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teh_pwnerkbrooks, i got it from here http://developer.berlios.de/projects/gift-ares/12:01
demiurgeI'm having a problem with the nvidia drivers on breezy, I installed the restricted driver package, but they don't seem to be in there12:01
kbrooksteh_pwner: tar -xjvf file12:01
confreyconfrey, I don't think so, try /etc/init.d/acpi restart12:02
confreyI need help to use pcmcia on my laptop : I can't see card inserted in12:02
teh_pwnerthat didn't work12:02
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dooglusI'm having problems with movie subtitles.  mplayer won't show czech characters, and totem-xine will, but only in a small font.  can someone help with either problem please?12:03
ubotujava is probably to install both 1.4 and Sun Java see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#java12:03
dooglusteh_pwner: just use "tar xf file"12:03
kbrooksdooglus: No.12:03
doogluskbrooks: why?12:03
kbrooksxf is for a *plain tar file*12:04
BlurredWehey, how do I change the services that start via the command line?  (ie, something in /etc/init.d that I want to start on boot)12:04
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doogluskbrooks: it works on plain files too12:04
kbrooksdooglus: I ask you please use the extension12:04
teh_pwnertar: file: Cannot open: No such file or directory12:04
teh_pwnertar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now12:04
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kbrooksyou extract with bunzip2, THEN untar12:05
doogluskbrooks: what do you mean?12:05
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kbrooksteh_pwner: thats just a example12:05
_chavotar will bunzip the file also -> tar xjf12:05
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_chavoj is for bunzip12:05
jmgconfrey: i have a toshi12:05
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confreyjmg, laptop?12:06
kbrooks_chavo: v is needed to show him  where the extraction goes12:06
jmgconfrey: yeah12:06
ghbHow do I edit /boot/grub/menu.lst?12:06
doogluskbrooks: "tar xf" works on .tar files as well as .tar.gz and .tar.bz2.  you don't need to use "j" and "z" any more12:06
confreyjmg, is pcmcia  working?12:06
propagandhighb: nano -w /boot/grub/menu.lst12:06
jmgconfrey: don't use12:06
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ghbpropagandhi: Thank you, I'll try that.12:07
jmgconfrey: im also on kubuntu so i dont get gnome-powermanager12:07
kbrooksdooglus: I don't believe you, and won't, even with proof12:07
doogluskbrooks: just try it!12:07
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La_PaRCaum... yeah, so, next time anyone hears me say im upgrading to the latest release, remind me not to do it before i _FREE_ appropriate space in my hdd12:07
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lllmanullldooglus, Sorry, the "xvzf" sequence is hard-coded into my fingers :-p12:07
kbrooksdooglus: just tried, and it works ;)12:08
doogluskbrooks: I don't believe you.  and won't, even with proof.12:08
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kbrooksdooglus: Stop mocking me12:08
naliothlllmanulll: make aliases12:08
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lllmanulllnalioth, Right :)12:09
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doogluskbrooks: interestingly, the file doesn't even have to have a .tar.bz2 extension.  you can rename it to anything you like, and tar will still see that it's bz2'ed12:09
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cafuego_that's not interesting, that's magic.12:10
demiurgeare you supposed to install the -nvidia-legacy package?12:10
Deterministany of you guys have a PDA with windows mobile on it?12:10
_chavoyup, it's sorcery. It's EVIL!12:11
cafuego_demiurge: if you have a geforce4 or older, yes.12:11
cafuego__chavo: No, *magic*12:11
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_chavooh yeah, that too12:11
cafuego_Specifically, /etc/magic12:11
doogluscafuego_: /etc/magic I guess12:11
jmgOct  4 10:55:42 localhost kernel: [4294909.822000]  mtrr: base(0xd8020000) is not12:11
jmg aligned on a size(0x300000) boundary12:11
jmgOct  4 10:55:43 localhost shutdown[8203] : shutting down for system halt12:11
kbrookstar uses libmagic?12:11
demiurgeno, i have a new card12:11
_chavowell not having .bz2 breaks my bash_completion, so meh to that12:12
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demiurgebut it doesn't seem to have the drivers in the regular package12:12
cafuego_kbrooks: it may have built-in magic strings for its supported archives types.12:12
doogluscafuego_: it's even stronger magic than you thought - /etc/magic is empty!12:12
demiurgemodprobe nvidia fails12:12
_chavoI have to haxor bash_completion to be magic too12:12
cafuego_!find magic12:12
ghbpropagandhi: I still can't edit that file menu.lst. =(12:12
jmgdemiurge: nice nick12:12
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cafuego_stupid bot12:12
demiurgethank you12:13
propagandhighb: are you doing it as root12:13
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_jasonghb:  are you using sudo?12:13
ghbpropagandhi: Umm...no...12:13
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_chavohe's still looking12:13
jmgconfrey: i am using klaptop and enabled suspend on close lid12:13
propagandhithat explains it12:13
ghb_jason: I'm using something called nano, apparently...12:13
ghbpropagandhi: I'll log in as root.12:13
_jasonghb: sudo gedit file12:13
propagandhino, just do sudo nano -w /boot/grub/menu.lst12:13
kbrooksghb: nano is a good text editor12:13
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_jasonghb:  or "sudo nano file" whatever you prefer12:13
confreyjmg, I always had problems using that option, I dismissed kde by this fact12:14
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ghbpropagandhi: Okay... I can't login as root because I don't know the password... =(12:14
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confreyI sleep only by button sleep, and resume by power button12:15
cafuego_ghb: there is no root password.12:15
propagandhiit should be the same as urs12:15
demiurgeghb: do   sudo nano file12:15
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demiurgeand put in your user password12:15
ghbToo much info at once...!12:15
cafuego_ghb: ie: you cannot log in as root. You should use 'sudo'.12:15
dooglustar has the magic strings hardcoded in buffer.c12:15
dooglusfor example:   { ct_bzip2,    "BZh",      3, "bzip2", "-j" },12:15
cafuego_ergo, it's magic ;-)12:15
dooglus("BZh" is the bzip2 magic string)12:15
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propagandhighb: its simple, just do 'sudo nano -w /boot/grub/menu.lst'12:16
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ghbpropagandhi: I did...and I made the changes, but they don't save.12:17
demiurgeit puts some nvidia files in /lib/linux-restricted-modules but nothing in my /lib/modules/kernelver/12:17
dwuerzhello! trying to install ubuntu on my laptop...but it always hangs on starting hotplug subsystem :(12:17
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demiurgenothing useful anyway12:17
cafuego_ghb: When you run the command propagandhi pasted, you will be asked for YOUR password.12:17
ghbcafuego: I used that.12:17
ghbcafuego: I can enter the file and everything, and I make the changes, then do CTRL+X and save, and then CTRL+X and 'No' in order to exit.12:17
cafuego_ghb; yep. WHen running through sudo, you have root privileges, so you can save that file again.12:17
virgulepretty please, tell me how to fix this puzzle. Much thanks..  http://pastebin.com/38207912:17
ghbcafuego: How do you save the file...?12:18
propagandhighb: choose Y to write changes12:19
propagandhiinstead of N12:19
ghbpropagandhi: I do that. =(12:19
ghbpropagandhi: And it says "File Name to Write: /boot/grub/menu.lst"12:19
confreybye, time to sleep12:19
ghbpropagandhi: But still nothing's being saved...12:19
propagandhighb: yes, and then u just press enter12:19
propagandhiand it should drop u out of nano12:20
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ghbpropagandhi: Hey! Now it worked! *yaaay*12:20
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ghb*prays to God that it works*12:20
demiurgeno ideas about the nvidia drivers?12:21
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demiurgethey just seem to be absent12:21
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cafuego_demiurge: afaik, it installs old versions of nvidia libraries.12:21
tony_the_cable_gI cannt find where a program placed its folders. The program is aMule.12:21
demiurgeso just use the legacy versions12:21
cafuego_demiurge: That's as much as I know, my card isn't very crusty as of yet.12:21
ghbpropagandhi: Can you help me again...? My laptop won't boot now... =(12:22
propagandhighb: whats the error12:22
ghbpropagandhi: I removed the lines "acpi=off noacpi" and now it just hangs, liked it did when I tried to install Ubuntu.12:23
propagandhiok, well when you get to the grub menu press 'E' i think it is, and you can add that line again to make it boot12:23
dwuerzghb: I am having the same problem...but i cant even run it the first time :(12:23
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ghbdwuerz: If you type "acpi=off noacpi", it should be able to boot. At least it works for me when I use it...12:25
dwuerzghb: tried that but didnt succed :(12:25
ghbpropagandhi: I don't like the idea of not being able to use ACPI on my laptop. Any idea on how to fix it?12:25
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ghbdwuerz: You got a laptop?12:25
ghbdwuerz: Hmm. No idea, to be frank. I'm new to Linux too.12:25
cafuego_See if there's an updated bios, see if the problem is something else (www.linux-laptop.net) or get a laptop that works ;-)12:26
virgulewtf is "abi-2.6.12-9-powerpc" ??12:26
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dwuerzghb: hold on I'll try again...i always put noapic...maybe noacpi works ;)12:26
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_native_hey guys what is a good gui app for wireless card configuration. the networking applet dose not seem to even work setting up WEP and yes my card is supported and yes i know howto config it manually. just need a app that works. so i have to. :-}12:27
kbrooksi want colors on my bash prompt12:27
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_native_* dont have to ;-P12:27
ghbdwuerz: Ah. That might be the problem. =)12:27
cafuego__native_: There's a network thingie that you can add to the panel. See also 'wifi-radar'.12:27
FhaeTondoes anyone know which nForce chipset drivers are needed to run Ubuntu on a 64bit rig?12:27
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demiurgeok, i guess i'll just try to compile them from source12:28
ghbcafuego: On my laptop, there's a button to activate the WLAN. It works flawlessly in Windows XP, but not in Ubuntu. Any way to activate it?12:28
demiurgewith the nvidia-kernel-source package12:28
cafuego_FhaeTon: They're in the kernel. Just insert cd & boot.12:28
vitriolanybody know how to set up a bluetooth mouse?12:28
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vitriolthere's no docs on it12:28
cafuego_FhaeTon: You do _NOT_ need to fetch driver from the nvidia site.12:28
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_native_"a network thingie" nice.....12:28
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demiurgeyeah, i'm running nforce4 with 64 bit opterons right now12:28
cafuego_FhaeTon: What mobo do you have?12:28
vitriol      00:0A:94:C0:DB:AE       Bluetooth  Mouse12:29
=== cafuego_ uses an nforce3 mobo, which sworks fine too.
vitrioldunno how to just make it work12:29
dwuerzwell...now i dont even come that far...new error: "BIOS handoff failed" :(12:29
FhaeTonASUS SLI premium12:29
ghbdwuerz: You typed "acpi=off noacpi", right?12:29
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FhaeTonASUS A8N-SLI Premium12:29
dwuerzghb: yes12:29
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ghbdwuerz: In that order? Dunno if it matters...12:29
dwuerzno, the other way around12:30
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cafuego_FhaeTon: Ought to be fine, then.12:30
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ghbdwuerz: Try switching them.12:30
dwuerzI'll try the other way around :) thanks12:30
FhaeTonok then I need help partioning my HDs12:30
vitriolnobody knows how to set up bluetooth mice/keyboards?12:31
kbrooksis the ubuntu wiki under a string freeze12:31
dwuerzghb: same error :( this is driving me mad12:31
cafuego_FhaeTon: Just don't be tempted to use the on-mobo raid.12:31
ghbdwuerz: =(12:31
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dwuerzghb: thanks anyways12:32
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Spudchathi everybody12:32
Spudchatim editing the xorg.conf and was wondering what "metamodes" are12:32
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ghbdwuerz: You're welcome. Sorry for not being able to fix it.12:32
_native_cafuego, what wireless card are you using? atheros based or prism?12:32
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cafuego__native_: prism2 (802.11b)12:32
dwuerzghb: no problem...I hope someone else can help me here ;) *help plz*12:33
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_native_yeah prism is so good under linux, i bought the AR5112 based netgear before i was informed of the openness of the prism chips12:34
cafuego_Shit, I'm over quota on my DSL <heh>12:34
casHi, I'm trying to let my orinoco card support scanning. I've installed patched orinoco modules but they aint working. Does anyone got the same problems or fixed this another way?12:34
ghbWhen I use the "Battery Charge Monitor" in the panel, it says that my battery is empty, but it's not. How do I fix this?12:34
_native_my atheros sucks sort of.12:34
propagandhighb: i think that requires the acpi12:34
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dwuerzno one an idea how to pass "starting hotplug subsystem" ?12:35
ghbpropagandhi: Hmm... I figured as much... But how can I activate it?12:35
propagandhidwuerz: does CTRL+C work12:35
propagandhii'm not sure, i've had no problems, what laptop is it12:35
=== cafuego_ bought a 5 pack of Avayas cheaply and got given a bunch of Enterasys ones
cafuego_802.11g has shit range, not highly useful at my place.12:35
dwuerzpropagandhi: tried that before as I found it after a google search...didnt work....asus a6va12:36
ghbpropagandhi: It's a build that I bought from a company that makes them, called "Komplett". I think it's built on a MSI system.12:36
demiurgehmm, it says my kernel was compiled with rivafb support12:36
propagandhighb: hmmm, i dont think i can help unless you can give a better idea on the board specs etc12:36
ghbpropagandhi: I'll see what I can dig up.12:37
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dwuerzctrl+c isnt doin anything :(12:37
_native_my card supports a,b,g12:38
_native_its killer12:38
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propagandhidwuerz: do u have any USB devices plugged in12:39
ghbpropagandhi: I can't find a name or model of the motherboard, but it says that it supports ACPI 1.0b & 2.012:39
dwuerzpropagandhi: no, nothing but my ethernet cable12:39
nootropeso, ubuntu is for regular folks, eh? how come i have to go thru i-don't-know-what-permutations to try (unsuccessfully) to get my wifi to conncet. i'm running PowerPC HH on a powerbook. is there a setup app similar to pppoeconf?12:39
propagandhighb: sorry, I can only assume that particular board isnt well supported12:39
ghbpropagandhi: =(12:40
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FhaeTonwhich Primary network should I use when installing ubuntu? I have 2 choices eth0: nVidia or eth1: Marvell Gigabit ethernet?12:40
demiurgehow does modprobe know where to look for modules?12:40
casnootrope: try out "network-manager"12:40
_native_right on! wifi-radar is COOL. my roaming nightmare has ended12:41
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_native_i love GNU/linux12:41
nootropethatks cas12:41
TokenBadwhat version of linux is ubuntu made after?12:42
yoink23!tell yoink23 about javadeb12:42
apokryphosTokenBad: debian12:42
FhaeTonI don't want to spam my question12:42
nootropecas: it shows the wireless adapter but it has no IP. i can ping my router tho12:42
dwuerzwhen i boot single mode it says: "missing kernel[..] "12:42
apokryphosFhaeTon: good idea ;-)12:42
TokenBadapokryphos, what I mean is like linux-x86-k6-elf? or freebsd-x86-k6-a.out? stuff like that12:43
FhaeTondid u see it?12:43
FhaeTonI shall instead refer everyone to time 17:4012:43
apokryphosTokenBad: eh? Tweaked/patched Linux kernels; not freebsd12:43
jmgFhaeTon: choose which one your network cable is plugged in12:43
ghbpropagandhi: This is all I can find: http://www.msicomputer.com/NB/product_spec.asp?model=MS-101212:44
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FhaeTonbut is one better12:44
Spudchathi guys12:44
Spudchati just edited the xorg conf for tv out12:44
_native_later gators. ;-] 12:44
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Spudchatdo i have to enable it somehow?12:44
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TokenBadcause program will not make on here12:45
apokryphoswhat's the error?12:45
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Spudchatoy :( i just installed nvtv and it says no supported video card found12:46
TokenBadit is x86 right?12:46
TokenBadmeaning for a pc that ran windows12:46
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apokryphosTokenBad: it's x86 if you have x8612:47
demiurgehey, i figured it out12:47
demiurgei had to run depmod12:47
apokryphosTokenBad: there's also ISOs for PPC, x86_6412:47
demiurgefor it to recognize my new kernel modules12:48
dmacdonald111Hi all. I have just purchased and installed an AMD 64 bit motherboard and was wondering how the 64bit version of ubuntu handles12:48
apokryphosdmacdonald111: not bad at all; pacey :)12:48
maddlerdmacdonald111: greatly! :)12:48
TokenBadapokryphos, its not ubuntu installing..its a "generic" linux program that should work on all versions of linux12:48
TokenBadand had it work on here before12:48
apokryphosdmacdonald111: heh, ok, my kdelibs compiled in like ten minutes :)12:48
TokenBadjust trying to remember how12:48
dmacdonald111really? cool. Do I have to download the whole image and re-install or is there a way to upgrade?12:48
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apokryphosTokenBad: yes... but you were asking about ubuntu. Nevermind, what is the actual error?12:49
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apokryphosdmacdonald111: whole reinstall12:49
dwuerz:( no one able to help me?12:49
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dmacdonald111cool. Thanks apokryphos. I shall start downloading! :)12:50
TokenBadwell the install says to type make...then pick which version matches your system12:50
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TokenBadbut not sure which one matches12:50
apokryphosTokenBad: could you pastebin all the options?12:50
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dwuerzwhen i try to run single mode: "missing kernel or user mode driver hw_random12:50
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demiurgeall fixed12:51
TokenBadapokryphos, done12:51
jmgasrrgh why does my laptop power off12:51
apokryphosTokenBad: link?12:51
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casjmg: lid closed?, heating problem?12:52
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svrefgnome volume meter has a [X]  on it.  I have a ISA "vibra 16" soundcard.  How to tell ubuntu this information?12:52
Spudchatis the pci bus always 7 digits?12:52
=== keikoz gnight all
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dwuerzam giving up :( no ubuntu for me12:53
mr_unixHi guys, I cant get my touchpad to work in Ubuntu12:53
jmgcas: not lid close... just klaptop suspend even12:54
mr_unixDoes someone know how to change mirror , you know when I want to update my Linux Ubuntu 5.0412:54
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apokryphosTokenBad: not sure what ubuntu uses; I'd guess it uses ELF binaries (they're pretty common these days on Linux), but not sure. So, either 1st or 4th I'd guess12:54
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JDigitalHey guys, I'm burning a DVD with growisofs, but it's like12:54
JDigital:-( unable to open64("/dev/dvd",O_RDONLY): No such file or directory12:54
casmr_unix: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list put your country code in front every url12:55
JDigitalHow come the system's not seeing my DVD drive?12:55
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propagandhidwuerz: you wuitter12:55
mr_unixIf someine like to help me tomorrow with my Ubuntu 5.04 please add my msn >> tomiking@msn.com12:55
none_-JDigital, /dev/dvd is a link to the real device12:56
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none_-dmesg|grep DVD12:56
casmr_unix, like deb http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/12:56
none_-should output the real device12:56
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Spudchatgrrrrrrrrrrr why cant i get video out ! :(12:56
JDigitalhda: LITE-ON DVDRW SOHW-1633S, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive12:56
JDigitalhda: ATAPI 48X DVD-ROM DVD-R CD-R/RW drive, 2048kB Cache12:56
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jmgcas: i see this error: Oct  4 11:42:20 localhost kernel: [4295957.239000]  mtrr: base(0xd8020000) is not12:56
jmg aligned on a size(0x300000) boundary12:56
none_-so hda is what you are looking for12:56
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JDigitalHow can it be hda12:56
jmgand then it shuts down12:56
JDigitalhda is normally a hard drive12:56
none_-JDigital, you are booting from CD-ROM12:57
jmgcas: the thing is my session resumes completely before it shuts down12:57
JDigitalBut I'm not using a LiveCD.12:57
virgulethe jumpers12:57
none_-it doesn't matter12:57
none_-check the BIOS12:57
dwuerzpropagandhi: wuitter? quitter? ... you got any hints for me...I really want to get it work12:57
JDigitalYeah, I think I have it boot to CD first.12:57
TokenBadapokryphos, think the first one worked12:57
dwuerzI think its usb...but dont know how to disable it12:57
none_-there's your problem12:57
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none_-it tends to be either hdb or hdc12:58
none_-try either of those next time you are doing whatever12:58
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dwuerzpropagandhi: am just desperate as its not even booting once :(12:58
jmgcas: also when i reboot it doesnt properly reboot12:58
JDigitalAha. I have /dev/hda in my fstab as /media/cdrom012:59
casjmg, Sorry, I really can't say what is wrong. Sounds seriously. Maybe you should report a bug12:59
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propagandhidwuerz: sorry i am back. you get a grub menu is that correct?01:00
dwuerzyes...perfectly correct...01:00
dwuerz...but after that...errors :(01:00
JDigitalI wonder why /dev/dvd worked earlier01:00
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vitriol0 is false and 1 is true right?01:01
shivihas anybody been able to view dvds in breezy?how?01:01
virgulejmg: do you recall setting up any kind of 'shutdown after n minutes' either in Ubuntu or Windows? Im thinking it might be a residual parameter.. but I only know that much. Try to diseable these functions in both Ubuntu and Windows.01:01
ghbI might have solved my ACPI problem on my laptop -- I updated the BIOS. ^^01:01
shivihas anybody been able to view dvds in breezy?how?01:01
dwuerznolapic noapic acpi=off ... nothing helps :(01:01
virgulemind the typos01:01
jmgghb: hmm i should do that01:01
JDigitalvitriol: 101:01
ghbdwuerz: Still having troubles with the ACPI? =(01:01
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vitrioljokes aren't very helpful....01:01
dwuerzghb: yes...i think but am not even sure...01:02
dwuerzits just not booting01:02
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propagandhidwuerz: whats the exact error again01:02
ghbAWESOME! ACPI is currently activated on my laptop! I recommend a BIOS update if you have problems with Ubuntu on your laptop!01:02
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vitriolghb: what laptop?01:02
dwuerzghb: i'll give it a try01:03
JDigitalMaybe I have to mount /dev/dvd manually01:03
virguleACPI bugged us down with a Toshiba01:03
ghbvitriol: It's a MSI S260 (or also called 1012)01:03
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virguleI'll notice him01:03
chrisbudden14Anyone had any sucess using ati propriotry drivers and hibernation in breezy01:03
vitriolghb: were you having trouble with your clock running fast?01:03
dooglusI'm having problems with movie subtitles.  mplayer won't show czech characters, and totem-xine will, but only in a small font.  can someone help with either problem please?01:03
ghbvitriol: Umm, no, not that I'm aware of...01:03
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vitriolghb: if that was the problem, to know for sure if it worked you can do 'time sleep 10'01:03
vitriolghb: my clock was running fast ;)01:03
enajeirakhello, anyone know if you can use icq on ubuntu??01:03
vitriol1 second == 201:04
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virguleenajeirak: gaim01:04
dooglusenajeirak: you can use gaim, which works with ICQ01:04
enajeiraki tried, and it wouldnt log me in01:04
dooglusenajeirak: you have to be able to remember your password01:04
enajeiraki logged into aim that way ,, i do remember it01:04
ghbvitriol: What are the symptoms that I have clock running fast...?01:05
shivihas anybody been able to view dvds in breezy?how?01:05
jmgvirgule: im having problems on my A10 with it01:05
vitriolghb: if it was running fast you'd see 'losing ticks' in dmesg01:05
vitriolghb: also, if you did 'time sleep 10' and it went by in 5 seconds....01:06
HrdwrBobjmg: A10? a large anti tank aircraft?01:06
ghbvitriol: Hmm... What's "dmesg"?01:06
vitriolghb: also, your clock would be off....it'd be in the future01:06
jmgHrdwrBob: i wish. Satellite A1001:06
vitriolghb: go to a command prompt and type 'dmesg'01:06
vitrioldmesg (8)            - print or control the kernel ring buffer01:06
ghbvitriol: Righto.01:06
jmgHrdwrBob: i'd definately post to testimonials if i got ubuntu running on my warthog.01:06
vitriolit gives you information about system messages and stuff....01:06
jmgHrdwrBob: Actually, i should rename my laptop.01:06
ghbDamn, it's getting late... But this is so much fun! X01:06
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ghbjmg: My laptop is named Slimjim. =)01:07
jmgghb: Our database server is slimjim01:07
ghbjmg: Cool. =D01:07
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ghbvitriol: What am I looking at...?01:07
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dell500how do i find out what my ip is?01:07
dell500in console01:07
ghbdell500: Do a "ifconfig"01:07
HrdwrBobjmg: ahh nice :)01:07
virgulebroadband ?01:08
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virguleI used to use this line as a #!/bin/bash file -- it work just right01:08
dell500i just used the Image Server thing on the ubuntu guide, how do i get these pictures on the net?01:08
virgule/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr' | sed -e 's/.*r://' | sed -e 's/ B.*//'01:08
=== Plebeuz whats ur name, whats ur number, can we have a conversation....
=== housetier_ is now known as housetier
ghbvirgule: Well... I guess that's one solution... ^^01:09
FhaeTonHello I need help partioning01:09
ghbI think I'll call it a day... Good night, everybody. And thanks for the help!01:09
sn0nhttp://us.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/breezy/     is there a more.. bleeding edge release then that..01:10
ghbdwuerz: Good luck with your installation.01:10
virguleI though setting up an alias instead but I went this way so I could add some #comments to make things look good01:10
dwuerzghb: thanks01:10
sn0ni'd rather download a 'current to the day' one.. so i dont have to hassle with more updates01:10
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naliothsn0n: is this smokin hot enough for ya  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/01:11
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sn0nperfect :-D01:11
org__O WELL.01:11
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FhaeTonok does anyone know how 2 Hard drives are supposed to be partitioned if your gonna use software raid0?01:12
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mwright1nigh1/whois sabdfl01:12
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apokryphosmwright1nigh1: Mr. Shuttleworth :P01:13
JustSteveFhaeTon ,drives have to be equal size. when i did it i didn't partion them at all01:13
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FhaeTonthe drives are the same01:13
FhaeTonbut my understanding is one must use 3 partitions on each drive?01:14
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dell500is it possible to use just my ip address for the localhost/gallery/ on my computer?01:14
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naliothdell500: just use localhost://01:14
JustStevei'm not sure about software raid in *nix, i did it in Windows with the nvidia driver01:14
Grid_blockHey is there any Mouse skinning device for ubuntu?01:14
dell500well i wanna publish it on the net01:15
dell500like give it out as a link01:15
propagandhiGrid_block: do you mean mouse cursor/pointer themes01:15
naliothdell500: then yes01:15
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dell500well i'm behind a router01:15
dell500can i get around that somehow?01:15
Grid_blockpropagandhi, yes like Cursorxp just for linux01:15
propagandhidell500: set port forwarding on the router to your local IP01:16
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propagandhiGrid_block: theres cursor themes on http://www.kde-look.org, they also show you how to install01:16
dell500how do i find out what port it is?01:16
propagandhiport 8001:16
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jmgno bios update for my box :(01:16
propagandhiif thats what your webserver is running on01:16
UltrAanybody have a question? i'm willing to help01:17
Someguy_I am trying to enable WPA so I can connect to my wireless network but I only find WEP01:17
Grid_blockpropagandhi, well i only got gnome.. will it work?01:17
pieanybody in for someone new..?01:17
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virguleWhat is the answer to the Great Question?01:17
MausUltrA: I have one01:17
apokryphosvirgule: 4201:17
ubotu[!]  what you add before a sentence to talk to me01:17
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apokryphosspeedy :O01:17
UltrAMaus: go ahead01:17
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nootropecas rules!01:18
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MausUltrA: When I updated just a few minutes ago, I got an error stating that dependency problems prevent configuration of mozilla-firefox-gnome-support01:18
dwuerzam having the newest version of the bios :(01:18
UltrAI had the same erro01:18
dell500how do i use a certain directory for my photos? or do i have to transfer it to a certain folder?01:18
UltrAMaus:I had the same error01:18
pieHola amigos!01:18
MausUltrA: and that is because mozilla-firefox is not yet configured01:18
propagandhiGrid_block: sorry I assume too much01:19
UltrAMaus: You probably also have the firefox package01:19
propagandhiperhaps http://art.gnome.org?01:19
MausUltrA: So what went wrong, and how do I fix it.01:19
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MausUltrA: Yes, I do.01:19
UltrAMaus: remove one or the other mozila-firefox or firefox, they conflict01:19
propagandhican anyone help me with airsnort01:19
Someguy_So, can anyone assist me to find out how to enable WPA on my laptop?01:19
=== uruguaian [n=minuano@r200-40-187-226-dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu
MausUltrA:  Wait, no.  Firefox is not installed, just mozilla-firefox01:20
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jmgklaptop is clobbering my suspend configuration01:20
UltrAMaus: what error do you get01:20
=== MikeStyle [n=Mike@ip68-101-254-52.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Doonzhey hows the 64 bit support in ubuntu ?01:20
apokryphospretty good01:20
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org__64 bit as in memory cash?01:21
uruguaiani've the ubuntu 5.04 CD.. and checking the site 5.10 is the next version?01:21
UltrAMaus: try installing mozilla-firefox-gnome-support yourself maybe you'd get a more descript error01:21
Doonz64bit as in cpu01:21
apokryphosorg__: no, as in the CPU architecture ;-)01:21
JDigitalYeah. out in a tenday01:21
JustSteve64bit OS support is fine, just not a ton of apps01:21
org__i see01:21
org__how do i check what is my cpu?01:21
=== satafterh [n=robin@fctnnbsc15w-156034091089.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
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shivihas anybody been able to view dvds in breezy?how?01:21
Doonzok thats what i thought01:21
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MausUltrA: dphg: error processing mozilla-firefox (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 101:21
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Kilteris there a good howto for ubuntu + samba PDC?01:22
pieIs there some-one out there, who can explane me how to install plug-inss? (to day is my first day with UBUNTU...)01:22
UltrAMaus: what's the line before that?01:22
apokryphostotally_noob: uname -a01:22
UltrAMaus: dpkg probably spit it out01:22
totally_noobapokryphos, ok then01:22
bimberiSomeguy_: there is this - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WPAHowto - although it's not one of the better wiki pages :|01:22
totally_noobLinux ubuntu 2.6.10-5-386 #1 Tue Apr 5 12:12:40 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux01:22
MausUltrA: Updating mozilla-firefox chrome registry...rm: cannot remove '/var/lib/mozilla-firefox/extensions/installed-extensions.txt': Operation not permitted01:23
Someguy_bimberi, thank you, checking it now :-)01:23
UltrAMaus: do you have firefox open right now?01:23
mhzcould someone give me a hand an tell me what is I am doing wrong in a try to install from local netboot???01:23
MausUltrA: I can't open it01:23
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UltrAMaus: and did you use sudo?01:23
=== aven [n=aven@c-24-126-233-108.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
avenum, doesn't ubuntu come with 'make'?01:24
MausUltrA: I used Synaptic01:24
satafterhI have a question, i install breezy bata, if i just keep updating it as updates are available will i need to install the final release when it comes out or will the updates give me the same thing??01:24
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apokryphostotally_noob: there you have it -- i686: 32-bit01:24
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UltrAMaus: try it from the command line01:24
dwuerzplz help! anyone! still cant get past hotplug subsystem :(01:25
totally_noobapokryphos, 32-bit and ubuntu is working great!01:25
UltrAMaus: also try running sudo killall firefox-bin before it01:25
totally_noobapokryphos, so why you asking for 64-bit?01:25
esachas anybody noticed that after last nights update they are missing the trash icon ?01:25
MausUltrA: ok01:25
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avenso. anyone know if ubuntu comes with 'make'?01:25
apokryphostotally_noob: well, 32-bit is of course the runaway most-widely used; 64-bit is reasonably new01:25
pieOke guis..., I need a littlle more time for all of this...., goodnight!01:25
bimberiaven: make isn't installed by default but it's available in the repositories (i'm not sure if its on the CD)01:25
esacaven: yes, it comes with make01:25
avenhow do I install it? :\01:25
apokryphosaven: you need build-essential package (comes with the CD) to do any real compiling01:25
JustSteveaven apt-get build-esseintials01:25
bimberiaven: install build-essential01:25
totally_noobapokryphos, I see.01:25
esacaven: sudo apt-get install build-essential01:26
JustSteveor however it's spelt01:26
MausUltrA: No processes killed01:26
apokryphoshi bimberi; how've you been? :)01:26
MausUltrA: Try what, exactly?01:26
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avenok, it's installed01:26
jcsteelehello all, i am trying to mount an external ide->usb ide hard drive, which is an openbsd ffs partition/slice....is ubuntu capable of mounting this type of partition./slive ?01:26
avenbut it's still not working :\01:26
avendo I have to reboot?01:26
apokryphosaven: no. What's the error?01:26
ompaulthere is no s on the end of build-essential01:27
bimberihi apokryphos good thanks, we've had a long weekend over 'ere :)01:27
esacno you should never have to reboot except for a new kernel01:27
aven"target not specified and make not found"01:27
apokryphosbimberi: oh?01:27
totally_noobmget is really slow.01:27
bimberiapokryphos: monday was a public holiday in parts of oz01:27
apokryphosaven: err, what are you trying to compile? Mind you, I'd be surprised if you really did install it that quick01:27
avenunrealircd, an ircd software01:27
apokryphosbimberi: started Uni, so -- suffice it to say -- it's been a crazy week :)01:27
vengefulunreal sucks ;-)01:28
avenwell, what are good ircd software?01:28
Kiltercan anyone help with samba on ubuntu?  there isn't a lot of response in #samba01:28
UltrAMaus: sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox01:28
UltrAMaus: or sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox-gnome-support if that fails01:28
apokryphos!tell Kilter about samba01:28
avenbut, the network I'm linked to uses unrealircd01:28
avenwould they work together?01:29
vengefulah sorry to hear that01:29
=== thechitowncubs [n=thechito@c-67-175-52-127.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulaven, to not have all that work to do, choose to execute the following command >> apt-cache search ircd << and then choose something from there01:29
UltrAMaus: also did you follow the ubuntu guide01:29
Plebeuzshut up just shut up01:29
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bimberiapokryphos: oh yes, i have a fading memory of when i started uni, crazy it was :)01:29
dell500is there a place I should put the photos if i'm going to serve them?01:29
esacdoes anybody use gmailfs which comes with ubuntu ?01:29
Kilterapokryphos: the problem specifically is in connecting a windows client to the domain I created.  I just don't know where the problem is or how to track it down01:29
MausUltrA: It was just a routine update, like I had done many times before.01:29
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apokryphosbimberi: Average sleep has been max 4 hours :P; amazing time, but intensive!01:29
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UltrAMaus: did it run sucessfully?01:30
bimberiapokryphos: haha01:30
ompaulPlebeuz, to whom was that addressed, and why?01:30
totally_noobFOR GODS SAKE.01:30
apokryphostotally_noob: please don't shout01:30
MausUltrA: Everything today has returned that error that I told you about.01:30
totally_noobapokryphos, ok sir01:30
avenmake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.01:30
apokryphosaven: if you don't know how to compile...01:30
thechitowncubsdoes the GUI for sharing folders even work?01:31
avenI do and I'm supposed to type "make"01:31
apokryphosthen, well, kinda wonderin' what you're doing :P01:31
thechitowncubsbecause i can't seem to get it to work01:31
Plebeuzstop to talking baby01:31
dwuerzok, i finally give up and never touch that ubuntu crap again :( - thx for those who were trying to help01:31
apokryphosaven: chances are you're meant to configure first01:31
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apokryphosaven: is there an INSTALL file?01:31
svrefbreezy seems to have lots of fonts for languages I've never even heard of.  They take FOREVER to d/l and configure.  Is there some easy way to tell it: "dude, I don't live in Africa.  Latin-1 will be fine."01:31
=== linked [n=linked@pcp05290205pcs.wanarb01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
avenapokryphos, nope01:31
totally_noobapokryphos, what is your instant messaging program?01:31
thechitowncubsWhat is the best way to share files between ubuntu computers?01:31
apokryphostotally_noob: KVirc01:31
UltrAMaus: the problem is that file permission01:32
apokryphosthechitowncubs: ssh?01:32
totally_noobapokryphos, and what is your best irc client?01:32
apokryphosthechitowncubs: or fish01:32
apokryphostotally_noob: ...KVirc01:32
linkedHi, sorry if it's documented elsewhere, but is there an easy way to specify which output device ubuntu should use? I can't get any system sounds, and I think it's defaulting to motherboard sound01:32
totally_noobapokryphos, you can use irc + msn together with KVirc???01:32
apokryphostotally_noob: IRC is technically IM :)01:32
thechitowncubsapokryphos: can i have amarok import from those protocols?01:32
ompaul!tell linked about audio01:32
thechitowncubsor can i browse them with nautilus?01:32
Plebeuzanyone know a nice font tu use with some matrix wallpaper?01:32
apokryphosthechitowncubs: import what? Files?01:32
sexcopter8000mlinked, you may be able to disable onboard sound in the bios01:32
MausUltrA: Which one?01:32
ompaul!tell linked about sound01:32
oxezjust realisez I had linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-4-363. and my current kernel is 2.6.12-9-686, is it safe to remove the linux-restricted-modules package?01:33
totally_noobapokryphos, ok, do you have screenshots of it? cuz im bored with gaim01:33
ubotusomebody said sound was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DebuggingSoundProblems/01:33
apokryphosthechitowncubs: hm, I'd sure assume so, though I haven't tried. Try it with fish (though, not sure if GNOME has something like that)01:33
svrefthechitowncubs: I'm new to ubuntu, but in every linux I've used, creating nfs drives is as simple as editing /etc/exports on server and /etc/fstab on client01:33
ompaullinked, there is the documentation you need :)01:33
UltrAMaus: put the entire out put into the pastebin01:33
EggMan!tell eggman about aound01:33
apokryphostotally_noob: it's ugly01:33
linkedompaul, thanks!01:33
=== Davey|Laptop [n=Davey@90-0.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
vengefultotally_noob, i like kopete01:33
EggMan!tell eggman about sound01:33
totally_noobapokryphos, i want to see screenshots for urs01:33
thechitowncubssvref: i've heard about NFS but I never knew how to work it01:33
ompaullinked, np01:33
totally_noobkopete and amsn and gaim sucks01:33
linkedsexcopter8000m, That'd probably work, but I'd like to keep it disabled for when I boot my other OSs01:33
dell500how do i host a simple server for pictures?01:33
UltrAMaus: i've got to go now... Hope you get it soon01:33
svref"man exports"01:33
apokryphostotally_noob: Kopete is the best for conventional IM, but I like KVirc for IRC. You can find screenies with Google =)01:33
MausUltrA: ok, thanks01:34
=== UltrA [n=UltrA@toronto-HSE-ppp3962482.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu [""bye""]
sexcopter8000mlinked, any good reason? if you have another sound device which is better...01:34
apokryphosdell500: get a shared hosting account, a gallery script, and voila!01:34
linkedsexcopter8000m, multiple sets of speakers used for different things- it's a workstation, media player and game machine wrapped into one, and the speakers are located as such01:34
apokryphosdell500: the most customizable (and my run-away-favourite) is WSN gallery script =)01:34
totally_noobapokryphos, i'm blocked from google01:34
=== kataklysm- [n=kataklys@h105.34.141.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
totally_noobapokryphos, anyways thanks01:34
apokryphoserr, how exactly?01:35
sexcopter8000mlinked, blimey... forget that solution then01:35
=== GodFather [n=rcc@pcp09006310pcs.watrfd01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphostotally_noob: Nevermind though; there's hundreds of search engines out there01:35
thechitowncubsIs samba meant for ubuntu -> ubuntu transmissions?01:35
sexcopter8000mlinked, sorry i'm not pro enough at fixing linux problems :)01:35
linkedsexcopter8000m, it's fine =)01:35
=== jason056 [n=jason@c-24-6-123-59.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
aventhe make command for ubuntu is 'make', right?01:36
avenit's not working.. *sigh*01:36
MausAnyone else having a problem with mozilla-firefox post-update?01:36
jason056i installed fedora core 4 and now i cant boot ubuntu!01:36
thechitowncubsaven: what are you trying to make01:36
jason056can someone help?01:36
=== sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
aventhe unrealircd01:36
thechitowncubsjason056: yes01:36
totally_noobapokryphos, ok sir.01:36
avenNow all you have to do is type 'make' and let it compile. When that's |01:36
aven| done, you will receive other instructions on what to do next.01:36
totally_noobapokryphos, have you ever tried irssi?01:36
linkedompaul, that documentation works dandy for getting another sound card installed, but i've got it showing up in the mixer already- i need to set it as KDE's default01:36
=== MikeStyle [n=Mike@ip68-101-254-52.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
avenI type make and it doesn't work..01:37
jason056how do i fix it?01:37
apokryphosthechitowncubs: erm, ignore me... if you have amaroK if you of course don't need to be running KDE -- try using fish:// -- see if it works.01:37
apokryphostotally_noob: many-a-time, yes01:37
avenmake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.01:37
thechitowncubsjason056: you need to edit you /boot/grub/menu.lst and add ubuntu in again01:37
totally_noobapokryphos, and you still prefer KVirc :/01:37
sorush20my monitor keeps on flashing on an off.. I don know that I keep getting errors with adding the ati driver, when kernel is calculating the module dependencies.. but I have not been able to resolve the problem, can somone help please.?01:37
jason056is there a way to find which partition its in?01:37
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apokryphosaven: the INSTALL file says nothing of configuring?01:37
thechitowncubsjason056: yes01:37
apokryphosaven: if you're *sure* you're meant to do a make *without* a  configure (rare), then you must be in the wrong directory in your terminal01:38
thechitowncubsjason056: gparted is the easiest way through a GUI, im trying to find an easy terminal command01:38
=== Plebeuz_ is now known as Plebeuz
jason056thanks man01:38
jason056ugh...fedora core 4 doesn't have gparted01:38
apokryphosjason056: qtparted?01:38
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TrashcanE: /var/cache/apt/archives/eclipse-rcp-common_3.1-10ubuntu1_all.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/eclipse/features/org.eclipse.rcp_3.1.0/epl-v10.html', which is also in package eclipse-rcp01:39
apokryphosubotu: tell jason056 about grub01:39
=== chrisbudden14 [n=chrisbud@host-87-74-26-15.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Trashcanhappens on th updates ubuntu says i need to install01:39
avenapokryphos, so you're saying it should be like a "make /Config" or something?01:39
sorush20extension update on firefox in ubuntu is not working is anyone else haveing the same problem here.?01:39
apokryphosTrashcan: do a force overwrite01:40
Trashcancan I set that from the updater?01:40
Trashcanor shall I apt-get it01:40
apokryphosaven: no... could you pastebin the INSTALL file?01:40
=== jcarr [n=jcarr@216-138-43-178.adams.net] has joined #ubuntu
svrefMy machine has crashed during a synaptic upgrade of 431 packages, currently configuring 'ttf-oriya-fonts'.  If I reboot will the machine be melted?01:40
jcarrubuntu has made me MAD!01:40
oxezHm, when I try to launch GParted, the windows opens, and then closes with a seg fault... any ideas? I looked in the forums + google and found zero.01:40
=== Ne754 [n=Ne754@cpe-024-211-226-010.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ompaullinked, what kind of sound card is it?01:40
avenit didn't have any "INSTALL" file o.O01:40
virgulesound funky01:41
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jcarrafter awhile, all programs, ALL PROGRAMS... they act up! They freeze up! They hang! I try to kill offensive processes, but behavior remains01:41
linkedompaul, i'm running an SB Extigy and the motherboard has nForce 201:41
apokryphosTrashcan: dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/eclipse-rcp-common_3.1-10ubuntu1_all.deb01:41
thechitowncubsjason056: fdisk /dev/hda01:41
chrisbudden14has anyone been able to hibernate breezy and resume with ati binary installed01:41
thechitowncubstype that in a root terminal01:41
Trashcanrgr apokryphos01:41
jcarrWHY must I reboot all the time to fix this as if it was windows01:41
thechitowncubsthen type p01:41
MikeStylehey guys, i just upgraded to breezy and i restarted and my display manager isnt working, so i typed startx and it told me it couldnt find the command startx01:41
apokryphosaven: what does it have?01:41
thechitowncubsthat should give you a list of your hard drive information01:41
ompaullinked, you have to turn off the mobo one in the bios for the other one to have a chance01:41
linkedompaul, I've got an external sound device plugged in to line in- KMix properly mutes and controlls the levels for it, so I know it's detected and working01:41
svrefjcarr: maybe you have fritzy hardware01:41
=== kevogod [n=kevogod@68-115-7-181.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
linkedompaul, =/ ok, thanks... was hoping to avoid that, but oh well01:42
jcarrsvref, unlikely... other distros havent done this01:42
jcarrI still dual boot to windows too01:42
jcarrno issues01:42
jason056bash: fdisk: command not found01:42
jason056i wish i wasnt such a noob01:42
jcarr(suprisingly enough)01:42
=== buzzc1 [n=buzzetti@ool-4577218b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
bimberijason056: are you in a root shell?01:43
jason056i did the su - thing01:43
jason056and now01:43
avenapokryphos, http://unrealircd.com/?page=downloads01:43
ompauljason056, Do NOT run fsck on a mounted system01:43
apokryphosjason056: shouldn't be using su...01:43
=== Plebeuz BitchX rlz
aventhose are the files01:43
=== bun-bun [n=bun-bun@66-215-25-35.dhcp.mtpk.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosjason056: sudo fdisk -l (you probably want(01:43
jason056[root@localhost ~] # fdisk /dev/hda01:43
jason056Unable to open /dev/hda01:43
jmgguys i am still having probs here01:44
=== lingoist [i=steve@chello062178150071.7.14.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
jason056im using su because im on fedora01:44
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jcarrPlebeuz, yez! BITCHX r0x3rz j00 b0x3rz!01:44
thechitowncubsjason056: you need to be a a root terminal01:44
lingoisthello...any chance o boot ubuntu in command line mode?01:44
jason056root terminal?01:44
virgulejmg: the laptop keep acting?01:44
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Plebeuzouto eh tu01:44
Plebeuzputo eh tu01:44
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b Plebeuz!*@*] by apokryphos
bz0bdid they extend official release date?01:44
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bimberijason056: does "fdisk -l" show anything meaningful?01:45
ompaulbz0b, it is still the 13th Oct01:45
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b Plebeuz!*@*] by apokryphos
bz0bi thought it was due for the fourth01:45
ompaulbz0b, the 6th is preview day iirc01:46
jason056[root@localhost ~] # fdisk -101:46
jason056fdisk: invalid option -- 101:46
jason056Usage: fdisk [-b SSZ]  [-u]  DISK     Change partition table01:46
jason056       fdisk -l [-b SSZ]  [-u]  DISK  List partition table(s)01:46
jason056       fdisk -s PARTITION           Give partition size(s) in blocks01:46
jason056       fdisk -v                     Give fdisk version01:46
jason056Here DISK is something like /dev/hdb or /dev/sda01:46
lingoistno parameter for command line?01:46
jason056and PARTITION is something like /dev/hda701:46
jason056-u: give Start and End in sector (instead of cylinder) units01:46
jason056-b 2048: (for certain MO disks) use 2048-byte sectors01:46
jason056[root@localhost ~] #  fdisk -l [-b SSZ]  [-u]  DISK01:46
ompauljason056, DONT PASTE IN HERE01:46
_jasonjason056:  stop01:46
jason056Cannot open [-b01:46
thechitowncubsdo not pate01:46
jason056Cannot open SSZ] 01:46
bz0bstop jason05601:46
=== jason056 was kicked off #ubuntu by apokryphos (apokryphos)
virguleoh yeah01:46
bimberijason056: fdisk -l (as in lower case L).  Oh and did anyone tell you not to paste in here :P01:47
thechitowncubsbimberi: its fisk /dev/hda -l01:47
bz0bthat noob01:47
bz0bhehe :-)01:47
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GhostFreemanwhat directory is the Trashcan located in?01:47
apokryphosxtech: keep the language clean in here please01:47
_chavowell, now there's twice as many lines of you guys  complaining asthre01:48
_chavoin hi paste01:48
bimberithechitowncubs: both work for me - but that might be because my / is on /dev/hda01:48
=== logan001101 [n=chop@cpc1-walt2-6-0-cust197.popl.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
lingoistI would be happy if anyone could give me a simple yes or no ;)01:48
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lingoistcan i boot ubuntu in command line ?01:49
ompaullingoist, yes01:49
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Trashcaninstall bad drivers ;)01:49
=== bun-bun [n=bun-bun@66-215-25-35.dhcp.mtpk.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Trashcanworked fine for me!01:49
lingoistompaul: great :)01:49
umberleighhey. i've just setup firestarter, and i'm getting all these blocked outbound connections on random ports when running azureus. how can i let azureus connect to peers without having to open a ton of outbound ports?01:49
lingoistompaul: how :)01:49
=== delltony [n=delltony@c-24-99-11-118.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaullingoist, question is have you installed a desktop? or is this a new machine?01:50
=== Prower [n=prower@wiley-440-132868.roadrunner.nf.net] has joined #ubuntu
lingoistompaul: new...cant get it run01:50
delltonyhi all the tutorials and all i have found show how to dual boot with windows xp installed first then ubuntu? is there not a howto to do it ubuntu then windowsxp cause honestly i would hate to purge my configuration of linux just so i can dual boot winblows01:50
ompaullingoist, okay start the install, on the first thing you come to type server01:50
ompaullingoist, it will install cli version01:50
lingoistompaul: thank you very much!01:51
apokryphosdelltony: /msg ubotu grub01:51
ompaullingoist, sudo apt-get install (password is your own)  irssi and join us here then :)01:51
jcarrmark my words ubuntu, I WILL MAKE YOU PAY!01:51
apokryphosjcarr: please stop being annoying01:51
=== apokryphos recalls you being banned before
delltonyjcarr whats wrong man didn't get laid this week? geeze01:51
lingoistompaul: thx! see you in a few mins :)01:51
=== tim-yada-112 [i=tim@d14-69-238-101.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuit has been said that grub is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows, or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting01:52
ompauljcarr, shutup or define a problem you can be helped with, as it is I consider you to be trolling01:52
=== FatherTyme [n=akerensk@ip68-227-184-134.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
delltonythanks hopefully that will help me01:52
Kilteris there anyone with experience setting an ubuntu samba server up as a pdc?  I don't need the ldap configuration (for now).01:53
FatherTymeAnyone try Ubuntu on an Alienware Area-51m yet?01:53
=== MasterSheep [n=MasterSh@adsl-63-187-189.mem.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
KilterFatherTyme: yes, we did it in my old office01:53
Kilterworked like a charm01:53
Kilterthe grey ones with the wide screen and the colour changing alien eyes, cool looking units01:54
umberleighhey. i've just setup firestarter, and i'm getting all these blocked outbound connections on random ports when running azureus. how can i let azureus connect to peers without having to open a ton of outbound ports?01:54
dooglusI'm having problems with movie subtitles.  mplayer won't show czech characters, and totem-xine will, but only in a small font.  can someone help with either problem please?01:54
=== Spudchat [n=spud@adsl-69-211-21-201.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
tim-yada-112Howdy room!01:55
=== joe_alf [n=joe_alf@n219077083125.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu
kevogodIs the Firefox 1.07 in Hoary actually 1.07 or is it simply a version increment for extensions?01:55
ProwerIs breezy still considered to be an unstable install, or could one upgrade to it now before it's officially released? :>01:55
=== Prof_Frink is now known as Prof_Sleep
Spudchathi everyone01:55
HrdwrBobPrower: it's mostly stabilised01:56
delltonysorry to repeat but that information i got on ubotu is basically what i have seen the first link just tells me what grub is the second link tells me how to go windows first then ubuntu is there not a way to go ubuntu first then windows. or am i missing something01:56
=== icn_ [n=icn@pool-71-107-177-41.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
HrdwrBobPrower: however you may have a few issues01:56
ompaulumberleigh, well you fire up a firewall and then say I don't want it running - hmm - maybe remove the rules - bottom line those rules are only there to protect services and ubuntu does not run services you do not install01:56
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Kilterdelltony: it means install windows first, then install ubuntu.  it will automagically work that way01:56
tim-yada-112I'm looking for some answers as I slide into the Linux waters...01:56
Spudchatdoes anyone know about video out on a nvidia geforce 6800 go? its sooo close to workin...when i boot up it says starting tvout server but i dont have any gui01:56
=== ernstp [n=ernstp@k13d217-2.kam.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu
hondjeIs your TV on, Spudchat?01:57
apokryphosdelltony: you apparently didn't read the factoid01:57
ProwerHrdwrBob: Hmm...I guess I'd better wait anyway, then01:57
MasterSheepAlllrighty... Hi guys. I just need a quick question answered as I try to install Ubuntu01:57
bimberidelltony: the second link tells you how to can reinstall grub if, for some reason, you have to install windows second01:57
ompauldell500,  or leave that other operating system off the machine and get on with your life no more pain of that sort anyway :)01:57
=== karim [n=karim@ip-118.net-81-220-245.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu
hondjeThen I dunno :)01:57
Spudchatohhh i c i only get one or the other eheh01:57
apokryphosdelltony: RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows (wiki article)01:57
ernstpSo, uh, I removed the /var/cache/apt/archives/partial and now apt wont run01:57
_chavodelltony, if you've already installed linux and need to install Windows it's not hard to reinstall grub, with the install CD01:57
=== WikiFanatic|brb is now known as Dragonfly6
Spudchatis that the way it works?01:58
=== Dragonfly6 is now known as WikiFanatic
ompaulernstp, does >sudo apt-get update< work ?01:58
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o apokryphos] by apokryphos
delltonyok i'm guessin thats what that article explains let me go read some more cause i obvisouly missed something01:58
Spudchateither i get picture on my laptop or picture on the tv?01:58
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ernstpompaul, nope!01:58
MasterSheepRight... so out of sheer curiosity: Is anyone running Ubuntu (or trying to run Ubuntu) on a PPC?01:58
Samhainhas anyone here successfully gotten any video capture programs working? If so, which ones?01:58
ernstpE: Archive directory /var/cache/apt/archives/partial is missing.01:58
Seveasernstp, what did you do?01:58
=== intelshoe [n=professi@adsl-154-16-79.mcn.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
FhaeTonsomeone please help me please01:58
propagandhiernstp: mkdir /var/cache/apt/archives/partial01:58
=== cafuego_ [n=cafuego_@ppp67-71.lns1.mel2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
ernstprm -r /var/cache/apt/archives/* :-)01:59
delltonyyeah sorry this is what i wanted i appologize for the repeat01:59
cafuego_'sudo apt-get clean'01:59
apokryphosernstp: so re-create it01:59
ernstppropagandhi, ah, it's a a dir!01:59
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ernstptried to touch it :-)01:59
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propagandhiyes indeed01:59
umberleighompaul: perhaps i'm not being very clear. i want to allow azureus the outbound connections it needs, but is there any way of restricting this to certain ports? atm azureus seems to be trying ports at random.01:59
ompaulernstp, propagandhi just gave you the solution however it should read >>sudo mkdir /var/cache/apt/archives/partial<<01:59
apokryphosernstp: it's a folder; you wouldn't touch it01:59
Seveasernstp, that's stupid01:59
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cafuego_umberleigh: Don't firewall outgoing connections, it's a PITA.02:00
Seveasernstp, take cafuego_'s advice02:00
Seveasand don't run rm manually in there02:00
cafuego_Seveas: Are you sure about that?02:00
ompaulumberleigh, is that not the way azureus works? to be honest it is not something I run myself02:00
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ernstpSeveas, NOW you tell me! :-P02:00
Seveascafuego_, just in this case :)02:00
propagandhiompaul: true i missed that02:00
apokryphosernstp: who told you to rm -rf ?02:00
apokryphosit's not the recommended way, clearly =)02:01
cafuego_ernstp: If you run the update manager, go to prefs, you can tell it to automagically remove old archives from the cache.02:01
ernstpapokryphos, told me? na, I just thought I should clear some files in there02:01
=== MasterSheep waits in line
apokryphosMasterSheep: no reason to wait -- fire away02:01
tim-yada-112I have two windows 2000 servrer machines serving as Primary Domain controller, and backup domain controller. I would like to phase those out and replace them with some Linux flavor, Need advice on how to proceed02:01
apokryphosMasterSheep: we'd have an awful long queue if there was only one convo at a time :P02:01
lingoistompaul: cant even start in server mode :(02:01
ernstpcafuego, yeah, but it's set and since that doesn't seem to work I did it manually02:02
umberleighcafuego_: PITA?02:02
cafuego_tim-yada-112: Install & configure samba. Also see the 'samba-doc' package.02:02
ompaulernstp, there is a command for that "sudo apt-get clean"02:02
cafuego_umberleigh: It creates a lot of work for no gain.02:02
ompaullingoist, does it boot with a live CD?02:02
propagandhiernstp: as cafuego_ said, if you're gonna do it in the command line use 'sudo apt-get clean' in future02:02
ubotuNot a clue, cafuego_02:02
ompaullingoist, does it boot with an install CD?02:02
Kiltercafuego: that's the thing I'm having a problem with.02:02
MasterSheepThanks apok02:02
ernstpompaul, yeah, if I had stopped to think a second I'd thought of that also..02:02
lingoistompaul: never tried02:02
cafuego_!pita is Pain In The Arse02:02
ubotuokay, cafuego_02:02
MasterSheepIt's just a quick question02:02
Seveastim-yada-112, www.google.com/search?q=samba+domain+controller+howto02:02
Seveasthat'll get you started02:02
ompaulernstp, :-)02:02
apokryphoscafuego_: how very English of you ;-)02:02
ernstpyeah, thanks for writing that 3 times now.02:02
cafuego_apokryphos: Yes, I speak english.02:03
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=== apokryphos too
Seveas!cafuego is <reply> see !pita02:03
ubotuokay, Seveas02:03
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cafuego_!seveas is guilty02:03
ubotuokay, cafuego_02:03
ernstpseems like updatemanager and synaptic has different preferences for the archive cache02:03
DeterministSeveas, any idea if a windows mobile PDA can be synched with linux somehow mate?02:03
MasterSheepapokryphos: It's just a quick question about installing from the CD02:03
SeveasDeterminist, not a single tiny little bit of clue02:03
=== WikiFanatic is now known as WikiFanatic|away
DeterministSeveas, thanks lol02:04
Spudchatwhats a good resolution for a widescreen?02:04
cafuego_Seveas: Note that like pita bread, I'm better with hommus.02:04
apokryphosMasterSheep: so shoot! You'll see if anyone knows :)02:04
Spudchateveryone ive tried is worse then the last :(02:04
DeterministSeveas, did you find what you needed in that PDF or do you need the second one mate?02:04
bimberiDeterminist: look for packages with synce and multisync in them02:04
Kilter1280X800 works well Spudchat02:04
Deterministbimberi, thanks02:04
MasterSheepWhen I boot up, the keyboard is completely unrecognized02:04
cafuego_Spudchat: The otimum resolution for said screen. Anything else will look fairly crap.02:04
bimberiDeterminist: yw :)02:04
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MasterSheepI dunno if it has to do with the drivers or what02:04
SeveasDeterminist, i've been bugsquashing for 6 hours - did not have time to read it02:04
MasterSheepBut no matter what I do, I can't get the Install CD to recognize any input02:05
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DeterministSeveas, k mate, lemme know :)02:05
Deterministpocket PC == windows mobile ?02:05
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MasterSheepAny ideas anyone?02:05
ScatterBraineverytime I try to play an mp3 with xmms, it locks up.02:05
drbrownhas anyone had any problems with hard drive sizes with nvidia sata controllers???02:05
svrefHow to restart X?02:06
apokryphosScatterBrain: you probably have to change your audio output02:06
SeveasScatterBrain: To make xmms or beep-media-player actually play things, change the audio output plugin to eSound02:06
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MasterSheepIf it helps, I'm using the PPC version02:06
Spudchatargh they all look sooooo big02:06
apokryphossvref: logout and then ctrl+alt+backspace02:06
Seveassvref, <ctrl><alt><bksp>02:06
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naliothMasterSheep: what hardware?02:06
bz0bhey nalioth02:06
ompaulgood night good people02:06
drbrownI have a pair of seagate hard drives that show up as the full 80GB rather than 76 GB02:07
MasterSheepnalioth: Old ghetto iMac G302:07
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drbrownis this normal?????02:07
ScatterBrainapokryphos: Thanks, that did it.02:07
MasterSheepnalioth: I'm pretty sure it's the DV+ model02:07
cafuego_Apple never released a model called 'Ghetto'. Want to be specific?02:07
kevogodMasterSheep, If I have to use one of those again, I might kill someone.02:07
ScatterBrainSeveas: Thanks.02:07
MasterSheepHaha... sure. You missed the 'ghetto' right before the G3 suffix?02:08
darkmatterdrbrown: is that ubuntu compared to windows?02:08
naliothhowdy y'all02:08
MasterSheepIt was there, I swear :P02:08
MasterSheepDV+ Model, 400 MHz (If I remember correctly), 20 GB HD02:09
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VoXgrrr why am i getting an md5 mismatch from my ubuntu server :(02:10
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drbrowndarkmatter: that's ubuntu & debian compared to fc4, which I would rather not use02:10
VoXfc4 is horrid02:10
naliothMasterSheep: using the standard inputs?02:10
VoXi _have_ to use it at work02:10
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MasterSheepnalioth: If by standard inputs you mean the standard apple USB keyboard, then yes02:11
FhaeTonhow much space is needed for the swap drive?02:11
Spudchattwice the ram02:11
darkmatterdifferences in the way the distro's calculate free space? not 100% sure. i'll have a look-see02:11
propagandhidoes anyone know how i can temporarily point my compiler to gcc-3.4.502:11
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FhaeTon2 times the ram of the rig02:12
naliothMasterSheep: have you checked your md5s on both iso and burnt cd?02:12
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Spudchati do believe thats like standard FhaeTon02:12
FhaeTonno I nooby don't have thoughts like that yet.02:12
MasterSheepnalioth: It wasn't a burnt CD or ISO; it was the pre packaged promo copy02:12
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naliothMasterSheep: some of those commercially produced discs did not come out of the oven correctly02:13
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MasterSheepnalioth: Hah... Not all of them can. You think that's what's wrong?02:14
liquidten2Yup, i got a whole batch of 40 coasters.02:14
naliothMasterSheep: something to check02:14
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MasterSheepnalioth: How would I go about checking?02:14
naliothMasterSheep: you are the first ppc user who has had this problem (to my notice) and it seems unusual02:15
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ciusso whats new in breezy?  I've read the "whats new" list of course, but anyone notice anything particularly different?02:15
MasterSheepnalioth: Goodie! I feel special... all warm and fuzzy inside02:15
liquidten2cuis: a lot02:15
ciusliquidten2: I've not given it a go yet, I decided to use hoary when I did my install, figure I can just upgrade to breezy.  How is the new gnome?02:16
MasterSheepnalioth: How would I go about checking the md5 on my mac?02:16
naliothMasterSheep: do you have a livecd or a functioning OS for your mac?02:17
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MasterSheepnalioth: Oh, yes. The iMac is by no means my main computer. I use an iBook running OS X Tiger most of the time02:18
jmgok i give up... will readress issue after breezy goes final :)02:18
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liquidten2cius:  The new gnome is very nice ;)  Lets see... off the top of my head some changes i can think of are:  When you select text and move it you actually see the text instead of the usual pointer thing.  The new gtk 2.8 uses Cairo, and a lot of things look more crisp and better.  New nautilus view modes(tree mode) a clipboard daemon so that when you close an app you can keep what's in your clipboard.  New totem that has a decent side bar 02:18
naliothMasterSheep: then find the download page for your image and get the md5sums02:18
bz0btotem is awsome, it plays all my mp3's02:18
bz0bwithout royalty fee02:18
jmgbz0b: haha02:19
=== philalou121 [n=philalou@HSE-Ottawa-ppp3495680.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
jrattner1scared to death scared to look02:19
zygiscius, GNOME 2.12 [http://www.gnome.org/start/2.12/notes/C/]  among other things02:19
liquidten2bz0b:  the whole "mp3 patents" thing is blown way out of proportion.  From the xmms.org homepage.  "Hello Debian and Debian users, Want to rant about mp3patents? Sure, 2002 called and want their august news back.  We love everyone."02:19
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ciusliquidten2, yea, I'm really excited about the use of cairo and about the new linux desktop direction in general.  I can't wait to see it for myself.02:20
Deterministthis is weird, cant make evolution fetch pop3 mail from gmail since it wont let me pick port number and secure connection as options. it just assumes you're going to use plain pop302:20
philalou121Quelqu'un peut m'aider en franais02:20
propagandhican someone quickly remind me of the command to reinstall and reconfigure a package02:20
MasterSheepnalioth: Hmmm... it looks like somethings not right. I think I got one of the 'duds'02:20
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philalou121Quelqu'un peut m'aider en franais02:21
MasterSheepnalioth: I'm just gonna redownload and install from a burned disc02:21
ubotuwell, fr is Va a #ubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais02:21
MasterSheepnalioth: Thanks for all the help :D02:21
naliothMasterSheep: burn it slow, and not with Disk Utility02:21
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MasterSheepnalioth: Of course not. Toast is fine, right?02:21
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naliothMasterSheep: yup. and slow02:22
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MasterSheepnalioth: Will do! Thanks again02:22
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propagandhiguys, whats the command to reinstall and reconfigure a package, mind is blank02:22
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naliothratte_: you need to ask a real question. our mind reading skills suck02:23
ratte_where i find the mirros for apt02:23
ciusIs Firefox still the default browser in breezy or is gnome's epiphany the default?02:23
naliothubotu: tell ratte_ about sources02:23
ciusand thanks for that link zygis, I'd heard about most of it.  :-)02:24
liquidten2cius:  I believe firefox is the default, but i wouldn't know for sure since i use it anyway02:24
VoXcius: firefox02:24
FhaeTonIf your using 2 HD in Raid0 ..How many swap partitions do I make?02:24
liquidten2cius: i take it you are having speed problems with firefox too?02:24
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VoXfirefox fails it02:24
VoXhence why i use opera :)02:25
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zygishehe, hence why you really should use lynx02:25
liquidten2I mix it up between opera, firefox and epiphany.  But i also use FreeBSD and not ubuntu... <_<02:25
liquidten2*i do have ubuntu installed,  it's just not my primary desktop02:25
ciusliquiten2, no, my firefox is fine as far as I can tell02:26
jrattner1does ubuntu support more hardware then debian?02:26
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kbrooksjrattner1: yes02:26
VoXjrattner1: yeah02:26
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zygiscius, firefox is the default, I prefer apt-get install epiphany, though02:26
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VoXepiphany is worse than ff :P02:27
liquidten2cius:  a lot of people using ubuntu's firefox package are complaining about much slower speeds than say epiphany or even the official firefox build from mozilla.org02:27
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liquidten2me included02:27
bob_c_bmy FF issues cleared up after 1.07 pkg02:27
ciuszygis, I might have to try epiphany, I've never used it, but they say its a derived from firefox, so I'm not sure what a difference it could make.02:27
hajikimy firefox is running great as well02:27
VoXi'm using an amd64, so i dont have many issues with speed, regardless of what i'm doing :)02:27
bob_c_bEpiphany is very fast but i haven't bothered tweaking media plug-ins yet02:28
Vegarepiphany is a lightweight firefox02:28
bob_c_bso i don't use it much02:28
liquidten2cius:  well it's smaller, and more integrated into gnome.  Other than that it's still based on gecko just like firefox(although epiphany 1.8(gnome 2.12) uses gecko 1.8 and firefox only uses 1.7 so that may make it a little(lot) faster02:28
ciusliquidten2, that sounds wierd.  I can't tell any difference between the ubuntu version and the one I used on windows.  but then again, I've got high speed access and decent hardware, so maybe it wouldn't affect me as much?02:28
zygisbob_c_b, what do you mean? totem provides ones for ephy02:28
bob_c_byea, i just haven't bothered to set anyting up as i usually run FF02:29
bob_c_bi only just installed epiphany when the FF pkg was busted for some people last week02:29
bob_c_bdid the old apt-get -forcethebuggerinwithahammer and FF is back working02:30
liquidten2cius:  On my pentium3 withj 512mb rami do(did, haven't really tested recently) have problems where firefox would take about 4 seconds longer to startup than epiphany, and opening up more than 10 tabs would completely freeze the browser for about 6 or so seconds.  I didn't have this with the official firefox or even firefox on Dropline Gnome 2.12(slackware 10.2)02:30
grndslmepiphany has no extensions!!!!02:30
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grndslmit sucks02:30
kevogodThen don't use it.02:31
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kevogodThere, simple, perfect.02:31
ciusyou know, something I found quite odd, I was trying out hoary on an old p3 700 I hve and I decided I wanted to try a text only browser.  I think I tried elinks or something like that and it actually seemed slower than firefox...02:31
liquidten2grndslm: the new epiphany in 2.12 does http://www.gnome.org/projects/epiphany/extensions   not as many as firefox though by far02:31
kevogodgrndslm, But it does.02:31
bob_c_bi like it grndslm, lean and clean02:31
naliothgrndslm: put the extensions for firefox into the same folder in the epiphany tree02:31
kevogodgrndslm, epiphany-extensions02:31
grndslmepiphany extensions aren't firefox extensions02:31
ciusliquidten2, wow, that is a big difference, certainly noticable02:32
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kevogodWho say they were?02:32
=== theblue [n=theblue@pcp04402293pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
theblueHi all.02:32
kevogodIf you don't like the browser, you can always download the boulder game.02:33
hajikiif you dont like Firefox you can always download free Opera Browser :(02:33
theblueOr Epiphany.02:33
theblueOr Mozilla.02:33
AngryParsley:) I use opera02:33
liquidten2kevogod:  that's what always bugged me.  If i install the game first and then the browser(this is in other distros) the browser detects the game and i get "epiphany-browser"  but if i install the game after epiphany it completely overwrites the binary02:33
_jasonor run ie in wine02:34
kevogodOr even, yikes, Konqueror.02:34
_jasonJUST KIDDING02:34
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bob_c_bgood one jason02:34
ubotu[nvidia]  at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia02:34
=== theblue whacks _jason with the ugly stick for saying IE in chat.
