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jmghey all12:42
jmgwhats the status of klaptop for breezy12:42
jmgany work being done between now and d-day?12:42
Riddelljmg: it should all be working, although I havn't tested it with a fresh install12:47
jmgRiddell: cool12:57
Riddellwe need a breezy slogan for kubuntu12:59
sebasRiddell: The acpi_helper thing is broken, it doesn't use scripts but directly writes to /proc.12:59
Riddellsebas: I patched from 3.5 and made it use pmi (ubuntu's power management scripts)12:59
sebasRiddell: Ok, you rock. :)01:00
sebasIs there more info on pmi?01:00
Riddelldoesn't seem to be much info no01:00
Riddellpowermanagement-interface is the package01:01
sebasI'll have a look at the source.01:02
Riddellit's just a shell script01:03
sebasThe hibernate script provides a blacklist of pm unaware modules.01:04
sebasThe list of the package is currently empty, that's not too much use.01:04
sebashibernate has blacklisted modules per kernel version even.01:05
sebasAnd it's actively maintained.01:05
sebasActually, the hibernate script does all pmi does, and much more.01:06
Riddellwho maintains it?01:08
alleesebas: eh? looks like pmi just calls hibernate.sh for: pmi action hibernate01:14
sebasRiddell: Bernard Blackham01:15
sebasAlso maintaining suspend.net site.01:15
sebasallee: Yeah, but that's not the point.01:16
sebasBesides: where?01:16
allee[01:05]  <sebas> Actually, the hibernate script does all pmi does, and much more.01:16
alleesebas: isn't this the point?01:17
sebasallee: Yeah, but where is the corresponding code? 01:17
sebasallee: Not quite.01:17
Riddell>grep hibernate.sh /usr/sbin/pmi01:17
Riddell                        /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh force01:17
sebasAh, ok.01:17
sebasMy point was though, that at least the blacklist and the services that have to be stopped might be only in *one* place, and hibernate has a good list of the modules.01:18
sebasThe services might depend on the sort of "pmi action", i.e. suspend-to-ram and suspend-to-disk.01:18
sebasOr whatever pmi does more.01:18
sebasFor example, to wake-up successfully from S3 I've got to do some setpci magic, S4 doesn't need that.01:19
sebasThat force isn't too nice either, but that's a wholly different thing of course.01:20
alleesebas:  for me it looks like pmi is only there to provide a (I assume) stable interface to whatever is used behind01:20
sebasallee: Ehm, pmi does have a blacklist.01:21
sebasSo it's more than a stable interface, it has also configuration (which is tricky in the PM case).01:21
sebasThe blacklist is configuration, the services even more so.01:21
sebasSince the pmi blacklist is empty, one might aswell link it to the hibernate blacklist.01:22
alleelooks like I still miss the point.  When you write 'hibernate' you don't mean /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh?01:23
sebasOw, that explains a lot of the confusion :D01:24
sebasI'm talking about the package "hibernate", which is actually a script to handle all that.01:24
sebasI thought that pmi used that one :o01:25
sebas(Might've also read the scripts better. Sorry.)01:25
=== sebas takes that as a hint that sleep is needed.
