09:17 |
dech | Thanks | 09:18 |
whoiam | dech: and /etc/init.d/kdm start after you finish installing drivers | 09:18 |
jeh_work | dech: or just log out, then "Console login" from the KDM menu, log in as root and then " /etc/init.d/kdm stop" | 09:18 |
dech | ok thanks :) | 09:18 |
dech | See you all again soon hopefully :) | 09:18 |
whoiam | lol | 09:19 |
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jeh_work | how do one build the nvidia drivers the "kubuntu way"? there is a source package for them | 09:19 |
whoiam | jeh_work: try apt-cache search nvidia | 09:20 |
jeh_work | i couldn't figure out what to do, so i downsucked the "official" package from nvidia and compiled normally | 09:20 |
linuxuser | haloo | 09:21 |
whoiam | jeh_work: does nvidia driver keep asking you for kernel hearders ? | 09:21 |
jeh_work | whoiam: i installed "nvidia-kernel-source" | 09:21 |
linuxuser | how's life? | 09:21 |
jeh_work | whoiam: the problem was that all worked ok, then i installed kernel 2.6.11 | 09:21 |
jeh_work | whoiam: that one doesn't have anything precompiled afaik | 09:21 |
whoiam | duh,, you have to reinstall them agian | 09:21 |
jeh_work | so i downloaded the above package, it looked like the sources | 09:22 |
linuxuser | whre am i | 09:23 |
jeh_work | but i found no way to build them, "debuild" borked serioulsy | 09:23 |
whoiam | jeh_work: If I were you, I just d/l the 2.6.22 source then compiled it (wait wait, I'm saying only compile or compile only modules tobe precise) then try installing again | 09:23 |
whoiam | *2.6.11 | 09:23 |
jeh_work | whoiam: i got it working fine with nvidia's original package, as i've always done it | 09:24 |
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jeh_work | whoiam: i just wanted to be able to manually compile a deb for my 2.6.11 kernel | 09:24 |
whoiam | hmm. I can't help you then, I don't know much about apt/dpkg :( | 09:24 |
jeh_work | whoiam: ok, thanks for helping | 09:25 |
jeh_work | one thing that always gets me is when i run kernels from packages, is that it's not enough to just download the kernel source package and unpackage it in order to get the nvidia stuff to compile | 09:26 |
whoiam | :) | 09:26 |
whoiam | yeah | 09:26 |
jeh_work | you have to at least configure it too | 09:26 |
jeh_work | otherwise the compilation of the nvidia stuff fails in a missing "version.h" or similar | 09:27 |
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whoiam | jeh_work: I'm satisfied with prebuilt default nv driver | 09:29 |
jeh_work | whoiam: does it work for 2.6.11 or newer? | 09:30 |
whoiam | well, I don't know bout 2.6.11 but it working in my 2.6.12 | 09:30 |
jeh_work | not that i'm really interested in 2.6.11 anymore, i ran it a few days and my machine has never crashed so much | 09:30 |
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jeh_work | whoiam: is there a kernel package for 2.6.12 already? or is this breezy? | 09:31 |
whoiam | jeh_work: it's breezy, but I think you could install 2.6.12 only if you add breezy in your source.lst | 09:31 |
jeh_work | gam_server created constant kernel oops:es and the USB subsystem died a few times | 09:31 |
whoiam | install kernel then remove breezy | 09:31 |
jeh_work | whoiam: could probably work. but i'll wait a few weeks for the official breezy, then upgrade everything | 09:32 |
whoiam | jeh_work: I upgrade from hoary to breezy last night, it's almost 18 hours I'm working on it, and I can't find anything unusual | 09:32 |
jeh_work | nice | 09:32 |
jeh_work | i guess that breezy has a new nvidia package and you are not using the one from hoary | 09:32 |
whoiam | jeh_work: I'm little impatient :p | 09:33 |
jeh_work | does breezy have qt4 packages? | 09:33 |
whoiam | I think so | 09:33 |
whoiam | jeh_work: how do I check that ? :p | 09:33 |
jeh_work | apt-cache search qt4 | 09:33 |
whoiam | breezy is much faster than hoary | 09:33 |
whoiam | lemme check | 09:33 |
jeh_work | faster? how can it be? did you run kde 3.4.2 with hoary too? | 09:34 |
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whoiam | jeh_work: check private | 09:34 |
jeh_work | yup | 09:34 |
jeh_work | seems to be there, thanks | 09:35 |
whoiam | :) | 09:35 |
jeh_work | i compiled it manually a few days ago. huge... | 09:35 |
whoiam | do you know how to I install gcc-3.4.5, I want to install vmware and it saying that my kernel is compiled with 3.4.5 while I'm runnning 4.0.4 | 09:35 |
jeh_work | with all debug included it was over 500M | 09:36 |
jeh_work | whoiam: maybe you have two versions installed? one that the kernel is compiled with and one for general code? | 09:36 |
whoiam | I have | 09:37 |
jeh_work | dpkg -l | grep gcc | 09:37 |
whoiam | erm... | 09:37 |
whoiam | wait | 09:37 |
whoiam | jeh_work: wait a min. brb | 09:37 |
mornfall | berkus: ping? | 09:38 |
jeh_work | whoiam: you have three versions installed | 09:39 |
whoiam | :-o | 09:39 |
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jeh_work | whoiam: i guess that vmware just runs "gcc" to compile its modules? | 09:40 |
whoiam | don't know :( | 09:41 |
gdh | jeh_work: yeh I think so | 09:41 |
jeh_work | make CC point to the version that vmware wants | 09:42 |
gdh | just make a symlink from /usr/bin/gcc to the real 3.4.5 binary | 09:42 |
jeh_work | something like: export CC=gcc-3.4 | 09:42 |
whoiam | lemme check | 09:42 |
jeh_work | or whichever is the name of the gcc version you want | 09:42 |
jeh_work | type "gcc" and whack tab a few times | 09:43 |
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whoiam | after export and whacking tab it showing me this "gcc gcc-3.4 gcc-4.0 gccbug gccbug-3.4 gccbug-4.0" | 09:44 |
jeh_work | export CC=gcc-3.4 | 09:45 |
jeh_work | then try the vmware thing again. in the same shell | 09:45 |
Kamping_Kaiser | if i "alias ls='ls -lh' " in my ~/.bashrc, can i set it to *not* run -lh in scripts? i didnt notice anything in the man page, but i might have missed it | 09:46 |
whoiam | whew, I was doing that in another shell | 09:46 |
whoiam | lemme check | 09:46 |
jeh_work | Kamping_Kaiser: \ls | 09:46 |
Kamping_Kaiser | \ls ? hm | 09:47 |
whoiam | jeh_work: no luck :(( | 09:47 |
gdh | jeh_work: ... \ls - nice tip - didn't know that :) | 09:47 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | jeh_work: what does it do? ignore alias' or something? | 09:47 |
jeh_work | Kamping_Kaiser: yeah, should ignore all aliases | 09:48 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ok thanks. | 09:48 |
whoiam | jeh_work: are you certain that gcc-3.4 and gcc3.4.5 are the same thing ? | 09:48 |
jeh_work | whoiam: no... | 09:48 |
jeh_work | whoiam: you could see if there is a gcc-3.4.5 package | 09:49 |
whoiam | then, vmware is asking for 3.4.5 while I have 3.4 and there is no gcc-3.4.5 avil. on web :( | 09:49 |
Kamping_Kaiser | thanks jeh_work | 09:49 |
gdh | My other thought is vmware's build script does not use the 'CC' variable , so symlinking /usr/bin/gcc to /usr/bin/gcc-3.4 would be the best choice | 09:49 |
whoiam | gdh: lemme check | 09:50 |
dech | Whats the average fps for glxgears with a 129mb card, say an nvidia 6200 ? | 09:50 |
dech | ...128* | 09:50 |
jeh_work | whoiam: i find no 3.4.5 version of gcc... | 09:51 |
whoiam | :-o | 09:51 |
whoiam | where ? | 09:51 |
whoiam | erm... I read like if you find 3.4.5 :D | 09:52 |
jeh_work | of course, try "gcc-3.4 --version" | 09:52 |
jeh_work | for my 3.3 it says: "gcc-3.3 (GCC) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-8ubuntu2)" | 09:52 |
jeh_work | so your 3.4 could well be 3.4.5... | 09:53 |
gdh | whoiam: another choice.. when I run the vmware_config.pl script, it sometimes complains about the same thing you get - kernel + installed gcc are different .. but the thing is it asks 'Do you want to compile the modules anyway?' | 09:53 |
gdh | You could always say yes and see if it works :) | 09:53 |
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gdh | whoiam: or you could install the gcc-3.4 package ? | 09:56 |
whoiam | it's already installed | 09:56 |
gdh | Anyway what kernel are you running to have had it compiled with 3.4.5 ? | 09:56 |
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gdh | whoiam: paste the output of dmesg | head -1 | 09:57 |
whoiam | gdh: izing CPU#0 | 09:58 |
gdh | ah OK your ringbuffer's already had the first messages pushed out.. :) | 09:58 |
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gdh | However, I see what you mean about 3.4.5 | 09:59 |
gdh | [4294667.296000] Linux version 2.6.12-9-686 (buildd@terranova) (gcc version 3.4.5 20050809 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 3.4.4-6ubuntu8)) #1 Thu Sep 22 20:33:15 UTC 2005 | 09:59 |
whoiam | gdh: I think I messed with gcc (while creating symlink :( ) | 09:59 |
whoiam | is /usr/bin/gcc is the symlink of gcc-latest-version ? | 09:59 |
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gdh | whoiam: pastethe output of 'gcc-3.4 --version' | 10:00 |
gdh | since the *Ubuntu* version of the 'gcc-3.4' package I just downloaded is 3.4.4-6ubuntu8 - and that matches precisely with the running kernel (see the dmesg snippet) | 10:01 |
jeh_work | maybe his gcc-3.4 is the needed 3.4.5 | 10:02 |
gdh | jeh_work: I'm certain it is. | 10:02 |
whoiam | gdh: check private | 10:02 |
jeh_work | gdh: the compiler used for the kernel *should* be available... | 10:02 |
gdh | whoiam: that is an old package. you need to dist-upgrade your system. | 10:03 |
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whoiam | gdh: I already done that last night :( | 10:04 |
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whoiam | I'm running breezy | 10:04 |
gdh | whoiam: Then something didn't work, I run breezy, too and the versions do match fine | 10:04 |
aftertaf | so am I :) | 10:04 |
aftertaf | re | 10:04 |
whoiam | which version of kernel you running ? | 10:05 |
whoiam | I'm running 2.6.12 | 10:05 |
whoiam | 686 | 10:05 |
whoiam | gdh: you upgraded or fresh installed (I upgraded it from hoary) | 10:09 |
gdh | upgraded | 10:09 |
gdh | have been tracking it for a couple of months | 10:09 |
whoiam | me too | 10:09 |
whoiam | :D | 10:09 |
aftertaf | me 3 | 10:09 |
whoiam | which kernel you running ? | 10:09 |
=== aftertaf 686 | ||
gdh | whoiam: see dmesg line posted earlier | 10:09 |
whoiam | gdh you running same version then why the hell it asking for 3.4.5 :( | 10:09 |
gdh | simply because that's what the *kernel* was compiled with. that's the correct behaviour | 10:09 |
whoiam | gdh: do you have gcc-3.4.5 isntalled | 10:09 |
gdh | the problem is your installed version of the 'gcc-3./4' package is old | 10:09 |
gdh | Yes, the 'gcc-3.4' package is providing 3.4.5 | 10:09 |
gdh | 'gcc-3.4' will be the name for the current version of the 3.4 series | 10:09 |
whoiam | does kubuntu compile kernel while it upgrade ? | 10:09 |
gdh | No, that's Gentoo :) | 10:09 |
gdh | whoiam: a binary-based dist like Ubuntu will always ensure the build tools and kernel headers match each other | 10:10 |
gdh | so modules can be built afterwards | 10:10 |
gdh | i.e. precisely what vmware needs to do | 10:10 |
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whoiam | gdh: actually what I'm asking is, you upgrade form hoary, so do I then what wrong I'm doing | 10:10 |
gdh | what happens if you apt-get update && apt-get install gcc-3.4 ? | 10:12 |
gdh | does it download a couple of MB of new package lists ? | 10:12 |
whoiam | yeah | 10:12 |
whoiam | erm.. wait | 10:12 |
whoiam | lemme check | 10:12 |
gdh | the most important one is: | 10:13 |
gdh | Get:5 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com breezy/main Packages [575kB] | 10:13 |
gdh | since gcc-3.4 is in the 'main' repository | 10:13 |
whoiam | gdh: no it just d/l gcc-3.4 | 10:13 |
gdh | ah ha | 10:14 |
gdh | now paste the first line of output of 'gcc-3.4 --version' | 10:14 |
god-zero | usr/bin/gcc is a symlink to gcc-4.0. just reasign it teporarily | 10:14 |
gdh | god-zero: Yep we've not got that far yet :) | 10:14 |
whoiam | gdh: gcc-3.4 (GCC) 3.4.5 20050809 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 3.4.4-6ubuntu8) | 10:15 |
nikkia | erm, there is no 3.4.5 | 10:15 |
gdh | whoiam: perfect. now you're ready to rock. | 10:15 |
nikkia | ah, some dodgy pre-release :) | 10:15 |
gdh | Ubuntu's 3.4.4 contains pre-released code from 3.4.5 | 10:15 |
whoiam | gdh: what I do now ? | 10:15 |
gdh | whoiam: try again with the 'export CC=gcc-3.4.4' and then run the vmware config script | 10:16 |
gdh | nikkia: Debian's done that for as long as I can remember :) | 10:16 |
whoiam | gdh: lemme check | 10:16 |
gdh | gah typo | 10:16 |
nikkia | gdh, yeah, and its incredibly bad practice | 10:16 |
gdh | whoiam: try again with the 'export CC=gcc-3.4' and then run the vmware config script | 10:16 |
gdh | nikkia: But since anyone working at the level of approving patches to the compiler must know what they're doing, I trust them. | 10:16 |
nikkia | gdh, it 'amused' me when there was the whole 2.96 business | 10:16 |
gdh | moreso than I trust the bastardised Red Hat 'fixes' | 10:17 |
nikkia | debian users were the first to whine about redhat, even though a) debian does the same thing, b) redhat were the official gcc maintainers :) | 10:17 |
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gdh | haha :) | 10:17 |
whoiam | gdh: success :D | 10:18 |
whoiam | thnx you my friend | 10:18 |
gdh | hurrah - the invoice is in the post :) | 10:18 |
whoiam | lol | 10:18 |
nikkia | gdh, i'm still not convinced that everyone was honest about that 2.96 business either, i've seen the same 'bug' appear in 3.0 gcc's too, and not built with 2.96 toolchains either | 10:18 |
gdh | and now. coffee and socks. possibly not in the same cup. | 10:18 |
utter_ | any PPC folk here? | 10:19 |
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god-zero | anybody else notice most linux screenshots on the web now are ubuntu? I see the brown gnome theme everywhere | 10:23 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yay ;)D | 10:24 |
Tm_T | hoh | 10:25 |
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Tm_T | still no luck | 10:26 |