ubotuI guess ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx02:34
ubotukevogod: Did you get hit by a windmill?02:34
ubotuBugger all, i dunno, theblue02:34
ciuswould any of you knowledgable folks happen to know of an irc client that I can have both a translucent background and borderless (like eterm is capable of)?02:34
liquidten2I usedd galeon for the longest time back in the 1.4 days of gnome.02:35
theblueIrssi, running in eterm.02:35
naliothcius: irssi in an eterm02:35
grndslmi loved galeon 'til firefox came along and stole its thunder02:35
kennethloveirssi > *02:35
hajikiyeah gaelon used to be nice02:35
theblueUbuntu > *.02:35
liquidten2it was the only browser i coudl stand using.02:35
ciusnever heard of irssi, thanks alot02:36
theblueAsterisk > *.02:36
WhiteRabbithttp://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/bounties/  what a wonderful bounty it is indeedy02:36
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thebluecius: Go to a console, and type "irc", it'll start Irssi.02:36
uboturatte_: Are you smoking crack?02:36
uboturepositories is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy))02:36
liquidten2Mozilla was a freakin moster of a memory hog, netscape 4 had this strange "bug" where it wouldn't display any of my pages correctly.02:36
bob_c_byea, i struggled through some ugly netscape clients before gaelon02:36
ciustheblue, so I don't need to get it through apt?02:36
thebluecius: If you do, the name is irssi-text.02:37
naliothubotu: tell ratte_ about sources02:37
ciustheblue, thanks02:37
naliothratte_: look to your private messages02:37
theblueNo problem, cius.02:37
ubotuThe guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade02:37
ubotuwell, hoary is a word that means grey or ancient.  Shakespeare made a joke about it in his play Romeo and Juliet02:37
ubotutheblue: Are you smoking crack?02:37
naliothcius: irssi installed by default02:37
ubotutheblue: What?02:37
ubotuYou can play with me on #debian-bots without being banned.02:37
theblueOk, then.02:38
ubotuThaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my brain on http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:38
kennethloveplay with the bot? dirty.02:38
nalioththeblue: read the webpage ^^^^ dont just !fish !for !triggers02:38
ratte_E: Konnte Paket linux-restricted-modules nicht finden <-- where i can find this package?02:38
=== jcsteele [n=jcsteele@207-255-208-174-dhcp.cbe.md.atlanticbb.net] has joined #ubuntu
yoinkexcuse me, i tried to install the latest fglrx driver but im getting these errors...http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/274702:38
Seveasratte_, install linux-686 (intel cpu) or linux-k7 (amd)02:39
=== LetterRip [n=LetterRi@blender/coder/pdpc.bronze.LetterRip] has joined #ubuntu
liquidten2apt-cache search it(i don't know the name of the correct package, but i'm pretty sure it needs the kernel version and architecture)02:39
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jcsteeleok, still no luck.  is it possible to mount a bsd filesystem in ubuntu?02:39
LetterRipHi, I added Blenders cvs to the luanchpad page here02:40
ciusnalioth, just found that out, but thanks anyway!  Now I gotta go through and make sure its set up right...02:40
=== tritium [n=michael@pcp0011975002pcs.sandia01.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
LetterRipI believe we use different library versions than upstream for some things we link against02:40
Seveasjcsteele, man mount :)02:40
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liquidten2jcsteele: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Linux+FreeBSD-5.html  it's a little outdated(linux CAN mount ufs now natively)02:41
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bob_c_bit's linux-restricted-modules-uname ratte02:41
jcsteeleSeveas, yes, i have.  i am using the ubuntu disk manager, and as far as i can tell, ubuntu cant read the bsd disklabel02:41
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jcsteeleliquidten2, its an openbsd disk, so it uses ffs02:41
liquidten2jcsteele: that makes it more difficult...02:42
LetterRipis there a way to add our bugtracker to launchpad also?02:42
liquidten2i've only knowledge of freebsd02:42
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crimsunLetterRip: these questions are more easily addressed in #launchpad02:42
ratte_!tell ratte nvidia02:42
LetterRipah sorry thanks for the pointer02:42
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crimsunLetterRip: np02:42
ratte_!tell ratte_ nvidia02:42
ratte_!tell ratte_ : nvidia02:42
MikeStyleuhm i upgraded to breezy and my startx isnt working. im chatting through terminal right now because i have no display manager02:42
nootropeHiya, anyone know the equivalent of a left-click on the PowerPC versions of Linux? I'm running HH on a Apple Powerbook.02:42
naliothratte_: look at your private messages02:43
naliothnootrope: f1202:43
ratte_it says user not exist02:43
yoinkexcuse me, i tried to install the latest fglrx driver but im getting these errors...http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/274702:43
nootropenalioth: thanks02:43
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yoinkany ideas?02:43
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nootropenalioth: so point and f12?02:43
ratte_linux-restricted-modules <-- is this packet linux-k7 ?02:44
ratte_or need i other packs?02:44
naliothnootrope: dont you have one mouse button already?02:44
_aarony helo thar, fellow Ubuntu folks02:44
oxezyoink: I had this problem this morning, I reinstalled the kernel and then it worked (using the .run driver file on ati.com)02:44
crimsunyoink: did you try the instructions on wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto for the ATI?02:44
nalioththen the right-click is f1202:44
MikeStylei upgraded to breezy and restarted. my display manager didnt start02:44
AngryParsleyso... how safe is it to use gparted to convert an NTFS partition to ext3?02:44
bob_c_banyone at Ohio Linuxfest this past Saturday?02:44
nootropeso i point to the object i want to right-clcik on and hit f12?02:44
ubotusomebody said nvidia was at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia02:44
naliothAngryParsley: say goodbye to your data02:44
naliothnootrope: yup02:44
AngryParsleynalioth: then why is that option not ghosted or something?02:45
liquidten2_aaron: i'm not using ubuntu...  i just like the IRC channel <_<02:45
nootropethanks. i just realiized i had typed left click, sorry. :)02:45
AngryParsleyI mean disabled or something02:45
mwright1will breezy release  livecd have openoffice 2.0 on it?  what version of Thunderbird and Firefox will it have? for win32 that is02:45
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naliothparted is not a conversion program02:45
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naliothparted is a partitioning program. if you want to convert one to the other, dont expect your data to survive02:45
yoinkcrimsun, ill check it out02:45
AngryParsleythere's a nice little menu when I right click on the partition and it says "convert to.."02:45
crimsunmwright1: it will have what's currently in it02:46
AngryParsleyso it's not really converting, it's just deleting the partition and creating a new on of the same size02:46
naliothAngryParsley: NTFS and linux dont play well together02:46
yoinkoxez, i have a standard kernel, dont know how to reinstall it, im a noob02:46
AngryParsleynalioth: yeah, tell me about it02:46
MikeStylecan anyone help me02:46
AngryParsleyI have this 200 gig drive full of crap, but it's formatted NTFS :(02:46
oxezyoink: open synaptic02:46
liquidten2nalioth: they play together better than Windows NT+reiserfs02:46
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oxezyoink: I just selected 'Reinstall'02:46
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AngryParsleyliquidten2: yeah, at least I can read from it02:46
naliothMikeStyle: at your prompt, type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and choose the VESA driver02:47
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p0windahmoaning all02:47
naliothAngryParsley: linux can READ it fine02:47
ratte_what they mean with linux-restricted-modules?02:47
MikeStylenalioth, i had someone tell me that exact same thing and it didnt work. it said something about xorg being broken02:47
bob_c_bMike, open your xorg.conf and change the driver back to "vesa" and see if that lets X start02:47
tritiumratte_, binary-only drivers02:47
AngryParsleynalioth: yeah, I'm glad, but I don't have 200 gigs of free space on any other drive to back my stuff up02:47
naliothMikeStyle: then wait til tomorrow when xorg gets new upgrades02:47
yoinkcrimsun, im having a bit of trouble connecting to the wiki...02:47
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naliothbob_c_b: pay attention02:48
tritiumratte_, such as nvidia, in your case02:48
_aaronForbidden modules. It's like Area 51; made of alien technology. =)02:48
MikeStylebob_c_b, im chatting through terminal, NO DISPLAY MANAGER, i cant edit it without seeing it02:48
yoinkoxez, k, ill try that after i read this wiki article02:48
crimsunyoink: routing hiccup on your end then02:48
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MikeStylenalioth, i need it working today...02:48
RockyBurthm, i recently did an update in breezy and now my wireless device doesn't detect any AP's02:48
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naliothMikeStyle: ctrl-alt-f3 gets you a new terminal (you have 8 of em)02:48
liquidten2MikeStyle: you don't need X to edit files02:48
yoinkcrimsun, wouldnt be a first...im at college,so quite a monster of a network02:48
ratte_where i get the nvidia driver?02:48
crimsunratte_: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:48
JairunCalothwhen I try to mount my windows drive it says /dev/hdb already mounted or /mdt/hdb busy02:48
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RockyBurtanyone know of any changes to the ubuntu breezy stuff that might have broken wireless recently?02:49
MikeStyleliquidten2, i would be no good at it. not good with command line at all02:49
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ratte_crimsun, ther stand the package : linux-restricted-modules02:49
liquidten2MikeStyle: oh i see what you're saying now.  Press control+f2 and then type in nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:49
ratte_i don t know what they mean02:49
p0windahJairunCaloth: have a look in the /media/ directory02:49
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p0windahJairunCaloth: its probably already mounted02:49
crimsunMikeStyle: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:49
liquidten2MikeStyle: as root that is, then when youa re finished editing it press control+x02:49
crimsunMikeStyle: choose the vesa driver02:49
AngryParsleyso is there any way to convert my NTFS partition to ext3 or something with another utility?02:49
tritiumratte_, I told you that they are binary-only drivers, such as nvidia02:49
MikeStylecrimsun i already said that didnt work02:49
ubotutheblue: Do they come in packets of five?02:49
delltonyanyone here used qtparted before if so how come you can't resize your active partition? i click on /dev/hda1 and resize it it and nada02:50
crimsunMikeStyle: not even to choose the vesa driver?02:50
tritiumtheblue, please dont do that02:50
tritiumdon't even02:50
JairunCalothp0windah: it's not there, I can't find it02:50
thebluetritium: Sorry, I was looking for the language.02:50
MikeStyleliquidten2, i pressed ctrl f2 and nothing02:50
crimsunMikeStyle: dpkg -l xserver-xorg|grep ^ii02:50
tritiumok, just try to keep it work-safe ;)02:50
p0windahoff to get some breakfast, later02:50
liquidten2ctrl+alt+f2 sorry02:50
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nalioththeblue: you were given the webpage of ubotus brains. please use it and !quit !fishing02:50
thebluetritium: K.02:50
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thebluenalioth: Ok, then.02:50
MikeStylecrimsum, my xserver is broken, thats the problem02:51
crimsunMikeStyle: what's the output from the command I gave you?02:51
MikeStylehold on02:51
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MikeStylewut command do i press for new terminal again? and then how do i close it once im done?02:51
jduncki'm considering installing tightvnc server on hoary. i don't see a synaptic package for it.  any pointers or advice?  ok to just build from source?  what happens when ubuntu later includes the package?02:51
yoinkcrimsun, the wiki is definately up atm?02:51
naliothMikeStyle: no need to close anything. you can alternate between them02:51
liquidten2MikeStyle:  Control+Alt+F2  then login.  When you are done type exit and then Control Alt F1 to get back02:52
MikeStylenalioth, how alternate?02:52
naliothMikeStyle: ctrl-alt-f1 through f802:52
crimsunjdunck: does the installed Vino not suffice?02:52
bob_c_bgotta go, be ack later02:52
Toma-can kde do animated backgounds?02:52
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crimsunyoink: absolutely02:52
MikeStyleok crimsum, what command02:52
Toma-or gnome for that matter02:52
WhiteRabbitToma-, if you have tons of ram sure02:52
WhiteRabbitToma-, You mean like wintel can02:52
crimsunMikeStyle: dpkg -l xserver-xorg|grep ^ii02:52
WhiteRabbitLike the moving lava lake wallpaper deal02:53
Toma-WhiteRabbit: i tried with an animated gif but only used the first fame :(02:53
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Toma-WhiteRabbit: no, like e17 ;)02:53
jdunckcrimsun, checking02:53
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WhiteRabbitToma-, the easy way is to interlace a screensaver as the wallpaper! much easyer that way ;)~02:53
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jamie_1anyone know where to write programs?02:54
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MikeStylecrimsum, i did your command and nothing happened02:54
HrdwrBobjamie_1: erm02:54
liquidten2jamie_1: what do you mean?02:54
AngryParsleywhoa, 167 updates available02:54
crimsunMikeStyle: _nothing_?02:54
MikeStylenothing at all02:54
naliothMikeStyle: you said you've reconfigured for VESA?02:54
jamie_1as in......... to write programs like games in liquidten202:54
AngryParsleymost of them are x-windows drivers for video cards that are not mine02:54
jamie_1and HrdwrBob02:54
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crimsunMikeStyle: I don't think you typed it properly02:55
crimsunMikeStyle: it should at least give you a line containing an installed package version02:55
MikeStylenalioth, i did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and it said something about x being broken...02:55
crimsunMikeStyle: if it's not installed, dpkg will give you an error02:55
MikeStylecrimsum i assure u i typed it right02:55
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crimsunMikeStyle: there are only two possibilities for output, and I just gave them to you02:55
MikeStylehold on02:56
MikeStyle-l or i02:56
dell500how do i find out what port apache uses for a gallery?02:56
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crimsunMikeStyle: an el02:56
MikeStyleis there a space between grep and ^ii02:56
crimsunMikeStyle: yes02:57
MikeStylesame exact output, nothing02:57
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bimberiMikeStyle: leave the "| grep ^ii" off, do you get anything then?02:58
MikeStylehold on bimberi02:58
hafthello ppl, i need some help02:58
MikeStylebimberi, i did get output02:58
crimsunyou should most definitely not get nothing02:58
naliothhaft: we need a question02:59
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hafti installed the prew version02:59
bimberiMikeStyle: what's the last line?02:59
MikeStylehold on02:59
liquidten2nalioth:  I've become quite apt at reading peoples minds actually <_<02:59
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haftbut the xorg is not running02:59
jdunckcrimsun, i'm having trouble finding documentation on vino.  link?02:59
yoshwhats up, im trying to get my ubuntu install to boot, its on /dev/hdb1 but passing root=/dev/hdb1 fails, im wondering if ubuntu uses some odd device names or something?02:59
haftand i need a root pass to change the conf file02:59
AngryParsleyoh, can you delete files on an NTFS partition from linux?02:59
yoshgrub can access the kernel on hd0,1 tho02:59
crimsunjdunck: System> Preferences> Remote Desktop03:00
naliothubotu: tell haft about root03:00
jdunckcrimsun, thanks03:00
AngryParsleyI mean, without massive data corruption03:00
MikeStylebimberi... iU xserver xorg    6.8.2-74    the x.org xserver (dummy package)03:00
liquidten2haft: Root is disabled.  login as user, type "sudo whateveryouwantedtotype" then type in YOUR password for your user account.03:00
naliothubotu: tell liquidten2 about root03:01
yoshanyone know what /dev/hdb1 would be to ubuntu?03:01
naliothyosh: just what you wrote03:01
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yoshdoesnt work..03:01
haftis there an xorg configurator in the prew release?03:01
yoshi get a kernel panic03:01
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naliothyosh: then you dont have one03:01
uboturoot is, like, disabled in Ubuntu, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo03:01
yoshi know its /dev/hdb1 cos grub loads the kernel from hd1,003:01
crimsunMikeStyle: that means it's not configured03:01
yoshhd1,0 is /dev/hdb1 am i right03:01
MikeStylecrimsum, how to configure?03:01
crimsunMikeStyle: what error message does it give you when you try to ''sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg''?03:02
=== hondje wishes there was some yummy gnome equivalent to Kile
liquidten2MikeStyle: There are two ways.  If the dpkg-reconfigure thing doesn't work for you, then type in xorgconfig and answer it's questions(you have to know a little about your monitor)03:02
MikeStylecrimsum, when i do that the first thing i get is a perl warning03:02
tritiumhondje, I completely second that wish03:02
delltonydang i messed up and made /dev/hda unactive in qtparted and i can't figure out how to make it active again any help would be great03:02
MikeStyleim using a laptop liquidten203:03
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Brizeake it active again any help would be great03:03
yoshnalioth: why can i pull the kernel in /boot with hd1,0 with grub but then root=/dev/hdb1 fails?03:03
crimsunMikeStyle: ok the Perl warning about LOCALE/LC_ALL is not critical03:03
mdzhaft: it should generate a working configuration by default; if it didn't, it's probably a bug03:03
crimsunMikeStyle: but where and when does it fail after that?03:03
mdzhaft: but you should try the latest stuff before reporting one03:03
hondjetritium: I tried making one, but qt is much easier for a guy like me than gtk03:03
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MikeStylecrimsum, what do you mean where and when03:03
naliothyosh: i have no idea. i have powerpcs03:03
crimsunMikeStyle: I mean what happens after those warnings?03:03
tritiumhondje, file a wishlist bug :)03:04
hondjeooh, there's a good idea :)03:04
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hondjethe edubuntu guys would probably like that too03:04
liquidten2MikeStyle:  All you need to know is the refresh rates and max resolutions  :  When you type dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server you should get an ncurses based interface where it asks you questions and makes an /etc/X11/xorg.conf based on your answers03:04
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hondjeYou can get those rates by sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange, fwiw03:04
MikeStylelc-all=unset.....falling back to standard local of C....03:04
MikeStyleliquidten2, no such command found03:05
yoshanyone know why im getting a kernel panic trying to boot ubuntu with root=/dev/hdb1? grub pulls the kernel from /boot on hd1,0 so I know that the hardware is all there03:05
dell500does anyone know what port gallery (for apache) runs on?03:05
crimsunMikeStyle: right, those are the warnings. What happens after all those warnings?03:05
MikeStyle'xserver-xorg is broken or not fully configured'03:05
liquidten2MikeStyle:  that is the problem.03:06
MikeStyleliquidten2, what should i do?the xorgconfig command wasnt found03:06
crimsunMikeStyle: did you dist-upgrade from warty/hoary, or did you install clean?03:07
liquidten2unfortunately i haven't used Debian in about 2 years and my knowledge of apt is fading.  Someone tell him the command that fixes broken depedencies(i think "aptitude" has a broken filter)03:07
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liquidten2MikeStyle:  yoru xorg isn't installed completely03:07
hajikiapt-get install x-window-system-core03:07
sanperaliquidten2, apt-get install -f03:07
crimsunMikeStyle: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade03:07
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jdunckcrimsun, vino works great, thanks for pointer03:08
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AngryParsleyhey, is there any way to delete a file on an NTFS partition from linux?03:08
sn0ni have a SILLY question... who edits Gnome Help ? cuz there are alot of ermm..small versioning errors.. like : Yelp > Desktop > User Guide and Sys Admin Guide being gnome 2.603:08
sn0nkinda.. needs updating maybe03:08
crimsunjdunck: np03:09
MikeStylecrimsum, that might take a while03:09
jdunckAngryParsley, i'm pretty sure NTFS under linux is read-only03:09
liquidten2AngryParsley: Not even a little bit of a chance of that working03:09
MikeStyle98 mb more to dl03:09
crimsunMikeStyle: that's what I thought.03:09
jduncki think system rescue CD can do it, tho03:09
crimsunit didn't finish downloading all the packages needed to dist-upgrade03:09
liquidten2MikeStyle:  that will fix your problem.03:09
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MikeStylewhen its done then what?03:09
AngryParsleyjdunck: there is experimental writing, but it corrupts data like crazy03:09
AngryParsleyand you can only do things like change files that already exist03:09
crimsunMikeStyle: it will take care of itself during the dist-upgrade. You don't have to do a thing.03:09
liquidten2It should automatically do that "dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server" we've been talking about and ask you some questions03:09
jdunckAngryParsley, ok, that's all i know ;-)03:10
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MikeStylecrimsum, so once its done just restart and it should be fixed?03:10
yoshanyone know why im getting a kernel panic trying to boot ubuntu with root=/dev/hdb1? grub pulls the kernel from /boot on hd1,0 so I know that the hardware is all there03:10
AngryParsleyliquidten2: but ntfsresize can move data around if it's fragmented, what's so different about deleting?03:10
crimsunMikeStyle: yes03:10
delireAngryParsley: you can attempt using the captive-nfts driver, but it is not reccommended.03:10
MikeStylecrimsum, thanks alot man (girl?)03:10
AngryParsleydelire: heh, that sounds risky03:10
sn0nso what are some good rss readers ?03:10
sn0nim sick of liferea03:10
liquidten2AngryParsley:  That's actually the only stable way to do it.03:11
hajikiroot            (hd0,1)03:11
deliresn0n: i like snownews but it's terminal only.03:11
liquidten2sn0n: I'd recommend liferea <_<03:11
naliothsn0n: heh that is what i was gonna suggest. try rawdog or yarssr03:11
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sn0nohh yeh.. snownews.. forgot bout that one.. :-D03:11
MikeStylethanks guys03:11
liquidten2MikeStyle:  Good luck!03:12
AngryParsleyliquidten2: so what are my chances of losing tons of data? because most of the stuff on there are DVD backups03:12
MikeStylegood luck? does that mean there is a chance things wont work?03:12
AngryParsleyand I don't want to take the time to rerip them03:12
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liquidten2MikeStyle: I knew you were going to ask that ;)  it should work fine03:12
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crimsunMikeStyle: there's always a chance you might explode.03:12
MikeStylecrimsum, well spontaneous combustion would kinda suck03:13
delireAngryParsley: if the contents of the NTFS partition are backed up, why not switch to the fat32 fs and then reload winblows.03:13
MikeStyleliquidten2, thanks for the reassurance03:13
crimsunhence the buena suerte03:13
MikeStylehow old is everyone here? i bet im the youngest03:13
liquidten2AngryParsley: Captive-ntfs will do it.  Or if you have access to partition magic i'd convert that thing back to fat3203:13
liquidten2MikeStyle: 1603:13
AngryParsleydelire: because windows won't let me have a fat32 partition bigger than 32 gigs03:13
AngryParsleyand it's a 200 gig drive03:13
theblueMikeStyle: 1203:13
MikeStyletheblue 0_o03:13
MikeStylenever mind03:13
delireAngryParsley: i see03:13
theblueMikeStyle: How old are you?03:14
AngryParsleythe captive ntfs driver looks like the best bet03:14
=== theblue wins.
=== tyndz [n=tyndz@2001:da8:b000:621b:2a1:b0ff:fe00:2fe4] has joined #ubuntu
=== MikeStyle still gets more perl errors when dist-upgrading
=== avanspronse1 [n=andrewv@London-HSE-ppp3545276.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunerrors or warnings?03:14
=== liquidten2 is pretty sure they are harmless
crimsunthe warnings are expected03:14
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tyndzmirros list  URL?03:14
MikeStylecrimsum, warnings03:14
naliothAngryParsley: be careful with captive03:14
crimsunif they're errors, your dist-upgrade will fail03:15
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tritiumhajiki, that doesn't sound work-safe03:15
MikeStylewow i kinda like irc chatting in terminal, its cool03:15
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MikeStylecrimsum, so it should still work?03:15
hajikitritium, thats what my boss said03:15
liquidten2MikeStyle: it makes you feel more "1337" doesn't it03:15
crimsunMikeStyle: absolutely03:15
MikeStyleliquidten2, oh yea03:15
naliothMikeStyle: screen will free you (gnu screen)03:15
RockyBurtanyone happen to know if any recent updates affected wlan in ubuntu breezy lately? my wlan just stopped working :(03:15
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MikeStyle1 f33l 133703:15
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crimsunRockyBurt: yes, what were you using for wlan?03:15
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RockyBurtcrimsun: ndiswrapper03:16
hajikiRockyBurt, I've had to reboot at times because of updates to hotplug and stuff03:16
tyndzmirrors list  URL?  I can't locate it in ubuntu.com03:16
MikeStylethanks for the help guys03:16
crimsunRockyBurt: I didn't touch ndiswrapper.03:16
AngryParsleyoh cool, now that I installed ntfsprogs gparted lets me resize ntfs partitions03:16
naliothubotu: tell tyndz about sources03:16
AngryParsleyless messing with partition tables for me03:16
crimsunRockyBurt: Are you using wpasupplicant?03:16
RockyBurtcrimsun: yes... which also appears to be broken03:16
crimsunRockyBurt: how did it break?03:17
MikeStylei love linux, its such a wonderful challenge!03:17
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=== cafuego1 [n=cafuego_@ppp84-232.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunRockyBurt: paste your conffile onto paste.ubuntulinux.nl03:17
delireMikeStyle: and with that attitude you will go far with it..03:17
liquidten2MikeStyle:  Once you get used to it it gets boring.  This is my 5th year on unix...  Now using windows is the challenge03:17
MikeStyledelire, :)03:17
RockyBurtcrimsun: http://paste.plone.org/27903:17
delireliquidten2: 8 years here and i'm still learning alot.03:18
MikeStyleliquidten2, there is never a dull moment for me! i always have something to upgrade..or fix...my dad thinks im crazy but i love it03:18
crimsunRockyBurt: no, I need your conffile03:18
Toma-i wish kde had more eyecandy :(03:18
crimsunRockyBurt: I tested pretty thoroughly before I uploaded 0.4.503:18
liquidten2MikeStyle:  Same thing with me.  I always find something to configure or a different distro to install03:18
=== billytwowilly [n=billy@S0106000c413a2c0c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
AngryParsleyweird, gparted did nothing03:18
=== tino27 [n=tino27@cpe-24-166-54-174.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
delireToma-: http://kde-look.org/03:19
Toma-delire: i know.03:19
AngryParsleyI told it to resize, clicked apply, and it just left everything the same03:19
Toma-ive installed about 1/2 the things on that site03:19
crimsunAngryParsley: did you try to resize the _beginning_ of the partition?03:19
delireToma-: it has the most eyecandy of any desktop environment ;)03:19
RockyBurtcrimsun: http://paste.plone.org/28003:19
Toma-e17 has a bit more03:19
=== Handsome [n=sdfsf@blueice1n1.de.ibm.com] has joined #ubuntu
AngryParsleycrimsun: what do you mean?03:19
crimsunAngryParsley: parted-based tools can't resize if you move the beginning of a partition03:19
Toma-well, moe fancy eyecandy03:19
AngryParsleyI couldn't move the partition, only resize it03:20
tritiumAngryParsley, did you grow up in GrumpyGarden?03:20
liquidten2AngryParsley:  this may seem like a weird thing to recommend, but download Disk 1 of the Mandriva Installer.03:20
holycowhey guys03:20
AngryParsleyliquidten2: O_o03:20
crimsunRockyBurt: just as I suspected03:20
holycowwhen is breeze schedule for release?03:20
=== poofyhair [n=poofyhai@ip24-250-137-12.bc.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunRockyBurt: are you actually using smart card authentication?03:20
delireToma-: sure, you are probably right with recent development to e17. that said, with Karamba folk are doing wild things.03:20
liquidten2AngryParsley:  It has the easiest partitioning tool ever, and it supports NTFS quite well.  I take it with me when i work on other people's pcs03:20
kbrooksholycow: 10 days03:20
poofyhairis there any wiki people here?03:20
RockyBurtcrimsun: no ;)03:20
holycowaww crud03:20
holycowi fly out then03:20
=== feel [n=izi@201-25-89-125.pvoce701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
AngryParsleytritium: actually I got this nick from a random nick generator03:20
Toma-delire: yeh. pity theyre all noobs writing the plgins03:20
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crimsunRockyBurt: duh. Then comment out lines 7-903:20
crimsunI'll post a note to -users tonight.03:21
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crimsunit would be better if I just did something in .postinst to sed out those three lines03:21
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delireToma-: many are, some are experienced however. i only use KDE at work, so cannot reccommend the best.03:22
RockyBurtcrimsun: also, right now "iwlist wlan0 scanning" no longer returns any AP's even though i have two running here in my office... and i have another laptop connected to one of them03:22
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MikeStyleok guys restarting comp...wish me luck03:22
Toma-just gonna have to wait for kde403:22
liquidten2MikeStyle:  i believe i already did.  ;)03:22
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crimsunRockyBurt: I'm not entirely convinced that's a wpasupplicant issue at all, since I get that without using wpasupplicant03:23
poofyhairso no wiki people?03:23
RockyBurtcrimsun: right, same as me typically... i don't necessarily think its a wpa_supplicant issue either03:23
tritiumpoofyhair, what's the issue?03:23
crimsunRockyBurt: also, 'scan' will save you a few keystrokes03:23
tyndzany IPV6 mirrors?03:23
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fortran01any idea how auto-save in Gmail works?03:24
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delireRockyBurt: what happens if you let the card auto-associate with 'iwconfig wlan0 ap any'?03:25
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sn0nhow do i turn spatial back on ? i cant find it03:25
crimsunback in a bit, need to charge.03:25
RockyBurtdelire: nothing (one of my ap's has no security setup, the second ap has wpa encryption setup)03:25
poofyhairtritium: Mark's wikipage in on slashdot03:25
=== Ex-Cyber [n=excyber@24-55-116-22.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-fortran01: sounds like it saves your email as u type it03:26
delireRockyBurt: also check the card is on the correct 'mode' with iwconfig. should be 'Managed'03:26
poofyhairtritium: and I could edit it, I'm scared of what trolls can do03:26
RockyBurtdelire: it is03:26
fortran01Toma-: how do I test this new feature? =)03:26
delireRockyBurt: hmm try 'iwconfig wlan0 mode Auto'03:26
mwright1Can someone help me with a iptables rule,03:27
Toma-write something then run killall firefox-bin03:27
RockyBurtdelire: nothing. ... but if i can't see any ap's with iwlist wlan scan ... i won't be able to connect to any, will i?03:27
delireRockyBurt: no, i wanted to ensure that mode wasn't getting in the way in the first instance.03:28
RockyBurtah, i see03:28
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liquidten2sn0n: you mean in nautilus?  if so, open it up, click on Edit, Preferences, Behaviour, and uncheck always open in browser windows.03:28
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sn0ni want to turn it on03:28
sn0noo.. i get you.. thnx03:28
delireRockyBurt: what is the Tx-Power for that card? see iwconfig03:28
mwright1I want to write a rule to allow connections to port 22 on via eth003:28
sn0nwait.. that didnt fix it03:28
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RockyBurtdelire: 25 dBm03:29
deliremwright1: sounds like you want 'shorewall'. it is for precisely this purpose and is excellent.03:29
tritiumpoofyhair, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki03:29
Pickle_Weaselum, i got quite accustomed to right clicking on my desktop to open a terminal, but now that i updated to breezy that has been replaced with "create folder" so i have a bunch of folders everywhere... >.>03:29
Pickle_Weaselis there any way i could get it back into that menu?03:29
delireRockyBurt: that's fine. how about restarting your firmware? 'sudo /etc/init.d/hotplug restart'03:29
sn0nah ha.. there we go03:29
naliothPickle_Weasel: there is a plugin, let me see if i can find the name03:30
mwright1delire: no I'm trying to help a guy get from an existing firewall he has ssh'd into03:30
Pickle_Weaselthank you nalioth ^.^03:30
mwright1to his LTSP that is internal03:30
naliothPickle_Weasel: "nautilus-open-terminal-0.4"03:30
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RockyBurtdelire: ok, just restarted that... still not seeing anything with iwlist wlan0 scan03:30
fortran01Toma-: doesnt work, is there a minimum time?03:30
deliremwright1: well use that firewall's interface/method to write a rule.03:30
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mwright1He is getting no route to host when he tries ssh, he is on
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deliremwright1: use a non-standard port. '/usr/sbin/sshd -p 2111' on the host. connect with 'ssh -p 2111 yourfriend@hisAddr'03:32
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deliremwright1: note you might want to stop sshd first..03:33
delireRockyBurt: what nic?03:33
RockyBurtdelire: this is a broadcom integrated thing on my dell latitude d80003:34
AngryParsleyERROR: Your disk has bad sectors (manufacturing faults or dying disk).03:34
AngryParsleythat is great03:34
=== sker0 [n=sker0@200164019099.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
AngryParsleyoh well, I'll back up everything important and try ntfsresize anyway03:35
naliothAngryParsley: install "smartmontools"03:35
AngryParsleynalioth: ntfsresize reported that error03:35
AngryParsleymy linux drive is fine03:35
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sker0Algum aqui fala portugus03:35
naliothsker0: #ubuntu-pt03:35
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Gobblaisnt .br brittain?03:36
naliothGobbla: .uk03:36
zcat[1] brazil? .uk is the UK..03:36
naliothnope, sorry, .gb03:36
AngryParsleyalso, I know this drive is dying, but it only has movies on it03:37
delireRockyBurt: i have no experience with that wifi card.. someone else here will however. have you rebooted since your dist-upgrade?03:37
AngryParsleya few bad sectors never killed anyone03:37
RockyBurtdelire: yes, but it wasn't a dist-upgrade... was just a regular apt-get upgrade03:37
theblueWell, yes it did.03:37
delireGobbla: *.br == brazil.03:37
RockyBurtdelire: i've rebooted several times in fact03:37
zcat[1] is there a .gb ?03:37
AngryParsleyunless those sectors contained important software for a life-support machine03:37
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zcat[1] or a nuclear reactor..03:38
zcat[1] that could kill lots of people03:38
AngryParsleyand it that case it's more like the bad sectors let the patient die03:38
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AngryParsleyI guess, but modern reactors limit themselves mechanically03:38
zcat[1] oh weit, NT isn't certified for running nuclear reactors.03:38
delireRockyBurt: ok, i'm sure the problem is easily resolveable.03:38
=== Ainvar [i=Ainvar@c-24-98-142-57.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] it says so in the EULA!03:39
AinvarI am in need of assistance03:39
theblueAinvar: What with?03:39
Ainvarmy laptop is dualboot xp and ubuntu 5.1003:39
Ainvarubuntu is on reiserfs03:39
Ainvarand it is complaing about bad inode03:39
Ainvarhow can I tell it to do a reiserfsck on bootup03:39
theblueAinvar: Sorry, I've never touched breezy yet, I can't help you.03:39
auraxany good fax server howto out there?03:39
auraxwith email routing and all03:39
sker0Algum aqui fala portugus03:40
Ainvarwell is there a way I can tell reiserfsck to run on startup?03:40
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=== IRCD=dancer CAPAB CHANTYPES=# EXCEPTS INVEX CHANMODES=bdeIq,k,lfJD,cgijLmnPQrRstz CHANLIMIT=#:20 PREFIX=(ov)@+ MAXLIST=bdeI:50 MODES=4 STATUSMSG=@ KNOCK NICKLEN=16 :are supported by this server
-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- This nickname is owned by someone else06:31
-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>06:31
=== ubuntulog [n=ubuntulo@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Help channel | Breezy Colony 5 (official release: Oct 13): http://tinyurl.com/85dry | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation - http://doc.ubuntu.com | Upgrading to breezy? http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes | Use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl for pasting
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by apokryphos at Mon Oct 3 05:30:04 2005
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dcellIs it possible to mount a directory and have the mounted directory behave as /dev/cdrom?06:32
eu_nekedcell: what do you mean by that?06:33
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PassionLimAnd the key to adjust brightness doesn't work after upgrading breezy from hoary. My laptop is samsung X05. I don't know whether setting is wrong or breezy doesn't support my laptop.06:33
mshadeHow stable is the Breezy preview release?06:34
dcelleu_neke, I have a directory that has dvd files in it (vob) and I would like to have mplayer see that directory like a dvd drive06:34
=== kurtbec [n=kurt@ppp-69-221-4-84.dsl.toldoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
kurtbecwhat is the command to find out which package a file belongs too?06:34
eu_nekedcell: you should be able to tell mplayer to play a "DVD" from a directory. I can't remember off the top of my head how to do so though06:35
crimsundpkg -S somefile06:35
crimsunkurtbec: otherwise use apt-file or packages.ubuntu.com06:35
dcelleu_neke, okay.  I will try that then.  Thanks.06:35
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kurtbeccrimsun: thanks for the tip!06:35
=== Tal is now known as Baz
tzapachuaucan someone suggest a good movie player06:36
eu_neketzapachuau: I always used to use xine, but I hear vlc is good too06:36
=== Baz is now known as Bazkaz
_jasontzapachuau:  I like totem-xine and mplayer06:36
kurtbectzapachuau: i've always been fond of zine06:36
PassionLimI'm using totem. It's enough to see a movie.06:36
BazkazAre you all using Ubuntu?06:36
tzapachuauvlc is not good06:36
tzapachuaudoes not support Esound06:36
snausagesyes it is06:36
snausagesvlc is great06:37
PassionLimyeap.. I'm using Ubuntu. :)06:37
kurtbecxine or mplayer are both good.06:37
eu_neketzapachuau: I think you'll find that it is ESD that is not good =P06:37
=== Xenguy_ [n=gnu@206-248-157-170.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu
snausagesmplayer crashes all the time06:37
tzapachuaucan we get mplayet through aptget06:37
AngryParsleyvlc is buggy as hell on my system, but it's the only thing that let's me change A/V sync06:37
_jason!tell tzapachuau about mpalyer06:37
mshadexine crashes all the time on my system06:37
_jason!tell tzapachuau about mplayer06:37
BazkazPassion: I can connect to IRC (obviously) but the internet in firefox wont pull up06:37
mshademplayer tends to be stable as all get out06:37
AngryParsleytotem works fine, but doesn't have much in the way of config stuff06:37
Bazkazany ideas?06:37
PassionLimtotem sometimes crash when embeded in the firefox..06:37
snausagesmplayer is, mkoy06:38
=== bienve_ [n=bienve@tdev199-202.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
snausagesmplayer is BAD, mkoy06:38
ratte_ Hngt ab: libsmpeg0 aber es wird nicht installiert06:38
ratte_ Hngt ab: chromium-data aber es wird nicht installiert06:38
eu_nekedcell: mplayer -dvd-device <directory> dvd://<whatever>06:38
WhiteRabbitBazkaz, type about:config06:38
ratte_what does mean?06:38
WhiteRabbitBazkaz, in firefox06:38
tzapachuauMy VLC player does not output a sound06:38
Bazkazahh hehe =)06:38
tzapachuaui have changed all the output settings06:38
WhiteRabbitBazkaz, network.dns.disableIPv6 find this & double click it to disable it06:38
snausagestzapachuau turn up the volume06:38
WhiteRabbitBazkaz, then restart firefox & see if it will surf06:39
kurtbecnice to see they got amarok 1.3 in breezy :-)06:39
Bazkazok I'll try that06:39
tzapachuaulol snausages the volume it turned up06:39
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tzapachuauinfact i have kept it at the max06:39
crimsunkurtbec: 1.3.1+most important fix from 1.3.206:39
eu_neketzapachuau: try killing esd then launching vlc, you hould get audio then =P06:40
tzapachuauwhat output sound do u suggest06:40
crimsuneu_neke: probably better to recommend installing vlc-plugin-esd06:40
tzapachuaui have only oss06:40
tzapachuauin my option06:40
eu_nekecrimsun: yes, but I like avoiding esd.06:40
tzapachuauoss and dummy and file06:40
eu_neketzapachuau: try what crimsun just suggested.06:41
BazkazWhiteRabbit, It works! Thanks06:41
tzapachuauthat would be great06:42
tzapachuauthanks alot06:42
WhiteRabbitBazkaz, you have a router firewall in your modem or a sep router06:42
WhiteRabbitBazkaz, & the ipv6 packets were resizing the windows once it hit the router & timing the port 80 connections out!06:42
mahangui cant seem to find mplayer on the repos06:42
mahanguand totem doesnt play .wmv06:42
mahanguwhat can i do?06:42
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crimsunmahangu: multiverse, and you need w32codecs06:42
BazkazAhh good call. Thanks again.06:43
eu_nekemahangu: or build from source  =P06:43
philcsynergy rocks my world06:43
mahangucrimsun, how can i do that?06:43
mahanguwhat's the repo, and how do i get w32 codecs?06:43
crimsunmahangu: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats06:43
BazkazWhile I'm at it I've got another n00b question. How can I see my other hard drive?06:44
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crimsun!tell mahangu about repos06:44
mahangubakaz, you have to mount it06:44
WhiteRabbitBazkaz, is it ntfs?06:44
ubotuhmm... ntfs is the (N)(T) (F)ile(S)ystem, the filesystem normally used under Windows XP.  To automatically mount your NTFS partition/s, you can use this utility: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab . It handles HFS+, NTFS and FAT32 partitions.06:44
WhiteRabbitBazkaz, read that link06:44
WhiteRabbitBazkaz, wait til you get our bill!06:45
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eu_nekejeff_: welcome back. how'd the wifi go?06:45
yoink!tell yoink about fat3206:47
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BazkazIf I'm running a live version of Ubuntu and I restart do I have to "re-install" the live version?06:50
crimsunyes, it will "re-install" itself06:50
K^Holtzi thought u coudl only read NTFS drives? is that true?06:50
bob2unless you use captive-ntfs06:50
Bazkazthx crimsun06:50
BazkazWill I get to reset my root password if I restart?06:51
bob2it loses all state06:51
K^Holtzso basicaly my 320 GB ext HDD would be worthless in a linux environment06:51
K^Holtzunless i converted it to FAT, but then i have the transfer size issue.. right?06:51
crimsunBazkaz: there is no root password on the live cd, either06:51
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whyameyewhen I click on .mp4 files I get a security warning asking me if I want to proceed? How can I get rid of this warning? It is messing up my ooimpress presentation.06:52
Bazkazit asked me to set one, but now doesn't recognize when it asks me for a password06:52
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Razor-XK^Holtz: unless you repartition, or use captive-ntfs, then yeah06:52
K^Holtzwhat is captive-ntfs? should i google it?06:52
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Razor-XK^Holtz: unfortunately, you have to recompile the kernel for captive, last time I checked06:53
K^Holtznot worth it06:53
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Razor-XK^Holtz: yeah, I know06:53
crimsunBazkaz: hmm? the live cds don't ask for a root password to be set06:54
whyameyeyou can just mount with captive-ntfs in Hoary.06:54
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Razor-Xwhyameye: I googled last time (and that was months ago, though), and found that you need to recompile06:54
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BazkazCrimsun: Really? It asked me to set a root password and then told me I needed to create a user account (which it did for me,but didn't ask me for a name or pw)06:54
whyameyewell, I've mounted an ntfs drive using captive...06:55
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K^Holtzso could someone give me a rundown of what i would have to do to get my NTFS hard drive working?06:55
crimsunBazkaz: well, your user has sudo access, so you can reset the root passwd that way06:55
K^Holtzjust download captive, and type a command.. and it works?06:55
K^Holtz(provided you dont recompile)06:55
whyameyethe biggest pain about captive is that you need the windows NTFS driver...which you need to get from a Windows OS. I know XP SP1 works and XP SP2 doesn't.06:56
Razor-Xwhyameye: I never updated to SP206:56
whyameyecaptive will look for the driver on your drive, I believe.06:56
Razor-Xso, i'm done06:56
whyameyethen you are in luck!06:56
K^Holtzwell.. wouldnt that have come w/ the installation cd of the HDD?06:56
Razor-Xwhyameye: if that's true, then, I'll set up captive on my own06:56
Razor-Xis it in the repos?06:56
whyameyeyou might have to help it find the driver.06:56
whyameyebut there are pretty good directions on the web. Can't remember where.06:56
dallas_anyone good with ATI cards?06:56
wickedpuppydallas_, just ask it ... #ubuntu06:57
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wickedpuppynow nike is going to sue me .. hiaz06:57
mahanguwill gxine play wmv with the right codecs?06:57
K^Holtzwow.. ok, that was a big help.. provided its that simple :)06:57
whyameyecaptive is supposed to be slower reading than the ntfs reader built-in. I've never confirmed this.06:57
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dallas_My ATI control panel doesn't detect my card right, I have an X700 it lists the card type as unkown06:57
whyameyeI don't know if you can automate mounting to captive-ntfs. I'm sure there's a way....06:58
K^Holtzim not that worried about speed... better to have a slow drive than not one at all06:58
mhzany TFTP person here????06:58
Razor-Xwhyameye: hmmm, should I google, or can you point me there?06:58
wickedpuppydallas_, ah ... now that is a question more suited to ATI the company ??06:58
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Razor-Xand I can script automation, if it's simple enough06:58
bob2mhz: that's really annoying06:58
bob2mhz: just ask your question06:58
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bz0bhey guys06:58
bz0banyone tell me how i would fix this? $ fixme:vxd:VXD_Open Unknown/unsupported VxD L"scsi0:.vxd". Try setting Windows version to 'nt40' or 'win31'.06:59
bz0bfixme:vxd:VXD_Open Unknown/unsupported VxD L"scsi1:.vxd". Try setting Windows version to 'nt40' or 'win31'.06:59
mhzbob2: why annoying?06:59
Bazkazcrimsun: any way to reset my user pw?06:59
bob2mhz: omg!111106:59
mhzoh, ok06:59
bob2mhz: just ask your question, no need for annoying levels of punctuation06:59
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tritiummhz, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/Netboot06:59
crimsunBazkaz: just set one. There isn't one for 'ubuntu' by default.06:59
dallas_wickedpuppy, as in ask ATI?06:59
mhztritium: I started there 7 hours ago, and i am still stuck here :(06:59
whyameyeRazor-X, I can't remember exactly what I did. I just Googled myself out of curiousity and turned up this. http://www.kruyt.org/?sub_item=4606:59
wickedpuppyyes ... it seems to be their program can't detect their software07:00
K^Holtzhow are they at getting you your cds on time?.. are they usually faster or slower than the posted amount of weeks?07:00
tritiumsorry, mhz07:00
wickedpuppythat frankly is out of our hands ??07:00
wickedpuppyBazkaz, passwd07:00
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mhztritium: np07:00
bob2mhz: where did you explain the problem?07:00
Bazkazcrimsun: I tried, but it asks me to confirm my password first, which it's not recognizing07:00
wickedpuppyBazkaz, can you sudo then ??07:01
crimsunBazkaz: other way. sudo -s, then passwd ubuntu07:01
mhzbob2: #elive, #ubuntu-laptop, #kubuntu, #debian (the latter 6 hours ago)07:01
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bz0bbob2, do you know what this means? $ fixme:vxd:VXD_Open Unknown/unsupported VxD L"scsi0:.vxd". Try setting Windows version to 'nt40' or 'win31'.07:01
bz0bfixme:vxd:VXD_Open Unknown/unsupported VxD L"scsi1:.vxd". Try setting Windows version to 'nt40' or 'win31'.07:01
bob2mhz: er07:02
Bazkazwickedpuppy: I'm not totally sure what sudo is, but so far no.07:02
bob2mhz: presumably you're not having the identical problem on Debian and Ubuntu07:02
Bazkazcrimsun: tried ubuntu as password and no go07:02
bob2mhz: there's no tftp to restart, it runs out of inetd07:03
mhzbob2: I get DHCP right, but when it comes to TFTP.. it times out and reboots to windows :(07:03
ubotuhmm... sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo07:03
bob2mhz: and you still don't seem to have explained what isnt working07:03
bob2bz0b: sounds like you're doing something odd in wine07:03
wickedpuppyBazkaz, pls read the link that ubotu shows07:03
mahangubob2, how can i check which processes are using my sound car07:03
mahangui want to kill them07:03
mahanguxmms wont play07:03
Bazkazreading it now07:03
bz0bbob2,  i am trying to run online poker, i even tried cedega07:03
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bob2mahangu: fuser -v /dev/dsp07:04
crimsunmahangu: make sure XMMS is using the esound output plugin if you haven't changed the audio settings07:04
bob2bz0b: well, try #winehq or something07:04
mahangucrimsun, yeah that\s what im using07:04
tzapachuauis vlc-esd pluggin available through apt-get07:05
mhzbob2: I have a Fujitsu laptop, thin laptop (no cd nor floppy, not usb booting). I must install linux there, but I have 2 options and both have failed. a) Grub4Nt v.0.4 is broken and I can't find 0.2   b) local netboot fails in TFTP :(07:05
mahangubob2, that returns nothing07:05
bob2mahangu: then nothing is using OSS sound output07:06
mahanguwtf is wrong, wierd07:06
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bob2lots of things could be wrong07:06
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bob2fuser -v /dev/snd/*07:06
mahangualso, when my wifi drops, i have to reboot for it to connect agian07:06
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bob2does 'cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp' make sound? etc07:06
mahangui do /etc/init.d/networking restart, iwconfig, ifup eth0 etc07:06
mahangubob2, dev/dsp no such device07:07
dallas_anyone have any ideas on my ATI control panel not picking my card up right?07:07
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crimsunmahangu: that leading '/' is important07:07
ezequielhola gente07:07
ezequieltengo un problema con firefox07:08
tritiumezequiel, #ubuntu-es, por favor07:08
ezequielno la tengo muy clara07:08
mhztritium: good spanish you have07:08
Bazkazwickedpuppy: Ok I read it. I tried adding a new sudo user, but it wants my password first. Anyway to reset my current user password?07:08
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tritiummhz, heh, thanks.  I'd hope so, living in New Mexico ;)07:08
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MFenhow do i officially register my vote that the next (yet-unnamed) ubuntu release be called Clumsy Clawshrimp?07:09
mahangucrimsun, thanks!07:10
bob2MFen: you buy mark a big jug of beer07:10
mahanguit beeped my ass of :)07:10
bob2and make him drink it07:10
mahanguok so what's wrong?07:10
bob2then make him send an email to the devel list about it07:10
wickedpuppyBazkaz, you don't have tp add a new sudo user07:10
dooglusMFen: get in line.  I already requested "Unhelpful Unicorn" and "Deceitful Dodo" for the next 2 releases07:10
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wickedpuppyyou are already in sudo user group07:11
MFenbut Clawshrimp has /cred/, man.07:11
wickedpuppythats how ubuntu is set up07:11
MFenit says "i'm street. i read penny arcade."07:11
MFenor whatever.07:11
wickedpuppyyou don't touch root ... you do everything through sudo07:11
Bazkazwickedpuppy: Ok. So am I out of luck since it's not recognizing the password it keeps asking me for in sudo?07:12
mahangubob2, it beeped07:12
MFenwickedpuppy: you could argue that using sudo involves touching root. but consensually.07:12
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wickedpuppylol ... touching root indirectly .. sure ... not directly .. and only root can add sudo users so its much safer07:13
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wickedpuppyBazkaz, if your current pass is screwed ... i suggest you reboot at at the boot prompt type "linux single"07:13
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wickedpuppyoh and pls check again for caps lock and such07:14
Bazkazwhat will linux single do?07:14
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wickedpuppyit will drop you into single user shell ... meaning root shell ..07:14
wickedpuppygoogle for more info on what to do when root pass is lost07:14
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Bazkazwickedpuppy: since I'm running off live CD can I avoid problems if I use the other install CD to install ubuntu on my hard drive?07:15
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wickedpuppyyou are running live cd ?07:16
Bazkazsorry I thought you knew07:16
wickedpuppyand you lost your password ??07:16
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wickedpuppyforgive me but i don't remember live cd asking me to set any password07:16
Bazkazwell I didn't lose it, it just isn't recognized when I enter it07:16
bob2it doesnt have one07:17
bob2unless you set it07:17
Bazkazwhich I did, because that's what it suggested.07:17
Bazkazbad move I guess?07:17
wickedpuppyit suggested ??07:17
BazkazI entered it twice to confirm and now it doesn't take it as the password.07:17
bob2"doesn't take it"?07:18
wickedpuppyBazkaz, just reboot .. live cd doesn't store anything07:18
BazkazYeah on the install. It gave me the option of entering a password and told me it was better for me to.07:18
BazkazSorry for the confusion07:18
wickedpuppy? now live cd has this option ?07:18
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wickedpuppywow ...07:18
bob2Bazkaz: what?07:18
bob2Bazkaz: you need to tell us in what way it is not accepting your password07:19
Bazkazbob2: it asks for my password when I try to change the date, do sudo stuff in terminal... and when i enter the password it says incorrent password. Lets me try 3 times and then takes me back to terminal prompt07:20
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dallas_Anyone got any ideas on my ATI control panel not detecting my card right?07:21
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mhzBazkaz: are you using your password ??07:21
BazkazI'm going to restart now. I'll be back... let you know what happens.07:21
Bazkazmhz: i tried, but it doesn't recognize it07:22
mhzare you sure not using CAPS07:22
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Bazkazyup no caps07:23
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breakthestateanyone got any recommendations for a laptop wireless pci card to work out of the box with breezy?07:25
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tritiumbreakthestate, ipw2200 support is great07:25
bob2prism or intel or atheros07:25
breakthestatetritium is that a chipset?07:26
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tritiumbreakthestate, yes07:26
bob2just avoid broadcom and you should be fine07:26
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Pistahhbob2: could you recommend a good-working PCI wireless card? (not chipset..)07:28
scribbleswhenever I try to view that07:28
scribblesI see the drag bar, then it all goes gray07:28
scribblesI've installed the multimedia codecs07:28
scribblesand what nots07:28
scribblesis it a firefox plugin thats missing?07:29
wickedpuppyi got error about mplayer plugin07:29
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breakthestateis having trouble finding out which brands of pci card manufacturers use the ipw2200 chipset07:30
wickedpuppybreakthestate, google ?07:30
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breakthestatewickedpuppy: thx, i'm trying right now, but i prefer the advice of ubuntu community when it comes to buying hardware, and i'm using breezy so i want to make sure the advice i see in a wiki is up to date.  therefore, i ask on irc07:32
maewhen is breezy slated for final release?07:32
wickedpuppymae 13th07:32
maenice :)07:32
calcbreakthestate: intel07:32
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calcbreakthestate: i think... only intel07:33
calcbreakthestate: its the wireless chipset to make centrino platform07:33
ubotuntfs is, like, the (N)(T) (F)ile(S)ystem, the filesystem normally used under Windows XP.  To automatically mount your NTFS partition/s, you can use this utility: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab . It handles HFS+, NTFS and FAT32 partitions.07:33
calcbreakthestate: there is 2100b 2200bg 2915abg (and maybe a few others)07:33
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BazkazOk I'm back07:33
breakthestatecalc: aren't those all internal cards?07:34
calcbreakthestate: yes all mini-pci07:34
Bazkazthe world is already a much friendlier place07:34
breakthestateoh, i'm looking for normal pci, but maybe i have the name wrong, the kind you stick into the side of your laptop?07:34
breakthestateah hah07:35
calcbreakthestate: pcmcia/cardbus/pcie07:35
breakthestatecalc, crimsun: thx07:35
calcdepending on how new your laptop is07:35
calci don't know that any of the intel chipsets are available in any form factor other than internal mini-pci07:35
calcits possible but highly unlikely07:35
calci put a 2915abg into my amd64 laptop07:36
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breakthestateso how about breezy for pcmcia, i have this atheros that won't work07:36
Bazkazwickedpuppy: Thanks for all the help. The restart did it. Much easier "installation" this time.07:36
wickedpuppyokie ..07:36
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calcbreakthestate: no idea never used atheros07:36
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speelhey any one knows if breezy will have native ipod support?07:38
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crimsunspeel: "native"?07:40
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Navatiuhi all07:41
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speelBah i mean like plug it in and somthing comes up to help you import songs to it07:43
crimsunspeel: not that I'm aware. You'll need to install gtkpod or something from universe.307:43
iiiears___Hello! :)07:43
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Navatiui just ordered ubuntu linux to see how good it is.. only i touched so far are SuSe 9.0 and it seem okay though.07:44
speelah ok thanks07:44
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iiiears___Navatiu - Ubuntu is awesome. :)   so many choices Gnome or KDE "K"Ubuntu07:46
iiiears___Preconfigured packages for XFCE/407:46
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iiiears___the best part of it all is the helpful people here.07:47
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glickit sucks that i cant get interactive C working in linux :(07:48
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glickwhen will gmail stop with their stupid gmail invites and just open gmail up07:49
iiiears___nVidia-GLX seems to slow down after my machine has been on a few hours. Would using drivers from the nvidia site help this?07:49
glickive got 100 invites left!07:49
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glickanyone want gmail!07:50
PassionLimhow can i install a program from source using apt-get?07:50
iiiears___glick - lol07:50
PassionLimI've got 100 invites left, too!07:50
bob2PassionLim: e.g.?07:50
coobrame to :)07:50
glicki know ill send an invite to someon at gmail07:50
PassionLimI just wanna compile to install package.07:51
coobrawell 100 x 50 or somting :P07:51
cafuego_Yeah, keep the invites and start using gmailraidfs07:51
bob2PassionLim: and the package is...?07:51
bob2which is already in ubuntu07:51
cafuego_iiiears___: No.07:51
bob2and is a set of shell scripts07:51
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iiiears___Thanks cafuego. :)07:51
PassionLimbut new version 0.43 is not available.07:51
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cafuego_iiiears___: Are you using the xrender extensions07:51
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QMarioNalioth, now I have this error:07:52
crimsunPassionLim: patience, it'll appear soon enough.07:52
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glickwhats gmailraidfs?07:52
iiiears___cafuego - i don't know what those are? aceleration?07:52
QMarioGood night cafuego and bob2!!! :)07:52
cafuego_iiiears___: transparency.07:52
iiiears___cafuego - Yes, on the desktop.07:52
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cafuego_iiiears___: They contain memory leaks, so that's what will be causing the slowdown.07:53
iiiears___cafuego - you are a genius. - (turning off transparency now.)07:53
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Navatiuum.. i wonder if ubuntu has lastest python 2.4 in it?07:55
Navatiui am not veteran linux user yet though heh07:55
iiiears___cafuego - would using an image instead of transparency cause the same problem? same libraries?07:55
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Navatiui been using SuSe for a month and went back to window 98(i never went upgrade ever)07:55
poningruNavatiu: I will go with yes07:56
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poningruNavatiu: 2.4.107:56
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Navatiuok thanks07:56
poningrubut obviously if the new one came out07:56
poningruit will be in breazy07:56
Navatiuathough i love one thing about linux, less crash though.07:56
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poningruNavatiu: what dont you like about linux?07:57
tzapachuauhow do i see a list of softwares tht i can install with apt-get ... using wild cards07:57
Navatiuwell... heh, permission on console... i have to get used to it. heh07:57
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poningruNavatiu: I guess, but you can always just use the root user07:57
Hobbseetzapachuau: use synaptic?  there's probably a command for it though, but synaptic will give you descriptions of everything too07:57
Navatiuanyway i try to use Konsole for awhile, it sudden frozen for some reason i dont know why.. it work fine on TTY console without crash.07:57
poningrubut I prefer sudo07:57
iiiears___Navatiu - 98 has hardware drivers sharing kernel space in ram. - one hardware hiccup crashes the whole machine.  - linux and to some extent XP have a much better handle on things07:58
Navatiustrange konsole07:58
Navatiuah i see iiears07:58
scribblesE: Package azureus has no installation candidate07:58
scribblesanyone get that?07:58
poningruscribbles: it sure does07:58
poningruI have it installed right now07:58
tzapachuau!tell apt-get tzapachuau07:58
scribblesheh then whats the problem07:58
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ubotumethinks apt-get is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/07:59
scribblessudo apt-get install azureus07:59
=== poningru shrugs
epilocgtkpod cant connect to my ipod.  I changed the default mount path to media:/sda2 (where my machine picks up the ipod) but gtkpod still doesnt connect... any ipod users here running gtkpod successfully?07:59
BlankBtzapachuau: apt-cache search packagename07:59
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tzapachuauthanks BlankB07:59
tzapachuaucan i use wild cards with it?07:59
BlankBregex wildcards07:59
poningruscribbles: you sure you are using the latest backports?08:00
scribblesI commented them out08:00
poningruerr the official backports08:00
scribblesbecause the mirrirmax ones are down08:00
scribblesare there new ones?08:00
poningru!tell scribbles about backports08:00
ronaldethe folders in one imap-account in evolution seem empty (but aren't)... any clues08:01
scribblesI'm using breezy08:01
scribblesshoul di just change hoary to breezy08:01
poningruscribbles: nm08:01
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poningruscribbles: what do you mean?08:01
poningruwait how did you start using breazy?08:01
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poningruronalde: ctrl+h in nautilus08:01
epilocanyone in here help me out with my ipod?08:01
poningruronalde: its most likely that they are hidden08:01
scribbleswell in the msg I got08:02
scribblesit told me the link to add08:02
scribblesshould I just change where it says hoary to breezy08:02
tzapachuaudoes anyone have successfully installed vlc-pluggin for esd08:02
dell500anyone know the port for gallery server?08:02
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poningruscribbles: yeah08:03
poningruhmm hold on08:03
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qsrvany thinkpad users here?08:04
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cafuego_Just ask the question, don't hold polls.08:05
qsrvheh, sorry08:06
qsrvI'm trying to get ubuntu to work on my t43 thinkpad08:06
poningruscribbles: nope just do what the msg said08:06
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qsrvfirst hing I did after installing 5.10 was to get the 686 kernel08:06
iiiears___rofl - nVidia 6600GT 3.4 FPS.   Hehe.   -   I need a command to clean up ram after killing/restarting gnome-panel.08:07
neotrophyXserver upgrade for Breezy is safe now?08:07
qsrvbut when I use it, the network is really unstable08:07
tzapachuaui cant play a VCD file with my totem movie player08:07
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tzapachuaucan someone help me08:07
scribblesponingru, it doesn't need to be breezy-backports?08:07
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qsrveven though I see no errors in the logs08:07
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lemics_get vlc player08:07
gregcould someone here help me with authentication to seveas repo? Perhaps seveas08:07
tzapachuauhere were no decoders found to handle the stream in file "file:///home/tzapachuau/Desktop/Mapuia%26Johana.MPG", you might need to install the corresponding plugins08:07
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poningruscribbles: when they say hoary-backports they mean the new stuff for breazy08:07
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poningruerr from breazy08:07
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Navatiuvlc player for linux? ah right i forgot about it. :)08:08
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scribblesthx poningru08:08
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qsrvso that's the first problem : network is periodically disonnecting. I'm using the tg3 driver08:08
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padmawantzapachuau: use totem-xine instead of totem-gstreamer08:09
BlankBqsrv: what do you mean by disconnecting?08:09
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tzapachuaupadmawan,  how do i get that08:10
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qsrvwell, I connect08:11
padmawantzapachuau: it's in universe08:11
MadpilotPPC!tell tzapachuau about restricted08:12
MadpilotPPCtzapachuau, totem-zine info at the URL you just got from ubotu...08:12
qsrvthen for example try to download a few packages and it all stops. DNS is not responding, can't even ping anything08:12
CaiN_SAguys, which kernel must i install to give my amd 64 pc 64bit support ?08:12
poningruCaiN_SA: you have to use all 64 bit software08:12
bob2CaiN_SA: have you installed the amd64 port of ubuntu?08:12
BlankBwhen it does that do an 'ifconfig' command and see if there are any errors on the interface.08:12
neotrophyAnyone know where I can get a deb transcode for AMD64?  It's not in the repository in the restricted formats section of the wiki08:13
CaiN_SAbob2, no i want to know which packages i must install to make it 64bit ready08:13
qsrvok, I'll try that08:14
poningruCaiN_SA: the thing is just installing the kernel is not going to work08:14
bob2CaiN_SA: that's not how the world works08:14
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poningruyou have to have the entire software package in 64bit08:14
bob2CaiN_SA: if you want to run the amd64 port on your machine, that's what you need to install08:14
CaiN_SAsigh bob208:14
poningruerr entire OS08:14
bob2CaiN_SA: istalling a 64-bit amd64 kernel on i386 does not do anything about your applications08:14
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CaiN_SAits debian based08:15
CaiN_SAif i install the correct apps08:15
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CaiN_SAit will make it support 64bit08:15
CaiN_SAso i need more than kernel08:15
neotrophyIs there an easy(ish) way to get all of the 32 bit packages to install, but under lib32?08:15
CaiN_SAlike what ?08:15
Agrajagno, you need EVERYTHING to be 64-bit08:15
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bob2CaiN_SA: no, please stop08:15
bob2CaiN_SA: this is not how it works08:15
bob2CaiN_SA: if you want all your applications to be amd64 binaries, you need to install the amd64 port08:16
Navatiu64-bit wont work on 1386 machine.08:16
bob2neotrophy: no08:16
CaiN_SAbob2, lol08:16
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Navatiui386 rather08:16
CaiN_SAok so you say ubuntu does everything 6 times08:16
bob2neotrophy: basically everything that is in the i386 portion of the archive is also in the amd6408:16
neotrophyI didn't think so... was just wondering :)08:16
bob2CaiN_SA: no08:16
CaiN_SAsince they got all those version08:16
bob2CaiN_SA: no08:16
CaiN_SAi dont use ubuntu08:17
CaiN_SAi work for impi08:17
poningrubob2: I think it would be better to point them toward a doc than explaining everything08:17
neotrophyThere are a few things missing, but I think I've got most of them now.  Had great fun with the flash plugin though :)08:17
CaiN_SAand was just wondering if there was an easy way08:17
CaiN_SAof making a 64bit version08:17
bob2CaiN_SA: you appear to be very confused08:17
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CaiN_SAimpilinux as ing marks new company08:17
bob2CaiN_SA: do you know what the difference between an amd64 executable and an i386 one is?08:17
scribblesponingru: W: GPG error: http://mirror.noreply.org breezy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY CFF71CB3AFA44BDD08:17
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bob2scribbles: gpg --recv-key CFF71CB3AFA44BDD ; gpg --export CFF71CB3AFA44BDD | sudo apt-key add -08:18
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scribblesthx bob, can you explain that?08:18
neotrophyI can't find transcode for AMD64 either08:18
bob2scribbles: gets the key. imports it into apt.08:19
bob2so apt doesn't complain about not having it08:19
Navatiu64-bit appilication will work on 64-bit machine like amd64. it wont work on i386 machine though.08:19
bob2assuming you trust that key, but you probably have no way to check08:19
scribblesgpg: WARNING: options in `/home/stephen/.gnupg/gpg.conf' are not yet active during this run08:19
CaiN_SAbob2, ok what you are saying is : ubuntu team recompiles everything with 64bit support.08:19
bob2CaiN_SA: no08:19
scribblesgpg: no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)08:20
scribblesgpg: keyserver receive failed: bad URI08:20
scribblesgpg: WARNING: nothing exported08:20
scribblesgpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.08:20
bob2scribbles: stop pasting crap08:20
CaiN_SAthen what bob2 cos your making no sence08:20
AngryParsleywhy does breezy come with an old copy of the java runtime environment?08:20
bob2scribbles: gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net ...08:20
bob2CaiN_SA: because you don't seem to understand what an architecture is in Linux08:20
CaiN_SAAngryParsley, cos that is FREE java08:20
bob2CaiN_SA: ubuntu compiles each binary package for each architecture08:20
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CaiN_SAthats what i asked08:20
CaiN_SAand you said no08:20
bob2CaiN_SA: once for powerpc, once for ia-64, once for i386, once for hppa, once for amd6408:20
TokenBadyou can get firefox from apt-get right?08:21
epilocill try one more time... can anyone here help me with gtkpod?08:21
AngryParsleyCaiN_SA: why can't I get JRE1.5?08:21
CaiN_SAok bob208:21
bob2TokenBad: it's installed by default08:21
sn0nTokenBad, firefox is default08:21
AngryParsleyI don't care about free, I installed the win32 codecs08:21
poningruTokenBad: yeah08:21
TokenBadI know but on a machine that isn't08:21
bob2TokenBad: then reinstall ubuntu-desktop08:21
TokenBada version of linux that it isn't08:21
sn0nTokenBad, i believe that firefox is a ubuntu-base08:21
sn0nso it is08:21
scribblesbob2: it said "Go Ahead and Type Your Message"08:21
poningruangeloo: you can get it08:21
neotrophyCaiN_SA: It's easier if you just think of the IA64 or AMD64 as a completely different processor.  1 that happens to emulate an IA32 processor very, very well08:21
poningruAngryParsley: you can get it08:21
CaiN_SAbob2, so if i want to make 64 bit version : dpkg -l , and make new breezy ( 64 bit ) and make sure all thos apps are installed ?08:21
bob2TokenBad: if you're not using ubuntu, you need to ask somewhere else08:21
AngryParsleyso... is there anywhere I can find a deb of JRE1.5?08:21
AngryParsleyponingru: where?08:22
bob2CaiN_SA: no, stop saying "64 bit"08:22
poningruAngryParsley: its in the reps08:22
AgrajagCaiN_SA: it doesn't work that way08:22
bob2iiiears___: no08:22
AngryParsleyponingru: which one?08:22
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poningru!tell AngryParsley about java08:22
iiiears___Oops - excuse me - (cats!)08:22
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bob2scribbles: dude, the ... meant "replace with what I said before"08:22
Navatiuheh iiears08:22
Razor-XLUFS module is being stupid08:22
bob2CaiN_SA: "64 bit" is meaningless in this context08:22
Hobbseeponingru: jre 1.5 is no longer in repositories, it got taken out08:22
TokenBadI am using ubuntu08:22
Navatiu'dog eat my papers' excuse, now it's cat 'cat did it, not me! so nya nya' :)08:22
poningruoops did not know that08:23
poningruHobbsee: ic08:23
bob2CaiN_SA: if your question is "How do I convert an i386 install to an amd64 one", the answer is "reinstall"08:23
CaiN_SAbob2, ok IA64 ok08:23
bob2CaiN_SA: they are different architectures08:23
CaiN_SAbob2, whqat08:23
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TokenBador kubuntu..but anyway...I was just wondering if by default firefox was getable from apt-get08:23
AgrajagIA64 is not the same thing as AMD6408:23
CaiN_SAbecoz i dont have ubuntu do i08:23
bob2TokenBad: yes, of course08:23
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bob2CaiN_SA: this is how every OS works08:23
Razor-Xrewrite "/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-686/build/include/linux/modversions.h": Permission denied at /usr/share/lufs/prepmod line 87 -- what would cause that problem?08:23
scribblesbob2: just need to pipe it?08:23
Agrajagthere isn't, to my knowledge, an IA64 ubuntu08:23
NavatiuIA64 use different spec than AMD64 is?08:23
bob2scribbles: dude08:23
Navatiuhmm i dunno08:23
Hobbseeponingru: search on ubuntuforums.org - there are a few threads that give you a five step method to do it, which works really nicely08:23
AgrajagIA64 is Itanium08:23
bob2scribbles: gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-key CFF71CB3AFA44BDD ; gpg --export CFF71CB3AFA44BDD | sudo apt-key add -08:23
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bob2Navatiu: they are completely unrelated, yes08:23
bob2Agrajag: it's non-official, but mostly exists08:24
AngryParsleyponingru: ugh, why can't they just throw 1.5 in the multiverse repository?08:24
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neotrophyYeah, IA64 and AMD64 are very different instruction sets.08:24
Agrajagthe newer P4suse EMT64, which is almost exactly the same as AMD6408:24
TokenBadthought so..thanks bob208:24
scribblessorry bob2, I couldn't find anything on this08:24
AngryParsleyI have to download the installer and then translate it to a .deb08:24
Navatiui know the architure concept myself, but i dont know they were actually diffrent than being similar(not SAME) heh.08:24
poningruAngryParsley: cause its not free08:24
iiiears___Do 32 bit applications conform to the no execute bit policy on 64 bit processors?08:24
HobbseeAngryParsley: search on ubuntuforums.org - there are a few threads that give you a five step method to do it, which works really nicely08:24
AngryParsleyponingru: I got the win32codecs from multiverse, and they're not free08:24
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HobbseeAngryParsley: when did you get the win32 codecs?  I think they've been taken out of the repositories as well, certainly were a week ago when i reinstalled kubuntu08:25
neotrophyiiiears___: no execute bit policy?08:25
poningruAngryParsley: its different case08:25
poningruand its been taken out08:25
MadpilotPPCHobbsee, you can still get them, via devious means... check the RestrictedFormats wiki page08:26
philcI moved my desktop from wired to wireless networking, using a netgear wireless adapter. I can't host games online anymore; the ports and router are set up correctly. I have a feeling like this has something to do with the hardware. I know that most desktop wireless cards don't support bridging in linux, do issues like this affect what I can host?08:26
AngryParsleyponingru: why? those are extremely important if you want to play any movies08:26
iiiears___The newer processors have RAM marked off into sections for each application to make it more difficult for buffer over flow/exploits to work.08:26
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poningrubob2: ?08:27
HobbseeMadpilotPPC: i'm aware of that - it's very fortunate!08:27
p0windahphilc: shouldnt be any difference between wireless and a piece of cable08:27
bob2that's not quite how it works08:27
neotrophyAngryParsley: I *can't* run the win32 codecs and I haven't found anything I can't play yet.08:27
CaiN_SAelo wi08:27
CaiN_SAelo witblitz08:27
MadpilotPPCAngryParsley, legal reasons...08:27
bob2philc: no, unless the driver is oddly buggy08:27
philcp0windah: things like vmware care08:27
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witblitzwies die poeskop?08:27
AgrajagVLC doesn't use w32codecs08:27
philcbob2: is there anyway I can monitor what packets are hitting a network device?08:27
poningruok seriously these explanataion things are getting a little crowded08:27
Navatiuyeah legal reason08:27
CaiN_SAlol witblitz08:27
bob2philc: tcpdump would be the first thing I'd try, yeah08:27
AngryParsleyneotrophy: so... what about your average WMV?08:27
Hobbseeponingru: that's why you use people's names when you're responding to someone - it generally comes up a different colour, or flashes the screen08:28
poningruphilc: ethereal might help too08:28