sebasG'night Jonathan and allee!01:30
alleenite sebas01:30
alleemhmm, hibernate (pkg) seem to use sw suspend2.  Note sure is kubuntu uses them01:31
alleeno 'all' suspend/hibernate implementation are supported (according to debian/control)01:32
jmgRiddell: regrettably klaptop is *still* buggered and ACPI01:51
Riddelljmg: what's up with it?01:51
jmgRiddell: regrettably klaptop is *still* buggered and ACPI_SLEEP=true sudo /etc/acpi/sleep.sh works01:51
jmgRiddell: now it doesnt suspend me at all01:51
jmgRiddell: in it's defence i havent dist-upgraded yet01:52
jmgjust apt-get install acpi-support klaptopdaemon to get hte latest versions01:52
Riddelljmg: but you do have the latest klaptopdaemon (and restarted KDE)?01:52
jmgRiddell: now it just does a LOT of disk, and eventually wakes back up on its own.01:55
jmgRiddell: using te sleep.sh *does* work though, which makes me cry.01:56
=== jmg checks out the source
jmgii  klaptopdaemon            3.4.2-0ubuntu2           01:57
jmgRiddell: latest sid is 3.4.2-301:58
jmgcan't sync?01:58
jmgtoo late huh01:58
Riddelljmg: what changes are there?02:00
jmgRiddell: didnt bother to read changelog just changed sources to get from breezy02:00
jmgsince thats the version that will need to be patched anyway02:01
Riddellno relevant patches from debian02:02
jmgRiddell: um... klaptop is NOT patched to use /etc/acpi/foo.sh 02:02
jmgat least looking in debian/patches.'..02:02
jmgwas it meant to be?02:03
Riddelldebian/patches/kubuntu_04_use_pmi.diff  would be the patch02:03
Riddellit uses pmi02:03
jmginteresting 02:05
jmgpmi action sleep works too02:05
jmgmaybe my config is hosed02:05
Riddelljmg: what action are you using in the right click menu?02:07
jmgRiddell: also the acpi helper is broken 02:07
jmgRiddell: suspend02:07
Riddelldoes hibernate work?02:07
jmgRiddell: i wonder if all of this will go away when i dist-upgrade though02:07
jmgRiddell: hibernate never worked02:07
jmgRiddell: it reboots and starts a new session02:08
jmgRiddell: but im working on suspend... gotta walk before run and all that02:08
Riddellhibernate works for me, suspend doesn't (goes to sleep and never wakes up again)02:08
jmgRiddell: pmi action suspend works02:08
jmgwakes up ok02:09
Riddelljmg: acpi helper?02:09
jmgRiddell: it actualy isnt broken02:14
jmgmy bad02:14
jmgso... situation is : pmi suspend works, klaptop suspend doesnt.02:14
Riddelljmg: what doesn't work about it?02:14
jmgjmg: it doesnt suspend at all.02:18
Riddelljmg: just does nothing?02:19
jmgjmg: it blanks the screen, does a lot of disk, and eventually unblanks02:19
jmgRiddell: sorry02:20
jmgRiddell: oh dear.02:24
Riddelljmg: I'll do a fresh install tomorrow and see whether it still works for me02:24
jmgRiddell: just looking at the source, --suspend means action 1, which is hibernate... ????02:25
jmgRiddell: nowhere is action 2 (suspend (that launches pmi suspend ( that actually works))) used by klaptop02:26
jmgRiddell: suspend and standby are the same action (1)02:26
=== jmg busts out dpatch
Riddellhmm, yes02:29
jmgRiddell: i suppose you could patch it and save me the trouble, or do you want me to file a malone/bugzilla and attach a patch? if so should my patch patch use_pmi or should i create a new dpatch that patches acpi_helper.cpp again?02:30
Riddelljmg: I'll fix it :)02:31
jmgRiddell: cool02:31
jmgRiddell: i cant sit here see that bug and not fix it though, so im cooking up a local klaptopdaemon for today :)02:31
jmgRiddell: suspend was my big whine since the other day i suspended walked to the park and had no battery lol02:32
Riddelljmg: uploaded02:41
Riddellshould hit the archives in an hour or two02:41
jmgRiddell: cool! 02:41
jmgRiddell: glad i could stomp another.. now onto pmi hibernate :)02:41
Riddellthanks for your help and let me know if it fixes it02:42
=== Riddell sleeps
