
Tachyon[LethAL] : Yes, through System -> Administration -> Printers.  I try to Add a Printer, selecting a Network Printer and then Windows (SMB)12:00
Tachyon*SMB )12:00
sobersabredell500, can you send this to the devels ? with bug-buddy ?12:00
[LethAL] And you give it a wind0ze ip?12:00
dell500i just realized that all the memory was leaking... trying to figure out where12:00
dell500not right now, my cable is really clogged right now12:00
dell500loading pages takes a minute or so, sucks, i need dsl12:01
TachyonYes, I give it the IP address of the machine.  It is supposedly the correct one, it's the address I get when I run ipconfig12:01
=== Jason-Bourne [n=willow@neilmathers.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
_iGadget_does anyone know if Breezy will support the ATI mobility radeon express 200 graphics chip?12:01
seliniumHi guys, how do i stop port 22 from showing in a port scan with firestarter?12:01
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_iGadget_ATI sends me straight to HP when I search for drivers12:02
_iGadget_and HP only provides them for windoze :s12:02
ubotuati is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx12:02
_iGadget_selinium: stop SSH? ;)12:02
naliothselinium: be careful with that12:02
naliothselinium: if you muck up 22 you wont be able to ssh anymore12:03
=== Blissex [i=pcg@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
!lilo:*! <xTs> Hi, could [you] do a wallop message for me? The project lomoco needs help of a usb programmer. The people of #lomoco are trying to get the actuel logitech mices controlled. They've got problems deciphering the protocoll and with the USB programming.12:03
!lilo:*! <xTs> ...could you do a wallop for the #lomoco project? ( http://lomoco.linux-gamers.net/ )12:04
_iGadget_selinium: I know about the binary ATI driver... I'm just wondering if it will support my mobility 200 chip (according to ATI, it won't)12:04
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seliniumhi nalioth, I know and I wouldn't want that! I have pretty secure passwords.. But .... I turned on ICMP filtering but the port scan still see 2212:04
selinium_iGadget_, I don't know i just knew there was info there! I use nVidia12:05
_iGadget_selinium: okay, thanks12:05
nxv_can i insert something in .forward for mails fetchmails gets to be inserted into my dovecot mailbox?12:05
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_iGadget_selinium: I read an article about 'port knocking' some time ago... maybe that's what you're looking for?12:06
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spanglesontoastsomething wrong with firefox plz help12:06
spanglesontoastok dw12:06
_iGadget_(concept of only opening ports after a 'magic packet' has been received, the so called 'port knock')12:06
kevogodspanglesontoast, Yes.12:07
selinium_iGadget_, I'll take a look12:07
[LethAL] _iGadget_, so will I... :P12:07
nxv_or more common i am searching for an easy way to collect my mails from different accounts and insert them into my dovecot imap server12:07
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kevogodAnyone know if there is a problem with the libgda2-3 package for Breezy through apt? libdga2-3 and libgda2-common are locked and cannot be installed as they are not found.12:07
_iGadget_Lethal: be reading the article, or knocking his port? :p12:08
xiaogilwhat is the command line to repare the package postfix which is broken12:08
[LethAL] _iGadget_, the former12:08
selinium[LethAL] , _iGadget_ : I'm not that kind of boy! :)12:09
[LethAL] ?12:09
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_iGadget_selinium: what kind of boy are you referring to, actually? :s12:09
selinium[LethAL] , knocking my port... Ermm... :)12:10
[LethAL] >.<12:10
=== _iGadget_ senses some serious sexual frustration here ;)
[LethAL] Not that I have anything wrong with those type of peoples ;)12:11
_iGadget_so... selinium... tell me again about those ports of yours... :D12:11
selinium_iGadget_, I think this joke has run it's course! ;D12:12
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=== _iGadget_ looks at the clock
_iGadget_only 6 hrs of sleep remaining12:13
[LethAL] lol12:13
[LethAL] I have 812:13
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_iGadget_and I have to go :s12:13
[LethAL] :(12:13
Becohow much space does ubuntu take? approx12:13
_iGadget_I'll rejoin ASAP... It's been fun ;)12:13
selinium_iGadget_, Good night!12:14
_iGadget_you too :)12:14
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[LethAL] :)12:14
[LethAL] Beco, 1.2GB with a GUI, about 300MB without12:14
[LethAL] Roughly anyway12:14
Beco1.8 on the wiki..12:15
irvinwhat's the best way to deploy ubuntu on multiple computers with different HDD specs?12:15
[LethAL] Beco, possibly that then12:15
FackamatoI installed a font, but _every_ software which tries to use it crashes.12:16
FackamatoHow do I remove a font?12:16
[LethAL] !fonts12:16
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FontInstallHowto12:16
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[LethAL] Try deleting it from th e fonts12:16
[LethAL] directory... wherever that is12:16
Fackamatoyeah, where's that12:17
seliniumFackamato, what is the font called?12:17
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Fackamatoselinium:  let me check (by selecting various fonts for use in system > preferences > font and see when it crashes12:18
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[LethAL] Fackamato, System, Preferences, Fonts, click Details and then 'go to fonts folder'12:18
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Fackamatomaybe tahoma12:18
Fackamatotahoma crashes things12:18
FackamatoI just delete it?12:18
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Fackamatowhere are the fonts on the filesystem12:19
Fackamatocan't delete font as non-root12:19
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mkvcan anyone help me with a preview-release to colony5 upgrade query?12:19
naliothFackamato: leave your system fonts alone12:20
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naliothFackamato: you'll break something if you delete the wrong one(s)12:20
Fackamatonalioth: it's already broken12:20
Fackamatothings who try to use tahoma crashes12:20
inc|freakywhat is the new package manager in breeze called?12:20
FackamatoI'm running breezy btw.12:20
inc|freakybreezy i mean ;)12:21
mkvcan I "upgrade" to colony5 simply by updating everything using apt / synaptic ... or do I have to re-install ?12:21
naliothFackamato: /usr/share/fonts12:21
dooglusinc|freaky: do you mean 'gnome-app-install'12:22
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Fackamatohow do I reinitialize all fonts12:22
Fackamatolike, redo them12:22
Fackamatosomehow, after deleting something12:22
Fackamatouh, yeah12:22
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seth_kmkv, if you have the breezy sources.list already, just do a dist-upgrade12:22
dooglusFackamato: sudo apt-get --reinstall install12:22
Fackamatowhat do I reinstall?12:23
inc|freakydooglus: no ;)12:23
seth_kinc|freaky, gnome-app-install for Ubuntu and adept for Kubuntu12:23
Fackamatoall fonts12:23
dooglusinc|freaky: so what then?12:23
inc|freakyyea adept i meant ;)12:23
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inc|freakydooglus: adept ;D12:23
dooglusinc|freaky: adept's in breezy?12:24
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mkvseth_k: thank you ... I installed breezy preview-release, and have everything up to date according to apt ... so I figure that means I effectively have colony5 :-/12:24
seth_kmkv, that's correct12:24
inc|freakydooglus: afaik yes12:24
seth_kdooglus, yes12:24
inc|freakyi dont like kynaptic it has too less information12:24
seth_kdooglus, it is now part of kubuntu-desktop12:24
dooglusinc|freaky: not by default it isn't.  it's in the repositories, but not installed by default12:25
seth_kdooglus, see ^, it's now default12:25
doogluskubuntu-desktop isn't installed by default though12:25
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seth_kfor a Kubuntu disc? sure it is12:25
seth_kfor Ubuntu, no.12:25
ali4728Newbie needs Help dependency problem with apt-get hula12:25
inc|freakydooglus: im on 5.4 im using kubuntu and there is no adept when i do apt-cache search adept12:25
dooglusseth_k: we're talking about ubuntu breezy I thought12:25
seth_kdooglus, inc|freaky is talking about Kubuntu methinks12:25
inc|freakyyes i am ;)12:26
dooglusoh, ok.  isn't there a room for people like that?  ;)12:26
inc|freakyyes it is12:26
inc|freaky*there is12:26
beruicHow do I get a Java Runtime Enviroment for Firefox? Is it enough to install java-common?12:26
TachyonI've got my printer working now, using Unix LPD instead of Samba.  But now the test page won't print; it's stuck in the queue and not doing anything. . . .12:26
irvinberuic, its j2re1.412:27
inc|freakycan i get adept now somewhere? i dont want to run breezy yet though12:27
beruicI'll try...12:27
beruicRunning Hoary by the way...12:27
seth_kinc|freaky, yes there is a hoary repo for it. Let me find it for you12:27
[linner] hey guys i downloaded and installed kubuntu-desktop ... do I need to stop x and restart it to show the new menu system?12:28
esac_anybody have any suggestions for a kickass c# editor for linux/gnome ? ive tried kdevelop, anjuta and eclipse and they all suck (imho)12:28
NinjewOK is anybody else having strange problems with the skge kernel module?12:28
seth_kinc|freaky, http://web.ekhis.org/adept.html12:28
esac_[linner] : no, just log out, click "sessions", select KDE, and then log in12:28
[linner] ok... esac_  you rock :)12:28
[linner] thank you12:28
[linner] brb12:28
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wolverianI've installed xfonts-terminus, but emacs can't see it. anyone know why?12:29
inc|freakyseth_k: thx :)12:29
esac_wolverian: did you close all instances of emacs and then re-open it ? ive found that terminal had that issue when i installed terminus12:29
signbarnhow do i change the permissions on my external firewire partitions that ubuntu auto mounts for me?12:29
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signbarni want to share the partitions on the network12:29
wolverianesac_: yes, I did. additionally, xlsfonts/xfontsel can't see terminus either, but gvim can.12:30
esac_signbarn: try "man mount" and "man fstab". look for the uid, gid, or umask options for filesystems12:30
esac_wolverian: no idea then, sorry12:30
wolverianesac_: it's okay, thanks :)12:30
sambagirlis firewall automatically turend on for apache?12:30
esac_wolverian: obviously vim is superior since it picks up the terminus font :). stop using emacs :)12:31
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inc|freakyseth_k: i cant use it it would uninstall kubuntu-desktop12:31
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signbarnesac_: what do i do with this information when i get it?12:31
wolverianesac_: I'm only using it for haskell, where it's a bit more pleasant than vim (not much, frankly :)12:31
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seth_kinc|freaky, nothing wrong with that12:32
Chambers`hi guys, can anyone tell me if there's a gui app for par2 files?12:32
esac_signbarn: modify your fstab with those options12:32
sn0nhey guys... anyone else have problems with a speedy system clock ?12:32
seth_kinc|freaky, it conflicts kynaptic which r-depends kubuntu-desktop12:32
seth_kinc|freaky, let's take it to #kubuntu ;)12:32
sn0nlike.. my computer's clock likes to go a lil fast.. like as much as 45+ minuts a day..12:32
signbarnesac_ the firewire drive stuff isn't in my /etc/fstab12:32
Blissexsn0n: pretty common.12:32
sn0nhow do i fix it?12:32
Ninjewhmm maybe i just have a bad nic12:33
sn0nwhen im booting up..12:33
sn0nit dont connect to the ntp.timethingorwateveritscalled12:33
jcohen85after using boot-admin, every time i update my kernel in breezy (every few days), my windows xp selection is deleted12:33
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jcohen85how do i stop this from happening?12:33
wolverianesac_: dpkg -L says xfonts-terminus installs into /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc, but my xorg.conf looks in usr/share/X11/fonts/misc. this is using breezy. is that correct, do you know?12:33
Blissexsn0n: there are various time adjustement techniques... One is purely local, the other require connecting to a NTP source.12:33
sn0njcohen85, i got the perfect answer!!! dont use windows ;-)12:33
sn0nok. tnx Blissex12:33
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esac_wolverian: no idea12:34
sn0nno wonder!!!12:34
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sn0nntp isnt installed12:34
sn0nhow'd the hell that happen12:34
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Blissexsn0n: 'man 8 adjtimex' described the various options. There are also HOWTOs around.12:34
linnerwow kubuntu looks so cool12:34
sn0n:: smacks breezy ::12:34
wolverianhmm. I think the former is legacy from hoary12:34
signbarni used to dual boot ubuntu/windows xp. now i dual boot hoary/breezy and eventually i'll only have breezy :-)12:34
wolverianln -s :)12:34
MachineScrewcan I add more places on the side pane in nautilus12:35
snorkssn0n: whats the problem?12:35
sn0neh.. my times fast..12:35
sn0nsince i updated to breezy from hoary12:35
sn0napparently its because ntp didnt get installed with the pgrade..12:35
WhiteRabbitthats not breezy12:35
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WhiteRabbitthat sounds more like your bios battery or a possible fortelling of hardware failure12:35
WhiteRabbitI'd go with the bio's battery going bad as my first choice12:36
snorkssn0n: you can install it from the set time and date feature (upright corner of your gnome panel)12:36
sn0ndont tell me that WhiteRabbit12:36
MachineScrewhow I add more places on the side pane in nautilus12:36
sn0nsnorks, thats what i just did12:36
snorkssn0n: ahh12:36
pluffsyI'm trying to just take my first look at emacs and I have some trouble getting the system used for the commands. like some commands are c-x followed by a character. to me it looks random to what commands start with c-x but I guess there are all part of some logic group. what group?12:36
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WhiteRabbitsn0n, although you could have it sync every so often & just not look back until theres smoke12:36
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NightLordHmm, small problem with GNOME in breezy12:36
snorkssn0n: you wanna add it to bootup script?12:36
sn0nlol.. WhiteRabbit thats what ima have to do.. im a poor college student12:36
NightLordthe go to desktop and wastebasket icons on the bottom panels are just red Xs like from IE12:37
WhiteRabbitsn0n, Fantasy football will be your new best friend this session of cashless funds for new hardware!12:37
MachineScrewhow I add more places on the side pane in nautilus12:37
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chavoMachineScrew, they are the same as in your filechooser bookmarks, look at ~/.gtk-bookmarks12:38
NightLordany ideas?12:38
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snorks00:36 < NightLord> Hmm, small problem with GNOME in breezy12:39
snorks00:38 < NightLord> any ideas?12:39
snorkssorry sir12:39
snorkssorry man12:39
kumakunQuestion: If I wanted to roll back to hoary, could i just switch my repositories back to the hoary ones and run an apt-get upgrade?12:39
snorksi missed the part12:39
NightLordno kum12:39
snorksNightLord: I have no idea. Try to killall gnome-panel12:39
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TachyonHmm . . . it appears the printer (set up as UNIX LPD, connected to an XP machine on the network) isn't printing because "Ready: Unable to connect to printer; will retry in 30 seconds...: Connection timed out"12:40
kumakunSo the only way to roll back is to wipe and reinstall?12:40
snorksTachyon: might be a cups/smb issue. I got no idea, but perhaps try to check the smb.conf12:40
linnerhmmm... Kubuntu looks so different from regular Ubunut12:40
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snorksTachyon: but I really have no idea12:41
NightLordok, I wanna install a printer which si located on a computer on my network, running XP, how do I do it? Since I've never had luck with it12:41
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Tachyonsnorks: Yeah, I have no clue what the problem would be in smb.conf :/12:42
snorksTachyon: i dont know if its a cups issue on yoru comp, or something you need to fix on the xp comp12:43
MachineScrewi don't have .gtk-bookmarks12:43
Tachyonsnorks: I've set the printer to be shared on XP, and I can ping the IP Address of the machine.12:44
snorksTachyon: hm ok. do you use cups? im not even sure if the comp that does not have the printer connected even needs cups12:45
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Fackamatotrying to install php on apache 1 on ubuntu breezy12:45
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FackamatoI apt-get it all, done, but php doesn't work12:45
Fackamatodo I need to do additional things, manually?12:45
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MachineScrewhow I add more places on the side pane in nautilus12:46
remyforb1s777does cups work with a usb printer12:46
Fackamatoremyforb1s777: ytes12:46
seth_kFackamato, you need libapache-mod-php412:46
Tachyonsnorks: No.  I tried using Samba, but that didn't work at all; so I tried setting it up as a "UNIX Printer (LPD)"12:46
seth_kFackamato, even if you get php4, the lib is what makes apache talk to PHP12:46
[linner] does anyone have the URL for the nightly builds of Kubuntu?12:47
Tachyonsnorks: Now it's appearing in the administration, but it gives at evil connection error.12:47
Fackamatohow do I add a user to mysql?12:47
cafuego_Fackamato: via mysqladmin or via running a GRANT query as root.12:48
=== martinhj [n=martinhj@238.80-202-208.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
seth_kFackamato, sudo apt-get install mysql-admin and use that12:48
martinhjwhat is the kernel parameter to keep it quite under boot time? (I think it would be nicer with as little as possible output to screen before I see usplash)12:49
MachineScrewhow I add more places on the side pane in nautilus12:49
Fackamatoseth_k: but to admin mysql I need a user12:49
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FackamatoI don't have an mysql user yet12:49
cafuego_Fackamato: yes, there is the mysql root user.12:50
seth_kFackamato, it should be installed with a user "root"12:50
MachineScrewhow I add more places on the side pane in nautilus12:50
seth_kFackamato, and a blank password12:50
Fackamatoblank password112:50
Fackamatothat did the trick, thansk12:50
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martinhjcafuego_: but the kernel-parameters.txt says "quiet=", not just "quiet"12:50
martinhjcafuego_: can I just ignore that?12:50
cafuego_martinhj: nevertheless, just 'quiet' works fine.12:50
MachineScrewhow I add more places on the side pane in nautilus12:51
snorksTachyon: i would know how to help you if you were sharing a printer on a linux machine, but unfortunately not when its on a xp machine :/12:51
martinhjcafuego_: thank you very much12:51
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snorksTachyon: good luck. I hope you get it to work. It's nice to be able to print things.12:52
TachyonIndeed. Thanks. :/12:52
MachineScrewhow I add more places on the side pane in nautilus12:53
Kenseywell, that partly answers my kernel panic issue12:53
cafuego_MachineScrew: Please don't repeat quite that often.12:54
KenseyI would like to thank the geniuses who decided to make the IDE drivers be modules in Ubuntu's default kernel, thus ensuring that unless you use an initrd you can't boot :P12:54
cafuego_Kensey: Everything is a module.12:54
cafuego_Kensey: Did you mess arond with the kernel without knowing what you're doing?12:55
Kenseycafuego: some things should just be compiled into the kernel already, though.12:55
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chavoMachineScrew, I anserewd your question about 20 minutes ago12:55
cafuego_Kensey: Why would my scsi machine need your filthy ide drivers compiled in? ;-)12:55
kevogodAnyone know if there is a problem with the libgda2-3 package for Breezy through apt? libdga2-3 and libgda2-common are locked and cannot be installed as they are not found.12:56
Kenseyno, I've been building kernels since Debian 2.0 days.  but I was tired last night when I did the initial config and it never occurred to me that the system might module out IDE by default :P12:56
beruicCan anybody help me to install Java runtime Enviroment for Firefox?12:56
MachineScrewchavo : I don't have .gtk-browser12:56
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cafuego_Kensey: Debian does that too, Ubuntu kernels are no different.12:56
seth_kberuic, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java12:56
beruicI spoke to one before who said that I should add the blackdown repe, but dont know how to...12:57
cafuego_Kensey: I believe initrd was decided on to offer the maximum amount of hardware support whilst still keeping the kernels manageable.12:57
chavoMachineScrew, alright, open up gedit and open up the open file dialog12:57
chavoyou can add bookmarks there, these will also be placed in the nautilus places bar12:57
KenseyI guess there's an argument to be made there, but really the solution is to offer more kernel configurations to a user.12:58
beruicI'll look at the website...12:58
chavoor you can just add them to .gtk-bookmarks directly12:58
Kenseyfor example the whole reason I'm recompiling mine is to turn preemption off.12:58
cafuego_Kensey: Why? For prebuilt kernels the everything-as-module works fine.12:58
chavoman, and I'm a KDE user12:58
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Fred|Fr3dhey... is there a command to force ubuntu to update it's time from a time server?12:59
Kenseysome things like preemption can't be modules though.12:59
cafuego_Kensey: I think the idea is that when people can configure and build their own they can alsos see the initrd system is used.12:59
chavoMachineScrew, the syntax for .gtk-bookmarks is like this -> file:///usr, one per line12:59
cafuego_Kensey: You haven't been drinking before building a kernel, eh? ;-)12:59
chavodoesn't everyone?01:00
Kenseyoh, I have.01:00
Kenseysome kernels it was necessary...01:00
cafuego_Fred|Fr3d: Yes. Right-click the clock in the panel, click "Adjust...'01:00
Kenseyif you weren't half blotto you couldn't think straight :)01:00
chavo#include beer.h01:00
Fred|Fr3di meant via ssh01:00
cafuego_Fred|Fr3d: Yep. run 'sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org'01:01
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Fred|Fr3dthanks :D01:01
=== Kensey proposes a kernel module to control home brewing equipment
s3[mn] rainHi, is there any way I can manually save my session, instead of it saving on shutdown?01:01
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cafuego_s3[mn] rain: I think you can make it ask on logout, as opposed to doing it auotmagically.01:02
cafuego_my god, _ANOTHER_ new X.01:02
airfinityif i installed another distro on top of ubuntu, and now grub runs frm that partition, is it ok if i wipe the new distro, and still have the ubuntu grub work?01:03
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WhiteRabbitas long as grub is on the mbr01:03
WhiteRabbitas long as it is just dont nuke the mbr01:03
beruicHow do I add the Blackdown repo?01:03
s3[mn] raincafuego: In the System Settings -> User Accounts -> Session Manager -> On Login section it shows "Restore manually saved session", so there must be a way to save it on demand01:04
chavos3[mn] rain, just open up the Sessions propertie dialog and you can change it01:04
Kenseywell ifup'ing the wireless interface doesn't lock my system any more :)01:04
WhiteRabbitbut your goin to need to get your hands dirty & manualy edit grub for the new os01:04
airfinityi there a way to check01:04
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TachyonI've got a printer hooked up to an XP machine and want to print from Ubuntu over a network.  It's set up as an "UNIX (LPD)" printer, but I get the status message "Ready: Unable to connect to printer; will retry in 30 seconds...: Connection timed out" when I try to print something.01:04
chavos3[mn] rain, no, it's gnome-session-properties01:04
chavoit's under Preferences menu -> Sessions01:04
airfinitythe grub actually was automatically setup on there01:04
WhiteRabbitairfinity, are you talking about vmware or something by chance? or qemu or xen?01:04
s3[mn] rainchavo: Well, im on kde, maybe it will work on there01:05
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WhiteRabbitairfinity, hi01:05
chavooh I assumed  it was gnome, hold on01:05
|ww1where are the ubuntu Places -> Connect To Server -> FTP   config file.. i need it to NOT try to use passive mode01:05
MachineScrewchavo : I could also open up my home folder01:05
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MachineScrewgo into each dir01:05
alex323Hey all.01:05
MachineScrewand bookmark them01:05
beruicI really need someone to take me step by step on a Java Runtime Enviroment installation :'(01:06
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alex323I am using Breezy. When I try to `apt-get remove firefox`, apt tries to remove packages I don't want removed.01:06
alex323The following packages will be REMOVED:01:06
alex323  firefox firefox-gnome-support libgecko2.0-cil monodevelop monodoc-manual mozilla-firefox ubuntu-desktop yelp01:06
chavoMachineScrew, aha, didn't know you could do that.01:06
KenseyTachyon: if you're sharing the printer from XP, I suggest you start by drinking large quantities of beverages containing not less than 5% ethanol01:06
alex323Why is it trying to remove monodevelop?01:06
ryufreakhow do i detect my other hard drives?01:06
alex323MonoDevelop has absolutely nothign to do with firefox.01:06
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MachineScrewI just found out01:06
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TachyonKensey: I'm unfortunately underage, tea will have to do. :/01:06
linnerJust installed kubuntu-desktop.  Now all the gnome information is missing.  I'm sure it's not deleted but I need to know how to access all my Evolution data.01:07
cafuego_alex323: Some depends somewhere. Breezy *is* under development, you know?01:07
|ww1is there any config file for the connect to server entries?01:07
MachineScrewit not part of the default but it is there01:07
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ryufreakkubuntu uses kde01:07
Kenseyyou can get plenty messed up on tea :)01:07
Kenseyespecially Thai iced tea01:07
ryufreakso how do i make it so i can detect my other hard drives?01:07
alex323ryufreak, Hey01:08
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alex323ryufreak, Are you interested in martial arts?01:08
alex323Ahh ok01:08
alex323I was about to say.01:08
alex323"ryu" is a common term.01:09
chavos3[mn] rain, restore manually saved session, should be what you're looking for.01:09
chavoI'm not sure though as I just have it save auto here01:09
linnerchavo:  are you referring to my question?01:10
remyforb1s777ubuntu 64 freezes at login, do you all think that if i copy the xorg config file from Knoppix over to Ubuntu 64 , it will work?01:10
chavolinner, no sorry01:10
s3[mn] rainchavo: well sort of, I just cant save it manually, only when logging out/shutting down i think01:10
cafuego_linner: start gnome-settings-daemon and gconfd01:11
alex323Anyone know what's wrong with ubuntu here?01:11
alex323I am using Breezy. When I try to `apt-get remove firefox`, apt tries to remove packages I don't want removed.01:11
ryufreakhow do i mount my other hard-drivesS?01:11
alex323The following packages will be REMOVED:01:11
alex323  firefox firefox-gnome-support libgecko2.0-cil monodevelop monodoc-manual mozilla-firefox ubuntu-desktop yelp01:11
cafuego_linner: the former may auto-start the latter01:11
alex323Why is it trying to remove monodevelop?01:11
s3[mn] rainalex323: what are you trying to install?01:11
cafuego_alex323: Like I said, because of a depend in one of those packages.01:11
linnercafuego:  ok... thnk you01:11
linnerthank you01:11
MachineScrewchavo : the way I said only work with nautilus01:11
alex323s3[mn] rain, I am not installing anything.01:11
MachineScrewthe save dilalog i also had to do01:12
cafuego_alex323; most likely, libgecko2.0-cil depends on firefox and monodevelop depends on libgecko2.0-cil01:12
MachineScrewthanks for pointing me in the right direction01:12
cafuego_alex323: Remove one, the rest comes with it. Simple fix: leave firefox.01:12
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linnercafuego:  I have nothing else open besides evolution and I'm getting this output from terminal:  You can only run one xsettings manager at a time; exiting01:12
alex323cafuego, That's stupid.01:13
cafuego_linner: Is gconfd running?01:13
chavoMachineScrew, no problem. I oonly knew of it because it picked up my .gtk-bookmarks automatically01:13
cafuego_alex323: Hey, I'm not the one complaining about bugs in non-release software.01:13
linnercafuego:  I'm not sure how to find out.  Guide me?01:13
cafuego_linner: ps ax | grep gconfd01:13
alex323I don't understand now why firefox needs to be installed for monodevelop.01:13
linnercafuego:  ok01:13
alex323I understand what you've said before.01:14
cafuego_alex323: let me spell it out: "Because of a bug in the package"01:14
linnercafuego:  23319 ?        S      0:01 /usr/lib/gconf2/gconfd-2 501:14
linner25684 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep gconfd01:14
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linnercafuego:  I'm assuming that means I am.  So which one should I terminate and how?01:15
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cafuego_linner: Ok, so that's running, which means evolution *should* be able to access its settings.01:15
PhilHHi guys01:15
cafuego_linner: Don't kill any, the first one is gconfd, the other one is your grep command.01:15
ubotuhmm... mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive. For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives01:15
cafuego_linner: gnome-settings-daemon running?01:15
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|ww1anyone know how i can start the Places -> Connect to server  the ftp client in Active only mode?01:16
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TachyonWhenever I try to log into Invision Power Chat, Firefox closes on me.  This only happens in Ubuntu, not in XP, and it happens consistently.01:16
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cafuego_Tachyon: Does that site have Flash on it?01:17
nxv_my fetchmail config recieves mails but the are not delivered localy, where do i have to set this up?01:17
Tachyoncafuego_: No, Invision Power Chat is a Java chat and the site has no flash on that page.01:17
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cafuego_Tachyon: Probably a bug in the jre then.01:18
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Tachyoncafeugo_: So is there anything I can do to fix it/report it?01:18
ThePyromaniachey, anyone know how to make SJuicer my default CD player and not totem?01:18
|ww1how do you set the ftp client in ubuntu GUI to active only mode?01:19
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Fackamatoamarok owns!01:19
Fackamatothe mp3 player01:19
cafuego_Tachyon: Probably not much; both that power chat and the jre are probably closed source.01:19
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ryufreakanyone know how i can get my other harddrive detected?01:20
ThePyromaniacim sure amork does own mate, but when i put a CD in i want to rip it, THEN i can use amorok ^^01:21
holycowhey guys, is there a consensus of any kind out there on the type of cheapie digital camera that works well with linux?01:21
holycowor rather01:21
holycowwhat type of camera / digital protocol should one be looking for in a digital camera?01:21
ThePyromaniacjust get one with an SD card and if u got a reader then it will work perfectly :D01:22
holycowThePyromaniac, heh, well thats not a bad point, i wouldn't mind it being able to mount via usb tho.  i know there are variations of usb/digital camera protocol out there01:23
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holycowi never understood why they would have a spec for that instead of mounting them as a block device01:23
[linner] cafuego:  ok... let me see if I can access it another way... using Kontact, is it possible to retrieve Evolution's data?01:24
ThePyromaniacholycow: i got no idea, just throwing in my 2 cents :D01:24
ThePyromaniacanyone have an answer for me?01:25
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adjacentThePyromaniac: System -> prefs -> preffered apps01:26
holycowno you can't chooe it from there01:26
holycowits not an option01:26
ThePyromaniacnow how did i not see that :D01:26
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adjacentoh. right.01:26
ThePyromaniacadjacent well that only does web/mail/terminal :p01:26
holycowThePyromaniac, wait for breezy01:27
test34holycow, mine, I just plug it in with an USB cable, and it is just like an USB key to the OS01:27
holycowperhaps its improved01:27
ThePyromaniacim on breezy! haha01:27
adjacentdoh. its removable drives and media prefs01:27
adjacentmultimedia, then change the command for audio cds01:27
adjacenti knew it was in that menu01:27
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holycowtest34, well actually digital cameras don't work like that.  most usb devices are mounted as block devices with a fat file system.  digital cameras are starting to use some bizarro digital camera protocol and not mount as digital cams01:28
ThePyromaniacit says sound-juicer -d %d01:28
ThePyromaniacbut when i put one in i get totem...01:28
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adjacentwierd. let me try01:28
holycowadjacent, heh, weird i didn't see that01:28
holycowthats such an odd place to put it01:28
test34holycow, well, I just tell you that my camera is like that.01:29
holycowtest34, *nod* lucky you, i get this sneaky feeling thats a feature that we wont find too often01:29
test34holycow, I have an option to make it work like that, it's an HP01:29
holycowtest34, what model?01:30
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adjacentThePyromaniac: funny. mine does it too01:30
test34holycow, m30501:30
adjacentThePyromaniac: might be a bug01:30
ThePyromaniacperhaps, you want to report it or should i? ^^01:31
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PhilHthe ones i've used have had a configuration option to switch usb storage mode on and off01:31
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adjacentim going to try and fix it first01:31
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PhilHnever tried any of the HP ones with PTP01:32
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JustinHHi want to install yahoo messenger. i downloaded a deb file. inside there are 3 files control.tar.gz , data.tar.gz and debian-binary . there are no instructions. how can i install yahoo messenger on my system?01:32
grgcsmccan some1 help me?01:32
grgcsmchow do i download aim?01:32
JustinHHgrgcsmc, just ask....01:32
adjacentJustinHH: use gaim01:32
test34JustinHH, is that a debian .dev file ?01:32
adjacentgrgcsmc: use gaim01:32
ThePyromaniacyea im on gaim, way cooler01:32
JustinHHit is a deb file01:33
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grgcsmccan u use aim usernames?01:33
JustinHHadjacent,  it is a deb file01:33
ThePyromaniacgrgcsmc: Gaim Instant Messanger is a All-in-One package01:33
adjacentJustinHH: dont use some off the wall deb file. fucking use gaim and run your yahoo name out of that01:33
ThePyromaniacMSN, AOL, Yahoo, IRC, Jabber, etc01:33
fredforfaenhey peeps01:33
JustinHHadjacent, i know but i can-t transfer files with windows yahoo messengers01:34
djjasonhas anyone used expocity...is there any development still on it?01:34
grgcsmcwhat is the file format to download programs?01:34
ThePyromaniacSJ is mad, it started ripping at 3.8 percent and is slowly increasing now i put paranoi to 0. every 30 secs it goes up by 0.1%. Up to 7.5% rip speed now! :D01:34
adjacentJustinHH: probably because you and your friends are both behind NAT01:34
JustinHHgrgcsmc,  use synaptic01:34
[linner] cafuego:  I'm sorry if you responded I didn't see it... apparently I was reset. :(01:34
grgcsmcim new to ubuntu01:35
JustinHHgrgcsmc, i was a few days to01:35
ThePyromaniacAnyone here using WoW on AMD64 kernel?01:35
[linner] grgcsmc:  welcome to Ubuntu01:35
JustinHHadjacent,  what means NAT?01:36
[linner] grgcsmc:  did you get your question answered about file formats in Linux?01:36
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darklogiccan anyone tell me why i can't write to a remote filesystem over nfs, even though its set (rw, async) in my exports file?01:37
[linner] grgcsmc:  Have you used and/or do you know about Synaptic?01:37
XappeNAT = Network Address Translator (iirc)01:37
[linner] grgcsmc:  Ok.  Synaptic is the way you download and install programs.01:37
Strogtranslation but close enough01:37
JustinHH!tell justinhh about nat01:37
sudonimhi, I just added a Serial-ATA drive - how would I a) find out which it is /dev/??? and b) format it01:37
XappeStrog: :)01:37
[linner] grgcsmc:  Are you using Kubuntu or Ubuntu?01:38
JustinHHubotu i dunno what is 'nat'.01:38
ubotuJustinHH: what are you talking about?01:38
[linner] grgcsmc:  Ok.01:38
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JustinHHthank's for the support guys01:38
[linner] grgcsmc:  It is in your administration menu.01:38
[linner] JustinHH:  You're welcome. :)01:38
[linner] *smile*01:39
ThePyromaniacsudonim: mine is /dev/sda1. Run sudo gedit /etc/fstab to find out01:39
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JustinHHi just asked 2 times what nat is and nobody answerd01:39
sambagirlanyone know if there is any web based scheduling software for linux? pirmarily for free and for a medical clinic?01:39
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sambagirlnat is somehting you swat with your hand01:40
sambagirlcause it bothers you :)01:40
[linner] JustinHH:  Either people do not know or they could be busy.01:40
sambagirlno it is network translation table.01:40
[linner] sambagirl:  hehehehe01:40
sudonimThePyromaniac: thanks - I will try that - it isnt in the fstab yet - because I havent even made a partition :)01:40
sambagirlnat = network translation table.01:40
grgcsmcjustinhh, do u use aim?01:40
JustinHHyes i do01:40
grgcsmcwats ure sn?01:40
JustinHHyes i do use aim01:41
sudonimThePyromaniac: woohoo! I sda1 is it... now I have 300gb to store all of my media!01:41
PhilHisn't it network address translation?01:41
JustinHHgrgcsmc,  but i want to have olso if possible webcam and voice support01:41
sambagirlit's sort of off topic but if you go to ubuntu-offtopic they would gladly help you understand its functoi in a router.01:41
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grgcsmci got them01:41
adjacentJustinHH: you are behind a router translating your private 192. ip into a public one, so are your friends more than likely. iirc, gaim 1.4 wont handle this. i doubt yahoo messenger will either01:41
grgcsmcbut not installed01:42
sambagirlopps network address translatoin lol01:42
sambagirlwell justinHH i nknow what i was thinking i just not typing it right.01:42
PhilHyou may need to set up some port forwarding for AIM file transfers and the like01:42
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PhilHthough not being an AIM user personally i have no idea what those might be01:43
adjacentJustinHH: if you want to, install that deb package. but no one is going to support that, because its outside the ubuntu reps and could possibly break your package manager01:43
ThePyromaniacsudonim: good to hear! :D01:43
Concord_Dawnanyone here familiar with Firestarter?01:43
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JustinHHsambagirl, no problem. i am new in the univers of linux :P i know 99% of windows as a user01:43
grgcsmcjustinhh, whats your aim sn?01:43
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JustinHHgrgcsmc,  you mean the virsion?01:44
JustinHHgrgcsmc,  you mean the version?01:44
grgcsmcscreen name01:44
[linner] grgcsmc:  Please take anything not Ubuntu related into #ubuntu-offtopic01:44
[linner] Thank you.01:44
JustinHHgrgcsmc, see private01:45
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seth_kSomeone want to help me poke my wireless card? On boot, it's connected, and I can access the Internet. However, if I bring it down (sudo ifdown wlan0) and then back up (sudo ifup wlan0), it scans and then says "No DHCPOFFERS received."01:45
ubotue17 is, like, totally, the next generation enlightenment http://www.enlightenment.org or http://www.rasterman.com, http://www.get-e.org or http://www.edevelop.org01:45
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JustinHHadjacent, how can i install a deb file?01:45
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bimberiJustinHH: dpkg -i whatever.deb01:46
bimberiJustinHH: er, with "sudo" in front :)01:46
JustinHHthat's all?01:46
gmjonkerhi. newbee question. gcc-version.sh says 3.4 while its actually 4.0 on my machine. how come?01:46
[linner] bimberi:  how are you?01:47
JustStevehey are the hoary backport servers borked?01:47
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bimberihi [linner] , well thanks, and you?01:48
JustinHHbimberi, can you explai what each thing means (so that i remember it and do not have to ask you next time again)?01:48
[linner] bimberi:  great! thanks!01:48
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[linner] !tell JustSteve about backports01:48
seth_kalso, I can use "wifi-radar" to reconnect to a wireless network just fine.01:48
Pirogethhas anybody had any luck using wpasupplicant via ubuntu on a broadcom/ndiswrapper driver?01:48
bigbootayI'm trying to figure out what process is figuring out when a usb memory stick is being plugged in and launching the file browser.01:49
bimberiJustinHH: do you mean each thing in that command i gave?01:49
[linner] bimberi:  could I ask you a question about retrieving Evolution data?01:49
bigbootayI know about /sbin/hotplug and all but it doesn't seem to be happening through that.01:49
JustinHHbimberi, yes01:49
JustSteve[linner]  thanks01:49
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bigbootayand I know how to configure it in gnome.  just looking for the missing link.01:49
bimberi[linner] : yes, but i'm afraid i don't know much about it sorry01:49
seth_kbimberi, sudo = escalate to root privileges (let you make system changes). dpkg = Debian Package Control, lets you install files. -i = command switch to put dpkg in install mode01:49
seth_kand whatever.deb is the file, a DEB package01:49
JustinHHbimberi, yes01:50
seth_koops, I mean JustinHH, not bimberi01:50
bimberiJustinHH: there you go, thanks seth_k that saved me some typing :)01:50
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ThePyromaniaci just installed and an firestarter wizzard. anything else i must do?01:50
linnergo this sucks01:51
linneri mean god this sucks01:51
linneri keep getting my connection reset01:51
linnerbimberi:  I installed kubuntu-desktop today.  After I logged out I couldn't retrieve my Evolution data in Kontact.  Any idea where I should look?01:51
bimberilinner: dorry i don't know much about it at all.  Is there a .evolution directory in your home directory?01:52
linnerbimberi:  I'm sure it's not purged... just hidden for some strange reason.01:52
bimberi*sorry (D'Oh)01:52
linnerbimberi:  let me check01:52
linnerbimberi:  in fact, there's NOTHING in my home folder01:53
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bimberilinner: try "ls -a"01:53
sudonimhi all - my 300gb drive is well above the recommended limits for fat32. Is there any other format I can use if I want to be able to recover the data in windows ever?01:53
linnerbimberi:  using that command, yes it looks like it01:54
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bimberilinner: anything beginning with a "." is hidden unless you ask to see it explicitly01:54
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linnerbimberi:  oh okay01:54
linnerbimberi:  so where to from here?01:54
bimberilinner: unfortunatly i don't really know kontact at all, does it have an import mechanism of some sort?01:55
kevmanI recently apt-get updated to Hoary... and now, when I try to delete sopmething, I get this message: Could not write to file /home/kevin/.local/share/Trash/info/zsneso.trashinfo.01:55
nxv_what do i have to insert into .forward to get my messages through procmail?01:55
kevmanAny ideas as to what's wrong?01:55
linnerbimberi:  ok... let me see... I guess more what I was asking is what do I do with the hidden file?  How do I "see' it?01:55
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bigbootaynxv_, try "|procmail ..."01:56
nxv_bigbootay: thx i will01:56
bimberikevman: could be a permissions thing, try "sudo chown -R kevin:kevin ~/.local" in a terminal01:56
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kevmanbimberi, that did it. Thanks.01:57
bimberilinner: you can "cd .evolution" in a terminal and then look at what's there01:57
bimberikevman: yw :)01:58
ClamChowdahHi could someone /msg me on setting up PPC ubuntu?01:58
kevmanI'm just trying to hold this thing together long enough to pull a fresh install of Kubuntu Breezy.01:58
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shekharcan someone help me?01:59
Pirogethcould somebody assist me with wpasupplicant on ndiswrapper when on ubuntu01:59
ThePyromaniacgmjonker: there is some strange stuff going on with GCC. Mine has about 9 versions installed! Wait for breesy when it will use 4.0 as standard, then remove other versions ^^01:59
Pirogethi am thrown the error "Failed to enable WPA in the driver."02:00
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linnerbimberi:  sorry i'm trying to figure out contact... ok.. i'll do what you suggested02:01
NinjewHey, does anybody have any idea why HTTP transfers regularly stall out? I've tried both the skge and the sk98lin drivers. I'm pretty sure this is a software problem.02:02
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TzeechWhere can I find repositories of .deb packages?02:03
netstarHow many days to go?02:03
linnerbimberi:  i'm in terminal and have changed directories.. what command do i use to view it's contents?02:04
linner!tell [linner]  about commands02:04
sudonimshould I use ext2 or ext3 as my hd format?02:05
bimberilinner: ls02:05
linnerbimberi:  yeah I thougth you were talking with someone else... asked ubotu to give me a link to basic commands02:05
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linnerbimberi:  thanks ;)02:05
sudonimcool - thanks havoc02:06
khermanshow can i change the application to handle callto:// links in Firefox?02:06
khermanswan to switch from Gnome Meeting to Skype as the hanlder02:06
havocsudonim: they are botht he same, with some additional stuff for journaling layered on top for ext302:06
khermanshavoc, is this mr pennington ?02:07
sudonimhavoc: is ext3 == reiserfs?02:07
havockhermans: no02:07
havocsudonim: no02:07
bimberilinner: hehe.  unfortunately i really don't know anything about importing into kontact though,  you need help from someone more, er, kompetent :)02:07
khermanssudonim, no, you cant use reiserfs for things like security02:07
havocsudonim: reiserfs and JFS are two different journaling filesystems02:07
linnerbimberi:  bad pun ;)02:07
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khermanssudonim, for instance, ext3 is needed for SELinux02:08
linnerbimberi:  can you at least tell me where I should ask it to reveal all files rather than hiding the "." ones02:08
sudonimso more secure, cool02:08
fredforfaenbreezy seems cool , and faster :)02:08
bimberilinner: in the terminal, it's by adding -a to any ls commands...02:08
linneroh okay02:09
linnerso i would be able to see them in the gui?02:09
linnerbimberi:  as in "file manager"02:09
khermansanyone know how to change the <keyname>:// handler types?  ike mailto://, callto://, ssh://, ftp:// ...02:09
fredforfaenonly thing is that my apps and gnome are blended norwegain and english , any ideas?02:09
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linnerkhermans:  I wish I could help you.  I don't know.  However, there are many knowledgable people who can help you in the room.02:10
nifefredforfaen: They should have waited to compile everything with gcc 4.0 its not ready yet02:10
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fredforfaenah ok nife ...so after a few apt-get dist-upgrades it will be fine then :)02:11
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bimberilinner: i only know nautilus where it's View -> Show Hidden files (from the menu), unfortunately not sure in kubuntu due to my inkompetence02:11
=== bimberi continues the pun-ishment
=== linner painfully shakes head at bimberi's bad, BAD humor :)
nifei doubt it the compiler is like 20% slower then gcc 3.4 and lots of things don't compile(the kernel )02:12
bimberilinner: :)02:12
linnerok... maybe i'll switch back to GNOME then... might be easier02:12
bimberilinner: anyone answering in #kubuntu?02:12
=== Tortel [n=Tortel@pcp0011331660pcs.elictc01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
JustinHH!tell justinhh about mp302:14
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Tortel!tell Tortel about mp302:14
JustinHH!tell justinhh about mp302:15
nifeanyone know how to get a SanDisk MMC/SD card to mount ? I have a laptop that has a builtin card reader and I want to be able to mount the card02:15
nifesepcifically its a gateway M32002:15
bur[n] ernife: automagical in gnome... it shows up on the desktop02:15
bur[n] erat least for me02:15
nifenope not for me :-(02:16
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bur[n] ernife: try "mount /dev/sda1 /the/mount/point/you/made"02:16
nifethere is no /dev/sd*02:16
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bur[n] ernife: got me then... can you see it when you run "gparted" ?02:17
bur[n] ernife: I swear it 'just worked' here... I really don't think I had to do anything (though it's worked for ages so I don't recall)02:18
nifeon a gateway laptop ?02:18
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bur[n] ernife: compaq02:18
bur[n] ernife: check the laptop compatibility part on the wiki?02:19
TzeechWhere can I find a list of .deb packages to install?02:19
bur[n] ermaybe someone with the same model gateway has a tip?02:19
bur[n] erif not... and you figure it out... maybe you can add a tip :)02:19
bur[n] erTzeech: run synaptic02:19
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bhikkhuTzeech: http://packages.ubuntu.com02:19
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marcin_anthi all02:19
nifebur[n] er, thanks I guess its time to start kernel digging blah.  thanks02:20
marcin_antI need some help with zope server02:20
marcin_antcould someone help me with installation?02:20
_jasonHi, I just installed Downloader for X but it gives me a segmentation fault every time I start it.  Any ideas?02:20
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bur[n] erw00000000000000t!!!  rhythmbox in breezy now has searching without crashing!!!!!!  oh joyous day02:20
bur[n] er_jason: installed via synaptic?02:21
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_jasonbur[n] er:  d4x package02:21
shekharcan someone help me with a problem in breezy?02:21
bur[n] er_jason: breezy by chance?02:21
_jasonbur[n] er:  nope, oary02:21
bur[n] eroh... in that case, i dunno ;)02:21
bur[n] ershould work in hoary02:21
bur[n] erheh02:21
_jasonbur[n] er:  heh02:21
bur[n] ershekhar: what's the problem?02:21
=== breakthestate [n=breakthe@pcp07223428pcs.chlmrd01.dc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tortelwhats the command to install a .deb package?02:22
JustinHHi have got some problems with firefox02:22
_jasonTortel:  dpkg -u filename.deb02:22
shekharbur[n] er:  whenever i choose logout from system menu, my sessions get saved rather than the machine logging out02:22
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_jasonTortel:  dpkg -i filename.deb sorry typo02:22
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breakthestateso i compile mplayer from source after i had added all the codecs to /usr/local/lib/codecs and it worked for a bit, but after a reboot, it can't find any codecs02:22
bimberimarcin_ant: what's the problem?02:23
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marcin_antbimberi, problem is that I installed zope2.802:23
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Tortelthanks _jason02:23
Tortelshould have remebered02:24
marcin_antbimberi, I created zope instance (whith some weird python script)02:24
JustinHHi have got some problems with firefox. it dowsn't wanna play a webradio. it sais that there is not a plugin. the plugin finder can't find it too. i instaled w32codec pack as someone of you sugested and it is still now working. the website is called www.energy.de02:24
=== Tortel got a book on debain linux and read about dpkg
marcin_antbimberi, and now I don't know how to log in to this server02:24
PhilHCould anyone here try to help me get my CD burner working with Hoary?02:24
marcin_antbimberi, afaik it should appear on localhost:967302:25
_jasonTortel:  don't worry that just about the only thing I know...02:25
marcin_antbimberi, but it doesn't02:25
bimberimarcin_ant: hm, give me a sec02:25
breakthestatePhil, do you care what program you use?02:25
marcin_antbimberi, and when I run /etc/init.d/zope2.8 start02:25
PhilHcdrecord will do02:25
PhilHor cdrdao02:25
_jasonbur[n] er:  wow I don't believe this... guess what my problem was... go ahead guess.02:25
breakthestateoh, cdrecord doesn't work?02:25
shekharbur[n] er:  any idea what could be doing this?02:26
marcin_antbimberi, I get a bunch of lines with output like this:02:26
breakthestatei couldn't get the gui ubuntu to work and used cdrecord and it worked fine02:26
breakthestateso i probably couldn't help you02:26
marcin_antbimberi, Zope2.8: skipping bin (old/purged)02:26
=== propagandhi [n=patrick@CPE-144-131-132-107.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
PhilHdid yours just work out of the box?02:26
marcin_antbimberi, it's propably skipping all directories in zope instance dir02:26
marcin_antbimberi, btw my ubuntu 'release' is breezy02:27
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breakthestatePhilH, yeah02:27
bimberimarcin_ant: possibly.  does "sudo netstat -plunt | grep python" show anything02:27
PhilHheh, ok02:27
breakthestatePhil, i'm using breezy02:27
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bimberimarcin_ant: yeah, guessed breezy (i'm 2.7 on hoary)02:27
Tortelmarcin_ant - The Kubuntu room is #kubuntu02:27
marcin_antTortel, ?02:28
Tortelthe Kubuntu irc room02:28
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marcin_antbimberi, no nothing in output02:28
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marcin_antbimberi, (netstat... )02:28
bimberimarcin_ant: it's probably not running then :(02:29
=== Tortel will brb
PhilHbreakethestate: what method does cdrecord use to access the drive on your system?02:29
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breakthestatePhilH - I couldn't even tell you actually02:29
marcin_antbimberi, I'll remove this 2.8 crap and I'll try with 2.7 in a sec.02:29
PhilHok, np02:29
breakthestateif you want i could try and find out if you told me what command to pass (strace? smthing... I think)02:30
JustinHHin synaptic apears the following eror: E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)02:31
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JustinHHE: Unable to lock the download directory02:31
bimberimarcin_ant: probably a good idea, sorry i can't help you more02:31
=== Tortel [n=Tortel@pcp0011331660pcs.elictc01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
shekharcan someone please help me?02:32
JustinHHbimberi, help!!!!!02:32
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PhilHshekhar: with what?02:32
propagandhiJustinHH - normally a permissions problem, or you have apt running elsewhere, such as in a terminal02:33
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shekharPhilH:  i don't understand why everytime i try to logout, first i am told my session has been saved, and i have to choose logout a second time to actually shut down or restart02:33
Tortelpackage manager will block apt02:33
JustinHHpropagandhi, nope02:34
propagandhiJustinHH - and you're running synaptic as root user right02:34
ThunderguyAnyone know the default runlevel in hoary? I'd like to make just a few edits to running services.02:34
JustinHHi have one broken package02:35
propagandhitry removing the lock file from the terminal with synaptic closed02:35
jcapeThunderguy: 202:35
PhilHshekhar: hrm, ok, probably can't help then, haven't come accross anything like that before02:35
Thunderguyjcape: Ty02:35
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jcapeThunderguy: np02:35
JustinHHits to complicated02:35
JustinHHi think i am gonna restart my computer02:35
JustinHHmaybe it works like that02:36
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=== Mrbear [n=alzabar@CPE00119506646b-CM014260033621.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Mrbearlets not update to breezy anymore02:40
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Sionidehow does one go about syncing his cpu clock with the internet server ones?02:40
bur[n] erMrbear: ?02:40
Sionideand are they actually accurate?02:40
Mrbearupdated to breezy never worked again back to hoary02:41
marcin_antbimberi, could you tell me what is zeo?02:41
MrbearI hate it nothing works except if everything is onboard02:41
Mrbearubuntu wants nothing to do with my pci vdieo card02:41
=== wickedpuppy [n=wickedpu@cm25.epsilon165.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
alexandrosgood night, has anyone used the web module wbmclamav for clam antivirus, if so how do you get it to work? I downloaded the binary and got a tar of a wbm extension file.02:42
test34Mrbear, thats not true, my on board video card dont work right02:44
propagandhiMrbear: what is your onboard video card?02:44
propagandhiMrbear: mine is also onboard intel02:44
test34mine too02:44
Mrbearno I mean I got a ati pci card which I want to use since this onboard sucks butt02:44
Tortelim running on a fx520002:44
propagandhiand i am using breezy with kde 3.5 beta with complete success02:44
propagandhialso running games and cedega02:45
Tortelwhat does breezy look like?02:45
propagandhirunning Sin for linux, savage for linux etc etc02:45
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=== Tortel is still wondering
dooglusTortel: as of today, it looks a little different than hoary.  the wallpaper changed a couple of hours ago!02:45
MrbearI cant even run breezy02:46
propagandhibreezy doesn't "look" all that different, but there are some visual enhancements02:46
propagandhimost of the enhancements are not visual though02:46
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MrbearI am so bored02:46
propagandhiI'm still skinning breezy with stuff from kde-look etc02:46
MrbearI dont even know what to do on this desktop02:46
propagandhibut i can say Kde 3.5 beta runs really fast and really well on my particular setup02:47
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dooglusTortel: it looks a bit like this: http://s89213869.onlinehome.us/breezy.png02:47
SamhainI left my computer for about a day. I come back, now I can't start any programs. I click the icons and it acts like it is opening and disappears02:48
Mrbearnothing works on this pc02:48
Samhainanyone ever see this?02:48
WhiteRabbitSamhain, I saw it in gentoo02:48
Samhainit happened on debian and now ubuntu02:48
Samhainwonder why02:48
Samhainif I log out and back it, it is ok02:49
WhiteRabbitubuntu's father is debian?02:49
dooglusWhiteRabbit: yes02:49
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WhiteRabbitdooglus, why gee whiz thx mr02:49
SamhainI swear I saw this on mandrake once too02:49
dooglusWhiteRabbit: welcome02:49
WhiteRabbitSamhain, you mean mandiva now02:50
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dooglusWhiteRabbit: if you were trying to answer Samhain's question of why he can't run applications with that, then it wasn't very helpful.02:50
Samhainit was mandrake at the time. they are calling it mandiva?? wtf02:50
WhiteRabbitSamhain, sounds like the main OS of the blue oyster club in police academy02:50
wickedpuppybeen a while now Samhain  ...02:50
dooglusSamhain: mandrake and connectiva merged to form mandriva02:50
WhiteRabbitdooglus, if your a elitist just say so02:51
Samhainanyway, this problem is annoying02:51
marcin_antcould someone tell me how to install and run any zope server on breezy?02:51
dooglusWhiteRabbit: that would be *an* elitist02:51
MrbearI guess its back to windows02:51
propagandhiMrbear: thats a pretty quick give up attitude02:51
dooglusWhiteRabbit: and *you're*02:51
wickedpuppymarcin_ant, first get zope ?02:51
wickedpuppyits in synaptic02:51
propagandhibut if you're that way inclined........02:51
WhiteRabbitdooglus, I was sure I would find a ton in #Ubuntu so here I am02:51
marcin_antwickedpuppy, well good idea02:51
Mrbearwell first of all I am down to onboard hardware since nothing else wont work02:52
marcin_antwickedpuppy, let's assume that I know how to use apt02:52
wickedpuppymarcin_ant, lets not assume02:52
Mrbearsecond this pc dont have a agp slot02:52
wickedpuppysynaptic is GUI02:52
Mrbear3rd ati sucks on linux02:52
wickedpuppyits point and click02:52
Mrbear4th I dont have nvidia02:52
wickedpuppyMrbear, true ... nvidia fare better02:52
marcin_antwickedpuppy, so - which zope is usable - zope2.7 2.8 or 3.0 ?02:52
propagandhiMrbear: i thought u said you had onboard intel02:52
Mrbear5th I got sound blaster that as soon as I plug in disables alsa02:52
Mrbearwell I cant use the ati card02:53
Mrbearkeeps giving me a error when I start x02:53
wickedpuppyi could be wrong though02:53
=== Leonik [n=chatzill@d28-66.rb.lax.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
wickedpuppycheck with zope guys02:53
wickedpuppylast time i used it was 2.8 which was stable02:53
propagandhiMrbear: if thats the case with the ati, you should set the xorg.conf to vesa, then install the ati driver, then try starting X02:53
Leonikwhere do i get linux-restricted-modules?02:53
Tortelanyone know a DVD player for horay?02:54
wickedpuppyTortel, totem02:54
wickedpuppyLeonik, use universe and multiverse02:54
Tortelit wont play a dvd02:54
marcin_antwickedpuppy, anyway I installed zope-common and zope2.802:54
marcin_antwickedpuppy, and what now?02:54
Leonikin breezy do i need to enable any depositories like in hoary?02:54
wickedpuppyyou need plone site02:54
propagandhiMrbear: why02:54
Leonikerrr repositories02:54
Mrbeardont know how02:55
propagandhiok, well you can ask, its easy02:55
Mrbearwell I did it before on debian and it still didnt work fully02:55
wickedpuppymarcin_ant, you need plone + plone site ... if you don't wanna create one ... this one is default i think02:55
esac_when i lock my computer and go to log back in, it pops up a password dialog with the fugly ubuntu colors. how can i change this ?02:55
propagandhiMrbear: and can i ask was the ati card in when you ran the install?02:55
wickedpuppyLeonik, you just uncomment your /etc/apt/sources.list or use synaptic02:56
Mrbearits in now02:56
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Mrbearbut onboard is set as primary02:56
propagandhiMrbear: ok but was it in when you first installed02:56
marcin_antwickedpuppy, ok ok I'm installing plone-site just now02:56
propagandhiMrbear: and did you try disabling onboard video before you installed?02:56
Mrbearwill only work in indirect mesa02:56
cafuego_Mrbear: install linux-restricted-modules for your kenrle version, that will install the ati kernel driver. You will also need the 'fglrx' package, which contains the X driver.02:56
MrbearI cant no option in the bios to disable02:57
wickedpuppymarcin_ant, great ... the only thing is the port ... i think its 9673 for debian/ubuntu .... so its not 8080 :P enjoy!02:57
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marcin_antwickedpuppy, I got debianconf dialog - 'enter the http port for this instance' there is 8081 - so I need to change this to 9673?02:58
Mrbearsays there is no such linux restricted modules02:58
Leonikhave to update so much stuff for breezy02:58
Leonikmy synaptic is going crrazzy02:58
wickedpuppydoesn't it have default ??02:58
marcin_antwickedpuppy, default is 808102:59
Mrbearnevermind I got it02:59
marcin_antwickedpuppy, should I keep it or change?02:59
wickedpuppythat can be change later02:59
marcin_antwickedpuppy, ok03:00
=== JavaGeek [n=javageek@unaffiliated/javageek] has joined #ubuntu
marcin_antwickedpuppy, and propably last question on installation03:00
wickedpuppybtw ... its for plone-site03:00
wickedpuppynot for zope ?03:00
JavaGeekwhoa... too many people :)03:00
marcin_antwickedpuppy, wtf does it mean 'purge data for plone-site on package purge'?03:00
wickedpuppyno idea03:01
wickedpuppyi suppose it will purge the old plone-site ?03:01
Mrbeardoing the restricted modules I already got firegl03:01
Mrbearwhat do I do after03:01
marcin_antwickedpuppy, ok03:01
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ssdd65how do i make quake2 run right on ubuntu?03:03
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wickedpuppy2 huh ... i thought it can run native on linux ?03:03
wickedpuppyif not wine/cedega03:03
ssdd65its the debian version ;)03:04
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wickedpuppyhmms ...03:06
wickedpuppynew ubuntu-art03:06
tgais it unusually quiet in here or am I just lagging out?03:06
tgawhere wickedpuppy?03:06
wickedpuppywhere ? in my com!03:06
wickedpuppyi just updated03:06
Leonik450 megs of pure synaptic goodness03:06
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Cody`anyone know how to play music over a smb share with bmp03:07
tgaheh, I'm up to date with Hoary03:07
tgaCody`: you just mount the smb share and use it as a local directory03:07
Cody`according to an article I read on beep media player, it uses the gnome vfs, so it should be able to03:07
Cody`tga how?03:07
Cody`smbmount or whatever?03:08
tgaCody`: you could try Places -> Network Servers and see what you get03:08
JavaGeekI can't find java-common or java-package03:08
wickedpuppyJavaGeek, search java03:08
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tgaotherwise you do it manually: smbmount //winbox/share /mnt/whatever03:08
wickedpuppyin synaptic i mean03:08
ubotuit has been said that java is to install both 1.4 and Sun Java see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#java03:09
Cody`yeah it's there03:09
Cody`but it won't play ff it03:09
tgaCody`: did you mount it as root (with sudo)?03:09
JustinHHcan you short write me the steps i have to make for installing a deb file03:09
Cody`no, I was talking about on places -> network servers03:09
tgaJustinHH: what are you trying to install?03:09
Cody`I'm trying the munt now03:09
JustinHHa .deb package03:09
Cody`what package is smbmount included in?03:10
tgaCody`: smbfs03:10
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tgaJustinHH: sudo dpkg -i yourpackage.deb03:10
JavaGeekwickedpuppy: in synaptics? I already did03:10
wickedpuppyyou don't see java ?03:10
JavaGeekwickedpuppy: no03:11
JustinHHtga, yes and then?03:11
wickedpuppyhave you enabled universe and multiverse ?03:11
tgaJustinHH: that's it03:11
JustinHHand how can i start the program03:11
tgaJustinHH: again, what are you trying to install?03:11
JustinHHtga,  where can i find it?03:11
JustinHHyahoo messenger03:11
slot|processorIs there a deb package for Cisco VPN client03:11
tgaJustinHH: it usually gets copied to /usr/bin or something03:11
tgaJustinHH: and /usr/bin is in the PATH so you can type the first letter of the name and hit tab to get all completions03:12
tgaJustinHH: if the package is smart enough it will add the new program to the Gnome menu03:12
slot|processorI tried converting the package using alien....it didnt install properly.03:12
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wickedpuppyslot|processor, cisco doesn't use ssh ?03:13
tgaslot|processor: I don't know anything about the Cisco client, but what's the trouble with the alienated deb?03:13
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Mrbearok thats enough03:14
esac_i installed gkrellm and i dont see any new programs added to configure it. how do i configure it ?03:14
delltonyanyone recall the link for the linmodem howto by chance please?03:14
wickedpuppyslot|processor, actually you can get the source and install ... the vpn client has the install script03:14
JustinHHtga, looool. it aded it to the desktop :D03:15
_chavoesac_, right click it03:15
Cody`backports down?03:15
esac__chavo: right click what ?03:15
Cody`as smbfs isn't in regular repos?03:15
tgaFilename: pool/main/s/samba/smbfs_3.0.10-1ubuntu3_i386.deb03:15
tgait's in there03:15
_chavoesac_, uhm gkrellm03:15
=== tga chuckles
esac__chavo: i dont see gkrellm anywhere, that was my point :)03:16
tgaesac_: well run it, it should show up on the screen03:16
_chavoesac_, did you run it?03:16
slot|processorI didnt see the source. Maybe i didnt look hard enough.03:16
JavaGeekwickedpuppy: yes03:16
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_chavoit sits on the desktop, so it may be covered by other windows03:17
slot|processorIt was available in RPM03:17
JavaGeekwickedpuppy: here's my sources.list: http://pastebin.com/37833503:17
esac__chavo: no, i was looking for an icon in the menu for it, didnt know i had to type "gkrellm" in a terminal. why is there no icon ?03:17
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tgathat is a good question03:18
_chavoesac_, no idea03:18
=== tga installs gkrellm
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LuVUnTure dooglus03:19
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LuVUnTure Seveas03:19
inc|freakyhi all. i just upgraded to breezy. now i have a strange problem: im using pppoe (configuring it using pppoeconf). after using pppoeconf i select trigger connection now. connection established everything working, im connected to my provider. after EVERY reboot it doesnt work anymore. i have to manualy do pppoeconf again to make it work. the error in syslog: network down. tried ifup eth0 doesnt work03:19
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slot|processorTo be honest...i have not tried hard enough to be in here asking.03:20
tgaesac_: good point, maybe you should add it as a bug03:20
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Cody`w00 got it03:20
JustinHHis there a difference between make and gmake?03:21
EpixI have a nice Evvolution MK-361 USB Midi keyboard. I have alsa, libasound2 and alsa-utils installed. It appears in lsusb, But, when i run aconnect it gives me this error:03:21
Cody`is there anyway to automount the share?03:21
bettong_BOFHok for all you linux geeks out there you HAVE got to see this03:21
EpixALSA lib seq_hw.c:455:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory03:21
Epixcan't open sequencer03:21
Cody`on bootup03:21
crimsunEpix: sudo modprobe snd-seq03:21
bettong_BOFHi want that damn keyboard03:21
bettong_BOFHit is the most awsome one i have ever seen03:21
crimsunJustinHH: make on Ubuntu _is_ gmake.03:22
bettong_BOFHand it's supposed to be linux compatale03:22
tgaJustinHH: install build-essentials03:22
PhilHwow, the OLED keyb, seen on /. countless times03:22
bettong_BOFHfirdt time i have seen it03:22
esac_i got email yesterday, FLASH: madriva linux 2006 is coming out soon. i subscribed to that list like 2 years ago03:22
bettong_BOFHfirst seej03:22
JustinHHgmake---> command not found03:23
JustinHHmake works03:23
tgaJustinHH: what do you need gmake for anyway?03:23
=== Chambers` [n=Thom@pcp02906040pcs.roylok01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
JustinHHit asked me to type make or gmake03:23
tgabettong_BOFH: old, offtopic and expensive03:23
hyphenatedJustinHH: gmake is for systems where it conflicts with the standard "make" (eg: Solaris, HPUX etc)03:24
crimsunJustinHH: gmake is GNU make, which is _precisely_ what make is.03:24
tgaJustinHH: afaik 'make' _is_ gmake03:24
bettong_BOFHyes yes and i know03:24
Chambers`hey guys, what program installed .deb files?  I converted a rpm with alient and now want to install the deb03:24
tgaChambers`: sudo dpkg -i blah.deb03:24
Chambers`thank you03:24
bob832how can i change it so that the volumn keys on my keyboard change the PCM volumn (i already changed the volumn control up by the clock to PCM)?03:24
tgabob832: did you try System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts>?03:25
slot|processorAre there any restrictions to using GNU/debian in a corperate envirement?03:25
Cody`anyway to automount with smbfs?03:25
bob832yeah, it still changes the master03:25
JustinHH/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lperl /collect2: ld returned 1 exit status03:25
JustinHHwhat is lperl03:25
JustinHHis this a package?03:25
tgaslot|processor: no restrictions on use03:25
tgaslot|processor: on all GPL software afaik03:26
slot|processorThats what i thought, but i wasnt sure.03:26
Epixcrimsun, yes! aseqdump shows me workingness! but, rosegarden4 shows its logo and then stops doing anything03:26
hyphenatedJustinHH: install libperl-dev03:26
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JustinHHhyphenated,  i searched lperl and i couldn't find it in synaptic. thank you.03:27
slot|processorI have been thinking about implementing some debian machines at the hospital i work at for some of the healthcare software. Would that be ok?03:28
hyphenatedJustinHH: -lperl means the compiler is looking for a library ( -l ) with the name "perl". on linux systems, that name gets translated to "libperl.so"03:28
crimsunslot|processor: the people who can and should answer that question are your hospital's legal team03:28
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slot|processorIts a small hospital03:29
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JustinHHhyphenated,  aha! good to know. this explains a lot. it will not be nececery to bother you again with -l*****    ;)03:29
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MadpilotPPCslot|processor, a human-readable version of the GPL is here: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/2.0/03:29
tgacrimsun: what possible legal problem could one face from running GPL software?03:30
h0sl3rWhats a good HTML editor for linux. Im looking for something like dreamweaver.03:30
bob832is there any other place that i could change that setting?03:30
MadpilotPPCslot|processor, the real thing is insanely long, but all over the web, just ask google03:30
MadpilotPPC!tell h0sl3r about html03:30
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Tortel!tell Tortel about html03:30
slot|processorEvery incidence of linux in healthcare i have found good information on has been commercial03:31
slot|processorIll look harder03:31
MadpilotPPCslot|processor, commercial Linuxes are still using GPL'd stuff, at least at the core of whatever system they're running03:31
crimsuntga: if $legal says "no", then you can't. It's that simple.03:31
crimsuntga: in practice, that rarely happens.03:31
slot|processorWell it would definately be a cost saver.03:33
=== christian- [n=christia@0x5358c76e.bynxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
christian-Hi, can anyone here help me with a bit of audio trouble ?03:34
tgaslot|processor: go for it then03:34
tgachristian-: ask away and maybe someone can help03:35
christian-thank you. Right, I've got an onboard soundcard03:35
slot|processorI wish it was more simple :P lol03:35
christian-and ubuntu has selected that instead of my SB Live03:35
JustinHHhow can i remve the restriction (read and write protection from a file)03:36
christian-How do I change it ?03:36
bob2christian-: disable the on board one in the bios03:36