CaiN_SAbob sais you have to reinstall an os to give it 64bit support08:28
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bob2CaiN_SA: no08:28
bob2CaiN_SA: stop confusing the issue08:28
MrGardenHoseManIn which directory(ies) is xchat installed by default?08:28
scribblesE: Package azureus has no installation candidate08:28
scribbles <-- after all that08:28
bob2MrGardenHoseMan: dpkg -L xchat08:28
Agrajagthere's no such thing as giving an OS 64 bit support.08:28
neotrophyHmmm... I haven't actually tried one yet :)  But I think there are free wmv decoders.  I'm intrigued now.08:28
poningruseriousy dude read up on different architectures08:28
=== neotrophy goes off to find an average WMV
AngryParsleyok, so a script that gets the binary installer, translates it, and installs it should be made08:28
AngryParsleyhow would that satisfy the legal requirements?08:29
bob2CaiN_SA: your question appeared to be "How do I convert an ubuntu i386 system to and amd64 one?", and the answer to that is "reinstall"08:29
scribblesneotrophy: the w32codecs ARE available via apt-get08:29
Agrajagnewer versions of ffmpeg are making progress on WMV9 apparently08:29
neotrophyNot much use on AMD64 though08:29
CaiN_SAbob2, and if your making an operating system  ????? you cant reinstall something you dont have08:29
msanI'm new with ubuntu08:29
bob2CaiN_SA: dude, stop08:29
Hobbseescribbles: they were taken out, they are not there now.08:29
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bob2CaiN_SA: you're massively confusing yourself here08:29
scribbles!ubotu tell neotropy about w32codecs08:29
msanI've read that there is support for installing directly onto LVM volumes08:29
msanI'd like to use evms (http://evms.sourceforge.net/) instead lvm08:30
bob2CaiN_SA: if you have a specific question, ask it, perhaps in #ubuntu-offtopic08:30
=== nxv_ [n=matrix@dslb-084-056-114-001.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
msanIs there support for installing onto EVMS volumes?08:30
poningruCaiN_SA: dude really read a book about different computer architectures08:30
MadpilotPPC!tell neotrophy abut w32codecs08:30
scribbles!ubotu tell neotrophy about w32codecs08:30
scribbles!ubotu tell hobbsee about w32codecs08:30
CaiN_SAponingru, lol08:30
MadpilotPPCscribbles, use either "ubotu <bla>" or just !tell when you're talking to ubotu08:30
CaiN_SAyou obviously never used gentoo before08:30
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poningruCaiN_SA: no I havent08:30
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CaiN_SAbecoz you can optimise your pc depending on what cpu you have08:31
bob2CaiN_SA: no, stop08:31
bob2CaiN_SA: #ubuntu-offtopic08:31
poningruCaiN_SA: thats if you have same architecture08:31
bob2you're very very confused and taking up channel space08:31
poningrusigh sorry08:31
msanIs there support for installing ubuntu onto EVMS volumes?08:31
scribblesE: Package azureus has no installation candidate08:31
scribbles still from apt-get08:31
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bob2msan: yes08:31
bob2scribbles: yes, that's a clear error08:31
witblitzscribbles, probably not :P08:31
msanbob2, I've read only with lvm08:31
bob2scribbles: none of the sources in your sources.list have that package08:32
scribbleshrm, I added the new backports?08:32
=== ezequiel [n=ezequiel@modem100-as6.laplata.sinectis.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
BlankBscribbles: azureus works with the version from the main azureus site. you dont need it from a repo.08:32
Navatiu!ubotu tell navatiu about ubotu08:32
ezequieljoin #ubuntu-es08:32
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BlankBscribbles: I have been using the linux gtk version.08:33
poningruscribbles: you sure you have java installed?08:33
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_Rappy_ok, s der e eg ikke sant08:33
_Rappy_p tur til hgskola for  slipp av min kjre, og s p tur videre til jobb08:33
_Rappy_sooo, thw wrong chan08:33
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ezequielalguna herramienta para desarrollar en pascal y C?08:34
ezequieltipo por rhine o kdevelop ?08:34
ezequielde donde se puede bajar ?08:34
scribblesyea i have java installed08:34
witblitz/kick ezequiel ssht08:34
scribblesguess I just nee dto go get it from the website08:34
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ubotuMyrtti: What?08:35
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:35
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.08:35
iiiears___where can you find tools to program in pascal and C the type for rhine or kdevelop and where are they filed under?08:35
poningruiiiears___: search for it in apt08:36
bob2iiiears___: build-essential installs you a full set of C compiler stuff08:36
bob2iiiears___: if you want kdevelop, just install it08:36
iiiears___lol - i live in so-cal - gotta speak spanish here.08:36
FR500iiiears___: for offtopic goto #ubuntu-offtopic :p08:36
jay-arhow can i make my ati 9250 run nice in games?08:37
=== fantasai [n=fantasai@dynamic-oit-vapornet-b-515.Princeton.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
iiiears___ROFL - you are right again.08:37
poningru!tell jay-ar about ati08:37
FR500!tell fr500 about ati08:37
fantasaiwhere is Java installed to?08:37
fantasaiI ran the installer, but I can't find any files08:38
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FR500fantasai: in /usr/share/lib or something, what do u need the files for?08:38
fantasaito run them?08:38
=== fantasai can't find java or javac
neotrophyLOL... followed the howto.  The 1 WMV movie that I found on my system that I couldn't play, I still can't play, because it's WM9 :)08:39
MadpilotPPCfantasai, try just "java" in a terminal - that should get you a help message, at least08:39
fantasaicommand not found08:39
iiiears___fantasi - the linux directory tree is a maze isn't it. slocate and find commands are lifesavers   run updatedb to give you a fresh look at the tree08:39
fantasailinux directory tree isn't as much of a maze when binary executables put themselves where they belong08:40
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iiiears___lol - okay, too true.08:40
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BlankBfantasai: did you install from a .deb file?08:42
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fantasaiBlankB, I followed the instructions on http://therning.org/magnus/archives/6308:42
fantasaiIt seemed to work08:43
fantasaibut slocate isn't turning up anything08:43
bob2slocate won't work until tommorow08:44
Hobbseefantasai: seen this?  http://giannaros.org/public/hoarydebs/08:44
barosldoes anyone know how to restore files on ext3 filesystem? i want to restore some python source codes....08:44
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BlankBI think that only built packages for install java. I dont see anytheing there that installs them. Did it create some files?08:45
jay-arhow can i check my kernel version?08:45
jabhas anyone here installed eclipse on breezy?08:45
bob2barosl: you can't, really08:45
BlankBjay-ar: uname -a08:45
irujay: uname -a ?08:45
jay-arok tnx08:45
bob2barosl: and please change your /quit message to not be so long and full of unicode08:45
bimberifantasai: The instructions on that page will create a DEB file.  Did you install it using dpkg?08:45
baroslbob2, oh; i see...08:45
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epilochow do i delete a symbolic link?08:46
bob2epiloc: rm linkname08:46
epilochow would i reverse this  sudo ln -s /media/BLAK* /media/ipod08:46
epilocrm /media/ipod ?08:46
scribblesso I just installed Azureus, tried to download something, and now I"m getting Directory Creation Failed, how do I set it so Azureus can create the directories it needs to?08:46
poningruscribbles: I think you have to run it under sudo the first time08:47
qsrvhi. I've found a small error in ubuntu 5.10 acpi sleep script08:47
fantasaibimberi, I only see some .deb files, no instructions...08:47
BlankBscribbles: you just need to run it somewhere where the user has access to.08:47
qsrvwhere should I report it?08:47
bob2you never run it under sudo08:47
bob2qsrv: do you have a radeon?08:47
BlankBfantasai: dpkg -i packagename.deb08:48
poningruscribbles: guess not08:48
scribblesall I did was extract the archive to my home dir then ./azureus, opened a torrent and then I got a directory creation error08:48
bob2and the error was...08:48
scribblesits within Azureus08:49
scribblesError: Directory Creation Failed...08:49
p0windahscribbles: did you install as root ? then run as non-root ?08:49
bimberifantasai: whereever you ran the "fakeroot make-jpkg...." command there should be a deb file (sun<blah>.deb)08:49
scribblesno I thinK i installed as non-root :(08:49
qsrvbob2 : yeah08:49
p0windahscribbles: so you didnt use sudo ?08:49
bob2qsrv: fixed already, should be o narchive.u.c in the next 15 minutes08:49
qsrv;] 08:50
scribblesam I supposed to uninstall it then ./azureus as sudo08:50
qsrvso much for my 15 mins of fame and glory ;] 08:50
bob2scribbles: no08:50
p0windahscribbles: no08:50
bimberiqsrv: now that's customer service! :P08:50
fantasaibimberi, ah, ok08:50
BlankBqsrv: there is a option in the config for where to save torrents to make sure that directory is writeable by your user.08:50
jabeclipse anybody?08:50
BlankBoops...qsrv: = scribbles:08:50
fantasaibimberi, thanks!08:50
bimberifantasai: yw :)08:51
qsrv;] 08:51
p0windahscribbles: when azureus is loaded go into the settings of the program and double check the directories where its trying to save stuff by default08:51
jay-arhow can i get this fglrx-driver08:51
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scribblesSave Directory: /home/stephen/.Azureus/torrents08:51
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scribblesthats a writable directory for me being logged in as stephen right?08:52
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qsrvone more thing are there any apps that manage network connections(wired and wireless) for laptops? Something like IBM's access connections?08:52
BlankBscribbles: cd /home/stephen/.Azureus/torrents; touch test.txt08:52
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poningruqsrv: network manager08:52
qsrvI was looking for something more automatic.08:52
bimberijay-ar: package xorg-driver-fglrx looks good08:52
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scribblesworked fine BlankB08:53
qsrvSomething that could detect the wireless network08:53
jay-ar@bimberi is that installed in ubuntu by default?08:53
BlankBscribbles: Then I cant imagine why its complaining.08:53
bimberijay-ar: no08:53
jay-arhow do i get that?08:53
bimberiubotu tell jay-ar about ati08:53
qsrvOr maybe if I could get for example wpa_supplicant to run when I bring the wireless interface up, that would suit me. I would then just bring the interface I need when I need it08:54
bob2qsrv: that's what network manager does...08:54
bob2qsrv: running programs when interfaces come up is trivial, /etc/network/interfaces, ip-up.d08:54
qsrvI'll look into that08:55
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xukunwhat is the release date for breezy?08:55
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bimberixukun: Octover 1308:55
qsrvas for network manager: I need wpa, and, as far as I see, it's not supported yet08:55
bimberiber even :P08:55
qsrvor is it?08:55
bob2bah wpa08:55
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@d80-170-47-165.cust.tele2.fr] by crimsun
mathieudzbimberi: are you spanish? :) (that typo)08:56
poningru!tell qsrv about networkmanager08:56
mathieudzis there a gnome wrapper for 'ssh-add' ?08:56
bimberimathieudz: hehe, no, far from it :)08:56
poningruqsrv: wpa support is not that good08:56
poningrualmost anywhere08:56
xukunbimberi, thanks08:56
bimberixukun: yw :)08:56
qsrvwell, I wouldn't need wpa if it wasn't for my faculty's admin. And he said wpa_supplicant was probably the only choice I had08:57
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poningruqsrv: yeah understandable08:57
poningruwpa > Wep08:57
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johnnybezakhey guys i just did a apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade and I noticed that there were a whole bunch of Xorg packages. I assume this is the new modular X am I right?08:58
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qsrvright, thanks guys, I'll have a go at getting wpa_supplicant to work08:58
p0windahjohnnybezak: yah08:58
locomortojohnnybezak: are you on hoary?08:58
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locomortoif you are then its probally not08:58
p0windahjohnnybezak: graphic drivers and whatnot08:58
jay-arhow can i get https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI08:59
locomortoif your on breezy you already have it08:59
jay-arhow can i get https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI08:59
jay-arwroing message08:59
=== darkmatter [n=darkmatt@206-163-248-182.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
jay-arhow can i get xorg-driver-fglrx08:59
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bimberijay-ar: "sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx" doesn't work?09:00
bimberijay-ar: what's the error?09:01
jay-arit saysE: Couldn't find package xorg-driver-fglrx09:01
=== keikoz bjour all
p0windahjay-ar: its in restricted09:01
BlankBscribbles: you still there?09:01
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bimberijay-ar: can you paste your sources.list to a pastebin (see /topic)?09:01
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p0windahoh christ, I have kylie minogue; locomotion stuck in my head09:03
p0windahwhat the hell was I thinking when I started whistling09:03
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dreamwavewild.  first time i ever had to recover a nick.09:04
dreamwavenow.  on to better things.  like... how do i add a couple of options to my nvidia module when it is loaded?09:05
crimsundreamwave: add them to /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia09:05
crimsun"options nvidia something=value"09:05
crimsun(without the double quotations)09:06
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iiiears___rebooting - not quite enough knowledge yet to reclaim "stale" RAM09:07
p0windahstale ram ?09:08
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dreamwavecrimsun, thanks. i'll try that out.09:08
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watogchacky asl?09:09
crimsunwatog: not here09:09
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dreamwavenow, is there a little gui app or command line app to add/remove runlevel actions?  i don't want powernowd loaded at startup..09:09
bimberidreamwave: have a look at "bum" (boot up manager) ...09:10
poningrudreamwave: I think its called bum or something09:10
bimberiubotu tell dreamwave about bum09:10
poningruwhat he said09:10
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dreamwavehahah.  thanks all09:11
=== bimberi has to find a better way of expressing that :P
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by crimsun
p0windahis the app (*um) any good btw ?09:12
crimsunsome people really like it09:12
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traceHello peeps09:12
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p0windahwhat does "peeps" mean anyway ?09:13
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traceDoes anyone here use Anjuta?09:13
CaiN_SApeeps = people09:13
p0windahI should have been clearer, _why_ does it represent "people" ?09:14
tracewhy is hi short for hello?09:14
MadpilotPPCp0windah, because it's harder to misspell? ;)09:15
=== iiiears___ [n=bill@cpe-24-30-191-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
HrdwrBobwhy do you have a zero in your nick?09:15
p0windahthe mindless questions as answers..09:15
AngryParsleyso, I see rhythmbox is installed09:15
tracelol, why is water wet?09:15
AngryParsleyI set everything up, but I can't seem to transfer songs to my ipod09:15
AngryParsleyI can play songs on my ipod, but not add new ones09:15
iiiears___why is the sky blue? how high is up?09:16
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p0windahI'm guessing you guys all live/work in some labour camp or something09:16
no-onehow can i install gstreamer-plugins-mp3**.rmp?09:16
p0windahcan I eat please sir ?09:17
tracedoes rhythmbox searh for radio streams auto?09:17
AngryParsleytrace: no, you just add URLs09:17
=== bimberi rattles his tin cup on the bars
iiiears___no-one - gstreamer-mad.o8????09:17
crimsunno-one: gstreamer0.8-mad?09:17
AngryParsleyso is there any way I can transfer songs to my ipod in linux?09:18
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bimberiAngryParsley: have a look at gtkpod09:18
iiiears___AngryParsley, - gtkpod?09:18
traceyeah I installed streamtuner09:18
AngryParsleygtkpod, ok09:18
AngryParsleytrace: and that could throw songs on your ipodL09:19
traceAnyone have any Anjuta exp?09:19
no-oneso how?09:19
traceDidn't work 4 me..09:19
iiiears___add DRM - and things get very complex - doable still but very difficult.09:19
mshadewhat's the 'ubuntu way' to add NFS shares to the desktop?09:19
crimsunno-one: your question doesn't make sense09:19
no-onei want play mp309:19
crimsunno-one: then install gstreamer0.8-mad from universe09:19
MadpilotPPC!tell no-one about mp309:20
traceuse xmms09:20
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Navatiui stay away from DRM all the way.09:21
iiiears___no-one - ffmpeg, mpg123, gstreamer-mad, w32Codecs, +others, can all do decoding09:21
tracecouldn't get rythmbox to play mp3s09:21
crimsuntrace: did you install gstreamer0.8-mad first?09:21
MadpilotPPCtrace, mine does, honest...09:21
AngryParsleywow, gtkpod just locked up09:22
traceIt's my fault09:22
traceI like xmms...09:22
AngryParsleywait, wtf? it's hashing a bunch of tracks?09:22
AngryParsleyit can't read the nice database on the ipod?09:22
traceHas anyone got terminus to work on ubuntu?09:23
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tommi^Hi. I'm about to purchase a motherboard and I'm having hard time figuring out if the nv gigabyte ethernet on it will work. Help? tia09:25
traceI got beagle to work!!!09:25
topylibeagle rocks doesn't it09:25
tommi^trace, congratulations! You lucky one..09:26
iiiears___trace you are a better man than i ghunga-din. - it is a trial. - though preconfigured on the next release. Breezy Badger right?09:26
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traceI think it is09:26
AngryParsleyugh, gtkpod takes like 5 minutes to show my songs when I click on my ipod09:27
locomortoAngryParsley: blame Apple09:27
tracehas anyone got a webcam to work?09:27
locomortoits their stupid DRM and all round crap they hide09:27
mshadehow to edit a file as superuser?09:27
mshadetrace: i've got a logitech quickcam im which works well09:27
iiiears___AngryParsley, - this has nothing to do with patented encodong alogrthms does it?09:27
AngryParsleyiiiears___: what? why should it?09:28
AngryParsleyall my songs are mp3s09:28
locomortoAngryParsley: you think09:28
topyliiiiears___: beagle in breezy is still in universe, not in the default set of packages09:28
AngryParsleylocomorto: well there used to be some ogg vorbis, but then I got an ipod09:28
locomortoAngryParsley: actually mp3 ARE patentend09:28
traceI'm going to try my webcam next...09:28
AngryParsleylocomorto: I don't care09:28
crimsunAngryParsley: submit a bug for gtkpod to make it use whatever jhymn's backend is09:28
locomortoAngryParsley: you should09:29
AngryParsleyI just want to throw 10 mp3s on my ipod09:29
AngryParsleylocomorto: no, I just want to listen to music09:29
locomortoAnd the patents are holding you back09:29
locomortowithout them you could play mp3s by default09:29
iiiears___topyli - erm - yikes Beagle is worth the effort. - hopiing it would be included...09:29
AngryParsleyno, this buggy software is holding me back09:29
locomortoYou would be easily able to sync with your ipod09:29
AngryParsleylocomorto: I can play all the songs on my ipod just fine09:29
AngryParsleyI'm having trouble transferring new songs to it09:29
traceI'm running mandrake and rh on to other boxes..but I like ubuntu the best...09:29
crimsunAngryParsley: what application?09:30
AngryParsleyI don't care about patents, copyright, trademarks, etc09:30
dreamwavehmmm. click on an ogg file in firefox is bringing up an embedded ogg player that plays a few seconds and then promptly crashes firefox.  what's got itself embedded into firefox?  how do i find out?09:30
locomortoToday maybe, but tommorow will that HD-DVD/BluRay you bought play on you computer?09:30
MyrttiI have a bunch of wma-files I want to convert to mp3's. I have the script to do it, but it requires mplayer that wont install.09:30
AngryParsleyhell, my other computer runs a pirated copy of XP09:30
AngryParsleycrimsun: gtkpod09:30
crimsunAngryParsley: you should submit a bug on that application instead of yelling here, since we can't really help that09:30
bob2awesome but off-topic09:30
bob2if you have a problem with something, please file a bug09:30
AngryParsleycrimsun: it looks like the software hasn't been updated in over a year09:30
locomortoIt could be because they didn't knwo of any issues09:31
locomortoFiling bug reports may also cause someone else to come in and fix it for you09:31
jsgotangcoAngryParsley, looks like an upstream issue that ubuntu can't be able to fix09:31
locomortoreleasing a updated version for the benifit of everbody09:31
iiiears___AngryParsley - neither does anyone else. 'cept maybe a handful of large grey flannel wearing corporate types.   - just wait 'til ya see  what they have in store for us with the new blu-ray DVD's - (evil laugh)09:32
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AngryParsleyok, so this buggy gtkpod program is in the repository, but not JRE1.5?09:32
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crimsunwe can't distribute Sun's or IBM's09:33
MadpilotPPCAngryParsley, the buggy app is Free, jre ain't...09:33
crimsunyou can go download it yourself and create a deb if you want09:33
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floppyearscould somebody tell me what is "fair dice" ?09:33
jsgotangcoor activate multiverse and download blacbox java09:33
AngryParsleycrimsun: yeah, I did that, and it took me forever09:33
crimsunAngryParsley: using java-package?09:33
AngryParsleyI just want things to work, not have to mess with alien or anything09:34
AngryParsleycrimsun: yeah, I think so09:34
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AngryParsleythen I had to uninstall gij and the old java vm09:34
AngryParsleyand then I could start working on my CS project09:35
crimsuneh, all you needed to do was prepend it to your $PATH09:35
crimsunno reason to remove the gjc stuff09:35
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bob2to get java working simply:09:35
AngryParsleycrimsun: see? I don't want to mess with environment variables, I want to install java09:35
traceWhen Anjuta goes thur setting up a project I get a error "configure: error: Package requirements (libgnomeui-2.0 gtk+-2.0) were not met. Any ideas how to fix this?09:36
bob2download tarball. install. all done.09:36
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AngryParsleybob2: I tried that, it didn't work09:36
bob2AngryParsley: where "didn't work" = ?09:36
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AngryParsleyit threw jre in my home directory gave me weird errors when I tried to compile anything that used interfaces09:37
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bob2that's so unspecific as to be useless09:37
bob2it will of course put it in your homedir, tho09:37
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AngryParsleywhy can't it put it in /usr/bin like everything else?09:38
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quicks_guys, when breezy the stable version comes out, how can i upgrade my hoary version to it?09:38
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locomortoI just updated (breezy) and my show desktop panel icon and the trash icon have dissapered09:39
Hobbseequicks: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes09:39
JDigitalChange synaptic repositories to "breezy" and upgrade09:39
locomortoWill a reboot fix it?09:39
JDigitalor read the wiki09:39
quicks_hobbsee: ok, i will take a look at it09:39
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AngryParsleyoh yeah, when I update packages do the outdated versions stay on my system, and if so, how can I remove them?09:40
quicks_locomorto : thanks! :)09:40
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locomortoAngryParesly: sort of09:40
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locomortoWhenever you install something with apt-get the .deb files stay on your system09:40
locomortoto remove them do09:40
locomortosudo apt-cache clean (to remove all of them)09:40
AngryParsleywhat if I use synaptic? (I hate CLIs for things like package management)09:41
locomortoor sudo apt-cache auto-clean (to remove the outdated ones)09:41
AngryParsleyoh, just a one-liner09:41
crimsunSynaptic automatically manages the package cache09:41
AngryParsleycrimsun: so it gets rid of outdated packages?09:41
locomortocrimsun: i dont think so09:41
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locomortoAngryParsely: type this in the terminal (locate .deb)09:42
locomortoAre there lots of results?09:42
AngryParsleyhold on09:42
JDigital"sudo apt-cache clean" is an easy command to type09:42
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AngryParsleymy computer is being choppy from gtkpod09:42
JDigitalapt-get clean09:43
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AngryParsleylocomorto: 4009:43
AngryParsleylines of results09:43
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AngryParsleythey all have "debug" in their names, so they're not packages09:43
JDigitalWho are all these banned people09:43
locomortoHmm, is this a new system?09:43
AngryParsleyabout a week old09:44
crimsundamned bots.09:44
locomortoJDigital: people you dont want to know09:44
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AngryParsleyI've updated like 100 packages09:44
AngryParsleyin fact 166 updates are waiting for me09:44
locomortowell it might be doing a apt-cache auto-clean09:44
locomortobut if you want to get rid of all of them you can09:44
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locomortoI'll see if you can do it in synaptic09:44
AngryParsleynah, I have 70 gigs of free space on this drive09:44
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Navatiuheh, i have 20gb on my harddrive. heh heh09:45
Navatiumy good ol harddrive09:45
locomortoopen Synaptic -> Settings -> Files09:45
locomortoAnd you can change the options there09:45
AngryParsleyoh hell yeah, I got gtkpod to finally copy the songs09:45
AngryParsleylocomorto: thanks09:45
locomortoIts basically doing a apt-cache clean09:46
Navatiugood job09:46
locomorto(the old versions are removed from the repo)09:46
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=== locomorto :(
AngryParsleywell, it's almost 4AM here, I should try going to bed09:46
locomortoI have 1616 packages installed09:46
AngryParsleythanks for your help09:46
locomortosleep well09:46
locomortoand no problem09:47
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AngryParsleysorry if I came off kind of harsh, but I was getting frustrated with gtkpod, it was making my system respond like a windows box09:47
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=== locomorto doesn't really care
locomortobai bai09:47
AngryParsleyoh great, gtkpod DELETED all of my songs on my ipod09:48
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AngryParsleyit said it transferred them, and now I have an empty ipod09:48
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AngryParsleyeh, fuck it, I'm going to bed09:48
bob2AngryParsley: please do file a bug09:48
bob2ranting on IRC is not helpful09:48
locomorto|awayActually there probably there09:48
locomorto|awayjust not in the database09:49
vovka_lthi all! has anyone installed 5.10 breezy PR?09:49
locomorto|awayso hopefully you didn't lose them all09:49
AngryParsleylocomorto|away: I have 18.5 gigs of free space on my ipod09:49
dooglusI'm having problems with movie subtitles.  mplayer won't show czech characters, and totem-xine will, but only in a small font.  can someone help with either problem please?09:49
locomorto|awayvovka_lt: yes09:49
AngryParsleyand it's a 20 gig ipod (so 18.5 actualy size)09:49
locomorto|awayvovka_lt: its very stable09:49
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vovka_ltlocomorto|away, could u send me you /etc/apt/sources.list ?09:49
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locomorto|awayeh sure: if you want one with aussie mirrors09:50
vovka_ltme is a gentoo user, but now trying out this wonder at home :)09:50
vovka_ltok. it fits me09:50
vovka_ltme is from lt09:50
bob2vovka_lt: you already have a valid sources.list09:50
vovka_ltyep, but me is on 5.04 hoary09:50
vovka_lti want a freesh install09:51
bob2which is fine09:51
locomorto|awayvovka_lt: just change everything from hoary to breezy09:51
locomorto|awayso if it says hoary09:51
locomorto|awaymake it breezy09:51
locomorto|awaythen apt-get updat09:51
bob2vovka_lt: wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes09:51
locomorto|awaythen apt-get update*09:51
locomorto|awayand check that out as well09:51
qsrvstrange thing: I get no sound from totem-xine under gnome09:51
qsrveven though gnome's sound events play ok09:51
qsrvwhat am I missing?09:51
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locomorto|awaySet the output to esd09:52
bob2configure it to use esd for output09:52
bob2or pkill esd09:52
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vovka_ltlocomorto|away, if someone has already a fresh install of 5.10 and needs a sources.list...09:52
vovka_ltso i am giving him mine w/hoary changed to breezy?09:52
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vovka_ltyesterday it was not working09:53
bob2vovka_lt: you need to be a lot more specific about what on earth you're doing09:53
=== locomorto nods
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bob2vovka_lt: if you just installed 5.10, then you have a perfectly fine sources.list09:53
vovka_ltwith no software in there!09:53
=== drummer87 needs help
Navatiug a s p.09:53
drummer87i can't log into gnome09:53
vovka_ltal software (through synaptic) is already installed09:54
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bob2vovka_lt: so show us your /etc/apt/sources.list in #flood09:54
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drummer87i get some error about not being able to read authority file09:54
vovka_ltwhat is #flood ? :))09:54
vovka_lttotally new to irc ;)09:54
bob2drummer87: which app did you run with su last time you were in gnome?09:54
MadpilotPPCdrummer87, .ICEauthority?09:54
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drummer87MadpilotPPC, yes that one09:55
bob2vovka_lt: /j #flood09:55
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drummer87bob2, can't remember.. i ran some firewall apps with sudo and gksudo09:55
qsrvoh wait, I think this could be an mp3 issue09:55
drummer87firestarter, guidedog, ..09:56
bob2drummer87: log in to the terminal, delete it, log back in09:56
locomorto!tell qsrv about mp309:56
MadpilotPPCdrummer87, chown user:user /.ICEauthority, done09:56
qsrvsince bmp doesn't seem to play mp3 files at all09:56
bob2also, if you think you need to run a GUI firewall tool, you probablyu don't need to09:56
locomortoqsrv read your message from ubotu09:56
MadpilotPPCgood night all. need sleep...09:56
nybblenight MadpilotPPC09:57
drummer87bob2, i was trying to get some internet routing going (unsuccessfully) and thought using an app would be easier09:57
drummer87i dunno really how to use iptables09:57
bob2ah, fair enough09:57
bob2anyway, do what I or MadpilotPPC said09:58
Navatiui recall when i try to get gentoo network to work but it dont detect well.09:58
Navatiuthat was year back when i try gentoo a go. heh09:58
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drummer87done.. i'll log off and back onto my account09:58
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locomortogentoo == pain09:58
vovka_ltbob2, here's my sources.list: http://www.j-a.lt/sources.list09:59
_rb_hey does anyone know of some decent instructions for swat in samba ?09:59
Navatiuif you want to embrace pain, gentoo is proabbly thing you want to install with pain in ass.09:59
_rb_cant get the thing running properly on my server09:59
locomortoyou dont use samba for a game09:59
SlicerDicer-hey bob2 have you heard of a issue with AMD64 users not being able to load nvidia modules? I cannot seem to get mine working I been trying and trying :/09:59
bob2it's best to avoid swat entirely09:59
locomortoOnly for things like file and printer sharing09:59
concept10is libdvdcss avail for breezy any where?09:59
_rb_(samba web adminstration tool)09:59
ppzhow do i get gcc working in Breezy ?09:59
bob2vovka_lt: and?09:59
bob2ppz: install build-essential10:00
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bob2same as on hoary10:00
bob2and warty and debian10:00
poningruppz: build essential10:00
_rb_what to use instead of swat then ?10:00
bob2SlicerDicer-: you'd need to give a lot more information10:00
drummer87thanks.. worked great10:00
SlicerDicer-bob2, sure thing :)10:00
drummer87what would've happened to the .ICEauthority file?10:00
bob2SlicerDicer-: e.g. dmesg output, kernel versions, ubuntu versions, lspci output, modprobe output10:00
hubsiguten morgn :)10:00
bob2drummer87: it got owned by root, so your user couldn't touch it when you logged in again10:01
SlicerDicer-bob2, give me a moment to get all that information for you :)10:01
drummer87ah..k, thanks10:01
SlicerDicer-bob2, I am encoding a video at the moment it will be done in 2 mins least thats the ETA10:01
coobrai hawe forgot :/10:01
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coobrai want to fixx my locales10:02
ppzbob2, poningru and how wold i go about doing that ? Synaptic ?10:02
coobrawhat was the corect way to do t :/10:02
kemikcoobra:  dpkg-reconfigure locales10:02
coobrakemik: <310:02
poningruppz: yeah dude10:02
poningrujust like warty and hoary10:02
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bob2ppz: however you normally install packages10:03
bob2synaptic is one option, yes10:03
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SlicerDicer-bob2, lspci, lsmod, dmesg http://rafb.net/paste/results/62gmAw96.html getting kernel versions and the rest10:08
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epilochow do i remove a link10:09
bob2epiloc: a symlink? same way you remove a file10:09
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epilocyes, i did ln -s /media/BLAK* /media/ipod10:10
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epilocand now everything is messed up10:10
epilocso just rm /media/ipod?10:10
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bob2ls -ld /media/ipod10:10
bob2that will show you it's a symlink10:10
SlicerDicer-bob2, linux-image-2.6.12-9-amd64k8 and restricted modules to match with nvidia-kernel-common 1.0.7667+1 "kinda odd cause it says in dmesg 7174"10:11
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SlicerDicer-bob2, does that help?10:11
bob2SlicerDicer-: the module is loaded fine10:11
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SlicerDicer-let me get you xorg log bob210:11
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SlicerDicer-bob2, be back in a few mins I got to crash xorg by having it load nvidia module then come back to get you the output10:12
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ppzbob2, poningru, got the essentials in but i still cant compile. C compiler cannot create executables.10:13
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bob2ppz: dpkg -l libc6 | tail -n110:14
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ppzbob2, ii  libc6          2.3.5-1ubuntu1110:14
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bob2and dpkg -l build-essential | tail -n110:15
ppzbuild-essential 11.110:15
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bob2that's not what it said10:15
SlicerDicer-bob2, http://rafb.net/paste/results/mEYQgQ18.html that is my xorg log10:16
bob2the kernel module loaded fine10:16
ndlovuhi all. if I want to split big files and then put them back together, would split and cat be the commands to use?10:16
bob2that's whack10:16
bob2ndlovu: yes10:16
SlicerDicer-bob2, errm whats causing it not to work? if the module is loading but failing to initialize?10:17
ndlovubob2: thanks10:17
bob2ndlovu: in a pinch you could even do it without split10:18
bob2the kernel side is fine, afaict10:18
arkalonis #ubuntu the ubuntu development channel as well as the help channel?10:18
iiiears___crimsun  -  Hi, after beginning the system update it halted after downloading all the packages and installiing over half. error message  "Unable to grab mouse malicious client may be controlling your session" - Had you seen this kind of error before?10:18
bob2arkalon: no10:18
ndlovubob2: I was thinking '# split --bytes=650m -d bigfile smallfile'10:18
arkalonbob2: can you point me in the right direction then?10:18
ndlovuand '# cat smallfile01 smallfile02 smallfile03 > bigfile'10:18
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crimsuniiiears___: ...no, can't say I have.10:19
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bob2arkalon: #ubuntu-devel, but it is seriously for actual development10:19
bob2ndlovu: looks good10:19
glynwhat's a good and easy way to get all the video codecs for wmv files etc?10:19
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arkalonbob2: great, thanks10:19
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jay-ar!tell ati10:19
crimsuniiiears___: you don't happen to have vino running, do you?10:19
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bob2iiiears___: what else do you have running?10:19
bob2games, vnc, vmware?10:19
SlicerDicer-bob2, do you have any ideas what would cause my nvidia driver not to work?10:19
psycodeis there an enviroment variable holding the current directory ? (what's its name?)10:20
bob2SlicerDicer-: sounds like a X bug10:20
bob2psycode: $PWD10:20
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SlicerDicer-bob2, ok thats what I figured I just got to wait till a version of X comes that is useable?10:20
iiiears___very unusual. - xchat and glxgears?!?10:20
psycodebob2, thanks10:20
SlicerDicer-bob2, is there anyway to downgrade with ubuntu?10:20
bob2SlicerDicer-: I'd file a bug, personally10:21
iiiears___some conflict between a hardened linux and the display driver?10:21
bob2iiiears___: "hardened linux"?10:21
bob2SlicerDicer-: do you have a previous X server in /var/cache/apt/archives/?10:21
SlicerDicer-I dont know bob210:21
iiiears___okay, i am a newb. took a wild stab in the dark.10:21
bob2iiiears___: does killing glxgears help?10:21
bob2iiiears___: I assume you get that while synaptic or something is asking for your password?10:22
SlicerDicer-I have 4 versions of xorg-common10:22
iiiears___rebooted and am reinstalling from a ghost image10:22
bob2SlicerDicer-: if you're using hoary, xserver-xorg is the one yo ucare about10:22
glynjoin #latex10:22
SlicerDicer-bob2, I am using breezy10:22
jay-arhow can i check if i installed the xorg-driver-fglrx correctly?10:22
bob2SlicerDicer-: then I don't know what particular package it would be10:23
bob2jay-ar: dpkg -l blahblahblah10:23
bob2jay-ar: if the first two chars are ii, it's installed10:23
SlicerDicer-bob2, xserver-xorg_6.8.2-61_amd64.deb10:23
SlicerDicer- would that be it?10:23
bob2no, that package is basically empty10:23
jay-aroh tnx10:23
jay-arhow can i test it?10:24
bob2jay-ar: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto10:24
locomortochange ati to fglrx10:24
bob2simple_gurl: this isn't really a chat channel, sorry10:24
locomortoand then see if x starts with that set10:24
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locomorto!tell jay-ar about ati10:24
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locomortoalso have a look at those very important pieces of information10:25
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goldmundcan someone help me to install skype for ubuntu?10:25
SlicerDicer-bob2 would it be xserver-xorg-core_6.8.2-61_amd64.deb?10:26
ompaulgoldmund, breezy or hoary?10:26
goldmundI've downloaded skype.deb form skype's site10:26
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ompaulgoldmund, I would not do that if I was you10:26
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goldmundI'm new on linux and I have no clue how to do it10:26
ompaulgoldmund, :)10:26
bob2SlicerDicer-: no10:27
ompaulgoldmund, they *broke* skype in a pretty amazing way10:27
SlicerDicer-bob2, :/10:27
goldmundwhat do you mean by "broke"?10:27
goldmundI repeat ...I'm new on Ubuntu :) and even Linux :)10:27
ompaulgoldmund, made changes to it, in such a way as it no longer works on ubuntu10:28
Nermalgoldmund: dpkg -i ?10:28
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ompaulgoldmund, do you know what software dependancies are?10:29
Chousukedoes skype have broken dependencies?10:29
goldmundaha! I undertand ...but than why do they keep a link for their skype ubuntu version on their own site? just in order to full us?!10:29
goldmundyes I know10:29
Chousukeit shouldn't have dependencies at all :/10:29
ompaulChousuke, :)10:29
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Chousukewhen you do closed source stuff for linux, you had better compile everything in statically.10:30
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Chousukelike opera does for some packages.10:30
glynhola amigo10:30
Chousukeas a fallback, if a native distro package doesn't exist.10:30
ChousukeEnglish, please.10:30
rafaelhey como estas10:30
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.10:31
rafaelsera que me pueden recomendar un buen reproductor de musica10:31
p0windahrafael: bork bork bork10:31
ompaulgoldmund, this ain't getting you going - there is a tar.gz package on the site it may install better10:31
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glynme gusta Gnutella10:31
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bob2goldmund: get the static .tar.bz2 fro their website10:31
ompaulgoldmund, follow the instructions withit10:32
Chousukeglyn: rafael: /join #ubuntu-es10:32
ndlovugoldmund, I'm not sure about the broken skype, but there are installation instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto. Sounds like it might not help you much though :(10:32
poningruubotu: tell glyn about es10:32
ompaul!tell rafael about es10:32
rafaelplease ok in ingles people10:32
rafaelplease a good music player?10:32
Shin_Goukihi! i got a "apt-get remove" question! i installed mozilla and afterwards mozilla firefox, now i wanted to remove mozilla, so i typed: "apt-get remove mozilla" but i can still start the programm , where is my mistake?10:33
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poningrurafael: amarok10:33
glynI just use Totem10:33
GNULinuxerrafael: totem10:33
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locomortoI use totem-xine10:33
bob2Shin_Gouki: presumably you want mozilla-browser10:33
Skidxmms is kind of like winamp10:33
Skidor beep10:33
locomortoSkid: beep-media-player is much nicer10:33
ChousukeSkid: but beep sucks, and xmms is olde.10:33
rafaelok thank you very much i am goin to look10:33
ompaulgoldmund, use the tar.bz2 on their site :) - be aware that the .deb is not going to make your life easy, until they actually make a real version for Ubuntu10:33
Skidbeep is cool10:33
Chousukebeep sucks10:33
PoStAlhow do you get totem to play proprietary codecs/10:33
Chousukeit's unstable and buggy.10:33
Shin_Goukibob2, i want mozilla firefox and remove the rest10:34
glynI want to know that too, Postal10:34
glyntrying to figure that out10:34
locomortoPoStAl: sudo apt-get install totem-xine10:34
goldmundthank you gys!!!10:34
Shin_Goukibob2 is this possible?10:34
goldmundI really do appreciate your help10:34
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Shin_Goukiyes this channel rocks :D10:34
goldmundI'll try to do what you advised me to10:34
NermalPoStAl: personally I just install w32codecs and replace totem-gstreamer with totem-xine10:34
locomorto!tell PoStAl about mp310:34
PoStAlwhats the point of not including support.10:35
Nermalsupport ?10:35
locomortoNermal: is w32codecs still in extras?10:35
Nermalyou get what you pay for10:35
ompaulgoldmund, the info about the install of the bz2 is not too bad the .deb is rubbish10:35
PoStAlim talking about the codec, by default.10:35
thoreauputicPoStAl: licensing issues10:35
NermalPoStAl: licencing10:35
locomortolegal issues10:35
=== ompaul gets off the pulpit
goldmundk! thanks! I gotta split now! See you later!10:35
PoStAlbloody licencing.10:35
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NermalPoStAl: bloody proprietary formats eh ?10:36
=== ompaul wonders why he feels rather warm
rafaelamarok have a lot of version10:36
Shin_Goukihi! i got a "apt-get remove" question! i installed mozilla and afterwards mozilla firefox, now i wanted to remove mozilla, so i typed: "apt-get remove mozilla" but i can still start the programm , where is my mistake?10:36
Navatiui hear from someone that you can get w32codecs from apt-get recently. dont follow my direction cuz i might be wrong. :)10:36
crimsunShin_Gouki: mozilla-browser10:36
thoreauputicompaul: when it starts to freeze down there you'll know Vista is about to be released ;-)10:37
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johnnybezakanyone know of a ubuntu package for the ms true type core fonts?10:37
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Shin_Goukicrimsum, so i need to type : ..remove mozilla-browser?10:37
crimsunjohnnybezak: msttcorefonts in multiverse10:37
Navatiuheh thore10:37
Chousukethe bmp people seem to have advanced10:37
crimsunShin_Gouki: yes10:37
Chousukebmp is no longer based on XMMS :)10:37
Chousukethat's good. hope it doesn't suck :P10:37
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crimsunwell, XMMS has a v2 in the works, too10:37
Navatiu'ubuntu professional vista' okay i am kidding. it just i happen to read paper from slashdot. heh10:37
ubuntuHow do I mount an NTFS partition with write permission?10:38
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Shin_Goukicrimsun i thank u!10:38
ubuntuI need to replace a boot.ini10:38
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Hobbseesnorks: why not boot into safe mode and edit it there?10:38
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snorksHobbsee: doesn't work10:38
thoreauputicubuntu: if you value your data you won't try to write from linux on ntfs10:38
Chousukecrimsun: yeah, isn't it that weird backend-frontend approach?10:38
snorksHobbsee: corrupt boot.ini = no boot10:38
crimsunChousuke: I think it makes sense10:39
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dooglusNavatiu: did you see the video here? http://dc5video.debian.net/ogg_theora/2005-07-14/02b-Ubuntu_Talk-Mark_Shuttleworth.ogg - much the same points are covered10:39
vengefulanyways whats the ntfs partition called?10:39
snorksthoreauputic: I have to. The C partition will be lost later today if this doesn't work anyway10:39
snorksvengeful: sda110:39
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Chousukecrimsun: yeah, it does.10:39
vengefulok you made the dir where you want to view it?10:39
snorksvengeful: yes /mnt/ntfs10:40
vbgunz_dooglus: what would you say is the best windows player to play ogg files?10:40
thoreauputicsnorks: well, google captive ntfs10:40
Chousukebackends and frontends should be separated.10:40
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dooglusvbgunz_: I don't know.  I used mplayer for it10:40
dooglusvbgunz_: I usually use mplayer for everything10:40
andrewDoes anyone have a link to a current sources.list --- I tried copying and pasting the one from ubuntuguide but some of the sources don't exist10:40
ubotusomebody said sources was at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy)10:40
vbgunz_I know Ubuntu can play it but currently I am in Windows and would like to see it10:40
p0windahandrew: stick to the official archive.ubuntu.com ones10:41
dooglusvbgunz_: sorry, my brain must have filtered out the word 'windows' in your question.10:41
vengefulsudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/ntfs10:41
vengefulif memory serves10:41
dooglusvbgunz_: maybe it does that when it's near the word 'best'10:41
vbgunz_dooglus: it's cool, I did a google and think I found something10:41
snorksvengeful: ive tried that one10:41
Shin_Goukihi which command switch shows my free diskspace??10:41
Chousukedf -h is better10:41
vengefuland that didnt mount it?10:41
Chousukeit shows them with GB and MB :P10:42
snorksvengeful: it mounted it, but not with write permissions10:42
PoStAlis it alright if I ask general linux questions in here?10:42
vengefulcant you just chmod it?10:42
vengefulive never had need to edit windows from within linux before heh10:42
snorksvengeful: what's the command?10:42
snorksvengeful: me neither, this is for a friend10:42
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thoreauputicPoStAl: probably - depends how general10:43
Shin_Goukipostal hurry and go ahead10:43
refuze2loozehow do i unmount a cdrom that's in use and i don't know what's using it?10:43
vbgunz_anyone has any links to the best posix reference guide ever?10:43
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thoreauputicrefuze2looze: sudo umount -l /dev/cdrom10:43
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refuze2loozethoreauputic, ok but now how do i eject it?10:44
rafaelok look i new in linux my real question is the music the i have on my winamp of windows i want to in the ubuntu player whit amarok i can do that????10:44
glyntotem xine freezes whenever I run it, what's wrong?10:44
dooglusa couple of times in the video, Mr. Shuttleworth mentions something called "zorg".  Took me a while to figure out what he meant...10:44
thoreauputicrefuze2looze: eject /dev/cdrom10:44
PoStAlquick thing, i irc alot, trying to replace alot of my old mirc script functions, i just want to do something simple like auto identify, prompt me with a password dialog on connect. I'm using X-Chat and would prefer to do this so that the password isnt displayed on screen.10:44
thoreauputicrefuze2looze: use sudo if that doesn't work10:44
dooglus"zorg" is how you pronounce "x.org"?10:44
ChousukeI pronounce it xorg :P10:45
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vbgunz_PoStAl X-Chat has a replace function in one of its menus... look for it and you'll find it10:45
dooglusthe "." is silent?10:45
Chousukeor rather ksorg10:45
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refuze2loozethoreauputic, it gets stuck10:45
dooglushow do you pronounce "openoffice.org"?10:45
rafaelamarok can do that?10:45
glynanyone know what's wrong with my totem player?10:45
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thoreauputicrefuze2looze: define "stuck"10:46
Chousukedooglus: just as it's written, without the org part10:46
glynit freezes whenever I try to run it10:46
Chousukeand using finnish pronunciation.10:46
refuze2loozethoreauputic, sudo eject /dev/hdd and then nothing happens, acts like it's still runing the command10:46
Bateau_hey! iv got this little problem.... when i upload a file to ubuntu (my laptop) it gets chmoded to 640 :x when i upload files to the webdir, the file cant be read so i have to chmod manualy every file to 755. how can i change so that i dont have to chmod manualy10:46
ChousukeFinnish pronunciation is so damn hard to explain to English speakers even though it's bazillion times simpler :P10:47
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thoreauputicrefuze2looze: it umounted successfully?10:47
thoreauputicrefuze2looze: any error messages?10:47
refuze2loozethoreauputic, yes it unmounted10:47
p0windahChousuke: same with chinese10:47
thoreauputicrefuze2looze: and you are sure it is /dev/hdd ?10:48
Chousukep0windah: except chinese pronunciation is way more difficult than finnish10:48
osfameronHi, anyone know how I can find the "password for default keyring to unlock" which nautilus is asking me for?10:48
andrewIs amarok the best music player10:48
ChousukeFinnish doesn't even have much intonation10:48
osfameronMy own password is *not* it10:48
Chousukeonly word stress.10:48
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p0windahChousuke: 9 tones, but simple particle10:48
p0windahparticles, rather10:48
Shin_Goukihi, is there a way to install unicode on ubuntu?10:48
thoreauputicrefuze2looze: ctrl+c and try again10:48
rafaelok i jus goin to dowload amarok10:48
p0windahShin_Gouki: dpkg-reconfigure locales10:48
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vengefulactually snorks10:49
Chousukep0windah: As a general rule you could say Finnish has one sound per letter in the alphabet10:49
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vengefuli dont think this is very safe as ntfs10:49
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p0windahChousuke: ah ok, strict phonetics ?10:50
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vengefuli think it would need to be a fat32 to safely write to10:50
rafaelwhy every time i want to dowload something  the sinaptic program ask me for the ubuntu cd????10:50
bob2Shin_Gouki: yes, run the command I gave you10:50
Chousukeit's not always true, but that's what the language officials have tried to achieve in their recommendations about pronunciation10:50
osfameronrafael: you probably have the CD in your repositories list10:50
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p0windahChousuke: I imagine that helps improve levels of literacy in your country10:50
osfameronanyone got any suggestions about this keyring password?10:51
joe__Oh, I just had a great idea! We should roll all the debs on the depositorys into bz2balls for faster downloading! lol10:51
Shin_Goukibob2 mozilla is removed it did work!10:51
Chousukep0windah: well, Finnish is easier to read than English, yes.10:51
ChousukeIt wasn't always so though.10:51
Shin_Goukibob2, i just dont like it when i need an other command for uninstalling then for install , u know what i mean??10:51
korben78anyone able to help with configuring xorg to use a 9600xt agp card?10:51
poningrup0windah: language belongs to the people not to some gov official10:51
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rafaelok  cut you explain that a litlle more10:52
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p0windahChousuke: you have a national/federal language department ?10:52
Chousukeponingru: but Finland has an agency that defines "book language"10:52
thoreauputicguys, #ubuntu-offtopic10:52
SlicerDicer-bob2, I went crazy deleted all the kernels and then installed the kernel package for AMD64 and it works now :)10:52
Chousukeie. the formal language one should use in writing, mostly :/10:52
p0windahwe were exploring unicode issues...10:52
=== p0windah coughs
Shin_Goukiohoh unicode issues?10:53
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thoreauputicp0windah: haha - still #ubuntu-offtopic I say :)10:53
SlicerDicer-bob2, I figured my computer was broken the worst that could happen is I would have to revive my system with livecd *grin*10:53
bob2Shin_Gouki: then you shouldn't be using apt-get10:53
ChousukeLet me say this: Acrigola's first attempts at written Finnish look ridiculous to a modern Finn. D:10:53
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Shin_Goukibob2 , what i should be using then?10:53
Chousukehe used w, x, c, b, and all weird letters we don't need.10:53
bob2Shin_Gouki: aptitude or synaptic10:53
osfameronah, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47114 shows someone with the same problem and no answer10:54
ubotuosfameron: Are you smoking crack?10:54
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rafaeldiablossssssssssssssssssss i dont understant10:54
vbgunz_rafael: don't quote me but if you sudo into the /apt/etc/sources.lst file (I belive that's it) you can get it to stop *if* you comment the topmost line asking for your CD10:54
talios'lo ubuntu10:54
bob2rafael: enough10:54
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osfameronwell, not quite the same problem - I don't remember setting a keyring password10:54
Shin_Goukibob2, is this gui? i like command prompt and im using icewm10:54
osfameronbut I don't for the life of me know what it is10:54
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taliosanyone here know anything about ubuntu's squeak packages?  I see the inisqueak script mentioned, but nothing seems to be installed10:55
bob2Shin_Gouki: why don't you have a look?10:55
Shin_Goukibob2, where do i have to look?10:55
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Shin_Goukibob2, my ubuntu is a "server" install10:55
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Shin_Goukibob2, my ubuntu is a "server" install, with custum gui, 550 MB10:56
ZalborHey, have the backport repositories disappeared?10:56
Navatiuubuntu can be used as server now?10:56
dooglusNavatiu: yes.10:56
=== glyn [n=glyn@71-9-74-77.dhcp.hspr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Navatiui recall when i read the post that it seem not ready.. must be old news. :)10:56
vengefulshin why o why did you make a server install hehe10:56
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Shin_Goukii like it it rocks for me :D10:56
glynhow do I install plugins for movies for totem?10:56
bob2Shin_Gouki: sudo aptitude10:56
vbgunz_Shin_Gouki: when you install as server you get no GUI correct?10:57
thoreauputicShin_Gouki: type aptitude and you will see it doesn't require GUI10:57
Navatiuhi osf.10:57
Shin_GoukiwoW thx guys ^ ^10:57
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ZalborI can't reach them at all10:57
glynI get the error video codec "MS WMV 9 (win32)" is not handled10:57
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Navatiui dont want GUI when it come to server install.10:57
bob2glyn: just use xine or mplayer10:57
vbgunz_anyone know of the best POSIX reference guide ever!?10:57
bob2Navatiu: awesome, lucky that's so simple then10:57
bob2vbgunz_: SUSv310:57
vbgunz_I want opinion10:57
Navatiuthat why i never use MS for server install10:58
Shin_Goukii need it because im only with p 233 mhz , 128 mb ram10:58
dooglusChousuke: when you use mplayer, do you see special finnish characters in the subtitles ok?10:58
vengefulo lol10:58
vbgunz_bob2: SUSv3?10:58
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osfameronaha http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65663&highlight=keyring suggests how to delete the current keyring..10:59
bob2vbgunz_: yes, it contains basically all of POSIX, and it's freely available (unlike posix)10:59
glyndpkg: status database area is locked by another process what is this?10:59
vbgunz_is it a pdf? im searching google now10:59
p0windahglyn: you're using apt or synaptic somewhere else10:59
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psycodei've downloaded openoffice 2.0 and its all RPM's, is there a way to install them on ubuntu ?11:00
p0windahpsycode: openoffice.org2 is already in ubuntu...11:00
doogluspsycode: installing breezy is probably the easiest way11:00
rafaelnobady in the spanish chanel  crapp11:00
bob2psycode: why bother? openoffice 2 is in ubuntu already.11:00
vbgunz_I think I fund something11:00
vbgunz_bob2: is this what you mean? http://www.unix.org/single_unix_specification/11:01
vbgunz_bob2: version 3?11:01
bob2vbgunz_: that looks right11:01
Shin_Goukivbgunz_ yes correct i had no gui , but <<kemik>> gave me a very nice LOW level guide based upun server install so it worked dman nice!11:01
vbgunz_bob2: thank you11:01
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vbgunz_Shin_Gouki: thank you!11:01
bob2vbgunz_: tho, I dunno if it's what you were asking for11:01
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vbgunz_ I am looking for the universal linux cli commands reference... sort of like cp, mv, etc but will a fuller list... something that will explain a bit too would be nice11:02
psycodep0windah, bob2, thanks i'm downloading :)11:02
rafaelahhhhhhh i am to tired  i goin to slepp thanks for your help  see you people11:02
bob2vbgunz_: that's probably not what you want then11:02
p0windahpsycode: we live to but serve11:02
Shin_Goukivbgunz, u l never learn all command , try  most thing on ur own if u get stuk ask here11:03
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Shin_Goukivbgunz, this place is babylon u may find ANY answer here!11:03
glynI installed mplayer 586 and I get the error new_face failed.  maybe the font path is wrong.  Please supply the text font file (~/.mplayer/subfont.ttf)11:03
bob2vbgunz_: perhaps http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/linux/cmd/11:03
vbgunz_bob2: nice11:04
vbgunz_bob2: very nice11:04
vbgunz_bob2 I hope this is it11:04
vbgunz_bob2: thats enough to get me started... I wish I had the PDF to it though... I'll see if I can buy it11:05
bob2vbgunz_: it's from "linux in a nutshell", from o'reilly.  I've heard it's a great book, but I've never read it11:05
korben78anyone else running a 9600xt and can help me with the xorb.conf?11:05
HrdwrBobI learnt perl from perl in a nutshell11:05
BurgerMannI bolloxed when scaling images using the gimp. I accidently scalled images bigger instead of smaller. Now my laptop runs like it was a Windows machine which haven't been booted for 6 months. Is there anyway to free up the memory?11:05
HrdwrBobit's a great book, gives you what you need to get it done and doesn't assume you're a retard11:06
HrdwrBobBurgerMann: quit gimp11:06
bob2BurgerMann: close gimp11:06
HrdwrBobBurgerMann: other than that, wait until all the apps are swapped back in11:06
vbgunz_thats exactly what I've been looking for... If I can learn just three commands a day, just three, by the end of a single year, I'll know more than a thousand Linux commands... that would put me in rank amongst the novice ;)11:06
Shin_Goukikorben what is ur prob?11:06
Shin_Goukikorben78 what is ur prob?11:06
bob2vbgunz_: hehe11:06
vbgunz_bob2: this is almost exactly what I've been looking for ;)11:06
HrdwrBobvbgunz_: it's not about knowing commands, there are probably under 100 core commands11:06
Kimahrii have a question... what is the module for the Crystal ISA PnP audio system?11:06
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BurgerMannoh :S11:07
korben78Shin_Gouki: i have followed the directions from http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&highlight=dma but it still comes up as using the Mesa 3d drivers11:07
bob2hm, I wonder if I could grep my shell history to see how many commands I've used in the past month11:07
bob2probably well under 10011:07
crimsunKimahri: depends. snd-cs4236 is what you probably want.11:07
korben78and im stupmed11:07
korben78stumped even11:07
glynI installed mplayer 586 and I get the error new_face failed.  maybe the font path is wrong.  Please supply the text font file (~/.mplayer/subfont.ttf)11:07
crimsunKimahri: if that one doesn't work, try snd-cs423211:07
vbgunz_HrdwrBob, I hope I am good... I am a GUI guy but love the standard of the CLI... I just really want to learn it and see how it could make me more effective, I am hoping it will teach me something I've been missing11:08
Shin_Goukikorben78 what do want ? openGL? ATI drivers runnig?11:08
bob2glyn: that's fine, ignore it unless you care about subtitles11:08
HrdwrBobvbgunz_: it's not really hard, just keep playing11:08
Kimahricrimsun: neither work.11:08
korben78Shin_Gouki: trying to get the ati 3d support working11:08
glynbob2>it won't play a file either11:09
glynit just freeezes11:09
korben78Shin_Gouki: i want it to use the fglrx drivers11:09
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crimsunKimahri: did you disable pnp in bios?11:09
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Shin_Goukikorben78 i suggest u go to ATI channel, here is more system related stuff11:09
Kimahricrimsun: it's a laptop, and the sound worked before i got rid of windows11:09
Shin_Goukikorben78 and im to stupid to help u :/11:10
yanxuubuntu contect vpn11:10
korben78Shin_Gouki: been there, no activity atm.... guess i'll just wait... thanx anyway :)11:10
Shin_Goukino then ask here again11:10
Shin_Goukiwith:  trying to get the ati 3d support working, i want it to use the fglrx drivers11:11
=== darkmatter [n=darkmatt@206-163-248-76.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Shin_Goukikorben78 ask again to all they will help u here11:11
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korben78Shin_Gouki: onto it now... thanx :)11:11
crimsunKimahri: so what about pnp in bios?11:12
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glynI just installed mplayer-586 and it won't run11:12
glynany advice?11:12
glynit just freezes11:12
Kimahricrimsun: tha ti wouldn't know, because it's still in the same shape i bought it in.  i haven't been in  the bios yet.11:12
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crimsunKimahri: time to look in bios.11:12
Kimahriand it takes WAY too long to reboot.11:12
ubuntudo u know any software other than wine that i can use in my linux11:13
crimsunKimahri: well, it's up to you. lspnp -v output to paste.ubuntulinux.nl, please.11:13
talioshey crimsun11:13
crimsunhi mark11:13
talioscrimsun, do you know anything about ubuntu's squeak packages?11:13
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crimsuntalios: nope11:14
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taliosthey mention an inisqueak script (to create a local workspace and image) but the script doesn't seem to exist (the man page does thou)11:14
ubuntuhey guys do u have a software where i can install a microsoft package or games11:14
p0windahubuntu: linux isnt the best platform for windows games...11:15
Kimahricrimsun: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/275011:16
thoreauputicubuntu: enble universe and multiverse and you will have about 17 000 packages of software to choose from11:16
glynI just installed mplayer-586 and it won't run11:16
Navatiuyeah p0w true.. that the problem11:16
glynit just freezes11:16
glynany advice?11:16
glynso many errors on Ubuntu, I miss Windows..Heh11:16
Shin_Goukihi, what is the command to specify : 1. A DNS Server 2. a Gateway. 3. a Private IP adress11:16
crimsuntalios: please ask ogra about squeak*11:16
thoreauputicglyn: run it from a terminal, and paste the errors on a pastebin11:17
KimahriShin_Gouki: man interfaces11:17
Navatiui use window for something on my primary computer.. secondary computer i use to mess with linux or other stuff.11:17
Navatiuwho know11:17
ubuntuhi,,, guys11:17
Navatiuhi ubuntu11:17
ubuntuI miss windows11:17
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ccookeubuntu: what do you miss about it?11:18
Shin_Goukiubuntu windows is...11:18
BlankBubuntu: just curious why did you switch?11:18
Shin_Goukii like my ubunut :D11:18
p0windahShin_Gouki: 1. /etc/resolv.conf 2,3. /etc/network/interfaces11:18
Shin_Goukiits so fast even on 233 mhz :D11:18
PoStAlmy joke sense is tingling.11:18
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Shin_Goukithx p0windah11:19
ales_italiahi guys11:19
vbgunz_can Ubuntu read .CHM files?11:19
crimsunKimahri: what syntax did you use?11:19
Shin_Goukiof course11:19
Kimahricrimsun: ?11:19
Belutzvbgunz_, yes11:19
Shin_Goukiits just comlied help file11:19
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crimsunKimahri: to load each module11:19
gnarlsup linux11:19
Kimahricrimsun: just 'modprobe <module>11:19
Navatiusup gnarl11:20
vbgunz_Belutz does Ubuntu read it right out of the box or do I need to install something>?11:20
ndlovuis there some way to set up a "virtual" printer that automatically pipes through mpage?11:20
Belutzvbgunz_, you have to install xchm11:20
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ndlovuI'm tired of printing to a file first and then mpaging it to the printer11:20
vbgunz_Belutz: thank you for that pointer ;)11:20
Belutzvbgunz_, :)11:20
p0windahndlovu: you know about piping and filtering in bash ? look up ">", "<" and "|"11:21
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crimsunKimahri: what laptop is this?11:21
fwtest hi, i am looking for a rss reader, which can download also the message directly as soon as checking new one, thunderbird cant do this, anyone knows?11:21
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Kimahricrimsun: IBM ThinkPad 380D11:21
Kimahricrimsun: it's ancient, i know.11:21
selinium_how do I drop the init level to that of a server?11:21
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ndlovup0windah: yes, but haven't figured out how to automate the mpage printing without first printing to a .ps file and dropping to the command line.11:22
CzarAlexIm a linux noob. Id like to update gaim from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0. I downloaded the source, unpackaged it, ran ./configure, make, make install, and then re-clicked on my bottom panal but when i go to Help > About, it still says 1.4.0. What did I do wrong?11:22
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KimahriCzarAlex: did you restart gaim?11:22
ndlovup0windah: I'd like to be able to just print multiple pages per sheet from X11:22
crimsunKimahri: try snd-cs4231 then.11:22
Kimahricrimsun: same stuff.11:23
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CzarAlexKimahri, only by making sure it was closed off before clicking on the preexisting gaim icon. Even restarted the computer.11:23
KimahriCzarAlex: you may have to change the location of gaim from /usr/bin to /usr/local/bin11:23
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KimahriCzarAlex: on the icon, that is.11:23
p0windahCzarAlex: you are aware that gaim 1.5.0 is already in ubuntu breezy ?11:23
ubuntuguys do u know the fedora core 311:23
CzarAlexKimahri, lemme check that.11:23
darkmatterfwtest: have you tried liferea? it can update at a user specified interval.11:23
CzarAlexp0windah, Im using horay11:24
ales_italiai've a problem with SUSPEND TO RAM11:24
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p0windahCzarAlex: its gonna be released in about a week... atleast using the official debs you get updates11:24
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p0windahCzarAlex: the way you're doing it now, you've cut yourself off from ubuntu support and upgrades11:24
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bjvwhen i apt-get the package 'kdevelop3' it does not work out of the box11:25
bjvin order to compile any of the example templates requires apt package 'libtool' which is not automagically detected as a dependency and must be gotten manually.11:25
ubuntukimari have u install wine in your ubuntu??11:25
CzarAlexKimahri, the command for the icon just states gaim. I ran `which gaim` and it points to usr/local/bin11:25
fwtestdarkmatter, can it also download the body instead of only the subject?11:25
bjvwhat is this a failure of, and what is the best way to phrase the bugzilla report?11:25
darkmatteri believe so11:25
ales_italiai've an HP NX6125....with CPU ADM Turion 64 bit11:25
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HrdwrBobbjv: dependancy failure11:25
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CzarAlexp0windah, I used synaptic and noticed that it said I already had 1.5.0 installed, but Help > About in gaim said otherwise. why is that?11:25
darkmatterdon't have it installed atm11:25
aftertafgood (GetRelativeTime())  everyone :)11:25
darkmatterwill install and check11:25
ales_italiai've de-commented the following line: ACPI_SLEEP=TRUE11:25
abcdefghello all11:26
antisocialborishi, i need help setting up java11:26
abcdefgcan someone help me with wireless?11:26
ales_italiabut the suspend to ram doesn't work11:26
CzarAlexabcdefg, which adapter?11:26
gnarlthere is a tute on java when u DL it from http://java.com11:26
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ubuntuany have wine version in ubuntu????11:26
CzarAlexabcdefg, I mean what brand wireless hardware are you using?11:26
antisocialborisi followed their instructions when i d/l it but it doesnt seem to be working11:26
abcdefgzarAlex, I'm not sure. its internal.11:26
Kimahriabcdefg: what kind of laptop is this?11:27
abcdefgCzarAlex, it says Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5212 802.11abg NIC11:27
Venson"<ubuntu> any have wine version in ubuntu????" ....recursion? :>11:27
CzarAlexabcdefg, Okay thats beyond me. If it was wusb11 I could help.11:27
doogluscontrol-k has just started making new tabs in gnome-terminal.  is that a new breezy bug?  or did I mess my configuration up?11:28
mshadehow do I specify pop and smtp ports in evolution?11:28
abcdefgKimahri its a Toshiba11:28
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ales_italiahelp with suspend_to_ram????11:28
Kimahriabcdefg: atheros AR5212... lemme check to see which kernel module it is.  i can get you at least that far.11:28
Shin_Goukiales what is ur hardware11:28
p0windahCzarAlex: I have 1.5 installed in breezy and it works11:28
ubuntu<venson > do u have software where in can install a MS plaform???11:29
abcdefgok Kimahri, thanks ^_^11:29
Shin_Goukiales_italia describe ur problem a bit more detailed plz :)11:29
ales_italiado you mean what kind of pc i use?11:29
p0windahCzarAlex: hepl says 1.5 correctly, you may have compiled gaim, but it seems you have not installed it correctly11:29
CzarAlexp0windah, is the process to ./configure, make, make install?11:29
Vensonubuntu: erm...no. Wine or Cedega or Crossover do those tricks, just so you know11:29
ales_italiai try to follow the wiki.....so i do this:11:29
ales_italiaopen a  terminal11:29
ndlovuIf I choose print to file, can I insert a command there? So instead of specifying a .ps file, rather something like 'mpage -4 | lpr'?11:30
ales_italiasudo vim /etc/default/acpi-support11:30
Vensonubuntu: however, my philosophy is - if you want to use win apps, use windoze.....11:30
Kimahriabcdefg: or maybe not...11:30
p0windahCzarAlex: yes, but: sudo make install11:30
ales_italiai've de-commented the following line: ACPI_SLEEP=TRUE11:30
CzarAlexp0windah, Oo! would that cause the issues im having?11:30
ales_italiaafter i rebooted my machine11:30
antisocialborisi d/l jre-1... .bin and ran it in /usr/java and installed it, how do i get ff to notice it and work?11:30
ales_italiaand i've tried to suspend it11:30
Kimahricrimsun: any ideas on what i should do about my sound?11:31
p0windahCzarAlex: typically, yes11:31
ubuntuvenson what  is that?? is that a software by Microsoft? or a linux platform>11:31
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Shin_Goukiales_italia i know its hard but try to write in 2 TWO sentences so people can read ur problem11:31
abcdefgwhat is a ESSID?11:31
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crimsunKimahri: sec11:31
CzarAlexp0windah, okay thank you.11:31
Vensonubuntu: heh...all linux programs.11:31
Vensonubuntu: look them up11:31
Shin_Goukiales_italia i know its hard but try to write in 2 TWO sentences so people can read ur problem11:31
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selinium_Hi guys, how do I change the (i think this is right) init level to switch off all GDM stuff and leave me with command line?11:31
aftertafselinium:  you can sudo init 111:32
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Vensonselinium: /etc/inittab.....change the default from 4 or 5, to 311:32
aftertafif you have things like unmounting of /home to do11:32
ubuntukimahri... may i asked u a thing11:32
ales_italiascreen becomes black and machine doesn't suspend itself if i try to resume it i can...but i can't shutdown or reboot it11:32
Kimahriselinium_: init 311:32
Vensonselinium: that's a permanent change, btw....you can always change it back if you like.11:32
aftertafselinium:  but you dont need to change init level just to kill X and go to cmd line11:32
thoreauputicselinium: don't - use sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop|restart11:32
ubuntuvenson... ok .. where can i found those??11:32
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Vensonubuntu: www.google.com11:33
CzarAlexIf im running kubuntu, will I be able to update to breezy?11:33
aftertafCzarAlex:  yes11:33
Skidwhens breezy going to be released stable?11:33
Skidthe 13th ?11:33
KimahriSkid: see /topic11:33
thoreauputicOCt 1311:33
p0windahCzarAlex: you can upgrade right now if you like11:33
aftertafselinium:  what are you wanting to do?11:33
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aftertafhi thoreauputic :)11:33
thoreauputichi aftertaf :)11:33
CzarAlexp0windah, Shoudldnt i wait for the official release the 13th?11:33
CzarAlexaftertaf, thank you11:33
ubuntuvenson... ok thank.. do u used this windoze??11:34
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p0windahCzarAlex: I think if you are comfortable compiling your own applications, you should be fine11:34
Bateau_when i upload a file to ubuntu (my laptop) it gets chmoded to 640. when i upload files to the webdir, the file cant be read so i have to chmod manualy every file to 755. how can i change so that i dont have to chmod manualy?11:34
Vensonubuntu: erm...windoze = MS Windows (tm)11:34
Vensonubuntu: you must be new to linux =)11:34
crimsunKimahri: you'll need to reboot and see if there's a "quick boot" option in it. If so, disable it.11:34
selinium_aftertaf: I am runnning a PC a work, i just want to shut down all non-essential stuff and leave it running as a server till I get back to the office.11:34
crimsunKimahri: in bios, that is.11:34
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p0windahselinium: screensaver ?11:35
thoreauputicselinium: then use my command - init 1 turns off networking11:35
selinium_hi thoreauputic :)11:35
aftertafselinium:  ok, then you can do the invoke gdm stop thingy thoreauputic mentioned...; but11:35
ubuntuvenson.. what kind of linux do u used now??11:35
vbgunz_damn... I din't ask for too much... I just had to kill Firefox :(11:35
tenzinhello guys I have a question: In the Ubuntumenue (breezy) I dont find anymore the "starter-menu" (there where I can configure my grub at startup) I need to add MS back on grub....with wich command can I start it from the console?11:35
CzarAlexp0windah, comfortable? :) I feel like Im going to be sick when I do it. heh We`ll see :)11:35
=== Gnonthgol [n=knut@ti400720a081-3261.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
selinium_thoreauputic, what about init3 ?11:35
Vensonubuntu: Slackware11:35
Kimahricrimsun: well crap.  means i need to login to my desktop.11:35
thoreauputicselinium: won't do anything on ubuntu/debian11:35
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vbgunz_tenzin, I believe they removed it for good... I don't have it either but you can sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst to edit it by hand11:36
ubuntuvenson... do u install any games in ur linux?11:36
thoreauputicselinium: debian distros don't use level 3 as cli11:36
selinium_thoreauputic how do you keep all this info in without your head exploding? :)11:36
Vensonubuntu: no. i do not game.11:36
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Tadej`Certanchi ppl11:36
thoreauputicselinium: heh11:36
Kimahriselinium_: i believe that debian distros use level 2 as CLI11:36
Tadej`Certanchow come that I dont have grub.conf?11:36
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p0windahselinium: I have balloons attached to my ears11:36
ubuntuvenson.. any MS platform??11:36
KimahriTadej`Certanc: /boot/grub/menu.lst11:36
Tadej`Certancdoes ubuntu use grub boot loader?11:36
tenzinvbgunz: thx I try that (very poor that they removed it...it was beautyfull)11:36
aftertafKimahri:  nope.... init 2 is the default renlevel11:36
Tadej`CertancKimahri: thanks11:36
Vensonubuntu: can you please speak in full sentences so i don't have to guess?11:36
vbgunz_tenzin: I actuallyt mentioned it in here a couple days ago and nobody ever seened it before :P11:37
=== thoreauputic makes a general announcement: Ubuntu/Debian does not play runlevel games like other distros
ubuntuvenson.. have u install any Microsoft platform in ur linux??11:37
Vensonubuntu: that question makes no sense unless you're referring to something like VMWare11:38
selinium_thoreauputic, can you explain sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop|restart     for me. I like to konw why/what i am typing!11:38
Vensonubuntu: if you're asking me if i install Windows apps under linux, the answer is no11:38
thoreauputicinit 1 = no network, CLI : init 2 = default for evrything else11:38
vbgunz_Venson: you just gave him what he was looking for...11:38
abcdefghow do you reconfigure your eathernet card?11:38
tenzinvbgunz: hehe11:38
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Kimahriselinium_: just /etc/init.d/gdm stop will kill X11:38
thoreauputicselinium: you are shutting down / restarting the display manager11:38
Shin_Goukiabcdefg --> use ifconfig11:38
=== p00f shaves an Ubuntu logo in his bikini line...