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=== jmg itches
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=== Tonio- [n=tonio@cac94-5-82-229-219-55.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
JReTonio-: the adept's icon is nice:)11:49
Tonio-JRe: thanks ;)11:51
Tonio-JRe: built with a touchpad (no mouse out there), I thought I would become crazy with adjustments ;)11:51
JRe:) :)11:51
JRewow it's hard to draw with the touchpad 11:51
Tonio-I just wait for the next package version because svg ones have a problem on his one, I corrected that yesterday.11:52
Tonio-yep it is not that easy LOL11:52
Tonio-also the Updater version doesn't install properly actually.... I hope it'll be corrected with the next package11:52
RiddellTonio-: get anywhere with the usplash image?11:52
JReRiddell: you've taken a look to the k3b patch ?11:53
Tonio-Riddell: done tonight..... I had to finish with this xen documentation and i'm actually installing the xen server with a redhat EL and a debian sarge.....11:53
Tonio-no time forthis today sorry ;)11:53
RiddellJRe: not yet, it's a post RC fix, don't let me forget11:53
Tonio-I promise to perform something tonight11:53
JReRiddell: may be it would be cool to forward this patch to debian, no? (they have the same normalize-audio package)11:55
JReBTW is this expected to have an adept icon within System AND Utilities ???11:56
RiddellJRe: yes, definatly forward it to them11:59
RiddellJRe: double icon entry should be fixed12:00
Tonio-Riddell: actually looking for palette modification .........12:04
Tonio-the problem is that if you wanna get "OK" brighter, it completly breaks the shadows over Kubuntu word.....12:05
Tonio-couldn't that be possible to patch the colors used ????12:05
Tonio-Riddell: for example replacing #define TEXT_FOREGROUND 2 by #define TEXT_FOREGROUND 10 which would be perfect for this ?12:06
RiddellTonio-: that's no possible since it'll break the other usplash images12:06
Tonio-okay, the source is common, only the image differs.....12:06
RiddellTonio-: you should be able to swap colours around in the palette somehow without changing the image (I've no idea how else I'd do it myself)12:07
Tonio-so I have to manage something brighter but not too much ;)12:07
Tonio-I can modify boh palette and image12:07
Tonio-to get the modified palette and an identical to before image12:07
Tonio-that's perfectly possible12:07
Tonio-let me 1/ think about it with a cigarette 2/ check ;)12:08
Tonio-I try to do it for 2 PM12:08
Riddellit just needs colour order swapped in the palette12:09
=== OculusAquilae [n=bastian@p548D1FD4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellhowdy OculusAquilae, fancy packaging ksniffer?12:10
OculusAquilaehi Riddell12:10
OculusAquilaenot so much experience in packaging12:11
RiddellOculusAquilae: perfect time to learn :)12:11
Tonio-Riddell: it needs color swap in tha palette AND image modifications ;)12:12
RiddellTonio-: images needs to be modified to follow the swapped colours so it ends up looking exactly the same12:12
Tonio-because the image sctructure refers to the palette color id, so for each colors that I swap, I have to swap the image too12:12
Tonio-absolutly, I just found how to perform this, so it might be okay12:13
OculusAquilaehm I started to read this debian New maintainers Guide12:13
OculusAquilaeonly at chapter 512:14
OculusAquilaeI've a lot time free today12:15
RiddellOculusAquilae: excellent opportunity :)12:17
Riddelldh_make is the one to start with12:17
OculusAquilaei'll look what i can do12:45
JReRiddell: is there anything special to do?12:46
JReRiddell: (on breezy ATM)12:47
Tonio-Riddell: just something with the image....01:00
Tonio-I'm testing and let you know01:00
Tonio-unfortunatly, I don't understand how the original image has been compressed.... 4k only, while my one is 21k with exactly the same properties.... strange01:00