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nikkia | well, if i wanted my desktop to look like fecal matter, i'd certainly run gnome :) | 10:27 |
god-zero | Tm_t: I noticed there were some more x font updates a couple hours ago (breezy) | 10:27 |
god-zero | nikkia: I'm getting a little tired of blue, but it's 100X better than brown :) | 10:28 |
hussam | after the last upgrade for breezy, there are a lot of error messages at boot that appear after the usplash progress bar is over. How do I review these boot error messages? | 10:28 |
NSK | check whether they are somewhere in /var/log or type dmesg | 10:29 |
Tm_T | god-zero: thanks, I'll check them soon | 10:29 |
god-zero | "/var/log/Xorg.0.log | 10:29 |
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nikkia | god-zero: mostly purples here | 10:31 |
hussam | god-zero, NSK: they're not there neither in the kernel log | 10:31 |
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god-zero | the ones I see after splash and before x are from xorg. If the log is empty or doesn't match what you saw, I'd exit out to console, login, startx, exit x read what's left on screen | 10:33 |
hussam | god-zero: ok I'll do that now. and I'll write down what I see | 10:34 |
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Tm_T | :/ | 10:40 |
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skaman | hi guys | 10:47 |
crodler | hi | 10:47 |
skaman | updating to brezzy right now | 10:47 |
hussam | i wrote down the first error message: insmod error insetinf '/lib/modules/2.6.12-9-686/drivers/video/console/bitblit.ko': -1 File exists | 10:47 |
crodler | is there a working iax clientfor kubuntu? | 10:47 |
skaman | apt-get search iax | 10:48 |
skaman | :D | 10:48 |
hussam | that error apears after usplash is done | 10:48 |
Tm_T | skaman: well, if your X won't work, just ask, I'm fixing mine | 10:48 |
crodler | nothing | 10:48 |
crodler | i found iaxcomm and kiax | 10:48 |
skaman | Tm_T let's see i had problems rebooting and turning off from X | 10:48 |
crodler | but both needs lot of librarysincompatibel with hoary | 10:48 |
skaman | hope those problems get fixed | 10:49 |
crodler | is there no client that just works with apt-get install ..? | 10:49 |
whoiam | gdh: what I'm thinking is to selecting everything as module from menuconfig and then compile only headers then point vmware to it when it ask for headers ? | 10:50 |
gdh | whoiam: You might be interested to know I've just tried to re-run vmware-config here (VMWare 4.5.2) and I get the same vmnet error as you | 10:50 |
skaman | crodler reallu dunnow have u tried to upgrade to breezy and re-search? | 10:50 |
aftertaf | am i here? | 10:50 |
gdh | I can only assume a recent change in the ubuntu kernel has broken compatibility. | 10:51 |
whoiam | :-o | 10:51 |
Tm_T | :p | 10:51 |
gdh | Maybe a newer VMWare will fix it... | 10:51 |
crodler | skaman: ok, i will try it | 10:51 |
whoiam | :( | 10:51 |
skaman | is better to stay upgraded :D | 10:51 |
crodler | jejeje | 10:51 |
crodler | ok | 10:51 |
whoiam | gdh: can you pass me your vmware modules | 10:52 |
whoiam | ? | 10:52 |
whoiam | I'm just trying to do some horrible things | 10:52 |
gdh | whoiam: I don't have any compiled, because they won't compile for the reasons above. | 10:52 |
gdh | http://www.vmware.com/community/thread.jspa?threadID=14371&start=0&tstart=0 | 10:52 |
gdh | has more info | 10:52 |
whoiam | lookin | 10:53 |
whoiam | gdh: won't vmware keep modules somewhere when it install ? | 10:53 |
gdh | whoiam: Yes, but the whole point of kernel modules is they have to match the running kernel | 10:54 |
gdh | you can't just use ones that happened to work on an earlier kernel | 10:54 |
whoiam | but you saying you have same version as mine 2.6.12 | 10:54 |
gdh | whoiam: Yes, and I haven't got them to compile, either :) | 10:55 |
whoiam | :-/ you haven't compiled them then how you get them ? | 10:56 |
gdh | <sigh> | 10:56 |
gdh | the sources are installed when you installed VMWare | 10:56 |
god-zero | hussam: I get those errors too. They seem harmless, but I'm not a kernel guy. I believe .ko = kernel object, So I'm thinking it's loading or setting up a kernel object that's already active. | 10:56 |
gdh | the 'vmware-config' script compiles the source against your linux kernel headers. | 10:56 |
gdh | http://knihovny.cvut.cz/ftp/pub/vmware/vmware-any-any-update94.tar.gz | 10:57 |
hussam | god-zero: ok thanks | 10:57 |
gdh | download that, unpack it, 'sudo runme.pl' | 10:57 |
PiRX[lv] | is there any way to force apt-get to reinstall package? | 10:57 |
gdh | whoiam: now install g++-3.4 and launch 'CPP=g++-3.4 CC=gcc-3.4 vmware-config.pl' | 10:58 |
gdh | that compiled the modules successfully for me | 10:58 |
gdh | PiRX[lv] : apt-get --reinstall install packagename | 10:59 |
gdh | you might get better mileage from apt-get --purge remove packagename first, tho | 10:59 |
nalioth | i prefer the dpkg hammer | 10:59 |
PiRX[lv] | gdh i'm thinking about reinstalling all KDE | 10:59 |
gdh | I guess apt-get --purge remove does much the same as dpkg -P | 10:59 |
PiRX[lv] | while it's running | 10:59 |
gdh | PiRX[lv] : That sounds like fun :) | 11:00 |
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PiRX[lv] | so apt-get purge could be bad idea (IMHO) | 11:00 |
whoiam | PiRX[lv] : why you want to reinstall it ? | 11:00 |
PiRX[lv] | some strange things happen | 11:00 |
PiRX[lv] | i upgraded to kde3.5b1 while was on hoary | 11:00 |
whoiam | PiRX[lv] : like what ? | 11:00 |
PiRX[lv] | now i dist-upgraded to breezy | 11:00 |
PiRX[lv] | and some applications are crashing | 11:00 |
PiRX[lv] | for example - konqueror | 11:01 |
PiRX[lv] | segfaulted | 11:01 |
nalioth | konq is a crash-hog | 11:01 |
whoiam | PiRX[lv] : apt-get remove konqueror then install it agian | 11:01 |
PiRX[lv] | i did remove and install | 11:01 |
PiRX[lv] | and it worked | 11:01 |
PiRX[lv] | keyboard layout tool ain't working either | 11:01 |
PiRX[lv] | so i thought reinstalling KDE would be good thing to do | 11:02 |
whoiam | PiRX[lv] : breezy is still in testing, you must live with it like that | 11:02 |
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Tm_T | god-zero: yup, much updates, let's see if them are useful to me :p | 11:02 |
Tm_T | they | 11:02 |
Tm_T | anyway | 11:02 |
PiRX[lv] | whoiam i'm not complaining, i'm lookin for solution :) | 11:02 |
whoiam | :D | 11:02 |
whoiam | PiRX[lv] : then I guess you should wait untill october | 11:03 |
whoiam | mid of october | 11:03 |
PiRX[lv] | so... in which package could this "KDE keyboard tool" be? | 11:03 |
Tm_T | yay! | 11:04 |
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PiRX[lv] | i have nothing to do for today... so i guess, i'll try to get it working :) | 11:04 |
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god-zero | Tm_t: I spent some time in the deep south, I'm used to things like "...see if them are..." | 11:04 |
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Damulag | anyone here knows about linux can u help me? | 11:06 |
god-zero | !linux | 11:07 |
ubotu | methinks linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Ubuntu is only one version of the GNU/Linux operating system. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux | 11:07 |
nalioth | Damulag: i'm sure most of these beOS users can help you | 11:07 |
Damulag | thanks men, hope it can help me a lot...thanks so much.. | 11:08 |
god-zero | beOS, I thought this was the Amiga forum... grumble grumble ;) | 11:08 |
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god-zero | Damalag: What's your question? | 11:09 |
Damulag | can u game list of shortcut commands using linux base? | 11:12 |
Damulag | can u gave list of shortcut commands using linux base? | 11:12 |
god-zero | you meen cli commands? there's hundreds. 1 nice feture with linux is you can type the first letter or two, hit tab twice, and it'll ist all that match | 11:14 |
god-zero | I've gotta find a better placement for this keyboard... way too many typos | 11:16 |
PiRX[lv] | is there an apt command to get list of all installed packages? | 11:17 |
gdh | PiRX[lv] : dpkg -l | 11:17 |
PiRX[lv] | thnx | 11:17 |
gdh | lower-case 'L' :) | 11:17 |
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PiRX[lv] | i figured it out that l could be first letter from list :) | 11:19 |
gdh | ;) | 11:19 |
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Altreo | hi | 11:22 |
Damulag | do u think that i can download list of commands of Linux Base in the net., where do u think i can find them? | 11:22 |
whoiam | gdh: you there ? | 11:23 |
nalioth | Damulag: /msg ubotu cli | 11:24 |
god-zero | damulag: are you running kde? If so, try typing man: into konqueror, it may be some help | 11:24 |
god-zero | man: is short for manual, and will give you a navigatable html representation of the manuals for your installed programs and commands | 11:26 |
gdh | whoiam: am working, so expect reponses to be slow | 11:27 |
whoiam | gdh: The module loads perfectly in the running kernel.:D | 11:27 |
whoiam | gdh: no problemo :) | 11:27 |
whoiam | I'm running vmware :D | 11:27 |
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gdh | hey hey :) | 11:28 |
gdh | Dunno if there's anything in the Ubuntu wiki about VMware? you might want to outline the procedure for others? | 11:29 |
gdh | a nice way of 'giving back'.. | 11:29 |
god-zero | how well does vmware run? I've never tried it. Do the OSs run near native speed on x86? | 11:29 |
gdh | god-zero: certainly 70-80% of native yeh. | 11:29 |
nalioth | god-zero: heard of qemu? | 11:30 |
gdh | qemu with the kernel-accelerator module show promise | 11:30 |
gdh | but there is much work to do. | 11:30 |
god-zero | I heard of it, never ran it. Not much need for a full emu on a desktop. I ran virtual pc in my windows days from time to time for some older software I had. | 11:33 |
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god-zero | That requires user mode linux kernel for good speed right? | 11:34 |
os2mac | how do I configure my wlan0 to use DHCP and to get an address from the shell? | 11:34 |
gdh | god-zero: no, the kernel-accel works in the same vein as the vmware kernel modules | 11:35 |
gdh | so it boosts the speed of any i386 OS running in qemu | 11:35 |
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cyne | greetings | 11:39 |
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god-zero | os2mac: ifconfig wlan0 dhcp start | 11:43 |
os2mac | hehe... a little late on the draw... I did dhclient wlan0 | 11:44 |
god-zero | ah, good | 11:44 |
os2mac | so I am up on kubuntu using wireless.... and the network settings GUI didn't work. | 11:47 |
os2mac | incase anyone cares. | 11:47 |
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god-zero | Ya know, I just had a thought (quit laughing)... Between all these great readmes in a linux install, and desktop search... that would be a great help for newbies and "green" people like me | 11:59 |
os2mac | does anyone know if there is a way to save your configuration in kubuntu to a thumb drive? | 12:01 |
god-zero | what part of your install? | 12:01 |
god-zero | cp /etc /sda1 ? | 12:01 |
os2mac | just the configureation... ie. screen/theme settings. network settings etc | 12:01 |
os2mac | it's early and I can't spell. sorry | 12:02 |
os2mac | problem is /sda1 is not a linux partition.... | 12:02 |
god-zero | lol | 12:03 |
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god-zero | hrm | 12:03 |
god-zero | how'd that pop up? | 12:03 |
Tm_T | =) | 12:04 |
os2mac | in Knoppix/Kanotix there is an application that saves a configuration image to the thumb drive and then you can configure the os to scan for the img file on boot up. | 12:04 |
os2mac | and I am kind of partial to unbuntu/kbuntu | 12:04 |
god-zero | I hope that doesn't pop up while watching pr0n | 12:04 |
god-zero | that's too much intergration | 12:05 |
os2mac | hehe. | 12:06 |
god-zero | aseigo: take that out | 12:08 |
god-zero | lol | 12:08 |
cyne | os2mac: kubuntu rules | 12:08 |
cyne | i know not of ubuntu, it's brother | 12:09 |
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whoiam | gdh: look here | 12:16 |
whoiam | I'm writing it on wiki now ;) | 12:17 |
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gdh | cool :) | 12:25 |
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burepe | Can someone who knows about getting extra repositories and sources.list. I have a problem. I posted it at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69825 please check it out and read the response I got. My questiion is about the response. | 12:35 |
burepe | oops. | 12:36 |
burepe | Can someone who knows about getting extra repositories and sources.list give me a hand. I have a problem. I posted it at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69825 please check it out and read the response I got. My questiion is about the response. | 12:36 |
god-zero | ok | 12:39 |
burepe | so the guy who did the response gave me a file to download and save as sources.list | 12:40 |
burepe | which I am grateful for but the content is so different from what the faq was telling me to do | 12:40 |
burepe | as I want to use the faq to download software, should I listen to the guy who responded or just start over with the faq? | 12:41 |
god-zero | he gave you a shortcut | 12:41 |
burepe | But if you look at the file for the faq there are all kinds of sources that aren't listed on the shortcut | 12:42 |
god-zero | the sources.list you endup with should closely resemble what he sent you | 12:42 |
burepe | Ok, in that case | 12:42 |
god-zero | if you follow the faq, the ask about back ports, then etc... ..you'll end up with one like he gave you | 12:43 |
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burepe | I was having problems with programs that were unstable because of an unstable repository in my old install. What are the unstable repos? The backporst? | 12:44 |
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god-zero | backports are/is software from breezy... mostly updates. Universe is free as in speech semi-unstable, multiverse is semi-unstable free as in beer | 12:46 |