JustinHHhave the permission to access a file03:36
bob2if at all possible03:36
MadpilotPPCJustinHH, chmod - "man chmod" for more info03:36
christian-bob2, so I restart and enter the bios and then try to kill it there ?03:36
MadpilotPPCJustinHH, is it a file owned by root?03:36
JustinHHmaddler, yes03:37
Xappechristian-: there should be an option to disable the onboard sound in bios, yes03:37
bob2christian-: that's the simplest solution, yes03:37
christian-Ok, I'll try that !03:37
christian-Thank you03:37
tgawhat if you have several cards?03:37
=== tga can't find a device option for the Gnome system sounds
MadpilotPPCJustinHH, using sudo can get you temporary permission w/ root-owned files, or chown to change things for good03:37
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bob2tga: then blacklist the ones you don't want03:38
bob2or do something more complicated and fragile in gnome03:38
JustinHHwell i instaled a package in the root terminal and now i can not start the program03:38
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tgabob2: how would you 'blacklist' a sound card?03:38
bob2JustinHH: when asking that sort of question, it's a lot more helpfu lif you tell us *what* you installed, and how yo utried to run it03:38
bob2tga: add the module name to /etc/hotplug/blacklist03:39
MadpilotPPCJustinHH, that's why you use sudo in a regular terminal rather than the root terminal... ;)03:39
JustinHHso what do you suggest i should do?03:39
MadpilotPPCJustinHH, sorry, I've got to run - real world calling - but talk to bob2, he's better at this stuff than I am...03:39
tgabob2: that's not what I was talking about.. is there a (Gnome) way of selecting the 'primary output device' for system sounds and the like?03:39
MadpilotPPClater, all03:39
bob2tga: no idea03:40
bob2tga: gnome basically doesn't care, it's esd who does03:40
linner!tell me about commands03:40
Tortel!tell me about java03:40
tgabob2: meh, esd.. I use alsa output03:40
Xappetga: the volume control maybe?03:41
bob2tga: you made all of gnome use alsa?03:41
JustinHHbob2, can you help me solving this proplem? pls03:41
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bob2JustinHH: ...03:41
tgabob2: yup, the Multimedia Systems Selector thing03:41
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Leonikhow do i get linux restricted modules in breezy?03:41
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tgaI'm just thinking it would be a good idea to provide 'default' users with the option of selecting a sound card to use03:41
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JustinHHbob2, i installed a program in the root terminal and now i can not run it in the user mode.03:42
JustinHHbecaouse i do not have the permission03:42
cafuego_what program?03:42
bob2JustinHH: you need to tell us what "installed" means, what it is, and the exact error you got trying to run it03:42
=== Topslakr [n=Topslakr@24-54-42-180.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tortel!tell me about identd03:43
JustinHHbob2,  a tar.gz mackage with ./configure make and make install03:43
Leonik!tell me about linux restricted modules03:44
cafuego_JustinHH: That was  avery bad idea, you shouldn't have done that.03:44
JustinHHand i can not open now the executable03:44
cevizogluJustinHH: that isn't related to your problem: what you described is normal procedure for install03:44
Leonik!tell me about restricted modules03:44
cevizogluJustinHH: and what cafuego said too03:44
tgaJustinHH: exactly how are you trying to run it?03:44
Leonikhow would one obtain the linux-restricted-modules?03:45
ubotutga: NO SPEAKE ENLISH!03:45
cafuego_Leonik: apt-cache search linux-restricted; pick the appropriate one for your kernel,.03:45
JustinHHtga,  in /user/local/bin is the executable and i can not accecc it03:46
JustinHHtga,  in /user/local/bin is the executable and i can not access it03:46
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JustinHHi only must get the rights to run that file03:46
bob2JustinHH: what program is it?03:46
JustinHHisnt that the command line with -rww or smth like that?03:46
bob2Leonik: with your package management tool of choice03:46
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bob2JustinHH: also, yo ustill haven't shown us the error03:47
dooglusLeonik: linux-386 depends on linux-restricted-modules-386, so you should have it already03:47
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Leonikand whats the command to find kernel version?03:47
Leonikyea synaptic says i do03:47
JustinHHbob2, there is no error, i just can not access the file03:47
Leonikgood good good03:47
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cevizogluJustinHH: there has to be an error, or it would have worked03:48
dooglusLeonik: "uname -r"03:48
christian-Didn't work03:48
cafuego_Give it a pay rise.03:48
christian-I disabled something called "Onboard AC 97 Audio Controller"03:48
JustinHHtype executable03:48
JustinHHi don't know03:49
bob2JustinHH: dude03:49
cafuego_JustinHH: What did you compile?03:49
bob2JustinHH: what was the full name of the file you installed?03:49
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dooglushttp://opendchub.sourceforge.net/ ?03:50
zer0`how can i measure how long a program takes to run?03:50
bob2zer0`: time programname args --blah03:50
cafuego_sudo apt-get install opendchub03:50
doogluszer0`: "time"03:50
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zer0`cool :) thanks03:51
JustinHHin the root terminal?03:51
cevizogluJustinHH: no, in a normal terminal03:51
dooglusJustinHH: or just use synaptic03:51
cevizogluJustinHH: don't use root terminals03:51
cafuego_You sound like you shouldn't be running ANYHTING as root.03:51
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JustinHHi must type a password03:51
JustinHHis that the root password?03:51
cafuego_JustinHH: sudo asks for your user password.03:51
cevizogluJustinHH: type your normal account pwd03:52
cevizogluJustinHH: er, password03:52
=== Carpe_Libertatem [n=Esenthie@ip68-229-254-250.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuego_cevizoglu: I typed '/home/cafuego/' but it's not accepting it03:52
Carpe_LibertatemWhat's a good VNC client for Ubuntu?03:52
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cevizoglucafuego: no, but you foiled the keyloggers03:53
cafuego_Carpe_Libertatem: apt-cache search vnc; pick one.03:53
JustinHHi have typed many times ths : what does actualy apt-get03:53
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ThunderguyThat's your package management system.. apt03:53
cevizoglu!tell JustinHH about apt-get03:54
christian-I'm still stuck in horrible audio-trouble-land. I've got an onboard soundcard and a SB Live, Ubuntu uses the onboard one per default and that makes me a sad panda. I've tried to disable "Onboard AC97 Audio Controller", but that was fruitless. It's still using it. Any suggestions ?03:54
Carpe_LibertatemDo you know where xtightvncviewer should be in the gnome panel?03:55
kurtbecgreetings all.  I'm thinking about giving ubuntu a whirl and I'm just wondering what your opinions are about going with hoary or jumping right in with the breezy preview?03:55
cevizogluCarpe_Libertatem: not sure, but you can launch it from terminal03:55
cafuego_christian-: Add the driver for the on-board one to the hotplug backlist, so it won't get loaded. Alternatively, tell ubuntu to use the SBLive. Open the sound control, Fil -> Change Device03:55
bob2christian-: you're sure it's disabled in the bios?03:55
Carpe_LibertatemI tried xtightvncviewer03:55
Carpe_LibertatemDidn't run03:55
bob2kurtbec: hoary03:55
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Thunderguykurtbec: Breezy should be a bit more up to date.03:55
B_166-ER-XWhat did just happen !!?....  :    I came back to my pc, it was on idle, i woke him up ; there were no internet connection at all...i rebooted , no more internet then again... i booted in recovery, no more internet here too, and i wasnt knowing HOW to solve this.. i was about to reinstall.. i rebooted, and although a bit longer than usual at the 'configuring network' line, it booted normally...03:55
JustinHHcevizoglu, from where ca i start now the program? or should i type anything else in the terminal?03:55
Thunderguykurtbec: In the long-term getting Breezy is a lot less updates you would have to do.03:56
cafuego_christian-: Sorry, Preferences -> Sound -> Pick a default sound card03:56
kurtbecthunderguy: is breezy good and stable at this point03:56
christian-bob2, that was the only option that had audio _and_ onboard in it :/03:56
cafuego_kurtbec: No.03:56
bob2christian-: you're sure you saved changes?03:56
norhtedbob2, sorry no such file :(03:56
cevizogluJustinHH: just type the name of the program in the terminal03:56
christian-cafuego, I'll just try that! brb03:56
kurtbeccafuego: well close at least?03:56
Thunderguykurtbec: Auctually I don't know, I'm still on Hoary, I may just as well order breezy though when it comes out.03:56
christian-bob2, I did it twice to make sure and did it again when it didn't work the first time. I'm sure03:56
cafuego_kurtbec: 'Close' is a subjective term.03:56
kurtbeccafuego: this is true :-)03:57
cafuego_there were 3 X updates in the past 2 days.03:57
cafuego_So i expect X is still broken somewhere.03:57
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B_166-ER-Xi for myself, have problem with hoary, and breezy totally crashed.03:57
=== mazzabr [n=fabio@201-13-7-213.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
B_166-ER-Xi'll wait the stable version :)03:57
cafuego_evolution has the odd crash, beagle is currently non-functional...03:57
cafuego_OOo2 works OK now, though.03:57
=== heretico [n=ps@34.Red-81-39-7.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
mazzabris there any repository where I can find java to firefox?03:57
kurtbecI ask because I'm probably going with kubuntu since I typically lean more towards kde than gnome although i don't have a good reason why.03:57
christian-cafuego, Where in the Sound Pref's do I pick a card?03:58
cafuego_I did note the iMac was unable to move Gnome 2.10 prefs to GNome 2.12 and hung upon first login.03:58
bob832wow, my battery is 111% charged - what a perk for switching from fedora to ubuntu  -  lol03:58
apokryphoskurtbec: because it's better, perhaps 8)03:58
cafuego_christian-: The main sound prefs window (for me) has a pull-down.03:58
_jasonbob832:  lol03:58
JustinHHcevizoglu, opendchub was a server. i wanted a client03:58
cevizoglubob832: why, did someone give you a new battery for upgrading?  :P03:58
mazzabrhello foks.03:58
kurtbecapokrypohs:One could says that.  I really don't use alot of the features of kde I just mainly like the eye kandy :-)03:58
hereticodoes anyone here use powerbook ?03:59
_jasoni just checked my batt and its only at 100% D:03:59
christian-cafuego, mine has three tabs03:59
cafuego_kurtbec: Still paying for what you did in a previous life, i guess. Isn't karma a bitch ;-)03:59
bob2heretico: best to jsut ask your question03:59
mazzabrI'd like to install java to firefox, but I can't find a repository. Where can I find one?03:59
hereticoi cant get sound to work03:59
hereticohave been going thru all03:59
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cevizogluJustinHH: I don't know what opendchub is, but you can easily search for the client with synaptic or ther terminal command "apt-cache search opendchub" etc. etc.03:59
hereticoi see in google lots of other has this problem03:59
cafuego_christian-: Yes, on the gerneral tab mine lists all available cards03:59
hereticobut no clear ways to resolve03:59
bob832cevizoglu: yeah, it came with that ubuntu cd i downloaded  :)03:59
mazzabrheretico, try # alsamixer03:59
hereticoi do that04:00
christian-cafuego, cool! I wish mine did that :(04:00
hereticoand i have all volumes up mazzabr04:00
cafuego_cevizoglu: opendchub is a dc++ server project, forked by an aussie who wanted linked hubs.04:00
cafuego_christian-: 14 days, then it will (breezy)04:00
norhtedbob2, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/37837404:00
=== Chambers` [n=Thom@pcp02906040pcs.roylok01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mazzabrheretico, what dmesg tells you about your soundcard?04:00
christian-ah poo. I knew I should have gone for breezy right away04:00
JustinHHcevizoglu, it is a share client04:00
cafuego_<heh> Other stuff would have been broken.04:01
christian-Oh well, I did order some free Cd's!!04:01
JustinHHcevizoglu, p2p. found allready. thanks anyway04:01
Chambers`hi guys, is there a faq on how to update hoary up to the latest build of breezy?04:01
christian-But breezy will solve this then ?04:01
bob2norhted: dpkg -l gnome-devel | tail -n104:01
bob2Chambers`: wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes04:01
Chambers`hey, after asking the question i saw the topic :P  thanks though :)04:02
christian-And where do I find new themes? This brown one is a bit of a bore... and the other defaults are even worse :)04:02
_jasonmazzabr:  one sec, I'll find you that repo04:02
kurtbecanyone here made the switch from Gentoo to ubuntu and if so pros/cons?04:02
wickedpuppychristian-, have you tried searching for "gnome themes" in google ?04:02
norhtedbob2, No packages found matching gnome-devel.04:02
_jasonmazzabr:  you just want the jre?04:02
calchow do you do vertical page alignment in oo.o ?04:02
christian-wickedpuppy, I'm still on my first hour of linux :/04:03
bimberiubotu tell christian- about themes04:03
bob2norhted: didn't I suggest installing that half an hour ago?04:03
mazzabr_jason, just that.04:03
wickedpuppychristian-, also google ?04:03
christian-Gnome is the window manager ?04:03
PhilHmetacity is the WM04:03
mazzabr_jason, I've tried a couple of them, but none worked.04:03
=== christian- thanks the fancy bot
PhilHGNOME is the Desktop Environment04:03
_jasonmazzabr:  have you tried: deb http://ubuntu.tower-net.de/ubuntu/ hoary java04:03
wickedpuppychristian-, pls don't confuse yourself ... if you use ubuntu .. you use gnome , if you use kubuntu , you use kde04:04
mazzabr_jason, not yet] 04:04
hereticomazzabr i cant see reference to sound card04:04
christian-and kde is another kind of window manager ?04:04
ThunderguyHow many people are gonna be ordering breezy?04:04
mazzabr_jason, which package04:05
_jasonThunderguy:  already ordered04:05
calcThunderguy: 1bil people04:05
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kurtbecThunderguy: me04:05
_jasonmazzabr:  I have j2re 1.4 i think04:05
_jasonmazzabr:  i can check if that doesn't narrow it down04:05
ThunderguyQuestion: How does ubuntu finance all this?04:05
wickedpuppychristian-, get live cd for both ubuntu and kubuntu ... then see for yourself04:05
cevizogluThunderguy: already downloaded it twice and apt-get dist-upgraded to it twice04:05
wickedpuppyThunderguy, most are volunteers ... and the founder is rich04:05
bob832speaking of themes in ubuntu, is there a way to change the splash screen that comes up after logging in?  not too fond of the brown04:05
ThunderguyReally rich?04:06
cevizogluwickedpuppy: he's more of a benefactor, watch the go-open videos and see04:06
wickedpuppybob832, try art.gnome.org04:06
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wickedpuppyso he is not the founder ?04:06
cevizogluThunderguy: depends on your definition.. he sold thawte for $575 mil.04:06
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ThunderguyWell I'd like to upgrade everyone I handed ubuntu cd's out too... think it would be too much costs on ubuntu if I re-ordered when breezy came out? I ordered 20 cd's last, I'm down to five now.04:07
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hereticomazzabr i have 2.6.10-5-powerpc kernel04:07
wickedpuppyThunderguy, pls don't stress yourself ... let them decide if they want to upgrade ...04:07
boxmana bit of a problem.. i just installed latest preview of ubuntu, which seemed to go smoothly.. but the thing is that it never asked me for a root password during the installation04:07
wickedpuppyboxman, cause root is disabled by default04:07
boxmanall it asked for was to make a user04:07
bob832wickedpuppy:  quickly checked out that site and see that they are for gnome, are there any ubuntu ones out there?04:07
wickedpuppyyou use sudo for everything04:07
jcapechristian-: GNOME is the button bars at the edges of the screen, the preferred/default applications, the underlying code that ties it all together, a large chunk of the whole shebang.04:08
wickedpuppybob832, ubuntu ... gnome ... kubuntu ... kde04:08
boxmanwickedpuppy, how do you enable it and make a root user?04:08
kurtbecboxman: root account is disabled by default04:08
JustinHHi have just 34 mb free on my ubuntu partition04:08
cevizogluwickedpuppy: it's all a matter of perspective, I guess04:08
jcapechristian-: KDE is a different set of button bars, default applications, and underlying code.04:08
wickedpuppyboxman, sudo command04:08
bimberiboxman: some more info here - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo04:08
JustinHHi have just 34 mb free on my ubuntu partition. what schould i do to clean the not nececery packages04:09
boxmanbimberi, thanks04:09
JustinHHi have just 34 mb free on my ubuntu partition. what schould i do to clean the not necesary packages04:09
bimberiboxman: yw :)04:09
=== moshe [n=moshe@ool-18bab1e4.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Torteli got java working04:09
wickedpuppyJustinHH, whats ya harddisk size ?04:09
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dooglusis it possible to download week-old versions of breezy packages somewhere?04:09
Torteland possibly DVD playing04:09
christian-jcape, thank you. I'm pretty sure i "sorta get it" now :)04:09
moshequick question:  how do I use grep to search all files in a directory and all of its subdirectories for a string?04:10
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moshegrep -r * ?04:10
dooglus"grep -r" moshe04:10
_chavomoshe, grep -r04:10
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cafuego_morgrep string dir04:10
wickedpuppymoshe, man grep04:10
=== jcape is a GNOME-hanger-on, and thus overly concerned with reducing all unnecessary complexity. :-)
cevizoglumoshe: for a string in the files, or the filename itself?04:10
moshestring in the files04:10
bretzelhello :-) I forgot I am online here :-) == upgrade-ti-breezy seems done well -- cool!04:11
cafuego_moshe: via rgrep.04:11
wickedpuppyfilename itself would be find ...04:11
cevizoglumoshe: grep -r "string" *04:11
moshecevizoglu, thanks04:11
moshethat did it.04:11
dooglusRgrep is the same as grep -r04:11
moshegood to know04:11
bob832wickedpuppy:  ok thanks04:11
moshethanks, folks04:11
jcapedooglus: Yeah, but it's a debian/ubuntu thing04:11
moshehow's breezy coming?04:11
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moshelooking forward to the upgrade04:11
wickedpuppyits already here moshe  :P04:12
wickedpuppyi am using it right now04:12
mosheoh, I just remembered a question that's been nagging me04:12
cevizoglumoshe: no complaints running breezy on my powerbook right now04:12
mosheIn other distros I've used, switching runlevels will stop X from respawning.  Why doesn't this work in ubuntu?04:12
JustinHHwickedpuppy, i don't know. maybe 2 or 2,5 gb the partition and 40 de hdd but on the other partition i have got windows instaled04:13
dooglusmoshe: because for some stupid reason gdm is in levels 2 AND 304:13
cevizoglumoshe: which runlevel?  do you mean like sudo init 1?04:13
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mosheI don't want to be in runlevel 104:13
wickedpuppyyou give 2.5 gig to linux and the rest to windows ?04:13
dooglusmoshe: I would suggest taking it out of 2 and making 3 the default (if it isn't already)04:13
wickedpuppymoshe, you are in run level 2 ...04:13
moshewickedpuppy, I know04:13
=== Tortel goes to sleeeep
JustinHHwell actuay at first i just wanted to test linux04:13
Tortelgood nite everyone!04:13
mosheso, if I went to runlevel four or five that would kill X?04:13
JustinHH+(swap extra)04:13
JustinHHwickedpuppy, ......04:14
wickedpuppy? 4 and 5 sure have x04:14
cevizogluJustinHH: do you have an empty second drive bay?04:14
norhtedbob2,  how can i install gnome-devel? i tried apt-get, but couldnt find the package : http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/37838204:14
dooglusmoshe: try this: echo /etc/rc?.d/???gdm04:14
wickedpuppyJustinHH, really .... 3 gig is really small04:14
JustinHHcevizoglu,  i have just one hdd. what is a drive bay?04:14
mosheactually, I'm running kdm04:14
moshecould this be the reason?04:14
dooglusmoshe: it'll show you which levels 's'tart gdm, and which 'k'ill it04:14
cevizogluJustinHH: it's a slot for another hard drive04:15
wickedpuppykdm ? you are using kde ?04:15
mosheI installed the system using the kubuntu cd, and then became enamored by xfce04:15
cevizogluJustinHH: including an extra cable to plug into it04:15
JustinHHi have an other slot but i do not have an other hdd04:15
wickedpuppytry fluxbox ... even smaller + lighter + faster04:15
cevizogluJustinHH: hmm. I know of some 40gb drives which cost like $20...04:15
dooglusmoshe: it seems that (k)ubuntu just isn't meant to be used from the console.  why else put gdm in both levels 2 and 304:16
JustinHHwell i do not live in the usa....04:16
cevizogluJustinHH: so?04:16
JustinHHand here a 40 gb hdd costs like 50-60 euros04:16
JustinHHand here a 40 gb hdd costs like 50-60 euro04:16
bimberinorhted: gnome-devel is in the "universe" repository, which you'll need to enable04:17
wickedpuppyno way!04:17
JustinHHor smth like that04:17
cevizogluJustinHH: seriously, you need to shop around04:17
bimberiubotu tell norhted about repositories04:17
wickedpuppythat means you are ripped off04:17
JustinHHi know04:17
JustinHHi am in the first year at the informatic university04:17
JustinHHmoday is my first day04:17
dooglusis there a torrent for colony 5 where I can select which packages to download?  I don't want the whole thing04:18
wickedpuppyuniversity already!!! you should know better!04:18
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cevizogluor some of the smaller drives people sometimes practically give away or throw away04:18
JustinHHhere people don't realy use linux04:18
wickedpuppyneither here JustinHH ... i am in Singapore ...04:18
bob2norhted: dude04:18
wickedpuppyjoin local linux group or something ... :P04:18
JustinHHonly when theyer hdd doesnt work any more and they must use a livecd to get on the net04:19
wickedpuppyok offtopic ... sorry04:19
bob2norhted: when someone suggests you install a package to fix a problem, and you try and it fails, you need to say that, instead of continuning on with what yo uwere doing before04:19
joetheoddHey, has anyone had any trouble with xMMs completely dying (not responding at all, button even gets stuck down) when you try to play an MP3?04:19
wickedpuppynope ...04:19
bob2norhted: /msg ubotu repository, enable universe04:19
wickedpuppyif so just kill it and restart it04:19
bob2joetheodd: did you configure it to use esound for output?04:19
GnuKemistjoetheodd, it's happened to me when I chose the wrong output plugin04:20
joetheoddbob2: Nope.04:20
joetheoddGnuKemist: Alright, I'll check it out.04:20
GnuKemistjoetheodd, good luck04:20
JustinHHwickedpuppy,  what's your time there in singapore?04:20
norhtedbob2, ok04:20
JustinHHhere is like 5.20am04:20
joetheoddbob2 and GnuKemist: Thanks a ton, fixed. =)04:20
GnuKemistjoetheodd, woot!!! ;)04:20
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joetheoddI didn't even have to do dist-upgrade! lol04:21
wickedpuppyJustinHH, try /ctcp time wickedpuppy04:21
wickedpuppyor is it /ctcp wickedpuppy time ?04:21
joetheoddWell, I can't exactly say that, because I'm already up to date =p04:21
wickedpuppyeither one04:21
joetheodd>wickedpuppy< CTCP TIME04:21
joetheodd-wickedpuppy- TIME Fri Sep 30 10:21:3804:21
joetheoddHappy friday over there.04:21
JustinHHhere to04:22
Carpe_LibertatemWhen I try to run xtightvncviwer, I get this: xtightvncviewer: error while loading shared libraries: libXp.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory04:22
wickedpuppythanks :P04:22
dcstimmthings linux needs, wmv, and mp3 support native in the distro, if we need to ship with it then fine. mplayerplug-in plugins for mozilla for full screen video.. then its fine04:22
JustinHHi must get some sleep04:22
JustinHHnite 2 all04:22
wickedpuppynite dude04:22
JustinHHnite wickedpuppy04:22
wickedpuppyread some linux books JustinHH04:23
Carpe_LibertatemPeople need to stop using MP3s, really.04:23
hereticoogg please04:23
wickedpuppysurely your uni got library :P04:23
JustinHHif i can get some04:23
Carpe_LibertatemMP3 is obsolete imho.04:23
breakthestateif i use wget to get a file don't tell it where to put the file, where did it go?04:23
JustinHHschool" begins just monday04:23
Carpe_LibertatemAhem, When I try to run xtightvncviwer, I get this: xtightvncviewer: error while loading shared libraries: libXp.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory04:23
JustinHHthey need 2 months until they work04:23
wickedpuppyJustinHH, to motivate ya ... chicks dig geeks04:23
=== Mik0r [n=Mik0r@ip68-10-125-187.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
JustinHHand 2 buy one....04:24
wickedpuppyread more and get chicks04:24
Mik0rI get this "C compiler cannot create executables" error, and I read that you need the new binutils to fix it, but I have the latest binutils and I still get it04:24
bimberibreakthestate: in the directory where you ran the command04:24
JustinHHdo you have an instant messageing program wickedpuppy ?04:24
wickedpuppyJustinHH, read the pm ... :P04:24
=== Carpe_Libertatem cries
bob2Carpe_Libertatem: what does "which xtightvncviwer" print out?04:25
bob2Mik0r: install build-essential04:25
wickedpuppyMik0r, can tell us more ?04:25
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Mik0ron moment, I am doing the linux-headers04:25
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joetheoddMik0r: sudo apt-get -y install build-essential04:25
Carpe_Libertatembob2, /usr/bin/xtightvncviewer04:26
hereticounable to get my sound working on ubuntu g4 install04:26
hereticodmesg doesnt seem to recognise any soundcard04:26
hereticoany ideas ?04:26
bob2Carpe_Libertatem: install libxp604:26
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GnuKemistheretico, does lspci show the card?04:27
Carpe_Libertatembob2, danke schoen04:27
breakthestatebimberi, i'm looking in that directory, will the name be the same as the url?04:28
Mik0rwhat is libncurses?04:28
wickedpuppyits library for ncurses04:29
bimberibreakthestate: depends, what was the url?04:29
hereticodoesnt seem to GnuKemist04:29
Mik0rit wont let me apt-get ncurses04:29
breakthestatebimberi: http://mirrors.easynews.com/linux/slackware/slackware-10.2-iso/slackware-10.2-install-d1.iso04:29
bob2Mik0r: you can't just invent package names04:30
bob2Mik0r: what are yo utrying to compile04:30
hereticono, nothing04:30
bimberibreakthestate: in that case there should be a file called slackware-10.2-install-d1.iso04:30
GnuKemistheretico, that sucks04:30
bob2Mik0r: kismet is in ubunt already04:30
breakthestateyeah, i can't find... i accidentally was in /media when i downloaded and it finished and it's not showing up04:30
Mik0rnot in my version...04:30
bob2Mik0r: yes, it is04:30
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Mik0rwhere is it at then..04:31
bob2Mik0r: perhaps you forgot to enable universe? /msg ubotu repository04:31
bimberibreakthestate: sudo updatedb; locate slackware04:31
mahanguapt-get cant find smeg04:31
mahangudo i have to enable backports?04:31
wickedpuppymahangu, have you enabled multiverse and universe ?04:31
Mik0r<ubotu> I don't know, Mik0r04:31
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wickedpuppyrepositories ?04:32
Carpe_Libertatem!tell me about codecs04:32
uboturepositories is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy))04:32
bob2Mik0r: ^^04:32
dooglusbreakthestate: look at the wget output in your terminal.  the bit after '=>' is where it is writing to04:32
dooglusI see:            => `slackware-10.2-install-d1.iso'04:32
dooglusmeaning it's writing to a file called slackware-10.2-install-d1.iso in the current directory04:33
hereticoGnuKemist anything i can do about it ?04:33
GnuKemistnot sure...  what card do u have?04:33
dooglusbreakthestate: if you don't have permission to write to the current directory, you'll see Cannot write to `slackware-10.2-install-d1.iso' (Permission denied).04:34
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breakthestatedooglus:  i was in a root shell04:34
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hereticoGnuKemist its an apple G404:34
GnuKemistheretico, the sound card I meant04:34
cruxdestructhey everybody; i've got a quick question04:34
dooglusbreakthestate: fair enough.  that doesn't change anything I told you04:35
breakthestatebimberi and dooglus: i'm running "sudo updatedb; locate slackware"04:35
hereticoGnuKemist AWACS04:35
Remmelasso, lost my frame buffer splash screen and get pure text boot screens now, anyone know how to restore?04:35
bimberibreakthestate: thought so, updatedb takes a while :)04:35
bimberibreakthestate: ... for some anyway04:35
_n00blar_hi all, what's the program I can use to modify grub's menu.lst file? I saw it once, but can't find it anymore, lol04:35
breakthestatedooglus: good thing is i didn't see the permission denied message04:36
dooglusbreakthestate: you see it immediately - not at the end :)04:36
dooglusie. it doesn't download 700Mb of CD image and then fail...04:36
breakthestatebimberi: my output was /usr/share/gnome-system-tools/pixmaps/slackware.p04:36
Mik0rkismet is not in repositories...04:37
dooglusit's in universe, Mik0r04:37
bimberibreakthestate: seems the download didn't work then :|04:37
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mahanguapt-get cant find smeg04:38
mahangudo i have to enable backports?04:38
breakthestatebimberi, dooglus: oh well, i guess i should specifiy a directory04:38
hou5tontrying to get w32codecs ... i downloaded them from the mplayer site and it said to put them in /usr/local/lib/codecs  ... they are currently in a ...tar.bz2    do I just move them to /usr/local/lib/codecs and extract?04:38
No1VikingWhat's up with the hoary backports, are they gone forever?04:38
dooglusbreakthestate: what was the exact wget command you typed?04:39
nomasteryoda|wNo1Viking, yes...04:39
nomasteryoda|wlooks like it04:39
nomasteryoda|wsince they need backports in breezy... i believe04:39
breakthestatebimberi: root@ubuntu:/media# wget http://mirrors.easynews.com/linux/slackware/slackware-1 0.2-iso04:39
bimberiNo1Viking: as i understand it, the only backports now are in the official ubuntu repotories04:39
XorlevHaving problems with VMware Virtual Workstation. Error message: kde-config: /usr/lib/vmware/lib/libpng12.so.0/libpng12.so.0: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3). Any ideas?04:39
dooglusbreakthestate: aah.  you should have used ".iso" at the end.04:40
=== breakthestate to say that to dooglus
nomasteryoda|wXorlev, did yo install "build-essential"?04:40
wickedpuppyXorlev, i assume its genuine vmware ?04:40
wickedpuppyin that case they do have customer support ... don't they ?04:40
dooglusbreakthestate: did you see a "404 NOT FOUND" error?04:40
breakthestatedooglus: as a parameter04:40
nomasteryoda|wwickedpuppy, and the QT build libs04:40
wickedpuppyi thought thats why people pay for products ...04:40
dooglusbreakthestate: in the URL04:40
Xorlevwickedpuppy: Yes04:40
No1Vikingbimberi: Where are the official list?04:40
nomasteryoda|wwickedpuppy, but you have to pay after a certain time04:40
Xorlevnomasteryoda|w: Obviously.04:40
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bimberiubotu tell No1Viking about backports04:41
breakthestatedooglus: i got "301 Moved Permanently"04:41
breakthestateand then it moved to somewhere else and just downloaded an index.html file04:41
No1Vikingbimberi: Thanks!04:41
dooglusbreakthestate: could you paste the whole thing to pastebin?04:41
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, paste is please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text04:41
XorlevMy support already ran out :\04:41
breakthestatedooglus yeah04:41
breakthestatedooglus: joing the pastebin chatroom?04:42
bimberiNo1Viking: yw :)04:42
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nomasteryoda|wno really Xorlev did you install the development packages?04:42
dooglusbreakthestate: I meant the pastebin website.04:42
nomasteryoda|wi had that same issue with version 5 on this laptop04:42
nomasteryoda|wyou also have to set the GCC ....04:42
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hereticoGnuKemist that doesnt help ?04:43
dooglusbreakthestate: go to http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl , paste into the form, click 'send', tell me the URL.  you can leave all the fields blank04:44
GnuKemistheretico, hold on...  phone04:44
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breakthestatedooglus: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/265004:44
No1Viking!tell me about repos04:45
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Master-TrickyHey could someone please help me? I'm a total newbie and I tried out the Ubuntu Live CD to see how it is and stuff, but I get an "X Server could not be loaded" error and it says "fatal server error: no screens found" How can I fix this and if I install it on my hard drive, will this error still occur? (Sorry for long message and interrupting :-P)04:46
wickedpuppybreakthestate, can you do ls ?04:46
dooglusbreakthestate: that's weird04:46
wickedpuppyyou do not see the iso ?04:46
wickedpuppythats really strange04:46
dooglusbreakthestate: see the "utime(slackware-10.2-install-d1.iso): No such file or directory" line?  the file had gone before wget exited.04:46
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maximausWhat are my chances of upgrading to the latest Breezy pre-release from Hoary without total catastrophe? :P04:46
breakthestatedooglus: yeah, but it says it saved somehwere right??04:47
wickedpuppymaximaus, very big04:47
wickedpuppyi am using it04:47
dooglusbreakthestate: it is possible you (or someone else) removed the file as it was downloading?04:47
breakthestatewickepuppy:  i did ls in that directory and it didn't show up04:47
Carpe_LibertatemIs there anything like expose for Ubuntu?04:47
breakthestatedooglus: i don't think so, i was here the whole time04:47
wickedpuppydooglus, unlikely ... won't the file be locked by wget ?04:47
maximauswickedpuppy, you just changed the sources and did a dist-upgrade?04:48
wickedpuppymaximaus, i did it a month or so ago04:48
wickedpuppyyup ... my X did crashed... besides that nothing exciting happened04:48
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maximausWheeee X crash! what fixed it?04:48
wickedpuppyit says how to fix it04:49
wickedpuppyread the comment on the top04:49
wickedpuppynot cool ... i thought something worse would happen04:49
maximausRemind this cretin of what console text editor will be available for me to fix that.04:50
wickedpuppytry upgrading from windows xp to vista04:50
breakthestatewicked or dooglus: how do i tell wget to put the file in a specific directory04:50
wickedpuppymaximaus, ... there is always vi04:50
wickedpuppybreakthestate, go to that directory and type the command ?04:50
norhtedbimberi, bob2, thanx i installed required elements and everything is working fine now ;)04:50
maximausEek. I'll probably apt-get nano, as I'm not too bright.04:50
bimberinorhted: onya :)04:51
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wickedpuppymaximaus, vi is default on all linux/unix ... strongly suggest you know how to open/save/exit04:51
_n00blar_I used to have Windows XP as part of grub (in menu.lst), but now it's gone...how do I add it back?04:51
dooglusbreakthestate: I just tried an experiment.  I used wget to download a file, and deleted the file while it was downloading04:51
wickedpuppy_n00blar_, /boot/grub/menu.lst04:51
maximauswickedpuppy, I can probably figure it out. :P04:51
dooglusbreakthestate: the result looks exactly like what you saw.  wget doesn't notice the file has gone until the end, when you get a 'utime' error.  see http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2651 for a log.04:52
_n00blar_wickedpuppy, I know, but I can't figure out the syntax for Windows04:52
bimberiMaster-Tricky: It's not a good sign for a smooth install.  Perhaps check your video card here - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCards04:52
dooglusbreakthestate: perhaps there's something in ubuntu which clears out /media periodically - I don't know04:52
wickedpuppyeh ah ... that you got to ask someone who is dual-booting here04:52
wickedpuppyi am all linux04:52
maximausOne last query: you supposedly need to remove backports before upgrading--how do you locate those? :dunno:04:52
breakthestatewickedpuppy: just type "?"04:52
wickedpuppymaximaus, remove backports ?04:52
_n00blar_wickedpuppy, yeah, I have to dual boot for vpn access and WoW, hehe04:52
maximausI heard backports could bork an upgrade.04:53
wickedpuppyi did no such thing ... i just dist-upgrade04:53
wickedpuppyi am confused .. ?04:53
Master-Trickybimberi: It's not in the list so I assume that means I have to somehow manually set it up?  My card is an ATI Radeon x800xl04:53
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dooglus_n00blar_: did you try package 'vpnc' for VPN access?  it works well for me.  And apparently WoW works well under cedega (or whatever it's called)04:53
bimberimaximaus: disable them by commenting them out in sources.list or by unchecking them in Synaptic (Settings -> Repositories)04:54
bimberimaximaus: don't forget to update (reload) after doing so04:54
Carpe_LibertatemDoes anyone of anything like OS X's expose for Ubuntu?04:54
breakthestatedooglus: thing is, i was actually in /home/username/packages04:54
bimberiMaster-Tricky: i don't know for sure, there are nonfree ati drivers available which might work for you04:54
bimberiubotu tell Master-Tricky about ati04:55
maximausbimberi, I'll certainly do that. I just heard, probably heresay, that installed backports could be a problem. No biggie, I'm a dual booter and can just do a reg install if it all goes to hell. LOL04:55
breakthestatedooglus:  I think I'll just do it over to a different directory and see what happens04:55
maximausCarpe_Libertatem, 3D-desktop I think it's called04:55
bimberimaximaus: hehe k04:55
wickedpuppymaximaus, wait a few days and get a reg install from released ubuntu ?04:55
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maximauswickedpuppy, the live CD made me horny, I need it now.04:56
dooglusCarpe_Libertatem: I didn't know what expose was.  There's a movie here http://images.apple.com/movies/us/apple/tiger_sitedemos/apple-tiger-expose.mov if anyone else doesn't.04:56
bimberimaximaus: too much information :P04:56
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GhostFreemanCan I build apt packages from the source code04:56
_n00blar_dooglus, Wow locks up too much using wine or cedega...and vpnc only supports pptp04:57
maximausCarpe_Libertatem: http://desk3d.sourceforge.net/04:57
wickedpuppyGhostFreeman, yup ... you can!04:57
maximausavailable via apt. Pretty neat.04:57
GhostFreemanlet me guess... apt-get source <package>04:57
Carpe_Libertatemmaximaus, thanks, I'll check it out04:57
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dooglus_n00blar_: I read recently that WoW runs well if you - um I can't remember what you had to do now...04:58
dooglus_n00blar_: and what's pptp?04:58
Carpe_LibertatemHmm, this seems similar but a bit more graphically intense.04:58
maximausCarpe_Libertatem, don't even look at it if you don't have hardware acceleration on your graphics card. :P04:58
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Carpe_LibertatemI do, but that's not exactly what expose is anyway04:58
Master-Trickybimberi: A lot of the isntructions say to reboot my computer, if I'm using the Live CD, will this still work?04:58
GhostFreemanExpose just resizes the windows to fit on screen, right?04:59
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hereticoand for Spotlight - like there is beagle04:59
maximausdunno, but 3d-desktop shows them all as a crazy rotating carousel.04:59
Carpe_LibertatemGhostFreeman, you press a button, and all the windows display on the screen like a bunch of thumbnails almost04:59
bimberiMaster-Tricky: no, it's about an installation i'm afraid :(04:59
GhostFreemanI knew that much04:59
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GhostFreemanI use Expose a lot on OS X86 and I also run skippy on all my systems05:00
Carpe_LibertatemMy processor can't run OS X86 :-P05:00
maximausSkippy tends to gum up my cpu fan.05:00
esacis there anything for linux like windows zero wireless configuration, ESPECIALLY when switching between wireless networks05:00
bimberiMaster-Tricky: not sure if that made sense but i think you know what i meant :)05:00
Master-Trickybimberi: So should I just go ahead and install it?...And what are the chances that something will go wrong when using the installer to partition my WinXP NTFS hard drive? I'm really not in the mood to backup all of my stuff....05:01
maximausesac, look into kismet and airsnort (haven't used them, but they might be useful)05:01
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Master-Trickybimberi: Obviously, I'm planning on using a dual-boot05:01
Carpe_LibertatemHmm, there's Kompose for KDE, but I use Gnome.05:01
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=== Remmelas [n=mike@65-101-72-223.bois.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
oblibHow do I create a boot disk to boot straight into Ubuntu from a floppy?05:02
_n00blar_dooglus, Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol...my office uses L2TP instead05:02
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GhostFreemanhow do I delete a directory05:03
bimberiMaster-Tricky: you can go ahead, gee i would be backing up though, i can say that i haven't seen anyone coming here saying "the resize killed my windows partition" (others may differ)05:03
oblibGhostFreeman: rm -R05:03
GhostFreemanthere we go, thanks05:03
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Mik0rhow do I logout of a gnome session to login to a diffrent wm05:03
GhostFreemantoo many text commands to memorize05:03
maxi-awayMaster-Tricky, just make sure to defrag any NTFS you resize.05:03
Carpe_Libertatemooooooo, Breezy now lets me eject a cd just by pressing the button on my drive05:04
maxi-awayMik0r, System/log out05:04
Thunderguyoblib: I'd have to look that one up, but I believe by choosing "rescue" as a boot option from the Ubuntu disk you can recover it.05:04
maxi-awayCarpe_Libertatem, I can do that with Hoary. :P05:04
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oblibThunderguy: Boot from the Install disc?05:04
bimberiMik0r: System -> Logout, then choose a different item from the Session menu when you log back in05:04
Carpe_Libertatemmaxi-away, it didn't do it by default for me05:05
ThunderguyI believe so.05:05
Master-Trickybimberi: Okay, I think I'm gonna go for it and resize it....Thank you for your help, I should be back :P05:05
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bimberiMaster-Tricky: good luck :)05:05
oblibis there an easy way to get a type someones nick without typing it all out?05:05
_jasonoblib:  start typing it, then hit tab05:06
oblib_jason, thanks05:06
esacso the splash screen when logging in got better. but it is still fugly brown. how can i change it ?05:06
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=== bimberi is noting the number of questions about "brown" recently :)
maxi-awayesac, I suggest changing your decor to match. {gets coat}05:06
gnuyenHi guys, has anyone found packages for mythtv in breezy?05:06
gnuyenI just need the frontend05:06
gnuyenbut it's not in breezy05:07
esacmaxi-away: smear chocolate or crap on my screen ? ok :)05:07
=== drapelyk [n=drapelyk@12-219-216-231.client.mchsi.com] has joined #Ubuntu
drapelykI'm a dummy, but isn't there a command I can run to download a file to a specific directory?05:08
thoreauputicdrapelyk: wget from that target dir05:08
drapelyksweet, thanks05:08
drapelykwget "url" right?05:08
WhiteRabbitkget it yes05:09
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thoreauputicor wget -c05:09
WhiteRabbitor curl it even05:09
drapelykok, thanks05:09
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oblibAnyone know how to make a boot floppy from within Ubuntu that will boot me to Ubuntu?05:09
oblibThunderguy, I'll try your idea later05:10
thoreauputicoblib: mkboot (but not sure if the newer kernels will fir on a floppy)05:11
ali4728help needed Just installed courierImap /etc/init.d/courier start Error :05:11
ali4728bash: /etc/init.d/courier: No such file or directory  ! What can I do?05:11
maxi-awaydrapelyk, wget -c simply resumes a previous download in that directory., fwiw.05:11
obliblilo required for that, and I don't have lilo05:11
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thoreauputicoblib: are you sure? I don't see that in the man page05:13
inc|freakyhi all. my soundcard isnt working i tried running alsaconf but there is no alsaconf anywhere. apt-file search alsaconf returns nothing and apt-get install alsaconf returns nothing. alsa-utils package is installed.05:13
thoreauputicinc|freaky: there's no alsaconf in ubuntu05:13
oblibI tried it already thoreauputic05:13
inc|freakythoreauputic: so where do i configure sound?05:13
oblibthoreauputic, I just installed lilo though, we'll see if it works05:13
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thoreauputicinc|freaky: I'm not a sound expert I fear - I assume you ran alsamixer and checked for muted chanels?05:14
inc|freakyyes i did05:14
oblibthoreauputic, now I get "Fatal: No images have been defined." Any idea on that?05:14
h0sl3rWhen I close my laptop on breezy my wireless internet stops. I cant download anything when my laptop lid is closed. How can I fix this?05:15
bob2find out what's really happening05:15
thoreauputicinc|freaky: all I know is alsaconf has been deprecated ("it caused more problems than it fixed" was what I recall hearing05:15
Versedkeep it up?05:15
jsubl2inc|freaky: what are you trying to play05:15
inc|freaky.mp3 files using amarok05:15
inc|freakynothing works05:15
thoreauputicoblib: hmm - no, sorry05:15
Versedthoreau all kidding aside what laptop?05:16
jsubl2inc|freaky: did you install mp3 support05:16
inc|freakyjsubl2: how to do that?05:16
inc|freakyjsubl2: but i think i did stuff played good before05:16
thoreauputicVersed: ?05:16
oblibubotu mp3 ?05:16
ubotuhmm... mp3 is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support05:16
VersedBecause when I installed ubuntu on my G4 450 it installed all the ibook/powerbook battery savings stuff on it.05:16
jsubl2inc|freaky: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:16
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Versedwhat kind of laptop??05:17
Versedand did it install the wifi drivers?05:17
thoreauputicVersed: what are you talking about?05:17
XorlevHaving problems with VMware Virtual Workstation. Error message: kde-config: /usr/lib/vmware/lib/libpng12.so.0/libpng12.so.0: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3). Any ideas?05:17
bob2go vmware, it's your birthday05:18
_n00blar_anyone dual booting with XP that can show me the menu.lst section for xp? somehow after yesterday's update my menu.lst lost the windows section05:18
bob2also, that sould only be a warning, not a fatal error05:18
Versedsoory thoreau, wrong person.05:18
wickedpuppyinc|freaky, i am playing mp3 with amarok ... it can play mp3 that i can assure you05:18
XorlevIt seems to cause a fatal error though05:18
maximaus_n00blar_, give me a sec and I'll /msg you05:18
thoreauputicVersed: OK05:18
XorlevUnable to initialize host: Message05:18
_n00blar_maximaus, ty05:19
ali4728bob2, my freshly installed courierImap wont start (/etc/init.d/courier start bash: /etc/init.d/courier: No such file or directory) how  can start it?05:20
IcemanV9_n00blar_: yep, it does overwrite menu.lst when it was updated (happened to me before) .. it would be a good idea to backup menu.lst somewhere05:20
bob2that seems pretty clear05:20
bob2anyway, it started when yo uinstalled it05:22
bob2so no need to run anything05:22
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_n00blar_IcemanV9, yeah, I'm doing it now..05:23
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_n00blar_there used to be an app (gui interface) that allowed me to modify menu.lst. I can't find or remember its name05:23
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levanderThere's any good recipe database software for Linux?05:24
=== IcemanV9 listens for the answer to levander's question - my wife would love to have one :)
Philylevander: MySQL05:25
levanderhello?! this room has NEVER been this quiet05:25
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nomasteryoda|wlevander, did you search apt05:25
Philylevander: hello hello this is your echo05:25
P229levander: mmm, sounds like a good program to have05:25
levanderPhily: i must be in a bad mood because the mysql answer did manage to irritate me05:25
doogluskrecipes - cooking book for KDE05:25
bimberilevander: i can only find qbrew :) (in the repos that is)05:26
Philylevander: sorry05:26
levanderdooglus: you're saying that's good program, or just found it in apt?05:26
eagleyeHas anyone tried mupen64, if so, Can you help me install it.05:26
dooglusqbrew - Homebrewer's recipe calculator (uses Qt)05:26
Philylevander: how about using the web05:26
doogluslevander: I never tried either of them.05:26
ali4728bob2, I cant stop it (courier) either,it gives me the same error, ( No such file or directory) how do I know it is running?05:26
inc|freakyit works now thx :)05:26
Philyali4728: pidof "nameof application"05:27
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bimberiali4728: try /etc/init.d/courier-imap05:27
levanderPhily: because I figured I wouldn't get a bunch of smartasses in this room who might know of one they've used personally and thought was good?05:27
maximaus_n00blar_,  it's called "grubconf"05:27
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bob2ali4728: you can't just make up names of scripts, the one you're trying to run just does not exist05:27
bob2ali4728: ls /etc/init.d/05:27
_n00blar_maximaus, the gui app?05:27
Philylevander: sorry again but the way I read your question was a recioy for database usage05:27
bob2ali4728: it'll be courier-imap, etc05:28
Remmelasis there a way to find out which package provides an executable, in other words, how to find the package tha provides the command you want to install05:28
ali4728bimberi, thnx I got it bow05:28
levanderPhily: i'm joking with you, i didn't really care that you made silly answer05:28
bob2Remmelas: aptfile or packages.ubuntu.com05:28
bob2er, apt-file05:28
bimberiali4728: yw :)05:28
P229levander: never even knew there was such a thing... but if you find a good one, it'd be cool to know about it05:28
maximaus_n00blar_, yarr05:28
=== CarlFK [n=CarlK@c-67-163-39-125.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Remmelasbob2: tyvm05:29
thoreauputicI've heard of krecipes - but it doesn't seem to show up in apt-cache search here...05:29
dooglusthoreauputic: maybe it's a breezy thang?05:29
inc|freakyI really start liking ubuntu :)05:29
dooglus        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages05:29
CarlFKI just did tee file instead of tail file, so now I have a 0 length file.  ext2 fs - aren't there some recovery tools?05:29
thoreauputicdooglus: Oh I see - you found it in breezy?05:29
CarlFKI have used krecipes - I built it from source05:30
Philyexport DISPLAY=
maximaus_n00blar_, unfortunately I don't see it via apt. Editing by hand isn't particularly hard though.05:30
Philylevander: why don't you try www.bigoven.com they have an  RSS feed for recipes "feed" get it05:30
dooglus"sudo apt-get install krecipes" ==> "After unpacking 69.9MB of additional disk space will be used".  That's a lot of recipes!!!05:30
_n00blar_maximaus, yes, I just did that...will reboot soon05:30
=== WinZ [n=WinZ@97sirius013.dc.ukrtel.net] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicdooglus: woah!05:31
levanderPhily: you've used that site, or just found it with google?05:31
dooglusthoreauputic: (I'm kindof cheating - that count includes all the KDE dependancies)05:31
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thoreauputicdooglus: I just thought of that possibility ;)05:32
bimberidooglus: lol05:32
Philymy girlfriend uses RSS feed on her cough "window machine"05:32
dooglusthey won't be staying on my hd unless krecipes is really special :)05:32
CarlFKBigOven Starter Edition.....   $9.95 - no Linux ver...05:32
wickedpuppyAfter unpacking 9466kB of additional disk space will be used. <-- this is my kreceipes05:32
=== Roots [i=olsen@adsl-67-65-20-131.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicwickedpuppy: ah, you have KDE stuff already, clearly05:33
maximausLOL, I just keep my recipes in plain text or in me brain. :P05:33
dooglusis "RSS feed" a recipe program?05:33
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oneifreakmaximaus, or even simpler, cook till burnt05:34
Philymaximaus: I usually use my creativity for recipes05:34
thoreauputicmaximaus: pencil and paper are deprecated, haven't you heard ? <grin>05:34
Philythoreauputic: I really use a computer when cooking execpt when I,m cooking egs on my intel processor05:34
bimberilevander: look what you've gone and started! :)05:34
dooglusis there any way of undoing a breezy update?05:35
=== PeerSoft [i=Brandon@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicPhily: I heard AMD is quicker for cooking05:35
PeerSofthello.. I am going to get UBUNTU linux05:35
sgteichI thought only AMD was good for cooking.....05:35
PeerSoftwill my 56k modem PCTEL PLATINUM V.90 work on it?05:35
Philythoreauputic: imagine having an intel + windows oven: All your data has been lost please reformat your oven05:35
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PeerSoftim going to download it @ my mother in laws house using broadband05:35
PhilyPeerSoft: PCTEL = winmodem = goodlock05:36
=== maximaus groans
ilpavoxis there an easy way to convert a plane old compressed source into a deb file so i can uninstall the binary easily05:36
PeerSoftthats what i thought05:36
P229PeerSoft: get a serial modem05:36
thoreauputicPhily: pease read the EULA carefully: this meal may not be distributed or served on any non-Windows tables05:36
PeerSofthow much are they?05:36
PhilyPeerSoft: google it I think PCTEL is supported05:36
PeerSoftwell most newer versions of linux a friend of mine says. should have updated drivers to make a winmodem work on linux or some shit like that05:37
bimberiPeerSoft: it *might* work with the smartlink drivers but ymmv05:37
Philythoreauputic: If you do not have more than one license you may not share your recipe with third parties!05:37
maximausPeerSoft, I got a modem for $20usd on Ebay when I used dial up. Worked great.05:37
P229PeerSoft: I got mine for $30, but I'm sure you could get one for less. heck, my employer just threw out several 28 Kbps serial modems05:37
PeerSofti dont want 2805:37
PeerSoftthats for sure05:37
PeerSoftdont wanna go any slower than I already am going05:38
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PhilyPeerSoft: If you pay shipping I,ll give you my usrobotic pci modem05:38
PeerSofthow much would shipping cost?05:38
PhilyPhily: Its been sitting in a box for over 5 years05:38
P229PeerSoft: well, you can get a good 56 Kbps serial modem for ~$3005:38
CarlFKPeerSoft 0 there is a script around somewhere that will do a pretty good job at figuring out what you have and what it will take to make it work05:38
PhilyPeerSoft: Try a live distro that script is usually included05:39
maximausI've got an ISA USR modem, that I'll post for free if you're in the US and have ISA ports.05:39
=== thoreauputic hugs the synergy program
PeerSoftyea im going to download both cdimages05:39
PeerSoftthe live CD05:39
PeerSoftand the install05:39
PeerSoftmaximaus, i dont even know what ISA ports are lol05:39
P229are they still sending out free CDs?05:39
PhilyPeerSoft: give me your shipping adress and I,ll ship a cd thru slow mail05:39
maximausISA slots I mean.05:40
dooglusPeerSoft: you might find that your modem is supported anyway.  http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/pctel-linux/welcome.html05:40
CarlFKPeerSoft http://www.linmodems.org05:40
PeerSoftnever heard of ISA ;x05:40
sgteichP229:Yes, I ordered some this week05:40
Philymaximaus: If your computer is 3 or 4 years old good chance no ISA05:40
maximausyup, that's why I went serial a while back (but now on DSL, thank heavens)05:40
PeerSoftphily query me05:41
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WhiteRabbitPhily, in 3 to 4 years from now we will be saying a good chance of having 1 pci slot among the pci express slots lol05:41
=== dabaR [n=dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-186-48.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
P229I got a serial modem even after having DSL because I wanted to be able to do some telnet05:41
=== maximaus is now known as maxi-making-cock
PhilyWhiteRabbit: Well I,ll keep my computer I have lots of PCI hardware05:42
=== maxi-making-cock is now known as maxi-away
dabaRP229: telnet like what?05:42
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WhiteRabbit3 to 4 years I'll be running a optical processor hopefully05:42
P229dabaR: dial into my school's VAX05:42
maxi-awayheck, in 3-4 years we'll all be running terminals from the Google server... [goes to make a g&t] 05:43
dabaRP229: how does that relate to telnet? isnt telnet like, I can telnet to my university's computer through the terminal...05:43
PhilydabaR: we have vax at work but cant get parts anymore!!05:43
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dooglusdabaR: yes.  you can telnet using any internet connection.  I think P229 has his terminology mixed up05:44
P229dabaR: yes, well, they don't allow that from remote computers05:44
P229dooglus: I probably do, I'm too tired to think straight tonight05:45
dabaRP229: aha.05:45
=== maxi-away is now known as maximaus
dabaRquiet tonight...thats nice to see.05:47
dabaRfor a change...05:47
=== dabaR wonders whether he has too many people in the ignore list...:)
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@203-59-122-25.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== maximaus enjoys the civility of #ubuntu immensely.
P229#fedora is also pretty civil. #suse, however, most certainly is not05:49
=== P229 wanders over to #gentoo out of a morbid curiosity
=== Hobbsee [n=sarah@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicmaximaus: yes the tone has improved sincewe implemented filtering out all bitch-x users ;-)05:50
=== thoreauputic runs
!lilo:*! Hi all. With the end of Rita and Katrina, it seemed to be a good idea to reevaluate the scope of our ##hurricane channel. I talked with Chris Burt, who runs ##hurricane, and we decide to move to a new channel, ##earth, which has been set up as an "observation channel for Earth and vicinity", covering global weather and climate, earthquakes, tsunamis, vulcanism, pollution, space weather and the occasional big chunk of rock the Universe sends our way. You're 05:50
!lilo:*! ....You're all invited to stop by if you'd like to. :)05:51
maximausThe #fedora channel is indeed rather nice, I frequented it often when I was a hat guy. :P05:51
Hobbseeanyone know if we have a .deb for openoffice.org2 rc1 yet?  or how to install it?05:51
=== gnuLame [n=alain@aqu33-4-82-233-52-102.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusHobbsee: breezy has OO.o2 version "1.9.129-0.1ubuntu2".05:52
maximausHobbsee, I think it's available via apt. [checks]  Yup, it's there.05:52
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maximaus(in Hoary)05:53
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steviantdoes anyone know of a working backports repository?05:53
dooglusmaximaus: not the "rc1" version though?05:53
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Philythoreauputic: waht was worng with bitch-x05:53
=== beniamino [n=ben@naf-37.OLAC.Berkeley.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
Hobbseein hoary, the rep version is really old...05:53
Hobbseelike .79 or something05:53
Hobbseei was looking for the RC05:54
Hobbseeyes, i'm impatient lol05:54
steviantbackports for hoary that is :)05:54
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thoreauputicPhily: the quit messages mostly (but I was just kidding)05:54
beniaminoi can't install openssh-server -- dkpg hangs at 'setting up....' what can i do to force it/05:54
dooglusHobbsee: breezy is in upstream version freeze, so it'll stay at 1.9.129 I guess05:54
Hobbseedooglus: but it'll be in backports, presumably?05:54
dabaRHobbsee: much improved? I could not find even a diamond symbol for a relationship symbol in an ERD...05:54
dooglusHobbsee: I don't know anything about backports, soorry.05:55
HobbseedabaR: probably, it's definetly gotten way fast and seems to be more stable in the later beta's05:55
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dooglusHobbsee: I guess it'll be in grumpy pretty quickly05:55
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Hobbseedooglus: i'm not using breezy now, so i dont really mind about it yet - i was looking from hoary05:55
Hobbseein grumpy?05:56
thoreauputichi linner :)05:56
LuVUnTure dooglus05:56
linnerhey thoreauputic  :)05:56
Hobbseehi linner05:56
linnerthoreauputic:  how are you?05:56
linnerHobbsee:  hello :)05:56
Hobbseeit's so much quieter in here today05:56
bimberisteviant: the official backports repository seems to be working - or are you using mirrormax?05:56
linnerHobbsee:  it was kickin' earlier today05:56
thoreauputiclinner: my shrink says I'm fine - but he has a perceptual disorder ;)05:56
steviantDoes anyone know of a working backports repository for ubuntu-hoary, I've been trying for three days to find a repository that isn't either a) unreachable, b) 404ing everything, or c) apparently fine but with no packages. Is everyone else just living without backports?05:56
dabaRhehe...how about the features, many added? Hobbsee05:57
linnerthoreauputic:  LOL..............05:57
Hobbseelinner: what, while i was asleep?05:57
steviantbimberi: what's the official repository?05:57
maximausthe forums backports repository seems to be alive.05:57
linnerHobbsee:  oh... I didn't recognize your nick....05:57
linnerHobbsee:  a little bit yeah :)05:57
bimberiubotu tell steviant about backports05:57
Hobbseelinner: :( the names are starting to get familiar around here05:57
=== eventualbuddha [n=eventual@ip68-106-186-168.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
linnerHobbsee: oh ... I kinda like that :)05:58
maximauschange your backports addy to that ^^05:58
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bimberisteviant: hopefully ubotu tolde you something like that too :)05:58
steviantbimberi: I've been googling for about 18 hours in total and haven't found anything relating to the repositories ubotu told me about :\05:59
HobbseedabaR: havent really looked around the advanced features much - I dont have many assignments due at the moment05:59
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eventualbuddhahow would i mount a firewire drive in ubuntu livecd?05:59
maximausmirrormax still works for hoary-extras I believe.05:59
steviantmirrormax 404s for me05:59
=== steviant tries the repositories everyone is telling him about :)
linnerHobbsee:  i apt-got GNU privacy assistant06:00
=== Bicchi [n=chatzill@adsl-065-006-167-199.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
DonLWhen Breezy comes out officially in a few weeks, does anyone know if the downloadable install disk will have a repair function?06:00
maximauseventualbuddha, have you tried it yet? It may very well mount automatically.06:00
eventualbuddhamaximaus, i'm not seeing it in nautilus06:00
steviantErr http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary-extras/restricted Packages 404 Not Found [IP: 80] 06:01
maximauseventualbuddha, you'll have to do it via a terminal then06:01
=== brion_away is now known as brion
eventualbuddhamaximaus, which /dev is it? there are so many...06:01
=== Hobbsee goes to find out what GNU privacy assistant is
=== NeoFax [n=terry@c-24-10-109-222.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
steviantcan I get a hoary-extras repo from anywhere as well?06:01
dooglusit's hoary-backports you mean?06:01
dabaRHobbsee: well, what the heck do you need a new version for, then?06:02
maximauseventualbuddha, it's probably sdb somthingorother.06:02
steviantthe backports archive is at least reachable and doesn't 404 :D06:02
HobbseedabaR: for the fun of testing it out and seeing the improvements!06:02
linnerHobbsee:  couldn't get to work your commands so I went digging... found this:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto which is where I found out about it.... and STILL can't upload the darned thing06:02
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bimberisteviant: hoary-extras are definitely not official so won't be appearing with an ubuntu.com address :)06:03
dabaRHobbsee: like me installing gentoo in a few days:))06:03
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dooglushttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ shows a list of repositories available06:03
bimberisteviant: mirrormax might work for them though06:03
=== linner is typing dyslexic tonight...
HobbseedabaR: i'm not that crazy...06:03
=== sgteich [n=leichman@host-132-163-220-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu
steviantbimberi: I'll try uncommenting the mirrormax hoary-extras line06:03
DonLdooglus, thanks for the repo list. I think that may be my Breezy problem06:04
sgteichsteviant: look here - http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6968106:04
=== pedgett [i=word@r01pgehfb.desktop.umr.edu] has joined #ubuntu
inc|freakyperfect. from now on java works. if this continues to work that good i will probably the rest of my disc not for windows but for mp3s etc. (i would have used it for stuff like that anyway06:05
steviantSuck... so I'll have to go to unofficial repositories to get w32codecs etc?06:05
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thoreauputiclinner: you heard about the agnostic dyslexic insomniac I guess?06:05
inc|freakysteviant: are you trying to play mp3s?06:05
skyman302hey guys06:05
linnerthoreauputic:  you guessed wrong :)06:05
skyman302Got a quick question if you all are not to busy06:06
thoreauputiclinner: lies awake wondering "Is there a dog? "06:06
steviantinc|freaky: Nah I'm trying to play video, I just want to reinstall w32codecs because they seem a bit broken06:06
inc|freakyjust ask ;)06:06
=== linner laughes........................
qsrvone simple question: what do you use to manage network connections (wired and wireless) for ubuntu?06:06
linnerthat was good06:06
=== linner is still laughing
steviantIt's getting so annoying I'm on the verge of dumping ubuntu and going back to debian unstable06:06
Thunderguydebian unstable?06:07
Thunderguywhat's it like?06:07
=== rigel [n=rigel@adsl-63-201-231-22.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
skyman302How would I go about installing ubuntu on an nvraid array. The thing is I already installed windows on it and left 80 gb unpartitioned to use for linux. Now however, it seems that using nvraid is impossible on linux. Is there any work around. Is there somehow I can activate dmraid in the installer06:07
steviantThunderguy: a lot like it sounds at the moment, but at least I can get the software I need then06:07
=== bimberi thinks that synergy has affected thoreauputic :)
rigelokay, why can i not add mp3s from a cd to a playlist and get them to play in xmms06:07
=== bonee [n=bonee@pool-71-107-88-86.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
DonLsteviant, the reason I'm with Ubuntu is I never had any luck installing Debian. Is it easier now?06:08
rigelwhen did you use the installer last?06:08
steviantNot much easier, no :D06:08
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steviantHardware detection is still pretty much non-existant in the debian installer06:08
DonLsteviant, I could never get X happening06:08
thoreauputicbimberi: the synergistic effects kicked in , for sure ;)06:09
steviantI'm a debian user from way back, and I've been very happy with ubuntu until half the available software disappeared06:09
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DonLUbuntu pretty much impresses the heck out of me, but I've screwed my system up really good going from Hoary to Breezy. Still trying to figure that out06:10
bimberisteviant: that wasn't aimed at you btw :)06:10
steviantheh :)06:10
=== Centaur5 [n=fishman@68-187-79-131.dhcp.stgr.ut.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
HobbseeDonL: how in particular did you screw up your system?06:10
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skyman302anyone with the nvraid?06:11
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DonLHobbsee, not really sure. Followed the instructiong on the wiki, but I've ended up with several screens of unmet dependencies. This isn't RPM, is it? lol06:11
HobbseeDonL: lol nope...how long ago was this that you tried?06:12
DonLHobbsee, last Sunday06:12
HobbseeDonL: i'm wondering if we both picked a bad day to upgrade...06:12
DonLHobbsee, you too?06:13
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esacwhats a really good rss feed reader for gnome ?06:13
inc|freakylol first java doesnt want to run, now i cant even close a java window only with CTRL+ESC ^^06:13
HobbseeDonL: yeah, a few days ago...screwed it royally, it wouldnt logon except as root, would crash every time i tried to open konqueror, etc...06:13
Centaur5How can you find out if the precompiled kernel that ubuntu installed included support for ifrared?06:14
DonLHobbsee, I had Hoary on a large hard drive, but I have a 6 gig drive as well. I put Warty into the small drive to get me through. I forgot how nice it is06:14
HobbseeDonL: nice, i never tried warty...06:15
=== bonee [n=bonee@pool-71-107-88-86.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
HobbseeDonL: i run out of space pretty quickly when looking at tripple booting06:15
DonLHobbsee, got some windows on there too?06:16
HobbseeDonL: yeah, for games, on a 40 gig laptop06:16
inc|freakyi luv ubuntu :D06:16
inc|freakywell kubuntu to be true06:16
HobbseeDonL: if sims 2 would play under linux, i'd be a very happy woman!06:16
DonLThis machine's been windows free for about 5 years now06:17
Hobbseeinc|freaky: kubuntu's awesome!06:17
inc|freakyHobbsee: yea :D06:17
HobbseeDonL: i wish - everytime i boot to windows it annoys me06:17
=== SPCcrow [n=SPCcrow@adsl-63-200-124-204.dsl.mtry01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
DonLI got tired of having to reboot from one into the othere06:17
esacanybody know how to use cryptoloop or some other program to created an encrypted file that acts as a drive ?06:17
SPCcrowAre there any Korean input programs for Ubuntu?06:18
inc|freakyjava, flash, everything working i got it all set up within minutes ... when i did all that it took me about one hour ^^06:18
qsrvany laptop users here?06:19
Hobbseeqsrv: yes06:19
inc|freaky*the first time06:19
esacim a laptop user06:19
Centaur5I'm a laptop user06:19
inc|freakyis there anything connecting to the kazaa lite network under linux?06:19
=== Ex-Cyber [n=excyber@24-55-116-22.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
inc|freakyif i find something doing it i will stick to ubuntu and not install windows06:19
P229I'm P229, and I'm a laptop user06:20
SPCcrowinc|freaky: Why not use LimeWire?06:20
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Centaur5P229, Don't worry, there is hope  :)06:20
DonLWell, must go for now. Nice talking to you!06:20
P22911 more steps to go06:21
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=== DPadclear [n=mreams@pcp01534875pcs.huntsv01.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ex-Cyberhow can I stop OpenOffice Writer from automatically indenting and inserting list items? I'm trying to start a paragraph with a name starting with "D.C." and Writer apparently thinks I'm trying to start a list in Roman numerals :/06:21
qsrvwhat do you use to manage network connections?06:21
DPadclearAny ideas why apache2 won't read a .htaccess file in /var/www?06:21
mushtaqhi i have a ibm pc 200mgz processor 2gb hd 32mb ram06:21
qsrvlike different wireless settings, wired vs wireless and etc06:21
mushtaqinstalling ubuntu is possible ?06:21
inc|freakySPCcrow: kazaa-lite is widely used in germany and therefore i get german songs from there easily. on other filesharing networks i dont get them that easily06:21
SPCcrowqsrv: network-admin06:21
SPCcrowinc|freaky: you could try using Wine for it, but other than that I am not sure...06:22
rigelis alsa in the default kubuntu install06:22
linnerHobbsee:  were you able to find out about the GNU Privacy Assistant06:22
inc|freakySPCcrow: i had such a tool a while ago i just cant remember the name06:22
rigeler, breezy06:22
SPCcrowuboto tell qsrv about network-admin06:22
SPCcrowthats not right..06:23
mushtaqhi i have a ibm pc 200mgz processor 2gb hd 32mb ram is it possible to install ubuntu06:23
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Hobbseelinner: i had a bit of a look at it, didnt understanad much of it06:23
inc|freakymushtaq: sure. it just depends on how much you want to install, and how much graphical stuff you want to enable i guess.06:23
=== dcstimm [n=dcstimm@ip68-101-222-128.sd.sd.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
mushtaqinc|freaky how to install from the network ?06:23
linnerHobbsee:  yeah it's for the GUI :)06:23
mushtaqi dont have the cdrom also inc|freaky06:23
Ex-Cybermushtaq: a default install would not work well, although you might be able to build a usable system by starting with a "server" install and adding software06:23
inc|freakymushtaq: you cant. download the first CD ... then you can get everything using online mirrors06:24
mushtaqinc|freaky is it possible to ftp ?06:24
inc|freakymushtaq: then you have to get it :) or, if you just want to get it, just have them ship it to you FOR FREE :)06:24
Hobbseelinner: got that much, but i've yet to figure out what it hides in regards to privacy06:24
inc|freakymushtaq: sure, just visit www.ubuntulinux.net06:24
linnerHobbsee:  I don't think it "hides" anything... it aids in the creation of a key...06:25
=== P3L|C4N0 [n=gcamposm@] has joined #ubuntu
inc|freakymushtaq: look at https://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://www.ubuntu.com/download/06:25
=== Ex-Cyber refuses to believe that there's no option to disable this brain-dead behavior
linnerHobbsee:  it says that it can upload it for distribution too but i can't connect to any of the servers... they fail each time i try to connect06:25
inc|freakyand decide which one you want ;)06:25
breakthestatewhere to the codecs from w32codecs go after i apt-get them?06:26
nomasteryoda|wbreakthestate, what do you mean?06:26
nomasteryoda|wit installs them06:26
thoreauputicbreakthestate: /usr/lib/w32 from memory06:26
=== thoreauputic checks
Hobbseelinner: right...so if i dont create programs, it's no use to me?06:26
breakthestatethror: thx, i just can't get mplayer to find my codecs at all06:26
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breakthestatei think it's cause i had it compiled at one point06:27
inc|freakyi like ubuntu. also the community is friendly and it makes you help others too :)06:27
linnerHobbsee:  huh?06:27
nomasteryoda|wbreakthestate, yes06:27
esacis there a better player than totem? totem seems to be missing some key things such as window always on top when playing a video06:27
Hobbseelinner: dont worry...06:27
thoreauputicbreakthestate: /usr/lib/win3206:27
=== linner isn't worried... I'm confused at what you said.