thoreauputicselinium:  sudo invoke-rc.d does the same as sudo /etc/init.d/11:39
ubuntuvenson,,, ok.... im using the ubuntu now but i want to install game any software will u recommend??11:39
Vensonvbgunz_: people say i do have a way with newbies11:39
selinium_thoreauputic, Oh, cheers, I am used to the other way. :)11:39
vbgunz_Venson: how are you with ubern00bs?11:39
thoreauputicselinium: either way - invoke-rc.d is just a shorthand11:40
jmgok guys i want to file a bug on the state of suspend in my laptop but what package should i file it under? acpi or klaptop?11:40
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Shin_Goukithere is no such thing as a newbie, there are things which opeople dont know baed upon varied topics :D11:40
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Vensonvbgunz_: i eat them lol....jk. i've dealt with all kinds, really11:40
CzarAlexwhats the console command to check what kernel version i have11:40
jmgCzarAlex: uname -a11:40
Kimahrithoreauputic: i beg to differ.  you can tab-complete /etc/init.d/11:40
CzarAlexjmg, thank you.11:40
vbgunz_Venson: it's just funny seeing your conversation between you and Ubuntu...11:40
thoreauputicselinium: sudo /etc/init.d/* has the advantage that tab completion can be used11:40
egoleoUbuntu breezy?11:40
Vensonvbgunz_: yeah...i suppose there's a language barrier involved somewhere in there11:41
thoreauputicKimahri: yes, I just added that - you're right of course11:41
egoleohaving problem with mysql on Ubuntu breezy11:41
abcdefgcan someone help me with the install of ubuntu?11:41
CzarAlexegoleo, ive used it on hoary, perhaps I can help11:41
egoleou have the cd11:41
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egoleogiven me this error11:41
ubuntuhehhe.. im just curious guys.. and i just new with this linux thing..11:41
Shin_Goukiabcdefg, whats ur native language if it other then english i suggest go to ur native langue support channel : like: #ubuntu-fr or ubuntu-de11:41
vbgunz_dagnabit... frigging firefox keep freezing... no one worry, I am Windows and i am a professional...11:42
p0windahabcdefg: ask your questions and we'll try to help you out11:42
Kimahricrimsun: rebooting the laptop now11:42
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egoleoStarting MySQL database server: mysqld...failed.11:42
egoleo        Please take a look at the syslog.11:42
egoleo/usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed11:42
egoleoerror: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)'11:42
egoleoCheck that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' exists!11:42
selinium_CHeers all for your help11:42
abcdefgwhat kernal should I install? linux-386 linux-image-386 linux-image-2.6.10-5-386 ???11:42
=== p0windah slaps egoleo in the forehead
Vensonegoleo: install mysql-server yet?11:42
vbgunz_ok, I just killed firefox and will reformat and repartition the pc... brb11:42
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egoleoi have11:42
abcdefgwhat kernal should I install? linux-386 linux-image-386 linux-image-2.6.10-5-386 ???11:43
CzarAlexegoleo, did you follow the directions at ubuntuguide.org?11:43
Vensonegoleo: double check it for me again11:43
Navatiu... vbgunz. your firefox failed and you reformat? :)11:43
abcdefgwhat kernal should I install? linux-386, linux-image-386, or linux-image-2.6.10-5-386 ???11:43
selinium_egoleo, dont paste in this channel! :) use pastebin11:43
egoleoi have ok11:43
p0windahabcdefg: whats your cpu ?11:43
Shin_Goukiabcdefg, whats ur native language?11:43
vbgunz_Navatiu: I got it down packed... be up and running in 1011:43
abcdefg3.0ghz pent 411:44
abcdefgI'm American.11:44
egoleoso how do i get it working11:44
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Shin_Goukiok then good luck here ^^11:44
selinium_egoleo, what are you trrying to do?11:44
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egoleoi just installed the mysql-server11:44
vbgunz_Navatiu: I am just kidding... Firefox just acting funny atm11:44
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egoleoand want to start it11:45
selinium_egoleo, Here is the walk through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP11:45
egoleoand its given me that error11:45
Navatiuno way i would reformat just because firefox crash. heh11:45
Navatiuor rather freeze heh11:45
mahangucan I do dual monitors?11:45
abcdefgp0windah, I have a pent 4 3.0ghz processor.11:45
egoleotrying it11:45
Nermalabcdefg: poor thing11:45
Nermalinstall linux-68611:45
selinium_egoleo, sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start11:46
abcdefgme Nermal?11:46
p0windahabcdefg: apt-get install11:46
abcdefgok thanks ^_^11:46
p0windahabcdefg: linux-68611:46
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p0windahoopsie :)11:46
selinium_egoleo, if all installed correctly11:46
egoleothat is what i was doing it was given me that problem11:46
mahanguhow can i check if my video card supports it?11:46
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vbgunz_Navatiu: I need to reformat repartition my bed... I am sleepy11:46
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CzarAlexWhich application can I use? I want to plug in a frequency scanner and have the ambulance dispatches streamed to other people across the internet. I already have a working webserver up on the box.11:46
selinium_how did you install mysql? Have you connected it apache?11:47
Navatiuok vbgunz11:47
Navatiuhave a good sleep, vbgunz11:47
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vbgunz_Navatiu: not going to sleep, am googling for something *but* I am dead tired and I should be hitting the sheets11:48
Kimahricrimsun: i'm in the bios now... what am i looking for?11:48
abcdefgis anyone on a wireless connection?11:49
abcdefgbecause I'm having issues11:49
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vbgunz_abcdefg: whats the issue?11:49
vbgunz_abcdefg: whats the OS you on?11:49
vbgunz_abcdefg: whats the issue?11:49
abcdefgmy wireless can't find the network.11:49
vbgunz_abcdefg: sorry, I didn't know I typed that twice :P11:49
abcdefgMy OS is Ubuntu Linux.11:50
crimsunKimahri: "quick boot" or something along those lines11:50
vbgunz_your wireless card is configured and active?11:50
selinium_egoleo, have you connect MySQL to the apache?11:50
abcdefgI belive so vbgunz_11:50
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Kimahricrimsun: there is no option like that in there.11:50
vbgunz_double check, I had an issue once where my wireless card kept getting deactivated for no reason11:51
Kimahriremember this is a laptop, designed to get out of the bios as fast as possible.11:51
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egoleoi just want only mysql11:52
mwqlhow would i set up ssh tunnelling?11:52
Kimahrimwql: man ssh11:52
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mwqlkmahri: i have, but am really stuck11:52
Bateau_when i upload a file to ubuntu (my laptop) it gets chmoded to 640. when i upload files to the webdir, the file cant be read so i have to chmod manualy every file to 755. how can i change so that i dont have to chmod manualy?11:53
Kimahrimwql: all a tunnel is is basic port forwarding11:53
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mwqlKimahri: thx for the tip, i didnt know that11:53
p0windahBateau_: how are you uploading them ?11:53
johnnybezakis there a way to get OOo to use the gnome theme11:53
irubateau : upload under the username of apache user11:53
johnnybezakmines all ugly and silver11:53
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CzarAlexwhat program can I use to stream audio from a microphone to others?11:54
p0windahCzarAlex: gnomemeeting11:54
Bateau_i upload to public_html dir of the user i upload with. i use FTP11:54
p0windahBateau_: look in your ftp servers configuration files then11:54
CzarAlexp0windah, hmm..does that allow someone to connect via a webaddy and open up something like Win Media player (most users will be on windowz)11:54
johnnybezakits cool found the package11:55
Bateau_p0windah: where can i find that?11:55
irubateau: i don't know if ftp uses it, but file creation mask (umask) usually set in .profile11:55
p0windahCzarAlex: its comparable to netmeeting I believe11:55
p0windahBateau_: typically in /etc/11:55
ales_italiaHP NX6125 AMD Turion 64bit 80 GB HD 512 RAM. Problem with suspend to ram, i inserted the line ACPI_SLEEP=TRUE in the /etc/default/acpi-support file, i rebooted and restarted the machine and tried to suspend it, but it doesn?t work! The screen is black, but it doesn't switch off itself, if i try to resume it, i can do it, but i can't shutdown or reboot it. Any ideas?11:55
vbgunz_I have a general question... I have another computer in the room with me... no one is using it so how can I take advantage of it's processing power? Sort of like my own personal SETI project... a teeneeweenee grid so to say...11:55
CzarAlexp0windah, ok thanks.11:55
crimsunKimahri: disable pnp os11:55
Kimahricrimsun: no such option in bios.11:55
crimsunyou don't have a Plug n play option at all?11:56
Kimahricrimsun: nope.11:56
crimsunugh, this is going to be messy11:56
Kimahricrimsun: it uses a proprietary ibm bios.11:56
Kimahriit's not the standard Award / Phoenix i'm used to :)11:56
crimsunno quick boot/fast boot/easy boot, etc?11:57
Kimahrilol nope.11:57
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Bateau_p0windah: i cant find anything there11:57
selinium_egoleo, How are you getting on?11:57
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p0windahBateau_: whats the name of the ftp server you installed ?11:57
crimsunKimahri: ok, you'll need to pass the parameters to modprobe explicitly then11:57
Kimahricrimsun: using old hardware is an exercise in patience.11:57
crimsunKimahri: or try the ps2.exe utility11:57
Bateau_p0windah: i dont realy know. ftp just worked when i installed :x11:57
Kimahricrimsun: so you want me to reboot it?11:57
selinium_vbgunz_ yep!11:57
Kimahricrimsun: it's linux only, so i don't know if i can use .exe files.11:57
p0windahwhats the default ftp daemon for ubuntu ?11:58
crimsunKimahri: sure. If you don't have any of those options, there's nothing much to be done except to brute-force the module parameters11:58
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Kimahricrimsun: ok... brb.  i have time for a cigarette while its rebooting11:58
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vbgunz_selinium_ hello11:58
Kimahricrimsun: pretty sad, eh?11:59
abcdefgdoes this distro use apt-get?11:59
selinium_vbgunz_ I can send you a file with the details on how to do it.. if you want. Ita full tutorial11:59
Kimahriabcdefg: yes it does11:59
selinium_vbgunz_, the SETI thing11:59
ales_italiaHP NX6125 AMD Turion 64bit 80 GB HD 512 RAM. Problem with suspend to ram, i inserted the line ACPI_SLEEP=TRUE in the /etc/default/acpi-support file, i rebooted and restarted the machine and tried to suspend it, but it doesn?t work! The screen is black, but it doesn't switch off itself, if i try to resume it, i can do it, but i can't shutdown or reboot it. Any Ideas?11:59
alphaHello, what is the name of the main ubuntu config/update tool?11:59
vbgunz_selinium: oh you man the grid11:59
Shin_Goukialpha, apt-get?12:00
Shin_Goukialpha, aptitude?12:00
selinium_ales_italia, the gui is synaptic12:00
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ales_italiawhat do you mena?12:00
selinium_alpha, , the gui is synaptic12:00
vbgunz_sure, send me docs thats a blessing... I have 2 2.8 more than 2G ram together ... that'll be nice12:00
Bateau_p0windah: how can i find out?12:00
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alphaaptiude it was, thank you :)12:00
selinium_ales_italia, Sorry tabbedthe wrong nick :)12:00
glyncan anyone help me please to get a movie player that can play certain wmv files?  it'd be a blessing to get this to work12:00
ales_italiano problem!12:00
crimsunKimahri: apologies if my responses are lagged. I have a highly critical ALSA bug to squash by this afternoon.12:00
p0windahBateau_: open a terminal and type "ftp localhost"12:01
Shin_Goukihey someone help him ^12:01
Shin_Gouki^ ^12:01
Bateau_p0windah: 220 localhost.localdomain FTP server (Version 6.4/OpenBSD/Linux-ftpd-0.17) ready.12:01
darkmatterglyn: vlc does this. so does xine and mplayer12:01
Shin_Goukihi what is the config tool for ubuntu standard firewall?12:02
selinium_vbgunz_, ok just downloading to my machine from my other one! :)12:02
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p0windahBateau_: type "man ftpd"12:02
vbgunz_cool selinium_ do you see a difference?12:02
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thoreauputicShin_Gouki: there are several - the easiest is probably firestarter12:02
darkmatterShin_Gouki: if you need a gui firewall, insatll firestarter12:02
NvidiotOkay, I *must* be overlooking something silly, but I can't seem to install libdvdcss2. apt-get tells me it can't find it. I have added the multiverse repository to the sources.list... http://pastebin.com/382473 that's my sources.list12:02
p0windahBateau_: or to quickly track down the config files, type "dpkg -L ftpd | grep \/etc"12:03
Shin_Goukii did the ubnuntu server install what firewall IS there on by DEFAULT?12:03
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thoreauputicShin_Gouki: erm - no12:03
Shin_Goukino firewall by default?12:03
thoreauputicShin_Gouki: iptables is built in to the kernel12:03
thoreauputicShin_Gouki: there's no servers listening by default12:04
Shin_Goukiif i install now firestarter will there be any conflicts?12:04
selinium_vbgunz_, I have offered you the file :)12:04
thoreauputicShin_Gouki: no12:04
alphaHow do I configure a ISA sound card under ubuntu?12:04
Shin_Goukido i need to disable , iptables?12:04
thoreauputicShin_Gouki: you only need a firewall if you run internet services12:04
vbgunz_ok accepted12:04
Myrttiwould you guys have any ideas on how to convert a wma file to mp3 or ogg without mplayer?12:04
vbgunz_selinium_ I am downloading it now12:04
Kimahricrimsun: it's alright.  ok... i'm staring at a login screen, so tell me what to do :)12:05
Shin_Goukithroeauputic, i am paranoid i need ALWAYS a firewall :)12:05
selinium_vbgunz_, There you go, have fun!12:05
thoreauputicShin_Gouki: Ubuntu ships without any "listening" ports12:05
Shin_Goukithroeauputic, that is kinda a relief12:05
Shin_Goukithroeauputic, that is kinda a relief, unlike windows u guess :D12:05
CzarAlexthanks for the help guys. have a good morning.12:05
Nvidiotany idea about the libdvdcss2 ?12:06
mwqlKimahri: remote port forwarding --> is that a tunnel success?12:06
Shin_Goukican someonle plz help: ales_italia?12:06
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Kimahrimwql: dunno... i hardly have reason to tunnel stuff through12:06
vbgunz_selinium_ i am currently in Windows working and waiting on someone but when I boot into Ubuntu, I will give it a serious check as I've always been so interested in it. Thank you so much. Do you experience the difference in any way on your network?12:06
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crimsunKimahri: log in, open a Terminal12:07
Nvidiotit has to be something silly I'm overlooking here, but I've got no idea what it can be... I followed the info on the wiki and the unofficial starter guide, but it doesn't work12:07
Kimahricrimsun: no need... already ssh'd to it12:07
bigfoot1How can I make my desktop display a webpage (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/personalapplet.html). I want to display the time of various countries.12:07
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ales_italiaHP NX6125 AMD Turion 64bit 80 GB HD 512 RAM. Problem with suspend to ram, i inserted the line ACPI_SLEEP=TRUE in the /etc/default/acpi-support file, i rebooted and restarted the machine and tried to suspend it, but it doesn?t work! The screen is black, but it doesn't switch off itself, if i try to resume it, i can do it, but i can't shutdown or reboot it. Any Ideas?12:08
glyndarkmatter>I installed VLC, yet when I open the wmv file I'm trying to play, I get no sound nor video12:08
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Navatiumaybe you need W32codec?12:08
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Bateau_p0windah: i cant find anything :(12:08
lamer1I've installed prismstumbler but Icon on my Applications menu points to /usr/bin/pts ( wich does no exist ) is some mistake or am I missing something...?12:08
glynwhere do I get w32 codec?12:09
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Shin_Goukiquestion: i installed printer-drivers, do i need to reboot system get things workin?12:09
glynwell VLC isn't even playing mp3s12:09
Nvidiotglyn: it's on the wiki12:09
glynit seems whatever media player I try, it doesn't work12:09
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Nvidiotglyn: you have to install a library first12:09
darkmatterglyn:easiest way is to grab EasyUbuntu from the forums12:09
Shin_Goukiquestion: i installed printer-drivers(apt-get install cupsomatic-ppd), do i need to reboot system get things workin?12:09
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glyninstall a library..how?12:10
Nvidiotglyn: read this -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideMultimedia12:10
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Nvidiotglyn: note that I am stuck with libdvdcss2 that's mentioned there12:11
selinium_Shin_Gouki, you do not neeed to reboot with linux. Sometimes you mat need to restart the application12:11
crimsunKimahri: try: sudo modprobe snd-cs4236 isapnp=0 dma2=0 dma1=1 irq=5 sb_port=0x220 fm_port=0x388 mpu_port=0x201 cport=0x538 port=0x53412:11
selinium_Shin_Gouki, what printer are you trying to get working?12:11
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Kimahricrimsun: of course leaving out the sudo part because i set the root password.12:11
Shin_Goukiselinium, what application i need to restart after installing pritner drivers?12:11
Shin_Goukiselinium, HP. DJ 690C12:12
rekrutacja /msg NickServ IDENTIFY kasia12:12
selinium_shawarma,  none, system/admin/printers   gui for installing printers12:12
rekrutacjaooops :-)))12:12
korben78heh... time to change the password :P12:12
Nvidiotrekrutacja: time to change the password :P12:12
abcdefghow do you make a new network connection in ubuntu?12:13
Nvidiotand next time type that in the status window, not in a channel window :P12:13
Kimahricrimsun: FATAL: Error inserting snd_cs4236 (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/sound/isa/cs423x/snd-cs4236.ko): No such device12:13
KimahriFATAL: Error running install command for snd_cs423612:13
glynhmm another error..I can't run synaptic.  "Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file."12:13
selinium_vbgunz_, What do you think?12:13
kikinovakHi. I just installed a dhcp server (ubuntu, 'server') on a small LAN, and it rocks. Q: how is hostname attribution supposed to be managed? In each machine's /etc/hostname? Or via dhcpd.conf?12:13
lamer1I've installed prismstumbler but Icon on my Applications menu points to /usr/bin/pts ( wich does no exist ) is there some mistake or am I missing something...?12:13
vbgunz_selinium_ sorry, I am not in Ubuntu at the moment12:13
korben78Nvidiot: great minds eh?? ;)12:13
iruabcd, u sound like gates man12:13
crimsunKimahri: ok, try snd-cs4232 with those parameters12:14
iruwe don't have no network neighbourhood and new network conections on linux12:14
Shin_Goukiwhat do i need to get my Printer: HP DJ 690C workin?12:14
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Nvidiotkorben78: I've been on irc for a while, it suprises me he wasn't ghosted after one second :)12:14
Kimahricrimsun: same12:14
crimsunKimahri: remove isapnp=012:14
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NvidiotI *must* be overlooking something silly, but I can't seem to install libdvdcss2. apt-get tells me it can't find it. I have added the multiverse repository to the sources.list... http://pastebin.com/382473 that's my sources.list12:15
Kimahricrimsun: same.12:15
crimsunKimahri: with snd-cs4236, too?12:15
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aaronhi all12:15
Kimahricrimsun: yep12:15
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crimsunKimahri: ok, then you have to find a way to disable plug n play on that bios.12:15
Shin_Goukihi question: what do i need to get my Printer: HP DJ 690C workin?12:15
aaronhow do you make the network connection icon work? when using a new connection?12:15
crimsunKimahri: try looking on the various thinkpad resources12:15
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DjKriticalCan anyone tell me how to restart the 'sound' service?...12:16
Nvidiotaaron: set the properties of the network icon to the proper network card. I've got two, one for my wireless, the other one for my non-wired port12:16
Kimahricrimsun: sound isn't *that* important... i normally only run nxclient on it, and i was just trying to figure out how to make it work so i could forward sound through12:16
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aaronthanks Nvidiot12:17
NvidiotDjKritical: I suppose one could unload the sound kernel module and load it again... not exactly the cleanest way though12:17
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aaronhow do I become root user in gnome with ubuntu?12:17
crimsunDjKritical: sudo invoke-rc.d alsa force-restart12:17
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Hendriccan anyone help me with samba? i shared a folder from this computer using the "Shared Folders" GUI.. but still i can't access them coz its asking for a password..12:17
KimahriDjKritical: /etc/init.d/alsa restart12:17
DjKriticalWell... the reason being.. I have usb headphones + onboard sound... and my onboard sound has stopped working!12:18
Nvidiotaaron: you do things with "sudo command_here"12:18
Kimahriaaron: use gksu12:18
aaronok thanks Nvidiot12:18
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DjKriticalalsa?... quick question... arn't I using ESD by default?...12:18
Shin_Goukiplz were i may find printer driver support?12:18
crimsunDjKritical: err, make that force-reload12:18
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crimsunDjKritical: sudo invoke-rc.d alsa force-reload12:18
KimahriDjKritical: ESD runs on top of alsa... ESD is a software mixer12:18
DjKriticalahh I see12:18
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crimsunin Breezy you can select the default sound device that esd uses12:19
DjKriticalin the multimedia selection... which should I choose?12:19
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DjKriticalbreezy?... but not in hoary?12:19
crimsunnot in Hoary.12:19
korben78Nvidiot: check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6765512:19
locomortoPersonally I think artsd works much better then esd12:19
DjKriticalmybe I should upgrade =)12:19
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Kimahrilocomorto: personally... i think both suck, as my sound card has hardware mixing12:19
thoreauputiclocomorto: *anything* works better than esd12:20
locomortoBut most people dont have a hardware mixer12:20
Kimahrilocomorto: if you have an SB! live or better, you do :)12:20
=== DjKritical puts up his hand
DjKriticalI do I do :D12:20
KimahriDjKritical: not talking about DJ equipment :P12:20
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Nvidiotkorben78: I can't search... lol But why is this not on any of the ubuntu mirrors?12:20
DjKriticaloh... nevermind lol12:20
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glynI have an error..I can't run synaptic.  "Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file."12:21
aaronwhat is a good MP3player for ubuntu?12:21
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Kimahriglyn: use aptitude.12:21
rekrutacjahow to change password on freenode? faq says nothing about it...12:21
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Kimahrirekrutacja: /msg nickserv help12:21
thoreauputicglyn: try sudo chown youruser:youruser ~/.Xauthority12:21
bigfoot1TO anyone: how can i get world time on my desktop/ubuntu? what's the easy way?12:21
selinium_aaron xmms or beep-media-player12:22
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thoreauputicglyn: where "youruser" is glyn or whatever12:22
selinium_aaron you will need to enable mp3 playback12:22
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glynwhat is the ~/?12:22
locomortoaaron: rhythmbox is not horrible either12:22
aaronhow do I do that selinium?12:22
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glyndirectory path?12:22
Kimahriglyn: ~/ is shorthand for /home/<user>12:22
DjKriticalI don't suppose there is a way to upgrade to breezy from hoary?12:22
thoreauputicglyn: just means your home directory12:22
locomorto!tell aaron about mp312:22
selinium_!tell aaron about mp312:22
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Bateau_how much space does Ubuntu need? will a 9Gb disk be enough?12:23
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locomortoBateau_: yes12:23
SkidBateau_: yeah, plenty12:23
locomortoselinium_: too slow :P12:23
selinium_aaron, you have just been told...twice! :)12:23
guoweiwill 4Gb be enough?12:23
KimahriBateau_: yes, it'll be plenty.  i have ubuntu running on an ancient laptop with only a 2G hard disk12:23
SkidI've had it on a 1.2GB drive before12:23
selinium_locomorto, indeed!12:23
Bateau_cause i just got a msg in the install, that there was not enough disk space :x12:23
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rekrutacjaKimahri thanks12:23
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locomortoBateau_: is it all aviable for ubuntu?12:23
locomortoOr is windows/something else12:24
korben78Nvidiot: try adding deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main restricted universe multiverse12:24
locomortoon there as well?12:24
glynglyn@Haksmoke:~$ sudo chown glyn:glyn /home/glyn/xauthority chown: cannot access `/home/glyn/xauthority': No such file or directoryglyn@Haksmoke:~12:24
guoweibtw, when i am installing ubuntu 5.10 for ppc, same error occurs everytime12:24
Bateau_locomorto: yes12:24
Kimahriglyn: it's .Xauthority12:24
Bateau_no windows12:24
aaronselinium my firefox browser says I'm offline have any idea why?12:24
Bateau_i formated12:24
locomortoglyn: .xauthority *12:24
guoweisomething related to "/var/....."12:24
Kimahriglyn: so /home/glyn/.Xauthority12:24
rekrutacjais tehre anyone with small children? i'm looking for people with experience in introducing kids to computers12:24
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glynk thanks, I did that12:25
thoreauputicglyn: also note *nix is case sensitive12:25
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Nvidiotkorben78: running apt-get update now, lets try again12:25
aaronfirefox says I'm offline how do I fix that?12:25
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Nvidiotkorben78: missing still12:25
ubotusources is, like, at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy)12:25
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glynstill get the same error12:25
=== Kimahri loves his headphones... sounds like a couple of subw00fers in my ears.
thoreauputicglyn: in your home dir type  ls -l .Xauthority12:26
thoreauputicglyn: what does that say?12:26
Nvidiotkorben78: and if I do sudo dpkg -i http://url_to_libdvdcss that was referenced in that forum post I get an error too12:26
Kimahriaaron: file -> work offline (make sure that's not checked)12:26
thoreauputicglyn: correction  ls -al .Xauthority12:26
Nvidiotkorben78: it says that it can't find the file even though I copied & pasted the full url to the deb file12:26
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kbrooksNvidiot: grab it12:26
kbrooksdon't pass the full url12:26
kbrookswget -c http://url12:27
Nvidiotkbrooks: ah okay :)12:27
kbrooksand sudo dpkg -i ...12:27
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Kimahrii remember you, kbrooks... a fed up gentoo user moved away :P12:27
Kimahrihello fr00d12:27
fr00dI've a Problem: I forgot my root password.12:27
korben78hiya fr00d12:27
fr00dWhat can I do?12:27
glynglyn@Haksmoke:~$ ls -l .Xauthority-rw-------  1 glyn glyn 119 2005-10-04 01:53 .Xauthority12:27
kbrooksNvidiot: dpkg doesnt support web retrival12:28
thoreauputicfr00d: unless you made one, you don't have one12:28
Kimahrifr00d: sudo passwd root12:28
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kbrooksNvidiot: only apt, and thats by a file12:28
thoreauputicKimahri: don't encourage that, please12:28
Nvidiotkbrooks: understood :)12:28
Nvidiotnow the next bit on the list is gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse12:28
ubotuI heard root is disabled in Ubuntu, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo12:28
korben78Nvidiot: any luck?12:28
NvidiotI have libdvdcss2 installed now, next bit is that gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse12:29
thoreauputicglyn: your output looks normal12:29
korben78excellent...glad to see its progressing :)12:29
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Kimahrii'm just curious... who in their lsb-non-compliant mind had the idea to disable root?12:29
korben78anyone here able to help with an ati 9600xt config?12:29
thoreauputicglyn: what happens if you type sudo synaptic ?12:30
thoreauputicKimahri: read ubotu's URL - this debate is OLD12:30
glyncommand not found12:30
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fr00dGreat! thx12:30
DjKriticalokay..  I've tried my best to fix this myself.... I have 2 sound devices... onboard and usb... I just want onboard to work again.... hoary hedgehog =(12:30
Nvidiothttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats <- I'm following that, and the one with gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse fails, even though I have multiverse in my sources.list12:30
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thoreauputicglyn: do you have synaptic installed?12:30
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glynI've used it before12:31
aftertafKimahri:  distro to help newcomers.... so root disabled means less damage easily done12:31
thoreauputicglyn: then you made a typo probably12:31
johnnybezakhey guys, i'm being told that I've run out of place on my disk. when I do a dh -h it says that the partition mounted on /home has 30 gig's and 30 gig's free. how come my home dir which is at /home/johnnybezak isn't on the /home partition with all the free room?12:31
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thoreauputicglyn:  sudo synaptic12:31
korben78Kimahri: there is still a root console available12:31
jiphow can i create /dev/dvb -filesystem? i'm trying to get my Hauppauge DVB-T -card to work. should i install some packages or what?12:31
glynyer right..typo..lol12:31
Kimahriaftertaf: root disabled but allowing sudo still doesn't make much sense.12:32
ales_italiaHP NX6125 AMD Turion 64bit 80 GB HD 512 RAM. Problem with suspend to ram, i inserted the line ACPI_SLEEP=TRUE in the /etc/default/acpi-support file, i rebooted and restarted the machine and tried to suspend it, but it doesn?t work! The screen is black, but it doesn't switch off itself, if i try to resume it, i can do it, but i can't shutdown or reboot it. Any Ideas?12:32
thoreauputicKimahri: *please* read the discussion on the wiki12:32
aftertafKimahri:  sort of... but you have to type sudo first and give your pw....12:32
Kimahrikorben78: i don't like doing Applications -> Run Application -> gksudo gnome-terminal12:32
aftertafok thoreauputic :)12:32
thoreauputic!tell Kimahri about rootsudo12:32
Kimahri. /ignore ubotu12:33
Nvidiotone could also just open a terminal and type sudo su :)12:33
Kimahrii already have that site open12:33
thoreauputicKimahri: in gnome-terminal type sudo -i - voila, a root shell12:33
glynhow do I add the multiverse repository?  I'm on the wiki on adding repositories how to but it doesn't say12:34
Kimahrion my gentoo box, root cannot log in on the console or GDM, and the only way to root is through su -12:34
Nvidiotglyn: http://ubuntuguide.org/#dvdplayback12:34
Kimahriroot's also not allowed ssh12:34
Nvidiotglyn: don't put the 2 backport lines in though, those don't work12:35
glynah got multiverse going now12:35
Nvidiotglyn: let me know if apt-get complains about gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse for you too12:35
Seveas!tell Nvidiot about ubuntuguide12:37
NvidiotSeveas: okay, so the ubuntuguide isn't perfect, the wiki must be out of date too then12:37
Kimahrithoreauputic: at any rate, on my install of ubuntu, it asked me for a root pass, and root is enabled.12:38
Sonderbladewhen will ubuntu 5.10 be released?12:38
KimahriSonderblade: /topic12:38
glynhow do I remove programs?  I'm out of disk space and I can't figure out what's taking up so much space12:38
thoreauputicKimahri: you used the "expert" install option?12:38
aftertafglyn:  type df12:38
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Kimahrithoreauputic: yes, i did.12:38
SeveasNvidiot, with one big difference: the wiki doesn't conatain the heaps of errors ubuntuguide has and can be fixed by anyone instead of just one uncooperative editor12:38
aftertafsee where your disks are being choked.12:38
aftertafSonderblade:  13 oct12:38
thoreauputicKimahri: right - that option enables root (it assumes you know what you are doing)12:39
NvidiotSeveas: allright :) Tell me how to get gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse to work then? :)12:39
glynwhich filesystem would ubuntu be?12:39
aftertafglyn:  ext2/312:39
aftertafon "/"12:39
SeveasNvidiot, by installing them...12:39
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Kimahrithoreauputic: oh well.  i know how to secure systems.  ssh does not allow root to login, and neither does gdm, and it doesn't require a patched sulogin program12:39
glynI'm not seeing a ext 2/312:39
ompaulaftertaf, 3 is good12:39
NvidiotSeveas: at which point apt-get says it can't find it :)12:39
=== ompaul smacks head
SeveasNvidiot, enable multiverse12:40
aftertafglyn:  can you paste your df ot a pastebin?12:40
glynonly /dev/hda2, tmpfs, dev/hda1, /dev, none, and /dev/hdc12:40
NvidiotSeveas: I did12:40
SeveasALOYSIUS, drop the caps12:40
aftertafALOYSIUS:  dont shout12:40
glynhow do I paste it into the paste bin?12:40
ompaulALOYSIUS, turn off caps lock12:40
KimahriALOYSIUS: check your caps lock12:40
ubotuit has been said that pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl12:40
NvidiotI see ALOYSIUS problem... it's a stuck capslock12:40
kbrooksALOYSIUS: /nick aloysius12:40
Seveas!info gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse12:40
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waxheadhi everyone12:40
Seveas!info gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse breezy12:40
ubotugstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse: (All Multiverse GStreamer plugins), section multiverse/libs, is optional. Version: 0.8.11-0ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 18 kB, Installed size: 56 kB12:41
thoreauputicKimahri: the sudo option is partly there for newer users - although it works fine for more experienced users as well - it is just "different"12:41
NvidiotSeveas: isn't breezy the 'bleeding edge beta' version?12:41
SeveasNvidiot, the package appears only in breezy, if you run hoary you need to install the plugins one-by-one12:41
johnnybezakhey guys, when I do a df -h it says the partition mounted on /home is full but when I check how full /home is in gnome it says it's only got like 7 gigs in there. the partition is 30 gigs big.12:41
Kimahrithoreauputic: i'm too hardcoded to the traditional superuser model :P although i do admit that the sudo method is good for new users.12:41
SeveasNvidiot, it's RC quality12:41
NvidiotSeveas: great... how ? :)12:41
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SeveasNvidiot, install gstreamer0.8-faad gstreamer0.8-mad etc....12:41
glynaftertaf>I pasted it onto the pastebin12:41
thoreauputicKimahri: nothing new about sudo - used in many sites sincethe 1980s afaik12:42
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NvidiotSeveas: gotcha, let me fire up synaptic12:42
kbrooksthoreauputic: "new users"12:42
aftertafok glyn . looking....12:42
Kimahrithoreauputic: i never said sudo was new :P12:42
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ALOYSIUSCan anyone address my issue?12:42
aaronhow can I change the format of an MP3 to OGG?12:42
thoreauputicKimahri: I know - I'll rephrase that - I just was musing that the sudo model has been used for many years :)12:43
aftertafglyn:  your root is full dude12:43
aftertafglyn:  /dev/hda2              2128180   2084732         0 100% /12:43
glynhow do I fix that?12:43
Kimahriaaron: mpg321 <file> | oggenc <opts>12:43
thoreauputicKimahri: I should have been more precise :)12:43
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aftertafglyn:  do you have a lot of crap in home?12:43
aftertafglyn:  are you on breezy?12:43
ALOYSIUShow to enable serial mouse/12:43
aaronkimahri is their a way to do a full list of mp3's?12:43
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kbrooksmy / is not full ;)12:44
glynI'm on Hoary12:44
johnnybezakaaron: in a directory12:44
waxheadhow far off is breezy to being released?12:44
Kimahriglyn: check to see how full your /var/cache/apt/archives is: du -sh /var/cache/apt/archives12:44
glynI do have a lot in home, should I move it?12:44
Kimahriglyn: /topic12:44
aaronhow johnnybezak?12:44
aftertafglyn:  yeah, but to a different partition....12:44
johnnybezakls *.mp312:44
waxheadhas anyone changed their sources.lst to breezy yet?12:44
clapauciusi have12:44
kbrookswaxhead: it is trivial12:44
aftertafWax:  loads of ud12:44
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Kimahriaaron: for i in `ls -1 /path/to/mp3/folder`; do mpg321 <file> | oggenc <options>; done;12:45
aaronjohnny like this? mpg321 *.mp3 | oggenc *.ogg12:45
aftertafglyn:  you should get rid of apt cache too i think.12:45
waxheadso just change hoary to breezy?12:45
ubotuKimahri: Not a clue12:45
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ubotuThe guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade12:45
aaronhow do I get the MP3 plugin?12:45
glyn33M     /var/cache/apt/archives12:46
ubotuThe guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade12:46
Kimahriaaron: should just be able to apt-get install mpg32112:46
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aftertafglyn:  sudo apt-get clean or autoclean12:46
thoreauputicponingru: aha - useful thanks :)12:46
aftertaf33M isnt a lot.12:46
aaronkimahri would that download the mp3 plugin?12:46
ubotukbrooks: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?12:46
aftertafglyn:  buy a new hd. you have no room left man....12:46
ubotuBugger all, i dunno, kbrooks12:46
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=== kbrooks stops
aftertafonly 10 gig with boh win & linux aint a lot12:47
aaronwhat is the ubuntu wiki site?12:47
kbrooksaaron: wiki.ubuntu.com12:47
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poningruglyn: def or I would keep stuff in cds or something12:47
Kimahri!tell aaron about mp312:48
hansi_xpcan someone tell me where to download really cool themes?12:48
poningruhansi_xp: art.gnome.org12:48
thoreauputichansi_xp: as a start >> sudo apt-get install gnome-themes-extras12:48
hansi_xpi think i got/been to both of them two12:49
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aaronwhat are all the packages for the gnome themes?12:49
hansi_xpsometimes i see really freaking looking themes12:49
hansi_xpand i like how did they do that!12:49
johnnybezakhansi_xp: for gnome or kde? art.gnome.org gnome-look.org12:49
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thoreauputicaaron: scroll up12:49
poningruhansi_xp: you should also look in your repositories12:49
thoreauputicthere are icon packages too, I think...12:50
hansi_xpwhat's the best looking theme?12:51
thoreauputicgnome-extra-icons <<<12:51
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thoreauputichansi_xp: matter of taste12:51
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hansi_xpwhats your favourite theme?12:51
thoreauputichansi_xp: I quite like the Amaranth theme12:51
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Nvidiothey, no gcc in the default install?12:53
locomortoyou can't play H.264 in linux yet right?12:53
thoreauputicNvidiot: be12:53
HrdwrBobNvidiot: no, apt-get install build-essential12:53
locomortoNvidiot: build-essential12:53
thoreauputicNvidiot: install build-essential12:53
Nvidiot(trying to install sun jre, it complains about missing gcc :))12:53
Nvidiotokay :)12:53
locomortoNvidiot: use java-package and fakeroot12:53
=== thoreauputic 's alias failed him
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locomortoit is really easy and creates a .deb for you12:54
poningrulocomorto: yes you can12:54
Nvidiotlocomorto: yeah, the instructions mention that, I will, but I'd like gcc on my box in any case :)12:54
poningrulocomorto: have you tried vlc?12:54
=== cafuego_ is
kbrooksalias install="apt-get install" # this?12:54
locomortoponingru: I would rather not download 200mb and then find it wont work12:54
poningruum I dont think vlc is 200 mb12:55
johnnybezakfound my hidden gigabytes they were, wait for it, drumroll please *in the trash*12:55
poningrubut here is the website12:55
kbrooksthoreauputic: alias install="apt-get install" # this?12:55
locomortothe video file12:55
poningrulocomorto: oh gotcha12:55
cafuego_kbrooks: no, 'install' is an actual command.12:55
poningrulocomorto: yeah look under the video codecs12:55
thoreauputickbrooks: no, I was referring to an IRC client alias I have in irssi but forgot I didn't have in xchat :)12:55
cafuego_kbrooks: alias ag='apt-get install'12:55
kbrooksthoreauputic: I see.12:56
locomortohmm experimental12:56
cafuego_!fiond /usr/bin/install12:56
ubotucafuego_: I don't know12:56
cafuego_!find /usr/bin/install12:56
thoreauputickbrooks: in irssi I have "be" as an alias that says "sudo apt-get install build-essential"12:56
cafuego_!be is <reply> sudo apt-get install build-essential12:56
ubotucafuego_: okay12:56
kbrooksthoreauputic: Hehe.12:56
kbrooksubotu: forget be12:57
ubotui forgot be, kbrooks12:57
aftertafsudo apt-get install12:57
aftertafyeah :12:57
glynnvidiot>What were you having problems with?12:57
ubotuUbuntu Package/File/Desc Search of '/usr/bin/install' returned no results.12:57
thoreauputickbrooks: why did you tell the bot to forget that?12:57
ubotuaftertaf: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?12:57
cafuego_!be is <reply> sudo apt-get install build-essential12:57
ubotuokay, cafuego_12:57
cafuego_!lock be12:57
ubotucafuego_: locking factoid be12:57
kbrooksthoreauputic: I don't see the point of clutter in the bot12:57
=== cafuego_ gives kbrooksa dirty stare
Ngworst bot ever. /usr/bin/install belongs to coreutils12:58
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thoreauputiccafuego: that'll fix it :)12:58
kbrookscafuego_: It's clutter.12:58
poningruno because !build is already there12:58
Nvidiotglyn: gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse, but I installed the plugins manually, no problem12:58
ubotuit has been said that build is sudo apt-get install build-essential, or use the synaptic package manager to install the build-essential package: or ask me about synaptic12:58
thoreauputickbrooks: well cafuego owns the bot so tell him...12:58
Ngalso, worst bot ever for being a bloot ;)12:58
kbrooks!forget be12:58
ubotui forgot be, kbrooks12:58
cafuego_kbrooks: When he fills up i'll presonally rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/blootbot, I promise.12:58
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glynI couldn't install that either, but I just installed "gstreamer0.8-plugins"12:58
poningrukbrooks: dude dont go over the head of the guys who owns the bot12:58
kbrookscafuego_: use !build from now on12:58
aaroncan anyone tell me how to install the k3b-mp3 package?12:58
glynperhaps the multiverse extension under the wiki is broken12:58
johnnybezaki dont like the bot. it seems so impersonal12:59
aftertafaaron:  use synaptic12:59
aftertafaaron:  in breezy its a separate package12:59
cafuego_kbrooks: No, thankyou.12:59
aftertafjohnnybezak:  yeah, but such a time winner12:59
thoreauputickbrooks: erm - are you being a bit presumptuous ?12:59
kbrookscafuego_: ok then12:59
=== kbrooks gives up
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aftertafglyn:  dont think so12:59
aaronaftertaf I don't understand. I searched on it. and it says its for the x.org server.01:00
kbrooksWhat's python2.4-minimal?01:00
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aaronaftertaf apt-get install synaptic?01:00
aftertafaaron:  sudo apt-get install k3b-mp301:00
aaronI tried.01:00
johnnybezakaftertaf: i suppose :)01:01
aaronaftertaf the package isn't their01:01
aftertafaaron:  in which way did you fail then?01:01
aftertafaaron:  hmmm01:01
aftertaf!info k3b-mp301:01
kbrooksaaron: hoary?01:01
aftertaf!info k3b-mp3 breezy01:01
ubotuk3b-mp3: (The KDE cd burning application library - MP3 decoder), section universe/libs, is optional. Version: 0.12.2-0ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 30 kB, Installed size: 92 kB01:01
poningrukbrooks: iirc its without like a shit load of basic libs01:01
kbrooks!info k3b-mp3 hoary01:01
aftertafkbrooks:  dont exist. only in breezy01:01
kbrooksdoesnt exist in hoary01:01
kbrooksaaron: hoary or breezy?01:02
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aaronI wanted to use "music player" kbrooks.01:02
kbrooksaaron: Are you on Ubuntu 5.04?01:02
=== cafuego_ might be about to accuse ubotu of being broken (again)
aaronyes kbrooks.01:02
aftertafjohnnybezak:  yeah... but think of all the times you'd have to repeat yourself....01:02
kbrooksaaron: thats why01:02
thoreauputicaaron: sudoapt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad01:03
Shin_Goukihi question: what do i need to get my Printer: HP DJ 690C workin?01:03
aftertafahhhh; ok.01:03
thoreauputicaaron: insert a space after sudo ;)01:03
cafuego_!find bin/install01:03
kbrooksscrollkeeper is slow.....01:03
aftertafShin_Gouki:  use cups, install local, should have drivers already01:03
kbrooksWhat is it?01:03
BooZeeHello! I searched anywhere and couldn't find the answer: I have two languages on my ubuntu. How can I switch between them (the Alt+Shift action in windows..)01:03
aaronthireauputic, its not their.01:03
Shin_Goukiaftertaf: i installed printer-drivers(apt-get install cupsomatic-ppd), do i need to reboot system get things workin?01:03
cafuego_That's better :-)01:03
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aftertafShin_Gouki:  nope.01:04
poningruBooZee: what do you mean languages?01:04
aftertafShin_Gouki:  you on gnome or kde?01:04
thoreauputicaaron: then you need more repos01:04
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poningruBooZee: as in your keyboard or your locale?01:04
Shin_Goukiaftertaf:im on icewm01:04
aftertafponingru:  as in locales, i thnk01:04
thoreauputic!tell aaron about repos01:04
aftertafShin_Gouki:  oki...... :)01:04
poningruaftertaf: not possible cause windows does not do that iirc01:04
Shin_Goukiaftertaf:im on icewm,sooo? ^^01:04
poningruunless it does do that in pro01:04
cafuego_"21:04.21 tell: target = aaron, query = repos"01:04
BooZeeI mean that my ubuntu is in english, but it's Hebrew enabled..01:04
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kbrooksnow to reboot.01:04
poningruBooZee: you have to log out to do that01:04
aftertafponingru:  soooooo right. i'm being dense :/01:04
BooZeeno no..01:04
BooZeelet's say, w01:05
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poningruBooZee: yeah your keyboard01:05
poningruyou dont have to log out for that01:05
aftertafShin_Gouki:  dunno mate.....01:05
egoleocan't find mysqld.sock01:05
BooZeeoops. Lets say, I want to write in english (like I do know.) and suddenly, I want to write in hebrew01:05
poningruBooZee: you have to set the shortcut for that01:05
egoleocan someone help me01:05
BooZeeoh!! how do I do that?01:05
vexanick/ co_nafsu01:05
Shin_Goukiaftertaf, what do u do ongmone after installing drivers??01:05
Shin_Goukiaftertaf, do u restart?01:05
cafuego_egoleo: /var/run/mysqld01:05
totally_noobwhat is the best app for instant messanging like, and i mean MSN?01:05
aftertafShin_Gouki:  i have "kcmshell printmgr" with kde01:06
BooZeeponingru: how can I set a shortcut ?01:06
aftertaftotally_noob:  there are loads01:06
poningruBooZee: right click on one of your panels01:06
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egoleois not there01:06
cafuego_egoleo: That's where mysql.sock lives *IF* the mysql server is running.01:06
totally_noobaftertaf, i want something not gaim and not amsn please.. something better than them01:06
egoleowhen i try to start mysql01:06
poningruBooZee: and add to panel01:06
BooZeeif you mean a clickable shortcut, than I already have it.01:06
aftertaftotally_noob:  kmess, kopete01:06
egoleothat is the error it gives me01:06
totally_noobaftertaf, kmess is good?01:06
Shin_Goukiwhat service do i need to restart after installing printerdrivers? to get printer workin?01:06
ubotuParadoxx: Do they come in packets of five?01:06
BooZeeI want a keyboard shortcut - like Alt+Shift in windows01:06
totally_noobaftertaf, i tried kopete and i think kopete is silly01:07
egoleoit says it can't fine mysqld.sock01:07
totally_noobaftertaf, kmess is installed by default with ubuntu?01:07
poningruBooZee: oh01:07
cafuego_egoleo: Then the server isn't starting up.01:07
aftertaftotally_noob:  kmess aint bad.... its a new package in kde01:07
poningruhold on01:07
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totally_noobaftertaf, I use gnome :(01:07
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BooZeethank you!01:07
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Paradoxxhmm, how do i go about formating a partition on my harddrive, so i can use it under linux?01:07
totally_nooborg@ubuntu:~$ kmess01:07
totally_noobbash: kmess: command not found01:07
aftertaftotally_noob:  dont matter. you can still sudo apt-get install  it01:08
totally_noobaftertaf, do you think it is good?01:08
cafuego_Paradoxx: You run 'mkfs' on it.01:08
aftertafyeah, not bad at all.01:08
thoreauputictotally_noob: what do you dislike about gaim?01:08
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cafuego_Paradoxx: mkfs -t <fstype>01:08
totally_noobE: Couldn't find package kmess01:08
aftertaftotally_noob:  are you looking for a particular IM protocol?01:08
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cafuego_!info kmess01:08
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egoleoso whats really wrong with mysql01:08
Paradoxxhow do i find out where i have it sotred under linux?01:09
cafuego_totally_noob: There is no such package.01:09
egoleothat it can't start01:09
Paradoxxinterms of dev/hda?01:09
totally_noobthoreauputic, I dislike that gaim disconnect alot, + it doesn't notice or flash me when i recieve new msgs, so i have to see the Tab every 5 mins to see my friend if he reply to me, "No flashing" like in fc401:09
dooglusParadoxx: "df <file>"01:09
totally_noobcafuego, but aftertaf said there is package kmess01:09
cafuego_egoleo: No idea. Did you install mysql-server? Did you check syslog? And the logfile?01:09
TiMiDohey everone01:09
Paradoxxdooglus: huh?01:09
totally_noobaftertaf, I want to use MSN thats all, and i dont want gaim or amsn01:09
cafuego_totally_noob: Not in Ubuntu.01:09
aftertafuniverse repository:  KMess is a MSN Messenger clone for Linux01:09
totally_noobim asking if there is another than them01:09
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totally_noobcafuego, why not in ubuntu:(01:09
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cafuego_!ino kmess breezy01:10
ubotucafuego_: What?01:10
hansi_xpdoes somebody know how to get like transparent windows?01:10
dooglusParadoxx: you have files on your drive, and you want to know the path to the device?01:10
aftertafhansi_xp:  windows cleaner ;)01:10
cafuego_aftertaf: Not according to the package lists on the bot.01:10
totally_noobany opinions01:10
TiMiDohansi_xp, aterm ;P01:10
aftertafcafuego:  i have it on ly pc.01:10
=== heatxsink [n=jmioph@c-24-7-127-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
heatxsinkhello all01:10
silent_screammy problem is: i want to install a package with synaptic package manager, and when it asks the install cd  of ubuntu, and i put in the cd, it continues to ask me for the cd.. as if it doesn't recognize it!!!01:10
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kbrooksYay. :)01:10
kbrooksGNOME 2.10 is REALLY nice.01:11
Paradoxxdooglus: no, i have a partition on a hard drive, use to use it in windowns, i have cleared the stuff off it, and now wanna format it, and use it under linux01:11
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cafuego_aftertaf: Not in the package lists on my machines either.01:11
cafuego_aftertaf: Did you install an external .deb?01:11
Shin_Goukihi i need a gui ICQ Client for Icewm , ideas?01:11
totally_noobkbrooks, does it make the tabs flash? I mean in gaim if you recieve new msg does it flash?01:11
aftertafcafuego:  nope....  just on kde 3.5 beta01:11
Kimahricafuego_: all you have to do is enable the universe repository, then apt-get install kmess or something like that.01:11
dooglusParadoxx: fdisk -l /dev/hda will list the partitions on /dev/hda01:11
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kbrookstotally_noob: no idea01:11
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poningruBooZee: sorry dude I dont know01:12
cafuego_Kimahri: I have those enabled, but no 'kmess'01:12
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kbrookstotally_noob: YES01:12
BooZeedamn... well thank you anyway.01:12
totally_noobkbrooks, what yes?01:12
totally_noobkbrooks, I want to install like your gnome01:12
kbrooksi loaded add applications and it flashed!01:12
totally_noobi have 2.10.001:12
totally_noobkbrooks, AHA cool01:12
totally_noobbut i have gnome 2.10.001:12
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totally_noobwhat about you01:12
heatxsinkhow would I add this source to my sources.list ?  http://3demi.net/debian/debs/01:12
Paradoxxok, it is /dev/hde501:13
cafuego_The only match is "kmessedwords".01:13
kbrookstotally_noob: don't do it. 2.12 is included in breezy01:13
hansi_xpTiMiDo: thanks01:13
Kimahritotally_noob: i believe gnome 2.12.0 is for breezy.  hoary shipped with 2.10.001:13
TiMiDonp hansi_xp01:13
locomortoGnome 2.12 is indeed in breezy01:13
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antisocialborishow do i set up wine?01:13
cafuego_aftertaf: WILL YOUS TOP FUCKING SPAMMING ME!!!!!!!!!!!01:13
totally_noobkbrooks, yes i know01:13
Paradoxxits a NTFS partition, how do i go about formating it into ext3 or whatever partition you recommend01:13
totally_noobkbrooks, what is your gnome version,, you just said that it flashed.01:13
locomortoNautilus kicks arse in 2.1201:13
aftertafcafuego:  you get my PM?01:13
kbrookstotally_noob: 2.1201:13
locomortoParadoxx: use qtparted01:14
Kimahricafuego_: language maybe?  i don't know the actual rules about language in this channel though01:14
locomortoParadoxx: ITs like partion magic01:14
silent_screami want to install a package with synaptic package manager, and when it asks the install cd  of ubuntu, and i put in the cd, it continues to ask me for the cd.. as if it doesn't recognize it!!! any ideas?01:14
cafuego_aftertaf: Yes, an duie to that shite I'll add you to /ignore now. Perhapd you could use a paste site next time.01:14
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locomortosilent_screem: go into settings -> repositories01:14
totally_noobkbrooks, you have 2.12?01:14
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locomortosilent_screem: And turn off the cd01:14
Shin_Goukihi is it possible to run gaim on icewm?01:14
Paradoxxlocomorto: isn't there another way to do it, without having to d/l another app01:14
cafuego_Kimahri: yes, I know. 100 lines of pasted crud later you'll be annoyed too ;-)01:14
totally_noobbut a friend of mine have gnome 2.10.0-5 and his things flashs01:14
locomortosilent_screem: Then hit reload and you'll be good to go01:14
aftertafdo what you like. i was trying to give you information . on PM.01:15
kbrookstotally_noob: in breezy01:15
locomortoParadoxx: I don't think so01:15
thoreauputicShin_Gouki: of course, yes01:15
cafuego_aftertaf: Check the rules on uninvited PMs and be amazed.01:15
totally_noobkbrooks, ok01:15
KimahriParadoxx: mke2fs -j /dev/<whatever device it is>01:15
locomortoShin_Gouki: of course01:15
kbrookstotally_noob: new windows that open flash01:15
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ParadoxxKimahri: will that make a ext2 or ext3 partition?01:15
cafuego_aftertaf: Ask first, THEN paste.01:15
KimahriParadoxx: ext301:15
ubotuplease don't /msg people or start a personal message/ dcc chat without asking first in channel. People might be busy, and you have a better chance of an answer in the channel. Don't assume a particular user will be able to help you.01:15
totally_noobguys how to checkout on a package that is already installed in my system, i mean i want to see what version do i have installed here.. like when i was in fc4 i do "rpm -qa gaim" for example on gaim... whats that in ubuntu plz?01:15
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totally_noobkbrooks, yes01:15
totally_noobkbrooks, also gaim when it recieve new msgs01:16
totally_noobkbrooks, I want to have like your gnome01:16
bimberitotally_noob: dpkg -l <package>01:16
silent_screamthanx locomorto but why this happens?01:16
kbrookstotally_noob: i dont know how, other than upgrade to breezy01:16
antisocialboriscan anyone help me either get jre working or wine01:16
kbrooksbimberi: dont advise people to mix hoary and breezy01:16
locomortosilent_scream: I'm not sure, but I hate the CD thing anyway so its better for you in the long run01:16
totally_noobbimberi, what is dpkg?01:17
Kimahriantisocialboris: check http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information on installing j2re01:17
bimberikbrooks: eh?01:17
ParadoxxKimahri: do i have to add the partition to the fstab or somthing like that, so it will automatically mount on boot?01:17
locomortototally_noob: its the little thing that installs everything for you01:17
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antisocialborisok, cheers01:17
locomortototally_noob: apt-* just messes around with it01:17
totally_noobkbrooks, are you using breezy?01:17
bimberitotally_noob: "a medium-level package manager for Debian"01:17
kbrookstotally_noob: i am01:17
totally_noobbimberi, Cool01:17
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totally_nooblocomorto, that installs everything for me?01:17
kbrookstotally_noob: ummm01:18
KimahriParadoxx: i'm not that familiar with hal+dbus which is used in ubuntu, which keeps tabs on the fstab file, so i don't know01:18
totally_noobbimberi, I can't use grep on that right? I just did "dpkg -l gnome"01:18
locomortototally_noob: Anything in .deb form01:18
totally_nooband it doesnt' give me anything01:18
kbrookstotally_noob: listen01:18
totally_noobcan i use "dpkg -l | grep gnome"01:18
locomortototally_noob: If you use apt-get, your using dpkg you just probably dont see it01:18
totally_noobkbrooks, yes sir.01:18
kbrooksapt <=> dpkg01:18
heatxsinkhow would I add this source to my sources.list ?  http://3demi.net/debian/debs/01:18
totally_noobdpkg is the same as apt?01:18
Paradoxxhow do i set a partition to mount automatically on boot?01:18
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Kimahritotally_noob: apt is a frontend to dpkg01:18
kbrookstotally_noob: dpkg is a low level interface to apt01:18
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totally_nooblocomorto, i see01:18
totally_noobso it's an alias01:18
kbrookstotally_noob: no01:18
Kimahrikbrooks: it's the other way around.  apt calls dpkg01:19
kbrookstotally_noob: not a symlink or anything01:19
locomortobasically apt is a really cool front end to dpkg making it really really easy to use and powefull01:19
locomortoand synaptic adds a GUI to apt01:19
sorush20hi.. guys I have fed computer up again..01:19
iruheat: edit /etc/apt/apt.sources01:19
cafuego_According to packages.ubuntu.com, kmess is not in Hoary, only in breezy.01:19
poningru!tell heatxsink about repos01:19
locomortoso basically everything builds on each other01:19
totally_noobbut i said i want to see the package That is already installed01:19
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kbrookslocomorto: apt downloads and passes the .deb on the local machine to dpkg01:20
totally_noobnot to findout a package available online01:20
kbrookswhich does "all of the work"01:20
locomortototally_noob: synaptic should do this for you01:20
sorush20right.. i configured xserver-xorg using the dpkg-reconfigure command, and what actually happened is that now i KEEP getting monior out of range..01:20
egoleostill mysql problem01:20
sorush20can somone help please..01:20
heatxsinkponingru:  thank you01:20
locomortoSystem -> Adminstration -> synaptic01:20
totally_nooblocomorto, I don't want a gui01:20
poningruheatxsink: np01:20
totally_nooblocomorto, I want a simple command to check on a simple package01:20
locomortoThen go status -> Installed01:20
Kimahritotally_noob: then apt-get install aptitude and use that from the cli01:20
cafuego_sorush20: Did you try to tell it what the sync ranges of your screen sare?01:20
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cafuego_totally_noob: dpkg -l <packagename>01:21
bimberitotally_noob: yes (to "can i use "dpkg -l | grep gnome")01:21
egoleocan't find mysqld.sock01:21
Nvidiothmm, amarok can't use smb:// urls I see. I'll have to mount the folder then I suppose?01:21
egoleoit was working fine on hoary01:21
totally_noobbimberi, thanks01:21
totally_noobcafuego, ok thanks alot01:21
egoleobut is not working any more on breezy01:21
Paradoxxhow do i set a partition to automatically mount at startup?01:21
sorush20cafuego I DON'T KNOW what the ranges are I guess I have to look it up on the computer..01:21
NvidiotParadoxx: edit /etc/fstab01:21
cafuego_Paradoxx: add it to /etc/fstab01:21
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aftertafParadoxx:  have you managed to mount it manually?01:22
cafuego_sorush20: Well, ideally you'd tell the script you wanted 'Simple' configuration and choose a screen size and resolution only.01:22
cafuego_Paradoxx: via your favourite text editor and sudo.01:22
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Paradoxxaftertaf: nope..i just formatted it awhile ago01:23
poningru!tell Paradoxx about mount01:23
locomortoParadocc: man mount || man fstab01:23
aftertafParadoxx:  oki ;)  do you know how to mount manually?01:23
jipdmesg shows "cx88[0] : subsystem: 0070:9002, board: Hauppauge Nova-T DVB-T [card=18,autodetected] ", but scan can't still find my the card. any idea how to install this card correctly?01:23
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poningruaftertaf: dont worry I took care of it01:23
aftertaflocomorto:  yeah. but if he's new, a man file isnt gonna help much01:23
locomortowhy not?01:23
NecronI have a mind to try out Ubuntu, but should i wait for the 5.10 release or download 5.4?01:23
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locomortoNecron: go striaght to 5.1001:24
poningrujip: what have you tried so far?01:24
KimahriNecron: i'd just go straight to 5.1001:24
Shin_Goukihi i need a gui winrar/winzip client is there such?01:24
cafuego_Paradoxx: There;'s going to be an entry for / already in fstab. just sue that as example. All you need to do is change column 1 and column2.01:24
Nvidiotdo not pass start, do not collect $100, go straight to 5.10 ;)01:24
kbrooksNecron: 5.0401:24
NecronI read a review saying 5.10 had a good deal of trouble...01:24
locomortoShin_Gouki: file_roller for gnome ark for kde01:24
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kbrooksnot 5.401:24
aftertaflocomorto:  just my opinion...man ages are for linux-familiar people01:24
totally_noobnow i still need something to use msn with01:24
Shin_Goukilocomorto, and for icewm?01:24
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KimahriNecron: Breezy is RC quality now... in fact, it's slated for release in 9 days...01:24
poningrujip: you still there?01:24
cafuego_totally_noob: apt-cache search 'msn' - pick one of the ones listed.01:25
locomortosame as gnome01:25
Paradoxxcafuego huh?01:25
aftertaftotally_noob:  try using gaim and modifying the prefs you dont like.01:25
uboturepositories is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy))01:25
jipponingru, tried makedev-dvb.sh-script with no success. it creates the filesystem, but scan complains: main:1882: FATAL: failed to open '/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0': 2 No such file or directory01:25
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kbrooksKimahri: rc is slated to release october 601:25
cafuego_Paradoxx: In fstab. Just use the line for / as example.01:25
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Kimahrikbrooks: it's RC quality... i never said it's an RC01:25
cafuego_Paradoxx: You'll need to change the device file (col 1) and the mount point (col 2)01:25
NecronAnother questions: when a new release comes out(6.4) do i have to format or is there an update system?01:25
poningrujip: is it actually there?01:25
Zeke1what is the better file sharing program in linux?01:25
bhanetmay i ask 4 help?? i have trouble setting up my printer for ubuntu01:25
poningrujip: hold on01:25
kbrooksKimahri: i know01:25
cafuego_Necron: it cna be transparently upgraded.01:25
poningrujip: what kinda vid card is it?01:26
Shin_Goukihi i need an unzip programm for shell? name, apt?01:26
totally_noobaftertaf, I don't like alot of things in gaim01:26
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aftertafsudo apt-get install  unzip01:26
TiMiDoShin_Gouki, unzip is you're friend01:26
jipponingru, Hauppauge Nova-T DVB-T01:26
Paradoxxcafuego k01:26
Shin_Gouki& rar?01:26
TiMiDoShin_Gouki, unrar01:26
TiMiDosudo apt-get install unrar01:26
totally_noobcafuego, i have to be root for doing that?01:26
NecronLast question for today: any place where a pretty advanced computer user can start learning linux? no one uses it around here01:26
bhanetanyone here who could help me pls?01:26
aftertaftotally_noob:  you really have a lot of choice..... try all of them and keep the one you like moset01:26
cafuego_totally_noob: To search? No. To install, yes.01:26
aftertafNecron:  you're in the right place already....01:27
N6REJhello everyone.  I have what is probably the dumbest question, but I've forgotten alot.  I'm trying to setup a server on a dsl connection behind a hardware router.  I have my own domain that resolves to the router and any windoze boxes fine.  I'm installing Ubuntu for the first time.  Its asking me my "hostname"  Is that anyname like windows does? or the FQDN?  i.e. adam.cogyfarm.com ?01:27
NvidiotNecron: start playing with a livecd, read tutorials on how to do stuff, install it on your machine, read, read read :)01:27
TiMiDotrue Nvidiot01:27
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NvidiotI read manpages when I'm bored (but I'm a bit weird like that)01:27
Necrondid Slackware and Ubuntu live CDs, liked them. but didn't experiment too much because there was no setting saving01:27
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totally_noobaftertaf, :(01:27
aftertafN6REJ:  hostname, but not FQDN01:27
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totally_noobi'm installing ayttm01:28
cafuego_N6REJ: anyname. Try "cthulhu" ;-)01:28
Necronany good webpage for tutorials? most of that i find seems to be Bash(command line?) stuff01:28
N6REJaftertaf: so just say "adam"?  or "cogyfarm.com"?01:28
SkidN6REJ: adam.01:28
cafuego_N6REJ: "adam" in that case.01:28
N6REJok, coool.. ty.01:28
aftertafN6REJ:  adam.... you'll get the chance for domain name after ;)01:28
NvidiotNecron; because pretty much everything can be configured command-line style. The rest is all added niceities01:29
=== cafuego_ thinks "cthulhu" would be a better choice though.