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burepe | ok | 12:46 |
god-zero | he just sent you backports | 12:46 |
burepe | one sec | 12:47 |
burepe | do I need this? deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat unstable main | 12:48 |
ph8 | Hi all, trying to get my 3d card working with this howto on breezy: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65276 | 12:48 |
ph8 | The default drivers don't work | 12:48 |
ph8 | so i'm trying the next bit about downloading things for compiling | 12:48 |
ph8 | but i can't find the correct include location for the make make.sh step | 12:49 |
ph8 | * sh make.sh step | 12:49 |
ph8 | should i not be trying this bit considering that i've never compiled my own kernel (is that what this is?) | 12:50 |
god-zero | burepe: I used some of his (marillat) software... was ok I think. Leve out if you want. I think the one thing from there you may want is kaffiene iirc | 12:50 |
burepe | the faq also asks me do download a preference file. What does that do? | 12:51 |
god-zero | don't worry about that | 12:51 |
god-zero | ph8: it isn't that hard... his faq is way over doing it | 12:52 |
burepe | ok cool. | 12:53 |
ph8 | what isn't that hard? | 12:53 |
burepe | thanks a lot | 12:53 |
ph8 | I'm compiling a module for the kernel right? | 12:53 |
ph8 | assuming i understand this right | 12:53 |
god-zero | ph8: don't compile | 12:54 |
ph8 | i tried the first part where i use the fglrx packages | 12:54 |
ph8 | and they obviously don't suppose my card yet | 12:54 |
god-zero | the module in th erepo works fine | 12:54 |
ph8 | so the apt-get version would produce the same results as the compile version? | 12:54 |
god-zero | what card do you have? | 12:54 |
ph8 | x300 | 12:54 |
god-zero | apt-get/whatever the restricted module, ati control, xorg fglrx driver, fglrx module, edit xorg.conf | 12:55 |
ph8 | alter driver to fglrx? | 12:55 |
god-zero | most of that you'll already have | 12:56 |
ph8 | (in xorg) | 12:56 |
ph8 | i believe i've done that | 12:56 |
god-zero | in xorg.conf? yes | 12:56 |
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god-zero | what happens that tells you your driver isn't working? | 12:57 |
ph8 | glxgears | 12:57 |
ph8 | i still can't get the most elementary of opengl screensavers working | 12:57 |
ph8 | and that mesa thing | 12:57 |
ph8 | fglrxinfo? | 12:57 |
ph8 | where you say 'fglrx module' what package do you mean | 12:58 |
ph8 | pt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.10-5-386 xserver-xorg-driver-ati fglrx-control xorg-driver-fglrx xorg-driver-fglrx-dev | 12:58 |
ph8 | have that atm | 12:58 |
=== _brian [n=brian@c-67-174-129-226.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
god-zero | ok, if mesa is handling your 3d, you'll need to make sure you don't have compositing turned on, etc (fglrx is buggy) | 12:59 |
ph8 | well surely i want fglrx to be doing it | 12:59 |
ph8 | so that my 3d card is recognised and actually used? | 12:59 |
ph8 | as if mesa is doing it at the moment it can't even be using the 3d card because gfx are slow | 01:00 |
ph8 | glxgears is only at 140 fs | 01:00 |
god-zero | I can pastebin my xorg.conf if you want (I have a 9200) | 01:00 |
ph8 | 9200 card or dell? | 01:01 |
god-zero | 140 , sounds like mesa | 01:01 |
ph8 | exactly | 01:01 |
ph8 | so i want to switch to fglrx? | 01:01 |
god-zero | ati 9200 | 01:01 |
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god-zero | yes | 01:01 |
ph8 | i should just be able to apt-get all those packages | 01:01 |
ph8 | switch driver to "fglrx" in the card config | 01:01 |
ph8 | card/gfx config | 01:01 |
ph8 | and restart X | 01:01 |
ph8 | and it should work | 01:01 |
ph8 | but it doesn't | 01:01 |
god-zero | the ati driver is good for 2d, radeon is a little slow iirc | 01:01 |
ph8 | right? | 01:01 |
god-zero | no, it won't | 01:02 |
ph8 | ok | 01:02 |
god-zero | mesa will run | 01:02 |
ph8 | Lets start from scratch | 01:02 |
=== hagarke [n=hagarke@d5152B3D8.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu | ||
god-zero | wierd, i know | 01:02 |
ph8 | I want my opengl screensavers to work nicely without being super-jittery | 01:02 |
god-zero | right | 01:02 |
ph8 | i want my irc client to not-take about20 seconds to connect cos it struggles to open the 50 or so channels my bouncer is in | 01:02 |
ph8 | so, i want to...? | 01:02 |
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hagarke | Hi, I'm running the live CD on a Mac Powerbook G4. Does anybody know to what I must set the keyboard to have all the mac keys running ? I tried Macintosh and Macintosh old, but they have differences. I also tried PowerPC ps/2, same problem. | 01:04 |
god-zero | sounds like you have all the software you need. I would reinstall restricted, and the fglrx stuff to clean up anything the compiling did, then edit xorg.conf to use "fglrx", no compositing etc. then rebbot ( restart x won't work) | 01:04 |
ph8 | what's compositing | 01:04 |
ph8 | and how would i turn it off | 01:05 |
ph8 | and why do i need it off, if you don't mind all the questions | 01:05 |
=== hydrogen [n=hydrogen@londonderry-cuda2-68-170-154-64.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
god-zero | ok, it has to be off because the driver is buggy, but if you don't know what it is... chances are you didn't turn it on. | 01:05 |
ph8 | when i try to install restricted it goes to install the nvidia stuff? | 01:07 |
ph8 | and there's no restricted-686? | 01:07 |
ph8 | i have 2.6.10 but 2.6.12 appears to be in there | 01:07 |
ph8 | confusing | 01:07 |
ph8 | if 2.6.12 is out why hasn't it apt-updated | 01:08 |
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god-zero | restricted has more than just ati, it also has madwifi, etc | 01:09 |
=== Kaiser_away is now known as Kamping_Kaiser | ||
ph8 | ok, but if i get the 386 it'll overwrite my 686 kernel | 01:09 |
ph8 | which is bad, right? | 01:09 |
ph8 | but what's with the 2.6.12? | 01:09 |
=== crodler [n=crodler@65.Red-81-39-69.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
god-zero | no, it won't overwrite 386, they're seperate | 01:10 |
god-zero | you can have 2 or more | 01:10 |
ph8 | ok, i can apt-get the 2.6.12 image for 686? why didn't apt-get dist-upgrade do it? | 01:10 |
ph8 | i'll just stick to 6868 | 01:10 |
ph8 | * 686 | 01:10 |
god-zero | yes | 01:10 |
ph8 | does apt-get upgrade never touch the kernel? | 01:10 |
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god-zero | it definatly tuches the kernel, but you can have more than 1... I have 686, plus 386 as a backup | 01:11 |
ph8 | 686 is unreliable or some such? | 01:11 |
god-zero | no, it's fine | 01:11 |
aftertaf | seems ok for me on 2 pcs | 01:12 |
edison | \ | 01:12 |
=== karo [n=karo@addr-82-128-217-236.suomi.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
aftertaf | +386 for allpcs.... yeah. | 01:12 |
god-zero | 386 is universal, 686 wouldn't run on a pentium 1 for instance | 01:12 |
edison | \nick saint | 01:12 |
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aftertaf | in case pc dies and change of proc or motherboard | 01:12 |
ph8 | i see | 01:13 |
ph8 | You guys are so helpful :) | 01:13 |
aftertaf | lol.... im a newb with a bit of experience ;) | 01:13 |
ph8 | welcome to the club | 01:13 |
aftertaf | =) | 01:13 |
god-zero | I keep a backup incase i fubar the 686 | 01:13 |
aftertaf | safety nets are always a good idea | 01:14 |
=== boxerboy29 [n=boxerboy@adsl-144-177-44.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== saint\ is now known as saint | ||
saint | , | 01:15 |
boxerboy29 | is there a major bug with kubuntu im not aware of? i cant use the package manager and as for apt-get isnt working either | 01:15 |
god-zero | ph8: my xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/376669 | 01:16 |
Kamping_Kaiser | boxerboy29: why is that? | 01:17 |
boxerboy29 | i dont know why nothings working the commands are same as ubuntu no? | 01:17 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yes | 01:18 |
god-zero | ph8: I have alot of stuff commented out, that's how I know what _doesn't_ work. ;) | 01:18 |
boxerboy29 | apt-get install update/s upgrade/s dont work | 01:18 |
god-zero | apt-get update && apt-get upgrade | 01:18 |
burepe | god-zero: the faq guy says this, "# Important : If you skip this step, you will probably have a wild, unstable system at the first "repository upgrade". So, as the first thing to do, download this "preferences" file and then, | 01:19 |
burepe | sudo cp -f preferences /etc/apt/" I know you said don't worry about it but that is a pretty strong warning so... That command, am I supposed to put the path to where I downloded his preference file? I don't see how that command is using the file I downloaded unless I do. | 01:19 |
god-zero | no "install" | 01:19 |
gdh | boxerboy29: come on, 'dont work' means nothing. paste some output to pastebin.com along with your /etc/apt/sources.list for example | 01:19 |
Kamping_Kaiser | boxerboy29: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade | 01:19 |
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boxerboy29 | thank you guys ill try it in a min | 01:20 |
burepe | I just got so confused he has a multipage html and a single page html and they say different things. The single page doesn't say anything like that. | 01:20 |
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god-zero | the file he posted for you is fine... don't worry about prefs. prefs say "I prefer files from *here* or *newest is best* " etc | 01:21 |
ph8 | thanks god-zero | 01:21 |
ph8 | so i'm now on 2.6.12-9 kernel | 01:21 |
ph8 | but it's running as well at 2.6.10-5 | 01:21 |
ph8 | is .12 a dev tree or something? | 01:21 |
ph8 | or all kernels just install like that? | 01:21 |
burepe | it won't get "wildly unstable"? | 01:21 |
aftertaf | ph8: what do you mean? | 01:22 |
aftertaf | a dev tree | 01:22 |
burepe | Thanks god-zero | 01:22 |
hydrogen | 2.6.12 is upstream-stable | 01:22 |
ph8 | a development treee | 01:22 |
hydrogen | so no | 01:22 |
ph8 | i'm wondering why 2.6.10 didn't auto-upgrade to .12 | 01:22 |
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hydrogen | 2.6.14 is the current devel tree | 01:22 |
ph8 | why i had to do it 'manually' so to cpeak | 01:22 |
ph8 | * speak | 01:22 |
hydrogen | ph8: kernels are not usually auto upgraded | 01:22 |
hydrogen | simply because they effect a huge amount of the system | 01:22 |
aftertaf | ph8: do you have the linux-686 metapackage selected? | 01:23 |
ph8 | ok | 01:23 |
ph8 | the meta what now? | 01:23 |
aftertaf | hehe | 01:23 |
aftertaf | its a package that actually refers to the latest kernel package | 01:23 |
ph8 | i see? | 01:23 |
ph8 | so it'll tell you what the latest is | 01:23 |
aftertaf | linux-686 or linux-k7 e.g.... | 01:23 |
god-zero | just plain "linux-686" gets the newest kernel on upgrade | 01:23 |
ph8 | what's the meta package package called? | 01:24 |
aftertaf | dunno if itll tell you, but it 'gets' the latest one each time, surely as a dependency. | 01:24 |
aftertaf | linux-[proc type] packages are metapackages actually. | 01:24 |
god-zero | ph8 "linux-686" is the META package | 01:24 |
ph8 | hmm | 01:24 |
aftertaf | god-zero: hehe i was right, then ;) | 01:24 |
aftertaf | wasnt 100% | 01:25 |
ph8 | so if i type 'apt-get linux-686' | 01:25 |
ph8 | it gets the latest kernel? | 01:25 |
aftertaf | ph8: yep | 01:25 |
ph8 | nice | 01:25 |
aftertaf | via dependencies | 01:25 |
ph8 | what are the restricted modules -smp? | 01:25 |
cyne | anyone got ScummVM going on Kubuntu? | 01:25 |
aftertaf | and on update/upgrade itll do it auto ;) | 01:25 |
aftertaf | ph8: containing drivers like for nvidia, etc..... | 01:25 |
_david | Anyone familiar with the SystemRescueCd? | 01:25 |
ph8 | will i need it for my fglrx/ati? | 01:26 |
aftertaf | -smp biprocessor | 01:26 |
god-zero | every time you upgrade, it'll grab the newest kernel because "linux-686" points at whatever the newest is at all times | 01:26 |
ph8 | oh | 01:26 |
ph8 | so i don't | 01:26 |
aftertaf | all with smp is biproc | 01:26 |
burepe | how do I get out of a man page? | 01:27 |
gdh | burepe: q | 01:27 |
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gdh | or.. ctrl-c :) | 01:27 |
burepe | thanks | 01:27 |
god-zero | I should try the smp with my celeron, just to see what would happen | 01:27 |
aftertaf | god-zero: lol | 01:27 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 01:27 |
Kamping_Kaiser | not a lot | 01:27 |
aftertaf | smoke may get in your eyes ;) | 01:28 |
ph8 | god-zero | 01:28 |
ph8 | how can i confirm my bus-id is right? | 01:28 |
ph8 | all this time i might have had the right drivers but it might have been directing to a default 4mb card or something | 01:28 |
ph8 | sound likely? | 01:28 |
dajomu | I am wondering why my SystemRescueCd is stopping with the bootup message * Starting USB and PCI hotplugging | 01:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ph8: lspci | 01:29 |
aftertaf | hotplug has troubles sometimes. | 01:29 |
aftertaf | dajomu: unplug any unneccessary usb stuff | 01:29 |
dajomu | got nothing attached | 01:29 |
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aftertaf | dajomu: erf, then :/ | 01:29 |
ph8 | 0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc: Unknown device 5460 | 01:30 |
ph8 | which makes it PCI:1:0:0 ? | 01:30 |
dajomu | aftertaf - do you know if there is a way of disable hotplugging on this rescuecd? | 01:30 |
aftertaf | i dont, sorry..... | 01:30 |
god-zero | pci:1:0:0 = agp i think | 01:30 |
=== aftertaf still quite newb... | ||
ph8 | agp? | 01:30 |
Kamping_Kaiser | but the bus id is different isnt it god-zero? one hex and the others dec or something? | 01:31 |
god-zero | a 1 is a 1, and a 0 is a 0 in dec or hex | 01:32 |
ph8 | i just noticed yours isn't 1:0:0 | 01:32 |
ph8 | and thought about that wrong location thing | 01:32 |
god-zero | mine is pci | 01:32 |
ph8 | ah i see | 01:32 |