breakthestateso i'm wondering if i apt-get w32codecs06:27
BlueEaglebreakthestate: or even aptitude w32codecs06:28
breakthestateand then compile Mplayer.. why it isn't finding the codecs (actually if i apt-get Mplayer it doesn't find them either)06:28
thoreauputicbreakthestate: that's where the package puts them06:28
oneifreakesac: you can kept any window on top.06:28
=== cafuego_ vomits
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SPCcrowanyone know how to setup Ubuntu to type in Korean?06:28
esacbut only when a video is player ?06:28
nomasteryoda|wcafuego, ewww please use #flood06:28
inc|freakyguys & girls i gotto go taking a rest from the day now. was installing hoary this morning set everything up and was upgrading to breezy this evening im all done now :D everythign seems to work now only the personalisation has to take place tomorrow when ive slept ^^ see you then ^^06:29
PeerSoftgod i cant wait till i have For kubuntu ;x06:29
esaci swear ive used a media player that had that functionality before06:29
BlueEaglenn inc|freaky06:29
inc|freakynn ;D06:29
Hobbseelinner: i've just found the FAQ's for it...that should help me understand...06:29
linnerHobbsee:  oh okay06:29
Hobbseelinner: it's still way too early for the brain to function yet06:29
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inc|freakyPeerSoft: hehe, the same happened to me this morning when i was downloading the kubuntu image ;o)06:30
thoreauputicbreakthestate: if you compiled mplayer it might be looking in /usr/local/lib/win32 or similar06:30
linnerHobbsee:  ahhh :)06:30
PeerSoftnothing happened to me lol06:30
PeerSoftjust on dialup06:30
PeerSoftand have to wait on a CD06:30
nomasteryoda|wthoreauputic, won't a symlink do the trick?06:30
=== PeerSoft has never used nix before
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thoreauputicnomasteryoda|w: should, yes06:30
inc|freakyPeerSoft: for a friend it took 2 months :\06:30
breakthestateyeah, i'll do ./configure -with--codecsdir=/usr/lib/win3206:30
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breakthestatenomaster: i've read that a symlink won't work...go figure06:31
inc|freakyreally but he was ordering 400 CDs ;)06:31
inc|freakyPeerSoft i mean06:31
inc|freakyah that wasnt me ^^06:31
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LuVUnTudooglus, which file was it again that i should add the line <code>pon adsl-provide</code>06:31
DPadclearWhy won't apache2 read an .htaccess file in it's /var/www directory (This is off of a new installation - ie fresh after the apt-get install)06:31
dooglusLuVUnTu: I think you've got the wrong person06:32
inc|freakyok going to sleep now ... just cant get away off my new kubuntu ;)06:32
Master-Trickybimberi, I'm back and the partitioning was successful. (Phew, at least I can't do any damage to Windows XP now :P) Everything's fine in XP, but I have the same problem with Ubuntu and can't seem to get X Server to load, I get the same error.06:32
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dooglusLuVUnTu: oh no, I remember you...  /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh06:32
LuVUnTugreat. thanks06:32
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signbarnIs Colony 5 the latest image of Breezy?06:33
bz0bhey all06:33
breakthestatehi bz0b06:33
bz0bhey, is there a way to upgrade to 5.10 without reformatting?06:33
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nomasteryoda|wbz0b, yes06:34
BlueEaglebz0b: yes.06:34
bz0bplease explain06:34
houman_zhuhi therem does anyone know when breezy will be released? liek the final version not the preview06:34
ubotuwell, repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96906:34
nomasteryoda|wer soory06:34
BlueEaglebz0b: There is a way to upgrade to 5.10 without reformatting.06:34
ubotuThe guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade06:34
nomasteryoda|w!tell bzOb about repos06:34
nomasteryoda|wand that06:34
signbarnafter some updates, my breezy no longer has the groovy splash screen boot thingy when it starts up. has anyone else had this problem?06:35
=== thoreauputic decides signbarn 's description is way to technical to understand ;)
=== Amaranth got his breezy install working again
acktifujitcan anyone help me with my doom3 and ati problems? :F06:36
signbarnhaha :-) i miss my pretty boot screen06:36
Amaranthit's pre-Colony 4 but expect some fixes for pyxdg and smeg bugs :)06:36
Master-TrickyWhenever I try to boot Ubuntu Hoary I get an "X Server cannot be loaded" error and "fatal server error; no screens found" and many "no symbols found" and "no devices found" errors.  My graphics card is a Radeon X800XL, I think it has to do with it...Can anyone help me?06:36
ubotuit has been said that ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx06:37
Myrtti/me praises Gaia for giving me patience not upgrading to Breezy yet06:37
MyrttiHail Gaia!06:37
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linnerhey Myrtti06:37
Myrttidamn it's moist in here06:38
acktifujityou shouldn't be touching yourself there06:38
LuVUnTugreat ... thanks dooglus06:38
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houman_zhuMyrtti: why dont you wanna upgrade to breezy? :|06:38
signbarndoes anyone know how i can get back the pretty boot slpash screen loader thingy in breezy? updating some stuff seems to have broken it06:39
Myrttihouman_zhu: because it's not yet named the current stable06:39
houman_zhuMyrtti: do you honestly thyre gonna make any significant changes to it frmo now till the 13th of october?06:39
signbarn(also, what's a better name for it?)06:39
Myrttiacktifujit: nope, it's just autumn and two bashes of moist clothes06:39
houman_zhuMyrtti: do you honestly "think"06:39
nomasteryoda|wsignbarn, usplash06:39
Myrttihouman_zhu: I've seen it on the last upgrade round06:40
signbarnthanks, nomasteryoda|w06:40
nomasteryoda|wi want to change my usplash ...06:40
acktifujitalright when i start ubuntu, my login screen is at a very low resolution and i have to ctrl+alt+keypad- back to my normal resolution... anyone have a solution?06:40
nomasteryoda|wto something a little more intelligent06:40
houman_zhuMyrtti: cuz im trying not to upgrade too , but it kinda made me feel like, oh ok is it gonna be any different, on well, ill wait06:40
nomasteryoda|wbut have found no method06:40
houman_zhuMyrtti: will you do a clean install or upgrade it?06:41
signbarni just want to fix my usplash06:41
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Myrttihouman_zhu: upgrade06:41
MyrttiI think06:41
nomasteryoda|wsignbarn, maybe install it again?06:41
houman_zhuill do a clean install, get things right this time,06:41
signbarnnomasteryoda|w: i'll get back to you on that :-)06:41
houman_zhuim gonna mount my home directory in a seperate partition this time, save me a lot of hassle for updating06:41
cooterlovecan anyone recommend a usefull bittorrent like azureus  that DOESN"T depen on java?06:42
houman_zhucooterlove: bitcomet06:42
Dr_WillisI find the original bittorrent client usefull. :P06:42
houman_zhucooterlove: gnome-bittorrent06:42
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B_166-ER-Xgnome-bittorent has no resume :|06:43
Myrttihouman_zhu: true06:43
nomasteryoda|wTip: when you need to find a program, apt-cache search "programname"06:43
houman_zhucooterlove: and whats wrong with depending on java? :|06:43
Myrttibittornado is good06:43
B_166-ER-Xhouman_zhu the package for the java needed is no longer available..06:44
cooterlovehouman_zhu: its way to slow06:44
B_166-ER-Xthats why , had the same probl06:44
houman_zhuwhat? no java runtime environment? you kidding?06:44
nomasteryoda|wthat's why you use blackdown java06:44
othernoobare the multimedia keys on keyboards functional by deafult in linux?06:44
nomasteryoda|whouman_zhu, there is one06:44
Dr_Willisothernoob,  if you are lucky :P06:44
B_166-ER-Xthe JRE package is no more in the sources06:44
nomasteryoda|w!tell houman_zhu about java06:44
houman_zhubut why wouldnt the original be there? sun has a package for linux anywyas06:44
signbarn!tell signbarn about java06:45
nomasteryoda|whouman_zhu, licensing06:45
dooglussignbarn: I think usplash must be broken for everyone at the moment06:45
nomasteryoda|wdooglus, mine works on this lapotp06:45
othernoobDr_Willis: mmh, thinking about buying a new one, mine is 11 years old... no idea what to look for06:45
dooglusnomasteryoda|w: are you up-to-date with breezy updates?06:45
signbarndooglus: oh yeah? well that makes me feel better06:45
houman_zhuis this a sun problem or the ubuntu guys havnt made a deb for ubuntu yet? whats happening, dont scare me06:45
nomasteryoda|wto the latest as of about 1 hr ago06:46
nomasteryoda|wrebooted and it was still there06:46
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dooglusnomasteryoda|w: what do you have in /usr/lib/usplash?06:46
Dr_Willisothernoob,  lol.  Watch some of the new keyboards that have the F keys defaulting to "media" keys - by default - thats a Pain.06:46
dabaRsun has an idea, that it wants to be the only distributor of Java(tm) JRE, and SDKs.06:46
=== nomasteryoda|w looks
dooglusnomasteryoda|w: I have a 29k file and a broken symlink.06:46
Dr_Willisothernoob,  i considre those keys to be eye-candy and not that usefull mainly. :P better off getting a good solid keyboard that you will like..06:47
houman_zhunomasteryoda|w: can you send me a link to soemthign that explains this thing, i mena the licensing problem, cuz i still dont get it06:47
dabaRhouman_zhu: see how they have the rpm, and bin for linux?06:47
houman_zhudabaR: yes ok06:47
nomasteryoda|wnice... mine is usplash-default.so06:47
nomasteryoda|wand usplash-artwork.so06:47
dabaRhouman_zhu: that should be enough to understand the legal side...06:47
dooglusnomasteryoda|w: ls -hlL /usr/lib/usplash/06:47
dooglusnomasteryoda|w: does that show you that the link is broken?06:47
othernoobDr_Willis: yea, you're right.. i just saw one with multimedia keys and bla for 4 euro @ebay..06:48
houman_zhudabaR: i dont, why wouldnt they make a deb too, i mean they want us linux people to use java based programs too right06:48
nomasteryoda|wdooglus, nope... still there06:48
Dr_Willisothernoob,  Heh - I hear the HappyHacker keyboards are nice.. but a little pricy.06:48
=== sobersabre [n=bilbo@l192-115-16-116.broadband.actcom.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusnomasteryoda|w: what does this show: ls -l /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so06:48
Dr_Willisothernoob,  the only extra feature i LIKE on a keyboard is a built in usb hub. and that hard to find these days. :(06:48
dabaRhouman_zhu: there is a bin, and a rpm, as I said. Linux for human beings is a new idea....06:48
nomasteryoda|w/usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so -> /etc/alternatives/usplash-artwork.so06:49
sobersabrehi, guys, how can i enable framebuffer with intelfb if it is not compiled into the ubuntu kernel ? ( wanna stop recompileing my own kernels )06:49
dabaRhouman_zhu: ppl still distribute .debs for hoary, and even for breezy.06:49
dooglusand this?  ls -l /etc/alternatives/usplash-artwork.so06:49
houman_zhudabaR: isnt the bin distro independent?06:49
dabaRthats a little stupid, tho06:49
sobersabrei've tried to add to grub line: video=intelfb:1024x768@60 vga=0x31706:49
sobersabreand it doesn't work.06:49
dabaRhouman_zhu: yes, that is what you want for ubuntu/debian, and there is make-jpkg, so its really easy.06:49
nomasteryoda|w /etc/alternatives/usplash-artwork.so -> /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-default.so06:49
sobersabreany ideas ?06:49
othernoobDr_Willis: what do you think about those ergonomic ones? never had one..but look somewhat uncomfortable06:50
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sobersabreURLs ?06:50
dabaRhouman_zhu: then you get a .deb.06:50
Dr_Willisothernoob,  I dont like them.. i type funny however.  (broke one hand years ago)06:50
houman_zhudabaR: oh ok , so there is no java crisis in the linux community, i kinda overreacted, too much coffee, thanks for your patience and explaining it to me06:50
dooglusnomasteryoda|w: ah.  that's what I'm missing.  I have lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 37 Sep 28 16:36 /etc/alternatives/usplash-artwork.so -> /usr/share/usplash/usplash-default.so06:50
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nomasteryoda|wdooglus, yup06:50
dooglusnomasteryoda|w: what's the date you see from the last ls I asked about?06:50
Dr_Willisothernoob,  theres a keybord out thats got all BLACK Blank Keys. :P for the leet.06:50
houman_zhudabaR: this is how it was for hoary too right? nothing has really changed right?06:51
dooglushmm. mine too.  nomasteryoda|w, did you fix that link yourself?06:51
dell500anyone know how to get dual crts to work?06:51
HrdwrBoBDr_Willis: better than that is a model M with painted keycaps06:51
othernoobDr_Willis: i think you mean daskeyboard ;)06:51
Dr_WillisHrdwrBoB,   :P06:51
nomasteryoda|wdooglus, i686 version here06:51
nomasteryoda|wof kernel that is06:51
Dr_Willisothernoob,  thats it  - guy at work bought oine the other day06:51
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nomasteryoda|wmaybe that made diff?06:52
Dr_WillisI got a Saitek Gamers Keyboard. its ok.. if you like one that glows and lays real flat.06:52
dooglusnomasteryoda|w: here too06:52
othernoobDr_Willis: it's a bit over my budget..:/06:52
nomasteryoda|woh well, it is developer version06:52
Dr_Willisothernoob,  yea. :P thats why i dident get one either06:52
nomasteryoda|w... but soooo good06:52
dabaRhouman_zhu: there has always been a make-jpkg, if that is what you are asking. There were debs in the backports, the backports became an official project, and the forums, so, the licence had to be honored, which is ok, maybe they will make a .deb soon.06:52
Dr_Willisothernoob,  i found some Logitech's on sale with big rebates last year.. got like 4 of them06:52
Dr_Willisfor spares.06:52
dooglussignbarn: this might fix your usplash:   sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-default.so /etc/alternatives/usplash-artwork.so06:52
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Dr_Willisbut they all got that lame Fkey-defaults to media keys annoyance06:53
nomasteryoda|wDr_Willis, lol06:53
othernoobDr_Willis: can't have anything glowing anymore..my idiotic moded case annoys me already06:53
dabaRhouman_zhu: the IBM java afaik, is included in Breezy, as a package.06:53
signbarndooglus: is that a workaround or a permanent solution?06:53
HrdwrBoBDr_Willis: yes, stupidest thing ever06:53
nomasteryoda|wDr_Willis, dang MS standard keyboards06:53
dabaRhouman_zhu: there are docs at the wiki on this.06:53
Dr_WillisI got MS and Logitech keyboard that both have the same quirk.06:53
nomasteryoda|wat least my new one ... MS branded has the Fnlk set to be locked on boot06:53
dooglusI going to check if it has fixed mine.  signbarn, it might not be a solution at all, but if it is, it should be permanent (or until a bad update breaks it)06:53
nomasteryoda|wand keeps that setting06:53
lancellora litle question how do i change my default software to open mp3 and video player06:53
Dr_Willisthe one Ligitech has a scroll wheel on the left - thats an neat feature.. but i forget its there.06:54
signbarni'll give it a looksee06:54
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nomasteryoda|wDr_Willis, yea.. this one does too06:54
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dooglussignbarn: what do you see if you do this:  ls -L /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so06:54
nomasteryoda|wand a scroll tab thing06:54
whyameyeso...is it true that there is no way to get my ESS chipset modem to work with Hoary? This no ndiswrapper equivelent for modems?06:54
houman_zhudabaR: thanks for the info, ill look through the wiki06:54
thoreauputiclancellor: in gnome, right click in the file manager, go to properties and set your preferred app06:54
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dell500anyone know if xinerama should be on for dual displays?06:55
nomasteryoda|wdell500, how ya doing.. doing that on your dell laptop?06:55
dooglusdell500: you have to turn it on yourself I believe06:55
dell500nomasteryoda|w,  no06:55
dell500dooglus, xinerama? the option is on06:55
dell500nothing on the other monitor though06:56
nomasteryoda|wwhich video card dell50006:56
signbarndooglus: it just echos the /usr/lib/usplash-artwork.so06:56
dell500ati 9600xt06:56
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johnnybezakhey guys06:56
dell500i'm trying to only run the ati driver, not fglrx06:56
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nomasteryoda|wah cool06:56
dell500but both monitors work under fglrx06:56
xuniluserHow to do i make an ntfs partition writeable?06:56
johnnybezakhow long does it normally take for ssh-keygen to generate some keys?06:57
dell500just a clone of one desktop though, i want an extension06:57
steviantxuniluser: boot windows :)06:57
nomasteryoda|wxuniluser, why? you want to Loose data on that NTFS drive???06:57
signbarndooglus: i just ran an update, and there was an update for usplash06:57
thoreauputicxunil: you don't generally06:57
whyameyexuniluser, you want to write to ntfs in ubuntu? captive-ntfs.06:57
lancellorthoreauputic: Thanks that work06:57
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steviantseriously though, I hear the options are to pay for a rw driver for linux, or use a free wrapper for the Microsoft drivers06:57
nomasteryoda|wxuniluser, there is a nice new package for windows that will allow writing to ext2 drive from windows...06:57
nomasteryoda|wworks nice06:57
thoreauputiclancellor: you're welcome :)06:57
dell500nomasteryoda|w, are you serious?!06:58
Agrajagnomasteryoda|w: who uses ext2 anymore?06:58
whyameyeuse you can use captive-ntfs which uses the driver from WinXP service pack 1. It works great.06:58
nomasteryoda|wdell500, yes06:58
nomasteryoda|wext3 too06:58
nomasteryoda|won sf06:58
steviantwhyameye: yay that's what I was thinking of06:58
steviantthere's also a commercial driver now apparently.06:58
xuniluserwhyameye: do i have to apt-get it?06:58
fisioushi guys. just installed ubuntu for the first time (nice) is there somewhere to change where it retrieves it's auto-update packages? or is that just the sources list for apt-get ?06:58
signbarnread/write on ext3 from windows, you say?06:59
lancellorother litle question how do you select the person to send the message just type the name an :  or there is a shortcut06:59
thoreauputicfisious: the sources list06:59
steviantsignbarn: alas no, althoough I think there's a free option for ext2/3fs for windows06:59
xuniluserI want to delete some files in my ntfs partition....06:59
whyameyexuniluser: you can probably apt-get captive-ntfs, but you have to get the windows driver for it from a windows installation or a windows install CD.06:59
thoreauputic!tell fisious about sources06:59
whyameyeand...service pack 2 does *not* work06:59
signbarnsteviant: eh? meaning... read/write ext2 from windows?07:00
all4nhey people.  I'm running breezy, and have the i386 kernel installed. Now I wonder if I should install the i686 kernel.  The problem is, I am not sure whether I have hyperthreading or not. (the CPU is a p4 2.4).  Is there any way I can find that out without opening the computer?07:00
cafuego_all4n: cat /proc/cpuinfo.07:01
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all4ncafuego, thanks!07:01
johnnybezakall4n: ditto07:01
steviantYeah, I seem to remember hearing that there is a driver for Windows to read Linux partitions... I guess I could google for it on your behalf :)07:01
cafuego_all4n: If the 'flags' field contains 'ht', then it cna do HT and you'll want the i686-smp kernel.07:01
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cafuego_steviant: ext2fsd.sourceforge.net07:01
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stevianthttp://www.ntfs-linux.com/ <- the commercial ntfs driver for linux07:02
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steviantapparently it's "gold certified" by Microsoft themselves07:02
rigeli need a metronome07:02
rigelsomeone help me out.07:02
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all4ncafuego_: ah, it worked..  :)  thanks again07:03
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signbarncha-ching! hmmm07:03
whyameye"gold certified." Alright! Oh, actually I think I'd prefer the platinum certified version...07:03
rigeldoesbreezy include alsa?07:03
crimsunrigel, all released versions of Ubuntu have included ALSA by default.07:03
Amaranthalsa is in all distros that use the 2.6 kernel07:04
CarlFKhttp://winext2fsd.sourceforge.net http://ext2fsd.sourceforge.net (i just came accros them looking for fs tools)07:04
steviantHeh there's a demo version apparently, but it's a hefty download. 148kb07:04
rigelokay, then why do i get all these errors when trying to set up midi07:04
rigelaccording to a random howto07:04
crimsun"a random howto"?07:04
whyameyeI dunno. captive-ntfs is no longer maintained. On the other hand, it worked great for me and it's free.07:04
=== spindley [i=spindley@S01060050ba5be146.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunthere's official unofficial documentation at alsa.opensrc.org07:04
dooglussignbarn: I just ran an update and there wasn't...07:05
dooglussignbarn: the last usplash update I saw was 7 hours ago.  It didn't fix usplash for me.07:06
=== neutrin0 [n=neutrin0@CPE000d8802a707-CM0011e6c7edb1.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
signbarnoh well it may have been 7 hours since i updated07:06
whyameyerigel: I actually did this tutorial awhile ago and it worked fine for my Hoary distro. Can't speak about Breezy...07:07
spindleynice new breezy wallpaper!07:07
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rigelsorry. im drunk and trying to set up computer crap. thats always a bad idea.07:07
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dooglusspindley: what do you think it's meant to be?07:08
whyameyecaptive-ntfs: http://www.kruyt.org/?sub_item=4607:08
spindleydunno, it looks like the sun reflecting off the surface of water07:08
spindleyi like it07:08
tritiumhi neutrin007:09
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neutrin0hi tritium07:09
neutrin0I'm working on getting a simple LAN going07:09
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PeerSoftwell that was fun07:10
PeerSofthad my first taste of console07:10
naliothtritium: better to come here during the daytime07:10
tritiumnalioth, oh?  Why's that?07:10
neutrin0PeerSoft Consul roks07:10
PeerSoftyea it was fun07:10
PeerSoftusing irssi07:10
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ
naliothtritium: maximize your work time07:10
PeerSofteven played FreeSweep07:10
PeerSofti was like "this is cool"07:10
=== tritium is confused
neutrin0can anyone field some routing questions?07:11
neutrin0whats up tritium07:11
calcneutrin0: ask and you might find an answer07:11
neutrin0ok calc07:11
calcdon't ask and you certainly won't ;)07:11
tritiumneutrin0, I don't understand nalioth tonight ;)07:11
neutrin0this is the setup07:11
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naliothtritium: it's always best to come online from work07:11
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neutrin0cloud=>router->ubuntu (how to enable internet onward?)knoppix07:12
HiddenFlywhat program can i use to make an image from a dvd?07:12
signbarnyes. it's best not to waste your personal time07:12
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dabaRneutrin0: install ipmasq, and dnsmasq07:13
neutrin0do I need to use iptables?07:13
johnnybezakhey guys, I'm trying to set up ssh to use with rsync and am having a problem making the authorized_keys work so that I can login without a password. anyone here done this before?07:13
tritiumnalioth, yeah, but that can get me in trouble07:13
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calcneutrin0: that would probably be the easiest way07:13
thoreauputicjohnnybezak: if you are using dsa you might need to make it authorized_keys207:14
neutrin0what should my routing table look like07:14
naliothHiddenFly: k3b07:14
neutrin0I've read all the howtos andI'm still not successful07:14
naliothtritium: tell em your supporting the open source movement and let em feel proud07:15
calcneutrin0: http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO/other-formats/html_single/Masquerading-Simple-HOWTO.html07:15
dabaRneutrin0: did you read my msg?07:15
calcneutrin0: did you enable ip_forward ?07:15
tritiumnalioth, yeah, that should go over really well07:15
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neutrin0calc yes07:15
dell500what's the resolution with 11xx x 8xx??07:16
neutrin0dabaR didn't get it07:16
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calcfrom what i recall when i used to use masq all i did was what was listed on that page in section 207:16
whyameyeso...any hope for a modem with an ESS chipset on ubuntu?07:16
neutrin0ok calc that's one howto I have yet to read07:16
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neutrin0ok cool calc07:18
neutrin0thank you07:18
calcneutrin0: that worked?07:18
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neutrin0am reading07:19
gm78Hey all. I don't currently have access to the computer, and the "symptoms" I am only telling you after hearing them from my Mom, but I will explain what is going on with her ubuntu computer? sometimes, when she tries to log out, gnome just sits there and then crashes. when she CTRL+ALT+BCKSPC, it drops her in a terminal. Lately also, after she logs in, the screen goes grey and the whole computer locks up. This happens only every 2 or 3 t07:19
gm78computer is rebooted. Does anyone have any idea why this might happen?07:19
PeerSofta ghost did it?07:19
calcneutrin0: on the knoppix box it would need to set its gateway to the ubuntu one as well, probably via dhcp server telling it07:19
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tritiumevery 2 or 3 what?  seconds?  hours?  weeks?07:20
calcneutrin0: also use numeric ips to ping for testing since you could end up having dns issues etc if trying to go to a web page07:20
=== cafuego_ cackles madly
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neutrin0calc: i've set the nic on the ubuntu box as the default:soundright?07:21
Rylie #ubuntu-offtopic07:21
gm78tritium: my next comment is right below, every two or three times the computer is rebooted07:21
crimsungm78, your comment was cut off.07:21
johnnybezakthoreauputic: thanks07:21
neutrin0err.default gw on the knoppix side07:21
thoreauputicjohnnybezak: np -working?07:21
dabaRneutrin0: install the two packages, ipmasq, and dnsmasq07:21
johnnybezakthoreauputic: just about to check07:21
johnnybezakthoreauputic: i was using dsa07:21
gm78hmmm, weird, opera shows it as all being posted.....oh well, it is every couple times the computer is rebooted07:22
dabaRreconfigure dnsmasq, to start it, and that should be it. set up the knoppix for dhcp.07:22
thoreauputicjohnnybezak: if you have the public keys properly set up it should work with authorized_keys207:22
calcneutrin0: should be07:22
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johnnybezakthoreauputic: nope it's still prompting for a password. this is what i did, generated the keys on the server, copied them over to client put them in .ssh/authorized_keys(2) but it doesn't work. have I missed something?07:23
calcneutrin0: er yea you are going to have fun with this07:23
calcneutrin0: its a little more complicated than i first realized07:23
calcneutrin0: you probably will need two addresses on the ubuntu nic07:23
thoreauputicjohnnybezak: probably yes - hang o nI think I might have a bookmark for a howto here07:23
calcneutrin0: or does the ubuntu box have two nics?07:24
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whyameyejohnnybezak: add the -v flag when you try to ssh, and maybe you will see more specifics on what isn't working...07:24
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seanjhi. ubuntu file manager crashes when i try to move more than 1 file, and abiword dies when i'm in the middle of writing something, can i fix it?07:24
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benplautseanj: Hoary or Breezy?07:25
seanjit's Hoary, benplaut07:25
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benplautand by dies, you mean just... closes?07:25
seanjthey both just close07:25
johnnybezakwhyameye: roger07:25
seanjwait no... the file manager gives an error and says it has to be restarted07:25
calcneutrin0: still here?07:25
thoreauputicjohnnybezak: this might help >> http://www.scrounge.org/linux/rsync.html07:26
benplautwell, i can't quite help you, but now someone else may be able to :P07:26
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seanjokidoke, thanks for taking an interest, benplaut07:26
=== seanj will hang around
seanjhi nawa07:26
nawaleh kenal g07:27
seanj<- only can speak english :(07:27
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dell500um, i've got dual screens running, but the left monitor seems to scroll with the mouse for some reason, anyone know?07:28
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johnnybezakwhen i used the verbose switch it said it was trying a bunch of private keys, then it went to the keyboard prompt. should it be trying the authorized_keys file?07:28
dooglusI think nawa is speaking dog07:28
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neutrin0yes the ubuntu has two nics07:29
calcneutrin0: oh ok07:29
calcneutrin0: yea so the knoppix one should point to the one it is connected to as the gateway07:29
neutrin0one going to the router and one to the knoppix box07:29
dooglusI think he wants his kennel07:29
calcer let me rephrase that07:30
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calcthe knoppix box should have its gateway set to the nic on the ubuntu box that it is connected to07:30
calcsorry that wasn't very clear before07:30
calconce you do that and set up iptables on the ubuntu box you should be able to ping the router07:31
dooglusis it possible to go back to before a breezy update was installed?07:31
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neutrin0yes calc that's accurately configures07:31
ksmurfis there a way to "force load" hardware.  My internal wireless card works great for 5-6 boots after a kernel update but dies after then.  I filed a bug and heard nada.  It looks like it's dying on a HAL 13 error during ath_attach.  It says this rvision is not supported but if it not suppose to work .... why does it 5-6 times?07:31
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esacwhat do i install to get X development headers ?07:31
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dooglusksmurf: "modprobe"?07:31
thoreauputicesac: xlibs-dev07:31
Amaranth!info x-window-system-dev07:31
ubotux-window-system-dev: (X Window System development components), section x11, is optional. Version: 6.8.2-10 (hoary), Packaged size: 162 kB, Installed size: 264 kB07:31
dabaRcalc, its simple dhcp.07:31
thoreauputicesac: or what Amaranth says - more comprehensive07:32
calcdabaR: sounds like he isn't using dhcp though07:32
neutrin0ya no DHCP07:32
neutrin0looking for those packages calc07:32
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dabaRcalc: what is he gonna do?07:33
sambagirlwarwhy cannot i access windows work group and does SMB mean samba? should i use NFS insteead?07:33
calcdabaR: he's trying to masq from knoppix->ubuntu->router->internet07:33
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dabaRmasq what?07:33
calcdabaR: masq is ip masquerading, which is the same thing esentially as nat on a linux box07:34
dabaRcalc: whatever, msg me if you cant figure it out.07:34
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dell500does anyone know why my cursor changes the location of the second monitor on my dual crt setup?07:35
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johnnybezakhmm well i think these keys have got me beat for this afternoon :P dam ssh :)07:35
cefI've been getting issues at shutdown where hal complains about something, but it doesn't get logged anywhere (something to do with pid I think)07:36
tritiumdell500, does it move across the room?  cool magic!  ;)07:36
neutrin0well how do I install a debian package on ubuntu?07:36
calcdabaR: i know how to setup nat on linux07:36
calcdabaR: actually you probably should tell neutrin0 since i am going to bed now anyway (12:40am)07:36
=== calc bbl
calcneutrin0: that dhcp3-server package is in ubuntu07:37
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PeerSoftdo people in this chan ever sleep ;x07:37
=== calc really gone now
neutrin0thanks calc07:37
calcPeerSoft: i do :)07:37
PeerSoftlol i do too07:37
PeerSoftbut cant goto bed for another 2 hours07:37
PeerSoftwaitin for a friend to bring me a CD RW07:37
PeerSoftand he's @ work07:38
HobbseePeerSoft: occasionally, but i'm on the other side of the world to most people07:38
neutrin0my root passwd is inefective from within gnome07:38
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PeerSoftlol hobb; im in the US07:38
=== keikoz bjour tlm
PeerSoftneutrin0: you have tons of nix problems dont u?07:38
MadpilotPPCneutrin0, unless you've set a root pw, there is no such thing in Ubuntu...07:38
Hobbseelol...yeah, along with the rest of the irc channel, or most of them07:38
sambagirlsharing doesnt work, printing does not work, nothing works.07:38
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neutrin0i have set it and am promted for it when using the install pkg tool07:39
neutrin0works from terminal though07:39
neutrin0and yes nix is tons of phun07:39
PeerSoftwell Hobbsee, I never used linux actually - I am getting kubuntu in about 2 weeks for phily; from canada07:39
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HobbseePeerSoft: fun!  then you can spend all night just playing with the configurations, and downloading lots of interesting programs :D07:40
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sambagirlthis isnt linux this is something different inreality. gui-linux is what it is.07:40
PeerSoftLol yea07:40
PeerSoftim on dialup07:40
PeerSoftwhat fun huh?07:40
disasmsambagirl: lol ;-)07:40
seanjdelayed fun!07:40
PeerSoftbut I have a good friend of mine thats really   excellent @ linux thats going to help me out .07:41
MadpilotPPCPeerSoft, Ubuntu on dailup? ouch... really s l o w fun07:41
HobbseePeerSoft: yucky.  Befriend someone with dsl immediately, and suggest a lan party or something07:41
PeerSoftLol, im not downloading the big shit07:41
PeerSoftim getting it all on CD07:41
neutrin0hooray synaptic07:41
PeerSoft;] 07:41
PeerSoftall im using linux for is learning07:41
PeerSoftfor now07:41
PeerSofttill i get broadband07:41
PeerSoftill get xchat07:41
PeerSoftand use gimp07:41
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thoreauputicMadpilotPPC: the trick is to run updates while you sleep - on dialup ;)07:42
PeerSoftisnt there a nix software to manipulate win32 programs to run on nix07:42
tritiumPeerSoft, the master of hitting the enter key07:42
Hobbseepeersoft: use a livecd first - it's quicker to fix07:42
disasmsambagirl: i think i spent a good 5 hours de-userfriendlying ubuntu to make it user friendly for me ;-) main problem was compiling cups from scratch because the default disables the web admin (however someone notified me of a trick after I had already done it)07:42
sambagirlhow come when i try to open the windows workgroup it shows nothing inside and says it cannot display everything and show me nothing.07:42
esaci wish that linux was to the point where windows is. i really really really want to use linux but it always leaves me disappointed07:42
Hobbseesambagirl: are you using a firewall?07:42
HrdwrBoBdisasm: it's merely disabled not compiled out :)07:42
thoreauputicPeerSoft: the enter key isn't a substitute for punctuation BTW07:42
sambagirli have a router07:42
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sambagirli remember reading about that somewhere.07:43
sambagirlthere is a default set for firewall on for ubuntu or linux correct?07:43
PeerSofthow hard is nix to learn?07:43
Hobbseewhat, about firewalls being a problem at times?07:43
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PeerSoftor does it just take some getting use too07:43
seanjnix is about as hard to learn as windows, imho07:43
sambagirlthat explains why i cannot access the web setv er from outside my network.07:43
seanjit all just takes time :)07:43
thoreauputicPeerSoft: how long is a piece of string? And yes ;)07:43
=== SGershon [n=SGershon@85-250-174-121.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
MadpilotPPCPeerSoft, it's not that complex, if you're comfortable with computers already07:44
disasmsambagirl: no default firewall, you can see if you have any firewall rules in place with iptables -L07:44
PeerSoftI develop software on windowws07:44
PeerSoftworking on PeerShare right now a p2p application07:44
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PeerSoftso i know a tad about computers07:44
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=== thoreauputic puts superglue on PeerSoft 's enter key
HobbseePeerSoft: nice07:45
PeerSoftwtf is this about "enter key"07:45
seanjstop needling the person please07:45
thoreauputicPeerSoft: its07:45
seanjit's called people think you have to write entire paragraphs07:45
thoreauputicdo that07:45
sambagirlit say all 3 accept07:45
sambagirlis that correct?07:45
Hobbseesambagrl: i've found that firestarter ends up blocking smb07:45
seanjthoreauputic, use /ignore and quit heckling :(07:45
SGershonI installed Ubuntu, and it's very nice, but it did not recognize my OnBoard nework device, and my OnBoard sound as well. Can you suggest something/someone/someplace that can help me solve this issue?07:46
PeerSoftoh thats just the way im use to typing ;x im sorry.07:46
PeerSoftim not use to typing in one sentence competely07:46
disasmsambagirl: if all 3 are accept then no firewall is enabled07:46
PeerSoftand i type fast as it is.07:46
crimsunMadpilotPPC, I don't know if you noticed, but a newer version of ffmpeg has been placed in Breezy. PPC users should be able to view WMV9 files with vlc once I get that all fixed up and uploaded.07:46
tritiumseanj, it's nearly flooding07:46
seanjgrr. another crappy experience in #ubuntu. i hope this is the last time i'm here07:46
thoreauputicseanj: for the benefit of others, friend, not me07:46
seanjtritium, that's hardly flooding07:46
disasmsambagirl: ps aux|grep smb show samba running?07:46
PeerSofti dont like spending all my time talking about subjects ina a complete paragraph, due to others might miss what im saying if i need help or something yanno07:46
=== HiddenFl1 is now known as HiddenFly
MadpilotPPCcrimsun, good to hear - still running Hoary on this machine, but the owner of it will be glad to know that!07:46
hondjepeople will complain about people complaining07:46
hondjeI love this place07:46
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PeerSoftbrb, extracting photoshop on my rents computer so I can reburn and install on my machine - the disc is a little scratched and won't extract on my PC ;x07:47
sambagirlwhat exactly does it say? i see things but i dont understand them.07:47
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SGershonNobody has a good advice?07:48
HrdwrBoBI have lots of good advice07:48
HrdwrBoBbut I'm not sure it's relevant at this juncture :)07:48
SGershonThanks, bob!07:48
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disasmsambagirl: let me reprase that: type: ps aux|grep smb you should see /usr/sbin/smbd -D about 5 times07:49
HrdwrBoBSGershon: what is your motherboard07:49
sambagirli see it 3 times07:49
disasmok, that should be good07:49
PeerSoftk back its extracting07:49
sambagirli am on my boyfriends computer so i dont want to mess up things much but i will do what needs to be done.07:49
SGershonI am using a Toshiba Lapop: Satellite M40.07:49
disasmsambagirl: can you paste your smb.conf to pastebin?07:49
bz0bhey all07:49
PeerSofthello bz0b07:49
sambagirli dont have any glue :)07:49
bz0byay, now i am fully upgraded to breezy, thanks for the people who helped me out earier07:49
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sambagirlno i dont believe so07:50
PeerSofthow hard would it be to make an application on linux? like if i wanted to make peershare a linux client?07:50
cafuego_SGershon: .. but trust me on the sunscreen.07:50
PeerSoftwhat language is it? Perl?07:50
disasmsambagirl: lol ;-) what did you do to setup samba? did you manually edit smb.conf, or use some utility?07:50
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bob2PeerSoft: same difficulty as making it on any other OS07:50
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bob2PeerSoft: harder since you've never done it before07:50
cafuego_bob2: Well...07:50
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sambagirlheh these channel ops have their work cut out for them07:50
PeerSoftlol bob2, but what language would I have to use?07:51
gigaclonPeersoft it would depend on the GUI07:51
bob2PeerSoft: anything you like07:51
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disasmPeerSoft: well, if you have the source code, just modify it to run on linux using linux libraries instead of <insert proprietary library here>07:51
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cafuego_PeerSoft: Pick a language, start coding. perl, php, C, python, c++, c#, Fortran, Cobol...07:51
bob2PeerSoft: there's probably > 40 complete and useful languages in ubuntu07:51
sambagirlsetup samba?07:51
PeerSoftI know i cant use anything I like - Visual Basic wont run on nix lol07:51
gigaclonif you did it in GTK+ it should be easy usable07:51
SGershonHrdwrBob, do you know some application that'd help me recognizing my MoBo, my onboard network device?07:51
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sambagirli thought it was already engaged when i installed it?07:51
PeerSoftbut ill do it in C++ or C#07:51
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HrdwrBoBSGershon: lspci will tell you what is on thepci bus07:52
CarlFKSGershon - lspci07:52
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PeerSofthave my C++ developers do it.07:52
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sambagirlmaybe my update try of breezy did something to mess it up?07:52
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cafuego_PeerSoft: Visual basic is not a language, it's an abomination. Then again, Kylix works fine on Linux, as does REALbasic.07:52
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bob2PeerSoft: ay real language, then07:52
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disasmsambagirl: ok, you did sudo apt-get install samba basically?07:52
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sambagirlbtw what is the estimate of ubuntu users ?07:52
PeerSoftVB is just a RAD tool Rapid APplication Development tool - if u want something small fast, use it thast whats ive learned07:52
sambagirli do it now07:52
PeerSoftwhy waste time in C/C++ or any other language to make a real small program07:53
cafuego_PeerSoft: I used to sue VB. it's shit with a captial shit.07:53
bob2sambagirl: no one knows07:53
PeerSoftwell I use .NET07:53
bob2sambagirl: more cds than you can imagine have been shipped out07:53
PeerSoftworks better, and faster now07:53
NsOmNiAchey .NET why don't you use Mono ?07:53
cafuego_PeerSoft: .net runs fine on Linux if you compile it with mono.07:53
=== benplaut goes off to try and love KDE
PeerSoftoh really?07:53
sambagirlthey need to put some kind of thing to register it or something or somethign but that might ruin the freedom people have so nevermind07:53
PeerSofthrm; might hafta do that ;] 07:53
sambagirlthis is not Microsoft :)07:53
cafuego_PeerSoft: Well, _should_ run fine on Linux if you compile it with mono.07:53
SGershonPeerSoft, I made an app for hte work on GTK+ and C, it was very nice, although GTK+ is not intuitive at all, and you hve to read docs all the time. Make sure you hve an internet connection with you while you code...07:53
sambagirli try that now sudo apt-get install samba07:53
PeerSoftdont get me wrong PeerShare is being developed in C++07:54
disasmsambagirl: what directory are you trying to share?07:54
PeerSoftnot VB07:54
naliothcafuego_: why wont ubotu take a factoid?07:54
bob2SGershon: by "GTK+ is not intuitive", do you mean the C API?07:54
cafuego_C++ is marginally better then VB. But not by much.07:54
SGershonYes, soryy, htat what I meant.07:54
bob2ah, right07:54
PeerSoftwell ive learned as long as you do use MFC you'll be fine lol07:54
bob2tho all C OOP APIs I've seen have been ass ;)07:54
PeerSoftMFC downgrades it alot07:54
NsOmNiAcPeerSoft why not check out the mono project07:54
gigaclonIf you have ever done JAVA GUI programming then, gtkmm is a piece of cake07:54
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PeerSofti might have to do that07:54
NsOmNiAc<3 Mono07:55
sambagirli just want to see if it works and to install a printer. i ran linux 1.0 before but it was different. i ran xenix and a bbs under xenix and sco unix but they looked different.07:55
SGershonHrdwrBoB, CarlFK, if I use lspci, then how should I proceed?07:55
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cafuego_Linux 1.0?07:55
PeerSoftive always looked for linux reference sites.. they all suck usually07:55
sambagirlslackware or something i think?07:55
CarlFKSGershon - look at the results ;)07:55
PeerSoftbut #ubunto works really well ;] 07:55
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cafuego_sambagirl: Are you sure?07:55
bob2PeerSoft: reference sites?  you mean API documentation?07:55
sambagirli am sure or maybe it was something else it was on cd alongtime ago my brother had it07:55
cafuego_Linux 1.0 is ouchies :-)07:56
PeerSoftLinux Learning Material07:56
PeerSoftnot development07:56
PeerSoftjust linux in general07:56
JKnifehey bob2 i figured ot why i was only getting 30kB/sec d/ls07:56
sambagirlhe bought it came with a BIG book07:56
disasmsambagirl: well for starters, once you get samba installed, you have to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf to your liking07:56
JKnifei was using http07:56
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sambagirlhad cd in back.07:56
PeerSoftbut brb again.07:56
wickedpuppyPeerSoft, have you tried tldp ?07:56
MadpilotPPC!tell PeerSoft about docs07:56
bob2JKnife: so?07:56
sambagirli remember tty's and getty defs and thigns like that. it was interesting.07:56
MadpilotPPC!tell PeerSoft about cli07:56
JKnifenow i get 200kB07:56
sambagirlrand bbs called coconet was graphical07:56
bob2if http is significantly slower than ftp or anything else, your network is broken07:56
JKnifeusing ftp07:56
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SGershonOk, CarlFK. Unfortunately, beause my linux doesn't recognize my network device, I'll need to reboot later, use lspci, and then come back for more help.07:57
SGershon(I am now on Windows)07:57
cafuego_bob2: Or you have a BOFH who's modifying your bandwidth so he cna fetch pron faster.07:57
JKnifeSGershon, what type of card to you have07:57
cafuego_not that I'd ever do such a thing...07:57
SGershonI am using a Toshiba Lapop: Satellite M40.07:57
sambagirldoing the thing now07:57
CarlFKSGershon - look around for lspci for win - it is out there07:57
ColonelKernelwhat the heck is wrong with glxgears in breezy?07:57
cafuego_ColonelKernel: Nothing.07:57
wickedpuppyColonelKernel, very wrong07:57
sambagirlsomethign is happening07:57
bob2cafuego_: I'd've thought you''d run driftnet and let the lusers find the porn for you07:57
JKnifenetwork card07:57
ColonelKernelA- its SUPER slow B-no text output07:57
bob2ColonelKernel: read the changelog07:58
wickedpuppyagreed ...07:58
disasmooh boy, its 2 am got classes in the morning, time to sleep...07:58
ColonelKerneland I know that my nvidia setup is tight because I can play enemy territory07:58
JKniferight click on my computer soto propteries the hardware then device manager07:58
cafuego_ColonelKernel: 'glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark'07:58
bob2ColonelKernel: glxgears is not a benchmarking tool, remember07:58
ColonelKernelbob2, the breezy changelog?07:58
bob2ColonelKernel: no, the glxgears changelog07:58
ColonelKernelbob2, where can I find that?07:58
bob2ColonelKernel: the same place every other changelog is on your system?07:59
cafuego_ColonelKernel: just ebcaus erthe gears spin slowly doesn't mean don't get redrawn in vram 5000 times a second.07:59
sambagirldid grep thing again still same thing. i try install again brb07:59
bob2ColonelKernel: /usr/share/doc/packagename/changelog.Debian.gz07:59
ColonelKernelthank you07:59
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sambagirlwow it says breezy07:59
ColonelKernelthank you07:59
sambagirlsomething going on here07:59
SGershonJKnife, the network card is Marvell Yukon 88E8036 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller07:59
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sambagirlthank you for your help08:00
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sambagirlcan i private message whoemver it is i talked with/08:00
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SGershonThat's what Windows Manager says08:00
sambagirloh then you have to do that config thing.08:00
bz0bfluxbox is godly!08:00
NsOmNiAc<3 fluxbox08:00
bz0b<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<3 fluxbox!08:01
JKnifeE17 is imo better then fluxbox... dont get me wrong i LOVE fluxbox08:01
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PeerSoftthx madpilot08:01
NsOmNiAcI haven't played with the latest version of E ye t08:01
NsOmNiAchave they released a stable version yet ?08:01
JKnifestill pre-aplha08:01
NsOmNiAcyeahh I'm waiting08:02
bob2that thread is ridiculous08:02
uboturumour has it, ita is italiano es #ubuntu-it per favore08:02
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NsOmNiAcanswer ....08:03
PeerSoftwith MonoBasic... you can run that in linux using basic coding?08:03
SGershonJKnife, It ooks great, I'll try to understand what people say there.... ;)08:03
transgress_is there a way to check if inotify is enabled on the kernel i'm running?08:03
NsOmNiAcand you can get MonoDevelop08:03
NsOmNiAcit's in Synaptic Package manager08:03
cafuego_PeerSoft: the goal is 100% compatibility. When you ahve tome tim, also check out 'beagle'.08:03
bob2transgress_: grep INOTIFY /boot/config-$(uname -r)08:03
cafuego_"have some time"08:03
PeerSoftlink do u have one?08:04
JKnifei dont like the gnome-pkg manager08:04
ubotuit has been said that beagle is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HoaryBeagleInstallHowto08:04
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cafuego_JKnife: Then sue another one.08:04
JKnifesue another one?08:05
gvrochaI am having trouble with apache2. 4 instances of it appear in the ps -e but when I try to http://localhost I get timed out08:05
sambagirlok says starting samba demon08:05
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cafuego_JKnife: yeah, lawyers08:05
sambagirlwhat file i needed to configure/08:05
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cafuego_gvrocha: Is apache listening on ?08:05
JKnifegvrocha, try
gvrochathe output for netstat -plot shows tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN     -                   off (0.00/0/0)08:05
gvrochaI've tried doesn't work either08:05
cafuego_gvrocha: firewall? is the 'lo' interface up?08:05
MadpilotPPC!tell gvrocha about apache08:06
gvrochacafuego: how can I tell?08:06
JKnifeifconfig lo08:06
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cafuego_gvrocha: Actually, that netstats output shows it's listening on all ivp6 addresses... not ipv4 ones.08:06
sambagirldo i have to use vi to edit? i hate that thing.08:06
bob2MadpilotPPC: that factoid doesn't seem very related08:06
SGershonThe Ubuntu installation I did is : DISKNAME  Ubuntu 5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog" - Release i386. Is there something newer/better?08:06
bob2sambagirl: use any editor you like08:06
bob2SGershon: no08:06
bob2SGershon: it only came out 5 months ago08:06
sambagirlthank you bob08:06
dell500does anyone know how I might fix this HUGE resolution problem??08:06
gigaclonSGershon, not stable08:07
cafuego_Ubuntu Vista is due out in 2007.08:07
gvrochacafuego: hum... what does that mean?08:07
cafuego_!tell dell500 -about fixres08:07
SGershondell500: not stable?08:07
athagvrocha: just a guesss, but try http://ip-6-localhost/08:07
sambagirlthis the correct command?  edit /etc/samba/smb.conf08:07
MadpilotPPCbob2, gvrocha was about to suggest stop & restart of Apache, and/or check ports.conf, all of which is referenced from that wiki URL...08:07
cafuego_gvrocha: Probably that it's time for a break.08:07
bob2sambagirl: no, whataever editor you like08:07
athaif that works, it's indeed listening only the ipv6 address08:07
gigaclon5.10 is currently in beta release08:08
bob2sambagirl: how did you edit files on linux 1.0?08:08
bob2sambagirl: (nano /etc/samba/smb.conf would work)08:08
thoreauputicbob2: ed, perhaps ;)08:08
gvrochacafuego: what do u mean?08:08
ChousukeHeh, I wonder what Linux 1.0 was like :P08:08
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sambagirlvi was what i used. it's not easy to use vi.08:08
gvrochaMadpilotPPC: what are you talking about?08:08
bjvfrom gnome-office, what is the name of the spreadsheet program?08:09
NsOmNiAcsure it is .. just takes some time getting used to08:09
bjvim trying to find just it in APT.08:09
sambagirlnano works thanks much.08:09
gvrochacould anyone refer me to a troubleshooting guide for apache2 at least?08:09
MadpilotPPCgvrocha, best to ignore me, it's late and I shouldn't be on IRC... ;)08:09
X7Chow do i see which services i have installed?08:09
bjvNsOmNiAc: roger.08:09
gvrochaMadpilotPPC: me neither...08:09
xiaogilhow to send a drawer with its content using scp ?08:09
sambagirluppercase lower case sensitive important?08:09
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bob2xiaogil: drawer? you mean directory?08:10
Chousukexiaogil: scp -r08:10
NsOmNiAcscp -r08:10
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bob2rsync is a lot less suck than scp, tho08:10
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Chousukeis rsync encrypted?08:10
gvrochacould anyone refer me to a troubleshooting guide for apache2 at least?08:10
MadpilotPPCgvrocha, I've no idea how familiar you are with Apache2, but that Ubuntu wiki page I had ubotu send you does have some basic config info on it08:10
BlueEaglechousuke: I do not think so.08:11
xiaogilscp -r mydirectory user@192.168.0.x right ?08:11
sambagirlI just change workgroup name right? leave everything else be, no?08:11
ChousukeBlueEagle: 'k08:11
bob2Chousuke: it runs over ssh08:11
dell500my resolution problem has to do with trying to extend my desktop to dual monitors08:11
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bob2Chousuke: so, yes08:11
Chousukexiaogil: no.08:11
Chousukeyou forgot the :08:11
=== ColonelKernel pokes smot
xiaogilscp -r mydirectory user@192.168.0.x: right ?08:11
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X7Chow do i see which services i have running?08:12
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PeerSofti think08:12
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=== PeerSoft never used linux before, dont listen to me
Chousukethat shows all processes :P08:12
PeerSoftat least I did a right cmd08:12
bob2X7C: define services08:12
Chousukeor those consimung most memory.08:12
hansi_xpanybody know of any good tutorials for linux?08:12
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sambagirldoes nano save when you exit?08:12
gvrochaMadpilotPC: I didn't get the URL... only  !tell gvrocha about apache08:12
BlueEagledell500: dual monitors are a breeze with nVidia cards.08:12
thoreauputicsambagirl: ctrl-x and say yes08:13
Chousukeonly if you tell it to.08:13
X7Cbob2 X7C: define services << stuff i don't really use, the system believes it's useful08:13
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dell500BlueEagle, thanks08:13
BlueEagledell500: Need any help with that?08:13
sambagirlthank you08:13
bjvafter reading ps -A for a couple hours i get a pretty clear idea of what is running on a box.08:13
Hobbseehansi_xp: control-escape.com ?08:13
MadpilotPPCgvrocha, ubotu should have sent you a /msg - but here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP08:13
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dell500BlueEagle, ya :)08:14
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xiaogilhow to see the current user on windows, so that i can use ssh to send and retrieve datas from ubuntu ?08:14
hansi_xpHobbsee: thanks dude, that's cool08:14
bjvthat first  ps -A   on a new machine/distro is pretty wild though.08:14
dell500BlueEagle, it's an ATI card though08:14
Hobbseehansi_xp: no problem08:14
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BlueEagledell500: Well the xorg.conf would be mostly the same.08:14
benplauthow can i make GTK apps in KDE look the same as they do in gnome?08:14
NilXuis there a bug that makes the installation of breezy not ask for a root password?08:14
ChousukeNilXu: no08:14
dell500the resolution is correct, but it spans on both screens, but it's like i have to scroll around on the desktop to find stuff08:14
dell500make sense?08:14
ChousukeNilXu: use sudo08:15
NilXumine didnt08:15
boneehow do i install a .deb file08:15
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Chousukethere is no root on ubuntu08:15
thoreauputic!tell NilXu about root08:15
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athaxiaogil: you cannot (from ubuntu client to windows), unless you have ssh server on windows installed08:15
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NsOmNiAcsure there is you just have to enable root08:15
sambagirldo i need to reboot befcause it still shows the old work group or stop and restart samba?08:15
NilXuwaht do you mean there is no root?08:15
Chousukebonee: dpkg -i  file.deb08:15
ChousukeNsOmNiAc: which you shouldn't do08:15
ChousukeNilXu: root login is disabled.08:15
vikashhi can anybody tell me how to stop animations while minimizing and maximizing winsows08:15
thoreauputicNilXu: read the URL ubotu sent you08:15
ChousukeNilXu: use sudo with your user password08:16
NilXueven in character cell?08:16
ubotuhmm... root is disabled in Ubuntu, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo08:16
gvrochaMadpilotPPC: I tried restarting and get a message httpd not running... should httpd show up in ps -e after restarting???08:16
thoreauputicNilXu: ^^^] 08:16
ThunderguyWhat do you mean there is no root on ubuntu?08:16
vikashu can enable root08:16
Chousukedo sudo apt-get install foo for example08:16
Thunderguyis there not one on breezy or something?08:16
vikashroot account can be enabled08:16
ChousukeThunderguy: I meant it's disabled.08:16
Thunderguysudo su, right?08:16
Chousukeand unnecessary08:16
Chousukesudo -s08:16
Chousukeor sudo -i08:17
thoreauputicsudo -i actually08:17
vikashgo to administration<login screen setup08:17
NilXuwell i enabled it by clearing the "*" in the shadow file and then setting a password08:17
vikashcheck  permit root to login from gdm08:17
Chousukevikash: You shouldn't do that.08:17
vikashopen terminal08:17
Chousukethat's wrong too08:17
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vikashtype sudo passwd root08:17
gigaclonbut it's is not recommended08:17
gigaclonsudo commands get logged08:17
vikashya it's not recommended08:17
gigaclonroot command do not08:17
ChousukeNilXu: why?08:17
ThunderguyYeah I set up ubuntu on expert only heh.08:18
vikashbut u can enable it08:18
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vikashas i told08:18
Thunderguyso I didn't know about the root not being enabled.08:18
ChousukeNilXu:  having root login is unnecessary08:18
NilXui have just never done an install before when it didnt ask for a root pass08:18
=== thoreauputic yawns
ChousukeNilXu: Yeah, ubuntu is unique in that regard08:18
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vikashfollow what i told u08:18
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vikashand ur root account will be enabled08:18
NilXuit makes setting up your server a lot easier08:19
ghitacan enyone compile with gcc?08:19
ChousukeNilXu: not really08:19
NsOmNiAcsudo = safer08:19
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ChousukeNilXu: sudo -i gives you a root shell08:19
ThunderguyIf you don't setup a root account, doesn't any user gain access to destroy the system?08:19
ChousukeThunderguy: no.08:19
thoreauputicghita: install build-esential08:19
ThunderguyThat doesn't make sense.08:19
NsOmNiAcfor example if you have other users you only want to be able to do certain things you can edit sudoers and be specific08:19
NsOmNiAcThunderguy no08:19
thoreauputicghita: build-essential, sorry08:19
vikashhow can i stop animation08:19
ChousukeThunderguy: only the first user is considered an admin08:19
NilXuChousuke: i guess that makes sense it was just really weird08:19
Thunderguyah ok.08:19
ChousukeNilXu: Yrah.08:20
vikashhow can i stop animations08:20
NsOmNiAcand is the only user that can use sudo unless otherwise specified08:20
vikashhow can i stop animations08:20
Chousukevikash: stop repeating08:20
Thunderguyand, su passwd root, resets the root account?08:20
ChousukeUbuntu should be more clear about the fact that it uses sudo08:20
NilXuChousuke: i guess it would have made even nmore sense if there was at least something in the install documenting it08:20
ghitaI have everything installed but evry time i try to compile a program or the lirc driver I get:C compiler cannot create executables08:20
kumakunWhat plugin do I need to playback mpg files?08:20
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thoreauputicghita: install build-essential08:21
vikashhey chousuke plz help me08:21
thoreauputicghita: as I said08:21
NsOmNiAcvikash it would help if you would tell us which window manager your using08:21
kumakunthunderguy: was that to me?08:21
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vikashif u people do not reply how would08:21
ghitabuild-essential is installed08:21
snausageshow do i associate all video files with mplayer ?08:21
NilXui guess08:21
ThunderguyYeah.. might be different though hang on08:21
vikashubuntu 5.1008:21
Chousukenoob users need not know08:21
CarlFKghita - there is a configure.log file or something - near the end will be some details on your problem08:21
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Chousukesince whenever they do something that needs admin privileges, ubuntu will prompt them for their password08:22
vikashhe nsomni08:22
thoreauputicsnausages: in the file manager, right click file, choose properties, set app08:22
vikashdo u know how to do that08:22
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ghitaconfigure:1214: gcc -o conftest -O2 -g -Wall   conftest.c  1>&508:22
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ghitaconfigure:1211: warning: return type defaults to 'int'08:23
snausagesthoreauputic, thanks08:23
ghita/usr/bin/ld: crt1.o: No such file: No such file or directory08:23
scanwinderwould most pcmcia usb cards be linux compatible?08:23
NsOmNiAcSytem - Preferences - Windows08:23
NilXuChousuke: what is the time limit before sudo reqiuires you to enter pass again; and can it be changed?08:23
thoreauputicsnausages: no worries :)08:23
NsOmNiActhat was for your vikash08:23
ChousukeNilXu: yes.08:23
ChousukeNilXu: it's 15 seconds or something08:23
vikashwhen i tried to make vlc my default player it gave error"could not add to application database"08:23
weeemannso where would there be a place to download the w32codecs package? :-\08:23
Chousukecan't remember the config file though.08:23
MadpilotPPC15 minutes, isn't it? for sudo?08:23
thoreauputicNilXu: 15 minutes from memory08:23
vikashhow can i ix that08:24
n00bstergood morning evryone08:24
Chousukewtf. :P08:24
thoreauputicMadpilotPPC: yes I think so08:24
Chousukethat's an eternity.08:24
NilXuChousuke: i assume it would mention it in the man page08:24
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thoreauputicChousuke: it's configurable :)08:24
sambagirl1v simple question if you have a router you configure your network properties and static address since your machine address is always the same to the routher understand?08:24
Chousukethoreauputic: yes.08:24
vikashchousuke help me08:24
Chousukevikash: I can't.08:24
MadpilotPPCChousuke, there's a command to kill sudo's pw right away - sudo -<something>... man sudo will tell you08:24
NsOmNiAcvikash: should be system-preferences-preferred applications08:25
vikashanybody know how to make vlc as default player08:25
Chousukethoreauputic: wasn't your nick thoreauptic at some point? ;/08:25
ColonelKernelsudo doesnt work like it does on Ubuntu on other distros08:25
thoreauputicChousuke: no, never08:25
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Chousukewell, that's how I've been reading it then08:25
X7Cis it posible to uninstall mysql without deleting the ubuntu-desktop package?08:25
ChousukeColonelKernel: It's not that difficult to set up though.08:26
vikashNsOmni  there is no option for media files08:26
bimberighita: try installing libc6-dev08:26
ColonelKernelChousuke, no not at all - the setup is the same for me anyhow08:26
kumakunThunderguy: What was that download again?08:26
ColonelKernelbut in Centos for instance theres no sudo -i08:26
X7Cis it posible to uninstall mysql without deleting the ubuntu-desktop package?08:26
ColonelKernelwhich makes su completely unneccesary08:26
vikashtell me about any good c++ compiler to learn c++ in ubuntu 5.1008:26
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X7Coe maybe just stop the daemon08:26
Chousukevikash: for learning?08:27
Chousukeg++ is a compiler08:27
athaX7C: its08:27
athait's safe to remove ubuntu-desktop08:27
Chousukebut just using it won't teach you a thing :/08:27
thoreauputicvikash: g++ is included in build-essential08:27
ghitalibc6-dev is instaled08:27
NsOmNiAcvikash : shrug08:27
vikashsuppose i write an program then how can i compile it08:27
ghitai will try to reinstallit08:27
Chousukeg++ is actually gcc which links with c++ libs08:27
vikashhow can i install g++08:27
SGershonWhat is the difference between warty and hoary? Is there a third type?08:28
feralgirlhas anyone had any luck installing a D-Link G630?08:28
thoreauputicvikash: I just told you above08:28
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bimberighita: it should include the file usr/lib/crt1.o08:28
thoreauputicvikash: install the build-essential package08:28
MadpilotPPClater, all. need sleep badly...08:28
vikashsudo apt-get install build-essential08:28
vikashshall it work08:29
thoreauputicvikash: right08:29
gvrochawhat does the proto column on the output of netstat means???08:29
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dooglusNsOmNiAc: you don't need to edit sudoers, just tick the relevant box when creating the new users.08:29
vikashok thanx08:29
Thunderguynot sure kumakun, think this might be it? apt-get install gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg08:29
vikashthoreauputic  u ever used windows xp08:29
kumakunOkay. brb08:29
athagvrocha: type of the listening (or connected) socket08:30
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vikashwe compile java programs using javac <filename>  in windows08:30
X7Cpostfix is the thing that manages mailing in the system right?08:30
cafuego_gvrocha: the kind of socket. unix (local), ipv4/ipv6 - tcp/udp08:30
vikashhow can we compile  java  programsin linux08:30
gvrochaatha: if apache2 is listening on tcp6, what does that mean?08:30
cafuego_X7C: mail delivery yes08:30
vikashi have installed j2sdk
vikashwhere r u08:31
kumakunMust be more to it, Thunderguy. I've got the latest version of that, and I'm still not getting mpeg support.08:31
cafuego_vikash: the same way; javac foo.java08:31
vikashin terminal08:31
thoreauputicvikash: I know nothing about compiling java, sorry08:31
vikashcafuego  help me08:31
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X7Cit's got nothing to do with external accounts i have, right?08:31
vikashi should place program in bin directory08:32
=== thoreauputic doesn't *want* to know about compiling java either
dooglusvikash: use 'javac' to compile java08:32
vikashone i tried08:32
dooglusvikash: use 'apt-file search' to find a package containing bin/javac08:32
SGershonWhat is the difference between warty and hoary? Is there a third type?08:32
thoreauputicvikash: stop asking particular people to help you - if someone can, they will08:32
vikashok thoreauputic08:32
athagvrocha: it's listening on a IPv6 address for some reason08:33
dooglusvikash: javac will compile a .java file to a .class file08:33
dooglusvikash: then you use 'java' to run the .class file08:33
wickedpuppylol ... shouldn't it be asked on #java instead ?08:33
coolj101hi guys, would anyone happen to have any idea how I can get an HP Mezzanine Fibre Channel card up and running?08:33
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coolj101I've got ubuntu running on a Blade Server and I'd like to connect it to the SAN.08:34
SGershonSo, I think htere is a third. Hoary, Warty, and Breezy.08:34
SGershonWhat are they? Whats the diference?08:35
gvrochaatha: what is the "standard" way of listening? I cannot get http://locahost nor http: to work... Is this what is causing the trouble?08:35
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vikashwhile compiling with javac  it shows error  bash:javac not found08:35
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athagvrocha: just try for a test: http://ip6-localhost/08:35
wickedpuppyvikash, then you got no javac!!!!08:35
thoreauputicSGershon: warty=first hoary=current breezy=development (breezy will release Oct 13)08:36
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[Wiebel] *sigh*08:36
wickedpuppyi think its obvious ...08:36
andyslhow do you get the win32 codec support in breezy?08:36
vikashjavac is there in /usr/java/j2sdk/bin08:36
wickedpuppydo you have it in your path vikash  ???08:36
[Wiebel] nice to keep a channel only opend for regged users, but everytime the ircnet splits i get kicked because i'm not registered anymore08:36
SGershonThanks Thoreauputic.08:36
[Wiebel] pretty anoying08:36
gvrochaatha: it does work...08:36
vikashhow can i add it in path08:36
wickedpuppytry typing java then press tab tab ... if you don't see javac then its not in your path08:36
wickedpuppyvikash, edit path at /etc/profile08:37
thoreauputic[Wiebel] : it's a measure against spambots - sorry08:37
gvrochaatha: what is the difference of the usual way and this ip6-* way?08:37
[Wiebel] thoreauputic: that's understandable08:37
thoreauputic[Wiebel] : we aren't always +r08:37
[Wiebel] i know08:37
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vikashshould i add it to path even if i am compiling a file in bin directory08:37
[Wiebel] but it's alway at night :)08:37
SGershon thoreauputic, is there a problem in installing Breezy? It seems tat my Network device is supported there.08:38
wickedpuppyvikash, you are compiling a prog in /usr/local ??08:38
bimberiubotu tell andysl about w32codecs08:38
wickedpuppynot in your /home dir ?08:38
gvrochaatha: how do I get apache2 to work in the "usual" way (http://localhost/)???08:38
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[Wiebel] ubotu tell me about w32codecs08:38
wickedpuppyyou are going to be sudo all the time ?08:38
athagvrocha: check your messages, i'll explain08:38
thoreauputicSGershon: depends on how comfortable you are with a pre-release distro - up to you really08:38
bimberi[Wiebel] : "/msg ubotu w32codecs" is less typing :)08:39
wickedpuppyholy ... i suggest no! pls ... add the path and do it in your home08:39
vikashbut it shows javac not found08:39
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wickedpuppythere is a reason why you got home and the progs are in another dir08:39
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vikashbut whenit is not working there then how it would work in home08:39
ompaulI just restarted my wm - I needed to killall esd to get audio to work - strange08:39
SGershonI don't think I really mind. I'll give it a try.08:39
SGershonCan I just install it on top of the hoary install, or I need to install breezy from inside warty?08:39
ompaulthats on breezy08:39
vikashhow do i know what to type in path08:39
thoreauputicvikash: you need to edit your PATH08:39
vikashcan u tell me08:39
[Wiebel] bimberi: :>08:40
wickedpuppyvikash, have you seen /etc/profile ?08:40
n00bsteri forgot the command to edit xorg file -is it  sudu gedit /etc/xii/xorg.conf ?08:40
dooglusvikash: PATH=/usr/java/j2sdk/bin:$PATH08:40
wickedpuppypls do ?08:40
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wickedpuppypls ... pls pls pls read the file and ask08:40
thoreauputic!tell SGershon about upgrade2breezy08:40
bjvn00bster: X11 ?08:40
dooglusvikash: check it afterwards by typing "type javac" - it should be found now08:40
bjvcapital X08:40
thoreauputicSGershon: read the /msg ubotu sent you08:40
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SGershon:) thanks!08:41
dooglusis www.google.com down?08:41
wickedpuppyare you nut ?08:41
n00bsteri cant tell if it's x11 or xii from the font L)08:41
[Wiebel] no, it's not on your internet floppy08:41
wickedpuppyok no ... google is not down08:41
[Wiebel] please download floppy #208:41
dooglusoh.  I can't reach it.08:41
ompauldooglus, no, it has been a while since they managed to do that :)08:41
vikashthe last line in my profile is umask  02208:41
bjv n00bster: ah, select/middleclick and it doesnt matter? :P08:41
wickedpuppybilly@wicked1:~/programming/bash$ ping google.com.sg08:41
wickedpuppyPING google.com.sg ( 56(84) bytes of data.08:42
wickedpuppy64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=240 time=341 ms08:42
bjvor are you not in a full gui. :P08:42
wickedpuppythere you go08:42
n00bsteri'll tray ty.08:42
dooglusoh, I can ping it.  can't access port 80 though.08:42
thoreauputicvikash: I think you need to read some basic stuff about *nix08:42
n00bstermiddleclick o's nothing08:42
n00bsteri just want to edit xorg resolution table08:43
dooglushttp:// is ok too, but it's the english one.08:43
wickedpuppycan't check google.com ... i am redirected to .sg08:43
wickedpuppygoogle.com.sg is alive though08:43
n00bstermiddleclick Do's nothing*08:43
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bjvn00bster: ah, generally in linux a middle click will paste whatever the last thing you highlighted with the mouse.08:44
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thoreauputicvikash: http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/08:44
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n00bsterok, bjv, igot it :} 10q u.08:44
wickedpuppyn00bster, it can scroll too ... :P08:44
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jayson_Iheloo dude..08:45
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bjvbah, why scroll when you can shift+pup the term. :P08:45
vikashafter adding path it still shows javac is not known command08:45
bjvi need that wheel for pasting, man!08:45
kumakunAnyone have insight on mpeg playback in breezy?08:45
thoreauputicvikash: hash -r08:46
ompauln00bster, this is irc not a mobile phone :)08:46
vikashhash -r  is used for what08:46
wickedpuppyvikash, can paste us your PATH ?08:46
vikashya wait a minute08:46
ompaulvikash, only the longer one08:46
wickedpuppyjust one line k ?08:46
bjvompaul: yeah, i was like "ten que.. wha? whatever."08:47
jayson_Iwhere i can download a site does have a pdf tutorial in C# and other languges?08:47
n00bsterompaul - i apologize if i was flooding.08:47
dooglusshouldn't have to rehash I don't think08:47
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darklogicoops, i just killed the kde panel08:47
wickedpuppyjayson_I,  you want to download a pdf tutorial on C# and other languages ?08:47
ompauln00bster, you were not .. (yet)08:47
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darklogicwhats it called so i can start it up again?08:48
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bjvjayson_I: if you can learn the C# 'language' from one pdf i am going to be laughing sooo hard all evening. :P08:48
dooglusvikash: did you put it into single quotes?08:48
wickedpuppyvikash, pls quote ?08:48
vikashwhole string08:49
jayson_Iwickedpuppy: can you help me for my problem?08:49
wickedpuppyyup ... single or double08:49
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nerdy2bjv, imho i wouldn't08:49
wickedpuppyjayson_I, nope ... you can't learn any language from one pdf ... not even awk!!!08:49
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jayson_Ibjv: that's y i'm trying to find more pdf tutorial08:49
wickedpuppythat pdf gotta be one big pdf08:49
oneifreakwickedpuppy: maybe html08:49
wickedpuppymaybe ... no idea about C# but other languages are all on the net08:50
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ompaulwickedpuppy, ebook sized perhaps08:50
wickedpuppyC/C++ all plenty08:50
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darklogiccan anyone tell me how to start my kde panel??08:50
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n00bsteranyhow, i managed it. so thank you all.  :}08:50
wickedpuppyah ebook .. thats perhaps08:50
nerdy2wickedpuppy, yes there's C# as well, i think MS has a reference site somewhere, and of course the mono guys08:50
vikashya i used  quotes but still giving error08:50
jayson_Iwickedpuppy: what i'm trying to say is a site that offers a pdf file tutorial.08:50
darklogici killed it accidentally :(08:50
seliniumjayson_I, Have you asked in ##csharp ? :)08:50
thoreauputicdarklogic: type kicker08:50
wickedpuppydark, startkde or startx08:50
