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Burgundaviajbailey, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7026607:45
ajmitchthe mysterious ubuntu-faqguide?07:59
Burgundaviano idea07:59
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ajmitchhi mdke 08:41
mdkehow are things?08:41
mdkerob^, no changing anything in the faqguide now ;)08:49
=== mdke wags his finger
mdkejbailey, you rock, thanks for doing all those translations08:53
=== mdke goes to work
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jsgotangcohi mdke 09:40
mdkehello mate09:41
jsgotangcoi had a long chat with JaneW about this last night09:42
mdkeok i had a chat with mdz09:42
mdkehe said that JaneW was confused09:42
mdkei don't know whether they are changing the doc or not!09:42
mdkeyou know what is going on?09:43
jsgotangcoi have no idea either09:43
jsgotangcoi'll be very very pissed if they changed the doc09:44
mdkeme too09:45
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mdkei have busted my ass with the translations09:45
jsgotangcowell yes09:45
jsgotangcoand the translator's effort as well09:45
jsgotangcoso i hope they won't change it09:45
jsgotangcoand just plan ahead09:45
mdkeme too09:45
mdkejbailey has also put in a lot of work09:46
mdkeas from last night, the translations should be in breezy09:46
jsgotangcoi wasn't able to stay long yesterday because my wife's uncle died and we had to go09:47
mdkesorry to hear that09:47
jsgotangcoim actually away but i manage to find an open wifi router09:47
jsgotangcoi'm actually almost near the roof at the moment09:47
jsgotangcomdke, np mate, the guy was very very old and bedridden for the past months09:48
jsgotangcomdke, these last minute changes only show how much planning are dedicated to docs by ubuntu itself :)09:50
mdkewell to be fair, the whole distro has had last minute changes09:53
jsgotangcowell yes of course09:53
jsgotangcowe had a rough development cycle09:54
jsgotangcome and sean were talking about it 2 days ago over jabber09:54
mdkehave you updated recently? I'm interested in knowing whether the translations are working09:54
jsgotangcoim updating now09:55
jsgotangcoi have a localised system at home and will try it when i get back09:55
mdkeok i have to get to work09:56
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jjessegood morning02:12
mdkehey jbailey02:13
mdkejbailey, awesome work yesterday. Today brings a couple of bugs in ubuntu-docs02:13
jbaileymdke: I know about the entity errors.  Any others?02:13
jbaileyI also still couldn't get pt to work right although pt_BR does.02:14
mdkejbailey, the other one I filed is the erroneous name for the faqguide02:14
jbaileyDid I get it wrong, or are you proposing a string change? =)02:14
mdkeno, no02:15
mdkejbailey, the omf file02:15
mdkejbailey, we didn't like the word "unofficial"02:15
jbaileyBut that's still a string.02:15
mdkenot allowed?02:15
jbaileyAlmost certainly.02:15
mdkei changed it and committed, so better undo it if that is a problem02:15
mdkethe "unofficial" thing was a hangup from the hoary version02:16
jbaileyAh, yeah.02:16
mdkeit's a problem? you can't upload that?02:16
jbaileyRight.  The deadline for DocumentationStringFreeze was Sept 8.02:17
jbaileyI'd get larted for doing it now.02:17
mdkejbailey, although taking a flexible interpretation of that freeze, it was to enable translations to be done. The omf files are not getting translated02:17
jbaileyAlthough many of them already are.02:18
mdkethat must be from hoary too i guess02:18
mdkeok your call on that02:18
jbaileyAnd if I had been clever I could've done the ones last night.02:18
jbaileyI think the string also appears in the .xml file02:18
jbaileySo I should be able to pick up the translation from there.02:19
mdkei doubt it02:19
jbaileyNot the 'Unofficial' one.02:19
jbaileyBut the 'About Ubuntu' does.02:19
mdkeoh yeah sure02:19
mdkei still don't think the string freeze applies to those omf files02:19
mdkebut i'll leave it with you02:20
mdkeit's not a major issue, the entity thing is major02:20
jbaileyThe Entity thing is a bug.02:20
jbaileyI can fix that now. =)02:20
mdkewhat is up with that?02:20
mdkeglobal.ent is in the wrong place?02:20
jbaileyIt's looking for things in 02:20
mdkeok, the other bug is that the legal stuff doesn't show up in the faqguide02:21
jbaileyI have to look up if there's a search base or something I can use.02:21
jbaileyLikfe the FDL and such?02:21
jbaileySymptom of problem #102:21
mdkeit's in this bit:02:21
mdke<xi:include href="../../../common/C/ccbysa.xml" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>02:21
mdke<xi:include href="../../../common/C/fdl.xml" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>02:21
mdke<!-- &cc-by-sa;02:21
mdke&fdl; -->02:22
jbaileyYour best bet if you want that string changed is to put an item in for the TB next Tuesday02:22
mdkesame bug really02:22
mdkethe "unofficial" string?02:22
jbaileyGet them to rule on what's covered by StringFreeze and what's not.02:22