JReis there someone in charge of kubuntu-fr ?01:03
amunot now 01:03
amu.nl .es .de are up01:03
JReamu: mmm ok i'll stick there from now because it's deseperately empty01:04
JReTonio-: you can come too, so we will be two ;)01:05
JReamu: ho err, I was talking about the IRC chan :)01:05
amu:) ok, i thought web *g* 01:05
JReamu: for the website there is http://www.ubuntu-fr.org/01:05
Tonio-yep I could that's true ;)01:06
JReamu: but no kubuntu-fr.org :(01:06
Tonio-but actually I have to finish the usplash work (and that's not, really not a fun job lol)01:06
amuwhats the problem ?  01:06
amuubuntu-fr looks too brown :)01:07
JReTonio-: you're enhancing the kubuntu's splash ?01:07
JReTonio-: :) :) you're the touchpad master!01:07
Tonio-I touchpad victim ;)01:08
amuJRe: what do you need, in order to run kubuntu.fr ?  01:08
Tonio-in french01:08
Tonio-en plus j'aime pas le touchepad, je prefere le petit clito comme sur les ibm....01:08
JReTonio-: nothing more than a webserver :)01:08
Tonio-j'ai jamais su comment on apelait ce truc d'aileurs :)01:08
JReerr: amu: nothing more than a webserver01:08
Tonio-back to english and sorry for this :)01:09
amuJRe: no prob :)  01:09
JReamu: so I can start it and maintain it01:09
=== Tonio- rebooting to see if it is clean ;)
amusure, i'm running .de on my main server, but setuped last week another decicated server for public useage 01:11
JReamu: ho cool! I can use any backend or I am obliged to have one in particular ???01:11
amuJRe: letme setup apache php sql ... later you get an ssh account and you can upload the files whenever you're suitable 01:12
JReamu: ok!01:13
amuit maybe makes sense, to talk to marcel, he's working on a multilang cms, that makes the things in feature easier to setup another lang   01:14
amuapache is enough at the moment ?   01:15
amuLe nom de domaine kubuntu.fr est libre01:19
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Tonio-why doesn't it work ^^01:25
Tonio-DAMN !!01:25
Tonio-Riddell: I modified the png01:25
Tonio-rebuilt the package and installed the two deb files.... nothing different while rebooting....01:26
Tonio-did I miss something ?01:26
=== Riddell returns from installing CDs
RiddellTonio-: could you send me a copy of the png?01:26
Tonio-it is ust a test, colors are of course not definitive ;)01:27
JReamu: youpee you'll register it?01:28
Tonio-Riddell: http://www.planetemu.net/temp/kusplash.png01:28
JReTonio-: hehe nice!01:28
Tonio-JRe:  ? what is nice ?01:29
JReTonio-: kubuntu.fr domain name is free01:29
JReTonio-: and you splash of course :)01:29
Tonio-ah ?01:29
Riddell.fr domains are difficult to get01:29
JReRiddell: yeah I have heard about it it can take up to 6 months or more01:29
Tonio-JRe: well at the moment it doesn't change anything01:29
JReRiddell: maybe a kubuntu-fr.org01:30
RiddellJRe: tidying bug reports would be about the most useful thing right now01:30
JReTonio-: no but it's the first time I see it :)01:30
RiddellJRe: kubuntu-fr.org is good01:30
Tonio-JRe: I didn't do it, just modified the structure of the png01:30
JReTonio-: k01:31
Tonio-Riddell: once the file is modified, I just have to build source package, pbuilder it and install the debs righ ?01:31
Tonio-JRe: I personnaly would prefer kubuntu-fr.org01:31
RiddellTonio-: yep01:31
JReTonio-: yes it the easier to get and it will be the same as ubuntu-fr.org01:32
Tonio-Riddell: so I don't understand ;) maybe the modified colors are not the ones used...01:32
amuwhat about fr.kubuntu.org de.kubuntu.org 01:32
Tonio-and in france, historically, .fr was designed for companies only.............01:32
RiddellTonio-: what did you use to modify it?01:32
JReamu: fr.kubuntu.org is nice too01:33
amusame system debian use for it county web and ftp server01:33
Tonio-krita cannot save palette based pngs, only rvb/alpha based01:33