wickedpuppykicker ? thats new to me08:51
HrdwrBoBkicker is the KDE panel08:51
darklogicthoreauputic, thanks bro08:51
wickedpuppyvikash, type bash08:51
kumakunOkay, this problem seems to be isolated to totem.08:51
thoreauputicwickedpuppy: it's the name of the panel program08:51
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wickedpuppyit will force the shell to read from the config files08:51
kumakunSo, I guess my next question becomes is there a way to make Xine the default player for firefox?08:51
wickedpuppyoh panel ... ah k08:51
wickedpuppythanks thoreauputic08:51
thoreauputicwickedpuppy: :)08:51
seliniumhi thoreauputic :)08:52
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thoreauputichi selinium :)08:52
vikashwickedpuppy i am sending my profile file08:52
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wickedpuppyvikash, pls use the pastebin08:52
ubotufrom memory, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl08:52
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kumakunOr is it just a matter of removing Totem?08:53
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ompauln00bster, short night08:53
wickedpuppympeg playback ?08:54
n00bster:} heh08:54
Travis|Hhow do I install an icon theme in ubuntu ... i download these icons in a set called nuoveXT .. has an index.theme file, but the theme preferences application won't install it08:54
wickedpuppywhats playback ? play i know ... not playback ... reverse ?08:54
n00bsterwell i fixed screen resolution. got 1280x1024 now..08:54
kumakunWell..you know..when you get, say a movie trailer, and it plays inbrowser for you..08:54
thoreauputicTravis|H: normally you just drag the compressed tarball to the theme dialogue08:55
kumakunWell, it's defaulting to Totem, and totem isn't working...but Xine will play the file type...so I need to know how to make xine my default browser plugin.08:55
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thoreauputicTravis|H: or extract it in ~/.icons IIRC08:55
wickedpuppykumakun, what is the file type ?08:55
wickedpuppympg ?08:55
gvrochaatha: it did work. thanks... but I did the same thing in a remote computer and I don't seem to be able to access it...08:56
n00bstersince updated ubuntu, it somehow changed it lovely desktop wallpaper, you send me the old one?08:56
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wickedpuppynow i am pretty sure there is plugin for totem to play mpg ...08:56
Travis|Hthorea: there it was ... i tried extracting and dragging the folder .. then the .index08:56
wickedpuppygoogle it ?08:56
Travis|Hguess leaving it tared up was the trick08:56
Travis|Hthanks man08:56
kumakunHaven't tried that yet...08:56
thoreauputicTravis|H: no worries :)08:57
kumakunI was hoping it was in the repositories somewhere so I could just aptget it..08:57
seliniumkumakun, to use in browser movie/mp3 you need mplayer08:57
kumakunI thought I downloaded that..08:57
seliniumkumakun, and the mozilla-mplayer plugin   sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer08:58
iiiearsHello thoreauputic!08:58
thoreauputichi iiiears :)08:58
athagvrocha: check /var/log/apache2/error.log - it's the error log for apache08:59
iiiearsDo you have a link to the jre.deb?08:59
thoreauputiciiiears: hmm - it keeps changing lately...08:59
gvrochaatha: it seems fine: [Sun Sep 25 07:35:09 2005]  [notice]  Apache/2.0.53 (Ubuntu) configured -- resuming normal operations08:59
gvrocha[Thu Sep 29 23:48:56 2005]  [notice]  caught SIGTERM, shutting down08:59
gvrocha[Thu Sep 29 23:50:26 2005]  [notice]  Apache/2.0.53 (Ubuntu) configured -- resuming normal operations08:59
iiiearsthoreauputic youare awesome - wouldn't of tried linux without your help.08:59
gvrochaatha: i've ps -e the remote computer and apache is up and running09:00
thoreauputiciiiears: heh- thanks - glad you tried it anyway ;)09:00
naliothiiiears: you're a linux natural09:00
gvrochaatha: in the remote computer, netstat -plont gives me: tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN     7244/apache2        off (0.00/0/0)09:00
kumakunHm...seems the packages are broken...09:00
sobersabreguys i want to setup frame buffer. intelfb. where can i read about ubuntu data on this ?09:01
seliniumkumakun, is that aimed at me? :)09:01
dooglusvitriol: you shouldn't use single quotes around $PATH or the $ won't do its magic09:01
kumakunselinium: Yes, sorry.09:01
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gvrochaatha: can you try http://gvrocha.homedns.org/ and see if you can access my webpage from wherever you are?09:02
doogluswhere are old packages archived?09:02
kumakunselinium: It appears to be a question of my having switched to the breezy main repository last night to start getting updates. I think it's working now...certainly farther along than it had been.09:02
seliniumkumakun, Breezy?09:02
athagvrocha: doesn't seem to work from here - sorry but i have to go now09:03
thoreauputicdooglus: on the web or locally, do you mean?09:03
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seliniumkumakun, Do sorry, didn't read last post!09:03
dooglusthoreauputic: either.  I need to find libgtk2.0-0 version 2.8.4-0ubuntu109:04
dooglusthoreauputic: (with source too, if possible)09:04
seliniumkumakun, not breezy64?09:04
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kumakunselinium: No, i38609:04
thoreauputicdooglus: looked in /var/cache/apt/archives ? (I mean if you already have it)09:04
dooglusthoreauputic: unfortunately only version 2.8.4-0ubuntu2 is in there09:04
kumakunselinium: It seems to be coming along nicely from the hoary repositories.09:04
dooglusthoreauputic: is there no archive online?09:05
gvrochawhat could cause apache2 to be able to display http://localhost/index.html but not display http://mydnsdomainname/index/html??? Any tips?09:05
thoreauputicdooglus: I would assume there is - have you tried packages.ubuntu.com ?09:05
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dooglusthoreauputic: that's an idea09:05
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seliniumkumakun, I dont have any experience with breezy, i am holding out unil the official release. I have too much work on at the mo!  :)09:06
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dooglusthoreauputic: it seems that packages.u.c only has the current version for each of the beasts09:07
kumakunselinium: That's fine. I was just eager to try it. Will the mozilla update require me to restart the browser?09:07
thoreauputicdooglus: :(09:07
seliniumkumakun, i would of thought so, yes09:07
dooglusthoreauputic: do you have it in your /var/cache/apt/archives?09:07
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thoreauputicdooglus: hang on09:08
kumakunselinium: Well, we'll give thata  go, then.09:08
dooglusls -l /var/cache/apt/archives/libgtk2.0-0_2.8.4-0ubuntu1_i386.deb09:08
gvrochawhat could cause apache2 to be able to display http://localhost/index.html but not display http://mydnsdomainname/index/html??? Any tips?09:08
seliniumkumakun, Sorry, i could not help further.09:08
dooglusgvrocha: the last /, between index and html?09:09
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gvrochadooglus: ok other than that...09:09
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gvrochawhat could cause apache2 to be able to display http://localhost/index.html but not display http://mydnsdomainname/index.html??? Any tips?09:10
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dooglusgvrocha: your firewall09:10
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gvrochadooglus: how can I check that?09:10
thoreauputicdooglus: sorry - no luck09:10
dooglusgvrocha: apache only listening for local connections09:10
kumakunselinium: you may still can. It's trying to open with totem. can I get that to open with xine?09:10
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dooglusanyone?  does anyone have a file /var/cache/apt/archives/libgtk2.0-0_2.8.4-0ubuntu1_i386.deb please?09:10
gvrochadooglus: how do I find whether this is what's happening09:10
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dooglusgvrocha: run "sudo iptables -L | wc -l" - what do you see?09:11
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gvrochaI see 809:11
gvrochadooglus: I see 809:11
dooglusooh.  I see 9.  It's almost certain you don't have the firewall enabled.09:11
benplautkicker is the only good part of KDE... but even it could be a whole lot better09:12
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benplautokey, i'm back on gnome:)09:12
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gvrochadooglus: does this mean the firewall is not causing the trouble?09:12
dooglusgvrocha: I reckon so.09:12
dooglusgvrocha: what do you see from "netstat -plt"?09:12
dooglus(don't paste if it's more than 2 lines)09:12
gvrochadooglus: the line that has apache in it shows: tcp        0      0 *:www                   *:*                     LISTEN     6915/apache209:14
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dooglushmm.  so it's listening to all addresses (the * in front of :www tells you that)09:14
dooglusgvrocha: your router isn't allowing incoming connections on port 80 to get to your PC.  that's a possibility09:14
seliniumkumakun, sudo apt-get install totem-xine09:15
gvrochadooglus: any way to test that? they used to work in the past...09:15
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dooglusgvrocha: what's your external IP address?09:15
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gvrochaFrom ifconfig I get for eth0 (that's my DSL connection)09:16
dooglusgvrocha: is apache on the box you're IRCing from?09:16
kumakunselinium: complains of unmet dependencies.09:16
gvrochadoglus: yep09:16
dooglusHello World!!!09:17
seliniumkumakun, use synaptic, and see what it says.09:17
gvrochadooglus: so you got it?09:17
dooglusgvrocha: I can see your index.html fine...09:17
gvrochadooglus: cool09:17
kumakunselinium: it only gave me 3. let me try and get those..09:17
dooglusgvrocha: so maybe the problem is with DNS.09:17
dooglushttp:// worked for me09:17
gvrochadooglus: would you mind trying another address?09:18
dooglusgvrocha: sure09:18
dooglusgvrocha: pm me if you like09:18
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shad0w1eanyone know why "nvidia" driver wont work once I updated to "breezy" (only "nv" works now)09:20
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n00bstercan somone plz post (or send to me ) the ubuntu Desktop Wallpaper ?09:20
seliniumgvrocha, When did you set up the dns? it takes some time to populate through all the name seervers09:20
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naliothn00bster: its in your synaptic under "ubuntu-calendar"09:20
gn0meHey there.. I was just wondering if anyone here's been able to get a dual monitor set up going with a Radeon card (TV-out).  Both are displaying a picture, but I've tried following a few HOWTOs for nVidia to do it, but it seems they don't want to work the same for an ATI card.  Basically the second display is only showing part of the desktop (if I was to change res on main display to a smaller res.. basically that effect).09:21
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n00bsterok, i'll look for it there. ty09:21
gvrochadooglus: i hed to reboot about half an hour ago. But I sould ssh to the dns just fine...09:21
n00bsterand, if i'll mark them it will copy them into my drive ?09:22
SGershonHi. Me back again.09:23
SGershonI am downloading the install CD for Breezy. What I need is an Ubuntu system that comes with the drivers added from kernel 2.6.12-9.18 . How can I be sure  the iso found in http://releases.ubuntu.com/5.10/ have this kernel or newer?09:23
kumakunselinium: Seems I opened up a pandora's box here..it's removing quite a few things that *I* would think are system critical..09:23
n00bsterit' did not :(09:23
naliothn00bster: synaptic is pretty self explanatory09:23
naliothubotu: tell n00bster about synaptic09:23
seliniumkumakun, like i saidm i am no breezy expert! let me know how you get on, i have this to look forward to!09:24
n00bsteri tray to read yesterday about sunaptic, but lost myself there ..09:24
kumakunselinium: No no, it's cool. By the time YOU do this the thing'll be stable...hopefully. I may just crash the installation and redo it. Might be easier that way.09:25
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dooglusgvrocha: seems to be down - getting nothing back from it09:25
SGershonRegarding my uqestion? Is this something obvious? That the release available to download has at least kernel 2.6.12-9.18 ?09:25
Travis|HIs there a way to change the color of the Clearlooks theme?09:26
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SGershonI am asking, because as this is all beta and on-development, there may be things they don't make available.09:26
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dooglusSGershon: what is that .18 on the end?09:27
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n00bstercan't somone just send me the wallpaper file  - ? whay do i need to lern stuff just to get a file ?09:28
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naliothn00bster: the file is 2 clicks away09:28
SGershondooglus, you asking me? hahaha.09:28
SGershonI found it here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=374373&postcount=4809:28
naliothn00bster: if you dont learn apt-get or synaptic or aptitude, you will soon be in a world of pain09:28
n00bsterso can you just tell me wats the path ?09:29
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dooglusSGershon: you seem to be insistant that you want at least that version.  does the 18 mean anything?09:29
n00bsterlook, i just wanted the file, not to lern rocket sience (wich it's like that for a n00b)09:29
doogluswhay oh what.  lerning sux dood09:30
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MadpilotPPCn00bster, Synaptic is pretty much the core of adding stuff to Ubuntu, you're going to have to learn it sooner or later...09:31
sobersabrewhat program shall i use to read chm files stably under ubuntu ?09:31
dvsdudehey all09:31
bjvwait he wont learn Synaptic?09:31
naliothsobersabre: xchm, kchm09:31
SGershonthanks for your help dooglus.09:31
SGershonI found in ubuntuforums, that from kernel 2.6.12-9.18 (i don't know what is the 18 for) ubuntu supports drivers for my network adapter. That's why I insist on at least this kernel version. But maybe the .18 is not important.09:31
SGershonI'm not so deep in all this ting, so you probably knows better than me.09:31
bjvi thought he was compaining about apt-get. :\09:31
dooglusSGershon: the 'colony 5' image has this on it: /media/iso/pool/main/l/linux-meta/linux-image-386_2.6.12.15_i386.deb09:31
kumakunthink i may just sit this one out and try to  update from the hoary repos. it seems to be wiping the majority of my packages.09:32
SGershondooglus, Seems nice. This is a package that I can install over Warty?09:32
sobersabrenalioth,  I am accessing xchm homepage... what is stabler/better09:32
dooglusSGershon: I would suggest you just upgrade to breezy.09:33
BurgerMannI have a problem with my SSH server.. it keeps resetting my connection while I'm working. It seems like it when I connect twice from same computer, with same user.09:33
dooglusSGershon: if colony 5 doesn't have a new enough kernel, you can update the kernel using the online repositories anyway09:33
SGershonI see. thanks, it seems easier just to install the whole Breezy.09:33
naliothsobersabre: xchm is desktop agnostic, kchm uses kde hooks. i find either one works well09:34
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SGershonBecause I can't update directly from ubutu until he recognizes my network device.09:34
sobersabrethanks for the feedback09:34
dooglusSGershon: good point :)09:34
sobersabrefound xchm in apt repositories.09:34
BurgerMannI think i found my problem...09:34
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SGershonOk. So I hope that this release has the right kernel version with the right drivers...  34% downloaded meanwhile.09:35
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kumakunAny one know what lbus-1 is and why it would be removing a slew of packages from my system when I try to install it?09:35
dooglusSGershon: you can download a newer kernel using a different box and copy the .deb file over if you need to.09:36
gvrochaIs there any reason why I'd be able to ssh an ip but not be able to see a webpage hosted in the same computer once it is running apache2?09:36
SGershonA-ha! dooglus, where are the kernel repositories? I tried in ubuntu's page, but they're not there.09:36
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dooglusSGershon: the kernel is in 'main', along with lots of other stuff.09:37
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tomajwhats a good program to burn aac file with?09:37
doogluswhy didn't that last line with my name in go yellow?09:37
tomajor to set up so you can burn aac files with09:37
naliothtomaj: i'm not aware of the ability to create aac files in linux ( i may be wrong)09:37
tomajaac = m4a09:38
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tomajyou cant create the nalioth i want to burn them as an audio cd09:38
gvrochaIs there any reason why I'd be able to ssh an ip but not be able to see a webpage hosted in the same computer once it is running apache2?09:38
naliothtomaj: mplayer, libfaad libfaac gstreamer0.8-faac gstreamer0.8-faad may help you09:38
SGershondooglus, where is "main"?09:39
tomaji have all of them, just dont know which program to use to burn them with nalioth09:39
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dooglusSGershon: you can find the most recent breezy kernel here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/base/linux-image-2.6.12-9-38609:40
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naliothtomaj: i'm not sure if k3b transforms aac to wav b4 burning09:41
SGershonhtanks goodlus.09:41
SGershon(and i seems hard...)09:42
gvrochaIs there any reason why I'd be able to ssh an ip but not be able to see a webpage hosted in the same computer once it is running apache2?09:42
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ubotuI guess e17 is the next generation enlightenment http://www.enlightenment.org or http://www.rasterman.com, http://www.get-e.org or http://www.edevelop.org09:46
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tomajnalioth thanx ill check k3b09:47
SGershonIf I am hiere, while I wait for the breezy download... can someone help me on this: my systems freezes on loading, with the message "starting hotplug subsystem".09:48
SGershonWhy? How? Where?09:48
SGershonI bypass this pressing ctrl-c.09:48
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_pirhey, I'm trting to compile the file commander "emelFM2", I have hoary , and I got this error after typing "sudo make"09:48
SGershonBut it is weird.09:48
_pirgenerating 'objs/src/utils/cell-renderers/mg-popup-entry.deps'09:48
_pir/bin/sh: cc: command not found09:48
_pirmake: *** [objs/src/utils/cell-renderers/mg-popup-entry.deps]  Error 12709:48
kumakunHere comes the stuff I lost...bizzare.09:48
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_pirany body have a solution? what is error 127?09:49
spockboy_pir: i think you need to install gcc09:49
burnboygah..using breezy but using fglrx drivers, the brightness is too high..i did fglrx_xgamma to .5 but brightness is still way up..how can i change it?09:50
naliothpietrus: install "build-essential"09:50
_pirI have gcc 3.4 and gcc-3.4 base09:50
nalioth_pir: "build-essential" will give you everything you need to compile things09:51
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fredforfaenafter my upgrade to breezy via apt , i cant get vmware to work , nor install it , it complaints about wrong gcc or something...i can get the error message if anyone could help me ....pla?09:53
spockboyfredforfaen: show us the error message09:54
fredforfaenok ill get it , hang on09:54
_pirnalioth:I have gcc-3.3 + base and also gcc-3.4 and base , Is this a problem with duplicating?09:54
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kumakunHmh..this has been an interesting night. hosed the install, reinstall synaptec, using it to reinstall the hosed bits from a not quite stable future release...09:55
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chavofredforfaen, the kernel was built with gcc-3.4 and breezy ships with 4.0, so you need to get 3.4 to build the vmware module09:55
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fredforfaenhttp://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2652 chavo spockboy09:56
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fredforfaenchavo do i need the pasth then or ?09:56
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fredforfaenmy spelling sucks09:57
chavofredforfaen, apt-get install gcc-3.409:57
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StarKruzrchavo: if one does that, how does one specify which version to use when compiling something?09:57
chavothen export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4, before runnig vmware installer09:57
fredforfaenchavo thanx ill try that09:57
StarKruzrah.  does that answer my question?  :)09:57
goodlustyup!  :)09:58
chavoStarKruzr, yes09:58
StarKruzrand can the same thing be done with GCC 2.95?09:58
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chavoor change the symlink09:58
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adamsonhi..........can u b my friend09:58
=== StarKruzr fears symlinks
fredforfaenchavo didnt work :(09:58
chavobut env variable is easiest09:58
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StarKruzrchavo: I imagine that the next time I open a terminal window it will be reset to 4.0?09:59
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chavoStarKruzr, yes as /usr/bin/gcc is a link to gcc-4.009:59
chavoin breezy09:59
StarKruzrfantastico.  thanks.09:59
chavono problem10:00
StarKruzralso, out of random curiosity, why can I not su to root?10:00
chavofredforfaen, waht happened?10:00
god-zeroStarKruzr: export sets the variable till reset by another export or reboot10:00
goodlustis there any way of telling apt-get that I like my current version of libgtk and that I don't want it updated, but to go ahead with other updates?10:00
StarKruzrgod-zero: gotcha.10:00
goodlustStarKruzr: you could if you knew the root password.10:00
fredforfaenchavo the same error as before10:00
god-zerosudo -i  == su root10:00
goodlustStarKruzr: at the moment the root password doesn't exist10:00
StarKruzrgoodlust: su then my root password hates me... oh.10:00
StarKruzr... what?10:00
adamsoncan u be my friend10:01
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ilanguthey... im a newbee with a breezy prob. after re-installation my System-->Admin-->boot menu has vanished. any ideas?10:01
goodlustStarKruzr: use "sudo -s" if you want a root shell10:01
chavofredforfaen, you did -> export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4 ?10:01
goodlustStarKruzr: are you sure you have a root password?10:01
=== StarKruzr is unfamiliar with the concept of not having a root password
chavobefore running10:01
fredforfaenchavo yep10:01
StarKruzrgoodlust: didn't the installer ask me to set one?10:01
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fredforfaentwize :)10:01
god-zerosudo -i will act just like su root10:01
goodlustStarKruzr: no.  it asked you to set your own password for your user account only.10:01
StarKruzr... can I just do sudo passwd root to do that?10:01
goodlustStarKruzr: the root password is locked (as in 'passwd -l') by default10:01
ubotu[root]  disabled in Ubuntu, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo10:01
dazvidStarKruzr: su doesnt work in ubuntu, use sudo before your root commands instead10:01
dazvidand just use your user pw10:02
MadpilotPPCStarKruzr, see ubotu's post above ^^^10:02
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goodlustStarKruzr: "sudo passwd" will set the root password, yes10:02
=== StarKruzr did sudo bash this morning and that worked well enough
kemikStarKruzr:  you should use "sudo -i"10:02
goodlustkemik: why?10:02
kemikbecause it sets all variables10:02
=== StarKruzr reads this page
goodlustkemik: what if I don't want them set?  what if I like them the way they are?10:03
_pirnalioth: ok I got "build-essential" and It was compiled but in the end I got cupple of errors lines.. like10:03
_pirsrc/utils/cell-renderers/mg-cell-renderer-popup.c:143: error: `e2_marshal_VOID__ STRING_INT_INT_INT_INT' undeclared (first use in this function)10:03
kemikgoodlust:  suite yourself then10:03
nalioth_pir: you've gotten some shoddy code10:03
chavofredforfaen, hold on a sec10:04
fredforfaenchavo ok thanx10:04
ilanguthey can anyone help a nobee with a breezy prob?10:04
kemikpicasso:  you may be missing some libs that declare those ...10:04
=== StarKruzr pays particular attention to the bit about "benefits of sudo"
kemik_pir:  even10:04
goodlustnobee, sure10:04
StarKruzris this approach used by any other distros?10:04
ilangutcool, thanx goodlust10:05
_pirnalioth: do i need gcc-3.3 and gcc-3.4 ?10:05
kemikStarKruzr:  dont know, but you can use sudo on most systems if you like10:05
nalioth_pir: thought you said you had them installed10:05
StarKruzrI am familiar with sudo, but not with this concept of not having an interactive root user'10:05
chavofredforfaen, sorry man, I forgot a step -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6076310:05
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goodlustStarKruzr: I think it's to help people remember they're root.10:06
goodlustthe idea is you type "sudo" each time you want privs.10:06
StarKruzrfair enough10:06
chavoread that and follow the directions, that got vmware running here10:06
kemikit's to not abuse the root account10:06
_pirI have those pkgs in addition to "gcc"  can I remove them? or only ver 3.4..?10:06
StarKruzrprevents you from staying in root carelessly, among other things10:06
goodlustin practice people just set a root password, or get root shell with sudo -s of course10:06
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kemikgoodlust:  where sudo -i is the better alternative :P10:06
Sionidewtf :S10:06
nalioth_pir: you can leave them10:06
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Sionidewhy does moz cal die when i try print out something from it? :s10:06
ilangutwell here's my prob.  ever since i re-installed breezy i lost my system-->admin-->boot menu that i used to control grub10:07
goodlustkemik: maybe10:07
StarKruzrilangut: is this after you upgraded your kernel?10:07
ilangutdoes anyone have an idea how to bring it back :)10:07
_pirnalioth: ok,, now how do I uninstall / remove this try ?10:07
StarKruzrbecause the same thing happened to me.10:07
StarKruzrsomeone decided boot-admin or whatever it's called was broken, even though it isn't.10:08
StarKruzrso they took it out.10:08
gosubilangut: edit the grub conf file instead ...10:08
ilanguthmmm yep10:08
StarKruzrgosub: is there a man page for that?10:08
nalioth_pir: remove what?10:08
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goodlustkemik: what if I don't want them set?  what if I like them the way they are?10:08
kemikwhy would you ? and the average user most likely will like them10:09
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StarKruzrbecause I had to hunt around for an example grub conf file until I found something that sort of matched my configuration, then poke at it until it worked properly.10:09
StarKruzrand the next time it does a kernel upgrade, it's going to hose my grub conf again.10:09
kemikgoodlust:  the var's ARE set, but to the old user, instead of the root account.. so it's really not good to use -s10:09
=== StarKruzr stabbity stab
_pirnalioth: I all those "compiling...." lines... some thing was installed? some files were copied?10:10
_pirIn all....10:10
=== Carpe_Libertatem [n=Esenthie@ip68-229-254-250.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
god-zeroThe whole no root account thing frustrated me for the first wey weeks or so, then you realize that you don't use it as much as you think. When I do want a interactive root shell I just "sudo -i", but that's not too often10:10
AcidPilsgood morning10:10
nalioth_pir: were the last lines with "errors" and "stop"10:10
kemiki seldom use sudo -i10:10
StarKruzrgod-zero: Yeah, I guess you can get around it10:10
fredforfaenchavo still no luck with vmware10:10
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kemikthe root privileges are not needed very often10:10
Carpe_LibertatemWhen I try sudo apt-get upgrade, I get "E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporari ly unavailable) E: Unable to lock the download directory"10:11
chavofredforfaen, did you see the page I pasted?10:11
fredforfaenyeo , the any any update10:11
MadpilotPPCCarpe_Libertatem, do you also have Synpatic open?10:11
=== StarKruzr stares at these mysterious red marks on the inside of his elbow
kemikCarpe_Libertatem: running synaptic/aptitude ?10:11
AcidPilscan anyone tell me how to get gdm to exec my .xsessionrc when using enlightenment?10:11
StarKruzrwhat the crap did I do to myself10:11
naliothCarpe_Libertatem: only one apt can be open at a time10:11
Carpe_Libertatemkeikoz, Not that I can see.10:11
alisherCarpe: Update Manager10:11
chavofredforfaen, hmm, well I'm not sure what's going on.10:11
kemikCarpe_Libertatem:  do a "ps aux | grep apt"10:11
ilanguthey... sorry i didn't reply to my own thread... just got informed that my brother totaled the family car10:11
StarKruzris he ok?10:12
chavoalthough the 5.5 beta installed fine for me10:12
chavoit runs real slow though10:12
Carpe_Libertatemkemik, k, what am I looking for?10:12
kemikCarpe_Libertatem:  if you see aptitide/synaptic running10:12
chavogot a mail from vmware today, 5.5 RC1 is out10:12
goodlustis there any way of telling apt-get that I like my current version of libgtk and that I don't want it updated, but to go ahead with other updates?10:12
_pirnalioth: I want to try another ver of code, do I need to remove some files from /usr/bin... before I start again..?10:12
Carpe_Libertatemkemik, I see a "root      6968  0.4  1.5  11728  9836 ?        SN   03:08   0:00 apt-get -qq -d dist-upgrade10:12
kemikgoodlust:  that should be doable, but easier in synaptic10:13
Carpe_LibertatemI guess it's running :-P10:13
kemikgoodlust:  read the apt-get manpage10:13
AcidPilsgoodlust: http://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html10:13
god-zeroStarKruzr: Did you have any dreams with aliens in them last night?10:13
fredforfaenchavo hmm.....i run the any any update and set CC0/usr/bin/gcc-3.4 but still it looks at /usr/bin/gcc10:13
goodlustkemik: I don't think there's anything about it there, is there?10:13
chavofredforfaen, that's odd10:13
StarKruzrgod-zero: not that I can recall.  I do remember my cat cackling madly and gleefully meowing about the end of the world, though10:14
kemikgoodlust:  follow AcidPils link, it'll teach you howto in apt10:14
AcidPilsgoodlust: just look for pinning, should be in the manpge too (or see the link above)10:14
fredforfaenchavo yeah tell me about it...but how do i solve this problem....is something broken on my system?10:14
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StarKruzrhey, we're getting NFSv4!  w00t for atomic file operations!10:14
AcidPilsnoone an idee how to get .xsession working?10:14
chavofredforfaen, do this -> echo $CC10:15
_pirnalioth: I also saw the in emelFM2's web site that I need   {shell commands - file, find >= 4.2, grep, sed}  I checked with synaptic , and I have "findutils" ver 4.1...10:15
chavowhat's in there?10:15
AcidPilsgermanenglish... i should get more coffee10:15
StarKruzrwould help if I knew what .xsession was :)10:15
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kemikCarpe_Libertatem:  yes, it's running.. you'll have to wait for it to finish10:15
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fredforfaenchavo it gives me the right path :/10:15
nalioth_pir: what EXACTLY are you wanting to use10:15
_pirnalioth: it' the latest ver in hoary...10:16
AcidPilsStarKruzr: a file in the home where you could define what applications to start10:16
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chavofredforfaen, well try changing the symlink from 4.0 to 3.4 then10:16
nalioth_pir: the program name, please?10:16
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=== god-zero just noticed Konversation has tab completion
AcidPilsit works when i use the system standard session in gdm but not with enlightenment10:16
StarKruzrAcidPils, like an equivalent of Windows' StartUp folder?10:16
chavogod-zero, welcome to the 21st century man!10:16
StarKruzrI see10:16
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fredforfaenchavo how do i do that?10:17
StarKruzrthat does sound handy.10:17
StarKruzrI could use that myself, actually10:17
_pirnalioth: http://emelfm2.org10:17
StarKruzrbzImage is on IPv610:17
StarKruzrer, shiny10:17
bzimageStarKruzr, yes.. need to keep up10:17
chavofredforfaen, sudo rm /usr/bin/gcc, then sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-3.4 /usr/bin/gcc10:17
_pirnalioth: it's a file commander for linux10:17
bzimageipv4 is so not 2005+10:18
chavothen reverse it to change it back10:18
StarKruzrSUPPOSEDLY my school runs on IPv6 but I've never seen any practical benefits10:18
bzimagewell for the end user it doesn't make a difference10:18
bzimageit's for de admins..10:18
nalioth_pir: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutoApt10:18
fredforfaenchavo that worked!but now theres a new problem..:(10:19
chavouh oh10:19
fredforfaenlook at this http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2653 chavo10:20
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Carpe_LibertatemIn one Linux distro I used, when you went to reboot, you could pick which OS would boot-up on reboot, is there a way to do that on Ubuntu?10:21
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_pirnalioth: ok , I'll check this, thanks,,, now , Do I need to clean some thing from the system, after all the mess that I did .. (all the system's work in the make command)?10:22
goodlustthanks.  pinning was indeed what I needed.  had to put Package: libgtk2.0-0\nPin: version 2.8.3-0ubuntu1\nPin-Priority: 1001\n in /etc/apt/preferences10:22
nalioth_pir: you should just be able to remove the directory you were working with10:23
MadpilotPPCCarpe_Libertatem, OS or Window Manger (Gnome, KDE, etc)? You can do either, or both10:23
_pirnalioth: and nothing from /usr... /etc... ?10:23
StarKruzrCarpe: it sounds like you're talking about GRUB's boot menu10:23
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fredforfaenchavo how do i set gcc back to how its ?supposed? to be?10:24
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dooglusis there a CVS repository will all the ubuntu package source in it?10:24
Carpe_LibertatemOS - for example, I had the option in Linux, to reboot, and boot-up into Windows while in the Linux GUI10:24
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nalioth_pir: did you install anything?10:24
alisherUbuntu has it, GRUB10:24
chavofredforfaen, sudo rm /usr/bin/gcc -> sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-4.0 /usr/bin/gcc10:24
chavofredforfaen, looks like you have to install g++-3.4 also10:24
_pirnalioth: no , just "sudo make"  and " sudo make install "10:25
alisherCarpe_Libertatem: you normally can choose in the GRUB menu which OS to boot10:25
chavobut I can't help anymore, gotta try to get some sleep, it's 4:30 am here10:25
alisherwhen you, sure, have installed it10:25
fredforfaenchavo thanx , im gonna try again , thanx for all your help10:25
nalioth_pir: in the future, use checkinstall10:25
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chavono problem, good luck10:25
Carpe_Libertatemalisher, I know that, but sometimes when I reboot I walk away for a minute while it does the work :-P it was a nifty feature, not 100% needed, but nitfty10:26
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alisherthen the OS will boot, which you set as default for boot10:26
_pirnalioth: ok, I'll check that.. thanks.10:26
alisheryou can set either Ubuntu or Windows to boot by default10:27
fredforfaenchavo that solved it man , thanx a million....!!!10:27
Carpe_Libertatemalisher, right, but in THIS Linux distro, It would give me the option PRIOR to rebooting to boot into OS of my choice, not simply default10:27
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alisherI mean default for the case you walk away10:27
MadpilotPPCCarpe_Libertatem, you can set Grub up in various ways, I know...10:28
alisheryou can also change the time, GRUB wates before booting10:28
Carpe_Libertatemalisher, I don't always want to reboot into default10:28
alisherI think it is normally 50 sec10:28
alisherchange it to whatever, say 5 min, and it will not boot before you choose and click enter10:28
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Carpe_Libertatemalisher, I know I can do that, not what I want to do. Thanks anyway.10:30
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p0windahgood to be back, hello boyos and girlos10:31
alisherCarpe_Libertatem, then I just dont get what you want10:31
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Carpe_LibertatemAlisher, ok, in a Linux distro I used, I believe it was Mandrake, say I wanted to reboot - It would ask, for example "Would you like to ---- Reboot into Mandrake, Reboot into Redhat, Reboot into Windows, Log Out, Shut down"10:32
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alisherAha... never used Mandrake, but seems too user-friendly;)10:32
p0windahI've never seen that before, although I havent used mandrake in a long time10:33
Carpe_LibertatemUbuntu is more user friendly than Mandrake, mostly.10:33
scanwinderi just got a pcmcia to usb card and, when ive got that and my wireless card in, it wont connect to the wireless access point but, when the usb card isnt in and its just the wireless card, it works fine10:33
p0windahCarpe_Libertatem: normally you get asked that sort of question when you "boot" the computer10:33
Carpe_Libertatemp0windah, I got asked on both10:33
p0windahseems odd10:34
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p0windahCarpe_Libertatem: you sure it wasnt asking which "window manager" you wanted to switch to ?10:34
Carpe_Libertatemp0windah, 100% sure10:35
p0windahgot a link to a website or screenshot, I'm curious10:35
kemikCarpe_Libertatem:  did it boot into Windows if you said so ?10:35
Carpe_Libertatemkemik, yes10:35
kemiki dont know how it would save that information if you acutally rebooted the computer10:35
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kemikguess its  a haxx :)10:36
p0windahgrab haxoring10:36
mathieudzhi, is there a fixed release date for breezy? or is it 'somewhere in october'?10:36
Carpe_Libertatemp0windah, I don't.10:36
kemikmathieudz:  1310:36
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p0windahCarpe_Libertatem: you remember which version of mandrake it was ?10:36
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Carpe_Libertatemp0windah, I 8.x, 9.x10:37
mathieudzkemik: thanks, how could i have found that date myself?10:37
Carpe_LibertatemI think it was*10:37
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naliothmathieudz: wiki.ubuntu.com or www.ubuntulinux.org10:37
god-zerokemik: sounds like a perl script that greps grub.conf (or whatever) then writes it out with new default before reboot10:37
p0windahI tried to use the help in ubuntu last night, there is no search....10:38
jsgotangcop0windah, that's Yelp10:38
kemikgod-zero:  mmh.. a ugly haxx! :)10:38
kemikmathieudz:  google is your friend10:38
mathieudzkemik: ok :)10:39
mathieudznalioth: thanks10:39
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Scholar_Gypsyhi, i am on a 1 GB per month internet scheeme. is there any application on Ubuntu that tracks my usage?10:41
ccookeScholar_Gypsy: over multiple reboots?10:41
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Scholar_Gypsyyes ccooke10:42
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kemik1 GB, that's not much at all.... even worse than my 12 GB limit10:43
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p0windahlimits,... bleh10:43
kemikp0windah:  indeed10:43
p0windahI am blessed to be in a country that offers 1GIG home accounts10:44
kemik.nl ?10:44
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p0windahhong kong10:44
kemiki got 10mbit here.. but with that limit it's kind of sux10:44
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kemikpeered-traffic is unlimitied tho.. so i got a proxy im using :)10:45
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p0windahshared is not so good for gaming :)10:45
god-zeroI don't think I can keep up with my mail at 1 gig a month10:45
p0windahI'm on a 10M account now, when my contract expires I'll be switching to 1GIG10:45
Carpe_Libertatem1gb a month o_o10:45
p0windahkemik: I'm guessing you live in an area with low population density, yeah ?10:46
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alisherp0windah, you are from HK?10:47
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xuniluserWhat app is used to make an .iso from a cd?10:47
p0windahalisher: thats where I am now, yeah10:47
DavidLeeRothWinIso if on win3210:47
alisherme too10:48
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mathieudzdd on linux10:48
kemikp0windah:  yup. .. sweden has extremely low pop.density.. quite the opposite to hongkong10:48
DavidLeeRothyou can easily mount one10:48
p0windahalisher: I'm out TKO, at po lam10:48
kemiksiberia, and northern canada and greenland beats us ;)10:48
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alisherI am in Hunghom10:48
p0windahkemik: and the open sea...10:48
kemikheheh yes.. ;)10:48
p0windahalisher: ah, you are quite close then10:49
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p0windahoops, I thought you meant hanghou10:49
p0windahbut hong kong is small, so hunghum is still close I guess :)10:49
alisheryes not too far10:50
wickedpuppyhong kong is small ??? i am in singapore gentlemen10:50
z|banditocan openoffice.org write/read microsoft word files?10:50
DavidLeeRothand it can convert10:51
wickedpuppyz|bandito, yes10:51
wickedpuppyz|bandito, why not try it yourself ??10:51
z|banditothought so.. my friends are just stupid10:51
z|banditoi don't have an ubuntu box here atm10:51
DavidLeeRothz|bandito, it also has limited PPT support in openoffice.orgs powerpoint apt10:51
wickedpuppyz|bandito, do you know openoffice can run on windows as well ??10:51
z|banditoexcel too, right?10:51
DavidLeeRothi am building a computer atm that will have linux full time on it10:51
RMeistwickedpuppy: cygwin:P10:52
DavidLeeRothbut exporting, and reading are very limited10:52
z|banditoyes, i dont feel like downloading the mutiple hundreds of megabytes just to try it10:52
z|banditoi'm on osx btw =p10:52
DavidLeeRothstick with trying to only read and export word processor files10:52
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DavidLeeRothz|bandito, www.shipit.ubuntu.com10:52
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z|banditothey borrowed someone elses crappy windows pc to try and run word on windows cause they can't find the 'save as.. ' command10:53
DavidLeeRoththat will give you FREE ubuntu cd's with FREE shipping10:53
z|banditoanyway, thanks10:53
z|banditoi haeve the cd's10:53
DavidLeeRothCtrl+S lol10:53
DavidLeeRothyou should try YellowDog10:53
wickedpuppyz|bandito, i got no comment ... if i were you i get a live cd and shove it their a**10:53
p0windahhas anyone received their hoary CD's in the mail btw ?10:53
z|banditouh ok10:53
DavidLeeRothyeah preferably knoppix its bites10:53
Carpe_Libertatemp0windah, I did about a week ago.10:53
z|banditolinux on mac hw is kind of silly10:53
wickedpuppyp0windah, yes ... people did get them10:53
z|banditofor workstation use anyway imo10:54
DavidLeeRothI have had them for a month and now they are outdated!10:54
p0windahI got my warty ones, but hoary still hasnt come through10:54
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ompaulp0windah, yes people have - it takes time10:54
BlackLabel^can someone help me out with a porb?10:54
Carpe_Libertatemp0windah, they came to me from The Netherlands o_o10:54
alisherp0windah, I got it from them10:54
p0windahalisher: how many you order ?10:54
ompaul!tell BlackLabel^ about ask10:54
DavidLeeRothI have a problem.  I updated my distro about a week ago.  When I reboot, I get a locale error about UTF-8 missing when i try to startx.10:55
z|banditoi also have given them an ubuntu box already, they aren't going to want me to force a live cd down the other computers throat, but thanks, wickedpuppy10:55
alisherif you need can give you some, I use breezy anyway10:55
BlackLabel^I put in my login and password and after some text about free software and that I have mail, just this: myname@myname:~ $10:55
p0windahno biggie, I'll wait for breezy I guess10:55
Carpe_Libertatemp0windah, are you on dial-up?10:55
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DavidLeeRothDid anyone else have a locale issue like me?10:55
p0windahCarpe_Libertatem: no, are you ?10:55
=== BlackLabel^ starts crying like a lil girl
DavidLeeRothnow X won't work10:55
BlackLabel^it doesnt wooork10:55
BlackLabel^ye i know10:55
Carpe_LibertatemI got the CDs to give to people who feel bad about using burns :-P10:55
p0windahalisher: I have a pile of warty CD's, so its ok10:56
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DavidLeeRothI still have access to bash of course and command line apps10:56
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DavidLeeRothalisher if you need can give you some, I use breezy anyway10:56
DavidLeeRothBlackLabel^ I put in my login an10:56
ompaulBlackLabel^, it actually working, the fact that it is not a graphic environment makes me think you may have an ati or nvidia card10:56
wickedpuppyDavidLeeRoth, pls read /etc/X11/x.org10:56
StarKruzrdon't feel bad about using burns!  Just buy Ubuntu merch :D10:56
z|banditoic carp10:56
BlackLabel^ye well10:56
BlackLabel^it should be working10:56
BlackLabel^i think i have a problem starting x automatically10:57
z|banditosome people might be afraid of a burn too10:57
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StarKruzrI guess10:57
p0windahis there an ubuntu pin-badge ?10:57
StarKruzrthough I can't imagine why10:57
ompaulBlackLabel^, let me be more specific, have you nvidia or ati?10:57
dhonnfur ubuntu on ppc how do i simulate a right click on a 1-button mouse10:57
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StarKruzrI just want a nice button-down10:57
Carpe_LibertatemGood question, dhonn10:58
StarKruzrbah, Cafepress10:58
StarKruzrnothing but cheap white cotton crap10:58
Carpe_LibertatemCafepress sucks.10:58
StarKruzrit does that, yes.10:58
ceeehi. anyone noticed some problems with pam or pam_unix/ldap?  since some friend made an apt-get upgrade  my pam_ldap-Logins won't work anymore10:58
p0windahI dont want a t-shirt, although the prices arent too bad10:58
bzimagewhat is cafepress?10:58
p0windahconsidering some of the outrageous prices for shirts on thinkgeek10:58
z|banditothey might feel it's more likely to be backdoored or something10:58
StarKruzrI would still buy a $24 t-shirt even10:58
Carpe_Libertatembzimage, go to the website10:58
StarKruzrit supports the project10:58
StarKruzrit's just that the shirts suck.10:59
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BlackLabel^dhonn: PM10:59
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bzimageyou tell me!10:59
benplautgoodnight :)10:59
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gn0meAnyone been able to get an extended desktop (across two monitors) with an ATI Radeon 9600XT? I can get the primary to work fine.. but the secondary is cloning instead of extending.  I want to be able to drag a window from one to the other and stuff. :-\10:59
Carpe_LibertatemThere's alternatives to Cafepress10:59
p0windahgn0me: I didnt with an 980010:59
idleCatAfter I upgraded to breezy, I'm getting strange characters embedded in my gcc/g++ stderror. Example: invalid types int[int]  <--- the 10:59
p0windahI did _it_10:59
Tuxisthi i have a problem with vice10:59
BlackLabel^i know someone who could help you but not here10:59
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StarKruzrsimple rule for how to sell shirts to geeks: MAKE THEM BLACK10:59
gn0meI like blue.11:00
StarKruzrCarpe: such as?11:00
ompaulStarKruzr, no, grey11:00
BlackLabel^i like pink.11:00
p0windahI prefer beige11:00
idleCatany ideas ?11:00
DavidLeeRothgn0me, I am thinking about getting a 9600xt sapphire 256 meg 128 bit interface. Is that a good GPU? btw, interface= agp11:00
Tuxist*** glibc detected *** realloc(): invalid next size: 0x0000000000abaf40 ***11:00
wickedpuppyTuxist, we all got problem with vice11:00
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ompaulStarKruzr, complex rule, let the customer choose their colour11:00
gn0mep0windah: Did you use the xinerama or the radeon options?11:00
StarKruzrompaul: HORRORS!  </sarcasm>11:00
=== p0windah labels ompaul as a "boat rocker"
StarKruzrTuxist: are you talking about AFS?11:00
DavidLeeRothgn0me, I am thinking about getting a 9600xt sapphire 256 meg 128 bit interface. Is that a good GPU? btw, interface= agp11:00
ompaulp0windah, more like a sinker :)11:01
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gn0meDavidLeeRoth: I'd suggest an nVidia perhaps over an ATI.11:01
Carpe_LibertatemStarKruzr, I forgot them all =P11:01
DavidLeeRothAnd, is there good support for you card?11:01
Tuxistno kopete11:01
p0windahgn0me: no, oddly enough I didnt11:01
StarKruzrI wonder if AFS is in universe11:01
gn0meDavidLeeRoth: But the 9600XT has never done me wrong in Windows.11:01
p0windahgn0me: wish I still had that machine so I could give you my config; but from memory none of the ubuntuforum/guides helped me11:01
gn0meJust linux troubles.11:01
StarKruzrhaving direct mount access to my AFS shares would be handy11:01
Carpe_Libertatemhttp://www.t-shirts.com/ , http://artapart.com/ , http://coshops.com/retail/index.asp11:02
BlackLabel^so noone knows how to solve my: "I put in my login and password and after some text about free software and that I have mail, just this: myname@myname:~ $" problem? i didnt find the XFree86.0.log file nor did i find anything in the nanno11:02
Tuxisti have amd64 system11:02
p0windahgn0me: check out generic linux dual-mon guides11:02
Carpe_Libertatemthat's some :-P11:02
ompaulBlackLabel^, I asked you a question, you ignored it11:02
gn0meYeah, checked a bunch11:02
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BlackLabel^i didnti11:02
gn0mep0windah: Tried copying their configs and stuff, and I can get clone to work.  But I want to make one big desktop and it always bugs out on the second display.11:02
BlackLabel^i said ati11:02
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BlackLabel^i would NEVER ignore YOU11:03
ompaulI missed your answer :)11:03
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ompaul!tell BlackLabel^ about ati11:03
StarKruzrdoes anyone know if there is any decent tablet support for Linux in Ubuntu?11:03
bzimagehmm.. tha's asking for troubles11:03
p0windahgn0me: yeah, been there; done that. but rest assured its doable and not that difficult once you find the right info :)11:03
liquidboyhey, i'm wanting to get a lucent win modem to work, will i need drivers, where can i get them from11:03
wickedpuppyStarKruzr, currently no ...11:03
=== ompaul runs around screaming about closed source cards being evil
inc|freakygood morning :D11:03
ompaulBlackLabel^, no point I don't have one I can only point you at that page11:04
StarKruzrwicked: sad.  am getting a tablet soon and would prefer Ubuntu to XP11:04
wickedpuppythere are some programs but i don't know any major distro that works out of the box11:04
p0windahgn0me: I have a 20" portrait lcd and a 17" mon hooked up for awhile,, twas real nice11:04
BlackLabel^why no point in PMs?11:04
wickedpuppyStarKruzr, pls complain that to tablet manufacturers StarKruzr11:04
gn0mep0windah: :-\ Dang. I've been trying for about two hours now and it's gone from bad to worse and back.  19" CRT and something" television11:04
BlackLabel^i checked that page and i did what they said but it didnt work out11:04
Tuxiston the vice site is a patch for amd 64 systems for 1.14 is they include in the package11:04
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alisherliquidboy: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636111:04
gn0mep0windah: Primary's perfect.. just want to make a virtual desktop or something with the primary on the left and the secondary stuck on the right part of it11:05
p0windahStarKruzr: which tablet, I have a compaq one here11:05
gn0methen I can drag across without problems maybe.11:05
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ompaulBlackLabel^, ooch that is the only resouce I know11:05
StarKruzrodd you should say that, probably getting a tc4200 :D11:05
p0windahgn0me: my setup used both screens as one big desktop11:05
gn0meYeah.. it's just being difficult I guess.11:05
p0windahStarKruzr: only problem I've had with it and ubuntu/debian is getting the pen to work....11:05
StarKruzrdunno what kind of Wacom support there is11:06
p0windahapart from that everything works fine :)11:06
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xuniluserSorry got dc11:07
alisherliquidboy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/forum/hardware/lucent11:07
DavidLeeRothxauth:  creating new authority file /root/.serverauth.7696 X:warning; process set to priority -1 instead of 0 RTgiving up. xinit:  connection refused (errno 111): unable to connect to x server  xinit:  No such Process (errno 3 ): Server Error11:07
xuniluserWhat app is used to create a .iso from a cdrom?11:08
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ompaulBlackLabel^, I have just googled ati ubuntu and people are giving out big time about ati cards11:08
p0windahBlackLabel^: they're not good, I've always used ati and always had problems11:09
Pinoy_Akodoes php is part of the package?11:09
BlackLabel^maybe i fucked it up11:09
BlackLabel^just a sec11:09
ompaulBlackLabel^,  please              put                 your          words on one line :)11:09
Pinoy_Akoall i can see what the apache python and mysql11:10
BlackLabel^LOL ye im sorry thats what everyone says11:10
naliothBlackLabel^: and mind your tongue, please11:10
p0windahgn0me: there are some sample configs for free86 on this page that might be of some use. http://www.rage3d.com/content/articles/atilinuxhowto/11:10
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shad0w1equestion: how do I change my CC variable to gcc 3.4 instead of the current 4.011:12
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p0windahexport ?11:12
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shad0w1ei dont know?11:12
inc|freakyim trying to run kate but it says:11:12
inc|freakyuwe@loopy:~/downloads/root$ kate11:12
inc|freakykate: ERROR: Communication problem with kate, it probably crashed.11:12
ompaulBlackLabel^, and the ati site is very much - our card is your problem - nice way to talk to their customers11:12
inc|freakyim on breezy11:12
inc|freakyis there any way i can fix this?11:12
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Pinoy_Akoguys how do i install the apache mysql and php in ubunto?11:14
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p0windahany married guys/gals here recommend some fun multiple player games one can play with their partner ? pref. gnome based ?11:14
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Chameleon22Pinoy_Ako, apt-get is a good start11:14
p0windahI'm playing kbattleship with the mrs during our lunch breaks over freenx, but looking for more variety :)11:14
Chameleon22p0windah, umm street fighter?11:15
FunctionChameleon22: that's not FOSS though11:15
p0windahshe isnt the "kick other peoples heads in" kind of gamer :)11:15
Chameleon22ye i mean in real life11:15
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shad0w1ehow do I change my CC variable to point to gcc 3.4 instead of the 4.0 that its pointing to, now ?11:16
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FunctionChameleon22: running through the streets and beating up everyone who walks "in your way"?11:16
p0windahit'd be sweet if there was some nice multiplayer tetris or mine sweeper11:16
Chameleon22p0windah, sorry man no suggestions here i am an xbox fella... me shoot and race, gf  adanvture so yeah very different tastes11:16
KnelixWell, looks like I've !@%^ed up the system...11:16
KnelixX won't start at all.11:16
p0windahChameleon22: its hard to find common ground :)11:16
Chameleon22p0windah, bedroom always works hehehe11:17
KnelixI think I'm just going to download the stable 5.04 and re-install the system.11:17
twibblerKnelix: are you using breezy ?.11:17
Chameleon22any way i need to do some work before i get to excited11:17
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ompaulPinoy_Ako, sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql php < however before you do that in a terminal do this /msg ubotu repos11:17
Knelixtwibbler: yes.11:17
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twibblerKnelix: had the same problem would you like he solution .....11:17
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Knelixtwibbler: Sure.11:18
twibblerKnelix: when you bbot do you get a square which allows you to look at the xserver log ?.11:18
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Knelixtwibbler: hmm? No.. not really.. I get text, stating where the log is at, and a blank moire pattern screen after x tries to load.11:19
twibblerKnelix: ok... just to make sure within the log does it say fatal error on loading default font ...11:20
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Knelixtwibbler: i dunno... I notice an extension icon I've never noticed before right before it crashes... I'm thinking it may be my fiddling with the Nvidia driver or something...11:20
Knelixtwibbler:hmm. lemme see..11:20
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shad0w1emy nvidia driver is asking for the "kernel interface" to install.. is that the kernel source code??11:21
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Knelixtwibbler: Just tried again.. no.11:21
p0windahshad0w1e: you installed the linux-restricted-modules ?11:21
shad0w1eI did a dist-upgrade to breezy11:22
Knelixtwibbler: The Nvidia drivers are fully functional under 5.04, right?11:22
shad0w1efrom hoary11:22
shad0w1ewhich used to be warty11:22
twibblerKnelix: when you say no... you mean the xserver log doesn't give you the fatal error message ...11:22
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Knelixtwibbler: I don't get anything about fonts... I get "no screens found".11:22
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twibblerKnelix.... thats the one .....11:22
Knelixtwibbler: ?11:23
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Pinoy_Akohow do i do that? sorry to ask that question. i just get started using linux, :)11:24
Knelixtwibbler: If you have a solution... go ahead... 'cause I'm about to trash this system and start anew.. thereby throwing away my perfectly good 50%+ seti and einstein work units.11:24
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twibblerKnelix: a bit further into the log .... gives you an error ... which should state that the default fixed font cannot be found so you just need to add a line to the following file .... /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/fonts/alias11:24
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useE1RF3QRFDB V11:26
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KnelixQuestion: What is Colony 5?11:26
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useE1RF3QRF] qfvn11:26
useE1RF3QRFw lew11:26
useE1RF3QRFqn [q11:26
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twibblerKnelix: and the first line should be (Without the quotes) "fixed    -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1"11:26
useE1RF3QRFred+hy()":yu \n11:27
twibblerKnelix: that should now fix your xserver .....11:27
Knelixtwibbler: Thank you... I will try that, but I am also afraid it may be something else.11:27
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twibblerKnelix: I was as well it took many hours to figure that out ... and it resolved everything ... and I was having problems with other drivers at the time ...11:28
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naliothKnelix: colony 5 is a benchmark11:29
Knelixnalioth: And it is "out"... I don't get it...11:29
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sobersabrewhat do you guys use to backup the emails in the email client ?11:30
naliothKnelix: every time the devs make a great leap in stability, etc, they release a "milestone"11:31
Carpe_LibertatemSecret service.11:31
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Knelixtwibbler: "No such file or directory" when I try to switch to that directory.11:31
sobersabreLive_Liberated: are you answering me ?11:31
twibblerKnelix: Ill just check the directory ....11:31
Knelixnalioth: So the new Breezy is much more stable?11:31
naliothKnelix: colony X is just a way of marking the days until "Preview Release X" and then the final11:31
p0windahKnelix: its still pre-release11:31
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inc|freakygood morning nalioth ^^11:31
twibblerKnelix: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc11:31
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ndlovuany ideas why Firefox might suddenly stop loading?11:32
naliothKnelix: on oct 13, you can have all the stability you want11:32
shad0w1ehow do I change my CC environment ??11:32
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naliothinc|freaky: howdy11:32
sobersabrendlovu, no space on disk ...11:32
p0windahKnelix: its all explained on the main www.ubuntu.com page11:32
inc|freakynalioth: i couldnt resist, i upgraded to breezy ;D everything working :D11:32
Knelixnalioth: I'll be looking forward to it. :-)11:32
ndlovusobersabre: will check it out, but I think my disk space is fine11:32
naliothshad0w1e: are you compiling in a terminal?11:32
sobersabreif firefox writes into /tmp which is fulll... this can happen11:32
shad0w1enalioth, I'm using the NVIDIA installer11:33
Knelixp0windah: I know Breezy is preview now, just didn't know what Colony 5 meant.11:33
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naliothshad0w1e: in a terminal?11:33
shad0w1enalioth, yes11:33
Knelixshad0w1e: On Breezy??!11:33
crowwhat is the name of package J2SE Runtime Environment (JRE) with Plug-in for Mozilla Firefox  (sudo apt-get install *****)11:33
StarKruzrthe funny thing is that Breezy feels completely stable to me11:33
shad0w1eKnelix, yes!11:33
shad0w1ewhich is why gcc 4.0 is set up11:33
Knelixtwibbler: Looking now...11:33
shad0w1eand I need 3.411:33
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Knelixshad0w1e: :-)11:33
naliothshad0w1e: type this before you run the installer export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-<whatever>11:33
p0windahin the words of radiohead, just because you feel it doesnt mean its there11:33
Knelixshad0w1e: HOW?!11:33
ndlovusobersabre: nope, plenty disk space. any other thoughts?11:33
StarKruzrndlovu: gremlins.11:34
StarKruzrclearly gremlins.11:34
sobersabrelittle dwarves...11:34
sobersabrei've seen'em once..11:34
ndlovuSarKruzr: Ah yes, those damned gremlins again!11:34
erik_can anyone help me with how to add an printer, I need to add it to an tcp port but have none to choose11:34
ndlovuso... any idea how to hunt a gremlin? ... other than sunlight...11:34
shad0w1enalioth, thanks so much!!!!11:35
shad0w1ebut, whill this go back to 4.0 by default, or no?11:36
ndlovucrow: I think it's "sudo apt-get install sun-j2re1.5"11:36
naliothshad0w1e: as soon as you close that terminal11:36
shad0w1enalioth, thanks11:36
crowndlovu: E: Couldn't find package sun-j2rel.511:36
crowi try that11:36
inc|freakycrow: you have to compile it etc. yourself11:36
ndlovucrow: I had that problem a while ago...11:37
inc|freakyi installed java yesterday everything working fine here11:37
ndlovucrow: seemed it disappeared from the repository for a while and then came back.11:37
inc|freakythere is documentation int he wiki i just dont remember the site-name11:37
Knelixtwibbler: I cannot find that either... it seems that I am truly "fraked".11:37
crowinc|freaky, oh :(, so download source tar.gz and manual compile or_?11:37
inc|freakylook for something like restricted formats and scroll down11:37
ndlovucrow: or at least it was in the repository, but not in the index somehow...11:37
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ThePyromaniaccrow: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66813 may help11:38
inc|freakycrow: go the wiki and search for restricted formats open a page called RestrictedFormats and scroll down there is the tutorial11:38
ndlovucrow: the instructions on ubuntuguide (www.ubuntuguide.org) were excellent for me.11:38
twibblerKnelix: did the directory exists ?...11:38
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crowok thnx ppl11:38
Knelixshad0w1e: You have to tell me how you intstalled the NVIDIA driver.. was it Ubuntu's own or NVIDIA's?11:38
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Knelixtwibbler: No, not even the second level.11:38
ndlovuokay, so other than space, any ideas how to find out why my Firefox won't start?11:39
ndlovuwhat's a good approach? Remove and reinstall with Synaptic?11:39
naliothndlovu: ubuntuguide is known to kill systems. you are either lucky or lucky11:39
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VoXin the past few days, mplayer seems to have stopped working when trying to play dvds. it comes up with an error, saying it cant read the title information. any thoughts?11:39
twibblerKnelix: sounds like an ARGGGGHHHHH to me ..... for that is the directory needed to set the fonts for the xserver ..... hence xserver wont start ... I take it you have done a secound upgrade just to make sure ...11:39
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naliothcrow: what do you want?11:40
dawynnI'm trying to do some sound recording.  I've got a device hooked into the "line" port on my sound card (Turtle Beach / Santa Cruz).  Anyone know where this comes into /dev?11:40
ubotuubuntuguide is, like, totally, out of date, breaks PCs and doesn't explain anything. The official FAQ Guide, which is based on ubuntuguide will soon be the help menu in Breezy. For more information see !faq.11:40
tzapachuaumy audio is not working with my VLC11:40
stan|unindlovu, suppose, you downloaded a backports binary11:40
tzapachuauanyone can suggest me a good video player11:40
ndlovunalioth: I've been pretty lucky so far, I have to say! I really like the step-by-step approach. Especially when I don't have much time to research.11:40
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tzapachuauit seems vlc is not working properly again11:40
tzapachuaui have treid killall ems11:40
ndlovustan|uni: umm. yes.11:40
erik_can anyone say how to save printer settings (using gui), when I press close and the open propertieds11:40
Knelixtwibbler: I've upgraded after the initial install, if that's what you mean (not sure if it is).11:40
tzapachuauthe sound system is working fine11:40
tzapachuaui mean the event sounds11:40
naliothndlovu: you'd better start researching11:40
erik_can anyone say how to save printer settings (using gui), when I press close and the open propertieds11:40
crownalioth: to have java working in Firefox, but i am getting E: Couldn't find package blackdown-j2rel.4  or sun-j2rel.5 ....11:41
erik_ghaa.. hate this keyboard11:41
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naliothcrow: java is illegal to distribute, so ubuntu can't legally do it11:41
p0windahtzapachuau: care to try freenx ?11:41
naliothcrow: hoary or breezy?11:41
erik_when I press the properties again the change has not saved11:41
dawynntzapachuau, for DVD's?  or wmv? or what?  Ogle works great for DVD's.11:41
=== ColonelKernel [i=ishai@24-205-124-191.dhcp.hspr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
stan|unindlovu, to fix this, remove backports from your sources.list, remove firefox, do an apt-get clean and reinstall firefox11:42
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Knelixshad0w1e: I just downloaded 5.04 and am deciding whether to install it or Breezy, mainly based on if I can fully use my video card... I'd really appreciate it if you could tell me how you got to install the driver in Breezy...11:42
tzapachuauDAT vcd files11:42
crownalioth: Breezy11:42
VoXwhen is vlc going to be installable on amd64?11:42
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naliothcrow: these will work http://giannaros.org/tor/bt/11:42
ndlovustan|uni: thanks. out of interest, what does 'apt-get clean' do?11:42
naliothVoX: have apt build it11:42
KnelixIncredible. I have actual work to do, and yet I again find myself here.. fiddling with this system... for shame...11:43
=== starshine [n=c2519767@moinmoin/fan/starshine] has joined #ubuntu
dawynnKnelix, I use an NVIDIA card -- and am having no problems with driver supplied by ubuntu.11:43
stan|unindlovu, removes the so far downloaded binarys11:43
shad0w1eKnelix, it works fine on hoary11:43
shad0w1eI'm in middle of battling with breezy11:43
ndlovunalioth: I wish I had all the time I needed to research, but productivity is unfortunately what I need my comuter for!11:43
shad0w1eI'm using an nvidia, and if I get it working ill letcha know!11:43
dawynnKnelix, although there usually is a problem each time the nvidia driver updates.11:44
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shad0w1eI'm workin on it now..11:44
VoXnalioth: how? :)11:44
naliothndlovu: ubuntuguide WILL kill your box if you follow it long enough11:44
stan|unindlovu, in other words: cleans up /var/cache/apt/11:44
Knelixshad0w1e: Ah.. that's the main reason I'm thinking of downgrading to Hoary.11:44
starshineif I have a not-net-attached ubuntu ppc box and I want to fetch it some packages while my thumbdrive is at this little web kiosk, where would I look for my packages?11:44
shad0w1eyou can downgrade!?11:44
naliothVoX: in a terminal, type "sudo apt-get build-dep vlc"  then "sudo apt-get -b source vlc"11:44
=== starshine is visiting the UK from the united states
ndlovustan|uni: thanks, I'll try that.11:44
shad0w1equestion: where are the kernel sources kept?11:44
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shad0w1eI need to find them11:45
naliothVoX: after that is done, you should have a deb in the current directory to install11:45
stan|unindlovu, i'd strongly recommend to follow nalioths hints...11:45
Knelixshad0w1e: When you wipe the drive and install Hoary via the CD you can...11:45
shad0w1eKnelix, lol11:45
Knelixshad0w1e: :-P11:45
shad0w1eKnelix, the "nv" driver def. works11:45
shad0w1ebut then no 3d11:45
sobersabreanybody here backs up his/her emails ?11:45
shad0w1e: (11:45
p0windahsobersabre: yah11:45
shad0w1ewhere are ubuntu's kernel sources located?11:45
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Knelixshad0w1e: Exactly. Useless. I can't even get the 3d screen savers to work.11:45
sobersabrewith what ? ( cron+cp ? )11:45
p0windahsobersabre: tar zcvf11:46
stan|unindlovu, if you need more help, u will find this problem being discussed in nearly every ubuntu forum11:46
dawynnKnelix, breezy is working fine with the linux restricted modules -- even with the "nvidia" driver.  You just need to learn one little command.11:46
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liquidboyhey, i'm trying to get my lucent winmodem to work, i'm reading a howto on this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/forum/hardware/lucent i got up to these commands " sudo mkdir /lib/modules/`uname -r`/other11:46
liquidboysudo cp *.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/other"  the first one was fine, but when i entered the second one, it said it couldnt find the file or directory " :(11:46
shad0w1eKnelix, I'm thinking once Breezy becomes stable (few weeks) this problem will sort itself out?11:46
pzicohey, can someone point out some ubuntu hardware support list? I need to know if highpoint 1640 raid controller works11:46
Knelixshad0w1e: I was trying to explain to my non-tech savvy cousin why I couldn't get 3d to work and he just gave me this strange look... it just looks bad...11:46
sobersabrep0windah, how can you manage incremental backup ?11:46
ndlovustan|uni: appreciate it, but unfortunately I need my Firefox working to get to the forums!11:46
Knelixshad0w1e: Exactly. And then I shall upgrade.11:46
shad0w1eKnelix, first off you need to download the drivers11:46
shad0w1efrom nvidia11:46
sobersabreI have abouy 140M of mail to backup.11:46
starshinegawd, apt-move would be so much easier :(11:46
shad0w1ethat you know,?11:46
erik_need help with network printer, pm me if you can11:47
Knelixdawynn: Even 3D?11:47
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shad0w1eX wouldn't open and it logged to xorg.0.log11:47
stan|unindlovu, there are other browsers... - but u will make it without it, i'm sure11:47
shad0w1eor s/t11:47
shad0w1eI looked at it11:47
temperboihello, how do i remove the old version of glib? i have instaled glib2.0 but when i try to ./configure xmms it say glib >=1.2 not installed.. how do i removed the old version?11:47
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shad0w1eand it gave me a url to look for11:47
p0windahsobersabre: I dont, I burn the backups to DVD11:47
shad0w1enewer drivers11:47
dawynnKnelix, I run Neverwinter Nights without a problem.  What are you trying to get to run/11:47
ndlovunalioth, stan|uni: you're saying that as a rule, backports is a _bad_ idea?11:47
sobersabrehm... i think I will now make something to diff the files... and then incrementally patch11:48
sobersabreis there a ready package for that  ?11:48
Knelixdawynn: just the 3D screen savers included with Gnome.. the turning wheels, etc... they can hardly run.11:48
stan|unistan|uni, at least if u have them in your sources.list by default: YES11:48
naliothndlovu: yes, use them warily11:48
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starshinendlovu: yeah I think so; ideally you would only use them when you know you have an abiding reason to not jump to new releases11:48
temperboi:( anyone? :S11:48
dawynnKnelix, note that the 'nv' driver is NOT what you want.  You'll want to use the 'nvidia' driver.11:48
p0windahsobersabre: if you do incremental and you lose one in the middle... ?11:48
naliothndlovu: as in "only enable them when you have to have something, and disable them when you get it"11:49
Knelixdawynn: Which doesn't seem to work in Breezy...11:49
=== temperboi waves hands.. can anyone help :(
sobersabrep0windah, that's the idea of backup: you backup, verify and store then.11:49
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dawynnKnelix, make sure you have the following installed: linux-restricted-modules (use the latest for your kernel), nvidia-glx, nvidia-kernel-common, and nvidia-settings.11:49
sobersabream i wronga ?11:50
Orbmanhi, i've got an on board sound card and a sound blaster live, both are working fine, i've disabled the on board sound card in the bios but ubuntu keeps picking it up, can i stop ubuntu from loading the onboard sound ?11:50
p0windahsobersabre: that storing, I am talking about recovery11:50
ndlovuthanks all for the suggestions, I always appreciate this channel!11:50
pzicoif RAID card compatibility list has (SuSe, FreeBSD, Red Hat, Caldera, Turbo) will it also work on Ubuntu?11:50
ccookeDoes anyone know if there's a way to set which sound device the Gnome shortcut keys (volume up/down and mute) control?11:50
dawynnKnelix, what exact problem are you having with Breezy and 'nvidia'?  I'm currently running Breezy11:50
sobersabrep0windah, "verify" means recovery.11:50
=== temperboi hello, how do i remove the old version of glib? i have instaled glib2.0 but when i try to ./configure xmms it say glib >=1.2 not installed.. how do i removed the old version?
stan|unindlovu, u r welcomr11:50
ccookeI'd like to be sure before I have to submit a big report.11:50
sobersabrebut I got your idea.11:50
p0windahwell if you go down the diff path, and one of your backups is no good. you're up the creek11:51
VoXnalioth: i did that, no vlc .deb to be found11:51
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shad0w1ehow do I find out what kernel I'm running?11:51
sobersabrep0windah, of course there's a weekly full backup.11:51
Orbmanshad0w1e: sudo uname -a11:51
shad0w1eOrbman,  thanks11:51
pzicoplease.. I wanna know if hightpoint sata raid 1640 works on Warty before I purchase it.. couldn't find any information from internet11:51
dawynnKnelix, typically when you upgrade to a new nvidia-glx, you will find that the next time you boot your machine, it will seem to hang at a console.  But, you still have your virtual consoles.11:51
Orbmanshad0w1e: actually you dont need the sudo11:51
temperboiam in on ignore or something? ;( can i pm anyonw for help? :((11:52
p0windahshad0w1e: uname -r11:52
p0windahtemperboi: what was your question ?11:52
shad0w1e-a gives more...11:52
Knelixdawynn: Well, simply there's no 3D acceleration... it runs regular video fine, but no 3D. In fact, when I had it connected to the board's horrible integrated graphics it ran the 3D screen savers, albeit excruciatingly slowly... but since I switched to the card, they don't even appear.. I get "no preview" and they simply won't run.11:52
=== temperboi hello, how do i remove the old version of glib? i have instaled glib2.0 but when i try to ./configure xmms it say glib >=1.2 not installed.. how do i removed the old version?