N6REJI did have Engarde in there, but for some reason I keep getting my routers, web interface NOT the apache park page.01:29
Necronwhy did the linux lords not just implement the dos command style? at least most people were familiar with that...:(01:29
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N6REJcan anyone tell me if they get anything here? http://www.cogyfarm.com01:29
poningrujip: have you run /etc/udev/scripts/inputdev.sh yet?01:29
mahanguNecron, are you kidding me>01:29
cafuego_Necron: Why did DOS fuck up the UNIX commands like linux has?01:29
aftertafNecron:  lol.....  shell was before DOS iirc01:29
thoreauputicNecron: because nix was before DOS01:30
mahanguNecron, UNIX was around years before DOS01:30
mahanguwhat an outburst01:30
thoreauputicNecron: DOS is an abominaion01:30
Nvidiotonce you get used to it, you start typing 'ls' in windows cmd.exe boxes01:30
poningruum decades01:30
Necronsorry:D didn't want to cause so much trouble:D any good page to learn?01:30
N6REJyep, dos came from unix via CPM01:30
jipponingru, nope01:30
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aftertafDOS = Denial Of Shell01:30
cafuego_Necron: If you prefer dos commands, may I recommend a VMS system? :-)01:30
N6REJI do that alot nvidiot, and windoze goes, HUH?01:30
mahanguaftertaf, lol01:30
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NvidiotN6REJ: I made a batchfile :P01:30
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poningrujip: yeah I think you have to run that before the *-dvb.sh01:31
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N6REJgood idea LOL01:31
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kbrooksME == Denial of DOS (DDOS)01:31
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cafuego_I give you 5 minutes, tops, before you're stabbing yourself in the eyeballs with a spoon.01:31
Necronany good place to learn bash?01:32
NvidiotI've amazed myself yesterday by installing Ubuntu from a knoppix-std cdrom... that was fun, poking stuff :)01:32
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aftertafNvidiot:  yeah..... the other day i tried  " [ESC]  :wq  " in notepad .... :)01:32
crimsungood golly.01:32
N6REJso how is ubuntu anyway?  I dl'd badgy?01:32
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NvidiotNecron: google 'bash tutorial' or 'bash beginners' or so01:32
thoreauputicNecron: http://tuxfiles.org01:32
N6REJor breeezy01:32
N6REJwhat ever its called01:32
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cafuego_N6REJ: breezy badger (one and the same)01:32
crimsunthis is becoming ridiculous.01:32
aftertaf+r ?    :/01:32
kbrooks+r should be set.01:32
Nvidiotaftertaf: hehe, I'm starting to get the hang of vi(m)01:32
aftertaflol me to....01:33
N6REJyour into S&M I see Nv01:33
mahanguvim still baffles me01:33
mahangui sue nano mostly01:33
Nvidiot(I'm a emacs user mostly)01:33
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mahangu*use even01:33
N6REJnano/pico :D01:33
aftertafvim is cool :)01:33
thoreauputic!start an editor war01:33
ubotukate is better than xemacs01:33
aftertaffor those 'X just set your gfx card on fire' moments,01:33
ubotued is the standard editor! ed, man! man ed!01:33
N6REJPersonally I LOVE PFE but they didn't make it for *nix01:34
Nvidiotonce you know: hit 'i' to type stuff, then ESC ESC ESC to type ':q!' or ':wq' you're set :)01:34
Nvidiotubotu: edlin!01:34
ubotuNvidiot: Wish i knew01:34
aftertafNvidiot:  totally :)01:34
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ubotuponingru: Wish i knew01:34
ubotuponingru: I haven't a clue01:34
ubotuaftertaf: What?01:34
bimberithoreauputic: stop adding fuel... :)01:34
thoreauputicbimberi: heh01:34
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jipponingru, can't get it working :(01:35
=== Whistler Says hello
cafuego_!start an editor war01:35
ubotukate is better than emacs01:35
poningrujip: hmm what does it say?01:35
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Nvidiotlol, nice bot01:35
N6REJhow is ubuntu anyway?  good for an old fart who can't remember half of what he use to know?01:36
cafuego_N6REJ: gui, desktop focused, easy.01:36
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N6REJI LOVE engarde, but for some reason, I can't configure the new 3.0 like I used to the older stuff.01:36
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N6REJany security gotcha's?01:37
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cafuego_N6REJ: Not by default, no.01:37
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WhistlerN6REJ ubuntu is wonderful01:37
N6REJthats what I read so I thought I'd try it.01:37
Whistlerit really yeasy to use. Even my mother can use it01:37
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N6REJbrb adam is calling me01:37
Nvidiotnow... this is probably going to be tricky, but I'd like to get hibernate/suspend working on my laptop. Where would I start ?01:37
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sorush20is there an open source pdf viewer for windows,,01:38
N6REJadam barfed!!!01:38
aftertafsorush20:  loads01:38
Whistlersorush20 xpdf01:38
N6REJbase system won't install01:38
Skidi wrote a pdf viewer in vb once01:38
Skidschool was fun :] 01:38
Paradoxxhmm, how do i change ownership of a mount to my user?01:38
Paradoxxto current user rather..01:38
poningrujip: in your /proc/bus/input/devices01:38
WhistlerParadoxx chown01:38
Skid`chown' - Paradoxx01:38
poningruis there ia dvb|saa713401:38
N6REJp2 333 with 384mb ram, any special install flags?01:39
ivanoatsdoes anyone know where to download QT Designer?01:39
jipponingru, nope. only my keyboard, mouse and speaker01:39
crimsunapologies for the upcoming [slow]  flood01:39
poningrujip: hmm ic01:39
cafuego_N6REJ: Nope, should be fine.01:39
jipponingru, do you know what specific modules should be loaded?01:39
aftertafivanoats:  sudo apt-get install01:39
poningrujip: dont know trying to look through forums and mailing lists01:39
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N6REJlet me try just a plain jane "ENTER" and see what that does.01:40
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antisocialboriswhoever told me to check out http:/wiki.ub... for java thanks a lot, just got it working01:40
Skidcrimsun: are you part of the ubuntu team/prject?01:40
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crimsunSkid: I'm a MOTU01:40
Skidwhich means..? :P01:40
crimsunwe're the universe and multiverse maintainers01:40
aftertafivanoats:  but dont know name of package01:40
ivanoatsaftertaf - how do you find out the correct name of the package01:40
Skidoh that's cool01:40
Skidmind if I pm?01:40
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Skidyou may have an idea ;] 01:40
aftertafivanoats:  try in synaptic.....01:41
Skid(re usages, not help like)01:41
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ScatterBrainSkid: MOTU = Masters Of The Universe.01:41
Skidahh, heman!01:41
crimsunSkid: if it's universe/multiverse-related, we have #ubuntu-motu01:41
Paradoxxso then to change owner it would b... chown -r Paradoxx /e01:41
N6REJwww.trolltech.com for QTD01:41
ivanoatsaftertaf - yeah, did a search there, I think I need to add something to my sources? but where? Trolltech site is slightly useless01:41
ivanoatsno download link01:41
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Skidwell, I may be looking to offload some transit - so was thinking of running a UK mirror service01:41
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aftertaf!tell ivanoats about repositories01:41
poningrujip: hold on01:41
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Skidbut was wondeirng how much (upper bound) transit they normally use01:42
SkidI dont mirror anything currently01:42
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ivanoatsgood idea, checking freshmeat01:42
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Skidi can't find owt on the ubuntu site, with regard to offering services either01:42
Paradoxxto change owner of a mount it would b... chown -r Paradoxx /e?01:42
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SkidParadoxx: that'd recursively change the whole contents of /e to the user 'paradoxx' yeah01:43
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kbrooksSo far so good01:43
N6REJtry this..... http://freshmeat.net/search/?q=qt&section=projects&Go.x=0&Go.y=001:44
kbrooksmy system is up to date XD01:44
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Paradoxxmission complete :D01:44
Paradoxxdamn i love Linux...01:44
Nvidiotwhere would I start to get hibernate/suspend working on my laptop?01:44
crimsunNvidiot: Hoary or Breezy?01:45
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N6REJ"erase entire disk and partition" OR "erase entire disk and partition with LVM"?01:46
Nvidiotcrimsun: 5.04, not the upcoming release01:46
poningrujip: do you knowwhat chipset is on that card dude?01:46
Nvidiotcrimsun: if I should update to the upcoming one because it's much better, I don't have a problem with doing that if you'd tell me how :)01:46
ivanoatsN6REJ thanks - I also searched "qt designer" - maybe qt designer is not gpl but there are two projects that may be similar01:47
kbrooks"About me" in breezy01:47
crimsunNvidiot: you'd have to dump in a lot of infrastructure to get it working with Hoary, more than likely. It's better to try dist-upgrading to Breezy.01:47
N6REJit used to be :(  sorry I couldn't help more01:47
Nvidiotcrimsun: allright, no problem. Link? :)01:47
poningrujip: did you look through these?01:47
kbrooksI'd like a webserver that can be completely configured by a GUI01:48
Nvidiotat least now I use my 10 mbit link :P01:48
N6REJdo I want to partition with or without LVM?01:48
Nvidiotkbrooks: apache + webmin or so?01:48
cafuego_try a lobotomy01:48
Zeke1anybody know of a good file sharing prog?01:48
jipponingru, dmesg says Hauppauge Nova-T DVB-T. WinTV01:48
cafuego_N6REJ: without01:48
kbrooksNvidiot: no web, just a full GUI01:48
BlueEaglezeke1: proftpd?01:48
kbrooksNvidiot: running in ubuntu01:48
jipponingru, cx88 obviously01:49
kbrookslike they have in i.e. redhat01:49
Zeke1Blue-Box, cool...another problem is i cant seem to get DVD's to play?01:49
Nvidiotkbrooks: oof, beats me. I just go trough the apache config file. it's not rocket science01:49
cafuego_kbrooks: Why would you run a potentially buggy root-holey GUI on a webserver machine?01:49
N6REJyeah, webmin is the best way to go, just be sure to READ and keep it updated.01:49
kbrooksNvidiot: ok, so you win01:49
poningrujip: did you look at that page I linked to?01:49
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kbrooksand how do i remove all packages that *I* have installed01:49
BlueEaglejip: did you try http://www.google.com/search?q=Hauppauge+Nova-T+DVB-T.+WinTV+linux ?01:50
crimsunNvidiot: wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes01:50
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Nvidiotcrimsun: thanks01:50
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jipBlueEagle, yes. been searching google for couple of hours now01:51
Nvidiotcrimsun: /BreezyUpgrade seems to have info too :)01:51
N6REJwahooooo.... 6% installed LOL01:51
jipponingru, the one about inputdev.sh? that's about the remote controller right?01:51
poningruno dude01:51
poningruhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/NovaTHowTo] 01:51
jipmissed that link :P thanks. ima check it out01:52
prowerI assume that one should probably wait until the 13th before upgrading to breezy on a stable machine :>01:52
cafuego_prower: That depends on how stable you want it.01:52
poningrujip: it seems you have to recompile your kernel with that01:52
poningruyou sure you are upto it?01:53
jipdamn. that sucks01:53
cafuego_prower: If it's a production box, wait for a month after that even.01:53
poningrucause I would just wait the 9 days and upgrade to breezy and have it run out of the box01:53
jipyeah sure, but i wonder is there a way without compiling01:53
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poningrujip: see what I mean01:53
N6REJwould someone tell me please if they get any kind of a webpage if they go to http://www.cogyfarm.com  you shouldn't yet, I just want to make sure.01:54
N6REJeither you'll get nothing, or my router ( EEEK)01:55
poningruN6REJ: none01:55
prowercafuego_: Ahh, got it...well, I more or less meant "stable" as in installing the final version rather than one of the Colony releases :>01:55
N6REJeverytime I do it, I see my router config page and it freaks me out.01:55
aftertafN6REJ:  network errer :)01:55
jipponingru, mmkay01:55
Shin_Goukihow do i start ALSA setup from shell?01:56
N6REJDARN IT!!!! still get a "bootstap error"01:56
Whistleranyone else having probs with update?01:56
Whistleron breezy01:56
aftertafnope Whistler what's your pb?01:56
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crimsunShin_Gouki: what's the issue?01:56
N6REJgood md5 but bad install on breezy, should I fall back to hoary?01:57
Shin_Goukicrimsun, plz the command for ALSA setup on shell , i have no sound i think its realated to that01:57
crimsunShin_Gouki: lspci -v|grep -i audio01:57
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aftertaflooking Whistler01:58
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Whistlerits something with gedit01:58
Nvidiotgotta love your own isp mirroring ubuntu :) 1+ mbyte/sec downloads :D01:58
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aftertafWhistler:  nasty....  try       sudo apt-get -f install01:59
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jipponingru, hmm. so if i install breezy preview version, it will work?01:59
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poningrujip: yep01:59
Whistleraftertaf i get the same error01:59
aftertafjip:  yep. works for a lot of us already01:59
aftertafWhistler:  package maybe borked then... im on kde01:59
Whistleraftertaf k thx ill try to update later02:00
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jipso what's the easiest way to upgrade to breezy without downloading the image?02:00
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aftertafWhistler:  dpkg --install --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archive/fullpackagename.deb maybe??02:00
apokryphosjip: /msg ubotu upgrade2breezy02:00
Nvidiotjip: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade02:01
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_BIJ_i need some information about the new release...02:01
Paradoxxhow do you remove a package that you have installed via command line?02:01
jipthanks guys02:01
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aftertafParadoxx:  apt-get remove02:01
_BIJ_apt-get remove02:01
d33phow do I pass my linux ubuntu partitions from ext2 to ext3?02:01
apokryphosParadoxx: very vague; what package, and with what?02:01
aftertaflol apokryphos :)02:02
Paradoxxit was a .deb that i installed02:02
Paradoxxand i wanna remove it now02:02
d33pmy gnome desktop isn't refreshing correctly, move files out of the desktop to other folders and they "look" as if they were there but they aren't02:02
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heatxsinkponingru:  ?02:02
apokryphosParadoxx: apt is fine then, or even dpkg02:02
heatxsinkponingru:  I'm running breezy and that didn't quite work right02:02
poningruheatxsink: ?02:03
catfoxd33p, make sure you have gamin or fam running02:03
poningruheatxsink: wait what exactly happend?02:03
heatxsinkponingru:  for some reason I couldn't access the same screens02:03
Whistlercan anyone remind me where sources.list is located?02:03
Whistleri allways forget02:03
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NvidiotWhistler: /etc/apt/02:03
poningruheatxsink: what do you meant the same screens?02:04
Nvidiotyou can of course type 'locate sources.list' :)02:04
avalostwoah, lag02:04
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aftertaffair point Nvidiot02:04
avalostsheesh, ever other day there's a new kernel out..02:05
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avalostevery, rather02:05
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sorush20is there an open source firewall around02:05
avalostsorush20, yes, tons02:05
aftertafsorush20:  loads02:05
avalostgShield, Shorewall, Firestarter, ipkungfu02:06
Whistlersorush20 firestarter is good one02:06
Belutzsorush20, a lots02:06
darkmattersorush20: firestarter has a package in the repos02:06
poningruhmm why doesnt my cwd work?02:06
=== thoreauputic decides the consensus is that there are a lot of firewalls
sorush20sorry.. open source firewall for windows, its cause my sister doesn't like ubuntu so she has xp on her pc02:06
naliothsorush20: there is no firewall. there is iptables http://software.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/05/09/1846213&tid=78&tid=13002:06
poningrucommand not found02:06
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Zeke1how do u close an app that doesnt wanna close?02:07
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thoreauputicponingru: pwd02:07
WhistlerZeke1 ctrl+c02:07
poningruthoreauputic: doh02:07
avalostZeke1, or you can kill the pid02:07
Zeke1Whistler, tried that didnt work02:07
avalosttry to avoid using signal -902:07
WhistlerZeke1 killall name02:07
poningruthoreauputic: thanks man02:07
Whistleror sudo killall name02:07
sorush20sorry.. open source firewall for windows, its cause my sister doesn't like ubuntu so she has xp on her pc02:08
darkmatterZeke1: killall <appname>02:08
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Nvidiotsorush20: I don't know of any open source firewalls for windows02:08
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avalostsorush20, i have yet to see anything 'opensource' for windows02:08
Zeke1darkmatter, yeah tried that too...just says no process killed02:08
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Nvidiotavalost: firefox? Openoffice? the stack of gnu tools?02:09
avalostI have seen free firewalls, nothing opensource though02:09
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avalostNvidiot, what?02:09
darkmatterZeke1: which app?02:09
avalostwhat about them?02:09
queuetue_Hello, is anyone here from Montreal?  I'm a new transplant and would like to ask some information about finding tech resources in the city...02:09
Zeke1darkmatter, by the way do u use anon-proxy by any chance02:09
Nvidiotavalost: ah never mind, I thought you said you didn't see anything opensource for windows. But you were referring to firewalls in particular :)02:09
Paradoxxhow do you see list of pakages installed with dpkg?02:09
apokryphosParadoxx: dpkg -l02:10
Zeke1darkmatter, is it wise to use it?02:10
Paradoxxhow do i output it into a file >.<02:10
NvidiotParadoxx: command > file02:10
Shin_Goukihi how do i install ALSA from shell?02:10
NvidiotParadoxx: or: command | more  if you want a paged output to the screen02:11
apokryphosParadoxx: to search it just dpkg -l|grep PATTERN02:11
darkmatterZeke1:not sure. I don't use proxy period. sorry...02:11
avalostok, kernel upgrade..02:11
Shin_Goukiplz someone how do i setup ALSA from shell?02:12
Paradoxxto remove a package is? dpkg -R packagename?02:12
NvidiotParadoxx: man dpkg02:12
thoreauputicParadoxx: lower case -r02:12
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crimsunShin_Gouki: did you ever tell me what the output was for the command I gave you?02:12
mahanguheatxsink, that's really smart, dissing the guy who's helping you02:13
Shin_Goukicrimsun, there wasnt any it simply did proceed?02:13
Nvidiotcrimsun: installing packages now :)02:13
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crimsunShin_Gouki: how old is your computer?02:13
Shin_Goukicrimsun, P 23302:13
N6REJ<------- reinstalling from start for the 4th time :(02:13
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crimsunShin_Gouki: lspnp -v output to paste.ubuntulinux.nl, please02:13
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naliothN6REJ: perhaps you'd want to check your md5sums02:14
N6REJI did, they matched perfectly.02:14
naliothN6REJ: cuz it is unusual to have to install so many times02:14
aftertafN6REJ:  maybe bad ram or sth then02:14
Shin_Goukicrimsum , here result : -bash: lspnp: command not found02:14
aftertaflol N6REJ02:15
N6REJI could do a memtest I guess.02:15
naliothN6REJ: perhaps burn another cd at achingly slow speed02:15
_mindspinwould be my guess too02:15
_mindspinhelped me sometimes02:15
d33phow do I pass my partitions from ext2 to ext3 in ubuntu?02:15
N6REJwhen I told ubuntu to check the cd, it said there was a issue with one of the installer files, but the md5 matched sooo.02:15
aftertafor get debian net installer cd and change sources to ubuntu02:16
crimsunShin_Gouki: please install pcmcia-cs02:16
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Nvidiotd33p: not sure if it's even possible without formatting02:16
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N6REJthats a thought too.02:16
naliothN6REJ: well there ya go02:16
onkarshindewhich repos contains elinks - text browser?02:16
Shin_Goukicrimsum, its an PCI soundcard... do i need pcmcia support..?02:16
onkarshinde!info elinks02:16
ubotuelinks: (Character mode WWW/FTP browser), section web, is optional. Version: 0.9.3-1ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 1189 kB, Installed size: 2916 kB02:16
N6REJok, let me reburn the ISO.02:16
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crimsunShin_Gouki: if it's a pci sound card, the output should be in lspci -v|grep -i audio02:16
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=== Nvidiot makes mental note to put the do_initrd=Yes in /etc/kernel-img.conf
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naliothonkarshinde: the default ones02:17
d33pNvidiot, but does ubuntu give the option in the installation to use ext3 instead of ext2?02:17
=== aftertaf guesses inc|fReAkY 's real name is ray
Shin_Goukicrimsum, ur right my bad! its an ISA soundcard..so?02:17
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thoreauputicd33p: ext3 is default02:17
Nvidiotd33p: I don't know, I did a rather hacked install from a knoppix-std cd, used reiserfs02:17
Shin_Goukicrimsum, do i need to stick with OSS?02:17
crimsunShin_Gouki: so install pcmcia-cs, run lspnp -v, and paste the output onto paste.ubuntulinux.nl02:18
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onkarshindenalioth: Ok. But which of the main and universe?02:18
thoreauputiconkarshinde: it's in main according to ubotu02:18
d33pNvidiot, did the change in tunefs but now doubting that the ubuntu kernel has support for ext3, might have to configure/install my own kernel02:19
Shin_Goukihow do i install02:19
thoreauputiconkarshinde: which apt-cache policy elinks confirms here02:19
PoBKanyone had any problems with breezy and gnome panel not displaying applications or keyboard shortcuts not working anymore?02:19
Nvidiotd33p: well, according to thoreauputic ext3 is default, so the default kernel should work I suppose02:19
thoreauputicd33p: the default is defnitely ext302:20
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onkarshindethoreauputic: Thanks02:20
Shin_Goukicrimsun, idid install it plz explain a bit more detailed what to do now? what do u mean with paste putput?02:20
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d33pthoreauputic, don't understand why I choose ext2 then, well, will have to reinstall ubuntu, it was a little broken anyway02:20
onkarshindeCan anyone guide me any all-in-one shell scripting guide? Specifically if there is a one for Solaris?02:21
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d33pif I reinstall ubuntu and I had a different partition for /home, in the install can I choose to use a partition as /home but not format it?02:21
thoreauputicd33p: you don't have to reinstall to add a journal to ext202:21
ompauld33p, yes02:21
d33pompaul, ok thanks02:21
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d33pthoreauputic, I know I know, did tune2fs but lets see if it works well02:22
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Shin_Goukihow do i get an ISA Sound Card to work?02:22
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thoreauputicd33p: did you uae the -j option ?02:22
NvidiotShin_Gouki: the command you had to run gives some text output. put that output on the website you got and give us the link02:22
d33pthoreauputic, yes02:23
Shin_Goukik i will02:23
thoreauputicd33p: should be fine then02:23
n1315how long does it usualy take before the cds r send?02:23
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NecronUbuntu live CD crashes when "mounting linux" on my notebook. any ideas?02:23
d33pthoreauputic, let's see, how do I install a pctv pci card on ubuntu?02:23
Whistlern1315 2 weeks02:23
mahangun1315, here to sri lanka it took a few weeks02:23
onkarshindeIf linux likes to use all the RAM available the will using 512 RAM instead of 128 increase performance 4 times?02:23
thoreauputicd33p: I haven't a clue :)02:23
n1315HOLLAND!! :p02:23
mahanguonkarshinde, depends on the programs you run etc02:23
d33panybody knows how to install a pctv pci card on ubuntu?02:24
d33pthoreauputic, thanks for the help =)02:24
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NecronUbuntu live CD crashes when "mounting linux" on my notebook. any ideas?02:24
mahanguNecron, try boot options02:24
mahanguthere is a boot option for troublesome notebooks02:24
thoreauputiconkarshinde: don't know about 4 times, but it will make a*big* difference02:24
mahangupress F202:25
onkarshindemahangu: Ok, how about a normal desktop running a media player along with some game like robots02:25
mahanguand the other function keys02:25
mahanguonkarshinde, 128mb should be fine02:25
Shin_Goukicrimsun, nvidiot which name should the post be?02:25
mahanguif you're running heavy graphics etc, some extra ram may help02:25
NvidiotShin_Gouki: anything, doesn't really matter02:25
thoreauputicmahangu: 512MB will be *much* more responsive than 12802:26
mahanguthoreauputic, i agree, what i was saying is that for what he's doing, it's not essential02:26
n1315is there an server version of ubuntu??02:26
mister_roboto128mb will SUCK if you're using one of the heavy desktops02:26
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thoreauputicmahangu: OK :)02:26
mahangumister_roboto, ive run gnome on 128mb just fine02:26
mahangubut im not sure if you consider that "heavy:02:26
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mister_robotosure as long as you don't run anything else!02:26
Shin_Goukicrimsun, nvidiot there u go: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/275302:26
mister_robotognome, kde = heavy02:27
mahangukde is TEH heavy02:27
Shin_Goukii have 128 MB02:27
mahangui agree02:27
mahangui like gnome02:27
Shin_Goukiwith Icewm its pretty fast02:27
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bimberin1315: you can do a "server install" yes02:27
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AlphaFactionHey gyes, ive just put ubuntu on my pc for the first time, unlike dropline it does not seem to be automounting my drives at boot instead wating for me to double click on them to mount them. is their a way to automount my fat32 partitions befre the desktop loads?02:28
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WhistlerAlphaFaction yep it is02:28
WhistlerAlphaFaction read ubuntuguide.org02:29
onkarshindeAlphaFaction: Ever played with /etc/fstab?02:29
AlphaFactioni have02:29
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AlphaFactionok ill look into02:29
naliothWhistler: please dont advise that02:29
AlphaFactionthanks for the pointer02:29
thoreauputic!tell AlphaFaction about mountwindows02:29
dim_witted_kidi'm having problems with my browser02:29
naliothAlphaFaction: dont go there, please02:29
Whistlernalioth sorry but i think that ubuntuguide is good for ppl02:29
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dim_witted_kidi think whenever it encounters flash thingies my browser crashes02:29
mirakis there a way to detach a X remote session ?02:30
thoreauputicAlphaFaction: ubuntuguide is kind of out of date and you might break things02:30
AlphaFactionsure thing, thanks allot for the help02:30
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dim_witted_kidi've used several browsers like galeon ff and mozilla02:30
miraklike with VNC02:30
mirakVNC sucks02:30
Shin_Goukicrimsun, nvidiot there u go: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2753 ,still my ISA sounds card issue02:30
Whistlernalioth but anyway ok i will do it.02:30
naliothWhistler: it WAS good for people when warty was out and hoary was new, but now it's old and will kill your box02:30
thoreauputicWhistler: we have to pick up the pieces here...02:30
Whistlerk sorry02:30
onkarshindemirak: I don't think VNC sucks.02:30
onkarshindedim_witted_kid: Please provide more details, whcih version of FF? Have you installed flash?02:31
mirakonkarshinde: yes it does, it's slow as hell in comparison of a X remote session02:31
mister_robotodim_witted_kid: bad flash plugin?02:31
Whistlernalioth so i should reccomend ubuntu wiki wright?02:31
thoreauputic!tell mirak about freenx02:31
dim_witted_kidi haven't installed flash yet02:31
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crimsunShin_Gouki: ok, that's not too helpful.02:31
mirakthoreauputic: well exept freenx ...02:31
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crimsunShin_Gouki: What type of computer (make & model)?02:32
dim_witted_kidwhen i go to sites like neopets.com which uses flash02:32
thoreauputicmirak: freenx rocks02:32
dim_witted_kidmy browser crashes02:32
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naliothWhistler: or ubotu factoids02:32
mirakthoreauputic: yes02:32
mylastmorningcan anyone help me with the mp3 codecs?02:32
mirakthoreauputic: however when I tried it I couldn't resume a session02:32
mister_robotomirak: it's a lot easier to see your windows desktop on your unix machine using VNC rather than remote X session ;)02:32
Shin_Goukicrimsun, the sound card is old atztech, the Computer model is a P 23302:32
naliothubotu: tell mylastmorning about mp302:32
onkarshindedim_witted_kid: So try to install flash first. Make sure your browser is updated and report back.02:32
crimsunShin_Gouki: need specifics02:32
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Shin_Goukicrimsun, mother board or soundcard specifics?02:32
crimsunShin_Gouki: sound chipset02:33
mylastmorningnalioth that package is not avaible anymore.02:33
mirakmister_roboto: yes, they is no alternative. though there is a freenx server. RDP have not bad performances02:33
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mylastmorningdoes anyone use mp3's?02:34
Zeke1how do you get dvd's to play in ubuntu i am having problems with totem and mplayer02:34
baroslis DirectFB "faster" than Xorg?02:34
mister_robotomylastmorning: i don't think anyone does, no02:35
Whistlermylastmorning i do02:35
naliothmylastmorning: ubotu sent you a msg02:35
mylastmorningWhistler how do you get it to work?02:35
mylastmorningnalioth that package is gone02:35
naliothmylastmorning: really? gstreamer0.8-mad?02:35
Whistlermylastmorning sudo apt-get install xmms02:35
ubotuwell, faq is The Ubuntu FAQ Guide: select System -> Help (in Breezy), or http://ubuntu-doc.ath.cx/gnome/faqi386/C/02:35
Shin_Goukicrimsun, i just found an PCI soundcard i stick it in them il be back, till in about 15 min!!02:35
naliothubotu: tell mylastmorning about sources02:35
NvidiotI installed gstreamer0.8-mad a few mins ago02:35
naliothmylastmorning: enable your sources02:35
Whistlerand use it to play your mp3`s02:35
Shin_Goukicrimsun, thx for ur support so far02:36
mister_robotothat package is in my cache02:36
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mister_roboto(for hoary)02:36
Zeke1anybody use DVD's in ubuntu02:36
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naliothubotu: tell Zeke1 about dvd02:36
mylastmorningI've already enabled my sources nalioth.02:36
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mylastmorningand its still not their. :-(02:36
naliothmylastmorning: then you should see the pkg02:37
naliothmylastmorning: then d/l it from packages.ubuntu.com02:37
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mylastmorninghow do I do that nalioth02:37
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mylastmorningI'm still learning sorry...02:37
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thoreauputicmylastmorning: you updated, right?02:37
Nvidiotxml parser error02:37
mylastmorningyeah I am thoreauputic02:37
BiSK-8how do i uninstall a program through apt-get?02:37
mylastmorningapt-get remove02:38
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ubotuabyss_: Are you smoking crack?02:38
BiSK-8but the directories stay02:38
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mylastmorningBiSk-8 you type apt-get remove package02:38
Nvidiothm, it continues02:38
BiSK-8i know02:38
BiSK-8i tried02:38
thoreauputicmylastmorning: if you can't find gstreamer0.8-mad, your sources are wrong or you need to run sudo apt-get update02:38
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BiSK-8but the directories stay where they were02:38
abyss_anone knows how i get my tnt2 m64 card with 3d support?02:39
BiSK-8any other way 2 remove things?02:39
abyss_ive installed the nvidia-legacy but wont work02:39
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thoreauputicmylastmorning: breezy or hoary?02:39
naliothBiSK-8: what are you wanting to do?02:39
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Nvidiotabyss_: install the nvidia driver?02:39
mylastmorningthoreauputic ok whats next? apt-get gstreamer0.8-mad?02:39
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BiSK-8nalioth: im tryin' 2 remove a package02:40
mylastmorningthorrauputic whats that?02:40
thoreauputicmylastmorning: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad02:40
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kingosis there a bug channel for ubuntu?02:40
mylastmorningBiSK-8 what is the package you wish to remove?02:40
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BiSK-8apache2 and apache02:40
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mylastmorningoh gosh02:40
=== Whistler Asks does anyone have siemens e-110 router?
thoreauputicmylastmorning: if that succeeds, play an mp3 with music player or totem02:40
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=== Whistler Asks does anyone have siemens e-110 router?
abyss_Nvidiot, ive done all but wont work02:41
RonaldHHi, Any ideas on powernowd; the pentium 3 'coppermine' on a 440BX speedsteps with around half a second lag in responsiveness, and the powernowd pretty frequently feels like stepping the cpu... which is very anoying...02:41
Whistlersorry for double post02:41
BiSK-8mylastmorning: i woud like 2 remove it and reinstall it02:41
mylastmorningthoreauputic, this is what it says E: Couldn't find package gstreamer0.8-mad02:41
BiSK-8apache wont work02:41
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mirakthoreauputic: it fails for ppc02:41
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mylastmorningwould you like to SSH?02:41
thoreauputicmylastmorning: oh this is ppc?02:41
dim_witted_kidany other repository source i could use?02:42
mister_robotomylastmorning: http://pastebin.com/382577     that is my /etc/apt/sources.list, which has the package02:42
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nalioththoreauputic: gstreamer plugins work on ppc02:42
mirakthoreauputic: yes02:42
mister_robotomylastmorning: not sure where it actually is02:42
thoreauputicnalioth: that's what I thought02:42
kingoswhich channel should I join to discuss a possible bug?02:42
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BiSK-8mylastmorning: yes, i would like ssh if possibile02:43
mylastmorningnot u BiSK-802:43
mylastmorningmister_roboto, where should I look to find the mp3 codecs?02:43
BiSK-8mylastmorning: so what should i do to uninstall apache and apache2 and all files like ssl etc?02:43
thoreauputicmylastmorning: I would check your sources again - or look at the ones ubotu spits out (from the last URLs)02:44
ubotufrom memory, sources is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy)02:44
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naliothBiSK-8: use synaptic02:44
uboturumour has it, e17 is the next generation enlightenment http://www.enlightenment.org or http://www.rasterman.com, http://www.get-e.org or http://www.edevelop.org02:44
mylastmorningcan you help me do that thoreauputic?02:44
thoreauputicmylastmorning: I assume you are using hoary - cat /etc/issue to see02:44
mirakthoreauputic: I can't even get the sources02:44
mister_robotomylastmorning: sorry, i'm not sure.  i remember finding the via google long ago.02:45
thoreauputicmirak: ?02:45
mylastmorningthoreauputic I don't know what hoary is.02:45
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thoreauputicmylastmorning: what does cat /etc/issue  say ?02:45
BiSK-8naolith: how, ive never used it02:45
mylastmorning1 sec02:45
naliothBiSK-8: system > admin > synaptic pkg mangler02:46
naliothBiSK-8: it is SOOO easy02:46
BiSK-8i got it02:46
BiSK-8thought it was terminal based02:46
mylastmorningUbuntu 5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog" \n \l thoreauputic02:46
naliothBiSK-8: that is aptitude02:46
thoreauputicmylastmorning: OK as I thought02:46
ales_italiaPROBLEM WITH SUSPEND TO RAM: I follow the wiki, i insert the line ACPI_SLEEP=TRUE in the /etc/default/acpi-support, then i've rebooted the machine, but when i tried to suspend it, it doesn't work. The screnn is black but the machine doesn't shut down. I can resume it, but i can't shutdown complete or reboot it. I use gnome-power-manager. Any ideas?02:46
mylastmorningok so what do I do thoreauputic?02:47
thoreauputicmylastmorning: so grab the url above for hoary and paste it in /etc/apt/sources.list02:47
thoreauputic!tell mylastmorning about sources02:47
BiSK-8naolith: in synaptic there is no apache or apache202:47
thoreauputicmylastmorning: it's in your msg es now02:47
mylastmorningwhat url thoreauputic?02:47
thoreauputicmylastmorning: check your pm msg es02:48
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naliothBiSK-8: really? then you dont have to remove anything02:48
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mylastmorningok thoreaputic02:48
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wickedpuppyhey guys ... is it me or the package lint is missing from the repos ???02:48
BiSK-8naolith, sry, i found it02:48
mattaionhello, can someone tell from where i can get a codec package fpr mp3, divx...02:49
mylastmorningshould I replace or add this stuff thoreauputic?02:49
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ubotu[mp3]  read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support02:50
ales_italiaPROBLEM WITH SUSPEND TO RAM: I follow the wiki, i insert the line ACPI_SLEEP=TRUE in the /etc/default/acpi-support, then i've rebooted the machine, but when i tried to suspend it, it doesn't work. The screnn is black but the machine doesn't shut down. I can resume it, but i can't shutdown complete or reboot it. I use gnome-power-manager. Any ideas?02:50
naliothubotu: tell mattaion about restricted02:50
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thoreauputicmylastmorning: replace - do cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.old then sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list, delete what you have and paste the file in, save02:51
naliothubotu: tell mattaion about w32codecs02:51
thoreauputicmylastmorning: actually that' only one way, but it should work OK02:51
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thoreauputicmylastmorning: the cp command needs sudo as well, sorry02:52
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thoreauputicmylastmorning: so first do the backup:  sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.old02:52
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thoreauputicmylastmorning: then do sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove it, paste the list from the URL and save it02:53
thoreauputicmylastmorning: then  sudo apt-get update02:54
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mylastmorningthoreauputic. would you like to SSH in. I'm lost.02:57
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thoreauputicmylastmorning: well, asking complete strangers to ssh to your machine with root access isn't really a good idea :)02:57
naliothubotu: tell mylastmorning about apt02:58
naliothubotu: tell mylastmorning about synaptic02:58
Bighow do I find out what firewall I have running now?02:58
naliothubotu: tell mylastmorning about repos02:58
naliothBig: there are no firewalls in ubuntu by default02:58
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BigI could of swore there was, must have been PcLinuxOS02:59
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BigI'm back to Ubntu02:59
ales_italiaPROBLEM WITH SUSPEND TO RAM: I follow the wiki, i insert the line ACPI_SLEEP=TRUE in the /etc/default/acpi-support, then i've rebooted the machine, but when i tried to suspend it, it doesn't work. The screnn is black but the machine doesn't shut down. I can resume it, but i can't shutdown complete or reboot it. I use gnome-power-manager. Any ideas?02:59
thoreauputicmylastmorning: most likely you don't have an ssh server running anyway, unless you installed it02:59
trunks_i ve got a pb with ccmake (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_FULLPATH-NOTFOUND was not03:00
trunks_ found in your path)03:00
confreyhi everybody03:00
toranhey guys, I just rebuilt a couple programs with "apt-source -b". I installed the resulting packages, but now whenever I do "apt-get upgrade" it wants to "update" those packages back to the default version. How can I keep this from happenning03:00
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mylastmorninggot it thoreauputic03:00
trunks_somebody can help me?03:00
thoreauputicmylastmorning: good :)03:00
admin__how do i dc my own nickname?03:00
Biganyone know what repository Firestarter and Synergy are in?03:00
mylastmorningnow what thoreauputic?03:01
thoreauputicmylastmorning: so you've got a workable list and updated it?03:01
mylastmorningyes thoreauputic03:01
thoreauputicmylastmorning: OK well now you should find the packages03:01
mylastmorningwhat should I type thoreauputic?03:02
thoreauputicmylastmorning: what does   apt-cache search gstreamer0.8-mad   say now ?03:02
naliothmylastmorning: run synaptic03:02
naliothmylastmorning: system > admin > synaptic03:02
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thoreauputicmylastmorning: what nalioth suggests might be more comfortable for you03:03
elc3hi guys03:03
mylastmorningI got it... ^_^03:03
Nvidiotsuspend to ram seems to work... now testing hibernate03:03
thoreauputicmylastmorning: so install that package03:03
ales_italiaPROBLEM WITH SUSPEND TO RAM: I follow the wiki, i insert the line ACPI_SLEEP=TRUE in the /etc/default/acpi-support, then i've rebooted the machine, but when i tried to suspend it, it doesn't work. The screnn is black but the machine doesn't shut down. I can resume it, but i can't shutdown complete or reboot it. I use gnome-power-manager. Any ideas?03:03
jipponingru, i managed to upgrade to Breezy. so now my dvb-card should work without recompiling kernel? :P03:03
Nvidiothibernate causes a non-clean shutdown :(03:04
dim_witted_kidi have a question03:04
thoreauputicmylastmorning: once you have that try playing an mp3 in music player03:04
dim_witted_kidi was trying to install jre03:04
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trunks_i've got sound pb03:04
mahanguwhen i close my laptop, my wifi dies03:04
mahanguany ideas?03:04
mylastmorningyay!!!! it works ^_^  ^_^ ^_^03:04
trunks_can anybody help me?03:04
naliothubotu: tell dim_witted_kid about javadeb03:04
Nvidiotmahangu: don't close your laptop :P03:04
thoreauputicmylastmorning: :)))03:05
dim_witted_kidthen it keeps on saying that it's unable to find the package03:05
mahanguNvidiot, sleep my friend, sleep03:05
naliothdim_witted_kid: see ubotu's msg03:05
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thoreauputicmylastmorning: now have fun browsing in synaptic for thousands of goodies :)03:06
NvidiotWhere would I look to try to get hibernate to work on my laptop?03:06
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ales_italiawhat kind of laptop?03:06
erchachei have a problem with apt....i have broken references...how i can solve it?03:06
mahangumylastmorning, you're going to waste LOTS of time there, take it from me03:06
Nvidiotales_italia: Dell Inspiron 820003:07
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Nvidiotales_italia: suspend to ram works once I did the nvidia driver settings change, hibernate causes a non-clean shutdown03:07
thoreauputicmylastmorning: don't bother thanking anyone, by the way - we volunteers are all  well paid :/03:08
ales_italiai've problem with suspend_to_ram but i've seen this mornign a web page about it....wait a moment03:08
toranhey guys, I just rebuilt a couple programs with "apt-source -b". I installed the resulting packages, but now whenever I do "apt-get upgrade" it wants to "update" those packages back to the default version. How can I keep this from happenning03:08
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mylastmorningback ^_^ thank you all, thoreauputic and nalioth03:09
thoreauputicmylastmorning: you're welcome :)03:09
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herzii have two network connections, how to i tell that the one on eth2 doesn't overrite the default route of pp0?03:09
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poningrujip: did it work?03:10
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Nvidiotales_italia: yes ?03:12
ales_italiamaybe you can find something on hte ubuntuforums....looking for hibernate dell03:12
ales_italiatry it03:12
Nvidiotokay I will, once I get my wlan0 working again...03:12
Nvidiotthat just magically went boinkers03:12
atomic_UEAnyone know of a good GUI partitioning tool besides qtparted?03:13
jipponingru, nope. breezyhowto just says that "So install MyhtTV follow the guide on NovaTHowTo". that's hard because it can't find no devices03:13
toranatomic_UE: gparted?03:13
ales_italiatry it03:13
Nvidiotales_italia: thanks :)03:13
ales_italiano problem03:13
ales_italia...now i've to solve my problem....03:14
atomic_UEFedora/Redhat have Disk Druid, but it's not available outside of the redhat/fedora installer, and Mandriva has diskdrake, but that's only available for Mandriva systems :\03:14
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ales_italiamaybe it depends on my ati driver03:14
Ubuntumi ubuntu no conecta a internet03:14
Ubuntupero si responde a ping
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ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.03:14
Shin_Goukicrimsun , still there?03:14
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Ubuntugracias :p03:14
Hubertwelcome :)03:15
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Zeke1i cant seem to get libdvdcss2...can somone perhaps help me?03:15
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naliothZeke1: /msg ubotu hoary-extras03:15
Shin_Goukinalioth, i got a nasty problem :/03:15
Nvidiotthat was weird03:15
ales_italiaCiao Shin_Gouki03:15
naliothShin_Gouki: yes?03:15
Nvidiotbut wlan0 works again now03:15
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CryptidIs there a .mpeg to .avi converter for ubuntu with which i can also change the resolution of the videos03:15
Zeke1nalioth,  what?03:16
naliothCryptid: transcode03:16
crimsunShin_Gouki: yes?03:16
naliothZeke1: type /msg ubotu hoary-extras03:16
NvidiotZeke1: grab it manually, lemme digup the url03:16
Cryptidnalioth, ok i will try03:16
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Shin_Goukinalioth, crimsun, i tried to get ISA Soundcard to get working... but then i foiund a PCI card, i took off the ISA card & build in the PCI but that killed my NIC config...03:17
Cryptidnalioth, can i change the resolution of the vid with it03:17
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naliothCryptid: transcode is a full featured app03:17
NvidiotZeke1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6765503:17
Shin_Goukinalioth, crimsun, so try to get PCI get workin or back to ISA?03:17
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Shin_Goukinalioth, crimsun, ATM im on without ANY soundcard03:18
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Zeke1Nvidiot, and then instal it manually03:18
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StylusEater_Workwill broadcom every release the specs for the powerbook wireless or do I need to invest in a usb dongle?03:18
naliothShin_Gouki: putting things back to the way they were would be a choice03:18
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naliothStylusEater_Work: invest03:18
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Shin_Goukinalioth, crimsun, but i also think PCI is better03:18
StylusEater_Worknailoth: hmmm...best card?03:18
mahanguhow can i mv the entire contents of a folder03:18
mahanguincluding all subfolders?03:18
mylastmorningdoes anyone know the packages to make gnome pretty?03:18
Shin_Goukinalioth, crimsun, is there any way to say to ubuntu: look for new HW?03:19
StylusEater_Workmahangu: mv -r03:19
StylusEater_Workme thinks03:19
Shin_Goukinalioth, crimsun, i mean EXPLICIT and long03:19
naliothStylusEater_Work: netgear ma111 is reported to work03:19
StylusEater_Worknailoth: danke03:19
Shin_Goukinalioth, crimsun, some kind of Hardware scan modus, which i may activate03:19
crimsunShin_Gouki: what's your pci card?03:19
StylusEater_Workmahangu: work? you can also try 'man mv'03:19
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Shin_Goukinalioth, crimsun, its a terratec DMX Xfire its fine03:20
mahanguStylusEater_Work, thanks, how can i get the filesizes of all files ina dir?03:20
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HiddenFlyis ubuntu able to install from rpm package?03:20
thoreauputicmahangu: du03:20
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StylusEater_Workmahangu: ls -ls should work03:20
Shin_Goukinalioth, crimsun, i need a whole new Hardware scan for the system is this only by reinstalling possible?03:20
GDornHiddenFly: look at alien03:20
StylusEater_Workmahangu: ls -lsd if you want to see dirs too03:20
NvidiotZeke1: grab the .deb from that url, do dpkg -i file.deb03:20
crimsunShin_Gouki: that card uses the snd-cs46xx chipset03:20
HiddenFlyGDorn: alien?03:20
mahanguthanks guys03:20
crimsunShin_Gouki: it should work just fine under Ubuntu03:20
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StylusEater_Workmahangu: np03:21
mahanguim transfering files to USB03:21
mahanguin anticipation of giving this machine back to work03:21
Shin_Goukicrimsun, if i plug it into the configutration it kills my Network configuration03:21
thoreauputicmahangu: du -h for a more readable output03:21
RonaldHHi, Any ideas on powernowd; the pentium 3 'coppermine' on a 440BX speedsteps with around half a second lag in responsiveness, and the powernowd pretty frequently feels like stepping the cpu... which is very anoying...03:21
mylastmorningdoes anyone know the packages to make gnome pretty?03:21
naliothHiddenFly: it's best not to use rpms03:21
confreyhow can I use pcmcia with my laptop? it doesn't work with breeze, neither with hoary, sagre, knoppix03:21
Shin_Goukicrimsun, plz read the text i directed towards U & nalioth03:21
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Zeke1Nvidiot, you dont perhaps know where the 64bit version would be?03:22
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yanchenghelo, may i noe for geforce4, is it asus product or nvidia product?03:22
NvidiotZeke1: I did notice that a script that came with libdvdread grabbed libdvdcss203:22
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Nvidiotyancheng: nvidia makes the main chip, Asus creates the board around the chip03:23
Shin_Goukinalioth, crimsun, on startup of ubuntu thers a point: sync clock with**** when the PCI card is inside it fails03:23
crimsunShin_Gouki: do you have additional free pci slots?03:23
yanchengnvidiot: ah! thanks!03:23
Zeke1Nvidiot, well i did install libdvdread but i dont think it got libdvdcss03:23
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crimsunShin_Gouki: it sounds like irq mess.03:23
Shin_Goukinalioth, crimsun, yes03:23
scanwinderwhats a good IDE to learn C in?03:23
Shin_Goukinalioth, crimsun, yes ill try the other free slot03:23
BooZeedoes Thnuderbird has a plugin for showing like a small envelope when a new Mail has arrived? like Outlook do.. ?03:23
yanchengnvidiot: anyone here encouter CMOS time not set problem, whenever u turn off the main power of computer and re-turned on03:23
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Shin_Goukinalioth, crimsun, is it a bad idea to put ALL 3 PCI cards now in a diffrent order?03:24
erchacheConfigurando apache2-common (2.0.53-5ubuntu5.3) ...03:24
erchachechown: `root:adm': invalid group03:24
erchachedpkg: error al procesar apache2-common (--configure):03:24
erchache el subproceso post-installation script devolvi el cdigo de salida de error 103:24
erchachedpkg: problemas de dependencias impiden la configuracin de apache2-mpm-prefork:03:24
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erchache apache2-mpm-prefork depende de apache2-common (= 2.0.53-5ubuntu5.3); sin embargo:03:24
Nvidiotyancheng: replace the motherboard battery03:24
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Aragorn_Guardianhi all03:24
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deFryskBooZee, thunderbird makes a li'l sound here whem mail arrives03:24
scanwinderyancheng: yeh, replace mobo batt03:24
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Shin_Goukihow and where do i turn off X autostart?03:25
Aragorn_Guardianmy server novel is going to end... 8) i need decide between debain and ubuntu with server install...i need some help to end this question...someone may help me?03:25
BooZeedeFrysk: yes i know, the prob is that it's a too li'l, and if I wasn't near the comp, I can't know if I got any new mail unless I load up the prog..03:25
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jipponingru, the problem is that i can't create dev-files right. always complaining: main:1882: FATAL: failed to open '/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0': 19 No such device03:25
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Shin_Goukiwhere do i turn off X-server AUTOSTART?03:26
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Aragorn_Guardiani think ubuntu is more easy to maintain my packages, since synaptic is very easy...03:26
thoreauputicShin_Gouki: echo "false" | sudo tee /etc/X11/default-display-manager  (from memory)03:26
Virtuallhttp://fishki.net/comment.php?id=5171 :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD03:26
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deFryskBooZee, I have always thunderbird running in a seperate virt. desktop03:26
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thoreauputicShin_Gouki: put it back with the same but substitute /usr/bin/gdm for false ;)03:27
londonboi2k3ello guys, its been a long time since I have used ubunutu, but I have installed it today and for some reason the backports are not working, and I cant seem to find a resolution on the fourms, any help would be great03:27
BooZeedeFrysk: me too.. all i'm saying, if you had a small envelope near the clock, it would have been more helpful03:28
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naliothlondonboi2k3: what do you want to do?03:28
thoreauputiclondonboi2k3: the old backports are gone03:28
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deFryskBooZee, there is an app for that in xfce4 but it crashes all the time checking03:28
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deFryskforgot the name tho03:28
londonboi2k3well, I wanted w32codec, and java03:28
Shin_Goukididnt work, it came back after i typed: xkill :/03:28
Aragorn_Guardiansince ubuntu is debian, my idea is mantain a server, and a copy of the installed packages in my desktop, so i can make some test before update in server...03:28
thoreauputic!tell londonboi2k3 about javadeb03:29
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BooZeedeFrysk: is xfce4 a prog?03:29
Aragorn_Guardiananyone is using ubuntu in a server? 8)03:29
danielesomeone knows if wesnoth 1.0 will be in final breezy?03:29
Nvidiotlondonboi2k3: win32codecs can be grabbed from a debian mirror03:29
Shin_GoukiBooZee , no a WM03:29
thoreauputic!tell londonboi2k3 about w32codecs03:29
deFryskBooZee, its a dm03:29
crimsundaniele: highly unlikely.03:29
naliothNvidiot: we have ubuntu packed w32codecs03:29
deFryskde , sorry03:29
crimsundaniele: possible, but very, very unlikely.03:29
BooZeewell i'm using gnome..03:30
deFryskBooZee, its a DE03:30
Nvidiotnalioth: hm, didn't see those, so I grabbed them from a debian mirror :)03:30
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Nvidiotnalioth: doesn't really matter anyway03:30
deFryskBooZee, yeah me too03:30
deFryskgnome rules ;)03:30
BooZeeso you're saying i got nothing to use, ha?03:30
yanchengscanwinder, nvidiot. oh, u guys olso encounter "CMOS time not set" problem?03:30
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londonboi2k3ok thanks, finally, trying to install smeg and i get this smeg: Depends: python-xdg (>= 0.14) but 0.9-1 is to be installed03:30
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thoreauputiclondonboi2k3: dowload the script on amaranths page and run that03:31
deFryskBooZee, not that i know of but maybe someone else knows ?03:31
crimsundaniele: ok, rephrase. We've requested a sync. As soon as it's processed, it'll be in. So it looks like the answer is "yes, 1.0 will be in Breezy".03:31
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danieleHave you games to suggest me? I just tried neverball (apt-get install neverball), solarwolf (that is broken for a python problem). Any chance for quake3 or other (no-I-hope-GPL) games?03:31
thoreauputic!tell londonboi2k3 about smeg03:31
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Shin_Goukiwhich file on ubuntu system helds "startup"-steps? i want to disable X Autostart03:31
naliothlondonboi2k3: use the installsmeg script from the smeg homepage03:31
duceHello there, one question: Is there a way to get a Soundblaster X-Fi working? If I am right there is no support for this Card in the kernel 2.6.13?03:31
GDornis it pronounced "free enn ecks" or "freenks"?03:32
Shin_Goukinalioth, i cant shutddown my system x user login always REapperas...?03:32
p0windahGDorn: you're back, did you get it going ?03:32
danielecrimsun, thank you03:32
GDornp0windah:  working on it now, building it from source03:32
scorpix_i can't upgrade/run firefox in Hoary, i got this error: http://rafb.net/paste/results/GdZXha42.htm , how can i fix it?03:32
naliothShin_Gouki: i'm not sure03:32
p0windahGDorn: building from source.... not necessary methinks with hoary/breezy03:33
thoreauputicShin_Gouki: did you run the command I suggested?03:33
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GDornp0windah:  oh.  I didn't see a package...03:33
deFryskscorpix_, first disable backports if you have it03:33
ducescorpix_, there are actoally problems with the backports03:33
p0windahGDorn: you running hoary or breezy ?03:33
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Shin_Goukinaliothoreauputic,nalioth , yes i did it reappears after killing main window03:33
StricklinIt just occurred to me: no problems using an actual iPod in Linux?03:33
GDornp0winhad: hoary, for at least another week03:33
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duceNo one here using a X-Fi?03:34
HiddenFlyi get this error when compiling bzflag: 4.20050930/src/platform/XDisplay.h:46: undefined reference to `XF86VidModeGetModeLine' how can i fix this?03:34
StricklinI mean, I know you can't use iTunes03:34
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Shin_Goukinaliothoreauputic,nalioth , plz were does it stand that X always restatrs after killing?03:34
thoreauputicShin_Gouki: try sudo init 1 && sudo init 2 after running that command03:34
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p0windahGDorn: I dont recall the repos. I used for hoary, but there is one referenced somewhere in the forums03:34
thoreauputicShin_Gouki: or do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop03:34
p0windahGDorn: the breezy repos. is seveas.ubuntulinux.nl03:35
naliothGDorn: when Seveas shows up, ask him for freenx03:35
Hendrici just finished doing a "server" install... how will i start installing a gui?? (XFCE)03:35
mahanguhow can i check what disks are mounted?03:35
mahangui want to umount my usb drive03:35
mahangubut dont know the name03:35
Nvidiothttp://myrddin.org/howto/debian-grub.html <- that has *GOT* to be the funniest 404 page I've seen in a LONG time03:35
thoreauputicShin_Gouki: as long as gdm is running that will happen03:35
Seveaswho called?03:35
deFryskmahangu, hit mount03:35
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p0windahSeveas: you have hoary freenx packages ?03:36
deFryskmahangu,  mount <enter> to check03:36
Seveasp0windah, deb http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/ ./03:36
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p0windahGDorn: there you go, both hoary and breezy packages are in his repos.03:37
thoreauputicNvidiot: hahah - great stuff :D03:37
Shin_Goukiok besides the X server i want to switch to a shell which is NOT X based how do i do thisS?03:37
naliothShin_Gouki: ctrl-alt-f303:37
egoleomysqld cannot be found03:37
thoreauputicShin_Gouki: erm... ctrl-alt- F1 - F6 take your pick03:37
egoleoany help03:37
Seveasegoleo, then install it :)03:37
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egoleoi have installed it03:38
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mahanguduring the ubuntu install is there a way to partition disks?03:38
mahangui forget03:38
naliothSeveas: GDorn is looking for freenx03:38
egoleoit used to work so well03:38
mahanguim getting my new machine today, and i dont have partition magic around03:38
egoleois when i upgraded to breezy03:38
thoreauputicmahangu: of course03:38
krishi I need someone from poland to help me a little bit with ubuntu03:38
egoleoand stopped working03:38
naliothmahangu: have a livecd?03:38
mahanguthoreauputic, these thinkpads come with a 40gig ntfs03:38
londonboi2k3!tell londonboi2k3 about azureus03:38
Seveasegoleo, maybe it got removed during the upgrade...03:38
mahangunalioth, no hard disk install03:38
nalioth /msg ubotu tell londonboi2k3 about msg the bot03:38
Seveaskris, #ubuntu-pl may help03:38
mahanguthoreauputic, id want to split that up in to two 20 gigs03:38
egoleobut iu have reinstalled like 3 times03:39
naliothmahangu: if you are comfortable with the console, parted is included on the install disk03:39
tombshi ppl03:39
thoreauputicmahangu: the installer can resize ntfs IIRC03:39
p0windahegoleo: installed "mysql-server" ?03:39
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deFryskmahangu, first install xp , on a 20 gig section and leave the reast for ubuntu03:39
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Nvidiotnalioth: why so fancy? fdisk all the way! ;)03:39
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p0windahegoleo: type "mysql -uroot -p" to see if its there03:39
krisnobody there :(03:39
mahangudeFrysk, pre installed03:39
mahanguxp comes pre installed on these machines03:40
deFryskmahangu, then be careful03:40
thoreauputicmahangu: so resize it03:40
AnswerQuestion:  When I change my hostname how can apply the changes without rebooting?03:40
mahanguthoreauputic, parted, is it tricky to work with?03:40
egoleoit comes03:40
krisanybody knows how to make gadu gadu work on ubuntu?03:40
egoleoand ask me for a password03:40
deFrysksilly pre-installs03:40
naliothmahangu: not at all03:40
crimsunkris: client? Gaim handles it.03:40
thoreauputicmahangu: not particularly, if you are used to commandline03:40
nerdy2Answer, man hostname03:40
p0windahegoleo: press enter if its a fresh install03:40
egoleowhen i provide the password03:40
krisok adn how do I make it work?03:40
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mahanguim alright i guess03:41
egoleoit tells me03:41
mahanguso i do parted help and see?03:41
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mahangudoes ubuntu let you use parted during the install?03:41
egoleocann't connect to localhost03:41
mahangui hav ehoary install and live cds03:41
naliothmahangu: just "parted" and it will give you some options03:41
egoleoMySQL server through03:41
sorush20is ubuntu making money at all..03:41
Answernerdy2: I don't not believe the hostname command will apply the changes03:41
thoreauputicmahangu: it will prompt you03:41
p0windahegoleo: then you seem to have the "mysql client" but not the "mysql server"03:41
mahanguor maybe ill just overwrite XP03:41
mahanguthe thing is, ill need to do game reviews from time to time03:41
mahanguso wondering...03:41
egoleo/var/run/myqld/ msql.sock(2)03:42
egoleoi thought i have that installed03:42
egoleomysql-server right03:42
egoleoi have03:42
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egoleoso whats wrong03:42
egoleohow do i uninstall it03:42
p0windahegoleo: type "sudo apt-get install --reinstall mysql-server"03:42
egoleoso that i can reinstall03:42
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AnswerQuestion:  When I change my hostname how can apply the changes without rebooting?03:43
ccookesorush20: hmm. Financially, ubuntu is on a pretty secure footing.03:43
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egoleoi am doing that03:43
Shin_Goukicrimson , still there i now have PCi audio & internet , plz tell me again which commands i need to run!03:44
thoreauputicAnswer: I imagine you might need to edit /etc/hosts03:44
Answerthoreauputic: I edited /etc/hosts, how can I apply those changes?03:44
nerdy2Answer, hostname --file <filename>  where <filename> has your new host03:44
egoleothe same mysql error03:44
Shin_Goukicrimsun , still there i now have PCi audio & internet , plz tell me again which commands i need to run!03:44
egoleoafter reinstall03:44
Answernerdy2: I changed the hostname, how can I apply the changes?03:44
nerdy2Answer, you should change /etc/hostname, and then do hostname --file /etc/hostname03:44
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egoleoit was trying to restart the mysql03:45
Nvidiotupdate-grub generates a whole load of options for old kernels. How do I remove those?03:45
nerdy2[as man hostname would tell you :)] 03:45
egoleobut couldn't03:45
crimsunShin_Gouki: for what?03:45
Shin_Goukicrimsun , ALSA setup03:45
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crimsunShin_Gouki: cat /proc/asound/modules03:45
Shin_Goukicrimsun , really crazy the soundcard uses LOTS of system now03:45
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rawiramdhanDoes any1 know a highly adjustable xclock?03:45
p0windahegoleo: how long have you been messing around with installing mysql and have you ever used mysql before ?03:46
rawiramdhanI can only change my bg color03:46
Shin_Goukicrimsun , u have a command for alsa setup?03:46
egoleoit says /usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed03:46
egoleoi have03:46
skalcaanybody have problem vith playn net TV?03:46
crimsunShin_Gouki: just type what I asked, please03:46
BooZeedoes anybody here knows how can I make a Keyboard shortcut for changing the active language which I type with?03:46
egoleoi was using it on hoary03:46
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p0windahegoleo: you have done something abnormal afaict03:47
thoreauputicrawiramdhan: t-cache search clock  ?03:47
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egoleolike what03:47
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sorush20in the xorg config when it asks for the rsync horizontal the value has no units what should I do..03:47
thoreauputicrawiramdhan: sorry apt-cache search clock ;)03:47
d33pwhich video player do you recommend me to use, xine suddenly has a low frame rate and totem doesn't read well the codec directory03:47
p0windahegoleo: I couldnt even begin to guess, hence "abnormal"03:47
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rawiramdhanthoreauputic: I'm trying it right now03:47
BiSK-8when i configure phpmyadmin, where can i find the public_html file the one where i can determine the user and password03:47
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Shin_Goukicrimsun , it works :)03:48
egoleoplse try ok03:48
crimsunShin_Gouki: like I mentioned, you don't have to do a thing03:48
egoleobcos is not working at all03:48
thoreauputicrawiramdhan:  apt-cache show <interesting looking package> to read about it :)03:48
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Shin_Goukicrimsun , ur right ^ ^ are u good with xmms?03:48
sorush20is XInput present on the breezy03:48
crimsunShin_Gouki: use the esound output plugin03:48
egoleobcos i need it for some project03:48
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crimsunsorush20: in universe, yes03:49
skalcasomebody nov how to vatch TV by net becouse totem dont vont to open .i dont nov why . Some tip?03:49
NvidiotI seem to have a whole load of kernels installed. I want *just* the latest 686 kernel installed. How do I make this happen ?03:50
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StylusEater_Workif we want to write something for ubuntu...do we have to use Python?03:50
thoreauputicNvidiot: uninstall the ones you don't need03:50
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egoleocan someone show me how to install w32codecs03:50
p0windahegoleo: if you want to completely remove it, type "apt-get remove --purge mysql-server"03:51
Nvidiotthoreauputic: how?03:51
ccookeStylusEater_Work: I believe that's the *preferred* option03:51
thoreauputic!tell egoleo about w32codecs03:51
StylusEater_Workccooke: what if I don't? will they translate or not accept?03:51
egoleoand libdvdcss203:51
p0windahegoleo: then you need to make sure you dont have unofficial repos. that are mixing libs and whatnot03:51
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ccookeStylusEater_Work: I would expect it would depend entirely on what you're doing and how.03:51
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thoreauputicNvidiot: use your package manager and remove the ones you don't want ( linux-image-XXX)03:52
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Shin_Goukireally hard question: were do i get freecell& solitr and i use Icewm NOT gnomeor KDE?03:52
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StylusEater_Workccooke: I don't have any python experience is why I ask...03:52
seliniumis there anyway of downloading a website for local browsing?03:52
d33pthoreauputic, which video player do you recommend me to use?03:52
seliniumhi thoreauputic :)03:52
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egoleoi dont have03:52
p0windahselinium: from the commandline you can use wget..03:52
ccookeStylusEater_Work: Some tasks are better done in some particular language. Some you have lot of choice on.03:52
egoleowhen trying to take it off03:52
AnswerStylusEater_Work: If you write something really valuable, someone will port it if necessary03:52
thoreauputicd33p: I like totem-xine or vlc03:52
StylusEater_Workccooke: yup, thanks03:52
p0windahselinium: curl probably does it too03:52
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ccookeStylusEater_Work: for instance - if you're operating exclusively with files and programs, I'd always go for shell. It's the right idiom.03:53
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seliniump0windah, I need it to get all the pages, if you see what I mean.03:53
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d33pthoreauputic, gonna check vlc or try to configure totem, it isn't caching me the codecs :(03:53
GDornwell...  freenx installed, but trying to connect to it, I get "Authentication failed"03:53
Nvidiotthoreauputic: I'm currently booted in, I want to boot the 686 one, how do I do that?03:53
thoreauputicd33p: install totem-xine and w32codecs03:53
p0windahGDorn: you use the packaged deb's or did you roll your own from source ?03:53
ccookeStylusEater_Work: most general-case things, though, could just as well be written in python or perl or...03:53
Nvidiotthoreauputic: (after that, I can remove the -386 kernel)03:53
GDornp0windah:  I went with the packages from that repo.03:53
pybeselinium: http://www.httrack.com/03:53
thoreauputicNvidiot: choose it from the grub boot menu on boot03:53
egoleoit is done03:54
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egoleoso what do i do again03:54
p0windahGDorn: ah ok, when it was setting up, did you choose "no machine keys" ?03:54
seliniumpybe: cheers, i'll take a look! :)03:54
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Nvidiotthoreauputic: grub boot menu only lists memtest and one other option? Do I have to run update-grub ?03:54
occyhttp://www.zefix.org/schnappi.dl.am/snappie_nederlands.mp3  <-- hurt your brain.  listen.03:54
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thoreauputicNvidiot: hit <esc> for a menu03:54
GDornp0windah:  I think I goofed and told it manual install...03:54
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GDorner, manual setup03:54
thoreauputicNvidiot: if you have more than one kernel they should show03:54
egoleoi want the w32codecs for breezy03:54
skalcathis hapen ven i vot to watch tv by internet"Totem could not play 'fd://0'.  No URI handler implemented for "fd://0""  Have enybody some idea???03:54
p0windahGDorn: dpkg-reconfigure freenx03:54
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seliniumhi egoleo: how did it go? the mysql thing?03:54
ndlovuany recommendations on a good (easy) program to produce flowcharts? was thinking OOo draw but thought there might be something else more appropriate.03:55
d33pthoreauputic, does vlc play full screen?03:55
GDornah hah!03:55
egoleoi have uninstalled it now03:55
GDornthat's how that's done03:55
egoleoso what next03:55
p0windahGDorn: :)03:55
Nvidiotthoreauputic: I ran grub-update and it finds a whole LOAD of kernels... ick. (I had a custom grub menu.lst before due to my custom install I had to do)03:55
pybeselinium: more exactly http://debian.httrack.com/03:55
thoreauputicegoleo: w32codecs are w32codecs - there isn't a special breezy package03:55
egoleowhat next03:55
p0windahGDorn: oh man, you are in for a sweet ride my friend03:55
thoreauputicd33p: sure03:55
egoleoso where do i grab it03:55
d33pthoreauputic, don't see it, which key to do so?03:55
thoreauputic!tell egoleo about w32codecs03:56
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thoreauputicd33p: try "f"03:56
Answeregoleo: do a text search on the wiki for w32codecs03:56
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d33pthoreauputic, using gvlc... oops what a crap, want pure vlc =)03:56
d33pthoreauputic, thanks03:56
=== Answer refers all the w32codecs questionners to #ubuntu-pr0n
pybeegoleo: use synaptic or apt-get03:56
StylusEater_WorkAnswer: HAHAHAHA!03:56
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seliniumAnswer, lol03:56
Crazy_Manapt-get can't get w32codecs03:57
GDornp0winhad:  well, that's new...  I time out now, instead.03:57
Crazy_Mantrust me....I've tried03:57
Shin_Goukihello can anyone plz tell me an IRC server + channel for Xmms support?03:57
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egoleoto do what03:57
GDornah.  gotta enable ssl03:57
thoreauputic!tell Crazy_Man about w32codecs03:57
Shin_Goukii need an spc plugin for xmms03:57
StylusEater_WorkShin_Gouki: a /list won't tell ya?03:57
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pybeCrazy_Man: I have apt-get installed w32codec many many times03:57
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thoreauputicpybe: but the ubuntu repos no longer have it for legal reasons03:58
d33pCrazy_Man, I also have apt-get installed w32codecs, check your sources.list03:58
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pybethoreauputic: shows how uptodate I am03:58
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egoleoso then where done get it from03:58
pybethoreauputic: isnt it in multi?03:58
thoreauputicegoleo: check your msg!03:58
GDornhey, it works.03:58
jipanybody here using dvb-card on linux?03:58
thoreauputicegoleo: ubotu told you a few minutes ago03:59
thoreauputicpybe: no03:59
egoleoi ahve it03:59
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GDornnow. the $64 million question...  can I use it a bit like a screen session, and reconnect to a desktop session I already have going?03:59
egoleobut what abt mysql03:59
AnswerIsn't there some kind of irc tutorial we cna point theze n00berz at03:59
p0windahGDorn: close the client and a popup should appear, choose "suspend"03:59
GDornokay, that makes sense.  what about a session that I started last night at the desktop?04:00
p0windahGDorn: once it closes, fire up the client again and you can reconnect or start a new session04:00
Tbirdthis is the first time i have used linux Its not a bad program04:00
pybethoreauputic: where are they now then marillat or something?04:00
d33pthoreauputic, btw... in gvlc to fullscreen is doubleclick :P04:00
thoreauputicubotu irc-primer is http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/ircprimer.html04:00
ubotuokay, thoreauputic04:00
Nvidiotwhy does wpa_supplicant start THREE times on bootup? I want it to start ONCE to get my wireless working04:00
ubotuw32codecs is probably a set of codecs for popular audio/video formats (wmv etc). Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/87ofx (Breezy). 64-bit? See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5439904:00
thoreauputicpybe: you could have done /msg ubotu w32codecs04:01
crimsunNvidiot: it starts once.04:01
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Nvidiotcrimsun: it *should* start once you mean... when I reboot my laptop, it's running more than once, thus screwing up my wlan0 connection04:01
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crimsunNvidiot: it runs once on my computer.04:01
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Zeke1i have installed libdvdcss2 but totem still asks if im trying to play a dvd without libdvdcss2?04:02
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pybethoreauputic: I havent been active on ubuntu for some months now due to work, havent even installed 5.04 on my new laptop yet. Whats ubotu?04:02
thoreauputicpybe: channel bot :)04:02
Nvidiothm, well, I'll fix this kernel stuff first04:02
ubotuThaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my brain on http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:02
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umberleighafter i've stopped a process with Ctrl+z, how do i start it again?04:02
Zeke1anybody know what could be wrong?04:02
pybethoreauputic: nice04:02
kemikumberleigh:  fg04:03
egoleothe link for the codecs04:03
Tbirdhow do i change to 1024x768 in Ubuntu ( i am new to this)04:03
egoleoare not going04:03
thoreauputic!who owns you04:03
Answerumberleigh:  type "jobs"  and then type "fg job#"   to foreground that job number04:03
thoreauputic!tell Tbird about fixres04:03
thoreauputicTbird: check your msg es04:03
GDornoof.  it's using qwerty instead of dvorak...04:04
=== Answer shudders dvorak
Nvidiotdvorak :D04:04
p0windahI use my mouse with my ear to avoid rsi04:04
pl_icehey, someting eats my ram :/ not sure what, but after i reboot totally it's ok :/ based on gkrellm stats04:05
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rawiramdhanp0windah: thats very smart, i'm gonna do that 204:05
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pybep0windah: no need http://www.footmouse.com/04:06
thoreauputicpl_ice: so type   free -m when it happens, and try  top  to see what is doing it04:06
erchachehow i can install a package via apt and exclude xorg-common?04:06
erchachei install my server on server mode....without x04:06
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thoreauputicerchache: if something depends on xorg-common chances are it's an X app04:07
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pl_icethoreauputic top states the same info before /after free -m04:08
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thoreauputicpl_ice: yes of course :/04:08
thoreauputicpl_ice: top should give you an idea what is using your RAM though04:09
Answerpl_ice: cat /proc/meminfo04:09
thoreauputicpl_ice: you can set it to sort by RAM use04:09
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thoreauputicpl_ice: you relise linux uses as much RAM as possible?04:10
adrian_hIn which file should I put commands that should be executed at boot time, such as "echo 2 > /sys/module/processor/parameters/max_cstate" ?04:10
p0windahthats not entirely true04:10
Answerpl_ice:  in top, press h or ? for help.  M to sort by memory04:10
thoreauputicadrian_h: /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh04:10
crimsunadrian_h: that one in particular goes in /etc/sysctl.conf04:11
adrian_hthoreauputic and crimsun: Thanks!04:11
thoreauputicp0windah: for the sake of simplicity...04:11
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pl_icethoreauputic yeh, but normally i got ~ 550 free, and it goes down now to ~ 400, i chaned from kde to gnome, but in kde i had 'float's to 4 mbs free!!04:11
p0windahpl_ice: how much ram do you have, total ?04:11
Nvidiotok, something is not working here. I've got a wlan0 with ndiswrapper, it should come up automatically on boot, but it does not.04:11
pl_ice775788 kB04:11
adrian_hcrimsun: In /etc/sysctl.conf, do I use exactly this format? "echo 2 > /sys/module/processor/parameters/max_cstate"04:12
Nvidiotthat is, it DOES come up, but netstat -rn lists *NO* routes whatsoever04:12
crimsunadrian_h: no, see the example04:12
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p0windahpl_ice: try echo "10" > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness04:12
crimsunadrian_h: module/processor/parameters/max_cstate=204:12
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p0windahpl_ice: that wont give you more ram, but might keep things out of swap and in ram, resulting in a slightly "snappier" desktop experience04:12
adrian_hcrimsun: So I don't need the "/sys" prefix?04:12
aaronanyone know of a P2P app for gnome?04:12
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thoreauputicp0windah: which won't work unless he does sudo -i first, BTW04:13
thoreauputicp0windah: or uses echo with a pipe to sudo tee04:13
p0windahpl_ice: if it doesnt work, echo "60" > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness04:13
Answerpl_ice:  you could try   ps -ef --forest    to see the process tree :)04:13
crimsunadrian_h: drop /proc/sys/04:13
p0windahI typed cat the second time...04:13
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bpfany of you using breezy with an IBM thinkpad? I just scored a new x40 from work yesterday and need to get the wireless and the sleep/suspend to work04:13
crimsunadrian_h: there should be two commented example lines04:13
lars_gHey all.04:13
bpfeverything else has been awesome so far04:14
aaronhas anyone gotten the snes9x emu to work?04:14
crimsunbpf: I'm using an X40-2527 just fine.04:14
adrian_hcrimsun: Got it04:14
p0windahpl_ice: and thoreauputic is right, you need to use sudo before those commands04:14
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lars_gQuestion, is there any way to install without X11 and any GUI systems? I want to set up a server with ubuntu and I'm a purist, I hate X11 in servers04:14
pl_iceyeh, just gimme a sec :)04:14
bpfcrimsun, did you have to do anything special to get those 2 things to work?04:14
thoreauputicp0windah: the echo won't work with sudo04:14
lars_ghey there apokryphos04:14
crimsunbpf: I did, yes, but you shouldn't have to.04:14
thoreauputicp0windah: hence my other remqrks04:14
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lars_gapokryphos: How's life?04:14
bpfcrimsun, why is that?04:14
pl_iceecho 10 did nothing04:14
p0windahjust sudo -s first then04:14
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crimsunbpf: because I've been testing Breezy on this for a long time.04:14
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egoleohey crimsun04:15
lars_gplease? anyone?04:15
egoleocan u help me on mysql04:15
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crimsunbpf: since you will dist-upgrade to Breezy (or install it fresh, then update) today, you won't have the issues I had04:15
thoreauputicp0windah: sudo -i is better  an safer04:15
Answerlars_g:  you can just remove the stuff you don't want.04:15
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lars_gAnswer: It't not really the idea, but...04:15
bpfcrimsun, i did a dist-upgrade yesterday after installing and enabling the universe repos04:15
crimsunegoleo: I'm not a db person, sorry.04:16
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Answerlars_g: Did you try installing from the cd in expert mode?04:16
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crimsunbpf: you really need to be updating every hour or so04:16
egoleoi just upgraded to breezy04:16
lars_gAnswer: Yes, I didn't see a package selection option04:16
egoleoand mysql04:16
lars_gOk I'll install and remove.04:16
egoleois not working again04:16
thoreauputiclars_g: you can get nX-less server with the server option in the install04:16
Nvidiotok, something is not working here. I've got a wlan0 with ndiswrapper, it should come up automatically on boot, but it does not. that is, it DOES come up, but netstat -rn lists *NO* routes whatsoever04:16
lars_gthoreauputic: it's a lilo option or a menu option?04:16
bpfcrimsun, and just waiting for it to work?04:17
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thoreauputiclars_g: just type " server" at the prompt, IIRC04:17
crimsunbpf: it works as of right now.04:17
pl_icehm, unless bloody gkrellm is lying, couse top  'M' shows it's ok04:17
Answeregoleo: Try to condense your statements into one so people don't have to scroll to help you.04:17
Answer!tell egoleo about ircprimer04:17
lars_gthoreauputic: Lilo option then. thanks a lot.04:17
thoreauputiclars_g: when you see the firat screen04:17
crimsunbpf: again, you'll have missed all the bloody hacking to get it working :)04:17
thoreauputiclars_g: no it isn't as lilo option04:17
Answer!tell egoleo about irc-primer04:18
bpfcrimsun, ah, I did not realize it was working now. things must have changed since yesterday evening04:18
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bpfcrimsun, glad I missed all the bloody hacking :) but appreciate all of you early adopters (i try when i have the time, it's always fun)04:18
Answerlars_g:  lilo is a boot loader, like grub.  I think you want the initial install screen where you can type options04:18
NvidiotI also saw something like 'restoring resolver' on boot with a red [fail]  behind it (and following that an ntp error)04:18
thoreauputicAnswer: he left :/04:18
wolf2how do i get and install gnucash? i have version 5.0404:19
bpfcrimsun, does the wireless work with WEP keys?04:19
pl_iceok, thnx back to matlab :/04:19
thoreauputicwolf2: sudo apt-get install gnucash04:19
bpfi tried it both ways last night with no luck04:19
thoreauputic!info gnucash04:19
ubotugnucash: (A personal finance tracking program), section universe/gnome, is extra. Version: 1.8.9-4ubuntu2 (hoary), Packaged size: 1237 kB, Installed size: 3844 kB04:19
wolf2thank you thoreauputic04:19
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GDorn*sigh*  NX keeps locking up.04:19
Answer!tell wolf2 about synaptic04:19
crimsunbpf: out of the box, yes04:20
thoreauputicwolf2: you need the universe repo04:20
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p0windahGDorn: ??04:20
crimsunbpf: it also works through wpasupplicant and xsupplicant04:20
thoreauputic!tell wolf2 about repos04:20
bpfcrimsun, thank you for your help and patience with my n00b questions :)04:20
crimsunbpf: as well as WPA, WPA2, and 802.11x04:20
GDornI dunno.  it worked a couple times, then it just stopped.  I don't get gnome, I get nothing.04:20
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bpfcrimsun, do you know how well breezy is working with amd64?04:20
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crimsunbpf: I can't comment on the desktop amd64 experience, since I only use amd64s as pbuilders.04:21
Nvidiotanyone know anything about my wlan issue on boot? What's going on?04:21
crimsunNvidiot: does wpasupplicant work at all?04:21
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p0windahGDorn: open a terminal and "nxserver --list", you might need to "nxserver --terminate :1001"04:21
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Nvidiotcrimsun: yes, if I kill things, turn off the wlan0 then run ifup wlan0 it magically works again04:21
dazzedwhens breezy coming out?04:21
Answeroct 1304:21
=== Answer is the fastest!
p0windahdazzed: this year..04:22
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Zeke1anybody know how to make dvd's go faster and not so stuttery04:22
Nvidiotcrimsun: but I'd like it to work on boot instead of having to do that every time I boot my laptop04:22
NvidiotZeke1: enable dma04:22
AnswerZeke1: Buy a better dvd player04:22
dazzedi finally got dsl and i can finally make neccessary upgrades im so excited04:22
crimsunNvidiot: hmm? What do you have to kill?04:22
Zeke1Nvidiot,  oh yes how do i do that04:22
Answerdazzed:  you don't have to wait for the official release, you can upgrade to breezy now if you want04:22
Nvidiotcrimsun: let's say you don't have any routes on boot, what would you do to get it working?04:23
Shin_Goukihi i need a link to a XMMS plugin site , is there such??04:23
dazzedAnswer: the repos are up?04:23
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oxezShin_Gouki: xmms.org ?04:23
p0windahdazzed: yup04:23
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dazzedtight ... i need to get off hoary04:23
crimsunNvidiot: no, I need to know the order in which those processes are being executed.04:23
dazzedwarty was better :)04:23
Answerdazzed:  Other people have been doing it.   Upgrades will occur before and after the release date so there's no reason to wait04:23
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thoreauputicShin_Gouki: apt-cache search xmms | grep plugin04:24
crimsunNvidiot: e.g., networking> ndiswrapper> wpasupplicant> nothing works04:24
Nvidiotcrimsun: I don't fully know what I'm doing, but usually messing with ifdown wlan0 / killing wpa_supplicant / dhcp and then an ifup wlan0 does the trick04:24
thoreauputicShin_Gouki: you don't really need to go searching the web most of the time04:24
GDornp0windah: yeah, that just killed the session I had started.  it was connecting and starting x, but then not starting gnome.  dunno why.  trying a reboot, just to be sure.04:24
dazzedthese packages are downloading so fast ^^04:24
Nvidiotcrimsun: how do I check what order it does stuff on boot?04:24
crimsunNvidiot: if you kill wpa_supplicant, then you're not using it at all04:24
Zeke1how do i enable dma04:24
Nvidiotcrimsun: it gets started again by ifup04:24
crimsunNvidiot: are you using my 0.4.5?04:25
KyralDamnit Ubotu tell the channel not me04:25
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crimsunKyral: no, tell you. We don't need the dma spam, thanks. :)04:25
zenroxZeke1,  read the howto enable dma in the ubuntuforums.org howto section04:25
crimsunKyral: or use !tell zekel about dma04:25
Answer!tell Kyral about tell04:25
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Shin_Goukithoreauputic, im looking for a "workin" spc plugin seems not to be listed04:26
Nvidiotcrimsun: I modified my /etc/network/interfaces to run wpa_supplicant before initing the interface, and to kill dhcp before shutting down the if04:26
AnswerNvidiot: It sounds like it's running multiple times because of your changes.04:26
Nvidiotcrimsun: wpa_supplicant is version 0.4.504:26
crimsunNvidiot: if you're using pre hooks in interfaces(5), you should know why it's starting multiple times04:26
thoreauputicShin_Gouki: ah OK - you're right that appears not to be in the repos :)04:26
crimsuni.e., it's your own fault it's starting that many times04:27
Nvidiotit's not starting multiple times, it's running only once right now, but my wlan0 interface doesn't work04:27
NvidiotI thought it was running multiple times, but it's not04:27
AnswerNvidiot:  ifconfig wlan0 up04:27
crimsunit shouldn't, it checks the pid file04:27
Nvidiotit *is* up, but not associated with the access point, let alone working dhcp04:27
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Shin_Goukithoreauputic,nono SID they had so not too bad that cmd04:28
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crimsunNvidiot: my suggestion would be to simply remove the script in /etc/rc2.d/ to start it04:28
Nvidiotcrimsun: eh?04:28
AnswerNvidiot: ifconfig wlan0 ap <MAC ADDRESS>04:28
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crimsunNvidiot: if you're already hooking it from interfaces(5), there's no need for it to run via sysvinit04:29
NvidiotAnswer: wpa_supplicant has to do that for me04:29
Nvidiotcrimsun: okay, I just rm S20wpasupplicant from there?04:29
AnswerNvidiot: buy a mac hehe04:29
crimsunNvidiot: yes04:29
Nvidiotallright, rebooting the box, let's see if it comes up properly04:29
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Tadej`Certanchi ppl04:30
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Tadej`Certanchow do I format partition in fat3204:30
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Tadej`Certancso i can see it on windows too04:30
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ezerhodenTadej`Certanc: cfdisk04:31
Nvidiotcrimsun: 'restoring resolver state' gives a [fail] , subsequently the ntp thing a little later gives a [fail]  too04:31
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crimsunNvidiot: but your interface?04:31
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Nvidiotcrimsun: loading desktop, hang on04:31
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crimsunit's really late for me to be playing with runlevels for it04:32
GDornarg.  dammit, I said reboot, not hang!04:32
Nvidiotcrimsun: interface is up, but no routes in netstat -rn, thus no working networking04:32
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crimsunNvidiot: so basically to get it working, you _have_ to down it and up it again?04:33
Nvidiotcrimsun: ifdown wlan0 says that the iface isn't configured04:33
GDornI'm pretty sure I typed "sudo reboot" not "sudo sit there and spin"04:33
crimsunNvidiot: (ifconfig iface down)04:33
Nvidiotdid that, now let's try ifup wlan004:34
crimsunNvidiot: paste your wpa_supplicant conffile onto paste.ubuntulinux.nl. Sanitise it if necessary (if you have psks or wep keys, etc.).04:34
Nvidiotrunning dhcpdiscover, times out04:34
crimsunNvidiot: also paste your /etc/default/wpasupplicant04:34
Nvidiotwill do, hang on04:35
Nvidiot(will have to type them out)04:35
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Tadej`CertancI have windows on my hdb3 partition04:35
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Tadej`Certanchow do I put thet in grub?04:36
londonboi2k3Hi guys, sorry, I have one otrher problem, when trying to install bzflag 2.0.2 I get an error, I have it pasted at this link http://pastebin.com/382654   Thanks04:36
Nvidiotcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/275404:37
Nvidiotcrimsun: let me know if you need any other info04:37
jdubanyone here subscribe to ubuntu-users via digest?04:37
Answerlondonboi2k3: Get the Opkg from the sourceforge site.  It works fine for me04:38
londonboi2k3Answer, ok ill try it04:38
crimsunNvidiot: so describe again the procedure you have to use.04:38
Nvidiotcrimsun: let me see if I can get it working. I tried the ifconfig wlan0 down followed by ifup wlan0, which did not work04:38
Nvidiotcrimsun: hey... due to forgetting to type sudo, I saw wpa_supplicant was running TWICE04:39
thoreauputicjdub: nice interview, dude :)04:39
Nvidiotcrimsun: that could cause an issue I'd say04:39
jdubthoreauputic: thanks ;)04:40
jdubthoreauputic: you enjoying the fridge?04:40
thoreauputicso far so good - more pictures needed!04:40
Nvidiotcrimsun: killing both of them, then running ifup wlan0 works... but why two of them spawn I don't understand04:40
=== Answer !tell thoreaputic jdub about #ubuntu-offtopic
Answerrevenge of the nonops04:41
=== thoreauputic gets cross with Answer
crimsunNvidiot: which ifaces are up?04:41
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=== Answer is luckily not a vampire
=== jdub boggles.