ph8 | but that pasted output from lspci translates to 1:0:0 | 01:32 |
ph8 | even though it's agp? | 01:32 |
gdh | Wildly off topic - anyone here sell cisco kit in the UK ? :) | 01:32 |
god-zero | my apg is being used by the intel intergrated video | 01:33 |
ph8 | Option "UseInternalAGPGART" "no"0 | 01:33 |
ph8 | so i should set that to yes? | 01:33 |
god-zero | no | 01:33 |
ph8 | assuming mine's agp | 01:33 |
ph8 | ok | 01:33 |
ph8 | i'll reboot and try now with the new kernel | 01:33 |
ph8 | cross your fingers for me :) | 01:33 |
god-zero | agpgart is broken on atis | 01:33 |
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whoiam | gdh: | 01:37 |
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gdh | mm? | 01:39 |
Kamping_Kaiser | heh | 01:40 |
god-zero | sleepy | 01:40 |
whoiam | gdh: check this | 01:40 |
whoiam | http://whoiam55.at.preempted.net/images/whee.png | 01:40 |
whoiam | why it asking me to open this insttead of open it ? | 01:40 |
=== DocTomoe [n=martin@p54A92F03.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dreumah | hello i have a rio carbon nad just swtiched ubuntu to kubuntu.... when i try deleting songs from it it will not let me, but it did before... any help? | 01:41 |
gdh | Good question. I've no idea :) | 01:41 |
whoiam | :D | 01:41 |
=== Chase [n=chase@stuartma.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
god-zero | whoami: when whoami opens a webpage with whoami in the title, it causes a tear in the tcp/ip fabric do to the loopback effect. It was all explained pretty clearly on star trek | 01:44 |
gdh | :) | 01:45 |
=== dreumah [n=dreumah@spc1-derb1-3-0-cust218.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dreumah | hello i have a rio carbon nad just swtiched ubuntu to kubuntu.... when i try deleting songs from it it will not let me, but it did before... any help? | 01:45 |
god-zero | dreumah: no idea, try later when more people are here. | 01:47 |
dreumah | ok | 01:48 |
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aftertaf | dreumah: if it has a mountpoint, check permission on the mount point ans in fstab | 01:50 |
aftertaf | just an idea | 01:50 |
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ph8 | right | 01:52 |
ph8 | so fglrx broke the KDE login window | 01:52 |
god-zero | lol | 01:52 |
ph8 | i had to recovery boot and switch back to ati to get it working | 01:52 |
aftertaf | nice of it :/ | 01:52 |
ph8 | everything just froze when kdm started | 01:52 |
ph8 | couldn't move the mouse or anything | 01:52 |
ph8 | so this means i'm fucked? | 01:53 |
aftertaf | a strong word | 01:53 |
ph8 | technical term | 01:53 |
aftertaf | in this case, justifiably applied | 01:53 |
god-zero | did you recover any errors from it? | 01:53 |
aftertaf | :) | 01:53 |
god-zero | if it hard froze, prolly the kernel | 01:53 |
ph8 | module fglrx not found | 01:54 |
god-zero | i'm to tired to be of muck help right now, but .... | 01:54 |
god-zero | ya kernel | 01:54 |
ph8 | it skipped some glcore stuff | 01:54 |
ph8 | 'symbols not found' | 01:55 |
ph8 | * 'NO symbols found' | 01:55 |
aftertaf | means restricted is broken | 01:55 |
=== nxv_ [n=matrix@dsl-084-056-092-187.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ph8 | nice | 01:55 |
aftertaf | you on 64bit | 01:55 |
aftertaf | ? | 01:55 |
ph8 | i'll try again in a few weeks | 01:55 |
ph8 | not as far as i know | 01:55 |
ph8 | should i be? | 01:55 |
aftertaf | erf | 01:55 |
ph8 | what's different with 32 bit? | 01:55 |
aftertaf | dunno ;) what proc you got? | 01:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | 32 bit works ;) | 01:55 |
ph8 | pentium M | 01:55 |
ph8 | (notebook) | 01:56 |
aftertaf | 32/64 bit proc.... M = 686 i think | 01:56 |
gdh | errr | 01:56 |
gdh | has anyone ever found this line in their /etc/hosts ? | 01:56 |
ph8 | yes i'm using a 686 kernel | 01:56 |
gdh | www.XERSEDEFIXION.COM | 01:56 |
ph8 | so that's 32 bit? | 01:56 |
nikkia | gdh, 'what's an IP like you doing in a place like this?' ? :) | 01:56 |
nikkia | gdh, erm, no | 01:56 |
gdh | that scares me | 01:56 |
ph8 | gdh: if you didn't put it there.. | 01:56 |
ph8 | .what are the perms like on that file, what else is running on the machine etc | 01:57 |
gdh | this is just my desktop.. ffs... | 01:57 |
aftertaf | gdh: you been h4x0r3d? | 01:57 |
ph8 | batten down the hatches! | 01:57 |
ph8 | iptables out the internet | 01:57 |
gdh | My desktop has been pwned? :D | 01:57 |
ph8 | and perform a week long security audit | 01:57 |
ph8 | :) | 01:57 |
ph8 | what's on the website | 01:57 |
aftertaf | lol pwned | 01:57 |
=== aftertaf looking, playing with fire ;) | ||
ph8 | bugger all | 01:57 |
ph8 | hmm | 01:57 |
aftertaf | UNRESOLVED_HOSTNAME | 01:58 |
god-zero | arg, whois isn't installed | 01:58 |
nikkia | gdh, one of the few search results for that host name, is some freshmeat user | 01:58 |
ph8 | [.: 12:58:03 :.] * Dns resolved to virt22v.secure-wi.com | 01:58 |
aftertaf | can you ping it | 01:58 |
aftertaf | "yes you can" | 01:58 |
gdh | will at least watch with tcplog... | 01:58 |
nikkia | http://freshmeat.net/~xersedefixion/ | 01:58 |
nalioth | nikkia: howdy | 01:58 |
nikkia | afternoon nalioth | 01:58 |
gdh | Ahh it's ok | 01:58 |
nalioth | nikkia: i imagine so, just barely | 01:58 |
gdh | I remember now :) | 01:58 |
gdh | must've done it when I was, er, a little tipsy | 01:59 |
nikkia | gdh, 'oh, yeah, that's my address!' :) | 01:59 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 01:59 |
god-zero | lol | 01:59 |
gdh | they wrote some CGI script I was interested in but hadn't renewed their domain name | 01:59 |
gdh | the script turned out to be completely ass - waste of effort | 01:59 |
nikkia | gdh, the rest of his projects look like ass too | 02:00 |
gdh | was looking for a 'webforum' script that isn't written in PHP... | 02:00 |
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aftertaf | lol gdh you pwned yourself :) | 02:01 |
gdh | ended up finding a jewel in www.mwforum.org - not only is is not PHP, but it's mod_perl compatible and "use strict" | 02:01 |
nikkia | gdh, i have a basic rule: never trust anyone that insists on writing 'large projects' in assembler | 02:01 |
gdh | .. so the guy has a clue. :) | 02:01 |
aftertaf | simpler rule: never trust anyone | 02:01 |
nikkia | gdh, if the clue says 'throw portability out of the window and write perl modules in x86 asm', then i consider it a broken clue | 02:02 |
gdh | he does that? | 02:02 |
nikkia | yes | 02:02 |
gdh | haha it's novel at least :) | 02:02 |
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gdh | I like the irony of Perl with asm :) | 02:03 |
gdh | nikkia: Don't suppose you have any decent cisco resale contacts ? :) | 02:03 |
nikkia | nope | 02:04 |
gdh | k just wondering.. | 02:04 |
nikkia | gdh, he also seems to be one of those strange people that thinks svgalib is better than the X GUIs | 02:05 |
gdh | I can understand the 'light' appeal, but surely DirectFB and friends are a better choice now... | 02:06 |
gdh | svgalib never did much for me than corrupt the screen and force a reboot | 02:07 |
gdh | brought me back to the bad old DOS days. | 02:07 |
nikkia | gdh, i don't buy the 'light' appeal, because any non-trivial app is going to need UI controls, and you're back to reinventing the wheel (most likely with corners, from my experience with people writing their own UI code :) | 02:08 |
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lucas | i everybody | 02:09 |
nikkia | gdh, its like the obsession with fltk that a lot of linux app authors have, because its 'easy', yeah, it might be easy (ish, it gets complicated real fast, and isn't really much easier than Qt), but it looks like someone sent your program back in time 20 years, then crapped on it :) | 02:09 |
lucas | is there a way to add repository in kynaptic ? | 02:10 |
lucas | i used kubuntu 5.10 | 02:10 |
gdh | nikkia: The Motif Effect :) | 02:11 |
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nikkia | gdh, at least motif is consistant :P | 02:11 |
jjesse | lucas did you get your question answered about adding a repository? | 02:11 |
nalioth | !tell lucas about repos | 02:11 |
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cyne | why doesn't java work in konqueror | 02:12 |
Kamping_Kaiser | bad vibes | 02:13 |
cyne | hey? | 02:13 |
cyne | do i need to install the java-common package? | 02:13 |
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lucas | <jjesse> yes thx | 02:13 |
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aftertaf | anyone using 3.5 beta? | 02:16 |
cyne | do i need to install the java-common package to see java applets in konqueror ? | 02:16 |
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cyne | help! i can't find java | 02:19 |
jjesse | !tell cyne java | 02:20 |
jjesse | !tell cyne installing java | 02:20 |
nalioth | !tell cyne about java | 02:21 |
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cyne | thankyou | 02:27 |
slow-motion | hallo | 02:27 |
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eclub02 | hai friends | 02:33 |
eclub02 | i wont to as | 02:33 |
eclub02 | i wont to question | 02:33 |
eclub02 | how delete read only file in linux..? | 02:34 |
Kamping_Kaiser | -f | 02:34 |
eclub02 | can you tell me about it...? | 02:34 |
eclub02 | it no work too | 02:35 |
eclub02 | i have do rm -rf name_of_file | 02:35 |
eclub02 | any more sintax? | 02:36 |
Kamping_Kaiser | eclub02: who owns teh file? | 02:36 |
eclub02 | joint /suse | 02:37 |
eclub02 | !jaoin #suse | 02:37 |
ubotu | No idea, eclub02 | 02:37 |
eclub02 | #suse | 02:37 |
Kamping_Kaiser | /join #suse | 02:37 |
eclub02 | root | 02:38 |
eclub02 | it owns is root , n group root | 02:38 |
Kamping_Kaiser | then you have to sudo rm | 02:38 |
eclub02 | yes i have | 02:39 |
eclub02 | but it no work too | 02:39 |
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eclub02 | yu hu.... any one help me....! | 02:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | eclub02: what are you trying to remove? | 02:42 |
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eclub02 | read only file | 02:43 |
Kamping_Kaiser | what file? | 02:43 |
eclub02 | mp3, jpg | 02:44 |
Kamping_Kaiser | sudo rm -rfi filename | 02:44 |
=== __Ace__ [n=love@h55l211.delphi.afb.lu.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | sudo rm -rfi filename filename2 filneme3 | 02:45 |
eclub02 | i have do it | 02:46 |
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eclub02 | it no efect | 02:46 |
Kamping_Kaiser | can you post the output of what your doing somewhere? | 02:47 |
eclub02 | any other way to remove the files, with other sintax? | 02:47 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | rm is the only way to remove files. | 02:48 |
Mose` | zdarowa | 02:48 |
eclub02 | zdarowa ==> it's a sintax? | 02:49 |
eclub02 | ou... | 02:50 |
eclub02 | thank's mr.kaiser for you resons :) | 02:51 |
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Utter_kde | anyone here using Breezy on PPC? | 03:18 |
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dutch | what's the name of the mail program for mozilla ? | 03:46 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | thunderbird and um... | 03:47 |
Kamping_Kaiser | mozilla mail iirc | 03:47 |
sedeki | define:iirc | 03:47 |
Kamping_Kaiser | if i recall/remember correctly | 03:47 |
dutch | I thought thunderbird was for firefox | 03:48 |
Kamping_Kaiser | its mozilla. | 03:48 |
=== Balu [n=balu@foghorn.bartels-schoene.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | its not 'for' firefox as such | 03:48 |
Balu | Hey dudes | 03:48 |
Balu | I'm having problems with cdrecord for a while (not detecting my burner as one, but as a standard CD-ROM) | 03:49 |
Balu | any ideas? | 03:49 |
Balu | I've found a lot problems like mine at google, without a solution yet. | 03:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nfi sorry Balu | 03:50 |
Balu | I somewhere read about a security fix in >=2.6.8 that created this kind of problem | 03:51 |
Balu | probably something to do with "scsi filtering" and the ide-scsi-stuff | 03:51 |
sveri | Balu: so maybe you can try an older kernel? | 03:51 |
seaLne | in 2.6 kernels ide-scsi is no longer needed | 03:52 |
seaLne | is CDR_DEVICE defined in /etc/cdrecord/cdrecord? | 03:52 |
Balu | seaLne: tried it without that module too | 03:52 |
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Balu | CDR_DEVICE=/dev/cdrw with /dev/cdrw being a link to hdc - which is correct | 03:53 |
Balu | Problem is that cdrecord returns "Supported modes:" (empty) | 03:54 |
Balu | and "Device seems to be: Generic CD-ROM.\ncdrecord: Sorry, no CD/DVD-Recorder or unsupported CD/DVD-Recorder found on this target." | 03:54 |
Balu | I had the same problem with hoary and it somehow "vanished" and suddenly worked (sometimes) - now I'm on Breezy and "no go" again.. | 03:56 |
Balu | it has to do something with the kernel modules, cdrecord or the devices | 03:57 |
seaLne | cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc .... | 03:57 |
Balu | But I just can not find the answer... | 03:57 |
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Balu | seaLne: I'm testing with cdrecord -dummy dev=/dev/hdc *.iso | 03:58 |
gdh | Balu: does 'cdrecord -scanbus' come up with anything useful? | 03:59 |
seaLne | does "cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc -scanbus" show anything? | 03:59 |
seaLne | gdh: not without ide-scsi stuff | 03:59 |
gdh | :/ What of that 'dodgy' ATAPI: transport - was that trashed? | 03:59 |
gdh | .. it always seemed to work for me :) | 04:00 |
Balu | seaLne: yes, it lists my burner as follows | 04:00 |
Balu | 1,0,0 100) 'ATAPI ' 'CD-RW52XMAX ' '1.0 ' Removable CD-ROM | 04:01 |
seaLne | Balu: looks fine then... hmm | 04:02 |
Balu | seaLne: that's what's driving me crazy | 04:02 |
Balu | seaLne: I'm fiddling around for two days now | 04:02 |
seaLne | Balu: out of interest have you tried using k3b? | 04:03 |
gdh | Is that not just a colourful wrapper around cdrecord? | 04:03 |
Balu | seaLne: of course - I'm trying to tie down the error I got there which led me to cdrecord | 04:03 |