Knelixdawynn: How's that?11:52
p0windahtemperboi: install the -dev packages as well11:52
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Orbmananyone know how i can tell ubuntu to ignore my onboard sound, even though it's disabled in the bios its still picking it up11:52
inc|freakywhat is limewire?11:53
temperboii have installed all in development.11:53
temperboiand all the libraries11:53
Knelixinc|freaky: bad code.11:53
inc|freakyKnelix: allright ;p11:53
Knelixinc|freaky: it's a P2P app.11:53
_mindspinmount -t smbfs //servername/share  /home/username/Desktop/share  -o rw,gid=groupname,uid=username,username=username,password=11:53
_mindspindoes anyone have an idea why this share is sometimes writeable and sometimes not??11:53
naliothinc|freaky: use gtk-gnutella instead of limewire11:53
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dawynnKnelix, try this -- hold down 'ctrl' and 'alt' and press 'F2'.  Once you get there, hold down 'ctrl' and 'alt' and press 'F7' and you should be back at 'X'.11:53
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shad0w1escrew this, I'm gonna try it on the 686 kernel11:54
Knelixinc|freaky: I've used it on the Mac, so I can't say about other versions, but it was by far the worse P2P app, and prob. one of the few spyware apps for the Mac.11:54
p0windahanyone know whether the ubuntu/gnome guys are working on gnome-vfs-fuse stuff ? to allow networking mounting into the filesystem ?11:54
inc|freakyhow do i format a unformated partition into ext3 and have it beeing automounted as /mnt/media ?11:54
Knelixdawynn: Damn... How in the heck?!.... It worked?!!...11:55
Functioninc|freaky: use mke2fs and edit your /etc/fstab11:55
dawynnKnelix, that's what I mean by virtual terminals.  Under a default setup, everyone has 6 virtual consoles, then a 7th with 'X'.  This is crucial to remember when you're having a spot of trouble and the system seems to hang on bootup.  You should always be able to get to a console.11:55
inc|freakyhow do i find out which /dev/ it is?11:55
p0windahfdisk -l11:55
xuniluserHow can i create an iso from a cdrom? help11:55
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inc|freakyits the 3rd partition (linux /, swap, thepartitioniwant) sda11:55
dawynnKnelix, now bring up a command line (ok to do this in X for now) and type 'sudo nvidia-glx-config enable'.11:55
naliothxuniluser: use k3b11:55
=== starshine despairs
Knelixdawynn: Incredible... Cheers for redundancy!...11:56
=== p0windah comforts starshine
starshinemagicpoint in ubuntu doesn't speak truetype?!? wtf?11:56
=== p0windah cries
Functioninc|freaky: then it's probably sda311:56
naliothinc|freaky: use gparted on your free space11:56
dawynnKnelix, after enable nvidia-glx, try glxgears again.11:56
=== p0windah shakes fist at the sky
=== starshine 's presentations are ruint :/
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Knelixdawynn: terminal is hanging...11:57
starshineluckily I don't speak until tomorrow.  unluckily I have no direct-link until tomorrow either :/11:57
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shad0w1eok later guys, as of now my problem is still not resolved, and thanks for all the help!11:57
dawynnKnelix, at what point.  The enable?  Or glxgears?11:57
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p0windahwhat was his problem ?11:57
Knelixdawynn: No, it doesn't want to run in Gnome.11:57
shad0w1egetting nvidia 3d to work on breezy11:57
inc|freakynalioth: its "unallocated"11:58
JojetaHi! I install apache2 and php4 and it works great. now I want also to use MySql, I install the package php4-mysql, but I don't now how to run it. myphpadmin also can't connect it. How do I run MySql?11:58
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dawynnKnelix, you can't get a console to work in Gnome?  If nothing else, sign on to one of the virtual consoles (ctrl-alt-f2).11:58
p0windahJojeta: mysql-server methinks11:58
inc|freakynalioth: should i create as primary or extended partition?11:58
sobersabreguys, does anybody know if it is possible to have more than 1 pop3 account with evolution 2.4.0 ?11:59
Jojetap0windah, there isn't command mysql-server, the only command that starts with mysql is mysql-admin11:59
p0windahJojeta: what I meant was, you need to install mysql-server11:59
Knelixdawynn: I think I'm just going to save my work units and re-install... cause I'm not sure what's mssed up.12:00
p0windahJojeta: from memory php4-mysql is only the myclient client for php12:00
p0windahJojeta: not that actual server12:00
twibblerJojeta: from command line mysql -u <userid> -p then enter the password ... if there is one ...12:00
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naliothinc|freaky: unallocated is ok12:00
naliothinc|freaky: turn it into ext312:00
Jojetathank you, I'm downloading it right now12:01
inc|freakyam just doing so :)12:01
dawynnKnelix, note that if you forget that nivida enable command, you can look it up in aptitude (a console package management tool).  It's in the description for package nvidia-glx.12:01
massiCJoieta: mysqld starts the server daemon12:02
inc|freakynalioth: it tells me i should restart, brb12:02
starshineis there any notes anywhere for dealing with ubuntu updating when one-step-removed?12:02
dawynnOK - now back to my problem.  Anyone know where a 'line' input would come into /dev?12:02
p0windahso any noobs in here with questions I can answer easily ?12:02
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p0windahdont be scared, we're mostly nice some of the time12:02
starshinep0windah: heh :(12:02
=== starshine only ever has hard questions
p0windahwe dont do those in here12:03
dawynnp0windah, Know anything about sound recording?12:03
p0windahdepends on what you want to do12:03
dawynnI'd like to record, but I can't figure out where sound is coming into my system!12:03
VoXnalioth: Build command 'cd vlc-0.8.2 && dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc' failed.12:04
p0windahline in ?12:04
dawynnp0windah, I know where to put it into my sound card.  Where does that line in show up on /dev?12:04
naliothVoX: where did the dpkg-buildpackage come from? let apt build it for ya12:04
VoXnalioth: i did12:05
dawynnp0windah, audacity wants the actual /dev location.12:05
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naliothVoX: apt failed in building it, too?12:05
p0windahdawynn: oic, one sec. I dont use sound normally, but I'll look it up12:05
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starshinesigh. I bet cgi irc doesn't highlight me if someone can help either :/12:05
inc|freakynalioth: done, what to do now?12:05
idleCatAfter I upgraded to breezy, I'm getting strange characters embedded in my gcc/g++ stderror. Example: invalid types int[int]  <--- the  Any ideas?12:05
naliothVoX: inc|freaky read up on your fstab editing12:05
dawynnp0windah, I'm hearing the line in, and I've located it in KMix, but that doesn't show where it comes into /dev.12:05
starshinep0windah: ok I've an easy question, who do I lart about mgp not being built sanely?12:06
naliothVoX: amd64 and ppc lag behind in binaries.12:06
inc|freakyis there anything i can look out for or do i have to read all the fstab documentation?12:06
p0windahstarshine: ompaul12:06
VoXnalioth: so i've found ;)12:06
starshinep0windah: tx12:06
naliothinc|freaky: well, let me say "monkey see monkey do" (look to your own fstab)12:06
p0windahdawynn: appears to be /dev/dsp12:06
inc|freakynalioth: can i just "copy" the entry from linux /?12:07
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dawynnp0windah, know any way that I can confirm if its /dev/dsp?12:07
p0windahdawynn: /dev/dsp is out I thinks12:07
tashiroHi! Can someone say me in which package I find "python-config"?12:08
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KnelixHow do I chmod a all the contents of a directory at once?12:09
naliothinc|freaky: i'd have a look first b4 you copy anthing12:09
naliothKnelix: use the recursive switch12:09
inc|freaky. /dev/sda1       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       1 is the / partition12:09
Knelixnalioth: Huh?12:09
Shin_Goukihi i download ubuntu 5.04, now i want to verify the MD5 sum the problem is im using win98, so i need a programm to create MD5 sum on win9x , anyone?12:09
inc|freakynalioth: would it be ok copying?12:10
p0windahdawynn: this is a little off-topic, but this seems reasonably well written. http://forum.skype.com/viewtopic.php?p=16772#1677212:10
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ubotuchmod is probably a command used to change the permissions of a file or folder. see `man chmod` for a synopsis.12:10
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Knelix!man chmod12:10
ubotuKnelix: Bugger all, i dunno12:10
naliothShin_Gouki: visit www.freewarehome.com and find you a md5 utility12:10
Knelixubotu: Useless bot!! :-P12:11
ubotuKnelix: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about12:11
dawynnp0windah, thanks.  I'll give it a look.12:11
naliothKnelix: what are you doin?12:11
naliothKnelix: do that in YOUR terminal12:11
Shin_Goukinalioth, ill try thx!12:11
Knelixnalioth: I am just trying to change all permissions in a folder, so I can copy it.12:12
p0windahKnelix: chown -R user.group /directory/   or   chmod u+rwx -R /directory/12:13
naliothKnelix: then open your terminal and type "man chmod" in IT, not in here (ubotu is kinda blind to some things)12:13
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Knelixnalioth: heh. okay... tell him I apologize. He's a fine bot. :-P12:14
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Knelixp0windah: So, for example, chmod u+777 /knelix/12:14
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Knelixp0windah: is that right?12:14
p0windahno its not12:14
Knelixp0windah: Hmm.12:15
p0windahI think nalioth was onto something good when he suggested your read the man entry12:15
Knelixp0windah: Oh, yeah.. I forgot..12:15
Knelixp0windah: chmod u+777 -R /knelix/12:15
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Knelixp0windah: It's that the man entries are soooo long... and my screen goes to 640x480 in CLI... (remember, I can't launch the terminal from Gnome now) and it takes so long to find what I need...12:16
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p0windahKnelix: you can search a man by pressing the "/" key12:17
inc|freakydone it works :D12:17
Shin_Gouki@nalioth, thx thats a cool site ill bookmark it!!! :)12:17
naliothKnelix: hit alt-f2 and type "gnome-terminal"12:17
naliothShin_Gouki: forget that site. you wont need it with linux12:17
p0windahKnelix: and its long because its complex and you really should read it and make sure you understand exactly what you are doing before you start screwing around with permissions and ownership12:18
Knelixp0windah: Mac OS X is my primary OS, so I know about permissions. But, I just don't know how to alter them in the CLI.12:19
naliothKnelix: yes. permissions are important. changing the wrong files permissions can shut your box down12:19
p0windahKnelix: I'd recommend if you simply are changing them so its easier to copy, you shouldnt change them12:19
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Knelixnalioth: I know. It's just so frustrating how I can't change permissions in the graphical browser. I can do that on mac OS X with no prob.... And I've never had a problem with the system.12:20
p0windahKnelix: try "sudo tar zcvf stuff_want_to_copy.tar.gz /the/directory/"12:20
p0windahKnelix: that way you have one file, which you may change ownership/permissions on without accidentally screwing up your system12:20
MadpilotPPCKnelix, on stuff that you own, you can change permissions in Nautilus - right click, select properties for the file/directory you want12:21
Knelixp0windah: I don't understand why my folding@home directory is only available for root.. I think that's a little overboard...12:21
p0windahproblably because you installed it as root12:21
KnelixMadpilotPPC: In Mac OS X (Aqua) you can change root permissions by"authenticating" yourself within the GUI... It's painless, unlike my experiences with such things in Nautilus.12:22
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cefanyone suggest a linux-based h/drive testing util apart from badblocks? badblocks works well, I just wanna put these drives I have here through a bit of a test and make sure they're reliable12:22
naliothKnelix: i advise against opening any file manglers using sudo. otw it will be a real file mangler12:22
p0windahKnelix: one sec, let me load gui and see how its done12:22
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nightswimis there an ubuntu equivalent of packages.debian.org?12:23
ColonelKernelhow do I remove all the openoffice 1 packages?12:23
KnelixI realize that I don't yet know how a lot of things work, but even the ones I am fairly good at I don't know how to do in CLI, which is frustrating...12:24
nightswimif a piece of software complains like this: Could not get font '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--19-0-100-100-p-0-iso8859-1'. Using 'fixed'.12:24
KnelixAqua has spoiled me.12:24
nightswimwhat would be a good package to install12:25
topyliColonelKernel: find them in synaptic, remove them12:26
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marcin_anthi all12:28
marcin_antgot a question12:28
jebus2as do I12:28
marcin_antcould someone tell me how to enable bitmap fonts in ubuntu?12:28
jebus2Mine is a dual boot question12:28
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jebus2any takers?12:28
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alishermarcin_ant: sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig12:29
naliothjebus2: we aren't mind readers12:29
topylinightswim: xfonts-100dpi, xfonts-75dpi, xfonts-scalable. but those should be there already. perhaps the xfonts-XXX-transcoded too12:29
marcin_antI reconfigured fontconfig - and enabled bitmap fonts but still no luck12:29
jebus2I have xp running on a RAID 0 and I have a spare hard drive to set up Ubuntu on..how can I dual boot these?12:29
marcin_antalisher, heh unfortunately it doesn't work - this is why I ask here12:29
nightswimtopyli: thanks I'll have a look12:29
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marcin_antjebus2, and you want to use this additional hdd for ubuntu only?12:30
jebus2well..and swap partition as well12:30
jebus2it's only 20 gig12:30
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marcin_antjebus2, well I think that it should run without problems12:30
jebus2so far, I can't get it to reboot with getting the standard windows boot optoins.. xp or 200012:31
alishermarcin_ant: have you restarted X after did reconfigure?12:31
marcin_antjebus2, if you can then you could temporarily unplug your raid matrix12:31
marcin_antalisher yes12:31
marcin_antjebus2, then install ubuntu on additional drive12:31
jebus2so don't have raid matrix connected at the time of install12:31
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marcin_antjebus2, and after this just add windows entry to grub12:31
marcin_antjebus2, but this is 'safe' method 'paranoid' :)12:32
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jebus2cause right now.. I get a grub error 17 when I boot off that hard drive (the one with ubuntu)12:32
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Skidjebus2: did you google?12:32
Skid(hdd -> LBA)12:32
jebus2I searched forums a bit12:32
Skiddue to larger boot parittions12:32
Skidthere's some stuff on the gentoo forums for a fix12:32
Skidi came accross whilst sticking a desktop install on a mates 203GB drive12:33
marcin_antjebus2, in fact you should just install ubuntu on additional drive (just select partitions where you want to install) and grub entry for windows should appear automagically12:33
jebus2that's wht I was hoping for12:33
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jebus2I think the RAID matrix is throwing that option off12:33
jebus2because the initial install doesn't properly recognize RAID during parition time12:33
marcin_antjebus2, hmm12:34
jebus2On the live CD, it didn't recognize the RAID matrix12:34
marcin_antjebus2, but you got ubuntu installed properly?12:34
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jebus2well.. so far as I can tell.. I've never booted up to see how it works12:34
jebus2it always errors12:34
marcin_antjebus2, and you can boot to ubuntu if you unplug raif?12:34
jebus2haven't unplugged raid12:34
jebus2was hoping to be lazy and avoid a RAID removal12:35
Oetzican anyone tell on which apt-source i can find svn12:35
jebus2I actually left partition space on the RAID for an install of Linux.. but I have yet to find a Linus distro that installs to an already partitioned RAID array12:35
marcin_antjebus2, is this hardware raid? scsi?12:35
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jebus2sil controlled12:36
flodineanyone know the command to install kde on breezy?12:36
jebus2two 80 gig SATA's in RAID 012:36
jebus2fuggin' fast as hell I might add.. least for XP12:36
Oetziflodine: apt-get install kde12:36
topyliOetzi: how about "rapidsvn - A GUI client for subversion"12:36
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Oetzitopyli: plz no gui12:37
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Oetziis just need the simple svn-command for console12:37
jebus2I know it install because xp can't see the ext3 parition drive at all12:38
Oetziah i found it12:38
naliothOetzi: subversion is the name12:38
Oetzinalioth: thx12:38
topyliOetzi: perhaps there's one in the subversion package itself12:38
marcin_antjebus2, well first thing is that it propably isn't fully hardware solution - for linux12:38
marcin_antjebus2, but if you wand to install linux on additional hdd12:39
cafuego_jebus2: that's software raid, doin't use it.12:39
marcin_antjebus2, it shoudn't matter12:39
jebus2so far, I get a grub error 1712:39
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jebus2the drive is on a slave IDE..that matter?12:39
cafuego_jebus2: you can use the in-kernel software raid system. (But that requires LILO, not grub)12:39
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marcin_antjebus2, if you can just temporarily unplug your raid devices - and install ubuntu on this additional hdd12:39
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jebus2then turn the RAID on post succesful install?12:40
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jebus2manually configure Grub?12:40
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marcin_antjebus2, make sure that your ubuntu installation is ok - then plug your raid and then you can fight with boot manager again12:40
jebus2Can Grub recognize a RAID windows install?12:40
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ccookejebus2: software or hardware raid?12:41
jebus2hardware as far as I know12:41
Oetzican someone confirm that x locale problems have been fixed?12:41
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jebus2A sil controller on the mobo is running it12:41
marcin_antjebus2, theoretically you should have an ability to run linux or windows from grub and linux or windows from nt loader12:41
ccookejebus2: ah, so software assisted, probably?12:41
marcin_antjebus2, it depends from your hardware12:41
jebus2that's a probably conclusion ccooke12:41
ccookejebus2: did you have to configure windows for it?12:42
ccookeno special drivers?12:42
ccookewhat's the box?12:42
jebus2not as far as I can tell12:42
ndlovuhmm... quick question. seems that hoary + firefox 1.0.7 = a place you don't wanna go. but even removing backports from sources and apt-get updating, synaptic reports the current version as 1.0.7. any way to go back to an earlier version?12:42
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jebus2Gigabyte mobo k8n with AMD 3000 939 proc, two raid controllers.. one nvidia and one sil12:42
ccookejebus2: real hardware raid would be absolutely transparent to the OS - it just sees a disk.12:43
naliothndlovu: once you've removed backports from your sources.list, run "apt-get -f install"12:43
topylindlovu: you can force a version of a package in synaptic12:43
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jebus2XP just sees a disk12:43
ccookeright. Then it *might* be a real raid12:43
jebus2 A live distro of Knoppis and Ubuntu see two drives12:43
ccookeso, probably some software assist.12:43
jebus2some.. in the lightest fashion... XP never acted like anything changed when I ghosted it12:44
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jebus2except the partr where it was about 3 times faster12:44
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jebus2This is a SATA RAID by the way12:44
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jebus2I partitioned the hard drive with Ubunto to have 18 gig for OS and 2 gig for swap (plenty I'm sure)12:46
ndlovunalioth: tried apt-get -f install; apt-get update, and still latest version = 1.0.7-0ubuntu0.1...12:46
jebus2get this.. I have to pick a nother drive unrealted to the install to even get it to try grub12:46
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jebus2if I pick the drive I installed Ubuntu to.. it says no OS installed12:46
naliothndlovu: apt-get --purge remove your mozilla12:46
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jebus2when I go back into xp.. the drive that atleast gets grub to start.. still is NTFS.. just like I left it12:47
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Shin_GoukiHello ! i have a nasty problem :/ description:12:47
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jebus2the free drive I installed Ubuntu on is a slave drive.... does that make a massive differnce?12:48
jebus2I could easily switch it12:48
Shin_Goukii downloaded ubuntu 5.04 , iso , i burned it to a cdr , but while decompressing install it said: CRC Error System halted :|12:48
ndlovutopyli: thanks for the suggestion. good to know about that option, but also don't want funky dependencies!12:48
Shin_Goukiso i thought: 1. my CD is not valid or my image, now i made md5 sum of the image and its ok12:49
naliothShin_Gouki: use your new shiny md5 checker on the .iso you downloaded, AND the cd-r you burned12:49
Shin_Goukiso my CD was broken? shall i try again to burn the image??12:49
naliothShin_Gouki: and burn it slow (for best flavor)12:49
DekonMmm, slow roasted CD-rs12:49
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jebus2I was also trying the breezy badger ... should I back off to a more stable distro?12:50
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pl_icehej, what's the full command to compress using zip? :/12:50
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jebus2am I typing to no one now?12:51
jebus2it's okay.. I understand... I just don't want to keep doing it12:51
naliothpl_ice: why are you using zip? use bzip212:51
Shin_Goukii sed the md5 programm i found with ur help, as i said , the MD5 sum was ok12:51
naliothjebus2: it'll be stable in less than 2 weeks12:51
pl_icehm, ok bzip2 then, couse other user is xp,12:51
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naliothpl_ice: winzip will open all of em we use here12:52
Shin_Goukinalioth used the md5 programm i found with ur help, as i said , the MD5 sum was ok12:52
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bzimagepl_ice, zip -9 name.zip <files/dir>12:52
jebus2I'm all fine with unstable.. just not uninstallable12:52
naliothShin_Gouki: then burn it slooooooow (and check the md5 of the burnt disk when you're done)12:52
jebus2this is my toy on the side12:52
onkarshindejebus2: breezy is not final yet12:52
jebus2I have a powerbook and xp to keep me afloat till I get this under control12:52
naliothbzimage: FOSS12:52
pl_iceok, thnx :)12:52
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Shin_Gouki nalioth ,  the websaite and the porgramm said both: F6B3F164C99761234858A4D2C12D0840, slow u mean 4x is too fast? ?12:53
naliothbzimage: Free/Open Source Software12:53
jebus2so.. maybe back off to Warty?12:53
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bzimageoh that12:53
naliothShin_Gouki: i mean that sometimes slower is better12:53
bzimagethen indeed bzip212:53
bzimageor gzip12:53
onkarshindejebus2: hoary12:53
naliothbzimage: iirc, zip is not FOSS12:53
naliothbzimage: and it sucks in comparison to bzip212:53
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bzimagei know..12:53
Shin_Goukinalioth , how can i very that the image is REALLY successful burned onto the CD??12:53
bzimagei just gave answer to his question12:53
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naliothShin_Gouki: md5 the burnt cd-r12:53
jebus2that's what I meant12:54
pl_icehm, i compressed jpeg with -9 got 0% compression ...12:54
jebus2thx ;)12:54
naliothbzimage: educate those who come here (who may not know anyting but what the evil empire has shown them)12:54
enycnali: 'info-zip' is Free Software (FOSS)12:54
bzimagepl_ice, jpegs are compressed allready12:54
bzimagenalioth, ok..12:55
naliothenyc: what is "info-zip"?12:55
pl_icei know bzimage  :/ just tried to squize it bit more ... :/12:55
onkarshindejebus2: hoary is current stable release available from April this year. If you are patient enough then wait for breezy for 15 days12:55
enycnali: which is normally-used implementation of ZIP and is backend to some other projects, like 7-zip'a zip support, iirc12:55
enycnali: err, zip/unzip program/libraries iirc12:55
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bzimagelzma is also sweet12:55
naliothenyc: can you hit the <tab> key please (it makes my box ring when you do)12:55
enycbali: http://www.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/12:55
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jebus2so.. I am going to put the drive I install Ubuntu to master instead of slave.. remove RAID array temporarilty.. then add after stable install is demonstrated12:56
jebus2sound good?12:56
jebus2and use hoary instead of the latest for now12:56
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bzimagehmm.. what? can't bzip2 do recursive compression?12:57
enycbzimage: erm.... what do you mean 'recursive compression' ?12:57
bzimagewell.. directories and such12:57
enycbzimage: you mean compressing a bz2 file (e.g. name.bz2.bz2 )?12:57
enycbzimage: no, and neither does gzip or rzip ;-)12:58
enycbzimage: you use 'tar' to create the 'archive'12:58
enycbzimage: and 'gzip' or 'bzip2' to compress that12:58
bzimagehmm.. ooh well.. i allways user the tar12:58
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bzimagein combi with gzip or bz212:58
naliothbzimage: you use tar + bzip or gzip12:58
enycbzimage: e.g.  'tar cvjf filename.tar.bz2 directory/' to create a bzip2 (j) flag12:58
bzimagejust playing with bzip2 alone.. (first time)12:58
Belutzthere's something wrong with my gaim12:58
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Belutzit always quit it self12:59
ccookebzimage: remember, the Unix method is to have small tools that do one job *very* well12:59
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bzimageenyc, i know tar12:59
ccookeand provide them interfaces so they work well together12:59
enycbzim: well this is a modular architecture design ;-)12:59
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pl_iceoki, c u later :)12:59
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shunyataHi there did anybody successfully installed ubuntu on a VAIO VGN FS285M ?01:00
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Shin_Gouki nalioth , unfortunaly i downloaded a Programm which is only able to create a MD5 sum with a single FILE as source,01:00
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Shin_Gouki nalioth , how do i create a MD5 sum of a whole CD??01:00
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bzimageenyc, i know tar (use it often) but it was the first time to fiddle with bzip2 (without tar)....01:00
onkarshindeshunyata: Is it a laptop?01:00
ccookeshunyata: I'm on a VGN-A397XP here. Not quite the same.01:00
enycbzimage: kk01:00
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shunyataonkarshinde yes it is a laptop01:00
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marcin_antI still cannot use bitmap fonts on breezy - reconfigured fontconfig - and no luck - any ideas what else should I do to enable these fonts?01:01
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kristianwhy i'am so cute?01:01
enycbzimage: note, that bzip2 'default' is -9 compress mode -- 900kb blocks -- i.e. highest compression, so 'j' on tar ('y' on some old versions) will use highest compress bzip2 basically01:01
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onkarshindeshunyata: You can refer to http://www.linux-laptop.net/01:02
intelikeyok i resized two partitions. one was fat32  the other ext2.   the fat32 went smothly, but the "linux native" partition after resizing; can't be mounted because fsck craps out with "partition size and superblock count don't match"     any solution short of mkfs?01:02
shunyataI wan't to buy a new laptop this sony seemed nice but i wan't to make shure i won't spend days configuring stuff01:02
bodisanhello, I tried to install VLC with apt-get install vlc libdvdcss2, and it says this: The following packages have unmet dependencies:01:02
bodisan  vlc: Depends: dbus-1 (>= 0.23.4) but it is not going to be installed01:02
bodisan       Depends: libhal0 (>= 0.4.0) but it is not going to be installed01:02
bodisan       Depends: libmodplug0 (>= 1:0.7-1) but it is not going to be installed01:02
bodisanE: Broken packages01:02
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bodisanhow can I install it?01:02
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Shin_Goukihi , everyone: i need to verify my burned ubuntu 5.04 image, : how do i create a MD5 sum of a CDR and against which value i need to compare it?01:02
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enycshin: first, dont create the MD5 sum -- read the online copy of the MD5 from a mirror of ubuntu cd image01:03
Shin_Goukii did01:03
Shin_Goukiit was fine01:03
Shin_Goukisomeone here told me i need to create an MD5 opf the burned CD?01:03
enycshin: if you 'finalized' the cd recording (normally the default) -- then  "dd if=/dev/cdrom | md5sum" usually works01:03
ccookeintelikey: how did you resize it?01:03
onkarshindebodisan: what vlc version? which ubuntu? breezy or hoary?01:03
enycshin: but you may need to use 'hdc' 'scd0' instead of 'cdrom' depending what the cd device is01:03
intelikeyccooke mcc01:04
Shin_Gouki^^ ur SOO funny im on win 9x :P BUT I WANT LINUX01:04
bodisanbreezy, vlc 0.8.1 or 0.8.2, I don't know for sure01:04
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enycshin: you may be able to install 'cygwin' and use dd / md5sum  that way01:04
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bodisanthat's what I found on their webpage01:05
marcin_antshunyata, you can take a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=6301:05
enycshin: but im not sure what the relevant device-node is under win3201:05
ccookeintelikey: what's that?01:05
bzimagewin 9x.. fun01:05
Shin_Goukisee i simply want to install ubuntu01:05
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marcin_antshunyata, and search for 'sony' to take a look if other ppl have problems with this01:05
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onkarshindebodisan: Are you installing vlc that you got from its homepage?01:05
shunyatamarcin_ant : thx01:05
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intelikeyccooke mcc = mandrake control center01:05
Shin_Goukii dled 50.4 (md5 ok) i burned it, but while buting it said: CRC Error System haolted :/01:05
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bodisanon its webpage there is nothing to download, just the apt-get package01:06
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ccookeintelikey: ah, righ01:06
ccookeintelikey: hmm. I don't know what that uses to do resizing.01:06
bodisanQuote from their website:  For a normal install, do:01:06
bodisan   # apt-get update01:06
bodisan   # apt-get install vlc libdvdcss201:06
marcin_antshunyata, although some problems with laptops are not ubuntu specific01:06
intelikeyccooke now it cant be mounted.   partition size and inode count in superblock do not match.01:06
naliothShin_Gouki: use your md5 program on your burnt cd-r01:06
onkarshindebodisan: May be you should use synaptic (the GUI to apt-get). It will give more clear idea. And are you sure other packages are up to date?01:06
bzimagebodisan, doesn't it install libdvdcss2 automatic01:07
marcin_antshunyata, personally I had two laptops - one well... no name - and there everything was ok01:07
ccookeintelikey: it sounds like the resize didn't complete properly.01:07
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ccookeintelikey: if fsck can't handle it...01:07
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marcin_antshunyata, and another was asus m6 and there are problems with acpi on this machine01:07
bodisanI (think) I updated my other packages yesterday01:07
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ccookeintelikey: I'm not sure what you could really do.01:07
Shin_Gouki<nalioth>, im too dumb for this plz explain me which program i can use with win9x to do so, PLZ!01:07
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snorksDoes ext3 get fragmented? To what extent, and what is a nice defrag tool? :-)01:07
bodisanwith Update Manager, right?01:08
marcin_antshunyata, dmesg says that this laptop is supported and then... shows errors when trying to recognize battery01:08
naliothShin_Gouki: i thought you went to freewarehome.com and got one?01:08
ccookeintelikey: you might want to try running resize2fs on it01:08
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bzimagehmm.... today i got like 234 MB of updates01:08
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inc|freakyis there any way i can change the default filemanager? because it always opens konqueror when i insert CDs i want it to open krusader :)01:08
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bzimage(yesterday it was just approx 85MB)01:08
marcin_antshunyata, so it is pretty hard to say if everything will work01:08
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shunyatamarcin_ant : well i can (sadly) always reverse to Win*** if it does'nt work01:09
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bodisanyesterday I got about 370 packages, 250mb, today 112 packages, 61 mb  :D I'll update them and try to install vlc again... and come back if I still can't, thanks a lot!01:09
intelikeyi'm sure that is the util called by mcc ccooke, but i'll play with it on the cli a bit.01:09
onkarshindeanyone here used jigdo?01:09
marcin_antshunyata, almost everything should work without problems01:09
naliothonkarshinde: torrents are better, i've never had luck with jigdo01:09
marcin_antshunyata, but you can have troubles with memory card readers and acpi01:09
shunyatamacin_ant : but battery is quite important on a laptop :)01:09
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onkarshindenalioth: Thanks01:10
marcin_antshunyata, well it will work but it won't show you it's status01:10
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shunyatamarcin : there is a fairly good offer with 1 Gb Ram on this laptop at the moment  :D01:10
bodisanoh... and everytime I update the packages, it says that I have a problem... something about it not being able to stat somthing... what's that all about?01:10
=== bzimage hates the bootsplash of ubuntu (breezy)
bzimageso ugly brown/yellowish01:11
marcin_antshunyata, well sony laptops are pricey in my country - so I wouldn't buy one01:11
bzimage(after installing lilo.. it's gone.. yay)01:11
marcin_antshunyata, and sony is known as not open source friendly01:11
shunyatamarcin_ant : ya i guess i thinkpad would work without pb01:12
marcin_antshunyata, they are always trying to make money from their proprietary stuff (see - memory stick)01:12
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intelikeyhmmm i always install lilo when installing the system...01:12
shunyatamarcin_ant, i agree with that01:12
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marcin_antshunyata, so I'm not sure if everything will work01:12
marcin_antshunyata, but as I said earlier - there is no problem with drivers for cpu/video/hdd etc (fundamental things)01:13
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shunyatamacrin_ant i'm looking for something that could replace my powerbook, wireless is not supported by linux at the moment :(01:14
bzimagehmm.. mister corleone01:14
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snorksDoes ext3 get fragmented? To what extent, and what is a nice defrag tool? :-)01:14
marcin_antshunyata, but you can expect some problems with memory card readers (in my asus sd card reader doesn't work and will not work - ricoh refused to give their specifications to linux ppl)01:14
DarkFamesnorks: not really01:14
marcin_antshunyata, wireless nic01:14
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naliothsnorks: ext2/3 defragments as it writes01:14
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marcin_antshunyata, nic's are supported in almost 100% on linux01:15
bigfoot1how can I add qmake to my path?01:15
shunyatamarcin_ant, i had the same pb on asus also : sold it01:15
snorksOk great01:15
naliothsnorks: avg fragmentation on ext2/3 is >%501:15
bigfoot1how can i add anything to my path?01:15
naliothbigfoot1: install it using apt-get01:15
bigfoot1nalioth, don't i already have it?01:15
marcin_antshunyata, there are drivers from intel (which supports linux pretty well)01:15
naliothbigfoot1: do you?01:15
bigfoot1nalioth, how do i do apt-get in the console.01:15
ndlovuokay, seems my firefox is working again. thanks for the suggestions.01:15
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bigfoot1nalioth, i don't know.01:15
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shunyatamarcin_ant that is why i'm quite carefull in choosing a laptop right now since i prefer to avoid any ms software01:15
naliothbigfoot1: open a terminal and type "which qmake"01:15
marcin_antshunyata, and if you don't have specific driver for linux you can use..... windows driver with ndiswrapper01:15
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bigfoot1how can i prevent x-chat from seperating tabs when I copy text via Control-C?01:16
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marcin_antshunyata, sure01:16
demantikjust installed hoary on a centrino laptop.....normal network works, but not intel proset...anybody know how to get it working?01:16
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ndlovuany ideas why the main hoary repository is on firefox 1.0.7? I thought it was only in backports, and hoary was set at 1.0.2? or am I generally confused?01:16
bigfoot1nalioth, nothing happened when i did "which qmake"01:16
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bigfoot1nalioth, i thought qmake came standard with ubuntu.01:17
student_rowel macas01:17
marcin_antshunyata, afaik ibm laptops are known to be supported in 100%01:17
intelikeybigfoot1 dont use ^C just highlight it and where you want it pasted middle click (both mouse buttons on two button mice)01:17
marcin_antshunyata, but just take a look at these forums01:17
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marcin_antshunyata, and use google on specific model01:18
shunyatamarcin_ant thx I'll try that01:18
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marcin_antshunyata, that's all01:18
bigfoot1intelikey, yeah. what about those who don't want to move from keyboard to mouse?01:18
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bigfoot1intelikey, move their hand from kb to mouse.01:18
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bigfoot1guys, does qmake come standard with ubuntu 5.04?01:19
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intelikeyuse bx ?01:19
bigfoot1intelikey, what's bx?01:19
intelikeyirc client01:19
bigfoot1how do i install qmake via console?01:19
root__one question...01:20
intelikeyapt-get qmake01:20
intelikeyapt-get install qmake01:20
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intelikeyapt-cache search qmake01:20
bigfoot1how do i know what the filename is?01:20
bigfoot1how do i find out more about the files after doing a apt-cache search?01:21
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intelikeyapt-cache info qmake01:21
snorkshi ok01:21
intelikeyman apt-get ;man apt-cache01:21
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intelikeybigfoot1 "man"   man is your friend.    "man man "01:25
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jpfariasdoes anyone know how to enable a second monitor on a laptop?01:26
bigfoot1should i upgrade to breezy now, or should i wait until official day?01:26
naliothbigfoot1: either way. we are close to  Preview Release anyway01:26
mjrbigfoot1, depends. If you don't mind it not being fully supported and are prepared to report any issues so that the release will be perfect, go ahead ;)01:27
Dalkusmy cd drives don't seem to mount themselves. I put in a cd and I can't read it01:27
Dalkuswhat /dev devcies are normally for cddrives?01:27
ccookenalioth: we're past the preview release...01:27
bigfoot1mjr, i'm guessing whatever I will be reporting would have been reported already. I'm no power user.01:28
bigfoot1any zoto users here?01:28
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catfoxdoes anybody here have an iRiver H10 mp3 player? i've just got one, but i'm wondering if i need to use their software to add songs to it01:29
Shin_Goukinalioth, yes i got this one : http://www.midwavi.com/downloads.htm01:29
Shin_Goukinalioth, its calleds MD5 Checker01:29
Dalkushow can I mount my dvd drive?01:29
enyccatf: a friend of mine fgot a good  iriver player for playing OGG/Vorbis (and some mp3)01:29
intelikeydalkus    if ide /dev/hd*   if scsi  /dev/sd*01:29
naliothShin_Gouki: good show!01:29
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enyccatf: they said they could jsut copy the standard m3u playlists onto it .. and it just worked01:29
alienacionserver irc.tin.it01:30
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demantik~needing Intel ProSet help~01:31
Shin_Goukinalioth, what do u mean ?? is the program inapropriate?01:31
Shin_Goukinalioth, ups hers the link, the other one was only the company:
naliothShin_Gouki: i mean you have your program. now be productive01:32
bigfoot1anybody here using zoto?01:33
=== Carpe_Libertatem doesn't know what zoto is
Shin_Goukinalioth , i tried, i can create with this programms MD5 sums from A SINGLE FILE, i dont know how to create a MD5 from a BURNT CD..?01:33
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Dalkushow can I link a directory?01:33
IceDC571is there a list of wireless cards that work out of the box for breezy?01:34
naliothShin_Gouki: is it a console program or a gui?01:34
Shin_Goukinalioth, GUI01:34
intelikeyDalkus "ln"     man ln01:34
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intelikeythat is LN01:34
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_snowyo, i've just installed ubuntu, did apt-get install lame, but still i can't play mp3. says i miss codecs01:35
intelikeysometimes l is not clear if it is 1 or l01:35
p0windah_snow: gstreamer0.8-mad01:36
uboturumour has it, mp3 is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support01:36
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naliothShin_Gouki: it doesnt allow you to check md5s? that is what you need01:36
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_snowE: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Ressursen midlertidig utilgjengelig)01:39
_snowE: Unable to lock the download directory01:39
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p0windahuse sudo _snow01:39
_snowI do01:39
p0windahstop using it in another terminal or close synaptic01:39
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_snowahh, i had synaptic running, works now=)01:40
demantiksnaptic is gay :P01:41
_snowheh, it do all my updates=)01:41
_snowbut, theres is like 20 new updates every day01:41
BiSK-8can any1 help me, i just insalled breezy and i ran the pppoeconf, but every time i log on i have 2 re run the cammand 2 access the internet, is there anything i can do?01:42
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Carpe_LibertatemAll right - I have a problem. I went to reboot after updating Ubuntu, and wanted to get into Windows, the entry for Windows is gone in GRUB.01:42
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DarkFameCarpe_Libertatem, if the entry is gone.. the partition is probably gone too. did you do something bad? ;)01:42
_snowwhats the best mp3 player, i'm running totem 1.2.0 now01:43
Carpe_LibertatemDarkFame, partition is still there. :-P01:43
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DarkFameCarpe_Libertatem, tell grub to redetect01:43
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=== xota saluda!
Carpe_LibertatemDarkFame, and I do that how? :-)01:43
intelikeyxmms may be a really good player.  but it sure is an ugly enterface !01:44
daejavuneed some help with ATI RADEON Driver Installation01:44
Carpe_Libertatemintelikey, I agree01:44
Carpe_LibertatemBut, there are skins for it.01:44
DarkFameCarpe_Libertatem, or you can edit /boot/grub/menu.lst01:44
Shin_Goukinalioth, sry now im back , yes it allows01:44
intelikeywill they resize it.   last time i tried to use it it was so small i couldn't read anything on it.01:45
Shin_Goukinalioth,now what doi need to verify??01:45
daejavui got R9600 , used Synaptic to install fglrx-control and xorg-driver-fglrx .. but no Direct Acceleration :S !! Please help01:45
BiSK-8can any1 help me, i just insalled breezy and i ran the pppoeconf, but every time i log on i have 2 re run the cammand 2 access the internet, is there anything i can do?01:45
Carpe_LibertatemDarkFame, how do I get it to redetect?01:45
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deFrysk!tell deFrysk about opera01:46
ColonelKernelnvidia and nvidia alone01:46
ColonelKernelunless newegg puts that x800XL on sale for 159 again01:46
ColonelKernelim all over that01:46
daejavuneed some help with ATI RADEON Driver Installation01:46
daejavui got R9600 , used Synaptic to install fglrx-control and xorg-driver-fglrx .. but no Direct Acceleration :S !! Please help01:46
=== ColonelKernel is dying to get a new setup with an o/c'd sempron64 and a pcie card
BiSK-8can anybody help?01:47
DarkFameCarpe_Libertatem, man grub-install01:47
daejavuBiSK-8,  whats the prob ?01:48
DarkFameCarpe_Libertatem, but the easiest solution would be editing /boot/grub/menu.lst01:48
intelikeyBiSK-8 we're not ignoring you.    i just can't help with networking.01:48
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enycbisk: hrrrm im not sure... be aware that breezy is not released as 'stable' yet..  does the same problem happen in hoary?01:48
DarkFamewhat does your partition table look like btw? fdisk -l01:48
jpfariasis there a way to setup a second monitor for a laptop?01:48
jpfariasI can setup it on windows01:49
jpfariasbut I dunno how to do it on linux01:49
intelikeyjpfarias yes.01:49
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BiSK-8daejavu: i just insalled breezy and i ran the pppoeconf, but every time i log on i have 2 re run the cammand 2 access the internet, is there anything i can do?01:49
DarkFamejpfarias, yes01:49
Carpe_LibertatemDarkFame, ok, I have Windows XP SP2, and it's on /dev/hda - what would I put in?01:49
jpfarias[DarkFame]  intelikey, can you help on that?01:49
enycBiSK-8: hrrrm im not sure... be aware that breezy is not released as 'stable' yet..  does the same problem happen in hoary?01:50
intelikeyjpfarias have you searched the web for duel monitor howto's ?01:50
ColonelKernelwow - openoffice2 is NICE!01:50
jpfariasa paste showing the config of xorg would be helpful01:50
BiSK-8enyc, nope01:50
BiSK-8it doesnt01:50
Shin_GoukiHello! I downloaded ubuntu 5.04, MD5 sum on my HD same as on Website, i burned it to CDR, but when booting error:" CRC Error  System halted", ideas? ^_~01:51
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enycBiSK-8: then talk to person(s) in ubuntu related to dealing with the new packages and cooperate with them r.e. getting the problem sorted out for breezy-release ;-)01:51
enycshin: try reading the CD/md5sum and seeing if that works (not botted from the cd)01:51
BiSK-8so nothing 2 do i guess01:51
BiSK-8does it happen 2 u?01:52
enycBiSK: I dont use pppoe ;-)01:52
BiSK-8then how do u get on 2 the internet?01:52
enycshin: i.e. 'dd if=/dev/hdc | md5sum' sort of thing01:52
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enycBiSK: usually using ethernet01:52
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Carpe_LibertatemDarkFame, are you alive there buddy?01:52
Shin_Goukienyc , im with win9x01:52
enycBiSK: but not using PPP over Ethernet01:52
enycShin: then use somethign else to find the CD Md5sum or install 'cygwin' ...01:52
DarkFamejpfarias, http://www.wahlau.org/ubuntu_hoary_thinkpad_t43_and_xorg_dual_head_display01:53
BiSK-8enyc, how can i do that?, all i want is 2 be able 2 get onto the internet01:53
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Shin_Goukinot again ur cygwin stuff i want to install FULL linux ^^ not partly in windows ^^01:53
Carpe_LibertatemShin_Gouki, I can possibly send you an Ubuntu CD :-P01:53
enycshin: you can use cygwin  to  run 'md5sum' and 'dd' to check if the cd recording / cd-drive is the problem ;-)01:53
bodisanHello again, I just updated my packages, and tryed to install VLC (Video Lan Client) through Synaptic, and I get the same error: vlc:01:54
bodisan Depends: dbus-1 but it is not going to be installed01:54
bodisan Depends: libhal0 but it is not going to be installed01:54
bodisan Depends: libmodplug0 but it is not going to be installed01:54
bodisan Depends: wxvlc but it is not going to be installed01:54
enycshin:  What you can do, is register to have a free ubuntu Breezy CD posted to you, when Breezy is released next month01:54
Shin_Goukii run P 233 Mhz 128ram hand have 45 mb free diskspace is cygwin good idea??01:54
enycshin: hrrm not with that little space ;-)01:54
ColonelKernelenyc, im gonna do that, but jut so I can have an official copy.01:54
Shin_Goukisee ^^01:54
enycshin: besides, if you ahev so little space, how do you intend to run linux?01:55
Shin_GoukiIm asking again: how can i very a burned ubuntu image thats located on a CDR but WITH Win9x01:55
naliothShin_Gouki: point your md5 program at the cd-r01:55
enycshin: using md5sum and dd under cygwin on win9x ;-)01:55
intelikeyShin_Gouki how did you burn an iso with no free disk space ??????01:55
Shin_Goukiwin9x is better then u think :P01:55
Carpe_LibertatemShin_Gouki... err... is it?01:56
BiSK-8enyc: how can i get internet onto breezy without using pppoe?01:56
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pl_icehej, any one tried using gpsdrive or other gps software?01:56
Shin_Goukinalioth , finally01:56
enycinte: no extra diskspace needed, the cd recording program jsut records' the iso file to cd01:56
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enycbisk: depends on your upstream/internet-connection01:56
Shin_Goukihow can i tell u the name of my programm? will that be usefull?01:56
intelikeyShin_Gouki must not be..... it didn't work  :)01:56
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enycbisk:  i.e. are you using an Ethernet card connected to  a  cablemodem system on a network that requires you to PPPoE in ?01:56
Shin_Goukinalioth, how can i tell u the name of my programm? will that be usefull?01:56
Shin_Goukinaloith , the MD5 programm?01:57
Chambers`hi guys, can i manually change the resolution and restart? isn't it some file like xfree86.conf or something?01:57
naliothShin_Gouki: it should be "md5" if not, use win-f to find anything with a md5 in it01:57
naliothChambers`: no need to restart01:57
naliothubotu: tell Chambers` about fixres01:57
Knelixinstalling Hoary now...01:58
BiSK-8enyc: ive got a router and and an eth0 card on my motherboard, they are attached via ethernet cable, what can i do?01:58
Carpe_Libertatemnalioth, can you tell me how to add Windows XP to /boot/grub/menu.lst? It got deleted somehow. o_o01:58
pl_icehm, is it only me who 'likes' maps ?  :) anyone?01:58
enycBiSK: what sort of 'router' ?01:58
naliothCarpe_Libertatem: have you been to the wiki? i'm not familiar with windows machines01:58
enycBiSK: do you mean a consumer-quality NAPT translation router?01:58
Shin_Goukinalioth , i found01:58
Shin_Goukinalioth , now what file i need to select to verify the CDR??01:59
BiSK-8enyc: i gota an adsl usb/ehternet modem01:59
enycsorry on phone01:59
Carpe_Libertatemnalioth, well, also, for some reason I don't have an entry for Boot settings under the "System"  menu01:59
intelikey<enyc> inte: no extra diskspace needed, the cd recording program... <--- from where pray tell ?   off the internet dirrect to cdr ?    and if the iso is on the hd then why not delete it and have 700m of free disk space to use to fix what ever......   but never mind....01:59
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Carpe_LibertatemAnd I did about an hour ago.01:59
naliothShin_Gouki: if it's a gui md5 proggy, point it at the cd-r01:59
Chambers`what file do i need to change for resolution?  I tried the gui screen res changer but it keeps reverting back.  I want to bring it down to 1024x76802:00
naliothCarpe_Libertatem: you lost me02:00
XHKWhy my sound is always muted, when i startup gnome?02:00
naliothChambers`: ubotu sent you some info you may find interesting02:00
Chambers`oh..heheh, thanks :)02:00
bodisanI can't install vlc (video lan client) in any way that I know... please help!02:00
dipnlikhi all. I want to test ubuntu at work but I can't install it and my PC doesn't have a CD drive. Is it possible to make a boot floppy to load an .iso file on my HD?02:00
Chambers`didn't notice02:00
_snowhow do i change programs to open different files, example, i've downloaded xmms, and i want mp3s to be opened in xmms instead of totem!02:01
Knelixdipnlik: Maybe you can install via LAN?02:01
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snorksright-click, open with other application02:01
BiSK-8im bak02:01
naliothdipnlik: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SmartBootManagerHowto02:01
BiSK-8enyc: u were saying?02:01
snorksand/or assign it to other application by looking around in preferences02:01
dipnlikKnelix: maybe, but i can't risk my working windows computer, at least for now02:02
dipnliknalioth: will look there, thanks02:02
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Knelixdipnlik: The link looks pretty promising.02:02
pl_icehej, if i just installed ATI drivers, i can just restart X ? can i? not the whole box ...02:02
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ssam\join #f-spot02:03
_snowsnorks, ahh, easy=)02:03
ssamoops wrong slash02:03
Shin_Goukinalioth, it seems i can only select a single file? the GUI dooes not give an option to access the CD as O N E File, so?02:03
ubotuTo change the default app for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties, then the "Open With" tab and change the setting02:04
bimberi_snow: ^^ might work for you02:04
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naliothShin_Gouki: then you should find one that does02:04
BiSK-8enyc: what should i do?02:04
XHKWhy my sound is always muted, when i startup gnome?02:05
n00bsterI Just Installed  - wine & webmin, And Wonderd how to Execute Them .. ?02:05
Knelixnalioth: One could also conceivably install Ubuntu off of a flash drive, no?02:05
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Xappepl_ice: yes. log out and do ctrl+alt+backspace02:05
naliothKnelix: with a large enough flash drive, yes ubuntu works02:05
MMXGNdoes anybody know how can I change gcc to use version 3.4 and not 4 on breezy?02:05
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naliothMMXGN: why would you want to do that?02:06
Knelixnalioth: So couldn't dipnlik boot off a flash drive, provided the computer has a USB port and can boot off a flash drive...02:06
MMXGNnalioth, trying to make my ati card work with 3d02:06
naliothKnelix: dipnlik would have to get ubuntu on the flash drive first02:06
dipnlikKnelix: but it looks like it would boot the CD from the floppy, but I don't have a CD drive on my PC. Will look into the floppy files to see if I can change something there, but not sure (yet)02:06
MMXGNand yes, i've tried every other way02:06
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pl_iceXappe , thnx02:07
dipnliknalioth: i need to make the floppy boot up the iso on my HD02:07
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naliothMMXGN: in the terminal you are using, put this export "CC=/usr/bin/gcc-X.X" and anything in that terminal afterward will use the gcc version you select02:07
enycBisk: I was on phone!02:07
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enycBisk: I was on phone!02:07
enycBiSK: if you haev a true NAPT router comnsumer-gadget, you should just be able to get an IP addreess via DHCP and have it 'work'02:08
Knelixdipnlik: Does it have USB, and can it boot off of it? Isn't it possible to expand the ISO onto the drive?02:08
intelikeydipnlik loadlin maybe ?02:08
benkong2how can I tell if I have ubuntu breezy or edubuntu? somehow during one of the update notifier sessions I got an edubuntu login screen and desktop. My sources.list all say breezy.02:08
enycI suspect you have a ''dsl modem'' type gadget which transltes pppoe into pppoa02:08
naliothbenkong2: open a terminal and type "lsb_release -a"02:08
intelikeybenkong2 uname -a02:08
apokryphosbenkong2: edubuntu still uses the breezy repos02:08
BiSK-8enyc: im not getting anything ue saying, can u tell me how 2 configure it via dhcp?02:09
Chambers`n00bster: Webmin runs in the background02:09
naliothintelikey: try my suggestion02:09
intelikeyk i'm lagging02:09
apokryphosnalioth: that doesn't really work, as ubuntu and edubuntu don't conflict02:09
apokryphos(hence, you can have both running)02:09
MMXGNnalioth, doesnt work02:09
MMXGNwhen i gcc --version02:09
benkong2nalioth; the lsb_release command says breezy development branch so I guess it's ok02:09
MMXGNit says its still 4.0.202:09
Chambers`n00bster: connect to webmin by going to another machine on the network and open a browser window, then browse to the ip of the machine that has webmin installed02:10
dipnlikKnelix: don't have a flash drive. How can I exapand the ISO?02:10
benkong2thanks intelikey and apokryphos for responding also.02:10
apokryphosbenkong2: you can still have all of edubuntu stuff installed on your ubuntu, so it's not a case of having either/or02:10
dipnlikintelikey: sorry, but what exactly is loadlin?02:10
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BooZeeI have a wierd problam02:10
intelikeya way to boot linux from a running dos02:10
naliothMMXGN: then you didnt do it right.02:10
snorksAnd what might that be?02:11
Shin_Goukinalioth, i did make a snapshot from the md5 software: http://chrono.myownworld.de/pic/Image1.gif could u plz talke a view?02:11
benkong2apokryphos; ok thanks. I think I want to try kbuntu also so I'm off to try and install KDE stuff02:11
BooZeeI reinstalled ubuntu on my comp02:11
dipnlikKnelix: i remember having some info on editing grub files to load ISOs, so I think a floppy with grub can be enough for me02:11
MMXGNi did it, anyway02:11
apokryphosbenkong2: excellent idea, IMO. Just sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop02:11
Chambers`this is funny, i'm connected to my winxp box at home through rdp and running ubuntu on vmware02:11
MMXGNdone an alias gcc="gcc-3.4" and worked for me02:11
MMXGNthanx anyway02:11
naliothMMXGN: in the terminal you are using, put this export "CC=/usr/bin/gcc-X.X  <<<< the X's need to reflect the version of gcc you want to run02:11
BooZeeand now (after the reinstallation) I can't change the resolution of my screen02:11
BiSK-8enyc, may i query u?02:11
benkong2apokryphos; sudo aptitude?? what's that?02:11
MMXGNnalioth, i know i did it02:11
Knelixdipnlik: But how will you boot if you have no CD drive?02:12
dipnlikintelikey: wow, sounds good, will look up info on loadlin too02:12
apokryphosbenkong2: another front-end to apt02:12
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apokryphosbenkong2: or sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop if you like...02:12
snorksBooZee: did you get asked (during the installation) to chose which resolution to use?02:12
naliothbenkong2: aptitude is a console frontend to apt. you may use synaptic or apt-get or whatever apt mangager you wish02:12
MMXGNnalioth, this works if it is a Makefile02:12
dipnlikKnelix: can't a floppy boot the livecd iso?02:12
BooZeesnorks: nope02:12
MMXGNbut what i have here is a custom make script02:12
naliothMMXGN: it works on anything you run in that terminal (until you close the terminal)02:12
apokryphosbenkong2: ...or just select it in Synaptic of course02:12
benkong2wow I like terminal stuff best so let me play with aptitude02:12
snorksBooZee: ok. anyway, you can chose which resolutions to use in your xorg.conf file02:13
MMXGNbut gcc --version shows 4.0.202:13
mortenpetcan anyone help me too install java? i cant find it in synaptic...02:13
snorksBooZee: also be sure to set the horiz and vert refresh rates of yoru screen02:13
MMXGNwhen i do export "CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4"02:13
Shin_Goukinalioth, did u read me?02:13
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naliothmortenpet: hoary or breezy?02:13
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benkong2I heard of another package manager but I forget what the name is. some say it is the next best thing. I am......err having a senior moment //)02:13
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snorksBooZee: /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:14
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n00bsterOK, but how do i run wine ?02:14
pl_ice^^ ATI works02:14
bimberibenkong2: autopackage?02:14
BiSK-8apokryphos: maybee u can help me, how can i get internet onto breezy?02:14
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Chambers`benkong2: you mean the front-end to the frontend that is synaptic?02:14
naliothShin_Gouki: yes, one moment please02:14
BooZeesnorks: well, I can change the resolution, but after selecting it there are two problems: 1) I don't have any other refresh rate then 60 (and I had 85 before the reinstall) 2) after I apply the change, the screen black out and shuts down.02:14
Shin_Goukinalioth , thx take ur time :)02:15
Chambers`it's a frontend for synaptic02:15
intelikeydipnlik maybe but the problem is the kernel and initrd.img are getting too big to fit on a single floppy   thus it may be needful to use loadlin and a dos boot disk,  if your hardware has any special needs that may be a solution.02:15
Chambers`which in turn is a frontend for apt :P02:15
benkong2can't remember the name sorry02:15
pl_icen00bster wine program_name  ...02:15
BooZeesnorks : and after about 10 seconds it returns to 1280*102402:15
apokryphosBiSK-8: get the Internet onto Breezy? You mean, how do you configure your Network/Internet connection you mean?02:15
naliothShin_Gouki: select your md5sum.txt02:15
snorksBooZee: sounds like wrong rates in your xorg.conf file. if the horiz and vert values are wrong,02:15
BiSK-8apokryphos: yes02:15
snorksBooZee: 2 sec02:15
BiSK-8apokryphos: pppoeconf wont work02:15
BooZeei'll try changing the gile02:15
mortenpetnalioth hoary02:15
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Shin_Goukinalioth , ok and then?02:15
naliothShin_Gouki: hope it works02:16
snorks        HorizSync       30-6502:16
snorks        VertRefresh     50-7502:16
n00bstersorry? can you be more specific02:16
snorksBooZee: fix that in your xorg.conf02:16
snorksBooZee: with your own screen's rates, of course02:16
pl_icewhen i quit irc server ofter, it won't clear my nick from the list, then i can't use my registered nick ... is there a way to change that or something/ or its just a lag02:16
n00bsterhow can i open her GUI ?02:16
Shin_Goukinalioth , if i do so both programms create an MD5 sum of the TEST file NOT of the Content within :)02:16
apokryphosBiSK-8: no idea I'm afraid; I've been lucky and always just used a router with dhcp02:16
Shin_Goukinalioth , if i do so both programms create an MD5 sum of the TEXT file NOT of the Content within :)02:16
BiSK-8apokryphos: can u tell me how 2 configure dhcp?02:17
_jasondo I need the Ubuntu Desktop package?  Instlaling totem-xine removes it... should I put it back?02:17
BiSK-8itll probably still work02:17
intelikeydipnlik for a good lesson on that, see if you can find "basic linux" on the web,  it is a distro on two 1.44m floppies.  using loadlin to boot linux from a ramdisk.02:17
snorksrofl nei02:17
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naliothShin_Gouki: i'm not very knowledgable about windows programs02:17
apokryphosBiSK-8: if you have a router... sudo dhclient will probably work02:17
naliothShin_Gouki: i'm trying to help you the best i can, but i cant make up for shoddy windows programmers02:17
BooZeesnorks: which will be 85 ? (if thats the refresh rate i want?02:17
pl_icen00bster , if u're asking about wine, (i just joined in... ) then there is winesteup as well, o/w under shell02:17
BiSK-8apokryphos: k, ill try02:17
benkong2sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop gives me an error "libgl1-xorg"02:17
snorksBooZee: it doesn't quite work like that. What screen do you have? I need brand, model, and model number thing. Like mine is Samsung Syncmaster 710N02:18
Shin_Goukinalioth , agreed i try to find a work a round , but plz stand by ^^02:18
Knelixdipnlik: Sorry, was away. What intelikey said. Floppies are obsolete. I don't understand why the industry hasn't standardized on some flash memory type in place of the floppy.02:18
benkong2Depends: libgli-xorg but it is not going to be installed02:18
snorksBooZee: if you google for your screen, somewhere you'll find out what the horiz and vertical refresh rates of your screen are02:18
BooZeesnorks: MAG XJ700T02:18
dipnlikintelikey: ok, thanks a lot for the info.02:18
dipnlikKnelix: old pcs, they don't want to upgrade :(02:18
Knelixnalioth: Ok, installed and "enabled" the nvidia driver... do I need to restart?02:19
n00bster no, culdent find "winesteup"02:19
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dipnlikKnelix: only one pc on the network has a CD drive02:19
Knelixdipnlik: I understand.02:19
n00bsteri' have instaled it from Synaptic02:19
benkong2is there a command that satisfies all dependencies with the kubuntu install?02:19
naliothShin_Gouki: get this one: http://www.pc-tools.net/win32/md5sums/02:19
dipnlikKnelix: probably they don't want us bringing our own CDs with non-work stuff02:19
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pl_icen00bster , winesetup helps just in setup, to run programs $ wine program.exe02:20
naliothbenkong2: the one apokryphos sent you does02:20
dipnlikrebooting, thanks again Knelix and intelikey02:20
Knelixdipnlik: Hmm. Have you talked to your boss about trying out Ubuntu.. Maybe he/she will be up to the idea and give you some tools to preview/install it.02:20
dipnlikKnelix: told them last wek about it02:21
dipnlikKnelix: week*02:21
n00bsterbut issent .EXE is windows file extention ??02:21
Knelixdipnlik: Naw, sorry I couldn't be of more help. Just throwing out possible ideas. I'm a newbie here too. :-)02:21
dipnlikKnelix: they said "they would give me an answer on wednesday"02:21
dipnlikok, c ya02:21
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pl_icen00bster yes, wine 'runs' windows programs, that what u wanted isn't?02:22
Knelixdipnlik: Nest Weds or the one that passed?02:22
n00bsteryou did not understand me, i just want to open WINE ITSERLF ?!!!02:22
intelikeyit is possable to install a linux system via floppies only. no network no cdrom.    takes a while but can be done.    install on a clean partition some place, customize then make a tgz out of the whole partition,  copy to floppies in chunkes and move it to the box without cd/net    "and yes i have done it."02:22
Chambers`n00bster: dude, you need something like winetools then02:22
n00bsterghghgg, whay the hell it so hurd? evry little thing in linux !!!02:22
Chambers`which is a frontend for wine02:23
Chambers`wine alone has no gui02:23
pl_icen00bster , can u explain? wine is just under console, no GUI02:23
BooZeesnorks: k, found it. and changed in the file02:23
Chambers`jeez, even I knew that and I'm a n00b :P02:23
BooZeesnorks: what now? just try again to change the resolution?02:23
Chambers`and of all distro's, ubuntu is def the easiest for me02:23
benkong2hey folks synaptic says libgl1-mesa and -dri and ubuntu-desktop as well as x-window-system-core will be removed if I install kubuntu. I want to keep my gnome stuff. Is that the only option one or the other?02:24
KnelixDo I need to restart to enable the nvidia drivers?02:24
apokryphosKnelix: restart X only, yes02:24
snorksBooZee: I think you might need to restart X02:24
snorksBooZee: just reboot..02:24
Knelixapokryphos: Okay. Thanks.02:24
BooZeethanks. be back in a sec! or a few...02:24
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JustinHHcan i install with synaptik spkype for linux?>02:25
Chambers`wow, open office writer takes a while to come up02:25
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ubotu[skype]  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SkypeHowto/, or deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free02:26
apokryphosJustinHH: that should probably work02:26
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JustinHHChambers`,  you mean open office word proccessor?02:26
JustinHHapokryphos, well i couldn-t fint it uder the name skype02:27
Chambers`nope, writer02:27
Chambers`well, same difference02:27
JustinHHapokryphos, soory i didn`t see the link02:27
apokryphosJustinHH: no... check the link ubotu provided (that's what I meant).02:27
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apokryphosno problem02:27
malvare logitech mice more sturdy than microsoft?02:27
benkong2when is breezy final due out?02:28
malvi've burned through 3 different microsoft mice within 1 year02:28
KnelixHow do I restart X?02:28
JustinHHChambers`, to me it starts in 5-8 sec02:28
apokryphosbenkong2: oct 1302:28
malvKnelix: ctrl + alt + backspace02:28
benkong2Knelix; ctrl +alt +backspace02:28
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apokryphosKnelix: first logout of gnome/kde02:28
Chambers`ok, anyone use evolution to set up a connecton to an Exchange Server?02:28
pittiIs anyone here interested in translating the langauge pack upgrade notification? I already have de, fr, and fi02:28
Chambers`I pick Microsoft Exchange, then in configuration all I see is username and the forward button is greyed out02:29
pl_icepitti , how big is it?02:29
pittipl_ice: about 5 lines02:29
KnelixAwesome!!! Got the card working!02:29
benkong2apokryphos; thanks02:29
JustinHHis there other suport channels for ubuntu in other languages?02:29
pl_icepitti where is it? how do i get back to u?02:30
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ubotuJustinHH: I don't know02:30
apokryphosJustinHH: indeed; what are you looking for?02:30
JustinHHi was just asking.02:31
pittipl_ice: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/langpacks/langpack-upgrade-note.txt02:31
JustinHHi can not speak so good english02:31
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benkong2anyone installed ubuntu on a G4 Mac? dual boot style02:31
pittipl_ice: you can mail it to me or just /msg me02:31
naliothbenkong2: yes i have02:31
pittibenkong2: I have an iBook G402:31
JustinHHgot the message nalioth02:31
naliothJustinHH: what language do you speak?02:31
JustinHHromanian german english02:31
benkong2install went ok I guess02:31
JustinHHand a bit french02:32
naliothJustinHH: #ubuntu-de, #ubuntu-ro02:32
Chambers`do i need to install something on my exchange server so Evolution can talk to it?02:32
pittipl_ice: however, of course we already have English :-)02:32
benkong2Do we have docs for the Mac install anywhere?02:32
naliothbenkong2: there are plenty on the wiki02:32
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benkong2ok off to the wiki. thanks again :-)02:32
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pl_icepitti  where u want me posted it to? (in Polish ;)02:33
az[a] zelhey, when I try copying from my DVD drive, my system performance goes to hell (jerky mouse), but both my hard disk and DVD drive are in UDMA mode according to hdparm. what's going on?02:33
pl_iceaz[a] zel turn ur dma on02:33
pittipl_ice: just /msg me or mail to martin.pitt@ubuntu.com02:33
pl_iceoki, but tomorrow, couse it's dark on this 'side' :D02:34
az[a] zelpl_ice, but, hdparm reports my drive as operating in UDMA2 mode02:35
pl_iceaz[a] zel does it say it's dma on?02:35
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BiSK-8lo again02:35
az[a] zelpl_ice, DMA: mdma0 mdma1 mdma2 udma0 udma1 *udma202:35
az[a] zelpl_ice, presumably the star means udma2 is on and working02:36
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snorksBooZee: sup?02:36
BooZeeworks as a charm!02:36
snorkshaha yes02:36
JustinHHwhen i try to install skype this message appears: skype:02:36
JustinHH  Depends: libqt3c102-mt (>=3: but 3:3.3.3-7ubuntu3 is to be installed02:36
pl_iceaz[a] zel like that: az[a] zel sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/dvd02:36
BooZeesnorks: i have a couple more questions/problems. may I msg you in private?02:37
az[a] zelpl_ice, HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted02:37
ChousukeJustinHH: try to --force it02:37
snorksBooZee: Sure, but I'm still a newbie. I might not be able to help you02:37
pl_iceaz[a] zel need to be root02:37
JustinHHChousuke, and how do i do that?02:37
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JustinHH(using synap[tic)02:38
az[a] zelpl_ice, will "sudo bash" suffice? or do I need to enable the root user?02:38
Chousukeaz[a] zel: sudo hdparm -d102:38
pl_iceaz[a] zel $ sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/dvd02:38
az[a] zelno I did it with sudo02:38
az[a] zelstill says operation not permitted02:38
ChousukeJustinHH: hmm02:38
masterra_i need some help with a crazy sound problem in Breezy.. anyone up for the challenge? when i installed.. Gnome just says there is no sound devices.. however /dev/dsp works fine, and even launching esd by hand works, but gnome (and all gnome apps) still refuse to beleive it..02:38
Chousukeit's an external .deb isn't it?02:38
pl_iceaz[a] zel u using dvd right now?... turn the programs off etc02:39
JustinHHChousuke,  or can you help me install it from the terminal?02:39
ChousukeJustinHH: sure. the command is dpkg.02:39
IlluvIf have a machine with a 100mbit interface (eth0) and a gigabit interface (eth1). ifconfig reckognizes eth0, but not eth1. Do I have to use modprobe to install the correct drivers?02:39
snorksBooZee: I can read you, and I answer. Strange if you can't read me02:39
JustinHHsudo dpkg skype?02:39
ChousukeJustinHH: do dpkg --help and see if there is any option to "ignore dependencies"02:39
BiSK-8can any1 tell me the command 2 delete a folder?02:39
az[a] zelpl_ice, even with no disk in the drive and the tray out. still says operation not permitted :/02:40
BooZeesnorks: oh... that means your not register with the irc server02:40
_jasonBiSK-8:  rmdir FOLDER02:40
pittiBiSK-8: rm -r FOLDER02:40
ChousukeJustinHH: no. sudo dpkg -i (and other switches) skype-package.deb02:40
_jasonBiSK-8:  but your folder has to be empty first02:40
snorksBooZee: most likely02:40
BooZeeit doesn't allow you to write in private02:40
pittiBiSK-8: rmdir will not delete it if there is something in the folder02:40
BiSK-8and 2 delete it and everything inside?02:40
_jasonBiSK-8:  rm -r FOLDER02:40
pittiBiSK-8: rm -r will do02:40
pl_iceaz[a] zel run sudo su  , managed to get root?02:40
snorksBooZee: feel free to fire questions here02:40
az[a] zelpl_ice, I have a root shell02:41
BooZeewell, why do I need the root account? i can access all administration actions using sudo with my user pass, or when using the x..02:41
pl_iceaz[a] zel try hdparm /dev/dvd should spit out info02:41
az[a] zelpl_ice, using_dma    =  0 (off) :(02:42
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pl_iceaz[a] zel to turn it on :  hdparm  -d1 /dev/dvd02:42
_jasonubuntu remove file histort02:42
pl_icethen edit one file , o/w on reboot clears it02:43
_jasonoops that was suppose to go into google,...02:43
JustinHHChousuke, dpkg: need an action option02:44
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ksl403-uva-132.wireless.uva.nl] has joined #ubuntu
BooZeesnorks:  why do I need the root account? i can access all administration actions using sudo with my user pass, or when using the x..02:44
JustinHHChousuke, i wrote dpkg --ignore-depends=skype02:44
intelikeyBooZee sudo runs commands as "root"  that is how you access admin apps via sudo  there is always a root account on a linux box,   the so called "dis-abled root"  only means that there is no password set for root, not that root is not there or doesn't work....02:44
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pl_iceanyone uses GPS of any kind? ...02:45
ChousukeJustinHH: where did you download the skype debian package?02:45
az[a] zelpl_ice, here is the output of the commands to prove that I'm doing it as root :)   http://paste.uni.cc/779202:45
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Chousukeyou need to give dpkg the *file* name of the package you install, not the name it would have in a repository02:45
pl_icejust crashed my pc, hold on :)02:46
Chousukeand you need to use the -i switch for install02:46
JustinHH]  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SkypeHowto/ (skype)02:46
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JustinHHChousuke, soory i have not read everithing02:47
az[a] zelpl_ice, I don't recall having this problem until the recent kernel update02:47
ChousukeJustinHH: ah, it's in a repository.02:47
pl_iceaz[a] zel will try to find that error, it not supposed to work like that...02:47
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ChousukeJustinHH: did you manage to install it?=02:48
az[a] zelpl_ice, thank you02:48
JustinHHi try now02:48
JustinHHChousuke,  i dave to download a package called kcontrol02:49
pl_iceaz[a] zel > looks like you forgot to enable via support  google says it ...02:49
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ChousukeJustinHH: it's not required02:49
JustinHHChousuke, You can also use the qt3-qtconfig package to configure QT's appearance, which has fare less dependencies than kcontrol (none, in fact).02:49
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obontuhow do i install the w32 codecs?02:50
ChousukeJustinHH: it's just for the appearance.02:50
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ubotuI guess w32codecs is a set of codecs for popular audio/video formats (wmv etc). Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/87ofx (Breezy). 64-bit? See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5439902:50
BooZeesnorks: oh.. so what will happen if i'll just hit "su" or "su -" ?02:50
az[a] zelpl_ice, via support? I didn't compile the kernel myself :/ unless there's a boot option?02:50
ChousukeJustinHH: here: apt-get install --ignore-breakage skype02:50
Chousukewith sudo02:50
JustinHHcould it be the reasson that i do not have free space on the hdd?02:50
JustinHHE: Command line option --ignore-breakage is not understood02:51
JustinHHi am using synaptic now02:51
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SMEXEHello everyone.. I was wondering if anyone can help me with my networking problem?02:52
az[a] zelpl_ice, I only noticed some poor performance with that kernel update. Maybe I can revert back to the previous kernel? but dpkg seems to have removed the old one when the new one was installed02:52
BooZeehow do I install a .deb file? like the w32codecs ?02:53
_jasonBooZee:  dpkg -i FILE.deb02:53
snorksBooZee: not much02:53
snorksBooZee: I think it's su -s -H02:53
pl_iceaz[a] zel hold on02:53
snorksBooZee: no, wait02:53
JustinHHhow can i remover a folder (not empty) using the terminal?02:54
ChousukeJustinHH: urgh02:54
_jasonJavaGeek_:  rm -r FOLDER02:54
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_jasonJustinHH:  rm -r FOLDER02:54
pl_iceaz[a] zel 2 threads on ubuntuforums02:54
zeroversefor those of you using 5.04, you may find this site helpful: http://ubuntuguide.org/02:55
snorksBooZee: sudo -s -H02:55
pl_iceaz[a] zel http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47659&highlight=HDIO_SET_DMA+failed%3A+Operation02:55
pl_iceaz[a] zel http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61054&highlight=HDIO_SET_DMA+failed%3A+Operation02:55
Chousuke"Note: The --ignore-breakage option was added by The Fink Project and  hence  is  only available in the apt-get provided by Fink's apt package"02:55
Chousukemy bad02:55
JustinHHit happence02:56
ChousukeJustinHH: try to see if there's --force or something02:56
snorksBooZee: sorry for the late reply :/. Anyway, when you sudo stuff, you use the root account indirectly. It's to avoid you to work as root, but rather just perform commands as root in-the-moment.02:56
snorksBooZee: I guess it's a part of Ubuntu's userfriendliness02:57
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az[a] zelpl_ice, ok thanks. im going to try adding that via82cxxx in front of everything in /etc/modules and see what happens.02:58
ratai am triying to run a multiseat system, there is any package to "auto" do this ?02:58
BooZeeoh.. got it02:58
BooZeenice knowing that..02:58
snorksit can be good and bad02:58
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_jasonoes anyone know how to make panel applets transparent?  Making the panel itself transparent, leaves the applets opaque.02:59
snorksbut you still have option to work as root with the sudo -s -H, so all in all its positive02:59
snorksSecreth`X: my nick is not registered, can't msg you02:59
BooZeesnorks: do you use gnome or kde?02:59
snorksBooZee: gnome02:59
BooZeehoary or breezy?03:00
BooZeewhy don't you use kde?03:00
snorksshrug.. :) i had an ubuntu amd64 CD, so I thought I'd try it03:00
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snorksAnd I don't like it so much. x86 is alot more easier to be in03:01
RockyBurtanyone know if there's any  way to have the mouse sensitivity of my laptop touchpad and my actual mouse be different from one another? (i need to speed up my touchpad, but not speed up my mouse)03:02
BooZeewhat's x86?03:03
snorks32 bit.. 386 486 pentium 1,2,3,403:03
snorksamd athlon 3203:03
snorksit's an architecture03:04
ChousukeBooZee: If you don't know, you have it. :P03:04
Skid686 ?03:04
BooZeeye got it, but what does KDE got to do with it?03:04
SMEXEMy network card is enabled, and it is configured to DHCP, but my router keeps refusing my connection.. Does anyone know why this is, and how I can fix it?03:04
snorksubuntu = gnome, kubuntu = kde. I had Ubuntu (gnome) amd6403:04
snorksJust to try Ubuntu03:05
apokryphosBooZee: eh? It's your *system* architecture03:05
snorksAnd I stuck with it03:05
=== apokryphos runs kubuntu amd64
apokryphosvery sweet03:05
snorksand i havent installed kde03:05
snorksbecause im switching back to x8603:05
=== Skid has ubuntu x86_64 too
snorksSMEXE: hm?03:06
BooZeewait wait wait... may be I got it all wrong, but from what I understand, ubuntu is the linux distribution (like red hat, mandrake etc.) and on my ditibution, I can use any X that I want (KDE, GNOME..)03:06
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snorksBooZee: you're 100% right. I'm not using kde simply because I'm lazy :)03:07
snorksBooZee: and because I'm installing another version soon03:07
SMEXEMy network's messed up.  Ubuntu was supposed to configure the network automatically, right?  And usually, this happens in windows, but I don't know why the router refuses the connection when I try to log into its web-based management system.. and so, no internet..03:07
=== desplesda [n=desplesd@CPE-143-238-232-141.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
snorksSMEXE: web based interface? what about telnet?03:08
apokryphosBooZee: KDE/GNOME isn't X, they're Desktop Environments03:08
BooZeeo.k. so the system architecture has got nothing to do with it, and if you installed ubuntu amd64 - you can install kde on ur box at anytime...03:08
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snorksyes, BooZee03:08
pl_iceSMEXE , that's the beauty of linux ;) do it urself not ...03:08
snorksif kde has a 64 bit version03:08
snorkselse I gotta do other things03:08
apokryphosBooZee: well, yes, but different packages are made for the different architectures03:08
BooZeenow, you said that the kde/gnome is not X. then what is X ?03:09
=== az[a] zel [n=damien@ppp218-127.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
SMEXEtelnet?  I'm a linux newbie, so I don't think I can do that..  But, I configured the network settings like i'm supposed to..  Enabled the ethernet network, ticked the 'configured' box, and switched it to DHCP.. but doesn't work..03:10
az[a] zelpl_ice, yay, dma mode works now :) is there a "proper" way, of getting hdparm -d1 /dev/dvd to run on boot?03:10
snorksX is the set of required libraries and stuff to be able to work with a window manager03:10
pl_iceaz[a] zel glad ;) yeh, there is a config file03:10
snorksand other things i maybe dont know about03:10
SMEXEmaybe this'll explain my problem a bit better: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7048803:10
BooZeeso KDE and GNOME are both Window Managers?03:11
pl_iceaz[a] zel sudo vi /etc/hdparm.conf  have a look around, and just add couple new lines, like they say there03:11
Chousukethey're desktop environments03:11
JustinHHChousuke, thank you, i could not manage it :( i think ther is no new package available with synaptic for the librabry requierd :((03:11
Chousukethey include a window manager.03:11
apokryphossnorks: X is a graphical windowing system03:11
az[a] zelpl_ice, yeah cool, thanks03:11
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pl_iceaz[a] zel n/p03:11
desplesdaBooZee:  no, gnome and kde provide window managers as part of their set of packages but they're both a great deal more than that03:11
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snorksapokryphos: yes it is03:11
Chousukeapokryphos: that's not an exact definition either.03:12
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apokryphosBooZee: kde uses kwin, gnome's default is metacity. They can both be changed though03:12
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Chousukegnome will probably move to luminocity at some point.03:12
snorkswhat did gnome use before?03:12
Chousukewhich means OS X like eye candy.03:12
apokryphosChousuke: X is the X window system.. it's maybe not a full definition, but it's correct03:12
BooZeewtf are these names?03:12
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bimberiSMEXE: did you deactivate and activate after reconfiguring?03:13
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SMEXEyeah, I did..03:13
snorksBooZee: they're the names of the app that controls windows.03:13
ChousukeBooZee: You need not concern yourself with them03:13
snorksChousuke: wrong answer m8 :/03:13
BooZeebut I want to learn linux real good03:13
bimberiSMEXE: k, sry - no other ideas atm :|03:13
snorksthat's why it was wrong answer03:13
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BooZeei wanna know everything about it03:13
snorksGood, BooZee03:13
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SMEXEbimberi: s'okay.. thanks anyway.. :)03:14
desplesdaBooZee:  the best way to learn it is to use it, and ask us for help if anything confuses you :)03:14
mercurusgreetings all03:14
mercurusjust had a slightly rough upgrade to breezy from hoary, but it was my fault ...03:14
apokryphosubotu: tell BooZee about rute03:14
apokryphosBooZee: a good place to start03:14
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BooZeethat's exactly what I'm doing with your help which is blessed03:14
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BiSK-8how can i update my clock?03:15
mercurusha ha ! All the icons in the mozilla firefox window are backwards arrows :)03:15
ubotuSkid: Bugger all, i dunno03:15
desplesdaBiSK-8:  you mean update it from the ntp server, or do you want to change the time yourself?03:15
ubotuSkid: I don't know03:15
BiSK-8desplesda: update it myself03:16
BooZeeanother quest(ion..:): how can I control and change the things that run when linux start?03:16
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bigfoot1to the opera users here: do you those times where you can't type anything in opera, but when you switch to other programs, the keyboard works fine? is this a bug in opera ?03:16
desplesdabasically right click on the clock, click Adjust Date & Time03:16
bigfoot1edit: do you _have_  those times03:16
gn0meHow would I add to the bootup actions so that it runs "dhclient" on reboot?03:16
BiSK-8didnt think of it03:16
apokryphosbigfoot1: use opera quite a bit; never experienced that03:16
desplesdaBiSK-8:  :D03:16
gn0meRather than have to type it every time?03:16
BiSK-8i tried through terminal03:16
BiSK-8but nuttin'03:17
snorksBooZee: an X-server (a service) is required to view a graphical platform (desktop manager) on which you place other apps, like a window manager (to keep programs inside a window instead of having them float out all over the screen like water), and other applications like graphical file managing (konqueror - which again resides inside a window - the windowmanager) and so on03:17
desplesdaBiSK-8:  if you want to use the terminal, use the date command03:17