Nvidiotcrimsun: lo and now, wlan004:41
crimsunNvidiot: (hence why it's best to use -i in /etc/default/wpasupplicant)04:41
Lichtexdm won't start; i get the following error:  iounmap: bad address d042e00004:42
thoreauputicAnswer: the fridge is definitely on-topic :)04:42
crimsun(well, -i iface)04:42
Lichteany ideas on how I can fix this ?04:42
Nvidiotcrimsun: let me paste my network/interfaces file04:42
thoreauputicAnswer: as was jdub's interview for that matter *grin*04:42
Answerjdub = topic04:42
GDornokay.  freenx is sorta working.  just a couple more things I'm a little unclear on.  can I start a session at the physical desktop, lock the screen, and connect to it with nx from elsewhere?04:43
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GDornand, if I start a session remotely, can I suspend the session and then reconnect to it from the physical desktop itself?04:43
AnswerGDorn: I tried to get display zero remotely for awhile, then I gave up.  I couldn't even get a screenshot of it04:43
Nvidiotcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/275504:44
HoxzerSeems like I don't see anything on my desktop how could I get the icons back?04:44
Hendrichi got a problem with my "server" install.. i then apt-get xserver-xorg xfce4 but when i restarted.. it halts on "Starting periodic command scheduler".. what am i misssing???04:44
bpfanyone know if vmware runs on breezy? (on amd64) I want to upgrade my workstation, but need windows on occasion04:44
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sproingieGDorn: far as i know, you can't take a session running on a local display and turn it into a remote one without running it under something like xonx first04:45
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Answersproingie: do you know any way to take a screenshot of display zero from a remote command line?04:46
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Nvidiotcrimsun: I'm thinking the extra auto wlan0 at the bottom there is the problem ?04:46
sproingieGDorn: or whatever it's called.  last time i used whatever it was called was like 10 years ago.  xnest perhaps?04:46
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sunshinedoes anyone know about mutella04:46
crimsunNvidiot: no, that's necessary to have the script bring up wlan0 automatically.04:46
Answertasty chocolatey spread for crackers04:46
sunshinei need help getting mutella to work04:47
=== thoreauputic hands Answer a book on dyslexia
crimsunNvidiot: which chipset are you using?04:47
Nvidiotcrimsun: hmm, so why is wpa_supplicant running twice then?04:47
Lichte<homer voice> Hmmmmm, mutella </homer voice>04:47
sproingieAnswer: you don't, the command line has no idea what the display looks like.  you have to get the display to appear on the display that you have screenshot capability for04:47
TroelsEllo, Ubuntus. I have some technical problems as a noob to Ubuntu and programming. I need a C++-compiler. Can anybody help me?04:47
sunshinei dont know what i'm meant to download and how i'm meant to access it04:47
Nvidiotcrimsun: the wireless card chipset? Dell truemobile 1350, I believe that's a broadcom chip04:47
nightswimapt-get install g++04:47
crimsunNvidiot: let it run & fail, and look at the output of ps -ef04:47
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TrackilizerIs there a way one can get time stamp in bitchx?04:47
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sproingieTrackilizer: try #bitchx04:47
naliothTroels: install build-essential04:47
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elad`How do I install Ubuntu alongside WinXP?04:48
GDornouch.  nested x server.  that makes my brain hurt.04:48
Nvidiotcrimsun: as in, I should reboot, then look at ps -ef ?04:48
Tadej`Certanchi I added win to grub, but I cant start win.04:48
crimsunNvidiot: that will tell you which two processes invoked wpa_supplicant04:48
naliothnightswim: build-essential installs a pretty rounded array of compiling stuff04:48
Hoxzerwhat is the name of the software that shows the desktop icons?04:48
Hoxzerso I can restart it04:48
thoreauputicTrackilizer: sudo apt-get remove --purge bitchx && sudo apt-get install irssi-text *g*04:48
Nvidiotcrimsun: allright, give me a minute04:48
crimsunNvidiot: sure, if that's most efficient for you04:48
sproingieGDorn: xnest it is ... tho i think freedesktop.org has a modern replacement for it04:48
naliothelad`: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo04:48
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Nvidiotcrimsun: it can probably be done otherwise, but I'll do it this way :)04:49
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bpfHoxzer, crtl-alt-backspace will restart gnome04:49
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Hoxzerbpf: doesn't help04:49
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HoxzerI alreayd tried it04:49
Lichtexdm won't start; i get the following error:  iounmap: bad address d042e000    Any ideas on how to fix this ?04:49
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Hoxzerthis like really suck cause I shouldn't have to boot linux system04:50
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GDorncan I use just X to forward display zero?04:50
Nvidiotcrimsun: the resolver and NTP still fail on boot, now logging in to desktop04:50
GDornwith an x server at my end?04:50
Oborocan i d/l and use the breezy preview now? or should i wait till the 13th?04:50
snausagesthere's an icon in my notification area that updates are available, but when i click on it, synaptic wont start04:50
snausagescan anyone help me out with that?04:50
Tadej`CertancCan someone help me, I get this error while booting windows04:50
Troelsnightswim: I need to be logged in as root then, aye?04:50
Oborois the final version of breezy released yet?04:51
naliothubotu: tell Troels about root04:51
Shin_Goukihi how do i install printer under ubuntuu? i have HP DJ 690c04:51
naliothOboro: oct 1304:51
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Oborososo what's that link over there?04:51
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fredforfaenwhats up peeps04:52
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Oboroif the final ver. is colony 504:52
sunshinedoes anyone know how to set up mutella04:52
Nvidiotcrimsun: only one wpa_supplicant now, but, wireless doesn't work04:52
Oboroand i can d/l it now from the ubuntu website04:52
Nvidiotcrimsun: still no route. wpa_supplicant was started by pid 1, init04:52
Oboroso why does it say it's only going to be released on the 13th of October?04:53
Troelsnalioth: It asks me to put in a Cd now.04:53
nalioth sunshine open a terminal and type mutella --help04:53
naliothOboro: you are d/l a preview release04:53
AnswerOboro:  The 'official' version will be released on October 13th.  'final' version probably doesn't exist04:53
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Tadej`Certanc<Tadej`Certanc> Can someone help me, I get this error while booting windows04:53
Tadej`Certanc<Tadej`Certanc> http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/275604:53
Oborowhat's the difference?04:53
AnswerTadej`Certanc: You probably specified the wrong partition with (hd1,2)04:53
ubotuI heard e17 is the next generation enlightenment http://www.enlightenment.org or http://www.rasterman.com, http://www.get-e.org or http://www.edevelop.org04:54
thoreauputicOboro: hindreds of updated pacjkages04:54
Oborowill there be any difference between the colony 5 i can d/l today and the one i can d/l in ten days?04:54
Tadej`CertancAnswer: I have my win partition on hdb304:54
piestill no sound...04:54
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thoreauputicOboro: scroll up04:54
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thoreauputicOboro: if you keep updating, you will have the same thing on the 23th04:54
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AnswerTadej`Certanc: In the error msg you pasted, (hd1,2) refers to the harddrive,partition of windows.  make sure that is correct04:55
sunshinenalioth it said event 8155386 recieved at 15:53 finished scaning directories :1 files:0 size: 0 mbytes04:55
avalostubotu, forget e1704:55
ubotui forgot e17, avalost04:55
Johanssoni just upgraded to breezy04:55
avalostubotu, e17 is e17 is the next generation enlightenment http://www.enlightenment.org or http://www.rasterman.com, http://www.get-e.org or http://www.edevelop.org Install HOWTO at: http://www.gawth.org/?id=lin04:55
ubotuI think you lost me on that one, avalost04:55
tux-roxTadej`Certanc, It looks correct to me. Has it worked in the past?04:55
naliothsunshine: what are we discussing?04:55
thoreauputicavalost: erm - why did you wipe that factoid?04:55
Johanssonfaad doesn't work04:55
NvidiotTadej`Certanc: your windows is on harddisk 2, partition 3? (grub starts counting at 0)04:55
Oboroany disadentage of using fat32 in linux as oppose to ext3?04:55
AnswerJohansson: Try to condense your statemnts into one so people don't have to scroll to help you.04:55
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Oboroand what's ReiserFS?04:56
thoreauputicah - as you were :)04:56
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avalostthoreauputic, because i created it, and i am updating it04:56
fredforfaeni cant use ssh or ftp , nor mail...how do i transfer 50 mb to another dude then?04:56
sunshinenalioth: mutella is meant to be like kazaa and i mesh i should be able to download mp3 and music but i dont know how to do that04:56
thoreauputicavalost: yup - sorry :)04:56
NvidiotOboro: fat32 doesn't support any of the security features. Not a good idea04:56
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Tadej`CertancNvidiot: so it is correct (hd1,2)?04:56
NvidiotOboro: ext3 is the default04:56
LordvedaPlease what is the root password for the ubuntu live CD?04:56
Oborook thanx04:56
avalostubotu, e17 is the next generation enlightenment http://www.enlightenment.org or http://www.rasterman.com, http://www.get-e.org or http://www.edevelop.org Install HOWTO at: http://www.gawth.org/?id=lin04:56
ubotuokay, avalost04:56
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naliothsunshine: perhaps you should see the mutella hompage for instructions04:56
thoreauputicavalost: I jumped the gun :)04:56
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NvidiotTadej`Certanc: IF windows is on that harddisk and partition, maybe04:56
naliothLordveda: there is none04:56
avalostno prob there quick-draw :P04:56
basvghi, I noticed that backports is dead... is there a replacement (I'm still on Hoary) ... ?04:56
Johanssonok. gstreamer-faad doesn't seems to work with banshee nor with rhythmbox, in breezy04:56
Oborowhat about ReiserFS?04:56
sunshinei went to the mutella page it bear share04:56
AnswerOboro: You would be better informed googling the different filesystems.04:57
Tadej`CertancNvidiot: it is04:57
Tadej`Certanc    hdb3        Boot        Primary   NTFS             []               10001.9504:57
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NvidiotOboro: another option instead of ext3, check wikipedia or so04:57
AnswerLordveda:  Try "sudo su -"04:57
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crimsunNvidiot: so it's the wpa_supplicant that's being started from pre-up04:57
NvidiotTadej`Certanc: for grub that's indeed 1,2... weird04:57
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LordvedaAnswer, authentication failure04:57
Nermalfredforfaen: why can't you use ssh or ftp ?04:57
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Nvidiotcrimsun: yes, looks like it. That begs the question, why does it not work at that stage ?04:57
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Answerfredforfaen: What are you trying to do specifically?04:58
AnswerLordveda: try "sudo passwd root"04:58
pieHello, is ther any-one who can / want to help with a sound problem?04:58
tautologicoso, what's the right venue for asking about packages?04:58
fredforfaeni want to move one zipfile from this computer over to another computer on the internet , Answer04:58
crimsunNvidiot: timing issue; you probably need to experiment with sleep values04:58
Answerfredforfaen: Are they windows or linux?04:59
fredforfaenNermal i have no ftp or ssh access there04:59
pussfellerfredforfaen: make a torrent? use dcc? use amule or mldonkey? export via samba as a windows share?04:59
fredforfaenAnswer windows04:59
crimsunpie: what sort?04:59
Tadej`CertancNvidiot: how can I make my win partition work?04:59
Nvidiotcrimsun: the pre-up causes it to start too soon? How would I fix that?04:59
fredforfaenpussfeller good ideas04:59
NvidiotTadej`Certanc: I don't know, sorry04:59
pieNo sound afther installing this linux version04:59
naliothTadej`Certanc: what do you want to do?04:59
crimsunNvidiot: no, there's not enough time following the pre-up.04:59
avalostthoreauputic, care to do me a quick favor?04:59
pussfelleruse the file sharing app in kde or install a webserver...04:59
basvgis there a replacement for the backports...?04:59
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Answerfredforfaen: run an ftp server like cerberus04:59
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crimsunNvidiot: you probably need && sleep someval04:59
thoreauputicavalost: if possible, sure :)05:00
Answerfredforfaen: or run an http server like apache05:00
Tadej`Certancnalioth: run winxp on hdb3 partition05:00
JustSomeoneenable services05:00
fredforfaenAnswer on the windows machine?05:00
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naliothubotu: tell Tadej`Certanc about ntfs05:00
Troelsshortcut for terminal?05:00
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Nvidiotcrimsun: okay... any suggestion for some sensible starting point ?05:00
avalostthoreauputic, check http://gawth.org/?id=lin and make sure the howto and get-e files are readable to the outside world05:00
crimsunNvidiot: 5 seconds?05:00
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Aragorn_Guardian!find postgresql05:00
basvgwhen I add deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ etch main then I get an error about missing a pubkey..05:00
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Tadej`Certancnalioth: I dont want to mount it05:00
naliothbasvg: you will kill your box adding that line05:01
ubotuabyss_: Are you on ritalin?05:01
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Tadej`Certancnalioth: I want to boot it with grub05:01
crimsunbasvg: wiki.ubuntu.com/AptAuthenticationInstructionsForHoary05:01
ubotuhmm... codecs is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats05:01
piecrimsun: hard-ware is not regignised05:01
basvgnalioth: oh..? why's that?05:01
Nvidiotcrimsun: so the thing becomes pre-up wpa_supplicant_stuff && sleep 5  ?05:01
naliothubotu: tell abyss_ about w32codecs05:01
crimsunpie: laptop? desktop?05:01
crimsunNvidiot: ye05:01
Nvidiotcrimsun: okay, retrying (reboot again)05:01
naliothbasvg: debian pkgs are different enough to bring your ubuntu box to a grinding halt05:01
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Johanssondoes anybody know why gstreamer-faad doesn't work?05:01
crimsunpie: new computer (within 3 years)05:02
sorush20how do I copy the hole directory form one palce to another..05:02
basvgnalioth: hmm, I was only folowing the instructions on the RestrictedFormats wikipage..05:02
thoreauputicavalost: howto is fine - did you mean get_e.sh?05:02
Nvidiotbasvg: you can ignore that for the win32codecs. Do *NOT* get any other packages from that source because it'll likely break stuff05:02
avalostthoreauputic, yes, both05:02
piecrisum:No...., Pent.2 / 500/256/etc.05:02
sorush20sudo cp -r /home/sam/malt /dvar/www/alborz.uk.com05:02
Johanssonoh, i found it ->  However, this currently is problematic, and does not produce usable AAC files, though this may change in the future05:02
naliothbasvg: what are you seeking?05:02
basvgNvidiot: oh ok, thanks05:02
basvgnalioth: acroread05:02
thoreauputicavalost: get_e.sh prompts me for a download here05:03
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basvgnalioth: the 5something version doesn't work05:03
avalostthoreauputic, ok, cool thanks05:03
Shin_Goukihi how do i install my scanner(HP scanjet 3500c) and how do i scan images towards "gimp"??05:03
naliothbasvg: see seveas when he shows up, he has ubuntu packages05:03
avalostmuch appreciated05:03
piecrimsum:No...., Pent.2 / 500/256/etc.05:03
Seveasnalioth, acroread 7 has landed in breezy multiverse05:03
SeveasI have removed them from my repo already05:03
thoreauputicavalost: np :)05:03
piecrimsun:No...., Pent.2 / 500/256/etc.05:03
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pussfellerin gimp, you go to aquire images or some such, maybe import05:04
basvgSeveas: I'm still on hoary .. I got them from the backports a while ago but did a fresh install of my laptop (switched from win to ubuntu) ..05:04
naliothSeveas: ok then the restrictedformats page needs to be updates. it's sending folks to debian repos05:04
bigcx2Shin_Gouki: check if that model is supported under linux and if it is and scanning is supported you can use xsane for scanning05:04
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Seveasnalioth, check05:04
bigcx2look on hp's website05:04
pussfelleronce its recognized by SANE it will be available for all apps that use scanners05:04
Nvidiotcrimsun: thank you! That did the trick :D05:04
basvgSeveas: but it seems backports is dead so.. not sure where to get them now05:04
crimsunNvidiot: thought so.05:04
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naliothbasvg: if you are gonna add anything, add SOURCE repos only and build what you want05:05
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VoXwhen in the hell is vlc going to be available in breezy for amd64?05:05
Seveasbasvg, grab it from breezy05:05
graymani have a minor problem here. at the boot time it tries to synch with time server and it worked good at first boot, but now it always fails. Any ideas why?05:05
Troelsnalioth: Thanks a lot! It worked.05:05
bigcx2i have vlc in amd6405:05
Seveasnalioth, I don't see it mentioned on RestrictedFormate05:05
JustinHHtell me about w32codecs05:05
naliothVoX: add the source repos and build vlc05:05
Nvidiotcrimsun: now I thought the resolver gave the error, but it was 'mounting local filesystems' what's that about?05:05
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JustinHHtell JustinHH about w32codecs05:05
Troelsnalioth: Do you know some wiki or something like that for using it?05:05
VoXnalioth: i tried that. didnt work05:05
JustinHH!tell JustinHH about w32codecs05:05
basvgSeveas: hehe, I'll try... but I think it also wants higher libc stuff... I'll figure it out, or wait untill breezy is released05:05
naliothbasvg: where was debian mentioned on the restrictedformats page?05:05
BlueEaglenvidiot: That's mounting the entries in /etc/fstab05:06
crimsunNvidiot: hmm, perhaps malformed line in /etc/fstab?05:06
naliothTroels: what are we discussing?05:06
butcherbirdis slapd comparable to active directory?05:06
crimsunpie: what speed?05:06
Troelsnalioth: g++05:06
Seveasbasvg, grab the debs and dpkg -i --force-depends05:06
BlueEaglenvidiot: If you've got more than one partition there (bar swap) there it will attempt to mount them. If it fails one of the lines are malformed.05:06
basvgnalioth: I followed it top to bottom... think it was in the DVD section.05:06
Troelsnalioth: I just installed it.05:06
crimsunpie: oh, 500 MHz?05:06
naliothTroels: if you've installed build-essential, it is up to you to learn how to use the tools05:06
basvgSeveas: thanks... lemme try05:06
piecrimsun: 500 MHz, it's a soundblaster 32, but the hard-ware sees all kind off other funny names, accept soundblaster..05:06
NvidiotBlueEagle: I'll paste my fstab on the paste site, hang on05:06
Chasedoes anyone know what the easyest way to upgrate 'Wireless Extension' to version 18 or above is? my system is fully up-todate but im still only running version 17??05:07
Troelsnalioth: Aye, sorry.05:07
pussfellerbutcherbird: slapd is for openldap, which is more of a database style thingee than active directory, altho, i think AD uses a form of ldap05:07
crimsunpie: try: sudo modprobe snd-sbawe05:07
butcherbirdpussfeller: so not really like a linux alternative to AD?05:07
pacaactive directory is ldap05:08
NvidiotBlueEagle: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/275705:08
naliothSeveas: marillat is still with us05:08
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NvidiotBlueEagle: hmm, I think I see the problem. fd0 probably doesn't exist because it's a removable floppydrive and not currently inserted05:08
pacaSun directory and all the oter directories are ldap too.05:08
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piecrimsun: as on a command-line05:09
crimsunpie: yes05:09
TroelsSeems like I ran into a bug...05:09
piecrimsun: oke, be right back..05:09
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crimsunpie: you can do it from Terminal or Konsole, too05:09
basvghmmm, think I even found the hoary.deb's on nl.archive.ubuntu.com.. that could work05:10
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butcherbirdpussfeller: should prob google this is guess might get pretty involved thx for the reply05:10
BlueEaglenvidiot: fd0 won't cause an error at boot because it's noauto05:10
abyss_ where i can get the xvid codec?05:10
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BlueEaglenvidiot: that means that it won't try to automatically load it.05:10
NvidiotBlueEagle: hm, what then? O.o05:10
basvgthanks guys05:11
piecrimsun: back, nothing..05:11
BlueEaglenvidiot: I found it05:11
crimsunpie: it returned you to a prompt immediately?05:11
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BlueEaglenvidiot: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/275805:11
BlueEaglenvidiot: See the difference?05:11
JustinHHi have downloaded a firefox plugin called realplayer10gold.bin ! how can i activate or use a mozzila plugin?05:12
BlueEaglenvidiot: before you alter it try this: sudo swapon -a05:12
piecrimsun: nothing.., no prompt. just nothing05:12
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SeveasJustinHH, that's not a firefoxplugin05:12
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Seveas!tell JustinHH about restricted05:12
pussfelleri never had no love from ldap, good luck05:12
crimsunpie: the computer hung?05:12
BlueEaglenvidiot: If it doesn't find any swap partitions that will be the error.l05:12
BlueEaglenvidiot: if not I don't know. :)05:12
basvghmm... why do i get the impression that my sources.list is wrong.. it seems to be missing the multiverse eventhough it's in there..05:13
JustinHHSeveas, well that on http://www.real.com/linux/?rppr=rnwk&src=040104freeplayer05:13
NvidiotBlueEagle: it runs fine... should I modify it anyway ?05:13
piecrimsun: ani suggestions.. (top, under..)05:13
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crimsunpie: you need to answer the question first05:13
NvidiotBlueEagle: or maybe you know which logfile this would be logged in?05:13
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piecrimsun: sorry, just read :computer-hugg..05:13
Hoxzerhow I can defind what softwares start when I login?05:14
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piecrimsun: no, there was no reports, no responds, just nothing!05:14
naliothHoxzer: system > prefs > sessions05:14
thoreauputicHoxzer: or ~/.gnomerc05:14
crimsunpie: you need to be very explicit. Does the computer hang (as in you have to reset it), or does the bash prompt come back?05:14
NvidiotBlueEagle: from man fstab: The second field, (fs_file), describes the mount point for the filesystem. For swap partitions, this field should be specified as `none'05:15
thoreauputicHoxzer: that file might have to be created though05:15
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piecrimsun:nothing!, i'll try again then..05:16
dreamwavegood morning.  how do i change the cpu freq?  it seems to be stuck at 70%.05:16
JustinHHSeveas, Package realplayer is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:16
crimsunpie: "nothing" doesn't tell me anything useful.05:16
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JustinHHE: Package realplayer has no installation candidate05:16
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StylusEater_Workany oracle users in here?05:17
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sam_anyone experience an error on a printer after the print job is completed?05:18
NvidiotBlueEagle: any idea which logfile I'd have to look in for more info about this error ?05:18
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Nvidiot:( even05:19
naliothJustinHH: execute your file you d/l05:19
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naliothJustinHH: did you d/l a file for plugins?05:20
JustinHHwhat is d/l05:20
thoreauputicnalioth: realplay sets up plugins during install IIRC05:20
elad`I have on harddisk drive partitioned this way - C: and D:, both 30GB, Windows resides on C:. How do I install Ubuntu on the D:?05:21
thoreauputicJustinHH: the realplay blah blah "gold" you got has to be run as an install scipt05:21
nalioth10:11 < JustinHH> i have downloaded a firefox plugin called realplayer10gold.bin ! how can i activate or use a mozzila05:21
nalioth                  plugin?05:21
Nvidiotelad`: boot from the ubuntu cd, remove the second partition and install ubuntu there05:21
thoreauputicJustinHH: the instructions are on the website05:21
naliothJustinHH: open a terminal where the file is, and type ./realplayer10gold.bin05:22
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naliothJustinHH: and d/l is short for download05:22
zAo^any Breezy ppl who use UFRAW?05:22
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deFrysk chmod +x it first05:22
thoreauputicJustinHH: accept the defaults and let it set up symlinks for you05:22
Nvidiotanyone know why I get an error on mounting local filesystems? (Or what logfile I'd have to look at for more info?)05:23
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GDornokay, freenx crashes after being idle for a few minutes.05:24
GDorntakes my whole computer with it.05:24
[LethAL] GDorn, do you have a Windows Emulator running? :P05:24
tyrchyushi I've a problem.. my connection start then two minutes go dow05:25
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[LethAL] tyrchyus, More info please? Type of connection?05:25
tyrchyusin resolv.conf the nameserver is only one05:25
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Tadej`Certanchi ppl05:25
Tadej`CertancIm back05:25
tyrchyusthe connection is adsl ethernet05:25
Tadej`CertancI still cant boot windows05:26
tyrchyusalice you know?05:26
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[LethAL] ADSL Ethernet? That's quite an odd one05:26
piecrimsun: still there?05:26
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[LethAL] I have no idea, sorry :(05:26
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diemananyone else have acpi suspend break on them recently?05:26
GDornooookaaaay...  computer wasn't crashed, just that session, which I can't reconnect to.05:27
GDornthis just isn't stable.05:27
piecrimsun: still there?05:27
Nvidiotdieman: suspend to ram works, I'm trying hibernate at this moment05:27
naliothpie: ask a question to the channel05:28
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tyrchyusnothing [LethAL]  thank you05:28
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Nvidiothibernate doesn't seem to work, screen goes off, but power stays on it looks like05:28
[LethAL] Nvidiot, Same for me05:29
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[LethAL] Which mobo?05:29
diemanNvidiot: hrm05:29
Nvidiot[LethAL] : Dell Inspiron 8200 laptop05:29
Baldurancan somebody help me with my tv-card?? i dont get a signal from my sat-receiver.. im searching for it but tvtime dont find the sat-receiver :(05:29
diemanNvidiot: ram broke for me.05:29
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Shin_Goukinalioth, how di i install a printer HP DJ 690C , without having gmone, apt-get install cupsomatic-ppd DID not ssem towork05:29
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FarrisGI finally got wireless working on my laptop05:29
diemanNvidiot: or perhaps im going to hibernate now by mistake with the new acpi-support05:29
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[LethAL] Nvidiot, that's not a Motherboard ;)05:29
Demian___does anyone here use skype?05:29
diemanNvidiot: theres a new kernel im installing....05:29
Demian___and hi05:29
FarrisGHowever, are there any tools to automatically down the wireless interface when the wired interface is up?05:29
Nvidiot[LethAL] : I know, but I don't know what motherboard this laptop uses05:29
dreamwaveis there a way to have rhythmbox use a different sound card?  i have 2 installed.05:29
[LethAL] Nvidiot, I gathered that too, don't worry05:30
NvidiotFarrisG: I use the network config tool with 2 different locations. It's not automated however05:30
pienalioth: I was before rebooting try-ing with crimsun to find a sollutian for having "no sound" afther installing this linux.. Is there anybody els witch can help me? (it's my first install )05:30
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FarrisGNvidiot: I'll try that, doesn't seem too much a hassle05:30
Shin_GoukiHello, how do i install a printer HP DJ 690C , without having gnome, apt-get install cupsomatic-ppd DID not seem to work?05:30
naliothpie: if you ask your question, someone may know05:31
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HappuHey, if i update my system (i think i do it when 5.10 is offically out) do i have to download the whole backage (650mb)?05:32
pienalioth: I have "no sound" afther installing this linux.. Is there anybody els witch can help me? (it's my first install )05:32
Baldurancan somebody help me with my tv-card?? i dont get a signal from my sat-receiver.. im searching for it but tvtime dont find the sat-receiver :(05:32
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[LethAL] Happu, no, not the CD, but downloading the updates may be around the same size05:32
thoreauputic!tell Happu about upgrade2breezy05:32
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sas171Hello, how to install lisq under Hoary?05:32
slibshello hello, any program to make xvid -> dvd?05:32
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Nvidiotanyone know why I get an error on mounting local filesystems? (Or what logfile I'd have to look at for more info?)05:33
thoreauputicsas171: did you mean licq ?05:33
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zAo^damn, bug in ufraw :( now what?05:33
pieHow do I install the -correct driver- for my soundblaster 32? Ani0one?05:33
koodarsHello, I just installed ubuntu 5.10, and i head that it has newest ati drivers already, how do i install them?05:34
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slibsNvidiot: how do you try to mount?05:34
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ubotuwell, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx05:34
sas171thoreauputic: yes05:34
thoreauputic!info licq05:34
ubotulicq: (ICQ client (base files)), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 1.3.0-2ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 614 kB, Installed size: 1912 kB05:34
pieHow do I install the -correct driver- for my soundblaster 32? Ani-one?05:34
thoreauputicsas171: you need the universe repo05:34
Nvidiotslibs: it's on boot, so I'd say that it's an fstab error, but the config looks good to me....05:34
JustSomeoneHeya, how do you set up a nic in ubuntu?  I was guessing you went to system-->administration-->networking, am I right?05:35
thoreauputicsas171: but you realise gaim does icq, right?05:35
graymansas171, you might want to use gaim. it supports icq05:35
pieHow do I install the -correct driver- for my soundblaster 32? ...Help?05:35
Nvidiotslibs:  http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2757 that's my /etc/fstab05:35
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Shin_Goukihi! Which command on shell do i have to use to mount a USB stick??05:36
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slibsNvidiot: try winmac_fstab script?05:36
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Nvidiotslibs: eh?05:36
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silvertearhello all05:36
slibsNvidiot: google with that name05:37
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silverteari have just swtiched from ps/2 mouse to an optical usb mouse, and it is not working, the light is not on, what should i do to fix it?05:37
FarrisGHow do you configure the system to run a script when you up or down an interface?05:37
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Nvidiotslibs: I do not have ANY NTFS/FAT/HFS+ partitions. partition 1 is swap, number 2 is reiserfs and /05:37
Nvidiotslibs; that's it05:37
sas171thoreauputic: yes, I'm not used to Gaim and want some app like icq lite. How to add that repo? wether url?05:38
spolaFarrisG, do "man 5 interfaces"05:38
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thoreauputic!tell sas171 about repos05:38
slibsNvidiot: okay then i dunno05:38
spolaand put i think "post wget http://boobs.porn" under the interface you need05:38
egoleostill mysqld05:39
egoleonot found05:39
egoleoany help05:39
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sas171thoreauputic: thank you05:39
thoreauputicsas171: yw :)05:39
Nvidiotslibs: any idea which log I'd have to look in ?05:39
pieShin_Gouki: just plu it in, it suppos to end on your" Computer" (locations)05:40
JustinHHis it imoprtent where i installed realplay? i instaled it in /home/username/programs/realplay? this messafe apears: Could not find an apropiate hxplay or realplay in the system path to use an embedded player05:40
pieShin_Gouki: just plug it in, it suppos to end on your" Computer" (locations)05:40
egoleohow to use bitorent05:40
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JustinHHthis means that i should install also realplayer?05:40
Shin_Goukipie, no i dont use gnome nor KDE so it doenst work that way05:40
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thoreauputicJustinHH: jst make a link in your path05:40
pieShin_Gouki: what do you use05:41
X3ndouHey, could anyone help me install OpenMotif in Hoary05:41
pieShin_Gouki: what do you use?05:41
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JustinHHthoreauputic, this message appears in firefox when i am trying to hear a radio on-line....05:41
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JustSomeoneHey, I get this error when I log in with gnome: "Could not look up Internet address for %machinename, this will prevent Gnome from working correctly. It may be possible to correct the problem by adding %machinename to the file /etc/hosts." The fix seems simple enough, but I cant sudo, any suggestions?05:41
pieHow do I install the -correct driver- for my soundblaster 32? (Gnome)...Help?05:42
[LethAL] JustSomeone, you did expert install, didn't you?05:42
JustSomeoneNo, I don't think so05:42
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[LethAL] Well if sudo doesn't work... that's really the only reason why05:42
JustSomeoneI don't think I would intentionally do expert install lol05:42
Shin_Goukipie: icewm05:42
JustSomeoneNo no, i'm getting an error that it cant find the profile or w/e05:43
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[LethAL] Did you enter a root password?05:43
JustSomeonebecause gnome cant fidn my host name05:43
[LethAL] (On setup)05:43
pieShin_Gouki: on the command line05:43
JustSomeoneNo I didnt05:43
pieShin_Gouki: on the command line/05:43
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douglaswhat package do I need for X includes?05:43
pieShin_Gouki: on the command line?05:43
K^Holtzpie: do you say everything more than once?05:43
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Shin_Goukipie , yes i need the command switch05:44
thoreauputicdouglas: probably xlibs-dev05:44
[LethAL] JustSomeone, you'll need to use recovery mode05:44
silvertearhey can someone that is running an optical mouse give me the mouse section of their xorg.conf?05:44
douglasaye thanks05:44
thoreauputicdouglas: or x-window-system-dev05:44
JustSomeonehmmm, ok05:44
[LethAL] JustSomeone, when you do, add the next line to /etc/hosts05:44
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naliothdouglas: and xlibs-static-dev05:44
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FarrisGNvidiot: When I setup a location, then deactivate the wireless interface for that location, then next time I switch to that location, it keeps the wireless interface activated05:44
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[LethAL] JustSomeone, localhost.localdomain localhost <machinename>05:44
chrissturmwhats a good way to transfer my root filesystem to another harddrive?05:44
JustSomeoneYeah, thanks ^^05:44
[LethAL] JustSomeone, You know your machine name, don't you?05:44
JustSomeoneI just needed a way to edit it, since I couldnt sudo05:45
JustSomeoneYes I do05:45
[LethAL] While you're at it...05:45
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silvertearubotu tell me about breezy05:45
JustSomeoneI still have to set up my nic too :05:45
mahanguubotu tell me about the meaning of life05:45
JustinHHis anybody still here 2 help me? pls05:45
Kyralmahangu, the answer is 4205:45
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[LethAL] run visudo and copy the bottom line (about root and ALL) with your own username05:46
mahanguJustinHH, just ask05:46
NvidiotFarrisG: set it up the way you want, then create a new location :)05:46
mahanguKyral, thanks mate05:46
JustinHHthoreauputic, this message appears in firefox when i am trying to hear a radio on-line....05:46
Answer!tell silvertear about upgrade2breezy05:46
JustinHHis it imoprtent where i installed realplay? i instaled it in /home/username/programs/realplay? this messafe apears: Could not find an apropiate hxplay or realplay in the system path to use an embedded player05:46
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silvertearsorry, i can't click on ubotu in the nickname list, my mouse is not working05:46
pieShin_Gouki: getting error: no associated action05:46
sunshinedoes anyone know how to work mutella05:46
naliothJustinHH: the default install should have installed it to your .mozilla directory05:46
JustinHHi have installed a *bin file from: http://www.real.com/linux/?rppr=rnwk&src=040104freeplayer wich was a plugin 4 firefox05:46
thoreauputicJustinHH: try reinstalling the .bin file with sudo ./realplay.... .bin05:46
ubotuThe guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade05:47
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naliothsunshine: http://mutella.sourceforge.net/docs.php05:47
Baldurando you know a linux-command to show primary/logical drives separated?05:47
Nermalfdisk ?05:47
JustSomeoneso visudo will make another sudo user?05:47
JustinHHnalioth, and where is the default mozilla directory?05:47
[LethAL] JustSomeone, no, it will open your sudoers file05:47
Answersilvertear: ctrl+tab should change focus if your mouse doesnt work05:47
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pieShin_Gouki: it seems that the hardware is not seen by gnome05:47
sunshinenalioth your still hear i have read about mutella and i figure out how to work it but it does tell me how to access the files that i have download i dont know where the file has fgone05:47
JustSomeoneYeah but by editing it05:47
thoreauputicJustinHH: theinstaller shoukd do all that for you05:48
JustinHHwell it doesn`t05:48
[LethAL] JustSomeone, When you add the info, you'll be able to sudo05:48
thoreauputicJustinHH: you must have made some error I think05:48
[LethAL] :-)05:48
JustSomeoneOk thanks05:48
sunshineand i would like to put my music file as part fo the shared files but that isnt workin either05:48
[LethAL] No problem05:48
sunshineplease help05:48
K^HoltzCan open office save text documents in .doc format?05:48
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thoreauputicJustinHH: did the installer offer to make system-wide links?05:48
AnswerK^Holtz yes.  try SaveAs05:49
JustSomeoneAlso, do you have to be root to open some apps in ubuntu?05:49
JustinHHi just have installed it in /home/myuser/programs/realplayer05:49
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naliothJustinHH: yes, the default goes in here /usr/local/lib/mozilla/plugins05:49
JustinHHor smth05:49
K^HoltzAnswer i dont have the software in front of me05:49
naliothJustinHH: that is the wrong place05:49
K^Holtzbut thank you for ur answer :)05:49
JustinHHno it just asked me where to install them or smth like that05:49
AnswerK^Holtz: OpenOffice can save in MSWord compatible formats :)05:49
Shin_Goukihi i did write: mount -t /dev/sda1/home/NAME/ORDNER to mount my usb stick ...but were i may acces the data now?05:49
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slibsso?, any program names, how to convert xvid to dvd?05:50
pieHow do I install the -correct driver- for my soundblaster 32? (Gnome)...Help?05:50
JustinHHi went now where i have installed it and there is a folder called mozilla with 2 files nphelix.so and nphelix.xpt05:50
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lars_gQuick one, what was the name to the ncurses alternative to dselect?05:51
naliothJustinHH: put those files in /usr/local/lib/mozilla/plugins05:51
pieShin_Gouki: any room for a tribbute?05:51
naliothlars_g: aptitude05:51
lars_gthanks nalioth05:51
thoreauputicJustinHH: you can probably copy those to your ~/.mozilla/plugins folder05:51
sunshinelnalioth: i have read the man pages and the how to over and over it doesnt tell me how to access the filesthat i've download or how to add my music file to the shared folders05:51
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X3ndouifI have a .deb sitting on my desktop, what do I type into terminal to install it05:52
naliothsunshine: if nobody answers you in here, then nobody knows. perhaps you could try #mutella05:52
Nvidiotsudo dpkg -i filename05:52
[LethAL] X3ndou, sudo dpkg -i Desktop/foo.deb05:52
Nvidiotanyone know why I get an error on mounting local filesystems? (Or what logfile I'd have to look at for more info?)05:52
Shin_Goukinhow do i mount usb stick frim shell?05:52
TiMiDoNvidiot what error?05:53
TiMiDoShin_Gouki man mount05:53
[LethAL] Shin_Gouki, In Breezy, System, Administration, Disks05:53
[LethAL] Oh.. shell05:53
NvidiotTiMiDo: when booting it says 'Mounting local filesystems     [fail] '05:53
[LethAL] My bad05:53
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thoreauputicShin_Gouki: when you plug it in, see what dmesg says about it05:53
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thomas__Nvidiot: wrong entry in /etc/fstab?05:53
pieDoes any-one knows a site to test hardware with a Ubuntu/gnome setup?05:53
ubotuati is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx05:53
TiMiDoNvidiot look at it on /etc/fstab05:53
Shin_Goukithoreauputic, im on shell05:54
JustinHHin there /usr/local/lib is just this folder python2.405:54
NvidiotTiMiDo: my /etc/fstab is correct....05:54
Shin_Goukithoreauputic,  i did write: mount -t /dev/sda1/home/NAME/ORDNER to mount my usb stick ...but were i may acces the data now?05:54
thoreauputicShin_Gouki: yes I know - please re-read what I said05:54
Nvidiothttp://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2757 that's my /etc/fstab05:54
TiMiDoNvidiot ok what line is it?05:54
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Shin_Goukithoreauputic, dmesg..? what is that?05:54
thoreauputicShin_Gouki: wherever you monted it of course (assuming that worked)05:54
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thoreauputicShin_Gouki: a command05:55
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NvidiotTiMiDo: it doesn't say, it just says 'Mounting local filesystems    [fail] '05:55
Shin_Goukithoreauputic, the mnt directory< is empty :/05:55
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pieDoes any-one knows a site to test hardware with a Ubuntu/gnome setup?05:55
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sunshinethere no one in #mutella05:55
TiMiDoNvidiot put it on /etc/fstab and then mount it05:55
TiMiDopie check on www.ubuntu.com05:55
NvidiotTiMiDo: everything I want to mount *IS* on there. There are no other partitions05:55
thoreauputicShin_Gouki: mount -t /dev/sda1/home/NAME/ORDNER  << typo or missing space ?05:55
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JustinHHits under usr/lib05:56
pieTimido: i did..05:56
thoreauputicShin_Gouki: you would have a space after the device path05:56
TiMiDotry google pie05:56
pieTimido: i did..05:56
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NvidiotTiMiDo: see my paste... It still gives that error on boot (even though everything boots fine and seems to work fine too)05:56
Nvidiotonly thing I'm not sure about is swap05:57
TiMiDoNvidiot check on /etc/init.d/05:57
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thoreauputicShin_Gouki: also if you use the -t flag you have to specify the filesystem type05:57
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thoreauputicShin_Gouki: man mount05:57
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NvidiotTiMiDo: what about that directory? Could you be a TINY bit more specific please?05:57
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GDornhrm. apparently I want something called x0rfbserver.  only, that's a defunct project...05:57
Shin_Goukithoreauputic, mount: can't find /dev/sda1/home/scheinert/usb_s in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab05:58
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thoreauputicShin_Gouki: your comand is wrong05:58
Shin_Goukithoreauputic, i typed: sudo mount /dev/sda1/home/scheinert/usb_s05:58
thoreauputicShin_Gouki: space after /dev/sda105:58
Shin_Goukithoreauputic, at which charater?05:58
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thoreauputicthen look in /home/scheinert/usb_s or wherever it mounts05:59
mahanguubotu tells me (much later) that he doesn't know the meaning of life05:59
Shin_Goukithoreauputic, mount: mount point /home/scheinert/usb_s does not exist05:59
mahanguwtf, what are bots for anyway05:59
[LethAL] mahangu, yes he does05:59
[LethAL] !meaning of life05:59
ubotumethinks meaning of life is 4205:59
[LethAL] See05:59
mahanguhe didn't tell me05:59
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NvidiotTiMiDo ?06:00
[LethAL] Heh06:00
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mahanguubotu tell me the meaning of life06:00
thoreauputicShin_Gouki: well , you can't mount on a directory until you make it or unless it exists!06:00
[LethAL] That's because I told him :D06:00
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thoreauputicShin_Gouki: it isn't magic you know06:00
mahangu[LethAL] , what's the syntax? to teach06:00
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Shin_Goukithoreauputic, mount: special device /dev/sda1 does not exist06:00
[LethAL] <name of bot>, X is blahdeblah06:00
thoreauputicShin_Gouki: that's why I told you to run dmesg when you plug in your usb drive06:01
thoreauputicShin_Gouki: so you can see where it is06:01
Shin_Goukithoreauputic, idid run i think there was alot of unpleasend error stuff.06:01
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mahanguis ubotu custom coded? or based on supybot or somethingg?06:01
thoreauputicI have to go now and sleep -good night all06:01
naliothmahangu: upgraded blootbot06:02
mahangugotta try him out in #taprobane06:02
mahanguok, im off to bed as well06:02
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mahangugotta study tom06:02
mahangunight nalioth , [LethAL] 06:02
[LethAL] Night06:02
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Shin_Goukithoreauputic, i am now on the dmesg what do i need to look for?06:03
Nvidiotwhen booting it says 'Mounting local filesystems     [fail] ' How do I fix this?06:03
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JustSomeoneWhat are you trying to mount?06:03
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Shin_Goukithoreauputic, it said: usb-storage: device found at 5, what device number is that now?06:05
geek00Loops, ubuntu has huge community06:05
TiMiDoyes it does geek00L06:05
JustSomeoneI believe thoreauputic left Shin_Gouki06:05
NecronNero gives me a message "Entered Block Size does not correspond with image length" when burning Ubuntu 5.10. Should i Ignore or Correct?06:06
JustSomeone<thoreauputic> I have to go now and sleep -good night all06:06
vegiVampNEVER EVER EVER apply dell firmware upgrades before checking on the net06:06
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geek00Luser friendliness always bring the hopes06:06
vegiVampupgraded bios of my latitude to the latest version, so "obviously" my display stopped working06:06
NvidiotvegiVamp: of course! Dell bios updates are like windows06:07
JustSomeoneShin_Gouki: I'll try to help you if I can :x06:07
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vegiVampjust finished what was all of a sudden a mandatory dist-upgrade to breezy, all is fine again now.06:07
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naliothNecron: do your md5sums check on the iso image?06:07
vegiVampand it now detected my bluetooth card as well :-)06:07
NecronNero gives me a message "Entered block size does not correspond with image length" when burning Ubuntu 5.10. Should i Ignore or Correct it?06:07
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Shin_GoukiJustSomeone, thx for telling me :)06:08
Necronhow can i check this under windows?06:08
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NvidiotNecron: google for md5sum.exe :)06:08
vegiVampdoes konqi have a problem with tinyurl ? :-)06:08
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vegiVampit just keeps reloading the same thing :-)06:08
naliothNecron: http://www.pc-tools.net/win32/freeware/md5sums/    <<<unix md5 compiled for windows06:08
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graymani do everythig like they say in !ati and still have messa06:09
Buddha|Does anyone here use the WindowLab window manager?06:10
Nvidiotwhen booting it says 'Mounting local filesystems     [fail] ' How do I fix this?06:10
crimsunwhat's your /etc/fstab?06:10
coobrai hawe done the fstab thing... i want to add the hdd so i can use it... wtf do i do know :(06:10
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butcherbirdcoobra: mount -a?06:10
ubotuati is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx06:10
Nvidiotcrimsun: hang on06:11
Nvidiotcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2757 that's my /etc/fstab06:11
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x_orI'm trying to upgrade to breezy, but I keep getting this error on apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade:  "Errors were encountered while processing:  xfree86-common E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"06:11
Necronummmm..... after optaining the MD5 test result, how do i know they are correct06:11
x_orDoes X have to be shutdown to upgrade to breezy?06:11
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naliothx_or: something is majorly wrong if you see xfree86 anywhere06:12
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ompaulnalioth, I wonder if it is warty06:12
Amaranthi have the worst luck with computers06:12
Amaranthi get my breezy install working again and my monitor dies06:12
JustSomeoneNecron: Compare them with the original I believe :P06:12
coobrai hawe forgoten things :(06:12
Shin_Goukihi, i got a device number but i need to find the asociated path to it ? ideaS?06:13
Shin_Goukihi, i got a device number but i need to find the asociated path to it ? ideaS? my device number is scsi106:13
crimsunShin_Gouki: what is it, a cdrom? a hard drive?06:13
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Nvidiotcrimsun: he's got an usb drive06:13
Shin_Goukicrimsun, its a USB stick06:13
crimsunShin_Gouki: is it not mounted in /media ?06:13
Amaranthshould be in /media, right?06:14
NecronJustSomeone: Which original? as far as i know the website gives the check result of a correct file, I can't find anything, though06:14
Shin_Goukicrimsun, no :/06:14
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x_ornalioth:  Yeah, this was a hoary install, that I tried to upgrade to warty (maybe vice-versa), but I don't think I ever got it working correctly.  The system works fine, but the upgrade was not proper, I believe.  Can I force a removal of xfree86 and upgrade to x.org?06:14
creamGot a problem cant get rhythmbox work whit fluxbox ..only gets error when trying to play a file =/06:14
Shin_Goukicrimsun,  i used: dmesg to find thats it on scsi106:14
Shin_Goukicrimsun,  now i need somehow to put in on my mount command06:15
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JustSomeoneHe hasn't mounted it yet, so why would it be in /media?06:15
AmaranthJustSomeone: It should have mounted automagically.06:15
naliothx_or: try your upgrade from a rescue terminal06:15
NecronJustSomeone: Which original? as far as i know the website gives the check result of a correct file, I can't find anything, though06:15
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crimsuncream: start esd manually, then play a file using rhythmbox06:16
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x_orOK, will do.06:16
Shin_Goukicrimsun,  i used:  sudo mount /<<path i dont know>>/scsi1 /home/scheinert/usb_s06:17
crimsunNvidiot: is that a default /etc/fstab ?06:17
Nvidiotcrimsun: no, that's one I created manually (due to my slightly funky way of installing from a knoppix-std cd)06:17
Nvidiotcrimsun: I don't see anything wrong with it though06:17
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crimsunNvidiot: sysfs is mounted automatically, you shouldn't have to explicitly specify it.06:17
NecronCould anybody tell me how i know if the MD5 check for my Ubuntu image is positive????06:18
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crimsunNvidiot: in fact, by that point it will have been mounted already.06:18
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Nvidiotcrimsun: so I should remove the /sys line ? :)06:18
crimsunNvidiot: comment it out at leasnt06:18
ilanguthey ... can anyone help a newbee with a bluetooth prob?06:18
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Shin_Goukii need to create a mount command from this: Attached scsi removable disk sda at scsi1, channel 0, id 0, lun 006:18
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creamcrimsun : Esd?06:19
crimsuncream: open a terminal emulator, and type esd06:19
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Nvidiotcrimsun: mounting local filesystems... [fail] 06:20
ilanguti need help setting up a connection between my ubuntu box and my t630 ... can any one help out?06:20
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NermalShin_Gouki: sudo mount /dev/sda /mnt/<mountpoint> ?06:21
Shin_Goukinermal nope06:21
GDornthere's really no way to move the local (display 0) X session into a remote session?06:21
NermalShin_Gouki: very helpful06:21
X3ndoucan I install an RPM in ubuntu?06:21
NermalX3ndou: you can convert an rpm to a deb using alien06:21
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ubotuati is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx06:21
Shin_GoukiNermal here:06:22
ubotualien is probably a program to convert RPMs to DEBs. Can give problems. Website: http://www.kitenet.net/programs/alien/06:22
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naliothX3ndou: what program are you seeking?06:22
naliothX3ndou: and there are no ubuntu pkgs?06:22
X3ndounalioth: can't find any06:22
yaaardoes anybody know why my /boot/grub/menu.lst would have changed between reboots, without my having changed it? The kernel line was changed to have hdb1 instead of hda1....when hdb is (and always has been) a FAT32 windows drive?06:23
Shin_Goukinermal , i need to create a mount command from this: Attached scsi removable disk sda at scsi1, channel 0, id 0, lun 006:23
Shin_GoukiNermal , i need to create a mount command from this: Attached scsi removable disk sda at scsi1, channel 0, id 0, lun 0, its not on sda06:23
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OfeCould someone help a n00b out with connectionspeed-problems? I have 56k external modem with conexant chipset but Ubuntu seems to connect with 9600bps speed. :<06:23
naliothX3ndou: i see plenty when i "apt-cache search motif"06:23
imterrohmm, can somone give me the name of a good java compiler, preferably wth an ide?06:24
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naliothimterro: eclipse06:24
FarrisGNvidiot: No dice, no matter how I setup the different locations, it always reactivates both interfaces whenever I switch locations06:24
jtealeimterro: javac?06:24
X3ndounalioth: yes, but none of those are actually openmotif :P06:24
imterroeclipse is a couple hundred mb :P06:24
imterroi just need somethign quick atm06:24
naliothX3ndou: then d/l the sources and compile it yourself06:25
imterrowell 108mb or something06:25
X3ndouI tried that06:25
X3ndouit spit out a whole crapload of errors06:25
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jtealeimterro: JBuilder 2005 foundation06:25
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kemiknalioth:  you still need javac with eclipse tho... afaik..?06:25
jtealeimterro: free, around 90mb, reg req06:25
NvidiotFarrisG: weird, it works for me06:25
kemikimterro:  something quick? gvim06:25
Nvidiotcrimsun: any idea ?06:25
naliothX3ndou: such as? join #kubuntu-offtopic and tell me06:25
crimsunNvidiot: not off the top of my head06:25
X3ndounalioth: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/274806:25
crimsunNvidiot: sorry, I'm preoccupied with ALSA atm06:26
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Nvidiotcrimsun: any idea which logfile would have more details? I don't mind poking around manuals & stuff06:26
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nxv_are there unrar rar packages for breezy?06:27
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jtealenxv_: unrar and rar06:27
jtealenxv_: one's free ones the rarsoft version06:28
jtealenxv_: don't remember which is which06:28
JustSomeoneDoes anyone have docs on how gnome works?06:28
nxv_jteale: but can only find unrar-free with my breezy sources.list and it doesnt work for the rar i have06:28
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jtealenxv_: then try unrar-nonfree06:29
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jtealenxv_: it's in multiverse06:29
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nxv_jteale: ok, then i would need an example what lines to add to get multiverser for my breezy sourcelist06:30
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HiddenFlywhat program can i use to uncompress rar archive?06:31
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yaaardoes anybody know why my /boot/grub/menu.lst would have changed between reboots, without my having changed it? The kernel line was changed to have hdb1 instead of hda1....when hdb is (and always has been) a FAT32 windows drive?06:31
jtealenxv_: just add multiverse06:31
creamIs there possible to have icons on the destop while using fluxbox and what is the name of the file viewer in fluxbox ?06:31
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jtealenxv_: next to where it says univese06:32
creamor what can i find it in the list under system?06:32
nxv_jteale: are there although breezy-security multiverse sections? or ony breezy multiverse?06:32
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ilanguti need help setting up a connection between my ubuntu box and my t630 ... can any one help out?06:33
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gearryI am having some trouble configuring a modem, last time I did this was over 5 years ago06:33
pittinxv_: in theory there is breezy-security for multiverse, but in practice there is not a single update in it06:33
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nxv_pitti: okay then i will add them 4 future propose06:33
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gearrymy laptop has a winmodem supported by lt_modem, but how do I know which device the modem is attached to?06:33
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jtealecream I think you're looking for fbdesk http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net/fbdesk/06:34
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poningruwoah no one here?06:37
poningruanyone need help?06:37
jtealeyup, sure got quiet06:37
kemikthat's a good thing06:37
ilanguti need help setting up a connection between my ubuntu box and my t630 ... can any one help out?06:37
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NoUseilangut what kind of connection?06:39
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NvidiotI try to help when I know how to do something, but I'm _far_ from a linux guru06:39
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jtealebluetooth I'm guessing06:39
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TiMiDohi vikash06:39
TiMiDoyeah been a linux guru takes lots of experiences06:39
moparfan90hello. i am buying a AMD athlon 64 2800 and a new motherboard. is ubuntu 64-bit alot better then the normal version?06:40
x_o1nalioth:  Sorry to bother you.  I am in rescue mode, but xfree86-common won't uninstall.  is there a force switch for apt-get dist-upgrade?06:40
vikashsuppose i installed an program in /usr/netbeans/bin/program06:40
Nvidiotx_o1: -f ?06:40
naliothmoparfan90: if you like flash, wmvs and all that eye candy, use 686 kernel on your amd64 box06:40
vikashi want it shortcut in applications<accessories06:40
vikashhow can i do it06:40
moparfan90why the 64 bit version is not good?06:40
TiMiDo!tell vikash about menu06:41
naliothx_o1: apt-get remove xfree86-common06:41
vikashtell me plz06:41
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naliothmoparfan90: b/c support for flash, movies, and other things just isnt there yet06:41
naliothvikash: look at your private msgs06:41
zer0`does anyone else get errors upgrading to firefox 1.0.7 with apt-get ?06:41
nxv_how to convert cue/bin to iso?06:41
sas171I can't see the icons in the KDE apps, what's wrong?06:41
moparfan90on any distro?06:42
vikashhow can i see private mesages06:42
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naliothvikash: they should show up in tabs06:42
BiSK-8can any1 tell me how 2 upgrade 2 seubuntu?06:42
naliothBiSK-8: what?06:42
vikashhere no tab06:42
naliothvikash: what client are you using for irc?06:43
moparfan90are any distro good for 64 bit and have the sound movie and everything working good?06:43
BiSK-8nalioth, to seubuntu,(selinux) security enhanced linux06:43
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BiSK-8made by the nsa06:43
naliothubotu: tell vikash about smeg06:43
naliothBiSK-8: there is no upgrading to that06:43
BiSK-8 http://www.nsa.gov/selinux/06:43
BiSK-8and how can i get it?06:43
naliothBiSK-8: download it06:43
BiSK-8thats the problem06:43
vikashnalioth i got it06:43
Nvidiotmoparfan90: no. The problem is flash and those win32codecs are 32-bit and there is no sourcecode, so they can't be recompiled. Until there is a 64-bit version of those, you're stuck06:44
vikashubotu tab is here06:44
ubotu...but tab is already something else...06:44
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CookedGryphonhi, could someone help me?06:44
vikashtell me about menu06:44
[LethAL] CookedGryphon, no, we're here for nothing06:44
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naliothvikash: read what ubotu told you06:44
moparfan90goes anyone know if quake 4 is going to work on linux?06:45
CookedGryphoni have jsut set up my internet via a proxy, and i'vve got firefox working, but can't get the updates to work, or gaim, the gaim problem's cos the port is blocked, and i don't know about the updates problem06:45
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vikashsuppose i installed an ide i want its shortcut in system tools then06:45
BiSK-8nalioth, https://wiki.ubuntu.com//SELinux06:45
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coobrawhy do the computer freez when i try to mont the bastards hehehe06:45
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NvidiotCookedGryphon: there is probably an environment var you have to set, something like HTTP_PROXY06:45
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vikashok got it thanx06:46
lars_gGreetings, anyone here in VERY good terms with ubuntu/debian networking and willing to spend a while with me in /msg? (I can't handle the channel's load right now)06:46
BooZeei've downloaded the bin file of java run time environment.. how do i install it ?06:46
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naliothBiSK-8: if you have that wiki link, why dont you follow it?06:46
[LethAL] CookedGryphon, and http_proxy (They're not the same)06:46
[LethAL] :P06:46
Davi1Anybody who knows what kernel best suits an Intel EM64T CPU (with hyperthreading)?06:46
naliothBooZee: you might have better luck with this06:46
naliothubotu: tell BooZee about javadeb06:46
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craig321hi all06:46
lars_gnalioth: Why not make-jpkg for him?06:47
sas171Hello, there none of KDE icons in the apps like amaroK. The places are holded but icons are not displayed. What's wrong?06:47
graymanhow do i change which opengl xorg uses?06:47
lars_gSeveas: Would give me a hand?06:47
BiSK-8nalioth, but i cant find a download link06:47
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naliothlars_g: why not use an packaged for ubuntu deb?06:47
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naliothBiSK-8: it's at the bottom of the page06:47
lars_gnalioth: Same thing really.06:47
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lars_gnalioth: I guess you're too busy to give me a hand?06:48
damo21crimsun: someone told me u could help with xfce06:48
naliothlars_g: with what?06:48
BiSK-8nalioth, no it isnt:::: i cant find it :(06:48
Davi1I'm using the AMD64-generic version right now, but only one CPU shows in /proc/cpuinfo.06:48
naliothBiSK-8: search the wiki page for "repositories"06:48
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lars_gnalioth: I need feedback on a network little trouble but since I'm multitasking, i'd preffer it to be un privvy.06:48
NvidiotDavi1: and you're running an X2 or dualcore/dualcpu opteron?06:49
lars_gnalioth: I need to config a system with multiple virtual interfaces, and lots and lots of static routes. and I am deciding how to handle the routes.06:49
SeveasDavi1, you need an -smp kernel for hyperthreading06:49
damo21im having a problem where xfce doesnt realise there is an old gnome desktop sitting on top of it06:49
lars_gbut I think I'll do it on my own, a concrete idea is forming on my mind.06:49
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Davi1No, just a single CPU: Intel 660 (with EM64T and hyperthreading).06:49
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naliothlars_g: sorry i've no clue about multithreaded networking06:49
lars_gnalioth: Don't worry.06:49
naliothDavi1: you need an smp kernel06:49
vikashi add programming but still not showing in menu06:50
benkong2is there a way to choose an i686 kernel when doing an install? I am on a amd64 3200+ laptop but I want to use the i686 or k8 kernel so that I have flash etc.06:50
BiSK-8nalioth, To get the wisdom of pearls, you can place the following lines on your sources.list:06:50
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BiSK-8  <----- what does that mean?06:50
NvidiotDavi1: as Seveas said, smp kernel06:50
lars_gnalioth: Ok, thanks. I will implement my own scripture.06:50
graymanhow do i change which opengl xorg uses, again?06:50
naliothbenkong2: after. choose after06:50
naliothubotu: tell BiSK-8 about repos06:50
Nvidiotbenkong2: you can install that after the installation is done06:50
damo21grayman: xorg.conf?06:50
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benkong2ok thanks06:50
elad`I can't apt-get upgrade Firefox to 1.07 because of this problem.06:50
Davi1Yes, I've been looking for a SMP kernel, but couldn't find one. Only a K8-SMP and AMD64-Xeon. Neither one feel correct?06:50
graymandamo21, dont work06:50
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damo21grayman: sudo nano /etc/xorg.conf06:51
graymandamo21, the driver is xglrx but it uses mesa06:51
NvidiotDavi1: hmm, the Xeon might work06:51
Davi1OK... perhaps I should try it out then. Thanks!06:51
graymanit refuses to use ati glx06:51
damo21grayman: i have ati card... it sux06:51
NvidiotDavi1: trial & error time :)06:51
Davi1I suppose! :)06:51
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NvidiotDavi1: only 2 kernels to try, not too much work :)06:52
graymanthe drivers for linux sucks06:52
damo21grayman: i dont think ati drivers are up to scratch yet06:52
holycowdo i report breezy 64 bit installation issues in bugzilla, or is there a section separate just for that release?06:52
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graymanbut its possible to run ati glx06:52
graymanbecause other do06:52
Davi1Nvidiot: Yes --- I'll do that. Thanks again.06:52
graymanand i cant figure out why mine cant06:52
butcherbirdanyone here manage to apt-get transcode?06:52
damo21grayman: i am using the old "radeon" driver for ubuntu06:52
naliothholycow: just do it. they don't discriminate06:52
mcphailHas anyone had any success using qemu in Hoary?06:52
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butcherbirdrepos in forums not working06:53
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graymandamo21, fglrx works for me as i said, but still uses mesa as opengl... thats the problem06:53
graymandamo21, same for radeon drivers06:53
damo21grayman: i dont run games on my computer anymore so i dont really care too much06:53
andy__hello, can i ask questions here? i'm just very new to ubuntu...06:53
elad`Why can't I upgrade Firefox to 1.07 using apt?06:53
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Nvidiotandy__: ask away06:54
Seveaselad`, because you messed up your system with backports most likely06:54
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graymanyeah, but i do work with opengl and i'd like to have some acceleration present heh06:54
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graymanso if anyone knows06:54
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imterrohey, is there anyway i can find my jdk?06:55
gearryhow can I tell what device a winmodem is using?06:55
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imterroor find out where it was installed06:55
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yaaardoes anybody know why my /boot/grub/menu.lst would have changed between reboots, without my having changed it? The kernel line was changed to have hdb1 instead of hda1....when hdb is (and always has been) a FAT32 windows drive?06:55
gearrythe module loaded with no problems, but I don't know what device it is configured as06:55
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elad`Seveas, this is a new machine, fresh installation.06:56
graymanprobably /dev/modem or /dev/somenamehintingthatisamodem06:56
enkravHi I would  like to know what development tools are included in the standard CD. I have a computer *without* internet but would like to develop for gnome and SDL with ubuntu.06:56
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elad`Seveas,  http://pastebin.com/38281806:56
andy__thx. just wondering how to play mp3 in Rhythmbox...i've installed gstreamer0.8-mad already...but those mp3 files are just dim...06:56
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graymanimterro, what you mean find it?06:57
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Nvidiotandy__: did you look at the RestrictedFormats wiki ?06:58
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gearryit is not /dev/modem06:58
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deFryskimterro, most likely in /usr/lib/06:58
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gearryin fact I have no devices with modem in the name06:58
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gearryI am used to using real hardware modems attached to serial ports06:58
andy__yes. that's why i did the installation of gstreamer0.8-mad06:59
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Nvidiotandy__: hmm, I installed that too, mp3 works for me, but I installed a LOT more than just gstreamer0.8, so I don't know06:59
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graymangearry, well when you install drivers for winmodem it usually creats such device07:00
andy__o...alrite. thx a lot.07:00
graymanand links it to /dev/modem in most cases07:00
gearrygrayman: hrm, well I loaded the module07:00
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gearrybut I have no such device07:00
gearryI will dig around07:00
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andy__maybe install xmms instead...07:01
graymandunno about your stuff07:01
damo21what would be the command for reconfiguring the entire xfce package for ubuntu?07:01
imterrocan anyone tell me where i can find where i installed my jdk?07:01
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graymanwhen i had winmodem it worked this way07:01
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mohkohnI have downloaded the kernel-patch-uml to get Usermode linux happening. What do I do next.07:01
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Xenguydamo21: I'd like to know that too...07:02
vikashubuntu updates are very bulky07:02
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mohkohndamo21, dpkg-reconfigure <packagename>07:02
vikashit daily shows around 80 mb updates07:02
andy__and anyone successfully make the nvidia driver work? i just got totally black screen...07:02
Xenguydamo21: apparently someone is working on just such a project too, called Xbuntu?07:02
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Nvidiotandy__: works for me07:02
mohkohnwith sudo in front!07:02
damo21Xenguy: really?07:02
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Nvidiotvikash: you don't *have* to get all updates :)07:02
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Xenguydamo21: yep, saw it recently; don't expect it's ready yet tho, so there must be another way in the meantime07:03
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vikashit daily shows new version of kernel07:03
vikashi removes older one or stores both07:03
damo21Xenguy: i just dont know how to set up the X scripts properly i end up with the old gnome desktop sitting on top of the xfce one07:03
Nvidiotvikash: it's not as if you'll be hacked right away if you don't update07:04
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Xenguydamo21: it is very do-able, I just don't know the actual answer :-)07:04
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damo21Xenguy: i had it working perfectly, but then i accidently let nautilus spawn a desktop07:04
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vikashdoes it show updates of those packages which r installed or  also for not installed07:05
damo21Xenguy: now i cant remove it even after reboot07:05
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Fly_do you know where can i find the vga option modes for Grub at boot ?07:06
damo21Xenguy: xfce is available in the universe packages07:06
vikashwhere is shortcut of ameg07:06
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vikashi know that i canrun it from terminal07:06
vikashbut where it is in menu07:06
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demantik_anybody have Shredder Chess 9 ?07:07
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Dolm|SMC|Workcan anyone tell me how to change my video settings after installation? i get no display after booting and i think it's set to too high of a resolution07:07
butcherbirdim getting public key is not available for a repo I added how do i force apt-get to update and install?07:07
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mohkohnHow do you patch a kernel? The Ubuntu way.07:07
NvidiotDolm|SMC|Work: /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:08
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holycowmohkohn, its the debian way07:08
Dolm|SMC|Worklol..i like your handle Nvidiot07:08
naliothbutcherbird: the key is not important, your soft will still install07:08
demantik_Dolm|SMC|Work - fglrxconfig being an easy way (ati only?)07:08
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vikashhey where does the shortcut of smeg exist07:08
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Amaranthvikash: in hoary it's Applications->System Tools->Smeg Menu Editor07:09
Dolm|SMC|Worki'm not sure what card it has, but im sure i selected too high of a resolution07:09
Amaranthvikash: if you've installed it07:09
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vikashi have breezy07:09
naliothvikash: then right click on the menu itself07:09
mohkohnAlso good holycow :) I seem to find a lot on compiling a kernel but not a simple patch.07:09
Amaranthvikash: in breezy it's Applications->System Tools->Applications Menu Editor or right click on the 'Applications' text and choose 'Edit Menus'07:10
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BooZeewhat IRC chat client are you using?07:10
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vikashgot it07:10
=== demantik_ suggests people migrate to Arch Linux :P
StyXmananyone else has problems with archive.ubuntu.com ?07:10
DarknightI still have a problem with tvtime and my tvtuner under breezy07:10
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Darknightanyone could help me out?07:10
Fly_how can i Translate the 1280x800 resolution in a VGA=xxx  ????07:11
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Darknightor where I can ask about it?07:11
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Rubinvlc seems to always just show a blue sceen for videos. am i missing a dri setting or something in xorg?07:11
demantik_codec problem?07:12
StyXmanah, there it is again07:12
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Rubindemantik_: vlc doest use codecs does it?07:12
demantik_Rubin - yes...07:12
demantik_how can it not?07:12
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mcphailHas anyone had any success using qemu in Hoary?07:12
Rubinwell, i mean, it impliments its own07:12
demantik_it needs some to install...and installs a few itself..07:12
jibyslt! qqun peut m aider sur un p2p?07:12
naliothRubin: modern wmv files wont play at all in linux07:12
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ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, fr is Va a #ubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais07:13
demantik_nalioth - excuse me?07:13
demantik_wont play modern wmv?07:13
Rubinits a replaytv mpg which vlc can play (at least in windows and other linux boxes)07:13
holycowRubin, and they never will especially if they are drm'd as ms will never licence that out07:13
naliothdemantik_: modern wmv codecs are unplayable in linux. Thank you, Bill07:13
demantik_nalioth - how modern....wmv9 works for sure..07:13
Rubinits not drm07:13
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demantik_screw vlc anyway, install mplayer :)07:13
GDornoh, look, freenx died on me again.  *sigh*07:13
demantik_best player there is07:13
x_o1Anyone know the repository for freenx on breezy?07:14
Rubinits a non-standard mpg from my replaytv (think tivo) which vlc can play07:14
Rubinmplayer doesnt understand the format07:14
mohkohnmcphail, I used it to run SUSE 9.1 some time back. A bit slow though.07:14
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Rubinvlc does this regardless of what files i play07:14
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Ngahh, good old tivo files07:14
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gearrygrayman: it was my goof, I was not loading lt_serial07:14
demantik_Rubin - doesnt understand which format07:14
demantik_Mplayer has played every single video ive thrown at it07:14
Rubindemantik_: trust me, please, i know what i'm talking about07:15
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demantik_Rubin  - im sure you do :)07:15
Darknightbuuu, nobody want to help with tv tuner?07:15
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drucerI just installed Ubuntu. I'm pretty impressed! Some problems with sound, but other than that everything seems to work very nicely.07:15
Rubinreplaytv changed mpg a little for its own use. the vlc team worked to support it. unless mplayer team knows what a replaytv is, it doesnt work :)07:15
crimsunRubin: vlc absolutely uses codecs07:15
demantik_screw replaytv :P07:15
Rubindoes anyone actually know about configuring dri in x?07:16
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naliothcrimsun: vlc brings its own codecs to play07:16
mcphailmohkohn: i think my problems are ubuntu specific, judging by the responses on #qemu. thanks anyway07:16
trans_errRubin: just ask the question07:16
demantik_nalioth - not enough though ;)07:16
crimsunnalioth: that's because they're compiled in, yes, and those that are compiled in are specified either from upstream or in the source.07:16
Rubintrans_err: the question is, how di i figure out why vlc shows only a blue screen07:17
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Rubintrans_err: i suspect its trying to use dri and its not working..07:17
naliothdemantik_: next time you are enjoying your movies, consider the ppc and amd64 users who cant07:17
crimsunbelieve me, I've been busting vlc to compile on all three arches for a week so it'll work with our new ffmpeg07:17
mohkohnmcphail, What I meant was I was running Suse 9.1 in qemu on hoary.07:17
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Nvidiotnalioth: for amd64, couldn't they create a 32-bit chroot for those movies?07:17
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naliothNvidiot: from all the trouble i've seen in here, chroot is trouble07:18
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deFryskvlc likes aac streams :)07:18
Ngor just install a 32bit mplayer and associated libraries ;)07:18
deFryskmakes me happy07:18
Hoxzer:D this like sucks07:18
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Rubinnoone has trouble with vlc and blue screens or has seen it before?07:18
mcphailmohkohn: ahh... Were you using the apt package or from the qemu site?07:18
Nvidiotthought so :) Still leaves the ppc crowd stuck tho07:18
HoxzerI just installed windows and now the grub wont boot ;//07:18
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mohkohnAt the time the apt-package07:18
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damo21Xenguy: WOOT FIXED IT07:18
butcherbirdHoxzer: heh07:18
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NvidiotHoxzer: windows overwrites the bootloader. Boot from a linux floppy/cd and rewrite grub07:19
naliothHoxzer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows07:19
naliothNvidiot: little more to it than that07:19
Hoxzernalioth: thx verry much07:19
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deFryskwindows will always try to take control07:19
mohkohn    http://www.linux-magazine.com/issue/52/QEMU_System_Emulation.pdf07:19
Hoxzer;/ sucks07:19
damo21Hoxzer: yeah scares u doesnt it.... stupid windows07:19
trans_errRubin: have you tried just using mplayer instead?07:19
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gigaclonwhat package has libavformat.so07:19
mcphailmohkohn: i'm trying to get Windows in a (ahem) window. i don't think the ubuntu package allows this.07:19
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mcphailmohkohn: I'll check out that link. Thanks07:20
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damo21mcphail: i dont blame ubuntu for disabling windows07:20
mohkohnmcphail, how much RAM?07:20
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mcphailmohkohn: 512MB07:20
mohkohnIt won't be a case of disabling windows. Linux isn't discriminatory.07:21
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graymani got what was the problem with fglrx07:21
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damo21i know mohkohn :P07:21
Rubintrans_err: mplayer isnt what i need working07:21
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graymanyou need to use 386 and 686 kernel07:21
damo21windows is so primitive, it cant even boot off a partition located past 1024 blocks07:21
mcphailmohkohn: the version in ubuntu is buggy and crashes when installing windows. i've been using the compiled version from the qemu site07:21
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grayman*and not 68607:21
Dolm|SMC|Workhow do i get to a command prompt? it's not giving me any options at bootup, it just starts loading and tries to start the gui07:21
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Answerdamo21: if you use grub for a bootloader, you can put the partition anywhere.07:22
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mohkohnIMHO windows xp will struggle with that in qemu. Emulation is intensive. Thanks for the tip. I was going to try it my self with windows xp.07:22
naliothDolm|SMC|Work: applications > system tools > terminal07:22
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mcphailmohkohn: Unfortunately, it consistently hangs the whole system after running for about 9 minutes. major drag...07:22
damo21Answer: yeah, thats cool... have u ever tried that sometimes it hangs though and only works every second boot07:22
Dolm|SMC|Workim not getting any gui, the screen goes blank when it tries to load07:22
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sorush20how the hell do I get rid of the msn messenger on the xp pc..07:22
butcherbirdDolm|SMC|Work: alt-ctrl-f1 or f2 or.. etc07:22
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naliothDolm|SMC|Work: hit ctrl-alt-f3 and log it07:23
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mohkohnI want to watch in fascination as an unprotected windows system gets owned from the comfort of ubuntu. I think it takes less than 20 minutes now!07:23
Answerdamo21: Yeah, I also made a custom ntldr that did the same thing.07:23
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Answerdamo21: I used a cool program called OSLoader2000 or something like that, it allows arbitrary selection of partitions07:23
Dolm|SMC|Worklog it?07:23
holycowhey guys, what is the status of the unichrome project within xorg/ubuntu ... are unichrome drivers properly gpld/licenced or are devs staying away from that project?  is unichrome supported in ubuntu in any way?07:23
naliothDolm|SMC|Work: sorry typo . log in07:23
Hendric2im on mirc-breezy07:23
Dolm|SMC|Workahh..ok tnx07:23
mohkohnmcphail, Does the qemu compiled from the site work better?07:23
damo21Answer: i think i know why.... Windows likes to see itself having the boot flag active but maybe grub sets it too late07:23
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damo21Answer: so it only works the next boot07:24
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mcphailmohkohn: that _is_ with the compiled version! I didn't use the hoary version because of warning over the site that XP will not work.07:24
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imterrohmmm how would i run a .jar file07:24
mcphailIt is, however, supposed to be "fixed" in the latest versions07:25
imterrojava -jar filename?07:25
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HoxzerI have UBCD can I just install Grub from it?07:25
crimsunimterro: yes07:25
damo21Hoxzer: i think so07:25
naliothHoxzer: you may repair grub in any way you choose07:25
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mcphailmohkohn: what's more, the current versions have a plugin which should run guest OSs at near normal speeds07:25
mohkohnSorry. I must be a bit slow.07:25
mohkohnI'll have to go back to the site.07:26
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damo21Hoxzer: u might want to fix grub before u reboot!07:26
Dolm|SMC|WorkNalioth: at the "boot:" prompt, what do i type to log in? (sorry for the nooblar questions here)07:26
mcphailmohkohn: I'd be keen toknow if anyone else is having the same problems as me07:26
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imterrocrimsun, it tells me, 'java: command cannot be found'07:26
Hoxzergod damn :D07:27
crimsunimterro: do you have a JRE or JDK installed?07:27
Hoxzerseems like I dont have a live CD ;//07:27
naliothDolm|SMC|Work: you shouldnt have a "boot" prompt if you hit ctrl-alt-f307:27
imterroi have jdk installed07:27
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Hoxzerwhat the fuck im supose to do ;D07:27
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naliothHoxzer: you can watch your tongue, please07:27
Ofehey umm.. this may be a bit stupid question but I'll ask it anyway. How do you install packages with Ubuntu? I downloaded scanmodem.gz and now I don't know how to use it. -.-07:27
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TiMiDoOfe, sudo apt-get install package07:27
butcherbirdHoxzer: if you dont have a livecd you can always create a floppy from grub website07:27
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Hoxzerbutcher: and with that?07:28
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TiMiDoofe gunzip file.gz and then gzip file.gz and then tar zxvf tar.gz07:28
damo21ohhh grub website! thats cool07:28
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imterrocrimsun, i have jdk 1.5.0_04d installed07:28
crimsunimterro: did you modify your $PATH?07:28
naliothHoxzer: you can have grub recreate your /mbr grub07:28
Hoxzerwill do it07:29
imterrocrimsun, no07:29
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imterroi just went sh jdk file name07:29
damo21Hoxzer: just type sudo grub /mbr07:29
imterroit installed07:29
Dolm|SMC|Worknalioth: when i het cntrl-alt-f3 i get a red screen for lilo that has the one image "Linux" and a prompt below it that says boot:07:29
imterrothen i tried java -jar file name07:29
imterroand it wouldnt work07:29
TiMiDohow can i start kde with startx?07:29
naliothDolm|SMC|Work: you need to boot to the blank screen07:29
TiMiDostartx kde?07:29
OfeTiMiDo: umm.. why it has to be that hard? o.O gunzip, gzip and tar?07:29
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Dolm|SMC|Worki tried it at the blank screen and got nothing07:29
crimsunimterro: so is the jdk in your $HOME?07:29
graymanimmetro, need to set your path then07:29
damo21Hoxzer: that should put grub back in the master boot record07:30
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GDornOfe:  it's not that hard.  use synapse instead of downloading source or binaries07:30
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imterrocrimsun, how do i do that?07:30
naliothDolm|SMC|Work: then choose the rescue boot option07:30
Dolm|SMC|Workwait a minute, i just got the ogin screen ...but it's all messy colors lol07:30
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Dolm|SMC|Workthere is no rescue boot option07:30
damo21Hoxzer: i remember from back in the days when i had dual booting system07:30
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imterrowell in /usr/dev07:30
OfeGDorn: ok, I'll try to find scanmodem with synapse. thanks.07:30
naliothDolm|SMC|Work: then log in07:30
crimsunimterro: prepend the path to java in your $PATH07:30
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imterrocrimsun,  i dont understand, sorry07:31
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hutgyrrif im running a traceroute and * * * comes across on one line. What exactly does this mean?07:31
Dolm|SMC|Worklol..i can barely make anything out, its distorted and all purple07:31
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damo21I cant believe no one has improved the ati drivers enough to have composite translucency effects07:32
graymanimmetro, add it in you .bash_profile07:32
BiSK-8when i try to play a file on totem it says: Failed to create a GStreamer play object. Please check your GStreamer installation.07:32
imterrograyman, i dont know how to do that07:32
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damo21:( i might have to buy a cheapo nvidia 3d card just to get translucency07:32
BiSK-8what can i do?07:32
naliothDolm|SMC|Work: hit ctrl-alt-f3 and you should have a readable text terminal07:32
hutgyrri know its a firewall but is it ICMP traffic its blocking or what?07:33
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yaaarhas anybody around here had trouble with /boot/grub/menu.lst changing without your interaction?07:33
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damo21How can i donate money to Ubuntu/Edubuntu ?07:34
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graymanimmetro, add that PATH=/path/to/java/bin:"${PATH}"07:34
imterrograyman, crimsun ?07:34
sbnHey, i just run the installer of ubuntu, and i installed it on my second hd07:34
sbnand now i want that07:34
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sbnonly when i setup in the bios the second drive as first boot07:35
imterrograyman,  to what, and how?07:35
sbnthat it boots ubuntu, so with out a bootloader, is that posible?07:35
damo21sbn: use grub07:35
sbndamo21 thats the problem i don't realy understand the installtion of that07:35
abyss_lo where i can get the SDLDrv ?07:36
damo21sbn can i pvt msg u07:36
ubotuabyss_: I give up, what is it?07:36
sbnd33p_ sure07:36
Xenguydamo21: How did you fix it then?07:36
sbndamo21 sure, msg me07:36
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damo21Xenguy: i forgot to run xfdesktop07:37
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RouninHi.... I just had a seriousl problem installing the new preview release... When it go around to installing the kernel, it aborted, saying it couldn't isntall the initrd07:37
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RouninNow I'm using 5.04... Can I upgrade it to the new preview release somehow?07:37
damo21Xenguy: xfce is awesome!! i LOVE the customisable menu and window buttons07:37
RouninI love XFCE as well07:38
BiSK-8rpunin:read the topic07:38
BiSK-8Rounin:read the topic07:38
Dolm|SMC|Workwhats the default root password?07:38
RouninThanks BiSK-8... This installation failure though, is that a common bug, or did I just use a bad CD?07:38
naliothDolm|SMC|Work: there is none.07:39
damo21Rounin yeah u can07:39
naliothubotu: tell Dolm|SMC|Work about root07:39
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damo21probably in synaptic07:39
Dolm|SMC|Workwith the regular login i have no write access to xorg.conf07:39
bloodnikHow come the package transcode is not available?07:39
RouninHang on Dolm07:39
naliothDolm|SMC|Work: read your priv msg from ubotu07:39
scanwinderwhenever i try to open a file with vlc thru nautilus, i get the following error... Could not add application to the application database07:40
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abyss_where i can get the SDLDrv.so?07:40
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ubotuWhiteRabbit: NO SPEAKE ENLISH!07:40
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WhiteRabbitubotu, K Pasta! C Hoblo!07:41
ubotuI don't know, WhiteRabbit07:41
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sepmikeanyone know if a text based browser that handles java pages?07:41
Dolm|SMC|Workaha, ok, so i need to run gedit with sudo07:41
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naliothsepmike: java or javascript?07:41
WhiteRabbitsearcher`, vim07:41
naliothDolm|SMC|Work: yes07:41
Dolm|SMC|Workthanks so much Nalioth07:41
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Karbonademy wireless card doesnt work on ubuntu :(07:41
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sbnmy onboard doesn't work neither07:42
sbnstupid SiS07:42
Hoxzereh ;/07:42
naliothsepmike: visit links.twibright.com and compile the source you find there enabling javascript07:42
Hoxzercan I make grub floppy in windows?07:42
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sepmikethanks nalioth07:43
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Frem_Karbonade: what wifi card do you have?07:43
Karbonadea buffalo07:43
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Marilynwahts the german channel07:44
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damo21Hoxzer: ok i see ur problem u cant access your linux ur in windows?07:44
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sepmike nalioth for shell that is?07:44
Karbonadebut on the buffalo site it says it's only supported on win :s07:44
Marilyncan me anybody send his apt sources.list07:44
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naliothsepmike: yes, but you can alse enable graphics in that source build07:44
Dolm|SMC|Workok, I'm getting a Gtk-Warning **| cannot open display07:44
naliothubotu: tell Marilyn about sources07:45
naliothDolm|SMC|Work: what are you trying to do?07:45
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sepmikeahh it's prepackaged with slackware that I'm running on the other machine07:45
Frem_Karbonade: You've tried ndiswrapper, right?07:45
lasindi[lappy] Hi, how can I configure the sensitivity of my trackpad on my laptop? With the mouse configuration, I can change the sensitivity of the mouse, but not the trackpad.07:45
Dolm|SMC|Worki need to change the display settings so i can load the desktop07:45
Karbonadendiswrapper ? what's that ?07:45
damo21Marilyn: open synaptic package manager go to repositories07:45
Karbonadei'm not really familiar with linux yet :s07:45
naliothDolm|SMC|Work: run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and choose the VESA driver07:46
sbnCan some one explain howto install grub to me?07:46
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damo21sbn yes go to ur pvt07:46
sepmikenalioth you rock, it works a charm07:46
Frem_Karbonade: it's a kernel module that will allow you to use a Windows XP wifi driver and use it under Linux.07:46
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ggellersbn: man grub-install07:46
sbnI can't run the os now07:46
Karbonadeaah, where do i find that ?07:46
sbnbecause i'v eno bootloader07:46
sbnor so07:46
sbnit wount load os07:46
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ilangutcan anyone help with a bluetooth prob?07:47
damo21sbn how many hdd?07:47
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sbnits installed on the second07:47
naliothsepmike: it is lightning fast in graphics mode07:47
damo21windows on hda, linux hdb?07:47
MikeStylehey us anyone here that can help me07:47
Frem_Karbonade: it might be preinstalled with your system, not sure. open a term and type ndiswrapper07:47
sepmikegraphics mode in shell?07:47
Dolm|SMC|Worknailoth: are you just smarter than hell or do you see the same issues over and over? :P07:48
naliothsepmike: if you've compiled with graphics and javascript support07:48
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damo21sbn easiest way: swap the hdd's boot into linux, install grub07:48
naliothDolm|SMC|Work: some of both07:48
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sepmikeawesome, I didn't compile, it was just prepackaged in slackware07:48
concept10Anyone attempting to get the Google Webcast?07:48
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sepmikeso I'm not sure if graphics was compiled or not07:48
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sbnbut, what should i type when installing grub?07:48
naliothsepmike: then you may not have javascript capability, then, either07:49
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sepmikeI do have javascript07:49
deadcati am having problem with zd1211 wireless usb driver on my friend's machine.. it loads the driver but iwconfig doesnt show. on my debian box. it shows since it also loads the firmware. any idea?07:49
sepmikeI just tried it07:49
OfeGDorn: can't find "scanmodem" with synaptic. :)07:49
MikeStylehey...uhm well yesterday i upgraded to breezy and when i rebooted my xorg didnt work, so i did all i could, reconfigured xorg and stuff...and today when i boot all i get is a blank screen after boot, and then it throws me back into command line...what should i do? my kdm isnt working :(07:49
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ilangutcan anyone help with a bluetooth prob? having problems connecting my ubuntu box with my t63007:49
Frem_Karbonade: do you have ndiswrapper installed?07:50
damo21well, u just install grub into the mbr of the linux hdd07:50
cantonawhy there is no ld.so.conf?07:50
sbnbut that is07:50
sbnor what?07:50
damo21So: unplug them and swap them around07:50
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KarbonadeFrem_: ndiswrapper: command not found07:51
damo21well, u can put grub anywhere but its easier in the mbr of the disk u are booted into07:52
BiSK-8iilangut: look at the pm07:52
Frem_Karbonade: Did you try running it with sudo? If that does not work either, just apt-get install ndiswrapper07:52
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ilangutim there :)07:52
BiSK-8did u read?07:52
BiSK-8then answer07:52
damo21sbn: can u boot into linux?07:53
Karbonadei tried, but couldn't find it07:53
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=== Answer who said my name
sbnit says something about os not ...07:53
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Karbonadealso apt-get install doesn't work07:53
=== MikeStyle is a sad panda...