amu... and it would be cheaper :)  01:33
JReamu: yes :) :)01:33
Tonio-Riddell: if you look at the palette, you will se the changes01:33
RiddellTonio-: how do I look at the palette?01:34
amuwww.fr.kubuntu.org ftp.fr.kubuntu.org sounds good01:34
Tonio-Riddell: open it then , let me translate ;)01:34
=== Riddell installs gimp
Tonio-Riddell: dialogs, and then color palette01:35
Tonio-in the main window01:35
Tonio-JRe: I might be able to host the website for free01:35
Tonio-I have a personnal webserver with 80 mbits/sbandwidth01:35
Tonio-and only use 20.....01:35
Tonio-if that can help :)01:36
Riddellamu: that means waiting on elmo01:36
amuRiddell: would be nice if elmo accept an hippden primary dns  01:36
amuRiddell: the fastest solution, and we can create subdonains ourself if we need them    01:38
RiddellTonio-: ok, done dialogues->palettes01:38
Riddellamu: you ask him then :)01:39
RiddellTonio-: but I can't see how to find the current palette of the image01:40
Tonio-it is this one01:40
Tonio-you should have 133 entries right ?01:40
Tonio-Riddell: not palette01:41
Tonio-look upper01:41
Tonio-you should have something called "color palette"01:41
Tonio-don't you see it ?01:41
Riddelldon't see it01:43
Tonio-Riddell: colourmap :)01:43
Tonio-it's this01:43
amuJRe: if you want i can order & sponsor for you the domain :) 01:44
Tonio-I may put my system in english next time ;)01:44
RiddellTonio-: aaah :)01:44
JReamu: is it free ?01:44
amu.. in addition the kubuntu-fr.org domain 01:45
amui thing <service>.<country>.kubuntu.org is the best solution, everyone can try www.es.kubuntu.org if there is a spanish page or not, users find information much more easier compared to *.kubuntu*.org or *kubuntu*.com    01:47
amus/thing/thik 01:48
amubaeh think even *g* 01:48
Tonio-Riddell: should be right according to the coors you told me to change no ?01:56
Tonio-hum need little information..02:04
Tonio-with the latest debian, how many cd's are required to perform a "basic" installation ?02:04
Tonio-I nead to download and certainly don't want to get 13 isos ;)02:04
JReamu: I agree02:07
Tonio-so do I02:07
RiddellTonio-: your image works great, just needs update-initramfs -u -t  run first02:15
RiddellTonio-: do you think you'll play with lightening the darker colours?02:16
RiddellTonio-: you can also just run   sudo usplash; sleep 3; sudo usplash_write "TEXT hello"; sudo usplash_write "SUCCESS ok"; sudo usplash_write "PROGRESS 50"02:17
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Tonio-Riddell: okay02:30
jjesseRiddell: https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branches/breezy/kde/kreleasenotes/C/ for updated kreleasenotes02:31
Tonio-no time now but I note all of this and make color tests tonight, than give you a final image02:31
RiddellTonio-: cool02:31
Riddelljjesse: also cool, I'll take a look02:31
jjesseRiddell: Thanks, i'll make more changes if need to be02:32
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Tonio-Riddell: sudo usplash; sleep 3; sudo usplash_write "TEXT hello"; sudo usplash_write "SUCCESS ok"; sudo usplash_write "PROGRESS 50" -> doesn't work for me....02:42
Tonio-I just get the initial screen, and nothing happens....02:42
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Tonio-Riddell:  just saw it, need to reboot but that's okay....02:50
Tonio-Riddell: according to me OK should be more dark, visible but more dark....02:50
Tonio-and I find progress bar ok like this..... your felling ?02:50
RiddellTonio-: I think it looks great as it is02:54
RiddellTonio-: run on one console   sleep 8; sudo usplash_write "TEXT hello"; sudo usplash_write "SUCCESS ok"; sudo usplash_write "PROGRESS 50"02:55
RiddellTonio-: then alt-f2 to another text console and run   sudo usplash02:55
Tonio-okay.... no changes required for you ? If it is okay, i'm stopping now... depends on your feeling ;)02:57