pl_iceSMEXE , soooo, u can't do what? i read on the forum...03:17
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snorksBooZee: I don't know another way to explain it03:17
desplesdaBiSK-8:  date --set "date string etc"03:17
desplesdaBiSK-8:  for info on how to lay out the date string just run `date`03:17
BooZeesnorks: thanks, I think i'm getting the hang of it..03:17
BiSK-8desplesda: wont work, i right clicked it but it blocks up03:17
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bimberign0me: you can add commands to /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh03:18
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obontui installed the w32, but i still can't watch anything03:18
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SMEXEpl_ice: I can't access the router, therefore, I can't access the internet..  The router (gateway) refuses the connection.. I don't know why..03:18
desplesdaBiSK-8:  blocks up? what do you mean, the time admin program doesn't change?03:18
mercurusgn0me: or better still, configure /etc/network/interfaces to use DHCP ... try the Network Config tool03:18
pl_iceSMEXE and u got linksys router? ...03:18
BooZeesnorks: another quest(ion..:): how can I control and change the things that run when linux start?03:19
bigfoot1I can't scroll back far enough with  gnome terminal. How do I fix it?03:19
Skidedit the current profile, bigfoot103:19
gn0mebimberi: Where in the order of stuff does that script get run?03:19
Skid(right click)03:19
Blissexbigfoot1: it is an option under the preferences...03:19
Skidscrool backlines03:19
BiSK-8desplesda: no, just blocks, opens a blank window, and when i click the "X" i have 2 force exit03:19
SMEXEpl_ice: dlink..03:19
desplesdaBiSK-8:  weeird03:19
gn0mebimberi: Last?03:19
desplesdaBiSK-8:  well, you can use the terminal03:19
BiSK-8via terminal03:19
BiSK-8how do i change it?03:19
desplesdaBiSK-8:  run "date"03:19
desplesdaBiSK-8:  it will print the current date03:20
snorksBooZee: in /etc/init.d/ lies all the services you can start. The different runlevels during bootup has different apps starting (S) or being killed (K). Example: to start SSHD (secure shell daemon) on startup, you could place it on a run-level, preferrably higher than 3, with a symbolic link called S(for start)##sshd inside /etc/rc#.d/03:20
desplesdaBiSK-8:  then run date -s "date string"03:20
bigfoot1Skid, thank you.03:20
bimberign0me: i don't know ... sorry03:20
BiSK-8date string?03:20
gn0meNo troubles.03:20
BiSK-8just write the date or not?03:20
pl_iceSMEXE so what 'ping' says to router? ... maybe u set different ip, and router doesn't allow it to connect, do exact settings as u had under wind.03:20
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desplesdaBiSK-8:  ok, you know how date gave you the date and time in that format?03:20
desplesdaBiSK-8:  like "Fri Sep 30 23:20:52 EST 2005"03:20
snorksBooZee: these symbolic links are links to the scripts of the services03:20
dell500can someone help me with my xorg.conf and dual crts, i think everything is correct03:21
SMEXEpl_ice: That's what I did.. since it's DHCP, everything's automatically generated.. So, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong..03:21
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BiSK-8it works03:21
desplesdaBiSK-8:  no problem :D03:21
BiSK-8and another problem03:21
BiSK-8sudo says 2 me: sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Sep 30 16:49:07 200503:21
snorksBooZee: I learnt this yesterday, so I'm not 100% stable on it yet.03:22
dell500how do i specify a split in my desktop for dual monitors?? :)03:22
BiSK-8what's that?03:22
BooZeesnorks: wow.. didn't understand that, but I have to go now, so I'll have to understand it later.. did you got my private msg?03:22
snorksBooZee: I don't know how to register my nick :P But if my computer is on, I'm in this channel03:22
BooZeesnorks: /nickserv register pass03:22
BooZeeand than /nickserv identify pass when you log in to the irc server03:23
bimberign0me: /etc/rcS.d/S55bootmisc.sh :)03:23
stan|uniBooZee, i thought /msg nickserv ...03:23
pl_iceSMEXE how about subnets? ... did u tried to ping from router?03:23
BooZeeo.k. I gotta go, so thanks for all the fish (and for the help.. :-) and i'll get back here later..03:23
dell500i guess no one knows :(03:23
BooZeestan|uni: you can use what I wrote too..03:24
ompaulsnorks, /msg nickserv register <your_password_here>    << without the braces and your choice of password :)03:24
BooZeeba bye everybody03:24
snorksstan|uni: What would the command be in irssi? :P03:24
obontuwhere can i find reps?03:24
snorksompaul: greatness, thanks03:24
snorksbye BooZee03:24
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stan|unisnorks, ;)03:24
SMEXEpl_ice: Ok, this is sounding weird to me.. I'm not used to these pings, and whatever, but I'm somewhat sure I can't ping from the router..  From what my friend tells me, my pc can't generate an IP adress... anyone know why?03:24
bigfoot1To the knowledgable users of linux: I'm getting an error message (a very long error message) when I run "make".  Please refer to http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/265603:24
obontuwhere can i find extra repositories?03:25
BiSK-8sudo says 2 me: sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Sep 30 16:49:07 200503:25
ompaulsnorks, place it in both the nickserv and server password locations on the client (xchat) click on edit rather than connect03:25
BiSK-8desplesda: sudo says 2 me: sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Sep 30 16:49:07 200503:25
snorksSMEXE: sudo apt-get install nmap, when that is done, do a "nmap -sP" this will list hosts on your network which doens't run firewall.03:25
snorksSMEXE: if you know the ip adr of the router03:26
ompaulsnorks, do not use a 'good' password for that password03:26
earthenobontu, ubuntuguide.org03:26
snorksompaul: irssi here03:26
SMEXEsnorks: So for the second command, I put in my router ip instead of
ompaulsnorks, ahh enjoy its in your rc file03:27
desplesdaBiSK-8:  log out and log back in again03:27
snorksompaul: ok03:27
ompaulsnorks, or whatever they call it for rc - let me check :)03:27
snorksSMEXE: well, do you use onboard network card?03:27
BiSK-8desplesda: ok thx03:27
SMEXEsnorks: er.. by onboard I'm guessing you mean internal? (it's not wireless btw..)03:27
snorksSMEXE: how many rj-45 connectors do you have out from your computer?03:27
snorksSMEXE: are they located on your mainboard, or on a PCI card?03:28
ompaulsnorks, it is called in a directort called .irssi in a file called config03:28
snorksompaul: ok thanks mate03:28
SMEXEsnorks: just the one.. and on a PCI card I think..03:28
ompaulsnorks, for formats check >man irssi<03:28
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snorksSMEXE: is your ip adresses 192.168 or 10.0?03:30
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SMEXEsnorks: MY ip adress, or the router's?  Either way, it's 192.16803:30
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bigfoot1somebody please help me with a compile/make problem. Check out the error message at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/265603:30
onkarshindeDoes use of Cairo in GNOME 2.12 cause any performance improvement? Also, does anyone have screenshots of Colony 5?03:30
flibblelo all03:31
snorksSMEXE: is your router also a dhcp server?03:31
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earthenIm setting up Ubuntu for my wife, and she wants the list for her Graphical greeter (DebBlue list) how can i change her login pic03:31
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pl_iceSMEXE , can u post on that forum, ur /etc/network/interfaces ?03:31
SMEXEsnorks: err.. yes03:31
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stefanomasiniquestion about mdadm: I need reuse disks of a previous array for building a new array. How do I wipe them clean?03:31
Dakyllais it possible to have usplash running in vga= mode please03:31
onkarshindeearthen: I suppose it is in Administration->Login Screen03:31
SMEXEpl_ice: oh, about that.. How do I change file permissions?  Because I meant to edit some of that, but I can't do it..03:31
onkarshindeI mean System->Administration->Login Screen03:32
Dakylla1024x768, or so03:32
pl_iceSMEXE use : sudo03:32
SMEXEpl_ice: oh, right.. thanks.. I'll brb.. I'm gonna try something03:32
earthenonkarshinde: yeah I am looking there but i don't see anyplace to choose your login pic03:32
pl_iceSMEXE i mean, eg. sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces ,don't change premissions, and do a backup ...03:32
onkarshindebigfoot1: Most probably it is not finding correct header file, something named qstring.h03:32
bigfoot1onkarshinde, you read the whole thing? wow. thanks, sir!03:33
bigfoot1onkarshinde, what should i do? I'm a newbie?03:33
bigfoot1I'm a newbie.03:33
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earthenonkarshinde: I see on the preview that they have custom pic's so it have to be possable03:33
onkarshindeearthen: I am not on Ubuntu currently so really can't help you.03:34
earthenonkarshinde: what are you on03:34
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earthenonkarshinde: and does yours give you that option?03:35
onkarshindebigfoot1: I am anot sure as to where you should keep the header files. May be the program you are trying to install depends on some library. Do you need to compile it yourself? Couldn't you find it in repositories?03:35
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daejavuneed some help with ATI Display Driver !  please help03:35
onkarshindeearthen: I am at office on Win2K03:35
bigfoot1onkarshinde, i don't fully understand what you are saying/asking.03:35
onkarshindedaejavu: What kind of help?03:35
earthenonkarshinde: DOH!03:35
onkarshindebigfoot1: Have you used Synaptic or apt-get before?03:36
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daejavuonkarshinde, i used Synaptic to download n install fglrx-control & xorg-driver-fglrx .. but they dont give me 3d Acceleration :S03:36
bigfoot1onkarshinde, The tar.gz file i got is from a website that offers photo-hosting (something like flickr). They offer an uploader program to upload a big batch of pictures to their website. This is the program I'm trying to install/compile/make.03:36
pl_icedaejavu i just installed mine03:36
bigfoot1onkarshinde, this file is thus not from ubuntu.03:37
daejavupl_ice, how did u do that ? i mean what steps u followed .. i got me a Radeon 960003:37
onkarshindedaejavu: I suppose you need to manually edit xorg.conf. Which card by the way?03:37
onkarshindebigfoot1: site link?03:37
onkarshindedaejavu: there is a forum topic that should help you.03:37
ubotu[ati]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx03:37
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daejavuonkarshinde, Radeon 9600 .. i did .. i changed the driver to fglrx in the Device settings .. it gives me the X display but still no acceleration03:38
pl_icedaejavu ,u have to edit file /etc/X11/xorg.conf  and change line: Driver :"ati" to : "fglrx" got the same card, works ok03:38
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bigfoot1onkarshinde, http://www.zoto.com/general/downloads/03:38
jarnaudHi all03:38
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bigfoot1hi jarnaud03:38
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daejavupl_ice, did u used Synaptic for installation ?03:38
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pl_icedaejavu yeh, just an 1 hour ago03:38
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jarnaudI have a PC to install. Should I wait a little bit for the Breezy Badger or can I use the preview and it will update istself later on?03:39
daejavupl_ice, damn !! why can i have the acceleration .. hey is it possible for u to send me ur xorg.conf file ?03:39
whyameyeI have an ATI Mobility 7500 card in my laptop. Do I want to be using these ATI drivers?03:39
SMEXEpl_ice: sorry, no can do on the posting that on the forum.. I'm on my dad's pc, and the other pc (the one with the linux) 'conveniently' has a floppy jammed inside the slot..03:40
onkarshindebigfoot1: Did you followed instructions in README?03:40
onkarshindeIt says it requires, At least Qt 3.3 (no gurantees for prior releases), libexif-0.6.12 (http://sourceforge.net/projects/libexif), xmlrpc-c-1.2 (http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net)03:40
pl_icedaejavu , then ctrl alt backspace to reboot X , and then type in shell glxgears  should have ~3 thous. fps, then glxinfo, can't have 'melsa' anywhere and has to read direct rending =yes03:40
pl_iceSMEXE ,yeh ok03:41
ompaulpl_ice, you got your ati card working, can you do the world a favour and document in small steps that and stick it on the wiki? if you have made it work with the instructions on the wiki can you alter the page and say 'known to work with ati XYZ on date'03:41
kemikwhyameye:  check out the ATI homepage, i think supported cards are listed there03:41
bigfoot1onkarshinde, yes.have you read it? I did the first 3 steps under "buliding".  Then I tried step 4 (Start the build process [make] ) but that's where I get the error message.03:41
pl_iceSMEXE take teh fdd cable out ;)03:41
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SMEXEI tried to do this: sudo route add default gw but I got "Network is Unreachable"03:41
daejavupl_ice, did that too .. since theres no acceleration so the glxgears was at like 99-120 FPS .. and info shows rending=no03:41
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daejavumaybe i need to update my repositories to get the latest drivers03:41
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pl_icedaejavu ,hold on, there is  a script online for xorg03:42
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kemikpl_ice:  are you running hoary? what cpu you got?03:42
bigfoot1onkarshinde, i guess i should check whether i have libexif-0.6.12 and xmlrpc-c-1.2, requirements as listed in the readme.03:42
sexcopter8000manyone here play ogame?03:42
onkarshindebigfoot1: read the requirements03:42
arhizscan i ask for help03:42
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pl_icekemik 3 gig03:42
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bigfoot1arhizs, no. You can only ask if you can ask for help here.03:42
daejavuonkarshinde, how can i make my system scan for new hardware again ?  i was thinking of removing drivers and giving a reboot and let the system do an auto detect03:43
bigfoot1arhizs, just joking. feel free to ask for help.03:43
onkarshindebigfoot1: regarding qt you should install libqt3cmt102 or something like that and dev package associated with it. It is in repos.03:43
SMEXEanyone know why my network is unreachable?03:43
kemikpl_ice:  ok... hmm.. i only get around 1k fps... amd2500+ and radeon960003:43
pl_icekemik ,then u don't have the ati installed ...03:44
arhizshey im a linux newbie just installed kubuntu and i cant use the serial mouse im using badger...03:44
onkarshindedaejavu: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' shouls work. No need to remove drivers.03:44
pl_icefor ATI  follow this:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65276&highlight=ATI+install03:44
kemikpl_ice:  using fglrx.. w/o i get 250fps03:44
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k0pbreezy will replace hoary? I'm update to breezy, by the way when it is release I want come back to stable version..03:44
onkarshindebigfoot1: xmlrpc should also be there in repos.03:44
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daejavuonkarshinde, can i do that while in Gnome ?03:44
bigfoot1onkarshinde, for QT, i just got qt3-dev-tools from repos. is this enough?03:45
bretzelHello: Ihave a serious issue in development env. ( Kdevelop, PKG_CONFIG_CHECK does not propagate vars from configure.in: ( libsigc++-2.0, setting sigc_LIBS and sigc_CFLAGS)  -- I know it is not kdevelop's related, because SUse, Fedora and slackware runs find03:45
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arhizshey im a linux newbie just installed kubuntu and i cant use the serial mouse im using badger... anyone pls03:45
bigfoot1onkarshinde,sorry: for qmake , i just got qt3-dev-tools from repos. is this enough?03:45
onkarshindek0p: Breezy will be released on 13 Oct. It won't replace hoary. Updates will be available for hoary for next 2 released.03:45
pl_icedaejavu xorg :  http://www.objorkum.com/scripts/fglrxconfig/03:45
LokeDKIs there a way to set download speed limit? on f.ex firefox?03:45
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onkarshindebigfoot1: It should be enough. You can install it and then check the files installed from properties of package.. it should read header files.03:46
pl_icekemik how about glxinfo?03:46
k0ponkarshinde, at 13 oct breezy will be stable, right?03:46
onkarshindedaejavu: You can do it when in gnome.03:46
avalostanyone have any idea as to why gdm will not read a .desktop file I have put in both /usr/share/xsessions /usr/local/share/xsessions/ ?03:46
bigfoot1onkarshinde, So I guess I next have to get libexif-0.6.12 and xmlrpc-c-1.203:46
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arhizshey im a linux newbie just installed kubuntu and i cant use the serial mouse im using badger... anyone pls...03:46
avalostI have restarted gdm, even rebooted yet it will not read them.. the files are all chmodded the same and owned by root too..03:46
onkarshindek0p: Yup. You can still choose to use hoary if you keep your machine updated with security updates.03:47
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onkarshindebigfoot1: right03:47
daejavuCooll .. lemme try .. thatnks for the help !03:47
daejavupl_ice, have u tried that ?03:47
kemikpl_ice:  direct rendering: Yes03:47
onkarshindearhizs: I suppose you should ask in #kubuntu channel03:47
k0pat 13 oct, what is development bratch?03:47
pl_icedaejavu ,yeh03:47
arhizsok sirs03:47
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kemikpl_ice:  but im reading that thread... im not using the latest driver really so i'll deinstall and install the latest one i think03:47
bigfoot1onkarshinde, "it should read header files". How can i tell whether qt3-dev-tools package has the ability to do that?03:47
apokryphosonkarshinde: no, mouse is an X issue03:47
temperboihello again.  i hope someone will help me this time.. ;)03:48
pl_icekemik ,don't know, i get now 1600~ fps03:48
HendricWhy can't i hear any sounds??? my built-in soundcard is just an AC'97 chip... isn't it supported??? my new motherboard with 5.1sound features is detected fine...03:48
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onkarshindebigfoot1: I mean, once you install it. Click on the properties of the package from synaptic. You can check installed files. The list should contain some header files ending with .h03:49
Hendrichow can i troubleshoot if the problem is with soundcard or with the driver?03:49
daejavupl_ice, lets C  :D03:49
kemikHendric:  afaik my mobo has a AC'97 and i have sounds. so i dont think it's the drivers03:49
onkarshindearhizs: Is that a serial mouse?03:49
temperboihow can i delete this specific file? >>> glib1.203:49
bigfoot1onkarshinde, good news. several files end with .h03:49
pl_icetemperboi why ? ...03:49
apokryphostemperboi: rm somfile03:49
Hendricmy system here shows all the volume features etc.. i can see the drivers but i ain't got no sounds.. how can i fix this?03:49
christian-I"E: Couldn't find package regionset"03:49
temperboii like rm -rf the whole glib and  ended reinstalling the whole stuff03:49
onkarshindeapokryphos: Yes, you are right. But it might be related to X in KUbuntu03:49
kemikHendric:   do "lsmod" and see if snd_ac97_codec  is added03:49
kemikHendric:  hoary/breezy ?03:50
apokryphosonkarshinde: considering X in Kubuntu is exactly the same as it is in Ubuntu ;-)03:50
bigfoot1onkarshinde, readme says it requires libexif-0.6.12. Synaptic has libexif10. is that gonna work?03:50
Hendriceven in breezy it doesn't have sounds03:50
kemikHendric:  soundserver enabled/disabled?03:50
christian-m trying to run a DVD, and the help file wiki ubuntu site told me to download regionset with apt-get, but it says E: Couldn't find package regionset"03:50
ubotumethinks sound is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DebuggingSoundProblems/03:50
onkarshindebigfoot1: See if you can find other requirements in repositories also.03:50
temperboiim trying to install xmms but it says glib1.2 not installed, but im sure i installed glib2.0 from the synaptic manager.03:50
onkarshindearhizs: Is it serial mouse?03:50
Hendricdidn't changed anything... any computer i installed with ubuntu got sounds after installation.. except for this one...03:50
apokryphosonkarshinde: he did say that, yes :)03:51
bigfoot1onkarshinde, which other requirements?03:51
Hendricsnd_ac97_codec         64608  1 snd_via82xx <-- got it.. but still no sound03:51
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onkarshindeapokryphos: Then this is not at all related to X i suppose. Some serial mouse are known to cause problems.03:52
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kemikHendric:  ok.. well i dunno.. try that wikipage03:52
onkarshindebigfoot1: xmlrpc and exif something as said in README.03:52
SMEXEerr.. anyone..?  How come my network is unreachable?03:52
athatemperboi: install also the 1.2 version03:52
apokryphosonkarshinde: hence, it's an X issue.03:52
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu, some dvd's require libdvdcss2, which can be found in !hoary-extras03:52
pl_icetemperboi , u trying just to delete one file ? ... or the whole lib...03:52
onkarshindeapokryphos: Ok. I take my word back.03:52
ubotuhoary-extras is, like, totally, see  http://backports.ubuntuforums.org ; example hoary repo: deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted03:52
bigfoot1onkarshinde, the readme said : libexif-0.6.12. But synaptic does NOT have this exact file.03:52
temperboiatha, apt-get install libglib1.2??03:52
bigfoot1onkarshinde, that's why I don't know what to do now.03:53
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athatemperboi: yes, and if you need -dev library, then also libglib1.2-dev03:53
Hendricwaaa.. i was wondering.. when i click on vol control and then preference... i got C-media on device control... but device manager says its an AC'9703:53
pl_iceHendric ,check ur sound mixer setup, it could just 'quiet' ....03:54
temperboibut i have installed the the stuff i see in the synaptic package manager03:54
onkarshindebigfoot1: Wait 5 minutes. And I will have some answer03:55
temperboistil no luck. ;S03:55
bigfoot1onkarshinde, thank you so MUCH!!!03:55
bigfoot1the things you do for a ubuntu-using stranger.03:56
WhiteRabbitbigfoot1, he means he is a professional googler, it will take him around 5mins to search the proper fix!03:56
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vinboyanyone here use a password manager?03:56
IlluvI want to give a specific user rights to perform rsync...eyefi   gift=(root)     /usr/bin/rsync03:56
Illuvsomething like this should work no?03:56
bigfoot1WhiteRabbit, were you guessing on that?03:56
WhiteRabbitbigfoot1, No03:56
Illuvin the sudoers file03:56
bigfoot1WhiteRabbit, how did you know?03:57
pl_icetemperboi , what u exactly doing? ....03:57
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WhiteRabbitbigfoot1, trust me on this I know lol03:57
temperboitrying to install xmms.03:57
temperboion  a computer with03:57
temperboino internet connection03:57
WhiteRabbittemperboi, stop03:57
WhiteRabbittemperboi, doin03:57
WhiteRabbittemperboi, this03:57
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pl_icetemperboi , put the ubuntu CD into drive... should see it then apt-get update ...03:58
Hendricnow i got the proble.. my soundcard has a C-Media chipset (base on the mobo manual), but ubuntu detects it as an AC'97 chip (lspci -v)... how can i override its auto detection and set it to CMEDIA??03:59
pl_icetemperboi , i had huge issues doing things like that w/o internet, it's a pain...03:59
christian-Hendric, I've got that same problem. Someone told me that it's fixed in the Breezy03:59
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kevin06Am I the only one miffed by the fct that Breezy has TERMINAL in ACCESORIES?04:00
christian-The fix being that you can choose what card you want to use from the sound prefs.04:00
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Hendriceven in breezy its detected as an AC'97.. how can i fix this?? how can i override??04:00
daejavupl_ice, nops .. it didnt worked :S04:00
christian-Have you tried preferences -> sound ?04:00
onkarshindebigfoot1: Just search for libexif (without version) and install the package you get. Lets hope it helps.04:01
Hendricchristian: nothing there about selecting what card..04:01
christian-Hendric, are you running breezy now? Then click the general tab. Isn't there a choose your audiocard-pulldown there?04:01
arhizshey is ubuntu the best distro to run on an internet cafe...04:01
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Hendricno i downgrade to hoary to see if its ok...04:01
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Hendrici'll try breezy again04:02
onkarshindearhizs: Sure it is. Provided you like Firefox and don't have any liking for any other browser (read as konqueror)04:02
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christian-Hendric, wait a sec! Have you tried to disable the onboard audiocard in your bios ?04:02
pl_icedaejavu , maybe re-install packages? ...don't know :D mine worked within 15 min.04:02
Hendricits a built-in audiocard...04:03
Hendrici don't have a PCI sound card04:03
daejavupl_ice, im gonna uninstall it and let the system detect the for new devices again04:03
bigfoot1onkarshinde, okay, i've installed libexif10 and libexif-gtk4. Readme also requires xmlrpc-c-1.2, but synaptic doesn't have this.04:03
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christian-Hendric, so it just detects it wrong and then it won't work ?04:03
pl_icedaejavu ,what whole system? :> don't do that...04:03
arhizshow bout gaming in ubuntu? can it support MMORPG like ragnarok04:03
bigfoot1onkarshinde, should i get  xmlrpc-c-1.2 from http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net?04:04
Hendricyes christian04:04
stoeptegelhow do you update a kernel the right way?04:04
onkarshindebigfoot1: That you will have to install from its homepage same way as you were trying to install your program04:04
onkarshindestoeptegel: What do you mean exactly?04:04
bigfoot1onkarshinde, that's the only way to go, right+04:05
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bigfoot1since the exact file is not in the repos.04:05
christian-Hendric, Oh. Well, then I'm not sure what to do. Have you tried !sound ?04:05
christian-as in04:05
ubotusomebody said sound was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DebuggingSoundProblems/04:05
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onkarshindebigfoot1: Yup. And if your program still gives error then I suppose you will have to install libexif from its site also.04:05
stoeptegelonkarshinde, i've installed a new kernel with synaptic, but it isn't anywhere on my system04:05
bigfoot1onkarshinde, that makes sense. here i go...04:06
Hendricyes.. !sound told me to 'lspci -v' thats why i knew ubuntu has seen my scard as AC'97 instead of CMEDIA04:06
pilgrim_executercan anyone help with joystick? jscalibrator works fine but nothing else picks up the axis04:06
onkarshindestoeptegel: what do you mean it is not on system Updated kernel replaces old one. Specifically if it is done from Synaptic04:06
Skidhi, i've just plugged my ipaq (4150) into my laptop, and from messages,it's recognised ok04:06
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Skidbut how do i actualyl get stuff off it ?04:07
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Skidthe palm devices doens't work, as it tries to send my user/uid to the pda, which obv runs windows...04:07
Chambers`does evolution not have the exchange connector installed by default?  I can't connect to any exchange server for email.  I click on Server Type - Microsoft Exchange and then i only see a spot for username, I put my username in but the "next" doesn't highlight04:08
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stoeptegelonkarshinde, well in only knows apt-get or synaptic installed a new kernel (it's also listed there as installed) but it's not there in grub and not in /boot, it's stays booting the old kernel. (and that for a newly fresh installed hoary)04:08
Secreth`Xlol stoeptegel leuke naam04:08
Hendricbreezy installs slower than hoary04:09
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Chambers`can someone help me out?04:09
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taco_q: how can i auto install .rpm files?04:09
Chambers`convert them with alien04:09
onkarshindestoeptegel: How do you know it is old kernel?04:09
Chambers`then sudo dpkg -i ...rpm04:09
pilgrim_executercan anyone tell me where joystick settings are kept?04:10
athaChambers`: evolution-exchange package04:10
apokryphosChambers`: no, you dpkg the .deb pack 8)04:10
whyameyeI can't figure out how to use tightVNC to connect to a remote computer.04:10
Hendrictaco_, or sudo alien -i package.rpm04:10
Chambers`oops, that's what i ment :P04:10
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Chambers`atha: it says the package is installed04:10
onkarshindewhyameye: as far as I know tightVNC is java based. Have you installed Java?04:10
stoeptegelonkarshinde: that's what $ uname -a and conky tells me04:11
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bigfoot1onkarshinde, i am having trouble finding xmlrpc-c-1.2  at http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net04:11
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stoeptegelonkarshinde: (and the bootmenu)04:11
onkarshindestoeptegel: See if you can gind any linux-image**.deb file in /var/cache/apt/archives04:11
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onkarshindebigfoot1: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=1684704:12
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Chambers`does anyone else connect to exchange with evolution?  When I click on Exchange as Server type, I don't get the correct boxes (that asks for server and all that)  Is this a bug?04:12
pl_icehey, any ideas why aMule leaves last ~2-3 Mbs, and can't d/l them? all the time ...04:12
whyameyeonkarshinde, I think I'm okay with running tightVNC, but I can't figure out configuration. The remote tunnels the VNC through SSH.04:12
hubsihi, have a problem. since i have installed ubuntu new and added backports i cant install java etc...04:13
nalioth_wrknhubsi: hoary or breezy04:13
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dobieq: First program install attempt - installing xmms.  have files..  ran "./configure"  but got error -> configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH See `config.log' for more details.04:13
onkarshindewhyameye: I am not familiar with tightVNC. I would use the default vnc client04:13
naliothhubsi: http://www.giannaros.org/public/hoarydebs/04:13
hubsibut 2 month before i could install them04:13
onkarshindehubsi: backport has nothing to do with java.04:13
dobieJust installed ubuntu this morning and trying it/linux out   Nothing else has been done04:14
naliothhubsi: legalities were made known to the ubuntu team04:14
stoeptegelonkarshinde: one kernel: the one uname says i'am running04:14
whyameyeonkarshinde: the default vnc client is...??04:14
hubsiah ok04:14
pl_icenalioth , what u mean? ...04:14
naliothpl_ice: what do i mean about what?04:14
pl_icenalioth , that legalities were made know ...04:15
onkarshindewhyameye: Some command like xvncviewer should launch it, if it is installed04:15
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naliothpl_ice: java from sun is not supposed to be redistributed04:15
Shin_Goukinalioth, (its me with the MD5 prob )i have burned another CD, now trying again, if this time a error happens ill note the modul which was inflicted04:15
onkarshindestoeptegel: Did you try to find if there is any linux-image**.deb in /var/cache/apt/archive/ ?04:16
Shin_Goukinalioth, whish me luck :/04:16
Shin_Goukinalioth, whish me luck ^_~04:16
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pl_icenalioth ,hm, so u're saying that it cannot be on b/ports; ...no good04:16
bigfoot1onkarshinde, oh, thanks .I see it now. There are later versions available. SHould i get the latest one (1.03.05)?04:16
AnswerQuestion:  Why can't Linux read NTFS file systems?04:16
havocit can04:16
naliothpl_ice: i just posted a link to some ubuntu debs. do you run hoary or breezy?04:16
apokryphosAnswer: it can04:17
naliothAnswer: it can't WRITE to NTFS04:17
digitizesupport for ntfs is actually now built into the kernel04:17
stoeptegelonkarshinde: yes there is one: the one i'am running now, the old one04:17
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naliothpl_ice: so see the URL i jus posted to hubsi04:17
onkarshindebigfoot1: It is better to get a 1.2 version. You never know what things have changed between 1.2 & 1.304:17
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dobieJust installed ubuntu this morning and trying it/linux out   Nothing else has been done04:17
dobieq: First program install attempt - installing xmms.  have files..  ran "./configure"  but got error -> configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH See `config.log' for more details.04:17
pl_icenalioth , yeh got my java etc. but just was wondering, if on b/ports will be stopped distrib. java ...04:17
hubsibut there are more packages i cant find, acroread, flash, gftp etc04:17
stoeptegelonkarshinde: linux-image-2.6.10-5-386_2.6.104:18
bigfoot1onkarshinde, okay. i just always think that having the latest version is the best thing to do.04:18
naliothpl_ice: yes they will04:18
ompauldobie, that is not how you install software on ubuntu04:18
naliothhubsi: when seveas comes in, talk to him. he will point you out those things04:18
ompauldobie, this is a platform with 17k+ packages all ready and waiting04:18
hubsiok, thanks04:18
onkarshindestoeptegel: So it is not updated at all. Do you have any idea if there is any problem with your synaptic configuration?04:18
dobieompaul - thanks..i've tryed mandrake before..so trying what I ..kind of knew :P04:18
ompauldobie, use system - administration - synaptic package manager, using source is last resource :)04:19
Secreth`X:/ I have some problems with the Live CD of hoary..04:19
dobieompaul - I see RPM there...but didn't seam to do anything - I typed cmd as: rpm -i <package name> .04:19
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ompauldobie, sudo apt-get install xmms04:19
hubsiis breezy stable now?04:19
stoeptegelonkarshinde: no not that i'am aware of, i also have md5sums of my $PATH which apears to be ok04:19
ompaulhubsi, on the 13th of Oct04:19
onkarshindedobie: You can also install beep media player which is a fork of xmms and now used GTK2. Xmms still uses GTK 1.204:19
hubsiok thanks04:19
dobieompaul - k.. will give it a run.  ...04:20
onkarshindestoeptegel: Have you changed your /etc/apt/sources/list recently or after install?04:20
Hendricanyone here fixed the Gyach bug (closes without warning)?? pls help04:20
ompauldobie, the synaptic tool is easy to use - have a look at it and repositories - and mark these words  -Backports Are Evil04:20
dobieonkarshinde: I see... me still a noob yet... I'll play with what I got... learn to uninstall and try beep afterwards.... assuming I make it that far! hehe04:20
=== Mr-Falkor [n=falkor@ti541210a080-7234.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
ompauldobie, translated as use them if you dare, but please don't complain if they break stuff04:21
onkarshindedobie: No probs. XMMS is a great player and does what it says perfectly.04:21
ompauldobie, one last thing I will get the bot to tell you about repos have a look at that before you go any further, will help a lot04:21
stoeptegelonkarshinde: yup did that, i have some lists: the official with a backport in it, and the one from ubuntuguide as an alternative when i need some universe packages04:21
=== jmeeter [n=jmeeter@69-169-157-137.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
jmeetercan someone help me?04:22
whyameyeonkarshinde: thanks for the tip on using xvncviewer. Now I can view the other computer, but I can't control it...04:22
dobieompaul - sorry dude...I'm just a windozer so far... you saying that xmms is backporting?  I"m not following closely enough on that one...04:22
onkarshindestoeptegel: Please paste your /etc/apt/sources.list into peatebin04:22
naliothjmeeter: if you ask a question04:22
dobieompaul - no prob... I understand the reading that's ahead.... same as when I started with Dos I had a lot of reading... thanks04:22
onkarshindewhyameye: There must be some option to allow keyboard and mouse input. I think by default it is off.04:22
jmeeterHow do I get Flash working with Ubuntu 5.10?04:22
onkarshindejmeeter: !flash04:23
ubotusomebody said flash was at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:23
ompauldobie, no I did not, what I said was if you use backports please be aware that they are evil - stay away from them :) - now as a windows user - use System - administration - Synaptic Package Manager - BUT first read what the bot will send you on repos04:23
ubotupl_ice: Are you on ritalin?04:23
onkarshindestoeptegel: If you can do it fast. I have to go home.04:23
dell500does anyone know how to make the screen fit the monitor, i seem to have some of the other monitor on my second crt04:24
jmeeterI get04:24
stoeptegelonkarshinde: done but it's not working04:24
jmeeterReading package lists... Done04:24
jmeeterBuilding dependency tree... Done04:24
jmeeterE: Couldn't find package flashplugin-nonfree04:24
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Anak1nn particije04:24
whyameyeonkarshinde: I can't find the option you are looking for in the man pages. Still looking...04:24
stoeptegelonkarshinde: thanks for the help anyway04:24
jmeeterDon't I have to add extra repositories or something?04:24
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bigfoot1onkarshinde, is it easy to undo the installation/builidng/compiling of a file?04:24
onkarshindestoeptegel: Can you please paste your sources.list in pastebin so that I can read it?04:24
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daejavuman do i Hate  ati drivers !!04:25
ompauljmeeter, don't flood, when you ahve a few lines of text please use paste.ubuntulinux.nl04:25
onkarshindebigfoot1: Normally when you compile from source, you use make install for installation. In same way you can use make uninstall04:25
er4z0rcan anyone tell me how to access a WebDav resource from a windows client?04:25
daejavupl_ice, when u used synaptic for the driver installation .. did u ran fglrxconfig  after that ?04:25
er4z0rI mean how do I notice its actually webdav not normal http?04:26
ompaulNo manual entry for do i Hate  ati drivers04:26
onkarshindejmeeter: You should enable multiverse repository in /etc/apt/sources.list04:26
pl_icedaejavu neh, i heard that it isn't really good04:26
Secreth`XCan someone tell me why the live CD is not working when I insert it and then reboot?04:26
ompaulSecreth`X, define not working?04:26
dobieompaul - not a prob...it's the backports part i'm not sure of what you mean.  I hear backports I think either a) older software wanting older libraries? or B) another installing means outside normal checks a system normally wants - such as forceing windows to accept a program by manually placing files, settings, and bypassing the windows installer?04:26
Chambers`ok, so who would i talk to regarding a bug in evolution?  Ubuntu guys or gnome guys?  I reinstalled the Exchange connector and when I click on ServerType: Exchange, the only configuration that comes up is username and nothing else, and I can't click ok, like it's waiting for more info04:26
pl_iceSecreth`X correct bios ? ...04:26
stoeptegelonkarshinde: i did that, but i think it doesn't work for some reason(?)04:26
Secreth`XI just get windows for some reason04:27
Anak1nSecreth X: did U change boot order in bios?04:27
=== BiSK-8 [n=bisk8@host71-56.pool80181.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
jmeeteronkarshinde, How do I enable multiverse repositories?04:27
ompaulSecreth`X, change your bios to boot from the CDrom04:27
daejavupl_ice, from where u got ur repositories of apt ?04:27
Secreth`Xerr no I didn't Anak1n and honestly I dont know how04:27
onkarshindejmeeter: Sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list. Find the line that includes 'hoary main restricted' and add multiverse at the end.04:27
BiSK-8how do i get GStreamer to play files with totem?04:27
dobiebtw - sudo command worked and installed xmms fine..... boy but the reading that ahead of me :P  seams big at first....smaller afterwards hehe04:27
pl_icedaejavu unofficital ubuntu guide04:27
ompauldobie, backports are 'future packages' will be in the next version - and sometimes they cause a looooot of pain04:28
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onkarshindeBiSK-8: Totem uses GStreamer by default04:28
Anak1nSecret`X: when U r cpu iz booting press del and U'll enter the bios04:28
ompauldobie, pm?04:28
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ompaulSecreth`X, what kind of machine is it?04:28
BiSK-8onkarshinde: i know but it says 2 install it, totem dosent work04:28
daejavupl_ice, btw .. what games u play on ur ubuntu system ?04:28
stoeptegelonkarshinde: i hope it worked now04:28
Anak1nSecret`X: then find boot and change to cd rom to be 1st04:28
jmeeteronkarshinde, I just add the worse multiverse at the end?04:28
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dobieompaul Ahhh... i'm on the same page now...I understands.   pm? = pardon me?04:28
onkarshindejmeeter: Yes.04:28
bigfoot1in some blogs i see the term "./    what does this set of 3 characters mean? I don't think it's referring to the geek website is it+04:28
onkarshindestoeptegel: link please04:29
Secreth`XAnak1n: ok I'll try04:29
pl_icedaejavu , i got over 100 gig compressed games :/ just started thief3 but some problems ...04:29
ompauldobie, private message -04:29
bigfoot1"/.  i think it is.04:29
dobieompaul - I gotta run... someone's just shown up....   ahh.. private message.. understand... thanks man.. I would.. but I  gotta run....04:29
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stoeptegelonkarshinde: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/d266004:29
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Anak1ncan someone tell me about cedega will it work on ubuntu 5.04?04:29
daejavupl_ice, thief 3 on Ubuntu !   u use cedega ?04:30
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ompaulAnak1n, pay for it and ask the makers for support04:30
pl_icedaejavu yeh04:30
bigfoot1if windows xp were free, would you use it?04:30
Anak1nis there any free emulator?04:30
bigfoot1i wonder how many people use linux out of cost reasons04:30
ompaulAnak1n, wine04:30
Anak1nbugfootl: NO!!!04:30
daejavuAnak1n, u can get a free version of Cedega ...04:30
Anak1nompaul thanks04:31
onkarshindestoeptegel: Are you using synaptic?04:31
Anak1ndeajavu: where?04:31
=== Sionide [n=sphinx@commonstarling1.hornet.uea.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
jmeeteronkarshinde, this is what I see http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/266304:31
ompaulAnak1n, wine - (stands for wine is not an emulator) is what you want04:31
jmeeterWhere do I make the changes?04:31
daejavuAnak1n, http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=4504:31
Secreth`XAnak1n: Ok, did it, it's working, thanks!04:31
Anak1ndeajavu: thanks04:31
BiSK-8how do i set xmms to my default media player?04:31
Anak1nno problem04:32
HendricAnak1n, im using cedega with hoary.. i play GW, WOW and its great04:32
daejavuAnak1n, np04:32
onkarshindejmeeter: the line that saya  #debhttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntubreezyuniverse. Remove # and add multiverse at the end.04:32
Anak1ncool I just want to play Warcraft III04:32
XHKWhy my sound is always muted, when i startup gnome?04:32
bigfoot1onkarshinde, i got error message when I did "make install" of the xmlrpc file. please refer to http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/266404:33
daejavuAnak1n, u can play that using Wine as well .. need a little tweekin tough04:33
HendricAnak1n, warcraft III is no sweat in cedega04:33
onkarshindebigfoot1: I don't use linux for cost reasons. I installed XP and within month i had lots of worms and viruses. That machine was to be used by my dad. So I installed Ubuntu and dumped XP.04:33
christian-Hendric, so.. I "just" download this "Cedega" and then I can install WoW ?04:33
XHKWhy my sound is always muted, when i startup gnome?04:33
Anak1nHendric: How do U mean it works with suse04:34
stoeptegelonkarshinde: well not totally, it's kynaptic04:34
pl_iceonkarshinde  :) now i got no problems with worms etc :D04:34
pl_iceafter kicking xp out04:34
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ompaulXHK, please wait about 15 minutes before reasking your question - people are busy and will answer typically in that amount of time - if not then ask again04:34
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onkarshindebigfoot1: Either do sudo make and add suo for every next make command or directly use Root Terminal from Applications->System Tols04:34
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HendricAnak1n, with suse? i dunno...04:34
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Anak1nHendric: dunoo????? :S04:35
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onkarshindestoeptegel: So you are on KUbuntu right?04:35
whyameyeonkarshinde: just thought I'd tell you the problem I was having with vnc is that I am an idiot. The remote has 2 passwords: 1 for view only and 1 for control. I had forgotten and only remembered the viewonly password. No I remember the other password and it works. Thanks for your help.04:35
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HendricAnak1n, as i've said i use hoary04:35
jmeeteronkarshinde, This is now what I get: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/266504:36
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thesporeCan someone tell me how I can disable the middle mouse button (scroll-wheel) from pasting when clicked?04:37
Secreth`XWoah, Ubuntu is cool :D04:37
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onkarshindejmeeter: Paste your sources.list again04:37
bigfoot1onkarshinde, ok. so i backtracked and ran sudo make. I got an error message. please refer to http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/266604:37
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stoeptegelonkarshinde: yes04:37
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concept10nalioth, im already here04:38
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devchrisferfs gay04:38
justin_SUCK IT04:38
BiSK-8i installed gnome-bluetooth, how can i use it now, im on breezy. and i dont know where the run terminal is04:38
kurtbecanyone here done a switch from Gentoo to ubunut?  pros/cons.04:38
jmeeteronkarshinde, Here is my sources.list: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/266704:38
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onkarshindebigfoot1: Either that xmlrpc depends on something else, which is highly possible or something is screwed up04:38
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ompaulConduct devchris and justin_04:38
devchriswow everyone on this hasnt got laid yet04:38
d33pconcept10, now I'm here04:38
thesporeCan someone tell me how I can disable the middle mouse button (scroll-wheel) from pasting when clicked?04:39
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d33p my problem is that I have a hell of apt dependencies problems in my ubuntu, even my x don't work, so I'm trying to find out a way of reinstalling with all new packages without formating/loosing my configs04:39
ubotuhelp for cedega is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega and for a list of working games see http://cedegawiki.sweetleafstudios.com/index.php?title=Main_Page04:39
bigfoot1onkarshinde, the prerequisites seem to be 0. Refer to the copied text (of readme) at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/266804:39
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naliothconcept10: in your xchat server dialog, click on "freenode" then "edit".  put YOUR pass in the "server password" box04:40
SMEXEHey, can anyone help me?  I've got the exact same problem as: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6837804:40
BiSK-8can any1 help me?04:40
riddleboxcan anyone explain to me how I allow root to log in?04:40
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concept10nalioth, its already there...04:40
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jmeeteronkarshinde, Here is my sources.list: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/266704:41
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onkarshindejmeeter: Have you done sudo apt-get update?04:41
daejavuriddlebox, use ubuntuguide.org .. itll tell u how to do that04:41
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jmeeterno, i'll do it now04:41
Hendricbreezy needs almost 2 hours to install on an AMD semrpon 2200 with 128MB RAM04:41
concept10nalioth, I think my setup doesnt identify fast enough, because I have xhat connect to #ubuntu on start04:41
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onkarshindeI am signing off.04:42
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naliothconcept10: if you do what i suggested, you'll never again see -unregged04:42
concept10d33p, are you attempting to breezy?04:42
naliothdaejavu: dont recommend ubuntuguide blindly04:42
christian-'s the difference between Cedega and Cedega CVS ?04:42
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naliothchristian-: you pay for cedega04:43
concept10nalioth, thats already done...I have my nickserv password in both boxes04:43
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d33pconcept10, yes04:43
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christian-nalioth, is that it ?04:43
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ompaulthespore, middle click is normal behaviour, it will be hard to disable part of the function, I think google would have more answers than here atm but I could be wrong04:43
highvoltagehi. how do i check out of which package a file comes, such as md5sum?04:43
naliothconcept10: you dont need it in the 'nickserv' box04:43
bigfoot1guys; in a readme that says " $ ./configure" what does the dollar sign stand for+04:43
daejavunalioth, copy that .... ummm may i know the reason ?04:43
naliothhighvoltage: in a terminal, apt-cache search04:43
thesporeompaul, gah.. okay i just scroll through code alot, and i don't realize that i've middle-clicked and my code gets all screwed up, will check google more04:44
jmeeterCan someone help my configure Ubuntu to play sound for me?04:44
naliothubotu: tell daejavu about ubuntuguide04:44
concept10nalioth, oh, just the server box?04:44
d33pconcept10, gonna try fixing my apt stuff04:44
naliothconcept10: yessir04:44
Darknighthow i can configure my tv card? anyone know (breezy)?04:44
highvoltagenalioth: i mean, how do i find out from which package a file such as /usr/bin/md5sum comes out of04:44
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concept10nalioth, thanks04:44
ompaulthespore, you will have to become more light fingered you can also go up and down with page up and page down if that helps04:45
Darknightjmeeter, turn off in mixer analog jack04:45
Darknightif you have one04:45
naliothconcept10: as soon as your client makes contact with the irc server, it sends that pass (it doesn wait around for nickserv to wake up)04:45
jmeeterDarknight, I don't know what a mixer analog jack is.04:45
highvoltageaha. dpkg -S /usr/bin/md5sum04:45
Darknightjmeeter, what soundcard?04:45
BiSK-8what's amules, razorback2 server name and ip address and port number????04:45
highvoltagecomes out of dpkg, strangely.04:45
thesporeompual, lol ya i know.. just stuck in my ways ya know ;-)04:45
thesporeompual, loooks like it's an x feature04:46
ompaulXHK, hoary or breezy?04:46
pl_iceBiSK-8  2.0 or ? 2.x04:46
spacedmanrunning ubuntu 5.10 preview, if i close the lid of my dell 110L (latitiude), wait, then open, the screen stays black. machine is okay, i can ssh into it np... any clues or pointers to 'fixing acpi/Xorg problems?'04:46
ompaulthespore, has been as long as I have been using X04:46
ompaulthespore, 10 years04:46
jmeeterDarknight, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=377699&postcount=15 - That should tell you which soundcard I have.04:47
ompaulthespore, check for disable third button04:47
BiSK-8pl_ice: what???? the ip address and port number?04:47
concept10nalioth, Yeah, thats the problem.. it doesnt connect to nickserv fast enough before it tries to connect to #ubuntu I guess...04:47
concept10nalioth, youre on PPC correct?04:47
naliothconcept10: <snobbery>if you'd use a real client like irssi, you can script delays or anything you like into it </snobbery>04:48
pl_ice64.34.162.138 :566104:48
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naliothconcept10: no intel/amd in my house04:48
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pl_icefor razorback 2.004:48
ompaulconcept10, if the same password is put in both the nickserv and server settings in xchat no problem exists04:48
Shin_Goukinalioth, re04:48
naliothompaul: except concept10 keeps gettin put into -unregged04:48
concept10nalioth, and I talk to the new guys like a god in there04:49
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naliothconcept10: a helpful god, i hope04:49
ompaulnalioth, yeap what is happening ther eis the password must also be in the 'server' and nickserv' boxes on xchat04:49
erchachei have a machine to make remote backups of other servers with a scsi dat and a dvdrw....any suggestions? amanda,bacula doesnt like me04:49
concept10nalioth, thats what I mean, :)04:49
ompaul*there is04:49
ompaulconcept10, which client are you using?04:50
naliothompaul: i only have it in the 'server' box on my dogs xchat04:50
naliothompaul: and it works fine everytime04:50
Shin_Goukinalioth, i downloaded ubuntu 5.04 burned it onto a CD, then booting , then typed: server on "installing initrd.gz i got :" CRC Error system halted04:50
naliothconcept10: did you have a PowerPC question?04:50
ompaulnalioth, ahh04:50
thesporeompaul, guess the consensus is that it cannot be disabled.. (well without heavy source modificatins), that sucks.. guess i'll just have to live with the occasional source code screwup.. or maybe get a mouse that has a less-sensitive middle mouse button04:50
naliothShin_Gouki: md504:50
concept10nalioth, maybe you could answer this... the ubuntu-desktop meta-package has the base install for gnome.  how do I remove some apps without removing the entire bunch04:50
concept10ompaul, xchat 2.4.404:51
Shin_Goukinalioth, yes i checked the md5 of this file04:51
ompaulthespore, I use a creative optical and it is fine04:51
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Shin_Goukinalioth, yes i checked the md5 of this file it was same as it has to be on BOTH disk :??04:51
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naliothconcept10: individually (dont worry about the ubuntu-desktop til dapper drake is ready (if you're using breezy now)04:51
ompaulthespore, it is so used that the silver is worn off one side :)04:51
naliothShin_Gouki: did you md5 the disk?04:51
Shin_Goukinalioth, may be i need to tell u the PC config: p 233 mhz 128 MB ram04:51
jmeeter!seen Darknight04:51
ubotudarknight is currently on #ubuntu (8m 34s)04:51
thesporeompaul, i have a microsoft optical... that might be the problem ;-)04:51
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thesporeompual, its at work.. so not sure where it actually came from04:52
naliothShin_Gouki: perhaps you should choose "server install"04:52
erchachei have a machine to make remote backups of other servers with a scsi dat and a dvdrw....any suggestions? amanda,bacula doesnt like me04:52
ilanguthey ... can any one help a newbe with a breezy prob?04:52
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concept10nalioth, when I attempt to remove evolution, it removes ubuntu-desktop and other stuff04:52
Shin_Goukinalioth, i did choose server04:52
ompaulthespore, how could you type that in here, that is like a nanosecond of bad karma :)04:52
Shin_Goukinalioth, i did choose server still i got the CRC Error message :/04:52
Shin_Goukinalioth, is there ANY possibility that this error apears if there is not enough FREE RAM or diskspace for the setup?04:53
ilangutthe "system-->admin-->boot" dialog has vanished from my breezy since the last update... how can i bring it back?04:53
thesporeompaul, wha? lol.. sorry ya i know ms is known for good design ;-)04:54
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naliothShin_Gouki: you really should get that md5 program i pointed you to. it's a unix program made to run on windows04:54
SMEXEMy network is unreachable, how can I fix that???04:54
Shin_Goukinalioth, what is the name?04:54
thesporeompual, end random mini ms rant.04:54
naliothShin_Gouki: it will look at the cdrom:///ms5sum.txt and check your cd for integrity04:54
Darknighthow i can configure my tv card? anyone know (breezy)?04:54
Shin_Goukinalioth, what is the nam? tell me the name and i get it!!04:54
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ilangutnewbee in need of help in gnome 2.12 on breezy04:54
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naliothShin_Gouki: http://www.pc-tools.net/win32/md5sums/04:55
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Shin_Goukinalioth, thx soo much :)04:55
naliothilangut: guru in need of a real question04:55
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ccookeilangut: WHhat help do you need?04:56
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PelalilHi, I'm having problems restarting my laptop. I gets as far as "[4296342.610000]  Restarting system.", and the just hangs, and sits there as what aperars to be 100%cpu as the fan gets faster, and the air vent gets hotter04:56
Pelalil(shutting down is fine)04:56
nerpbah, finally got e17 working.. for some reason it would not read enlightenment.desktop but e17.desktop04:56
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naliothconcept10: you should laugh, YOU are the guru i'm talking about04:56
naliothnerp: cool04:56
ccookePelalil: what laptop? I have the same problem.04:56
ilangutcool .... since my last update my "system-->admin-->boot" menu has vanished...04:57
Pelalilccooke: sony vaio VGN-S4XP04:57
concept10nalioth, yeah.. right, i know how to keep gnome running my not messing around with the default install04:57
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ccookePelalil: interesting. Mine's a VGN-A397XP04:57
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christian---------- Error log - file /home/christian/.WineCVS/sources/cvscedega/ErrorLog : ---------04:57
christian-/home/christian/.WineCVS/Functions/RunWineCVS: line 736: cvs: command not found04:57
ccookePelalil: ... but there are several bugs that seem related already04:58
christian-I tried to apt-get this cvs thing04:58
d33pI've got unmet dependencies that 'apt-get -f install' doesn't solve, and I can't do anything else with apt to solve it, if it always asks for it04:58
christian-but that didn't work04:58
zakameheh, cvs04:58
ccookePelalil: There's currently no fix, I think. But the Breezy Kernel freeze hasn't happened yet, so it should be fixed in time.04:58
christian-I'm trying to install cefrga CVS04:58
concept10d33p, paste your error messages somewhere04:58
christian-argh, I mean Cedega CVS04:58
Pelalilccooke: ah, cool, just as long as someone is looking at it:-)04:59
Pelalilthanks :-)04:59
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d33pconcept10, my X don't work and using bitchx for irc :( don't know how to paste somewhere like this04:59
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concept10d33p, did you attempt to reconfigure xorg?05:00
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d33pconcept10, how I do that?05:00
ubotuI guess xorg is sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:00
d33pconcept10, trying to dist-upgrade, ok let me check !xorg05:00
d33pconcept10, what does !xorg mean?05:00
ccookePelalil: ooh05:00
ccookePelalil: maybe a fix05:00
ccookePelalil: I'll try it on my laptop and let you know. Can you wait two minutes?05:01
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d33pconcept10, I'm still a newbie user in linux for some stuff even though using it for more than 4 years :(05:01
Pelalilccooke: sure, thanks :-)05:01
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Pelalilbtw im running 2.6.12-9-68605:01
kurtbecanybody here running breezy full time?05:02
ccookesame here05:02
ccookekurtbec: yes.05:02
ompauld33p, that is asking the bot (ubotu - and not a toy) for information on xorg the ! command queues the bot and the word after that is the information requested - not eveyerything is in there05:02
concept10d33p, okay - run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:02
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Shin_Goukinalioth, i have now the programm, what value should i look into??05:02
kurtbecccooke: how stable has breezy been for you?05:02
d33pconcept10, oooohhh ok ok, felt stupid for a sec there =)05:02
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concept10d33p, !xorg means 'get ubotu get into on xorg'05:02
eldadhi, I'm using an HP pavillion laptop and I can't seem to get my ubuntu (neither HOARY nor BRERZY) to use the Digital Media card reader05:02
ccookekurtbec: very solid. Lots of updates, but only a couple of app crashes05:03
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oasickhi everybody05:03
oasickhow can i install qt themes?05:03
kurtbecccooke: any apps in particular that are notorious for bombing?05:03
oasicki use gnome05:03
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oasickand the qt aplications i see very bad05:04
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Shin_Goukihi everyone, what are the minimum specs for a ubuntu server install?05:05
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SMEXEAgain, can anyone help me with my network problem?05:05
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d33phow, do I start X, after trying to fix the problem without rebooting?05:05
snorksscryll is now in the process of resubscribing my account05:05
kurtbecalright so if I'm going to try ubuntu for the first time do i do hoary or breezy?05:05
Shin_Goukirestart x server?05:05
snorkswrong channel05:05
pl_iceShin_Gouki i got it on 300 mhz but need min 90 mb of ram, can't use kde/gnome05:05
ompaulapokryphos, +r ?05:05
haleyin the live cd there is a wireless applet where is that in the install?05:05
mjrkurtbec, I'd just go for the stable release then, Hoary, that is05:05
d33pShin_Gouki, first time it didn't start for error and want to try again05:05
Shin_Goukipl_ice how did u install?05:05
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Shin_Goukid33p try xFRee help not here in ubuntuu05:06
apokryphosompaul: yup05:06
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d33pShin_Gouki, ok sorry05:06
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pl_iceShin_Gouki at the boot, just type server, or press F4 (i think) for help, try to get access to internet while installing05:07
Shin_Goukii typed server: thats what happend:05:07
SMEXE..please? :(05:07
Shin_Gouki i burned it to CDR, but when booting error on loading initrd.gz came:" CRC Error  System halted"05:07
pl_iceSMEXE , did u post the interfaces? file05:07
SMEXEyeah, I did..05:08
pl_iceok :)05:08
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pl_iceSMEXE , there is nothing there :)05:09
pl_iceno wonder it doesn't work ;)05:09
Shin_Goukipl_ice , were may i find a listing of ubuntuu install errors and HOW to handle them??05:09
SMEXEpl_ice: eh? :/ I thought it was ok.. just missing the gateway.. :?05:10
pl_iceShin_Gouki i didn't have problems :/ u know www.ubuntuforums.org ?05:10
=== ompaul restarts X to test todays updates
pl_iceSMEXE will post it, in a sec or 205:10
AnswerQuestion: Does anybody use scrot or other screenshot programs?  Can you capture display 0 ?05:10
Shin_Goukipl_ice , ok other question i have the iso, im running win9x , can i install from here? or DO I need to boot?05:10
naliothShin_Gouki: you have an md5 error05:10
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Shin_Goukinalioth, it seems i havnt :/05:11
ccookePelalil: ... nope. Sorry.05:11
Pelalilthanks anyway :-)05:11
SMEXEpl_ice: Oh, ok thanks..05:11
pl_iceShin_Gouki , u need to rebot it, (make sure u burn the iso... ;)  )  then upon boot: press one of F1 etc, there is a good help05:12
Shin_Goukinalioth, thats the value i got from ur tool: ubuntuu : d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e05:12
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pl_ice:/msg daejavu though i had to install, but looks like it's just compressed05:13
Shin_Goukinalioth, were do i find the values to compare with??, onwebsite i simply found the MD5 value for whole CD??05:13
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AnswerQuestion: Does anybody use scrot or other screenshot programs?  Can you capture display 0 ?05:13
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ompaulxmms can't find audio but beep does :)05:14
Shin_Goukiuse ALSA its pretty cool05:14
=== PeteIF [i=hIRC@ACD4B20B.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
Shin_Goukiat least with my knoppix ;)05:14
Stalwartif i have 2 NICs (nvidia integrated and realtek pci) what will be eth0?05:14
Shin_Goukibut now i want HD install ubuntuu and i can even enter setup -_-05:15
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Shin_Goukistalwart look at the MSC :)05:15
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vengefulHi :-)05:15
deFryskintegrated is on mine eth105:15
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Shin_Goukinalioth, do u read me?05:15
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StalwartShin_Gouki, nic's are sorted by MACs in alphabetical order? o.O05:16
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Shin_Goukiquestion: is there ANY way to enable a detailed Error log while the installation process of ubuntu?05:16
Shin_Goukistalwart NO05:17
ompaulShin_Gouki, not that I am aware of, what is bugging you?05:17
SMEXEpl_ice: Thanks for posting it.. but how do I edit the file again?05:17
Shin_Goukistalwart but if u want to know what card is ethXYZ then use the MAC ^^05:17
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pl_iceSMEXE sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces05:18
StalwartShin_Gouki, no, i want to know what card will be primary05:18
Shin_GoukiI downloaded ubuntu 5.04, MD5 sum on my HD same as on Website, i burned it to CDR, but while05:18
Shin_Goukiinstalling initrd.gz i get:05:18
Shin_Gouki:" CRC Error  System halted"05:18
Shin_Goukistalwart U can configue ;)05:18
StalwartShin_Gouki, i haven't installed ubuntu yet05:18
pl_iceSMEXE hm, do better, sudo gedit  , then open the file, easier05:18
StalwartShin_Gouki, default!05:18
ompaul Shin_Gouki did you look in there /var/log/debian-installer05:18
Shin_Goukiwere i may find this? on HD?05:19
SMEXEpl_ice: Oh, ok thanks.. brb :)05:19
ompaulShin_Gouki, yes05:19
ompaulShin_Gouki, got alive CD ?05:19
ompaulShin_Gouki,  is it partitioning?05:19
Shin_Goukiompaul, no install05:19
ompaulShin_Gouki, hoary/breezy?05:19
ubotuI haven't a clue, christian-05:19
christian-darn !05:19
Shin_Goukiompaul, what is partigioning? after i type : "server" i get the CRC Error05:20
christian-I'm trying to install JRE, heh, but I really haven't got a clue about how to do it.05:20
ompaulShin_Gouki, hoary I see your eariler post05:20
haleyanyone know the name of the applet used to monitor wifi signal strength?05:20
christian-https://sdlcweb1b.sun.com/ECom/EComActionServlet;jsessionid=7BFC0703E703078F22112EEF623D3085 <- I'm trying to download it from there05:20
haleyin the livecd?05:21
ompaulShin_Gouki, right so, have you got a working linux system atm?05:21
christian-I downloaded with and with out RPM05:21
Shin_Goukiompaul , NO i m on with ATM with win9x.. but I WANT LINUX05:21
christian-But both are *.bin files, and I haven't got a clue what to do with them05:21
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BooZeesnorks: hey, you here?05:22
ompaullooks like it did not burn correctly05:22
Shin_Goukiompaul here my HW specs: p 233 Mhz , 128 MR RAM , 6 GB Diskspace05:22
snorksBooZee: i am05:22
Shin_Goukiompaul , how do i verify that i did burn correctly?05:23
ptlohmm...is there a "manual" way to set keyboard in X? i'm testing breezy and gnome-keyboard-properities can't enable  my keyboard layout, i'd like to investigate why05:23
Centaur5How can you find out if ubuntu included infrared support in the precompiled kernel it installed?05:23
ompaulShin_Gouki, see if you can find a program called md5sum for windows and run it against the CD05:23
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ompaulShin_Gouki, cd image on the win machine for a start05:23
SMEXEpl_ice: Didn't work.. and now Networking won't even open for me.. :(05:24
Shin_Goukiompual , yes i did the md5 was ok from the image05:24
Shin_Goukiompual , however how do i check if the CD is burned correctly?05:25
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ompaulShin_Gouki, I do not know how to do this on windows - but copy the image file to the windows machine and do md5sum on it05:25
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ompaulShin_Gouki, not the disk but the image - you need to figure that out from your burning software05:25
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Shin_Goukiompual , idid use nero as i said the imgae on HD had a CORRECT md505:26
ompaulShin_Gouki, maybe it does not work with your hardware05:26
Shin_Goukiompual , what does not work with my HW?05:26
ompaulShin_Gouki, i'll have a quick look on thenew05:26
ompaulShin_Gouki, ubuntu05:27
ompaulShin_Gouki, it is a fairly low spec machine but it might05:27
Shin_Goukiu say Pentium MMX is NOT supported??05:27
jjazzHow can I scan for available wireless networks?05:27
ompaulShin_Gouki, no I said I will look now please give me a couple of minutes to do that05:27
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Shin_Goukiompaul , i give u all time u need05:28
Shin_Goukijjazz do not use wireless it sucks :P05:28
vengefulHi:-) I have the 5.10 preview installed and have alittle uestion. I see theres an update for xorg and such..should i install this? Basicly i have tried debian, freebsd, mandriva, fedora core4 so far and all i have had problems getting into the GUI with.(have an inspiron 6000 and theres no official driver yet for graphics)..Ubuntu works great...do you think if i upgrade i will have the same problems?05:28
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BiSK-8hello again05:28
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BiSK-8why dosent the make command work in my terminal???05:29
vengefulusing sudo ?05:29
NightLordEeerrrrrrmmmmmmm,,,    I   ggottttt a      mmmmmmmmmaaaaaaajjjjoooooor   prooooooblllllem     wwwwwwwwitttttthhhh    mmmyyyy kyebbbbooooaaaarrrrrd05:29
BiSK-8vengeful: u talkin' 2 me?05:30
Anak1nI have problem xmms only start if I type in root console xmms :S05:30
darkheartBiSK-8 You need to be a bit more explicit in your problem.05:30
Shin_Goukiompaul, i go now to reboot but i ll return05:30
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NightLordpllllleaseeee      hhheeeeelllllllp05:31
ChousukeNightLord: Sorry: :D05:31
BiSK-8darkheart: it just wont work, i try 2 use the make command and it says that the comand dosent exist05:31
NightLorddddo       you    kkkkknnnow       hooooowwww lllooonng    iiittttt     tooooookkkk   toooooo  ttttyyyyppppeeeee    mmmmmyyyyy      ppppasswwwwoooorddd     innn     oooonnnn      xxxccccchhhhaaaattttt?05:31
pl_icehm, crash test :)05:32
NightLordthhhhiiiiissssss       onlyyy  hhhhappppppppeeennnnsssssss   wwwwwheeeen i lllllooooogggg  innnn  nnnnnnnnottt  aaaaatttt thhhheeeeee    llloooooggggiiiiiiiinnnnn scccrrrreennnnn05:32
BiSK-8wanna stop05:32
WhiteRabbitNightLord, thats retarded05:32
BiSK-8i cant understand anything05:32
darkheartBiSK-8 Okay, that helps more.05:32
concept10that is hilarious05:32
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darkheartBiSK-8 That means either make isn't installed on your system, or it's not in your path.05:32
WhiteRabbitNightLord, even a child could come up with a better way to annoy without being noticed than that05:32
trans_errwhats the applet on the live cd that does wireless strength monitoring?05:32
darkheartBiSK-8 What are you trying to make?05:33
NightLordgooodddddddddaaaaamnnniiiit,,,    ttttthhhhhiiiss       iiisn'''t  rrriigggggeeeeeddddd05:33
BooZeesnorks: you here?05:33
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NightLordtttthhiiiiis issssss aaa    sssseeeriiiiiioooouuuus prrrrrroobleeemmmmm         aaaannndddd     nooooooooooonnneee tttttttaaaakkeeesss     iiittt     serrrriiiiiouuussssslyyy!!!05:33
Anak1ntrans_err: network monitor05:33
BiSK-8darkheart: a mouce theme05:33
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darkheartBiSK-8 Okay, I don't know what that is, but have you installed the build-essential package?05:33
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ChousukeNightLord: Check your keyboard settings.05:34
AnswerQuestion: Does anybody use scrot or other screenshot programs?  Can you capture display 0 ?05:34
naliothubotu: tell NightLord about conduct05:34
BiSK-8is there any list of the most important apt-get packages that i should install?05:34
ChousukeNightLord: and accessibility settings.05:34
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Chousukenalioth: Now what if his problem was real? :P05:34
Anak1ndo anyone use skype on ubuntu?05:34
BiSK-8darkheart, may i query?05:35
ompaulAnak1n, some do indeed05:35
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naliothChousuke: do you know how much it takes to type in that fashion?05:36
darkheartBiSK-8 Well, that's kind of a subjective question. But if you are building stuff, then you want build-essential =) You know how to apt-get stuff, right?05:36
bzimageAnswer, import?05:36
Chousukenalioth: no?05:36
bzimageimport -window username -display servername:0 myfile01.extension05:36
SMEXEhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70488 - can anyone help????   I know I've been a pain, but.... :S05:36
hubsican't someone help me with that packages? :/05:37
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naliothhubsi: i'm sorry i missed your question05:38
hubsithe same question like two hours before :)05:38
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ompaulNightLord, there is an answer at the bottom of that page - setting >>psmouse<< replaced with >> psmouse rate=40 << /etc/modules05:38
SteveKerrwas wondering if someone could help me...i'm trying to get the clam antivirus package, but i keep getting this error msg: "W: Failed to fetch http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/dists/hoary-backports/universe/binary-i386/libclamav1_0.85.1-2~5.04ubp1_i386.deb05:39
SteveKerr  404 Not Found" i know my sources.list file is typed right05:39
hubsiyou dont have to apologize :)05:39
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naliothSteveKerr: backports are evil. search "planet.ubuntulinux.org" for "backports"05:39
hubsii just want that i can download the packages again :/05:39
SteveKerrthanks nalioth05:40
hubsiover apt-get05:40
ompaulSteveKerr, double what nalioth said about backports05:40
NightLordttttthaannkkks oooompppppaulllllll05:40
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NightLordi'''''llll    ttttttrrrrrry      iiittt05:40
ompaulNightLord, don't type - just act :) see what happens05:41
naliothNightLord: stop that nonsense05:41
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BooZeewhat is nautilus ?05:41
ubotuBooZee: Do they come in packets of five?05:41
naliothBooZee: a gnome file mangler05:41
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ompaulNightLord, use the text here or on the page to cut and paste once you get the file open - suggest paste this into a terminal >>sudo nano /etc/modules<<05:42
pl_iceSMEXE , hey, did u change ur gateway to urs?05:42
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naliothBooZee: sorry, freudian slip. file manager05:43
Anak1ne pricha li neko srpski ovde?05:43
hubsidoesnt someone know a list of packagesites where i can download the stuff05:43
SMEXEpl_ice: It still wouldn't work.. and Networking from admin tools won't work for me anymore.. :/05:43
Chousukenalioth: Why do you refuse to believe it's not his fault?05:43
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MyxomatosisAlright, now I need some help.05:43
naliothubotu: tell hubsi about sources05:43
MyxomatosisI'm trying to network my Windows PC to me Ubuntu one.05:43
pl_iceSMEXE , but did u change gateway to ur ip? couse i used mine one the forum05:43
ChousukeIf he was a troll, he wouldn't be silent right now.05:43
MyxomatosisI'm vaguely aware I need to edit the Samba file, just not sure how exactly.05:43
naliothChousuke: are you gonna tell me his keyboard is doing it so nice and neatly?05:43
ompaulChousuke, may I message you?05:43
SMEXEpl_ice: yeah, i did.. mine's
NightLordnnnnaaallllliiioooooooothhhhhhh:::     tttttthiiiiiiisss        isssss   nnootttttt  nnnnooooonseeeeenssssseee,,      pleaaaaaaassse beeeellllllieeevvvvee mmmmeeee      heerrrrreee05:44
Chousukenalioth: it's just repeating characters?05:44
Chousukeompaul: for what reason?05:44
pl_iceSMEXE , can u change the router for static? and then try everyting? ...05:44
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=== BooZee [n=buzi@bzq-215-147.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
Answerbzimage: I don't see import anywhere05:45
BooZeedamn... i'm a f***ing newbie!05:45
ompaulto explain why although I don't believe I did was I did :)05:45
BooZeewhat did you say there about nautilus?05:45
naliothChousuke: it's a common "cutesy" script addition in some folk(s) books05:45
BooZeefile manager?05:45
SMEXEpl_ice: that I can't do.. The whole network's DHCP, and my dad's laptop is running some important stuff.. I can't really change the whole system..05:45
AnswerQuestion: Does anybody use scrot or other screenshot programs?  Can you capture display 0 ?05:46
Chousukeompaul: ok.05:46
netzwhere did the bootloader manager in breezy go?05:46
naliothBooZee: a file manager is what "Windows Explorer" is05:46
BooZeeo.k. got that.05:46
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Myxomatosisnalioth: Can you help me network my two computer together?05:46
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naliothMyxomatosis: maybe05:47
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MyxomatosisUh, okay?05:47
netstarHow many more days until the release of breezy?05:47
seth_k2 weeks ish05:47
pl_iceSMEXE , throw the network line out, then try again05:47
SMEXEpl_ice: hmm?  How do you mean?05:48
naliothMyxomatosis: what do ya have?05:48
pl_icesorry i mean netmask05:48
SMEXEpl_ice: again, how do I do that..? :/05:49
Anak1nwhy skype stop responding when I try to call someone?05:49
BooZeehow do I change my system lang?05:49
BooZeeI want it to be only enabled and not localized05:49
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naliothMyxomatosis: how do you want to network your boxen? i know nothing about samba05:50
pl_iceany one tried thief 3 on ubuntu? i got bloody no graphics etc. ...05:50
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ydolemis there a howto for installing ati drivers05:52
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pl_iceydolem do a search on ubuntuforums.org05:52
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ydolemI didn't find anything that work,05:53
NightLordIT WORKED!05:53
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=== Kaparen [n=Kaparen@c-914ae055.127-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
Anak1nskype help someone please?05:53
NightLordThanks alot for helping ^_^05:53
naliothNightLord: sorry. but you are emulating a script kiddy VERY well05:54
naliothor were05:54
NightLordhow many more times do i have to tell you05:54
NightLordthat was not an act05:54
Toma-Anak1n: just ask05:54
NightLordI am not the only person to suffered from it05:54
_jasonAnak1n:  have you followed: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//SkypeHowto/05:54
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Anak1nskype is conecting and conecting and stop responding why?05:55
NightLordand the ridicule didn't help much you know05:55
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Toma-Anak1n: u running iptables or some sort of other firewall?05:55
Anak1nI folow http://ubuntuguide.org/#skype05:55
BooZeenalioth: how do I change my system lang? it is now localized, and I want it enabled05:55
Anak1nToma-: what can I do to make skype work?05:55
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Toma-well for starters u can answer my question05:56
Kaparenit my second day using Ubuntu Hoary and I wonder if, when released, I can upgrade Hoary to Breezer without actually taking away the whole OS and reinstall?05:56
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NightLordat least someone helped, and i really appreciated it05:56
Anak1nToma-: where to view if any firewall is runing? :s05:56
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darkheartKaparen I believe you can do a dist-upgrade to move to Breezy, but I would recommend a fresh install.05:57
Kaparendarkheart: Ok thanks! May I ask why?05:57
Toma-Anak1n: lsmod | grep iptables05:58
pussfelleri thot the main thing about skpye was, it transferses firewalls without configuration05:58
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snorksDoes anyone know where to tweak direct rendering performance? I got an ATI card05:58
ompaulKaparen, you can05:58
ccookesnorks: tweak in what way?05:58
snorksccooke: performance05:58
darkheartKaparen Well, just to keep things clean and working =) upgrading to an essentially different system can cause problems sometimes.05:58
Toma-snorks: buy a faster one ;)05:58
ccookesnorks: what driver version do you have?05:58
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Anak1ni give up05:59
Anak1ni'll install suse05:59
snorksOpenGL renderer string: RADEON 9800 Pro Generic05:59
snorksOpenGL version string: 1.3.4769 (X4.3.0-8.8.25)05:59
ompaulKaparen, I suggest you do two things before you try to do that, one download burn and md5sum a breezy install CD, second backup your homedirectory, then go for the command line upgrade05:59
Anak1nsuse does not have problem with skype05:59
NightLordwhy analkin05:59
ccookesnorks: dmesg | grep fglrx05:59
NightLordwhats your problem?05:59
Anak1ni need skype05:59
ompaulAnak1n, breezy or hoary?06:00
Anak1nbut skype won't work with gnome06:00
NightLordwhats your problem with it?06:00
ccookesnorks: there'll be a line like "module loaded"06:00
snorksccooke: nothing comes up06:00
ccookesnorks: which includes a version06:00
Anak1nconecting and stand still06:00
ompaulAnak1n, it does, please answer, breezy or hoary?06:00
NightLordso it hangs when connecting06:00
alisherAnalkin: I have Skyp+Gnome06:00
Anak1nnothing responding i must do force quit06:00
ccookesnorks: ... what happens when you type fglrxinfo?06:00
Anak1nalisher: how06:00
Anak1nbreezy hoaray?06:00
alisherI don't know, just installed and enjoy06:01
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ccookesnorks: hmm, you did.06:01
Anak1nalisher: I install it and have trouble06:01
alisherfor skype you need to install qt libraries, right?06:01
snorksccooke: it prints opengl vendor string, yea i did06:01
Anak1nalisher: i install it06:01
ccookesnorks: okay, you must have mistyped the command I sent you06:01
ccookesnorks: dmesg | grep fglrx06:01
snorksccooke: for all it's worth, im reinstalling ubuntu, to x86 (running amd64 now, dont like it)06:01
alisherand, if you start skype from terminal, what you get?06:01
snorksstig@localhost:~$ dmesg | grep fglrx06:02
Anak1nalisher : brb06:02
alisherand which do you use, breezy or hoary?06:02
alisherand where did you get your skype?06:02
=== catfox [n=phendric@84-45-179-10.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kaparenso if I were to reinstall a fresh copy of Breezer I would burn the ISO. Boot up with the CD and then Breezer install will format the partition right? I dont have to pre-format so to say?06:02
alisherwhich version of skype?06:02
ccookesnorks: grep "fglrx.*loaded" /var/log/kern.log06:02
Anak1nalisher: i get skype from http://frankandjacq.com/ubuntuguide/skype_1.2.0.11-1_i386.deb06:03
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alisherdo you use breezy or hoary?06:03
Anak1nalisher: what is breezy and hoary? :s06:03
snorksSep 29 18:22:33 localhost kernel: [fglrx]  module loaded - fglrx 8.8.25 [Jan 14 2005]  on minor 006:03
ompaulalisher, I did try that qestion before, I suggest you try uname -r  and play the very popular match the kernel version to breezy or hoary game :)06:03
alisher5.10 or 5.0406:03
ccookesnorks: Right, good.06:03
ccookesnorks: you're running warty or hoary?06:03
snorksccooke: hoary06:03
ccookesnorks: right. if you upgrade to breezy, you'll get 8.16.20, which is a massive improvement06:04
snorksccooke: ok06:04
ccookesnorks: ... including up to 20% better frame rate.06:04
snorksccooke: will do that once i install x86 version then06:04
snorksccooke: tho i have not done a breezy upgrade before06:04
ccookesnorks: you can also download it from ATI - it'll build its own debs, but they're not trivial to get working.06:04
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ccookesnorks: if you're doing a fresh install, just install breezy. But only if you want to :-)06:04
snorksccooke: ive done the ubuntuguide.org way to get direct rendering before06:04
Shin_Goukinalioth , u want to know now what the Problem waS? it was the CD Writer!06:05
snorksccooke: breezy is stable now?06:05
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naliothShin_Gouki: time for a new dvd dual layer burner, is it?06:05
BooZeewhat iss amba??06:05
BooZeeoops. i ment, what is samba?06:05
ccookesnorks: breezy is still pre release. It is stable in my experience (I'm running it on my work laptop)06:05
BiSK-8samba is a file server i think06:05
Shin_Goukinalioth , the CD which was created could not be booted by same cd writer.. i switched the cd roms & it worked *_*06:05
alisherso, Analkin, you don't know which version of Ubuntu you are using? sad, I think nothing to help w skype here06:05
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ccookesnorks: but if you can wait a week or two, it'll be released.06:05
BooZeewhich means .. ?06:05
naliothShin_Gouki: well i'm glad you're on your way06:05
snorksccooke: nah ill get breezy now06:05
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Shin_Goukinalioth , a very nice person here named : kemik told me yesterday about it.. but only in last few hours it seems i came to reason..06:06
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jjazzBooZee:  Samba is a SMB server.  Google it.06:06
snorksccooke: i remember when i got direct rendering to work when i used gentoo, it was a bitch. is there an easy procedure in breezy?06:06
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BiSK-8how do i set xmmms 2 my default media player?06:06
Shin_Goukinalioth , that does not sound nice:p more likly ur happy that "antother" spambot dissappears..06:06
Anak1nalisher: I use ubuntu 5.04 kernel 2.606:06
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grindhousenalioth is gay06:07
ccookesnorks: for ATI, you just need to install the restricted modules, load them and change the 'radeon' in xorg.conf to 'fglrx'.06:07
ccookesnorks: that's it.06:07
Shin_Goukihe a nice peerson :P06:07
naliothShin_Gouki: i want you in HERE where folks can answer your questions and you can answer theirs06:07
Shin_Goukii know its ok ^^06:07
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Shin_Goukiso ok question:06:07
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grindhousenaloth is gay06:07
grindhousenalioth is gay06:07
ccookesnorks: you need to add 'Option "VideoOverlay" "on"' to the Device section to get xv, though.06:07
ccookesnorks: okay?06:07
grindhousenalioth is gay06:07
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grindhousenalioth is gay06:07
grindhousedont chat with him06:08
Toma-grindhouse: u have the wit of a slug..06:08
alisherAnalkin:    Hoary06:08
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snorksccooke: hm. ill have a look on that :) still a few hours left on my backuping06:08
Shin_Goukiif u chosse server install , and DO NOT install GNOME, which config tool i use to find new HW on the system if i plug into?06:08
snorksccooke: thanks though ;) perhaps I'll look for you when i come to that point06:08
catfoxccooke, you helping another ati'er? :)06:08
naliothbob2: dang i was gonna get him to be creative06:08
bob2Shin_Gouki: even if you install and use gnome, there's no "config tool to find new HW"06:08
naliothbob2: in -offtopic06:08
bob2nalioth: heh, sorry06:08
ccookecatfox: well, why not? :-)06:08
bob2Shin_Gouki: hotplug will load modules for most everything automatically06:08
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BooZee ?06:08
ccookecatfox: my last two work laptops have been vaios, so it's the card I'm most familiar with :-)06:09
catfoxah, i had a vaio once06:09