sorush20is evolution available for xp07:53
esacwho. i cd /mnt and then i do an "ls" and it just hangs there. any idea ?07:53
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dazzedhow do i install packages i have downloaded with synaptic using terminal?07:53
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deadcati am having problem with zd1211 wireless usb driver on my friend's machine.. it loads the driver but iwconfig doesnt show. on my debian box. it shows since it also loads the firmware. any idea?07:53
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Karbonade(does it have to be connected to internet to use the apt-get ?)07:53
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Frem_Karbonade: yes!07:54
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deadcatKarbonade: no. if you have a cd07:54
Concord_Dawncan anyone tell me how to install XML support for PHP5?07:54
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damo21sbn: if u are in Windows now, get a freeware partition editor so u can set the boot flag of hdb to be active07:54
MikeStyledoes anyone know why my xorg/kdm suddenly stopped working after i made the upgrade to breezy?07:54
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Karbonadeinserted the cd ...07:54
dazzedwhats the commmand to install packages in terminal...07:55
jscarmo\join manaus07:55
MikeStyledazzed, sudo apt-get install packagename07:55
jscarmo\join #manaus07:55
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Karbonadenow what ?07:55
dazzedMikeStyle: i already have the packages i just need to install07:55
jscarmo\join #manaus07:55
damo21sbn: the easiest way to install a bootloader is to somehow boot into linux07:55
BiSK-8how can i search apt-get for something?07:56
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sbndamo21 but the problem is when i install ubuntu07:56
MikeStylewhat is the package extension... .deb?07:56
sbnthat i don't know what to type or so07:56
cantonaanyone can tell why twhy there is no /etc/ld.so.conf in ubuntu?07:56
sbnor choise07:56
ilangutcan anyone help with a bluetooth prob? having problems connecting my ubuntu box with my t63007:56
BiSK-8hey man07:56
Karbonadei'm not able to connect it to internet now, but i can transfer files from this pc to my ubuntu with a usb-stick07:56
MikeStyledazzed tell me the package name07:56
BiSK-8i pmd u07:56
BiSK-8whay dont u answer07:56
Frem_BiSK-8: apt-cache search package07:56
damo21sbn: did u install ubuntu successfully, or u want to do it again?07:56
ilanguti can't07:56
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sbndamo21 well, it install successfully but if i set second harddisk to boot07:57
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sbnhe says something about os can't be loaded07:57
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ilangutdonno .. i just can't .... blocked by server07:57
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damo21yeah, ok sbn u need to set the "Active" flag in your boot partition on hdb07:57
jscarmo\server irc.manaus.br07:57
bipolarMaybe someone here can help me. I've got a dell 600m laptop w/ port replicator. The strange thing is that if I plug speakers into the port on the replicator then the "master" volume control can no longer control the volume. It's like the output is fixed. I have to use the volume contol on the speakers. Does anyone have any idea how I can get this to work as expected?07:57
krisnal lo sekarang dmn?07:57
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sbndamo21 and howto?07:58
damo21sbn.... use linux fdisk07:58
MikeStyleguys...really big problem here......after i upgraded to breezy my kdm/xorg isnt working so i have no display manager.....and im not really good with command line so i really need help getting my xorg/kdm back working...can ANYONE help?07:58
deadcati am having problem with zd1211 wireless usb driver on my friend's machine.. it loads the driver but iwconfig doesnt show. on my debian box. it shows since it also loads the firmware. any idea?07:58
Hoxzerany ideas how do I make "=" with U.S.A keyboard settings?07:58
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krishe konco2 sampeyan ngomong nopo? kulo mboten ngertos07:58
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deadcatHoxzer: press =07:59
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damo21sbn: OK: boot off the Ubuntu cdrom07:59
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jscarmo\server irc.manaus.br 66707:59
duce_hey there, I am searching for a good pacman clone. does anyone know one?07:59
damo21go to a terminal window07:59
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damo21u run "fdisk /dev/hdb"08:00
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bipolarMikeStyle, you need to find out why it's failing. log into a console and check the xorg log file in /var/log08:00
topyliHoxzer: hard to say since you don't tell us what sort of keyboard you have. usually i just hit keys blindly until i find the correct one :)08:00
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MikeStylebipolar, wuts the command to do that08:00
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concept10what is the best way to watch real streams?  moziila-mplayer not working, vlc not working for me08:00
deFryskduce_, njam rules08:00
sbndamo21 ok will try that08:00
Whistlerwho #kedes08:00
Hoxzertopyli: I cant find it :D08:00
HoxzerI have scandinavian08:01
duce_deFrysk: thx, I'll try08:01
damo21Wait sbn08:01
lemics_does someone know how to shut adt746x down ?08:01
damo21u know how to use fdisk?08:01
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damo21"m" for help inside fdisk ok sbn :)08:01
duce_deFrysk: hm, in which source can I find njam? I am on a live CD at the moment to show ubuntu to my sister08:02
topyliconcept10: i use the real player for that :)08:02
kriswhat are u talking about guys? I don't understand at all08:02
bipolarMikeStyle, use 'less' so.... less path/to/log/file08:02
GDornhow would I know if I have my nvidia drivers actually working?  lspci reports that the driver's in use, but the card is "unknown chipset"08:02
Hoxzer...:D tell me08:03
kris halo.......! are u still alive guys?08:03
ProN00bhow do i make like transparent output of logs and stuff on the desktop, like you see it on screenshots ?08:03
bipolarMikeStyle, "less" is a program that will display text files so you can scroll around and read them.08:03
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Hoxzerwhere I can find = button in scandinavian keyboard if I have U.S.A's keyboard settings?08:03
deFryskduce_, its not on the livecd08:03
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MikeStylebipolar, i dont know the path to the log file08:04
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bipolarMikeStyle, the log file for X is /var/log/Xorg.0.log08:04
krishei hox! are u myfriend?08:04
bipolarMikeStyle, all your log files are in /var/log08:04
duce_deFrysk: thats clear, but I can't find it with apt-cache search njam also. (after apt-get update)08:04
HoxzerI found it!08:04
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butcherbirdeasy way to install transcode on hoary?08:04
duce_deFrysk: So, I found it in the universe tree08:04
MikeStyleok bipolar, im in the log now what08:04
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damo21Hoxzer: unlikely anyone here would know that!08:05
bipolarMikeStyle, look for errors. they start with (EE)08:05
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kerutehow do i tell kubuntu live cd to use vesa and not ati drivers ?08:05
MikeStylebipolar...i see a few WW08:05
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bipolarMikeStyle, you should be able to follow the log as it starts X. Look for anything "weird"... vague I know.08:06
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Whistlerkerute sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:06
bipolarMikeStyle, (WW)'s are just warnings. usualy harmless08:06
AilleantSianis there anywhere that I can see the device support of breezy ?08:06
MikeStylebipolar. ive never had to do this before so i have no idea what to look for08:06
Whistlerkerute you need to edit this file08:06
keruteWhistler: i tried but after doing it i miss modelines08:06
kerutenot with gedit but with nano :)08:07
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Whistlerkerute then i do not know08:07
keruteok no pb08:07
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bipolarMikeStyle, type in "/(EE)" and hit enter. that will search for (EE). hit "/" <enter> to find the next one.08:07
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MikeStylebipolar-"fatal sever error, could not open default font "fixed"08:07
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bipolarMikeStyle, bingo08:07
MikeStylebipolar, what does that mean08:08
bipolarMikeStyle, if you want to learn more, google search for that error. :) If you're lazy I'll do it for you. :P08:08
MikeStylebipolar..im on command line. no internet client08:08
MikeStyleso if you could...it would be great :)08:09
damo21The only thing worth retaining from DOS is "alias cls="clear"08:09
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netdurtoday the "computer" icon start to appear on desktop, CD and DVD devices disapear... when I insert media, nothing mount, but I could burn DVDs... what going on?08:10
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bipolarMikeStyle, no prob. first, try running "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" see if that clears it up.08:10
deadcati am having problem with zd1211 wireless usb driver on my friend's machine.. it loads the driver but iwconfig doesnt show. on my debian box. it shows since it also loads the firmware. any idea?08:10
j5yWhere do i download my Hoary kernel source (2.6.10) with out using apt-get?08:10
Hoxzerhmmmmmmmmmmmm :D08:10
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deadcatj5y: packages.ubuntu.{com,org}08:11
damo21netdur: wait until tomorrow maybe it will go back08:11
Hoxzermaybe I just should go and install my cd burner to my mothers comp and burn live cd with it :D08:11
bipolarI really wish that ubuntu would fall back on a vga vesa X if X failed to start normaly. that would make newbes a lot more comfortable.08:11
MikeStylebipolar, i already ran that, and reconfigured xorg-common and xserver-xorg-core as well, no cigar.08:11
lovebug356Is there any way to get a list of the files to download when you do an update?08:11
bipolarMikeStyle, ok. let me see....08:11
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netdurdamo21, known issue then... okay08:11
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deadcatlovebug356: ya. watch whats being downloaded08:12
lovebug356I need a list the url's from the file's08:12
MikeStylebipolar, the log file told me i should run apt-get install x-window-system-core...when i type that though it gives me a message about using -f...08:12
bipolarMikeStyle, oh!08:13
deadcatlovebug356: /var/cache/apt/archives08:13
bipolarMikeStyle, "apt-get -f install"08:13
bipolarMikeStyle, something didn't finish installing08:13
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lovebug356deadcat:I have a PC not connected to the internet08:13
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MikeStylebipolar-651 files not upgraded O_o08:13
lovebug356deadcat: I want to download the files needed on a other PC (windows/linux) and then install them on the linux machine08:13
x_o1Is there a good tutorial on *using* freenx on Ubuntu?  I've got it installed on both ends, but am unclear as to what client I use to connect, whether I need to install SSH keys before hand, etc.  Is there a quick HOWTO for this?08:14
damo21lovebug: thats strange, then the irc characters are levitating between us without the internet?08:14
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deadcatlovebug356: run apt-get what ever, then copy the entire /var/cache/apt/archives to the other machine08:14
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bipolarMikeStyle, thats ok. now run "apt-get dist-upgrade -u -y --force-yes" the -y and --force-yes just make it not ask any questions.08:14
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MikeStylebipolar...i got a message in trying to install -f....errors...broken pipe....08:15
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tommerenHow do I install software, first time i ame using ubuntu08:15
HiddenFlyif i buy a usb printer that is supported in windows/mac by its manufacturer and is controlled via its drivers (printerhead cleaning, changing of cartridge etc), does it work fine in ubuntu and am i able to do all that too?08:15
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bipolarMikeStyle, what package is it stuck on?08:15
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deadcattommeren: click the icon with the package08:15
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lovebug356deadcat: but if I just wan't to download the package's on a windows machine?08:15
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bipolarMikeStyle, ahh... sounds like a broken package.08:15
MikeStylebipolar, what do you reccomend i do?08:15
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tommeren? Bioplar08:16
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bipolarMikeStyle, remove it. "apt-get remove kdelibs"08:16
sktrdie_I can't get vlc installed08:16
bipolarMikeStyle, if you want kde, you can install it again later08:16
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jason_ukfsnHiddenFly - the best way to check if a printer is supported under Linux is to take a look at http://www.linuxprinting.org/ or check with the manufacturer08:16
bipolarMikeStyle, when it's done removeing kdelibs and any packages that depend on it, run the dist upgrade line again.08:16
MikeStylebipolar... kdecore has unmet dependancies08:16
sktrdie_when I try "apt-get install vlc" I get unmet dependecies, something about broken packages, and packages that wont be isntalled, whats the deal with this?08:17
HiddenFlyjason_ukfsn: ok thanks08:17
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bipolarMikeStyle, hold on....08:17
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joelburtonhi, all. have a apt-get question. i've read (at http://www.mneylon.com/blog/archives/2005/09/25/skype-on-breezy/) how to fix the existing skype package to work with breezy. however, i can't figure out how to download it so i can fix it. `apt-get install -d -f skype` tells me about the incompatibility; i don't see any way to "force download" the package.08:17
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jason_ukfsnHiddenFly: note that there are utilities available for various makes of printers to manage them (ie cleaning and aligning heads etc) which are independant of the manufacturer.08:17
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jason_ukfsnWhat printer is it08:18
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bipolarMikeStyle, "apt-get remove libqt3-mt" that will remove every kde package.08:18
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x_o1Can someone tell me the command they use to run freenx as a client?  After I apt-get install freenx on both client and server, do I need to follow any additional steps?08:18
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HiddenFlyjason_ukfsn: ok, i havent bought one yet, im considering in buying one08:18
bipolarMikeStyle, if it gives you an error again, "apt-get -f install"08:18
jason_ukfsnwhat one are you considering? Perhaps someone here uses it08:18
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atripathigoodevening all08:19
MikeStylecouldnt find package libqt3-md bipolar08:19
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pmjdebruijnhi all08:19
bipolarMikeStyle, it's libqt3-mt08:19
pmjdebruijnI'm fiddling with vncserver, but when I start a session in there, I always get a different GTK theme than I have in GNOME, how can I adjust that?08:19
HiddenFlyjason_ukfsn: i just wanted to know how they work in average, i havent looked up any yet, im just going to do that next :)08:19
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sktrdie_when I try "apt-get install vlc" I get unmet dependecies, something about broken packages, and packages that wont be isntalled, whats the deal with this?08:20
MikeStylebipolar...unmet dependancies08:20
Amaranthsktrdie_: breezy?08:20
Hoxzerok, can somebody tell me how should I get grub floppy?08:20
lsuactiafneratripathi : /EXEC -o date08:20
MikeStyleit tells me to do apt-get -f install again but when i do that it says broken package again....bipolar...08:20
bipolarMikeStyle, this box doesn't have public ssh access does it? I could log in and clean it up.08:20
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MikeStylebipolar...dell inspiron 5100 laptop on command line mode...i dunno08:21
bipolarMikeStyle, are you behind a router?08:21
sleepiei would like to know if there's some program like msn messenger wich suport webcam?08:21
MikeStylebipolar, no08:21
bipolarMikeStyle, dial up?08:21
MikeStylebipolar, no high speed08:21
atripathiubuntu rocks! but still I feel there could have been some more binaries provided by default08:22
bipolarMikeStyle, ok. at home?08:22
MikeStylebipolar, yes08:22
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ubotuUbuntu: I give up, what is it?08:22
UbuntuSomeone help me?08:22
bipolarMikeStyle, what does "ifconfig eth0" tell you?08:22
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UbuntuHow can I install TCL too my Ubuntu System ?08:22
bipolarMikeStyle, looking for your IP addres08:22
naliothUbuntu: use synaptic08:22
jo_are you french08:23
sleepieany portuguese people?08:23
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sleepiei would like to know if there's some program like msn messenger which suport webcam?08:24
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naliothsleepie: en #ubuntu-pt08:24
HiddenFlyanyone here familiar with HP PhotoSmart 7450 printer?08:24
pmjdebruijnsleepie, gaim-vv, but it's highly experimental08:24
bipolarMikeStyle, "sudo passwd root" and set the password to 12345. I can log in and fix it.08:24
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jo_french because y don't good speak english08:24
Hoxzercan I make grub floppy in windows some how?08:24
bipolarMikeStyle, scratch that. I don't think ssh allows root logins08:24
=== mcphail wonders if MikeStyle will be daft enough...
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atripathidoes sudo work on other distros too?08:25
sktrdie_Amaranth: yes Breezy08:25
sleepieso still there limitation in the use of webcam in ubuntu?08:25
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naliothatripathi: yes, if you set it up08:25
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sleptHoxzer, yes google for the image you can do it with dd08:25
[LethAL] atripathi, yes, but not normally installed iirc08:25
jo_are you frencc08:25
jason_ukfsnsleepie: I think gnomemeeting supports webcams08:25
jo_are you french08:25
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Hoxzerslept: dd?08:25
bipolarMikeStyle, ok. I'm in08:25
Amaranthsktrdie_: hrm, paste the output from apt/synaptic somewhere and see if someone else can help, i need to get to class now, sorry08:25
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MikeStylebipolar ok08:26
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MikeStylebipolar...now what08:26
mcphailMikeStyle: tell me you haven't opened root access to the whole world?????08:26
jo_fuck off08:26
[LethAL] Language08:26
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atripathiI saw a very nice book o'r Fedora by Sam's. Any for Ubuntu?08:26
MikeStylemcphail, right after he logged in i changed it back, im not dumb08:26
lovebug356 Where is the make.conf file in Ubuntu?08:26
sleepieyes but i prefer using it in some program where i could add my hotmail account like msn messenger and conect the webcam when i like. jason_ukfsn08:26
deadcatlovebug356: this aint gentoo08:26
mcphailMikeStyle: is he the only one? ;p08:26
Amaranthnalioth: Best to give a warning first.08:27
bipolarMikeStyle, wow... this is a mess.08:27
x_o1Anyone here using nxclient?  What do you do to run it, no man page and cannot find examples anywhere.08:27
grndslmsoo...i just changed the hoary repositories to breezy repos...after i update, what's the difference between doing a regular upgrade and a "dist-upgrade"???08:27
MikeStylemcphail, yes08:27
bipolarMikeStyle, give me a min or two.08:27
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joelburtonis there a way to "force download" of a package using apt tools?08:27
MikeStylebipolar...well i am a bit of a sloppy guy08:27
sleptHoxzer, try dd --help, there is a windows version for that aswell08:27
MikeStylemcphail, i believe so08:27
atripathijoel yes08:27
atripathisee synaptic08:27
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lovebug356deadcat: isn't that a linux option and available in all distro's? How can I set allround optimalizations for compiling?08:27
deadcatlovebug356: edit the makefiles or something08:28
atripathiit asks if you want to just download the package(s)08:28
MikeStyleeven if someone does come into my system, the state it is in right now all they could do is rf me, in which case i would format and reinstall08:28
sleptjoelburton, apt-get --help08:28
grndslmsoo...i just changed the hoary repositories to breezy repos...after i update, what's the difference between doing a regular upgrade and a "dist-upgrade"???08:28
jason_ukfsnsleepie: I am not a MSN user however a quick google turns up aMSN - http://amsn.sourceforge.net/08:28
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sleepieyes i've used08:28
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sleepieadn used mercury which is better than amsn08:29
joelburtonslept: apt-get --help doesn't show an option to force download; "apt-get -d -f install skype" still fails if the dependencies aren't met08:29
robbkiddubuntuforums.org down?08:29
deFryskdist-upgrade also downloads new packages if the deps require this08:29
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grndslmrobbkidd, no08:29
deFryskupgrade does not08:29
Hoxzerwonderful :D08:29
j5yhow do i install .dsc files?08:29
Hoxzerfucking great08:29
sleepiebut still not having suport to webcam jason_ukfsn08:29
Hoxzercan't find image08:29
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grndslmdeFrysk, thanks08:29
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naliothHoxzer: have we not mentioned language in here? it doesnt help at all08:29
deFryskdist-upgrade also deletes packages if the deps require this08:29
MikeStylebipolar...what is wrong with everything08:29
joelburtonatripathi: don't see any option in synaptic to download something where deps are broken; am i missing something?08:29
bipolarMikeStyle, yeah. it looks like the kde packages are fubar. I think I have it cleaned up. do you want to keep kde or use gnome?08:29
sleptjoelburton, the dependencies are there for a reason , why should it work when you force things08:30
jason_ukfsnsleepie: I think you need to compile amsn to add video support and make sure you have kernel support (probably just modprobe the relevant module)08:30
joelburtonslept: i have a good reason; i need to change the package.08:30
MikeStylebipolar, kde please08:30
atripathiWhen u apply u get the option. Try looking there08:30
MikeStylei installed the 3.5 beta key already08:30
topylij5y: you don't, they are just text files if i understand you correctly08:30
atripathiapply the changes i mean08:30
bipolarMikeStyle, ok. I think I got it. It's upgrading now.08:30
sleepiejason_ukfsn thks for your help, but compiling is not an option for me, i'm newbie in linux :)08:30
lewissslept: im having a similar problem, the dependancy issue is due to ubutu post fixing their packages. this causes the packagemanager to barf08:30
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ubotuhmm... ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx08:31
MikeStylesleepie, compiling is very easy08:31
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damo21Thankyou everyone who helped me earlier.... u guys r great :-) also glad i could help a few ppl08:31
atripathijoel u can also fix the packages in synaptic. See Edit menu option08:31
joelburtonatripathi: i don't get any options. choosing to upgrade my existing skype fails with a dependency-unmet error. don't get any option to just-download it.08:31
sleptHoxzer, maybe you don't need a grub floppy you can boot from a live cd and chroot in your system and install grub or make a grub floppy08:31
sleepielol for you MikeStyle08:31
MikeStylesleepie, cd to dir>./configure>make>make install08:31
MikeStylethats it08:31
atripathijoel are u using hoary ?08:32
MikeStyleits just 4 basic commands08:32
damo21Hoxzer... still having trouble with grub?08:32
j5ytopyli: i have tried to download the linux-source-2.6.10... and i have a diff.gz file a dsc file and a orig.tar.gz, but how do i install the file?08:32
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jason_ukfsnsleepie: compiling a package isn't so hard. If there is already a debian/ubuntu package available just apt-get source <packagename> and alter the configuration in the debian/rules file08:32
joelburtonatripathi: i don't need to fix my packages; i need to download one package to make a change to it (as described at http://forum.skype.com/viewtopic.php?p=169829&highlight=#169829; to edit the skype package dependencies)08:32
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joelburtonatripathi: no, breezy08:32
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jason_ukfsnsleepie: then run dpkgbuild08:32
Hoxzerdamo21: yep08:32
topylij5y: don't download stuff, just apt-get it08:32
smi|ehow do i mask my hostname on freenode ?08:33
topylij5y: and you will get it installed08:33
MikeStylebipolar, just tell me when its all done so i can reboot and see if it works08:33
jason_ukfsnsleepie: if there are build dependancies you will be told08:33
j5yyes i know, but dont have internett on the ubuntu PC, so have to bring over the package.. :/08:33
bipolarMikeStyle, you wont need to reboot.08:33
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atripathiwell i dont know if there is any change in synaptic in breezy. I am using hoary and it provides option to download the package instead of installing08:33
sleepiei'm running windows at the moment, i'm not still too confortable with linux08:33
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naliothsmi|e: ask in #freenode08:33
bipolarMikeStyle, I'll see whats going on with X too. I'll let you know.08:33
MikeStylebipolar, then what do i do, terminal > startx ?08:33
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smi|enalioth: i dont have a +v there08:33
topylij5y: you should still have a .deb file you can install with dpkg08:33
lewisshas anyone got the skype deb to install without making apt-get moan when you install things after that?08:34
j5yhm okay08:34
naliothsmi|e: if you wait a minute or two, you will08:34
smi|enalioth: how?08:34
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bipolarMikeStyle, don't worry abou it. :) I'll restart the DM and you'll be up and running. I want to make sure that X works.08:34
j5ytopyli: i will try a little bit more..08:34
mawahas anyone of you got Bluetooth to work under Breezy?08:34
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atripathi@joel:hey why dont ya go to preferences and make the pakcages persist in cache ?08:34
bipolarMikeStyle, it just finished downloading08:34
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topylij5y: just get the deb package08:34
Ofesomeone tell me how to apt-get scanmodem (www.linuxant.com)?08:34
sleepiebut i have a doubt, i have the actual ubuntu 5.04, when breezy comes out, will i need to download the whole cd, or just update?08:34
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MikeStylebipolar. thanks for helping..but if you try anything like rf-ing me ill just turn off my modem.but thanks for helping08:35
deFrysksleepie, update08:35
two-shedsmawa: bluetooth works fine.08:35
damo21Hoxzer: come to pvt chat i can send u an image08:35
bipolarMikeStyle, lol... why the heck would I do that. :P08:35
deFrysksleepie, check topic on breezyupgradenotes08:35
MikeStylebipolar, ive had it happen b408:36
sleptHoxzer, what is your problem with grub ?08:36
bipolarMikeStyle, that sucks.08:36
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MikeStylebipolar, yea08:36
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j5yhow do i install the packages from packages.ubuntu.com after downloading..08:36
Hoxzerslept: I just reinstalled windows and now my PC says "I don't have operation system" and it wont boot grub08:36
MikeStylebipolar, if this works ill find out where you live and send flowers08:36
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bipolarMikeStyle, rm -rf is for pussys. I'd fdisk and scramble the partitions. you wouldn't know untill a reboot. heh.... I'm not gonna do that though. :)08:36
naliothj5y: you dont. use synaptic08:36
Answerj5y: If you are using Synaptic, click the checkbox that says install after download,  If you are using apt-get, use apt-get install <package>08:36
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damo21Hoxzer, so how r u here?08:36
sleptHoxzer, you got a live cd ?08:36
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HoxzerNo, I dont have live cd that is the problem :D08:37
MikeStylebipolar, O_o, gulp...lol i only have 1 partition anyway08:37
damo21what system are u running now08:37
gigaclonyou need one08:37
bipolarMikeStyle, gah.... more package problems. not as bad this time though.08:37
MikeStylebipolar, alright08:37
Hoxzerdamo21: ubuntu in my laptop but I dont have floppy in this08:37
j5yi dont have internet on my ubuntu, and have to download package then copy to ubuntu-machine, then install. how do i do that?08:37
MikeStyleill brb08:37
naliothj5y: use apt-zip08:37
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sleptHoxzer, can you download one ?08:37
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atripathiany alternative to gdesklet ?08:38
damo21HAHA image is useless to him08:38
Hoxzerslept: dowload what?08:38
joelburtonthanks, atripathi, but i don't have the file on my system--i want to *get it*.08:38
gigaclonthe live CD08:38
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joelburtonthere's nothing in my /var/cache/apt for skype08:38
damo21he cant write to floppy dude08:38
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naliothatripathi: superkaramba or adesklets08:38
sleepiei think ubuntu can go futher, the only thing is needing is pub, like firefox made some months ago. don't you think? :)08:38
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Hoxzerdamo21: I can write floppy with my mother's computer08:38
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j5ynalioth: dont have that command08:38
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MikeStyleok im back08:38
Hoxzerbut it has windows08:38
damo21Hoxzer: can u download the entire livecd08:38
naliothj5y: install it08:38
Concord_DawnI can't find the sun-j2re1.5 package.08:38
=== Answer stares at the noobers
Concord_Dawn!info sun-j2re1.508:39
naliothubotu: tell Concord_Dawn about javadeb08:39
Hoxzerdamo21: yes,... but I can't burn it08:39
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sleptHoxzer, a live cd. If you are in a hurry you can try http://www.sysresccd.org/download.en.php thats only 100Mb08:39
damo21he cant burn it or write to floppy08:39
j5ynalioth: how?08:39
HoxzerI can't burn CD's at the moment :D08:39
naliothj5y: use synaptic08:39
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guidanHoxzer: your trying to run grub?08:39
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damo21Hoxzer can u transfer floppy image to your mothers computer?08:39
MikeStylebipolar, how much longer do you think? my dad wants me to go to his office to have lunch08:39
Hoxzerdamo21: yes08:40
damo21and write floppy image there?08:40
bipolarMikeStyle, I dunno. it's installing packages now.08:40
MikeStylebipolar, ok08:40
damo21do it08:40
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Hoxzerbut I dont see any floppy images that can be created in windowsw08:40
joelburtonso, i need to download (not install) the skype .deb package. i have unmet dependencies, and can't find a program that will let me download that .deb while my dependencies are unment.08:40
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atripathijoel ...see in preference there is an option to save the file in cache once it is downloaded. You can edit the file once it is downlaoded to the cache08:40
joelburtondoes anyone know how to force a package download?08:40
damo21ohhh wait i'll find u one08:40
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gigaclonHoxzer, for future reference install windows first then Linux08:40
HoxzerI searched it for like 30mins08:40
Answerjoelburton: Use synaptic?08:40
damo21a grub boot disk08:40
Hoxzergigaclon: I have to reinstall windows again anyways08:41
joelburtoni already am saving download files, atripathi. it's never downloading it, though--that's the problem.08:41
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mawatwo-sheds: hm. doesn't work for me, not at all08:41
joelburtonanswer: if synaptic can do this, i'll need more help. i don't see any option in synaptic to get me around the unmet-dependency problem.08:41
damo21reinstall windows? why not use the extra space for bigger ubuntu home directory :P08:41
damo21surely a better use of hdd08:42
Answerjoelburton: Can't you just install the package you want with Synaptic?  It automatically gets the dependencies08:42
j5ynalioth: thats the problem, i dont have internet on my linuxPC, i have to download packages and install manually, and that is what im aksing help for..08:42
joelburtonthe dependency on which it relies isn't available in breezy, answer. i know how to fix the skype package, once i get it. it's the getting it i can't figure out.08:42
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Hoxzerdamo21: you can play nonthing with linux :((08:42
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Answerjoelburton: which came first, the chicken or the egg?08:43
naliothj5y: i'm not sure what to tell you08:43
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MikeStyleHoxzer, not true, use wine or cedega to run windows games08:43
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sleptHoxzer, try kobodeluxe08:43
HoxzerMikeStyle: it will surely lower my fps08:43
sleptone of the best games ever08:43
AnswerMikeStyle: Have you tried world of warcraft in cedega or wine?  is it playable08:43
topyliHoxzer: nethack and xgalaga work just fine here :)08:43
damo21Hoxzer: use wine:  i play warcraft 308:43
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j5ynalioth: okay.. i tried to download package from packages.ubuntu.com, but dunno how to install them08:43
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Hoxzer:D GOD damn lets get back to business08:44
sleptj5y, dpkg -i08:44
HoxzerI dunno why curse :(08:44
MikeStylehoxzer, when i played it didnt seem to do that for me :) cedega is an awesome program, although you do have to pay for it....08:44
MikeStyleAnswer, i dont play warcraft08:44
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MikeStylei dont play any games anymore08:44
Hoxzer:D I dont even feel any anger08:44
OfeHoxzer: Eips kiroilla. Please don't curse.08:44
damo21Hoxzer: it even emulates nocd cracks!!!08:44
MikeStyleim all tech08:44
ejpiranyone know the package in ubuntu 5.10 for microsoft core fonts?08:44
j5yslept: but the filename isnt .deb, should it be that?08:44
HoxzerOfe: :( emm tied miksi kiroilen  tulee vaan itsestn08:44
topyliejpir: msttcorefonts08:44
bipolarAnswer, WoW is a "supported" game on cedega. it *will* work and work well.08:44
deFryskejpir, its in multiverse I believe08:45
sleptj5y, yes it should be , what kin of file is it ?08:45
deFrysk!info msttcorefonts08:45
ejpirtopyli: that doesn't work anymore08:45
ubotumsttcorefonts: (Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts), section multiverse/x11, is optional. Version: 1.2ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 21 kB, Installed size: 160 kB08:45
Hoxzerdamo21: :D yeah, yeah I think the windows games will run better in windows than in linux08:45
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Answerbipolar: Is it even a noticeable difference?08:45
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sleptj5y, you can find out with : file ....08:45
topyliejpir: the package, the fonts, or the repository?08:45
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bipolarAnswer, My exp has shown that games run faster in cedega then windows if it's supported.08:45
ejpirPackage msttcorefonts is not available, but is referred to by another package08:45
ReggyLovegood evening08:45
ejpirI might have the wrong sources?08:45
ghitacan someone tell me how to remove simbolick link from icons in gnome?08:45
bipolarAnswer, I don't have Wow though.08:46
[LethAL] MikeStyle, no, he's just doing "rm -Rf /" ;)08:46
deFryskejpir, add multiverse to your repo08:46
ejpirokay, I'll look into that, thank you both08:46
Hoxzerdamo21: have you found a floppy image yet?08:46
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damo21Hoxzer: not entirely true.... its not an emulator08:46
Answerbipolar: Is cedega easy to setup?08:46
bipolarAnswer, sure. it has it's own installer.08:46
[A] ndy80I've a strange problem, but I don't know if it's ubuntu related or not. I've 8 new pc with a LCD monitor Neovo F-417 and ATI Radeon 7000. The screen is always flickering expecially when we read/write from harddisk. We changed 2-3 monitor (same model) on the same machine and not all of them have the same flickering intensity. How can I fix this problem? The resolution set by ubuntu is 1280x1024@75, the optimal for that model.08:46
j5yslept: PGP armored data signed messange file, thats the biggest one, the other is tar.gz and diff.gz08:46
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MikeStyle[LethAL] , i doubt it, he sed if he did anything it would be fdisk and then scramble partitions...but he sed he wouldnt do that so im hoping hes not :) anyway hes been trying to help me for almost an hour now, i think he really does wanna help08:47
[LethAL] Cool :008:47
[LethAL] Watch your dmesg log :P08:47
mohkohnCan anybody tell me how to patch my kernel with kernel-patch-uml?08:47
sleptHoxzer, http://gazonk.org/~eloj/articles/emergencybooting.html08:47
deFrysk[A] ndy80, check the horizontal and vertical freq's08:47
jerrygis breezy badger pretty stable and driver updated for a beta release at this point ?08:47
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Answerjerryg: relative to what08:47
deFryskand make sure they match your monitor-booklet08:47
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jerrygrelative to hoary hedgehog08:47
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MikeStylejerryg, ive heard breezy was one of the best linux systems, even in beta, im sure youll be happy with it08:48
[A] ndy80deFrysk: how and where? I also set the HorizontalSync and VerticalRefresh in the Monitor section of xorg.conf....08:48
joelburtonatripathi, answer: found a solution. `wajig detail skype` will show me the exact path of the .deb file on skype's server, and once i know the exact path, i can download it using a brwoser.08:48
jerrygthank you08:48
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j5yslept: the package i want is the kernel source 2.6.1008:48
j5ythe default hoary kernel source08:48
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joelburtonatripathi, answer: thanks for your offers of help.08:48
deFrysk[A] ndy80, if that is correct I do not know08:48
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ejpirthat fixed my problem, thanks:)08:48
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Answerjoelburton: Do you foresee other people encountering this same problem when they upgrade to breezy, or is it just your special situation?  You should think about making a wiki page08:48
deFrysk[A] ndy80, you could try to set it to 16 bit instead of 24 bit08:49
[A] ndy80deFrysk: before I wrote them on that section there was not horizontalsync and verticalrefresh settings.....08:49
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[LethAL] joelburton, You can get wajig to download and install a deb package anyway08:49
ejpirhas anyone tried mounting smb shares in 5.10 yet though?08:49
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ejpirsomething seems to be wrong with smbfs or mount08:49
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smi|eubotu tell me about tcl08:49
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MikeStylebipolar, how many packaged is it installing?08:50
naliothsmi|e: use synaptic for tcl08:50
deFrysk[A] ndy80, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg , use the defaults unless you see incorrect settings, fix them and see if it works better08:50
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sleptj5y, apt-cache search kernel source and then just apt-get it08:50
smi|enalioth: cant find it there08:50
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bipolarMikeStyle, over 350. it's almost done08:50
naliothubotu: tell smi|e about sources08:50
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joelburton[lethal] : wajig won't download something with force08:51
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j5yslept: but i would need internet for that?08:51
[LethAL] joelburton, force?08:51
MikeStylei wish my friend romulo hadnt moved away, he was a linux master :(08:51
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sleptj5y, yes , didn't you need internet to download the other things ?08:51
MikeStylebipolar, okay08:51
deFryskMikeStyle, he was a motu ? ;p08:51
bipolarMikeStyle, I think I lost my connection.08:52
OfeIf I have only created one user account on Ubuntu and even that one was created during the installation progress, does that mean that I'm always logged in as admin?08:52
sleptejpir, samba works fine08:52
joelburton[lethal]  force is to install it; i wanted to download it even w/unmet deps. couldn't find an option to do that directly with wajig.08:52
[LethAL] Ofe, no08:52
MikeStyledeFrysk, im not sure if he was classified or not, i just know he knew EVERYTHING about linuc08:52
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Ofe[LethAL] : phew. thanks.08:52
j5yslept: yes, but i only have internet on an other windows computer with no apt08:52
[LethAL] joelburton, oh righ08:52
[LethAL] t08:52
MikeStylebipolar, my connection went out for a few seconds, my ethernet port does that sometimes08:52
ejpirslept: mount -t smbfs ... etc works for you?08:52
deFryskMikeStyle, some geeks do you know08:52
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two-shedsanyone know how to remove the totem plugin from firefox?08:52
[LethAL] Ofe, that's what sudo is for08:52
bipolarMikeStyle, ok. I'll have to reconnect08:53
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MikeStyledeFrysk, ever heard of a guy by the alias of Wammy? or Wammy2108:53
joelburtonthanks, al08:53
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Aragorn_Guardianhi alll08:53
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deFryskMikeStyle, nope sorry08:53
sleptejpir, yes give me your whole mount command maybe I can figure out an error, and use smbtree to verify you have spelled server and shares right08:53
bipolarMikeStyle, did you change the root password?08:53
MikeStylebipolar yes08:54
bipolarMikeStyle, I need to login again.08:54
bipolarMikeStyle, NM.08:54
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Aragorn_GuardianI instaled ubuntu in a new machine....i remember that was a option - server - for a minimum installl of ubuntu?08:54
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NvidiotAragorn_Guardian: yup08:54
bipolarMikeStyle, my other ssh connection came back08:54
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damo21Hoxzer:  http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/clicker/solar_grub_disk.zip?download08:54
deFryskAragorn_Guardian, yes but also no X08:54
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MikeStylebipolar, alright08:55
Aragorn_Guardianthere is this option? how can i install just the minimum? the less...08:55
Aragorn_GuardiandeFrysk:  is this...08:55
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bipolarMikeStyle, I thought it was disconnected, but it just lagged for a few min.08:55
Aragorn_GuardiandeFrysk:  perfect...08:55
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MikeStylebipolar, yea it does that08:55
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bagginshi. i have an ubuntu machine that isn't working with my dhcp router. all the others in the house are. i've tried switching the cables, but ifup eth0 says, paraphrase, that it's getting no DHCP offers.08:55
MikeStylei hated it08:55
zyphis it just me, or do i have no name?08:55
ejpirslept: mount -t smbfs -o guest \\\data /mnt/flip/08:55
MikeStylezyph, i see it08:55
[LethAL] zyph, just you08:55
mohkohn../kernel-patches/all/apply/uml  Does this sound like a sensible start to patching?08:55
Aragorn_GuardiandeFrysk:  how can I choose this...i booted like expert and dont could find...08:55
damo21Hoxzer u got the link? i found u a disk image08:55
zyphbaggins, hey routers bite i know all about that08:55
[LethAL] zyph, it's probably your client... some have that option08:56
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yaaaranybody around here know why my menu.lst file would have changed without my knowledge?08:56
[LethAL] Aragorn_Guardian, server or server-expert ;)08:56
zyphbaggins, i used static, dhcp didn't like me08:56
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sleptejpir, -o username= and the IP looks strange should be a name , use smbtree to find out08:56
bagginsstatic doesn't work either08:56
Aragorn_Guardianhum...damn stupid...hehehehhe08:56
Aragorn_Guardianis that...08:56
bagginsi'm not sure why it's doing this... seemingly suddenly08:56
deFryskAragorn_Guardian, all i know it can be done I never did one and thus do not know exept it comes in the packageselection I believe (not sure)08:56
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MikeStylebipolar, you didnt have to redownload all the packages did you?08:56
Aragorn_Guardianjust expert...not so expert, maybe...hehehehehe08:56
bagginslike if i let it boot up, it has some ipv6 address, which does me no good.08:56
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zyphbaggins, have you ever gotten it to work before?08:56
ejpirslept: has worked like this for years, I usually had to do apt-get install smbfs, but that seems to be already loaded, seeing lsmod08:57
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zyphbaggins: i know what you're talking about08:57
bagginsit was working fine08:57
bagginsthen one day... poof08:57
[LethAL] Aragorn_Guardian, although, curse me, I would actually recommend Debian stable for a server08:57
zyphbaggins: wierdness08:57
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bagginswell i'll hang in here for a while and repost later maybe :P08:57
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zyphbaggins: did you try using the ifconfig to generate some info?08:57
sleptejpir, what error do you get ?08:57
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bagginsi'm familiar with all that stuff08:57
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X3ndouHeya guys08:57
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bagginsbut i've never seen it do this08:57
X3ndouI need libxM.so.308:57
X3ndouwhere can I get it08:57
zyphbaggins: are you the sysadmin?08:57
bagginsthis is my home network08:58
ejpirslept: ount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on \,08:58
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zyphbaggins: ah that puts you one step ahead of myself08:58
bagginsi have a gentoo machine, an ubuntu and a windows xp08:58
bipolarMikeStyle, 10 more packages08:58
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ejpirslept: almost looks like it's not using smbfs at all08:58
ReleaseXis the kernel in breezy going to support orinoco scanning?08:58
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MikeStyle|inbipolar ok08:58
bagginsother two are working fine08:58
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zyphbaggins: my challenge was dealing with a stepdad who thought everything opensource is a virus08:58
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Aragorn_Guardian[LethAL] :  i was asking here for that...ubuntu server is like debian, or not? debian will be better?08:58
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zyphbaggins: and his answer to my linux woes (of his creation) was to switch to windows08:59
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MikeStyle|showerbipolar, i have to hop in the shower real quick, when i come back can you tell me if its done?08:59
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[LethAL] Aragorn_Guardian, debian stable is outdated because it has so much testing08:59
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sleptejpir, install smbclient08:59
zyphbaggins: of course turns out it was his settings that were preventing me from accessing the network08:59
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[LethAL] Aragorn_Guardian, Well over six months of it08:59
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Aragorn_Guardian[LethAL] :  sure...08:59
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zyphbaggins: and again if all else fails *power_cycle*08:59
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[LethAL] Aragorn_Guardian, so it's rock solid09:00
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zyphbaggins: but i'm no expert09:00
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ejpirslept: is done per default, I was able to get on it via smbclient though:)09:00
Aragorn_Guardian[LethAL] :  i like possibility of have the same system in my desktop, for test the packages, and after install them safelly in server, with ubuntu09:00
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NvidiotI yet have to see a stripped linux install being unstable09:00
bipolarMikeStyle|shower, sure09:00
Aragorn_Guardian[LethAL] :  in debian i depend only from apt-get09:00
zyphbaggins: cat ifconfig to a text file09:00
[LethAL] heh09:00
[LethAL] Fair dos09:00
zyphbaggins: try posting it in the forum or something09:01
Aragorn_Guardian[LethAL] :  debian is solid, i know, but, ubuntu is not so solid as?09:01
two-shedsbaggins sounds like the nic isn't working right.. maybe the kernel or modules changed?09:01
JustSomeoneHow do you link output to a text file? Do you use the > things?09:01
zyphbaggins: i'm sure some guru will psychically know09:01
GDornyep.  or >> to append09:01
NvidiotJustSomeone: command > output09:01
JustSomeoneok thanks09:01
[LethAL] Aragorn_Guardian, Well... usually, but if you're ok with that, go ahead09:01
zyphthat's what i meant09:01
ejpirslept: did you manually install smbfs though?09:01
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Aragorn_Guardian[LethAL] :  i said...is not debian at all?09:01
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zyphso like cat file > textfile09:02
[LethAL] Aragorn_Guardian, Well... ubuntu isn't like other debianbased distros09:02
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sleptejpir, can't remember use dpkg --get-selections |grep smb to find out09:02
JustSomeoneYeah ^^09:02
zyphi like doing cat ls > dircontents09:02
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Aragorn_Guardian[LethAL] :  no...i was just asking...i know about thousands of debian developers, that are really good...09:02
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bipolarMikeStyle|shower, are you still there?09:02
Concord_Dawncan someone help me with getting Apache2 to support JSP?09:02
Aragorn_Guardian[LethAL] :  whats the difference, so? kernel?09:02
seifeIs there any good program for downloading stuff in linux? like music, videos, etc..09:02
JustSomeonehow do you cat an ls?09:03
ejpirlibsmbclient                                    install09:03
ejpirsmbclient                                       ins09:03
ejpirboth there:x09:03
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j5yhow do i install the file after download (look at bottom) http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/devel/linux-source-2.6.1009:03
JustSomeoneit would have to be a file wouldnt it?09:03
ejpirI'll see if I can fix it some how09:03
ubotuapache is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP or, for Ubuntu server information, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/installation-custom09:03
zyphcat ls > textfile09:03
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seifeIs there any good program for downloading stuff in linux? like music, videos, etc..09:03
zyphtry it09:03
JustSomeoneI dont have a shell in front of me :/09:03
zyphlol you mean illegal stuf seife?09:03
sleptejpir, smbfs ?09:03
zyphwell there's your problem09:03
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zyphopen one09:04
Concord_Dawncan someone help me with getting Apache2 to support JSP?09:04
seifei mean like limewire, kazaa, etc..09:04
zyphVegar was here?09:04
zyphhe's in my lnx guild...09:04
ubotuConcord_Dawn: I give up, what is it?09:04
EasterSunshinelimewire is available in linux09:04
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Concord_Dawnlimewire is a computer killer.09:04
zyphlimewire is corrupt now though09:04
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zyphuse bittorrent09:04
ejpirslept: smbfs is not listed at all09:04
Aragorn_Guardian[LethAL] :  I installed debian here too, was beatiful. my machine never has so much free ram as with debian...very nice09:04
zyphor gtk-gnutella09:04
sleptejpir, install it09:04
seifecomputer killer? why?09:04
dikribHey, anyone interested in helping a person comletely new to linux with installing ubuntu?09:05
ejpirslept: Package smbfs is not available, but is referred to by another package. -- although I added multiverse09:05
zyphdikrib, if you are female and offering your body sure!09:05
Aragorn_Guardian[LethAL] :  but you think ubuntu i] like server, was tested enough, for be useful? have some info about that?09:05
zyphlol sorry09:05
seifewhere can i get Bittorrent, i think ubuntu comes with GnomeBittorrent, something like that but it needs the location for bittorrent meta files, wth.09:05
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zyphgoogle bittorrent to get some fun links09:06
EasterSunshinehey, can someone help, i just installed ubuntu and my optical usb mouse is not working; it is plugged into ps/2 via converter09:06
naliothseife: in your home dir09:06
Aragorn_Guardianj5y:  dpkg -i PACKAGE09:06
zyphw00t, kynaptic is done09:06
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Aragorn_Guardiananyone is using ubuntu in a server? any info?09:06
Nvidiotseife: I like Azureus, needs java though09:06
zyphallright i'm out, take care noobles09:06
zyph*peace out*09:07
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bagginslots of spam now i'm in here09:08
skyblownetdamo21 sbn here, got in irc now :d09:08
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sleptejpir, you got main restricted universe and multiverse ?09:08
skyblownetirc = ubuntu09:08
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StylusEater_Workanyone get a netgear WG111 working under ubuntu yet?09:09
z4ckanyone else have problems install blackhawk java09:09
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fredforfaenwhats netgear?09:09
ejpirslept: as far as I know, just uncommented all in sources.list and added multiverse09:09
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queuetueHi, all.  How do  I restart the video card setup?  (My card died and X will not start with the new one.)09:09
Nvidiotz4ck: I used the 1.5.0 update 5 from sun, works great09:09
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naliothfredforfaen: a brand name09:09
z4cki have tried that09:09
z4ckbut it doesnt seem to work09:09
readtardHey! - anyone know of very simple wiki for php & mysql i have no shell access on a server...?09:09
z4cki did sh install09:10
TiMiDohey does ubuntu reconized Dvd players automatic or i have to do something ?09:10
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu, some dvd's require libdvdcss2, which can be found in !hoary-extras09:10
sleptejpir, I dont no what repo it is, add those I wrote than you should be able to install it09:10
Nvidiotz4ck: the sun java has to be turned into a package, then installed09:10
skyblownetroot password of ubuntu?09:10
Nvidiotz4ck: it's on the wiki somewhere09:10
ubotusomebody said hoary-extras was see  http://backports.ubuntuforums.org ; example hoary repo: deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted09:11
Nvidiotskyblownet: ubuntu doesn't have a root password. You use sudo command09:11
ubotujavadeb is, like, for sun java debs packaged for ubuntu, Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/87ofx (Breezy) 64-bit? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#java09:11
ubotusomebody said root was disabled in Ubuntu, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo09:11
queuetueHow do  I restart the video card setup?  (My card died and X will not start with the new one.)09:11
ubotuDolm|SMC|Work: Bugger all, i dunno09:11
ProN00bsudo is teh shit logic09:11
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z4cki have breezy badger09:11
ejpirslept: didn't get the msg, I'm not sure if I can get private msges as unregistered user?09:11
z4ckbreezy K709:12
[LethAL] ejpir, NO, you can't09:12
sleptejpir, I do/did not pm , universe multiverse restricted and main should be all you need09:12
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Aragorn_Guardianthanks by the help...09:12
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ejpirslept: allright, will give it a try, thanks for the help so far;)09:12
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MikeStyleomg bipolar i love you09:13
ubotuEasterSunshine: Are you on ritalin?09:13
Nvidiotz4ck: get the jre-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.bin, then: sudo apt-get install java-package java-common && chmod +x jre-1_5... && fakeroot make-jpkg jre-1_5.... && sudo dpkg -i sun-j2re....deb09:13
MikeStylethank you so much bipolar09:13
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obiyodaIs there an easier way to get the xserver back up and running besides using the xorgconfig? I killed my xserver somehow and nothing is working09:14
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robbkiddAnyone here using Evolution+Exchange? And figured out a workaround for the problem adding an unnecessary semi-colon to folder paths?09:14
sleptEasterSunshine, unless you don't want to tell someone else use /msg ubotu usbmouse or whatever you want to know09:14
z4ckNvidiot,  if i just download a .deb package will it work09:14
z4ckfrom here09:14
ejpirslept: worked, merci09:14
Nvidiotz4ck: should work yup :)09:14
sleptejpir, :)09:15
z4ckill try this09:15
Nvidiotz4ck: then you just need the sudo dpkg -i blah.deb09:15
z4ckthank you09:15
z4ckim going to download the package09:16
queuetueHow would I redetect for a new video card?09:16
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sleptqueuetue, what kind of card ?09:17
Rocky|awayhm, a few days ago i did an apt-get upgrade in breezy and my wireless (ndiswrapper-based broadcom in my dell latitude d800) device stopped working ... anyone know what the problem might be?09:17
Antiliishi! what is the tool to configure grub partitions in gnome in breezy?09:17
=== Waerner [n=mail@c-fb28e253.46-8-64736c14.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
x_o1Anyone using nxclient?  I just need to know how to run the application?  "nxclient host application"?09:17
queuetueslept: An s3 prosavage 8.09:17
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WaernerPlease, is someone familiar with fluxbox? I installed it via apt-get but I'm unable to start it...09:18
sleptqueuetue, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg then sellect your card09:18
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sleptWaerner, you can select it at your gdm/kdm loginscreen09:19
ubotuNot a clue, TiMiDo09:20
z4ckWaerner,  is fluxbox a Desktop enviorment?09:20
Waernerz4ck, yes09:20
WaernerI've just read the docs 'bout it, but the files .xsession and .xinitrc...09:20
Waernerdoesn't exists*09:20
z4ckits should work.. Logout > then at the login screen select session > fluxbox09:21
WaernerBut hey, I saw it now, under "Session Type" Thanks alot slept!09:21
WaernerSomeone told me it's much faster than KDE09:21
damo21also xfce :D09:21
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TiMiDowhere can i get libdvdcss209:21
z4ckprobley is09:21
=== damo21 loves xfce
VensonWaerner: you are misinformed09:22
TiMiDowhere can i get libdvdcss209:22
VensonWaerner: KDE is a desktop. Fluxbox is a Window Manager. WM is just part of a desktop.....and doesn't have as many features09:22
damo21i know where to get libdvdcss09:22
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu, some dvd's require libdvdcss2, which can be found in !hoary-extras09:22
TiMiDo!info libdvdcss209:22
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ubotufrom memory, hoary-extras is see  http://backports.ubuntuforums.org ; example hoary repo: deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted09:22
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WaernerOmg, I guess I have a few hours spending with configuration :) thank you guys09:23
Mustard5yay..I'm in09:23
damo21from memory? rofl09:23
Antiliishi! what is the tool to configure grub partitions in gnome in breezy?09:23
bipolarI guess it worked09:23
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damo21Antilliis: configure grub partitions? what about nano /boot/grub/grub.conf09:24
Antiliisdamo21: yes, this is ok, but there's a graphical config tool to do this09:24
Antiliisdamo21: but I don't know what's its name09:25
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mohkohn../kernel-patches/all/apply/uml No "User-mode Linux" patch found for kernel version 2.6.1209:25
damo21use bash completion to guess :D09:25
Nvidiotstaying with the whole k{tool_name} or g{tool_name} I'd guess: ggrub(-configure) or kgrub(-configure) ;)09:25
mohkohnDo I need to rename my uml file somehow?09:25
RouninHi! I was wondering, are there any input methods (SCIM, UIM, IIMF etc.) that are supported in Ubuntu? I tried installing SCIM in Breezy, but it seems to be segfaulting09:25
Antiliismmmmm I tried apt-cache search grub, without success09:25
damo21Antiliis:  open terminal, use bash completion to find the name09:26
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Antiliisdamo21: I tried grub<tab>, but none of the results makes me happy09:27
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skyblownethow can i mount my windows hd?09:27
Mustard5what file format is it?09:27
skyblownetthe L:\ drive is FAT3209:27
damo21mount -t vfat /dev/....09:28
Mustard5I assume its called hda1 in linux?09:28
Nvidiotso much for firefox... it *STILL* has that bug where if you select some text and randomly try to drag it, it'll crash09:28
seifehow do i install my radeon7500 drivers on linux?09:28
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Nvidiothda1 would be first harddisk, first partition09:28
damo21mount -t vfat /dev/{h,s}dx09:28
Blissexseife: which drivers? As a rule there are some that are already included.09:28
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damo21where h is for ide , s for scsi... x is # of partition09:29
Blissexseife: if you don't care about 3D acceleration, use the 'radeon' drivers just like that. If you case, consider the proprietary 'fglrx' drivers or the 'radeon' driver plus DRI.09:29
skyblownetdamo21 it gives me a error if i do09:29
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sleptseife, install restricted modules and firegl xorg driver , change your xorg config to firegl via dpkg-reconfigure09:29
lsuactiafnerwhat sound manager/deamon does ubuntu use by default?09:30
damo21skyblownet which partition is it... and is it scsi or ide hdd?09:30
Blissexseife: the 'radeon' driver is included with X; the 'fglrx' driver is in a special repository, and there is an HOWTO in the Ubuntu Wiki about binary only drivers09:30
skyblownetdunno whats diffrence?09:30
Blissexlsuactiafner: depends on what you install.09:30
tristanmikeskyblownet, you can use this script to auto mount your partitions http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab09:30
mortal_hey all, I'm trying to get sound working in ubuntu09:30
seifeBlissex,  can i download that fglrx with synaptic?09:31
z4ckfucking suck go buy a nvidia card09:31
skyblownetdamo21: i just started with linux09:31
z4cksorry for the language .. but its a big mess09:31
sleptz4ck, ????09:31
tristanmikedamo21, sorry to jump in on you there09:31
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Blissexseife: yes, as described in the Binary Driver pages in the Ubuntu Wiki, which is easy to find.09:31
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sleptz4ck, whats your problem with ati ?09:31
damo21cool thats even easirt09:31
mortal_I need some help with sound in ubuntu09:31
Blissexseife: but note that the 7500 is well supported by 'radeon' and 'dri', which are more reliable than 'fglrx' even if a bit slower.09:32
z4ckbecause their failer to make a decent driver for linux09:32
skyblownetbut i should learn what the diffrence is and so one09:32
damo21i agree z4ck i am waiting with my radeon 9800pro its useless09:32
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seifewell should i download fglrx09:32
ProN00bi got a lil problem there, my mp3 player (usb storage device - needs FAT (normal FAT, not FAT32) ) gets automounted by linux and i can read the files from it that i have written to it from windows, i can also write and read to it like to a normal drive, but everything that i seem to touch with ubuntu on there seems to be not playable anymore on the player, but it doesn't disappear, and mounting the stick in windows again i can access the files09:32
ProN00bi wrote to it from ubuntu, does anyone know how to "make it work" ?09:32
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z4cksame here09:32
z4cki got a 9700 pro09:33
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z4ckspent probley 10 hours attempting to get opengl drivers to work09:33
Mustard5to mount my vfat drive I create a new dir in the /mnt directory called /hda1, then I type moutn -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda109:33
z4ckmy friend said just down grade to hoary and u can get it to work09:33
Mustard5to mount my vfat drive I create a new dir in the /mnt directory called /hda1, then I type mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda109:33
damo21z4ck: all these super advanced games and i cant even use translucency09:33
mortal_I'm trying to get sound working in ubuntu, I've checked the mixer, my card is properly detected, and the volume is up09:33
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BelutzProN00b, format the usb using FAT3209:33
skyblownetMustard5: did that work?09:33
naliothMustard5: /msg ubotu windowsdrives09:33
z4cki cant even use hardware GL09:33
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kbrooksmouse is buggy...09:34
z4ckim switching to nvidia im sick of ati09:34
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ProN00bBelutz, the player needs FAT, it doesn't accept FAT3209:34
kbrookswhats ati09:34
damo21z4ck u can get cheapo nvidia card09:34
tristanmikeskyblownet, all of that comes with time, shouldn't the goal be automatically having this done?09:34
z4cki play wolfenstein et09:35
VensonMustard5: is that a flash drive?09:35
damo21as long as its directx9 u will get decent use09:35
damo21on linux09:35
BelutzProN00b, i don't think it can write to FAT, maybe the others have solution, or google it09:35
z4ckIm so sick of windows its not even funny09:35
pirhelo, Any one have kismet working with orinoco driver? I just did all the tasks in the "howto Orinoco + Monitor + kismet_2005 +hoary" and it still doesn't work...09:35
seifeWhy i cant play .mp3 music file?09:35
seifeWhy i cant play .mp3 music file?09:35
Mustard5no..its my hard drive09:35
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Blissexone can write to FAT partitions...09:35
z4cki switch to windows to play wolf thats it09:35
tristanmike!tell seife about mp309:35
z4ckseife, download xmms09:35
Blissexz4ck: I think Wolfenstein is available for GNU/Linux09:35
damo21z4ck u can get ET for linux09:36
z4ckBlissex,  IT IS09:36
z4ckif u have drivers09:36
z4ckif u have opengl drivers!09:36
damo21but u need to buy cheapo nvidia card09:36
Blissexseife: almost surely because you dont have the MP3 decoders which are semi proprietary.09:36
z4ckyea i can play it in software gl09:36
z4ck1 fps09:36
kbrooksBlissex: he's saying that w/o the drivers its slow09:36
seifeBlissex, where can i get that mp3 decoders?09:36
Blissexseife: however, some sordid characters have made available packags with the right decoders. It is in the Ubuntu Wiki where09:36
tristanmikeseife, look at what ubotu messaged you09:36
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damo21seife: enable the universe repositories09:37
ubotusomebody said mp3 was read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support09:37
z4ckits a joke... screw ati lazy shits09:37
kbrooksz4ck: what is a joke09:37
seifeok thanks09:37
Blissexz4ck: for older ATI cards (9600 and earlier) the DRI open source drivers are pretty good.09:37
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z4ckATI drivers09:37
seifewhere do i enable those universe reporitories?09:37
Blissexseife: it is in the Ubuntu Wiki... :-)09:37
kbrooksBlissex: ati drivers. hardware.09:37
ubotu[repos]  at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96909:37
kbrooksnot those open source drivers (software)09:38
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mortal_can anyone help me with my sound problems?09:38
z4cki need hardware Gl09:38
sleptz4ck, doesnt xorg-driver-fglrx work ?09:38
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Blissexkbrooks: but the open source 'radeon' drivers are 3D accelerated, up to the 9200 by default, and with an update up to the 9600.09:38
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mortal_I have a sb audigy 1, which is detected by alsa, the mixer is up, but I still get no sound09:38
z4ckghaha.. i spent hours with taht one09:38
Blissexmortal_: consider reading http://tinyurl.com/bz8v4 on how to ask questions09:38
graymanits easy09:39
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=== [NeiL] [n=neil@34.Red-83-53-27.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
graymanz4ck, i just fixed that myself09:39
uboturumour has it, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx09:39
__boomerwhat do i have to change to follow text links by clicking the middle mouse button?09:39
skyblownetisn't quake 3 arena for linux out too?09:39
graymanthat last url is good09:39
Blissexmortal_: also consider reading the troubleshooting section of http://tinyurl.com/4ogk2 it works most of the time.09:39
graymanplus use kernel for 38609:39
[NeiL] can anybody help me with cedega?09:39
Blissexskyblownet: yes, and several pretty good other 3D games, some of them open source.09:39
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z4ckthers alot of games out for linux09:39
kbrooks[NeiL] : ask, but its nonfree09:39
Blissex[NeiL] : try #WINE or TransGaming support...09:40
baggins[NeiL] : maybe if you tell us the problem09:40
damo21grayman: so u have 9800pro card and hardware accell on breezy?09:40
[NeiL] i want to run CS in a window, non full screen mode09:40
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kbrooksBlissex: cedega != wine09:40
ProN00bwhat open source app is closest to cedega ?09:40
luiteI have to buy a new video card (because of an upgrade to a pci-e motherboard), which brand whould you recommend, ati or nvidia? I always thought that nvidia had better drivers, but I've seen that ati has a new nice packaging tool, and has possibly (?) made some other improvements to the drivers?09:40
Blissexkbrooks: yes, but most Cedega problems are very similar to WINE09:40
damo21ProNooB : wine09:40
kbrooksProN00b: closest -- none09:40
ProN00band why isn't cedega free if it uses wine code ?09:40
baggins[NeiL] : have a look in ~/.transgaming/config ... there should be lines like ;"Desktop" = "800x600"09:40
Nvidiotluite: nvidia, the ati drivers are still frustrating09:40
kbrooksProN00b: wine is licensed under the lgpl09:41
BlissexProN00b: it is opne source -- the sources09:41
z4ckluite,  agp NVIDIA VIDEO CARD09:41
[NeiL] baggins: thx i will try it :)09:41
Blissexluite: depends what you want to do with it.09:41
baggins[NeiL] : remove the ; and set the size of your desktop in a window to use that.09:41
[LethAL] ProN00b, the CVS version is, it misses copy protection or something09:41
kbrooksBlissex: cvs sources09:41
BlissexProN00b: it is opne source -- the sources are free. You have to pay for the binaries.09:41
z4ckATI package is a bunch of crap go with nvidia09:41
ProN00bBlissex, so where is the cedega source, and what keeps me from using it ?09:41
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BlissexProN00b: not much -- the lack of copy protection perhaps.09:42
damo21So where can i dl cedega open source?09:42
ProN00black of ?09:42
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ProN00bwhat you mean ?09:42
luiteBlissex: uhm, I run breezy, and want to do some gaming, have the latest window effects eye candy thingies etc ;) and some maya09:42
sleptluite, matrox , you'll get open drivers :)09:42
BlissexProN00b: there are quite a few Cedega-from-CVS building HOWTOs/tutorials around.09:42
luiteslept: and stone age performance.. :(09:43
BlissexProN00b: note that it is not easy to build Cedega-from-CVS, and the price is very low.09:43
=== Nvidiot stares at the V12 engine running as a screensaver on his laptop
Blissexluite: Cedega and even some recent version of WINE are rumoured to run Doom3 pretty fast.09:43
tristanmikeBlissex, why run Doom3 under wine when it has a linux client?09:43
ProN00bBlissex, you bet the suckers make it hard to get from cvs to get your money09:43
luitez4ck: is agp support better than pci-e support? I wanted to buy a pci-e mobo with nforce409:43
[NeiL] baggins: thx, it works perfectly but mouse is "trapped" and cannot go outside of the window09:44
Blissexluite: however quite a few games are natively available for GNU/Linux and with the right driver they have all the modern effects too.09:44