mdkewill do02:22
mdkehow about the legal bug, is that fixable?02:22
segfaulti installed the new ubuntu-docs today02:26
segfaultit showed pt_BR ok, however there was no ubuntu image, when i clicked in "About Ubuntu"02:27
segfaultbesides, we should tell people to add their translations of "About Ubuntu" in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTranslations02:28
mdkejbailey, i can confirm that ^^02:28
mdkemissing image bug02:28
jbaileyI'll see if I can fix that.02:28
segfaultsince it looks like they'll freeze that today02:28
jbaileysegfault: Too late for more translations.  Freeze was yesterday02:29
segfaulthumm, Mirv told me that was still in time02:29
mdkeyeah you can do them02:29
mdkesegfault, it applies to translations of .desktop files only02:29
mdkenot docs02:29
segfaultis that possible to have a translated image of Ubuntu in pt_BR?02:30
jbaileyProbably not at this point, sorry.02:30
mdkeno, best to use the original image02:30
jbaileyWe have no way of really doing translated images.02:30
segfaultmdke: sure, but since people translated the about-ubuntu doc, i guess they would like to se the desktop entry translated too02:30
mdkesegfault, yes, that is up to them, I have no way to communicate this further02:31
jbaileyTime for usual morning prep.  bbiab02:34
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jsgotangcomdke: =)05:14
jsgotangcohey jbailey05:21
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jsgotangcojbailey: ping?05:38
jbaileyjsgotangco: Pong.05:39
jsgotangcojbailey: did something bad happen again?05:39
jbaileyjsgotangco: Dude, it's software development.05:39
jbaileySomething bad is *always* happening. =)05:39
jsgotangcobecause im getting the smackdown from ogra and i have no idea what happened05:39
jbaileyEh? Where from?05:40
jsgotangcoogra: jsgotangco, i'm pretty annoyed that i have to redo the edubuntu-artwork package completely and i didnt have time planned for that... there were heavy changes to this doc that split it up into several other documents ... 05:40
jbaileyLemme ask him and find out what's up...05:41
jsgotangcobecause i have no clue really05:41
jsgotangcowe did our part05:42
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jsgotangcohi jjesse06:03
jjessehello jsgotangco 06:03
jbaileyAnyone here care about a change I'm proposing for the files?  Right now we look for images and such in "../..", etc..06:30
jbaileyI'm thinking that I will replace that with a ROOTPATH entity06:31
jbaileyThat way it can be changed between local generation and package generation.06:31
jsgotangcoit makes things easier huh06:32
jbaileyI think it will.06:32
jbaileyOr it could be the whole path is better.06:32
jbaileyso &imagepath;06:33
jsgotangcodoes it still require locales to have their own copies?06:33
jbaileyOr something like that.06:33
jbaileyTell me what the right thing is. =)06:33
jbaileyI can easily take the &language; out of the string.06:34
jbaileyI don't know if I can make it pick dynamically if an image is either localised or not.06:34
jbaileyRight now we have things lke:06:34
jbailey                <imagedata fileref="../../images/&language;/UbuntuLogo.png" format="PNG"/>06:34
jbaileyWhat would you like it to be?06:36
jsgotangcowhat is your recommendation? I'd rather have it just simply /images/foo or at least ./images/foo06:37
jbaileySure.  It depends if the images are common or not.06:39
jbaileyI need to grab food.  Will you be around in 30m or so?06:39
jsgotangcoi'll wait06:40
jbaileyThanks, sorry.  I realised that I hadn't had lunch and was getting spacy06:40
jsgotangcono problem06:41
jsgotangcoim trying to learn esperanto06:41
mdkejsgotangco, sup06:49
mdkejdub, pong?06:49
jdubmdke: the about page in docteam svn is mark's text, innit?06:49
mdkejdub, yes, the one in the breezy branch06:49
mdkejdub, y you ask?06:49
jdubjust checking06:50
mdkeputting it back in -artwork?06:50
jdublord no06:50
jdubmore defending my arse06:50
mdkejdub, ah06:50
mdkemark wrote it06:50
mdkewe did a few typo corrections06:50
mdkeotherwise it is all his06:50
jsgotangcohe played around with the existing test and added more stuff06:51
jsgotangcomdke: nothing much just messing around with rosetta06:51
jsgotangcoi actually translated the doc to en_UK06:51
mdkeis tagalog done?06:51
mdkedid it make it into the distro?06:52
jsgotangcoafaik yes06:52
mdkepm btw06:52
jsgotangcomdke: can you review how good my en_UK is06:55
mdkei can't confirm translations in en_UK06:55
jsgotangcothere's a team????06:55
mdkei'm not in the group, if there is one06:55
mdkedoubt there is one06:55
mdkei hope not, anyhow06:56
mdkei'll have a look later06:56
jsgotangcohehe don't take it seriously06:56
jsgotangcoafter all rob^ started translating to en_AU06:56
mdkegtg home06:57
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jsgotangcojbailey: i gotta sleep07:30
jsgotangcofeel free to email the list if no one here can answer/help you07:31
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