Shin_Goukibob2, what gui does hotplug require? how do i use it?06:09
Kaparendo I have to pre-format the partition or can I do it in the breezy install? just like I did in the hoary inst.06:09
SanderDHi. Would installing Breezy from start have advantages over upgrading from Hoary/Breezy preview?06:09
naliothKaparen: if you have hoary, you'll upgrade easily06:09
AnswerToma-: slugs have survived many years,  grindhouse not so many.  don't insult slugs like that06:09
bob2Shin_Gouki: there's no gui06:09
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bob2BooZee: ASCII, please06:09
ccookecatfox: they're not bad.06:09
naliothSanderD: none06:09
Toma-hehehe :D06:09
BooZeesorry there...06:09
monany howto to find out what makes your computer crash? (like 5 times in a row when i'm not even using it)06:09
catfoxccooke, i think mine had an intel chipset. we use dell's at my office tho. tbh i've no idea what the video card is06:09
bob2Kaparen: the installer is just like hoary's, you can partition as you go06:09
bob2SanderD: as long as you read the upgrade noties, no06:10
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bob2Shin_Gouki: it loads modules automatically06:10
BooZeedoes anybody knows how can I change my systems lang ? It is localized, and I want to make it enabled instead..06:10
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PeerSofthey everyone.06:10
Shin_Goukibob2, no gui, ... i see the fun with linux starts & end with the prompt.. ;)06:10
SanderDnalioth & bob2: Okay, then I'll just upgrade. Thanks.06:10
ompaulKaparen, I thought we had been over that ground, a couple of minutes ago, you can upgrade on the fly, and you can back up your home directory and make a CD in case of problems06:10
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bob2Shin_Gouki: there's nothing to do06:10
naliothSanderD: ubuntu's package management is made for easy upgrades (and never having to install again)06:10
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bob2Shin_Gouki: the module gets loaded, software can start using the hardware06:11
ubuntuhi all06:11
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snorksccooke: ubuntu-5.10-preview-install-i386.iso is correct?06:11
bob2Shin_Gouki: what would you want the gui to do?06:11
ccookesnorks: http://tinyurl.com/85dry06:11
ccookesnorks: colony 5 is the latest update to the preview06:11
Shin_Goukiok ill try u hear from me if i have problems: i want to tank : nalioth, ompaul & kemik, bob 2 if ur in awhile still on i tell ya , hopefully next time from ubuntu & not from win9x like ATM ^^06:11
ubuntuNeed help! X is broken on my hoary... should i make klean install? can i fix it from breezy live cd?06:12
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snorksccooke: thanks man06:12
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logrushi all06:12
catfoxi've convinced one company director that we should be using ubuntu on our servers. need to get one more to come around now :)06:12
snorksccooke: dling06:12
bob2catfox: hah, cool06:13
catfoxanyone else using ubuntu in a production env?06:13
ccookecatfox: lucky!06:13
bob2tho, if you're the admin, careful yo udon't talk yourself out of your job ;p06:13
Kaparenompaul, I was worrying about the partition 'format' but I understand now, sorry..I am a total newbie at this. Thank you people for answering my questions.06:13
catfoxbob2, the one i've convinced is actually the technical director. so thats the hard one out of the way :)06:13
wickedpuppycatfox, i suppose ubuntulinux.com ?06:13
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ccookecatfox: we can't do that without more supported apps and support.06:13
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ccookealthough I'd still probably prefer Debian on the server.06:14
catfoxccooke, yeah thats a prob. but we write all our apps on plone, and deploy them on linux boxes so it's not too much of a problem here06:14
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catfoxplone & zope06:14
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ccookecatfox: I've heard more people cursing at zope than eulogising it...06:15
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catfoxccooke, i'm one of them ;)06:15
ccookecatfox: is it as bad as people make it sound?06:15
catfoxit's just so inconsistent06:15
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ubuntuhow do i acess X config files on Hd from live cd?06:15
catfoxit's powerfull, but a hard one to learn to 'do things right'06:15
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ompaulKaparen, okay, we all learn something every day, sometimes its a lot other times its a little :)06:15
catfoxwe're looking at django and ruby on rails this weekend.06:16
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monubuntu: can you access your HD already?06:16
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p0windahgali gai fan time06:16
ubuntumon: no i dont think so....06:16
monubuntu: and i take it you're not familiar with mounting then06:17
=== Secreth`X [n=leaNdro\@56.173-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
monwhat was it...06:17
mon~tell ubuntu about mounting06:17
mon!tell ubuntu about mounting06:17
mon!tell ubuntu about mount06:17
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monubuntu: read what ubotu says06:17
p0windah!tell ubuntu about spamming06:17
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ompaulmon, why not do it with /msg ubotu blah :) then we only see the good one ;-)06:18
monmaybe ubotu should know "aliases"06:18
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jstrubbergcatfox, depending on how the rollout of LTSP on Breezy goes, we may be switching to a Ubuntu/thin client shop.06:18
monompaul: i'm not so familiar with ubotu yet :)06:18
naliothmon: what do you want to know?06:18
ubuntumon: i have written i down in a text file but i have it on my hd06:18
christian-what's the command to cp an entire folder somewhere else? sudo cp foldername/*.* /usr/destination ?06:18
monnalioth: mount, got it already. thanks06:18
ompaulnalioth, he got it :)06:18
=== ompaul slaps self for assumption#
ccookechristian-: cp -a foldername /usr/destination06:18
christian-ccooke, thank you !06:19
Secreth`XCan you access your C:\ with the live CD?06:19
ccookechristian-: -av if you want it to tell you what it does06:19
monnalioth: thanks :006:19
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mon:) i mean06:19
catfoxjstrubberg, good stuff. ts stuff in linux is pretty good06:19
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rlynchhey all06:20
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rlynchi'm trying to compile rhythmbox from CVS and am running into an odd error06:20
monubuntu: do you use xchat atm?06:20
whoiamanybody know how do I can add a user to sudoers list ?06:20
rlynchthe autogen.sh says this:06:20
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rlynch libtool.m4 not found06:20
rlynch  glib-gettext.m4 not found06:20
rlynch  intltool.m4 not found06:20
rlynch  pkg.m4 not found06:20
jstrubbergYeah, the tough sell is convincing the users that the retraining isn't that big a deal...06:21
rlynch  gtk-doc.m4 not found06:21
monwhoiam: visudo06:21
ubuntumon> yes!06:21
ubuntumon: yes!06:21
rlynchand those .debs are installed06:21
rlynchanyone have a solution to this?06:21
naliothrlynch: please dont paste in here anymore06:21
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Secreth`XCan you access your HD with the live CD?06:21
monubuntu: you should see a tab named "ubotu" just like there's one called #ubuntu. read what ubotu says06:21
naliothrlynch: open synaptic and find those packages. install their -dev brethren06:21
monSecreth`X: sure06:21
bob2rlynch: sudo apt-get build-dep rhythmbox ; sudo apt-get install libtool automake06:22
Secreth`Xhow mon?06:22
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bob2!+find libtool.m406:22
ubotuUbuntu Search of 'libtool.m4' (5 shown): (/usr/share/libtool/libtool.m4) in devel/libtool ;; (/usr/lib/php4/build/libtool.m4) in devel/php4-dev ;; (/usr/share/aclocal/libtool.m4) in devel/libtool,universe/devel/libtool1.4 ;; (/usr/share/apps/kapptemplate/admin/libtool.m4.in) in universe/devel/kapptemplate ;; (/usr/share/doc/gettext-doc/examples/hello-c++-kde/admin/libtool.m4.in) in doc/gettext-doc.06:22
ubuntumon: i did thanks.... i get : mount: you must specify the filesystem type06:22
rlynchim on breezy btw06:23
naliothrlynch: follow bob2's instructions06:23
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monubuntu: you sure you used the right device? (/dev/hd*?)06:23
Secreth`Xmon: how?06:24
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funkyHatis it possible to set php safe mode per-virtualserver?06:24
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monSecreth`X: sorry for the delay. read ubotu's note06:24
Secreth`Xok thx06:24
ubuntumon: i have hda  hda1  hda2  hda5  hdc  hdd06:25
monubuntu: and ubuntu is hda2?06:25
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monubuntu: or wait, 5 i'd guess?06:25
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ubuntumon: i wish i knew.... :)06:25
monubuntu: try cfdisk /dev/hda06:25
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ubuntumon: thx!06:26
monubuntu: it will tell you what the partitiontable looks like. don't change anything, just quit afterwards :)06:26
shedifunkyHat, are you asking about virtual hosting or virtual servers06:26
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funkyHatvirtual servers06:26
funkyHatnot chrooted hosting06:26
monnalioth: does ubotu know about "where (as in what partition) did i install ubuntu" already? seems to come up often06:27
ubotuI heard windowsdrives is Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows partions mount automatically06:27
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ubuntumon> hda1 is ext3 and hda5 is swap06:27
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ubuntumon: so i guess hda1 is my freind06:27
monubuntu: so you should use "mount /dev/hda1 /something"06:27
christian-'s the ubuntu equivalent of ctrl-alt-del ?06:27
naliothmon: i dont think so (re ubotu)06:28
monubuntu: indeed it is :)06:28
funkyHatchristian-, as in the task manager?06:28
Rockett18dont forget -t ext306:28
rlynchbob2: i followed your instrucions, which led to severel .debs being installed, but i get the same error06:28
funkyHatapplications > system tools > system monitor06:28
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monnalioth: i'm not a regular here, but it seems to get asked about every day? maybe for in the ToDo list :)06:28
ubuntumon: and something could be any folder in home?06:28
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Dalik01I am running 5.04 and I have an audigy1 card with alsa sound drivers and my sound crackes and pops, mostly when graphics are drawn like moving windows and scroll bars.  Anyone know how to fix this?06:28
jstrubberghda, hdb, hdc, etc are physical disks, hda1, hda3, etc are partitions.  Your data partition on the first drive should be hda1. Then /home/whatever06:28
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monubuntu: i'd recommend you make a temporary directory like "mkdir /ubuntu" and then mount it there06:29
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tarvidi want to retrieve a file from the net with something like wget and put it in a spcific directory06:29
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tarvidall I find is the -O option06:29
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monany howto to find out what makes your computer crash? (like 5 times in a row when i'm not even using it)06:30
Anak1nskype help again I use Hoaray06:30
=== Buddha| [n=mike@adsl-152-56-145.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntumon: thx!!!! now i just gotta figure out how to fix my gfx setup files.. i just made a normal upgrade yesterday... but my hd i playing funny lately06:30
Buddha|What version of GCC does Ubuntu use?06:30
tarvidthis shouldn't be hard06:30
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Buddha|Ubuntu 5.10, sorry06:30
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monubuntu: try whatever you want, but making a backup is something you won't regret :)06:30
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shediBuddha|, dpkg -l | grep gcc06:30
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monubuntu: with xorg-config you can reconfigure xorg06:31
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Hoxzermon: can you master the nonverbal cheating?06:31
monHoxzer: ehr, que?06:31
ubuntumon: is that automatic? can i run it from breezy?06:31
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naliothBuddha|: 4.006:31
pejcaoI need help to install lilo in such a way that it only boots winxp, since I'm moving my linux hdd to it's own machine06:31
monubuntu: you need to chroot, read ubotu's notes :)06:32
monubuntu: it's not automatic you need to answer some questions, but its easy06:32
pejcaoproblem is that if I take out the linux hdd lilo doesnt works06:32
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Hoxzermon: can you cheat your emotions by your expressions06:32
Secreth`Xmon: erm I dont know what i've got to do with both ubotu's suggestions :S06:33
XHKWhy i dont have sounds in kde??06:33
monHoxzer: eeehr... i think the answer is no, but really what are you talking about :)06:33
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Hoxzeryou know peapol believe more in nonverbmessagin than normal mouth to ear messaging06:33
monHoxzer: yeah i know that that is important06:33
XHKAnd in gnome sound gets muted every startup :S06:33
XHKCan someone help me plz06:33
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HoxzerIf you cheat it you can even cheat others so they think you cheat them06:33
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Buddha|I'm trying to compile a package from source, and I get: '/bin/sh: gcc: command not found'06:33
naliothpejcao: use a win9x boot disk and clean your /mbr06:34
XHKWhy i dont have sounds in KDE?06:34
naliothBuddha|: install "build-essential"06:34
Dalik01I am running 5.04 and I have an audigy1 card with alsa sound drivers and my sound crackes and pops, mostly when graphics are drawn like moving windows and scroll bars.  Anyone know how to fix this?  Just turned off the volume and I am still getting the scratching sound.06:34
monHoxzer: what did i say to start this difficult philosophy?06:34
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pejcaonalioth, win xp boots ok, can I doit from there?06:34
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monSecreth`X: basicly, you don't know how to mount?06:35
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Secreth`Xmon: correct, I just started with Ubuntu, I just have the live CD ;p sorry that I didn't mentioned that06:35
ubuntumon: chroot my hda1 partition?06:35
BiSK-8how do i install gdm themes?06:35
monubuntu: mount it, then chroot the directory where you mounted it yeah06:36
pejcaoBiSK-8, from gdm's onw gui06:36
HendricI can't browse another PC on my network (all using ubuntu). I've shared the home directory using the Share Folder utility.. but i am being asked for a password when clicking on the group.. even if i didn't set any.06:36
XHKCan someone help me plz, i dont have any sounds in kde, and in gnome sound is muted on every startup =/06:36
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BiSK-8pejcao, and wheres that?06:36
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Hendrici shared it using samba options06:36
JFim having a problem with my unbuntu live cd: when i boot from it it give me some lines about usb driver and such installing, but then say sumtyhing like DR-ROM: _. I dont know hwo to use the console06:37
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ubuntumon:thanx man! and then i guess i can just run xorg-config06:37
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pejcaoBiSK-8, in gdm (maybe u can use gdm's Xnest shooser to try it in yer desktop)06:37
monubuntu: jup06:37
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BiSK-8pejcao, yes but where's gdm?06:37
steve81Excuse me, I have a flybook that doesn't boot from usb cddrive. there is a way to boot ubuntu installer from a usb pen?06:38
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pejcaoBiSK-8, its config06:38
XHKCan someone help me plz, i dont have any sounds in kde, and in gnome sound is muted on every startup =/06:38
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naliothubotu: tell XHK about sound06:39
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stoeptegelsomeone knows anything about installing kernel linux-2.6.10-7 with kynaptic showing up as vmlinuz-2.6.10-5-k7 in the system?06:39
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maeHi, I have 'start search & indexing services automatically" enabled under preferences.. but beagled and best do not start on their own i have to do it manually, I am on fully updated breezy06:39
XHKnalioth: is there written about kde too?06:39
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naliothXHK: i'm not sure. perhaps you should ask in #kubuntu06:39
BiSK-8pejcao: wat does that mean???? where can i find it? where do i heve 2 click?06:39
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naliothmae: you must attract them...  :)06:40
JFdoes anyone know how to burn the livecd using nero?06:40
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naliothJF: just like you burn any iso image06:41
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maewhen are the 13 year olds going to get sick of trying to 'roxor' irc channels06:41
pejcaoBiSK-8, sry, /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf : ConfigAvailable=false06:41
pejcao <-- true06:41
JFi can do it with reg nero but not with nero xpress, i tried bootable data disc but the disc never booted06:41
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=== JF slaps aigarius around a bit with a large trout
XHKnalioth: I had sound prioblem in gnome too and that page u gave me helped to solve the problem, but still it unmutes sounds on startup :S06:42
monJF: you downloaded an iso right? you can just open the iso and nero and burn it06:42
JFok lemme try that06:42
steve81Excuse me, I have a flybook that doesn't boot from usb cddrive. there is a way to boot ubuntu installer from a usb pen?06:42
naliothJF: you shouldnt have to select anything. the iso is a bootable image (no matter how you burn it)06:43
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pejcaonalioth, oka, got winxp bootable cd, are there spetial instrucctions on rewriting mbr?06:45
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mirakis there a significant performance difference between SATA and IDE hard drive s?06:45
monmirak: none as far as i expierence06:46
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Rockett18unless you get SATA206:46
JFalright just so i know if the disc im about to attempt to boor from is good, what should be one of the first things to happen once the live cd starts to boot?06:46
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monJF: you should see a brown scren with the ubuntu logo06:47
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naliothmirak: you'll see a bigger difference if you move large contiguous files06:47
mirakhow large ?06:48
JFk hopefully i wont brb cuz if i am then it means it didnt work :)06:48
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miraknalioth: I see, the problem is still the mecanic06:48
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pejcaonalioth, oka, fdisk /mbr THX!06:48
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naliothPenguin: have fun06:49
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naliothmirak: i find my xfer speed increases the larger the file is06:49
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boxmanhow do you get the treble/bass sliders working in ubuntu?? using a sblive card..06:50
boxmanthe sliders seems to do absolutely nothing at all :\06:50
boxmani used to have it working in debian.06:50
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Tomcat_boxman: Probably the wrong slider... check in the prefs if there are other sliders for treble/bass.06:52
boxmanthere is no other sliders.. already checked06:52
boxmani think i had to install something extra on debian, but i dont recall what..06:52
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Secreth`XI can't mount my windows drives06:54
Belutz!tell Secreth`X  about windowsdrives06:54
Secreth`Xalready tried that06:55
Secreth`Xdidn't work either06:55
BelutzSecreth`X, sudo mount -a ?06:55
Secreth`XI'm afraid you have to be more clearly, I'm a big newbie :)06:56
BelutzSecreth`X, you already run that winmac_fstab script ?06:56
naliothSecreth`X: you say you are a newbie. what did you do with the info from the "windowsdrives" msg?06:56
monBelutz: fdisk can't read his partition table06:56
Belutzmon, i see06:57
monSecreth`X: hmm now i think of it. did you use the dreadful partition magic perhaps?06:57
Belutzwell, nalioth got him covered06:57
Secreth`Xnalioth, not much because I don't know what to do with it,,06:57
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hmrochacan i use an hp pocket pc in ubuntu?06:57
naliothSecreth`X: open it with your favorite text editor and read it06:58
monhmrocha: one way to find out: try it. (ok 2 ways, try google)06:58
boxmanno one? :\06:58
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Secreth`XMaybe I need to mention, this is the live CD06:59
RockyBurthow do i install additional (per-user) truetype fonts  with gnome?06:59
Secreth`Xbut ok nalioth i'v done it06:59
Secreth`Xand then?06:59
naliothSecreth`X: have you executed the script?06:59
Secreth`Xehm no07:00
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naliothubotu: tell Secreth`X about cli07:00
benkong2I have a problem trying to build the 32bit chroot environment the command "sudo chroot /chroot/" gives an error "chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory"  I am using the wiki docs. What's wrong?07:01
ThunderguyOk, Ubuntu uses the Sudo system... but let's say one gets a virus using the sudoer account that is aware of sudo commands?07:02
naliothbenkong2: amd64 is whats wrong (chroot is seeming to be a big headache for lots of amd64 users)07:02
naliothThunderguy: virus?07:02
benkong2nalioth; aw shucks just trying to get a flash environment in firefox07:03
Thunderguymaybe not the same as in windows, but a script on some unix site, and somebody executes it?07:03
ThunderguyI don't know :)07:03
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monThunderguy: someone shouldn't execute random scripts from the web07:03
MrFaberhi all07:03
monThunderguy: but yeah, scary things could happen then07:03
ThunderguyThat's true, but how do people get viruses on windows?07:03
jstrubbergAin't no virus worries here, but user silliness is alive and well.....07:03
naliothbenkong2: yes. i've assumed the opinion that the 686 kernel is almost humanly indifferent, but allows all the toys on amd64 hardware07:03
Thunderguyif they are not executing random scripts.07:03
MrFaberDoes anyone have experiences with loop-aes?07:04
Secreth`Xehm ok nalioth i executed it07:04
monThunderguy: step 1: connect windows pc to the Net, step 2: wait for virusses07:04
jstrubbergThunder, you can infect windows just by visiting a site..07:04
naliothSecreth`X: so look in /media for your drives07:04
benkong2yeah but I'd have to rebuild my box for that correct?07:04
Thunderguyah, firefox doesn't auto-open stuff?07:04
naliothbenkong2: back up your homedir (unless its on its own partition)07:04
ThunderguyI never used Internet Explorer <- I'm an IE noob07:05
MrFaberThunderguy: LOL07:05
jstrubbergWouldn't matter if it did, actually.  Linux doesn't allow processes to be started by users with elevated permissions like windows does.  Much better security.07:05
monnalioth: as far as i figured out. his windows partition is on /dev/hdc but fdisk can't read that disk07:05
ThunderguyWell Ok, I used IE on someone elses computer for about 2 minutes I said Omg! I can't open a tab!07:05
boxmanThunderguy, you actually dont even need to browse for your system to be infected.. If your pc is hooked up to the internet without a firewall, then you will already be infected during the windows installation process.07:06
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boxmanas soon as lan is up, you are infected..07:06
naliothmon: we'll see07:06
Secreth`XI got it working07:06
naliothSecreth`X: are they in /media?07:06
Thunderguyauctually, I disconnect my computer during any installation process.07:06
Thunderguywell on the OS level.07:06
boxmani do so too now.. :)07:06
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ThunderguyThat ClamAv isn't that just for email servers?07:06
darkheartThunderguy clamav is for scanning files for viruses.07:07
kevogodI have upgraded to Breezy and when it mounts CD-ROMs, it does simply titles the CD-ROM as "CD-ROM Disc" when it has a title.07:07
ThunderguyI know something I recommend to windows users... AVG.., I notice they have a linux version, think it would be worth a try with Ubuntu?07:07
naliothThunderguy: clamav exists for *nix users who want to clean b4 sending on to their windows using grandmothers07:07
ThunderguyThats all I would wish to do.07:07
BiSK-8p/query pejcao07:07
jstrubbergAVG works very well.  I use it on all my remaining windows boxes07:08
monThunderguy: why start about sudo viruses then :)07:08
naliothThunderguy: clamav is also usable via many other process, as you've mentioned scanning email on a server being one use07:08
ThunderguyDo you think it would work well on Ubuntu? Avg?07:08
BiSK-8how do i install gdm themes ?07:08
naliothThunderguy: there is no need for it07:08
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monfor windows files i assume07:08
ThunderguyWell see, this is what I'm thinking, ClamAv was never meant to auctually protect a windows computer, so I can't expect it to update quite as fast correct?07:09
naliothThunderguy: it updates hourly07:09
darkheartThunderguy Um...not really.07:09
BiSK-8can any1 tell me how do i install gdm themes ?07:09
jstrubbergI guess you could use it to insure you weren't passing on an infected file, but your exposure to viruses on a *nix platform is nil07:09
ThunderguyMy workstation is the only one within an entire windows enviroment.07:09
naliothBiSK-8: /msg ubotu repeat07:09
darkheartThunderguy You don't need to be worrying about Windows viruses on a Linux box anyway.07:09
ThunderguyI need to be worrying about possibly affecting a windows box.07:10
jstrubbergI would think you would be better off putting the AVG on the windows box, then07:10
ThunderguyThat's true.07:10
jstrubbergLinux doesn't need it, so why spend the overhead?07:10
kevogodI am unable to play Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne as the disc is labeled as "CD-ROM Disc" in Breezy. This was not the case in Hoary.07:10
Thunderguywell I would put it on linux, but not run it day to day..07:10
darkheartThunderguy I would assume that the windows boxes have more to worry about than you infecting them. But I use clamav for all my mail and it works fine.07:11
Thunderguyjust for instance run it when I want to check files going out.07:11
ThunderguyWell I'm not worried about mail, most of my data goes out on CD's07:11
naliothThunderguy: what you NEED to do is put your linux box on the inbound leg of the network, run squid + clamd on it, and let your windows neighbors have a little bit better chance to not catch viruses07:11
BiSK-8naolith: im sorry07:11
BiSK-8im just getting tired07:11
naliothBiSK-8: sleep. we'll be here07:12
Thunderguybut ClamAV scans everything right?07:12
Thunderguyif configured properly?07:12
Thunderguynot just email?07:12
BiSK-8naolith: can u help me?07:12
monkevogod: that title thing could be a bug, but shouldn't have anything to do with playing the game07:12
benkong2nalioth; is there a way to back up my conf files all at one time example .bashrc openssh etc. ?07:12
naliothThunderguy: if it is configured properly clamd will scan everything up and down07:12
kevogodmon: Yes, the game looks for the title of the CD-ROM disc and if it does not find it, it will not allow you to play.07:13
naliothbenkong2: back up your homedir07:13
kevogodmon: It is most certainly related.07:13
benkong2nalioth; k07:13
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naliothBiSK-8: sorry i know nothing about themes (i prefer my console)07:13
ABRAXAS77is there anybody from a country with english language?, I need if somebody is able to correct me a letter in english please,is short, im sorry for bother with something not relationed with linux.07:13
naliothABRAXAS77: join #ubuntu-offtopic07:13
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ThunderguyWhat about rooter viruses?07:14
monkevogod: hmm no expierence with that. i just used a no-cd crack for WCIII and it works great07:14
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jstrubbergrouter viruses?07:14
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kevogodIt did work great until I upgraded to Breezy.07:15
ThunderguyViruses such as this: http://www.viruslist.com/en/viruses/encyclopedia?virusid=4777907:15
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ThunderguyI would need a rootkit right?07:15
eddanI want to remove the gnome games and evolution but synaptic wants to uninstall the ubuntu-desktop package. Can't I keep ubuntu-desktop if I want to remove those?07:15
naliothThunderguy: viruses dont bother us too much in the *nix world07:15
Thunderguynah, there is a specific type of virus for linux that I know of, it's not very common.07:16
kevogodeddan, You can remove the ubuntu-desktop package and everything will be fine.07:16
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clinfixhow can I play mp3?07:16
eddankevogod: Ok, thanks. May I ask what it does?07:16
naliothubotu: tell clinfix about mp307:16
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eddanubotu: tell eddan about mp307:17
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ubotuwell, mp3 is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support07:17
ubuntumon: thx for help.. ill try restaqrt now :)07:17
darkheartThunderguy I would worry more about getting hit by a falling airplane than getting a virus on your not-completed-outdated linux box.07:17
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nerpevolution rules.07:17
monnalioth: here i have one for you :) i just told ubotu to tell him the same thing. if everyone uses /msg then a user could get spammed 10 times in a row?07:17
kevogodeddan, It is the default Ubuntu install.07:17
ubotuI guess skype is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SkypeHowto/, or deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free07:17
monubuntu: np, good luck07:17
darkheartThunderguy not-completely-outdated*07:17
Thunderguydarkheart: It's funny.. I worry about falling airplanes07:17
naliothmon: ubotu has a time limit07:17
ogi_is it possible that xt bios on a radeon 9800 pro could create problems when I try to get 3D acceleration to work?07:17
monnalioth: ah brilliant. forget i said something07:17
darkheartThunderguy Hehe.07:17
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kevogodeddan, It basically just installs all the packages part of Ubuntu.07:18
naliothmon: learning is not to be apologetic over07:18
kevogodeddan, Removing it will not remove the packages it installs.07:18
ThunderguyHey is there a good CD-DVD Recording tools front-end for Gnome? ( such as K3B in Kubuntu ) ?07:18
monnalioth: i know, still it seems i assume to much sometimes :)07:19
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monThunderguy: depends on what you want to do07:19
ThunderguyRecord audio cd's, burn Iso images, record cd-rw's, create dvd's07:19
MrFaberThunderguy: cdroast or something like that but it is not as good07:20
jstrubbergI think you can do all of that with a right click, actually...07:20
Thunderguyah, you know something that might be desktop independent?07:20
monThunderguy: there's gnomebaker and coaster but k3b still has my preference07:20
monThunderguy: cdrtools ;)07:20
ThunderguyOf course.07:20
jstrubbergnautilus works fine for recording DVDs and CDs07:20
ThunderguyWould K3B work in Gnome? >.>07:20
ubotumplayer is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto.  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106107:20
monThunderguy: just great07:20
monThunderguy: ehr, works just great i meant07:21
MrFaberThunderguy: of course07:21
clinfixI cant install k3b-mp3 package , it says package not found,how can I install it?07:21
monThunderguy: ofcourse it just needs to load some libraries so it takes a little while07:21
nenotnomwhat's going on with the mirrormax backports?07:21
MrFaberThunderguy: you have never used IE except your two minutes and you don't know that K3B works under Gnome? :-D07:21
Anak1ncan someone tell me what to use for cd/dvd burning k3b or something else?07:22
Thunderguysee I noticed when I went to kubuntu desktop, gnome programs didn't want to work there, not sure if it is vice-versa07:22
MrFaberThunderguy: have you been froozen for ten years? ;)07:22
snorksAnak1n: gnomebaker07:22
ubotuNo idea, Anak1n07:22
ubotusnorks: Wish i knew07:22
ThunderguyMrFaber: I been using the command line mostly in linux07:22
Anak1nnothing from ubotu07:22
MrFaberThunderguy: thats strange but seems logical07:22
ThunderguyI couldn't get over ncurses07:23
snorksAnak1n: apt-cache search gnomebaker07:23
ThunderguyIt was just so fun.07:23
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_jasoni'm curious... can you get ubuntu on a handheld?07:23
monThunderguy: you're kidding me :)07:23
ThunderguyThen someone tells me, dude.. they have an xserver !07:23
nenotnomanyone else having problem connecting to the mirrormax backport?07:23
=== werto [n=werto@adsl-ull-249-248.49-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
wertoyo all ^__^/07:23
ThunderguyIrssi was my favorite chat client07:24
wertoi'm a new ubuntu breezy user07:24
ThunderguyLynx was my favorite browser.07:24
Thunderguyand I used Mutt for my email.07:24
nenotnomhej werto07:24
wertoi had some problems07:24
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funkyHattell us about them then. we can probably help you with them07:24
wertoi've a hp pavilion amd64, and i installed ubuntu breezy amd64, so there are some problems with w32codecs and marillat repository and ati driver07:25
mattyJis there anyway to use voip with google talk in linux yet?07:25
monmattyJ: check the google talk website on gaim07:25
wertoso i can't listen to mp3 and about video, i've to set xorg with vesa and not with ati07:25
Anak1nsnoks: thanks ;)07:25
wertobut i've a ati xpress 200m ..07:26
monwerto: i have zero experience with amd64 installs, but i'd recommend a 32bit install for now07:26
Anak1nsnorks: thanks ;)07:26
mattyJmon: i did, didnt say anything for voip, was wondering if there is anything that works yet that has not made an official release07:26
monunless there are some brilliant amd64 users here who can help you out? :)07:26
nenotnomanyone know what's up with the unofficial ubuntu backports?07:26
ubotuamarok is probably a music player for Linux and Unix with an intuitive interface. See http://amarok.kde.org ; amaroK's features: http://amarok.kde.org/content/view/51/1/07:26
monmattyJ: oh sorry i didn't read the "voip" part07:26
monmattyJ: no idea then07:27
wertomon, so you think that's better to install ubuntu breezy 32 bit?07:27
moni'd personally recommend it since i know everthing "just works" then07:27
wertoso i have a amd64, should i install a 32 bit?07:27
monwerto: there are some amd64 specific packages that just don't work unfortunatly07:27
wertoeverithings should works?07:28
monwerto: that's what i would do07:28
jstrubbergnenotnom, check the ubuntu forums under backports.  The unofficial ones have been shut down07:28
nenotnomjstrubberg: thanks for the info07:28
wertomon, 32bit packages will execute in a 64 bit machine?07:29
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monwerto: "normal" windows + apps work too right? yeah it will :)07:29
shekharhello can someone tell me which repository is needed for libforms-java?07:29
wertoyes, i'm slow :D07:29
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wertoso thanks so much :)07:29
monnalioth: how did you solve the mounting issue with Secreth`X ?07:30
n00bsterhow can add shortcuts to the programs that are in the main menu ?07:30
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ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, fat32 is http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab07:30
wertoi should install breezy or hoary, so i have a new hp laptot07:30
monwerto: np, now go install ;)07:30
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werto(sorry for my bad english ^_^'')07:30
jstrubbergn00bster, you mean a desktop icon?07:30
Anak1nI love ubotu :))07:30
monwerto: if you have some expierence already and no problem with a few bugs you should go with breezy, hoary otherwise07:31
proxykillahnew linux user here, would you guys recommend it?07:31
n00bsterno, imean, like in windows, there is a tab sore it07:31
monwerto: i think breezy is getting pretty stable now though07:31
proxykillahrecommend ubuntu*07:31
monproxykillah: what do you think, they'd recommend fedora core in here? ;)07:31
Anak1nfedora :lol07:31
wertomon, i'll make what you say to me :)07:31
proxykillahlol mon.07:32
monwerto: do you have some linux expierence already?07:32
monwerto: i'd hate to give you bad advice which would lead to bad linux expierence :)07:32
jstrubbergn00bster: Oh, you mean add icons for prgrams TO the menus?07:32
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wertomon: don't you know what i should do about ati driver?07:33
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monwerto: i've had an ati and dumped it for an nvidia.. but that'll be a bit difficult on a laptop. it should work though07:33
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n00bsterno, i' mean using the icons that are allready there..07:33
n00bsteri mean  - keyboard shortcuts  -07:33
ubuntuguyanyone: there is a newsgroup I want to read, can I use Evolution for that purpose?07:34
zetorhi there all!07:34
n00bstersory if i wassent clear.07:34
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wertomon oh.... ok, so i should continue using Vesa driver? _07:34
monwerto: i'd install hoary or breezy with the ati driver (32bit ofcourse) the ati driver should work07:35
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ubuntuguyOK... I take that as a 'no'..07:35
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christian-716 frames in 5.0 seconds = 143.200 FPS07:36
Anak1nyea i install opera07:36
christian-How do I raise my FPS ?07:36
jstrubbergn00bster: take a look under System/Preferences/Keyboard shortcuts.  Not sure what you are wanting to launch, but there are quite a few built in that you can modify07:36
n00bsteri mean  - keyboard shortcuts  -07:36
wertobut they don't, because when gnome is first time login, it bloks! and if i set xorg to vesa, it dont :)07:36
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clinfixI am not able to install java-package java-common too, do i need to add new repositories?07:36
monwerto: on a 64bit install?07:36
monubuntuguy: yeah try it07:36
ubotuchristian-: What?07:36
n00bsteri want to launch the software that are in the main menu with keyabord shortcus07:37
Anak1n!skype troubleshot07:37
ubotuWish i knew, Anak1n07:37
monchristian-: if you have an ati or nvidia 3d accelerator thingie, install the appropriate driver07:37
christian-acceerator ?07:37
n00bsterlik: Ctrl+ m opens mail software , and so on ...07:37
monchristian-: graphics card07:37
christian-I'll look into it and report back07:37
wertomon: yes _07:37
monchristian-: you do that :)07:38
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wertobreezy amd64 on a amd64 vith ati xpress 200m 128 mb07:38
monwerto: install breezy then! :)07:38
monwerto: 32bit i mean07:38
wertomon, yes, and i continue using vesa driver?07:38
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monwerto: hmm could be a temporary breezy bug that get's fixed though...07:38
dashrikeany good alternatives to gaim?07:38
monwerto: you could try to search bugzilla and the forums07:38
funkyHatdashrike, if you like KDE, Kopete07:39
jstrubbergn00bster, I know there are shortcuts in there for email and browser, just highlight them and then press the key combination you want to use to call the app.07:39
wertomon, oh thanks so much of all your help ^__^07:39
mondashrike: for msn only: amsn07:39
wertoi'll keep what you said :)07:39
kkathmandashrike: if you want to run KDE, you can use kopete instead of GAIM I suppose.07:39
n00bstercan i make custom keyboard shortcuts ??07:39
monjstrubberg: wow i didn't know that. Gnome is great :)07:39
wertonow, i'm going away07:39
monwerto: good luck07:39
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jstrubbergI know you can change the ones listed, not sure you can make new ones.07:40
funkyHatn00bster, system > Preferences > keyboard shortcuts07:40
werto-aaawaythanks ^_^07:40
jstrubbergWhich is a shame07:40
monyou can make new ones, but the options are limited is what i found out07:40
funkyHatn00bster, if the one you want to set isn't there, PM me and i'll talk you through setting up others07:40
n00bsteryes, but there is no "custom" shortcut to be made from there ..07:40
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n00bsteri'll check agin.07:41
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funkyHathi flipy07:41
jstrubbergOk, I see how it can be done now.  Messy, but it gets you there I guess07:41
n00bsternop, it dont have that option there07:42
flipyI've set up a www server, but all files in /var/www root cannot be written, but directories like /var/www/foo are writeable.. what's wrong? :(07:42
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n00bsterwhats PM you ?07:42
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g|patrickis someone using 3ddesk here?07:42
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ubuntuguymon: I did try it... I've done this with thunderbird but I can't figure out how to do it with Evolution07:42
funkyHatflipy, do chown *youruser* /var/www/*07:43
funkyHatn00bster, /msg funkyhat *message*07:43
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monubuntuguy: hm i never did it either, sorry :) try the help or homepage i guess07:43
g|patrickhave a question why its stuttering all the time07:43
g|patrickif its active07:43
deflux-what is colony cd 5?07:43
flipyfunkyHat: yes, I've did that, and didn't work07:43
deflux-Is that an actual release?07:43
mong|patrick: because it's very alpha i think07:43
g|patrickmon: but its nice :)07:43
mondeflux-: it's a sort of beta release07:43
eddanI'm trying to follow the RestrictedFormats guide to install Sun's Java but I can't seem to find the java-package that should be available.. I need the make-jpkg utility to make things work. Any ideas?07:44
deflux-But I'm running the preview release.  Isn't that the same?07:44
funkyHatflipy, ok, chmod +w /var/www/*07:44
mong|patrick: sure it is, all bleeding edge stuff is :) don't expect it to work great just jet though07:44
g|patrickis it possible to let it sotre images to a ram disc07:44
flipyfunkyHat: ok07:44
funkyHat(as you)07:44
g|patrickso that the stuttering becomes reduced?07:44
funkyHatnot through sudo07:44
g|patrickany idea?07:44
Pickle_Weaselis there a kernel compiling how-to? >.>07:44
moneddan: maybe you need universe or multiverse in your sources.list?07:45
g|patricki have increased the update intervall to 60sec07:45
g|patrickand it really helped07:45
ubotumon: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?07:45
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clinfixI cant find the packages that I need,where can I find new repositories?07:45
moneddan: ah multiverse :)07:45
ubuntuguyany Evolution experts here/07:45
g|patrickor is it possible to make it not update until the 3d window is requested07:46
eddanmon: Will try, thanks!07:46
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flipyfunkyHat: thanks07:46
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funkyHatnp :)07:47
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clinfixapt-get install java-package fakeroot07:47
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clinfixthese packages dont exist07:47
Anak1nsomeone please help me evrything is working fine but i have problem with skype. I need skype :( :'(07:48
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christian-clinfix, http://packages.debian.org/unstable/misc/java-package07:49
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clinfixchristian-, :can I use debian sources?07:50
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clinfixcan I add debian repositories?07:50
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darkheartclinfix Only if you want to break things.07:50
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christian-sec, let me just check which one I downloaded. I don't think so07:50
ThunderguyUse caution.07:50
ThunderguyIf you want to break things go get the latest libc607:51
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christian-That one ended up working for me07:51
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christian-Though I had to extrat all the stuff manually.07:51
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christian-like, cp that there etc07:51
clinfixdarkheart, :than where can I find java-package for ubuntu?07:51
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jstrubbergDoggone it, now I have a dozen new hotkeys to set up!  Man, that is handy stuff07:51
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naliothclinfix: are you wanting java?07:54
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clinfixnalioth, :yes07:54
naliothclinfix: hoary or breezy?07:54
[A] ndy80I've a problem to solve. In a room we have 8 pc and one server. All these PC have Ubuntu. We want two main things: the first is that autentication is not made locally, but against a user list on server, the second thing is that /home is not local on the pc, we want it mounted remotely and to be on the servr hard disk. How can we do this thing?07:55
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g|patrickis it possible to make gnome have different backgrounds07:55
g|patrickon differen tworkspaces07:55
clinfixnalioth, :5.0407:55
ubuntuthis is pretty cool07:55
oxezhm, I just let breezy installs the latest updates on my system, ended up with installations errors, and now when I type commands (cp, mv, ls etc..) I get Segmentation Fault.. what's wrong!?07:55
g|patricknalioth :)07:55
nalioth[A] ndy80: use NFS from the client machines to access the server (for the $HOMEDIR)07:55
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mon[A] ndy80: you probably want LDAP and NFS. don't ask for the details though ;)07:55
ubuntuI am running the Live Cd to get a taste of this OS07:55
naliothclinfix: http://www.giannaros.org/public/hoarydebs/07:55
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naliothg|patrick: howdy07:56
[A] ndy80nalioth: ok for the /home :)07:56
[A] ndy80mon: LDAP? Is kerberos ok too?07:56
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nalioth[A] ndy80: like mon said, i have no clue on the remote authentication07:56
g|patrickhow is the wheather in america07:56
mon[A] ndy80: i only have expierence with NFS. for LDAP or kerberos... i don't know which does what07:56
[A] ndy80ok, thanks07:57
g|patricknalioth? :)07:57
clinfixnalioth, :I have read the document about mp3 and follow the instructions but it didnt work,can you tellme which package do I need to install for listening mp3?07:57
mon[A] ndy80: should be plenty of info about it on the net though07:57
naliothclinfix: gstreamer0.8-mad07:57
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monnalioth: Secreth`X has that problem too. it seems the wiki has changed to an etch server, but that doesn't have the gstreamer0.8-mad package?07:58
jstrubbergAndy80, I would recommend thin client, unless you have some super-heavy graphic or sound apps07:58
clinfixnalioth, :it is already installed07:58
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naliothclinfix: then you have other problems07:58
NightLordlemme do a bit of a vote here:07:58
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naliothubotu: tell clinfix about sound07:58
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NightLordIf apple ported itunes to linux, would you use it with an ipod?07:59
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jstrubbergAnyone know what's going on with Wine?  I understand they are going non-free?07:59
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g|patrickamarok does the same07:59
g|patrickit may do it even better07:59
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g|patrickjstrubberg: wine is still free07:59
monNightLord: if you gave me an ipod and itunes would be significantly better than the OSS competetion. so in short: small chance ;)07:59
g|patrickeither the cvs of cedega07:59
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[Wiebel] hmm07:59
g|patrickbut the cedega stuff with gui frontend isnt anymore07:59
[Wiebel] bootsplash seems to be broken07:59
[Wiebel] in breezy07:59
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g|patrickin breezy is a new stuff...08:00
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jstrubbergThanks.  I have a couple of windows apps I woul hate to lose.08:00
g|patricki dont like it08:00
flamis there a gnome-app similar to kate? i love kate but i don't want to install all the kde libs etc.08:00
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ABRAXAS77mon, what is ur problem?08:00
g|patrickjstrubberg: but dont expect too much08:00
g|patrickgames perfoming bad if they cant use ogl native08:00
monABRAXAS77: ehr nothing why?08:00
g|patrickbut apps like photoshop work fine08:01
clinfixnalioth, :I can here the sound when ubuntu starts08:01
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oxezanyone know why would basic commands 'cp', 'mv' would go 'Segmentation fault'?08:01
ABRAXAS77mon,  sorry,u tought i have problem with X08:01
g|patrickmon: is it possible to assing different wallpapers to different workspaces?08:01
rjcarrjust installed 5.04 last night08:01
naliothclinfix: i'm not much help on sound issues08:01
rjcarreverything went great08:01
ABRAXAS77oxez,  u can download them again08:01
g|patrickusing gnome08:01
jstrubbergI have one relational reporting tool that will probably never make the jump to *nix.  Handy as heck, though08:01
naliothg|patrick: yes08:01
monABRAXAS77: actually i sorta had. but i can't remember telling it here :)08:01
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rjcarrtrying to use synaptic to install subversion08:01
mong|patrick: nope, only in kde afaik08:01
rjcarrsearch doesn't find it08:01
monyes? oops08:01
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oxezABRAXAS77: what do I install?08:02
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nalioth!info subversion08:02
ubotusubversion: (Advanced version control system (aka. svn)), section devel, is optional. Version: 1.1.1-2ubuntu3 (hoary), Packaged size: 953 kB, Installed size: 3072 kB08:02
ABRAXAS77oxez,  the commands08:02
g|patrickmon: thats weired... kde has better appz... but i dont like their gui X)08:02
ABRAXAS77oxez,  they are broken?08:02
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naliothrjcarr: svn is there08:02
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rjcarrwhat do you mean it is there?08:02
oxezABRAXAS77: when I type mv I get: Segmentation fault.08:02
clinfixnalioth, :why don't some packages (like java-package) exist with ubuntu?08:02
mong|patrick: according to nalioth there is something :)08:02
naliothclinfix: licensing issues08:02
monnalioth: ?08:02
oxezABRAXAS77: this is after latest updates, which resulted in an error in gdm08:02
g|patrickreally :)08:03
naliothmon: yes?08:03
rjcarri do a search, nothing comes up08:03
g|patrickcrap its raining here...08:03
naliothubotu: tell rjcarr about sources08:03
rjcarri just have the install disc08:03
monnalioth: about the background per desktop thing, how/what?08:03
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clinfixnalioth, :will they be included?08:03
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rjcarrthanks ubotu ... I'll check out the sources08:03
naliothclinfix: java-package should be available08:03
rjcarri figured i had to add a repository08:04
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nerp http://gawth.org/code/e17new.jpg08:04
nerp http://gawth.org/code/e17new1.jpg08:04
nerp http://gawth.org/code/e17new2.jpg08:04
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ColonelKernelbreezy daily build looks good - except for two things - theres no "open terminal" when you right click on the desktop, and while i'll just get lauged at again, theres no text output for glxgears08:04
naliothColonelKernel: there is a plugin to address the "open here"08:05
ColonelKernelI dont know what "open here" means08:05
monColonelKernel: do fps show in glxgears self or not at all?08:05
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ColonelKernelmon - glxgears self? I dont understand - it doesnt show fps in the console08:06
monColonelKernel: if you don't see any FPS rate at all i'd guess it's a bug in glxgears08:06
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jpfariashey guys08:06
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ABRAXAS77oxez,  wait,im looking in google08:06
naliothColonelKernel: open terminal plugin is available, lemme get the name of it08:06
ColonelKernelmon, yeah I guess - too bad I cant usethe glxgears from hoary08:06
ColonelKernelnalioth, rockin!08:06
jpfariasdoes anyone knows how to configure the 2 monitor as an extended desktop?08:06
monColonelKernel: you could compile it i guess, if you really need it08:07
jpfariasmy one just works as a clone of the first08:07
naliothColonelKernel: nautilus-open-terminal08:07
oxezABRAXAS77: ok thank you. and now everytime I want to install something with apt-get, it tries to reinstall firefox, firefox-gnome-support and gdm. This ends up with errors, and some seg faults08:07
ColonelKernelnalioth, just apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal?08:07
g|patricknalioth: where u reffering to my problem or was it jsut chatting as u said "yes"08:07
ColonelKernelhey my old ship is in New Orleans!08:07
zer0`glxgears prints out fps every 5 seconds08:07
naliothColonelKernel: that should do it (an apt-cache search definitely will show it)08:07
monnalioth: hmm will that plugin be mentioned by ubuntu? i think hoary users would miss that option08:07
ColonelKernelnalioth, rockin - thank you very much08:07
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naliothg|patrick: you "should" be able to get different window dressing in each window08:08
ABRAXAS77oxez,  u updated libraries?08:08
EppuColonelKernel: you should get glxgears fps output with glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark08:08
ColonelKernelthey should justmake it part of the default installation package when breezy is released08:08
g|patricknalioth: how?08:08
oxezABRAXAS77: which libraries?08:08
naliothg|patrick: if that isnt your answer, i'm very lost on multiple channels08:08
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ABRAXAS77oxez,  any library...08:08
ColonelKernelEppu, yeah and myabe you could get it to work with glxgears -horsesassmakingirrelevantandinsultingcomments08:08
monnalioth: lol it is, you're just a bit behind :)08:08
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ABRAXAS77oxez,  i see people that tried update mozzilla received this error08:09
oxezABRAXAS77: I let synaptic do the updates for me08:09
jstrubbergjpfarias, try setting the "Xinerama" option to "on"08:09
g|patricknalioth: dont become depressive because of me ;(08:09
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EppuColonelKernel: I am not kidding, the glxgears in breezy requires that option08:09
jpfariasjstrubberg, ok08:09
pluffsyhow do I restart apache2 in ubuntu? from cli. I used to do something like service httpd restart but that was apache 1 and redhat :) that doesn't work here and I didn't find anything in the wiki'08:09
ColonelKernelEppu, sure08:09
ABRAXAS77oxez,  i think u need reinstall many libraries,let me see which08:09
monColonelKernel: try it then!08:09
ColonelKerneltake that manure back to #debian08:09
ColonelKerneloh yeah NTP gives a temp failure in name resolution during boot08:10
naliothColonelKernel: and what's new about that?08:10
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ColonelKernelnalioth, doesnt do it in hoary08:10
clinfixhow can I restore grub ,I have to install windows?08:10
oxezColonelKernel: he says the truth I just tried it haha08:11
naliothColonelKernel: my breezy has always hung on ntp sync08:11
monColonelKernel: check http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=56574 2nd post08:11
seth_k|lappyclinfix, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows08:11
seth_k|lappyor some name like that, let me check the exact name08:11
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seth_k|lappyyeah I got it right :D08:11
jpfariasjstrubberg, it didn't worked08:11
ColonelKernelnalioth, alrighty - then perhaps its something the breezy developers ought to fix, eh?08:11
jpfariasgot a clone again08:11
naliothclinfix: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows08:12
concept10Im glad clinfix has mentioned that.  I upgrated breezy the other day and the 'boot manager package' disapeared.  anyone know what it is called?08:12
ABRAXAS77oxez,  did u read me?08:12
naliothColonelKernel: have you looked at bugzilla to see if its on the list?08:12
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naliothColonelKernel: are you behind a router?08:12
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monpluffsy: something like /etc/init.d/apache2 restart08:12
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ColonelKernelnalioth, yes i am08:12
jstrubbergjpfarias:  Still have identical desktops?08:13
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ColonelKernelno I havent looked at bugzilla - and package nautilus-open-terminal isnt found08:13
jpfariasjstrubberg, yep08:13
naliothColonelKernel: try starting your breezy directly connected08:13
jpfariasjstrubberg, still clones?08:13
jpfariasjstrubberg, still clones!08:13
naliothColonelKernel: search for "nautilus"08:13
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ColonelKernelnalioth, I just did, it aint there08:14
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naliothColonelKernel: i have it in my breezy sources08:14
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TheRabbitIs there a way to look at the interworkings of an online java or php game?08:14
ABRAXAS77oxez,  please08:14
ABRAXAS77oxez,  make it08:14
oxezI pmed you08:14
concept10nalioth, what is that package called that is basically a graphical grub manager?08:14
ColonelKernelnalioth - couple you pastebin your sources please?08:15
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ColonelKernelcould I mean08:15
naliothColonelKernel: surely08:15
oxezI cannot open firefox to paste it ABRAXAS77, it's broken, so I pasted the output to that file08:15
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ABRAXAS77oxez,  hablas castellano?08:15
ColonelKernelnalioth, gracias - this community is 1000x better than any other linux community - `fo `sho - you guys rocks08:15
oxezABRAXAS77: english?08:15
ABRAXAS77oxez,  sorry,i saw ur ubuntu is spanish...08:16
[LethAL] ColonelKernel, I agree :D08:16
oxezABRAXAS77: it's french :p08:16
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naliothABRAXAS77: english in here please, spanish in #ubuntu-es and french in #ubuntu-fr08:16
ABRAXAS77nalioth,  ok08:16
ColonelKerneli have never found a linux community that I'd feel comfortable enough migrating my stepmom's business over - but I have now08:16
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ColonelKernelall they do is web and MS office on their machines08:17
othernoobColonelKernel: then why change it08:17
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ColonelKerneland their server is DOS based, reunning some lantastic software - she pays some guys 100 bucks an hour to work on it08:17
grindhousei hate you all08:17
othernoobColonelKernel: nvm...08:17
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ColonelKernelI told her she needs to migrate to linux and pay a college student, so she doesnt have to pay such exhorbitant fees to upkeep this old DOS based bookkeeping software08:18
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CarlFKColonelKernel - where?08:19
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=== jpfarias trying again
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christian-Right, to install nvidia linux drivers I  need to shutdown X. How do I do that?08:19
christian-I tried that whole alt-ctrl-F1 stuff, X was still detected08:20
CarlFKchristian- - um, no.  get the package from synaptic08:20
christian-linux nvidia? Is that possible ?08:20
ColonelKernelCarlFK, tucson arizona08:21
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CarlFKColonelKernel - rats.  bit far from Chicago08:21
PoTsI'm using breezy on a laptop, how can i configure the touchpad? (it works, but i want to stop the tapping)08:21
ColonelKernelnalioth, thats it, I had to add multiverse universe to it08:21
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naliothColonelKernel: ok good08:21
naliotheveryone should have uni and multi in their sources08:22
delpcan someone send me the link on how to connect ntfs file partitions to linux so i can read files from it?08:22
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jstrubbergColonel: If all they are running are office apps and web, a default ubuntu install ought to do the trick.  Bet they wouldn't need much in the way of support, either08:22
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jstrubbergOr a server, really08:23
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naliothubotu: tell delp about ntfs08:23
ColonelKernelEppu, I owe you an apology08:24
ColonelKernelI cant beleve thats really an option08:24
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Secreth`X!mount windows08:24
ubotuSecreth`X: Are you smoking crack?08:24
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naliothSecreth`X: you want /msg ubotu windowsdrives08:24
NightLordcan someone help, i can't get my canon i250 which is connected to XP to print from XP08:25
NightLorderm, print from ubuntu08:25
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NightLordhey, dd uses plusnet ^_^08:26
jstrubbergNightLord, do you have print services for Linux installed on the windows machine?08:26
ddyip :)08:26
NightLorderm...i doubt it08:26
NightLordthing is, it comes up in the print job queue in windows, and the light on the printer flashes, but it won't actually print :(08:26
CarlFKNightLord - is the printer "shared" ?08:26
Anak1ngnomebaker won't erase dvd-rw?08:27
NightLordunder status it says Ready: Unable to connect to SAMBA host, will retry in 60 seconds...ERROR:  Connection failed with error NT_STATUS_REQUEST_NOT_ACCEPTED08:27
NightLordof course it is, i'm not a complete twit08:27
CarlFKNightLord - so yes.  I had the exact problem with an HP 322008:27
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ddwhat ide's are you guys using?08:27
delpdoes anyone know if the flash plugin is supported with the AMD64 version yet?08:27
jstrubbergInstall print services for Unix on the windows box.08:27
cute_bettonghow do i remove the new ubuntu screensavers?08:27
jstrubbergYou will need the XP install disk08:27
NightLordok, got that08:27
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CarlFKNightLord - wait.. not that error.  the print job would make it to win's spooler, but then just sit there and get in the way of all other jobs including local ones08:28
cute_bettongi have a screensaver icon in prefs that has a screen with a flame in it08:28
NightLordthats what mine does!08:28
cute_bettongand i want to keep that one but the one that has a screen and a moon i want to remove\08:28
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NightLordit set to randome08:29
Secreth`XIs there a way to save what you'v done on the Live CD?08:29
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NightLordgo to screensavers and change it to one screensaver08:29
cute_bettonganyone know how to get rid of it?08:29
juhanI'm a n00b at ubuntu, but I'd still like to have estonian keyboard layout, can somebody help me?08:29
NightLordand set it to the preferred one08:29
cute_bettongno thats not what i want08:29
NightLordsure juhan08:29
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cute_bettongi want to remove the new screensaver app that breezy has08:29
NightLordgo to system>preferences>keyboard08:29
jstrubbergNightLord, you want Control Panel-->Add/Remove Programs/, Add/Remove Windows Components, then Other file and network services.  check Print Services for Unix, then OK08:30
NightLordgo to layouts and choose add new layouts08:30
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NightLordand set to estonian :)08:30
Secreth`XIs there a way to save what you'v done on the Live CD?08:30
sinistermilki have a few questions08:30
sinistermilkto whom do i direct them>08:31
juhanand now?08:31
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juhanlike I have done this several times, but it still will not change to estonian08:32
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sinistermilkhow do i install ubuntu with to a dual boot?08:32
NightLorddid you tick it and put it on top of the list?08:32
NightLorddid thats08:32
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NightLordshould i try to print again?08:32
delpdo i need to download xmms or is it already on here somewhere?08:33
juhanyes, ticked it08:33
NightLordok, printing, wish me luck ^_^08:33
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juhanthere is just estonian left08:33
g|patricki think i found a tool08:33
jstrubbergMight not be a bad idea to run through connecting to the printer again, but it should work without that08:33
g|patrickhttp://wallpapoz.sourceforge.net/ <-- how do i install it?08:33
g|patrickcant find a deb08:33
kevogodI believe XMMS is installed by default.08:34
Belutzkevogod, no it is not08:34
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jstrubbergInstallation instructions are right beneath the link, gl08:34
kevogodIf not, then go to System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager, and then search for XMMS.08:34
Secreth`XIs there a way to save what you'v done on the Live CD?08:34
juhanstill no luck with changing the language08:35
delpok, thanks kevo08:35
ReconI got a tar.gz file, and i can't figure out how to install it.08:35
sinistermilkunder what link?08:35
Reconi got it from tucows08:35
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kevogoddelp, Then hit apply.08:35
delpalright, thanks08:35
naliothg|patrick: you rascal. d/l the source and use checkinstall instead of make isntall08:35
Belutzanyone knows how to create an ssl certificate?08:35
Secreth`XIs there a way to save what you'v done on the Live CD?08:35
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ReconThe "make" command doesn't work on Ubuntu.08:36
cute_bettonghow do i get glx gears to tell me the frame rate?08:36
delpanyone know of a good place for wallpapers?08:36
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mondelp: deviantart08:36
naliothdelp: www.deviantart.com08:36
g|patricknalioth: hey i am a nap08:36
naliothRecon: sure it does08:36
sinistermilkany one know how to install a dual boot?08:36
jstrubbergmake doesn't work?  It should.08:36
kennethlovedelp: customize.org08:36
naliothRecon: install "build-essential"08:36
g|patrickdon t even get the qucikinstalltutorial on that site ;)08:36
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Rockett18delp: www.pixelgirlpresents.com08:36
Belutzcute_bettong, from terminal run glxgears08:36
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Reconi get the error "bash : make doesn't exitst"08:36
naliothg|patrick: have you compiled b4?08:36
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oxezwhat would fix segmentation fault in commande like cp and mv?08:36
g|patrickhow do i compile08:37
delpthank you all08:37
naliothRecon: "build-essential"08:37
g|patricki dont even know how to do08:37
jstrubbergRecon: sudo apt-get install build-essential08:37
oxezI need those commands to work to be able to fix my other problems :/08:37
naliothg|patrick: join #kubuntu-offtopic08:37
juhanit won't even change to other languages08:37
moncute_bettong: run it with: -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark08:37
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andrilhello all08:37
cute_bettongok so what should i use to benchmark?08:37
ColonelKernelnice - well i'll definitely be upgrading to breezy as soon as its a stable release - looks pretty damn stable from here though08:37
andrilanyone using ATI TV Wonder VE with Ubuntu?08:37
moncute_bettong: glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark08:37
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=== ColonelKernel is still astounded some comedian made that an option
g|patrick /join #kubuntu-offtopic08:38
naliothColonelKernel: you should peruse some raw source code sometime08:38
monhehe me 2 ColonelKernel  :)08:38
cute_bettongoh no shit i thought ya where screwin with me08:38
g|patricka space08:38
sinistermilkhow does the live cd thing work?08:38
naliothcute_bettong: your tongue.08:38
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ColonelKernelnalioth, I do, but not for glxgears08:38
cute_bettongsorry ..<08:38
benkong2nalioth; I think I might have figured it out my /chroot has a tree structure of /chroot/http/archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/" then I get the /dev /bin /boot etc. Could that be why chroot isn't acting correctly?08:39
cute_bettong6210 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1241.920 FPS08:39
cute_bettongomg thats awsome if it where true08:39
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naliothbenkong2: i am not a plant expert and know nothing about chroots08:39
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ColonelKernelyeah I get good 3d results in breezy too08:40
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benkong2nalioth; K that made me smile08:40
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jstrubbergandril: I have an ATI card with a TV out, but I don't think its the same one as yours.08:40
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ColonelKernelcute_bettong, for a good idea of how 3d really works install enemy-territory and waste some nazis08:40
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Reconhow do you install tar.gz files?08:40
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cute_bettonglol i have to by it first08:40
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boxmanmy glxgears seems fucked.. it looked like it is locked at 25fps or something and never shows any results... i get nice 3d perfomance from 3d games like UT though08:40
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boxmanpretty odd08:40
ompaulboxman, language08:41
moncute_bettong: nein, it's free! :)08:41
cute_bettongreally where from i want i want08:41
christian-Right, I'm trying to install Cedega. After installing nvidia-stuff with the apt-get gui, my FPS is still not 500+, in fact, it's not even 250+ (measured with glxgears).08:41
kevogodboxman, This means you have synchronized it.08:41
ReconHow do you install a tar.gz file after un-tar ing it08:41
_chavoenemy territory is the best game evar!!!!08:41
ColonelKernelboxman,  glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark <-- not a joke, it works08:41
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boxmankevogod, i have not touched it, and vsync is not activated.08:41
christian-However, I gave up on trying to increase my FPS and started to install Cedega08:41
christian-It's a .tgz file08:41
boxmanColonelKernel, aha..08:41
christian-How do i handle that ?08:41
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ColonelKernelboxman, scary eh>08:41
Reconno, tar.gz08:41
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naliothubotu: tell christian- about cli08:41
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jstrubbergRecon: First you uncompress them with tar -zxf, then cd to the new directory and run ./configure, ./make and ./make install08:42
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cute_bettongok some one give me the link for that game please?08:42
Reconwhen I run make, I get "bash: make: command not found"08:42
ColonelKernelchristian-, you changed you xorg.conf ?08:42
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w45yw45o cannot get firefox to work with mplayer08:42
boxmanColonelKernel, yeah, that solved it :P08:42
_chavochristian-, they have .debs also08:42
scribblesdo I need to partition XP on my own or is can ubuntu setup do it without damaging data08:42
jstrubbergRecon: then you need to run sudo apt-get build-essential first to get the compile tools08:43
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boxmani guess they must have changed something in recent versions then..08:43
w45yw45it almost finishes loading then crashes08:43
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ColonelKernelboxman, IU just learned it a few minutes ago and I thought someone was being sarcastic08:43
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PoTsanyone who knows how to deactivate the tapping on a touchpad (maxtaptime=0 doesn't seem to work)08:43
christian-It seems to me that it's easier actually to draw World of Warcraft in hand, frame by frame, than it is to actually install it08:44
monw45yw45: there's a good howto on the ubuntu forum to get totem working with firefox08:44
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w45yw45mon, thanks08:44
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StarKruzryou know, I was going to go to class today08:45
StarKruzrbut it just doesn't look like that's gonna happen.08:45
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naliothscribbles: there are partition moving tools available08:45
naliothscribbles: but as always, back up your data08:45
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jimcooncathi folks. trying to make LVM snapshots, and getting device-mapper error. Forum says I need to install the "dm-mirror" kernel module. Would someone give me a walkthrough how to install a kernal module?08:46
andriljstrubberg: you do, cool what software are you using to view TV?08:46
nuopusdoes anyone know which package to install to get dh_testdir?08:46
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darkheartStarKruzr School's important. Don't shirk your duties. One day you'll regret it =)08:46
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oxezwhat would fix segmentation fault in commande like cp and mv? I need those commands to work to be able to fix my other problems :/08:47
naliothnuopus: dh-make ?08:47
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nuopusok. cuz im trying to install fglrx driver using the ati installer and it errored on that while making breezy package08:48
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christian-If I do "sudo cp -av usr /usr/" does the command overwrite my 'real' usr file and deletes everything there ?08:48
christian-Because that08:48
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christian-'s a lot easier than extract everything and then using cp filename < 100008:49
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Jan_where does ubuntu hide init.d08:49
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cute_bettongcan someone help me with enemy terrirory i can't figure out what to do when i try to download it it goes to another page as a huge text file08:49
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_chavochristian-, sudo tar xcf cedega.tgz -C /08:49
priestHow do i edit my "places meny"? After an upgrade i have "initrd" under "Documents" and "Desktop".08:49
cute_bettongand i don't want the windows version08:49
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christian-_chavo, you're my hero08:50
christian-that is08:50
christian-if it works :)08:50
=== Secreth`X gotta go
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=== Secreth`X gonna burn the breezy live cd, cya
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_chavo-C tells tar to extract at a different directory08:50
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andriljstrubberg: are you there? what type of software can I use?08:50
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F_some french guys there ?08:51
_chavoand it won't replace your /usr it only overwrites files that are already there08:51
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ubuntu_user0255can anyone help me... im having trouble installing Ubuntu08:51
naliothcute_bettong: right click and "save as"08:51
christian-tar: You may not specify more than one `-Acdtrux' option08:51
juhanI'm back again and still struggling with the keyboard language selection, when selecting estonian language, it doesn't have an efect08:51
christian-_chavo, -acdtrux option ?08:52
_chavochristian-, sorry my bad, it's tar xzf08:52
jstrubbergandril: Sorry, mine is TV out, not in.  Try a google for MythTV, although it's probably overkill...08:52
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christian-_chavo, no problem. I'll write that down. Seems like a good command.08:52
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andriljstrubberg: thanks08:53
B_166-ER-Xthere is actually people speaking estonian :|08:53
juhanbut not typing any08:53
pluffsymy caps lock key diod is backwards in ubuntu. any ideas on how to fix that?08:53
juhancan you help me to type also?08:54
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B_166-ER-Xyou probably have to add the locate08:55
B_166-ER-Xbut i dont know the exact command08:55
Jan_This computer claims samba is installed (smbd -V returns a version) but there is no smb command in init.d08:55
B_166-ER-Xi added French support for me at my installation08:55
NightLordI installed unix printing services, and still don't work :(08:55
=== ThePyromaniac [n=ThePyrom@82-46-107-127.cable.ubr02.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ThePyromaniachey guys08:57
ThePyromaniacjust wondering if anyone has managed to get their sound juicer ripping past 11%08:57
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pedro_alguien sabe como se formatea linux??08:57
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NightLordno hablar espanol08:58
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ColonelKernelpedro's gf is a pedrophile08:58
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ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:58
NightLordcolonelkernel como pene08:58
juhanNightLord, do you know what could be wrong if the language doesn't change?08:59
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ben2004ukdoes anyone know if the RS480-M board works with ubuntu?????08:59
ompaulNightLord, system - administration - printing08:59
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christian-when my cdrom is listed in /media/cdrom0/ - does that 'count' as mounted ?08:59
ubotuhmm... conduct is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct/document_view09:00
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ben2004uki have a ECS K8 Board and ubuntu wont install09:00
darkheartchristian- No...09:00
NightLordhmm, not to sure09:00
ben2004ukive posted on the forum but no replies :'(09:00
jstrubbergNightLord, what's the printer model again?09:00
christian-Or do I need to do something like mount /media/cdrom0/ /mnt/cd ?09:00
ben2004ukplease help!!09:00
Buddha|How do I set up my computer to boot to a console, instead of GDM?09:00
NightLordsounds like a gnome problem09:00
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darkheartchristian- That's just a directory used as a mount point.09:00
NightLordcanon i-25009:00
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ben2004ukforum username is ben2005uk09:00
darkheartchristian- If you type 'mount' and your cd-rom is listed, then it's mounted.09:00
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darkheartchristian- Yeah09:01
ompaulben2004uk, that goes to a mailing list with lots of people on it, so if you got the url of the forum post, and pasted that here then people could look at it and see if they know anything that might help09:01
christian-darkheart, thank you09:02
_native_anyone else having no hardware acceleration on nividia 420 Go09:02
eddanI've just installed breezy and suddenly all my mp3 files are displayed in both rhythmbox and totem to be from 15 to 30 seconds. If I play them they continue playing beyond the reported secs. Also, rhythmbox doesn't read mp3 tags. I've tried installing variuos gstreamer and mp3 libs without luck.. Any ideas?09:02
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Darknighteddan, gstreamer lame?09:03
delpcan you make each workspace have a different background?09:03
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darkheartchristian- np09:03
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naliothdelp: see g|patrick in #kubuntu-offtopic re desktop wallpapers09:03
Darknightdelp, yes, im curious about it too09:03
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eddanDarknight: Is it in any of the ubuntu reps? universe or whatever they're called?09:04
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eddanDarknight: I've enabled the community maintained reps in synaptic..09:04
Darknighteddan, yes, i downloaded it from there09:04
i3dmasterhow to change backspace to a backward deleting instead of forward deleting?09:04
i3dmasterin vi.09:04
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Darknighteddan, so u shoud have lame for download i think09:05
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delpthank you nailoth09:05
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Darknightanybody know how to turn on tv card here in ubuntu?09:05
_native_im using breezy i have no hardware accel. on my nvidia geforce 420 Go, if this is a common thing could someone point me to the fix.09:05
Buddha|How do I set up my computer to boot to a console when I turn it on?09:05
crimsunBuddha|, search the wiki for instructions on disabling gdm09:06
_jason_native_:  have you installed the nvidia drivers?09:06
boxman_native_, i am new to ubuntu myself, but did you download the nvidia-glx driver using apt?? and did you also change the driver in dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?09:06
Darknight_native_, did u downloaded nvidia-glx driver?09:06
crimsun_native_, have you followed wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto?09:06
boxmanthat is what i did atleast..09:06
cute_bettongit's saveing it as a php file called modules.php09:06
cute_bettongthats a weard file for enimey terrirory09:06
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_jason!tell _native_ about nvidia09:07
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eddanDarknight: A search for "lame" doesn't seem to list packages that could work.. There is a "glame", but that doesn't seem to be "lame".09:08
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Darknighteddan, gstreamer lame09:08
deFrysk!info lame09:08
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ubotulame: (LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder), section multiverse/sound, is optional. Version: 3.96.1-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 222 kB, Installed size: 620 kB09:08
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Darknightor geastreamer-lame09:08
=== FaeWolfe needs help big time
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Darknighti have it in breezy09:08
Darknight!info tv09:09
juliaintenni have totem and mplayer installed, and would like the mplayer mozilla plugin to load when viewing quicktime rather than totem -- how can i switch it?09:09
NightLorddamnit, still doesn't work :(09:09
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FaeWolfeI am having trouble "reinstalling" ubuntu..............installation freezes during the formatting09:10
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d33pjust installed ubuntu hoary, but it didn't asked me what my root password is... which one is it to keep installing software?09:10
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ThePyromaniacFaeWolfe: You trying to reinstall as Breezy?09:11
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deFrysk!tell d33p about sudo09:11
FaeWolfeThePyromaniac......trying to reinstall Hoary.I don't have the breezy cd yet09:11
Darknight!info bttv09:11
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daejavuneed some help with Synaptic ! how do i install  kernel headers ?09:12
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crimsundaejavu, install linux-headers-$(uname -r)09:12
crimsundaejavu, it's probably easier if you open a Terminal and use sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)09:12
daejavui checked but installed headers are not as that of the current kernel as uname tells09:12
d33pthere is no azureus package in ubuntu?09:13
marcin_anthi all09:13
marcin_antI got a problem with fontconfig09:13
crimsund33p, no, download it from their Web site.09:13
deFrysk!info azureus09:13
d33pcrimsun, ok09:13
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marcin_antI want to enable bitmap fonts on breezy09:13
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funkyHat~info azureus09:13
eddanDarknight: Weird, I can't find it.. I've enabled all the binary universe reps that appeared after I clicked the "show disabled software...". Also added backport rep.. If I scroll down to gstreamer-* there is no -lame, just a lot of others :)09:13
marcin_antbut dpkg-fontconfig reconfigure doesn't work09:13
ThePyromaniacFaeWolfe: then I dont know, what happened with me was installation froze on final stage of installation. so i installed kubuntu, then downloaded the ubuntu-desktop packages and removed KDE ^^09:13
crimsunmarcin_ant, dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig?09:14
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crimsunmarcin_ant, or was that just a slip-up?09:14
daejavucrimsun, it says couldnt find package :S09:14
FaeWolfe ThePyromaniac....thanks09:14
deFryskThePyromaniac, sounds like a bad cd09:14
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marcin_antcrimsun, hmm what is slip-up?09:14
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Darknighthow i can configure my hardware (tv card for example)?09:14
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crimsunmarcin_ant, you typo'd09:14
ThePyromaniacdeFrysk: nope, i had a bad cd so i reburned it. the cd chekcer said it was fine09:14
FaeWolfedeFrysk.would a bad cd cause it to freeze at partitioning?09:14
=== Tallia1[UbuntU] [n=Tallia1[@west327.authent.sfu.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Tallia1[UbuntU] hi guys09:15
Tallia1[UbuntU] i have to ask you a thing09:15
crimsundaejavu, it's in the main repository. Do you have that enabled?09:15
deFryskFaeWolfe, a bad cd can freeze at any point I think09:15
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marcin_antcrimsun, anyway - I know about dpkg-reconfigure - but still no bitmap fonts in gnome09:15
Tallia1[UbuntU] isn't it possible to link a combination of keys to show the kde desktop?09:15
Tallia1[UbuntU] like WIN+D in windows..09:15
FaeWolfedeFrysk...ok ty      will try another cd lol09:15
daejavucrimsun, i updated the repositories from ubuntuguide.org and have all of the enabled09:15
marcin_antcrimsun, so I need to get why it doesn't work09:15
naliothTallia1[UbuntU] : have you tried "win-m" ?09:15
crimsundaejavu, apt-cache policy linux-headers-$(uname -r)09:16
Tallia1[UbuntU] nothing happens09:16
Tallia1[UbuntU] hi nalioth09:16
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Tallia1[UbuntU] you're always here09:16
Tallia1[UbuntU] :P09:16
naliothTallia1[UbuntU] : i'm chained to my desk09:16
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ThePyromaniacgreat, LimeWire doesnt like blackdown java and Gtk-Gnutella doesnt ever actuallty download anything. Anyone know a good p2p system?09:17
Tallia1[UbuntU] nalioth: ??09:17
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naliothThePyromaniac: bittorrent?09:17
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atripathihello everyone09:17
naliothTallia1[UbuntU] : i never leave here because i love all of you so much09:17
NightLordwhat do i have to do to get xvidtune to save my settings?09:17
Tallia1[UbuntU] ahha09:17
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crimsunI sure don't love these clonebots, though.09:18
EarthenI installed Ati drivers and now my media players will not work?09:18
Tallia1[UbuntU] you're funny09:18
daejavucrimsun, the backport repositories are not working .. i think they are causing the probem09:18
crimsundaejavu, I recommend you avoid backports unless absolutely necessary.09:18
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deFryskdaejavu, backports ARE a problem09:18
crimsunit's far better to just run the devel branch if you want updated software09:18
atripathiHow can I change the resolution of desktop in v5.04 ?09:18
blekoshello pple09:18
daejavuwelll do u know where can i add more repos from other then ubuntuguide ?09:19