seaLne | Balu: k | 04:03 |
gdh | or does it use growisofs thesedays? | 04:03 |
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Balu | gdh: afaik no :) | 04:03 |
gdh | heh | 04:04 |
seaLne | it does when you are creating an image to burn | 04:04 |
Balu | I guess I'll tell my boss to buy me a new box - this one is broken and does not work with ubuntu :) | 04:05 |
seaLne | heh | 04:05 |
seaLne | did k3b detect the device but then fail to be able to write? | 04:06 |
Balu | yep | 04:06 |
Balu | the debug log shows that the problem is cdrecord not being able to detect a working "write mode" | 04:06 |
=== CavalierBob [n=bob@c-24-4-128-79.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Balu | I even tried to run it as root, with + without suid, ... | 04:07 |
seaLne | you haven't been using your cupholder recently have you? | 04:07 |
Balu | Of course I have... | 04:07 |
Balu | it's not in my PC though ;) | 04:08 |
seaLne | :) | 04:08 |
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Balu | anyway, need to get back to my usual work... | 04:11 |
seaLne | Balu: no idea sorry, you looked on the k3b.sf.net website? | 04:11 |
Balu | seaLne: si | 04:11 |
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=== Balu is going to get a hammer tomorrow to solve the problem | ||
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defekt | help... first-time linux user, and i have to learn python.. do i even have a compiler? | 04:17 |
sproingie | defekt: probably. open a terminal window and type 'python' | 04:18 |
Kamping_Kaiser | defekt: you can download on (and its not a compiler as such) | 04:18 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | its an 'interpritor' | 04:18 |
sproingie | eh, semantics. may as well get it working first | 04:18 |
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=== sproingie tries out klik. some stuff in there really makes no sense as .cmg files | ||
defekt | hmmm... looks like i have something.. but how do i use it? just find a text editor and write away? | 04:20 |
sproingie | e.g. just to test, i grabbed cproto, which is strictly a cli app | 04:20 |
sproingie | defekt: how much you know about programming? | 04:21 |
defekt | i know basic java and a little bit of c | 04:21 |
sproingie | so you know the basics. python just run, it's like a shell script | 04:22 |
defekt | ok? | 04:22 |
sproingie | any text editor will do, though for python in particular I *strongly* recommend something that has a python mode | 04:23 |
sproingie | like emacs. even IDLE will do, even though it's not that great | 04:23 |
defekt | okay, so i should look on the python homepage maybe? | 04:23 |
sproingie | yah that'll have pointers | 04:23 |
sproingie | the reason you really don't want to use just any editor is that python uses indentation as syntax | 04:23 |
sproingie | if you don't get it all lined up exactly the same way, then it doesn't work | 04:24 |
defekt | ok | 04:24 |
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sproingie | there's a #python channel here ... you may or may not like it, but it's worth giving a try | 04:25 |
defekt | thanx :) | 04:25 |
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=== Defekt is now known as puusekatt | ||
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StR | Hi all! | 04:31 |
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eclub02 | www.kakus.com | 04:37 |
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Utter_kde | anyone here using Breezy on PPC? | 04:40 |
Tm_T | hmh | 04:40 |
=== buz is looking for an usenet binary grabber other than klibido (which is crashhappy) | ||
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sedeki | why isn't mplayer in apt? | 04:49 |
=== GeKKo\\ [n=gekko@ip-212-239-213-130.dsl-static.scarlet.be] has joined #kubuntu | ||
StR | because you should use kaffeine | 04:49 |
GeKKo\\ | Hi | 04:49 |
=== GeKKo\\ <- noob | ||
othernoob | kaffeine isn't that great StR | 04:50 |
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GeKKo\\ | can you access NTFS safely from kubuntu ? | 04:50 |
sedeki | i don't like kaffine | 04:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | sedeki: its in universe | 04:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | GeKKo\\: read only | 04:50 |
othernoob | GeKKo\\: yes, readonly=safe, write=not so | 04:50 |
StR | I prefer kaffeine... | 04:50 |
GeKKo\\ | ok | 04:50 |
GeKKo\\ | is it included in the default install ? | 04:51 |
StR | I cann access all network files with the kioslaves | 04:51 |
othernoob | GeKKo\\: well, you'll have to mount it.. | 04:51 |
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GeKKo\\ | yeah that wont be a problem | 04:51 |
gdh | StR: Really? they fixed that ? :) | 04:51 |
GeKKo\\ | but the "drivers" or whatever for ntfs are included in the install ? or not ? | 04:51 |
gdh | I'll have to give it another try | 04:51 |
othernoob | GeKKo\\: yes, just mount it readonly .. | 04:52 |
GeKKo\\ | ok | 04:52 |
othernoob | GeKKo\\: you may want to read how to do that on some tutorial | 04:52 |
Utter_kde | if you want an mp3 player use mpd - it works great IMHO | 04:52 |
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GeKKo\\ | othernoob i'll be fine i'll ask some linux wizzy | 04:53 |
othernoob | that may work as well | 04:53 |
GeKKo\\ | or i'll read the man or something | 04:53 |
GeKKo\\ | whatever | 04:53 |
boogster | que debo hacer mofos | 04:53 |
othernoob | indeed | 04:53 |
othernoob | did he just call us mofos?...i like him | 04:54 |
gdh | kaffeine complains 'GStreamer could not be initialized' and closes. Very classy. | 04:55 |
GeKKo\\ | que debo hacer means something like "what does that mean" or something | 04:55 |
boogster | vuelve | 04:55 |
GeKKo\\ | i googled that, so might be 100% wrong :p | 04:56 |
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othernoob | !es | 04:57 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 04:57 |
StR | breezy comes with php5?? | 04:57 |
boogster | ok, aspire mi martillo jugoso grande | 04:57 |
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othernoob | si ? | 04:58 |
GeKKo\\ | entiend ingles ? :p | 04:59 |
Versed2 | Is there a way to switch from KDE desktop to Gnome desktop without having to shut down? (yes both are installed) | 04:59 |
othernoob | Versed2: tried logging out? | 05:00 |
Versed2 | I mean without logging out. | 05:00 |
jjesse | switch user? | 05:00 |
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Versed2 | I might try it. | 05:00 |
jjesse | if you go to K Menu -> Switch User -> Start New Session | 05:01 |
jjesse | does that do it for u? | 05:01 |
StR | Why does breezy comes with php5? | 05:02 |
othernoob | StR: why not? | 05:02 |
StR | othernoob: because there is no pear package for php5 | 05:02 |
DocTomoe | StR Why don't compile PHP5 by hand? | 05:02 |
Versed2 | jjessie thanks that will work but it's not what I want, I wanted just to swap out as current user, it's not a real big issue. | 05:03 |
StR | DocTomoe: because I like the apt | 05:03 |
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boogster | everyone loves the apt | 05:03 |
othernoob | not really.. | 05:04 |
Kamping_Kaiser | sif not | 05:04 |
Versed2 | I will just reboot later or when I am finished and go back to gnome. Both are good, probably from using OSX alot I find myself more confortable in gnome. | 05:05 |
boogster | gnome SUXXX0RS"!!!!"!2131! | 05:06 |
Versed2 | In anycase, I've found ubuntu/kubuntu excellent. | 05:06 |
Versed2 | lol | 05:06 |
boogster | kde 4 will kill gnome | 05:06 |
Versed2 | I a open to anything better. | 05:06 |
Versed2 | am | 05:06 |
othernoob | Versed2: wanna make love? ;) | 05:07 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 05:07 |
boogster | his mom is also pretty open | 05:07 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser uses gnome and proud of it | ||
Versed2 | Nah just no war. | 05:07 |
Kamping_Kaiser | boogster: uncalled for | 05:07 |
boogster | affirmative | 05:07 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :) thanks | 05:08 |
regeya | heh. | 05:09 |
regeya | both gnome and kde are excellent these days. | 05:09 |
regeya | or in a pessimistic view, they both suck in unique ways. | 05:10 |
DocTomoe | but some are more excellent as others ... ;) | 05:10 |
regeya | lol | 05:10 |
boogster | not as good as fluxbox ;) | 05:10 |
regeya | nice welles paraphrase | 05:10 |
=== mustafu [i=aeris@24-180-194-121.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DocTomoe | screw fluxbox. Use sh. | 05:10 |
boogster | enlightenment e17 pwns joo | 05:10 |
regeya | if sh isn't good enough, you could, you just might, be allowed to use screen. | 05:11 |
=== regeya used to be a windowmaker diehard nut | ||
DocTomoe | I used to use fvwm ... in 1996 ;) | 05:13 |
DocTomoe | aaah, those were the days | 05:13 |
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foodcoman | Morning nalioth! | 05:21 |
nalioth | foodcoman: yes unusual for me to be awake atm | 05:21 |
foodcoman | Thought so, 8:22am here! | 05:21 |
foodcoman | Trying to get that first cup of coffee down. | 05:22 |
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buz | what the url for oo2rc1? | 05:23 |
buz | i could try on kubuntu | 05:23 |
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=== nalioth is a night owl. usually up at 3 or 5 pm and up all night til 6a or 7a | ||
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Dangly | any idea of when a kde 3.5 beta for amd64 will be available? | 05:24 |
StR | Dangly: no idea... | 05:24 |
foodcoman | buz, I thought it was part of the package management. | 05:24 |
StR | Dangly: even for x86 is very buggy | 05:24 |
buz | foodcoman: i wrote to the wrong channel | 05:24 |
buz | i'm looking for the oo2 klik ;) | 05:24 |
foodcoman | buz: Gotcha. | 05:25 |
buz | klik seems quite buggy on kubuntu so far :( | 05:25 |
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buz | is there any way to build qt4designer apps on kubuntu? | 05:30 |
StR | buz: with kdevelop3 | 05:33 |
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buz | uic: File generated with too recent version of Qt Designer (4.0 vs. 3.3.4) | 05:34 |
buz | (after qmake && make | 05:34 |
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lucas | hi | 05:45 |
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lucas | any documentation about amarok settings ? | 05:46 |
whoiam | any of you running breezy ? | 05:46 |
whoiam | gdh: are you there ? | 05:46 |
lucas | me | 05:46 |
nalioth | lucas: did you look in file:///usr/share/docs/ ? | 05:46 |
lucas | got trouble using amarok and two audio device | 05:46 |
whoiam | lucas: do you able to play movies properly ? | 05:46 |
lucas | no sound | 05:47 |
whoiam | I'm using vlc player for playing | 05:47 |
whoiam | yeah no sound | 05:47 |
whoiam | :( | 05:47 |
whoiam | lucas: any fix yet ? | 05:47 |
whoiam | same problem with kaffeine | 05:47 |
lucas | i hava nothin in file:///usr/share/docs/ | 05:48 |
lucas | i use mplayer and have no sound | 05:48 |
nalioth | !sound | 05:48 |
ubotu | from memory, sound is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DebuggingSoundProblems/ | 05:48 |
lucas | how can i find my audio devices ? | 05:49 |
lucas | i know one is on pci and the other on usb | 05:49 |
lucas | i got a headset | 05:49 |
lucas | thx for link ubotu | 05:51 |
lucas | i take a look | 05:51 |
nikkia | lucas, cat /proc/asound/devices is a good place to start | 05:53 |
nikkia | also 'aplay -l' | 05:53 |
lucas | yeah i did | 05:57 |
lucas | aplay -l | 05:57 |
lucas | but i would like to know where is my usb devis | 05:57 |
lucas | on dev/dsp or whatever ? i don' know how to determine it | 05:58 |
lucas | sound can work on both but not with the same engine or the same player | 05:59 |
lucas | if i use xmms i hear in my headset | 05:59 |
lucas | and if u use amarok i hear in my speaker | 05:59 |
whoiam | lucas: actually I'm able to play MP3 files, that mean My sound card is installed properly, but no sound from movies :( | 06:00 |
nikkia | lucas, aplay -l should list the devices by the driver | 06:00 |
nikkia | lucas, your headset is likely to be provided by the USB sound driver | 06:00 |
lucas | yes it is | 06:01 |
nikkia | the card and subdevice numbers it returns, can be used as alsa device names, eg, if it says that the output for the headset is on card 1 and subdevice 0, then you can specify the alsa device hw:1,0 to alsa apps to playback via the headset | 06:02 |
lucas | ok i test | 06:02 |
nikkia | of course, with ~/.asoundrc or /etc/asound.conf you can create symbolic names for each device, and/or setup a default | 06:03 |
StR | that amarok si really buggy in 3.5.... using that xine engine... | 06:04 |
nikkia | so, IF hw:1,0 is your headset output, you can create an alias called pcm.headset that points to hw:1,0, then just use 'headset' as the alsa device name | 06:04 |
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lucas | where can i configure alsa in Kde system settings ? | 06:04 |
nikkia | lucas, KDE provides only very basic settings for how it uses alsa, it doesn't have a control panel for configuring alsa itself, just how arts uses alsa | 06:05 |
whoiam | lucas: are you able to play mp3 files ? | 06:05 |
nalioth | nikkia: i can't ever look at you w/o you frrzaaplling my brain | 06:05 |
nikkia | lucas, setting the right hw: address for arts to use to your speakers would make 99% of KDE apps use the speaker for audio | 06:06 |
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lucas | whoami: yes i am able | 06:07 |
lucas | with xmms | 06:07 |
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lucas | nikkia, where can i set alsa ? | 06:08 |
whoiam | nikkia: if we are able to play mp3 files, that it mean his sound card is installed properly. seems some problem with breezy | 06:11 |
=== boogster [n=rdt@i-83-67-215-124.freedom2surf.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nikkia | whoiam: no, it seems more like a configuration issue with some apps, to me | 06:11 |
boogster | when is kubuntu released | 06:12 |