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z4cknewer video cards even with windows are always less supported09:44
baggins[NeiL] : i think something like Ctrl-g will grab/release it09:44
BlissexProN00b: no, it is just quite hard. Building Cedega-from-CVS is not significantly harder than building WINE-from-CVS.09:44
z4ckpci-e.. id go with a 6600 GT09:44
damo21tristanmike:  Dont think of wine and cedega as "emulators" they dont emulate anything, they just filter and let linux kernel run the win32 binaries09:45
bloodnikApt-get is giving me errors about dependencies whereby the ubuntu version of a package is going to be installed and that's not good enough09:45
baggins[NeiL] : or it might be f12 and g ... i think one is UAE and one is wine, i forget which09:45
bloodnikeg libavcodeccvs: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-21) but 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu14 is to be installed09:45
naliothbloodnik: are you using backports09:45
ProN00bBlissex, the last time i got something from cvs and built it it was 4 commands (not including the apt-getting dependencys)09:45
bloodnikI'll check09:45
[NeiL] baggins: negative :(09:45
skyblownetdamo21:  so that would mean that i can run explorer.exe in linux?09:45
luiteBlissex: ah, sounds good.. unfortunately I don't like doom3 that much... I still have dualboot for games, but I'd like to play ut2004 without having to reboot to windows :)09:45
yaaaranybody round here use bacula? i finally got it all configured and when i try to start it i get:09:45
yaaarFatal error: Version error for database "bacula". Wanted 8, got 709:45
tristanmikedamo21, I never suggested that I thought that, why did you? I merely asked why run it under Wine and not naitive?09:46
yaaarit's exactly like this guy's post to the debian lists: http://lists.debian.org/debian-qt-kde/2005/01/msg00087.html09:46
bloodniknalioth, no backports in my sources.list09:46
damo21tristanmike: because it might run faster in wine09:46
tristanmikedamo21, :) Ok, thanx09:46
Blissexluite: Well, you are _awesomely_ lucky as while Doom3 for Linux costs extra, the Linux port of UT2004 is included on the CD/DVD.09:46
tristanmikedamo21, I actually read a review that suggested it might, but I was just curious why not support the naitivity :)09:47
Blissextristanmike: some people run the MS Windows version of Doom3 on GNU/Linux because they already paid for it, and the Linux port costs extra.09:47
bluefoxicyATI RAge 128, any good?09:47
skyblownet!tell sbn about mp309:47
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damo21i cant test it yet, i dont have ati drivers working09:47
Nvidiotbluefoxicy: for 2d yes. For 3d, no09:47
Blissexbluefoxicy: by today's standards it is awesomely slow in 3D, but pretty good still in 2D09:47
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luiteBlissex / z4ck / Nvidi:  tnx for the suggestionson I'll go voor nvidia... now I only have to determine  the best card in my budget :)09:48
bloodniktell a lie, backports were there09:48
Blissexluite: whats your budget and country?09:48
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baggins[NeiL] : hrm.... i can't remember... someone told me once... i never found the docs... ask in #cedega09:48
mortal_ok folks, where do i get make gcc and such?09:48
Nvidiotluite: tomshardware has vga charts, comparing cards :) Nice to help pick a card09:48
luiteBlissex: I think about 150 euros, netherlands09:48
damo21luite: if u are buying video card... go Nvidia!!! Ati linux support SUX09:48
Answerluite:  www.mwave.com  www.insight.com  www.newegg.com09:48
[NeiL] baggins: thx for your help :)09:48
Blissexluite: uhmmmm, I just bought an NVIDIA in that price range.09:48
Nvidiotmortal_: it's in one package... basic-compilers or something like that09:49
Belutzmortal_, install build-essential09:49
Blissexluite: as in today!09:49
luiteBlissex: ah which one?09:49
bluefoxicyBlissex, Nvidiot:  Found it in a dell I just was given09:49
Blissexluite: it is an NVIDIA 6800LE09:49
Nvidiotbulid-essential, that's it09:49
=== kbrooks is on ubuntu breezy
ProN00bBlissex, can't someone else redistribute its binaries legally ?09:49
luiteBlissex: agp or pci express?09:49
bluefoxicyBlissex, Nvidiot:  Looks like the damn thing is pentium 4 PC133 based, I don't have PC133 ram.09:49
Nvidiotbluefoxicy: ick, P4 with sdram, slooow09:49
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skyblownet!tell skyblownet about mp309:50
Blissexluite: I got the 6800LE AGP, which has a big advantage over the PCI-E version.09:50
bluefoxicyNvidiot:  i'm an athlon 64 guy.09:50
damo21my question:  will 9800pro have composite, 100% hardware accellerated opengl support in breezy?09:50
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mortal_Belutz, ruhroe, synaptic came up empty09:50
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Belutzmortal_, it can't be09:50
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Blissexbluefoxicy: contrarily to rumours, PC133 SDRAM is about as fast as PC2100 DDR, which is to say not too bad.09:50
Belutzmortal_, check your sources.list09:50
Ti_Uhldoes it hurt to upgrade my hoary to breezer ? or should i wait untill the official release ?09:50
luiteBlissex: advantage? I always thought that the 6x00 series were native pci-e, ant that the agp version was slower09:50
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kbrooksTi_Uhl: it is rc quality09:51
Blissexbluefoxicy: also, PC133 SDRAM is easy to find used and cheap, for obvious reasons.09:51
dazzedi need MUCH help09:51
BlissexTi_Uhl: just wait a bit.09:51
kbrooksdazzed: ASK09:51
damo21Ti_Uhl.... dont bother because u will upgrade again?09:51
BelutzTi_Uhl, if you use computer for production, i suggest you wait09:51
z4ckim thinkng about just download kubuntu horay becausee ATI do work on it09:51
damo21z4ck... wait till breezy release :D09:51
Ti_Uhlkbrooks : and if i would do the upgrade, would updating my apt sources be sufficient ?09:51
bluefoxicyBlissex:  best buy charges $120 for 256M PC133 and $50 for 256M DDR33309:51
Blissexluite: the story is this: the 6[26] 00 is native PCI-E and needs a bridge for AGP, not that changes anything.09:51
dazzedwell i upgraded to breezy but when unpacking packages and setting up my computer shut off so i did the rest in terminal ... now i am stuck without x cuz some packages are being held back09:51
z4ck im on breezy right now09:52
Blissexbluefoxicy: buy it used.09:52
kbrooksTi_Uhl: No. apt-get dist-upgrade09:52
Belutzz4ck, if you have fast internet connections, go ahead :)09:52
NvidiotTi_Uhl: there is a wiki on how to update09:52
damo21no, z4ck u have preview breezy09:52
Blissexbluefoxicy: the new is expensive because it is from old stock and is a rarity.09:52
z4ckim on dialup lol09:52
mortal_Belutz, ok i'm in my sources.list, what am i looking for?09:52
kbrooksdamo21: um09:52
z4ckim not on kubuntu09:52
z4ckim on ubuntu09:52
Belutzmortal_, please paste it in the pastebin09:52
z4ckwith kde09:52
luiteBlissex: ah09:52
Ti_Uhldamo21 : so i'd be better off waiting untill next week09:52
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dazzedi do install packages that are being held back?09:53
Blissexbluefoxicy: however here in the UK I can get 512MB of SDRAM 133 for around $6009:53
kbrooksTi_Uhl: it works for me09:53
dazzedi have 111 to be upgraded and they are being held back?09:53
damo21kbrooks?  official breezy release not til 13th october right?09:53
Blissexbluefoxicy: because there is one retailed that still sells it currently09:53
kbrooksupgraded,  no problem so far09:53
Ti_Uhlkbrooks : yeah but i can't afford the risk off screwing up my laptop09:53
Ti_Uhlkbrooks : i need it for school09:53
Blissexluite: the 6600GT and the 6800LE are about the same speed overall, AGP or PCI-E09:53
atripathikbrooks why dont ya get edubuntu09:53
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BelutzTi_Uhl, so i suggest you wat for 8 more days :)09:54
damo21i am running preview breezy... what will happen when the official release comes out?09:54
Blissexluite: the 6600GT performs a bit better on complex scenes, the 6800LE on AA/Anisotropic.09:54
kbrooksatripathi: i'm on ubuntu09:54
Blissexluite: and their price is about the same.09:54
Ti_UhlBelutz : will do that then :)09:54
dazzedcan anyone help me installing packages that are being "held"09:54
damo21what do i do with it?09:54
bloodniknalioth, I added the backports that ubotu told me to but I'm getting the same problems with a few packages.09:54
atripathisorry not for you......but to Ti_Uhl09:54
Answerdazzed: held where?09:54
kbrooksdamo21: you can apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade then09:54
Ti_Uhlmaybe it's for the best, it's just that i'am really looking forward to see the changes :)09:54
luiteBlissex: ah, and that's about my price range, the lowest prices are just under 150 euros09:54
atripathiedubuntu project is for schools09:54
damo21cool :D09:54
kbrooksor use the update manager09:54
luiteBlissex: at least here in nl :)09:54
Blissexluite: if you look at the graphics card mass tests on TomsHardware.com or XbitLabs.com, from say 6 months ago.09:55
Blissexluite: yes, exactly, they are almost exactly the same price.09:55
kbrooksso what's this, a "connect to server"09:55
Ti_Uhlatripathi : don't need all the school apps :) i'm getting my master degree in IT09:55
Blissexluite: I got the 6800LE because I got the AGP version which can be unlocked to become a 6800 in many cases...09:55
Ti_Uhlso it's basicly for programming :)09:55
damo21kbrooks... ive enabled all the universe and multiverse stuff... is that bad if i do the dist-upgrade?09:55
Belutzkbrooks, it allows you to connect to ftp server, samba server, etc09:55
kbrooksdamo21: No09:55
luiteBlissex: ah, the pci-e version can't be unlocked?09:55
BlissexTi_Uhl: if you are in a western country, welcome to a life flipping hamburgers and waiting tables.09:55
kbrooksBelutz: i'm exploring it ;)09:56
atripathihehe    here normally school refers to the institution till HigherSecondary09:56
Blissexluite: no, because for PCI-E the 6800LE and 6800 are actually two distinct chipsets.09:56
Ti_UhlBlissex : i'm from belgium :)09:56
mortal_Belutz, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/276509:56
naliothdamo21: not at all09:56
BlissexTi_Uhl: you are dooooood :-).09:56
luiteBlissex: hm, too bad :(  but 6600gt sounds good then09:56
BelutzTi_Uhl, may I pm you ?09:56
kbrooksBelutz: nice, functions great09:56
Belutzmortal_, i'll take a look09:56
Blissexluite: depends... Look at the reviews and graphs though.09:56
=== [NeiL] [n=neil@34.Red-83-53-27.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["thx"]
Nvidiot<- from The Netherlands, moved to Australia :)09:57
ProN00bubuntu is using xorg and not xfree, right ?09:57
luiteBlissex: yup I will, but they only test with windows, right?09:57
NvidiotProN00b: correct09:57
damo21kbrooks: thats cool, so in theory all the packages should work... i havent done any nasty hacking only used apt-get packages :)09:57
kbrooksProN00b: As of breezy09:57
BlissexNvidiot: how is the IT job market in Australia nowadays...09:57
=== SaintXaero [n=circa@ool-4577cc49.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
funkyHatkbrooks, i'm pretty sure hoary was on xorg too09:57
Blissexluite: yes, but the NBIDIA driver under Linux is the same as under MS Windows with some slightly different glue code.09:57
SaintXaerocould someone help a noob for a sec?09:57
NvidiotBlissex: it's *supposed* to be good, but I can't find a halfdecent admin job to do on the side (I'm studying for my masters computer science in networking/security at the moment)09:57
z4ckhe uses degree to make a website selling boomrangs09:57
kbrooksfunkyHat: are you sure the wiki said that in breezy xfree86 -> xorg?09:58
bloodnikAnyone help me fix this? libavcodeccvs: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-21) but 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu14 is to be installed09:58
NvidiotAsk a SPECIFIC question, IF anyone CAN help, they will. Be patient, remember that your mother does not live here and you are responsible for your own mess. While you are waiting USE GOOGLE!09:58
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bloodnikthere are four such dependeny problems.09:58
Blissexluite: various tests show that the NVIDIA driver under Linux is about the same speed as under MS Windows... so don't worry.09:58
SaintXaerowhat driver should i use for my nvidia card?09:58
Belutzmortal_, it looks fine, but i suggest, you uncomment the breezy-security universe, make an apt-get update and search again for build-essential09:58
funkyHatkbrooks, no, not sure, i just remember always being on xorg09:58
luiteBlissex: ok, tnx for all the tips :P I'll search toms hardware for the benchmarks for my games09:58
ScatterBrainWill the OpenOffice that ships with Breezy be 2.0? or a late beta like 1,9.9?09:58
Blissexluite: or XbitLabs too09:58
ProN00bxorg-x11-devel, does someone know what the ubuntu package name for that is ?09:58
luiteok that too :)09:58
NvidiotSaintXaero: the standard nv driver is fine for 2d work. If you want 3d accelleration, you'll have to install the nvidia binary driver09:58
damo21ProNOOb use synaptic to find it09:59
funkyHatScatterBrain, currently it's a late beta, i don't know if 2 will be backported to breezy or not09:59
Blissexluite: wait a sec for some link, I did a web search yesterday. They might be useful to you...09:59
atripathik Goodnite everyone......its 2 AM here09:59
SaintXaeroi mean which do i download though? there are like 509:59
Blissexluite: probably very useful actually -- there are some very nice NVIDIA tweaking utilities for Linux too.09:59
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NvidiotSaintXaero: don't manually install things. Use Synaptic09:59
kbrooksScatterBrain: let me check09:59
ScatterBrainfunkyHat: The backported OO.o in Hoary is 1.9.7, right?10:00
Blissexluite: http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-310871-start-0-postdays-0-postorder-asc-highlight-.html10:00
damo21ive been screwing around with ati drivers... whats the best way to put things back the way dpkg made it when i installed10:00
NvidiotSaintXaero: Synaptic is the package manager10:00
Answer!tell SaintXaero about synaptic10:00
kbrooksfunkyHat: breezy is under a full freeze iirc10:00
NvidiotSaintXaero: if you use that you can easily install and uninstall software :)10:00
Blissexluite: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=54095&highlight=nibitor10:00
Blissexluite: http://www.garrulous-geek.co.uk/nvtuner10:00
Blissexluite: http://home.comcast.net/~bnolsen/nvtuner.cc10:00
SaintXaerobut liek...which download do i pick?10:00
funkyHatkbrooks, yes, that would make sense, but i wasn't sure as OOo is beta currently10:00
damo21how do i reconfigure xorg with ati-drivers?10:00
[LethAL] funkyHat, I beleive it's RC now10:01
damo21i want to use the proper way not editing conf files10:01
mortal_mortal@BadCyborg:/usr/src/linux-$ sudo apt-cache search build-essentials10:01
Answerdamo21: get fglrx10:01
funkyHatScatterBrain, 1.9.12910:01
NvidiotSaintXaero: again, do *not* go to www.nvidia.com to install the nvidia driver10:01
SaintXaeroor at least, how do i fix my screen resolution?10:01
funkyHatyes, it is RC, as of yesterday10:01
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AnswerSaintXaero: fixres10:01
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SaintXaeroit won't let me like...ungay my resolution10:01
funkyHatbye bye brown10:01
damo21Answer: thanks10:02
[LethAL] I'm on brown :S10:02
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z4ckdamo21, download the ati propierty driver... after installing run fglrxconf in console10:02
BlissexBTW, if anybody has an NVIDIA 6800LE under Linux, the links above for <luite> might interest them too.10:02
funkyHateh... so am i! lol10:02
[LethAL] lol... wtf10:02
kbrooksin breezy10:02
Blissexluite: http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=74787&perpage=25&pagenumber=110:02
z4ckid update your kernal before doing so10:02
kbrooksopenoffice is 1.1.510:02
funkyHatno, it's not10:02
ProN00bis it possible to have only one linux server and the users all connecting with thin x clients to it ?10:02
mortal_Belutz, I updated my sources.list, did sudo apt-get update10:02
[LethAL] ProN00b, yes10:03
mortal_mortal@BadCyborg:/usr/src/linux-$ sudo apt-cache search build-essentials10:03
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kbrooksfunkyHat: look in /usr/bin/openoffice10:03
funkyHatlol, i've been on OOo betas since before upgrading10:03
slakcan somone help me10:03
kbrooksread it10:03
[LethAL] ProN00b, I don't really know anything about it10:03
kbrooksthe script10:03
Belutzmortal_, build-essential not build-essentials10:03
[LethAL] slak, what's up10:03
Belutzmortal_, without 's'10:03
funkyHatso the actual OOo package will still be a 1.1 version10:03
damo21hmm... hang on... so i should 1) upgrade kernel  2) apt-get install fglrx ??10:03
z4ckbll getting food10:03
z4ckdont do apt-get install fglrx10:04
=== snausages [n=vr@161-110.200-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
z4cku want to goto ati.com10:04
bloodnikAnyone help me fix this? libavcodeccvs: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-21) but 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu14 is to be installed10:04
kbrooksslak: troll.10:04
ScatterBraindamo21: "apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx"10:04
SaintXaerohow do i make my resolution 1280x1024, it won't let mee:(10:04
kbrooks[LethAL] : dont feed the troll10:04
slept /ignore slack10:04
ProN00blol, slak10:04
[LethAL] !lart slak10:04
=== ubotu beats slak senseless with a 50lb Unix manual
damo21ati.com drivers are better? so i have to manually compile my kernel?10:04
[LethAL] No, lart it instead :d10:04
=== Malin [n=malin@083142122204.unregistered.media-com.com.pl] has joined #ubuntu
sambagirlslak is pure bigot10:04
sambagirlwhy younot kick him10:04
ubotuit has been said that ops is Help! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmich, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, and Nalioth10:04
kbrooks[LethAL] : don't lart, not appropriate10:04
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ
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[LethAL] :-(10:05
ScatterBraindamo21: I didn't have too.10:05
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z4ckslak, stupid racist10:05
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
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z4ckslak, stupid racist10:05
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@dslb-084-056-128-179.pools.arcor-ip.net] by nalioth
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by nalioth
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sambagirli made joke and was persicuted and now he ocme here and says these nastythings about people? why he is not banned?10:05
bloodnikSaintXaero, you've probably not set up xorg to support it. run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and you'll get to a list of resolutions10:05
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@*slak] by Seveas
=== slak [n=h3h@unaffiliated/slak] has left #ubuntu [requested]
damo21ok :D surely there is a ubuntu wiki on the latest ati drivers?10:05
Seveasslak has been banned before10:05
Seveasthe creep10:05
=== Centaur5 [n=fishman@68-187-79-131.dhcp.stgr.ut.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
naliothz4ck: you should not feed the trolls10:05
ProN00bwah, i need xorg-x11-devel10:05
damo21!info ati wiki10:05
Seveashe's on my list of permbans now10:05
sambagirlthank you seveas10:06
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ
z4cklol nalioth10:06
z4cki bet he all wants us to switch to " slackware"10:06
z4ckwhat a joke10:06
kbrooksz4ck: slackware is another linux distro10:06
bloodniknalioth, you asked me if I had backports.10:06
ScatterBrainubotu: tell ScatterBrain about fglrx10:06
Seveasz4ck, please keep the coc in mind - cheering bans/feeding trolls is not done10:07
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@dslb-084-056-128-179.pools.arcor-ip.net] by nalioth
=== sp4ce [n=la2aar@pcp07273245pcs.dalect01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
z4ckubuntu has got to be the one of the best linux distros to date10:07
naliothbloodnik: backports will keep you from cleanly upgrading/adding things10:07
ScatterBrainubotu: tell damo21 about fglrx10:07
bloodnikShould I remove it then?10:07
naliothbloodnik: that would help10:07
=== slept [n=sebi@dslb-084-056-128-179.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
damo21z4ck... NO WAY i am not using ati.com driver10:07
z4cki didnt cheer.. i just called him a racist10:08
naliothmy apologies, slept10:08
yaaaranybody round here use bacula? i finally got it all configured and when i try to start it i get:10:08
naliothz4ck: enough.10:08
yaaarFatal error: Version error for database "bacula". Wanted 8, got 710:08
yaaari've tried dropping and rebuilding the db, as well as the update_mysql_tables script10:08
sleptnalioth, thanks10:08
damo21i dont want to risk breaking ubuntu10:08
!lilo:*! Small split a few minutes ago, affected users, about 40010:08
naliothdamo21: then only use official repos and backports sparingly (when needed)10:08
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ
mortal_Belutz, thx, anything else i would need to compile a kernel (besides src)10:09
damo21sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx is the official way?10:09
naliothmortal_: "build-essental"10:09
naliothmortal_: "build-essential"10:09
ScatterBraindamo21: YES!10:09
Belutznalioth, he already installed that :)10:09
Belutznalioth, anything else for him?10:09
=== nalioth is lost, forgive him
Seveasmortal_, the source, a compiler and gmake is enough10:10
Seveaskernel cannot have library requirements10:10
mortal_i just tried make menuconfig and it didn't work10:10
Seveasthat's not compiling ;)10:10
damo21LOL ubuntu didnt ship standard with gcc10:10
Seveasdamo21, yes it does10:10
Seveasit's just not installed by default10:10
damo21i had to select it as a package in breezy10:10
Seveasmortal_, libncurses-dev oslt10:11
z4ckdamo21, yea that was the first things i installed10:11
Seveasdamo21, so?10:11
mortal_O right! curses10:11
kbrooksdamo21: ship != install10:11
damo21i got a shock thats all when i tried to compile something10:11
mortal_what's oslt?10:11
ubotuSeveas: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?10:11
kbrooksdamo21: ubuntu ships with the gcc *package*10:11
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Seveas!oslt is or something like that10:11
ubotuSeveas: okay10:11
kbrooksit does not *install* the gcc package10:11
z4ckits on the cd10:12
ProN00bomg, what do they mean with SDL ?10:12
damo21okay okay i just thought it should install the gcc package by default10:12
bloodniknalioth, the same packages are trying to install the wrong ones still :(10:12
ProN00bits suposed to be a package name10:12
naliothbloodnik: type "sudo apt-get -f install"10:12
kbrooksnot necessary for desktop installs, damo21.10:12
bloodnik0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 6 not upgraded.10:12
Nvidiotno compiler is a smart thing to do security-wise10:12
Enzhey im having difficulty installing java-package, dpkg error processing package10:12
damo21okay :D10:12
bloodnikI already tried upgrade and dist-upgrade10:12
bloodnikIt keeps them back.10:13
kbrooksinstalling a compiler that is10:13
Nvidiotwill slow an attacker down because he can't use the compiler to compile his favorite tool10:13
naliothbloodnik: hoary or breezy?10:13
kbrooksNvidiot: true10:13
Nvidiotnot to mention it'll prevent the average user from compiling programs instead of using apt/synaptic10:13
naliothbloodnik: then i'm lost. what pkg are you trying to install?10:13
bloodniklibavcodeccvs, for transcode10:14
damo21Nvidiot, u are right, its not too hard to install the package after10:14
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damo21ubuntu is the best :D10:14
Dreamglidernow i have a ubuntu ISO here,  Ubuntu-6.04-DVD-i386.iso when i try to install ubuntu from it i get tons of errors(i dont remember them) how can i check the iso against a md5 checksum file ?10:14
=== silent_scream [n=silent_s@athedsl-18280.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
naliothbloodnik: build them from source, using apt10:15
NvidiotDreamglider: md5sum blah.iso and compare with the md5sum that it should be10:15
bloodnikHow do I do that? :o10:15
Nvidiotprobably a typo for 5.0410:15
Mustard5thought I was missing out :D10:15
silent_screamwhen I try to download iget that error message:10:15
silent_screamXML parsing error10:15
silent_screamLocation: chrome://mozzapps/content/download/downloads.xul10:15
silent_screamLinenumber 1, column 1:10:15
silent_scream.Value, "FileExtensions") + ")";10:15
Dreamgliderthat s the name of the file 6.0410:15
[LethAL] No pasting10:15
silent_screamwhat should I do?10:15
Seveassilent_scream, you should learn how to behave on IRC10:16
damo21man, ive been so excited with ubuntu i havent slept for a week10:16
mortal_Nvidiot, walago you said *don't* install the nvidia package from nvidia.com, why not?10:16
Nvidiotmortal_: because it's in the package management system10:16
silent_screamsorry, the second thing10:16
Seveasand just retry the download a few times, happened to me last week and retrting solved it10:16
mortal_Nvidiot, ah i see10:16
naliothsilent_scream: do not paste in here, please. read the /topic10:16
Mustard5there is a seperate section for pasting, so it doesnt appear on everyones screen here, silent_scream10:16
Nvidiotthat's a *LOT* easier to manage than downloading it, messing with kernel headers, compiling etc10:16
Dreamgliderhow do i check the iso with the md5 thing ?10:17
mortal_last time I tried the nvidia-glx driver, I was sadly dissapointed with it's performance10:17
Seveasmd5sum -c filename.iso10:17
=== kennethlove [n=kennethl@ip70-179-251-104.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
silent_screamwell ok http://pastebin.com/38308810:17
Seveasand just retry the download a few times, happened to me last week and retrting solved it <-- silent_scream10:18
Dreamglideri m on WinXP atm dos does not know the md5sum command10:18
Seveasthen get an md5sum utility from download.com10:18
damo21Dreamglider download winmd5sum10:18
bloodniknalioth, how do I use apt to build from source?10:18
Seveasbloodnik, apt-get -b source $packagename10:19
bloodnikI already tried getting a tarball but it had compilation errors.10:19
deFryskbloodnik, apt-get source -b package10:19
bloodnikoh, thanks :)10:19
pirIs there any log of this channel (and for irc in general)..?10:19
silent_screamSeveas,  i retried it many times nothing happened, that was caused by an updating!10:19
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deFryskbloodnik, first apt-get build dep package10:19
Seveassilent_scream, close firefox, restart it...10:20
damo21how does ogg compare with mp3 in size?10:21
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Dreamgliderwhere do i get a md5sum for Ubuntu 6.04 ?10:21
=== Enquest [n=Enquest@d54C2895C.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
naliothbloodnik: b4 you do what Seveas said, do a "sudo apt-get build-dep $packagename"10:21
naliothDreamglider: there is no such thing10:21
deFryskogg = smaller when quality is same10:21
deFryskabout 10 percent I think10:21
damo21but how come i did mp32ogg and it came bigger10:21
Enquesthello, I got a second harddisk (slave) in my computer... How do I mount this second hardisk wich has EXT3 partition on it?10:21
Dreamgliderwhere do i get a md5sum for Ubuntu 5.04.ISO sorry10:21
=== Jowi [n=johan@bgn92-4-82-238-212-88.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jowihi all10:22
deFryskdamo21, check the compressionrate10:22
mortal_anyone have an audigy sound card?10:22
naliothDreamglider: cdimage.ubuntu.com10:22
silent_screamthanx every one10:22
=== oO_will_Oo [n=will@adsl-69-152-93-210.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
sleptEnquest, mount /dev/hd.. /mnt use tabcompletion10:22
Mustard5is audigy the same as any soundblaster card?10:22
damo21i would like to convert my mp3s to ogg because its open source codec10:22
deFryskdamo21, converting from mp3 to ogg gives some more quality loss so I would not do it10:23
mortal_damo21, don't waste your time, you'll loose serious quality10:23
sleptdamo21, that will make bad quality10:23
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=== silwol [n=silwol@212-88-191-36.ADSL.ycn.com] has joined #ubuntu
silwolgood evening10:23
mortal_Mustard5, yeah, it's a sb audigy10:23
Enquestslept, but how do I now wich HD it is?10:23
oO_will_OoWill changing my repositories to the Breezy Badger repositories make Ubuntu update GNOME to v2.12 also?10:23
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Mustard5I'm using soundblaster10:23
naliothoO_will_Oo: yes10:24
deFryskdamo21, yust rip your audio cd's to ogg its good quality then :)10:24
[LethAL] If you ask it to upgrade, yes10:24
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damo21audio cds? who has those?10:24
sleptEnquest, use tab to find out hdb.. or hdd..10:24
silwolcan somebody tell me if i can use the scanning function of the hp psc 1110 in breezy?10:24
deFryskdamo21, tsk! ;p10:24
mortal_damo21, ppl that buy music?10:24
damo21mine are all lost!10:24
Mustard5to my tone deaf ear...there is no difference to the quality when converting from mp3 to ogg :D10:24
damo21i cant find them10:24
Enquestslept wich one ? hda   hda1  hda2  hda5  hda6  hda7  hdb   hdb1  hdb2  hdb5  hdc   hdd10:24
Jowibtw, anyone been able to reach gmail? (weblogin and pop times out - smtp seem ok.)10:24
deFryskdamo21, mine too but i backed them up luckily10:24
EnquestAnd how do I permently mount such a thing to my filesystem10:25
mortal_ogg does have crisper sound quality imho10:25
sleptEnquest, just try . add a line to /etc/fstab10:25
naliothogg and mp3 comparisons in #ubuntu-offtopic, please10:25
mortal_nalioth, ok, on topic, I can't seem to get my sb audigy working10:26
naliothubotu: tell mortal_ about sound10:26
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=== Fred|Fr3d [n=fred@81-86-149-249.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
damo21timidity is very good i can make my own music with soundfont synthesis direct to ogg10:26
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kennethloveis there any way, using Gnome's Disks utility, to make a disk permenantly accessible? or do i need to edit fstab?10:27
Mustard5edit fstab10:28
kennethlovefigured. thanks.10:28
damo21i am guessing it should be possible10:28
damo21without editing text files10:28
damo21most things are configurable in gnome guis10:29
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=== Bergcube [n=Bergcube@host-81-191-188-84.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu
sleptdamo21, when you get used to edit files , you don't want to do it an other way :) or thats why I hate yast10:29
damo21yeah there is still the beauty of vi10:30
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kennethlovei don't have any problems with editing the fstab myself. just figured it could be done through the GUI if they offer that much already.10:30
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BlankBvi? think sed.10:30
=== JairunCaloth [n=trumpetp@71-14-42-161.dhcp.crtn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
kbrookskennethlove: no way10:31
deFrysknano peeps , nano10:31
damo21lol edit fstab with sed??10:31
=== basti__ [n=basti@mkb-137-141-209-82.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
kennethlovei figured i'd just use this magnetized needle i keep tucked behind my ear.10:31
Nvidiotoh come on, use edlin!10:32
damo21flip the required magnets on the hdd track surface10:32
deFrysk!tell emile about sudo10:32
basti__How can I make a program run when I login to X, for example gdesklets ?10:33
kennethlovedamo21: yeah, that's the idea. :)10:33
naliothbasti__: system > prefs > sessions10:33
=== ccc_ [n=ccc@c-9e0f70d5.015-28-6c6b7010.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
damo21u could do it in C with interrupt 1310:33
basti__thank you nalioth !!10:34
damo21hmm u could just write your own kernel in C:    _main { ........10:34
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sleptanyone wants to play trivia ?10:37
cake-forkHi. My Hoary broke on an update (kernel panics on boot) so I updated the kernel, initrd-tools, linux-restricted-modules and dependencies to breezy. Now it boots but modprobe can't find the nvidia module. How do I fix it?10:38
naliothslept: in #ubuntu-offtopic all day long10:38
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=== Prower [n=prower@wiley-440-132868.roadrunner.nf.net] has joined #ubuntu
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pirIS there any archive of this channel?10:38
naliothpir: read the /topic10:39
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schimmianybody here who have tried acpi suspend on Acer TM800?10:41
Mustard5schimmi, nope10:42
Mustard5not i10:42
=== Answer has suspended acpi on a Gateway Solo 3500
ReleaseXif i install the prerelease of breezy, what are the differences (how hard is it to upgrade) to the full release when it comes out10:42
=== comes [n=comes@c220018.adsl.hansenet.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"]
deFryskReleaseX, easy , just update regurarly10:43
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deFryskno differences10:43
gilligan_ReleaseX: you should be fixed by just running some apt upgrades10:43
Mustard5Without seeing a full release I think that would be hard to predict, just my thoughts10:43
=== jcurry [n=bkudria@dsl-64-246-151-221.rb0-gtown.valstar.net] has joined #ubuntu
etnoyam I the only one who feels that he gets a complete new xorg tree every other day on breezy?10:44
=== topyli [n=juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has left #ubuntu []
jcurryI am using the web-based chat program in Moodle, (an FOSS e-learning tool) and there is a "beep" option to sort of ping another chat member...but every time i am "beeped", i do not hear the actual wav file played, i just get the plugin bar, which fails to find any plugins to handle x-audio/wave...what do i do to fix it10:44
jcurry(I am using firefox)10:44
=== Jondo [n=john@stdw-wh-vip63.studentenwerk-bielefeld.de] has joined #ubuntu
deFrysketnoy, they hope to get to updatenr 100 before stable release10:44
etnoyI update it regularly, and the updates are really coming in fast, but almost every time I get 20+ xorg packages to update10:44
JondoHi, whenever I try to use setxkbmap I get "Error loading new keyboard description"10:44
oO_will_OoReleaseX: if you update to Breezy by modifying your repositories, it should automatically upgrade to the full release10:45
etnoydeFrysk: probably :)10:45
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deFrysketnoy, xorg has been modularised thats why there are so many10:45
Jondoetnoy: Thats because all the xorg servers parts are split now for some reason10:45
Mustard5jcurry, you using 5.04?10:45
Jondoetnoy: I think maybe they're preparing for something like kdrive?10:45
deFryskJondo, its easyer to maintain that way10:45
=== Bergcube [n=Bergcube@host-81-191-188-84.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu
etnoyJondo: I know that xorg is modular, but I get a new version almost every time I update10:46
Mustard5jcurry, I'm assuming you haven't tried some of the How-To's on the forum concerning setting up firefox to work with flash and stuff?10:46
=== Maikeru [n=Maikeru@adsl-69-149-227-28.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
etnoythat's what I wondered about10:46
Maikeruneone know the official release date of Breezy?10:46
Jondoetnoy: They're working out bugs10:46
JairunCalothI can't get my windows slave drive to mount10:46
etnoyMaikeru: 13th I think10:46
deFrysketnoy, importand package so its importand to eradicate all bugs10:47
JondoDoes anyone else have issues with setxkbmap and Breezy?10:47
MaikeruIf it was one day later10:47
Maikeruit'd be on my bday10:47
etnoyJondo: Sure, a lot of QA to do10:47
oO_will_OoIt is10:47
etnoyMaikeru: haha10:47
MaikeruShut up will10:47
Maikeruno one likes you10:47
oO_will_Oooh, sorry10:47
=== Maikeru runs to your house and kills you
mortal_is anyone here running on a vanila kernel?10:47
etnoydeFrysk: that's for sure.10:47
Maikerubtw: answer my IM>10:47
kennethloveyour mother10:48
=== oO_will_Oo Kills Maikeru's computer while he's at my house.
etnoygood, now that I know APT is kidding me :P10:48
etnoyI can tell they are working hard, I get really, really many updates today10:48
naliothgentlemen, take the violence to #ubuntu-offtopic please10:48
Jondomortal_: from kernel.org10:48
etnoytakes ages just to downlad10:48
mortal_Jondo, anything major break on you in ubuntu?10:48
JondoI get 1.5mb/s :)10:49
etnoyJondo: yes?10:49
Jondomortal_: Other than my keyboard map switching, no10:49
Jondomortal_: But that's fairly annoying, as I really need to switch to German keymapping10:49
etnoymm, the mirrors seem quite slow here. my max. speed is 800KiB, but now I'm at 25 :(10:49
etnoyand I'm using the swedish archive mirror10:50
[LethAL] etnoy, jump to one in a close country?10:50
Jondoetnoy: I'm using the one in France, and I'm located in Germany10:50
Nvidiotthe iinet mirror is extremely fast if you're on iinet adsl2 :D10:50
etnoyJondo: are there reliable unofficial mirrors?10:50
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gilligan_hm.. having some problems with libmp4v2-0 .. anyone experienced that aswell ? its trying to overwrite a library from other package10:51
etnoyI think I'd like to try one10:51
Jondoetnoy: I don't know of any.10:51
jcurryMustard5: yes, i am using 5.04, but i'll take a look at the faqs10:51
etnoyJondo: ok10:51
AngryParsleyhey, I got gnupod working with my ipod10:51
AngryParsleyand I uninstalled gtkpod and threw my backed up songs on my ipod10:51
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Mustard5jcurry, yeah...I would think the same issues that stop flash sounds playing will be related to why other sounds aren't working in firefox..just a guess :)10:51
etnoyHas anyone of you got scsi-emul to work to enable fast cd ripping?10:51
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etnoyon breezy or hoary10:51
sleptJondo,  loadkeys /usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwertz/de-latin1-nodeadkeys.kmap.gz10:52
etnoyI don't, even though I've done it before (in gentoo)10:52
AngryParsleygnupod was able to rebuild the database, but I lost my ratings and playcounts :(10:52
FarrisGAre there any tools for setting up an external monitor on a laptop? For instance, I installed 5.10 on my notebook, and everything worked fine at the screen's detected native resolution, but when I plug in a CRT, the normal resolution is not ideal. Anything capable of changing this on the fly so that it's in native when I'm using the LCD, but in some higher resolution when using the crt?10:52
deFrysketnoy, not needed with 2.6x kernels10:52
etnoydeFrysk: for audio cd ripping it is10:52
etnoywish it wasn't10:52
deFrysketnoy, how so ?10:52
deFrysknever use it10:52
oO_will_OoFarrisG: System >> Preferences >> Screen Resolution10:53
AngryParsleywhy would you need it for ripping? you can read CDs just fine without SCSI emulation10:53
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etnoydeFrysk: well, I'm not sure of how, but you get about 5-10x speed increase in cdparanoia10:53
etnoyAngryParsley: yeah, but at a weird slow rate10:53
etnoyand it is more error-prone10:53
etnoyat least on forums.gentoo.org that is an established fact, and I can tell that it works10:53
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AngryParsleyI'm going to take the pepsi challege here and try ripping a CD10:53
etnoytried it myself10:53
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Answerhey why am I +e ?10:53
deFrysketnoy, sorry havnt touched scsi-emu since my last 2.4x kernel10:53
etnoyslow cd ripping is one of the bigger problems for my friend who's new to ubuntu10:54
AnswerQuestion:  I want to ssh to a remote computer and then view a webpage on that network thru the ssh tunnel, is it possible?10:54
etnoyhe's got tons of cd's10:54
=== seethru [n=none@Toronto-HSE-ppp3668097.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
AngryParsleylol, my pete yorn disc has a bunch of stuff that autoruns on windows machines10:54
etnoydeFrysk: okay10:54
Jondoslept: Hmm. Will that work in X?10:54
sleptetnoy, use abcde10:54
Mustard5Answer, I've heard of it being done10:54
etnoyslept: cdparanoia is the same :)10:54
etnoyabcde _uses_ cdparanoia FYI10:55
etnoyabcde is nice, my fav app10:55
=== flodine [n=flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sleptJondo, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg select the right keyboard layout10:55
etnoybut I need sound-juicer to work too, just because (and because my friend uses it)10:55
flodineguys how long will i be able to run 5.0410:56
=== Answer forever
etnoyflodine: at least 12 months from now10:56
oO_will_Ooit's supported for 12 months more10:56
etnoyflodine: ubuntu supports each release at least 18 months from release10:56
sleptflodine, till you break or remove it10:56
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Answeruntil thermonuclear meltdown shuts off all the electricity... but then you could still get a generator10:57
etnoyflodine: and you don't need to update to breezy if you don't want10:57
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=== autoprime [i=cybertro@pcp09714494pcs.brlngt01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
etnoyAnswer: or a mouse in a wheel10:57
flodineim on breezy now about to try debian sarge10:57
etnoyor a rack of 100+ mice10:57
inc|freakyhi all im trying to start cups but it says: start-stop-daemon: Unable to open pidfile `/var/run/cups/cupsd.pid' for writing: Permission denied (Permission denied)10:57
=== oO_will_Oo waits patiently for his system to finishe updating all the packages
autoprimei just burned the power pc version of the live cd.. anyone know why it wont boot?10:58
etnoyinc|freaky: using sudo?10:58
oO_will_Ooinc|freaky: are you root?10:58
inc|freakyoops it worked :D10:58
Jondoautoprime: Have you put the cd in the drive? Is the power cord plugged in?10:58
inc|freakythx ^^10:58
autoprimehehe yes... and cd drive is set to boot b4 hdd10:59
etnoyinc|freaky: is the printer on fire?10:59
autoprimeits not reading as a bootable iso10:59
=== Maikeru edits his /etc/sudoers
Maikeru<3 Bastille10:59
ompaulautoprime, did you check the file md5sum before your burnt it? {I don't do ppc, standard question }10:59
autoprimeno i havent.. ill try that. i shouldve triedthat. thx10:59
ompaulautoprime, not knowing your software, did you burn a file or burn an image?11:00
inc|freakyetnoy: no :)11:00
autoprimeburn the image11:00
inc|freakybut i still cant print11:00
AngryParsleyhmm, ripping is slow11:00
AngryParsleyin fact sound juicer isn't responding11:00
jcurryI ahve flash working, but wav files are not being played by firefox....i get the plugin bar, but it cannot find any plugins11:00
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ompaul!tell jcurry about flash11:01
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etnoyAngryParsley: yes, indeed it is11:01
os2macok so forgive this nood question from a solaris admin....11:01
AngryParsleyestimated time left: unknown11:01
etnoyand seems like scsi-emul still is the only option for fast ripping11:01
AngryParsleywow, it's doing nothing11:01
=== Deansweb2004 [n=dean@host86-137-22-230.range86-137.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
etnoyyes, same here11:01
os2macis there a way (like pkgadd) that allows you to add .deb pkgs from the local drive?11:02
etnoylast week it dislayed the reading speed11:02
jcurryompaul: i *have* flash, and it works fine...i need wav files to play...11:02
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AngryParsleyand there is a 0 byte flac file of the first track11:02
ompaulAngryParsley, try grip, its what I use for that if you are having problems11:02
gilligan_os2mac: dpkg -i [file] 11:02
AngryParsleyyeah, this program is about as useful as the emergency broadcast system11:02
AngryParsley(read: it's a test of my patience)11:02
etnoybrb, restart X server11:03
gilligan_AngryParsley: what program do you use for ripping?11:03
AngryParsleyompaul: does grip have a nice GUI?11:03
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AngryParsleygilligan_: the default one for ubuntu11:03
AngryParsleysound juicer11:03
ompaulAngryParsley, its functional11:03
ompaulAngryParsley, hoary?11:04
AngryParsleyno, breezy11:04
gilligan_AngryParsley: I usually use "abcde"11:04
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AngryParsleyI'll try grip out11:05
sunsunhi how do i set my sources.list to something akin to debian "testing"?11:05
ompauljcurry, any other wav files play? andy other sound files play?11:05
Dreamglideris Ubuntu 5.10 stable and does one get suppert her on #ubuntu ?11:05
barosldoes anyone know why development of DirectFB is slow?11:05
gilligan_AngryParsley: a simple command line tool that works just fine.. you just run abcde and it will start ripping your CD + fetch cddb infos11:05
sunsunfirefox is messed up11:05
AngryParsleyhaha, they used the itunes radioactive icon11:05
seethruDreamglider: yes 5.10 is stable11:06
=== drega [n=drega@ip68-227-125-251.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dreamgliderand is it any good ?11:06
AngryParsleygrip doesn't start11:06
AbdulIsseI have to admit, i never thought using Linux would be this good, i cant believe all the software and awesome everything is.11:06
ompaulAngryParsley, change CDs I have it working11:06
AbdulIsseUbuntu 4 life!11:06
dregais anyone availiable to tell me how to create a boot disk for ubuntu?11:06
seethruAbdulIsse: welcome to the light side11:06
KyralWelcome to the power of GNU11:07
AngryParsleyand my load average just went through the roof11:07
kennethloveDreamglider: works fine here.11:07
Dreamglideri mean good for a newbie ? :)11:07
FarrisGoO_will_Oo: That will only allow you to change resolution within the constraints of what has already been configured, which in the case of a laptop is native resolution only.11:07
jcurryompaul: um....i can play sound, but not through firefox...it completely does not recognize x-audio/wave at all...how do i tell it howe to handle that?  about:plugins tells me i have mozplugger installed...but wave file are not listed11:07
seethruDreamglider: as good, if not better, than hoary11:07
inc|freakyim trying to get printing to work. i get no error. KDE printers system settings says it cant restart cupsd as it cant find any running. but ps -aux shows cupsys   13726  1.4  0.1   6896  2020 ?        Ss   23:02   0:04 /usr/sbin/cupsd -F when i try lp somefile.txt it says: request id is deskjet_970c-4 (1 file(s)) its the 4rth thing im trying to print, so theres no error theres just no queue beeing11:07
inc|freakyprocessed - where is the error?11:07
seethruDreamglider: even better hardware support IMO, my Audigy 2 ZS worked out of the box in Breezy, but not in Hoary11:07
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AbdulIssethank you seethru11:07
AngryParsleyyeah, 6.2311:07
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dregaI've installed ubuntu to a usb disk and left the disk at home. i've restored the mbr with the windows cd but I'd like to e able to boot into ubuntu agian with out installing the boot loader.11:08
DreamgliderAllright well i better get that iso on disk then :)11:08
x_o1Anyone know how to configure the path that bluetooth uses to save files?  I cannot find the key in gconf, do I add it manully?11:08
dregawhats the easiest way to install/create a boot disk?11:08
=== fredforfaen [n=Morrari@216-134-9.0502.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
AngryParsleyfuck, even kill -9 won't kill off grip11:09
oO_will_Oodrega: i would recommend jusat putting GAG onto a floppy11:09
naliothAngryParsley: please watch your tongue11:09
lsuactiafnerkill -9 -1 will.. along with everything else on the system heh11:09
AmaranthAngryParsley: It's 'Uninteruptible' (sp?)11:09
fredforfaendoes gnome have a similar program as amarok?11:09
ompauljcurry, have a look at edit preferences advanced - bottom corner - plugins<< that might have something to do with the problem11:09
gilligan_for newbies it's prolly a good idea to just wait a little bit.. breezy will soon be released..  upgrading now u might run into trouble that you cannot fix as newbie11:09
larsrohdinhi, the program 'iptables' is installed by default by ubuntu right?  Is it activated by default? It is a sort of firewall right?11:09
AngryParsleybbl, I'm going to restart11:09
[LethAL] fredforfaen, rhythmbox11:09
AmaranthAngryParsley: The only solution is to wait for init to get rid of it (hours of waiting) or restarting.11:09
[LethAL] Not quite as good11:09
ompaulAngryParsley, no11:09
fredforfaenille check it out11:10
AngryParsleyompaul: like Amaranth said, init will take forever to get rid of them11:10
naliothlarsrohdin: iptables is part of every linux, and by default in ubuntu does nothing overt11:10
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AmaranthAngryParsley: I waiting 24 hours once, I think it might be a cron job.11:10
AngryParsleyI'll go with the restarting11:10
ompaulAngryParsley, well - maybe but I would try killall grip and see what comes out of that11:11
AngryParsleyompaul: I also tried that, nothing11:11
larsrohdinnalioth, ok, how can I use it for securing my system? I use firestarter, but alot of people says that iptables is much better. is it?11:11
ompaulAngryParsley, init 6 then11:11
AngryParsleyinit 6?11:11
=== basti__ [n=basti@mkb-137-141-209-82.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
AngryParsleyoh, change to runlevel 611:11
ompaulAngryParsley, :)11:11
AngryParsleywell, I might as well update the kernel11:11
dregaI'll give gag a shot thanks.11:12
basti__Could anyone tell me why shift+backspace kills my X and how I could remove this silly shortcut?11:12
gilligan_larsrohdin: without knowledge about networking you won't secure anything with iptables11:12
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basti__restart* not kill11:12
ompaulbasti__, it has been like that forever to prevent you from having to reboot if X freezes11:12
jerryghow do i open the fonts folder from breezy's nautillus ?11:12
lsuactiafnergilligan_ : iptables -I INPUT -j DROP11:12
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floor_16anyone know why I can ping, but can't get the browser to load webpages?11:13
concept10jerryg, try fonts:///11:13
gilligan_lsuactiafner: heh,right.. hooray for that firewall.. :)11:13
jerrygthank you concept11:13
lsuactiafnerfloor_16 : make sure you set the correct proxy and route to the gateway11:13
basti__ompaul, I thought it mas ctrl+alt+backspace.........11:13
larsrohdingilligan_, well I have basic (a little more than basic) knowledgee about networks... How much do I need to know, and can't I learn something by using it?11:13
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ompaulfloor_16, by any chance do you have backports enabled in /etc/apt/source.list11:13
oO_will_Oofloor_16: could it be a dns server thingie?11:13
lsuactiafnergilligan_ : heh, i actually wrote a very nice firewall myself11:13
lsuactiafnerwell iptables ruleset11:14
ompaulbasti__, ohh did not read :( sorry11:14
AngryParsleyoh cool, all the copies of grip ended11:14
lsuactiafneror dns.. but ping does resolve also11:14
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AngryParsleygeoff@tiny:~$ ps ax | grep grip | wc -l11:14
oO_will_Oobut only if he pinged a URL in the first place11:14
`psych0where are the .deb files stored *11:14
Maikeruno offense, but you're a dumbass11:14
MaikeruYou get on AIM and then don't respond11:14
gilligan_larsrohdin: well i'd say u have to study iptables documents then11:14
=== Maikeru punches you
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=== oO_will_Oo wonders why the away message isn't working
Maikerutomorrow at school I'll do the unbelievable11:15
jcurryompaul: i looked at the plugins, wav is not listed there....how do i add it?11:15
larsrohdingilligan_, ok, we'll see how it works out=)11:15
oO_will_Oooh, i was gonna guess finish lunch soon11:15
ompauljcurry, is there an add button? I have not looked11:15
gilligan_larsrohdin :-)11:15
Mustard|Away`psych0,  /var/cache/apt/archive11:15
jcurryompaul: nope...11:15
=== Maikeru is away: teaching myself php/mysql
ompaul!tell Maikeru about conduct11:16
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kacikecan anyone help me with mp3?11:16
Maikeruompaul, I'm fine without being told about it11:16
MaikeruThank you11:16
floor_16ompaul: I don't believe I have backports enabled. How would i tell in the file?11:16
larsrohdingilligan_, except the man pages, do you know a good e.g. website about it?11:16
P229ubotu: tell kacike about mp311:16
basti__!tell me about mp311:16
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`psych0Mustard|Away, thx and only a short question, how to unpack a deb file ?11:17
Mustard|Awayompaul, its entry would be uncommented if enabled11:17
ompaulfloor_16,  grep backports /etc/apt/souces.list  <<  will give output if there is one11:17
ompaulMustard|Away, should not be there unless added :)11:17
Mustard|Away`psych0, no idea :D11:17
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@83-131-139-115.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
propagandhi'psych0: u can use the deb2tar utility11:17
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floor_16ompaul: no such luck.11:18
propagandhidb2targz i mean11:18
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ompauljcurry, let me look in a moment11:18
gilligan_larsrohdin: google for iptables.. you should find some big handbook somewhere i guess.. prolly a big howto somewhere on tldp.org11:18
propagandhidammit i meant deb2targz11:18
ompaulfloor_16, try starting it in a terminal and see if you get any clues why it is not starting11:18
larsrohdingilligan_, ok thanks man11:18
ghbI'm having some problems installing a program: it keeps telling me I don't have permission. I've tried using sudo, but still gives the same error. =/11:19
propagandhighb: which program11:19
ghbpropagandhi, Oh, hi again. =) MATLAB.11:19
propagandhiahh Matlab, i havent installed that yet, you downloaded the package from somewhere?11:19
ghbpropagandhi, No, I borrowed the CD from the uni.11:20
propagandhiok, what format is the installer11:20
scribbleshow do I set gDesklets to open on boot?11:20
propagandhiis it a shell script, a deb file a source package?11:20
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ghbShell, I think.11:20
propagandhiit's .sh?11:21
Jowiscribbles: add them to your session manager in gnome11:21
NinjewDoes anybody have the 'evdev' driver working for xorg?11:21
scribblessession manager?11:21
ghbpropagandhi, Yep.11:21
propagandhiok, and you're just running it off the cd11:21
ghbpropagandhi, Yep.11:21
ompaulfloor_16, hoary or breezy?11:21
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Mustard5scribbles, system>>preferences>>sessions11:21
Jowiscribbles: yep. sys->pref->sessions11:21
propagandhihave u tried copying the installer and files to a folder and installing from there?11:21
scribblesahhh nice thx guys11:22
ghbpropagandhi, Umm... no. I'll try that...11:22
propagandhior copying to a folder and changing the permissions on the installer11:22
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ghbpropagandhi, How do I do that?11:22
oO_will_Oochmod 777 foo.sh11:22
Mustard5ghb, with a chmod command11:22
ghbMustard5, Ah, I've come across that command once or twice...11:22
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propagandhighb: or you could chown <your username> /path-to-installer11:23
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Mustard5ghb, type 'info chmod' to get more help11:23
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ghbMustard5, I'll do that.11:23
propagandhisome .sh files also need to have chmod +x but most dont11:23
ghbpropagandhi, Even if it's on a cd?11:23
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propagandhighb: no you need to copy to a folder11:23
ghbpropagandhi, ok11:23
felipe_Hello, is there a debian package of MONO 1.1??11:24
oO_will_Ooghb: does the installer run at all11:24
propagandhicd's being read only and all11:24
Mustard5yeah..follow propagandhi :)11:24
Mustard5I'll butt out :D11:24
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ghbpropagandhi, righto.11:24
Jowifelipe_: no idea about the exact version...11:24
Jowi!info mono11:24
ubotumono: (The Mono .NET development environment), section universe/interpreters, is optional. Version: 1.0.5-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 1 kB, Installed size: 36 kB11:24
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propagandhisorry Mustard5, i didnt mean to push over the top11:24
Mustard5np :D11:24
grndslmsooo....why is it that gdm won't work for me properly (just keeps going to human theme) after I just dist-upgraded to breezy?11:24
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felipe_Jowi, thanks11:25
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felipe_i'll go with the standar intaller..11:25
marzIf I am trying to mount a cue image file, how do I know where to mount it? (when I try /mnt/cdrom it says it doesn't exist)11:25
felipe_How can I see with gtk ver I have?11:25
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P229kacike: stay in the channel, please11:26
Mustard5put -v option on the end ?11:26
scribblesis the Startup Command for gDesklets just "gDesklets"?11:26
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tahorgmarz: you need to make an iso first11:26
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marztahorg: I have downloaded a Linux game, I have the *.cue and *.bin files, I need to create something else too?11:26
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felipe_!info java11:26
tahorgmarz: apt-get install bchunk11:26
ghbpropagandhi: Wow... I really don't hope it takes as long as Ubuntu estimates it too -- an hour. 0.o'11:26
oO_will_Ooscribbles: type 'gDesklets' in the console  to find out11:26
os2macwho ever gave me that tip thank you.....11:27
marztahorg: thanks, I'll try that11:27
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grndslmsooo....why is it that gdm won't work for me properly (just keeps going to human theme) after I just dist-upgraded to breezy?11:27
felipe_!info Java11:27
eriscohow the hell do i register?11:27
tahorgmarz: with bchunk, you transform you bin/cue -> iso11:27
ubotumethinks java is to install both 1.4 and Sun Java see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#java11:27
marztahorg: Oh ok, cool, thanks a lot11:27
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grndslmerisco, type /msg nickserv register [password] 11:27
tahorgmarz: then mount -o loop -t iso9660 bla.iso /mnt/thing11:27
propagandhighb: some installers can take that long, to extract etc11:27
scribblesah its gdesklets11:27
Jowifelipe_: use !info when queriying for a specific package. for general info use !subject11:27
propagandhibut it is a long time, how big is the matlab installer11:28
ubotuflash is, like, totally, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats11:28
eriscoah here we are11:28
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ompauljcurry, when you right click on that file type in the browser what does it offer as the way to deal with the file?11:28
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marztahorg: thanks a lot man, later11:28
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eriscohello, i recently tried a couple new updates for firefox and it corrupted my shortcuts somehow. When I put firefox into my command line it boots fine, but my desktop shortcuts do not function properly. Both the new updates failed to updates so I am blaming them.11:29
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=== ompaul hands os2mac a /
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grndslmcan somebody help me fing out why after dist-upgrading gdm won't display anything other than the default human theme??11:29
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eriscomy question, what do I do to fix this?11:30
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ghbpropagandhi: Yeah, but this is just to copy the content of the CD to the harddrive. =(11:30
hans0loerisco: try: update-menus11:30
propagandhighb:oh i see, it's not a DVD?11:30
P229grndslm: that sucks11:30
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grndslmP229, thanks for the help11:30
hans0loerisco: as your current user, not as root11:31
P229grndslm: are the other themes still installed/11:31
ghbpropagandhi: the reader is a DVD-ROM, but the CD is just a regular one.11:31
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Jowierisco: all my shortcuts for firefox points to x-www-browser. so I just use that one instead. seems to work fine nomatter how many upgrades i do.11:31
hans0loerisco: ok, thats as far as I can help then. I'm debian user. I'm in the wrong channel! hehe11:31
Navatiuhi all11:31
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cake-forkwhy is there no nvidia.ko in linux-restriced-modules-2.6.12* ?11:31
propagandhighb: ok, well that sounds like a long time to copy the contents of a cd, but you never know11:31
P229grndslm: I've never run into that issue, but you might want to make sure the latest themes are installed. you might also try reinstalling the themes, in case the file permissions got mucked up somehow11:31
ghbpropagandhi: Hm.. Oh well -- just have to wait and see...11:32
=== henryson [n=henryson@1-1-11-41a.f.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu
Mustard5gbh. must be a big game :)11:32
grndslmP229, i just reinstalled one, and it won't work...still says something about gdm not being configed properly11:32
propagandhihe he game11:32
ghbMustard5: It's not a game. =)11:32
Mustard5ah k11:32
floor_16hey all, I'm wanting to add a new server to my synaptec that will extend ubuntu from just the universe and metaverse packages...anyone have a good link for doing this?11:32
henrysonmy bakcground is brown, and nautilus won't start11:32
grndslmP229, I guess I'll have to restart X to copy the error down11:32
jcurryompaul: it gives me the yellow "no plugin found" bar...11:32
ubotuAdd "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted" to /etc/apt/sources.list.  More info @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports11:33
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Mustard5see that floor_16 ?11:33
floor_16mustard5: thanks :) will do11:33
Mustard5k ;)11:33
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ProN00bis cedega == winex ?11:34
naliothProN00b: it's related, yes11:34
ProN00bhow ?11:34
henrysonPronoob, cedega is "built" on winex, which started out from wine11:35
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ProN00bok, so why do people still use wine and not winex11:35
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Mustard5wine is free?11:36
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ProN00band winex is ?11:36
Navatiuii wonder11:36
Mustard5I'm not sure :D11:36
Mustard5I know cedega costs money11:36
CashelAre the breezy repositories down or did I break something?11:36
henrysonwine is not prim. on 3d?11:36
Mustard5what do you mean by prim.?11:37
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henrysonhow do i start (eg reset) nautilus?11:37
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ProN00bfucky bsd licenses11:38
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henrysonprimerily, however it is spelled!11:38
propagandhiProNOOb: ????11:38
lorenzodhenryson: killall nautilus11:38
ProN00bi hope the wine developers are feeling the pain of dumbness, now transgaming is making all teh money with their code11:38
lorenzodProN00b: What is your problem with the BSD license?11:38
ProN00bthey suck11:39
ProN00bthey allow stuff like cedega and osx11:39
lorenzodProN00b: I'm sure they had their reasons for choosing the license they did.11:39
ProN00bbig companys making money out of open source giving only back if they fell like it11:39
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ompauljcurry, the obvious is always harder11:40
lorenzodProN00b: well, it's a matter of freedom.11:40
NinjewDoes anybody use the evdev x.org driver?11:40
propagandhiProNOOb: even if products based on open source go commercial, theres plenty of benefits for the open source community at large11:40
Mustard5whats with the nickname Ninjew ?11:40
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Mustard5you could try a nick that is less..ummm..controversial :)11:41
naliothlicensing issues in #ubuntu-offtopic please11:41
ompauljcurry, got it11:41
kennethloveMustard5: what if s/he's jewish?11:42
NinjewMustard5: I don't see how it is in any way controversial11:42
naliothMustard5: your mick is er pungent in nature, as well11:42
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NinjewMustard5: p.s. I am jewish11:42
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propagandhiit seems to always be okay if someone is racist against themeselves11:43
larsrohdinIf I would get the CVS version of cedega to work, could I play the same games as with the subscription version?11:43
henrysonthanks lorenzod... kind of funny, to type killall nautilus and suddenly nautilus starts ... :P11:43
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propagandhilarsrohdin: you wont be able to use the point2play service i believe11:43
larsrohdinpropagandhi, and what is that?11:44
propagandhibut you can get a deb package of cedega free anyhow11:44
lorenzodhenryson, nautilus restarts itself by default.11:44
larsrohdinpropagandhi, is that easier than the cvs version?11:44
propagandhii have cedega installed and i can execute it but point2play asks for a username and password for the transgaming service i think11:44
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lorenzodBut it is funny, in a reincarnation kinda way.11:44
propagandhilarsrohdin: its much easier to get installed yes11:44
phasegenWhy can't you use point2play?11:45
larsrohdinwhere can I get my hands on that?11:45
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propagandhiphasegen: i dont know why, it keeps asking me to enter the transgaming account password or whatever, so i just use cedega on its own11:45
propagandhilarrohdin: http://torrentz.burn.myvnc.com:5454/11:45
ReleaseXi'm trying to install smeg and it says i have unmet dependencies, python-xdg (>=.14) but 0.9.1 is to be installed11:45
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phasegendid you have a transgamer accout?11:46
phasegenthat's why...11:46
propagandhithats what i was saying11:46
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phasegen$54 american a year11:46
larsrohdinpropagandhi, but what exactly is point2play? what can I do with/without it?11:46
seethrupropagandhi: you pirate you!11:46
ompauljcurry, what you need to do is find a .wav file and try to open it in your browser, it should then offer you a list of exiting tools or to down load the file :) so you can choose whatever player you want11:47
seethruphasegen: IMO it should be free, only reason I paid is because I NEED cedega...once Wine is caught up they won't be getting money from me anymore11:47
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Mustard5I should have been watching ompaul and jcurry...hehe I havent set sound up in my browser yet either11:47
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propagandhilarsrohdin: you can still run cedega and get it to attempt to install games, such as from a cd or downloaded installer. No guarantees it'll always work. Theres a list of games available that work okay etc to be found on the transgaming site i believe11:48
ompaulMustard5, there was nothing else that was the clue11:48
propagandhiand there might be somegames on the link i sent you, but thats just speculation ;)11:48
larsrohdinpropagandhi, the webpage you showed, I don't find it11:48
Mustard5I couldn't even find the 'plugin' part in my preferences in the advanced tab11:48
jcurryompaul: thanks!11:48
seethrularsrohdin: http://cedegawiki.sweetleafstudios.com/index.php?title=Category:Working11:48
jcurryMustard5 :)11:48
ompauljcurry, np11:48
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propagandhii'm on the site now11:49
toranhow can I add WMA support to juk and/or other audio players?11:49
propagandhiyou can also get there by just typing tuxwarez in firefox and it will resolve11:49
Mustard5hey jcurry, you can write the HOW-TO for me in the forums hey?  ehheheheh...just kidding :D11:50
Dreamgliderok i have installed Ubuntu 5.10 but when i bootupi get a "Error 12" i never get a boot loader up!11:50
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GDornokay, why doesn't alsa work?11:50
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propagandhiDreamglider: heres a really helpful description of error 12 as seen on the gentoo documentation ---11:51
propagandhihis error is returned if the device strings syntax is correct but other than that, an error occurred that isn't defined by any other error.11:51
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seethruDreamglider: silly question, but you installed grub?11:52
Dreamglideri have Fedora Core 4 and WindowsXP Pro on Primary Master and Ubuntu on Primary slave11:52
ReleaseXi'm trying to install smeg and it says i have unmet dependencies, python-xdg (>=.14) but 0.9.1 is to be installed11:52
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propagandhiDreamglider: and you installed ubuntu last11:52
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larsrohdinpropagandhi, ok im downloading cedega_4.4.1-1_i386.deb... what then? sudo dpkg -i package?11:52
Dreamgliderpropagandhi, yes11:52
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seethrulars: yes11:53
propagandhilarsrohdin: thats correct11:53
ngmlinux_how can I change my boot loader menu?11:53
propagandhiDreamglider: did you choose to install the boot loader11:53
ngmlinux_Windows disappeared11:53
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Dreamgliderpropagandhi, yes i did11:53
ngmlinux_everything was great until the kernel updated itself11:53
propagandhingmlinux_: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst11:53
larsrohdinok thanks... because I tried that cvs version once and almost died trying=)11:53
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ompaul!tell ngmlinux_ about grub11:53
seethruDream: but you can get into windows and fc?11:53
propagandhilarsrohdin: no prblems11:53
jcurryis there something i can spt-get so that firefox print normally, instead of giving me the postscript interpreter message?11:53
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GDornstrike that.  now I have no sound at all.11:54
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ghbHow do I change the read speed on the DVD-ROM?11:54
tristanmikeReleaseX, you need to download the newer version of python-xdg11:54
steve_Hello friends, I messed around with my /etc/inittab and now X doesn't start by default.  Can someone PM me the readout of their inittab (preferably unmoded) so I can find and add the lines I removed.11:54
propagandhighb: is DMA enabled on the drive11:55
Pickle_Weaseli get this error when trying to install something in synaptic: E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)11:55
larsrohdinpropagandhi, It would be so sweet to be able to play at least some games in linux. but do I have to install them on my linux partitions or can I run from windows? with ntfs?11:55
ghbpropagandhi: Dunno... I suppose so.11:55
BlissexPickle_Weasel: you got to run it as 'root'11:55
seethrularsrohdin: best to install them either on a linux or FAT partition11:55
Pickle_Weaselwell, i am in synaptic, so i'm obviously root11:55
larsrohdinseethru, thats what i thought...11:55
Pickle_Weaselunless, nvm, i think i know what the problem is11:55
Seveassteve_, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/276911:55
propagandhighb: hdparm /dev/hdX where X is the drive letter11:55
basti__Could anyone tell me why shift+backspace restarts my X and how I could remove this silly shortcut?11:56
ompaulsteve_,  http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/277011:56
Pickle_Weaseli have someone ssh'ing to me, and they might have done a root command after i ran synaptic11:56
WhiteRabbitanyone use cedega?11:56
Seveasompaul, beat ya :p11:56
=== ompaul looks at Seveas
propagandhibasti__: it is a useful shortcut sometimes hey11:56
propagandhiWhiteRabbit: yes i do11:56
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basti__propagandhi, but its supposed to be trcl+alt+backspace !!!11:56
=== ompaul gives Seveas the cup
propagandhiohh yeah true11:56
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steve_Seveas & ompaul, that yous kindly.11:56
steve_That's exactly what I needed.11:56
ghbpropagandhi: Nope, it isn't.11:56
basti__so u got any clue?11:56
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ghbpropagandhi: It's running over PIO now.11:57
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ReleaseXtristanmike, how can i do that with apt11:57
propagandhighb: you could try enabling DMA11:57
ghbpropagandhi: How do I do that?11:57
Dreamgliderseetruh: i booted with UBCD and started WinPX with no problem11:57
ghbpropagandhi: I don't think there's any settings for that in the BIOS.11:57
GDornokay.  sound under ubuntu is really beginning to tick me off.11:57
kangpehhow do you change the system color...11:57
kangpehfrom brown to like... black for instance11:57
DreamgliderUltimate Boot DC nice thing to have at hand11:58
kangpehlike i changed the colors of my own username11:58
kangpehbut when im at the gdmlogin for instance11:58
kangpehthe color is brown11:58
ghbDreamglider: UBCD is the savor. =)11:58
tristanmikeReleaseX, I don't think you can, just download and install http://dev.realistanew.com/smeg/python-xdg_0.14-0ubuntu1~5.04ubp1_all.deb11:58
propagandhighb: you can enable it from the command line - trying to remember the command - anyone quick help -11:58
Dreamgliderit s ince indeed yes but one must use causion with it tho trust me ;)11:58
ghbpropagandhi: Well, considering that the installation of Ubuntu when pretty fast, I assume that DMA on the DVD-ROM is enabled by BIOS.11:59
seethruDreamglider: hmmm, what bootloader did you have running before?11:59
steve_I haven't used the new version of Gnome that's comin' with Breezy but does anybody know if it allows additions of shortcuts to its applications menu?11:59
kikidonkis this a good place to ask for an advice on installing ubuntu colony ?11:59
Dreamgliderseethru, grub11:59
seethrusteve_: you can add them in 2.10 with smeg11:59
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