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ThePyromaniacnalioth: where can i get downloadable ogg vorbis files if using bittorrent? lol09:19
naliothdaejavu: dont use them regularly09:19
ThePyromaniacof course i already own the CD's so doing nothing illegal... ;)09:19
naliothubotu: tell atripathi about fixres09:19
Tallia1[UbuntU] nalioth: where did you set that configuration?09:19
daejavuNaaa .. i just enabled emm to c if they were had what i wanted :D09:19
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naliothTallia1[UbuntU] : what config is that?09:20
blekosdo u know what this means?W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_main_binary-i386_Packages)09:20
blekosetc etc09:20
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blekosi get it from the update manager09:20
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Tallia1[UbuntU] config to link the keys combination to the show kde desktop09:20
dravine_hello everyone09:20
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naliothTallia1[UbuntU] : most of the windows + keys are set in kubuntu already09:21
Tallia1[UbuntU] nalioth: look begore09:21
dravine_Does anyone know what in ubuntu is automatically bringing up/down ethernet interfaces?09:21
Tallia1[UbuntU] i know09:21
Tallia1[UbuntU] but i didn't find09:21
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dravine_and how to stop it from doing so?09:21
naliothTallia1[UbuntU] : and you should aks in #kubuntu09:21
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Tallia1[UbuntU] eheh09:21
Tallia1[UbuntU] ok09:21
deFryskblekos, post your sources.list in pastebin09:21
crimsunmarcin_ant, have you read http://lists.freedesktop.org/pipermail/fontconfig/2005-January/001109.html?09:22
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blekosdeFrysk, could u pls explain how to do that?09:22
Darknightdo you have guys error when installing msttcorefonts in breezy?09:22
deFryskblekos, cat /etc/apt/sources.list09:23
dravine_My problem is that I frequently change my IP address when setting up routers and access points and such09:23
Earthenhow do i get ubot to tell me about ati09:23
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dravine_and it takes ubuntu around 40 seconds to make each change09:23
deFryskblekos, copy the output in http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl09:23
eddanDarknight: Just installed it, no problem..09:23
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deFryskblekos, and give us the url alfter posting it09:23
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dravine_if I change an AP from  a 192 addy to a 10., I loose my eth0 connection when the AP reboots, and it takes ages to get it to switch back over09:23
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ubotuit has been said that ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx09:24
dravine_also, ifconfig will show no IP addy for eth0, ifup says it's already up, and ifdown says SIOCTL error or soemthing09:24
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dravine_SIOCDELRT no such process rather09:24
naliothcrimsun: you are gonna have carpal tunnel doing that09:25
crimsunthank goodness for the up arrow09:25
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dravine_any ideas?09:25
blekosok here is the url:09:26
eddanAnyone know where I could get mplayer? Don't seem to find it in official or the community maintained reps. I'm running breezy09:26
crimsuneddan, it's in multiverse09:26
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deFryskblekos, the last line can be removed , thats the double entry09:27
rob_pdravine_:  Would simply restarting the network be what you are looking for? (sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart)09:27
blekosi c09:27
dravine_rob_p, no09:27
blekosi'' remove it09:27
dravine_the problem is that the network does it's own thing09:27
blekosi also get this09:27
blekosW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_restricted_binary-i386_Packages)09:27
blekosW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages)09:27
blekosW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/multiverse Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages)09:27
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dravine_if I reboot the AP I am configuring, I loose my connection09:28
dravine_which hoses the config on the AP09:28
deFryskblekos, did you remove that last line ?09:28
dravine_hard to explain why I need it to stop09:28
blekosnot yet09:28
dravine_but I need it to not automatically do stuff with eth009:28
blueyedCan somebody help me with networking issues? I'm on pppoe and since breezy this causes me to use pppoeconf after each reboot/startup. I've filed this bug report in the early days of breezy, but it still causes problems after a recent dist-upgrade:http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1024009:28
deFryskblekos, then do that , thats the fix09:28
dravine_and not take 40 seconds to save a change to the ip addy09:28
blekosi was getting this along with the previous message09:28
blekosok deFrysk09:28
deFryskblekos, and never paste in the chat again (flooding)09:29
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Buddha|crimsun - I've looked, but I can't find anything09:29
blekosoh apologies for flooding09:29
crimsunBuddha|, anything for...?09:29
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blekosi'll use the pastebin :)09:29
deFryskblekos, better ;)09:29
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Buddha|crimsun - sorry.  booting to the console.09:29
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redloungehi. anyone knows a good software to backup my home folder (exact copy, no archiv or anything like this). i am using rsync right knwo but have some problems...09:30
eddanSo how do I add this "multiverse". I've got this line in sources: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted. Is this it? Can't seem to find all the packages people say are in multiverse..09:30
Dark_Sithhello people09:30
crimsunBuddha|, heh. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6411609:31
naliothblekos: pleae dont paste in here09:31
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crimsun!tell eddan about repos09:31
blekosyes i was warned by deFrysk09:31
blekoswont happen again nalioth, dont worry09:31
dravine_man, this darned networking thing is really getting me irked09:31
dravine_it looks like laptop-net and hotplug are both trying to auto ifup/ifdown the eth009:32
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dravine_the end result is something aking to the special olympics09:32
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d33pwhen I try to share a folder with nautilus it tells me that samba isn't installed but it is, how do I fix this?09:32
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ben2004ukwww.apress.com/free/content/ Dissecting_A_CSharp_Application.pdf09:33
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LasseLd33p, I don't know .. but maybe  you could run nautilus as root?09:33
d33pLasseL, how do I run nautilus as root?09:34
ben2004uki havent had chance to read it yet09:34
LasseLd33p, sudo nautilus --browser09:34
ben2004ukbut it seems a nice idea09:34
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dravine_don't run nautilus as root09:34
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Anak1ncan xine play real media files?09:34
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dravine_go to ubuntuguide.org and read the howto share files easily09:35
d33pdoesn't work running nautilus as root09:35
dravine_d33p, ^09:35
ubotuAnak1n: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?09:35
dravine_see above09:35
_stefanyow, I've installed gstreamer but can't hear any music09:35
_stefanin amarok09:35
blekosif i use the remove cmd to remove totem, will remove only the application or it will remove it's dependencies as well?09:35
_stefansomeone who knows?09:35
crimsun_stefan, try another engine, like amarok-xine09:35
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crimsun_stefan, make sure you select it in Preferences>Engine09:36
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d33phow do I install the video decoders? they are not open source so ubuntu doesn't come with them09:36
dravine_d33p, ubuntuguide.org09:36
_stefancrimsun -> yes it is selected09:36
dravine_it's all right there09:36
comforteaglecan I upgrade to breezy from warty from the command line?09:36
dravine_every question you've asked is covered09:36
smokieHiddenFly, i installed from cd. How can i make ubuntu to forget the cd and always download pkgs from the net ?09:37
crimsuncomforteagle, yes09:37
blekosd33p, use VLC just intsall it09:37
blekosit will do the job for u09:37
deFrysksmokie, comment the cdline in sources.list09:37
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d33pblekos, ok09:37
deFrysksmokie, its the first line i believe09:37
smokiedeFrysk, in /etc ?09:37
crimsun_stefan, is amarok blocking on the sound device?09:37
deFrysksmokie, /etc/apt/sources.list09:38
smokiedeFrysk, thx, ill try09:38
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dravine_d33p, http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#codecs <= windows codecs09:38
cta22eu gostaria de saber mais godigos do linux quem pode me ensinar09:38
boxmansmokie, remember to do a apt-get update afterwards09:38
kevogodShouldn't the Login Photo avatar be tied to the About Me avatar?09:38
dravine_http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories <= repositories that have the win32 codecs09:38
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marcin_antcrimsun, well it is a kind of explanation09:38
ubotuit has been said that ubuntuguide is out of date, breaks PCs and doesn't explain anything. The official FAQ Guide, which is based on ubuntuguide will soon be the help menu in Breezy. For more information see !faq.09:39
marcin_antcrimsun, but not in 100% because I cannot see _any_ bitmap font in my gnome font selector09:39
ubotuI guess faq is The Ubuntu FAQ Guide: select System -> Help (in Breezy), or http://ubuntu-doc.ath.cx/gnome/faqi386/C/09:39
ubotuI haven't a clue, Anak1n09:39
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deFrysk!info gxine09:39
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ubotugxine: (the xine video player, GTK+/Gnome user interface), section universe/graphics, is optional. Version: 0.4.1-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 240 kB, Installed size: 624 kB09:39
dravine_ubotu, the only thing really bad in ubuntu guide is that the backports repository just got moved to official ubuntu servers09:39
ubotudravine_: that's too long09:39
smokiedeFrysk, works nice. Do you know how i can search the pkg list (all pakgs containing "courier" for ex. ?09:39
dravine_it does need an ubtate true09:39
AnswerHow can I take a command line screenshot of display zero over ssh ?09:40
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dravine_ubotu, what's too long?09:40
ubotuNot a clue, dravine_09:40
kevogoddravine_, ubotu is a bot.09:40
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deFrysksmokie, apt-cache search courier09:40
marcin_antcrimsun, and especially I cannot see Fixed font which has latin-1 encoding09:40
d33pblekos, what is the vlc package? or do I have to install it from the web?09:40
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digitizeapt-get install vlc?09:40
dravine_apt-get install vlc09:40
dravine_d33p, go read www.ubuntuguide.org09:41
AnswerHow can I take a command line screenshot of display zero over ssh ?09:41
dravine_some stuff is wrong, but you really need a clue09:41
dravine_is this zero day on linux for you or something dude?09:41
deFryskdravine_, ever checked the wiki ?09:41
uboturumour has it, faq is The Ubuntu FAQ Guide: select System -> Help (in Breezy), or http://ubuntu-doc.ath.cx/gnome/faqi386/C/09:41
blekosi think it's also available in the package manager, mayb u hava to choose the other depos. as well09:41
smokieboxman, what dows apt-get update do ? renew the list of all availabel pkgs ?09:41
boxmansmokie, yes09:41
dravine_deFrysk, digging through it right now09:41
snorkshow come I can't sudo? I'm sitting on a fresh breezy install. trying to add info to /etc/hosts, but i dont have write permissions, hence why i want to sudo, which doesnt work09:42
ubotuThaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my brain on http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:42
deFryskdravine_, read the w32codecs bit , its there ;)09:42
dravine_I have09:42
AnswerHow can I take a command line screenshot of display zero over ssh ?09:42
dravine_that's not the question I had09:42
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dravine_that's d33ps issue09:42
ubotumethinks add is To add an item to me, type "ubotu <keyword> is <description description description>", without the carets09:42
deFryskdravine_, but u sent him to ubuntuguide09:42
dravine_I told d33p to go read it09:42
Answer!tell Anak1n about msg09:42
dravine_yeah I did09:42
deFryskdravine_, wrong place09:42
comforteagleare there any hosting providers using ubutu???09:42
riokigood eavning, or what ever your time is09:42
dravine_how is it the wrong place?09:43
dravine_it's covered in the guide09:43
nalioths_dogubuntuguide is evil09:43
deFryskist not safe to send peole to ubuntuguide09:43
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AnswerAnak1n, sorry that was the wrong page.  but you can  /msg ubotu   if you want to play with the bot09:43
Anak1nwhat I did?09:43
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nalioths_dogcomforteagle, most hosting companies use bsd09:43
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AnswerI forget what the right command is09:43
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kevogod!tell <09:43
Anak1nI don't want to play can i download ubotu and put it on irc?09:43
comforteaglenalioth, well, I mean somewhere I could lease a server09:43
naliothAnak1n: get your own blootbot09:44
Answer!tell Anak1n about ubotu09:44
comforteaglenalioth, I'm not near any colos09:44
naliothcomforteagle: i'm not following you09:44
dravine_deFrysk, search for w32codecs in the wiki returns 0 results09:44
comforteagleI'd like to lease a dedicated ubuntu server.09:44
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dravine_which is odd since that's the package name in apt09:44
deFryskdravine_, try restricted formats09:44
naliothcomforteagle: i dont think there are such things, but i'm sure you could specify it09:44
Answercomforteagle: what is the problem you are attempting to solve?09:44
comforteagleLike severbeach, but they only use debian or RH09:44
riokiI have seen that the new release is (almost) there. say, do you need to do it over the CD, or can you kick it in with say, apt-get ?09:45
pluffsywhat jabber server do you people use? I'm using jabber.com and it has downtime like EVERY day, works really bad.09:45
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dravine_deFrysk, it's rather unintuitive to not include the common name of the package in there09:45
smokieboxman, i thought apt-get update can be used to update to the latest version and security updates. whats the command for this ?09:45
deFryskdravine_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:45
Answer!tell dravine_ about RestrictedFormats09:45
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deFryskdravine_, read Codecs and DVD-Video09:45
boxmansmokie, that is upgrade or dist-upgrade09:45
dravine_why? I don't have any problems with dvd or codecs09:46
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nargSo, somehow grub got an error 17, so I want to reinstall it, but windows is on /dev/hda1 atm, so knoppix doesnt want to do it with grub-install. Any suggestions?09:46
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deFryskcos it has explanation about w32codecs dravine_09:46
boxmanupdate only renews the apt archives09:46
janne_Newbiehi! i have some problem...09:46
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boxmanso if you change something in the apt file, then it is a good idea to do a update09:46
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smokieboxman, dist for the next release and upgrade for security patches ?09:46
Anak1nok ther is no need for that behavior09:46
eruinanyone else having issues with totem in breezy? I get a segfault :o09:46
boxmansmokie, there is a difference, but i am not 100% sure about dist-upgrade vs upgrade09:47
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janne_Newbiehow i can put ubuntu cd in repository list again...?09:47
boxmani usually use dist-upgrade to update all the packages09:47
Answereruin: totem isn't used for anything productive, is it09:47
blekoshmm not many pple like totem09:47
boxmanupgrade all the packages*09:47
dravine_it may be illegal in your country09:47
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nalioths_dogjanne_Newbie, apt-cdrom09:47
blekoshave u tried anyone else?09:47
dravine_still, a search for w32codecs in the wiki should show that page09:47
janne_Newbiei just removed it...and when i try to put it back it give some errors...09:47
snorksI need to edit /etc/hosts, but I do not have write permission, and sudo doesn't work! Not even sudo -s -H09:47
dravine_doesn't make sense for it not to09:47
eruinAnswer, oh yes09:48
janne_Newbieill try...09:48
naliothjanne_Newbie: yes, run that09:48
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naliothwho wants w32codecs?09:48
mazatlIm tryint apt-get install java09:48
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mazatlbut it says not found09:48
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mazatlhow do I install java?09:48
riokithe difference is only if they are flaged aproptiatly for a dist-upgrade09:48
coobragoogle :P09:48
mazatlI looked on ubuntuguide.org and their directions do not work09:48
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, java is to install both 1.4 and Sun Java see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#java09:48
riokiin debian this is an issue09:48
mazatlfuck you coobra09:48
DarthFrogIs there a FAQ/Guide to upgrading Hoary to Breezy?09:48
mazatlshut up with that shit09:48
naliothDarthFrog: read the /topic09:48
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riokiit will not update a kernel, for example with only upgrade09:48
naliothmazatl: language please09:48
deFrysknalioth, its about what place to send people to for w32codec explenation09:48
kevogodmazatl, That is because ubuntuguide.org is not safe to use.09:49
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snorksI need to edit /etc/hosts, but I do not have write permission, and sudo doesn't work! Not even sudo -s -H09:49
blueyedCan somebody help me with networking issues? I'm on pppoe and since breezy this causes me to use pppoeconf after each reboot/startup. I've filed this bug report in the early days of breezy, but it still causes problems after a recent dist-upgrade: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1024009:49
BooZeewhat is the diffrence between ubuntu and debian ?09:49
DarthFrognalioth: Thanks! :-)  It went by so fast, I didn't notice it.09:49
deFrysknalioth, it seems a bit hard to find in the wiki09:49
Answerdravine_, deFrysk:  just do a text search instead of a title search for w32codecs and it will show you many useful pages on RestrictedFormats09:49
riokiub is repackaged... with better hw suport09:49
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dravine_I'm not really concerned with the codecs09:49
dravine_they work fine for me09:49
deFryskAnswer, its not me who is having probs with finding it09:50
dravine_what does not work fine is the lame ass autohosing of the ethernet connection09:50
kevogodIs Sun Java in Hoary repositories anymore?09:50
BooZeerioki: but i'm actually running debian (now - after the installation is finished?09:50
AnswerIt is very easy to find.  Just search for text instead of titles.09:50
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snorksstig@ubuntu:/etc$ sudo -s -H09:50
snorkssudo: unable to lookup ubuntu via gethostbyname()09:50
dravine_and the 40 seconds it takes to change the damned IP addy09:50
naliothkevogod: no09:50
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kevogodnalioth, OK, just checking09:50
snorksI need to find out how to do stuff as root. It WONT let me, omg09:50
naliothsnorks: common problem09:50
riokiboozee what did you install?09:50
deFryskkevogod, in the wiki is a good howto for installing java09:50
snorksnalioth, do you know how to fix_09:50
janne_Newbiethanks very much....u r jewellery.....nalioth09:50
Answerdravine_:  Sounds like your network is slow.09:50
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riokiwell ub "builds" on debian09:50
BooZeerioki: ubuntu...09:50
naliothsnorks: join #kubuntu-offtopic09:51
dravine_Answer, has nothing to do with the network09:51
kevogoddeFrysk, I do not need to install Java.09:51
dravine_it's a static IP addy09:51
jameshow do I set the radio state in my wireless card from 2 to 0?09:51
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riokiwell there is not to big difference09:51
janne_Newbiekeep up good work nalioth...soon my Finnish Ubuntu pages r finished...09:51
dravine_the issue is the laptop-net or hotplug script that's trying to do the ifup/ifdown on it's own09:51
riokionyl that they repackaged packages ...09:51
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janne_NewbieSo we hopely get more users to ubuntu...09:52
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DarthFrognalioth: That URL in the topic about upgrading to Breezy actually has  nothing to do with it - it tells you how to get a CD image.09:52
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Anak1nwhat about ubuntu and skype?09:52
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DarthFrognalioth: Never mind. :-)09:52
DarthFrog<hangs head in shame at loading the wrong URL> :-)09:52
BooZeerioki: so if I need help, i can get it in debian chat rooms and forums too, right?09:52
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Answerdravine_: To be clear, the issue is your own inexperience with configuring the default network values.09:52
deFryskhehe DarthFrog09:52
riokidependy, but in many casses yes09:53
naliothDarthFrog: /msg ubotu upgrade2breezy09:53
dravine_Answer, the issue is that I can't find where to disable the auto config stuff09:53
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riokiBooZee the thing is that like debian they folow the policy to leve stuff as it should be...09:53
dravine_I think hotplug and laptop-net are stepping on each others toes09:53
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DarthFrognalioth: Sorry, I loaded the wrong URL. :-)09:54
Answerdravine_: Why are you running them at all?09:54
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rioki(BooZee) not hack it together to work with say YaSt...09:54
dravine_Answer, I didn't install them09:54
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dravine_I think it was just installed by default09:54
BooZeerioki: what is yast?09:54
dravine_or perhaps got installed with laptop-tools09:54
deFryskyet another system tool09:54
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riokiYet an other Setup toll ... SuSe main config program09:54
dravine_laptop-mode-tools rather09:54
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deFryskyast is the ruler and master of suse and it s*ks09:55
Answerdravine_: Ok, and you want to configure laptop-mode-tools to do what?09:55
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johnny06hi i am having a hard time installing w32codecs,can anybody give me a repo to add please09:55
daejavuis there any other place then ubuntuguide from where i can get repositories ?09:55
dravine_I'm not doing anything with laptop-mode-tools09:55
naliothdeFrysk: trolling in #ubuntu-offtopic please09:55
dravine_I just want it to stop bringing up and down eth0 on it's own09:55
naliothjohnny06: hoary or breezy?09:55
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_jason!tell johnny06 about restricted09:55
Answerdravine_: Uninstall it.  I do not see any "laptop-mode-tools"09:55
deFrysknalioth, someone asked about yast so I explained09:55
naliothdaejavu: using non ubuntu repos will kill your box09:55
deFryski hope that is allowed ?09:56
dravine_Answer, don't worry about it, I'll figure it out09:56
mazatlwho maintains ubuntuguide.org?09:56
dravine_it's taken more time to explain it than it will to fix it09:56
naliothjohnny06: http://www.giannaros.org/public/hoarydebs/09:56
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mazatlall of the info never worked for me09:56
naliothubuntuguide is currently unmaintained09:56
daejavunalioth, actually i can find my kernel headers  using the ones listed on ubuntuguide :S09:56
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naliothdaejavu: dont get comfy with the 'guide, it'll bite you09:56
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daejavunalioth, lolz ..  well i need to headers preety badly !  any suggestions ?09:57
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mazatlplease dont say lolz09:57
mazatljust say 'lol'09:57
mazatlno 'z' added, please09:57
naliothdaejavu: you just said the 'guide tells you how09:58
daejavunalioth, have u  got the headers installed on ur system ? if yes then from whre u got emm :)09:58
AnswerHow can I take a screenshot of display zero from the command line over ssh?09:58
RamzeShi all. in what package i can find stdio.h, conio.h,....? (sorry for my bad english)09:58
BooZeei've seen some debian terminals styled real nice: the host name was bolded in another color from the regular text. how can I do that?09:58
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nightswimBooZee: search for fancy bash prompts09:59
naliothdaejavu: open synaptic and search for "kernel" find the headers for your kernel09:59
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nightswimit's the PS2 variable09:59
johnny06thanks nalioth09:59
smerglerhey, question, how does one add users in a new ubuntu system09:59
naliothBooZee: ask uncle google about bashrc09:59
delpis the password for su the same as the admin login password?09:59
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smergleri try adduser and useradd... but they dont seem to do what i want09:59
riokino root on ubuntu09:59
deFryskdelp ubuntu uses sudo , not su10:00
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riokiwell no pwd, user sudo10:00
Answersmergler:  useradd is what you want10:00
deFrysk!tell delp about sudo10:00
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naliothsmergler: system > admin > users and groups10:00
daejavunalioth, well heres the problem ! it says the only headers installed are not matching with the kernel.so they are not installed , neither they showup in the synaptic list10:00
smerglerAnswer: thats in gnome though...10:00
mazatlroot@xochiyotl:/home/mazatl# apt-get install j2re1.410:00
mazatlReading package lists... Done10:00
mazatlBuilding dependency tree... Done10:00
mazatlPackage j2re1.4 is not available, but is referred to by another package.10:00
mazatlThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or10:00
mazatlis only available from another source10:00
mazatlE: Package j2re1.4 has no installation candidate10:00
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naliothhate lage10:00
smerglerAnswer: i need to do it through bash10:01
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Answersmergler: useradd is a shell command.10:01
Answersmergler:  man useradd10:01
deFryskmazatl, 1, please dont flood10:01
naliothmazatl: hoary or breezy?10:01
mazatlhow was I flooding?10:01
mazatlI pasted some thing that happened in my terminal10:01
naliothmazatl: http://www.giannaros.org/public/hoarydebs/10:01
mazatlflooding is malicious10:01
naliothmazatl: dont paste in here10:01
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ubotumethinks pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl10:01
deFryskmazatl, no more then 4 lines next time10:02
naliothdeFrysk: can you join me in #kubuntu-offtopic a minute?10:02
RamzeSin what package i can find stdio.h, conio.h,....? (sorry for my bad english)10:02
Answerpasting != flooding, but pasting is equally unappreciated here.10:02
mazatlhow do I instal those debian packages?10:02
mazatlI download/install both?10:02
naliothmazatl: they are ubuntu packages10:02
naliothmazatl: get what you need10:02
naliothmazatl: sudo dpkg -i file.deb10:02
mazatlcool thanks10:02
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RamzeSin what package i can find stdio.h, conio.h,....???10:04
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maddlerRamzeS: you can use dpkg -S stdio.h10:05
AnswerHow can I take a screenshot of display zero from the command line over ssh?10:05
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mazatlnalioth, where can I get packages for breezy?10:05
carlosalguien de venezuela?10:05
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naliothmazatl: http://giannaros.org/tor/bt/10:05
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naliothubotu: tell carlos ex10:05
naliothubotu: tell carlos es10:06
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naliothubotu: tell carlos about es10:06
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.10:07
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RamzeSmaddler, i want to know the name of package wich contein stdio.h, conio.h ....10:08
tgahowdy jess142310:08
jess1423moi francais vous aussi10:08
tgajess1423, #ubuntu-fr10:09
B_166-ER-Xjess1423 , bonsoir, j'espere que tu parle anglais, parcque ici c'est un chan anglophone10:09
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asdffdashow does one clear the wep key? is it possible to have iwconfig eth0 key open and yet have a cleared key (no key set)?10:09
daejavuhow can i shut down X completely and return to terminal ?10:09
tgaasdffdas, iwconfig eth1 key off10:09
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daejavuit was something like init.d/blah blah10:09
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asdffdastga, but that disables wep key support, doesnt it?10:09
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tgaasdffdas, yeah, isn't that what you want?10:10
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tgaasdffdas, what's the point of WEP with no key?10:10
asdffdasdaejavu: type init 0 to go to console, init 1 to go back to x10:10
delpanyone know how to have different background images on each workspace?10:10
asdffdastga, well, i am trying to use xsupplicant to authenticate to a network that assigns a key so having one set is not good10:10
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tgadelp, I don't think you can do that10:10
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naliothtga: you can, but it's currently way beta10:11
tganalioth, in Hoary?10:11
maddlerRamzeS: have you tried dpkg -S ?10:11
naliothtga: wallpapoz.sourceforge.net10:11
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RamzeSmaddler, yes10:11
maddlerand... ?10:11
tgaasdffdas, sorry, no idea about xsupplicant10:11
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maddlerRamzeS: what about the output? ;)10:12
neoliminalI think something odd is happening with my memory.10:12
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RamzeSmaddler, root@StoR ~/coding/frst # dpkg -S stdio.h10:12
RamzeSperl: /usr/lib/perl/5.8.7/CORE/nostdio.h10:12
neoliminalMem:   1032372k total,  1019496k used,    12876k free,    30316k buffers10:12
tganalioth, it doesn't seem to be an Ubuntu feature10:12
naliothtga: did you see that website?10:12
HiddenFlysmokie: whatch your hiligths :)10:13
BooZeewell, i've googled bashrc and couldn't find explanation about the specific color and style change of the command line. only aliases and scripts...10:13
asdffdastga, my problem seem sto be that if i turn off key xsupplicant complains that key support is off... if i turn it on it adds a key and doesnt let xsupplicant add its own10:13
neoliminalFrom top it looks like all my memory is being used, but top doesn't show anything using that much memory.10:13
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tganalioth, yes, it looks like a third party thingie10:13
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naliothtga: ahem. most things in ubuntu are 3d party things10:14
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neoliminalHow do I tell how physical memory is being used?10:14
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mazatlSystem Monitor?10:15
mazatlIn the system tools10:15
ColonelKernelneoliminal, type in "free"10:15
neoliminalfrom command line10:15
neoliminal             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached10:15
neoliminalMem:       1032372    1018768      13604          0      30676     42539210:15
neoliminal-/+ buffers/cache:     562700     46967210:15
neoliminalSwap:       506008          0     50600810:15
gearrycan anyone tell me what the predicted release date is for breezy?10:15
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deFryskneoliminal, your flooding , dont10:15
mazatlhe did 5 lines for fucks sake10:16
mazatlgoddamn, everything is flooding10:16
ColonelKernelneoliminal, be sure to realize, linux uses up most of your memory10:16
neoliminalSo the memory is normally this used up?10:16
BooZeeso anybody can help me with some bashrc (As I was told here) styling of the command line? couldn't find the spacific help in google..10:16
johEh, are the madwifi driver broken now? When I insert my cardbus card, I get this message in syslog: PCI: device 0001:11:00.0 has unknown header type 11, ignoring.10:16
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AnswerHow can I take a screenshot of display zero from the command line over ssh?10:16
deFryskmazatl, with 500 people in the channel we have to be strict10:16
nightswimBooZee: if you google for "fancy prompt bash" you should get some tips10:16
BooZeei'll try it.10:16
mazatlare 500 people talking at the same time?10:17
deFryskmazatl, dont argue10:17
neoliminaldeFrysk:  sorry for the two extra lines10:17
esac_i just did a dist-upgrade and when "Starting laptop_mode" I got errors HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(setidle1) failed: Input/output error. basename: too few arguments. HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(setidle1) failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device.  .... are these known, should i file a bug ?10:17
deFryskmazatl, your waisting your energy10:17
davmor2is anyone here a python hacker?10:17
Answernightswim: How did you get your nickname underlined?10:17
nightswimAnswer: I didnt?10:17
tgalol, he's special10:17
Answerlol nevermind my cursor was just not updating10:18
AnswerI was like wow, how'd he do that10:18
mazatlare you an op deFrysk ?10:18
neoliminalColonelKernel: How do I see how the actual memory is being used?10:18
=== Answer sets mode +o deFrysk
deFryskmazatl, do I have to be ?10:18
mazatlif youre going to impose rules of course10:18
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mazatlnot as normal user10:18
Answerneoliminal:  cat /proc/meminfo10:18
neoliminalwould you guys shut up about my free paste already10:18
test34neoliminal, or Applications - System tools - System Monitor10:18
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deFryskmazatl, only ops are allowed to keep an eye on the rules ?10:19
_jasonneoliminal:  the line that says +/- buffers/cache10:19
DarthFrogWhich version of Open Office comes with Breezy?10:19
mazatlimpose rules on other people and not an op? yes of course10:19
neoliminal_jason: I see it.10:19
apokryphosDarthFrog: packages.ubuntu.com10:19
mazatlirc is not a democracy, there is no "citizens arrests"10:19
DarthFrogapokryphos: Tnx.10:19
Answermazatl: There is a mute command tho.10:20
=== Answer mutes himself
mazatlnot on ops10:20
davmor2I'm having a problem with Gmail-notify (it doesn't seem to work) yet it did a while back.10:20
Answeryou can mute ops or anyone you want10:20
_jasonneoliminal:  that's letting you know how much memory you have free because the cache is being used... but its cache so it cna be used if needed10:20
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apokryphosAnswer: no, you can only set them /ignored10:20
neoliminalok cool10:20
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neoliminalthanks _jason10:20
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_jasonneoliminal:  np10:21
mazatlare you guys ops on the ubuntu-es channel?10:21
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test34Any better irc client for X than xchat ?10:21
_stefangstreamer0.8-plugins was the answer10:21
apokryphosmazatl: /chanserv access #ubuntu-es list10:21
Answertest34: I like trillian10:21
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test34Answer, I will take a look at it thanks10:22
Answertest34: Most chat clients will allow you to do multiple protocols, including irc10:22
AnswerHow can I take a screenshot of display zero from the command line over ssh?10:22
mazatltest34 do you want a graphical irc client?10:22
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test34mazatl, yes10:23
davmor2Can anyone help at all?10:23
AnswerHow can I take a screenshot of display zero from the command line over ssh? scrot will not allow display as a parameter, and ksnapshot you have to click Save so it's not command line10:23
Chambers`Are smb mount points not possible in latest Breezy?10:24
Answerdavmor2: If it worked before you could try removing it then reinstalling it10:24
Fanskapeteh.. is ubuntu using utf8 as standard?10:24
Chambers`I thought it was mount -t smbfs //servername/sharename /mountdirectory -o username=mywindowsusername,password=mywindowspassword  but i try it and i get a wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock error10:24
esac_Fanskapet: it's probably using the default NLS which is set by the kernel10:24
Chambers`i also tried specifying vfat and got an error saying direcotry doesn't exist or something10:24
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FanskapetI can't get that damn irssi to work nice with swedish chars in both windows/putty and ubuntu/ssh!!10:24
Fanskapetit's driving me mad!10:25
AnswerChambers: So what file system type is it ?10:25
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Chambers`isn't it supposed to mount as smbfs?10:25
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Chambers`the filesystem on the share is fat3210:25
davmor2answer: I have a completely fresh install on and it still doesn't work.  I am wondering if a program it relies on has been updated and nolonger supports the command but I don't know anything about python or programming10:25
Chambers`but i thought samba worked differently10:26
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AnswerChambers`: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions?highlight=%28fat32%2910:27
davmor2hardwareUpdate: hello10:27
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hardwareUpdatecan I connect a windows xp to ubuntu Remote Desktop???10:28
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davmor2bob2: are you awake?10:28
Jan_So let me get this straight.10:29
Answerdavmor2: Is gmail-notify a synaptic package?10:29
luiteis it possible to purge all configuration files for all packages that are not currently installed? and is it possible to list all installed packages with their size (not of the package file but the total size of the installed files)10:29
Jan_Let's see. / is root, /root is root, you are root when you su root, plus roots are mounted in /mnt, which may also have / or /root.10:29
Jan_How is this in any way clear.10:29
=== Jan_ boggles
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AnswerJan_: You should read an Intro to Linux/Unix webpage about root.10:30
Chambers`Answer: I'm not mounting a partition, i'm talking about a windows network share10:30
hardwareUpdateDoes anybody if can I connect a windows xp to ubuntu Remote Desktop???10:30
Jan_Answer: That's where I got that from.10:30
g|patrickcan someone recommend a good dvb-s player?10:30
AnswerhardwareUpdate:  You could use a vnc program, like tightvnc10:30
Chambers`hardwareUpdate: yes, use a vnc viewer10:30
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AnswerJan_: So do you have a specific question?10:30
Jan_wouldn't that just be an mpeg2 viewer?10:30
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Jan_Answer: Yes. Why are there so many things called root?10:31
davmor2Answer: yes it is in universe I think acts like msn messenger notify,  let's you know when you have new mail.10:31
mohkohnHas anybody here used UML?10:31
Answerdavmor2: In synaptic, you can try to ForceVersion to the old version if it used to work and you think the update broke10:31
Jan_I don't get why you mount every filesystem except root in /mnt, which is apparently INSIDE root.10:31
snorksIs there anyone who have an idea why I can't sudo? I can't do jack s**t10:31
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Answersnorks: You have to be in the sudoers group to sudo10:32
hardwareUpdatewhere do i get vnc viewer?????10:32
AnswerhardwareUpdate: google tightvnc10:32
Chambers`hardwareUpdate: tightvnc.org10:32
snorksAnswer, it won't let me cat it, because I can't sudo10:32
Chambers`or google10:32
snorksI am the first user created10:32
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Answersnorks: What are you trying to do?10:32
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jameshow can I find out my root, su password?10:33
Chambers`Answer: any response about my samba share mount question?  I'm not mounting a partition, I am trying to mount a remote network share10:33
Chousukejames: no such thing10:33
davmor2Answer: That is part of the problem I don't know weather it is a new version of gmail-notify or a program it relies on.10:33
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snorksAnswer, I am trying to be able to administrate my computer. I can't sudo. I can't sudo -s -H. I can't do ANYthing10:33
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ubotu[root]  disabled in Ubuntu, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo10:33
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snorksAnswer, check this out:10:33
Chambers`why can't you sudo?10:33
AnswerChambers`: In the File Manager, to go File->Connect to Server, and choose Windows Share10:33
snorksThat's the problem :/10:33
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snorksstig@ubuntu:/etc$ sudo10:33
snorkssudo: unable to lookup ubuntu via gethostbyname()10:33
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planetcallX crashed while trying to fix resolution :(10:33
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Chousukesnorks: ee10:33
Chambers`that's funny10:34
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Answersnorks: What are you trying to do ?10:34
g|patrickcan someone recommend a good dvb-s player?10:34
Chousukesnorks: boot into single user mode.10:34
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jamesok :( will have to reinstall10:34
snorksId like to initi 210:34
Chousukejames: hmm?10:34
Chousukejames: why?10:34
Chambers`thanks Answer, i will try when i get home10:34
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snorksAnswer, I am trying to do anything. It won't let me do anything, because I can't sudo10:34
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snorksI simply can't sudo10:34
jameswell i need to know the root password?10:34
planetcallI hope the resolution thing goes better in new build10:35
Chousukejames: there is none.10:35
jamesand you set it when installing?10:35
Chousukejames: use sudo10:35
Chambers`Answer: but is there a way to mount it?  I'd like to mount that share into my home dir on each log in10:35
snorksAnswer, to put it in another way, I want to edit /etc/hosts, but I don't have write permissions. Why? I can't sudo10:35
Chousukeand your own password.10:35
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jamesthanks :) also which tutorial should I follow in install ATI drivers?10:35
_native_ok i enabled the nvidia driver now  my screen rez is 800x600 it should be 1024x76810:35
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jamesive tried the Easy Ubuntu tool but does not appear to be working10:35
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ubotu[drivers]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com//BinaryDriverHowto10:36
nalioth_zZzjames: please dont use that tool10:36
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jamesreally oh?10:36
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nalioth_zZzjames: it has horribly scarred many user10:36
snorksAnswer, any ideas?10:36
jamesive already run it a couple of times, very misleading :(10:36
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AnswerChambers`: Did you read the website ?10:36
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_native_i used the howto. its very incomplete and does not cover10:36
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gloriawhy is it that when I try to go into vida guerra's web site I get signed out automaticaly before anything pop's out?? they told me you guys are the smartest ubuntu people.10:37
_native_much of anything10:37
Answersnorks: msg me10:37
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Chambers`Answer: wrong info10:37
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snorksYou know when you hit System - Administration - Users and Groups, you are supposed to be prompted for password. Nothing happens, and the process gets killed10:37
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Chambers`Answer: that talks about partitions, not network shares10:37
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AnswerChamners`: Oh ok, so you want your windows fat32 share to automatically be something like /mnt/windows10:38
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juliuxhi has any body a ppc?10:38
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Chousukejuliux: I do, but I'm not running Ubuntu on it :/10:38
ChousukeWill test it though when I get the CDs10:38
juliuxChousuke, i also but the breezy kernel did not boot10:38
juliuxChousuke, it hangs by setup_arch: enter10:39
prateeksthr ?10:39
prateeksanyone ?10:39
prateeksanyone knows how to configure VNC srver10:39
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juliuxChousuke, sorry i did not read correctly10:39
prateeksanyone knows how to configure VNC server10:39
cute_bettongok whats going on with mplayer?10:39
prateeksmplayer really sucks on ubuntu10:40
cute_bettongso what to use then?10:40
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ColonelKernelprateeks, nonsense10:40
cute_bettongi'm useing breezy10:40
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esac_vlc ?10:40
g|patrickgood night guys: :)10:40
prateeksuse vlc10:40
_jasoncute_bettong:  try totem-xine, but mplayer runs fine for me10:40
prateeksya vlc10:40
g|patrickhave fun :D10:40
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prateeksis better10:40
esac_good choice prateeks10:40
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cute_bettongok i'll try it10:40
prateeksthr is a problem wid framerate10:41
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Answerprateeks: Download and use tightvnc.  There is sufficient online documentation for tweaking the paramenters10:41
prateekswen u use mplayer10:41
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davmor2prateeks: no but I'm sure there are some tutorials about try googling for them might be easier to follow than over the irc10:41
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prateekswhat is the default port on whihc it runs ?10:41
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Lars_GHi all.10:42
Lars_GI have an (innocent) question.10:42
cute_bettongdoes vlc come with the plugins it needs or do i have to get them?10:43
nightswimoh dear10:43
Chambers`comes wiht them10:43
Lars_GI've checked ubuntu's licensing but I can't find an answer to my question....10:43
Lars_GAre we obligated or entitled to call Mr. Shuttleworth "Dad" ?10:43
prateeksya comes along with teh10:43
tristanmikecute_bettong, vlc comes with it's own plugins, that's why it's fantastic :)10:43
holycowLars_G, rofl!10:43
ChousukeLars_G: :D10:43
tristanmikeLars_G, lol10:43
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cute_bettongyea mplayer wasen't working right for me it woulden't play all .wmv and .avi files10:43
_native_nvidia drivers fussed my rezolution10:43
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prateeksanyone can tell how can we play .rm files on vlc ?10:43
cute_bettongkept tellin me something wasen't right10:43
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Lars_Gprateeks: w32codecs might be what you're looking for.10:44
_jasoncute_bettong:  did you install the w32codecs?10:44
fanskapet_sigh this is hopeless im getting tired of ubuntu.. for one thing that really should be one of the simplest to change10:44
cute_bettongyea i did10:44
Lars_Gprateeks: But, there is also a realplayer for linux too....10:44
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cute_bettongi installed everything includeing files from there website10:44
Lars_Gfanopanic: What are you talking about?10:44
AnswerRealPlayer is unnecessary and disgusting10:44
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Lars_GAnswer: Unnecesary yes, but not so disgusting.10:44
cute_bettongand it was still yakkin about how it shoulden't crash and that i should recompile it10:44
kevogodIt is not disgusting on Linux.10:44
flamif i upgrade to breezy, can i still get the new boot-procedure with picture even if i use lilo or do i have to install grub instead?10:45
AnswerIf you don't hate realplayer then you haven't watch the packet traffic it sends10:45
cute_bettongcould i have somehow set up mplayer wrong?10:46
fanskapet_hmm anyone else using eg. irssi on another server with swedish chars?10:46
Answercute_bettong: Yes it is possible that you have somehow setup mplayer wrong10:46
fanskapet_when i change to utf on irssi it works with ssh in ubuntu10:46
fanskapet_but then it doesn't work in putty/windows instead10:46
Lars_Gflam: In my experience it's always good to have grub anyhow.10:46
cute_bettongbut i did everything through synaptic10:46
cute_bettongincludeing getting the w32codeces10:47
_jasoncute_bettong:  all I had to do was install the right version (-586), install the fonts package, edit the config files for esd sound, and install w32codecs... if you did all that then idk10:47
Lars_Gfanskapet_: Configure your putty correctly.10:47
fanskapet_i hate utf! it's not a wide-spread standard yet.. so why use it!? *agh*10:47
Answercute_bettong: What are you trying to do ?10:47
flamLars_G, hm. ok.10:47
Lars_Gfanskapet_: It's pretty widespread, and how will it spread if you don't use it?10:47
cute_bettongview .wmv .avi files10:47
cute_bettongsome work some don't10:47
GhostFreemanWhere's the Xubuntu crew at?10:47
Lars_GGhostFreeman: xubuntu? what's it?10:47
kevogodGhostFreeman, Try #xubuntu10:47
AnswerI think there should be a separate channel called #ubuntu-pron for all these freakin .wmv .avi questions10:47
fanskapet_Lars_G, hummz.. compare it to how many operating systems that doesn't use utf10:48
GhostFreemandone and done10:48
Lars_Gfanskapet_: For example?10:48
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fanskapet_Lars_G,  say the biggest platform right now for end-users windows?10:49
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Lars_Gfanskapet_: Windows is consistently moving to unicode as a standard....10:49
fanskapet_even though i have not much for windows and microsoft it is the biggest widespread platform10:49
Lars_Gfanskapet_: but if you hate unicode so much, why the hell do you use it?10:49
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Jan_Is there some odd way ubuntu mounts CD-ROMs?10:50
Jan_My pal has an icon on the desktop for it, but /mnt appears empty10:50
fanskapet_Lars_G, that's the real problem i can't get eg. iso-8859-1 to work in ubuntu10:50
kevogodLars_G, Xubuntu is Xfce4 version of Ubuntu.10:50
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_native_BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia really needs to cover more ground. it assumes that if you follow this howto your problem will be solved, but thats not the case.10:50
Lars_Gfanskapet_: Then, you need to read and learn more on Locales and character encodings.10:50
davmor2Jan_: it mount under /media not /mnt10:50
Lars_Gkevogod: Thanks. Nice to hear, xfce4 is a great wm.10:51
fanskapet_i have nothing against utf-8 itself it's just that it's not wise to use this as standard when other much bigger platforms doesn't even support it.10:51
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cute_bettongno i was just wondering if mplayer won't play every .avi .wmv file it encounters10:51
fanskapet_that just seems stupied if the goal for ubuntu really is to be a end-user platform10:51
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ubotuI haven't a clue, Anak1n10:51
ReconA makefile I have links to usr/X11R6/, which doesn't exist. What do I do?10:51
ubotusomebody said mplayer was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto.  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106110:51
_native_ xfce is in the repository now?10:51
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fanskapet_Lars_G, and how would one configure putty "correctly"10:52
kevogod_native_, Are you using Breezy?10:52
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fanskapet_putty doesn't support utf-8 ?10:52
fanskapet_or does it?10:52
davmor2Is Anyone A Python Hacker?10:52
NightLordwhere can i get wmv codecs for totem player10:52
Lars_Gfanskapet_: I'm sure it does.10:52
fanskapet_hm maybe it does10:52
nalioth_zZzNightLord: hoary or breezy10:53
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cosimo321Hello all. Just dod the Breezy update and lost the grub boot screen. I want it back. What do i do?10:53
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nalioth_zZzubotu: tell NightLord about breezydeb10:53
cute_bettongi know about mplayer and stuff just wanted to know if anyone else had trouble playing common files like one .avi or .wmv will play but not the other10:53
fanskapet_still now i've succeded in trashed either my bsd character settings or ubuntu10:53
fanskapet_probably bsd10:53
davmor2NightLord: w32codecs10:53
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fabri918ola, alguem fala portugues aqui?10:54
_jasonfabri918:  sim10:54
cosimo321HOW do I get the grub boot screen back?10:54
nightswimciao a tutti10:54
cosimo321ciao tutti10:54
_jasonfabri918:  #ubuntu-pt10:54
NightLordwhoops, wrong one :P10:54
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Lars_Gfabri918: brazileiro?10:55
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cosimo321anyone? Please how do I get the grub boot screen back?10:55
NightLordout of curiosity, is there a GUI for installing .debs similar to the one for install rpms in fedora?10:55
Lars_Gfabri918: #ubuntu-pt10:55
davmor2cosimo: no idea but I think all the artwork is having an overhaul10:56
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cosimo321Yeah the desktop pciture has chnged10:56
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cosimo321but I like that boot screen!!!10:56
Lars_Gis the new one cute?10:56
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Lars_GI can't wait for Breezy! sigh10:56
Jan_why would files listed by ls be green?10:56
cosimo321They need to get a better artist to do the artwork10:57
davmor2Cosimo321: yeah but there might be another in the pipe line10:57
anatolehow do i go into recovery mode?10:57
obontucan someone please gimme his repositories list?  i tried a few i found on the net but i get errors on each of them. i'm trying to install avidemux2 but i can't seem to find it on synaptic10:57
JDigitalHelp me with mplayer here. It's stuck at 280ms audio delay. If I change it with the + and - keys, then quit and start again the audio delay is still 280ms.10:57
obontui'm using hoary btw10:58
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Lars_GJan_: Means they're executable.10:58
fabri918urubu, essa sala  sua?10:58
_native_yeah im using breezy, i followed the howto, nvidia driver is enabled but my rezolution is now reduced and hardware accel is still not functioning10:58
JDigitalI sthere a config file or something10:58
davmor2anatole: hit escape when grub appears go into it from grub hit enter10:58
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vbgunz_native_: reboot10:58
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_native_i have10:58
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anatoledavmor2: and if i have lilo?10:58
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_native_thats when my problem occured. enabling the nvidia driver has made my screen 800x 600 it should be 1024x76810:59
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davmor2anatole: same priciple as far as I know there should be something to hit to select a boot method10:59
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none_The corpses were wrapped in plastic and concealed inside statues of Christian icons, which were smashed open.10:59
none_Colombian police chief Gen Jord Alirio Varon said the four- to five-month-old foetuses could have been intended for use in Satanic rituals.10:59
vbgunzhey anyone any idea where the boot menu item has gone? the latest update seemed to remove it. Also, the latest update removed my homepage "default Ubuntu homepaqe"...10:59
BooZeehow can I change my language settings?10:59
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anatolethank you11:00
Marxistjdigital: killall mplayer, man mplayer11:00
none_"Foetuses found at Bogota airport11:00
vbgunzBooZee: I believe you can do that from the login menu11:00
BooZeemy system is localized, and I want to make it enabled11:00
anatolei messed up my sudoers list :/11:00
Lars_Ganatole: Hit tab at "Lilo:" it should show a list of bootable images.11:00
Kyralanyone know how to compile SSL support into gFTP?11:00
nessmukI changed a video card so it would work with a Win98 install, and now it's not recognized in my Ubuntu install. Can I edit a file to fix this, or do I need to re-install Ubuntu?11:00
JDigitalMarxist: I killalled mplayer, the manpage is no help11:00
BooZeeand how can I make it the default?11:00
Lars_Ganatole: If you have none labeled recovery, type your normal one ad add this to the end: "single".11:00
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BooZeevbgunz: how can I make it default?11:01
Lars_Ganatole: So, if oyu have only "Linux" on the list. type "Linux single" and enter11:01
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Marxistthere is a key you can use to progress or regress the audio currently being played11:01
Marxistlet me look it up for you11:01
BlueEagleboozee: When you log on click on the "Lanugage" item. Also it helped me by choosing the local locale when installing. Had some troubles with utf-8 when I didn't do that.11:01
vbgunzBooZee: not sure, I believe before you login yuo can select it... It has to be in the preference or administrative menus somewhere11:01
anatolethank you Lars_G11:01
anatoletrying it right now11:02
Lars_Ganatole: Np, and good luck11:02
vbgunzon breezy I believe it is System > Administration > Language Selector?11:02
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JDigitalMarxist: Yes, but it only goes up and down in increments of 100ms11:02
JDigitalmine is 280ms11:02
BlueEaglenessmuk: Which graphics card?11:02
JDigitaland it resets to 280ms when I start11:02
BlueEaglejdigital: Sound issues?11:02
JDigitalHence I can never get it to 0ms precisely11:02
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JDigitalmplayer issues11:03
BlueEaglejdigital: Using ESD?11:03
vbgunzwhere is the grub editor? It has been removed from my menu...11:03
Lars_GBreezy switched back to ESDless alsa, no?11:03
obontuhow can i install avidemux? it used to be in my synaptic, but it's not there anymore11:03
brentonanyone know of a working repository that has jre1.5?11:03
BlueEaglevbgunz: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst11:03
vbgunzMy default ubuntu firefox homepage has been removed... nothing replaces it11:03
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MarxistjDigital: so keep hacking away at that key until you reach your desired result11:03
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vbgunzBlueEagle: I know how to do that, thanks, i am looking for the grub editor... it seemed to be removed from the menu...11:04
maddlerquestion: how do I avoid having console messed with log? tried to modify /etc/syslog.conf but nothing changed11:04
BlueEaglemaddler: is ksyslogd startet at boot?11:04
JDigitalMarxist: You don't understand. The smallest increment that key will do is 100ms either way. Thus I can never reach zero precisely because I'm at 280 to begin with.11:05
vbgunzBlueEagle: I guess I am asking if it has been replaced or merged into another application?11:05
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=== keikoz gnight all
BlueEaglemaddler: klogd*11:05
ubotucute_bettong: I give up, what is it?11:05
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JDigitalIf I hit the key twice I'm down to 80ms. If I hit it again I'm down to -20ms.11:05
ubotucute_bettong: Are you on ritalin?11:05
JDigitalI want 0ms but there's no "move 10ms" key.11:05
BlueEaglevbgunz: I've never seen such an editor. :/11:05
Marxistjdigital: use xine11:05
cute_bettongyes actually i am11:05
ubotuI heard w32codecs is a set of codecs for popular audio/video formats (wmv etc). Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/87ofx (Breezy). 64-bit? See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5439911:05
BooZeeand how can I change my default desktop graphical environment? i'm currently using KDM, but logging into GNOME. How can I change back to GDM ?11:05
maddlerBlueEagle: yup... but where can I confiure it?11:05
Lars_Gcute_bettong: Me too11:05
JDigitalXine? What's that?11:05
brentoncan someone tell me where i can find a list of ubuntu repositories? i think some of the ones mentioned on the ubuntuguide no longer work11:06
Lars_GJDigital: I guess you're being sarcastic?11:06
BlueEaglemaddler: It shouldn't need configuring. It should take all log messages by default :/11:06
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JDigitalThe name is familiar but I forget what. From the context I guess it's another video player.11:06
obontui installed w32 codecs11:06
JDigitalI like mplayer though11:06
vbgunzBlueEagle: It used to be under I believe ? System > Preferences > Boot *or* System > Administration > Boot... It's no longer there...11:06
Marxistits another multimedia player11:06
nessmukblueeagle....ATI mach 64 GX11:06
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Lars_GJDigital: xine is a multimedia player AND engine, pretty good.11:06
obontui think but i still can't get totem to play my videos11:06
maddlerBlueEagle: damn... it's impossible to work on the console... :|11:06
obontucan someone help please?11:06
BooZeevbgunz: and how can I change my default desktop graphical environment? i'm currently using KDM, but logging into GNOME. How can I change back to GDM ?11:06
messjuhi. after upgrading to breezy firefox doesn't antialias some fonts (but most). is that a known issue?11:06
Marxistxine is almost the same thing, just better in my opinion11:06
BlueEaglevbgunz: Which version did it use to be there?11:06
BlueEaglevbgunz: Because I am in Hoary and there is no such entry. :/11:07
Lars_GMarxist: I agree, but I only use the engine, my fave frontend is kaffeine11:07
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_native_I cant believe distros still dont have this taken care of. i used to compile the nvidia interface myself and get hardware accel manually but in 2005 i should'nt have to deal with this. the nvidia soulutions provided by the ubuntu wiki have only made the problem worse. now i have to fix what problems where cause by blindly trusting the information in ubuntu's documentation11:07
BlueEaglemaddler: how does your /var/log/messages set for permissions?11:07
vbgunzBlueEagle: not sure... I am on Breezy.. It wassd here in Hoary but it's no longer around at all... it seems it was deliberately removed... I would like to know why...11:07
maddlerBlueEagle: 64011:08
ubun2im surprised ubuntu is running fast on my 64mb of ram machine11:08
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BooZeeBlueEagle: and how can I change my default desktop graphical environment? i'm currently using KDM, but logging into GNOME. How can I change back to GDM ?11:08
ubun2reminds me of the beos r5/r6 days11:08
maddlerBlueEagle: tried stopping *log* but still getting garbage on the console...11:08
Marxistthe engine is all that matter11:08
johOmg, I get kernel oops when using the latest madwifi driver :S11:09
BlueEaglemaddler: that would be u+rw-x g+r-xr o-xrw, right?11:09
ubun2does anyone know whether i should convert ubuntu ext3 to ubuntu xfs/ubuntu reiserfs?11:09
vbgunzBooZee: sorry, I don't know how... I didn't like KDE on SUSE and it was one driving reason I decided to go with Ubuntu and Gnome... Hope you find help!11:09
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BlueEaglemaddler: /etc/init.d/klogd restart11:09
ubun2just for the sake of file system speed11:09
maddlerBlueEagle: u+rw g+r o-rwx11:09
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_native_im such a sucker to think that i could just have a "just works" experiance with ubuntu.11:09
davmor2ubun2: does it work?11:09
BooZeeanybody know how can I change my default desktop graphical environment? i'm currently using KDM, but logging into GNOME. How can I change back to GDM ?11:10
billytwowillyis there any way to get that screen in the install where I can resize partitions back after I finish installing?11:10
ubun2ubuntu installed REALLY fine on my machine11:10
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ubun2i didn't do anything really11:10
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ubun2the only thing i use is icewm because GNOME is a ram hog11:10
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ubun2they need to have DENU for ubuntu rather than denu for gentoo :-)11:10
Lars_Gubun2: Try xfce4 it's wonderfull, as light as icewm, and more confortable to use11:11
davmor2ubun2: if it aint broke don't fix it the speed increase is realtively minor at the moment.11:11
ubun2Lars_G: I did, I still like icewm+fvwm11:11
ubun2thanks davmor211:11
=== Khaaaaaan [n=nicholas@69-161-72-233.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lars_Gubun2: Your choice, your right.11:11
Khaaaaaansup all11:11
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KhaaaaaanDamn so Breezy has the Ubuntu logo instead of the Gnome foot now...11:12
ubun2Lars_G : this is probably the best form of linux i've ever used in my life and i would definitely keep using it.11:12
siriuslyI rather like fluxbox :-)11:12
ubun2flux is really good i agree11:12
Lars_Gubun2: :D11:12
ubun2but i cant get the menus right11:12
Lars_GFlux is nice.11:12
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Khaaaaaanewww flux11:12
Lars_GBut xfce is a little easier to config11:12
=== apokryphos thinks he'll stick to kde
ubun2on a 64mb of ram machine11:13
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BlueEaglemaddler: does the kernel logger go down and up ok when you sudo /etc/init.d/klogd restart11:13
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davmor2could someone with some python experience have a look at gmail-notify please?11:13
ubun2whatever happened to enlightenment11:13
apokryphosubun2: taking years still to release 0.1711:13
maddlerBlueEagle: yes... it stopped and started...11:13
Lars_Gubun2: I know, I ran fluxbox on my old 200Mhz 32Mb ram laptop11:13
apokryphosubun2: but still with some nice things11:14
nessmuklars_g...are you using the new ubuntu that installs  xfce?11:14
BlueEaglekhaaaaaan: I hope you intend to tell us why you think flux is ewww.11:14
BlueEaglemaddler: Very peculiar.11:14
Lars_Gnessmuk: Not yet, I gave to the dark side and use KDE now.11:14
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BlueEaglemaddler: Does anything get written to /var/log/messages?11:14
ubun2i installed pwm3, ion3, xfce4, icewm and it wasn't that difficult11:14
ubun2the ubuntu people really got this thing right this time11:14
ubun2i was using damn small linux before and it was terrible11:14
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ubun2great job :D11:15
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KhaaaaaanBlueEagle: Cause?!?11:15
Travis|His the method for installing the opengl nvidia driver the same as it was in Hoary for Breezy11:15
_rb_hey ive got a usb digital camera, and its set to mass storage device. how do i mount the thing, or perhaps even find it, under ubuntu ??11:15
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BlueEaglekhaaaaaan: Very constructive...11:15
davmor2travis|H yes11:15
JFwhen i try to boot from ym live cd it starts the boot and gives me a bunch of lines of code then give me a DR-Dos console and i have no idea what to do. Any suggestions11:15
brentoncan someone tell me where i can find a list of ubuntu repositories? i think some of the ones mentioned on the ubuntuguide no longer work.11:15
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maddlerBlueEagle: no way... can't stop having garbage...11:16
KhaaaaaanBlueEagle: Mwah ha ha ha11:16
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Zoltyhello room11:16
KhaaaaaanThe plan is coming together now11:16
juliuxhas some body testet the breezy install cd on a ppc?11:16
BlueEaglekhaaaaaan: It worked. You're now being ignored. :)11:16
JFhas anyone here succesfully burnt an ubuntu disc using nero xpress?11:16
bob832what is the command to print a file from the terminal?11:16
KhaaaaaanNAw flux is just ugly11:16
Khaaaaaanis all11:17
nessmukjuliux....I think you have to go to the ppc sites and look for another irc channel11:17
ZoltyI got a good image to burn for ubuntu using nero express11:17
vbgunzBlueEagle: I am not crazy. The boot menu item was there and it has been removed and *not* replaced as far as I can tell... Why would Ubuntu do this?11:17
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ubun2Khaaaaaan : if you dont like flux try enlightenment11:17
ubun2Khaaaaaan : or xfce 411:17
KhaaaaaanNow we are talking11:17
juliuxnessmuk, do you have a link?11:17
KyralIs it normal for Beep to spawn two instances?11:17
KyralI mean processes?11:17
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BlueEaglevbgunz: I really do not know. I've never seen any util for configuring grub tbh.11:17
KhaaaaaanBlueEagle doesnt see it that way, which is cool cause that is what linux is all aboot11:17
ubun2Khaaaaaan : fvwm-crystal is REALLY beautiful11:17
cute_bettonghmm it seems that mozilla firefox won't identify to the website what type of player it has to view the media11:17
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cute_bettongis there a way to make mozilla lie to websites and say that it has oh say media player 10 or something installed11:18
MachineScrewso when can we expect a new login ?11:18
MachineScrewlogin theme that is11:18
davmor2ubun2 Khaaaaan or you could simply upgrade to 64bit and run what the hell you like at speed11:18
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maddlercute_bettong: I don't think so... not afaik at least...11:18
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nessmukhow do I change the config to recognize an new video card?11:19
holycowyou know what is a weird sideffect of running a debian like linux distro?11:19
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holycowi now dread the thought of installing windows11:19
holycownot for moral reasons11:19
vbgunzBlueEagle: the boot menu item didn't exactly edit GRUB... Instead it was just a GUI for reorganizing and adding/removing startup entries to the GRUB boot menu11:19
cute_bettongsee if any of you can play that file11:19
holycowbut because it is so much goddamned work11:19
Chousukeholycow: You are no longer able to accept any other OS? :P11:19
MachineScrewany one know wht my usplash isn't working ?11:19
cafuego_because it takes about 4 hours?11:19
davmor2nessmuk what card11:19
holycowChousuke, :)11:20
Anak1nmplayer said could not open/initialize audio device -> no sound what to do?11:20
ubun2holycow : I don't even think about windows when im on ubuntu11:20
BlueEaglevbgunz: Then it might have been removed for being completely (well almost) useless. :p11:20
MachineScrewuse totem-xine11:20
ubun2holycow : everything just "works"11:20
ubun2holycow : except sound.. :/11:20
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holycowubun2, *nod* its is just so werid, i cannot get my self to actually install software, create accounts, polidies, it's unreal.  i never expected this11:20
deflux-Has anyone gotten vmware workstation 5 to run on breezy?11:21
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MachineScrewI have deflux11:21
holycowubun2, *nod* thats an issue sometimes yes.  I always buy mobos with supported chipsets11:21
deflux-Is there something I'm missing?11:21
nessmukdavmor2....ATI Technologies Inc 210888GX [Mach 64 GX]  (rev 03) is what lspci says11:21
deflux-Because it keeps telling me that it's not configured.11:21
vbgunzBlueEagle: I can do it from the /boot/grub/menu.lst but I liked the interface... + I am just curious as to why it was removed... It wasn't exactly useless :P11:21
deflux-But the configure part goes through just fine, but the services don't seem to start properly.11:21
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ubun2wonder if ubuntu works with xbox11:22
nessmukdavmor2....I think this would involve editing the config file in vi, which I'm not too good at....would need hand-holding11:22
davmor2nessmuk: think you install similar to nvidia but with fglx i think but if you check the wiki it should tell you11:22
ubun2i want to send a computer that doesn't look like a computer to a friend11:22
Anak1nmplayer said could not open/initialize audio device -> no sound what to do?11:22
ubun2hmm xbuntu11:23
cafuego_ubun2: How about a blank cd in a small pizza box?11:23
holycownessmuk, use nano, you can learn it by looking at the 12 commands on the bottom of the screen11:23
holycowyou only need to know 311:23
ubun2lol @ cafuego11:23
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nessmukdavmor2....got a link?11:23
ubun2im sending it to a country11:23
g|patrickjust noticed a strange behaviour11:23
ubun2where they dont allow bringing in computers11:23
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ubun2im thinking about it :/11:23
MachineScrewany one know why my usplash isn't working ?11:24
g|patrickmy backspeakers are used like headphones with a crappy sound11:24
brentonwill eclipse work with GNU's java bytecode interpreter?  i can't find jre1.5 in any ubuntu repository11:24
apokryphosMachineScrew: in what way is it not working?11:24
g|patrickwhere can i control which channel is used for this?11:24
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MachineScrewapkryphos: on boot it dosn't show up11:24
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davmor2nessmuk: no just apt-get install but not sure what as I use nvidia https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto11:24
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MachineScrewapkryphos: looks like it trys but then gose back to the console11:24
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apokryphosMachineScrew: is usplash installed; and, secondly, did you reconfigure the respective linux-modules11:25
MachineScrewapkryphos: yes11:25
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davmor2nessmuk link at end of last message11:25
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apokryphosMachineScrew: yes to both of them?11:25
MachineScrewapkryphos: I just did an update and hadn't had to mess with modules11:25
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apokryphosMachineScrew: sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-`uname -r`11:26
[Wiebel] anyone here updated breezy today and noticed bootsplash aint working anymore?11:26
apokryphos[Wiebel] : nope11:26
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[Wiebel] hmm oddd11:26
[Wiebel] -d11:26
mohkohnDoes anyone know where I can get the package apt-get install user-mode-linux? I have multiverse and universe enabled.11:27
mohkohnPackage user-mode-linux has no installation candidate11:27
davmor2Wiebel: we said this already I think the ubuntu team are doing a load of work on the graphics at the moment11:27
[Wiebel] ah ok11:27
MachineScrewapkryphos: is that it11:27
[Wiebel] i noticed the new look in gnome and gdm :)11:27
blekosi want to add firestarter to the startup menu,11:28
apokryphosMachineScrew: you can use tab for auto-completion of nicknames :)11:28
[Wiebel] firestarter?11:28
apokryphosMachineScrew: and..yup, that's it; if you reconfigured it should be fine now11:28
blekosi have added to start programs but since i do not log in as root11:28
MachineScrewI don't have a new look for gdn11:28
blekosit says not enough privil.11:28
blekosany ideas?11:28
apokryphosMachineScrew: eh?11:28
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Anak1nmplayer said could not open/initialize audio device -> no sound what to do?11:28
ubotusound is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DebuggingSoundProblems/11:28
g|patrickcan someone tell me where i can control how the soundoutput channels?11:29
davmor2blekos you have to deit sudoers to allow it to start then just add it to sessions startup11:29
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MachineScrewapokryphos, is there suposed to be a new GDM theme ?11:29
blekosdeit suoders??11:29
davmor2nessmk np11:29
apokryphosblekos: edit11:29
cevizogluwhat's the next version of ubuntu going to be called?11:29
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apokryphosMachineScrew: usplash has nothing to do with gdm, nope11:29
blekoshi apokryfos11:29
MachineScrew[Wiebel] , what new gdm theme11:30
davmor2cevizoglu dapper duck as far as I know11:30
apokryphosdapper drake11:30
[Wiebel] MachineScrew: on boot11:30
MachineScrewoh ok11:30
[Wiebel] while loging in11:30
[Wiebel] it changed in breezy11:30
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apokryphoscevizoglu: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=350378#post35037811:31
dalamarmy psp is automounting now in breezy as read-only, how can I fix this? can I manually mount it with write permissions as well? It used to automount with read/write ...11:32
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uboturepositories is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy))11:33
davmor2blekos: edit sudoers with Your_Login         ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /root/to/firestarter11:33
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_rb_whats the deal with camera:/ ? does that work ? I'm trying to access the contents of my usb connected digital camera.11:35
MachineScrewapokryphos, it didn't work11:35
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=== masterra_ looks around
blekosbut if i add someone to sudoers want he be able to do anything he wants(that me)without pawssword warning?11:35
apokryphosMachineScrew: dpkg -l|grep usplash  ...gives?11:35
apokryphosblekos: only if you configure it that way11:36
masterra_anyone feel like helping me with a sound problem in breezy? In gnome.. the panel shows no sound devices.. but /dev/dsp is working fine.. catting to it i hear sound, and even alunching esd by hand gives sound, but gnome (and gnome apps) still don't think so..11:36
uboturumour has it, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx11:36
apokryphosblekos: you can configure sudo to provide a given user with sudo powers only to a particular application11:36
MachineScrewii  usplash    0.1-1711:36
cevizogluapokryphos, thx11:37
snorksAnyone with breezy here and working ATI direct rendering?11:37
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davmor2blekos then edit sessions startup with sudo /root/to/firestarter11:37
MachineScrewapokryphos, ii  usplash   0.1-1711:37
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davmor2nessmuk did that fix your problem?11:37
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apokryphosMachineScrew: you're sure the dpk-reconfigure went ok without errors?11:38
anatoleLars_G: thank you ^_^11:38
anatoleafter i put myself back into admins my sound broke11:38
erUSULhello all i have problems setting up pure-ftpd. i think i enabled virtual users right but i get 530 i can not trust you. any hints11:38
anatoleso i had to reinstall the driver from a howto11:38
anatoleits quite strange though o_O11:39
MachineScrewapokryphos, said that it didn't find a splash image but ya no errors i thoguht the splash was for grub11:39
dalamarif i run 'mount' /media/usbdisk says 'rw' by it, but when I try and delete something or write to it it says its read only .. what gives?11:39
apokryphosMachineScrew: though I'm wondering how you have  0.1-17 when the current in the repos is  0.1-1011:39
g|patrickcan someone tell me where i can control how the soundoutput channels?11:39
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MachineScrewapokryphos, i use the horay-backports-staging and horay-extras-staging11:40
apokryphosMachineScrew: disable both of those, sudo aptitude remove usplash, then sudo aptitude install usplash11:40
erUSULhello all i have problems setting up pure-ftpd. i think i enabled virtual users right but i get 530 i can not trust you. any hints ??11:40
davmor2dalamar: it might be the file itself that is write protected11:41
snorksis the ati driver howto different on 5.04 VS breezy?11:42
davmor2dalamar: did you sudo the mount11:43
dalamarno i didnt11:43
=== matthew5 [n=matthew_@ip70-176-180-97.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
snorksccooke: Did you talk to me about ATI drivers?11:43
matthew5tar works but won't allow the --exclude flag. It's quite odd. Please take a look at the whole picture at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70566 if you think you might be able to help11:43
snorksccooke: earlier?11:43
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snorksccooke: I believe you did. Well, I'm on breezy now :) Wanna guide me through?11:43
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matthew5sorry, should introduce with...I have a problem, as outlined above11:44
dalamarand an attempt at chmodding the file gives me the read only file system error again, strange11:44
MachineScrewapokryphos, still got the same11:44
davmor2dalamar try sudo chmod -R 666 /path/to/file11:44
apokryphosMachineScrew: did you aptitude update before trying to reinstall?11:44
grogoreoI have 1GB of RAM and haven't specified a swap partition because of this, do you thinkthat I will encounter any problems?11:44
apokryphosMachineScrew: then you wouldn't have 1711:44
none_grogoreo, highly unlikely11:45
grogoreoI opened up about 10 large files in The Gimp before I reinstalled ubuntu (using swap) and it didn't go to swap, just used memory11:45
grogoreonone_: thanks11:45
MachineScrew(Reading database ... 125342 files and directories currently installed.)11:45
MachineScrewUnpacking usplash (from .../usplash_0.1-17_i386.deb) ...11:45
MachineScrewSetting up usplash (0.1-17) ...11:45
MachineScrewstill the same i did the update11:45
dalamardavmor2, no luck, again the error with read only file system11:45
BlueEagledalamar: which filesystem is the file on?11:46
apokryphosMachineScrew: then you must have not disabled those repositories11:46
apokryphosMachineScrew: make sure you have only the actual ubuntu ones11:46
cafuego_MachineScrew: Reinstall the kernel after the usplash update, so the initrd image is regenerated.11:46
dalamarBlueEagle, mount says the type is vfat?11:46
erUSULhello all i have problems setting up pure-ftpd. i think i enabled virtual users right but i get 530 i can not trust you. any hints ??11:46
MachineScrewapokryphos, all you have to do is put # infront of those lines11:46
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MachineScrewapokryphos, right11:47
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apokryphoscafuego: no point; you can do a dpkg-reconfigure of the linux-image11:47
BlueEagledalamar: which umask is the filesystem mounted with? Is it mounted as ro?11:47
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apokryphosMachineScrew: ok, then pastebin your sources.list11:47
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cafuego_apokryphos: that's not aliased ;-)11:47
davmor2dalamar: if it is anything like mine then have you got 2 usbdisks show up11:47
zygacan anyone confirm that celestia works?11:47
dalamarBlueEagle, says umask=07711:47
apokryphoscafuego_: it doesn't work? That was the process advised some time ago11:47
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dalamarcd /media11:48
MachineScrewapokryphos, you shure11:48
dalamaroops ;)11:48
apokryphosMachineScrew: am I sure I want you to pastebin it? Erm, yeah.11:48
MachineScrewpastbin where11:48
dalamardavmor2, only one /media/usbdisk listed11:48
apokryphosMachineScrew: paste.ubuntulinux.nl11:49
JDigitalAnyone know why mplayer is applying 280ms audio delay by default?11:49
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Anak1nI fix mplayer and skype11:50
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Anak1nubuntu is THE BEST11:50
davmor2dalamar try umounting it in console with sudo umount /media/usbdisk then remount it with sudo mount /dev/sda then see if you can edit it with root11:50
MachineScrewok what do i put after it11:50
cafuego_Hey, no new X this morning?11:51
MachineScrewdeb http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ubuntu11:51
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MachineScrewapokryphos, why do I have to have an older version11:51
cafuego_apokryphos: it probably works, I just don't have the command aliases, so it takes longer to type.11:52
davmor2are there any python programmers on list please11:52
cafuego_apokryphos: That said, maybe I should alias it.11:52
apokryphosMachineScrew: no, pastebin (on the site I said) your /etc/apt/sources.list11:52
MachineScrewapokryphos, oh ok11:52
dalamardavmor2, it says i have to specify filesystem type when I try and remount, how would i do that?11:52
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MachineScrewapokryphos, better question is it possible to install kubuntu then remove ubuntu ?11:53
MachineScrewjust using apt-get11:53
apokryphosMachineScrew: well, you're going to have to more explicitly define the situation11:53
apokryphosbut I'm sure it's doable =)11:53
cevizoglulol, they're calling it dapper drake to reflect the amount of polish being applied  ;)11:54
=== apokryphos thinks 'buntu needs a lot of polishing =)
apokryphos(after trying out SuSE for a day or so)11:54
davmor2dalamar : sudo mount -t vfat32 /dev/sda11:54
MachineScrewok affter I do apt-get install kubuntu-base kubuntu-desktop how would i remove ubuntu11:54
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davmor2dalamar I think11:55
apokryphosMachineScrew: no kubuntu-base...11:55
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MachineScrewok no base11:55
apokryphosMachineScrew: install kubuntu-desktop, then just use debfoster, with the -desktop packages together11:55
MachineScrewbut i want to remove all GNOME progs11:55
=== Kyaneos [n=kyaneos@238.Red-81-33-165.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosMachineScrew: ubuntu and kubuntu share the same ubuntu-base11:55
apokryphosMachineScrew: the command I'm telling you will11:55
cafuego_MachineScrew: use synapric, remove them.11:56
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MachineScrewok debfoster ubuntu-desktop11:56
MachineScrewor debfoster ubuntu-desktop kubuntu-desktop11:56
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apokryphosMachineScrew: other way round :)11:56
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MachineScrewapokryphos, ok cool11:57
dalamardavmor2, still says read only ;/ this is so wierd, it used to automount fine with read and write11:57
shinuwhats an alternative to madplay?11:57
shinumpg123 or something?11:58
MachineScrewapokryphos, kubuntu-desktop ubuntu-desktop11:58
=== cute_bettong [n=shane@24-177-148-2.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
MachineScrewapokryphos, right11:58
apokryphosMachineScrew: make sure you install kubuntu-desktop first, then yes11:58
cute_bettonghow long will i be able to use horey?11:58
apokryphosMachineScrew: use the help page for commands like that :). debfoster --help11:58
davmor2dalamar did you try to remove it with sudo rm filename.mp311:58
cute_bettongcause breezy is kinda ticking me off11:58
=== concept10 [n=concept1@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
none_cute_bettong, security updates will still be made11:59
apokryphoscute_bettong: you can use Hoary forever and ever11:59
cute_bettongor is it no longer supported11:59
cute_bettongreally? sweet11:59
apokryphoscute_bettong: supported for 18 months11:59
none_it will be supported until the next release, IIRC11:59
cute_bettongoh ok11:59
MachineScrewok thanks much11:59
cute_bettongso if i want to use it untill all the problems with breezy are solved i can?11:59
ChousukeWarty is still usable too :)11:59
dalamardavmor2, still gives the read only file system error12:00
cute_bettongcause breezy is giveing me mondo media problems12:00

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