RiddellTonio-: that's fine, thanks for your help02:58
Tonio-Riddell: no problem;)02:58
Riddelljjesse: could we get rid of the revision history in the release notes?  it's all kept in SVN and it doesn't help the reader03:57
Riddell"a large range of GStreamer plugins are available"  'are' or 'is'?04:00
sebasIMO is.04:02
sebasIn dutch, both is possible, though "is" is more correct.04:02
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jjesseRiddell: sure i can get rid of the revision history04:03
jjesseRiddell: committed up to revision 186104:05
jjesseheading to different branch, gone for a bit04:15
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Riddelljjesse: can you do  svn commit  on your breezy/kde/debian directory05:56
Riddelljjesse: or better, rm that directory and svn update it then apply this patch to breezy/kde06:01
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jjesseRiddell:  sorry was at lunch06:34
jjessewhen i patch it says Reversed or previosly applied patch deted! assume -R [n] 06:34
Riddelljjesse: on which file?06:34
jjesseRiddell: i did a patch -p0 < docs2.diff in the branches/breezy/kde folder06:35
Riddellbut which file is it complaining about?06:35
Riddellit can't be06:37
jjesselet me look again06:37
Riddellyou should it isn't complaing about debian/control?06:37
jjessenope i screwed up06:37
Riddellin which way?06:38
jjessethat was patch you sent yesterday saved the new one in a different directory06:38
Riddellcontrol-c to kill patch06:38
jjessei did and patched06:38
jjessecommitting right now06:38
jjessejust commited them06:40
Riddelljjesse: excellent, thanks06:41
Riddelljjesse: I changed it to use the KDE style sheet, to all be a large sect1, moved some bits about and changed a few bits of text06:42
jjesseRiddell: no problem i saw the changes06:42
jjesseRiddell: can i then move on to the aboutkubuntu and look for changes there?06:43
Riddelljjesse: please do06:43
Riddelljjesse: let me know if you have any questions06:46
jjesseRiddell: will do i haven't really looked at it lately06:46
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jjesseRiddell: can i mark the release notes as finished on wiki.ubuntu.com/DocteamProjects ?07:19
Riddelljjesse: sure07:20
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Riddelljjesse: I just noticed a comment "OpenOffice shots in ?Kubuntu user guide? are still of ooo 1.1.3."08:01
Riddelljjesse: so you have users waiting on your updates :)08:01
jjesseis that a bug? or in a wiki page08:04
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Riddelljjesse: in the user guide, but we're dropping the user guide so it's not a problem08:21
Riddelljust good to know that people are reading the docs08:21
=== Riddell goes out
verwilstRiddell: ping!08:22
Riddellverwilst: hmm?08:22
verwilstRiddell: libqt4-core depends on libqt4-gui?08:22
verwilstthat kinda defeats the purpose of the split packages? ;)08:23
Riddellverwilst: upstream issue (debian) for now08:23
Riddellqt 4 isn't priority for breezy since nothing uses it08:23
verwilsti would (h) :d08:24
verwilstneed to make some postfix content_filters08:24
verwilstand since i want something that performs well, i was thinking about c++ :)08:24
jjesseRiddell: userguide should be in dapper drake correct?08:24
verwilstbut c++ in itself is icky, but Qt is niiiice :d08:25
\shRiddell: I wanted to package last.fm player ;)08:39
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jjesseRiddell: i have a question on the aboutkubuntu doc can i copy http://ubuntu-doc.ath.cx/gnome/about-ubuntu/C/ and then make changes fo kubuntu?09:09
achbreezy upgrade: language-pack-kde-de-base and kaffeine have both german kaffeine.po09:38
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Tm_Tsounds like RC day to me11:40

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