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desrtwho takes l-r-m bugs these days?02:52
desrtbugzilla still has them assigned to daniel02:52
crimsunI think fabbione does now02:59
desrtahh.  5 seconds too late02:59
crimsundon't quote me on that, though.02:59
=== doko_ [n=doko@dslb-084-059-069-029.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
=== desrt just submitted the bug to daniel :p
desrthe'll sort it out, i imagine03:00
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lamont-away        kernel-wedge copy-modules 2.6.12-9 itanium-smp 2.6.12-9-itanium-smp05:28
lamont-awaymissing module ide-generic05:28
lamont-awayBenC: so it looks like I missed a spot or 2 when I dropped ide-generic from ia64...05:28
BenCsounds like something for 9.2005:58
desrtBenC; what's the name of the abi-checker script?06:07
BenCnot really a script06:10
BenClook under the build target in debian/rules06:10
=== fabbione [i=fabbione@gordian.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
BenCuses the kernel tree generated Module.symvers file06:11
BenCwith some sed/sort stuff06:11
desrtgood morning, fabbione06:11
fabbionemorning guys06:11
desrtyou're up early06:11
fabbioneit's my usual time06:12
desrti figure it's either 6am, 7am, 8am or 9am there :)06:12
fabbionei always wake up between 4 and 706:13
fabbioneit's because i am stressed06:13
desrtyou need a nice vacation once breezy is released06:13
desrtwhy don't you come to canada?06:13
fabbionei will arrive a few days before UBZ06:14
fabbionethe 26th06:14
fabbioneand wander around 3/4 days06:14
desrti'd invite you to wander my way, but i'm going to be really busy those days06:14
fabbionedesrt: do you live in montreal?06:15
fabbionehow far from montreal?06:15
desrtabout 6 hours06:15
fabbionehmm a bit too much 06:15
fabbionebut thanks for the offer06:15
desrti didn't offer :)06:15
fabbionei am still injecting coffee06:16
desrta good reason for anything06:16
desrtubuntu is your only job, right?06:16
desrtis it stressful, or other life factors?06:17
fabbioneseveral reasons06:17
fabbionebut right now we are approaching release06:17
fabbioneand my stress level goes up due to extra QA paranoia that ticks in my brain06:18
desrtya.  i worry a lot about that too06:18
fabbionehmm what program is used to burn .bin/.cue in linux??06:22
fabbionei can never remember06:22
fabbionei am not such a win hacker :)06:23
desrtthe canadian papersize bug is back06:25
fabbione-ENOCARE :P06:25
desrti sure as hell do :p06:25
fabbionetoday i am not going to work... too tired06:25
desrtit's sunday!06:25
desrtit's a sin to work06:25
fabbionethe only real solution is to change country06:26
desrtinfinity; ping06:27
desrtinfinity; you fixed this bug last time :)06:28
fabbionethe rule of "you touched last" rock06:29
desrtde facto maintainership with a sample size of exactly 106:30
desrti destroyed a lot of information by reinstalling06:32
desrtforgot to backup /etc... forgot to backup /usr/local.... forgot to backup my ssh key06:32
desrtthe ssh key alone will be an excessive amount of work to repair06:32
fabbioneeheh i know06:33
fabbionei did rm -rf /home once 06:33
fabbionei know the pain06:33
=== desrt decides how to phrase this
desrti think i'll tell everyone that i decided to 'rotate' my keys :)06:36
fabbionei would blame libpaper for overwriting them06:37
desrthmmm.. not bad06:37
desrti could say i wrote a script that checks /etc/papersize and erases my ssh key if it's not "letter"06:38
desrtthat way i can detect if my laptop is stolen and taken out of the country and destroy my key for security purposes06:38
fabbionecdrecord: Unsupported sector size 2352 for data on line 2 in 'dev-civ3.cue'.06:38
desrtyou have to use cuefile=06:39
fabbionei did06:39
desrtoh.  weird06:39
fabbionecdrecord dev=/dev/hdc driveropts=burnfree cuefile=dev-civ3.cue -dao06:39
desrtdid you try -pad?06:39
fabbionethe man page says to use -dao06:39
fabbioneNo track files are allowed when this option is06:39
fabbione              present and the option -dao is currently needed in addition.06:39
fabbionego figure06:39
infinitydesrt : <poke>06:51
infinityTell me of your papersize woes.06:53
desrti added a clarification to the bug06:53
infinityWere you in en_CA when libpaper1 was installed?06:53
desrtTo clarify -- the exact problem is that when choosing:06:53
desrt  English06:53
desrt  Canada06:53
desrt  American English (keyboard layout)06:53
desrtin the installer then the resulting installation has an /etc/papersize that06:53
desrtcontains "a4" instead of "letter"06:54
desrtfresh install06:54
fabbionehey infinity 06:54
desrtmaybe the installer doesn't set the locale during the libpaper instsall?06:54
infinityI'm sure it's something more insidious.06:54
desrti have this fresh looking breezy on my laptop06:55
desrtit looks hawt06:55
desrtall new artwork just hit06:55
infinityAlright, what the heck is supposed to set '$LC_PAPER'?06:57
infinityCause that's what we're checking in the config script.06:57
infinitydesrt : Is this still a pretty shiny/fresh install?06:59
desrtinfinity; more or less.. i've installed some stuff but haven't really modified anything yet06:59
desrtinfinity; 'cept for changing /etc/papersize to 'letter' of course06:59
infinitydesrt : What's the output of "locale", run as root?06:59
fabbioneit's probably unset07:00
fabbioneit gets forced at d-i07:00
desrtLC_PAPER shouldn't be set07:01
desrtLANGUAGE and LANG are set07:01
desrtand locale uses those to determine the value of LC_PAPER07:02
infinityErr, yes.  I know.07:02
infinity(Though it can be set independantly as well, if you feel like it)07:02
desrtinfinity; sigh07:11