thehil | How do I find the number of occurance of a search result in vim? | 06:12 |
boogster | control+F? | 06:13 |
lucas | do u have a fulll documentation about roles of arts alsa and player if i can understand their role, i fix it by my self | 06:13 |
lucas | for the moment i don't understand what's the difference between oss and alsa | 06:13 |
lucas | xine and arts | 06:14 |
nikkia | lucas, oss (actually, oss-lite) is the old deprecated audio drivers for linux, alsa is the new | 06:14 |
boogster | alsa>oss>joo | 06:15 |
lucas | ok so if i have a usb sound card i don t need alsa ? | 06:15 |
nikkia | (its important to bear in mind that when people say 'oss' they are usually talking about 'oss-lite' because *real* oss are actually pay-for audio drivers that are still developed, and support a lot of things that the kernel 'oss-lite' stuff doesn't) | 06:15 |
nikkia | lucas, yes, you want alsa | 06:15 |
lucas | ok | 06:16 |
nikkia | lucas, oss-lite is terrible, now, there is a bug in the ubuntu builds that means you don't get alsa usb sound usually | 06:16 |
=== nalioth sees "oss" and thinks open source software | ||
nikkia | the kernels are usually built with the wrong (oss-lite) usb drivers configured | 06:16 |
boogster | oss= piece of crap, use alsa | 06:16 |
lucas | ok | 06:16 |
nikkia | boogster: full oss isn't that bad, but its pay-ware | 06:16 |
boogster | alright | 06:17 |
=== ToyMan2 [n=stuq@user-12lcqia.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
lucas | but i can hear in my usb headset if i u xmms | 06:17 |
nikkia | boogster: in a rather bizarre brain-messing twist, the real OSS emulates ALSA too :) | 06:17 |
lucas | i think xmms don t use alsa | 06:17 |
nikkia | lucas, thats probably because you're using the OSS output in xmms, and the wrong USB drivers are loaded for the headset | 06:18 |
nikkia | lucas, set xmms to use alsa, or arts - but the arts output plugin is buggy | 06:18 |
nikkia | now, whether you set the usb drivers right or not, is up to you, its a tough call given that you probably want to use skype and skype uses OSS not alsa | 06:18 |
whoiam | nikkia: I'm using alsa in xmms | 06:18 |
whoiam | mp3 files playing fine, but I'm unable to hear sound from movies | 06:19 |
lucas | i set xmms to use alsa and it works with the headset | 06:20 |
nikkia | whoiam: probably a misconfigured video player, either its using the wrong audio output method, its blocked, or its detecting an spdif output and trying to use that | 06:20 |
nikkia | lucas, i take it you want xmms to use the speakers? :) | 06:20 |
whoiam | I tried 3 players, vlc, kaffeine and kaboodle, now trying noatun :( | 06:21 |
lucas | now for xmms it s ok | 06:21 |
lucas | it use the headset well | 06:21 |
lucas | it s for amarok that i have trouble | 06:21 |
lucas | and app kina mplayer | 06:21 |
lucas | how cani i configure it to use headset | 06:24 |
nikkia | lucas, configure what? KDE? mplayer? | 06:25 |
lucas | hmmm everything | 06:25 |
nalioth | lucas: you want your whole box to use the usb headset? | 06:26 |
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lucas | yes, the must would be that i could switch but this for a next step | 06:26 |
nikkia | lucas, the problem with that, is that you cannot set *everything* to use one audio device in one place, you need to configure at least several sound servers, and possibly a few individual apps | 06:26 |
lucas | nikkia, no problem but with amarok | 06:27 |
nikkia | and you're also going to have to configure dmix, most likely :) | 06:27 |
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lucas | i can't use gstreamer, xine only artsd | 06:28 |
lucas | now i have to set artsd to use the headset | 06:28 |
StR | who is using amarok with kde3.5? | 06:28 |
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nikkia | lucas, for that, find the hw: address of the usb headset, and put that in the audio device text box in Control Center on the 'Sound System Hardware page | 06:29 |
lucas | ok | 06:30 |
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nikkia | sorry, 'Device Location' text box, with the 'Audio Device' set to ALSA | 06:30 |
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nalioth | nikkia: i must say: You are the cats pajamas | 06:32 |
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boogster | nnnn | 06:32 |
lucas | card 1: Headset | 06:32 |
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lucas | ubdevices: 1/1 | 06:32 |
lucas | Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 | 06:32 |
lucas | as a result for aplay -l | 06:33 |
lucas | and i put hw:1,0 | 06:33 |
lucas | Unable to set channels! | 06:33 |
nikkia | lucas, at this point, good advice would be to *stop* the audio server within the control center | 06:33 |
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nikkia | and make sure nothing else is playing audio | 06:34 |
dreumah | hi, i have an external harddisk and kubuntu isnt recognizing it at all | 06:34 |
nikkia | you are almost certainly going to need to configure dmix anyway | 06:34 |
dreumah | it worked in ubuntu though | 06:34 |
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lucas | where? | 06:34 |
nikkia | lucas, configuring dmix isn't 'fun' or easy :/ | 06:34 |
lucas | can i stop the sound system | 06:34 |
nikkia | lucas, 'Sound System'/'General' uncheck 'Enable the sound system' then 'apply' | 06:35 |
lucas | ok | 06:35 |
dreumah | hi, i have an external harddisk and kubuntu isnt recognizing it at all | 06:36 |
nikkia | lucas, http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin explains *somewhat* about how to configure dmix | 06:36 |
lucas | ok | 06:36 |
lucas | i configure it withthe sound system stopped | 06:36 |
nikkia | lucas, you ARE going to need dmix, because USB doesn't really have the bandwidth to handle hardware mixing | 06:37 |
lucas | ok | 06:37 |
nikkia | lucas, yes, you really want all sound programs out of the way when you're configuring and testing things like this | 06:37 |
lucas | ok let's go | 06:38 |
laurentR | Hello ! I'd like to know if there is a possibility of netinstall of Kubuntu. It's for installing Kubuntu from a local server during install party. | 06:38 |
dreumah | hi, i have an external harddisk and kubuntu isnt recognizing it at all | 06:39 |
nalioth | nikkia: the cat comment was a compliment, btw | 06:39 |
nikkia | lucas, read, and understand that page i gave you the url to, above, and follow its instructions | 06:39 |
nikkia | nalioth: i know | 06:39 |
nalioth | dreumah: is it recognized under windows? | 06:39 |
dreumah | yeah and ubuntu recognized it too | 06:39 |
dreumah | its really strange just after i switched to kubuntu | 06:40 |
nikkia | dreumah: try this... unplug the drive from the USB, then type 'sudo dmesg -c' | 06:40 |
nikkia | then plug the drive back in, and do 'dmesg' | 06:40 |
nikkia | (wait a few seconds between plugging it in and doing dmesg) | 06:40 |
=== nalioth has a more lazy suggestion | ||
=== nikkia is tempted to suspect that 'kubuntu' recognises it just fine, but KDE's HAL stuff is being a pain :) | ||
dreumah | my terminal is not working properly | 06:42 |
dreumah | i dont know what up with my system | 06:42 |
nikkia | dreumah: hmmm, that could suggest that something 'bad'(tm) has happened | 06:42 |
dreumah | like what? | 06:43 |
nikkia | dreumah: the USB stack may have fallen over | 06:43 |
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dreumah | ok so what do i do? | 06:43 |
nikkia | dreumah: give it a few seconds, see if it settles down, if not, you may need to reboot | 06:43 |
dreumah | ok | 06:44 |
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nalioth | nikkia: i was gonna suggest looking in /media but i may be totally clueless | 06:45 |
hussam | what style does kubuntu use by default for new users? plastic or lipstik? | 06:46 |
nikkia | nalioth: if i had to make a guess, the drive WAS working, and WAS mounted, and unplugging it killed the usb-storage driver :) | 06:46 |
nalioth | nikkia: i find that common behavior when i unplug my firewire things | 06:46 |
nikkia | nalioth: quite often when usb-storage (or 'sd' dies, which will be sat on top of usb-storage) dies, it takes the console with it | 06:46 |
nalioth | nikkia: i can only plug in once | 06:46 |
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freemanen | how do you play streaming mp3 in kubuntu? | 06:51 |
Utter_kde | anyone here using Breezy on PPC? | 06:53 |
freemanen | yes | 06:53 |
nalioth | Utter_kde: yes, do you have a question? | 06:54 |
whoiam | anyone know why I'm not hearing any sound from vlc player ? | 06:54 |
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sveri | hi, can somebody tell me the name of the meta package which installs the base utilities for building and compiling programms, i somehow am to stupid to find it | 06:58 |
nikkia | sveri: build-essential | 06:58 |
Utter_kde | hi nalioth! we spoke before... | 06:58 |
nalioth | Utter_kde: have we? | 06:59 |
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sveri | nikkia: ah, ok, thx very much | 06:59 |
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:camelot] : KDE 3.5 Beta 1 http://kubuntu.org/kde-35beta1.php | Dapper ideas: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperGoals | Kubuntu Breezy Preview http://www.kubuntu.org/breezy-preview.php | test adept (in Breezy): sudo apt-get install adept | Nederlands #kubuntu-nl Espaol #kubuntu-es Deutsch #kubuntu-de | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de | ||
sveri | have a nice day everybody | 07:00 |
Utter_kde | nalioth: I was trying to get kdevelop installed on Hoary | 07:01 |
nalioth | Utter_kde: were you successful? | 07:01 |
Utter_kde | nalioth: totally - then upgraded to Breezy ;-) | 07:02 |
Utter_kde | now everything is pear-shaped | 07:02 |
nalioth | Utter_kde: welcome to jolts and staggers | 07:02 |
Utter_kde | ;-) | 07:03 |
Utter_kde | I can cope - but I can't get any development stuff working at all now | 07:03 |
Utter_kde | my compiler apparently can't create executables etc and apt-get wont even allow me to build stuff | 07:04 |
whoiam | nikkia: I install vlc-plugin-alsa and I'm able to play sound in movie files :D | 07:08 |
nalioth | Utter_kde: oh no! wait about 14 days | 07:09 |
Utter_kde | the next update...? | 07:09 |
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nalioth | Utter_kde: breezy finals oct 13 | 07:10 |
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Utter_kde | oooh - 2 days after I REALLY need it ;-) | 07:11 |
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Utter_kde | I needed a client for mpd which also won't compile | 07:11 |
Utter_kde | but the gnome player works so I'M SAVED | 07:11 |
nalioth | Utter_kde: i'm sure the dev tools will work b4 that | 07:13 |
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Utter_kde | nalioth: there's been no updates for a while, nah? | 07:14 |
nalioth | Utter_kde: sheesh theres updates hourly | 07:16 |
Utter_kde | my apt-getting tells me there's nothing to upgrade? | 07:16 |
nalioth | Utter_kde: how often do you run it? | 07:17 |
sven-tek | does konqueror need a different plugin fr flash to work than firefox? | 07:17 |
Utter_kde | every day | 07:18 |
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Utter_kde | 3 times today already with all repositories open | 07:18 |
nalioth | Utter_kde: hmm i ran it at 5am and got a buttload of stuff, and again a few minutes ago to another buttload | 07:20 |
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Utter_kde | hmmm... I thought that was a bit weird | 07:21 |
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Utter_kde | kynaptic and apt-get have use the same repositories, yeah? | 07:21 |
seaLne | yeah | 07:22 |
Utter_kde | they both tell me I'm up to date | 07:22 |
seaLne | you are doing an apt-get update before the upgrade? | 07:22 |
Utter_kde | sure | 07:23 |
StR | yes | 07:23 |
Utter_kde | yes | 07:23 |
orace| | what exactly is the problem | 07:24 |
Utter_kde | is this a valid repo http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com breezy Release [30.9kB] ? | 07:24 |
Rogue_Jedi_X | Gameboy? | 07:24 |
StR | Utter_kde: no... | 07:24 |
Utter_kde | ah-ha!! | 07:24 |
StR | Utter_kde: tyr this : http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted universe multiverse <--- | 07:25 |
StR | http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted universe multiverse | 07:25 |
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seaLne | Utter_kde: what you pasted looks like the output from apt-get update? | 07:27 |
Utter_kde | yeah, being old, blind and useless I uncommented the wrong lines ;-) | 07:27 |
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Utter_kde | thank you for that, guys!! | 07:32 |
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blackflag | hello all :-) | 07:39 |
blackflag | is there an easy way to create ftp users for proftpd? | 07:39 |
blackflag | with different access in the folder structure | 07:40 |
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Rogue_Jedi_X | Well, there's gproftpd | 07:41 |
Rogue_Jedi_X | http://mange.dynup.net/linux.html | 07:41 |
blackflag | cool, thanx!! :-) | 07:42 |
Rogue_Jedi_X | No prob | 07:42 |
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StR | Rogue_Jedi_X: hey.. | 07:53 |
StR | I use pure-ftpd | 07:53 |
TokenBad | I have a question...I was using ubuntu and went to the kubuntu desktop but now whenever I restart my computer..the screensaver program will not start auto....I have to go to screensaver..and then it tells me its not running and ask me if I want to start it | 07:53 |
StR | there is a nice way to create users from a DB | 07:53 |
TokenBad | any idea how I can have it start auto? | 07:53 |
StR | TokenBad: from the kcontrol? | 07:54 |
TokenBad | I go to kmenu then utilities..then screensaver | 07:54 |
TokenBad | and it comes up saying that it wasn't started and ask if I wanted to start it | 07:54 |
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Rogue_Jedi_X | StR: I don't have that many users. In fact, I don't use the ftp daemon that much | 07:57 |
StR | Rogue_Jedi_X: ahh ok... | 07:57 |
TokenBad | but I want it to start the screensaver when I boot | 07:58 |
TokenBad | so that I don't have to go to screensaver every time I boot | 07:58 |
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crimsun | nalioth, yes, I have to be due the use of my ssh tunnel's auto-assigning of ident. | 08:35 |
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nalioth | crimsun: just thought i'd point it out, in case it slipped your mind | 08:36 |
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crimsun | nalioth, no prob. :) | 08:37 |
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tecknozic | hello | 09:08 |
tecknozic | one question | 09:09 |
tecknozic | how to access to root in Kubuntu ? | 09:09 |
tecknozic | what password ? | 09:09 |
jjesse | the first username created is allowed to sudo | 09:10 |
jjesse | so when you sudo to something type the password of the first user created | 09:10 |
tecknozic | deb http://kubuntu.org/kde35beta1 hoary main | 09:11 |
tecknozic | deb ftp://bolugftp.uni-bonn.de/pub/kde/unstable/3.5-beta1/kubuntu hoary main | 09:11 |
tecknozic | deb http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/3.5-beta1/kubuntu hoary main | 09:11 |
tecknozic | deb http://mirror.cc.columbia.edu/pub/software/kde/unstable/3.5-beta1/kubuntu hoary main | 09:11 |
tecknozic | sorry | 09:11 |
jjesse | tecknozic: what are you looking for there? | 09:11 |
tecknozic | what "the first username created is allowed to sudo" mean ? | 09:11 |
jjesse | when you installed ubuntu you created a username and password | 09:12 |
jjesse | so that username is allowed to become the super user (through sudo) | 09:12 |
tecknozic | ok... | 09:12 |
tecknozic | I need to modify a file. But I don't have the permission under my session... | 09:12 |
nalioth | !tell tecknozic about root | 09:13 |
Tm_T | tecknozic: yu | 09:14 |
tecknozic | yes... | 09:14 |
Tm_T | tecknozic: sudo kedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:16 |
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_bruce | users | 09:27 |
_bruce | help am complete NuB to irc! | 09:28 |
nalioth | help yourself. ask the channel a question | 09:29 |
StR | hi _bruce | 09:29 |
jjesse | hello _bruce | 09:30 |
_bruce | G'day evry1 | 09:30 |
jjesse | is there something in particular we can help you out w/? | 09:30 |
epiloc | join #tech | 09:30 |
_bruce | I am having trble getting a HP Deskjet Portable to print properly .....about 1 x line per minute at the moment.... | 09:31 |
_bruce | ok thku epiloc | 09:31 |
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epiloc | no _bruce | 09:32 |
epiloc | i didnt mean to type that | 09:32 |
_bruce | 'bye | 09:32 |
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ricky | someone know how can see a splash screen with usplash ??? | 09:36 |
_bruce | Hello? I am a complete NuB to irc & kubuntu ....I am having problems getting my printer to print: it currently prints at about 1xline per minute! any suggestions anyone? | 09:36 |
_bruce | it is a HP Deskjet Portable | 09:37 |
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rikva | Hi, is it a common problem that I can't install Knemo because of a conflict with KNetworkConf? | 09:44 |
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henriquemaia | Hello, I'm having a problem with my amarok on my Breezy. | 09:47 |
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henriquemaia | When I start it, I get: | 09:47 |
henriquemaia | amaroK: [Loader] Starting amarokapp.. | 09:47 |
henriquemaia | amaroK: [Loader] Don't run gdb, valgrind, etc. against this binary! Use amarokapp. | 09:47 |
henriquemaia | amaroK: [Loader] amarokapp probably crashed! | 09:47 |
henriquemaia | Anyone knows what's this? | 09:47 |
rikva | henriquemaia: I think you will have more luck at #amarok :) | 09:48 |
henriquemaia | Thanks a lot. | 09:48 |
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Auxin | hi :) | 09:50 |
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buzi | hello | 09:54 |
Auxin | hi buzi | 09:54 |
buzi | got some prob | 09:54 |
buzi | s | 09:54 |
_max | hi. does anyone know how to remove these little arrows around the trash icon in my control bar? (not just around the trash icon...) | 09:55 |
buzi | can you spare a couple of minutes to help me, auxin? | 09:55 |
buzi | or anybody elsE? | 09:55 |
Auxin | buzi: if i CAN y not | 09:56 |
Auxin | it depends on your bug :) | 09:56 |
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buzi | good. well, lets start by saying i'm a newbie in this whole linux thing. installed and touched the first linux - 3 days ago (ubuntu) | 09:57 |
Auxin | ok :) | 09:57 |
buzi | so i've been trying gnome, and decided to go KDE | 09:57 |
Auxin | so grats to this decision ;) | 09:57 |
Auxin | ok | 09:57 |
buzi | didn't really know what to choose in the synaptic for the transfer to be smooth, so I tried marking any kde thing I've found. | 09:58 |
Auxin | heh ok | 09:58 |
buzi | after the update, i rebooted the comp and enter my fresh_goodlooking_kde | 09:58 |
buzi | and what did I do first? went to the admin configuration ofcourse... (control center) | 09:59 |
buzi | went to the administration places there | 09:59 |
Auxin | yep | 09:59 |
Auxin | than? | 09:59 |
buzi | clicked on the administrator mode. asked for password - gave it. | 09:59 |
Auxin | admin configuration?! | 10:00 |
Auxin | what u mean exaclty? | 10:00 |
buzi | the box thought for a while, and then brought me back to the main system administration page | 10:00 |
buzi | i ment system administration | 10:00 |
Auxin | ok | 10:00 |
buzi | and every time I tried doing that, it kept hoping me back to the opening page of the system administration part | 10:01 |
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buzi | what's wrong, and how can i fix it? | 10:02 |
Auxin | what i your goal.. i can't understand what u r trying | 10:02 |
Auxin | is* | 10:02 |
buzi | i'm trying to change options in the system administration zone. | 10:03 |
buzi | it has 6 sub zones | 10:03 |
buzi | (date &time, font installer etc...) | 10:03 |
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buzi | in each subzone, there is an administrator mode | 10:03 |
buzi | button | 10:03 |
Auxin | yep | 10:03 |
Auxin | i can c | 10:03 |
Auxin | hm | 10:04 |
Auxin | r u sure ur root pass is correct? | 10:04 |
Auxin | u know that root pass is the same like user pass.. if u havn't created an super-user | 10:05 |
buzi | well, thats another question... | 10:05 |
buzi | after installing ubuntu | 10:05 |
buzi | I did sudo passwd root | 10:05 |
Auxin | :-/ | 10:05 |
buzi | and set a password for it | 10:05 |
Auxin | so | 10:05 |
buzi | don't really know why I did it | 10:05 |
Auxin | don't know 2 ;) | 10:05 |
buzi | so, every time I do "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" or any other "root_needed" action | 10:06 |
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buzi | the root pass isn't good, but my user pass IS good | 10:06 |
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Auxin | what u mean with "good" | 10:06 |
buzi | working | 10:06 |
mrmarcel | right | 10:07 |
buzi | unless I do "su" and then the root pass does work | 10:07 |
Auxin | hm :-/ | 10:08 |
Auxin | so have u tried both passwords in the control center? | 10:08 |
buzi | yep | 10:08 |
Auxin | hm :-/ | 10:08 |
buzi | let me try again | 10:08 |
Auxin | ok | 10:08 |
buzi | what the... now both of the passes work! | 10:10 |
buzi | how the hell.. ? | 10:10 |
mrmarcel | o.O | 10:10 |
Auxin | LOL | 10:10 |
Auxin | wtf.. | 10:10 |
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buzi | i'm preety sure that after a reboot, it'll be the same as before, but we'll cross the bridge when we'll get there... | 10:11 |
buzi | moving on to my next prob. | 10:11 |
Auxin | pebcak *scnr* ;) | 10:11 |
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buzi | in some iditotic thinking, I deleted the kdm from the init.d dir. it was when I got back to gnome, removed any trace of KDE in order to reinstall it. | 10:12 |
buzi | so now, the boot gives me a command line | 10:13 |
buzi | and I click KDM -> Enter | 10:13 |
buzi | and the kdm loads. | 10:13 |
buzi | How can I restore the kdm to the init.d dir? | 10:13 |
Auxin | good question | 10:15 |
Auxin | next one plz ;) | 10:15 |
buzi | ha, o.k. | 10:15 |
buzi | moving on | 10:15 |
gdh | apt-get --reinstall install kdm ? | 10:15 |
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buzi | hmm... tried it. it reinstalled it. | 10:17 |
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buzi | but, I don't see the KDM in the init.d dir | 10:17 |
_lee | hello, I'm having graphics problems with a Toshiba Qosmio F25 and an NVIDIA Go 6600 64mb | 10:17 |
buzi | so i donno.. maybe in the reboot | 10:17 |
buzi | moving on to the next question -> i've set my screen resolution to a lower one from what the install set by default. | 10:17 |
frank23 | can anyone load the ath_pci module with 2.6.12-9 in breezy? | 10:18 |
_lee | help anyone? | 10:18 |
buzi | every time the comp boots up into the logging page, it uses the default screen resolution and not mine. only after logging in, the resolution changes to mine | 10:18 |
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frank23 | It works with 2.6.12-6 but not 2.6.12-9 | 10:18 |
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buzi | gdh, maybe you know? | 10:20 |
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gdh | not really . at worst, you can manually fish the init.d script out from the deb file | 10:20 |
gdh | dpkg-deb -x /path/to/kdm.deb /tmp | 10:20 |
buzi | aha. and what about the next prob? with the screen resolution? | 10:20 |
gdh | then look in /tmp/etc/init.d ... | 10:20 |
kalenedrael | Hmm, I am now having problems with sound. | 10:21 |
gdh | no idea about the screen res :) | 10:21 |
kalenedrael | /dev/audio doesn't exist. | 10:21 |
kalenedrael | /dev/dsp doesn't, either. | 10:21 |
gdh | buzi: I'm a server guy - Kubuntu just happens to work for me :) | 10:21 |
gdh | (on the desktop I mean) | 10:21 |
kalenedrael | This sucks ass. I like sound. | 10:21 |
buzi | ha.. lol | 10:22 |
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kalenedrael | Ah, I figured out the problem. | 10:23 |
kalenedrael | Some driver fucked around with /etc/modprobe.conf. | 10:23 |
gdh | Those pesky drivers :) | 10:24 |
gdh | Varmints, the lot of 'em. | 10:24 |
kalenedrael | Yeah. | 10:24 |
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boozee | hmm.. gdh - i can't find kdm.deb in my comp.. could that be? | 10:24 |
gdh | "kdm.deb" doesn't exist - I mean the full path to it... | 10:24 |
gdh | try 'updatedb && locate kdm' | 10:25 |
gdh | it'll be in the apt cache directory, wherever that is in /var | 10:25 |
kalenedrael | Hmm. | 10:26 |
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kalenedrael | It's /var/cache/apt | 10:26 |
gdh | sounds familiar | 10:26 |
kalenedrael | Should be in /var/cache/apt/archives. | 10:26 |
kalenedrael | Hmm. I'm wondering if modprobe.conf has to exist. | 10:27 |
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kalenedrael | Because on my other box, there is no /etc/modprobe.conf, just a /etc/modprobe.d. | 10:27 |
kalenedrael | Hmmm.... | 10:27 |
=== kalenedrael rm /etc/modprobe.conf | ||
kalenedrael | There was nothing in modprobe.conf, anyway. | 10:28 |
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boozee | well, than maybe I should just do a new clean fresh install. | 10:31 |
kalenedrael | Woot, sound works now. | 10:31 |
boozee | but before that, I must know - What is the proper way to transfer from gnome to KDE ? | 10:31 |
kalenedrael | Transfer what? | 10:32 |
gdh | boozee: You're going to reinstall becuase there's a single init.d script missing? | 10:32 |
boozee | i mean to switch from gnome to kde (as you all know, kde doesn't come default in the install of ubuntu) | 10:32 |
boozee | gdh, not just that - I did some more errs | 10:33 |
boozee | it would be nice. beside, this whole linux thing is for learning | 10:33 |
gdh | yeh - so what's reinstalling going to teach you? :) | 10:33 |
kalenedrael | Uhh... | 10:34 |
gdh | 'Reinstall the OS' is the lame 'advice' you get from Dell Windows support, etc. =) | 10:34 |
kalenedrael | You're just switching from Gnome to KDE? | 10:34 |
kalenedrael | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 10:34 |
=== GeKKo [n=gekko@ip-212-239-213-130.dsl-static.scarlet.be] has joined #kubuntu | ||
GeKKo | hi | 10:34 |
kalenedrael | That will install anything Kubuntu-related. | 10:34 |
kalenedrael | Hello. | 10:34 |
boozee | in the past 3 days, I haven't had the chance to REALY learn about linux. just tried to manage between the errors and the non proper use of it | 10:34 |
GeKKo | sorry to bother with basic questions (again) but i cant get amaroK to work with mp3 files | 10:35 |
GeKKo | and i downloaded the akode-mpeg thingie and installed it | 10:35 |
GeKKo | and the k3b thing as well | 10:35 |
GeKKo | so the question is -> how do i get amarok to play my mp3's ? | 10:36 |
GeKKo | i can see the equalizer of amarok works fine, but i hear no sound | 10:36 |
GeKKo | i mean the graphic equalizer | 10:36 |
kalenedrael | For one thing, k3b shouldn't have anything to do with amarok. | 10:36 |
GeKKo | ok | 10:36 |
kalenedrael | Ok, hmm. | 10:36 |
GeKKo | thought so | 10:36 |
kalenedrael | ls /dev/audio | 10:36 |
boozee | if i could find out how to restore the KDM to the init.d, than maybe I wouldn't want to reinstall... | 10:36 |
GeKKo | but i got redirected trough some "helpful sites" | 10:36 |
gdh | boozee: I already did. scroll up.. 'dpkg-deb' etc. | 10:37 |
GeKKo | kalenedrael: i got sound, in movie files and such | 10:37 |
GeKKo | ls /dev/audio | 10:37 |
GeKKo | /dev/audio | 10:37 |
boozee | but I can't find the kdm.deb. searched in the dirs you told me to | 10:37 |
kalenedrael | GeKKo, ok. At least that exists. | 10:37 |
gdh | boozee: .. no there's no file called 'kdm.deb' it'll be a full filename like 'kde-3.4.2-i386-3..blablabla.deb' | 10:38 |