desrtinfinity; freenode isn't letting me /msg you07:11
desrtinfinity; /j #libpaper07:12
infinityOh, actually, nevermind. :)07:12
desrtk :)07:12
infinityI think I did all the testing here that I wanted you to do anyway. ;)07:12
desrttook me a while to realise why you weren't responding to me07:13
desrtwhen the real truth is that i was failing to respond to you :)07:13
infinityAhh, oops.07:14
infinityI've been told that I can opt-in to unregistered /msg, but after I asked "how", everyone was silent.07:15
=== infinity asks nickserv
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infinitydesrt : Try now.07:16
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fabbioneinfinity: tell to nickserv07:20
fabbioneor change your mode to +6 i think07:20
fabbione-NickServ-     UNFILTERED Allow messages from unregistered users07:21
fabbioneusing the set option07:21
infinityYeah, already fixed.07:22
=== desrt remembers BenH saying something a while ago that dvi output on his powerbook would work soon
infinityIt probably does, on his.07:28
infinityHe has lots of changes in fd.o CVS that we don't (and can't) have in breezy, and even more changes sitting on his hard drive that he refuses to commit until they stop sucking.07:28
desrtbenh = magic07:29
infinityNot that benh being magic will do much for you, unless you want to start compiling xorg drivers in your spare time.07:30
desrti am just blown away by _how nice_ the new ubuntu-artwork is07:30
infinity(And updated kernel, libdrm, and mesa... I believe)07:30
desrtdid the archive's webserver just go offline for some reason?07:31
infinityConnection refused.  Fun.07:31
infinityCould be rebooting.07:32
=== desrt waits a bit before going into hysterics
infinityErm, I doubt they're both rebooting.07:32
infinitySo, more likely a firewall hates us, suddenly.07:32
desrtyuh... this archive-offline business is a real buzzkill for my new install :)07:36
infinityThere are plenty of mirrors, dude. :)07:38
desrti thought they all went to the same place07:38
infinityMost of the TLD.archive stuff just goes back to archive, for whatever reason.07:39
infinityBut there are lots of mirrors outside the ubuntu.com namespace.07:39
desrtarchive.ubuntulinux.org for example07:39
infinitySeems to list a bunch in Canada.07:40
infinityErr... Two. :)07:40
desrti'm not a canadian :p07:40
infinityMake that one.07:40
infinityThen what's up with the en_CA?07:40
desrtcanadian english is the one true spelling07:40
infinityhttp://mirror.cs.umn.edu/ubuntu/ should be fast....07:41
infinityUMN == People who host saens.debian.org, one of Debian's most busy http.us/ftp primaries.07:41
infinitydesrt : So, what's the deal with you being connected from a cable ISP in Ontario, then? :)07:44
=== infinity taps foot.
desrtya.  i made that up :)07:44
desrti was wondering if you'd noticed up there ^^ when i was saying how fabbione should come visit me in canada :)07:45
infinityNah, I don't do scrollback.07:45
infinityIf you're in Ontario, UMN should be blindingly fast.07:45
desrti already added that canadian one07:45
desrtbut frankly it sort of sucks, so i may give umn a go07:45
infinityUnless your podunk ISP's reouting/peering is shit, it's probably like 5 hops to UNM for you.07:45
desrtmore like 1607:46
infinityRight.  Podunk ISP it is, then. :)07:47
desrtmy isp is actually pretty wicked07:47
infinityNote that it's 16 hops (exactly, weird) to saens.debian.org for me in AUSTRALIA.07:47
infinityAnd that first hop is my internal router, so make that 15 hops.07:48
infinityOf course, they're probably slighty longer/slower hops than yours. :)07:48
desrtmy gateway at home is a sweet 5 hops from my workstation at school07:50
desrt3 of those hops being inside of the university :p07:50
infinityAnd I'll bet your university has better peering than your ISP does.07:51
infinitySo the solution is to tunnel everything from home thorugh your uni. :)07:51
infinitythrough, too.07:51
desrtincidentally, i already have such a tunnel set up07:53
desrtit's just not my default route07:53
desrti use it to ssh to hosts on my private network at school07:53
infinityWhich school do you go to>07:53
desrtwhich is still a lot of hops away from umn07:54
desrti start getting the * * * at 1107:54
infinityIf it's going through Level3, you proabbly don't want it.07:54
infinity(Well, L3 bandwidth is good, but the academic networks are much faster)07:55
desrtmcmaster -> orion -> canet -> gigapop -> ggnet07:55
desrtwhy don't i recognise the names of these networks?07:55
infinityI don't know Orion, I assume it's an Ontario educational backbone.07:56
infinityCause CAnet is part of Canada's internet2 backbone.07:56
desrti should find out who my isp peers07:56
crimsuncanet should be linked to abilene somehow07:57
desrti also wonder if they have ipv6 connectivity07:59
desrtit doesn't look like it08:00
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crimsungood lord, this diff is almost 200 KB10:59
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lamont-awayBenC: I forgot to copy that file back from the machine where I was doing builds... -9.20 has an initial commit now.06:33
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karlhegShould I use 'baz' or 'tla' to access that linux-source/debian Arch-ive?11:28
karlhegI want to learn to use 'xtla' \over (baz|tla).  Is that the toolset people are using?11:29
karlhegI find that tla is not easy to use.  'git' was simpler.11:29
karlheg... but lacks a nice Emacs interface.  :-)11:29
=== fabbione [i=fabbione@gordian.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel

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