kalenedrael | GeKKo, try quitting amarok, 'killall artsd' (kills the KDE sound daemon), then restarting amarok. | 10:38 |
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GeKKo | didnt work | 10:39 |
kalenedrael | Hmm. | 10:40 |
GeKKo | btw i got 2 soundcards | 10:40 |
kalenedrael | Hmm. | 10:40 |
GeKKo | and i'm noob | 10:40 |
kalenedrael | That may be the issue. | 10:40 |
GeKKo | but kaffeine plays mp3s just fine | 10:40 |
kalenedrael | Odd. | 10:40 |
GeKKo | quite | 10:40 |
boozee | o.k. - found it! | 10:41 |
gdh | :) | 10:41 |
boozee | did the dpkg thingy to tmp | 10:41 |
boozee | now i got some new dirs in tmp | 10:42 |
gdh | probably 'DEBIAN' and a etc, usr, var... | 10:42 |
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GeKKo | great i crashed JuK | 10:43 |
GeKKo | :) | 10:43 |
=== gdh grins at the changelog of todays' breezy xorg packages... | ||
gdh | * Implement an anti-"I LOVE TO SHOT MY FEET" check that will force users to | 10:44 |
gdh | input at least one resolution if it is not autodetected. | 10:44 |
GeKKo | gonna reboot | 10:44 |
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boozee | how do I search with "locate" only in the dir i'm in? | 10:45 |
gdh | find | grep filename | 10:45 |
_chavo | find is probably better for single directory | 10:46 |
gdh | 'filename' is more properly called 'pattern' ... | 10:46 |
gdh | and pattern is a regular expression. In time, you will erect a small statue in honour of regular expressions :) | 10:46 |
_bruce | 10:46 | |
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GeKKo | hmmz | 10:47 |
GeKKo | is this normal -> i get a kate -session prompt when i boot | 10:48 |
GeKKo | asking me for my root password | 10:48 |
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_chavo | GeKKo, did you leave an instance of Kate running when you logged out? | 10:48 |
GeKKo | possibly | 10:48 |
GeKKo | well | 10:48 |
GeKKo | i wanted to use kate, but i got the note "cant use it right now - probably crashed" | 10:49 |
_chavo | by default KDE saves your session each time you log out | 10:49 |
GeKKo | ok | 10:49 |
GeKKo | no harm in it | 10:49 |
_max | hello. is it possible to write a nice text right of the k - menu icon? as in gnome you know... | 10:49 |
boozee | BRB | 10:49 |
_chavo | _max, there's a plugin for it at kde-apps.org, but it crashes when I use it | 10:50 |
_max | _chavo: thank you very much! I'll have a try | 10:50 |
_max | but. aehm.. what's the name of that plugin? | 10:51 |
_chavo | hold on, I'll see if I can find it | 10:51 |
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GeKKo | i'll just play music using kaffeine then ... | 10:51 |
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libben | isnt there a program like dvddecrypter for linxu as it exists for windows. | 10:55 |
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gdh | Isn't there a program like Flash MX for Linux as it exists for Windows? :) | 10:56 |
gdh | bit of flawed logic there ;) | 10:56 |
libben | =) | 10:57 |
libben | well.. im trying dvd::rip and it doesnt really take the disc. | 10:57 |
libben | gonna try to get teh files to hd and then rip it. | 10:58 |
Lars_G | gdh: Nope. | 10:58 |
Lars_G | gdh: In theory you can run Flash (MX??) in crossover Office | 10:59 |
_max | _chavo: did you find something? | 10:59 |
_chavo | _max, not yet, I deleted the tarball and I can't remember waht it was called | 11:00 |
gdh | Lars_G: By that token you should be able to run DVDDecrypter with it, too.. | 11:01 |
_max | http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=26681 | 11:02 |
gdh | Alas, the truths are rather much removed | 11:02 |
_max | this one? | 11:02 |
gdh | none of Cedega / COOffice run Flash MX 2004 :) | 11:02 |
Lars_G | gdh: Is it true? for Flash IS listed on the supported programs, but DVDDecrypter is there too? | 11:02 |
_chavo | no that's not it | 11:02 |
_chavo | it was text just like gnome menu -> | 11:02 |
Lars_G | gdh: Worst scenario, you need vmware | 11:02 |
gdh | Which is often a more desirable solution, anyway | 11:03 |
Lars_G | It depends, but yes. | 11:03 |
_chavo | _max, http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=22605 | 11:04 |
_chavo | and there are .debs also | 11:05 |
_max | thanks a lot | 11:05 |
_max | hm. konqueror is quite slow when surfing the web | 11:06 |
_bruce | I am having trble getting a HP Deskjet Portable to print properly .....about 1 x line per minute at the moment....Kubuntu...anyone able to advise? | 11:06 |
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_bruce | 11:07 | |
mrmarcel | _may kannst du mir sagen wo der konqueror installiert ist ? bzw. wo ich den macromedia flashplayer hin installieren muss ? | 11:07 |
mrmarcel | och n | 11:07 |
_bruce | Hallo? | 11:07 |
mrmarcel | der letzte deutsche ^^ | 11:07 |
mrmarcel | Ah, hallo =) | 11:07 |
_bruce | I am having trble getting a HP Deskjet Portable to print properly .....about 1 x line per minute at the moment....Kubuntu...anyone able to advise? | 11:09 |
_bruce | Hallo mrmarcel | 11:10 |
mrmarcel | boar, die knnen alle so gut englisch ^^ | 11:10 |
mrmarcel | hallo =) | 11:10 |
_bruce | nicht sprecken deutch | 11:11 |
chavo | _maxhave you updated to kde 3.5 beta yet? | 11:11 |
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mrmarcel | oh, sorry :) | 11:11 |
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_bruce | She's right mate! G'day from New Zealand to you & all... | 11:12 |
_StarScream | hey guys, any suggestions for PHP editors that give autocompletion? | 11:13 |
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jsubl2 | kdewebdev is the only one i have used. not sure about the autocompletion | 11:14 |
_max | hello. it's me again. My Konqueror is very slow when surfing the web. I think this is a DNS problem, but all the other internet applications such as firefox don't have problems with speed | 11:14 |
mrmarcel | ah, _max =) | 11:14 |
_max | :-)) | 11:14 |
_StarScream | jsubl2, i'll try that | 11:15 |
_max | there's nobody in the german channel, so I have to come here :-( | 11:15 |
mrmarcel | jupp =) | 11:15 |
_max | anyway. has anyone experienced such problems with konqueror yet? | 11:16 |
mrmarcel | weisst du wo der konqueror installiert ist ? mchte gern den macromedia flashplayer installieren und da muss ich den path vom Browser (bei mir immer noch Konq) angeben | 11:16 |
jsubl2 | _max: might look at this tip see if it helps -- http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#boostkonq | 11:16 |
mrmarcel | bei meinem konq kommts mir auch so vor, als ob das ein bisschen lange dauert, bis er ldt nachdem ich was angeklickt hab *g* | 11:17 |
=== gdh laughs - Konq crashed as I was reading that 'make konq faster' page. | ||
_max | wegen flash gibts glaub ich ein programm auf kde-apps.org | 11:17 |
_max | jsubl2: thanks thanks | 11:18 |
mrmarcel | ah okay, thx, werd mal gucken =). aber ich denke ich muss so oder so einen pfad angeben | 11:18 |
=== mpt [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_max | konqueror crashed | 11:19 |
_max | while reading the how to | 11:19 |
gdh | snap :) | 11:19 |
mpt | Hi, quick question: What is the default home page for Konqueror in Kubuntu? Is it a Kubuntuized version of the local file that explains what Ubuntu is? Or is it something else? | 11:19 |
StR | mpt it is something else | 11:20 |
mpt | StR: Specifically? :-) | 11:20 |
_max | mmh. KDE is a thousand times faster than gnome. Or it feels so | 11:20 |
mrmarcel | my default home page is "~" ^^ | 11:20 |
StR | it is like.... like My PC in the <i>other</i> system | 11:20 |
mpt | StR, mrmarcel: thankyou | 11:21 |
StR | there, you can search for locak files, go to your home folder, see network folders | 11:21 |
mpt | ok | 11:21 |
mpt | so not a Web page at all | 11:21 |
StR | mpt: see the applications in your menu, see the trash... settings, and there is a link that says | 11:21 |
_max | hm. that hint with the ipv6 didn't help | 11:22 |
StR | Next: An Introduction to Konqueror | 11:22 |
_max | it's still sloooow | 11:22 |
StR | mpt: do you want a screenshot? | 11:22 |
mpt | StR: No thanks, this was just for research purposes | 11:22 |
mpt | (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DefaultHomePage) | 11:23 |
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StR | mpt: konqueror is more like the explorer in the other OS, not like the firefox | 11:23 |
mpt | right | 11:23 |
mrmarcel | hmm | 11:24 |
god-zero | StR: http://kde.org/screenshots/images/3.4/snapshot07.png | 11:24 |
mpt | but then in The Other OS, "Windows Explorer" and "Internet Explorer" are separate menu items with separate icons | 11:24 |
mpt | even if they use much the same UI and engine and so forth | 11:24 |
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=== mpt is still waiting for his boss to install Konqueror so he can un-crapify Rosetta | ||
StR | mpt: here in kde is the same... | 11:25 |
mpt | ok, ta | 11:25 |
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StR | mpt: it tries to make you feel confortable with the network files as with the local files... | 11:25 |
StR | so... it is the same program, it works with something call kioslaves.... | 11:26 |
StR | that makes the access to local files and network files (samba, http, ftp, ssh, etc etc..) look the same way | 11:26 |
=== mrmarcel [n=mrmarcel@p54855ABF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
StR | mpt wasn't even here... | 11:29 |
mrmarcel | hm... jetzt hab ich gerad ein update gemacht, und jetzt ist mein "kybernetic" (oder wie der packetmanager heisst ^^) weg o.O | 11:30 |
mrmarcel | und die mhevoll installierten grakatreiber sind auf futsch :( | 11:30 |
=== skiy [n=skiy@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
skiy | hello folks, I've got a problem with the flash plugin and firefox, it crashes on a certain animation :( | 11:31 |
skiy | The animation is at http://www.fat-pie.com/salad6.htm it crashes the browser after about a minute :( | 11:32 |
_max | can't it be that konqueror has a problem with dns and a router? | 11:35 |
StR | skiy: it is... l...o..a...d..i..n...g.. | 11:36 |
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=== claydoh [n=claydoh@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mrmarcel | :( schad | 11:44 |
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=== _str is now known as StR | ||
_max | ok fixed | 11:46 |
StR | so.. where were we? | 11:46 |
StR | www :D | 11:46 |
gdh | _max: how did you fix it? | 11:46 |
_max | just give him some more nameservers and a static ip to prevent him from overriding /etc/resolv.conf | 11:47 |
gdh | Are you in control of the DHCP server? | 11:47 |
=== tre013 [n=tre@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_max | yes. that's the router | 11:48 |
gdh | Is it giving out bogus DNS resolver addresses? | 11:48 |
=== mrmarcel [n=mrmarcel@p54855ABF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
gdh | Can't think why Firefox would be fast.. but hey.. if you fixed it by setting the addresses statically.. :) | 11:48 |
_max | firefox was fast before :-) ... and is still. But konqueror is fast now | 11:49 |
=== Chase [n=chase@stuartma.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
gdh | :) | 11:49 |
_max | now I have rebuilt my gnome desktop in kde. and it is much faster | 11:50 |
StR | gdh: but konqueror does not have all those plugins that firefox has | 11:51 |
StR | well now it has the addblock... | 11:51 |
_max | mrmarcel? | 11:53 |
=== lunitik [n=trey@ip68-231-8-75.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_max | ich kann als unregistrierter nutzer nichts privates senden | 11:54 |
_max | aber du suchst kynaptic | 11:54 |
_max | oder kynaptics | 11:54 |
mrmarcel | ja ? ich hab schon den namen bekommen, danke =) | 11:54 |
mrmarcel | danke =) | 11:54 |
=== _max is now known as ppd | ||
ppd | so | 11:54 |
ppd | jetzt bin ich eingeloggt :-)) | 11:54 |
mrmarcel | ich glaub ich installier kubuntu neu ^^ | 11:55 |
ppd | warum das denn? | 11:55 |
mrmarcel | wei jetzt ja so in etwas wie das geht mit dem graka treibern | 11:55 |
ppd | ati oder nvidia? | 11:55 |
mrmarcel | weil ich kynaptic weg ist, bei installieren per apt-get ne meldung mit fehlendem dings kommt und auch wenn ich das installiere fehlt noch was was mit dem paket zu tun hat | 11:55 |
mrmarcel | ati | 11:55 |
mrmarcel | 32 bit | 11:55 |
ppd | welche meldung kommt bei apt? | 11:56 |
mrmarcel | Die folgenden Pakete haben nichterfllte Abhngigkeiten: | 11:56 |
mrmarcel | kynaptic: Hngt ab: libapt-pkg-libc6.3-5-3.9 | 11:56 |
mrmarcel | E: Kaputte Pakete | 11:56 |
mrmarcel | dann hab ich libapt installiert und dann fehlen wie gesagt noch welche | 11:56 |
ppd | breezy? | 11:56 |
ppd | versuch mal sudo apt-get install -f | 11:57 |
ppd | dann sollte er das auflsen | 11:57 |
mrmarcel | hoary, glaub ich | 11:57 |
mrmarcel | ehm, und dahinter das paket ? | 11:57 |
ppd | nein | 11:57 |
ppd | nur sudo apt-get install -f | 11:58 |
mrmarcel | 0 aktualisiert, 0 neu installiert, 0 zu entfernen und 0 nicht aktualisiert | 11:58 |
mrmarcel | das steht dann da :-) | 11:58 |
ppd | ja dann | 11:58 |
ppd | versteh ich nicht was da kaputt sein soll | 11:58 |
=== Chase [n=chase@stuartma.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ppd | welche server hast du denn in deiner sources.list? | 11:58 |
mrmarcel | ehm, die standard dinger + 3 weitere | 11:59 |
ppd | universe und multiverse? | 11:59 |
mrmarcel | ? ehm, alles normal gelassen, hab nur die 3 adressen eingefgt | 12:00 |
ppd | und du willst nur kynaptic installieren? seltsam... also entweder du hast was ganz exotisches in deiner sources.list oder ich wei nix mehr | 12:01 |
mrmarcel | hm, keine Ahnung =] . Komisch find ich schon dass kynaptic nach dem update verschwunden ist ^^ | 12:02 |
ppd | soll ich mal per ssh schauen? | 12:02 |
mrmarcel | ssh ? | 12:02 |
ppd | secure shell. da knnt ich ein paar befehle bei dir probieren | 12:03 |
mrmarcel | ist das nicht das was bei verschlsselten seiten immer kommt ? ^^ | 12:03 |
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